Sja annualreport 11 2016 2017 isuu

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Saint Joseph Academy School Board 2015–2016 School Year

John Ford Cowen Jr. ’98 – School Board Chairman Emilio O. Hernández, DDS ’72 – School Board Vice Chairman

Rusty Brechot ’72 Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan Gina Cardenas Luis Cavazos ’73 Mellena Conner Brother Hank Hammer, FMS Javier Huerta ’89 Joseph B. McCormick, MD

Gregg McCumber, CPA Carla Martinez Edward H. Muñoz ’62 Brother Donald Nugent, FMS Judge Feliz Recio ’63 Amy Tipton Annemarie Whitko William “Brad” Wolfe ’83

Ex- officio Michael Motyl – President Brother Thomas Schady FMS – Director of Education

Message from the President


s I reflect back on the past school year, as the Saint Joseph Academy community celebrated its 150th anniversary, I find myself inspired and hopeful for the future of our beloved school. The love, passion, and commitment for St. Joe by you–its stakeholders–is unparalleled and I am confident in our school’s ability to persevere for another 150 years!

Academically, our administrative team and faculty are very pleased with the development and implementation of new Advanced Placement courses and the initiation of the first phase of our Science Quad project where young men and women can spark their curiosity in the STEM fields, explore new ideas, and apply their creativity.We routinely hear from graduates that the high caliber of education provided at St. Joe has prepared them for the rigor and challenges of college level studies. Our alums are currently thriving, near and far, at schools like University of Texas, Columbia University, Washington University-St. Louis, Pepperdine University, Texas A&M, and the University of Notre Dame, just to name a few.

As a community of faith, our students continue to make a difference in Brownsville by individual service at their parish, homeless shelters, nursing homes, schools and many other volunteer programs. Our young men and women also participate in group service through our Marist Youth program and Christian Service class. All of this would never be possible without your generous support. As you read about all that is happening at Saint Joseph Academy and view the pictures, remember the important role you play.You are helping us keep our commitment to provide students with experiences and tools that will shape their future, while creating life-long learners.You are helping us give them opportunities to grow in self-confidence and leadership skills.You are helping us provide a forum for students to deepen and share their faith, and for reaching out to others in Christ-like service. This Annual Report is for YOU. Each of you, in whatever manner you have contributed to the growth of Saint Joseph Academy, is a blessing to the students entrusted to our care. It is with your spirit of generosity that we are able to mold our students into SAINTS and SCHOLARS in a world that longs for exceptional leadership and a deeper connection to God’s love and peace. Thank you for making an investment in SJA and our students during the 2015-2016 school year and I look forward to sharing more of our successes with you in the future. God’s blessings, Michael Motyl President




Message from the Board Chair





Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Academy,

he 2015-16 academic year was one of tremendous progress and achievement for Saint Joseph Academy. From celebrating the 150th anniversary of the school’s founding, to our outstanding athletic teams receiving well-deserved external recognition, and our faculty and students’ ongoing hard work in and out of the classroom, we have many reasons to be proud.

During the last seven years, I have been very fortunate to be a member of our school board. My experience has provided great insight (and appreciation) to the tireless dedication that our faculty, staff, parents and supporters pour in to our school so our students can have a well-rounded, Marist education that is both profound and rewarding.

If there is one thing I have learned from my time with our incredible group of board members, it is that for a school to thrive, it cannot stand still. In this day and age, extraordinary schools can only come from having the ability to recognize opportunities for growth and the wisdom to not just adapt, but to anticipate and embrace change. Thankfully our school is well-positioned for success under the guidance of Michael Motyl, who transitioned from an interim role to President on March 23, 2016. Mr. Motyl joined the St. Joe family from Guadalupe Regional Middle School, where he served (and continues to serve) as its President. He brings outstanding credentials and a wealth of expertise to our school, and we are certain Saint Joseph Academy will not only prosper with Mr. Motyl at the helm, but that our students will continue to flourish as well. We also welcome Tino Villarreal as Athletic Director and Donna Barron as Vice President of Academic Advancement and Alumni Affairs. They each bring a unique skill set to our school that will take us to the next level.

Serving as board chairman has been a truly memorable and rewarding experience. Looking ahead, the board could not be in better hands under the leadership of Dr. Emilio Hernández ’72, our newly appointed board chairman. As I end my experience on the board, I would like to thank our entire community for making Saint Joseph Academy the extraordinary place it is today. This is an exciting time in the history of St. Joe, and I am very much looking forward to what the future holds. Go Bloodhounds! John Ford Cowen, Jr. Chairman, SJA School Board (2013-2016) SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY


New at Saint Joseph Academy


aint Joseph Academy offered many new and inspiring classes this school year to enhance and challenge students. Each year, Saint Joseph Academy strives to bring new and innovative courses to the school to give students choices based on their interests and needs. This school year the following new courses were offered:

Speech 8: In this course, Grade 8 students will study all aspects of oral communication with tasks like Radio Project, Impromptu and Manuscript speaking, and in-class discussions, students will develop the skills necessary to construct and deliver a speech. Students will write and effectively deliver speeches for various purposes, gaining skill in making oral presentations in a variety of settings. Further, students will develop listening skills and learn to constructively critique speeches given by their peers.

Read/Write 7: This course, which is to be taken in conjunction with all Language Arts 7 classes, is designed for all students to develop solid writing skills. Students will develop skills in correct usage of grammar and mechanics while writing paragraphs, multiparagraph essays, and research reports.

Advanced Placement Physics: The Physics B course seeks to be representative in topics covered in similar college courses and is grouped into five general areas: Newtonian mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermal physics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. Students will be expected to take the AP Physics examination in May.

Advanced Placement Government/Comparative Politics: This rigorous course is designed to offer motivated students a more challenging course in American Government. Students will explore an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. This course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. government and politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. government and politics. Advanced Placement Macro Economics: Advanced Placement Macro Economics is designed to offer motivated students a more challenging critical-thinking course in Economics with an emphasis on Macro Economics. The purpose of the AP course in macroeconomics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. The course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price-level determination, and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and international economics. Students will read and write extensively on selected themes and will regularly analyze and interpret a variety of primary sources. 6



Graduating Class of 2016

As a Marist student, I have gotten closer to God and to my faith through annual retreats, monthly masses, and daily prayer. These experiences are exclusive to Saint Joe, and I would not be who I am today without them. Serving others is now ingrained in me, and it has become a passion of mine. This love of service is deep-rooted in all of the students at Saint Joe, strengthening the character and the good in each and every one of us. Had I attended a different school, I would not be the person I am today.” – Brenda Patricia Torteya, Valedictorian, Saint Joseph Academy Class of 2016




Brenda and Diana Torteya

There are many numbers and statistics that reflect the excellent accomplishments of the Saint Joseph Academy Class of 2016. The 94 members of the class achieved 100% college acceptance and matriculation. Accepted at 79 institutions of higher learning in North America and Europe, they were awarded $4.1 million in merit scholarships from universities and foundations. Our students compete with the best from around the world, and they can hold their own in any academic setting. What makes our graduates stand out? Aside from their fine academic preparation, they are remarkable for the devotion they have to their school and to their commitment to make a positive difference wherever they go. The Class of 2016 was unique in that the Valedictorian and Salutatorian were twin sisters: Brenda and Diana Torteya. Both girls spoke at the commencement ceremony of what graduating from Saint Joseph Academy meant to them.

In her Salutatory Address, Diana said,” I am not only a part of the current Saint Joe student body, but also of the thousands of proud alumni across the country and the world. All of us have benefited immensely by coming to Saint Joe. We have acquired priceless attributes we would not have gained at another school: to set apart time to give back to our community and help those in need; to live simply, morally, and with integrity, respecting all of life and creation; to be compassionate, accepting, and to stand in solidarity with the least favored; to be Marist.” The numbers and statistics are important; they testify to the quality of the academic experience at Saint Joseph Academy. But more importantly, our graduates’ words and actions testify to the greatest value of a Saint Joseph Academy education – the religious, spiritual, and character formation our students receive. We are indeed forming Saints and Scholars. SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY


To the stars through difficulties


aint Joseph Academy and Marist Brothers inspire average students, such as myself, to become more than they are. Certainly, there have been exceptional students who have ultimately become doctors, U.S. Congressmen and Federal Judges, but it is the school’s focus on the average student to aspire to reach what the student believes is beyond their grasp.

Our business has been successful by following the Marist Brother’s lessons and guidance, knowing there will be difficulties that had to be worked through. I learned that success is only rewarding when achieved through hard work, fair play and always being true to my core beliefs. Saint Joseph Academy and the Marist Brothers believed in me at a crucial time and guided me into this future Linda and I have. It is for this reason we will continue to support my Alma Mater with the hope another student in our community will succeed through “Ad astra Per Aspera”. - Albert Perez ’74

An unexpected blessing at the perfect time


s we journey in life, sometimes God gives us unexpected blessing that comes along at the perfect time and we get a glimpse into the providence of the One that so loves us. This has been my experience in joining the faculty of Saint Joseph Academy. From the moment I stepped onto the campus to interview and then prepare my room for the first day, I knew that I was in a place of, not only provision, but of peace and honor.

The thing that makes our campus so appealing is the wonderful people that comprise it. The faculty and staff that treat one another and students with respect and professionalism, coupled with a system that works intelligently and efficiently, Saint Joseph is a healthy environment. In my first couple of months here, I have seen the passion with which helping students to connect with their personal gifting so that each can minister to the world around them is hugely emphasized. I know of no other place where students in our community receive a quality education while growing in the passion to serve. And this trait is infectious—people here love to give. Finally, students are dearly “esteemed” in this place—and this is the heart of God. The quest for excellence and the presence of peace that shrouds this campus makes me feel that there is no other place I would rather be. I know that throughout each classroom Emmanuel truly is, God with us.



- Ruth Poole SJA English Teacher

SJA’s Rising Scholars: Carolina Varela ’18






arolina Varela always knew she wanted to help people, but it wasn’t until she attended the National Youth Leadership Forum’s Advanced Medicine and Health Care training program at John Hopkins University that she realized exactly how she wanted to help. Arriving in Baltimore at the beginning of the 10 day, intensive hands-on introduction for students considering a career in the medical field, Carolina felt a little overwhelmed and unsure of herself. However, it did not take long for her to realize this was exactly where she wanted to be.

Extensive reading and preparation was necessary before even arriving at John Hopkins University’s respected medical training facility. Carolina was excited to be part of this challenging and rewarding program for high school students who are seriously considering a career in medicine. After completing the initial training, she took part in a simulated patient encounter, where she and a group of other students diagnosed an actor/patient with cardiac failure symptoms and put together an appropriate plan of care. In another segment of her training, she also worked with her peer group to develop a public awareness and social media campaign around a current topic in public health. Carolina shared that this was a real eye-opening experience for her. A visit to a cadaver unit allowed her to observe surgical procedures on human bodies and she mastered her suturing skills on a banana. During this training, she was invited by an attending surgeon to hold a human brain in her hands. The surgeon reminded her that within this one organ, all the memories, personality and dreams of a lifetime are stored. By the end of the program, Carolina wasn’t quite ready to go home. While she started out interested in the medical field as a career goal, her experiences during this program crystalized her focus to a career as a trauma surgeon.

Along with all her amazing experiences, Carolina also had a great chance to network with other students who she hopes will be some of her future colleagues, and she was given valuable information about how to succeed in the highly competitive health and medical fields.

Now in her senior year at St. Joe, Carolina’s plans will hopefully take her to UT Austin’s new Dell Medical School where her medical career will begin.



SJA’s Rising Scholars: Julianne Thibodeaux ’18


ast summer, Julianne Thibodeaux traveled to Boston College to participate in the inaugural EVER TO EXCEL program, a week long summer camp. A contingent of 100 students from 18 states and 59 high schools, including about 30 students from Japan, gathered in early August to immerse themselves in Jesuit spirituality and higher education at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College.

Julianne enjoyed the new experiences of living in a dorm, hiking through the lovely campus, exploring the beautiful Boston downtown with their Boston College mentors and sharing spiritual experiences in small groups and candlelight services. She plans to pursue studies in nursing, physical or speech therapy and would love to make Boston College her home in the fall of 2018.

The Ever to Excel program was made possible by a $600,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc., part of the Lilly’s High School Youth Theology Institute initiative, which seeks to encourage young people to explore theological traditions, ask questions about the moral dimensions of contemporary issues and examine how their faith calls them to live a life of service. To see more on the Ever to Excel program, search for the YouTube video or visit the website at

SJA’s Rising Scholars: Victoria Zabarte ’18


his summer, Victoria Zabarte attended the National Student Leadership Conference’s high school summer law program at Yale University. Students in this program use the courtroom as a classroom and assume the role of a trial attorney in a real life battle for justice. Assigned to the defense team, her petite frame may have given a first impression of a demur presence but her formidable passion for the law soon earned her a prominent place, presenting pretrial motions and a key role providing the opening statement and cross examination of witnesses. At the end of the trial, she was selected by the presiding judge as the outstanding student attorney.

This was not Victoria’s first experience in the courtroom. In the summer of 2015, she participated in Envisions at Stanford University. At Stanford, the Envisions program provides high school students with an immersion experience in the theory and practice of law.

Victoria’s love for the law is certainly in her genes. Both her great-grandfather and grandfather were attorneys in Cuba. Her grandfather, Francisco Antonio Zabarte, came to the United States from Cuba in 1962. In the US, he earned his JD degree and his son, Francisco Zabarte, also serves as an attorney. With this long lineage of jurist prudence, Victoria’s passion and prowess in the courtroom will certainly aid her in her lifelong passion and pursuit of justice. 10




SJA’s Rising Scholars: Jimena Padilla ’17 and Alejandra Rocha ’17




imena Padilla and Alejandra Rocha attended UTRGV’s STARGATE Academy this summer, sponsored by the Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy (CARA). The academy offers high school students a chance to participate in modern astrophysical research, learn basic astronomy, launch rockets and try their hand at computer programming.

Both seniors this year, Jimena and Alejandra were in Mr.Andy Miller’s physics class in their junior year at St. Joe. Mr. Miller encouraged them to participate in this summer program. Jimena shared that she had an interest in learning more about the university’s involvement in the recent discovery of gravitational waves through a multiform collaboration with LIGO and other organizations. “I thought it was interesting how the university’s involvement was intrinsic to discovering gravitational waves, which is at the edge of science right now. And we’ve been talking a lot in class about how that applies to astronomy,” Padilla said. Mr. Miller also serves as the Director for the STARGATE Academy Program at UTRGV. STARGATE (Spacecraft Tracking and Astronomical Research into Giga-hertz Astrophysical Transient Emission) – is a collaboration between SpaceX and CARA (the Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy) at UTRGV.

Mr. Miller shared that the students who participated in the program this summer were all achievement oriented, focused, and were looking for summer enrichment. He tries to make sure the theories and formulas of physics are simplified so the topic is less daunting for these budding physicists. “Once you learn the language, it’s doable. Exposing students to the types of research that might be done by a physicist or an astronomer can help them decide if a career in physics is for them. If they do like it, then we can help guide them. When we talk about physics, a lot of people don’t understand exactly what physics is, and they don’t have a sense for what physicists do. In many ways, physics and engineering are closely related.” At the STARGATE camp, students were also able to interact with UTRGV physics professors and were able to launch their rocket models on-site at the SpaceX property where the future rocket launch pads will be constructed. Students were also able to download and study data from the Arecibo Remote Command Center.

Mr. Miller explained that “Arecibo is the world’s biggest radio telescope. From here, we can retrieve data from that telescope and the students are able to go through that data. We’re looking at a lot of computer programming and data, and we’re going through images that were taken by astronauts at the space stations.We try to give the students a taste of that research and what is involved.”



Montagne Scholars Program

naugurated in August 2005, The Montagne Scholars Program is Saint Joseph Academy’s initiative to enroll and embrace students who are at-risk, economically disadvantaged, and academically qualified by providing maximum amounts of financial aid and ongoing academic and social support. The centerpiece of The Montagne Scholars Program is Saint Joseph Academy’s close partnership with Guadalupe Regional Middle School. Each year a number of students from Guadalupe Regional Middle School are enrolled in Saint Joseph Academy as ninth-graders. To date, 80 students are in or have gone through the Montagne Scholars Program.

The mission of GRMS is to offer a tuitionfree, quality Catholic education to boys and girls in grades six, seven, and eight whose families desire but cannot afford a Catholic Education. This academically challenging school teaches its students to live the gospel values of love, justice, self-discipline and respect for others with the goal that they will become the future leaders of the Brownsville civic and church communities.

Montagne Scholars are very involved in active community service and stewardship training at SJA. Through programs such as Campus Ministry and Marist Youth, they experience firsthand the transformational effects of individual philanthropy by supporting projects for others who will benefit, as they are, from service to others, giving back to our community with compassionate support.

Alejandra Rodriguez, who prefers to go by Ale, is a member of the SJA Class of 2016. She learned early at home that education is important and she is grateful to have been given the chance to attend both Guadalupe Regional Middle School and Saint Joseph Academy. Over the past four years, she has tried to give back to others through her service at SJA and mentoring students at GRMS. 12






Coming from a strong Catholic family background, Ale especially loved the religion classes and how she could live out her Catholic faith at school. She feels that her service to the community and participation in worship and prayer have strengthened her faith and helped to prepare her to go on to the challenges of college and career.

Ale is attending the University of Texas - San Antonio pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy. She is very excited about the next step in her future and feels that without the help, support and guidance she received at St. Joe, she would not be ready. She credits the “college prep” education, including the loads of homework, tests, and special projects that have given her the foundation that she needs to succeed in college.

Cassandra Salas, also graduated with the SJA Class of 2016, and mathematics is her passion. She shared that SJA gave her a great education, especially focusing on her mathematics courses. The SJA teachers encouraged and supported her all through high school and helped her develop her natural and mathematical talents. SJA also guided her in her personal journey of faith. “My experiences at St. Joe helped my faith stay strong and showed me the importance of staying connected to the Church.”

All Montagne graduates, 61 as of the Class of 2016, have continued to pursue higher education. These students flourish in the tight-knit and loving community of Saint Joseph Academy. Many of our graduating seniors, who benefitted from the Montagne Scholars Program, attend notable universities across the United States including; Alaska Pacific University, Columbia University, Iona College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Southern Methodist University, St. Edward’s University, St. Mary’s University, Texas A&M, and University of Texas campuses across the state.

These significant accomplishments serve as a testament to the potential of our Montagne Scholars and the resources which SJA, GRMS and our local community have dedicated to them. Your help in ensuring that all these deserving students have an opportunity to participate in this transformational opportunity is always an investment with great return.



Saint Joseph Academy: Celebrating 150 Years The history of Saint Joseph College / Saint Joseph Academy


aint Joseph College was founded in 1865 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate as a small parochial school. The Civil War years were a difficult time in Brownsville. After many struggles, delays and discouragements, the school opened and closed several times. Invitations had been extended to the Marist Brothers from as early as 1837 to come to Brownsville, but it was not until the early 1900’s that enough Brothers were available. On January 2, 1906, three Brothers from Mexico City arrived by train to reopen the school. The Brothers, two Frenchmen and one Spaniard, immediately made preparations to establish a good academic institution.

The Superior, Rev. Brother Anthony Aubert had Brother Paul Allemand, the youngest of the three, serve as cook because their meager income did not permit them to hire one. The wood fire was started in the stove before class began each morning. Brother Paul would hurry to the kitchen during recess to put the noon meal on to cook. After several months of rather poor meals, arrangements were made with the Lavios CafĂŠ to send the noon meal in Canteens to the Brothers.

In 1930, the name Saint Joseph Academy was substituted for Saint Joseph College. In 1942, through the foresight of its Director, Brother Louis Rod, the Brothers purchased a 21 acre site just off Palm Boulevard on what is now the SJA athletic Canales Field. Bleachers, showers and lighting facilities were constructed in 1950 for athletic activities. The new half million dollar facility, including the Memorial Gym, won several awards for its modern architecture and beauty. Brother William Vessel, FMS, was the first principal at the new location. 14






Since 1959, Saint Joseph Academy has continued to build on its rich tradition of high academic and religious standards. In 1972, the school went coed, admitting girls in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades and in 1975, the first co-ed class graduated, consisting of 13 girls and 34 boys. The Academy takes pride in being an influential force in the development and direction of the City of Brownsville as many of our local government officials, businessmen, educators, doctors, farmers, lawyers, accountants and community leaders are SJA alumni. Saint Joseph Academy continues to offer its students high academic standards, religious formation and rich cultural traditions.

On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 a celebratory mass was held at the Brother Francis Garza Student Center. Mass was officiated by Most Rev. Bishop Daniel E. Flores. Alongside the Bishop was Rev. Michael Amesse, OMI representative for the Oblates, Rev. Monsignor Heberto M. Diaz, Jr., of Mary, Mother of Church, Rev. Amador Garza of the Basilica of San Juan and alumnus class of 1971, and Deacon John Kinch, former Marist Brother and Deacon of Mary, Mother of the Church. The SJA liturgical choir provided the music for the mass. School Board members, Amy Tipton and Dr. Emilio Hernåndez presented the gifts. Principal Lori Trott did the first reading, School Board Chairman John Ford Cowen, Jr., did the second reading and Prayers of the Faithful were done by Brother Francis Garza, Brother Paul Urban Phillipp and Student Council President Catalina Gomez ’16. Following the mass a reception was held in the Saint Joseph Academy courtyard.


Alumni Profile: Erich Schlegel ‘80


rich Schlegel, SJA Class of 1980, is an award-winning freelance photographer in Austin, Texas. Erich was born in Monterrey, Mexico to American parents (US & Mexican citizen since birth) and grew up speaking English and Spanish in Mexico, Colombia and Panama. Erich received his BBA in International Business from SMU in Dallas, Texas. However, his passion for photography led him to a career in photojournalism, starting after college at The Brownsville Herald on the Texas/Mexico border, then the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Erich then worked at The Dallas Morning News from 1988 until 2008. While at the DMN, assignments ranged from daily features to covering multiple Summer and Winter Olympic Games, Super Bowls, conflicts around the world and stories in Latin America. In 2008, Erich left The Dallas Morning News to pursue a successful freelance career. His latest accomplishment was documenting a paddling expedition ( down the Amazon River for National Geographic Magazine from the source high in the Andes to Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean. Underwater photography is also among his specialties. Erich lives near Austin, Texas near his 14-year-old daughter Thira. Erich also enjoys fresh and saltwater fishing, surfing, marathon canoe racing, skiing and ice climbing.

Erich is able to shoot amazing still and video images with DSLR cameras above, below, and around water. He also has the capability to shoot remotely with his SLR's and GoPro cameras, including using aerial UAV’s. He is a founding partner with award-winning film production team Ultralite Films.

Clients include: National Geographic, The New York Times, USA Today, The Dallas Morning News, Grand Trunk Goods and many other publications and companies.

What Erich remembers most about his time at SJA was the small intimate setting during his high school years. “The small class size helped make us more of a family than a larger high school would have. Those that attend St. Joe share their pride as alumni like no other high school I know of. It was, and I'm sure still is, the best education available in the Rio Grande Valley.”

Erich’s advice for students is to “Follow your passion and, if possible, make it your career. Between my junior and senior year of college, my father, who had his own small international business consulting firm in Brownsville, sat me down for a talk about my future. I told him I was hoping to go to graduate school and get a masters in International Business and work for him, eventually taking over the business. He said great, then asked me what I liked doing. "What do you like to do?," he asked. I said I like taking pictures. "Then why don't you make that your career after school?" At that point I knew exactly what I was going to do for the rest of my life, because photography was my passion. Thanks Dad!!!” 16




Alumni Profile: Septime Webre ‘79




eptime Webre, SJA Class of 1979, is the artistic director for the Halcyon Incubator with the S&R Foundation’s Interdisciplinary performance series in Washington DC.

Septime’s path to a career in dance was a serendipitous one. In his academic years, his career goal was to become a lawyer. He even received a BA in 1984 in History and Pre-law from the University of Texas at Austin.

Dance was always a part of his life. As a boy, he followed his older sister to dance school. He says he first caught the theater bug in 7th grade where he played PappyYokum in a production of Li’l Abner at St. Joe. In addition to theater productions, he also produced talent shows to have additional opportunities for creative outlets. He believes that the performative and artistic experiences he had while at St. Joe were some of the most important and transformative parts of his St. Joe experience. The opportunity to perform, expression through performance and creativity through performance illuminated that a path for him might be in the performing arts.

Septime also played trombone in the St. Joe band. A self-admitted “lousy” musician, the experience taught him how to work collectively in an ensemble. These experiences in drama and band were guiding lights to point him in the direction of the performing arts.

Even while at UT, dance was never far. He trained for 25 hours a week in ballet all while taking classes and working at the Texas State Capital. In 1985, he started dancing for Ballet Austin. After his time at Ballet Austin, he moved to NewYork City to become a professional dancer. In 1993 he became the artistic director of the American Repertory Ballet in Princeton, New Jersey. In 1999, he moved to Washington DC to become the artistic director for the Washington Ballet. During his 17 years at the Washington Ballet, he quadrupled the annual budget, tripled the enrollment of the Washington Ballet School and became the first Ballet Company to perform in Cuba since the 1960’s.

Some of the most rewarding and important parts of his career have been the creation of the work itself and working with individual artists helping to develop their careers. He also had the opportunity to work with economically disadvantaged school children through DanceDC. The DanceDC program brings ballet to second and third-graders in eight Washington DC district schools and has had over 10,000 students participate in the program. Septime’s advice for students is to be open to following your heart while working hard. Being successful takes a lot of hard work but it also takes being open to the opportunities that present themselves to you and maximize them. Rarely do people end up where they think they are going to go.


Gaby Garza ‘18 medals at USFTA Junior Olympics in California


JA Junior Gaby Garza competed in the USA Track and Field Junior Olympics this summer in Sacramento, California. She competed in the 400meter hurdles and the 100-meter hurdles. In a span of a week, Gaby ran six times against other 15-16 year old qualifiers.

In the 400-meter hurdles, Gaby earned a Bronze medal as she was a split second from first. ”I thought it was pretty smooth,” Gaby said. “I was in front the whole race up until the last hurdle but at the end the two girls kicked it in. They had more gas in the tank.” She also ran in the 100-meter hurdles earlier in the day and finished sixth.

Coach Meme Garza made the trip up to Sacramento and is extremely proud of her performance. “Gaby had a great summer track experience. It gave her another opportunity to compete against the best athletes her age in a national venue. These experiences will continue to pay off in her goal to be the best she can be,” said Coach Garza. We look forward to seeing what the future brings and know that great things are coming your way!

Abraham Caram ‘16 playing for Texas Lutheran Bulldogs


braham Caram, SJA class of 2016, started the next chapter of his football career this year as a freshman member of the Texas Lutheran Bulldogs Football Team. Located in Seguin, Texas Lutheran participates in the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference (SCAC) alongside Trinity University, Austin College and Southwestern University.

As a St. Joe Bloodhound, Abraham ‘s primary position was offensive tackle and, with his formidable 6’3”, 270 lb. frame, he was a key force in the success of the 2015 Bloodhound team’s 2nd place in the TAPPS State conference. Abraham earned a spot on the Bloodhound varsity football team all four years at St. Joe and as a starter for three years. He was a member of the 1st Team for, all area, all region, all conference, and team captain of the all-state 2nd team. “Abraham was not only a great athlete, he was an amazing leader. He led by example whether it was on the field, in the weight room or the locker room; he always made sure his presence was known. He encouraged his teammates as well by his excellent public speaking ability. We were so lucky to have a role model like Abraham that future Bloodhounds can emulate.” - Coach TinoVillarreal, SJA class of 1999

We know he will be a great asset for the TL Bulldogs and St. Joe will be proud of this Bloodhound alumnus wherever God leads him in the future! 18




Saint Joseph Academy Athletic Booster Club




he SJA Athletic Booster Club, which has been around for more than 50 years, continues to serve and support the department of athletics at Saint Joseph Academy. It is run by a board and its membership of volunteer parents with the interest in supporting athletics. Over the many years of its existence, the Booster Club has made many impactful contributions to the school; this year being no different. Traditionally, the Booster Club hosts the annual Taste of the Town fundraising event, produces the Fall Athletic Program Book, runs the concessions for all sporting events, and more recently, hosts the annual Spring Fest. Collectively, these fundraising events allow the Boosters to make significant contributions to the school and to the athletic programs. Each year, the Boosters give SJA a sum of money to help support the Athletic general operating budgets. In the last several years, the Booster Club has generated extra funding that they are then able to spend on special projects.

This year, the Booster Club made a generous donation back to SJA for the purchase of a brand new, 14 passenger mini bus. With the number of various athletic teams at SJA, it is not uncommon for there to be several buses of athletes going in different directions many weekends out of the year. This addition of a new mini bus allows our athletes to travel safely to their competitions. Additionally, the Booster Club purchased new uniforms for the boys’ varsity football team and the girls’ varsity basketball team and helped pay for the installation of the new digital scoreboard for Canales Field! This year’s Executive Committee members are as follows: President – Liliana de la Garza

Vice President – Sarah Figueroa

Treasurer – Carole Montemayor Secretary – Karla Garza

Parliamentarian – Dino Esparza ’89

Former President – Donna Barron


SJA’s 29th Annual Alumni Golf Tournament


ith over 30 teams and 25 sponsors, the SJA Alumni Golf Tournament experienced its first ever rain out. Participants enjoyed a weekend of comradery, great stories and good food. The 29th Annual Golf Tournament committee members were Rusty Brechot, ’72, Luigi Cristiano, ’89, Bobby Daniels ’02, Jonathon Gulley ’05, Ron Humphreys, ’87, Rick Ortiz, ’84, Bro. Paul Urban Phillipp ’40, Will Putegnat ’00, Nick Tipton ’01, Bryant Touchy ’06, and Frank Wood ’93. Sponsors included: Eagle Lunch Sponsor Sam Guerrero Farmers Insurance Agency Schaley Heavy Equipment Parts Tipton Auto Group Birdie Sponsor Academy Mortgage Corporation Ambiotec Frank Wood Juan Varela Penzoil Quick Lube Revitalize MD Spa Saw ‘Em Off Par Sponsor Tipotex Chevrolet

Hole Sponsor Ricardo Adobbati Amigo Pawn Colonial Life- Robert Daniels Colvin, Chaney, Saenz & Rodriguez Eder Fayett Gavito Family Kennedy Paper Bag



Law Office of Daniel Pizana Lopez Supermarket Neto Roser Parker & Company Worldwide Logistics Ruby Red Media Salon & Spa Institute Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Stephen Phillipp ’48 Trico Plus – All Players who support the golf tournament

Golf Tournament Founders Rene Cardenas ’80 Rick Cardenas ’80

Meme Garza ’68 Jaime Hinojosa ’76 Bro. Paul Urban Phillipp ’40 David Sanchez ’76 † Raul Tijerina ’53 Golf Committee Emeritus Ricardo Adobbati ’87 Glynn Castro ’94 Bobby Lerma ’75 Beth Conner Pace ’82 Christian Putegnat ’88 Elisa Saenz ’83 Louie Tijerina ’78 Jason Wolfe ’85 Hon. J. Rolando Olvera, Jr. ’81

The Alumni Golf Tournament will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary this coming June. Mark your calendars for Friday, June 2 and Saturday, June 3 for the biggest Alumni Golf Tournament weekend yet. We hope to see all past committee members and players!



Saint Joseph Academy Style Show




his last year Saint Joseph Academy celebrated its 61st annual style show on March 18th at the Jacob Brown Auditorium honoring the graduating class of 2016 with its show Pax Mundi! The evening was filled with great dancing, beautiful clothes, and memories to last a lifetime. There are so many volunteers, parents, students, and professionals to thank that helped make this event such a great success. We would like to especially thank our chairpersons and stores for all their tireless work to make this event possible.

General Chairs Gloria Rico Lorna Varela

Production Chair Tony Cantu

Table Sponsor Chairs Chepina Garcia-Moreno Maite Garcia-Moreno Program Book Chair Sarah Figueroa Fashion Chairs Wichis Diez Astrid Torres Stage Design Tony Cantu

Decorations Chairs Julieta Gonzalez Gina Valenzuela Ushers Chair Monica Maza Wine Chair Nikki Hodgson Ramp Chair Joey Lopez

Finance Chair Diana Torteya

Backstage Chair Claudia Ayaragoitia

Security Ben Sandoval Raul Treviño

Hair and Makeup Serenity Springs – Angie Aramula Music Gilbert Fasci

Lighting Frank Morris – TSC Video Production VP Digital Masters of Ceremonies Melissa Valadez Tony Cantu

Caterer IncrEdible… what food should be!

Advancement Staff Yolanda Cruz Administrative Assistant Becky Thompson Director of Communications & Foundations

Marisa Campirano Director of Alumni Affairs

Thank You to Our Stores Armando’s Tuxedos BCBG Coqueta’s Boutique David’s Bridal Designer Studio Dillard’s Layer Boutique JC Penny Old Navy The Boot Jack The Gap The Tux Shop


Taste of the Town


he SJA Athletic Booster Club hosted its annual Taste of the Town on Thursday November 12, 2015 honoring Rene Cardenas ’88 as the year’s Ring of Honor recipient.

Coach Rene Cardenas attended Saint Joseph Academy from 1975 to his graduation with the Class of 1980. During his time at St. Joe, he was an active member of the student body, playing on the Bloodhounds Basketball, Football and Track teams, earning him Athlete of theYear in 1980 and serving as the Senior Class President. After graduation, he attended Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos,Texas. After returning to Brownsville, Mr. Cardenas served as the Assistant Coach for the Bloodhound Boys Basketball Team beginning in 1986, then, as the Head Coach from 1988 to 2004. During his total of 18 years coaching at St. Joe, one of his teams reached the TAPPS Final Four and he coached four consecutive teams to 20 plus winning seasons. In the early 1990s, he was instrumental in the last major gym renovation, raising funds for a new center scoreboard, new lighting and refinished flooring. Also, during his time as coach, he returned his coaching stipend each year, plus gave additional funding to provide tuition assistance to deserving St. Joe students.

Taste of the Town would not be possible without the sponsors, restauranteurs, auction donors and countless volunteers. We are most thankful to all those who help make this a successful event! Touch Down Sponsors AMERICAN FORWARDING Arguelles, Lawler, McCumber, McDermid, Ortiz & Olvera Families Alejandro J. Betancourt, MD, Altre Insurance, Holzman & SOMA Servicios Aduanales Intergrados del RL de CV Barron, Esparza, Estrada, Greer & Harris Families Bernus, Edge, Montemayor, Rodriguez & Ortiz Families CARDENAS MERCEDES BENZ Harlingen, TX CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, Garcia & Rubiano Families Diez, Gonzalez, Moncada, Gonzalez Families Ingrid Vicent, Marigel Knosel, Gustavo Lander DULCERIAS PINKIS Lisa & Tomas Esteve, Chris & Les Gloor, Lisa & Phillip Money, Gloria & Jaime Salazar, Shannon & Jesus Rivas Garza, Padilla, Padilla, Verlage & Vazquez Families INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE IAI / KATUSAK KENMONT & Guerra 22



Slam Dunk Sponsors Burton McCumber & Cortez, LLP Class of 1980 Pedro & Karla Coronado / Juan Carlos & Claudia Garcia Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams, LLP Tara Rios Dental Group

Home Run Sponsors Aguilar & Zabarte LLC Judge Janet Leal Quality Building Renovations, LLC

Relay Sponsors Antonio Figueroa MD Pediatrics MTB Silverio Pediatrics Zaida Treviño, Real Estate Broker





We would also like to take this time to thank our restuarants who participated with us this year:

Amaretti Arabic Cuisine by Claudia Atiye Beef O’Brady’s Bicol Express Filipino Cuisine Bigos Bar & Grill BMFA Café by Keko’s Bistro Chili’s El Huateque

El Piqin Gran Taquiza Incredible Events Jason’s Deli Johnny Carino’s Khan’s Grill Kumori Las Palmas at Rancho Viejo Lleno Tu Loko Los Trevi

Lotus Café at Boca Chica Mi Pueblito Rosy Carpio Dulceria Pinkis Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q Texas Road House The Bocadillo CO. The Chicken Shop Tunnel Bistro

This event could not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the committee of volunteer parents who put this great event together.

Restaurant Co-Chairs: Claudia Kauachi and Gaby Guerra Sponsor Chair: Karla Garza

Ticket Chair: Donna Barron

Event Coordinators: Liliana de la Garza and Karla Garza

Silent Auction Co-Chairs: Mireille Gonzalez, Ceci de la Garza, Mercedes Moncada, Vicky Balderas Committee: Lourdes Galonsky, Carmen Gavito,Yvania Adobatti, Sheri Conner, Marcela Lawler, Miriam Lette, Carole Montemayor, Liz Bernus, Connie Rodriguez, Liz Harris, Donna Barron, Felicia Edge, Karla Garza, Sarah Figueroa, Lorna Varela, Liliana de la Garza, Sandra Garza, Shannon Rivas, Gaby Guerra, Claudia Kauachi, Mike Maza, Melissa Rodriguez, Tracy Buchanan, Kathleen Estrada, Kari Greer, Lisa Money,Yolanda Davila, Marisela del Pozo, Muñeca de la Garza

BlackBoard Auction Co-Chairs: Yvania Adobatti and Elisa Saenz

Azeneth Badiola, Lorna Varela, Shannon Green, Maritere Garcia, Ceci de la Garza, Connie Rodriguez, Cynthia Ramirez, Gaby Guerra, Claudia Kauachi, Adriana Garcia, Alicia Kauachi, Elizabeth Holzman, Ana Lastra, Ana Cecilia Garza, Gaby Rendon, Patty Samano, Vicky Balderas Concessions Chair: Liz Harris Committee: Joey Lopez, Carlos and Yolanda Davila, Mike Maza

Finance Chair: Carole Montemayor

Decoration Chair: Marcela Lawler

Program Book Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Bernus and Felicia Edge

Raffle Chair:Yvania Adobatti

Volunteer Chair: Sarah Figueroa

Auction Team Basket Chair: Shannon Rivas Committee: Monica Douglas, Martha Davila, Celia Diaz, Karina Salas, Lucy Garza, Mireille Gonzalez, Felicia Edge, Yvonne Keller, Sandra Garza,


Financials Statements of Activities

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Annual Fund Donations and Restricted Gifts 2015-2016


We apologize for any unintentional omissions or errors. Please contact us if necessary. President's Circle St. Joseph Society $10,000 & above Brownsville Foundation for Health and Education Patrick Pace, Jr. and Beth Conner Pace ’82 Construction Specialties John Ford Cowen, Jr. ’98 and Robin Cowen The John G. and Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Marist Brothers of the Schools Scanlan Foundation The Raul Tijerina Jr. Foundation Jim and Amy Tipton

Golden Bloodhound Society $5,000-$9,999 Bryan and Marcella G. Long Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Marvin and Mellena Conner Serafy Foundation St. Marcellin Champagnat Society $2,500-$4,999 Luis Arturo ’86 and Cecilia De La Garza Educación Sin Fronteras Jeff Gowen and Rose Marie Gowen, MD ’77 Kenmont School Redland Investment Partnership LP

Forever St. Joe Club Today, Tomorrow, Forever St. Joe Club $1,000-$2,499 Sergio and Magda Arguelles, Sr. David and Elsa Blanton Fernando A. De Leon, MD Jose Antonio and Marisela Del Pozo Bekrija Joe and Azra Dervisevic Bro. Hank Hammer, FMS Peter and Elizabeth Ann O. ’86 Harris Emilio O. Hernandez, DDS ’72 and Dalia Hernandez Rene Lerma Juan and Esther Magallanes Antonio (Tony) and Carla Martinez Edgar Moncada, MD and Mercedes Moncada Edward H. Muñoz ’62 National Hispanic Institute, Inc. Chi Nguyen, MD and Annette Nguyen Luis Pablo Rhi ’94 Reynaldo Rosas and Leticia Rosas, RPH John and Lori Trott Valley Speech Language & Learning Center, LC Bro. Michael Williams, FMS

Red & White Club $500-$999 Anonymous Donors Javier Francisco and Maria Luisa Anaya Marion R. and Marcela Arguelles ’84 Lawler, III


Burton McCumber & Cortez, LLP CPA Olivia Cervantes Laura Cisneros Olga Cisneros Dean ’88 and Andrea Conner William Henry Daniel ’66 Jorge ’84 and Liliana De La Garza John T. and Felicia F. ’85 Edge Albert T. Fernandez, MD ’53 Fernando and Ana Karla Flamenco Jose Miguel and Martha Garcia Erasmo C. Garza ’63 Guadalupe Regional Middle School Howard Owen Kline Knights of Columbus Nieves Olvera, Jr. ’63 John and Sylvia Patriarca PlainsCapital Bank Port of Brownsville Felix Recio ’63 Francisco and Nora Rodriguez Robert Greg ’73 and Becki Russell Mr. and Mrs. Joe ’50 Tamayo Willie Teo Ong, MD and Jacqueline Teo Ong Asim Zamir, MD

Friends of St. Joe Club $250-$499 Anonymous Donors Adriana Arguelles McDermid Sam Gavito ’78 and Irma Babiak Gavito ’78 Maria Raquel Barbosa Manuel C. Barreda ’53 Eric Barron, MD ’83 and Donna Barron Jude A. Benavides, Ph.D. ’88 and Anne Whitko Henry H. Calderoni, MD ’53 William ’83 and Sheri Conner Miguel and Leandra C.’93 Ortiz Jeffrey A. ’88 and Monica Douglas Benjamin and Kathleen C. ’88 Estrada Humberto A. and Mireya D. Garza Rene R. and Sylvia Gonzalez Nicolas Hernandez, MD and Karina Hernandez Lindsay R. Irwin Michael Jones Gabriel and Ana Alicia Kauachi Jose and Claudia Kauachi Jaime and Renata L. ’95 Garza Charles Paul and Linda Twells Loop Trey ’89 and Marcia C. ’88 Martinez Carl and Suzi Mohr Michael J. Motyl and Dandy Pilon Miguel ’70 and Marcela M. ’82 Ortiz Mary F. Parra Garza ’89 26






Gustavo J. Peña, Jr. ’60 Jose Angel and Leticia Perez Luis Carlos and Martha Rodriguez Mauricio ’91 and Jennifer Sampayo Benjamin Sandoval Mario Silverio and Maria Bonuel-Silverio, MD Sergio H. and Blanca Espinoza Torres Juan and Lorna C. Varela Markus and Alma Villanueva Pablo and Maria Isabel Vivanco William Bradley ’83 and Cassandra Y.Wolfe Maria Enriqueta Yzaguirre

The 150 Club $150-$249 Anonymous Donors Billy and Leatrice Bradford, Jr. Tony Cantu ’75 Rose Champion James Robert Daniel ’74 Moshe and Lourdes Galonsky Mary Elizabeth Martin Lita Ortiz Christian ’88 and Holly Putegnat Dan and Sara Sanchez Janice Stachowiak, MD ’79 Gracie Gavito Touchy ’79 Aldon B. Williams, MD and Joanne C. Williams Michael and Lucy Williams

Bloodhound Club $100-$149 Anonymous Donors Carlos A. and Adriana Alvarado Juan Carlos and Claudia Patricia Alvarado John M. Anderson ’61 Jose D. and Maria Andrade Carlos Raul and Rocio Araujo Rosio Arriaga, MD Azeneth Badiola Chris Bauer ’70 Alberto and Azucena C. ’88 Bernes Guillermina C. Besteiro Alejandro Betancourt, MD and Aracelis Betancourt Alfredo and Alma Colmenero Leticia Davila Linda Alvarez De Los Santos Jose Luis ’80 and Maria Tesesa De Saro Erick and Luz Maria Delgado John and Gwen Drennan Eduardo and Vanessa Fernandez Stella Filizola, PhD Marco A. and Nubia Flores Laura Fowkes SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY 27

Francisco and Mayra Galvan Adrian Eleazar and Maria Isabel Garcia Cesar A. and Lupita Garcia Carlos and Lucia Garza Jorge Alberto and Ofelia Garza Miguel Angel and Blanca Garza James N. Gomez, DVM ’70 and Martha Gomez Chester Gonzalez and Janet Leal Gerardo and Julia Gonzalez Jorge and Shannon Green Raul and Gilda Guerra Alfonso J. and Maria Guadalupe Guerrero Graciela Gutierrez Daniel ’88 and Lorena Hernandez Edgar and Rosalinda Hernandez Gabriela Hernandez Jerri Hernandez Kevin Hickson Jaime H. Hinojosa ’76 Eduardo and April Huerta Elsa M. Ibarra Charles D. Imbergamo Rick and Glenda Ledesma Rosa V. Lopez Marist Brothers Westminster Community Carlos M. and Elvia E. Martinez Claudia Martinez John and Stephanie Maxwell Rocio Mimbela Ignacio and Dalia Moctezuma Sandra A. Montelongo Alberto and Irma Imelda Moreno Rodrigo Muñoz ’64 Jose Rolando ’81 and Rita Maria Z. ’89 Olvera, Jr. Bro. Albert Phillipp, F.M.S. ’50 Donald F. ’73 and Janice Phillipp Bro. Paul Urban Phillipp, FMS ’40 Alfonso Arturo and Martha Pineda Sergio and Ana Puig Pam Quantz Manuel A. and Ana Luisa Ravize Guadalupe and Imelda Reyes Tara Rios, DDS Margaret G. Rivera Manuel and Ana Laura Rodero Jose Manuel and Loyda Rodriguez Luis Octavio and Rosaura Rodriguez Mario A. and Graciela Rodriguez Ricardo and Julieta Roque Ramon ’88 and Olga Sampayo Victor Alfonso ’89 and Sylvia G. ’91 Sanchez Carlos and Adriana Sarmiento Praxedis and Diana Solis 28






Robert E. Stevenson, II ’81 Travis and Teresa Stukes Michael and Lucia Swartz Hector and Ana Tejeda Becky Thompson Alana and Charlie Torres Maria Celia Torres Zaida G. Trevino Joey Andres Ugalino, MD and Maria S. Ugalino Carlos E. and Raquel H. Varela Rolando and Alejandra Vazquez Orquidea Villanueva Alberto and Claudia Z. Villarreal Amel and Veronica Villarreal Maria De Lourdes Villarreal Jorge ’89 and Gina Whitley ’89 Manuel R. and Patricia Ann Zavala Rodolfo and Romelia Zolezzi

Supporters up to $99 Jesus O. Abrego Anabel Aldrete ’99 Brad Altemeyer ’82 Jennifer Bald Quirino A. and Virginia Balderas J. M. Barbosa ’66 †Olga Borrego The Brad Buchanan Family Marisa Araceli Campirano and Joe Paredes Blanca Casillas Rocio L. Casillas ’97 Fernando Castañeda ’07 Fernando A. Castaneda ’52 Crown Janitorial Services, Inc. Yolanda A. Cruz Luis Carlos and Anna De La Rosa Sandra Duran Letty Fernandez Conor M. Fitzpatrick Ray Garbiras Julio and Maria Elena Garcia Luis Enrique and Karla Garza Alma Gloria Gonzalez Monica Lorena Gonzalez ’87 Monica M. Gonzalez ’88 Roman Gonzalez ’63 Lucinda C. Gray Nestor and Brenda Guerrero Richard and Elka Jaross Brian Jerger Teresa Leal Matthew ’99 and Monica T. ’99 Leyendecker Leonel Lopez, MD ’79


Natasha Lopez Stephanie Waller Machinena James Melendez ’51 Antonio and Ana Maria Mijares The Murphy Family David and Sylvia New Gabriel Orlet Richard A. ’84 and Martha Ortiz Serena Kathleen Putegnat’’94 Chelsey Ramos Ana Maria Rivas Jesus and Shannon Rivas Emilio Sainz Michael John and Maria Guadalupe Schlater Faviola Sosa Joann Tolson Ignacio ’89 and Diana G. ’89 Torteya Raul Trevino Bro. Eugene Trzecieski, FMS Cristobal M. and Melissa S. ’90 Valadez Carlos and Georgina ’88 Valenzuela Antonio Vega ’60 Steve Willy

Leadership Circle Sponsors 2015-2016

Platinum Sponsor SJA Athletic Boosters

Silver Sponsors Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport Construction Specialties FINSA Martinez, Barrera y Martinez, L.L.P. Parra Furniture & Loan Company Tequila Group

Bronze Sponsors Brisky & Perez Insurance Agency Brownsville Public Utilities Board Crown Janitorial Services, Inc. Emilio O. Hernandez, DDS PC ’72 Jones Liquor Lone Star National Bank Luke Fruia Motors Model Laundry Nova/Link, Inc. PlainsCapital Bank Unlimited Printing Eric Valle, DDS ’84 – Valle/Villarreal Dental Center Valley IT Solutions 30 SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY





Montagne Scholars Program Donors

Alliance for Catholic Education Molly Boyle Brownsville Community Foundation William Steven De la Garza ’69 The John G. & Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Marist Brothers of the Schools Federico F. ’64 and Cindy Peña Strake Foundation Thomas and Rosalinda Sullivan Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program JK Group, Inc.

Gustavo & Lucila Peña Scholarship Fund Rodolfo Flores ’64 Federico F. ’64 and Cindy Peña

Chester Zebrowski Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Patrick and Marybeth Boyle

Science Quad Donors 2015-2016

Brisky & Perez Insurance Agency, Inc. Marvin and Mellena Conner Linda Alvarez De Los Santos The John G. and Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Marist Brothers of the Schools Bro. Donald Nugent, FMS Lenora G. Rentfro Saint Joseph Academy Endowment Trust Serafy Foundation Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo Joey Andrew, MD and Maria S. Ugalino

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

Arturo X. Benavides Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Ricardo Castro Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Argentina G. Garza Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Cesar Garza, Sr. ’45 Serafy Foundation

David Gelfer Serafy Foundation

Sonya Jimenez Serafy Foundation


Pablo Martinez, Sr. Marvin and Mellena Conner Bill ’83 and Sheri Conner Dean ’88 and Andrea Conner Pat and Beth C. ’82 Pace, Jr. Consuelo T. Ortiz Lita Ortiz

Fameliza "Fame" Sanchez Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo Brother Richard Sharpe, FMS Brisky & Perez Insurance Agency, Inc. Lenora G. Rentfro Jim and Amy Tipton Joey Andrew, MD and Maria S. Ugalino

Mercedes "Lita" Spinelli Serafy Foundation Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Roberto "Bob" Torres Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Arnoldo Villarreal Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo

Guadalupe "Lupita" Villarreal Joe ’50 and Maria Guadalupe (Lupana) Tamayo Sandra L. Yturria Marvin and Mellena Conner Lita Ortiz Serafy Foundation

Gifts in Honor

Little Wiley Barnard Mason James Young, III and Carolyn Young

Bro. George Di Carluccio, FMS Howard Owen Kline

Save the Gym Donors

Carlos G. Arguelles ’97 Victor Bennett, Jr. Ian Eduardo Buenrostro ’09 Luigi ’89 and Theresa O. ’87 Cristiano Ricardo Davila 32 SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY





Adrian Delgado Gustavo ’77 and Bertha G. ’76 Elizondo Ronnie Esparza Tomas A. ’81 and Lisa Esteve Farmer 's Insurance Agency Sam Guerrero Luis Fonseca Andres and Adriana Garcia Miguel A. ’71 and Analicia Garcia Ernesto and Manuela Garza Leo R. and Angelica Maricela Garza Javier and Mireille K. ’88 Gonzalez Miguel Angel and Ana Gabriela Guerra Garza Benjamin G. Guerrero Jacob Guerrero Everett Nievera, MD and Haydee Te Nievera, MD Jaime H. Hinojosa ’76 Ronald H. Humphreys, Jr. ’87 Robert J. Katusak Xavier ’86 and Carole Montemayor Coach Nava Eusebio Ortiz ’57 John C. Ortiz Joe Pedraza Juan Lorenzo Rodriguez Osuna Neto Roser ’69 Mario Andres Sacramento ’10 San Benito Textiles, Inc. Carlos Humberto and Lya Patricia Sanchez Jorge Eduardo ’79 and Sonya G. Sanchez Robert and Paty Spinelli ’78 Daniels Willie Teo Ong, MD and Jacqueline Teo Ong Ignacio ’89 and Diana ’89 Torteya Carlos Armando Varela Carlos E. and Raquel H. ’91 Varela Juan and Lorna C. Varela Javier Vera ’78

In-Kind Gifts 2015-2016

BookBee Luis Arturo ’86 and Cecilia De La Garza Ernest McCollum Model Laundry, LLC John C. Ortiz Mary F. Parra Garza ’89 U.S. Customs Manuel R. and Patricia Ann Zavala

Please forgive us for any unintentional omissions. We appreciate your support.



Saint Joseph Academy Important dates

January 21: SJA Entrance Exam February 8: SJA Community Prayer Breakfast April 7: Annual SJA Style Show April 30: Annual Spring Fest May 31: SJA Graduation


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