May 2018
From the Rector’s Desk If April showers bring May flowers, what happens if it doesn’t rain in April? You know, the last couple of years there have been some torrential April showering, much to the detriment of the low spots on my wet property. This year, however, we seem to have experienced a reprieve. Things happen like that, don’t they? They seem to be cyclical and periodic. It’s when they get out of whack that we get out of sorts, or my yard gets soggy… We are still in the Easter season and will be for the next few weeks. May 20th is the Feast of Pentecost. We’ve been working our way through the Acts of the Apostles during the Easter season. But sometimes we forget that in chapter 2 of Acts is when the Holy Spirit descends up the Apostles. “And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” Wow! How cool is that? It’s both amazing and terrifying at the same time. I often think that this would be a very scary thing for everyone involved just because it seems to look scary, tongues of flame and all that jazz. But when we pay attention, we see that these tongues of flame EMPOWERED them. It gave them the ability to speak other languages. And the Holy Spirit is credited for putting the words in their mouths as well. Those words were words of love and acceptance, binding together those who were formerly separated. They were words of comfort and belonging. They were words of healing and hope. Seasons are changing at St. Monica’s. The Spirit is afoot and moving. Good things are happening. If you were in attendance at the Beckwith Sunday whereupon the youth led the service and even preached the sermon, I’m sure
Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Beth Woods - Senior Warden, Jim Warner - Junior Warden Dora Giles—Treasurer Susan Early & Margaree Mills-Fitchett Sally Putters - Parish Nurse
you saw some of that firsthand yourself. We’re moving in a positive direction, I think led by the Holy Spirit. Let’s use those tongues of flame out in the world. Let people know there’s something special going on at St. Monica’s. You are their window to see in, and their personal invite to the table. “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” Anthony+
Sunday, May 6 Fried Chicken will be provided Please bring a covered dish or dessert. Please invite someone to join you and celebrate our church and its ministries.
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Are you prepared for a storm? By Nurse Sally Putters
Hurricane season in the South begins June 1. Are you ready? It is not too early to be thinking about possible hurricanes and summer storms. There are several good publications relating local resources, including TV and radio stations that produce good programs Here are a few reminders for you: Do you plan to leave your home? If so, notify someone where you are going and provide a phone number where they can reach you. For a list of shelters close to you, visit If you need a Medical Shelter, call Escambia County Health Dept. or Emergency Management. If a medical shelter is needed for you or a family member, someone is required to stay with the person at the shelter to provide needed care. Important things to note are: Can the sick person sit up in a wheel chair? Is transportation to a medical shelter a problem (plan to leave early)? What medical equipment is needed? If you plan to stay home, you will need to ensure you have a two-week supply of medications for everyone in your party. You will need enough drinking water for each person for five days. You will need enough non-perishable food to last five to seven days that does not require electricity for preparation. Do you have flashlights and batteries, battery powered radio, and first aid supplies? Do you have medical equipment (like a C-pap machine or oxygen generator) that requires electricity? If so, contact the equipment provider about a back-up plan. Are you receiving home health care, hospice services or dialysis treatment? Be sure to have the phone number of the equipment provider with you. How will you receive these services if there is no electricity or roads are impassible? Are you using medical supplies on a regular basis (bandages, catheter supplies)? Be sure to take along enough to last one week. Finally, be sure to secure objects in your yard and protect windows, etc. Hopefully none of this will be necessary, and you won't need to activate an emergency plan. But if we do get a storm and you do need to evacuate, make sure someone knows where you are and what your plans are so you can be accounted for. Visit for more information on hurricanes and hurricane preparedness. Help us spread the word that next month Sacred Heart’s Mission in Motion will provide another FREE health clinic for our community. They will provide Osteoporosis Screenings at the church on Thursday, July 28 from 9:00 until 11:30 am. Please mark your calendars and share with your friends. Good Health and Good Luck, Nurse Sally
Paper goods & peanut butter drive Being prepared to welcome members and visitors to the church means anticipating and covering all of the potential supply needs for various activities. A properly stocked and organized church closet is an often overlooked but key ingredient in providing an atmosphere for community worship, and positive experiences. Office supplies and paper goods can be expensive, but they are essential to what the church does. From bulletins, signup sheets and postage stamps to paper plates, plastic utensils and paper towels, it takes a lot of paper to keep the church going. This month we are asking you to focus within for our Charity of the Month and provide some important items. We are currently in need of 8” and/or 9” dinner size paper plates, 6” paper dessert plates, dinner napkins, paper bowls, paper towels and plastic forks, spoons, and knives. We have plenty of cups on hand at present time. Don’t forget to shop wisely and look for buy-one, get-one offers. For the office, we need legal-size (8.5 x 14) copier paper and postage stamps. In addition, the peanut butter supply we received earlier this year for our Beans and Rice Ministry is running low. We have found that this is an important offering for the people we serve, especially those who have children. And with school ending soon, there will be a greater need as children will be home for the noon day meal. Please help us serve them by donating jars of both smooth and crunchy peanut butter during the month of May.
Jim Morningstar
Beth Woods
To the glory of God Valerie Smith
Fred Woods Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart Connie Chamberlin & Chuck Barnett
Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner Carol Farrel Nancy Arbabrite, Rita Nicholls To the glory of God Beth Woods
Beth Woods
Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart
John Velaski & Carol Farrel
Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles
Beth Woods
St. Monica’s Day Bring Sides Audrey Westbrook, Rowena Chaapal
To the glory of God
Jim Morningstar
John Velaski
Lector Epistle Reading
Coffee Hour
Eucharistic Visitor
Ray Farrel
Connie Chamberlain, Bernice Warner
Valarie Smith & Carol Farrel
Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart
Bill Heart
Beth Woods
John Velaski
POTLUCK Carol Farrel.& Kathy Vail
Carol Farrel
Beth Woods
To the glory of God
Nancy Argabrite & Rita Nicholls
Carol Farrel
Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles
Ray Farrel & Jim Warner Ann Philen
John Velaski and Carol Farrel
Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart
Beth Woods
Trey Mac Whinne
Kathy Vail
Ron Philen
June 3
John Velaski & Tom Chaapel
Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart
Ray Farrel
Bill Heart
* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.
Carol Farrel
To the glory of God
Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett
John Velaski
Trey Mac Whinne
Carol Farrel
Chuck Barnett
Bill Heart
John Velaski
Kathy Vail
Ray Farrel
May 27
Lector 1st Lesson
Ron Philen
May 20
John Velaski
May 13
Eucharistic Minister
May 6
Service Schedule for May 2018
May Prayer Requests
Military and First Responders Prayer List
Barbara Anagnostis Ruth Bates Nathaniel Beadle Chuck Collins Bea Collins Bill Cross Maurice Currie Tammy Edwards Tracie Ferguson Amy Franklin Twyla Hinton Bob Matlock
Adam Blankenship Brian Condon Field Cross Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Justin Hanson
Frank Murphy John Nicholls IV Rachel Palma Ashton Shelly Sackett-Williamson Rusty Sellers Texann Stephens
Birthdays in May
None presently recorded
Anniversaries in May 22, Ray & Carol Farrel
Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at
Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!
William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott
Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves. May6, 2018 Walton Correctional Institution, De Funiak Springs, Florida May 13, 2018 Atmore Community Work Center, Atmore, Alabama May 20, 2018 Camden Work Release, Camden, Alabama May 27, 2018 Easterling Correctional Facility, Clio, Alabama