1963 Albemarle High School Peer

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Students changing classes hurry along the breezeway.

Bob McNish, Patty Green, Denny Maupin, and Bill McDiarmid converse gayly in the hall.

Farm machinery suggests the part agriculture courses play in training future farmers.

Albemarle's well-equipped library is an invaluable aid to both students and faculty.




and the building lf1elf chal'acfei'Jzel Alhemal'le'l 111'11 fen yeal'l.

In our age of advancement, more important than the past is the ever-obscure future. In this remote region are events and conditions that would be almost impossible to conceive, much less be a part of. However, progress, an extension of the past, makes future dreams realities. We, at Albemarle High School, have spent our first ten years exploring the future. We have increased the number of classrooms and the faculty. Our true sensation of progress has been instituted by the attitude and conduct of our student body. The student body is aware of its responsibilities to and influences on, the inheritant generations. We offer this yearbook as a testimonial of the past and as a promise to the future.

Academic courses meet in the long front wing of the school.

Students find a crisp spring afternoon ideal for running track.路




Mt. lindgay combineg cteafive teaching with a tate genge of humot.

As the 1963 Peer staff salutes Albemarle High School's tenth year, it chooses to recognize one who has taught in the school since its beginning. A creative and imaginative teacher, he has challenged and inspired his students. He has taught them, in addition to chemistry and physics, the importance of thinking for themselves and of not accepting "half-truths." Faculty and students alike will long remember him: his sense of humor .. . cheerful smile . . . songs . . . roses . . . ties . . . colored chalk . . . his sincere interest in every individual. It is with great pride that the staff dedicates the 1963 Peer to Mr. Kenneth Lindsay.

Mr. Lindsay uses a proiector to explain the activity series to a chemistry class. MR. KENNETH W . LINDSAY "A rose is a rose is a rose."

Mr. Lindsay watches Kathy Green and Bill Gillikin test the conductivity of a solution.

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Mr. Hurt, principal, and Mrs. Beard and Miss Bailey, secretaries, concentrate on their respective jobs in the school office.

Practical nursing students carefully guard the health of Mrs. Chase, the mannequin . Here, Brenda Adams and Sandra Batton check her blood pressure as Mrs. Updike watches. Mr. O'Neal, assistant principal, talks with students in the cafeteria.


academic9: . adminifftafion . laculfy . coutgeg Why is the atmosphere at Albemarle High School different from that at other schools? A spirit of cooperativeness, interest, and pride, inspired by school administrators, adds a special quality to the atmosphere at Albemarle. The cleanliness of the building, for example, reflects the respect that students have for school property. Office personnel are cheerful and helpful. The great warmth with which the student body receives its principal indicates the respect it has for him. The administration, then, contributes much to school spirit in addition to carrying out its duties. The faculty helps the individual student discover and develop his potentialities. Realizing that every individual has unique abilities and interests, teachers try to challenge each student as well as to instruct him in subject matter. Guidance personnel help the student plan his course of study, advise him in his problems, and aid him in selecting a vocation or college.


Courses at Albemarle reflect a wide range of student interests. College-bound students may elect to take higher math and science courses. Classes such as typing and shorthand teach skills which will be useful in business. Those who are interested in a particular vocation may study such subjects as nursing or agriculture. Band, chorus, orchestra, and art classes develop artistic abilities.


Mr. Smith uses the blackboard to explain a point to his class.


•d Mrs. Dofflemeyer and Mr. Gardner discuss college day plans with Mr. Ramsey Martin, representing the University of Virginia .


The school adminisftafion ellicienflg

County school officials contribute much to the education of an individual student. Mr. Hurt, Mr. O'Neal, and the school board strive to execute a common task -that of conducting the school program in a way most advantageous to the student. Forming and enforcing school standards are two of the many duties of Mr. Hurt and Mr. O'Neal, principal and assistant principal at A.H.S. Students find these men at nearly all school functions, which indicates the strong support Mr. Hurt and Mr. O'Neal give the various organizations. The fact that these principals frequently advise the student as to his problems shows the personal concern felt by Mr. Hurt and Mr. O'Neal. As a body of authorities, the Albemarle County School Board handles the major issues of Albemarle High as a part of the entire county educational program. The school board spends long sessions carefully considering each new project. Each member participates with his special abilities in an effort to maintain an efficient school system.

BEN F. HURT Principal

JULIAN O'NEAL Assistant Principal

THE SCHOOL BOARD: Left to right: Mr. F. E. Paulett; Mr. Harry Garth; Mr. Paul H. Cale, Superintendent of Schools; Mr. E. J. Oglesby; Dr. R. Claude Grahm, Director of Instruction; Mrs. Anna Yancey; and Mr. Walter Salley. Not pictured: Mr. Francis Addington.



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Mr. O'Neal confers with Miss Beard.


In the cafeteria, Mr . Hurt converses with King Pace and Charles Milton .

May I use the telephone? Where is Mr. Smith during second period? Will you approve my excuse to ride bus number sixty-five? May I speak with Mr. Hurt? H as anyone found a blue billfold in the halls? May I have an excuse to take back to class? May I sign up for the bus trip? May I have change for a dollar? Is Mr. O'Neal busy? Will you mimeograph this for Mr. Turner? Are you selling tickets for the game? What days will we have exams? I have a sore throat, so may I go home? Where may I pay for my pictures? Was I on the absentee list of December sixth? May I make an announcement over the public address system tomorrow morning? These questions indicate the active day the office staff endures.

OFFICE STAFF: Left to right: Miss Pam Knight, Mrs. Elizabeth Beard, and Miss Martha Bailey.


A student rises and begins this soliloquy: "To be or not to be . . ." This setting is typical of the imaginative atmosphere created by English teachers. Besides the customary series of literature and grammar classes, the English department offers composition, speech and drama, and journalism. Five consecutive years of English give students an adequate background in writers , great literature, and personal language use. Composition class enables students to analyze the world of writing and to practice improving their individual style. Studying speech and drama, pupils learn the art of clearly delivering a speech and of dramatic portrayal. Through journalism, students develop the skill of producing a publication. Foreign language teachers offer French, Latin, and Spanish. Through Latin, students gain insight into ancient civilization, the construction of a language, and English derivation. French and Spanish help the student form skill in reading and speaking in those tongues and in research into the customs and people of those countries. Mr. Costella goes ove r the assignment in Spanish class.

Teachetl ol Englith, loteign language, ot tocial 1fudie1

MRS. DAISY B. ADAMS B.S. in Education English I


MISS CAROLYN ARRINGTON B.A.; M.Ed. Eighth Grade English; G eography

MRS . ELLEN W. HOUSTON A.B. Latin; Latin Club




Ame rican. Histary; American Go vernm e nt



English Ill; Composition; Sp eech and Drama; Drama Club

Ame rican. History; Civics; Eco nomics; Hi-Y Club


MRS. LUCILLE C. BOWEN B.S.; M.Ed . Eight Grade Eu glish; Geography

MRS. NANCY L. CHAMBERS B.A. Eighth Grade English; English I; Geog rnph!l

MRS . JOYCE G. PORTER B.A. in Secondary

MR. WILLIAM H. RAINES B.S. in Education

Education Eighth Grade English; English I; Geography

Am e rican History; Mo nogram Club ;

Varsity Football; Tra ck ; Eighth Grade Basketball

How well prepared 路are Albemarle Patriots for the responsibilities of citizenship in today's advanced society? The principles, physical features, and history of the United States and its relations with other nations form the general basis of the social study courses at Albemarle High. Eighth graders learn the physical setting, the products, and the customs of their country and the rest of the world. While taking world history, students are able to compare the development of the United States to that of other countries. Students of United States History apply themselves to the study of the people and events that shaped their nation. Teachers of civics stress the rights and duties of citizenship. In economics class, students examine the way people use their resources to satisfy their needs. Government teachers provide information to seniors as to the structure of American democracy on the national, state, and local level. Through the efforts of the social studies teachers at Albemarle High, Patriots obtain a sound foundation of knowledge of all aspects of the United States.

Mr. Johnston and Buddy Purnell discuss Buddy's history report card.


gteafly inctea1e fhe culfutal knowledge of fheit 1fudenf1.

MR. CHARLES L. COSTELLO B.S.; M.A. Spanish I and II! Economics; Spanish Club

MRS. MATTIE LEE FORNES B.S.; M.Ed. E nglish II; Guidance; Bible Cluh

MRS . EDITH D. RUDOLPH B.A . American Government; World History; Varsity Ch eerleaders

MRS . ELIZABETH RUSSELL A.B. French I, II, Ill; French Cluh



Composition; English III; Debate Cluh; Sponsor of Th e Pee r

Eighth Grade English; Geography; English I; F.T.A.

MRS. AD A LEIGH W. SOLES A.B. English III, IV ; Literary Cluh

MRS. MARY LOU STALNAKER B.A. EigiJth Grade English; English I; Geography



MR. R. BEN TURNER B.A.; M.A. English II and IV; S.C .A.

MRS. DOROTHY W. ATKINS B.S.; M.Ed . Physical Science

MRS. DALE B. GRIGGS B.A. in Mathematics Alge bra; Plain G eo m et ry; Tri-Hi-Y Club ] .V. Ch eerleaders

Mrs. Fowler observes an experiment as performed by Brenda Durham in physical science class.

MR. K. E. HANSON A.B.; M.Ed. Eighth Grade Sc ience

Memhe11 of the faculty teaching

Mr. Williams cleans out the school furnac e.

In biology class, Mrs. Chevrier and Martha Michie examine a specimen used in th eir study of botany.

Bent over microscopes, students silently examine samples of spirogyra, desmids, and diatoms. Raising his hand, a boy asks, "Do diatoms live in any water?" This is the inquisitive attitude encouraged by science teachers at Albemarle High. Courses available in the scientific field are: eighth grade science, physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics. Through eighth grade science, boys and girls learn fundamentals covering many scientific subjects. The physical science courses deal with the natural laws other than those of living substances. Biology teachers give students an understanding of the science of living matter in all its forms. In chemistry class, Patriots investigate the composition of the elements of matter. Students in physics obtain information on the natural laws and processes outside those restricted to biology and chemistry. Due to the endeavors of the science department, Albemarle students are well ready for the life in this progressive age.

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MRS. ANGELYN A. BAGWELL B.A. Algebra I; General Math

MRS. BESSIE P. BIRCKHEAD B.S. in Education General Math; Consumer Math


MR . RICHARD H. ERGLER B.A. Algebra II; Trigonometry and Solid Geometry; Advanced Math; Math Club

MRS. MARY E. KING B.A. Eighth Grade Math; Algebra I and II; Tri-Hi-Y Club; Pep Club

MRS. KENNETH W. LINDSAY B.A .; M.A. Physics; Ch emistry

MRS . IRENE B. ROUSOS B.S. Eighth Grade Science; Eighth Grade Math; Biology


MRS. MARGARET FOWLER B.S. Physical Sc ience


Eighth Grade Science;

Physica l Science

math ot 1cience help 1tudent1 adapt to the 1pace age. What courses does the math department at Albemarle High include? Many studies, ranging from fundamental mathematics to advanced classes are taught. They are: eighth grade math , general math, plane geometry, algebra I and II, advanced algebra, and solid geometry and trigonometry. As eighth graders, students receive general instruction in many phases of math. In general math, students also obtain a variety of mathematical skills. Plane geometry deals with the properties of figures lying in a single plane. While taking algebra I, boys and girls learn the basic reasoning of the system of symbol relationships. In algebra II, students learn more complicated systems of relationship. The course of advanced algebra is the further development of algebraic ability. Through solid geometry and trigonometry, pupils deduce the properties of three-dimensional figures. Today's world of automation requires many young people who are adept at mathematical processes. Faculty members of the math department ,adequately condition their students for this task.

Mrs. Lyons dishes out ]ell-a for th e cafeteria lunches.


MRS. CAROL S. FOX B.A. Eighth Grade Math; S.C.A .

Biolog y

Plain G eom etry; G eneral

Math; Math Club

MR. HARRY A. AUSTIN B.S. Industrial Arts; Drafting I; Industrial Arts Club

MR. NORMAN L . BUSSE B.S. Agriculture; F.F.A.


MR . DARRELL C. GARDNER B.S. in R eta iling

Home Economics II ,

Distributive Education; Vocational Counselor;

III , IV; F.H.A.

D.E. Club

Mr. Gardner prepares a bulletin board display discouraging drop-outs.

I MRS . KATHARINE HANCOCK A.B. Shorthand I and II; Typing II

MRS. KATHRYN H UMPHRIES B.S. Office Practice; V.O .T.; F .B.L.A. Club

MRS. MARIA A. HURT B.S. Hom e Eco nomics; F.H.A.

Vocational feachetl ptomofe vatiou1 occupafion1.

Vocational as well as academic education is of great importance. Future business workers benefit from the general business, bookkeeping, and consumer math courses. Distributive education, vocational office training, and industrial cooperative training provide part-time employment for the d evelopment of a skill. Agriculture instructors prepaer future farmers for successful crop and livestock projects. Through drafting, boys learn the construction of various objects. Industrial arts students acquire productive ability. Woodworking and electricity teachers promote these particular trades . Typing and shorthand are also two valuable courses included in vocational training. The practical nursing course combines the training of care for the sick an dthe application of this training. Mter the study and practice of home economics, girls are well equipped for the many responsibilities of housekeeping.

MISS PATRICIA LEE WASH B.S. Hom e Economics; F .H.A.



MR. LEROY H. SMITH B.S . in Education Industrial Arts I and II; Draftin g II; Woodwork ing; Electricity-Electronics; Industrial Arts Club

MR . JAMES W. WILLARD B.S. in Agriculture Education Agriculture I and II; F.F.A.



B.S . in Busin ess Education Typin g I; General Bu siness

Pra cti cal N urs1'ng; Fu t ure Nurse's Club

MRS . ANNE YEAMAN B.S. Bookkeeping; Typing I 路 F.B.L.A.

MR. ROLAND L . ZIMMERMAN B.S. Industrial Cooperat ive Training; Guidance;

D .O. Club

Sfudenfg henelif ltom gpecial gchoo/ acfivifie9.


MISS ANNE DeSHAZO B.M.; M.M. Eighth Grade;


Co ncert Ch oir; Beg inning Orchestra; Advanced

Guidan ce Directo r

Physical Edu cation.;

G.A.A.; ].V. Basketball; Tennis Team

Orchestra Orchestra Club

MR. JAMES A. LEITCH, JR. B.S.; M.Ed. Driver Education

MR. H. E. NULL B.S. Health; Physical Edu cation; Monogram Club

MRS . L. W. GOODALL B.S. j ou rnalism;

Library Club

MRS. MARILYN H ARPER B. S. in Physical Education Drive r Education;

MR. JULIAN NEVILLE KING, JR . B.S. Varsity Footba ll Coach; Assistant Track Coach

Phycsila Education; Junior Red Cross

MRS . ANTOINETTE W . MISS TRESA F. PIGGOTT QUARLES B.A. B.S. in Education Eighth Grade Art; Art Health: Physical EduI, II, III, and IV; Art cation; D r i v e r EduClub cation; First Aid; G .A.A.; V ar&ity Basketball; Var&ity Softball

Albemarle High offers several special activities. The 8,800-book library is an indispensable organization as a center of reference and literature. Guidance counselors provide valuable advice as to the schoolwork and future plans of students. Through band, chams, or orchestra, students receive pleasure from musical expression. T eachers of physical education and health create an interest in personal fitn ess. The driver education instructors produce safe, well-informed drivers. In art class, students develop artistic ability through instruction, knowledge of famous painters, and personal experience.

Mrs. Piggott and Herbert Craddock use the loom in art class.

I MR. LAIRD L. RUSH A.B .; M.Ed. Health; Physical Edu cat ion;

Drive r


Football, Basketball, and Baseball coach .

MR. JAMES W. SIMMONS B.S. in Music Education ;


Beg inning Band; Intermed iate Band; Junior Band;

Con cert and Marching Band; Band Clttb


MRS. LADY B. WALTON B.S. Library; Library Clttb

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Spirited spectators enjoy the annual junior-senior basketball game.

Joyful basketball players lift Coach Null to their shoulders.

John Titus admiringly regards the big bass drum.


exflacullicula,g: . otganizafiong . gpotfg . feafute9 Extracurricular activities have an important place in student life at Albemarle High School. Although subject matter is fundamental to education, one's experiences and relationships with other people are also, in a broader sense, a part of one's education. Since extracurricular activities provide opportunities to form associations with teachers and classmates, they help to develop the student socially just as courses train him intellectually. Organizations accomplish varied purposes. For example, students and their elected representatives gain a clearer understanding of republican government from the student council. Some clubs provide services to the school while others are supplementary to classes. Whatever their purposes may be, however, clubs give one experience in being a good leader, a good follower, and in carrying out responsibilities. Athletic participants learn the importance of good sportsmanship and team effort. Whether

the game is lost or won, they enjoy the rigors of playing it. The types of sports offered are many, and underclassmen may participate on eighth grade and junior varsity teams. Cheerleaders promote school spirit and interest in athletics by leading pep rallies and by sponsoring bus trips in addition to cheering at games. Festivities such as homecoming, club night, the junior class talent show, and the junior-senior prom highlight the school year. However, talking in the halls between classes, enjoying the company of friends during lunch, and reading The Highlight and Faux Pas also color student life at A.H.S.


"Victory, victory is our cry!" Lucy Flannagan, Cheryl Roberts, and Missy Scott cheer for the basketball team. The atfditorium is the scene of many activities such as this choir concert, directed by Miss De Shazo.


SCA-Led by Pam Davis, district SCA president, the AHS group pl~yed host to five district schools. Participating in round tables and listening to speakers, the students exarpined the workings of a strong student government. Under the direction of the Entertainment Committee, the organization began plans for the Homecoming Dance and the Candy Cane Ball. The group initiated the idea of crowning a Snow Queen at the event. This committee was also responsible for planning such events as Club Night, and other school dances and sock hops. In addition to the Entertainment Committee, seven other committees make up the SCA. Six of these committees, including the Entertainment, the Merit System, the School Improvement, the Welfare, the Radio, and the Honor Council, were continuations of last year's organization. Adding to these, this year's council created the Foreign Exchange Student and the Handbook committees. The Merit System committee headed by Danny Kusic began the formulation of a new Merit System. The members obtained information of working systems for other schools.

Ann Addington, president, calls the first meeting to order.


Alhematle SCA plang lot Digfticf Convention, and

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Front row: B. L. Thurston, W. Salley, L. Crenshaw, }. Houchens, B. Smith, B. Foster, P. Davis, district president; K. Green, vicepresident; A. Addington, president; P. Green, secretary-treasurer; B. McDiarmid, reporter; L. Flannagan, N. Yowell, D . Cannon, D. Brown, E. Burton, B. Reed, }. McKay. Second row: K. Robertson, F. Novakawski, R. Wesner, B. Fox, D. Maupin, J. Gray, R. Haney,


M. Robbins, W. Herring, W. Thomas, M. Garth, C. Beale, }. Lawerence, B. Ramsey, M. L. Respess, S. Strauss, M. Williams, W. Haynes, K. Hippert. Third row: Mr. Turner, sponsor; W . Seale, G. Gay, W. Harrell, P. Carmody, R. Sinclair, D . Kusic, B. Lydick, N. Townsend, P. Knight.


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Ann Addington takes tim e out to chat with the gu est speaker, Russell Osmond, at the Dist-rict Convention.


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Ann Addington, president; Kathy Green, vice-president; Patty Green, secretarytreasurer; and Bill McDiarmid, reporter, line up for the Peer photographer.

Jnlflafeg cugfom ol cl'ownlng Snow Queen. Paul Carmody, as chairman of the School Improvement committee, has the job of putting suggestions made by the students for the improvement of the school into effect. Lucy Flannagan takes charge of the Radio Committee. Each week at 11:30 members of this group present "Saturday Morning with the Patriots." The Handbook Committee, under the chairmanship of Carolyn Beale, is writing a new handbook for the school. One of the new committees, the Foreign E xchange Student Committee, was headed by Richard Sinclair. This committee considered the p ossibility of a Foreign E xch ange Student attending Albemarle. Jimmy Garrison, Linda Crenshaw, Donna Cannon, Dana Sharpe, Pam Davis, Ann Addington, and Danny Kusic represented Albemarle at the Richmond Foreign Exchange Student Forum.

Marilou Respess sighs as she begins the chore of clearing the cafeteria for the Candy Cane Ball.

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Literary Club: The major project of the Literary Club this year was to publish two editions of the "Faux Pas," the literary magazine at Albemarle High School. Interested students submitted short stories, essays, and poems from wl}ich the editorial staff selected the literary pieces to publish. Another project was to sell paperback books consisting of classical as well as contemporary literature. The club sold these books before school and during both lunch periods. The three committees, Literature, Poetry, and Music, presented programs covering different aspects of the literary world.

Front Row: S. Terry, treasurer; M. Sanborn, vice-president; T. Ward, president; S. Walker, secretary. Second row: C. Redick, P. Burns, P. Acree, P. Johnson, P. Walker, J. Shifflett, Mrs. Soles, sponsor. Third row: M. Powell, B. McNish, F . Redden, J. Rivers, J. Parson, S. Anslow, D. Colvert, C. Smith, G. Sanborn, J. White, S. Allen, B. Redden, C. Phillips.

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Front Row: C. Redick, M. Sanborn, P. Bums, M. Fowler, contributions editors. Second Row: S. Terry, assistant editor; G. Sanborn, contribution editor; F. Redden, B. Redden, cover editor; S. Walker, assistant editor; M. Powell, business manager; T. Ward, editor.

David Farrar, editor of the University nwgazine, speaks to the club about the publication of their magazine.



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Front row: C. Redick, A. H enwood, B. Redden, vice-president; J. Parson, president; J. Paschall, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Francis, sponsor; A. Boaz. Second row: S. Hayes, D. Falwell, G. Sanborn, S. Donohue, D . Null, E . Boaz.

Debate Club - "Resolved: that the United States should promote a Common Market in the Western Hemisphere;" debaters discussed this national debate topic at club meetings. In addition to the discussions, practice rounds of debate were held in the evenings. Mr. Eldon Lanning, a graduate of Northwestern University and a graduate student at the University of Virginia, spoke to the group early in the year about the strategy of debating. On March 2, Pam Davis and John Parson, negative, and Susan Hayes and Bianca Redden, affirmative, represented the Albemarle club at the University of Richmond debate tournament. John, Bianca, Chad Redick, and Jettie Paschall, were named outstanding discussion leaders at the Virginia Debate Forum.


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Library Club- Performing an important service to the school, the Library Club maintains high standards. Members work in the library during at least two study halls a week. Their many activities include: checking in and out books, making attractive bulletin board displays, repairing and shelving books, and keeping lists of fines . During the club meetings the members discuss new books and conduct book quizes. They displayed books in the lobby during National Book 路w eek and served tea to the faculty members during National Library Week in April. Front row: S. Mummey, reporter; S. Morris, v ice-president; M. Harris, president; R. Batten, sec retary-treasurer. Second row: M. Collins, C. Ellinger, J. Staton, A. Griesbach. Third row: Mrs. 路walton, sponsor, M. McDaniel, K. Edwards, R. Shenes, S. Parsons, Mrs. Goodall, sponsor.


The language

Front Row: L. Greisbach, B. Parker, L. Beasley, J. Cokes, S. Turner. Second Row: S. Heilman, N. Grim, S. Fielding, B. Ward, D. Cook, B. Haney, C. Pace. Third Row: J. Lawson, B. Sprouse, C. Kennamer, S. Young, A. \\' alter.

Latin, French, Spanish Clubs: At Albemarle the three language clubs attempt to acquaint the members with various aspects of the different countries. The mem-

hers learn songs and poems and have visitors give talks; also, filmstrips are shown and tape recordings are played.

G. Hobson, president; I. Fornes, vice-president; Mrs. Russell, sponsor; S. Garrett, reporter.

Front Row: J. Michitsch, L. Richardson, C. Agee, T. Vogt, A. Doty. Second Row: M. Jones, M. Fowler, L. Sandridge, C. Zoulis, P. Blackwell, C. Grossmann, K. McCauley, C. Shepherd, B. Amiss, C. Remley. Third Row: J. Heepe, E. Umdenstock, C. Shelton, L. Childress, H. Lombard, T. Hurt, C. McLawhorn.

cluh1 help make loteign language ffudy mote infeteffing.

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Front Row: J. Carr, L. Harrington, T. Clausen, C. Cox, C. Murray. Second Row: V. Vascott, C. Verburg, C. Haynes, P. Clarity, A. Critzer, J. Van Cleve, L. Smith. Third Row: J. Sprouse, D. Tobler, B. Critzer, I. Rockwood, S. Lohman, B. Massey, J. Farish, L. Dickens.

S. Blake, vice-president; A. Leake, president; Mrs. Houston, sponsor; J. Sacre, secretary-treasurer; S. Stanton.



Front Row: E. Matacia, M. Wood, secretary-treasurer; M. Scott, president; Second Row: M. Thornley, J. Pyles, D. Moyer, B. Mercer, L. Gerhardt, R. Clark, D. Null, L. Toms, B. Graves, P. Verburg, L. McCauley, J. Bias, S. Birdsong. mt;






Front Row: S. Murray, T. Masser, J. McGilvery, D. Rappolt, B. Cockerille, S. Quinn, E. Taylor. Second Row: B. Shifflett, S. Lane, L. Sullivan, C. Frye, M. Mowbray, F. Terrill, P. O'Neal. Third Row: F. Quirm, D. Wood, P. Foster, D . Wyant, M. Rea, D. Patterson, L. McCauley.

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Peer: This year the Peer Staff has attempted to record the changes in Albemarle High School during the past ten years. To finance the annual the price was raised, advertising was sold, and pictures were sold at Club Night. The book is graded by S.I.P.A. during the summer.

R. Sinclair, circtdation manager; E. Powell, assistant-circulation manager; S. Donohue, business manager; M. Wood, business lay-out manager. M. Sprouse, copy editor; S. Hays, editor; S. Galvin, photography editor; Mrs. Francis, sponsor; J. Heepe, art editor; S. Stanton, managing editor.

Front Row: G. Osvalds, B. Bishop, photographer. Second Row: S. Mummy, class editor; M. Bishop, faculty editor; S. Redlands, class editor.

P. Green, S. Terry, organization editors; S. Garrett, M. Jones, feature editors; M. Toms, C. Clark, L. Harrington, sports editors.

annual; Highlight gfall lnlotmf gchool of AilS acflvlflef.

Highlight: "The Albemarle Highlight" staff in producing nine issues, attempts to completely cover academic and extracurricular activities. The interesting and often humorous features heighten reader enthusiasm. The editorial column offers students an opportunity to state their opinions. The finance committee raises money by selling advertising, giving sockhops, and sponsoring the Junior-Senior Basketball Game.

Seated: J. Wood, C. Robertson, editors. Standing: B. Britton, managing editor; Mrs. Goodall, sponsor; G. Osvalds, photographer; N. Pierce, cartoonist.

Seated: C. Frye, M. Wood, feature editors. Standing: D. Sharpe, news editor; C. Oliver, D. Moyer, C. Shelton, sports editors; D. Hamilton, news editor. f;

Seater/-: A. Leake, business manager; H. Lombard, advertising manager. Standing: P. Blackwell, circulation manager; J. Trimble, business manager; S. Terrill, advertising manager; B. Britton, managing editor. Mike Strickland and Billy Dandridge battle for the ball in the Junior-Senior basketball game sponsored by the Highlight staff.

Front row: F. Bain, T. Turner, program committee; A. Smith, programcommittee; D. Falwell, president; B. Albee, program committee; D. Shiflett, A. Clarity. Second row: Mr. Ergler, sponsor, S. Dudley, C. Judge, T. Heilman, P. Stacy, B. Eastwood, R. Kyser, S. Manley.

Math club membet9 wotk ovetflme on d/11/culf ptoblemg, Math Club-Increasing interest in the Math Club necessitated the division of the organization into three smaller groups: The Math Club, the Junior Math Club, and the Chess Club. The Math Clubs' activities consisted of working and discussing problems during their club period. The spon-

sors introduced subjects to the members which are not taught in regular math courses because of limited time. Under the direction of Mr. Ergler, the senior group worked out a bilateral number system, while the Junior Math Club worked other specific problems under Mrs . 路white's supervision.

F-ront row, Sitting: M. Childress, W. Braun, G. Alrich, secretary-treasurer; E. Srickler, president; G. A. Baker, vice-president; M. Murray, B. Beale. Second row: Mrs. White, sponsor, J. Sheperd, C. Travis, A. Long, P. Naylor, P. Cale, S. Stanton, M. Stanton, C. Bolick, E . Reyburn. Third row: P. Fulton, W. Coleman, A. Boaz, K. Huff, D. Garth, J. Dandridge, E. Boaz, T. Leaderman, J. James.

Steve Anslow, Mike Toms, and Woody Gleason rehearse for "Gloria."

C. H. Baker, Kenneth Farrell, and Ronnie Gentry patiently paste the hill together for th e Christmas pageant.

a1 fhe Alhematle Playetl plan ptelenfafion ol ''Giotia." Albemarle Players- This year the Albemarle Players Players presented a Christmas pageant. Katherine Kester's "Gloria" starred Margie Fowler, Mike Toms, and John Parson. The story of the fourth \Vise Man was staged D ecember 7th and 8th. The choirs and the speech class cooperated with the drama department in the production of the pageant.

Front row: J. Griesbach, D. Shiflett, M. Travis, J. DeGraff, M. Klink, president; S. Anslow, vice-president; S. Walker, secretarytreasurer; M. Sanborn, reporter; B. McNish, historian; F. Paulette, J. Bias, C. Garnett, L. King, J. Bickham, T. Payne, Mrs. Jackson, sponsor. Second row: D. Ashcom, L. Crenshaw, C. Bolick, C. Smith, D. Brown, B. Powell, E. Eubank, E. Matacia, A. F eeley, P. Burns, S. Cross, K. McCauley, J. Shiflett, V. Herring, D. Cannon, T. Wolter. Third row: C. Garnett, A. Leake, T. Elder, M. Armentrout, M. Shiflett, L. Leake, F. Wheeler, B. Ballard, M. Stanton, J. Rivers, N. Yowell, N. Galvin, J. Thomas, P. Acree. Fourth row: M. Robbins, B. Smith, S. Gentry, M. Fowler, P. Davis, S. Allen, B. Redden, M. Rohr, H. Sadler, M. Respess, F. Lyster, R. Jones, E. Rockwood, S.

Hosts for the district drama festival , which was held March 14, the Albemarle Players presented "Three on a Bench." Starring in this one-act play were Missy Scott, George Sanborn, Marie Harris, and Jim White. On February 8th, twenty-four members attended the Drama and Forensic Conference held at the University of Virginia. Speakers were Dr. John Graham, Roger Boyle, and Art Green.

Terry. Fifth row: S. White, S. Jenson, J. Cheape, B. Walker, W. Braun, C. Grossman, H. Redlands, C. Haynes, C. Somma, N, Hunter, J. Johns, M. Robins, P. Finn, T. Masser. Sixth row: N. Romanac, L. Mundy, D. Cushman, K. Robertson, A. Maddox, V. Parker, B. Kennedy, J. Wood, L. Harrington, C. Kennamer, B. Dudley, S. Murray, B. Johnson, I. Martin, J. Fernsworth, A. Walter, S. Trunzo, V. Vascott. Seventh row: L. Smith, A. Boaz, R. Skenes, K. Farrell, R. Gentry, J. Burnett, B. Powell, L. Richardson, N. Thornton, D. Maupin, J. Sneed, M. Murray, G. A. Baker, L. Toms, B. Baldwin. Eighth row: J. Wilson, J. White, E. Gentry, W. Gleason, M. Rea, M. Toms, G. Sanborn, J. Parson, M. Powe11, H. Burnett, T. Ward, C. Smith, S. Birdsong.

High School Red Cross Club-The

Front row: J. Robinson, M. Dudley, B. Tomlin, K. Glass, S. Galvin, reporter; S. Redlands, State Convention Representative; K. Green, State Convention Representative; P. Naylor, secretary-treasurer; R. Harris, vice-president; L. Sullivan, K. Tyson, B. Sandridge, D . Bickham, L. Lam . Second row: J. Baber, C . Grayson, M. Frazier, J. E. Sharer, B. Davis, E. Dabney, P. Pace, G. Geer, S. Murray, B. S. Amiss, B. Thomas, A. Griesbach, S. Tate, C. Shephard, B. Shifflett, C. Gray. Third row: B. Critzer, S. Manley, G. Alrich, B. Johnson, E . Gardner, L. Schwarzenboeck, P. Simms, V. Carpenter, L. Morris, L. Childress, J. Rivers, E . Strickler, C. Travis, H. Morris, B. Shifflett, B. Baldwin, J. Lawson, A. Via.

Albemarle County Red Cross Chapter has an active High School Red Cross Club at Albemarle. Each homeroom sends a representative to the meetings. Functioning mainly as a service organization, the group selected as a major project the filling of a chest with school supplies. A closely related project was the filling of individual gift boxes; both of these will be sent to disaster areas. An international activity of the club is sending a scrapbook depicting life in America to a school in another nation (this year Korea) in exchange for a similar book from them.

Setvlce cluhg add fo high 1choo/ /Jie fhtough the

Art Club-"Hello, Bill! Have you bought your AHS Dial yet?"-The Art Club advertised the second annual edition of a student directory. In April the club members attended an art museum in Washington, and held one of their own during the first week of May. In this show, pictures were displayed in the lobby and in the library at Albemarle. The artist of the best painting received a $5 prize; an auction was held during the last day of the show. The club participated in the Scottsville Branch of the Mcintire Public Library Junior Art Show on February 11. Several of the outs-tanding works were sent to Scottsville to be judged. Another project accomplished this year was putting up a mural in the back of the library. Susan Ward, who graduated from Albemarle last year, painted the mural.

Front row: D. Rappolt, vice-president; A. Anderson, recorder; M. Fornes, secretary-treasttrer; P. Mordecai, president. Second row: J. Shifflet, P. Osina, L. Cassady, Mrs. Piggott, sponsor. Third row: K. Gould, I. Fornes, B. Ward, B. Williams. Fourth row: R. Flick, C. Elias, K. Edwards, P. O'Conner. Fifth row: C. Phillips, L. Gerhardt, S. Moon, J. Heepe.


Nursing Club-Since the need for nurses is constantly growing, the main purpose of the Nursing Club is to enable students interested in a medical career to obtain a brief glance at the different phases of this interesting field. Throughout the year the members actively participate in volunteer work at the University and Martha Jefferson Hospitals. Mrs. Virginia Fallan spoke to them earlier in the year about the knowledge volunteer work offers. Also the members made Christmas stockings for patients and later in the year they made small pillows for the patients at th e Martha Jefferson Hospital. The Nursing Club plans at the end of the year to add to the $30 they have already contributed to the silver punch bowl for the school.

Front row: Mrs. Updike, spo nsor; S. McClary, M. Marshall, J. Clark, C. Garrison, P. Pairet, A. vVood, D . Carter, C. Carver, chaplain; S. Paxton, treasurer; K. Hippert, president; N. Townsend, vice-president; C. Clarke, reporter; G. Sprouse, B. Somma. Second row: L. Phelps, J. Springborn, L. Cash, A. D etamore, B. Little, J. Hobson, R. Black, M. Garth, D. Van, A. Powell, B. Clark, C. McDaniel.

motning devotional, a 1chool clinic, and an exhihifl.

Bible Club-One of the main activities of the Bible Club is giving devotionals in the morning. Different members of the club read passages from the Bible or from booklets over the public address system. The club does much to help needy families. At Christmas, and Easter the Club sends food baskets to less fortunate people.

Front row: J. Baber, C. Birckhead, M. Huff, D. Latta, D. Parsons, A. Henwood, N. Harris, D . Rogers, J. Fox, L. Hicks . Second row: M. Via, V. Morris, J. Sandridge, G. Hicks, A. Harris, R. Harris, B. Davis, P. Beale. Third row: G. Lam, L. Sartin, C. Southall, P. Wood, S. Critzer, D. Moyer, A. Martin, B. Benson, J. Maupin, S. Grimes, J. Brocker, G. Lewis, M. Cook, R. Paschall.

Officers: Standing: Mrs. Fornes, sponsor; C. McAllister, vice-pres.; C. Southall, chaplain. Kn eeling: B. Faulkner, president; J. Rittenhouse, secretary.


Tri-Hi-Y-The Model General Assembly is the major event the Tri-Hi-Y planned this year. Four members and the club sponsor, Mrs. King, went to Richmond and stayed for three days , April 18, to April 20. The activities are comparable to those carried on by actual state legislation ; the members met in the Capitol Building in a Model Congress. A Senator, representative, page, and reporter attended from Albemarle. Each club from each school presented a bill to the congress and it was passed or vetoed. Audrey Smith was elected Clerk for this assembly; also, Missy Scott was elected Chaplain of the Vally District Convention in early November. The second major project of the Tri-Hi-Y was to hold a Mother-Daughter Tea. On February 24, many of the mothers of club members met in the library at Albemarle. The purpose was so the parents could better understand the working of the organization. Mrs. Griggs, sponsor; A. Smith, secretary; G. Robertson, treasurer; M. Scott, chaplain; B. Ramsey, 11resident; L. Sandridge, reporter; J. Albee, vice-president; Mrs. King, sponsor.

Youth otganJzaflons develop Chtlsflan ftalfs

Front row: D. Swisher, L. Smith, C. Zoulis, D. Rogers, P. Blackwell, S. Terrill, E. Pugh, M. Jones, E. Clements, C. Robertson. Second row: A. Thomas, D. Tipton, V. Marshall, S. Brown, L. Gay, M. Ames, R. Klein, M. Dofflemyer, D. Trimble, C. Remley.

Front row: J. Sandridge, L. Beasley, J. Sandridge,

J. Meadows, F. Tirrell, S. Blake, G. Gill, J. Harrington, J. Grimes, J. Harrington. Second row: S. Young, D. Hamilton, P. Knight, P. Ballard, D. Sharpe, M. Jones, M. Kidd, A. Winkler, D. Moyer, A. Addington.

Hi-Y-Conventions! In the Hi-Y, these meetings are important activities. In November, Buddy Toms and Terry Vogt participated in the District Convention in Waynesboro. Also, in April six representatives traveled to the Model General Assembly in Richmond. In order to raise money, members sold candy at basketball games and in the cafeteria. A portion of the money earned purchased food baskets for needy families at Christmas. Frequently, on Sunday mornings a group of Hi-Y members attended churches of various religions. Mr. Johnston, sponsor; D . Kusic, vice-president; P. Maupin, chaplain; B. Toms, president; B. Hatcher, historian and T . Vogt, secretary.

In gtudenfg fhtough getvlce fo ofhet9.

Front row: H. Sandridge, A. F au lkner, G. Blinke, C. Murray, P. Cale. Second row: J. Gambrill, A. Boge;, R. Main, C. Mahanes, C. McAllister, J. Dorsey. Th ird row: P. Fulton, J. McCauley, W . Coleman, S. Ramsey.

Front ro w: J. T omlin, W. Salley, J. Cockerille, S. Pollock, A. Osvalds. Seco nd row: W. Jarm an, D . Rea, B. Yowell, R. D etamore, T. Manely, G. Scrivnor, R. Rankin. Third row: B. Link, ]. Jarman, J . Pyles, W . H arrell, B. Eastwood.

Front row: L. Harrington, J. T omlin, A. Boaz, J . Cockerill e. Second row: S. Ford, M. Smith, S. Hathaway, B. Knight, M. Lonergan, C. Coakley, C. Shoffn er, G. Shoffner, A. Osvalds, S. Pollock. Third row: C. McDaniel, F . Sneed, S. Lydick, C . Sudduth, B. Martin, E. Boaz, J. Sneed, N. Benfer, D . Bradbury, L. Morris, Mrs. Chevrier.

Chess Club-Formed by a group of students from last year's Math Club, the Chess Club is new to Albemarle this year. The main objectives of the club are to further the knowledge of chess and important strategy of the game among club members. Plans have been made for a tournament in which all students could participate. Although chess is the major factor in the club, recently much time has been spent in organizing and electing club officers.

Girl's 4-H- The representative to the Girls 4-H Club is Mrs. E. Wilson. This year the club had two projects. The first was a study of good nutrition for today's teen-age girl. The second was a good grooming course called "Looking Your Best." Several demonstrations were given during the club period. The club members have an opportunity to exhibit these skills at various demonstrations here at school and in county contests.

Front row: J. Ashe, C . Ellinger, D. Shifflet, president; B. Lam, secretary; L. Hicks, H . Frazier. Second row: N. Goldsmith, M. 'Wood, G. Lam, P. Herring, P. Breeden, M. Thomas, P. Beale.

4-11 Clubs place emphasis on good gtooming and safely;

Boy's 4-H-Mr. Lewis West represents the County Extension Service in working with the Boys 4-H Club. This year the general topic of safety was discussed and during the fall the club had a speaker talk on the importance and application of safety. "Gun Safety," "Safety in the Home," "Safety on the Road," and First Aid were among the specific fields that were studied.

Front row: M. Shifflett, J. Bishop, J. Stinnett, W. Breeden, W . Critzer, J. C. Blackwell, T. Albert, K. Maupin, G. Wolfrey, J . Broshure, S. Clements, R. Morris, M. Huff. Second row: W. H. Birchead, D . Tisdale, P. Fisher, D. vVood, N. H amner, K. Gardner, P. Haney, R. Jones, P. Fisher, C. Sudduth, G. Belew, R. Leake, J. Jones. Th ir d row : L. Creasy, W . Bonds, H. Herndon, P. Blincoe, J. Sprouse, C. Shifflett, D . Morris, C. Durrer, J. Whitehouse.



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Pep Club: The Pep Club has worked this year to increase school spirit at Albemarle's sports events. At the football games the club sat as a group and cheered with the cheerleaders. Before the Bristol football game, Pam Knight and Audrey Smith presented the team with a victory cake. For Homecoming they sponsored a float. Anne Leake was elected Miss Pep Club and rode on the float with other girls, dressed in costumes to represent sports. These included football, basketball, softball, and tennis.

Front Row: A. Smith, vice-president; L. March, trearurer; J. Sandridge, secretary; P. Knight, president. Second Row: D. Carter, L. Fitzgerald, K. McCau}ey, Mrs. King, sponsor. Third Row: E. Gardner L. Crenshaw, M. Michie, M. Williams. Fourth Row: J. Cheape, L. Garrett, C. Grossmann, C. Bolick. Fifth Row: F. Shifflett, B. Johnson, J. Lawrence, V. Vascott. Sixth Row: K. Tobertson, E. Rockwood, C. Kennamer, L. Dickens.

fhe Pep Club and

G.A.A. wotk fo incteage 1choo/ 1pitif.

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G.A.A.: One of the highlights of last fall was the first Powder Puff Football game at Albemarle High SchooL The Girls Athletic Association sponsored this event. Girls who have competed in some sport, such as basketball, softball or tennis, are eligible to join this very active organization. In addition to sponsoring the Powder Puff Bowl, the association purchased and presented trophies to the most valuable players in girls' sports. To raise the necessary money, the club members held bake sales at girls' athletic games. They sit together at boys' sports events to cheer for them. Front Row: Miss Dean, sponsor; L. Wyant, treasurer; S. Hathaway, vice-president; C. Mawyer, president; J. Smith, secretary; C. Westmoreland, reporter; Miss Quarles, sponsor. Second Row: B. Haney, C. Holland, B. Britton, J. Shepherd, C. Bolick, S. Lane, S. Turner. Third Row: S. Strauss, S. Rhodes, T. Wyant, M. McDaniel, L. Pu,gh, C. Pace, B. Moore. Fourth Row: K. Kessler, D. Norford, L. Crawford, J. Farish, J. Gibson, M. Marston, J. Brookman, L. Hopkins, E. Umdenstock.


Front row: Mrs. Humphries, sponsor; M. Slavik, C. Zimmerman, P. Craig, L. L eake,secretary; D. DeHooge, president; L. Cason, vice-president; B. Jonson, historian; B. Kennedy, treasurer; J. Wood; J. Monger, B. Canody, A. Albert, C. W etzel, Mrs. Yeaman, sponsor.

Second row: B. Farish, C. Morris, C. Stalnaker, B. Harris, P. Hamner, R. Marshall, J. Lanum, L . Blincoe, J. Lawson, L. Schwarzenboeck, F . Gianniny, D. Heslep, P. Clark, C. Morris, E. Dabney.

Future Business Leaders Of America-Among the other activities, the Future Business Leaders of America sponsored the Miss Ideal Secretary Contest, which a senior girl won. To make money the club sold stationary this year. The group also collected food and clothing for needy families at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Club members

participated in a state-wide spelling contest and learned about the Teletrainer, a device used to acquaint the members with mechanics of the telephone. The Senior business students toured State Farm Insurance Company in March. Durin g the meetings, the members gave talks on "How to Get a Job" and other topics.


On-the-job vocational ttaining and !Developing Futute Leadetl lot

Mr. Gardner, sponsor; B. Funk, parliamentarian; B. Farish, president; A. Sprouse, vice-president; B. L. Thurston, secretary; M. Tomlin, treasurer; C. Elliott, reporter.


Front row: R. Swan, P. W ebb, T . Breeden, president, B. Coleman, reporter; D. L. Roberts, vicepresident; C. Gowen, G. Lane, Mr. Zimmerman, sponsor. Second row: H. Garth, 0 . Huff, G. Smith, D. Hale, C. Eppard, R. Fisher, N. Eskey.


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Matkefing and Di$ftihufion'' $81$ la$f pace lot $fudenf$. An opportunity to receive vocational training in a trade or occupation-the Industrial Cooperative Training program. While completing their high school education, many students take advantage of this special program. The job training program does not interfere with regular school classes, rather it makes them more interesting and meaningful. This is a cooperative enterprise between business and industrial establishments in the community and the public high school. The establishments furnish parttime employment and training to students during school hours. Through this employment the students learn the manipulative part of their jobs under actual working conditions. At the same time, the school furnishes the technical subject material related to the job being learned.

Front row: S. Marks, D. Sawyer, C. L. Jarrell, P. Birckhead, D. DeHooge. Second row: P. Morris, B. Taylor, F. Gray, D. Breeden, A. Via, S. Morris, P. Gibson. Third row: W. Shifflette, M. Graybill, F . Fox, D . Jenkins, L. Tomlin, B. Knott, L. McClary.

To prepare high school students for part-time employment in the field of distribution through the cooperation of "downtown" teachers is the purpose of the D. E. The club also serves as a background for those who plan to continue with college training in business administration , marketing, distribution, or teaching. On February 20, the entire club went to Covington High School to compete in the District IX Contest. The members competed in such fields as sales presentation, window display, or merchandise presentation. In addition, the members participated in the election of the D.E. Student-of-the-Year and the State D.E. Club officers. The club held a Employer-Employee Banquet on April 3 to show appreciation for their cooperation; also, a Customer Service Opinion Survey of the Community was conducted.

I .A.: This year the Industrial Arts Club had two major projects. First, the members sold screwdrivers to downtown merchants and local homes. Secondly, they bought fire extinguishers wholesale and sold them. In the Homecoming Parade the club had a float titled "The Unteachables." It included a car of unruly Albemarle Students.

Front Row: J. R. Sawyer; A. Minor, president; R. Gough, v ice-president; J. Graves, secretarytreasurer. Second Row: Mrs. Smith, sponsor; C. Harris, L. Richardson, T. Nephus, D. Strauss, M. McGilvery. Third Row: M. Thomas, S. Natson, W . Jarman, J. Jarman, E. Jenkins, D . Moseman, J. Sprouse, M. Kirby, R. Watson, J. W ilson, H. Craddock, G. Maupin, G. Baber.

F.H.A. membel's sel've as guides fol' National Education Week;

Front Row: M. Mowbray, district president; L. Wood, A. Harris, secretary; M. Harris, president; S. Conley, vice-president; B. Burnett, treasurer. Second Row: J. Hoy, C. Somma, C. Copeland, M. Cook, G. Pitts, S. Lowry. Third Row: N. Harris, J. Nay, M. Childress, L . O'Neal, S. Morris, S. Dudley. Fourth Row: B. Beale, S. Critzer, J. Sprouse, R. Hite, D. Butler, W . Thomas. Fifth Row: J. McGaughey, C. Umdenstock, A. Clarity, K. Carson, A. Critzer, C. Cox, C. Wietsel. Sixth Row: P. O'Neal, J. Farish, E . Clark, L. Mallory, C. Shelton, B. Bellamy, F. Zimmerman. Seventh Row: N. Grim, J. McGilvery, C . McLawhorn, Mrs. Hannah, sponsor.


F.T.A.: Looking toward the future, students interested in the teaching profession make up the membership of the Future Teachers of America. Members become acquainted with both elementary and secondary school teaching. The group worked to promote awareness of National Education Week, November 11-17, through announcements and bulletin boards. On parent visitation day, members served as guides. In December, Steve Conley, Marie Harris, and Anne Harris attended the convention in Roanoke. Early in November members were urged to attend the District 5 Meeting at Albebarle. Individual students also assisted faculty members. As a money making measure, the group sold mums for Homecoming weekend.

. I.A. and F.F.A. expand club infete9f with new ptojecf9. F.F.A.: The Albemarle Future Farmers competed with six other schools in the Flag Federation Contest. The club members participated in such fields as forestry, farm machinery, soils, public speaking, tractor driving, and livestock at the contest held on April 18. In the early part of the summer, some of the members attended a state convention at VPI; two delegates went from the farm machanics team. During the meetings the members worked on various projects. They planted crops in hot beds and purchased a used tractor for studying the operation of internal combustion in engines. The club's Homecoming float placed second in the parade. Miss Nancy Norvelle was elected F.F.A. Sweetheart and rode on the float.

Charles Vanden;eer, Charles Sandridge, Melvin Ferris, Lacy Moyer, and Mason Fisher dismantle a tractor. i,



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Front Row: W. Critzer, sentinel; J. Blackwell, chaplain; C. Sandridge, reporter; B. Ward, vice-president; B. Powell, president; M. Wolfrey, treasurer; T . Albert, secretary; H . Collier, Mr. Busse, sponsor. Second Row: J. Leake, L. Fisher, D . Walker, M. Herring, E . Mays, W. Breeden, K. Maupin, J. Pace, W. Birckhead, D . Woodson, V. Batten, R. Morris, G. White, M. Faris, 0. Collier, R. Yowell, J. Sabatini. Third Row: W. Nay, R. Thomas, R. Durrer, J. Yowell,

W. Eubank, E. Burgess, J. Powell, L. Kingrea, C. Gribble, R. Massey, S. Clemento, L. Mawyer, B. Michie, R. Deane, B. Farrell, N. Hamner, }. Pritt, D. Wood, B. Faris, }. Somsell. Fourth Row: M. Blincoe, C. Schur, D. Rover, E. Garnett, C. Vande, R. Howell, L. Pugh, M. Garnett, V. Clark, B. Norvell, J. Ramsey, R. Smith, C. Thomas, J. Jones, B. Snead, H. Morris, M. Fisher, R. Willis, C. McAllister, L. Barnette.




Front Row: P. Dobbins, chapter reporter; L. Wyant, vice-president; S. Lydick, historian; D. Carter, song leader. Second Row: Mrs. Hurt, sponsor; B. Rosenkrans, treasurer; K. Robertson, secretary; L. Mallory, president; Mrs. Conrad, sponsor; Miss Wash, sponsor. Th e F.H.A. purposes are displayed on the bulletin board during National F.H.A. Week.

The Chti1fms1 Flowet Show and the MothetEllen Gardner receives her F.H.A . pin from Gayle Toms, while Anne Crigler looks on. ]anna Brown served as Historian of the Martha Jefferson F.H.A. Federation this year.

Penny Browning and Gail Fitzgerald chat with Mr. Ray ]ones, Civil Defense Co-ordinat?,r for Albemarle County, who spoke to the group on Being Prepared for Emergency Feeding."

Cindy Bolick, Lynn Mallory, and Joyce Roberts work on their Degrees of Achievement.


F.H.A. On September 22 a group of F.H.A. students attended the State Fair in Richmond with a group from the Future Farmers. Early in October at a sectional meeting, the first year girls were awarded their pins. A Christmas Flower Show was given on December 18. The winning arrangement was entered by Linda Easter. During F.H.A. Week, April 1-7, the club had a display at school on the bulletin board and one in a downtown department store. Also, the club members gave a faculty tea. The club gave a Mother-Daughter Banquet on April 24. In June, 20 of the members of the club attended summer camp. Polly Hobbins, Lynn Mallory, Roterta Black, joann Hudgins, Mary Lynn Taylor, Barbara Rosenkrans, and Margaret Appfel ride the Homecoming Float.

Daughtet Banquet highlight F.H.A. geat.

Kathv Robertson and Diane Carter prepare to take their "Christmas Tree' to Mr. Walton, our assistant superintendent. Linda Easter presents her Tri-Color Award in the F.H.A. Christmas Flower Show. Sandra Batton is giving Joey Goldsmith 路 the cake he won from the cake walk on Club Night.

The F.H.A. display on "Stretching Clothing Dollars" was put in the Singer Sewing Machine window during National F.H.A. Week.


Orchestra: On February 9 the orchestra presented a concert in the Albemarle auditorium. Later they played for a school assembly. The members entered the "Solo Ensemble Festival" held in Winchester on May 11. During the spring they visited five county grammar schools presenting concerts at assemblies.

Front Row: G. Roberts, L. Garrett, K. Huff. Second Row: Miss DeShazo, director; L. Roberts, J. MacKay, R. Massey, C. Agee. Third Row: C. Snead, L. Childress, C. Hendricks, G. Lewis, B. McDaniels, P. Johnson. Fourth Row: E. Cook.

Band club gel/g candy lot lund tailing ptojecf; Band Club: Sponsoring of fund raising drives, assisting in the preparation of public programs given by the band, and fostering fellowship among band members are the three purposes of the club. This year during the spring, the Band Club sold candy; the money was given the Albemarle Concert Band to help with its progress.

Front Row: S. Richie, vice-president; C. Judge, treasurer; M. Smith, secretary; M. Wood, Reporter. Second Row: D. Williams, T. Tremble, B. Baldwin, S. Ford, N. Profit, B. Bunch, P. Hardy, K. Moore, M. Tulloh, S. Mummey. Third Row: H. Roberts, S. Beale, E. Springborn, B. Burton, T. Titus, C. Via, D. Tobler, B. Ward, S. Morris, B. Norford, M. Bishop. Fourth Row: T. McCormick, T. Payne J. Titus, D. Hale, K. Pace, B. Martin, S. Dudley, B. Hall, P. Phillips, F . Redden, C. Woodson. Fifth Row: L. Toms, P. Verburg, T. Kessler, S. Butler, D. Falwell, S. Nottingham, B. Bishop, N. Benfer, W. Flory, S. Clark, M. Donohue.


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Flutes: R. Gentry, D. Rappolt, M. Smith, S. Ford P. Taylor, C. Moore, P. Harding. Oboe: T . Flory. Bassoon: A. Harris. Soprano Clarinets: J. Parson, S. Mummey, J. Robbins, D. Garrison, L. Toms, M. Bishop, M. Seifert, D. Patterson, C. Southall, B. Ward, S. Butler, M. Kidd. Alto Clarinets: J. Sandridge, M. Wood, D. Tobler. Bass Clarinet: M. Fowler. Alto Saxophones: F. Withers, J. Rittenhouse. Tenor Saxophone: S. Clarke. Baritone Saxophone: R. Albee. French

Horns: C. Leake, P. Phillips, M. Donohue, K. Moyer. Cornets: W. Bishop, J. Maupin, T . Kessler, S. Conley, D . Hale, L. Toms, C. Foster, D. Garth, S. Dudley, E. Redden. Trombones: S. Ritchie, J. Snyder, R. Nay, D. Purnell, K. Pace, D. Kerns, S. Cunningham, F. Hanlon. Baritones: D. Johnson, B. Gillikin. Basses: J. Seale, S. Irving, L. Creasey. Percussion: C. Judge, T. McCormick, D . Falwell, D. Falwell, P. Verburg, B. Burton, J. Titus.

Shelley Ritchie, Jeff Synder, Ronnie Nay, Dale Purnell, and King Pace practice for the spring concert.

Concert Band: . In the early part of December, the Concert Band presented a Christmas concert and in May a spring concert was given. The band marched in the Dogwood Parade on April 24.

Mr. Simmons, director, studies the progress of one of his musicians.


Flutes: C. Umdenstock, G. Gill, K. Shifflett. Bb Clarinets: J, Robinson G. Garrison. Alto Saxophones: B. Cambell, S. Critzer, R. Raines. Tenor Saxophones: G. Gentry, J. Fretwell. Oboe: D. Parsons. Cornets: W. Bensen, G. Beitzel. Trombone: G. Lee. Basses: M. Pearson, W . Seale. Drums: C. Grayson, G. Dudley, R. Layman, J, Brochu, J. Davidson, R. Mawyer.

/nlftumenfalilfl wotk fo qualify lot Concetf Band;路

Flute: L. O'Neal. Bb Clarinets: C. Bokick, F. Paulette, S. Turner, D. DeHart, J. Haney, A. Wood, T. Manley, D. Wood, S. Lowrey, S. Morris, B. Gibson, S. Olsson. Alto Saxophones: D. Williams. Tenor Saxophones: L. Towsey, E. Springborn. Cornets: S. Beale, T. DeLong, G. Martin, T. Payne, H. Roberts. Trombones: W . Seale, C. Woodson, N. Benfer, H. Norford, J. Garrison. Baritone: T . Titus. Bass: E. Lawson. Drums: M. Huff, J. Fitzgerald, E. Jenkins, B. Hall, T. Trimble, L. Lohman.


Front Row: M. Marshall, A. Painter, N. Goldsmith, D. Brown, A. Gribble, P. Beale, J. Lawrence, C. Grossman, D. Benson, C. McDaniel. Second Row: C. Beale, accompanist; M. Wood, P. Simms, L. Childress, J. Lawson, T. Masser, B. Johnson, J. Wood, J. Trimble, G. Lam, E. Pugh. Third Row: Miss DeShazo, director; D. Critzer,

D. Sharpe, J. Paschall, L. Sartin, D. Watson, F. Gianiny, S. Trunzo, M. L. Respess, N. Townsend, K. Stanton. Fourth Row: J. Sprouse, A. Mays, J. James, L. Harrington, W. Smith, H. Owenby, J. Tomlin, L. Mundy, R. Gough, J. Garrison.

choitl ptelenf ptogtaml at Chti1tma1 and in the 1pting.

Choirs: This year the choruses have given two student assemblies, one in November and one in May. They worked closely with the drama department to produce the Christmas Pageant, "Gloria." Representatives to the AllState Chorus included Sheila Trunzo, Larry Mundy, Lindsay Harrington, Jettie Paschall, Judy Lawson, and Jacob Sprouse. On March 30 the Concert Choir participated in the District V Vocal Festival. Front Row: C. Garrison, S. Sours, V. Morris, J. Harrington, S. Grimes, J. Harrington, L. Smith, Miss DeShazo, director. Second Row: N. Yowell, accompanist; P. Rogers, J. Wood, S. Rogers, P. Shifflett, B. Tomlin, G. Sheppard, B. Sandridge, B. Foster. Third Row: T. Stickler, B. Lam, K. Carson, B. Beale, B. Roberts, K. Markwood, P. Breeden, B. Wood, E. Mundy, A. Thomas, N. Flowers, F . Wheeler, M. Garth. Fourth Row: E. Burton, J. Gough, C. Huff, D. Butler, C. Garnett, S. Pollock, A. Osvalds, G. DeGraff, F. Zimmerman.


First Row: Split Ends-T erry Vogt, Mike Strickland; Guards-Jim Bunch, Lindsay Harrington, William Powell, D oug Wood, Ray Kyser; Wingbacks-Dan Ku sic, Jim Pyles, D an F alwell. Second Row: Tight Ends-Dave Falwell, Tom Massie, Dave Moyer, Lane

Gerhardt; Tackles- Eddie Strickler, Jim Abel, Wayne Carver, Bobby Vest, Paul Stacy; H alfbacks-George Gay, Eddie Herring, Joe Strickler, Steve Lydick.


Alhemal'le's Val'sifg Foofha/1 feam lights lol' a winning 7-3 season. Albemarle 47 ..... . . .

After losing the first two games in Valley District play, the Albemarle football team drove on to win the last five games of the year and finish third in the district with an over-all 7-3 record. While this year's record did not measure up to the 1961 team which won the district championship with a 9-1 record, the Patriot showing still represented a fine season of outstanding footbalL With a big spurt of offensive power, Albemarle started the season with a 47-0 romp over Group II Fluvanna County High. The big attraction for the home crowd was the three touchdown passes thrown by senior quarterback Bob Albee. In the second game of the season played before the largest crowd in Albemarle history, the Patriots met a rugged, well-coached Bristol, Tennessee, team that ended the Patriot ten-game winning streak. The bright spot for Albemarle in the 21-7 loss was a spectacular 80-yard return by Eddie Herring of a blocked field goal attempt.




Bristol, Tenn. 21

Albemarle 27

Culpeper 6



. ..... Fluvanna


R. E. Lee 13

Albemarle 13

Buena Vista 25

Albemarle 20

.. . Louisa


Albemarle 26



Albemarle 6

Harrisonburg 27

Albemarle 40

Waynesboro 19

Albemarle 32

Natural Bridge 0

Sfl'icklet teceiveg numetoug swstd9.

Traveling to Culpeper the following week, Albemarle Jisplayed a tenacious defense and a good rushing offense in a 27-6 victory. The most spectacular tally was an 89yard sprint off-tackle by sophomore George Gay. In the first district encounter of the year, the Patriots went over the mountain to play R. E. Lee of Staunton. The Leeman came out on top 13-0 in a game that saw Albemarle stalled by fumbling at several critical points in the game. Parry McCluer played host to the Patriots for the second district game of the season and after a see-saw battle, the Blues were victorious 25-13. Returning to the friendly turf of Albemarle, the team delighted a large Homecoming crowd with a 20-6 win over Louisa County High School. The Patriots saved their longest strike for the final period when a screen pass to Eddie Herring was good for 59 yards and a touchdown. 路 With a 26-0 win, the Patriots won their first Valley District game befm:e a Parents' Night crowd. The Lexington Scarlett Hurricanes were the victims of the strong Patriot attack led by the fabulous running of Joe Strickler who accounted for all three Albemarle touchdowns. First Row: Centers-Jack Yowell, Bennett Barnes; Managers- Jim Garrison, Robert Gough. Second Row: Quarterbacks- Dave 'Wyatt, Bob Albee, Paul Cannady; Coaches-Mr. King, Mr. Raines.

Coach William Raines



Coach Julian King


Joe Strickler, top scorer in Valley District, skirts off right end for a large gain against Louisa.

De9il'e and coopel'afion give Pafl'iofg a live game winning 9fl'eak. Mike Strickland, outstanding end, throws key block enabling Strickler to gain extra yardage.

Coming from behind, the Patriots defeated the Harrisonburg Blue Streaks 27-6 on home ground. Strickler again was the star of the night scoring 26 points and displaying fine broken field running. Using a hard-hitting defense, the Patriots tripped Waynesboro 40-19 for their first victory on the Waynesboro field. Joe Strickler hit the century mark in total points for the season with a 26 point performance. An awe-inspiring catch by Mike Strickland in the third period resulted in a 54 yard tally. The Patriots closed out the season by traveling to Natural Bridge and defeating the Rockets 32-0. This win capped a five-game winning streak which began with the Louisa Homecoming game and represented a fine come-back for the Patriots after starting the season slowly.


Stacy, Sfticklet, Catvet, Bunch, Albee named fo A/1-Cenfta/ Vitginia feam. 路 Members of the football team who received special recognition for their performances during the season were Joe Strickler, Bob Albee, Paul Stacy, Wayne Carver and Jimmy Bunch. Strickler and Albee were named to the first All-Central Virginia team. Strickler also named outstanding athlete from Albemarle High, led Central Virginia in yards gained, was the first in points scored for Central Virginia and received AllState honorable mention. The other three received mention on the All-Central Virginia team. Their individual efforts coupled with a strong team effort contributed to a winning season.

]im Pyles and Eddie Herring team up to intercept one of many passes this year for Albemarle.

Eddie Herring swings off left end to evade tacklers.

Dan Falwell crouches and stands ready to tackle oncoming Staunton ball carrier.


First Row: Jerry Gough, Greg Snyder, Charles Travis, Charles Milton, Bobby Burton, David Booth, Drew Cushman, Keith Breeden, Steve Stanton. Second Row: (Mgr.) Edward Campbell, Samuel Beale, Larry Wyant, Randy Jones, Dainel Tisdale, Ralph Main, Larry Richardson, G. F. Cox, Paul Fulton, Ronnie Flick, (Mgr.) Stanley Garth. Third Row: Steve Warns, Steve Rockwood, James Burnett, Scott Cunningham, Dale Kerns, Raymond Egeland,

Buddy Withers, Lewis Marion, Thomas Moon. Fourth Row: William McDiarmid, Matthew Murray, Charles Strauss, Wayne Seale, James Dandridge, Robert Lydick, Thomas Lederman, Robert Yowell. Fifth Row: Jeff Snyder, King Pace, Harry Blake, Frank Novakowski, David Garth, G. A. Baker, Larry Toms, James Greenwood.

De1pife injuted quatfetbackl the Juniot Vatlify come1 ouf on fop. Coach Charles Costello

Under the direction of Coaches Ed Null and Charles Costello, the junior varsity had a winning season of four wins and three losses. The baby Patriots defeated Waynesboro and Buena Vista twice while losing to Staunton twice and Harrisonburg once. During the past four seasons the junior varsity team has won 28 games, losing but four. The varsity of the future should be promising. Albemarle 33


Albemarle 20

Buena Vista 6

Albemarle 6

Staunton 13

Albemarle 31 Coach Ed Null

. . . . . . .





Albemarle 58

Buena Vista 12

Albemarle 0

Staunton 26

Albemarle 0

Harrisonburg 12

I I l




,, "t

k 's

First Row: David Strauss, Terry Nefos, Dexter Williams, Harold Roberts, Walter Salley, Joseph Birckhead, Thomas Clausen, Donald Walker, Clivis H arris, Edgar Pugh. Second Row: Homer Kennever, James Layman, Earl Burton, Thomas Titus, Jimmy Davidson, Paul Phillips, Chris Murray, Doug Dorsey, Allen Long, Glenn D eBiasi.

Third Row: (Mgr.) Thomas Lonergan, Eugene Garrison, Howard Morris, Larkin Wolfrey, D exter Honeycutt, Jeff Whitehouse, Jerry Taylor, Vinton Cushman, Bill Herring, Ray Murphey, (Mgr.) Bill Knight.

With a winning 3-1 tecotd, the Eighth Gtade team 1how1 lutute ptomile. Coaches Aubrey johnston and Laird Rush

d g y :e


y y



3 6


Coached to a winning season by Coach Aubrey Johnston and Coach Laird Rush, the eighth grade team won three games and lost only one. This is the best season for the past three years for an eighth grade team ami shows much promise for future junior varsity teams.

Albemarle 20

Buena Vista 0

Albemarle 6

Staunton 21

Albemarle 20 Albemarle


Buena Vista


Amherst 0




ABa1kefhall There is more to the business of cheerleading than meets the eye. To the cheerleaders falls the pleasant yet busy task of sponsoring bus trips and preparing for the Homecoming parade. As if this isn't enough, they pour time and effort into making posters, pushing school spirit and promoting enthusiasm during pep rallies. Without their presence, the games would have lacked color and organized patriotism. They helped to lead a great student body in the support of the fine Albemarle teams. Carolyn Robertson Head

Lucy Flannagan Co-Head

Cheryl Roberts Ann Addington Emily Powell

Missy Scott Pat Blackwell Dana Sharpe

Brenda Ramsey Sue Ann Murray Mrs. Edith Rudolph sponsor




e 1,

g d 1.

y s. Mrs. Dale Griggs, Sponsor

Is that an order, Martha???

Spotfgmanghip ftophy tichly tewatd9 Cheetleadetg' ellotf9. Before school, after school and even on weekends, spirited shouts of the J. V. Cheerleaders can be heard giving vent to new cheers. Planning a joint pep-rally for Homecoming with the varsity cheerleaders, cheering at

J. V.

games, and helping to raise school spirit round out their responsibility for the year. Redoubling their efforts in the Spring, these girls strive extra-hard to qualify as varsity cheerleaders for the coming year.

First Row: Linda Crenshaw, Martha Williams, H ead; Martha Michie. Second Row: Kathy Robertson, Chris Grossman, Jean Lawrence, Lee Garrett.

Alhematle'g High Vat1ity 8a1kethall team tank1 thitd in the Valley Di1ttict.

First Row: manager; Foster Paulette, Lane Gerhardt, Terry Vogt, Jimmy Rivers, Eddie Herring, Dennis Null, George Gay, Larry

Smith, Thomas Massie, H. B. Alsup, manager; Jerry Gough. Second Row: Bob Albee, Bill Rockwood.

The Albemarle Varsity Basketball team compiled a season of twelve wins and five losses. The Patriots came close to upsetting many strong teams in regular season play. After losing by big margins to both Buena Vista and R. E. Lee of Staunton, Albemarle again lost a hearbreaker to Buena Vista, 52-50. R. E. Lee, using a full-court press, staged a rally late in the game to overcome Albemarle by a score of 51-46. In the Valley District Tournament the Patriots lost to Buena Vista, 49-47, and defeated Harrisonburg, 44-38, in the consolation game. The Patriot basketball team thus finished in the district for the second consecutive year. Bob Albee was named to the All-District first team with Bill Rockwood and Lane Gerhardt on the second team.

Coach Ed Null confers with his team.


Albee bteak1 fhe 1choo/ 1cotJng tecotd. AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS AHS

40 38 29 46 60 76 36 50 45 51 50 47 43 79 46 68 59

.. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. Culpeper .............. . Harrisonburg ... .... . .. ....... . . Buena Vista ... . .. . . . . .. .. . Waynesboro .. . .... . . . ... Culpeper .. . . . .. . . . .. . . Natural Bridge ... .. .. . ... . . ... R. E. Lee .. . . ... ...... . .. Lexington Harrisonburg ... Orange .. .. Buena Vista .. . . .... .... .. . Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waynesboro ........ . ..... . . Natural Bridge ... . .. .. . . . . . . R. E. Lee ................. . . Faculty ... .. . . . ......... . . . Lexington •









32 46 58 38 49 49 63 27 37 41 52 41 41 39 51 21 46

Terry Vogt tries desperately to tap the ball into the hands of one of his teammates. Lane Gerhardt fak es a pass as he tries to stall for time against Harrisonburg.


Jimmy Rivers (14) watches as Bob Albee (10) drives up with a good two points.

a e n

a a a ;t

l, n

e n


Lane Gerdardt comes down with one of the many rebounds he picked off for Albemarle as Bill Rockwood (50) watches.

First Row: Manager, John Titus; David Wyant, David Bradbury, Edgar Carnett, Richard Ward, Ronald Wesner, C. A. Baker, James Gambrill, Edward Smith, Manager, Randolph Jones. Second Row:

Jerry Snead, Thomas Lederman, David Garth, George Cheape, Neil Benger.

Juniol' Val'lifg cagel'l have gucceggful 1ea1on. A basketball player's closet step to Varsity participation is Junior Varsity basketball. The 1963 Junior Varsity basketball team, coached by Laird Rush, won eight of its sixteen games. The Buena Vista, Culpeper, Natural Bridge, and Waynesboro games were outstanding and ended with a close score. The Patriots could have had a better overall season if these narrow margin games could have been won. Active regular season participants were David Bradbury, Neil Banfer, David Garth, David Wyant, and Thomas Lederman.

Coach Laird Rush



13 40 56 41 58 38 71 44 41 18 36 51 38 24 31 51

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Culpeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harrisonburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buena Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waynesboro ............ .. . Culpeper ... . .. .. .. .. . ........... R. E. Lee ..... ......... Natural Bridge ............... Blue Ridge ................. Harrisonburg ............ ..... Orange ............... Buena Vista ................ Orange ..... ......... Waynesboro ............ Natural Bridge ................ Blue Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lexington

12 55 58 56 54 60 40 25 51 35 37 42 34 26 25 36


First Row: Cecil Gentry, Greg Beitzel, Greg Wolfrey, Charles Garnett, Jimmy Robinson, Tom Titus, Arthur Ankney. Second Row: Mr. Raines, Manager & Coach, Michael Pearson, Steve Polleck,

Billy Greenwood, Barry Layman, Dave Parsons, Earl Burton. Third Row: Howard Morris, Bill Herring, Raymond Murphey, Wayne Thomas, Chris Durrer, Lonnie Dickens.

Eighth gtadetf leatn fundamenfafg undet new coach. l·

y ts :tl d d

Coach William Raines

Eighth grade basketball is a player's first organized participation in high school basketball, which encourages fair play and good sportsmanship. Under the direction of Coach William Raines the eighth graders learn the fundamental skills of basketball. The 1963 Eighth grade team won two and lost three games under their new coach. Active players for the eighth grade were Raymond Murphey, Barry Layman, Earl Burton, Wayne Thomas, and Bill Herring. This years schedule included games with Scottsville, Buena Vista, and Fork Union.






29 .. . .





.. . . . . .



.. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .


31 .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . ..... . .

Scottsville 32


55 .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .

Scottsville 44






Buena Vista 50

. •

Fork Union •




Buena Vista 19 Buena Vista 19


First Row: Sally Strauss, Judy Smith, captains. Second Row: Sharon Lane, Judy Gibson, Shirley Rhodes, Jenny Brookman,. Linda Easter, Linda Crawford, Miss Tresa Quarles, Coach;

Deanne Norford, Barbara Moore, Susan Hathaway, Cynthia W estmoreland, Kathy Green, and Claudia Mawyer.

Va1'9ify and Juniol' Va1'9ify wol'k fogefhel' c/oge/y S$ Jeanne Gabrielson, Lynn Hopkins, Managers; Miss Tresa Quarles, Coach.

The team's record of nine wins and one loss was the best record in history for an Albemarle girls' basketball team. The lone loss this year was to Wilson Memorial by three points. All of the girls on the team are to be commended for their outstanding performances and the sportsmanship they portrayed on the court. The varsity's winning season may be attributed to the fine coaching efforts of Miss Tresa Quarles, who has created interest and enthusiasm for girls' sports while on the staff at Albemarle. 1963 GIRLS' VARSITY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE AHS 51 . . . . . . . . . . . Scottsville 27 AHS 32 ................. Wilson 19 AHS 50 Scottsville 32 AHS 25 ....... Waynesboro 20 AHS 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson 30 AHS 36 Madison 23 AHS 36 ....... Madison 28 AHS 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waynesboro 19 AHS 38 . . . . . . . . . . . Rockbridge 27 AHS 30 Nelson 17


a winning season cteates specfafot infetesf in gitls' basketball. Under the coaching of Miss Patricia Dean, the Junior Varsity Girls' Basketball team compiled the enviable record of five games won and three lost. They met Scottsville, Madison, Waynesboro, and Wilson, both away and at home. Each member on the team works many hours to learn the fundamentals in basketball which will help her in her future years on the Varsity.



.. Wilson


AHS . 36

















Madison 20







Rockbridge 33

Miss Patricia Dean, Coach; Judy Farish, Manager.


e ll Ll e e

0 0


First Row: Linda Jo Wyant, Sally Heilman, Captaim. Second Row: Suezanne Turner, Carla Pace, Bernice Haney, Candy Elias, Theresa Wyant, Mary F . Thurston, Meg

Marston, Elinor Umdenstock, Cindy Bolick, Donna Rappolt, Judy Shepherd, and Carrie Holland.

Front Row: Coach, Charles Costello ; Carl McAllister, Ronnie Flick, Buddy Toms, Danny Falwell, Billy Reed, Wally Kennedy, Sam Beale, Ray Kyser. Second Row: W. C. Fields, David Wyant, Gary Smith, Mercer Garnett, Billy Dandridge, Mike Wolfrey, Massie Rea,

Charles Oliver, Eddie Herring, Bradley Lam, Bob Albee, Paul Stacy, Woody Harrell. Not pictured : Richard Sinclair, Dennis Null, and Dan Kusic.

The Paftiofg lftong ha1ehall team lace1 tugged fe~fg in the Valley Oilfticf. The Patriot Baseball team, now under the veteran coaching of Mr. Charles Costello, shows excellent promise for the tough competition in the Valley District. The first two games have been split with a win over Nelson County High, 7-3, and a loss due to errors to Waynesboro High, 3-2. The baseball team includes such veterans as Paul Stacy, Danny Falwell, Ray Kyser, Charles Oliver, Sam Beale, Billy Dandridge, and Bob Albee .

April 2 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 12 April 16 April 19 April 23 April 24 April 26 April 30 May 3 May 7 May 10 May 14 May 17 May 21

Coach; Mr. Charles Costello and Managers; Mac Lonergan and Gene Burgess.


. . . . . . . Nelson Waynesboro .. . . . . Orange Harrisonburg Buena Vista ..... . . . . .. ........ . Open R. E. Lee Harrisonburg Orange Open Open Natural Bridge Nelson Waynesboro Lexington Buena Vista R. E. Lee

First Row: Barry Layman, Dennis Tate, Hollas Collier, Ronnie W esner, Norris Woodzell, Dan Tisdale, Greg Wolfrey, Dale Kyser, Keith Breeden, Larry Wyant, Jim Dunnivan, Manager; Foster Paulette. Second Row: Glenn De Biasi, Otis Collier, Garry Martin, Jim Greenwood, Ray Murphey, Jerry T aylor, Chip Cheape, Paul Oliver, Melvin F arish, Ellis Lawson, Coach; Mr. Laird Rush Not Pictured : David Anderson.

Juniot Vatfity takef field with a young inexpetienced hafeha/1 team. Since many of the regular J. V. Baseball players from last year moved up to the varsity team, Mr. Laird Rush faces a job of rebuilding his Junior Varsity Baseball team. Mr. Rush must shape these boys into a well-coordinated team. If the team can work togther, the J. V.'s should have a very good season and his players could gain valuable experience.

April April April April May May

1 9 22 26 1 6

Louisa Scottsville Wm. Monroe Scottsville Louisa Wm. Monroe

Ray Kyser pitches to W. C. Fields in a warm-up before the Wayn esboro game.

_.., _

Carl McAllister takes bunting practice before an afternoon game with Waynesboro.


Solfhs/1 gitls fake the field

First Row: Judy Smith, Maxine McDaniel, Carolyn Clark, Frances Napier, Brenda Shifflet, Dare Hamner, Claudia Macann, and Margaret Slavik. Second Row: Claudia Mawyer, Pearl Estes,

Linda Pugh, Sally Strauss, Judy Farish, Coach Tresa Quarles, Connie Clark, Judy Gibson, Donna Dehart, and Diance Mawyer.

On the eve of Spring, the Girls' Softball team, under the direction of Miss Tresa Quarles, began their first seasonal practice. 'iVith the loss of last year's pitcher and several fielders , Coach Quarles is faced with the task of rebuilding girls for these certain positions. Due to few practices and errors in play, the team lost their

first game to James Monroe of Green County. The 1963 team should prove to be successful, however, in organization and performance since many of last year's members are back for another bigger and better season.

Carolyn Clark goes up for fly ball!

Martha Dofflemyer, Manager; Coach Tresa Quarles, Judy Farish, B arb a r a Martin, Managers.


First Row: Pat Finn, Linda Childress, Glenda Aldrick, Linda Jo

Wyant, Linda Reynolds, Cynthia Westmoreland, and Suzanne Turner. Second Row: Laurie Simpson, Sue Murray.

As Tennis plage/'s p/'epa/'e lo/' Iough matches With many of last year's veterans returning, Coach Pat Dean should have an organized and an experienced tennis team. The spirit, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship

portrayed on court by these girls distinguishes the Albemarle team. All of the girls are to be commended for this.

Manager Theresa Wyant and Coach Pat Dean discuss some pointers before the match .

Linda Childress and Pat Finn tune up for the Patriots.


Paftiof ftackmen sftive fo tepeaf as disfticf champions.

First Row: Larry Toms, Gundars Osvalds, George Gay, Eddie Herring, Mike Strickland, Bill Rockwood, Paul Stacy, Lane Gerhardt, Terry Vogt, Eddie Strickler, Bob Albee, Jeff Snyder, Bob Lydick, Bob Burton, Scott Cunningham, Allan Boger. Second Row: Bill Gillikin, Tommy Titus, John Titus, Jay Snavely, John Barbour, David Booth, Paul Fulton, Bill Mercer, Joe Strickler, Wally

Kennedy, Doug vVood, John Jarman, G. A. Baker, Matt Murray, Kenny Herndon, Montie Kirby, Bill McDiarmid, G. F . Cox, Frank Novakowski. Third Row: Buddy Ankney, Chris Durrer, Bennett Barnes, Bill Atkeison, David Wyant, David Bradbury, Bill Herring, Larry Cassidy, Jerry Gough, Martin Carbotti, James Davison, Earl Burton, Miles Seifert.

After winning the 1962 Valley District and State Group I-B track championships, the Patriots face the problem of pacing a potential winner in every event. In a practice meet the cindermen made a good showing against the University of Virginia Freshman Squad. Under

the coaching of Mr. Raines, Mr. Null, and Mr. King, the track team won a triangular meet over Culpeper and Harrisonburg by a margin of 56 points. With these excellent displays of ability the future season should be looked on with optimism.


April April April April April April April April May May May May May May May May

4 6 10 11 13 18 25 27 1 2 4 9 11 13 16 18

Culpeper-Harrisonburg Woodberry Forest ..... R. E. Lee Culpeper (J.V.) Colonial Lexington Waynesboro Buena Vista Relays F.U.M.A. (J.V.) Buena Vista Albemarle Relays Orange J. V. & Varsity Valley District Woodberry Invitational (J.V.) ........... Miller School . . . .. ... . . . .. . ....... . State 1-B


Mike Strickland leads th e field in the 880 with Larry Toms and John Jarman close behind. joe Strickler and his shadow combine for a 19 ft.-plus broad iump against Woodberry Forest.

Ttack team 9howg 9ftength in field Eddie Herring clears 5 ft .-7 in. to cinch first place against Harrisonburg and Culpeper.




tanning evenf9.

Bill Rockwood tops the last hurdle as he breaks the school record in the high hurdles.


featuteg: Alhematle gtudentg anticipate a yeat of both new and familial' expetienceg.

Warm, hectic, excited students greet old and new friends as school opens ... Mr. Hurt welcomes the student body to a new school year ... Students meet their teachers . . . sample new courses ... buy textbooks ... "What's your schedule?" and "Who needs a second-hand English book?'' are frequent questions. Finally, at the end of the day, weary, but filled with optimism for the new year, students rush to climb on their buses.

Th e line of buses leaves for the different sections of Albemarle County.




' •

Soon students become accustomed to the bustle and chatter in the halls . . . the crowded cafeteria . . . the concentration in the library ... the quiet of a sh1dy hall ... and lively classroom discussions. 'I ndividuals ponder their choice of a club ... try out for J. V. cheerleading and sports (varsity football practice begins in August) . . . elect student council representatives .. . and Hornecoming, the first big event of the year, arrives quickly.

Mr. Hurt congratulates Carolyn with a kiss.

After her crowning, Duane Bickers dances with his royal date .

Riding on the Tri-Hi-Y float, Joyce Sandridge, Linda Gay, Faye Gianniny, and Darlene Swisher represent foreign countries.

Homecoming week-end 1potlight1 Queen Cal'olyn and he/' attendant1. HOMECOMING 1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that special weekend ... A pep rally on Friday afternoon leads off the weekend activities. The 3:15 bell dismisses school ... students begin to scurry around ... working earnestly ... preparing a car float entry for the half-time parade. The kickoff is set for eight o'clock. The suspense mounts . .. who will be Homecoming Queen? Finally, Mr. Hurt reveals .. . Carolyn will reign with Pam as her maid-of-honor. Then follows a sentimental moment while the band plays "Let me Call You Sweetheart." The game resumes . . . The crowd enthusiastically yells along with the cheerleaders . . . They are proud of the victorious team!

1t is Saturday night ... pink and green decorations transform the cafeteria to fulfill the theme, "Moonlight and Roses" ... Creeper and the ViRaiders supply peppy music. The result-a lively atmosphere! Ten o'clock arrives . . . Mr. Hurt presents the excited and glowing Homecoming Court with their escorts. Danny Falwell and Joe Strickler, co-captains of the football team, summon their courage to crown the poised and radiant Carolyn. The dance is over at Twelve . . . and Hornecoming 1962 becomes a memory . ..

From top to bottom: Amelia Wood, Barbara Fox, Martha Williams, Sharon Ford, Martha Michie, Barbara Wells, Kathy Green, Sally Terry, Becky Kennedy, Pam Knight and Carolyn Robertson. Not pictured: Pam Pairet.

Maid-of-Honor, Pam Knight and Queen, Carolyn Robertson Senior Representatives, Becky Kennedy and Sally Terry



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Sophomore Representative, Sharon Ford Sophomore Representative, Martha Michie

Junior Representative, Kathy Green Not pictured, Barbara Wells

Freshman Representative, Barbara Fox Eighth-grade Representative, Amelia Wood Not pictured, Pam Pairet


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Freshman Representative, Martha Williams

The halls serve as more than passageways to classrooms. Early every morning, before homeroom period, the halls teem with students arriving . .. slamming lockers . . . happily greeting their friends again . . . delivering excuses for absences to the office . . . purchasing supplies from the bookstore . . . chatting in friendly groups . .. Through the year, activity fills the halls in the form of attention catching posters, yearbook staffers campaigning to sell the 1963 Peer, parents visiting to talk with faculty, Literary club members trying to sell their paperback books, "Highlight" subscribers picking up the latest edition of the school paper. F.T .A. members Raymond Hite and Julie Hoy register an interested mother on Parent' Visitation Day.

Alhemstle'$ hs/1$ buzz wifh scfivify; The

.IJ&marle Hiqlilighl fl



John Barbour has just received his "Highlight" at the ticket booth.

Charles McAllister, are you responsible for that messy locker?

Sally White and John Willson concentrate on a make-up test.


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David Parsons points out a region to Patricia Lawson and Sonny Null in his geography class. In physics class, Charles McAllister explains the operation of the W estinghouse air brake.

teschet9 inftoduce vstiefy info the ciS99toom to 1pstk enthu9is1m. Conventional classroom procedure put aside, Bianca Redden entertains with her guitar in Mr. Turner's English class.

Marilyn Moore and Donna Miller study together.



Tommy Albert, Hallas Collier, Raymond Egland, and Wilbert Breeden are intent on drafting.

THE CANDY CANE BALL .... Saturday night, December 15-The Student Council has decorated the cafeteria with red and white streamers to suggest candy canes. Brightly lit Christmas trees add to the seasonal setting of the annual Christmas dance. Students have been excited for weeks about having the "Embers", a combo from Richmond, play at the dance.

Ann Addington smiles with a radiance as sparkling as her crown.

This year, for the first time, the student body has chosen a Snow Queen from eleven senior candidates. Ten o'clock-the lights dim. The candidates line up . . . the crowd breathlessly waits to discover who the Snow Queen will be. A single spotlight reveals a large Christmas package wrapped with red ribbon . .. Suddenly . .. out of the hushed silence . . . the sound of tearing paper-Ann Addington, in a red velvet gown, steps out of her wrappings to receive her crown and the title "Snow Queen."

Pam Davis and Roger Rogan abandon their shoes to keep up with the lively musical pace.

Surprise! This is one package opened before Christmas.


Miss Beard, Mrs. Adams, and Mrs . Houston iudge Christmas decorations made by the Home Economics classes.

David Colt;ert, Jerry Bias, Jim W hite, and John Parson portray shepherds in the christmas pageant, "G LORIA."


. . btJngJng a fegfJve dance and a getloug pageant 1lfj/otla."

Th ese u;ere the candidates for Snow Queen. Front row; from left to right: Brenda Ramsey, Cheryl Roberts, Carol Zimmerman and Denna DeHooge. Back row, fr om left to right: Ann Addington,

Carolyn Clark, Mary Klink , Su e Allen, V eegie Parker, Pam Davis, and Nan cy Norvelle.



"Trailways" Trice introduces Gene Corrigan, who is ready to perform a comic monologue at the Booster Club Minstrel.

Th e president of the senior class, Cabell Smith, presides over the first m eeting of the Seniors in October.

The audifotium getveg exfta cutticulat and cutticulat putpogeg.

The auditorium is the scene of assemblies-roaring pep rallies on Friday afternoons before a football or basketball game . . . awards assemblies . . . band concerts ... chorus concerts .. . the Booster Club Minstrel . .. college day . . . the Junior Class Talent Show . . . the Home Economic Department's fashion show, and many other special activities-all take place here. But the auditorium is not reserved for only these "special" activities. The band practices every day on the stage, and some students must even study here.

Robert Skenes, John Parson, Steve Donohue, and George Sanborn look over information sheets given out in the college assembly.

In a special assembly for tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders, Mrs. Dofflemyer discu sses college plans.


Mr. Hurt addresses the District SCA Convention, held at Albemarle this year.

~ Coach Kin g presents Lindsay Harrington with his second-year bar at the football awards assembly. On college day , Miss Mary Ellen Anderson informs a group of girls about W est Hampton College. Miss Anderson was one of more than twenty-fi ve representatives from area colleges.


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Mr. Simmons directs the band as they rehearse on the stage.


The "Top Ten" honor students are, first row: valedictorian Steve Donohue, salutatorian Pam Davis, 3rd Ann Addington, 4th Malcolm Sprouse, 5th Susan Hays. Second row . 6th Sherrie Stanton, 7th Bob Albee, tied for 8th Irene Fornes and Audrey Smith, and lOth Patty Green.

Alhematle gfudenfg win

These seniors received recognition on the Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test: Malcolm Sprouse and Steve Donohue, Letters of Commendation and Susan Hays, Finalist.

Malcolm Sprouse, Carolyn Robertson and Pam Knight were delegates to Boys' and Girls' State held in July 1962.

Mr. Ray Sonner, chairman of the Valley District, presents the cheerleading trophy to co-head cheerleaders Lucy Flannagan and Carolyn Robertson. Th e Albemarle cheerleaders won the trophy on the basis of appearance, sportsmanship, control over spectators, precision of cheers and observance of tournament rules.

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YO U These D.O. and D.E. students were winners at the district conventions, left to right: Johnny Hensley, 3rd place in the D.O. poster contest, Carolyn Elliott, 3rd place D.E. Student-of-the-Year; and Denna DeHooge, 3rd place, Job Interview . Not pictured is Pat Morris, 1st place in Professional Selling.



honol'l In many fleld1.

Th e All-State Band members from Albemarle are: left to right: ]esse Seale, Susan Mummey, John Parson, Judy Sandridge, Bill Mercer, Margie Fowler and Carl Judge.

Chosen to represent Albemarle in the All-State Chorus are, left to right: Jacob Sprouse, ]ettie Paschall, Judy Lawson, Larry Mundy and Lindsay Harrington. Not pictured is Sheila Trunzo.


''Who'g Who'' A committee of faculty members, including Mr. Hurt, Mrs. Dofflemyer, Mrs. Houston, Miss Beard, Miss Sutherland, Mr. Turner, Mrs. Jackson, and Mr. Lindsay, chose the twelve "Who's Who" students. The committee selected students who contributed to Albemarle High School through extracurricular activities, adequate scholarship, dependability, citizenship, leadership and especially concern for fellow students. Susan Hays, diligent editor of The Peer, is also a debater. She has held offices in the Latin Club and the Jr. Red Cross, and twice has won first prize in the Talent Show by playing her original compositions on the piano. Ann Addington was president of her Junior Class and is now the President of the Student Council. This cheerleader is Albemarle's first Snow Queen. An energetic cheerleader known by her friendly smile, Lucy Flannagan has been an officer of her class several times. Lucy is also active in the Tri-Hi-Y and the Student Council. Albemarle students have often listened to her on "Saturday Morning with the Patriots." Bob Albee is an all around star athlete, vice-president of the Math Club and an All-State Band member three times. Bob is the first boy from Albemarle to receive an apponitment to a military academy. He plans to enter the Air Force Academy next fall. The senior class salutatorian, Pam Davis has been an active member of the Debate Club for four years. She is also an industrious member of the Student Council and

is president of the District SCA. Charles McAllister is vice-president of the Bible Club and a member of the Hi-Y Club. Students may remember Charles' interesting morning devotions. The managing editor of The Peer, Sherrie Stanton has excelled in winning essay honors. The Latin Club is another of her interests. Lindsay Harrington, a good-natured football letterman, carries his interest in sports from the football field to the sports section of The Peer. Lindsay has vocal talent also; he is an All-State Chorus member. One may frequently find Susan Mummey busy at work in the library. She is an officer of the Library Club. Susan was selected for All-State Band this year . Carolyn Beale is certainly musically inclined. She plays the piano for the chorus, is vice-president of the chorus, and has been to All-State Chorus. Carolyn is also on the Student Council. Danny Falwell, who plays the drums in the band, is president of the Math Club. He is also a football and baseball letterman. Pam Knight has been a class officer twice. She was vice-president of the SCA last year and is president of the Pep Club this year. Pam was Maid-of-Honor in the Homecoming Court, and has been an enthusiastic cheerleader until a job in the school office this year prevented her from being in the squad.

''Who'g Who'' tecognizeg twelve 1eniot1 who have made


Cheerleader Lucy Flannagan entertains Mr. Turner's senior English class with a recital from "Hamlet."

Susan Hays and Pam Davis chat next to an unusual trellis outside the schl?ol building.


Sherrie Stanton, Lindsay Harrington and Susan Mummey use the magazines provided by the library.

Carolyn Beale is getting ready to exercise one of her most outstanding talents - playing the piano.

Charles McAllister, Ann Addington, and Bob Albee stop for a drink of water.

gignificanf conftibufion9 fo Alhematle.

Danny Falwell smiles modestly for the camera.

Pam Knight checks the registaer in the office.


The new Quill and Scroll members are, left to right, First Row: Donna Hamilton, jackie Trimble, Barbara Britton, Anne Leake, Mary Wood, Carol Fry, Sally Terry, Patty Green and Dana Sharpe.

Second Row: Charles Oliver, Carolyn Robertson, Richard Sinclair, Susan Hays, Sue Galvin, Billy Bishop and Norma Pierce. Not pictured is Mary Bishop.

In its second year, the William Anne Kepple Chapter of Quill and Scroll continues to reward student achievement in journalism. This chapter, named after the Earl of Albemarle, is an honorary society for selected staff

members of The Highlight and The Peer. Since these students must meet certain requirements, Quill and Scroll increases the motivation for significant contributions to school publications.

''Highlight" and ''Peet" wotket9 and afhelefeg 9ftive Mrs. Carol Fox, sponsor; Cabell Smith, senior; Kathy Green, vice-president, SCA; Kenny Herndon, junior; Martha Williams, freshman; Bill McDiarmid, sophomore; Jane Harrington, eighth grade.

Honot Council The Honor Council, in its second year at Albemarle, includes the presidents of all the classes. The vice-president of the SCA presides over the Honor Council, organized to promote honesty among students and to preserve school property. By next year the Honor Council hopes to establish a functioning Honor Society with an elected membership of those students who are outstanding in scholarship, leadership and overall character.


First row: Lindsay Harrington, Mike Strickland, Kenneth Herndon, Steve Lydick, D anny F alwell, Ray Kyser, Eddie Herring, Johnnie Rivers. Second row: David F alwell, Richard Sinclair, James Abell,

W ayne Carver, Paul Stacy, Charles Oliver, Jack Yowell, Bni Rockwood, Bob Albee, George Gay.

to meet the tequitements ol the Quill and Scto/1 and the Monogtam Club. Mrs. Harry Burnett, Jr. and Mrs. G. A. Vogt sell tickets in the lobby for the Minstrel Show sponsored by the Booster Club .

Monogtam Club The boys who earn a varsity letter are eligible for election to the Monogram Club. This club works to raise money for Parents' Night, for flowers for the cheerleaders, and for championship jackets by sponsoring rummage sales and scrap metal drives, and by participating in Club Night. The Booster Club, which is closely connected with the Monogram Club, is composed of the students' parents. Both clubs strive to promote student support of the school sports, good sportsmanship and improvements in the athletic program. Monogram Club officers, president Joe Strickler, vice-president Jimmy Bunch and secretary-treasurer Jimmy Garrison confer with the sponsors, Mr . Raines and Mr. Null.

At lunch, the cafeteria is a gay and noisy place. Students not only eat, but talk, joke, sell, campaign, and study during their lunch period. Only after the last slow eaters hurry off to their classes, can the cafeteria resume its status as a study hall. Perhaps even later on in the day, with tables and chair removed, students convert their eating place to a dance floor or set up boothes for club night.

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John Parson appears eager to purchase a copy of the "Faux Pas" from Tom Ward, editor-in-chief and president of the Literary Club .

Setious games ate fempotatily lotgoffen as




Patricia Dollins and Barbara Critzer make proper use of the new book racks in the cafteeria.



Laurie Simpson, Pat Finn and Cove Scrivnor swing to the music of "The Skyliners" at the sock-hop after the junior-Senior Basketball Game. Th e girls are still wearing their playing outfits. Cheerleaders Missy Scott, Dana Sharpe, and Sue Ann Murray prepares a banner for the district basketball tournament, working on the cafeteria tables after school.


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Partitioned during the week to hold boys' and girls' physical education classes, the gymnasium resounds with bouncing basketballs . . . tennis shoes squeaking across the waxed floor ... and rowdy young athletes testing their skill in exercises from crab soccer to rope climbing. When the basketball season opens, crowded bleachers help to fill the vast floor space. Students scream, "Sink it!" or "Jump ball, jump ball!"

The football fi eld has an unusual use similar to that of the gym. Th e Powder Puff Football game, complete with male cheerleaders, matches the girls from the four upper classes in a game of flag football. Th ese players are, left to right. Marsha Gunsallus, Martha Michie, Shirley Lohman, Nancy Townsend and Karen Crafaik.


boys and gil'/s enjoy suppol'fing unusual confesfs. Enthuastic fans , led by the example of the cheerleaders, urge Albemarle's basketball team onward to victory.

Then again the gym changes ... the bleachers fold back . . . and a combo blares from one corner. The cheer "Let's go!" becomes a quiter "Let's dance." Although gym classes, basketball games and sock hops normally use the gymnasium, students support certain e.xtra events there, too. In February, with the regular basketball season over, the faculty and the varsity team clash. The novelty of seeing the teachers on the basketball court and the fun of laughing at pranks, and added attractions such as the "Masked Marvel" enliven the game. A few weeks later the Juniors face the Seniors. Only those boys and girls who are not on varsity teams may play.

Lane Gerhardt tries to steal a rebound from Mr. Griggs during the Faculty Basketball Game while Mr. Hall, principal of Broadus Wood School, Mr. Kent, principal of Greenwood School, and Bill Rockwood look on.



life af Alhematle High School involve$ fun S$ well S$ wotk. The word "school" immediately brings to mind teachers and textbooks, report cards and athletics. But "school", in its relationships and events, is more complex than this. A student's life centers around his school. Here he prepares himself for adult life through academic or vocational subjects-whichever suits his inclination and ability. This is where he can form lasting friendshi!JS. In addition he can develop his talents-musical, dramatic, literary, or athletic. School offers the interested student the opportunity to sing in the chorus, play in the band or orchestra, try out for a play, contribute to the literary magazine, work on publications, or go out for sports from football to golf. It is work, but rewarding work. To whom do Albemarle students owe this opportunity? To teachers, principals, cafeteria workers, the school board, janitors, authors of textbooks, secretaries, taxpayers - all these people, both in the foreground and behind the scenes, deserve gratitude for their contribution to school life at Albemarle.

Judy Smith and Claudia Mawyer use the office telephone.

Harold Childress has quite a iob-scrubbing the front entrance. Is Glenna Aldrich trying to carry the letter-sweater fad a little furth er by wearing David Garth's fur coat? Drafting absorbs Caroll Shiflett's attention completely.



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Gloria Southall talks to Mr. Busse about an absence from school .

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Carolyn Robertson, Cheryl Roberts, Bob Albee, and Audrey Smith are glad to help Lucy Flanna gan celebrate her birthday during lunch period. Cheryl looks hungry!

School olletl evetg gfudenf valuable oppo/'funifiel.


Miss DeShazo and Barbara Jean Critzer work on the musical part of the Christmas Pageant, "Gloria."

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Linda Fitzgerald doesn't look too worried about the report card Mr. Johnston has just handed her.

Under the goggles is Ronnie Nay, welding in the shop.


Books on display surround Frank Quinn, engrosed in his reading .

Two study hall students discuss homework together.

Practice, Shiela Trunzo finds, developes typing skill.




Although the student body is ever enlarging, ever finding new interests, nevertheless, it has certain characteristics. Students take great pride, for instance, in their school and in their good sportsmanship. The school includes grades eight through twelve. Eighth graders must adjust to attending a large consolidated high school. Ninth and tenth graders, having attained a sense of belonging, participate in extracurricular activities. The junior class busily carries out fund raising projects, such as the talent show, in order to finance the Junior-Senior Prom. Their last year in high school finds seniors holding responsible positions and preparing for college or jobs.

Mr. Simmons directs a band class.


Students enioy a sock hop after a basketball game.

Barbara Burnett and Charles Barnes carefully collect oxygen over water in their chemistry class.



Seniot Cla11 ol '63 The Senior Class is a special part of Albemarle High School, for its members lead the student body. Their spirit and school pride are reflected by underclassmen. Many seniors hold responsible positions on the student council, on athletic teams and in clubs. Moreover, senior teachers and students honor certain classmates who have played an important role in their class. Other seniors are rocognized for their scholastic acheivement. College Boards are a must for those who are college-bound, while D.E. and I.C.T. prepare others for useful services to their community. Finally, graduation and its activities come. The senior trip brings the class members closer to that inevitable event, graduation. Together f.or the last time, the seniors march down the aisle to the strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" to receive their diplomas.

Senior Class officers are Peck Maupin, vice-president; Cheryl Roberts, reporter; Cabell Smith, president; and Carolyn Robertson, secretary-treasurer.

Wotking 1fudenf1 acquite gafegmanlhip in D.E. JAMES CALEB ABELL Football 1,2,3,4,5; Monogram Club 4,5; S.C.A. 1; Track 1,2,3,4,5.

ANN MARIE ADDINGTON Class president 4; Albemarle Players 1; International Club 1; Tri-Hi-Y 3,5; French Club 4; Honor Council 4; S.C.A. president 5; Cheerleader 3,4,5; Chorus 1,2,3; Homecoming Court 3; Snow Queen 5; D .A.R. American History Award 4.

CHARLES RONALD AGEE French Club 5; Orchestra Club, reporter 5; Orchestra 4,5.

ROBERT BRUCE ALBEE Football 1,2,3,4,5; Basketball 1,2,3,4,5; Track 1; Baseball 2,3,4,5; S.C.A. 1; Monogram Club 2,3,4; Math Club 1,2,3,4,5, vicepresident 5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; All State Band 2,3,4.



MURIEL ANN ALBERT F .T .A. 1,2; Bible Club 2,3; Junior Red Cross 4; F.B.L.A. 5.

SUSAN JANE ALLEN Albemarle Players 1,2,3,4,5, historian 3, secretary-treasurer 4; International Club 1,2; French Club 3; Literary Club 4,5.

MARY ANN ANDERSON Art Club 2,3,4,5, reporter 5; Library Club 3,4,5; Literary Club 4,5.

STEVEN PARKER ANSLOW Art Club 4; Albemarle Players 4,5, vice-president 5; Literary Club 5.


BRUCE CHARLES BALDWIN Hi-Y 1; Band Club 1,2; Junior Red Cross 5; French Club 5.



Sitting in the hall gives Martha ] ones and Sue Garrett lots of room to work on layout.


PATRICIA ELLA BALLARD F .T .A. 1,2, vice-president 2; International Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4,5; Literary Club 4.

SANDRA FAY BATTON Bible Club 1; F.H.A. 2,3,4,5; Nursing Club 5.


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CAROLYN PAGE BEALE S.C.A. 5; Chorus pianist 1,2,3,4,5, vice-president 5; All State Chorus 4.

JOHN STEPHEN BIAS Math Club 1,2,3; Spanish Club 5.

PATSY JEAN BIRCKHEAD F.B.L.A. 3,5, reporter 5; D.E. 5; F.H.A. 3,5.

JAMES SPENCER BIRDSONG Class treasurer 3; Track 4; Albemarle Players 4,5; Debate Club 3; Literary Club 4; Spanish Club 5.

MARY CARTER BISHOP Band 1,2,3,4,5; Latin Club 2; Literary Club 4,5; Band Club 4,5; Peer staff 5.

LINDA BLINCOE Class secretary-treasurer 1; F.H.A. 2,3, song leader 3; F .T.A. 3; F .B.L.A. 3; Junior Red Cross 4; V.O.T. 5.


RONNIE WINSTON BREEDEN Football 1,3; Baseball 1,3; 4-H Club 1,2,3.

THOMAS WAYNE BREEDEN Track 1,2,4; Math Club 2,3,4; I.C.T . 5, president 5; Monogram Club5.


lot tank in the Top Ten." JANNA ELLEN BROWN F .H.A. 4,5; Tri-Hi-Y 4.

JULIA GRAY BROWN S.C.A. 1; F .H.A. 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 4.

JAMES EDWARD BUNCH Football 1,2,3,4,5; Track 1,2; Math Club 1,2,3,4, vice-president 4; Chess Club 5; Monogram Club 3,4,5, vice-president 5. ''~

DELMAS WAYNE CARVER Math Club 2,3,4; Monogram Club 4,5; Track 3,4,5; Football 3,4,5.

LINDA JEAN CASH Nursing Club 2,4,5; F .H .A. 3,4.

LOIS KAY CASON F .H .A. 1; Bible Club 3; F .B.L.A. 4,5, vice-president 5; Tri-Hi-Y 5.


The seniors voted Cabell Smith and Susan Hays, Most Talented, and Bill Dandridge and Su e Allen, Best Looking.

Hamlet and Macbeth enliven geniot Eng/igh cla99e9.

MARTHA LI DA CHILDRESS Debate Club 4; Literary Club 4; French Club 5; Tennis 4; Junior Red Cross 5; Chorus 5; Cheerleader 4.

CAROLYN SUE CLARK F.T.A. 1,2, reporter 2; F.H .A. 2,3; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4,5; Softball 2,4,5; Basketball 3; Literary Club 4; Peer staff 5.

JAMES DAVID COLVERT Latin Club 2; Electronics Club 2,3,4,5, vice-president 5; Albemarle Players 5; French Club 4.





BETTY LYNN CRITZER Bible Club 1,2,3,4, secretary 3, vice-president 4; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,4; Albemarle Players 5; Chorus 3.

WILLIAM ROBERT DANDRIDGE Albemarle Players 4,5; Baseball 2,4; Football 1,3.

IDA WILLIS DAVIS F .H .A. 1,2,3,4,5.

PAMELA CRALLE DAVIS Albemarle Players 1; Debate Club 2,3,4,5, secretary-treasurer 2, president 3; Forensic Debate Team 2,3,4,5, captain 3,4,.5; International Club 1,2; Literary Club 3; S.C.A. 4,5.

PATSY COX DAVIS DENNA JOYCE DEHOOGE F.B.L.A. 3,4, president 4; Bible Club 2; Albemarle Players 1; Music Club 1; D.E. 4.

MILDRED ANN DETAMORE Post Graduate: Nursing Club; F .H.A.

STEPHEN ELLIOTT DONOHUE Spanish Club 4,5, vice-president 5; Debate Club 4,5; Peer staff, Business Manager 5.



DANIEL EUGENE FALWELL Math Club 1,5, president 5; Monogram Club 4,5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; Baseball 1,2,3,4,5; Basketball 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3,4,5.

JOHN DAVID FALWELL International Club 3; Debate Club 5; Chess Club 5; Hi-Y Club 3,4; Band Club 4; Monogram Club 4,5; Football 1,2,3,4,5; Track 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4,5.

BETTY JUNE FARISH F.H.A. 2,3,4; Junior Red Cross 2; F.B .L.A. 5; Softball 3; D.E. president 5.

College hound geniotg lind KENNETH LEE FARRELL F.F.A. 1,2; Albemarle Players 5.

BETTY JEAN FAULCONER Bible Club 2,3,4,5, president 4,5.


LUCY CATESBY FLANNAGAN Class vice-president 1, reporter 2, secretary-treasurer 4; Model General Assembly 4; F .T.A. 1,2, treasurer 2; International Club 1,2; Cheerleader 2,3,4,5; head 3, co-head 5; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4,5, vicepresident 4; S.C.A. 4,5.


IRENE JOYCE FORNES International Club 1; Albemarle Players 1; S.C.A. 2; F .H.A. 2,3 ; Art Club 3,5; French Club 4,5.


CAROL LYNN FRYE Art Club 1; International Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3,5; French Club 3,4; Spanish Club 4,5.

SUZANNE ROSEMARIE GALVIN Junior Red Cross 4,5, reporter 5; Math Club 4; Peer staff 5.

that advanced math and ttigonometty ate easy coutses.

Th eir classmates judged Steve Donohue and Bianca Redden to be Most Intellectual and Irene Forn es and Charles Oliver to be Most Sincere.

Seniot9 chooge gupetlafiveg JERRY SUE GARRETT Latin Club 2; S.C.A. 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2,3; French Club 4,5, secretarytreasurer 4, reporter 5; Literary Club 3,4; Peer staff 5.

DEWEY ROY GARRISON Band 1,2,3,4,5; Band Club 1,2,3,4,5; Industrial Arts 3; Math Club 4; Baseball 3.

RONALD CRAIG GENTRY Band 1,2,3,4,5; Band Club 1,2,3,4; Albemarle Players 5; Math Club 1,2.

GLENDA FAYE GIANNINY S.C.A. 1; F .H.A. 2,3,4, song leader 4; Tri-Hi Y 5; F.B .L.A. 5; Chorus 2,3,4,5.



PATRICIA ANN GREEN Class reporter 4; S.C.A. secretary-treasurer 5; Red Cross 3; French Club reporter 4; Math Club 4; Tri-Hi-Y 5.

SHIRLEY ANN GRIESBACH F.H.A. 2,4; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4; Junior Red Cross 5; Library Club 5.


in the it class. RACHEL JEAN HAMM Music Club 1; Junior Red Cross 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F.H.A. 4.

PATRICIA ANN HAMNER Nursing Club 4,5; F.B.L.A. 5; F .H.A. 2,3,4.

MARY KATHLEEN HANLON International Club 2; Spanish Club 4; F.T.A. 3,4; Art Club 5; F.H.A. 5.

LINDSAY MARVIN HARRINGTON Chorus 1,2,3,4,5, secretary 4, president 5; Math Club 1,2,3,4; Industrial Arts Club 2,3, sergeant-at-arms 3; Monogram Club 4,5; Chess Club 5; Football 1,2,3,4,5; Peer staff 5; Track 1.

BETTY JEAN HARRIS Nursing Club 1,2; Orchestra 2; F.H.A. 3,4; F.B.L.A. 5.

SUSAN ELLEN HAYS Class president 1; Albemarle Players 1; Band Club 1; Cheerleader 2; Junior Red Cross 2,3,4; vice-president 4; Latin Club 2,3, reporter 2, vice-president 3; Literary Club 4; Debate Club 5; Peer staff, Editor-in-chief 5.

JENNIFER ANN HEEPE Art Club 5; French Club 5; Peer staff 5.



HENRY WILSON HERNDON 4-H Club 2,3,4,5; Electronics Club 2.

DIANA KAY HESLEP F .H.A. 3; Debate Club 4; Literary Club 3,4; F .B.L.A. 5.

In physics, fhe sfudenfs apply scienfilic ptinciples fo

Suzanne Walker, David Falwell, Lindsay Harrington and ] ennifer H eepe gleefully read "The Amer-ican Observer," a weekly current events paper to which government classes subscribe.

GENE NICKLOUS HOBSON French Club 3,4, vice-president 4.

JAMES LINWOOD HOUCHENS 4-H Club 1,2; F.F.A. 3; I.C.T. 4,5, reporter 4,5.


JOANN HUDGINS G.A.A. 1,2,3; Bible Club 3; F.H .A. 4,5.


evetyday ptoblem9. DAVID FRANKLIN JENKINS Track 1; K.V.G. 3,4; Projectors Club 4; Industrial Arts Club 4;

D.E. 5.

MARTHA ANN JONES 4-H Club secretary 1; International Club 1; French Club 3,4,5; Debate Club 3; Tri-Hi-Y 5; Peer staff 5.

NORMA DARLENE JONES Library Club 2,3; G.A.A. 3; F .H.A. 4,5; 4-H Club 5; V.O.T . 5.

CARL RICHARD JUDGE Band 1,2,3,4,5, treasurer 5; Math Club 2,3,5.

REBECCA JEANNE KENNEDY F.H.A. 1,2,3; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Albemarle Players 3,4; F .B.L.A. 4.

THEODORE GEORGE KENNEDY 4-H Club 1,2,3,4,5; F.F.A. 3,4,5.


EDGAR LEE KEYTON RONALD LEE KIRBY Industrial Arts Club 1; Orchestra Club 1; Hi-Y 2; F .F .A. 2,3; K.V.G. 3,4,5; I.C.T . 4,5.

MARY MARGARET KLINK Nursing Club 1,2; G.A.A. 1; Art Club 2,3,4, reporter 2, vicepresident 3; F .H .A. 3,4; Albemarle Players 4,5, president 5.

PAMELA LUCILLE KNIGHT Class president 2, vice-president 3; S.C.A. 1,3,4,5, vice-president 4; Honor Council president 4; Pep Club 4,5, president 5; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4, head 1,2, co-head 3,4; Girls' State 4; Homecoming Court 2,5, Maid-of-Honor 5.


LINDSAY RAY KYSER Bible Club 3; Math Club 4,5; Monogram Club 4,5; Football 1,2,3, 4,5; Baseball 1,2,3,4



Friendliest, Lindsay Harrington and Lucy Flannagan radiate pleasure as Spenser Birdsong and Ann Addington, Best Dressed, ioin them for their picture.

Seniol'f impl'ove fheil' Wl'ifing fkillf in compofifion claff.

JUDY ANN LANUM F .T.A. 1,2; Nursing Club 1,2; International Club 1,2; F .H.A. 2; V.O.T. 5; Junior Red Cross 2,3; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F .B.L.A. 4,5; Softball 3; Cheerleader 2,3.

JAMES OWEN LASLEY Math Club 1; Basketball 1,2,3.

CURTIS DAVIS LASTER 4-H Club 1; Projectors Club 2,3; Track 2; Hi-Y 4,5.



Oovetnmenf and economic1 KATE CASON LAWSON Math Club 2; Chorus 2; F .H.A. 3,4,5; Junior Red Cross 3.

FRED GARDNER LIADY Electronics Club 2,3,4.

STEVEN ALLEN LYDICK Math Club 4; Monogram Club 4,5; Chess Club 5; Football 3,4,5; Track 3,5.

CHARLES COLE McALLISTER Bible Club 3,5, Vice-president 5; Latin Club 4; Hi-Y 5.

PALMER LEE McCAULEY Math Club 4; Spanish Club 4,5; Hi-Y 5; Football!.


MARIE CAROL McLAWHORN F .T.A. 4,5; Math Club 4; Pep Club 4; French Club 5.

ANN TERRELL MADDOX French Club 3; F.H.A. 4; Albemarle Players 5.


leach fhe valueg ol caplfalilm. CLIFFORD BARCLAY MAHANES Math Club 1; F .F.A. 2,3, reporter 3; Hi-Y 5.


MARYLIN NAOMI MARSHALL Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Music Club 1; F .H.A. 2; F .B.L.A. 3; G.A.A. 3; Junior Red Cross 4; Nursing Club 5.


IRA PECK MAUPIN Class vice-president 5; F .T .A. 1,2; International Club 2; Hi-Y 3,4,5, chaplain 4,5; Spanish Club 5; Model General Assembly 3,4; F .B.L.A. 3,4, parliamentarian 3, president 4.




Electronics Club 3; Projectors Club 4; Industrial Arts Club 4,5, president 5.

SARAH ELIZABETH MOON F.H.A. 2,3,4,5; Nursing Club 2; G.A.A. 3; Art Club 4,5.


MARGARET PAGE MORDECAI Art Club 1,2,3,4,5, secretary-treasurer 4, president 5; Tennis 4.

CHARLOTTE ANNE MORRIS Tri-Hi-Y 3; Latin Club 3; F.B.L.A. 5; V.O.T. 5.

SUSAN ANNE MUMMEY Albemarle Players 1; Library Club 2,3,4,5, secretary 4, reporter 5; Band Club 1,2,3,4,5; Band 2,3,4,5.

NANCY LINDA NORVELLE G.A.A. 4; F.H.A. 5; F.F.A. Sweetheart 5.

In fgplng cla11, 1enlot1 wl1elg leatn the keghoatd.

Th e serious expressions on the fac es of Herbert Craddock and Cheryl Roberts, Most HappyGo-Lucky, are deceiving, but the expressions of Pam Davis and Richard Sinclair, Most Likely to Succeed, fit their nature, as their classmates realize.


DENNIS LEE NULL Spanish Club 5; Debate Club 5; Basketball 5; Baseball 5.

CHARLES WILLIAM OLIVER International Club 1,2; Albemarle Players 2; Latin Club 4; Monogram Club 5; Hi-Y 5; Track 1; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4,5.


VIRGINIA JOSEPHINE PARKER Junior Red Cross 1; F.T.A. 2; Albemarle Players 3,4,5; Cheerleader 1,2,3.

DOUGLAS ROY PATTERSON Albemarle Players 1,2; Electronics Club 3; Spanish Club 4,5; Band 3,4,5.


LYDIA RUTH PHELPS F .H.A. 2,3,4; Nursing Club 5.


Tri-Hi-Y 2,3; F.T.A. 1; Albemarle Players 1,4,5; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4,5, co-head 2; Peer staff 5.

JOHN MASON POWELL, JR. International Club 1,2; Albemarle Players 1,2,3,4,5; Debate Club 2; Literary Club 3,4,5; Faux Pas staff 4,5; Football 3.




BRENDA LEIGH RAMSEY F.T.A. 2,3; International Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4,5, president 5; S.C.A. 5; Cheerleader 4,5.

RICHARD ALAN RANKIN Hi-Y 4,5; Literary Club 4; Spanish Club 5.

The Junioi'-Seniol' Pl'om highlighfl SANDRA DIANE REDLANDS Junior Red Cross 3,4,5, reporter 3, secretary-treasurer 4; Latin Club 3; Math Club 4; Peer Staff 5.

ELLEN STUART REYBURN Nursing Club 3; F.H.A. 4; Math Club 5.

CECIL NEWMAN RIDDLE JOHN THOMAS RIVERS Albemarle Players 4,5; Pep Club 4,5; Monogram Club 5; Literary Club 5; Football 1,2; Baseball 2; Basketball 1,2,3,4.




CHERYL ANNE ROBERTS Class, secretary-treasurer 2, reporter 5; F .T.A. 1; Library Club 2,3; S.C.A. 2; French Club 4,5; Math Club, secretary-treasurer and reporter 4; Tri-Hi-Y 5; Cheerleader 2,3,4,5. >

DAVID LEE ROBERTS Hi-Y 2,3,4,5; I.C.T. 5, vice-president 5; Football 3; Baseball 2,3.

CAROLYN ANN ROBERTSON Class, vice-president 2, president 3, secretary-treasurer 5; F.T.A. 1; S.C.A. 1,4; International Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2,3,4,5, reporter 4, treasurer 5; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4,5, co-head 4,5; Highlight staff, co-editor-in-chief; Homecoming Court 1,2,3,4, Queen 5.



S.C.A. 1,3; Junior Red Cross 2, secretary 2; International Club 2; F .H .A. 2,3,4,5; Art Club 5.

the 1eniot yeat. GEORGE EDWARD SANBORN b

Albemarle Players 1,2,3,4,5; International Club 1; Spanish Club 4,5, secretary-treasurer 5; E lectronics 3,4, treasurer 4; Literary Club 2,4; Football manager 3,4.

The senior class chose Bob Albee and Pam Knight as Best All Round and Sally Terry and Steve Lydick as Wittiest.

ALMA FAYE SANDRIDGE Albemarle Players 1; F.H.A. 1,2; Library Club 3,4; V.O.T . 5.

CLYDA JUDITH SANDRIDGE Tri-Hi-Y 1,5; Band Club 1,2,3,4, treasurer 4; Spanish Club 4; Pep Club 4,5, secretary 5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; All State Band 2,3,4,5; Bible Club 5.


LOUISE LINDA SCHWARZENBOECK Math Club 1,2; F.H.A. 2; Junior Red Cross 3,5; F .B.L.A. 5.

Fot the last lime, the seniots fake patf in club

With Carolyn Robertson and Peck Maupin, Most Popular, are Sue Garrett and L eslie Webb, Shyest.


JESSE EARLY SEALE F.F.A. 5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; Band Club 1,2,3,4,5, president 5.


GEORGE WILLIAM SHIFFLETT Track 1,2; Art Club 1,2,3.

night acflvlflel. JAMES WILSON SHIFFLETT Junior Red Cross 1; F.F.A. 2,3,4; D.E. 5.

JUDITH LUCILLE SHIFFLETT Chorus 1,2,4; G.A.A. 2; F.H.A. 2,5; International Club 3; 4-H Club 3.

KENNETH RICHARD SINCLAIR Math Club 1; Projectors Club 2; Debate Club 3; Literary Club 3; S.C.A. 1,4,5; Hi-Y treasurer 5; Monogram Club 5; International Club 2; Track 3,4,5; Highlight staff reporter 4; Peer staff 5.

AUDREY JEANNE SMITH Albemarle Players 2; Bible Club secretary 2; Debate Club 3; Spanish Club 3,4; Tri-Hi-Y 5, secretary 5; Pep Club 4,5, president 4, vice-president 5; Math Club 5; Model General Assembly 4.


GEORGE WAYNE SMITH Monogram Club 4,5; Track 2,3; Football 2,4.


JANET ANN SPRINGBORN Nursing Club 1,2,3,4,5, treasurer 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; F .H.A. 4,5; Basketball 3,4, co-captain 4.


MALCOLM LEE SPROUSE Boys' State 4; K.V.G. 4; Peer staff 5; Basketball l.


SHERRIE ANNE STANTON Latin Club 2,3,4,5, songleader 5; Pep Club 4; Peer staff, Managing Editor 5; Outstanding Student of Southern History 4.

ROBERT ALLAN STOBIE Math Club 1; Projectors Club 1,2; Electronics Club 3,4.


Most Athletic, Joe Stickler and Janet Springborn smile as Dan Falwell and Carol Frye, Cutest, join them for their picture.

IJnifed the 1eniot1 1fsnd to wotk Fot 1eniot ptivilegel.

JOSEPH DAVID STRICKLER S.C.A. 1; Monogram Club 2,3,4,5, president 5; Football 1,2,3,4,5; Basketball 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3,4,5.

SALLY DANIEL TERRY S.C.A. 2,3; Albemarle Players 3,4,5, reporter 4; Literary Club 4,5, treasurer 4,5; Peer staff 5; Homecomnig Court 4,5.


MARJORIE ANN TOMLIN Bible Club 2; F.H.A. 2,4; Junior Red Cross 4; D.E. 5, treasurer 5.


Gtaduation mean1 college

"Double, double, toil and trouble . .. "Sue Allen and John Wynne cook w itches' brew for their English class.

LLOYD MAINFORD TOMS Hi-Y 1,4,5, president 5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; Baseball 3,4,5.

PAUL MICHAEL TOMS International Club 1; Library Club 2; Hi-Y 3; Albemarle Players 3,4,5; Bible Club 4,5, chaplain 5; Football 1,2; Peer staff 5.


SUZANNE STUART WALKER Albemarle Players 2,3,4,5, secretary-treasurer 5; International Club 2; Forensic Team 3,4; French Club 3; Literary Club 4,5, secretary 5.

THOMAS JOHN WARD Electronics Club 1,2; Math Club 1,2; Literary Club 3,4,5; Faux Pas staff 3,4,5, editor 5; Albemarle Players 3,4,5; Debate Club 3.



fo mo1f 1eniot1. JAMES ELWOOD WILLIAMS 4-H Club 1,2; International Club 1,2; V.O.T. 5.

JUDITH MAE WOOD Nursing Club 1,2; G.A.A. 2; Albemarle Players 1,4,5; Pep Club 4; F.B.L.A. 5; Chorus 1,2,5; Highlight staff, co-editor-in-chief 5.

MARY FRANCES WOOD Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Projectors Club 3,4, secretary-treasurer 4; Spanish Club 4,5, secretary-treasurer 5; Peer staff 5; Highlight staff 5; Band 1,2,3,4,5; reporter 5; Band Club 1,2,3,5, reporter 5; Basketball 4.

WILLIAM TUCKER WOODSON Electronics Club 1,2,3; 4-H Club 1,2,3,4,5.

JOHN LEIGH WYNNE Math Club 1,2; Electronics Club 3,4,5, vice-president 4, president 5; Albemarle Players 3; Basketball 2.

CHRISTINE CAROL ZIMMERMAN International Club 1; F.H.A. 2,3; G.A.A. 3, secretary 3; Junior Red Cross 4; F.B.L.A. 5.

Four students participating in the Albemarle High School-Martha Jefferson Hospital practical nursing course are from left to right, Carolyn Birckhead, Rock Hill Academy; Mary Yoder, adult student; Brenda Adams, Lane High School; and Mary Canady, adult student.

Paul Carmody, reporter; Judy Smith, secretarytreasurer; Kathy Green, vice-president, and Kenneth Herndon, president, pause during a conference on class business.

Judy Albee F aye Allen

JunJo/'f ma~e plan1 ea1/y lo/' fhe falenf 1how.

Horace Alsup Betty Amiss Gaines Anderegg Martha Armentrout Carolyn Bailey

Frank Bain Bennett Barnes Charles Barnes Rosa Batten Dorothy Benson

William Bishop Patricia Blackwell Susan Blake Nancy Blankenship Dale Breeden


Mary Breeden Barbara Britton Barbara Bunch Eugene Burgess Barbara Burnett

Paul Carmody Charles Cheape Patsy Clarke Roy Clark Hobert Clements


Bobby Coleman Ronnie Coleman Diane Cox Patricia Craig

'路 Betty Davis Lamont Dudley

Charles Durrer William Eastwood

Sylvia Edwards Brenda Eheart

Carolyn Elliot Carroll Eppard

Howard Estes Sarah Falwell Nancy Farrell William Fields


Patricia Finn Robin Flower Mollie Fornes Charles Foster Betty Funk

Jeanne Gabrielson Charles Garnett James Garrison Cornelia Garth Holland Garth

A1 juniol'l, the cla11 ol '64 leal'nl about 1/2 0 in chemiltl'y cla11, Carolyn Gentry Lane Gerhardt

James Gibson Percy Gibson

William Gillikin Robert Gough

Kathleen Gould Calvin Gowen

Kathy Green Donna Hamilton

Margaret Rohr, using the new cash register to make change, practices under Mr. Gardner's watchful eye in a pre-Christmas DE class.


Pamela Harding Woody Harrell Garland Harrington Marie Harris Rachel Harris

Harold Hatcher Claudia Haynes Ty Heilman Kenneth Herndon James Herring




Cat/ Sandhutg in Engli1h c/a11, and Geffylhutg in IJ.S. hi1foty c/a11. Judy Herring Vickie Hobson Donald Hudgins Osborne Huff Sharron Huff

Judy James Mary James Carrie Jarrell June Johns Rebecca Johnson

I Ginger Joyner Donald Kennedy Kathleen Kessler Allan Knight Boyd Knott


Daniel Kusic Tony Lam Peter Langlotz Frances Lawson Anne Leake

Charles Leake Harriet Lombard Felicity Lyster Carl McAllister Lillian McClary

College minded juniO/'$ con$ide/' the oppo/'funifie$ ol

Maxine McDaniel Patricia McDaniel Rosa Mallory Carolyn Marrs Arlene Marsh

Margaret Marston Barbara Martin Gerald Massie Claudia Mawyer Franklin Mawyer

William Mercer Robert Michie Donna Miller Patricia Morris Dennis Moseman


Marian Mowbray David Mowyer Sue Murray Annie Nay William Nay

Ronald North Constance Parr John Parson J ettie Paschaii Nora Pearce

highet education and take college hoatds lot the fitsf time.


William Poweii Ethel Pugh Larry Pugh Dale Purneii James Pyles


Phyllis Raines Samuel Ramsey Donna Rappolt Aubrey Redford Walden Reed

Carol Remley Mary Lou Respess James Rivers Judy Robbins Gilbert Roberts


Wanda Roberts Margaret Rohr Joan Sacre Holly Sadler Margaret Sanborn

Carol Sandridge Joyce Sandridge Lynda Sandridge J. R. Sawyer Albert Schwartz

Missy Scott Dana Sharpe Charlotte Shelton Carolyn Shepherd Betty Shifflett

8u1g junlotl ptepate lot the ptom to entettaln the Carroll Shifflett

Judith Shifflett

Roy Shifflett

Laurie Simpson

Gary Smith

Martha Smith

Roland Smith

Carolynn Somma

Ronald Sours

George Smith

Judy Smith Melvin Spicer

Donna Spradlin Shelby Sprouse

Paul Stacy Janice Staton

I Lois Sullivan Richard Swann

Danny Falwell backs away from the smoke screen that Bill Eastwood produces by burning magnesium and oxygen.


gtaduaflng genlotf.

Betty Taylor Shelby Terrill

Jacob Thomas Juanita Thomas Betty Thurston

Mary Thurston Diane Tipton

Faye Tirrell Linda Tomlin James Toms

Gayle Toms Jackie Trimble


Sheila Trunzo Thomas Turner Elinor Umdenstock Delores Van Ann Via

C. Ann Via Terry Vogt Gladys Walker Charles Walker Harold Ward

Having only one gea1 of high 9choo/ ahead of fhem, 9ome vi9if college9.

Katherine Ward William Ward Robert Watson

Peyton Webb Bonnie Williams Michael Wolfrey

Jack Yowell

Douglas Wood Lila Wood Paul Wright

Nancy Yowell




Patsy Acree Harvey Adcock

Glenna Alrich Anne Ankney

William Atkeison Chester Baker


George Baker Cornelias Ballard

Fun, frolic, and hard work make the sophomore year a busy one. To lead the class in its many activities are Bill McDiarmid, president; George Gay, vice-president; Denny Maupin, secretarytreasurer, and King Pace, reporter.

Sophomote English classes sfudy Shskespeste's "Julius Csesst.'' '

John Barbour Carol Barksdale Bruce Barnes Vernon Batten Linda Beasley Janet Bickham

Harry Blake Emmett Boaz D avid Booth David Bradbury Charles Breeden Virginia Brookman

George Bruce H arry Burnett Robert Burton Patricia Burns Stanley Butler Edward Campbell


Donna Cannon Brenda Canody Carolyn Carver Walter Cash George Cheape Mary Childress

Alice Clarity Andrew Clark Constance Clark Emma Clements Christopher Coakley Elizabeth Cockerille

John Cokes Nancy Coleman Hollas Collier Elwood Conley Margie Conley Stephen Conley

Beatrice Cook Karen Crafaik Linda Crawford Ann Critzer Thomas Critzer Virginia Critzer

Biology 1tudent1 explol'e and become lsmlllsl' wlfh the development Andrew Cushman Elizabeth Dabney James Dandridge Barbara Davis Ellis DeMasters Anita De St. Martin

Polly Dobbins Sharon Dudley Raymond Egeland Pearl Estes Elizabeth Eubank William Eubank

John Evans Melvin Faris Judith L. Farish Judith M. Farish William Farrell Robert Fernbach


Sheila Fielding Ronnie Fitzgerald Sharon Ford Paul Foster Margaret Fowler Mary Frasier

Lee Garrett Paul Garrison D avid Garth George Gay Edwin Gentry Susan Gentry

Arleen Gibson Betty Jane Gibson Betty Jean Gibson Carl Gibson Jean Gibson Judith Gibson

Lucy Gibson Shirley Gibson William Gibson Kay Glass Torrey Gomila Jay Graves

ol living planfl and anima/1 . • • Itom the amoeba to man. In home economics class, Frances Shifflett sews a zipper in the dress she is making.

Lowell Graves D ale Graves Annie Gray

Jean Gray James Greenwood Jennifer Griesbach

Carolyn Grim Daniel Hale Lucille Hall


Bernice Haney Elizabeth Haney Joseph Hardy Lynda Harrington Suzanne Hathaway Sally Heilman

Roger Henderson Phillip Hensley Veronica Herring Catherine Hippert Raymond Hite Cary Holland

Lynn Hopkins Kenneth Huff Nadine Hunter Steve Irving John Jarman Walter Jarman

Gerald Jenkins James Jenkins Judy Jenkins Margaret Johnson Randy Jones Crystal Kennamer

Plane geomeftg, a challenging coutse which tequltes pteclse thinking, Lynn King gives classmates a clue as Miss Quarles moderates a game of "1Jassword."

Wallace Kennedy Dale Kerns Thomas Kesler

Margie Kidd Lynn King Gail Kirby

Monty Kirby William Koch Jean Landes


Sharon Lane Marsha Lawrence Judith Lawson Linda Leake Janice Lively Sharon Loeser

Michaela Longley Marilyn Lucas Robert Lydick Claudia McCann Michael McCann Charlotte McDaniel

William McDiarmid Jeannie McGilvery Robert McNish Sherry Manley Peggy Martin Toni Masser

Gary Maupin Jerry Maupin D enton Maupin Joyce Maupin Diane Mawyer Lacy Mawyer

inftoduceg fhe Pyfhsgotesn fheotem fo fenfh gtsdetl. Wayne Mawyer Betty Mays Joyce Meadows Martha Michie Kenneth Mills Charles Milton

June Monger Jack Moon Catherine Moore Marilyn Moore Bonnie Morris Harry Morris

James Morris Nancy Morris Sandra Morris Charles Mowbray Diane Moyer Larry Mundy


Mathew Murray Frances Napier Patsy Naylor Deanna Norford Robert Norvelle Frank Novakowski

Kenneth Oder Nancy Odie Louise Oesterheld Paul Oliver Patsy O'Neal Gundars Osvalds

Carla Pace King Pace Ronald Pace Alice Painter Brenda Parker Suzanne Parson

Tsklng exetcl1e1 snd pstflclpsflng In 1potf1 In gym cls11 snd 1fudglng the Brian Patterson Daniel Patterson Arthur Pearson Ann Powell Virginia Pritchette

Nancy Proffitt Glenda Puckett Linda Pugh Walter Quast Jacqueline Quick

Susan Quinn Massie Rea H azel Redlands L inda Reynolds Sue Rice

Lawrence Richardson Shelton Ritchie W illiam Rockward Barbara Rogers Nicholas Romanac


Danny Rorrer Barbara Rosenkrans Charles Sandridge Ulrika Schmiel Christian Schur Miles Seifert

Jo Shaver Patricia Shaver Betty Shifflett Evelyn Shifflett Brenda Shiflett Donna Shiflett

Juanita Shiflett Carolyn Shiflette Joyce Shiflet Jayne Shores Kaye Shores Joe Slavik

cal'e ol fhe body in health cla11 keep the lophomol'el phg1icallg lif. Betsy Smith Wilson Smith Jerome Snead Jeff Snyder Rebecca Somma Gloria Southall

Brenda Sprouse Jacob Sprouse John Sprouse Nancy Sprouse Otis Sprouse Robert Sprouse

Carol Stalnaker Kathy Stanton Charles Strauss Sallie Strauss Michael Strickland Charles Sudduth

Frank Sudduth Carolyn Sullivan Phyllis Taylor William Taylor Charles Thomas Mason Thomas


Raymond Thomas Norman Thurston John Titus Larry Toms Millicent Travis Paul Verberg

Robert Vess Carolyn Via Betty Ward Betty J. Ward Beverly Ward Janet Ward

Ronald Wesner Dorothy Watson Mark Watson Carol Wetsel Christine Wills on John Willson

Alea Winkler Francis Withers Mary Wood Brenda Wood Patricia Wood Richard Wood

Donna Miller checks out books for Betty Shifflett and Carolyn Ormen.

Speaking a fol'eign language i1 exciting.

Donald Woodson Joyce Woody Patricia Woody

Norris Woodzell David Wyant Linda Wyant

Doris Yancey Sally Young Robert Yowell Cynthia Zoulis


Barbara Adcock Thomas Albert

Mary Ames David Ashcom

Jerry Baber Rex Barnette

Jerry Baber, reporter; Linda Crenshaw, vice-president; Martha Williams, president, and Suzanne Turner, secretary-treasurer, lead their class.



Patricia Beale Samuel Beale

Neil Benfer Jerome Bias

Retutning l1e1hmen ate ptoud to be lsmilist with the 1chool. Carole Birckhead Willard Birckhead Roberta Black J. C. Blackwell Ruth Blackwell George Blincoe Michael Blincoe Ashby Boaz Alan Boaz Cynthia Bolick Cynthia Boliek William Bowers Betty Bragg Wanda Branham Wendy Braun Aubrey Breeden Wilbert Breeden Debra Brown Sarah Brown Gail Browning James Burnett


Linda Byers Paul Cale Martin Carbotti Diane Carter Larry Cassady Jacqueline Cheape Betty Clark Cathy Clark Samuel Clarke Garland Clatterbuck Steve Clements Wayne Coleman Claudia Cox Donna Cox G. F . Cox Nancy Crawford Linda Crenshaw Anne Crigler Carole Critzer Barbara Critzer Whitney Critzer

Scott Cunningham Vinton Cushman Sally Davis Dirk DeHooge Franklin DeHooge Terry DeLong Richard Detamore Martha Dofflemyer Patricia Dollins Michael Donohue Alan Doty Steven Drumheller

Beverly Dudley Stephen Dudley Brenda Durham Linda Easter Kenneth Edwards Tracy Elder Carolyn Ellinger Malcolm Elsea Alice Estes Geneva E stes Sylvia F arish Brenda Farrish Peggy F aulconer Alan Faulkner Ann F eeley Jean F emsworth William Fields Paul Fisher John Fitzgerald Shelby Fitzgerald Ronald Flick


Ted Flory Judith Floyd Barbara Fox Joyce Fox Robert Fx;azier Christine Frazier Linda Frazier Paul Fulton Nora Galvin James Gambrill Ellen Gardner Kenneth Gardner Edgar Garnett Jerry Garrison Stanley Garth Linda Gay Arlene Gibson Barbara Gibson Woody Gleason Missa Gomila Dorothy Gray

Home econom/cg and 1hop teach gkl//g ugeful In the home. Kenneth Gray Ann Gribble Christine Grossman Marsha Gunsallus

Brockie Hall Brenda Hamrn Edward Hamner Dare Hamner

Randall Haney Phillip Haney Frank Hanlon David Harris

Ellen Harris Ann Harris Nadine Harris Sharon Harris

Sitting in the front desk gives Jimmy Rivers ample leg room.

Wanda Hawley Audrey Henwood Alice Herring Donald Herring




Garland Hicks Kendall Hicks Dexter Honeycutt Linda Houchens Patsy Houchens Julie Hoy Louise Huckstep Frances Humphrey Robert Hunt John James Doris Jenkins Susan Jensen Barbara Johnson John Johnson Brenda Jones Mary Jones Randolph Jones Homer Kennamer Samuel Kennedy Linda Keyton Mary King

Rosemarie Klein Gertrude Klink Barbara Knight William Knight Darlene Knott Dale Kyser Gail Lam Robert Langlotz Jean Lawrence Champ Lawson Ellis Lawson Randolph Leake Thomas Lederman Barry Linke

Bertha Little Leonard Lohman Shirley Lohman Mac Lonergan Allen Long Douglas Long Sharon Lydick Betty McCauley Julie McGaughey Judith McKay Gloria Mann Ralph Mann Virginia Marshall Gary Martin Ivy Martin Roy Martin Raymond Massey Evelyn Matacia


Donna Maupin Kenneth Maupin Norma Maupin Rebecca Mawyer Aubrey Mays Lucia Mendicino Lester Mills Barbara Moore Carolyn Morris Charles Morris D aniel Morris Delmar Morris Edward Morris Jane Morris Linda Morris Roger Morris Shirley Morris Steven Morris Virginia Morris Martha Mowbray Allan Myrvik

Judith Nay Walter Nimmo Holland Norford Steven Notson Sigine Olsson Lynn O'Neal Carolyn Orman Peter Osina Tulita Owen H erbert Owenby Brenda Pace Joseph Pace Lacy Paulette June Paxton

Cynthia Westmoreland and Linda Thacker, members of the newly formed field hockey team, vie for the ball. Terry Payne Thomas Payne Martha Pettit

Carolinda Phillips Almarin Phillips Brenda Powell

Joseph Pritt Donald Rae Fred Redden


Charles Redick Bonita Reed Steve Reese Shirley Rhodes Barbara Richardson Clarence Richardson Jean Rittenhouse Kermit Roberts Linda Roberts William Roberts Kathy Robertson Stephen Rockwood Diane Rogers June Rowe Janice Salmon Cheryl Sandell Homer Sandridge Linda Sartin Ann Sawyer W ayne Seale Ronald Sensabaugh Judith Shepherd Daniel Shifflett Frances Shifflett Jean Shifflett Judith Shiflett Linda Shifflett Louise Shifflett Margaret Shifflett William C. Shifflett William D. Shiflett Evelyn Simmons Peggy Simms Robert Skenes Margaret Slavik

Ftefhman Eng/igh c/aggeg gfudy Dickeng' ''David Coppetlie/d'' while Lan Smith Lucille Smith Charles Smoot Frank Snead Jacqueline Snead Gregory Snyder Clinton Spencer Eddie Springborn Gaylene Sprouse George Sprouse Michial Stanton Steve Stanton Judson Stinnett Edward Strickler C. Wallace Sullivan C. William Sullivan Joanne Sullivan Dennis Tate Ellen Taylor Myrtle Terrell Linda Thacker

Charlotte Thomas Joyce Thomas Linda Thomas Bertha Thurston Daniel Tisdale Donald Tisdale Diane Tobler Frankie Tomlin Jerry Tomlin John Tomlin Nancy Townsend Larry Towsey Charles Travis Thomas Trimble Suzanne Turner Garnett Valentine Carol Verburg Marjorie Via Madeleine Vinet Brenda Walker Patricia Walker Astrid Walter Bonnie Ward Richard Ward Stephen Warns Phillip Waufle Guyanna Webb Cynthia Westmoreland

fil'lf yesl' latin ~ cls11e1 lesl'n conjugsfionl and declen1ion1. James White Jeffrey Whitehouse Martha W illiams Theodore Wolter


Daniel Wood Jane Wood Martha Wood Norma Wood


Roy Wood Odell Woodie Gary Woodson Mae Woody

I Beverly Dudley intently cross-stitches in home economics class.

Larry Wyant Theresa Wyant James Wynne Robert Yowell


David Anderson Temple Anderson

Arthur Ankney Margaret Apffel

Joyce Ashe William Baber

Chris Murray, reporter; Ray Murphy, secretary-treasurer; Joan Harrington, president, and Kathy McCauley, vice-president, lead the eighth grade class.

Outing the opening weeks of school, the eighth gtadets James Bachman Ward Barnes Lewis Barnette Margaret Barrell Barbara Beale Gregory Beitzel Gary Belew Bonita Bellomy W illiam Benson Terry Bickers Deborah Bickham Joseph Birkhead Jeanne Bomar Earl Breeden Everette Breeden Judy Breeden Pansy Breeden Joseph Brochy Penny Browning Elizabeth Bruce Linda Bruce Earl Burton Scheryl Burton David Butler Betty Campbell Victoria Carpenter Jeffrey Carr Kathleen Carson

136 ..-..


Carolyn Carver Loretta Childress Margaret Clarity Elizabeth Clark Eugene Clark Gary Clark Jane Clark Ethel Clements Helen Clements Martha Clements John Cockerille Jane Coleman Lillian Collier Otis Collier Mary Collins Roger Conley Martha Cook Carole Copeland


Gladys Crickenberger Mary Critzer Sue Critzer Sandra Cross Dale Currier Catherine Dameron

sdju1f to theit new 1fsfu1

: .:;;


high 1chool 1fudenf1.

Miss De Shazo helps eighth grade chorus m embers Cecil Huff, Geo ffr ey DeGraff, j erry Gough, Betsy Foster, and Faye Wheeler with a song while Nancy Yowell accompanies them on the piano . Gail Davis Wayne Davis James Davison

I Kenneth Deane Randall Deane Glenn DeBias i



Geoffrey DeGraff Donna DeHart Lonnie Dickens

I James Dorsey Gary Dudley Joseph Dudley


Micheal Dudley Christopher Duerden Roy Dunn Jimmy Dunnivan Cheri Durham Russell Edwards Frank Elder Candice Elias Ronald Elliot Percy Eubank Karen Falwell Bobby Faris Peter Fisher Gail Fitzgerald Jean Fitzgerald Nancy !"lowers Betsy Foster Helen Frazier Roger Frazier James Fretwell Alice Funk

They di1covet new and infetelfing 1uhjecf1 1uch a1

David Anderson carefully performs an experiment in Mr. Hanson's science class.

Charles Garnett George Garnett Beulah Gan;ison

Charles Garrison Cynthia Garrison Freda Garrison

Gene Garrison Janice Garrison Mary Garth

Gloria Geer Cecil Gentry Clyde Gentry

Linda Gentry Jacqueline Gibson Lois Gibson


Rebecca Gibson Gloria Gill Nancy Goldsmith

Jerry Gough Carl Graves Macon Graves

Patricia Graves Richard Graves Ronald Graves

Betty Roberts, Colleen Henricks, Eugene Sandridge, Billy Greenwood, and Kathy Shifflett discover that the card catalog makes finding books easier.

Latin, algebl'a, and phg1ical 1cience. Carol Grayson William Greenwood Charles Gribble Susan Grimes Janice Haney Judy Haney Rebecca Haney Terry Harper Jane Harrington Joan Harrington Clivia Harris Elna Harris Wanda Haynes Colleen Hendrichs Dollie Hensley Morton Hensley Micheal Herring Phillis Herring Wayne Herring William Herring Linda Hicks Julian Highsmith Judy Hobson Judy Houchens Larry Houchens Shirley Houchens Cavil Huff Malvin Huff Teddy Hughes Linda Jarman Robert Jarrel Russell Johnson Joseph Jones Charles Kingrea Sarah Kingrea

&ill 139

Ingrid Kroog Janet Lacy Betty Lam Lena Lam D aniel Lamb

Frankie Lamb D avid Latta Patricia Lawson James Layman Robert Layman

Gregory Lee Glenda Lewis Rosemary Lohman Stephen Lowry Katherine McCauley

Brenda McDaniel Malcolm McGilvery Edgar Mallory Thomas Manley Kathryn Markwood

The JncomJng 1fudenf1 dJ1covet fhaf c/uh1 ate Although Albemarle students expect to find anything in their lockers, Sheila Tnmzo seems surprised at the appearance of James Robinson .

Linda Marsh Gregory Marshall Robert Marshall

Sandra Marshall Alice Martin Sterlon Martin

Barbara Massie Roger Mawyer Michele Miller

Cynthia Mitchell Wilmer Moats Eva Moore


Betty Morris Carolyn Morris Christine Morris Clarence Morris Delores Morris Dewey Morris James Morris Virginia Morris Barbara Mowbray Brenda Moyer Elizabeth Mundy Raymond Murphy Christian Murray Terrence Nefos Harry Null Patricia O'Conner Aivars Osvalds Peggy Pace

infetelfing and inlotmafive acfivifiel. Ruth Painter Pamela Pairet David Parsons Michael Pearson Geoffrey Pitts Douglas Pleasants Stephen Pollock Andrew Powell James Powell Karen Pritt Barbara Puckett Randolph Raines Dale Rea Gloria Rickard George Rives Jerry Roach Joseph Roach Kenneth Roach Margaret Robbins Betty Roberts Harold Roberts Joyce Roberts Carol Robertson Rebecca Robertson Lana Robins James Robinson Ronald Robinson Eileen Robinson James Rogers Paula Rogers Sylvia Rogers Walter Salley James Samsell Bonita Sandridge Eugene Sandridge


Hollis Sandridge Ralph Sandridge Brenda Scruggs Donald Scruggs Donna Scruggs Donald Seal

Warren Seale Gloria Shaver Terry Shelar Glennys Sheppard Carol Shifflett Delmas Shifflett

Diane Shifflett Fay Shifflett James Shifflett James W . Shifflett Kathy Shifflett Patricia Shifflett Raymond Shifflett William Shifflett Monty Shiflett Charles Shoffner George Shoffner Carolina Shores

Patflcipafion in inftamutal Sf well Sf in juniot vatfifg gpotff Margaret Shores Linda Smith Virginia Smith Curtis Smoot Cornelia Snead Patricia Snead Robert Snead Shirley Sours Gene Spencer Maxine Sprouse Sandra Staton David Strauss Teresa Strickler Joan Sullivan D arlene Swisher Sidney Tate Gilbert Taylor Gradyo Taylor Jerry Taylor Mary Taylor Susan Taylor William Taylor Alice Thomas Galores Thomas


Linda Thomas Myrtle Thomas Wayne Thomas William Thomas Roger Thurston

Thomas Titus Brenda Tomlin David Tomlin Roger Tooley Martha Tulloh

Annis Turner Kenneth Turner Karen Tyson Carol Umdenstock Joseph Van Cleve

Ann Vanderveer Vivian Vascott

involves the eighth gtadets lot the fitsf lime. Kay Via Donald Walker Branda Ward Ethel Watson Faye Wheeler Julia Wheeler Glenn White Dexter Williams Jackie Witt Gregory Wolfrey Amelia Wood Bonnie Wood

Donald Wood George Wood Judy Wood Melvin Wood Timothy Wood Charles Woodson

Mary Woodson Larkin W oolfrey Iris Yowell Frank Zimmerman Randolph Zimmerman Kenneth Zoeller



144 ~




Charlottesville, Va. 296-1809

Storage & Van Lines Inc. 801 Preston Ave. THE SMART JUNIOR MISS

Charlottesville, Va.


STYLE SHOPPE Main at Fourth Street "Distinctive Apparel" Charlottesville, Virginia





Charlottesville, Va.

Parks Finance Service, Inc. 112 2nd St. N. E. Personal Loans To $600.00

MONTICELLO HOTEL Phone 293-6196 W. W. Parks, Mgr.

On Famous Courthouse Square Charlottesville, Va. Completely Air-Conditioned-Room TV Catering toDances Luncheons Anniversaries Dinners Parties of all kinds Showers Phone 296-6111

CHARLOTTESVILLE AUTO AND TRUCK DEALERS VANCE BUICK CO. 900 Preston Avenue Bu ick-Bu ick Special-Opel MacGREGOR MOTORS, INC. 416 West Main St. Lincoln-Continental-Mercury-Comet WILHOIT MOTORS 404 East Market Street Dodge-Dodge Dart-Fiat-Dodge Trucks R. M. DAVIS MOTORS, INC. 1311 W est Main Street Chrysler-Plymouth-Valiant COGGI NS MOTOR CO., INC. 330 Preston Avenue Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperial Studebaker Cars and Trucks Mercedes-Benz CHARLOTTESVILLE MOTORS 856 W est Main Street Ford-Falcon-Thunderbird-Ford Trucks BRADLEY PEYTO III 858 W est Main Street Pontiac-Tempest-Cadillac-Vavxhall DOMINICK CHEVROLET CO. 1st. and W ater Street Chevrolet-Corvair-Corvette H . M. Gleason and Co. Inc. 1st and Garrett Streets International Trucks and F armall Equipment HARPER MOTORS, I C . Preston Avenue at Ninth Street Authorized Dealer for Volkswagon RUSSELL MOONEY OLDS SALES and SERVICE 315 West Main Street Oldsmobile-Oldsmobile F 85 S-K MOTORS, LTD Imported auto sales and service U. S. Route 29 North

DAIRY QUEEN Rt. 29 North Phone 293-8418


Greencroft Florist COLEMAN'S JEFFERSON

For the very finest corsages


and cut flowers

414 East Main Street

918 Emmett Street

Charlottesville, Virginia

Dial 293-6154 Deliveries of course




Reggie's Auto Upholstery Arm Rest Headliners Convertible Tops Repair Work On Seats Door Panels 109 6th St., N. W. Phone 296-3932 Charlottesville, Virginia

First in Fashion

Gardner Sheet Metal Shop ROOFING AND HEATING


Charlottesville, Virginia


TUEL JEWELERS Certified Watchmaker and Jeweler Authorized Representative for Bulova-Elgin Hamiliton Watches Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings 104 South First Street Charlottesville, Virginia and Culpeper, Virginia

Complete Line Tractors and Equipment On The Farm Repairs



Charlottesville, Va.

Steve Donohue Fan Club


"An Office for Every Member" President STEVE DONOHUE Vice-President . . . . . . . . MALCOLM SPROUSE Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . PATTY GREEN Sergent at Arms EMILY POWELL Historian SUE GALVIN Press Agent . . . SUE GARRETT Religious Organizer . . . . . . . . . TOM WARD Public Relations CHERYL ROBERTS Locker Keeper . . . . . . . . . LUCY FLANNAGAN Graph Stamper BUDDY PURNELL Bartender . . . . . . . . . . . LINDSAY HARRINGTON Vice-Chairman . GEORGE SANBORN Song Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALLY TERRY Entrance Exam Director . . . . . . . . . . DENNIS NULL Activity Director AUDREY SMITH Chaplin . . . . . . . . . CHARLES McALLISTER Second Vice-Chairman RICHARD RANKIN Mother Bunny ANN ADDINGTON Bunnies .. . JENNIFER HEEPE, SUE ALLEN, CAROLYN ROBERTSON Salutatorian PAM DAVIS Undertaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHARLES OLIVER Secret Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VEEGIE PARKER Spanish Translator LEE McCAULEY Underclass Reporter EMMETT BOAZ ]. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAVE COLVERT Astrologer . . . .. . Mac GREGOR THORNLEY

Billiard Parlor

15th N. W.


A CAREER With A Future! If you like science and mathematics, consider engineering for your career! Engineering is the field of today and tomorrow. Progress is fast. New jobs are opening up every day. Plan for a job with a future-plan to be an engineer!



Enjoying their work is the High School Fashion Council sponsored by KAUFMAN'S, Main at Third St. L eft to Right-Billy McCann, Lane '63; Richard Severin, Lane '64; D anny Kusic, Albemarle '64; Mac Peatross, Rock Hill '64 and Billy D andridge, Albemarle '63.

PIEDMONT TRACTOR COMPANY, INC. Charlottesville, Virginia

FLEMING'S MEN'S SHOP 114 E. Main Phone 295-9402 Charlottesville, Virginia

SPERRY PIEDMONT COMPANY (Divison of Sperry Rand Corp.) Charlottesville




PHONE 293-6093

The Jefferson House

"FINE FURNITURE FOR LESS" Route 29 North- P. 0 . Box 683 Charlottesville, Virginia



"Jay" Stands for Jewelry


205 East Main Street

Charlottesvi lle, V i rginia



IN GREET ING CARDS 705 Preston Ave.


Phone 295-7166

In His to ri c Virg inia


Charlottesv il le & Will iamsburg




INC. Free Par k ing -Air-Cond iti oned



Farm Machinery and Motor Trucks

Dial 293-8171

Serving You Since 1871

941 Preston A venue

1st & Garrett St.

Tel. 295-5145

M. C. THOMAS 420 East Main Street

Charlottesville, Virginia


Charlottesville, Virgin ia


i 151

TOWN AND COUNTRY SHOP "Clothes for the woman of discriminating taste"

Telephone 2-5339

Charlottesville, Virginia

114 Fourth Street N. E.




Phone 296-6141

Phone 293-8505

41 8 East Main

"Complete Formal Wear Rental Service"



Dial 295-9824 906 W. Main Charlottesville, Virginia










THE 213 SHOP 213 Fourth St., N.E .


Charlottesville, Va . 91 6 East High Street




Phone 293-77 41

"Service to the sick"



Washing- Polishing

Paints, Varnishes , Lacquers, Leads

Complete Lubrication

Oils, Enamels

At Underpass

Brushes and Painter's Specialties

Phone 823-2811

121 West Main Street

Crozet, Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia

University Bookstore Suppliers for Collegians for Over a Century


FINK'S JEWELERS ELJO'S Diamonds-Watches-Silver-




Dial 296-6094





For Beauty

Leonard Sandridge


Esso Fuel Oil Dealer


Phones 823-500 1

HAIR DESIGN Phone 295-4311


Barracks Road Shopping Center

Crozet, Virginia




Persona Iized Service Dia I 823-2711

Clover Farm Grocer

Crozet, Virginia

Texaco Products

We Give S & H Green Stamps

Keswick, Va .

Phone 293-0766



Behind CK Restaurant






Phone 295-7181 Manufacturers of Quality Ready-Mixed Concrete Autoclave Blocks Septic Tanks Miscellaneous Concrete, Yard & Garden Products

DRUG STORE 109 West Main


Carolyn Robertson : TEEN SHOW, WINA, Sponsored by Miller and Rhoads

Congratulations to the Class of '63 from

Miller and Rhoads 155

Bob Albee, Bill Mercer and Lane Gerhardt wait in the lunch line as Lindsay Harrington buys a bottle of Monticello Dairy Milk.

monTICfllO UHIRY Grady Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia




Congratulations Students and Class of '63


State Farm lnsura .n ce

Companies AUTO - LIFE - FIRE Charlottesville, Virginia

1001 Emmet Street


For The Home

For The School

For The Office

You'll Find Whatever You Need In Stationery

School Supplies

Greeting Cards


Office Supplies

Athletic Cards

Office Furniture


At Charlottesville's Leading Book Store

ANDERSON BROS. BOOKSTORE INC. Serving This Community Since 1876 Located at the University of Virginia




rd 11~!

-it\4(-,\ ~路6:J路~-~ L. C. McALLISTER Owner P.O. Box 133

Hydraulic Rd . & Rt.


Charlottesvi lie All Work Guaranteed 4 Portable Welding Machines


ALLIED FOODS, INC. Processors and Distributors 1020 Harris Street CHARLOTTESVILLE

BY-PASS MARKET 250 by-pass Freebridge Rd . Open 7 Days 8 till 10 Meats cut to order




Yancey Mills, Va.

Farm Machinery and Motor Trucks Serving You Since 1871

Open 7 Days

1st & Garrett St. Tel.295-5145

PREDDY'S WATCH SERVICE ON THE MEZZANINE IN WESTERN AUTO BUILDING BARRACKS ROAD SHOPPING CENTER Hours- 9:30 to 6:00 Monday Through Saturday Owned and Operated by W . R. (Gait) Preddy- Certified Watchmaker


Charlottesville, Virginic






2115 Jefferson Pk. Av.

Foreign & Compact Service A Speciality

Amos R. Sweet 1233 Harris Phone 293-3195

Shop at Sears

and Save

1105 W. Main St. Phone 293-6141

MARTIN HARDWARE CO., INC. Free Parking-Air-Conditioned Dial 293-8171


941 Preston Avenue

INCORPORATED Building Construction

Mack's Barber Shop Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 1332 Long 路Street Charlottesville, Virginia Dial 295-7951


W. M. COLLINS General Merchandise



North Garden, Va. Phone 293-0044

HILL & IRVING INC. FUNERAL SERVICES Charlottesvi lle, Virginia

First and Market Street




Groceries-Nove Iities-Fi reworks

Phone 295-4464

Snack Bar

Meadowbrook Shopping Center

John Lyster (Proprietor) Free Pickup Phone 293-0312 On Route 29


2 Miles North of Charlottesville


Top Value Stamps


Handy to the School

322 Ea st Ma in Street Charlottes vi lle, Virg ini a



CARY'S CAMERA SHOP "Everything Photographic" 48 hour color processing by Kodak Binoculars


Barracks Road Shopping Center

Specializing in Ladies, Junior, and Childrens Apparel

l:ll!t ~4\ill! ~fr-Ogrtss

410 East Main Street




Charlottesville Oil Company, Inc. RED FRONT MARKET

Phone 293-91 07

Dia I 823-2542 Crozet, Virginia


GLEASON'S BAKERY, Inc. Bakers o/

TELEPHONE 296-6252

Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pastries

101 EAST MAIN STREET P . 0. Box 161

We specialize in decorated cakes for the occasion





SHOP 414 East Main Street

Carl F. Barnes

Ella S. Barnes

Charlottesville, Virginia Crozet, Virginia

PIEDMONT CLEANERS Bob Ramsey, Owner 1301 Harris Street

Dial 295-7550

Convertible Tops-Floor Mats Paint- Body Work Brake Service-Shock Absorbers Muff.-Supp. Front end Align


JOHN'S SEAT COVER CENTER 1001 W . Main Phone 293-5052 John Sartin, Owner





IVY R OA D- U . 5 . 250 WEST



EARL H. VAUGHAN, INC. PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS Selectemp Heating- Iron Fi reman Products "Coal That Burns" Dial 295-5177 608 Pre st on A venue

Charlottesville, Virginia

l·ll 'l



e . if! (t~·l /'AI'n~ft ..... ·~(1«0


,. .f;"', - '"'


et C." ' u • 0 "

(j ,._}

1 " f)




CROSS ROADS STORE Leonard E. Bunch, Sr.


Grocery--Feeds and Seeds Phone 823-41 57

North Gorden, Virginia Phone 293-0014

H & M SHOE STORE Always a Step Ahead in Fashion


and Quality "Shoes for the entire family" Charlottesville, Virginia 101 W . Main Street

Of Cha rlottesvi lie

Barracks Road Shopping Center


Shop daily 9-5 :30 Fri . 9-9


BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS Harry J. Brown Dial 6-6285 510 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virg in ia


Shop dailyl 0-9 Sat. 10-6











FOX BROTHERS, INC. Greenwood, Virginia Contractors and Merchants


Gh 6-3921





For Sale Commercial Bulls at

Rugby Farm Keswick, Virginia

Intemational Warm Air Heating Air Conditioning Residental-Industrial-Commercial -Roofing RepairsBuilt up Asphalt-Tar and Gravel-Roofs Coated or Painted Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Phone 293-2302

W. A. LYNCH ROOFING CO. 1709 Monticello Rd.

Charlottesville, Va.


EAGLE WINDOW CO. Remodeling of all types

1518 E. High St. Cha rlottesvi lie Phone 293-3312

Storm doors-windows






Southern Electric No. 1 -

Rt. 250 West Gro. -

Gas -

227 W . Main

Phone 293-5136

Oi I -

No. 2 -


29 N. at 250 By-Pass Phone 293-51 61

Phone 823-556 1





Charlottesville's Leading Department Store




COMPANY 420 E. Main St.

Ch-ville, Va .

Office Supplies




A. S. Spaulding & Bros. Rawlings Manufactur ing Company Spot-Bi It Shoes Riddell Helmets and Shoes MacGregor




C. F. Stan ley

CENTER 108 4th St. N.E.

Ma nager an d Ph ar m ac ist

Phone 823-2081

Phone 295-4238

Crozet, V i rg in ia


Addie Alexander

404 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Charlottesville, Virginia


Rose's 5-10-25¢ Stores VALUE AND VARIETY

Barracks Road Shopping Center

and 112-116 West Main Street

Peer staff members Sue Garrett, Steve Donnohue, Richard Sinclair, Sally Terry, Patty Green, Sue Galvin, Sue Hays, and Martha Jones Dine out at the University Cafeteria.

University Cafeteria 171


The Young Men's Shop 118 West Main Street

Bill Eastwood and Kathy Green examine the latest in tie styles at the Young Men's Shop.


Congratulations To The Class Of 1963 from

THE MAN'S CORNER Ronnie Lynch Wint Foster 100 E. Main St.


Hanckei-Citizens Ins. Corp.



C & R Auto Service

of every kind

Automatic Transmission Service


505 W. Main - Charlottesville, Va.

3rd and Jefferson

P.O. Box 96

Wade Crawford and Neal Robbins

Home Materals, Inc.

Piedmont Tractor Co., Inc.

1240 Harris St. Rt. 250 W.

Charlottesville, Virginia

Phone 2938193

Tel. 2939177




7 Day Shopping Center Hardware -


Glidden Paints


Farboil Paints

Authorized Underwood

Phone 293-8052 Agency Gestetner


Machines Heyer Duplicators


Dial 295-7419

"WE DELIVER" Dial 295-4231

919 W . Main Street

201 East Main Street

Charlottesville, Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia



Spalding Saddles and Loafers Capezios-Bass Weejuns Andrew Geller- Mademoiselle Paradise-Naturializers-Town & Country for men: Wright's Arch Preservers Freeman's-Bass Weejuns 404 E. Main


The 1963 Peer Staff Wishes To Express Its Appreciation To MR. CHARLES PERRY- Representative AND

Hunter Publishing Company 333 Indiana Avenue Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Tel. 725-8361


The Banks

of Cha rlottesvi lie National Bank and Trust Co. Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Peoples National Bank


Index ol Advelfi9el9 Acme Visible Records

Gilmore, Hamm & Snyder

Piedmont Cleaners

Albemarle Clearing House

Gleason, H . M.

Preddy's Watch Service

Allied Foods, Inc.

Gleason's Bakery

Red Front Market

Allied Supply Co.

Greencroft Nursuries, Inc.

Reggie's Upholstery

Anderson Bros. Bookstore

Hanckel Citizens

R. E. Lee & Son

Barracks Road Shopping Center

Hill & Irving, Inc.

Rennolds, W. M.

Bottled Gas Corp. of Virginia

H. & M. Shoe Store

Rhineharts Service

Blue Ridge Equipment Co., Inc.

Home Materials, Inc.

Rio Esso Service

Brown's Dry Cleaners

Ivy Construction

Roses Store

Brown's Gifts

Jak 'n' Jil

Rudy's Cleaners

By-Pass Super Market

Jay Jewerlers

Rugby Farm

C & R Auto Service

Jefferson House of Furniture

Sandridge Oil Co.

Cary's Camera Shop

Jefferson Professional Institute

Seal's Sinclair

Cavalier Gulf

Jefferson School of Arts

Sears Roebuck

Chancellors Drug

Jefferson Shop, The

Security Storage & Van

Charlottesville Auto & Truck

John's Seat Cover Center

Sherwin Williams Co.

Charlottesville Hardware


Sperry Piedmont Co.

Charlottesville Office Machine

Keller Company, W. J.

Starke's Cash Market

Charlottesville Oil Co.

Keller & George

State Farm Insurance

City Laundry

Kitty Archer Dance Studio

Steve Donohue Fan Club


Koury's Hair Stylist

Stevens & Company

Collins, W . M. Gen. Mdse

Lanes Tailoring

Style Shop

Colonade Shop


Sweet, Amos R.

Cosner Bros. Auto


M. C. Thomas Furniture

Cross Roads Store

Lynch, W . A.


Crozet Drug Store

Mack's llarber Shop

Timberlake, M., Inc.

Corzet Insurance

Mac's Welding

Town & Country Trimbels

Crozet Service Center

Mac's Welding

Crozet Superette

Man's Corner

Tuel Jewerlers

Daily Progress

Martin Hardware Co., Inc.

213 Shop

Dairy Queen

Meadowbrook Hardware

University Billiard Shop

Desper's Power Equipment

Medical Arts Pharmacy

University Cafeteria

Dominion Services

Miller & Rhoads

University Book Store

Downtown Athletic Store

Minor-Duke Insurance

Valley View Florist

Eagle Window Co.

Monticello Dairy

Earl H. Vaughan, Inc.


Monticello Hotel



Norcross Transfer

Villiage Market

Fitzhugh Drugs

Oasis Restaurant

Virginia Trailways

Fleming's Mens Shop

Parker Beauty Center

Wheeler Real Estate, B. E.

Fox Brothers Inc.

Park's Finance

Wiley's Inc.

Fry's Springs Service Station

Piedmont Tractor

C. H. Williams

Gardner's Sheet Metal Shop

Pleasant Valley Market

Young Mens Shop, The


Acfivlfie9 Index Albemarle Players

page 27

Dance, Christmas


Literary Club



Math Club


Math Club, Junior


Monogram Club


Art Club


Debate Club

Band, All State


Distributive Education Club

35, 75

Band, Beginning


Diversified Occupation Club

34, 35, 75

Band Club


Four H Club, Boys


Band, Concert


Four H Club, Girls


Band, Intermediate


French Club


Bible Club


F.B.L.A. Club

Booster Club


F.F.A. Club

Boy's State Representative




. . . ..... . .



.. . . .... . . . . ..

F.H.A. Club

.. .... . .. . . .


F.T.A. Club

Chess Club . .. ...... .... .. . . . . .. .



Choir, Concert


Girl's State Representatives

Cheerleading Award

. .

Choir, Eighth Grade


Highlight Staff

Chorus, All State


Hi-Y Club

Council, Honor


Industrial Arts Club

Court, Homecoming (group)


Latin Club

Court, Homecoming (individual)


Library Club



............ ..









40 24 33

Queen, Christmas



Quill and Scroll



Red Cross, Junior ... . . . .. . .



Spanish Club




Top Ten

22, 23

... . . . . .


Peer Staff

38, 39


Nursing Club

Pep Club

36 ....

National Merit Scholarship Participants 74


Tri-Hi-Y Club Who's Who

For ten years Albemarle High School has changed and grown. The 1962-1963 school year over, it is beginning a new decade of progress. The 1963 Peer staff members extend their best wishes to those who will perform their jobs in the coming year. We wish to thank the following people for their kind help in producing this book: Advertisers



The Office Staff

Mr. Charles Perry

Ed Michtoms

Billy Bishop

Mr. Hurt

Gundars Osvalds

Mr. O'Neal


23 18, 19 74 30 76,77


0 t 6


s 0 8

t 0 6


6 9






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