Stamp News Australasia - May 2019

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May 2019 Quartet A selection of collecting suggestions for adventurous collectors, or to accelerate the scope of an existing collection of the relevant subject. Contact me if you have a particular interest in Australian cover/stationery fields. For individual item offerings, refer to website ( and eBay listings (search rap_com_au).

1943: Inter-unit cover from U.P.S. 1047 (Adelaide River, N.T.), superb early strike of datestamp

1936: Aug 27 airmail cover Brisbane-Hobart including 1d for Late fee, posted during reign of KEVIII

Australian Military and Northern Territory Postal History a Speciality

Australia KEVIII era Usage a Speciality


1954: Registered cover Carrick Tas. to Melbourne, manuscript provisional Tasmania registration label

1965: Letter Mail Advice form (P.M.2) completed at Peechelba East Vic.

Australia Provisional registration label covers a Speciality

Australia Post Office printed forms and labels a Speciality

Registered post paid within Australia (overseas at cost) Payment by Direct Bank Transfer

Rod Perry (Est. 1962)

PO BOX 36 TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 AUSTRALIA Email: rod [at] Phone: 0417 598 536


Catalogues AVAILABLE

STANLEY GIBBONs GB & British commonwealth

Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 2019 Edition ................................... $199.50 Commonwealth Simplified Catalogue 1840 - 2010 5th Edition 2014 .......................................$179.50 Australia and Territories 11th Edition 2019 .................................................................................$79.95 Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 3rd Edition 2015.................................................$49.50 Belize, Guyana, Trinidad 2009 2nd Edition ..................................................................................$45.00 Bermuda, Bahamas & North Caribbean 1st Edition 2006 .........................................................$60.00 Brunei Malaysia & Singapore 2013 4th Edition .........................................................................$57.50 Canada & Former Provinces 2014 Edition...................................................................................$62.00 Central Africa 2014 .........................................................................................................................$72.50 Cyprus, Malta & Gibraltar 4th Edition 2014 ..............................................................................$83.00 East Africa 2018 5th Edition ..........................................................................................................$60.00 Eastern Pacific 3rd Edition ............................................................................................................$48.50 Falklands Is. & Dependencies 2013 ...............................................................................................$36.00 Hong Kong 11th Edition 2015 .......................................................................................................$40.00 India including States 2018 5th Edition ........................................................................................$70.00 Indian Ocean 3rd Edition 2016......................................................................................................$47.50 Ireland 6th Edition 2015 ................................................................................................................$40.00 Leeward Islands 2017 3rd Edition.................................................................................................$72.00 North East Africa 2017 2nd Edition ..............................................................................................$60.50 Northern Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda 2016 4th Edition ...................................................$53.00 New Zealand & Dependencies 2016 6th Edition ..........................................................................$65.00 St. Helena & Dependencies 2017 6th Edition ...............................................................................$35.50 Southern Africa & Central Africa 2014 2nd Edition ...................................................................$99.50 West Africa 2nd Edition 2012 ........................................................................................................$57.50 Western Pacific incl. Fiji, Pitcairn, Cook Is., PNG, Solomons etc 2017 .....................................$75.00 Windward Islands & Barbados 2015 3rd Edition .......................................................................$72.00 Great Britain Concise 2017 ............................................................................................................$85.00 Collect British Stamps 2019 70th Edition .....................................................................................$42.00 Collect Channel Is. & Isle of Man 2016 30th Edition ..................................................................$70.00 GB Specialised Queen Victoria 16th Edition 2011 .......................................................................$90.00 GB Specialised 4 Kings 14th Edition 2015.................................................................................. $119.50 GB Specialised QEII pre-decimal 12th Edition 2011...................................................................$81.00 GB Specialised QEII Decimal Vol 4 2010 Edition ........................................................................$79.50 KGVI Commonwealth 9th Edition................................................................................................$90.00

foreign Countries & WORLD

Western Europe Simplified catalogue 2012 2nd Edition .... $92.50 Stamps of the World, 6 volumes New 2019 Edition ........... $650.00 Austria & Hungary 8th Edition 2014 .................................... $86.50 Antarctica 2012 2nd Edition .................................................. $39.90 Arabia 2016.............................................................................. $61.50 Asia Volume 1 2011 ................................................................. $60.00 Balkans 2009 5th Edition........................................................ $99.50 Belgium & Luxembourg ......................................................... $53.00 Central America 3rd Edition 2007 ........................................ $30.00 Central Asia 4th Edition 2007 ................................................ $60.00 China 2016 11th Edition ....................................................... $117.50 Czech Republic & Slovakia 2016 1st Edition ....................... $63.00 Finland & Sweden 2017 .......................................................... $68.50 France 1st Edition 2015 .......................................................... $68.50 Germany 12th Edition 2018 ................................................... $96.00

Japan & Korea 5th Edition ................................................... $84.00 Italy & Switzerland 8th Edition 2013 ................................. $110.00 Middle East 7th Edition.......................................................... $93.50 Netherlands & Colonies 2017................................................. $52.50 Poland 2015 1st Editon ........................................................... $46.00 Portugal & Spain 6th Edition 2011........................................ $96.00 Russia 7th Edition ................................................................. $125.00 South America 4th Edition 2008 ............................................ $89.50 South East Asia 5th Edition ................................................. $107.50 USA 8th Edition 2015............................................................ $110.50 United Nations 2010 ................................................................ $48.00 We can supply a full range of Albums, Stockbooks, Stocksheets and Stockcards, Mounts and other accessories. Please contact us for your requirements. Wholesale and dealer enquiries welcome.

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 email:

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Stamp News Australasia


21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd


is published monthly by: ABN 61 577 987 652 Phone: 0425 795 693 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes Subscriptions Manager: Michael Woodberry Printed by: Printgraphics Newsagent Distribution: Gordon & Gotch

Woodchip Free Zone: Rod Perry ...................................................6 Turkey and its stamps: Christer Brunström ................................ 12 Obituary: Ray Chapman ................................................................ 15 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 16 Postal Stationery: Ian McMahon ................................................ 26 Cinderella Corner: Vito Milana .................................................... 32 Introducing the APF: Stephanie Bromser ................................... 52 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................. 58

Information Events/Stamp & Coin Fairs ........................................................... 57 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......72 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......75 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......76 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82

As of Oct 1 2018 Australia Post prices for Airmailing Stamp News increased from $6 to $7.50 New Zealand, $6.75 to $8 for Asia Pacific Region and $9 to $12 for Rest of the World. To simplify things for our overseas subscribers, the new Airmail rates will be: Add 50% to Domestic Price for NZ and Asia Pacific and Add 100% for Rest of the World. Please note, there is no longer a surface mail service from Australia to any part of the World for letters.

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This month, well known Philatelic Auction identity, Mark Knothe, celebrates a half-century in the Industry. During that lengthy period of service, Mark has worked for Downie Auctions, Perry Auction Galleries, Leski Auctions, and Millennium Auctions. We’re all nice to him, ’cause he knows too much. I first met Mark in 1969, when he had commenced with P.J. Downie, and Phil introduced us. Mark had commenced work on his 16th birthday, but looked older as a consequence of his broad physique. He appeared to me an unlikely recruit for the Philatelic industry. I was to prove myself wrong, however: 20 years later I would hire him. Many readers will know Mark from his various activities over the decades. Aside from his tenure with the respective Auction Houses, since becoming a Philatelic freelancer nine years ago, Figure 2. Hotel advertising postcard to Mauritius! Figure 1. The very Statesman-like Mark Knothe

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Figure 3. Lovely example of Colonial artwork Mark would be recognized by some as Auctioneer for Phoenix and PHILAS Auctions. Others will know him as an Auction Agent/Consultant Extraordinaire. Mark describes his privateer years as the happiest in his long Philatelic journey thus far. (and I thought his ten years with me fulfilled that

space?) Mark has long maintained sideline interests in collecting, and today is forming specialised studies of such varied subjects as Crown Circle handstamps of the world, South Australia 3d Long type, “AFTER STRIKING” handstamps of British Empire Die proofs, Half-penny denomination stamps of the Australian Colonies, Valentine covers, and Australia £SD/ Decimal mixed franking covers! This month, as a tribute to Mark Knothe’s lifelong contribution to Australian Philately, I’m featuring selected items from his Colonial “Half-penny” collection (and a ring-in). Postcards are enjoying renewed interest amongst Philatelists, and rightfully so. Aside from the illustrated subject, they can have the added Postal history interest similarly associated with covers. Figure 2 is an attractive 1904 advertising postcard for Hotel Metropole, Sydney, to unusual destination of Mauritius, bearing trio of N.S.W. ½d. Nostalgic for me: I stayed there before it was demolished c1970. Original Essays for Colonial stamps seldom realize sums commensurate with their importance. Stamp News - 7

Figure 4. S.A. “bantam” ½d to Congo Free State! Most collectors have been slow to appreciate that fact. Figure 3 is an attractive 1881 Essay for the S.A. “bantam” ½d, the issued stamp first appearing in 1883 (and see next item). The Australian Stamp Co, operating out of Ad-

Figure 5. Rare intact survivor from 1885 8 - Stamp News

elaide in 1890s, was famous for utilising the S.A. “bantam” ½d on its correspondence. Rightly, they would have assumed that the lowest denomination stamp would be highly elusive in other parts of the world. Figure 4 shows one such usage, to amazing

Figure 6. Delightful Victoria “bantam” ½d solo destination of Congo Free State, in 1896, probably enquiring about New issues. Note “1,000,000 common stamps wanted” advert! Rare stamps unrequired? Commercial papers and Newspapers rate articles are amongst the lowest survival groups in Philately. One opened the missive, and then habitually threw away the enveloping container. That did not occur with Figure 5, where a Victoria 1885 ½d remains firmly in place on the wrapper that conveyed a Commercial list to U.K. Another category where Mark has identified the market as lagging. The predecessor to Victoria ½d of 1885 was the 1873 “bantam”. Figure 6 has a solo paying News-

paper rate for 1884 issue of The Argus, addressed to Spring Gully. By inadvertence, the article was missent to Vaughan, where it received rare handstruck marking appropriate to acknowledging that event. A little gem. A marketing masterstroke was the inclusion of The Early Federal Period, 1901-1912, in the 2004 edition of Brusden-White “Kangaroos”. An initiative not embraced by all subscribers, but there are times when traditional collectors can benefit by being dragged screaming out of their comfort zones! The end result: many new collectors were drawn to this fascinating era in Australian Commonwealth Philately. Figure 7 is a pair of the colour change to Stamp News - 9

green Victoria “bantam” ½d, Imperforate at base. There are two separate listings for this error in B-W, catalogued per unit at $1000 and $2500. This appears to be perforation 11, which is not amongst the present listings. These are much rarer than the Kangaroo ½d, which succeeded these stamps, yet that catalogues $7500 in this error state. Your buck goes a long way further in this still underrated 1902-12 “Federal” period. In early 1878 there was a shortage of white watermarked paper in Victoria. As an “emergency” measure, coloured papers were reverted to for certain denominations. For the ½d, the chosen paper was pink. Figure 8 is the record franking for this printing of the stamp, a multiple of 16 units, paying 2d Inland letter rate + 6d registration fee. Mark regards this as his favourite item. It appears I taught him well: this item was once part of my Victoria collection. Way ahead of its time, Figure 9 was inscribed First Australian Exhibition of Women’s Work, Melbourne 1907. A solo “bantam” ½d paid the Printed matter rate. The only survivor from this socially Figure 8. Record franking of Emergency “bantam” ½d

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Figure 7. More “bantam’s”: Imperforate at base on this occasion

Figure 9. Women’s Work Exhibition of 1907 inspiring event I’ve seen. These Half-penny stamps are an alluring collecting field; one which I wish I had thought of first. In case readers are not familiar with “AFTER STRIKING” Die proofs, one of Mark’s chosen fields, an example is shown as Figure 10, a late stage impression of Master die for W.A. Postal fiscal series. Such items are attractive examples of the Engraver’s art, and cost can be surprisingly agreeable in relation to philatelic importance. Commercial Philatelists should lead by example, so it’s refreshing to see experienced members of the Trade, such as Mark Knothe, identify certain under appreciated collecting categories, and back their judgement in forming collections of such subjects. Mark may be contacted on 0414 894 991 for enquiries relating to his Auction Agency/Consultancy services. Figure 10. Master Die proof for W.A. Postal Fiscal Stamp News - 11

TURKEY AND ITS STAMPS Visitors to Turkey will find numerous remains of earlier cultures. Alexander the Great was from Turkey (at least if we are to believe the tourist guides) and it was in Anatolia that some of the very first Christians resided. They frequently lived in isolated caves or underground cities for reasons of safety. The eastern part of the Roman Empire became a separate state with Constantinople as its capital. It later developed into the Byzantine Empire which lasted from 286 until 1453. The Ottoman Empire, a Muslim state, was created in 1453. It comprised not only Turkey but the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans. When World War I broke out, the Ottomans joined forces with Germany and the other central powers. At the end of the war, the former empire had lost practically everything except for the present Turkish territories.

Fig. 1 shows a map of Turkey as depicted on a Red Crescent obligatory tax stamp released in 1928. Towards the end of the war, a massacre of the country’s Armenian population occurred. It is believed that more than one million Armenians were killed. This is something that today’s Turkey doesn’t want to admit. Mustafa Kemal Pasha (1888-1938) was the leader of a political movement which wanted to create a modern Turkey. He was later given the honorary title of Atatürk (= Father of all Turks). He is shown nearby on a stamp (Fig. 2) issued in 1939 by the Republic of Hatay which now forms part of Turkey. The new Turkish republic was officially recognised in 1923. Atatürk’s vision was a modern secular state. He initiated an extensive programme to modernise the country. He moved the capital

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Christer Brunström from Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) to Ankara in the centre of Anatolia. One of the major changes was the introduction of the Latin alphabet in 1929. This was certainly something that was greatly appreciated by worldwide stamp collectors as previously all Turkish inscriptions on the stamps had used Arabic letters. Rather interestingly, Swedish diplomat and linguist Johannes Kolmodin (1884-1933) helped the Turks in creating the new alphabet. This explains why the Swedish letter ö is included in the alphabet. Turkey is a vast country with a diversified economy and a population of 80 million people. Thanks to its warm and sunny climate, the country attracts millions of tourists each year to the Turkish Riviera in the south where the city of Antalya (Fig. 3) is one of the most important destinations. Many visitors come to Turkey for its incredibly rich culture

and history. Turkey is home to a very large minority of Kurds. The Kurds are estimated to constitute about 20 % of the total population. One gets the impression that the Turkish authorities would prefer the Kurds to be completely integrated with the Turkish-speaking majority. This policy has led to a very long conflict. Many Kurds would possibly prefer to form a Kurdish state with their fellow countrymen in Iran, Iraq and Syria. This is of course something that the government in Ankara rejects. Since 2014 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the president of the Turkish Republic. He is the leader of the Islamic AKP party. On 15 July 2016 there was a failed coup d’état against Erdogan and his government. The president accused the Gülen Islamic movement of being behind the coup and tens of thousands of army officers, teachers, lawyers and

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6 Stamp News - 13

TURKEY AND ITS STAMPS others were dismissed from their jobs. Turkey (Ottoman Empire) released its very first stamps in 1863. Until 1914, writing in Arabic or the Sultan’s tughra (or emblem) were the main design elements on all stamps. This all changed in 1914 with the release of a splendid set of pictorial definitive stamps (Fig. 4). The early period of Turkish postage stamps is also famous for its many overprints. In 1935 Turkey hosted an International Women’s Congress stressing the right to vote. A set of 15 stamps was issued to mark this important congress. The 20+20 kurus value depicts Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940) (Fig. 5). She was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1909. Lagerlöf was only one of many remarkable women depicted on the stamps. During the 1920-1922 period Mustafa Kemal

Figure 7

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Pasha headed a government in Anatolia. It released separate stamps for this huge area in central Turkey. The stamps were mostly revenues overprinted to serve as postage stamps (Fig. 6). The special stamp issues for Anatolia ceased when Mustafa Kemal’s forces entered Constantinople on 4 November 1922 effectively taking control of the entire country. The new Turkish Republic was recognised by the rest of the world in 1923 and the recognition was commemorated by releasing a set of stamps the following year. The stamps (Fig. 7) feature the Sakarya Bridge and a portrait of Kemal Atatürk. Turkey has been a prolific stamp-issuer. So far there are more than 5.800 stamps and some 50 souvenir sheets. In the 1860s, Constantinople had a local post run by a Greek called Liannos. The local stamps (Fig. 8) are plentiful but on genuine covers they are rarities.

Figure 8

Vale Ray Chapman AM, MBE, RDP 1922 - 2019 A remarkably gifted philatelist, Ray Chapman brought about Australia’s entry into the global philatelic community. Ray served as president of our first world stamp exhibition, Melbourne’s AUSIPEX ’84, held in September 1984 under FIP (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie) patronage. Ray Chapman died in Noosa,

Queensland, at the age of 96 on 4 April. His long life embraced 88 years of stamp collecting beginning with his first mint stamp, acquired as a Christmas present − the 1927 1½d Canberra Parliament House. Fifty five years later, in 1986, Ray’s 23-volume collection of Australian Commonwealth 1901−65 was sold to Australia Post for A$750,000. People of a certain age remember Ray as a radio personality, compering programs on Melbourne’s 3AW station. Ray even topped “The Listener In” 1944 poll, nudging the legendary Jack Davey into second place! Moving away from on-air announcing, Ray managed the 3AW Community Trust, raising funds for the Royal Women’s Hospital through Victoria’s Miss Teenage Quest. In 1976, he was awarded the “MBE” (Member of the British Empire) for services to the community, and the “AM” (Member of the Order of Australia) in 1994 for services to philately. In 1949, Ray’s love of Australian Commonwealth stamps took on renewed focus when he joined the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria. The society’s established members mostly favoured states over Commonwealth issues, but Ray stuck to his preferences, particularly George V stamps, about which he reminisced: “they were all I could afford and there was much to interest me − different printings, watermarks, perforations, wonderful shades and many varieties. I actually cut my philatelic teeth on them.” Surprisingly, Ray’s Australian Commonwealth was exhibited for the first time at ZEAPEX ‘80 (Auckland, 1980). Awarded a gold medal, the exhibit

was judged best of the 500 plus exhibits – the first time an Australian Commonwealth exhibit gained the Grand Award at international level. (Note: Gold was the highest medal award at the time; Large Gold was introduced subsequently.) AUSIPEX ’84 was Ray’s singular achievement. He led a dedicated team, including Myra Farley, Joyce Buchanan, Len Buchanan and other leading “Royal” members, who worked hard for three years or so to make sure the 10-day exhibition was successful. It was a great success. About 85,000 people came to AUSIPEX; a quarter of them in organised school groups. It is fair to say Australia has never seen another philatelic exhibition like AUSIPEX. Ray Chapman was Australia’s senior signatory to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists; the “RDP” being considered the highest honour to which a philatelist can aspire. In 1987, Ray became the 15th Australian to sign the Roll since its inception in 1921. The remaining living signatories are Geoff Kellow (2009), Ray Todd (2011) and Geoffrey Lewis (2018). In the mid-1980s, Ray was the Consulting Editor of Stamp News and also wrote a regular Stamp News column, “The Chapman Report”. He discussed all aspects of Australian Commonwealth, pre-decimal philately, basing the column on his own collection. In turn, “The Chapman Report” formed a basis for Ray’s major work, The Chapman Collection of Australian Commonwealth, published by the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria in 1999. Ray’s late wife Pam was a key collaborator, who typed his notes. A friendly man who loved to talk, Ray was especially effective at publicising the hobby using the skills he acquired during a long radio career. The astonishing attendance figures at AUSIPEX reflects this attribute of his. Ray worked hard at everything he did, and he had good reason to be proud of his achievements.

Richard Breckon

Stamps in the News - Globally! One small step for man... Reported at

The US Postal Service has revealed two new stamp designs in its “Forever” collection commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing on July 20, 1969. Designed by its art director Antonio Alcalá, one stamp features an actual photograph taken on the moon, by Neil Armstrong of Buzz Aldrin. The other features a photograph of the moon with a yellow dot indicating the exact landing site of Apollo 11’s “Eagle” lunar landing module. So where is Neil Armstrong? One stamp features a photograph of Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin, now 89, in his spacesuit on the surface of the moon. He climbed out of Eagle module 19 minutes after Neil Armstrong. It may seem odd that Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon and the commander of the Apollo 11 mission is not featured in this commemorative stamp. There is a simple reason; Armstrong was in charge of the Hasselblad 500EL camera and took almost all of the photos on the lunar surface. However, Armstrong is on the stamp, albeit only just. If you look closely at the visor on Buzz Aldrin’s

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spacesuit, you should be able to see Aldrin’s shadow stretching across the lunar surface, but you can also make out the white-suited figure of Armstrong in the background, standing beside “Eagle.” These two new stamps are not the first by the US Postal Service to commemorate Apollo 11. It issued a $0.10 stamp in 1969 after the landing itself, which a graphic of as astronaut sporting a US flag setting foot on the lunar surface. In the background, an Earthrise is visible. That was followed in 1994 by a “First Moon Landing” stamp to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Apollo 11, which pictured an astronaut holding the US flag and saluting.

Something fishy in Australia Reported at

Coinciding with Sustainable Seafood Week 2019, Australia Post has released three striking stamps featuring sustainable fish species. Australia rates highly internationally when it comes to commercial fishing practices, and was the first country in the world to receive independent certification of one of its fisheries from the Marine Stewardship Council. A spokesman said, “Sustainable fishing requires keeping fishing to a level that allows it to continue indefinitely, maintaining the integrity of ecosystems, and utilising non-destructive, wild-capture fishing techniques. Encouraging these practices on a global scale is critical to maintaining adequate fish levels and minimising harm to the natural environment.” The designs were based on illustrations by Dr Lindsay Marshall, a natural history artist and PhD in shark morphol-

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

ogy and fisheries science. The domestic base-rate ($1) stamps feature three sustainable Australian fish species, along with the relevant commercial fishing technique used to minimise environmental impacts. Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) is a large and slender deep-water species. Commercial Patagonian Toothfish fisheries are located in the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. Fisheries have developed practices and devices to minimise seabird interactions with longlines, including the use of a bird exclusion device. Blue Grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandiae), also known as Hoki, is a bottom-dwelling deep-water fish found in temperate marine waters off New Zealand and Australia. Special Seal Excluder Devices (SEDs) are used in fishing nets to help seals swim out nets if they are accidentally caught. Tiger Flathead (Platycephalus richardsoni) is found from northern New South Wales to western Victoria, including Tasmanian waters. The commercial Tiger Flathead fisheries use differently sized mesh in different parts of the fishing net to help non-target or undersized fish to escape.

sary of the assassination of Emiliano Zapata, one of the main heroes of the 1910-1917 revolution, who was gunned down by government soldiers over his unyielding defence of peasants. President Lopez Obrador particularly identifies with Zapata. Both are from southern Mexico, in a country where politics have long been dominated by the north and centre, and both viewed agriculture as the natural vocation for their region. He has designated 2019 as the year of Zapata, and the government has issued subway tickets, postage stamps and lottery tickets with images of the mustachioed, broad-hatted revolutionary. The president said Zapata never sold out though he was offered land and wealth. Up to the present day, the favourite chant at Mexican protests remains: “Zapata lives! The fight continues!�

Zapata persona grata in Mexico Reported at https://abcnews.

Mexico marked the 100th anniverStamp News - 17

Stamps in the News - Globally! Ireland shows heart #1

Reported at The Irish Postal Service, An Post, has launched a new postage stamp with the aim of starting a national conversation about organ donation. Featuring an hourglass timer that represents “the precious nature of time and the Double lung transplant recipient David Crosby from Co Cavan, with his daughter gift of life passing Erin at the GPO, Dublin to launch the special stamp. from one person to another”, the stamps at their local post office.” can be scanned by Helping to launch the stamp was Andy Kavanagh, smartphones which will automatically open a webwho has worked for An Post for last 20 years and site about becoming a donor. who is the longest surviving heart transplant patient “An Post wants to spark a national conversation in Ireland, having had the transplant on May 25th, in Ireland’s post offices, kitchens, cars, playgrounds 1986, before a kidney transplant 12 years ago. and wherever families are gathering,” said the An Post CEO. “We want staff and customers to have that chat Ireland shows heart #2 about their wishes for donation. Reported at “And we invite everyone to pick up a donor card This Irish postal service is launching an ingenious nationwide program that will give thousands of homeless people a new foothold towards getting off the streets. An Post announced that they will be rolling out their new “Address Point” service which will allow homeless people to use their 18 - Stamp News

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

local post office as a fixed address. Lack of fixed addresses proves to be a major roadblock for homeless people seeking to open a bank account; arrange medical appointments; apply for jobs; or correspond with school services. Recent reports say that there are now almost 10,000 Irish civilians who are homeless and lacking registered addresses. Thankfully, An Post will now be working with various homeless charities and organizations to coordinate the new service using an online tool to generate personal addresses, with mail collection points at local post offices. “This will provide a service for people who are in temporary accommodation who need a secure mailing address to receive post such as school correspondence, medical appointments or to apply for a job,” a postal representative said.

Singapore slips up

Reported at The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has fined SingPost S$300,000 for not meeting the postal Quality of Service standards for postal delivery in 2018. The IMDA is a statutory board in the Singapore

Government that develops and regulates the postal and media sectors. IMDA stated that it had directed SingPost to take “urgent steps to improve its service standards and restore public confidence in its postal services”. The IMDA’s investigations revealed SingPost did not meet the following postal standards: SingPost did not deliver 99% of local basic letters within the CBD by the next working day in four months. SingPost did not deliver 100% of local basic letters by the second working day in nine months. SingPost did not deliver 100% of registered basic letters by the second working day in four months. SingPost did not meet the requirements for the delivery of international incoming basic letters within the CBD by the next working day in three months. IMDA also said it had completed its investigations of the case of the postman who had discarded returned mail in 2018. The postman, Mr Liu Zhengang, was dismissed by SingPost and has returned to China. He is now barred from employment in Singapore. SingPost has responded by implementing immediate measures such as hiring more postmen, extending delivery slots for basic mail parcels to weekday evenings and on Saturdays, and increasing the number of dedicated counters and staff at post offices for mail/ package collection. Stamp News - 19

Stamps in the News - Globally! This is the second fine the national postal service operator has received in consecutive months. It was fined S$100,000 for failing to meet the postal quality standards for 2017.

Malaysia drones on

Reported at The commercial use of drones in the postal and courier industry can be implemented in the next five years, said Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo recently. He said there were many advantages of drone technology in various fields such as health, agriculture and medicine, and it could help send food supplies to people trapped by floods. He said since 2018, the Swiss Post has been using drones to send laboratory samples or specimens to clinics and hospitals. “Malaysia does not want to be left behind in the mainstream of modernisation, and we must look at new technologies like drones and artificial intelligence,” he told reporters after the closing ceremony

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of the Parcel Drone Competition 2019. The two-day Parcel Drone Competition which was jointly organised by Pos Malaysia and the Communications and Multimedia Commission Multimedia (MCMC), began on March 6, with 40 participants, including several from tertiary institutions. The participants were given two chances to fly their drones with a two-kilogramme load, and they had to fly it for two kilometres over the Putrajaya Lake and return to the starting point in the fastest time. On the competition, Gobind said the programme was in line with the ministry’s objectives to spearhead digital economy and encourage high technology, and ensure delivery of quality service to the people. “Through this programme, we will be able to uncover local talents with potential in the area of UAV and we can give them support and recognition so that they can progress to higher levels in the future.

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

Tanzania gets a boost

Reported at The Chinese postal company has pledged to support Tanzania to strengthen its postal services, particularly e-commerce businesses. This was announced in Dar es Salaam by the Director General of State Post Bureau of China, Ma Junsheng, who is in the country for an official visit. China will provide training and field visit to Tanzania Post Corporation (TPC) staff to learn how to develop services to support ecommerce. On postcode system, Ma Junsheng said China was not a good example as their system is more operational than customer-centred and suggested that Tanzania should learn from the US system. He also used the opportunity to seek Tanzanian support during the election of Universal Postal Union (UPU) to be held in 2020 in Ivory Coast.

“Our employees are welcome to show their postal pride by wearing officially licensed USPS apparel, but they should do so in their free time.” “The collaboration will generate royalty revenue for the Postal Service and build brand awareness among a younger audience” a USPS spokesman said.

Israel puts on the dancing shoes Reported at

Israel will release a stamp commemorating its most famous song in early May. Hava Nagila is undoubtedly the most famous Hebrew song in the world. There is some controversy about its authorship but the origins are with composer Zvi Idelsohn and one of his students, Moshe Nathanson. Idelsohn was also a keen researcher of Jewish music, meticulously collecting and compiling

US gears up

Reported at Fashion retailer Forever 21 has a new fashion line featuring postal-themed clothing. You can wear a USPS Priority Mail hoodie or First-Class pants. How about a sweatshirt featuring a USPS mail truck? The officially licensed USPS clothing line launched this month, the Postal Service told employees, but it offered a caveat: the collection is not part of the official USPS uniform and should not be worn by postal employees while on duty.

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Stamps in the News - Globally! thousands of Jewish melodies from all Jewish ethnic groups. The song was composed at the end of 400 years of Turkish rule when the Jews of Jerusalem were rejoicing following the liberation by British troops in 1917. The song was composed to honour this event and the melody based on an ancient Hasidic tune. It featured Hebrew lyrics which was notable as prior to 1917 Hebrew was suppressed and little used as a common language for the previous 1700 years. The song was first performed in 1918. It was later performed by many different artists, Jews and nonJews alike. The melody was played at a dance in Jerusalem that same year, to great success. The words of the chorus are: “Let us rejoice and be glad, let us be happy, awaken brethren with a cheerful heart”. The song was recorded in the 1920’s and spread among the Jewish communities of Europe and America. It reached New York, a centre for Jews and also the music world, and quickly gained popularity. The catchy, rhythmic tune and the simple Hebrew lyrics made it a hit among the Jewish population and it became the core of Jewish celebrations. Non-Jewish singers also embraced and performed the song, thus expanding its popularity in the United States and later throughout the world, and it eventually became a musical standard

Dangerous delivery in Canada

Reported at A wild turkey was caught on camera chasing a Canada Post mail carrier while on his daily rounds this March in Mississauga, Ont. Don Cumming, of Port Credit, witnessed the confrontation on March 6 and posted several pictures to Twitter, where he quotes the postal worker as saying, “He chases me every day.” According to a reply from the City of Mississauga’s Twitter account, there “have been reported sightings of 22 - Stamp News

wild turkeys in Mississauga. Birds may find their way into residential areas looking for food. These birds are good flyers and will find their way back to their natural area.” Unfortunately, the Lorne Park wild turkey has chased a postal worker for the last time. His body was spotted recently just south of Lakeshore Rd., apparently a traffic fatality. Cumming added the unnamed postal carrier is “now said to be saddened by the demise. The bird had learned to recognize the postal van and chased on a daily basis. Pursuit was a game, not a threat.”

Dangerous Delivery in the US Reported at

A mail run had one postal worker in Fort Worth Texas running for her life when a man chased her down and stole her truck. She told police the man, who was in his 20s, harassed and verbally threatened her with bodily harm before giving chase. Officers later arrested the suspect nearby after he was involved in a hit-and-run in the stolen postal truck. He was taken into custody without incident and was treated for a possible heroin overdose. Meanwhile in Georgia a man was charged with attacking a postal carrier with a baseball bat. Traveyon Wilcox went before the judge in Albany Federal Court, charged with assault of a federal em-

Compiled by

Margo Campbell

ployee. Investigators said Wilcox jumped into the postal carrier’s mail truck while she was making deliveries. Investigators said he had a baseball bat, put his arm around the neck of the postal carrier, and started pulling her coat, trying to remove it. Saying she thought Wilcox was going to rape her, the postal carrier crashed her mail truck into the porch of a house. She said Wilcox told her he was sorry, and ran home. Wilcox told investigators he had smoked a marijuana joint earlier, and was having “terrible thoughts, including murder.”

Dangerous delivery in India Reported at

Unidentified criminals shot dead a postal employee

near K Hat police station in Purnea district today. Police said that motorcycle borne criminals gunned down a postal employee Harishankar Prasad posted at head post office CGM gate when he was on his way to a local office. Sources said it was suspected that Mr Prasad was murdered due to some property dispute involving sons of his first and second wives. The body has been sent for autopsy.

Cocky postman in Australia

Reported at George the Postie always delivers as he rides shotgun with Australia Post worker Bob Johnston IT is not the screeching of tyres that alerts residents of Aberdeen in the Hunter Valley , NSW, to the arrival of the postman but a sulphur-crested cockatoo. “George the Postie” has ridden shotgun with Australia Post worker Bob Johnston since he was a sixmonth-old chick. George enjoys somewhat of a celebrity status as he putters around with Mr Johnston, who will often get off his bike to deliver mail by hand to some of the Hunter Valley town’s elderly residents. Mr Johnston got George from a neighbour who found him on the ground after the fledgling cocky was “kicked out of his nest by his mother”. “He’s been hand raised ever since,” he said. “He’s an unusual bird in that he just likes people.” The cocky goes on the 80km mail run every day unless it is raining and enjoys a bit of chitchat whenever he’s greeted at the post box with the bird calling out, “Hello, how you going George?” The cocky has an unusual job, but his eating habits are even weirder. “He likes to eat a lot of chicken and pork, he’ll also get into the red wine, coffee, anything,” Mr Johnston said.

Stamp News - 23

Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often -

NSW 1897 2½d QV Golden Jubilee superb DIE PROOF - $A250!: A superbly

struck Die Proof in the finished Queen Victoria Die 1 state, on thin surfaced card, with lovely strong “bite” of the steel Die impression, that can be readily seen on the reverse. Die proofs of the following AUSTRALIA issues from 1913 are $10,000 each - go figger. Clean and attractive as you can see, in the rich deep Prussian Blue colour of issue. $A250 (Stock 592JA) I also have the 1d NSW Shield of same series, Die Proof, in a lighter blue, in similar large size, and similar wide margins, with hinge remain, also just $A250 (Stock 592JB) or buy them both TOGETHER and keep them as a set, and save $100 or 20%, the PAIR for just $A400 (Stock 592JC)

Complete Set Australia Post Year Albums 1983-2003 - $1,000 *UNDER* Retail !!: Red Hot

Estate special. All TWENTY ONE albums. The FACE value of the stamps inside is $842.27. You are paying WAY UNDER UNDER ACTUAL FACE! ALL are 100% valid for global postage if you ever need to use them. You are basically buying $100 bills for less than $100! I just bought TWENTY sets of 21, off a guy who bought them for an “investment”, so have slashed over $1000 off my usual selling price, to see them clear FAST. The issue price from PO was $1,103! You are paying $300 UNDER PO cost, and $1,000 less than retail. One of each year Australia Post books here, from the 1983 book, and ALL have a matching coloured, hard slipcase, to prevent dust and moisture entering the book. My discount Retail is $1,810 as per link below. Save $1000 off retail! All the LATER Year Books and the Black “Leather” cover ones are always in stock - I have the WORLD’S BIGGEST AP YEARBOOK STOCK - also keenly priced cheap, and all are offered singly, or in 10 year runs, if you only need certain issues, at $A800 (Stock 735ET)

GB 1840 “Penny Black” 4 margin VFU Scarce Plate *THREE*: Clean and fresh. Free of the toning and creasing etc, that often be-devils this

issue. "The World's First Stamp" Even 2 or 3 margin, common plate number real roughies these days, can cost you half this, as many 1000's are sold to China each year by SG and others, in a large consumer marketing drive, and prices are up. This is Lettered "O. K." with a FAR superior cancel strike than 95% of what I see. Has a MAGNIFICENT light crisp complete vermillion Red Maltese Cross cancel as you will agree - so much nicer than a usual heavy BLACK MX! Every collector wants a "Penny Black" on the frontispiece page of their album, no matter what country they collect. If your initials are “O. K.” - even better! Scarce plate 3 (SG price 50% higher than most) as confirmed by stampboards plating experts. (The OK and PK both have same strange K on Plate 3) SG minimum £500 = $A1,000. Clean 4 margin example, totally free of the usual aging and gook and gunk - now 179 years old. HUGE eye-appeal, as you can see. Only $US280 as I type. $A395 (Stock 847AZ) Order via: All Cards accepted with ZERO fee - even Amex! Bank Deposit fine, or Money Orders. PayPal is accepted in ANY major currency, saving you fees - contact me first. LayBys/Layaways always OK with me!


PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: - Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)

Postal Stationery Welcome to the postal stationery column for May 2019. This month’s column looks at sale of an impressive collection of Australian lettercards and new postcards from Australia Post.

Australian Lettercards with Scenic Views 1911-1925: Abacus Auction Sale 233, 3 March 2019

John Sinfield was one of Australia’s best-known postal stationery collectors. Besides outstanding collections of Australian Commonwealth postcards and envelopes, he had surely the finest collection of Australian Commonwealth scenic Lettercards. When lettercards were first issued by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1911, the Tasmanian practice of including scenic views on the reverse of the lettercards was adopted. Over the period 19111925, over 140 views were used from all states with many of the views being reproduced in different formats. In addition, a series of lettercards with military views were issued in 1915. Many of the views are popular with thematic collectors. The lettercards were printed in a wide range of colours including red, orange, blue, purple, black, Top right: Figure 1 Samuel Reading's Fullface 1d design in brownish-grey literally on a scrap of paper Middle right: Figure 2 1918 KGV Sideface 1½d Imperforate Proof BOttom right: Figure 3 1920 KGV Sideface 2d Orange Imperforate Proof with Gothic 'Specimen' handstamp Below: Figure 4 1d Grey-Black Fullface Lettercard Rouletted

26 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon

Top to bottom: Figure 5 1911 KGV Fullface 1d+1d Reply Letter Card Figure 6 1d brown-Lake Fullface Separated Reply Portion with Double Overprint of Obliterating Bars Figure 7 ‘OHMS Statistics’ Overprint on 1d + 1d Blue Sideface Reply Lettercard

brown and green, apparently randomly. While the first lettercards were stamped with the 1911 King George V fullface stamp, later issues were stamped with the Kangaroo and Map stamp and the King George V sideface stamp. The 1d Kangaroo and Map stamps are found in three dies and the 1d King George V sideface stamps with dies 1 and 2. With the rate changes in the period there are twelve different issues of these lettercards:1d fullface, 1d + 1d fullface reply lettercards, 1d fullface separated reply lettercards, 1d Kangaroo and Map, 1d sideface, 1½d/1d sideface revaluations, 1½d sideface, 2d orange sideface, 2d red sideface, 1½d/2d revaluations, 1½d green sideface and 1½d red sideface. Given the range of different views, stamps, card stock, perforation gauges, die types and colours, this is one of Australia’s most complex postal stationery issues and provides many challenges for the specialist. The issue is, however, covered in detail in the Postal Stationery volume of The Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue (ACSC). John Sinfield’s collection was auctioned by Abacus Auctions at their sale on 3 March 2019. The collection included a wide range of views, proofs and some great rarities. The auction included two proofs of the 1d King George V fullface design. One was a 1d brownish grey progressive proof (Figure 1) on a scrap of paper which sold for $3,800. The other was a die proof of the 1d design in bright ultramarine which had an estimate of $5,000. An imperforate proof (Figure 2) of the 1½d purple King George V sideface lettercard (ACSC LC41P(1)B) with a view of Clifton Gardens Sydney had an estimate of $7,500 while an imperforate proof of the 2d orange King George V sideface lettercard overprinted ‘Specimen’ in gothic font (Figure 3) sold for $3,800. A 1d claret fullface lettercard used to Germany uprated with a ½d Western Australia stamp imperforate at base sold for $5,000. While most cards are perforated, a small number are known rouletted with a 1d black fullface lettercard rouletted (Figure 4) sold Stamp News - 27

Postal Stationery for $1,350. One unusual feature of these cards was the issue of 1d + 1d reply lettercards, a double lettercard with a smaller lettercard included inside the message lettercard intended for the reply. These were only issued by a few countries including Queensland and Newfoundland. Figure 5 shows a mint example of one of the reply lettercards, a selection of five of these cards sold for $380. In 1917, unused stocks of the reply lettercards were separated and used as single lettercards with the “REPLY’ inscription obliterated with bars. A reply portion (Figure 6) in brown-lake with a double overprint of the obliterating bars sold for $575. The lettercards are known overprinted OHMS for official use and the sale included a number of these issues including the 1d blue fullface lettercard overprinted ‘OHMS Statistics’ which sold for $600 (Figure 7). Three of the lettercards with military views (Figure 8) issued in 1915 were found to have vessel identification numbers in contravention of the military regulations and as a result the lettercards with Right Top to bottom: Figure 8 1d Lettercard with Military View HMAS Yarra Figure 9 1918 'THREE HALFPENCE' Surcharge on KGV 1½d Sideface Lettercard Figure 10 1924 'THREE HALFPENCE' Surcharge on 2d orange on white stock Figure 11 1924 'THREE HALFPENCE' Surcharges on 2d Orange on Grey Stock Below: Figure 12 The View ‘The Spit Middle Harbour Sydney’ on Reverse of 2d Red Sideface Lettercard

28 - Stamp News

Ian McMahon military views were withdrawn with some being reissued in 1918. All of the twelve views were represented in this Sale. The postage rate was increased from 1d to 1½d in 1918 to include a war tax. 1d King George V lettercards were overprinted ‘THREE HALFPENCE’. In error, one of the new 1½d lettercards (Figure 9), which were being printed at the same time as the overprinting of the 1d lettercards, was issued with this overprint. This ‘THREE HALFPENCE’ on 1½ d lettercard (LC36c) sold for $3,800. On 1 October 1923 the lettercard rate was reduced from 2d to 1½d and as a result many 2d King George V sideface lettercards were overprinted ‘THREE HALFPENCE’. While most of the overprinted lettercards were 2d red lettercards, a small number of 2d orange lettercards were overprinted, giving rise to some of the great rarities of this issue. A mint example of a surcharged card 2d orange, white stock, Perf 10 (ACSC LC 52) thought to be the only mint copy sold for $4,600 (Figure 10) while a mint copy of the 2d orange, grey stock, ACSC LC 53 sold for $3,000 (Figure 11) and a used copy for $6,250. The sale had a great range of the different views found on these letTop to bottom: Figure 13 Murrumbidgee Irrigation Scheme Overprint on Burrinjuck Dam View Figure 14 1d Stamped Postcard for the NSW Government Railways Figure 15 The Weeping Rock at Wentworth Falls View on the Reverse of a 1d Stamped Postcard for the NSW Government Railways Stamp News - 29

Postal Stationery in this area should ensure they obtain a copy. The 2 March 2019 Abacus Auctions sale (No 232) also included some interesting postal stationery including about twenty New South Wales Government Railways postcards stamped with the 1d arms stamp (Figure 14) as well as some formular cards. These postcards have a view on the reverse (Figure 15) and an advice form on the front. These cards are scarce and sold for $270-$600 each. The sale also included an example of the Australian 2d King George VI + 1d green Queen Mother PTPO wrapper for Nicholas Aspro (ACSC WS21) estimated at $1,000. Figure 16 Australian Fauna Galah Pre-Paid Postcard

Australian Fauna Pre-Paid Postcards

Four pre-paid postcards featuring Australian fauna were issued on 5 March 2019, selling for $2.20 each. The four animals featured were the Galah (Figure 16), Tasmanian Devil, Blue-tongue Lizard (Figure 17) and Red Kangaroo. The picture sides were based on photographs by Eric Isselee/Shutterstock. com. Four prepaid postcards with the same views but in a smaller format were also issued and sold as ‘maximum cards’.

Figure 17 Australian Fauna Blue Tongue Lizard Pre-Paid Postcard tercards. A 2d red King George V sideface lettercard showing a view of the Spit Middle Harbour, Sydney (ACSC LC49), one of the rarest of all issued views (Figure 12) sold for $3,400. Figure 13 shows the view Burrinjuck Dam with the overprint ‘Murrumbidgee Irrigation Scheme’. The lettercards in the sale were well researched and described and the catalogue will serve as an important reference to these issues. Collectors interested 30 - Stamp News

Postal Stationery Society of Australia Meeting at Sydney Stamp Expo 2019

The Postal Stationery Society of Australia will be holding a meeting at Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 (SSCE 2019) which will be held from 13th June to 16th June 2019 at the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, Hurstville Sydney. The meeting will likely be at 12 noon on Sunday 16 June 2019 but check the SSCE program closer to the event. The display will be Postcards of the Commonwealth of Australia. Further information on SSCE 2019 can be found at

The Salvation Army Stamp & Coin Fair is held 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am – 2pm At Ferntree Gully Salvation Army 37 Wattletree Road, Ferntree Gully, 3158

(Parking At Rear, Entry By Side Door) Admission Free, Tea & Coffee Available All proceeds from Dealers’ Tables to The Salvation Army. Dealer enquiries welcome. Also donations of Stamps & Coins gratefully received at the Fair, which will be offered to dealers present on the day. Proceeds to the Salvation Army. Bulky lots may be able to be collected within 50k radius, or can be mailed to us. Telephone contact: 0425 795 693

Please note that this is a Smoke Free Event.

Cinderella Corner Welcome to the May edition of Cinderella Corner. I thank readers for providing some recent feedback about labels featured in the past few issues and will consolidate some of this information, soon. This edition first explores some Australian cinderellas associated with printing. It then revisits three topics covered in previous Cinderella Corner pieces, namely: i) Myer Emporium, ii) FameFace, and iii) PAMABA.

All About Printing

Australia has a rich history associated with printing and various printing processes, and this Cinderella Corner offers a snapshot of a few Australian printing firms advertised on labels. Given that only three of these are explored, I hope readers can provide some further insight into what else exists in this often overlooked area.


Vardon and Sons Printing Works, commonly known as Vardon’s, was founded in Australia over a century ago. Its original building still exists in Adelaide, on Grote Street, and is a reminder of the industrialism presence that existed and thrived throughout many Australian cities in the early years of the 20th century. It was first owned by Jospeh Vardos (1843 – 1913) who set up the Webb, Vardos and Pritchard firm, which eventually became Vardos and Sons. Joseph the purchased the land where the building stands, in 1911, and the company was eventually managed by his three sons. The label illustrated in Figure 1 illustrates the Vardon building. It is multi-coloured, imperforate, and

Figure 1 features the text: GOOD PRINTING / VARDON’S. The label is affixed to a 1920s Adelaide-addressed cover and it is therefore likely to originate from this period.

Ford & Son

Ford & Son Printers (commonly abbreviated to F & S, and formerly known as Ford and Son Press) operated in Melbourne on Drummond Street, Carlton, from as early as the 1890s. They established as stationers, and then printers, and operated for several decades in Melbourne. Ford & Son were responsible for printing many books and pamphlets, of which many reside in several libraries throughout Australia. The label illustrated in Figure 2 illustrates an old-time printing machine in use. It is coloured green, white and red and is imperforate. The cinderella measures 30mm x 47mm and features the text: F & S / FORD & SON PRINTERS CARLTON. MELB. The label likely dates to the 1920s or 1930s and further information is needed to ascertain a more precise date.

Use Good Printing

Good Printing was the key term applied by Victorian-based printing company Brown, Prior & Co. Pty. Ltd., who operated from the early years of the 20th century (and continue to run under a different name today). Then located on Little Bourke Street in Melbourne’s CBD, the company served as printers for several products, including books, booklets, public school magazines and journals published in Australia. Figures 2 & 3 32 - Stamp News

Vito Milana The label illustrated in Figure 3 is multi-coloured, measures 48mm x 68mm, and likely dates to the 1940s or 1950s. It is imperforate on all sides and features the text: KEEP UP THE STANDARD /USE GOOD PRINTING / Print More, Sell More The label also features an Australian flag as its central motif. Further information is needed to better place an accurate date for this cinderella.

Myer Emporium

From top: Figures 4, 5, 6 Bottom row: Figures 7 & 8

Last year’s February Cinderella Corner exclusively explored several cinderella labels associated with the Myer Emporium. These were either labels that advertised Myer and its products or were other sorts of cinderellas encouraging shoppers to purchase items for Christmas or other occasions and events. Four more labels are now explored and thereby help build further breadth to the ones discussed in the 2018 article. Figure 4 illustrates a fairly common Myer Emporium cover, postmarked 6 November 1958. Its reverse is illustrated in Figure 5, which presents a cinderella encouraging customers to shop during the Christmas period. Coloured green-blue and white, the label is imperforate, measures 77mm x 43mm, and features the text: For your comfort & convenience / SHOP AND POST EARLY THIS CHRISTMAS These labels are believed to have been connected with the rather elusive Myer Philatelic Department in Melbourne, and further information can be found in last February’s Cinderella Corner piece. Figure 6 features a Myer-advertising cinderella on the reverse of a cover. Imperforate, measuring 63mm x 49mm, and coloured black, yellow and white, it features the text: TO TELEPHONE MYER’S SIMPLY DIAL FY 220 / “F-Y-DOUBLE-TWO-OH” A contextually similar label is illustrated in Figure 7. This cinderella is also imperforate, coloured green, blue and white, measures 53mm x 37mm, and features the text: To Telephone Myer’s SIMPLY DIAL FY 220 / FY double-twooh Stamp News - 33

Cinderella Corner Several other Myer Emporium covers exist with the FY 220 phone number printed on the left-hand side of the face, with slight variations existing between covers; these date from the mid-1940s to the 1950s. Figure 8 illustrates Heritage, a furniture range sold in Myer. The label is imperforate, measures 48mm x 33mm, and is coloured purple, green and white. It features the text: HERITAGE FURNITURE BY MYER / AUSTRALIA’S FINEST FURNITURE It appears that the peak of Heritage furniture sales was in the 1950s, and the label also likely dates to this period.


Last year’s September Cinderella Corner discussed several FameFace cinderellas that were affixed (and cancelled) on covers. This piece followed an extensive exploration, in the October and December 2017 Cinderella Corner pieces, on Novelty Printing/FameFace and their many issued labels. Since these publications, another two FameFace labels has surfaced on a cover, as illustrated in Figure 9. This pair of labels illustrates the Newcastle 1997 Bicentennial and were printed by FameFace upon order from the Newcastle Philatelic Society. This pair is cancelled on a signed 1997 cover commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions.


Some scarce 1912 PAMABA labels featured in the June 2016 and September 2017 editions of Cinderella Corner. The former illustrated one PAMABA label with three kangaroos as its central motif; the latter featured a clearly different printing of this label, as well as a second PAMABA cinderella type showing three koalas. These three labels are reproduced here in Figures 10 and 11. Another two labels have since been L -R Figures 11, 12 & 13

34 - Stamp News

Figures 9 & 10 discovered. The first, illustrated in Figure 12, features a single wombat with an otherwise identical design to the previously explored PAMABA cinderellas. It measures 36mm x 30mm, is coloured blue and white, and is imperforate on all sides. The second, illustrated in Figure 13, features a single example of three different Australian animals: kangaroo, wombat and koala. It is larger than the other PAMABA cinderellas, measuring 71mm x 56mm. This cinderella is imperforate on all sides and features the text: PAMABA PREPARATIONS / GLYCERINE / MADE IN AUSTRALIA Given that this final label collectively features all three of the animals illustrated separately across Figures 10 to 12, it is possible that this fourth type completes the set of PAMABA labels.

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 Buy now at the listed price or bid a lower figure. Bids will be considered at C8) SG West Africa 2nd Ed. 2012 $57.50 Midday Monday 30 May 2019 C9) SG Windward Is. & Barbados 3rd Ed. 2015, $72 Orders and Bids accepted by phone, mail or email. C11) SG USA 8th Ed. 2015 $99.50 Provided the item has not sold at the full price, bids at 75% to 95% will have a C12) SG Western Europe Simplified 2nd Ed. 2012 $92.50 good chance of success; 60% - 74% will have a reasonable chance of success. Bids below 60% will have minimal chance of success. Bid for as many alternatives as C13) SG Aircraft 2nd Ed. 2009 $87.50 you wish, but please put a dollar cap on your total spending, and we will allocate ALB15) Lighthouse German Made Stockbooks, economy range. These are lots according to what is available. unbranded as supplied to dealers Worldwide for own branding to be added. 5 Orders at full price above $500 are post free within Australia. Layby welcome for x Brown 16 Black Page Stockbooks, brand new but 1 or 2 may have minor shop orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or soiling. Usually $25 each, the 5 for $75 sets are available on request. ALB15a) As above, 2 only in blue, price $30 Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions ALB16) As above, but 32 page, 1 only, usual retail $30, price $20 Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all ALB7) Single cover albums as new, PW Brand, each with 40 – 50 clear pockets. cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 10am – 6pm Mon – Fri, but we will Padded binders in a variety of colours: Red, Brown, Blue, Green. New price often answer the phone after hours. around $39 each, price for this lot of 7, $110 All of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee, excepting Collections, ALB8) Brand New Heavy Duty Double Cover Pages, suit 3 or 4 ring binders, x 37 Packets & Mixtures. These items are non-returnable unless significantly mis-dewith Black backing sheets. Normal price $24 per 10. Half price offer the lot for $44 scribed and only for credit or exchange not for cash.

Cigarette Cards

CC1) Wills Cricketers series of 1926, scarce lot of 15 plain back real photograph sepia cards, inc. Both English and Australian County, State and test cricketers. Complete set of 50 cat. at 495 pounds BACKIN THE 1990S! Much better than average condition, well priced at $15 a card. $225 the lot CC2a) Wills Cricketers series of 1928/29, Australian & English test and State/ County Cricketers inc. Don Bradman, Real Photographic 23 diff. from a series of 48, cat. 195 pounds back in the 1990s pounds the set. Much better than average condition. Price $189 CC2b) As above, but 37 cards without Don Bradman, price $279 CC2c) Another lot of 23 different cards also with Don Bradman, price $189 Catalogues & Accessories

SB1) Ka-Be German Made super quality 64 black page padded stockbooks. Back in stock again. Colour choices are Black, Green Blue or Maroon/Burgundy. Mixed colour orders ok. Retail $60, my price $55 each, 3 for $157.50, carton of 5 for $249. SB2) Brand new 64 Black page stockbooks to clear. Were up to $76.95 each, now only $55 each, all in original shrink wrapping. We have Prinz, Lindner and Lighthouse in stock. Enquire. ALB15) As new padded binders, Hagner/ Seven Seas/Australia Post brands, range of colours available complete with 50 stocksheets Hagner/Prinz etc. Various size strips, our choice of sizes but will be a good mix. New price $112.50. Under Half Price $59 each, 3 for $169, 5 for $275 C1) Australia ACSC Booklets Cat. 2003 edition $105 C2) Australia ACSC Postage Dues Cat. 2014 edition, $125 C3) SG Collect British Stamps 2018, $42.50 C4) SG Brunei Malaysia Singapore 5th Ed. 2017, $57.50 C5) SG Falkland Is. 7th Ed. 2016, $36 C7) SG Leeward Is. 3rd Ed. 2017, $65

ALB11) Lindner T Black Album and slipcase, with approx. 20 hingeless pages. Album as new, slipcase showing a little wear. Retail new $95. Cheap at $49 Collections And Lots

Important: Collections and lots are returnable for credit only if significantly mis-described. No cash refunds on these. CA1) Great Britain 1841 – 1964. Blue Posthorn stockbook, dealer type with divided leaves. Part-time dealer’s stock commencing 1841 1d Red Brown. Earlies are sparse, but a few better surface printed noted. Queen Victoria 10/- Ultramarine spacefiller grade. KEVII to 1/- with some mint and KGV similar with Seahorses to 5/-. 1935 Jubilees x 4 sets mint. KGV 1937 dark colour definitives mixed mint unhinged/mint x 3 compete sets and 1939 – 48 square high values with some mint and inc. 10/- Dark Blue x 3. KGVI 1948 Silver Wedding £1 x 2 Mint Unhinged and Festival £1 x 7 used. QEII Wildings 1st issue Tudor Crown complete mint/mint unhinged to 1/6d x 2 plus extras and 1st De la Rue Castles to 10/- Mint lightly hinge. 1957 1st graphites x 6 sets MUH, 1958 Graphites mint set plus extras and phosphor graphites to 4d also mint. Most QEII Commems are present both mint and used with duplication. Too many others to mention. All are identified by SG No. in central stockbook margin. Great value at $449 CA2) Gibraltar mint unhinged (some of the earlier are light hinged) priced up stock 1965 – 2001 on Hagner sheets in black binder. Has been priced to sell by recently deceased part-time dealer at $1100 plus. A little duplication, no more than 2 of anything. Very clean. Suit collector/dealer/re-seller. Bargain at under a third of the priced up value, $359 CA3) France 1940 – 1955 postally used near complete in blue springback album. Nice clean lot neatly written up. SG Cat. £650 plus = AUD$1200 at time of describing. Good value at under 25% of cat. $295 CA4) New Zealand 1971 - 1990 Decimal Dealer stock in black padded Australia Binder on 55 near new Hagner stocksheets. Noted 1st decimals to $2 Magenta mint, plus $2 multicoloured Geyser Mint unhinged x 2, fine used x 1, Cook minisheet, Birds definitives $2 - $5 x 2 of each MUH, $10 x 2 MUH. (SG1293-7) and much much more. Duplication light, with mostly no more than 3 of each. 627 stamps plus 37 minisheets, mostly in full sets. Very good value at $295

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 CA5a) British Commonwealth Dealer Stock in 3 x 64 page good brand stockbooks. 2 x Lighthouse, 1 x Ka-Be. Wide range with little duplication. At an educated guess must price up to between $5500 - $6000 possibly more. A good clean lot all ready for re-sale, with little duplication. Mostly mint unhinged QEII, but with some used and earlier. Date range approx 1936 – 2006. 1000 eBay lots right here! Very good value at under a third of the marked prices $1895 CA11) Singapore. Excellent collection mint and used KGVI – 2009 with a very high degree of completeness. KGVI has SG 1-15 and 16 -30 mint and used, 1948 Wedding pair mint, 1949 UPU mint & used etc., from QEII appears mint unhinged plus used of each in most cases. A great lot housed in around 75 as new Hagners and Black Padded Binder with Slipcase. Retail of these alone is $175! Just the better items have been catalogued, and these come to £1520, plus there are heaps not added into the total. Retail would be very high, in the order of $1650 - $1750. These lots rarely come along…great value at $995 the lot. CA12) Norway 1855 – 1995 Used Collection in Davo Illustrated Album. Good range of Officials, Dues etc. SG Cat. in 2014 was £3500 plus. Includes a passable SG1 and is near complete 1938 – 1993. Norway collections are rarely available here in Australia. Album cost would be around $300 new. Very well priced at below 25% cat. Price $1549 CA13) Bulk carton of mainly Australia pre decimal 1930’s to 1960’s, loose, in bundles, packets etc. Few covers and overseas. Strength in 1959 Animals & Flowers series. Ideal for variety, postmark hunter. Values to 4/-. Totally unsorted it seems, weighs 2.5kg, must be 20,000 stamps at least. Priced around 1c per stamp! $199 the lot. CA14) Australia 1968/69 part telegram forms bearing range of 1966 – 1969 issues. Mostly from Melbourne King Street Office. Many in blocks of 4, coil strips etc, all with nice dated cds cancels. One for the specialist! Values to 4/- Navigator. Weighs near 400g, nice clean lot. Estimate 800 – 1000 stamps. Cheap at $49 CA15) Fiji, breaking dealers mint unhinged stock into bite sized portions! 25 complete sets/minisheets 1960’s on for $49. CA16) Australia Territories and Pacifics complete sets and minisheets. Includes Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Fiji, Samoa & Pitcairn Island. 25 sets from each country, all fresh mint unhinged. 150 all different complete sets & minisheets, price $295, half lot for $149 CA17) Useful mainly earlier in decent Blue European made 32 page stockbook. Includes decent showings of France and some colonies plus Belgium & Belgian Congo, also oddments of several other countries. About 500. Nothing after about 1972. Good value at $49. CA18) Useful mainly earlier in good condition Green European made 32 page stockbook. Noted India & States, Monaco, Turkey, Greece, plus other bits & pieces. About 400. Nothing after about 1968. Good value at $39. CA19) Europe in Red Lighthouse 32 page stockbook. Commences Austria earlies used, then some nice mint unhinged sets to about 1975. Germany from Germanias through inflation and 3rd Reich to West Germany & DDR. Some reasonable Luxembourg & Spain complete the picture. Mostly postally used, but with some nice mint sets scattered throughout. 850 – 900 stamps. Great value at $89 CA20) Very good Belgium & Switzerland lot in European black 32 page stockbook. Commences Belgium used earlies, then a nice lot of Railway stamps and mint Charity issues. Noted 1963 Rubens set, plus quite a few others mint

unhinged to about 1970. Switzerland with earlies used, then a lot of Pro Juventute sets/part sets mint & postally used, some unhinged. Overall a nice clean lot of about 1250 – 1350 stamps. Has to be worth 15c a stamp across the board. Price $195 NI51) Norfolk Is. 1998 Year Book, contains all sets & m/sheets for the year. Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $103, price $79 NI52) As above but 1999 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $106, price $79. NI53) As above but 2000 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $158, price $115. NI54) As above but 2001 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $135, price $99. NI55) As above but 2002 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $133, price $99. NI56) As above but 2003 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $124, price $92. NI57) As above but 2004 Sydney Retail $88, price $66. NI58) As above but 2005 Sydney Retail $80, price $60. NI59) As above but 2006 Sydney Retail $85, price $65. NI60) As above but 2007 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $104, price $79. NI61) As above but 2008 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $118, price $92. NI62) As above but 2009 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $114, price $89. NI163) As above but 2010 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $115, price $89. NI64) As above but 2011 Sydney Retail for the stamps alone $90, price $67. N64a) Special price for all Norfolk Island years books as above $1100, save $70 CMF1) Tuvalu & Islands 1984-85, mint/mint unhinged collection in two as new Dark Green padded 3 ring binders. Very strong in thematics, inc. Automobiles, Trains, Royalty, Cricket, Dogs, Birds, Flowers & Butterflies. Mainly Leaders of the World issues in se-tenant pairs. Includes Specimen Overprints. 714 stamps and 27 minisheets. Very clean and fresh. Price $245 CMF2) Two Bulging Norman Post fitting albums with British Commonwealth, mint & Used, Queen Victoria to about 1980, plus about 7000 – 8000 loose stamps not sorted or added to albums. Several packets of hinges also included free. Great lot which will reward if you have a bit of time on your hands! $325 the lot. CMF3) Norfolk Islands 99.5% complete mint unhinged 1947 – 2000. Only about half a dozen mainly cheaper sets needed to complete. Housed in $300 as new Ka-Be Brown padded hingeless album. Sydney retail for the stamps is $1580. Priced very well at under 50% retail Price $945 CMF4) Papua New Guinea complete mint unhinged 2000 – 2011 in an as new Seven Seas Blue padded hingeless album with slipcase. Retail for album alone is $250 plus and the stamps $2340, so a total of near $2600. Our price under a half at $1250. CMF5) Christmas Is. 1958 – 1987 Complete mint unhinged in as new Brown Seven Seas Hingeless Album with slipcase, with extra pages to end of 1989. Album new is $200 + and Sydney retail of the stamps $325. Total value here of $525. Well priced at under 50% price $259 CMF8) Poland 1996 – 98 75% complete in Ka-be hingeless pages. Nice thematic lot, mainly complete sets. Cheap lot at $39 CMF9) Netherlands 1995 – 1998 Mint unhinged in Ka-Be Hingeless pages. About 60% complete for the period. Nice clean lot with many good thematics. Priced to sell below face value $85 CMF10) Australia or Worldwide, your choice. Mishmash of stamps, covers, post

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 office packs, recent incoming mail from overseas etc, booklets, complete mint unhinged sets, minisheets etc. You name it, it may well be here! 1kg lot for $95, 2kg for $179, 5kg for $425, 10kg for $795. Massive 20kg lot for $1495 CMF11) France 1996 – 1998 Mint unhinged in Ka-Be Hingeless Pages, 85% complete. Lovely clean lot with many good thematics. Selling below face value. $85 the lot. CMF12) Samoa, modern 2007 - 2014 issues mint unhinged on Hagners and Seven Seas Hingeless Pages. Includes 2014 year set complete. Selling below face value. Price $175 CMF13) Tasmania cds cancels circa. 1905 – 1909 on postcards in Orange padded Cover album. 36 card in total with many better cancels. Includes Frankford, Jetsonville, Detention River, Zeehan, Bothwell, Mount Direction, Ranelagh Junction, Newnham, Richmond, Russell, Richmond Station, Broadmarsh, Bishopsbourne, White Hills, Latrobe, Levendale, Tunbridge, Augusta Gate, Penguin, Hobart, Longford, Spalford, Woodsdale, Upper Huon, Burnie, Lefroy, Hamilton, Fern Tree, Woodbury, York Plains, Somerset, Railton, Pyengana, Scottsdale & Westbury. Views include Falls Hut, Mt. Wellington, Fern Tree, Silver Falls, Penguin, River Tamar, Devonport, Hobart, Launceston, Hobblers Bridge & cataract Gorge in Flood. A fine lot! Price $1175 CMF14) AAT FDC’s complete sets of Base Cancels on Official Unaddressed FDC’s 1980 – 2008. Seven sets in all including Ships 1 & 2, 1983 Mawson, 1984 Treaty, 1984 27c Wildlife strip, 1988 37c Environment strip & 2008 Int. Polar Year. 28 covers in all. Very minor faults on one or two of the earlier ships covers. Priced very well at $49 (one lot only) CMF15) Jamaica 1880’s – 1995 on 13 near new Hagner pages in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at around $380. Nice clean lot 138 stamps & 13 minisheets. Price $289 CMF16) Bermuda 1948 – 1980’s on 4 near new Hagner pages in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at around $70. Includes QEII Buildings Definitive set of 18 Mint Unhinged priced at $38. Nice clean lot 40 plus stamps. Price $49 CMF17) Dominica 1937 - 1986 on 20 near new Hagner pages in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at $185, plus much of this is unpriced. Nice clean lot 350 plus stamps & 69 minisheets. Price $139 CMF18) Antigua 1915 - 1986 on 27 near new Hagner pages in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at $345 plus. Nice clean lot 340 plus stamps & 69 minisheets. Price $259 CMF19) New Hebrides & Vanuatu 1911 - 1988 on 8 near new Hagner pages and album leaves in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at $115, also much of this is unpriced. Nice clean lot 220 plus stamps & 4 minisheets. Price $89 CMF20) Grenada 1880’s - 1986 on 30 near new Hagner in black binder. One of a recently deceased part-time dealer’s display books. Mixture of mint, mint unhinged and used, priced up some years ago at $265 plus, also much of this is unpriced. Nice clean lot of around 420 stamps & 87 minisheets. Price $195 CMD2) Better than average mostly postally used world Collection in old Grenfell green peg fitting album. Good pickings in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt,

France, Liberia, Netherlands, Spain etc. Not much after about 1945. 200 pages, and around 2500- 3000 stamps. Good value at around 10c per stamp, price $275 CMD11) World Cup Soccer 1982 Official First Day Cover collection housed in 2 blue Rexine boxes of issue with Gold Logo & Text. 70 covers, each with colour cachet of the country’s flag together with descriptive text on insert card. Each bears relevant stamp with First Day Cancel. Virtually as issued. Price under $1 each, $69 the lot. CMD12) Australia Expo ’88 collection of cards and covers each with a cancel from different Pavilions. Appears complete with 63 cards and 40 covers. All superb as issued in Official Binder. With 30 as new 2 strip stock pages. Pages and binder alone worth around $100 new. Very cheap at just $85 the lot. CMD13) Worldwide Collection/Accumulation carton lot early – modern most postally used in 8 near new European Quality stockbooks. Must be 7500 – 8000 stamps in better than average condition, pickings throughout. Some duplication mainly in USA, GB & Germany. Weighs nearly 9.5kg. Good value at around 5c per stamp, the stockbooks alone are worth half of this price. $425 the lot. CMD21) Falkland Is. & Dependencies. About 90 complete fine used (cto) sets 1935 – 1990’s on a stack of near new Hagner pages. Commences 1935 Jubilee, then 1949 UPU plus most sets complete with several long definitive sets. Huge retail/catalogue value. Priced to clear at under $4 a set. $359 the lot. CMD22) China and Taiwan stamp collection, 1898 to 1972 on 26 album pages and 2 Hagners - SG value £312 Nice old collection back to the 19th Century. Inc a nice mint CHINA o/p on Hong Kong etc - worth $A60 alone. Handy old hoard on vintage pages. Price $495 MN52) New Zealand Specialised collection of 1935 Pictorials Official Overprints on leaves mint and used. Includes Eleven Plate Blocks to 2/- plus other blocks of 4, all identified with Campbell Paterson numbers. Total catalogue is around NZ$7000, with more than half of the value in plate blocks. A lovely lot! 147 stamps. Price $1950 NO1) Papua New Guinea Mint Unhinged Collection in Blue padded Seven Seas Hingeless Illustrated album. 1986-2001 Virtually complete - no 1994 Provisional Overprints or Queen Mother 100th birthday. Very minor toning on a few earlier pages but stamps are all fine. Retail of stamps $780 plus and album is worth $265 new. A total of $1045, my price is under a half at $519 NO59) Massive Worldwide Postcards Collection 19th Century to quite recent, apparently all different (approx.. 1200 items), many postally Used to Australia inc. Cook Islands, Croatia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Mexico, Poland, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey, Vatican & Vietnam. Wide range of views & scenes inc. many Tourist Attractions. Also group of 100 GB/Ireland 1950s cards, mixed Unused /Used. Good overall condition. (1200+) Suit collector, hoarder, re-seller or Ebayer! Just see what this stuff sells for online! Under $1 each! Price $1175 CNO6) Gambia. Fresh Mint Unhinged collection 1979 - 1989 in an as new luxury $40 Green Padded Ka-Be 32 black page stockbook. Appears pretty well complete for the period with 295 stamps & 38 minisheets. Very high retail/catalogue value and heaps of thematic interest here. Price $245 CNO8) Dark Blue, Gold Embossed Stanley Gibbons 19th Century “Improved “ album. Virtually un-added to since about 1910, with masses of 19th century Worldwide. A few pages have been raided, but 1000s of mainly postally used with good pickings in Austria, Belgium, France, Holland, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Egypt, USA etc. Good value at $695 CNO9) Brazil 1977 – 1984 mint unhinged, plus a few earlier used in an as new

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 luxury $40 Blue Padded Ka-Be 32 black page stockbook. Appears pretty well complete for the period with 270 stamps & 13 minisheets. Very high retail/catalogue value and heaps of thematic interest here. Price $98 CNO10) Romania 1977 – 1982 mint unhinged collection, in as new luxury $40 Black Padded Ka-Be 32 black page stockbook. Good degree of completion with 213 stamps & 27 minisheets. Very high retail/catalogue value and heaps of thematic interest here. Price $98 CNO13) Worldwide early to modern neatly organised by country by country in 4 large stockbooks, mint & used. Approx. 5000 all different. Great value at under 6c per stamp. $295 CNO14) Great Britain. Two Red Ka-Be Hingeless albums, 1 peg fitting, one springback 1953 – 1998 almost as new, except previous owner has stupidly used black Texta to write “GREAT BRITAIN” neatly on the spines. (Easily fixed with a label over the top if desired) Contains a near complete collection, mixed mint and used to end of 1974, less the phosphors. Then a modest range of later used. Great for expansion. The albums new would be over $500! Priced way under the album cost alone, so the stamps are pretty much free. Price $425 CMN4) Christmas Island First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1970 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CMN8) Papua New Guinea First Day Covers all official unaddressed covering the period approx. 1967 – 2000. 50 different for $89 CNO17) Cocos (Keeling) Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1989 – 2011, commencing Sydney/Emden Gutter strip and minisheet. Great value and huge retail value. Price $125 CNO18) Cocos (Keeling) Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1981 – 1988, Inc. Coconut Minisheet. Great value and huge retail value. Price $99 CNO20) Christmas Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1996 – 2010, Inc. Chinese new year issues & minisheets. Great value and huge retail value. Price $125 CNO21) Christmas Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1983 – 2006, Inc. Chinese new year issues & minisheets. Great value and huge retail value. Price $119 CNO22) Norfolk Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1982 – 1994, Inc. Battle of Midway. Huge retail value. Price $99 CNO23) Norfolk Is. 50 different official unaddressed FDC’s 1967 – 1994, huge retail value. Price $89 CNO24) Ghana 1957 – 1988 in as new $40 Black Ka-Be luxury 32 black page stockbook. Mostly mint unhinged, with a few used and hinged in a few earlier items. 1977 onwards is unhinged and appears complete to 1988. 315 stamps & 38 minisheets. High retail/catalogue value and many good thematic sets here. Priced cheaply at $136.50 CNO26) Uganda appears complete 1978 – 1985 mint unhinged collection plus a few earlier used not counted. Housed in as new $40 Black Ka-Be luxury 32 black page stockbook. 236 stamps & 30 minisheets. High retail/catalogue value and many good thematic sets here. Priced cheaply at $110 CNO33) Canada Jan. 2009 – Mar. 2014 Mint unhinged, complete except for a very few booklet stamps. Housed in 94 brand new Lighthouse Illustrated pages retail $500 plus! (Binders and slipcases (2 required) could be supplied at additional cost) Also some extra stamps in 5 Hagner pages. Stamps retail approx $1500, so a total $2000 value here for just $1150. CNO37) Papua New Guinea, fresh mint unhinged collection 1978 – 1984 in large

green stockbook. Approx 60 complete sets, inc. Butterflies, Shells, Panorama, Headdresses and Corals long definitive sets. Great value at under $2.50 per set. Price $145 CNO40) Transport through the ages, worldwide collection in 3 volumes. Volume 1 is Shipping, then Balloons and Aircraft, volume 3 contains land vehicles including Coach & Horses, Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Cars, Trains, Trucks, Buses & Trams. A mixture of mint, postally used and cto, all different. Just under 1400 stamps total. Very good value at $135 CNO41) France. 1946 – 1960 Complete fresh mint unhinged. On as new Safe Dual pages. (Excludes the 1960 “back of book item” Council of Europe set). Cat. £3000 plus. Pages cost $250. Priced very cheaply at under 40% cat. $2195 MF18) Australia Collection in Green Binder on Seven Seas Pages, contain lovely used collection, with many cto from Official folder. Noted, simplified Kangaroos to 5/-, 3d & 6d Kookaburras cto, KGV 4.5d Die II cto, Kingsford Smith pair ovpt. OS and nearly all KGV Commem period cto (No 5/- Bridge) Robes sets both thick and thin paper, Navigators set of 8 inc. white papers, then virtually complete to end 1975, all cto or very fine used. A great lot. Price $1425 Mystery Packages: Not to be confused with Mystery Parcels, these are better value lots with stamps on stockcards, including sets, minisheets etc, mint & used, complete sets in Glassine envelopes, covers, post office packs, year packs, booklets, album pages of stamps, club sheets etc, any or all of the above may be included. All at about a half of our original price to clear MP1) Australia only small lot $49, medium lot $95, large lot $189, extra-large lot $359 MP3) Australia Kangaroos only, values ½d to 2/- used on stockcards. Prices as above. MP4) Australia KGV Heads used, values ½d to 1/4d used. Prices as above. MP5) Australia Pre-Decimal only, prices as above. MP6) British Commonwealth/Empire, no Australia, prices as above. MP7) Western Europe, prices as above. MP9) Worldwide, prices as above. CMS4) British Commonwealth 1983 Commonwealth Day set of FDC’s in as new large blue padded album. 53 covers each with the full set of stamps, country coats of arms and coloured drawings of each parliament Building. Very clean impressive lot that cost the original purchaser about $500. Price just $69 CMS5) North Korea in as new Blue Padded Seven Seas Binder, cost today $25. Contains 33 complete thematic sets cto used issued 1964 – 1976 on album pages. Some slight aging to the 1st page, otherwise a nice clean lot. Priced very cheaply at under $1.50 per set, the binder is free! $49 CMS6) Two Brown Padded Seven Seas binder containing 100 complete cto thematic sets issued 1961 – 1979 from various countries inc. Many of these sets have 8 or 9 values and there is a long birds set of 24 from Burundi. Priced very reasonably at well under $2 a set, the binders are free. A few stamps have come loose from the pages and so we have included at no charge a packet of 500 Stanley Gibbons Hinges, Price $149 CMS7) 1978/79 United Nations 25th Anniv. FDC collection in light blue padded album with Silver UN Logo. 62 covers from a range of countries. Nice clean lot, as new. Album cost $40, and covers $6.95 each, so a new cost of around $470. Selling at under $1 per cover, the album is free. Price $59 CMS13) South Africa earlies to 1994, mainly mint unhinged in large green stockbook. Odd stamp with some toning, but 99.5% are fresh mint unhinged.

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 About 75 mint unhinged sets inc. Framas and several long definitive sets, plus 22 minisheets and 4 booklets. A lovely lot. Priced very reasonably at $195 CMS15) Hungary, mint unhinged collection 1977 – 1982 in large green stockbook. 40 complete sets and 34 minisheet, mostly good thematics. Very cheap at under $1.50 per set/minisheet. Price $110 CMS16) Great Britain 1981 – 1984 Benham Silk covers in huge Dark Blue Ring Binder, alone worth $75 new. 160 different covers plus some extras. These sell at $4 - $5 each on Ebay. A huge Ebay value here of $700 plus the album…nice lot, possibly suitable for re-sellers. My price under a half, $349 CMS19) Fiji 1970 – 1999 mint unhinged collection in as new Lighthouse brown padded hingeless album. 130 complete sets/minisheets with a retail value of $895, plus a few extras, plus the album which cost approx $300. $1195 value here for way under half price….$549 the lot. CMJ10) China, Peoples Republic. 500 different, inc. many complete mint unhinged sets. Very reasonably priced at $245 CMJ16) France 1849 – 1989 Collection in 2 x Davo Hingeless Albums in very good condition. Albums alone cost $600 new. Used from 1849 – 1935, then mostly mint unhinged from 1950. Best stamp is SG 4, 15c Ceres, near 4 margins cat. £1,200. Very clean lot. Collection is around 95% complete and Gibbons Cat. Around £7800. This is a steal for someone at 25%. $3450 CMJ18) Australia Collection of 1500 different used, plus 125 different pre-decimal used, plus pair of quality tweezers and perf. gauge, and a brand new 64 black page padded Ka-Be stockbook. All for $189! CMJ22) Luscious leftovers! Stuff we do not know what to do with. May contain any or all of the following: Small collections not large enough to offer individually, packets and loose both on and off paper, complete sets and minisheets mint unhinged, covers both philatelic and commercial, some from our own incoming mail, Post Office Packs, stockbooks of stamps early to modern. Ask for Australia only or all World. 5kg for $139, 10kg for $259, 20kg for $495 CMY6) Churchill 1966 Omnibus, complete mint unhinged Crown Agents sets x 22 inc. many scarcer and better countries like Falklands, Hong Kong, Pitcairn, plus UK, USA Canada, NZ etc. then around 10 Kennedy sets MUH or CTO, plus 4 pages of UNO mint & used. All housed in old black stockbook. Very high retail. Price $229 CMY10) Norfolk Island, breaking dealers mint unhinged stock into bite sized portions! The larger lots include many better and mini sheets 25 complete sets 1960’s on for $49, 50 different $119 CMY13) Worldwide carton with stuff from several sources, mostly estate lots. Stamps in packets, envelopes, loose on and off paper. About 50% of this is Australia. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED! Many hours, days, weeks, months even of sorting here, depending how bored you are! I reckon about 40,000 stamps in this lot. Clearly there is duplication and the price reflects that, but it is truly unsorted. Weight including the carton is close to 9kg. Less than 1.5c a stamp! Price $599 CMY15) Papua New Guinea, breaking dealers mint unhinged stock into bite sized portions! The larger lots include many better and mini sheets 25 complete sets 1960’s on for $49, 50 different $119 CMY16) Nauru, breaking dealers mint unhinged stock into bite sized portions! The larger lots include many better and mini sheets 25 complete sets 1960’s on for $49, 50 different $119 CMY18) Australia First day Covers, Maximum Cards and PSE’s mint & used. Huge

lot of about 500 items housed in 5 as new PW Brand double padded cover albums retail $49 each. Amazing lot of all different it seems with FDC’s to $20 Painting. Also some signed items. Price for the lot less than $1 per cover and the albums come free! $425 CMY18a) New Zealand 1981 – 1998 in 2 x 22 padded ring albums, a stack of Album Pages, and in a blue ring binder plus Lighthouse 48 page green stockbook. Mostly a mint unhinged and used set of each. Many Hundreds of sets! Huge retail/Catalogue value. Price $779. CMY19) Samoa, breaking dealers mint unhinged stock into bite sized portions! The larger lots include many better and mini sheets 25 complete sets 1960’s on for $49, 50 different $119 CMY21) Wholesale parcels of Australia pre-decimals, made up to order at approx. half current retail. 1913 – 1965. These lots will contain some duplication. State whether you require mint unhinged, mint hinged or used or a mixture of all three. Lots from $50 to $5000 MM1) Worldwide carton lot, with Albums, Covers, Post Office Packs etc. Literally could be anything here, weighs 16kg. Contains 100s of Worldwide covers, commercial & first day, old fast bound Illustrated albums, Seven Seas Albums etc. etc plus some loose stamps. A REAL SORTERS PARADISE! Price $749 CMM2) Worldwide collection accumulation, mint & used in 425 plus near new Hagner Pages contained in 5 Lever Arch Files. Cost of Hagners alone $1.75 each = over $740. Noted very good Great Britain with nice lot of Line Engraved, inc. 1841 Imperf 1d Red Brown x 26, 2d Blue x 2, later perforated 1d & 2d with another 11 x 2d Blue. KGV Seahorses to 5/- etc. Also a nice Jersey Mint & used collection. Also good ranges of Ireland, Malta, Hong Kong mint & used with KGV to $1, KGVI to $10, QEII to $20, Malaya & Malaysia, Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo & Singapore. Next comes Spain & Colonies, then very good New Zealand, Canada & Sth. Africa. Final book is B.W.I. with nice Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Br. Guiana, Br. Honduras, Virgin Is., Cayman Is. & Dominica. Reckoning about 10,000 stamps here with many full sets, and way better than the average World Collection. Weighs over 14kg. Remember the Hagners alone cost near $750. $1749 the lot. CMM3) Another Worldwide carton lot, this one weighing in at 11.5kg. Albums, stockbooks etc. Some well filled, others sparse. Noted some very good areas inc. Australian States, Australia pre-Decimal First Day covers, Czechoslovakia in 2 large stockbooks, France & Netherlands in binders on album leaves, plus some nice Fiji. Would have to be 3000 – 4000 stamps here. Price $495 CMM4) France 1949 – 1959 near complete Mint Unhinged on as new Safe “Dual” hingeless pages. All appear “Post Office Fresh” Has all of the expensive Airs to 1000 francs, etc. Current Gibbons catalogue £3035. Missing only 6 cheap stamps to complete. This is a quality lot! Price $2725 CMM5) Germany massive lot on 32 as new Hagners and on album page, in large 3 ring binder. Early to modern with all areas/periods to quite modern. Noted States, Germanias, Inflation period, 3rd Reich, Occupation issues, Frama types, etc. Must be 1500 – 2000 stamps easily, with much better here. Price $375 CMM13) Persia Collection on stockcards and leaves, mint and used 1879 – 1920. Many good sets and singles noted inc 1881 25c SG 61a mint cat £200, plus 1912 Officials set fine used cat. £145. The better items alone cat. total £885 plus reminders on album leaves not counted. Lovely lot, 150 to 200 stamps. Price $475

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 Packets and mixtures

Important: Packets and mixtures are not returnable for any reason. Our mixtures are sold as received and unchecked by us. Expect Duplication, unless stated as all different. PM97) Australia recent and latest Commemorative mix on single trimmed paper. About 5000 per kg. Only 70c & $1 values here, totally unchecked. About 3c per stamp. Price per kg, $149, 500g for $79 PM98) As above, but $1 values only, under 5c per stamp. 500g for $115 MN17) British Empire King George VI collection of 1000 all different, just the thing to start you on a collection of this vibrant area of collecting! Under 70c a stamp, priced keenly at $695 MN18) As above, but 1000 different Queen Victoria to KGVI, same price $695 (larger collections of British Empire, pre QEII up to 5000 different available, please ask for pricing) MN25) Cardboard Envelope Box, full of mostly complete sets of stamps, mint and cto used, from a worldwide variety of countries mainly 1980’s period. Wealth of thematics, suite eBay trader hoarder or dealer. Weighs 2.5kg, must be close to 15,000 stamps here. This really must be seen to be believed, refund if not delighted. Very colourful lot Price $395. Super double sized lot $749 MN26) Box of World on paper, amazing variety, mostly well clipped, and appears all large with much recent. Must be about 4000 here, under 5c a stamp, $195. MN30) Neat packet of 1000 different British Commonwealth, mint and used included. Very cheap at under 5c per stamp, price $49 MN30a) As above but 2000 different $119 MN31) As above, but 1000 Western Europe. Price $69 MN33) Australia High Values, off paper, new mix just arrived, great variety from late 1960’s to quite recent. Many with nice cds cancels. Approx 1250 by weight, less than 10c per stamp 100g for $120. MN33a) As above but selected copies, 100 mixed for $29, Commems. only, 100 for $39, Definitives only 100 for $19. MN34) Wide ranging Australia off paper, with Australian States, Kangaroos, KGV heads, High values, Decimals and Pre-decimals. Approx 12,500 per kg, and a guarantee of 1500 – 2000 different in the mix. There are values to $10 in the decimal and 5/- in pre-decimal, possibly even some $20 and 10/- stamps. This mix is the best we have seen in a while. % wise reckon on roughly 1% each of States, KGV and Kangaroos, 10% pre-decimal, 5% high values, the remainder will be a very good mix of lower and letter rate values. A great sorting lot! Roughly 2000, under 15c per stamp for $295. MN34a) As above but decimals only, at half the above price, Approx 2000 for $147.50 MN47) PNCs (stamp & coin covers) Recently acquired stock, with most at issue price of $14.95, let us know your needs. We can also offer all different lots at under issue price a) 10 Different for $110 b) 25 Different $259 c) 50 Different for $495 MN53) Iceland, lovely collection of 400 different postally used. 100 different is on our packets list at $60, so this which includes a fair number of better/scarcer stamps is excellent value at $179 MN54) Norway, from the same supplier as our Iceland collections a very fine lot of 500 different. On our packets list at $80, but we have a few surplus so out they go at $59 MN56) Finland, lovely lot of 500 different, all large, includes Red Cross and Anti TB charity issues. Regular large and small is on our packets list at $140, this one just $98!

Oct6) Large brown paper carrier bag, with world accumulation on paper, early to modern. Who knows what lurks in here! We have had several of these from the same source, and all sold very quickly. Weighs 2.2kg. $165 the lot. SE43) Denmark, 700 different, lovely lot, 300 different is on our packets list at $20, 700 is way more difficult to assemble. Very cheap price for this at $39 SE48) British Empire off paper mixture, Queen Victoria to KGVI, includes many mint unhinged as well as postally used, plus some blocks of 4 etc. Little in or GB, there are some Australian States here and there, plus noted British West Indies, Gilbert & Ellice Is. Palestine. Canada, New Zealand, Cyprus, Fiji, Ascension, Canada, Burma, etc. We have one lot only of around 2500 stamps, selling per 500 at $110, per 1000 $195. MJL3) Foreign countries, vast accumulation of complete sets and minisheets, in complete sheets, blocks of 4 etc. Mostly mint unhinged, with a few cto, 1980’s period. Must be 1000 - 1250 sets or so here, good variety, great for the re-seller at under 25c per set! Weighs around 1kg $249 the lot. JL16) Australia Mission Mix, an older lot, to the 45c period with good variety, most on single well trimmed paper. As much as we can cram into an Australia Post 3kg satchel! Very Cheap Price $59, 5kg Satchell for $95 MAP10) As new Box File crammed, yes I mean crammed! With approx. 1.5kg of World on paper quality charity mix, just received, all on close clipped single paper, early to recent, totally unpicked as received and with great variety. I estimate 6000 + + stamps per kg, so anything up to 10,000 stamps in this lot. Magnificent value at under 2 cents per stamp, price $179 MAP19) Large shoebox with very nice World off paper mixture old and new, small and large. As donated to leading charity. Weighs 2.15kg inc. the box, must be 25,000 stamps with a great variety here. Has to be worth 2 cents a stamp, price $495 MM11) Denmark, 700 different, back in stock again, price $79 (1 only available) MM12) Ireland, 500 all different , lovely new collection just arrived, very hard to find, price $245 (under 50c per stamp) MF6) 1500 different Australia, back in stock again, only 5 available. New content, price $109 FE61) Really superb and guaranteed unpicked off paper mixtures just received, you will be extremely pleased you purchased these, from under 2c per stamp. Supplies are very limited. Worldwide. Approx 1000 for $24.95, 2500 for $59.50, 5000 for $110, 10,000 for $199, 15,000 for $295 FE69) Bulk lot of mainly Australian stamps, covers, albums etc, decimal and pre-decimal as cleared ex deceased house recently. Nothing spectacular noted but heaps of fun especially if you love stuff in bulk to sort! This is quite an amazing varied lot. We are parcelling out in 3 sizes: a) 5kg lot $129, b) 10kg lot $237.50, c) 20kg lot $449 FE70) A similar lot to the above, but all World: a) 5kg lot $129, b) 10kg lot $237.50, c) 20kg lot $449 FE74) Old tyme dealer’s packet stock, mostly single sets in Glassines priced to sell at up to $1.50 each some 30 odd years ago. These are Worldwide mainly thematic sets, in cto condition. A chance to buy at a HUGE DISCOUNT, there will be some duplication in these lots. 100 packets mixed, $150 retail for $49, Triple sized lot, $450 retail for $99. FE78) Australia & Victoria Postal Stationery collection, 104 items, mainly postally

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 used in album. Highlight is 1d Red octagonal envelope uprated to Celebes, Dutch Indies, (addressees name deleted. Nevertheless very scarce) Most of this is KGV, with some nice uprates to Holland. Terrific value at under $20 per item, $1950. CF16) South Africa Mission Mix on single well-trimmed paper. Latest shipment from our suppliers overseas. Very cheap as mixes go these days, 500g for $49, 1kg for $89, and 2kg for $159 CF17) Latest World on paper mixes to arrive in our office. Mostly on close clipped single paper, with wide variety early to modern, and with very high count. Mission Mix, as donated to a UK TV Appeal 500g for $89, 1kg for $159, 2kg for $295, 5kg for $729 Super Mission, with 50% of the regular stuff and 50% large only. 500g for $98, 1kg for $195, 2kg for $369, 5kg for $879 Virtually all Large, great mix from near & far, you will love this! We do not get much of this mix. 500g for $144, 1kg for $274, 2kg for $519 PM16) Turkey, massive lot of 1000 Different with many scarcer and higher values, price $189 PM21) Ireland, latest mission mix on paper to arrive here in Australia. 500g $49, 1kg $89. PM23) 1000 Different Austria, covering all periods. Lovely collection of pretty well all postally used. 500 different is on my packets list at $130, so this lot which has many more higher values and variety is good value at $259 PM24) Australia, with recent and latest, values to $1 Commems/Large on single close clipped paper. Very held around 5000 to the kg. Price $17.50 per 100g, $41.50 per 250g, $79 per 500g, $149 per kg, and 2kg for $289 PM30) Older Australia off paper lot sold as received. This is an all new lot, sold as received by us, and totally unchecked for watermarks, perforations, shades, varieties etc. Pack A) 50 Kangaroos, 75 KGV Heads, 75 Australian States, values to 5/- Price under $1 per stamp $195 Pack B) 200 Kangaroos values to 10/-, under $2 per stamp price $395 Pack C) 200 KGV Heads, values to 1/4d, well under $1 per stamp, price $179 Pack D) 200 Australian States, values to 9d or 1/-, well under $1 per stamp, price $179 Pack E) One of each of packs B, C & D, special price $675 PM31) Australia magnificent off paper mixture, all periods included with some very modern, but mainly decimal. 1500 – 2000 different represented in this entire mixture. There may be a few Kangaroos, KGV Heads and States stamps here too. Guaranteed 10% are better values and High Value Commemoratives, denominations up to $10 or $20. Priced at around only 2c per stamp, roughly 12,500 – 15,000 to the kilogram. 100g for $29.50, 250g for $69, 500g for $129, 1kg for $249 PM32) Similar to the above, but High Values Only, mainly decimal, Commems. And Defins. All above letter rate at time of issue. Very good value at around 10c each. 100g for $149, 250g for $349. Very limited supply. PM40) Just arrived from retired collector/hoarder. Mass of World off paper, better than usual mixture. This man belonged to several clubs and used to produce circuit sheets. This is his remaining material which he had not gotten around to putting on sheets. Really could be anything in here, early to modern, just about every country represented. We have just 5kg of this mix, and there would be 15 – 20,000 stamps per kg. Sample lot of 100g for $39, 250g for $89, 500g for $169, 1kg for $295. PM41) Spain off paper mix, mostly Franco & King Carlos definitives going back to the 1930s. Nice lot for the postmark or variety seeker, and very cheap. 15 –

20,000 to the kg. 100g for $19.95, 250g for $44, 500g for $79, 1kg for $149. Australia Kangaroos

K565) Australia 1913 – 48 Kangaroos perf. OS NSW. Mixed set of 1st & 3rd wmks. 13 stamps, ½d – 2/- inc. both colours of 6d & 2/-. Selected examples from our stock, mostly circular cancels, scarce assembly. Price $459 K490) Australia 1913 1st wmk Kangaroos set to 1/- nice fine used all circular cancels and several dated examples, inc. 3d Die II. Melbourne retail $440 +, 11 stamps, price $310 K492) Australia 1913 1st wmk Kangaroos set to 1/- nice fine used all circular cancels and some are dated examples, Melbourne retail $195, 10 stamps, price $135 K493) Another as above, same price $135 K425) Australia 1913 2d 1st wmk grey Kangaroo used on Thursday Island. Marginal example from centre of sheet showing part gutter at left. Well centred stamp cancelled by full cds of Thursday Is. 1913, full date unclear. Also 1932 9d C of A wmk, similarly cancelled dated 6 JE 38. Price for the 2, $200 PM30F) 100 mixed Kangaroos, unpicked for watermarks, postmarks, varieties or shades. Values to 2/-, great value at under $2 per stamp. Not all are perfect but you will find some nice stamps. Price $195 PM30G) As above but 200 stamps, values to 5/-, price $395 PM30H) As above but 400 stamps values to 10/-, price $895 AU12) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo, Die IIA, fresh used example, with large part original gum, and Strong Offset on reverse under the gum. Cat $600 for mint, unpriced used. Lovely item. $495 K248) Australia 1913 1d Red Kangaroo Die II, Prominent KISSPRINT. Fine used perf OS with light machine cancel. Supplied with normal for comparison for. The Double print (Kissprint) is only listed as Die IIA at $6500 for used in ACSC. Price $2950 K86) Australia 1913 2d Grey 1st wmk Kangaroo Fresh Mint Unhinged, Centred to right, good perfs. Cat. $300, price. $119 K571) Australia 1913 2d Grey 1st wmk. Kangaroo, DOUBLE PERFS. Used parcel cancelled example with double perfs. at left and right. ACSC 5b, cat. $400. Has horizontal crease, not visible from front. Price $100 K748) Australia 1913 2d Grey 1st wmk Kangaroo, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ ACSC 5Aa, centred to upper right, Good used Cat $75, Price $39 DB826) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, Die I. Nice mint lightly hinged example with good perfs. Has light gum bend not visible from front. Cat. $250, price $119 K369) Australia 1913 3d olive die II Kangaroo ACSC 12B, cat $400 blue Brisbane cds, FU. Price $199 ML533) Australia 1913 First watermark 3d pale olive green die I, CTO with gum, indistinct corner CDS centred top right, one slightly nibbed perf at top. ACSC 12E, Cat. Min. $50, price $29 K749) Australia 1913 First wmk 3d olive Kangaroo, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ ACSC 12Aa, well centred with two crisp cds strikes, Cat $225, Price $119 AP49) Australia 1913 1st wmk 3d Yellow Olive Kangaroo, Die I, perf small OS, neat cds cancel. Cat. $100, my price $75 D34) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, perf small OS DIE II, with Perth reg. cancel. Full perfs and centered right. Cat. $350, this one just $115

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 K88) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo, mint very fresh light hinge, almost imperceptible. Centred to top right with good perfs. ACSC 15B, cat $2000 excellent price $595 AU29) Australia 1913 KGV 4d Orange, Inverted wmk, MLH, Cat $80, cheap at $45 K14) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, superb mint unhinged. Well centred and good perfs. Brilliant stamp hard to better! From top of sheet and showing borderline above watermark. Cat. $650. Price $595 LM12) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, “Kissprint”. Nice well centred example with full perfs, fresh mint very lightly hinged. Coastline appears doubled almost all around. Cat $250 as normal. Price $495 K90) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo 1st Wmk. Superb fault free well centred full perf. example. Cat. $875, price $549 ML538) Australia 1913 6d ultramarine CTO with indistinct corner cds, the letter 'S' is just visible, indicating it may be a Brisbane CTO, attractive stamp! $99 K16) Australia 1913 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo 1st Wmk. Inverted. PERF SMALL OS. Superb fault free cds example well centred. Cat. $1500, price $1250 Oct14) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 9d Violet 1st wmk, mint lightly hinged. Retail $140, my price $110 K320) Australia 1913 9d Pale Violet Kangaroo 1st Wmk. PERF SMALL OS. Superb fault free MINT UNHINGED example well centred and good perfs., with doubling of perfin on one hole between 1 & 2 o’clock on the O of OS. ACSC 24Bbb, Cat. $1500 as the cheaper Violet shade, price $1250 Oct25) Australia 1913 Kangaroo 1/- Emerald 1st wmk, perf Small OS, mint lightly hinged, cat $600, my price $345 K356) Australia 1913 2/- Dark Brown 1st wmk Kangaroo. Attractive postally used example with good perfs. Centred to top left. Better shade, ACSC 35B cat. $300. Price $129 D47) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk, good average used, with oval registered cancel. Cat 85 pounds, price just $79 DB777) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk SG 12. Nice used example with corner cds. Good perfs centred a little to lower left. ACSC 35A Cat $250. Keenly priced at $119 NO14) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 1st wmk with “socked on nose” Parkville Victoria cds of SE 22 14. Lovely cancel, stamp has full perfs, brilliant colour. Centered to lower left. Cat. $250. Price $149 SE29) Australia 1913 2/- Brown 1st wmk. Kangaroo superb postally used, with centrally struck “Socked on nose” Perth cds, 5 FEB 15, well centered and with full perfs, a premium stamp. Cat. $300, price $249 MY43) Australia 1913 1st wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, perf small OS postally used with 28 MY 15 cds of Melbourne. Well centered and with good perfs. Cat $500. Price $345 K656) Australia 1913 Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo, postally used. Cancelled by machine parcel type dated 23.JAN 13. This type of cancel rarely seen. Centred low with one short perf to right, there is a very small almost unperceivable thin to the centre of the map. Cheap at just $165 K335) Australia 1913 5/- Grey & Yellow 1st wmk. Kangaroo cto. Nice example with gum, cancelled Melbourne cto 3 DE 13. Full perfs. Centred lower right. Cat. $300, price $225 K18) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo 1st wmk. Handstamped Specimen. Nice looking stamp. Couple of perf faults at lower left side, and gum a little aged. Cat. $750. Well priced at $465

K570) Australia 1915 2nd wmk. Kangaroos, complete set 2d – 5/- all perf OS, good to fine used. Advertised retail for fine used $1000 plus. Well priced at $495 ML534) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo 2nd wmk centred high Mint, light HR, advertised retail $175 for well centred, price $89 ML418) Australia 1915 Second watermark 1/- Emerald well centred nice used, price $25 K319) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk perf. OS. Cancelled by cds of Rialto, Melbourne, centred a little high, and with full perfs, difficult to find as nice as this. ACSC35ba, cat. $400, price $295 MD36) Australia 1916 2/- Brown Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, lovely used example with Registered 8 DE 15 cds. Good perfs, centered a little right. Cat. $400, price under a half at $195 MMY28) Australia 1916 2nd wmk 2/- Brown Kangaroo, good – fine used with 2 partial cds cancels, well centered and with good perfs. Cat $350, price $195 NO8) Australia 1915 2/- Brown 2nd wmk Kangaroo. A lovely well centered full perf. example, with slightly heavy partial Sale, Victoria cds. Cat $350, my price under a half…$169 K322) Australia 1915 Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk MINT UNHINGED. Very attractive well centred full perf example. Gum is a little aged. ACSC 36 cat. $8500. Price $3375 K172) Australia 1915 5/- Deep Grey & Yellow Kangaroo 2nd wmk perf OS. Very fine well centred light cds used. Very well centred and full perfs, try to find better! ACSC 43Ab, cat. $700, price $495 ML531) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die I punctured 'OS' two faintly toned perfs Mint unhinged. Centred to top right with good perfs. ACSC 7Aba, cat. $225 price $69 K750) Australia 1915 3d olive 3rd wmk Die I, ACSC 14A, centred low, MUH, Cat $225, Price $99 DB686) Australia 1915 3d Olive Kangaroo 3rd wmk, Die II. Fine postally used with cds of Moonee Ponds, Vic. July 1918. Cat $200, price $119 MMY45) Australia, absolutely magnificent, best I have ever seen! 1915 3rd wmk 3d Olive Die II Kangaroo, with perfect centring and perfs. With light cds cancel. Cat $200. Price $149 K747) Australia 1915 6d Ultramarine 3rd wmk, ACSC 19A, centred to upper right, few nibbled perfs at top, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $225, Price $99 K745) Australia 1926 3rd wmk 9d violet Kangaroo, Die IIB, punctured ‘OS’ CTO with full unhinged gum, centred to upper left, ACSC 27wa, Cat $75, Price $49 K751) Australia 1926 1/- Blue-green Die IIB, punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 33Aba, one nibbled perf. at base, centred low, MUH, Cat $375, Price $179 M11) Australia 1915 2/- Brown 3rd wmk Kangaroo, with “S” Flaw, very scarce stamp, lightish parcel used, cat $450. Price $335 K93) Australia 1918 3d Yellow Olive 3rd wmk Kangaroo Die II, Mint Unhinged. Centred left with full perfs, has light overall gum toning. Cat. $1000, bargain at $225 MM45) Australia 1918 1/- 3rd wmk Turquoise Kangaroo, fresh mint unhinged, cat $275. Couple of nibbed perfs at top and a bit of a gum bend, hardly visible form the front make this a great budget buy at $98 D29) Australia 1918 3rd wmk 1/- Emerald Kangaroo, very fine postally full perf example Part cds, Watermark Inverted. Cat $200. Price $110 K324) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Intense Deep Analine Pink 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. ACSC 48D. Fine used with 2 partial cds cancels. Well centred example with full perfs. Cat. $600, price $449

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 K23) Australia 1918 5/- Grey-Black and Chrome Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Perf OS, indicative Well centred cto stamp. Few ragged perfs at top left side. No gum. Attractive looking. ACSC 44wa Cat. $300, price $149 K26) Australia 1916 10/- Grey and Deep Analine Pink Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Ovpt. SPECIMEN type B. Perfect centring and perfs, MINT UNHINGED. Post Office fresh and stunning colour. ACSC 48Bx Cat. $3000 without overprint, indicative Cat. price for this would be $2400 based on scarcity. Price $1795 K156) Another, as above, mint lightly hinged, centred slightly high, couple of nibbed perfs along top. Cat. $600 Price $450 ML419) Australia 1924 Third watermark 2/- maroon well centred FU, cancelled partial cds of Maryborough Vic. 6FE28. Price $30 K323) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Mint Unhinged. Attractive example with full perfs, centred a little to right. Has some very minor gum toning. ACSC 53, Cat. $3750, priced very well at $1875 K157) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen type C. Fresh mint unhinged example with full perfs, centred a little to lower right. Cat. $850, price $650 K321) Australia 1924 £1 Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Ovpt. Specimen type D. Fresh mint unhinged example with full perfs, beautifully centred! Cat. $850, price $650 K424) Australia 1919 £2 Purple Black & Rose 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 56C(D)h. Attractive used example with no faults. Cancelled by Port Pirie S.A. cds of 7OC31. Centred to top with full perfs. Has variety “Broken Coast in Bight” Cat. $5500, price $3600 K752) Australia 1929 6d Chestnut Kangaroo SM wmk ACSC 22(OS) centred to upper left, MLH, Price $49 K489) Australia 1929 6d Pale Chestnut Kangaroo, sml. Multi. wmk. Perf OS Mint Block of 4. Top two stamps are lightly hinged, lower two are fresh unhinged. Centred to lower left and with a few nibbed perfs. Still an attractive block, cat. $370 as singles. ACSC 22Bb. Has unrecorded variety: “Break in lower right frame on stamp 1, Priced very well at $159 ML537) Australia 1929 9d Violet Kangaroo smw. Fresh mint very lightly hinged, centred a little left. ACSC 28A cat. $175, price under a half $69 K488) Australia 1929 9d Pale Violet Kangaroo smw. Fresh mint hinged, centred left and with a few uneven perfs. This is a Die II Substitution from plate 4. ACSC 28B (4) cat. $300, priced well under a half $139 K564) Australia 1929 1/- Blue – Green SMW Kangaroo, mint unhinged. Well centred full perf. stamp, cat. $300. ACSC34A Price $200 MN50) Australia 1929 5/- grey and yellow Kangaroo, perf OS, postally used. Normal price $160, we have four grades to offer: a) Fine used circular date stamp, with clear usage date $129, b) As above but date not clear. $99, c) Light parcel cancel $79, d) Slight seconds with heavier cancels/and or perf faults $39 GG16K381) Australia 1929 10/- Grey & Pale Pink sml. Multi. wmk. Kangaroo. A Post Office Fresh perfectly centred and with full perfs example, very lightly hinged. A premium stamp. ACSC 49, cat. $1100, price $995 K382) Australia 1929 £2 Purple Grey & Rose Crimson smw. Kangaroo, Ovpt. “SPECIMEN” . ACSC 57x. Lovely looking fault free stamp perfectly centred and with full perfs. lightly hinged. Cat. $900. A premium example. Price $795 K385) Australia 1932 6d Chestnut Kangaroo Ovpt. OS. Mint unhinged top marginal block of 4. Fine and Post Office fresh with full perfs, centred to top. ACSC 23A, cat $500 as singles, blocks are scarce. Price $419

K746) Australia 1931-32 6d Chestnut overprinted ‘OS’, both Small mult and C of A watermarks, ACSC 22 (OS) & 23 (OS), quite well centred, odd nibbled perf, Good used, Cat $145, Price $79 K383) Australia 1932 9d Violet Kangaroo, C of A wmk. Well centred mint block of 4. Lovely fresh looking block. Top two stamps have the merest touch of a hinge, lower two have been twice hinged. Blocks are scarce, especially so well centred. Price $349 K415) Australia 1932 Grey & Pink C of A wmk Kangaroos. Well centred very fine & fresh mint unhinged hinged imprint pair, perfectly centred with full perfs. Includes the variety va, Open Mouthed Kangaroo. A very RARE Exhibition Piece. The pair is not priced unhinged, but at $3750 for hinged. The Imprint adds a big premium. There was no such pair or block in the Arthur Gray Collection. Figuring this logically, the Imprint pair for the normal Grey & Pink printing catalogues $3750 for hinged and do sell close to this price, 5 x the mint stamp and the premium for mint unhinged is x 2.5. This gives us a value of $9375. Price for this stunning piece $7500 BD11) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Pale Rose Crimson (Analine) Kangaroo, C of A wmk. Scarcest shade of this stamp, ACSC 50C. Cancelled by Sydney cds, and with MISPLACED KANGAROO, not listed for this stamp. The Kangaroo is shifted approx. 5m to the right leaving the tail 3mm outside the map. Misplacements such as this are usually cat. Around the $5000 level. Visually very attractive. Price $2950 K332) Australia 1932 10/- Grey & Analine Pink C of A wmk Kangaroo. Lovely shade, ACSC 50D, cat. $750. Centred low, with good perfs, cancelled by slightly smudgy cds. Hard shade to find. Price. $395 K245) Australia 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, type C Specimen. Fine and fresh well centred example with good perfs. Only 1200 produced of this rare C type specimen. ACSC 50A Cat. $850. This is an exceptionally fine example, price $795 KK253) Australia 1931-36 5/- - One Pound C of A Kangaroos, fine cds used set of 3 . Good perfs all round, centring varies. Cat. $785, price $469 K333) Australia 1935 £1 Grey C of A wmk. Kangaroo VFU. Attractive example well centred with full perfs, cancelled by small part WA cds to top right. ACSC 54, Cat. $450, they do not come much better than this. Price $375 K354) Australia 2007 Kangaroos High Values Proof Card, produced as pre-publicity for the Arthur Gray sale. One of these sold for US$187.50 on eBay a few years ago! Price $29 (10 available) Australia KGV Heads

For Queensland Provisional Registration Label Covers, see Queensland under Australian States PM30J) 100 mixed KGV Heads, unpicked for watermarks, postmarks, varieties or shades. Values to 5d, great value at under $1 per stamp. Not all are perfect but you will find some nice stamps. Price $95 PM30K) As above but 200 stamps, values to 1/4d-, price $195 PM30L) As above but 400 stamps values to 1/4d, price $389 G398) Australia 1915 ½d Cyprus green KGV Single wmk, ACSC 63H, centred to upper left, fresh MUH, Cat $125, Price $69 G191) Australia 1914 1d Bright Red Die II KGV. Fine used light slogan cancel. Well centred and good perfs. ACSC 71B (G11) Cat. $100, price $72 G35) Australia 1914 1d Carmine Red KGV, ACSC 71A, smooth paper in horizontal

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 Die I, Die II pair, perf OS mint lightly hinged. Centred left. Cat. $1250, price $595 G250) Australia 1915 KGV 1d dull red G16 single wmk ACSC 71E VLHM. Price $49 G271) Australia 1915 KGV 1d deep scarlet rough paper block of 4 punctured 'OS' var inverted wmk, ACSC 72Aa/bb centred to top MUH. Price $425 G197) Australia 1917 KGV 1d carmine-pink LM wmk Cooke printing ACSC 73A centred to left, Good Used. Price $169 G282) Australia 1917 KGV rough ppr 1d carmine G62 block of 4, ACSC 72C, centred to right, HR Mint. Price $149 G227) Australia 1918 1d KGV Carmine Red KGV Die 1 & 2 Pair Fresh Mint Unhinged. Stunning looking, full perfs centred to tope left. ACSC 71Y(1)ia, G31. Supplied with2017 Drury certificate. Cat. $1500 Price $1195 G239) Australia 1915 KGV 4d orange punctured 'OS' var inverted wmk ACSC 110b cat $150, centred to right FU. Price $79 DB792) Australia 1916 4d KGV Pale Orange Yellow, ACSC 110E, fine mint lightly hinged, full perfs, centred left. Cat. $350. Hard shade to find. Price $195 G108) Australia 1916 KGV 4d pale orange-yellow Single wmk ACSC 110E, cat $350, most attractive shade MLH. Price $179 G230) Australia 1919 KGV 1d carmine-rose LM wmk punctured 'OS' ACSC 74Ab, cat $175, unusually well centred FU G270) Australia 1919 KGV 1d carmine-rose LM wmk block of 4, some gum suntanning stripes, ACSC 74A MUH. Price $129 GG10) Australia 1918 1d KGV Maroon (cert says Deep Carmine-Red). Perforated OS, a fine example of a rare shade, FU. ACSC 72Rbb (G77). Supplied with 2016 Starling certificate. Cat. $250. Price: $189 G177) Australia 1919 1.5d Brown Die I KGV, Cracked Electro Bottom right corner Block of 6. ACSC 85U unlocated. evident on 4 stamps in right value tablet, plus large solid brown area to right of crown stamp 6. Some perf separation, and natural inclusion on one stamp. Fresh mint unhinged, (hinged in selvedge) Price $1995 G207) Australia 1920 5d KGV Deep Bright Chestnut. Is a 5d Brown, Single watermark, line perforated on rough paper, perforated OS with the variety 'damaged NW corner [state III]', used has a corner bend. ACSC 124qb. Supplied with 2015 Starling certificate. Cat. $750. Price: $565 G219) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise Blue Single watermark, perf OS “DRY INK” Mint unhinged, full perfs, centred low, with Watermark misplaced. Cat. $600. Price $449 G337) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green Single wmk, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ horizontal pair, the right hand unit showing variety ‘Ferns’ ACSC 77(4)Ba/ia, a scarce combination, centred to the right, very lightly hinged Mint. Price $149 G339) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green Single wmk N over M Harrison imprint pair with variety ‘White flaw in right frame opposite emu’s feet’ ACSC 77(3)za(pair) centred to left, fresh Mint, Price $79 G340) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green Single wmk N over MP Harrison imprint pair with variety ‘RA joined’ ACSC 77(4)z, some vertical perf separation, small green ink mark on the gum of the variety stamp, Mint. Price $49 G341) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green Single wmk marginal block of 4 with part two line Harrison imprint with plate 4 varieties ‘RA joined’ and ‘Ferns’, ACSC (4) ia/j both of which have been partly corrected by ‘make-ready’ (see note 1 after 77(4) listing in the ACSC), the ‘Ferns’ unit being MLH and the ‘RA joined’ MUH, an attractive and scarce positional piece. Price $199

G334) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green Single wmk Mullett imprint pair, unusually with the imprint angled down slightly to the right, with variety ‘White flaw in right frame opposite emu’s feet’ ACSC 77(3)zb(pair) MLH Price $99 G67) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Pale Green Single wmk. mint block of 4. Lightly hinged on top 2 only. Very fresh showing "Dry Ink" ACSC 77Ac, and undocumented variety "Emu Laying Egg" on top left stamp. Spectacular! Cat. $500 as single stamps without the variety. Price $399 G139) Australia 1924 KGV 1d Green No Wmk, Top marginal mint block of 4 lightly hinged. Showing Spectacular double and misperfs in margin! Double perfs. Listed only as used for this, ACSC 79b Cat. $250 for a single stamp, this stretches across the whole top margin over 2 stamps. $500 as single stamps used, Price $399 G233) Australia 1924 KGV 1d green no wmk punctured 'OS' ACSC 79ba, quite well centred FU. Price $79 G72) Australia 1924 3d KGV Pale dull violet blue, single wmk Die 1 ACSC 104B. Mint block of 4, lightly hinged on 3. Light overall gum toning, centred left. Cat. $195, price $135 G77) Australia KGV 1924 3d blue Single wmk corner block of 4, lower left unit variety 'Retouched SE corner' BW104q, lower units including the variety are MUH. Price: $295 G336) Australia 1927 1d green KGV SM wmk P 14 Mullett imprint strip of 4 with varieties ‘RA of AUSTRALIA retouched’ and ‘Kangaroos tongue out’ ACSC 80(4) ja/u, slight gum bend on far left unit and tiny spot in gutter, centred a little high, all stamps fresh MUH. Price $ 149 G328) Australia 1927 1d Deep green KGV SM wmk P 14 N over N Ash imprint block of 4 with varieties ‘RA of AUSTRALIA joined’ and ‘Ferns’ retouched ACSC 80(4)zb Cat $175 for the ‘green’ shades, this block is definitely a much deeper shade than usual, centred low, HR on upper units, lower units MUH, Price $149 G329) Australia 1927 1d Deep green KGV SM wmk P 14 N over N Ash imprint block of 6 with varieties ‘RA of AUSTRALIA joined’ retouched, ‘Ferns’ and ‘Kangaroos tongue out’ ACSC 80(4)zb + u, faint overall ‘suntanning’, lower units MUH. Price $129 G234) Australia 1926 1d green KGV SM wmk P13½ x 12½ vertical pair variety 'Inverted wmk' ACSC 81a, advertised retail $200, Good used. Price $129 G235) Australia 1926 KGV 1d green die II SM wmk P13½ ACSC 81(1)i commercially FU. Price $49 ML454) Australia 1926 Small multiple wmk P14 1½d red Mullett imprint pair, R/H unit with variety 'ST of Postage joined' ACSC91(4)za (pair) Mint hinged, price $39 ML455) Australia 1926 1.5d Rose Red KGV SMW Perf 14 ACSC 91, 4 top right singles (One missing R/H selvedge) showing plates dots 1,2,3 7 4. Fresh mint unhinged. ACSC 91. Price $100 ML466) Australia 1926 Small multiple wmk P14 1½d red plate 2 dots block of 4, ACSC 91(2)z, upper units MUH, side selvedge re-attached with hinges, price $60 ML452) Australia 1926 3d Blue KGV Perf 14 smw, type B. Mint unhinged lower marginal with part Mullet imprint. Light gum bend does not detract. ACSC 106B Cat. $125, price $59 ML444) Australia 1927 Small multiple wmk Perf 14 1d green part Mullett imprint block of 4 with varieties 'RA joined' & 'Ferns' ACSC 80A (4) ia & j, the two r/h units with two small faint gum tone spots, otherwise fresh MUH. Catalogued $200+ for hinged, double this for MUH. Well centred with good perfs, price $149 G71) Australia 1926 3d KGV Blue, sml. Multi wmk. Perf 14, Die 1a. ACSC 106A. Top right mint lightly hinged marginal block of 4, horiz. pairs are types B – A ,

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 A – A. Centred high with good perfs. Cat. $325, price $225 G264) Australia 1927 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw. SG 93 Perf. 14 Mullett Imprint Pair. Stamps are fresh mint unhinged, with light hinge mark in selvedge only. Very fresh with full perfs. Imprint block of 4 cat. $4000 for hinged, unhinged stamps cat. $1250 each. Price $2350 G119) Australia 1927 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw. SG 93 Perf. 14 cto. Full perf. example without gum, centred left. Cat. $300. Price $145 G167) Australia 1929 KGV 3d blue die II SM P13.5 x 12.5 Ash imprint pair Mint. Price: $100 G395) Australia 1926 KGV 3d blue SM wmk perf 14, type B, punctured ’OS’, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ ACSC 106ab, unusually well centred, FU, Cat $175. Price $129 G399) Australia 1929 Small multiple wmk P13½ x 12½ 4d olive ACSC 116A, centred to left, fresh MUH Price $59 ML461) Australia 1929 Small multiple wmk P13½ x 12½ 4d olive Ash imprint pair ACSC 116(3) z (pair), some areas of flat gum and toning, but appears mint unhinged. Block of 4 hinged cat. $300, price $50 G45) Australia 1930 KGV 2d golden scarlet die III SM P13.5 x 12.5 imprint strip of 4, hinged in gutter only Price: $75 ML432) Australia 1930 KGV Small Multiple watermark P13½ 1½d red-brown Ash imprint pair mint hinged, price $30 G265) Australia 1928 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 Ash Imprint Pair. Stamps are fresh mint unhinged, with light hinge mark in selvedge only. Selvedge gum is toned, stamps only mildly affected. Facially attractive with full perfs. Imprint block of 4 cat. $3250 for hinged, unhinged stamps cat. $875 each. Priced cheaply at $595. G221) Australia 1928 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw cto. Nice full perf example without gum, centred right. Cat. $100, price $59 G146) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Green C of A Wmk, mint unhinged block of 12 (3 x 4) with varieties “Dents in Bottom Frame” stamps 1/22, 28, 24 & 30. (Centre row of this block) ACSC82(1) da, db, dc & dd. Cat. $50 each as hinged, indicative pricing as unhinged block with these varieties is $600. Price $449 G335) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Pale green C of A Ash imprint block of 8 with varieties ‘RA joined’ and ‘Ferns’ retouched and ‘White spot on L of AUSTRALIA’ ACSC 82A(4)z, the Ferns retouched unit has a slightly rounded corner and there is some faint toning on the RA joined retouched unit, Mint, Price $129 G147) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Green C of An INVERTED WMK, overprinted OS. Good used example centred top left, and with one natural perf. fault to right. Cancelled by light wavy line machine canceller. Cat. $2000, very rare, 1st I have owned or seen! Price $975 G332) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Green C of A overprinted ‘OS’ plate 4 Ash imprint block of 4 with varieties ‘RA joined’ and ‘Ferns’ retouched and ‘White spot on L of AUSTRALIA’ ACSC 82(4)(OS)z, Cat $225 for Mint hinged, this is a fresh mint unhinged block, centred to the left. Price $299 G333) Australia 1931 KGV 1d Pale green C of A overprinted ‘OS’ ACSC 82(OS) lower left corner block of 4, centred high, fresh MUH Price $44.50 G252) Australia 1931 KGV 2d Red, overprinted OS. Fine used cds example with unrecorded variety “Overprint misplaced to left” the O being well outside the frame at left. Similar misplacements on the 1d cat. $250 for mint hinged. This is thus far the only one found. Price $495 G220) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise Blue, defective top frame and cross. Fresh

mint unhinged, centred left. ACSC 131Bd. Indicative cat $1200. ($600 for the shade, and double for the variety) Very scarce stamp. Price $899 G208) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk. Mint Unhinged. Post Office Fresh example with full perfs, centred right. ACSC 131A, cat. $375. Price $249 ML541) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk. Mint Lightly Hinged. Full perfs, centred left. Has 2 slightly toned perfs at base. ACSC 131A, cat. $150. Priced very well at $39 G131) Australia 1933 4d olive pair, left unit with var 'Roos tongue out' BW117(4)e variety is MUH, Cat $90 as hinged, centred to left. Price: $100 Australia Pre-Decimal

APD64) Australia 1931 – 36 OS Overprints, complete set of all definitives and commemoratives, mostly cto. Includes the scarce Yellow Green of the 1/- Large Lyrebird. 16 stamps, nearly all cto examples. Price $449 BD782) Australia 1928 Kookaburra Minisheet, lower left corner example fresh mint very light hinge with nice variety, showing perfs not completely punched through along top. Price $295 APD249) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Ovpt. OS, fresh Mint Unhinged, With Certificate which will be dated and signed upon purchase. Cat. $1125, price $925. APD239) Australia 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4, fine postally used. Price $450 APD16) 1932 1/- Lyrebird well centred, tiny faint tone spot on gum at base MLH Price $24.50 APD19) 1932 1/- Lyrebird overprinted ‘OS’ light hinge remains, Fresh Mint, Price $49 ML436) 1932 1/- Lyrebird overprinted 'OS' horizontal pair good used with Perth GPO cds’s of 4AUG34. Price $60 ML437) Similar to above, slightly heavier cancellations, price $50 APD73) 1934 1/6d Hermes no watermark, very faint hinge trace, Fresh Mint, Price $34 BD304) Australia 1934 MacArthur 2d Dark Hills part imprint vertical strip of 4, mint unhinged. Cat $140 as singles. Price $95 BD301) as above, bottom right corner, mint unhinged vertical strip of 3. Cat $105 as singles, price $69.50 APD210) Australia 1934 MacArthur vertical block of six, each cancelled with central strike of Kolan South, Qld. Cds. of 20NOV34. Tiny tear at base of lower left stamp. Price $49 BD306/307) Australia 1934 - 40 Victoria Centenary P. 10.5, Sth. Australia Centenary & 1940 AIF all in mint unhinged complete sets. (9) Retail $190, my price $115 the lot. APD13) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary perf 10½ set fine no gum CTO Cat $53, Price $29 APD31) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary perf 11½ set 2d & 1/- CTO, 3d FU Cat $64, Price $39 APD237) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary perf 10½ set fresh MUH, centring a little mixed, Price $89 APD18) Australia 1934 Victoria Centenary perf 10½ 1/- Black, fresh well centred MUH Price $79 APD207) Australia 1935 2d Red Anzac, fresh mint unhinged Gutter Pair, with double offset! Unlisted As such in ACSC. Price $395 APD196) Australia 1937 3d Greyish – Blue WHITE WATTLES mint unhinged block of 4. Shows a very high level of ink stripping, greater than usually seen. The inner frame breaks usually associated with this issue are not present. Cat. $1600 as single stamps, price $1125 DB310) Australia 1937 2d Red NSW Sesqui, Man with Tail variety, commercially used. SG 19a cat. £140. Price $129

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 APD154) AUSTRALIA 1938 Australia KGVI 2d Red stamp “MEDALLION” FLAW” nice commercially used, with normal for comparison. Cat $250, cheap at $75 APD261) Australia 1937 3d Blue Die I ‘White Wattles’ centred to the right, fresh MUH Cat $400. Price $249 APD140) Australia 1937 3d Blue Die I ‘White Wattles’ centred slightly to the right, fresh Mint lightly hinged, Cat $175. Price $119 APD188) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thick paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 193Azb. Fresh mint unhinged, (light hinge in left selvedge only. Well centred with full perfs. Cat. $375, price $265 APD178) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thick paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 193Azb. Mint unhinged. Very faint overall gum ageing, well centred with full perfs. Cat. $375, price $265 APD176) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Fresh Mint unhinged, well centred and full perfs. Has perf pip at base. Cat $400. Price $279 APD175) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Fresh Mint unhinged, centred low, light bend through the two right hand units, good perfs Cat $400. Price $249 APD193) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Fresh Mint unhinged, centred to the top, good perfs Cat $400. Price $179 APD183) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Mint lightly hinged, well centred and full perfs. Has perf pip at base. Cat. $275, price $189 APD192) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Mint lightly hinged, centred to top, full perfs. Cat. $275, price $149 APD173) Australia 1938 3d Blue Die II Thin paper Ash Imprint Block ACSC 194Aza. Mint lightly hinged, centred to right, full perfs. Cat. $275, price $149 APD195) Australia 1940 3d Deep blue die III perf 15 x 14 ACSC 195, lower right corner block of 4 with full perfs, centred a little t the left, fresh MUH Cat $240. Price $149 APD182) Australia 1940 3d Deep blue die III perf 15 x 14 ACSC 195, marginal well centred block of 4 with full perfs, fresh MUH Cat $240. Price $179 APD189) Australia 1940 3d Deep blue die III perf 15 x 14 ACSC 195, marginal well centred block of 4 with full perfs, fresh MUH Cat $240. Price $179 APD191) Australia 1940 3d Deep blue die III perf 15 x 14 ACSC 195, block of 4 with full perfs, centred low, fresh MUH Cat $240. Price $129 APD184) Australia 1940 3d Deep blue die III perf 15 x 14 ACSC 195, block of 4 with full perfs, centred a little to the left, lower r/h unit with slight gum wrinkle, fresh MUH Cat $240. Price $119 APD41) Australia 1938 1/4d Pale magenta horizontal pair, left hand unit variety ‘Flaw on first A of AUSTRALIA’ ACSC 211Ae, MUH Cat $46. Price $29 APD240) Australia 1941 2½d surcharge MISPLACED Ash Imprint block with perf. pip from centre of sheet with left gutter selvedge complete. Hinged on top two and lower selvedge. Misplacement is a good 2.5mm to the left of normal. Supplied with normal for comparison. The 3mm misplacement is catalogued at $275 for a single unhinged stamp. Price $275 APD224) Australia 1942 ½d orange kangaroo, coil join strip of 4. Centre two units are unhinged. Price $49 APD208) Australia 1942 1½d Green Queen Elizabeth Massive Misperf gutter marginal example, fresh mint unhinged. Has wide left margin and then the full gutter

selvedge and showing portion of the stamp adjoin gutter at left. Not the same as the similar item listed at $325 as ACSC 226bb. Possibly unique, price $450 APD49) Australia 1938 Thick Paper Robes set, well centred with cds cancels Price $39 APD48) Australia 1938 Robes thick paper £1 vertical strip of 3, unusually well centred, couple of slightly nibbled perfs, scarce and attractive multiple, crisp cds cancel, Price $69 APD295) Australia 1942 KGVI 2½d scarlet variety ‘White face’ caused by ink stripping ACSC 230c MLH, probably not an ‘Extreme’ example but quite pronounced Cat $275 (for ‘Extreme’ examples) Price $99 APD296) Australia 1942 KGVI 2½d scarlet variety ‘White face’ caused by ink stripping ACSC 230c used with slogan cancel, probably not an ‘Extreme’ example but quite pronounced Cat $225 (for ‘Extreme’ examples) Price $79 APD58) Australia 1949 Arms High Values 5/- - Two Pounds, fresh mint unhinged. Post Office Fresh, mint unhinged, Well centred set with full perfs usual retail $250, Price $189 APD24) Australia 1949 Arms 10/- overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ fresh MUH, Cat $75. Price $49 APD45) Australia 1949 Arms 10/- overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ two different shades MLH Cat $70, Price $49 APD112) Australia 1949 Arms £1- overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ fresh MUH, Cat $75. Price $49 APD221) Australia 1949 Arms High Values 10/- - Two Pounds overprinted Specimen. Fresh mint lightly hinged, with severely under-inked overprint to top of £2. Well centred set with full perfs. Nice variety, price $325 APD255) Australia 1949 Arms 5/- THIN PAPER Mint Unhinged Imprint Block of 4. Minor toning to 2 stamps and lower selvedge, otherwise fine. Supplied with thick paper Imprint Block for comparison. Cat. $2500, price $950 APD298) Australia 1951 3½d Brown-purple KGVI, a block of 4 with quite pronounced ink stripping, the upper l/h unit being the most affected, particularly around the King’s forehead, a striking example of ink stripping, as yet unlisted in the ACSC, with normal single for comparison, Price $395 APD325) Australia 1953 Produce Food Blocks of 9 SG255 & SG258. MUH. Slight toning one perf of 3d. Sydney Retail $80.00 Price: $55.00 ML544) Australia 1959 QEII 5d blue coil perf block of 4 CTO without gum, advertised retail $125, price $79 APD326) Australia 1959-62 Complete Set as per Seven Seas. Fresh MUH Sydney Retail $64 Price $48 APD206) Australia 1954 3½d Red Cross. Vertical lower corner strip of 3 with misplaced cross on all units misplaced into blue area. ACSC 312c Cat. $150 per stamp for mint or used. This item is MNG. Price $225 APD115) 1954 3½d Red Cross with variety ‘White nick in upper left angle of Cross’ ACSC 312e FU Price $24.50 APD104) 1964 7/6d Cook overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ ACSC 406x fresh, well centred MUH Cat $150, Price $129 APD106) 1964 £1 Bass white paper overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ well centred MLH Price $99 APD108) Australia 1964 £2 King, centred to right, VFU Price $59 Australia Full Sheets

AFS2) Australia 1937 1d Green QE Die 1 ACSC 181A, Gutter block of 100 with 23mm gutter, fresh mint unhinged. Yields Gutter Imprint block of 4, plus 8 gutter pairs. Min. cat. $360, price $179

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 AFS2a) As above 2d Red KGVI ACSC 187A. For some reason ACSC does not price Gutter pairs as per the 1d above or the Gutter Imprint! Cat. ought to be exactly as above. Price $179 AFS2b) As above, both blocks $349 AFS7) Australia 1947 1d Slate Purple Princess Elizabeth. ACSC 245A. Complete FLUSH PERF sheet of 160. The flush perf at right comes only from sheets issued in the 1st Month, and is RARE! Yields Gutter Imprint block of 8, plus 5 x flush perf blocks of 4 at right of sheet, plus perf. pip gutter block of 8 at left of sheet. Also flush perf Imprint block at right bottom corner. Cat. $1100 plus, price $825 AFS6) Australia 1953 Produce Food 3d Green. ACSC 287/8/9. Complete fresh mint unhinged sheet of 100. Has varieties 287d) retouch in front of roped leg of 2nd cow, 287f) White spot after Australia. 289b, perf pip gutter block of 4 and 289y) White flaw in Tablet left of 3d. Sheet yields 6 x blocks of 9 plus 6 x horizontal strips of 3. Cat. price = approx. $340. Price $249 AFS6a) As above 3.5d Red sheet, ACSC 290/1/2. Shows all retouches 290 Types 1 – 12, also 292d, colour spur at top of “B” of Beef. Min. Also Perf pip gutter block at right. Cat. Approx. $730, price $549 AFS6b) As above, both sheets, price $759. Save $39 AFS5a) As above, but right sheet, without varieties. Has Autotron block top left. Minimum cat. $179, price $135 AFS5b) As above both sheets L & R. Price $310, save $20 Pre Decimal Booklets

G261) Australia 1933 2/- Green on pale green cover, complete booklet with 2d C of A x 2 panes of 6, watermark inverted ACSC B43a with re-designed back cover showing parcel rates, the booklet is in average condition with some toning and ‘2/-‘ in ink on the front cover, but these are seldom seen. Cat $800, Price $279 Australian Cinderellas/Revenues

C8) Tasmania WWII Motor Spirit Ration Tickets for 1 Gallon & 2 Gallons. Complete sheet of 10 unused in mint condition. The 1 Gallon Printed in black, the 2 Gallon in Green, both on Salmon paper, rouletted. Each sheet has Commonwealth Authority Imprint at left. Price $96. (6 lots available) C6) 1919 Ross Smith reproduction blue on cream sheetlet of 4, this style previously unseen by us MUH. Price $100 Exhibition sheets etc.

APD74) WAPEX 1954 centenary exhibition card bearing reproductions of the 1st 3 WA stamps in original colours. Cancelled by Green Exhibition cancel of 6 AU. 1954. Attractive item. Price $19.95 (9 available) APD75) As above but uncancelled, price $9.50 Postage Dues

BD998) Australia 1908-09 5/- with stroke ACSC D62, VFU with usual slight ageing. Price $59 Australia Decimal

AD16) Australia 1966 Decimal Specimens Pack, 1c - $4. Values to 50c being cto with unhinged gum plus Navigators 75c - $4 Ovpt. “Specimen” mint unhinged. The 75c & $1 being the rarer 15mm overprint. These two cat. Cat. $330 alone. Supplied in APO Folder as issued. Superb quality Price $295 AD13) Australia 1966 Decimal Navigators Ovpt. “Specimen” mint unhinged. The

75c & $1 being the rarer 15mm overprint. Cat. $330. Superb quality perfectly centred and perfect perfs! Price $265 AD2) Australia 1967 5c Blue QEII, plate 3 block of 20 from base of sheet (10 x 2) Hinged only in selvedge. Also with Plate Pip at left. Very fresh and well centred. Cat. $1000 for a block of 4, in 2002 ACSC. Rare as a large block, price $895 AD89) Australia 1970 Floral coils 4c strip of 5 & 5c strip of 4, with the top 3 units of each strip showing ‘Doctor blade’ flaws, MUH Price $49 AD5) Australia 1970 7c Coil, Sturt’s Desert Pea strip of 4 mint unhinged with Missing Buff colour. SG 468b, bb. Cat. £900 (£225 each) ACSC 535 ce, cat $300 each in 2002. Rare multiple, ex Simon Dunkerley, supplied with RSPS Victoria Certificate, signed Geoff Kellow. Price $1100 AD1) Australia 1971 7c Purple QEII Spectacular Misperf Block of 40, from sheet D, left of sheet, with selvedges. Nicely written up on album page. Perfs misplaced dramatically to top left so that it appears imperf. horizontally and almost so vertically. Each stamp, apart from the bottom 4 showing part of the stamp below. Lightly hinged in selvedge only. Has 5 varieties, annotated on the album page, all of which appear unrecorded. Details on request. misperfs of this magnitude are rare, and usually catalogue in the order of $150 per stamp, as per. The 1956 4d No Wmk Koala. Would easily break down for re-sale into 10 blocks of 4 and could sell for $400 a block, possibly more for those with varieties. Estimated catalogue value $6000, price $1995 AD8) Australia 1973 7c Sydney Harbour Bridge. Lower left block of 25 mint unhinged. Has numerous background flaws with varying degrees of registration shift and areas of missing colour. This results in a colour shift of the light blue to the right and doubling of lettering at base on all stamps. Listed as misplaced light blue as ACSC 653cb. Could be broken down into smaller blocks for re-sale. Supplied with normal for comparison. Cat. $100 per stamp in 2002 = $2500, price $1495 BD338) Australia 1978 15c Christmas block of 16 ( 8 x 2) mint unhinged, with Massive pre-printing paper crease across upper 8 stamps. Spectacular and stunning piece! Price $325 AD142) 1988 37c First Fleet Arrival se-tenant gutter block of 10 ovptd. Melbourne "Stamp and Coin Show 1988" with illustrations of Dampier, Tasman, Hunter Cook & Phillips. MUH & one of the scarcest early gutters. Price $45 AD141) Australia 1994 Specimen overprints Series VII Blks 4 $1.05, $1.20 & $10 (3 items) Fresh MUH Price $26 AD87) Australia 2007 Threatened Wildlife Prestige booklet overprinted for ‘Queensland Stamp show 2007’ in gold, MUH, advertised retail $40, Price $29 AD88) Australia 2009 ‘Birds of a Feather’ Australian Songbirds Prestige booklet overprinted for 300 issues of the Stamp Bulletin MUH, advertised retail $38, Price $27.50 AD85) Australia 2014 Banjo Paterson, Bush Ballads special Imperf. booklet with 6 different imperf. blocks/minisheets. No. 250 of 250 overprinted in Gold “2014 National Exhibitions”. The Imperfs. were only issued thus, so only 250 of each can exist. Price $200 Australia Postal History, Inc. 1st Day and Exhibition Covers

For Queensland Provisional Registration Label Covers, see Queensland under Australian States APH680) Australia 1913 two x 1d Engraved on small 1914 cover from “olde tyme” Melbourne Stamp Dealer to his mother in Birmingham, UK. Both shades

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 of this stamps on one cover! The pale shade being a right hand marginal. Cancelled by Melbourne machine cancel of 25MAR.14. A single on cover is cat. a minimum $300 on cover. Price $495 APH678) Australia 1913 1d Engraved on small 1916 cover to Professor Robert James Allman Barnard, who became a foundation professor of mathematics at the Royal Military College, Duntroon near Canberra, where the family moved in 1911. They returned to Melbourne in the 1920s, when he took a position as senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne. A group photo of the academic staff exists at the Australian War Memorial, and online here: collection/C291235. The stamp is a lower marginal example of the deeper shade cancelled by a Melbourne Slogan of 8JL 16 “HELP TO WIN THE WAR/BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES/ELIGIBLES ENLIST “ Cat. minimum $300 on cover. Price $250 APH676) Australia 1913 1d Engraved deep shade on small 1918 cover Melbourne to Melbourne. Cancelled by Melbourne machine cancel of 22.JE.18. Cat. minimum $300 on cover. Price $195 APH677) Australia 1913 1d Engraved deep shade, right hand marginal example on small 1918 cover Geelong to Melbourne. Cancelled by Geelong machine cancel of 12.AUG.18. Cat. minimum $300 on cover. Price $195 APH679) Australia 1913 1d Engraved on small 1918 cover to Professor Robert James Allman Barnard, who became a foundation professor of mathematics at the Royal Military College, Duntroon near Canberra, where the family moved in 1911. They returned to Melbourne in the 1920s, when he took a position as senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne. A group photo of the academic staff exists at the Australian War Memorial, and online here: https://www. The stamp is a right hand marginal example of the deeper shade cancelled by a Melbourne 1918 Slogan (date not legible) “HELP TO WIN THE WAR/BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES/ELIGIBLES ENLIST “ Cat. minimum $300 on cover. Price $250 DB477) Australia 1914 small cover bearing 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo 1st wmk, franked by machine cancel cds of Sydney DE22 1914 to Beverley, Mass. USA. Neat & clean typed address cover. Price $110 DB481) Australia 1915 small Censored cover, bearing 2.5d Indigo 2nd wmk Kangaroo. Franked by Melbourne machine cancel cds of 10.SEP.15. additionally with violet "PASSED" handstamp on front. Neat typewritten address to Taunton, Mass. USA. Cat. $180 on cover. Price $110 DB489) Australia 1916 OHMS long printed cover, with 1d KGV & 2d 1st wmk Roo BOTH PERF "T" Very scarce cover cancelled by Hobart machine cds of 21.JAN.16 to Constable Brown at Police Station Kempton. Opened a little raggedly at right, but does not affect stamps. Price $219 BD381) Australia 1917 Kangaroo UNIQUE FIRST DAY COVER? Censored cover to Sweden bears Horizontal Pair (double rate) of 2.5d Indigo 3rd wmk. Kangaroos, cancelled by Ship Mail Room cds of Melbourne dated 3 JL 17, and confirmed by Gothenburg receiving cds on reverse of 21.9.17. Reverse flap has logo of C. STEAKMEST, 26 Market Street, Melbourne, and with “PASSED” handstamp in violet on face. Kangaroo First Day Covers are very rare and this is dated 2 months earlier than the previously recorded date in ACSC. Catalogue No. ACSC 9A. There is virtually no possibility that an earlier cover than this exists. All Kangaroo First day Covers are priced in the ACSC catalogue at $15,000 each. Price $9950 APH593) Australia 1920 KGV 2d orange punctured 'OS' on 'Commonwealth of Australia/Customs and Excise, Melbourne' 1921 postcard. Price $49

APH91) Australia 1922 Registered Cover Sydney – Longueville MSE. Bears 4d Blue Cooke Printing & 1d Violet KGV. Cancelled by Sydney cds of 8 JY 22, and with red Sydney registered “Rat’s tail” label No. 7735. Opened roughly at left, and light vertical filing crease does not affect the adhesives. Clean and attractive with typed address. Price $115 TS143) Australia 1923 Long Registered OHMS Letter, Adelaide – Port Adelaide. Bears 2d Red KGV perf OS, cat. $150 on cover. Cancelled by unclear Adelaide machine cancel and with Port Adelaide 9MR23 on reverse, plus with Dead Letter Office cds in red of 12 MR 23. Face has single line UNCLAIMED and RTS Finger Return to Sender pointing to Port Adelaide cds of 10MR23. Finally a Dept. of Lands and Survey return oval on face of 13MAR 1923. Stamp also has two unlocated flaws which make Kangaroo appear to be shackled on both front and hind feet! Nice cover, if a bit aged. Cat. $150 on cover, price $100 APH650) Australia 1923 long registered well travelled cover Preston Vic. – St. Kilda Vic. Bears 5d Chestnut single wmk. KGV, cancelled by Preston cds of 1 SE 23 and with red Reg’n label. No. 257. Readdressed to Caulfield and with instruction markings as follows: Unknown by postman St. Kilda, Unclaimed at St. Kilda, Unknown by letter carrier Caulfield. Reverse has cds’s as follows: Preston 1 SE 23, Registered Melbourne 3 SE 23, St. Kilda 3 SE 23, Caulfield 3SE23, Registered Melbourne 4 SE 23., and finally Dead Letter office Melbourne 12SP23. Fascinating! Price $119 NO36) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, on small registered 1925 cover Footscray Vic. to Chicago with Red Reg. label No. 3290. Cancelled by Footscray cds of 6 JA 25 and Melbourne Registered backstamp of the following day plus USA arrival cds’s of 14th, 17th and 18th February 1925. Scarce and attractive cover, the stamp being cat. At $150 for solo use. Priced very reasonably at $119 APH428) Australia 1925 OHMS Postcard with 1d green No wmk KGV perf. OS. Cancelled by Melbourne cds of 21MY 1925 from the Secretary to the Dept. of Public Health to the Shire of Minhamite ( The Shire of Minhamite was a local government area located about 270 kilometres (168 mi) west of Melbourne, the state capital of Victoria, Australia. The shire covered an area of 1,365.62 square kilometres (527.3 sq mi), and existed from 1871 until 1994.) card is in pristine condition. Stamp catalogues as a single on cover at $400, but this is pretty academic since very few are in existence. Price $645 APH561) Australia 1929 3d Kookaburra Horizontal Pair on small Airmail cover to Orange, N.J. USA. Cancelled by Brisbane Machine Cancel of 16 APR 1929 and endorsed by red manuscript “via Charleville” and with Charleville cds of the following day on reverse. This cover was flown on the inaugural Qantas Brisbane – Charleville flight, and then onwards to the USA. These covers are rare without the Vignette, and any non-internal destinations are rare. Multiples of the 3d Kookaburra on cover are equally rare. Cat. in the AAMC as 133aa from $200. Price $179 M3) Australia 1930 Magnificent Airmail Cover Perth – Yalbalgo Station, Carnarvon, with cds of Perth 4NO30 bearing strip of 3 x 5d KGV Small Multi Wmk, and 2 x halfpenny orange to make 1/4d Airmail rate. Very scarce cover, we sold a similar item recently for $395. This one $349 APH598) Australia 1931 Registered Long Airmail Canberra – San Francisco. Bears 2 x 9d SMW Kangaroos plus 3d Green Airmail one 9d & the 3d cancelled by cds’s of Canberra F.C.T. 25 MR 31 and with Blue Canberra N.S.W. reg’n label No. 940. A further 9d was added later to increase to the Airmail rate on top of the Red Crayon Line and is cancelled by a Sydney registered cds of the following day. Reverse has Sydney Reg’d cds of the following day and San Francisco Violet Reg’d cds of

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 APR 16 1931. A long time for Airmail even in those days, presumably awaiting a flight, or sent Surface. Odd toned perf. and 3d has a blunt lower right corner. The 9d is cat. $350 alone on cover. Neat typewritten cover. Rare! Price $395. APH438) Australia 1931 Bushells Fremantle small advertising window envelope. Bears 1d green KGV smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5. Cancelled by Perth 3 wavy line slogan of 6 NOV 1931 “ADDRESS MAIL TO/P.O. BOX No./IT EXPEDITES DELIVERY” Price $29 MJL6) Australia 23 AP 31 Experimental Airmail cover Registered Melbourne to Westmorland UK. Bear full set of Kingsford Smith, plus 3d Airmail and 1/4d Turquoise KGV smw perf 13.5 x 12.5. The 1/4d cat $400 on cover. Neat and clean with nice vignettes and cachet. Cheap price $179 APH102) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith set on small plain FDC to India, addressed to Rev. H. Westropp, East India Railways, Jamalpore and re-addressed to Jhapha (Jhapha is a Village in Bochahan Block in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar State, India) Cancelled by Sydney cds of 19MR31 and with arrival cds of Jhapha 7 APR 31. Small tape repair at right and very minor tear at top, not affecting stamps. Rare survivor! Price $279 MM36) Australia 1931 Airmail Cover, Carnarvon, WA to Yalbalgo Station Carnarvon. These covers are highly sought after. Yalbalgo is one of the largest sheep stations in WA, and the mail must have been delivered by aircraft. This cover bears 6d & 1/- Kangaroos, plus 3d KGV all with small multiple wmk, Perf 13.5 x 12.5. The 1/- is cat. $250 on cover, and the 6d at $150. Nice clean, fresh item. We sold a similar cover recently for $395, this one is just as nice, price $349 APH227) Australia small registered surface mail cover to Czechoslovakia. Bears 1d Green C of A wmk KGV plus 2d & 3d Vic. Centenary perf 11.5 to make correct registered rate of 6d. Cancelled by Sydney registered cds’s of 24OC34 and with Prague arrival cds’s of 25.XI.34. Scarce destination and usage. Price $85 APH31) Australia 1934 small airmail envelope bearing 2d Light Hills & 9d MacArthur to Burnley, Lancashire. Cancelled by Melbourne 3 line Slogan of 16 NOV 1934 “VICTORIA AND - CITY OF MELBOURNE - CENTENARY 1934 – 5” Appears to underpay the airmail 1/6d rate by 7d. No reverse markings. 9d MacArthur alone on cover is cat. $400. Price $279 APH243) Australia 1935 small airmail/seamail advertising cover for Swift & Co. Sydney, to Glasgow. Bears 3d MacArthur plus 1d Greeen & 2d KGV C of A. Cancelled by Airmail cds’s of Sydney 7FE35. Typed address and also endorsed “ Per Adelaide – Perth Air Mail to connect with/R.M.S. “ORMONDE” At Fremantle” Reverse has the address of Swift & Company Ltd. In bold black type on reverse. No arrival markings. Unusual. Price $75 APH226) Australia 1935 small airmail cover to Czechoslovakia via Athens. Bears 1/6d Hermes No Wmk. & 3d 1935 Jubilee. Cancelled by Melbourne Ship Mailroom cds of 10SE35 and arrival cds’s of Athens 21 IX 35 and Prague 24.IX.35. Clean and neat with typed address. Scarce destination. Price $120 APH228) Australia 1935 small airmail hand addressed cover to Czechoslovakia via Athens. Bears 1/6d no wmk. Hermes and 3d Blue Vict. Centenary perf. 10.5. Cancelled by cds’s of Air Mail Brisbane 12SE35. Revers has arrival cds’s of Athens 21.IX.35 and Prague 1.X.35. Scarce destination. Price $75 APH98) Australia 1935 small airmail advertising cover for Asea Electrical Agency Sydney to Germany via Athens. Bears horizontal pair of 1/- Large Lyrebird plus 1d Green KGV. 2/- Airmail plus 1d late fee. Cancelled by Sydney Airmail 3 cds of 24 SE 35. Reverse bears Athens transit cds of 5.X.35 and boxed Berlin arrival

handstamp of 08.X.35. Neat & clean cover, price $119 APH60) Australia 1936 REMARKABLE misdated cover Rowland’s Flat SA to Melbourne. Bears full set of South Australia Centenary cancelled by clear cds’s of Rowland’s Flat (Rated R) dated 1 AP 36. The set was issued 3rd August 1936, so this is either the counter clerks mistake and should be dated August, if so it is still Two Days prior to issue date. Or just maybe it is someone’s idea of an April Fool’s joke! Go figure. Cat. $175 as a First Day Cover. Minor aging and central fold. Price $125 SE26) Australia 1936 Business sized envelope, trimmed at left, bearing 1/4d & 1d KGV C of A wmk, cancelled by clean cds Ship Mail Room Melbourne, 9 SE 36, typewritten address to radio station in New York. The 1/4d cat. $300 on cover. Price $98 AFD188) Australia 1937 small plain typewritten First Day Cover for 6d Kookaburra, cancelled by Adelaide cds of 2AU37. Stamp unusually very off centre for this issue to top left. Minor aging. Cat. $75, price $45 AFD584) Australia 1937 small plain hand written airmail First Day Cover for 3d KGVI Die 1, 6d Kookaburra & 1/- Lyrebird to Liverpool UK. Cancelled by Sydney slogan of 2AU37 “AUSTRALIA’S/150TH/ANNIVERSARY/CELEBRATIONS/N.S.W. 1938” Roughly opened at top. Price $85 APH507) Australia 1938 Airmail Registered cover to Greece. Bears 1/6d double globe Hermes & 6d Large Typographed Kookaburra cancelled by cds’s of Carlton North, Vic. of 10AU38 and with Carlton North reg’n label No. 241. Reverse bears Melbourne Reg’d cds of the same date and Athens arrival cds of 19 VIII 38. Assuming this envelope contained banknotes or similar valuables as is sealed by a Foreign Exchange tape in French & Greek. Price $87 APH244) Australia 1938 Sepia real photographic postcard of snow-capped Mt. Wellington, Tasmania from Ocean Pier Hobart. Sent surface mail to USA, using 3d Blue Die II Thick Paper KGVI, cancelled by cds of Hobart 19AP38. ATTRACTIVE ITEM, PRICE $29 MAP40) Australia 1939 Dual Reign small Airmail cover bearing 1/4d Turquoise KGV And 3d Blue Die II thick paper KGVI. Scarce combination to New York via England overpaid by 1d, cancelled by neat cds of WATSONS BAY NSW AUST 3AU39 stamps appear hurriedly applied and envelope a bit roughly opened, but a very scarce item indeed. 1/4d cat. on cover at $300 as the cheapest wmk (C of A) Price $249 LM119) Australia 1942 Censored surface mail cover to New York. Bears KGVI sored surface mail cover to New York. Bears KGVI 3½d Surcharge cancelled by Sydney machine cancel of 17 APR 1942. Red Censor Tape to left and reverse bears Lady Gowrie 1d Red Cross Cinderella. Sender’s details printed on flap: F.T. Wimble & Co. Ltd. Sydney Australia. Wimbles were manufacturers of Printing Ink & distributors or printing machinery, in business 1803 – 1994. A photograph of their premises appears here: Price $42 JL73) Australia 1942 1.5d Green Queen Elizabeth on plain “Accidental” first day cover, Melbourne Machine cancel of 1 Dec 1942 to Burwood E.13. Vic. On small commercial envelope. Cat $800! Price $595 MM35) Australia 1945 (Mar) OHMS Dept. of Air Redirected Cover to RAAF HQ Prahran. From Group 10 Darwin to Officer In Charge Records RAAF Headquarters Prahran Vic then cancelled and inscribed D. Manning with 5½d indigo Duke and Duchess of Gloucester with CDS ""AIR FORCE P.O./8MR45/NO. 20" and 3 x indistinct CDS "AUSTRALIA/??" with reverse inscribed "PEACE 1945" and "2½ SURCHARGE" Nice military/aviation item. Price $79 APH223) Australia 1945 Double rate small airmail cover to USA. Bears block of 4 1/- Lyrebird perf 15 x 14 cancelled by Newcastle NSW machine cancel of 24 DEC 1945 (Christmas Eve.)covering the top two stamps. Lower 2 are cancelled by

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BUY OR BID SALE MAY 2019 GPO Sydney Air cds No. 5 of 26DE45 (Boxing Day) Neat & attractive cover with a Christmas theme. Block of 4 are scarce on cover. Price $39 DB488) Australia Kookaburras on cover. Wide range of destinations, with covers from 1935 - 1958, solo usage and in combinations, some with 2/- Kangaroos. Includes registered items, double and triple rate covers, censored covers, used in Papua New Guinea, overpaid, first flight and much more interesting stuff, including an early coloured Sydney lettercard. Fascinating stuff, and ideal for expansion into a nice display. 19 items. Price $695 TS355) Australia 1948 small taxed airmail cover to Tasmania bearing horiz. strip of 3 x 2½d Red KGVI cancelled by Sydney slogan of 20 JUL 1948 “ADDRESS MAIL TO/PRIVATE BOX NO/EXPEDITES/DELIVERY” with vertical pair of 1d dues ASCSC D130, tied by light Hobart cds, date undiscernable. Difficult to find a reason for the dues as the airmail rate was 5½d, which would make this 2d overpaid. Rates enthusiast may be able to work this out. Price $39 AFD398) Australia 1953 3½d Young Farmers on unaddressed Bergen FDC, signed by Arthur Bergen on reverse on the day of issue, scarce, Price $69 AFD397) A similar cover, also signed by Arthur Bergen, light water stain at top right, Price $59 APH23) Australia 1953 Small National Bank of Australia advertising airmail cover to Lloyds Bank, Lahore, Pakistan. Bears 5 x 1953 Produce stamps, haphazardly applied. 3d Green Butter x 2, 3d Wheat x 1 plus 3½d Butter x 2 to make 1/4d, and so appears 8d underpaid. Doubly Cancelled by overlapping Geelong slogans of 24APR 1953 “SEND MONEY BY/POSTAL NOTE/OR MONEY ORDER” Even then 2 stamps missed being cancelled and have been given a Melbourne cds of the following day. Reverse bears Lahore GPO arrival cds of 30APR53. Opened at top. Very attractive underpaid item…the banks should know better, but then we know better don’t we! Price $49 APH213) Australia 1953 small airmail cover to Scotland. Bears 3 x 7½d Coronation (horiz. pr. & single) plus vertical pr. 1d QEII. So ½d overpaid above the 2/rate. Cancelled by cds’s of Woolwich, NSW of 18 SP 1953. The 7½d is particularly scarce in multiples on cover. Price $49 APH239) Australia 1953 small airmailed cover to USA. Bears solo use of 2/Tasmania cancelled by GPO Adelaide slogan of 11 DEC 1953 “POST NOW/FOR / CHRISTMAS” with guiding star graphic. Neat typed address cover with college coat of arms in green on flap with the motto “Nisi Dominus I Austra” from Psalm 127. Opened at top. Price $29 APH684) Australia 1955 use of 1949 10/- ARMS on airmail commercial registered cover to New York. Sent by Douglas Wilkie of the Sun Newspaper Melbourne to Philip Horton Senior Editor of The Reporter. Douglas Wilkie (1909 – 10 April 2002) was a respected columnist for The Sun News-Pictorial (Australia). The son of travelling Shakespearean actors Allan Wilkie and Frediswyde Hunter-Watts, he began his newspaper career as a copy boy with the Hobart Mercury. This period was followed by Sir Keith Murdoch appointing him as Geelong correspondent for The Herald. Wilkie is best remembered for his political commentary for The Sun News-Pictorial for which he wrote during 1946–1986. Philip C. Horton was a professor of public diplomacy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy before his retirement in 1977. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island and was a graduate of Princeton. He taught English at Harvard and served as curator of poetry at Harvard's Widener Library from 1937 to 1942. During World War II he served in the Office of Strategic Services in Washington, London, Germany and Paris. In 1946 he became the first station chief in Paris of

the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1947 he joined Time magazine as an associate editor and two years later left for The Reporter, where he became executive editor, a post he held until the magazine ceased publication in 1969. Cover bears 10/- Arms and 9d Platypus cancelled by cds of Collins St. 1.FE.55 and backstamped Melbourne Registered of the same date and NY Grand Central Stn. Double ring cds in violet of FRB 4 1955. Also bears Collins St. blue reg’n label No. 9288. Rate appears to be 5 x the 2/- Airmail rate, plus 9d for Registration/Insurance. A rare cover of some historical significance. Price $295 APH599) Australia 1955 long airmail Taxed cover, Sydney – Wanganella. Bears 3d & 3½d QEII cancelled by Sydney 2 line slogan “VISIT YOUR SCHOOLS/EDUCATION WEEK” of 5 AUG 1955, ALSO WITH VIOLET BOXED 1/5d TAX, and block of 6 (3 x 2) and a pair of 2d plus 1d Redrawn C of A Dues, cancelled cds’s of Wanganella 10 AU 55. Attractive cover, part flap removed. Not priced in ACSC on cover. Worth an absolute fortune if wmk. Inverted! Price $149 APH148) Australia 1956 Olympics on Christmas card size Airmail cover to Jersey. Underpaid by 1/-, and cancelled by cds of Enquiry Counter Launceston, Tas. 28NO56. (They should have known better!) Superb Exhibition item for usage or Olympics theme. Price $265 TS800) Australia 1956 Airmailed Greeting Card size envelope to USA. Bears solo use 1/- small lyrebird, no wmk place upside down. Cancelled by dumb wavy line machine, so no date. Is this some kind of Military concession or greetings card rate? If not it is 1/- underpaid. Neat and attractive flap unsealed. Price $29 APH192) Australia 1957 small surface mail cover, Parramatta, NSW to Miami Beach, Florida USA. Bears 7½d Blue KGVI cancelled by slogan of Parramatta “SEND MONEY/BY POSTAL NOTE/OR MONEY ORDER” dated 9 JAN 1957. Neat & clean with typewritten address. Very late use for this stamp. Price $29 APH261) Australia 1957 Long Airmail Double Rate cover to USA. Bears horiz. pair 2/- Blue AAT cancelled by South Perth cds’s of 29MR57. Unusual franking. Price $39 APH215) Australia 1958 Dual Reign small surface mail cover to USA. Bears 4½d Red Sideface KGVI and horiz. strip of 3 1953 1d QEII, to make correct 7½d rate. Opened a little roughly at top. Cancelled by Cumnock NSW cds ‘s of 16JA58. Very late usage of KGVI stamp. Envelope a little aged. Price $29 AFD435) Australia 1958 Greeting Card size envelope registered to USA on first day of issue. Bears marginal horiz. strips of 4 each of 3½d & 4d 1958 Christmas to make correct 2/6d registered airmail rate. Cancelled by Wyoming cds’s of 5NO58 and with Gosford 5NO58 & GPO Sydney transit cds of the following day on reverse together with Saint Louis purple arrival cds of NOV 10 1958. Also Wyoming Reg’n Label No. 0852. Opened at top. Nice “accidental” First Day Cover. Price $29 APH508) Australia 1958 Optometrist’s envelope registered to USA. Bears block of 4 8d Kingsford Smith & Horiz. Pair 3½d 1958 Christmas to make 3/3d, being 6d Registration , 9d Insurance & 2/- Postage. Cancelled by Kiama NSW cds’s 20NO58 and GPO Sydney transit cds on reverse of the following day, plus purple Mt. Vernon, New York arrival cds of NOV 24 1958. Also with Kiama Reg’n. Label No. 0172 The Kingsford Smith is particularly scarce on commercial cover, and the 1st block of 4 we have encountered in over 30 years! Price $129 APH230) Australia A6 size pre-printed Airmail envelope to France. Bears solo use of 3/- Waratah, being 1/- overpaid. Cancelled by Sydney machine cancel of 4 DEC 1961. Neat hand addressed cover, opened at base. Handwriting indicates by use of accents & serif-ed 1 sender would have been a French national or at least speaker. Price $49

21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158

KA-BE SUPER QUALITY 64 Black Page Stockbook - Padded Cover AVAILABLE IN Red, Green, Blue or Black. 64 Black Pages

Double Hinged Binding

9 Glassine Strips

4 Colours available - Red, Green, Blue or Black

Padded Covers Double Interleaving

Mix and match the colours you need.

Prices within Australia as follows, all post & insurance paid:

Per 1 Per 2 Per 3 Per 4 Per 5

$69.50 $127.50 $189.50 $249.00 $299.00

Stamp News Mail Order PO Box 1290, Upwey, Victoria, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 email:

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 The Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 is a full national philatelic exhibition. It will be held at the Johnny Warren Indoor Sports Stadium, Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, at the corner of King Georges Road and Forest Road, Hurstville, from Thursday 13 to Sunday 16 June 2019. I received the following update from John Sadler, the person responsible for publicity and website liaison. Sydney is currently well into the planning and preparation for their four-yearly National level stamp exhibition. Naturally, “stamp” in this regard includes all formats of exhibiting, including picture postcards. The previous three exhibitions, in 2007, 2011 and 2015, were all dedicated to stamps. To keep up with the changing nature of collecting, i.e., the greater interest in coins, there will be a non-competitive display of coins at the exhibition, plus many of the dealers will be offering numismatic products. We are expecting between 750 and 850 frames of philatelic material to be on display The exhibition coincides with an international exhibition in China, China 2019 World Stamp Exhibition, which runs from 11 to 17th June. However, this overlapping can be a good thing, creating the opportunity for many potential exhibitors to get a start, and once they have started, who knows where the adventure may lead? The initial closing date of 23rd February was extended to April in order to get the maximum number of exhibits. A theme for the exhibition was considered, and we settled upon the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. This Treaty was signed on 28th June 1919, and officially ended World War I, or the Great War as it is generally known, almost six months after the fighting had ceased on 11th November 1918, Armistice Day. The Treaty became effective on 19th January 1920. (See figure 1 - Cover of the English Figure 2 –William (Billy) Morris version of the Hughes 52 - Stamp News

Figure 1 - Cover of the English version of the Treaty of Versailles, signed on 28 June 1919, in the Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles, Paris, France. Treaty of Versailles). The following extract from the Wikipedia website explains the delay: “The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919 in Versailles, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which had directly led to World War I. The other Central Powers on the German side of World War I signed separate treaties. Although the armistice, signed on 11 November 1918, ended the actual fighting, it took six months of Allied negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. The treaty was registered by the Secretariat of the League of Nations on 21 October 1919.” The APF has recognised William (Billy) Morris Hughes role in the Treaty negotiations by releasing an

Stephanie Bromser

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

Figure 4 – Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 day cancels

Figure 3 –Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 logo Abandoned Stamp Card in conjunction with the exhibition. This extract from Wikipedia describes his involvement. (See figure 2) “In 1919 William (Billy) Morris Hughes the Australian Prime Minister, with former Prime Minister Joseph Cook, travelled to Paris to attend the Versailles Peace Conference. He remained away for 16 months, and signed the Treaty of Versailles on behalf of Australia – the first time Australia had signed an international treaty. At Versailles, Hughes claimed: “I speak for 60 000 [Australian] dead”. Hughes, unlike Wilson or South African Prime Minister, Jan Smuts, demanded heavy reparations from Germany, suggesting a staggering sum of £24,000,000,000 of which Australia would claim many millions to off-set its own war debt. Hughes frequently clashed with President Wilson (USA), who described him as a “pestiferous varmint”. Hughes demanded that Australia have independent representation within the newly-formed League of Nations. Despite the rejection of his conscription policy, Hughes retained popularity with Australian voters, and in the Australian federal election of December 1919 his government was comfortably re-elected. At the Treaty negotiations, Hughes was the most prominent opponent of the inclusion of Japan’s Racial Equality Proposal (see below), which, as a result of lobbying by him and others, was not included in the final Treaty. His position on this issue reflected the general mindset of “racial

categories” during this time. Japan was notably offended by Hughes’s position on the issue. Hughes had entered politics as a trade unionist, and like most of the Australian working class was very strongly opposed to Asian immigration to Australia. Hughes believed that accepting the Racial Equality clause would mean the end of the White Australia immigration policy that had been adopted in 1901, writing: “No Gov’t could live for a day in Australia if it tampered with a White Australia”. Hughes stated: “The position is this - either the Japanese proposal means something, or it means nothing: if the former, out with it; if the latter, why have it?” With reference to Hughes’s actions at the Peace Conference, the historian Seth Tillman described him as “a noisesome demagogue”, the “bete noir [sic] of Anglo-American relations”. Unlike Smuts, Hughes totally opposed the concept of the League of Nations, as in it he saw the flawed idealism of “collective security”.” In addition to Billy Hughes, Australia was represented at the Treaty signing by Sir Robert Garran (Solicitor-General of Australia), Lieutenant F W Eggleston (assistant to Sir Robert Garran), Sir Joseph Cook (Minister for the Navy), R Mungovan (secretary to Sir Joseph Cook), LieuStamp News - 53

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation tenant P E Deane (secretary to Billy Hughes), Lieutenant Commander John Latham (Commander, Naval Intelligence), Captain H S Gullett (press officer), W E Corrigan (messenger), Miss Wood (typist), and Miss Carter (typist). Wikipedia describes the Japanese Racial Equality Proposal, as follows. “The Racial Equality Proposal (Japanese: literally a “Proposal to abolish racial discrimination”) was an amendment to the treaty under consideration at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference offered by Japan. The racial equality proposal was never intended to have any universal implications. Foreign Minister Uchida stated in June 1919 that the racial equality proposal was not intended to demand universal racial equality of all coloured peoples, but only for members Figure 5 - EPAEX 2019 Stamp Exhibition in Dragon Mart 2 Mall of the League of Nations. Though broadly supported, it did not become part of the Treaty of Versailles, largely because of the opposition of Australia and the United States, two powers with long established de jure and de facto systems of racial discrimination and policies of white supremacy. Its rejection led to the alienation of Japan from the other great powers and increased nationalism leading up to World War II.” The logo for the exhibition, (shown in figure 3), reflects the symbolism of our theme. The outline depicts stamps, and the internal border is a coin. Peace is depicted by the dove and olive branch. The four daily postmarks relate to the principal allied combatants, France, The United Kingdom, the ANZAC nations, AusFigure 6 - EPAEX 2019 Stamp Exhibition Official Opening, His Exceltralia and New Zealand, and the United States lency Mohammed Ahmad Almurr & FIP President, Bernard Beston of America. This sequence reflects the order that each of the above countries joined the lenge. These Challenges have in the past been held every war. Germany declared war on France on 3rd August 1914, and the UK declared war on Germany on 4th two years, but difficulties experienced in filling the teams have seen the intervening period extended. August. The United States of America declared war on The Australasian Challenge is a competition between Germany on 6th April 1917. Australia and New Zealand the seven Australian States and Territories and the two effectively became involved at the ANZAC landings at Islands of New Zealand. For this purpose, the Northern Gallipoli on 25th April 1915. Territory is regarded as part of South Australia. Teams The postmarks, in their final colours, are shown in figcomprise five people, two of whom must be either a junior ure 4. The pens and bottle of ink included therein symbolor a novice exhibitor. Competition between the various ically refer to the signing of the Peace Treaty. The actual participants is usually quite fierce, resulting in some very size of these cancels will be 32 mm in diameter. interesting exhibits. The teams are competing for the Ed The exhibition will host the ninth Australasian ChalDruce Memorial Shield. lenge (Philatelic) and the fourth Picture Postcard Chal54 - Stamp News

Stephanie Bromser

Philatelic Development Officer, APF

Figure 7 – CAL Series 1 - The NZ2020 logo Figure 8 – CAL Series 2 - Shaw Savill & Albion Co Ltd Figure 9 - CAL Series 2 - Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd The Picture Postcard Challenge involves Australian States, Territories, New Zealand or any affiliated Club/ Society entering a team comprising four picture postcard exhibits, 2 x multi-frame (5 frames or more) and 2 x 1-frame, competing to win the Perpetual Trophy. In 2019, the exhibition organising committee is inviting all those regions who have participated in the Philatelic Australasian Challenge also to enter the Picture Postcard Challenge. As well as the two Challenges, there will be entries in the full spectrum of FIP and APF exhibition classes. The Organising Committee is currently exploring a range of Australia Post products as souvenir items, all of which will be overprinted and numbered. When available, the complete list, together with images, will be available on our website, au. For visitors who like to do their own thing, there will be unaddressed DL sized envelopes, overprinted with the exhibition logo, available. These souvenir items can all be obtained either from the Organising Committee stand, or by pre-ordering. Whilst individual numbered souvenir items can be ordered, subject to availability, numbers 1 and 100 of each item will not be for general sale, being held over for offer at the Palmares. We will also have a Supporters’ Pack that includes limited edition souvenir items not otherwise available and is restricted to 100. Saving the best news till last: your entrance into the exhibition is FREE, plus there is plenty of free parking within the grounds. Catalogues will be available at the Organising Committee stand for $2.00 each.

The exhibition website is constantly being updated as new information comes to hand. So, to be fully aware of these changes and updates, regularly visit https://www. The Updates page identifies the latest modifications, and the Sitemap page will quickly take you to the desired destination. The exhibition is being run as a joint venture with the Australasian Philatelic Traders Association (APTA). At the time of writing there were 32 dealers committed to attending the exhibition. Acknowledgements: As indicated earlier, the above text includes data provided courtesy of the Wikipedia website. This website has a very complete history of the Versailles signing ceremony, the precedent negotiations, and the subsequent actions. The images of the signed document, and the signing ceremony, are from the same source. For further information about this event, visit the website wiki/Treaty_of_Versailles. Information regarding the two challenges has been summarised from information on the Australian Philatelic Federation website. EPAEX 2019 Stamp Exhibition – Dragon Mart 2, Dubai The Emirates Philatelic Association’s National Stamp Exhibition, EPAEX was held in the Dragon Mart 2 Mall, Dubai from Tuesday 5th to Saturday 9th March 2019 (see figure 5). The exhibition celebrated the ‘Year of Tolerance’ and aimed to promote every aspect of philately in the region. The APF has accord arrangements with the UAE and David Figg, the Australian Commissioner/Judge carried 11 exhibits to Dubai. The exhibition was opened by H.E. Mohammed Ahmad Stamp News - 55

Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation Almurr with FIP President Bernard Beston (see figure 6). 15 Dealers, 3 Postal Administrations & Emirates Philatelic Association had stands. There were 49 exhibitors with 120 frames. Australia received 1 gold, 3 large vermeil, 5 vermeil, and 2 large silver medals. Friday was a short day for the exhibition (3.00pm to 10.00pm) being worship day for Muslims to gather as a congregation. It was also the night of the Palmares Dinner that was held at the Al Jawareh Restaurant in downtown Jumeirah where there was a traditional Arabic feast. NZ2020 – 19th to 22nd March 2020 NZ2020, an exhibition under the patronage of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP,) is to be held at the Ellerslie Event Centre in Auckland. 1200 frames are planned to be shown from all FIP classes including Picture Postcards. The website has been launched. Some areas are still to be completed but there is plenty of useful information about the show already on the site. The theme for the exhibition will be “maritime heritage and water”, both of which are very significant to New Zealand and its way of life. Even though the exhibition is only on next year, the organising committee are busy reviewing applications from exhibitors and the trade to be part of the show. They have also released some CAL stamps (Customised Advertising Labels) which are endorsed by NZ Post and can be used on mail. The style of the CAL stamp is standardised; they carry an image supplied by the customer with a vertical panel on the right side containing the value of the stamp and the NZ Post Button logo. Initially this panel was in a grey colour, but this has now changed to red. The only way to obtain these is to purchase an annual pack from NZ Post or to obtain them directly from NZ2020.

Selling off a massive 150 stockbooks VFU only, mainly Europe to 1986 plus many cards, envelopes etc. All highly discounted. Payment by Cheque or Money Order, regret no Credit Card Facility

Southern Enterprises 42 Byrnes St, Bexley, NSW 2207 Tel: 0419 680 0824 56 - Stamp News

CAL Series 1 has an image in the NZ2020 logo depicting a yacht in the foreground with the Auckland central city skyline as background. (See Figure 7). It was issued to publicise NZ2020 and acknowledge NZ Post’s support. The first day of issue 21 September 2018 coincided with the first day of the Macau FIAP International Stamp Exhibition where the formal NZ2020 contract between FIAP and NZPF was signed. CAL Series 2 was issued on 19 March 2019, one year out from NZ2020. It supports the maritime history theme by commemorating two significant shipping lines in the history of New Zealand’s development: Shaw Savill & Albion Co Ltd and the Union Steam Ship Co of New Zealand Ltd. (See Figures 8 and 9). Founded in 1858, Shaw Savill was the Passengers’ Line of Packets carrying settlers and other passengers to New Zealand on a scheduled service. Their steamers carried 100 passengers and were the first steamships to make the direct passage from England to New Zealand. In 1860 the Albion Shipping Company Ltd was formed and became a dominant British company in the New Zealand trade and holders of the mail contract. During 1882 the two companies merged to form Shaw Savill & Albion Co. Ltd. The Union Steam Ship Co, founded in 1875, had many firsts. In 1879 the trans-Tasman Rotomahana was the first ship built of mild steel with bilge keels. Built in 1881, the Manapouri, a trans-Tasman liner, was the world’s first seagoing ship fitted with incandescent electric light. The 1904 Bass Strait ferry Loongana was the first large seagoing steam turbine-powered merchant ship. In 1913 the SS Niagara was the first ship burning oil to be issued a British Board of Trade certificate to carry passengers. The 17,491-ton Vancouver liner Aorangi, built in 1924, was the world’s largest and fastest motor passenger liner. The company ran the Wellington – Lyttelton ferry service from 1895 to 1974. The USSNZ traded from 1875 to 2000. Their passenger service to San Francisco lasted until the end of 1936 and their cargo service until the end of 1967. Abandoned Stamp Card for Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 The 7th Abandoned Stamp Card will be released by the APF to coincide with the Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 being held at the Johnny Warren Indoor Sports Stadium, Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, at the corner of King Georges Road and Forest Road, Hurstville, from Thursday 13 to Sunday 16 June 2019. 250 individually numbered cards have been printed for general sale at $10 per card. In line with the theme of the show, the card is of W.M. (Billy) Hughes who played a

Stephanie Bromser

Philatelic Development Officer, APF significant role for Australia at the time of the Treaty of Versailles (see figure 10). The reverse of the card has information as below. 1953 - W.M. (Billy) Hughes - Memorial stamp Early in May 1953, the Note Printing Branch, Melbourne, prepared designs for a memorial stamp to honour W.M. (Billy) Hughes, Australia’s World War I era prime minister. W.M. Hughes had died on 28 October

1952, six months earlier. The memorial stamp did not progress beyond the preliminary artwork stage. No precedent existed for stamps honouring recently deceased public figures. However, rising numbers of new commemorative stamp issues were being planned, so perhaps the memorial stamp might have been thought appropriate. The Hughes stamp artwork is dated “4 May 1953”, but the artist is unidentified. The various versions feature a common portrait, together with different arrangements of the lettering. During 2019, the centenary year of the Versailles Peace Conference, the role played by William Morris Hughes in the deliberations of the conference is recalled. Hughes energetically promoted Australia’s right to have a separate voice on the world stage, including the awarding of Mandates over former German New Guinea and Nauru allowing Australia to administer the territories “in trust” for their people. W.M. (Billy) Hughes signed the Treaty of Versailles on behalf of Australia.

upcoming stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales


May 4 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair, Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02 63623754.

May 5 - (1st Sun) Western Suburbs Stamp, Coin & Banknote Fair, Strathmore Bowling Club, 40 Loeman St, Strathmore. Enq: Chris. 0413355716.

May 4 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW.

May 11 - (2nd Sat) Salvation Army Stamp Fair, Ferntree Gully. For details see full page ad

May 4 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am - 4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 May 4 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collectors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea. May 19 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am - 3pm, Pioneers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971 3483 May 26 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Community Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am 4pm. Free Entry, 6 Dealers, Buy/Sell.

May 19 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair, Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh. Dealers. Ph: 0418 322 315. May 26 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair, Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am3pm.

queensland TBA - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am - 2pm May 13 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, Southport Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am - 2.30pm Brisbane Table Tennis Association Centre

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Market Matters Buy high face value FDC in REGISTERED. I have aways been surprised why so many earlier FDCs were not sent Registered mail. The Registered fee was only 3d for decades here, so in most cases, frankings of even 6d covered the 2d or 3d postage cost, plus the 3d Registered Fee. So even just 6d covered both services, yet was often not used - oddly. When we get into the high values it really becomes a mystery why the sender did not ask the PO clerk to add a Registered label. The fee for that, plus post, was often overpaid DOZENS of times by the franking on the cover, so it seems a no-brainer to me anyway, to have asked for it. It is much like buying a First Class ticket on Qantas to London for $9,000, and then choosing to sit back in row 48 for some reason next to the $900 seat passengers! No-one EVER does that, so why spend sometimes a week’s wages on a FDC, and then be happy it went totally untracked mail? Back then, Registered mail was treated as IMPORTANT. Covers were backstamped along the journey. This was most important. Back then in the 1940s, FDC here were NOT cancelled and handed back as POs cheerfully do today. They HAD to go via the mailstream. PO staffers needed to sign for all Registered mail that passed through their hands. So “losing” a pretty envelope, with a new stamp set or high value, especially sent overseas, simply did not occur. I sold the FDC shown nearby and it is a fine example of my point - Australia 1949 £1 “Arms” stamp, on a superb Registered FDC to USA, and was amazed how clean it was after 70 years. Having literally travelled 10,000 miles via many plane flights, and as can be clearly seen,

FAKE FAKE FAKE - Reserve $1,500. 58 - Stamp News

Half a week’s gross wages. has all the relevant transit backstamps. The AVERAGE annual UK wage in UK 1950, was just £100, I kid you not – - around TWO quid a week gross before tax. That was the average national wage, not the minimum wage. Our wages here were rather similar, so this FDC cost half a week’s gross wages basically or $500 on today’s relativity, so little wonder not many are about! No backstamps - be suspicious. I am always pleased to see such high face values sent Registered, as they have all the relevant “Proving” backstamps. As you can see, this has these backstamps - “Sydney GPO RS” of Nov 29, 1949, then a San Francisco transit of November 30, and Newtown CT arrival of Dec 1 - way faster than it would go today to East Coast USA! And remember they were using fairly tiny and slow planes back then.

Glen Stephens Wesley Covers published a little retail price list book of all Australia FDC’s, and I have one in my library - going right back to the 1913 Kangaroo High Values - which of course do NOT exist on FDC. It is rumoured that if Gower got a cheque for any of the scarcer older FDC, the creative juices flowed! Fortunately, little chicanery is evident from the pre-Wesley era, i.e. pre 1950s.

6d covered Registered - so why not?? WARNING - Wesley or WCS “FDC” of these “ARMS” high values exist, that were created a decade or more after issue date, at the Largs North PO, using John Gower’s backdated PO cds. Often using the modern nylon date wheels not produced in 1949 etc! That is WHY one should strive to buy REGISTERED of the high values where possible - they can’t be faked later on. I sell a lot of older and scarcer FDC, and concede that sourcing them in Registered form is a tough ask at times. But they DO exist in most cases, even if elusive. It is like buying a “MUH” pre-war stamp - it will cost you 3 or 4 times what a hinged one does. Some do not care, but MANY do, and they will patiently await for their “MUH” to appear. This 1950 £2 Arms “FDC” shown nearby was offered at auction with a RESERVE of $1,500. Why is it a fake? Well there are two compelling reasons. (a) That “Generic” WCS Aboriginal envelope design cachet was not printed until 1961, for use on the 5/- Aboriginal stockman FDC. (b) This canceller with “Sth. Aust” and not “South Aust” was not manufactured until about 15 years after this £2 stamp was issued! How was it done you may ask? Some local collectors “helped” the wheelchair bound John Gower, who owned Wesley Covers AND was also Largs North Postmaster, and clearly had access at the time to the genuine Post Office handstamps - and the blank covers. Thus a “backdate” like this was always possible.

The Tale of Two Sydney Thompsons. Not all “FDC” of this 1940s and 1950s era were really serviced on the day, it seems very clear. A vast array of “impossible” FDC exist - most in pristine shape, addressed to “J. C. Thompson, Rushcutters Bay Sydney”. This Thompson is not to be confused with the also well-known and very serious Sydney collector of that same era, (Lieut-Colonel) “F. V. Thompson”. Clearly the Thompson “FDC” never went near the mailstream - that was a firm requirement back in this immediate post-war era. J.C.Thompson and Hayward Parish between then seem to have assembled them, (using the same typewriter?) and certainly the same unusual “GPO SYDNEY 130” cds steel cds. Near all “impossible” FDC of Australia in that era are addressed to them. Coil pairs, booklet panes on FDC (even the unissued 3d red KGVI pane!) Perf changes, colour charges, watermark changes, new paper printings like the 10/- and £1 Robes on thin paper etc, etc. Things no-one else in the country managed to get. So to me, clearly this was an “inside job” of some type, and I will bet these covers were NOT done on the days of the postmarks. The FDC shown nearby of the 3d green KGVI coil pair sold for $2,700 at Prestige Auctions in 2009. Addressed to Thompson it clearly never went near the mailstream, and has the distinctive “GPO SYDNEY 130” back room cds cancel, that sat on the desk of him, or a buddy, or relative etc. This 6d franking paid for postage and registered anywhere in Australia. If you were creating this FDC a week or a month later, you cannot manufacture the transit and Stamp News - 59

Market Matters arrival backstamps, hence none of the Parish or Thompson confections have either, or were sent Registered. Case closed. Are they genuine FIRST Day Covers of course not. Are they valuable - well the market clearly tells us they are, as no-one else with insider contacts in the PO bothered creating them, even after the fact, so they remain the only ones buyable, in very many cases. The £1 Thin paper Robes “Thompson” FDC sold for over $10,000 at Auction. I sold the 3½d red QE2 booklet pane FDC shown nearby for $1,750 last year, ex Arthur Gray. Cat $4,000, another elusive “FDC”. Addressed to Hayward Parish by apparently the same typewriter used for the Thompson covers, and of course tied by the ubiquitous “GPO SYDNEY 130” steel cds.

The Infamous “SYDNEY 130” steel cds cancel.

Who worked where - and when? Rod Perry advised on the juicy Hayward Parish FDC’s never appeared on the market until the 1990s, via one of his auctions. Those with suspiciouos minds might feel they could have been made closer to 1990s, than to the 1940s, if the “SYDNEY 130” cds ever went ‘walkabouts’! We will never know, although they were likely done within weeks of real issue date I’d guess. No Registered backstamps = huge doubts. Gary Watson in his sale catalogues in the past selling these pristine FDC typed “Like JC Thompson, HC Parish worked at the Sydney GPO, and it is noteworthy that this cover is cancelled with the same No. 130 cds, usually applied to the Thompson covers.” Where Watson got that info from, I have no idea. But his research is generally very good - it might have simply been assumed by the trade and collectors. Rod Perry in an article in Stamp News of November 2017 stated: “Parish was employed in the Distributor of Stamps office at Sydney GPO at the time of the 1940s change of perforation, and later appearance of unwatermarked paper for Zoological, and some contemporary definitive issues. As the new printings arrived in stock, Parish prepared FDCs for himself, and a small band of family/friends.” Rod claimed on stampboards in October 2018 that he had recently been advised by a source un-named, that he was mistaken above, and that neither Parish or Thompson had ever worked for the Post Office. Rod also went on to say his advice was that J.C. Thompson’s sister was married to the Distributor of Stamps contact at Sydney 60 - Stamp News

G.P.O., via whom these “scarce” FDCs of that era magically materialised. Anyway, my firm view remains these Parish/Thompson things were basically fabricated after the relevant issue dates, by an PO insider. Who it was is really of no relevance, and 75 years on, we will NEVER know for certain, and all our theories are just that. The covers exist, and only a few of each are recorded. The clear fact that NONE of these rare FDC are known, serviced from anywhere else in Australia - especially from Melbourne, points to some long running “funny business” in Sydney. They are in catalogues, and collectors like them, and sell for strong prices - some into 5 figures, and that will continue I am sure. Stampboards has a long running 1000+ post thread discussing all the early Australia FDC cachet makers many of whom are very scarce. A bevy of real experts discuss these questions, and ID obscure cover cachets, and have solved dozens of puzzles for keen FDC collectors - take a look here and see if you can add any info - real teamwork here! How to attract young collectors? I know for a fact that many of today’s top line collectors started off with an “ETA Peanut Butter” type stamp album, when they were young chaps. As probably did MOST older readers of this magazine. And slightly less older ones like myself were “hooked” via the Ampol Petrol promotion in the early 1960s in Australia. And American and British etc readers doubtless had similar local companies, who produced free or cheap albums for kiddies, and sold them via enticing ads in the

Glen Stephens

AMPOL stamp packets!

EXPO here, I suspect you would find a surprising percentage started their collecting via massive companies like Seven Seas Stamps who locally in Australia were pre-eminent then among these mass stamp marketers. The same Seven Seas Stamps were also very aggressive in using stamp packets as promotional premiums to large companies. In the early 1960s one large campaign of theirs involved over 20 million packets of colourful world thematic stamps being given away, with the purchase of one brand of petrol - AMPOL. These Seven Seas Stamps packets contained an incredible 70 million world stamps in sets - many of them MUH, and they “entirely excluded cheap definitive stamps” Bill Hornadge assured everyone who cared to ask! Given that the 99% bulk supply of stamps back then were common definitives, that

comic books and magazines etc, aimed squarely at young collectors, back in the day. All kids collected stamps back then, and these clever marketing promos were part of the reason. Mirroring the growth path of many large US based companies in the 1950s and 1960s, most comic and adventure magazines sold in Australia contained premium offers and enticements for approval stamp packets. Hundreds of thousands of Australian youngsters signed up for these offers. I certainly did! And many other readers too I am sure. Many very senior medal winning collectors in Australia today will sheepishly admit they got their start in stamp collecting from this comic book approval campaign. The late Arthur Gray, who formed the finest collection of this country ever assembled, freely admitted as a youngster the ETA Peanut Butter album below was his first foray into stamp collecting. The 1960s “Ampol” Petrol Promotion If you did a survey of the Large Gold Medal winners at the last big stamp

Media went crazy over “rare finds” Stamp News - 61

Market Matters was a pretty big undertaking. 20 MILLION stamp packets made Australia at that time had a population numbering only about 10 million people, so 20 million stamp packets was obviously a vast amount, being about two packets given away for every man woman and child living in the country. Be like someone in the USA giving away 500 million stamp packets etc. At one point Seven Seas Stamps in Dubbo were tearing up, packaging and dispatching 400,000 packets a week to meet the demand - which was many times the budgeted estimate, according to owner Bill Hornadge. AMPOL estimated the usual “request rate” for a promo item would be the industry typical 15%. However, it immediately ran to around 50%, and stayed that way. Young migrant dealer Max Stern was sent off packing to Europe with a blank cheque book from Bill Hornadge, with orders to buy anything pretty in packet material he could lay his hands on. Max spoke about 8 languages, so the perfect buyer. Kids like me badgered Dad to fill up only at AMPOL - so I could get the attractive freebie stamp packets. It was not all junk. China was not permitted to deal with the USA then (!) so they dumped large numbers of China stamps onto Bill for pennies a set. A good deal of it was the now super scarce Cultural Revolution issues the Poems Of Mao Tse Tung strip 5 (retail $100s today) I have found in dozens of these Ampol kiddies albums. Bet we all now are annoyed we did not keep the AMPOL packets un-opened - the few depicted nearby sold on eBay for $A32! I wish Seven Seas Stamps or someone else would get McDonalds, Shell, Woolworths, etc, to run such a campaign today. Don’t laugh ... the concept certainly worked for AMPOL - very big time, with big sales increases, and public awareness. The Chairman of AMPOL (a huge company here, the size of BP) was reported widely in the financial press in 1964 speaking at the company AGM, stating National sales and profits had gone up 12% over the year before. He stated to his shareholders that stamp packets were the specific reason for this upsurge in business. I still have the newspaper clippings that Bill Hornadge gave to me! “ETA” Peanut Butter stamp albums The same idea had also worked 30 years earlier. A new brand of peanut butter spread was introduced, named ETA. In pre-war 1937 they also decided to use stamps to draw attention to the new ETA peanut butter brand in 62 - Stamp News

Battered 1930’s “ETA” Stamp Album Australia. Some 25 million postage stamps were given away. In the first year, some 275,000 printed albums were sold of these Sailing Galleon ETA albums compared to a bullish estimate of the company marketing department of only 75,000 being needed! Some 80 years later, that “new” brand is still the market leader peanut butter in Australia. Stamp promotions work! Both AMPOL and ETA albums turn up regularly in auctions and dealer shops to this day, showing the enduring power of stamp collecting as an advertising medium. An inexpensive and very basic printed “Ampol” kids album was also made available. As I recall it sold for a pittance - 1d or 3d or something, just to get kids wanting to fill it up. A massive 300,000 albums were launched into this small population country then, and again this was the formative spark that attracted many of today’s leading collectors and dealers. This writer was certainly introduced to philately via those AMPOL packets of exotic

Glen Stephens AMPOL would always claim to have initiated “an urgent investigation” as to how a 5/- Bridge or £2 Kangaroo got into their cheapie packets. Seven Seas would profess in the daily media it was a major error, and they hoped there were not more similar packing errors, but could not guarantee that. The mainstream press lapped it up. A stamp worth a few quid (even if it existed!) would get them $100,000s worth of free media in today’s money. The headlines re a “£9 find” sounds paltry now, but 55 years ago that was a good deal of money. A week’s wages for some. My thoughts are that getting youngsters exposed to stamps is an ESSENTIAL thing for this hobby, and the entrepreneurs that do this are doing philately in this country a great service. Be wonderful to see McDonalds or the like, give out stamp packets for a change as a promo, instead of cheap plastic Disney action movie promo tokens etc.

“Lucky Little Lisa” indeed! Triangulars from Mongolia, and Goya Nudes from Spain. (Surprise, surprise, I still have the Nudes!) 300,000 AMPOL Albums sold The packets were cleverly “salted” by Seven Seas Stamps with the occasional valuable “goodie.” When these were “found” (coff, coff) the overjoyed child owner often got widely reported in the daily papers, creating more excitement and demand from AMPOL - and Seven Seas Stamps. As can be seen, “Lucky Lisa” aged 9 “found” a £2 Roo in her packet the media gleefully reported, and these “plants” got national media in those days. Remember this was 55 years ago.

New ACSC Catalogue Duo. Copies of these 2 huge new Brusden-White ACSC catalogues arrived on my desk the very day of my editorial deadline here, so will hopefully take a more detailed look next month, when I have compared the old versions with the new in the next week. A quick peek was a pleasant surprise. In full colour for the first time, and in the new large A4/Quarto type size for the first time too. Lots more data, and superb Dr Geoff Kellow research, and the KGVI includes all the BCOF issues of course. All Proofs and essays and trials, and errors and imprints, and plate numbers, and the usual vast amount of ACSC data found NOWHERE else. These new editions supersede and update the previous 2015 editions, and colour and in the new big A4 format, means tons more info is in each book. The listings have been fully revised, with some additions and corrections, and with additional illustrations and larger ones in many cases. Over 500 pages of superb info here. Two on-cover prices are now provided for every stamp - for solo usage, and for other uses of each stamp. With prices that will often gob-smack you! The rather common 1945 2/- CofA Kangaroo is cat $1,000 for solo use on cover etc. THAT will surprise many. The relevant Postage Due issues have also been included in each volume - a HUGE plus not in earlier Editions - and 2 x on-cover prices for all those too. QE2 includes Australian Antarctic Territory and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands issues. With on cover prices of course. Stamp News - 63

Market Matters As I have typed often - “Knowledge Is Power” and using these just ONCE, can easily pay for themselves. Finding a solo use on cover on eBay etc, from a foreign dealer, of a very common stamp, now Cat $1,000, like the 2/- above, just once in your life, will in fact pay for these 2 books FOUR times over! Retail is $230 the pair, and sales are very strong already. USA Inverted Jenny sells for $A2,250,000. A USA 1918 24¢ “Inverted Jenny” Invert airmail error stamp, from position 49 on the unique sheet of 100 was sold by Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries in New York for nearly $US1.6m (around $A2.25m) in Now large A4, and now in full colour. November. Been slow in reporting this! It pays to keep your stamps safe and sound. Good storage is everything. That The auction, which was broadcast online with live is the undeniable lesson of that sale of the fresh MUH audio, opened at $US625,000. It quickly surged past original gum condition copy, of the recently re-discovered $US1m, with duelling internet bidders and others on example of this 24¢ Inverted Centre airmail error. the phone, and in the room. It then advanced steadily to It is the highest price ever obtained for a single copy $1.25 million, where it paused before the hammer finalof an Inverted Jenny. However, Bill Gross in is the ly came down at $US1.35m, going to an internet bidder midst of selling his mega $$ Gazillion USA collection identified only as “I-350”. right now, and he of course owns blocks 4 of these rather Selling the stamp was “one of the highlights of my famous stamps. career,” said Scott Trepel, President of Siegel Auctions. This 1918 USA stamp had lain secretly hidden away “That blank space on the Jenny website bothered me for in a bank safe-deposit box for a full century. It was rarely a long time” he added, referring to the Siegel online cenexposed to light, and had never been hinged. It sold for sus of all known examples on - only $US1,593,000, including the 18% Buyer’s Premium, one spot was vacant on that page until late 2018. but before any taxes or insurance, beating the prior 2016 record of $US1.35 million set for the position #58, 24¢ Been in a bank vault in Chicago. Inverted Centre. During its 100 years of solitude, the stamp was essentially lost to philately, and many felt it has been lost forever to the hobby. Then in 2018, an anonymous Chicago-area family came forward, and submitted the stamp to the Philatelic Foundation in New York for Certification. The Foundation had previously certified 85 other examples of this 1918 inverted-centre error (Scott C3a) of the 99 known to exist. Position #49 is one of just six to still have genuine full original gum, and was assigned a grade of “extremely fine-90”, which to non-Americans, means it has among the best centering of any Inverted Jenny.

Believed lost for a Century. 64 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens

$15,000 very well spent! So the Chicago family who saw their long held Jenny example sell for $A2¼ Million, might have wondered WHAT their long dead relative paid for the stamp a Century back I am sure. The relative might have left a note with it of course. What do you suppose that figure was? $100,000? $50,000? $10,000? No - It was just a few hundred dollars! History makes it very clear that the copies sold to collectors in 1918 were priced at between $US250 and $US325 retail by Klein. Taking a higher end everage of $US300 let’s assume that was correct. If $300 were placed into a bank account in 1918 does anyone think that would reach $A2.25 million in 2018 with compound interest? Who say there is “No Money In Stamps”. Inflation took purchase price to $5,000! I asked the accountants and bankers on stampboards exactly what $US300 would have risen to with inflation over the past century, and the answer was literally $US5,050.14 using the widely used usinflationcalculator. com - I’d far rather have the millions! Most readers know some of the story. Stockbroker employee and stamp collector William Robey bought a sheet of 100 stamps for $24 face value at a Washington DC Post Office on May 14, 1918, all of which had inverted centres in error.

United States PO inspectors later visited him, and heavied him to turn it over, and he told them to get lost. As he was legally entitled to do. He had simply got lucky and paid face value. No other copies were ever found. A lucky break for him. Robey sold the sheet 100 to leading dealer Eugene Klein in Philadelphia for $US15,000 - several other dealers had made him offers. Stanley Gibbons USA offered him $US250 for it probably assuming 100 times face value would tempt him. Klein handed over a bank cheque for $US15,000 on May 21 for the sheet. Klein’s original letter confirming his $15,000 offer to Robey is illustrated nearby, sent by Registered and Special Delivery mail, with AR Delivery Confirmation. Even this battered and torn letter and outer envelope pair sold for over $US50,000 in 2017 - many times estimate! Dear Sir: Confirming our telephone conversation at 4.30 P.M., I will take your sheet of inverted center 24c Airplane stamps for $15,000, which you agreed to deliver at my office tomorrow. I am looking forward to your arrival at about noontime to-morrow [in manuscript], as stated. Very truly yours, Eugene Klein Klein was clever - he had already pre-sold the sheet to the infamous and incredibly wealthy, and eccentric New York collector “Colonel” Green, for $US20,000. So Klein made $5,000 in a day (a fortune, a century back) plus also made a cut on all the copies he later sold retail, on behalf of Green. Green authorized Klein to divide the sheet into singles and blocks, and to sell what Green did not retain for his own collection. Before doing so, Klein lightly pencilled the sheet position number on the gum side of each stamp, enabling future philatelists to cite every stamp by its Stamp News - 65

Market Matters exact location in the sheet. Klein and Green discussed pricing, and changed the prices over the next three months. As Klein reported, by the end of July 1918 most of the singles without straight edges had been sold for prices ranging from $250 to $325. Not all sold at such “High” prices, and Klein eventually returned 18 singles to Green, unsold. When Green’s collection was sold in the WW2 era (what a terrible time to sell anything!) Green still had 38 Jennies including all the blocks. Green was careless when handling stamps. EIGHT of the unsold straight edged at side “Jennies” were found stuck together in an envelope, and needed to be soaked apart, hence ended up having no gum. In the series of 28 auctions held from 1942 to 1946 to disperse Green’s stamp collection after his death in 1936, 38 different Inverted Jenny stamps were offered. Included in this total were the block of eight from the bottom with the plate number selvage, three blocks of four, five full perforated stamps, and 13 of the original straight-edge stamps. “Jennies” have that allure. The 1918 24¢ Inverted Jenny airmail stamp is by no means the world’s most valuable stamp, as a full sheet of 100 were found and sold, and all still exist. However it certainly is the best known of all the Twentieth Century stamp issues, no doubt about that. “Jennies” have an allure, and they of course fetch FAR higher prices than anything should, of which 100 copies exist. A few $1000 each is more logical not a few million! I have handled a number of literally UNIQUE Australasian issues, that sell for a few $1000 apiece. Strange but true. I have one on offer now from Victoria, with recent Photo Certificate. 1912 6d green “OS”, compound group of comb per 12.2 x 12.4, and single line perf 11, for $A1,750. First issued after Federation, it is a unique UNIQUE, but still chicken feed AUSTRALIAN


66 - Stamp News

stamp, so 6 or 7 figures each for each of the 100 Jennies is quite loopy, but that has always been the market. Jennies are a “sexy” stamp issue, and they have often been purchased by wealthy Americans who have little interest in stamps generally. Bought BECAUSE it is a well-known and “sexy” issue, that their friends at the Golf Club or Yacht Club will have heard about most likely, when doing the brag stories at the 19th Hole after 4 scotches! An entire 250 page book has been written on this one stamp sheet - “Jenny!” by George Amick - first published in 1986. That book pre-dates the Barnum and Bailey $US4 million “Swap” of the Jenny Plate Block of 4, and 1¢ “Z” Grill by Bill Gross and Mystic Stamp Company of course. That book was been updated by another author, but remains the “Bible” for many. Robey’s historically lucky purchase was on 14 May 1918, the very first day the stamps went on sale, in all the three principal airmail route cities - Washington DC, New York City, and Philadelphia PA. A shame he did not create a few FDC as well! Now THAT would be a gem cover. “Hand Back The Sheet!” The US Post Office security officials later tracked Robey down, and demanded he hand back the error stamps and he refused - as was his perfect legal right to do. Robey sold his windfall sheet soon after to Eugene Klein, a wellknown Philadelphia stamp dealer. Klein subsequently sold the intact sheet of 100 stamps to the eccentric millionaire collector “Colonel” Edward “Ned” Green for $US20,000, who had Klein break up the sheet into singles and blocks of 4. Green had just inherited $US50 MILLION from his mother Hetty’s passing, so $20K was mere chicken feed. Green kept some of the stamps (damaging many due to appalling storage - 8 sticking together in a blob, all now “no gum”) and later sold some others. Efforts have been made to track the history of each stamp from the sheet of 100, ever since the story of this fabled stamp began, over a century ago. Leading USA stamp auctioneer Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries in New York in recent years launched a detailed website devoted to the “Inverted Jenny”. That Jenny site pictured 98 of the 100 error stamps, along with description and images and past sales and owners of each example. Now it is 100% complete. An excellent site - and a fascinating read for all those with some time to spare, even if you do

Glen Stephens

ALL 100 copies NOW accounted for. not collect USA. Wonderful rundown on the history of this issue, and the finders, and all later owners of every stamp etc are fully documented. There is a Hollywood script in there for sure! As you can see from the photo nearby where they have assembled images of 99 of the 100 stamps, several of the copies on top row have had the natural straight edges re-perforated over the past ~100 years. And oddly LH margins have been removed/reduced from several stamps on the left row. The only one of the 100 original stamps with zero information recorded on it (other than being owned by Robey, Klein and Green in 1918) was stamp sheet position number 49. ZIPPO data existed on stamp #49 until this recent discovery, after a century on being unsighted. Never been on market before. Stamp position 49 has now surfaced, 100 years from when last being sold. It had never been on the stamp market before, never exhibited, and the whereabouts of it was totally unknown to many generations of collectors and dealers. In recent years, the Philatelic Foundation in New York authenticated another long-lost 1918 “Jenny” Invert, the Position 76 stamp that had been stolen in 1955 when it was part of the McCoy block of four. The block was purloined from an American Philatelic Society stamp show exhibit in Norfolk, Virginia, and turned up 60 years later in Northern Ireland, where it was found among non-stamp items allegedly purchased in a flea market setting years ago.

The stamp was returned to the rightful owner, the American Philatelic Research Library, by the Irish finder, Keelin O’Neill, during a public event at World Stamp Show in New York 2016 - see photo nearby of the handover. That rather curious “Inverted Jenny” story unfolded one day I was at the NY Expo, related to me by George Eveleth and Richard Debney of Spink USA. As reported in my column in May 2016, an example of this stamp was consigned to Spink NY for auction, by a young man from Ireland, who claimed he inherited it from his dead Grandpa, who owned no other

stamps. Hmmm. Investigation showed this stamp was stolen from the USA Exhibition in 1955 and had been missing since. The then legal owner willed it to the APS Library, should it ever surface. The stamp was later re-perforated, and some idiot also removed most of the gum, in order to hide the light pencil sheet number on reverse, rather than simply soft erase it. Truth is stranger than Fiction! It appears the young “owner” was essentially given

$US50,000 reward for stolen stamp. Stamp News - 67

Market Matters a “choice” of accepting the long ago offered $US50,000 Mystic Stamps “reward”, or possibly getting charged with handling stolen goods! He wisely took the money. The FBI had opened a Criminal case on the matter, and obtained a Federal Court order over movement of the stamp. So here in the photo nearby I took, we have the cheque handover during the NY Expo 2016. The Irish “finder” Keelin O’Neill is at microphone, flanked by a glum and $US50,000 poorer Mystic Stamps, an FBI Agent, a NYPD cop, the New York District Attorney, and the rather pleased APS official rubbing his hands in glee, to finally get their stamp back! It was all like some Barnum and Bailey movie script, but it all happened one day when I was at the New York show, with many onlookers, and mainstream press and TV cameras, and all done in Ned Green and his “Exotic Dancer” front of the real Curtiss Jenny bi-plane suspended from the roof, at the entrance to the hall, as can cessful attempts to find it a new home at other auctions be seen in photo. The Americans DO love razzaincluding some clown peddling it on eBay of all places! matazz. With these recent sales of 10 times that, it does look like One single Jenny in particular, stamp 9 from top row, value at that. Green set aside for special treatment. He had it placed in Not surprisingly, considering the auction was run by a a pendant made of two convex pieces of glass with a gold coin firm, Stack’s Bowers Galleries, the buyer was a coin rim, and ring for a chain, back to back with a normal collector. The Virginia retiree who apparently bought the 24¢ Jenny airmail stamp. 100 years on, miraculously, the stamp for $US164,500 thought it was “cheap” despite stamps had not “stuck” to each other due to humidity etc. being straight edged at top, poorly centred, with a missing NW corner perf, and totally bent lower corners, with a “Locket Copy” re-opened. crease and gum bend. This so-called “Locket Copy” example was opened for Green had presented the encased bauble to Mabel the first time in Harlow, a woman he had wed in 1917, just a few months recent years to after the passing of his mega-millionaire mother, Hetty examine and Green (“The Witch Of Wall Street”) who had very deeply have expertised. disapproved of Mabel, whom she called “Miss Harlot”. Despite bent and Green was single into his 40s, as Hetty felt all women creased and cut were “gold diggers.” corners etc from In July 1916 Hetty Green died, and Ned inherited being placed in $US50,000,000.00 and soon married “Miss Harlot”. In a locket a little complete contrast to his late mother, Ned Green began to too small, it had spend. He spent money on everything, but he especially totally unhinged liked spending his inheritance on stamps, coins, cars, and gum. Mabel. It “apparently” sold for World record price for stamp item. $US164,500 to Ned had been married for a little over ten months when he a coin collecpurchased the sheet of inverted “Jennies” for $20,000.00 tor mid-2015, from Eugene Klein. At the time, this was a world record despite 3 un-sucThe Inverted Jenny “Locket Copy” 68 - Stamp News

Glen Stephens

“Short perf top left”. Coff. price for any philatelic item, and would stand until the Ferrary Sales began in France in 1922. HINGED Jenny fetches $US1,351,250 What ex-prostitute and “Exotic Dancer” Mabel thought of this curious gift is unrecorded, but there’s no evidence that she ever wore it. It was unknown to the thetic leg. His visits to New York City’s Nassau Street stamp world until 1956 when a dealer casually mentioned stamp district were legendary. Green would sit in his it in a magazine. Thirty more years would then pass until huge limousine, with his artificial leg propped up on an anyone else saw it. More detail on the Locket Copy here outside stool. Dealers would bring him their offerings, - and he would pay in cash for the pieces he liked. This locket had not even been seen until 1950s when When died in 1936 Green left his estate to his sister, Mabel died, and then only briefly by a dealer who apnot to his wife. It totalled about HALF what he inherpraised it for her Estate. George Amick tracked it down ited from his frugal mother 20 years earlier. She simto a female companion of Mabels, and when she passed ply placed the vast fortune into her non interest paying in 2002, it was offered at auction for the first time, where cheque account. it did not sell. Green’s stamp collection was dispersed in a series of This ”Locket Copy” continued to be offered in subse28 auctions over four years, comprising some 50,000 lots. quent years, via the usual corny American Circus razzaA number of US States circled the Estate, all claiming he matazz. Some spiv in California in 2012 had it listed on legally lived there, and wanted their mega millions. eBay of all places. And it still could never get a buyer of course. Jennys start to rise again. Green inherited about $US50 Million in 1917 (Bill Dealers reported to me of record high prices being obGates league today) when his frugal mother passed tained for top end material, during the 8 day New York having amassed a larger fortune than J.P.Morgan. It was Expo I attended in 2016 at the massive Javits Center, for a Hetty’s stinginess, and frugality, and unwillingness to wide range of stamps. spend money on basic medical treatment, that led to the I saw a 1924 USA 24¢ “Inverted Jenny” on display at amputation of her teenage son’s left leg. I kid you not. the Robert Siegel auction super-booth. It had just been He spent the rest of his life hobbling on a cork prosinvoiced for an amazing $US1,351,250, at their Expo Stamp News - 69

Market Matters sale. My photo is nearby. Excuse the quality - it was behind Perspex! This was for a HINGED example, and blew away by miles in price, what any other “Jenny” has ever sold for to that time - even the unhinged mint examples. I spoke in New York to VP’s John Zuckerman and Charles Shreve from Siegels, and they were over the moon with this record price. So we now have seen even that record price surpassed by the stamp sold recently, that was lost and unknown to the stamp world for 100 years, and the circus moves on. The “Jenny” story has many twists and turns, it really does. “Jennies” had been rather soft in recent years in price, so these last mega sales have seen an amazing “about face”, and is a great sign that the market for better material is strongly on the rise from all areas. Super low global low interest rates always do this. More eBay stamp madness I’ve written before on the stupid prices many stamp fakes and forgeries obtain on eBay. Most often it is unscrupulous sellers offering regums and forged overIf anyone thinks THIS junk is real... prints to the army of often clueless, but well cashed up buyers. In that case most blame lies with the sellers, who almost regularly list up - take a look and be gobsmacked. You always realise what they are selling is forged, and the really cannot make this stuff up. They are dead serious. material is described as “Superb” and “genuine” etc. Reporting this stuff to eBay now and again sees a bored has exposed 100s of these cons in drone in Mumbai do something, but sadly eBay make the past, and have saved the Bunnies literally millions VERY good money from fakes, in fees. of dollars by having these sellers closed down. It is like holding back the tides sadly - 100 new spiv sellers take their place, and the Bunnies hoover it all up all over Glen Stephens has written monthly ‘Stamp Tipster’ again. They bid this landfill up to $A65! Brain dead. Columns for over 30 years - globally. A vast library of his Stampboards exposed an eBay seller societystreet ofpast articles and photos are found at – fering vast conga lines of ink-jet printed crude copies of scarce stamps. No watermarks, perfs done with a blunt pin, incredibly coarse impressions on rumpled OfficeMax paper - see the Ceylon nearby. None described as crude copies made 5 minutes ago, as eBay rules allegedly insist 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068 on. When negative feedback is left, he gets it removed. is just one everlasting conga Ph: 02 9958 1333 email: list of exposes of what the lowest IQs in the stamp world Website:

Glen Stephens

70 - Stamp News

The world's very largest and friendliest Stamp Bulletin Board - with a strong Aussie flavour! A fast-growing true Community which started in 2007. Stampboards now has over 20,000 real members from 150 countries - who have made over SIX MILLION posts, on over 80,000 topics. See a MILLION high resolution colour photos, showing rare stamps, errors, discoveries, cinderellas and new issues etc. We get over 5 MILLION hits each month. Zero cost: or A vast array of leading dealers and collectors are active members. The Presidents of both APTA and the APF are members. Senior International Stamp Judges are members. Catalogue producers, stamp magazine publishers, and leading auctioneers are all active members. Masses of stamp club secretaries worldwide are members, and promote their clubs and events free - does YOURS??? All entirely FREE. If you can two-finger type you are all set - simple and intuitive. Discuss EVERY aspect of stamps, from ANY country, and get instant answers and input. Show and share your photos, ask questions, get advice from experts. Buy or sell or trade the stamps you need - ALL FREE. Loads of fun threads, jokes and general discussions too. HUNDREDS of eBay crooks, cons and forgers have been exposed and expelled from eBay by our member reports and Detective work - essential reading. Monthly competitions with very valuable stamp prizes. Pop by today. It is like your ‘local stamp club' - but you do NOT need to ever leave your home!

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, part-time or full-time. AAA Stamps

Edlins of Canberra

Pacific Coast Philatelics

PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760

Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859

Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207

A.G.T. Devine

PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300

56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209

Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066

Ace Stamp Auctions

Falcon Stamps

Gold Coast Stamp Traders

PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205

Stephen Joe

Glen Stephens

GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183

Peter Barrett

John Hurtado/KGV Collector

Bexley Stamps & Coin Accessories Ken Pullen PO Box 36, KURMOND, NSW 2757 02 4573 1332

Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch 9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202

Grant Carter PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193

Alf Clark

PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184

Kennedy Stamps P/L Suite 706a, 250 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: + 61 2 92646168 Fax: + 61 2 92645969

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693

PO Box 53, Box Hill, VIC 3128 Ph: 03 9808 9717

Maree Nieuwenhuizen

John Cornelius

PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848

PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072

Ken Cowden PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231

Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733

Chris Snelling Stamps

Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582 sales@

PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827

Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520

Mike Lee 7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855

P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773 Ph: 02 4739 6184

4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333

Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011

Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778

Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744


PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC 3158

philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9264 8301 Australian Numismatic Society, NSW Branch: Mtg 3rd Monday, Philas House Australian States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Burwood District SC: Mtg 4th Wed Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries:; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Club WIlloughby Philatelic Section : Mtg 4th Thursday Earlwood and District SC: Mtg 1st Wed Eastwood-Epping PS: Mtg 1st Tuesday Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6555 5664 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Wednesday, Room 2, Illawarra Master Builders Club, 61 Church St, Wollongong 7.00 pm. Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: Manly-Warringah Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall

act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,

western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 4.30pm Bridgetown Library Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email Canning SC: Mtg 4th Monday Wilson Community Hall, Braibrise Rd Wilson. Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, St. Peter’s Church Hall, 4 Hammad St., Palmyra. Circuit books 7pm, meeting 8pm Ph: 08 9284 7125 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484

72 - Stamp News

NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301

NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, J3A Bldg. Castlereash St. New PO Box: 252 Kingswood 2750. Ph: 02 4733 3062 Piallaway PS: PO Box 12, Werris Creek PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec) PS of NSW: Mtg 4th Sat (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email penviews@ Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican PS: 2nd Sat. even months 9.30-2.30 North Rocks Community Church132 North Rocks Road North Rocks Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Masonic Centre, 8 Boyd St, Tweed Heads, 07 5535 3168 Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email:

northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 9305 3130.

philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@; Website: Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@; Website: Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email:; Website: Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email:; Website: NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@; Website: NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email:; Website: www.

queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: 4th Tues. 7.30pm Comm. Hall, 15 Kamerunga Rd., Stratford 07 4033 2211 Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103, Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226. Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433;

Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. John Mounce, President 649-291-9381 Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email:; Website South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: Web:

Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 2nd Sat, 10:00am, Nanango RSL. Contact Ph: 07 3103 8938 or ema il: Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: david. Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm Red Cross Rms, Price St., Nambour 07 5445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5535 3168 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815

Stamp News - 73

philatelic clubs & societies south australia

Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435

Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email:; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg: 3rd Thurs. Bordertown PS Contact: K. Grey Tel: 08 8752 0446 or email Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214;; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st & 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. c/- 9 Moore St., Tranmere, SA 5073 08 8398 2475 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan)

victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Bulleen PS Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan) 7.30 pm Veneto Club Upstairs 191 Bulleen Rd Bulleen (PO Box 166, Niddrie VIC 3042)Contact Secretary: Frank 0438830645 Treasurer: Joe 0408560601 Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216

tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues

74 - Stamp News

1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474 Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 9800, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email:; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday 7.30 pm ex. Jan. Guide Hall, Foster St. 0407 659664 Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5975 0574 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues St Arnaud SC: Mtg 3rd Mon (excl. Jan & Dec) 03 54951371 Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: 1st Thurs. & 3rd Sat. ex. Jan. 6.30 pm, Max Fry Hall,TrevallynLauncestonTel: 03 6331 2580 (A/H) Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec);, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart

Internet & Email Directory The following is a listing of Stamp Dealer and Internet Website contact addresses worldwide. Millions of dollars of stock is priced up ready to sell on these sites. All Dealers may list their contact details here for a very affordable $175 per year fee, prepaid annually or only $17.50 a month. Contact the Advertising Manager on Ph: 0425 795 693, or email: New European stamp store devoted to French stamps. All stock availablein used and mint, with photo, and Scott+Yvert numbers for easyreference. There are thousands of stamps, with prices starting at just20 cents each, the lowest prices you can find on the Internet. Alsocomplete stock from Airmails, Postage Dues, Military, Blocks, FullYears, etc... Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today. PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties. The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects. New Zealand and worldwide in our Ashford Stamps postal auctions. Ask for a catalogue, or view the website. Also ask for direct sales list of NZ Chalons. New European stamp store devoted to Italian stamps. All stock availablein used and mint, with photo, and Scott+Sassone numbers for easyreference. There are thousands of stamps, with prices starting at just20 cents each, the lowest prices you can find on the Internet. Alsocomplete stock from Airmails, Semi Postals, Pneumatic and Express mail,etc... Long-established mail order dealer comprehensively covering British Isles, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Australasia and Japan. Prompt courteous service and an extensive user-friendly website. Search our website for full listing of stamps and Seven Seas albums and pages and other accessories. We look forward to serving you.

21ST CENTURY AUCTIONS ___________ HALLMARK STAMPS ________________ KENNEDY STAMPS P/L ______________ KEVIN MORGAN STAMPS AND COINS ____ PACIFIC STAMPS ___________________ STAMP NEWS AUSTRALASIA _________ Stamp News - 75

Products & Services Directory dealers MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES See ad elsewhere in this magazine www.21stCenturyAuctions. Tel: 0425 795 693

GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS 4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia. Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:




Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 33435, Petone, Lower Hutt, 5046, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)

Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most welcome. Secretary: PO Box 14, McCRAE, 3938

at 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155.

STAMP COLLECTOR Wednesday each month at 7.30pm, Meets on the 2nd Wednesday each month

Email - email me now to get on my regular lists FREE! Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years.

(President, A. Melville-Brown)

Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 33435, Petone, Lower Hutt, 5046, NZ

email: web:

Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces

$260 per year or $26 per month $520 per year or $52 per month $695 per year or $69.50 per month $990 per year or $99 per month POR

Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email:

1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page.

AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3 rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Rd (cnr Keats St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: 51 Camperdown St, Brighton East, VIC, 3187.

Cricket Philatelic Society


The IPDA Inc Internet Philatelic Dealers Association

dealers & part time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to for details.

Meets 8.00pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday and 10.30am 3rd Tuesday each month. 80 Gardenvale Road, Gardenvale, Vic, 3185. Visitors/new members welcome.

Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Up to 39c pay 35% 40c to 98c pay 40% $1 and above pay 60% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: Web:

Always buying/selling collections, accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.

SAS/OCEANIA INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP Our award-winning quarterly journal, ‘The Informer’, contains regular, informative articles about Australia and States, New Zealand, PNG, and other Pacific countries by knowledgeable philatelic writers. Sample copy/ application form sent airmail for $US1.00. Mint US postage accepted. SAS/O Secretary, PO Box 24764,San Jose, CA 95154-4764, USA 76 - Stamp News

Great Britain 1839-1951 Andrew G Lajer Ltd T: +44 (0)1189 344151

The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire,RG10 0TR, UK

societies&publications MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES

PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANBERRA Inc. The society has a regular program of

See ad elsewhere in meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes this magazine visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishwww.21stCenturyAuctions. ing exchange branch, which circulates to small stamp clubs in the south Tel: 0425 795 693 region, as well as in the Canberra area. It publishes, quarterly, a news-



Features: Major Collectables Shows around Australia; discounted advertising in major collectables journals and yellow pages; regular newsletter; special discounts on accessories/albums etc.; free 6 month subscription to Stamp News; website, with free advertising for members

Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T. c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158

letter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail: tony_luckhurst@


Trouble getting Stamp News?

Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details) New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: Web:

a quarterly record of Research & information

ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No serious collector of Australia and its States, New Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this

Tasmania The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)6224-3536 e-mail: Web:

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Many Benefits: 96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...

Write today Airmail to :

AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome

Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142

AUCTIONS 17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.

Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or ()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741


Max Stern & Company, 271 Collins St, Shop 8B, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: Web: Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 email Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953 21st Century Auctions Suite 1, 1174 Burwood Hwy, Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. 3156 tel. 0425 795 693

Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 9 Grevillea Way, Heathridge, WA 6027 Ph: 08 9402 9261 There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month. Stamp News - 77

Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2019 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Kevin Morgan, ABN 61 577 987 652, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.

Advertising deadlines 1st day of month prior to month of publication (eg the June edition advertising deadline is 1st MAY)

RATES - casual (all rates include GST) All Prices now include 4 Colour Separation Full page

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W 210 190 190 93 190 60 190 93

H 297 277 136 277 89 277 66 136

Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position�). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.

Contributor & Advertiser Deadlines June 2019 Issue 1 May 2019 July 2019 Issue 1 June 2019 We reserve the right to repeat advertising from a previous issue if material is not received in time. Email submission:


Australian Varieties

PPA is your best source of Australian Varieties from Colonial stamps all the way through to modern decimals. During 2018 we offered over 1500 individual varieties to enable you to just buy the item you need without having to buy stamps you don’t want. Auctions held about every 2 months. Each auction contains 4000-4500 lots of world-wide stamps, postal history, postal stationery, postmarks & postcards. Estimates from less than $5 to $1,000s. When you visit our website don’t forget to browse through the 25,000+ retail items that we have listed. To find out more visit our Website Or contact us at:

Email: Phone: (03) 9038 8136 Fax: (03) 8677 2858 PO Box 458, Canterbury, Vic 3126 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Vic 3127

A couple of examples from our stocks -

We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.


Or View On-Line at NEW WEB-SITE – Visit

to view our stock of quality Australia and New Guinea stamps

PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: Phone: 0409 473 150 Fax: (07) 3102 8558 Mastercard &Visa Accepted

Mention you saw us in Stamp News!

Stamp News is now available online To see how a back issue looks for FREE go to our website at Stamp News Australasia Magazine The cost is just AUD$4.95 for a single issue or a discounted AUD$39.95 for a 12 month subscription. This represents a huge saving over the Newsagency price of $8.95 for a single issue and $99.50 for a 6 month mailed subscription. To purchase or subscribe go here:

(Please note that these subscriptions are handled by an external agency and in case of any difficulty you must contact them direct)

Gift options for new subscribers In 2018 we are making these new subscription offers to make your subscription even more affordable: For each 12 months of your new subscription you may choose 1 of the following: 1) 2 recent Australia PNC covers, our choice retail value $45…or ask for a list of those available. 2) Approx 1250 Australian Stamps, unsorted, off paper, retail value $30 3) 110mm Illuminated Magnifier on stand, RRP $35 4) Approx 1250 World Stamps, unsorted off paper, retail value $30 5) 30 Eureka stocksheets, made in Australia on a Hagner machine, our choice of strip sizes, retail value $37.50 6) Australian Comprehensive Catalogue, 3 volumes complete, latest edition, RRP $99 7) A mixed selection of Prinz black or clear mounts (state which) retail value $45 8) A pair of European Made stainless steel 150mm pointed tweezers, in safety wallet, plus a perforation gauge RRP $20.00 9) Approx 1250 British Commonwealth stamps unsorted off paper, retail value $30 10) 500 Different Australian stamps, retail value $25 For a lifetime subscription you will receive all 10 gifts. In the event of your chosen gifts being unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute. Please circle the gifts required and return with your completed subscription form on the facing page together with and payment to: Stamp News Subscriptions, PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic. 3158 Australia. Email and telephone subscriptions always welcome. Gifts are for NEW hard copy subscribers only.

Subscribe and Save up to $1.80 per copy over newsagency prices* *5yr subscription CHOOSE FROM OUR STAMP NEWS SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS!

This months free gift for subscribers: A complete thematic set or mini-sheet (may differ from those illustrated)

All prices include postage and packaging within Australia

6 months 12 months 24 months 36 months 60 months Lifetime

$54.50 $99.50 $189.50 $259.00 $429.00 $895.00

Every Month an exciting free gift for subscribers only. Please add for postage & packaging:

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SUBSCRIPTION FORM - ABN 61 577 987 652 Stamp News, PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC, 3158, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Email:

Please enrol/re-enrol me as a subscriber to Stamp News Please start my subscription from the ................2019 issue Tick one (All prices include GST, Postage & Packaging within Australia 6 month trial subscription $54.50

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List of Display Advertisers 21st Century Auctions...............35 Abacus Auctions. .......................83 ACTS.........................................71 Burstamp...................................79


Glen Stephens............................25

Serving Stamp and Postal History Collectors Since 1972

Jimbo's Philatelic Service............82

Auctions every 7 weeks!

Leski Auctions..............................3 Phoenix Auctions. ......................84 Premier Postal Auctions.............79 Richard Juzwin P/L...........5, 23, 24 Rod Perry....................................2

You can get your FREE colour catalogue or view it online at P.O. Box 267, Smithville, Ontario Canada L0R 2A0 Toll Free Phone: 877-957-3364 Fax: 905-957-0100

Salvation Army S & C Fair..........31 Southern Enterprises..................56 Stamp News Mail Order..........4, 51 ......................71 Sutherland Phil.........................82 Vance Auctions Ltd....................82

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