St. Monica's Messenger, June 18

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June 2018

From the Rector’s Desk As I sit at my desk in Thee House, it has just started to rain. We haven’t had many thunderstorms this year yet, so the flash of lightning and the roll of thunder after is somehow unfamiliar again. The cool rain on the hot railroad tracks across the street is causing steam to rise and roll down the tracks and over the rip rap and then over the grass. It’s ethereal. I mention to an old friend online that if I were to take a picture, that it just wouldn’t do it justice. He sent me this picture of a woman enjoying the moment, while all around her people try to capture the moment. She’s the only one really seeing the spectacle. They’re all worried about some other time, not the moment. I told him that some things were meant to be experienced, not preserved. Earlier today, another old friend and I were lamenting that our children were getting older. There are all these “lasts” happening right now; last day of school, last day in middle school, last time he’ll coach his son. I told him how I’d realized the other week that we’d only have my son with us for another five years or so before he went off to college. I’d planned on taking him on another backpacking trip next year. Upon that realization, I had to move the trip up to this fall. My friend quoted the Red Hot Chili Peppers to me, “This life is more than just a read through.” Something about now is telling me to Carpe Diem. We have to seize every moment of our lives because it really is fleeting! Psalm 144 says, “O LORD, what are human beings that you regard them, or mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a passing shadow.” In Psalm 102 it says, “My days are like an evening shadow; I wither away like grass.” In Isaiah it says, “A voice says, "Cry out!" And I said, "What shall I cry?" All people are grass, their constancy is like the flower of the field.” Suddenly, when Jesus says this in Luke, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Beth Woods - Senior Warden, Jim Warner - Junior Warden Dora Giles—Treasurer Susan Early & Margaree Mills-Fitchett Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

kingdom of God.” it all makes sense… Here, Jesus is telling us to seize the moment, seize the day, Carpe Diem! Hold on and don’t look back! So, today, I tell you to tell your loved ones that you love them. Do that cool thing you’ve been meaning to do. Start that exercise program. Stop putting off that doctor’s appointment. Take that class you’ve been thinking of taking. Learn to cook your momma’s biscuits. Take that risk. Be the you of your fantasies. Do it today. Carpe diem. And don’t look back. Anthony+

Fellowship Event All 6-12th graders are invited to the home of Mia and Warren Jerrems (1407 Soundview Trail, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561) for this collaborative event with Pensacola area Episcopal youth groups. We will share a meal at 5pm followed by paddle boarding, worship, games and living into community through fellowship! This is a great time to bring a friend! We will gather on June 13, July 11 and July 18.

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Pain Management By Nurse Sally Putters

Not all medications are equal! Summer is almost here. Flowers are blooming. The sun is shining and beckoning you to your garden. It is great to get oud and work the soil but at the end of the day, your body aches and it’s hard to straighten up. Here are some information regarding over-the-counter medications for the pain and suffering of yard work. You will find these medications on the same shelf and aisle at the grocery store or your pharmacy. Which do you choose? Acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. They are all there, but you need to know that they work differently with different side effects and drug interactions, even though they might all be pain relievers, there are important differences. Acetaminophen is a pure analgesic. It fights fever and eases pain but does not reduce inflammation. If you have a swollen joint, it may not be helpful. If the pain is due to inflammation, it will not be the best choice. Acetaminophen is metabolized by your liver and taking too much may cause liver damage. For this reason, you should minimize your alcohol intake while using acetaminophen. Anti-inflammatories: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) double as analgesics and inflammation fighters. The oldest NSAID is aspirin, which can be effective for mild pain. However, aspirin may cause gastrointestinal (GI) irritation, ulcers and bleeding. If you experience GI upset from aspirin, try entericcoated brands which are gentler on the stomach. Aspirin is widely used to prevent cardiovascular events because it inhibits your blood’s ability to clot. This can be especially high risk I used in combination with blood thinners. Always check with your doctor regarding the use of aspirin. Like aspirin, the other NSAIDs, Ibuprofen and naproxen may cause GI problems, especially among older adults and people who consume three or more alcoholic drinks per day. While aspirin is used for cardiovascular event prevention, ibuprofen and naproxen carry warnings of increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. The risk may increase the longer you use them, especially if you have cardiovascular risk factors. Ibuprofen and naproxen may increase blood pressure. They may also cause kidney damage. Naproxen may have an advantage as it is taken twice per day, whereas ibuprofen is used every four to six hours. The choice of pain reliever will depend on your overall health and any coexisting medical conditions you may have. The next time you see your doctor, ask if you have pain should you take aspirin, NSAIDs or acetaminophen. Find out which is the best option for you. Happy gardening, Nurse Sally.

Council on Aging– Charity of the month Council on Aging of West Florida is a local, independent 501(c)(3) not-forprofit organization that has served seniors and their families since 1972. Council on Aging of West Florida helps seniors in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties live healthy, safe and independent lives in their own familiar surroundings by providing community based, in-home programs and services such as Meals on Wheels and Alzheimer's respite care, which is provided by an Adult Day Health Care Center. Other programs and services include case management, the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs, caregiver support and training, and the operation of numerous senior dining sites throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. The Retreat is a special place, and experience, that has been described as refreshing, supportive, fun, assuring, caring and heartwarming by those who participate and their families. It is a place that provides a positive change of environment that can be beneficial to participants and caregivers. The Retreat offers a stimulating day experience for older adults with physical and cognitive impairments. Participants enjoy a full day of activities, social interaction and recreation in a safe, protective at-home like atmosphere. Family caregivers gain peace of mind knowing their loved ones are in a safe place while they go off to work or get much needed respite. To arrange a tour, call 850-2662503. We invite you to support Council on Aging by providing cash donations or any of the following items. Council on Aging wish list: Individually wrapped snacks: crackers, cookies, potato chips Individual cups of: pudding, Jello – sweet or artificially sweetened, fruit or applesauce For Crafts: cheap paper plates, pom-poms, glitter & glitter glue, wiggle eyes, construction paper, larger pipe cleaners, ribbon, used greeting cards For birthday parties or seasonal parties: colorful small paper plates, colorful small paper napkins, table or wall decorations NOTE: The crafts and paper items can be partial packages that can be combined as needed. NO crossword puzzles or word puzzles, please.

ECW Meeting Sunday, June 3 After church In the Parish Hall

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What is Cursillo By Kathy Vail

Cursillo is a Spanish word which means “short course”. It is a lovely uplifting weekend held at Camp Beckwith a few times a year. It is designed to help church leaders get closer to Christ. Part of continuing the Cursillo experience is a reunion group that meets regularly to talk about close moments to Christ, study and action. It is a support group that anyone can attend before or after their Cursillo weekend. There is a weekend coming up beginning September 13 and we would love to see some St Monica folks attend. It runs Thursday evening through Sunday evening and it is free to you. Couples can attend and stay together. Please let me know as you need a sponsor. Our reunion group meets every other Wednesday at 5:30 pm in the church Parish Hall. Feel free to join us. God bless.

Why is CEV important?

Why is the Congregational Enrichment Venture important? Last year, your team members answered a call to participate in the CEV program to see how the Spirit might lead. We wanted to learn what kind of qualities, interactions and relationships create and sustain healthy churches so we can help foster those qualities at St. Monica’s. We wanted to explore what kind of leadership broadens the mission of local congregations, what hidden dynamics might frustrate the life of the church, and learn creative ways to address change and conflict when they occur. One of the first things we discovered when we explored our recent history was that it has been bumpy and disconcerting for many. Out of that came the Service of Reconciliation and Healing that was held in November. We are currently working on having one-on-one conversations with our neighbors in the hope of creating relationships with the community. Fr. Anthony’s Barbecue Ministry has unexpectedly produced some of those conversations. We are hoping that the Community Flea Market next week will also help to further foster relationships. Your team members, Fr. Anthony, Chuck Barnett, Margaree Mills-Fitchett, Kathy Vail, Beth Woods and Viv Welch are praying continually as we intentionally look to the Holy Spirit to guide us in seeking a way forward that is shaped by Holy Spirit and is uplifting to all, both inside St. Monica’s and in the wider community.

Attention youth!

You are invited to summer Bible study at the MacWhinnie house. We will meet on most Monday evenings (see schedule below) this summer at 5:30. We start with a Bible study and discussion, followed by an excellent dinner cooked by Father Anthony and a swim in the pool. The evening will wrap up at 7:30. You are encouraged to bring friends. Please reach out to Elizabeth MacWhinnie if you have any questions at 850-736-6126 or

June 4, 18, 25 July 2, 23, 30 August 6

Located at

St. Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 S. Hwy. 95-A Cantonment, FL

Featuring ECW Rummage Sale, Lu La Roe, Sentsy, Tupperware, homemade soap, cutlery, woodwork by Ray & More!

Beth Woods Ann Philen & Jane MacWhinnie Westbrook Jim Morningstar

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart Connie Chamberlin and Chuck Barnett Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner

Carol Farrel Susan Early & Jennifer Johnson To the glory of God Valerie Smith

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart

John Velaski and Carol Farrel

Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles

Beth Woods

Dora Giles & Julie Hart

To the glory of God

Beth Woods

John Velaski





Coffee Hour



Eucharistic Visitor

Ray Farrel

John Velaski and Tom Chaapel

Valarie Smith and Carol Farrel

John Velaski

Beth Woods

Carol Farrel

Valerie Smith

To the glory of God

Audrey Westbrook & Rowena Chaapel

POTLUCK Jane Macwhinnie & Deanna Jones

To the glory of God

Carol Farrel

Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles

John Velaski and Carol Farrel

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart

Beth Woods

Trey MacWhinnie

Kathy Vail

Ron Philen

July 1

Ann Philen

Ray Farrel & Jim Warner

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart

Ray Farrel

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Gabe Hernandez Amy Hart

Bill Hart

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.

Carol Farrel

Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett

Fred Woods

Beth Woods

Lector Epistle Reading

Bill Hart

Beth Woods

Ray Farrel

Trey MacWhinnie


Carol Farrel

John Velaski

June 24

Chuck Barnett

Bill Hart

Kathy Vail

Ray Farrel

Lector 1st Lesson

Ron Philen

June 17

John Velaski

June 10

Eucharistic Minister

June 3

Service Schedule for June 2018

June Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Ashton Jessica A. Barbara Anagnostis Ruth Bates Nathaniel Beadle Sandra Bruce Bea Collins Chuck Collins Bill Cross Maurice Currie Tammy Edwards Heather F. Tracie Ferguson Amy Franklin Debbie Fulgham Mary H.

Adam Blankenship Brian Condon Field Cross Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Justin Hanson

Rosanna H. Brenda Herbert Twyla Hinton Bob Matlock Frank Murphy John Nicholls IV Nisi Jessica P. Rachel Palma Donna S. Shelly Sackett-Williamson Sarah and Riley Rusty Sellers Texann Stephens Sybil Williams

Birthdays in June

3, Jim Morningstar; 8, Beth Woods; 20, Bill Putters; 29, Gary Beadle

Anniversaries in June

16, Bill & Norma Ramsey; 17, Robert & Audrey Westbrook; 19, Bill & Kathy Vail; 22, Earnest & Jennifer Johnson

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

James Klinginsmith William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves. June 3, Elba Work Release, Elba, Alabama June 10, Fountain / JO Davis Correctional Facility, Atmore, Alabama June 17, Holman Correction Facility, Atmore, Alabama June 24, Loxley Work Release, Loxley, Alabama

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