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Automobiles and Driving on Campus

Notice. Upon admission to Saint Joseph Academy and as a condition of matriculation, students and parents will give written consent and approval to the school’ s policies regarding drugs, alcohol and tobacco.


A Privilege. The right to drive on to school property and utilize school parking is a privilege extended to students by the school.

Permits. Any student wishing to drive to school must have a parking permit. To obtain a permit, a student must have a valid driver ’ s license and proof of insurance and must register his/her vehicle(s) with the Finance Office. The permit decals are to be displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the front windshield facing out. The fee for a parking permit is $50.00 for the first and $25.00 for eachadditionalpermit. Replacementof alost parkingpermitis$25.00. Studentswhodonot purchase parking permits may not park at school. Violators will be ticketed and cars will be subject to towing at owner ’ s expense.

RulesforStudentDriving andParkingonCampus.

• The safety of all students, faculty and staff is of primary importance. • All traffic control signs on campus must be observed. • The use of cell phones by all drivers

isprohibitedwhendrivingonschool grounds.

• Theschoolisnotresponsiblefordamageto vehicles while on the campus. • Studentsmustobeyinstructionsgiveninthe form of verbal commands or hand signals by faculty or security personnel. • The maximum speed limit on campus is 10mph. • Students may not loiter in the parking lot before or after school. • Studentsarenotpermittedtoreturn

totheircars/parkinglotsduringthe school day for any reason without thepermissionof theVicePrincipal and knowledge of security personnel.

• Loud music is not permitted. • Carsillegallyparkedaresubjecttoa$20.00 fine and may be towed at the owner ’ s expense. • Cars with bumper stickers displaying inappropriate language or gestures will not bepermittedoncampus.Thesestickerswill be removed immediately. • Cars may not be left on campus over-night without the permission of the Vice

Principal. • The school reserves the right to search any vehicle if reasonable cause exists. Students havefullresponsibilityforthesecurityof their vehicles.Studentswillbeheldresponsiblefor anyprohibitedobjectsorsubstances,suchas alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weaponsthatarefoundintheirvehicles,and will be subject to serious disciplinary consequences.Searchmaybeconductedany timethereisreasontodoso,withorwithout thestudentpresent. • Students are strongly advised to leave valuables in a locked car, out of sight.

Violations. Studentsfoundtobeinviolation of these regulations, particularly operating an automobileoncampusinamannerdangerous to themselves or others are subject to revocation of school driving privileges and other disciplinary action.

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