November 2022
In This Issue: 1
2 Middle School and High School Information 3 College Counseling Information - Preparing 4 College Counseling Information - Applying
Midterm Exam Dates:
We hope you are having a great experience at Saint Joseph Academy. As school counselors, we are committed to seeing that all students are given the support that they need to grow personally, academically, socially, and spiritually. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we encourage you
organization and study habits are needed. The end of the quarter was on October 14, and we want students to finish strong in the fall semester. Remember that tutoring is available Tuesday-Friday from 7:55 to 8:20 am, so make
English, English, Science, Science, Math, Math, Social Social Studies, Studies, Religion, Religion, Modern Modern Languages Languages Friday, Friday, Dec. Dec. 16 16 Mon., Mon., Dec. Dec. 19 19 Tuesday, Tuesday, Dec. Dec. 20 20 Exams Exams for for core core classes classes will will be be one one hour hour long. long. These These will will be be early early dismissal dismissal days. days. Some Some eexams xams for for non-core non-core classes classes will will be be given given before before these these days days during during regularly regularly scheduled scheduled class class periods, periods, e.g. e.g. Art, Art, Theater, Theater, or or Computer Computer Science. Science.
a plan with the corresponding teacher. In October, students in grades 8th-11th took the PSAT; we look forward to reviewing the scores to continue with the process of getting them ready for the SAT/ACT which is used for college admissions.
Positive Peer Leadership Team For two weeks at the end of August, PPLT members welcomed the SJA middle school students by having lunch and playing music as a way of engagement and socialization. During Red Ribbon Week, PPLT prepared a week of activities and on Thursday, Oct. 27 held a middle school rally as well as rallies at EDS and SMS. Here is an article for parents to be informed if a drug prevention talk
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is needed On October 31 we had UNITY DAY to help prevent bullying by uniting for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
SJA SJA Counseling Counseling Department Events
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