Sept. 28—Oct. 1
FALL EDITION 2019-2020
SAINT FRANCIS Welcome everyone to the 2019-2020 school year. This school year is off to a great start. Our school population has increased, and we have hired 3 new teachers. We welcome Mr. Wickham, Mr. Vizina and Mrs. Bauman into our school community. Saint Francis has approximately 1630 students, with 552 grade 10 students, 492 grade 11 students and our graduating class of 2020 has 585 students. The Saint Francis administrative team remains the same for the second year in a row. It consists of Mr. Berger, Principal, and Vice Principals, Mrs. LeBlanc, Mr. Dudar, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Lingelbach. If you have any concerns or suggestions please feel free to contact the administration team for assistance. Over the summer, the construction crews completed the Cafeteria, Culinary Arts kitchen, the Chapel, and the north stairwell entrance. Work still continues on the Northmount front entrance and the new Fitness/Drama Studio. We are still waiting to gain access to the Brown Gym, STEAM Lab and washrooms located in A Hallway. Hopefully, we will have access to these areas in the upcoming weeks. Flooring and painting will continue throughout the school year, and we hope that the solar panels will be installed before the start of Semester 2. This is the first year that our students and staff have enjoyed student prepared meals from our new culinary kitchen. The food is affordable ($5 and less), nutritious and delicious. We are truly amazed with the large number of students and staff who are purchasing meals during the lunch hour on a daily basis. It has been a real treat not having to make our lunches! We wish to thank Mr. Neil, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Woolnough for their hard work and efforts towards opening the culinary arts kitchen this year. We are in the process of reviewing our Diploma and Accountability Pillar results. On October 11, Professional Development Day, we will facilitate this process. At Saint Francis we strive to improve our results and our school community—we have much to celebrate. Our school’s Three -Year Goals and Annual Educational Results Report (AERR) will be published on our website mid-November. This information will be presented in detail at our School Council meeting on November 19 at 5:00 p.m. Our council parents are passionate about Saint Francis and our students. We invite parents to join our council and attend the meetings. During the opening address to students, we focused on how the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis promotes love, kindness, and the virtues of mercy and forgiveness. We are fortunate to be part of a school community blessed with a long history that is rich in tradition. Students were informed of the supports the school community offers to ensure their success. Our students know the qualities of what it means to be a Saint Francis student, or as we say a “Brown”. Our Fine Arts department is focusing its efforts on fine tuning the fall production, “Annie”. The play will run November 26, 27, 28 and December 3, 4 and 5, the Gala is on December 4. The Fine Arts Gala is a perfect opportunity to showcase the artistic talent of our students in music, drama, dance, culinary and art. Our fall sports activities are in full swing, they include: junior and senior volleyball, junior and senior football, swimming, girls’ soccer and crosscountry running. So far, we have experienced great success at all levels in our sporting events. Students are advised to check our website, D2L and our Daily announcements for all events and activities. Final Word Saint Francis is a community that is committed to learning excellence. We set high expectations for ourselves and our students. Our staff will deliver outstanding educational programming for your son or daughter to help them achieve their full potentials. To do so, we require the assistance and feedback from all stakeholder groups. Parents are welcome to volunteer their time to support our many programs and events. Please feel free to contact the school and let us know how we are doing. The Staff of Saint Francis
Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax: 403-500-2226 website:
THANKSGIVING DAY October 14—No Classes
DANCE SHOW December 16 and 17
JACKET RACKET October 16-30
CHRISTMAS BREAK December 21-January 5—No Classes
SPRING PLAY April 23 and 24
DIPLOMA EXAMS January 13 and 14—No Classes
AP EXAMS May 4-15
DIPLOMA EXAMS January 22-30—No Classes
VICTORIA DAY May 18—No Classes
DANCE SHOW May 21 and 22
FIRST DAY OF SEMESTER II February 3 OPEN HOUSE February 4 TEACHERS’ CONVENTION February 13 and 14—No Classes FAMILY DAY February 17—No Classes SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING February 25
BROWNS BALL December 6
GOOD FRIDAY April 10—No Classes
EASTER BREAK April 11-19—No Classes
CCSD Calendar link:
Welcome all returning and new families to Saint Francis. Our 2019-20 School Council is very excited about the new school year. There is so much happening at the school this year (especially with the modernization nearing its end) a great way to stay connected with all the happenings at the school is to attend one of the School Council meetings. Mark Berger, our principal, attends every council meeting and brings a wealth of information and news to share with the parents. Please consider joining us at our next meeting on Tuesday, November 19 at 5 pm, we look forward to meeting you! There are two positions available on School Council. One position is Treasurer and the other is Fundraising Coordinator. Treasurer involves attending the council meetings and liaising with the school Business Manager. The Business Manager does all the banking and spreadsheets for the School Council so the position of Treasurer is not very time consuming. It would take a commitment of less than one hour per month. We only have five meetings per year so the time commitment involved is kept to a minimum. The Fundraising Coordinator position is one that can be done from home with minimal time commitment also. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Claude Chretien at or call 403-465-1263. There are many volunteer opportunities at Saint Francis. These opportunities are filled through our volunteer database. By adding your name to the database, you will receive emails of volunteer opportunities at the school. We do not send out mass emails regarding volunteer requests, only those signed up on the database will receive the emails for volunteers. If you think you might be interested in volunteering at the school, please add your name to our volunteer database. You are not committing to anything by signing up. Throughout the year we require volunteers for Browns Ball, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Awards Banquets and Breakfasts, Grad and many other special events. If you are interested in signing up, please visit the following link edit_requested=true. Please note that we do not rollover the volunteer names from school year to school year therefore you do need to fill in the form every year. Our Council does have a few fundraisers planned for the upcoming year. In the spring we will be selling beautiful, locally grown plants to help raise money in support of School Council initiatives, such as enhancements to our Learning Commons and the annual year-end luncheon to thank our wonderful staff at Saint Francis. Plants are a great way to encourage our friends and family to get out into the garden while supporting our school. Look out for the plant order forms in early April. We will also be hosting several Papa John’s Pizza Nights throughout the school year, we will be sending out the dates as soon as they are confirmed with Papa John’s. When you order online from the Arbour Lake or Stadium Papa John’s locations on these days, you will receive 15% off your regular price order and Papa John’s will donate 15% to Saint Francis. Just use the promo code STF15 at the start of your order. What a great excuse to not cook on these nights! Feel free to share the promo code with your friends and family. Another easy way to support the school is to buy from Cob’s Bread in Crowfoot. Cob’s donates a portion of every purchase made back to Saint Francis. When you make a purchase, just let them know you want the purchase credited to Saint Francis and that sale will be added to the school’s account. We are very excited about the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to reach out to any of our council members. Your 2019-20 School Council is Claude Chretien—Chair Frank Natt—Vice-Chair Vacant—Treasurer Grace Whitehead—Secretary Mary Pat Senger—Volunteer Coordinator For a full listing of School Council meetings and special events, please click on the following link Thank you, Claude Chretien Cobs Bread Dough Raiser—At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre, #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W.
Saint Francis PIZZA Nights! Dates TBA Order at from the Arbour Lake and Stadium 2134 Crowchild NW) locations ONLY! Use PROMO CODE: STF15 Save 15% off Regular Price Orders—Papa John’s donates 15% to Saint Francis. Treat yourself to a no-cooking night & support Saint Francis! It’s a delicious WIN-WIN evening!
C.A.R.E. Connect-Accept-Respect-Encourage Student Council would like to welcome all new and returning students, teachers, staff and parents of our Saint Francis Community. Student Council is a group of dedicated, hard-working young men and women who ensure that there is always something interesting going on at school. Throughout the school year we plan special activities and events such as Spirit Week, Sports Rallies and Browns Ball. The activities and events we coordinate are vital in spreading school spirit as well as giving students a welcomed diversion from their classes. Check the Daily announcements to find out information about the various activities and events happening at the school. Student Council has been very busy preparing student activities and planning upcoming events. This year our welcoming theme is “C.A.R.E.” We are asking all Browns to ConnectAccept-Respect-Encourage demonstrating that we C.A.R.E for each other. The main hallways were covered with hands in vibrant colours. Each hand had the name of a grade 10 student printed on it. We encourage all students to get involved and participate in activities that will enhance their school life and help to create fond and lasting memories. In September, we held two events. Our first event was Club Convention which promoted various clubs that are being offered this year. This event was open to all students. At our second event, we served frozen popsicles and ice cream desserts to welcome all grade 10 students. Even though the weather in September did not cooperate, the students still enjoyed these frozen treats. We ushered in the month of October with Spirit Week, culminating in the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis. On Monday, students showed how much they C.A.R.E. by showing their solidarity of the harm caused by Residential Schools to the Indigenous people. For Orange Shirt Day, we wore orange to acknowledge that Every Child Matter. On Tuesday, students braved the wintery weather and sported their best Tacky Tourist outfits by donning clothing that reflected their favorite tropical places. Wednesday challenged students to be creative for What’s You Meme Wednesday. Throwback Thursday transported students back to the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, or in other words, they raided the back of their parents’ closets. On our Feast Day, students sported our school colours. Orange and Brown filled the hallways. Students then carried their school spirit to McMahon Stadium to cheer on our senior Browns Football Team to victory against Notre Dame.
Orange Shirt Monday – We CARE by wearing an Orange Shirt to show our commitment to raising awareness of the Residential School experience and to ensure that Every Child Matters.
Tabletop Games Club
Student Council invites everyone to participate in Jacket Racket. WE encourage you and your family to go through your closets at home and find gently used winter wear that you no longer use. Coats, jackets, scarves, hats and mitts that you donate will be given to people who need warm clothing for the winter. Please bring your donation and drop it off in the main foyer anytime between October 16 and 30. Carrying your donation to school one day means a warm winter every day for someone in need.
Logan (left) has really taken to the CKA program and has already surfaced as a reliable and confident food worker. Additionally, Logan has thrown his hat in the ring to compete in the next Skills Alberta Culinary Arts Competition. Liam (right) has also found a foot hold in the CKA program. Liam’s industry experience coupled with his dedication to expand as a culinarian has contributed to the successful liftoff of the CKA program. Moreover, the experience that Liam is gaining in the CKA program has already bolstered his performance at his job at Earls restaurant.
Saint Francis High School students and staff celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4. The feast commemorates the life of St. Francis, who was born in the 12th century and is the Catholic Church’s patron saint of animals and the environment. Our feast included a breakfast of pancakes and sausages for everyone, prepared and served by our Culinary Arts students and staff, and enjoyed in our new cafeteria. Thank you to everyone who worked together to make our Feast of St. Francis of Assisi successful and memorable. More on our patron saint—St. Francis, who founded the Catholic Church’s Franciscan order, lived in Italy during the late 12th and 13th centuries. He is remembered for his generosity to the poor and his willingness to minister to the lepers. He is remembered for his love for animals and nature. St. Francis died at Portiuncula, Italy on October 4, 1226. In 1228, Pope Gregory IX pronounced St. Francis a saint. The pope also laid the foundation stone for the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy. The church, also known as Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi, is a UNESCO world heritage site
Welcome to a new school year. I am Nicole Seneviratne and I am a teacher and Chaplain at the school. The district theme this year is “Knock and it will be opened unto you.” This is the last of a three year theme focusing on prayer. Students will be attending a variety of liturgies and Masses throughout the year and there will be many opportunities for students to enhance their faith through works of charity and service. This year we are very blessed to have our new Chapel open and ready. It is a beautiful space open to students who just want to retreat into a quiet space. There will also be opportunities for staff and students to attend Mass in the Chapel. I look forward to a wonderful year ahead and I wish everyone and blessed Thanksgiving.
September is always a busy month for Student Services. We are pleased to report that our online scheduling system was a success this year and resulted in many more students coming back to satisfactory timetables. Students have been reminded to set up their myBlueprint and myPass accounts if they have not already done so. Alberta Education requires all students have a myPass account to view and order transcripts and access diploma exam results. Once again, Students Services is offering twitter to students and parents. Our twitter feed is @SFGuidanceCCSD. Students and parents may also access post-secondary and scholarship information in their D2L course labelled “General Course Student Services” under content. On Wednesday, September 25, Student Services hosted High School 101, an information night for parents new to high school. Saint Francis will be hosting many post secondary institutes during the school day and at lunch for student information sessions. On Wednesday, October 9, we will be hosting the Alberta Post Secondary Fair, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. On Wednesday, October 23, we will be hosting the Out-of-Province Post Secondary Fair (OOPS) from 9:00-10:30 am which all students will have an opportunity to visit.
Post Secondary Visits @ Saint Francis Oct. 9—Alberta Post-Secondary Fair 7:00—8:30 p.m. Cafeteria Oct. 16—St. Mary’s University—12:00—12:30 p.m. Main Foyer Oct. 23—Out of Province Post-Secondary Fair—9:00—10:30 Brown Gym Oct 28—Bow Valley College—12:00 to 12:30 Main Foyer Oct. 29—University of Saskatchewan—12:30 – 2:00 TTT
Nov. 13—University of British Columbia—11:00—12:00 TTT Nov. 14—Dalhousie University—12:00-12:30 Main Foyer Nov. 19—St. FX—12:00—1:00 TTT
High School Information You Must Know! - From STUDENT SERVICES You can also follow us on Twitter for more info about post-secondary and scholarships. The code is @SFGuidanceccsd myPass – For TRANSCRIPTS and official credit count, and diploma marks. Must have for graduation. Click myPass and follow the instructions to create an account ***Do NOT use school email address – use your ***own email address (like a gmail, yahoo etc.) Need an Alberta Student Number (ASN) – this is not your CSSD number – you can find you ASN on your report card, schedule, or see us Student Services D2L – There is a Student Service section! Look here for info about post-secondary and scholarships To track Graduation Progress – or look for a job - and make a resume -- See – Access code = stfrancishs - You can also plan for post-secondary requirements on this site! (Note: classes taken outside of St. Francis will not show in your MyBlueprint account.)
Work Experience Work Experience allows students who have a part time job to earn credits based on the number of hours they work. Hours spent volunteering and hours worked during summer may also be eligible for this program. Worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Students involved in the program have the opportunity to: • Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a min. 75 hours worked) • Acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school Credits can be earned in the following courses: • HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit) • Work Experience 15, 25 and 35 (3 – 10 credits per course) • Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits). Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP may enable you to gain experience in a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. These are paid, full time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Applications are available on your D2L homepage under “District Academic Programs” and are due in April. As part of the application, students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. Exploratory Programs Are you interested in exploring the following careers? Pipe trades, Ironworker, Sheet Metal or Welding. SAIT is offering a hands on Explore Metal Trades program for one semester, Feb 3 to June 4, 2020. Students will attend classes on the SAIT campus from 1-4 pm, Mon to Thurs, for the semester. This is a hands on experience in the state of the art SAIT facilities. An information evening is to be scheduled for November with registration to be due in December. Dates are to be confirmed. See Mr. Buckie in N-102 for more information. Olds College Field Trip If you are thinking about attending Olds College or would like more information on their programs, here’s a great opportunity for you, Olds College is holding an Open House on Friday, October 18. The Open House is the ideal time to visit the campus. You can: learn more about their programs, try a variety of hands-on activities, tour the campus, meet instructors and students and apply for free. The District has booked a bus to take students to and from Olds College on Friday, October 18. The bus will depart from Erlton Station at 9:00 am and return to Erlton Station at 2:00 pm. The student will then return to their home school. See Mr. Buckie in N-102 for more information.
Please note that in order to enroll in any Off-Campus program, students must have first completed the CTS course, HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems. For more information on these and other Off-Campus programs, please visit:
Mrs. Carolyn Campbell is the Career Practitioner for St. Francis, St. Timothy and St. Martin de Porres High Schools. Email: Saint Francis Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and alternating Mondays Location: Student Services The Career Practitioner is available to assist students with the following: • Career planning – What would you like to do after high school? • Self Assessment – Interests, Skills, Values and Personality • Occupational Research • Job Search - Resumes, Cover Letters and Interview Writing • Post Secondary Exploration • Volunteer Opportunities UPCOMING FALL EVENTS ALBERTA UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS: Students considering applying for Alberta University of the Arts are required to complete a portfolio. In the fall, AU of the Arts, offers a Portfolio Preparation course on Saturdays for high school students. Registration is available shortly. This program is very helpful as students will have their work observed by instructors throughout the program and feedback is provided. Continuing Education - Teen programs. OUT OF PROVINCE POST SECONDARY FAIR: Wednesday, October 23, 9:00–10:30 AM SAINT FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL—BROWN GYM. All students and parents are invited to attend to meet with representatives from Universities from outside of Alberta. MEN IN NURSING: The University of Calgary program is hosting a meeting for young men considering a career in Nursing. Scheduled for November 20, 2019 CALGARY FIRE CADETS: Are you considering a career as a firefighter? The Fire Cadet Program gives high school students the opportunity to learn about what it takes to be a firefighter, through teaching life-skills like leadership, community involvement, teamwork, pride and respect. Through theoretical and practical training, Fire Cadets learn basic firefighting skills, and, how to apply those skills and values into daily activities. If you are 15 to 18, excited about the Calgary Fire Department and interested in learning valuable life skills in a hands-on, highintensity environment, consider applying to the Fire Cadet program. You must be enrolled in high school in Calgary or the surrounding area (Airdrie, Crossfield, Okotoks, High River, Strathmore, etc.) and be willing and able to commit to the 18 month program. Applicants must display an enthusiastic attitude with a willingness to learn. If students have any questions or require assistance with their application, please see Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner. Students will be required to complete HCS 3000. Applications must be dropped off or sent directly through the mail/courier to the Fire Cadet Office which is located at 5727-23 Ave SE Calgary Alberta, T2B 3E2. The Fire Cadet Program is currently accepting applications until Wednesday, October 30, 2019 CALGARY POLICE CADET CORPS: Are you considering a career in policing? Youth between 12 and 18 are eligible to apply November 1, 2019, for the Fall 2020 start. All details and requirements are available at WORLD OF CHOICES: On Friday, December 6. 8:30 am – 1:30 pm, Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta is hosting an exciting day for young women in Grades 10, 11 and 12 at Mount Royal University. Students will have the opportunity to hear about different career opportunities from female career mentors. Transportation and lunch will be provided. Students must come to Student Services to sign up and pick up a field trip form. Space is limited. Students are encouraged to sign up ASAP.
WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DAY: The University of Calgary will be hosting a Women in Engineering Day on Thursday, February 20, 2020 in the Engineering Building at the University of Calgary. Approximately 270 Grade 10 and 11 girls will be invited to campus to learn more about engineering, meet current faculty and students, and participate in hands on demos and design challenges. Students who are interested in this Field Trip are encouraged to sign up in Student Services any time. We will forward additional information to the students in early February.
DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS DUAL CREDIT - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM – BOW VALLEY COLLEGE Students in Grade 11 or 12 interested in software development may want to explore the one semester program offered at Bow Valley College. It is recommended that students have completed Math 20–1 or Math 20–2 before beginning this program. Students will require a 3 and 4 Block spare for one semester (February to May 2020). Students are required to be able to provide their own transportation to the downtown Bow Valley College campus for classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00–4:30 PM. Students participating in the Dual Credit Software Development program will be enrolled in two courses: Programming Fundamentals which is a computer programming course central to software development. In this course learners analyze basic problems to design solutions, then create programs that address those problems. The course also contrasts current and past approaches to programming and programming tools through collective discussion. The Internet of Things course which focuses on the pervasiveness of the internet. Learners explore the internet of things through the construction of simple interfaces between computers and the devices they control. Through creation of these interfaces, learners gain insight into the elements of computer architecture, networking, and the programs that control device function with that network. Student Parent Information Meeting November 13, 5:30-8:30 PM at BVC North Campus, Theatre N231 (event room, top of the stairs). Applications are due December 13, 2019, to the Career Practitioner. DUAL CREDIT – HEALTH CARE ESSENTIALS – SAIT This program can be the first step toward a wide variety of healthcare-related careers, by providing opportunities to develop essential knowledge and skill in: diagnostic imaging, paramedicine, respiratory therapy, dental, pharmacy and other exciting career options. Students will learn medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, and use technology-enriched medical labs to learn applied skills in infection prevention and control. The program will run on SAIT campus Monday—Thursday, 8:30—11:30 AM for one semester. Students are required to arrange transportation to the SAIT main campus Students with strong communication skills, who are comfortable interacting with a variety of clients, who can respond well in stressful situations, who can concentrate on detailed work, who are patient, and who can problem-solve are encouraged to apply. Grade 12 students must successfully pass the following courses or equivalents with an overall average of at least 50 per cent prior to receiving your SAIT certificate: Math 30-1 or 30-2 and English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be eligible to receive 12 high school CTS credits and a SAIT Certificate of Achievement. Course credits earned in this program may also count toward other healthcare programs at SAIT. In addition, students may be eligible to apply for transfer credit at a variety of other post-secondary institutions. For competitive programs, applicants with this credential may stand out from the crowd. Students are encouraged to check out the application on D2L, meet with the Career Practitioner to edit your resume and cover letter and apply by November 1, 2019. The program begins in February of 2020. WEBSITES TO CHECK OUT: Career Cruising is a Canadian career and education website available to all Saint Francis students. There is an Interest Checklist, the Matchmaker, students are able to complete to create a list of career suggestions based upon their identified interests. Students are provided with detailed information about careers by school subject and by career cluster. The program also enables students to search for specific post secondary programs throughout the country. Login information is available Student Services. – This is the Alberta Learning and Information Services website. Students can research careers at Students can access the career planning process and complete several interest, values, skills and personality quizzes to learn more about themselves on
SAT EXAM– The SAT is a test for students considering U.S. colleges and universities. This year the SAT will be offered at Bishop Carroll. Check out the dates to write at
August 1, 2019
BOW VALLEY COLLEGE – Applications open 13 months in advance for students wishing to apply to programs beginning in September of 2020. Students interested in Practical Nursing are encouraged to apply on August 1st as seats may fill on the first day.
October 1, 2019
MOUNT ROYAL UNIVERSITY starts to accept applications for the fall of 2020. Nursing, Education, Midwifery and Bachelor of Interior Design applications close on February 1s, 2020. Other programs remain open until they are filled.
October 1, 2019
OLDS COLLEGE starts to accept applications for all programs. Animal Health Technologist program is now competitive admission. Applications must be received by November 15th with all volunteer hours completed. Programs are open until they are filled.
October 1, 2019
ALBERTA UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS begins to accept applications. Deadline to apply is February 1st , 2020. Portfolio requirements: academic-requirements/portfolio-requirements
Sat., Oct. 5, 2019 10:00 am—3:00 pm
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY OPEN HOUSE 10:00 am—3:00 pm MacEwan Hall See future-students/undergraduate/events/open-house to register and obtain more information. U OF C starts to accept applications on October 1, 2019. Students with higher grades who may qualify for prestige scholarships or other scholar advantages should apply by December 1, 2019. Prestige scholarship deadline is December 15, 2019. Deadline to apply for all university programs is March 1, 2020. awards/prestige
Wed., Oct. 9 6:30 – 8:00 PM
ALBERTA POST SECONDARY FAIR AT ST. FRANCIS - Students and parents are invited to meet with representatives from Alberta post secondary institutions including colleges, technical institutions and universities in the Cafeteria.
Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
OLDS COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE Includes guided tours, program information and opportunities to speak with students and staff at the Olds Campus.
Fri., Oct. 18 & Sat., Oct. 19 9 am – 4 pm
SAIT OPEN HOUSE on SAIT Campus in the Heart Building from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. SAIT offers degrees, diplomas, certificate, pre- employment trades programs, technical training and more. Check out the programs and the campus to see if it is a good fit for you. Students will be able to apply for one program for free during the Open House days.
Sat., Oct. 19, 2019
OLDS COLLEGE FASHION INSTITUTE in Calgary is hosting an Open House at their Bow Valley College location from 10:00 to 2:00 PM. Register now at
Sat., Oct. 19, 2019 10:00 AM—3:00 PM
BOW VALLEY COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE at . Diploma and Certificate programs are available in: Health Services, Justice Studies, Administration, Business and Human Services. Applications are ongoing but applying early is advised. Applications open 13 months in advance of the start date of the program. Register for the Open House at
Sat., Oct. 19, 2019 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA OPEN HOUSE 2019 will take place on Saturday, October 19! Join us for the most exciting day to see campus. Students will have the opportunity to discover everything the U of A has to offer and explore over 200 program options. Learn more at
Wed. Oct. 23, 2019 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Sat., Oct. 26. 9:30AM - 3:30PM
OUT OF PROVINCE UNIVERSITY FAIR AT ST. FRANCIS in the Brown Gym Representatives from more than 45 universities from across the country including Queens, Dalhousie, McGill, UBC and many others will be available. Everyone is welcome. MOUNT ROYAL COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm in the Roderick Mah building. Mount Royal currently offers degrees, diplomas and career diplomas.
Sat., Oct. 26, 2019 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE OPEN HOUSE. Free on the spot admission. Also check: “What can I do with a major in?”
Tuesday, October 29 7:00—9:00 PM
UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE will be holding a Calgary Information session at theHotel Blackfoot on October 29 from 7pm – 9pm. All interested students and parents are encouraged to attend to learn about the exciting opportunities at the University of Lethbridge. ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE University degree programs and University transfer programs are available at the South Calgary campus. Applications are accepted until programs are full. OLDS COLLEGE DISCOVERY DAYS – Open House specifically for high students. Campus tours are also given every Friday afternoon (For tour, please call to register 403.507.7715) Note there are also days to discover specific programs ALBERTA UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS is hosting an Open House in the fall.
Saturday, November 2 10:00am – 2:00pm Ongoing November 23 1:00 – 4:00 PM December 1
January 15, 2020
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY’S PRESTIGE SCHOLARSHIPS: Students interested in applying for University of Calgary Prestige Scholarships should apply for admission by December 1, 2019 to enable them to submit a scholarship application for the Schulich (Engineering) or Chancellor’s Scholarships (Arts and Science) or the Health Sciences Scholarship by December 15, 2019. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - All applications for the Fall of 2020 must be submitted by January 15, 2020.
Bus Pass Scanning in the LC
Your current VID is required for scanning
You can use the following items: • Conference rooms available to students and teachers for group work or meetings. • IPads to borrow for the block or the day. • Chromebooks available for the block or the day. • Borrow a camera to create a presentation. • Borrow a microphone to get your point across. • Borrow books.
U-Learn is located in the Learning Commons B118
CALGARY TRANSIT PASS REBATE FOR ELIGIBLE STUDENTS Senior High students in the City of Calgary residing 2.4 kilometers or more from their designated school may be eligible to receive subsidized Calgary Transit bus passes, upon application, where regularly scheduled Calgary transit service exists. Students enrolled in a Program of Choice that is not at their designated school are NOT eligible for a transit rebate under Bill 1. To learn more about the rebate procedure and Programs of Choice please visit the Calgary Catholic School District website at CCSD Transportation.
POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW PowerSchool is a web-based database application that facilitates student information management and communication among school administrators, teachers, parents and students. Parents have quick and easy access to view schedules, attendance records, marks, work habits and comments.
You must have two pieces of information to create an account for your child(ren). Your child's Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child's birthday with month, day and year (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). On the Saint Francis website, click on the "Parent View" button to log in or create your account. For more information please visit
The Saint Francis Senior Boys Volleyball Team have had a good start to the season with a tremendous amount of improvement through the first couple weeks. The boys are working hard everyday and are looking forward to competing the rest of the season. We have a lot of new talent on the team this year, but are looking to our returning players for mentoring and leadership throughout the season. The team is made up of amazing student athletics who are truly embodying what it means to be a Brown. Go Browns Go!
Fall soccer is here! Through rain and snow the girls soccer team is here to compete. Our roster is composed of 20 club players who represent Saint Francis High School in athletics and school spirit—their blood flows BROWNS! These players wear brown and orange with pride both on and off the pitch. As this years season has progressed they’ve faced tough competition. Even though the team has collected some losses we have wins too! This year we’ve embraced the opportunity for growth and improvement as many of our players are in Grade 10. Every athlete playing demonstrates talent on the pitch which ultimately allows the girls to develop as a team. The Browns soccer team also prioritizes finding the balance between offensive and defensive plays. Working hard in practices consistently translates to the play on field. Although the athletes are the ones performing, there would be no team without it’s coaches, who dedicate their time to the sport and athletes. Their commitment to the girls encourages growth and success. Through rain, snow, wind, and hail the Browns always come out with a fight. So, come with your blankets, rain coats and mittens to support your girls soccer players. Go BROWNS Go!
This year marks the 50th Saint Francis Invitational (SFI) Senior Boys Basketball Tournament. Saint Francis will host teams from Western Canada on Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14, 2019. Saint Francis students and staff are very excited to open the doors on the newly renovated Brown Gym commencing another 50 years of basketball competition and tradition. We hope to see you there! Saint Francis Athletics benefits greatly from generous patron contributions each year. These fundraising contributions help support and maintain our high-quality athletic program. If you wish to become a patron of Saint Francis Athletics and this year’s 50th SFI tournament by committing financial support please contact Curtis Stappler Patrons will receive SFI event passes and information for becoming a patron! Thank you for your support and assistance in making the 50th SFI a huge success! If you have another idea for contributing to the 50th SFI
The cross country team welcomes students of all running abilities. The season includes 4 meets involving over 30 Calgary-area schools and up to approximately 120 students per age-level race. In the first meet, Saint Francis students placed in the top 50, top 25 and even top 10. There were also a number of personal best finishes. Our team is proud of all of our members' dedication to active living and self-improvement. City and Provincial Championships run October 9 at Canmore Park and October 19 just outside of Medicine Hat, respectively. See you out on the trails!
We are excited to have this group of athletes for the junior girls volleyball team. They are very determined. Our goal is to make it to cities this year and win. The girls have a tournament at Saint Francis on October 18-19. On October 21, there is a game at 5:00 against E.P Scarlett. On October 29, the game is against Bishop Carrol. These are all Home games! The girls played great in the opening UofC tournament and won the Gold.
Our Senior Girls Volleyball are off to a great start. Currently we are sitting with a 2-1 League Record. We placed 3rd at the U of C tournament and 2nd at Bishop O’Byrne. We have one major goal this year, “City Finals”. Our first home game in our new gym will be October 21 at 5:00 pm. Come out and watch some great volleyball. Go Browns Go!
CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities
School Stresses and Successes It's back to that time of year where waking up at 6 am is the end of the world and our first snowfall was in September. Tests are being thrown left and right while we juggle our extracurricular activities with or outside of school, but what can I say? Most of us (and I use that term very lightly) are missing the rush of school. The struggle to get our schedule changed while walking passed the Junior Football locker room without passing out. Who knew boys could sweat that much? Yet all in all, It's our second home. Our drama department is reminding us how much of a hard knock life it may be in the Musical, Annie, featuring Paige Robinson as Annie! Rehearsals have been smooth yet nail biting as we are excited for costumes and the final number. We have been collecting bottles and cans to fundraise for our New York trip in May to see a whole new side of acting, singing, dancing and behind the scenes of every Broadway show. That’s all for this letter and may the rest of our year be as crazy as Mr. Fillipetto.
Saint Francis dance is eagerly awaiting for the Brown Gym to officially open. Choreographers Allen Collado and Malia Vitug are working hard with the Pep Rally dancers to create a stellar piece. Check out the Saint Francis tweets for previews of the show that you will see at the Fall Pep Rally, Brown Gym, date TBA. We are also excited about our semester end dance show entitled, “I’ll See You In My Dreams”. It is based on a true story of a British woman and Canadian soldier who meet and fall in love during World War II. The show will include a variety of dance styles including Hip Hop, Swing, Jazz and Contemporary. The show runs Mon., Dec. 16 and Tues., 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Saint Francis Theatre. Tickets will go on sale early December. For those aspiring dancers, there will be many upcoming dance opportunities. Some upcoming auditions will be to choreograph the SFI dance, perform at SFI, as well as showcase your talents at the East Side Dance Festival in Calgary. Watch the Daily for updates on audition times. Thank you to all dancers both in class and involved in extracurricular performances such as Pep Rally’s and Gala. Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!
The concert band and choirs are off to a great start at Saint Francis! We are preparing for a number of events and concerts plus getting ready to take 85 music students to Banff in October to work with some of North America’s best musicians. Below is our very busy list of music events. Oct. 4
Banff and Choir Workshop (2:30-4:00 p.m.)
Oct. 18
Choir Workshop (2:30-4:00 p.m.)
Oct. 23-25
Banff Music Trip—Banff Caribou Lodge
Oct. 26
Uniform Fittings (10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) Choir room (see your designated 15 min time slot) Bring $35 uniform maintenance fee, cheque payable to Saint Francis High School
Nov. 18
Jazz Night at the Ironwood, 1229—9 Ave SE (7:00 p.m.) ALL JAZZ GROUPS (reservations recommended as we typically sell out!) $15/person (charged to your bill at the end of the night) Fine Arts Gala Jazz Choir/Jazz Band (6:00—9:00 p.m.) Christmas Concert, Rosza Center, UofC (7:00 p.m.) ALL MUSIC GROUPS PERFORM TBA (afternoon) Holiday concert at the YYC airport Kelowna Band Trip (Nov. 22, $250 deposit due to secure your spot Jan. 20, 2nd payment due, amount TBA)
Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 17 April 22-26
MUSIC FUNDRAISER NOW AVAILABLE AT SAINT FRANCIS! Any music student will gladly place your order or pick up an order form at the main office.
Help support our great MUSIC program! Deadline date to Purdys Chocolates is Friday, Nov. 15. Ask a music student if you want pre-wrapped chocolate gifts for CHRISTMAS! Chocolate pick up date is Wed., Dec. 4, (6:00-9:00 p.m.) during the Fine Arts Gala in the Choir room. Please join our Facebook page: St. Francis band and choirs **Remind app for music reminders: REMIND—Text the message @musicsfhs to 431-800-0409
The Saint Francis SADD Club dedicates it’s time in spreading awareness regarding the topics of drinking and driving, being impaired at the wheel, and distracted driving. We learn the risks of impaired driving and ways we can help prevent accidents from occurring, not only within our community but in Alberta. With the sudden downfall of snow, we would like to remind students, staff, and the community that “no one can drive blind, clean off your windshield”. Quote by A. Hagel (a student SADD club member). We (the SADD club students) have been busy placing posters at Saint Francis that spread positive driving messages. Next month our club will be having a lunch activity for National Road Crash Victims Day, nicknamed “White-out Day”. Students will wear white to represent the statistic that every hour 2-3 Canadians are injured or killed in a car crash. This school year we are looking forward to reminding everyone about safe driving habits through various activities and we would like to thank Mrs. Shewkenek for supporting us in all our club activities. Saint Francis SADD club meets every Tuesday @ lunch in room B211. We welcome new student members! Alexander Iwasyk, Dominico Mendes, and Benjamin Cross (Saint Francis SAAD club members).
Nine CDC Health Hacks for Back-to-School Success • •
• • • • • •
Wash your hands. Germs are everywhere. ... Eat well and be active. Maintaining a healthy weight is especially important for children. ... Limit sugary drinks. ... Don't use E-cigarettes. ... Stay cool. ... Stay safe. ... Plan for emergencies. ... Connect with kids at school and home.
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Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3
Saint Francis would like to extend a warm welcome to our new SRO, Constable Friesen. Please say hello when you see him at the school!
Constable Lynn Contact 403-500-2026 with any concerns
Canadian Martyrs Parish 835 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 403-284-3311
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