move confidently into your future
energy community innovation opportunity connection engagement faith
a foundation for learning Thank you for your interest in St Andrew’s Anglican College, situated on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland, just south of Noosa. St Andrew’s is a dynamic and vibrant College that has developed a reputation for its commitment to the educational needs of each individual student. Established in 2003, St Andrew’s has grown to cater for 0 - 5 year olds in Little Saints, our Early Learning Centre, through Prep to Year 12 with over 1280 students now enrolled. Our Strategic Intent is to leverage the College’s positive energy and supportive community to enable our students to move confidently into their futures. In order to achieve this, we focus on a balance of high expectations and positive relationships. To ensure that all students are able to reach their personal best, we take care to appoint excellent staff who bring an extensive blend of experience, passion and interests to St Andrew’s.
Being the Principal of St Andrew’s Anglican College is an amazing and rewarding job: because of our College Community! It’s a delight to welcome our students each morning, to interact with staff as we share ideas about the future of our College and collaborate with parents to ensure a consistent approach to all we undertake. As Principal and a parent of four St Andrew’s students since 2007, I am thrilled to play my part, along with the team of staff, in ensuring the realisation of the vision and aspirations of the whole College community. This Prospectus will allow you to experience our everyday as it happens. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or our Enrolments Officer via the College Office. There is also more information available on our website at I encourage you to come and visit our College and begin to experience the St Andrew’s difference.
Reverend Chris Ivey PRINCIPAL
energetic staff Our staff are selected to bring enthusiasm, rigour, experience and respect to the College, which for them is more than just a workplace. You will see staff going above and beyond everyday, whether it be helping a student with a difficult problem or cheering their heart out at a House event. The learning process is individualised to help students reach the highest level of personal achievement. We strive to provide a supportive, inspiring and positive environment that encourages spiritual growth. At St Andrew’s there is a strong emphasis on establishing a campus that reflects Christian values, healthy lifestyle choices, awareness of environmental issues and a desire to be a contributing member of the wider community. Students actively follow the way our staff embrace ongoing learning, discovering along the way the importance of learning for life.
8:33am providing care and positivity Positive Education is a core part of our culture here at St Andrew’s. Under the leadership of our Director of Positive Education, St Andrew’s is now a leading school in the region, having invested time and resources in ensuring every member of staff has been trained in Positive Psychology. We embed these practices within the curriculum and across our community. Positive Education brings together the science of Positive Psychology with best practice teaching to encourage and support individuals, schools and communities to flourish. We refer to flourishing as a combination of ‘feeling good and doing good’, supporting ourselves and others by building on character strengths. Our Positive Education Model can be thought of as a road map of what people want for themselves and their children: good health, frequent positive emotions, resilience, supportive relationships, a sense of purpose and meaning, the accomplishment of worthwhile goals, and moments of complete immersion and absorption.
At the heart of all things, we focus on the belief in a God of relationships. Our Christian Ministry aims to provide a quality Christian Education Program from Prep - Year 12, opportunities for students to develop their faith and meaningful worship amongst the College community. St Andrew’s supports and monitors student development through a strong Pastoral Care program led by experienced staff in each sub-school. There are Deans of Students for both Middle and Senior Years, who assist with pastoral care along with monitoring student workload and progress. Each student is placed in one of four House groups, where they will remain throughout their schooling. This structure plays an integral role in developing a sense of belonging, and students from the same family belong to the same House. In the Secondary school, students are part of a vertical House system where the Head of House is a key person in their care and wellbeing. Each small home group includes students from all year levels, touching base with their home teacher and group each day.
happy in primary In our Primary School, students in Prep to Year 6 are carefully nurtured by caring, dedicated and professional staff. Many sporting, outdoor and cultural opportunities are available, helping to develop self-esteem and social interactions and ensuring a holistic education. A solid foundation in literacy and numeracy is the central goal of our Walker Learning-based Primary Curriculum. Student progress is carefully monitored and students are identified within the class who would benefit from extension work or learning support. Dedicated Educational Support Officers (ESOs) are employed in each year level to assist the teaching staff and students in enhancing their educational outcomes. Prep students learn in a separate purpose-built facility with their own playground, allowing them to grow and feel confident in the school environment while accessing specialist teachers throughout the College campus. Each Prep class has a qualified Early Learning teacher as well as a fulltime ESO. All students from Prep to Year 6 take part in specialist lessons in facilities throughout the College campus. These include Chinese, Art, Music, Health and Physical Education, Christian Education and Library studies. Primary students also participate in STEM-focused activities, Robotics and Coding.
iPads are used extensively in all year levels to develop ICT skills, and individual laptops are introduced for students in Year 5. An exceptional Outdoor Education Program is also offered throughout the Primary School with excursions and camps. Students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone, but are nurtured to grow and develop real-world skills along the way. Our unique Year 6 program offers the benefits of belonging to a set class, while rotating between English, Mathematics, Humanities and Science classes with a team of specialist Year 6 teachers. This assists with the transition into the Secondary School. Year 6 students have the opportunity to further develop awareness outside the classroom with trips offered to China, Longreach and Canberra. St Andrew’s Primary School students are supported and challenged in a fun, holistic learning environment.
‘A solid foundation in literacy and numeracy is the central goal of our Walker Learning-based Primary Curriculum.’
9:20am encouraging thought with walker learning
The Walker Learning Approach is an Australiandesigned teaching and learning framework that personalises learning, researched and developed for over 20 years. The approach places the child at the centre of their learning, encouraging them to be problem solvers, deep thinkers and creative learners. There is explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy and knowledge along with development of social, emotional and life skills. It also facilitates the development of a rich vocabulary as children discuss, question, hypothesise and negotiate their learning. The key elements of Walker Learning in the early years are: •
Child-centred classrooms using visually stimulating and natural resources • Tuning in and reflection • Investigations - 40 minutes four mornings a week • Children’s interests linked to Learning Intentions • Focus children - Reporter, Photographer • Common language across all year levels • Scaffolded links to explicit teaching in Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Humanities The key elements of Walker Learning in Years 3 - 6 include: • Education Research Project (ERP) • The specific set up of child-focused learning environments • Communication Board • Common language across all year levels • Class meetings • Affirmations • Clinic Instruction Groups for deeper learning Primary students at St Andrew’s have every opportunity to become excellent independent learners, team players, responsible citizens and the next generation of leaders.
“I think it’s fairly unusual to find a ten-year-old who is producing, independently of adult direct instruction, her own QR codes, websites, utilising Survey Monkey and creating a 16-slide informative and detailed presentation. She is clearly totally immersed in what she is doing, and through following an interest that has clear learning intentions, she is flourishing through an opportunity to be self-directed and in control of her own learning” - Year 5 parent
Our buildings are designed to reflect the stunning coastal environment in which they are situated. The new, state-of-the-art Learning Hub facility connects the Primary and Secondary areas at the College. It incorporates contemporary libraries, multiple collaborative teaching spaces, several student lounges and an expansive outdoor learning area.
innovative space to be inspired
Students enjoy outstanding facilities for Design Technology, Graphics, Visual Art, Hospitality along with five Science labs utilising advanced technology. Drama and Performing Arts students experience a professional studio, while the Music Department houses many soundproof studios and dedicated classrooms for bands, orchestra and choirs. Sporting facilities include international-sized tennis courts, a multi-purpose indoor centre, Primary and Secondary Playing Fields. An Aquatic Centre with an Olympic-sized swimming pool and learn-to-swim facility is set to be completed during 2018.
real world thinking in the middle years Years 7 and 8
Year 9
Secondary schooling at St Andrew’s is the beginning of a journey filled with fun experiences, strong connections and challenging opportunities to thrive inside and outside the College. We value our strong relationships with students and their families, building a productive bond between school and home.
In Year 9 students are busy finding out where they fit into the world and how they can affect the world in which they live. Research shows that Year 9 is a pivotal year for the future success of students, a time where many can potentially become disengaged and question the value of formal education. St Andrew’s has purposefully implemented the Year 9 Connections Program, refining it over a number of years. It aims to make Year 9 an exciting year, motivating students and involving them in activities that promote engagement while also connecting them to a world in which they belong. Weekly Connected Learning Time (CLT) underpins the program, providing the opportunity for students to identify their own learning goals, resulting in higher engagement, teamwork and responsibility.
A welcoming transition program offers a number of opportunities for future Year 7 students to familiarise themselves with our Secondary campus and community. This involves being assigned a buddy and culminates with Welcome Day for Year 7 (held on the day before school starts) and Transition Camp (held in Week 2). Year 7 and 8 students have the opportunity to experience a range of subjects with specialist teachers including Music, Drama, Visual Art, Sport, Chinese, Spanish, Christian Education, Food Technology, Design Technology, Future Problem Solving, Coding/Robotics, STEM, Creative Thinking and Future Problem Solving. Positive education and wellbeing, forming part of our Pastoral Care Program, is taught in single-gender groups and encourages students in a relaxed environment to better understand how to lead themselves and others.
Our Teaching and Learning framework aims to equip students with all the skills needed to prepare for the changing workforce. Literacy and Numeracy continue to be a foundational part of Secondary Schooling, expanding into critical thinking, digital literacy, real world problem solving, creativity and innovation, team work and independence. All students experience Project Based Learning in the Middle years, placing students at the heart of innovative thinking and providing the opportunity to analyse or redesign scenarios with an open-ended approach. Learning becomes challenging, exciting and aims to impact in real world situations.
Each term, the students have a week-long offcampus trip, rotating between ‘Melbourne Bound’, ‘Brisbane Bound’ and the Stradbroke Experience. This culminates with a community expo where students show the wider community what they discovered on their learning journey. Year 9 students also complete a Global Citizenship Project. In collaborative groups they examine how social media has made a global impact, develop a campaign to promote a cause and focus on their own global footprint.
exploring diversity in Melbourne
moving forward in the senior years Life-long success comes not just from excellent academic results but from having a grounding and knowledge of how we affect the world. At St Andrew’s we provide a holistic educational experience that encourages students to seize opportunities and accept challenges that will help them to grow into adulthood.
Year 10
Year 10 students have the opportunity to start refining the subjects that they may be interested in for Years 11 and 12. There are over 30 possible subjects that a student can sample in semester-long courses. Building on the outdoor education experiences in the Middle Years where students are part of a developmental camp program, Year 10 continue to explore the outdoors. Students can choose from scuba diving in the Whitsundays, mountain biking in the Noosa North Shore National Park, hiking Fraser Island and kayaking from island to island in Moreton Bay.
Year 11 and 12 The Senior years at St Andrew’s enable students to move confidently into their futures. Students are guided in their subject choices by our Head of Tertiary and Career Opportunities. Each student starts Year 11 with either 6 QCAA authority subjects or, a diploma and/or certificate subject with the balance of authority subjects. Students may also choose a school-based traineeship that often leads to apprenticeship placements. Year 11 students participate in a number of leadership activities throughout the year including a Leadership Camp and an ongoing mentorship program with the Heads of House. Students have the opportunity to apply for a number of formal leadership positions including College Captain, House Prefect, College Prefect, Sport Captain and Arts and Music Leader. These positions run from July in Year 11 to June in Year 12. This enables the Year 12 students to focus on everything involved in their last semester of schooling. The efforts, success and contributions of the graduating class are celebrated at a Valedictory Dinner, House farewell and Year 12 Formal. The students are then farewelled by a guard of honour at a whole-College Leaving Service.
challenging and supporting St Andrew’s strives to ensure all students are given opportunities to grow, learn and achieve. We encourage an atmosphere of challenging students to aim for personal best in all that they do. Students’ academic studies are supported by the Director of Studies and Director of Student Learning. This ensures every student has the opportunity to access various forms of extension or support for their learning. This includes options such as classroom differentiation provided by the class teacher, tutorial sessions and Education Support Officers (ESOs) in all Primary year levels. Some students may access other provisions available through the specialist Learning Support Department, VET (Vocational Education & Training) and Extension & Enrichment. If students experience difficulties in their learning, the College can provide support appropriate to the circumstance and need. The Learning Support Department aims to assist with developing key skills, effectively engaging with the core curriculum and helping with assessment. The VET Department provides students with an alternative pathway to tertiary study or post-school vocational entry. St Andrew’s is a Registered Training Organisation, delivering nationally recognised qualifications using the Australian Qualifications Framework. We also partner with various other organisations to offer extensive VET options.
We value the importance of making extension and enrichment pursuits accessible to all students. The College employs both Primary and Secondary extension and enrichment teachers who offer programs including Tournament of Minds, Future Problem Solving, global collaboration projects, Robotics, Coding, Philosophy, the Da Vinci Decathlon, International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, a Mathematics Olympiad as well as excursions, camps and workshops suited to Extension and Enrichment students.
nurturing imagination The Arts at St Andrew’s provide a medium for exploration, social criticism and entertainment across both curricular and co-curricular contexts. Students develop creative talents and skills transferrable to artistic, social and work-related contexts in their lives.
The Arts staff at St Andrew’s are highly passionate and enthusiastic educators, who provide exciting and creatively engaging learning opportunities in and out of the classroom.
Engagement in Drama encourages students to explore the way humans think, feel and communicate; learning to understand others and themselves in the community and the greater world in which we live. Drama increases confidence, allowing the mind and body to explore through a physical and subjective approach.
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Visual Art at St Andrew’s provides a platform for expression, encouraging students to seek creative solutions to complex problems and work with different mediums to articulate their individual style. Students develop skills in drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, with each skill developmentally building through the year levels. Students discover how the process of making art communicates philosophies, viewpoints, situations, beliefs and emotions to a wide audience.
Co-curricular opportunities include: Secondary Musical Primary Musical Secondary Play Theatre excursions (Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney) Arts Gala Virtual Reality Art Competition Visual Arts Exhibition Artists in Residence Photography Competition Gallery excursions Primary Art Club
fostering creativity A quality music education nurtures and provokes ways of thinking that extend into everyday life. Music at St Andrew’s forms an integral part of College life. Our students will experience between nine and thirteen years of outstanding music education beginning in Prep. Music curriculum is developmentally sequenced and falls into three main dimensions - listening, composing and performing. Some year levels have a particular focus - Year 3 experiment with recorder, Year 6 learn ukulele and Year 7/8 build instrumental skills and explore emerging music technology. From Year 9 Music and Music Extension subjects are available as electives.
“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning� - Plato
The Music Immersion Program has been specially designed for Year 4 and 5 students. This allows students to experience learning a string or band instrument over two years. Instruments available within the Program include alto saxophone, baritone horn, bass clarinet, cello, double bass, euphonium, flute, clarinet, French horn, oboe, tenor saxophone, trombone, trumpet, viola, and violin. The Immersion Program is supported and developed through full-class vocal lessons with a specialist choral director. Thirteen specialist staff teach within the Program, assisting students with technique, posture and note reading. Students also receive lesson in theory each week to further develop musicianship.
discovering passion Making Music Together The College has an extensive and exceptional co-curricular music program available across the year levels. The three core elements of music development for students are: • • •
Private or group lessons Membership of one or more ensemble groups Performance at various school and community events
The following instruments are available for tuition: • Voice • Piano • Piccolo • Flute • Oboe • Clarinet • Bass Clarinet • Bassoon • Soprano Saxophone • Alto Saxophone • Tenor Saxophone • Baritone Saxophone • Trumpet
• Euphonium • Trombone • Tuba • Percussion (tuned and untuned) • Violin • Viola • Cello • Double Bass • Guitar • Bass Guitar • French Horn • Bagpipes • Baritone
The College provides a broad range of ensembles varied by the musical ability of students as they progress. Bands • Jazz Ensemble • Concert Band • Stage Band • Wind Ensemble • Symphonic Band • Jazz Orchestra Choral • Junior Singers • Primary Choirs • College Choir (Secondary) • Contemporary Vocal Ensemble Strings • Youth Strings Beginner • String Ensemble Beginner/Intermediate • String Orchestra Intermediate/Advanced • Chamber String Ensemble Advanced For more information please visit
fit active healthy joining in The philosophy of the St Andrew’s Sport Program gives all students the chance to enjoy a range of sports with a high standard of specialist coaching. Participation, excellent sportmanship and team spirit is highly valued, as is commitment to College teams. Pathways are available for students to represent the College and also at higher levels for the Sunshine Coast, Queensland and Australia. St Andrew’s has produced Commonwealth Games and Olympic medallists. Students participate in one lesson of HPE each week as well as a Sport afternoon. A focus of the program is to develop and encourage a lifelong interest in fitness and wellbeing. With over 250 Sports teams competing each year, there are many opportunities for students of all year levels to participate in a sport they enjoy. Students participate in local school carnivals and represent their College and District if selected. For more information please visit
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AFL Athletics Badminton Basketball Cricket Cross Country Equestrian Football Golf Gymnastics Hockey Netball Representative Sport Rowing Rugby Running Club Sailing Softball Surfing Swimming Tennis Touch Triathlon Volleyball Water Polo
9am sat
pushing beyond the limits
embracing our community St Andrew’s is not only a school, it’s a community. We recognise the educational value of a strong connection between home and school, and place a strong emphasis on the value of community. Parents are encouraged to become involved in the school life of their children. Friends of Music, Friends of Rugby and Friends of the Fair are just a few of the support groups that aim to foster parental and family involvement in the College. These groups contribute to the educational experiences of the students and raise funds to support school activities, resources and projects.
St Andrew’s also places great value in student involvement with the wider community. Service Learning is a teaching/ learning area that connects meaningful community service experiences with academic learning, personal growth and civic responsibility. Some Service Learning activities undertaken on a regular basis include visits to AVEO Country Club, weekly food preparation for a soup kitchen, participating in ANZAC Day services, surf lifesaving, Peregian Beach dune regeneration planting and the St Andrew’s Serves Program, involving weekly gardening and cleaning for the elderly and disabled in the community.
thailand service trip
experiencing the world Our students live in a globally oriented and highly connected world. There is now a diversity of language and culture, leading to a growing interdependence of people, communities and nations. At the same time, injustice prevails through the growing gap of inequality. We embrace educational outcomes to build cultural intelligence and contribute to the holistic development of our students. The elements of Global and Service Learning provide the framework to grow through the areas of service, partnership, overseas trips and post-school programs. Through these, students develop awareness, leadership, specific skills and relationships that will assist them to become global change agents in their chosen fields. Students are presented with an exceptional array of opportunities to advocate for justice, contribute to charity projects and engage in service learning in a local environment. Some of the international service and experiential learning opportunities throughout the year levels include trips to Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, New York, Japan, Vietnam, China, Spain, Bali and an Everest Base Camp trip.
The Beyond program connects students with opportunities after Year 12 including further travel and education. Whether it is volunteer work overseas, an internship or a GAP Year, the Beyond program provides graduates with a selection of opportunities that will enrich their lives and the lives of others.
come and see our everyday
Call Claire Azzopardi on (07) 5471 5555 to arrange a personalised tour. 40 Peregian Springs Drive Peregian Springs QLD 4573 CRICOS 02447G