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Patented, produced by PHC Fasteners (pgb-Europe’s joint-venture factory), ETA approved and with an environmentally friendly coating... Torque Magazine uncovers the elements behind the successful Hapax wood screw...
You don’t have to look far for reasons why the Hapax wood screw is so popular with professionals. They owe their favourable status with top craftsmen and women to their low screw‐in torque combined with a high screw‐in speed. Work‐ing with Hapax wood screws saves time, says pgb‐Europe, the company behind these quality and patented wood screws. The design is based on years of experience and the screws are produced and packaged under strict quality requirements. In addition, the environmentally friendly BlueTop coating provides an extra corrosion resistance which is up to 10 times higher than conventional galvanisation. And that’s all without mentioning that these screws have successfully obtained a European Technical Assessment (ETA). Hapax wood screws are produced with strict quality controls in pgb‐Europe’s own production facility, PHC Fasten‐ers, in Vietnam. By choosing to invest in its own production
Hapax’s patented “triple thread point” is backed by the unique geometry of the countersunk milling segment under the head of the screw.

facility, pgb‐Europe retains total control over the entire production process and is therefore able to guarantee and meet the highest requirements and standards. What makes these screws really unique is the patented “triple thread point” and the equally patented unique geome‐try of the countersunk milling segment under the head of the screw. The “triple thread point” ensures that the screw grips the wood quickly and holds it firmly when being screwed in due to its low insertion point. This guarantees that the screw is highly suitable for use in demanding applications (such as a timber frame construction) and reduces the risk of splitting the wood to a minimum. The specially shaped milling ribs under the head sink into the wood easily and block on metal without damaging it. When you combine the “triple thread point” and the countersunk milling ribs with an optimised thread, these elements ensure a low tightening torque without compromising the high pull‐out value. The Hapax screws, build on a number of strong advantages: a solid and high‐quality fastening and a pure gain in time. This high‐quality screw is also upgraded with a unique Blue‐Top coating. The BlueTop coating offers up to 10 times more corrosion resistance in a neutral salt spray test than traditional galvanisation. This makes the screw ideal for use in open construction without direct exposure to the elements, such as under carports or pergolas. As a result, the screws meet the requirements of service class II according to Eurocode 5. The BlueTop coating is free of chromium VI and meets all the requirements of REACH / ROHS. This ensures that the environmental impact during production and recycling is reduced to a minimum. As mentioned before, the Hapax wood screws have recently obtained an ETA assessment for the vari‐ous screws from 3mm to 8mm diameter, for use in wood constructions. In addition, they are also CE marked. The Hapax wood screw is stocked within an extensive prod‐uct range and is available as a wood screw or construction screw with a choice between partial or full thread. The screws are packaged in a sturdy window box. The box can be opened in the front (flap) as well as from the top (fully opened, making it easier to reach for the screws). There is a stick‐fit in each box, so that professionals always have the right bit in their hand. This means that the screw can be screwed in without having to hold it. A full range of Hapax screws can also be purchased together with the handy L‐Boxx.