Stamp News Australasia - November 2018

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November Quartet A selection of collecting suggestions for adventurous collectors, or to accelerate the scope of an existing collection of the relevant subject. Contact me if you have a particular interest in Australian cover/stationery fields. For individual item offerings, refer to website ( and eBay listings (search rap_com_au).

c1970: Locally addressed Melbourne cover handstamped “STAMP FALLEN OFF” Australia-wide Selection of Post Office Markings Covers: Useful starter collection of P.O.-related handstruck/handstamped Instructional/Informative markings, 1930s/1990s, (75)

1970: “THE SCHOOL OF MINES / BALLARAT CENTENARY / OCT 1970” slogan cancel Australia-wide Slogan Cancels Covers Selection: Introductory selection, all different good strikes, including scarce short-term Regional issue above, and sprinkling of elusive “Paids” in red, (100+)


1968: Mackay Qld registered cover, registration fee (20c) paid by NCR label

1938: Post Office Souvenir Telegram envelope for 150 Anniversary th

Australia-wide Selection of NCR (National Cash Register Co) Labels on Cover: Excellent group of this underrated Postal History category, 1960s/1980s (60)

Australia Telegram-related Ephemera Selection: Comprising envelopes and telegram forms, unused and used, without duplication, 1930s/1970s, (75+)

Registered post paid within Australia (overseas at cost) Payment by Direct Bank Transfer

Rod Perry (Est. 1962) PO BOX 36 TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 AUSTRALIA Email: rod [at] Phone: 0417 598 536

Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 A full National Level multi-frame Exhibition, this event will include all FIP and APF classes, as well as incorporating The Australasian (Philatelic) Challenge and The Picture Postcard Challenge The exhibition will be held from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th June 2019 in the Johnny Warren Indoor Sports Stadium, within the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, located on the corner of King Georges and Forest Roads, Hurstville, NSW

The theme for the Exhibition is the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed on June 28 1919 and officially ended the First World War Theme related postmarks will be available on each day of the exhibition Many Souvenir items will be available and these will be detailed later There will be a Supporters’ Pack, limited to 100 applicants, including limited edition souvenir items specific to this group

The Prospectus and Entry Form can be either downloaded from the PHILAS website, or collected from PHILAS House, 17 Brisbane Street, Surry Hills (off Oxford St, near Hyde Park) Further information regarding the exhibition will be added to the website as it becomes available – there will be no newsletters produced

This is the last full Australian National Exhibition at which to qualify for entry into the FIAP international exhibitions, New Zealand 2020 and Melbourne 2021 So start planning your exhibit now to be a part of this great event

For more detailed information including pricing, contact us to order the latest FREE Renniks & Lighthouse Product Guides

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LIGHTHOUSE album systems are perfect for storing stamps, postcards, letters, documents and much more. Furthermore, our albums and sheets don’t just provide the necessary predection, they also ensure optimum presentation for your collection. up to A4 size




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•2C 336 439 •2S 324 690

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•3VC 321 966

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•3/2C 316 604


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304 329 ZWL 313 446 Black interleaves packs of 5

Renniks Publications Unit 3, 37-39 Green Street Banksmeadow NSW 2019

Stamp News Australasia is published monthly by: Kevin Morgan ABN 61 577 987 652 Phone: 0425 795 693 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes Subscriptions Manager: Michael Woodberry Printed by: Printgraphics Newsagent Distribution: Gordon & Gotch

Contents Articles Woodchip Free Zone: Rod Perry ...................................................6 Spanish Civil War Stamps: Christer Brunström .......................... 14 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 18 Postal Stationery: Ian McMahon ................................................ 26 Cinderella Corner: Vito Milana .................................................... 32 Looking at New Zealand: Graeme Morriss ............................... 52 Introducing the APF: Daryl Fuller.................................................. 54 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................. 60

Information Events/Stamp & Coin Fairs ........................................................... 53 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......72 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......75 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......76 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82

As of Oct 1 2018 Australia Post prices for Airmailing Stamp News increased from $6 to $7.50 New Zealand, $6.75 to $8 for Asia Pacific Region and $9 to $12 for Rest of the World. To simplify things for our overseas subscribers, the new Airmail rates will be: Add 50% to Domestic Price for NZ and Asia Pacific and Add 100% for Rest of the World. Please note, there is no longer a surface mail service from Australia to any part of the World for letters.


On several occasions in this column, I’ve professed a fondness for slogan cancellations, rating them the best value for money postmarks in philately. Australia was the third country in the world to introduce slogan cancels, just over 100 years ago, when on November 8 1917 “HELP TO WIN THE WAR / BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES / ELIGIBLES ENLIST” was introduced at the G.P.O.s in all States, and at eight larger post ny Red collectors will be familiar with this Figure 1. “KEEP AUSTRALIA SAFE ENLIST NOW” cancel, and later derivatives. cinating study, which I highly recommend. However, it is thanks to the well known S.A. sent me scans of his inspirational one-frame exhibit on the subject, and kindly gave permission for its use. I’ve arranged the various cancels in this series in the order in which they appeared. cel, Figure 1, appeared in January 1939, prior to raise 70,000 recruits, in response to Japan’s aggressive expansion in to Asia. In general use for over two months. Figures 2a-b were to publicise and promote “We of the A.I.F.”, Imperial Services, edited and narrated by Captain G.D. Mitchell M.C., D.C.M. The slogan cancel was used at G.P.O.s in all States, aside from in Melbourne (from mid-November Figures 2a-b. “SEE “WE OF THE A.I.F.”” 6 - Stamp News

Figure 3 Figure 4


Figures 5a-b


Figures 5a-b. “TELEPHONE AND SAVE PETROL” Stamp News - 7

the number of articles posted simultaneously paid in cash. Such receipt markings were generally struck in red (rarely in black, and in error). The “Paid” versions of slogans may be 50/100 times less often encountered than regular slogans. The subject of security featured along with patriotism and promotion amongst the wartime slogans, Figures 6a-b and 8 having been introduced in January and April be January 20 1941, for a two-week week of the month have been seen. Red Cross Seals had been on sale but publicity slogans encouraging their purchase (Figure 7) were not introduced until February 1941. They were used at G.P.O.s in all States, and Launceston, to coincide with Red Cross Seal Week, February 24-March 3. The example illustrated the slogan. One of the more elusive slogans, in demand also with Red Cross thematic collectors worldwide. Figures 8a-b, the other of the two security slogans (see Figure 6), introduced to G.P.O.s in all States, and Launceston, earliest date noted at Adelaide, April 21 1941. The Perth “Paid” version is the equivalent of a 4R rarity rating cancel in cds terms. Figure 7. “BUY RED CROSS SEALS” 8 - Stamp News


Figures 8a-b. “DON’T DISCUSS TROOP MOVEMENTS” Stamp News - 9

Figures 9a-b were reportedly used only on Mondays, at all G.P.O.s and at Launceston, from August 4 1941. The gesture was intended as a morale booster. Figure 10 is the “holy grail” of these WWII slogan cancels. Martin has two pieces (one featured here), and I have nothing! I did have a solitary cover, but let before learning just how special it is. Unsurprising it’s rare; it was used at Brisbane only, for just seven days (November 14-20 1941). The slogan was intended to promote “Liberty Week”, November 16-22. Figure 11 two postwar slogans (and see Figure 12), maintaining promotion and publicity of Government Bonds and was Figures 9a-b. “V” (for Victory)

Figure 10. “Q’LAND’S LIBERTY WEEK 16TH-22ND NOV V” 10 - Stamp News

during WWII. piece, or cover? I would recommend variants, and there series, are scarce/ rare (e.g. Figure 10), so pieces one with. If slogan cancels

Figure 11. “SIGN YOUR NAME FOR SECURIT introduced March 12 1946 at G.P.O.s in all States,

(rod [at] au) and I’ll attempt to provide guidance.

Newcastle. The other relevant postwar slogan, Figure 12, addressed thriftiness, allied to encouragement

1947, it appeared at G.P.O.s in all ceston. It remained in use until late last reminder of the promotional, and



SPANISH CIVIL WAR STAMPS In 1936, the Spanish forces in Morocco under the command of General Francisco Franco revolted against the democratically elected government in Madrid. They were soon joined by other military leaders in continental Spain and the ensuing civil war lasted until 1939. General Franco’s rebellion received strong support from conservative and fascist politicians, wealthy landowners and industrialists and the Catholic Church. Aid was also provided by neighbouring Portugal but mainly by Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy. Especially the German air forces paid a decisive part in the war. The Republican side was supported by the International Brigades composed of volunteers from many parts of Europe. They were mainly young men with socialist ideas. The Soviet

Figure 1

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Certain parts of Spain joined Franco almost immediately while other regions remained drid and Catalonia were some of the regions which gave strong support to the republican cause. During the war, numerous towns and villages on both sides issued local “postage” stamps which in many cases were obligatory on mail in addition to regular Spanish postage stamps. Others were mainly released in order to collect funds for suffering people – orphans, widows, unemployed. There were hundreds of issuing entities producing many thousands of stamps some of which were rather primitive type-set labels while others featured local scenery or famous

Figure 2

Christer Brunström people. In this column I’ll spotlight the province of Málaga on the Costa del Sol in the south of Spain. Several local stamps were issued by the capital city of Málaga including the illustrated one (Fig. 1) featuring the Gibralfaro ruins. This particular stamp was then used by 103 small towns and villages throughout the province to produce their own stamps by simply adding the name of the locality ranging from Alameda to Yunquera. In the example shown nearby, the stamp has been overprinted to be used in Alameda. charity stamp was issued featuring local scenery (Fig. 2). This type of design is of particular interest and many localities used their stamps to promote their own region.

Figure 3

To make the acquisition of local stamps, some printers offered key-types where only the name of the locality needed to be added. For the province of Málaga, one of these key types depicted a speeding train on a bridge with an by was printed for Villanueva de Tapia. Many other towns and villages in Málaga used exactly the same design (Fig. 3). All these stamps were printed by Imprenta Fin de Siglo in Málaga. The railway theme was also used in the town of Ardales featuring the coastal rail line. Fig. 4) was printed in four different colour versions and also issued perforated and imperforate obviously in a bid to sell as many stamps as possible to collectors. This particular stamp was printed

Figure 4

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by Fotolitografía T. Molina in Málaga. It is interesting to note that the wording included CORREOS ESPAÑA suggesting some sort of The simple typeset labels of Cañate La Real (Fig. 5) were obviously also produced by a local printer as were many other similar stamps from other localities in the province. Not all local councils ordered their stamps from local printers. The town of Antequera had some of their stamps printed in Germany (Fig. 6). This demonstrates the close ties between Nazi Germany and General Franco’s Nationalist administration.

Fuente de Piedra issued a number of stamps in support of soup kitchens set up for those who were unable to provide for themselves. Ayamonte in the nearby province of Huelva ran a similar scheme also issuing stamps. In a rather strange move, an unissued Ayamonte set was overprinted for use in Fuente de Piedra ( 7). The set also included a souvenir sheet. During my travels in the province of Málaga, I have visited some of the towns and villages which released stamps of their own during the civil war period. It is really quite interesting to collect many of these interesting stamps which

Figure 6

Figure 5

Figure 7

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Christer Brunström remind me of some very beautiful places. A stamp (Fig. 8) from the town of Nerja east

ample shown nearby (Fig. 9) was overprinted

music evening in one of the many bars in the town. Many of Nerja’s stamps featured aviation and there was even a triangular stamp showing

the overprint has been applied upside down not

surprisingly, Nerja also released stamps for urgent mail. In 1970, I spent a few summer months in

Guerra civil” in Spanish) are eagerly collected

ga studying Spanish. As it turned out, this small town also released stamps during the

in the print shop (or too much of the wine for which Málaga is famous).

lished. It really is a vast collecting area. In a future column I plan to show a number of similar stamps issued by provinces, towns

Figure 9 Figure 8

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philatelic news

85 years in the making... Well known Dunedin (NZ) dealer Don White recently celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Dunedin Stamp Centre in a novel way – by issuing a set of postage stamps designed 85 years earlier by his father! His late father, Jim White, was a prominent Dunedin architect, with an interest in aircraft - having joined the Royal Flying Corps towards the end of WWI. This was following 3 years attached to the British Red Cross in France and Italy. He also had an interest in stamp collecting, so when, in Feb. 1932, designs were invited by the Postmaster General for a new series of air mail stamps, he decided to submit an entry of three different designs. The oval designs each contained an aircraft with Mt. Cook in the background (3d), with Wellington Harbour (5d), and with Mt. Nguauruhoe (7d). Each entry included a large black pen & ink design, with 6 stamp sized colour trials. “The number of designs required was not to exceed three, and a reward of £25 was to be paid for each. When the public competition closed on May 31st there were 219 drawings from 75 persons” (RPSNZ “Postage Stamps of NZ” Vol. I page 452). Three other entrants’ designs were selected, but none of them reproduced well in stamp size, so the proposed issue was abandoned. Don still owns the original artwork, so decided to incorporate them in a series of three CALS. These are NZ Post produced Customised Advertising Labels where anyone can utilise their own design or logo in a generic stamp that is fully postally valid. The three $1.20 CALS were issued on September 28th, in carmine, violet and blue (the same colours as the 1935 air mails). There has been a printing of 600 sets. Subject unsold, they are available from Don at Dunedin Stamp Centre. PO Box 776, Dunedin 9054, NZ. Email: Sets of 3 selvedge blocks of 4 cost $NZ30, plus postage. Credit cards welcome.

16 - Stamp News

The Arthur Gray “KGV Era” Collection - Huge Hardbound Leather Grained Deluxe Stamp Catalogue - $A75 posted! A dealer colleague had a small number of these stunning catalogues that we did a deal on. Brand New of course, and our price below INCLUDES the full prices realised list. The largest grossing stamp auction sale ever held here - about $3 Million, and a total sell out - far more details here from “Stamp News” at the time - This sale was a combination of just two of the very many Arthur Gray “Exhibit” collections – the “Australia KGV Definitive Stamps” and the “KGV Commemorative stamps”. They earned TEN International Large Golds between them. And many International Golds, and many top national awards too. Not bad for a bloke who had never exhibited until 17 years earlier. The sale contained not only the “KGV heads” issues in huge depth with Proofs, but all the KGV era Commemoratives, the 5/- Harbour Bridge in full sheet etc, many 1927 Canberra imperfs, and corner Plate Numbers and retouches, and re-entries, and Officials etc, and cover and FDC etc. 270 pages, full colour, masses of images, and the 11 Page Dr. Geoff Kellow intro is worth the cost of book alone. “Name” Deluxe sale catalogues hold their value forever. Without doubt THE finest Auction sale catalogue ever printed in this country - more of a perpetual Australia KGV Heads and Commemoratives Handbook actually. HUGE colour photos of all the Rarities, and deeply grained "Leather" cover etc. Cost price from Auction house initially was $100 plus post, and for anyone who still does not have one, this deal is WAY better! INCLUDING Tracked parcel shipping anywhere in Australia - $A75 (Stock 368WF) TWO copies, INCLUDING tracked parcel shipping anywhere in Australia - $A125 (Stock 368WG) FOUR copies, INCLUDING tracked parcel shipping anywhere in Australia - $A220 (Stock 368WH) OVERSEAS for 1 copy, add $A25 to above for untracked postage. (Stock 368WJ) ALL sendings use real postage stamps of course. Contact us re other queries, or extra copies etc. The 2 and 4 copies deal is a beauty - many savvy buyers will keep one, and ebay off the other(s) - (we saw one get $150 in 2017!) or sell to a friend/s at the Club etc, hence making their copy basically "FREE" with any luck! Order NOW, as when sold out, they are gone forever. Credit Cards and PayPal accepted at no fee for payment

The unique 1d “Rusty Cliché” Block of 6 - invoiced $A86,000

Totally forged 5/- Bridge FDC. Estimate $500 - invoiced $A2,300

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 email:

Stamps in the News - Globally! A Gross profit

Reported at The October 3rd auction of Bill Gross’ U.S. col-




into two categories: -


Turkey & Belgium win the battle of the bridges Reported at

There were two categories of voting – in the


18 - Stamp News

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

across the continent. They symbolise the spirit of unity between nations. I have to congratulate all of the designers for being able to produce such great this year’s winning stamp” commented the PostEurop Secretary General. Since 1956, EUROPA stamps have been a symbol of Europe’s desire for closer integration and cooperation. These special stamps are issued by the European postal administrations/enterprises and bears the EUROPA logo, a PostEurop registered trademark. Since 1993, PostEurop has been the responsible organisation for issuing EUROPA stamps and each year, philately experts within the Philately working group organize the competition amongst other philately initiatives. The Europa stamp of the year competition commenced in 2002. The theme for 2019 Europa stamps is “National birds”.

Gandhi’s circle of influence Reported at

India Post has issued a miniature sheet with seven round-shaped stamps on Mahatma Gandhi. The stamps were issued in connection with his 150th birth anniversary celebrations. being issued by India Post. The stamps, tracing the life of Gandhi from a young lawyer in South Africa to the Mahatma, carry

messages of non-violence, cleanliness, service to the needy, truth, and simplicity. The miniature sheet is inscribed with Gandhi’s quote ‘My life is my message.’ Along with this, the stamps will be released in 125 countries around the world. As many as 65 stamps on Mahatma Gandhi have been released earlier by India Post. stamps such as a Khadi cloth stamp and service/ non-service set of four stamps on Mahatma Gandhi ry of Independent India. A stamp picturing Mahatma Gandhi and emblabrought out in 1948 is one if India’s most valuable and sought after stamps.

Guns …… get knotted Reported at

In recognition of this year’s International Day of Non-Violence, the United Nations Postal AdministraNon-Violence sculpture. The General Assembly, in June 2007, resolved to observe the International Day of Non-Violence on 2 October, also the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. principle of non-violence” and the desire “to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding, and non-violence”. The Non-Violence sculpture was created in 1980 Stamp News - 19

Stamps in the News - Globally!

by the Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd as a tribute to John Lennon. It has become a symbol for peace and non-violence, with more than 30 sculptures placed in strategic locations worldwide. engraving by Martin Mörck of Norway. The € 0,90 stamp features artwork by Swedish environmental explorer, Johan Ernst Nilson, and the € 2,30 stamp features artwork by English musician, song writer and actor, Ringo Starr of The Beatles. The Non-Violence sculpture is used as a symbol by the Non-Violence Project Foundation, a non-profit organization promoting peace and social change through education, to inspire, motivate and engage peacefully. To quote Mahatma Gandhi: “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” To purchase these stamps, as well as other UNPA products, please visit

Paper war in Kashmir Reported at

A set of postage stamps was partly responsible for the sudden 20 - Stamp News

cancellation of a meeting between India and Pakistan, according to several news reports. The foreign ministers of the two nations were supposed to meet at the recent United Nations General Assembly in New York. Shortly after the meeting was announced, India cancelled it, citing the recent release of a series of 20 postal stamps by Pakistan “glorifying terrorists.” According to the new-issue announcement from Pakistan Post, the 20 stamps were issued July 13, Kashmir Martyr’s Day. The new-issue announcement said, “13th July is the milestone in the history of the Kashmir struggle for freedom. On this day in 1931 21 Kashmiris had dom of Kashmir from the clutches of despotic Dogra rulers.” Each stamp is inscribed “Atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir.” They include images of victims of alleged chemical weapons, pellet guns, “fake police encounters” and “braid chopping”, scenes of general abuse and pictures of Kashmiri protests. One stamp carries a picture of Burhan Wani, a popular Kashmiri militant leader killed in 2016, and describes him as a “freedom icon”. A line in Urdu text running down the left side of the stamps reads: “Kashmir will become Pakistan.” Pakistan’s National Security Printing Co. printed 20,000 panes, and according to a BBC report , they are selling well, especially “after the spat over the stamps hit the headlines.” back to 1947, when the two nations gained their in-

dependence. They have fought two wars over the Himalayan Muslim-majority territory, which both claim in full but control in part. India accuses Pakistan of harbouring and supporting cross-border militants who are active in Indian-administered Kashmir - an allegation Pakistan denies. mented during the caretaker government in Pakistan, which ran day-to-day affairs ahead of the election which Imran Khan’s PTI party won. The stamps were issued on 24 July, a day ahead of the general elections, and some 25 days before the new prime minister was sworn in. The two elected Pakistan governments since 2008 have both pushed for normalisation of ties with India. Both have come under pressure either directly from the military.

Relief postage stamp to lick drought Reported at

Australia Post has released a special edition ‘Drought Relief’ stamp to help raise funds for the charity behind the Buy a Bale campaign which supports farmers and their communities doing it tough in the record-breaking NSW drought. now available for purchase with $2 from each booklet donated to the relief effort with the aim of raising $200,000. “Our special edition stamp is about showing support for people across Australia affected by drought,” the Australia Post CEO said. “We’ve already seen communities across the

country rally together to help our farmers, and over the coming weeks these stamps will serve as a reminder of the ongoing efforts needed to support Australians who need it most.” “As an organisation, Australia Post services every corner of the country, and that includes our people and customers who live in many of the impacted areas, so we’re doing everything we possibly can to get behind them.” She said that in addition to the Drought Relief stamp booklets, Australia Post was also supporting the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) to help with relief efforts by donating $100,000 and by matching up to $100,000 in donations from employees of the Australia Post Group.

Air mail stamps finally land in Dunedin Reported at

A Dunedin stamp stalwart has honoured his father’s Back in 1932, Jim White was a prominent young Dunedin architect when the Postmaster-general invited entries for a proposed new set of air mail stamps. A talented artist who served as a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps in 1918, Mr White drew three designs and Mt Ngauruhoe and entered them hoping for a chance of a £25 prize for each design.

Stamp News - 21

Stamps in the News - Globally! His designs were not selected, and the winning designs did not reproduce at a small size well so the proposed stamp was scrapped. Eighty-six years later, Jim has had the last laugh. Dunedin Stamp Centre owner Don White, Jim’s youngest son, has issued a set of stamps bearing the three designs issued as Custom Advertising Labels (CALs) and fully usable for postage. Mr White reckoned his father would be pleased his designs, which have reproduced well in small Dunedin Stamp Centre has its 50th anniversary this year. ``I think it’s great that in my small way I can commemorate my father, while at the same time commemorating my business.’’

Would you like some stamps with your eggs?

Reported at Story contributed by Stampboards member DJCMH If there is one Spanish scent that awakens our senses, it’s the aroma of Iberico ham. And the aroma of ham pervades a new Spanish mini sheet with two stamps celebrating the Protected Designation of Origin of Ribera del Duero and the Protected Designation of Origin of Guijuelo. The stamp on Iberico ham shows pigs ranging

freely in the countryside. Acorn-fed pigs spend their whole lives in large open spaces. This gives them their good musculature, with plenty of marbled fat. The “Guijuelo” Designation of Origin was granted in 1986. Although it takes its name from a town in Salamanca province, the pigs are reared and the ham is produced throughout Castile and León and in three other regions. The stamp is completed by a foreground image of a slice of Iberico ham, intensely coloured and with the classic marbling, which combined with the aroma suffusing the stamp makes it good enough to The stamp on wine shows a grapevine toasting a glass of wine. There is archaeological evidence that the Vaccaei people of the Duero area consumed wine some 2,500 years ago. It was given its Destination of Origin status in 1982.

Laurels for letter from Larnaca Reported at

A 13-year-old Cypriot girl was awarded a gold medal by the Universal Postal Union after a letter she wrote for the 47th International Letter Writing Competition for Young People was chosen as the best one among more than a million participants. Chara Phoka, a pupil from Larnaca, received the gold medal during a ceremony at UPU’s Berne headquarters this month. The ceremony was held on World Post Day, which aims to raise awareness on the international postal sector’s role in the lives of people and businesses, as well as its contribution to global social and economic development. The theme of this year’s competition was, “Imagine you are a letter travelling through time. What message do you wish to convey to your readers?” “With my letter, I wanted to give a voice and an identity to refugee children and give meaning to their lives,” said Chara. “I wanted to express the way young people feel about instaI hope that my letter sends a timely

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Compiled by

Margo Campbell

message that we need to solve these problems, not just for young people but for everyone.” Chara’s letter tells the story of a letter written following a violent event and how the letter is forced on a journey, travelling from Afghanistan, to Syria, Turkey and During its perilous travels, the letter changes hands several times: from its author to a young refugee who dies in a harsh in a positive ending, to a relative living abroad. Over 1.2 million young people between 9 and 15 take part in the competition each year. Chara’s winning letter may be found at: http://

Celebrating bringing good to the world Reported at

Marking World Post Day, the United Nations has highlighted the importance of the postal sector not just for delivering mail but also “delivering good to the world”. “Resilient postal systems offer support during natlions of people; and essential information in times of crises,” Secretary-General António Guterres said in a message commemorating the International Day. “This network, through its international treaties and emphasis on universal service, is a constant voice for multilateralism and force for sustainable development. It also promotes literacy and education for children.” globe, the postal sector is still one of the world’s

largest logistical networks and a vital centre of community life everywhere. Private citizens and businesses rely on the service’s affordable, reliable and unparalleled physical delivery network to send letters, parcels and remit“In the current digital age, the post has positioned itself as a major player in global e-commerce,” he said, noting that the sector’s “one global network” approach makes it an “obvious delivery partner” for businesses selling online. “Customers choose to do business with the post based on its track record of being trustworthy, reliable and affordable,” he added. According to UPU, postal service is particularly important for small and medium-sized businesses seeking to expand into international markets, given its affordability and ease of use. For big e-commerce operators, physical mail is often the “last-mile delivery” service. “This is because the Post not only has the largest physical network even within individual countries, but is also the only reliable service for delivery to remote and marginalized communities.” Marked annually on 9 October, World Postal Day celebrates the anniversary of the establishment in 1874, of the Universal Postal Union, in the Swiss Capital, Bern. Stamp News - 23

Stamps in the News - Globally! This year, the International Day is being billed as “The Post: Delivering good to the world”, urging everyone to appreciate postal workers everywhere, whose trust, dedication, reliability and security are the hallmark of the service worldwide.

In the US – paying more to bring good to the world Reported at

The US Postal Service has proposed a price increase of 12.3% for its lightweight parcel select service. Non-lightweight parcel select prices would increase by an average of 9.3%. The proposed price hikes would go into effect in January 2019 if they are approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission. This move would greatly impact Amazon. President Donald Trump has openly criticised Amazon’s dealings with the Postal Service for months, arguing that the e-commerce giant is taking advantage of the USPS. The US Postal Service says that the price hikes aren’t a response to Trump’s criticism, but that they represent an effort to keep the USPS competitive. Parcel select is used by Amazon, as well as companies such as FedEx and UPS, for “last-mile” mandate to deliver mail to Americans make it an “The Amazon Washington Post has gone crazy

against me ever since they lost the Internet Tax Case in the U.S. Supreme Court two months ago,” Trump which they use, at a fraction of real cost, as their ‘delivery boy’ for a BIG percentage of their packages.” In April, Trump ordered the formation of a task force to investigate the USPS and what he called its The USPS reported a net loss of $US2.7 billion on $US69.6 billion in revenue in 2017. Raising prices on shipping packages is seen as one way to address this problem. Since Amazon is one of the USPS’ biggest customers in the package-shipping business, Citi estimates that raising prices could cost the e-commerce giant billions of dollars. However, Amazon isn’t the only company using the parcel select service. Higher costs will also be a blow to companies like FedEx and UPS.

Wesley Cover Service

Part of Michael Eastick & Associates P/L

24 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often -

Kangaroo 10/- CofA Dark Gray and ANILINE Pink - Superb Used: The final Emergency printing of the 10/- Roo, as the 10/- “Robes” should have been issued then, but production “teething” issues with the new Chalk Faced paper they were using on that was holding up its release. Dr. Kellow notes in ACSC these Roos were destroyed when the Robes were issued. So a small run of 10/- Roos were printed, which in this case used the wrong ANILINE pink ink. Which “glows like a Volcano” under UV light! ACSC 50a, Cat $1,250 for average used. THIS one is as good as these come. Perfect centred, superb perfs for these, super light cancel for a parcel high value, and clean and flat and fresh, and free of all usual old hinges and gook and gunk etc. Estate bargain purchase - Cat $1,250++ - $A550 (Stock 783LP)

“Aust TERRITORIES” Very First Stamp YEAR BOOK x 29, Ret $1,450 for $A500!: Amazing hoard from estate today. Owner bought these at

$40 each when first issued in 1994 = $1,160. 24 years back. Being the FIRST of anything is usually HOT stuff in future. These come out each year in Deluxe Folder with all the relevant pages of stamps of Hangers, and are super popular. FACE of contents is $23.50 each - $681.50 plus the packaging cost. He has passed, and I paid his Estate just $400 and selling for fast turnover for just $500 the lot. Multi fold jackets and all encased in outer cello slip jacket. Clean flat condition. $17.24 or so per album insane price. WAY under cost - an Ebay re-seller DREAM lot - double your money, and clear up some space on my desk here. Australia Territories AP collection 1994 x 29 - retail is $50 apiece, see - tinyurl. com/Territ94 - i.e. retail $1,450 - $A500 (Stock 372FC)

Great Britain 1847/54 EMBOSSED Imperfs, Complete Set of 3 under 10% of SG!: More attractive than usual trio set, bought in an old Estate today. These stamps were crudely produced, as most know, by using a hand held embossing crimp and creating EACH impression in each separate hand movement. A tedious process and few were done or sold. ZERO care was given to placement, and as multiples show us, the margins very often overlapped - often by several mm, which look terrible. The 10d and 1/- had 2 vertical very thick silk/cotton threads embedded into the paper on the stamps. These often split the stamps into 3 sections. Also, PO clerks with much idle time hanging on their hands in deserted offices, very often cut them totally to shape, snipping off the corners to even them up - as evidenced by the many covers bearing those. Lastly early collectors often did the same as the printed albums of the time show the design only so snipping the corners off fitted the album. So, many on the market are split in 3 and crudely re-joined by hinges, or far more often are cut to shape copies made over the past 150 years, that were glued onto a square of yellowed paper that look vaguely like 4 margins copies, and of course they sell for peanuts. These 3 are all SOUND USED copies – especially for 160 years old. No thins, no silk threads splits, no added corners! A very decent set to fill 3 gaps in albums near always empty. Corner crease on 1/- and all with nice crisp embossing. SG 56 £1,000, SG 57 £1,500, SG 60 £1,000, = £3,500 = $A6,500 - Estate special to clear at WAY under 10% of SG - just $A550 (Stock 391JA)

Order via: All Cards accepted with ZERO


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

Postal Stationery Welcome to the postal stationery column for November 2018. This month’s column looks at a new postal stationery issue and new pictorial postcards from Australia Post, Machin Postal Stationery and news from postal stationery competitions at recent exhibitions.

Domestic Postage with Tracking

Australia Post introduced two new postal stationery envelopes in August 2018 (Figure 1). The new envelopes are for a ‘Domestic letter with tracking’ Service and come in DL and C4 sizes selling for $2.20 and $5.25 respectively with discounts for bulk purchases. The new service is Figure 1 ‘Domestic With Tracking’ Stamped Envelope being trialed from 20 August 2018 to 31 January 2019 and tracking. The service provides the same tracking as articles sent by Registered Post with the key difference being a scan on delivery rather than a signature on delivery.

Pictorial Postcards

Three new pictorial cards depicting views of Brisbane (Figure 2), Melbourne and Sydney were issued on 25 September 2018. The Sydney postcard with a view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on the reverse (Figure 3) commemorates the Invictus Games, an international sports event for wounded or injured armed services personnel and veterans held in Sydney from 20-27 October 2018.

UK Machin Postal Stationery

The Queen Elizabeth II adhesive stamps of the United Kingdom depicting a

Figure 2 Reverse of Stamped Postcard with View of Brisbane

Queen designed by Arnold Machin have been immensely popular with collectors of adhesive stamps since their introduction on 5 June 1967. The portrait has also been extensively used on postal stationery and the collection of UK Machin postal stationery has much to offer the collector. Given its Machin postal stationery has encompassed many changes and innovations in stamp printing and postal Figure 4 4d Vermillion services. Chalon Head in RectanguPostcards using the Machin Head design were lar Border 26 - Stamp News

Figure 3 Stamped Postcard with View of Sydney Harbour on Reverse Issued for the Invictus Games

Ian McMahon

Figure 5 2½p Postcard With Chalon Head in Octagonal Border

Figure 8 23p + 6½p Registered Envelope Used to Australia


Figure 6 8 p Lettercard With Chalon Head in Octagonal Border


Figure 7 3p + ½p Envelope With Embossed Chalon Head in Octagonal Border Stamp News - 27

Postal Stationery 7p and 10p envelopes were issued with either one or two phosphor bands as the postage rates changed. The period 1971-1982 saw many postage rate increases which together with the envelopes being issued for 1st and second class mail services resulting in 16 different denominations being issued from 1971 to 1982. In 1973 the 3p embossed envelope was revalued to 3½p by overprinting with a double ring with ½p in the centre and ‘POSTAGE PAID EXTRA’ (Figure 7). Registered envelopes with the Machin Head design were issued to cover the postage and registration fee in 1970, with decimal currency envelopes being issued design (Figure 8) with later issues produced by letterpress. Three sizes were issued for the inland rate (G, H, K). As for the other class of stationery the many postage rate increases from 1971-1984 resulted in many different denominations of registered envelopes. 3/- and 15p registered envelopes were issued in 1970 and 1971 for the international use. From 1971-1984 a series of registered envelopes were issued for use to members of the armed forces overseas (Figure 9) at reduced rates. These are inscribed ‘FORCES OVERSEAS’. In 1982 Lettersheets were issued which were known as ‘Postnotes’ in the UK. These lettersheets had a Machin Head design but were non-denominated with the stamp inscribed ‘Post Paid’ (Figure 10). This design was extended to envelopes in 1983 (Figure 11) but was replaced by a ‘Post Paid’ design with the Machin Head in an octagonal border in 1991 and to a Machin Head design without order but surrounded by ‘POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE PAID’ arranged in a circle around the portrait in 1995 with ‘either ‘1st’ or ‘2nd’ on the right indication the postage service paid (Figure 12). The current stamped envelopes sold by Royal Mail are essentially of this design. Registered envelopes were issued with non-denominated stamps from 1993. Aerogrammes using the Machin Head design (Figure 13) were not issued until 1972 when a 6½p aerogramme was issued with an unframed Machin Head and the value. This design was used until 1981. Aerogrammes with a non-denominated stamp were issued from 1988 and include a wide variety of commemorative and Christmas aerogrammes including issues with text in Welsh (Figure 14) and Scottish. using Machin Head designed impressed stamps which was extensively used. A wide variety of postcards,

Figure 12 Non-denominated Machin Envelope with Circular Design for 2nd Class Mail Used From 1995 to the Present 28 - Stamp News

Figure 9 90p Forces Registered Envelope

Figure 10 Non-denominated Machin ‘Postnote’ Lettersheet

Figure 11 1983 Non-denominated Machin Envelope with Service Indicator for 2nd Class Mail

Ian McMahon design with company message and logo with a non-denominated stamp (Figure 16). Machin Head non-denominated stamps have also been er postal stationery including plastic ‘Mail Pack’ envelopes, Registered Plus Envelopes, Guaranteed Delivery envelopes (Figure 17) and House ure 18) and air mail postcards (Figure 19). I hope this quick overview provides you with an idea

Figure 13 1984 26p Machin Aerogramme

MACAO 2018

Macao 2018, the 35th Asian International Stamp ExMacau (Figure 20). The Exhibition included 21 postal

Figure 14 1998 The Snow Spider Aerogramme with text in Welsh and a non-denominated Machin Stamp

two Youth exhibits. Three Gold medals were awarded including one to an Australian exhibitor, Bernard Beston, Ecuador – The Postal Stationery 18841938 Postal and Lettercard Development in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ian Post Bands and

Figure 15 Private Order Envelope for the Comet Science Group envelopes, lettercards, registered envelopes, wrappers and labels (many philatelically inspired) as well as some stationery have been stamped-to-order with Machin Head duced a service which provided envelopes to customer’s

Figure 16 4p PTPO Aerogramme Stamp News - 29

Postal Stationery

Figure 17 Guaranteed Delivery Envelope with non-denominated Machin Stamp Figure 19 1993 Airmail Postcard Wrappers of Canada. The Postal Stationery volume of the Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue received a Gold medal in the Literature Class while the Postal Stationery Society of Australia’s Journal, the Postal Stationery Collector received a Vermeil, a high award at an international exhibition for a Society journal.

Thailand 2018

The next FIP exhibition with a postal stationery class will be THAILAND 2018 World Stamp Exhibition

Figure 18 Machin Envelope for the House of Commons which will be held from 28 November to 3 December 2018 at the Royal Paragon Hall Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand. THAILAND 2018 will host the FIP Congress and will include a Postal Stationery Commission meeting. The Postal Stationery Commission meeting will be held from 3 pm to 5 pm on 30 November 2018. There will also, no doubt, be a strong postal stationery class.

Armistice Stampshow 2018

For postal stationery collectors in New Zealand there will be a postal stationery class at the Armistice Stamp Show 2018, to be held at the More FM Arena in Dunedin on 9-11 November 2018 at the More FM Arena.

Figure 20 Postal Stationery Class, MACAO 2018 30 - Stamp News

New Stamp & Coin Fair in Melbourne commencing January 2018

Salvation Army Stamp & Coin Fair to be held 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am – 2pm At Ferntree Gully Salvation Army 37 Wattletree Road, Ferntree Gully, 3158 (Parking At Rear, Entry By Side Door) Admission Free, Tea & Coffee Available All proceeds from Dealers’ Tables to The Salvation Army. Dealer enquiries welcome. Also donations of Stamps & Coins gratefully received at the Fair, which will be offered to dealers present on the day. Proceeds to the Salvation Army. Bulky lots may be able to be collected within 50k radius, or can be mailed to us. Telephone contact: 0425 795 693

Please note that this is a Smoke Free Event.

Cinderella Corner Farming And Agriculture In Australia – Part II Welcome to the November edition of Cinderella Corner. This issue continues and concludes the philatelic landscape covering farming and agricultural labels associated with Australia, with all scans of the nine different labels kindly provided by juggernaut collector and cinderella enthusiast Dave Elsmore. Some of these labels are rich and vibrant and help to further identify the different areas associated with farming and agriculture nationwide, including some communities’ post World War II efforts in the face of food shortage. Along with those covered in October’s edition, it is hoped that some collectors will unearth other similarly-themed labels, which surely exist, and offer scans to thereby help continue this rich narrative on farming and agricultural practices in Australia over the years. Austin Trucks Australia has a sound history embedded in farming practices and many rural and semi-rural areas herald heavy farming trucks, industrial machinery and equipment; these extend to those of older ones of yesteryear, cradled in the land of farm owners, to more contemporary and commercial machines utilised today. One category of such beloved trucks and machines belong to the Austin family, and the label illustrated in Figure 1 provides an example. It measures 85 x 60mm, is imperforate on all sides, and presents the text: It’s Harvest Time with AUSTIN TRUCKS – YOU ALWAYS INVEST IN AN AUSTIN. Coloured red, blue and cream, the cinderella highlights an Austin truck in agricultural movement. The

Figure 1 32 - Stamp News

Austin Motor Company, where the truck originated from, was a manufacturer of British motor vehicles and established in 1905 by Herbert Austin, who was born in 1866 and died in 1941. Some years after it formed, in 1934, the Adelaide based company Commercial Motor Vehicles distributed a range of Austin cars, trucks and tractors, and many of these vehicles sourced and restored by vintage automobile collectors today. Austin trucks, like the one illustrated in Figure 1, were produced by the company from World War II onwards and were at a peak in the 1950s, from which the label likely dates. Austin also produced several Australian cars from the 1950s to the 1970s and exported trucks to Australia during this time, too. Produce More Food The immediate years following the end of World War II saw many countries depleted of resources and several nations were entrenched in escalating poverty. Many organisations were then formed to help address these needs, promoting awareness and raising much needed funds. In July 1947, one such organisation, the ‘Producers’ Council’, was formed in Perth, Western Australia. This council was supported by several agricultural bodies across the State, including the Farmers’ Union, the Agricultural Department, and Pastoralists’ Association. The Producers’ Council’s aim was to encourage greater production of food in rural areas, in an effort to curb world starvation following World War II. One campaign by the Council was the production (following a slogans’ competition) of thousands of ‘stickers’ to send to rural areas nationwide, with the help of businesses in Perth, ers’ Council and its purposes. A total of 6 different cinderella labels were produced, in blocks of 6, and three of these labels are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. All three of these labels present the text: produce MORE FOOD The WORLD IS HUNGRY / SPONSORED BY PRODUCERS “GROW MORE” CAMPAIGN COUNCIL. The label in Figure 3 bears some additional overprint text, which helps to further extend and localise the Council: sponsored by Producers “Grow More” Campaign Council, Economics Chambers, Perth, W.A. This label highlighted in Figure 3 is a likely a later print. It is also known that the labels were sent from July to September that same year and a

Vito Milana

Figures 2 & 3 review of the progress of the campaign then followed. All of the labels are multicoloured, measure 42 x 56mm, and are perforated 11 on all sides. The two labels in Figure 2 illustrate a suckling pig, and groceries (including vegetables, lemon butter, a can of choice peaches, and tomato juice). The image in Figure 3 presents a pair of sheep. The remaining three labels in this set contain similar agricultural motifs, including cattle, more groceries, and an Australian farming landscape. The ‘Produce More Food’ labels are scarce. If a reader has a complete block illustrating the six different cinderellas, I would welcome a scan.

BE READY FOR TILLAGE AND SEEDING / PLACE YOUR PARTS / ORDER NOW! The cinderella illustrated in Figure 5, coloured black and bright green, offers near identical text, with the exception of the and replaced with an ampersand: BE READY FOR TILLAGE & SEEDING / PLACE YOUR PARTS / ORDER NOW! coloured i) blue and black, and ii) orange and black, present the following text: BE AHEAD AT HAY AND HARVEST TIME / ORDER GENUINE IH PARTS NOW!

Be Ready / Be Ahead The two labels illustrated in Figure 4, coloured i) black, white and green, and ii) black, white and pale brown, present the following text:


Figures 4 & 5 Stamp News - 33

Cinderella Corner tillage and seeding, as advertised in the cinderella labels. These are designed to enhance productivity for contractors and farmers. The images on these labels include small seeding and tillage equipment, a Case IH worker taking an order, and a gentleman proudly showing his Case IH product in his hand, with ‘GENUINE PARTS’ written over it.

Figure 6

Conclusion The farming and agricultural setting in Australia in embedded in a rich history that continues today. From raising awareness to promoting a range of products and services, the labels explored across this and last month’s part of the Australian backdrop, both historically and contemporarily. I once again thank Dave Elsmore for providing all of the scans in this month’s piece. If any reader has other farming and agricultural cinderellas to share, please let me know.

Dave Elsmore’s Cinderella Receipt Stamps Of Australia Dave Elsmore’s recent online publication, Cinderella Receipt Stamps of Australia: From Life Insurance to the Ambulance to the Hospital to the Mortuary! Is a must read. Accessible on his comprehensive site, the extensive document covers a range of receipt issued cinderella stamps in Australia, covering several facets of living, including contributions to the Central District Ambulance Service, to the more elusive Mt. Isa District Hospital Subscription receipts. With over 100 illustrated labels and booklets, this document is a living piece that will certainly shape and grow as more material is discovered and documented.

VACANCY - Stamp Describer 21st Century Auctions requires the services of a Part-time describer.Initially 2 to 3 days a week, possibly more later. The ideal candidate will have a broad knowledge of stamps and postal history worldwide, and be able to work efficiently without supervision. Emphasis will be on Australian States, Kangaroos, KGV Heads and Europe, particularly German States and Switzerland. You will ideally be a non-smoker aged 35 to 60 with excellent computer skills, plus good knowledge of eBay, Auction software programs, and be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident with current drivers licence. Friendly working atmosphere in modern well lit offices in Upper Ferntree Gully Victoria. Flexible hours, salary negotiable depending upon aptitude, skills and knowledge. Apply by telephone in first instance to Kevin Morgan on 0425 795 693 34 - Stamp News

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 Buy now at the listed price or bid a lower figure. Bids will be considered Midday 30th November 2018. Bids accepted by phone, mail or email. Provided the item has not sold at the full price, bids at 75% to 95% will have a good chance of success; 65% - 74% will have a reasonable chance of success. Bids below 65% will have minimal chance of success. Bid for as many alternatives as you wish, but please put a dollar cap on your total spending, and we will allocate lots according to what is available. Orders at full list price above $500 are post free within Australia. Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request. Many smaller items, including many that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions. Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500 for items purchased at full price. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 10am – 6pm Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours. All of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee (Excluding packets, mixtures, collections and items with certificates, these items are not returnable unless significantly mis-described and then only for credit or exchange, not for refund) Accessories & Publications AAP13) Ka-Be Stockbooks. Clearing our shelves of almost as new (some may just be old stock that got a little shop soiled) a) 32 black page de-luxe with clear interleaving. Retail $40 each. Available in Red, Black, Blue or Green. Half price, $20 each, carton of 10 for $195 b) 64 white page padded cover, available in Black, Green or Blue. Retail $64. Half price, $32 each, carton of 5 for $155 AAP12) 2 x deep red Lighthouse 32 page stockbooks. Almost as new, cost $30 each, cheap to clear, $35 the two. AAP11) Scott Specialty Album for AAT & Christmas Island 1957 – 2011 near new. Regular for earlier years, then Hingeless from 1990. Supplied in Heavy Duty Dark Green Binder. Current retail around $295, price $149 AP1) Magnificent stockbook offer! We have a great new item: Ka - Be, one of the most respected German manufacturers now has a 64 black page padded binder stockbook, with double linen hinging. These retail at $66 each, my price $55 each or $249 for a carton of 5. Colours available are Black, Dark Blue, Dark Green or Maroon PZM1) Prinz Mounts, clear, mixed sizes, as they come, big bag of 500g, elsewhere $89, my price $69…will keep you going for ages! AMMY2) As new Stocksheets, some never used. Mix of brands like Hagner, Prinz & Eureka. Now at UNDER HALF NEW PRICE OF $175 per 100 our choice of sizes. Single sided sizes available 1 - 3 strips, $72.50 per 100. Double sided available in 1 – 5 strips, $137.50 per 100. AMMY4) SG Part One, Commonwealth 1840 – 1970 Catalogue 2013 edition, small fault at top of spine otherwise as new. Published at $175, price just $49. ACC1) Australia Comprehensive Catalogue Hard Bound Edition, with Spiral Bound Update. This is the most recent edition with most prices still being current. Prices for all Australia, Australian States and AAT in semi-specialised listings, every stamp illustrated in full colour. Contains issues to 2010. Originally sold via Bookshops and Newsagencies at $99, clear-out price of less than 25%, and $24 per set. Re-sellers special….5 sets for $99! MN41) Magnificent Magnifier: Large 110mm Illuminated Magnifier with Stand This magnifier can be used with or without the base. It is suitable for stamp and coin collectors as well as art and craft, artists etc. Magnification: 2.5x, plus 4x Spot. Diameter: 110mm, bigger than the Lighthouse similar product. Battery operated: 2 x AA (not

included). Adjustable height up to 200mm and angle to 45 degrees. RRP $36.95. Price each only $15, under 50% retail! $69 per 5 why not gives away to friends and relations, or does some trading? AAP7) Schaubek Drying Books, A4 with 12 drying sheets, just arrived. We only have 10 of these. On EBay at $27.99 plus $5 postage, my price $30 post free, two for $55. AAP9) Lighthouse Australia Hingeless Albums (2) 1966 - 2000, including AAT. Superb Two Volume set on heavy duty leaves and in Black Padded Leather Grain Binders. Virtually as new, original cost $825. Priced well under a half $395. Cinderella Issues CN1) Australia Pals Labels Minisheet. Reprinted set of 6 labels. Emu, Kangaroo, Koala, Platypus, Lyrebird & Kookaburra. Price $29 CN2) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary reprinted 1st set of 25 labels. Platypus, Rosella, Koala, Lyrebird Kookaburra, Magpie, Kangaroo etc. Price $29 CN3) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary reprinted 2nd set of 25 labels. Plane, Wheat, Vineyard, Gold Panning etc. Price $29 CN4) Australia Commonwealth Beer Duty Labels, complete reprinted set of 26, 2 gallons to 400 gallons, Rouletted. Price $39 CN5) Australia set of 12 full colour Unadopted Essay sheetlets. Produced some years back in a limited edition of 2500. We have just 4 sets available at $69 per set. HR1/6) Hutt River Province 1986 Australian Wildflowers Original Artwork of the 6 accepted designs in full colour. Each measures 130 x 185. Unique! Price $1750 SPECIAL OFFERS of Papua New Guinea If you collect this territory we have excellent stocks of both mint and used. I reckon our prices to be at least 20% cheaper than other major dealers, so please let us have your wants lists. In the meantime here are some specials! PNG5) PNG 1990 Year set mint unhinged, 7 complete issues plus set of 3 Framas, price $23.50 PNG14) PNG 2003 Anniv. Of Powered Flight. Minisheet & sheetlet, SG 987/88 mint unhinged cat. £11, price $9.95 PNG13) PNG 2003 Tree Kangaroo sheetlet of 4 sets, SG 989/92, cat. £28, stunning price $7.95 PNG10) PNG 2004 Dolphin surcharges blocks of 4 mint unhinged, price $4.95 PNG6) PNG 2005 Frangipanis, SG 1074/9 set of 6 mint unhinged, blocks of 4 cat. £42, only $19 PNG12) PNG 2005 Mushrooms minisheet SG MS 1090 mint unhinged, cat. £5.50, price $4.95 PNG21) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. 3.35K in sheet of 20 with Orchid in Tab, SG 1179, cat. £75, so cheap at only $23.95 PNG20) as above, but with Benchback Wildlife –Western Province view with bird in tab, price $23.95 PNG17) PNG 2007 Orchids, 1st personalised stamps. 5.35K in sheet of 20 with Orchid in Tab, SG 1180, cat. £120, so cheap at only $23.95 PNG18) as above, but with Port Moresby Waterfront in Tab, price $23.95 PNG7) PNG 2007 Contemporary Art Minisheet SG MS 1220, cat. £12.20 mint unhinged, price $8.95 PNG11) PNG 2008 World Aids Day 10K Minisheet, SG MS 1285 mint unhinged. Cat. £14, price $7.95 Collections & Lots IMPORTANT! When buying collections and lots you are buying at a fraction of retail for the individual stamps. There are times when some stamps may not be perfect; we simply do not have time to check every item. We regret that we are not able to accept individual stamps or sets for return from these lots. Our 14 day guarantee covers return of complete lots for credit only against future purchases, not for a refund. COCT1) Amazing carton lot of mainly Australia Slogans on piece, 1929-1967, plus

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 some Meter marks. Frankings range from 1d Green KGV – 5c Blue QEII. Also some USA and a few GB Metermarks/Slogans. Must be 4000 – 5000 total with a huge variety of slogans and postmarks. Has to be worth 10c and item. Price $449 COCT2) Green ring binder with wide array of Worldwide Postage dues, Newspaper stamps, War Tax, Express, Registration Labels, Anti TB, Earthquake Fund, Insurance, Special Delivery and the like form a wide range of countries, inc: Austria, Poland, USA, Canada, India, NZ, Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Liechtenstein etc. Amazing lot, all different about 500 items, Price $79 COCT3) Worldwide bundle, mint & used in stock sheets on album leaves, club sheets etc. Amazing lot with 1000’s of stamps and not a vast amount of duplication. Noted PNG Mint unhinged sets, useful USA, mint unhinged thematic sets, Solomon Is. Reptiles definitives to $10 mint unhinged, approval books of early Austria etc. Very little Australia, only maybe 5% of the total. Many nice pickings here. Weighs nearly 3kg, good value at $249. COCT4) Two Lighthouse 64 page stockbooks (Blue and Brown) containing retired dealer’s priced stock of used Vatican, France & West Germany mainly 1960’s – 1980’s with some earlier. About 500 Vatican, 400 France and 400 Germany. Many better noted especially in the Germany. There is quite heavy duplication in parts. The stockbooks are quite old, but still serviceable and would cost $120 plus new. Very cheap lot basically half new price for the stockbooks and the 1300 odd stamps come free! $59 the lot. COCT5) World better than usual collection, early to modern organised A – Z in 4 large stockbooks, mostly postally used. Around 5000 all different. Very hard to assemble and very cheap at under 5c a stamp. $235 the lot. COCT6) Spain mint & used colln. On 70 Minkus Pages, 1920 -1964. Many complete mint unhinged sets. Some minor aging but overall very good. Cat. £575 = $1000 plus. Do not see many Spanish collections. Well worth $395 COCT8) Australia Decimal very fine corner used cto quality collection 95% complete 1966-1988 in Blue Padded near new Seven Seas Hingeless Album, currently $209 on their website. Includes Navigators to $4, 1971 Christmas Block of 7, and pretty well most other stamps. (Excludes booklet panes & Gutter Pairs) Very cheap at $7 per year for album and stamps, price $154. COCT9) Australia Post Official Unaddressed First Day Covers, 1970 – 1988 in 2 large albums. Appears pretty well complete from 1976. 205 covers total with values to $5 for less than 75c each, the very substantial albums would have cost $150 or so. $149 the lot! COCT10) Norfolk Is. 1953 – 2002 90% plus complete in near new $65 Lighthouse green padded 64 black page stockbook. Around $1200 retail for the stamps alone. Odd earlier stamp is a little aged, otherwise Post Office Fresh. Norfolk Is. In in great demand right now. Great price, $695 the lot. COCT11) USSR collection of commercial covers, postal history, stationery, fdcs, maximum cards, picture postcards etc. 1962 -1990 mostly addressed to East Germany. Magnificent lot in great condition housed in 2 as new green padded Premier First Day Cover Albums. Heaps of thematic interest here too. 176 items. Albums alone cost over $100. Price for the lot, under $1 per cover, $169 COCT12) Stamp Exhibitions. Souvenir sheets, entry tickets, South Australia reprinted Chalon sunken Die Proofs, covers, postal stationery etc. 1950 -1982 plus some earlier bits. 30 items, housed in as new Padded Brown Hagner Binder on 14 Hagner pages, retail for these alone $49.50. The lot for less than $2 per item and the album comes free. $59. COCT13) Two Padded First Day Cover Albums as new (1 is a Cumberland) New price $60, with collection of Australia FDC’s, PSE’s & Aerogrammes mint & used. Noted 30c barred Frama fdcs and $5 FDC. 128 items. Huge retail value of approx $300 including the albums. Priced at less than a quarter, $74 the lot! COCT14) British Empire Queen Victoria on quality leaves. All nice fine postally used apart from a couple of low value mint. . Includes 10 countries, Bechuanaland to Trinidad. All well written up and described. Strong in Ceylon with Chalons Perf. 10

different to 2/- cat. £220, also SG 193 cat. £140. Cyprus with SG 16 cat. £500, Gibraltar SG 5 Cat. £110, SG 6 Cat. £225 also SG 25 &33 cat. £100 each. 100 plus stamps Cat. well over £2500. Price $1795 CMA1) Vast lot of World and Australia! From Deceased Estates and other sources such as charities and auctions, also private purchases. We have 12 big shipping cartons which we are breaking down into smaller lots of 10 kg. Each will contain 15 – 20,000 stamps unchecked off paper plus albums, stocksheets, stockbooks, covers, minisheets etc. Virtually all is postally used with some mint, early to modern. There really is no telling what you might find in these lots. Price per 10kg lot, inc. Post and Insurance Australia Wide, around 3c per stamp $695. Supersized double lot for $1295 (post-paid) Half lot for $375 (post extra) Remember to choose World or Australia, or a mixture of both. CMA2) China and Taiwan stamp collection, 1898 to 1972 on 26 album pages and 2 Hagners SG 2013 SG cat. £312 = $A600. Nice old collection back to the 19th Century inc. a nice mint CHINA o/p on Hong Kong KGV 50c SG133 cat. £75 alone. Handy old hoard on vintage pages. These sort of genuine old lots always sell quickly! 350 – 400 stamps. Price $395 CMA3) Jersey Complete mint unhinged 1941-2017. Supplied in 5 Top quality German LINDNER T albums in matching slipcases. SG catalogue value £4,068 (=$A7,500) for stamps alone and albums are another $2000. Great condition - formed in Europe, so no rust. Books and stamps look almost as new. Appears 100% complete. The top quality German Lindner Albums with matching slipcases have mega thick quality pages, all stamps illustrated, and onto which is affixed a clear overlay (like a Vario sheet) with applicable pockets, into which you add the mint stamps and on the printed paper page underneath, you can then hinge on USED stamps if you want, of the same issue. i.e. the albums can house a mint AND used collection if you wish. Each book is lightly annotated in erasable soft 4B pencil with SG value alongside each set (took a full day to do it!) and we have 1941 to 1990 SG value £385 1991 to 2002 SG value £629 2003 to 2008 SG value £827 2009 to 2013 SG value £1,092 2014 to 2017 SG value £1,133 SG total catalogue value £4,068 MASSIVE face/retail, lots of £5 stamps in here too. ANYTHING post 1990 is very tough for Jersey, and post 2000 near impossible. At 40% of cat. for the stamps and with $2000 worth of albums thrown in, this is remarkable value at just $2995 CMA6) Australia used accumulation in 32 page green Posthorn stockbook: Kangaroos (400 approx) noted 2½d (80+), 3d (30), 6d blue & 1/- (35 ea), 6d chestnut (30), 2/- brown (25), also KGV heads (750 approx) noted 1d red (40), 1½d brown (60), 1½d black brown (20), 1½d red (110), 2d red (180), 3d (30), 5d (40), condition is a little mixed, totally unchecked by us for shades, postmarks etc. (1150 approx) A great opportunity! Price $1195 CMA8) Australia KGV period used accumulation on Hagners including ‘Roos 1d (40, including 8 with private perfins), KGV heads (approx 160) noted 2d C of A inverted wmk (30+), perfin ‘VG’ (25), also 1935 2d ANZAC (500), 1936 2d Cable (100), & 1937 2d NSW Sesqui (70), majority appear to have cds cancels, great opportunity for the postmark collector! Price $175 CMA9) Australia & AAT FDC and PSE collection mint and used 1970 – 1983, plus some PO Souvenir covers in 4 big ledger type album neatly displayed. All very clean mostly unaddressed Official Australia Post Covers. Noted 1970 Grassland, Expo, Royal Visit, Cook, 1971 Christmas Block of 7 x 2, $10 Painting etc. Counted well over 500 covers. A steal at under 50c per cover. Price $249 CMA10) Australia 1970 -1993 Official Post Office First Day Cover collection house in 5 x Luxury Gold Blocked Deep Blue PW First Day Cover Albums as new, with extra pages for later issues these alone cost $750. Appears complete for the period except for the small Cook cover. All are as purchased from the Post Office, brand spanking new and unaddressed, except 1. Commences 1970 Expo and has all the early scarce covers, min-

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 iature sheets, peel and sticks, Framas and counter printed stamps. etc. 380 covers in all with values to $20, must have cost $1250 to $1500 to buy as new issues. So around $2000 total original cost here. An opportunity to buy a virtually complete collection that can be built on for under $2 a cover, the $750 worth of albums are free! Just $749. CMA11) New Zealand from Queen Victoria used to 1990s Haphazardly stuffed into large stockbook. Looks like collectors duplicates. 1250 – 1500 stamps, plus some other World stuff at the back, about another 250. There will be some decent pickings throughout. Cheap lot at about 4c a stamp, just $79 CMA12) World Array mostly organised by country in 12 smaller stockbooks. Definitely some pickings here and must be a few thousand stamps, some duplication but a lot of items not often seen form Turkey, Lebanon etc. Weighs over 5kg. Very cheap at $179 the lot. CJL2) France. Mint (much unhinged) & fine used collection 1849 Imperfs – 1989 on Hagners & Hingeless pages in black binder. All items described and priced per Gibbons 2016 Stamps of the World, and with a total catalogue value of £3095, plus some first day covers not included in the pricing. Good general overall condition with some very minor duplication in places. Excellent lot for 25% of catalogue value, price $1389 CJL4) Papua New Guinea 1965 - 1989 50 different Official First Day Covers, all clean unaddressed. Very cheap at $89 CJL5) As above, but 1990 – 1998, price $99 CJL6) As above, but 1990 – 2001, price $110 CJL7) Cocos (Keeling) Is. 1979 – 2011 Official Unaddressed First Day Covers, 50 different. Price $119 CJL8) As above, but 1991 – 1997, price $110 CJL9) Norfolk Is. 1966 – 1997, 50 different unaddressed First Day Covers mostly official, may be one or two Wesley covers. Price $89 CJL10) As above, but 1967 – 1997, same price $89 CJL12) Christmas Island 1983 – 2002, 50 different Official Unaddressed First Day Covers, lovely lot! Includes Chinese New Year sets & Minisheets. Price $129 CJL13) China, People’s Republic. Wide ranging lot of 500 different mostly used, with brand new 64 black page padded German Made stockbook. Price $295 CJL18) New Hebrides (British ), mint unhinged collection on Hagners 1949 UPU – 1980 Birds. Near complete collection cat. 200 pounds plus. Good value at $129 CJL19) Great Britain. Massive used collection/accumulation 1840 – 2007 in as new Lion Brand Dark Blue 64 page stockbook (cost $65) Bulging with around 5000 stamps from Line Engraved to present day. Very well organised chronologically. Noted Queen Victoria to 1/-, KEVI to 5/- (Both printings) KGV to 10/- (2) KGVI to 10/- (7) QEII Wildings organised by printing, then a wide range of Machin Definitives and Commemoratives, with literally hundreds of complete sets and values to £10. This really is a great lot, well worth an average of 20c per stamp. Price $1000 CJL23) British Commonwealth 1970’s/80’s Definitive sets on Hagners, mint unhinged. Includes Norfolk Is. Aircraft, Christmas Is. Butterflies, Samoa 1972 & 1983 sets, Papua New Guinea Panorama, Gilbert & Ellice Is. 1965 7 1966 sets and Fiji 1968 & 1969 sets. Cat. £150, cheap at a third, price $89 CJL24) Channel Islands 1940 - 1984 Guernsey + Jersey MUH colln in huge and heavy Dark Green Lindner T Hingeless album. Seldom seen material. These top quality German Lindner Albums have mega thick quality pages, onto which is a clear overlay with applicable pockets, you add the mint stamps into (see photo) and on the paper page, you can then hinge on USED stamps if you want of the same issue. i.e. this album houses a mint AND used collection. It costs $300 - 400 new. Pretty reasonable condition and a few spots on page outers seen, but very usable. From earlies up to mid 1980s. Has nice things like early 1943 Jersey set of 6 MUH, and also the scarce 1969 Guernsey Dues etc. Both countries with MUH QE2 Defins to £5. Spot checked these, and near all look to be fresh MUH. There is ALSO a pile of PO packs, and also some covers, and also Hagner of earlies, and a few other bits and pieces. With the packs etc, the SG Cat is about £325 - plus an album worth $100’s = Near $1,000 value. Just $359.

CMMY1) Worldwide in Albums & Stockbooks, early – modern. Mainly used. As received from Estates. Honestly could be anything in here, as we only give each lot a cursory glance. There will be a % of Australia in these lots. 5kg lot for $129, 10kg for $249, 20kg for $495 CMMY1a) as above but AUSTRALIA only, same prices. CMMY1b) as above but 50% Australia and World, same prices. CMMY2) Germany 1936 – 1954 on Hagners. Commences 1936 Brown Ribbon minisheets, mint x 7 with original interleaving. 1937 Hitler minisheet rouletted mint unhinged, Michel 648. 1948/9 British and American Zone issues used to 75 pfg, the West Berlin views to 5DM used, red & black Berlin Overprints mint & used to 84pfg. Then Berlin 1949 UPU used, Stamp Ex. Set of 3 mint, Bell with clapper central complete used etc, etc. W. Germany Heuss defins Mint Unhinged and fine used to 3DM. All in all a lovely lot. Some duplication. SG Cat. £2250. Good value at under 20% cat. Price $749 CMMY5) New Zealand 2014 – 2017 Fresh Mint Unhinged collection in as new Red Lighthouse 64 page stockbook. Appears complete for the period. Retail approx. $1100, rarely available on the secondary market this recent. Price $759 CMMY6) Australia KGV Heads and Kangaroos in Blue 32 pages stockbook, as received from Deceased Estate. Comprises KGV Halfpenny Green x 85, 1d red x 367, 1d Green x 51, 1d Violet x 86, 1.5d Red x 81, 1.5d brown x 240, 1.5d green x 94, 3d Blue x 105, 5d Chestnut x 91. The Kangaroos 1d x 92, 6d Blue x 1, 6d Brown x 2, 9d x 4, 1/- x 4, 2/- x 4 and 5/- x 3. 1225 stamps all up, appears unchecked for postmarks etc. All appear decent examples and a great research lot. Not checked by us for varieties, postmarks or shades. Price $725 CMMY7) Australia KGV Heads in red 16 page Lighthouse Stockbook. All 1.5d Red and Brown values, sorted by watermark. Must be some postmark interest etc. here. All good examples it looks like. Not checked by us for varieties, postmarks or shades. 1079 stamps. Price $649 CMMY10) Australia 1975 – 95 Australia Post un-addressed First Day covers, massive clearance. 100 different for $89, 250 mixed for $169, 500 mixed for $325, 1000 mixed for $595. Massive lot of 2000 mixed for $1100. (Duplication will be kept to a minimum in the mixed lots, depending upon stocks) CMMY11) British Commonwealth, 1953 Coronation Covers, many with additional stamps & markings. Amazing lot of 65 small seamail covers virtually all to Melbourne. Wide variety of usages and cancels inc. Interbank mail, Official Mail, Registered Mail, Postage Dues, Taxed Covers, Meter Frankings, Perfins, etc. Mainly not FDCs, with a variety of cancels through 1953/54. Many better countries represented inc. Singapore, Hong Kong, North Borneo, Sarawak, Falkland Is., Gibraltar, Cayman Is., St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha, Ascension, Cyprus etc. Most are neat typed address. A superb addition to any Royalty or British Commonwealth Collection. Priced well under $6 a cover, $375 the lot. CMMY11a) A similar lot to the above, these all on Artcraft Cacheted covers, mostly light pencilled address to Brooklyn, USA. Included GB Set of 4, plus the sets of 4 for Kuwait, Bahrein, Muscat and Tangier. Includes re-addressed and registered items. 36 covers in all again at less than $6 per cover, price $198 CMMY13) New Zealand 2001 – 2014 Collection in $60 64 Page as New Red Lighthouse Stockbook. Mostly one of each Mint Unhinged and very fine used with Circular cancel, appears complete for period. About 250 complete sets with a retail of around $3500. Priced very reasonably at 40% retail, price $1395 CMMY14) Great Britain 1999 - 2007. Extensive mint unhinged collection in as new Lighthouse Red 64 page stockbook value $50. Appears pretty well complete for the period, with some extras in used, which are not counted. Incudes Commemoratives, Definitives, Regionals, Booklets and Minisheets. Two minisheets are there only in used, with special cancels, otherwise all fresh mint unhinged. Retail approx. $1975, price $1185. CAP2) Papua New Guinea, 25 different complete mint unhinged sets just $49 CAP2a) As above in blocks of 4, $189

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 CAP3) Western Samoa, 25 different complete mint unhinged sets & minisheets, price $49 CAP4) Nauru, 25 different complete mint unhinged sets & minisheets, price $49 CAP5) Norfolk Is. 25 different complete mint unhinged sets & minisheets, price $49 CMF5) Great Britain 1957 – 1965 Commemorative sets in fresh mint unhinged blocks of 4. Commences 1957 Scouts and includes scarcer sets such as Lifeboat, Botanical, Red Cross also ITU Phosphor. Missing the odd low value, which are easy to pick up. 14 sets with a total catalogue of 173 pounds. Price under a half cat. $149 CMF11) Papua New Guinea MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION in 3 Ka – Be Hingeless Albums with Slipcases. 1990 – 2011 virtually complete, with 1995 Emergency Overprints set of 11 both mint & used etc. This is essentially a Mint Unhinged collection, plus some extras in fine used. The albums alone would have cost around $1200 plus the stamps retail value conservatively is $4600, so a total value of near $6000 for $3295. CMF12) Great Britain QEII 1952 – 1980 in Blue Padded Lighthouse 32 black page stockbook, mint & used. Noted Phosphor Commemoratives, inc. Lifeboat, Red Cross, FFH, Cable etc. Wilding Definitives inc. Graphites with Inv. Wmks. Commem. Sets from 1953 Coronation with most sets represented in Mint & used, then HV Castles and pre-decimal Wildings mint & used sets to One Pound (approx.. 20 sets total) then Machin Definitives to 5 pounds & Britannia 10 pound x 5. Also Jersey War Time issues, Regionals, Locals of Lundy, Herm & Alderney etc. A great lot! Must be 1500 plus stamps. Price $595 CJ1) USA Collection of Mint unhinged sheetlets and se-tenant strips, 1976 – 2007 approx in Dark Blue Ring Binder housed in 68 as new Hagner pages 1 & 2 strip, new price $1.75 each. 90 items with values to $5, lots of nice thematics here and a face value of about US$400. Retail would be double that. Exchange rate at time of writing US$1 = AUD$1.29. So a retail of about $1030 plus the value of the Hagners another $120. Total retail value around $1150 for just a half. $575 the lot. CJ7) Papua New Guinea 1950’s – 2009 mostly mint unhinged with some used sets and odds in big red stockbook plus mint sheet file. Priced by now deceased part-time dealer very conservatively at over $500, plus some is not priced. Realistic retail would probably be at least $850. There are 250 – 300 complete hundreds of sets here at a rough guess. Some minor faults but largely fresh & clean lot. Price for the lot $349 CJ14) West Germany 1949 – 1970 absolutely Complete collection in Lindner Hingeless album. It is a mix of Mint and fine postally used, with much unmounted. Cat. at 1250 pounds plus yonks ago = over $2000 on today’s exchange rate. Opportunity to buy at under 25% cat. and the album thrown in free! Price $495 CJ19) World Letter A in near new $60 Lighthouse Brown 64 page stockbook. Aden to Azerbaijan. Good ranges of Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Antigua, Argentina etc. Mix of mint & used, looks to be 2500 or so, all different. Lovely clean lot, 10c per stamp and the stockbook for free. Price $249 CJ20) World Letter C in as new Ka-be 64 page brown padded stockbook, with original protective slipcase, worth $55. Contains good ranges of Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia etc., mint & used. Would have to be around 3000 all different mint & used. Stockbook comes free, 10c each for the stamps, $295 CO1) Worldwide collection, earlies to 1990s in 6 quality Springback Albums. A very good lot. Noted good Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, GB, Hungary, Ireland, India, Romania, Russia etc. Must be close to 20,000 different mostly postally used. Albums alone cost around $100 each new. Price $1495. NO55) NEWFOUNDLAND. Magnificent collection on Scott illustrated album pages covering the period 1857-1943. One of the finest and freshest lots I have had the pleasure to offer. More than £4,200 SG Cat. Value (Aus. $6,720) includes a stunning SG 11, 3 margins example 3d Green mint lightly hinged £110, SG 13 £140, SG 15 mint £350, SG 25 mint £170, SG 40-43 Roulette mixed mint 1c others fine used £115, 1897 SG 66-69 Discovery and QV Diamond Jubilee, a stunning mint set £325, SG 83-90 mint £150, 1911 SG 11727 mint £250, no rust or toning, more than 155 different stamps, various listed shades etc. A bargain as most of the early material normally sells well at half catalogue due to its rarity, as a collection this is available for just under 40% of cat. $2685

Packets and Mixtures Important: Packets and mixtures are not returnable for any reason. Our mixtures are sold as received and unchecked by us. Expect duplication, unless stated as all different. PM90) Australian Territories. AAT, Cocos & Christmas Is. Wide ranging off paper mixture from pre-decimal to quite recent. Mostly postally used with some cto. Many better values noted, plus some blocks of 4. 100g = 1250 – 1500 stamps. 1 lot only, priced at around 5c per stamp. $69 the lot. PM86) China Peoples Republic, 500 different, new lot just arrived. Great lot! Price $245 PM79) Australia latest Mission Mix on paper with recent and latest. Absolutely unpicked, includes a small amount of foreign, some unfranked, high values etc. Trim varies as is from a variety of sources. about 4500 stamps per kg. 100g for $12, 250g for $26.50, 450g for $45, 1kg for $89, 2.5kg for $210. Very small quantity available, be quick! PM78) Australia KGV period, values to 1/6d. No heads, but a wide variety of Commems. and Definitives. Great for postmark/variety hunters. 100g, about 1250 stamps for under 5c each, $59 PM77) World Minisheets by Weight! Many years since we first offered these. Approx 1100 sheets per kg. Great mixture of mint unhinged and cto from both British Commonwealth and Foreign Countries. We keep duplication here to a minimum, depending upon our stocks at the time of ordering. High catalogue/retail value. 100g for $33, 250g for $79. PM76) New lower price! Was $295 per kg. World off paper, latest arrivals gathered together from various sources and simply mixed into the very best available mixture. Completely unchecked by us and representing well over a century of stamps here. Roughly 12,500 stamps to the kg, cheapest way to build your World collection at around 2c per stamp. Price per kg $249, 500g for $129, 250g for $69, 100g for $35 PM75) World mostly large and commemoratives mainly on single well trimmed paper. Very colourful lot with many better values. Latest arrivals from various sources around the world. 1kg for $325, 500g for $169, 250g for $89, 100g for $45 PM74) Channel Islands charity mix on paper, just received, great variety, gathered from various sources, the Guernsey mostly on single well trimmed paper. The Jersey on single torn paper. a) Jersey only $195 per kg, $110 per 500g, $59 per 250g, $29 per 100g b) Guernsey only $235 per kg, $129 per 500g, $69 per 250g, $34.50 per 100g c) A mixture of both islands $215 per kg, $115 per 500g, $64 per 250g, $32.50 per 100g PM71) Australia & Territories decimal mint lots, as pulled from collections, stockbooks etc. Mostly mint unhinged, and will include Singles & Blocks of 4 (The odd few may be hinged as we do not have time to check all of this) You may also find complete sets and minisheets etc, whatever we have to hand. Will cover the period 1966 – 1986 Approx. Will include Australia, AAT, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Is.. We can also add some Papua New Guinea, Norfolk Island & Nauru if required. Price per lot of 1000 mixed $110, half lot of 500 for $60. PM69) Australia decimals, cto with gum, mid 1990’s – 2011. Nice clean lot all with corner Melbourne cto cancels. Includes high values, Internationals, a few territories, se-tenant strips and blocks etc. Good variety, but expect duplication. Under 10c a stamp, approx 1000 for $98, 500 for $55 (4 lots available) PM62) Ireland, 500 different, 1 only was on our packets list at $280, price to clear $210 PM63) Fish, 500 different, normally $90, one only available $79 PM67) Australia International stamps used on/off paper. Many good values here, huge face value. 100 mixed for $49 PM49) World mixture on mostly single well clipped paper. Latest lot to arrive from major charity in the UK. Could be anything from older to recent. 500g for $93.50 1kg for $179. PM50) Ireland, latest arrived mission mix from a new source in the “Emerald Isle” Better clip than usually seen from this popular country. Lots of stuff we have never seen before inc. a lot of Wildlife issues, plus high values to 1.25 Euros. 250g for $29, 500g for $56, 1kg for $95

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 PM51) South Africa Mission mix on close clipped single paper. Sold as received. Latest lot just arrived. 250g for $29, 500g for $56, 1kg for $95 PM42) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroos, bulk lot off paper, unchecked for Dies, Varieties, Postmarks etc. 100 for $59, 250 for $139, 500 for $265, 1000 for $495 PM45) Papua New Guinea off paper mixture, mostly 1960’s – 1980’s but some more recent. Good for postmark hunters! Price per 50g $62.50, per 100g $119 PM25) Australia, off paper. Contents of a shoebox ex deceased estate. Must be close to 15,000 stamps here dating from 1913 with a few Kangaroos and KGV to quite recent with many higher values, Internationals etc. noted. Huge variety here and at about 2c per stamp. Price $295. PM26) Similar lot to the above, but Worldwide, same price $295 PM27) Contents of a Brown Paper carrier Bag of World on paper, overall weight 2.15kg. Looks like a decent mix, early to modern. Brought in by Catholic Charity. Price $249 MAP10) Worldwide contents of a Box File. A super quality lot of World on Paper, early to recent, from Deceased estate, could be anything here, good variety with some better values. Around 1.5kg, must be 6000 stamps for $179 MAP11) As above, but mainly Australia. Price $129 Great Britain 1840 1d Blacks PB80) GB 1840 1d Black, unplated example lettered D C. Just 3 margin example with small bite out of lower left, otherwise would be 4. Cancelled by light red Maltese Cross. Has some paper adherance to the reverse. Better than average spacefiller. Price $149 PB71) Great Britain1840 1d Black superb looking 4 margin example from Plate 1b lettered L-A with the left sloping L, characteristic of this plate. Cancelled by 2 neat Black Maltese Crosses, contrary to regulations. Tiny top left corner crease does not detract from fine appearance. Cat. £375. Price $337.50 PB70) Great Britain1840 1d Black superb 4 even margin example from Plate 1b lettered I- D from plate 4. Cancelled by full central Red Maltese Cross. Very attractive stamp, cat. £400, price $465 PB67) Great Britain 1840 4 margins 1d Black plate 2, lettered P-A, with doubled P tied to large piece by red brown maltese Cross and dated 31 May 1840. “Lighthouse return” from Calf of Man, with accompanying letter and Brandon 2001 Certificate. May dates are exceedlingly scarce, and Lighthouse ephemera is in high demand. Price $1350 PB22) GB 1840 1d Intense Black SG1, plate 1b. Nice 4 margin example with neat red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered J-K. Bright fresh looking stamp. Cat. £525. Price $649 PB23) GB 1840 1d Black SG2, plate 1b. Nice 4 large margin example with red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered M-C. Nice looking stamp. Cat. £375. Price $469 PB24) GB 1840 1d Intense Black SG1, plate 2. Nice 4 large margin example with tidy red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered P-A. Also with variety “P doubled” Very fresh looking stamp. Cat. £525. Price $649 PB27) GB 1840 1d Black SG2, plate 4. Nice deep colour, tending towards Intense Black. 4 margin example with red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered K-E. Attractive stamp. Cat. £375. Price $469 Other Great Britain BD222) Great Britain 1855 4d Small Garter, white paper, SG62b Fine Used. Rare stamp, and under-catalogued at £1100. Bargain Price $445 BD329) Great Britain 1855 4d Small Garter, white paper, SG62b Very Fine Used, cancelled by clean strike of barred numeral 88. Rare stamp, and under-catalogued at £1100. Bargain Price $695 BD339) Great Britain 1874 5/- Rose, plate 2, SG 127 On piece. Lovely looking stamp on small piece cancelled by clean strike of EC 2 Barred number. Possibly a closed tear at top. Nevertheless a nice looking piece, cat. £675. Selling as is at under 10% cat. Price $110 BD340) Great Britain 1880 1/- Orange Brown, SG 151 plate 13. Fine used example

cancelled by clearly struck cds barred numeral 105. Lettered H- J, J – H. Well centred with full perfs. Premium stamp! Cat GB SG62b 4d Small garter white paper1400 inc. 100% premium for lightly cancelled well centred. Well priced at around 20% cat. $479 BD349) Great Britain 1881 6d Surcharge SG 162a. Variety “Dots slanting down to right” Cancelled by barred Numeral 42. Lettered J – S, S – J. cat. Tiny closed tear at top. £450. Priced cheaply at only 10% cat. $77.50 BD403) Great Britain 1883 2/6d Lilac on Blued Paper, SG 175. Lovely well centred, full perf example lettered H – K, K – H. Late usage, cancelled by Continental Night Mail cds of AU 21 96. Much nicer than most of these that you see, no creases, thins, rubbing or crayon marks! Cat. £1500, plus 50% premium for well centred, lightly used. Price $825 GB112) As above, another as above, with double ring cds, date unclear. Lettered C- F, F – C. Price $775 GB165) Great Britain1883-84 2/6d Deep Lilac, SG 179. Fine used well centred example with full perfs. London Hooded Cancel. Cat. £225. Much nicer than usually seen with fresh original colour. Price $119 GB128) Great Britain 1883 10/- Ultramarine on Blued paper, SG 177. Lovely well centred example lettered G – H., Well centred and with good perfs. Cancelled by oval registered cancel to top left. Much nicer than most of these that you see, no creases, thins, rubbing or crayon marks! Cat. £8250, plus 50% premium for well centred, lightly used. Dealer expertisation mark on reverse. A great price, only $1695 GB113) Great Britain 1883 10/- Ultramarine on Blued paper, SG 177. Lovely well centred example lettered G – G. , perfs slightly ragged at top and trimmed at lower left. Cancelled by neat corner Frampton squared circle of SP 25 87. 96. Much nicer than most of these that you see, no creases, thins, rubbing or crayon marks. Cat. £8250, plus 50% premium for well centred, lightly used. A great price, only 5% cat. $745 GB114) As above, this one centred high, lettered G – H, H – G. Cancelled by barred cancel “L.S. 6”. Perfs slightly trimmed at base. Cheap at only 7.5% cat. $1100 GB109) Great Britain 1883 9d Dull Green, SG 195 Vertical Pair Used in Ireland! Cancelled by Duplex of Armagh dated AU 19 84. A stunning and rare piece, never seen by us before. Multiples of this stamp are rare, used in Ireland are impossible! Full perfs, good colour, minor stain & wrinkle to top left in no way detracts. Cat. £480 for a single stamp, £2250 for a block of 4. Price $1725 GB153) Great Britain 1887 – 1900 Jubilee issue mint on album page. Complete set of 14, with 5d dies I & II, but less 1/- Green. 1/- & 5d Die I are MNG. Cat. £1175, cheap at $295 BD221) Great Britain 1902 5/- both De la Rue Shades in nice used condition with circular cancels. SG 263 & 264 Bright Carmine and Deep Bright Carmine. Nice for comparison. Both well centred with full perfs. Cat. £440. Price $149 the two. GB164) Great Britain 1951 Festival of Britain PTS FDC. Neat hand addressed cover with London SW1 3rd May 1951 machine cancel. Scarce and attractive, price $82.50 MMY1) Great Britain 1958 1st DLR Set of 4 Values Sg 536a-9a MINT UNHINGED top marginal examples. Superb and perfect beautifully fresh, well centred and with good perfs. Premium quality. Cat. £600. Price $795 DB684) GB 1996 Christmas 43p, Missing Gold used on piece. Found in Kiloware, with normal for comparison. Entirely genuine, with no tampering or evidence that the gold was ever there. Previously unrecorded. Magnificent error. Price $1665 Australian States New South Wales NSW16) Spectacular piece, with 2 of the scarcest face different NSW Imperfs, *AND* a rare postmark: 1852 6d Yellow Brown Laureate, 4 large margins, SG 74 - also being a very clear *DOUBLE PRINT*. Alongside an 1853 8d Orange Yellow, SG 80, superb 4 margin. Both tied by “55” Barred numeral of Newcastle scarce Type 1Bv (6mm x 10mm) rated “RRRR” by Freeman in new handbook. Quite Superb condition, ex Clayton and the late Mark Dankin, who formed THE finest NSW collection post-war over half a century, and who ONLY bought the very finest, fault free material. His

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 NSW Collection won FIP Large Gold medals at Belgica 2001, Washington 2006 and España 2006. Clean and fresh and with no foxing or thins or creases. Two essential face different imperfs, missing from 99% of collections. No perforated versions were issued of either so these are globally sought. Melbourne Retail $1,000 as average used OFF piece. With a double print AND a rare “RRRR” cancel it is a gem in top condition. SG £875 for average which figure is insane - 5 years ago these were HIGHER, and all NSW around them have risen in price - often many fold. The Besancon collection sold NSW imperfs late 2017 for MULTIPLES of full SG catalogue for quality examples, and the new SG will reflect that. Details of that sale here - For the astute buyer, who recognises and appreciates top quality with THE finest provenance a totally UNIQUE piece - $3450 NSW15) New South Wales 1867 Queen Victoria 10d Lilac, striking Imperforate pair: Watermark “10” in single lined figures, SG watermark number 35. Fresh attractive unused pair, with no thins, creases or hinge remains. From an Estate. SG 205a, cat £3,000 for imperf between pair. Probably from same error sheet. Nice rich colour, and most attractive for something 150 years old now! $3250 NSW4) NSW 1875 small re-addressed cover to Aldershot Camp. Bears 6d QV Bright Mauve, SG 216 Endorsed “via. San Francisco” in Manuscript and tied by Sydney Duplex of JA 15 75, and with arrival cds on face of Farnborough (Hants) Station MR 8 75. Also reverse cds of Aldershot Camp of the same date, and of Chatham Kent the following day. Addressed to Colonel Jfy. Kent of 77th Reg’d at Aldershot Camp and re-addressed to Exeter Devon. The 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot was a line regiment of the British Army, raised in 1787. Under the Childers Reforms it amalgamated with the 57th Regiment of Foot to form the Duke of Cambridge’s Own in 1881. Nice scarce military item. Price $179 NSW26) NSW 1880’s 6d Brown Laureate Imperf in re-printed sheet of 25. From original plates. Pre-printing paper crease to lower right corner, not affecting stamps. Price $395 NSW27) NSW 1880’s 6d Brown Laureate Imperf in re-printed sheet of 25. From original plates. Weaker strike from slightly worn plate, also brown ink smear to top right stamp. Price $395 NSW42) NSW 1885/6 NSW £1, rare clear DOUBLE SPECIMEN overprint! SG 240a, perf 12 with BLACK POSTAGE overprint. SG does not even list a Specimen overprint for this stamp, and the normal non-specimen is cat. £10,000. Mint lightly hinged, with minor gum aging. Price $10,000 NSW31) New South Wales 1890 8d Lilac Rose Lyrebird, Ovpt OS perf 11 x 12. SG O43, MLH. Price: $32 NSW32) New South Wales 1890 1/- Purple Brown Kangaroo, Ovpt OS perf 11 x 12. SG O44b, MH light gum toning. Price: $32 NSW33) New South Wales 1891 cover to Sydney bearing: 2d Emu. Cancelled by Duplex of Bulli Ry STN, NSW, NO 11 1891, printed bank address cover. Price: $40 NSW39) New South Wales 1903 uprated postal stationery cover to Germany. Bearing: 3d Red Registered Postal Stationery and 2.5d Deep Blue. Cancelled by CDS of Sydney, MY 11 03, arrival CDS of Leipzig 16 6 03 Registered cover. Price: $60 NSW25) New South Wales 1903 10/- Perf 12 x 11, SG276a, cat. £60 Cancelled by Sydney No. 24 cds, date unclear. Price $69 NSW40) New South Wales 1905 2/6d Blue Green, perf 11.5 x 11. SG 349a, MLH. Price: $80 NSW41) New South Wales 1905 2/6d Blue Green, perf 11. SG 349b, MLH. Price: $65 NSW43) Useful range of 9 postal stationery items, mint & used 1893 – 1905. Includes letter cards x 2 used, & postcards 6 mint, 1 used. Mainly fine. Price $37.50 the lot. QUEENSLAND Q1) Queensland 1860 1d Carmine Rose Imperf Chalon Head, SG1. Near 4 margin fine used example, just into at left. Cat. £800, price $395 Q8) Queensland 1880 unused Postal Stationery. 1d Salmon Chalon Pristine - H&G 1b. Price: $25 Q9) Queensland 1880 unused Postal Stationery. 1d Rose Chalon Pristine - H&G 1b. Price: $25

Q10) Australia 1882 5/- Rose Queensland Large Chalon. With RPSV Cert. Thin paper, wmk Crown Q (SG type 5) Sideways, perf, 12, SG 154 overprinted “SPECIMEN” in Blue and showing partial Kiss Print. Certificate dated 22/1/2010. Price: $200 Tasmania T16) Tasmania 4d Bright Red Orange Courier, Die 1. Unused cut to shape on small piece. SG 5, Cat. £8500 for cut square. Good spacefiller at well under 5% catalogue, price $595 T40) Tasmania 1855 - 64 Imperforate, 1d Dull Vermilion Chalon. Mint without Gum 3 margins, SG 28 - ASC 3a. Price: $225 T57) Tasmania 1855 4d deep blue wmk large star SG17 two margins, others close to touching, FU. Price $69 T55) Tasmania 1863-71 QV 2d yellow-green perf 12 SG 7, FU. Price $179 T43) Tasmania 1865 6d Dull Cobalt, imperf 3 margins, SG 47, Fine used Barred Numeral 95 Cancel. Price: $85 T62) Tasmania 1857-67 2d green & slate green SG 31 & 34 2-3 margins FU. Price $69 T44) Tasmania 1867 6d Reddish Mauve Chalon, imperf, 3 margins, Fine used, Barred Cancel. SG 49. Price: $110 T54) Tasmania 1870 Postmasters Letter Bill from Oatlands with cds rated ‘R’ Price $149 T53) Tasmania 1880 Postmasters Letter Bill from Campbell Town with ‘CAMPBELL TOWN JN 9/80’ cds rated ‘R’, and partial Brighton cds rated ‘RR’ some damage from opening, scarce and attractive. Price $179 T61) Tasmania 1903 wmk V over crown QV 1/- both perfs SG 243/243a cat £140, overall toned gum Mint. Price $79 T34) Tasmania 1879 Postal Fiscals 2/6d George & Dragon overprinted “Reprint” half sheet of 60 perf 12 on thin card with full unhinged gum. Originals cat. as SG F13 at £350 each = £21,000 as mint hinged. Price $1995 T35) As above the 10/- Orange value, originals cat. as SG F16 at £500 each = £30,000 as mint hinged. Price $1995 T35a) Both values as above for $3950 Victoria V72) Victoria 1884/5 £10 Stamp Duty, SG 279/279a. A fine example with neat Pen Cancel, No Pinholes! Cat. £250 as postally used. Price $125 V73) Victoria 1888 1/6d Pale Blue Stamp Duty. SG 322, mint without Gum. Cat. £275 at mint hinged. Price: $100 V76) Victoria 1893 1/6d Red-Orange Stamp Duty. SG 323a, MH. Price: $36 V21) Victoria 1893 small cover to House of Commons, London. Bears 2 x 1d QV SG 332a, cancelled by Melbourne duplexes of JE 13 93, and with arrival cds on reverse of London S.W. JY 17 93. Addressed to James Hogan MP. James Francis Hogan MP (29 December 1855 – 9 November 1924) was an Irish history professor at University College Cork, author and Member of Parliament for Mid Tipperary 1893–1900. Born in County Tipperary in 1855, to Rody and Mary Hogan, he had one sister, Margaret. The family emigrated to Melbourne in 1856, when he was at the age of 1, and lived in Geelong, attending St. Mary’s Catholic School there, before a year at St Patrick’s College, Melbourne. He graduated and began to teach in 1872. He began writing in local newspapers on Catholic topics, before later editing the Victorian Review. Joining the Victorian Catholic Young Men’s Society in 1884 he admired the legacy of Daniel O’Connell and campaigned to erect a memorial to him. He published works on the Irish colonisation of Australia, including “The Gladstone Colony: An Unwritten Chapter of Australian History and The Irish in Australia” in the late 1880s. He then returned to England, and in 1893 was elected unopposed to the House of Commons as MP for Mid Tipperary. He served as secretary of the Colonial Party under Sir Charles Dilke. Following retirement as an MP in 1900, he moved to Ireland to teach at the University

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 College, Cork. There, he became associated with the Blueshirt movement, advocating a Christian democracy which clashed with the more right-wing aims of their leader Eoin O’Duffy. He remained unmarried at his death, and was survived by his sister. Great historical piece, $249 V78) Victoria 1898 small cover to USA. Bearing: Orange on Yellow 2.5d. Cancelled by 14 A CDS of Melbourne, VIC, FE 11 98, hand addressed cover. Price: $40 V80) Victoria 1905 postcard of Fire Brigade Station, Melbourne to South Africa. Bearing: 2.5d Blue SG 388a. Cancelled by CDS No. 14 of Melbourne, 16 6 05. Price: $120 V71) Victoria 1911 2/- Booklet, pristine as issued with original staple, and all stamps Post Office Fresh. A wonderful find and rare so fine. SG SB4 cat. £6000. Price $4975 Western Australia WA65) WA selection of 36 Swan issues to 1/- (3) noted 2½d (2) 4d (2) 6d (5, including one punctured ‘OS’), few Stamp Duties etc, attractive group with an advertised retail in excess of $250. Price $129 WA72) WA 1861-90 Swans first design simplified selection to 1/- used. Price $59 WA70) WA 1885-1912 Swans 6 values to 6d: ½d, 2d grey, 2½d, 4d, 5d & 6d Mint, some HR, advertised retail $150. Price $79 WA66) WA 1882 Crown CA wmk 1d IR 2 bar overprint in green, fiscal cancel used. Price $49.99 WA71) WA 1902-12 Swans 9d, & 10d red, QV 2/- & 2/6d Used. Price $69 WA69) WA 1893 Swans Half Penny & One Penny surcharges on 3d Mint, some HR. Price $34.50 WA47) Western Australia 1906 Christmas Postcard to Subiaco WA, with horiz. Pr. Halfpenny Green, SG94a priced from x 40 on cover! Cancelled by cds’s of Fremantle 19DE06. Price $89 WA46) Western Australia 1908 coloured picture postcard to Sweden “Log hauling on Timber Station W.A.” (Crease to lower right corner) Bears Halfpenny & Penny swans, SG 138/9, cat. from x 12 on cover. Cancelled by Bridgetown WA cds’s of 6-AUG08 and with arrival cds of Stockholm 7 9 08. Price $129 WA49) Western Australia 1910 Booklet ACSC B5B(W) Rare booklet cat. $15,000. Has scuffed front cover. 8 x Halfpenny stamps and 14 x Penny Stamps remaining. Price $6000 South Australia SA16) South Australia 1895 small cover to France. Bearing: 2.5d SG 234. Via Modane A Paris arrival CDS in Red and Black (on reverse) Jan 1896 L’Isle Serrin. Cancelled by TPO Duplex of Adelaide, SA, DE 3 95. Price: $150 Australia Postal History APH171) Australia 1913 1d Engraved KGV, Rose Red plate 1 on small commercial use cover to UK. Cancelled by Sydney Machin Cancel of DE 13 1913, just 4 days after issue date, with arrival cds of West Norwood also cancelling stamp of JA 16 14 and with manuscript “New Stamp Just out” at top. 2 arrival cds’s on reverse. Stamp has coloured flaw to top right corner, which was later corrected by a retouch. Cover has a light central fold. ACSC 59B Cat. $750 on cover. Price $675 BD234) Australia 1914 small neat cover bearing 2.5d 1st wmk Kangaroo, Perth to USA. Franked by Machine canceller of 2 JUL 14. Cat. $150 on cover, this is way nicer than usually seen. Price $129 LM134) Australia 1915 small OHMS cover for Government Railways NSW to Somerset House London. Bears 1d Red Kangaroo…DRY INK…not recorded in ACSC and perf. OS NSW. Cancelled by Redfern NSW cds of 3 AP 15. Fine and rare, price $295 LM121) Australia 1916 small censored re-addressed cover to Germany, Via Switzerland. Mail for Germany from Australia & other countries was routed via Switzerland on a fee for service basis. Generally the letter was enclosed with the fee of 10/- or so for onwards consignment under new cover. Bears 2nd wmk 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo, tied by Smithfield NSW cds of OC 5 1916, and with St. Moritz arrival cds of 23.XI.16 on front

and reverse, together with Ruvigliana receiving cds on the next day for the re-direction. Black print “Opened By Censor” tape at left. A very rare survivor. Price $210 APH427) Australia 1921 small typed address cover to Germany with Die II 3d Kangaroo. 3rd wmk Die II 3d Olive solo use to Germany cancelled by Melbourne machine cancel of 27JA21. Stamp displays the die II elongated top ‘ball’ of the 3. The inner frame break (as displayed in many catalogues) is obscured by the postmark but the ‘tear drop 3’ is a more reliable test and is accepted by experts. Dated 27/1/1921 which is before the release of die IIB stamps. The top right outer frame is not rounded, and the date used completely rules it out. Cat. $500 on cover, price $395 APH429) Australia 1923 5d Bright Chestnut KGV Head Single Wmk Rough Paper Perf OS. Solo usage on long OHMS reg’d cover Perth to Victoria Park W.A. Office of titles cover with original Transfer of Land Act Caveat Document enclosed. Nicest of these I have seen, with Jumbo sized stamp neatly cancelled by Perth oval Reg’d cancel of 18 AP 23. Large red Perth Reg’d label No. 2781 and with “unknown” manuscript, boxed unclaimed and DLO rectangular handstamp in Violet on face. Victoria Park receiving cds on reverse of the same date, plus another on the face of 28 AP 23. Scarce, clean and attractive. Cat. $1500, price $1249 LM130) Australia 1923 small cover to USA bearing 2d Pink, UNSURFACED PAPER, ACSC 96E and horizontal pair Halfpenny Orange KGV Heads. Cancelled BY CDS OF Albury 27? DE 23. The unsurfaced paper is a scarce stamp, catalogued at $150 used, unlisted on cover. Nice clean cover, flap is missing. Price $495 BD677) Australia 1924, superb small commercial (NOT 1st flight) Aerial Mail cover to W. D . & H. O . Wills Ltd. (Tobacco & Cigarette Company) Perth, W. A. Bears 4.5d Violet Single Wmk KGV Head, tied by cds of Carnarvon, W. A. 30 MR 24, and with incorrectly dated received stamp in violet of 1 APR 1925. (Some April foolery?) “AERIAL MAIL” straight line handstamp on front. Neat clean hand addressed cover , with “Copperplate” handwriting. (Cover has been opened on 3 sides) Carnarvon is some 900 km from Perth, so 2 days delivery time from posting is quite remarkable for the period. A scarce and attractive item. Price $389 APS5) Australia 1925 4.5d Violet Registered Envelope used to UK, no Cross to Crown ACSC RE19a. Uprated by 1.5d red KGV and with Kilmore Vic. Cds’s of 17 AP 25 and Kilmore red Reg’n label No. 97. Reverse bears a Melbourne registered cds of the following day. Scarce and attractive usage, price $65 DB543) Australia 1929 Small Registered Cover to Yugoslavia. Bears KGV Halfpenny Orange single wmk x 3, plus 1d, 1.5d & 2d Brown Small Multi. Wmk. Perf 13.5 x 12.5 to make correct registered rate of 6d. All are tied by cds of Cumborah NSW 24SE29, and with red Cumborah Reg’d label No. 552. Reverse bears arrival markings of Sydney Registered cds 25SE29 and of Ljubljana in red, date not legible. A very rare destination, with equally rare franking. Price $465 APH11) Australia 1929 Long OHMS Registered Cover Stamp Duties Office Melbourne to Colac Vic. Bears solo use 4.5d Violet single wmk KGV Head perf. OS cancelled by Elizabeth St. Melbourne cds of 31 AU 29 plus Red Reg’d label type R6 of Elizabeth St. No. 3832. Reverse has Melbourne Registered cds of 2 SE 29 and arrival cds of Colac of the same date. Cover is fine, has been opened 3 sides for display. Scarce stamp on cover, cat. $400, price $239 APH199) Australia 1930 4.5d Violet Registered postal stationery cover, uprated by 5d on 4.5d Violet KGV. Cancelled by Tooraweenah, NSW cds of 14OC30, plus Violet Gilgandra double ring Violet cds of the following day, also Sydney registered cds of the 16th. Reverse has registered violet arrival cds’s of Seattle Term Station NOV 7 1930 and Berkeley, Ca. on the 9th. Also bears Tooraweenah Blue “Rat’s Tail” Reg’n. label No. 459. Tooraweenah is a small village just off the Newell Highway about 44 km north east of Gilgandra in the central west of New South Wales, Australia. This is a very rare item! Price $449 APH102) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith set on small plain FDC to India, addressed to Rev. H. Westropp, East India Railways, Jamalpore and re-addressed to Jhapha (Jhapha is a Village in Bochahan Block in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar State, India) Cancelled by Sydney cds of 19MR31 and with arrival cds of Jhapha 7 APR 31. Small tape repair at right and very minor tear at top, not affecting stamps. Rare survivor! Price $279

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 APS2) Australia 1932 small domestic commercial Airmail cover bearing 6d Airmail Ovpt. OS. Uprated use of 2d Red oval Postal Stationery envelope Fremantle to Melbourne with additional 6d Brown OS Airmail and 3d Green Airmail. Cancelled by cds’s of Fremantle of 12JA32. Rare usage. Price $259 APH109) Australia 1932 small advertising window envelope for Yalumba Wineries, inc. picture of the winery in blue on front. Bears 1d green C of A wmk KGV, paying the printed matter rate. Cancelled by Angaston S.A. cds of 26 OC 32. A few light tone spots not affecting the stamps. Price $39 APH431) Australia 1933 KGV Head CofA Wmk Ovpt. OS 5d Brown Solo Use on Reg’d OHMS Cover. Used Melbourne to Mortlake on Office of Works long OHMS cover. Blue Reg’d Label No. 236 Elizabeth St. and cancelled by cds of Melbourne 6JY33. Reverse has receiving cds of Mortlake the following day. Stamp is centred to left with good perfs. Rare cover, cat. $1000. Price $749 APH174) Australia 1933 small advertising window envelope from The N.S.W. Fresh Food & Ice Co. Ltd. he Station Master, Darling Harbour, easy walking distance! Bear 2d Red KGV C of A wmk, tied by Sydney 4 line slogan of 22 JUN 1933 “MINIMUM LETTER RATE/TO U.S.A. 3D/ADDRESSEE PAYS/ DOUBLE DEFICIENCY” Nice typewritten cover, a few small light tone spots to the left. Price $429 APH568) Australia 1935 2/- Violet Silver Jubilee Solo Use Cover. Small airmail cover to Woodbridge Suffolk UK, re-addressed to Salop. Cancelled by cds of Downside? NSW of 24JE35, (Post office supposed to have closed in 1905) and also Woodbridge of 10 JY 35. Opened a little roughly at top. Very rare solo use, cat. $400 on cover. Price $280 APH225) Australia 1930’s Pink Parcel Post Customs Declaration Label, bearing 2/Maroon C of A wmk Kangaroo Die II & 1/4d magenta KGVI. Cancelled by undated oval violet handstamp. Sent from Hawthorn Vic. Fire Station to The Red Cross at Ipswich UK, for a weight of 4lbs 1oz and with a value of 7/9d. Scarce complete label, price $125 APH180) Australia 1955 small airmail cover to Austria. Bears 4 x 6.5d Orange QEII no wmk, overpaying the 2/- rate by 2d. This stamp is scarce as a solo usage on any domestic cover, and incredibly rare to find in multiple use on overseas mail. Cancelled by a Sydney Two Line Slogan of 15 JLY 1955 “ENLIST IN THE/ REGULAR ARMY” This is a slogan I have not seen previously. Reverse bears an arrival cds of Lustenau of 21 7 55. In 1951, during the Korean War, national service was introduced under the National Service Act (1951). All Australian males aged 18 had to register for 176 days training (ninety-nine days full-time) and two years in the CMF. Later the obligation was 140 days of training (seventy-seven days full-time) and three years of service in the CMF. The regular military forces were kept as voluntary. Fine and rare neat typed address cover, price $149 TS244) Australia 1955 small airmail advertising cover from Clement Hack & Co. Melbourne. (Solicitors, still in business today) to New York. Bears solo use 2/- Green Olympics Fore-runner cancelled by machine cancel of Melbourne 7 DEC 1955. Cat. $40 on cover, price $29 TS256) Australia 1956 Airmail cover to Germany bearing solo use 2/- Olympics. Cancelled by Coolangatta Qld. Slogan (illegible) of 14 MAR 1957. Price $29 TS282) Australia 1960 small airmail cover to Switzerland bearing solo use 2/3d Green AAT. Cancelled by cds of Lake Boga of 3 AP 60. Scarce solo franking, cat. $60, price $45 APH605) Australia small window advertising envelope for Eltham Engineering, Vic. Bears 2/3d Airmail, marginal horizontal pair of 2/3d Cable & 9d Sepia Kangaroo cancelled by cds’s of Eltham 3SE64. Total of 7/6d paid…..for what? postage paid for bulk mail? 7/6d is 18 x the 5d letter rate. Price $79 APH359) Australia 1970 American Express printed Airmail long commercial cover to USA. Bears 5c & 20c Expo pair to make correct 25c rate. RARE COMMERCIAL USE! Cancelled by cds of Melbourne 19 AP(?) 70. Price $129 APH453) Australia 1972 Small Airmail Cover Milson’s Point NSW to Urangan Qld, re-addressed to UK. Bears solo use of 7c Purple QEII, cancelled by Milson’s Point 3 line slogan “PLEASE POST/CHRISTMAS MAIL/THIS WEEK”, With additional 35c for onward transmission made up of 30c Aboriginal Art & 5c Blue QEII, both cancelled by Urangan cds of 22DE72. Scarce International re-addressed mail. Price $42 APH181) Australia 1982 small underpaid cover South Wagga Wagga to Sydney. Bears

pairs of the 2c & 10c Flower coils (Late use) to registrar of Births Marriages and deaths, cancelled by 3 line slogan of 5 JUL 1982 “POST EARLY/AND SOEEO/YOUR MAIL” Whatever that may mean! Postage rate was increased to 27c on 19th April 1982 and so this is underpaid 3c. Bears a 3 line violet handstamp “UNDERPAID/Postage/Collected from Sender” with 23 in manuscript. Atttractive item, price $49 APH602) Australia 1974 – 1999 lovely range of 11 Tourism Greetings envelopes from Katoomba, Blue Mountains, Gosford, Jenolan Caves, Perth. Western Australia, Brisbane, Gold Coast & Surfers Paradise, variously to UK(9) & Denmark (2) All bear better usage of higher value commems, defins. Price $72 APH176) Australia 1985 Tourism greetings envelope, Toormina to Tamworth. Bears strips of 3 each of the 1971 flower coil stamps, plus 2 x 2c & 1 x 5c additional to make 30c correct domestic rate. Very late commercial usage of this issue. Cancelled by cds of Sawtell NSW 25 JA 85. Price $39 APH457) Australia 1986 Greeting card size Airmail cover S.A. to W. Germany. Bears strip of 5 x 36c Animals to make double 90c rate. Cancelled by Adelaide Pictorial Slogan “ Get Stuck Into Stamps” of 21 SEP 1986. Very rare commercial usage unlisted as such in ACSC. Price $49 APH604) Australia 1986 Christmas card size Airmail cover Perth to UK. Bears strip of 5 x 36c Animals to overpay by 30c the double concessional rate of $1.20, or underpay by 50c the zone 5 double airmail rate. Cancelled by Perth cds 9.DE.86. Very rare commercial usage unlisted as such in ACSC. Price $49 APH603) Australia 1986 Greeting card size Airmail cover Perth to UK. Bears strip of 5 x 36c Animals to make double 90c rate. Cancelled by Perth cds 10.FE.87. Very rare commercial usage unlisted as such in ACSC. Price $49 APH475) Australia 1989 small airmail cover to Finland. Bears 4 x 39c Living Together cancelled by MAR 1 1989 slogan cancel of Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310 “COLLECT/AUSTRALIAN/STAMPS” Have worked out the rate as double the Zone 3 Surface Air Lifted of 80c, underpaid by 4c. (Unless anyone else knows better!) Rare usage of the domestic letter rate. Price $29 APH473) Australia 1990 small airmail cover to Denmark. Bears 80c 1989 Christmas and 30c Living Together to make $1.10 Airmail rate. Nice combination. Cancelled by Geelong Vic. Pictorial cancel “City By The Sea” 2 JAN 1990. Clean and attractive, price $29 APH490) Australia 1992 small airmail cover to Denmark. Bears $1.05 1992 Australia day and 15c Living Together to make $1.20 Airmail rate. Cancelled by OC 1 1992 machine cancel of Victoria 3077 (Northern Mail Centre) Clean and attractive, price $29 APH187) Australia 1990 28c Salmon Gums perf 14.6 x Imperf, make up rate from vending machine booklet. Solo usage on small commercial cover Terrigal – Punchbowl NSW. Handstamp at left states ‘UNDERPAID POSTAGE COLLECTED FROM SENDER” Postage at the time being 43c. Scarce attractive cover on written up album page. Cancelled by Terrigal Handstamp of 20 JUN 1991. RARE! Price $89 Lord Howe Island APH459) Australia 1976 Lord Howe Island small surface mail commercial cover to Registrar Generals Dept., Sydney. Bears 18c Wildflower cancelled by LHI cds of 3SE76. Opened 3 sides. Price $33 APH452) Australia 1980/81 Lord Howe Island. 2 x “Trader Nick” Tourist Covers, 1 used to Melbourne with LHI Pictorial cancel of 14 MAY 1980, the other unaddressed with LHI Post Office Centenary Cover Pictorial Cancel depicting Woodhen, dated 1 JUN 1981. Clean and attractive pair of covers. Price $54 Inwards Mail DB333) Johore - Melbourne, 1941 Small Salvation Army printed and inscribed with Red Shield and Map of Australia, “RED SHIELD HUTS for Australian Troops” Military Censor cover. Bears 2 x 1c, 4 x 2c & 3 x 5c (25c total) definitives of Johore franked with AIF Field P.O. 19 cds of 13SE41. Also Violet Triangular Censor Cachet No. 501, signed. Addressee is at State Taxation Office, Melbourne and sender details on reverse reads

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 “VX 31751 Pte. R.J. Hughes, HQ Coy. 2/9 Field Ambulance, AIF. MALAYA. Clean and attractive, 1 x 5c stamp has damaged corner, mentioned for accuracy only and does not detract from fine appearance. Price $129 LM8) Bahamas - Sydney 1948 Long Registered OHMS envelope, sent by airmail. Bears 2d & 2.5d definitives of KGVI franked by cds of Nassau 19MAR48, and with blue Nassau Reg’d Label No. 0678. with cachet at left “WAR ECONOMY RE-USE OF ENVELOPES - Open by slitting along flap edge” Neat typed address and with arrival cds’s of Miami MAR 23 1948, San Francisco MAR 27 1948, Sydney 28 MY 48 and Edgecliff 29MY48. Not a bad turnaround time for those days and probably started its journey by Flying Boat. Very attractive piece, price $129 Australia Kangaroos K445) Australia 1913 Halfpenny Pale Green Kangaroo Monogram strip of 3 plate 2 lower. Strip with CA Monogram to right, which is fresh unhinged. Hinged only on central stamp. Fine well centred strip with good perfs. ACSC 1C (2) z. Cat. $1200 as hinged cnr. Strip Price $950 K281) Australia 1913 Kangaroo ½d green 1st wmk var Inverted wmk BW1a, slightly rounded corner Mint. Price $39 K552) Australia First wmk ½d green ACSC 1, imperf at top and base, with the former margin being quite large, unusual, FU. Price $99 K444) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo Die 1 Plate 2 Monogram strip of 3, fresh mint unhinged. Well centred strip with CA monogram at centre. ACSC 2A(C)z. Cat. $1500 for a hinged cnr. Strip. Price $1195 K302) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo Die II “Extra Island off Tasmania”. Well centred good perf. example cancelled by July 1913 cds of Melbourne. ACSC3(E)d. Cat. $400, price $295 K191) Australia 1913 1d Deep Red Kangaroo, Swys wmk. Very fine used example, nicely centred with full perfs. Cancelled by partial Queensland cds . This is from Die 2 with crown pointing right when viewed from the front of the stamp. ACSC 3Daa, cat. $500. Very nice example, price $349 K551) Australia First wmk 1d red die II punctured large ‘OS’ ACSC 3ba, well centred for this issue, MUH. Price $99 K414) Australia 1913 2d Grey Kangaroo 1st wmk. Strong Offset, unlisted! Mint example with faults, but very strong offset on reverse. Not catalogued as such. Offset on the 1d red Die II perf large OS is listed at $750. Price $395 K308) Australia 1913 2d Grey 1st wmk. Kangaroo THIN PAPER. Well centred and cancelled Launceston Tas. Cds of 22SE14. Has a few nibbed perfs, but almost unavoidable given the softness of the paper. Cat. $200 as mint, no used price listed. Price $149 K386) Australia 1913 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo in superb top left corner mint unhinged block of 15. Fresh white gum, pretty much “Post Office Fresh” hinged only in selvedge. Includes the variety on stamp 1/2, “Break in inner frame over R of Australia” Large blocks of this stamp are exceedingly rare, and there were none in the Arthur Gray collection. Cat. $325 each as normals, plus the variety stamp would be at least double. Superb exhibition piece! Price $3895 K525) K386) Australia 1913 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo perf Large OS in mint unhinged block of 4. Cat. $1000 each for single stamps = $4000 plus, blocks are RARE. Decent centring and perfs for this, gum very slightly aged. ACSC 9Aba. Priced very reasonably at $1365 K368) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 3d olive 1st wmk die I punctured large ‘OS’ with variety ‘Colour flaw off Queensland coast’ similar to BW 12(U)d but larger & a little further ‘north’, cat for the listed variety $360, couple of nibbled perfs. Price $125 K306) Australia 1913 3d Olive 1st wmk Kangaroo Die II. Attractive used example well centred. A few ragged perfs at top otherwise fine. Cancelled by partial cds to left. Cat. $400, price $195 K257) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 3d olive-green 1st wmk die II BW 12D, centred low FU. Price $149 K222) Australia 1913 4d Orange Analine Kangaroo perf. large OS. Neat steel cds of 1915 to right. Nicely centred with good perfs. ACSC 15B Cat. $275 as normal, large OS

is x 2. Price $385 K223) Australia 1913 4d Orange Yellow Kangaroo perf. large OS. Neat cds of Queensland to left. Nicely centred with good perfs. ACSC 15E Cat. $250 as normal, large OS is x 2. Price $349 K501) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo mint unhinged block of 18. From centre left of sheet and with complete watermark “AUSTRALIA” in margin, and with gutter selvedge at right. Minor creasing to the 3 right hand stamps and one slight tone spot at base do not detract in any way from the rarity of this piece. There were no large multiples in the Arthur Gray collection. All stamps centred low. incredibly rare survivor, cat. $11,700 as singles. Price $10,800 K553) Australia First wmk 5d chestnut ACSC 16 well centred, one slightly nibbled perf at top, HR Mint. Price $119 K131) Australia 1913 1st wmk. Kangaroos fine used set to 1/-Retail $220, my price $169 DB516) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine 1st wmk Die IIa Kangaroo “Substituted Cliché”. CDS used example with dated Spencer Street, Melbourne Late Fee cancel of 1 DE 14. ACSC 17(1) ja, cat. $4500. Well centred, with fluffy perfs. Listed by Gibbons as SG 9b. A nice dated stamp from the November 1913 printing. Price $3450 K527) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine 1st wmk. Kangaroo cto Melbourne. Nicely centred mng example with good perfs for this. Cat. $100, price $65 K526) Australia 1913 9d Violet 1st wmk. Kangaroo, Melbourne cto. Very well centred, mng with good perfs. Cat. $120, price $79 K364) Australia 1913 1/- Green (Analine) Kangaroo 1st wmk. ACSC 30B. Nice fine used example of this scarce shade cancelled by 2 partial cds. Centred high, with good perfs. Cat. $750, price $495 K256) Australia 1913 2/- Brown 1st wmk Kangaroo. Well centred cto with generally good perfs. 1` slightly nibbed at base. Cancelled by Melbourne 3 DE 13 cds. Cat. $300 Price $179 K432) Australia 5/- Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo, postally used. Cancelled by 2 Melbourne partial cds’s of 8 JL 13. Nice well centred stamp, cpl. Of short perfs at base, almost unavoidable given the softness of the paper. Cat. $350, price $195 K115) Australia 1913 Grey & Yellow 5/- 1st wmk Kangaroo, postally used. Some perf faults at left, but well centred and neat Stock Exchange cds. Cat. $350, price $169 K401) Australia 1913 Grey & Yellow 5/- 1st wmk Kangaroo, ACSC42B postally used. Rounded lower left corner, cancelled by indistinct central cds. Cat. $350, good spacefiller, price $125 K500) Australia 1913 1st wmk. Grey & Pink Kangaroo, mint unhinged. Superb Post Office Fresh example, perfectly centred and with full perfs. Cannot be bettered! Cat. $7500, price $6000 K208) Australia 1915-16 2nd wmk. Kangaroos set to 2/- (6) Very Fine Used, cds. Cat. $645 in ACSC. Other dealers’ retail for regular fine used $390, Premium examples.. My price $365 K209) Australia 1915-16 2nd wmk. Kangaroos set to 2/- (6) Good to Fine Used. Cat. in ACSC $645, My price $195 K279) Australia 1915 Kangaroo 2d grey 3rd wmk die I var Inverted wmk BW 7a, centred upper right FU. Price $29 K295) Australia 1915 Kangaroo 6d pale grey-violet 3rd wmk punctured ‘OS’ BW 19Gba, cat $150 for non OS, unusually well centred, steel cds, superb used. Price $110 K360) Australia 1915 6d Deep Ultramarine Kangaroo, 2nd wmk perf. OS. Very fie dated example with Registered Elizabeth St. Melbourne cds of 7AU17. Good perfs and centring. Hard shade to fine OS, price $225 K307) Australia 1915 1/- Analine Green 2nd wmk. Kangaroo. Fine used example of this rare shade Cancelled by partial cds to right. Centred reasonably well, a little to the right. Has jumped perf at base making this a larger than usual stamp. ACSC 31E Cat. $500, price $375 K398) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged. Lovely full perf. Example nicely centred and of fresh appearance. ACSC 36A.Cat. $1500, price $950

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 K340) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo. Fine used, well centred and full perfs. Cancelled by blue Brisbane cds. Cat. $350, price $175 K305) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo. Fine used, well centred and generally good perfs. Couple nibbed at base. Cancelled by cds. of St. Kilda, Vic. Cat. $350, price $149 K478) Australia 1916 Kangaroo 9d pale violet 3rd wmk die II BW 26B, centred to right, fresh MUH. Price $179 K375) Australia 1918 Kangaroo 3d olive 3rd wmk punctured ‘OS’ var inverted wmk, BW 13a/b cat $100+, couple of nibbled perfs, FU. Price $69 ML627) Australia 1918 2½d indigo Kangaroo 3rd wmk. variety ‘Offset’ BW 11c fault at top, Mint light hinge, cat $400. Cheap at $89 K361) Australia 1919 2.5d Intense Indigo 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. Well centred example of this difficult stamp. Cancelled by Wandin Vic. cds, ACSC 11D, cat. $275, price $139 K213) Australia 1915 3d Olive Kangaroo Die I, 3rd wmk. Inverted, perf OS. Good perf. example with cds cancel centred low. ACSC Cat. $450 ($150 x 3 for OS) Retail $360, Price $275 K310) Australia 1915 3d Yellow Olive Kangaroo 3rd wmk, Die II pair with variety. Fine postally used horizontal pair with Reg’d cds of Sydney 8MR17. Well centred and mostly good perfs, scarce in multiples. Left stamp has the variety “White flaw over T of 3” ACSC 13B (1)d Cat $450 & $200, price $429 DB686) Australia 1915 3d Olive Kangaroo 3rd wmk, Die II. Fine postally used with cds of Moonee Ponds, Vic. July 1918. Cat $200, price $119 ML417) Australia 1915 6d Die II Ultramarine 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. Mint hinged with lightly toned gum, centred to upper right. Has full perfs. Cat. $225, price $69 K238) Australia 1921 6d Pale Ultramarine 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Die 2B with variety “Dry Ink” ACSC 20Aca. Fresh mint lightly hinged. Centred right with full perfs. Cat. $400, price $279 K498) Australia 1920 Blue Green Kangaroo Die IIB, Mullett Imprint Pair. Fresh mint unhinged, with good centring and perfs. Cat. $375 per stamp for hinged, plus value of the imprint. Price $749 DB503) Australia 1920 1/- Bright Blue Green Kangaroo Die IIB, OS Imprint Pair. Wonderfully fresh looking pair of this scarce shade. The stamps are fresh, well centred and with full perfs., hinged only in the central gutter. Also has unrecorded retouch to shading around “ONE” on right hand stamp. Cat. For a single unhinged stamp is $450, plus the value of the imprint. Price $750 K416)Australia 1920 1/- Bright Blue Green Kangaroo Die IIB, OS lower marginal block of 6 vfu cds of Swan Hill, Vic. 16MY32, very late use. The stamps are fresh, well centred and with full perfs. cat. $240 as singles, large multiples are scarce. Price $175 K357) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Superb Fresh Mint unhinged. Impossible to better in my opinion, with full perfs and perfectly centred. ACSC 37A Cat. $2500, price $1875 K260) Australia 1916 2/- Greyish Brown 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. Attractive well centred example of this scarce shade with full perfs and cds cancel. ACSC 37H Cat. $200, price $149 K437) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon 3rd wmk. Kangaroo mint lightly hinged. Very fresh example with good perfs., centred slightly right. SG74, ACSC 38A. Cat. $300. Price $165 K83) Australia 1918 5/- Grey Black & Pale Yellow, 3rd wmk. Fine postally used example from right of sheet with neat Williamstown, Vic. Partial cds to left. Full perf. well centred, with slightly fluffy perfs. Cat. $225, Price $129 K173) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Chrome Kangaroo 3rd wmk. ACSC 44A, fine used. Well centred and with good perfs, cancelled by cds of Geelong Vic. 18NO19. Nice misplaced wmk. variety with part at top and part at bottom of stamp. Cat. $225, price $159 K174) Australia 1918 5/- Grey Black & Yellow-Orange Kangaroo 3rd wmk. ACSC 44B, fine used. Well centred and with generally good perfs couple at base are nibbed. cancelled by partial cds of Exchange? Vic. 2nd Hardest of all shades for this wmk. Cat. $275, price $175

K176) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow Kangaroo 3rd wmk. ACSC 44D, fine used. Centred high, cancelled by central cds (socked on nose)of Abbotsford Vic. A few nibbed perfs. Cat. $225, price $125 K83) Australia 1918 5/- Grey Black & Pale Yellow, 3rd wmk Kangaroo. Fine postally used example from right of sheet with neat Williamstown, Vic. Partial cds to left. Full perf. well centred, with slightly fluffy perfs. Cat. $225, Price $129 K449) Australia 1917 10/- Grey & Pale Analine Pink, ACSC 48E. Fine used example with part Melbourne cds. Centred to lower right, and with fluffy perfs, as usual for this issue. Cat. $375, price $239 K177) Australia 1917 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, ACSC 48A, fine used. Well centred and good perfs. Cancelled by registered cds of Sydney. Cat. $500, price $349 K411) Australia 1917 10/- Grey & Pink 3rd wmk, perf OS postally used. ACSC48Aba. Nice well centred stamp with good perfs, a little fluffy at base, which is usual for this printing. Cancelled by partial cds to top left of 1937. Some minor perf. toning at top does not detract. Cat. $500, price $295 K359) 1917 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo 3rd wmk, perf. OS. Lovely cto example with fresh colours and full perfs. No gum, centred to lower left. Cat. $200, price $125 K387) As above, centred right. Price $125 K452) Australia 1919 £1 Chocolate & Dull Blue 3rd wmk. Kangaroo fine used, well centred and with mainly good perfs, lower left cnr. Has been repaired. Cancelled by light cds. ACSC 52A, Cat. $2500. Good spacefiller at just $749 K446) Australia 1923 Kangaroo 6d chestnut 3rd wmk Mullett imprint pair BW 21zd cat min $200 Mint. Price $129 K120) Australia 1924 £1 Grey Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Fine used. Centred a little high, with reasonably good perfs. Cancelled by partial cds of Spencer Street, Melbourne. Cat. $500, price $295 K450) Australia 1924 £1 Deep Grey Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Fine used. Centred to top right, with reasonably good perfs. Cancelled by partial registered cds at right of June 1932. ACSC 53B Cat. $500, price $295 K453) Australia 1924 £1 Deep Grey 3rd wmk Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen Type. C. Fresh mint hinged example. Centred to left with full perfs. ACSC 53Bxb czt. $375 Budget priced stamp at under 50% catalogue. $149 K451) Australia 1924 £1 Deep Grey 3rd wmk Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen Type. D. Well centred, full perf. lightly hinged example. ACSC 53Bxg cat. $375, much better than average, price $269 K455) Australia 1918 £2 Purple Black & Rose Kangaroo “Specimen” 3rd wmk type B. Mint lightly hinged, well centred with full perfs, gum lightly toned. Ex. PMG Specimen pack. ACSC 56Cx, Cat. $600, price $295 K341) Australia 1918 £2 Purple – Black & Crimson Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Mint Unhinged “Specimen” Type C with shaved P. ACSC 56Cxf. Fresh mint unhinged with full perfs, centred left. Indicative cat. for MUH $2600, price $1950 K454) Australia 1918 £2 Black & Rose Carmine Kangaroo “Specimen” 3rd wmk type C. Mint hinged, reasonably well centred with full perfs, gum a bit aged. Ex. PMG Specimen pack. ACSC 56Axb, Cat. $500, price $225 K129) Australia 1915 – 24 10/- - Two Pounds Specimen Ovpts. 10/- is type B, superb fresh well centred and full perfs, no gum. One Pound is type C centred to top left, good perfs. Light overall gum toning. Two pound is type C centred a little low with good perfs, overall even gum toning. Normally $790, price $619 K440) Australia 1929 6d Pale Chestnut sml. Multi. Wmk Kangaroo Die IIB Fresh Mint lightly hinged Imprint strip of 6. Well centred and with full perfs. ACSC 22Bza. Minimum Cat. $375, price $279 K392) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green sml. Multi. Wmk Kangaroo Mint unhinged Bock of 4. Well centred full perf block of 4. Right hand pair with lovely fresh gum, left two are “suntanned” visually very striking piece. Cat. $1200 as singles, price $595

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 K438) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green sml. Multi. Wmk Kangaroo Fresh Mint lightly hinged plate 4 Imprint strip of 6. Well centred and with full perfs. All “Jumbo” sized stamps due to skipped perf at top of all 6 stamps. ACSC 34Aza. Minimum Cat. $750, price $595 K81) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Orange Kangaroo, small multiple wmk. Perf OS cto. Has broken coast near Sydney, and elongated Spencer Gulf. ACSC 44(D)f, full perfs, centred to top left. Cat. $450, nice fresh looking stamp. Price $269 K461) Australia 1929 10/- Grey & Pale Pink Kangaroo, sml. multi. wmk Ovpt. Specimen. Fresh mint lightly hinged example, nicely centred with good perfs. ACSC 49x, cat. $475, priced very reasonably at $395 K458) Australia 1929 10/- Grey & Pale Pink Kangaroo, sml. multi. wmk. Fresh mint lightly hinged example, well centred with good perfs. ACSC 49, cat. $1100, priced very reasonably at $595 K459) Australia 1929 Grey & Rose Crimson £2 smw Kangaroo, commercially used. Attractive used with 2 partial cds cancels. Has variety e “Break in Northern Coast of Western Australia” Few ragged/short perfs on either side but a nice looking stamp. ACSC 57A(D)e Position L13 Cat. $1750.Price $749 K397) Australia 1929 Grey & Rose Crimson £2 smw Kangaroo, Ovpt. “Specimen” Lovely POST OFFICE FRESH mint unhinged, full perf. example, centred left. Cat. $1750, price $975 K418) Australia 1929 Grey & Rose Crimson £2 smw Kangaroo, Ovpt. “Specimen” Fresh mint lightly hinged, full perf. example, well centred. Kangaroo slightly misplaced downwards. Cat. $900, price $549 K460) Australia 1929 Grey & Rose Crimson £2 smw Kangaroo, Ovpt. “Specimen” Mint lightly hinged, full perf. example, well centred. Kangaroo slightly misplaced upwards and with mild Kissprint through left of Map and above. Cat. $900, price $549 K409) Australia 1929 Grey & Rose Crimson £2 smw Kangaroo, Ovpt. “Specimen” Lovely well centred, full perf. mng example, with unrecorded variety “Red flaw in value tablet” ACSC 57xa cat. $900, price $720 K476) Australia 1932 Kangaroo 6d chestnut 3rd wmk block of 4 BW 21, centred a little low MUH. Price $129 K441) Australia 1932 6d Pale Chestnut C of A Wmk Kangaroo Die IIB Fresh Mint lightly hinged Imprint strip of 6. Well centred and with full perfs. ACSC 23Bza. Minimum Cat. $400, price $295 K265) Australia 1932 Kangaroo 6d pale chestnut SM wmk opt ‘OS’ BW 22(OS)B FU. Price $59 K443) Australia 1932 Kangaroo 6d chestnut C of A wmk N over A Ash imprint block BW 23(4) z, cat $500 for hinged, left units with faint bend, light overall gum ‘tanning’ MUH. Price $249 K439) Australia 1932 9d Violet C of A Wmk Kangaroo Die IIB Plate3 1st state. Fresh Mint lightly hinged Imprint strip of 6. Centred to left on 1st 3 stamps, and well centred on 2nd 3, all with full perfs. ACSC 29Aza with variety f, “Vertical white scratch over 2nd N of Nine”. Lovely positional piece. Minimum Cat. $660, price $525 K496) Australia 1940 2/- Maroon Original Die II C of A wmk. Kangaroo. Ash Imprint Gutter block of 4 from plate 1 (N over A) of sheet mint lightly hinged. ACSC 41Az. Cat. $125, price $75 K497) Australia 1945 2/- Maroon re-drawn die C of A wmk. Kangaroo. Commonwealth Imprint block of 4 from left of sheet mint unhinged. ACSC 41Az. Small tone spot to lower left stamp, not visible from front. Cat. $100, price $49 K415) Australia 1932 10/- Grey Black & Pink Kangaroo C of A wmk ACSC 50Azc Well centred very fine & fresh mint unhinged hinged imprint pair, perfectly centred with full perfs. Includes the variety va, Open Mouthed Kangaroo. A very RARE Exhibition Piece. The pair is not priced unhinged, but at $3750 for hinged. The Imprint adds a big premium. There was no such pair or block in the Arthur Gray Collection. Figuring this logically, the Imprint pair for the normal Grey & Pink printing catalogues $3750 for hinged and do sell close to this price, 5 x the mint stamp and the premium for mint unhinged is x 2.5. This gives us a value of $9375. Price for this stunning piece $7500 K113) Australia 1932 10/- Grey Black & Pale Rose Crimson Kangaroo C of A wmk, ACSC

50C cat $450. Well centred very fine used full perf example with partial cds at lower left. Price $275 K116) Australia 1932 10/- Grey Black & Analine Pink Kangaroo C of A wmk, ACSC 50D cat $750. Centred to left, with a couple of missing perfs at top. Cancelled by BENDIGO Vic. Cds. Colour suffuses strongly through to the back. Rare shade. Price $249 K389) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo. Mint lightly hinged, ovpt. Specimen type C. Full perf example, centred high. ACSC 50Ax, scarce stamp, cat. $850 price $675 K186) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo. ACSC 50C cat $450. Well centred very fine used full perf example with light central cds. Price $275 K436) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo. MNG, ovpt. Specimen type D. Centred a little right, full perf example. Has a large UNLISTED VOID AT TOP, WHICH IS NOT A THIN. Affects RA of Australia and top frame. ACSC 50Axe, Price $195 K393) Australia 1934 £2 Grey and Rose Crimson C of A wmk Kangaroo. Very fine used top marginal example with full perfs. Centred to upper right Cancelled by part clean steel cds top base. Shows the variety “Broken coast in Bight” ACSC 58(D)p, cat. $1300. Price $995 K474) Australia 1935 Kangaroo 2/- maroon C of A wmk die I N over N Ash imprint blk BW 40(2) z one lower unit with tone spot, MUH. Price $59 K430) Australia 1931 – 36 10/- - £2 C of A Kangaroos, ovpt. Specimen Type D. Fine mint unhinged, better centred than average for these and with good perfs. Cat. $485, Price $269 K471) Australia 1945 Kangaroo 2/- maroon C of A wmk die II 14mm gutter Imprint blk of 10 BW 41zb, Price $149 K472) Australia 1945 Kangaroo 2/- maroon C of A wmk die II corner imprint blk of 4 BW 41z MH Price $69 K473) Australia 1945 Kangaroo 2/- maroon C of A wmk die II 25mm gutter imprint blk BW 41zd, cat $150 for hinged, MUH Price $129 K442) Australia 1945 Kangaroo 2/- maroon C of A wmk die II 25mm gutter imprint blk BW 41zd, cat $150 for hinged, MUH Price $129 Australia KGV Heads We currently have a wide range of KGV Shades, Varieties and Imprint Blocks. Please let us know your interests G158) KGV Heads from a deceased estate. In neat packets of 100 + although wmks are stated on packets these are unchecked by us for wmks, perfs, varieties shades etc. There may be some perf OS included. a) 1d Red $50 b) 1d Green C of A $30 c) 1d Green C of A ovpt. OS $75 d) 1½d Red Single Wmk. $30 e) 1½d Red Sml. Multi. Wmk. $50 f) 1½d Green Single Wmk. $50 g) 1½d Brown (shades) Single Wmk. $100 h) 2d Orange $50 i) 2d Red Single Wmk $30 j) 2d Red Smw. $50 k) 2d Red Smw. ovpt. OS. $200 l) 2d Red C of A. $25 m) 2d Red C of A wmk. Inverted. $250 n) 2d Red C of A ovpt. OS. $100 o) 3d Blue single wmk $200. p) 4d Olive Smw. P13½ x 12½ $150 q) 4d Olive Smw. Ovpt. OS. $500 q) 4d Olive C of A $125 r) 5d Chestnut C of A $50 s) One of each as above PRICED AT $1890, $1395, save $495 t) Any 3 packets less 5% u) Any 5 packets less 10%

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 G23) Australia 1913 KGV 1d Engraved with nice Kiss Print. Not catalogued as used, priced at $1000 for mint and we recently achieved full catalogue for an unhinged one. Cancelled by cds of NSW 1 AP 14, Town unclear. ACSC 59ca Price $795 G87) Australia 1914 KGV 1d Carmine Red ACSC 71A Plate 1 (i) Pane 2, position 56. Die II mint hinged, cat $750, well centred with good perfs. Price $410 G135) Australia 1915 KGV 4d Buff Orange, wmk. inv. Horiz. Pair. One stamp lightly hinged, the other unhinged. Fresh gum, with a few wrinkles on the unhinged stamp. Full perfs. Centred high. ACSC 110Fa. Indicative cat. price is $560, Price $279 G257) Australia 1916 1d Carmine Red, Rough Paper. Positional block of 8 (2 x 4) cancelled by neat cds’s of Perth Post Restante 10.JUN.18. Listed Positions and varieties are as follows: 4/35 -36, 41 – 42 Substituted Cliché and Y dot. ACSC 72P Plate 2, ja & l (G73) Variety stamps alone cat. $275. Ultra-rare in a fine used block such as this. Supplied with Drury 2012 Certificate. Price $249 G50) Australia 1918 KGV Halfpenny Yellowish Green, ACSC 65E (5)zd. Large Multiple Wmk. From Electro 5. CA Monogram substituted for JBC right hand corner strip of 3. Fresh mint unhinged well centred and full perfs, except has right hand selvedge reinforced with hinge. Cat $900 as hinged. Price $895 TS832) Australia 1918 KGV Large Mult. Wmk. ½d dull green irregular block of 11 MUH, some perf separation & 2 units with minor gum marks. Price $69 GS17) Australia 1918 1d Rose Pink Rough Paper KGV. Post Office Fresh mint unhinged, nicely centred with full perfs. ACSC 72H (G67) Cat. $1500, very rare stamp, Supplied with Drury and Bozic 2011 Certificates. Price $1195 G118) Australia 1920 1/4d Greyish Blue KGV perf OS Mint Lightly Hinged. Centred left and with some small paper adhesion to reverse. Fresh looking and full perfs. ACSC 128E. Scarce shade. Usual retail for regular shade $175, price $85 G96) Australia 1920 1/4d Greenish Blue, ASCS 128Bn, with variety. Mint light hinge and centred to left, good perfs. Thick 1 at right, cat. $400, price $199 G97) Australia 1920 1/4d Greenish Blue, ASCS 130n, with variety thick 1 at right, cat. $600,. Mint light hinge and centred to left, good perfs. Price $189 G95) Australia 1921 KGV 4d Violet perf. OS Fine Used “retouched thin 4d” Nice clean example of this variety, with partial Ship Mail Room cds. Cat. $400 plus 50% for OS. Good perfs and well centred for this. ACSC 111 (2) ra Price $449 G106) Australia 1922 1s Deep Violet Analine, ACSC 76G. Fine used example with partial Melbourne cds, centred to lower left with good perfs. Supplied with Dr. Scott Starting certificate. Cat. $300. Price $225 G104) Australia 1923 KGV 4d Dull Ultramarine, Inverted Wmk, used. Harrison Print ACSC 113Baa. UV Reaction bright blue. Centred low with full perfs, has a horizontal crease towards base. Cancelled by indistinct parcel cancel. Supplied with Dr. Scott Starling certificate. Cat. $1000. Reasonably priced example of a rare stamp, missing from most collections. Price $249 G64) Australia 1924 KGV 1d green Single wmk lower right unit showing variety ‘Run N’ BW 77(4)vb in corner block of 4, lower units including the variety MUH, upper units MVLH Price $69 G68/69) Australia 1924 1d Green Single wmk. 2 x blocks of 4, mint hinged lightly only top pairs of stamps. Shades Pale green and Green, ACSC 77A/77B. Each showing the varieties Ferns and RA joined, positions VII, 54 and 60. Minimum cat. $400, price $200 G172) Australia 1924 1d Green No Wmk. Plate 3 top left corner block of 12, mint unhinged (hinged in selvedge only) Shows the varieties “Indentation in left frame”, “Angular notch in left frame”, Top right corner of crown blunt” and Crown top slopes downwards from left to right” Positions V/1, V7,V10,V12. Nice exhibition piece. Price $295 G65) Australia 1924 KGV 1d green no wmk lower right unit showing variety ‘Run N’ BW 79(4) vb in corner block of 4, usual slight bends, lower units including the variety MUH Price $69 G66) Australia 1924 KGV 1d green no wmk lower right unit showing variety ‘Run N’ BW 79(4)vb in corner block of 4, some moderate diagonal creasing, lower units including the variety MUH Price $49

G161) Australia 1924 KGV 3d pale dull violet-blue Single wmk variety ‘Dry ink’ BW 104c centred to left MLH Price $70 G78) Australia 1924 KGV 3d blue Single wmk block of 4, upper left unit variety ‘Retouched shading behind kangaroo’ BW 105(3/4)h centred to right, lower units MUH, one with faint bend Price $150 G183) Australia 1924 KGV 4½d violet Single wmk variety ‘Shaved top frame at left’ BW 118e Well centred MUH, cat $120 for Mint hinged Price $125 G184) Australia 1924 KGV 4½d violet Single wmk variety ‘White flaws in right value tablet’ BW 118i MLH Price $75 G181) Australia 1924 4.5d Violet Single wmk. Fresh block of 4, top two mint lightly hinged, lower two are unhinged. Stamp 2 has variety “White Flaw in right value tablet” ACSC 118g. Cat. $330, price $229 G182) Australia 1924 KGV 4½d violet Single wmk variety ‘Retouched left value tablet and numerals’ BW 118s centred to upper right MLH Price $60 G63) Australia 1924 KGV 1d green no wmk upper left unit showing variety ‘Roos tongue out’ BW 79(4)u in block of 4, lower units MUH Price $69 G121) Australia 1917 5d Yellow Brown Single wmk ACSC 123B. Nice fine used example of this scarce shade cancelled by cds of Geelong, Vic. Centred left and with full perfs. Cat. $150, price $115 G216) Australia 1927 KGV Small Multi. Wmk. Very fine used complete set to 1/4d, inc both shades of the 1.5d. Most including the 1/4d are cto. Cat $500 plus, price $375 G89) Australia 1926 KGV 1d Green sml. multi. wmk. perf. 13.5 x 12.5. Lightly hinged vertical pair showing varieties ACSC 81 (4) ia and 81 (4) ja Ferns, and Ferns retouched. Positions VII 54 and VII 60. Well centred and with good perfs, cat. $325 plus 50% well centred premium. A very scarce pair, especially so well centred. Price $365 G73) Australia 1926 3d Blue Die 1a KGV Single wmk. ACSC 105C in mint lower left block of 4, 3 unhinged. All with spectacular Dry Ink and with blind perf between each pair at the same point. Cat. $250 each mint unhinged, $200 hinged. Price $765 G162) Australia 1926 3d Blue Die 1 KGV Single wmk block of 4, with variety. Top left stamp with “Broken Leg of Emu” position 2L 19. Mint lightly hinged with full perfs, centred a little left. Has some gum loss and light toning. ACSC 104A(l) Cat. $285. Cheap at well under half $125 G76) Australia 1926 KGV 3d Deep Blue type A & B pair. Mint unhinged marginal horizontal pair ACSC 105Aac, centred to left. Cat. $250, price $189 G43) Australia 1927 KGV Halfpenny Orange, small multi. Wmk. Perf 14 Mullet Imprint Block of 4 from Electro 9, fresh mint unhinged (hinged only in selvedge at top) Printing to Imprint quite faint (dry ink?) Has variety i “Break in top frame left of crown” ACSC 67 (9) z. Cat $250 as hinged. Price $189 G132) Australia 1927 KGV 1.5d Red sml. multi. wmk perf 14. Fresh mint unhinged corner plate dot singles Nos. 1 -4 . Shades vary. Price $149 G82) As above, plate 4 plate dot block of 4, hinged in selvedge only. ACSC91(4) z. Price $149 G134) As above, plate 2, ACSC91(2)z, price $125 G164) Australia 1927 KGV 3d blue SM wmk P13½ x 12½ Die I, 2 shades, mixed centring MLH Price $100 G151) Australia 1927 4.5d Reddish Violet sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 14 block of 4. ACSC119B well centred fresh mint hinged and full perfs, with plate scratches in lower margin of right hand stamps. Price $149 G98) Australia 1927 4.5d Pale Violet sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 14, Semi- surfaced paper, also appears dry ink. ACSC119Aa fine used with PARTIAL cds of ….KWOOD TASMANIA MR 13 28. Not priced as used in ACSC, cat. $275 for mint unhinged, $175 for hinged. Centred to left with full perfs. Nice shade. Price $165 G255) Australia 1927 1/4d Turquoise Blue SMW Perf. 14, ACSC 129B, fresh mint unhinged. Lovely example, vibrant colour with full perfs. centred a little left. Melbourne retail $1200, cat. $1250, this is a scarce stamp in this condition. Price $1125

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 G240) Australia 1927 1/4d Deep Turquoise SMW Perf. 14, ACSC 129C Fine used with certificate. Cancelled by Herberton, Qld. Cds of 21AP28. Centred left (as most of these are) with full perfs. Supplied with Starling 2015 Certificate. Cat. $2750, price $2495 G62) Australia 1927 SM wmk P13½ x 12½ 1½d Red Mullet Imprint strip of 4 (2nd line guillotined off) Mint lightly hinged and showing the variety Void Corner. ACSC 92B(2)g position 2L/59. Price $125 ML429) Australia 1927 KGV Small multiple watermark P13½ 1½d Red N over A Ash imprint pair MUH stamp, hinged in selvedge, price $39 G168) Australia 1928 KGV 3d smw perf. 13.5 x 12.5 Type B- A Pair. Fresh Mint Unhinged top marginal pair. Type B has white flaw back of King’s head ACSC 107g. Cat. $175 for hinged. Normal A – B Pair cat. $575 as ACSC 107c. Price $425 G166) Australia 1929 KGV 3d blue SM wmk P13½ x 12½ Die II var ‘Retouched ST of AUSTRALIA’ BW 108g two faintly toned perfs at top, light HR, Mint Price $60 G80) Australia 1929 KGV 4d olive SM wmk,P13½ x 12½ Ash imprint block, BW 116(4) z, cat $425 as hinged, very lightly aged gum, MUH Price $549 G46) Australia 1930 KGV 1.5d Red Brown sml. Multi. Wmk. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5, in Gutter Imprint Block. Fresh mint unhinged. Unusually the perfs. do not extend into the lower margin. Price $179 G180) Australia 1930 KGV 2d Scarlet smw. Ash Imprint N over A Gutter Block 12 perf. 13.5 x 12.5 hinged only on 2 stamps. Imprint block of 4 is unhinged and cat. $125 for hinged. Good perfs, with overall gum toning. Centring better than usual for large multiples. Cat. $300 minimum. Price $225 G198) Australia 1930 5d Orange Brown sml. Multi. Wmk. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5, fresh mint unhinged. Centred high with full perfs. ACSC 126 cat $125, price $82.50 G53) Australia 1927 KGV 1/4d Pale Turquoise Blue Sml. Multi. Wmk. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5, in Gutter Imprint Pair. Fresh mint very light hinge with variety “Dry Ink” and with very faint printing to imprint text. Not listed as such in ACSC. Imp. Block of 4 cat. $3000. Price $1195 G49) Australia 1930 2d Golden Scarlet Sml. Multi. Wmk. Die III, perf. 13.5 x 12.5, in Gutter Imprint block of 4, mint lightly hinged with full perfs. ACSC 102Az cat. $150 price $119 G253) Australia 1932 Halfpenny Orange KGV C of A wmk. Ovpt. OS. Ash Gutter Imprint block of 4 with variety “Break in Top Frame left of Crown” Cancelled per favour, with gum. Minor perf separation at base in selvedge. ACSC 69 (OS)(9)z. Cat $200 as mint hinged. Price $119 G147) Australia 1932 Halfpenny Orange KGV C of A wmk. Ovpt. OS. Top right block of 6, 2 x 3 Mint unhinged. Centred to left with full perfs. Has the variety “Hollow S” lower left stamp, also double perfs through top margin. Some minor toning does not detract from the attractiveness of this piece. ACSC 69A (OS) 8r. Cat. $75 for the variety as hinged. Price $160 G47) Australia 1932 1d Green KGV C of A wmk Plate 1 Gutter Imprint Block of 8. Fresh mint unhinged, top right stamp has missing top right perf. ACSC 82C (1) z. Cat. $60 as hinged block of 4. Unhinged is x 2.5. Price $100 G48) Australia 1932 1d Deep Green KGV C of A wmk. Ovpt. OS. Plate 4 Ash Gutter Imprint block of 4. Fresh Mint Unhinged. Centred lower left with full perfs. ACSC 82C (OS) (4)z With varieties Ferns retouched, RA joined retouched and White spot on L of Australia. Cat. $225 for hinged. Unhinged should be double. A fine piece. Very well priced at $249 G111) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise Blue KGV C of A wmk. Fresh mint lightly hinged, centred left and with 1 nibbed perf at right. Usual retail $150, this one just $75 G173) Australia 1933 KGV 4d olive C of A wmk, BW 117, 3 shades, mixed centring, one with toned perf Mint Price $49 Australia Pre-Decimal BD872) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Overprinted OS, mint lightly hinged. 3d is a marginal example. Cat. $575. Price elsewhere, $475, my price $359

APD79) Australia 1931 3d Blue Kingsford Smith, plate 3 block of 6 (2 x 3) Mint unhinged, full perfs. Shows variety “Plane dropping mailbag” Some thinning in selvedge, price $175 APD121) Australia 1931 6d Dull Brown Airmail, ovpt. OS. Plate 1 Imprint strip of 3, mint lightly hinged on centre stamp only. Well centred and with good perfs. Some light gum toning. ACSC 144(OS)zd Cat. $300 as block of 6. Price $125 APD203) Australia 1932 5/- Harbour Bridge, superb cto with full unhinged gum. Magnificent example, well centred, full perfs and fresh original gum. Hard to beat. Price $325 APD14) Australia 1935 1/- Black Anzac, cto without gum. Well centred with good perfs. Top left corner cds. Cat. $60, scarcer than the catalogue would suggest, so wellpriced at $42 APD128) Australia 1937 1/- Lyrebird Perf 13.5 x 14, Imprint block. Superb mint unhinged, stamps are Post Office fresh! Perf through lower margin. As usual careful diagonal trimming allows for the entire imprint to be seen. Scarcer 42.5mm Imprint, cat. $650, price $529 APD117) Australia 1937 -49. Robes High Values, both thick and thin paper sets, very fine used. SG 176 - 179a. Melbourne retail, $195, price $169 APD213) 1942 KGVI 3½d blue Authority imprint block variety ‘White face’ (result of ink stripping) the right hand units are more extreme examples, ACSC 231c with normal single for comparison MUH. Price $650 BD743) Australia 1945 Duke of Gloucester 2.5d Red in Mint Light Hinge Block of 4, showing uncatalogued large blue blob on Duke’s Nose, top left stamp, visible parts of Moustache also are over inked. Unusual. Price $49 APD199) Australia 1948 1½d Green QE, no wmk. Top gutter block of 8 showing part plate number 19, and 2 x perf. pips. Post Office Fresh Mint Unhinged. ACSC 227Aza. Cat. $4000 for hinged. Unhinged ought to be double! Price very reasonably at $2700 DB689) Australia 1948 2/- Aboriginal Art Crocodile in NO IMPRINT lower left corner block of 4. Mint light hinge. ACSC 263ze. Cat $100, price $59 APD212) Australia 1949 ½d No Wmk Kangaroo Imprint blocks. Both sheet and coil perf printings from the lower left corner of the sheet. Fresh mint unhinged. Cat. $70, price $55 APD84) Australia 1949 Arms £2 with Roller Flaw early state, light impression, ACSC 271d, cat. $325. Price $239 APD211) Australia 1951-53 3½d Brown KGVI Thin Paper Imprint Block together with normal. Both fresh mint unhinged from the lower left corner of the sheet . Very rare, cat. $100 each as singles. Price $475 APD87) Australia 1954 Red Cross Misplaced vertical pair. Fresh mint unhinged showing cross misplaced to the left and touching frameline. ACSC 312c, cat $150 each. Total cat. $300, price $195 APD88) Australia 1954 Red Cross Misplaced vertical pair. Fresh mint unhinged showing cross misplaced upwards and into the blue section below A of Australia. ACSC 312c, cat $150 each. Total cat. $300, price $195 APD76) Australia 1954 Red Cross Misplaced bottom right corner block of 4. Fresh mint unhinged showing cross misplaced down and to the left and into the blue area. ACSC 312c, cat $150 each. Total cat. $600, price $390 APD86) Australia 1964 10/- Navigator ovpt. Specimen “Misplaced”. Well centred mint unhinged cream paper with the overprint misplaced 3mm left with the letter S extending into the left margin. 3mm is the usual standard employed when judging misplacements. Price $995 Australia Pre-Decimal complete sheets. AFS9) Australia 1950 1d Slate Purple Princess Elizabeth, complete coil perf sheet of 160 perf. through side margin. cat. $530 adding up the coil blocks of 4 and imprint blocks, price for this $300 AFS10) Australia 1951 2d Green Sideface Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother) complete coil perf. sheet of 160 Cat. $1000 adding up the coil blocks of 4 and 2 x Imprint

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 Blocks Price for this $575 AFS8) Australia 1953 QEII 3d Green complete coil perf. sheet of 160. Cat $800 as 40 x coil blocks of 4 price for this $475 Australia Decimal AD80) Australia 1971 7c Reddish Purple QEII, Imperf at left pair. Superb Post Office Fresh mint unhinged. ACSC 447bh, cat. $1500 in 2002 catalogue. Rare! Price $1425 AD77) Australia 1977 18c QEII Silver Jubilee 1st Printing (Sydney) Imperforate block of 15, Shows colour bars at top. Cat. $200 per imperf. Pair back in 2002, and $600 for an interpane pair with colour bars. Some wrinkling affecting 4 stamps at base and colour bars at top. Cheap at $589 AD79) Australia 1977 45c QEII Silver Jubilee top right corner vertical Plate Proof Pair, ACSC 766PP(1) Cat. $500 back in 2002! Price $299 AFS11) Australia 2007 Architecture $4.45 M/Sheet IMPERF uncut left pane of 12 M/S no. 0378 of a limited edition of 2000 not issued through normal POs. With certificate of authenticity. VF MNH. Scarce. Seen elsewhere at $150 plus. Price $99.50 Australia First Day and Commemorative Covers AFD431) Australia 1937 Advertising FDC. Bearing: 1/- Green Lyre Bird, 6d Brown Kookaburra and 3d Blue KGVI. Cancelled by CDS of Melbourne, VIC, 2 AU 37, hand addressed cover. Price: $50 AFD13) Australia 1938 2 designs featuring QEII and KGVI, Green + Red cachet Haslem FDCs. Bearing: 1d Green QEII and 2d Red KGVI Die II. Cancelled in Hobart, TAS, 1 AU 38, hand addressed covers. Price: $125 the pair AFD545) Australia 1948 Commonwealth of Australia New Postage Stamp Issue Red and Dark Blue cachet Wide World Script type Generic FDC. Bearing: 1/3 Brown Hereford Bull and 2/Brown Crocodile. Cancelled by CDS of Glen Iris, VIC, 16 FE 48, typed address cover. Price: $25 AFD9) Australia 1951 Australia Dark Blue cachet Taylor Generic FDC. Bearing: 3d Red KGVI. Cancelled by CDS of Vic, 28 FE 51, hand addressed cover. Price: $50 AFD10) Australia 1951 Australia Dark Blue cachet Taylor Generic FDC. Bearing: 6.5d Green KGVI. Cancelled by CDS of Carlton South, Vic, 9 AP 52, hand addressed cover. Price: $50 AFD489) Australia 1951 First Day Cover Australia and Flag cachet Hunter Stamp Co. Script type Generic FDC. Bearing: 1/2d Orange Kangaroo and 7 1/2d Blue KGVI pair. Cancelled by CDS of Newcastle, NSW, 31 OC 51, typed address Registered Airmail cover. Price: $25 AFD397) Australia 1953 Young Farmers Clubs ARTHUR BERGEN FDC. Unaddressed and cancelled by Pennington S.A. cds of 3 – SE53. Signed and dated on reverse in fountain pen “Arthur D Bergen” Price $59 AFD398) As above, signed, not dated. Small water stain to top right. Price $49 AFD193) Australia 1953 Commemoration of Sesquicentenary of Settlement in Tasmania Green and Gold Map cachet Guthrie FDC. Bearing: 150th Anniversary of Settlement in Tasmania set. Cancelled by CDS of Perth, WA, 23 SE 53, unaddressed Airmail cover. Price: $30 AFD58) Australia 1953 Commonwealth of Australia Tasmania Sesquicentenary Green cachet Standard Stamp Co, (QLD Stamp Mart) FDC. Bearing: 150th Anniversary of Settlement in Tasmania set. Cancelled by CDS of Brisbane, QLD, 23 SE 53, hand addressed cover. Price: $60 TS801) Australia 1953 Commonwealth of Australia Tasmania Sesquicentenary 3½d Collins ACCIDENTAL FIRST DAY COVER, used locally on small cover to Brisbane. Cancelled Brisbane machine cancel 23 SEP 1953. Stamp a little aged, cover is fine. Price $29 AFD421) Australia 1954 Royal Visit 2nd February 1954 Picture cachet Miller Bros. FDC. Bearing: Royal Visit by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip set. Cancelled by CDS of Glen Iris, VIC Error in date slug states 2 FE 53 instead of 2 FE 54! typed address cover. Price: $25 AFD35) Australia 1954 Commonwealth of Australia Standard Stamp Co, (QLD Stamp Mart) FDC’s, with Red and Blue, Dark Blue and Yellow cachet. Set of 2 covers. Bearing: 2.5d Dark Blue QEII pair and 6.5d Yellow QEII. Cancelled by CDS of Brisbane, QLD, 23 JE

54, hand addressed novel covers. Price: $40 the pair TS638) Australia 1959 4D Grey Birth of The Post Office, ACCIDENTAL FIRST DAY COVER. On small cover cancelled by slogan of Balgowlah NSW of 22 APR 1959 “ADDRESS MAIL TO/POST OFFICE BOX No./IT EXPEDITES/DELIVERY. Price $29 AFD60) Australia 1966 Australia and Territories Change to Decimal Currency 1966 Multicoloured cachet WCS FDC. 2 different designs set of covers. Bearing: Navigators set. Cancelled by CDS of Perth, WA, 14 FE 66, typed address registered cover. Price: $150 the pair AFD678) Australia 1968 Soil Science Gutter Pair FDC, with original info. Card inside. Typed address. Flap unsealed. Cancelled Melbourne FDI cds 6AUG68. Price $35 Australia Postage Dues PDA4) Australia 1925 1.5d Carmine & Bright Yellow Green Postage Due. Third wmk. Single line perf. 14. Ash Gutter Imprint Block of 4. Fresh mint unhinged with good perfs, a bit fluffy and with variable centring as is usual for this issue. ACSC D107C, cat $275 as hinged. Price $219 PDA5) Australia 1938 3d Carmine & Yellow Green C of A wmk. Comb Perf. Ash Imprint Gutter Block of 4, fresh mint unhinged. Well centred and good perfs. ACSC D125Bz, cat. $450, price $339 PDA6) Australia 1938 6d Carmine & Yellow Green C of A wmk. Comb Perf. Ash Imprint Gutter Block of 4 no dot, fresh mint unhinged. Well centred and good perfs. Natural perf. fault to top left stamp. ACSC D127Bz, cat. $800, price $595 PDA7) Australia 1938 1/- Carmine & Yellow Green cove A wmk. Comb Perf. Ash Imprint Gutter Block of 4 no dot, fresh mint unhinged. Well centred and good perfs. Natural perf. fault to top left stamp. ACSC D128Bz, cat. $700, price $525 Australia Varieties/errors DB673) Australia 1977 18c Jubilee offset. Mint unhinged with strong offset of blue and black. Listed and illustrated in ACSC as 765c. Cat in 15 year old catalogue at $250. Got to be worth $195 today. Australian Territories BCOF8) BCOF 1d Ovpt. On Queen Elizabeth, PROOF IN BLACK horizontal pair, Post Office fresh mint unhinged, with normal for comparison. Has unrecorded variety to 2nd stamp “Broken tops to B, F & N” ACSC J2PP(2)A. Price $749 NG42) New Guinea 1931 1d Green Huts, ovpt. Airmail in complete sheet of 30 mostly mint unhinged. Will yield 4 imprint blocks of 8. Facially very fresh with bright colour. Minor tone spotting to 5 stamps on reverse and some perf. reinforcement. Very attractive piece, price $149 DB527) New Guinea 1948 Official mail. Small re-addressed envelope to USA bearing undated Birds 1d, 1.5d 7 5d Ovpt. OS. Stamps on cover cat. A minimum of £560. Price under a half $465 APD120) Norfolk Is. 1947 (Australia used in) 1/6d Double Globe Hermes McCracken 38mm corner Imprint Block of 4, ACSC 162ze cat. $225 as mint unhinged. Cancelled by neat Norfolk Is. 6DE47 cds. Scarce late use. Price $195 NI7) Norfolk Island 1968 QEII 5c coil strip of 4 with strong offset MUH. Price $159 DB535) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1994 21T ON 80T LAND SHELL OVERPRINT Imprint Block of 4, mint unhinged. Retail $40 each, plus value of imprint. Price $119 DB534) Papua New Guinea 2001 50T/25T Olympics error triple Overprint MUH, with Certificate. Mi. 906DDD, SG903 (Var.) Only one sheet believed to exist. Price $495 British Empire/Commonwealth BC156) Cape of Good Hope 1855 Triangle 4d blue SG 6a two large and one close margins used. Price $99 BC157) Cape of Good Hope 1855 Triangle 4d blue SG 6a two close margins used, cut

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 into at base. Price $49 BC155) Cape of Good Hope 1858 Triangle 1d rose SG 5a two good margins, bottom margin touching to just cut into used. Price $179 BC154) Cape of Good Hope 1863-64 Triangle 1d deep carmine-red variety wmk sideways SG18a, cat £600, three margins but damaged at base, used. Price $129 BC162) British Guiana 1875-76 24c deep green perf 15 SG 115 FU. Price $129 BC48) Ceylon 1857 6d Purple Brown on Blued paper, SG 1. Nice lightly used 4 margin example, cat. £450. Very rare stamp, under-catalogued. Price $569 BC42) Ceylon 1857 1d Blue Imperf. SG 2a. Nice 3 margin lightly used example, cat. £80. Budget priced, $25 BC101) Falkland Island Dependencies 1944-45 overprint sets (South Orkneys 6d has a short perf) + 1946 thick maps set Mint, cat £109. Price $74.50 BC151) Mauritius 1950 KGVI definitives 1c to 50c (ex 12c) in sheet number corner blocks of 4 MUH. Price $47.50 BC52) Nauru 1923 2d Orange KGV Die II SG 5. Fresh mint lightly hinged example centred left with full perfs. Cat. £70, price $59.50 N9) Nauru 1937 Freighters smooth Paper set, SG 26B/39B, fresh mint unhinged. Price $259 N12) As above, but very lightly hinged. Price $169 BD859) Nauru 1980 Air Nauru set in imperf pairs without denominations in composite proof sheet without gum as issued. Rare. Price $1995 DB754) New Hebrides 1911 Definitives SG 18/28 complete mint lightly hinged. Some minor gum toning. Cat. £110, Price $119 DB757) New Hebrides 1920 2d on 40c Red on Yellow SG 35, fresh mint very lightly hinged. Full perfs. centred right. Cat. £130. Price $119 DB760) New Hebrides 1938 Definitives SG 52/63 Mint very lightly hinged. Cat. £325, price $175 DB764) New Hebrides 1938 Postage Dues SG D6/10, mint unhinged. Some gum toning. Cat. £190. Price $115 NZ7) New Zealand 1905 Hausberg Imperf Reprints of Chalon Heads, only 6 sheets of each Made. Blocks of 8 of the 2d Die I, 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/-. Scarce multiples from one of the only remaining sets of sheets known to exist. Price $629 NZ7a) As above, blocks of 4, $325 DB691) New Zealand 1907 Officials. 3d, 6d & 1/- mint lightly hinged. SG 063/065. Cat. £385. Cheap at $195 ML416) New Zealand 1931 2d Smiling Boy, cds used. Tiny thin at base, good spacefiller. Price $50 ML510) New Zealand 1954 QEII set of 15 to 10/- (ex 1/9d) Mint lightly hinged, advertised retail A $90 for set of 16 NZ2) New Zealand 1954 QEII set of 14 to 10/- (ex 1/9d which was issued later) Official FDC. Neat hand addressed. Cancelled by cds’s of Wellington 1MR54. Three small tone spots at top not affecting stamps. Price $125 NZ3) New Zealand 1957 1/3d Black & Orange plus 2/6d Brown Queen on Horseback small plain fdc. Typed address to C.A. McFarlane Esq., Director-General, General Post Office, Wellington, C.1. Cancelled by single Wellington cds of 1.JL.57. Few minor age spots, otherwise fine. Price $35 BC32) Oil Rivers Protectorate 1892 SG 1/6, mixed mint & used set. 2d 7 5d are fine used, others mint lightly hinged. 1/- is particularly fresh. Cat. £130, price $110 MAU46) Pitcairn Is. 1949 UPU, the set of plate/imprint blocks in strips of 10 from the bottom of sheets, hinged/unhinged, includes both plates of the 3d and 4 plates of the 6d, one of these only being in a block of 6. Possibly Unique. Cat $675 as single stamps. Price $395. BC149) Rhodesia 1898/1908 £5 Deep Blue Arms, SG 92, perf. “Specimen” vertically. Attractive and fresh unused, most probably stuck down on UPU presentation card. Normal mint is cat. £3250. Price $795 BC34) St. Helena 6d Blue SG1, fine used 3 margin example. Cat. £180, price $59.50

BC38) St. Lucia 1860 1d Rose red, SG 1. Fine lightly hinged original gum example, cat. £100, price $98 BC41) St. Vincent 1861 1d Rose Red SG 1 Double Perfs. at top! Mint with small part original gum. Price $149 BD910) Singapore 1948 nice cover to Perak. Bearing: KGVI 6 values 1c to 10c. Cancelled by CDS of Singapore, 1 SEP 48. Price: $45 BC43) Sudan 1897 SG 1- 9 fine used. Cat. £100, scarce set, price $110 BC47) Sudan 1897 SG 1a Inverted Overprint. Fine used example, only priced as mint in SG at £225. Price $249 BC161) Tristan da Cunha 1965 QEII 2/6d (3), 5/- (2), 1 ea MUH, 1988 Paintings set to £2, various 1987-92 commemorative sets and singles to £1, cat £48+, mostly MUH. Price $47.50 1935 Silver Jubilee Issues Varieties DB359) Bermuda 1935 Jubilee 1.5d ultramarine & grey SG 95m with variety. Used with “bird” by turret. Cat . £275, price $269 DB358) British Guiana 1935 Jubilee 2c ultramarine & grey SG 301h with variety. MH with Dot by flagstaff. Cat. £130, price $125 DB360) Gambia 1935 Jubilee 6d light blue & olive - green SG 145b with variety. MH with short extra flagstaff. Price $349 Rest of the World ROW71) China, Peoples Republic, 1972-1981 Mint unhinged sets in a lavish embroidered, gold blocked book - probably some kind of VIP presentation 35 years back? The “09” pink tag inside might be a clue of some kind? Fresh condition. Gold inks with usual surface variance. Includes 1980 flowers, Bonsai etc. 6 complete sets cat. £136 price $195 GNG27) German New Guinea 1900 small cover to “Post Master General, General Post Office, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Bears 20pfg blue Mi. 4 Germany Arms type ovpt. “Deutsch – Neu – Guinea” cancelled by cds of Herbertshohe, and Sydney arrival duplex on reverse of MY 2 00. Some tone spotting, which may have pre-existed on the envelope before posting, otherwise very fine. Ultra-scarce early cover. Price $995 GNG25) German New Guinea 1901 small cover re-addressed from Rhiune to Westereappiln, Germany. Bears 10pfg Red Yacht type Mi. 9 cancelled by cds of Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (Now Madang) of 15/10 01, and with arrival cds on reverse of a) Rhiune? 18.12.01 and Westereappiln of the same date. Fine 7 scarce, price $245 GNG26) German New Guinea 1906 clean small cover to Essen, Germany bearing 10pfg red Yacht Type Mi. 9 cancelled by cds of Herbertshohe 4.12.05 and with Essen arrival cds of 12.1.06 on reverse. Price $285 GNG3) German New Guinea 1910 clean “Bantam” cover to Weimar. Bears 3pfg brown Yacht type Mi. 7 cancelled by cds of Herbertshohe 3 6 10 Lovely little cover. Price $225 GNG19) German New Guinea 1910 clean small cover to USA via Hong Kong. Bears 20pfg blue Yacht type Mi. 10 cancelled by cds of Rabaul 27 6 10 and with Hong Kong transit cds on reverse dated 26 JY 10. Rare scarce survivor. Price $575 GNG1) German New Guinea 1913 clean “Bantam” cover to Hien, Netherlands bearing 2 x 3pfg brown Yacht Type Mi. 7 cancelled by cds of Herbertshohe 4.11.13. Price $275 GNG14) German New Guinea 1913 clean small cover to Frankfurt Germany bearing 10pfg red Yacht Type Mi. 9 cancelled by cds of Rabaul 24.11.13. Price $245 GER25) Germany 1942/5 4 x unstamped Feldpost Covers, 2 with letters “from the front” on official stationery, 1 official” Feldpost Osten envelope Krakau to Vienna, and another small envelope 1942 addressed to Stalingrad (Russian front) with the addressee struck through in blue crayon. A lot of official Swastika and Eagle Cancels here. Price $195 the lot. GER40) Germany Occupation of Russia. 1942 Feldpost cover from the Russian Front to Olmutz, Moravia. By the Munich Agreement (1938), the southwestern and northern peripheries of Moravia were annexed by Nazi Germany, and during the German occu-

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BUY OR BID SALE NOVEMBER 2018 pation of Czechoslovakia (1939–1945), the remnant of Moravia was an administrative unit within the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Bears Russia 5 kopek & 20 kopek definitives cancelled by cds of CCCP and has 2 different Feldpost Eagle & Swastika Cancels of 28.9.42. Unusual to see postage stamps on these covers. A rare survivor. Price $165 ROW48) Indochina 1915 small commercial Cover to India, via Ceylon. Bears 5c & 2 x 10c Definitives cancelled by Saigon Central cds’s of 18 – 1 15 and reverse arrival cds of Tirupatur 30JAN15. Opening tear at left damages 1 x 10c stamp, otherwise fine. Scarce survivor! Price $59 ROW47) Indonesia 1989 WWF Orangutans 100R & 500R values each postally used on piece. Rare thus, cat. £30, price $35 ROW76) Israel 1949, 4 early FDCs. Includes Founding of Petah Tikvah, Adoption of New Flag, Innauguration OS Constituent Assembly & set of 6 coins 3m – 50m. All unaddressed illustrated covers. Price $65 ROW75) Monaco 1956-83 Selection of Princess Grace issues including 1956 Wedding set, 1893 Commemoration mini sheet etc CAT £35+ MUH. Price $37.50 ROW15) Philippines 1928 First Flight Cover, “London – Orient Flight” Puerto Prince – Manila. Bears Blue Bi-Plane cachet and Philippines 2c Green & 10c Blue Defins. With 4c Pink and Grey Palace of the Legislature opt. OFFICIAL in red. Cancelled by Puerto Prince cds NOV 8 1928 an with Manila arrival duplex of the following day on reverse. Printed address. Very clean and attractive, price $49 ROW13) Philippines - San Francisco 1935 1st Flight Cover with official Cachet, intermediate cover addressed to Guam. Scarce. Price $95 Collectables CB355) Napoleon Bonaparte. Superb replicas in miniature of the Coronation Crowns of Napoleon and Josephine, together with the Papal Tiara of Pope Pius VII who conducted the ceremony. The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French took place on Sunday December 2, 1804 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. This superb set in solid brass, gilded, be-jewelled and enameled are displayed in a polished rosewood look case, with a hinged clear acrylic lid. Great display piece or present for a loved one, these were produced in a limited edition in Melbourne to celebrate the 200th anniversary of this historical event. Price $119. (3 available) CB631) Cook Island 2009 Perth Mint Captain James Cook set Coloured Reverse 1 oz .999 fine silver proof $1 coins. In original packaging with Certificate and replica of Cook’s compass. Price: $759 Coins & Banknotes - Gold & Gold Bullion CB215) Australia/Kiribati 2014 QEII 60th Anniv. Royal Visit. Kiribati $10 Silver Australia $2 Gold Proof. In 2014, we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s first visit to Australia. Queen Elizabeth II was the first reigning monarch of Australia to set foot on Australian soil, coming ashore on the 3 February 1954 at Farm Cove, Sydney. A fitting tribute to this landmark event in Australian history, 2014 marks the release of the 2014 “Queen’s First Visit to Australia 60th Anniversary” Silver Coin. This limited edition coin has a denomination of $10 and is official legal tender of Kiribati. Having been officially approved by Buckingham Palace, the 2014 “Queen’s First Visit to Australia 60th Anniversary” Silver Coin features a portrait of the young Queen Elizabeth II in all her regal beauty. Also captured on the reverse side is a highly detailed depiction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Queen’s Royal Yacht, SS Gothic, sailing majestically into Sydney Harbour in 1954 - a truly memorable moment for all Australians. The perfect complement to the silver coin is the prestigious 2014 “Australia’s Queen’ Gold Commemorative. Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s first tour of Australia, this superb commemorative is crafted from lustrous gold to faultless Proof quality. Depicting key elements of her 19,000 kilometre journey across Australia, this gold commemorative forms an exclusive tribute to the Queen’s first Royal Tour - Price: $149, 1 only available CB270) Australia 1910S Sydney Gold Half Sovereign, Nice VF condition price $398

CB275) 1980 Proof $200 Australia Gold Coin, superb uncirculated in original box, complete with Royal Australian Mint Seal. Contains 10 grams of 22c t Gold. Price $695 CB278) 1987 Governor Phillip Australia $200 gold coin, superb uncirculated in original packaging. Contains 10 grams of 22ct Gold, price $695 CB266) Great Britain 1869 QV Young Head Shield Back Gold Half Sovereign, good fine to near VF condition. Price $429 CB273) Great Britain 1898 Half Sovereign, Old Head Queen Victoria, fine condition. Price $349 CB272) Guyana 1976. REPUBLIC OF GUYANA 100 DOLLARS PROOF GOLD COIN, IN ORIGINAL Blue Velvet Box. 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE. Beautiful, superbly-struck gold coin. Pristine and in the original mint packaging, mounted on 9ct gold mount, just add a chain wear as a pendant. and Fantastic sharp detail. Mint lustred beautiful coin. 50% fine gold. 6.72 grams. Minted June 14, 1976 and 25.25mm in Diameter. Weight of mount around is 1.5 grams. Price $419 GDB3) Matthey Garrett & Philatelic Assn. of NSW joined forces to produce 18ct Gold replicas of the 1st Victoria & Queensland stamps. Presented here with certificate in original plush box and numbered 0106, these are rarely offered. Weight of each approx. 10 grams. Superb! Price $1495 CB460) Great Britain 1907 KEVII Sovereign, nice EF condition. Price $579 CB459) South Africa 1928 Pretoria Sovereign. Amazing Mis-strike on Reverse with St. George’s and Horse’s stomachs largely missing, also top of horses rear left leg. Otherwise the coin is Choice Lustred Uncirculated. Weak strikes do sometimes occur in Branch Mints, due to worn dies during the period 1871 - 1932. Even so, the weakness here is far greater than is normally seen. Price $1475 CB461) South Africa 1929 Pretoria Sovereign, Choice Uncirculated. Lovely coin with original lustre. Price $749 Collectable Silver Rounds SB36) US 1974 Universaro Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $38.50 SB37) US 1984 Life Liberty Happiness Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $55 SB38) US 1985 The American Prospector Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $47 SB43) US 1985 Life Liberty Happiness Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36 SB39) US 1986 Liberty Mint Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $38 SB20) 1999 Coloured US Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36 SB22) 2000 Coloured American Eagle Walking Liberty Fine Silver Dollar 1 Troy Ounce coin. Price: $36 SB23) 2000 Coloured American Eagle Walking Liberty Fine Silver Dollar 1 Troy Ounce coin. Price: $36 SB24) 2001 Coloured American Eagle Walking Liberty Fine Silver Dollar 1 Troy Ounce coin. Price: $37 SB26) 2001 Coloured U.S. American Silver Eagle Dollar - Santa Claus - Peace on Earth. Price: $61.50 SB27) 1 oz. Scottsdale Omnia silver round .999 fine silver. Price: $36 SB28) US 2008 Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $47 SB29) US 2009 Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $41 SB31) US 2011 Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36 SB32) US 2012 Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36 SB34) US 2015 Walking Liberty Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36 SB44) US Liberty Eagle Medallion 1 Troy oz .999 Fine Silver Round. Reverse side is blank, perfect for engraving. Price: $36 SB40) Austria 2012 Wiener Philharmoniker Anniv. Silver Dollar One Troy Ounce Fine Silver Coin. Price: $36

21st Century Auctions (Kevin Morgan) Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often -

1938 2d Scarlet KGVI Complete Plate “3” Gutter Block 8. Cat $2,500 for just $A1,250.

Superbly fresh unused Gutter Block of 8, absolutely outstanding centering for this issue, showing a 100% complete Plate No. “3”. These plate numbers were rare freaks, where the printer mis-guillotined the large master press sheets, down into PO sheets of 160. And he occasionally left parts of plate numbers, when his final trim aim was a couple mm out, leaving a wider than usual top margin, on some sheets that reached PO’s. Only a tiny number of the recorded plates exist, hence the huge ACSC figure. Often only HALF - or even less, of each plate number was on the issued sheets. Super fresh - and now 80 years old. Never seen or had this one before, in 40 years of dealing. ACSC 188zb, cat $A2,500 as mint hinged. Complete numbers are a huge premium on these KGVI issues. IMPOSSIBLE to find a better looker. Only $US900 or - $A1,250 (Stock 347RB)

GB 1867 £5 Orange QV attractive “SPECIMEN”: Totally free of faults. Cat £4,500+ just $A2,250! Twin

Anchor watermark, which shows superbly, white paper, handstamped ‘Specimen’ in SG Type 9 font. THE one stamp missing from near EVERY collection of GB on this planet. I see one copy each decade or so. Excellent perfs and centering for these terrors. This stamp is totally without fault - fresh flat unused, with NO usual thins, creases, tears or foxing/toning, that one always sees on these totally GIGANTIC stamps issued 151 years ago. Clean as a whistle on the back, and NO usual hinge remains, or gook or age gunk etc, to hide thins or tears, so common on these biggies. Interestingly, the SG Specialised Cat tells us that these stamps were printed with TWO passes through the presses, at different times. There was a £5 “TELEGRAPHS” (SG T18, Cat £30,000!) and a “POSTAGE” version, otherwise identical, and either word was printed separately in the top box. The darker orange later print of that “POSTAGE” and the side ornaments shows well here! In NON Specimen mint, this is SG £14,500, so this one is the only realistic option for most GB collectors. SG have now started listing all Specimens in the “Concise” cat, meaning demand is high, and prices are hardening, due to that. SG 137s cat “From £4,500” = $A8,500. Will sell very FAST, at UNDER $US2,000 as I type - $A2,750 (Stock 732KRL)

Monaco 1885 Prince Charles III, 5 Franc:

MEGA Rarity - UNDER 20% SG cat at $US1,075!: This 5 Franc Carmine on Greenish paper, is one of the rarest non classic era stamps from Europe. Only a tiny print run of this super high value, and even used copies cost $1,000+. This stamp is the £5 Orange QV of Monaco - indeed of all Western Europe! 100% sound mint original gum - no hinge remains either, to hide thins or repairs etc. Expertised on reverse, and also has my guarantee that it is 105% genuine, and 105% free of repairs or hidden faults etc. Yvert #10, Cat 4,380 Euros = $A7,150, and SG #10, Cat £4,250 = $A7,800. Usual centering for this issue, and nice colour as you can see. A totally sound original gum Western Europe Rarity, missing from near EVERY collection on the planet, yet priced at under 20% of SG, as very well bought, from an ancient Estate! (From a wonderful MONACO Collection I bought today up to 1980s, which is near complete mint and used inc Mini Sheets and sheetlets and Airs - let me know what you need, indeed I’d be happy to on-sell it as received, for a very low price.) Only ~$US1,075 as I type this! $A1,500 (Stock 429KE) Order via: All Cards accepted with ZERO


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

Looking at New Zealand

Royal Health Stamps 1943 & 1944 From the early 1930s stamp designers and philatelists had

Elizabeth (aged 17) and Margaret Rose symbols of British and Empire loyalty during World War

dealer and publisher of The New Zealand Stamp Collector monthly magazine had submitted two triangular designs

ously submitted a triangular essay featuring Maori motifs

by Bradbury, Wilkinson in sheets of 120 (six -

52 - Stamp News

Graeme Morriss the layout of the plates. The line perforations gauged 12. The predicted popularity of the triangular stamps with royal subjects proved correct with queues forming to buy the stamps. The totaled about £15,000, more than the total sales of the 1942 issue. The success of the 1943 designs led to the decision to feature the princesses again in 1944. The design was wholly created by Bradbury, Wilkinson and incorporated the kowhai, a New uniform in a portrait from the Dorothy Wilding studio. The sheets of 120 (ten rows of 12) were printed on Royal Cypher paper from plates numbered 1 and 2. The comb perforations gauged 13½. The stamps were on sale from 9 October 1944 to 28 February 1945. On 12 January 1945, the Health Camp at Otaki be-

It used a distinctive postmarker with a larger circle than that used in 1941 when the extensions to the Camp had been celebrated. References: Catalogue of New Zealand Stamps The Postage Stamps of New Zealand, vol. 2, Wellington,

upcoming stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales victoria Nov 3 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair, Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02 63623754. Nov 3 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW. Nov 3 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am 4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 Nov 3 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collectors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea. Nov 17/18 - Central Coast Stamp & Coin Fair 10-4 RFBI Masonic Village Hall, Stan Gregory Dr. Lakehaven Free admission, Tel: 02 4392 3610 Nov 18 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am - 3pm, Pioneers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971 3483 Nov 25 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Community Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am - 4pm. Free Entry, 6 Dealers, Buy/Sell.

Nov 4 - (1st Sun) Western Suburbs Stamp, Coin & Banknote Fair, Strathmore Bowling Club, 40 Loeman St, Strathmore. Enq: Chris. 0413355716. Nov 10 - (2nd Sat) Salvation Army Stamp Fair, Ferntree Gully. For details see full page ad Nov 18 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair, Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh. Dealers plus huge range activities. Ph: 0418 322 315. Nov 25 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair, Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am-3pm.


TBA - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am - 2pm Nov 12 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, Southport Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am 2.30pm Brisbane Table Tennis Association Centre Nov 17 - Caloundra SC annual fair. 8.30 - 3.30 Kawana Comm. Hall, Nayima St. Buddina. Free admission. Sale by Tender. Tel: 07 5494 7233 Stamp News - 53

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation My Final Column After many years of writing a monthly column this will be my last column, as a new Philatelic cer was elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Philatelic Federation in September. The new PDO will be Stephanie Bromser from Victoria and I wish her the best with the monthly column. Writing a monthly column can be a lot of fun at times and at other times it can be hard to come up with a suitable topic, but I hope you have found some interest in the column. Remember we are always interested in receiving feedback and/or ideas for new columns. Australian Philatelic Federation AGM At the APF AGM held on 7-8 September all of the incumbent executive were returned except for PDO. John Moore from Newcastle remains as President, Peter Allen from Hobart is Vice President, Ian McMahon from Canberra is Secretary, David Figg from Adelaide is Treasurer, Gary Brown from Melbourne is the International Immediate Past President. In addition, there is usually an observer at meetings from any State without an executive on the APF. The AGM is a positions held by ten people, the FIP Commission delegates (the Australian representative on the different exhibition class commissions of the FIP) and the APF convenors for non-FIP classes (Polar, Cinerellas etc) to get together with the Executive to discuss issues of interest or concern. They join 54 - Stamp News

Figure 1 with the seven State Council delegates (which are the members of the APF that elect the executive). As discussed in a previous column all these people (except the Executive who have their own regular board meeting) get together at the State Council Forum and Sunday Soviet. One of the important discussions and demonstrations this year was the replacement for Showman. Showman was the APF database and program used to run the exhibiting side of exhibitions. It was an Access database developed by Hans Karman from the ACT, which stored results and produced all the output needed for an exhibition – exhibit listings for the catalogue, judging sheets, collated results, cates (and exhibition envelopes), and more. It has been an important aspect of exhibitions for many working due to changes in the basic software. The two main functions of the software have been split with the exhibition end split from the database. Johanna Stafford from WA has reworked the exhibition package in Microsoft Word and Excel. The database will be reworked in Access by Peter Allen. This split should allow us to keep the major functionality of the previous system but reduce

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Philatelic Development Officer, APF

Figure 2 some of the complexity for new operators in the jury room. Australian philately is lucky to have people like Johanna and Peter who will do this work at no cost to assist all exhibitors, with special thanks to Hans Karman for all his work many years ago. The State Councils’ Forum had 28 items listed on its agenda for discussion and I believe the majority were discussed at some level. I won’t list all the topics discussed but some of the more salient were as follows. There was a lengthy discussion on converting the old 15 sheet frames (which are held all over Australia and used for one-frame exhibitions) to 16 sheet frames. This would be a very useful thing to do as the 15 vs 16 sheet frame issue is a problem for exhibitors in Australia who then go international. It involves rotating the frame through 90 degrees, changing the interior board and also changing where the frame opens plus changing the lugs that hold the frame in place. It is not a simple task but if a way can be worked out it is worth looking at. Another interesting topic was

the issue of the transfer of exhibits at half-nationals (where half the exhibition classes are offered) to a class that isn’t offered. This is a tricky situation which luckily rarely happens. At recent half-nationals the jury has decided to put together a team to judge in the right class and still award an appropriate medal. It was pointed out that this approach could be abused by an exhibitor, but the general consensus was that this was unlikely and that such transfers would remain a rarity. The perennial issue of synopsis was raised, and I don’t know how the discussion went in the room, but it is APF policy not to accept synopsis. The APF believes that all relevant information should be on the title page (which is an important part of treatment) or scattered throughout the exhibit. The use of computers to type out critique sheets was also discussed and was approved of, at the meeting. This has been trialled in both Australia and New Zealand and judges and what they judged being listed in the Palmares document was discussed and thought to be a good idea. An important topic was how to address the trend in shrinking club membership. This topic new members through service clubs (talks at Rotary etc) and giving lectures at the University of the Third Age etc. An important approach would Stamp News - 55

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation be to mimic Australia Post and try to target 40-55 year old’s as they will have the time and money (and hopefully interest) to get involved. I would argue that the other way to ensure continuity of the hobby is to make sure clubs survive. Clubs often fall over, not so much because of a lack of members, but because no-one wants to take on a committee position. In general, it is not hard to run a stamp club with a good President, secretary and treasurer and a few other committee members. The workload is not onerous but if you haven’t done it before it can seem daunting. What the APF has had in the past was an Executive Development Program (EDP) where prospective executive members for the APF were chosen from across the States. Then about six people would come together for a weekend with some senior people (who had been or were on the APF) to get training on what was involved in running the APF. Two of these were run in the 1990s and provided a pool of people for positions on the APF. I and a number of others who were or still are on the APF came through this system. It may even be time for another EDP course. However, perhaps a similar course could be run in each State to assist to develop committee members for stamp clubs. After such a course, I feel sure many individuals would be much more willing to become committee members. Overall the weekend of the AGM went well with some wonderful catering by the ladies at SAPHIL House in Adelaide. The other major event of the weekend was the Australian Philatelic Order Awards Dinner on the Saturday night. Australian Philatelic Order Awards Bill Fiora and Richard Gurevitch AO are the two recipients of the 2018 Australian Philatelic Order Research Award. They are shown in Figure 1 with Richard Gurevitch on the left, Bill Fiora on the right and the current APF President John Moore in the middle. There are a number of long-established awards for philatelic research and writing within most State and specialist Societies which are, however, restricted to members of those Societies. The Aus56 - Stamp News

tralian Philatelic Order recognizes eminent philatelists who have rendered distinguished service to Australian philately across many areas including Services to Organised Philately; Distinguished Philatelic Study and Research including Judging; and Promotion of Philately and Public Dissemination including Teaching. Philatelic research and study therefore only represent thirty per cent of the assessment in deciding the merit of these awards. a Research award are people, both professional and collector philatelists who have devoted much of their philatelic life to their writing and study, limiting the time they can contribute to the other aspects of philatelic life in Australia. There is a particular value to the Australian philatelic community in those people who research and record is also a special talent in conducting this research and in making it available to other collectors successfully. This is the reason that the Research award was added to the APO awards. The Award can go to any Australian researcher for a signifcountry. International authors can be awarded for research which focusses on Australian philately in its widest sense. Bill Fiora Bill is the author of numerous articles for publication in the Australian Commonwealth Collectors Club (ACCC) of NSW Bulletin and the British Society of Australian Philatelists Bulletin (BSAP) since 2009 covering all new discoveries from personal research of the Australian KGV 1½d stamps. He also assists moderators on Stampboards with queries from collectors for the KGV 1½d stamp. The following is a list of some of his publications; Author of Aust KGV 1½d Die I stamp, Flaw Location Guide, Sole Author – in excess of 5000 drawings, all drawn to scale from the stamps themselves. Three years of research.Part 1 (Electros 1-12) 1st Edition published in November 2011 - 2nd Edition, December 2013. Part 2 (Electros 13-29)1st

Daryl Fuller

Philatelic Development Officer, APF Edition published in November 2011 -2nd Edition, December 2013 Author of Aust KGV 1½d Die II stamp, Flaw Location Guide, Sole Author – in excess of 3000 drawings, all drawn to scale from the stamps themselves. Research and Publication of a complete update of any previously published material. Two years of research. [2016] Co-contributor to the revision of the Aust KGV 1½d Die I stamp, published by the Australian Collectors Club of NSW. Complete update of research to date for these books. (Contributors were Richard Guy (Convenor), Jim Biggs. Dr John Chadwick (dec), Bill Fiora, Don Landers, Brian Parsons (dec), Harry Robinson (dec), Norm Sheppard (dec), Lance Skinner Part 1 (Electros 1-14 published in 2005— Part 2 (electros 15-29) published in 2009 Co-Author with Laurie Costantin of a Plating Guide for the KGV 1½d Red Die II Small Multiple Watermark P13.5x12.5 steel plates. This was previously recorded in the ACSC as having only 1 steel plate. 1st Edition published April 2013 -2nd Edition published June 2016 Co-Author with Laurie Costantin of a Plating Guide for the 2d KGV Die III Small Multiple Watermark and C of A Watersteel plates. [2013] Congratulation to Bill Fiora for his dedication to Australian Philatelic Research. Richard Gurevitch Richard Gurevitch is a doyen of Hong Kong philately and has undertaken much research on early Hong Kong stamps, together with their usage on cover. Richard has re- searched and written three books on the Queen Victoria stamps of Hong Kong. An early booked called Hong Kong Stamps of the Queen Victoria Period – “A Collector’s Notebook” in 1993, then a two-volume book titled Hong Kong: Postal Adhesives Volumes 1 & 2 in

2001, and most recently Hong Kong: Franked Covers of the Queen Victoria Period. In addition, Richard has an update on the 2001 work almost ready to print. Richard has also produced 24 articles on Hong Kong stamps, all based on his own research of the stamps. Much of the research is new to philately. In researching and writing his two-volume work on the stamps, Richard went back in the literature to original sources and corrected some errors that had been perpetuated for many decades. He has also exhibited his stamps (and research). In addition, Richard has a strong interest in the smaller South American countries, which he has exhibited, including new research and has produced articles on various aspects both Costa Rica and Haiti. A few of his larger articles are as follows: Hong Kong: The High Denomination Stamps of the Queen Victoria Period & Fiscal Stamps used for Postage, HKPS Journal Hong Kong:1891 14 Cents on 30 Cents Provisional Overprinted Stamps Second PrintHong Kong - Queen Victoria Period: High Denomination Postage Stamps, Postal-Fiscals Stamps or Fiscal Labels?, Capital Philately Hong Kong - Queen Victoria Period: Late Fees, HKPS Journal Costa Rica Airmail: Stamps, Flights, and Aviation Related Mail 1921 to 1930, HKPS Journal Haiti 1915 – 1920 ‘Provisional’ Issues, Capital Philately 1926-1927 Pan-American ‘GOOD WILL’ Flights, Capital Philately Richard has also been asked to give opinions on the genuineness of early Hong Kong stamps and varieties. This is high praise of his research and knowledge of the area. Richard has received the Hong Kong Philatelic Society’s Webb Cup three times for his books and to add to that honour he is a worthy recipient of an Australian Philatelic Research award. SPAN Awards The SPAN or Services to Philately at the NationStamp News - 57

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation

Figure 3 al (level) are awarded to philatelists who assist Australian philately at the national level, but are unlikely to receive an APO. There have been a number of these awarded over the years, often for those who work consistently but are never in the limelight. Australia is lucky to have such people and two were awarded this year. Mike Kovaleff, the current APF Products Manager who maintains nately unable to attend the AGM, so he will be presented with his award at another meeting. The second award went to Lionel Savins from New South Wales who has been involved with club philately since the 1950s and undertaken a range of national activities over the years including being note taker for the State Forums and Soviet for 58 - Stamp News

Figure 4

SPAN award from APF President John Moore. Fiscal Philately of Hungary I would not normally review such a specialised book as this, because of its limited interest to most philatelists, however, I think this book is very well produced, and is an excellent example of philatelic research and publication. The cover is shown in book and Stamp Catalogue. Philatelic research can be presented in a variety of formats, from highly specialised studies such as those prepared by Bill Fiora to simple catalogue listings of the known stamps. In Revenues even the latter can take a

Daryl Fuller

Philatelic Development Officer, APF considerable level of research. This book is an update on an earlier work published in 2007. The author Kàroly Szücs is to be comsion, but most importantly seeking sponsorship so that the Hungarian publication could be translated into English and published. In many ways this is what every collector of a specialised area of revenue philately could want. It is very much a cross between a handbook and a catalogue. It has listings of the known stamps, specialised studies and is a catalogue with valuations. It even has examples of usage on documents. Figure 4 illustrates a page from the specialised handbook part of the book, which shows the attention to detail and research that has gone into the book. Figure 5 is from later in the book and illustrates part of the catalogue-type listing showing the denomination, paper, number issued and a value for mint, used and on document. There is not a lot missing from this handbook/catalogue award in competition. However, it was not written to win large gold medals but is very much a labour of love by those involved. If every country had a catalogue like this would be that much easier. If you get the opportunity to see this book I urge you to take a look, even if you are not interested in revenue stamps. It is a great model for a philatelic book. If you are interested in buying a copy of the book you will need to contact Kàroly Szücs at I was lucky enough to get

Figure 5

about 80 euros but I don’t know that postage will be on top of that. Highly recommended to reveIf you need any further information about stamp collecting, see or contact me for information pertaining to this article at Stamp News - 59

Market Matters Gibbons “Part One” Catalogue released. For me the “event” of this month was the arrival of an air freight copy of the new 2019 Stanley Gibbons “Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 18401970” catalogue. The 121st Edition in fact. I get a tad jaded with many things in this business, but am NOT jaded about receiving this monster each year! This volume is universally known to old-timers and the trade as the “Gibbons Part 1”. Once, in days of FAR less new issues, the other non-Commonwealth Volumes were numbered sequentially, from 1951 to 1970 they had: “Part 2 - Europe & Colonies” and “Part 3 - America, Asia and Africa”. Those contained full detail of perfs and watermarks etc. Later on, the Tsunami of new issues that started in the 1960’s, meant the new issues in one year globally were taking up as many pages as the 50 previous years for some countries, so SG needed to split Volumes 2 and 3 into more logical regional Editions, and later on, limited the content of “Part 1” up to 1970 only. This huge volume “Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps” is the absolute “Bible” globally for British Commonwealth stamps and cover pricing. Forget Scott and Michel and Yvert etc - they are basically meaningless for Commonwealth stamps. No catalogue is perfect, but this comes very close, and the Editors do an outstanding job in my view. The average collector buys a new major catalogue only once every few years, as they are rather expensive. For many dealers and collectors, being a nitely the year to update, if you have not done so for a while! Lots of big changes and price updates in here. Printed on a nice crisp fresh white paper stock. Cheery and “alive” compared to my already VERY yellowed early 2000’s SG pages, with sad grey illustrations. Colour illustrations right through, very many of them on each page. And many new varieties and listings are added this year. Over 750 full colour huge pages now. A nice crisp clean sans serif font has been used for the last few editions, and makes it so much easier to 60 - Stamp News

New 2019 Gibbons “Part 1” Catalogue. read - see sample page shown nearby. And in recent editions the country headings are in RED - a very simple thing to do, and they really stand out. The small things like that were overlooked for years!

Colourful and vibrant SG Catalogue. listed. And lots of inverted watermarks - for the UK all inverted and sideways watermarks are now fully listed and priced. Find just a really medium one from a country like Australia or UK, and the entire book will be readily paid for MANY times! Often stamps cat 10p each used are cat many £1,000s each with inverted watermark. This year the pricing committee have been super active in the Australasia area. If you only buy a new SG each 5 or 10 years, this is the year to update, as there are extensive upward adjustments.

Glen Stephens fered with new fake cancels as “FU” etc. You really are foolish if you buy such material EXCEPT from well-established dealer members of major stamp trade bodies. These increases are often very substantial, so any collector or dealer working on older books is costing themselves money. All the Australia States issues have had extensive re-vamps I noticed, and what follows is a brief summary of what I noted, on a fairly quick spot check of this, and the last 2018 edition. NSW sets the trend with all the early Imperfs, SG 1-43 all up mint about 20% - that is serious money upticks on these already pricey classics. SG #1 goes from £13,000 to £16,000 etc. Nice copies fetch terAll NSW “Sydney Views” up strongly. Some I saw on quick look of 450% increases over last year, so some SERIOUS moves! There have been exceptional auction realisations for much of this material in the past year, and these price increases are simply taking that pricing reality into account, and moving the SG prices into line with what is occurring in the real world stamp marketplace. The attractive 2d Sydney View shown nearby, SG #15 is now cat £21,000. Only a few years back, full SG was way under HALF that at - £8,500, so buying quality always pays off. And if your SG value says £8,500, you are so out of touch, for your book to be essentially meaningless. I do know that as a large dealer WHATEVER I offer lately in attractive nice condition Australia States issues - right from imperfs, to the last issues, sell near as fast as loaded up. They have been under-priced for decades, and if you have any gaps,

Indeed looking through the new Catalogue, I see near all NSW issues up to 1870 or so, are up in price Mint, and often in used as well. Certainly worth a careful look. Even some of the often neglected Postage Dues NSW issues see increases. Are all NSW imperfs up? Well no, and there are indeed some “sleepers” lurking among early NSW, I can guarantee you that! I was this week pricing up a superb and clean and fault free 6d Fawn Diadem, 4 margin SG 111, with error Watermark numeral “8” and not “6” that is shown nearby. I found it on a stockcard I’d last priced in 1998.

never be cheaper.

Source States stamps CAREFULLY. The States issues are NOT something to buy as a novice, off cowboy sources like eBay. They are

Gone BACKWARDS over 1998 price! Stamp News - 61

Market Matters etc. Usually 20 year old cards of Classics are now double or treble the original prices. Anyway, when I originally priced it, SG was then SG 119a, and listed at £120. In the new 2019 SG Part One 21 years on, it is listed used at £110. Less than in 1998! So we have a 164 year watermark error Imperforate, in superb 4 margin condition, with no faults, being placed into stock at $A95 - way less than the current PO Year Album. Madness. Do SG have one in stock - of course not! These at £200-250 is more like the correct level.

imperfs are often up nicely - the 1855 6d Imperf is up 25% mint to £1,500 for instance. Be SUPER careful about “Mint” of those

cancels bleached off. For VICTORIA all the “Half Lengths” seem to get increases in mint, SG #1 going from £32K to £35K. The Imperforate “Queen On Throne” issues are often up 25% in mint. Again all due to strong auction results in the past year, setting new price records for these sought after issues. Victoria 1886 “Pastel Long Toms” are up a lot mint - the £6 SG 325, up 25% to £15,000. Rises in Queensland stamp Again due to the mad prices paid prices. at the Corinphila “Besancon” Faulty and regummed - but got Queensland sees the very tough auction. This example shown full SG! 2d Blue imperf SG 2, up from nearby was estimated at just 2000 £16,000/£1,800 to £18,000 mint Francs and was invoiced at the and £2,000 used. Again, buy these time, for FULL then SG, $A22,500 - despite being ONLY from members of leading dealer bodies who described as: “mark removed from face of stamp, offer FIRM guarantees - the spivs on eBay offer diagonal crease.. and regummed” perforated 2d Blues with trimmed off perfs, as these Indeed all 4 of these pretty “Pastel” bi-colour rare stamps. Same colour. stamps were offered - all regummed, and all sold South Australia has the ever popular 1855 1d for the same price - for about $A90,000 the quartet. green SG #1 up 20% mint from £12K from £10K, and up too is the scarce 6d SG 3 imperf, also increas- Rod Perry sold them to him for $A9,000 all with no ing around 20% to £5,500 from £4,500. Again the notes above apply - avoid eBay where the conmen offer trimmed off perforated copies regularly on the SA SG 1-3 as “imperfs”. The SA 1855 1/- Violet imperforate moves up near 50% from £27K to £40K - a heck of a leap in one edition. Who says there is no money in better stamps! Solid increases I saw across all areas - even the 1888 “Long Toms” are all up 10% or so, based on strong auction results - the top value £20 is now £42,000 mint. Tasmania remains ever popular. The earlies SG 1-18 are all up mint, often by 10% or so. (SG 14 is a typo – “rising” from £10,000 to £1,100!) Later 62 - Stamp News

large outlay. The new SG price as can be seen, is regummed copy fetched.

WA prices not even keeping up. Western Australia powers on strongly of course. The SG #1, “1d Black Swan” is up both mint and used to £1,500/£300. Always a popular Bird item. The 4d “Inverted Frame” is of course up strongly from £140K to £180K. Sound high? Well nowhere near as high as it SHOULD be of course. The example shown nearby sold for $A425,000 mid 2018 at Corinphila.

Glen Stephens Big gains in AUSTRALIA. Lots of price increases noted in AUSTRALIA. Many of the major printing errors and inverted watermarks are up strongly. The 4d Violet KGV “Line Through Four Pence” is up to £34K and £9K. The last used one I sold years back went for a tiny fraction of that, so these have performed very well, and are not often seen offered. Some more modest and affordable plate errors like the 1929 3d green Airmail “Long Wing To Plane” I suggested last edition should be added, is up 10% to £300 and £180 used. A very easy to spot error, and almost no-one overseas knows it exists, so you might pick one up for a dollar or so in dealer were used. Invoiced for $A425,000, despite faults. That 1854 4d “Inverted Frame” has a bad 3mm paper slit above “OU”, and a vertical crease. I suspect the SG prices had been set before that sale took place, as even full new cat £180,000 is miles under what this defective example shown nearby sold for at Public Auction. Western Australia sees price increases right into the 1900s. A very popular State, and strong global demand - especially among “Bird” thematic collectors, as most issues depict - BIRDS! Don’t laugh - near all the available 4d Swan “Inverted Frames” (worth millions) are owned by Dr. Arthur Woo - who has a serious BIRDS ON STAMPS collection! Only 14 genuine “Inverted Frame” examples are recognised, and exactly HALF of those, or 7 copies, are in Museum or Royal or Institutional collections, and are thus not buyable by modern collectors, and never will be I am sure. The two fakes previously regarded as genuine, Dr Woo also owns. Photos of all 16 here - Woo owns near all the others - I have seen them exhibited all on one page - and he may well have been the buyer of the example auctioned mid year in Switzerland. The buyer has not yet been disclosed, and/or made himself known. It was invoiced for 314,600 Swiss Francs, or near exactly $A425,000 at the time.

two for folks to chase. This year I note the appear-

New plate variety added this year. Stamp News - 63

Market Matters ance of the “Falling Mailbag” variety on the 1931 3d Blue Kingsford Smith. SG 122a sees it debut in listing at £120 mint and £100 used. Why the names of errors when newly added, do not coincide with the 50 year usage here of “Plane Dropping Mailbag” Later issued varieties like the 1941 1/- Lyrebird “Roller Flaw” SG 192a is up in value 20% mint or used. All the other KGVI era “Roller Flaws” also increase in price. The 2d red KGVI “Medal Flaw” shown nearby is £350/£130, and are worth only errors are not getting any more common! Did you know the “Top Hat” Kookaburra is now cat £1,500 mint - up from £550

collectors for a couple of years after stamp was withdrawn, so in mint positional blocks is really tough. ing all of the 4 stages of this amazing and clumsy retouch - the most dramatic ever on Australia recess printed stamps - I took this scan nearby from his block. I keep trying to swap them with him for a Roo he needs, as they would be near unique in matched mint blocks! Caption on Brown Tiger Cat detail close up - 8d “Typhoon Retouch” coming next. Price rises are even seen in the Postage Dues issues

and very seldom offered, so leaps up EVERY year. Buy off someone foolishly using a couple of years old Catalogue to “save money”, and YOU win by £950! Were you aware that a ½d Orange Kangaroo Coil Block of 4 is now Cat in SG at £1,000 mint? Or the “Green Mist Retouch” on the 1/- Lyrebird SG 230da is £4,500 mint and £3,250 used etc. “Knowledge Is Power” - as I have probably typed here 1,000 times! Did you know the 1941 1/- Lyrebird, also with

mint and £40,000 used, but a warning, read the SG and ACSC notes. These were ONLY issued in NSW so the fake “Vic. Aust” cancels applied by a Melbourne dealer to toned mint stamps etc, are forgeries made to deceive.

used - but just 10p in normal used etc? This is up by £1,000 mint and £2,000 used over last edition. And the exact same massive increases occurred last year too! Check your duplicates. Many are still out there to be found. EASY to see plate varieties are great to see included. Super specialised catalogues like the ACSC,

”Top Hat” to £1,500 from £550.

near impossible to see at normal size “Fly Specks” that totally do my head in - and they do my eyes in, that is for SURE!

Stanley Gibbons have the luxury of only listing major with the naked eye. One I suggested added for the “Typhoon Retouch”. A scarce error, as it was not noticed by 64 - Stamp News

Perforated “OS” Australia very often see increases. The usual warning on these too, buy the scarcer ones ONLY from experienced and reputable dealers. Near all on eBay are modern fakes cranked out by the

1,000s, as the Bunnies cannot tell, and cannot resist a ”BAAAHRGIN” - which they will regret when they sell! In a quick perusal of the PAPUA listings I noticed some upward price tinkering, and a “HALO” KGVI Coronation. It is SG 154a, cat £40 and £50 used. You might pick these up for 10¢ each in the club circuit books or dealer stocks! up right across the board. They are NOT easy to source in complete sets, and I’d suggest you ONLY buy them thus, as chasing about for 3 or 4 missing middle values may well take you the rest of your lifetime, and odd singles are seldom offered.

Glen Stephens nearly trebles over last year’s price. None of these watermark errors is driving prices. New Zealand also sees many good increases in the - both the Queen Victoria and the series. In both mint and used. Interest in these stamps is growing all the time, and dealer stock is near non-existent globally for most of them.

Collectors need to support SG. division is ESSENTIAL for a robust and healthy world stamp market. Many totally forget that, so do your bit, and add to their sales volume. I have sold plenty of these new “1840-1970” this month to help out - offering heavily subsided global post costs to

Price rises widely spread. Deadline here precluded me looking at a lot of countries, but I did some spot checking, and noted some popular areas getting the same price increases. Hong Kong and Falklands saw upticks, and I noted scarcer India issues across all reigns seeing rises. And for India pre 1947, my view is there is still much upside yet. New Zealand scored a lot of attention, starting with a 10% price hike on the venerable 1d QV Imperf, SG #1. A tough stamp, and now £20,000 rises in inverted and sideways watermarks continues again, following the strong trend of recent years. Some in the hobby are bemused and openly sneer at those who collect watermark errors. The wider market thinks very differently, and some of these have literally skyrocketed in very recent years. As a perfect example, the 1909 1d “Dominion” inverted watermark SG 405w is up 50% in just one year, mint or used, to £120 and £110. Indeed some KGVI watermark varieties are double or treble the last year’s edition. Notably the 1/3d KGVI, SG 687aw goes from £10 to £45. That is a

If all collectors (and clubs) who actively collect British Commonwealth all went out and bought this new catalogue today, that is a million quid injection into SG right there. A small cost to each collector/ club for a very useful book, but a big injection to SG Stanley Gibbons are not a Charity or Government Department, but a publicly listed business, and must see the new bean counters in place at SG decide to not print catalogues at all. Simple as that. And in so there is no good lamenting it all after the event. SG have sacked their previous incompetent CEO Michael Hall, who near sent the company broke in recent years with his wacky ideas, and stupid and disastrous acquisitions, £10 million web follies, and they were 15 years ago - selling top quality stamps and publications. A great effort from editor Hugh Jefferies MBE, and his Catalogue team - how they get the vast swag never-ending process, and juggling, logging, and Stamp News - 65

Market Matters tracking all the New Issues, and new must be an absolute nightmare. DO secure one - a strong SG Cata-

narrow or non-existent “Big Picture” DO terrible mess. Mr and Mrs “Wallis Windsor” DROP said “Don’t it always seem to go, That you don’t know what you’ve got - till it’s gone They paved paradise, And put up a parking lot” (Joni Mitchell - “Big Yellow Taxi”.)

The Wallis Simpson scandal.

“Edward Duke Of Windsor” and the term “Wallis Windsor.” “Her Royal Highness”.

KEVIII stamps a nice sideline.




abdicated his right to ascend the British Throne in

where in the entire British Commonwealth were the 4 Interesting new collection idea? 66 - Stamp News


Glen Stephens King, ½d KEVII stamp, and their father King George V’s ½d stamp, who died in 1935. Britain essentially had Three Monarchs over 18 months. stock of all 3 reigns stamps at the same time, it is said. The cover illustrated nearby

Three Monarch First Flight cover to Papua.

bly unique with this franking. In superb condition it quickly sold for just $A60 on stampboards. So as can be seen, a solid collection of KEVIII stamps, even on very interesting mailed covers, is not very expensive. I listed up and quickly sold a KEVIII stamp booklet on stampboards recently for $A65 and these short-lived booklets as you can see had 3 of the values in there, in varying quantities. Over 80 years old now, the prices are most affordable I’d suggest if you see any. As can be seen from the detailed photo nearby, these often had attached stamp size “Tabs” with advertisements on them, and MANY different ads ex-

ber 1936 - and some of those, as collectors realise, were also overprinted for Morocco Agencies etc. None of these are expensive as mint stamps, and for the UK issues at least, they were pretty widely used on covers, so a decent “usage” collection on covers or parcels pierces, can be assembled with time, and persistence, and at VERY little real expense. The UK KEVIII quartet as illustrated nearby is SG 457/460, and is full cat in SG at £1.25 for mint unhinged, for the complete set of 4! Remarkably cheap for a stamp issue over 80 years old. I suspect assembling 100 x fresh MUH sets would be a ton harder than you might imagine for such a low rated set! One cover from September 1937 is shown nearby with the New King’s ½d stamp - KGVI, the abdicated Even GB KEVIII stamp booklets were issued.

Stamp News - 67

Market Matters

Even KEVIII Stamp Booklets issued. “Specimen”


Stamp invoiced for $A172,912.


“Vestey Collection”

68 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens was given legislative assent by special Act of The British Parliament: “His Majesty’s Declaration of Abdication Act 1936”. A little-known fact is that Edward’s abdication required the consent of each Commonwealth Dominion, which was duly given. By the Parliament of Australia, which was at the time in session, and by the Governments of the other Dominions, whose Parliaments were in recess. Upon this Abdication Act of December 11, 1936 passing in the UK, The Australian Post Governors make their own Rules! tion. No stamps, and no proofs. And even stranger, NOTHING from this issue resides in the Royal Collection of Her Majesty The Queen. Indeed, for 60 years the very existence of this 2d KEVIII block 6 was totally unknown. The person to whom then State of Victoria GovKEVIII stamps to in 1936, is known to us now as none other than Sam Vestey’s great-grandfather, Sir William Vestey - the First Baron Vestey.

Abdication came days too soon. History tells us that King Edward VIII abdicated only days before this new 2d red Australian stamp issue was to be released nationally here. It was already printed in the millions, and was ready to sell. Only the UK ever issued stamps depicting this Royal successor to King George V. At his home castle Fort Belvedere on 10 December 1936, Edward signed his written Abdication Notices, witnessed by his three younger brothers: Prince Albert, Duke of York (who succeeded Edward as George VI), Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, and Prince George, Duke of Kent. The following day, it

as many millions of these 2d tive stamps had been printed, starting in late September, and were just about to be

“BURN EVERYTHING” edict went out that EVERYTHING connected to these stamps was to be totally destroyed “by smelting or burning”. Plates, artwork, proofs and all stamps etc. All this to be done under the supervision the Commonwealth of Australia - very heavy duty high-level supervision. Government printer John Ash frantically wrote again to the Victoria Governor’s Private secretary December 16, urgently asking that the freebie sheet of stamps he was given be returned immediately, so they could be all completely destroyed, to comply with this new panic stations order. The Australian Government at high level demanded the printer destroy all copies, proofs and plates of this stamp after the abdication, but clearly Governor the stamps back he had already mailed to his chum in the UK. Stamp News - 69

Market Matters The block of 6 fetched about half what some VERY experienced observers had predicted, but still was invoiced for £260,000 - around $A500,000 at that time, as the dollar had sunk badly. And the dollar has sunk a great deal more since then!

Wallis hated by the Female Royals. Many might not realise that when the Queen Mother died in recent years, hitherto secret documents about the abdication were released, which shows the Queen Mother (KGVI’s wife) and Queen Mary - the mother of both men, really hated the American, Wallis Simpson. In a now public 1938 letter from the new King George VI, to Prime Minister Chamberlain, regarding proposals for his brother to visit Britain, King George wrote: “I think you know that neither the Queen or Queen Mary have any desire to meet the Duchess of Windsor.” The “Liberated” KEVIII 2d Block 6.

George could not even bring himself to reveal the reality to Edward. KGVI told Chamberlain in the newly released letters: “Perhaps my brother would take this decision in a more friendly manner from you, than me?” The bizarre Wallis Simpson/KEVIII story seems to endlessly fascinate stamp collectors. In September a link to that discussion and love letters and covers etc, was used on the weekly feed - And this resulted in 1531 views - and 28 likes as you can readily as you can readily see, an all-time record by quite a large margin in our several year history - no idea why. Take a look and please add a “like” when in there - it must be the most visited stamp related facebook page globally, that Margo keeps updated. contains heaps more discussion on the KEVIII stamp issues, and this unfolding scandal as it occurred, and shows many mailed covers etc, many of which are very interesting, and none of them are expensive at all to buy. 70 - Stamp News



months, open to all traders in collectables, part-time or full-time. AAA Stamps

Edlins of Canberra

Pacific Coast Philatelics

PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760

Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859

Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207

A.G.T. Devine

PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300

56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209

Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066

Ace Stamp Auctions

Falcon Stamps

Gold Coast Stamp Traders

PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205

Stephen Joe

Glen Stephens

GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183

Peter Barrett

John Hurtado/KGV Collector

Bexley Stamps & Coin Accessories Ken Pullen PO Box 36, KURMOND, NSW 2757 02 4573 1332

Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch 9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202

Grant Carter PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193

Alf Clark

PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184

Kennedy Stamps P/L Suite 706a, 250 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: + 61 2 92646168 Fax: + 61 2 92645969

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693

PO Box 53, Box Hill, VIC 3128 Ph: 03 9808 9717

Maree Nieuwenhuizen

John Cornelius

PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848

PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072

Ken Cowden PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231

Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733

Chris Snelling Stamps

Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582 sales@

PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827

Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520

Mike Lee 7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855

P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773 Ph: 02 4739 6184

4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333

Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011

Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778

Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744


philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9264 8301 Australian Numismatic Society, NSW Branch: Mtg 3rd Monday, Philas House Australian States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Burwood District SC: Mtg 4th Wed Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries:; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Club WIlloughby Philatelic Section : Mtg 4th Thursday Earlwood and District SC: Mtg 1st Wed Eastwood-Epping PS: Mtg 1st Tuesday Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6555 5664 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Wednesday, Room 2, Illawarra Master Builders Club, 61 Church St, Wollongong 7.00 pm. Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: Manly-Warringah Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall

act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,

western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 4.30pm Bridgetown Library Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email Canning SC: Mtg 4th Monday Wilson Community Hall, Braibrise Rd Wilson. Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, St. Peter’s Church Hall, 4 Hammad St., Palmyra. Circuit books 7pm, meeting 8pm Ph: 08 9284 7125 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484

72 - Stamp News

NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301

NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, J3A Bldg. Castlereash St. New PO Box: 252 Kingswood 2750. Ph: 02 4733 3062 Piallaway PS: PO Box 12, Werris Creek PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec) PS of NSW: Mtg 4th Sat (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email penviews@ Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican PS: 2nd Sat. even months 9.30-2.30 North Rocks Community Church132 North Rocks Road North Rocks Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Masonic Centre, 8 Boyd St, Tweed Heads, 07 5535 3168 Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email:

northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 9305 3130.

philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@; Website: Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@; Website: Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email:; Website: Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email:; Website: NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@; Website: NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email:; Website: www.

queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: 4th Tues. 7.30pm Comm. Hall, 15 Kamerunga Rd., Stratford 07 4033 2211 Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103, Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226. Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433;

Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. John Mounce, President 649-291-9381 Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email:; Website South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: Web:

Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 2nd Sat, 10:00am, Nanango RSL. Contact Ph: 07 3103 8938 or ema il: Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: david. Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm Red Cross Rms, Price St., Nambour 07 5445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5535 3168 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815

Stamp News - 73

philatelic clubs & societies south australia

Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435

Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email:; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg: 3rd Thurs. Bordertown PS Contact: K. Grey Tel: 08 8752 0446 or email Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214;; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st & 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. c/- 9 Moore St., Tranmere, SA 5073 08 8398 2475 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan)

victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Bulleen PS Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan) 7.30 pm Veneto Club Upstairs 191 Bulleen Rd Bulleen (PO Box 166, Niddrie VIC 3042)Contact Secretary: Frank 0438830645 Treasurer: Joe 0408560601 Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216

tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues

74 - Stamp News

1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474 Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 9800, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email:; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday 7.30 pm ex. Jan. Guide Hall, Foster St. 0407 659664 Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5975 0574 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues St Arnaud SC: Mtg 3rd Mon (excl. Jan & Dec) 03 54951371 Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: 1st Thurs. & 3rd Sat. ex. Jan. 6.30 pm, Max Fry Hall,TrevallynLauncestonTel: 03 6331 2580 (A/H) Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec);, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart

Internet & Email Directory The following is a listing of Stamp Dealer and Internet Website contact addresses worldwide. Millions of dollars of stock is priced up ready to sell on these sites. All Dealers may list their contact details here for a very affordable $175 per year fee, prepaid annually or only $17.50 a month. Contact the Advertising Manager on Ph: 0425 795 693, or email: New European stamp store devoted to French stamps. All stock availablein used and mint, with photo, and Scott+Yvert numbers for easyreference. There are thousands of stamps, with prices starting at just20 cents each, the lowest prices you can find on the Internet. Alsocomplete stock from Airmails, Postage Dues, Military, Blocks, FullYears, etc... Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today. PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties. The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects. New Zealand and worldwide in our Ashford Stamps postal auctions. Ask for a catalogue, or view the website. Also ask for direct sales list of NZ Chalons. New European stamp store devoted to Italian stamps. All stock availablein used and mint, with photo, and Scott+Sassone numbers for easyreference. There are thousands of stamps, with prices starting at just20 cents each, the lowest prices you can find on the Internet. Alsocomplete stock from Airmails, Semi Postals, Pneumatic and Express mail,etc... Long-established mail order dealer comprehensively covering British Isles, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Australasia and Japan. Prompt courteous service and an extensive user-friendly website. Search our website for full listing of stamps and Seven Seas albums and pages and other accessories. We look forward to serving you.

21ST CENTURY AUCTIONS ___________ HALLMARK STAMPS ________________ KENNEDY STAMPS P/L ______________ KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS AND COINS ____ PACIFIC STAMPS ___________________ STAMP NEWS AUSTRALASIA _________ Stamp News - 75

Products & Services Directory dealers MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES See ad elsewhere in this magazine www.21stCenturyAuctions. Tel: 0425 795 693 GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS




Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 1269, Wellington, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)

Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most welcome. Secretary: PO Box 187,Dromana, 3936

at 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155.

STAMP COLLECTOR Wednesday each month at 7.30pm, Meets on the 2nd Wednesday each month

email: web:

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces

Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:

Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years. 11/05

(President, A. Melville-Brown)

Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 1269, Wellington, New Zealand

4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia.

1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page. Email - - email me now to get on my regular lists FREE!

AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3 rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Rd (cnr Keats St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: 51 Camperdown St, Brighton East, VIC, 3187.

Cricket Philatelic Society

$260 per year or $26 per month $520 per year or $52 per month $695 per year or $69.50 per month $990 per year or $99 per month POR

Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:


The IPDA Inc Internet Philatelic Dealers Association

dealers & part time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to for details.

SAS/OCEANIA INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP Our award-winning quarterly journal, ‘The Informer’, contains regular, informative articles about Australia and States, New Zealand, PNG, and other Pacific countries by knowledgeable philatelic writers. Sample copy/ application form sent airmail for $US1.00. Mint US postage accepted.

Meets 8.00pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday and 10.30am 3rd Tuesday each month. 80 Gardenvale Road, Gardenvale, Vic, 3185. Visitors/new members welcome.

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Always buying/selling collections, Up to 39c pay 35% 40c to 98c pay 40% $1 and above pay 60% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: Web:

accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.

SAS/O Secretary, PO Box 24764,San Jose, CA 95154-4764, USA

Great Britain

PACIFIC STAMPS Australia’s leading dealer in stamps of the Pacific. New Issue Service for all the Pacific Island nations, including: Fiji, Pitcairn, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Tuvalu, Tonga, Micronesia, Wallis and Futuna Cocos (Keeling) Niue, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Cook Islands etc. Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Tokelau, Christmas Island etc. For details and a copy of our price list, write to: Pacific Stamps, PO Box 816, Tewantin, QLD, 4565. Or phone: (07) 54740799 fax: (07) 54740757 or E-mail: website: 76 - Stamp News

1839-1951 Andrew G Lajer Ltd T: +44 (0)1189 344151

The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire,RG10 0TR, UK

societies&publications MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES

PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANBERRA Inc. The society has a regular program of

See ad elsewhere in meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes this magazine visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishwww.21stCenturyAuctions. ing exchange branch, which circulates to small stamp clubs in the south Tel: 0425 795 693 region, as well as in the Canberra area. It publishes, quarterly, a news-



Features: Major Collectables Shows around Australia; discounted advertising in major collectables journals and yellow pages; regular newsletter; special discounts on accessories/albums etc.; free 6 month subscription to Stamp News; website, with free advertising for members

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T. c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158

letter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail: tony_luckhurst@


Trouble getting Stamp News? Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details) New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: Web:

a quarterly record of Research & information

ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No serious collector of Australia and its States, New Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this

Tasmania The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)6224-3536 e-mail: Web:

International Award Winning Journal.


Three Year Indexes - $A10 each



Many Benefits: 96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...

Write today Airmail to :

AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome

Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142

AUCTIONS 17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.

Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or ()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741

Victoria Max Stern & Company, 271 Collins St, Shop 8B, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: Web: Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 email Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953 21st Century Auctions Suite 1, 1174 Burwood Hwy, Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. 3156 tel. 0425 795 693

Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 9 Grevillea Way, Heathridge, WA 6027 Ph: 08 9402 9261 There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month.

Stamp News - 77

Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2018 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Kevin Morgan, ABN 61 577 987 652, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.

Advertising deadlines 1st day of month prior to month of publication (eg the June edition advertising deadline is 1st MAY)

RATES - casual (all rates include GST) All Prices now include 4 Colour Separation Full page

Half Page

Quarter Page


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Required submission format Advertisements should be supplied in digital format (on disk or via email). Advertisements should be provided as high resolution PDF files, with all fonts embedded. All images must be scanned at 300dpi resolution and sent as separate files, and must not be compressed by jpeg below medium quality. Price lists must be provided in Excel format. Phone to discuss other formats or alternatives. Note that MS Publisher files are NOT accepted.

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Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position”). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.

Contributor & Advertiser Deadlines December 2018 Issue 1 November 2018 January 2019 Issue 15 November 2018 We reserve the right to repeat advertising from a previous issue if material is not received in time. Email submission:


A couple of examples from our stocks -

We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.


Or View On-Line at NEW WEB-SITE – Visit to view our stock of quality Australia and New Guinea stamps PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: Phone: 0409 473 150 Fax: (07) 3102 8558 Mastercard &Visa Accepted

Mention you saw us in Stamp News!

Stamp News is now available online To see how a back issue looks for FREE go to our website at Stamp News Australasia Magazine The cost is just AUD$2.95 for a single issue or a discounted AUD$31.95 for a 12 month subscription. This represents a huge saving over the Newsagency price of $8.95 for a single issue and $99.50 for a 6 month mailed subscription. To purchase or subscribe go here: (Please note that these subscriptions are handled by an external agency and in case of any difficulty you must contact them direct)

Gift options for new subscribers In 2018 we are making these new subscription offers to make your subscription even more affordable: For each 12 months of your new subscription you may choose 1 of the following: 1) 2 recent Australia PNC covers, our choice retail value $45…or ask for a list of those available. 2) Approx 1250 Australian Stamps, unsorted, off paper, retail value $30 3) 110mm Illuminated Magnifier on stand, RRP $35 4) Approx 1250 World Stamps, unsorted off paper, retail value $30 5) 30 Eureka stocksheets, made in Australia on a Hagner machine, our choice of strip sizes, retail value $37.50 6) Australian Comprehensive Catalogue, 3 volumes complete, latest edition, RRP $99 7) A mixed selection of Prinz black or clear mounts (state which) retail value $45 8) A pair of European Made stainless steel 150mm pointed tweezers, in safety wallet, plus a perforation gauge RRP $20.00 9) Approx 1250 British Commonwealth stamps unsorted off paper, retail value $30 10) 500 Different Australian stamps, retail value $25 For a lifetime subscription you will receive all 10 gifts. In the event of your chosen gifts being unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute. Please circle the gifts required and return with your completed subscription form on the facing page together with and payment to: Stamp News Subscriptions, PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic. 3158 Australia. Email and telephone subscriptions always welcome. Gifts are for NEW hard copy subscribers only.

Subscribe and Save up to $1.80 per copy over newsagency prices* *5yr subscription CHOOSE FROM OUR STAMP NEWS SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS!

This months free gift for subscribers: A complete thematic set or mini-sheet (may differ from those illustrated)

All prices include postage and packaging within Australia

6 months 12 months 24 months 36 months 60 months Lifetime

$54.50 $99.50 $189.50 $259.00 $429.00 $895.00

Every Month an exciting free gift for subscribers only. Please add for postage & packaging:

• Add 50% to Domestic Price for NZ and Asia Pacific • Add 100% for Rest of the World.

Please note: All subscriptions are nonrefundable and non-transferable.

SUBSCRIPTION FORM - ABN 61 577 987 652 Stamp News, PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC, 3158, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Email:

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Lifetime subscription $895.00

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List of Display Advertisers 21ST CENTURY AUCTIONS ..............35 ABACUS AUCTIONS........................83 ACTS........................................71 BEXLEY STAMPS ...........................68 BRISBANE STAMP & COIN SHOW ......70 BURSTAMP ..................................79 GLEN STEPHENS .................5, 25, 51 JIMBO'S PHILATELIC SERVICE ...........82 PHOENIX AUCTIONS.......................84 PREMIER POSTAL AUCTIONS ............79 RENNIKS .......................................4 ROD PERRY ...................................2 SALVATION ARMY S & C FAIR .........31 STAMP NEWS MAIL ORDER .............17 STAMPBOARDS.COM.......................71 STAMPS4COLLECTORS ....................59 SUTHERLAND PHIL. .......................82 SYDNEY STAMP & COIN EXPO 2019 ..3 VANCE AUCTIONS LTD ...................82 WESLEY COVER SERVICE .................24

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