Change Makers

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Student Design Awards 2012/13

Change Makers

Awards There are two awards for this brief:

Use design to eliminate waste, overproduction or excessive consumption

Paid internship at Waitrose in the – up to four A3 boards (max. four) showing Graphic Design Team design development and final designs Renumeration: £2,500 – ‘The Big Idea’ – a short, typewritten text (in addition, the winning student will (max. 250 words, sans serif, 14pt type) also receive a Royal Mail cash award of that captures your idea and helps the jury £1200, for a total payment of £3,700) to quickly understand your solution, the Duration: 12 weeks process by which you reached it and the Location: Waitrose Headquarters, benefits you believe it will create Bracknell, Berkshire – one sketchbook (photocopied pages The winning student will have the from your sketchbook will be accepted) opportunity to work in the small but illustrating development of your solution highly productive graphic design studio at in response to the brief the business headquarters in Bracknell, Berkshire. The placement will provide All work (except sketchbooks) should real working experience and the student be submitted on A3 lightweight card can expect to complete more than one or foam board and all items (boards, piece of published work. This will involve sketchbook, written statement) should taking the brief, presenting their own have an RSA label on the back. Please creative work and managing production, do not submit work in plastic sleeves or which will include commissioning and in boxes. These requirements are in the art directing photography, illustration interests of students to ensure the safety and artwork. The scope is varied and of their work whilst in storage and transit, covers own label packaging, promotional and to ensure that it can be displayed for brochures, magazines, corporate identity judging in an efficient manner. and more. Submissions are due by Friday, Paid internship at 22 March 2013 at 17:00. Please see Springetts Brand Consultants the Schedule of Key Dates for further Renumeration: £2,500 information. (in addition, the winning student will also receive a Royal Mail cash award of Further notes for entrants £1200, for a total payment of £3,700) You have a maximum of four A3 boards, Duration: 12 weeks a sketchbook, and a written summary not Location: Central London exceeding 250 words to communicate We are an independent UK-based, your solution to the judges. You have to international design consultancy working distil your weeks or months of work into on brands across many categories, a story that is digestible in a short period from the large and global to the small of time. Imagine it like an advert and sell and local. From brand creation and your work to the judges. the development of brand positioning strategies to maintaining the saliency Any models or mock-ups should be of well-established household names. submitted as photographs or print-outs The winning student will have the mounted on one of your A3 boards – do opportunity to work on a range of live not submit 3D work at this stage. If you projects in the office. are short-listed for interview, you are welcome to bring mock-ups and models, Please note that the judging panel may but for ease of judging at the first stage, decide on more than one winner for only 2D material is accepted. the awards above and will allocate the award/s accordingly.

Brief Create and produce a design solution that persuades people to consume less, reduce waste and to be more efficient with the planet’s resources. Scope For the purposes of illustration only, the following would all be viable responses: – a persuasive communications campaign that promotes sustainable production and consumption – a behaviour change strategy or service that helps people consume less – a powerful graphic display of statistical information – a product whose lifecycle exemplifies cradle-to-cradle production – a product designed to serve for longer than usual and/or a product that can be easily repaired, eliminating the need for replacements – a learning toolkit for designers to better understand the impact of their design decisions – a product and service design combination that leads to the use of less materials … and many others are possible.


RSA Projects Student Design Awards 2012/13 Website: Email: Page 17/20

Submission requirements Entries should comprise of the following:

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