Stamp News Australasia December 2014

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VOL.61 Number 12



AU ST R A LI AN STAMPS Perfect to collect or as Christmas gifts!


Concession Stamp miniature sheet

95 109 2014 Collection of Australian Stamps $

Individually numbered and limited to 7,000

95 134 2014 Collection of Australian

95 34 Australian Territories



Stamps Executive edition.

Collection of Stamps 2014

Released 4 November 2014 at participating Post Offices, via mail order on 1800 331 794 or online at while stocks last.

Stamp News Australasia is published monthly by: Kevin Morgan ABN 61 577 987 652 Phone: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes Subscriptions Manager: David Woodberry Printed by: Printgraphics

Contents Articles Australian Impressions: David Mallen .........................................8 Cinderella Corner: Tony Presgrave ............................................ 14 New Caledonia: Christer Brunström ......................................... 18 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 22 Looking at New Zealand: Graeme Morriss ............................... 32 Revenue Review: Dave Elsmore ................................................. 42 Introducing the APF: Ian McMahon .......................................... 48 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................... 52

Information News........................................................................................................6 Reviews ............................................................................................... 36 Trading Post....................................................................................... 68 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......70 Calendar.............................................................................................. 73 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......74 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......78 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82

Newsagent Distribution: Network Services


philatelic news

Presentation of the CG Award 2014

International winners: USA twice on the podium along with Germany Top ranking The CG Award 2014 goes two times to USA

On occasion of the 32nd International Stamp Fair in Sindelfingen this year, the CG Awards were bestowed for the second time. There was no vacant seat available in the flower-decorated hall when the donor of the prize, the owner of the auction house Christoph Gärtner, went to the microphone to open the ceremony. He first presented the international jury: Walter Marchart, former Vice President of the German Federation of Philatelists (BDPh); Patrick Maselis (Belgium), President of the Club of Monte-Carlo and President of the Belgian Academy of Philately; Rainer von Scharpen, Secretary General of the AIJP and Chairman of the Office of Research and Literature within the BDPh, as well as Henk Slabbinck (Belgium), former President of the European Academy of Philately (AEP). In his short welcoming speech Gärtner emphasized the international character of the prize. Even if the majority of participants came from Germany, the total of 68 entries had arrived from all over the world: from New Zealand, Hong-Kong, Nepal and India, from Brazil, Columbia and San

6 - Stamp News

Salvador, the USA and Canada, not to forget Malta, Scandinavia, Great Britain and the neighbouring states of Germany. Each juror attributed his points according to well-defined guidelines in complete ignorance of the score awarded by his associates and without the possibility of discussing the decisions. All data were then entered into a computer which determined the ranking up to the second decimal place – as a matter of fact this was necessary in many cases! In this way, even for the attendant jury members the announcement of the winners was full of suspense up to the last moment. The highest award including prize money of 3.000 € was attributed to the Philatelic Classics Society from the USA, followed by the Collectors Club of Chicago. Ranks three to ten were taken by societies and study groups from Germany, Brazil, Great Britain and the USA. In creating the award, the son of a teacher Christoph Gärtner would not be himself did he not cling to two matters very dear to his heart in his life philosophy: innovation and the promotion of youth philately. As a consequence a special prize endowed with 1500 € was awarded for the best digital presentation: the winner was Stephan Jürgens with his website It deals with an Italian canceling machine which he presents from the most divers points of view and by making a voluminous cancellation archive available to the users. The special Youth Promotion Prize was carried off by the club Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Hessen e.V. They impressed the jury by their broad array of material to attract youngsters to philately: school time tables, memory games as well as an outline of the history of the Federal Republic of Germany where stamps were skillfully used as visual memory aids. In view of the broad echo which the CG Award found this year, one should not be surprised if the forthcoming competition broke the sound barrier of one hundred participants.

Australian Impressions

Australia Post’s “Limited Edition” Stamps Introduction

It all began in 2005. On 10th November that year Australia Post released a range of expensive “limited-edition” products. They called it their “Impressions” range and published a special catalogue showing all the “unique gifts and collectables” available. They have been doing it ever since. A lot of the products don’t even contain stamps. The details of 2005 to 2007 were summarised in Part 1 in a previous edition of Stamp News. Here is a summary of the 2008 to 2009 “Impressions” releases that contained new mint Australian stamp variations. (I have excluded the Annual Mint and CTO Collections, Souvenir Stamp Sheets (SSS), products containing cancelled stamps and products that do not contain a new stamp variation.)


This year’s products were released in mid- to lateNovember. The main feature was a second ‘Behind the Stamp’ prestige booklet. Only 8 products contained stamp variations. The details below are a summary of my article in February 2009 Stamp News.

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08-1 Behind the Stamp (Issue 2) prestige booklet: This was the second ‘Behind the Stamp’ booklet. It contained 6 pages of stamps – 3 with perforated stamps and 3 with imperforate copies of the same stamps – a total of 22 stamps. 10 stamps were reprints of pre-decimal issues. 12 stamps were reprints of decimal stamps. All were very different from the original issues. All 22 stamps contained a microdate ‘2008’ year code. The imperforate 45c Polly Woodside stamp had an integrated tab on the left. Behind The Stamp (Issue 2) – Reprints (14th November 2008) Stamp Original Issue Date th 1d Australia Armed Forces 15 July 1940 1½d Opening of Parliament House 9th May 1927 5d Dame Nellie Melba 20th September 1961

David Mallen

1/- Olympic Games, Melbourne 2/- Olympic Games, Melbourne 15c Christmas 1977 20c Aboriginal Art 36c First Fleet Departure – Convicts 45c Bradman – Portrait 45c Polly Woodside + tab $1 Sheep – Corriedale

31st October1956 31st October 1956 31st October 1977 29th September 1971 13th May 1987 23rd January 1997 19th March 1999 27th February 1989

08-2 Aviation minisheet pack: Minisheet containing 4 x $2 A380 stamps (perf 13.9 x 14.6) with gloss red embellishment • Limited Edition = 5000

Part 2 : 2008–2009 •

08-3 Baden Powell pack: Papua New Guinea minisheet Uruguay minisheet Portugal minisheet and stamp Minisheet with 4 x $2 Scouting stamps (perf 13.9 x 14.6) • Embroidered World Scout badge • Limited Edition = 1000 • • • •

• •

pack.) Imperforate “Remembrance” minisheet with a se-tenant strip of five 50c Lest We Forget: ANZAC Day stamps Minisheets were numbered in gold Special $1 gold coin Limited Edition = 1000

08-5 Donald Bradman folder: • •

• •

Released on 14th November Sheetlet of 10 x 45c Bradman Memorial stamps. (Same as the original 2001 issue.) Numbered sheetlet of 4 x 50c Bradman’s Baggy Green stamps. (Originally issued in March 2005. No ‘2008’microdate.) $5 Bradman coin Limited Edition = 750

08-6 Megafauna print frame: 08-4 Lest We Forget (WW1) folder: • •

Released on 14th November Imperforate “90th Anniversary” minisheet with a se-tenant strip of 2 pairs of 50c Lest We Forget: ANZAC Day stamps. (It was previously issued with perforated stamps on 3rd November in the special ‘Australia and War’ commemorative

Released on 19th November Imperforate minisheet containing 4 x 50c & 2 x $1.10 stamps • Large print of the original artwork • Limited Edition = 500 • •

Stamp News - 9

Australian Impressions

Australia Post’s “Limited Edition” Stamps 08-7 Dinosaurs prestige booklet: Released on 19 November Titled: “from small things big things grow” 4 pages containing previously released stamps: - 1993 Dinosaur Era: 4 x 45c, 75c & $1.05 - 1997 Prehistoric Animals: 5 x 45c - 2005 Creatures of the Slime: 5 x 50c & $1 - 2008 Megafauna: 4 x 55c & 2 x $1.10 • The 1993, 1997 & 2005 stamps were microdated with the ‘2008’ year code th

• • •

08-3 Baden Powell pack Lest We Forget 08-4 (WW1) folder Donald Bradman 08-5 folder Megafauna print 08-6 frame Dinosaurs prestige 08-7 booklet Aviation 08-8 imperforate sheet (2 panes)



















$135.55 $139.95 $0.20


$6.00 $198.00

178 $243.10 $358.60 $601.70 Note: The face value of pre-decimal stamps has been converted to decimal currency. Totals

2009 08-8 Aviation imperforate sheet: Released on 25th November via telephone lottery 12 minisheets containing a block of 4 x $2 imperforate A380 gloss red stamps

• •

Impressions 2008 #


Behind the Stamp 08-1 (Issue 2) prestige booklet Aviation minisheet 08-2 pack

10 - Stamp News

Face No. of Value of Stamps Stamps

Cost of “Packaging”










The ‘Behind the Stamp’ prestige booklet continued this year with Issue 3. It again contained pre-decimal stamps and decimal stamps and minisheets with many variations from the original issues. The ‘Celebrating 200 Years’ Collection was the most expensive product costing $750. This year also saw the release of Australia’s first imperforate self-adhesive stamp. The details below are a summary of my articles in January and February 2010 Stamp News. 09-1 Behind the Stamp (Issue 3) prestige booklet: The third booklet in the ‘Behind the Stamp’ series

David Mallen

contained 8 pages of stamps – 4 with perforated stamps and 4 with imperforate copies of the same stamps – a total of 40 different stamps and minisheets. The pre-decimal stamps were quite different from the originals. The Dinosaur minisheets are slightly larger than the original. The 9c ‘overprint’ on the 8c Opal stamp was a ‘simulated’ overprint. All stamp images were microdated with the “2009” year code. The imperforate 41c Cycling stamp is Australia’s first full imperforate self-adhesive stamp! Behind The Stamp (Issue 3) – Reprints (23rd November 2009) Stamp Original Issue Date 1d red King George V 8th December 1913 1d green Queen Elizabeth 10th May 1937 2½d John Shortland 8th September 1947 3½d Christmas 1957 6th November 1957 4c 150 Years of Banking 5th April 1967 7c Metric Conversion - Length 7th March 1973 7c Gemstones – Agate 11th July 1973

Part 2 : 2008–2009

9c on 8c Gemstones - Opal 16th October 1974 41c Sports Series - Cycling 16th May 1990 4 x 45c, 75c & $1.05 Australia’s Dinosaur 1st October 1993 Era (minisheet) 09-2 Gold-foil Songbirds: Released on 2nd November • 4 paper stamps, identical to the original 9th September issue • 4 gold-foil stamps. Simulated perforation (10.0 x 10.2) and no gum on the back. Etched image similar to the designs of the paper stamps • Limited Edition = 1000 •

09-3 Classic Toys – Cyclops: • •

Released on 18th November A minisheet containing a block of 4 ‘Cyclops Pedal Car’ stamps. It was identical to the page in the prestige booklet issued on 25th September, without the page number.

09-4 Kookaburra folder: Released on 23rd November Minisheet with 4 x 20c 1978 ‘Kookaburra’ National Stamp Week stamps, identical to the original 25th September 1978 issue. • Minisheet with 4 x 55c 2009 ‘6d Kookaburra’ Australia’s Favourite Stamps. It is identical to • •

Stamp News - 11

Australian Impressions

Australia Post’s “Limited Edition” Stamps the page in the prestige booklet issued on 26th June 2009. The stamps in this new minisheet are identical to the original gummed sheet stamps, not the prestige booklet stamps. • Limited Edition = 750 •

09-5 Stargazing imperforate sheet: Released on 25th November via telephone lottery 16 minisheets containing a strip of three (55c, $1.45 & $2.10) imperforate stamps • Limited Edition = 750 • •

09-6 Celebrating 200 Years Collection: • • • • • • •

Released on 27th November via telephone lottery Minisheet with 4 x 55c ‘£2 Kangaroo & Map’ intaglio-printed stamps. Minisheet with 5 x 55c (a pair and a strip of 3) ‘Australia’s Favourite Stamps’ Self-adhesive sheetlet of 13 x 55c ‘Australia’s Favourite Stamps’ Sheetlet of 10 x 55c ‘200 Years’ stamps Sheetlet of 10 x 55c ‘Everyday People’ stamps Limited Edition = 300

09-7 Legends of the Screen pack: Released on 27th November Silver-foiled minisheet of the four 55c ‘portrait’ stamps • Limited Edition = 500 • •

09-8 Classic Toys – Barbie: Released on 27th November Silver-foiled sheetlet containing 10 x 55c ‘Barbie’ stamps with a silver image of Barbie’s head in the top right corner of each stamp. This was repeated in the top right and bottom left corners of the pink selvedge. • Limited Edition = 500 • •

12 - Stamp News

David Mallen

Part 2 : 2008–2009 09-4 Kookaburra folder Stargazing imperfo09-5 rate sheet Celebrating 200 Years 09-6 Collection Legends of the Screen 09-7 pack 09-8 Classic Toys - Barbie Film Lovers minisheet 09-9 pack Totals

























166 $129.01 $1162.64 $1291.65 Note: The face value of pre-decimal stamps has been converted to decimal currency.


09-9 Film-lovers minisheet pack: • •

Released on 3 December Four special minisheets: - 4 x 55c portrait stamps (without the foil). - 4 x 55c Geoffrey Rush portrait stamps. - 2 x 55c “For Every Occasion – Map of Australia” stamps with tabs of Errol Flynn. - 2 x 55c “For Every Occasion – Map of Australia” stamps with tabs of Chips Rafferty. rd

Impressions 2009 #


No. of Face Value Cost of Stamps of Stamps “Packaging”


Behind the Stamp 09-1 (Issue 3) prestige booklet





09-2 Gold-foil Songbirds 09-3 Classic Toys - Cyclops

8 4

$12.10 $2.20

$87.85 $17.75

$99.95 $19.95

To be continued. Full details, images and costs of the 2010 to 2013 “Impressions” stamp variations will be in future editions of Stamp News. For a list of the 2014 releases, check out the Australia Post’s “Impressions” webpage: http:// impressions If you have purchased any 2014 “Impressions” product containing mint Australian stamps, please send me details and photos as I am compiling the 2014 summary. David Mallen Australian Stamp Variations Melbourne, Australia

Stamp News - 13

Cinderella Corner

This is the last column for 2014 and I take this opportunity to wish all readers the compliments of the season. I will also take this opportunity to invite readers to submit items for this column. I have found it necessary to scratch around among my collection/ accumulation of Cinderellas to find enough to fill the column at times and may have to resort to recycling from previous year’s columns to continue so questions and items will be most welcome.

Christmas Seals. (Fig. 1 To 6).

The 2014 Bedford Christmas seals have appeared as I write this column in late October and early November.

This year’s seals are in sheets of 30 peel and stick with ten designs repeated three times in different colours, blue, red, green and colours on white. For the past several years the printer has been the Lane Group Printers and although it is not indicated here, that firm has probably continued to do the job. The designs this year are a Christmas Wreath, a star, a pair of Angels, Three Wise Men, a Christmas wrapped present, Christmas Tree Lights, a Reindeer, A white Dove, Christmas Bells and a Christmas Bauble. Bedford have been issuing Christmas seals since 1943 although for about the first twenty years the seals appear to have been common to all states of Australia, certainly South Australia and Western

Above Figs 1 to 4 Left Figs 5 & 6

14 - Stamp News

Tony Presgrave

Australia used the same designs for that period under the banner of NAPTA (National Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis in Australia), but after about 1964 each state appears to have gone their own way with designs. The first year I have seals printed specifically for Bedford is 1965. The best catalogues for these seals is the Green’s Series of catalogues produced in the U.S., and Richard Rathbone wrote an excellent article on the Western Australian seals in Cinderella Australasia December 2002 issue 52.

Bedford Industries Seals. (Fig 7 And 8).

This 1963 seal is about the last of the “nondescript” types before the various states went on their own

with designs. The 1965 seal is the first of the specific Bedford seals I have seen and it is qualified with the inscription SATBA in front of the Bedford name.

New South Wales Seals. (Fig. 9 To 12).

These three seals are all from various years in New South Wales. This first one only has NAPTA and no year but on looking again at the seals I had I found the same design with the date 1967. The second one is dated for 1966 with a Kookaburra as the image, and the third one is dated 1968 and has a Platypus on it. I don’t have any printing or sheet size details but given their size I guess they may have been issued in sheets of about 50. There is an inscription on the back of the sheet but only having individual

Above: Figs 7 to 10 Left: Figs 11& 12

Stamp News - 15

Cinderella Corner

stamps I don’t have the full text, but what I can see indicates it is related to Tuberculosis.

New South Wales Again. (Fig. 13).

This seal with a Waratah flower on it almost certainly indicates New South Wales origin, and the Cross of Lorraine indicated a TB related appeal, but in the bottom left corner is the initials C.T.B.L. that I don’t recognise. The year is 1971.

the National Wildlife Foundation banner, and with the World Wildlife Foundation insignia. The first one is dated 1957, the second one 1959 and the third one, the Black Capped Chickadee is dated 1966. Black printing on a blue background does not make for easy reading but I think I have it right.

United Nations. (Fig. 17).

This little stamp appears to belong to a series of

National Wildlife Foundation. (Fig. 14 To poster stamps featuring flags of the world. Being 16). just a single item, I have no idea where it came

Three seals from United States of America under

from or when it was issued.

Figs 13 & 17

16 - Stamp News

Tony Presgrave


SYDNEY STAMP EXPO 2015. This exhibition is being held at the Johnny Warren Indoor Sports Stadium, Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre at Hurstville, a southern suburb of Sydney from Thursday April 16 to Sunday April 19 2015. All FIP and APF classes are being offered and this includes Cinderellas. With the Cinderella Club of Australasia based in Sydney I am expecting a good showing of Cinderellas to make up for the complete absence of them at Adelaide Stampex 2014. Entries are now open for the exhibition and close on Friday 12 December. The Organising Committee are planning for approximately 800

to 900 frames of exhibits. Picture postcards are also offered as a class and this will be the first exhibition where there will be one jury for all classes. In all previous exhibitions where Picture Postcards have been shown there has been a separate jury for them. NEWCASTLE NATIONAL ONE FRAME. The dates I have for this exhibition are 30 October to 1 November 2015. Being a One Frame show it is a golden opportunity for budding exhibitors to “test the water�. The main aim of these shows is to build an exhibit that can only be shown in one frame, in other words there is not enough material available to complete any more than the single frame.

Figs 14, 15 & 16

Stamp News - 17

NEW CALEDONIA - AUSTRALIA’s NEIGHBOUR Years ago I had a pen friend residing in Nouméa, the capital city of New Caledonia. He was French but had been stationed in this French Pacific territory. My friend was an enthusiastic collector specialising in Lighthouses on Stamps. I was able to provide him with quite a few. In exchange I received new issues of New Caledonia. This happened during a few years in the 1980s before he returned home to France. However, in my opinion some of New Caledonia’s most beautiful stamps were issued in the 1960s and 1970s. I was reminded of this fact when I purchased a number of New Caledonian stamps from a stamp dealer at the Baltex exhibition in Malmö (South Sweden) in late August 2014. Some of the stamps have been selected to illustrate this article.

18 - Stamp News

Today tourism is one of New Caledonia’s major industries and I suppose many of my Australian readers have been there more than once. New Caledonia is a French Overseas Territory maintaining strong ties with Paris. Thus the territory is very French in character with French being the official language. Today New Caledonia has some 260,000 inhabitants of which about half are native Kanaks. The territory also has a large population of French people who have lived there for generations. Many teachers and other administrators spend shorter or longer periods of time in the territory. They are known as the Kaldoches and they of course want to maintain the strong ties with France.

Christer Brunström In the late 20th century there were periods of considerable unrest and conflict in the territory. Many of the Kanaks demanded independence and a cessation of French rule. However, it seems the two parties have now reached an agreement which apparently works well. A careful study of the stamps nearby shows that the country name is Nouvelle Calédonie et Dépendances. Apart from the major island there are also a number of other islands which are part of the territory. New Caledonia has considerable mineral resources including nickel. This is probably the territory’s main income earner. However, mineral prices tend to fluctuate a lot which has caused major

problems for the territory’s economy. Many Kanaks are still engaged in subsidy farming producing fruits and vegetables for local consumption. In recent years tourism has increased a lot providing additional income for many families. New Caledonia has a rather curious postal history. A locally printed 10-centime stamp appeared as early as 1859 but it saw very little use although a handful of covers are known today. French colonial stamps were introduced in 1881 but it was only in 1905 that local designs were shown on the colony’s postage stamps. Most countries have a national bird and it is my guess that the cagou is New Caledonia’s favourite bird. It featured prominently on the 1905 low values

Stamp News - 19

NEW CALEDONIA - AUSTRALIA’s NEIGHBOUR and it has reappeared frequently on the territory’s stamps. Shown nearby is a cagou depicted on a stamp from the 1943 set. As France was occupied by German forces at the time stamps had to be ordered from England and in France this set is known as the London Issue. New Caledonia became a French Overseas Territory in 1959 and the first set of stamps depicted various fishes and corals. The people of New Caledonia are never far away from the sea and it is thus only natural that many stamps have depicted underwater life. New Caledonia is also famous for its impressive coral reef. Butterflies are perfect for the tiny stamp format. Sometimes they can almost be depicted in true size.

20 - Stamp News

In the late 1960s New Caledonia released several stamps showing beautiful butterflies. Unlike many of today’s offset printed stamps these thematic classics are engraved. Colourful sea shells were depicted on a number of stamps released in the early 1970s. Once again beautifully engraved designs. As a worldwide collector I have absolutely no ambition to form a complete collection of any country. Instead I select the stamps which have designs appealing to me or which have something to tell about the country of origin. In this way it is possible to collect on a worldwide basis without spending a fortune.


COMMONWEALTH & BRITISH EMPIRE STAMPS 1840-1970 “Old Faithfull”. A must have catalogue for all serious collectors of Commonwealth stamps 1840-1970. Published Oct/2014 with many changes to valuations. 117th and 2015 Edition Now available.

Code 2813/15

RRP $179.95

SG AUSTRALIA Completely new edition including Australia in its entirety, Colonial States in depth, Aust Dependencies, Papua,New Guinea etc. A very popular and precise catalogue. An absolutely essential catalogue for collectors with interest in these areas. 9th edition published October 2014. Now available.

Code 2871/14 RRP $69.95

STAMPS of AUSTRALIA Completely new edition with enlarged and revamped section on Kangaroo and KGV series. Values of the Colonial States all corrected in line with market prices. Covers all Australian and AAT issues through to 30/06/14. Now 300 plus pages in full colour. Published Oct/2014 Now available

Code SOA/14

RRP $24.95



Incorporating: Australian Agents for Stanley Gibbons Publications • LighthousePhilatelics

Unit 3 37-39 Green Street Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Australia Tel: (02) 9695 7055 Fax: (02) 9695 7355 Email:


Stamps in the News - Globally! Bat image nicked for Slovene stamp Reported at

Steve Bourne, from Naracoorte in Victoria, has become an unlikely hero in a battle for photographers trying to protect their images against acts of copyright theft. In October he received an email from a German stamp collector, curious as to the origins of a particular photo which had appeared on a new stamp in Slovenia. The photo of a sub-species of southern bent-wing bat, which Steve had taken during his eight years as manager of Naracoorte Caves, had been used on the stamp without his permission and nearly a decade after he took it. The German collector had located Steve via a simple Google search. Following international publicity, Edi Berk, the graphic designer commissioned by Slovenian Post, has subsequently offered to make amends but in his own country, Berk has been outed as a fraud, with other stories revealing other images were stolen from a Belgian photographer for the bat stamp series and a further two images lifted from stock photo website iStock. Not only do Berk’s actions show how simply a photographer’s hard-won images can be stolen, but also how easily the theft can slip under the radar. Australian photo industry journalist Keith Shipton, who wrote about the story on his website Procounter, said these sort of incidents are sadly a common occurrence for those in the professional photography business. “They are happening because of the wild west nature of the world wide web,” he said. “It’s pretty tough to be a professional photographer these days and copyright theft isn’t helping.” Last week Mr Bourne received a package from Berk, containing a few copies of the stamp in question, postmarked first day covers, a book that he 22 - Stamp News

was a designer on called The Craft of Slovenia and a letter. “The letter said his gift is proof of appreciation of my work,” Mr Bourne laughed. “I’m happy now. I’ve got copies of the stamps and I’m pretty sure the damage done to his reputation would probably far exceed the amount he would have paid me for the photographs in the first place.” That payment would have been a simple $200, small change for a unique image that was licensed across the world. “For people who are sourcing images for personal gain, hopefully something like this makes them think twice.”

Stamps in demand #1: The stamp of Jack? Reported at

The Jack Daniel Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee, wants a stamp honouring their whiskey’s namesake, Jasper Newton “Jack” Daniel. In honour of the upcoming 150th anniversary of the distillery in 2016, the distillery and the Tennessee congressional delegation sent a letter of request to the Postal Service’s Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee saying Daniel meets the subject selection criteria, including being an American, honouring those men and women who have made extraordinary contributions to American society and celebrating events of historical significance.

Compiled by

Margo Campbell and Jains worldwide including 3 million in the US. “USPS has stamps for almost all major festivals of the world. Diwali is the only major festival on which it has not issued a stamp. Several serious efforts have been made in the past. But we still do not have a Diwali stamp”, the group said. USPS has issued stamps to honour other religious festivals such as Christmas, Easter, Hanukah, Eid and Kwanzaa.

“Mr. Jack was a remarkable man and we think a stamp would be a fitting tribute,” said Jeff Arnett, only the seventh Master Distiller for the famed whiskey maker. “Jack’s life is a classic American story, setting out on his own at an early age to become the founder of what would become our country’s oldest registered distillery.” Jack Daniel’s is owned by Louisville-based Brown-Forman and is the best-selling American whiskey brand.

Stamps in demand #2: Diwali in the US Reported at

Indiaspora, an organisation of influential IndianAmericans, has launched a website, urging the community members to write to their lawmakers and the USPS Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee to issue a Diwali Stamp during the festival in November 2015. Diwali or “festival of lights”, is an ancient festival celebrated in autumn every year by Hindus, Sikhs

“Issuing a Diwali stamp would place the US alongside many other nations who already have stamps on the festival, including England, Canada, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and Indonesia.” “Our community is sure to buy millions of stamps and make this a best seller for the USPS. We believe the stamp will become a global collector’s item,” says a draft letter addressed to USPS posted on the website www.Diwalistamp.Com

Maltapost out of pocket

Reported at Maltapost has been ordered to pay Said International Ltd over €30,000 after a court found that it had not honoured its legal obligations following the adoption of the euro in 2007. Stamp News - 23

Stamps in the News - Globally! Prior to Malta adopting the euro, the government published a legal notice stipulating postage stamps issued from 1st January 1998 onward would no longer be valid for postage as from 1st February 2008 with a two month window for consumers to surrender them to Maltapost in exchange for valid postage stamps of an equal value. The legal notice stipulated further that this was not to apply to stamps which were to be used only for purposes of philately. Said International claimed that its request to convert €30,000 worth of the old stamps was rejected by Maltapost due to documentary evidence that a large number of the stamps were not bought directly from Maltapost and had been purchased for purposes of philately. The presiding judge noted that the main purpose of purchasing stamps was for using them as postage but reasoned that the owner of a stamp could also use it for purposes of philately or any other purpose so long as he had paid its pre-paid value. A person could purchase a stamp for collection purposes and then change his mind and use it for postage. In this case the stamps held by Said International were new and in mint condition and had never been used. Although some of the stamps had been purchased overseas, the court ruled that Maltapost itself sold stamps overseas, so its objection to payment on this ground was invalid. The court therefore concluded that Maltapost had failed to honour its legal obligations and ordered it to pay Said International €30,219.19

Mogadishu GPO in 2011 24 - Stamp News

Somalia to deliver

Reported at The UPU have announced that postal services will resume in Somalia after being basically non-existent since 1991. The reintroduction is the latest sign that some normality is returning to Somalia after more than two decades of clan and religious-based conflict. Minister of Posts and Telecommunications said Somalis would soon be able to receive letters from abroad and would soon be able to post abroad as well. About 2 million Somalis live abroad and 9.9 million in Somalia. He noted many young Somalis had never been exposed to a postal service, and he would be “very happy” to teach them about “something that is taken for granted around the world”. However, there remain many logistical difficulties - currently there are no functioning post offices, only the main roads are named and most houses do not have a number. Parts of the countryside are still controlled by insurgents and the coast by pirates.

Your kale is in the mail? Reported at

The U.S. Postal Service has won approval to test delivery of groceries to online shoppers. The Postal Regulatory Commission gave the go-ahead for a test of up to two years in the San Francisco area. The Postal Service has been doing preliminary testing of earlymorning grocery deliveries in recent months with Amazon has been delivering orders in branded totes, some of them containing freezer packs to keep perishables fresh, to postal facilities between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Postal carriers have been delivering the totes to customers’ doors between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. In requesting approval for a 2-year test of the grocery delivery

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

concept, the USPS said it had been making the deliveries in 38 ZIP codes, delivering on average 160 totes per day in each ZIP code. The commission’s decision was criticized by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, a non-profit group that generally favours reduced government spending. “Efforts by the USPS to enter into a new, private market is simply another way for the agency to expand their reach without instituting real reform— including measures that would breathe life into its mandate of delivering the mail on time to its customers anywhere in the country,” the organization said in a statement. “A government agency should not be working to compete with American businesses.”

domains that were used for the website of a known terrorist organisation” and said it was registered to a New Zealand address. The registration address for the website is a safe deposit box in Parnell provided by Private Box. Managing Director of Private Box, Gareth Foster, says they do provide a mail drop service for Suite 4551 on 17b Farnham St, but said the website’s domain was registered to a Azym Abdullah, who is not a customer of Private Box. “We will be working with authorities to identify what relationship this account has with the person or website in question (if any),” Mr Foster said. Private Box introduced additional security measures in March for checking on personal accounts deemed potentially high risk, he says. Previously the checks, including identity verification, were made on mainly business customers who were thought to be “high risk”, however, the customer in question had signed up two years ago, before the new checks were implemented. A New Zealand intelligence community spokesman said they “are aware of the story, but would not comment on what may or may not be operational matters”. The site was traced back to a web hosting company in Iceland over the weekend, but ISNIC director Jens Petur told Icelandic newspaper Visir that the URL was registered on September 14th to a man who lives in New Zealand.

NZ postal service link to ISIS Reported at http://tvnz.

The managing director of a postal service in New Zealand says he was “horrified” to learn that one of the company’s addresses might be linked with a terrorist group. Internet in Iceland Inc, or ISNIC, earlier revealed that it had “suspended Stamp News - 25

Stamps in the News - Globally! “Mr Petur said it is the first time the country has had to shut down a website because of its content.

Singapore adds a dimension Reported at

Singapore is the first country to install a 3D printing program as part of its national public postal service. SingPost has collaborated with 3D Matters, a Singapore-based 3D printing solutions provider, to launch its new service at SingPost’s Innovation Corner and is designed to offer individual customers and small businesses the ability to print prototypes and customized gifts and models. The Innovation Corner serves as a testbed for innovative new services that can be offered at post offices in the future. SingPost has also announced plans to restyle many of its locations as well as build new ones. The new and improved postal service stores will be designed as “lifestyle hubs” that offer 24/7 autolobbies with round-the-clock essential services, service ambassadors on hand, self-packing desks and other features. SingPost’s CEO said: “Our new-generation customers are digitally-inclined, buying online and on-the-move, and they expect a post office experience that is digitally integrated. To meet their changing lifestyle, we are basically remodelling our post offices, and transforming them into modern, efficient hubs to meet their e-commerce and digital needs.”

Polish Post under pressure Reported at

Polish Post is preparing to bid to retain its position as the designated operator of Poland’s universal postal service – but has warned of the dangers of awarding the contract to the company offering the lowest prices. The contract to run Poland’s universal service between 2016 and 2025 is expected to be put out to tender by the end of this year by the government’s Office of Electronic Communications. Polish Post was the designated operator appointed 26 - Stamp News

for 2013-2015 under the country’s 2012 postal reform legislation, which opened the nation’s postal market fully to competition last year. In announcing its intentions to seek the next contract, it warned that if the government selects the next operator on pricing alone, services would be of a lower quality than regulators currently require. Prior to full liberalisation of the Polish postal market, Polish Post had competitors circumventing established monopoly protections for letters up to 50g in weight, by adding small metal weights to each letter to take them above the weight threshold. Polish Post has been investing considerably in its e-commerce capabilities and its digital communications services in order to spur growth and challenge market competition. At the end of last year there was a significant setback as a private sector group won a key public sector mail contract, for the delivery of legal mail for Poland’s courts and prosecutors. Polish Post president, said his firm was confident about winning the tender. “Our network of about 7,500 post offices and 25,000 employed mail carriers ensures efficient and secure postal services throughout Poland. We have served the Polish people for more than 455 years. The changes we have implemented in recent years and recent initiatives allow us to feel confident that we are fully prepared for the advent of digital communication.”

Drone delivery in Germany Reported at

Deutsche Post DHL is launching a trial project using unmanned drones to make express deliveries to an island in the North Sea. The company’s DHL Parcel unit will deliver medications and other urgent items to the island of Juist off the north-west coast of Germany using its unmanned “parcelcopter” aircraft. To meet regulatory requirements, a team based in nearby Norddeich will monitor flights throughout, and will be able to take manual control of the aircraft in the event of an emergency. DHL said it does not have specific plans to use the parcelcopter in its normal parcel delivery

Compiled by

Margo Campbell South Africa Post Office sitting on a mail ‘mountain’ Reported at

operations. The trial will only test and evaluate such delivery methods, it said, adding that drones could be an “interesting option for the future” in delivering urgent items to remote areas. The trial service will run at times when goods need to be delivered but alternative flights or ferry crossings are not available, the company said. The parcelcopter will fly about 12km from the harbor at Norddeich to Juist, traveling at about 18m per second (64.8 kph) at an altitude of 50m, depending on wind speed. The craft will enjoy restricted airspace, and will land at a landing site reserved for the project, with a DHL courier delivering the goods from the parcelcopter to the recipient. DHL said it has created a special lightweight, weather-proof air transport container to secure the goods during flights.

There is a “mountain” of undelivered mail at the South African Post Office (Sapo), MPs heard on Friday. “We have a mountain of mail that is undelivered that is now quite substantial,” Sapo public affairs general manager told members of Parliament’s telecommunications and postal services portfolio committee. Reducing this backlog would require Sapo staff to work overtime and at weekends, as well as bringing in staff from head office to help at various mail centres. However, this could not happen if workers were absent and the labour situation at Sapo – where operations over the past three months have been crippled by strikes – was not stable. The committee meeting was the result of highly critical media reports and concerned enquiries from members of the public and intended to give MPs an update on the current state of affairs at the post office. However the committee chair accused officials of dishonesty: “You are appearing before us and you do not even have the decency to tell us you have not paid workers today. “That’s a wrong, wrong start ... it removes the trust. You start wondering what else in this presentation is true or not… you are evasive in your presentation,” she said. A senior Sapo executive scrambled to explain that workers had been paid, but late, after cash flow problems had led to the entity’s bank requiring a guarantee from the national Treasury before releasing the funds. Last month, Sapo also had a problem paying salaries. “The current model is not helping us to deal with the cost issues.” He suggested Sapo should receive more government business. “If we as government can just increase our courier business just by 20% – giving Stamp News - 27

Stamps in the News - Globally! that 20% to Sapo – we’ll resolve most of the problems that are facing the post office,” he said. According to notes tabled at Friday’s briefing, there has been a steady decline in Sapo’s financial fortunes over the past seven years, from a net after-tax profit of R377-million in 2007/08, to a loss of R359million in 2013/14.

Stamp tourism #1: Fijian style

Reported at THE Grand Pacific Hotel (GPH) and Post Fiji have launched an issue of unique stamps depicting the “grand old lady’s” 100th anniversary in Suva. The Grand Pacific Hotel on Victoria Parade in Suva, the country’s capital. In the past its guests have included Somerset Maugham, Queen Elizabeth II, the American writer James Michener and Sir Kingsford Smith. The reopening took place on 24 May 2014 to commemorate the hotel’s centenary Post Fiji chairman said they were privileged to partner with GPH in creating awareness for this national heritage in Fiji. There are five different stamps for the GPH issue -40 cents, 65 cents, 90 cents, $1.20 and $5 values. “Their values are high in demand for letters and

28 - Stamp News

parcel postage locally and to countries like Australia, New Zealand, UK and US,” he said. Having these stamps on letters and parcels being sent to family and friends overseas, he said, was an indirect form of marketing awareness for the hotel and most importantly Fiji. The last GPH stamp issue printed by Post Fiji was in 1979. The five stamps were created by Pravin Sen and a collector cover with the 5 stamps is available from GPH.

Stamp Tourism #2 Bahamian style Reported at

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism in conjunction with the Bahamas General Post Office unveiled four commemorative stamps in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Ministry of Tourism and in recognition of the importance of the tourism industry in The Bahamas. Tourism Director General, announced that the four stamps feature the Peace N’ Plenty Resort in Exuma, the Princess Resort and Casino in Grand Bahama, Atlantis Paradise Island and Baha Mar Resort on Cable Beach. “These developments in particular have revolutionized the tourism product in The Bahamas even resulting in one island changing its name from Hog Island to Paradise Island. “ She added, “The Bahamas is unique in being able

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

to offer an unmatched plethora of diverse and lasting experiences from Grand Bahama and Bimini in the north to Inagua and Mayaguana in the south.” “We congratulate the many resorts, ground operators, external partners, airline partners and all stakeholders who have contributed to the growth and development of The Bahamas touristic product. Most importantly, we recognise those unsung heroes, namely all Bahamians who have made our visitors feel welcome.”

Postman assaulted

Reported at A man has been sentenced to prison for 37 months and fined $1,500 for assaulting a mail carrier in Gulfport, Mississippi. Richard Patrick Moser was sentenced to serve the time in a state prison in Louisiana with three years’ probation. The postal worker was going about his duties June 4, 2013, when Moser struck him for no apparent reason. According to his testimony, Moser, 41, was off his medication and the assault had nothing to do with his ties to the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacist prison gang and an organized crime syndicate.

Postman assaulting

Reported at Tacoma police have arrested a mail carrier, accused of sexually harassing and even assaulting women on his route for close to ten years, and also of stealing from a woman’s home. Court documents provide graphic details on the allegations against Robert Taitano, 55, including

the account of a 76-year-old woman who says the sexually explicit comments he made to her left her scared to even go to her mailbox. Another woman told police he constantly asked her for a hug or a kiss. A third woman said he entered her home without permission one day while she was in the bathroom. Another woman, Shannon Kling, recalled the day when he knocked on her back bedroom window instead of her front door. It was her first red flag. She said she received a “missed delivery” slip on her mailbox and Taitano offered to save her a trip to the post office and bring it by the next day. When he returned, he asked ‘Can I get a hug for that?’. “I gave him a hug, but he wouldn’t let go after that, and it got kinda creepy. I got him out the door somehow and shut it and never opened it again.” According to court documents, several women also filed complaints directly with Taitano’s employer - the United States Postal Service.

Vitaly says ‘No’ to Tom Reported at

A Russian lawmaker wants the Russian postal service to ban a popular series of Finnish gaythemed stamps as “homosexual propaganda,” the TASS news agency reports. The commemorative stamps, issued by the Finnish Postal Service, Itella, in September feature the artwork of gay erotic artist Touko Laaksonen, aka Tom of Finland. Works by the artist, who died in 1991, span four decades and are featured in the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Art

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Stamps in the News - Globally!

Moscow and St. Petersburg. “We wanted to test how the Russian postal service and customs would respond to the stamps,” the broadcaster said, referring to recent legislation in Russia outlawing homosexual propaganda. The law also makes it illegal to distribute material that depicts homosexuality in a positive light. The first of the packages was picked up without a

problem from a Moscow Post Office by a local journalist. “I just collected the parcel from the post office. It actually got here yesterday, which is amazingly fast,” she said. “The stamps didn’t arouse the slightest bit of interest, not even when I pointed them out to the postal workers. They’re happy so long as the postage is paid in full.” But the stamps clearly did not sit well with Vitaly Mironov, co-author of St. Petersburg’s ban on “gay propaganda,” who told Tass this weekend: ‘I ask the leadership of Russian Post to pay close attention to this request. In addition, I urge the Finns themselves, our close neighbours, to refrain from using these stamps when sending letters to Russia.” The director for the Finnish Postal Service, says the stamps have been very popular worldwide, with tens of thousands of the stamps pre-ordered from 170 countries.

0425 795 693

03 9758 7506

Looking at New Zealand

Commemorating ANZAC Part 7: 75th Anniversary 1990

The observing of ANZAC Day on the 25th April every year has become an important tradition in its own right. Also, Australians in particular tend to think of their troops as serving in the ANZAC tradition in later conflicts even when not acting in partnership with New Zealand troops. The Australian stamps issued to mark ANZAC Day in 1990 were titled The ANZAC Tradition. They do not specifically reference the Gallipoli landings and so at first glance do not fit into a collection of stamps commemorating that event. However, it is the year of issue that gives them their significance. The year 1990 was the 75th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing. Government officials from Australia and New Zealand (including Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke and New Zealand Governor-General, Paul Reeves) as well as most of the last surviving Gallipoli veterans and many Australian and New Zealand tourists travelled to Turkey for a special Dawn Service held at the Ari Burnu War Cemetery at

32 - Stamp News

Graeme Morriss

ANZAC Cove. There were also ceremonies later in the day on the Lone Pine hill. Photos of the dawn service and of Mr Hawke at Lone Pine are shown nearby. Each of the stamp images juxtaposes two subjects, evoking poignant thoughts that are appropriate for ANZAC Day. The first 41 cent stamp shows men on the frontline with a 1914 image of women watching them departing Australia. The second shows World War II pilots scrambling while women take the men’s places in industry. The 65c shows both young and old generations marching to honour past servicemen; the $1.00 shows modern helicopter-borne infantry with a disabled veteran visiting a cemetery. The $1.10 shows how important letters from home were to the troops in the trenches while the women wait on the dockside for the men to return. In January 1991, Australia Post overprinted five stamps with Specimen and sold them for $3.00 a set as a fundraiser for the Australian Philatelic Federation.

Two of the overprinted stamps were from The ANZAC Tradition issue. The stamps were designed by Otto and Chris of Patonga Beach, NSW; printed photolithography by Leigh-Marden of Melbourne and perforated 14½. As well as covers cancelled on the first day of issue on 12th April 1990, other covers were flown to Gallipoli on the special veterans’ flight and were cancelled 20th April and given a cachet. The Royal Mint issued a commemorative $5.00 coin. New Zealand issued a pre-stamped envelope with a large illustration of Private Richard Alexander (“Dick”) Henderson (1895 – 1958). Henderson was born in Waihi and was a school teacher before embarking with the NZEF in October 1914. He saw John Simpson Kirkpatrick using a donkey to carry wounded men back from the front at Gallipoli and decided to do the Stamp News - 33

Looking at New Zealand

same. The envelope’s illustration is based on a painting by Horace Moore-Jones from a photograph of Henderson taken at Gallipoli by Sergeant James Gardiner Jackson. Henderson went on to serve in France and was awarded the Military Medal for bravery there. After being badly gassed at Passchendaele in 1918 he was repatriated to New Zealand. The aftereffects of the gassing led, in 1934, to blindness and the end of his school-teaching career. The stamp area of the envelope shows troops disembarking at ANZAC Cove, some wearing the distinctive NZ ‘lemon squeezer’ hat, with a ‘Cross of Sacrifice’ grave-marker and poppy. Graeme can be contacted through his website: . 34 - Stamp News

AAT fully IMPERFORATE Miniature Sheets issued by Australia Post!

In November 2013, Australia Post released 250 x IMPERFORATE panes of 15 mini sheets of stamps. The “1913 Disaster & Isolation” issue, for the Centenary of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) of 1911-14. The AAE left Hobart in December 1911 commanded by Douglas Mawson and returned in February 1914. Mawson was knighted for his achievements, and is regarded as one of the greatest figures of all Antarctic exploration. You needed to phone the PO “800” number, or order online. Cost was well above face value, and the maximum order was ONE sheet a person. Sold out in super-fast time, as you’d expect - within hours I am advised. There will be near none in the secondary market, as collectors who got very lucky, will not be sellers - at any price. I’d guess there are easily 20,000 keen global collectors of AAT, but only 250 of these sheets to go around. If 200 buyers hold on to their sheets for their collections, that leaves just FIFTY to service those 20,000 collectors worldwide. 99% of AAT collectors do not right now realise this IMPERF issue even exists! In the 56 years since AAT first issued stamps in 1957, I can’t recall any other *AAT* imperforates sold by the PO. Each sheet is hand numbered in top left margin, and also comes with a Certificate of Guarantee card from head of AP, confirming that only 250 panes in TOTAL were sold – globally. This is an Official Australia Post Australian Antarctic Territory issue. I am offering these as follows: SUBJECT UNSOLD – please use correct stock code!

A. Fully imperforate MUH or CTO AAT Mini Sheet - $A60 a sheet. (Stock code 629KE) B. Single imperforate sheet, with MASSIVE wide top or base sheet margin. $A80 (Stock code 629KF) C. PAIR of imperf panes from top LH, hand numbered “XXX/250” in margin, AND the matching AP card, $A170___ (Stock code 629KM) G. Normal perforated M/S & IMPERF sheet used on 23x32cm air cover to you $A70 post free Global! (Stock Code 629KO) Many more choices, inc. covers, and all photos are here – order online: Cheques, money orders, cash, all credit cards, Amex, PayPal, and bank transfer accepted at ZERO extra fee. Rigidly Packed Post is $A4 in Australia (Add $5 for Registered, if needed), or $A9 Foreign Air (Add $A12 Registered if needed.)


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

reviews Stanley Gibbons: 2014 Canada & Provinces Paperback, 224 pages 5th edition RRP A$54.95 Published by Stanley Gibbons Ltd, 7 Parkside, Christchurch Rd. Ringwood, Hants BH24 3SH U.K. With new issue listings complete up to the end of March 2014, it could certainly be said that there is much new material to be found in this latest edition of the SG Canada catalogue, the first since 2011. But the ‘newness’ in this edition isn’t confined to just the last three+ years of new issues. For the first time, all stamp illustrations, and most variety/reentry etc illustrations, are in full colour. The 1870/97 ‘Small Queens’ issues have also had quite a bit of expansion with a number of varieties and re-entries being added to the listings for the first time, all of which are illustrated in colour. The editor tells us that the expansion of this section has been done with the help of John Hillson, a name that will probably be

familiar to readers of Gibbons Stamp Monthly magazine from his recent series of articles on the Canada ‘Large Queens’ and King George V issues. Some later varieties are also illustrated, listed and priced for the first time. And as you’d expect, you’ll also find listings for British Columbia and Vancouver Island (combined and separate issues), New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island. As usual with SG Commonwealth catalogues, the listings/pricing for issues up to 1970 have been taken from the current edition (2014) of the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 18401970 catalogue, with the later issues being revised and updated for this new country catalogue. There are a couple of impressive upward price movements in the ’big ticket’ classics, probably the most notable being the Colony of Canada 1851 12d black Mint, up from £180,000 to £200,000. Another excellent catalogue, and a must for all collectors of British North America.

Australian Commemorative Postmarks 1879-1980 Paperback, 300 pages 1st edition RRP A $29.95 Published by Scribbled Lines Publishing, PO Box 4647, Hobart 7000, Tas. Australia Available on Amazon: When this handbook/guide first arrived on my desk, my initial thought was ‘this is covering ground already covered…’ and while it’s true that much of this collecting field is well catered for in the loose leaf, 2 volume ‘Australian PictorMarks’ handbook, but after I had a good look through this new offering, and read through the several pages of introduction etc, I came to realise that this volume could be very useful indeed! ‘Australian Commemorative Postmarks’ has distilled what I would imagine to be the most popular collecting area covered in PictorMarks, that of short term, event related commemorative postmarks, into one slim (well slimmer) 300 page paperback volume. My observation and experience is that this is the 36 - Stamp News


mike lee

exact area that most collectors are interested in, rather than the long term or permanent postmarks, the seasonal postmarks, the FDI and AAT postmarks, which are the ones that have been omitted from this volume. Don’t get me wrong here, the latest (2013, I believe), two A4 volume edition of Australian PictorMarks is a superb work, and an absolute ‘must have’ for all those collectors interested in collecting pictorial postmarks on a comprehensive basis, but if your collecting interests are limited to the short term postmarks, then this book is ideal. The publishers tell us that the volume covers over 480 events, with thousands of entries and 150 covers (and every postmark) illustrated. Where officially recorded, quantities of postmark impressions are also included. On looking through the listings, I found them detailed, clear and easy to use, and interspersed with interesting paragraphs of historic and philatelic information. Each time period listing, and later, each year’s listing, is preceded by an event listing for that time. Although easy to use, it is essential that you read the whole of the introductory section, as this provides an excellent grounding and all you need to know when using the catalogue. This section includes: Introduction, Scope, Definitions, Numbering, Rarity, Values and Entries in this Guide. This is a most useful handbook for the area that it covers, and an excellent ‘first edition’. I would certainly like to see a volume 2 covering postmarks beyond 1980. I also feel that at around $30 it is excellent value. Highly recommended. Watch for more reviews soon.

We urgently require stamp and coin collections of all types, in addition we will pay top prices for the following:


Australia pre-decimals in sheets and large blocks MUH, paying 4 cents per stamp Australia Decimals Mint with gum, may be hinged or damaged, paying 50% face value for 70c, 45% face value for any two values to make the following rates 70c, $2.10, $3.50. All other values pay 40% Lots must be sorted by value and supplied with a concise list. Minimum purchase $100. Post office packs and year books, stamps in place we pay 35% face value. Australia recent (2013-2014) close clipped kiloware on single paper with good variety, commemoratives pay $12 per kg, mission mix with no less than 50% commems pay $6 per kg, definitives only pay $3 per kg. High Value Definitives 70c and above $6 per 100g. Recent High Value Comemoratives and Internationals $30 per 100g World unpicked recent on paper close clipped, pay $30 per kg, Commemoratives and large only pay $50 per kg, small only pay $5 per kg. Better single stamps: We need all Great Britain 1840 1d blacks and 2d blues, plus any GB One Pound and Five Pound Values from Queen Victoria, KEVII and KGV. All grades mint used and Specimen needed.


Australia Single 1oz or 2 oz sterling silver coins pay $12.50 per ounce Australia pre- decimal silver coins, 3d to florins, pre 1946 pay 28 times face value, 1946 – 1965 pay 14 x face value Australia 1966 50c round coins pay $6.00 each


Australian, British and German war medals required, please offer. Pay minimum $10 each for the most common types, World War I Trios pay $50, pairs pay $40, World War II Pacific Star pay $50, Aircrew Europe Star pay $150, pay 20% extra if in groups.

Kevin Morgan Stamps and Coins

PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic 3158 Callers strictly by appointment. Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

Pricefighter Packets, ready made collections KEEP THIS LIST, UPDATES WILL BE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN! Discounts from this list: Spend $100 and deduct 10%, $101 to $250 deduct 20%, $251 plus deduct 30% All different in each packet


25 AAT .............................................................$ 3.00 50 AAT ...........................................................$ 25.00 25 ADEN ..........................................................$ 6.00 50 ADEN ........................................................$ 12.00 50 ADEN – MINT U/H ......................................$20.00 100 AFRICA ......................................................$ 6.00 500 AFRICA ....................................................$ 39.00 50 AITUTAKI ...................................................$ 40.00 200 AITUTAKI ................................................$180.00 100 ALBANIA .................................................$ 24.00 50 ALGERIA $ ......................................................7.00 500 ALGERIA ......................................................$300 25 ANDORA - SPANISH MINT U/H ...................$ 20.00 50 ANDORRA - SPANISH MINT U/H .................$60.00 25 ANDORRA - FRENCH MINT U/H ..................$ 20.00 50 ANDORRA - FRENCH MINT U/H ....................$ 5.00 50 ANDORRA - SPANISH MINT U/H ..................$ 6.00 25 ANTIGUA .....................................................$ 5.00 500 ANTIGUA ...............................................$ 260.00 50 ANTIGUA BARDUDA ..................................$ 12.00 200 ARAB STATES ..........................................$ 24.00 200 ARGENTINA ..............................................$15.00 300 ARGENTINA .............................................$ 28.00 500 ARGENTINA .............................................$ 50.00 25 ASCENSION ..............................................$42.00 100 AUST. (DEC MINT U/H) ............................$ 55.00 100 AUST. (PREDEC.MINT U/H) ......................$ 55.00 100 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 4.00 200 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 6.00 300 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 8.00 400 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 13.50 500 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 16.50 600 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 27.50 800 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 40.00 1000 AUSTRALIA ...........................................$ 65.00 25 AUSTRALIAN STATES .................................$ 10.00 50 AUSTRALIAN STATES .................................$ 36.00 100 AUSTRALIAN STATES ..............................$120.00 100 AUSTRIA ...................................................$ 7.00 200 AUSTRIA .................................................$ 18.00 500 AUSTRIA .................................................$ 45.00 800 AUSTRIA ..................................................$79.50 100 AUSTRIA (LRG.COMMEMS) ......................$ 50.00 200 AUSTRIA (LRG.COMMEMS).....................$ 100.00 1000 AUSTRIA .............................................$ 119.00 1000 AUSTRIA (MINT U/H) ...........................$ 295.00 2000 AUSTRIA .............................................$ 465.00


100 BAHAMAS ...............................................$ 45.00

25 BAHRAIN ..................................................$ 16.50 50 BAHRAIN ..................................................$ 36.00 100 BANGLADESH ............................................$ 5.50 500 BANGLADESH....................................... $ 110.00 25 BARBADOS ..................................................$ 6.00 50 BARBADOS ................................................$ 12.00 100 BARBADOS ..............................................$ 35.00 50 BAVARIA ...................................................$ 14.00 100 BAVARIA .................................................$ 42.00 200 BAVARIA ...............................................$ 105.00 200 BELGIAN CONGO ......................................$ 50.00 200 BELGIUM ...................................................$ 7.50 500 BELGIUM .................................................$ 40.00 100 BELGIUM COLONIES .................................$ 13.00 300 BELGIUM COLONIES .................................$ 80.00 500 BELGUIM COLONIES ...............................$ 176.00 1000 BELGIUM .............................................$ 185.00 500 BENIN ...................................................$ 140.00 25 BERMUDA .................................................$ 15.00 25 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ....................................$ 2.00 50 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ....................................$ 8.00 100 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ................................$ 24.00 150 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ................................$ 55.00 25 BOLIVIA ......................................................$ 6.00 50 BOLIVIA ....................................................$ 13.00 25 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..............................$ 11.00 50 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..............................$ 33.00 150 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..........................$ 170.00 100 Br. AGENCIES .........................................$ 100.00 25 BR. SOLOMONS .........................................$ 10.00 100 BRAZIL (LARGE COMMEMS) ....................$ 17.00 400 BRAZIL ....................................................$ 59.00 1000 BRAZIL ................................................$ 350.00 100 BRAZIL (MINT U/H) ...............................$ 370.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ........................$ 6.00 200 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ......................$ 10.00 500 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ......................$ 39.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH (MINT U/H) ...$ 27.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI (MINT U/H) ...$ 60.00 1000 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH( MINT U/H ) ....$ 190.00 50 BRITISH HONDURAS (LRG.COMMEMS) ......$ 40.00 25 HONDURAS AND BELIZE ..............................$ 9.00 25 BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. ..................................$ 22.00 50 BRITISH WEST INDIES ................................$ 10.00 100 BRITISH WEST INDIES ..............................$ 14.00 500 BRITISH WEST INDIES ..............................$ 75.00 100 BULGARIA .................................................$ 7.00 300 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 22.00 500 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 50.00 800 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 88.00 1000 BULGARIA ...........................................$ 120.00 300 BULGARIA (LARGE PICS) ..........................$ 22.00 100 BURUNDI ................................................$ 20.00


25 CAMBODIA ................................................$ 10.00 100 CAMBODIA ............................................$ 115.00 500 CAMBODIA ..............................................$ 65.00 700 CANADA ..................................................$ 69.00

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

1000 CANADA ..............................................$ 100.00 100 CANADA (MINT.COMMS) .........................$ 50.00 25 CAYMAN ISL ..............................................$ 15.00 50 CAYMAN ISL ..............................................$ 36.00 500 CENTRAL AMERICA ..................................$ 60.00 450 CEYLON/SRI LANKA .................................$ 99.00 100 CHANNEL ISLANDS ..................................$ 19.00 150 CHANNEL ISLANDS ..................................$ 80.00 300 CHANNEL ISLANDS $ 130.00 100 CHILE $ 12.00 200 CHILE ......................................................$ 24.00 500 CHILE ....................................................$ 110.00 100 CHINA .....................................................$ 19.00 200 CHINA .....................................................$ 48.00 250 CHINA .....................................................$ 70.00 325 CHINA ...................................................$ 130.00 500 CHINA (INC. TAIWAN) ............................$ 149.00 500 CHINA P.R.C ...........................................$ 300.00 100 CHINA (LRG, MINT, COMP.SETS)................$ 30.00 25 CHRISTMAS ISLAND...................................$ 14.00 50 CHRISTMAS ISLAND.................................. $ 33.00 75 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..................................$ 50.00 100 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 100.00 150 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 150.00 200 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 230.00 500 CONGO ..................................................$ 140.00 25 COCOS ISLAND ............................................$ 8.00 50 COCOS ISLAND ..........................................$ 38.00 75 COCOS ISLAND ..........................................$ 60.00 100 COCOS ISLAND ......................................$ 132.00 900 COLOMBIA ............................................$ 370.00 300 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 350.00 400 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 280.00 500 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 325.00 750 COOK ISLANDS ....................................$ 1280.00 1000 COOK ISLANDS .................................$ 2,000.00 50 COSTA RICA ...............................................$ 13.00 500 COSTA RICA ...........................................$ 225.00 50 CROATIA (PRE WAR) ..................................$ 20.00 100 CUBA ........................................................$ 5.00 500 CUBA ......................................................$ 60.00 1000 CUBA ....................................................$ 85.00 300 CUBA ......................................................$ 30.00 200 CUBA (LARGE PICT.) ................................$ 14.00 25 CYPRUS ....................................................$ 12.00 50 CYPRUS ....................................................$ 30.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ......................................$ 3.00 200 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ....................................$ 15.00 500 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ....................................$ 17.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H) .................$ 17.00 200 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H)..................$ 20.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (POST WAR).................$ 11.00 400 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H)..................$ 30.00 1000 CZECHOSLAVAKIA ..................................$ 85.00


50 DANZIG .....................................................$ 58.00 100 DANZIG ...................................................$ 66.00 100 DENMARK .................................................$ 5.00

Pay cents, not $ per stamp! 300 DENMARK ...............................................$ 20.00 500 DENMARK ...............................................$ 60.00 500 DENMARK( LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 120.00 25 DOMINICA BR. .............................................$ 4.00 50 DOMINICA BR. .............................................$ 6.00 100 DOMINICA BR. .........................................$ 30.00 50 DOMINICA BR. (KGVI & QEII) .....................$ 40.00 500 DOMINICA BR. .......................................$ 260.00 200 DOMINICAN REP. .....................................$ 33.00 300 DOMINICAN REP. .....................................$ 70.00 90 DUTCH EAST INDIES ................................$ 100.00


300 ECUADOR ................................................$ 77.00 400 ECUADOR ................................................$ 80.00 500 ECUADOR ..............................................$ 110.00 700 ECUADOR ..............................................$ 250.00 100 EGYPT .....................................................$ 10.00 300 EGYPT .....................................................$ 70.00 500 EGYPT .....................................................$ 55.00 1000 EGYPT .................................................$ 155.00 50 EGYPT (MINT/UH, COMPL. SETS)................$ 30.00 50 EGYPT + 4 M/S .........................................$ 30.00 50 ESTONIA ....................................................$ 66.00 25 EQUATORIAL GUINEA (M/SHEET CTO) ........$ 11.00 1000 EUROPE ...............................................$ 50 .00


20 FALKLAND ISL. COMPL. MINT SETS...........$ 120.00 25 FALKLAND ISLAND ....................................$ 18.00 50 FAROS ISLAND ..........................................$ 60.00 100 FAROS ISLAND ......................................$ 130.00 50 FIJI ............................................................$ 18.00 100 FIJI ..........................................................$ 50.00 150 FIJI ..........................................................$ 70.00 200 FIJI ..........................................................$ 80.00 250 FIJI ........................................................$ 140.00 400 FIJI ........................................................$ 300.00 500 FIJI ........................................................$ 440.00 300 FINLAND .................................................$ 60.00 400 FINLAND .................................................$ 80.00 500 FINLAND ...............................................$ 140.00 10 FIUME ........................................................$ 7.00 300 FRANCE ...................................................$ 30.00 500 FRANCE ...................................................$ 50.00 100 FRENCH COLONIES .....................................$ 6.00 500 FRENCH COLONIES ...................................$ 70.00 50 FRENCH COLONIES (PRE INDEPENDENCE) ..$ 12.00 500 FRENCH COLONIES (PRE INDEPENDENCE) ...$ 185.00 50 FRENCH POLYNESIA ...................................$ 50.00


500 GAMBIA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 500.00 50 GERMANY 3RD REICH ................................$ 13.00 25 GERMANY ...................................................$ 5.00 100 GERMANY .................................................$ 7.00 300 GERMANY ...............................................$ 18.00 1000 GERMANY .............................................$ 50.00

50 GERMANY (PRE WAR) ...............................$ 11.00 100 GERMANY (PRE WAR) .............................$ 22.00 100 GERMANY EAST ....................................$ 119.00 500 GERMANY EAST ......................................$ 40.00 50 GERMANY INFLATION (MINT U/H ).............$ 10.00 100 GERMANY INFLATION (MINT U/H)............$ 20.00 500 GERMANY WEST ......................................$ 50.00 1200 GERMANY WEST ..................................$ 260.00 100 GERMANY WEST(LRG.COMMEMS) ............$20.00 100 GHANA ...................................................$ 50.00 200 GHANA .................................................$ 120.00 500 GHANA .................................................$ 149.00 25 GIBRALTAR ................................................$ 17.00 50 GIBRALTAR ................................................$ 45.00 500 GILBERT, KIRIBATI, TUVALU ...................$ 270.00 25 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .........................$ 12.00 150 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .......................$ 90.00 200 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 100.00 300 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 150.00 360 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 190.00 400 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 225.00 25 GREAT BRITAIN ............................................$ 2.00 50 GREAT BRITAIN ............................................$ 7.00 100 GREAT BRITAIN ..........................................$ 9.00 500 G\GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 25.00 1000 GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 176.00 1200 GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 230.00 100 GREAT BTITAIN (LARGE COMMEMS) ........$ 12.00 200 GREAT BRITAIN (LARGE COMMEMS).........$ 20.00 50 GREECE .......................................................$ 5.00 100 GREECE ...................................................$ 14.00 200 GREECE ...................................................$ 30.00 1000 GREECE ...............................................$ 165.00 100 GREENLAND ..........................................$ 100.00 50 GRENADA ....................................................$ 8.00 100 GRENADA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 10.00 25 GUATEMALA ...............................................$ 6.00 50 GUATEMALA .............................................$ 14.00 100 GUATEMALA ...........................................$ 32.00 300 GUATEMALA .........................................$ 150.00 25 GUINEA M/S............................................. $ 10.00 50 GUINEA REP. ................................................$ 6.00 100 GUINEA REP. (LARGE PICT.) ......................$ 10.00


50 HAITI ........................................................$ 12.00 100 HAITI ......................................................$ 30.00 200 HAITI ......................................................$ 55.00 100 HOLLAND ..................................................$ 7.00 200 HOLLAND ................................................$ 14.00 300 HOLLAND ................................................$ 30.00 400 HOLLAND ................................................$ 40.00 500 HOLLAND ................................................$ 50.00 1000 HOLLAND ............................................$ 120.00 100 HONDURAS..............................................$ 50.00 200 HONDURAS .............................................$ 80.00 400 HONDURAS ...........................................$ 140.00 25 HONG KONG ................................................$ 6.00 50 HONG KONG ..............................................$ 12.00

100 HONG KONG ............................................$ 20.00 200 HONG KONG ..........................................$ 100.00 50 HUNGARY ...................................................$ 2.00 100 HUNGARY .................................................$ 3.00 500 HUNGARY ...............................................$ 20.00 1000 HUNGARY .............................................$ 65.00 2000 HUNGARY ...........................................$ 150.00 3000 HUNGARY ...........................................$ 440.00 300 HUNGARY (LARGE PICT.) .........................$ 24.00 1000 HUNGARY (LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 85.00


25 ICELAND (MINT U/H) .................................$ 20.00 50 ICELAND (MINT U/H) .................................$ 40.00 500 ICELAND .................................................$ 89.00 300 INDIA ......................................................$ 24.00 700 INDIA....................................................... $99.00 1000 INDIA ..................................................$ 200.00 25 INDO - CHINA ..............................................$ 8.00 50 INDO - CHINA ............................................$ 20.00 100 INDONESIA ................................................$ 6.00 300 INDONESIA ..............................................$ 56.00 300 IRAN .......................................................$ 30.00 500 IRAN .......................................................$ 60.00 500 IRAQ .....................................................$ 230.00 1000 IRAQ ...................................................$ 270.00 350 IRELAND .................................................$ 60.00 400 IRELAND ...............................................$ 194.00 500 IRELAND ...............................................$ 250.00 600 IRELAND ...............................................$ 360.00 300 ISRAEL ....................................................$ 45.00 500 ISRAEL ....................................................$ 90.00 25 ITALIAN COLONIES .....................................$ 10.00 50 ITALIAN COLONIES .....................................$ 24.00 100 ITALIAN COLONIES ...................................$ 75.00 200 ITALIAN COLONIES ...................................$ 80.00 500 ITALY .......................................................$ 80.00


200 JAMAICA ...............................................$ 130.00 50 JAPAN .........................................................$ 4.00 200 JAPAN .....................................................$ 21.00 500 JAPAN .....................................................$ 60.00 1000 JAPAN .................................................$ 140.00 100 JAPAN (MINT U/H) ..................................$ 60.00 50 JERSEY ......................................................$ 13.00


50 KOREA NORTH (LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 6.00 100 KOREA NORTH (LARGE PICT.)....................$ 10.00 500 KOREA NORTH .........................................$ 80.00 50 KOREA SOUTH ...........................................$ 14.00


25 LAOS ...........................................................$ 4.00 50 LAOS ...........................................................$ 7.00 500 LAOS .......................................................$ 70.00

Email: Web:

Pricefighter Packets, ready made collections 20 LAOS PRE WAR ............................................$ 6.00 100 LATIN AMERICA .........................................$ 3.00 300 LATIN AMERICA .......................................$ 19.00 500 LATIN AMERICA .......................................$ 36.00 50 LATVIA ......................................................$ 22.00 200 LATVIA ..................................................$ 170.00 75 LATVIA (Pre War) ....................................$ 100.00 100 LEBANON ................................................$ 40.00 200 LEBANON ..............................................$ 100.00 100 LIBERIA ...................................................$ 15.00 300 LIBERIA ...................................................$ 70.00 25 LIECHTENSTEIN .........................................$ 10.00 50 LIECHTENSTEIN .........................................$ 30.00 500 LIECHTHENSTEIN ........................................$ 320 25 LITHUANIA ................................................$ 10.00 50 LITHUANIA ................................................$ 30.00 100 LITHUANIA ............................................$ 100.00 50 LUXEMBOURG .............................................$ 8.00 100 LUXEMBOURG .........................................$ 21.00 300 LUXEMBOURG .........................................$ 55.00


50 MACAU .....................................................$ 60.00 200 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE .......................$ 20.00 500 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE .......................$ 96.00 1000 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE ...................$ 400.00 25 MALAYSIA ...................................................$ 2.00 100 MALAYSIA ...............................................$ 13.00 100 MALDIVES ...............................................$ 19.00 100 MALTA ....................................................$ 10.00 500 MALTA ..................................................$ 140.00 650 MALTA ..................................................$ 270.00 50 MAURITIUS ...............................................$ 24.00 100 MAURITIUS .............................................$ 30.00 200 MEXICO ...................................................$ 54.00 500 MEXICO .................................................$ 110.00 25 MONACO .....................................................$ 6.00 100 MONACO .................................................$ 40.00 100 MONGOLIA ..............................................$ 10.00 500 MONGOLIA ..............................................$ 65.00 25 MONTENEGRO ...........................................$ 20.00 50 MONTENEGRO ...........................................$ 50.00 100 MONTSERRAT ........................................$ 114.00 25 MOROCCO AGENCIES ...................................$ 7.60 100 MOZAMBIQUE .........................................$ 22.00 200 MOZAMBIQUE .........................................$ 55.00 400 MOZAMBIQUE .......................................$ 270.00 500 MOZAMBIQUE .......................................$ 300.00 50 MYANMAR ................................................$ 20.00


25 NAURU ......................................................$ 11.00 50 NAURU ......................................................$ 33.00 100 NAURU................................................... $ 93.00 150 NAURU ..................................................$ 134.00 200 NAURU ..................................................$ 160.00 50 NEPAL .........................................................$ 4.00 100 NEPAL .......................................................$ 8.00 400 NEPAL ...................................................$ 100.00

500 NEVIS (MINT U/H) .................................$ 260.00 25 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES ..........................$ 20.00 50 NEW CALEDONIA ......................................$ 36.00 100 NEW CALEDONIA ..................................$ 150.00 10 NEWFOUNDLAND .......................................$ 8.00 25 NEWFOUNDLAND .....................................$ 16.00 50 NEWFOUNDLAND .....................................$ 44.00 100 NEWFOUNDLAND .................................$ 190.00 50 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .........................$ 40.00 100 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .......................$ 90.00 200 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 260.00 300 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 440.00 400 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 600.00 100 NEW ZEALAND ..........................................$ 5.00 150 NEW ZEALAND ..........................................$ 6.00 200 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 14.00 300 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 28.00 400 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 33.00 100 NEW ZEALAND ......................................$ 105.00 25 NICARAGUA ................................................$ 2.00 50 NICARAGUA ................................................$ 5.00 100 NICARAGUA ..............................................$ 8.00 500 NICARAGUA ............................................$ 70.00 25 NIGERIA ......................................................$ 5.40 100 NIGERIA ..................................................$ 60.00 50 NIUE .........................................................$ 40.00 100 NIUE .......................................................$ 88.00 25 NORFOLK ISL. ............................................$ 10.00 50 NORFOLK ISL. ............................................$ 26.00 100 NORFOLK ISL. ..........................................$ 90.00 200 NORFOLK ISL. ........................................$ 150.00 300 NORFOLK ISL. ........................................$ 270.00 50 NORTH BORNEO ........................................$ 50.00 50 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .....................$ 30.00 100 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH ................$ 190.00 120 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH ................$ 200.00 150 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 240.00 200 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 360.00 250 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 460.00 300 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 700.00 100 NORWAY ...................................................$ 8.00 500 NORWAY .................................................$ 80.00 25 NYASALAND ..............................................$ 50.00


50 PACIFIC IS (BR) ............................................$ 8.00 100 PACIFIC IS. (BR) ........................................$16.00 200 PACIFIC IS. (BR) .......................................$ 56.00 600 PACIFIC ISLANDS ...................................$ 250.00 100 PAKISTAN ..................................................$ 7.00 500 PAKISTAN ..............................................$ 120.00 50 PANAMA ...................................................$ 12.00 25 PAPUA NEW GUINEA....................................$ 5.00 50 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...................................$ 7.00 100 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 26.00 150 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 62.00 200 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 88.00 250 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 100.00 500 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 400.00

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

600 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 750.00 800 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...........................$ 1900.00 100 PARAGUAY (MINT U/H)) ..........................$ 20.00 50 PENRHYN ..................................................$ 46.00 150 PENRHYN ..............................................$ 184.00 50 PERU ...........................................................$ 5.00 500 PERU .....................................................$ 170.00 600 PERU .....................................................$ 250.00 700 PERU .....................................................$ 470.00 100 PHILIPPINES ...........................................$ 12.00 800 PHILIPPINES......................................... $ 250.00 900 PHILIPPINES .........................................$ 330.00 1000 PLILIPPINES .............................................$ 420 1200 PHILIPPINES .......................................$ 500.00 1500 PHILIPPINES .......................................$ 700.00 25 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H)................... $ 20.00 100 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H) ...............$ 150.00 150 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H) ...............$ 170.00 200 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H)................$ 324.00 50 POLAND ......................................................$ 2.00 100 POLAND ....................................................$ 4.00 300 POLAND ..................................................$ 12.00 500 POLAND.................................................. $ 30.00 1000 POLAND ................................................$ 60.00 200 POLAND (PICTORIALS) ..............................$ 8.00 150 PORT AZORES ........................................$ 190.00 100 PORTUGAL ..............................................$ 12.00 200 PORTUGAL ..............................................$ 39.00 500 PORTUGAL ............................................$ 125.00 50 PORTUGAL COLONIES ..................................$ 6.00 200 PORTUGAL COLONIES ..............................$ 40.00


50 QATAR .......................................................$ 20.00


50 RHODESIA .................................................$ 16.00 200 RHODESIA ...............................................$ 70.00 300 RHODESIA .............................................$ 140.00 400 RHODESIA .............................................$ 400.00 50 ROMANIA ....................................................$ 2.00 100 ROMANIA ..................................................$ 3.00 200 ROMANIA ..................................................$ 5.00 500 ROMANIA ................................................$ 31.00 1000 ROMANIA ..............................................$ 73.00 1500 ROMANIA ............................................$ 225.00 100 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ............................$ 6.00 200 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ..........................$ 11.00 300 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ..........................$ 18.00 100 RUSSIA .....................................................$ 7.00 200 RUSSIA ...................................................$ 10.00 300 RUSSIA ...................................................$ 20.00 1600 RUSSIA ...............................................$ 199.00 2000 RUSSIA ...............................................$ 225.00 500 RUSSIA (LARGE) ......................................$ 40.00 1000 RUSSIA (LARGE) ....................................$ 70.00 1000 RUSSIA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 149.00 100 RUSSIA (MINT SHORT SETS) ....................$ 11.00 100 RUSSIAN INDP.STATES (MINT U/H)...........$ 33.00

Pay cents, not $ per stamp! 500 RUANDA ...............................................$ 125.00


50 SAAR ........................................................$ 33.00 50 SALVADOR ................................................$ 20.00 100 SALVADOR ..............................................$ 80.00 25 SAMOA .......................................................$ 7.00 50 SAMOA .....................................................$ 26.00 100 SAMOA ...................................................$ 66.00 400 SAMOA .................................................$ 272.00 500 SAMOA .................................................$ 380.00 600 SAMOA .................................................$ 780.00 25 SAN MARINO ..............................................$ 6.00 100 SAN MARINO.......................................... $ 30.00 50 SARAWAK .................................................$ 45.00 100 SARAWAK .............................................$ 200.00 50 SERBIA ......................................................$ 40.00 25 SEYCHELLES ..............................................$ 40.00 100 SEYCHELLES ............................................$ 90.00 25 SIERRA LEONE .............................................$ 8.00 50 SIERRA LEONE ...........................................$ 30.00 500 SIERA LEONE(MINT U/H) .......................$ 330.00 50 SINGAPORE ...............................................$ 12.00 100 SINGAPORE .............................................$ 30.00 200 SINGAPORE ...........................................$ 100.00 300 SINGAPORE ...........................................$ 150.00 50 SLOVAKIA ....................................................$ 7.00 75 SLOVAKIA ..................................................$ 17.00 100 SLOVAKIA ................................................$ 22.00 150 SLOVAKIA ................................................$ 30.00 50 SOLOMON ISL. ...........................................$ 20.00 100 SOLOMON ISL. .........................................$ 60.00 150 SOLOMON ISL....................................... $ 100.00 200 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 160.00 300 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 300.00 400 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 520.00 500 SOLOMON ISL....................................... $ 700.00 100 SOUTH AFRICA ..........................................$ 7.00 1000 SOUTH AFRICA ....................................$ 400.00 1000 SOUTH AMERICA .................................$ 120.00 25 SOUTHERN RHODESIA .................................$ 6.00 150 SOUTHERN RHODESIA .............................$ 70.00 1500 SCANDINAVIA .....................................$ 130.00 100 SPAIN ........................................................$ 8.00 200 SPAIN ......................................................$ 20.00 300 SPAIN ......................................................$ 30.00 500 SPAIN ......................................................$ 66.00 1000 SPAIN ..................................................$ 135.00 1500 SPAIN ..................................................$ 275.00 100 SPANISH COLONIES .................................$ 20.00 100 SRI LANKA / CEYLON ...............................$ 11.00 200 SRI LANKA ..............................................$ 30.00 10 ST. HELENA .................................................$ 9.00 50 ST. KITTS ...................................................$ 26.00 75 ST. KITTS ...................................................$ 36.00 100 ST. KITTS .................................................$ 54.00 100 ST. LUCIA .................................................$ 30.00 50 ST. THOMAS ................................................$ 8.00 100 ST. THOMAS ............................................$ 14.00

25 ST. VINCENT ................................................$ 7.00 50 ST. VINCENT ..............................................$ 18.00 100 ST. VINCENT ............................................$ 30.00 25 SURINAME ................................................$ 12.00 100 SURINAME ..............................................$ 56.00 500 SURINAME............................................ $ 190.00 25 SWAZILAND ................................................$ 6.00 50 SWAZILAND ..............................................$ 20.00 100 SWAZILAND............................................ $ 60.00 500 SWEDEN .................................................$ 70.00 1000 SWEDEN ...............................................$ 90.00 100 SWITZERLAND........................................ $ 15.00 300 SWITZERLAND ........................................$ 44.00 500 SWITZERLAND ........................................$ 65.00 800 SWITZERLAND ......................................$ 150.00 1000 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 220.00 1200 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 600.00 1300 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 900.00 1500 SWITZERLAND ..................................$ 1600.00 50 SYRIA ..........................................................$ 7.00


500 TAIWAN ................................................$ 170.00 200 THAILAND ...............................................$ 70.00 300 THAILAND .............................................$ 130.00 400 THAILAND .............................................$ 180.00 600 THAILAND .............................................$ 370.00 800 THAILAND .............................................$ 800.00 500 TOGO .....................................................$ 100.00 1000 TOGO ...................................................$ 460.00 50 TOKELAU ...................................................$ 60.00 25 TONGA ......................................................$ 16.00 50 TONGA ......................................................$ 36.00 100 TONGA ..................................................$ 110.00 10 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ...................................$ 10.00 50 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ................................$ 120.00 100 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ...............................$ 170.00 25 TUNISIA ......................................................$ 4.00 50 TUNISIA ....................................................$ 12.00 100 TUNISIA ..................................................$ 36.00 500 TUNISIA ................................................$ 190.00 100 TURKEY..................................................... $ 5.00 300 TURKEY ...................................................$ 18.00 500 TURKEY ...................................................$ 55.00 25 TURKS & CAICOS .........................................$ 6.00 50 TURKS & CAICOS .......................................$ 20.00 100 TURKS & CAICOS (MINT U/H) ...................$ 70.00 500 TURK AND CAICOS (MINT U/H)...............$ 500.00


100 U.N.O ......................................................$ 24.00 300 U.N.O ....................................................$ 110.00 400 U.N.O ....................................................$ 170.00 100 URUGUAY ................................................$ 16.00 200 URUGUAY ................................................$ 36.00 1000 URUGUAY ............................................$ 185.00 100 USA ..........................................................$ 4.00 200 USA ..........................................................$ 8.00 500 USA ........................................................$ 45.00

1000 USA ......................................................$ 80.00 300 USA (COMMEMS) ....................................$ 14.00 100 USA (MINT COMMEMS) ...........................$ 50.00 200 USA (MINT COMMEMS) .........................$ 100.00


25 VATICAN ......................................................$ 6.00 200 VATICAN ..................................................$ 90.00 300 VATICAN ................................................$ 132.00 25 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .....................................$ 16.00 50 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .....................................$ 40.00 100 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) ...................................$ 80.00 200 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .................................$ 180.00 500 VATICAN(MINT U/H) ..............................$ 270.00 100 VENEZUELA .............................................$ 34.00 700 VENEZUELA ...........................................$ 250.00 800 VENEZUELA ...........................................$ 300.00 100 VIETNAM .................................................$ 30.00


25 WALLIS & FUTUNA ......................................$ 6.00 50 WALLIS & FUTUNA ....................................$ 20.00 200 WALLIS & FUTUNA ................................$ 300.00 100 WESTERN EUROPE ...................................$ 30.00 25 WURTTEMBERG ........................................$ 16.00 50 WURTTEMBERG ........................................$ 33.00 600 WORLD LARGE ........................................$ 39.00


100 YUGOSLAVIA .............................................$ 6.00 200 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 17.00 300 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 20.00 500 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 80.00


50 ZANZIBAR .................................................$ 76.00


500 ATHLETICS/ ATHLETES ...........................$ 105.00 800 ART .........................................................$ 49.00 800 ANIMALS ................................................$ 49.00 500 AUTOMOBILES ........................................$ 59.00 500 AVIATIN ...................................................$ 65.00 500 BIRDS .....................................................$ 60.00 1000 BIRDS ..................................................$ 135.00 500 DOGS ....................................................$ 120.00 500 FISH/MARINE LIFE ...................................$ 50.00 500 FLOWERS (INCLUD. PLANTS/TREES) .........$ 60.00 500 HORSES .................................................$ 100.00 500 OLYMPICS ...............................................$ 49.00 250 REPTILES .................................................$ 39.00 500 SHIPS ......................................................$ 80.00 500 SPACE .....................................................$ 49.00 500 TRAINS ..................................................$ 100.00 500 TRANSPORT ............................................$ 90.00

Email: Web:

Revenue Review NSW Archives

A recent trip south to New South Wales took me to the archives where there were several New South Wales revenues archived away which I had not seen or recorded until now. Figure 1 is one such item [file no. sz1040] being a rather long book crammed with a specimen ‘set’ of the New South Wales red impressed duty stamps from 1d to £100. My phone camera does not do it justice. Unfortunately, these were in archival sleeves making them hard to see, but you can get the gist of it all. Figure 2 was at the tail end of figure 1. Figures 3&4 are from a fabulous file [sz35] containing 90 [yes 90] full sheets of 100 [2 panes of 50 10x5] QV Stamp Duty colour trials

Fig 2

Fig 3 Fig 1

42 - Stamp News

on wmked NSW type one, paper! [yes wmk’d!] Note; Peck & Smith [1999] give sheet size as 120 [2 panes of 60 10x6]. It was hard to get photos as again, they were in archive sleeves and I did not want to remove any incase of damage. Figure 5 is another I had not seen in the ‘flesh’ [file sz36]. Green on toned paper. This Electric Telegraph key plate vignette of the seated allegorical figure “Time” holding a thunderbolt and frame, probably taken from the UK ‘The Electric and International Telegraph Company’ 1846 that used “Time” on its telegram stationery. After spending a good few hours in archives I ended up taking several hundred photos with the hope of adding a page to my web site as time permits. I would like to thank the staff of the NSW archives for their time and

Dave Elsmore effort in locating and having ready many files prior to my visit, the coffee was good also!


Western Australia again dominates the revenue scene. Figure 6 was auctioned off recently. This £25 has in the past been exceptionally scarce but not any more. I am told WA revenues continue to flood the market place. Apparently the lion’s share of Stamp Duties came from a Government employee whose job it was to microfilm all documents held and then destroy them in the Government furnace. It is unknown whether this person or persons were allowed to cut all the stamps off the documents and keep them prior

to the furnace; this is anybody’s guess. I am presuming a ministerial letter of permission would have been obtained, but we may never know. What I do know is going by the survival rate of Western Australian stamp duty issues, the usage figures obtained and quoted in Dzelme’s book may have been the quantities taken from files, and out of the Western Australian Government hands, as he does not explain where these ‘usage’ figures come from. It would be good if Dzelme could step forward and tell us this fascinating and obviously very lucrative story. I believe he is a very private man who will only deal with a select few. Over the last few months in Revenue Review the information I have been reporting on Western Australian revenues has been gleaned from several correspondents local

Fig 4

Fig 5 Fig 6

Stamp News - 43

Revenue Review to WA. If you are reading this and can fill in any blanks or maybe correct my reporting please write or email.

it appeared on eBay for a couple of hours and was taken down. Making me wonder where it is now.

You Swine

Red Bets

Figure 9 was up for grabs in one of the last Status While I am on the subject of Western Australia auctions. Some rather nice multiples as you figure 7 [a red betting ticket] has been shown to me can see. There were a couple of pages of these by Mike Mulroy. This is the first ‘Enclosure’ ticket impressive ‘blocks’. Some lucky collector bought I have seen. Nice find Mike, thanks for sharing. them, no they are not on their way to Qld!


Ok, ok this is the last Western Australian revenue I will mention for the rest of the year. I promise! I thought I would squeeze figure 8 in this so called ‘double’ print, which to me appears to be no more than a ‘plate shake’ while printing. Still collectable

Broken Promise

Looking to fill in the last of Revenue Review for this year and thought I would share with you something I have been sitting on for several years. A Western Australian Beer Duty essay [ok I broke my promise from above, sorry]. The issued beer

Fig 7

Fig 9 Fig 8

44 - Stamp News

Dave Elsmore duty we all know is at the top of figure 10 whereas the essay 2/9d is at the bottom of figure 10. Note the crown difference and the word INLAND REVENUE differs from the issued 6d stamp which shows EXCISE REVENUE and of course it shows a 2/9d. I have also recorded a 2d and an 8/4d.

Perfin Corner

The last for this year is a fab precancel for Rockman’s mail orders [figs 11&12], which I picked up at a local stamp day from a local dealer. This provisional overprint had not been recorded in the Victoria precancel section of the free on line book of Revenue Perfins and Precancels. Please check your holdings and see if you have anything different in the way of an overprint for this company.

Wrap It Up

Well that wraps up another year of Revenue Review. I can only thank you, my readers for all your emails, letters and input during the year. As Revenue collecting continues to grow, lets hope next year will bring out just as many unrecorded revenues as this year has done. I do hope all of you have a happy and safe Christmas break, see you next year.

I can be contacted by mail: P O Box 66 Springwood 4127 Queensland or an Email link from my web site or

Fig 10

Fig 11

Fig 12

Stamp News - 45


Catalogues AVAILABLE

STANLEY GIBBONs GB & British commonwealth

Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 2015 Edition ................................... $179.95 Commonwealth Simplified Catalogue 1840 - 2010 ...........................................................................$55 Australia and Territories 9th Edition 2014...................................................................................$69.95 Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 2nd Edition 2010 ................................................$32.50 Belize, Guyana, Trinidad 2009 .......................................................................................................$24.95 Bermuda, Bahamas & North Caribbean 1st Edition 2006 .........................................................$59.95 Brunei Malaysia & Singapore 2013 ..............................................................................................$52.50 Canada & Former Provinces 2014 Edition...................................................................................$52.50 Central Africa 2008 ..............................................................................................................................$15 Cyprus, Malta & Gibraltar 3rd Edition 2011 ..............................................................................$37.90 East Africa 1st Edition 2007 ...........................................................................................................$41.50 Eastern Pacific 2011 ........................................................................................................................$37.20 Falklands Is. & Dependencies 2013 ...............................................................................................$35.75 Hong Kong 4th Edition 2013.........................................................................................................$29.95 India including States 2013 ............................................................................................................$50.95 Indian Ocean 2nd Edition 2012 .....................................................................................................$34.50 Ireland 5th Edition 2011 ................................................................................................................$31.90 Leeward Islands 2012 .....................................................................................................................$50.35 North East Africa 2013 ...................................................................................................................$53.95 Northern Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda 2013 .......................................................................$39.95 New Zealand & Dependencies 6th Edition 2014 ..........................................................................$49.90 St. Helena & Dependencies 2014 ...................................................................................................$34.90 Southern Africa & Central Africa 2011 ........................................................................................$59.90 West Africa 2nd Edition 2012 ........................................................................................................$50.95 Western Pacific incl. Fiji, Pitcairn, Cook Is., PNG, Solomons etc 2009 .....................................$41.50 Windward Islands & Barbados 2nd Edition 2012 .......................................................................$35.90 Great Britain Concise 2014 ............................................................................................................$69.90 Collect British Stamps 2014 ...........................................................................................................$29.95 Collect Channel Is. & Isle of Man 2014 ........................................................................................$52.50 GB Specialised Queen Victoria 16th Edition 2011 .......................................................................$79.95 GB Specialised 4 Kings 11th Edition 2011 ....................................................................................$71.90 GB Specialised QEII pre-decimal 11th Edition 2011 ...................................................................$71.90 GB Specialised QEII Decimal Vol 4 2010 Edition ........................................................................$79.50 KGV Commonwealth Specialised 1st Edition 2010 .....................................................................$39.95

foreign Countries & thematics Western Europe Simplified catalogue 2012 ........................ $69.95 Stamps of the World, 6 volumes New 2014 Edition ................ $450 Austria & Hungary 7th Edition 2009 .................................... $49.50 Balkans 2009 ................................................................................. $39 Benelux 6th Edition 2010........................................................ $71.90 Central America 3rd Edition 2007 ........................................ $71.90 Central Asia 4th Edition 2007 ................................................ $49.50 China 10th Edition 2013 ....................................................... $102.50 Czech. & Poland 7th Edition 2012......................................... $52.50 France & Colonies 2010.......................................................... $68.50 Germany 10th Edition 2012 ................................................... $54.75 Japan & Korea 2008 Edition ...................................................... $35

Italy & Switzerland 8th Edition 2013 ................................... $95.00 Middle East - 2009 ...................................................................... $37 Portugal & Spain 6th Edition 2011........................................ $71.90 Russia 2014 Edition...................................................................... $92 Scandinavia 7th Edition 2013 ................................................ $62.90 South America 2008 Edition .................................................. $71.90 South East Asia 2012............................................................... $80.95 USA 7th Edition 2010.............................................................. $76.50 We can supply a full range of Albums, Stockbooks, Stocksheets and Stockcards, Mounts and other accessories. Please contact us for your requirements. Wholesale and dealer enquiries welcome.

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 9758 7506 email: Prices do not include Postage & handling

Special ‘27½% Off’ Discount.

“Desert Magic” Imported Stamp Drying books For those readers who have not seen these Desert Magic books, they are a large A4 sized book (stockbook sized) with thick white Spiro edge binding that as you can see allows them to lay flat. (There is a half sized one which is basically useless in our view.) The pages are of REALLY thick blotting type paper. i.e.thick heavy cardboard thickness. It is some special “fast release” formulation .. no idea what they use, but it really does WORK! There is then a special smooth plastic coating on one side. So you wash your stamps, and if you leave them to air dry on tea towels or blotting paper or newspaper, light creases and bends will always stay there. If they are placed into this book when touch damp (not sopping wet) and left there with the gum side to the plastic side and the front of stamp to the blotter side, they dry perfectly flat, and many light bends and creases vanish. Nearly all of them. It is amazing the difference they make, which is why we sell so many! Readers of have acclaimed these as one of the best stamp accessories on the market. Just put your stamps in, pile a few heavy books on top and forget them for a week. Most collectors have two books, as that is the secret ..... do NOT touch them for a week and let them dry slowly under weight. Most important. The special formulation plastic coated side is super important as otherwise many stamps STICK to blotter if damp and between 2 sheets of blotting paper, with heavy weight on top. These do not. Again it is some special coating they have figured out which works perfectly for this specific job. Almost any other kind of plastic sheet you may try to experiment with at home will leave a real ugly mirror like “SHEEN” on the gum side if placed in damp, under weight, which looks really stupid, and really shows what you have been doing. These do NOT. The books last for decades. They really do. A 10/- C of A Roo used and light creased copy will be $100 retail, and one that is nice and flat $200. So the cost of the book is paid 3 fold with just one stamp that is saved. Retail Price is $38 each. For readers we offer 27½% off retail special deal for purchases of two books

$A30 singly or $A55 for 2 Flat Fee Registered Postage anywhere in Australia (for either 1 or 2) add $A10 - airmail overseas is $A20 for 1 or 2. All credit cards accepted

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, 3158, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation This month I look at the successful Adelaide Stampex 2014, the APF medal design competition and at the mechanics of preparing an exhibit for an Australian National exhibition. Adelaide Stampex 2014 Adelaide Stampex 2014 was a halfnational exhibition held on 10 - 12 October 2014 in Adelaide which featured competitions in Traditional, Postal Stationery, Revenues, Youth, APF Medal: Left - Obverse to be replaced with new design Literature, Postcards and Polar Right - Reverse to remain with the new design Philately. The Exhibition provided a good range of dealers, exhibits and activities to make for a most Stationery), Warrick Wright The Revenues of New enjoyable weekend. The winner of the Best in Show Zealand Air Travel (Best Youth), Francis Kiddle Award was John Sinfield for his exhibit of Scenic Tasmanian Revenues 1827 - 1931 (Best Revenue), Lettercards of Australia while the Best Traditional Graham Englefield The Shipping Program of Award went to Arthur Gray for The George V ANARE and the Involvement of the Lauritzen Line Sideface Definitive Issues of Australia 1913-1938 (Best Polar), Jennifer Roland 1900 Paris Exhibition with Arthur Woo receiving the runner –up award for (Postcards), Ben Palmer The Sydney Views: A Guide The 1859 - 1865 French Colonies “Eagle” Issues. and index to Covers (Best Literature – Books) and The awards for the best exhibits in the other Michel Roland Journal of the SA Frama Study classes went to Glen Stafford Nicaraguan Postal Group (Best Literature – Journals). Stationery - The Seebeck Era (Best Postal The Exhibition included a Postcard Challenge with teams from South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand participating with South Australia being clear winners of the Challenge. Adelaide Stampex 2014 has a tradition of awarding a prize for the best dealer, based on the performance of the dealer in responding to one or more ‘mystery shoppers’. The Award this year was once again won by Pittwater Stamps with John and Jan Fitzpatrick being runner-up.

Dealers’ stands at Adelaide Stampex 48 - Stamp News

The APF ‘design a new medal’ competition One role of the APF is to provide medals for Australian National Stamp and Postcard exhibitions.

Ian McMahon

Philatelic Development Officer, APF PO Box 1285 Mandurah WA 6210 or John Moore Secretary – APF PO Box 528 Cardiff NSW 2285.

Discussing exhibits, Adelaide Stampex 2014

Preparing an exhibit Many first time exhibitors find the mechanics of preparing their exhibits challenging. They will have chosen the topic they wish to display and have collected the material for the exhibit but are unsure of the mechanics of putting an exhibit together i.e. what paper should they use and where do they obtain it? what are sheet protectors? how should the

Since 2007, the APF has used the same medal design (see illustrations below). Following feedback from exhibitors, we feel it is time to produce a new obverse design; we seek your help to do so. We encourage you to be innovative within the following parameters: • The design must represent Australia in some way; • The design must include the words “Australian Philatelic Federation”; • The design must fit within a round medal; and • The design must be easily reproducible. Please remember to indicate the medal colour (eg. silver, bronze). This competition is open to all ages and each entrant may submit more than one design if they wish to do so. While there is no guarantee that all of the winning design will be used, it is likely that part or all of the design features will be used for the new APF medal. All designs need to be sent in by February 28 2015 and should be sent to either Glen Stafford Vice President – APF Viewing exhibits, Adelaide Stampex 2014 Stamp News - 49

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation material be mounted? In this series of articles I will cover the basics of physically preparing an exhibit. This month I will look at selecting the right paper. One of the first questions to be resolved when beginning to prepare an exhibit is what paper to use. While loose leaf stamp album pages come in many shapes and sizes, most of them are unsuited for exhibiting either because they have a printed grille or headings, are too wide for a printer or for other reasons. Some of the factors Judges’ critique, Adelaide Stampex 2014 to take into account in choosing paper include: • Colour National Exhibitions are designed to hold 16 sheets • Size of paper 230 mm wide x 283 mm high. This paper • Weight size reflects the traditional album page sizes but can • Archival quality be difficult to obtain as blank paper. Most exhibitors • Availability at Australian national exhibitions use paper which is • Ability to be used in a computer printer either 230 mm x 283 mm or 210 mm x 283 mm. The • Sources of Paper latter size can be achieved by trimming the height of A4 paper (210 x 290 mm) and will pass through Colour: Most exhibitors use off-white to light almost all printers. ‘Double pages’ are becoming cream paper. The colour does make a difference increasing popular. These are at least 420 x 283 mm to the visual appearance of the exhibit and should and will pass through an A3 printer. not detract from the exhibit, the stamps and covers Weight: The most commonly available or make it difficult to read. Dark coloured paper commercial paper such as photocopy paper is 80 needs to be avoided, very bright white paper can be grams per square metre (gsm). This weight of paper overwhelming and generally coloured paper does not is too thin to support a philatelic exhibit safely as work well. In addition textured paper (for example, it is more like to bend in the frames with possible some papers used for certificates and invitations and damage to stamps and covers. If exhibits include other specialty paper) either detract visually from many covers and heavier items you will generally the exhibit or do not print well. I have seen a few want to use a heavier paper, of at least 140 gsm. On exhibits where very light blue paper has been used the other hand weights above 160 gsm may not fit to good effect, but a new exhibitor should generally through your computer printer without jamming. stick with an off-white paper. Archival quality: exhibitors should use archival Size: The exhibition frames used at Australian quality acid-free paper to protect their material as 50 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

John and Jan Fitzpatrick’s stand, Adelaide Stampex 2014 much as possible. Availability: Once you have prepared your exhibit on a particular type of paper you will want to have continued access to the same paper so that you make changes to the exhibit, for example, to add or replace stamps and covers in the exhibit, to correct mistakes or to enhance the text as you don’t want to have to completely rewrite the exhibit as the result of having to make small changes. Having pages in your exhibit made of paper which is even slightly different will affect the visual appearance of the exhibit. The human eye is quite amazing in being able to detect even small differences in paper colour and textures (and remember that your audience is comprised of stamp collectors who are experts on discerning such differences). What this means is that you will need to buy the paper from a supplier who is likely to be able to supply the paper on an ongoing basis and/or buying sufficient paper to provide yourself with an ongoing supply (remembering that in preparing an exhibit you really can’t avoid making at least some mistakes and therefore needing to use more paper than you originally intended).

Ability to be used in a computer printer: As almost all exhibits are prepared using a computer the paper you select must be able to work with your printer or a printer to which you have access. If you only have an A4 printer you will need to limit yourself to paper which can pass through that printer (usually 210 x 280 mmm although some printers may take slightly wider paper). If you wish to use wider paper you will need access to an A3 printer. In addition as discussed above you will also need to ensure that the weight of the paper you have chosen to use will pass through your

printer without jamming. Sources of paper: Paper can be sourced from commercial suppliers, commercial printers, the APF, some state councils or some stamp dealers. If you can it is worth trying to obtain a small quantity of the paper you are considering purchasing to see if it meets your needs before buying a larger quantity. Paper obtained from commercial suppliers may need to be guillotined before use while commercial printers are useful if you wish to have paper cut to special sizes (provided that you ensure that the paper you have purchased will fit the APF exhibition frames and your printer). As a service to exhibitors, the APF sells 140 gsm paper suitable for exhibiting at Australian National exhibitions in three sizes: 210 x 283 mm, 216 x 283 mm, 230 x 283 mm, and 454 x 283 mm in white and off white. Details can be found on the APF website . Next month I will look at the exciting philatelic events to be held during 2015 as well as including the second part of the article on Preparing Your Exhibit.

Stamp News - 51

Market Matters: Wooden Stamps! Many would agree with me that the Victoria “Woodblock” stamps will not win any beauty contest prizes! They were pretty crude looking stamps, primarily printed and issued in the mid to latter 1850s period. The 6d Oranges do nothing whatever at all for me really, but the stamp shown nearby, SG 58, recently sold for around full SG catalogue at over $A4,500. They were literally printed from designs individually carved multiple times into “the best hardened Turkey boxwood” (his words on official PO quote) by Samuel Calvert. The 2/- green was the first “Woodblock” stamp to be issued, and they were printed directly off the wooden “plates” of 25 that Calvert hand-engraved.

A million stamps for £275.

The wooden plates lasted remarkably well - Calvert printed, gummed, and delivered 1 million of these 2/- stamps for £275 - including all paper, and the engraving of 3 plates of 25 - only 1 of which was actually used. Despite the large number sold, multiples are not common. The used strip of 3 shown nearby was invoiced at double estimate for $A2,385 despite being SG 44 £570, so way over twice SG. The far more famous “Woodblocks” - the very valuable Cape Of Good Hope Triangle pair from this era, SG 13/14, were not in fact printed from wood at all, but from engraved steel plates the SG Catalogue

Sold for way over double full SG. 52 - Stamp News

THIS sold for over $A4,500! tells us. Phoenix Auctions on October 25 had a dedicated auction of one man’s collection of these stamps local identity Roland Geitenbeek’s International Gold Medal “Woodblocks of Victoria”. On Rodney Perry (who once owned many of these rare pieces) made the following comments, and it says it all really:

Glen Stephens This stamp was on my “must have” list when I collected Victoria. Fair to say, had it have been offered publicly in my era, I would have bulldozed all before me to ensure I would call it my own.” The number of different perforators used was quite surprising, with the 6d orange having nine different types offered in the Auction, far more than are catalogued. In the past many of these roulettes were considered un-official or private, however most specialists now consider that nearly all of them were officially sanctioned.

Victoria first in the world.

“I’d have Bulldozed all before me” “Very few auctions occur in Australia which present the very best the world has to offer. The Geitenbeek Victoria Woodblocks is an exception. There is no better collection of its type in the world. Within this collection are many, many items which are the best extant of their kind. Not the second or third best … the very best extant.”

Victoria was the first country anywhere to issue specific “Registered” and “Too Late” stamps indeed it was the only country anywhere, to ever issue the latter. This 6d was the PO fee to lodge mail for 15 minutes AFTER the official PO closing time, so it could be rushed to the ship’s dock, or train station etc. These two were also both “Woodblocks”, and

Auction with 4 stamp designs

While only four face-different stamps were involved, this collection covered the fascinating transition period from imperforate to perforated stamps, with all the experimental separations that were used, before finally settling down to standard perforators. The 1/- 1857 “Registered” bi-colour roulette did well I thought, being invoiced at $A17,000, and hence way above the full SG cat of £8,000. Perry commented: “the Registered 1/- roulette unused (Lot 207), ex Pack & Dale-Lichtenstein, is one of the most remarkable stamps of the British Empire. Just two unused examples are recorded - the other is in The Royal Collection.

The only copy obtainable. Stamp News - 53

Market Matters also hand-engraved on boxwood, and both were bicoloured, unusual for anywhere globally at that time, in 1855. The TOO LATE 6d “Specimen” with part gum and light crease shown nearby, was invoiced for about $A6,000, and appears to be the only buyable example. One is in the Royal Collection, and the Bill Purves example was incinerated in the “Ash Wednesday” horrific bushfires. $A6,000 for a “unique in private hands” stamp does not seen very steep to me. One item in the Auction that was unsold at time of writing was the Calvert 1854 essay for the 2/-, and detail of it is shown nearby - amazing skill for WOOD engraving!

Left & above: “Make her more Queenlike.”

”Sydney View” Est. $175,000 54 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens

The official comments on this essay still exist and note that the design was too large, and needed to be: “a little more Queenlike”. How removing the large Royal Crown from the accepted design made Her Majesty “More Queenlike” I am not sure, but that is exactly what occurred. The sale did quite well I’d surmise looking at the results, with not many unsolds, and a few nice “flyers”. For a rather niche collecting area, I’d assume all parties were pleased with the end results.

“Sydney View” Essay $A175,000

Essays for early States issues can bring big money. The one shown nearby was auctioned by Prestige in Melbourne on November 14, just after this piece was typed, so I can’t update you on price obtained. Prestige produced a 16 page A4 size colour

The last stamp shop in Ireland? catalogue just for this piece. Engraved by John Carmichael in 1849, it is rather similar to the issued stamp. Sydney is shown as a thriving industrial city with Birmingham-like smokestacks across the horizon, and not as the fledging little convict town it truly was, so soon after settlement. It was last sold for $US12,100 in November 1995 in the USA - then $A16,133, by Robert Siegel in New York, as part of the well-known “Manwood” collection, as the colour catalogue points out. 14 years later, it has a reserve of $A150,000 and estimate of $A175,000 (plus commissions) and it will be interesting to see how it fares in the local market. Stamp News - 55

Market Matters

He stole my filing system!

Guinness by the GALLON!

I was driving around Ireland for most of October. Tootling aimlessly around Éire (via Northern Ireland of course) on the smallest backroads possible. Drinking Guinness, and enjoying live Irish music in pubs at night! Visited the most Northern, Western, and Southern points of Ireland. Choosing letter October was a BIG weather risk, as many places close for Winter at end of October when clocks are adjusted back an hour. Whomever said Ireland has four seasons in each day lied - there are at least FIVE I discovered. All involve rain. When in Cork we visited Padraig (pronounced 56 - Stamp News

“Podrik”) O’Shea, who runs Raven Stamps, and is a stampboards member, and is someone I have dealt with for many years.

Not one, but TWO shops.

Padraig tells me he now runs the only retail stamp shop in Éire and Northern Ireland. Indeed he has TWO shops next to each other in downtown Cork, the second largest city in Éire. One shop for retail stock, and one for messier stuff to be sorted, and he has more stock stored nearby! I am pleased to say Padraig has a filing and organisational style very much after my own neat and patented filing system - All male readers should click on that stampmess

Glen Stephens Australia Post Archive collection. No stamps, and no proofs. And even stranger, NOTHING of this issue resides in the Royal Collection of Her Majesty The Queen. Full catalogue value for the 6 stamps shown nearby is $A150,000, so this result was over 3 times the full ACSC catalogue value. Amazing.

World record price for Australia.

This is a world record price for any Australian philatelic item, beating out the $A326,000 that Phoenix Auctions got for the 1928 Kookaburra imperforate mini-sheet ex Stuart Hardy in November 2012. I spoke to the KEVIII buyer today - well known Victorian dealer Mark Knothe, who was in Sydney today calling the PHILAS Auction. He is happy to be named as being the buyer, acting on behalf of an Invoiced for about $A500,000. link and show it to your dear lady. You will *NEVER* get any grief about your untidy stamps and mess ever again, trust me!

Unissued KEVIII Block sells £260,000

My last column was typed a week or so before the October 16, Spink London sale of the unique and unissued Australia KEVIII 2d Red block of 6, from the Vestey Collection. The block fetched about half what some VERY experienced observers had predicted, but still was invoiced for £260,000 - around $A500,000 at that time, as the dollar had sunk badly. To this day I understand nothing remains in the Auction record $326,000 broken. Stamp News - 57

Market Matters

expatriate Australian, now living overseas. Knothe flew over to London for the sale. Mark said his buyer still had “plenty of gas left in the tank” at £200,000 plus fees. So in the apparent absence of serious (or any?) bids from Australia Post and Her Majesty, he got a terrific buy, at the lowest end of the estimate band. He advises the 2 left hand stamps are available for sale to well-heeled collectors or investors, if anyone cares to contact him!

Two KEVIII stamps for sale.

This sale clearly shows there is plenty of money out there for top end Australian stamp material, and the price records keep getting broken. As the sale is completed, it can now be revealed that the person to whom Victoria Governor Huntingfield mailed the 6 stamps to in 1936, was none other than Sam Vestey’s great-grandfather, Sir 58 - Stamp News

Governor’s make their own rules! William Vestey - the First Baron Vestey. The Government demanded the printer destroy all copies, proofs and plates of this stamp after the abdication, and clearly Governor Huntingfield did not try very hard (if at all) to obtain the stamps back. The Vestey Family earned some notoriety in Australia, due to disputes with the aboriginal Gurindji people, and their land rights, and appalling pay and working conditions. In August 1966, Vincent Lingiari, a Gurindji spokesman, led a walk-off of 200 Aboriginal stockmen, house servants, and their families from Wave Hill station in NT, as a strong protest. This “Wave Hill Walkout” was a famous and historic event in Australian indigenous relations history.

Glen Stephens New 2015 Gibbons Cat.

Vesteys and the Gurindji People.

The strike was part of a widespread campaign begun by workers on Brunette Downs Station, and

supported by nonIndigenous people, including unionists, and the prominent author Frank Hardy. In 1972, PM Whitlam announced that funds would be made available for the purchase of properties that were not on reserves, and Lord Vestey offered to surrender 90 square kilometres to the Gurindji people. Daguragu was acquired by the Aboriginal Land Fund Commission and on 16 August 1975. then PM Whitlam transferred leasehold title to the Gurindji, symbolically handing soil to Vincent Lingiari. The Gurindji campaign was an important influence on the events leading to passing the Aboriginal Land Rights Act (Northern Territory) 1976. Those who watched Gough Whitlam’s State Funeral this week are keenly aware of the ongoing national importance of that Whitlam initiative.

Gibbons “Part One” released.

For me the “event” of this month was the arrival of Stamp News - 59

Market Matters

”Top Hat” from £550 to £1000. the new 2015 Stanley Gibbons “Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970” catalogue. This volume is known to old-timers and the trade as the “Gibbons Part One” - as once, the other Volumes were numbered, and were “Americas” and “Asia” etc. The average collector buys a new major catalogue only once every few years as they are expensive. For many, being a few years out of date is no big deal. THIS is the year to update!

Colourful and vibrant SG.

Printed on a nice crisp fresh white paper stock. Cheery and “alive” compared to my already VERY 60 - Stamp News

yellowed early 2000’s SG pages, with sad grey illustrations. A nice crisp clean sans serif font has been used for the last few editions, and makes it so much easier to read. Lots of constant plate flaws, and booklets are now listed. And lots of inverted watermarks find just a really medium one from a country like Australia, and the entire book will be readily paid for! Did you know the “Top Hat” flaw on the 6d Kookaburra is now cat £1,000 mint - up from £550 just last year? A very rare flaw, and very seldom

Glen Stephens

offered. Buy off someone using last year’s cat, and YOU win! Or the “Man with Tail” on 1937 2d NSW is now £700 mint and £130 used. I found 2 used copies this week in a kid’s collection - those 2 literally paid for this catalogue. Were you aware a ½d Orange Kangaroo Coil Block of 4 is now Cat in SG at £950 mint? “Knowledge Is Power” - as I have typed here 1000 times! Did you know the 1941 1/- Lyrebird with inverted watermark is Cat £5,000 mint, and £4,000 used (up from £4000/£3000) - but just 10p in normal used etc? GB is never quiet, and there are price rises spread across the listings in here, ditto for the British

“Man With Tail” Flaw £700 Commonwealth.

Australasian Prices UP

I studied the prices for the Australasian stamp listings for an hour or so today in this new catalogue. My general impression is that there were many increases right across the board, versus the 2014 Edition. All the Australian “States” seem up or unchanged overall once again - this is a VERY strong area, and demand is high, as my Geitenbeek results above prove. NSW “Sydney Views” seems up near across the board again. SG 14 mint is up from £9,500 to Stamp News - 61

Market Matters £12,000 to £14,000 in the past 3 editions, was one example I spotted. The GOOD news for Australian buyers is that despite the suddenly weak Australian dollar, the even thicker than before 2014 SG edition is just $A180 RRP this year - exactly what they sold for here way back in 2011!

Same retail price as 2011.

The UK retail price on back cover says £84.95 (=$A160) and being a super heavy book, the local RRP is most attractive, as shipping ex UK is £25 extra, and SG use worthless meter franks sadly. I did a client special on these at $A170 and got a lot of response. Let me know if you need one, as this is a “must buy” volume. Quite simply, an ESSENTIAL volume to sit on the desk of every collector, every auction, and every dealer who ever handles British Commonwealth stamps. It was a good compromise idea taking the catalogue listings up to 1970. It can be price updated each year, and yet not greatly affect the overall book size. An 1840 to 2014 detailed set would easily run 4 or 5 volumes, and essentially no-one could afford to buy it. Personally if I ever need to look up modern Guyana (and I never have!) I’ll do that via the massive 6 volume SG “Stamps Of The World.”

Now 630 large pages.

This new “2015” SG is a huge hard covered book,

62 - Stamp News

being well over 630 large A4 format pages in full colour, and this year is quite cheap - and trust me, you’ll do well to invest in one. Seamail stock from England has just arrived in Australia as you read this, and all major dealers will stock it - I had very good pre-orders. Many collectors only buy a “Part 1” each 5 or 10 years, and the cost then amortised annually, runs into only what a small Pizza will cost you! A great effort from editor Hugh Jefferies and his team - how they get the vast swag of SG Catalogues out beats me! Hugh is sadly phasing out of catalogues, after a very long time at the helm, and I hope he stays connected there for longer than he plans!

Glen Stephens has written monthly ‘Stamp

Tipster’ Columns for over 30 years - globally. A vast library of his past articles and photos are found at –

Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068 Ph: 02 9958 1333 email: Website:


Falkland Islands - TYPE 42s 1975 - 2013 For many years the Type 42s have had a close relationship with the Falklands and this set of postage stamps depicts 4 Type 42s that have had a particular association with the islands. The return of HMS Edinburgh from the South Atlantic to her home port of Portsmouth in March 2013 marked the end of the operational life of the Type 42 destroyers. Type 42s have been the backbone of the Royal Navy’s fleet since the first, HMS Sheffield, was commissioned in 1975. Edinburgh was the 14th and final Type 42 to enter service. As well as their aggressive capabilities, the Type 42 were capable of providing aid to civilian powers, disaster relief and many similar peace time duties that they were called upon to perform. The Type 42s were light guided missile destroyers designed in the 1960’s to fill the gap left by the cancellation of the larger Type 82s. The first ship of the class, HMS Sheffield, was ordered in 1968 and launched in 1971 by HM Queen Elizabeth II prior to being commissioned in 1975. In total 14 Type 42s were constructed for the Royal Navy. The Type 42 was always an ‘austerity design’, although by the batch 3 ships many of the problems had been resolved. In the design stage it was decided not exceed a certain hull length in the belief that costs could be reduced. The first 8 ships were too short and this caused various problems throughout their lives. Poor sea-keeping was not only tiring for crews but affected the operation of the gun and delicate missile launcher on the foredeck. Rather cramped with a crew of around 250, there was little margin for additional equipment. However, unlike the Type 82, there was a hangar and flight deck which allowed the carrying of a Wasp and then the superb Lynx helicopter which gave the ship a major antisubmarine capability and light anti-shipping ability. The Royal Navy pioneered gas turbine propulsion and the Type 42 was powered by 2 Rolls Royce Olympus and 2 Tyne gas turbine engines which were light, easy to maintain or replace, 64 - Stamp News

flexible in operation and could quickly accelerate the ship to 30+knots. Their main drawback was heavy fuel consumption and considerable noise at speed, a significant problem when hunting submarines. The first 6 ships of the Batch 1 design were completed 1975-79. The 4 Batch 2 ships (which included HMS Exeter and Liverpool) with improved electronics and radar and were completed 1980-83. The 4 Batch 3 ships (which included HMS Edinburgh) were completed 1982-85. These had an additional 12 metres length inserted in the foredeck and slightly increased beam giving them far better sea-keeping qualities. Adapted from Cold War air defence specialists to more general purpose escorts they have seen service around the world and participated in several conflicts. With seven ships involved in Operation Corporate and the immediate aftermath the Falklands conflict has dominated the story of the Type 42s. They achieved their main strategic objectives but with HMS Sheffield and Coventry being sunk and HMS Glasgow damaged many weaknesses were exposed. This led to an extensive re-think about the build and future re-fits, although the Type would always be limited by its age, overall design and size. Later uses for the Type 42s included the Gulf Wars, West Indies counter drugs operations and South Atlantic Patrol. There was essentially no task this ship class was not engaged in over its 38 year collective career. In the 1st Gulf war HMS Gloucester grabbed the headlines by destroying an Iraqi Silkworm anti-ship missile aimed at USS Missouri. Despite many more advanced missile systems in service across the world’s navies, to this day HMS Gloucester remains the only ship to have ever shot down a missile with another missile in combat. In Operation Telec, 2003 (2nd Gulf war) HMS Liverpool, Edinburgh and York were deployed in support of land forces and mine-sweeping operations and HMS Liverpool provided a fitting


swan song for the fighting 42s, serving with distinction off Libya in 2011. These are headline events involving the Type 42s but their work through 4 decades involved a diverse range of tasks supporting British interests, from patrolling UK waters, to the Persian Gulf, the Caribbean, the Falklands and around the world. As well as their aggressive capabilities, the Type 42s were capable of providing aid to civilian powers, disaster relief and the many similar peace time duties that they were called upon to perform. They were busy on deployment all over the world right up until the end of their lives and their contribution has been immense. On 6th June 2013 HMS Edinburgh hauled down the White Ensign in Portsmouth. The destroyer’s Commanding Officer Cdr. Nick Borbone told those present. “These are the final moments of HMS Edinburgh and the final moments of the Type 42 –

a class which has served the Navy and the nation with distinction. This is truly the end of an era. There is no doubt that she is a great ship but it is the people who have made her.” Perhaps as many as 30,000 men and women have served in Type 42s since the first, HMS Sheffield, entered service in the mid-70s.

Technical details

Designer John Batchelor MBE Printer BDT International Process Lithography Perforation 14 per 2 cms Stamp size 28.45 x 42.58mm Sheet Layout 10 Release date 22 December 2014 Production Co-ordination Creative Direction (Worldwide) Ltd Stamp News - 65

The world’s largest and friendliest Stamp Bulletin Board - with a strong Aussie flavour! A fast-growing true Community which started in 2007. About 12,000 real members, from over 130 countries – who have made about 3½ MILLION posts on 10,000s of topics. There are 100,000s of high resolution colour photos there - showing rare stamps, errors, discoveries, cinderellas and new issues etc. We get over three MILLION hits each month. No cost – Check us out on Facebook even! A vast array of leading dealers and collectors are active members. The Presidents of both APTA and the APF are members. Senior International Stamp Judges are members. Catalogue producers, stamp magazine publishers and leading auctioneers are all active members. Masses of stamp club secretaries worldwide are members, and promote their clubs and events free - does YOURS??? All entirely FREE. If you can two-finger type you are all set - simple and intuitive. Discuss EVERY aspect of stamps, from ANY country, and get instant answers and input. Show and share your photos, ask questions, get advice from experts. Buy or sell or trade the stamps you need - ALL FREE. Loads of fun threads, jokes and general discussions too. HUNDREDS of eBay crooks, cons and forgers have been exposed and expelled from eBay by our member reports and Detective work - essential reading. Monthly competitions with very valuable stamp prizes. Pop by today. It is like your ‘local stamp club’ – but you do NOT need to leave your home!

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, part-time or full-time. AAA Stamps PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760

A.G.T. Devine 56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209

Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066

Ace Stamp Auctions PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email

A-One Stamps - M Greive

Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733 Edlins of Canberra Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859

Falcon Stamps PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300

Gold Coast Stamp Traders Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582

Stephen Joe

PO 82, Edgecliffe, NSW, 2027 Ph: 02 9362 3636

GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183

Peter Barrett

John Hurtado/KGV Collector

PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827

Bexley Stamps - M. Hill PO Box 92 Doonside, NSW 2767 Ph: 02 9920 5057

Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch

PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184

Robert Kennedy Stamps P/L Shop 4, 155 Castlereagh St, Sydney, 2000 Ph: 02 9264 6168

9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202

Ph: 02 9918 6825

Grant Carter

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins

PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193

Alf Clark PO Box 53, Box Hill, VIC 3128 Ph: 03 9808 9717

John Cornelius PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072

Ken Cowden PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231

Dr William L. Mayo (Booklets)

PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693

Maree Nieuwenhuizen PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848

Mike Lee 7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855

P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773 Ph: 02 4739 6184

Pacific Coast Philatelics Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207

Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520

Chris Snelling Stamps PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205

Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333

Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011

Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778

Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744


PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC 3158


BAM! POW! STAMP! Australia Post celebrates Batman’s 75th Anniversary

Australia Post customers are racing like Batman in the Batmobile to collect two new DC Comics Batman stamp packs in time for Christmas. Batman, one of the greatest Super Heroes of all time and a global cultural icon, celebrates his 75th anniversary this year and to celebrate, Australia Post has partnered with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and DC Entertainment to deliver these collector’s items. Australia Post Philatelic Manager Michael Zsolt said, “Batman has stood the test of time from his comic book origins to today’s blockbuster movies.” “We trust that the public and especially Batman enthusiasts will jump at the opportunity to collect these two Batman stamp packs. They are a great Christmas gift and a highly collectable memento in this 75th anniversary year.” Also known as the Caped Crusader and the Dark Knight, Batman was first introduced to the public through the May 1939 issue of Detective Comics # 27, featuring artwork by Bob Kane and a script by Bill Finger. The character of Batman

became so popular he was given his own comic book title, Batman, in 1940. A new generation was introduced to the Caped Crusader through the late 1960s live-action television series. Batman is now the single most successful Super Hero film franchise in history and there have been more theatrical movies released based on Batman than any other comic book character. In video games, the Batman Arkham franchise is also the most successful Super Hero game series ever. As part of the 75th Anniversary celebration, Australia Post has released two Batman stamp packs. The Batman Comic and Batman Sketch stamp packs each comprise two 10 x 70c Map of Australia stamp sheetlets. The stamp sheetlets in both packs feature images of the Caped Crusader in the stamp tabs. The Batman Comic stamp pack and Batman Sketch stamp packs are available now at $14.95 each at participating Post Offices, via mail order on 1800 331 794 and online at stamps while stocks last. Stamp News - 67

philatelic trading post

australia's only stamps classifieds



Send 100-1000 Australia and World Stamps for my same # US stamps. Tom Harkins, 7 Quaker R, New Fairfield, CT 06812, USA. Email Collector needs collectors in Canada, China, Great Britain to exchange used or mint stamps, please. Fair exchange only. Chris Jewell-Smith, PO Box 5124, Broulee, NSW, Australia 2537

Germany Third Reich. For Germany Third Reich and other World War II material please visit Magnificent selections on approval from Africa, Pacifics, Nth. & Sth. America, Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, Iceland, Greenland, Venezuela.P & D Nicholls, PO Box 426, Glenbrook, NSW 2773


Penfriend Wanted - For exchange, fauna, flora, mushrooms, lighthouses, moun-

tains, stamps on stamps, Christmas, Olympics, world cup, music, trains, airplanes from Aust, NZ & Pacific. Exchange value Yvert, Michel, Scott. Speaks Spanish/ English. Antonio Creo Reyes, PO Box 2222 Habana 2, Cuba 10200 Exchange: Send 200 - 800 World stamps, exchange for World/Australia. Brian Clark, 15 Windmill St, Miller’s Point, Sydney , NSW 2000

for sale Germany Kiloware/packets. Excellent quality. 450 grams Commemoratives $20, 800 different commemoratives $20, postage included. Werner Eisenstein, Privasstr. 4, D-35781, Weilburg, Germany. Please send cash.

Exp 02/15

Australia, N.Zealand, West Europe, Better earlies at bargain prices. VFU only, some in quantity. Phone 0419 680 824, PO Box 93, Bexley South, 2207 Half Price stamp Sale. Loads of stamps from 5 cents. Israel, Russia, Germany. Antarctic, Malta, Falklands, Sth. Africa, Ireland & much more. Dealer enquiries welcome. Send your wants list to: John Cornelius, PO Box 23 Magill SA 5072 Phone: 0407 615 240 (11/13)

Collection surplus Stamps from Canada, Channel Islands, Falklands & Dependencies, Fr. Antarctic, Gibraltar, GB, Ireland, Malta, Namibia, NZ, South Africa and USA. MUH mint and used. Trade Enquiries OK. Send your wants lists to: John Cornelius, PO Box 23, Magill, 5072.

Buying Australia and World Kiloware. We urgently wish to buy quantities of modern Australia and World Kiloware. Regular supplies needed. All mixtures to be close clipped single paper, and will pay as follows, all prices per kg. (a) Australia Commemoratives only to 2012 $7, 2013 $10, 2014 $15 (b) Australia Mission modern inc..2013/14, not less than 50% commems. by weight $4 (c) Australia Territories, inc. Cocos, AAT, Christmas Is. Norfolk Is. etc. $25 (d) Australia Higher values, 53c upwards inc. Commems. $60, defins only $20 (e) Worldwide, modern mix unpicked. $30. Minimum sending $100 please. Single country mixtures also required, please enquire. Phone Kevin Morgan 0425 795 693 Wanted : Sheets or panes of 5½d Emu stamps. Contact Ted on Collector/Active Buyer of quality old time world collections. Albums must be in


excellent condition and issed prior to 1932. Dr William Mayo, Email mayoinavalon@

Quality British Commonwealth Pacifics Australia World & Thematics. P&D

Buying Australian Kiloware 55c Or 60c Values, Commemoratives and Definitives

Nicholls P.O.Box 426, Glenbrook NSW 2773 0413 542 081 After 7pm

and current year kiloware too, 60c bundles wanted too, for more details email:

accessories Ph 02 99186825,


ALBUMS, CATALOGUES, AND EQUIPMENT for stamps, coins, & banknotes at mail order discount prices. Enquiries or quotes write to: SAPPHIRE COAST PHILA-

Animals - Birds - Aeroplanes - Automobiles - Sports - Flowers Including Packets on

TELIC SUPPLIES, PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549, or Phone/Fax (02) 6495 7382.

approvalP&D Nicholls P.O.Box 426, Glenbrook NSW 2773

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory!

Single: 46mm x 24mm $260 per year or $26 per month Double: 46mm x 50mm $520 per year or $52 per month Triple: 46mm x 78mm $695 per year or $69.50 per month Quad: 46mm x 102mm $990 per year or $99 per month Larger spaces POR Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email: 68 - Stamp News

now free for subscribers (subject to available space)

societies PENINSULA STAMP CLUB Meets 3rd Wednesday each month at 7.30pm, BRIGHTON PS Inc. Meets 8.00pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday and 10.30am Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most 3rd Tuesday each month. 80 Gardenvale Road, Gardenvale, Vic, 3185. Visitors/new members welcome. welcome. Secretary: PO Box 187,Dromana, 3936 AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury GLADSTONE AND DISTRICT PS Inc. Meets on the 2nd Wednesday each Rd (cnr Keats St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: PO Box month at 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155. 7014, Hawthorn, Vic, 3122 for advice. The IPDA Inc - Internet Philatelic Dealers Association - dealers & prt time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to for details.

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philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9267 8301; Fax: 02 9264 4741. GPO Box 1971, Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9264 8301 Aust. States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington PO Box 151, Bathurst NSW 2795 Bega Phil. & Numismatic Society: Mtg 3rd Friday 8.00pm. Mthly Newsletter. PO Box 370, Bega NSW Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries:; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Mtg 2nd Friday, even months; Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Coffs Harbour SC: Mtg 2nd Wed Earlwood and District SC:Mtg 1st Wed Grafton SC: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex. Dec) Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Great Lakes Campus Annexe, Taree St, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6554 9776 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon; Evening Mtg 2nd Thurs Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Thursday (ex. Jan) Wollongong Master Build. Club Ltd, Oasis Room, 7.30pm. All welcome. Tel. (02) 42252011. Kempsey RSL PS: Mtg 2nd Wed Lake Macquarie Stamp Club:: Mtg 2nd Sat 9am; Combined Pensioners & Community Care Services 130 Josephson St, Swansea. Enq: 02 4392 5211 Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Lower Clarence PS: Mtg 4th Tues Macquarie Valley PS: Mtg 2nd Tues Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: Manly-Warringah PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs St David’s Church Hall, Dee Why. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Manly-Warringah Rugby Leagues SC: Mtg 4th Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Enq: 4977 2525 (Jenny) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Nambucca River PS: Mtg 1st Sunday Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New

act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,

western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 7.30pm Masonic Hall, Hampton St, Bridgetown Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email Canning SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, Tennis Club House, Parry St, Fremantle at 8pm; Ph: 08 6363 6415 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives

70 - Stamp News

NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301

Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St; Ph: 02 9419 7354 Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Ph: 02 6362 3754. Orchid Stamp Club: Mtg 3rd Sat. (Jan and each 2nd mth) Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, CWA rooms, Baby Health Ctr, Tindale St PO Box 393, Kingswood NSW 2747 PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec); Ph 02 9399 7556 PS of NSW: Mtg 1st Tues (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Ph 02 44472976 Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email Strathfield-Burwood PS: Mtg 4th Wed Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican Stamp Society: Mtg 2nd Sat, even months 9.30am - 2.30pm, St Paul’s, Carlingford. Details: Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Thematic Society of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Tuggerah SC: Mtg 4th Sun (ex Dec.) Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Ph: 9144 4225 Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Home & Comm. Centre, Tweed Heads Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Willoughby Legion Philatelic Section: Mtg 4th Tues Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email:

northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 6106 0874.

philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@; Website: Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@; Website: Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email:; Website: Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email:; Website: NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@; Website: NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email:; Website: www.

queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bribie Island SC: Meeting 4th Wed; Ph: 07 3408 2238 Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: Mtg 3rd Wed. 7.30pm Star Services, 115 Lyons St, Bungalow Ph: 07 4055 1302 Sec: Ross Bottomer,, Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: desley@mycelebrant. com Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103,

Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. Ph: 09 2357737; Email: pukekohestampclub@ Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email:; Website South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: Web:

Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226. Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433; Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 4th Thurs. Ph: 07 4162 2945 Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: Redcliffe SC: Mtg 2nd Sat. Ph: 07 3204 6095 Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm at C.W.A. Hall, Short St. Nambour. Ph: 075445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5598 7629 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815

Stamp News - 71

philatelic clubs & societies south australia

Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435

Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email:; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Bordertown PSchool; Ph: 08 8752 1297 Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214;; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st Wed 7.30pm& 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. PO Box 29, Glenside 5063. Ph: (08) 8353 8683 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan) 1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474

victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 7014, Hawthorn, Vic, 3122 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed

tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues

72 - Stamp News

Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 1937, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email:; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Italian PS: Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan), 7.30pm, Veneto Club, 191 Bulleen Rd Bullen. (PO Box 166, Niddrie, 3042) Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5974 1950 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan) & 3rd Sat (ex. Dec), Max Fry Hall, Trevallyn 7.30pm; Ph: 6344 3676 Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec);, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart

stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales


Dec 6 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair,

Dec 7 - (1st Sun) Stamp, Coin & Phone Card Fair, Ukrain-

Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02

ian Hall, Russell St, Essendon. 9am-3pm


Dec 14 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair,

Dec 6 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car

Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am-3pm.

park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr

Dec 21 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair,

Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW.

Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh.

Dec 6 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am -

Dealers plus huge range activities. Ph: 0418 322 315.


4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 Dec 6 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collec-

TBA - Queensland Stamp & Coin Fairs, 8:00am -1:00pm,

Contract Bridge Club, 67 Ipswich Road,Woolloongabba.

tors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay

Check ‘Weekend Shopper’ to confirm or contact 0428 450

Rd, Gymea.

616 day only.

Dec 21 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am - 3pm, Pio-

Dec 7 - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Show-

neers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971 3483 Dec 28 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Commu-

grounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am -2pm Dec 8 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, Southport

nity Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am - 4pm. Free Entry,

Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am - 2.30pm

6 Dealers, Buy/Sell

Brisbane Table Tennis Association Centre

request for listing or update of events or clubs & societies pages This form or a photocopy of this form must be completed in full and signed by and authorised person and submitted by post to Stamp News for any event or update to be listed in the Events or Societies pages - please note that specific dates cannot be included in club details. If any part of the form is incomplete the listing/update will not be made. Information will not be accepted via email. This is a free service and listings are included at the discretion of Stamp News and also subject to available space. Wording may be altered.

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Products & Services Directory dealers MONTHLY ONLINE AUCTIONS


Zero Buyer’s Commission Zero Card Fees Flat sellers fee per lot Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9756 7506 email:info@21stcenturyauctions.

Stamp Collecting Does not have to Be Expensive to Be Fun. Over 17,500 items in our Online Store at Fair Prices

GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS 4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia. Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:

1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page. Email - - email me now to get on my regular lists FREE! Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years. 11/05

By Steve Fletcher


STAMP COLLECTOR Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 1269, Wellington, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)

Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 1269, Wellington, New Zealand

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces

$260 per year or $26 per month $520 per year or $52 per month $695 per year or $69.50 per month $990 per year or $99 per month POR

Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

PACIFIC STAMPS Australia’s leading dealer in stamps of the Pacific. New Issue Service for all the Pacific Island nations, including: Fiji, Pitcairn, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Micronesia, Wallis and Futuna Cocos (Keeling) Niue, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Cook Islands etc. Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Tokelau, Christmas Island etc. For details and a copy of our price list, write to: Pacific Stamps, PO Box 816, Tewantin, QLD, 4565. Or phone: (07) 54740799 fax: (07) 54740757 or E-mail: website:

Philatelical event of the year: : a real magazine, 100% colour

Timbres Magazine

Reports, studies, hundreds of photos of stamps in France and in the whole world. Monthly, 100 pages Free sample (Join $A2 by stamps) Subscription by air: 475ff (approx. $A90) Information & subscription: TIMBROPRESSE 6, rue du Sentier 75080 Paris Cedex 02 Telephone: (33) 1 55 34 92 55

SAS/OCEANIA INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP Our award-winning quarterly journal, ‘The Informer’, contains regular, informative articles about Australia and States, New Zealand, PNG, and other Pacific countries by knowledgeable philatelic writers. Sample copy/ application form sent airmail for $US1.00. Mint US postage accepted.

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Always buying/selling collections,

Up to 68c pay 40% 70c values pay 50% 75c and above pay 45% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 Email: Web:

accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.

SAS/O Secretary, PO Box 24764,San Jose, CA 95154-4764, USA

SEVEN SEAS STAMPS PTY LTD PO Box 321 Brookvale, NSW 2100

Manufacturers of the full range of Seven Seas brand album pages and complete albums, and publishers of the Australasian Stamp Catalogue. Also a full range of stamps as well as other accessories. Personal callers welcome or ask for free price lists. Tel: (02) 9905 3255. Fax: (02) 9905 7922. Email: Web: 06/06

74 - Stamp News Andrew G Lajer Ltd / T: +44 (0)1189 344151 The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire, RG10 0TR, UK

societies&publications MONTHLY ONLINE AUCTIONS Zero Buyer’s Commission Zero Card Fees Flat sellers fee per lot Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9756 7506 email:info@21stcenturyauctions.



Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T.

c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158 PHILATELY from AUSTRALIA a quarterly record of Research & information

ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No serious collector of Australia and its States, New Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this International Award Winning Journal. Three Year Indexes - $A10 each Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142

PHILAS STAMP AUCTIONS 17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.

Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or ()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741

Sel Pfeffer’s BOONAH STAMP SUPPLIES PO Box 155, Boonah Q 4310, Australia Australia & Territories Booklet Catalogue Edition 4, Volume 1 - 1904-1972 - $40.00 Edition 4, Volume 2 - 1979-2009 - $45.00 Supplement 2010 - $18.00; 2011 - $15.00 Australasia & Territories Frama & CPS Catalogue - $45.00 Aust. Postage on cats. $3 - on sups. $2. Overseas at cost. Try one of my famous $100 Mystery boxes. Worth $400 retail! Box (1) - stamps & covers etc. (2) Booklets. (3) Framas & CPS Boxes - plus post at cost Four (4) STOCK REDUCTION DIRECT SALES annually Savings of up to 50% on popular material Reduction sale lists emailed or posted free. Phone 07 54631516. Email:- web :


The society has a regular program of meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishing exchange branch, which circulates to small stamp clubs in the south region, as well as in the Canberra area. It publishes, quarterly, a newsletter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail:

JOIN TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTORS IN 90 COUNTRIES Join the AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION! Many Benefits: 96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...

Write today Airmail to :

AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome

Trouble getting Stamp News? Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details)

New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: Web: http://www. Kennedy Stamps Pty Ltd, Robert Kennedy, Suite 706A, 250 Pitt St, Sydney 2000 Ph: (02) 9264 6168 Fax: (02) 9264 5969 e-mail: Web:


The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)62243536 e-mail: Web: http://www.


Geelong Collectors Corner, 93 Little Malop Street, Geelong, VIC 3220, Ph: (03) 5229 4969 Max Stern & Company, Port Phillip Arc, 234 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: Web: Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email kmorgan2@ Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic., 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953

Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 8 Clevedon Way, Karringyup, WA, 6018. Ph/

Fax: 08 9447 8004 Ace Stamp Auctions, PO Box 2076, Ellenbrook, WA, 6069. Ph: 08 08 9297 3040 email: There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month. Stamp News - 75

Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2014 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Stamp News Pty Ltd, ACN 099 565 223, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.

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Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Fax: (03) 9758 7506 Stamp News Pty Ltd, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position�). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.

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A couple of examples from our stocks -

We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.


Or View On-Line at NEW WEB-SITE – Visit

to view our stock of quality Australia and New Guinea stamps

PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: Phone: 0409 473 150 Fax: (07) 3102 8558 Mastercard &Visa Accepted

Mention you saw us in Stamp News!

Internet & Email Directory The following is an extensive listing of Stamp Dealer and Internet Website contact addresses worldwide. Millions of dollars of stock is priced up ready to sell on these sites. All Dealers may list their contact details here for a very affordable $175 per year fee, prepaid annually or only $17.50 a month. Contact the Advertising Manager on Ph: 0425 795 693, Fax: 03 9758 7506, or email: Publishers of Australia’s Gold Medal catalogue series - The Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue. Order all volumes on line. Special offers also available. Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today.

Check out our website for selected New Zealand items, NZ mint sets, and “Lord of the Rings” stamps and covers The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. Comprehensive price lists for more than forty lists using ASC, SG & Scott numbering. By far the largest such lists in the southern hemisphere.” The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects. PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties.

78 - Stamp News WA Auction selling classic material from the Commonwealth countries including Great Britain through to modern Australian errors that have only just been discovered. Attractive early Australian Kangaroos & KGV along with States material is also available. Long-established mail order dealer comprehensively covering British Isles, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Australasia and Japan. Prompt courteous service and an extensive user-friendly website.

Sydney Philatelics - Largest On-Line Shop in Australia ! – User-Friendly – 10,000 and more Philatelic Items – Just a mouse click away ! Over 100 Pages of Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Accessories.etc. Always Buying ! Est 27 Years. Interested in a interesting monthly electronic stamp newsletter from New York? Take a look at Search our website for full listing of stamps and Seven Seas albums and pages and other accessories. We look forward to serving you. Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. Worldwide stamps, covers, errors, proofs, specimens, postal stationery, philatelic literature, postcards, paper money, signed FDC-s and more in our easy to use online store. Prompt, courteous service from America. New Zealand and worldwide in our Ashford Stamps postal auctions. Ask for a catalogue, or view the website. Also ask for direct sales list of NZ Chalons.

21ST CENTURY AUCTIONS ___________________ BILBY STAMPS & COVERS ______________________________ HALLMARK STAMPS ____________________________________ KENNEDY STAMPS P/L ______________________________ KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS AND COINS VELVET COLLECTABLES ___________ Melbourne: Sydney: NORFOLK ISLAND PHILATELIC BUREAU _______________________ PACIFIC STAMPS ____________________________________ STAMP NEWS AUSTRALASIA ________________________ STANLEY GIBBONS UK ________________________________ STATUS INTERNATIONAL ____________________________________ Stamp News - 79

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VANCE AUCTIONS LTD. Serving Stamp and Postal History Collectors Since 1972

Auctions every 7 weeks! You can get your FREE colour catalogue or view it online at P.O. Box 267, Smithville, Ontario Canada L0R 2A0 Toll Free Phone: 877-957-3364 Fax: 905-957-0100

A30 Advert_BaseAdvert 6/11/2014 9:27 PM Page 1

Auction No.35 Saturday 6th December 2014. Commencing at 9:30am

in our Auction Rooms, Level 2, 170 Queen Street Melbourne.

Lot 493 1d Imperf Courier Lot 1074 $1 Vertical Pair SPECIMEN optd Never Seen By Us Before!

Lot 729 1st Wmk MELBOURNE CTO

Lot 827 £2 SMW with ‘Walking Stick’ Flaw

Lot 874 Single Wmk Line Perf Carmine-red DieII

Lot 1295 1d Green + ½d Orange Star, only recorded entire.

To request a copy of our catalogue please contact us with your details. We are actively seeking material for all our auctions. Contact us to discover our attractive vendor terms. Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd · Auction Rooms: Level 2, 170 Queen Street, Melbourne. Australia. Postal Address: GPO Box 4346, Melbourne. Vic. 3001. Australia. · ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 · F: +61 3 8677 2858 · E:

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