Stamp News Australasia - June 2015

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VOL.62 Number 6


Released 2 June 2015





$ 35 Stamp pack

First day cover





Prestige booklet

1 First day cover $

45 7 Sheetlet pack $

For the full range visit or phone 1800 331 794 today

These stamps and associated products are available from the date of issue at participating Post Offices, via mail order on 1800 331 794 or online at while stocks last

Stamp News Australasia is published monthly by: Kevin Morgan ABN 61 577 987 652 Phone: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes Subscriptions Manager: David Woodberry Printed by: Printgraphics

Contents Articles Woodchip Free Zone: Rod Perry ...................................................6 Charkhari State, Central India: Christer Brunström ............. 14 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 18 Looking at New Zealand: Graeme Morriss ............................... 26 Cinderella Corner: Tony Presgrave ............................................ 32 Revenue Review: Dave Elsmore ................................................. 42 Introducing the APF: Ian McMahon .......................................... 48 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................. 58

Information News..................................................................................................... 30 Stamp Quiz No. 2 ............................................................................. 47 Trading Post....................................................................................... 68 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......70 Calendar.............................................................................................. 73 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......74 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......78 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82

Newsagent Distribution: Network Services


A continuation of analysing the usage of various earlier decimal series’, this month I feature the 1971 “Australia Asia” trio (officially 28th International Congress of Orientalists, which was never going to catch on), rounded off with a handful of unrelated items from across the desk during past month or so. This series comprised the first “oversize” stamps to be issued for Australia. I recall the late Eric Partington, Figure 1. 7c had various solo use possibilities founder of Sherwood Philatelic Services, lamenting just how for the 7c by employing it on all domestic difficult fine used were to obtain, given the correspondence (letter rate was then just 6c). I recall propensity for damage the increased dimensions suggesting: “that’s a bit extravagant”, to which invited. Eric endeavoured to relieve that situation Eric so wisely replied, “best goodwill 1c can buy”. One occasionally sees intact Sherwood covers from that era with the 7c; not eligible in a usage exhibit (unless used after Oct 1 1971 – see under Figure 1 below), but nostalgic reminders of a very different philatelic world. The following subject scans are from the collection of Tim Rodger, with my thanks. The 7c when issued Figure 2. 7c Letter rate registered uprate 6 - Stamp News

for postage as way less area to lick!). Another pre-rate rise solo use was for airmail postcard to N.Z. Figure 1 is one such use, Brisbane to Auckland Jan 21 1971. Not easy to find. Auction estimate $40. An unusual postrate rise 7c Letter rate use is Figure 2, registered to Tattersalls (therefore contained cash) on Oct 4 1971, the 50c Dampier meeting registration fee. Auction estimate $35. Figure 3. Sought-after also by State puncture collectors As desirable a 7c Letter rate use as one could hope to find is was primarily for Br Commonwealth and Asia/ Figure 3, an attractive Official use (punctured “G/ Oceania surface rate. The rate increases on Oct NSW�) Gloucester to Canberra on Apr 14 1972. 1 1971 saw it utilised for domestic letter rate, State punctures on cover rightly are sought-after, but these are rather uncommon as the series was and trusted. The use after series was withdrawn withdrawn at end of October, and the QEII 7c had is not a problem; Official stock often languished been issued on day of rate rise (more popular stamp for years after regular stock disappeared (see also

Figure 4. Amongst more difficult solo possibilities for the 7c Stamp News - 7

Figure 11). Auction estimate $75. The “Other Articles” rate increased from 6c to 7c (up to 2ozs.) on Oct 1 1971. Such irregular sized items are amongst the lowest survivors on cover, so it unsurprising that Figure 4, given the short window of opportunity for use for this rate, will be extremely hard to find. Sent Melbourne to Malvern Oct 28 1971. Auction estimate $50. The 15c denomination when issued was primarily for Zone 2 airmail (Oceania/ Figure 5. 15c solo possibilities limited select S.E. Asian countries), and Zone 5 Melbourne to Ireland. Auction estimate $60. (U.K./Europe) airmail postcard and greetings card The Oct 1 1971 rate rises saw the Certified fee rates. None are easy to find; Figure 5 is a Mar go from 10c to 15c. This provided only a month for 9 1971 Greetings card use (unsealed envelope) a 15c of the series to be

Figure 6. This 15c specific uprate available for short time only 8 - Stamp News

generally available prior to withdrawal (Oct 31) to service a certified uprate. The Jan 26 1972 use in Figure 6 is a little later than one would normally expect, which I put down to small P.O. Sea Lake having residual stock. Auction estimate $50. It’s always a bonus to have a multiple of a less likely stamp utilised for a particular rate. On Jul 21 1971, when Figure 7 left Mandurah destined for U.K., the logical stamp to be employed

Figure 7. Neat multiple use of 15c

Zone 3 airmail (parts of Asia beyond Zone 2). Articles to this zone are generally very difficult, so Figure 9 is one of the standouts featured. A Jun 2 1971 use from Villawood, it’s to a cadet serving aboard M.V. “Ariake”, c/o Marine agents in Japan. I’ve seen only three solo usages of this stamp, all from this correspondence. Auction estimate $200. From the same Ariake correspondence, Figure 10 includes an additional 5c franking to reflect the rate rise to 25c for Zone 3 airmail on Oct 1. This time originating at Ringwood on Oct 22 1971. Figures 9 and 10 would make a nice page in an exhibit of the series which, even extending to just one-frame (16 pages), is a

was the 30c Waratah. That is readily available on cover, so the uncommon use of 15c pair to meet the 30c airmail rate is welcome. The partly obscured “LETTER” etiquette is a P.O. label, more generally seen on large covers to indicate full letter rate paid. Auction estimate $35. Similarly, Figure 8 would most logically have borne a 30c Waratah for registered uprate of Stationery 6c envelope, serviced at Five Dock Jul 17 1971 for local delivery. One assumes that P.O. had an abundance of 15c of the series and took the opportunity to unload a couple. A nice item for a Stationery exhibit, also. Auction estimate $50. The 20c denomination when issued was primarily for Figure 8. Another welcome use of 15c multiple

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challenge. Auction estimate $50. Figure 11 is one of the more eyecatching covers one could aspire to include in an exhibit of this series. A late Official use of Mar 23 1973, it features punctured “G/ NSW” 20c - no less than four examples. Sent registered from Werris Creek to Sydney, delivery was accelerated by Messenger Delivery service, the aggregate Figure 9. 20c the most difficult as solo franking franking of 97c determined as follows: The Canadians have indicated taxing required, Letter rate 7c + Registration fee 50c + Messenger expressed as 37c Australian currency upon arrival Delivery 40c. Auction estimate $150. at Melbourne, and stamps to that value, including Figure 12 was sent from Canada to Melbourne rare use of the 20c, have been affixed, essentially as Jan 7 1971 and was apparently overweight. Postage dues. Very sought-after usage, by ‘Due/Tax

Figure 10. Rate increase requires companion for 20c 10 - Stamp News

marking collectors also. Auction estimate $75. The next Decimal series to be analysed will be the 1972 Pioneer Life. Not in July, however, as I propose to feature selections from the Lord Vestey Western Australia collection, auctioned by Spink in May. To complete this month’s offering, a few items which caught my eye recently are featured.

Figure 11. Spectacular for exhibit Phoenix Auctions on April 10 featured a cover of which I think highly (Lot #713). Figures 13a/b were in the De Barnardy Bros correspondence auctioned by Robson Lowe in 1976. Entitled Treasure Trove, and was it ever, I bought in that sale. My cover knowledge then was comparatively

limited, and I didn’t fully appreciate the item under review. Sadly, even in these more enlightened times it went unappreciated; although estimated at a very reasonable $800, it remains available (at time of going to press) at reserve of $600. 1880 Colonial P.O. labels are rare, and few as much so as

Figure 12. Rare use of 20c as Postage due Stamp News - 11

Figures 13 a/b. Extremely rare Museum quality Colonial P.O. label this highly informative “CAUTION” type, which concludes “This letter has been registered because it contains ---/Coins” (last word inserted in crayon). An item for a highly important S.A. collection, if not a State Museum. I cannot resist a cross-comparison with the previous subject with Figure 14 (Phoenix Lot #960). Fancy realisations for CTO have developed since ACSC expanded the listing to include date batches, etc, and Phoenix has catered well for the heightened demand. This item, however, raises the bar to a dizzying height. It realised $2100 (excluding premium). Why? Well . . . I’m as befuddled as most other non-participants in CTO-mania (and related “Specimen” variants). Whilst I could never comprehend the “logic” Figure 14. Arguably not of that drives this Museum quality market, I will 12 - Stamp News

attempt to demystify aspects that brought about the sum realized. The date is the key . . . just. We have but a portion of “17” to tell us, by process of elimination, that the date is “JY 17 13”. ACSC states (as a footnote to the specifically catalogued CTO batch dates) “A very few other c.t.o. dates can be found (for example ‘JY 17 13’) for which no archival reference can be traced.” Typical superb original research by Editor, Geoff Kellow, but is this justification for the ridiculous realisation? I can imagine the late Dr Ed Druce, that great Australian exhibition judge and philatelic visionary, laying eyes upon this item in an exhibit and uttering his trademark “So what!” Lot #713, an international standard item, doesn’t find a new home at $600, while #960, a trivial, parochial item fetches $2100. And we wonder why Australian Philately is struggling to attract intelligent new blood to our ranks? Mossgreen in their April 20 “N.S.W.” Sydney auction had Figure 15, which once reposed in the renowned Dale-Lichtenstein, Trevor Davis and “Carrington” (Mark Dankin) collections. A superb strip on cover of the Diadem perforated 2d incorporating two of the retouches (SG 136b), the centre unit enormous, it had been described in the Carrington sale as “the finest 2d Plate II Retouches item in private hands”, with which I

1947 era, for example, there are still a number of stamps that have yet to be recorded on commercial postal articles (e.g. 1960 2/8d Local Govt and 1961 10/- Bird). So it was with some excitement that a friend showed me Figure 15. Good example of why smart collectors follow the auctions Figure 16, a 1954 cover bearing Ball Bay 2/- bistre (itself have no problem wholly agreeing. When offered by very scarce on any cover) which had been recovered Millennium at the Carrington sale in November from the Belfast, which crashed at Singapore with 2012 (as Lot #598), it realised $1150 (excluding the loss of all on board. This is the first item from premium). As Lot #157 in Mossgreen, it improved that famous “crash” recorded emanating from to $5616 (including premium). An excellent N.I.; it had been for over 60 years with the family example of why smart collectors closely follow the who sent it, after being returned by the addressee. auctions. I suggested an auction estimate of $2500, but the My thanks to Phoenix and Mossgreen for use of auctions missed out . . . it has been sold to a keen the scans. collector . . . who is also a follower of this column. Norfolk Island is one of those countries where One of the greatest N.I. post-1947 covers. exhibition items are in short supply. In the post-

Figure 16. New “find” is one of the great Norfolk Is covers Stamp News - 13

Charkhari State, Central India Charkhari was a feudatory state in the northern part of Central India. Its ruler was honoured with an 11-gun salute. The state has a history going back to 1765. Charkhari State had an area of 880 square miles and the 1931 census revealed that it had a population of some 120,000 people. The state comprised one town and more than 500 villages. The state’s economy was based on agriculture producing wheat, cotton and other crops. Diamonds have also been mined in the area but that activity was never particularly profitable. Today Charkhari Town has a population of 20,000 people.

14 - Stamp News

The last reigning maharaja of Charkhari was Jalendra Singh who had to turn over his state to the new Indian state of Vindhya Pradesh in 1948. However, it was Maharaja Malkhan Singh who authorised the issue of Charkari’s first set of stamps in 1884. The four very simple designs were released imperforate and without gum. The 1, 2 and 4 annas values had the currency unit in the plural form. Charkhari’s first issue is extremely rare today. The same basic design was reused for new issues in 1897 and 1902. This time the plural –s was not used for the higher anna values. It seems that the Indian nobility had a very

Christer Brunström strong penchant for knives, daggers and swords. The first three issues depicted a sword. In 1909 a new set of stamps was issued and this time printed by lithography in Calcutta. The stamps feature crossed swords with the right-hand sword over the left. The basic set has eight denominations from 1 pice to 1 rupee but there are numerous colour shades and perforation varieties. Circa 1919, there were new printings of the 1 pice, ½ anna and 1 anna stamps with very slight changes in the design. In 1912, 1917 and 1921 there were provisional handstamped stamps. They were obviously produced in connection with urgent need for 1

pice and 1 anna stamps. The 1919 design returned in the 1930-1945 period. The stamps were printed locally by the State Printing Press in Charkhari. As the printing company apparently was unable to perforate the stamps they were left imperforate. There are numerous varieties in this issue. In 1931, Charkhari released a set of nine pictorial stamps printed by Batliboi Litho Works in Bombay. Most values exist with three different perforations. The rupee values were printed in two colours which of course resulted in some exciting varieties. The 3-rupee stamp exists with the central image missing and the 5-rupee

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Charkhari State, Central India value can be found with inverted centre. Some denominations exist fully or partly imperforate. The stamps have interesting designs featuring scenery and buildings in Charkhari. Sadly the printing quality is not the very best but the stamps still provide a glimpse of this once princely state of India. There was a lot of speculation involved in this issue. The Post Office sold large quantities of the stamps in cancelled to order condition. Such a set can still easily be had for a dollar or two. The mint stamps were also sold at less than face value to the stamp trade. The 1931 set had been authorised by the state authorities but it was withdrawn when all the irregularities became known.

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The crossed swords issue continued to be used until Charkhari’s stamps were replaced by those of India. In 1939 and 1940 there were three provisional stamps with new denominations overprinted on older stamps. Some of these are extremely scarce today. As many of Charkhari’s stamps are rather primitive productions it comes as no surprise that forgers have been busily at work printing their own versions of the state’s stamps. Thus collectors of Charkhari need to be careful when adding new stamps to their albums. Despite these problems, Charkhari is still a very handy area to collect.

Stamps in the News - Globally! 175th anniversary of the-piece of paper that shrunk the world Reported at

The Penny Black turned 175 on the 1st of May and even Google got into the spirit with a google doodle to celebrate. The stamp, which features a depiction of Google Doodle from 1st May Queen Victoria aged 15 years old on a black It was replaced by the Penny Red in 1841, after background, was issued which cancellation marks were made in black. in Britain on May 1, 1840 and first used five days Although the Penny Black is not particularly later on May 6. rare - 68,808,000 of the stamps were printed while The Penny Black was introduced as part of Sir it was in circulation - it continues to be highly Rowland Hill’s proposals to reform the British collectible. postal system in 1837. Increasing demand from the burgeoning middle The stamp was only in circulation for about a classes in China and other emerging economies has year, after it emerged that a red cancellation mark seen the price of rare stamps soar. was difficult to see over a black background. A set of four unused stamps can reportedly sell for up to £140,000. A number of postal administrations are issuing Penny Black anniversary stamps with Royal Mail leading with a first class replica issue.

ANZAC stamp….from Malta Reported at

Royal Mail’s Penny Black commemorative issue 18 - Stamp News

MaltaPost have released a philatelic miniature sheet bearing one stamp to commemorate the ANZAC Centenary on 25 April. The stamp on the miniature sheet illustrates a Red Cross nurse attending to a wounded soldier together with two other soldiers on either side. The stamp within the miniature sheet bears a face value of €3.59. The Gallipoli Campaign took place between 1915 and 1916 and involved British and French troops as well as divisions of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

Malta played a significant role in the Gallipoli battle, as a back-up base for the Royal Navy and also as one of the major hospitals in the Mediterranean. Around 800 Maltese volunteers went to Gallipoli as muleteers or to dig the trenches and some even fought within the Australian ranks or worked as stevedores unloading the ships. This effort is considered to be Malta’s greatest contribution to the Allies’ efforts during that terrible war.

Stamp swindles Aussie style Reported at

Two men are believed to have broken into 23 Sydney post offices over a two year period stealing $300,000 worth of postage stamps. Police have released CCTV footage of the robberies hoping to generate some fresh leads. They say over a 22-month period between March 2013 and last year, 23 post offices including those

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at Alexandria, Artarmon, St Peters, Crows Nest and Kingsgrove were robbed. Cash, mobile phones, SIM cards and USB memory sticks were also stolen. They believe the same two men were behind all the robberies, but it’s the theft of the stamps that make this case so unique. “As the break-ins continued, the group increasingly targeted the theft of stamps, which hold their face value throughout Australia, like currency,” said Acting Sergeant Kath Griffin. “The men depicted in the footage appear to be the same two men and, while they have their faces concealed, we are hoping someone may recognise one or both by their eyes, stature, walk or the way they move.”

Stamp swindles UK style Reported at

Sheila Ord, who was responsible for organising postal services for global infrastructure firm Balfour Beatty, stole and sold stamps belonging to company. A former post room supervisor has been warned she faces jail after admitting fraud involving around £100,000-worth of stamps. Ord was in charge of ordering stamps for letters and parcels. But, when the company changed procedure and began using a franking machine, the 59-year-old continued ordering the stamps and selling them on herself. A court heard that, over a three-year period, Ord sold around £100,000-worth of stamps to a man in Leeds and pocketed the cash. 20 - Stamp News

Ord was released on bail until the sentencing hearing on June 4.

Fingers caught but not in the till Reported

A postman who had part of a finger amputated by a letterbox while delivering mail is seeking £200,000 damages from Royal Mail. Gary French was out on a round in West Linton when he suffered the injury delivering a letter. Royal Mail maintains it is not liable to make reparation to him and contends that the sum sued for is excessive. In the action it is said that Mr French was working as a postman on March 26 in 2013 when he delivered a letter to the West Linton address. The action reads: “Suddenly and without warning the letterbox cut off the tip of his right index finger as he withdrew his finger from the letterbox. He had not delivered a letter to that address previously. “As a result of the accident, the pursuer suffered a traumatic amputation of the tip of the right index finger.” Other postmen who had delivered to the address previously should have reported the dangerous letterbox to their employer, it is maintained. In the action it is said Royal Mail had a system for warning employees about the risks of danger from animals or letterboxes on their route. In Mr French’s case it is said that if such a warning had been given he would have used a piece of equipment, known as a posting peg, when making the delivery.

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

Royal Mail maintains that it fulfilled its duty of care towards Mr French providing him with adequate health and safety training. The case will go to a full hearing later this year.

Gold, gold, gold for Malaysia

Reported at For the first time in Pos Malaysia’s history, it has utilised “gold printing” on a new stamp issue to commemorate the enthronement of the 35th Sultan of Perak. “Gold ink has a distinction that Pos Malaysia has never used before,” said Pos Malaysia’s CEO. “A gold ink was used on crest and words. In addition, the stamps also have glossy finishing bringing an extra shine to the gold ink,” he said. “Stamps are not only bought by stamp collectors but also by professionals, students and the people of Perak, who like to collect stamps because it gives

meaning.” Reportedly Sultan Nazrin expressed satisfaction with the design and image on the stamps during his visit to the Pos Malaysia booth.

Royal Mail for royal female Reported at

The Isle of Man has lead the charge to release stamps commemorating the birth of the new royal baby, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. With images of Kate and William on them, the special covers, stamps and folder follow on from the post office’s similar collection in 2013 that celebrated Prince George’s birth. The label set features a re-issue of the images used to mark the Duke and Duchess’s Stamp News - 21

Stamps in the News - Globally! wedding, accompanied by the text “Announcing the birth of HRH The Princess of Cambridge” on a pinkcoloured background. An image of the couple with their baby daughter outside the hospital features on the celebration folder, which congratulates the couple on the new arrival. The post office said it is “delighted to join in the royal celebrations following the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s daughter HRH the Princess of Cambridge with a postal tribute to commemorate this very special day”. Royal Mail announced at the weekend that they were releasing a special postmark to mark the birth, the first time in the company’s 500-year history that a royal birth has been commemorated in this way. The message “Congratulations HRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their daughter” will appear on millions of letters and parcels delivered nationwide on 5th May.

Australia Post- just email us Australia Post has met its match in 85-year-old retiree Esther Morrish who is furious a ‘national conversation’ about continuing postage stamps can only take place online. A Queensland retiree has written an angry letter to Australia Post asking why their “national discussion” on the postal service’s future is taking place in the forum that’s killed it. Esther Morrish, 85, received a letter from Australia Post in early April saying the service was facing some of its greatest challenges. With the advent of the internet and email, the amount of mail delivered to the letterbox is “already down one-third in the past six years”. The letter mentioned the plans to introduce a non-urgent letter service and price increase of postage stamps. When Mrs Morrish looked for a way to contact 22 - Stamp News

Australia Post to share her thoughts, she found it was only an online discussion. “Please join our national conversation at: www.” the letter reads. Mrs Morrish, a former publicist, has severe arthritis and struggles to use a computer. She communicates via phone or “snail mail” and neither of these options were available to add her thoughts to the debate which will have an acute affect on her. She wrote to Australia Post using the GPO Box address in small print at the bottom of the letter and questioned their “arrogance in only making this conversation available to people with or access to computers or other digital devices”. “Your letter treats the rest of the public as if we did not exist and our views or participation in this so-called conversation are irrelevant,” she wrote. Australia Post have responded by publishing a mail address for feedback: Australia Post Conversations GPO Box 1777 Melbourne VIC 3001

The ‘Potato Essays’ of Tristan da Cunha Reported at

Tristan da Cunha Post has released a special stamp issue in April using designs of the items suggested by pioneer, Allan Crawford. Allan Crawford first went to Tristan da Cunha in 1937 when he joined the Norwegian Scientific Expedition.

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

On later visits to the island as a meteorologist he realised there was a demand for stamps from philatelists and passing ships from the so called “loneliest Island in the world”. He decided to develop and produce a stamp or “sticker” for the islanders to place on the outside of their letters. Together with draughtsman Sgt. Jimmy Brown he produced some rough designs. As they did not have permission to use the King George head, they used the British Union Flag. The islanders also had no money and during WW2 they used potatoes as currency with 4 potatoes equalling 1 old penny (1d) so this currency was added to the designs. They came up with 9 designs and Allan had 20,000 penny sheets made, each stamp depicted a penguin and its value was 4 potatoes printed in red in sheets of 35 stamps by Hortors Ltd of Johannesburg. The stamp/sticker soon achieved fame as a souvenir from passing ships and collectors throughout the world and was nicknamed the potato stamp. The 9 designs in black and white were used

later in 1946 as part of a petition for stamps for Tristan da Cunha which was submitted to the UK Postmaster General for consideration as a legitimate postage stamp. The petition for stamps however was refused and it wasn’t until 1952 that overprinted Tristan da Cunha on St Helena definitive stamps were used as the islands first postage stamps. This 2015 stamp sheetlet has been produced using Allan Crawford’s black and white designs submitted as part of the petition together with Tristan’s first official stamp, the overprinted St Helena definitive. The border of the 2015 sheetlet depicts some of Allan Crawford’s early designs. Allan Crawford went on to design many stamps for Tristan and was awarded an MBE in 2002 for services to the island.

China fuels stamp boom in Hong Kong Reported at

A Journey through Hong Kong’s Postal History, a stamp sheetlet issued by Hongkong Post in April last year, now costs HK$2,000 (US$258) each, a hundredfold increase from its face value of HK$20. Some collectors bought a hundred pieces at a discounted price of HK$150,000, the report said. According to data from Taobao e-commerce website, the stamp was once sold for 2,200 yuan (US$354.82) on the mainland, while other shops were asking for as much as 7,300 yuan apiece. Ng Kwai-lung, a veteran stamp dealer, said the

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stamp’s price fell below its face value shortly after it was launched because of a lack of interest in the local market, but mainland collectors, who took a fancy to the stamp, turned it into one of the most sought-after objects in philately. While attributing the surge in its value to the recent stock market boom, Ng said scarcity of supply was also a major factor as only 70,000 units of the stamp were issued and it has become increasingly difficult to find it in the market. As the stamp collection fever continues, the Hongkong Post is scheduled to issue another set of special stamps, Government Vessels, on May 21, and the World Heritage in China Series No. 4: Honghe Hani Rice Terraces on June 18 Ng predicts the prices of both sets would double or triple right after their release.

US stamp fail

Reported at The US Postal Service recently unveiled a limited edition stamp honouring black poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou. However, they failed to get it right. The quote used in the stamp isn’t Angelou’s. 24 - Stamp News

The quote in question featured under Maya Angelou’s picture, “a bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song” is actually attributed to Joan Walsh Anglund. The Washington Post first reported the controversy about the origins and attribution of this quote, which appears in Joan Walsh Anglund’s 1967 book, “A Cup of Suns.” “Today, Dr. Angelou receives the Postal Service’s highest honour, the commemoration of her image on a United States postage stamp and yet her life, so meaningful and varied, can hardly be contained within the four corners of a stamp,” Postmaster General Megan Brennan said at the ceremony. Angelou’s groundbreaking 1969 memoir, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” earned her international acclaim for its unflinching account of rape and racism in the segregated South. Postal Service spokesman Mark Saunders told the Post that “numerous references” attributed the quote to her, as well. It has been associated with her book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

The world’s largest and friendliest Stamp Bulletin Board - with a strong Aussie flavour! A fast-growing true Community which started in 2007. About 12,000 real members, from over 130 countries – who have made about 3½ MILLION posts on 10,000s of topics. There are 100,000s of high resolution colour photos there - showing rare stamps, errors, discoveries, cinderellas and new issues etc. We get over three MILLION hits each month. No cost – Check us out on Facebook even! A vast array of leading dealers and collectors are active members. The Presidents of both APTA and the APF are members. Senior International Stamp Judges are members. Catalogue producers, stamp magazine publishers and leading auctioneers are all active members. Masses of stamp club secretaries worldwide are members, and promote their clubs and events free - does YOURS??? All entirely FREE. If you can two-finger type you are all set - simple and intuitive. Discuss EVERY aspect of stamps, from ANY country, and get instant answers and input. Show and share your photos, ask questions, get advice from experts. Buy or sell or trade the stamps you need - ALL FREE. Loads of fun threads, jokes and general discussions too. HUNDREDS of eBay crooks, cons and forgers have been exposed and expelled from eBay by our member reports and Detective work - essential reading. Monthly competitions with very valuable stamp prizes. Pop by today. It is like your ‘local stamp club’ – but you do NOT need to leave your home!

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, part-time or full-time. AAA Stamps PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760

A.G.T. Devine 56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209

Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066

Ace Stamp Auctions PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email

A-One Stamps - M Greive

Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733 Edlins of Canberra Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859

Falcon Stamps PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300

Gold Coast Stamp Traders Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582

Stephen Joe

PO 82, Edgecliffe, NSW, 2027 Ph: 02 9362 3636

GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183

Peter Barrett

John Hurtado/KGV Collector

PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827

Bexley Stamps - M. Hill PO Box 92 Doonside, NSW 2767 Ph: 02 9920 5057

Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch

PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184

Robert Kennedy Stamps P/L Shop 4, 155 Castlereagh St, Sydney, 2000 Ph: 02 9264 6168

9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202

Ph: 02 9918 6825

Grant Carter

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins

PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193

Alf Clark PO Box 53, Box Hill, VIC 3128 Ph: 03 9808 9717

John Cornelius PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072

Ken Cowden PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231

Dr William L. Mayo (Booklets)

PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693

Maree Nieuwenhuizen PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848

Mike Lee 7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855

P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773 Ph: 02 4739 6184

Pacific Coast Philatelics Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207

Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520

Chris Snelling Stamps PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205

Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333

Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011

Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778

Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744


PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC 3158

Looking at New Zealand

CWI and Rotary Commemoratives, 1971 The Women’s Institutes (from 1952 called the Country Women’s Institutes) were founded in New Zealand in 1921. The aim was to overcome the isolation of women on farms and in small country towns. They offered educational and social

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opportunities, with an emphasis on homemaking skills and lobbied government on matters of concern. Rotary was begun in Chicago in 1905 by Paul Harris, a lawyer. New Zealand politician George

Graeme Morriss

for local charities and undertake community projects such as building children’s playgrounds. Both the CWI and New Zealand Rotary celebrated their 50th anniversaries in 1971. L C Mitchell designed both the stamps, with amendments requested to his original essays to make the lettering and design layouts more closely resemble Auckland Rotary Club organises the annual Press Photographers’ Exhibition each other. The 4 cent stamp Fowlds’s visit to North America, where he attended showed the CWI crest flanked by the music symbol a Rotary meeting, led to the first clubs in Wellington ‘treble clef’ and a spinning wheel to represent the and Auckland in 1921. These clubs formed the first organisation’s educational activities in the arts and Rotary District in the southern hemisphere. The home handicrafts. The 10 cent showed the Rotary clubs hold weekly lunches or dinners that provide emblem and a map of New Zealand. networking opportunities for the businessmen The Japanese Government Printing members. The members provide financial support Bureau printed the 4 cent stamp in three-colour

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Looking at New Zealand

photogravure and the 10 cent in four colours. The printing was on unwatermarked chalky-surfaced paper using plates with two panes of fifty numbered T203 and T204. The perforating comb gauged 13 x 13½. The date of issue was 10 February 1971 and remaining stocks were withdrawn on 31 April 1971.

The Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 took place at the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre from 16th to 19th April with the special theme of ANZAC commemoration.

Above: Laurent Villoing and Ed Wolf talk to David Figg at the welcoming counter Right: A page of Peter Brigden’s exhibit “The Pacific Naval Campaign, 1914 - 1915” 28 - Stamp News

Catalogue of New Zealand Stamps, Auckland, Campbell Paterson, 1952 – . The Postage Stamps of New Zealand, vol. 6, Wellington, RPSNZ, 1975. Te Ara: the Encyclopedia of New Zealand - http://

Graeme Morriss

Top: A general view of the exhibition frames Middle: A general view of the dealers’ area Bottom: A page of Ian Fuary’s exhibit “Franking Machines”

Above: A page of Peter Brigden’s exhibit “The Pacific Naval Campaign, 1914 - 1915”

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philatelic news Gärtner Auction June 15th-20th & June 24th 2015 From Napoleon via the United Nations to Picasso: The German Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner starts the summer with a unique, massive, profound and diversified offer. The auction house Gärtner presents in its 31st auction once again an extraordinarily diverse but rich in content offer in 10 catalogs. From 15th - 19th June Stamps, Postal History and Collections will be auctioned. On June 20th postcards and coins will follow finished by banknotes on June 24th. A total of almost 30,000 lots from 1,700 consignors from worldwide will be auctioned. As a known Asia specialist the auction house Gärtner starts the first day of the auction with more than 2,000 single lots from Asia with many highlights such as Indian and Chinese Aerograms. On Monday from 14.00 o’clock UN collectors will find everything their heart desires. For this section an elaborately designed special catalogue “United Nations” with nearly 1,400 lots – mostly single items. With the consignment of the GainesCollection and other large rare offers the BietigheimBissingen situated company has succeeded in offering an extraordinary range in its June auction, which is unprecedented in Europe. The single items section Overseas, Europe and Themes includes ca. 8,000 lots from fine classic stamps to modern rarities. Here – not unexpectedly – many pieces thoroughly researched postal history items (e.g. an extremely 30 - Stamp News

attractive Double Geneva on cover), rare stamps (including a mint block of four Belgium no. 1) and other curiosities. The single lots of Germany contains more than 8,000 lots with a particularly broad range of classic stamps and covers from the old German states to the postwar period. E.g. you will find a SchleswigHolstein cover bearing three no. 1 or the probable rarest stamp of Germany, the 20 Mark Bayern with SAARE overprint. Nearly 8,000 collections, legacies and bigger lots offer something for every collector. From exciting small lots containing letters or stamps to top collections as the award winning Large-Gold collection “Postal History of Latvia” with numerous rarities and unique items. Also there is a curiosity – the special collection of Napoleon by Edmund Wagner, which is unique both in terms of quality as well as scope. Over decades the collector from Karlsruhe passionately gathered a highly amazing collection containing 3,000 toy soldiers, 500 books, several hundred magazines and about 1,300 folders with pictures of army uniforms (incl. scientific description). Among them are many original Rousselot and Knötel boards. (Minimum Bid:

100,000.- Euro) Postcards, coins, medals and paper money – in single lots and collections – complete the auction. The separate catalogue for postcards bears on its front page a real Picasso – an absolute rare finding. This post card – posted at September 5th 1918 – was drawn by Pablo Picasso, signed and sent to his friend Guillaume Apollinaire, who is one of the most important French poets (illustrated on facing page). Postcards and coins will be auctioned on Saturday, June 20th, while on Wednesday June 24th a separate day is devoted to banknotes. The Coins and Medals section offers a wide range from ancient to modern times. The absolute top piece is the seal of the Elector Albrecht III (Achilles), 1414 – 1486, dated 1470 with an estimate of 250.000 euros. Since the beginning of this year, the auction house Gärtner offers a wide range of rare and special international paper money. Waiting for the collectors are special highlights such as bank notes of the extremely rare edition of the State Treasury for Mongola from 1924 as well as Specimens from various countries such as the very popular and colourful 1,000 Angolares note from Angola in 1944, of which only very few can be found on the market. It is hard to pick out of the abundance of the complete program only a few examples. Those who wish to gain the complete picture are kindly invited to visit Here all items are listed complete with illustrations and can be researched easily with an search engine. Lot 1169 INDIA (illustrated above left) 1867 (1st Sep.): FIRST DAY COVER from

Singapore to Langnau, Switzerland franked with two horizontal pairs of 8c. (Crown surcharge in green) on 2a. yellow (SG 6), each cancelled with “B/172” numeral h/s and by firm’s chop in blue, red “PD” alongside, backstamped “SINGAPORE/1 SEP/1866” (error of year slug) and various transit and arrival cds’s, upper pair of the fresh stamps crossed by filing crease, but still good. An attractive and very scarce first day cover - a key item of straits settlements postal history. B.P.A. certificate. Minimum: 30,000,- Euro Lot 5895 Germany Zeppelin (illustrated above right) 1937, some highly interesting documents from Willy Speck (1892 – 1937), the radio operator of the Hindenburg, who died at the Lakehurst accident. The documents contain the radio license and the company ID from the Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, which survived the catastrophe undamaged. Minimum: 10,000 Euro Stamp News - 31

Cinderella Corner

Being a bit short of material for this month’s column, and also a bit short of time after Sydney Stamp Show 2015, I thought I would do a repeat of the following item.

Our Boys League.

Our Boys League was started in 1904 in England and by 1911 there were stated to be 78 branches. Adelaide was the Australian Foundation Branch and probably commenced in either 1910 or 1911. By January 1912 there were over 200 members. Initially boys had to be age 14 before becoming a member, however it appears that they considered boys of 11 could be admitted into a “school section” but transferred to the senior membership at

Fig. 1

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age 14. There do not appear to have been branches in any other Australian state, however there were organisations with similar aims. The motto of the league was “One Shall Become a Thousand for Help Self Help and Help One Another”. The aim of the League was to encourage the migration of “suitable lads” from England for work in Australia. The only information I have been able to find on Our Boys League has come from the magazine “PAMABA Gazette and Australian Exchange” of which a single copy dated December 1911 – January 1912 survives in the State Library of South Australia Periodicals Collection. The printers imprint is Sharples Printers 98 Hindley Street

Fig. 2

Tony Presgrave

Adelaide. The Gazette contents are mainly jottings etc under various headings but there are also advertisements for properties for rent and sale. About four pages are devoted to OUR BOYS LEAGUE and most of the content of those pages is competitions with some drawings. Prizes were awarded for competitions and usually consisted of PAMABA Watches. Stamps in six denominations, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6, 5/- and 10/-, were issued probably as a receipt for a donation or to denote finds raised by various means. The 3d and 6d stamps feature the Kookaburra while the 1/- and 2/6 are almost direct copies of the 1897 UK charity stamps but with the inscription and

Fig. 3

signature of Fred Bourne rather crudely added at the base, the 5/- and 10/- stamps are again direct copies of a charity issue with King George V and Queen Mary as the subject and again with the same crude addition at the base, however both of these denominations are known in two different colours. There is no mention of any stamps in the magazine so they must have come later, probably about 1913. It appears that PAMABA Soap and Our Boys League have something in common as Fred Bourne published the PAMABA Gazette and Australian Exchange and if you look at the PAMABA stamp (Fig.8), the Kookaburra used on the Our Boys League stamp, (Fig. 1 & 2), is in the right hand side of the stamp.

Fig. 4

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Cinderella Corner

Bourne’s address was recorded as 10 National Mutual Buildings, Victoria Square, Adelaide. He was there from 1911 to 1914 but was gone by 1919. It is not possible to be more exact with the years as it appears that the South Australian Directories may not have been published for the years 1915 to 1918. Bourne seems to have been some kind of entrepreneur as he is also linked to Penn & Way, Chemists at the same address, who marketed PAMABA Soap. Also listed at the same address was the Central Exchange from 1911 to 1913 when it became the Australian Exchange. A PAMABA Soap drawing similar to the stamp illustrated here was on one of the pages and was credited to one D.M. Chittleborough. There is

also a sketch of a Kookaburra similar to the one on the three pence and six pence stamps that was probably drawn by Stanley J.L.Simmons who was also responsible for the masthead illustration of the magazine. A search of the State Library South Australiana database has revealed no further information and neither has a search of a detailed index of all South Australian newspapers from 1837 to 1937. It is probable that the League disappeared after about 1914 when WWI would have put a stop to the migration of young men who would be needed back in the UK as part of the war effort. It is also interesting that immigration was an individual state responsibility at this time. The Commonwealth Government did not take responsibility for immigration until 1921-22.

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

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Tony Presgrave

David Mallen If any readers have any more information about the Our Boys League or know where more information can be found I would appreciate knowing so that I can give some finality to the subject.

Those South Australian Overprints.

I wrote about these items in the November 2014 column after they appeared in a Velvet Collectibles Auction purporting to be stamps issued as an interim measure until stamps without the word Revenue inscribed could be printed. After discussing them with Danny Jurd one of the Directors of Velvet Collectibles at Sydney Stamp Expo in which he told me that the stamps in question came from an old deceased estate in country Victoria, I withdraw my previous opinion of them and Danny

Fig. 7

and I think they could have been some kind of essay that never saw the light of day. The overprint is typeset and there is an impression from the type on the back of the stamps. This possibility did cross my mind initially. Their presence in an old time deceased estate collection would also explain why it has taken 114 years for these stamps to appear.

Sydney Stamp Expo 2015.

When entries closed for the exhibition there were two entries in the Cinderella Class, mine titled A Back of the Book Collection of South Australia, and Martin Walker’s Airmail Labels issued by the Australian Post Office. We both entered simply to ensure that the class was represented. Dale Ansell also had a lot of Cinderella items in her excellent exhibit, Carrying On, but it was entered in the Open Class.

Fig. 8

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JUNE OFFERS Prices valid to end June 2015 or until sold out. ARRIVALS IN COLLECTIONS, SINGLES, LOTS AND MIXTURES: AP1) VAST WORLD COLLECTION IN 59 STOCKBOOKS. Terrific lot, untouched for 25 years from deceased estate. Organised by country/area chronologically, this lot must contain close to 30,000 stamps, if not more with some very good pickings noted throughout. Plenty of earlier material, going up to around 1990 at the latest, majority is postally used. Will pack into 4 or 5 cartons and we will post free to anywhere in Australia, just pay for insurance. Priced very reasonably at $2950. Lay-by available by negotiation. AP2) Bulk Prinz mounts, buy at big discounts. Each pack contains a variety of sizes at around ONE THIRD of what it would cost to buy individual packs. Please note that this offer is for CLEAR MOUNTS. A 500 Gram Pack contains around the same amount of mounts as in 15 regular packs of strips. Elsewhere these are selling at up to $89, my price 500 grams just $74, 250 grams $39, 1kg for $159. (I do carry a full range of Prinz Mounts both clear and black so just let me know what sizes you want if you prefer to buy in individual packs) AP3) Tweezers, famous Solingen German Manufacture, the one dealers prefer, 150mm pointed ends supplied in protective sheath. RRP $16.50 per pair, my price NEAR HALF at $8.50, or two pairs for $15. (Dealer special 10 pairs for $62.50) AP4) French Colonies, old packet of 100 different, mostly if not all pre-independence. Made up near 50 years ago! Usual retail around $12, my price just $7.50 per pack, or two for $12! AP5) Old tyme dealers packet stock, mostly single sets in Glassines priced to sell at up to $1.50 each some 30 odd years ago. These are Worldwide mainly thematic sets, in cto condition. A chance to buy at a HUGE DISCOUNT, there will be some duplication in these lots. 100 packets mixed, $150 retail for $49, Triple sized lot, $450 retail for $99. AP6) Victoria 6d Woodblock, 4 margins on 1858 small neat cover Melbourne to Dublin, tied by Barred Numeral 1. Melbourne oval departure cds Jan 6 1858 and Dublin arrival cds MR 16 1858 on reverse. Sent “Per Colombian” Stamp has been affixed inverted, which would probably be to alert the addressee of bad news. We had a similar cover on last month’s list which I could have sold 3 times over, this one is nicer, as is to a way scarcer destination. $395

AP11) Range of British Commonwealth Omnibus stamps for 1949 UPU, in a range of imprint and plate No. blocks of 4, and corner pairs mostly hinged on top two stamps, pairs are MUH. A total of 68 blocks and 43 pairs. Price $179 AP12) As above, but for 1948 Silver Wedding, the low values only. 59 Plate blocks of 4, price $118 AP13) Bahamas 1948 Tercentenary set of 18 to One Pound, SG 178/93 MLH Cat 75 pounds. Price $49 AP14) Malta, 1948 Self Government original set of 15 MLH cat 85 pounds, price $59 AP15) Ascension, 1922 overprints on St. Helena set to 2/- SG 1-7 and SG 8, all mint lightly hinged cat 200 pounds. $133 AP16) Gambia 1922 set to 1/- fine used, inc. both 4d. Between SG 118-134, Min cat 80 pounds, price $49 AP17) New Guinea 1939 Airs to 2/- (11v) MLH, min cat is 360 pounds. Price $239 AP18) Bermuda 1936 KGV Pictorials complete to 1/6d, MLH cat 28 pounds, price $19 AP19) Jamaica 1921 -29 SG 94/106, complete to 10/- plus extra shades, 20v total, minimum Cat. 175 pounds. MLH, price $115 AP20) Papua 1932 Pictorials fine used set to 2/6d, SG 130 – 142, min Cat. 95 pounds, price $63 AP21) Papua 1938 Airs, 5v, complete fine used Cat. 55 pounds price $36 AP22) North Borneo 1931 50th Anniv. Set to 25c SG 295-299 MLH, Cat 80 pounds, price $53 AP23) Antigua 1932 Tercentenary set to 1/-, SG 81-88 MLH, Cat. Min 50 pounds Price $33 AP24) Norfolk Is. 1947 Ball Bays, complete set of 12 to 2/- in MLH Blocks of 4. Cat min 80 pounds price $49 AP25) 1953 Coronation Omnibus, complete with extras MLH, Cat 140 pounds, price $93 AP26) GB 1955 Waterlow HV Castles, MLH cat 225 pounds, price $125 AP27) GB 1951 Festival HVs set of 4, SG 509/12 MLH, cat 100 pounds, price $57.50

AP7) Great Britain 1934 10/- re-engraved Seahorse, SG 452 cat 80 pounds each in postally used block of 4, cancelled by circular (unusual as these are normally oval) London W1 hooded registered cds cancels. Some minor faults but this is a very scarce block. Total cat around $600, under 25% at $149

AP28) GB 1948 One Pound Brown MLH cat 25 pounds, price $16.50

AP8) Bulk Australian States, ideal for searching postmarks, shades and varieties. We can now offer by State. In mixed packets of 100. Smaller States will contain more duplication.

AP30) Australia & Victoria Postal Stationery collection, 104 items, mainly postally used in album. Highlight is 1d Red octagonal envelope uprated to Celebes, Dutch Indies, (addressees name deleted. Nevertheless very scarce) Most of this is KGV, with some nice uprates to Holland. Terrific value at under $20 per item, $1950

a) NSW b) Queensland c) South Australia d) Tasmania e) Victoria f) W.A. Price per 100 mixed $69, take different 3 packets for $189 AP9) Lovely collection of mainly Australia 1st flight and exhibition covers, many scarce items here including Pilot signed items, and AAT Base flown covers dating from 1929 to 1956. Highlights are 1933 “Faith in Australia” card, AAMC No. 348 signed by both Allan and Ulm, cat $200, and 1956 Olympics full set on official cover with OLYMPEX registration label. 93 items, Priced very reasonably at $15 per item. $1395 AP10) Western Australia officials, Perf OS. Commonwealth period 1910 -1912 values Halfpenny to 5/- all postally used including scarce 4d perf 11. A very scarce assembly, comprising SG 125, 126, 138, 139b, 139c, 140, 141a, 141b, 142, 142a, 142b, 143, 145, 153 and 154. Price $595

AP29) GB Phosphor issues 1962 NPY, 1963 Freedom from Hunger, 1963 Cable, 1963 Nature, 1964 Forth Road Bridge, 1965 Churchill, Parliament Salvation Army and Battle of Britain in blocks 4 (4d in block of 6) , generally 2 in each block are MUH. Price $195

AP31) Heavy binder with Collections MUH of Fiji, Nauru & Norfolk Is. 1947 to 1998 stored in around 100 new double sided Hagners, retail of these alone $225. Absolutely huge retail! $1350 AP32) Worldwide collection in heavy Binder full of around 100 new double sided Hagners, retail of these alone $225, plus approx 2000 stamps. Good ranges of Austria & GB noted. Selling for the price of the Hagners only, price $225 MM1) No more bulges! If you like to fill your stockbooks to the utmost, then these are great! Just developed and manufactured in Germany by Prinz, this new design 32 black page stockbook is slightly wedge shaped, with the spine being a little larger than usual

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

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JUNE OFFERS to allow for expansion. A magnificent innovative idea, at around the same price as normal stockbooks! Price $32.50 each, 5 for $159, 10 for $279

MM30) C of A, ovpt. OS set Halfpenny to 5d, mint lightly hinged, retail $75, my price $59 MM31 Halfpenny Orange, small multi wmk, perf 13.5 x 12.5, imprint block of 4, stamps unhinged Retail $60, a steal at $39

MM2) Lion Stockbooks, Made in Holland, 64 black page, with PADDED COVER. We have never been able to offer these on special before, just a few available, RRP $72, unchanged since 2012, when the Australian Dollar was a lot stronger, newly imported stock will be at least $79. My very special price, 1 for $59, 3 for $169, 5 for $269

MM33) 4d Olive, small multi wmk, perf 13.5 x 12.5 mint unhinged, retail $80, price $59 MM34) 2d Brown Single wmk, mint lightly hinged imprint pair retail $100, price $63

MM3) Lion Stockbooks, Made in Holland, 32 black page, RRP $31.50, my price $29.50 each, 5 for $142.50, 10 for $275

MM35) 3d Blue small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5 Die II mint unhinged. Retail $60, price $45


MM36) 5d Chestnut, small multi wmk, perf 13.5 x 12.5 mint unhinged, perf OS, centring to top left as is usual for this issue. Retail $265, this one just $110

MM4) 1932 Ten Shilling Grey & Pink C of A wmk, Imprint pair very fresh lightly hinged mint. Retail $2750, my price $2495. I challenge you to find another of this quality at the same price!

MM37) 4d Olive Green, small multi perf 14, perf OS, mint unhinged, centred low, as is usual for this issue. Retail $550, this one just $219

MM5) The same stamp as above, but a lovely well centred single, fine used, with Melbourne cds, dated 1 FE 38. Retail value $300, this one just $225

MM38) 2d Orange single wmk, perf OS, mint unhinged, centred left as is usual for this issue. Retail $125, my price just $89

MM6) Halfpenny Green, JBC Monogram strip of 3 from right of sheet, fresh mint hinged. Retail $1000, my price just $585

MM39) 4d Purple, single wmk, perf OS mint light hinge, centred to left as is usual for this issue. Retail $125, price $89

MM7) Two Shilling Brown. 2nd wmk, well centred lightly hinged example on THIN PAPER. Cat $4500. My price, well under half. $1950

MM40) 1.5d Red, small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5 Inveerted Wmk block of 4, two hinged. Ex booklet, therefore some blunt perfs at base on two stamps. Very fresh. Retail $100, these just $63

MM8) Two Pound Purple- Black and Rose, third wmk, horizontal pair from the top of the sheet, showing watermark border line. Lovely circular dated cancel, showing late use. Counter Section Melbourne 16NO31. Each with neat small telegraphic puncture. Retail if postally used, around $8000, the pair for $1495!

MM41) As above, but the 2d red, full perfs. Retail $90, my price $49 MM42) 2d Brown, small multi wmk perf 14, Mullet imprint pair, gum a bit aged, mint hinged. Cat $800 as an Imprint Block of 4. Very cheap at $95!

MM16) 9d Violet, small multi wmk, Mint Unhinged, perf OS. Minor gum toning, Cat $450, this one $249

MM43) 4d Olive, small multi wmk, perf 13.5 x 12.5, mint unhinged, centred top left. Retail $275, this one just $119

MM17) 6d Ultramarine 3rd wmk, Die II, mint hinged, cat $200, good value at $95 MM18) Twopence Halfpenny Indigo 1st wmk, mint hinged, cat $100, my price just $49 (2 available) each, or nice lightly hinged fresh example for $79 MM19) One Pound Blue and Brown 3rd wmk, light circular cancel used, with circular telegraph puncture. Minor thin where hinge has been removed. Retail for fine used $2250. This one at one 6th catalogue $375

MM47) 2d and 1/4d KGV, C of A wmk on neat clean small airmail cover to London, UK, re-addressed. Clear bright Vic circular cancel dated 15OC37 (My birthdate! But I was not born until 1951) The 1/4d is cat. $300 on cover. Delightful! $225

MM20) 4d Olive, small multi wmk, perf 14, mint unhinged, slightly aged gum. Retail $175, my price $125

KGV Period:

MM21) Single wmk, 1d Carmine, Harrison one-line Imprint pair, with variety “Dash in lower R frame�; BW.71(3)zf, VI/55. Stamps MUH. Cat $1000 as hinged imprint block of 4. Price $249

MM48) 1930 Sturt pair on neat clean Reg. envelope, the 3d being top marginal. From South Singleton NSW. FDC cat $200. Way better than average! $149

MM22) 5d Orange-Brown, Ash imprint pair. MUH. Small multi wmk, Perf 13.5 x 12.5, Ash Imprint Pair, cat $475 as Hinged Block of 4. Price $119 MM24) 4d Orange, single wmk, Mint Unhinged, lovely example, Retail $80, my price $55 MM26) 4d Ultramarine single wmk, mint unhinged, perf OS, gum evenly toned. Retail $180, my price $135 MM28) 1/4d Turquoise, small multi wmk, perf 14, fine postally used, retail $150, one only at this price $69

MM45) 1/4d Turquoise single wmk lightly hinged mint perf OS. Retail value $175, centred lower left as is usual for this issue. Price $79 MM46) 3d Blue Die Ia, Type A small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5 perf OS, lightly hinged mint. Retail $150. Centred right. This one just $60

Australia KGV Heads:

MM25) C of A wmk set Halfpenny to 5d, vfu, some cto. Retail $50, my price $39

MM44) 3d Deep Blue, small multi wmk perf 13.5 x 12.5, Ash Imprint Pair. Stamps Unhinged, cat $250 as a hinged imprint block of 4. Cheap at $110

MM49) 1931 Kingsford Smith and 1935 Jubilee both in cto sets. Retail $78. Just $39, HALF PRICE! MM50) 1913 6d Kookaburra, fine postally used example, retail $60, just $48 MM51)As above, but horizontal used pair, very scarce in multiples. $139 MM52) 1931 6d Airmail in top right mint unhinged block of 4. Some gum wrinkling/ creasing on lower pair, but a lovely block. Retail $160 as singles. $79 MM53) 1932 large Lyrebird, in the yellow green shade, mint unhinged. Retail $150. My price just $119

Email: Web:

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Australia pre-decimal mint unhinged lots, many in blocks of 4:

MM55) 3d Blue KGVI Die 1 mint unhinged, retail $75, this one $59

MM83) Approx 250 mixed stamps, values to One Shilling, $49.

MM56) As above, but Die II thick paper, retail $60, price $45

MM84) As above, approx 500 stamps values to 1/6d, $92

MM57) As above, but thin paper, retail $55, price $39

MM85) As above approx 1000 stamps values to 2/3d or 2/6d price $179

MM58) 1948 Arms 10/- to two pounds Overprinted Specimen. Without gum. Retail for mint unhinged $250. Price $95

REST OF THE WORLD (Not in any particular order)

MM59) 1964 Navigators, 4/- to Two Pounds, set of 6, fine used, retail $135, my price $95 MM60) As above, mint unhinged set of 8 including the scarce white papers. Retail $275. My price $195 MM61) 1966 decimal Navigators Specimen Overprints, mint unhinged set of 6 inc. scarce 15mm overprints. Retail $450, my price $329 MM62) 1975 45c flower, ACSC 727ca, Green grey omitted and partially omitted, cat $2500 as a pair, this is a vertical strip of 5, mint unhinged, including 3 normals. VERY RARE. Under half catalogue at $1149 MM63) 1979 Steam Locomotives COLOUR TRIAL without value, based on the 50c design. Vertical block of 4, with part of 5th stamp, plus normal 50c stamp for comparison. Singles have fetched $275 plus buyer’s premium at auction. This piece is probably unique. Price $995. MM64) 1960 Girl Guides 5d, with offset, ACSC 377c, possibly unique block of 48 mint unhinged. Cat. $75 per stamp. I have seen a block of 4 on eBay recently offered by a well known Sydney firm for $175. Total catalogue for the block is $3600, my price well under half at $1695. Enquiries invited for blocks of 4 at $149 or singles at $39, if the larger block is not sold. Australian States: MM65) New South Wales: REPRINTS: De La Rue 1/- black block of 24 (12x2) from the top of the sheet with Current Number ‘7’, Plate Number ‘1’ & the sheet number, each unit overprinted ‘REPRINT’ in red, full unmounted o.g., superb! $595

MM86) Canada, Mint unhinged imprint and plate blocks covering a 40 year plus period from late 1940’s. All appear different, stored on around 300 x 3 strip stock cards, with and average of 3 blocks per card, so probably around 900 total. Plus around 20 booklets. Great value at around $1.50 per block, the stockcards worth $100 are thrown in, price $1350. MM87) New Guinea Bulolo Two Pound and Five Pound Airmails, superb postally used. (Often seen cto) Lovely pair, Cat $1180 and retail $900 plus in this condition. My price $795 MM88) Spain, 1930 Lindbergh Airmail 1 peseta green stamp, SG650. Normal catalogues 900 dollars mint, these two are the famous missing head and inverted head varieties. Both mint lightly hinged. $595 the pair. MM89) Papua 1/- Lakatoi, airmail overprint in dark carmine, scarce. Mint lightly hinged, $89 MM90) Zeppelin Cover. Germany 7 OKT 28 Airmail cover bearing 4RM brown Zeppelin, carried by LZ127 to New York. Excellent example. $169 MM91) Brunei, 1942-44 Japanese occupation overprint (SG.J9) 8c grey-black, with overprint in blue fine used. Cat. $1700. Quarter catalogue Price $425 MM92) Sarawak, 1942 Japanese occupation overprints (SG.J11 & J16) 8c Carmine & 15c Blue with overprints in violet, FU on piece with Japanese cds. Cat $580, quarter catalogue $145 MM93) Great Britain SG126, 5/- Rose, plate 1, used. Nice example for the price, Cat $1350, just 15% cat. $199

MM66) Tasmania, one pound Queen Victoria tablet issue, used and overprinted Revenue. Normal used $275, this one $169.

MM94) Great Britain 1883 Lilac and Green set, SG 187-95, cat. $2800 plus! Nice clean set, but green colours as usual are a bit washed. Priced as spacefillers at 5% catalogue, just $139

MM67) Tasmania: Halfpenny on 1d red sideface, plate No. 1, in block of 12 on thin card, overprinted REPRINT from bottom left of sheet. Clean and fresh, superb! $359

MM95) Great Britain 1958 Graphites set, SG 587/94 mint unhinged, cat $220, my price just $149

MM68) Queensland Queen Victoria Chalon Head 1/- Grey, SG 29, mint hinged. Cat $650. Very rare mint, unpriced on most dealer lists. Retail $525, my price $329

MM96) Great Britain 1959 Phosphor Graphites, mint unhinged SG 599/609 Cat $170, my price just $95

MM69) Queensland Queen Victoria Large Chalon Head, one pound deep green. SG161 mint hinged. Cat $600. My price just 25% of Cat. $149

MM97) Great Britain 1959 Castles High Values, 2nd De la Rue printing, mint unhinged SG 595/8, cat $390, my price just half, $195

MM70) Victoria, neat small cover, bearing 2d Lilac Laureates, with barred numeral 49 and unframed cds of Heathcote AP13 68 to Clerk of Court Heathcote. Very attractive. $99

MM98) New Zealand KEVII Officials, SG between 059/77, halfpenny, 1d, 3d. 6d, 8d & 1/-. Mint Lightly Hinged, cat $240 at minimum, cheap at $59

MM80) Victoria 1901 – 1912 One Pound and Two Pound KEVII both cto, the One Pound is with gum in the scarcer dull rose shade, with MAR221911 central date stamp, the two pound with a partial June 1903 cds. Cat $875, price $550

MM99) New Zealand KGV Officials, between SG 0100/05, cat $150, lightly hinged mint, cheap at $39

MM81) Western Australia 1861 4d Vermilion, cds dated SP 27 1867. SG40, retail $350. My price $198 MM82) Western Australia 1909 One Pound Orange, SG 128a Cat $650. Fine postally used, with dated cds of Kalgoorlie, JUL 12 05. Superb! $399

MM100) New Zealand 4c Moth, SG 919ba, Green (wing veins) omitted, in imprint lower left block of 20, with 3 stamps showing colour completely missing, and 5 others with varying degrees of partial missing colour. Possibly unique piece, cat $500 per stamp. Excellent value 25% catalogue, $375 MA1) China Peoples Republic, nice colln. Of 300 diff. inc. MUH and Postally used. A very few are cto. Very hard to assemble, and prices are quickly rising. $165, one lot only.

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

JUNE OFFERS MA2) Deceased Estate, worldwide colln. In 12 handmade albums, many 1000s of stamps with a lot of earlier and lots of better stamps and sets, not much past 1975. Organised alphabetically. Good original lot with nothing removed, great price $625 MA5) USA off paper mixture, very wide ranging from 1940’s to 1980’s. Around 1000 for $24.50, 2500 for $57, 5000 for $110, one lot only of 10,000 for $199 MA6) China, Peoples Republic, mainly larger envelope pieces dating from around the mid 1980’s to about 2012. Mainly large Commems, scarce lot, but it is on heavier paper. 100 grams for $29.50 MA7) World on paper, our popular mix of mainly large, as received form overseas. We only get around 2kg of this each month. Close clipped single paper in the main. Count will be about 4000 – 5000 to the kg. 100g for $29.50, 500g for $129, 1kg for $250 MA10) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo, Die II with clear Melbourne 3rd July 1913 cds cancel Perf Large OS, and with complete double perf at top, SPECTACULAR ERROR, much more commonly seen on Die 1. Rare and attractive, ACSC cayt. $275 for non OS stamp. $135 MA12) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroos, each perf small OS, one showing dry ink, the other slurred print (kissprint) varieties. Neither is listed in ACSC. Uncommon. $125 the two or $65 each

MMF18) Australia 1948 5/- Arms, thin paper, very fine used, retail $100, my price just $75 MMF19) Australia 1958 5/- Stockman, mint unhinged, both cream and white papers (2) retail $180, my price under half! $89 MMF20) As above but lightly hinged mint, only $69 MMF25) Australia 1979 Steam Engine, COLOUR TRIAL without value in vertical strip of 4, based on the 50 cent design. Only one sheet exists and singles have sold at auction recently for $265 plus the buyer’s premium. Supplied with an example of the issued stamp. Exhibition piece and priced well below auction price $995. MM26) Tasmania, Halfpenny on 1d Red sideface, in imperf plate 1 block of 12, from the reprint sheet on thin card, rare and unusual! $420 MMF27) Australia Kangaroos: b) 9d Purple 2nd wmk, fine used, normally $65 each, now just $59 c) 5d Chestnut 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged, well centred , normal retail $140, plus premium for the better centring. This one just $98

MA21) New Zealand 1925 Dunedin set, MUH, Retail $135, my price just $98

MMF28) Spain 1927 Linbergh 1 Peseta green mint, SG 650, two major varieties: 1) Missing Lindbergh’s head, and 2) Lindbergh’s head inverted. $100 each for either or both for $175

MA22) GB 10/- Seahorse, SG417, nice mint example, cat 475 pounds = $950. My price just $360.

MMF29) Samoa, Express stamps, complete set 1d to 5/-, mint. Believed reprints, cute lot. $49

MA23) West Berlin, SG B21 – 34, RED OVERPRINTS, MUH. Cat 1600pounds, and retail 750 Euros in Europe. Selling these as is, but look pretty good to my untrained eye. If correct these are remarkably cheap at just $5% of cat. Value $159

MMF30) Hong Kong, 1973 QEII Wilding Head definitives, SG283/96 Mint Unhinged, cat 100 pounds = $200, cheap at under a half catalogue, $98

MA24) GB 1854 10d Brown Embossed, the hardest of this set. Clean stamp, not cut to shape as many of this issue are. Cat $3000, lovely stamp at just 15% cat. Value. $450 MA25) GB 1883 1/- Dull Green, correct colour, with fine RANDWICK GATE EDINBURGH cds. SG 196, cat $650, nice lightly cancelled example worth a 100% premium according to Gibbons, but from me just 15% $195 MA30) Lovely old World Accumulation, collection, in albums, stockbooks, packets etc. very heavy lot, must be some decent pickings in here! $485 MMF10) China, Nationalist and PRC cut short collection, sadly caused by owners demise who had just started to collect this country. Comprises 1) Crocodile 32 page stockbook of partially duplicated used, some on piece, around 500 stamps cheap lot $66. 2) Hagner page of better items mint and used $85 3) Packet of 200 plus seemingly all different, with some complete sets to around 2008. $66 SOLD 4) Envelope of 500 plus containing partially duplicated wide range of issues, mostly postally used, $215 5) 1994 Year set mint unhinged complete with Minisheets $66 MMF13) Australia 1913 6d Kookaburra, cto used, very nice! Usually $60 plus in this condition. My price $49 MMF16) Australia 1914 6d Blue War Savings stamp, mint unhinged, but creased, these usually sell for $240 or thereabouts, this one just $95 MMF17) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Overprinted OS, cto used. Usualy retail $95, my price just $46, under half!

MMF31) Papua New Guinea, 1952 One Pound Fisherman, Mint Unhinged, SG 15, well centred and fresh. Normal retail $100 plus, if you can find one! Probably your one and only chance at this price $89 MMF32) BCOF 1946 2/- Kangaroo in Mint Unhinged imprint pair, retail $60 each, plus the value of the imprint. My price $89 MMF33) New Zealand 1940 Centennial set, mint unhinged, sg 613/25, normal retail $100, my price $59 MMF35a) Australia KGV 1/4d Turquoise C of A wmk, Mint Unhinged, beautifully fresh. Retail $400, my price under half! $195 FE1) the 2010 vst comprehensive colour catalogue of australian stamps - in full colour - case bound edition - in 3 huge volumes (3rd volume is wire bound) with total of 580 pages! This catalogue is the latest edition available, volumes 1 & 2 have now been reprinted and are in a single hardbound edition. Volume 1 covers: australian colonies, postage dues, bcof, pre-decimal australia, and australian decimal issues(1966-1988) and all related first day covers, post office packs etc. Volume 2 covers the listing of australian decimal issues (1989-2006) and all related first day covers, post office packs etc. Volume 3 is the new 2010 edition - this volume has a complete re-pricing of the australian pre-decimal issues 1913-1936, plus new decimal listings for 2007, 2008 & 2009. This is the complete comprehensive 3 volume edition - colour catalogue of australian stamps. The 3 volumes are very detailed with colour illustrations throughout. Note that the prices here are pretty much up to date, there having been little price movement in recent years for most issues. Originally priced at over $100, we can now offer the 3 volumes, currently being sold elsewhere for around $45 for just $24.50 BULK BUYERS SPECIAL: 5 sets for just $99!

Email: Web:

JUNE OFFERS FE2) Magnificent Magnifier: Large 110mm Illuminated Magnifier with Stand This magnifier can be used with or without the base. It is suitable for stamp and coin collectors as well as art and craft, artists etc. Magnification: 2.5x, plus 4x Spot. Diameter: 110mm, bigger than the Lighthouse similar product. Battery operated: 2 x AA (not included). Adjustable height up to 200mm and angle to 45 degrees. RRP $36.95. Price each only $15, under 50% retail! $69 per 5 why not give away to friends and relations, or do some trading? FE3) West Berlin, complete collection Mint Unhinged 1960 – 1990 30 years of stamps and minisheets. Bargain! $275 FE4) Worldwide carton of 11 stockbooks/albums. Very wide ranging, with some nice China, French Colonies etc. Many thousands, weighs 17.5kg. Super lot, condition a bit mixed but many nice pickings throughout. $285 FE5) World El Cheapo on paper mixture! Plenty from the bigger countries, Germany, South Africa, USA etc, plus other bits and pieces tossed in from ends of ranges etc. As always you get what you pay for, but around 4500 – 5000 stamps to the kg, if you want bulk then this is it! Per kg $45, around 1c per stamp.(If you want better quality we have 3 better grades of World on paper at $75, $125 and $295 per kg. Call them FE5a, FE5b and FE5c) FE6) Australia El Cheapo Mission on paper, just bought 200kg of this, wide ranging and mostly on single well trimmed paper, great variety going up to 2009 or so…only $22.50 per kg. Or if you want better grade FE6a is a more recent mix with stamps up to around 2013, $49 a kg. ASK ABOUT BULK BUYS FOR BOTH OF THSE MIXES, PRICES WILL BE CHEAP AS WE NEED TO SHIFT IT! FE7) Papua New Guinea, packet of 150 different, currently on our list at $62, this one includes some nice mint unhinged too…special price $49 FE9) New World Off paper Mix, just received, much better variety than you see in most of these mixes, around 2000 for $39, 5000 for $89, 10,000 for $175 FE9) Australia very wide ranging off paper mix, from the same source as above, lots of better values, have noted values to 10/- in the pre-decimal, and $10 in the decimal, going very nearly up to date with recent 70c letter rate values spotted here and there. FE10) Deep discounts on World and Australia Packets, just arrived. Mostly postally used with many better values, not your usual packets, these are quite a lot better. FE10a 1000 different World, normally $24.50, now $16.50 FE10b 500 different World, normally $12, now $7.25 FE10c 250 different World, normally $5.50, now $3.95 FE10d 750 different Australia, normally $33.50, now $23.50 FE10e 500 different Australia, normally $16.50, now $11.50 FE10f 250 different Australia, normally $6.95, now $4.95 Quantity and wholesale enquiries for all of the above packets are welcomed. FE11) British Commonwealth Collection in 2 big stockbooks, arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Looks to be around 2000 all different, with plenty of early material from Queen Victoria onwards, no Australia. Many many high values and better items seen. Largely postaly used with some mint. Great value at under 15c per stamp! $295 FE12) As above, smaller lot, around 1000 different under 10c each $95 FE13) Kabe Australia Hingeless pre-decimal album, 1934 – 1965. Plus heaps of spare blank pages at back. Near new, Retail $149, only $49

FE14) World and Australia in 64 page King, red padded stockbook. Looks like around 3500 stamps, all organised by country, in near chronological order, and A –Z with Australia at the end. Massive lot, neatly organised, and virtually all postally used. You will love this! Under 10c per stamp $349 FE15) Big World Lot in 2 old stockbooks, organised A – Z and in Chronological order, no Australia. Around 2500 stamps it looks like, again under 10c per stamp $249 FE16) As above, in a single stockbook, around 1500, only $149 FE17) Australia Collection, looks like 1000 stamps or so, all different postally used in an old stockbook, commencing Australian States, no Roos or Georges, but good ranges to 10/- in pre-decimal, right up to around 2013. Nice lot, at under 7c per stamp, only $69. FE18) PNCs (stamp & coin covers) We have a brand new stock, with most at issue price of $14.95, let us know your needs. We can also offer all different lots at under issue price a) 10 Different for $110 b) 25 Different $259 c) 50 Different for $495 d) Our complete range, 56 different for $529 (under $9.50 each!) FE19) Dream Mix on paper of Australian & New Zealand Territories and Pacifics. All on close clipped paper, from KGVI issues to very recent (2014) Many, many high values, much from an accountants office. Sensibly a lot have a complete circular dated postmark. Included are Papua New Guinea, Christmas Island, Fiji, Samoa, Pitcairn Is., Vanuatu, Palau, Solomon Is., Cocos (Keeling) Is., and maybe small amounts of Norfolk Island, AAT, Kiribati and Tonga. Believe me this mix is RARE! All postally used, not from FDC clips. I agree it is not cheap, but many of these stamps sell for $2, $3 each or more! One lot only of 110 grams, be quick! $169 FE20) Similar to the above, but Fiji only not quite as recent as the above, but with plenty of KGVI values to 1/- and $5 seen floating around in this mix, we have around 300g. 100g for $159, 50g for $85 FE21) Papua New Guinea in Green Stockbook, mainly Mint Unhinged to 1990, most in complete sets, some toning mostly on earlier. Very nice collection of 390 different here. $119 FE22) Canada, QEII collection to about 1990 in Warwick 22 ring album, mainly Mint Unhinged with some used. Nice lot! $149 FE23) Vatican in Minkus printed album, lovely mint and used colln., mostly complete sets, 1929 – 1991, with a few dubious Papal States issues. Mostly complete from 1960. $198 FE24) New Zealand, 1981 – 1998 in 3 Warwick 22 ring albums, plus Green 48 page Lighthouse stockbook. Mostly mint unhinged and fine used of each issue, virtually compete for the period, with a little duplication. Great Lot! $785 FE25) Untidy average used Australian Collection, commencing States, then a few Roos and Georges, through to about 2006 in near new Blue Hagner Binder with slipcase. Plus around 50 hagners, some double sided. New cost $130 plus. The stamps are free! Just $65 FE27) Malaya/Malaysia all different in packets: 50 different $5, 200 different $29, 500 different $79 FE30) 1984 Auspex Official Album, with Mint Unhinged sets from a wide range of countries, A – S. 54 mint sets and minisheets. Under $2.25 a set $119 NOW REDUCED TO $95

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

JUNE OFFERS FE31) 1981 Charles and Diana Royal Wedding, in two Stanley Gibbons printed albums. Looks pretty well complete Mint sets and minisheets unhinged for Commonwealth Countries, plus 8 prestige style booklets. Rarely offered these days, a must for the Royalty fan. Very clean lot $295, now only $235

MMJ31) Bulk World Coins, much of it holiday change…we regularly sell this at $37.50 a kg but are a little overstocked just now, so out they go! Around 150 coins to the kg, so under 20c each. Heaps of variety and some spendables from USA, UK, NZ Switzerland etc. 1kg for $29.50, 5kg for $139, 10kg for $259

FE35) Benham “The Royal Golden Wedding Collection” in padded binder, with Covers and Coin Covers from Great Britain, many signed, including:

JA2) Papua New Guinea 1952 One Pound Brown Fisherman, superb Mint Unhinged, normally $125, this one just $75, Bargain!

Princess Alexandra, Lady Pamela Mountbatten, Patricia Mountbatten of Burma, etc, etc. Many of these are scarce and valuable signatures. 17 items including 4 Crown size coins. Great value at under $20 each. $329 NOW JUST $265

JA6) Australia Navigators, 1964 mint lightly hinged pre-decimal set of 8, inc. White papers, normally $200, this set just $169. Fine used also available at $125.

FE38) Victoria, the 1901 Queen Victoria Federation Definitives series to Five Shillings, in nice fresh mint condition on Seven Seas Album Page. Very hard to assemble these days. Out of date 2013 catalogue states 290 pounds = $575. Melbourne retail in 2012 was $395. Under half catalogue for this scarce set $279

JA7) Australia 1948 Arms set to Two Pounds, mint lightly hinged, usually $125, two sets only to clear at $99 each JA8) Austria, collection of 1000, all mint unhinged, earlies to quite recent. Magnificent lot! Under 25c per stamp, $249

FE40) New Zealand pre- decimal Collection in 64 page blue stockbook. Commences Perforated Chalon Heads, to 1/-, plus a pair of the 2d imperf Hausberg reprints. 2nd sidefaces to 1/-, then good ranges of the 1900 definitives to 6d, with shade and perf varieties, 2/- Admiral used, 1935 Definitives to 2/- mint unhinged, then later issues mostly complete. Nice back of the book section with Dues, Officials, and long type Queen Victoria Postal Fiscals and Arms to 10/- and One Pound. Nice lot worthy of expansion. $525 reduced, now only $425

JA9) Superb Iceland collections, just arrived from Icelandic Mission, one of each only:

FE41) New Zealand 1967 $1 Glacier, top left corner marginal, mint unhinged, with double perfs, Campbell Paterson Catalogue NZ$450. Nice striking error! Under half catalogue $195, now reduced to $159

DE7) Great Britain, duplicated ranges of used in stockbook and on leaves, with many high values to One Pound, both KGVI and QEII pre-dec. Castles various printings, plus a mint unhinged and used collection of Commems. To around 1977. Nice traders lot! $165, now reduced to $129. Final reduction, just $99

a) 200 Different $49, b) 275 Different $65, c) 300 Different $75, d) 400 different $125, e) 625 different $249 f) 200 Diff. Mint Unhinged $59, 300 Diff. Mint Unhinged $95 JA10) 500 Diff. Greece, mostly large, $36

MMJ10) Three thick old stockbooks, each filled with World array with plenty of earlier stuff here, seemingly all different, each contains 1000 plus stamps, so about 3000 here for a few cents per stamp $159.

DE10) GB Wildings 1955 Edward Crown Watermark MUH, retail $175, my price $115, reduced to $92

MMJ11) Another lot similar to the above, $159 or buy both for $299! MMJ16) CHINA, Peoples Republic. 1992 Complete Year set, mint unhinged, 49 stamps and 2 minisheets. Bear in mind that year sets from the 1970’s and ‘80s are now selling at $350 - $650 US Dollars! 2 only available. $49 each. BE QUICK! MMJ17) CHINA, Peoples Republic. 100 mint unhinged stamps in complete sets. All recent issues from the past 20 years or so, up to 2013. $49 few only! MMJ20) Australia 1929 5/- grey and yellow Kangaroo, perf OS, postally used. Normal price $160, we have four grades to offer: a) Fine used circular date stamp, with clear usage date $129 b) As above but date not clear. $99 c) Light parcel cancel $79 d) Slight seconds with heavier cancels/and or perf faults $39 MMJ29) All different packets clearance, all of the following reduced heavily in price: a) 500 different World Large $14 b) 500 Birds $49 c) 500 Hungary $24, 800 $33, d) 500 Romania $24 e) 500 Cambodia $35 f) 300 Haiti $52 g) 1000 Egypt $93, h) 1000 Austria Mint Unhinged $165 i) 500 Greece $24 k) 500 Olympics $34 m) 500 Russia Mint Unhinged $28 n) 500 Transport $34 o) 500 Sport $19 p) 500 Trains $59 r) 300 Luxembourg $33 t) 1000 New Zealand $63 u) 1000 Japan $89 v) West Berlin complete Mint Unhinged 1960 -1990 $275 MMJ30) Finland, new lot of 470 different, just arrived. Lovely lot with early to modern plus high values. Under 20c per stamp $89

DE12) Great Britain QEII Commems. 1953 – 1967 complete, plus pre-decimal Machins to one pound, and Castles High Value Definitives, both crowns and no wmk. Sets. Al Mint Unhinged, retail $300, my price $195, now only $159 NO5) Ireland Mission on paper nice mix 500g $40, 1kg for $70 SA1) Minisheets by weight, 1st time we have been able to offer these in quite a few years, used to be one of our best sellers! Mixture of mint and cto used, all different in every lot, 150 plus sheets in each 100 grams. $99 per lot, 5 lots available, all are completely different. REDUCED IN PRICE TO $79 PER LOT! Final reduction, now just $62.50! SA13) Pitcairn Is. 1966 World Cup, illustrated First Day Cover, un-addressed. Hard to find! Other dealers list at $55, my price just a half! $27.50 Now reduced to just $19.50! final clearance price, now only $15. AA2) Worldwide mainly complete sets, mostly cto used but with some mint unhinged, plus some minisheets. Ex Fair Dealers Stock, mainly in multiples of 5. Ideal for re-sale on Ebay or through club sheets etc. Fantastic variety, and mainly the more popular thematics. We have three lots of this, sold by weight 2.25kg in each lot, but each lot estimate to contain around 2500 sets. Sell at 50c to $2 or more per set. Each lot for $750 (That is 30c per set) LAST TWO LOTS NOW, REDUCED TO $600 EACH. FINAL CLEARANCE NOW, $495 FOR THE LAST LOT LEFT, UNDER 20C PER SET! AA4) Great Britain 1924 Wembley set in Mint Unhinged blocks of 4, very fresh. Cat. Price is 100 pounds for hinged. Unhinged usually at least double, so around $375, cheap at 30% catalogue: Price $115, sale price now only $99! Final clearance price, now just $89

Email: Web:

Revenue Review Double The Fun

Mike Kouwen of WA has an interest in Customs Duty stamps of Australia. He has a cracking exhibit, which he is constantly working on and adding to. Mike sent me figures 1 & 2. Figure one is only the second reversed ‘E’ in the overprint ‘THREE’ of THREE CENTS I have recorded. It went undescribed in a group of Customs Duty stamps in an eBay auction lot, selling for a fraction of its true value. It just goes to show, that you really need to be checking each, and every revenue that comes past your eyes, then double check! Figure 2 you have to look hard at, as its doubly printed showing a horizontal shift to the right. Again this is an excellent find. This is the first

double print to be recorded within the long range of Customs Duty Stamps of Australia. It may pay to go check your holdings of this very common value. Indeed as winter draws in, I will be checking what I have packed in my envelopes. Mike, thanks for sharing.

All the Sixes

I have had figure 3 pass over my desk, a rather nice very last issue $6 black with beige security grid. This is totally unrecorded and I would like to do so here in ‘Revenue Review’. To add to the fascination of figure 3, it is imperf horizontally and has a vertical black roulette. The date when this $6 was added to the series is unknown but thought

Fig 1

Fig 2

42 - Stamp News

Dave Elsmore to be 1983. I remember buying a block of 4 and a single over the Stamp Duty counter back in the early 1980s. I still wish at the time I had bought a sheet. I am yet to come across this $6 used. Maybe you, the reader, have a few $6 blacks sitting in a book, and if you do can you please let me know.


Another new revenue associated label to report this month, is in the form of a perforated ‘Registrar of Titles’ identification label. First I have seen, and not sure how this was actually used, other than to identify an instrument had passed over the desk of the Registrar of Titles, or maybe used as an official seal of the Registrar.


For those interested in collecting telegrams of Australia, Jim Johnstone has put together a marvelous web site dedicated to Australian Telegrams. Of particular interest is the work Jim has done on the colonial telegrams. One of my earliest from Queensland is 1871 [figure 5] sent from Allora, Queensland to the Gas Works in Brisbane, paying 2/6d for 10 words or less. In this case 7 words were sent by Electric Telegraph. This is a fascinating subject, which personally I like to welcome under the umbrella of revenue collecting as a fee was paid for a service, making telegrams revenue stamped paper. Maybe you have a few in the cupboard? If so please let me, or Jim see them.

Fig 4 Fig 3

Stamp News - 43

Revenue Review Jim can be contacted from his Telegram home page here Jim has exhibited his Telegrams at both national and international levels. Such entries are accepted in Class 2C in the Postal History, Social and Special Studies category. Great work Jim, keep it up.

Easy As A.C.B.

Last month I showed a couple of scarce Qld rails. This month I have a new find for Qld rails, but just the one to share with you this time. Figure 6 is the first copy of ‘The A.C.B. Ltd.’ [Drapers] a private company issue and it just happens to be on a 5/value. Nothing nicer than new finds on high values. Can you please check your collections of private

users as you may have this listed under ABC and not under ACB. If you do find any please let me know.


It’s been a long wait for a used $200 Qld stamp duty issue to come onto the market. Figure 7 came to me via a Melbourne collector and it is the first I have seen to record used. Issued in 1981 you would think there would have been a few surface by now, but this is the first. I do have a used pair of the $100, which always told me there was a use for the $200 value.

Perfin Corner

This month I have another gem for you. To look at it you would think, there’s nothing special

Fig 6

Fig 5

44 - Stamp News

Dave Elsmore but look again the NGS Perfin is the first to be recorded on a Customs Duty stamp, as 99.9% were pre-cancelled with the full name. Selling in Phoenix auctions for around the $1000 mark, this realisation reflects the keen buyers of tied proving Perfins on cover. The National Geographic Society was formed and incorporated in Washington, D.C., USA, in January 1888, as a club for an elite group of 33 academics and wealthy patrons interested in travel. The National Geographic Society’s initial mission was “to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge” but later it was expanded to include, “promoting the conservation of the world’s cultural, historical, and natural resources.” The Society is governed

by a Board of Trustees whose 22 members include distinguished educators, business executives, former government officials, and conservationists. The Society sponsors and funds scientific research and exploration and publishes an official journal, the “National Geographic Magazine” in 34 languages. They also publish other magazines, books, school products, maps, other publications, and web and film products in numerous languages and countries. Its educational foundation gives grants to education organizations and individuals to improve geography education. As of 2015 the Society’s various media activities reach about 360 million people monthly. And to think just one single solitary Perfin have survived!!

Fig 7

Fig 8

Stamp News - 45


Catalogues AVAILABLE

STANLEY GIBBONs GB & British commonwealth

Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 2015 Edition ................................... $179.95 Commonwealth Simplified Catalogue 1840 - 2010 ...........................................................................$55 Australia and Territories 9th Edition 2014...................................................................................$69.95 Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 2nd Edition 2010 ................................................$32.50 Belize, Guyana, Trinidad 2009 .......................................................................................................$24.95 Bermuda, Bahamas & North Caribbean 1st Edition 2006 .........................................................$59.95 Brunei Malaysia & Singapore 2013 ..............................................................................................$52.50 Canada & Former Provinces 2014 Edition...................................................................................$52.50 Central Africa 2008 ..............................................................................................................................$15 Cyprus, Malta & Gibraltar 3rd Edition 2011 ..............................................................................$37.90 East Africa 1st Edition 2007 ...........................................................................................................$41.50 Eastern Pacific 2011 ........................................................................................................................$37.20 Falklands Is. & Dependencies 2013 ...............................................................................................$35.75 Hong Kong 4th Edition 2013.........................................................................................................$29.95 India including States 2013 ............................................................................................................$50.95 Indian Ocean 2nd Edition 2012 .....................................................................................................$34.50 Ireland 5th Edition 2011 ................................................................................................................$31.90 Leeward Islands 2012 .....................................................................................................................$50.35 North East Africa 2013 ...................................................................................................................$53.95 Northern Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda 2013 .......................................................................$39.95 New Zealand & Dependencies 6th Edition 2014 ..........................................................................$49.90 St. Helena & Dependencies 2014 ...................................................................................................$34.90 Southern Africa & Central Africa 2011 ........................................................................................$59.90 West Africa 2nd Edition 2012 ........................................................................................................$50.95 Western Pacific incl. Fiji, Pitcairn, Cook Is., PNG, Solomons etc 2009 .....................................$41.50 Windward Islands & Barbados 2nd Edition 2012 .......................................................................$35.90 Great Britain Concise 2014 ............................................................................................................$69.90 Collect British Stamps 2014 ...........................................................................................................$29.95 Collect Channel Is. & Isle of Man 2014 ........................................................................................$52.50 GB Specialised Queen Victoria 16th Edition 2011 .......................................................................$79.95 GB Specialised 4 Kings 11th Edition 2011 ....................................................................................$71.90 GB Specialised QEII pre-decimal 11th Edition 2011 ...................................................................$71.90 GB Specialised QEII Decimal Vol 4 2010 Edition ........................................................................$79.50 KGV Commonwealth Specialised 1st Edition 2010 .....................................................................$39.95

foreign Countries & thematics Western Europe Simplified catalogue 2012 ........................ $69.95 Stamps of the World, 6 volumes New 2015 Edition ................ $450 Austria & Hungary 7th Edition 2009 .................................... $49.50 Balkans 2009 ................................................................................. $39 Benelux 6th Edition 2010........................................................ $71.90 Central America 3rd Edition 2007 ........................................ $71.90 Central Asia 4th Edition 2007 ................................................ $49.50 China 10th Edition 2013 ....................................................... $102.50 Czech. & Poland 7th Edition 2012......................................... $52.50 France & Colonies 2010.......................................................... $68.50 Germany 10th Edition 2012 ................................................... $54.75 Japan & Korea 2008 Edition ...................................................... $35

Italy & Switzerland 8th Edition 2013 ................................... $95.00 Middle East - 2009 ...................................................................... $37 Portugal & Spain 6th Edition 2011........................................ $71.90 Russia 2014 Edition...................................................................... $92 Scandinavia 7th Edition 2013 ................................................ $62.90 South America 2008 Edition .................................................. $71.90 South East Asia 2012............................................................... $80.95 USA 7th Edition 2010.............................................................. $76.50 We can supply a full range of Albums, Stockbooks, Stocksheets and Stockcards, Mounts and other accessories. Please contact us for your requirements. Wholesale and dealer enquiries welcome.

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 9758 7506 email: Prices do not include Postage & handling

The Stamp News Quiz No. 2 by David Keane 1. What was the cost of sending a letter within Australia during the year 2000 ? 2. What is the modern name of the German State once known as Bayern ? 3. What could be ‘clean cut’, ‘comb’ or ‘compound’ ? 4. What colour is the first listed Australian decimal stamp in 1966 ? 5. Which country issued the first Christmas stamp in 1898 ? 6. Who was the first British Prime Minister depicted on a British stamp ? 7. How many denominations make up the first ‘Kangaroo series’ of Australian stamps ? 8. Which country issued the ‘Small Hermes’ stamps from 1886 ? 9. What can be a roof part and the space between two panes ? 10. Who’s stamp catalogue would you use if you were a serious collector of USA stamps ?

The first all correct entry drawn will win a prize. Entries must be received by July 1, 2015 This month the prize will be a 100 Different French Colonies stamps Please send your entries to Stamp News Quiz May 2015 PO Box PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Don’t forget to include your name & address!

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation This month I look at the One-Up Club, an opportunity for exhibitors to receive detailed feedback on their exhibit, Sydney Stamp Expo 2015, and APF’s Judges’ Refresher Course.

One–Up club

The One-Up Club is a service offered by the APF which seeks to help improve the exhibits of Australian exhibitors by having experienced exhibitors provide a critique of their exhibit with a view to assisting the exhibitor to raise their exhibit’s medal level by one level – hence the name. To participate, the Exhibitor sends the APF Philatelic Development Officer (PDO) a photocopy or pdf of their exhibit, together with a short synopsis of its exhibition history, and pays the fee for the service (currently $50). The PDO will arrange for the exhibit Imperforate Ties to Home Prestige Booklet to be reviewed by three experienced judges in the class of the exhibit. They will provide the exhibitor with which, even more importantly, may not be written advice on how they feel the exhibit could available to all exhibitors, for example, if they are unable to attend the exhibition. This be improved to achieve the next medal level. service is available for exhibitors at both This service is far better than a few minutes the national and international levels. As a in front of a frame at a critique session and 48 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

Cover cancelled at Çanakkale 2015 and Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 vermeil medal is the minimum requirement for entering an international exhibition, exhibitors who have previously attained a large silver medal at national level and who are interested in exhibiting internationally are particularly encouraged to use the service provided by the One Up Club. To participate simply mail or email a copy of your exhibit either in hard copy or as a pdf, together with its exhibition history, and a cheque for $50 payable to the APF, to Philatelic Development Officer, APF, at PO Box 891, Jamison Centre, ACT 2614 Email: ian.

Sydney Stamp Expo 2015

No doubt readers of Stamp News took the opportunity to visit Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 in April, a wonderful opportunity to see a great range of stamps, covers and postcards on display, source new material for your collection and meet new philatelic friends. The Exhibition saw over 140 exhibits including ANZAC related exhibits, a championship class and the full range of FIP and national classes as well as 48 dealer stands. Australia Post was also present providing special postmarks, exhibition related products as well as a good selection of their philatelic range. Australia Post would have been pleased to see Stamp News - 49

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation the long queues at the Australia Post stand on each morning of the exhibition. The Championship class included exhibits which had won a Gold medal at a FIP or FIAP exhibition or Large Gold medals from Australian National Exhibitions. Six exhibits were included with Arthur Gray’s exhibit of The King George V Sideface Definitive Issues of Australia winning the Championship Class prize. The Championship Class is a common feature at Queue at Australia Post stand, Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 international exhibitions but not at Australian Gallipoli, there were five exhibits specifically national exhibitions. related to the ANZAC theme. One of these, With the exhibition marking the centenary of Preparations for War and the Australian Gallipoli Campaign by Gary Diffen, won the Grand Award of the Exhibition. Remarkably, the Grand Award National was awarded to the literature exhibit Queensland Postage Stamps 1879-1912 published by the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria and authored by Ken Scudder. It is very unusual for a literature exhibit to win such an award. The Grand Prize International was won by Richard Gurevitch for his exhibit Hong Kong: Postal Issues of the Queen Victoria Period and the Grand Prize Postcards by Jeff Long for W T Wilson Photographer John Vassallo signing the National Judges Register 50 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon

Philatelic Development Officer, APF and Postcard Manufacturer in Auckland. While all classes (other than Frugal) were well represented it was pleasing to see two exhibits in the Cinderella Class, one on Cinderella issues of South Australia and the other on Australian Air Mail labels. Another noticeable feature of Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 was the program of Society meetings including those of the Australian Commonwealth Collectors’ Club, the Perfin Club of New Zealand and Australia, the Australian Airmail Society, the Cinderella Club of Australasia and the Postal Stationery Society of Australia. The APF had a stand at the Exhibition selling exhibiting pages and protectors, souvenirs and books.

Ties to Home Imperforate Booklet

Australia Post assisted the Exhibition by providing an imperforate prestige booklet for sale by the Exhibition. The booklet, Ties to Home: The Post Office at Gallipoli, contains four each of the five stamps of the Gallipoli 2015 issue in five imperforate panes and is the only way for collectors to obtain imperforate copies of the stamps. Gary Diffen, Winner Grand Prize of the Exhibition Sydney Stamp

Australian National Expo 2015 Exhibitions 2015 and 2016 The 2015 one-frame competition is being held at Norpex 2015 which will be held at Wallsend Pioneer Hall, Wallsend (Newcastle) from 31 October – 1

November 2015. One frame entries will be accepted in all exhibition classes. Further information is available from the Secretary PO Stamp News - 51

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation

APF Judges’ Refresher Course Box 34 Jesmond NSW 2299. Next year there will be two National multiframe exhibitions in Australia, each with half of the exhibiting classes. The first will be Canberra Stampshow 2016 which will be held at the Hellenic Club of Canberra, Matilda Street, Phillip, (Woden) from 18-20 March 2016. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary, Canberra Stampshow 2016, GPO Box 1840, Canberra, ACT 2601, Email Canberra Stampshow 2016 will offer National classes in Postal History, Postal Stationery, Youth, Open, Maximaphily, Frugal Philately, First Day Covers and Topical (Experimental). The remaining classes will be offered at Mandurah 2016 which will be held in November 2016 at Mandurah in Western Australia. Plan now to enter your exhibits in these shows. 52 - Stamp News

Judges’ Training Course

The APF is responsible for the accreditation and training of national judges. This responsibility includes ensuring that judges’ knowledge and skills are kept to update. Prior to Sydney Stamp Expo 2015, the APF conducted a Judges’ Refresher Course which included sessions on changes to the FIP and National regulations and on judging postcards, which is now judged by the same jury as all other classes, as well as practical exercises with a focus on providing feedback to exhibitors. Over 50 Australian and New Zealand National judges attended the Course.

Signing the National Judges Register

With so many judges present at the Judges’ Refresher Course, the APF took the opportunity to have judges who had not done so to sign the National Judges Register. Ten judges signed

Ian McMahon

Philatelic Development Officer, APF the Register at a ceremony following the Course. In addition two judges were made Emeritus Judges, a way in which the APF recognises judges with many years of service who have retired from active judging.

Honorary Fellowship of the Australian Philatelic Order to Arthur Gray

The APF will make Arthur Gray an Honorary Fellowship of the Australian Philatelic Order for his promotion and support of exhibiting and exhibitions including his role in obtaining Arthur Gray receiving the Championship Class Award Sydney Stamp Exp 2015 sponsorship for Australia 2013. He has been the most 2015 100th year of Çanakkale Wars International successful Australian exhibitor internationally. Stamp Exhibition held in Çanakkale Turkey Honorary Fellowships of the Australian Philatelic from 18 - 25 march 2015. Çanakkale is on Order have only been awarded previously to the southern coast of the Dardanelles close to Maurice Williams (former Chairman of Australia Gallipoli and a good base for tours to Gallipoli. Post), David Madden (Australia Post) and Max Australia sent seventeen exhibits and New Stern. Zealand one exhibit to the Exhibition all on a World War I theme. Michael Blake received a Çanakkale 2015 100th Year of Çanakkale large gold for his exhibit the Great Australian Wars International Stamp Exhibition, Legend 1914 – 1916 with gold medals going Turkey to John Sinfield for Australian WWI Forces Australia was invited by the Turkish Philatelic Scenic Letter Cards, Lorenzo Giardiello for WWI Federation along with other countries involved Embroidered Silk Postcards, Kerry Riley for in the Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Gallipoli - The Tasmanian Experience and Martin Çanakkale wars, to participate in Çanakkale Walker For Gawler and The Great War. Stamp News - 53

Pricefighter Packets, ready made collections KEEP THIS LIST, UPDATES WILL BE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN! Discounts from this list: Spend $100 and deduct 10%, $101 to $250 deduct 20%, $251 plus deduct 30% All different in each packet


25 AAT .............................................................$ 3.00 50 AAT ...........................................................$ 25.00 25 ADEN ..........................................................$ 6.00 50 ADEN ........................................................$ 12.00 50 ADEN – MINT U/H ......................................$20.00 100 AFRICA ......................................................$ 6.00 500 AFRICA ....................................................$ 39.00 50 AITUTAKI ...................................................$ 40.00 200 AITUTAKI ................................................$180.00 100 ALBANIA .................................................$ 24.00 50 ALGERIA $ ......................................................7.00 500 ALGERIA ......................................................$300 25 ANDORA - SPANISH MINT U/H ...................$ 20.00 50 ANDORRA - SPANISH MINT U/H .................$60.00 25 ANDORRA - FRENCH MINT U/H ..................$ 20.00 50 ANDORRA - FRENCH MINT U/H ....................$ 5.00 50 ANDORRA - SPANISH MINT U/H ..................$ 6.00 25 ANTIGUA .....................................................$ 5.00 500 ANTIGUA ...............................................$ 260.00 50 ANTIGUA BARDUDA ..................................$ 12.00 200 ARAB STATES ..........................................$ 24.00 200 ARGENTINA ..............................................$15.00 300 ARGENTINA .............................................$ 28.00 500 ARGENTINA .............................................$ 50.00 25 ASCENSION ..............................................$42.00 100 AUST. (DEC MINT U/H) ............................$ 55.00 100 AUST. (PREDEC.MINT U/H) ......................$ 55.00 100 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 4.00 200 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 6.00 300 AUSTRALIA ...............................................$ 8.00 400 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 13.50 500 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 16.50 600 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 27.50 800 AUSTRALIA .............................................$ 40.00 1000 AUSTRALIA ...........................................$ 65.00 25 AUSTRALIAN STATES .................................$ 10.00 50 AUSTRALIAN STATES .................................$ 36.00 100 AUSTRALIAN STATES ..............................$120.00 100 AUSTRIA ...................................................$ 7.00 200 AUSTRIA .................................................$ 18.00 500 AUSTRIA .................................................$ 45.00 800 AUSTRIA ..................................................$79.50 100 AUSTRIA (LRG.COMMEMS) ......................$ 50.00 200 AUSTRIA (LRG.COMMEMS).....................$ 100.00 1000 AUSTRIA .............................................$ 119.00 1000 AUSTRIA (MINT U/H) ...........................$ 295.00 2000 AUSTRIA .............................................$ 465.00


100 BAHAMAS ...............................................$ 45.00

25 BAHRAIN ..................................................$ 16.50 50 BAHRAIN ..................................................$ 36.00 100 BANGLADESH ............................................$ 5.50 500 BANGLADESH....................................... $ 110.00 25 BARBADOS ..................................................$ 6.00 50 BARBADOS ................................................$ 12.00 100 BARBADOS ..............................................$ 35.00 50 BAVARIA ...................................................$ 14.00 100 BAVARIA .................................................$ 42.00 200 BAVARIA ...............................................$ 105.00 200 BELGIAN CONGO ......................................$ 50.00 200 BELGIUM ...................................................$ 7.50 500 BELGIUM .................................................$ 40.00 100 BELGIUM COLONIES .................................$ 13.00 300 BELGIUM COLONIES .................................$ 80.00 500 BELGUIM COLONIES ...............................$ 176.00 1000 BELGIUM .............................................$ 185.00 500 BENIN ...................................................$ 140.00 25 BERMUDA .................................................$ 15.00 25 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ....................................$ 2.00 50 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ....................................$ 8.00 100 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ................................$ 24.00 150 BOHEMIA MORAVIA ................................$ 55.00 25 BOLIVIA ......................................................$ 6.00 50 BOLIVIA ....................................................$ 13.00 25 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..............................$ 11.00 50 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..............................$ 33.00 150 BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA ..........................$ 170.00 100 Br. AGENCIES .........................................$ 100.00 25 BR. SOLOMONS .........................................$ 10.00 100 BRAZIL (LARGE COMMEMS) ....................$ 17.00 400 BRAZIL ....................................................$ 59.00 1000 BRAZIL ................................................$ 350.00 100 BRAZIL (MINT U/H) ...............................$ 370.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ........................$ 6.00 200 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ......................$ 10.00 500 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH ......................$ 39.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH (MINT U/H) ...$ 27.00 100 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI (MINT U/H) ...$ 60.00 1000 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH( MINT U/H ) ....$ 190.00 50 BRITISH HONDURAS (LRG.COMMEMS) ......$ 40.00 25 HONDURAS AND BELIZE ..............................$ 9.00 25 BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. ..................................$ 22.00 50 BRITISH WEST INDIES ................................$ 10.00 100 BRITISH WEST INDIES ..............................$ 14.00 500 BRITISH WEST INDIES ..............................$ 75.00 100 BULGARIA .................................................$ 7.00 300 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 22.00 500 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 50.00 800 BULGARIA ...............................................$ 88.00 1000 BULGARIA ...........................................$ 120.00 300 BULGARIA (LARGE PICS) ..........................$ 22.00 100 BURUNDI ................................................$ 20.00


25 CAMBODIA ................................................$ 10.00 100 CAMBODIA ............................................$ 115.00 500 CAMBODIA ..............................................$ 65.00 700 CANADA ..................................................$ 69.00

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

1000 CANADA ..............................................$ 100.00 100 CANADA (MINT.COMMS) .........................$ 50.00 25 CAYMAN ISL ..............................................$ 15.00 50 CAYMAN ISL ..............................................$ 36.00 500 CENTRAL AMERICA ..................................$ 60.00 450 CEYLON/SRI LANKA .................................$ 99.00 100 CHANNEL ISLANDS ..................................$ 19.00 150 CHANNEL ISLANDS ..................................$ 80.00 300 CHANNEL ISLANDS $ 130.00 100 CHILE $ 12.00 200 CHILE ......................................................$ 24.00 500 CHILE ....................................................$ 110.00 100 CHINA .....................................................$ 19.00 200 CHINA .....................................................$ 48.00 250 CHINA .....................................................$ 70.00 325 CHINA ...................................................$ 130.00 500 CHINA (INC. TAIWAN) ............................$ 149.00 500 CHINA P.R.C ...........................................$ 300.00 100 CHINA (LRG, MINT, COMP.SETS)................$ 30.00 25 CHRISTMAS ISLAND...................................$ 14.00 50 CHRISTMAS ISLAND.................................. $ 33.00 75 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..................................$ 50.00 100 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 100.00 150 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 150.00 200 CHRISTMAS ISLAND ..............................$ 230.00 500 CONGO ..................................................$ 140.00 25 COCOS ISLAND ............................................$ 8.00 50 COCOS ISLAND ..........................................$ 38.00 75 COCOS ISLAND ..........................................$ 60.00 100 COCOS ISLAND ......................................$ 132.00 900 COLOMBIA ............................................$ 370.00 300 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 350.00 400 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 280.00 500 COOK ISLANDS ......................................$ 325.00 750 COOK ISLANDS ....................................$ 1280.00 1000 COOK ISLANDS .................................$ 2,000.00 50 COSTA RICA ...............................................$ 13.00 500 COSTA RICA ...........................................$ 225.00 50 CROATIA (PRE WAR) ..................................$ 20.00 100 CUBA ........................................................$ 5.00 500 CUBA ......................................................$ 60.00 1000 CUBA ....................................................$ 85.00 300 CUBA ......................................................$ 30.00 200 CUBA (LARGE PICT.) ................................$ 14.00 25 CYPRUS ....................................................$ 12.00 50 CYPRUS ....................................................$ 30.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ......................................$ 3.00 200 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ....................................$ 15.00 500 CZECHOSLOVAKIA ....................................$ 17.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H) .................$ 17.00 200 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H)..................$ 20.00 100 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (POST WAR).................$ 11.00 400 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (MINT U/H)..................$ 30.00 1000 CZECHOSLAVAKIA ..................................$ 85.00


50 DANZIG .....................................................$ 58.00 100 DANZIG ...................................................$ 66.00 100 DENMARK .................................................$ 5.00

Pay cents, not $ per stamp! 300 DENMARK ...............................................$ 20.00 500 DENMARK ...............................................$ 60.00 500 DENMARK( LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 120.00 25 DOMINICA BR. .............................................$ 4.00 50 DOMINICA BR. .............................................$ 6.00 100 DOMINICA BR. .........................................$ 30.00 50 DOMINICA BR. (KGVI & QEII) .....................$ 40.00 500 DOMINICA BR. .......................................$ 260.00 200 DOMINICAN REP. .....................................$ 33.00 300 DOMINICAN REP. .....................................$ 70.00 90 DUTCH EAST INDIES ................................$ 100.00


300 ECUADOR ................................................$ 77.00 400 ECUADOR ................................................$ 80.00 500 ECUADOR ..............................................$ 110.00 700 ECUADOR ..............................................$ 250.00 100 EGYPT .....................................................$ 10.00 300 EGYPT .....................................................$ 70.00 500 EGYPT .....................................................$ 55.00 1000 EGYPT .................................................$ 155.00 50 EGYPT (MINT/UH, COMPL. SETS)................$ 30.00 50 EGYPT + 4 M/S .........................................$ 30.00 50 ESTONIA ....................................................$ 66.00 25 EQUATORIAL GUINEA (M/SHEET CTO) ........$ 11.00 1000 EUROPE ...............................................$ 50 .00


20 FALKLAND ISL. COMPL. MINT SETS...........$ 120.00 25 FALKLAND ISLAND ....................................$ 18.00 50 FAROS ISLAND ..........................................$ 60.00 100 FAROS ISLAND ......................................$ 130.00 50 FIJI ............................................................$ 18.00 100 FIJI ..........................................................$ 50.00 150 FIJI ..........................................................$ 70.00 200 FIJI ..........................................................$ 80.00 250 FIJI ........................................................$ 140.00 400 FIJI ........................................................$ 300.00 500 FIJI ........................................................$ 440.00 300 FINLAND .................................................$ 60.00 400 FINLAND .................................................$ 80.00 500 FINLAND ...............................................$ 140.00 10 FIUME ........................................................$ 7.00 300 FRANCE ...................................................$ 30.00 500 FRANCE ...................................................$ 50.00 100 FRENCH COLONIES .....................................$ 6.00 500 FRENCH COLONIES ...................................$ 70.00 50 FRENCH COLONIES (PRE INDEPENDENCE) ..$ 12.00 500 FRENCH COLONIES (PRE INDEPENDENCE) ...$ 185.00 50 FRENCH POLYNESIA ...................................$ 50.00


500 GAMBIA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 500.00 50 GERMANY 3RD REICH ................................$ 13.00 25 GERMANY ...................................................$ 5.00 100 GERMANY .................................................$ 7.00 300 GERMANY ...............................................$ 18.00 1000 GERMANY .............................................$ 50.00

50 GERMANY (PRE WAR) ...............................$ 11.00 100 GERMANY (PRE WAR) .............................$ 22.00 100 GERMANY EAST ....................................$ 119.00 500 GERMANY EAST ......................................$ 40.00 50 GERMANY INFLATION (MINT U/H ).............$ 10.00 100 GERMANY INFLATION (MINT U/H)............$ 20.00 500 GERMANY WEST ......................................$ 50.00 1200 GERMANY WEST ..................................$ 260.00 100 GERMANY WEST(LRG.COMMEMS) ............$20.00 100 GHANA ...................................................$ 50.00 200 GHANA .................................................$ 120.00 500 GHANA .................................................$ 149.00 25 GIBRALTAR ................................................$ 17.00 50 GIBRALTAR ................................................$ 45.00 500 GILBERT, KIRIBATI, TUVALU ...................$ 270.00 25 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .........................$ 12.00 150 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .......................$ 90.00 200 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 100.00 300 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 150.00 360 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 190.00 400 GILBERT,KIRIBATI,TUVALU .....................$ 225.00 25 GREAT BRITAIN ............................................$ 2.00 50 GREAT BRITAIN ............................................$ 7.00 100 GREAT BRITAIN ..........................................$ 9.00 500 G\GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 25.00 1000 GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 176.00 1200 GREAT BRITAIN ....................................$ 230.00 100 GREAT BTITAIN (LARGE COMMEMS) ........$ 12.00 200 GREAT BRITAIN (LARGE COMMEMS).........$ 20.00 50 GREECE .......................................................$ 5.00 100 GREECE ...................................................$ 14.00 200 GREECE ...................................................$ 30.00 1000 GREECE ...............................................$ 165.00 100 GREENLAND ..........................................$ 100.00 50 GRENADA ....................................................$ 8.00 100 GRENADA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 10.00 25 GUATEMALA ...............................................$ 6.00 50 GUATEMALA .............................................$ 14.00 100 GUATEMALA ...........................................$ 32.00 300 GUATEMALA .........................................$ 150.00 25 GUINEA M/S............................................. $ 10.00 50 GUINEA REP. ................................................$ 6.00 100 GUINEA REP. (LARGE PICT.) ......................$ 10.00


50 HAITI ........................................................$ 12.00 100 HAITI ......................................................$ 30.00 200 HAITI ......................................................$ 55.00 100 HOLLAND ..................................................$ 7.00 200 HOLLAND ................................................$ 14.00 300 HOLLAND ................................................$ 30.00 400 HOLLAND ................................................$ 40.00 500 HOLLAND ................................................$ 50.00 1000 HOLLAND ............................................$ 120.00 100 HONDURAS..............................................$ 50.00 200 HONDURAS .............................................$ 80.00 400 HONDURAS ...........................................$ 140.00 25 HONG KONG ................................................$ 6.00 50 HONG KONG ..............................................$ 12.00

100 HONG KONG ............................................$ 20.00 200 HONG KONG ..........................................$ 100.00 50 HUNGARY ...................................................$ 2.00 100 HUNGARY .................................................$ 3.00 500 HUNGARY ...............................................$ 20.00 1000 HUNGARY .............................................$ 65.00 2000 HUNGARY ...........................................$ 150.00 3000 HUNGARY ...........................................$ 440.00 300 HUNGARY (LARGE PICT.) .........................$ 24.00 1000 HUNGARY (LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 85.00


25 ICELAND (MINT U/H) .................................$ 20.00 50 ICELAND (MINT U/H) .................................$ 40.00 500 ICELAND .................................................$ 89.00 300 INDIA ......................................................$ 24.00 700 INDIA....................................................... $99.00 1000 INDIA ..................................................$ 200.00 25 INDO - CHINA ..............................................$ 8.00 50 INDO - CHINA ............................................$ 20.00 100 INDONESIA ................................................$ 6.00 300 INDONESIA ..............................................$ 56.00 300 IRAN .......................................................$ 30.00 500 IRAN .......................................................$ 60.00 500 IRAQ .....................................................$ 230.00 1000 IRAQ ...................................................$ 270.00 350 IRELAND .................................................$ 60.00 400 IRELAND ...............................................$ 194.00 500 IRELAND ...............................................$ 250.00 600 IRELAND ...............................................$ 360.00 300 ISRAEL ....................................................$ 45.00 500 ISRAEL ....................................................$ 90.00 25 ITALIAN COLONIES .....................................$ 10.00 50 ITALIAN COLONIES .....................................$ 24.00 100 ITALIAN COLONIES ...................................$ 75.00 200 ITALIAN COLONIES ...................................$ 80.00 500 ITALY .......................................................$ 80.00


200 JAMAICA ...............................................$ 130.00 50 JAPAN .........................................................$ 4.00 200 JAPAN .....................................................$ 21.00 500 JAPAN .....................................................$ 60.00 1000 JAPAN .................................................$ 140.00 100 JAPAN (MINT U/H) ..................................$ 60.00 50 JERSEY ......................................................$ 13.00


50 KOREA NORTH (LARGE PICT.) .......................$ 6.00 100 KOREA NORTH (LARGE PICT.)....................$ 10.00 500 KOREA NORTH .........................................$ 80.00 50 KOREA SOUTH ...........................................$ 14.00


25 LAOS ...........................................................$ 4.00 50 LAOS ...........................................................$ 7.00 500 LAOS .......................................................$ 70.00

Email: Web:

Pricefighter Packets, ready made collections 20 LAOS PRE WAR ............................................$ 6.00 100 LATIN AMERICA .........................................$ 3.00 300 LATIN AMERICA .......................................$ 19.00 500 LATIN AMERICA .......................................$ 36.00 50 LATVIA ......................................................$ 22.00 200 LATVIA ..................................................$ 170.00 75 LATVIA (Pre War) ....................................$ 100.00 100 LEBANON ................................................$ 40.00 200 LEBANON ..............................................$ 100.00 100 LIBERIA ...................................................$ 15.00 300 LIBERIA ...................................................$ 70.00 25 LIECHTENSTEIN .........................................$ 10.00 50 LIECHTENSTEIN .........................................$ 30.00 500 LIECHTHENSTEIN ........................................$ 320 25 LITHUANIA ................................................$ 10.00 50 LITHUANIA ................................................$ 30.00 100 LITHUANIA ............................................$ 100.00 50 LUXEMBOURG .............................................$ 8.00 100 LUXEMBOURG .........................................$ 21.00 300 LUXEMBOURG .........................................$ 55.00


50 MACAU .....................................................$ 60.00 200 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE .......................$ 20.00 500 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE .......................$ 96.00 1000 MALAYA AND SINGAPORE ...................$ 400.00 25 MALAYSIA ...................................................$ 2.00 100 MALAYSIA ...............................................$ 13.00 100 MALDIVES ...............................................$ 19.00 100 MALTA ....................................................$ 10.00 500 MALTA ..................................................$ 140.00 650 MALTA ..................................................$ 270.00 50 MAURITIUS ...............................................$ 24.00 100 MAURITIUS .............................................$ 30.00 200 MEXICO ...................................................$ 54.00 500 MEXICO .................................................$ 110.00 25 MONACO .....................................................$ 6.00 100 MONACO .................................................$ 40.00 100 MONGOLIA ..............................................$ 10.00 500 MONGOLIA ..............................................$ 65.00 25 MONTENEGRO ...........................................$ 20.00 50 MONTENEGRO ...........................................$ 50.00 100 MONTSERRAT ........................................$ 114.00 25 MOROCCO AGENCIES ...................................$ 7.60 100 MOZAMBIQUE .........................................$ 22.00 200 MOZAMBIQUE .........................................$ 55.00 400 MOZAMBIQUE .......................................$ 270.00 500 MOZAMBIQUE .......................................$ 300.00 50 MYANMAR ................................................$ 20.00


25 NAURU ......................................................$ 11.00 50 NAURU ......................................................$ 33.00 100 NAURU................................................... $ 93.00 150 NAURU ..................................................$ 134.00 200 NAURU ..................................................$ 160.00 50 NEPAL .........................................................$ 4.00 100 NEPAL .......................................................$ 8.00 400 NEPAL ...................................................$ 100.00

500 NEVIS (MINT U/H) .................................$ 260.00 25 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES ..........................$ 20.00 50 NEW CALEDONIA ......................................$ 36.00 100 NEW CALEDONIA ..................................$ 150.00 10 NEWFOUNDLAND .......................................$ 8.00 25 NEWFOUNDLAND .....................................$ 16.00 50 NEWFOUNDLAND .....................................$ 44.00 100 NEWFOUNDLAND .................................$ 190.00 50 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .........................$ 40.00 100 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .......................$ 90.00 200 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 260.00 300 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 440.00 400 NEW HEBRIBES/VANUATU .....................$ 600.00 100 NEW ZEALAND ..........................................$ 5.00 150 NEW ZEALAND ..........................................$ 6.00 200 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 14.00 300 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 28.00 400 NEW ZEALAND ........................................$ 33.00 100 NEW ZEALAND ......................................$ 105.00 25 NICARAGUA ................................................$ 2.00 50 NICARAGUA ................................................$ 5.00 100 NICARAGUA ..............................................$ 8.00 500 NICARAGUA ............................................$ 70.00 25 NIGERIA ......................................................$ 5.40 100 NIGERIA ..................................................$ 60.00 50 NIUE .........................................................$ 40.00 100 NIUE .......................................................$ 88.00 25 NORFOLK ISL. ............................................$ 10.00 50 NORFOLK ISL. ............................................$ 26.00 100 NORFOLK ISL. ..........................................$ 90.00 200 NORFOLK ISL. ........................................$ 150.00 300 NORFOLK ISL. ........................................$ 270.00 50 NORTH BORNEO ........................................$ 50.00 50 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .....................$ 30.00 100 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH ................$ 190.00 120 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH ................$ 200.00 150 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 240.00 200 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 360.00 250 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 460.00 300 NORTH BORNEO AND SABAH .................$ 700.00 100 NORWAY ...................................................$ 8.00 500 NORWAY .................................................$ 80.00 25 NYASALAND ..............................................$ 50.00


50 PACIFIC IS (BR) ............................................$ 8.00 100 PACIFIC IS. (BR) ........................................$16.00 200 PACIFIC IS. (BR) .......................................$ 56.00 600 PACIFIC ISLANDS ...................................$ 250.00 100 PAKISTAN ..................................................$ 7.00 500 PAKISTAN ..............................................$ 120.00 50 PANAMA ...................................................$ 12.00 25 PAPUA NEW GUINEA....................................$ 5.00 50 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...................................$ 7.00 100 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 26.00 150 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 62.00 200 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...............................$ 88.00 250 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 100.00 500 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 400.00

KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS & COINS Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506

600 PAPUA NEW GUINEA .............................$ 750.00 800 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...........................$ 1900.00 100 PARAGUAY (MINT U/H)) ..........................$ 20.00 50 PENRHYN ..................................................$ 46.00 150 PENRHYN ..............................................$ 184.00 50 PERU ...........................................................$ 5.00 500 PERU .....................................................$ 170.00 600 PERU .....................................................$ 250.00 700 PERU .....................................................$ 470.00 100 PHILIPPINES ...........................................$ 12.00 800 PHILIPPINES......................................... $ 250.00 900 PHILIPPINES .........................................$ 330.00 1000 PLILIPPINES .............................................$ 420 1200 PHILIPPINES .......................................$ 500.00 1500 PHILIPPINES .......................................$ 700.00 25 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H)................... $ 20.00 100 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H) ...............$ 150.00 150 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H) ...............$ 170.00 200 PITCAIRN ISLAND (MINT U/H)................$ 324.00 50 POLAND ......................................................$ 2.00 100 POLAND ....................................................$ 4.00 300 POLAND ..................................................$ 12.00 500 POLAND.................................................. $ 30.00 1000 POLAND ................................................$ 60.00 200 POLAND (PICTORIALS) ..............................$ 8.00 150 PORT AZORES ........................................$ 190.00 100 PORTUGAL ..............................................$ 12.00 200 PORTUGAL ..............................................$ 39.00 500 PORTUGAL ............................................$ 125.00 50 PORTUGAL COLONIES ..................................$ 6.00 200 PORTUGAL COLONIES ..............................$ 40.00


50 QATAR .......................................................$ 20.00


50 RHODESIA .................................................$ 16.00 200 RHODESIA ...............................................$ 70.00 300 RHODESIA .............................................$ 140.00 400 RHODESIA .............................................$ 400.00 50 ROMANIA ....................................................$ 2.00 100 ROMANIA ..................................................$ 3.00 200 ROMANIA ..................................................$ 5.00 500 ROMANIA ................................................$ 31.00 1000 ROMANIA ..............................................$ 73.00 1500 ROMANIA ............................................$ 225.00 100 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ............................$ 6.00 200 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ..........................$ 11.00 300 ROMANIA (LARGE PICT.) ..........................$ 18.00 100 RUSSIA .....................................................$ 7.00 200 RUSSIA ...................................................$ 10.00 300 RUSSIA ...................................................$ 20.00 1600 RUSSIA ...............................................$ 199.00 2000 RUSSIA ...............................................$ 225.00 500 RUSSIA (LARGE) ......................................$ 40.00 1000 RUSSIA (LARGE) ....................................$ 70.00 1000 RUSSIA (MINT U/H) .............................$ 149.00 100 RUSSIA (MINT SHORT SETS) ....................$ 11.00 100 RUSSIAN INDP.STATES (MINT U/H)...........$ 33.00

Pay cents, not $ per stamp! 500 RUANDA ...............................................$ 125.00


50 SAAR ........................................................$ 33.00 50 SALVADOR ................................................$ 20.00 100 SALVADOR ..............................................$ 80.00 25 SAMOA .......................................................$ 7.00 50 SAMOA .....................................................$ 26.00 100 SAMOA ...................................................$ 66.00 400 SAMOA .................................................$ 272.00 500 SAMOA .................................................$ 380.00 600 SAMOA .................................................$ 780.00 25 SAN MARINO ..............................................$ 6.00 100 SAN MARINO.......................................... $ 30.00 50 SARAWAK .................................................$ 45.00 100 SARAWAK .............................................$ 200.00 50 SERBIA ......................................................$ 40.00 25 SEYCHELLES ..............................................$ 40.00 100 SEYCHELLES ............................................$ 90.00 25 SIERRA LEONE .............................................$ 8.00 50 SIERRA LEONE ...........................................$ 30.00 500 SIERA LEONE(MINT U/H) .......................$ 330.00 50 SINGAPORE ...............................................$ 12.00 100 SINGAPORE .............................................$ 30.00 200 SINGAPORE ...........................................$ 100.00 300 SINGAPORE ...........................................$ 150.00 50 SLOVAKIA ....................................................$ 7.00 75 SLOVAKIA ..................................................$ 17.00 100 SLOVAKIA ................................................$ 22.00 150 SLOVAKIA ................................................$ 30.00 50 SOLOMON ISL. ...........................................$ 20.00 100 SOLOMON ISL. .........................................$ 60.00 150 SOLOMON ISL....................................... $ 100.00 200 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 160.00 300 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 300.00 400 SOLOMON ISL. .......................................$ 520.00 500 SOLOMON ISL....................................... $ 700.00 100 SOUTH AFRICA ..........................................$ 7.00 1000 SOUTH AFRICA ....................................$ 400.00 1000 SOUTH AMERICA .................................$ 120.00 25 SOUTHERN RHODESIA .................................$ 6.00 150 SOUTHERN RHODESIA .............................$ 70.00 1500 SCANDINAVIA .....................................$ 130.00 100 SPAIN ........................................................$ 8.00 200 SPAIN ......................................................$ 20.00 300 SPAIN ......................................................$ 30.00 500 SPAIN ......................................................$ 66.00 1000 SPAIN ..................................................$ 135.00 1500 SPAIN ..................................................$ 275.00 100 SPANISH COLONIES .................................$ 20.00 100 SRI LANKA / CEYLON ...............................$ 11.00 200 SRI LANKA ..............................................$ 30.00 10 ST. HELENA .................................................$ 9.00 50 ST. KITTS ...................................................$ 26.00 75 ST. KITTS ...................................................$ 36.00 100 ST. KITTS .................................................$ 54.00 100 ST. LUCIA .................................................$ 30.00 50 ST. THOMAS ................................................$ 8.00 100 ST. THOMAS ............................................$ 14.00

25 ST. VINCENT ................................................$ 7.00 50 ST. VINCENT ..............................................$ 18.00 100 ST. VINCENT ............................................$ 30.00 25 SURINAME ................................................$ 12.00 100 SURINAME ..............................................$ 56.00 500 SURINAME............................................ $ 190.00 25 SWAZILAND ................................................$ 6.00 50 SWAZILAND ..............................................$ 20.00 100 SWAZILAND............................................ $ 60.00 500 SWEDEN .................................................$ 70.00 1000 SWEDEN ...............................................$ 90.00 100 SWITZERLAND........................................ $ 15.00 300 SWITZERLAND ........................................$ 44.00 500 SWITZERLAND ........................................$ 65.00 800 SWITZERLAND ......................................$ 150.00 1000 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 220.00 1200 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 600.00 1300 SWITZERLAND ....................................$ 900.00 1500 SWITZERLAND ..................................$ 1600.00 50 SYRIA ..........................................................$ 7.00


500 TAIWAN ................................................$ 170.00 200 THAILAND ...............................................$ 70.00 300 THAILAND .............................................$ 130.00 400 THAILAND .............................................$ 180.00 600 THAILAND .............................................$ 370.00 800 THAILAND .............................................$ 800.00 500 TOGO .....................................................$ 100.00 1000 TOGO ...................................................$ 460.00 50 TOKELAU ...................................................$ 60.00 25 TONGA ......................................................$ 16.00 50 TONGA ......................................................$ 36.00 100 TONGA ..................................................$ 110.00 10 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ...................................$ 10.00 50 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ................................$ 120.00 100 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ...............................$ 170.00 25 TUNISIA ......................................................$ 4.00 50 TUNISIA ....................................................$ 12.00 100 TUNISIA ..................................................$ 36.00 500 TUNISIA ................................................$ 190.00 100 TURKEY..................................................... $ 5.00 300 TURKEY ...................................................$ 18.00 500 TURKEY ...................................................$ 55.00 25 TURKS & CAICOS .........................................$ 6.00 50 TURKS & CAICOS .......................................$ 20.00 100 TURKS & CAICOS (MINT U/H) ...................$ 70.00 500 TURK AND CAICOS (MINT U/H)...............$ 500.00


100 U.N.O ......................................................$ 24.00 300 U.N.O ....................................................$ 110.00 400 U.N.O ....................................................$ 170.00 100 URUGUAY ................................................$ 16.00 200 URUGUAY ................................................$ 36.00 1000 URUGUAY ............................................$ 185.00 100 USA ..........................................................$ 4.00 200 USA ..........................................................$ 8.00 500 USA ........................................................$ 45.00

1000 USA ......................................................$ 80.00 300 USA (COMMEMS) ....................................$ 14.00 100 USA (MINT COMMEMS) ...........................$ 50.00 200 USA (MINT COMMEMS) .........................$ 100.00


25 VATICAN ......................................................$ 6.00 200 VATICAN ..................................................$ 90.00 300 VATICAN ................................................$ 132.00 25 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .....................................$ 16.00 50 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .....................................$ 40.00 100 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) ...................................$ 80.00 200 VATICAN (M.U.H. ) .................................$ 180.00 500 VATICAN(MINT U/H) ..............................$ 270.00 100 VENEZUELA .............................................$ 34.00 700 VENEZUELA ...........................................$ 250.00 800 VENEZUELA ...........................................$ 300.00 100 VIETNAM .................................................$ 30.00


25 WALLIS & FUTUNA ......................................$ 6.00 50 WALLIS & FUTUNA ....................................$ 20.00 200 WALLIS & FUTUNA ................................$ 300.00 100 WESTERN EUROPE ...................................$ 30.00 25 WURTTEMBERG ........................................$ 16.00 50 WURTTEMBERG ........................................$ 33.00 600 WORLD LARGE ........................................$ 39.00


100 YUGOSLAVIA .............................................$ 6.00 200 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 17.00 300 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 20.00 500 YUGOSLAVIA ...........................................$ 80.00


50 ZANZIBAR .................................................$ 76.00


500 ATHLETICS/ ATHLETES ...........................$ 105.00 800 ART .........................................................$ 49.00 800 ANIMALS ................................................$ 49.00 500 AUTOMOBILES ........................................$ 59.00 500 AVIATIN ...................................................$ 65.00 500 BIRDS .....................................................$ 60.00 1000 BIRDS ..................................................$ 135.00 500 DOGS ....................................................$ 120.00 500 FISH/MARINE LIFE ...................................$ 50.00 500 FLOWERS (INCLUD. PLANTS/TREES) .........$ 60.00 500 HORSES .................................................$ 100.00 500 OLYMPICS ...............................................$ 49.00 250 REPTILES .................................................$ 39.00 500 SHIPS ......................................................$ 80.00 500 SPACE .....................................................$ 49.00 500 TRAINS ..................................................$ 100.00 500 TRANSPORT ............................................$ 90.00

Email: Web:

Market Matters Australia Parcel Post a MESS

I am a large sender and receiver of parcels domestically, and have been for my 35 years as a dealer. I am speaking below from long experience. Ten or 20 years ago, I’d happily mail or order a carton with no tracking, and be 99.99% sure it would be there next day, to/from anywhere in a 100km radius, and a day or so later to/from Melbourne or Brisbane etc. They all arrived. Maybe one parcel a decade might go AWOL. An amazing record, and AP should be proud they ONCE did a good job. Yes it is pretty hard to lose a CARTON I agree, and so it always was. They all arrived. In recent years all that has charged. Sadly. A bunch of fat cats paid wages in the Bill Gates league, have dragged the service standard back to levels never seen before. And yet doubled the cost. Australia Post keeps hiking up parcel and International rates 2 or 3 times EACH year, I kid you not. WAY in advance of the CPI and Inflation rate. If a private company doled out price rises on this scale, the ACCC would be fining them! Why? As AP do NOT need any Government approval for parcel and overseas mail price hikes, and hence charge whatever juicy figure comes into their head when they need some more money. A large parcel by slowwww road to Darwin or WA very often costs well over $100 now, and can take a month. You can sometimes FLY there, and check the box as baggage, for less than the cost of

Chullora Mail Centre Bottleneck 58 - Stamp News

mailing your snail mail road parcel. All these price hikes are bad enough, but some geniuses in there, drawing mega million salaries, have also now decided that humans handling parcels are not really necessary, in this Brave New World they live in.

Machines demand no holiday pay.

They found MACHINES that allegedly do it just as well, and with almost no “staff costs”. Well no wages paid, but the shiny new machines cost $A500 MILLION it is reported. They seem to have overlooked that. That is a lot of wage hours of once efficient sorters. Do they work? NO. I often have Registered parcels across Sydney taking up to 2 weeks. I am not kidding. They get to the massive Chullora Mail Centre, and then sit there for a week or two weeks at times. How do I know this? As I send nearly everything tracked mail. The Post Office’s own tracking data shows me that my box arrives at Chullora on May 1, and does not emerge for a week or two. It is like a bad Monty Python script, but that is happening more and more. A parcel post “Black Hole”. The Fats Cats appear to have decided all capital cities will “centralise” parcel mail - a disaster in practice of course, but a genius move on the whiteboard in the Boardroom. Time to have another cigar and Port and celebrate “Genius Mail Management 2015”. The Registered online parcel tracking shown nearby, sent to a stamp dealer only a few miles away, is a typical example as you can see, and it is common these days - very sadly. TWELVE days cross town. I mailed it Thursday midday January 29 at Castlecrag. Next day January 30 it arrives at Chullora Mail Centre, and then it takes a week or so for it to go across Sydney to Alexandria. TWELVE days from day of posting. All my tracking in this period pinpoints Chullora as being

Glen Stephens

TEN days to go across town. the log jam for some reason. PO mail van drivers that collect parcels at my Castlecrag PO take them to the massive St. Leonards Mail Centre. ONCE, when things were efficiently run, they’d sort them there, into huge parcel bins for applicable regions, and next day

they’d arrive in most instances. I arranged a stamp dealer official guided visit there one evening, by the Duty Manager, and it was a hive of activity. HUNDREDS of staff, forklifts and huge bins zipping about, and giant machines, and a hub of efficiency, and staff working all night. NOW the red vans all arrive at St Leonards Mail Centre from a host of POs in early evening, and the contents of their vans are then loaded (and not too rapidly) into big steel cages, and trucked in large Semis way across town to Chullora often to vanish for a week. The Bermuda Triangle. This is called “Progress” I think, when top staff are paid millions a year to engineer such wonderful “steps forward” from the comfort of the Boardroom. If I mail a parcel at Castlecrag PO to Kevin Duffy, also living in Castlecrag, it goes to St Leonards Mail Centre, THEN right across the metro area to Chullora. Then it all comes back here sometime in the next week or two. I am told all parcels now go into huge clear Perspex type tubes with conveyor belts in them,

Ruined by AP. Stamp News - 59

Market Matters with beam scanners on all sides, searching for the tracking labels and the postcode. Once that scanning is secured, the parcels allegedly are all sorted and sent on their way. The small problem is, the tubes can’t handle all the parcels. Durrhh. Humans are smarter than machines. So a parcel marked “Dandenong Vic 3175” does not get sent to Western Australia by humans. Not even once usually, and certainly not repeatedly. Sent *FIVE* Times across nation. Machines do not care. They do not have a BRAIN. interviewed” ABC News website reported. ABC News reports that fully 20% “Staff and casuals are doing so much overtime of the nation’s parcels are being screwed up by (to fix the mess) they are referring to the new these brilliant new White Elephant machines sorting systems as “mortgage machines” because - that is about 40,000 parcels they use the extra income to pay off their debts. a day being messed up they claim. Ms Doyle said the machines were manufactured “The machines, which Australia Post has in the Netherlands and constructed in Australia, but described as “state-of-the-art”, cannot read some rely on five different add-on IT systems, which do barcodes and sometimes confuse a parcel’s “to” and “from” addresses. Australia Post declined to be not function well together” ABC concluded.

Sir Donald would be furious.

175 hours of road travel 60 - Stamp News

This kind of madness is now occurring regularly sadly. Witness the beautiful old sepia photos nearby of Sir Donald Bradman, signed at left of batting pad knee roll. In the frame, and out of the frame. It was recently purchased by Melbourne cricket collector Noel Almeida for $A395. If the signature was expert verified, it would be worth more like $1,500 Noel advises me, which does not surprise me one bit, the way top end cricket stuff sells. The signed and framed photo was securely packed and mailed correctly from WA to Sunshine Vic, on the morning of Wednesday April 8, by Registered Post. Delivery times in days of old was generally a few days later. Not anymore. The parcel went back and forth the 3400 Kms across this vast country FIVE

Glen Stephens So in such a case you’d imagine the PO would apologise and stump up the $395 price of the item they ruined - possibly the $1,500 retail value of it right? The parcel was Registered of course. Their own tracking shows the month delay, and bizarre national transit yo-yo. No such chance. The Post Office response was that the glass cracked, as it was not packed correctly and ZERO compensation was forthcoming from them! I am a fastidious packer as clients know, and use fibreglass filament tape, and the best packing material I can source. But no-one packs for 175 hours of road transit over 17,000 Kms, via a dozen mail centres. No domestic sender takes that much care - as in the real world of mail order, you should not have to! All detail here on above -

Parcel travels 17,000 Kilometres

Sorry Pal, it is all YOUR fault. times. 175 HOURS of highway driving. It finally arrived with Noel Monday May 4 - nearly one MONTH later. No fault of the sender or Almeida - just these alleged “high tech” $500 Million sorting machines deciding themselves on arrival at each end, it needed to go back right across the country once again. FIVE times. They confuse sender with addressee This is about 17,000 Kms of travel - near all of it totally needlessly. That is Sydney to New York distance. And you guessed it – all this stupid yoyoing not only wasted time and resources, and annoyed the buyer, it ensured the glass in the frame broke, and the sharp shards sliced and destroyed the signed photo. The heartbreak a true collector like Noel clearly had, upon seeing this mess after waiting a month for it to finally arrive, you cannot begin to place a monetary value upon.

Sadly $100 maximum is all the PO usually stump up, for a lost or damaged Registered item. IF they agree it was in fact lost or damaged by them, and that takes some proving often, as we can see from their crazy letter shown nearby. AFTER you compete long forms, and wait a while for the claim to grind through their often slow system. Which in this case is quite absurd. For overseas mail that can take months. PO incompetence sending this packet across the country - 3,400 Kms each time, FIVE times, caused the damage to the glass, that much seems certain even to a layman. I hope Noel gives them Hell. A Registered label today cost $3.70, and a first class letter stamp costs 70¢, (to be hiked up to $1.50 in September) so a Registered first class letter will then be $3.70 plus $1.50 = $5.20 - maybe more, if the Registered Fee increases too, as it has several times a year under Mr Fahour’s AP Regime.

When a letter cost 4¢ to mail.

In 1966 when we changed to decimal currency, a letter rate stamp cost just 4¢ (I kid you not!) and the Registration Fee was 20¢, so a registered letter cost just 24¢ to mail. Stamp News - 61

Market Matters The 24¢ Azure Kingfisher stamp was issued in 1966 solely to cover the combined Registered and letter rate fee - few realise that, and it was widely used for that purpose. A pretty stamp. The photo below is of a Registered pre-paid envelope from stock that shows the very top £50 or $100 compensation payable for loss or damage by the PO all in the small type on face. Indeed even in the pre-Decimal era, the exact same $100 figure was payable - OVER HALF A CENTURY back. So 50 years back, we got $100 maximum compensation, and in 2015 it is STILL the same now paltry $100, despite us paying TWENTY times more to buy that protection. Collector Dealer Bodies like APTA and ANDA have 10,000s indeed 100,000s of Registered sendings a year from members, and these bodies via their paid Admin officers, should be bombarding the PO to overhaul this issue. In practice nothing is being done I gather. Sad. If a dealer mails a 5/- Harbour Bridge, or £1 Kangaroo, or a medium value Banknote etc, sold at $1,500, we get back $100 MAXIMUM if either is lost or damaged, despite client being invoiced and paying $1,500. The exact same $100 figure as it was over 50 years ago. Madness. ALL readers here are urged to write or email Mr Malcom Turnbull, the Federal Minister in charge of Posts, a savvy businessman, and insist his Department orders a fine-tune of this service, and bring the compensation level 50 years forward, to

$100 unchanged for FIFTY years. 62 - Stamp News

Cost of a Registered Letter then! now reflect a $A2,000 top limit. This DOES affect you if you mail or receive ANYTHING Registered.

Please WRITE to Mr Turnbull.

If just 100 readers of this get on the case and write or email, things may change. If you have any mainstream media contacts, send them a link to this story. If a national TV show got onto this, AP would increase the limit overnight to $A2,000 I suspect. Remember this $A2,000 would be a MAXIMUM. You need to prove to the PO those goods were invoiced and sent, and were lost or damaged, and in reality, the vast bulk of any claims paid will be a nominal sub $100 figure I am sure, same as always. Had the Compensation increased the same 20 times of the Registered Post cost, the maximum today clearly would be more like $2,000, and such an amount would be applicable to Noel’s busted, shredded and ruined Bradman framed picture. ALL dealers and collectors and trade bodies need to get proactive and lobby Australia Post, and/or the Minister, to massively up the Registered ceiling. It has not increased one cent for a half century, but the cost of securing it has gone up 20 fold. Mr. Fahour pays himself a juicy $4.8 million a

Glen Stephens

A powerful Parcel offer. year (TEN times the Postmaster General of the USA salary) and I’d be interested to learn if he’d accept the same pay packet as the head of the PO got in 1965. That seems fair, if he wants his clients to accept the same 1965 compensation level.

Officeworks moved into top gear in May offering 10 kilo parcels for a flat rate $20 near anywhere in the country. AND promised them delivered in a day or two - i.e. airmail service. Heavy TV and in-store ads and leaflets. To put it into perspective, their $20 for an air parcel from Sydney to Perth is about $50 LESS than the lowest truck mail option AP now offer. And $117.50 cheaper than airmail by the PO. Many Businesses will embrace this new service. These Officeworks stores are often open 6 or 7 days of the week, and until late evening too, thus being far more convenient than POs, with far better parking too of course. I hear this parcel service will be rolled out in Coles Stores nationally as well. You can buy pre-paid labels, or print them out at home, and simply dump the parcels in lockers at al Officeworks stores. For small business, a JOY to not wrestle with the complex AP rates and rules. They are calling the new operation the very clever and catchily named “MAILMAN” - more detals and photos here -

Officeworks is owned by Wesfarmers. Wesfarmers Limited is one of Australia’s largest $100 maximum is an insult in 2015. If I mail even public companies and one of Australia’s largest a Post Office Year Book for the past 10 years, they EACH all retail well over $100! Indeed the current retailers. Its headquarters are in Perth, Western book costs $110 to buy from Australia Post - get that Australia. lost in the post ordered direct from them, and you Australia’s largest employer. are out of pocket even if you DO Register it. Crazy. Wesfarmers is the largest private employer in The history of commerce shows when you get Australia, with more than 200,000 employees fat and bloated, and take your dominance as an automatic given right, you will get knocked off your across the country. AP could not have allowed a more dangerous competitor to emerge. They are so perch VERY fast. arrogant they probably can’t see the threat. The sloppy and often painfully slow delivery Parcels are the only profit area right now for AP, service Australia Post is offering more and more often these days, at a VASTLY increased price each and that is about to end. Hence they will need to heavily crank up prices even more to keep revenue year, was never going to last. “The Carnival Is the same, and lose even more market share due to Over”. that. Scary times ahead for them. Wesfarmers own a vast array of companies and “Carnival Is Over” for AP The huge Australian national business supply chain businesses, and even if they need to LOSE money

$100 Compo an insult in 2015.

Stamp News - 63

Market Matters for 2 or 3 years to get traction and market share on this, it will not bother them. They own: Bunnings Hardware, Coles Supermarkets, Bi-Lo, Pick ‘n Pay Hypermarket, Coles Express, Coles Central, Liquorland, Vintage Cellars, 1st Choice Liquor Superstore, Officeworks, Officeworks BusinessDirect, Harris Technology and MANY others. I want to see Australia Post stay viable, and folks using stamps on $A5,500 for this, I kid you not! mail encourages stamp collecting. Their entire top management team clearly have totally taken their eye Twenty-five bids were placed by just three off the ball, whilst scandalously upping their salary bidders. The seller opened the 7 day auction March packets, and hopefully will be replaced ASAP to 15 with a starting price of $9.99 and it crept up. On address this. March 22, the final day, the winning bidder added

Common stamp FRENZY!

Take a close look at the cover shown nearby. A common USA 22¢ “Prexie” Definitive stamp used on a normal looking cover used within New York state. Value used, a few cents on a good day. If I saw it in a box of junk I’d likely have left it there! On March 22, this solo use of a USA 22¢ Grover Cleveland stamp on a domestic registered cover sold for $4,050 - then around $A5,500, on eBay. The seller was “stamper221”

an undisclosed final bid. Because no other bids were received after that, the cover sold for $4,050. The Grover Cleveland stamp part of the popular 1938 Presidential, or “Prexie”, series of definitives, paid the 3¢ first-class postage, 18¢ Registry fee (for indemnity of $5.01 to $25) and a 1¢ supplemental surcharge that was assessed because the declared value was greater than the indemnity covered by the Registry fee. The backstamps on the cover indicate that it was postmarked December 19, 1941, in New York City and arrived one day later at its destination in Syracuse, New York state. The eBay seller and the specialist book he uses make no mention that Eckhardt was a well-known stamp dealer. Only on eBay!

PNG Stamps in the Air

Good for promoting stamps. 64 - Stamp News

A feature article on PNG stamps and postal history are part of the current Air Niugini “PARADISE” in-flight Magazine for “May-June 2015”. A journalist from Papua New Guinea’s “PARADISE” in-flight

Glen Stephens New Guinea covers there in the carton from the same era.

Listed at $2000 in Eustis.

Sold for nothing in a Junk box.

That one cover is cat $2,000 in Eustis as P59, which for items of that ilk, means it is WORTH around that figure, as there are far more buyers than sellers at this scarcity level, and AAMC = retail pretty much. I’d bought the box an hour before, and it was crammed with old stamps in cigar boxes, tins, envelopes, glassines, shoeboxes, and even a WW2 Army Ammunition box of stamps! The elderly seller drove over with it, and said much of it was from a relative who had lived in New Guinea for a time before the War. He had planned to toss it all in the bin, until he saw my Yellow Pages ad. One nice cover in there was addressed to the Edie Creek Goldfields - see address detail nearby, and there were other nice pieces - the buyer’s full report is here - The $2,000 “WAGHI” cover is also illustrated nearby. An Air Mail cover from Wahgi River, Central New Guinea. Signed by the pilot, with his aircraft rego number, and sent by first air mail in 1933.

magazine contacted me a while back, about writing a story on their stamps, and I was happy to assist him. These non-stamp journalists generally mess some facts up - like the “G.R.I.” overprints being made in World War *TWO* etc, but overall a nice general plug for these pretty stamps to a wide audience. A lot of folks from all walks of life read these airline magazines whist flying, or stuck in airports, and who knows, a few brand new collectors may result from it all? I rounded the writer up a good number of photos to add to the multi-page full colour story - which can be seen here - for anyone interested. The rare 1933 New Guinea “Wahgi” Flight cover shown nearby, a stampboards member bought for near nothing in one of my famous junk cartons, and later sold it back to me for a 4 figure sum. A leading member of the Australian judiciary is now the happy new owner, who told me he has a family connection to the pilot. There was a folder of Cover TO the New Guinea goldfields.

Stamp News - 65

Market Matters The interior highlands area of New Guinea was unknown to Westerners until the early 1930s - see for the report by The Royal Geographical Society, in 1934.

PNG Highlands “The Wild West”.

I’ve been to the PNG highlands a couple of times, and it is still “The Wild West” even today. I’ve been threatened with a large razor sharp machete by a betel nut/cheap spirits deluded tribesman, up a steep rutted muddy path to nowhere. Three Police with shotguns needed to come and defuse that issue. On another visit I needed 2 paid security men and a driver in an armoured Land Rover, to drive from Goroka to Mount Hagen. It is only a generation or so back when Never argue with Huli Wigmen! the New Guinea Highlanders had never seen Europeans, and many of the natives report on how it fared. there are still of the fierce Warrior class. It was the only stamp lot in a large coin auction, I’ve spent time with the Huli Wig Men in the so maybe owner is hoping to entice a “cashed Highlands, and trust me, these are huge tall guys, up coinie” who does not know its recent curious with really fierce exterior demeanours, who you history? would NOT want to mess with! Offering it on eBay and various other ploys and A Huli Wigman is on the front cover of the gimmicks did not entice a Bunny, so here we go “PARADISE” magazine in question, carefully again at a REAL auction this putting on make-up for time. (Well not a real STAMP the Mount Hagen Show or auction anyway!) something similar. The “Locket Copy” has a very curious history. Robert “Locket” 24¢ Invert A. Siegel Auction Galleries emerges AGAIN! included the locket in its May The “Locket Copy” (Position 18, 2002, “Rarities of the 9 in the original sheet of 100) World” sale in New York. of the USA 1918 24¢ “Inverted Presumably, the item was Jenny” has surfaced yet consigned by its late owner’s AGAIN! estate, although that is It will be auctioned on May unconfirmed. However, the high 20 at Stacks Bowers, New bid of $US80,000 fell short of York. Estimate is $US100,000$200,000. Sadly this column Offered once AGAIN at Auction was at the printer then, so can’t 66 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens the reserve price, and the lot was withdrawn. On March 17, 2003, the locket was sold privately for $US90,000 through Siegel to an anonymous buyer. Around 2009, according to a provenance compiled by Siegel, the Locket again was sold privately, for an undisclosed price, to an unnamed numismatic dealer.

Failed to sell once again.

It next turned up as a featured item in a Heritage/ Bennett Auctions sale Dec. 11-12, 2009. An online reference to the sale reported that bidding would start at $US200,000, with a buyer’s premium of $US30,000 to be tacked onto the final price. The lot once again failed to sell. In 2010, the locket stamp received its only certification ever, from Professional Stamp Experts (PSE), Certificate 1218045 - which coyly describes the totally missing NW corner as a “short corner perf”. Gotta love American grading ‘precision’. “Genuine unused, o.g., never hinged, Position 9 - the so-called locket copy, with a short corner perf at the upper left, a small corner crease at the bottom left, another at the bottom right and a natural straight edge at the top.” The coin dealer who seems to be handling it, did the usual American Barnum and Bailey stuff, and wackily had it and a better Invert listed on eBay, and of course they failed to sell. This same “Locket Copy” is still on his website for $US525,000. Only in America! Condition is everything with these, and average centering, creased corners, and a fully missing corner is holding it back. The short history - In 1918, eccentric and uber wealthy collector Colonel Green paid $20,000 for the only sheet of 100 x 24¢ “Inverted Jenny” airmails ever to reach the public. Green sold some of the sheet’s singles and blocks to other collectors, but kept a total of 41 stamps, including the plate number block, for himself. One single in particular he set aside for special treatment. He had it placed in a pendant made of two

“Short corner perf”. Hmmmmm convex pieces of glass with a gold rim, and ring for a chain, back to back with a normal 24¢ Jenny airmail stamp. He then presented the bauble to Mabel Harlow Green, a woman he had wed in 1917, a few months after the passing of his mega-millionaire mother, Hetty Green (“The Witch Of Wall Street”) who had deeply disapproved of Mabel, whom she called “Miss Harlot”. What “Exotic Dancer” Mabel thought of the curious gift is unrecorded, but there’s no evidence she ever wore it. It was unknown to the stamp world until 1956 when a dealer casually mentioned it in a magazine. 30 years would then pass until anyone else saw it. More here - Glen Stephens has written monthly ‘Stamp Tipster’ Columns for over 30 years - globally. A vast library of his past articles and photos are found at –

Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068 Ph: 02 9958 1333 email: Website:

Stamp News - 67

philatelic trading post

australia's only stamps classifieds


exchange Send 100-1000 Australia and World Stamps for my same # US stamps. Tom Harkins, 7 Quaker R, New Fairfield, CT 06812, USA. Email

Germany Third Reich. For Germany Third Reich and other World War II material please visit

Collector needs collectors in Canada, China, Great Britain to exchange used or

Magnificent selections on approval from Africa, Pacifics, Nth. & Sth. America, Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, Iceland, Greenland, Venezuela.P & D Nicholls, PO Box 426, Glenbrook, NSW 2773

mint stamps, please. Fair exchange only. Chris Jewell-Smith, PO Box 5124, Broulee, NSW, Australia 2537 Penfriend Wanted - For exchange, fauna, flora, mushrooms, lighthouses, mountains, stamps on stamps, Christmas, Olympics, world cup, music, trains, airplanes from Aust, NZ & Pacific. Exchange value Yvert, Michel, Scott. Speaks

accessories ALBUMS, CATALOGUES, AND EQUIPMENT for stamps, coins, & banknotes at mail order discount prices. Enquiries or quotes write to: SAPPHIRE COAST PHILATELIC SUPPLIES, PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549, or Phone/Fax (02) 6495 7382.


Spanish/English. Antonio Creo Reyes, PO Box 2222 Habana 2, Cuba 10200 Exchange: Send 200 - 800 World stamps, exchange for World/Australia. Brian Clark, 57 Mawson Pde, Chifley , NSW 2036

for sale For Sale; BOOKLETS Scarce Cocos SB3 Cat. 100 pounds, $130, Xmas Is. Booklet SB1 cat 160 pounds, $160, Xmas Is. 1st Postmaster provisional booklet, rare $300. Cocos Booklets 1 & 2 $80 each. All early Commonwealth booklets wanted to buy. Visa accepted. Dr. W. L. Mayo. email mayoinavalon@yahoo. Tel: 02 9918 6825 (09/15)

Buying Australia and World Kiloware. We urgently wish to buy quantities of modern Australia and World Kiloware. Regular supplies needed. All mixtures to be close clipped single paper, and will pay as follows, all prices per kg. (a) Australia Commemoratives only to 2012 $7, 2013 $10, 2014 $15 (b) Australia Mission modern inc..2013/14, not less than 50% commems. by weight $4 (c) Australia Territories, inc. Cocos, AAT, Christmas Is. Norfolk Is. etc. $25 (d) Australia Higher values, 53c upwards inc. Commems. $60, defins only $20 (e) Worldwide, modern mix unpicked. $30. Minimum sending $100 please. Single country mixtures also required, please enquire. Phone Kevin Morgan 0425 795 693 Wanted : Sheets or panes of 5½d Emu stamps. Contact Ted on


Australia, N.Zealand, West Europe, Better earlies at bargain prices. VFU only, some in quantity. Phone 0419 680 824, PO Box 93, Bexley South, 2207 Half Price stamp Sale. Loads of stamps from 5 cents. Israel, Russia, Germany. Antarctic, Malta, Falklands, Sth. Africa, Ireland & much more. Dealer enquiries welcome. Send your wants list to: John Cornelius, PO Box 23 Magill SA 5072 Phone: 0407 615 240 Collection surplus Stamps from Canada, Channel Islands, Falklands & Dependencies, Fr. Antarctic, Gibraltar, GB, Ireland, Malta, Namibia, NZ, South Africa and USA. MUH mint and used. Trade Enquiries OK. Send your wants lists to: John Cornelius, PO Box 23, Magill, 5072.

European stamps on approval, including all different packets, Guernsey, Austria, France, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain etc, etc. Return unwanted. P & D Nicholls PO Box 426 Glenbrook NSW 2773 Buying Australian Kiloware 55c Or 60c Values, Commemoratives and Definitives and current year kiloware too, 60c bundles wanted too, for more details email:

thematics Animals - Birds - Aeroplanes - Automobiles - Sports - Flowers Including Packets on approvalP&D Nicholls P.O.Box 426, Glenbrook NSW 2773

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Single: 46mm x 24mm $260 per year or $26 per month Double: 46mm x 50mm $520 per year or $52 per month Triple: 46mm x 78mm $695 per year or $69.50 per month Quad: 46mm x 102mm $990 per year or $99 per month Larger spaces POR Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email: 68 - Stamp News

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societies PENINSULA STAMP CLUB Meets 3rd Wednesday each month at 7.30pm, BRIGHTON PS Inc. Meets 8.00pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday and 10.30am Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most 3rd Tuesday each month. 80 Gardenvale Road, Gardenvale, Vic, 3185. Visitors/new members welcome. welcome. Secretary: PO Box 187,Dromana, 3936 AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury GLADSTONE AND DISTRICT PS Inc. Meets on the 2nd Wednesday each Rd (cnr Keats St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: PO Box month at 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155. 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 for advice. The IPDA Inc - Internet Philatelic Dealers Association - dealers & prt time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to for details.

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Stamp News - 69

philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9267 8301; Fax: 02 9264 4741. GPO Box 1971, Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9264 8301 Aust. States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington PO Box 151, Bathurst NSW 2795 Bega Phil. & Numismatic Society: Mtg 3rd Friday 8.00pm. Mthly Newsletter. PO Box 370, Bega NSW Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries:; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Mtg 2nd Friday, even months; Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Coffs Harbour SC: Mtg 2nd Wed Earlwood and District SC:Mtg 1st Wed Grafton SC: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex. Dec) Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Great Lakes Campus Annexe, Taree St, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6554 9776 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon; Evening Mtg 2nd Thurs Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Thursday (ex. Jan) Wollongong Master Build. Club Ltd, Oasis Room, 7.30pm. All welcome. Tel. (02) 42252011. Kempsey RSL PS: Mtg 2nd Wed Lake Macquarie Stamp Club:: Mtg 2nd Sat 9am; Combined Pensioners & Community Care Services 130 Josephson St, Swansea. Enq: 02 4392 5211 Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Lower Clarence PS: Mtg 4th Tues Macquarie Valley PS: Mtg 2nd Tues Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: Manly-Warringah Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Enq: 4977 2525 (Jenny) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Nambucca River PS: Mtg 1st Sunday Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301

act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,

western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 7.30pm Masonic Hall, Hampton St, Bridgetown Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email Canning SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, Tennis Club House, Parry St, Fremantle at 8pm; Ph: 08 6363 6415 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives

70 - Stamp News

NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301

Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St; Ph: 02 9419 7354 Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Ph: 02 6362 3754. Orchid Stamp Club: Mtg 3rd Sat. (Jan and each 2nd mth) Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, CWA rooms, Baby Health Ctr, Tindale St PO Box 393, Kingswood NSW 2747 PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec); Ph 02 9399 7556 PS of NSW: Mtg 1st Tues (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Ph 02 44472976 Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email Strathfield-Burwood PS: Mtg 4th Wed Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican Stamp Society: Mtg 2nd Sat, even months 9.30am - 2.30pm, St Paul’s, Carlingford. Details: Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Thematic Society of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Tuggerah SC: Mtg 4th Sun (ex Dec.) Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Ph: 9144 4225 Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Home & Comm. Centre, Tweed Heads Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Willoughby Legion Philatelic Section: Mtg 4th Tues Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email:

northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 6106 0874.

philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@; Website: Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@; Website: Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email:; Website: Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email:; Website: NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@; Website: NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email:; Website: www.

queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bribie Island SC: Meeting 4th Wed; Ph: 07 3408 2238 Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: Mtg 3rd Wed. 7.30pm Star Services, 115 Lyons St, Bungalow Ph: 07 4055 1302 Sec: Ross Bottomer,, Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: desley@mycelebrant. com Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103,

Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. Ph: 09 2357737; Email: pukekohestampclub@ Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email:; Website South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: Web:

Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226. Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433; Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 4th Thurs. Ph: 07 4162 2945 Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm at C.W.A. Hall, Short St. Nambour. Ph: 075445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5598 7629 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815

Stamp News - 71

philatelic clubs & societies south australia

Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435

Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email:; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Bordertown PSchool; Ph: 08 8752 1297 Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214;; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st Wed 7.30pm& 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. PO Box 29, Glenside 5063. Ph: (08) 8353 8683 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan) 1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474

victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed

tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues

72 - Stamp News

Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 1937, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email:; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Italian PS: Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan), 7.30pm, Veneto Club, 191 Bulleen Rd Bullen. (PO Box 166, Niddrie, 3042) Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5975 0574 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan) & 3rd Sat (ex. Dec), Max Fry Hall, Trevallyn 7.30pm; Ph: 6344 3676 Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec);, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart

stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales June 7 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair, Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02 63623754. June 7 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW. June 7 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am -

victoria June 7 - (1st Sun) Western Suburbs Stamp, Coin & Banknote Fair, Strathmore Bowling Club, 40 Loeman St, Strathmore. Enq: Chris. 0413355716. June 21 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair, Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh. Dealers plus huge range activities. Ph: 0418 322 315. June 28 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair, Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am-3pm.


4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 June 7 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collectors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea.

TBA - Queensland Stamp & Coin Fairs, 8:00am -1:00pm,

Contract Bridge Club, 67 Ipswich Road,Woolloongabba. Check ‘Weekend Shopper’ to confirm or contact 0428 450 616 day only.

June 21 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am - 3pm,

June 7 - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Show-

Pioneers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971

grounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am


- 2pm

June 28 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Com-

June 8 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, South-

munity Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am - 4pm. Free

port Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am -

Entry, 6 Dealers, Buy/Sell

2.30pm Brisbane Table Tennis Association Centre

request for listing or update of events or clubs & societies pages This form or a photocopy of this form must be completed in full and signed by and authorised person and submitted by post to Stamp News for any event or update to be listed in the Events or Societies pages - please note that specific dates cannot be included in club details. If any part of the form is incomplete the listing/update will not be made. Information will not be accepted via email. This is a free service and listings are included at the discretion of Stamp News and also subject to available space. Wording may be altered.

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Products & Services Directory dealers MONTHLY ONLINE AUCTIONS


Zero Buyer’s Commission Zero Card Fees Flat sellers fee per lot Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9756 7506 email:info@21stcenturyauctions.

Stamp Collecting Does not have to Be Expensive to Be Fun. Over 17,500 items in our Online Store at Fair Prices

GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS 4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia. Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:

1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page. Email - - email me now to get on my regular lists FREE! Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years. 11/05

By Steve Fletcher


STAMP COLLECTOR Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 1269, Wellington, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)

Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 1269, Wellington, New Zealand

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces

$260 per year or $26 per month $520 per year or $52 per month $695 per year or $69.50 per month $990 per year or $99 per month POR

Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

PACIFIC STAMPS Australia’s leading dealer in stamps of the Pacific. New Issue Service for all the Pacific Island nations, including: Fiji, Pitcairn, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Micronesia, Wallis and Futuna Cocos (Keeling) Niue, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Cook Islands etc. Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Tokelau, Christmas Island etc. For details and a copy of our price list, write to: Pacific Stamps, PO Box 816, Tewantin, QLD, 4565. Or phone: (07) 54740799 fax: (07) 54740757 or E-mail: website:

Philatelical event of the year: : a real magazine, 100% colour

Timbres Magazine

Reports, studies, hundreds of photos of stamps in France and in the whole world. Monthly, 100 pages Free sample (Join $A2 by stamps) Subscription by air: 475ff (approx. $A90) Information & subscription: TIMBROPRESSE 6, rue du Sentier 75080 Paris Cedex 02 Telephone: (33) 1 55 34 92 55

SAS/OCEANIA INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP Our award-winning quarterly journal, ‘The Informer’, contains regular, informative articles about Australia and States, New Zealand, PNG, and other Pacific countries by knowledgeable philatelic writers. Sample copy/ application form sent airmail for $US1.00. Mint US postage accepted.

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Always buying/selling collections,

Up to 68c pay 40% 70c values pay 50% 75c and above pay 45% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 Email: Web:

accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.

SAS/O Secretary, PO Box 24764,San Jose, CA 95154-4764, USA

Great Britain



PO Box 321 Brookvale, NSW 2100

Manufacturers of the full range of Seven Seas brand album pages and complete albums, and publishers of the Australasian Stamp Catalogue. Also a full range of stamps as well as other accessories. Personal callers welcome or ask for free price lists. Tel: (02) 9905 3255. Fax: (02) 9905 7922. Email: Web: 06/06

74 - Stamp News Andrew G Lajer Ltd T: +44 (0)1189 344151

The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire,RG10 0TR, UK

societies&publications MONTHLY ONLINE AUCTIONS Zero Buyer’s Commission Zero Card Fees Flat sellers fee per lot Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9756 7506 email:info@21stcenturyauctions.



Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T. c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158

COLLECT KEMP LAND PHILATELY from AUSTRALIA a quarterly record of Research & information

ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No serious collector of Australia and its States, New Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this International Award Winning Journal. Three Year Indexes - $A10 each Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142

PHILAS STAMP AUCTIONS 17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.

Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or ()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741

Sel Pfeffer’s BOONAH STAMP SUPPLIES PO Box 155, Boonah Q 4310, Australia Australia & Territories Booklet Catalogue Edition 4, Volume 1 - 1904-1972 - $40.00 Edition 4, Volume 2 - 1979-2009 - $45.00 Supplement 2010 - $18.00; 2011 - $15.00 Australasia & Territories Frama & CPS Catalogue - $45.00 Aust. Postage on cats. $3 - on sups. $2. Overseas at cost. Try one of my famous $100 Mystery boxes. Worth $400 retail! Box (1) - stamps & covers etc. (2) Booklets. (3) Framas & CPS Boxes - plus post at cost Four (4) STOCK REDUCTION DIRECT SALES annually Savings of up to 50% on popular material Reduction sale lists emailed or posted free. Phone 07 54631516. Email:- web :


The society has a regular program of meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishing exchange branch, which circulates to small stamp clubs in the south region, as well as in the Canberra area. It publishes, quarterly, a newsletter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail:

JOIN TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTORS IN 90 COUNTRIES Join the AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION! Many Benefits: 96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...

Write today Airmail to :

AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome

Trouble getting Stamp News? Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details)

New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: Web: http://www. Kennedy Stamps Pty Ltd, Robert Kennedy, Suite 706A, 250 Pitt St, Sydney 2000 Ph: (02) 9264 6168 Fax: (02) 9264 5969 e-mail: Web:


The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)62243536 e-mail: Web: http://www.


Geelong Collectors Corner, 93 Little Malop Street, Geelong, VIC 3220, Ph: (03) 5229 4969 Max Stern & Company, Port Phillip Arc, 234 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: Web: Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email kmorgan2@ Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic., 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953

Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 8 Clevedon Way, Karringyup, WA, 6018. Ph/

Fax: 08 9447 8004 Ace Stamp Auctions, PO Box 2076, Ellenbrook, WA, 6069. Ph: 08 08 9297 3040 email: There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month. Stamp News - 75

Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2015 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Stamp News Pty Ltd, ACN 099 565 223, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.

Advertising deadlines 1st day of month prior to month of publication (eg the June edition advertising deadline is 1st MAY)

RATES - casual (all rates include GST) All Prices now include 4 Colour Separation Full page

Half Page

Quarter Page


1 month





3 months





6 months





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Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Fax: (03) 9758 7506 Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position�). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.

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A couple of examples from our stocks -

We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.


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to view our stock of quality Australia and New Guinea stamps

PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: Phone: 0409 473 150 Fax: (07) 3102 8558 Mastercard &Visa Accepted

Mention you saw us in Stamp News!

Internet & Email Directory The following is an extensive listing of Stamp Dealer and Internet Website contact addresses worldwide. Millions of dollars of stock is priced up ready to sell on these sites. All Dealers may list their contact details here for a very affordable $175 per year fee, prepaid annually or only $17.50 a month. Contact the Advertising Manager on Ph: 0425 795 693, Fax: 03 9758 7506, or email: Publishers of Australia’s Gold Medal catalogue series - The Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue. Order all volumes on line. Special offers also available. Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today.

Check out our website for selected New Zealand items, NZ mint sets, and “Lord of the Rings” stamps and covers The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. Comprehensive price lists for more than forty lists using ASC, SG & Scott numbering. By far the largest such lists in the southern hemisphere.” The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects. PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties.

78 - Stamp News WA Auction selling classic material from the Commonwealth countries including Great Britain through to modern Australian errors that have only just been discovered. Attractive early Australian Kangaroos & KGV along with States material is also available. Long-established mail order dealer comprehensively covering British Isles, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Australasia and Japan. Prompt courteous service and an extensive user-friendly website.

Sydney Philatelics - Largest On-Line Shop in Australia ! – User-Friendly – 10,000 and more Philatelic Items – Just a mouse click away ! Over 100 Pages of Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Accessories.etc. Always Buying ! Est 27 Years. Interested in a interesting monthly electronic stamp newsletter from New York? Take a look at Search our website for full listing of stamps and Seven Seas albums and pages and other accessories. We look forward to serving you. Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. Worldwide stamps, covers, errors, proofs, specimens, postal stationery, philatelic literature, postcards, paper money, signed FDC-s and more in our easy to use online store. Prompt, courteous service from America. New Zealand and worldwide in our Ashford Stamps postal auctions. Ask for a catalogue, or view the website. Also ask for direct sales list of NZ Chalons.

21ST CENTURY AUCTIONS ___________________ BILBY STAMPS & COVERS ______________________________ HALLMARK STAMPS ____________________________________ KENNEDY STAMPS P/L ______________________________ KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS AND COINS VELVET COLLECTABLES ___________ Melbourne: Sydney: NORFOLK ISLAND PHILATELIC BUREAU _______________________ PACIFIC STAMPS ____________________________________ STAMP NEWS AUSTRALASIA _________________________ STANLEY GIBBONS UK ________________________________ STATUS INTERNATIONAL ____________________________________ Stamp News - 79

r s o r f e s ib t f cr i G s b u S

New subscription gift options.

In 2015 we are making these new subscription offers to make your subscription even more affordable: For each 12 months of your new subscription you may choose 1 of the following: 1) 2 recent Australia PNC covers, our choice retail value $45‌or ask for a list of those available. 2) Approx 1250 Australian Stamps, unsorted, off paper, retail value $30 3) 110mm Illuminated Magnifier on stand, RRP $35 4) Approx 1250 World Stamps, unsorted off paper, retail value $30 5) 30 Eureka stocksheets, made in Australia on a Hagner machine, our choice of strip sizes, retail value $37.50 6) Australian Comprehensive Catalogue, 3 volumes complete, latest edition, RRP $99 7) A mixed selection of Prinz black or clear mounts (state which) retail value $45 8) 20 different Australian Antarctic Territory covers all with Base Cancels, retail value $40 9) Approx 1250 British Commonwealth stamps unsorted off paper, retail value $30 10) 500 Different Australian stamps, retail value $25 For a lifetime subscription you will receive all 10 gifts. In the event of your chosen gifts being unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute. Please circle the gifts required and return with your completed subscription form on the facing page together with and payment to: Stamp News Subscriptions, PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic. 3158 Australia. Fax, email and telephone subscriptions always welcome.

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This months free gift for subscribers: A complete thematic set or minisheet (may differ from those illustrated)

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6 months 12 months 24 months 36 months 60 months Lifetime

$49.50 $89.50 $169.50 $239.00 $379.00 $895.00

Every Month an exciting free gift for subscribers only.

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List of Display Advertisers

ACTS.........................................25 Australia Post.............................4 Burstamp...................................77 Classic Stamps. ..........................82 David Feldman...........................17 Glen Stephens..............................5 Kevin Morgan S & C.............36, 54 Mossgreen...................................2 Phoenix Auctions. ......................84 Premier Postal Auctions.............77 Renniks......................................83 Richard Juzwin.............................3 ......................25 Stamp News Mail Order .............46 Sutherland Phil.........................82 Vance Auctions Ltd....................82

Collector Wants to Down-size Send your wants list by email or call Mike 07 4692 6226 Australia, Germany, Swiss, British Commonwealth, Australian Frama, Mini Sheets, New Zealand, Hungary, and Many Other Countries. Registration Labels: Australia-New Zealand and World Many On Covers

VANCE AUCTIONS LTD. Serving Stamp and Postal History Collectors Since 1972

Collecting Canada? You will find a tremendous variety of singles, sets, covers, errors, varieties, collections, and stocks in our sales every 7 weeks.

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grande stoRaGE systEm Protect, Organise and Display your Collection with the Ultimate Archival Organiser

A unique archival system for the long term storage of stamps, coins, postcards, booklets, banknotes, beer mats, playing cards, bonds, documents etc. The flexibility and range of the 16 various sized sheets allows for the safe keeping of most types of collectables in a storage system FREE of softeners and 100% ACID FREE. LIMITED TIME OFFER FREE CLASSIC GRANDE BINDER SET

Order 10 packs (any size) of Grande Grande Pages for $109.50 and you will receive a FREE GRANDE Classic Binder & Slipcase worth $54.95 Choice of colour binder sets dependent upon stock holding. Offer expires 30/09/15

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Frequent Public Auctions Over 1500 Lots per Auction Wide Range of Philatelic items Extensive and Friendly Website Viewing and Bidding Online Excellent Vendor Terms We are always seeking suitable material to be offered in our Public Auctions. Contact us to discuss how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment. To request a copy of our catalogue, contact us on Ph: 03 8682 9876 or email: Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd 路 Auction Rooms: Level 2, 170 Queen Street, Melbourne. Australia. Postal Address: GPO Box 4346, Melbourne. Vic. 3001. Australia. 路 ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 路 F: +61 3 8677 2858 路 E:

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