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Appendix II: Procedures for Dances

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Appendix II:ProceduresforDances

Students must arrive no later than one hour after the announced start of the dance. Starting/ending times may vary. This information will be made clear to studentsbeforehand.

• At reservation-only dances (e.g. Homecoming,

MORP, Prom), students who arrive late will notbeallowedadmission. Parentsof Upper

Division students will be called and notified.

Parents of Middle Division students will be asked to leave with their child or will be called and asked to pick up their child.

DancessponsoredforeitherMiddleDivision or Upper Division are intended for students within those grades. Middle Division students will not be permitted to attend

Upper Division Dances. Likewise, Upper

Division students will not be permitted to attend Middle Division dances. Such studentsmayonlyattendintheircapacityas

Student Council members. • At non-reserved dances, Upper Division studentswhoarrivelatewillnotbeadmitted.

Parents of Middle Division students will be asked to leave with their child or will be called and asked to pick up their child.

Studentswhoareabsent,half-dayabsent or sent home early from school on the dayof adancemaynotattendthedance.

• Exceptions may be made by the Vice

Principal under certain circumstances (e.g. early dismissal for a doctor ’ s appointment.) • If a faculty chaperone encounters a student whowasabsentfromschoolorwasdismissed early from school, the chaperone should dismiss the student from the dance and informanadministratorimmediately. If the studentis “ stranded” withouttransportation, his/her parents should be called.

At reservation-only dances, a sign-in log willbekept.

• Allstudentsattendingthedancemustsignin upon arrival. • Students are not to be readmitted once they


Students may not leave the designated area for the dance (e.g. the Student Center)whileinattendance.

• Limited exceptions may be made only if the student is supervised by a sponsor.

Possession of drugs/alcohol at a dance or use of drugs/alcohol prior to attendingadanceisagrievousviolation of schoolpolicy.

• Students who violate this policy can expect severe disciplinary consequences.

Prior to reservation-only dances, dance policies will be reviewed with both studentsandparents.

• All students who plan to attend such dances must be present for a meeting conducted by the sponsors and administration for the purpose of reviewing dance policies. • The sponsors of the dance will prepare a letterreviewingdancepolicies,whichwillbe signed by the principal and sent to the parents of these students.

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