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Graduation Outcomes


Graduatesof SaintJosephAcademy willbeableto:

1. apply Roman Catholic teaching to the analysis of personal and social issues; 2. speakandwriteEnglishclearlyandfluently for formal and informal communication; 3. listen to and read English critically, intelligently evaluating the validity of spoken and written arguments; 4. communicateinasecondlanguagethrough the written and spoken word; 5. use critical thinking, mathematical problem-solving, and scientific methods to draw and apply conclusions; 6. apply a comprehensive understanding of ourworld-itsgeography,cultures,histories, and the natural and social processes that governit-totheanalysisof currentevents; 7. conduct and report research across disciplines; 8. use with skill the techniques of one (performing or visual) artistic medium; 9. utilize calculators, computers and the internet as tools for research, wordprocessing,datamanagement,multi-media presentations, and reference.

They arepreparedto:

1. participate in the worship and mission of the Church - particularly in service to the least favored - in an active and informed

manner; 2. employ the principles and skills of fitness andexercise,wellness,safety,teamworkand good sportsmanship; 3. lead productive lives marked by respect, generosity and compassion, effective planning and decision-making, fruitful collaboration with others, and functional processesforsolvingpersonal,interpersonal and situational problems; 4. succeed in university studies.

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