This is St. Joe
Our mission is to form young men and women of character who pursue excellence in everything they do, guided by faith.
This is EXCELLENCE Our school motto is “Ad Astra Per Aspera.” Ad Astra embodies the spirit of our history, our students, and our alumni. One hundred and fifty-five years later, we still embrace the meaning of our motto, we look upward and forward.
Ad Astra (To the stars…) Per Aspera (through the difficulties.) When you reach for the stars, you
You will be challenged. You will persevere. You will
aim for excellence in education,
be successful. With effort, comes triumph.
leadership, community, spirituality, and in everything you do.
In the challenging environment that affects our daily lives, our country needs leaders who not only solve complex issues but do so with compassion in their hearts. As beneficiary of a St. Joe education, I am aware of the foundation that the school provided for me, especially for the position of service that I now hold. It is comforting to know that St. Joe
continues to maintain the highest of standards and enrich the lives of so many. - Filemon B. Vela ‘81 Member of U.S. Congress
This is CHALLENGE At St. Joe, you will find a learning experience that will prepare you for university studies and for a lifetime of learning. Get ready to think critically, communicate effectively and adapt to whatever life throws at you.
“Teachers will challenge you academically to do more than you thought you could do, no matter what class or what path you choose.” - Seneca Magallanes ‘20
This is PERSEVERENCE St. Joe students are taught to persevere in everything they do. Bloodhound Athletics prepares student-athletes to lead with confidence, resilience, and integrity.
Commit to the goals you set yourself to. At times they may seem unattainable but if you
truly persevere, then it will work itself out. - Kai Money ‘18
This is MARIST The essence of being Marist is making Jesus known and loved through our actions. Being Marist is all about faith, service, community, and leadership. Here at St. Joe, you will bond with fellow students and alumni over traditions old and new, creating friendships that last a lifetime.
The sense of community is present as soon as you step foot on campus, and it’s contagious the more you take advantage of what the school has
to offer. This strong sense of community makes St. Joe quickly seem like not just a school, but rather a home for all those who study there. - Juan Antonio Solis ‘13
This is YOU At Saint Joseph Academy, you become aware of your potential, then aware of the possibilities, and ultimately fully aware of the larger world and your place in it.
This is St. Joe. This is SJA.
Dream deep, reach for the stars and trust yourself to test your limits. It is the obstacles that we overcome that grant us beauty in the universe. If we have trust in our faith and perseverance towards our goals, we will have the courage to succeed. -Nancy Perez '01 Federal Contracts Manager at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This is WHY
This is HOW
Sign up to visit SJA.
Sign up for an Open House.
Apply to SJA.
We would love to give
This is a great opportunity to
you a personal tour of
learn more about all that Saint
to complete the online
our spectacular campus.
Joseph Academy has to offer!
application, and make sure to
Go to for
submit all your documentation
more information.
to the Admissions Office.
Be a Bloodhound. Call our Admissions Office at (956)542-3581 ext. 359 if you have any questions, or email
We value our students and we acknowledge the sacrifices families make when they invest in a private school education.
We encourage families to apply for tuition assistance. Complete the FACTS tuition assistance application at beginning Nov. 1
$2,500 averagely awarded in Tuition Assistance
4 Year Graduation Plan Subjects/Credits
7th Grade
8th Grade
All students required to graduate with:
Religion (4.0)
Introduction to Jesus
Life in Christ
• Minimum of 28 credits
English (4.0)
Language Arts 7 Honors Language Arts 7
Language Arts 8 Honors Language Arts 8
o 22 credits as part of a Foundation High School Program (FHSP) o FHSP +1 endorsement +4 credits
Language Enrichment
Mathematics (4.0) Pre-Algebra
Honors Pre-Algebra
Science (4.0)
*Honors Environmental Systems (1.0)
in Math & Science earns a Distinguished Level of Achievement • Writing portfolio • Minimum 125 hours of community service
Saint Joseph Academy offers:
Social Sciences (4.0)
*Algebra 1 (1.0) *Honors Algebra 1 (1.0)
Texas History
U.S. History through 1877
Modern Language (3.0) Spanish
*Beginning Spanish (1.0)
• Multidisciplinary Endorsement • STEM Math/Science Endorsement
Electives (1.0)
Applied Engineering or Art or Drama
Art or Drama
• Arts & Humanities Endorsement Health (0.5)
*Health (0.5)
Fine Arts (1.0)
Comp. Sci. (1.0)
Computer Lit. & Keyboarding
Physical Ed. (1.0)
Physical Ed.
Speech (0.5)
TOTAL (28)
Physical Ed.
*Speech (0.5)
* High School Credit
Administration President: Michael Motyl Principal: Melissa Valadez '90 Vice Principal: Dr. Dana Yates
Office of Admissions Celeste Solis '91 (956) 542-3581 ext. 359