October 2019 Quartet A selection of collecting suggestions for adventurous collectors, or to accelerate the scope of an existing collection of the relevant subject. Contact me if you have a particular interest in Australian cover/stationery fields. For individual item offerings, refer to website (www.rap.com.au) and eBay listings (search rap_com_au).
1936: Kangaroo 9d pays Airmail rate to Netherlands East Indies, KGV 1d for Late fee (For posting after P.O. closure for acceptance)
1907: George Warden, Saddler & Harness Maker, Wallendbeen NSW, advertising cover
Australia: Commercial Airmail covers a Speciality
Australia: Regional Postal History a Speciality
1932: Post Now For Christmas “Santa Claus” Paid slogan cancel cover
1913: KGV Law, Somner & Co, Seedsmen, Melbourne cover; note Telephone 729!
Australia: Slogan Cancellation covers a Speciality
Australia: Interesting Covers a Speciality
Registered post paid within Australia (overseas at cost) Payment by Direct Bank Transfer
Rod Perry (Est. 1962)
PO BOX 36 TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 AUSTRALIA Email: rod [at] rap.com.au Phone: 0417 598 536
Catalogues AVAILABLE
STANLEY GIBBONs GB & British commonwealth
Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1970 2019 Edition ................................... $199.50 Commonwealth Simplified Catalogue 1840 - 2010 5th Edition 2014 .......................................$179.50 Australia and Territories 11th Edition 2019 .................................................................................$79.95 Burma, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 3rd Edition 2015.................................................$49.50 Belize, Guyana, Trinidad 2009 2nd Edition ..................................................................................$45.00 Bermuda, Bahamas & North Caribbean 1st Edition 2006 .........................................................$60.00 Brunei Malaysia & Singapore 2013 4th Edition .........................................................................$57.50 Canada & Former Provinces 2014 Edition...................................................................................$62.00 Central Africa 2014 .........................................................................................................................$72.50 Cyprus, Malta & Gibraltar 4th Edition 2014 ..............................................................................$83.00 East Africa 2018 5th Edition ..........................................................................................................$60.00 Eastern Pacific 3rd Edition ............................................................................................................$48.50 Falklands Is. & Dependencies 2013 ...............................................................................................$36.00 Hong Kong 11th Edition 2015 .......................................................................................................$40.00 India including States 2018 5th Edition ........................................................................................$70.00 Indian Ocean 3rd Edition 2016......................................................................................................$47.50 Ireland 6th Edition 2015 ................................................................................................................$40.00 Leeward Islands 2017 3rd Edition.................................................................................................$72.00 North East Africa 2017 2nd Edition ..............................................................................................$60.50 Northern Caribbean Bahamas & Bermuda 2016 4th Edition ...................................................$53.00 New Zealand & Dependencies 2016 6th Edition ..........................................................................$65.00 St. Helena & Dependencies 2017 6th Edition ...............................................................................$35.50 Southern Africa & Central Africa 2014 2nd Edition ...................................................................$99.50 West Africa 2nd Edition 2012 ........................................................................................................$57.50 Western Pacific incl. Fiji, Pitcairn, Cook Is., PNG, Solomons etc 2017 .....................................$75.00 Windward Islands & Barbados 2015 3rd Edition .......................................................................$72.00 Great Britain Concise 2017 ............................................................................................................$85.00 Collect British Stamps 2019 70th Edition .....................................................................................$42.00 Collect Channel Is. & Isle of Man 2016 30th Edition ..................................................................$70.00 GB Specialised Queen Victoria 16th Edition 2011 .......................................................................$90.00 GB Specialised 4 Kings 14th Edition 2015.................................................................................. $119.50 GB Specialised QEII pre-decimal 12th Edition 2011...................................................................$81.00 GB Specialised QEII Decimal Vol 4 2010 Edition ........................................................................$79.50 KGVI Commonwealth 9th Edition................................................................................................$90.00
foreign Countries & WORLD
Western Europe Simplified catalogue 2012 2nd Edition .... $92.50 Stamps of the World, 6 volumes New 2019 Edition ........... $650.00 Austria & Hungary 8th Edition 2014 .................................... $86.50 Antarctica 2012 2nd Edition .................................................. $39.90 Arabia 2016.............................................................................. $61.50 Asia Volume 1 2011 ................................................................. $60.00 Balkans 2009 5th Edition........................................................ $99.50 Belgium & Luxembourg ......................................................... $53.00 Central America 3rd Edition 2007 ........................................ $30.00 Central Asia 4th Edition 2007 ................................................ $60.00 China 2016 11th Edition ....................................................... $117.50 Czech Republic & Slovakia 2016 1st Edition ....................... $63.00 Finland & Sweden 2017 .......................................................... $68.50 France 1st Edition 2015 .......................................................... $68.50 Germany 12th Edition 2018 ................................................... $96.00
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is published monthly by:
http://www.stampnews.net.au Phone: 0425 795 693 Editor & Advertising Manager: Kevin Morgan kevinmorgan2@live.com Advertising materials & editorial submissions email: stampnewsaus@gmail.com Post: Stamp News PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic, 3158, Australia Assistant Editor, Layout & Design: Máirín Holmes stampnewsaus@gmail.com Subscriptions Manager: Michael Woodberry Printed by: Printgraphics Newsagent Distribution: Gordon & Gotch
Woodchip Free Zone: Rod Perry ...................................................6 James A. Farley’s Follies: Christer Brunström ............................ 12 Stamps in the News: Margo Campbell .................................... 16 Postal Stationery: Ian McMahon ................................................ 26 Cinderella Corner: Vito Milana .................................................... 32 Introducing the APF: Stephanie Bromser ................................... 52 Market Matters: Glen Stephens .................................................. 58
Information Events/Stamp & Coin Fairs ........................................................... 57 Clubs & Societies ....................................................................... ......72 Products & Services Directory............................................... ......76 Internet & Email Directory...................................................... ......77 List of Advertisers .............................................................. ..............82
As of Oct 1 2018 Australia Post prices for Airmailing Stamp News increased from $6 to $7.50 New Zealand, $6.75 to $8 for Asia Pacific Region and $9 to $12 for Rest of the World. To simplify things for our overseas subscribers, the new Airmail rates will be: Add 50% to Domestic Price for NZ and Asia Pacific and Add 100% for Rest of the World. Please note, there is no longer a surface mail service from Australia to any part of the World for letters.
glenstephens.com/rarity.html EMAIL ME TO RECEIVE MONTHLY ‘NETT PRICE’ OFFER LISTS AND GOSSIP: glen@glenstephens.com Stamp News - 5
I penned dedicated articles on Fiji’s 1938-55 attractive Pictorial series in March 2005 and November 2009, supplemented by occasional other mentions of items from the series. My exhibition collection of Usage of the series was sold about seven years ago, and has just returned to me for sale by the purchaser. A good excuse to more extensively feature the various issues in the series, thought he! I’ve generally selected solo frankings, to feature the designs, but multiple and combination frankings can be particularly eye-catching, and splendidly colourful. The series also lends itself to Postal History study, with wartime censored mail, volatile airmail rates of the period of issue, etc,
Figure 2. 1d Native village 6 - Stamp News
Figure 1. ½d Native sailing canoe
most compelling. The ½d as a solo franking is elusive. Figure 1 is a 1949 (Aug 22) use by South Sea Islands Correspondence Club (Natuvu), cancelled at Buca Bay destined for U.S. at Foreign Newspapers & magazines rate (½d each 2ozs.) Figure 2 solo franking of 1d from same source as in Figure 1, on Oct 25 1952, on this occasion to N.Z., paying rate increase. The 1940 (Jun 10) postcard to U.S. in Figure 3, was sent by a cruise boat tourist from Suva, paying Foreign postcard rate. The famous “No man in canoe” (as it was once
Figure 3. 1½d Camakua (Die I: empty canoe)
Figure 4. 1½d Camakua (Die II: native in canoe) Stamp News - 7
known) was quickly redesigned, to accommodate occupancy. Figure 4 is an exceptional usage item for this stamp, the perforation 14 issue (SG 252b), no less than eight examples, in an aggregate franking of 5/8d, representing double the 2/10d transpacific Clipper airmail rate of 2/10d per half oz. to U.S. Sent from Suva 1943 (Dec 16) to U.S., addressee Sir MayFigure 5. 2d Map of Fiji Islands (Die I: without 180°) nard Hedstrom was
Figure 6. 2d Map of Fiji Islands (Die II: with 180°) 8 - Stamp News
Figure 7. 2d Government Offices (green & magenta)
was the first person in Fiji to be knighted. The only cover bearing this perforation I’ve found, but equally desirable as a scarce airmail rate item for a Postal History or Censor collector (note Fijian tape at left – Examiner “X / 119”). Figure 5 has 2d Die I solo with the SG-listed “Extra line” variety (SG253a), used from Labasa 1939 (Sep 26) to Suva,
Figure 8. 2½d Surcharge on 2d Map of Fiji Islands Stamp News - 9
paying Internal airmail rate. The listed varieties on commercial cover are rare, unsurprisingly. The 2d Die II is very elusive on commercial cover; I’ve seen just Figure 6. This has the 2d with a ½d, reflecting the effective War tax. Used from Suva 1942 (Feb 10) to N.S.W. for British Empire surface rate. Figure 7 is an internal use of 2d, Suva 1942 (May 19) to C.C.U. Camp at Namaka, paying surface rate within Fiji. The “FIJI BOMBER FUND” label is scarce on cover, and sought-after. The surcharged stamp Figure 9. 2½d Map of Fiji Islands is uncommon on cover. Figure 8 has a Sheet no.
Figure 10. 3d Canoe and Arms of Fiji 10 - Stamp News
strip of three used by Ba Lodge of Fiji 1941 (May 6) to N.S.W., paying triple 2½d British Empire surface rate. 2½d x2 on 1948 (May 31) cover pay 5d per half oz. airmail rate to N.Z. in Figure 9. Figure 10, neat solo use of 3d at Suva 1944 (May 8) to U.S., likely from U.S. Serviceman, Patriotic envelope, Fijian Censor tape (Examiner “X / 112”). Part II in November
Vale Gary Brown Gary Brown was a world famous collector of Aden, Natal, South African revenues, cricket stamps, plus many other subjects, winning international large gold medals and becoming a world accredited philatelic judge. He was a past president of the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria and served on the Australian Philatelic Federation for nearly 2 decades, plus on various international stamp bureaus. He is currently the vice president of the Federation Internationale de Asian Philately and a member of the international philatelic literature bureau. His contribution to organised philately at a Victorian, Australian, and international level has been extraordinary. He was the driving force behind many exhibitions particularly in Melbourne in 2013, 2017 and the planned 2021, and also a major consultant for the world exhibition in Auckland next year. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Gary was a wonderful organiser with an unending capacity for good ideas and hard work. He was a mentor for many and very happy to share his philatelic knowledge. He conducted judges training courses, and ran philatelic seminars, displaying his collections all over the world. More important than his philatelic achievements however was the character of the man. He was always friendly, good humoured, honest, helpful and great company to be with. Despite the incredible tragedy of losing 5 of his family in the terrible Black Saturday bushfires 10 years ago, Gary continued to make a massive contribution in all areas of his public and private life. He was dedicated family man, a great supporter of charity, a passionate follower of the Essendon Football Club (we can’t all be perfect), a lifelong square dancer, a keen and extensive world traveller, and an accomplished businessman as owner of the world famous Australian sporting goods manufacturer “Platypus” who make the iconic cricket ball. Despite his slightly short stature, about which we often used to joke, he was a giant of philately. Gary I am going to miss you greatly and all the fun we’ve had together. You are leaving an enormous gap in philately and I can only hope that you are catching up with the news with our great mutual friend, the late Arthur Grey. Gary is survived by his wife Robyn and his daughters Melanie and Leanne. His son Adrian died in the Black Saturday bushfires in 2010. RIP Gary. Tony Shields
The day this Edition went to printer, RPSV Treasurer and his good friend, Frank Pauer circulated the sad news of the sudden passing of Gary Brown, on Saturday, September 14. Gary was THE leading figure in organised philately in Australia, and was a past President of the APF, and the RPSV. He was a specialised collector, and garnered top level Medals nationally and globally for his many and very varied chosen collecting fields. He was head of the Judging Panel at many Australian exhibitions, and attended most overseas shows as well, in a Judging and/or Commissioner capacity. Gary was a main driving force behind National shows here in recent decades, including a senior role in organising the mega successful “Australia 2013” International in Melbourne, and the equally successful “Melbourne 2017”. Gary was active for 12 years on stampboards as “GJ50”, adding over 3000 messages, mentoring and advising and encouraging Exhibitors, and always heavily promoting upcoming Nationals and Pacific Regional shows, and promoting RPSV new publications etc. His last message was made only 2 days before his sad and sudden passing. I understand Gary was born in 1950. Those that knew him are invited to leave a Condolence message here - tinyurl.com/GaryRIP Gary and Robyn tragically lost their son, daughter in law, and 3 Grandchildren in the devastating Kinglake Bushfires a decade back in 2009. Editor asked me to pen this right on deadline - I feel sure a far more detailed summary of Gary’s vast contribution to organised philately will be in next months’ magazine from the APF. A great loss, a lovely guy, and heartfelt Condolences to Robyn and the family. I took the photo nearby of Gary (left) and his truly great mate Arthur Gray having a beer in Adelaide, and they both liked it, and can both share another beer soon.
Glen Stephens
JAMES A. FARLEY’S FOLLIES In 1934, James A. Farley was appointed Postmaster General (PMG) in the USA. He then had the brilliant idea of asking the Post Office to supply him with complete uncut sheets of 20 different recently issued stamps and souvenir sheets. These very large sheets were then given away to prominent persons like President Franklin D. Roosevelt, an avid stamp collector. Most of the stamps and souvenir sheets were delivered to Farley as imperforate and uncut sheets comprising 200 or 400 stamps depending on the size of the stamps. The souvenir sheets were delivered in large uncut sheets comprising from nine to 25 sheets. Before presenting the sheets as gifts to the recipients they were generally signed by Far-
ley. The sheets also exist with other signatures as well. When US stamp collectors found out about these gifts they were outraged. They accused Farley of corruptive practices as these varieties could not be acquired by ordinary collectors and it was thus impossible to assemble a complete collection of new issues. In order to soften his critics, Farley ordered the printers to produce new printings of the 20 stamps and souvenir sheets for general sale. They were available at face value for a limited period of time way back in 1935. The sheets were sold without gum but in 1940 the Post Office offered collectors to have the sheets of the National Parks issue
Figure 1
12 - Stamp News
Christer Brunström gummed for free. In the USA these 20 stamps are generally referred to as Farley’s Follies. James Aloysius Farley (1888-1976) was a successful businessman and politician of Irish descent. He was very active in the Democratic Party and it was Farley who headed the campaign to have Franklin D. Roosevelt elected president in 1934. As we all know, Roosevelt won the elections and became president. As a thank you gesture, Farley was appointed Postmaster General in the new government (it seems this was a tradition in US politics). As PMG Farley authorised the issue of a number of souvenir sheets for stamp exhibitions. In the
margins we find his name as in this 1934 example in Fig. 1. Farley took a strong interest in professional boxing and he also campaigned for the rights of black people in the United States. There is nothing to suggest that he was a stamp collector. Farley then remained as Postmaster General until 1940 when he resigned in connection with a failed attempt to become the Democratic presidential candidate. There is much to suggest that Farley paid for the early special printings out of his own pocket. Thus the US Post Office suffered no financial loss. Despite the rather dodgy character of these issues they are eagerly collected in the United States
Figure 3
Figure 2
Stamp News - 13
JAMES A. FARLEY’S FOLLIES and elsewhere. This is in no way strange as most of the stamps have very pleasing designs. Most collectors are probably quite satisfied with the basic set of 20 stamps and souvenir sheets but there is so much more. The way the stamps were printed resulted in some very special varieties and some of these will be discussed in this story. Normally US commemoratives were printed in large sheets comprising 200 or 400 stamps depending on the size of each stamp. Before they were delivered to post offices all over America, they were cut into smaller panes of 50 or 100 stamps. There were sometimes gutters between the four panes in the large sheets. The same method applied to the souvenir sheets which were printed in large sheets holding as many as 25 souvenir sheets which were of course also cut into individual sheets before they went on sale.
When the large sheets became available to the philatelic community, collectors immediately realized that they could be cut into a number of smaller blocks which clearly demonstrate that they belong to the special Farley printings of 1935. Shown in Fig. 2 is a block of four with crossed gutters of the Byrd souvenir sheet. As can be seen it includes stamps from four different sheets. Before being sent out to the post offices, the large panes of 200 or 400 stamps were cut into four smaller sheets. This resulted in some stamps getting straight edges in addition to the normal perforations. In order to facilitate the process of cutting the large sheets, arrows were added in the margins and lines were added between the four panes. There were arrows at the top and bottom and on each side of the sheet. It now became possible to create arrow blocks which can be either vertical or horizontal. Only
Figure 4
14 - Stamp News
Christer Brunström four such arrow blocks were possible for each large sheet. There obviously was a lot of demand for this kind of blocks resulting in high prices. Shown nearby in Fig. 3 is a vertical arrow block. As already explained a coloured line separated the four panes of the large sheets. Pairs and blocks of four with such a line are also included in many collections of the Farley issue. There are both vertical and horizontal versions of these lines. An example is shown in Fig. 4. Another way of collecting these issues is to save blocks of the middle of the large sheets where the vertical and horizontal lines meet. Plate number blocks are quite popular in the USA. These numbers can be found in the top and bottom margins and when it comes to the Farley issues they are generally collected as blocks of six as in the example nearby (Fig. 5). A complete set of Farley plate blocks sells for more than $300
For those readers wanting to find out even more about the Farley special printings of 1935 I recommend the Scott Specialized Catalogue of US Stamps and Covers which is issued annually. Those collectors who chose to have their National Parks sheets gummed in 1940 made a brilliant investment as their value today is ten times higher than that of the ungummed version. It should perhaps be repeated that all the Farley special printings of 1935 were sold without gum. The fact that it has become very popular to collect the Farley issues as smaller blocks is of course due to the fact that is quite difficult to handle and store very large sheets. In New York James A. Farley is still remembered. A post office, a school and a bridge have been named after the famous Postmaster General. However, stamp collectors mostly remember him for his “follies”.
Figure 5
Stamp News - 15
Stamps in the News - Globally! US postal service goes loco Reported at www.washingtonpost.com
A number of US train buffs have been dismayed by a promotional poster currently displayed in Post Offices around the country. The poster announces coming commemorative stamps, including ones celebrating Marvin Gaye, Ellsworth Kelly, Woodstock, frogs and military working dogs. The train on the poster itself apparently relates to a handsome set of stamps marking the 150th anniversary of the completion of the US Transcontinental Railroad. It’s quite a nice steam train, but if you’re really into trains, you know it’s a British locomotive from the 1940s — an LMS Stanier Class 5 4-6-0, to be exact — not either of the trains involved in the setting of the famous Golden Spike. A Postal Service spokesman has defended the image saying, “the British locomotive on a commemorative stamp poster is a a generic image and was not chosen to represent the Transcontinental Railroad stamp.” At least the train buffs agree that the trains depicted on the actual stamps are correct even if the marketing has been sloppy.
16 - Stamp News
Compiled by
Margo Campbell
Rocket mail? No Rocketman mail Reported @ www.independent.ie
Sir Elton John is to feature on a new set of UK stamps in tribute to his contribution to music. The singer-songwriter is only the second individual music artist to appear on a dedicated set of stamps, after David Bowie in 2017. Eight of the stamps will feature images of some of his most popular album covers including Honky Chateau, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Caribou. A further four stamps, available in miniature sheet, will celebrate Sir Elton’s live performances across five decades. They will include images from the Hammersmith Odeon in London in 1973; Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles in 1975; the Diamond Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace in London in 2012; and from his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour at Madison Square Garden in New York in 2018. Sir Elton, who was knighted in 1998, said: “To say I was surprised when Royal Mail got in touch is an understatement.” “Never did I think I’d appear on a stamp…! It’s wonderful, a great honour.” The issue coincides with the singer’s ongoing farewell tour and the recent Rocketman biopic. “Elton is one of the most successful British solo artists of all time,” a Royal Mail spokesman said. “He has recorded some of the best-known songs in pop history and the stamps celebrate this fantastic musical contribution.”
Murchison meteorite makes a mark Reported at www.sheppnews.com.au
Fifty years ago, on Sunday, 28 September 1969, at about 10:50am, a meteorite shower fell around the town of Murchison, some 160 kilometres north of Melbourne, Victoria. Following the explosion and sonic boom, several hundred small meteorite fragments fell around the township. Many meteorites fall each year around the world but why is the Murchison meteorite one of the most studied? Well, it belongs to a rare class of meteorite called
a carbonaceous chondrite. These meteorites retain chemical properties from their time of formation some 4.56 billion years ago and contain an abundance of organic compounds including over 90 amino acids, the building blocks of our DNA, many of which are not found on Earth. Study of the meteorite shows that the carbon building blocks of life may be readily abundant in space. It has been hypothesised that meteorites may well have “seeded” life on Earth by bringing such compounds with them. About 80 kilograms from the Murchison meteorite are held in scientific collections in Australia and throughout the world, with significant collections at Museums Victoria in Melbourne. The stamp design, by Tim Hancock of Backpack Creative, shows the meteorite in flight, headed towards Murchison with the hexagonal shapes representing the amino acids found in the meteorite.
Hitch in post – US
Reported @ https://about.usps.com The U.S. Postal Service announced the temporary suspension of delivery and retail operations because of Hurricane Dorian in a number of affected states last month. Delivery was suspended in many areas during the hurricane with many post offices in Florida, North and South Carolina closed until further notice due to storm damage. At any time, international postal services can be disrupted either for the long term (such as Afghanistan and Syria) or for the short term in selected areas – for example, postal services in Biarritz were recently disrupted for two days due to the G7 conference.
Hitch in post – Kashmir Reported at https://scroll.in
In 1997, Agha Shahid Ali, a Kashmiri poet living in the US, wrote a poem titled The Country without a Post Office. It was written against the backdrop of violence in Kashmir as militancy peaked in the 1990s. With postal services blocked in the state for seven Stamp News - 17
Stamps in the News - Globally!
months, Ali wrote about letters and packages that piled up in post offices and went undelivered. This month, the poem has gained a fresh lease of life as postal services were suspended in Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the Indian government’s decision on August 5 to revoke the state’s special status. Hours before the decision was announced, the state was placed under a military clampdown and communications blackout, which hasn’t been entirely lifted. Mobile services, landlines and broadband internet have since been partially restored in both the Union Territories, but that is not the case with postal services. “As of now, postal services 18 - Stamp News
have resumed only in Jammu and Ladakh region,” said an official on the condition of anonymity. The official pointed to a memo dated August 14 from the department that said: “Temporary suspension of booking and transmission of articles and bags for Srinagar will continue till complete normalcy is restored.”
Compiled by
Margo Campbell
Finnish postal workers make it clear what they think of their CEO
The backdrop to the proposed strike is an embarrassing revelation about Posti’s expenditure on golf club memberships. The state postal firm sold three membership shares in an exclusive Espoo golf club to buy one at Finland’s priciest club – € 30,000 for membership at Sarfvik Golf Club, a move proposed by the Posti CEO after complaints that he couldn’t reserve tee times at Espoo. “One has to admit that it doesn’t sound very good,” said the
Hitch in post – Finland
responsible minister.
A major postal strike in Finland was recently narrowly averted as the postal CEO predicted an end to letter and newspaper deliveries Posti had planned to shift some 700 employees under the scope of a new collective bargaining agreement, a move the union said would have led to sharp cuts in their wages. Posti CEO, Heikki Malinen, has been under fire for accepting hefty salary raises while employees are seeing their pay cut. Malinen says that he expects delivery of printed periodicals to continue until at least 2025, but that the future of hand-delivered letters looks increasingly challenging over the next few years with an estimated 70-million-euro dent in Posti’s turnover from the decline in letters volume. He said that the planned changes in collective agreements were intended to give the state-owned company more flexibility, as the business increasingly shifts towards package deliveries and logistics. As most packages are delivered toward the end of each week, Posti already in effect only delivers letters only four days a week and competes with 16 domestic delivery firms and more from abroad.
The long walk in New Zealand
Reported at https://yle.fi
Thanks to Stampboard’s member Warm for this article Reported at Timaru Philatelic Society newsletter Six iconic Te Araroa trail locations have been immortalised on postage stamps in September, with the release of an NZ Post stamp series celebrating some of the stunning locations found along New Zealand’s national walking trail. The stamps feature photos that will bring back fond memories for anyone who has walked the 3,000 km trail from the tip of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island. The North Island locations shown on the new stamps are Ninety Mile Beach in Northland, Karamu Walkway in Waikato, and Tongariro Alpine Crossing on the Central Plateau. The South Island stamps depict Nelson Lakes in Tasman, Stag Saddle in Canterbury, and Lake Hawea in Otago. Te Araroa Trust chief executive Mark Weatherall said it was “humbling” to see the trail appear on stamps issued by New Zealand’s national postal service. “They say you’ve made it if you’re on a postage Stamp News - 19
Stamps in the News - Globally!
stamp, so this is a great honour for Te Araroa trail,” he said. “We were thrilled to be approached about this new series and we’ve enjoyed working with NZ Post to suggest featured locations and provide information about different trail sections.” The Te Araroa Trail stamp series was designed by NZ Post’s Hannah Fortune using photos generously contributed by Te Araroa walkers. Their release comes in the lead-up to the start of the 2018-2019 walking season, which begins on 1 October. In the 2018-2019 season more than 1,100 people walked the length of Te Araroa trail. Tens of thousands more walked individual sections after work, during the weekends, and in their holidays.
The long ride in Siberia Reported at www.globaltimes.cn
Only five other people live in Galina Yermolova’s tiny Siberian village Pikhtovoye, isolated from the world by the 20 - Stamp News
Compiled by
Margo Campbell
dense taiga - swampy coniferous forest. Every week, as the village postwoman, she travels 16 kilometres through the forest to the nearest post office in a larger village to collect the post, supplies and pensions for her neighbours. “We used to go by tractor. It would take us three hours,� the 56-year-old postal worker said. The couple’s son recently gave them a life-changing gift: a huge-wheeled monster truck built by a friend that can plough through the muddy tracks much faster. With her husband at the wheel, Yermolova can now reach the post office in an hour. Once in the bigger village of Imshegal, home to around 100 people, she climbs down from the machine using a makeshift cloth step hanging from the back. There, Yermolova loads basic goods, which have already come from a town some 100 kilometres away, onto her truck.
ang Mai in Thailand. Twelve snakes were hidden inside piggy banks in different parcels: four Mexican black kingsnakes, four hognose snakes, three Californian kingsnakes and one python regius. Thai media reported that the snakes had a combined worth of about $US2,340 to collectors, and were sent to a woman in Chiang Mai province. In June, the state-run Thai Post warned against mailing seven prohibited items or will face legal action. Mailing live animal is one of them.
Lethal load in the US
Reported at www.wxxinews.org A US Postal processing facility in Rochester is back open after being closed for more than a week due to the leak of mercury from a package. That facility temporarily stopped operations on Augusts 27 due to what officials say was an illegally mailed package containing mercury. Postal officials worked with environmental con-
Lethal load in Thailand Reported at www.xinhuanet.com
The Thai Postal Customs Service Division in Bangkok recently posted on social media that they have intercepted parcels containing 12 small, colourful snakes of various species mailed from Taiwan to ChiStamp News - 21
Stamps in the News - Globally! humanity still lives on.” “The stamp, also demonstrates the strong ties the UAE has with India and the contributions Indians have and will play in the development of our communities here in the UAE”, he added.
tractors and regulators to evaluate, clean and certify the safety of the facility, and those operations have been completed now. About 350 people work in that facility. There was no word of any injuries.
Emirates esteem for Gandhi Reported at https://gulfnews.com
Commemorative stamps to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi on 2 October, have been issued in the UAE by the Emirates Post in Dubai. The stamps highlight the life and times of India’s most influential leader. Commonly referred to as the ‘Father of India’, Gandhi is revered by many for his efforts to unite people, regardless of race or religion. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi celebrated the anniversary at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi during Prime Minister Modi’s two-day-visit. A postal official said “The stamp serves as a reminder of his significant contribution to human development, and his teachings of tolerance and respect is one of universal relevance. Seventy years after his passing, Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy can still be felt the world over and his impact on 22 - Stamp News
Get smart in Germany
Reported at www.bundesfinanzministerium.de It is 46 square centimetres in size and as thin as a piece of cardboard at 0.762 millimetres. It opens doors, counts the time and pays. It knows who we are, what we like to shop and how we are. We are talking about the smart card, which is an indispensable part of our daily life as a bank or credit card, as an identity card and access to the workstation with time recording function, as a health card for health insurance, as a service and customer card and as a SIM card. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its invention, Germany has issued a stamp celebrating the
Compiled by
Margo Campbell
world-wide development of smart card technology. Smart cards, or integrated circuit cards (ICC), are made of plastic and contain a chip with an integrated circuit. The chips can fulfil different tasks. There are memory chip cards on which only information can be stored and read out by special devices, and microprocessor cards whose circuits can independently process data and encrypt and decrypt it. The history of the chip card began in the late 1960s in Germany, when the inventors Helmut Gröttrup and Jürgen Dethloff filed several patents. The most significant was the filed on 10 September 1969 at the German Patent and Trademark Office, and is the foundations of all later applications of the smart card.. The world’s first smart card was produced in 1979. In the early 1980s smart cards were tested in mass deployment, since then their expansion is unstoppable.
a tree growing around it. Fascinating pictures of the unusual sight on FitzGeorge Avenue show the tree growing over the top of the bright red pillar box. Victoria Elizabeth commented: ‘I’m sure I saw something similar on an ancient episode of Doctor Who once.’ Others were impressed that the postbox involved was an Edward VII one, which are one of the least likely to be seen on the streets. Elliot Corner said: ‘Interestingly this is one of very few Edward VII postboxes in the UK. ‘It’s the second rarest type of postbox after ones from the reign of Edward VIII, with less than 2,000 across the entire UK (less than 1 per cent of postboxes nationally!)’
Mail box enveloped in London?
Thanks to Stampboard’s member Philexx for this article Reported at www.dailymail.co.uk In Hammersmith, London, dozens of people have been left impressed and cracking jokes after discovering a post box which is being slowly consumed by
Stamp News - 23
Glen Stephens Rarity Offers For 20 years, my ’Stamp Rarity Page’ has been a “must visit” place for many collectors and dealers, globally - tinyurl.com/GlenRare Large clear photos, and lots of detail, and FIXED NETT PRICES. “Philatelic Porn” as one client jokingly described it as! No 20% “Buyer Fees” to add on top etc. All credit cards accepted - even Amex, and with NO insulting extra fees to you either! Each month I’ll add here, a couple of items from that page, for the possible interest of readers. Choice material, and special collection offers etc, from all over the globe. Material on that page often sells FAST - within hours of being listed up, and it changes often - weekly mostly, so do bookmark this page, and check often - tinyurl.com/GlenRare
British New Guinea 1893 unique cover, to tiny rural Auburn, *Nova Scotia*!: Attractive cover, (reduced slightly at side) with the rare 8 Bar, Port Moresby “N.G” in Bars cancellation (Lee #2, Rarity Rated D). A very fine complete strike, on 6d Queensland green QV pair, incredibly sent to Nova Scotia as endorsed top left “Via Sydney & San Francisco”. Crisp ”PORT MORESBY - 26 JU 92 - BRITISH NEW GUINEA” backstamp, plus transit backstamps of Cooktown, Brisbane, and a sharp crisp Ontario Canada arrival of “WINDSOR - AU 9 : 93 - ONT”. Neat arrival docketing date on face of “Recd/12th August 93” at lower-left. To his unmarried sister, Miss Frances “Fanny” Wood Musgrave - sender was Captain Anthony Musgrave, The Deputy Government Commissioner at Port Moresby. To: “Miss Musgrave, Holmworth, Auburn, Nova Scotia.” Photo of all backstamps, Fanny, and the family home Holmworth etc is here - tinyurl.com/1893NG - a GREAT read! Flap has his personal crested recess/intaglio printed crest. Now 127 years old, usual few minor blemishes for age, but in far cleaner shape than is usually seen, in anything from this era and origin. Noted very lightly in pencil on the reverse - “From Robson Lowe Private Sale.” Ex Clive Fenn and Peter Troy. Any 1890s covers with the “N.G.” cancel are virtually unobtainable, and all get mega bucks. Tim Rybak’s damaged 1889 identical cancel “N.G.” cover to the common destination UK, was invoiced for over double estimate at $A43,700 - way back in 2008, see - tinyurl. com/1889Rybak Any Nineteenth Century cover to anywhere CANADA from BNG is believed unknown, and to a tiny near unpopulated (even today!) rural speck, in Auburn, Nova Scotia is most certainly unique. This “N.G.” cancel is rare when genuine (near nothing on ebay in recent years is kosher of course - very heavily forged) and a nice complete strike like this, even snipped OFF cover is a 4 figure piece alone these days. With this impeccable provenance of the cancel and cover, from a Senior BNG Official to his sister, and the unique and totally obscure destination, a snip at my asking price - about 5% of what the SAME cancel on cover got ex Rybak! $A2,350 (Stock 783LK)
GB 1856 envelope to Vic with 6d Deep Purple Embossed, Cat $3,800, for $A400!: Attractive envelope for 162 years old, wonderful deep shade for these stamps. SG Cat “From £1,900 = $A3,800” on cover, and cat £1000 = $A2,000 OFF cover! To ”J.J. Shillinglaw Esq, Shipping Master’s Office, Board of Trade, Melbourne”, very fine “1d” vermillion domestic charge mark on face and 4 margin cut square stamp, with Barred Diamond “34” numeral of Central London. Manuscript arrival date note at side - “Rec’d : by Simla = 7 Jan 1857/No.10”. And on reverse, strike of scarce straight line London ”Camden Town Py Pd” (= Penny Paid) in BLUE. Also backstamped with clear London transit cds of “Nov 1 - 1856” and fine arrival, red ‘SHIP LETTER/FREE/JA 7/1857/GPO VICTORIA’. (Shipping Master was an official in the Ports And Harbours Branch of Department of Trade And Customs.) “Simla” under Captain Cooper arrived Hopson’s Bay Jan 7 - tinyurl.com/SimlaJan7 Very interesting cover, in decent shape for age, so out it goes for about 10% of SG Cat! $A400 (Stock 826LQ)
NSW 1853 8d orange QV Laurete, fault free VFU:
The no watermark blued paper classic. VFU 3½ margins, and totally fault free - a real miracle on these! USUALLY these have thins, creases, repairs and/or foxing/toning - and old hinges to generally hide all the above! NONE of those here, and 105% GUARANTEED by me to be totally free of issues, or faults or repairs - of ANY kind. Very light cancel for these, that often have heavy inked barred KILLERS, and a wonderful superbly sharp early plate impression, and the deepest richest colour you will ever see. From an well-known NSW collection. THIS shade in my experience is TEN times scarer than the yellow, despite SG rating them about the same. One day that will change. This orange shade SHOULD be £1,500 used in SG. SG 81, £650 = $A1,300. $A475 (Stock 472AJ) Order via: tinyurl.com/GlenOrder All Cards accepted with ZERO fee - even Amex! Bank Deposit fine, or Money Orders. PayPal is accepted in ANY major currency, saving you fees - contact me first. LayBys/Layaways always OK with me!
PO Box 4007, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068, Australia. - Phone (02) 9958 1333 e-mail me: glen@glenstephens.com - www.glenstephens.com/rarity.html Life Member: American Stamp Dealers Association (New York.) Philatelic Trader’s Society. (London.)
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Day 2 Highlights in our November Auction
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd · Auction Rooms: 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria. Australia. Postal Address: PO Box 458 Canterbury, Victoria. 3126. Australia. · ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 · F: +61 3 8677 2858 · E: phoenix@phoenixauctions.com.au
Postal Stationery Welcome to the postal stationery column for October 2019. This month’s column looks at the 150th anniversary of the first postal card issued by Austria in 1869, new issues from Australia Post and reports on postal stationery news from recent exhibitions. 150th Anniversary of the First Postal Card On 1 October 1869, Austria issued the world’s first postal card. The postal card was issued following the publication on January 26, 1869 of an article, “About a novel means of postal correspondence”, by Austrian Emanuel Herrmann (Figure 1) proposing that “envelope-size cards”, ie postcards, be admitted as mail for Figure 1 Dr-Emanuel-Herra reduced postage rate mann, Austrian Proponent of of 2 Kreuzers rather the Postal Card than the 5 Kreuzers charged for letter mail. The issued Austrian postal cards (Figure 2) were denominated 2 Kreuzers and had the heading, Correspondenz – Karte, “correspondence card”, and the Austrian coat of arms (they were also issued in a Hungarian version as well as with headings in the other languages of the Austro-Hungarian Empire such as Slovenian). The front of the card showed space for the address with the reverse reserved for the message. The idea of the postal card received considerable support with one British commentator writing that The Austrian government has introduced a novelty in postage, which might be introduced with great benefit in all countries. The object is to enable persons to send off; with the least possible trouble, messages of small importance, without the trouble of obtaining paper, pens, and envelopes. Cards of a fixed size are sold at all the post-offices for two kreuzers, one side being for the address and the other for this note, which may be written either with ink or with any kind of pencil. It is thrown into the box, and delivered without envelopes. A halfpenny post of this kind would certainly be very convenient, especially in large towns, and a man of business carrying a few such cards in his pocket-book would find them very useful. There is an additional advantage attaching to the card, namely, that of having the address 26 - Stamp News
Figure 2 Austria Correspondenz Karte Figure 3 Stamped Envelope for the Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles Figure 4 Stamped Envelope Issued as a PNC for the Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles Figure 5 Stamped Envelope for the 90th Anniversary of the Women’s Pioneer Society
Ian McMahon
and postmark inseparably fixed to the note. The United Kingdom issued postal cards in 1870 followed by the North German Federation, Württemberg and Baden and then in 1871 Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada followed. As postal cards usually passed through the mail at a reduced rate of postage they were enormously popular for many decades (despite some privacy concerns) and, in the earlier years when postal deliveries were more frequent, formed the function that an email might today, for example, to let your correspondent know you would be visiting later in the day, arriving on the 4 pm train or too sick to come to work. Postal cards were issued by all the Australian states and New Zealand with the first being issued by New South Wales (1875), followed by Victoria and New Zealand (1876), South Australia (1877), Western Australia (1879), Queensland (1880) and Tasmania (1882). They are still issued by Australia today although they
Left Top to bottom : Figure 6 Stamped Envelope Issued as a PNC for Queen Victoria’s 200th Birth Anniversary Figure 7 Stamped Envelope for the Rum Rebellion issued as a PNC Figure 8 Stamped Envelope for the Centenary of the First Adelaide to Minlaton Flight Above : Figure 9 Mary Poppins Stamped Postcard
are much more colourful in design than earlier issues with many aimed at the tourist and popular market with colourful illustrations on the reverse. Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles Postage Paid Envelope Australia Post issued a stamped envelope (Figure 3) to mark the Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles on 13 June 2019. The envelope features an image of the Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, with an illustration of the Treaty of Versailles in the postage paid area. The Treaty of Versailles, one of five treaties formulated at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, was signed on 28 June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles. It established the conditions of peace with Germany at the conclusion of World War I. The envelope was designed by Sonia Young, Australia Post Design Studio and sold Stamp News - 27
Postal Stationery for $1.25. A version of the envelope (Figure 4) was issued as a ‘postal numismatic cover’ with a coin from the Royal Australian Mint. This envelope differs in a number of respects including a printed price and a different barcode. It sold for $17.95 but was not issued mint. 90th Anniversary of the Women’s Pioneer Society Stamped Envelope Australia Post issued a stamped envelope to mark the 90th anniversary of the Women’s Pioneer Society. The envelope (Figure 5) features an image from the October 1934 meeting of the Women’s Pioneer Society and the motto of the society in the postage paid area. The envelope was designed by Sharon Rodzieicz and sold for $1.25. Queen Victoria 200th Birth Anniversary Envelope An envelope (Figure 6) was issued by Australia Post for Queen Victoria’s 200th Birth Anniversary as a ‘postal numismatic cover’. The envelope was issued on 24 May 2019 but was not issued mint. It sold for $19.95 with 5,000 issued. The ‘stamp’ area shows an embossed stamp in the style used for Queen Victoria embossed envelopes. Rum Rebellion Envelope An envelope (Figure 7) was issued by Australia Post to mark the Rum Rebellion as a ‘postal numismatic cover’ when George Johnston deposed Governor Bligh in 1808. The envelope was issued on 13 June 2019 but was not issued mint. The ‘stamp area’ depicts William Bligh. It sold for $17.95 with 6,500 issued.
Figure 11 Sandeep Jaiswal at his Exhibit with Seminar Participants 28 - Stamp News
Figure 10 Private Order Express Post Envelopes for Westpac
Stamped Envelope for the Centenary of the Adelaide to Minlaton Flight by Henry John (Harry) Butler Australia Post issued a stamped envelope (Figure 8) on 6 August 2019 to mark the centenary of the historic flight from Adelaide to Minlaton by Henry John (Harry) Butler. Butler formed his own aviation company and on 6 August 1919 became the first aviator to fly across the Gulf St Vincent to Yorke Peninsula. His Bristol monoplane, the “Red Devil”, carried an 18-kilogram mailbag of postcards and letters for delivery in Minlaton. Four days later he returned to Adelaide with two bags of mail. These were the first airmail flights over water in the Southern Hemisphere. The envelope was designed by Jo Muré and sold for $1.25.
Figure 12 Mike Smith, Ian McMahon and Steve Schumann, panel members at the Current Trends in Postal Stationery seminar at Stockholmia 2019
Ian McMahon re-Esfahani, Persia, Qajar Postal Stationery 1876-1925, and Andrew Cheung. Imperial Russian Postal Stationery Used in China. Croatia issued a postcard for the 150th anniversary of the RPSL which is illustrated at Figure 13.
Figure 13 Postcard issued by Croatia Post for the 150th anniversary of the RPSL
Mary Poppins Stamped Postcard Australia Post released a Mary Poppins Pre-paid Postcard (Figure 9) on 17 June 2019, which features a silhouette of Mary Poppins on the revers. Mary Poppins comes from a Disney movie and its recent sequel. The postcard sold for $2.20. Private Order Express Post Envelopes for Westpac Mark Diserio received this C5 private order express post envelope from Westpac (Figure 10) in May 2019. Postal Stationery at Stockholmia 2019 Stockholmia 2019 was an exhibition held by the Royal Philatelic Society, London (RPSL) in Stockholm to mark the 150th anniversary of the Society. The Postal Stationery Class was strong with three Large Gold and four Gold medals awarded. The Large Gold medals were awarded to Daun Lennart (1872-1897 The First Period of Postal Stationery in Sweden), Jaiswal Sandeep (British India - Queen Victoria Postal Stationery) and Nassre-Esfahani Behruz (Persia, Qajar Postal Stationery 1876-1925). Stockholmia 2019 had an extensive program of seminars and society meetings (Figures 11-12) including a series of ‘master classes’ and seminars on Current Trends in each of the exhibiting classes. I attended an excellent postal stationery ‘master class’ presented by Sandeep Jaiswal who spoke on his approach to the development of his Large Gold exhibit, British India Queen Victoria Postal Stationery, which was on display at the Exhibition. In addition, I was one of the speakers in the Current Trends in Postal Stationery seminar with fellow PSSA members Mike Smith and Steve Schumann. There were also seminars by Behruz Nass-
Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo 2019 was held from 13th June to 16th June 2019 at the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre, Sydney. The postal stationery class included eight exhibits with an additional exhibit in the Youth Class. The Postal Stationery Society of Australia prize was won by Malcolm Groom for his exhibit Tasmanian Embossed Stationery 1883-1912. Other results were Gary Brown (Postal Stationery of Natal) Large Gold, Nancy Gray (The King George V Envelopes of Australia) Large Gold, Lionel Savins (The Department of Education Postcards of New Zealand) Large Vermeil, John Vassallo (Malta Postal Stationery) Large Vermeil, Bernard Beston (A.W. Sandford & Co. Limited - Printed to Private Order Envelopes 1924-1957), Large Silver, Malcolm Groom (Tasmanian Embossed Stationery 1883-1912) Large Gold, Ray Todd (Bolivia - The Postal Stationery) Gold, Clyde Ziegeler (Bohemia and Moravia) Large Silver, and Alexandra Parry (Australian Animals First Issue Pre-stamped Envelopes) Large Silver. The Postal Stationery Society of Australia met at the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre on Sunday 16 March Dingle Smith spoke about the New South Wales postal stationery catalogue. Two sections, Wrappers and Registered Envelopes have been completed and will shortly be placed on the Society website. It is expected that the section on Lettercards will follow next. Michael Drury presented a display on the OS/NSW perfin forgeries on postal stationery cards. The cards are all from the period of King George V (1911-1937). They fall into two groups; in excess of 100 genuine cards from different State and Commonwealth Government departments, plus about 50 forged items. The forged material comes from the estate of a skilled forger, which Michael was able to purchase at auction in order to prevent it appearing on the market. Bunbury 2019 Bunbury 2019 was a National One-Frame competition held in Bunbury on 20-21 July 2019. Mark Diserio received a Gold medal for Australia - QEII Pre-decimal Post Cards while Alex Nuijten received a Large Vermeil medal for Fur Collar Letter Cards of the Netherlands 1906-1918. Stamp News - 29
Postal Stationery
Figure 14 One of the many postal cards issued by China for China 2019 Figure 15 Reverse of a Postcard issued for China 2019
China 2019 China 2019 was a world philatelic exhibition held in Wuhan, China from 16-20 June 2019. There were 30 postal stationery exhibits in the Postal Stationery Class plus five one-frame exhibits and three postal stationery exhibits in the Youth Class. Gold medals were awarded to Jian Zhang (Postal Stationery of China in Early Cultural Revolution Period), Chen Huei Huang (Postal Stationery of German Post Office in China), Sigtryggur Eythorsson (Icelandic Postal Stationery 1879-1920), Muhammed Arif Balgamwala (Postal Stationery of British India Overprints Pakistan 1947-1949), Ross Towle (Chile Postal Stationery: Essays, Proofs, Specimens and Samples 1872-1924) and Nancy Gray (Australian Commonwealth Kangaroo Stationery). Frank Pauer received a Vermeil medal for Australian Airletters & Aerogrammes 1944-1968. Sixty-one people attended a Postal Stationery (FIP Qualifying Seminar) “Exhibiting and Judging Postal Stationery� at China 2019 which was held on 16 June 2019. The seminar covered: Planning to Exhibit, Postal Stationery Exhibits (The Exhibit Purpose and Scope, Description of Material), Judging Postal Stationery Exhibits (The Judging Criteria, Providing Feedback). Please email me (ian.mcmahon4@bigpond.com) if you would like a copy of the presentation. China issued a range of postcards for the exhibition. The front and reverse of one such card are shown in Figures 14 & 15. Singpex 2019 Singpex 2019 was an Asian International Exhibition held in Singapore from 31 July to 4 August 2019. The Postal Stationery Class comprised thirteen exhibits. In 30 - Stamp News
addition, there was a one-frame exhibit and eight youth exhibits. Four Gold medals were awarded to Frank Li (New Zealand Postal Stationery 1876-1936), Michael Ho (Honduras Postal Stationery), Glen Stafford (Nicaraguan Postal Stationery - the Seebeck Era) and to Tono Putranto (Netherlands Indies Postal Card 1874-1933 King Willem III and Numeral Series). Results of exhibits from other Australian and New Zealand exhibitors were Linda Welden (Australian Aerogrammes) Large Silver and Lindsay Chitty (NZ POW Aerogrammes and Postcards 1941-1945) 86 points (One-Frame). The Postal Stationery Collector, Journal of the Postal Stationery Society of Australia, received a Vermeil medal in the Literature Class. The Postal Stationery of New South Wales The sections on wrappers and registered envelopes of the Postal Stationery of New South Wales are available on the Postal Stationery Society of Australia website. A revised version of the Registered Envelope Section has been uploaded to the website. If you have already downloaded the registered envelopes section, please download the new version.
The Salvation Army Stamp & Coin Fair is held 2nd Saturday of each month, 9am – 2pm At Ferntree Gully Salvation Army 37 Wattletree Road, Ferntree Gully, 3158
(Parking At Rear, Entry By Side Door) Admission Free, Tea & Coffee Available All proceeds from Dealers’ Tables to The Salvation Army. Dealer enquiries welcome. Also donations of Stamps & Coins gratefully received at the Fair, which will be offered to dealers present on the day. Proceeds to the Salvation Army. Bulky lots may be able to be collected within 50k radius, or can be mailed to us. Telephone contact: 0425 795 693
Please note that this is a Smoke Free Event.
Cinderella Corner Welcome to the October edition of Cinderella Corner (which, for Australian readers, helps to mark the welcomed middle month of Spring). This article deals with alcohol and its advertising and propaganda presence in the Australian cinderella philately landscape, which has existed for more than a century. I welcome, as usual, feedback about this article and other examples of labels that may exist relevant to this interesting theme.
König Lager
The two Buy Goods Made in Our Country labels, illustrated in Figure 1, each measure approximately 27mm x 34mm and are perforated 11 on all sides. The left cinderella is coloured blue and cream, while the right is coloured red and cream. These two colour types are the only ones that were produced, and each features the text: BUY GOODS MADE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY / SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF MANUFACTURES INCORPORATED 1869 / König Lager (overprint) The labels date to 1906, following a July proposed submission by the South Australian Chamber of Manufacturers, and 250,000 were subsequently printed in August of that year. The overprinted König Lager is one of two known overprints on these labels (the second being CASTLE SALT). König Lager was first brewed by the South Australian Brewing Company in 1903. It was then renamed to Adelaide Lager, 11 years later, in 1914; anything German at this period of time marking the start of WWI was generally not looked favourably upon.
“Save Australia” Prohibition Seals
The six scarce labels illustrated in Figure 2 each measure approximately 46mm x 50mm and are coloured red, navy and cream. They are also each roughly rouletted. This set of six cinderellas was issued by the Temperance League and ran during the early years of the 1920s as part of the national prohibition movement. These cinderellas fundamentally promoted the prohibition of the selling of alcohol throughout Australia, and the different 32 - Stamp News
Figure 1 texts on each label offer snapshots into the prohibition movement during the interwar period. Details of the wording offered on the six labels are as follows: i) THE FIGHTING NAVY / DEFEAT OR DEFENCE? The money spent on Liquor in Britain since the Declaration of War, August 1914, is equivalent to the cost of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DREADNOUGHTS!! ii) The Staff of Life / BEER OR BREAD? BRITAIN IS IN NEED OF BREAD, BUT ONE OF EVERY TWO ACRES OF GRAIN REAPED GOES TO THE BREWERY OR DISTILLERY. iii) A CATASTROPHE / LIQUOR OR LIFE? S.S. TITANIC (LENGTH 883 FT. BREADTH 92 ½ FT. HEIGHT 104 FT. COST £1,200,000). THE FOUNDERING OF THE TITANIC WAS “THE GREATEST DISASTER IN THE HISTORY OF NAVIGATION”. IT SHOCKED THE WORLD. BUT LIQUOR CLAIMS MORE VICTIMS AND THREE TIMES AS MUCH MONEY IN BRITAIN EVERY WEEK. iv) AUSTRALIA’S GOLD / Squander or Save? THE GOLD WON IN 1915 FROM ALL THE MINES OF AUSTRALIA WAS WORTH £8,270,339. IN THE SAME PERIOD, AUSTRALIANS SPENT £20,800,000 ON LIQUOR. The word BREWERY is also presented on the side of a building and the word BATTERY, double crossed out, also features of the
Vito Milana
37mm and is perforated 11 on all four sides. It features the text: BOOMERANG / AUSTRALIAN BRANDY A smiling Australian Indigenous man, arms crossed, is the multicoloured label’s central motif. It likely dates to 1907, as an Australian postcard with the identical image to the cinderella’s, postmarked 1907, resides in the National Library of Australia. The ‘Boomerang Australian Brandy’ brand was first established in South Australia in the 1890s by the Joshua Brothers. At the time, the brandy was proclaimed by the Brothers as ‘wholesome, nourishing, stimulating’. It was sold nationwide, was used widely in hospitals, and was exported to various places around the world, too.
vi) RECRUITS WANTED! VICTIM OR VICTOR? ALCOHOL SLAYS 60,000 PERSONS IN BRITAIN ANNUALLY. What of Australia? Each of the cinderellas also features the small text “SAVE AUSTRALIA” PROHIBITION SEALS / COPYRIGHT REGD. The six labels were sold as a 3 x 2 sheet, and could be purchased from Collins Street, Melbourne, at the following prices: 1d per sheet, 9d per dozen, and 5s per 100 sheets. The labels were intended to be used for sealing letters and affixing to letter paper and the faces of envelopes.
Boomerang Australian Brandy
The label illustrated in Figure 3 measures 26mm x
Figure 3 Stamp News - 33
Cinderella Corner by young Jersey merchant, Jean Martell. It has had a rich presence in Australia for over 100 years and the label likely dates to the late 1950s, as the Melbourne cover is postmarked 9 December 1959.
Figure 4
Stick To Six In Fifty-Six
The final label, illustrated in Figure Figure 5 6, measures 28mm x 43mm and is perforated 12½ on all four sides. It is multicoloured, illustrates two 1977 bottles of wine, and features the text: FameFace As explored in the October and December 2017 Cinderella Corner issues, FameFace labels commenced production under the Novelty Printing banner in 1994 and ceased operating six years later in 2000. The label in Figure 6, advertising winemakers, is one of several products that Novelty Printing were commissioned to produce advertising labels for, over the short time that the company existed. The label was printed in sheets of 36 (6 x 6) with the header Novelty Printing / FAMEFACE.
The three labels illustrated collectively in Figure 4 each measure 37mm x 20mm and are imperforate. The three colour arrangements are: i) green/yellow ii) red/white iii) blue/white The simple labels, dated early 1956, all feature the text: STICK TO SIX in FIFTY-SIX The labels were produced in response to the Liquor Hours Referendum, which took place on 24 March 1956. This encouraged Victorians to vote against the proposed 10:00pm weekday closing time of hotels, which was an extension from its 6pm deadline (this was instituted in early 1919, shortly following the end of WWI). The cinderellas, along with similar flyers and brochures, were produced by the Victorian Local Option Alliance. The 1956 campaign was a success, and the 6pm closing time was enforced for another decade.
Martell Cognac
The label illustrated on the cover in Figure 5 has a height 73mm and maximum width of 19mm. Multicoloured, it features the text: J & F MARTELL COGNAC Martell is a cognac house founded more than 300 years ago in 1715 34 - Stamp News
As concluded in last month’s Cinderella Corner, broadening your cinderella collecting interests beyond commonly explored themes, such as patriotism, Red Cross, and Philatelic Exhibitions, is both rewarding and fascinating. Even areas such as ‘alcohol in cinderella philately’, while elusive, can be enjoyable to explore, and is also a reminder of alcohol’s omnipresence in Australia culture over the years. I welcome any readers who have additional scans to share or can offer some further information to help build further Figure 6 breadth to this topic.
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 Buy now at the listed price or bid a lower figure. Bids will be considered at Midday Monday 31 October 2019 Orders and Bids accepted by phone, mail or email. Provided the item has not sold at the full price, bids at 75% to 95% will have a good chance of success; 65% 74% will have a reasonable chance of success. Bids below 50% to 64% will have minimal chance of success, but still worth a try! Bid for as many alternatives as you wish, but please put a dollar cap on your total spending, and we will allocate lots according to what is available. Orders at full price above $500 are post free within Australia. Layby welcome for orders above $500. Scans or colour photocopies of individual stamps, covers or sets are available on request. Many smaller items, including a lot that are not on this list may be found in our eBay listings. Our store name is 21st-century-auctions Postage and insurance extra, Free Within Australia above $500. We accept all cards and PayPal at no fee. Hours generally 10am – 6pm Mon – Fri, but we will often answer the phone after hours. All of our items carry our 14 day satisfaction guarantee, EXCEPTING Collections,packets and mixtures, these may not be returned for any reason. CB509) Supa-Duper Coin Deal: This offer is for 4 + kilograms of unsearched, mostly Foreign coins from a huge old time private collection/accumulation. There is enough silver here for us to guarantee that each lot will have at least 60 SILVER coins with a weight of at least 300 grams, that is around 10 ounces. So, you will receive at least 4 kilos, around 600 Worldwide coins mostly circulated, but maybe some that are not. Some will be 100 years old or more! Price for this lot is $475, double sized lot for $895, half sized lot for $249 If required we can add a genuine Gold Sovereign or Half Sovereign to your lot for an additional $595 or $295 Cinderellas
C1) Australia 1935 WASP Airlines Vignette sheet 6 superb Mint Unhinged Fresh MUH and well centred – unheard of after 83 years – been in the UK near all its life thank goodness. Western And Southern Provincial Airlines Limited Sydney = WASP! The legendary Narromine WASP flight stamp sheet of 6. Only 865 were printed 83 years ago, and a LOT were used on flight covers etc at the time, and for later projected, so the totally MUH ones that exist today will be minimal. Price $249 C2) Australia 1935 WASP Airlines Vignette sheet 6, 2007 reprinted version, no gum and no perforations, but with printed on perfs. Looks great in a Hagner and appears perforated! Price $29, (10 available) Accessories/Albums/Literature
LH1) Fabulous new range of Lighthouse Stockbooks. 64 black pages with padded cover in GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE! Very attractive, and of course the unbeatable Lighthouse German made quality. RRP $89.50 each, our price $69.50, carton of 5 for $329 CA1) Dansco Push in coin albums, were $21.90 each 10 years ago, to clear at $18 each. Choose from : Australia: One Shilling (1/-), Florin (2/-) 1 & 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 50 cents, 2 Dollars. CA2) Dansco Luxury Slide in Coin Albums (slide in) Were $64.90 10 years ago,
now $49.50 each Choose from: Australia: One shilling (1/-), 20c & 50c coins, World: Crown sized coins PP1) “Plating Papua” Book, 563 x A4 pages, RRP $110 for just $89. For Lakatoi lovers - “Plating Papua Stamp Part 1” by Michael Ryan, 563 pages. “The Lithographs, SG 47 to 83” Huge Full colour illustrations throughout, on high grade, thick Bright White paper stock. The Book Review on this by Mike Lee, says “Magnificent - Buy It Now” and “The $110 seems extremely good value to me” Great value at just $89! CAT2) Gibbons Commonwealth & Empire Part One 1840 - 1970Catalogue 2013, one only, quarter price was $180, $45 be quick! ALB4) Lighthouse Brand new “Boga” Mint sheet files, to hold 24 sheets. Normally $44.95 each, two only available at $23.95 each. ALB1) Stanley Gibbons Old Ideal Fastbound Album with maroon cover, 6th Edition to 1913. Contains spaces for all World stamps A - Z. In good used condition. (Spine has been reinforced with cloth tape. These albums are highly sought after and sell for up to $250 at auction. Price $149 ALB10) Brand New Ka –Be New Zealand Hingeless Album 1967 – 1988, the 1st 22 years of NZ Decimals. In Green Padded Binder. Cost $295, my price well under a half, $125 SPECIAL OFFERS Of Papua New Guinea, All At 25% Off regular retail:
PNG144) Papua New Guinea 2008 Marilyn Munroe MNH 2 x Mini Sheets. Sydney Retail $23 Price $17.00 PNG145) Papua New Guinea 2008 Christmas Mini Sheets MNH x 2. Sydney Retail $31.00 Price $23.00 PNG146) Papua New Guinea 2008 Mudmen Legend Set & 2 Mini Sheets MNH (6 items) Sydney Retail $35 Price $26 PNG147) Papua New Guinea 2008 Gold Mining Refinery Set & 2 Mini Sheets MNH. Sydney Retail $49 Price $37 PNG148) Papua New Guinea 2008 Olympic Games Beijing MNH, Mini Sheet. Sydney Retail $6 Price $4.50 PNG149) Papua New Guinea 2008 Protected Birds Wildlife Set of 4. Sydney Retail $5 Price $4 Collections and lots
CJL 1 – 9, KGV Heads Collection in Hagner Pages. All housed in Australia Post Padded Black Binders. Condition generally above average, there are some stamps with aging, but this would be less than 1% of the total stamps. Ask about a special price for the lot! Details below: CJL1) 4d Single wmk, Orange, Lemon shades etc. Mint & Used on Hagner pages, organised by shades. Inc. many perf OS, annotated varieties inc. Line Through Fourpence, inverted wmks etc. A very nice lot many with dated postmarks. 326 stamps, price $4650 CJL2) 4d Violet single wmk. A very good lot with many mint inc. a block of 10 mint unhinged! All on Hagner pages with annotated varieties Thin Fourpence etc. 121 stamps total. Price $4650 CJL3) 5d Brown Single wmk on Hagner pages. Mint & used with scarce imprint pair,
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 rough paper perf OS with Certificate, many annotated varieties. 96 stamps. Price $2475 CJL4) 1/4d Single wmk. Collection on Hagner pages, mint & used. Includes annotated varieties inc. Thick 1 at right mint. Also perf. OS. 127 stamps total, Price $3300 CJL5) 1d Red Large Multi wmk mint & used on Hagner pages. Inc. Cooke printing both mint & used, blocks of 4, annotated varieties etc. 79 stamps total, a valuable lot. Price $3300 CJL6) 1½d Black Brown Large multi wmk mint & used on Hagner pages. Includes blocks of 4 mint, inverted wmks. annotated varieties etc. 137 stamps, Price $1985 CJL7) 4½d Violet small multi perf 13½ x 12½ mint & used , inc. mint block of 4, 5d overprint mint blocks etc. Also Die II cto x 30, cat. $120 each! 155 stamps. Price $4650 CJL8) Overprint OS mint & used ½d - 5d mint & used on Hagner Pages. Includes cto, positional & imprint blocks etc. Especially noted 3d mint unhinged plate 1 lower right marginal block of 12. A really good lot. 189 stamps. Price $2325 CJL9) C of A wmk. Extensive collection mint & used on Hagner Pages inc. plate blocks, imprint pairs and blocks, large positional blocks, annotated varieties etc. 2093 stamps inc. well over 100 x 1/4d value. Price $9895 CJL10) Papua New Guinea Mint Unhinged Collection 1952 – 1990, 99.99% complete, missing only the scarce Postage Due SG D1a, and the few Specimen Overprint Stamps. Housed in an absolutely as new Red Padded Ka-Be Hingeless Album and slipcase, retail value $599! The Sydney Retail of the stamps is approx. $1150 so a total value here of $1749. Priced under half retail at $859 CJL11) West Germany 1975 – 1990 Complete Mint Unhinged In Brown Padded Lighthouse Hingeless Album, absolutely as new. Album cost alone $485! Stamps retail approx. $375, a total value here of $860 for less than a third $285 the lot! CJL13) Worldwide Christmas Stamps collection 1981-1982 in Lindner Green Hingeless Album. Comprises 68 complete issues plus 10 minisheets/sheetlets mint unhinged, also a number of FDC’s Maximum Cards and Aerogrammes. A few album leaves are a little aged, but contents are fine. Christmas is one of the most popular themes. Great value at $159 CJL19) Police Thematics. Worldwide collection on this theme. Amazing lot, early to modern in 14 large blue folders. Extremely well written up with stamps, covers, postcards & ephemera. Many 1000’s of items organised by country, must be seen to be believed! Noted Sierra Leone KGV SG 179 mint, cat. £300, Fiji 1950 KGVI £1 mint light hinge and 1954 QEII £1 MUH, these two cat. £87, France Napoleon III imperf, inc. 40c & 80c both fine used 4 margins, cat. £89, plus others cat. a few £100. Also Papua 1932 5/- mint cat. £70, GB 1846 Free Front, signed by Sir Robert Peel, founder of the British Police Force, NSW 1895 Letter from Mudgee Gaol, 2 x 1899 Qld. Reg’d OHMS letters to Commissioner of Police, Brisbane, S A 1892 OHMS Cover from Stockade Labour Prison, with Stockade cds. About 1200 pages all up, and 90% are full. Weighs over 20kg. Price $2695 CJL21) Hungary substantial collection 1881 - 1967 in 4 dark blue post style albums. Very good degree of completeness with most being fresh mint lightly hinged, or unhinged from 1965. A great opportunity to obtain a fine lot in way better than average condition. Price $895 CJL22) Tuva, 1926 – 1936 fresh mint lightly hinged and cto used on album leaves. 73 stamps cat. £190, inc. the 1934 set imperf. Rarely seen in such a grouping. Price $165 CJL23) Georgia on album pages 1919 – 1923. Very clean lot, mint & used. Includes some imperfs cat. approx. £110. 30 stamps, price $95
CMY12) Olympics collection 1920 – 1964 in Red Schaubek Springback Album. Well written up with typed text, flags of nations and reproductions in miniature of original posters. Also some first day covers. Stamps are mostly of the host countries commencing Antwerp 1920. Approx. retail $250. Price $165 CMY13) Mauritius. Useful mint & used lot on double sided Hagner page Queen Victoria – KGVI. Values to R2.50 KGV (fiscally used) 63 stamps. Very good value at under $1 each, $59 CMA4) Great Britain Mint Unhinged Collection 1989 -1999 in near new Red Lighthouse 48 Page Stockbook. Includes Definitives, Commemoratives, Regionals and Booklet panes. Retail approx. $1150. Also includes a fair bit of used in blocks which has not been valued. Around 1200 stamps. Price $595 CMA4a) Great Britain Mint Unhinged Collection 2008 -2014 in near new Red Lighthouse 64 Page Stockbook. Includes Definitives, Commemoratives, Regionals and Booklet panes. Retail approx. $2950. Price $1750 CMA8) East Germany extensive mint & used colln. In Dark Blue Ka-Be 64 black page stockbook almost as new. Also some duplicated mint unhinged West Germany 1960’s sets, together with some Nauru, South Africa and New Hebrides. Also a 2nd stockbook with duplicated ranges of Australia decimal and more mint unhinged West Germany plus other bits and pieces. A real mishmash, but great value. Must be around 5000 stamps here. Got to be great value at 10c a stamp, price $495 CMAP3) Cyprus. Lovely Mint Unhinged Colln. Accumulation on stockcards Queen Victoria to KGVI. Mostly Very fresh unhinged lot odd minor fault as usual with these lots. Highlights include inc. SG 75, 17 x 4, 19, 46 x 4, 22 x 4, 92 x 2, 130 x 2 and 163. Some plate No. singles, SG 60, 74, 87 plus a good number of blocks of 4, some with sheet Nos. Total SG 2017 Catalogue value, and remember prices for pre. 1937 are for hinged, which are worth at least double, is 2827.50 pounds. Nice lot for research or resale. Current AUD$4800 plus at 10/4/17. Priced at under a third $1595. CF4) Greenland, 200 different mint unhinged. Nice lot at under 60c per stamp. $119 CF5) Iceland, 300 different mint unhinged. Attractive lot, inc. imperfs. Cheap at $99 CF6) Papua New Guinea Big lot of 1000 mint unhinged, 1952 - 2000 values to 5K. Includes blocks, minisheets etc. Many, many complete sets. Price $495 CF6a) As above, but lot of 500. Price $259 CF14) Kev’s Junky box lots. Choose from World or Australia or a mixture of both. Do not expect the earth these are remnant collections/accumulations mostly in stockbooks or cover albums and will contain duplication. Never know what you might get, but great value, we just need more space on our book shelves. 5kg lot for $98, 10kg for $185, 20kg for $349. CF20) Fiji 2003 – 2011 Complete mint unhinged in as new Seven Seas Hingeless Brown Padded Album with slipcase. Sydney retail for stamps alone $800 plus, plus album new cost of around $225. A total retail value of over $1025 for just $410 CF21) As above, but 2004 – 2011. Retail of stamps $625 plus, album $200, $825 of retail value for $329 CF22) Papua New Guinea Dealer Mint Unhinged stock 1952 – 1986 in Blue 32 pages Lighthouse stockbook. Mostly complete sets, and many odds & a few hinged not counted. 460 plus complete sets, with several long definitive sets. Quantities range from 1 to 10 or more of each. Ideal hoarder, re-seller, eBayer etc. Retail from $1 to $15 a set. Very cheap at under $1 per set, $429 the lot!
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 CD2) Nauru 1916 – 1937 Mostly Mint Lightly Hinged complete per Seven Seas, on Seven Seas Hingeless Pages. Comprises KGV Definitives set of 11, Seahorses 2/6d, 5/- (unhinged off centre as usual), 10/- (Fine used) Freighters set to 10/(Top 3 values are the better Rough Paper), plus unhinged 1935 Jubilee and 1937 Coronation. Very fresh lot. Sydney retail approx $1625. Price $1195 CD3) Nauru from 1954 complete to beginning of 2000, plus a couple of later 2000 sets Mint Unhinged in Seven Seas Dark Blue Album and Slipcase as new. Stamp retail $825 plus Album is around $375 new. Total value here of $1200 for just $675 CD4) The above 2 lots, CD2 & CD3 for $1775, a further saving of $95 CD8) Victoria Barred Numerals and Post Offices Postcard Collection. Housed in 2 massive “Nostalgia” padded Tan Leather Look Albums, here we have 224 postcards, mostly of Post Offices plus 24 Covers and 97 Stamps. Each town usually has a Postcard of the Post Office, plus another postcard with a barred numeral and many with a stamp also with barred numeral. Some nice highlights inc. some scarcer inc. Nhill barred numeral on superb Art Nouveau card, a cover with 2 x 2d Imperf & a 4d beaded oval to make 8d double rate. Many real photographic cards which sell for $75 pus each on Ebay. All organised numerically. Just superb, $345 items for $11 each average, price $3795 CD28) Germany, 1916 - 1956 mint unhinged in sheets and large blocks in as new Green Lighthouse Mint Sheet File. Includes Germanias and Hitler Heads 1pfg to 1 mark in sheets of 50 or 100, also occupation overprinted issues, inflation issues to 500,000 marks, early DDR depicting Lenin etc. Plus complete sheets of 50 of the Zeppelin Polar Flights reprinted in original colours. Stunning lot, with stamps catalogued up to £3.75 each. Overall very fresh lot, most as they came from the Post Office up to 100 plus years ago! About 3500 stamps. Ideal for specialist study or to split down for re-sale. $1425 the lot. CD31) Falkland Is. Mostly Mint unhinged collection 1949 – 1998 in $40 as new Red Deluxe Padded 32 black page Ka-Be stockbook. Starts with 1949 UPU and 1963 Red Cross sets, these two lightly hinged. Then 1977 – 1998 appears complete mint unhinged. Also 1983 Year of Liberation Collection in maroon binder with descriptive text. Also supplied with latest Gibbons Falkands catalogue. Cat. £650, priced at under 40% catalogue and the catalogue plus stockbook value $75 come free. Price$469 MOC11) Cayman Is. Mainly mint unhinged collection on 6 as new Hagner pages, 1937- 1986. Sparse in earlier but then a good degree of completion with many complete sets. High thematic interest here. 164 stamps & 4 minisheets. Some light duplication. Cheap at $49 MOC22) Germany WW1 Feldpost Postcards, inc. Real Photographic, many groups of soldiers, cavalryman with horse and sweetheart etc. Many clear date readable cds postmarks and various Feldpost markings. As usual for these, no stamps, as not available in the field. 92 items in way better than usual condition for these. $1150 the lot. MOC28) Norfolk Is. 1960 Christmas – end 1987 complete in as new $250 Brown Seven Seas Padded Hingeless Album with Slipcase. Retail of stamps approx. $500 so $750 retail value here for $449 (1947 – 1959 could be provided for an additional $295) CMJ8) Mexico Olympics 1968 Collection in Black Stockbook. 95 plus different complete sets & minisheets, mostly mint unhinged. Very popular theme and with high catalogue/retail value. Has to be worth $2 a set. Price $189 CS5) Worldwide singles and sets, early to modern, mint and used in 2 as
new Red & Black padded postcard albums on 2 strip stockcards. Many better countries noted, such as Switzerland, Finland, Japan, China, Ireland, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Fiji and many more. No Australia. 330 plus items in all, mostly complete sets, many mint unhinged, including several long definitive sets. Priced to sell by now deceased dealer at approx. $1750. Wonderful clean lot, virtually all different. Suit World collector or re-seller. Priced under a third of the marked up price. Albums and stockcards alone would have cost $200 plus. $579 the lot. CS29) France. Substantial 99% complete used collection to 2001 in 3 Lighthouse Illustrated Hingeless Albums, with slipcases. Huge catalogue/resale value, persons interested in a purchase into 5 figures which could be split into several payments should contact us. Price is negotiable. MJL5) Mystery or Clearance boxes, seems every dealer has these, we are no exception! Stamps, Covers, Collections, Packets, huge variety & value. Better than the average clearance lot. Ask for Australia, Worldwide or Mixed. 2kg lot for $169, 5kg for $395, Best value lot 10kg for $695 MJL9) Olympics and Sports, 1924 – Modern Collection in Brown Leather-look 32 page stockbook. Includes both mint & used sets, and is a bit disorganised, but I managed to count at least 175 complete sets. Most are Olympics but there are other sports issues and some bits and pieces of other countries/topics which are not counted in the value. Has to be easily worth $1.50 a set across the board. Price $259 MJL12) Ireland mini collection. All fresh mint unhinged, and mainly complete sets from the mid. 1980’s 50 different stamps. Price $49 MJL24) Papua New Guinea mint unhinged stock 1952 – 2002 in 2 x Brown Davo 64 page stockbooks. Massive lot ideal re-seller, Ebayer or hoarder! Pre-decimals are sparse, but then later sets up to 20 of each. I guestimate there would be 2500 sets total her if not more, with the average retail per set around $5. So that is around $12,500 retail. This is a real steal for someone at ONLY 20% OF RETAIL $2495 FOR THE LOT! CJE1) Australia massive accumulation of Pre - Decimal & Decimal Used, in well filled albums, stockbooks, on Hagners etc. Period covered 1930s – quite recent. Many, many complete sets and high values in these lots, exactly as received ex. Charities, Churches, Deceased Estates etc. Guaranteed value, at around 2c per stamp. We will also add free of charge around 250 High Values to each 5kg lot, for $135, 500 High Values in each 10kg lot for $259, 1000 High Values in each 20kg lot for $495. CJE2) Pitcairn Island. Mint unhinged collection 1967 – 1986, housed in near new Seven Seas Hingeless Green Padded Album. Cost $165 new. Sydney retail of the stamps is approx. $385. A total value here of $550 for just $389 CJE6) Australia Territories and Pacifics, mint unhinged sets. Countries include: Christmas Island, Norfolk Island, Nauru, Samoa, Papua New Guinea plus maybe some from Fiji, Cocos and Pitcairn etc. Please let us know if you wish to have any country omitted. Very high catalogue/retail. Wide range with plenty of thematic interest here. 25 different sets $49, 50 different sets $110, 100 different sets $225, 250 different sets $589 CO10) Australia Post 2006 Commonwealth Games folder, containing 17 sheetlets and 5 stamps released for the Commonwealth Games. The stamps are selling fine commercially used for around $2.50 each, which gives you a vast retail of $325, and these are mint unhinged. My price for the lot of 130 plus stamps is $195
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 Packets and Mixtures
PM102) Thailand mostly large, with many recent on single close clipped paper. Price per 100g $55 PM103) Philippines many large, with many recent on single close clipped paper. Price per 100g $42 PM104) Indonesia mission mix on single well trimmed paper. 1 lot of 100g only. Price $35 PM105) Australia High Values, both Commems. & Defins. (No internationals) We have just a small amount of this. About 4000 stamps on single well trimmed paper. Values to $10, $325 per kg, 500g for $169, 250g for $89, 100g for $37.50 PM106) Australia Mostly International High Values on paper. Nice range. 500g for $375, 250g for $195, 100g for $82.50 PM107) New Zealand High Values on paper, 1st lot of these we have had in about 2 years. Nice range of values. 100g for $69, 50g for $36.50 PM107) Ireland charity mix on paper, new lot just arrived. Mixture of mostly single trimmed and torn paper. Always very popular. 1kg for $95, 500g $49.50, 250g $26.50. PM108) South Africa Mission mix, very colourful. Mostly single trimmed paper with perhaps a few homelands. 1kg for $79, 500g $41.50, 250g $21.50 PM95) Malaya/Malaysia plus some Sarawak, North Borneo & Brunei magnificent off paper mixture 1953 – 1980’s. Contains many complete sets and top values. Best mixture from this region we have seen in many years, mostly large. Approx 600 for $89 PM96) Singapore off paper mixture 1953 – 1980’s. Mostly large. 1st time we have ever been able to offer a Singapore Mix. Includes better and top values, mostly large. About 600 for $89 PM93) World on paper, from a brand new supplier. Very well trimmed so high count of around 5000 per kg. (25% great than from our current source) Wide range early – modern, large & small. Price under 4c per stamp. $195 per. kg, 500g for $99, 250g for $52. 100g trial lot for $22.50 PM81) Papua New Guinea, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49 PM82) Norfolk Is., 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49 PM83) Samoa, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49 PM84) Nauru, 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $49 PM85) Pitcairn Is., 100 different mint unhinged, mostly complete sets. Price $59 PM72) Australia just received off paper mixture. Very wide ranging from 1930’s to right up to date with recent $1 values, plus other high values to $10 and the odd International spotted. Must be near 20,000 to the Kilogram. Got to be worth 1.5c a stamp! Absolutely unpicked by us. 1kg for $295, 500g for $219, 250g for $115, 100g for $49 PM52) South Africa plus a few Homelands off paper mix, 1940’s – 1990’s. Good mix with wide range of issues, values to 10/-, good for searching postmarks, perfs, varieties etc. About 750 stamps (50g) for $29, 1500 (100g) for $55. PM55) World Mostly Large, on single well-trimmed paper, just in from UK Charity. Super quality lot, great variety with lots of recent. $289 per kg, 500g for $149 PM56) As above, but with bigger % of small & medium, price $149 per kg, 500g for $79 PM57) World off paper, great variety, early to modern most postally used. About 15 – 20,000 per kg. Price $295 per kg, 500g for $154 PM21) Carton lots of World on paper mixture. This is a good mix with roughly 50% large. Earlies to modern, wide range of countries mostly on well-trimmed
paper. We can offer 5 sizes: Shoebox size lot of around 500 grams $74.50 Double lot as above for $139 Envelope carton of about 2.5 kg $349 Printers box of about 5kg $649 Shipping carton of about 10kg Price $1249 SC3) Iceland 200 diff. $39, 500 diff. $185 SC4) Norway 600 diff. $33.50, 800 diff. $85 SC5) Sweden 600 diff. $85 Great Britain 1840 1d Blacks
I have more than 60 1d Blacks, the World’s 1st postage stamp in stock ranging in price from $100 to $895. Every collector ought to have one! PB3) GB 1840 1d Black plate 5, lettered TE, 4 good margins, and a Ruby Maltese Cross which leaves profile clear. Cat. 1200 pounds. Price $665 PB6) GB 1840 1d Black plate 6, lettered AH , 4 decent margins, and a neat Ruby Red cleanly struck Maltese Cross clear of profile. Cat. 1200 pounds. Price $665 PB7) GB 1840 1d Black unplated example lettered AH, 4 margins, showing part of lower stamp, and a neat Ruby Red centrally struck Maltese Cross. Cat 1200 pounds. Price $665 PB69) Great Britain 1840 1d Black SG 2, plate 5, lettered B – E. Nice 4 margin example on entire wrapper Ireland to Sheffield Yorkshire. Cancelled by bright red Maltese Cross and with cds of Enniscorthy DE 3 1840, and Dublin Diamond arrival handstamp in vermilion of the next day. Cat. £750, for use in England, this is way scarcer. Price $1195 PB65) GREAT BRITAIN 1840 1d black QV, plate 2, block of 4, used, SG # 2. check letters QG, QH, RG, RH, used with indistinct Maltese Cross Cancels. Blocks of 4 of the penny black are very rare and catalogue at £25,000. This is a very nice item without creases, thins or other faults. The two left hand stamps are 3 margin, the right hand pair each have 4 large margins. Price $22,500 PB66) GREAT BRITAIN- 1840 1d black QV, plate 6, horizontal strip of 4 on cover SG # 2. Plate 6, horizontal strip of 4, check letters SF to SI on an entire wrapper. The 4d franking was for a 2oz letter, so presumably contained several pages of correspondence, most likely of a legal nature. Has a partial 22 FEB 1841 reverse cancel. The stamps are all 3 margin, close at bottom, and showing parts of 2 other stamps at top. Each cancelled by a neat black Maltese Cross, with a double cancel to the 4th stamp (contrary to regulations) A block of 4 stamps not on cover is catalogued at £25,000. Price $7750 LM146) GB 1840 Mint 1d Black, plate 6, with certificate. lettered C –K (SG Spec. AS 41) Mint with gum, 4 margins. Very attractive stamp, cat. £13,500. With David Brandon Certificate. Price $10,500 PB1) GB 1840 1d Black plate 1b, lettered KH, 4 generous margins, showing part of adjoining stamp at top, and a neat Red Maltese Cross. Price $595 PB4) GB 1840 1d Black plate 2, lettered KE, 4 good margins, and a neat Red Brown cleanly struck Maltese Cross. Price $595 PB5) GB 1840 1d Black plate 8, lettered BH, 4 good margins, and a lightly struck Red Maltese Cross. Price $595 PB8) GB 1840 1d Black unplated example, lettered BF, 3 good margins, just touching at bottom and a neat central Magenta Maltese Cross, cat. 3000 pounds. Price $895
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 PB10) GB 1840 1d Black plate 8, lettered JB , 4 margins, and a Red Maltese Cross clear of profile. Price a very reasonable $395 PB12) GB 1840 1d Black, SG 2 lettered O-F. 4 large margin unplated example, cancelled by nice strike of red Maltese cross. Cat. £375. Price $525 PB15) GB 1d 1840 Black SG2, plate 8, lettered J-G. Fault free 4 margin example with neat red Maltese cross cancel. Cat. £525. Price $425 PB16) GB 1840 1d Black, SG 2 lettered R-C. Nice 4 margin unplated example, cancelled by complete light strike of red Maltese cross. Cat. £525. Price $495 PB18) GB 1840 1d Black SG2. Lovely 4 margin example from plate 7 with neat Black Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered R – I Cat. £400 price $495 PB19) GB 1840 1d Black SG2. Great looking 4 margin example from plate 1 with Full centrally struck Bright Red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered K – F Cat. £375 price $595 PB21) GB 1840 1d Black SG2. Very good looking 4 margin example from plate 2 with centrally struck Red Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered R – I Cat. £375 price $525 Great Britain other issues
GB162) GB 1840 2d Deep Full Blue plate 2, SG 4 Block of 4. Magnificent 3 margin block just into at top. Each is cancelled by a single black Maltese Cross. Very fine and rare piece. Cat. £32,000, price $27,500 GB190) GB 1841 1d Red Brown with IVORY HEAD, 4 margins mint original gum, lettered N C. Small tone spot at base. Guide line lower left corner SG 8, cat. £600, price $165 GB131) Great Britain 1848 10d brown Embossed Queen Victoria Die 1. Horizontal strip of 3, cut square with generally good margins, plus two horizontal pairs of 1841 imperf. 2d blues, 4 margin plate 3. from the top left hand row of the same sheet check letters AA-AD. Used on cover, part back is missing. Each with ‘107’ numeral cancel of Bradford, Yorkshire 1 MR 1849 to Frankfurt am Main. Has been endorsed at the top in pen (underneath the stamps) “via Ostend” and “Contains only Patterns.” (In German) Has a German Aus. England per Aachen Franco boxed cancel. The 38d (= 3s/2d) franking was the rate for an item under ¾oz in weight sent to the German States via Belgium. SG Cat. # 14 + 57 (Specialised Cat. Nos. ES11 + H2(1)) Reverse bears an unframed Bradford cds in Blue of MR 1 1849 plus a red arrival cds dated MR 2 1846! Clearly the year date slug is an error. 1849 A single 10d Embossed is cat. £3200 on cover, however the 1st and 3rd 10d both appear Part Double Impression, cat. £20,000 each off cover. Attractive and rare, price $27,500 GB160) Great Britain 1848 10d Brown Embossed. 3 margin lightly used example. Very presentable example facially, but is thinned. SG 67 Cat. £1500. Budget priced stamp at well under 10% cat. $249 GB2) GB 1847, 1/- Pale Green Embossed. SG 54. Fine 3 good margin example, 4th just touched at the top. Cancelled by Barred Numeral 41 (2 strikes) Cat. 1000 pounds. Well priced at under 15% cat. $249 GB81) GB 1865 – 73, 4d Vermilion, plate 12 SG 94 Mint unhinged, lettered C – G / G - C. Cat. £575 for hinged. Superb fresh premium quality stamp, price $675 GB83) GB 1867 – 80, 1/- Green plate 5 fresh mint lightly hinged. SG 117, lettered G - E / E - G. Cat. £800. Well centred stamp of fine appearance, just a couple of pulled perfs at top. Price $279 GB53) GB 1880 -83, 2.5d Blue plate 23. Mint very lightly hinged. SG 157, lettered L – H/H – L. Cat. £450. Very fresh with great colour and full perfs., centred left. Price £229
GB54) GB 1880 – 83, 3d Rose plate 21. Mint lightly hinged. SG 158 lettered K – B / B – K. Cat. £500. Fresh well centred with full perfs. Price $329 GB60) GB 1880 – 83 3d on 3d & 6d on 6d Overprints. SG 159 & 162, mint hinged, the 3d being extremely fine. Lettered A – N / N – A and D – L /L – D respectively. Both full perfs. With reasonable centring for these. Cat. £1325. Price $659 GB56) GB 1880 – 8, 2d Pale Rose SG 168, mint lightly hinged. Fresh full perf. example centred right. Cat. £340, price $239 GB65) GB 1883 5/- Rose SG 180, mint hinged. Lovely example, well centred with good colour and full perfs. Cat. £1100. Price $595 GB66) GB 1883 10/- Ultramarine, SG 183, mint hinged. Lovely example, well centred with good colour and full perfs. Cat. £2250. Price $1475 GB74) GB 1902 – 11 Chalky paper set of 9 to 1/-, fresh mint lightly hinged, Cat. between SG 223 – 259. Price $315 GB71) 1905 2/6d KEVII Pale Dull Purple SG261. Magnificent lightly hinged example, with fresh white gum, full perfs. and perfect centring. Cat. £350 Price $295 GB70) 1905 2/6d KEVII Dull Purple SG262. Lightly hinged example, full perfs. and perfect centring.. £350, Price $275 GB191) GB 1902 KEVII £1 Blue Green, SG 266. Nice used example with 3 partial Lombard St. oval registered cancels. Cat. £825, price $450 GB78) GB 1915 DLR Seahorses set of 3, fresh mint lightly hinged. Lovely set to 10/-, between SG 408 – 413, the 2/6d being the Seal Brown. Way above average for these. Cat. £4,375. Price $3375 GB13a) GB 1915 5/- Pale Rose Seahorse SG410. DLR printing, fine used cds example, well centred and with full perfs. Cat. £500. Nice looking example, and hard to find in this condition. Priced at just 30% cat. Price $249 GB79) GB 1918 Bradbury Seahorses set of 3, fresh mint lightly hinged. Lovely set to 10/-, between SG 414 – 417, the 2/6d being the Chocolate shade. Confirming dot in top margin on all three stamps. Way above average for these. Cat. £960. Price $749 GB89) GB 1929 PUC set of 4, mint lightly hinged, SG 434/8. Cat. £765. The One Pound is particularly nice, once hinged with full perfs, well centred and no gum crackling. Price $859 GB166) GB 1939 2/6d Brown on early 1940 Censored Airmail Cover to Sydney. Rare solo use on cover. Cancelled by London cds of 17 FE 40m and with Red Censor Tape. Roughly opened at top left but still an attractive typewritten address cover. Very scarce, price $149 GB136) Great Britain 1948 – 51. You will never see this again! The three KGVI One Pound issues on separate Registered covers, all to USA. 1) 1948 Pound FDC London – Michigan, 2) 1948 Silver Wedding pair FDC London – Michigan, 3) 1951 Pound COMMERCIAL ! REG’D COVER, London – Iowa, with London Oval Reg’d cancel 9 JU 51. All with nice arrival backstamps. These are a must for any cover collector of GB, price $1325 GB167) Great Britain 1951 Festival of Britain low value pair plus 2/6d - £1 on 2 Express Delivery Postcards to Cambridge. All but the 5/- are marginal examples. Very clean and fresh, cat. £925 in 2012 as plain covers. All cancelled by neat central cds’s of Cambridge 3 MY 51. RARE! Well priced at a third of outdated cat. Price. $549 GB174) Great Britain 1953 Small Typewritten Airmail Cover to USA. Bears solo use 2/6d Green 1951 Festival. Minor aging. Scarce solo franking. Price $69
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 Australian States New South Wales
DB102) NSW 1850 1d Sydney Views Reddish – Rose, no clouds, SG3. Decent looking 2 margin example, cancelled by barred numeral 63. Cat. £475 well priced at $249 LM87) NSW 1855 small entire Sydney – Maitland NSW, bearing 2d Dark Blue Laureate, SG 54. Tied by barred cancel of Sydney the stamp has a huge margin at top coming from the top of the sheet. Left and lower margins are full, but torn away at top right. Reverse bears Sydney Circular Handstamp of JA 17 1855 and Maitland unframed Oval Handstamp of the following day. Scarce survivor. Price $110 NSW5) New South Wales 1859 small cover Sydney – Auckland. Bears 4 margin 6d Grey Brown Diadem, error of watermark (8 instead of 6) SG 96a (cat. £110 off cover) Stamp has been removed and re-affixed with a hinge to easily display the wmk. Variety. Exceedingly scarce on cover. Cancelled by Sydney cds of OC 13 59, and with Auckland arrival cds on face of OC 28 1859. Neat clean cover, minor tear centre top has been neatly repaired internally with a hinge. Price $525 NSW23) NSW 1880 1d Salmon perf. 10, SG 208a. Mint Original Gum with massive diagonal plate scratch and two white voids either side of the Queen’s Crown. Striking error. Cat. £250 as normal. Price $395 DB105) NSW 1890 2.5d Ultramarine Monogram block of 8 mint/mint unhinged. Rare block, with CP, GPO NSW & 1890 Monograms. Fresh mint, with only 2 stamps lightly hinged at top. Some minor staining in selvedge, and perf separation to top left hand stamp hardly detract from fine appearance. SG 265, individually stamps cat. £128 as hinged unhinged would be at least double. Price $549 NSW24) NSW 1891 12½d on 1/- red, Listed by SG as perf 12 x 11½, but mostly 11½ with error in perf 12 at top right corner in 2 directions. SG 268d. Used by indistinct cancel. Price $149 NSW10) NSW 1904 3d Postal Stationery Registered letter uprated by marginal vertical pair of 2d Cobalt Blue SG 315, to Hobart. Cancelled by clear strikes of Booligal NSW cds’s of AU 3 1904. Reverse bears transit 245 duplex of Hay NSW AU 5 1904 and Melbourne Registered cds 8.8.04 plus Hobart arrival cds of A 11 1904. Rare cancellations. Price $149 NSW66) NSW OVPT O.S. 1888-92 ½d - 5/- Between SG039-058, inc. shades. 2d & 1d used, 5/- MNG, others mainly mint OG, 5/- alone SG049 Cat £650 for mint. Price $300. Queensland
Q19) Queensland 1907 Crown over A wmk. Horizontal pairs. 4d Grey pair, line perf. mint, 1 unhinged. 6d Green pair, mint, 1 unhinged. 1/- Violet pair, MUH, irregular line perf. 12½/13, these were produced when comb perf. machines were under repair. Price $250. South Australia
SA28) South Australia 1876-85 4d Deep mauve wmk broad star perf 10 x 11½12½ overprinted ‘OS’, SG O17, few trimmed perfs, full fresh OG, Price $119 Victoria
V23) Victoria 1854 1d Rose Half Length SG 23a. Superb 4 margin example of this scarce Melbourne printing, cancelled by light duplex. Expertised twice on reverse. Cat. £750, price $995 V142) Victoria 1854 1d Brick Red Half Length SG26a. A wonderful left marginal
used strip of three with clear to mostly very large margins all round and crisp 2V Barred Oval cancels of Geelong. Some creasing lower left on the left hand stamp only otherwise a superb and rare strip. Ex ‘Chartwell’. Price $1150 V146) Victoria 1854 1d Dull Rose Red Half Length SG 27a in a magnificent 4 margin strip of 4 cancelled by 4 x Clean strikes of 2V Barred oval cancels of Geelong. Wonderful colour. Faultless and rare, with RPS London Photo Certificate from 1930 submitted in 1930 by Heinrich Kohler no less! Expertised on reverse by H G & Co. Stunning. Ex ‘Chartwell’ Price $1625 V96) Victoria 1854-55 Woodblocks imperf 2/- dull bluish green SG 35, three large margins, just touching at base, used on small piece. Advertised retail $375. Price $249 V97) Victoria 1855 6d Too Late stamp, SG 33. Magnificent Huge 4 margin example, neatly cancelled by Barred Numeral 1 of Melbourne. Nicest I have seen in 55 years. Cat. £250. Price $425 V103) Victoria 1854 1/- Registered stamp SG34, Cat £200, attractive example with 4 large margins, very light surface rub at lower left, indistinct barred numeral cancel, fine used. Price $199 V268) Victoria 1856 “Australian Packet Paid Liverpool JU 9 56” cds in red, clear full strike on small cover “per Mermaid” to Plymouth UK with large 5d also in red, presumably tax for underpaid item. Bears 6d Orange woodblock with some evidence of rouletting at left and top, cancelled by Melbourne barred numeral cancel No. 1 of Melbourne type A1. Reverse bears Melbourne oval cancel of MA 11 1856 and Plymouth arrival cds in Green of JU 11 1856. Fine scarce cover, price $240 V267) Victoria 1858 small mourning cover to Exeter UK. Bears 3 margin 6d Orange imperf woodblock cancelled by Melbourne Barred Numeral 1 type A1b. Front endorsed in black ink “received August 15th 58. Reverse bears Melbourne B cds of JU 15 58 and Exeter arrival cds of AU 15 58. Small tear at top away from adhesive and roughly opened and back with part flap missing. Still an attractive cover, price $72 V88) Victoria 1860-63 Emblems wmk ‘One Penny’ P12 1d pale yellow-green vertical strip of 3, stated to be one of the largest known used multiples of this issue with the largest believed to be a block of 4, scarce. Price $149 DB56) Victoria 1864 2d Violet SG 109 Imperforate! Not listed in SG, definitely big enough margins to be imperf. Nicely used with barred Numeral cancel. Imperf between vertical pair of the 1/- from this issue is Cat. at £6500. Price $495 V266) Victoria 1866 small cover to UK. Bears 6d Grey Black SG 107b cancelled by Mortlake duplex No. 249 Type 2BR of AU 23 66 and London Paid cds in red front tying stamp of 20 OC 66. Reverse has Melbourne transit small cds of AU.27 66 in blue. Endorsed “via Southampton” Neat attractive cover. Price $72 V270) Victoria 1870. Small registered cover, Malmsbury – Melbourne. Bears 2d Dull Violet Laureates Perf. 13 SG 109ad, cancelled by Malmsbury Duplex No. 98 Type 2, rated SS. 1 adhesive removed. Has rectangular boxed “registered” in black and oval registered in Red. Melbourne small transit cds of AP 19 70 on face and arrival cds of Carlton on the following day. Price $98 V265) Victoria 1883 small cover to Torquay UK. Bears 6d Blue SG V31) Victoria 1895 Halfpenny Yellow/Orange wrapper used to London. Cancelled by Duplex 327 Tarnagulla JE 28 95. Fine and scarce, price $69 LM13) Victoria 1854 6d Dull Orange Imperf Woodblock on cover, SG 32a. Neat small cover Melbourne to Dublin via ship Colombia. Nice 4 margin stamp affixed inverted, possibly to warn of bad news. Cancelled by barred numeral 1, and with arrival stamp MR 16 1858. Price $395
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 BD515) Victoria 1857 small cover bearing 6d Dull Orange Woodblock 4 margin example, tied by barred Numeral 4 of SANDHURST (renamed BENDIGO) and Red cds “Paid 5 SP 1857” to Essex, UK. Fine and attractive, flap torn on opening. Price $195 V67) Victoria 1895 ½d Yellow-Orange newspaper wrapper simply addressed to “Punch Melbourne” Cancelled by clean strike of Nagambie second 712 Duplex of AP 5 95. Clean and attractive, small tear at left does not detract. Price $59 V84) Victoria 1896 ½d Emerald SG 331 fresh mint lightly hinged with full double row of perfs at top. Well centred with full perfs. Spectacular! Price $169 V41) Victoria 1897 Diamond Jubilee 2/6d Red Brown Hospital Charity stamp, cto Melbourne OC 25 97, 3 days after issue. Clean stamp with gum full perfs. And expertisation mark on reverse. Price $195 V42) Victoria 1897 Diamond Jubilee 2/6d Red Brown Hospital Charity stamp, cto Melbourne AU 24 06, late usage. Clean well centred stamp without gum and full perfs. Price $210 V90) Victoria 1901-13 QV ‘Postage’ 1/- orange or yellow x 10 unchecked for perfs etc, great range of shades, advertised retail $200+. Price $99 V89) Victoria 1901-13 ‘Postage’ 5/- x 5, lovely range of shades, all with cds cancels, one with blue crayon mark, attractive group FU. Price $99 V85) Victoria 1905 1d Rose red SG 417, Double Perfs. Used by Melbourne machine cancel is well centred with full perfs. Complete row of double perfs. at top and also double perfs. along right side. Spectacular! Price $169 V264) Victoria 1905 Picture Postcard of Yarra River to Belgium. Bears ½d green “Bantam” and 1d Red cancelled by Wodonga cds (date illegible but 11/11/05 in manuscript on front. Arrival cds of Antwerp of 1-2 06. Neat card to scarcer destination, price $33 DB58) Victoria 1909 5/- Moss Green Stamp Duty re-issue, fresh mint unhinged, perf. 11. Listed only as used in Barefoot No. 103. Scarce thus, price $75 V18) Victoria Revenues 1934 1/8d Yellow & Black Tax Instalment Rouletted stamp with gum in unhinged horizontal pair. Wmk V over Crown. Cancelled by Fountain Pen manuscript 26-1-40 and 2-2-40 respectively . Fine and scarce, price $95 Western Australia
WA128) Western Australia 1854 1d black Swan, SG 1, three close to good margins, touching at top, horizontal crease, nice used, Price $179 WA130) Western Australia 1885 1d on 3d surcharge, both the Pale brown and Cinnamon shades, SG 91 & 91a, Cat £70, fine Used, Price $79 WA26) Western Australia 1885 – 93, Halfpenny Green/Yellow Green SG98/98a. 34 examples on 2 album pages, inc. 2 Fresh Mint Blocks of 9. 1 from left hand side of sheet with Guide Cross in margin. The other is a lower left corner plate 1 block. 6 units on each are unhinged. Then used block of 4, 3 pairs and 6 singles. Mostly very fine. Price $629 WA27) Western Australia 1885 – 93, 1d Carmine, SG 95. 32 examples on 2 album pages, inc. 3 Fresh Mint Blocks of 4. 2 only are hinged on each block, plus a mint pair, 2 used blocks of 4, 3 used pairs and 4 used singles. Very fine group. Price $499 WA28) Western Australia 1885 – 93, 2d Bluish Grey/ Grey, SG 96/96a. 32 examples on 2 album pages, inc. 4 Fresh Mint Blocks of 4. 2 only are hinged on each block, plus 3 used pairs and 10 used singles. Very fine group. Price $375 WA29) Western Australia 1885 – 93, 2.5d Deep Blue/Blue, SG 97/97a. 26 examples on 2 album pages, inc. a block of 4 Fresh Mint, 2 only are hinged, plus 3 mint pairs and a single and 4 used pairs and 7 singles. Very fine group. Price $365
WA32) Western Australia 1885 – 93, 6d Bright Violet, SG 100. 34 examples on 2 album pages, inc. a block of 6 and 2 blocks of 4 Fresh Mint, 2 only are hinged on each, plus a mint pair and 4 mint singles and 14 used singles. Very fine group. Price $569 WA78) Western Australia 1895 ½d surcharge in red & green on 3d Cinnamon, SG 111a, Mint, some hinge remains, Price $199 WA57) 1910 usage of 1d Blue Postal Stationary Postcard, Mount Magnet to Perth. Cancelled by cds of Perth 14 NO 10. H & G 17, cat. $400. Very fine with 2 staple holes and bend to upper left corner. Price $195 WA34) Western Australia 1911 real photographic postcard “Greetings from Fremantle” to St. Louis, USA. Bears Halfpenny Green and 1d Rose Pink SG 138/9. Cat £12.25 and from x 12 on cover. Neat & clean, price $175 WA45) Western Australia 1922 3d Black & Purple Long Swan Stamp Duty. Mint vertical pair, the upper lightly hinged, the lower being fresh unhinged. Light gum bends do not detract. Scarce multiple. Barefoot No. 64. Cat. only as used. Cat. by Elsmore at $45 each for hinged. Price $75 Australia Kangaroos
All of our Kangaroo stamps are accurately described and fairly priced according to condition, you may order with confidence that there are no hidden faults. K652) Bulk used Kangaroos ex. Retired dealer. Unchecked by us for shades, varieties etc. Priced per 100. Assume all to be the cheapest watermark. Obviously damaged & very heavily cancelled stamps removed. 1d Red 100 for $89 (10 for $10), 6d Brown ovpt. OS 100 for $1000 (10 for $110), 1/- Green 100 for $375 (10 for $39), 2/- Maroon 100 for $125 (10 for $15) K343) Australia 1913 Penny Red Kangaroo used x 36 on annotated album pages. Noted “Rostage” x 2, Coil / Booklet Stamps x 2, + varieties not listed for this value, inc. “Missing Inner Frame Top Left” and “Shading Line Over One Penny Missing”. Condition generally good to fine used. Minimum Cat. $847. Price: $539 K86) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 2d Grey Kangaroo. Nice mint unhinged example with good perfs, centred right, cat. $300, price $120 K739) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 2d Deep Grey Kangaroo. A mint lightly hinged example, couple of slightly nibbled perfs, centred high, price $49 K148) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 2.5d Indigo Kangaroo. Superb lower marginal cto example with gum, perfectly centred and full perfs. Melbourne cds of DE 3 13. They honestly do not come better than this! Price $125 K782) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, Die I. Fresh mint unhinged example well centred with good perfs. ACSC 12A, Cat. $600, price $450 DB826) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, Die I. Nice mint lightly hinged example with good perfs. Has light gum bend not visible from front. Cat. $250, price $119 K240) Australia 1913 3d Olive Kangaroo, Die I. Nice mint lightly hinged example well centred with good perfs. ACSC 12A Cat. $250, price $129 K900) Australia 1913 4d Orange Kangaroo with Variety. Mint lightly hinged, with colour flaw adjoining middle of inside frame at left. Listed as ACSC 15A(1) d. Well centred and with good perfs, gum a little aged. Price $249 K784) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo. ACSC 15B Fresh Mint Unhinged. Lower left corner marginal example. Lovely well centred full perf. Stamp. Very rare shade. Cat $2750. Very Rarely offered. Skipped perf. at base and misplaced wmk. We sold a non-marginal example last year for $1650. Price $1995
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 K88) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo. ACSC 15B Mint lightly hinged. Lovely fresh example, centring to top right. Rare shade. Cat $2000. Rarely offered. Price $595 K914) Australia 1913 4d Analine Orange Kangaroo Horiz. pair perf Large OS. ACSC 15Bba. Lovely use pair cancelled by Hobart cds of 10NO17, very late use for this. Left stamp has some perf faults. Very attractive piece, and a scarce shade. Cat. $275 each as non OS. Price $425 DB798) Australia 1913 4d Yellow orange kangaroo, fine used. Cancelled by Perth oval registered cancel of 28 MAR 13. Well centred and attractive stamp, ACSC 15E, cat. $150, price $110 K785) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo with variety. Fresh nicely centred int unhinged with good perfs, has the variety Colour Flaw off WA Coast. Listed as ACSC 16(U)d. Cat. $450 for hinged = approx $1200 for unhinged. Price $895 K89) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo mint unhinged. Well centred and fresh with a few shortish perfs at base. Cat. $650, very well priced at just $189 K700) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo ACSC 16A, centred low, light hinge remains Mint, Cat $250, Price $99 K744) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo ACSC 16A, centred slightly to lower right, lightly hinged Mint, Cat $250, Price $109 LM12) Australia 1913 5d Chestnut Kangaroo, “Kissprint”. Nice well centred example with full perfs, fresh mint very lightly hinged. Coastline appears doubled almost all around. Cat $250 as normal. Price $495 K706) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo, ACSC 17A, a top right corner example centred to upper right, stamp is fresh MUH, Cat $875, Price $379 K792) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo, ACSC 17A, fresh MUH, full perfs, centre left. Cat $875, Price $425 K239) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo, ACSC 17A. Fresh mint lightly hinged example with good centring and perfs. One slightly nibbed perf at top. Cat. $325, cheap price $125 ML538) Australia 1913 6d ultramarine CTO with indistinct corner cds, the letter ‘S’ is just visible, indicating it may be a Brisbane CTO, attractive stamp! $99 K740) Australia 1913 1st wmk. 6d Ultramarine Kangaroo, Melbourne CTO with full lightly hinged gum, ACSC 17Awb, one short perf at right, centred low, Cat $100, Price $49 K554) Australia 1913 9d Deep Violet 1st wmk. Kangaroo, mint lightly hinged. Nice fresh example with good perfs. and nicely centred. ACSC 24C, cat. $500, price $398 K579) Australia 1913 9d Violet 1st wmk. Kangaroo ACSC 24A,Cat $200, fresh mint lightly hinged nicely centred example Price $149 K735) Australia 1913 9D Violet Kangaroo 1st wmk. CTO with gum. Fresh well centred. ASCS 24Awb Cat. $120 Price $89 K650) Australia 1913 1/- Emerald, variety ‘’Watermark inverted’ ACSC 30Aa,a fine commercially used example, Cat $500, centred a little to the left. ’ELIZABETH STREET NORTH’ cds of December 1913,scarce thus. Price $399 K701) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk ACSC 35A, another lovey used example with light, crisp partial Registered cds and very good centring, Price $179 DB777) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk SG 12. Nice used example with corner cds. Good perfs centred a little to lower left. ACSC 35A Cat $250. Keenly priced at $119
K122) Australia 1913 2/- Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk SG 12. Nice good used example with 2 partial cds cancels. Few ragged perfs to top, centred a little to left. ACSC 35A Cat $250. Keenly priced at $74 K241) Australia 1913 2/- Dark Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk SG 12. Nice used example from right of sheet with central 1913 Parcel Post cds. Good perfs. & well centred. ACSC 35B Cat $300. Keenly priced at $129 K581) Australia 1913 2/- Dark Brown Kangaroo 1st wmk ACSC 35Bwb CTO, one short perf at top, centred a little to the left. Price $99 K504) Australia 1913 5/- grey/chrome Kangaroo, 1st watermark, cancelled to order with gum, full perfs. no thins, tears or bends. BW(ACSC) Cat. # 42Awb. Cat. $300, off centre to right, price $169 K483) Australia 1913 10/- Grey & Pink 1st wmk Kangaroo, Ovpt. Specimen Mint Unhinged. Post Office Fresh! Nicely centred for this issue with full perfs. ACSC 47x, Cat. $3500. Price $1950 ML534) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo 2nd wmk centred high Mint, light HR, advertised retail $175 for well centred, price $89 K659) Australia 1915 2½d Indigo 2nd wmk Kangaroo Perf WA. Fresh mint unhinged, well centred with full perfs. Very rare thus! Price $495 K850) Australia 1915 Bluish Indigo 2nd wmk Kangaroo in a fresh mint (**/*) block of 4. Hinged on top two stamps this is a fine marginal block with interpanneu margin at right. ACSC 10B cat. $1800 as singles. Nicely centred with full perfs. Price $1350 K198) Australia 1915 9d Violet 2nd wmk. Kangaroo perf OS, ACSC 25ba. Extra fine used example with Melbourne Public Offices cds of JE 1 16. Well centred, with good perfs. Cat. $350, price $249 K372) Australia 1/- Bright Blue Green Kangaroo, 2nd wmk, Socked on Nose. Nice scarcer shade, socked on nose by Spencer St. Melbourne cds of 19AU15. Well centred with good perfs. Cat. $150, price $110 K204) Australia 1915 1/- Green Kangaroo 2nd wmk. Perf. OS. Good/fine used with 2 partial cds’s of Perth. Well centred, some short perfs at base. Has skipped perf at lower left. ACSC 31Aba, cat. $475, well priced at $89. K937) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A. Superb used example with double ring cds of South Yarra Vic, dated 13.7.15. Fine looking stamp, centred to top with full perfs. Cat. $350, price $237.50 K606) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A.Cat $1500 Well centred Mint example with some ink suffusion through the paper resulting in the gum side of the stamp having an almost aniline appearance, Price $849 K585) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A.Cat $1500 Well centred full perf. MLH example with tiny hinge thin & very slight gum ageing. Price $725 K587) Australia 1913 2/- Dark brown 1st wmk. Kangaroo, Punctured small ‘OS’ ACSC 35Bbb, Cat $400, an unusually well centred example with an indistinct cds cancel. Price $249 K743) Australia 1913 2/- Brown 1st wmk. Kangaroo, Melbourne CTO ACSC 35A, centred slightly to upper left, Cat $300, Price $179 K742) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36, an attractive well centred example with partial ‘STOCK EXCHANGE MELBOURNE’ cds. Cat. $350, price $229 K649) Australia 1915 2/-Light Brown Kangaroo 2nd wmk ACSC 36A, Cat $350, a superb used example with excellent centring, light oval ‘PERTH REGISTERED’ datestamp, a premium stamp. Price $299
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 K244) Australia 1915 2/- Light Brown 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC 36A. Well centred full perf. used example cancelled by partial Brisbane Qld. cds. Cat. $350, cheap price, $125 K741) Australia 1915 5/- Deep Grey & Chrome 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC43B. Nice used example with neat partial cds, quite well centred and with strong colours, clean cut perfs (a couple are slightly nibbled}. Attractive stamp, Cat $675, Price $475 K140) Australia 1915 5/- Deep Grey & Chrome 2nd wmk. Kangaroo, ACSC43B. Nice used example with light partial circular cancels. Centred high with some fluffy perfs., usual for this issue Cat. $675 this one cheap at a third cat. $225 K689) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die I variety ‘Watermark inverted’ ACSC 7Ba, quite well centred, hinge remainder Mint Cat $175, Price $119 ML531) Australia 1915 2d grey Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die I punctured ‘OS’ two faintly toned perfs Mint unhinged. Centred to top right with good perfs. ACSC 7Aba, cat. $225 price $69 K92) Australia 1918 2d Grey 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Die IIA, mint unhinged, small amount of gum disturbance at top otherwise fresh. Nice centring with good perfs. Cat. $225, price $65 K93) Australia 1915 3d Yellow Olive Kangaroo Die II, mint unhinged, full perf example, centred left, minor overall gum toning. Cat. $1000, missing from most dealers’ lists. Cheap price $225. K685) Australia 1915 3d Olive green 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Die I, ACSC 13A, top marginal example centred to right, fresh MUH with good perfs. Cat $175, Price $110 K686) Australia 1915 3d Olive green 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Die I, variety ‘Watermark inverted’ ACSC 13Ka, centred to right, fresh MUH Cat $525, Price $295 K373) Australia 1915 3d Deep Olive, Die II 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. Lovely “socked on nose” example with Registered cds of 27JY21 (Ballimore NSW?) Well centred and with good perfs. Cat. $250, price $175 K672) Australia 1922 3d Olive Kangaroo Die IIB 3rd wmk. ACSC Block of 4, usual ‘fluffy’ perfs, some gum bends, centred a little low, lower units MUH, Cat $650, Price $249 K141) Australia 1915 6d Milky Greyish Blue Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. ACSC 19G Harrison Printing. Fine used with Condobolin NSW cds of SP 21 19. Well centred and with good perfs, this stamp shows the undocumented variety “Broken/Missing ears” very striking! The bite out of leg of this issue catalogues $2250, and sells for around $1500. Price $995 DB796) Australia 1918 6d Pale Greyish Violet Dull Blue Kangaroo Subs. Cliché. 3rd wmk SG 38ba (shade) , ACSC 19Gja, Nicely centred and with good perfs and 2 x partial Sydney cds cancels. cat $3750. Hard stamp to find, price $1950 K690) Australia 1918 6d Ultramarine Die II ACSC 19A, centred a little to the right, fresh Mint, Cat $225, Price $129 K94) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo 3rd wmk, ACSC 21A. Nice mint unhinged example well centred and with good perfs. Has skipped perfs. at top creating a larger than usual stamp. Cat. $250, priced at just a half catalogue. $125 K610) Australia 1923 6d Chestnut Kangaroo 3rd wmk, ACSC 21A(4)zc Mullett imprint pair Cat $200, quite well centred, l/h unit has small faint soiling spot (not toning) at top Mint. Price $99 K634) Australia 1923 6d chestnut Kangaroo, 3rd watermark, gutter corner marginal block of 4 with the variety ‘broken leg on Kangaroo’. ACSC 21A(3)d, usual ‘fluffy’ perfs and average centring, still a fresh and attractive MUH positional block. Price $225 K639) Australia 1916 9d Pale violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II ACSC 26B, Cat
$375, centred to right, fresh MUH. Price $199 K613) Australia 1916 9d Pale violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II ACSC 26B, Cat $375, centred to right and with tiny natural paper inclusion in the gum, fresh MUH. Price $179 K263) Australia 1916 9d deep Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II. Fine used example of this scarce shade lightly cancelled by cds at left. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 26C Cat. $200, price $149 K572) Australia 1916 9d Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Die II punctured OS. ACSC 26Aba, Cat $475, nicely centred for this issue, fresh MUH. Price $349 K200) Australia 1916 9d Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Inverted Die II. Cooke Printing. Nicely centred full perf example, cancelled by partial Bowen, Qld. Cds. ACSC 26Aa, Cat. $325, price $239 K54) Australia 1918 9d Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb. Nice mint lightly hinged example with perfect perfs, centred a tad high. Has light overall gum toning and one toned perf. at left, not visible from front. Cat. $125, cheap at $37.50 K695) Australia 1918 9d Violet (deep shade) Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb ACSC 27A, centred to lower right, fresh Mint with barely visible hinge mark Cat $125, Price $75 K592) Australia 1918 9d Violet Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb, punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 27Aba, Cat $350. Mint lightly hinged example centred slightly to the lower left, faint gum bend at lower right. Price $125 K132) Australia 1918 9d Deep Violet Kangaroo, ACSC 26Ca 3rd wmk Die II, Inverted. Nice fine used example, well centred, with a few ragged perfs. Cancelled by circular Brisbane Registered handstamp. Cat. Indication for this scarce shade $2000, price $995. K671) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo 3rd wmk Die II,ACSC 32A, block of 4 centred to base, upper left unit with small shallow thin spot, light bend through the two right hand units, Mint Cat $500, Price $229 K371) Australia 1916 1/- Grey Green Kangaroo 3rd wmk fine cds used. Centred low, with light cds cancel to upper right and with good perfs. Nice example of this scarcer shade, listed as ACSC 32G. Cat. $125. Priced at 30% $37.50 K605) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb, variety ‘Watermark sideways’ ACSC 33Aaa Cat $200, centred to lower left, MLH, Price $75 K635) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb Harrison two line imprint block of 4 ACSC 33(4)z, Cat $2250, upper right unit slightly damaged at right, some hinge remains on upper pair, lower pair are MUH. Price $1250 K611) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb, Mullett imprint pair ACSC 33(3)zc, Cat $450, centred to lower right, some hinge remains, fresh Mint. Price $249 K277) Australia 1918 1/- Blue Green Kangaroo, 3rd wmk Die IIb. Melbourne mint lightly hinged example Sideways Wmk. Centred left with full perfs., ACSC 33Aaa Cat. $200, Priced well at $99 K367) Australia 1916 2/- Greyish Brown Kangaroo, 3rd wmk. Perf OS. Scarce shade, listed as ACSC 37Hba. Indicative cat. $700. The normal OS used being $125, 3.5 times the used regular stamp, and the shade cat. at $200. This stamp is well centred with mostly good perfs, a couple at base are nibbed. Cancelled by 2 x Melbourne slightly heavier cds cancels. A nice stamp for the shades collector. Well Priced at 30%, $210 K528) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk.perf OS. Faintly toned top right corner perf, centred low Mint lightly Hinged, ACSC 38Aba advertised retail $325 for fine, cat. $550, price $99
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 ML528) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Nicely centred full perf. mint hinged example, cat. $300. Well priced at under as half. $149 K597) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk.perf OS. ACSC 38Aab, Cat $550, slightly rounded top right corner perf & central horizontal crease, Mint. Price $99 ML528) Australia 1924 2/- Maroon Kangaroo 3rd wmk. Nicely centred full perf. mint hinged example, cat. $300. Well priced at under as half. $149 K558) Australia Kangaroos 1918 5/- grey & pale yellow 3rd wmk ACSC 44Dwa, cat $200, centred to right, no gum CTO K456) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, perf. OS, cto with gum. Well centred with goods perfs. ACSC44Db, cat. $200, price $149 K733) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow Kangaroo, 3rd wmk, perf. OS. CTO with unhinged gum, fresh well centred with good perfs. ASCS 44Dwf. Spencer Gulf Elongated & Broken Coast near Sydney. Cat $450, Price $359 K734) Australia 1918 5/- Grey Black & Yellow Orange Kangaroo 3rd wmk. perf OS, CTO with gum. Centred to top right. ACSC 44BWwa Cat $300 Price $149 K940) Australia 1918 5/- Grey Black & Pale Yellow Kangaroo 3rd wmk. perf OS, CTO with unhinged gum. Centred to top right. ACSC 44DWwa Cat $300 Price $149 K939) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Deep Yellow 3rd wmk. Kangaroo Perf OS ACSC 44Cwa, cto with unhinged gum. Well centred and with 1 minor perf. fault at base. Wmk misplaced to left and Kangaroo misplaced right with tail a little outside map. Price $225 K679) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Deep Yellow 3rd wmk. Kangaroo ACSC 44C, fresh Mint with light hinge remains, centred slightly to the left, Cat $450, Price $325 K680) Australia 1918 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow 3rd wmk. Kangaroo with variety ‘Broken tail on kangaroo’ ACSC 44D(V)e, very well centred with bold Sydney cds which is completely clear of the variety, Cat $325, Price $195 DB325) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Deep Analine Pink “Kissprint”. Harrison printing mint with light hinge, nice fresh gum. Has prominent “Kissprint” of frame clearly visible on map, at top, to right of Kangaroo and clear doubling of shading to left of Kangaroo’s head. Centred to the lower right, and with some short perfs at base. This is believed unique, and is only recorded in ACSC as Perf. OS used. (ACSC 48Bc) at $3000. I did sell a mint OS example through auction as couple of years ago in Melbourne for $3750 plus buyers’ premium. This example has been submitted to the ACSC for future listing. Price $3950 K646) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Analine Pink 3rd wmk. Kangaroo, perf. OS. ACSC 48Bwa, Fresh cto used with unhinged gum, centred a little to lower right, pulled perf at base, Cat. $200, price $129 K522) Australia 1918 10/- Grey & Deep Analine Pink, 3rd wmk. Kangaroo. Ovpt. Specimen Type B, mint lightly hinged. Nicely centred with full perfs. ACSC 48Bx, cat. $600, price $449 LM152) Australia 1924 3rd wmk £1 Grey Kangaroo SG 75S, ovpt. Specimen Type C2. Early state of shaved P. Fresh mint unhinged well centred and with full gum. BW 53xf not catalogued as unhinged, but using the same formula as the normal type C should be $2275. Price $1495 K930) Australia 1924 3rd wmk £1 Grey Kangaroo SG 75S, ovpt. Specimen Type D. Fresh mint well centred and with full gum. Couple of nibbled perfs at base. Cat. $375, price $259 K932) Australia 1924 3rd wmk £1 Grey Kangaroo SG 75S, ovpt. Specimen Type D. Fresh mint centred upper right with full gum and good perfs. Cat. $375, price $259
K859) Australia 1929 6d Chestnut Kangaroo sm. Multi. Wmk. Ash N over A imprint block of 4. Hinged only in selvedge. ACSC 22A(4)z. Cat. $400 as hinged. Very fresh well centred with full perfs. Premium block. Price $575 LM15) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 6d Chestnut “Kissprint “of left frame MUH. Super Post Office Fresh left marginal example, well centred and full perfs. Unrecorded variety. Price $249 K573) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 9d violet ACSC 28A fresh MUH Cat $375, centred to lower left, one short perf at base. Price $149 K629) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 9d violet plate 4 Ash imprint second state block of 4 with die II substitution at position 4R49 ACSC 28(4)z, Cat $1500 for hinged, left hand pair centred to left, right hand pair well centred, some gum ‘suntanning’ bands, a scarce imprint, MUH. Price $1475 K601) Australia 1929 Sml. Multi. Wmk., 9d violet punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 28Ab, Cat $325, unusually well centred for this issue, fresh MVLH. Price $175 K854) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green sml. Multi. Wmk. Kangaroo. Lovely mint unhinged block of 4, well centred and with good perfs. Some perf separation at top. Cat. $1200 as singles, price $749 K619) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green small multi. wmk. Kangaroo Ash imprint pair ACSC 34(3)za, Cat $350, couple of nibbled perfs, r/h unit has a tiny ink mark on the gum Mint. Price $179 K620) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green small multi. wmk. Kangaroo Ash imprint pair ACSC 34(4)za, Cat $350, quite reasonable centring, MLH. Price $249 K600) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green small multi. wmk. Kangaroo punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 23Aba, centred slightly to the left, one nibbled perf at top MVLH Price $49 K653) Australia 1929 1/- Blue Green small multi. wmk. Kangaroo punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 34b block of 4, couple of minor perf faults, multiple strikes of the ‘MELBOURNE/VIC’ cds. Price $69.50 K278) Another as above, but centred right. Price $47.50 K602) Australia 1929 2/- maroon Kangaroo punctured ‘OS’ ACSC 39Ab Cat $450, centred a little to the left, few nibbled perfs and some light gum ageing, Mint Price $149 K556) Australia Kangaroos 1929 5/- grey & yellow orange ACSC 45aw, cat $250, no gum CTO, well centred. Price $199 K509) Australia 1929 5/- Grey & Yellow Orange small multi wmk. Kangaroo. Cto with gum, Centred to upper left. A few short perfs along top. Cat. $250, price $119 DB499) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 5/- Greyish- Black & Yellow Orange Kangaroo. Perf OS ACSC 45Bba. Lovely commercially used example. Good strong colour with good perfs. and well centred. Cancelled by partial Perth cds. Postally used examples are much scarcer than cto. Cat. $250, price $185 K510) Australia 1929 Grey & Yellow Orange small multi wmk. Kangaroo. Perf. OS. cto with unhinged gum, ex. Specimen Pack. Centred high with full perfs. Cat. $250, price $129 K512) Australia 1929 Grey & Yellow Orange small multi wmk. Kangaroo. Perf. OS. Cto with gum, centred high with full perfs. Cat. $250, price $119 K944) Australia 1929 Grey & Yellow Orange small multi wmk. Kangaroo. Perf. OS. Cto with gum, centred high with full perfs. Cat. $250, price $119 (similar to the above) K485) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo. Fresh Mint Top marginal Block of 4! Lower pair are superb unhinged, others lightly hinged. A well centred block with full perfs. Cat. $12,000 as singles, blocks are exceedingly rare. Cat. $8200 as singles, price $7550
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 K2) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, fine used dated Melbourne cds 4NO31, and with variety “Very short Spencer’s Gulf” ACSC49 (D) f, cat $1100, price $695 K37) Australia 1929 Small Multiple Wmk. 10/- Grey & Pink Kangaroo, mint unhinged. Centred lower left and has a couple of nibbed perfs. Facially quite attractive, but gum is toned. Cat $3000, price just $695 K651) Australia 1932 6d Chestnut Kangaroo C of A wmk ACSC 23A, centred to upper right, fresh MUH. Price $39 K858) Australia 1932 6d Chestnut Kangaroo C of A wmk, Imprint block with variety. ACSC 23Ag, white hairline from value circle to map. Fresh mint unhinged. Cat. $550 as hinged, odd short/nibbed perf fault. Price $525 K632) Australia 1932 9d Violet Kangaroo C of A wmk. Ash imprint block of 4 from plate 3 ACSC 29(3)z, Cat $650, light overall gum ‘suntanning’ , lower units MUH. Price $299 K270) Australia 1932 9d Violet Kangaroo C of A wmk. Cto with unhinged gum, ex. PMG Specimens pack. Well centred and full perfs, ACSC 29Aw cat. $25, price $19 K612) Australia 1935 2/- Kangaroo C of A wmk ACSC 40A, horizontal marginal pair fresh well centred MUH, the l/h unit showing unlisted variety ‘Colour flaw under P of Postage’ Price $24.99 K936) Australia 1932 10/- Dark Grey & Analine Pink C of A wmk. Kangaroo, overprinted specimen fresh mint. Centred to upper left, with full perfs. This shade cat. $2750 as normal. Price $329 K150) Australia 1935 £1 Grey C of A wmk Kangaroo, SG 137S, BW 54x. Vertical pair Mint Unhinged, ovpt. Specimen type D. Multiples are rare and a block of 4 is cat. $1500 for hinged. This pair is very fresh unhinged, with full perfs. and well centred. Using the formula for a mint unhinged single the block of 4 should cat. at $2250 for unhinged. As a pair it is worth approx. 40% of the block price = $900. Price $765…the same price that the late Simon Dunkerley paid me for a similar pair in 2005. K923) Australia 1934 £2 Grey – Black and Rose Crimson C of A wmk, SG 138. Sound used example with two partial Tennant Creek cds cancels, a little smudgy. Centred a little left. Price $459 LM148) Australia 1934 £2 Grey – Black and Rose Crimson C of A wmk, SG 138S. Ovpt. SPECIMEN Mint unhinged with variety “Collar on Roo” BW 58Vr. Nice mint unhinged full perf example, centred left. The normal stamp in mint unhinged cat. $15000, and with this variety an extra 50% = $22,500. The Specimen Mint unhinged is $225, and logically the variety adds 50% to around $350. Cheap buy at $315 K521) Australia 1931-36 10/- - £2 Kangaroos ovpt. Specimen Type D Fresh Mint Unhinged. Perfs and centring vary Cat. $485, price $295 Australia KGV Heads
Breaking superb KGV Collection, starting here with the 1d Red Shades, mainly mint with certificate GG4) Australia 1918 1d Rosine Mint Lightly Unhinged. ACSC 72 l (G68) Fresh centred to right with good perfs. Supplied with Drury 2015 Certificate. Cat. $700, price $525 GG6) Australia 1918 1d Rosine Mint Unhinged, perf. OS. ACSC 72ibb (G68) Fresh, centred lower left with full perfs. Supplied with Starling 2014 Certificate. Cat. $875, price $649 GS1) Australia 1914 1d Bright Red (Analine) Die II KGV, MLH. Fresh well centred full perf example, ACSC 71B(1)i. (G11) Very scarce shade supplied with 2 certificates, Brandon 1991 & Starling 2013. Cat. $1250, price $995
G280) Australia 1916 1d Carmine rough paper perf. OS. Used example with STUNNING MISPERF! Misperforated with around 10% of the adjoining stamp at right visible. Far great than the usual off centre stamps from this period. Price $249 GS23) Australia 1917 1d Orange Red KGV. Post Office fresh Mint Unhinged. Nice full perf example, centred left. ACSC71P, (G24.5) Cat. $600. Supplied with Drury 2004 certificate. Price $475 GS25) Australia 1918 1d Pink KGV. Post Office fresh Mint Unhinged. Nice full perf example, centred right. ACSC71T, (G28) Cat. $600. Supplied with Starling 2013 certificate. Rare shade, price $475 GS17) Australia 1918 1d Rose Pink Rough Paper KGV. Post Office Fresh mint unhinged, nicely centred with full perfs. ACSC 72H (G67) Cat. $1500, very rare stamp, Supplied with Drury and Bozic 2011 Certificates. Price $1195 G232) Australia 1918 1d Rose Pink Rough Paper KGV perf OS. Fine used example centred right with good perfs. Cancelled by Melbourne Ship Mail Room cds of 22MY20. ACSC 72H (G67) Cat. $250, rarer shade, price $149 GS20) Australia 1918 1d Damson Rough Paper KGV. Mint lightly hinged. Centred right with full perfs. ACSC 72K (G70.5) Cat. $900. Supplied with Drury 2010 Certificate. Price $725 GS10) Australia 1918 1d Maroon Rough Paper KGV. Mint hinged, perfect centring, and good perfs. ACSC 72R(G77) Supplied with 2005 Drury Certificate. Cat. $750, price $595 G382 Australia 1914 1d Carmine smooth paper punctured ‘OS’ Die II ‘Merged’ spur (position 56 – see ACSC page 4/52). Centred to right, Mint very lightly hinged, Price $275 Other KGV Heads
G467) Australia KGV Single wmk, range ½d Green – 4d Blue, with some nice shades of the 2d Reds and Oranges. All perf. OS NSW, plus 2d & 4d C of A wmk. Perf. G NSW. 19 stamps all nice used, many with cds. Cat. as normal OS $225. State perfins are much scarcer. Price $149 G514) Australia 1915 ½d Pale Green single line perf. Fine used example, cancelled by Lang Lang Vic. Cds of MR 29 16. Centred upper right with full perfs. Tiny pinhole bottom right does not detract from fine appearance. ACSC 64B cat. $1,000, advertised retail $625 for the cheaper shade. Price $475 G361) Australia 1924 1d Green single wmk block of 4, upper l/h unit variety ‘Wattle line’, lower l/h unit variety ‘Flaw under neck’ and upper r/h unit ‘Nick near top of left frame’ ACSC 77(4)f/g/h, upper units MLH, lower units unhinged, centred a little low, Cat $200 as hinged, price $149 G468) Australia 1920 2d Orange perf OS wmk. Inverted. ACSC 95Eba inv. Cancelled by Melbourne Sept 1922 cds. Well centred and with good perfs. Non OS inverted wmk is cat. $8000. Price $125 G456) Australia 1920 2d Orange perf OS Grossly Misperfed. ACSC 95Eba. Used with partial machine cancel and showing part of adjacent stamp at right. Price $49 G455) Australia 1924 2d Deep Red Brown perf OS Grossly Misperfed. ACSC 97Bbb. Used with slogan cancel and showing part of adjacent stamp at top. Cat. $50 for used in the lighter shade. Price $79 G452) Australia 1914 – 20 KGV 4d Orange-Yellow shades, range of 10 between ACSC 110A – E, H & I. All fine used cds and cat. $700 plus. Includes the rare Lime Yellow cat. $600 alone. Price $475 G466) Australia 1914 – 20 KGV 4d Orange shades, range of 10 different all perf. OS, does not include Lemon or Lime yellow. All fine used with cds cancels. Price $98
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 G321) Australia 1915 4d Orange KGV variety ‘Watermark inverted’ CTO ACSC 110Ha/w with full slightly ‘suntanned’ unhinged gum, centred to right, Price $49 ML530) Australia 1921 4d Violet single wmk. Nice mint unhinged example, well centred. Has 1 nibbed perf at top, together with a light gum bend also at top. ACSC 111A, cat. $75, price $30 G258) Australia 1923 4d Bright Ultramarine Single wmk. Mint unhinged block of 4 with selvedge at left from gutter. Light gum toning. Well centred with good perfs, cat. $250 each as singles. ACSC 113A, priced very reasonably at $325 G352) Australia 1918 5d chestnut Single wmk with variety ‘Broken NH corner’ ACSC 122Ah, centred to lower left, light gum ‘suntanning’ Mint Cat $200, price $75 DB491) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise KGV Single wmk. Mint unhinged Block of 4 perf OS, with variety “Thick 1 at right” and grossly misperf’ed showing parts of additional stamps at right. Cat $1500. Lovely fresh condition. Supplied with certificate. Price $1150 G19) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise KGV Single wmk. Mint unhinged, centred lower right. Fresh full perf example, advertised retail $650, my price just $295 G440) Australia 1920 1/4d Turquoise KGV Single wmk. Mint unhinged, perf OS. Fresh full perf example, well centred for this stamp. Advertised retail $375, price just $279 G593) Australia 1926 1.5d Rose Red on translucent paper. Plate 1a top right block of 4, with plate dot. Fresh Mint unhinged, with some gum disturbance to lower right unit. Centred to left. Rare! Cat. $1000 as hinged on normal paper. Translucent paper ought to be 5 x that. ACSC 91aa (1a) z. Price $2495 G513) Australia 1918 1d Carmine Pink Large Multiple wmk. Cooke Printing. Well centred full perf. Fine used example cancelled by partial cds of Morwell Vic. Feb. 1918. Very attractive premium quality stamp, cat. $275. ACSC 73A. Price $225 G14) Australia 1927 4d Olive KGV Sml. Multi. Wmk perf. 14, SG 91 fresh mint unhinged. Centred left with good perfs. Advertised retail $300, price only $149 G326) Australia 1927 4d Greenish Olive KGV Sml. Multi. Wmk perf. 14, Ash imprint pair ACSC 115(3)z (pair), centring a little mixed as usual, fresh MUH. Price $795 G381) Australia 1927 2d Red-brown KGV SM Wmk perf 14 Mullett imprint pair ACSC 98(16)z (pair), centred low, very faint gum ‘suntanning’, very lightly hinged Mint, Cat $1000 for imprint block of 4, Price $149 G453) Australia 1932 2d Golden Scarlet smw. perf. 13.5 x 12.5 Ovpt. OS, Grossly Misperfed. Cancelled by part machine canceller and grossly misperf’ed to show part of lower stamp. Price $59 G70) Australia 1927 3d Dull Blue KGV smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 die 1a. Mint unhinged gutter block of 4, 2 x vertical pairs of type A & B. ACSC 107c, cat. $1150 as two pairs. Very scarce, price $725 G344) Australia 1929 3d Blue KGV SM Wmk. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 die II vertical pair, lower unit showing variety ‘Retouched shading at point of neck’ ACSC 108Ae, MLH, Cat $125, Price $69 G342) Australia 1929 3d Blue KGV smw. Perf. 13.5 x 12.5 die II punctured ‘OS’ MVLH horizontal marginal pair, the l/h unit showing variety ‘Retouched LI of AUSTRALIA’ ACSC 108Ai, Cat $125, very faint tone spot on r/h unit. Price $79 G458) Australia 1932 1d Green C of A wmk, ovpt. OS, Grossly Misperfed. Also with ovpt. Misplaced a little to left. Cancelled by wavy line machine canceller. Misplaced perfs. show part of adjacent stamp at right. Price $49 G448) Australia 1927 5d Pale Brown KGV Sml. Multi. Wmk perf. 13.5 x 12.5, SG
103a, mint unhinged. Centred a little to right, with one nibbed perf. lower left. Post Office Fresh gum. Advertised retail $110, price $79. G9) Australia 1927 5d Brown KGV Sml. Multi. Wmk perf. 13.5 x 12.5, SG 103a, mint unhinged. Centred to upper right, with good perfs. Fresh gum with very light overall toning. Advertised retail $110, price $54. G5) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV, C of A wmk. Mint unhinged. Full perf. fresh gum example centred left. Small crease at top left corner. Advertised retail $400, price for this one just $129 G391) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint block, ACSC 131Az, one unit MUH, others MLH, stamps centred towards gutter, Cat $1000, Price $725 G392) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint block, ACSC 131Az, some perf re-inforcing, mainly in lower right margin, stamps centred towards gutter, Mint, Cat $1000, Price $625 G393) Australia 1932 1/4d Turquoise KGV C of A wmk Ash imprint pair, ACSC 131Az (pair) some very light gum bends, stamps centred towards gutter, lightly hinged Mint, Price $229 G473) Australia 1932/3 KGV definitives ovpt. OS set of 7, ½d – 5d mint lightly hinged. Advertised retail $140, price $98 G474) Australia 1932/3 KGV definitives ovpt. OS set of 7, ½d – 5d fine used with circular cancels. Advertised retail $95, price $69 Australia Pre-Decimal issues
APD316A) Australia 1913 6d Claret Kookaburra, well centred, full perfs. CTO no Gum. ACSC 69w, Cat. $89, Price $49 APD324) Australia 1913 6d Claret Kookaburra, well centred, full perfs, no gum CTO. ACSC 69w, Cat. $89, Price $59 APD320) Australia 1929 WA Cent. 1½d Carmine Red perf OS, fresh mint unhinged. Cat $30 Price $22.50 APD317) Australia 1929 3d Green Airmails, Types A & B perf OS, CTO with unhinged gum. Very Fresh, full perfs. Cat $100, Price $79 APD294) Australia 1931 Kingsford Smith’s set blocks of 4 MUH with toned gum. 2 available. Price: $57.50 APD299) Australia 1932 Opening Sydney Harbour Bridge 2d Type A & B & 3d. All fresh mint unhinged. Sydney retail $62. Price: $46.50 LM11) Australia 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge 5/- Green, SG 143 Mint Unhinged. Well centred and with good perfs, price on these is tightening now, and the SG catalogue price has risen again. Most dealers are now quoting around $1450 to $1500. Price $1350. APD225) Australia 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge complete well centred set of 4. Fresh mint Unhinged. Price $1495 APD158) Australia 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge 5/- Green, SG 143. Fine postally used example. Far scarcer than cancelled to order. Price $450 APD302) Australia 1934-48 1/6d Hermes SG153,1153a &153ab. All fresh mint unhinged. Sydney retail $108 Price: $80 APD306) Australia 1934 McArthur SG150/2. All fresh mint lightly hinged. Sydney retail $71.00 Price: $53.00 APD304) Australia 1935 Anzac SG154/5. Fresh mint unhinged. Sydney Retail $96.00 Price: $72.00
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 APD323) Australia 1935 Anzac Pair. VFU CDS. Cat $40+ Price $29 APD165) Australia 1937 3d Blue KGVI Die 1. Mint Unhinged Ash Gutter Imprint Block. Well centred and fresh with full perfs. Very lightly hinged in gutter. ACSC 191z, Cat. $500 price $375 APD162) Australia 1937 3d Blue KGVI Die 1. Mint Unhinged top marginal block of 4. Centred upper right with full perfs. Very minor toning in selvedge at top. Cat. $400 as singles usual retail $300, price $149 APD232) Australia 1941 3½d Surcharge with misplaced overprints. The black extends into the left margin and the gold extends left into the stamp design. Not listed in ACSC. Price $279 APD442) Australia 1946 5/10d pale blue Food for Britain label, mint unhinged. These labels were produced because of an enquiry from Myer of Melbourne handling large quantities of Food for Britain parcels. They were also used by Anthony Horden in Sydney, Fitzgerald in Tasmania and Elphinstones in Brisbane. This appears a complete Elphinstones label measuring approx. 1.75 x 2.25 inches on unwatermarked gummed paper. Crease at lower left not affecting stamp design. Complete with a card from Elphinstone’s reading “A small contribution to assist you in your food problem and to demonstrate in a very humble way our appreciation of your heroic efforts” Not listed or priced in the ACSC postal Stationery catalogue. None of the Tasmanian issue of 1000 labels appear to have survived and this may well be the sole survivor from Brisbane. Price $2500 APD228) Australia 1951 5/- Arms Thin Paper ACSC 268Ba vfu with light corner cds together with FU normal for comparison Price $98 APD170) Australia 1953 3.5d QEII Carmine Red, thin paper. Fresh mint unhinged block of 4, together with normal block for comparison. ACSC 296Aa, Cat. $160 as 4 singles, price $119 APD308) Australia 1953 Produce Food Blocks of 12 SG255 & SG258. All fresh mint unhinged. Sydney Retail $107.00 Price: $80.00 APD314) Australia 1953 Produce Food set Block of 24 SG255 & 258. All fresh mint unhinged. Sydney Retail $154.00. Price: $115.00 DC71) Australia 1962 Commonwealth Games 5d SG 346 mint unhinged block of 4 with major colour shift of green downwards into margin. Affects all 4 stamps. Normal supplied for comparison Ex. Simon Dunkerley. Rare, price $395 DC72) Australia 1962 Commonwealth Games 5d SG 346 mint unhinged block of 4 with major colour shift of red upwards affecting all stamps. Ex. Simon Dunkerley. Rare, price $295 Australia Decimals
AD138) Australia 1966 60c Booklet - QEII (4c) Red Bklt Pane - Helecon Paper. Fresh MUH Sydney Retail $35 Price $26 AD108) Australia 1970 Cook minisheet, overprinted for Anpex, fresh mint unhinged. Retail $25, price $19 AD108a) Australia 1970 Cook minisheet, overprinted for Tullamarine Airport opening in PALE BLUE, fresh mint unhinged. Retail $25, price $19 AD108b) Australia 1970 Cook minisheet, overprinted for Tullamarine Airport opening in DARK BLUE, fresh cds used at Russell St. Philatelic counter for opening day 1 July 1970, with unhinged gum. Retail $25, price $19 AD108c) All three Cook minisheets as above, save $8, $49 the lot. AD113) Australia 1971 Christmas Cream Paper Block of 25. Cancelled First day of
Issue. Fresh mint unhinged. $64 AD114) As above, but white paper, mint unhinged. $82 AD82) Australia 1973 $1 Maroon Flinders Perf. 14.78 x 14.10 strip of 3 on piece. Vertical strip used on part Money Order Form O/N C44170/73-L. Cancelled by cds’s of Panania NSW of 2OC73. Very early usage for this perf. All stamps with small spike hole. A scarce piece. The single used stamp on cover cat. $200. Price $149 APD321) Australia 1973 $1 Flinders perf.14¾ x 14 x10 VFU SG401c, Cat. £22 each, Price $135 DC75) Australia 1975 18c Wildflower SG 608 mint unhinged block of 4 with major shift of yellow downwards into margin. Affects all units. Rare, ex. Simon Dunkerley. Price $395 AD122) Australia 1988 $1 Specimens OVPTS Blks 4, Set of 6 MUH. Sydney Retail $30 Price $22 AD90) Australia 2003 Murray River Shipping Prestige Booklet overprinted in Gold for Queensland Stamp Show. Sydney retail $52, price $36 (2 available) AD110) Australia 2010 Australian Legends of Written Word Prestige Booklet SG 179, cat. £35. Issue price $24.95, price $22.50 AD111) Australia 2013 Kangaroo and Map Prestige Booklet. Contains $10 Kangaroo stamp both perf and imperf. SG SP199 Cat. £40. This one is scarce! Price $55 Australian Postage Dues
APD475) Australia 1902 Blank space at base 8d Emerald ACSC D34, some light toning on reverse, horizontal crease, Launceston cds, Price $69 APD468) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW perf 11.512 5d, 10d, 1/- & 2/- ACSC D29, D35, D37 & D40, the 2/- with nibbled corner perf, Mint, all with clean white gum and unusually fresh for these, Cat $750, Price $499 APD474) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW (inverted) ½d Emerald perf 11.5-12 ACSC D13, Fine used block of 4 with gutter margin at left, some faint toning on reverse, Cat $60 (as singles) Price $49 APD467) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW (inverted) 3d Emerald perf 11.5-12 ACSC D23, small stain & toned perf, both only visible on reverse, Fine used, Cat $175, Price $129 APD470) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW 4d Emerald perf 11.5-12 x 11, ACSC D26, a Fine used block of 4, attractive multiple, Price $89 APD473) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW perf 11.512 5/- Emerald ACSC D40, cds Fine used, Price $39 APD472) Australia 1902-04 Design completed, wmk Crown over NSW (inverted) 5/- Emerald perf 11 x 11 ACSC D43, Very fine used with light corner cds, a lovely example of this scarce stamp, Cat $375, Price $349 APD448) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper ½d Carmine & deep yellow-green, perf 14, one line Harrison imprint block of 8 (thus showing the full imprint) ACSC D95Bzb, right hand vertical pair & margin re-enforced, a scarce imprint block, fresh Mint, Cat $750 (for block of 4), Price $599 APD449) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper ½d Carmine & deep yellow-green, perf 14, a similar Harrison one line imprint block to the one above, but with just a small amount of central re-enforcing, Price $599 APD450) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper 1d Rose-red & green perf 11, CA Monogram block of 4, ACSC D96zc, hinged on Monogram margin, all stamps MUH, fresh, Cat $195, Price $199
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 APD451) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper 1d Rose-red & green perf 11, JBC Monogram block of 6, ACSC D96z, margin re-enforced, fresh Mint, Cat (strip of 3) $300, Price $149 APD462) Australia 1913-21 Crown over double lined A thin paper 1/- Scarlet & pale green CA Monogram pair D102zc, the monogram unit being MUH and scarce thus, very fresh, Cat $200 as hinged single, Price $299 APD452) 1922-30 Third wmk 1½d Carmine & yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4 ACSC D107Czb, fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $229 APD454) 1922-30 Third wmk 3d Carmine & yellow-green Ash N over N imprint block of 4 with variety ‘Broken frame & shading right of stop’ ACSC D109Ezba fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $275, Price $229 APD457) 1922-30 Third wmk 4d Carmine & yellow-green perf 11 Ash N over N imprint block of 4 ACSC D111z, fresh MUH and scarce thus, Cat for hinged imprint block $200, Price $299 APD471) 1931-37 C of A wmk perf 11 ½d Carmine & yellow green ACSC D113A block of 6, two upper units with some soiling MUH, Cat $240, Price $149 APD446) Australia 1938 New frame plates C of A wmk 4d Carmine & deep yellow-green horizontal pair with variety ‘Misplaced centre’ ACSC D126Fc, striking variety, from the only recorded sheet, fresh MUH, Cat $550, Price $499 APD445) Australia 1938 New frame plates C of A wmk 4d Carmine & deep yellow-green, a similar horizontal pair to the one above, the left hand unit being lightly hinged and with a faint gum bend, Cat $425, Price $295 APD459) Australia 1938 New frame plates C of A wmk 4d Carmine & yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4, sheet A no dot ACSC D126Bz, faintest hinge trace on one upper unit, Cat $75, Price $69 APD458) Australia 1938 New frame plates C of A wmk 4d Red & deep yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4, sheet A no dot ACSC D126Ez, fresh lightly hinged Mint, Cat $75, Price $69 APD447) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates ½d Carmine & deep green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC D129Azb, fresh MUH, Cat $114, Price $79 APD453) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 2d Carmine & deep yellow-green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC 131Dze, lightly hinged in margin, Cat $92, Price $69 APD444) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 2d Carmine & deep yellow-green vertical pair with variety ‘Misplaced centre’ fresh MUH from the only recorded sheet, ACSC D 131Dc, Cat $350, Price $299 APD455) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 3d Carmine & deep yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4 from sheet B with dot ACSC 132Dzc, centred to left, fresh MUH, Cat $90, Price $69 APD456) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 3d Carmine & deep yellow-green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC 132Czf, fresh MUH, Cat $130, Price $99 APD460) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 5d Carmine & deep green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC D134Dzc. Light hinge mark on lower outer left stamp leaving the imprint block unhinged, Cat $140+, Price $119 APD463) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 6d Carmine & deep green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC D135Czf, lightly hinged on two upper central units only, others MUH, Cat $130, Price $99 APD461) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 8d red & deep green Authority imprint block of 4 ACSC D137Az, Hinged in lower margin only, Mint, Cat $250, Price $199
APD465) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 8d red & deep green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC D137Az, some spots of gum loss, Cat $360, Price $199 APD464) Australia 1946-56 Redrawn value plates 1/- red & yellow-green Authority imprint block of 8 ACSC D138Czc, Hinged in lower margin only, Mint, Cat $315, Price $279 APD466) Australia 1953-59 New shilling designs 2/- Carmine & deep yellow-green ACSC D140B, lower right corner block of 10, fresh MUH, Cat $300, Price $249 Australia First Day Covers
APH107) Australia 1930 Sturt pair on small plain typewritten fdc from Geelong Vic. to a local address, cds of Geelong 2 JE 30. Price $149 ML574) 1938 4d Koala on Haslem FDC, some minor soiling/toning & flap damaged - A rare cover. Price: $150 AFD403) Australia 1945 Duke of Gloucester set on small registered Medawer FDC to UK. Cancelled by GPO Sydney cds of 19FE45. Scarce and attractive, price $39 AFD899) Australia 1946 Peace set on registered Smyth FDC, small tar at top, Price $39 AFD907) Australia 1946 Peace set on A.C. Campe FDC (Indian Ocean variant) with Sydney machine cancel of the 18th Feb 46, Price $49 AFD909) Australia 1946 Peace set on registered Kugel or Smyth FDC, some toning around adhesives and reg. label, a scarce cachet, Price $24 AFD895) Australia 1946 Mitchell set on registered FDC by unknown maker (probably Hunter Stamp Co as it is addressed to them), design features a map of Qld, attractive and scarce, Price $59 ML577) Australia 1947 Newcastle set on PSA generic FDC with Exhibition postmarks, scarcer cachet. Price: $30 AFD901) Australia 1947 Newcastle set on Exhibition FDC with Exhibition postmarks and Provisional Exhibition registration label, scarce, Price $49 AFD898) Australia 1947 Newcastle set on registered Hunter Stamp Co FDC, addressed to ‘T. William Mappin’ Price $39 AFD902) Australia 1948 2½d Farrer on Hunter Stamp Co FDC, interestingly ‘Farrer’ is incorrectly spelt ‘Farrar’ on the cachet, scarce, Price $49 AFD903) Australia, a similar Hunter Stamp Co. FDC but registered and with 5 2½d Farrer stamps affixed, slight wrinkle, Price $49 AFD906) Australia 1948 2½d Farrer imprint block of 4 on early Wide World FDC, scarce & attractive, Price $39 AFD905) Australia 1949 3½d UPU on Menz ‘Darling Downs series’ FDC, scarce cachet, Price $49 AFD915) Australia 1954 Royal Visit set on three unaddressed Royal FDC’s, each with different coloured cachet (red, blue-green & yellow, latter with slight toning), Price $59 AFD913) Australia 1954 Royal Visit set on unaddressed Royal FDC with red cachet, Price $24 AFD914) Australia, a similar Royal Visit FDC to above, but with blue-green cachet, Price $24 AFD916) Australia 1954 Royal Visit on unaddressed Miller Bros. FDC, Price $24 AFD897) Australia, a similar Miller Bros FDC but block affixed sideways, Price $25 APD908) Australia 1957 QE II 10d definitive on Arnold Wheeler & Co generic FDC, Price $39 AFD413) Australia 1961 Cattle Industry Northern Territory Black and Orange Boomerang and Shield cachet Royal FDC. Bearing: 5s Red-Brown Northern
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 Territory Cattle Industry. Cancelled by CDS of Philatelic Bureau Melbourne, VIC, 26 JLY 61, unaddressed cover. Price: $25 Australia Postal History
LM123) Australia 1915 Prisoner of War mail. Small envelope addressed to Red Cross Geneva Bearing 1d Red KGV, SG 21 tied by Melbourne cds of 23 MR 15 and with Red Censor tape at top and left. Underpaid by 1.5d and with Hexagonal T10c on face. Has arrival datestamp of Geneva on reverse of 27 IV 15. Scarce item in great condition, price $355 APS31) Australia 1915 1d KGV. ACSC LC25 (M8A) Officers and Crew with King George V on board HMAS Australia. Used by cds of Leichhardt NSW to Five Dock NSW. 18.NOV.15 Scarce and attractive, selvedge removed, correspondence inside. Cat. $120, price $95 APH152) Australia 1916 small cover to Film Co. Los Angeles, USA. Bears 2.5d Indigo 2nd wmk Kangaroo, cancelled by Melbourne Ship Mail Room cds of 4MR16. Additional “Passed” (by censor) in violet. Small opening tear at op does not affect the stamp. Nice clean cover. Cat. $180, price $129 APH577) Australia 1917 KGV 1d Red Embossed Octagonal Stationery Envelope Die 5 to UK cancelled by Queanbeyan NSW cds (date illegible) with boxed “MORE TO PAY” 2d Black Postage affixed and cancelled by London cds of 10 SP 17. Roughly opened at top and stained. Scarce Due Cover, price $159 APH500) Australia 1919 small advertising cover for Pelaco Ltd to Newcastle NSW. Pelaco is an Australian clothing manufacturer based in Melbourne. Pelaco is best known for its men’s shirts. The Pelaco sign over its former factory in Richmond is a Heritage Victoria listed landmark. They also have offices in Sydney. Bears 1½d Black Brown KGV single watermark, cancelled by Sydney Machine cancel of JA3 1919. Neat, clean typewritten cover, roughly opened at back. Price $25 APH523) Australia 1921 small advertising cover for Bay View Motor Garage, Burnie. TAS to Ulverstone, Tas. Bears solo use KGV 2d Orange cancelled by Burnie Tas. Cds of 21MY21. Stamp affixed a little over envelope edge at right. Neat & Clean Typewritten cover. Price $25 ST246) Australia 1923 small advertising cover for Grace Bros. Sydney, addressed to a Mrs. Inman! Pre-dates the TV series “Are you Being Served” starring John Inman by nearly 50 years! This comedy series, which ran from 1972 – 1985 with follow up episodes as late as 2016, followed the exploits of employees at London’s Grace Bros. department store, was full of sexual innuendo, slapstick, visual gags and double entendres. Bears 2d Red single wmk, affixed upside down and cancelled by Sydney Slogan of MR 8 1923. Fascinating! Neat typewritten cover. Price $69 APH661) Australia 1923 small Advertising cover for “The Producers Supply & Butter Coy., Ltd Nuriootpa” Bears KGV 1d Violet cancelled by Nuriootpa SA of 13NO23 (The 23 is not clear) Typed address to local address, Light Pass SA. Two minor tears and some aging but neat cover. Cancellation rated 2R Stamp Cat. $50 for solo use on cover. Price $45 APH608) Australia 1927 Commonwealth Bank advertising cover, registered Collins St. – Town Clerk Richmond Vic. Bears 4½d Pale Violet smw Perf. 14 ACSC 119A. Cancelled by Collins St. cds of 5DE27 plus reverse cds’s of Melbourne Registered No. 5 and Richmond of the same date. Also Red Reg’d Label, Collins St. No. 5139 and CBA Unbroken wax seal on reverse. Scarce survivor price $179 APH607) Australia 1928 Commonwealth Bank advertising cover, registered Collins St. – Town Clerk Richmond Vic. Bears 4½d Pale Violet smw Perf. 14 ACSC
119A. Cancelled by Collins St. cds of 20DE28 plus reverse cds’s of Melbourne Registered No. 6 and Richmond of the same date. Also Red Reg’d Label, Collins St. No. 490 and CBA Unbroken wax seal on reverse. Scarce survivor price $179 APH291) Australia 1928 OHMS Registered Cover from “Office of Registrar of Joint Stock Companies” to “The Commonwealth Trust Corporation” Bears solo use 1927 KGV Head SM Wmk Perf 14, 4½d Violet Solo Use. Stamp damaged at lower right corner. Also bears Brisbane Red Reg’n. Label No. 3741 and with Brisbane registered cds of 27NO28 both front and reverse. Cat. $100 minimum as solo use on cover. Price $49 APH715) Australia 1929 long advertising cover for Rosenfelds Oregon, timber merchants Brisbane. Sent surface mail to San Francisco. Bears vertical pair of 1½d Red KGV sml. multi. wmk. Perf 13½ x 12½ cancelled by Brisbane Slogan of 8 JAN 1929 “MINIMUM LETTER RATE/TO USA 3D ADDRESSEE/PAYS DOUBLE DEFICIENCY” This large cover certainly ought to have been double rate, but has gotten through un-taxed. Just two years after this cover was sent the following event happened: AN INFERNO. New Farm Timber Yard Burnt. TWO ACRES OF FLAME. Firemen Battle Against Great Odds. In a devastating fire which swept through the timber yard of Rosenfeld and Co. (Q’land), Ltd., Moray-street, New Farm, yesterday afternoon and evening, several million feet of Oregon timber, as well as a valuable milling plant, were totally destroyed. The damage covered two acres, and is estimated at £25,000. The fire was the most spectacular in Brisbane for years, and the leaping flames, which burst 100 feet in the air, were seen by thousands of people in almost every quarter of the city. Full story here: https:// trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/articl HYPERLINK “https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/21670945”e/21670945 Cover has been opened on 3 sides. Impressive item of historical significance, maybe the only one remaining! Price $110 TS215) Australia small advertising window envelope for Milligan’s Ltd., Nurserymen & Seedsmen. Bears 1d Green KGV smw. Perf. 13½ x 12½ (blunt lower left cnr.) Cancelled by Sydney pictorial slogan of 2 SEP 1929 “AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” Attractive cover, price $25 APH651) Australia 1930 long cover sent surface mail to USA. Bears 3d Blue sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 13½ x 12½ Die 1a, perforated OS. Cancelled by Sydney Pictorial Slogan of 31 JAN 1930 “ AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” Neat typewritten cover, price $110 APH115) Australia 1930 FIVE PENCE on 4½d violet KGV, small multiple watermark, perf. 13½:12½ used on a small cover from ARTARMON NSW 2 APR 1962 to Lakemba. Cancelled by Artarmon 3 liner slogan “CHECK ADDRESS/ IF INCOMPLETE/ ADVISE WRITER” Has been taxed at 1d and a 1d postage due (no watermark, die II) affixed and pen cancelled. It seems that the letter was incorrectly considered as only being franked at 4½d instead of the required 5d, so was taxed at double the deficiency. The envelope has been opened slightly roughly on two sides, the stamps are sound. BW(ACSC) Cat. # 125 Late usage, but apparently commercial. Cat. $200 on cover. Rare! Price $185 APH579) Australia 1931 long advertising Airmail cover to UK. Bears 2d Red KGV plus 6d & 1/- Kangaroos all small multiple wmk. Cancelled by Sydney cds’s of 5MR31. Has horizontal crease to base. Pays correct Airmail rate of 1/6d plus 2d Late Fee. The Kangaroos cat. on cover at $150 and $250 respectively. Nice item, price $149 APH733) Australia 1931 small advertising cover for W. J. Moylan, Indent Agent & Broker, Sydney. Sent surface mail to Milan, Italy. Bears solo use 3d Blue KGV sml. multi. wmk. Perf. 13½ x 12½ cancelled by machine cancel of Sydney 16 SEP 1931. Reverse bears arrival cds of Milan, 23 X 31 Neat typewritten cover. Price $75
Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.21stcenturyauctions.com.au
BUY OR BID SALE OCTOBER 2019 APH606) Australia 1932 Advertising Newspaper Wrapper for NSW Bookstall Co. Ltd. To Scotland. Bears 2d & 3d Recess Printed Sydney Harbour Bridge and cancelled by Sydney Harbour Bridge cds of 21MR32. One week after the issue of the stamps and 2 days after the opening of the bridge. Correct printed matter rate of 5d. This is a rare survivor. Price $225 LM2) Australia 1932 small airmail cover to “British Dental Journal”. 8d Airmail rate bearing 2d Red KGV and 6d Chestnut Kangaroo sml. Multi. Wmk. Cancelled by Toowoomba cds of 14 NO 1932. Neat clean cover. Price $165 TS249) Australia 1935 small advertising cover for Robertson & Mullens Ltd., Booksellers, Melbourne (Taken over by Angus & Robertson 1960) sent surface mail to Dunedin, NZ. Bears solo use 2d Red KGV C of A wmk cancelled by Melbourne slogan of 16JUL35 “ADDRESS MAIL TO/P.O. BOX NO./IT EXPEDITES DELIVERY” Neat typewritten cover, price $25 APH288) Australia 1935 Anzac 2d Red, Imprint pair on 1937 commercial small Airmail cover Brisbane to Melbourne, together with 1d green KGV , Cancelled by cds of Air Mail Brisbane 3OC37 and with arrival cds’s of Sydney Airmail 9OC37 and Melbourne the following day. Scarce and unusual franking. Price $95 APH200) Australia 1936 small airmail Registered Advertising Cover Sydney – Czechoslovakia. Bears 1/6d Double Globe Hermes, 6d Sepia Airmail & 3d Green Airmail Type A on advertising cover for M. H. Cashmore, cancelled by cds’s of Sydney Registered 6-JA-36. Reverse bears the same Sydney Registered cds and cds’s of Athens 19.1.36, Rome 20.26 and Bologna 21.1.36. Clean neat cover price $75 APH734) Australia small advertising cover for Jones & Hambly “Practical Printers” Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. (Still in business today!) Bears 1d green KGV C of A wmk., cancelled by Brisbane slogan of 6 OCT 1937 “MINIMUM LETTER RATE/TO USA 3D ADDRESSEE/PAYS DOUBLE DEFICIENCY” This slogan was in constant use for a number of years. Sent locally to City Electric Light Company. Price 425 APH290) Australia 1938 KGVI P13½ X 14 3d Blue DIE II thick paper in combination with 2d Scarlet KGV on small airmail advertising cover for Hotel Fitzpatrick, Kuranda North Queensland to Rose Bay NSW. Cancelled by cds’s of Cairns, Qld. Of 6JE38 and with Brisbane 2 line slogan on reverse “AIR MAIL/SAVES TIME” of the following day. Nice dual reign cover. Price $42 APD222) Australia 1949 10/- Robes thin paper plus 2 x 2/- Crocodile cds used on piece to make 7 x the 2/- Airmail Rate to Europe. The 10/- is unknown on cover and only 2 x FDC’s are known, cat. $7500 each. Cancelled by Airmail Section Melbourne cds’s believed 1-4-49 . Unique item, price $10,000 APH532) Australia 1958 small airmail Optometrist’s advertising cover Wollongong NSW to New York. Bears 2 pairs of 5½d War Memorial in a block of 4 plus 2/Qantas & 2d Green Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, to make 4/- a nice double rate cover. Cancelled by Wollongong slogan of 2 AP 1958 and GPO Sydney Air cds of the following day to cancel those stamps not catching the slogan. The War Memorial pair is rare on commercial mail. Neat typed address cover. Price $59 APH220) Australia 1961 small airmail cover to NZ. Bears solo usage of 8d Tiger cat 2nd master plate, ordinary paper cancelled by slogan of Melbourne 19 JLY 1961 “SERVE PART TIME/WITH THE CITIZEN/MILITARY FORCES” Part flap missing. Neat clean hand addressed cover to Victoria University Wellington. Surviving 8d rate covers are scarce. Price $35 APH219) Australia 1961 Airmail Greeting Card size envelope to Germany. Bears horiz. pair of 11d Rabbit Bandicoot plus 5d 19651 Christmas to make correct
2/3d rate for sealed articles. Cancelled by cds’s Penguin Tasmania 13DE61. Neat clean hand addressed cover. Has minor fold at top with 5mm tear, stamps unaffected. The 11d is scarce on cover, more so in a pair. Price $35 APH573) Australia 1969 5c Edgeworth David Booklet Pane on small Airmail Cover to Germany. Together with 5c Ports & Harbours to make 30c rate. Cancelled by Darwin cds’s of 4MAR69. Booklet panes on commercial cover are rare. Price $69 APH494) Australia 1971 RARE small Airmail cover bearing solo use 15c Australia/ Asia to Pitcairn Is! Cancelled Melbourne 4 line slogan of 3 SEP 1971 “VISIT YOUR / SCHOOLS/EDUCATION/WEEK” Pitcairn receiving cds on front of SP 10 71. The solo use of this 15c was cat. $25 in the 2002 ACSC. Way below today’s value. Price $87.50 APH485) Australia 1973 Airmail Registered cover Qld. – WA. Bears 30c Qantas, 10c Oil & Gas plus 2 x 7c Humbug Fish and 1c & 2c QEII to make correct rate of 57c . Scarce franking as the 30c Qantas was intended for overseas Airmail use. Cancelled by cds’s of Fortitude Valley JA 15 73. Price $45 APS33) Australia 1977 18c Red QEII Lettercard used 15MR77 to Hunters Hill NSW, with cds of Lord Howe Island. Scarce. Price $39 APH578) Australia 1977 $1.35 Rate OVERSEAS EXPRESS DELIVERY, with red labels x 2 on face and 1 on reverse. Small Airmail cover WHYALLA SA to GREECE. Bears 25 & 30c Scenes, plus 30c Performing Arts & 45c Cricket. Cancelled by Whyalla cds’s of 8JE77 and with Adelaide transit cds on reverse 2 days later together with Athens arrival cds of 10.6.77. Rare survivor, price $69 APH657) Australia 1988 37c Leadbeaters Possum PSE uprated for Priority Paid by 2c, 25c & $1 Living Together. Sent Bentleigh East to Melbourne SEC and cancelled by single cds of 25OC88. Correct rate of $1.64. Priority paid label to top left. Reverse has violet time date stamps. Rare combination of stamps. Small coffee? stain to front of envelope. Price $39 APH655) Australia 1989 Priority Paid cover Zillmere Qld to Diners Club Melbourne. Bears $1, 39c & 25c Living together to make correct $1.64 rate. Cancelled by Zillmere cds of 3JAN89 and with Zillmere time/date stamp in black on front in black and received time/date stamps in violet on reverse of Brisbane 3/1 and Melbourne 4/1. Nice tri-value franking. Price $35 APH478) Australia 1989 Long airmail cover to Finland. Bears 32c Christmas and 90c Living Together. Cancelled by slogan of Fremantle WA 10 MAR 1989 “ADDRESS MAIL TO PRIVATE BOX NO. EXPEDITES DELIVERY”. Price: $29 APH483) Australia 1989 Small airmail cover to Finland. Bears 35c Blue Tiger Butterfly X 2, 1c Living Together and 39c Merino. Cancelled by slogan of NSW 16 MAR 1989 “AUSTRALIA POST HAS THE SPEED YOU NEED”. Price: $29 APH482) Australia 1989 Small airmail cover to Finland. Bears $1 Corriedale Sheep and 10c Living Together. Machine cancel of Footscray Mail Centre VIC 21 MAR 1989. Price: $29 APH476) Australia 1990 Large airmail cover to Finland. Bears 15c Living Together and $1 Fun Run. Cancelled by slogan of Perth WA 10 JUL 1990 “COLLECT AUSTRALIAN STAMPS”. 5c overpaid. Price: $39 APH659) Australia 1991 un-denominated PSE of waterfalls (Auspost ref. DL599/0032) uprated with vertical pair 75 Living Together. Sent Kilcoy Qld to Reg. Births Marriages and Deaths Sydney. Cancelled by Kilcoy cds’s of 22MAR91 and with Priority Paid label to left. Reverse has clear strikes of Violet date/time stamp. Stafford Qld. 22 MAR 1991 and Sydney 24 MAR 1991. (the 22nd being a Friday so the Sydney receiving stamp was Sunday) Neat clean cover, price $30
21st Century Auctions Pty Ltd Postal: PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158
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Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation Collecting and Exhibiting Cinderellas
Defining Cinderellas Cinderella stamps probably acquired the name because they are the stepchildren of philately. In the classic fairy tale, Cinderella is the underdog of the story, abused by her stepsisters and treated like an inferior person by everyone “above” her, until she finally marries the prince. An appropriate metaphor for these poor little stamps that are considered inferior and second-class compared to “real” postage stamps. It could be that the name conveys a hope that cinderellas will become tomorrow’s stamp royalty. Defining Cinderellas is difficult and often they are defined by what they are not. There always seems to be an exception to the rule in this field of collecting. They have been defined as any kind of adhesive label that were not issued by a government post office for sending the mail. However, some stamps that are considered “Cinderellas”, such as local posts and railway stamps, were used for the partial delivering of the mail. These were tolerated by the post office and sometimes even sanctioned by the government for a certain geographical area. Some collectors define cinderellas as stamps that are not listed in stamp catalogues. However, a great many cinderellas are listed. For example, Scott Specialised lists locals, telegraphs and revenues of the USA, Gibbons accommodate the issues of the Suez Canal Company, Tierra Del Fuego, The Lady McLeod stamp of Trinidad and a few others, and there are more in the European catalogues. Another definition is a sticker or label issued by a non-governmental agency for advertisement purposes, to raise money for a charity, or in some cases, as propaganda for a war effort or political party. It does not have any denomination or country printed on it. Again, there are many exceptions to this rule. Types of Cinderellas The Cinderella category is very broad. The cinderella types provided in this section only begin to cover the enormous range of items considered to be cinderellas. Airmail labels and postal instructional labels unused (see Express Label from Australia Post in figure1) Airmail labels are used to indicate that a letter is to be sent by airmail. The labels are just instructions to post52 - Stamp News
Figure 1: Express Label from Australia Post al clerks and have no monetary value. Their printing and distribution need not be as carefully controlled as that for postage stamps, and most are privately produced. The usual design is a plain blue oblong, with the phrases “AIR MAIL” and/or “PAR AVION” in white letters. Postal instructional labels are supplied by postal authority to affix to mail to obtain careful cancelling or handling. Both should properly be classed as Postal History items once they have been attached to a cover or item and have done postal service. Charity labels and seals (see Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal in figure2) A charity label is sold by charities to raise funds. They are generally intended to be used on mail, as a way of advertising the sender’s support of the charity’s cause. Christmas or charity seals are perhaps the two bestknown types. They are special stickers used to raise
Figure 2: Charity Label - Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal issued circa 1940
Stephanie Bromser
Philatelic Development Officer, APF funds for the Australian Red Cross from early 1940s. Facsimiles (see facsimile of 1845 Basel Dove in Figure 3) Facsimiles are clearly marked reproductions of genuine postage stamps. The sale of facsimiles to collectors is done without deception, so the collector may possess and study a likeness of a stamp that may be very difficult to obtain. The facsimile shown in figure Figure 3: Facsimile of 3 has the word “facsimile” 1845 Basel Dove printed on it. Exhibition labels (see 1906 New Zealand Christchurch exhibition label in figure 4)
Figure 4: 1906 New Zealand Christchurch exhibition label In years past, stamp exhibitions would generate publicity by distributing handsome engraved and perforated labels that rivalled many postage stamps for style and quality. Many shows continue to create promotional labels, but most are now plain self-adhesive stickers printed by less-expensive methods. Local stamps (see the Murray Steam Navigation Company local stamp in figure 5)
Figure 5: Murray Steam Navigation Company local stamp Local stamps can be used as valid postage within a small, specified region, but not beyond. Historically, local stamps often preceded actual postal service, but were also used for small-scale courier services. They were often genuinely used to deliver mail, though within a limited area and under regulations, and are listed in various specialised catalogues. The example in figure 5 shows a local stamp from the Murray Steam Navigation Company. They operated a service along the Murray River and issued four stamps in denominations of 1/2d (black), 1d (red), 2d (blue), and 3d (green). About 25 sets are recorded. One cover with a 3d label and two pence Laureate is recorded dated in 1869, otherwise, the dates of operation remain unknown. Private Carriers labels (see 1918 South Maitland Railway parcel stamp in figure 6) Stamps issued by private railway companies or road carriers. This includes parcel stamps. Poster stamps (see 1951 Empire Day in figure 7) Poster stamps are advertising stamps, and usually poster-like in their appearance. Many are indeed just reduced versions of actual posters and were issued in conjunction with the events for Figure 6: 1918 South Maitland Railway parcel stamp Stamp News - 53
Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation which the posters were produced. Up to 1939 there were perhaps, 500,000 different issued worldwide. The ‘golden age’ was around 1912 - 1920. They were collected worldwide, and many stamp dealers sold poster stamps as part of their ‘new issue’ service.
Figure 7: 1951 Empire Day Poster Stamp Propaganda labels (see 1917 WW1 British war propaganda label in figure 8) Propaganda labels are labels and stickers promoting causes that are usually political in nature.
Figure 8: 1917 WW1 British war propaganda label Savings stamps (see 1919 $5 Dark Blue War Savings Certificate Stamp in figure 9) Postal savings stamps encouraged personal savings by establishing a regular method to set aside money. In the United States, stamps were issued as receipts for funds saved toward the purchase of war bonds, savings bonds and other similar savings programs. Trading stamps (see 1985 Woolworths Trading Stamp for Sheffield Porcelain China in figure 10) Trading stamps are given to customers by merchants in loyalty programs that predate the modern loyalty card. These stamps only had a minimal cash value 54 - Stamp News
Figure 9: 1919 $5 Dark Blue War Savings Certificate Stamp individually, but when a customer accumulated several of them, they could be exchanged with the trading stamp company for goods such as toys, personal items, housewares, furniture and appliances. Unauthorised issues (see 250 gourdes The Owls in figure 11) There have been several cases where stamps purporting to be issues from genuine postal services have appeared on the market, only to be disputed by authorities as unauthorized stamps. A well-known example is a set with the inscription “Republique d’Haiti” featuring illustrations of bird paintings by John J. Audu-
Figure 10: 1985 Woolworths Trading Stamp
Stephanie Bromser
Philatelic Development Officer, APF bon. According to the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, “In 1975 or later various sets of bird paintings by Audubon were produced by government employees without official authorization. They were not sold by the Haiti post office and were not valid for postage.” Figure 11: Unauthorized issue of 250 gourdes The Owls
still many areas where individual study and research is required, and the Club’s study groups provide a forum for the coordination and publication of members’ findings. Exhibiting Cinderellas Competitive exhibitions in Australia are unusual as for many years they have included a Cinderella class. The class is usually very poorly supported at exhibitions although there are some excellent exhibits out there among collectors. As FIP does not recognise a separate Cinderellas class the following regulations are restricted to Australian National and State exhibitions. Special Regulations for fhe Evaluation Of Cinderella Exhibits at APF National Exhibitions Article 1: Competitive Exhibitions These Special Regulations have been developed to supplement those principles of the FIP General Regulations with regard to Cinderellas at APF Exhibitions. Article 2: Competitive Exhibits While it is difficult to provide a precise definition of material that should be included in a Cinderella class, Cinderellas include labels which resemble postage stamps but which are produced for purposes other than as a receipt for the payment of postage, stamp duty or other official charge. Article 3: Principles of Exhibit Composition A Cinderella exhibit could include such items as private local issues, bogus and phantom issues, labels
Collecting Cinderellas Though in most cases they are not valid for postage, cinderellas make up a substantial and varied collecting field that many of us enjoy. Most collectors concentrate on one or two different types of cinderellas, local or poster stamps for instance. Some collect cinderellas by nationality. Some collect by topic. Some as an adjunct to their main stamp collection. There are many more collectors who do not fit into these categories and whose interests are manifold and eclectic. Societies, with prestigious reputations, exist which are devoted to Cinderella material. The best known of these is the UK-based Cinderella Stamp Club whose Journal was for a long time edited by the Williams brothers and for which Robson Lowe was for many years the President. The Cinderella Society of Australasia is the southern hemisphere equivalent. The whole field of cinderellas offers many opportunities for the collector. The major stamp catalogues do not list the majority of cinderella issues and those that do usually confine them to the “back of the book”. There is no “cinderella catalogue” covering all aspects, but there are an ever-increasing number of specialist catalogues available, many of which have been compiled and published by Cinderella Stamp Club members. Even so there are Figure 12: Australia Post Stand at Singpex 2019
Stamp News - 55
Introducing the Australian Philatelic Federation
Figure 14: Collectors looking for bargains at Singpex 2019 and other items associated with philatelic exhibitions, advertising labels and covers, Christmas and TB seals and perhaps forgeries of postage stamps and other official postal items. Such Cinderella material is not normally an integral part of the payment of charges for official postal delivery or stamp duty. Material that should not be exhibited in this Class include all forms of revenue stamps which should be displayed in the FIP Revenue Class and railway stamps which should be displayed in Traditional. Exhibits which are dominantly composed of material such as registration labels and perfins may be included. Cinderella exhibits would normally include individual items and well as material on cover. This is analogous to including covers in TraditionFigure 15: Passing of the FIAP flag from SINGPEX 2019 to NZ2020. From left to right: Yang Yan Choy, Commissioner General SINGPEX 2019; Chen Yu-An, FIAP Co-ordinator SINGPEX 2019; Richard Tan Eng Chuan, Chairman SINGPEX 2019; Prakob Chirikiti, President FIAP; Stephen Chivers, Chairman NZ2020; Gary Brown, FIAP Co-ordinator NZ2020. 56 - Stamp News
Figure 13: Lots for sale on the floor in front of the Shields stand at Singpex 2019 al displays and stamps illustrating use and rates and routes in Postal History. Article 4: Judging of Exhibits The following breakdown of points shall be used in judging Cinderellas: Treatment and Importance of the exhibit 30 Knowledge and Research 35 Condition and Rarity 30 Presentation 5 Total 100
Stephanie Bromser
Philatelic Development Officer, APF Singpex 2019 Singpex 2019 was a FIAP exhibition held at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre from 31 July to 4 August 2019. There were over 1,000 frames of exhibits on display. The exhibition was very well attended and the queue at the Singapore Post stand was at least a 2 hour wait even late in the day. Australia was well represented with 20 competitive entries (104 frames). Australia received 2 Gold, 9 Large Vermeil, 7 Vermeil and 2 Large Silver medals. Australia Post had a colourful stand and issued five miniature sheets for Singpex 2019 (see Figure 12). A different sheet was released each day, showing one of the four stamps from the Australia Fauna issue in a block of four. The final day was an imperforate miniature sheet with all four of the stamp designs. At the time of writing these sheets were still available from the Australia Post.
Shields Stamps also had a stand at Singpex, and they created a fun philatelic experience that we all enjoyed. They had bought a very large collection during the show. So large that it arrived in three carloads. The material was simply laid out on the floor in boxes in front of their stand and collectors were encouraged to browse (see figures 13 and 14). There was controlled mayhem and many collectors, aged from 8 to 80, sat cross-legged on the floor looking through the piles of material. The whole collection was sold over a 3 day period and the final deal was negotiated more than 2 hours after the exhibition closed! The awards presentation was a 10 course Chinese banquet held at a local hotel. The Large Gold and Gold medals were presented. The FIAP flag was passed from Singpex to NZ 2020, the 37th Asian International Stamp Exhibition that will be held from 19 to 22 March 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand (see figure 15).
upcoming stamp & coin fairs & events new south wales
Oct 5 - (1st Sat) 9am to 4pm Orange Stamp Fair, Quinn’s Arcade, Summer St, Orange. Ph: Norm 02 63623754.
Oct 6 - (1st Sun) Western Suburbs Stamp, Coin & Banknote Fair, Strathmore Bowling Club, 40 Loeman St, Strathmore. Enq: Chris. 0413355716.
Oct 5 - (1st Sat) Northside Stamp Fair. 1st Floor, Car park Building, Manly-Warringah Leagues Club, cnr Federal Parade/Pittwater Rd, Brookvale, NSW.
Oct 12 - (2nd Sat) Salvation Army Stamp Fair, Ferntree Gully. For details see full page ad
Oct 5 - (1st Sat) Katoomba Stamp & Coin Fair, 9am - 4pm, Masonic Hall, Cnr Station & Civic Sts, Katoomba. Ph. 0417 802 754 Oct 5 - (1st Sat) Sutherland Shire Stamp & Coin Collectors Fair, Gymea Anglican Church Hall, 131 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea. Oct 20 - (3rd Sun) Stamp & Coin Fair, 10am - 3pm, Pioneers Hall, Cowper St, Wallsend. 8 Dealers. 4971 3483 Oct 27 - (4th Sun) Epping Stamp & Coin Fair, Community Hall, 9 Oxford St, Epping. 10am 4pm. Free Entry, 6 Dealers, Buy/Sell.
Oct 20 - (3rd Sun) Stamp, Card - Phone Card Fair, Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Rd, Bentleigh. Dealers. Ph: 0418 322 315. Oct 27 - (last Sun ex Dec) Stamp, Coin & Phonecard Fair, Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove, Nunawading. 9am3pm.
queensland TBA - QStamp Fair, Southside, Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, Memorial Hall, Logan Rd. Free Entry 8.30am - 2pm Oct 14 - (2nd Mon) - Gold Coast PS Sale, Rm 1, Southport Comm. Centre, Lawson St, Southport. 11.30am - 2.30pm Brisbane Table Tennis Assoc Centre Stamp News - 57
Market Matters Million Dollar Straight edge!
Stamp Collectors do not like “Straight Edge” stamps. They do not look attractive most would agree, and generally get a fraction of what the same stamp otherwise sells for. This has been the case for over 150 years. Appearance is everything with stamps in the mega buck price bracket, especially. In some countries like the USA, Post Office sheets of 100 of many stamps had straight edges on often 2 outer edges, guillotined thus by the stamp printer, from the far larger master printer sheets. This was common late 19th Century to early 20th Century. All the higher value 1892 Omaha and 1893 Columbian stamps were printed thus, as I recall. The unique sheet of 100 of the USA 1918 24¢ Inverted Jenny had 19 straight edged copies at top and right of sheet, and some of these have now been re-perforated of course, as collectors do not like straight edges! See the reconstructed sheet of these rare stamps, to give you an idea of the original PO sheet layout - invertedjenny.com These 1858 GB 1d Reds were not issued with straight edges by the British Post Office - indeed I can’t think of one regular issue UK postage stamp that used this policy in regular issue stamp sheets. Nor from Australia - the only way these stamps can have a straight edge here, is from some booklet panes, or the special coil rolls etc. So the stamp above had the lower perforations trimmed off by someone wielding a pair of scissors over-zealously it seems clear, when snipping off a letter etc. So that destroys the value - right? WRONG! Stanley Gibbons sold it early 2016 for £495,000, which at the time was over one Million Australian Dollars.
Gibbons sell TWO Plate 77s!
“This is one of the most desirable and iconic of British stamps for collectors worldwide, highly sought after for more than 100 years,” said Keith Heddle, Managing Director of investments at Stanley Gibbons, London. “It is testament to the strength of the market for rare stamps and also Stanley Gibbons global standing that we have managed to sell not just one, but two Plate 77 Penny Reds in the 58 - Stamp News
Million Dollar Scissor Cut! last four years. “With the last example we had having been sold to a client in Australia, I’m delighted this one has found a home in Britain.” Heddle concluded. (The local Sydney buyer was Sir Ron Brierley for a similar sum - and his copy is FAR more attractive!) The “M.I.” copy sold by Gibbons does not mention the straight edge at base. Nor does it mention the rather large spike hole in the stamp! You can see it on the Queen’s neck above the letter E. It is in the loop of the “5” of the numeral cancel, and looks at first glance like part of the cancel, but shows much more clearly from the back. It is mentioned on the BPA Certificate very charitably as: “small fault on neck”. This “M.I.” copy was found among an examination of a million stamps in 1944, and it sold soon after for £220. As some 13.4 BILLION examples of this 1d red stamp were sold, there are plenty still surviving to peer and squint at! Spink London breathlessly emailed clients mid-September they had this defective “M.I.” Plate
Glen Stephens
Sir Ron Brierley paid £550,000. 77 for sale - shown above, using the historical SG file image, as of course Spink cluelessly show it nowhere on their website or email, at time of typing. Clicking on the image link was a dead end, and the “More Details” tab went absolutely nowhere except to the general clunky webpage which a Detective cannot navigate most times.
The Spink Mirage Copy.
The Spink UK ‘’Private Treaty’’ stamp website section of course does not mention this 500,000 quid type piece. Why ANYONE would give ANYTHING stamp related to Spink at any time to sell, for any reason, continues to astound me. Many do of course. A majority of folks also voted for Brexit - and Trump, which is food for thought. Takes all types! Spink of course forgot to mention what they were selling this rarity for, in their email, or on website, so sadly I cannot pass on that fairly useful piece of information. They are not great with e-communications - send them a postcard perhaps, if you really want to know! The stamp is so rare because the rejected printing plate, which was created in 1863, had the laid down plate size slightly out of sync with the perforating
equipment. It is stated only one sheet was printed and perforated, before the plate was destroyed. The “Plate 77” Penny Red was never technically issued, but some stamps, which must have come from the rejected imperf imprimatur sheet, somehow found their way into circulation. Several mint and used copies are recorded - ten of them until this cover was found. The practice was for a few sheets (possibly as many as six) to be printed from any new plate, and these were submitted to Somerset House for approval, before putting that plate to press. When approved, one sheet was retained there, as the registration or “imprimatur” sheet. The rest were returned to the printer and put into stock. Plate numbers 71 to 225 were issued, except #75. If any plate was not approved, for any reason all the sheets were returned to be placed in the pile of items to be first accounted for, then destroyed. No official copies of “77” exist.
“77” numbers clear as a bell. Stamp News - 59
Market Matters This did not seem to occur to the rejected Plate 77 sheets(s). We know the plate must have reached this point because there still exists a letter from Ormond Hill to Perkins Bacon, telling them that he was rejecting two plates, as they were not aligned plumb enough to allow proper perforating. Hill seems to have seen from the registration sheet pulls, that the laying down of impressions for plate “77” was slightly out of plumb, meaning the lower rows would all be poorly centred. Although this letter does not mention the two plates by number, it can only have been plates 75 and 77 since the date of the letter is the same as the date on which the other plates submitted at the same time (76 and 78 to 81) were registered - namely 7 February, 1863. In short, Ormond Hill must have been examining at least one printed and perforated sheet from plate 77 (and for that matter from plate 75) to have made this decision - and possibly saw as many as six sheets of each. It is from this/these sheets that it has been, till now, been accepted that the existing plate 77 stamps 3 x GB Plate 77 on Cover. came from. It was assumed they escaped the furnace, or to use the strange Gibbons ble in stamps! I heard this month another KGV 1d phrase - “somehow reached the public.” Red from Australia with SIDEWAYS watermark had “With a stamp of this magnitude you invariably surfaced. get people popping out of the woodwork and you need to figure out whether they’re serious buyers or £1 Million “Victor Hugo” Cover? just kicking the tyres,” Keith Heddle from SG said One story I have followed with great interest over at the time. The buyer put down the 10% deposit for the past decade or so, is the exciting discovery of a the stamp within 48 hours Gibbons advised at the part cover bearing 3 x SG 1d Plate “77” stamps. The time, when they sold it in early 2016, for then over discovery was of an 1865 part cover from Guernsey $A1 Million Dollars. in the Channel Islands, hand addressed in a florid While there are only a few known examples of the copperplate, and mailed to Brussels Belgium. Destamp in existence, Heddle from SG said that others tails here - tinyurl.com/plate77 have been reported - including one that is believed It was found in an old collection job lot in Europe to have disappeared in the San Francisco earthquake decades back, where the scarce plate number had not of 1906 (The “H. J. Crocker” copy) - could still been recognised. The part cover was pre-paid with possibly re-emerge. New finds are ALWAYS possi3 x 1d Red stamps, all really dreadfully centred, and 60 - Stamp News
Glen Stephens
“Sumwun Glooed On Da Numbahs” cancelled as you can see with the Guernsey “324” barred numeral obliterator. One of those is very badly scuffed, and one is creased/torn. A rather ugly piece, value in normal circumstances - a dollar or so on a good day. However all stamps are showing Plate “77” on both sides as you can see nearby - making this literally a £1+ million rarity in the view of many experienced minds in the trade. NO others exist on cover. It is most certainly a 7 figure piece, based on the SG recent sales of £550,000 for a single off centred example, and the recent £495,000 paid to Gibbons for the scissor mutilated stamp shown nearby, with a spike hole in it. Catalogue value of a used single OFF cover is £600,000 in the current 2019 SG “Part 1” Commonwealth catalogue. Stampboards has many 100s of detailed colour photos of this issue, and charts and graphs, large microscope blow ups, detailed forensic and chemist reports, and outlining the whereabouts of the other known existing plate “77’ examples. All added to, and discussed vigorously, by members all over the
globe, many of them 1d QV and early GB stamp experts - tinyurl.com/plate77
Amateur Hour - in STEREO!
The RPSL laughably claimed to the owner that all 6 x number 77s had all been “glued on”, and the Philatelic Foundation in New York initially claimed the 7s were all newly painted in, and both gave it a “faked” Certificate. Talk about Amateur Hour in STEREO! Both utter nonsensical views it seemed to me, and to many others who have studied the matter - and the cover! And both were totally discredited on all counts, in a detailed report by a renowned forensic document expert - victorhugocover.com - a fascinating read. The owner Abed Najjar, commissioned at vast expense I am sure, a briefcase full of detailed scientific and lab reports by Professors and chemists, and other highly skilled experts in paper and chemistry and inks etc, from many countries. And more damning, a copious report by global leading Forensic Document Stamp News - 61
Market Matters Examiner, Dr. Robert Radley. Najjar is a leading collector and specialist, has an honours degree in Pharmacy, has been in philately for about 50 years, written award winning books on his stamp fields, and has published informed work of others in philately. In addition, he has written a dozen or so detailed and scholastic articles in USA and UK specialised publications and magazines, examining the strange situation with these clear Plate 77 numbers, that Plate to 73, and how that might have occurred etc.
Determination pays off in the end.
He also expertises the stamps of Transjordan, a country that abounds with fakes and forgeries. So I certainly feel he is certainly experienced enough to tell what is genuine from fake, hence his doggedness in chasing this matter through, where many would have faltered. A very interesting development took RPSL tears up its Certificates. place earlier this year, when the Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) pubThe RPS original opinion was even more amalicly tore up their pervious erroneous and teur - they in essence stated to the owner - “Sumwun negative Certificates on this part cover - see excerpt Glooed On Da Numbahs”. I kid you not. A fingerof their backdown nearby in their member Journal. nail examination would have debunked that loopy The Philatelic Foundation in New York, after theory, but they dug their head in the British Sand fully reviewing the real world barrage of science the like ostriches, for some years until 2019, and have owner provided on this cover, did a total back-flip, now torn up their two silly “Opinions”, and agreed and tore up the first absurd “painted in and faked in writing that they had done so, in their member numbers” Certificate, and issued one in 2013 as newsletter. “All Plate 77 - genuine usage”. See photo nearby. So after this long overdue RPSL development, the Full credit to them for finally getting it right. Those famous Victor Hugo cover now has only 3 Expert on the original “Expert” (sic) Committee soon were Certificates, each stating that all the stamps, and the no longer there. cover, are all genuine, and unaltered in any way, and Forensic paper examiner Radley examined both bear GB 1d stamps, each bearing Plate 77 numbers. the RPSL and PF “Expert Opinions” in detail, and The American Philatelic Society Expert Committore them apart, and made them both look like Amatee, (APS) and Sergio Sismondo Expert Committee teur Hour outfits in the process. This is a highly qualified Expert who has testified as a forensic paper and also later issued certificates as genuine and unaltered Plate “77” stamps and cover, leaving the “Royal” in ink and document witness in 100s of Court Trials London looking sillier than ever, with their “Sumglobally. 62 - Stamp News
Glen Stephens curred, but it most clearly did. The last word in Philately is NEVER written - we all accept that, and major new finds occur each year that were hitherto regarded as totally impossible. It took a century for a Sideways Watermark on the Australia 1d Red KGV to appear (SG 20cz, £50,000) - literally the most studied stamp on this PLANET - and then another surfaces soon afterwards etc. We must have open minds.
The Swedes did the same!
Total Backflip Certificate. wun Glooed On Da Numbahs” nonsense view, that a 12 year old could debunk with a $5 UV light! This cover bears three stamps that “plate” via the corner letter positions and alignment, and minor characteristics, to the usual issues made from Plate 73. That much was established over a decade back. Clearly a short term repair, or re-entry, or alteration etc, was made to the original Plate 73 in these (and possibly other corner letter positions) - students of the line engraved issues are working on how it oc-
The Swedish Philatelic “Establishment” as recently as the mid 1970s, totally and publicly debunked the unique “Tre Skilling Yellow” stamp as a total fake and fabrication. A large Committee of 9 of the leading Philatelists there, made all sorts of totally wacky and loopy claims, and science in that case too, later proved them all totally and hopelessly wrong. It later allegedly changed hands for $ Millions at Auction several times of course. Some of the Swedish “Experts” even claimed it was faked by using pieces from THREE stamps to make the one. Others said it was bleached and chemically colour altered etc. The stamp has been very crudely re-perforated along the top as you can hopefully see, (in the wrong gauge!) and actually has a pretty large slit in it, but it allegedly got Millions each time it was trotted out for auction. In 1974 it was exhibited at the stand of Frimarkshuset A.B. the well-known Swedish dealers, at “Stockholmia 74”. The stamp was then offered to the Swedish Postal Museum for purchase at $US1 million. The curator Gilbert Svensson had always suspected it to be a forgery, and arranged for it to be handed over to a group of nine Swedish stamp “Experts” to examine. After getting the damning reports from this group, stamp owner René Berlingen, and Frimarkshuset A.B. then paid for a very detailed scientific Stamp News - 63
Market Matters
New owner with Sweden Tre Skilling Yellow. and X-Ray report in 1975, by a Professor of Medial Biophysics, on the paper and ink etc, which pointed to the Tre Skilling Banco stamp being a genuine colour error of the 1855 3 Skilling stamp - being printed in yellow, instead of the usual green the 3 Skilling stamp came in. How or why this occurred no-one knows, after 164 years. If a clichĂŠ of the 3 Skilling were printed in the wrong colour ink, clearly more than one was produced, and indeed one imagines several sheets were done, if that was the case. No others have ever been found, so the mystery remains to this day, as to how or why it was created. But only a few decades 64 - Stamp News
after being decried a crude fake in Sweden, it is now accepted as 105% genuine.
Multi Billionaire collector buys Sweden Error.
Count Gustaf Douglas, (FRSPL, RDP) is a Swedish aristocrat, multi Billionaire businessman, and politician. He is the founder of Securitas who have 370,000 staff globally, and bought the unique 1855 Sweden error of colour by private treaty in May 2013 for his Sweden collection. He included it in a display of his Sweden to the Royal Philatelic Society London, in 2013. Douglass was the MAJOR financial backer, (with
Glen Stephens
Sweden “Experts” all totally wrong. a capital M!) to the recent large ”STOCKHOLMIA 2019” in June, and was styled for the years leading up as “Philatelic Head Patron”. He has the largest Swedish stamp collection extant. Displaying the Tre Skilling Yellow here as shown in photo nearby, he said was: “the greatest day in my 50 years of philately as my hobby.” tinyurl.com/plate77 caries the complete discussion on this GB Plate 77 cover, which 10 pages of - “is all Genuine” to date has some 3,300 different messages, with an amazing 215,000 page views, thus A local friend, an RPSL member, sent me a clear far. Well after the early Certificates, the owner, via neat detective work, discovered the cover was scan of the apology piece in the “The London Philatelist” of January/February 2019 date, withdrawing hand addressed by Victor Hugo - the famous French any inference the stamps were faked in any way, and novelist etc, who wrote “Les Misérables” and ”The confirming they have now torn up their silly “CertifiHunchback of Notre-Dame”. cates”. He has always felt this cover was kosher. Hugo was the most famous resident ever of Indeed, I can’t think of a single person, dealer Guernsey, and the Guernsey cancelled cover was or collector, or Auction House, I have ever spoken addressed in Hugo’s hand to his publisher in Brussels. Publisher Lacroix Verboekhoven’s offices were to, who regarded the cover as suspicious. I asked Charles Shreve, and David Feldman at the Washingat Impasse du Parc, Rue Royal, Brussels. Exactly ton EXPO, and both seemed nonplussed at the fuss as shown on the cover. Sothebys Paris handwriting as well. By that stage it had 3 clear Expert Commitexpert on Victor Hugo, confirmed the addressing on tee Certificates as genuine. cover was his. Stamp News - 65
Market Matters
A fool and his money …..
Leading Stamp Auctions all like it.
I recall asking Christoph Gaertner his thoughts, and he too was bemused at the fuss. These three are not your brown cardigan, retired Water Board clerks, on the RPSL Committee, who grow prize pumpkins in their copious spare time - but are all super savvy mega $$$ million a year movers and shakers, in the global stamp world. Between them, these leading Auctioneers have sold near every major rarity in the stamp world. Period. I have zero doubt any of them would hesitate to offer it for sale, if it were ever consigned to them. A unique GB cover, sent by a famous writer, with three clear Expert Certificates, is a no-brainer major sale piece anywhere. Arthur Gray, the greatest collector this country has even seen, (and who was a highly regarded 66 - Stamp News
FRPSL member of course!) told me the Victor Hugo Cover was genuine beyond doubt in his view, and to quote him: “I just can’t see what all the fuss is about - of course no-one would try and fake THREE crappy looking stamps, on an ugly looking part cover.” Arthur was a fine judge of horseflesh, and had an uncanny “nose’’ for fakes. He was offered several “Missing Head’’ 1d Kangaroos from many sources, over the decades, and told them all to go away, as they were forged. Some had BPA “Expert” (sic) Certificates, but he dismissed them all, and history shows us he was right - they were fakes made by Major Dormer Legge! The ACSC to this day, lists none of these Headless Roo fabrications, as editor Dr. Geoff Kellow shares Arthur’s (and my) view on these pretty crude fakes but one got a 5 figure sum as I recall - a fool and his
Glen Stephens England and Songs From the West Coast. An additional set of 4 stamps are in a miniature sheet of 4 showing live concert scenes, spanning five decades. Sir Elton is the first living solo artist to be honoured with a stamp set - the only other solo performer to be given the honour is David Bowie, whose career was marked in 2017 following his death. “To say I was surprised when Royal Mail got in touch is an understatement” Elton John said, when he was told of this new stamp release. “Never did I think I’d appear on British postage stamps!”
“Best-known songs in pop history”
money are soon parted as they say. tinyurl.com/RooHead is a long discussion on these novelties. I suspect Arthur would be pleased to see the RPSL finally seeing sense, and backing off on this one at long last, conceding nothing was faked on the stamps, or the cover. They took their time, but in the end science and forensics, and the weight of positive opinions from other leading Expert Comittees, prevailed.
The original Rocket Man!
Royal Mail issued these 10 Elton John stamps in mid-September. Not often do any new issue sets of stamps appeal to me visually but this lot did, so will share them here. The stamps are in a mix of “1ST” Class which are “Forever” stamps, and the £1.55 value which is for Rest of World (outside Europe) letter 10g-20g - i.e. what is used to USA and Australia etc. The set features eight album covers chosen by Elton John himself - Honky Chateau, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Caribou, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, Sleeping With the Past, The One, Made in
“Elton is one of the most successful British solo artists of all time,” Royal Mail spokesperson Philip Parker added. “He has recorded some of the best-known songs in pop history such as ‘Candle in the Wind’ and ‘Rocket Man.’ Our stamps showcase some of his most iconic albums, and celebrate his fantastic musical contribution.” The stamps are on sale in a variety of formats from Royal Mail. Along with separate stamps, a collector presentation pack, first day covers, and framed sets (one shown nearby), there are also limited-edition framed prints, and a Dodger Stadium souvenir pack that includes a pair of star-shaped glasses. The current leg of Elton John’s farewell tour runs
Above & right : Very pretty new Elton stamps. Stamp News - 67
Market Matters
Attractive framed set of Elton John stamps. across North America until November 16, with dates following in Australia, Europe and the U.K. As of now, the final concert date on the schedule is at London’s “O2” on December 16, 2020. And just to prove how much of a piano playing legend he really is, there are also four stamps available in the miniature sheet of 4 depicting 4 past live shows. These 4 stamps include highlights from his performances at London’s Hammersmith Odeon in 1973, Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium in 1975, the Diamond Jubilee Concert at London’s Buckingham Palace in 2012, as well as his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour at New York’s Madison Square Garden in 2018. 68 - Stamp News
In Australia, Max Stern & Co in Melbourne are the official agents for Royal Mail new issue stamps. I can bet they will sell a lot more of this one than anything else this year - a most attractive set. Glen Stephens has written monthly ‘Stamp Tipster’ Columns for over 30 years - globally. A vast library of his past articles and photos are found at – www.glenstephens.com/column.html
Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW, 2068 Ph: 02 9958 1333 email: glen@glenstephens.com Website: www.glenstephens.com
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Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, part-time or full-time. AAA Stamps
Edlins of Canberra
PO Box 1050, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282 Ph: 0432 540 760 aaastamps@yahoo.com.au www.aaastamps.com.au
Eddie J Cummings GPO Box 289, Canberra, ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6248 7859 edlins@tpgi.com.au www.edlins.com.au
A.G.T. Devine
PO Box 571, Milsons Point, NSW, 1565 Ph: 02 9299 1300 rwaugh@bigpond.net.au
56 Gardner Circuit, Singleton Heights, NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6573 4209 alan.devine@devalri.com www.devalri.com
Robert D. Andersen 141 Monash Rd, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3892 7066 daleandersen@bigpond.com.au
Ace Stamp Auctions
Falcon Stamps
Gold Coast Stamp Traders Glyn Fairbairn PO Box 275, Currumbin, QLD 4223 Ph: 07 5533 9582 www.goldcoststamptraders.com.au sales@ goldcoastsamptraders.com.au
Stephen Joe
PO Box 2076 Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069 (08) 9297 3040 or email stampdealer@iinet.net
GPO Box 302, Suva, Fiji Ph: 679 3319183 stephenj@connect.com.fj
Peter Barrett
John Hurtado/KGV Collector
PO Box 5, Dover, UK CT16 1YQ Ph: 013 0482 9827 pjbchelse@aol.com www.stamo-centre.co.uk
Bexley Stamps & Coin Accessories Ken Pullen PO Box 36, KURMOND, NSW 2757 02 4573 1332 sales@bexleystamps.com.au www.bexleystamps.com.au
Blue Owls Stamps - Jude Koch 9 Yarra Street, Suite 1207 (12th Floor, Suite 07) South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph: 03 9826 1202 jude@blueowlsstamps.com.au www.blueowlsstamps.com.au
Grant Carter PO Box 16, Northcote, VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9480 2193
John Cornelius
PO Box 40, Russell Island, QLD 4184 kgv_stamps@live.com.au http://australiankgvusedstamps.blogspot.com
Kennedy Stamps P/L Suite 706a, 250 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: + 61 2 92646168 Fax: + 61 2 92645969 stamps@kennedystamps.com. www.kennedystamps.com.au
Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Ph:0425 795 693 kevinmorgan2@live.com www.kevinmorgan.com.au
Maree Nieuwenhuizen
PO Box 23, Magill, SA, 5072 joda99@bigpond.net.au
PO BOX 457, Bayswater, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9762 1848 maree@mpnstamps.com
Ken Cowden
Mike Lee
PO Box 108, Bateman’s Bay, NSW 2536 Ph: 02 4472 5231 Kenbetty@bordernet.com.au
7 Colbury Rd, Bayswater Nth, VIC 3153 Ph: 03 9729 5855 mlphilatelics@bigpond.com
Edenzac Stamps: Tim Papadopoulos Ph: 03 9791 7733 edenzac@optushome.com.au
P & D Nicholls PO Box 172, Glenbrook, NSW 2773
Ph: 02 4739 6184 panddnicholls@bigpond.com
Pacific Coast Philatelics Owen Pennells, PO Box 3343, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670 Ph: 0427 551 207
Ray Pinniger PO Box 9008, Scoresby, VIC 3179 Ph: 03 9753 3520 bevvyc@optusnet.com.au
Chris Snelling Stamps PO Box 121, Kotara Fair, NSW 2289 Ph: 02 4952 8205 orcstamp@bigpond.net.au www.orchidstamps.com
Glen Stephens 4 The Tor Walk, Castlecrag, NSW 2068 PH: 02 9958 1333 glen@glenstephens.com www.glenstephens.com
Sydney Philatelics Graeme Fudge PO Box 122, Milton, NSW 2538 Ph: 02 4455 4011 info@sydphil.com www.stampsaustralia.com.au
Lyndsay Tooley PO Box 441, Norfolk Is. NSW 2899 Ph: 06 7232 3778 stamps@ninet.nf
Con Vayanos 64/3030 The Boulevard, Emerald Lakes, Carrara, QLD, 4211 Ph: 07 5578 1744 convayanos@hotmail.com
PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC 3158
philatelic clubs & societies new south wales Armidale Circle RSPC: Mtg 2nd Wed Australian Cmwlth Collectors Club of NSW: Mtg 3rd Mon 7.45pm, 1st flr. Philas House, 17 Brisbane St, Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001. Ph 02 9264 8301 Australian Numismatic Society, NSW Branch: Mtg 3rd Monday, Philas House Australian States Study Circle: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Bathurst Stamp Coin and Collectables Club: Mtg 1st Mon 7.30pm, Old Eglinton fire shed, Park St, Elington Blue Mountains Stamp Club: Mtg 4th Friday (ex Dec) 8.00pm Katoomba Public School; PO Box 76, Blackheath Boambee East PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan) 6pm Boambee East Comm. Centre, Bruce King Dr. Ph: 02 66581385 Burwood District SC: Mtg 4th Wed Campbelltown District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan - 4th Wed); @ Catholic Hall Acacia St, Ruse. Inquiries: mystampclub@yahoo.com.au; PO Box 478, Campbelltown 2560 Castle Hill SC Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, Hills District Bowling Club, Jenner Street, Baulkham Hills; PO Box 151 Castle Hill NSW 1765 China Study Group of PSNSW: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Cinderella SC: Produces “Cinderellas Australia” and monographs; PO Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057 Club WIlloughby Philatelic Section : Mtg 4th Thursday Earlwood and District SC: Mtg 1st Wed Eastwood-Epping PS: Mtg 1st Tuesday Grafton Stampers & Everything Philatelic: Mtg 1st Sun 2pm (ex School Hols). Grafton Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Queen & Oliver Sts. Ph 02 6642 1363. email gbchurch@bigpond.com. Great Lakes SC: Mtg1st Sat 9.30am , Workshop & Market 1st Sat 9-12, Tuncurry Enq: Ph 02 6555 5664 Gosford PS: Afternoon Mtg 1st Mon Hawkesbury Valley PS (Richmond Stamp Club): Mtg 2nd Thurs (ex Jan) PO Box 28 Richmond 2753 Illawarra PS: Mtg 3rd Wednesday, Room 2, Illawarra Master Builders Club, 61 Church St, Wollongong 7.00 pm. Lord Howe Island Postal History Society: Mtg by arrangement. Contact Pres: Dr William Mayo, 02 9918 6825 Maitland SC: Mtg 2nd Mon ex Jan. ‘Show & Tell’ every mtg E. Maitland Bowling Club, Bank St. Pres. Mark Saxby; Sec. David Carratt; Ph: 02 4932 4045 Email: carrotspatch@tpg.com.au Manly-Warringah Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Tues, cnr. Pittwater Rd & Federal Pde, Brookvale. Sec. Graeme Morriss Ph: 02 9905 3255 email: stampsmw@bizland.com.au Milton-Ulladulla SC: Meeting 1pm on 4th Monday of each month (ex Dec.) Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club, St. Vincent Street, Ulladulla Sec. POBox 670, Ulladulla, NSW 2539 Tel. Barbara Smith 0244555214 Morisset Uniting Church SC: Mtg 4th Sat 10am (ex Dec) Mudgee Coin Note & Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sunday Ph 02 63735324 Newcastle PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm Mayfield Ex-Services Club; 10am 3rd Wed, 48 Mackie Ave, New Lambton, Juniors 11am 3rd Sun, Wallsend Pioneers Hall
act Canberra, Philatelic Society of: 1st Thursday: General Meeting,3rd Thursday: Afternoon Meeting (IF REQUIRED),3rd Thursday: (Evening) Exchange Night, 2nd Tuesday: Postcard Group, 4th Monday: Machin Collectors Group. All meetings 7:45pm, Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Canberra City Postal Address:PO Box 1840,Canberra ACT 2601,Email:psc@netspeed.com.au www.canberrastamps.org
western australia The Airmail Circle of WA: Mtg 5th Monday “Wellington Fair” Unit 18, 40 Lord St. East Perth Tel: 08 9294 3356 Armadale-Kelmscott PS: Mtg 4th Tues; Ph: 08 9397 6525 email: fit.kanga@bigpond.com Bridgetown-Manjimup SC: Mtg 1st Thurs 4.30pm Bridgetown Library Ph 08 9761 4638 or 08 9761 2005 Busselton SC: Mtg 1st Mon, 5pm 7th Day Adv. Church, Alpha St; Ph: 08 9752 4449, 0400 646 282 email witches1@westnet.com.au Canning SC: Mtg 4th Monday Wilson Community Hall, Braibrise Rd Wilson. Ph: 08 9457 7565 Daytime SC: Mtg 1st Thurs; 08 9341 3576 Denmark SC: Mtg 1st Weds Lions Lair Rivermouth Inlet Drive, Denmark. Tel: 08 9848 3325 email: fishneil@westnet.com.au Eastern Goldfields: Mtg 3rd Thurs ; Ph: 0412 156 351 Eaton SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7pm Ph. 08 9795 7744, email: scrapbit@tpg.com Fremantle and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed, St. Peter’s Church Hall, 4 Hammad St., Palmyra. Circuit books 7pm, meeting 8pm Ph: 08 9284 7125 Have a go SC: Mtg Last Thurs. 137 Edward St, East Perth. Tel: 08 9305 2073 email: nigan@iinet.net.au Kalamunda SC: Mtg 3rd Wed; Ph: 08 9291 8484
72 - Stamp News
NSW club information:The Philatelic Association of NSW, PO Box220, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300 Phone: 02 9264 8301
NSW Postcard Collectors Soc: Mtg 1st Wed 7.30pm; Ph: 02 9264 8301 Northern Suburbs PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs, 7.45pm, Naremburn Library, Central St, Naremburn off Slade St Orange Coin and Stamp Club: Mtg Last Tuesday, Orange Community Info Centre, 79-81 Kite St, Orange 7.30pm Parramatta PS: Mtg 1st Friday Penrith and District PS: Mtg 1st Thursdays, 8pm, J3A Bldg. Castlereash St. New PO Box: 252 Kingswood 2750. Ph: 02 4733 3062 Piallaway PS: PO Box 12, Werris Creek PHILAS Stamp Auctions: Mtg 2nd Sat Mar,Jul, Nov Ph 02 9264 8301 PS of Australia: Mtg 3rd Wed (exDec) PS of NSW: Mtg 4th Sat (Philas House), 3rd Tues (Chatswood); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Richmond River (Lismore) PS: Mtg 4th Thursday Royal Sydney Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd Tues. (ex Jan); Ph: 02 9264 8301 Sapphire Coast Stamp & Coin Club: Mtg Enq 02 6495 7308. Mail to PO Box 285, Pambula, NSW 2549 St. George PS: Mtg 1st Mon Shoalhaven PS: Mtg 2nd Monday (Ex Jan) PO Box 4047, East Nowra 2541. Smithfield SC: Mtg 2nd Mon Society for Polar Philately: 2012 meetings: 2nd Wednesday of February, March, May, July, Sept and November held at Ryde Ex-Services Club 724-730 Victoria Rd, Ryde, NSW Tel: 9807 3344 (in Mackinnon room) starting at 8pm.Enq 0407 277 223 or email penviews@ hotmail.com Sussex Inlet and District: Mtg 3rd Mon Sutherland Shire PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. , 7:30pm, Sutherland Uniting Services Club, 7 East Pde, Sutherland. Information Secretary, PO Box 339, Sutherland, NSW 1499 Sydney Anglican PS: 2nd Sat. even months 9.30-2.30 North Rocks Community Church132 North Rocks Road North Rocks Tamworth PS: Mtg 1st Mon ex. Jan. Tamworth Bridge Club, 7 Hilton St, Tamworth Sec. Graeme Mitchell. PO Box 678, Tamworth NSW 2340 Ph. 02 67664853 Taree RSL Club Ltd SC: Mtg 3rd Mon Toronto SC: Mtg 1st Wed Turramurra SC: Mtg 2nd Monday, 7.45pm. Twin Towns Stamp Club Inc.: Mtg 1st Monday, 7.30p, Masonic Centre, 8 Boyd St, Tweed Heads, 07 5535 3168 Wagga SC: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) ARCC Building, Tarcutta St, 7.30pm. Secretary: Peter Simpfendorfer Ph:02 6922 3393 Wyong PS: Mtgs: 3rd Tues 7.30pm, daytime meetings 1st Weds, KGV Heads group 4th Weds. Jim Spence Sec. 02 4392 3610 email: dandasonter6@bigpond.com
northern territory Alice Springs SC: Meet Informally; PO Box 1529, Alice Springs, NT, 0871. Ph 08 8953 3054 Darwin Philatelic Circle: 1st Sun. 10am - 2pm. 53 Flametree Crt, Rosebery; Ph:(08) 8931 2898; PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT, 0831; Email: Nadine.Tinsley@nt.gov.au-. WA club information: WA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Perth, WA, 6001 Mandurah PS PO Box 625 Mandurah WA 6210 2nd Tues 4.45 - 6.30pm Bortolo Park Pavilion Cnr. Bortolo and Murdoch Drives Greenfields WA 6210 08 9581 1083 keithmich@bigpond.com Northern Districts SC: Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9329 0117 Philatelic Forum: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan); Ph: 08 9294 4277 Rockingham & Kwinana (PS of): Mtg 3rd Tues (NB 2nd in Dec) Pres. Malcolm Brown; Sec. Terry Boyd; PRO Lucie Schokker Ph. 08 9419 1604; email: malcolm.b@iinet.net.au PS of WA: Mtg 3rd Tues; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Wed (ex Dec); Clubrooms, Charles Riley Reserve, Wendling Rd, North Beach, Ph: 08 9447 7256 The Postmark Circle (WA): Mtg 2nd Mon; Ph: 08 9294 4277 Victoria Park SC: Mtg 1st Wed; Ph: 08 9472 8072 or 08 9450 5280 WA Study Group: Mtg 4th Thurs (ex Dec) 08 9384 1050 Wanneroo SC: Mtg 3rd Mon; Ph: 08 9305 3130.
philatelic clubs & societies new zealand Air Mail Society of NZ: Ph: 03 3584838; Email: alant@snap.net Auckland PS: Mtg 1st and 3rd Tues (except Jan). Ph 09 9853212; Email kiwibrooce@ yahoo.com; Website: www.aps.gen.nz Christchurch PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Library night 3rd Tues; GB Machin 3rd Fri odd months; Postal History 1st Mon; Postcard 3rd Tues even months. Email: secretary@ cps.gen.nz; Website: www.cps.gen.nz Dunedin PS: Mtg 4th Thurs (except Nov and Dec). Ph: 03 4557643; Email: davidallison2009@gmail.com; Website: www.dunedinstampclub.org.nz Hastings Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Wed (except Jan and 2nd Wed Dec). Ph: 06 8765911; Email: clairemole@xtra.co.nz Hawkes Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Ph: 06 8439433; Email: dennmarg@paradise. net.nz Horowhenua PS: Mtg 2nd Mon. Ph: 06 3689881; Email: michael.christensen@xtra. co.nz Hutt Valley PS: Mtg 1st Tues (ex. Jan). Ph: 04 5697439; Email: richards@nec.co.nz Kapiti PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec). Ph: 04 2971197; Email: ian.burttt@yahoo.co.nz Manaia PS: Mtg (Hawera) 1st Sun. Ph: 06 2784292; Email: peter.williams@xtra.co.nz Manawatu PS: Mtg 1st Wed, daytime meeting 3rd Tues. Ph: 06 3584565; Email: mps@inspire.net.nz Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club: Mtg 3rd Mon (except Jan and 2nd Mon Dec). Morrinsville Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 07 8893199 Nelson PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 03 5469092; Email: paula.hucklesby@clear.net.nz North Shore PS: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: nsps@xtra.co.nz; Website: www.northshoreps.com NZ Stamp Collectors Club Christchurch: Mtg 4th Wed. Ph 03 3895511; Email: steve@ philatelic.org.nz; Website: www.nzeal.com/philately/nzscc.htm NZ Postcard Society: Ph: 03 3848463; Email: jenny-long@clear.net.nz; Website: www. postcard.org.nz
queensland Arana Hills SC: Meeting 2nd Tues; 07 3851 0213; email: petermccloskey@bigpond.com Bayside Afternoon SC: Meeting last Wed; Ph: 07 3206 6281. Bundaberg PS: Mtg 2nd Mon 7pm, The Family Centre, Kensington St (in the Show Grounds); Ph: 07 4152 2403 or 07 4151 3062 Caboolture & District SC: Mtg 3rd Sat. Ph: 07 5498 6504 Cairns SC: 4th Tues. 7.30pm Comm. Hall, 15 Kamerunga Rd., Stratford 07 4033 2211 Caloundra SC: Mtg. 4th Thurs. Catholic Church Hall, Edmund St. 1.30pm. Ph: 07 5494 7233 City Daytime SC: Mtg 2nd Thurs. Ph: 07 3206 6281 City of Brisbane PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs; Ph: 07 3263 8573 (ah); email: desley@mycelebrant.com Collectors Club Queensland: Mtg 2nd Sunday each month 9am to 1pm - RSL Hall, 58 Arnold St, Holland Park. Contact 0409 130 266 or ccqueensland@gmail.com Enoggera SC: Mtg 1st and 3rd Mon. Ph: 07 3264 4157 Gladstone and District PS: Mtg 2nd Wed (Ex. Jan) & 4th Wed (Ex.Dec). Ph. Sec: 07 4978 1155 Ian Rippingale, Gold Coast PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 11.30am, Southport Community Centre, Lawson St, Southport. Ph: 07 5546 3801 Gympie SC: Mtg. 2nd Sun. Jessie Witham Centre 1 - 3pm Ph. 07 5483 9188 email: sandandan@bigpond.com Hervey Bay Afternoon Club: Mtg 3rd Wed. Ph: 07 4124 1138 Ipswich SC: Mtg 1st Thurs (ex. Jan). Ph: 07 3282 2983 Junction Park SC: Mtg 1st Tues, 7.30pm, Annerley Baptist Hall, Lambton St. Contact: 07 3277 6724. PO Box 177, Annerley, 4103, righteo274@bigpond.com Lockyer Valley SC: Mtg 4th Sun, 1.30pm, Senior Citizens’s Hall, Gatton. Kerri Martin, Sec. Ph: 07 5465 3390 Email: lvsc@bigpond.com Logan City SC: Meetings 2nd Thurs, Presbyterian Church, Barry St, Slacks Creek, 6pm. Ph: 07 3805 9226. Mackay and District PS: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 4942 5433;
Further information can be obtained from the NZ Philatelic Federation, PO Box 58139, Whitby, Porirua, 5245, NZ. E-mail: secretary@nzpf.org.nz Postal History Soc of NZ: Auckland 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 09 5220311. Chapter meetings held Invercargill, Nelson, New Plymouth and Wellington. Pukekohe Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Sun. John Mounce, President 649-291-9381 johnmounce@ihug.co.nz Royal PS of NZ: Mtg 2nd Wed (ex Jan). Ph: 04 5899530; Email: office@rpsnz.org.nz; Website www.rpsnz.org.nz South Auckland PS: Mtg last Sat (except Dec), Papatoetoe, day time mtgs 3rd Fri (ex Dec and Jan). Ph: 09 2682245; Email: elowera@orcon.net.nz Southland PS: Mtg 1st Thurs (except Jan), 3rd Tue (daytime) (except Jan). Email: antqgevi@es.co.nz Taranaki PS: Mtg 1st Mon except Jan. Ph: 06 7546212; Email: murray-grimwood@ hotmail.com Tauranga & District Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd (except Jan) and 4th Mon (except Dec). Ph: 07 5765210; Email: beducker@hotmail.com Thames Valley PS: Mtg 1st Mon (except Jan). Ph: 07 8689190. Thematic Association of NZ: Ph: 04 2347218; Email: bob@gibsonz.com Timaru PS: Mtg 1st Wed. Ph: 03 6880343 Upper Hutt PS: Mtg 3rd Mon (except 2nd Mon Dec). Ph: 04 5284123; Email: teme. isaac@clear.net.nz Waikato PS: Mtg 1st (except Jan) and 3rd Wed (except Jan and Dec). Email: c.cameron@agresearch.co.nz Wakatipu PS: Ph: 03 4428865 Wanganui PS: Mtg 2nd Wed. Ph: 06 3427894; Email: g.p.phillips@xtra.co.nz Wellesley PS: Mtg 2nd and 4th Mon (ex public holidays). Ph: 9 8271240 Wellington PS: Mtg 4th Mon (except Dec); Ph: 042347218; Email: bob@gibsonz.com Whakatane PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Thurs (except Jan) Ph: 07 3222054 or 07 3086193 Whangarei PS: Mtg 2nd Meeting: 2nd Tues (Ex.Jan) Ph 09 4348000; Email john-monica@xtra.co.nz QLD Philatelic Council, 18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum, Qld, 4178. Ph: 07 3396 0846 Fax: 07 3396 0842. Email: QPC-stamps@acenet.net.au Web: www.qpc.asn.au
Maryborough and Wide Bay PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex. Jan). Salvation Army Youth 7 Comm. Hall. Bazaar St Maryborough. Ph: 07 41224708 (see also Hervey Bay) Nanango SC: Mtg 2nd Sat, 10:00am, Nanango RSL. Contact Ph: 07 3103 8938 or ema il: bowtell_harris@activ8.net.au Philatelic Society of Qld: Mtg 4th Wed 7.30pm,18 Coolcrest St, Wynnum. Ph: 07 3245 5222 Queensland Study Group: Sunday bi-monthly 1.00pm meets QPS house. Contact Ph: 07 3396 0846 email: QPC-stamps@acenet.net.au Redland Bay Coin and Stamp Club, 4th Thurs. Monthly. John Hardman 07 3206 9996 or 07 3822 6987 Rockhampton SC: Mtg 1st Tues. Ph: 07 4926 3336. email: rockystampclub@gmail.com Sherwood Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Tues. Ph: 07 3372 6096 Southport Afternoon SC: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 07 55630384 Southside PS: Mtg 3rd Tuesday & 3rd Wednesay (9am) Ph: 07 3848 2304 (ah) email: david. appleton@mailbox.uq.edu.au Sunshine Coast SC (formerly Nambour SC): Mtg 1st Wed, 7.15pm Red Cross Rms, Price St., Nambour 07 5445 3647 Thematics Queensland: Mtg bi-monthly 9.30am. Ph: 07 3262 5605 email: j.crowsley@ uq.net.au Toowoomba SC: Mtg. 2nd Sat 1pm, Salvation Army Hall, Cnr. West St. 7 Anzac Ave. Ph. 07 4635 5623 Email: bob.benny@bigpond.com Twin Towns SC: Mtg 1st Mon; Ph: 07 5535 3168 Waterloo Bay SC: Mtg. 1st Thurs. 1pm & 4th Mon. 7pm. Redlands Multi SportsClub, Birkdale Ph: 07 3206 0815
Stamp News - 73
philatelic clubs & societies south australia
Information about clubs in SA can be obtained from the SA Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Adelaide, SA 5001. Daytime Ph: 08 8212 3557 or 8223 4435
Australian Airmail Society: 1st Wed. 7.45pm 22 Gray Court, Adelaide. PO Box 395, Edwardstown 5039. Ph: 08 8276 3969 Barossa SC: Mtg 1st Tue 7.30 Greenock Luth Church Hall, Bevan St, Greenock; 19 Evans Street Ancaston 5353; email: ptomely1939@gmail.com; Ph: (08) 8562 8386 Blackwood PC: Mtg 2nd Wed ex Jan; Uniting Church, Main Rd, Blackwood; Ph: 08 8278 1629; PO Box 581, Blackwood 5051; email: teepee@teegee.com.au Bordertown & Districts PS: Mtg: 3rd Thurs. Bordertown PS Contact: K. Grey Tel: 08 8752 0446 or email cdhuntmundulla@yahoo.com.au Community PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Fri - 7.30pm. Marion Bowling Club, off Sturt Rd. PO Box 75 Edwardstown, 5039; Auctions, circuit books. Ph: 0408806894 City of Noarlunga PS: Mtg alternate thurs,-- Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford, Contact 08 85566371 or PO Box 272, Port Noarlunga 5167 Eastern Districts PS: 2nd Thurs (ex. Jan), 7.30pm Senior citizens Hall, 47 Reid Ave. Hectorville; PO Box 240, Magill, 5072; Ph: 0400 156 796 Elizabeth PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7.30pm, RSL Hall, Cnr of Halseys/Midway Rds;PO Box 701, Elizabeth 5112; Ph: 08 8255 0608 Encounter Bay SC: Mtg 1st Wed, 7.30pm; School Hall, Woolworths Centre, Victor Harbour; PO Box 317, Goolwa 5214; aydepe@bigpond.com; Ph: 08 8555 3311 SA Power Networks Stamp Club: Mtg 1st Mon (ex. Jan); Canteen, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick; PO Box 2079, Magill North, 5072; Ph: 08 8278 7163 Frama Club: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm, members homes; For collectors of CPS, Framas. Newsletter and Auctions. PO Box 62 Campbelltown 5074. Gawler SC: Mtg 4th Mon 7.30pm; Evanston Primary School, Para Rd, Evanston. PO Box 2, Willaston 5118; Ph: 08 8522 2335 Email: jo.trev@bigpond.com German Philatelic Club: Mtg 2nd & 4th Mon 8pm; German Club, 223 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000; Ph: 08 8260 2251 Glenside PS: 1st & 3rd Sat 1.30pm; Uniting Church Hall, Carlton St. Highgate. c/- 9 Moore St., Tranmere, SA 5073 08 8398 2475 Lower Murray PS: Mtg 3rd Thurs,7.30pm, 2nd Sat, 10am; The Lions Den, Murray Bridge. PO Box 810, Murray Bridge; Ph: 08 85704074 lmphilsocsec@gmail.com Mount Gambier PS: Mtg 3rd Tues; Reidy Park Corn Centre. 8pm. Also1st Sunday (ex. Jan)
victoria Australian PS: Bi-monthly meetings on 3rd Monday in February, April, June, August, October and December at RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Road [cnr Keats Street] Canterbury. Secretary, PO Box 156 Balwyn Vic. 3103 Bairnsdale SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Ballarat PS:Mtg 3rd & 5th Mon Balwyn PS: Mtg 3rd Friday; Daytime 1st Friday Bendigo PS: Mtg 1st Tues Berwick SC:Mtg 2nd Sun (ex Jan); Ph: 03 5942 7626 Blackburn Baptist SC: Mtg 3rd Thurs Brighton PS: Mtg 2nd & 4th Tues; Daytime 3rd Tues Bulleen PS Mtg 2nd Mon (ex Jan) 7.30 pm Veneto Club Upstairs 191 Bulleen Rd Bulleen (PO Box 166, Niddrie VIC 3042)Contact Secretary: Frank 0438830645 Treasurer: Joe 0408560601 Camperdown SC: Mtg 1st Tues Castlemaine SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (ex Dec) Colac PC: Mtg 4th Mon (ex. Dec), Colac Community College, Bromfield St, Colac. Ph:52314746 Corner Inlet SC: Mtg 4th Thurs, Foster, Ph: 03 56881100 Dandenong PS: 4th Thurs. ex Dec. 7.30pm, Meeting Room, Church of Christ, David St., Dandenong 03 5996 9501 Diamond Valley PS: Mtg 3rd Mon Essendon-Broadmeadows PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs; St Johns Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon; Murray Gorham, Ph 9306 7480 Footscray PS: Mtg 1st Mon (2nd in Jan); Maribyrnong Comm. Centre, 54 Raleigh Rd, Maribyrnong. PO Box 2477 Taylors Lakes 3038. PH. 0438 901 144. email: footscraystamps@gmail Frankston & District SC: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Seaford Community Centre, Broughton St Seaford. Ph: 5996 3745 Geelong PS: Mtgs 1st Sat 7.00pm, 3rd Mon 1pm (ex Jan) Sat - Diversitat Community Centre, 9-15 Clarence St, Geelong West. Mon - Belmont Library, High St, Belmont Ph: 0438578591 (Sec); PO Box 342, Belmont 3216
tasmania Derwent Valley PS: Mtg 4th Mon Devonport Junior SC: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon Devonport SC: 4th Fri, except Dec. 3rd Fri. 7.30pm, Oldaker Christian Centre, Oldaker St, Devonport, 03 6424 3449 devstampclub.org Devonport Stamp Group: Mtg 4th Fri, Public Library Mtg Rms, 7.30pm Ph. 03 6424 3449 Glenorchy SC: Mtg 1st Tues
74 - Stamp News
1.30pm - 4pm. PO Box 2261,Mt Gambier.Ph: 08 8724 9474 Para Hills PS: Mtg 1st Sun; Community Hall Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills. PO Box 64, Para Hills; Ph: 08 8522 4345 Phillumeny SC: U3/26-28 Crozier Av, Modbury 5092. Ph: 08 8337 6533 Email: www.users.or.net/ figg/amccs Port Pirie PS: Mtg 4th Mon; PO Box532, Pt Pirie 5540; Ph: 08 8632 1105 Printed Collectables Club (SAPC): Mtg last Tues, Julia Farr Cent. Canteen, Ground Floor, Fisher St. Ph: 08 8265 7395; PO Box 657, Enfield Plaza 5085 PS of South Australia:1st & 3rdTues; 22 Gray Ct. GPO Box 9800, Adelaide 5001; Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Aust. (Aus. Com. Spect.Grp.): Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm;22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Daytime SC):Mtg 1st & 3rd Thurs; 22 Gray Ct.Ph: 08 8555 3311 PS of South Australia (Study Group):Mtg 4th Tues 7.30pm; 22 Gray Ct. Ph: 08 8522 4345 Postal Stat & Postal Hist Soc: Mtg 2nd Tues; SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Ct, Adelaide. email: psandph@arcom.com.au; Ph: 08 8260 3352 Riverland PS: Mtg 3rd Fri, 10am ;Whitmore Hall, Barmera Village; Ph: 08 8595 3023 SA Junior Stamp Club: Mtg 2nd Sun 1pm - 3pm;Anyone over 5years, parents welcome. 22 Grey St, Adelaide. 08 8250 0484 Salisbury PS: Mtg 1st & 3rd Mon;StJohns Church Hall. PO Box 336 Salisbury 5108; Ph: 08 8252 2392 Stirling PS: Mtg 4th Fri 7.45pm, Old Railway Station (now Community Services Bldng.); Ph: 08 8370 2680 Strathalbyn PS: Mtg 2nd Mon, 8pm; Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church Complex Corner, Commercial Rd/North Pde; C/- Post Office, Strathalbyn 5255; Ph: 0429 693 747 Ukrainian Collectibles Club: Mtg Wed as per syllabus; PO Box 466, Woodville 5011; Ph: 08 8345 4033 Yorke Peninsula Collectors Club: Senior Citizens Club. Taylor St, Kardina. Mtg 3rd Wed ex. Jan; PO Box 178, Bute 5560; Ph: 08 8821 2906 Club Information: Victorian Philatelic Council, GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Vic, 3001 Hamilton PS: Mtg 2nd Monday 7.30 pm ex. Jan. Guide Hall, Foster St. 0407 659664 Hungarian PS: Mtg 2nd Wed Latrobe Valley PS: Mtg Last Wed ex Dec 7.30pm, St Lukes Uniting Church Hall, Princes Way, Morwell; Chris Zarb, Sec. ph. 03 5174 3394 Maryborough Stamp Club:Mtg mthly ex Jan 2nd Tues of month 8pm, St Augustine’s Hall, Maryborough. PO Box 295, Maryborough, 3465; Ph: 03 5464 2400. maryboroughsc@eudoramail.com. maryboroughsc.web1000.com Mildura PS: Mtg Last Thurs (ex Dec)Carnegie Building 74 Deakin Ave Ph: 03 5023 8789 Mooroolbark PS: Mtg 1st Tues; Ph: 03 9723 3304 Oakleigh PS: Mtg 2nd Wed 7.30pm (ex Jan) Oakleigh Public Library, Drummond St, Oakleigh Ocean Grove SC: Mtg 4th Wed. 10am. Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Clubrooms Melways: 234 A. Ph. 03 5255 1372 Peninsula SC: Mtg 3rd Wed, 7.30pm Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Rd, Rosebud. Ph: 03 5975 0574 Polish PS: Mtg 3rd Tues (2nd in Dec) Prahran PS: Mtg 1st Wed (ex Jan) Ringwood PS: Gen Mtg 1st Thurs; Daytime 3rd Mon Ph: 03 9725 0514 email hanszomer@bigpond.com Royal PS of Victoria:Mtg 3rd & 5th Thurs; Daytime 1st Tues Sale SC: Mtg 1st Mon (ex Jan) Shepparton PS: Mtg 2nd Tues, Mechanics Institute, Shepparton. Ph. 0419 560 813 Sherbrooke PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs ex Jan Upwey Fire Brigade Hall, 8pm; Bob Cook Ph: 03 9758 3465 Upper Yarra SC: Mtg 3rd Tues St Arnaud SC: Mtg 3rd Mon (excl. Jan & Dec) 03 54951371 Warragul PS: Mtg 2nd Fri Warrnambool PS: Mtg 3rd Wed 7.45pm St Joseph’s Primary School, Botanic Road;Ph: 03 5561 1470 Waverley PS: Mtg 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley; Daytime mtg the following Friday, 9.30am, Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St, Mt Waverley. Ph. 03 9898 4102 Obtain Tasmanian clubs information from: Tasmanian Stamp Council, GPO Box 9800, Hobart, TAS, 7001. Ph: 03 6278 7084 Hobart Junior Group: Mtg 1st Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Kingston Junior Group: Mtg 2nd Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Launceston PS: 1st Thurs. & 3rd Sat. ex. Jan. 6.30 pm, Max Fry Hall,TrevallynLauncestonTel: 03 6331 2580 (A/H) Mersey-Leven PS: Contact: 03 6425 3603 Rosny Junior Group: Mtg Last Sat; Ph: 03 6278 2224 Tasmanian PS: Mtg Last Monday (ex. Dec); www.tps.org.au, Legacy House, 159 Macquarie St Hobart
Trouble getting Stamp News? Not a subscriber yet? See our handy form towards the back of this issue, you can also order your subscription through your favourite stamp dealer. The following Stamp Shops do keep Stamp News, though mostly for regular purchasers, so you may need to ask the dealer to order in an additional copy for you. ( dealers who have a standing order for a minimum of 3 copies monthly get a free listing here, ask for details) New South Wales Gabriele’s Philatelic Service, Gabriele Woodbine, Suite 11/17 Gerrale Street, Cronulla, Ph: (02) 9544 3333 Fax: (02) 9247 8333 e-mail: gabriele@gabrieles.com.au Web: http://www.gabrieles.com.au Tasmania The Stamp Place, Trafalgar on Collins, Shop 3, 110 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000, Ph: (03) 6224 3536 Fax: (03)6224-3536 e-mail: info@thestampplace.com Web: http://www.tazitiger.com Victoria Max Stern & Company, 271 Collins St, Shop 8B, Melbourne VIC 3001, Ph: (03) 9654 6751 Fax: (03) 9650 7192 e-mail: maxstern@netspace.net.au Web: http://maxstern.customer.netspace.net.au
Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158 Tel: 0425 795 693 email kmorgan2@ live.com Shields Stamps & Coins, 52 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic 3084 Ph. 03 9459 5953 21st Century Auctions Suite 1, 1174 Burwood Hwy, Upper Ferntree Gully, Vic. 3156 tel. 0425 795 693 Western Australia Cygnet Stamps, 9 Grevillea Way, Heathridge, WA 6027 Ph: 08 9402 9261 There are also about 4950 newsagencies in Australia, and most of the major stores carry a number of copies, alternatively you can arrange with your local newsagent to put one by for you each month. A couple of examples from our stocks -
We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as $1 upwards. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.
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GLEN STEPHENS RARE STAMPS 4 The Tor Walk Castlecrag, Sydney, NSW, 2068, Australia. Australia’s most visited stamp dealer website:
Published quarterly by the ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND (INCORPORATED) PO Box 33435, Petone, Lower Hutt, 5046, NZ Annual subscription (posted) NZ$60.00 (airmail extra)
Uniting Church Hall, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud. Visitors most welcome. Secretary: PO Box 14, McCRAE, 3938
at 7.30pm. Venue: Neighbourhood Centre, 10 Toolooa St, Gladstone. Postal: PO Box 1089, Gladstone, Qld, 4680. Ph: (07) 4978 1155.
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Email - glen@glenstephens.com email me now to get on my regular lists FREE! Life Member ASDA (New York) PTS (London) ANDA (Australia) etc. Full time dealer for 25 years.
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Subscription correspondence and advertising enquiries should be addressed to the Business Manager, PO Box 33435, Petone, Lower Hutt, 5046, NZ
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Join the exciting Products & Services Directory! Single: 46mm x 24mm Double: 46mm x 50mm Triple: 46mm x 78mm Quad: 46mm x 102mm Larger spaces
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Ph: 0425 795 693 Fax: 03 9758 7506 email: kevinmorgan2@live.com
1000s of nett priced bargains and offers and specials. Philatelic journalist. ALL credit cards and methods of payments accepted - I even accept mint stamps in payment! Phone (02) 9958 1333. One of Australia;s biggest stamp buyers - see my buying page.
AUSTRALIAN PS meets 3 rd Monday monthly. RSL Homes, 152 Canterbury Rd (cnr Keats St) Canterbury. All visitors most welcome. Contact: 51 Camperdown St, Brighton East, VIC, 3187. www.aps.org.au
Cricket Philatelic Society
The IPDA Inc Internet Philatelic Dealers Association
dealers & part time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them as accredited internet sellers. Join the IPDA. Go to www.ipdaonline.org for details.
Meets 8.00pm 2nd and 4th Tuesday and 10.30am 3rd Tuesday each month. 80 Gardenvale Road, Gardenvale, Vic, 3185. Visitors/new members welcome. www.brightonps.org.au
Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Postage wanted: Up to 39c pay 35% 40c to 98c pay 40% $1 and above pay 60% Regret no longer require other countries unless in substantial quantities. Tel: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com Web: www.kevinmorgan.com.au
Always buying/selling collections, accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc. Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID.
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Great Britain 1839-1951
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The Old Post Office, Davis Way, Hurst, Berkshire,RG10 0TR, UK
societies & publications MONTHLY BUY OR BID SALES
PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANBERRA Inc. The society has a regular program of
See ad elsewhere in meetings, with displays, exchanges and discussion nights, and welcomes this magazine visitors to Canberra. It has a flourishwww.21stCenturyAuctions. ing exchange branch, which circulates com.au to small stamp clubs in the south Tel: 0425 795 693 region, as well as in the Canberra email:kevinmorgan2@live.com area. It publishes, quarterly, a news-
Features: Major Collectables Shows around Australia; discounted advertising in major collectables journals and yellow pages; regular newsletter; special discounts on accessories/albums etc.; free 6 month subscription to Stamp News; website, with free advertising for members
Join today, membership is free! No fees for the first 12 months, open to all traders in collectables, full or P/T. c/- PO Box 1290 Upwey, Vic. 3158
letter and a research journal ‘Capital Philately’. Enquiries about membership or about separate subscriptions to the journal should be directed to: Secretary: Tony Luckhurst Ph: 02 6241 1963 e-mail: tony_luckhurst@ bigpound.com
Australia $35, Br. Commonwealth £14 Sterling, United States & Canada $US28 per year. No Zealand and Pacific Islands should be without asubscription to this
AMERICAN TOPICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8, Carterville, IL 62918-0008, USA PH: 1-618-985-5100 Fax: 1-618-085-5131 Visa and Mastercard welcome
www.gabrieles.com.au Hundreds of new items added to our site each month. Add your email address to our “early bird” notice list, so when new material is added to the site, you get first choice! We also post out a printed copy of our monthly offers, for those who do not use the internet, this service is also free. Our printed, 36 paged price list is also available, just phone write or email today for a free copy today. gabriele@gabrieles.com.au
www.premierpostal.com PPA holds it’s auctions on the 3rd Sunday of the Month with around 4000 lots per auction. Our auctions include stamps, postal history, postal stationary, postmarks,postcards etc from around the world. We also provide a searchable Post Office reference database for Australia and several other counties. david@premierpostal.com
The leading specialist dealers in Australasian stamps and the largest private dealer (non Auction) company in Australia. info@richardjuzwin.com.au
www.rap.com.au The website for Australia, Australian Territories, commercial and philatelic covers, and informative articles on the subjects. rap@rap.com.au
serious collector of Australia and its States, New
Three Year Indexes - $A10 each
Write today Airmail to :
Largest and most visited Stamp Dealer website in the Southern Hemisphere. 250 different pages of stamp bargains and archives! $4,000 prize always on offer. glen@glenstephens.com
a quarterly record of Research & information
96-page TOPICAL TIME stamp journal containing articles and checklists, printed on slick coated paper, profusely illustrated. Membership Directory (150 pages) of 8,000 members listed under 700 topics and specialties, plus services. Biography service for 13,000 persons shown on stamps. Membership Information Board to answer your questions. Translation service. Handbooks of many topics. Much more...
International Award Winning Journal.
Many Benefits:
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Most back issues on hand. Write to: Business Manager PO Box 642, Toorak, VIC, 3142
AUCTIONS 17 Brisbane St, Sydney 12:30pm Saturdays Second Saturday in March, July and November.
Viewing on preceding Saturday, Thursday and Friday illustrated catalogues posted free within Australia ($15 per annum posted overseas) Lots for sale welcome PO box 220 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Phone: (02) 9264 8301 or
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www.Stamps-Europe.com New stamp store devoted to Chinese stamps. Stock available with photo and Scott catalogue numbers for easy reference. There are thousands of stamps with the lowest prices you can find on the Internet. Complete stock from 1953 up to 1980, all stamps in perfect Mint Never Hinged condition. mail@stamps-china.com
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KENNEDY STAMPS P/L___www.kennedystamps.com.au stamps@kennedystamps.com.au PACIFIC STAMPS__________www.pacificstamps.com.au info@pacificstamps.com.au
()2) 9264 8406 Fax: (02) 9267 4741
Stamp News - 77
Stamp News Australasia Advertising Rates & Data Commencing January 2019 Publication details Stamp News Australasia is published by Kevin Morgan, ABN 61 577 987 652, at monthly intervals, twelve times per year. Publication date is the 1st day of each month.
Advertising deadlines 1st day of month prior to month of publication (eg the June edition advertising deadline is 1st MAY)
RATES - casual (all rates include GST) All Prices now include 4 Colour Separation Full page
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Advertising Contact Details Kevin Morgan Ph 0425 795 693 Stamp News, PO Box 1290, Upwey, Vic 3158. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advertisers are hereby notified of the following conditions to which they signify their acceptance in submitting any advertisement: * Although oral instructions may be acted upon, no liability will be accepted for advertising instructions, alterations or cancellations made orally, they must be in writing. * No liability will be accepted for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement or insert or any part of an advertisement or insert to appear in any specified issue, or for any error in an advertisement or insert. * Positions selected for advertisement are entirely at the discretion of the Publisher, except where otherwise arranged (see “Preferred Position�). * The matter, content and style of any advertisement is subject to approval of the Publisher. Advertisements held by the Publisher to be unlawful or undesirable in any way will be declined. * The Publisher reserves the right to suspend, refuse or withdraw any advertisement or order at its discretion at any time without notice. The Advertiser, in submitting an advertisement and/or material, is deemed to have agreed that no liability for claims, damages or compensation in respect thereof will be held against the Publisher. * TRADE PRACTICES: Advertisements submitted must be in strict accordance with the applicable State and Federal consumer and advertising laws in force from time to time. * INDEMNITY: In submitting any advertisement or insert, the Advertiser agrees that if any material, statement, information or matter contained in any such advertisement or insert is in breach of any statute, regulation or law (whether Federal, State or Territorial, directly, by inference or otherwise) and the Publisher publishes the advertisement or insert in good faith with no reason to be aware of such impediment and consequently suffers any penalty by reason of or arising from the publication of such material, then the Advertiser indemnifies the Publisher against the amount of any such penalty and shall pay the amount thereof and any consequential and reasonable legal costs incurred by the Publisher.
Contributor & Advertiser Deadlines November 2019 Issue 1 October 2019 December 2019 Issue 1 November 2019 We reserve the right to repeat advertising from a previous issue if material is not received in time. Email submission: stampnewsaus@gmail.com
Come and visit us at Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria We have excellent stocks of Australia & Territories plus Postal History, Great Britain, Commonwealth and some Worldwide. Also many collections and mixtures both on and off paper. Give us a call and let us know what interests you. We are usually open daily 9.30 to 4.30 M -F, but please call first to make sure we are here. We also buy collections, accumulations, postage lots and coins. You can also browse our website at
or find us on eBay. Our store name is 21st-centuryauctions We take Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Paypal We are situated right opposite Upper Ferntree Gully Station on the Belgrave line at Suite 1, 1174 Burwood Highway. (Callers by appointment please) Tel: 0425 795 693 email: kevinmorgan2@live.com
Not just Australian Varieties & Postmarks
While Premier has significant strength and expertise in these areas we also offer an extensive range of world-wide philatelic material including postcards, stamps and an extensive range of postal history with strong selections of military and air mails. Postal Stationery, Cinderellas and Revenues are also offered. Auctions held about every 2 months. Each auction contains 4000-4500 lots of world-wide stamps, postal history, postal stationery, postmarks & postcards. Estimates from less than $5 to $1,000s. When you visit our website don’t forget to browse through the 25,000+ retail items that we have listed. To find out more visit our Website
www.premierpostal.com Or contact us at:
Email: david@premierpostal.com Phone: (03) 9038 8136 Fax: (03) 8677 2858 PO Box 458, Canterbury, Vic 3126 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Vic 3127
Stamp News is now available online To see how a back issue looks for FREE go to our website at www.stampnews.net.au Stamp News Australasia Magazine The cost is just AUD$4.95 for a single issue or a discounted AUD$39.95 for a 12 month subscription. This represents a huge saving over the Newsagency price of $8.95 for a single issue and $99.50 for a 12 month mailed subscription. To purchase or subscribe go here:
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Gift options for new subscribers In 2018 we are making these new subscription offers to make your subscription even more affordable: For each 12 months of your new subscription you may choose 1 of the following: 1) 2 recent Australia PNC covers, our choice retail value $45…or ask for a list of those available. 2) Approx 1250 Australian Stamps, unsorted, off paper, retail value $30 3) 110mm Illuminated Magnifier on stand, RRP $35 4) Approx 1250 World Stamps, unsorted off paper, retail value $30 5) 30 Eureka stocksheets, made in Australia on a Hagner machine, our choice of strip sizes, retail value $37.50 6) Australian Comprehensive Catalogue, 3 volumes complete, latest edition, RRP $99 7) A mixed selection of Prinz black or clear mounts (state which) retail value $45 8) A pair of European Made stainless steel 150mm pointed tweezers, in safety wallet, plus a perforation gauge RRP $20.00 9) Approx 1250 British Commonwealth stamps unsorted off paper, retail value $30 10) 500 Different Australian stamps, retail value $25 For a lifetime subscription you will receive all 10 gifts. In the event of your chosen gifts being unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute. Please circle the gifts required and return with your completed subscription form on the facing page together with and payment to: Stamp News Subscriptions, PO Box 1290, Upwey Vic. 3158 Australia. Email and telephone subscriptions always welcome. Gifts are for NEW hard copy subscribers only.
Subscribe and Save up to $1.80 per copy over newsagency prices* *5yr subscription CHOOSE FROM OUR STAMP NEWS SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS!
This months free gift for subscribers: A complete thematic set or mini-sheet (may differ from those illustrated)
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SUBSCRIPTION FORM - ABN 61 577 987 652 Stamp News, PO Box 1290 Upwey, VIC, 3158, Australia Ph: 0425 795 693 Email: kevinmorgan2@live.com
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List of Display Advertisers 21st Century Auctions.........35, 79 Abacus Auctions. .......................83 ACTS.........................................71 Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show.......79 Burstamp...................................75 Coin & Banknote Magazine.........69
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Collecting Canada?
Glen Stephens........................5, 24
You will find a tremendous variety of singles, sets, covers, errors, varieties, collections, and stocks in our sales every 7 weeks.
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A70_basecat.qxd 15-May-19 6:05 PM Page 1
Day 1 Highlights in our November Auction
Lot 1154 BN 538
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd · Auction Rooms: 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria. Australia. Postal Address: PO Box 458 Canterbury, Victoria. 3126. Australia. · ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 · F: +61 3 8677 2858 · E: phoenix@phoenixauctions.com.au