Stamp News Australasia - March 2018

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March Quartet A selection of collecting suggestions for adventurous collectors, or to accelerate the scope of an existing collection of the relevant subject. Contact me if you have a particular interest in Australian cover/stationery fields. For individual item offerings, refer to my website ( and eBay listings (search rap_com_au).

1952 QANTAS Means The World To You QANTAS Meters: 1952-81, my personal reference collection of the types in use during the international expansive era, generally very good strikes, entirely on covers (27). $650

1915: The Downunder Cover South Australia Patriotic Cover to France, sender apparently not familiar with Map of Australia. I used this item on occasion when advertising in U.S. A particularly rare item. $500


1946 unclaimed cover to Newcastle Waters Northern Territory Postal History collection: 1930s/1990s, featuring cancellations, very useful starter lot for a new sideline cover collection. No duplication, quality of strikes is good (approx. 200 covers/cards). $2500

1949 Oxlade Bros (“The Paint People”) cover Queensland advertising covers collection: 1930s/1980s, every item selected indicates the nature of the business/industry represented, all different (200+ items). $1800

Registered post paid within Australia (overseas at cost) Payment by Direct Bank Transfer

Rod Perry

PO BOX 36 TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 AUSTRALIA Email: rod [at] Phone: 0417 598 536


Catalogues AVAILABLE

STANLEY GIBBONs GB & British commonwealth

Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 2018 Edition ................................... $185.00 Commonwealth Simplified Catalogue 1840 - 2010 ......................................................................$95.00 Australia and Territories 10th Edition 2016.................................................................................$79.00 Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 3rd Edition 2015.................................................$49.50 Belize, Guyana, Trinidad 2009 .......................................................................................................$28.00 Bermuda, Bahamas & North Caribbean 1st Edition 2006 .........................................................$59.95 Brunei Malaysia & Singapore 2013 ..............................................................................................$57.50 Canada & Former Provinces 2014 Edition...................................................................................$62.00 Central Africa 2014 .........................................................................................................................$72.50 Cyprus, Malta & Gibraltar 4th Edition 2014 ..............................................................................$45.00 East Africa 2014 ..............................................................................................................................$45.00 Eastern Pacific 3rd Edition ............................................................................................................$48.50 Falklands Is. & Dependencies 2013 ...............................................................................................$35.75 Hong Kong 11th Edition 2015 .......................................................................................................$39.50 India including States 2013 ............................................................................................................$73.00 Indian Ocean 3rd Edition 2016......................................................................................................$53.90 Ireland 6th Edition 2015 ................................................................................................................$37.50 Leeward Islands 2017 .....................................................................................................................$65.00 North East Africa 2013 ...................................................................................................................$60.50 Northern Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda 2013 .......................................................................$45.00 New Zealand & Dependencies 2016 ..............................................................................................$65.00 St. Helena & Dependencies 2014 ...................................................................................................$35.50 Southern Africa & Central Africa 2014 ........................................................................................$72.50 West Africa 2nd Edition 2012 ........................................................................................................$57.50 Western Pacific incl. Fiji, Pitcairn, Cook Is., PNG, Solomons etc 2014 .....................................$61.50 Windward Islands & Barbados 3rd Edition ................................................................................$68.95 Great Britain Concise 2017 ............................................................................................................$85.00 Collect British Stamps 2016 ...........................................................................................................$39.95 Collect Channel Is. & Isle of Man 2014 ........................................................................................$70.00 GB Specialised Queen Victoria 16th Edition 2011 .......................................................................$90.00 GB Specialised 4 Kings 14th Edition 2015.................................................................................. $119.50 GB Specialised QEII pre-decimal 11th Edition 2011 ...................................................................$81.00 GB Specialised QEII Decimal Vol 4 2010 Edition ........................................................................$79.50

foreign Countries & thematics

Western Europe Simplified catalogue 2012 ........................ $92.50 Stamps of the World, 6 volumes New 2018 Edition ........... $625.00 Austria & Hungary 8th Edition 2014 .................................... $81.00 Antarctica 2012 ....................................................................... $34.50 Arabia 2016.............................................................................. $81.00 Asia Volume 1 2011 ................................................................. $60.00 Balkans 5th Edition................................................................. $93.50 Belgium & Luxembourg ......................................................... $49.50 Central America 3rd Edition 2007 ........................................ $30.00 Central Asia 4th Edition 2007 ................................................ $55.50 China 2016 ............................................................................. $139.00 Czech Republic & Slovakia 2016 ........................................... $63.00 Finland & Sweden 2017 .......................................................... $68.50 France 1st Edition ................................................................... $82.50 Germany 11th Edition ............................................................ $87.50

Japan & Korea 2008 Edition ................................................. $35.00 Italy & Switzerland 8th Edition 2013 ................................... $97.50 Middle East - 2009 ................................................................. $75.00 Netherlands & Colonies 2017................................................. $52.50 North America 2011 ................................................................ $59.50 Poland 2015.............................................................................. $59.00 Portugal & Spain 6th Edition 2011........................................ $81.00 Russia 2014 Edition............................................................... $123.00 South America 4th Edition 2008 ............................................ $89.50 South East Asia 2012............................................................... $91.00 USA 8th Edition 2015.............................................................. $99.50 United Nations 2010 ................................................................ $30.00 We can supply a full range of Albums, Stockbooks, Stocksheets and Stockcards, Mounts and other accessories. Please contact us for your requirements. Wholesale and dealer enquiries welcome.

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 email:

Prices do not include Postage & handling

Stamp News Australasia is published monthly by: Kevin Morgan ABN 61 577 987 652 Phone: 0425 795 693 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes Subscriptions Manager: Michael Woodberry

Contents Articles Woodchip Free Zone: Rod Perry ...................................................6 The Maldive Islands: Christer Brunström .................................... 14 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 18 Postal Stationery: Ian McMahon ................................................ 26 Looking at New Zealand: Graeme Morriss ............................... 32 Cinderella Corner: Vito Milana .................................................... 48 Introducing the APF: Daryl Fuller.................................................. 52 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................. 58

Information Trading Post....................................................................................... 68 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......70 Calendar.............................................................................................. 73 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......74 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......78 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82

Printed by: Printgraphics Newsagent Distribution: Gordon & Gotch


The collapse of Mossgreen Auctions last January sent shock waves through the Art and Collectables industries. It appears no one outside of senior management saw it coming. Just prior to submitting this copy, it was announced that former Mossgreen staffer, Torsten Weller, has acquired the former Stamp & Coin division, assisted by Gary Watson and Nick Anning, all three well-known and trusted in the Philatelic world, in particular. I wish Torsten and his team the best of good fortune with the newly minted Abacus Auctions. It’s probably no exaggeration that confidence in Australian auctions hit rock bottom between late December 2017, when Mossgreen announced Voluntary Administration, and the February 2018 announcement of the newly formed auction house. The first philatelic auction to be conducted following the announcement of the Mossgreen woes was that by Phoenix Auctions, on February 2 2018. This month, I’ve provided an overview of how the Phoenix sale fared, as seen through these eyes. True, the February sale was General in nature,

but a reasonable cross-section of Australia-related material was on offer, so I’ll confine my commentary to that region. My thanks to Phoenix for use of the images. Prices realized include Buyer’s premium (19.25%). Many collectors are manic about keeping up with the latest New issues. It’s an entrenched collector habit, and I suppose, upon reflection, if that habit was not so enduring the past one and a half centuries, prices might be out of control for a vastly greater number of stamp issues. I find it amusing, however, that many Post Office “issues”, available free of charge, have outperformed most of the items that Post Office’s sell. My March 2011 column, entitled: Highly recommended Australia Post products, touched upon that very concept. For convenience: vPages.asp?vPagesID=Mar%2011 Lot #354 (Figure 1) is a Post Office label, available to the legally blind, which provided free postage for Letters (up to 500gms). This example, c1998, is a rare commercial use on cover of the label. Estimate $50, it realised $52.50. Try finding another on commercial cover!

Figure 1. Who was aware of permit stamps for the blind? 6 - Stamp News

Figure 2. Rare Kangaroos, unrecognised by collectors #514 (Figure 2) was a most unusual example of postal use of Coil vending machine lowest denomination Kan-

garoo. ACSC states: “ . . . issued in coil form but although coil joins of undoubted authenticity exist, there is no means of positively establishing this.” Appropriately, a very conservative overview. However, I have no doubt that the two purported coil multiples in this lot are genuine, vending machine dispensed stamps. That illustrated, a vertical strip of four, cancelled ‘CORRIGIN/6NO22/WESTN AUST› has join at top (not mentioned in description). There was also a pair, cancelled ‘PENGELLY/22JA23/

Figure 3. My preferred manner in which to collect Official punctures Stamp News - 7

Figure 4. What can I say?

8 - Stamp News

Below: Figure 5. This ANZAC slipped through the cracks

Figure 6a/b. Seldom seen; realization belies rarity WESTN AUST›. These 1922-23 late dates of use confirm little demand at these PO’s for vending machine dispensed stamps of this denomination; the contents of the respective devices would have remained insitu “forever”. I seldom mention off-cover Kangaroos in this column. Why? Mint and used I generally find too readily available to pique my interest. Attractive used coil multiples, on the contrary, even singles on cover, are rarely seen; the realization of $89.50 (Est $100) did not begin to recognize the fact. Much is written in philatelic media regarding

punctured “OS”: genuine or not, is usually the motivation. #523 (Figure 3a) featured a 2½d Large ‘OS’ on Mar 29 1917 OHMS cover to USA, from Department of Trade and Customs, Commonwealth Laboratory (precursor to the CSIRO), censored; ACSC Cat $1000 on cover. A companion item (Figure 3b) was a 1911 cover with Victoria 2½d ‘OS’. This is also a very scarce usage. A basket-load of value for the realized $392 (Est $260). But the Kangaroo is offcentre, you say? That as it may be, we can be positive it is genuine. The vast majority are not. #903 (Figure 4) is a candidate for my favourite item in the sale, in addition to being possibly the most impressive usage item extant for the 1/- ANZAC. The cover started out well (philatelically), Mar 29 1935, franked illegally with GB 1/3d Insurance stamp, incurring double postage deficiency of 2/6d. Merrylands was apparently short of Postage dues, so resorted to regular stamp issues as a receipt for the fine, which included the pair of the 1/-. This is the only example of use of this stamp for taxing purposes I’ve noted. The 1/- ANZAC is quite elusive on cover, however, this sale had a disproportionate three examples, which is quite remarkable; one usually sees on average just one usage item every year or two. Estimated $250, the lot realized a respectable $1015. I don’t regard that as dear for a unique usage of a Classic Stamp News - 9

commemorative. Those higher denomination pre-war commems are generally underrated in the extreme on cover, as will be seen in the lot which follows. #904 (Figure 5) was another attractive usage of 1/- ANZAC (with little brother and KGV 5d x2), used Apr 16 1935 on registered airmail cover Melbourne/Holland, redirected to Berlin. The rate of 2/- represented half oz. airmail to Holland: 1/9d + 3d registration fee. It made $191 (Est $150), which is particularly good value for money. #954 (Figures 6a/b) is a particularly rare POW postcard (obverse with Rural Scene by Figure 7. Common Colonials sell for more J. Loxton), used Oct 10 1945, Murchison to Germany. I’ve seen very few of these postcards, I cringe when I witness collectors paying hunand was surprised there was but one bidder, at dreds, often a thousand or more, for Australian Coreserve (Est $100). Never let it be said auctions lonial items I regard as common. That term cannot don’t offer an encouraging selection of buying opbe applied to #968 (Figure 7), the NSW 1882-97 portunities. 1d scarlet Imperforate at right, one of three mint

Figure 8. Kangaroo cover embracing broader appeal 10 - Stamp News

Figure 9. When were SA Departmentals ever unpopular? Figure 10. One wonders: what does it take to get some collectors motivated?

listed under “Kangaroos”. Estimated $100, it made $95. I have a particular fondness for South Australian Departmental overprints: the second car I owned (a brand new 1971 Falcon GTHO Phase III – and no, unwisely, it wasn’t a keeper) was purchased

examples recorded. Despite the obvious rarity, this was another case of just one bidder participating, and therefore securing it at reserve, for a realization of $191 (Est $240). The herd mentality in Philately progresses unabated; collectors intent on forming individually distinct collections are few and far between nowadays. Kangaroo covers/cards/ tags etc have never been more popular. Yet, value is still possible, as was the case with #1001 (Figure 8). Paradoxically, it is sometimes more productive to offer an item in its simplest form. This item, listed not inappropriately under Queensland Datestamps, as: ‘MUNGALLALA / 22SE20 / QUEENSLAND’ on 3d Roo Die 1 and 1½d brown KGV with mss ‘Mungallala/Reg 148’ in lieu of registration label, I believe may have Figure 11. Historic item, rarity, for price of uber-common Five Bob achieved a better outcome Bridge, CTO

Stamp News - 11

from the profit of the sale of a major collection of Departmentals. Phoenix had a prominent section of these ever-popular issues, albeit generally on the pedestrian side, peppered with the occasional rarity. Having said that, most sold, and sold well. I liked #1090 (Figure 9): “Private Secretary ‘P.S.’ in black on Large Star 1/- red-brown Figure 12. A good case of not seeing forest for trees? P12xRouletted, fine mint, Rated 4R.” sion that has occasionally taken me to fair heights, $274 (Est $300) surely is not too much to pay for a I struggle to comprehend the lack of motivation stamp of which perhaps half a dozen or so examples inherent in many fellow collectors? When I raise exist? my frustration with colleagues, I usually get: “But As a philatelic collector (since 1955), with a pas- Rod, it’s just a Hobby!” True, but so too is collect-

ing Art, Antiquities, Classic cars, Jewellery, et al. Some philatelic collectors argue budget as an excuse, however, compared to those collecting disciplines, one doesn’t have to spend large sums in Philately to acquire unique items. Knowledge is doubtless what often separates the haves from the havenots, is this observation. So it was with #1145 (Figure 10), an attractive combination of latest recorded use (Dec Figure 13. Refreshing addition to otherwise boring Traditional BCOF represen- 26 1860) of Woodblock tation imperf. 6d and Beaded 12 - Stamp News

Oval Laid paper 3d (very scarce on cover). The 6d had been replaced firstly, in Nov 1858, by Perkins, Bacon 6d, and secondly, in Oct 1860, by Beaded Oval 6d orange. Estimated at $450, it sold for $430. It deserved better: I sold this cover, from my collection, for $1000 in 1994. The next two items are further evidence of what frustrates me! There are many collectors of “nothing in particular”: essentially they buy items they like. I’m one of those: it’s a more intelligent collecting model I contend than being enslaved to New issues, and other compulsive pursuits for which a collector is locked-in to, often reluctantly. #1180 (Figure 11) is one of those items that ought to have been focused upon by astute collectors of “nothing in particular” (not to mention Victoria specialists!). An Aug 30 1855 cover from Alberton Victoria, registered no less (!), extremely rare handstruck “PAID AT / ALBERTON”. Sold for $215 (Est $200). I had a similar item in my collection, which sold for $1100 in 1990. I doubt that there are many more of this item, if any. Colonial stampless covers, other than for Western Australia, have an unjustifiably poor following amongst collectors (at times I wonder: “where are they?”). #1195 (Figure 12) is one of those items auctioneers love to describe: “attractive and rare quad

colour franking” would be this auctioneer’s suggestion. From the famous Locarno correspondence, this probably unique 1858 franking Sandhurst to Switzerland, comprising no less than four distinct stamp series’, was not without its trauma (most surviving covers from the correspondence are less than perfect – this one could be improved). It sold for $274 (Est $270). Perish the thought, the fourmargined Woodblock 2/- would retail for about that sum, off-cover! Lateral thinking in Philately is often rarer than the material under consideration. #1290 (Figure 13) is one of the more attractive BCOF usage items I’ve seen. Most collectors are satisfied with a set mint or used (often with faked cancels), or philatelic cover. Sigh. For the more adventurous, this Dec 4 1948 usage of 6d block of four, on complete linen parcel piece, once stitched to the actual parcel, is a gem. Estimated $1000, it realized an impressive, albeit justifiable $1255. The 2/- franking represented 1/9d for Parcel (8-10Ibs.) + 3d registration fee. To conclude, my analysis of this Phoenix sale, the first public philatelic auction post-Mossgreen event, suggests it’s business as usual. Auctions will continue to provide buyers and sellers with high, low, and everything in-between realisations, for as long as there are collectors.

Vale Dr Harry Bazelmans Dr. Harry Bazelmans once told me that “if it looks like a stamp, and is not a stamp, then I collect it.” From revenues and forgeries to charity labels to war stamps, Harry had them all. Harry passed away on Friday 9 February at 92 years of age. Amongst many collecting interests, he was best known in the world of philately for his commitment towards Registration labels, KGV stamps, and cinderellas. With the former, his published catalogues were the product of years of research and dedication in the field. With the latter, Harry was a juggernaut in the field, and his passion extended into many decades; his collections seemed endless.

Harry had an infinity for Delandre labels, a love we both shared, and a liking for anything linked to the Red Cross. He was a beloved member of several Philatelic Societies across Melbourne and always ‘set up shop’ at the monthly Nunawading Stamp and Card Fair, where he was never short of material to share with others. A hard negotiator and a stoic character to the end, Harry will be missed by many and his passing leaves a profound gap in the cinderella landscape, both within Australia and internationally.

Vito Milana

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The Maldive Islands Located in the Indian Ocean south-west of Sri Lanka and India, the Maldives are a large number of islands scattered over a huge area. In fact, the country is made up of no less than 1.192 islands most of which are tiny and devoid of any population. They are grouped into 26 atolls. In today’s world we talk a lot about climate change. One of the predicted consequences is the increased level of the oceans. The Maldive Islands are extremely low (the highest natural point is just 2.4 metres above sea level) which makes them vulnerable to any greater changes. People have lived on these islands for a very long time. In 1153, Maldives embraced Islam (Fig. 1) and this is still the dominating religion. Sadly, many Maldivian youths have been attracted to Islamic extremism and joined terror groups in the Middle East. In 1887, the British established a protectorate over

the islands with the administration based in Ceylon. In September 1906, six Ceylonese stamps were overprinted MALDIVES and issued (Fig. 2). The issuing authorities really must have misjudged the interest from collectors as the stamps sold out completely in March 1907. Stamps of Ceylon without any overprint were then used until a new issue was ready to be released in 1909. This was not really a problem as Maldives used the same Rupee currency as Ceylon. De La Rue recess printed a new set of definitive stamps for the islands in 1909. The four values all depict the Juma Mosque (Fig. 3) in the capital of Male. This design appears to have been extremely popular as it was only changed in 1950! In 1933, Harrison & Sons Ltd took over the contract to print Maldives’ stamps. From now onwards the stamps

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

14 - Stamp News

Christer Brunström were lithographed. The set of nine exists with two different watermarks. In the mid-1900s the Maldivians obviously wanted more independence. A new currency was introduced with the Rupee (spelling later changed to Rufiyah) consisting of 100 larees rather than the previous cents. Also in 1950 there was a brand new definitive set of nine values all depicting a dhow and a palm tree (Fig. 4). Finding a complete set can be somewhat of a problem as the 3- and 5-laree values were replaced by new designs in 1952. By now it was also time for the British to slowly start handing over power to the local people. On 1 January 1953, Maldives became a republic like neighbouring India, Pakistan and Ceylon. However, due to local intrigues, the islands became a sultanate once again in November that very same year. The sultan was Mohamed

Farid Didi but he only appeared on a Maldivian postage stamp in 1962 marking the 9th anniversary of his enthronement. This sultanate didn’t last forever. On 11 November 1968, the islands once again became a republic (Fig. 5) and ever since the country has suffered from political strife and lack of democracy. On at least two occasions, Indian paratroopers have intervened in order to restore peace and order. What has increased a lot is the tourism industry attracting mostly well to do people looking for exotic destinations for their holidays in the sun. Sun bathing, snorkeling and similar activities is what the Maldives can offer. Tourism remains the main source of income for the islands with a total population of some 420.000 people. The fishing industry is also vital for the Maldives’ economy.

Fig. 5

Fig. 4

Fig. 6

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The Maldive Islands The 1960 definitives are of particular interest as they feature different views of the islands. They were recess printed by Bradbury Wilkinson in England and the designs are really exotic with a lot of writing in the local script. Shown nearby is the 2 laree value depicting the Tomb of the Sultan (Fig. 6). According to most catalogues, the 1960 set has 11 values from 2 larees to 10 rupees. Many British colonial stamps carry POSTAGE & REVENUE inscriptions indicating their dual purpose but this was never the case as far as Maldivian stamps are concerned. The set actually has 14 values as there were also 25, 50 and 100 rupee stamps. These have always been rather scarce. Some catalogues including Stanley Gibbons mention them in a footnote stating that they were mainly intended for fiscal use. This immediately leads to the next question: what

other uses did they have? If a postal article required 25 rupee postage couldn’t the high value be used rather than two 10 R and one 5 R stamps? In many other cases British colonial high values such as Nigeria’s £25 stamp of 1904 are listed simply because the inscription POSTAGE & REVENUE was used. In the Stanley Gibbons catalogue the Nigerian stamp is only valued in mint condition as it was solely used for fiscal purposes. The rather scarce 1960 high values (Fig. 7-9) are shown below. Until about 1960, the Maldivian stamp programme had been extremely conservative but it all changed in the mid-1960s. Today Maldives is famous for issuing too many new stamps and souvenir sheets each year featuring the more popular thematic subjects.

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

16 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - GlenRare Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often -

Roo 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo FIRST Watermark, super attractive MVLH: A wildly under-rated stamp - 20 times scarcer than the 2/- Brown Third Wmk in MINT, despite their similar retail. ACSC 35a in $650 in cheapest shade. FAR, FAR, Better than usual perfs and centering for this “terror” issue, as you can see - impossible to improve on. Deep rich strong colour, and crisp prooflike impression. SG 13, and most you see are TOTALLY stuffed and terrible centered, with short and/or ripped out perfs etc. Mint super light hinge touch, with no hinge remains - almost MUH. INCREDIBLY fresh and flat and bright for these. A really lovely stamp for what condition one usually sees, yet at $225 UNDER the cat value for average grade! Bought well today, so out it goes - $A425 (Stock 593AJ)

Kangaroo 1929 10/- Small Multiple Wmk, Superb MLH with ACSC Var: A rare stamp, with or WITHOUT any plate variety - SG 112. In my long experience TEN times scarcer than the Third Wmk or CofA Watermark 10/- values. There were in fact only 240,000 of this printed v/s over 1.2 million of the Third Watermark 10/-, yet Cat value is around the same - absurd with a higher than 5:1 ratio. This was the 10/- stamp on national issue all during the Great Depression, and few then were spending a week’s wages on 1 new stamp. Indeed there was the exact same low print number of this, than of the super expensive 1913 £1 & £2 First Watermark Roos - 240,000 on all 3 of those. Excellent perfs and nice colour as you can see for this 89 y.o. issue. Bright vivid original colour and PO sheen, white gum MVLH. “Very Short Spencer Gulf” variety showing clearly. ACSC 49(D)f, $1,650. Only $US695 as I type this! $A875 (Stock 384XE)

Samoa 1962 Independence onwards, MUH coll in 2 x 'Seven Seas': From 1962 Independence to 1990, on hingeless "Seven Seas" pages in 2 x binders. The albums and pages NEW cost $400 alone! Complete sets to $20 face value, mini-sheets and blocks and strips. Not all pictured above by any means - just a few to give you an idea. Looks to be complete MUH on spot checking when taking pix and all the stamps looked FRESH to me Samoa collections often have bad toning of course.

Retail will be MILES above this - many of these sets are very few in the marketplace, and a near 30 year complete run for just $13 or $14 a year is insane! LOTSSSSS of stamps and strips and mini sheets etc. Samoa stamps look far better on black pages due to the bright colours - I'd rehouse these all in a Lighthouse stockbook or two, if I owned them. Masses more pix of the highlights of this collection here - - $A425 (Stock 854TG)

Order via: All Cards accepted with ZERO fee - even Amex! Bank Deposit fine, or Money Orders. PayPal is accepted in ANY major currency, saving you fees - contact me first. LayBys/Layaways always OK with me!


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

Stamps in the News - Globally! Postal justice prevails in the UK …. finally

Reported at Margo’s note: Thanks to Stampboards member Norvic for forwarding this story A man who served eight months in a youth detention centre for stealing mailbags in the 1970s has had his name cleared. Stephen Simmons from Surrey, was found guilty of thefts from Clapham Goods Yard in south London, when he was 19. Now 62, Mr Simmons always protested his innocence, but it was not until an internet search uncovered his arresting officer was found guilty of a similar crime that his case was reconsidered. The Court of Appeal found he was framed, and overturned his convictions. The presiding judge announced: “We would wish only to note our regret that it has taken so long for this injustice to be remedied.” Mr Simmons searched for the officer on the internet. Asked if he was relieved following the ruling, Mr Simmons replied: “I can’t tell you how relieved. “It has only taken 43 years, but I have got there at last.” Mr Simmons, who runs an audio and phone equipment business, was charged by Detective Sergeant Derek Ridgewell, of the British Transport Police. Speaking to BBC Surrey previously he said: “I found out he’d been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison for the theft of Royal Mail bags and

Steven Simmons at 19 and now at 62 18 - Stamp News

selling them, and framing people for it.” Mr Simmons then applied to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), an independent body which investigates possible miscarriages of justice. Detective Sergeant Ridgewell died in prison in 1982.

Postal hoard recovered in Italy …. finally

Reported Margo’s note: Thanks to Stampboards member Aethulwulf for forwarding this story

Italian police have arrested the world’s worst postman from the northern town of Vicenza after finding more than 500kg of undelivered mail stashed away in his garage. Police were called in when workers from a recycling plant were sent to empty the garage and found 43 yellow plastic postal containers stuffed full of items. The hoard included advertising for the regional elections of 2010, to the White Pages 2013-2014, from the commercial post of non-profit organization to a series of packages still sealed with plastic tape from processing centres of the Italian Post Office, but also letters from banks, the Inland Revenue Agency, telephone and Enel bills, contraventions, RAI communications, and similar addressed to organizations, companies, private, dating, at an initial analysis, for the years 2010-2017.

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

The postman, who was not named, was 56 and came from the southern city of Naples, police said. He had not delivered mail for eight years resulting in what police claim is the largest ever haul of undelivered mail in Italy. The mail has been relocated to the central Vicenza Post Office – the postal service has promised to deliver all items, albeit several years late.

Charted in South Georgia Reported at

South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands have launched a set of stamps celebrating the history of mapping the islands. South Georgia is a mountainous, inhospitable island in the South Atlantic. Each year more than 8,000 tourists visit, some enjoy short walks in the spectacular coastal scenery, others undertake ambitious expeditions into the islands interior, and all rely on accurate maps. It has taken nearly 250 years to accumulate a thorough charting of the landscape. This information has been hard won and has a fascinating history. Cook Map 1775 and HMS Resolution South Georgia was first sighted in 1675. However, the island remained untouched until 1775 when Captain James Cook in the HMS Resolution circumnavigated it and on January 17th, made the first landing at Possession Bay, raising the British flag and claiming it for King George III. This day is now celebrated as a public holiday on South Georgia. Cook produced the first map of South Georgia and gave names to a number of features including naming the southernmost tip of the island ‘Cape Disappointment’ as it was at this point he realised South Georgia was an island, rather than the great southern continent that he had been searching for. Carse Map 1958 and Surveys 1951-1957 Progress in understanding the geography of South Georgia was made throughout the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century by whalers, sealers and several expeditions. However, the island’s interior was not comprehensively mapped until the

1950’s after a series of three expeditions led by Duncan Carse. His maps remained the definitive map of the island for the next 46 years. BAS map 2017 and and GIS Mapping Modern technology and the availability of satellite imagery have revolutionised mapping. The work by the British Antarctic Survey MAGIC team has culminated in the production of the most recent and most comprehensive map of the island which was released in 2017. In parallel with this a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) web portal has been developed providing access to everyone.

Deserted in Greenland Reported at

Greenland has issued the second set in its series of stamps featuring deserted US stations. The stamps are the result of a collaboration between Greenland Post, Greenland’s Museum & Archive Service and the artist, Sissi Møller. Sissi had many thoughts about her two new postage stamps: “For me as an artist, it has been a very special assignment to be a part of this series about abandoned stations. I think it is very important because it is a recent part of our history.” Stamp News - 19

Stamps in the News - Globally!

“It was interesting to work on Camp Century because of its history. The underlying idea appears to be such a violation of nature and the wilderness of the ice. Just as much as the notion of building underneath the ice seems to confound reason, equally fascinating is the nature of mankind that makes it do such things.” Camp Century was a nuclear-powered research centre built by the US Army Corps of Engineers under the icy surface of Greenland. It was occupied from 1959 to 1966 under the auspices of the Army Polar Research and Development Centre. Its climatically hostile environment was located a mere 800 miles from the North Pole. Due to the melting of the ice sheet this site is becoming increasingly accessible to animals and humans. Narsaq Point – Weather station was once home to an American observation and communication post in connection with Narsarsuaq Air Base. It is now home to some of TELE Greenland’s equipment and anchor point for the power lines crossing the fiord from Qorlortorsuaq hydroelectric power station.

Convicted in Australia

Reported at A new Australian stamp issue commemorates the end of convict transport to the Australian colonies. In January 2018, it was 150 years since the last convict ship, the Hougoumont, docked at the Swan River Colony in 1868. Between the arrival of the First Fleet, in 1778, and the cessation of convict transportation, some 20 - Stamp News

165,000 convicts arrived here for their crimes, ranging from political activities to stealing a loaf of bread. The stamps were designed by Tim Hancock of Backpack design studio. The stamps present the penal colonies of New South Wales, Van Diemen’s Land and Swan River through depictions of the main places of incarceration, as well as items that illuminate aspects of convict life. $1 NSW Colony

Heritage-listed Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, was the first government-built convict barracks. Designed by Francis Greenway and opened in 1819, it served as a principal depot for male convicts in New South Wales until 1848 The stamp design also shows the ticket of leave, no. 28/102, issued to William Anson on 16 May 1828. A ticket of leave could be earnt for good behaviour after serving a period of one’s sentence. The design also shows a lithograph of a Sydney convict chain gang, the original artwork by Augustus Earle. $1 Van Dieman’s Land Known as Van Diemen’s Land until 1856, Tasmania was the place of incarceration for around 40 per cent

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

of Australia’s convicts between 1830 and 1877. Around 75,000 convicts had been sent to the colony by the time transportation to Van Diemen’s Land was abolished. The World Heritage– listed Port Arthur is Tasmania’s most recognisable sign of its convict past and the penitentiary is one of its most iconic buildings. Having imported a British penal system, Port Arthur used a regime of forced labour to punish and reform those it incarcerated. The design also features a graphic from a convict love token, thought to relate to John Camplin. The 15-year-old was convicted of stealing a silver watch – for which he received the death penalty, later commuted to life imprisonment – and was transported to Van Diemen’s Land on the Surrey, in September 1818. $3 Swan River Colony

The Convict Establishment, known as Fremantle Prison from 1867, was built in the early 1850s. Between 1852 and 1859, convicts toiled on the construction of a place that would become the site of their imprisonment. It was built using limestone quarried onsite. Close to 10,000 men were held in this prison during the era of transportation; it continued to be used as a place of confinement until 1991. The stamp design also shows a fragment of text from The Wild Goose, a newspaper written by the political prisoners aboard the Hougoumont, the last

convict ship to Australia.

Wild in Tanzania

Reported at the Philatelic Exporter January 2018 Tanzania have issued two new “wildlife in Africa” miniature sheets incorporating the artwork of the granddaughter of prominent British stamp dealer, Allan Grant of Rushstamps. Tjili Grant Wetherill is only 16 and has recently become critically acclaimed after two of her watercolours were exhibited in a major London exhibition. She is also an inspiration to millions of others with cerebral palsy via social media with her give it a go attitude. Tjili was abandoned on a doorstep in Cambodia as a baby, the only survivor of triplets. She was adopted as a baby by the Grant-Wetherills and brought to the UK where she has overcome huge obstacles to achieve all that she has including her success as an artist. Stamp News - 21

Stamps in the News - Globally!

To read more about this remarkable young woman and enjoy her artwork see

What’s cooking in the Philippines? Reported at

The Philippine Postal Corporation has issued new stamps as a tribute to Teresita “Mama Sita” Reyes on the 100th birth anniversary of Philippine’s favourite culinary icon.

The stamps bear the inscription, “Kababayan, Ina, Kusinera” – “compatriot, mother, chef” encapsulating the special affection Filipinos have for Reyes, even after her passing in 1997. Mama Sita was born into culinary aristocracy…literally - in 1936 her parents Doña Engracia “Aling Asiang” Cruz-Reyes and her husband, Justice Alex A. Reyes established the Aristocrat Restaurant in Manila. The pioneering spirit and creativity of Aling Asiang in cooking Filipino food elevated the once lowly and unknown Filipino dishes to well-loved and locally and internationally accepted culinary flavours. Mama Sita built on her parents’ legacy and created her own line of mixes and sauces, aiming to promote Filipino flavours not just in the country but also abroad, especially for ex-patriot Filipinos longing for their native delicacies. Her inspiration came from visiting relations in the US who craved their national dishes but had no access to the ingredients needed to produce the authentic tastes. “Today, Mama Sita’s legacy and influence lives on, bringing the taste of the Philippine cuisine to countless of Filipinos abroad by pioneering the use of special mixes and seasonings to enrich the flavour of Filipino Food,” Postmaster General Joel Otarra said when launching the stamp.

Smart Mailboxes in Finland Reported at

The Finnish postal authority, Posti, is undertaking a three month trial of smart mailboxes using NB-IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things) technology which connects a large number of devices sharing real time information. 22 - Stamp News

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

The trial is in Helsinki and Oulu. If it is successful, the next goal is to turn all 5,000 boxes nationwide into smart letterboxes. “We installed the first sensor just before Christmas, and the results have been promising. Posti’s test group is also able to continuously monitor the use of the letterboxes with mobile phones,” said the Project Coordinator.

Posti aims to achieve significant logistical benefits with the trial. “The management of logistics flows is a crucial issue to us. Posti operates some 3,300 vehicles around Finland, and their daily mileages add up to six times the world’s circumference. Moreover, Posti’s trucks travel a daily distance equal to four and half trips around the world,” said a spokesman. Real-time data is particularly useful to Posti during peak seasons, when smart letterboxes can be emptied according to need. It is also useful in combatting vandalism. Going forward, data from the smart letterbox sensors will be connected directly to Posti’s reporting system with the goal that each mail carrier and driver receives information on a continuous basis and mail movements can be centrally monitored in real time.

Out with the old in New Zealand Reported at

In 2012 New Zealand Post identified that a vast number of its used uniforms – up to 9,000 every year – were still in good condition, but were ending up being used as rags or shredded. They decided to address the problem of what happened to older uniforms by looking for ways to repurpose them. They collaborated with EarthLink Apparel, Booker Spalding and Massey University, and were supported by social enterprise incubator Akina.

Stamp News - 23

Stamps in the News - Globally! There is now a working solution that allows the uniform material to be de-logoed and distributed for re-use into items such as new clothes for children and women’s fashion. In 2015, Earthlink Apparel launched a range of kidswear out of the New Zealand Post and Kiwibank uniforms, while Massey University’s Space Between developed the ‘Fundamentals womenswear range’ manufactured by Earthlink Apparel

In with the new in India Reported at

The Indian government has recently unveiled a new uniform for the Department of Posts personnel, including postmen and multi-tasking staff, which is made of khadi. Khadi is hand-woven natural fibre cloth mainly made out of cotton. It is handspun into yarn on a spinning wheel called a charkha. It has a major

socio-cultural significance in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently said that “khadi is not a cloth but it is a notion. Khadi is connected with the livelihood of the artisan. Khadi for nation, khadi for fashion and now khadi for transformation.” The khaki colour of the uniform for postmen and postwomen will remain the same. The new dress carries the logo of ‘India Post’ on the pocket and the cap, along with red stripes on shoulders and shoulder blade. The women will be given two pairs of salwarkameez. Postmen will be given two pairs of shirts and trousers. The new uniform also replaces the “Gandhi topi” with a p-cap and will help in ending variations in uniforms that postmen purchased from various places. As many as 90,000 postmen and postwomen of India Post will be attired in the new uniform from February 2018.

The new uniform does not appear to have delighted all employees.

24 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - GlenRare Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often -

Australia Special Cancels Coll 19672004. Retail $10,435 for $A1,500!:

One man's lifetime collection - totally IMPOSSIBLE to duplicate today in one group. All lightly pencil identified on reverse of each, with the superb Australian PictorMarks catalogue value, for easy checking of buyer. Doing that took 10 hours of work alone! And the hours to take and load the 100 photos below, so you get a superb idea of what you are buying. Over 1,000 different cancels and covers - 1042 in fact! Many individually scarce pieces here that ALONE would sell for the 3 figures or higher mark as there were limited strikes of those cancel for obscure events and Conferences and gatherings etc. Several $150 cat type pieces as you can see. PictorMarks of course records the number of covers serviced for each cancel issue, in the massive 2 volume set. Total PictorMarks retail value is $10,435. For someone seeking a strong nucleus for a new collection, you cannot go past this. Chasing it up on ebay etc, cover by cover, with 1000 lots of postage, will cost you or $10,000, AND consume 100 hours of YOUR time! Housed in several FDC albums and loose, they are ready made "Instant" collection. OR, because the 10 hours work has been already done noting Pictormark cat value in pencil on reverse of each in erasable 4B pencil, and INSTANT goldmine for any ebay re-seller on a Free Listing Weekend etc. An easy double or treble or quadruple your money prospect on ebay. There are literally a HUNDRED extra photos of them here and full checklist - And for 99% of these, no-one else on the PLANET is offering these same cancels at ANY price. So for Lions Conventions, or Boy Scouts, or Rotary, or Military events, or Royal Events, or so on, you'll have the ONLY one buyable. All of course are official cancels and were made and issued by the PO. Where you see several apparently identical looking covers they are NOT - they will have all 4 dates of an event etc. Condition very good overall - a little minor aging here there as expected on things now up to 50 years old, but all in all, a superb collection to buy in 1 hit, at under 15% of retail! LayBy .. 'layaway' of course is always possible on my pricier lots. You will NEVER see these offered again, at any price. $A1,500 (Stock 948NJ)

Roo 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo FIRST Watermark, super attractive MVLH:

A wildly under-rated stamp - 20 times scarcer than the 2/- Brown Third Wmk in MINT, despite their similar retail. ACSC 35a in $650 in cheapest shade. FAR, FAR, Better than usual perfs and centering for this “terror” issue, as you can see - impossible to improve on. Deep rich strong colour, and crisp proof-like impression. SG 13, and most you see are TOTALLY stuffed and terrible centered, with short and/or ripped out perfs etc. Mint super light hinge touch, with no hinge remains - almost MUH. INCREDIBLY fresh and flat and bright for these. A really lovely stamp for what condition one usually sees, yet at $225 UNDER the cat value for average grade! Bought well today, so out it goes - $A425 (Stock 593AJ)

Hong Kong - 340 x MUH 1997 Mini Sheets for just $A200!

Bizarre lot from a now deceased buyer who paid Max Stern $1,500 for these according to his invoice! Bought cheap - to sell cheap. For anyone who wants to pop something away in the bottom drawer, you could do a lot worse .. the massive interest and resurgence of stamp buying and interest from CHINA (now in charge of Hong Kong) could see these do very well one day - see: snapril10.html $A200 (Stock 465KA) Order via: All Cards accepted with ZERO fee - even Amex! Bank Deposit fine, or Money Orders. PayPal is accepted in ANY major currency, saving you fees - contact me first. LayBys/Layaways always OK with me!


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

Postal Stationery Welcome to the postal stationery column for March 2018. This month’s column looks at the new international reply coupon (IRC), the 150th anniversary of the first Swiss stamped envelopes and variations in the current definitive prepaid envelopes.

New UPU International Reply Coupon

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has released a new design for its InFigure 2 'Istanbul' International ReplyCoupon issued 2017 ternational Reply Coupon (IRC). UPU’s 191 member countries, and their territories, IRCs are exchangeable in every UPU member are required to exchange them. country for one or more adhesive postage stamps Each IRC design is, by tradition, named after the representing the minimum postage for an ordinary city which hosted the UPU Congress at which the priority letter-post item or an ordinary airmail letter design is chosen. sent abroad for the reply. Some 2.2 million reply The previous design of the IRC, known as the coupons are sold each year by 121 postal adminis‘Doha’ design after the UPU Congress at Doha in trations. While not all countries sell IRCs, all of the 2012 (Figure 1), was designed by Michal Sinde-

Figure 1 'Doha' International Reply Coupon issued 2013 26 - Stamp News

lar and reflected the theme ‘Water for Life’, chosen in line with the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation in 2013. … IRCs of this design were first introduced by the UPU from 1 July 2013 and were intended for sale until 31 August 2017 and valid for exchange until 31 December 2017. The new IRC, known as the ‘Istanbul’ IRC, was released by the UPU to allow sales by member countries from 1 July 2017 and will be valid until the end of 2021. The design (Figure 2) by Nguyen Du, was selected

Ian McMahon some commemorative inscriptions. In some countries, the flag of the country of sale is printed on the IRC but this is not the case for IRCs sold in Australia.

150th Anniversary of the First Swiss Postal Stationery

Figure 4 1907 'Rome' International Reply Coupon

2017 was the 150th anniversary of the ‘Tübli’ stamped envelopes of Switzerland, Switzerland’s first postal stationery. The stamped envelopes were first issued on 1 July 1867 and the 150th anniversary was commemorated by Switzerland by an adhesive stamp issue comprising a single stamp and miniature sheet (Figure 5). The miniature sheet shows one of the few known first day covers of the envelopes and depicts all four values of the first issue of the envelopes in a fan arrangement.

as part of the UPU’s IRC design competition held during the 26th Universal Postal Congress in Istanbul in 2016. It features a dove and welcoming hands against an Arctic backdrop, representing the sustainable development of the postal sector. The image of the vibrant yellow stamp against the blue background is meant to represent the postal sector’s exciting prospects. Martin Walker has reported that the new ‘Istanbul’ design IRC has been reported as available at some post offices in Melbourne and Adelaide from 19 January 2018. The cost of the IRCs in Australia is $3.75. IRCs were first introduced by the UPU in 1907. Martin reports that Australia has been supplied with a special commemorative IRC for the 110th anniversary of the first IRC (Figure 3). This is the ‘Istanbul design’ with a tiny illustration of the 1907 IRC, known as the ‘Rome’ design Figure 3 Commemorative International ReplyCoupon (IRC) for the 110th (Figure 4), on the front and Anniversary of UPU IRCs

Stamp News - 27

Postal Stationery Variation in “Terra Australis” Postage Prepaid Envelopes

Mark Diserio reports in the February 2018 issue of the Postal Stationery Collector (Journal of the Postal Stationery Society of Australia) on variation in the current definitive postage prepaid envelopes (PPEs), the ‘Terra Australis’ issue (Figure 6). The variations occur as many of the DL, DL (window) and C5 envelopes have a date, such as ‘Nov 2015’ printed in

Figure 5 Miniature Sheet Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the First Swiss Postal Stationery the middle of the lower sealing flap (Figure 7). Dates reported so far include Nov 1015, March 2016, Feb 2017 or no date (DL window), Nov 2015, Aug 2016, Oct 2016, Feb 2017, Nov 2017 or no date (DL), Oct 2015, Nov 2015, Jun 2016, Aug 2016, Nov Figure 6 Terra Australis Postage Prepaid Envelope (PPE) Figure 7 Terra Australia PPE With Date ('March 2016') On Lower Sealing Flap Figure 8 Terra Australia PPE showing numbers '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' on Lower Sealing Flap

28 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon

Figure 9 Registered Canada King Edward VII1c Green Postcard

tion (2013), incorporating a number of corrections and new discoveries. In particular, the Postal Cards up to 1936 have been extensively revised, and there are many additions to the listing of Lettercards. The decimal stationery produced by the [Australian] Note Printing Branch is included for the first time. All prices have been All prices have been fully updated. In full colour, 484 A4

2017 or no date. In addition, many, but not all, of the envelopes have the numbers ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10’ printed on the reverse of the lower sealing flap (Figure 8).

Registered Canada 1c King Edward VII Postcard

The registration of postcards is relatively uncommon but does occur. The King Edward VII 1c green postcard (Figure 9) was sent registered from Regina, Saskatchewan Canada on Dec 5 1908 to Aberdeen Scotland. A 7c adhesive stamp was added. The postcard rate to UPU countries was 2c and the registration fee 5c so that the postcard appears to be 1c overpaid, presumably so that the sender could use the 7c Quebec Tercentenary adhesive stamp which he states ‘are getting very scarce’. The personal message advises that the sender was asked ‘to stay on at the Bank but refused to do so’. He goes on to say that he expects to ‘get started in Govt offices about 16th’.

Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue: Postal Stationery including Australian Territories Second Edition 2018

This new edition (Figure 10) updates the first edi-

Figure 10 Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue: Postal Stationery (2nd Edition) Stamp News - 29

Postal Stationery pages, perfect bound. Price AU $230, plus postage. Email: Internet: www.

Books on Mexico and Italian Postal Stationery

A new catalogue (Figure 11) on the Postal Stationery of Mexico was published in 2017. The book, Postal Postal Stationery Society of Stationery of Mexico, is edited by Peter Bamert, Wayne Menuz, & Bill Walton. The Catalogue, Australia Meetings: Canberra published by the United Postal Stationery SociStampshow 2018 and Newcastle ety [USA], provides comprehensive listings of the Stamp & Coin Expo 2018 postal stationery of Mexico. Special listings include The Postal Stationery Society of Australia (PSSA) formular cards, essays, airmails, revolutionary overwill take place at 12 pm on Sunday 18 March prints, PTPO stationery, imitation and other private 2018 at Canberra Stampshow 2018, a half-national cards, and the stationery of the express companies exhibition which will be held at the Hellenic Club, operating in Mexico Woden from 16-18 March 2018. Everyone interestFor collectors of Italian postal stationery, the ed in postal stationery is welcome to attend. More Catalogue, INTERITALIA, Manuale Catalogo information on the exhibition can be found at www. Specializzato Degli Interi Postali dell’area Italiana [Italian Postal Stationery Specialized Catalogue] by The Society will also meet at the Newcastle Franco Filanci, Carlo Sopracor­devole, and DoStamp & Coin Expo 2018, 25-27 May 2018. The menico Tagliente, is the standard reference work. meeting is planned for 11am on Sunday 27 May. For The latest edition was published in 2016 by Laser further information about Newcastle 2018 contact Invest, Mantova, Italy. Listings in the 2016 edition Secretary Greg Laidler at, included the Venetian AQs letter-sheets of the 1600s or look at the Newcastle Philatelic Society website which remained in use for almost 200 years, be tween 1608 and the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 and the Cavallini of the Kingdom of Sardinia and the stationery issued by Postal Stationery Austria in the 1860s for its Class at The territories in the Venetian Armistice Stamp region as well as tables of Italian postal rates between Show 2018, 1874 and 2000. Besides Dunedin Italy itself, the Italian States, The next postal stationery Trento, Trieste, Dalmatia, competition for Australian the Aegean Islands, Venezia and New Zealand exhibiGiulia, Lubiana the Dalmators will be at the Armistice tian provinces occupied in Stamp Show 2018, a ‘Full’ 1941, the Italian Post OfficNational Exhibition to be es Abroad (Albania, Epirus, held from 9-11 November Turkey, China, Egypt, Crete, 2018 in Dunedin. More Tripolitania, Tunisia), the information on the ExhibiItalian Colonies, Albania tion can be found at http:// 1939-1943, Corfu 1943, www.armisticestampshow. Montenegro 1941-1943, San com/the-show or from the Marino, Vatican City, and Australian Commissioner, the Sovereign Military Order Ian McMahon Email ian. of Malta are also covered. Figure 11 Postal Stationery of Mexico 30 - Stamp News


Worldwide stamps from the extraordinary to the every day; from a few dollars to a few thousands. MNH = mint, never-hinged. Note: an asterisk (*) before a dollar sign means that only ONE of the item is available. Postage extra on ALL offers. Buy more,pay less!

Collection of 50 all different PNCs at less than HALF P.O. issue price

A lovely lot of 50 postal numismatic (stamps + coins or medallions) covers issued by Australia Post, between 2008 and 2016. Some very scarce items included, such as the set of 7 2008 London Olympic Gold Medallist PNCs of which only 1000 exist! Total original Australia Post cost was over $860! Inventory available upon request. You pay only .........................$425

Ross Dependency 1967 4 short-lived first decimals MNH, a quarter retail

This issue, based on the same four designs for the original 1957 set, wasn’t around for long, being replaced with new designs and denominations just 4½ years later. Kiwi retail is NZ$100 a set! My price is less than ¼ of that. The 7 cent in these sets is notorious for bad centring! Pay just .....$22

New Zealand Post EMPTY year albums - the first 10 years’ worth!

Repeat, EMPTY albums, ready for you to fill up again! Ten of them - beautifully written-up, designed and printed, all with hingeless mounts for the years 1984 through 1993. Each comes with a sturdy matching slipcase for protection of the contents. Cheap storage (less than $5 each) and classy display. Pay me only .......... *$45

Collection of 10 different Aussie Post maximum card sets at less than HALF Post Office issue price

A very pretty lot, issued by Australia Post, between 2004 and 2014. That’s 10 sets, with a total original Australia Post cost of over $70 My price, less than half .........$33

Seven Seas Stamps Hingeless Pages in three volumes, years 1987-2010

That’s 24 years and 100s of pages beautifuly described and illustrated, with best quality hingeless mounts in place, ready to accommodate and protect your collection, including both gummed and self-adhesive examples. All housed in three brand new green binders and matching slipcases. RRP is MANY $100s for these three volumes! From me, pay just ... *$295

New Zealand Health miniature sheets: the first 10 years (1957-66)

Valuable and pristine collection including BOTH watermarks of the 1957 issue PLUS the popular Bird stamp issues of 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965 and 1966 - 22 MNH miniature sheets in all! All of these issues came out before decimal currency, in 1967. Now of course, Health stamps sadly are no more in New Zealand. Kiwi retail is $590! But don’t despair, pay me much less than half, just ...............$225

Fabulous vintage 1939 New York World’s Fair poster stamp sheet of 54! Beautifully designed and printed to celebrate this mega event, it’s euphoric opening dulled by the outbreak of World War II. Exquisite designs, with original gum - and NEVER folded. (Most were folded and sold in small envelopes to Fair visitors.) I obtained a small stock of these in PERFECT condition from a New York estate recently. They sell for up to US$60, $70, $80 a sheet in the States! And far more elsewhere. I pack carefully and ship these in a sturdy mailing tube for protection. The full sheet is a MASSIVE 38x38cm - two of the poster stamps are pictured above, reduced for your viewing pleasure! For you, from me, just ...........$29 or buy four for only .............................$99

other offers from stock - postage extra on all BELOW unless stated otherwise Scarce Asia mini sheets - all MNH India 1974 Masks, SG MS711 (£20 - retailing US$40+) ...... A$32 Indonesia 1988 WWF Orangutan pair, SG MS1924 (£275) ........ $145 Philippines 1959 10th World Scout Jamboree, SG MS829 (£25) .... $15 1976 American Revolution, MS1413 (£ 7.25) .............. $4 1977 Amphilex 77 Amsterdam, MS1432 (£20) ........... $12 1977 Espamer 77 Barcelona, MS1444 (£27) .............. $16 1981 Papal Visit, John Paul II, MS1648 (£11.50) ......... $6 1984 Ausipex 84 Melbourne, MS1845 (£50) ...........$29 2004 World Stamp Champs, MS3676v* (£6.25) ......... $5 *footnoted by SG, value is for MS without overprint ONE of each as listed (7), SG catalogue £127, just .....$75

Collect New Zealand? I can supply it all - IF I don’t have it, I DO have excellent sources and will get it for you.

Collect Cinderella stamps? I have a diverse and eclectic stock; ask for my list - or for your specific wants.

Bill Hornadge’s Cinderella Stamp Price Lists - 800+ pages on CD

10+ years worth of fascinating and PLUS post $3 Australia, $9 overseas air mail - Registered extra information-packed lists with prices, MasterCard | Visa | American Express | PayPal all welcome compiled between 1990 and 2000 by Ask to join my FREE mailing list: it’s sent by post OR email one man who perhaps did more than Coming up: British Empire KGV Definitive sets • China any other to popularise Cinderellas. • Trains • Birds • Topical proofs • Errors on stamps • Hungary • Solomon Islands ... and much, much MORE

stamps4collectors sn0318_stamps4collectors_fullpage.indd 1

$18 + post $3 Australia, $9 overseas

or email

Finest German or Dutch quality Great $AVINGS on $TOCKBOOK$ 16B - 16 BLACK pages (sides), gold embossed front & spine, 9 strips per page, double cristal interleaving, A4 ................$16 64W - 64 WHITE pages (sides), gold embossed front & spine, 10 glassine strips per page, double glassine interleaving, A4 .....$32 All post extra - please enquire It’s often cheaper to mail your stockbook order in prepaid satchels - but that means NO stamps on your package. It’s YOUR choice!

PO Box 9888, Harris Park NSW 2150, Australia Phone: 0410 578 876 11/1/18 5:45:47 PM

Looking at New Zealand Health Stamps 1929 & 1930

In 1926, Mrs Kirstine Nielsen, a Danish immigrant living in Norsewood, suggested to the Postmaster-General that seals could be sold for sticking on Christmas mail, as was done in Denmark. The proceeds from the seals could be contributed to healthbased charities. The idea was approved in principle but it was decided to instead follow the Swiss practice of issuing a special stamp with a surcharge for charity. Before the idea could be implemented, the Finance Act had to be amended to validate the sale of a stamp for an amount greater than its postage value. The first Health Stamp, as they came to be known, was issued on 11 December 1929. At the suggestion of the Health Department, the proceeds of the 1929 surcharge were applied to the Children’s Health Camps, at that time run by a variety of local organisations. It was not the original intention that the Camps would be the sole beneficiaries of monies raised by the annual stamp issue but in practice that was what happened. The founding of the National Federation of Health Camps in 1936 was intended in part to coordinate the distribution of the

32 - Stamp News

stamp sales proceeds, rather than have local associations making competing applications to the Health Department. The vignette of the nurse on the 1929 Health Stamp was designed by L C (Leonard Cornwall) Mitchell (pictured nearby) who at that time was working in the Advertising Department of the New Zealand Railways. His attractive poster stamps of New Zealand scenery produced for the Railways are still collected today. This was his first involvement with postage stamp design and he went on to design over 90 of New Zealand’s stamps before his death in 1972. The remainder of the stamp design was produced by staff of the Government Printing Office, particularly S Davis. The nurse was pictured wearing the insignia of the New Zealand Registered Nurses’ Association. The date ‘1929’ was below, on either side of the Cross of Lorraine, the symbol of the International Anti-Tuberculosis Societies. The slogan beneath the vignette reading ‘Help stamp out tuberculosis’ provoked some controversy as it was seen by some as a pun on the word

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 Buy now at the listed price or bid a lower figure. Bids will be considered close of business 31 March 2018 Bids accepted by phone, mail or email. Provided the item has not sold at the full price, bids at 70% to 80% will have a good chance of success; 60% - 69% will have a reasonable chance of success. Bids below 60% will have minimal chance of success. Bid for as many alternatives as you wish, but please put a dollar cap on your total spending, and we will allocate lots according to what is available. Orders at full price above $500 are post free within Australia. Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request. Most smaller lots are also available on Ebay, post free to Australia. Our store is 21st-century-auctions. Please visit

Collections & Lots CF26) Australian States. Old tyme accumulation on ancient stock pages & stockcards. Comprises good showings of Qld, Vic, SA & WA. Little NSW and no Tas. Also some QV Great Britain, not counted. Noted values to One Shilling. Great for Postmarks, Perfs, varieties etc, as appear unchecked. Obviously duplication here, but a great lot for study. Looks like 700 – 750 stamps here. Priced well at about 70c per stamp. $495 the lot. CF27) Canada Mint unhinged collection of minisheets, sheetlets and se-tenant strips 1995 – 2000 on 17 as new British Made Hagners in Black 3 ring binder. Face of stamps around C$70 plus Hagners & binder worth around $50 new. Brilliant offering with loads of good thematics for under face of the stamps alone. $69 the lot. CF28) World Cup Soccer 2004 – 2010 Worldwide collection in 2 as new black 3 ring binders and on 114 as new British Made Hagner pages. 133 minisheets and sheetlets all superb mint unhinged. Huge face value/catalogue/retail. The Hagners and binders alone cost over $275 new. Superb value at just $595 the lot. CF29) Olympics, Worldwide collection of sheetlets and minisheets 1968 – 2012, but mainly 2008 & 2012, plus some Winter events. Superb mint unhinged lot in near new black 3 ring binder and on 59 British made Hagner sheets. These alone cost $125 plus. There are 70 items in all with very big retail/catalogue/face. Great lot for just $295 CF30) Worldwide dealer remnants on 64 x 2 strip stockcards. Includes mint used, early to modern with some early imperfs, full sets etc. Very varied lot with some duplication. Deceased dealer used to sell at $2 to $5 a card. Out they go at under $1 a card, $59 the lot. CF31) Old Tyme peg fitting album, secured with wing nuts! Contains mainly Australia and Commonwealth 1800’s to about 1965. Few better Australia noted inc. 1/- Anzac & 1/- SA Centenary, 6d AIF mint & used, plus a few other useful commems to 2/3d etc. Christmas Is. 1958 QEII set to $1 cto, Norfolk Is. 1947 Ball Bays to 2/- mint (no 2d) Sarawak KGVI ovpts. mint to 50c, useful early NZ etc. Few 100s, price $52.50 CF32) World better than average collection in 3 old springback albums, inc. a Gibbons “Favourite” album. From very early to mid 1960’s not touched for well over 50 years it seems, and belonged to the now deceased father of the family who sold it to us. Noted very good Austria, China, French Colonies, Germany, Russia etc. Must be near 10,000 stamps. Great value at about 6c a stamp, price $595 CF33) Czechoslovakia collection on Hagner pages in Blue 3 ring binder. From Early imperfs to about 1956, inc. mint & used, blocks of 4, minisheets, Hitler Heads, Military stamps etc. Lovely clean lot, looks like about 1250 stamps. Very cheap for such a fine lot. Price $149

CF34) Netherlands Collection, early to modern in Red 3 ring Binder on Hagner pages and in packet. Mint & used with many complete sets. Looks like about 1500 largely all different on the Hagners, did not check the packet. Price $149 CF35) GB 2009 – 2013, Mint Unhinged sheetlets and se-tenant strips, Smilers sheets etc. in Red 3 ring binder on as new Hagner Pages. Very attractive lot, face value around 75 pounds. 14 items. Priced well under face, and the Hagners are free. $98 CF36) GB Machins and Regionals accumulation used in 2 large stockbooks organised by type and value to 5 pounds. Looks like about 3500 stamps. Ideal for varieties, postmarks & the like. At under 3c per stamp this has to be great value. Price $98 CF37) Worldwide collection/accumulation in 3 large stockbooks. Wide range of countries and periods with some duplication. Better than the usual run of the mill, and some unusual stuff in here early to modern, with much well over 100 years old. Noted some nice early India, USA pre-cancels, complete mint sets etc. About 3500. Very good value at $149 the lot. CF38) GB 1840’s top recent mint 7 used in Green Lighthouse Stockbook and on Hagners in blue binder. Early stuff is priced somewhat optimistically by part – time dealer, but includes useful. 1840 1d Imperfs, Includes 6d QV no corner letters, 3d & 6d QV Overprints, mint KGV to 4d, KGVI Square High Values set of 6 complete used, Duplicated QEII High Values to 10 pounds, recent High Value Commems, etc. Duplication in places, some quite heavy, but a very worthwhile lot. 2000 plus stamps for $249 CF39) World array, early to modern, mint & used in Lighthouse as new Maroon 60 black page padded stockbook, cost $60, plus smaller Green Lighthouse stockbook and red Warwick 22 ring album. Noted good Spain & Colonies, reasonable NZ, plus a wide spread of other countries, 20 – 30 of most. Good value lot at $119 CF40) Massive Australia Decimal used stock in 64 page Blue Lighthouse Padded Stockbook, 1966 – 2008. Organised chronologically. 100s if not 1000s of complete sets here. Noted 1966 Navigators complete to $4 x 13, 35c 1972 Olympics x 10, 35c 1972 Xmas x 5, 1973 National Development set x 5 plus may extras of 20c, 25c & 30c, $4 Painting x 10 etc. Really too much to count, so am guessing 9000 t 10,000 stamps total in this BULGING stockbook. At around 5c per stamp this has to be a steal for someone! Price $475 CF41) World Array of mostly modern, with many, many mint unhinged Sheetlets & Minisheets. Much in better countries like Jersey, Liechtenstein, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Israel, Vietnam, Sudan, Monaco, Germany, Mauritius etc. All in Red & Black binders on 57 Hagners pages, as new, cost $1.75 each. Must be around 1500 stamps. A really great lot! Price $249 CMD8) Hungary 1874 – 1975. Mainly used collection on leaves in Brown Seven Seas binder. 789 stamps appear all different. Very good lot in nice condition. Price $79 CMD9) China on Foolscap leaves, in Manilla folder. Commences 1898 through to 1981 plus some Provinces, Formosa etc. at back. Some very good items here. Noted SG 2343 used, cat 50 pounds. 800 plus stamps mostly different, a bargain at $395 CMD18) Worldwide Collection/accumulation ex. deceased estate on stack of 206 as new Hagner type stock pages. Mostly 5/6/7 strip. I would estimate around 2500 – 3000 stamps, early to modern, mostly postally used. Many nice pickings here, noticed Great Britain 2/6d KGV Seahorses, KGVI to One Pound and QV to 2/6d. Strength in the larger countries, but smatterings of smaller states and islands too. Yours for the new Hagner cost of $1.75 each…the stamps come free! $359 the lot. CMD21) Falkland Is. & Dependencies. About 90 complete fine used (cto) sets 1935 – 1990’s on a stack of near new Hagner pages. Commences 1935 Jubilee, then 1949 UPU plus most sets complete with several long definitive sets. Huge retail/ catalogue value. Priced to clear at under $4 a set. $359 the lot. CMN4) Christmas Island First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1970 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CMN5) Cocos (Keeling) Island First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1970 – 2000. 50 different for $89

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 CMN6) Nauru First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1970 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CMN7) Norfolk Is. First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1970 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CMN8) Papua New Guinea First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1967 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CMS5) Nauru 1954 – 1990 Complete Mint Unhinged Collection in as new Black Seven Seas hingeless album. Album cost $280, plus retail of stamps is $390, a total value of $670 for $329 CMS10) Australia 1914 – 2004 Two Lighthouse Red Padded Hingeless Albums, with slipcases, absolutely as new, (no KGV or Kangaroos pages) Contains a modest mint & used collection which is virtually complete 1937 – 1980. Noted Robes set, 5/- Cattle White paper, Decimal Navigators, Cook minisheet etc. Volume, 2 1981 – 2004 is empty. Albums cost new $1950! selling at One Third of the new album cost, the stamps which would be worth $250 or so come free! Price $645 CMS11) Papua New Guinea 1952 – 1986 Collection/accumulation of mint & used sets in older Green 16 page stockbook. Noted One Pound Fisherman, Headdresses & Corals definitives, plus about 110 commem. sets, many are mint unhinged. Some light duplication. Bargain at around $2 a set, price $229 CMS12) New Zealand 1874 – 2005 used collection/accumulation in as new Lion Brand Green 64 page stockbook. Well organised and identified by SG No. Noted Queen Victoria to 1/-, good ranges or early Health issues, QEII on Horseback nice fine used 10/- Blue, pre-decimal defins. to One Pound Geyser, pretty comprehensive in decimals with $5 & $10 birds x 3 of each. $20 Mt. Cook x 2, one is cto with gum. Most sets are there plus multi-stamp booklet panes, Internationals etc. Mostly very fine, with some duplication in the earlier period. Retail is close to $900 plus a $60 stockbook, excluding the duplicated lower values. Very good value at a third, $319. CMS16) Great Britain 1981 – 1984 Benham Silk covers in huge Dark Blue Ring Binder, alone worth $75 new. 160 different covers plus some extras. These sell at $4 - $5 each on Ebay. A huge Ebay value here of $700 plus the album…nice lot, possibly suitable for re-sellers. My price under a half, $349 CMS19) Fiji 1970 – 1999 mint unhinged collection in as new Lighthouse brown padded hingeless album. 130 complete sets/minisheets with a retail value of $895, plus a few extras, plus the album which cost approx $300. $1195 value here for way under half price….$549 the lot. CMS20) West Germany 1960 – 1986, virtually complete mint unhinged in as new $350 Lighthouse Dark Blue Padded Springback Hingeless Album. 26 years of stamps with HUGE retail/catalogue value for just $25 a year, the album included. Price $649 CMS22) As above, but West Berlin, 1960 – 1990 Complete mint unhinged, no album. Price $745 CMS23) Vietnam, 1945 – 1991 mint, used & cto on album leaves and in packet. Stated to be 1670 all different with a cat. in excess of £800. Nice clean lot, very good value at 100 diff. Vietnam is $30 on my packets list, so this is good value at $449 CA1) Sir Winston Churchill. Magnificent collection Mint Unhinged in 2 peg fitting albums. Commences with a signature on piece of his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, this alone worth $100 plus. Then stamps from1946 – 1974 including the 1966 and 1974 Omnibus issues, plus masses of extras. I counted over 200 sets and minisheets. The 1966 Omnibus alone is cat. at £275. Amazingly well written up in black ink, with hand drawn maps etc, exceptionally neat and tidy. Wonderful lot! Price $595 CA6) Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Complete Mint Unhinged Collection 1963 – 1999 in Seven Seas Dark Brown Hingeless Padded Album with slipcase in as new condition. Includes the scarce overprints, except for the cto Coconut, which does not exist in mint. This could be supplied at an extra cost. Retail of the stamps is $800 plus and album would cost around $195 new. A total value of $995. Very well priced at $510 CA10) Australia 1914 – 1965 Complete Mint Unhinged Pre-Decimal Collection (No KGV Heads of Kangaroos) excepting the 5/- Harbour Bridge which is lightly hinged.

(Unhinged could be supplied at an additional cost) Housed in as new Seven Seas Deep Red Padded Hingeless Album, with pages also for the KGV and Kangaroos, value $165. Retail value of the stamps is $4835, plus the value of the album, a total of $5000. Includes 3d Kookaburra Minisheet, all high value definitives Robes thick and thin paper, 5/- Cattle White Paper, Navigators set of 8, etc, etc. Excellent value at $2995 the lot. CA11) Singapore. Excellent collection mint and used KGVI – 2009 with a very high degree of completeness. KGVI has SG 1-15 and 16 -30 mint and used, 1948 Wedding pair mint, 1949 UPU mint & used etc., from QEII appears mint unhinged plus used of each in most cases. A great lot housed in around 75 as new Hagners and Black Padded Binder with Slipcase. Retail of these alone is $175! Just the better items have been catalogued, and these come to £1520, plus there is heaps not added into the total. Retail would be very high, in the order of $1650 - $1750. These lots rarely come along…great value at $995 the lot. CA12) Norway 1855 – 1995 Used Collection in Davo Illustrated Album. Good range of Officials, Dues etc. SG Cat. in 2014 was £3500 plus. Includes a passable SG1 and is near complete 1938 – 1993. Norway collections are rarely available here in Australia. Album cost would be around $300 new. Very well priced at below 25% cat. Price $1549 CA15) Great Britain 1840 – 2011 in massive stack of around 100 as new Hagner pages in binder cost alone here $175. Commences 1840 1d black, plate 4, lettered G.B.! Nice clean example with neat red Maltese Cross cancel, then 1841 1d Red - Brown and 2d Blue. Other Queen Victoria to and KEVII to 2/6d (3) KGV with Seahorses to 10/-, and KGVI to One Pound (2) QEII is largely complete with much being mint unhinged, the face value of the decimal is close to 100 pounds. Lovely lot, with little duplication. Condition in the earlies a bit mixed but overall a very nice lot. About 3000 stamps. Great value at around 25c per stamp. $749 the lot. CA16) NWPI KGV, New Guinea and Papua Lakatois , mint & used collection on Minkus Pages in Blue Minkus Binder. Contains KGV to 5d, Dated Birds OS complete to 5/- Mint, Undated Birds complete the One Pound and a couple of low values are fine used, otherwise mint, Undated Birds Airmails complete mint to 2/-, top three values to One Pound are fine used. Lakatois, 1907 to 6d mint or fine used, Small Papua to 6d mint, 1910 Large Papua Mint complete to 2/6d, Monocolours mint & used mixed complete, 1917 – 31 Bi-colours mint & used mixed to 5/-, OS Overprints mint complete to 2/6d, etc. etc. Condition of this lot is very fresh, much better than is usually seen. Many of the mint are marginal or corner examples. 2004 Retail approx. $1725, must be at least 50% more today so say $2500. My price a very reasonable $1250. CMJ16) France 1849 – 1989 Collection in 2 x Davo Hingeless Albums in very good condition. Albums alone cost $600 new. Used from 1849 – 1935, then mostly mint unhinged from 1950. Best stamp is SG 4, 15c Ceres, near 4 margins cat. £1,200. Very clean lot. Collection is around 95% complete and Gibbons Cat. Around £7800. This is a steal for someone at 25%. $3450 CMJ18) Australia Collection of 1500 different used, plus 125 different pre-decimal used, plus pair of quality tweezers and perf. gauge, and a brand new 64 black page padded Ka-Be stockbook. All for $189! CMJ22) Luscious leftovers! Stuff we do not know what to do with. May contain any or all of the following: Small collections not large enough to offer individually, packets and loose both on and off paper, complete sets and minisheets mint unhinged, covers both philatelic and commercial, some form our own incoming mail, Post Office Packs, stockbooks of stamps early to modern. Ask for Australia only or all World. 5kg for $139, 10kg for $259, 20kg for $495 CMY18) New Zealand 1981 – 1998 in 2 x 22 padded ring albums, a stack of Album Pages, and in a blue ring binder plus Lighthouse 48 page green stockbook. Mostly a mint unhinged and used set of each. Many Hundreds of sets! Huge retail/Catalogue value. Price $779. REDUCED, NOW ONLY $585 CF10) Australia or Worldwide, your choice. Mishmash of stamps, covers, post office

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 packs, recent incoming mail from overseas etc, booklets, complete mint unhinged sets, minisheets etc. You name it, it may well be here! 1kg lot for $95, 2kg for $179, 5kg for $425, 10kg for $795. Massive 20kg lot for $1495

Packets and mixtures PM61) British Empire 1800s - 1952, with a small % of later issues. All off paper, with some better values, great variety here and loads of research material for postmarks, watermarks, perfs. etc. Bag of about 1000 for $145, trial lot of 500 for $79. Larger lots available, please ask. PM60) Poland all different in Glassine Envelope. Early to modern, large & small Looks like 1000 stamps. Cheap at $45 the lot. CF16) South Africa Mission Mix on single well-trimmed paper. Latest shipment from our suppliers overseas. Very cheap as mixes go these days, 500g for $49, 1kg for $89, and 2kg for $159 CF17) Latest World on paper mixes to arrive in our office. Mostly on close clipped single paper, with wide variety early to modern, and with very high count. a) Mission Mix, as donated to a UK TV Appeal 500g for $69, 1kg for $129, 2kg for $245, 5kg for $579 b) Super Mission, with 50% of the regular stuff and 50% large only. 500g for $98, 1kg for $195, 2kg for $369, 5kg for $879 c) Virtually all Large, great mix from near & far, you will love this! We do not get much of this mix. 500g for $144, 1kg for $274, 2kg for $519 PM16) Turkey, massive lot of 1000 Different with many scarcer and higher values, price $189 PM17) Denmark, 1000 different many better and larger types. $69 PM21) Ireland, latest mission mix on paper to arrive here in Australia. 500g $49, 1kg $89. PM23) 1000 Different Austria, covering all periods. Lovely collection of pretty well all postally used. 500 different is on my packets list at $130, so this lot which has many more higher values and variety is good value at $259 PM24) Australia, with recent and latest, values to $1 Commems/Large on single close clipped paper. Very held around 5000 to the kg. Price $17.50 per 100g, $41.50 per 250g, $79 per 500g, $149 per kg, and 2kg for $289 PM30) Older Australia off paper lot sold as received. This is an all new lot, sold as received by us, and totally unchecked for watermarks, perforations, shades, varieties etc. Pack A) 50 Kangaroos, 75 KGV Heads, 75 Australian States, values to 5/- Price under $1 per stamp $195 Pack B) 200 Kangaroos values to 10/-, under $2 per stamp price $395 Pack C) 200 KGV Heads, values to 1/4d, well under $1 per stamp, price $179 Pack D) 200 Australian States, values to 9d or 1/-, well under $1 per stamp, price $179 Pack E) One of each of packs B, C & D, special price $675 PM31) Australia magnificent off paper mixture, all periods included with some very modern, but mainly decimal. 1500 – 2000 different represented in this entire mixture. There may be a few Kangaroos, KGV Heads and States stamps here too. Guaranteed 10% are better values and High Value Commemoratives, denominations up to $10 or $20. Priced at around only 2c per stamp, roughly 12,500 – 15,000 to the kilogram. 100g for $29.50, 250g for $69, 500g for $129, 1kg for $249 PM32) Similar to the above, but High Values Only, mainly decimal, Commems. And Defins. All above letter rate at time of issue. Very good value at around 10c each. 100g for $149, 250g for $349. Very limited supply. PM40) Just arrived from retired collector/hoarder. Mass of World off paper, better than usual mixture. This man belonged to several clubs and used to produce circuit sheets. This is his remaining material which he had not gotten around to putting on sheets. Really could be anything in here, early to modern, just about every country

represented. We have just 5kg of this mix, and there would be 15 – 20,000 stamps per kg. Sample lot of 100g for $39, 250g for $89, 500g for $169, 1kg for $295. PM41) Spain off paper mix, mostly Franco & King Carlos definitives going back to the 1930s. Nice lot for the postmark or variety seeker, and very cheap. 15 – 20,000 to the kg. 100g for $19.95, 250g for $44, 500g for $79, 1kg for $149. Superb Commonwealth of Australia Postmaster General’s Dept. UPU Presentation Folders. We have a number of different ones of these, here is the description for one of them. BD771) Green Booklet, issued 1932 with ranges of KGV Heads, Kangaroos & Definitives cto, plus Specimen C of A Kangaroos mint unhinged. Highlights include 5/- Harbour Bridge, 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 10/- Analine 3rd wmk Kangaroo, perf OS, etc, etc. All fresh never hinged. 65 stamps. Price $2950

Australia Kangaroos PM30F) 100 mixed Kangaroos, unpicked for watermarks, postmarks, varieties or shades. Values to 2/-, great value at under $2 per stamp. Not all are perfect but you will find some nice stamps. Price $195 PM30G) As above but 200 stamps, values to 5/-, price $395 PM30H) As above but 400 stamps values to 10/-, price $895 K336) Australia 1913 1st wmk. Kangaroos Halfpenny – 1/- cto. Basic set of 10 values the 1/- being Inverted Wmk. Nice clean set, mainly without gum. Minimum Cat. $830, cheaply priced at $395 K248) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo Die II, Prominent KISSPRINT. Fine used perf OS with light machine cancel. Supplied with normal for comparison for. The Double print (Kissprint) is only listed as Die IIA at $6500 for used in ACSC. Price $2950 K86) Australia 1913 2d Grey 1st wmk Kangaroo Fresh Mint Unhinged, Centred to right, good perfs. Cat. $300, price. $119 K88) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo, mint very fresh light hinge, almost imperceptible. Centred to top right with good perfs. ACSC 15B, cat $2000 excellent price $595 K353) Australia 1913 4d Orange Yellow Kangaroo mint lightly hinged. Well centred and fresh with full perfs. ACSC 15E, supplied with Drury 2017 cert. very hard shade to obtain. Cat. $1500, price $1195 K14) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, superb mint unhinged. Well centred and good perfs. Brilliant stamp hard to better! From top of sheet and showing borderline above watermark. Cat. $650. Price $595 K90) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo 1st Wmk. Superb fault free well centred full perf. example. Cat. $875, price $549 K15) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo 1st Wmk. Inverted. Superb fault free cds example centred just a little to the right. Cat. $1000, price $875 K16) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo 1st Wmk. Inverted. PERF SMALL OS. Superb fault free cds example well centred. Cat. $1500, price $1250 K352) Australia 1913 9d Deep Violet Kangaroo 1st wmk. Post Office Fresh MUH. Superb shade, lovely stamp nicely centred with good perf. ACSC 24C. Supplied with Drury 2017 Cert. Cat. $1500, price $1195. K320) Australia 1913 9d Pale Violet Kangaroo 1st Wmk. PERF SMALL OS. Superb fault free MINT UNHINGED example well centred and good perfs., with doubling of perfin on one hole between 1 & 2 o’clock on the O of OS. ACSC 24Bbb, Cat. $1500 as the cheaper Violet shade, price $1250 K356) Australia 1913 2/- Dark Brown 1st wmk Kangaroo. Attractive postally used example with good perfs. Centred to top left. Better shade, ACSC 35B cat. $300. Price $129 K334) Australia 1913 2/- Brown 1st wmk Kangaroo cto. Attractive well centred example with full perfs. Melbourne cto DE 3 13. ACSC 35wb cat. $300. Price $225 K350) Australia 1913 2/- Brown kangaroo 1ST wmk, perf large OS. Well centred good perf. example cancelled by Melbourne Registered cds of 22 AP 14. Cat. $500,

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BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 very good value at $195 K314) Australia 1913 5/- Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo, Superb Fine Postally Used. Nicely centred with full perfs. Cancelled by Goulburn NSW cds of 3 JY 1913. This is rare, and the ACSC catalogue is seriously out of whack regards pricing. 20 times scarcer than a cto cancel, and in this condition virtually non-existent. Price $539 K335) Australia 1913 5/- Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo cto. Nice example with gum, cancelled Melbourne cto 3 DE 13. Full perfs. Centred lower right. Cat. $300, price $225 K355) Australia 1913 5/- Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo cto. Nice example with part gum, cancelled Melbourne cto 3 DE 13. Well centred, few short perfs at left, budget stamp, price $149 K18) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo 1st wmk. Handstamped Specimen. Nice looking stamp. Couple of perf faults at lower left side, and gum a little aged. Cat. $750. Well priced at $465 K315) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo 1st wmk. Handstamped Specimen. Fresh mint lightly hinged white gum, with strong overprint and fresh vibrant colour. Well centred with good perfs. Unashamedly Selling at full catalogue Price $750 K322) Australia 1915 Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk MINT UNHINGED. Very attractive well centred full perf example. Gum is a little aged. ACSC 36 cat. $8500. Price $3375 K312) Australia 1915 Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk. “Socked on nose” by registered cds of Adelaide 11 SE 16. Well centred and with full perfs, difficult to find as nice as this. ACSC35, cat. $400, price $295 K319) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk perf. OS. Cancelled by cds of Rialto, Melbourne, centred a little high, and with full perfs, difficult to find as nice as this. ACSC35ba, cat. $400, price $295 K172) Australia 1915 5/- Deep Grey & Yellow Kangaroo 2nd wmk perf OS. Very fine well centred light cds used. Very well centred and full perfs, try to find better! ACSC 43Ab, cat. $700, price $495 K92) Australia 1918 2d Grey 3rd wmk Kangaroo, mint unhinged. Centred to lower left and has light diagonal gum bend, and small amount gum loss to top. Nice gap filler, cat. $125, price $29 K93) Australia 1918 3d Yellow Olive 3rd wmk Kangaroo Die II, Mint Unhinged. Centred left with full perfs, has light overall gum toning. Cat. $1000, bargain at $225 K250) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Deep Analine Pink 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. ACSC 48B. Fine used cds example centred to base, with fluffy and uneven perfs at base. Cat. $375, cheap at $149 K324) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Intense Deep Analine Pink 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. ACSC 48D. Fine used with 2 partial cds cancels. Well centred example with full perfs. Cat. $600, price $449 K251) As above, superb, well centred with full perfs. Cancelled by central Sydney cds. Price $349 K21) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo 3rd wmk, with variety “Broken Leg” superb used example with central cds of Burwood NSW dated 9 AP 2?. Centred a little to the right and with 1 nibbed perf at lower right. ACSC 21(3)d, cat. $200. Price $129 K95) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, mint hinged. Well centred with full perfs, has some hinge remainder. Cat. $300, price $149 K23) Australia 1918 5/- Grey-Black and Chrome Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Perf OS, indicative Well centred cto stamp. Few ragged perfs at top left side. No gum. Attractive looking. ACSC 44wa Cat. $300, price $149 K26) Australia 1916 10/- Grey and Deep Analine Pink Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Ovpt. SPECIMEN type B. Perfect centring and perfs, MINT UNHINGED. Post Office fresh and stunning colour. ACSC 48Bx Cat. $3000 without overprint, indicative Cat. price for this would be $2400 based on scarcity. Price $1795 K156) Another, as above, mint lightly hinged, centred slightly high, couple of nibbed perfs along top. Cat. $600 Price $450

K326) Australia 1917 £1 Chocolate & Dull Blue 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, fine used. Cancelled by Melbourne Ship Mail Room cds. Attractive example well centred with mostly good perfs, just a couple nibbed at lower left. ACSC 52A. Price $1795 K327) Australia 1917 £1 Chestnut and Blue 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, fine used. Socked on nose with Hassall Grove NSW cds of 10 AP 18. Attractive example well centred with full perfs. ACSC 52B. Price $2250 K325) Australia 1918 £1 Light Brown and Pale Blue 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, fine used. Cancelled by small part cds at left. Attractive example well centred with largely full perfs. Just a couple nibbed at lower right. ACSC 52C. Price $1750 K323) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Mint Unhinged. Attractive example with full perfs, centred a little to right. Has some very minor gum toning. ACSC 53, Cat. $3750, priced very well at $1875 K329) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo VFU. Superb quality postally used example with small part cds to upper left. Well centred and with full perfs. ACSC 53, Cat. $600, priced well at $449 K157) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen type C. Fresh mint unhinged example with full perfs, centred a little to lower right. Cat. $850, price $650 K158) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen type C. Fresh mint lightly hinged example, perfectly centred with full perfs. Has unrecorded variety, damaged top horizontal to E. price $495 K321) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen type D. Fresh mint unhinged example with full perfs, beautifully centred! Cat. $850, price $650 K328) Australia 1919 £2 Grey Black & Crimson 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 56B. Attractive used example with no faults. Centred top left with full perfs. Slightly smudgy cds cancel. Cat. $6500, well priced at 50% cat. $3250. K330) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Orange smw. Kangaroo cto. Well centred example with gum, few shortish perfs at top. ACSC 45w, cat. $250, cheap price $69 K351) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Orange smw. Kangaroo cto. Perf OS. Nice example with gum, full perfs, centred left. ACSC 45wb, cat. $250, Melbourne retail $160, cheap price $139 K331) Australia 1929 £2 Purple Grey & Rose Crimson smw. Kangaroo, ACSC 57A, cat. $1200. Lovely looking fault free stamp with small part cds cancel to lower right. Fresh appearance with full perfs, centred left. Price $795 BD11) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pale Rose Crimson Kangaroo, C of A wmk. Scarcest shade of this stamp, ACSC 50C. Cancelled by Sydney cds, and with MISPLACED KANGAROO, not listed for this stamp. The Kangaroo is shifted approx. 5m to the right leaving the tail 3mm outside the map. Misplacements such as this are usually cat. Around the $5000 level. Visually very attractive. Price $2950 K332) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Analine Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo. Lovely shade, ACSC 50D, cat. $750. Centred low, with good perfs, cancelled by slightly smudgy cds. Hard shade to find. Price. $395 KK253) Australia 1931 – 36 5/- - One Pound C of A Kangaroos, fine cds used set. Good perfs all round, centring varies. Cat. $785, price $469 K333) Australia 1935 £1 Grey C of A wmk. Kangaroo VFU. Attractive example well centred with full perfs, cancelled by small part WA cds to top right. ACSC 54, Cat. $450, they do not come much better than this. Price $375 K354) Australia 2007 Kangaroos High Values Proof Card, produced as pre-publicity for the Arthur Gray sale. One of these sold for US$187.50 on eBay a few years ago! Price $29 (10 available)

Australia KGV Heads For Queensland Provisional Registration Label Covers, see Queensland under Australian States PM30J) 100 mixed KGV Heads, unpicked for watermarks, postmarks, varieties or

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 shades. Values to 5d, great value at under $1 per stamp. Not all are perfect but you will find some nice stamps. Price $95 PM30K) As above but 200 stamps, values to 1/4d-, price $195 PM30L) As above but 400 stamps values to 1/4d, price $389 G191) Australia 1914 1d Bright Red Die II KGV. Fine used light slogan cancel. Well centred and good perfs. ACSC 71B (G11) Cat. $100, price $72 G190) Australia 1914 1d Rose Carmine Inverted Wmk. KGV, Mint Unhinged. ACSC 71L (G22a) Centred left, with full perfs. “Suntanned” gum. Cat. $150, price $82.50 G189) Australia 1914 1d Carmine red KGV “RA Joined” ACSC 71Y(4)j (G31) Fresh mint lightly hinged well centred and good perfs (slightly fluffy) Cat. $75, price $49 G35) Australia 1914 1d Carmine Red KGV, ACSC 71A, smooth paper in horizontal Die I, Die II pair, perf OS mint lightly hinged. Centred left. Cat. $1250, price $595 G227) G27) Australia 1918 1d KGV Carmine Red KGV Die 1 & 2 Pair Fresh Mint Unhinged. Stunning looking, full perfs centred to tope left. ACSC 71Y(1)ia, G31. Supplied with2017 Drury certificate. Cat. $1500 Price $1195 G27) Australia 1918 1d KGV Carmine Red KGV Die 2. Perf "OS". Fine used ACSC 71Y(1)fb. Supplied with Drury certificate. Price $140 G222) Australia 1916 1d Deep Red Analine mlh pair KGV. Superb deep colour horiz. Pair with fresh gum. Full perfs, centred a little left. ACSC 72B, G61. Cat. $50 each. Supplied with 2017 Drury cert. Price $79 G186) Australia 1916 1d Maroon Rough Paper KGV, ACSC 72R (G77) Fine used, with light slogan cancel, nice centring and perfs. Cat. $150, price $74 G202) Australia 1916 4d KGV Lemon-Yellow. Is a 4d Orange, single watermark a fine example of a rare shade, MH. ACSC 110C. Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $250 Price: $179 G204) Australia 1916 4d KGV Orange (Aniline). Is a 4d Orange, single watermark with watermark inverted, a fine example. Cancelled to order, no gum. ACSC 110Aa + w. Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Price: $149 DB792) Australia 1916 4d KGV Pale Orange Yellow, ACSC 110E, fine mint lightly hinged, full perfs, centred left. Cat. $350. Hard shade to find. Price $195 GG8) Australia 1917 1d KGV Deep Terracotta. Perforated OS, FU, Melbourne 15 JE 1918 cancel. ACSC No. 71Qbb (G25). Supplied with 2013 Starling certificate. Cat. $200. Price: $149 GG9) Australia 1917 1d KGV Terracotta. A fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 71Q (G25). Supplied with 2016 Starling certificate. Cat. $200 Price: $149 G33) 1d KGV Carmine Pink. Cooke 1918 LMWM Printing. Fine used ACSC - 2001 No. 73A. Supplied with Drury certificate. Price $195 GG10) Australia 1918 1d KGV Maroon (cert says Deep Carmine-Red). Perforated OS, a fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72Rbb (G77). Supplied with 2016 Starling certificate. Cat. $250. Price: $189 GG11) Australia 1918 1d KGV Red-Brown. Cygnet 8 OC 1918 cancel, a fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72O (G76). Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $150. Price: $119 GG12) Australia 1918 1d KGV Rosine. A fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72I (G68). Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $150. Price: $110 GG13) Australia 1918 1d KGV Rosine. Perforated OS with CDS of Brisbane MAY 1918, a fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72Ibb (G68). Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $100. Price: $75 GG14) Australia 1d 1918 KGV Rosine. A fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72I (G68). Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $150. Price: $119 GG15) Australia 1918 1d KGV Brown-Red. A fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 71W (G32). Supplied with 2016 Starling certificate. Cat. $150. Price: $119 GG16) Australia 1918 1d KGV Carmine-Pink. A fine example of a rarer shade, FU. ACSC 71U (G29). Supplied with 2017 Starling certificate. Cat. $100. Price: $75

GG17) Australia 1918 1d KGV Pink (pale to bright) (cert says Rose-Pink). Has a Pt. Pirie 22 JA 1918 cancel, a fine example of a rarer shade, FU. ACSC 71T (G28). Supplied with 2015 Starling certificate. Cat. $75. Price: $59 G157) Australia 1918 1d Carmine Rose KGV, substituted cliché Die II. Fine used cds full perf example centred low. Cancelled by Machine cancel. ACSC 72Q (2) ja. Supplied with Drury certificate. Price $95 G177) Australia 1919 1.5d Brown Die I KGV, Cracked Electro Bottom right corner Block of 6. ACSC 85U unlocated. evident on 4 stamps in right value tablet, plus large solid brown area to right of crown stamp 6. Some perf separation, and natural inclusion on one stamp. Fresh mint unhinged, (hinged in selvedge) Price $1995 G205) Australia 1920 5d KGV Bright Chestnut Brown. Is a 5d Brown, single watermark, rough paper, line perforated, perforated OS, a fine example, FU. ACSC 124. Supplied with 2015 Starling certificate. Cat. $250. Price: $199 G207) Australia 1920 5d KGV Deep Bright Chestnut. Is a 5d Brown, Single watermark, line perforated on rough paper, perforated OS with the variety 'damaged NW corner [state III]', used has a corner bend. ACSC 124qb. Supplied with 2015 Starling certificate. Cat. $750. Price: $565 G228) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise Blue Single watermark, Dry Ink. Mint lightly hinged. Full perfs, centred right. ACSC 128Ac. Supplied with Drury 2017 Cert. Cat. $400, price $295 G219) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise Blue Single watermark, perf OS “DRY INK” Mint unhinged, full perfs, centred low, with Watermark misplaced. Cat. $600. Price $449 G67) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Pale Green Single wmk. mint block of 4. Lightly hinged on top 2 only. Very fresh showing "Dry Ink" ACSC 77Ac, and undocumented variety "Emu Laying Egg" on top left stamp. Spectacular! Cat. $500 as single stamps without the variety. Price $399 G139) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green No Wmk, Top marginal mint block of 4 lightly hinged. Showing Spectacular double and misperfs in margin! Double perfs. Listed only as used for this, ACSC 79b Cat. $250 for a single stamp, this stretches across the whole top margin over 2 stamps. $500 as single stamps used, Price $399 G72) Australia 1924 3d KGV Pale dull violet blue, single wmk Die 1 ACSC 104B. Mint block of 4, lightly hinged on 3. Light overall gum toning, centred left. Cat. $195, price $135 G143) Australia 1924 4.5d KGV Pale Violet single wmk. Mint lightly hinged Block of 4. Fresh full perf. block, centred right. Has undocumented variety NN joined (vertical) to lower left stamp. Cat. $160 as single stamps without variety. ACSC 118D. Price $125 G79) Australia 1924 4.5d KGV Pale Violet single wmk. Mint lightly hinged Harrison Gutter Imprint Block of 4. With variety v, not u as stated in ACSC. Has spectacular double perfs both horizontally and vertically, possibly unique! Double perfs are not recorded for this stamp. Fresh full perf. block. ACSC 118Dza Cat. $575 as normal imprint block. Price $1495 ML456) Australia 1926 1.5d Rose Red KGV SMW Perf 14 ACSC 91(4) za, ST of postage joined. Mullett imprint mint hinged pair. Block of 4 cat. $90, price $39 ML454) Another as above, price $39 ML456) Australia 1926 1.5d Rose Red KGV SMW Perf 14 ACSC 91, 4 top right singles (One missing R/H selvedge) showing plates dots 1,2,3 7 4. Fresh mint unhinged. ACSC 91. Price $100 ML466) Australia 1926 Small multiple wmk P14 1½d red plate 2 dots block of 4, ACSC 91(2)z, upper units MUH, side selvedge re-attached with hinges, price $60 ML452) Australia 1926 3d Blue KGV Perf 14 smw, type B. Mint unhinged lower marginal with part Mullet imprint. Light gum bend does not detract. ACSC 106B Cat. $125, price $59 ML447) Australia 1927 Small mult wmk P14 1d green Mullett imprint pair r/h unit variety 'White flaw in right frame opposite emu's feet' ACSC 80B (3)z (pair) MUH,

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BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 centred left. Block of 4 hinged cat. $100 Price $69 ML444) Australia 1927 Small multiple wmk Perf 14 1d green part Mullett imprint block of 4 with varieties 'RA joined' & 'Ferns' ACSC 80A (4) ia & j, the two r/h units with two small faint gum tone spots, otherwise fresh MUH. Catalogued $200+ for hinged, double this for MUH. Well centred with good perfs, price $149 ML446) Australia 1927 Small mult wmk perf 14 1d deep green N over N Ash imp pair watermark inverted & variety 'RA joined retouched' ACSC 80Ca(4)zb (pair) ja, a scarce combination, mint lghtly hinged. Price $99 ML448) Australia 1927 Small mult. wmk P14 1½d red Mullett imprint pair ACSC91 fresh MUH, with good perfs. Block of 4 hinged min. Cat. $90 Price $69 G71) Australia 1926 3d KGV Blue, sml. Multi wmk. Perf 14, Die 1a. ACSC 106A. Top right mint lightly hinged marginal block of 4, horiz. pairs are types B – A , A – A. Centred high with good perfs. Cat. $325, price $225 G119) Australia 1927 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw. SG 93 Perf. 14 cto. Full perf. example without gum, centred left. Cat. $300. Price $145 G199) Australia 1926 1.5d Green Die II, perf OS. Mint hinged example with full perfs centred left. ACSC 81 (1) ib , cat. $325, price $229 ML463) Australia 1928 Small multiple wmk P13½ x 12½ ½d orange Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC 68(8)z with what appears to an early stage of the thickened fraction bar variety, light crease across lower units, lower margin re-inforced Mint. Tone spot in lower selvedge. Price $30 ML453)Australia 1928 Small multiple wmk P13½ x 12½ 2d golden scarlet die II N over A Ash imprint pair ACSC 100(2)za (pair) Mint, price $40 G221) Australia 1928 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw cto. Nice full perf example without gum, centred right. Cat. $100, price $59 ML461) Australia 1929 Small multiple wmk P13½ x 12½ 4d olive Ash imprint pair ACSC 116(3) z (pair), some areas of flat gum and toning, but appears mint unhinged. Block of 4 hinged cat. $300, price $50 ML458) Australia 1930 1.5d Red-Brown smw. Lower left marginal mint block of 4. Hinged only on top two stamps. ACSC 93(1)I, showing variety Cut Upper Left Frame. Nice positional block, price $59 G54) Australia 1930 KGV 1.5d Red-Brown Sml. Multi Wmk. Plate dot blocks of 4 for both plates 1 & 3. Hinged on only 1 or 2 stamps each block. Cat. $170, ACSC 93 1 & 3 z. Price $145 G55) Another set as above with wide margins at right, hinged on all stamps, price $125 ML449) Australia 1929 Small mult wmk 13½ x 12½ 3d BLUE Die II Ash imprint pair BW108z, some very faint gum bends, MVLH. LH Unit centred right, full perfs. Block of 4 cast. $250, price $59 ML455) Australia 1930 2d Golden Scarlet Die III, smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 Ash Imprint Block. Post office fresh mint unhinged, full perfs, centred left. Price $99 G146) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Green C of A Wmk, mint unhinged block of 12 (3 x 4) with varieties “Dents in Bottom Frame” stamps 1/22, 28, 24 & 30. (Centre row of this block) ACSC82(1) da, db, dc & dd. Cat. $50 each as hinged, indicative pricing as unhinged block with these varieties is $600. Price $449 G147) Australia 1931 KGV 1dGreen C of A INVERTED WMK, overprinted OS. Good used example centred top left, and with one natural perf. fault to right. Cancelled by light wavy line machine canceller. Cat. $2000, very rare, 1st I have owned or seen! Price $975 ML459) Australia 1932 C of A watermark 2d Deep Golden Scarlet overprinted 'OS' Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC103C(OS)z, upper right unit with trimmed perfs at top, lower units MUH, cat. $125 as hinged. Price $60 G220) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise Blue, defective top frame and cross. Fresh mint unhinged, centred left. ACSC 131Bd. Indicative cat $1200. ($600 for the shade, and double for the variety) Very scarce stamp. Price $899

G130) Australia 1936 4d Yellow Olive, left marginal mint block of 6 Plate 3, lightly hinged on 1 stamp only. Has varieties “White flaw on lowest bloom of left wattles” and “Roo’s Tongue out” ACSC 117C (3) e & f. Well centred full perf block. Just a very few light tone spots do not detract from the fine appearance. Variety stamps cat $75 each as hinged. Indicative cat. as a block is $400. Price $239 G208) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk. Mint Unhinged. Post Office Fresh example with full perfs, centred right. ACSC 131A, cat. $375. Price $249

Australia Pre-Decimal APD64) Australia 1931 – 36 OS Overprints, complete set of all definitives and commemoratives, mostly cto. Includes the scarce Yellow Green of the 1/- Large Lyrebird. 16 stamps, nearly all cto examples. Price $449 BD782) Australia 1928 Kookaburra Minisheet, lower left corner example fresh mint very light hinge with nice variety, showing perfs not completely punched through along top. Price $295 APD68) ) Australia 1928 Kookaburra Minisheet. Average mint example, lightly hinged. Has small thin and some creasing in selvedge only. Stamps are well centred and fresh. Price $110 APD6) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d, ovpt. OS, fresh mint unhinged. Cat. $1025, price elsewhere $950, my price $845 (supplied with certificate) APD52) Australia 1/- Large Lyrebird Ovpt. OS, fresh mint unhinged. Post Office Fresh mint unhinged, well centred with full perfs. Offering this at FULL CATALOGUE PRICE. Rare in this condition. Price $125 APD69) Australia 1932 Harbour Bridge fine postally used. Cancelled by Hobart 1932 cds 1932, date unclear. Price $425 BD304) Australia 1934 MacArthur 2d Dark Hills part imprint vertical strip of 4, mint unhinged. Cat $140 as singles. Price $95 BD301) as above, bottom right corner, mint unhinged vertical strip of 3. Cat $105 as singles, price $69.50 BD306/307) Australia 1934 – 40 Victoria Centenary P. 10.5, Sth. Australia Centenary & 1940 AIF all in mint unhinged complete sets. (9) Retail $190, my price $115 the lot. APD53) Australia 1934 1/6d Hermes, mint unhinged, part imprint example. Post Office Fresh, and with full perfs. Hard to better. ACSC 161, cat. $125, price $110 DB310) Australia 1937 2d Red NSW Sesqui, Man with Tail variety, commercially used. SG 19a cat. £140. Price $129 APD37) Australia 1941 – 44 2d Mauve KGVI Coil Join Strip with weak print/ink stripping. Mint unhinged coil strip of 4 showing weak print/ink stripping to 2nd stamp at base. ACSC 109bd (pair) Price $149 BD744) Australia 1942 5.5d Deep Blue Emu, in mint lightly hinged on top two stamps Imprint Block from centre of sheet and showing the variety “Retouched Clouds”, minor perf fault at top right does not affect the variety stamp, which is unhinged. Cat. $125, price $79 BD971) As above, but mint unhinged, retail $175, price $135 (2 available) APD70) Australia 1948 Robes thin paper 5/- - £1 superb used. Lovely set with neat corner cds cancels, usual retail $140, these are as nice as you will find, price $119 APD58) Australia 1949 Arms High Values 5/- - Two Pounds, fresh mint unhinged. Post Office Fresh, mint unhinged, Well centred set with full perfs usual retail $250, Price $189 APD62) Australia 1951 KGVI Red sideface THIN PAPER IMPRINT BLOCK. ACSC 251Aa, zf. Cat. $100 each as single stamps. Hinged in selvedge only. Supplied with normal for comparison. Price $495

Australia pre-decimal Full Sheets etc. AFS2) Australia 1937 1d Green QE Die 1 ACSC 181A, Gutter block of 100 with 23mm

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 gutter, fresh mint unhinged. Yields Gutter Imprint block of 4, plus 8 gutter pairs. Min. cat. $360, price $179 AFS2a) As above 2d Red KGVI ACSC 187A. For some reason ACSC does not price Gutter pairs as per the 1d above or the Gutter Imprint! Cat. ought to be exactly as above. Price $179 AFS2b) As above, both blocks $349 AFS1) Australia 1938 KGVI 1/4d Bright Magenta ACSC 211B left hand pane of 80, fresh mint unhinged. Flush perfs at left and base, with Ash Imprint Block. Cat $480 plus, price $239 AFS7) Australia 1947 1d Slate Purple Princess Elizabeth. ACSC 245A. Complete FLUSH PERF sheet of 160. The flush perf at right comes only from sheets issued in the 1st Month, and is RARE! Yields Gutter Imprint block of 8, plus 5 x flush perf blocks of 4 at right of sheet, plus perf. pip gutter block of 8 at left of sheet. Also flush perf Imprint block at right bottom corner. Cat. $1100 plus, price $825 AFS6) Australia 1953 Produce Food 3d Green. ACSC 287/8/9. Complete fresh mint unhinged sheet of 100. Has varieties 287d) retouch in front of roped leg of 2nd cow, 287f ) White spot after Australia. 289b, perf pip gutter block of 4 and 289y) White flaw in Tablet left of 3d. Sheet yields 6 x blocks of 9 plus 6 x horizontal strips of 3. Cat. price = approx. $340. Price $249 AFS6a) As above 3.5d Red sheet, ACSC 290/1/2. Shows all retouches 290 Types 1 – 12, also 292d, colour spur at top of “B” of Beef. Min. Also Perf pip gutter block at right. Cat. Approx. $730, price $549 AFS6b) As above, both sheets, price $759. Save $39 AFS4) Australia 1957 10d Grey Blue QEII. Complete fresh Mint Unhinged sheet of 160, less bottom right block of 4. Includes perf. pip block 8 at top, plus variety e, upper portion of inner left frame recut, right pane R1/1. Minimum cat. $216, price $159 AFS5) Australia 1963 Cable 2/3d, full sheet of 48, fresh mint unhinged. Left sheet, with varieties d) Broken line to E of Cable, and e) Retouch under RA of Australia. Min. cat. $261, price $195 AFS5a) As above, but right sheet, without varieties. Has Autotron block top left. Minimum cat. $179, price $135 AFS5b) As above both sheets L & R. Price $310, save $20

Australia Decimal AD13) Australia 1966 Decimal Navigators Ovpt. “Specimen” mint unhinged. The 75c & $1 being the rarer 15mm overprint. Cat. $330. Superb quality perfectly centred and perfect perfs! Price $265 AD14) Australia 1966 Decimal Navigators Ovpt. “Specimen” mint unhinged. Fresh white gum, full perfs. The $4 is centred left. Cheap price $69 BD336) Australia 1966 20c Golden Whistler (Bird) in complete mint unhinged sheet of 100. Overprinted with Post Office Training “SPECIMEN ONLY” handstamp in Violet. Large multiples are rare. Price $995 BD337) Australia 1966 30c Straw-Necked Ibis (Bird) in complete mint unhinged half sheet of 50. Overprinted with Post Office Training “SPECIMEN ONLY” handstamp in Violet. Large multiples are rare. Price $495 AD3) Australia 1966 4c Red QEII. Mint unhinged top right block of 10 with spectacular pre- printing paper crease to corner block of 4. Price $325 AD9) Australia 1966 50c Dampier, plate 2 block of 4. Fresh mint unhinged, plate right. Cat. $275 in 2002. Price $249 (2 available) AD10) Australia 1966 $1 Flinders Plate No. 3 Gutter blocks of 4 both papers. Superb Mint Unhinged with Gutters unfolded, in both Cream and White papers. The White Paper is much scarcer and was not issued until 1971. My stocks suggest that only about 10% of the existing stock is on white paper. Cream paper cat. $40 in 2002 as ACSC 463zb. The White Paper does not have a listing. A worthwhile purchase at $149

AD2) Australia 1967 5c Blue QEII, plate 3 block of 20 from base of sheet (10 x 2) Hinged only in selvedge. Also with Plate Pip at left. Very fresh and well centred. Cat. $1000 for a block of 4, in 2002 ACSC. Rare as a large block, price $895 AD57) Australia 1967 5c Blue QEII, block of 9 Ovpt. Specimen. Post Office Training specimens, overprinted diagonally “SPECIMEN ONLY” in violet. Fresh unhinged and scarce in multiples. Price $89 AD5) Australia 1970 7c Coil, Sturt’s Desert Pea strip of 4 mint unhinged with Missing Buff colour. SG 468b, bb. Cat. £900 (£225 each) ACSC 535 ce, cat $300 each in 2002. Rare multiple, ex Simon Dunkerley, supplied with RSPS Victoria Certificate, signed Geoff Kellow. Price $1100 AD1) Australia 1971 7c Purple QEII Spectacular Misperf Block of 40, from sheet D, left of sheet, with selvedges. Nicely written up on album page. Perfs misplaced dramatically to top left so that it appears imperf. horizontally and almost so vertically. Each stamp, apart from the bottom 4 showing part of the stamp below. Lightly hinged in selvedge only. Has 5 varieties, annotated on the album page, all of which appear unrecorded. Details on request. misperfs of this magnitude are rare, and usually catalogue in the order of $150 per stamp, as per. The 1956 4d No Wmk Koala. Would easily break down for re-sale into 10 blocks of 4 and could sell for $400 a block, possibly more for those with varieties. Estimated catalogue value $6000, price $1995 AD7) Australia 1971 7c Purple QEII Stunning Double perf. Block of 6. Mint unhinged from right of sheet (2 x 3) Double perfs. Both vertically in the margin, and horizontally between the rows. Only listed as vertical in the ACSC which cat. $75 per stamp back in 2002. Price $360 AD8) Australia 1973 7c Sydney Harbour Bridge. Lower left block of 25 mint unhinged. Has numerous background flaws with varying degrees of registration shift and areas of missing colour. This results in a colour shift of the light blue to the right and doubling of lettering at base on all stamps. Listed as misplaced light blue as ACSC 653cb. Could be broken down into smaller blocks for re-sale. Supplied with normal for comparison. Cat. $100 per stamp in 2002 = $2500, price $1495 BD338) Australia 1978 15c Christmas block of 16 ( 8 x 2) mint unhinged, with Massive pre-printing paper crease across upper 8 stamps. Spectacular and stunning piece! Price $325 AD4) Australia 1981 24c Thylacine, stunning misperf block of 30 from left hand corner of sheet (3 x 10) Affects lower 2 rows, as illustrated in ACSC decimals vol. 2 page 9/566. ACSC 902bb, type 1. Fresh mint unhinged. Cat. $500 in 2002. Price $475

Australia Postal History, Inc. 1st Day and Exhibition Covers For Queensland Provisional Registration Label Covers, see Queensland under Australian States DB477) Australia 1914 small cover bearing 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo 1st wmk, franked by machine cancel cds of Sydney DE22 1914 to Beverley, Mass. USA. Neat & clean typed address cover. Price $110 DB484) Australia 1915 small Censored advertising cover for the Australian Journal of Pharmacy, bearing 2d Grey 2nd wmk Kangaroo. Untaxed cover, underpaid a halfpenny to Detroit, USA. Cancelled by machine cancel of Melbourne 29MY15, additionally with violet "PASSED" handstamp on front. Scarce stamp on early advertising cover, cat. $400 if used correctly to the British Empire. Price $329 DB481) Australia 1915 small Censored cover, bearing 2.5d Indigo 2nd wmk Kangaroo. Franked by Melbourne machine cancel cds of 10.SEP.15. additionally with violet "PASSED" handstamp on front. Neat typewritten address to Taunton, Mass. USA. Cat. $180 on cover. Price $110 DB489) Australia 1916 OHMS long printed cover, with 1d KGV & 2d 1st wmk Roo BOTH PERF "T" Very scarce cover cancelled by Hobart machine cds of 21.JAN.16 to

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BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 Constable Brown at Police Station Kempton. Opened a little raggedly at right, but does not affect stamps. Price $219 BD381) Australia 1917 Kangaroo UNIQUE FIRST DAY COVER? Censored cover to Sweden bears Horizontal Pair (double rate) of 2.5d Indigo 3rd wmk. Kangaroos, cancelled by Ship Mail Room cds of Melbourne dated 3 JL 17, and confirmed by Gothenburg receiving cds on reverse of 21.9.17. Reverse flap has logo of C. STEAKMEST, 26 Market Street, Melbourne, and with “PASSED” handstamp in violet on face. Kangaroo First Day Covers are very rare and this is dated 2 months earlier than the previously recorded date in ACSC. Catalogue No. ACSC 9A. There is virtually no possibility that an earlier cover than this exists. All Kangaroo First day Covers are priced in the ACSC catalogue at $15,000 each. Price $9950 APH91) Australia 1922 Registered Cover Sydney – Longueville MSE. Bears 4d Blue Cooke Printing & 1d Violet KGV. Cancelled by Sydney cds of 8 JY 22, and with red Sydney registered “Rat’s tail” label No. 7735. Opened roughly at left, and light vertical filing crease does not affect the adhesives. Clean and attractive with typed address. Price $115 APH108) Australia 1926 4.5d Violet KGV Postal stationery Registered Envelope, uprated by 1.5d Red KGV to Germany. Cancelled by cds of Cessnock NSW 29 MR 26 and with Sydney Registered cds of 30 MR 26 front and reverse. Additionally bears red registered Rat’s Tail label of Cessnock, No. 831.ACSC RE 20D, with no cross to crown, plus damaged top left corner. Price $54 APH36) Australia 1931 6d Brown Airmail. Small neat typed address Airmail First Day Cover. Cancelled by full cds of Perth 4NO31 to Carnarvon. Opened at top suggests this may be an Accidental First Day Cover, as it is not inscribed in any way. If this is the case, then it overpays the airmail rate by 1d. Cat. A very rare cover, cat. $700, price $495. APH116) Australia 1931 1st Flight Cover to London. Official cachet cover, bearing 2 x 6d Brown Airmail ovpt. OS, plus 2d Red KGV. Addressed to “The Agent General for Tasmania, Australia House, Strand, London, England. A very scarce OFFICIAL COVER. The 6d OS is cat. $275 on cover. Cancelled by Hobart, Tas. Cds of 19 NO 31. The cover has been centrally folded, not affecting the 2 x 6d stamps, and has neat clear tape repair to top left and on flap. Nevertheless very clean and attractive. Price $149 APH31) Australia 1934 small airmail envelope bearing 2d Light Hills & 9d MacArthur to Burnley, Lancashire. Cancelled by Melbourne 3 line Slogan of 16 NOV 1934 “VICTORIA AND - CITY OF MELBOURNE - CENTENARY 1934 – 5” Appears to underpay the airmail 1/6d rate by 7d. No reverse markings. 9d MacArthur alone on cover is cat. $400. Price $279 AFD3) Australia 1934 Victorian Centenary Exhibition Cover, registered to Ryde NSW. Bears Vic. Cent. Perf 11.5 set cancelled by Hexagonal Exhibition handstamps of 1st Day of the Ex. 8 NOV 1934, and Registration Label No. 729. Reverse bears large red white and blue Exhibition Label, plus cds arrival cancels as follows: 1) Melbourne Registered 8NO34, 2) TPO South NSW Up train 9NO34 and 3) Ryde 10NO34. Fine and scarce, price $169 AFD4) Australia 1936 Queensland P.S. 1st Exhibition registered illustrated cover bearing 6d brown Airmail cancelled by 26SE36 (last day) Hexagonal handstamp. Signed Saville Sheard , President, C. Harvey , Secretary and J Almond Dish Mop Hand… hilarious! Exh. Registration Label No. 783 and Brisbane Reg’d cds 28SE36 Price $119 DB488) Australia Kookaburras on cover. Wide range of destinations, with covers from 1935 - 1958, solo usage and in combinations, some with 2/- Kangaroos. Includes registered items, double and triple rate covers, censored covers, used in Papua New Guinea, overpaid, first flight and much more interesting stuff, including an early coloured Sydney lettercard. Fascinating stuff, and ideal for expansion into a nice display. 19 items. Price $695 APH146) Australia 1937 Lord Howe Island 1d Green & 2d Red KGV Commercial Cover to USA. Neat business size cover cancelled by clean strike LHI cds of 26OC35. Rarely seen! Price $365 APH147) Australia 1937 Lord Howe Island 2d Red KGV Commercial Cover to ACT.

Neat small cover cancelled by LHI cds of 15JE37. Fine and rare! Price $265 APH81) Australia 1945 3d Brown KGVI used in TOKYO BAY on small airmail cover to Sydney. Cancelled by Tokyo Bay Japan cds of 2 SE 1945 and with cachet “H.M.A.S. Shropshire. Official signing of Japanese surrender.” Scarce commercially used cover, most of these were simply cancelled by favour and souvenired by the ship’s company. In June 1945 Shropshire was in the operational area and after supporting the landings at Brunei, she was part of the force at the Balikpapan landings on 3 July. Shropshire then returned to the Philippines and was there when the Japanese surrendered. She sailed for Tokyo Bay and was present for the surrender ceremony. She remained in Japanese waters until 17 November when the Broad Pendant of the Commodore Commanding Australian Squadron was transferred to HMAS Hobart and Shropshire departed for Sydney. She was the only Australian vessel present for the Japanese Surrender. Rare survivor, price $375 APH148) Australia 1956 Olympics on Christmas card size Airmail cover to Jersey. Underpaid by 1/-, and cancelled by cds of Enquiry Counter Launceston, Tas. 28NO56. (They should have known better!) Superb Exhibition item for usage or Olympics theme. Price $265 APH117) Australia 1970, opening of Tullamarine Airport, Melbourne. 5c Orange Postal stationery QEII Business size Envelope uprated by 30c Cook & 25c Robin and cancelled by Pictorial Melbourne Airport Opening cds of 1 JUL 1970. Reverse has Melbourne arrival cds of 5JY70. Very scarce usage. Price $29 APH84) Australia 1970 20c Expo on small cover to Ireland, with 10c Anenome Fish to make correct rate of 30c. Cancelled by 5 line Adelaide slogan of 3 JULY 1970 “ SENDERS ADDRESS/ON BACK OF ENVELOPE/ENSURES/PROMPT RETURN OF/UNDELIVERABLE ARTICLES” (You don’t say! ) $129 APH83) Australia 1987 Small Airmail Cover to Belgium. Bears 80c Wildflowers booklet pane, plus 20c Bird, Little Grebe. Neat and rare commercial usage of this booklet pane. Price $54 APH145) Australia 1987 $10 Tom Roberts painting used on Aust. Post parcel tag. Cancelled by Ocean Grove Victoria cds of 28FE87. Solo usage of this stamp on cover is non-existent, so this is the only way you are going to have a chance of finding it. A must for usage collectors, price $249

Inwards Mail APH144) Thailand 1934 1st Flight Bangkok – Brisbane. Bears 25 & 50st, SG 264/5 Cancelled by Bangkok cds of 15.12.34. Listed in AAMC as 469L at $200. Neat clean cover with typed address, to Qantas. Price $149 APH78) BC14) Straits Settlements 1935 25c Jubilee solo use on small airmail cover to Bendigo, Vic. Cancelled by 1935 cds of Singapore. Unusual and scarce solo use of top value. SG 259 Cat. £12 plus from x 4 on cover. Price $59 APH67) Netherlands Indies 1934 First Flight Cover to Royal Netherlands Airlines, Sydney. Bears 15c Blue Wilhelmina & 30c on 40c Red Airmail tied by Batavia cds of 20.10.34 and Abel Tasman special Diamond cancel of 22 OCT 1934 tying Blue Triangular Airmail 30c. Sydney Airmail Section arrival machine cancel of 26 OCT 1934 on reverse flap. Also Melbourne 19 Handstamp of 24.OC.34 and Royal Dutch Airways Oval in Blue of the same stamp. Carried as part of the official mail on the MacRobertson Air Race. Listed as AAMC 446. Price $79 APH68) Netherlands Indies 1931 Flight Cover to Consulate General of the Netherlands, Sydney. Bears 15c Blue Wilhelmina tied by Sceraba cds of 11.5.31 and Blue & Brown Flight Stamp SG 130 with Abel Tasman special Diamond cancel of 11 MEI 1931. Sydney Airmail Section arrival machine cancel of 18 MAY 1931 on reverse flap. Listed as AAMC 196. Price $69

Australian States PM30M) 100 mixed Australian States, unpicked for watermarks, postmarks, vari-

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 eties or shades. Values to 6d, great value at under $1 per stamp. Not all are perfect but you will find some nice stamps. Price $95 PM30N) As above but 200 stamps, values to 9d, price $195 PM30P) As above but 400 stamps values to 1/-, price $389

New South Wales NSW5) New South Wales 1850 3d Yellow Green Sydney Views SG 39. Very fine used example with 3 huge margins, just into at top left. Fresh bright colour, lightish barred cancel. Cat. £325, price $389 DB115) NSW 1855 8d Golden Yellow Imperf, SG 97. Fine used 4 margin brilliant colour example, with neat rays cancel No. 60. Cat. £1400. Price $885 DB116) NSW 1855 8d Dull Yellow Orange Imperf, SG 98. Fine used 4 large margins brilliant colour example, with neat NSW duplex of 1860. Cat. £1300. Price $975 NSW14) NSW 1855 8d Dull Yellow Orange Imperf, SG 98. Wmk double lined figure 8. Fine used 4 margins brilliant colour example, with neat NSW duplex. Cat. £1300. Sadly has ironed out hardly visible horizontal crease, Priced cheaply at around 10% cat. and will make an excellent spacefiller. $219 NSW3) New South Wales 1885 Queen Victoria 1d Scarlet OS Official SG034 on OHMS Cover. Dept. of lands cover Sydney to Molong cancelled by Sydney NSW Duplex of MR 2 85, plus Yullundry NSW cds (Scarce) of the same date on face. Reverse has Molong NSW cds of MR 3 1885. Stamp cat. £7.50 from x 20 on cover. Top corners have been slightly trimmed diagonally. Price $149

South Australia DB404) South Australia 1859 1d Yellow Green, SG 13 Mis-roulette. Nice used example with 1859 cds cancel. Has been completely mis-rouletted in two directions so that "One Penny" appears at top instead of the base and part of adjoining stamp is shown at left. Not seen by us before. Some years ago I sold an 8d long type similarly mis-perfed at a Prestige auction for $1000 plus buyers’ premium! Price $895 BD299) South Australia 1890 3d Olive De la Rue Imperf Plate Proofs. Mint unhinged block of 18 (6 x 3) on gummed paper. Rare large multiple. Price $960

Queensland Q3) Queensland 1860 1d Carmine-Rose, Imperf. SG 1. Fine 4 margin example showing part of adjoining stamp at right. Cancelled by Qld. Oval Handstamp. Supplied with Brandon Certificate. As nice as you will see. Cat. £800, price $995 APH132) Australia 1920 (Jul) Registered Cover Maryborough Qld to Sydney NSW. Registered Cover with blue crayon cross front and rear with black handstamp "MARYBOROUGH" and pencil manu"983" addressed to The American Bag Stores, Ltd., Strand Arcade Pitt Street Sydney NSW with one pair and one single 1½d Brown KGV Sideface stamps with variety in top stamp (Maybe BM 83(3)d "Retouched N.W. Corner" Shaved Top Left Frame) and cancelled "MARYBOROUGH/24 JUL 20/ QUEENSLAND" and same on back along with three "REGISTERED /27 JL 20 B/ SYDNEY N.S.W." with pencil manuscript "SINGLE WMK". Perfs have been trimmed upon slicing open the cover. First and third stamp damaged. Price: $89.50 APH118) Australia 1931 (Oct) Registered Cover Rockmount Helidon (Scarce) Qld to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red crayon cross front and back and Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 47" with "ROCKMOUNT" in pen in blank space and addressed to Messrs Cribb & Foote, Ipswich Queensland (Department Store) with one 1d green and pair 2d red King George V sideface stamps with cancellation "HELIDON/29OC31?/ QUEENSLAND" front and rear and "IPSWICH/6-P29OC31/ QUEENSLAND" (Note: No CDS for "ROCKMOUNT") "HELIDON" SCARCE POST MARK. Price: $89.50 APH120) Australia 1931 (Sep) Registered Cover Hivesville Qld to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Reg-

istration Label "R.6/R/NO." with black printed "456" and pen manuscript "HIVESVILLE" on top of border with partial "IPSWICH" CDS addressed to Cribb & Foote Ipswich (Department Store) and one 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "HIVESVILLE/19SE31/ QUEENSLAND and same on reverse along with backstamps "MURGON/21 SE 31", "TPO 6 S&WR/UP 22SE31/QUEENSLAND", "REGISTERED/7 30A 22SP31/BRISBANE" and "IPSWICH/10-A22SP31/QUEENSLAND". Price: $89.50 APH125) Australia 1931 (Jul) Registered Cover Dappil Qld (Rated 2R) to Ipswich. Registered Cover with partial red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 359" and mauve pencil manuscript "DAPPIL" in blank space provided and addressed to Cribb & Foote Ipswich Qld (Department Store) with three 2d red King George V stamps cancelled very faintly "D???/???/QUEENSLAND" then over-cancelled "IPSWICH/-2JL31/QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "DAPPILL-1JL31/QUEENSLAND", "T.P.O. NO. ? S&W.R/UP2JL 31/ QUEENSLAND", "MARYBOROUGH/1JL31/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/10-A 2JY31/ QUEENSLAND". "DAPPIL" rated "2R" Dell & Price 2014. Flap torn open. Price: $89.50 APH126) Australia 1931 (Jul) Registered Cover Dareel Qld (Rated 3R Smithies) to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6./R/NO. 146" and pencil manuscript (faint) DAREEL) addressed to Cribb & Foote (Department Store) Ipswich Qld with one orange ½d, one green 1d and two red 2d King George V stamps cancelled "DAREEL/-8 JL 31/QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "TOOWOOMBA/9-A-9JL31/ QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/6-P 9JY31/QUEENSLAND". "DAREEL" rated "3R" by Smithies. Price: $89.50 APH129) Australia 1931 (Feb) Registered Cover Maclagan Qld (Rated SCARCE) to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red crayon cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 426" and black CDS "MACLAGAN" in blank space addressed to Cribb & Foote Ipswich with one 1d green and two 2d red King George V stamps cancelled "MACLAGAN/26FE31/QUEENSLAND" on front and backstamped "JONDARYN/26FE31/QUEENSLAND", "TOOWOOMBA/5P27FE31/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/12-P28FE31/QUEENSLAND". "MACLAGAN" rated "SCARCE". Price: $89.50 APH135) Australia 1931 (Jul) Registered Cover Iveragh Qld (Scarce) to Ipswich Qld. Registered Cover Without Red or Blue Cross with blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 325" and pencil manuscript "IVERAGH" in blank space and one 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "IVERAGH/6JL31/ QUEENSLAND" (Rated SCARCE) and addressed to Cribb & Foote (Department Store) Ipswich Qld. with backstamps "T.P.O. NO. 7 S.&W R/UP-7-JY?31/QUEENSLAND" (7b Rated SCARCE), "GLADSTONE/-6JL31/QUEENSLAND", "REGISTERED/7 A 7JY31/ BRISBANE" and "IPSWICH/10-A 7 JY31/QUEENSLAND". Stamp torn at top missing SW. Price: $89.50 APH136) Australia 1931 (Feb) Registered Cover Leyburn Qld to Ipswich Qld. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO 438" and pen manuscript "LEYBURN" in blank space and addressed to Cribb & Foote, Universal Providers Ipswich Qld with one 3d blue and one 2d red King George V stamps cancelled "LEYBURN/6FE31/ QUEENSLAND" on front and rear and backstamps "CLIFTON/7FE31/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/6-P 7FE31/QUEENSLAND". Flap torn. Price: $89.50 APH138) Australia 1931 (Oct) Registered Cover Kulpi (Rated "S") Qld to Ipswich Qld. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 52" and pencil manuscript "KULPI" in blank space provided and addressed to Cribb & Foote, Universal Providers, Ipswich with one blue 3d and 0ne red 2d King George V stamps cancelled "KULPI/26OC31/QUEENSLAND front and rear and backstamped "TOOWOOMBA/1P26OC31/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/6-P26OC31/QUEENSLAND". "KULPI" rated "SCARCE" Dell & Price 2014. 3d blue stamp part SE corner missing. Price: $89.50 APH141) Australia 1931 (Jul) Registered Cover Guluguba Qld to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 306" and pen manuscript "GULUGUBA" in blank

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BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 space provided and addressed to Cribb & Foote of Ipswich (Department Store" with one green 1d and two red 2d King George V stamps cancelled "GULUGUBA/17JL31/ QUEENSLAND" front and rear with backstamps "CHINCHILLA/18JY31/ QUEENSLAND", "TOOWOOMBA/9-A20JL31/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/6P20JY31/QUEENSLAND", Minor tear below flap small stain. Price: $89.50 APH143) Australia 1931 (Apr) Registered Cover Gradule Qld (Rated "S") to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 106" and blank space - No "GRADULE" - and addressed to Cribb & Foote Merchants Ipswich with one 2d rose-red Kingsford Smith and one 3d blue King George V stamps cancelled "GRADULE/8 AP 31/QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "REGISTERED BRISBANE/230P-9AP31/ QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/6-P 9AP31/QUEENSLAND". SE corner of 3d stamp missing. Price: $89.50 APH119) Australia 1932 (Feb) Registered Cover Lowmead Queensland to Ipswich VARIETY. Registered Cover with red crayon cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 65" and pencil manuscript "LOWMEAD" in blank space and addressed to Cribb & Foote (Department Store) Ipswich Queensland with one 1d green and joined pair 2d red King George V stamps cancelled "LOWMEAD/-1 FE 32/QUEENSLAND" front and rear (multiple) and additional backstamps "IPSWICH/3-P 3FE32/QUEENSLAND" and "REGISTERED BRISBANE/10 A-3FE32/QUEENSLAND". Possible unlisted VARIETY - 1d green KGV Cut In Roo`s Tail" Some marks. Price: $89.50 APH123) Australia 1932 (Feb) Registered Cover Mt Colliery Tannymorel Qld to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and with blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 144" and red pen manuscript "MT COLLIERY" in bland space and addressed to Cribb & Foote Ipswich (Department Store) with two 2d red (right stamp missing NE corner) and one 1d green King George V stamps cancelled "TANNYMOREL/16.FEB 32/QUEENSLAND" on front and rear with backstamp "IPSWICH/6-P17FE32/QUEENSLAND". No "MT. COLLIERY" CDS. Repaired tears some marks. Price: $89.50 APH137) Australia 1932 (Jan) Registered Cover Kowguran (Rated "R") Qld to Ipswich Qld. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 319" and pencil manuscript "KOWGURAN" in blank space provided and addressed to Cribb & Foote Ipswich Qld (Department Store) with two 2d red and one 1d green King George V stamps cancelled "KOWGURAN/29JA32/QUEENSLAND" front and rear along with "CHINCHILLA/30 JA 32/QUEENSLAND", "TOOWOOMBA/9-A-1FE32/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH/8-P 1FE32/QUEENSLAND". "KOWGURAN" rated "R" (Dell & Price 2014). Green 1d Stamp is folded under North-East Corner appears whole. Price: $89.50 APH139) Australia 1932 (Feb) Near Toowoomba Qld to Ipswich. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 286" with pencil manuscript "RISAL????" (Indistinct) and addressed to Cribbe & Foot (Department Store) Ipswich Queensland with one 2d red and one 3d blue King George stamps cancelled "TOOWOOMBA/1-P 10FE32/QUEENSLAND" front and rear with backstamp "IPSWICH/8-P10FE32/ QUEENSLAND". Minor marks front and rear. Price: $89.50 APH122) Australia 1933 (Jun) Registered Cover Mount Sylvia (Scarce) Qld to Ipswich Qld. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue and black on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 230" with pencil manuscript "MT SYLVIA" and addressed to Gerald Norton, Chemist, Ipswich with one 3d blue and one 2d red King George V stamps cancelled "MOUNT SYLVIA/12 JE 33/QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "GATTON/13 JUN 33/QUEENSLAND" and "IPSWICH8-P13JE33/IPSWICH". Flap tear folds. Price: $89.50 APH124) Australia 1935 (Aug) Registered Cover Mt. Gravatt Qld to Brisbane. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 190" and pen manuscript "MT GRAVATT" in blank space provided and addressed to The Commissioner Of Taxation, Brisbane"

with one 1d green and one 4d lemon King George V stamps cancelled "MOUNT GRAVATT/19AU35/QUEENSLAND" front and rear and backstamp "REGISTERED/1 30P19AU35/BRISBANE" with remnants of black was seal. Price: $89.50 APH127) Australia 1935 (Jul) Registered Cover Woody Point Qld to South Brisbane. Registered Cover with red crayon cross front and rear and Two Line Straight Provisional Registration handstamp in black "REGISTERED/WOODY POINT" with pencil manu"8" addressed to Bayards Ltd of South Brisbane (Department Store) with 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "WOODY POINT/15JL35/QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "REGISTERED BRISBANE/830P15JL35/QUEENSLAND" and "SOUTH BRISBANE/16 JUL 35/QUEENSLAND". Flap torn. Price: $89.50 APH142) Australia 1935 (Jun) Registered Cover Grandchester Qld to Brisbane. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 84" with pencil manuscript "GRANDCHESTER/Q" in blank space provided and addressed to The Commissioner of Taxes, Brisbane with one 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "GRANDCHESTER/10JE35/ QUEENSLAND" front and rear and backstamped "REGISTERED/830P10JU35/BRISBANE". Price: $89.50 APH121) Australia 1936 (Sep) Registered Cover Mount Ossa (Scarce) to Brisbane. Registered Cover (NO REGISTRATION LABEL) with red crayon/pencil cross front and rear and red manuscript "R.30" with pen manuscript "MOUNT OSSA" addressed to Mr. H. Magee, Commissioner of Taxes, Taxation Department George & Elizabeth Sts., Brisbane with 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "MT. OSSA/30 SE 36/QLD" front and rear and backstamps "MACKAY/30 SEP 36/QUEENSLAND" and "REGISTERED BRISBANE/7 30A - 2 OC 36/QUEENSLAND". "MT OSSA" Postmark rated SCARCE. Opened two sides minor marks tears. Price: $89.50 APH130) Australia 1936 (Mar) Registered Cover Maroon Qld (Rated "R") to Brisbane. Pre-printed Addressed Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 57" and pen manuscript "MAROON" with pre-printed T. W. Griffiths Lucky Golden Casket Agent Brisbane and one green 1d and two red 2d King George V stamps cancelled "MAROON/5MR36/ QUEENSLAND front and rear and backstamped "BOONAH/-5MR36/QUEENSLAND" and "REGISTERED BRISBANE/830P?-5MR36/QUEENSLAND". "MAROON" Rated "R" Dell & Price 2014. Two tears on front left and right of stamps. Price: $89.50 APH131) Australia 1936 (Dec) Registered Cover Kogan Qld to Brisbane. Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 054" and pen manuscript "KOGAN/QLD" in blank space provided and addressed to Lambs (Drapers) Brisbane with one 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "KOGAN/26DE36/QUEENSLAND" front and rear with backstamp "REGISTERED/830P28DE36/BRISBANE". Price: $89.50 APH140) Australia 1936 (Aug) Registered Cover Woodstock (Rated SCARCE) Qld to Brisbane. Registered Cover with red pen cross front and rear along with two colour blue on white incomplete Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 31" without Town Name and addressed to Commissioner of Taxes, Brisbane with one 1d green King George V stamp and pair 2d red Silver Jubilee stamps cancelled "WOODSTOCK/31 AU 1935/QUEENSLAND" ("WOODSTOCK" Rated SCARCE - Dell & Price 2014) and backstamps "REGISTERED/31 AUG 35/TOWNSVILLE" and "REGISTERED/730A-3SE35/BRISBANE". Cover torn and repaired. Price: $89.50 APH128) Australia 1938 (May) Registered Cover Whitewood (Rated SCARCE) to Brisbane. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on pink Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/255" and pencil manuscript "WHITEWOOD" in blank space provided addressed to Spurgins Tobacconist Brisbane with 5d chestnut King George V stamp cancelled "WHITEWOOD/30AP38" front and rear and backstamped "REGISTERED/3-MAY 38/TOWNSVILLE" and "REGISTERED BRISBANE/730A-5MY38/QUEENSLAND". "WHITEWOOD" rated SCARCE Dell & Price 2014. Minor stains marks. Price: $89.50 APH133) Australia 1938 (Oct) Registered Cover North Arm (Scarce) Queensland to Brisbane. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and back and with

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 269" and pen manuscript "NORTH ARM" in blank space and addressed to Edwards & Lamb, Drapers Etc (sic), Queen Street Brisbane with 5d brown King George V stamp cancelled "NORTH ARM/16?OC38/ QUEENSLAND" and backstamped "REGISTERED/8 30P26OC38/BRISBANE". Slight foxing minor marks. SCARCE POST MARK. Price: $89.50 APH134) Australia 1939 (Mar) Registered Cover Kyoomba (2R) Qld to Brisbane VARIETY. Registered Cover with red pencil cross front and rear and blue on white Provisional Registration Label "R.6/R/NO. 084" and pen manuscript, "KYOOMBA" written above border with cover addressed to Messrs Lambs Pty, Queen St., Brisbane (Drapery Store) with 5d chestnut King George V stamp (Unlisted VARIETY - Broken frame behind roo) cancelled "KYOOMBA/15MR39/QUEENSLAND" front and rear and backstamped "REGISTERED/8 30 A 16 MR 39/BRISBANE". "KYOOMBA" rated 2R. Price: $89.50

Victoria V50) Victoria Collection of Official Reprints from original plates, circa 1901. Mostly mint hinged, a few without gum. 33 stamps inc. Perforated Half lengths, Queen on Throne, Beaded Ovals etc. Values to 5/-. 33 all different. Scarce assembly, produced for UPU presentations. Usual retail for these is $30 - $60 each as individuals. Rarely offered as a group. Price $1150 LM73) Victoria 1857 small cover to London, bearing 6d Dull Orange Woodblock SG 32a. Cancelled by barred numeral 1 of Melbourne and with red paid cds of 9 MY 1857. Reverse bears oval Melbourne Handstamp of MY 14 1857. Sent “per European via Suez” Stamp is fine 4 margin with tiny fault at top left. Reverse has oval imprint on flap “Sladen & Martin, Geelong, Solicitors” Clean and attractive, price $179 LM85) Victoria 1857 small entire to Manchester UK, bearing 6d Dull Orange Woodblock SG 32a. Cancelled by barred numeral 1 of Melbourne and with red paid Liverpool “Tombstone” handstamp of JU 6 1857. Reverse bears oval Melbourne Handstamp of JA 30 1857, and square LIVERPOOL SHIP arrival handstamp of JU 6 1857, plus Manchester arrival cds of the same date. Sent “per South Carolina” Stamp is fine 4 margin. Reverse has oval imprint on flap “Sladen & Martin, Geelong, Solicitors” Neat, clean and attractive, price $189 V1) Victoria 1869 – 1880 Study on annotated pages of the 5/- Laureated. 41 used examples, plus a Reprint organised by printing, shade and perf. Magnificent lot. Price $1195 BD566) Victoria 1884 10/- Brown on Pink mint light hinge, SG 228. Lovely well centred, fresh gum example. Has tiny paper inclusion hardly visible from front. Cat. £2250, price $2150 BD318) VICTORIA 1879-1900 STAMP DUTY Arms 5/- Rosine, cto without gum, full perfs and well centred. price $45 BD319) VICTORIA 1879-1900 STAMP DUTY Arms 6/- Apple Green, cto with gum, full perfs and well centred. price $58.50 BD311) Arms VICTORIA 1879-1900 STAMP DUTY One Pound Orange, pale shade cto with gum, centred left. Price $125 BD564) Victoria 1879-1900 £2 deep blue Stamp Duty, SG 276a. Nice postally used example with Melbourne cds of SE 7 09. (This is not a cto cancel) Cat. By Gibbons only as cto, this is 10 to 20 times as scarce. Price $345 LM25) Victoria 1892 Taxed 1d Postal Stationery Envelope error of colour. Erroneously printed in Carmine Pink. Used Melbourne to Geelong with duplex cancel of OC 15 92 and small thimble cds of Geelong on front of NO 18 92. Also rectangle instructional markings "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIERS" and "UNCLAIMED GEELONG" also with red crayon manuscript "T 2d" Reverse bears arrival cds of Geelong OC15 92 and purple Melbourne dead letter office cds of NO 21 92. Additionally blue crayon manuscript "Not known as addressed" Fascinating item. Price $210 BD562) Victoria 1897 10/- Grey Green, SG 349, with Victoria Barred Cancel, postally used. Clean example with full perfs. Hard stamp to find postally used. Price $89

V53) Victoria 1897 Charity pair, SG 353/4, fine used. Each cancelled by neat unframed Skipton cds of MR 29 11. Nice late usage. Price $210 V53) Victoria 1897 Charity pair 1d Blue, SG 353, cto with gum, Melbourne NO 16 97. Fresh well centred with full perfs. Price $47.50 BD320) Victoria 1901-12 £1 KEVII Bright Rose, perf. 11. Perfin. OS sideways cto with gum. ACSC 126Aba. Nice full perf. stamp centred left. Cat. $350, price $295 V54) Victoria 1930/32 Stamp Duty Relief Rouletted, fiscally used part set 1d to 4/- , includes 2 copies in different shades of the 12d. Missing 7d, 1/-, 2/6d, 3/-. Plus the perf. 5/- Green, which as usual has the star type of puncture. Elsmore Cat. $129, price $75 V52) Victoria 1950 Blue & Orange Queen Victoria £6 Stamp Duty perf 11. Wmk. V over Crown. Cancelled boxed violet COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE. Couple of short perfs at top, otherwise fine. Elsmore cat. $180, price $139 V51) Victoria 1950 £25 Green Stamp Duty, perf 11. Wmk V over Crown cancelled by black oval handstamp of The Mutual Life Assurance Co. 19 JUL 1960, and with small telegraph type puncture at right. Rarely seen. Noticed a cto version on Ebay for $865! Price $239

Western Australia WA41) Western Australia 1860 2d Orange Vermilion Imperf. SG 25, mint with gum. Rare to find these with original gum, mostly it has been washed off. Fresh 4 margin (just) example. Cat. £140. Note: Gibbons Prices are for 3 margins or less. Price $169 WA43) Western Australia 1889 3d Green Postal Stationery Card. H & G No. 4, Pope No. 31 used 1905 Fremantle to Celle, Germany. Cancelled by Fremantle duplex of NO 14 05 and with receiving cds on face of Celle 16 12 05. Clean and neatly addressed. Top left corner bend, otherwise fine. Price $39 WA42) Western Australia 1912 usage of 2.5d Blue SG 114 on Advertising envelope for the German Club Fremantle, with German Eagle Coat of Arms on face, to Germany. Cancelled Fremantle machine cancel of 30.DEC.12. rare on cover, this is superb late use. Price $389 WA39) Western Australia 1902 5/- Green QV, perf OS. ACSC W62. Cancelled by Perth cds of AU 26 05. Nice full perf example, cat. $75 in 2004. Price $49 WA16) Western Australia 1909 2d Yellow Small Postal stationery envelope cancelled by Busselton cds of 6 – NOV 09 to Dr. Barnado’s Homes, London. London N.E. receiving cds on reverse of DE 6 09. Neat and clean, with central fold. Price $149

Australia Postal Stationery Letter Cards DB7) 1d Overprinted in Blue 1.5d, 1918 Lettercard. ACSC LC36 perf 12.5 with view of Government House Perth (ACSC 56E) Postally used by Sydney Machine cancel of NO29 1918. Contents blank and selvedge removed. Nevertheless this is a very scarce card, cat $400 mint, unrecorded used. Price $695 DB338) 1.5d KGV Brown card uprated with halfpenny green ACSC LC42. With view of Hawkesbury River (ACSC 62) Used Sydney to Toogoolawah Queensland and cancelled by Sydney cds of 21FE21. Selvedge removed for ease of reading. Late use, the rate was raised to 2d on 1 Oct 1920. Cat. $100, price $69 DB337) As above to same addressee but ACSC L44. Used 21 MR 21. Price $69 DB339) As above to same addressee, ACSC L44 with view of the GPO Hobart (ACSC 58A) Used by indistinct cds of Queensland. Price $59

Military DB332) 1917 1d Red KGV Military Envelope ACSC ME5A. Nice fresh mint envelope unsealed, with just a little aging at left and right edges. Very scarce in this condition. Cat. $300, price $225

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BUY OR BID SALE March 2018 Registration Envelopes DB336) 4d Orange KGV ACSC RE8, uprated to 5.5d to cover with 1.5d Red Brown, being the new rate of 5d from October 1920 plus the Halfpenny war tax. The 5d RE10 envelope was introduced in the same month, and so this is quite late usage. Cancelled by Melbourne registered cds of 18OCT20 and with Bulk Reg'n. Melb. red registration label No. 6142. Addressed to The Police Station, Prahran and believed to have contained 10/- and 20/- money orders, numbers of which are recorded on the face upon receipt on 19.10.20, presumably to pay a fine. Received cds of Windsor on reverse of 19OC20. Scarce and unusual. Price $149 DB334) 5d Chestnut KGV ACSC RE13, with early Registration Label. Nice Used example with Yass, NSW cds of 14MR23 and red NSW reg. label No. 63. Clearly the date slug at Yass was wrong since it also bears a Registered cds of Murrumbateman of 14MY23 both front and reverse and a Registered Sydney cds on front of the next day. Fascinating! Price $149

Great Britain 1d Blacks PB28) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 4, SG2. Lovely 4 margin example with neat Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered K-I. Cat. £375, price $495 PB29) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 5, SG2. Lovely 4 large margin example with neat Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered K-I. Cat. £375, price $595 PB30) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 5, SG2. Decent 4 margin example with neat centrally struck Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered C-I. Cat. £375, price $595 PB31) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 5, SG2. Tidy 4 margin example with Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered D-D. Cat. £375, price $495 PB32) Great Britain 1840 1d Intense Black plate 5, SG1. 4 good even margined example with Exceptional Nice Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered I-E. Cat. £525, price $695 PB33) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 5, SG2. 4 margin example with Black Maltese Cross cancel, lettered me- E. Cat. £375, price $395 PB34) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 6, SG2. Nice 4 margin example with neat lightly struck Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered C-I. Cat. £375, price $495 PB35) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 7, SG2. Attractive 4 margin example with neat Red Maltese Cross cancel leaving profile clear, lettered F-E. Cat. £400, price $495 PB37) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 3, SG2. Nice looking 4 margin example with neat Bright Red Maltese Cross cancel, from this more difficult plate. Lettered Q-E. Cat. £500, price $625 PB38) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 3, SG2. 4 margin example, a bit close at bottom, with neat centrally struck Red Maltese Cross cancel tied to small piece, lettered O-F. Cat. £500, price $425 PB39) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 1b, SG2. 4 margin example, 3 are very large, with Red Maltese Cross cancel, lettered J-J. Cat. £375, price $425 PB40) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 5, SG2. Lovely 4 even margin example with neat Vermilion Maltese Cross cancel, lettered K-B. Cat. £3000, price $2495 PB41) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 3, SG2. Lovely 4 large margin example from a better plate with neat Red Centrally Struck Maltese Cross cancel, lettered K-I. Cat. £500, price $625 PB42) Great Britain 1840 1d Black plate 6, SG2. 4 margin example with neat centrally struck Back Maltese Cross cancel, lettered L-I. Close at top Cat. £375, price $395 PB48) GB 1840 1d black, unplated example, with 2 generous margins, plus part margin on other sides, and neat ruby red Maltese cross cancel of Aberdeen, lettered A - L. Nice example with minor faults at base. Min. Cat. £1200. Attractive used example at 10% cat. $195 PB49) GB 1840 1d Grey black SG3, unplated example, with 4 good margins, and

neat ruby red Maltese cross cancel of Aberdeen, lettered O - C. Lovely example with minor faults at base. Cat. £1200. Price $395 PB53) GB 1840 1d black, unplated example, with 4 margins, (2 are close) Nice red Maltese cross cancel, lettered F - I. Nice looking stamp, min. Cat. £375. Price only 40% of cat. $245 PB56) Great Britain 1840 1d Black exceptionally nice 4 margin example lettered S – A, from plate 2. Huge margin at top showing part of stamp above. Cancelled by neat Red Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $595 PB57) Great Britain 1840 1d Black nice 4 even margin example lettered C – K, from plate 4. Cancelled by neat Red Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $495 PB58) Great Britain 1840 1d Black nice 4 margin example (close a top right) lettered N – J, from plate 5. Cancelled by neat Red Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $449 PB59) Great Britain 1840 1d Black nice 4 margin unplated example lettered C – C. Close at base. Cancelled by neat Red Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $395 PB60) Great Britain 1840 1d Black nice 4 generous margined unplated example lettered M – G. Cancelled by neat central Black Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $595 PB61) Great Britain 1840 1d Black nice 3 margin unplated example lettered K – B. Wide at right, just into at left. Cancelled by neat central Black Maltese Cross. Cat. £375. Price $295 PB62) GB 1840 Penny Black superb 4 margin unplated example on large envelope piece lettered B - K. Cancelled by neat full Red Maltese Cross. Additionally with “Godalmin” (Old spelling of Godalming) cds of DE 20 1840, and small red cds “F” of the following day. Highly attractive piece. Price $795

Great Britain other items GB125) Great Britain 1840 2d Deep Full Blue, SG 4. Attractive example with Black Maltese Cross Cancel. No margins and thinned, but still a great spacefiller of this rare shade. Lettered T – F. Cat. £1100, priced at only 5% of cat. $93.50 PR36) Great Britain 1858 1d Red Plate 183, Lettered G – S, S – G. Fine mint example cat. £70, price $54 GB127) GB 1877 10/- Grey Green Telegraph Stamp, ovpt. “SPECIMEN” Fresh full perf. example without gum, centred low. Lettered E H. SG Spec. L235s. Type 9. Prepared for UPU presentation sets. Cat. “from . £360” Price $395 GB104) Great Britain 1883 2/6d Lilac on Blued Paper, SG 175, fresh mint cat. £6750. Beautiful well centred full perf. example. Lettered A – K, K – A. Price $2495 GB103) Great Britain 1883 2/6d Lilac on Blued Paper, SG 175, Nice used cat. £1500. Beautiful well centred full perf example lettered H – F, F – H, with Leeds oval registered cancel, dated 17 FE 98. Minor wrinkle top right corner. Price $349 GB105) Great Britain 1883 10/- Ultramarine on Blued Paper, lettered H – I, I - HSG 177 average used. Good centring. One nibbed perf at right. Cat. £8250. Cheap at $1775 GB100) Great Britain 1883 5/- Rose on White Paper, SG 180, very fine used with nice London T.P.O. cds of JA 25 89. Cat. £250. Beautiful well centred full perf example lettered E – N, N – E. Price $129 GB101) Great Britain 1883 5/- Rose on White Paper, SG 180, very fine used with nice Glasgow April 1901 cds. Cat. £250. Beautiful full perf example lettered B – G, G – B. Price $110 GB99) Great Britain 1883 10/- Pale Ultramarine on White Paper, lettered C – I, I – C. SG 183a average used. Good centring and perfs. Cat. £550. Cheap at $92.50 BD323) Great Britain 1887 10d Jubilee Dull Purple & Carmine SG 210. Top marginal example, mint unhinged, post office fresh. Well centred and full perfs. Magnificent example. Price $169 GB122) Great Britain 1929 PUC One Pound SG 438. Superb well centred example on piece tied by neat steel cds cancel at lower left corner. Cat. £550, price $825

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

Graeme Morriss

‘stamp’, inappropriate when applied to such a serious disease. The two 1d value tablets were marked ‘Postage’ and ‘Charity’ respectively. The stamps were surface-printed by the NZ Government Printer on Cowan thick chalk-surfaced paper watermarked ‘NZ & star’ in sheets of 80 (8 rows of 10). No die was used – 80 photographically-reduced images of the design were laid over the plate which was then line-etched. The same process had been used with the Dunedin Exhibition commemoratives of 1925. The sheets were perforated gauged 14, using the machine introduced in 1926 to perforate the 2/- and 3/- ‘Admiral’ stamps. The stamps were initially withdrawn from sale on 28 February 1930 but were again available on application to the Post and Telegraph Department Head Office from 5 December 1930 to 28

February 1931 while the 1930 Heath Stamp was on sale. A total of 592,848 stamps were sold, raising £2,470 for the Health Camps. In 1930, a new design featuring a ‘Smiling Boy’ was prepared but due to shortage of time that design was held over to 1931 and the 1929 design was used again, with the date changed to ‘1930’ and the slogan changed to ‘Help promote health’. The date of issue was 29 October 1930. Printing details were the same as for the 1929 stamp. The number sold was 215,543 raising £898. It is important to remember that following the onset of the Great Depression in October 1928 money was scarce for most people and paying double for postage (including the charity surcharge) was unaffordable for many. References: The Postage Stamps of New Zealand, vol.1, Wellington, RPSNZ, 1938 Catalogue of New Zealand Stamps, Auckland, Campbell Paterson, 1951-

Stamp News - 45

New Stamp & Coin Fair in Melbourne commencing January 2018

Salvation Army Stamp & Coin Fair to be held 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am – 2pm At Ferntree Gully Salvation Army 37 Wattletree Road, Ferntree Gully, 3158

(Parking At Rear, Entry By Side Door) Admission Free, Tea & Coffee Available All proceeds from Dealers’ Tables to The Salvation Army. Dealer enquiries welcome. Also donations of Stamps & Coins gratefully received at the Fair, which will be offered to dealers present on the day. Proceeds to the Salvation Army. Bulky lots may be able to be collected within 50k radius, or can be mailed to us. Telephone contact: 0425 795 693

Please note that this is a Smoke Free Event.

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Edlins of Canberra

Pacific Coast Philatelics

PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760

Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859

Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207

A.G.T. Devine

PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300

56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209

Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066

Ace Stamp Auctions

Falcon Stamps

Gold Coast Stamp Traders

PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205

Stephen Joe

Glen Stephens

GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183

Peter Barrett

John Hurtado/KGV Collector

Bexley Stamps & Coin Accessories Ken Pullen PO Box 36, KURMOND, NSW 2757 02 4573 1332

Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch 9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202

Grant Carter PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193

Alf Clark

PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184

Kennedy Stamps P/L Suite 706a, 250 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: + 61 2 92646168 Fax: + 61 2 92645969

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693

PO Box 53, Box Hill, VIC 3128 Ph: 03 9808 9717

Maree Nieuwenhuizen

John Cornelius

PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848

PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072

Ken Cowden PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231

Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733

Chris Snelling Stamps

Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582 sales@

PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827

Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520

Mike Lee 7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855

P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773 Ph: 02 4739 6184

4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333

Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011

Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778

Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744


PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC 3158

Cinderella Corner Back To‌Part 1 Of 2 (1917)

Welcome to the third edition of Cinderella Corner for 2018. As we welcome the first month of Autumn in Australia and, hopefully, continue to embrace some post-summer sun, we might return to our families, make some visits abroad, and, in doing so, remember our heritage. This article somewhat pays homage to these moments of fleeting nostalgia we all, ever so often, feel. Whether it is the aroma of a meal we encounter that is like what our parents once cooked, or a memoryladen drive through the town we lived in throughout our childhood, there is often a longing to return to these places and embrace the memories of yesteryear. One class of cinderellas that captures the very notion of the past and the towns and places we once belonged to, are the self-titled ‘Back To’ labels. They are numerous, often colourful, and illustrate several locations ranging from small country communities to bustling cities. In Australia, these were issued as early as 1917 and were produced to encourage natives of a town to return (normally during set festivities) for a visit, and they were often tied to milestones and events, including anniversaries, fundraising fetes and fairs. The earlier patriotic types

Figure 2 48 - Stamp News

Figure 1 also had a broader war-theme, as, for a few key towns, they were available during the later years of World War I and aligned with festivities in the town to support (and fundraise) for returning Australian soldiers, including the selling of badges and lotterystyle competitions. This Cinderella Corner edition explores some

Figure 3

Vito Milana

Figure 4 of the key Back To labels that were issued in 1917, with a focus on some of the scarcer types. It will continue, and be completed, into next month’s April edition, with a look at some of those produced from 1918 until 1946. It is, with absolute certainty, understood that many other types of these cinderellas exist under the umbrella of this broad group, and I hope that some readers have different examples to share. Of these labels, it appears that many were affixed to advertising covers that promoted the actions and landmarks of a number of these towns.

1917 Back to Ballarat. The latter piece draws on photocopies of material supplied to the Cinderella Philatelist by the late Captain John Love of South Australia, whose patriotic cinderella labels I purchased in an auction some years ago. Along with their Back to Bendigo and Back to Maldon counterparts, they are very scarce and highly desirable additions for the cinderella collector. There are five different views from the Back to

Back To Ballarat

The Back to Ballarat cinderella labels are rather elusive, with pockets of information available about them. These are mainly drawn from two key sources: Alan Jackson’s 1987 text First World War Patriotic Labels of Australia and New Zealand, and the October 2006 Cinderella Philatelist article Australia:

Figure 5 Stamp News - 49

Cinderella Corner Ballarat series. These are as follows: - The Eureka Stockade - The Post Office - The Flight from Pompeii - Sturt Street and Town Hall - Lake Wendouree Figures 1 to 3 illustrate the first three of these views from this series. Figure 1 shows ‘The Eureka Stockade’ and Figure 2 illustrates the ‘The Post Office’, a grand building erected in 1858. Each of the five different labels herald the banner text ‘BACK TO BALLARAT COMMEMORATION’ along with the year 1917. They measure 40mm by 35mm and are perforated 11 on all sides. In Figure 3, a barely visible reproduction of the text THE FLIGHT FROM POMPEII is also presented at the base of the illustrated statue (which is currently housed in the Ballarat Gardens). The arrangement of a complete sheet of the Back to Ballarat labels is not known, yet some information regarding part of its layout is apparent from a se-tenant block of 15 of these cinderellas sold in an Australian Auction in 2005. This possibly represents a complete offering of the labels, but this too is uncertain. The block consists of the five different views, as abovementioned, with each view presented in three different colours (from left to right on the block): blue, red, greyolive. The pane in mention has a selvedge on the left and top sides only, suggesting that a full sheet was made up of four of these panes. The nature of these labels is complicated further by the existence of a strip of three of The Flight of Pompeii labels in a slightly different arrangement: pale olive (top), deep blue (middle), pink (bottom). The slight differences in the three colours, and a change in their ordering, suggest that they represent 50 - Stamp News

Figure 6

Figure 7

part of a different printing. Colour differences are made more apparent in the examples offered in Figure 4. Here, the examples of the blue in the provided The Post Office and Flight from Pompeii cinderellas are much more profound than that in the cinderellas illustrated in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.

Vito Milana

Figure 9 Back To Maldon

such example (the only one I know of) is illustrated in Figure 8, with a view of Pall Mall. It has a clear 4:30pm – May 16,1917 postmark. It is also coloured red, and measures 45mm by 30mm, with 11 perforations on all sides. Its design more closely resembles the Ballarat ones, rather than the Maldon cinderellas, given the double presence of 1917 in the bottom. The different colour schemes and sheet arrangements for this label are unknown, but it is likely that they reflect the Back to Ballarat and Back to Maldon sets. These 1917 labels across the three towns in Victoria are truly fascinating and much in needed to develop a more complete picture about them. If any readers have further examples of these labels, I would love to know.

Figures 5 to 7 illustrate one of the Back to Maldon designs, namely A Glimpse of the Town, issued in three different colours: red, blue and grey-ish olive. Along with another view, The Southern German Gold Mine, illustrated in Jackson’s text, the two types unlikely reflect a complete representation of different labels issued for this town: they are strikingly similar to the Back to Ballarat ones and given the proximity of the towns, likely shared the same printer and printing processes. One key difference between the two groups of cinderella labels is that the year 1917 features in the title of the label for the Maldon ones, yet is repeated, twice, in the bottom parts of the Ballarat ones. Like the Ballarat cinderellas, the three Maldon illustrated in Figures 5 and 7 measure 45mm by 30mm and are perforated 11 on all sides. They were also once joined, demonstrating the same left to right colour sequence as the Ballarat cinderellas: blue (left), red (middle), greyish-olive (right). Further information is clearly needed to build more breadth to the Back to Maldon series.

Back To Bendigo

Within proximity to Ballarat and Maldon lies Bendigo. This populous Victorian town also issued labels similar to the earlier two discussed groups. One Stamp News - 51

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation 40 Years of Exhibitions in Canberra

Canberra Stampshow 2018 is a very special occasion for the Philatelic Society of Canberra. It is the 20th biennial National Philatelic Convention. A record unmatched in the history of Australian exhibitions especially as the organisation has always been undertaken by a single philatelic society. The Society was formed in 1932 when the population of Canberra was a mere 8,000. In the late 1970s the late Ed Druce with his unmatched flair for innovation proposed that the Society should celebrate its 50th anniversary with a major stamp show. It was acknowledged that such an event would be expensive, and the decision was made to hold a smaller, non-competitive show with an emphasis on raising the necessary funds. This was entitled the 1st First

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National Philatelic Convention, hereafter NPC. Fortune shone, and the newly issued Australia Post Pre-Stamped Envelopes were overprinted for preshow advertising. Such items proved to be extremely popular and several hundred covers were sold to enthusiastic collectors. The 1st NPC held 25-26 October 1980 two days comprised non-competitive exhibits, talks, dealers and a dinner. Figure 1 illustrates a 1st National Philatelic Convention cover with illustrated Carillion postmarker.

Daryl Fuller

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

The 2nd NPC in March 1982 attracted 58 competitive entries, the majority from first time Canberra exhibitors, many of whom subsequently achieved success in international competition. The 3rd NPC with 150 exhibits was upgraded to a full National in order that Vermeil level exhibits could be entered in AUSIPEX 84, Australia’s first FIP International. The 6th and 10th NPCs were also Full Nationals, AUSTAMP 90 at the Bruce Indoor Stadium with 800 frames of exhibits and NATSTAMP 98 at the National Convention Centre with 750. Most of the other NPCs, including the current Canberra Stampshow 2018, were Half Nationals and on all occasions the full range of State Classes have been accepted. The latter providing an opportunity for newcomers to gain experience of competitive exhibiting. A variety of venues were used for the earlier shows, these included the week-end use of the GPO sorting floor for the 3rd , 4th and 5th NPCs. Begin-

ning in 2002 all the NPCs have been at the Hellenic Club in Woden. This is widely acknowledged as an excellent choice although space is limited to just over 300 frames. The Society is justifiably proud of the innovations at many of the shows. In 1984 judge’s critiques together with discussions in front of the frames with exhibiters were available. A practice now widely adopted elsewhere, this is thought to have been a world first. Social philately was first trialed experimentally in 1998 and later to become the

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Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation Open Class. In 2002 the inaugural Australasian Team Challenge was held. This has now become a feature of Australasian philately with the winning team receiving the Ed Druce Memorial Trophy. Some of the earlier shows included `special events’ these included goat (1984), pony (1986) and balloon (1988 & 1992) mail. The first of these has unforgettable memories of a police motor cycle escort for the goat cart through the city centre on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Figure 2 illustrates Goat Mail from the 3rd National Philatelic Convention signed by Mike Hayes, (owner of the goat and well known as the ‘Pickle farmer’), and Ingrid Slamer (designer of the goat stamps). Special mention and thanks are due to Australia Post who have provided excellent commemorative postmarks for each of the twenty shows. These have greatly enhanced the wide range of souvenirs provided over the last 38 years. The support of the philatelic trade has been splendid with a full house of some 20-30 dealers at every one of the shows held at the Hellenic Club. These include regular attendees from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the USA. This venue has also become a firm favourite with collectors and exhibitors with the dates, always in March, marked on many personal calendars. For those who wish to indulge in nostalgia the current show has a 5-frame display (Frames 31115) illustrating the history of `Canberra Shows from 1980 to 2016’. The author of the above information, David “Dingle” Smith, has been involved with every exhibition since their inception, a feat unmatched in Australian philately and a worthy achievement. By the time you are reading this, it will be less than two weeks to the exhibition. The 322 frames of exhibits include a large number of traditional exhibits, with great range of Australian, New Zealand, British Commonwealth and several seldom seen South American exhibits. There is also a strong showing of Open exhibits with everything from Coconuts to Tobacco in Wartime. Open is becom54 - Stamp News

ing a very popular class, and there is a good depth of exhibits from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The Gold Challenge has four entries (there was one late withdrawal) one of which will win a 1918 gold sovereign. There is good spread of State exhibits and several invited exhibits. As well as Dingle Smith’s exhibit on Canberra exhibitions, we have one on Australia-Mauritius links, as 12 March represents 50 years of independence for this small country and is our theme for the Sunday. However, there have been links between the two countries since before Matthew Flinders was imprisoned there in the early 1800s. Another invited exhibit is Jenny Long’s postcard exhibit, “A Study of New Zealand Pictorial Postcards”. This is a superb exhibit of postcards and is highly recommended. Last but not least is a two frame Topical exhibit on Cricket by Gary Brown, who is championing this new class. This may seem to some a retrograde step to some, but the APF feels that Topical class may appeal to those collectors who do not want to be bound by the (often) strict rules of Thematics. We have the usual great range of Australian and international dealers including new dealers from the

Daryl Fuller

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

United Kingdom, Germany and Mongolia. Take a look at the advertisement elsewhere in the magazine for a complete list, and if you are coming then contact them to make sure they bring out what you want. Canberra will have a couple of stamp accessory suppliers at the exhibition, so you can stock up on the items you need. All exhibitions need to raise funds to cover costs, and Canberra is no exception. This year we have an excellent range of souvenirs for sale, including an imperforate version of the Banksia miniature sheet. Australia Post has produced only 250 copies of this sheet for sale by the exhibition organising committee. It is their way to support the exhibition and is on the cover of the magazine. Of these 250, 100 will have a gold exhibition overprint and are only available as part of the Supporter’s Club. Also included are the Remembrance Day PNC, Lucy Osburn PSE (Figure 3) and Exhibition miniature sheet all overprinted. The Club pack also gives you free entry to the exhibition and access to the supporter’s lounge with free tea and coffee, and a place for quiet conversation. The remaining 150 Banksia sheets are overprinted in silver and are for general sale. We also have the

exhibition miniature sheet overprinted in silver and three territory miniature sheets also overprinted with the exhibition logo. The Antarctic sheet is selling very fast as all these sheets are limited to 100 only (Figure 4). Australia Post has produced three excellent postmarks for the exhibition. The first celebrates nursing in Australia and relates to the 150th Anniversary of Florence Nightingale trained nurses in Australia. Due to the efforts of one of our local Canberra members, Marilyn Gendek and others across Australia, Australia Post is issuing a PSE for Lucy Osburn (the first Florence Nightingale trained nurse in Australia) on 3 March 2018. We couldn’t have a stamp exhibition at present without some commemoration of WWI, and day two has a postmark for the Australian Memorial at Villers Bretonneux. The third day postmark celebrates the links between Australia and Mauritius and follows on from their 50th Anniversary of Independence on 12 March 2018, which is also Canberra Day. Sets of these postmarks on specially printed covers, using a P-stamp with the exhibition logo, are available for sale at $15. The other attraction of Canberra at this time is that the Canberra Festival is on from 10-18 March. There are a lot of attractions for your family or philatelic spouse, the best of which is undoubtedly the Canberra Balloon Festival. It is magnificent to see 20 or more balloons sailing silently across the sky in the early morning. It is also the easiest place to get a balloon ride, something I did back in 2013, and can recommend. If you have never been to a stamp exhibition, or even visited Canberra, make Canberra Stampshow 2018 your opportunity.

The Newcastle Stamp and Coin Expo – 2527 May The Newcastle Stamp and Coin Expo is shaping up well to be a Philatelic Event not to be missed. Organsied by the Newcastle Philatelic Society as part of their 100th Anniversary celebrations (a

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Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation worthy achievement) the exhibition will be held in the Newcastle Showground Exhibition Centre which is located on the Newcastle Showground complex. The venue is a mere 150 metres walk from Broadmeadow Train Station which has lift access, then it is a level walk to the building. For those arriving by car there is unmetered on-street parking as well as access to the Showground carparks. Showground parking will be $2.00 on the Sunday which also coincides with the local Farmer’s Markets which are also worth checking out. Another event for the philatelic spouse. The Exhibition is a half-National offering the following classes: Postal History, Postal Stationery, Revenues, Picture Postcards, Aerophilately, Astro Philately, Polar, Literature and Frugal. There are subclasses for Modern [from 1980] Postal History and Postal Stationery as well as in Aero for Stamps issued specifically for Air Mail usage. The Postal Stationery Society of

56 - Stamp News

Australasia are prompting an Aerogramme Challenge with the donation of a special prized to the winning entry. There has been very strong support from the trade with 24 trading stands so far booked [as of 30 January]. The traders are varied and come from across Australia thus creating the opportunity for residents of the Hunter Region and further afield to trade with people that they may not otherwise see without travelling long distances. Australia Post Philatelic will be in attendance. They will have Show souvenir products on sale as well as the provision of three different postmarks for use at the show. The Stamp Show organisers are in the process of producing a number of souvenirs the process of which will go towards covering the many costs in running the exhibition. Figures 5-8 illustrate the covers of three booklets the exhibition is preparing. They are using originals of the Australian 1947 New-

Daryl Fuller

Philatelic Development Officer, APF castle stamps on the covers. Booklet 1 contains a set of the stamps with a cachet celebrating 100 years of the Newcastle Philatelic Society. One of the booklets will contain p-stamps with images of these stamps on the side. They are limited to 150 booklets of each and are sure to be popular, so get in quick. There is also a supporters’ pack, limited to 50 which is selling very quickly, so contact John Moore for details. Australia’s second half-National stamp exhibition for 2018 is not long after Canberra Stampshow, only ten weeks. It is a while since Newcastle has organised a National multi-frame exhibition, but I did attend their One-frame exhibition in 2016. The 2016 exhibition was small with only two dealers, but both did exceptionally well, and the word has obviously got around because they have sold over 24 dealer stands already. If you live near, or even in Sydney, it will be easy to get to this exhibition. I have always found exhibitions in regional centres to be quite friendly, so make the effort to go, you won’t regret it. For more details about the exhibition, souvenirs and exhibitor entry details email John Moore at or write to the Exhibition Secretary, PO Box 34, JESMOND NSW 2299

Exhibition Update

Given the column this month is about Australia’s next two national exhibitions, I felt it was appropriate to update the exhibition calendar for here and internationally. I have included the Nationals in the region because it is worthwhile attending them if you are in the country, or even making a special trip.

National 2018

Canberra Stampshow 2018 Canberra 16-18 March Hong Kong Stampex 2018 Hong Kong 6-8 April Changzhou 2018 Changzhou, China 11-13 May Newcastle Stamp & Coin Expo

Newcastle 25-27 May The Armistice 2018 Stamp Show Dunedin, NZ 9-11 November


Sydney 2019 National Stamp Exhibition TBA TBA

International 2018

Israel 2018 (FIP Specialised) Jerusalem, Israel 27-31 May Praga 2018 (FIP Specialised) Prague, Czech Republic 15-18 August Macao 2018 (FIAP) Macao 21-24 September Thailand 2018 (FIP) Bangkok, Thailand 28 Nov. – 3 December


Singapore 2019 (FIAP) Singapore TBA China 2019 Beijing, China TBA


New Zealand 2020 (FIAP) Christchuurch, NZ March Taipei 2020 (FIAP) Taipei, Chinese Taipei TBA Malaysia 2020 (FIP) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia TBA


Melbourne 2021 (FIAP) TBA TBA South Africa 2021 (FIP) Cape Town, South Africa 17-22 May Philanippon 2021 (FIP) TBA TBA If you need any further information about stamp collecting see or contact me for information pertaining to this article at Darryl.fuller@ Stamp News - 57

Market Matters Mossgreen vultures granted extra months. I reported last month on the total disaster at Mossgreen Auctions Melbourne that closed with no warning, owing vendors about $A12 million. Not a cent of which will be seen by anyone I feel, after the Administrator rapes and pillages the rather modest cash on hand kitty, at $100,000 or so in fees each week. has the very long and detailed discussion on of this huge crash, and all the general mass media reports. And outlines all the twists and turns, and broken promises and denials, and the blame game etc, that has accompanied it all. The administrators BDO sought, and were very oddly to me, granted, a Federal Court order allowing them to bill out their time until end April, rather than end January. January 31 was when creditors were advised was the original time frame to seek a White Knight, or otherwise to conduct the funeral, and bury the ashes, and divide up the few morsels left. Vendors who sold material at Mossgreen during 2017 and who were not paid out already when the ship hit the rocks late December, have zero chance of getting all their money. It may transpire in the final wash up, they get a few cents on the dollar owed, but the future The Junior Cadet is $236 an hour! looks very bleak, to put it mildly. Their fees between the December 21 appointment, and the January 4 first creditor meeting, were disclosed Assets <$3 million, and debts $12 million. at about $A200,000 alone - and near everyone nationally The Administrators reported the company owed about was on holiday then! $A100,000 a week over the holi$A12 million, but had assets of about $A3 million. And day break. Long suffering creditors have heard nothing those meagre “assets” include about $A1.2 million for on the fees amount since then. purchases made, and not yet paid, and clearly not all From January 4 the fees clock went into overdrive I those invoices will be settled, given this mess. Would am sure, fending off legal and vendor enquiries, sacking YOU bank transfer $1,000 or $10,000 now, and HOPE 50 staff, dealing with media interviews, initiating Court some bean-counter mailed you the goods?? actions and so on, all billed out at these mega hourly The BDO Administrators of course charge like rates. That is how these things often pan out, as history wounded bulls - with even a “Junior Cadet” billing out shows us - much of what modest cash assets are on hand, their time at $236 an hour - I kid you not! See their fees evaporates in Administrator and legal fees etc. chart nearby. As I was on the creditor list, I got the full Charging $2,826 to return a few unsold newspapers fee schedule being charged out, whilst the corpse was to one vendor (see below) pays for quite a few hour’s being picked over. 58 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens wages of the BDO’s most inexperienced persons - “Junior Cadets” charge out at $215 an hour plus GST ($A236.50 an hour) to the hapless Mossgreen creditor victims. All the cash on hand will be conveniently gone by end April via BDO billings, I feel sure. Abacus rises from Mossgreen ashes. In a surprise twist on February 11, creditors were advised the stamps/ coin/postcard division would NOT be closed down, but had been “sold” to Abacus Pty Ltd, a new company set up in Kooyong, Victoria, run by ex-Mossgreen staffers Torsten Weller, Gary Watson and Nick Anning. A NON Christmas present for many. Good luck to them, and as they were owed about $125,000 as creditors, it must have been Mossketeers, other than what others have gleaned, and an interesting deal to set up, and I hope lessens their then posted on stampboards. otherwise large looming losses. No idea where that AucEven more interesting was this new auction venture tion will be based, as I have heard nothing from the 3 Abacus essentially gets all the many consigned stamp/ coin related lots by default, using the original Mossgreen terms, saying that the original Conditions Of Sale agreements applied, unless the owners specifically demanded them back etc. The trio claim their first auction is possibly set for ‘April/May’, and also claim their auctions will have some unspecified Trust Account type protection for vendors. I certainly hope they clearly offer that via AVAA membership - a national body that DEMANDS auditor signed proof, that vendor monies are in fact being held in a Trust Account. The Auctioneers and Valuers Association of Australia (AVAA) said after the Mossgreen mess - “The regulation for auctions are varied across Australian States and Territories, with Queensland requiring auctioneers hold a Trust Account, whereas New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia do not. This is why the AVAA has moved to introduce mandatory requirements for all members” “As part of its role to ensure the highest professional standards among auctioneers and valuers, the AVAA has Charles Leski and Watson in happier an established Code of Conduct that requires members to days. Stamp News - 59

Market Matters maintain a Trust Account that is subject to an annual audit. Furthermore, the AVAA requires its members have professional indemnity insurance in place, to provide assurance to clients should there be negligence on behalf of valuers.” INSIST on AVAA membership Auctions. So to anyone with any fiscal common sense, insisting ANY stamp auction you deal with is a member of AVAA, and seeing proof of that on AVAA website, is simply non-negotiable I’d suspect. From all savvy vendors, after this mossgreen total train wreck. All stamp auctions I feel sure will rapidly join up, after this mess has destroyed vendor confidence. They all claim to be APTA members which is totally meaningless, as APTA do nothing. As the Mossgreen vendors NO mention of Mossgreen now! saw, who lost it all, and as Velvet Auctions vendors all did, losing a $ million or so, when owner Danny Jurd was Federal Treasurer of Prestige Auctions website saved. APTA (!), yet was apparently trading whilst insolvent for The Prestige Auction website was a totally invaluable years. resource, hosting many, many, 1000s of hours of expert Stamp Auctions squandering monies paid for vendor research back covering over 17 years, and showing the stamps, as Velvet and Mossgreen did, (and many cavalier PRICES they sold for, and covering material from countstamp auctions did before them, in bygone Cowboy deless stamp fields - Abacus secured cades) is NOT OK in 2018, and those monies should be the rights to that superb resource. strictly escrowed for payment to vendors, and NOT be These dopey Administrators BDO totally removed used to pay rent, airfares, ads, Director fees and salaries the Mossgreen website on Friday January 19, so the 100s etc, etc. of hapless vendors trying to look up their sold lots from NO trust accounts were used by Mossgreen. This past auctions, that have not been paid for etc, or see what sounds absurd when huge figures like $1.75 million a lots they need to check must get returned etc, cannot now vendor are involved. Most homes are not of that value, see a thing. Web Hosting costs near ZERO. but THEY have trust account protection. The BDO Hence many of the stamp and coin auctions held last meeting Chairman advised the January 4 first crediyear are gone forever now, as sadly the Prestige website tor meeting: “the company was not required by law to had been a bit slack, and had only loaded sales up to the operate a trust account. Auction monies were essentially June 2017 sale. However if Abacus have also retained used to fund the working capital and trading losses of Gary’s original webmaster from Mossgreen, the other 6 the business.” months might be added later? Abacus team Nick, Gary, and Torsten were running That is exactly why I set up 13 the stamp and coin side at Mossgreen just fine, it seemed years ago - far too much superb philatelic info is posted to me, and my guess is they were not the area bleeding online, and simply vanishes overnight forever, when red ink there. They had no hands on the cheque books at not in the safe and secure hands of those who think long Mossgreen, and touring Mick Fleetwood, and running term, with Big Picture vision, and/or have the finances to swanky Cafes etc! These 3 probably have 100 years of pay the hosting fees forever. stamp experience between them. There are now 5+ MILLION posts there, on over 60 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens 75,000 topics, from about 18,000 stamp members, in more than 150 countries. No-one else philatelically globally comes even remotely CLOSE. All superbly google indexed, and hence viewed by MILLIONS of collectors a week, widening the hobby more than anything else can. Superb to hear this valuable Prestige web resource was saved. If this new ownership venture did not emerge - as I hoped it would, I had planned to make a cash offer to buy the website, and all data content as it now exists, from the Administrator, and leave it stand untouched as a permanent archive resource for global collectors. Just as I did 10 years back, with all of my late departed colleague Simon Dunkerley’s website pages, and all his quite brilliant articles and research. Done with full blessing of his widow Angela, and Stamp News - which I will fund for perpetuity - and “Your goods may not be yours for long.” all the detailed material there is worth re-visiting Crazier still, was the large ad that BDO placed in Angela phoned me a couple of years after Simon the “Public Notices” section of “The Age” and also I passed, and was so pleased the website had been saved, understand, in “The Australian Financial Review” and as it was the ONLY thing the young boys had to look possibly other national newspapers, on February 15. It at, as evidence of just how respected and accomplished is shown nearby, and seems very clear. This is aimed at their father had been in this hobby. Simon had disposed CONSIGNERS, not past vendors it seems. of virtually all paperwork at his flat, so there was literSo not only are these leeches BDO, charging ownally nothing left. ers of UNSOLDS twice their retail value to get their Getting your material consigned or unsold many own goods back, (many of who will not have been paid months back from Mossgreen is a cinch, many vendors for what DID sell) they are now legally advising CONmay have thought. WRONG. One chap added a note SIGNORS of goods that those goods can be treated as on stampboards that he sold some stuff in 2017 there, “abandoned” and dumpstered etc (yeah, sure) if you do and had 8 lots of old historical newspapers that did not not contact them within 4 weeks. And are also quoting sell. More here - the insane fee of $A353.20 PER lot to return them! So, assume you were downsizing, and consigned all Buy your OWN goods back at double retail. the furniture, paintings, and art work etc to Mossgreen Vendor wanted them back, and assumed that would be late 2017, went on a holiday overseas or Grey Nomad for offered as a service by the Administrators. WRONG. 3 or 4 months, so can’t open or read any letters mailed to The 8 unsold lots had original Mossgreen estimates you, and you have legally lost the LOT by your return? of $A1,650. The blood sucking Administrators BDO Just plain crazy. No phone number, no person’s name advised him the cost he needed to pay up-front, to get his or address to write to in the ad - not all older folks have OWN old newspapers back, was $A2,825. Near TWICE email. their retail worth. National ABC News February 17 took the “Ransom” This vendor reported if he did not pay this outrageous story a lot further, confirming the Ransom demand sounding ransom demand with 30 days from date of the outlined above, re the unsold newspaper lots, and condemand, BDO advised him they would be treated as firming the stampboards members post that BDO were “abandoned goods”, and be disposed of however BDO demanding a flat $A353.20 “Ransom” per unsold or saw fit, from my reading of their aggressive missive. consigned item, regardless of estimated value. They demanded $A353.20 PER item, to cover “costs”. “Not-Negotiable” the BDO Head Vulture states, to Read even more BDO fees leeched off. cover their alleged outrageous expenses. EACH unsold Stamp News - 61

Market Matters cost lot costs you $353.20 to return, even if the estimated value was only $50 or $100. Vendors and consignors have four weeks to pay the Ransom, or you lose YOUR goods forever. And BDO claims your goods are then legally theirs, and they can they seem to feel, sell YOUR goods, and keep all the money! BDO Head Vulture, James White told the ABC: “In storing the consigned goods, Mossgreen incurred costs in identifying, preserving and maintaining them - it is not appropriate for Mossgreen’s estate to bear those costs, which include wages, rent, security, insurance, legal fees and the administrators’ reasonable and properly-incurred Renamed by BDO as “Ransom Auctions”? time, costs and disbursements in that exercise. “Given this, a levy will be imposed on conCorrespondence sent from BDO Australia to Mr signors in collecting their goods in order to meet those Davies and other vendors in January said that his goods expenses. Charging a levy on consigned goods is conwould be returned or could be collected January 31, but sistent with applicable law, and has been applied in did not mention any fees were applicable, or planned. previous situations similar to this.” White told the ABC. Davies contacted the administrators in December and The goods include unsold items from recent auctions, January to try to collect his goods, but was told that was items held for future auctions, and items sold at auction, not possible, ”until the stocktake was carried out’’. but not yet collected by the purchasers, according to the Mr Davies, who is also a former Sotheby’s ABC. auctioneer, said he believed most people would end up forfeiting their property. “Of the 10,000 thousand objects New BDO Ransom gouge TREBLES victims. they hold - a great many of them would be worth under has the ABC article. The latthe fee they would charge,” Mr Davies said. “They’re est development more than triples the number of people assuming most people won’t bother paying it, so they will set to lose money in the Mossgreen collapse, they state. simply confiscate and take most people’s property.” In January, collectors who still had goods being held by BDO Australia is holding more than 10,000 items the company were told in writing by the Administraon consignment at four sites in Victoria and one in tor, BDO Australia, that such items were NOT part of NSW. Based on those figures, it seems it is seeking to Mossgreen’s assets, and would be returned to them, after raise over $3.5 million from the ”levy” from the hapless a stocktake was carried out. I got the same email. consignors for future auctions, and owners of unsold lots Antony Davies, a toy collector based in Braidwood in from past sales. NSW, has more than 78 unsold lots being held by MossJenny Buchan, a Business Law Professor the green, worth a total auction estimate of $17,000. He has University of NSW, said: “BDO Australia was being been told he needs to pay $27,549.60 in fees in the next rapaciously optimistic There isn’t anything clear in few weeks, if he wants his goods returned, according to the consignment contract I could see, that would give the ABC News report. Otherwise he will lose them all, it them the right to charge quite a sizeable amount per seems clear. consigned lot,” she told the ABC on February 17. “This action by the administrator is just unconscio“The Australia Financial Review” also ran with nable” Mr Davies told the ABC. “To make us pay more this story on February 16. BDO Head Vulture, James money in fees than our goods are worth is extremely unWhite told the AFR “The amount of the levy is not fair. And to increase the amount of people affected, who negotiable. If you dispute your liability to pay the levy, have done absolutely nothing wrong - I’m very angry.” we recommend that you seek independent legal advice.” Mr Davies’ toys, ranging in value from $50 to $1000s The AFR says clients have been given four weeks to pay each, were put up for auction through Mossgreen’s webthe levy, or told their items will be sold, and the money site in December, but failed to all sell. 62 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens

Man ships himself across the globe. absorbed into the collapsed company. “I think it’s highway robbery,” said Tom Lowenstein, the high-profile accountant who helps manage the affairs of artist Charles Blackman among many others. Mr Blackman handed 25 drawings to Mossgreen last year for an auction that was due to occur in February. The celebrated artist has been told he must pay $A8,825 (charged at $A353 per lot) before his sketches will be returned. “They are his works, and they are his property” Mr Lowenstein told the AFR. A horrible and tangled mess, and BDO will be clawing back chunks of the dwindling cash on hand until end of April, the Federal Court has now approved for some reason, bolstered by many millions more now levied on unsolds and consigned goods. I cannot imagine a happy ending for the hapless vendors owed $A12 million from the crash. BDO will get near all of it I can bet. Lots more here - Ozzie ships himself UK to Australia! Sounds incredible and impossible, but this is a totally true story that someone on stampboards raised this week - a heap more detail on it here - MailedMan Includes a recent interview with the man involved, Spiers. Had not heard of it before, so I’ll

share it with readers, for a smile, after all the Mossgreen doom. In the mid 1960s an Australian named Reg Spiers had his wallet stolen in London, leaving him broke and homesick, and wanting to visit his wife here, and his young daughter for her birthday. Back then, an airline ticket for this 21,000 Kilometre trip cost an absolute FORTUNE. A Qantas return airfare Australia to London was, (adjusted from Sterling) $A980 for economy class (which then was VERY spacious!) and $A1,232 for First Class, but the average weekly earnings were just $32.20 a week. Using today’s average wage as a comparative yardstick, we have economy class for $A47,786 and First Class for $A60,074. One of our girls is flying to London soon, and the cheapest fare one way they found was $A603 on Thai Airways - for 24 hours of flying. Good one connection trip, and quality planes, and quality airline - the cost of long haul travel today, WHEREVER you live, is incredibly cheap now, compared to what we earn. Shipped himself COD in a crate! Spiers had worked in airline freight handling, and knew airlines often shipped goods “COD - COLLECT” meaning the recipient paid for the consignment upon arrival. So, he had a mate in UK build him a large wooden crate, planning to address it to a fictitious name and address in Australia, and then exit the box quietly when it reached Australia, and vanish. The wooden box maximum for airline freight was 5ft x 3ft x 2½ feet = 1½m x 0.9m x 0.75m. The crate

Very tight fit for 60 hours flying Stamp News - 63

Market Matters allowed him to sit up straight-legged, or lie on his back with his knees bent. The two ends of the crate were held in place by wooden spigots operated from the inside, so Spiers could let himself out of either end. It was fitted with grab straps to hold him in place, as the crate was loaded and unloaded. To avoid any suspicion that a person was inside, the crate was labelled as containing a shipment of special paint, and addressed to a fictitious Australian shoe company. Packed into the box was some tinned food, a torch, a blanket and a pillow, plus two plastic bottles - one for water, one for urine. Spiers crate was loaded onto an Air India plane bound for Perth, Western Australia. Although Spiers wanted ultimately to get to Adelaide, Perth was chosen because it was a smaller Press photo of the now empty crate from UK. airport. Things started badly after he endured a 24-hour delay at the airport in London due to safely (no faxes, or emails or text messages then!) and fog, and then an unexpected fuel stop in Paris. fearing he had perished etc, contacted the Police, and the 4 hours upside down in Bombay sun. The next stop on the long journey back to Australia was in Bombay, where baggage handlers parked Spier’s crate on the tarmac - upside down - in the Indian sun’s full glare for four hours. “It was hot as hell in Bombay, so I took off all my clothes” Spiers said. “Wouldn’t it have been funny if I’d got pinched then? “They had the thing on its end. I was on the tarmac while they were changing me from one plane to another. I’m strapped in, but my feet are up in the air. I’m sweating like a pig, but determined not to give up - wait, be patient - and eventually they came and got my crate, and put me on another plane” Spiers continued. When the plane finally touched down in Perth, via a fuel stop in Singapore, after ~60 hours in the crate, the cargo hold was opened, and Spiers heard the Australian baggage handlers swearing outside, about the size of the crate he was in. He knew immediately he was safely back home. “I knew they would take the box to a Bond shed. When they put me in the shed I got out straight away. There were cartons of beer in there. I don’t drink but I whipped a beer out, and had a drink of that.” There was near zero airport security then, and Spiers quietly walked out of the terminal, and freedom. Spiers came unstuck only as his crate-building mate in the UK never heard from Spiers that he has arrived 64 - Stamp News

story quickly gained momentum. National media were soon all over it, and Spiers was tracked down and confessed. Qantas started to chase him for the freight money, but soon saw that was very bad PR and backed off. A book was later written on Spier’s crazy adventure - “OUT OF THE BOX”. More detail on it all here - Arthur Gray’s Booklets sold silently. Arthur Gray formed the largest and finest collection of Australia, and Australia States stamp booklets ever formed. As you read this, they have likely been sold - not that the vast majority of collectors, or potentially interested buyers of these rare pieces know it even occurred. Very weird. Why the Gray family has persisted with consigning things to Spink London, who oversaw an unmitigated disaster Auction of his QE2 specialised stamp collection last year, I will never know. UK sales by Australians gets one embroiled in UK VAT taxes added on for all the UK bidders, as you are NOT an EU vendor, plus the absurdly high Spink buyer fees and credit card gouges etc for all buyers. And a daily variable Sterling rate. And the costly inward 10% GST slug for local buyers! Spink as usual told almost no-one here of the impending sale, arrogantly assuming their mailing list and sub average website will get the job done. It does not in 2018. Shock horror - a tiny bit of effort is necessary to

Glen Stephens

Four of Gray’s huge £1 booklets fully reward the vendors. The rare Russia stamp shown nearby is a perfect example. Spink seem to have told few folks relevant that they had it. had discussions on the Gray Booklets, and probably attracted a heap of bidders that Spink have never heard of before. I should send them an invoice. Apart from that, 100s of potential buyers of these did not even know the sale was even occuring. There is ZERO excuse for that. Page Ads in the local stamp magazines etc, and informative Press Releases are what achieves market awareness and mega prices, and savvy Auctions do just that. Spink did not bother. Seigel’s in New York in FEBRUARY had a superb website up and running for the Bill Gross USA Collection in SEPTEMBER etc. Secret Spink Kangaroo Auction too. On the same day Spink, had a superb Australia Kangaroo collection with MUH corner blocks 4 of all the high values to £2 etc. And rare Imprints and monograms etc. Again - no magazine ads placed here, no press releases, no excitement, no vibe. I had received a catalogue of NEITHER as at Feb 18 as this is filed, and ditto several other large dealers I know. More total laziness, and disregard for maximising the vendor results in my book. Me, I do not reward laziness in any field with my patronage and business, and I simply cannot be bothered dealing with Auc-

tions like Spink, who rely on tradition and good luck to garner sales, rather than earn the heavy bidding and ensuing commissions, by doing some bog basic groundwork and publicity for such sales. And am not alone. Phoenix Auctions in Melbourne offered Dr William Mayo’s superb world booklet collection in recent times, and got global bidding, and a good client list for this field. Why Arthur’s Booklets did not go there - who knows, but he would be turning in his grave with annoyance at this lazy offering by Spink I am sure. AUSTRALIA is the market for them, not UK. Sure these booklets are easy to sell, and all doubtless will, as many of the early £1 Roo and State books are unique, and cat ~£20,000 each. I suspect I could have offered the Gray Family cash on the spot, FAR more than they will net from Spink, after currency exchange rate screws, and commissions, and UK taxes deducted etc, etc. Sad. As my stamp mentor Ken Baker told me several

£1 Victoria Booklet, with ledger page. Stamp News - 65

Market Matters times - “Son, it takes no skill or expertise to sell scarce stamps for way less than they are worth.” Spink are commission agents so it makes absolutely no great difference to them, whether one of these booklets sells for £5,000 or £10,000 - the buyer commission is all profit. Arthur Gray bought over all his stamp booklet collection at one point so I could scan all the covers and contents for posterity, as SG did not have a single booklet cover illustrated pre 1950. So, when I passed them onto Hugh Jefferies, Editor at Stanley Gibbons, the Australia and States booklets listings were transformed, with many of Arthur’s gems, the images you now see there. As Spink London use Dinosaur standard images, their pictorial results are cruddy as usual, front covers only, no contents even, or reverses, so decent scans are added here for posterity, of some of the Gray gems I did. These earliest £1 Australia stamp booklets are massive - each the size of an ACSC cat - or near a Hagner page width. Almost no collectors have seen even one of these, much less a bagful! They were in a wide range of cover colours and papers, and with views of different GPO’s on backs - and now we know some had even pictorial scenes. Nobody knows for sure what views they all were, or how many were made. The inside covers as can be seen, were ruled up to allow for offices to use for recording the daily useage for accounting etc. Very strange that so few survived - even empty ones - and large numbers were sold.

Not all scenes are known, even today. 66 - Stamp News

Arthur Gray’s £1 Kangaroo booklet. Ever heard of a TIFLIS Stamp? Well you will not be alone! I am guessing about 95% of readers never have, and I never had until this week when stampboards had a discussion on the example shown nearby. It is Russia’s FIRST stamp. For most readers it looks like an embossed postal stationary cut-out, I am sure. It is very small normal stamp size - 2.2 x 2.4mm. The story of how this stamp was discovered is a VERY interesting read! Well-known NZ collector Robin Gwynne saw an old 1876 “Oppens” stamp album in a local stamp auction. The book was in good condition, and it contained many better old 1800s stamps globally, from the GB 1840 1d and 2d imperfs, so he paid $NZ3,300 for it. This white stamp he assumed was of little value or significance, and given the other nice stamps in there, he disregarded it as a postal stationary cut-out. He later sent it to New York for a Certificate which came back as: ‘Tiflis Embossed - FAKE. In my opinion, this stamp is a forgery’. Offered £5,000 for a “fake”! That was that, but then someone offered him £5,000 for it - despite knowing it had been expertised as a

Glen Stephens the sales have been subject to targeted marketing to the international societies specialized in Russian philately, such as Rossica and the BSRP. Most of their members would have been unaware of those Spink Auctions.” He discovered these Russia stamp sales were occuring by total accident, and frantically tied to place bids, but had just missed the cut-off deadline for internet bidding. And said he’d have paid more than several lots sold for. And I bet he was not alone. Spink needs to lift their game and discover it is 2018.

Russia 1857 Tiflis 6k Local Stamp. “fake”! An English friend felt it might be OK, and ran it past the RPS London and Chris Harman there, who after much research decided it was indeed genuine and gave a clear RPS Certificate. One of just 6 recorded, two of those are in institutional collections. First example to appear in 75 years! Tiflis is the former name of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. It was there that the first Russian stamp was officially issued in mid 1857. Essentially the stamp was a local, designed to carry mail between Tiflis itself, and the summer residence of the Tsar’s representative at Kodzhory. But it is far more than a mere local issue. Spink London ran it to an auction, and it got over £200,000 after the Spink Buyer Fee and VAT on Buyer Fees etc, which add to about 24% total. I’d suggest if Feldman Switzerland has offered it, the figure would have been IMMENSELY higher. The market for early Russia - IN Russia, is RED HOT. Nonetheless Robin Gywnn was delighted of course, and has generously offered $NZ100,000 of his windfall to help fund a new home for philately in Wellington, if the other members of the Club agree to take that path. The far more detailed story is outlined here on stampboards, as reprinted with kind permission there from the “New Zealand Stamp Collector” a wonderful and interesting story - - proving for sure, that new discoveries ARE still possible in 2018! A German member there, and Russia specialist, was furious these Spink sales of Russia had occurred with no fanfare. He said: “It is amazing to notice neither of

$300,000 find in $3000 old album.

Glen Stephens has written monthly ‘Stamp Tipster’ Columns for over 30 years - globally. A vast library of his past articles and photos are found at –

Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068 Ph: 02 9958 1333 email: Website: Stamp News - 67

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exchange Send 100-1000 Australia and World Stamps for my same # US stamps. Tom Harkins, 7 Quaker R, New Fairfield, CT 06812, USA. Email harkins. Collector needs collectors in Canada, China, Great Britain to exchange used or mint stamps, please. Fair exchange only. Chris Jewell-Smith, PO Box 5124, Broulee, NSW, Australia 2537 Penfriend Wanted - For exchange, fauna, flora, mushrooms, lighthouses, mountains, stamps on stamps, Christmas, Olympics, world cup, music, trains, airplanes from Aust, NZ & Pacific. Exchange value Yvert, Michel, Scott. Speaks Spanish/English. Antonio Creo Reyes, PO Box 2222 Habana 2, Cuba 10200

for sale Israel. New Issues 10% BELOW FACE VALUE, old issues at discounted price. Credit plan and much more benefits. Israel Philatelic Club (Since 1965) (Jan 18)

Germany Third Reich. For Germany Third Reich and other World War II material please visit Stamps of Africa, Europe, Australia, Pacifics, Sth. America, USA, Mediterranean, Asia on approval. P & D Nicholls, PO Box 488 Cranebrook, NSW 2749

accessories ALBUMS, CATALOGUES, AND EQUIPMENT for stamps, coins, & banknotes at mail order discount prices. Enquiries or quotes write to: SAPPHIRE COAST PHILATELIC SUPPLIES, PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549, or Phone/Fax (02) 6495 7382.

buying Buying Australia and World Kiloware. We urgently wish to buy quantities of modern Australia and World Kiloware. Regular supplies needed. All mixtures to be close clipped single paper, and will pay as follows, all prices per kg. (a) Australia Commemoratives only to 2015 $12.50, 2016 $15, 2017 $25 (b) Australia Mission modern inc. 2017 issues $10 (c) Australia Territories, inc. Cocos, AAT, Christmas Is. Norfolk Is. etc. $25 (d) Australia Higher values, $1.05 upwards inc. Commems. $60, defins only $20 (e) Worldwide, modern mix unpicked. $30. Minimum sending $100 please. Single country mixtures also required, please enquire. Phone Kevin Morgan 0425 795 693

Australia, N.Zealand, West Europe, Better earlies at bargain prices. VFU only, some in quantity. Phone 0419 680 824, PO Box 93, Bexley South, 2207

Williamstown Vic. Buying anything Decimal, covers or cards from Williamstown Beach P.O. also any Military P.O. fro Williamstown WWII era. Tel: Michael 0407 052 827 (Dec 17)

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INTERFET: Buying any envelopes, covers or cards sent from East Timor by Civpol and/ or peacekeeping forces Mark A Smith, PO Box 1156, East Victoria Park, WA 6981email: marksstampsand


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societies PENINSULA STAMP CLUB Meets 3rd Wednesday each month at 7.30pm, Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most welcome. Secretary: PO Box 187,Dromana, 3936

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AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Rd (cnr Keats GLADSTONE AND DISTRICT PS Inc. Meets on the 2nd Wednesday each month at St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: 51 Camperdown St, Brighton East, 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155. VIC, 3187. The IPDA Inc - Internet Philatelic Dealers Association - dealers & prt time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to for details.

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philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9264 8301 Australian Numismatic Society, NSW Branch: Mtg 3rd Monday, Philas House Australian States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Burwood District SC: Mtg 4th Wed Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries:; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Club WIlloughby Philatelic Section : Mtg 4th Thursday Earlwood and District SC: Mtg 1st Wed Eastwood-Epping PS: Mtg 1st Tuesday Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6555 5664 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Wednesday, Room 2, Illawarra Master Builders Club, 61 Church St, Wollongong 7.00 pm. Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: Manly-Warringah Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall

act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,

western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 4.30pm Bridgetown Library Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email Canning SC: Mtg 4th Monday Wilson Community Hall, Braibrise Rd Wilson. Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, St. Peter’s Church Hall, 4 Hammad St., Palmyra. Circuit books 7pm, meeting 8pm Ph: 08 9284 7125 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484

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NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301

NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, J3A Bldg. Castlereash St. New PO Box: 252 Kingswood 2750. Ph: 02 4733 3062 Piallaway PS: PO Box 12, Werris Creek PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec) PS of NSW: Mtg 4th Sat (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email penviews@ Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican PS: 2nd Sat. even months 9.30-2.30 North Rocks Community Church132 North Rocks Road North Rocks Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Masonic Centre, 8 Boyd St, Tweed Heads, 07 5535 3168 Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email:

northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 9305 3130.

philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@; Website: Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@; Website: Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email:; Website: Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email:; Website: NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@; Website: NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email:; Website: www.

queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: 3rd Tues. 7.30pm Leagues Club 99 Anderson St. Cairns. Ph 07 4055 1302 www. Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103, Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226.

Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. John Mounce, President 649-291-9381 Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email:; Website South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: Web:

Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433; Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 2nd Sat, 10:00am, Nanango RSL. Contact Ph: 07 3103 8938 or ema il: Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: david. Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm Red Cross Rms, Price St., Nambour 07 5445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5535 3168 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815

Stamp News - 71

philatelic clubs & societies south australia

Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435

Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email:; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg: 3rd Thurs. Bordertown PS Contact: K. Grey Tel: 08 8752 0446 or email Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214;; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st & 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. c/- 9 Moore St., Tranmere, SA 5073 08 8398 2475 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan)

victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed

tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues

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1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474 Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 9800, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email:; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Italian PS: Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan), 7.30pm, Veneto Club, 191 Bulleen Rd Bullen. (PO Box 166, Niddrie, 3042) Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5975 0574 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues St Arnaud SC: Mtg 3rd Mon (excl. Jan & Dec) 03 54951371 Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: 1st Thurs. & 3rd Sat. ex. Jan. 6.30 pm, Max Fry Hall,TrevallynLauncestonTel: 03 6331 2580 (A/H) Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec);, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart

stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales March 3 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair, Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02 63623754. March 3 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW. March 3 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am - 4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 March 3 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collectors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea. March 18 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am 3pm, Pioneers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971 3483 March 25 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Community Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am - 4pm. Free Entry, 6 Dealers, Buy/Sell. April 1 - (Easter Sunday), Stamp Fair, Ulladulla Civic Centre, Princes Hwy, 10am - 10pm 02 4455 5214

victoria March 4 - (1st Sun) Western Suburbs Stamp, Coin & Banknote Fair, Strathmore Bowling Club, 40 Loeman St, Strathmore. Enq: Chris. 0413355716. March 10 - (2nd Sat) Salvation Army Stamp Fair, Ferntree Gully. For details see full page ad March 12 - Ballarat S & C Fair. Specialist School, 800 Norman St., Ballarat 9.30am - 3.30pm 0435 601 673 March 18 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair, Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh. Dealers plus huge range activities. Ph: 0418 322 315. March 25 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair, Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am-3pm.

queensland TBA - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am - 2pm March 12 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, Southport Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am - 2.30pm Brisbane Table Tennis Association Centre

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Submit to: Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey VIC 3158 Stamp News - 73

Products & Services Directory dealers MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES See ad elsewhere in this magazine www.21stCenturyAuctions. Tel: 0425 795 693 GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS 4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia. Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:

1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page. Email - - email me now to get on my regular lists FREE! Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years. 11/05

STAMP MALL By Steve Fletcher

Stamp Collecting Does not have to Be Expensive to Be Fun. Over 17,500 items in our Online Store at Fair Prices

THE NEW ZEALAND STAMP COLLECTOR Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 1269, Wellington, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)

Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 1269, Wellington, New Zealand

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces

$260 per year or $26 per month $520 per year or $52 per month $695 per year or $69.50 per month $990 per year or $99 per month POR

Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

PACIFIC STAMPS Australia’s leading dealer in stamps of the Pacific. New Issue Service for all the Pacific Island nations, including: Fiji, Pitcairn, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Micronesia, Wallis and Futuna Cocos (Keeling) Niue, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Cook Islands etc. Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Tokelau, Christmas Island etc. For details and a copy of our price list, write to: Pacific Stamps, PO Box 816, Tewantin, QLD, 4565. Or phone: (07) 54740799 fax: (07) 54740757 or E-mail: website:

Philatelical event of the year: : a real magazine, 100% colour

Timbres Magazine

Reports, studies, hundreds of photos of stamps in France and in the whole world. Monthly, 100 pages Free sample (Join $A2 by stamps) Subscription by air: 475ff (approx. $A90) Information & subscription: TIMBROPRESSE 6, rue du Sentier 75080 Paris Cedex 02 Telephone: (33) 1 55 34 92 55

SAS/OCEANIA INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP Our award-winning quarterly journal, ‘The Informer’, contains regular, informative articles about Australia and States, New Zealand, PNG, and other Pacific countries by knowledgeable philatelic writers. Sample copy/ application form sent airmail for $US1.00. Mint US postage accepted.

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Always buying/selling collections, Up to 39c pay 35% 40c to 98c pay 40% $1 and above pay 60% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: Web:

accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.

SAS/O Secretary, PO Box 24764,San Jose, CA 95154-4764, USA

Great Britain



PO Box 7346, Warringah Mall, NSW 2100

Manufacturers of the full range of Seven Seas brand album pages and complete albums, and publishers of the Australasian Stamp Catalogue. Also a full range of stamps as well as other accessories. Personal callers welcome or ask for free price lists. Tel: (02) 9905 3255. Fax: (02) 9905 7922. Email: Web: 06/06

74 - Stamp News Andrew G Lajer Ltd T: +44 (0)1189 344151

The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire,RG10 0TR, UK

societies&publications MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES

PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANBERRA Inc. The society has a regular program of

See ad elsewhere in meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes this magazine visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishwww.21stCenturyAuctions. ing exchange branch, which circulates to small stamp clubs in the south Tel: 0425 795 693 region, as well as in the Canberra area. It publishes, quarterly, a news-



Features: Major Collectables Shows around Australia; discounted advertising in major collectables journals and yellow pages; regular newsletter; special discounts on accessories/albums etc.; free 6 month subscription to Stamp News; website, with free advertising for members

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T. c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158

letter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail: tony_luckhurst@

PHILATELY from AUSTRALIA a quarterly record of Research & information

ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No serious collector of Australia and its States, New Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this International Award Winning Journal.


Three Year Indexes - $A10 each



Many Benefits: 96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...

Write today Airmail to :

AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome

Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142

17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.

Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or

Trouble getting Stamp News? Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details) New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: Web: Tasmania The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)6224-3536 e-mail: Web: Victoria

Max Stern & Company, 271 Collins St, Shop 8B, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: Web: Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 email Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953

Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 9 Grevillea Way, Heathridge, WA 6027 Ph: 08 9402 9261

()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741



There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month.

Stamp News - 75

Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2018 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Kevin Morgan, ABN 61 577 987 652, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.

Advertising deadlines 1st day of month prior to month of publication (eg the June edition advertising deadline is 1st MAY)

RATES - casual (all rates include GST) All Prices now include 4 Colour Separation Full page

Half Page

Quarter Page


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All rates are now for prepaid series only, 30 day terms will incur an accounting fee of 5%. Payment via credit card on a monthly basis is also acceptable for prepayment terms at no surcharge, however American Express, Diners Club and Paypal payments will attract a 2.5% administration fee. SPECIAL NOTES 1. Advertisers may vary their display advertising sizes within a contract period. 2. If booked advertising material does not arrive by the due date the Publisher reserves the right to publish a previously published advertisement in lieu. 3. Prices are for copy supplied in digital format to the required standard. If production work is required extra charges may be necessary. Please consult.

Required submission format Advertisements should be supplied in digital format (on disk or via email). Advertisements should be provided as high resolution PDF files, with all fonts embedded. All images must be scanned at 300dpi resolution and sent as separate files, and must not be compressed by jpeg below medium quality. Price lists must be provided in Excel format. Phone to discuss other formats or alternatives. Note that MS Publisher files are NOT accepted.

Advertisement Sizes

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Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position�). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.

Contributor & Advertiser Deadlines April 2018 Issue 1 March 2018 May 2018 Issue 1 April 2018 We reserve the right to repeat advertising from a previous issue if material is not received in time. Email submission:


A couple of examples from our stocks -

We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.


Or View On-Line at NEW WEB-SITE – Visit

to view our stock of quality Australia and New Guinea stamps

PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: Phone: 0409 473 150 Fax: (07) 3102 8558 Mastercard &Visa Accepted

Mention you saw us in Stamp News!

Internet & Email Directory The following is a listing of Stamp Dealer and Internet Website contact addresses worldwide. Millions of dollars of stock is priced up ready to sell on these sites. All Dealers may list their contact details here for a very affordable $175 per year fee, prepaid annually or only $17.50 a month. Contact the Advertising Manager on Ph: 0425 795 693, or email: Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today. PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties. The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. Worldwide stamps, covers, errors, proofs, specimens, postal stationery, philatelic literature, postcards, paper money, signed FDC-s and more in our easy to use online store. Prompt, courteous service from America. The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects.

78 - Stamp News New Zealand and worldwide in our Ashford Stamps postal auctions. Ask for a catalogue, or view the website. Also ask for direct sales list of NZ Chalons. Long-established mail order dealer comprehensively covering British Isles, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Australasia and Japan. Prompt courteous service and an extensive user-friendly website. Search our website for full listing of stamps and Seven Seas albums and pages and other accessories. We look forward to serving you.


WE ARE ALWAYS BUYING, CONTACT US BEFORE OFFERING ELSWHERE! We want to buy collections, accumulations, dealer stocks, etc, etc. Australia and States, Kangaroos, King George V Heads, Pre-decimal, Decimal, Covers, Great Britain, British Commonwealth, Foreign. Here are some examples of the prices we can pay: Australia C of A wmk Kangaroo High Values 10/- -Two Pounds, Specimen overprints, mint lightly hinged $120 Australia 5/- Harbour Bridge, MUH $795, MLH $295, Fine postally used $225, cto used with gum $150, without gum $135, slightly second grade (no bits missing please but may have minor thins, heavier cancel, short perfs etc) $65 Mint unhinged, pre-decimals in singles, blocks or sheets. Definitives 1d to 1/7d we pay 4c per stamp, Low value Commemoratives, 2d to 1/- we pay 5c per stamp, High value definitives 2/- to 4/- we pay 10c per stamp, High value Commemoratives 2/- or 2/3d we pay 40c per stamp. Decimals for postage including AAT, and postally valid issues from Cocos and Christmas Islands may be torn or damaged (no bits missing please) but must have gum. Values 39c we pay 35% face value, 40c to 98c we pay 40% face value, $1 & above we pay 60%. Must be sorted by value in packets/envelopes and supplied with a concise list. We reserve the right to counter off er on messy lots. Post Office Packs and Year Books with stamps in place we pay 30% face value, year books with stamps in original stocksheets we pay 45% face value. Mint PSE’s 20c - 70c we pay 30% face value, $1 pay 50% face value, no stuck down flaps please. Recent Commemorative Bundleware, 55c values and above we pay $1 per bundle. Small or Large format High value Definitives fine used 1989 to date with circular cancels $1 to $3 we pay 5% face value, $3 to $20 we pay 10% face value. High value commemoratives, values $1 and above as above again from 1989 onwards, we pay 10% face value. Coins, Medals, Banknotes We buy Australian coins, loose or in sets, decimal and pre-decimal, including Perth Mint and Royal Australian Mint Product. Also buying Worldwide Gold and Silver coins. Pre-decimal and Decimal Banknotes also required in all grades, also military medal groups. Our minimum purchase value is $200, smaller lots respectfully declined, please confirm all lots via phone or email before sending and send via registered/insured mail, or contact us for an appointment, all transactions carried out in strictest confidence. WE PAY ENHANCED PRICES TO GST REGISTERED DEALERS WHO PROVIDE A TAX INVOICE.

Kevin Morgan Stamps and Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 email: Stamp News - 79

Stamp News is now available online To see how a back issue looks for FREE go to our website at Stamp News Australasia Magazine The cost is just AUD$2.95 for a single issue or a discounted AUD$16.95 for a 6 month subscription. This represents a huge saving over the Newsagency price of $8.95 for a single issue and $54.50 for a 6 month mailed subscription. To purchase or subscribe go here: (Please note that these subscriptions are handled by an external agency and in case of any difficulty you must contact them direct)

Gift options for new subscribers In 2018 we are making these new subscription offers to make your subscription even more affordable: For each 12 months of your new subscription you may choose 1 of the following: 1) 2 recent Australia PNC covers, our choice retail value $45…or ask for a list of those available. 2) Approx 1250 Australian Stamps, unsorted, off paper, retail value $30 3) 110mm Illuminated Magnifier on stand, RRP $35 4) Approx 1250 World Stamps, unsorted off paper, retail value $30 5) 30 Eureka stocksheets, made in Australia on a Hagner machine, our choice of strip sizes, retail value $37.50 6) Australian Comprehensive Catalogue, 3 volumes complete, latest edition, RRP $99 7) A mixed selection of Prinz black or clear mounts (state which) retail value $45 8) A pair of European Made stainless steel 150mm pointed tweezers, in safety wallet, plus a perforation gauge RRP $20.00 9) Approx 1250 British Commonwealth stamps unsorted off paper, retail value $30 10) 500 Different Australian stamps, retail value $25 For a lifetime subscription you will receive all 10 gifts. In the event of your chosen gifts being unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute. Please circle the gifts required and return with your completed subscription form on the facing page together with and payment to: Stamp News Subscriptions, PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic. 3158 Australia. Email and telephone subscriptions always welcome. Gifts are for NEW hard copy subscribers only.

Subscribe and Save up to $1.80 per copy over newsagency prices* *5yr subscription CHOOSE FROM OUR STAMP NEWS SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS!

This months free gift for subscribers: A complete thematic set or minisheet (may differ from those illustrated)

All prices include postage and packaging within Australia

6 months 12 months 24 months 36 months 60 months Lifetime

$54.50 $99.50 $189.50 $259.00 $429.00 $895.00

Every Month an exciting free gift for subscribers only.

Please add for postage & packaging: $3 per issue for NZ & Asia/Pacific Region $6 per issue rest of the world (airmail) NOTE: NEW LOWER PRICES

Please note: All subscriptions are nonrefundable and non-transferable. OfďŹ ce Use Only

SUBSCRIPTION FORM - ABN 61 577 987 652 Stamp News, PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC, 3158, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Email:

Please enrol/re-enrol me as a subscriber to Stamp News Please start my subscription from the ................2018 issue Tick one (All prices include GST, Postage & Packaging within Australia 6 month trial subscription $54.50

1 year subscription $99.50

2 year subscription $189.50

3 year subscription $259.00

5 year subscription $429.00

Lifetime subscription $895.00

I enclose cheque/money order (CIRCLE ONE!) for the above amount - OR I hereby pay by Visa/Mastercard/Amex/Diners Club (CIRCLE ONE!) Card No: Name on card:................................................................................................. Expiry Date: ................................... Signature ............................................... Subscription Address: Name: ....................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................... City:............................................ State/Postcode ........................................... Country:..................................... Phone: (..........) .......................................... Fax: (.........) ...........................................

List of Display Advertisers ACTS.........................................47 Bexley Stamps............................51 Burstamp...................................77 Canberra Stamp Show.................83 Glen Stephens..................5, 17, 25 Jimbo's Philatelic Service............82 21st Century Auctions...............33 Phoenix Auctions........................84 Premier Postal Auctions.............77 Richard Juzwin.......................3, 69 Rod Perry....................................2 Salvation Army S & C Fair..........46 Stamp News Mail Order................4 ......................47 Stamps4collectors.....................31 Sutherland Phil.........................82 Vance Auctions Ltd....................82

VANCE AUCTIONS LTD. Serving Stamp and Postal History Collectors Since 1972

Looking for Great Britain and British Commonwealth? Our regular sales are a great source of singles, sets, covers, postal history, errors, varieties, blocks, stocks, and collections.

Contact us today for your FREE colour catalogue or view it online at P.O. Box 267, Smithville, Ontario Canada L0R 2A0 Toll Free Phone: 877-957-3364 Fax: 905-957-0100


HELLENIC CLUB OF CANBERRA, MATILDA STREET, WODEN Friday & Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-3pm Card No. 5

Celebrating Lucy Osburn & the First Florence Nightingale Nurses in Australia (1858-2918)

All State Classes including a Postcard Challenge for New Postcard Exhibits National – Traditional,, Modern, Open, Youth, Them., Maxi., Cinderellas, FDCs, Frugal, Topical Op – Win a 1918 Gold Sovereign (see prospectus for details) It’s not too late – see the website for Bulletin, Prospectus & Entry Form. Closes 14 December 2017

Dealers: AAA Stamps, Ace Stamp Auctions, Andrew Kimonides, APF, Argyll Etkin (UK), Australia Post, Brisbane Stamps, Burstamp, Chris Rainey (UK), Chris Swinbank, Collectors & Memorabilia, Compustamp (US), Cover Connection, David Bryon, David Morrison (UK), Edlins of Canberra, Euro-Yu Oz, Hamiltons for Stamps, Ian Perry (UK), J&J Fitzpatrick (NZ), MPN Stamps, Peter Singer (US), Philasearch (Ger.), Phoenix Auctions, Pittwater Philatelics, Richard Juzwin, Richard Johnson (SA), Ritchie Bodley (UK), Shields Stamps & Coins, Stamp News, Torsten Weller, VST, Willard Allman (US) SOUVENIRS: Items are overprinted with the exhibition logo and numbered. • Supporter’s Club Membership* includes Remembrance Day PNC, Exhibition M/S (gold o/pr), Imperforate Banksia M/S (gold o/pr), Lucy Osburn PSE+ free entry & dinner discount & entry to supporter’s lounge (100) $100 • Imperforate Banksia Miniature Sheet (silver o/pr) (150) $20 • AAT Cultural Heritage Miniature Sheet (100) $15 • Norfolk Island Convict Heritage Miniature Sheet (100) $15 • Cocos Aviation Miniature Sheet (100) $15 • 2018 Canberra Stampshow Miniature Sheet (silver o/pr) (150) $15 • Set of 3 covers with one of the three exhibition postmarks (P-stamp) $15 • P-stamp Sheet of 20 $45 • APF “Unadopted Australian Stamp Design” card No.5 (250) $10 *Note: Gold overprints are only available in the Supporter’s Club



Orders to Bruce Parker (see below) or order form from the web. All correspondence to: E-mails: The Secretary Secretary: Canberra Stampshow 2018 Souvenirs: GPO Box 1840 Tel: Darryl Fuller 0417 672 543 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Web:

1312 Generic_BaseAdvert 11/12/2013 8:48 PM Page 1

Frequent Public Auctions Over 1500 Lots per Auction Wide Range of Philatelic items Extensive and Friendly Website Viewing and Bidding Online Excellent Vendor Terms We are always seeking suitable material to be offered in our Public Auctions. Contact us to discuss how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment. To request a copy of our catalogue, contact us on Ph: 03 8682 9876 or email: Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd 路 Auction Rooms: Level 2, 170 Queen Street, Melbourne. Australia. Postal Address: GPO Box 4346, Melbourne. Vic. 3001. Australia. 路 ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 路 F: +61 3 8677 2858 路 E:

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