3rd Quarter Counseling Newsletter

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3rd Quarter Newsletter 2023-2024

SJA School Counseling Department Mission Statement The mission of the counseling department is to

conduct activities designed to respond to the

normal developmental needs of all students in

the areas of academic, personal, social, and spiritual





awareness, planning and preparation.


Start of a New Year... and the Second Semester! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. As we

prepare for this second semester, it is important to continue supporting

student success by making sure they are on time to class, they have routines and proper sleep.

By now, students have a better understanding of the schedule and academic expectations. Students should also be more organized and feel

comfortable asking for help from their teachers. Remember that tutoring is available.

PSAT - 8th through 11th - and SAT This fall was the first time students in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 took the digital PSAT. The counselors have met with 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students to distribute the paper score reports and guide them in interpreting their scores, and juniors will receive their score report next week. Parents are encouraged to go over the score reports with their students. More detailed information about the students’ performance on the PSAT are available online through the students’ College Board accounts, along with the opportunity to practice on areas in which they would like to improve. Students or parents with questions are welcome to contact the grade level counselors or the Testing Coordinator, Lindsay Irwin. Looking ahead, all juniors will take the SAT during the school day on Wednesday, March 20. There is no need for students to register individually. This SAT will also be a digital test, and students will test on their own laptops or iPads. As was the case with the PSAT, Chromebooks can not be used to take the SAT. This would be a good time for juniors to begin practicing for the SAT, and they can use their PSAT results to identify areas where they can improve. Ms. Lindsay Irwin, M.Ed.

Testing Coordinator

lirwin@sja.us * ext. 318

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SJA Counseling Department 7th & 8th Grade Parents watch middle schoolers navigate a complex world, and lately, one of the biggest hurdles seems to be social media and its effects. The impacts of social media on the youth have been the focus of much research which shows the dangers of developing social, emotional and neurological issues. The goal isn't to criticize social media, but to guide our middle schoolers towards responsible and safe usage. By encouraging open communication, setting boundaries, and monitoring content, we can empower them to navigate the digital world. Here is an informative article from the American Psychological Association;


9th & 10th Grade In November, tenth grade students enjoyed a presentation on career exploration given by Mrs. Anna Munivez of Workforce Solutions Cameron. Students learned about the cost of living by completing an exercise on TexasRealityCheck.com. They also completed interest assessments and explored information about specific professions on CareerOneStop.org. Ninth grade students will be working on career exploration activities during the third quarter. As we begin 2024, freshmen and sophomores will engage in activities designed to help them identify goals and build productive habits that will help them achieve those goals. Students will select one word to serve as an anchor for their aspirations for the year. Additional information about this process can be found on getoneword.com.

11th & 12th Grade For 11th graders, Mrs. Cisneros will be going into the classrooms to give an explanation to the PSAT scores. More presentations will follow with information about the college application process and Cialfo. Parents will be invited to an evening Junior Parent Meeting on February 20th at 6:30 in the library, and individual student-parent conferences will take place where students will be exploring colleges, scholarships, and possible areas of interest. It will be an exciting semester! 12th graders need to be communicating with their college counselors to share the decisions and scholarships offered. There is still much more happening this quarter. Seniors will be going on their Senior Retreat on January 24-26, and there are swimming meets and soccer games taking place. Most importantly, classes are still in progress, and students need to dedicate their time and effort to their school responsibilities. Colleges will still be looking for a Mid-Year Transcript and a Final Transcript from students. Continue working hard through the end of the school year.

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SJA Counseling Department

College Counseling

We are excited to announce that most seniors have finished applying to colleges and many have received their decisions. Some schools have deadlines for the beginning of 2024, so we expect more applications to be submitted. Here are some of the universities that have accepted students: Baylor University, Daemen University, De Paul University, Drake University, Fordham University, Hastings College, Hawaii Pacific University, Houston Christian University, Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC), Iowa University, Loyola University Chicago, Marymount Manhattan College, Rice University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Southern Methodist University, St. Edward's University, St. Mary's University, Texas A&M University, Texas Christian University, The New School, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas RGV, University of Texas at San Antonio, Trinity University, University of Dallas, University of Houston, University of Notre Dame, University of the Incarnate Word, and others.

College Tours

A few juniors who be attending an Engineering Conference at Texas A&M this month, will also have the opportunity to tour Rice University, University of Houston, Texas A&M University and University of St. Thomas. We are making every effort to give the entire class the opportunity to participate in at least one college tour. Last year, every senior received an invitation to attend; however, due to personal choice or schedule conflicts, not everyone participated.

Career Day

SJA Career Day will be held on Friday, February 9, 2024 and we invite parents and/or alumni to

participate as speakers in this educational event. We are honored to have Representative Erin Gámez as Keynote Speaker.

Professionals can participate in one, two or all three sessions. Each student will attend three (3) CAREER CHOICES they are interested to learn more about.

Session I: 9:10 - 9:50 am; Session II: 10:00 - 10:40 am; Session III: 10:50 - 11:30 am

If you are interested in being a presenter please contact Mrs. Vilma Wolfe or answer the form on the link below.

Presenter Interest Google Form THE COLLEGE COUNSELING DEPARTMENT Mrs. Olga Cisneros, M.Ed.

11th and 12th Grade School Counselor

Ms. Mary Beth Martin, M.Ed., M.A.

Mrs. Vilma Wolfe, M.Ed.

9th and 10th Grade School Counselor

7th and 8th Grade School Counselor

and College Counselor

and College Counselor

and Lead College Counselor

ocisneros@sja.us * ext. 354

mbmartin@sja.us * ext. 368

vwolfe@sja.us * ext. 353

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