Saint Joseph Academy Viewbook 2021-2022

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Welcome to Saint JoSeph academy


e are excited for your interest in joining one of Brownsville’s most treasured educational institutions.

At Saint Joseph Academy, our central mission is to provide religious and moral formation and a college preparatory education to our students. Founded in 1865, Saint Joseph Academy is a premier, independent Marist, Catholic college-preparatory school for young men and women. At the core of the Marist educational philosophy is “to educate children you must first love them and love them all equally” and at St. Joseph Academy, you will experience unparalleled levels of care and concern. In short, we aim as our motto, Ad Astra Per Aspera, begins—“To the Stars…”. Our approach to education: Ad Astra. Our rigorous educational program goes beyond the academics to address the whole person: mind, body, spirit and heart. We cultivate qualities that establish character – such as honesty, compassion, and humility – and provide students with a holistic framework to wrestle with the many complex values of life. Saint Joseph Academy provides our students with individualized support, directed by gifted and dedicated teachers, counselors, administrators and staff who know the students and love them throughout their journey as SJA students and alumni.

Our approach to leadership: Ad Astra. Here, year after year, future leaders begin to develop their own unique voices. We ask the tough questions, facilitate conversations and experiences, and provide students with opportunities to be change-makers in our community and beyond. Leadership comes to life on our campus, preparing them be an agent of change.

Our approach to community: Ad Astra. One of the hallmarks of the Saint Joseph Academy experience is the sense of community amongst our students, faculty, staff, parents, graduates, fellow Marist school communities, and benefactors, all working together for the common 2

goal of pursuing excellence, with the formation of the whole person at the center. You’ll find this community throughout the Saint Joseph Academy experience—at monthly liturgies, during sporting events, on our courtyard, through spiritually-rich retreat programs, and within a myriad of service opportunities.

The Saint Joseph Academy ambitious ideal of “To the Stars…”, inspired by our faith, awaits your child. As we frequently share with prospective families, a decision to attend St. Joseph Academy won’t simply impact the next 4-6 years….it will impact the next 40-60 years. As you read through the pages that follow, you will see plenty of evidence that shows the all-around excellence which Saint Joseph Academy has embodied for over 150 years—Ad Astra! Mr. Michael Motyl, President

Mrs. Melissa Valadez,’90, Principal



Conducted by the Marist Brothers of the Schools and serving the children of the lower Rio Grande Valley, Saint Joseph Academy provides religious and moral formation and a college preparatory education in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. It endeavors to form young men and women who will succeed in university studies who know and love Jesus, and who actively participate in the worship and mission of the Church, including the Church’s preferential option for the poor.

markS of a mariSt Student

We are Faith-Filled Disciples: Marist students come to possess a strong sense of God and a personal relationship with Jesus, Mary and St. Marcellin Champagnat fostered through religious formation, a sacramental life, and prayer.

We are Empowered Witnesses: Marist students, recognizing Mary as their model and companion, become joyful witnesses to God’s love in their lives, enabling them to see Christ in others, to live simply, morally, and with integrity, respecting all of life and creation.

We are Agents of Justice and Service: Marist students grow in their understanding of Catholic social teaching and stand in compassionate solidarity with the least favored.

We are Servant Leaders: Marist students recognize that they are lovingly created by God with unique gifts and talents which, through their Baptism, they are called to develop and share with the Church and wider community. We are Spirit-Filled Members of Family and Community: Marist students embody a spirit which celebrates and welcomes all people as members of the one family created by God.

BE INSPIRED academic profile

“Saint Joseph Academy opened its doors in 1865 and has been providing an exceptional, Marist, Catholic education for our students ever since. We are blessed by a community that is unparalleled in its love and understanding of what is possible because of the school’s commitment to form young men and women of character, compassion and confidence.”

academic excellence

“With our rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum, Saint Joseph Academy educates the minds and hearts of each and every student in a thriving inclusive Catholic community. We make sure to provide engaging, hands-on, inquiry based learning opportunities for our students beyond the classroom, including internships, online learning opportunities, guest speakers, and field trips.”

did you knoW?

• Every student at Saint Joseph Academy will graduate with a Distinguished Academic recognition.

• Our Middle School students will earn credits toward high school graduation through successful completion of Algebra I, Environmental Systems 8, Health, Speech and Beginners Spanish


it’S all about academic excellence Over


of faculty members hOLD ADvAnCED DEgrEES

Average CLASS SizE is Student/Teacher ratio





Member of inCEA


dual enrollment partnerShipS

SJA has dual enrollment partnerships with both UTRGV and TSC where students can earn up to 35 college credits—at no additional cost to families. The TSC dual enrollment courses are taught by SJA faculty. UTRGV dual enrollment courses are taught by UTRGV faculty on the SJA campus, exclusively to SJA students. Upon successful completion of a dual enrollment course, the SJA student will have earned the college credit and an official college transcript will reflect the earned credit.

Graduation requirementS

(28 credits are required to graduate)


Religious Studies 4.0 Credits English 4.0 Credits Mathematics 4.0 Credits Science 4.0 Credits Social Studies 4.0 Credits Modern Languages 3.0 Credits Fine Arts 1.0 Credit Computer Science 1.0 Credit Physical Education 1.0 Credit Electives 1.0 Credit Health 0.5 Credit Speech 0.5 Credit All students will also complete a Writing Portfolio

ap claSSeS offered: 10

Chemistry Computer Science Principles English Language French Language Human Geography Physics I Psychology Spanish Language Spanish Literature Studio Art 2-D Design World History

honorS claSSeS offered: 14

Language Arts 7 Language Arts 8 Language Arts 9 Language Arts 10 Pre-Algebra Algebra Geometry Spanish Environmental Science Biology Chemistry Anatomy & Physiology Physics Astronomy

THE duaL EnroLLmEnT program offErEd By SJa in ConJunCTion wiTH uTrgV iS a gamECHangEr. uTrgV profESSorS arE on our CampuS TEaCHing our STudEnTS...and THE mixTurE of CoLLEgE-LEVEL profESSorS in a faiTH-fiLLEd, SmaLL CampuS EnVironmEnT iS a winning ComBinaTion.

Liz and Chad Hainley, Current parents

dual enrollment claSSeS offered: 11

English 11 English 12 Pre-Calculus Calculus US History Principles of Macroeconomics Political Sciences College Algebra


BE A CHAMPION “Bloodhound students excel on the field while never losing focus of their academic goals in the classroom. Our athletic department’s philosophy is that the student athlete’s pursuits on the field should be equally measured with those off the field. To that end, a Bloodhound athlete should pursue personal growth through academic Sports work, team experiences, and as an ambassador of teams our school. You should maintain a sense of ethical responsibility. of students The department participate in strives to maintain an athletics outstanding athletics program conducted in students have a manner that sets an been awarded example of good Academic sportsmanship.” All-State by Coach Tino Villareal, TAPPS SJA Athletic Director

13 32+ 89% 40

Being a champion as a Bloodhound means more than state and district titles. It involves discipline, hard-work, commitment and dedication of excellence on and off the playing field and/or courts. 10

in 2020-2021 THE migHTy BLoodHoundS won DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS


Cross Country Boys District Champions Football Bi-District Champions Boys Basketball District Champions, Area Champions Girls Basketball District Champions, Area Champions Boys Soccer District Champions, Area Champions Boys Track & Field District Champions Girls Track & Field District Champions Boys Tennis District Champions


pLaying fooTBaLL aT SJa impaCTEd mE By SHowing THaT pErSEVEranCE iS THE grEaTEST VaLuES To HaVE wHEn LifE THrowS SomETHing unExpECTEd your way.

Kai money ‘18

for the laSt 7 yearS, a bloodhound continued their athletic dream playinG on the colleGiate leVel

      

Abraham Caram – Texas Lutheran University, Football valeria Tapia – UTRGV, Basketball ricardo Miner – Trinity University, Football Kai Money – UT Austin, Football pablo zolezzi – Texas A&M University College Station, Track & Field ‘20 Allison Stachowiak – Texas A&M University Kingsville, Volleyball ‘20 Sergio Martinez – Marist College, Football ‘16 ’17 ’17 ’18 ’19

SportS aVailable at SJa Fall: Cheerleading ( V) Cross Country (MS, & V ) Dance ( V ) Football (MS, JV & V ) Volleyball (MS, F, JV & V ) Athletic Trainers

Winter: Basketball ( MS, F, JV & V ) Soccer (JV & V ) Swimming ( V )

Spring: Baseball ( JV & V ) Golf ( V ) Tennis ( V ) Track & Field ( MS, & V ) Weightlifting ( V ) 13

SJa SIGNATURE PROGRAMS experienceS beyond the claSSroom

The SJA Signature Programs, launching Spring 2022, is an opportunity for current 9th grade students to engage with leaders in designated fields and participate in seminars and community activities which will enhance their SJA experience. Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, incoming 9th graders will be able to apply. The three pathways to choose from include:

  

Arts & Humanities International Leadership Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

Depending on the pathway a student chooses, they will be required to take core subjects, program-related seminars, conduct research, hold active memberships in program-related organization and take part in professional shadowing and mentor programs. It will be rolled out to 9th graders in the Spring 2022, and each year a new cohort will be added. The SJA Signature Programs will eventually be open to all 9-12 grade students. 14


Meet with STEM professionals Work on STEM-related service projects Build on creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, iterative development, and math/engineering skills


Become ethical and responsible leaders Meet with community leaders Build leadership, communication, and teamwork skills through enriching seminars and service projects


Meet with talented artists, professionals Build on creativity, cross-cultural understanding, and written, oral, and visual communication skills Work on Arts/Humanities-related service projects

BE ENGAGED participation in student activities is an integral part of school life. Students are encouraged to be involved in ways that are consistent with their talents and interests. the enthusiasm generated in student activities often overflows into academic diligence. Saint Joseph academy has more than 34 clubs and a variety of activities to choose from no matter what the interest may be.




actiVitieS at SJa

         

pep rallies homecoming Week retreats catholic Schools Week community Service projects Junior Senior prom dress down days field trips class Gift project food and clothing drives

wE CHoSE ST. JoE for our daugHTErS BECauSE noT onLy iS ST. JoE THE prEmiEr CoLLEgE prEp SCHooL in THE rgV BuT for iTS VariETy of CLuBS and aCTiViTiES THaT THEy Can CHooSE from.

Karoleva Hinojosa, Current parent



Performing Arts Club national Art Honor Society national Junior Art Honor Society Band Club Choir



Say What Bloodhounds

Yearbook Project Red MD Podcasting Girls Can Code


Astronomy Club Book Club Business Club Model Un national French Honor Society national Honor Society national Junior Honor Society national Science Honor Society Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica SWAP Technology Club Chemistry Club

Active Minds

Bloodhound Ambassadors Civic Youth Group

Green Team PACS

Positive Peer Leadership Team Rotary International Interact

Student Council Prom Committee


Fishing Club Pep Squad

SJA Yogis

Style Show


Campus Ministry Good neighbor Service Project Marist Youth Missions Scripture Club UnICEF/SJA


BE A SERVANT We are equally committed to our students' academic success as we are to forming well-rounded humans with their eyes toward deepening a relationship with God. through liturgy, daily prayer, retreats, and more our students mature spiritually. at Saint Joseph academy we follow the traditions of catholic education that is known as "marist.”

the mission of marist schools is to lead young people to know and love Jesus and mary, in the belief that they all can become good christians and good citizens. inspired by marcellin champagnat, marist educators, before all else, love their students. their marial approach is marked by simplicity, family spirit, love of their work and presence in the midst of those whom they are called to serve. Saint Joseph academy creates a community of lifelong, faith-filled learners who are prepared to take their places as enlightened, educated members of a complex, diverse society. marist schools welcome all young people, whatever their backgrounds, offering each one an education which draws faith, culture, and life into harmony.



in addiTion To ouTSTanding aCadEmiC EduCaTion THE STudEnTS rECEiVE aT ST. JoE, THEy aLSo prEparE THE STudEnTS for an inCarnaTionaL ViEw of THE worLd, CiViC EngagEmEnT and SErViCE for THE Common good.

rodriguez-guillen family

     

Grade level retreats for 7th – 10th Junior encounter Senior Weekend retreat community service outreach projects marist youth Group campus ministry team

faiTH and SErViCE opporTuniTiES       

community Service class monthly liturgies bible study groups monthly feeding the homeless program Service trips daily religion classes food and clothing drives


BE PREPARED the Saint Joseph academy preparatory experience prepares each student for success in college and in life. the mission of Saint Joseph academy is to enrich the whole person through classroom instruction, use of technology and the development of the student’s intellectual, physical, social and spiritual well-being. traditionally, 99% of graduates continue their education in some of the most prestigious universities and colleges throughout the united States and worldwide. SJa students are assisted by a team of qualified, experienced counselors from as early as the 7th grade, providing an individualized college counseling plan. in addition to the personal attention that our students receive from their counselors, they are also aided in their college and career search through the cialfo college and career software program, college visit days, regular visits from college admission representatives to the SJa campus, college planning seminars, annual college fair and career day.

$8+ Million in Scholarships earned by the Class of 2021

5 Students from the Class of 2021

accepted to ivy League schools

348+ college acceptances by the Class of 2021

40% of the Class of 2021

accepted to Texas A & M University

17% of the Class of 2021

accepted to University of Texas at Austin

GETTING STARTED application proceSS


Step 1. Take the SJA Entrance Exam • to schedule an appointment to take the exam, call the office of admissions at (956) 542-3581 ext. 359 or email

Step 2. Submit your application in FACTS. • Visit the SJa website at • create account: click on the online application button and go to apply now. You will be asked to input your email address and create your own password • complete the online application form Provide all necessary information asked on the online application for the sections regarding student, parent, special services, family information, and requirements.

Step 3. Upload the following documents: (either mail or email your documents to us, or upload them into your application portal) • copy of previous year and most recent report card • copy of most recent standardized test scores (ioWa, Star, etc.) • Student photo (School picture)


Step 4. Two letters of recommendation. Electronic letters of recommendation requests can be sent from SJA’s online system before you submit the application. • provide student's english and math teachers' email

Step 5. Essay • applicants (students) must answer the indicated question in a wellwritten paragraph (4-6 sentences).

Step 6. Pay the application fee. (Application waivers are available to qualifying students: for more information please call the Admissions Office at (956)542-3581 ext.359) • priority application: november 1 • regular application: november 15 • late application: Submissions after november 15 ($75 fee)

haVe more queStionS?

Schedule a one-on-one Appointment with the Director of Admissions for a more personal experience, prospective families are invited to schedule an appointment to meet during the school day with our director of admissions or other SJa administrator. these appointments allow families to have a one-to-one discussion with a member of the enrollment team to ask additional questions as needed and tour the campus.

Schedule a Campus Tour We invite all interested students and their family to schedule a private tour of Saint Joseph academy. you will be guided on a walking tour of the beautiful grounds of the campus to include special interests such as the athletic fields, fine arts department and much more. While on this journey, you will have the opportunity to enter classrooms to see firsthand students at work. Schedule your tour today by contacting the office of the admissions

Shadow Day Program all students interested in learning more about SJa are invited to participate in our “bloodhound for a day” will spend a school day at St. Joe accompanied by a current student with similar interests. being a bloodhound for a day provides the student with insight as to why our young men and women become bloodhounds for life! Shadowing at SJa allows students to participate in a regular school day and get an early glimpse of what their own SJa school experience may look like. call the office of admissions to schedule your Shadow day.


TUITION tuition and feeS 2022-2023

Tuition: $11,520 (billed monthly from May 1, 2022 through April 1, 2023)

registration Fee for returning Students: $600 (non-refundable)

registration Fee for new Students: $650 (non-refundable)

parent Service Commitment Fee: $200 (billed with tuition July 1st and refunded to account if volunteer services are completed by parents)


i CHoSE ST. JoE for my Son BECauSE iT fELT LiKE HomE To Him. HE’S THriVEd in THE SmaLLEr SETTing and gETS onE on onE aTTEnTion from HiS TEaCHErS. THEy aLSo CHaLLEngE Him and HoLd Him aCCounTaBLE for So muCH, wHiCH iS imporTanT for a CoLLEgE prEparaTory EduCaTion. wE’rE So Happy To CaLL ST. JoE our HomE.

Christie gonzalez, current parent

tuition aSSiStance

Tuition assistance refers to funds granted to make a Saint Joseph Academy education more affordable to families. Funds for financial assistance are generated by fundraising events, the St. Joseph Academy Endowment Fund, the annual fund drive and through the contributions of generous alumni, parents and other donors. All grants are based on a family’s demonstrated financial need and the program’s availability of funds. Each year, Saint Joseph Academy distributes approximately $550,000 in tuition assistance. Close to 25% of the student body receives some form of assistance.

Families can apply online for tuition assistance through FACTS effective november 1, 2022. The deadline is February 28, 2023.

if families have not yet filed a 2021 tax return at the time of application, W-2’s and/or 1099’s for 2021 will do.

Tentative date for committee to begin review process: March 2022. Should a (new) family need to have a decision prior to March 2022, the review will be considered on a case by case basis.

For more information, visit the Admissions page of the SJA website at

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