February Counseling Newsletter

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Start of a New Year... and the Second Semester!

As we embark on the second semester, now is a great time for you and your student to do some selfreflection around the first semester and set some goals for the rest of the year.

It is during this time when we see the most growth from our students because they know what the expectation of their teachers are, and they have started to build study habits We know how much our students grow between now and spring, and you can help by making sure your child gets enough sleep each night and exercises each day Consistency also has a huge positive impact on children, so if your life is busy like most, a calendar will help so that your student knows what activities are planned for each day. This will also encourage them to continue to work on their own planner by providing a useful model for organization.

PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test)

The PSAT 8/9 is designated for students in the eighth and ninth grades; the PSAT/NMSQT is taken sophomores or juniors. For juniors, high enough marks on the PSAT/NMSQT can help a student land a National Merit Scholarship, which can mean money for college

This year, our students took the PSAT on Oct. 12th, 2022 and the results became available in December. The counselors provided the individual results to all the students during classroom presentations in January Each student should be able to login to their College Board account and see the results from year to year, as well as, do personalized practice SAT tests through Khan Academy.

Page1 SJACounselingEvents February 2023 N e w s l e t t e r N e w s l e t t e r In This Issue: Greetings 1 MiddleSchoolandHighSchoolInformation 2 CollegeCounselingInformation-Preparing 3 4 CollegeCounselingInformation-Deciding SJACounselingDepartment Page1
5 MSandHSContinuation

7th and 8th Grade

This month students will learn about SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS

They will understand more about building healthy relationships with peers, family members, and others in their life while setting boundaries. Teens can be easily influenced by their close relationships, so they need to remember their own personal moral, values and interests to make individual decisions that will help them attain their goals.


This year, 8th graders will be able to take the TSIA if they choose to do so in preparation for the high grades dual classes that start in 10th grade.

9th and 10th Grade

This quarter, ninth graders will begin exploring potential careers that match their personal strengths and interests. The students will take an assessment that will help them understand their personalities and identify possible college majors and universities. This will allow the students to get a head start on planning for a bright future.

In January, the sophomores selected one word to serve as an anchor for their goals for the year They also completed a goal setting exercise, identifying two goals pertaining to their grades, PSAT scores, writing skills or involvement in extracurricular activities. The students will continue to monitor their progress towards meeting these goals as they prepare for junior year.

11th and 12th Grade

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader" -John Quincy Adams

Whether you are a rising senior or a current senior getting ready to go off to college, being involved in your school and your community has become a critical part of the university experience Good grades, good test scores, the curriculum, and your extracurricular activities are all important, but now, top universities are looking for much more, especially when it comes to your extracurricular activities. Admissions officers want to see your long-term commitments or leadership roles rather than just listing clubs/organizations solely to make your list of activities longer Why get involved – for your personal development, to expand your network, to make an impact, and for the experience Juniors and seniors, make a difference in your school and your community by involving yourself in activities/organizations/projects that interest you and where you will make a change.

SJA Middle and High School Information
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Course Selection

In February, the three grade level counselors will start working with students on course selection The student will take a copy of their course selection form home in order for parents to review and sign. The current year course grade requirements for initial placement in an Honors level class is 94 or above; to maintain placement in an Honors level class from one year to the next, students must earn a course grade of an 85 or above. Final decision will be based upon end-of-year average in the subject area and standardized test scores, when applicable

Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA)

Starting in 9th grade, students are encouraged to attempt the TSIA in preparation for challenging themselves for dual courses.

The TSIA2 will have reading and writing combined into one section called the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and a math section

Students in Math dual enrollment classes take and pass the TSIA2 in their freshman year. Students applying to the DEEP program must pass the ELAR and attempt the Math section. Passing both the ELAR and the Math sections will satisfy the TSIA2 requirement for college enrollment in public universities in Texas.

SAT School Day for Juniors

All juniors will take the SAT at school on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. There is no need to register – this has already been taken care of for the entire class. Juniors will report to the Middle Division Gym by 7:45 AM on test day. The test will begin promptly at 8:00. Now is the time for students to start reviewing and preparing to take the SAT. Juniors can find practice materials at wwwkhanacademyorg Students or parents with questions should contact Ms. Lindsay Irwin, Testing Coordinator, at lirwin@sja.us or at extension 318.

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SJA College Counseling Information

College Student Forum

Every other year, we have an event where recent SJA alumni come back to share their personal college journey. All our students (7th-12th) listened to two or three alumni who gave classroom presentations where they shared their own college planning, preparation, and application process, as well as their current experience as a college student. We appreciate the participation of the following SJA alumni:

SamanthaGarza‘20,GabrielKauachi‘21, GigiGutierrez‘20,VictoriaGonzalez‘20, EliseEsparza‘22,CarlosSarmiento’20, ErnestoVargas‘22,MoisesTejeida‘22, SebastianHerrera‘21,EmilianoLoya‘21, RafaelVarela‘21,JacobEsparza‘19, DanielMercado‘20,DiegoAdobbati‘20, JoseAlonsoCortez‘20,DannyGarza‘20, MaxCastillo‘22,MariajoseMorales‘22, CarolinaVela‘21,JoseTomasMarin-Lee‘21

Junior Family Conferences for College Planning

After meeting with all the juniors during classroom presentations and having a Junior Parent Meeting, counselors will start scheduling individual family conferences to focus on a more personalized planning and research approach for college applications

Juniors will be meeting with their respective college counselors to start their preparation for college applications. It is important for juniors to be involved in something meaningful this summer, so please review the previous newsletter with summer program options.


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February 2023
TheCollegeTour CollegeRankings Informative LINKS for College Planning

SJA College Counseling Information

What to do after receiving a college acceptance?

Meet with your SJA college counselor to discuss your options and decisions

Consider carefully where you envision yourself being in the next four to five years

Formally either ACCEPT or DECLINE a college offer via their portal or by email (as indicated)

Register for FRESHMAN ORIENTATION for the college you have decided to attend

Review the FINANCIAL AID OFFER (Award Letter) and decide if you would like to ACCEPT or DECLINE any student or parent loans or work-study


If you feel that your financial aid offer is not accurate, then you can correct any errors on your FAFSA or explain if there has been a drastic change in your family circumstance

Select housing - pay deposit for dorm and select which dorm is best for you

Consider roommate situation - will you be assigned one or are you able to find one

Review meal plans - see what works best for you

National Decision Day is May 1 - final day to decide on a school and for a school to hold your spot

College Acceptances - Class of 2023


AbileneChristianUniversity*BaylorUniversity*HolyCrossCollege*HoustonBaptistUniversity* IncarnateWordAcademy*InstitutoTecnológicodeEstudiosSuperioresMonterrey(TEC)*Loyola University-NewOrleans*OklahomaStateUniversity*PaceUniversity*SouthernMethodist University*St Edward'sUniversity*St Mary'sUniversity*TexasA&MUniversitySanAntonio*Texas


UniversityofTexasatAustin*TheUniversityofTexasatRioGrandeValley*TheUniversityofTexasat SanAntonio*UniversityofDallas*UniversityofEvansville*UniversityofHouston*Universityof Mississippi*UniversityofNotreDame*UniversityofOklahoma*UniversityoftheIncarnateWord* WebsterUniversity

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February 2023

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