St. Monica's Messenger, July 18

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July 2018

From the Rector’s Desk by Reverend Anthony MacWhinnie, II The dog days of summer are upon us and we’re in the long green season after Pentecost. Church, it seems, often enters into a really predictable routine. Sunday School has started back up. Youth Bible study is happening Monday nights at Casa MacWhinnie. We’re working our way through the Gospel of Mark again in lectionary year B… It’s all so ordinary in this ordinary time. Of course, St. Monica’s is anything but ordinary, though. We’ve embarked upon a Burn-a-debt program to help alleviate the monetary issues that we’re facing. As predicted last fall, we’re doing just right in terms of maintenance. The pledges are just right for keeping us afloat. Our issue is the debt we incurred from the closure of the thrift store. We just need to get over that hump. A couple of folk have really stepped up with a spirit-filled program of debt reduction for the next few months. You’ll see more information in your bulletins including pledge sheets. This inspiration comes as a result of another program, the Church Enrichment Venture, that is sponsored by our diocese. With prayer, study, and much discussion, Burna-debt was born. We hope you’ll respond, first with prayer, and then by doing what you can to help. It’s not often that we talk about tithing in the Episcopal Church, but it’s a part of our understanding of what Christians do. It’s a part of our identity. It’s a part of our formation. Tithing literally means to give 10 percent of something. The word is from the old English and it relates to the much older and biblical practice of tithing to the temple. Orthodox Jews still practice ma'aser kesafim which is tithing ten percent of their income to charity. Modern Jews in agricultural areas practice ma'aser rishon which is tithing ten percent of their crops. Tithing, for Christians, is based on all these ancient practices, and upon Jesus command in Mat-

thew 23 that we should tithe, and do so without neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Yes, tithing is what keeps the church going. But it’s more than that. It’s this idea of “first fruits.” We give back a portion to God in recognition that God has given us all that we have, even our selves… our souls and bodies… The proper thing to do is to show our gratitude and thanksgiving in our giving. In sermons, I have told the story of Trey when he was a youngster. Any time I’d give him cookies he’d gather them up, and then invariably he’d bring one over for me to share with him. In effect, he was tithing. Deep down, we know what the right thing is, even when we’re just toddlers. It’s proper. It’s fitting. It’s the right thing to do. It’s biblical. It’s a commandment. It’s tradition. Tithing is all these things. I tithe back to the church out of my salary. And every year the MacWhinnie’s try to increase their giving. It’s how we were raised. Money is a tough topic in church, well, really anywhere. But sometimes we’ve got to talk about it. Jesus wasn’t afraid to. It was important then and it’s important now. Consider the tithe. And God bless you. Anthony+

Our Staff & Vestry

Fellowship Event All 6-12th graders are invited to the home of Mia and Warren Jerrems (1407 Soundview Trail, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561) for this collaborative event with Pensacola area Episcopal youth groups. We will share a meal at 5pm followed by paddle boarding, worship, games and living into community through fellowship! This is a great time to bring a friend! We will gather on June 13, July 11 and July 18.

Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Beth Woods - Senior Warden, Jim Warner - Junior Warden Dora Giles—Treasurer Susan Early & Margaree Mills-Fitchett Kelly Fitzgerald—Clerk Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

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