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2015 Annual Report St Andrew’s Church Kowloon

Contents 04 08 10 14 22 26 30 36 38 42 50 52 56 58


Interim Vicar Ministry Staff Team Trustees 2020 Vision Executive Director Finance & Management Committee Buildings & Grounds Committee Chinese Ministry Evangelism & Mission Discipleship & Welcome Family Ministry Music & Creative Ministry Supporting Departments Shatin Anglican Church Resurrection Church Contact Us

From the Interim Vicar

From the Interim Vicar Rev. Dale R. Hanson “For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings? What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” (1 Corinthians 3:4–9 NIV11)

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Ministry Staff Team

From From the the Interim Vicar Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

St Andrew’s remains in a time of transition. This last year has seen unprecedented changes; our Vicar John Menear retired, we began to use our newly completed Life Centre and we await the appointment of John’s successor. There have been many other changes in staff personnel, including several members of our faithful care-taking, cleaning and security teams who do so much to ensure the smooth running of church life and yet are easily “taken for granted” - I want to express my appreciation to them here.

05 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

From the Interim Vicar

I also want to note other significant changes we have made and experienced among our clergy, pastoral staff and administrative team. Most recently, the Evers family returned to Australia and we pray for our family ministry team as they adjust to working without him. As things stand, we are two clergy fewer in the team than we have been accustomed to, recruitment of new clergy members will be a matter demanding the attention of our new Vicar so that the ministry here continues to thrive and grow. We have appointed a new Associate Minister to oversee our daughter church in Sai Kung following the retirement of Peter Hurricks (see Resurrection Church report) which is an encouraging development. This year saw Ida Ho move on from our pastoral team and Jonty Perrett concluded his time with the Ministry Associate Programme after an outstanding term of service on our behalf.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

06 Left to Right: Evers Family, Peter Hurricks, Jonty Perrett, Ida Ho

From From the the Interim Vicar Interim Vicar

TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Right to Left: Juliana Wong, Suey Yuen, Kit Li, Nancy Chong

Buildings & Grounds Committee

My initial quote from 1 Corinthians chapter 3 calls us to look beyond the changing human personnel of ministry to God’s power and work among us. Paul sees the Corinthians’ concern for “who did what for whom” as a sign of their immaturity. Mature Christians appreciate that God is the only source of growth and that as a church we belong to Him and Him alone, we are God’s field, God’s We continue to look to God’s faithful building. provision that has brought us thus far, to keep us in the future. We face

2020 Vision

the challenge of recruiting new team members and as we continue to enjoy the Life Centre let’s not forget the significant loan repayments we need to fulfil this year.

Ministry Staff Team

This year saw significant development of our Administration Team with the appointment of Michael Chan as Administration Manager. His role, in time, should enable us to increase the efficiency of the way we steward all our resources and increase our capacity to serve the Kingdom. It is worth noting some points of stability in our changing landscape; Juliana Wong is approaching the 30th anniversary of her appointment to work at St Andrew’s, Kit Li celebrated her 20th anniversary with us, while Suey Yuen and Nancy Chong both mark 10 years with St Andrew’s!

07 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Ministry Staff Team

Ministry Staff Team

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Rev Dale Hanson Interim Vicar

Mrs Carol Strydom Director of Children’s Ministry

Rev Alex McCoy Associate Minister

Ms Zara Villalba Pastoral Worker, (Children’s Ministry)

Rev Sok Han Yong Associate Minister

Mrs Lisa Card Pastoral Worker, (Family Ministry)

Mrs Juliana Wong 2020 Vision Executive Director

Mrs Diana Barnett Pastoral Worker, (Discipleship)

Ms Shirley Cheng Director of Mission

Ms Chriserbe Tang Pastoral worker, (Chinese Ministry)

Ms Emma Ash Director of Youth Ministry

Mrs Carrie Au-Yeang Ministry Associate

Finance & Management Committee Chinese Ministry Discipleship & Welcome Music & Creative Ministry Shatin Anglican Church

Ms Yuki Chan Administrator


Mr Jimmy Kong Multi-media Staff Worker

From the Interim Vicar

Ms Suey Yuen Senior Administrator

Resurrection Church

Mr Keith Chan Multi-media Staff Worker

Supporting Departments

Ms Nancy Chong Senior Administrator

Family Ministry

Mr Joseph Ng Graphic Designer

Evangelism & Mission

Ms Kit Li Assistant Manager, (Administration)

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Mr Donald Wong Communications Officer

2020 Vision

Mr Michael Chan Administration Manager

Ministry Ministry Staff Staff Team

Ms June Lee Associate Director of Music and Creative Ministry

Caretaking and Security Team Tommy Ng, Property Supervisor Danny Fung May Ng Stephen Li

Raymond Chueng Leung Fai Hung Zhen Xiong Liang Lau Kwok Keung

09 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

The Trustees

The Trustees David Chui and Ronny To

Once again, as in previous years, we really could not have envisaged how this year would pass except to thank our heavenly Father for His grace and mercy for such rich blessings upon St Andrews.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


We celebrate many blessings in 2015. The completion of The St. Andrew’s Life Center is a major highlight and indeed a great testimony of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. The idea of developing the church site came way back in 2008 and it is such an emotional experience to see it becoming a reality when the Life Center officially opened in June 2015. This Development Project is a leap of faith for all of us for we have never embarked on any development with such magnitude

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Above: Nelson Chen (architect) , Ching Lee (main contractor), John Menear, Juliana Wong

Buildings & Grounds Committee

in Hong Kong. The real ministry work has just begun and there is so much to look forward to and so much to do on this building to achieve the goal of equipping all of us. It is our prayer and hope that all of us will grow into maturity through this process to becoming more like Christ.

2020 Vision

From the bottom of our hearts we are grateful to all church members for your support in prayer, giving of money, and time. This incredible journey of faith would not be possible if you have not given us your generous support and encouragement. Although our payment obligation for the Life Center is not completely discharged, however, we have every confidence in God’s provision to complete the remaining payment and also be able to repay the outstanding loans in due course. The whole church has been drawn closer together in unity and in our vision to witness and serve the Lord

Ministry Staff Team

before. Without God’s leading, we couldn’t have come this far and this has truly been an amazing experience for St Andrews. We thank our previous vicar, John Menear, for his leadership and encouragement to make this building project a huge success. Our 2020 Vision Executive Director, Juliana Wong, who did an amazing job in managing the project and holding all the different parts and parties together. We would also like to thank our architect Nelson Chen, Ching Lee the main contractor, all the consultants and church staff for working tirelessly to make this project a reality.


St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

The Trustees

This year was also a year of change and certainly from a staffing viewpoint God continues to test and shape us. After 10 years of service at St Andrews, John decided to retire and settle back in Sydney to be near his family. We thank John (& Janelle) for their love and care to pastor us and we are grateful for their fellowship and friendship in our church life. John’s departure has left a big gap to fill and it will take time to find a suitable replacement. At the same time, we are thankful for Dale (& Pat) who is our Interim Vicar in holding the fort during the interregnum. We

are especially grateful and thankful to the staff team’s commitment and hard work over this period. The Patronage Board chaired by Archbishop Paul was set up to search for the next vicar in June. Although the process has taken a while, we believe seeking God’s will in His timing is important. So, as we continue to seek God’s deliberation to lead us, we pray and hope that an appointment can be announced soon.

In terms of change, we also had Dan Evers left after 6 years with us. We thank Dan & Skye (& their four children) for their contribution in our community, especially in the Family Ministry. As they settle back in Australia, we send our blessings to them and their ministry in the new church.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

012 Left: John Menear (& Janelle), Dale Hanson (& Pat), Evers Family

Concrete laying of Life Centre

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Above: Bishop Andrew Chan (Western Kowloon Diocese)

2020 Vision

are an opportunity for reporting each of the three churches’ activities and are a forum to seek and grant formal approval on various crucial church matters such as our development project. St Andrew’s is also part of the Western Kowloon Diocese. Hence, we are also under the care and direction of Bishop Andrew Chan. We do enjoy fellowship with our brothers and sisters from the local Cantonese speaking Anglican churches and participate in Diocesan committees such as Finance and Investment as well as attending Synod meetings and other provincial activities.

Ministry Staff Team

In terms of our broader connection, we continue to forge and cultivate a closer relationship with the Diocese and Province. The Board of Trustees (Church of England Trust) meets on a regular basis with Archbishop Paul Kwong chairing the Board. We represent St Andrew’s Church alongside our colleagues representing the other two English speaking churches (St John’s Cathedral and Christ Church). The Church of England Trust is the historical body that is legally responsible for the running of these three main English speaking Anglican churches. So the Board meetings

013 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

2020 Vision

2020 Vision Juliana Wong (2020 Vision Executive Director)

Our God is awesome! 2015 saw the completion of St Andrew’s Life Centre which is a major milestone of the 2020 Vision. It is an amazing testimony to God’s goodness.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Ministry Staff Team

From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision 2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

We faced the great challenge of funding shortage for the final stage of construction at the beginning of the year. We prayed earnestly and we thank God for the provision of interest free loans. The Life Centre was finally built and we had our first service in the Life Auditorium on 3 May 2015! The grand opening service took place on 7 June 2015. We gave thanks and glory to God!

015 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

2020 Vision

Since the opening of the Life Centre, we have looked for opportunities to use it for serving the Christian and local communities. A number of big events have taken place in it, which include; Child Development Fund Kick Off Ceremony, Social Welfare Department Seminar, SKH Evangelistic Meeting, Home of Loving Faithfulness 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service, amongst others. I hope to see more happening in the Life Centre in 2016.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Funds still needed

Buildings & Grounds Committee


2020 Vision 2020 Vision

$144m Raised

Ministry Staff Team


We continued to raise funds for the HK$180M project, a few fundraising initiatives took place - the Gift Day, Dollar for Dollar, Triathlon, a Wine Evening. I am so thankful that we have already raised 80% of the construction fee ($144M). My heartfelt thanks to all who participated and supported the 2020 Vision wholeheartedly and generously. Let’s continue to look to God for his abundant provision for the remaining funds that we need ($36M).

017 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

2020 Vision

Apart from the Life Centre, I am also very thankful to see the 2nd floor of the Christian Centre returned to the Church so we could use it as the Church Office. We moved out of the TST Kai Fong Association Building, after 7 years of renting it for YouthworX, youth ministry and extra office space.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision 2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

The Timeline

and for what He has done through us and in us. 2016 is a new era for St Andrew’s, I pray that God will continue to guide us to realize the 2020 Vision bringing more people to Christ and blessings to the city.

Ministry Staff Team

The 2020 Vision is a journey of faith. It is not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of the Lord. The Life Centre witnesses God’s faithfulness and power. We bring glory to God for leading us through

019 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

2020 Vision

The Timeline (cont.)

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Ministry Staff Team

From the Interim Vicar 2020 Vision 2020 Vision

TheTrustees Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church


St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Finance & Management Committee

Finance & Management Committee John Mitchell (Chairman) 2015 was a milestone year in the history of St. Andrew’s. It was not the first such year, as the church has experienced many in its long history because of God’s faithfulness. However the completion of the building of the Life Centre and its dedication in time for the retirement of John Menear as Vicar (the architect of the 2020 Vision) meant the year has added significance for the church both historically and for the ministry opportunities opening up in the future. The completion of the Life Centre and God’s faithfulness in providing funds to achieve this is covered separately in the 2020 Vision Director’s report so there is no need to repeat this remarkable answer to prayer. However, it is right to acknowledge that these wonderful additional resources provide great

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance Finance & & Management Management Committee Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

to repay for the Life Centre and our operating costs are significantly higher, but we continue to have faith that God will provide through the giving of His people as we seek to serve Him. An encouraging start has been made in 2016 in bookings for the use of the Life Centre which is planned will make a growing contribution to expenses.

2020 Vision

We can also thank God that after a number of years of either achieving ‘break-even’ or deficits in the General Fund we ended 2015 with a surplus. In part this may be because the pressure of fundraising for the 2020 Vision was reduced, but whatever the reason we can be thankful for the faithful giving of God’s people to achieve this. We must not forget we still have loans

Ministry Staff Team

opportunities for the Gospel work the church is committed to with both existing and new ministries, (the true purpose of the 2020 Vision, not the building of the Life Centre itself!). The new resources also present great challenges too, to ensure they are managed effectively both operationally and financially. It is not simply a question of money (although important!) With a building that doesn’t look like a church opening directly onto Nathan Road the challenges of use, security, people flow and a host of other issues the church has not had to face before have come into focus. The F & M C continually seek to work with the staff and Council to address these issues and to develop policies that support the effective use of the physical resources God has provided us for to His glory.

023 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Finance & Management Committee

During the year modelling for new budgetary and cost management reporting was worked on and this The Gift Day in November was an will be implemented fully in 2016. amazing example of God not only Not only does it integrate all answering prayer but of the willing- outstanding 2020 Vision expendiness of St. Andrew’s congregations ture into a single budget but will to meet specific expenditure needs give the staff greater understandof the church in addition to reguing of income and expenditure so lar giving. Over HK$5 million was they can manage their ministries raised for specific projects which effectively to ensure the maximum we hope will be completed within possible is spent on the ministry the next year or so. itself.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Management Committee Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

As a Committee we continue to seek to honour God and serve him and St. Andrew’s through transparency and accountability.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finally I would like to recommend to you the Treasurer’s proposals for “Planned Christian Giving” and the simplification of the direct debit arrangements. This is an example of how we seek to improve our systems to be more effective without losing sight of core principles so that staff can concentrate on other areas to support the church’s core ministries.

2020 Vision

significant staff (and volunteer) input. It is also a fact that as the church grows these pressures will increase and our challenge (financially and administratively) is to meet these in the most cost effective way possible.

Ministry Staff Team

The F & M C has met frequently during the past year (if not as regularly as originally planned) and I would like to thank all the Committee members for their input, advice and support during the year despite busy lives and travel schedules. A special thank you too to all the staff team who have worked so diligently, often in uncertain circumstances to keep the church running smoothly. When we turn up on Sunday for services, or during the week for other activities, please remember that the provision of facilities does not happen automatically! Planning, organizing, security, cleaning etc are often extremely time consuming tasks which we can take for granted but which require

025 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

The Buildings & Grounds Committee

The Buildings & Grounds Committee Daniel Chow (Chairman) In 2015 Church Bell Tower – significant cracking was noted on the inside wall of the bell-tower drum above the bell floor. Longterm solutions to the necessary repairs were proposed for the Church’s consideration.

The Buildings & Grounds Committee (BGC) is responsible for the faithful stewardship of our building compounds, consisting of the historical and modern buildings, and landscaped grounds, in service to our congregation and community. BGC looks after maintaining, repairing, upgrading our facilities and, when required, providing advice to the Council for planning and facilities upkeep, as follows: St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


O/V Children’s Playground – refurbishment proposals including the replacement of safety mat, upgrading the equipment, additional benches, zoning for multipurpose area and enhancement of power supply & lighting were suggested and consulted on. Initial quotations have been invited from potential playground suppliers and BGC members have sorted out the details for the funding approval. Due to the priority of funding allocation, the actual works were put on hold. Proposed A/C and lighting replacement works inside the Church itself has been consolidated. A draft tender document is under final refinement for the invitation of bids.

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Christian Centre – support and explore the facilities Management Proposal – upgrade including the revamp of the lift system and a long-term solu- explore the management and maintenance options with consideration tion to the water supply system. of forthcoming management staff retirement, the additional workload Children’s Playground – review and follow up for the refur- for the maintenance and operation of the New Life Centre. bishment.

Evangelism & Mission

New Life Centre operation – provide necessary technical advice related to future maintenance and management issues.

Buildings && Grounds Grounds Buildings Committee Committee

Old Vicarage – Some of the air-conditioning units were found to be malfunctioning and they will be replaced.

2020 Vision

Church Building carry out the tendering and monitoring of the air-conditioning and lighting replacement works.

Ministry Staff Team

In 2016 Bell Tower – repair of the cracked walls to resume bell ringing on Sunday.

027 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

The Buildings & Grounds Committee

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

028 St Andrew’s Church Bell Tower

Giving Thanks With the opening of the Life Centre, 2015 has been a challenging year with a new page; God has provided for us in abundance, and despite all team members having busy schedules, they have continuously served with as faithful stewards of His Church. So 2016 will be another exciting year witnessing the fulfillment of God’s promise and grace that we pray earnestly for His provision for the outstanding funds to revamp existing facilities in order to serve his sons and daughters.

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have voluntarily joined the BGC, for your heart to serve and for sharing your professional knowledge to assist in pushing some of the issues forward. They include the team members of T C Lam, Taylor Wong, Gabrielle Colwill, Jango Wong, Betty Lo; the voluntary advisor, Paul Wu; and the new Administration Manager, Michael Chan. I also particularly offer my heartfelt thanks to Juliana Wong for her constant exemplary support.

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings && Grounds Grounds Buildings Committee Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

‘Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.’ Psalms 127:1

2020 Vision

I am looking forward to continued teamwork with the Buildings and Ground Committee in the coming year. It is so good that I can try my best to serve our beloved church in some little way or another.

Ministry Staff Team

With the opening of the new Life Centre and revamp of facilities, a lot of services are expected from the BGC in the future. We pray earnestly for God’s provision for more professional members to join our team to serve Jesus with their gifts. Any brothers/sisters who are interested in joining our team, you are most welcome to contact Michael Chan or me.

029 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Chinese Ministry

Chinese Ministry Rev. Sok Han Yong (Associate Minister) Hearts of thankfulness to God for his wonderful and amazing grace to us.
2015 was the start of a fresh and renewed outreach ministry in new and imaginative ways. The Mandarin Church has been purpose driven in all areas of its ministry. New initiatives were implemented in Sunday services, biblical teachings, discipleship, Growth Groups, mission, evangelism, family ministry, children’s ministry, pastoral care and worship. In 2016 we are looking again to trust in God for His faithfulness and goodness amongst us. With a theme on “Wait upon Him, find new strength, soar like eagles.” (Isaiah 40:31)

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

On 27 September, Confirmation Service by Bishop Andrews have seen remarkable impact in people’s life. These 24 confirmands have step forward to serve in different aspects of church life.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

2015 has five Baptism Services. We have so much to give thanks for. Looking ahead: in 2016 systematic discipleship of the newly baptised.

Family Ministry journeying with families, building a family altar, working in partnership with Children’s Ministry.

Men’s Fellowship meets Wednesdays, preceded by the Discipleship Course. Focus on empowering and equipping men to fulfil their unique responsibility and destiny as Christlike brothers, husband and leaders.

2020 Vision

Mandarin Church Average Sunday attendance consists of 120 people. Sunday Growth Groups have an average total attendance of 55. Weekday Growth Groups of 35. Since May 2015 initiated a Mondays evening praise & worship and prayer with 15 – 20 people.

Children Ministry Kidzone has seen significant growth. Children’s Choir and Children’s Fellowship has been initiated. A “Vacational Bible Study” in Summer. Over 13 children has received baptism.

Ministry Staff Team

 Baptism & Confirmation Classes on “I Believe” series. Christianirt Explored course, Alpha Marriage Course, Discipleship courses. Teaching & equipping believers to be rooted in Christ. ‘Knowing Christ and Making Him Known.”

031 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Chinese Ministry


St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


* Christmas Eve attendance Looking back: in 2015 total of 40 (including 2 baptized at QE and Baptist Hospitals).

Ministry Staff Team

From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

In May, the transition to the new service time of 11:30am was remarkably smooth. Over 600 people attended the Christmas services. God is working out his purpose. Many lives were strengthened in faith this year. Two-thirds of those attending Christianity Explored have now been baptized into the church and are active and devoted Christian believers.

033 Putonghua Congregation St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Chinese Ministry

Harvest is plentiful, laborers are few Five people have explored and experienced short-term mission in August.Three people are exploring their vocation in the ordained ministry with the HKSKH. Two have commenced their part-time studies with Ming Hua Theological College.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


“Friendship Evangelism” We are intentionally doing ‘Friendship Evangelism.” With the sure confidence in the Lord, such endeavour is bearing much fruit.

met new friends and journied with those who are seeking faith. Since then a few have been coming to the Mandarin Church.

University Ministry - New Season On 28 September, over 50 people New Strategy Cantonese classes has seen sigcelebrated Chinese Mid-Autumn nificant growth. January 2016 has Festival, with worship, a message, homemade moon cakes, this 100 enrolments. Over 40 students Training for Growth Groups (GGs) ‘Friendship Evangelism’ endeavour joined us for Chinese New Year Leaders has been successful and many faith celebration. Career Series was well attended. A number of the students Equipping and strengthening of seekers have made enquiries and are showing an interest in the GGs Leaders as fruitful and faithful shown an interest in the Christian Christian faith. leaders. Planning a post-Easter faith. GGs Leaders’ Day Retreat. The continuous translation of Bible 21 October Hike & Kite Flying was Studies materials for GGs is in a real pleasure for 30 of us. We progress.

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee Chinese Ministry Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Left: Qingxin, Chriserbe Tang

Evangelism & Mission

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19-20)

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Last, I want to thank the clergy and colleagues at St Andrew’s for the support given to the Mandarin Church. Thank you church for your prayers, your friendship and partnership for the gospel. Most of

“To God be the glory, for the great work He has done.”

2020 Vision

Having said that, 2015 has been a satisfying year with so much having been achieved in people’s lives, increasingly Mandarin-speakers found St Andrew’s their spiritual home and for that we must thank God.

all I thank God for His faithfulness and goodness in each of your lives. Indeed, what a privilege to witness that God is doing amazing work in your life, and for that I want to say thank you for allowing me and Kim Kee to have that special place in your life and hearts.

Ministry Staff Team

May I commend the Chinese Ministry Work Group, they serve tirelessly, with enthusiasm and commitment too. Special thanks goes to the Church Trustees and the Church Council who have been very supportive of the Chinese Ministry. Special thanks goes to Qingxin and Chriserbe, my colleagues and friends.

035 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Evangelism & Mission

Evangelism & Mission Shirley Cheng (Director of Mission)

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Evangelism has always been encouraged at all levels at our church, from preachers to everyone coming to church, and hopefully from church to anywhere the Lord called us to be. We hold the Christianity Explored course three times a year for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity. A good number of people became Christians after each course. There were 19 leaders and helpers involved in all three courses this past year and 11 of them were new volunteers. They served 79 participants altogether. The highlight this year would be seeing more people and past participants inviting their friends or colleagues to join the course.

From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism &&Mission Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

There are many highlights in mission this year. We started a new team with fourteen volunteers mentoring children from disadvantaged families locally. It is a three year programme aiming to stop intergenerational poverty. In the summer, there were 7 teachers, 23 adults and 17 youth who served at the Summer English Camp reaching out to ethnic minority children at a local school. Later on, three growth groups organized a Children’s Fun Day to welcome these ethnic minority children to come to our church for the first time. We also hosted Child Development Fund Opening Ceremony, HOLF 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service, and the World Refugee Day at the new Life Centre for the first time.

Ministry Staff Team

We continue to reach out to communities both locally and overseas in Mission. We support a wide range of mission work among the homeless and poor, marginalized individuals and families, mentally & physically disabled, refugees and asylum seekers, inmates, ethnic minorities, persecuted Christians, Christian relief and development, bible scholars and teachers, and missionaries through Global Partnership of twelve organizations and two families. We also have teams serving inmates, the sick and disabled, the refugees and asylum seekers on a regular basis.

037 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Discipleship & Welcome

Discipleship & Welcome Rev. Alex McCoy (Associate Minister) & Diana Barnett (Pastoral worker) At the end of Acts 2, we are given a picture of the life of the early Christian church. It is a community committed to the apostles’ teaching, practicing the Lord’s Supper, engaged in prayer, living in deep fellowship with each, and caring for one another’s needs. They were a group of people transformed by the gospel, and in turn, the people around them noticed. We are told, ‘the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.’ It’s our hope that St Andrew’s will walk in the footsteps of the early church by engaging in deep Christian community. How have we done this in the last year?

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Ministry Staff Team

From the Interim Vicar 2020 Vision

TheTrustees Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome Welcome Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

We seek to welcome new people to the church through our ‘Newcomer Morning Teas’ and ‘Partnership’ courses (six held last year).


St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Discipleship & Welcome

We nurture small communities of learning and care through our Growth Groups (over 40 groups meet regularly), and Sunday morning Men’s Fraternity (over 40 men attending the current course). We hosted many engaging and relevant events in our respective women’s and men’s ministries. We have also started two new initiatives this year. ‘Equip’ is our Sunday morning adult education programme, providing courses to help people know their bible better and explain it to others. ‘Ministry Associate Programme’ is a full-time course to give people practical training in church ministry. In 2015, we welcomed Jonty and Beth Perrett, and Carrie Au-Yeang as our associates. We look forward to seeing how God builds his church in 2016.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

the group members expectations. Instead of focussing on the negative side of the issues, I would rather encourage moving on, walking with Christ faithfully. What I’ve learned over all these years is, investing time and effort with people are the most rewarding opportunities. Though you don’t see the results right away, in God’s time, you will see how He used you in a very special way.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

It is good to look back over the great things that God has done in the Home4U Family over the year 2015. I am forever grateful of how he blessed the group in numbers, and he also blessed us with friendship; fellowship; food and even shelter in the time of winter and summer. Challenges, issues or difficulties can’t be avoided because God isn’t finished with us yet. As leader it is hard for me meet

2020 Vision

Zara Villalba (Pastoral Worker)

Ministry Staff Team

Home4U (Migrant Workers Growth Group)

041 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Family Ministry

Family Ministry Rev. Dan Evers (ex-Associate Minister)

It has been another terrific year of serving the Lord at St Andrew’s. We’ve seen many new families come to the church for the first time and couples who continue to get married and start families of their own. It’s a privilege to serve and support them as they become integrated into the life of St Andrew’s.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Ministry Staff Team

From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Highlights Marriage and Parenting Day Conference In January with Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie of “Doing Family Right Canada”. Family Ministry Easter Walk at The Peak On Good Friday, 120 people of all ages, across all services

Visit to the Home for the 100th Sheep Dan and his daughters went to the Philippines and were amazed at the good work Kaloi and Edna continue to do.

Partnership with KGV We continue to host the Parenting Teenagers Course and a parent/ teen workshop.

043 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Family Ministry

Marriage Enrichment Course 17 couples joined ‘What did you expect? Redeeming the realities of marriage’ based on Paul Tripp’s book. Family Ministry Camp In October with sharing from John Percival of Ambassador Church

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar 2020 Vision

TheTrustees Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry Family Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

The Family Ministry Team covets your prayers for the year ahead! We can’t wait to see what God will do!

Ministry Staff Team

…And….Family Services, Bus Caroling, DGJS P6 Retreat Days, with the help of our wonderful volunteers! Thank you!!


St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Family Ministry

Children’s Ministry Carol Strydom (Director of Children’s Ministry)

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


Children’s Ministry It has been a year of transitions, moving and many firsts but a great year.

They truly saw the significance of Him blessing us with this new site because of His great love and they so like their new space.

The excitement and joy was palpable as the children worshiped God together for the first time in the new Life Center singing: “His great love”!

One big change on Sundays has been bringing all the ages 3-10 together for a combined time of worship before going to their separate classes.

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Highlights of the year have been Bus Caroling, Family Camp, Barn dance, Easter walk, STAKC and Friendship Garden Playgroup.

None of these events and programs have been possible without the 100+ volunteers who faithfully serve in Children’s Ministry. They truly are hero’s of the faith and a very big thank you goes to them.

2020 Vision

Another first has been having children join our main services for the first part of the service every third Sunday of the month. This has also helped the children feel part of the bigger church family which is important to nurture from a young age.

These have all been wonderful platforms for fellowship, having fun, learning and growing together in Christ. Our High 5 Performing Arts Day Camp also saw 35 more children join this year because of our bigger facilities.

Ministry Staff Team

The children now feel part of something bigger. We have also been able to grow as we have more space to welcome in new children.

047 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Family Ministry

Youth Ministry Emma Ash (Director of Youth Ministry)

Youth Ministry During the Sunday Services we have seen the youth mature in faith, we have introduced a monthly Mission Spot, brought in new promotional materials and provided training for the Youth Band. We have also held lots of events such as: Celebration Nights, Ice Skating, The Amazing Race and Murder Mystery Night. And taken the youth to conferences such as: ROBOOT & Emulate.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Friday nights provide a place for the youth to dig deeper into the Bible. We continue to speak weekly at DGS and have also partnered with a variety of schools to run School Visits and Retreat Days. A big thank you goes to the Youth Team as none of this could have been done without them!

Ministry Staff Team

Last year we partnered with Shatin Church to run The Youth Summer Mission & Activities Week, Breakaway Camp and Youth Christmas Ball.

049 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Music & Creative Ministry

Music & Creative Ministry June Lee We are so blessed to use the newly equipped Life Centre to serve the church week after week. It began with the grand opening and the very first Sunday services on 3 May, 2015. We also had an extended Christmas music programme on last year making full use of the space in Seeds Garden,the Auditorium and frontage of the Life Centre on Nathan Road reaching out to many.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar

2020 Vision


Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Music & Creative Creative Ministry Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

As more worship leaders step up to serve; alongside the excellent range of specialties our congregation has, I encourage us all to go after God’s will, wisdom and strength when we serve. May the love and glory of God be the only thing to be sung in our everyday life.

Ministry Staff Team

Thank you for your endurance in this process of working out in the new environment and your helpful feedback that points us in the right direction of improvement. The team and I have dearly experienced God’s love through all of you. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12, we are united as a body of Christ, and God placed in each of us different kinds of gifts including gifts of helping & guidance (1 Cor 12:28). This is exactly the work of God in St Andrew’s Church we see.

051 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Supporting Departments

Supporting Departments Michael Chan (Administration Manager)

As the size of the Church is expected to grow following to the completion of the Life Centre and other initiatives from the 2020 Vision Ministry, it is important for the Church to have a system in place ready for the growth. The following summarises the changes and plans have been put in place in the areas of Human Resources (HR), Accounting and Finance, Operations Management, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Infrastructure and Support in

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


the past year. These changes and plans were made to modernise the operations of the Church so as to reduce overhead, increase transparency, improve efficiency and effectiveness, and to develop governance and consistency. Human Resources As the number of staff has grown over 40 since we moved the security and cleaning staff in-house and the addition of an administrator and a multimedia staff worker,

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departmenst Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

ICT Infrastructure & Support A comprehensive ICT survey was conducted and changes and plans were made in place to improve WiFi Security, enable the design and launch of the new Church Web Site, improve Internet connectivity, computerise registration and checkin process.

2020 Vision

Accounting & Finance The way of budgeting and keeping the books of the Church has been modernised to to reflect the funding and cost of the Church more accurately. The Church also put in place Direct Debit arrangement with the banks to enable Planned Christian Giving done by Autopay.

Ministry Staff Team

the Church needs a more efficient way to handle its human resources functions. A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) was commissioned in August to replace the paper system. All personnel documents are now centralised stored in digital form. Other HR functions can be done electronically minimising possible errors.

053 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Supporting Departments

Supporting Departments (continued)

Communications The Communications Team continues to provide outstanding visual aids to different Church activities. The new Life Centre provides extra space for promotion and communication purpose directly to Nathan Road. With the extraordinary efforts from the Communications Team, the newly revamped Web Site supports and promotes the hosting of

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


rich media and electronic ticketing. Participants of Church activities can now obtain their tickets online. The same infrastructure also enables easier online giving to designated purposes. The followings are some highlights of the production created by the Communications Team.

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Supporting Departmenst Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church

AV Notice: during the year, we have recruit volunteers to record our weekly notices with a friendly welcome and highlights of our events.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Christmas: First Chirstmas in the Life Centre. Promotion was its biggest on Nathan Road - Window Displays and Backdrops.

2020 Vision

2015 Life Centre Grand Opening. Family Ministry: Family ministry camp, Christmas Family Service, Bus Chinese New Year Red Packets. Caroling, Marriage conference, Children’s Fun Day. Easter Walk Kidzone summer programme, High 5 performing arts day camp, Barn Discipleship: A night for 20s/30s, Unity growth group, Twist ConferDance. ence & A night inwith EMU. Fusion Youth Ministry: Youth celEaster: Good Friday Service, Easter ebration night, Youth breakaway Sunday Services camp, 4 topic themes for a year (Just like James, The Gospel Project, This I believe, Finding Joy)

Ministry Staff Team


055 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Shatin Anglican Church

Shatin Anglican Church Rev. Heèwoo Han (Minister of Shatin Anglican Church) ‘Give us this day our daily bread…’ (Matthew 6:11)

for now. The squeeze has come more on the side of ministry. Each year, we lose key people who held I have never had to worry about important ministries together. Each where my next meal was going to year something goes wrong or come from. Sure, sometimes I don’t unexpected things take place. Each know what I’m going to eat next, time we have to remind ourselves but that has more to do about my that our ministries are not our own, cooking skills than the amount of but Christ’s. Thank God that Christ money in the bank. Yet when Jesus is the head of the church, and that teaches his disciples to pray, he we can ask him for our daily bread. asks them to pray as if they are beggars, as people who might not As I look back on this past year, know from where their next meal I want to praise God for all the will come. He asks us to be radiways he’s provided. In 2015, about cally dependent. ten members went on our first short term mission trip in a while In ministry I feel the importance of to an orphanage in Bongti, Thaidaily dependence on Christ. It’s land. We weren’t sure how things not that Shatin Anglican is sufferwould come together, but come ing financially. The church family together they did. We also hosted has been extraordinarily generous, an American Thanksgiving Dinner and there is a comfortable reserve in November. It was extraordinary.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015


From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church

Shatin Anglican Church Anglican Church

This past year we also saw our partnership with St Andrew’s and Ambassador International Church strengthen. We went on the 20s and 30s weekend away together, as we will do again in 2016. It was On Sunday mornings, we added great to run the Ministry Associate But thank God He teaches us to a second service to create more Apprenticeship Scheme together, ask for daily bread. I know that he space for the growing numbers in as well. We look forward to further provides. our Sunday congregation. Although partnership in the future. it has required greater commitment

Buildings & Grounds Committee

There are challenges, of course. We perpetually need more volunteers, as many have moved or are fatigued from doing so much. Our small groups need adjustments so that more people can join. We’re looking to find an assistant minister and new apprentices in 2016. We will possibly need to raise funds to buy a Church Centre. There are many challenges ahead.

2020 Vision

from those who serve, it has been a great change. I’m also grateful for our children’s worker, youth workers and our apprentices who helped to grow the church.

Ministry Staff Team

We fed over two hundred mouths and many non Christians heard the gospel. In answer to our prayers, the relationship with our host school improved this year largely thanks to Rhys Owens and Charles Reid who led the English club at the school each week. Many of our church members also participated in the school’s Career Day, advising students on their respective careers!

057 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Resurrection Church

Resurrection Church

Rev. Dale Hanson (Interim Vicar) & Heather Smith Xie (Interim Lay Director of Ministry) Resurrection church, in common with St Andrew’s, is going through a season of change. Peter Hurricks retired and he and Madeline are still in the process of returning to New Zealand via the “long way round” (including their son Josh’s wedding in South America!). We thank God for their seven years of ministry. St Andrew’s Council convened a search process chaired by the Interim Vicar of St Andrew’s and

with representation from both St Andrew’s Council and Resurrection Church Committee. I am delighted to say that after a thorough and careful process of advertisement, selection and consultation with Bishop and Archbishop and interviews, the Revd. Chris Ponniah was called to be the new minister in charge. Chris and his wife Joy will be in post by Easter. I pay tribute to all those who worked as part of the appointing group and prayed for the process.

St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

058 Left to Right: Peter Hurricks (& Madeline), Rev. Chris Ponniah

From the Interim Vicar TheTrustees

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Finance & Management Committee

Evangelism & Mission

Chinese Ministry

Family Ministry

Discipleship & Welcome

Supporting Departments

Music & Creative Ministry

Resurrection Church Church

Shatin Anglican Church

Above: Heather Smith Xie (Interim Lay Director of Ministry)

2020 Vision

Finally, I note that Resurrection church still is in process of responding to the potential offer of a plot of land in Sai Kung for a church building from the Government Lands Department. The church is seeking to move wisely and has enlisted the help of Diocesan and Provincial expertise. We all need to continue to pray for this process.

Ministry Staff Team

I also want to congratulate the congregation and Committee of Resurrection church who are pressing forward with energy and vision for a growing mission and ministry. Church and Committee members have taken on many roles to increase coordination of ministries and increase congregational participation. This increased participation has been facilitated by Heather Smith Xie who has done an outstanding job as Interim Lay Director of Ministry.

059 St Andrew’s Church Annual Report 2015

Contact Us Address St Andrew’s Church Kowloon 138 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone Tel: +852 2367-1478 Fax: +852 2367-6562 Email Church Site Opening Hours Monday to Sunday: 7:30am -10:30pm Website Facebook

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