1971 Peer Albemarle High School

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So the dimming light of our afternoon leaves us little time with old companions; and even yet we contemplate the sunlight of tomorrow when our afternoon's a yesterday, and scorn our own timerity. Now too often friends are nore than friendssome are living memories, ushering in the drama's past conductors of a deep and nostalgic history.



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So back strays wandering reminiscence before our day is even done: Summer days subdued to Fall (aging leaves upon the grass); Autumn frozen into Winter (breath crystallized to spoken smoke); Winter melting into Spring (the touch of a girl beside a stream); and when Spring slips softly into Summer, our sunlight tapers into evening . and in the twilight we are children:






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We stand on the horizon; and tempered in the half-light, the outlines of our afternoon begin to melt and overlap retrospect with reality: We find what was not to be what was through the medium of memory; and before we can discern the shapes of roles that we once truly wore, our afternoon evaporates, and we must face the blinding glare of the new tomorrow's harsher sun with oft-distorted concepts of the game in which we played.


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Combining the vibrance, enthusiasm, and interest of an adolescent with the experience and judgement of a knowledgeable professor 0



Awakening the student to the reality of contemporary life while preparing him for the future 0



Ultimately striving to leave a mark beyond the confines of his curriculum, yet never failing to note its relevance 0

It is in recognition of these qualities that the Senior Class of 1971 dedicates the Peer to Mr. Kenneth Oder.


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.A.dministra. tion 2 new assistant principals a new dress code . . new problems . . . more students . . . . . . . But making a sincere effort to understand the complexities, problems, and frustrations of being a student.

Ben F. Hurt B.A., Hampden-Sydney College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Principal

Zelda Murray, Office Secretary



oward Collins B.S .. M. S., Virginia State College istant Principal

William H. Raines B.S., M.Ed., University of Virginia Assistant Principal

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Sarah Harris, Attendance Secretary

arlotte Gay, Bookkeeper


Guidance Endless schedule changes endless applications .. . the job of guiding. Criticized by manyyet a vital part of our school. Virginia R. Dofflemeyer B.S., Longwood College; M.Ed ., University of Virginia Director of Guidance

Newassa Via, Guidance Office Secretary

Inez B. Bowler B.A., Virginia State College Gu idance; Bible C lub


Martha T. Oakhill B.A., Muskingum College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Guidance

\lattie Lee G. Fornes B.S., North Carolina State University; M.Ed., University of Virginia G uidance

Paul J . Potesta B.A., Fairmont State College; M.S., West Virginia University Guidance

C hrystal M. O'Hagan B.A., Manhattanville College; M.Ed ., University of Virginia G uida nce



Fine .Arts Painting, acting, singing, sculpting learning to express oneself Gaining self-confidence. gaining poise . . . Trying to mold raw ability into smooth talent.

\l art it \ 1adi < . II : rt

Dra ma C lub members prepa re sets for " Blithe Spirit"

James W. Simmons B.S., Concord College; M.Ed., University of Virginia Band; Music Appreciation; Band Club

Marjory R. Good all B.S., University of Virginia; Averett College Librari an; Library C lub

Joan H. Tho masso n B.A., Randolph-Macon College Librarian


路. Erma Ma rtin B.A .. Madiso n College Art I. II : Art Club

Cynthia M. DeSue B.S., Norfolk State College Choir; Chorus; Girl's Sextet

E. Marcia Dobbs B.F.A., Drake University English I 0; Speech ; Drama; Albemarle Players; Thespians Waldo E. Johnson B.A ., Catholic University; Rutgers University Art II, III , IV; Art Club, Drama Division



A requirement for twelve years. Seemingly endless papers, grammar, literature and composition. Culminating in an increasing ability to express and communicate. Frederick T. Hardy, Jr. B.A. , M.A. , University of Richmond Eng Iish 12; Composition; Track

R. Ben Turner B.A. , M.A.T. , University of Virginia English 12

Elizabeth Sutherland B.S., Madison College; M.A., Columbi a University Engl ish II Joyce N. Mason B.A. , Longwood College; M.Ed., University of Virginia English 12; Critique Club


ition. ility

Dav id L. Hill B.A ., G race College; M.S., St . Fra nc is Coll ege English II ; Co mpos iti o n; Juni or C lass: J .Y. Basket ba ll : Highlight; Lit erary Magazi ne

ey A. Yates :em ral Michigan University; M.Ed., University of Virginia h 10, II ; T ri -Hi-Y C lub

tersit y

ri ne E. Hayes \I. A., Sam Ho uston State Un iversity h Composi tio n; English 12; Literary Magazine

Susa n L. Paxman B.A. , Brigham Young University English 10; Patriettes


Virginia Barnett B.A. , Wheaton College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia English 12

Harold F. Paris B.S. , M.A., Madison Coll ege English 10

Marilyn J . Fantino B.A., Emory a nd Henry College English II ; Assembly a nd Activity Co-ordinato r

Katherine S. Olton B.A., University of Richmond; M.A.T. , University of Virginia English 10


Virginia L. Marshall B.A., Mary Washington College English 10, ll ; Debate Club

nnet h W. Oder .. University of Virginia _ li ~h 12; Highlight; Senior Class

Z. James Estes, Jr. B.S. , M.A., University of Virginia English 10

Mr. Oder adds to his collection of ungraded papers.


R. Houck B., University of North Carolina glis h9, ll;JuniorClass

Foreign Language Speaking, reading, understanding, writing a strange language. Expanding the program to include German more assemblies . . . more contest winners . Congratulations for a job well done. Julie A. Hoy A.B., Immaculata College Spanish I, Spanish Club

Mary A. Lederman B.A. , Syracuse University; M.Ed ., University of Virg inia French III, IV; French Club

Patrici a G. Short A.B. , Ra ndolph -Maco n Woman's College; M.A. , Johns Hopkins University Latin I , II , Ill ; Latin Club

Mary Johnson A.B ., College of William and Mary; M.A., University of Virgin ia Spanish I I, I II, IV; Spanish Club; National Honor Society


.elyn R. Brubaker ., Berea College; M.A.T., Antioch-Putney Graduate School nish I, II; Spanish Club

.A., Johns

Eugene E. Norton B.S. , Spring Hill Coll ege U.S. History; Germ an I

erly H. Jones ., Washington Coll ege e nc h I, II , Ill

Sandra B. Fi nn A.B., College of William and Mary; Centre Univers ita ire Med iterraneen French I, II; Varsity C heerleaders; French Cl ub


Social Science A study of the past with a desire for relevance today. Black History, Psychology, Sociology. attempts to meet these desires . Greeted with encouraging student response. Lois P. Johnson A.B., Virginia State College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Black History; World History

Dennis Golladay B.S. , Madison College; M.A., University of Virginia U.S. Government

Cha rles W. Cheape, III B.A., University of Virginia U.S. History; Junior Class Sponsor

Maryanne Poarch B.S., University of Virginia U.S. Government



.unie H. Brown B.S., University of Virginia . G overnment; Senior Class; Pep Club; Assistant Junior Varsity Basketball

Edith S. Gravely B.S. , Fayetteville State University Sociology; Black Studies; U.S. History

rea D. Vest .\ ., University of North Carolina; M.Ed., Univers ity of Virginia ial Education; Psychology

DanielL. Gibbes, Jr. B.A., University of South Carolina World History; U.S. Government; U.S. History

ro ly n Saunders ., Radford College; M.A. , University of Virginia . History





Science Much-needed labs in the new wing New teachers . . . new ideas A rapidly growing department attempting to meet the needs of a rapidly growing student body.

Seun Hi Kim ponders the microscopic world.

Catherine S. Fisher B.S., Madison College Biology; J. V. Cheerleaders

Samuel W. Terry, Jr. B.S., Arkansas A.M. and N. College Biology; S.C.A.

David A. Behrens B.S. Madison College; M.C.S., University of Mississippi Chemistry



cn neth W. Lindsay B., M.A., University of Alabama

Margaret P. Fowler B.S. Madison College; M.Ed., University of Virginia Biology

em is try

........ 路. til ia m L. Bishop, 1r. ., University of Virginia ysics; Algebra I

Shirley M . Wells B.S .. Longwood Coll ege : M .Eel .. Un ivers it y of Virginia Biology: S.C.A.


M:a. thema. tics A jargon of its own . . . The frustrations of class The frustrations of tests . Yet, somehow there remains that supreme satisfactionthe right answer.

Bessie P. Birckhead B.S., Mary Washington College Math 9; Algebra I

Hallie C. Garland B.A. , Mary Baldwin College Algebra I, II ; Math 10; Tri-Hi-Y Club


Ann A. Broaddus B.A. , Bryn Mawr College Geometry; Algebra I I; Future Teachers of America

1chard H. Ergler A., St. Vincent College .lat h Analysis; Trigonometry; Analytic Geometry; Environment Club



Courtenay M. Turner A.B., College of William and Mary; M.Ed., University of Virginia Trigonometry; Elementary Functions; Analytic Geometry; Peer

Whit ney D. West B.S., Madison College Algebra I; Math 10

Shirley S. Barnhardt B.S., Mansfield State College; M.S., Bucknell University Algebra II; Geometry; Art Club


Business A new two-hour steno block . . . The difficult task of attempting to prepare students for the world of business. Yet, somehow strangely alienated from the rest of the student body.

v Margaret W. Burruss B.S., Mary Washington Co ll ege Bookkeeping II ; Data Processing

E.G . rgi nia pi ng

Katharine Hancock St. Mary's Junior Coll ege; A.B., Lynchburg Coll ege Shorthand II; Typewriting II

Reba Sandell B.S. , Madison College; M.Ed., University of Virginia Office Practice; Y.O.T.; Steno I

C heryl J. White B.S., Longwood College Recordkeeping; Business Procedures



Agnes J. Anderson B.S., Montreat College Typewriting I; Shorthand I

aundra E. G illiam B.S., Virginia State College Bookkeeping I ; Typing I

Raymond H . Hite A.S. , Bluefield Junior College; B.S. , East Tennessee State University Recordkeeping; Business Procedures

Ja nnette S. Hunt A. B., Nebraska State Teachers Coll ege Ty pewriting I, II

Nin a H. Th acker B.S. , Memphis State University General Business; Typewriting I


Vocational Training

Gerard C. Swainson B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University Di stributive Education I, II; DECA

Training: Homemakers Nurses Masons Carpenters Sales personnel Farmers Mechanics Students completing academic requirements while learning a trade . . . . Necessary training overlooked in the usual curriculum. Still the required subjects, but an outlet for those disillusioned by the rigors of academia. Aided by the use of the "Annex," yet, still, lacking facilities. Doing an outstanding job of providing training for the student who desires a practical skill. . . . special teachers reaching a special type of student.

Darrell C. Gardner B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University Distributive Education II, Ill ; DECA



Edwin 0 . Russell B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Inst itute Agriculture I, II, III , IV, V; Future Farmers of America

Le Roy H. Smith B.S. , Virginia Polytechnic Institute Mechanical Drawing; Industrial Arts; Electronics; Vars ity Soccer

Joh n H. Pleasants B.S., West Virginia State College Industrial Arts I, II

Hiram N. Taylor B.S., Saint Paul's College Carpentry II ; VICA C lub


C larence M. Anderson B.S., University of Delaware Special Education

Veri in Ray Clark B.S., East Tennessee State University Special Education

William H. Johnson B.S., Tuskegee Institute Brickmasonry I, II; VICA Club

Future Fireplaces!




uth G. Updike .N., Universit y of Virginia School of Nursing Practica l Nu rs ing

uise H. Sullivan ., Mad ison College me Eco no mics I, II ; F uture Ho me ma kers of Amer ica

Dorothy B. Harraway B.S. , Hampton Institute Ho me Eco no mi cs Ill , IV ; Futur e Homema kers of America

Ire ne Payne, Mar ie Harris, Da isy Lafferty, Allie Pritt, Kay Moo re, Mary Harl a n


l?hysic:;a.l Education Exercises, laps, fitness tests . . . Disliked by most-savored by a few. Faced with the difficult task of attempting to make each of us a little more fit.

C. err r a1

Ralph A. Harrison, Jr. B.S. , South West Missouri State; M.E., Drury College Driver Training; Football , Golf

Albert P. Moore B.S., M.S. , North Carolina Central University Driver Training; Basketball

Donna H. Templeton B.S., Lynchburg College Physical and Driver Education; G .A.A. G iris' J. V. Basketball ; G iris' Tennis

Leonard J. Hrica B.S. Ed. , University of Virginia Physical and Driver Education Football ; Baseball ; Basketball

A nna . Bridge 1cal Ed



a few.

of us

Den n is C . Craddock .A., Ferrum Jr. College; B.A., Lynchburg College utdoor a nd Indoor Track; Football

James Arbaugh A.A. , Greenbrier Military ; B.S. Ed. University of Virginia Driver Education; Football; Baseball

Harry E. Null B.S., Hampden Sydney College Physical Education, Driver Training; Athletic Director \lary Anna Sanders B.A., Bridgewater College

Physical Education, Driver Training







Homecoming 1970 A successful bonfire- for a change An enthusiastic red and blue pep rally capped by a foot ball victory . . . A postponed homecoming dance amid zodiac signs . . . Albema rl e's new ad diti o n. th e drill tea m

Where's the rider?

The Greenwood gang hits Albemarl e

School spirit perso nifi ed



The winning band float

Oh! . .. What I see in your future


Queen, Hope Shotwell , is escorted to the throne


::E-1omecoming Court 1971

Debbie Drumhell er, Ma id of Ho no r

Ho pe Shotwe ll , Quee n

Barba ra Moo re, Se ni o r Represe ntat ive

Pat Dul a ney, Se ni or Re prese nt at ive


C hery



Av is G ian nin y, Juni o r Re prese ntat ive

C heryl Muell er , Juni or Represe nt ati ve


Roy nett a Ba nks, Sopho more Re prese nt at ive

Eunice Brow n, Juni o r Represe nt a tive

...... Lin da J o hn so n, Sopho mo re Representat ive


Eli the Spirit

Ma rcia

Again Mrs. E. Marcia Dobbs has constructed a complete dramatic unit worthy of praise. After a disappointing first night in which technical errors spoiled the unity of th~ play, the cast produced an excellent Saturday performance that proved the quality of the show. The cast included seniors Tom Osina, Cathy Bailey, and Judy Keithley who worked well together. Linda Seaborn, according to cnt1c Charles Huddle, "carried top honors" for her portrayal of Madam Arcati. Giving fine support were Jeanne Nardi, Sue Forney, and Mike Weeks. John Hawkins and Greg Pitts were assistant directors.

Do bb ~ Director

Ruth and Elvira jo in fo rces

Leads- Tom Osina (Charles) a nd Cathy Bai ley (Ruth)


1bbs has atic unit ppointing rs spoiled oduced an ee that

m Osina, tley who Seaborn, Huddle, 路trayal of >ort were 1d Mike >itts were The Seance--Opening night

"Oh, 'Thir'!"

The Seance- Rehearsal

Judy Keithley- The Blithe Spirit



••Easy To Persuade" . . . bringing to students at Albemarle a taste of the Black sentiment . . .

Sterling persuades Margaret

Dea th of a Militant

Mary Scott portrays a mother's sadness Rap in Bl ack


.A. Night of

One Acts

Exploring the theater of the absurd

.. The VVa.ter Street Furniture Store Rebellion" Stars John Hawkins, Greg Pitts, and John Spafford

••prometheus Bound~'

Ted Fredrick as Prometheus Bound

··rrhe Return"

Mortals try Jesus Christ


ll1\,lll 1\\\, National Negro History ""VVeek

... started at A. H. S. by Forrest Dent ... . . . acquainting all students with a forgotten culture

"'''''' Debbie Nightengale- Chairman

George Bates- Master of Ceremonies

Darlene helps

Sterling lends a hand


_L, r--

The Speaker- AI Taylor

Anita Miller reads "A Song"

Cast of "Easy to Pursuade"


II, Cathy Bailey reads "Ode to Ethiopia"

Vanessa Hannah- singing "Steal Away to Jesus"


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Thespian State Officers: F. Dent, C. Bailey

M.G. A. Delegates: B. Aschbach, L. Garnett, C. Simmons.

Girls' State Delegates: C. Salley, D. Quarles Boys' State Delegates: B. Marilla, N. Strother

iona l A. F. S. : Susan Wolfe

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Regional Chorus: M. Jackson, D. Fells, M. Popp, M. Clark, A. Gianiny


Reg ional Band: first row: R. Cleveland, J. Levenson , A. Easter, W . Gentry. second row: M . Bomar, G. Sandridge, B. Lewis, E. Russell, G. Cohen.



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:E-i:or. Soc:

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National Honor Society: Kneeling : T. Jones, P. Shifflet , C. Bail ey, President; K. Armentrout, J. Bowen. Second Row: L. Carriker , C. Salley, B. Hammond, L. Frederick , B. McVey, S. Milius, M.

Daughtre y, T. Rom er. Third Ro w: T. Z imr G. Co hen, L. Cra ig, P. McGuire, L. Ritt e Ismay, J. Haw kin s. Not Pictured: N. Stroth .

an, T. F le isc hh a uer, ;e, G. Manweiler, J .

National Honor Society A select group achievers .. . Contributing their intellect, time, and leadership to somehow improve their school

• NHS members Jo hn , Greg , and J ani e - "studying?" in th e li brary.


Student Coopera. ti ve .A.ssocia. tion


Improving significantly each year, but even now do we have an effective voice?

Officers, first row: L. Rittenhouse, Secretary; J. Baldini, Vice-President; W. Gentr y. President. second row: J. Herold . Treasurer; D. Nightenga le, Hisotrian.

S.C.A.-Seniors,l ying : T. Haney, B. Maril la, S. Murray, S. Walker. second row: C. Sowers, S. Sp icer, B.J . Rhodes, H. Shotwel l, S. Blackburn, N. Pace, B. Aschbach, L. Craig, L. Rittenhouse, B. Moore, L. Garth, M. Daughtrey, D. Nightenga le, P. Bowles. th ird row: C. S immons, F. Cunningham , J. Dent, K. Owens, B. Pietsch, K.

Ripberger, T. Reilly , P. Nu ll, D. Pace, S. Herring, B. Gregg, C. Bail ey, R. Dud ley, F. Dent, J. Hawk ins. fourth row: E. Armstead, G. Baker, J. Wyant, D. Batch elet, N. Strother, G . Damman, B. Kirt ley, G . Cohen, P. C raddock , T. Osina, M. Smith, C. Smith, D. Vi a, G . Tevendale.



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lregg, C. stead, G. . Kirt ley, V ia, G.


S.C.A.-Juniors, Kneeling: B. Rives, B. Ritchie. second row: S. Greims, A. Graves, D. Lange, S. Wolfe. J. Becker, J . T imberlake. S. Jackson. J. Thompson, J. Baldini, F. Birckhead. third row: J. Heischman , E. Russell, D. Shutts, K . Va n de Castle. fourth row: D. Leake, J. Herold, B. Rauch. W. Dameron. E. Bickers, T. Williams, D. Arehart. C. Word, B. Cutright, P. Strasser, M. Wesley. fifth row: M. Douglass, L. Garnett, J. Moore, C. Morris, S. Burford, M. DeBe ll , M. Showalter. G. Hanes, M. C layton, T. Stark , G. Pitt s. sixth row : B. Respess, J. Edmunds, S. Rogers, L. Sall ey. C. M ue ll .:r. B. Sandell. B. Johnston.:. R. C leve land. F. Bondurant.

S.C.A. -Sophomores, Kneeling: C. Marshall , B. Hurt, J. Lange, B. Ca rr, K. Naylon , C. Wakley. second row: K. Kelly, N. Word, C. Tho mpson. third row: I. Huie, J. Zeller, G. Abbott, D. Allen, N. Sho twe ll , K. C laybrook, L. Bent ley. fourth row: C. Snoddy, M.

Steppe, L. Morris, D. Scott, T. McCormick, L. Garrison , D. Figgatt, S. Harrison, E. F lora, R.Richardson , R. Co hen, J. Schwab, B. Debias i.



Smith, G. Cohen, G. Baker, B. Ordel, R . Cohen. Third Row : G. Pitts, T. Romer , J. Hawkins, T. Osina, B. Gregg, M. Ashby, D. Gourley, G . Stevens .

Critique Club: First Row: Mrs. Mason, Sponsor ; L. Seaborn , D. Batchelet, J . Levenson, J . Spafford , C. Bailey, L. Carriker, C. Morris, B. Kirtley, M. Daughtrey, S. Cronemeyer. Second Row: J. Trent, M.

Critique Club Engaging in the rarely practiced art of free discussion, the Critique Club strives to learn a bit more about the world.

Barb, Mike and Dianne are deep in thought at a club meeting.



ba te Clu

Latin Club Caesar's Gallic conquests, Cicero's orations, Studying the intricacies of a "dead language" Proving that its interest is alive and kicking.

:G. Pitts, >ur ley, G.

Latin Club, first row: Mrs. Short , K. Jones, M. Gibson, S. Milius, L. Seaborn, President; second row: K. Davenport , N. Blucher, T. Marks, S. Kyger. third row: N. Word, C. Smith, E. Flora, L. Thomas. fourth row: D. Lammonds, N. Drumheller, Y. Pa rsons, L. Sheets. fifth row: P. Cobbs, F. Barnett , J. Lange, M. Wallace. sixth row: B. Blackman, J . Becker, D. Aberle, J. Young. seve nth row: P. Strasser, M. Power, M. Ashby, R. Richardson . eight h row: G. Averette, J. Keg ley, D. Ahrend. ninth row : M. Deane, G. Ca ne, D. Sandridge.

Debate Club

The affirmative vs the negative Learning to defend an idea through the use of logic rather than emotion.

Debate Club, S. Sherrard, J. Link, C. Juui-Niel se n, President; T. Fleischauer, D. Hert el


V.I.C.A., First Row: Mr. Gillenwater, D. C hildress , D. Williams, D. Garrison , D. Kysler , L. Morris, R. Walker, K. Ritter, D. Taylor, T. Baber, J . Harris, B. Mosby. Second Row: R. Fitch, Y. Hedgeman, S. Wyant , S. Morris, T. Sanner, R. McCoy, B. O ' Brien , S. Birckhead , S.


Ca rt er, B. Morris , J. Wood , J. Snow. Third Row: L. Martin , G. Ca mpbe ll , D. Marshall , G. Bell , D. Brackett , W. Blackwell, R. Robinson , J . Pritt , A. Cr it zer, T. Woods , J. White, S. Fitzge ra ld, R. Brown , R. Dudley.

Future tradesmen . . . learning a vocation in an academic environment providing services necessary for all.

VICA member practices his trad e

Future VICA members'1



artin , G. kwell, R. ~e rald , R.

Luck , M. May, D. Melton, C. Micham, B. Miller, P. Moore, P. Monroe, Y. Plumb, R. Popp, P. Pugh, D . Royster, N. Say lor, L. Scott, M. Scott, P. Sherid a n, F. Sh ifflett , M. Shifflett, H. Si ll ett, W . Snead, S. Snead, J . Steppe, M. Thompson, J . Timberlake, A. Wa lker, C. Wa lker, D. Ward , L. Wash ington , H. White, S. Whit e, M. Whiting, B. Witcher, G. Yat es.

Chorus, A. Agee, B. Baber, D . Barbour, 0. Bell , D. Brown, E. Brown, R. Brown, D. Bryant, R. Bryant, J . Ca rey, W . Ca rr, K. Coles, M. Davis, F. Doug las, D. Dun n, M . Durette, I. Dyer, P. Dyer, H. Eubanks, D. Fe ll s, J. Forbes, A. Gianniny, C. Gibson, J. Go rdon , J . Green, J. Green, C. Harri s, P. H a rris, Y. Harris, D . H enderson , M. Hend e rson, M. Hym a n, J. J ac kso n, L. Jackson , M. J ackso n, S. J ac kso n, Y. Jack so n, S. Johnson , B. Loschelder, P. Louderback, D.


50 minutes a day . . . producing a blend of seldom heard music . appreciated little, but deserving of praise.

l' .~'



" C hri stm as Around the World .. is presented a t the a nnu a l Yule concert.



Key Club, first row: S. Walker, B. Johnstone, N. Strother, Sargeantat-Arms; M. Arbaug h, Vice-President; S. Baldwin, Sweetheart; M. Jones, Treasurer; S. Wawner, F. Bondurant, B. Ma rilla, Secretary; K. Minton. second row: S. Mi lgraum, J . Trent, R. Maupin, P. Craddock ,

S. Murray, G. Manwe il er, President; M. Sm ith , F. Birckhead, E. Kni ght, R. Cleveland. third row: B. C ramer, M. Dea ne, D. Bickel , W. White, G. Co he n, P. McGuire, H. Morton, J. Titus, D. Roseberry.

Key Club Tri Yiliantly attempting To preserve their fruitful and courteous Kiwanis image, The Key club sells trees at Christmas.




Attempting to uphold the Christian standards . Service A friendly word for those in need.

Tri-Hi- Y, first row: C. Wilkinson, L. Garth, Secretary-Treasurer; L. G arn ett, Vice-President; C. Simmons, President; N. Pace, I.C.A.; B. Whitcomb, Reporter; J. McWilliams, Chaplain. seco nd row: M. Pugh, K. Powell, C. Snoddy, F. C unningham, P. Shifflet, S. Cutright.


\lbemarle -\. Easter, ' udd uth . E B soo ns: Black man, Binns. P. Barbour, A B. Holmar arris. G.

Band Club u sell , E. nd ridge, mit h. S. H


head, E. ick el, W. erry.



Robinson , D. Sandridge. Tenor Saxophones: W. Gentry, T. Detamore. Baritone Saxophone: K. Barnette. French Horns: S. Forney, A. DeBiasi, D. Haugh. Cornets: D. Arno ld , B. Lew is, P. Murphy, D . T hom as, E. Pa iret , D . Samsell , L. Ayres, V. Eubanks, J. Bishop. Trombones: M. Smith, G . Sandr idge, R. Morris, D. Reid , P. Roudabush , R. Cohen, G. Thomas. Baritones: T. Starke, J. Maine, D. Wright. Basses: G. Cohen , D . Belew. D. Meeks,. C. Felker. Percussion: J. Sanner, M. Bomar, R. C leveland, J . Davison. G. C. Wood , P. C raddock , l. Wil liams, J. Hughes, D. Figgatt, L. G a rri son.

Albemarle High School Concert Band, Flutes: J. Levenson , D. Lange, A. Easter, C. Lowry, B. Masnik , L. Arnold, T. Matacia, R. Banks, J . Sudduth, B. Ayres, E. McG ilv ery, T. Marrow. Oboe: J. Moore. Bassoons: T. Romer, B. Dyer. Bb Clarinets: C. Sall ey, E. Russe ll , B. Black man. J. Craig, C. Word , P. Tomlin, S. Herring, M. Durrer, S. Binns, P. Wa lker, R. Humphris, S. Quaseba rth , J. Sudduth , R. Barbour, A. Layne, D. Brown, D . Wa lke r. Alto Clarinets; S. Wesner, B. Holm an, G. Dud ley. Bass Clarinets: J. Davison, P. Sm ith, G. Harris, G. Huff. Alto Saxaphones : B. Gregg, G. Ha ynes, G.

:Sand Club Harmony and Melody. a multitude of instruments and notes . . . Somehow blending into a finished product of perfection.


..J. Pace, 1am, P.

Band Club, S. Quasebarth , P. Walker, D . Lange, P. C raddock , G.C. Wood, N . Wo rd. seco nd row: E. Russe ll , E. Easter, D. Sa msell, P. Smit h, S. Binns. third row: P. Tom lin , W. Gentry, C . Word , G. Sandridge, B. Lewis, B. Lewis. fourth row: A. Easter, B. Blackmun. stand in g: B. Gregg, G. Cohen, M . Sm ith , S. Herring, G. Hayn es.


Future Farmers of America, first row: C. Wood, Secretary; R. Rob mso n . Reporter; M. Hudso n, President; B. C lark Vice-President; P. Wa lto n, Treasurer; F. Bragg, Senator. seco nd row: Mr. Ru ssell, W.


Collier, T. Walt o n, R. Cobb, F. Hollis, D. Black, T. Spradlin, S. Mahanes. third ro w: E. Mart in, G. Rea, D. Garrison, E. Mayo, K. Wil li a ms, J . Cobbs, W . Mawyer, 0 . Kerns.

Workmg to Improve agnculture . . . challenging the odds to assure us that we will have enough.

.FT.A. Our future mentors learning first hand for what to strive. Assuming the responsibility of educating the "rebellious generation"

F uture Teachers of America, first row : P. Lo hr, Secretary; C. Jon es, L. Jon es, Reporter; C. Go ld ste in,

C. Mo rris. seco nd row: Mrs. Broadd us, S. Wright, President, C. VanFossen, Treasurer.


Society for ; M. Smith, C C. Adams, Ambassad01 Royal Swor

Sprad lin, S. E. Mayo, K.

Society for the Preser vation of V intage Records and M ovies, sit t ing: M. Smith , C. Ba il ey, F. Sa und ers, P. Harri s, E. Wil so n. seco nd row: C. Adams, King; M r. Brow n, D. Go url ey, J . Hawkin s, Royal A mbassador; J . Spafford , A. Go ur ley, B. Ordel, D. Dunn , J. Wil so n, Royal Sword Bearer; E. Toe t, P. Kava naugh. th ird row: T. Ro mer,

W. Hughes, B. Knight , T. Z imm erm a n, M. As hby, J . Gera rd , F. T ho rnto n, Vice-King; Mr . Oder. B. Kirtl ey, R. J o hnso n, P. A bbott. fo urth row: J . Sh erwood, M. C uttit a, B. J o hnsto n, Prince C harming; K. Ripb erge1:, T. Jo hnso n, G. Da mm a nn , L. Sewell , T. Os in a .

Society for the Preservation of Vintage Records and :tv.[ovies Smoothing down the edges on the mu sical cube while bordering on the absurd.

::. Go ldste in, T he fearless leader-Charl es B. Ada ms.


Mrs . Lane-Spanish teacher

Spanish Club

Spanish Club: First Row: J. Levenson, B. McVey, J. Wyant. Second Row: N. lngerick, S. Wolfe, J. Nardi . Third Row: G . Key, T. Williams, A. Lane, W. Dameron. Fourth Row: T. Romer , C. Juul N ielsen, Mrs. Johnson.

Studying the most widely spoken language serious students interested in the language, not just the grade.

Soccer Team Booster Club

Soccer Team Booster Club: First Row: T. Osina, J . Spafford, D . Drumheller, E. Morton, J. Hawkins. Second Row: F. Ward, T . Frederick , B. Johnstone , P. Harris , T. Johnson, Co-Founder; T. Romer, Co-Founder ; J. Ismay, G.C. Wood, J. Ogleby. Behind the Black Board: S. Goss, F. Thornton, T. Zimmerman.


Wolfe, J. , C. Juul -

Girls' Athletic Association, first ro w: M. Grim es, President; C. T hacher , Vice-President; J. Ba ldini. Secretary; B. Masnik , Treasurer, J. G olden , Reporter. second ro w: E . Easter, P. Wa lker, A. Easter, D . C urtis , T. Israe l, Mrs . Sanders . third ro w: C . Va nFosse n, D. Grah a m.


B. O'Brie n. S. Wesner . A . Gianniny. D. Ba ll arcls . S. Blankenba ker路. fourth ro w: S. Wright. C. G ay. L. Abbott. N. Shot we ll. B. Morris. B. Bowe n.

Giving their time with little recognition . girls wanting to be more than just femininedesiring coordination and fitness.


Jnd Row: 1ay, G .C .

C heryl and Lil prove that girls can play football- sort of.

F ra nci s and Lew is--GAA sweeth ea rt s''



French Club, first row: B. Rives, Vice-President; B. Ritchie, Program Chairman: S. German, President; J. Edmunds, I.C.C.; T. Z immerman, Treasurer. second row: L. Garnett, N. Greene, G. Comfort, M. Showa lt er, J. Wyant. T. Weary , P. Beaurline. standing : Mrs. Lederman, B. Deets, D. Gibson , M. Clay ton , J. Herold, B. Whitcomb, G. Stevens, J. Hawkins.

French Cl u. b

Mike Showalter pretends to be hard at work on the French Club float.

An inspiring leader in the classroom sparking enthus iasm attempting to organize functuions of interest for the serious student of French.

Since w hen did we start holding French class in the milkstand'?


F. H . . , fi 1 not pic


I.C.C.; T. 3eaurl in e.


The future homemakersa rapidly diminishing set. Preferring the home to the business jungle.

F.H.A., first row: B. Mi ll er, L. Morris, P. Farish, President: D. Wood, Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. Sulli van, S. Nap ier, Historian. no t pictured: P. Scott, Vice-President; B. Co peland, Reporter


Li bra.ry Cl u. b

Giving up their time to be helpful . . . Limited in number, but high in service.

Library Club, first row: J. Hudn all , I. Hui e. seco nd row: L. Knight , D. Quarles, President, K. Shifflett, N. Drumheller, Mrs. Tho masso n, Mrs. Gooda ll , P. Dye r.


~, ,


Gray. t hird row: F. Anderso n, T. Fl ick, D. John so n, L. Ca mpbell , E. Mowbra y.C. Harr is, L. Harris, S. Sh iffl ett, R. Patte rson . back row: L. Lee, R. Wa lker, S. Jon es, L. Turner, S. Bruce, T. Napier, C. McCa ul ey, D. Harris, G . McDan iel, E. Morr is.

DECA, first row: G. Sh iffle tt , First Vice-President; V. Winston, Treasurer; M. Belew, Reporter; P. Va le nt in e. President; D . lngeriek, Secretary; D. Harding, D. Co leman. seco nd row: A. Mi ll er, J . Hugh es, P. Melton, L. Bryant , B. Shiffl ett , D. Me lton , L. In ga ll s, D. Oliva, J.


Its efforts marred by outside prejudice, DECA cont inues- in fact flourishes in a world of "intellectuals."

M. Davis, A. Agee, C. Hedr ick. third row: H. Pugh , G. Rosson, J. Blank , J . Harris, D. Bush , M. Sh iffle tt , L. Be lew, L. Bow les. G. Durrett e, M. Bush , J. Hall.

DECA-IOth grade, first row : D. Meek s, L. Layman , D. Bryant , V. Harris, W. Anderson, P. Blit ch, E. Napier, B. Losche ld er. second row: J . Ca rver, M. Hi xo n, D. W ingfield, L. Sprad lin, P. McDanie l,


Art Club. mi th , B. ecretary Ziegler. ~ Rea uVea


Art Club, first row: L. Wi lson, Reporting Secretary; N. Harman, M. Smith, B. McVey, Vice-President; B. Pietsc h, President; D. Leake, Secretary; F. Saunders, M. Showa lter. seco nd row: G. Garth, M. Ziegler, S. Roseberry, B. Leake. third row: C. Thacker, J. Gerard, N . ReauV ea u, J. Key, L. Enyeart, F. C unningh a m, S. Rogers, L. Harris,

mpbell , E. ck row: L. Ia pier. C.

.Art Club

F. Birckhead. fourth row: M. Farmer, S. Va n, J. Humphris, M. Smith, J. Faulconer. fifth row: S. Lee. J . Co leman, B. Bascom, C. Kicld, M. Pace. sixt h row: P. Smith. seventh row: S. Masse r, B. Rauch.

Pursuing profound emotion with a pencil or a brush . Utilizing what is perhaps the most eloquent means of expressing one's self.


Getting out of class to trim the tree huh ''

Now we know yo u didn't paint that. Dianne:'

osson, J. •w les. G.







.Al bema.rle Players Working Rehearsing at all hours to produce a "good show" and seldom pausing to wonder why. " U nc le '" Tom directs his charges.


Albemarle Players, first row: M. Smith, Mascot; C. Bailey, VicePresident; F. Dent, Treasurer; J. Levenson, I.C.C.; T. Osina, President; B. Respess, Secretary . second row: M. Woodruff, J . Copenhaver, C. Muell er, A . Jahrsdoefer, C. Smith , B. Julline, L. Car ri ker, Mrs. Dobbs, P. Smith. B. Rut land. third row: M. Porter, A. Chester, S. Cockrum, G. P itts, T. Weary , L. Frederick, L. Seaborn, S. Masser, D . Reid , K. Kess ler, B. Koh l, J. Koh l, W. Earle, N . Greene.

fourth row: P. Abbott , C. Go ldstein, E. Johnston , R. Stables, B. Deets, M . Douglas, R. Dudley, M. C utitt a,S. Herrin g, M. Ashby, C. Word , S. Spicer, P.Null , K. Owens. fifth row: S. Towler, L. Sheets, J. Zeller, C. Ca rrik e r, G. Abbott , B. Koeritz, B. Wheeler, B.J. Rho d es, C. Sowers, L. Kes le r, S. Wo lfe , D. Batche let. S. Forney, P. Cobbs, sixt h row: .J. Ke ith ley, K. Ripberger, J. Nardi , M. Weeks, C. Bail ey, P. Smith.


e. 路ork

Thespians, first row: Mrs. Dobbs, F. Dent, J . Levenson, T. Osina, C. Bailey, B. Respess. seco nd row: M. Weeks, S. Forney, A. Jahrsdoefer, C. Muell er, N. Davnport, L. Carriker. third row: M. Smith, N . Greene, J. Nardi, C. Yates. fourth row: T. Weary, R. Dudley, D. Batchelet. fifth row: P. Tomlin, P. Sm ith, S. Cockrum, M. Woodruff, T. Frederick. sixth row: B. Rutland, B. Julline, C. Simmons, J. Copenh aver, L. Seaborn, P. Smith. seventh row : J. Hawkins, S. Mahanes, S. Murray, W. Gentry, D. Reid, J. Keithley.


~ b l es , B. .shby, C. )heets, J . Rhod es, . Cobbs, 路. Ba il ey,

A distinction in the field of dramatic arts, not only for acting but for exceptionally creative workperformed behind the scenes.

Jean ne, Mike, and Li nda show th at a ll th eir hard work was wort hwhile.

The fatigue produced by late nights at schoo l is reflected on the faces of weary Players.


President ; C . Ba iley, J. Hawkins, J. Wyant , G. Dammamn , L. Allen , T . Fleischauer , D . Batchelet , M. Deane, J. Levenson .

Environment Club: Sitting: Mr. Ergler , sponsor, M. D a ughtrey , S. Mil ius, T. O s ina, S. M il gra um. Seco nd Ro w: L. Sheets, L. Fred erick ,

Environment Club

Doers . people who care enough to take action for the rest of us before it is too late.


Ma rgi e a nd Susa n continue the fruitle ss tas k of cleaning up Albemarle's grounds.

M r. Ergler -

Albemarl e's Number O ne ecologist

.liT. f Jo~•


. L. A ll en ,

Editors, B. O'Brien, Layout Editor; P. Lohr, Managing Editor; S. Mi l iu s'路 Editor-in-Chief; Mr. Ocler, B. Smith, News Editor; L. Carriker, Feature Editor; G. Manwei ler, Business Manager; Mr. Hill. not pictured: T. Thompson, Sports Editor.


Typists: B. Bascom, J. Keithly , D . Drumhel ler.

Learning by the failings of past years . . . trying new techniques to improve, but still greeted with a barrage of criticism.


Staff, first row: L. J o nes. M. Abbott. P. Dulaney. E. Flora. L. Sam s. T. We a ry. D. Solomon. second row: R. Dicke rson . T. Fleisc ha uer . R. Davi ~. D. J oseph .


.... -






Peer Perpetual confusion . the excitement of watching hours of work finally come out on paper only to be greeted by criticism from the student body. Janie Bowen , Copy and Club Editor displays the joyful fatigue of a completed deadline.

Seniors: J. Hawkins, C. Adams, B. Hammond, B. Wheeler, M. Caperton, M. Baker, M .J. Hudson, D. Downey, D. Jones. Not Pictured: C. Sm ith , J. Spafford.

Bill Orcle l, Photography Editor- PEER's only three -year veteran.

Dianne Leake, Ad Editor proves that PEER drives you crazy.

Editors: J Sports; S.


Editors: J. Creasy, Business Manager; S. Miller, Seniors; B. Woodson, Seniors; R. Maupin, Sports; S. Wright, Underclass; D. Roseberry, Photographer; D. Quarles, Activities.

Editor-in-Chief, leader

. Baker,


Romer- the


Underclassmen: B. Johnstone , B. Leake, G. Key, S. German, N. Greene, M. Clayton, M . Showalter. Not Pictured: S. Wesner, C. Morton.

Miss Courtenay Turner- our untiring advisor

Circulation Manager and Academics Editor, Wilhelmina McDaniel

:., . . L . .... -~1




- ~- ~颅 路~~.


Patriots post 6




Bobby Cramer. Second Row: George Bates, James Quarles, Clyde Smith, Butch Johnstone, John Watson, Darl Bickle, Phil Harris, Petie Craddock, Mike Arbaugh, Bruce Wetsel, Bill Patteson, Willie Carr, Dan Williams, Barry Easter, Scott Wawner, Ricky Davis, Larry

First Row: Randy Polson, Pete Zoulis, Keith Van de Castle, Bobby Brown, Mike Jones, Bobby Sandell, Bubba Jackson, Walter White, Joe Holmes, Tom Bishop, Eddie Knight, Kirk Minton, Steve Murray, Ray Bates, Otto Bates, Ben Marilla, Nelson Strother, Ernest Bates,

r ':. :::..,.



George Washington






; , .

_r_j- ._, -



. -~

31 7

6 Albemarle







Coach Harrison anticipates a good ni ght.


mith, Clar Bush, Rand \ esley, Ste

Albe Comm01 with sev Patriots trong < district. district 1 Patriots year the them. l Ralph Albema1 worthy c

Smith, Clarence Lewis. Third Row: Charles White, Alan Kite, Don Bush, Randy Allison, Jack Little, Drew Murray, Ben Massie, Mannis Wesley, Steve Lipsey, Keith Lewis, Jeff Black, Gary Morris, Carson

luarles, Clyde I Harris, Petie ., Willie Carr, Davis, Larry

Miller, Don McDonald, Bruce Lanahan, George Waytes, Bruce Clatterbuck, David Headstream, Ernest Awkard, Elgie Sims. Not Pictured: Jeff Easter, Carl Wright.

AI bemarle moved into the Commonwealth District this year along with seven other district champions. The Patriots surprised most people by finishing strong and placing third in their new district. With an impressive 5-3 record in district play and a 6-4 overall record, the Patriots proved that even in a rebuilding year they still had a lot of fight left in them. Under the capable coaching of Ralph Harrison and Jim Arbaugh, Albemarle has once again proved itself worthy of playing with the best.


Bishop scrambles past Handley defense.




Assistant Coach Jim Arbaugh

Pete finds hole in Viking defense

Bates leaves the Vikings behind

Scott puts shoulder to Chip Williams


Assistant Coaches Craddock and Hrica

Walter White, Patriots路 most valuable pl ayer

Walter cuts back as Minton blocks

Marilla sidesteps Handley defender


Albemarle defense moves in

Minton intercepts and heads up sidelines

Patriots crash through Victory line

Zoulis moves the ball against Handley


'-t~"f.:~~. ---


Bates races for the goal line in the Lane game.

Bubba Jack so n waits to get into game

Bickel picks up good yardage

Walter tries to get away from Black Knight s


J.V. Football


First Row: James Bond, Greg Wells, John Maine, Rusty Keyser, Buddy Jacobs, Richard Abley, Bill Greene. Second Row: Chip Felcor Richard Thorse, James Winston, Andy Palie, Phil Bondurant, Don

Joseph, Alex Burruss. Third Row: Glenn Hanes, Joe Hughes, Kevin Walzack, Steve Dorghty, Bob Dunken, Paul Roudabush. Fourth Row: Kenny Barbour.

Randy Polson, trainer; Dominick DeMaria, coach; John Titus, trainer.


Cross Country

es, Kevin . Fourth Kneeling: Robert Rushia , Donnie Bragg. Standing: Tom Tanton , James Becker, Marc C opeland , Doug Arnold.



Geo rge Bell shoots fro m th e co rner.

Do n Reid goes up fo r sho t aga inst La ne .

El g ie Sims lays it in fo r two po int s.


J err y

• ...,...


inst L ane.


~ -·

W alter Whit e leads Patri o t fas t brea k

Jerr y T i tus look s for the goo d shot.

R icky D av is goes in for an easy t wo po int s.

D arr y l Bick el shoo ts for t he basket.


Elgie Si ms Jays it in aga inst Black Kni ghts.

Bell gets an easy basket.

Bates goes high for two pts.

Walter goes up for two aga inst Lane.




Geo rge takes th e rebound.

Ger ry fli es towa rd th e bas ket.

8-E-A-U-T- 1-F-U - L.

o aga inst Lane.

Pl ease go in ball '


J."V. Basketball

First Row: La ureer Row: J ean Golden ancy Wo rd. G le n• Row: Lynn Sa ms, J:

First Row: Managers: James Winsto n, Mathew Johnso n. Randy Alliso n, Kei th Lewis, Alfred Hawki ns. Second Row: Steve Lipsey, J oe Marks, Don Gray, Gary Morri , Do n Henderson, C hri s Wakely.

Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle

28 30 32 35 31 44 38 57 49 28 37 42 39 34 61 43 28 41

Orange Stonewall Stafford

Lane Handley

tafford Woodbridge Handley Gar-Field Lane ames Wood Osbourn

42 34 37 27 32 46 67 50 42 58 38 34 46 42 52 41 44 34

F irst Row: Cy nthi a Pat Bow les , Becky F

Keith gets by fo r two.






Drill Team

First Row: La ur ee n Ca in , Pa ul elle Bic ke rs, Thresa Q ua rl es, Ma rth a Pe terso n. Second Row: J ea n Go lden , Teresa Mal ac ia , Jud y Co penh ave r , Lou Z imm er . Third Row: N a ncy Wo rd , G le nda Averell e, T err y Wea ry, Sus ie Cockr um , De bbi e A re ha rt . Fourth Row: Lynn Sams , J a ni e McGee hee , D ebbie Re nn o ld s, Mich e ll e Debell.

Second Row: Steve The band pro vides mus ic for Lin da T erre ll 's dri ll rout ine.

42 34


F irs t Row: Cy nthi a H arri s, Sharo n Bl ac kb urn , Luci C ra ig, Sa lli e Mi ll s. Second Row: Pa t Bow les, Bec ky Pi e tc h, Li sa Be ns ho ff. Ca ro l S immo ns, Lind a T e rre ll.

27 32

46 67 50

42 58 38 34

46 42

52 41

44 34

Th e Dr ill T ea m pe rfor ms a t ha lf-time.

M a rth a Pete rso n a nd th e Drill T eam ta ke pa rt in pe p ra ll y ac tiviti es.


Indoor Track

Sprinters and Hurdlers: First Row: Peti e H all , Phil Bo ndurant , Bobby Sandell , Jimm y Rice, Mik e C rit ze r . Second Row: Roge r H enry, John Gregg , Grover W all ace, Ben M arill a, D av id Dunca n, K enny Br agg.

Coach C raddock watc hes

elso n

Phil M cG uire -

Bobby Sandell w ins the 880.

high jump ch ampi o n

Field Eve nts: Front Row: C l arence Lewi s, elso n Stroth er , Mik e Arb augh, D av id Hcadstream, Bruce Wet zl, L arry Smith . Second Row: Tom Baul ey; Bill Smith ; Joe H o lmes, Willie Carr , A.J. M artin, Phil McGuire, George McAlpin e, M arc Co pel and , C lare nce W alker . C l yde Smith .


Distanc e Men: Fir: Second Row: Allor


¡â€˘ Drill Team

F irs t Row: Lauree n Ca in , Pa ul ette Bickers, Thresa Quarles, Martha Pete rso n. Second Row: J ea n Go lden, Teresa Malacia , Jud y Co pen h aver, Lou Z imm er. T hird Row: N a ncy Wo rd , G le nda Ave rett e , Te rr y W ea ry, Susie Cock rum , Debb ie Arehart. Fo urth Row: Lyn n Sams, J a ni e McGeehee , D ebb ie Renno ld s , Mic he ll e Debe ll.


Second Row : Steve The band prov ides mus ic for Lind a Terrel l's dri ll routine.

42 34 37 27

F irs t Row: Cy nthi a H arri s, Sharon Bl ac kburn , Luci C ra ig, Sa ll ie Mi ll s. Seco nd Row: Pa t Bowles, Becky Pi etc h, Li sa Benshoff, Ca rol Si mmons, Linda Terre ll.


46 67 50

42 58

38 34

46 42 52 41

44 34

The D r ill Te a m performs at half-tim e.

Ma rth a Peterson and the Drill Team ta ke part in pep ra ll y act iviti es.


Indoor Track

Sprinters and Hurdlers: First Row: Pet ie H all, Phil Bondurant, Bobby ande l l, Ji mmy Rice, Mike Crit ze r. Second Row: Roge r H enr y, John Gregg. G rover W all ace , Ben M arill a. D av id Duncan, K enn y Br agg.

Coach C raddock watches

elso n

Phil McGuire -

Bobby Sandel l w ins the 880.

high j ump c hampi o n

Field Eve nts: Fro nt Row: Clare nce Le w is, Nel so n Stroth er , Mike Arbaugh , D av id H eads tream, Bruce W etzl, L arry Smith. Second Row: Tom Baul ey; Bill Sm i th; Joe H o lmes, Willi e Carr , A .J . M artin. Phil McGuire, George McAlpin e. M arc Co peland. C laren ce W alker . C l yde Smith.


Distance Me n: Fir. Seco nd Row: Alto r


bby Sandell , Jirn rny ro ver W all ace, Ben



- -


Distance Men: First Row: Frank Bi rckh ead , D o n ni e Bragg, Jac k L ange, Bo b T ho m as . Second Row: A lto n M artin , Jo hn Co les, Jirnrn y Bec ker , Joseph Hughes, Ro bert Rush ;a.







D av id Dunc an o n th e hurdl es


jf 路f\ '

~JJJ :


A.J . M an in -

tripl e jurnp

K enn y Br agg and M arc Copel and -

88 0 r elay

Roge r H enr y sprint s to w ard th e fin ish . .e Arbaugh, D avid ~y ; Bill Smith ; Joe 1e, M arc Co peland ,





Ster ling Walker, Pres ident


Abbott, Mart Abbott , Peggy Adams, Charles Allen , Mary Anderson, Earl

Tom Rom er, Vice President


Ande rson, Frances Ankney, Candy Armentrout , Kathy Armstead, Edmonia Arnold , Doug

Ashby, Michael Aschbach, Brigitte Ayers, Brenda Baber, Linda Baber, Nancy

Darlene Quarles, Secretary-Treasurer

Frances andy t, Kathy Edmonia >ug

Ashby , Michael Aschbach , Brigitte Ayers , Brenda Baber, Linda Baber, Nancy

Bailey, Cathy Baker, Gary Baker, Marie Baldwin, Susan Banton, Sylvia

Ben Marilla, Reporter


Barbour, Debbie Barbour, Erick Barnett , Patsy Ann

Barrell, Mary J a ne Batchelet , Diane Bates, Ernest

Bates, Otto Bates, Ray mo nd Batten , Jimmi e

The bar bership quintet ???


Bea urline, Philip Beaze ll , Thomas Bell , David

Bell , George Benshoff, Lisa Berry, Ann

Berry, Edward Bias, J ames Bibb, Gary

路ge Lisa n

Berry, Edward Bias, J ames Bibb, Gary

Birckhead, Samuel Bishop, Tom Blackburn , Sh aron

Blackwell, H enry Bl akey , Pauline Blucher, Caro l

Bomar, Mary Bowen , Jani e Bowles , Patrici a

Barbara a nd Dru find Gove rnment class amusi ng.


Brackett , Daniel Brackett , Lucinda Bragg, Esther

Who's the dr eam about ,



Bragg , Ken Breeden, Wanda Bronson, Ernie Brown, Brenda Brown , Emanuel

Brown , Granvi lle Bruce , Sandra Bryant, Linda Bryant, Linda Gai l Bryant , Raymond

Burnett, Gary Burton, Jackie Burton, Mike


Byers, G loria Calloway, Gladys Camfield, Steve

Ca mpbe ll , Linda Caperton, Mary Carr, Ed




Does English class provoke that much co ncen tr atio n, Mary'1

II , Lind a Mary

Carr, Patricia Carriker, LaRee



Carter, Brian Carter, Steve

Carro ll , Riley Cason, Pa m

Caso n, Peggy Casse ll , Larry Casteen, Denise C harters, Stephen C hildress, Dora

Clark, William C larke, Chris Clarke, Paul C laytor, Ralph C leveland, Judy




- -----

To m and Chuck show off Albe mar le's co ntri buti on to th e space progra m.

Creasy, J anet Crens haw, Lawre n Cride r, Cathy

Coa kl ey, Philip Co bb, T ho mas Co hen, G uy Co les , Kenneth Collier, Gay le

Collier, Rona ld Cooper, Jay Co pela nd, Marc Co pela nd , Rusty Corbe tt , T im

Cos ner, Paul a Craddock , Howard Craddoc k, Willi am Cra ig, James Cra ig, Luc i

So who's afra id of a spide r路l??



. contributio n to the

Creasy, J a net Crenshaw, Lawre nce C rid er, C ath y

~ r '7??

Crit ze r, C hri stine C unningh am, Fay C utitt a, Mik e

D a ido ne, Linda Damma nn , G ibby Daughtrey, Margery

Peer prov ides a n o utl et fo r Di ane's crea tive impul ses.

Davenpo rt , N a n D avi s, Ed ward Davi s, Sue

Davidson, Joe l Dea ne, Mike De mpsey, D e bora h

Wh at a n interesting subject Sco tt m a kes !!

Dunn , Eddie Durrett , Mar y

Dent , Forrest Dent, Jua ne Do lan, Catherine Do uglas, Hild a Dow ney, Dru

Downing, Bo bby Drumh ell er, Ann a Drumh ell er, De bra Dudl ey, Richard Dul aney, Pat

Dye r, Peggy Earl e, Do uglas

Egela nd , Ela ine Elliton , Linda

So how tall are yo u, C hari ie''


Enyea rt , Linda Fari sh , Pamel a

a ine da


En ye art , Linda Fa ri sh, Pame la

Farl ey, M itchi e Fegga ns, Hazel

Fields, Dann y Fitch , Rol and

Are repo rt ca rds th at bad, Peggy' 1

Fleischhauer, Thomas Fo x, Tho m as Gardn er, J a net G arl ett s, Ka thl ee n Ga rnett , Jimm y


Ga rri so n, D ebra Garth , Lucy Ga rth , V irgini a Ge ntry, Way ne Ge rard, Juli ann e

- - - - - - -- - - - - --

Sk ipping class, J a mes???

Gibson. C lifford Gibson , Mart ha Goode. Janet Goode. Judith Goode. Virg ini a

Gordon, J ames Goss, Scott Go url ey, David G ray, Jud y Gregg, Barbara

Grimes, Mary H all , J a net H all , Michael H amm o nd , Brenda H anner. Va nessa

Harlow, Ro y Harm an, Nedra H arris, C harles Harris, Cy nthi a Harri s, Jam es

~짜 J~

-- .t

<.0 ' } ( ) '

~ :~~,,~'J'.r~~

y 0,'

~~ ~~;(.:r. ~~/() VJ')-.F ol'




C heer up!! It co uld be worse!

Vl ary et :hae l td , Brend a Va nessa

H a rl ow, Ro y Ha rman , Nedra H a rri s, C harl es H arri s, Cynthi a H a rri s, J am es

H arri s, J oyce H arri s, Lynn H arri s, Peggy H arri s, Philip H ase nfus, Ray

Haw kins, Jo hn Hayslett , Rose Hedge ma n, Yvo nn e H enderson, Ho lt He nsley, Pame la

Pa m , o ur pe rpet ua l opt imi st.

Hudson, Mary Jane Hughes, Janice

Herring, Dwight Herring, Joyce Herring, Sue Hertel, David Hill, Carol

Hughes, Wallace Hurlbut, Dawn

He followed me home from school , yesterday.

Hippert, Debby Hippert , Virgil Holmes, Joe Hoover, Gail Horner, Marjorie 122

Inga lls, Linda lngerick, Donna

.II ace


Ingalls, Linda lngerick, Donna

Ismay, John Jackson , Clarence

Jackson, Lawrence Jenkins, Faye

How romantic!

Jenkins, Kathy Johnson, Delma Johnson , Judith Johnson , Tucker Jones, Carol


Jones, Deborah Jones, Kathryn Jones, Linda Jones, Sadie Jones, Trinkle

Juul-N ielse n, Carl

Keithl ey , Jud y Kennedy , C har les

Kennedy, J.R. Kenned y, Sandra Kenn edy, Susan

Kerns, Owen Kim , Seuntti Kirby, Deloris

K rby, Roy K rschnick, Robe rt K rtley , Bruce

Knight , Edward Koer it z, Barb Ko hl , Jan

Believe it or not , I reall y can type.

Howard, that's not th e fire escape!!


Lam , Nancy Lane , Presto n Laverty, Martin


What's so funny , Valerie?

. and now let me introduce my spiffy companion , Stephen .

.vard rb

Lam, Nancy Lane , Preston Laverty, Mart in

Leake , Dianne Lederman, Terence Lee, Laverne

Lee , Suzanne Levenson , Jill Lewis, Kathy

Little, Libby Lohr, Pam Lowe, Gary


Lowe, Jane Lowry, Cynthia Lucas, Jerry


DECA members, Valerie, Rachel , and Lana, help make Christmas happy for others.

Luck, Angaleen Luck, Joyce Mahanes, Stephen

Mallory, Ronald Manweiler, Greg Marilla, Ben

Martin, Lester Martinez, Liza Mason, Stonewall


Massey, Linda Matysek, John Maupin, Core ne

Maupin, Ronnie Mawyer, William McAlpine, George

McCauley, George McDaniel, Gary McDaniel, Patrici:

mie liam eorge

One of the ever-changing moods of Mary Caperton.

McCauley, George McDaniel, Gary McDaniel , Patricia

McDaniel, Wilhelmina McGuire, Philip McVey, Rebecca

You haven't seen anything yet!!!

Melton, Diana M icham , Carolyn Milgraum, Sandy


Milius, Susan Miller, Anita Miller , Harold

Miller, Susan Mills, Jesse Mills, Sallie

Morris, Lyvonna Morris, Patsy

Min ton, Kirk Mitchell , Helen Moore , Barbara Moore, Keith Moore , Nokomis

Morris, Reese Morris, Rosa

Morris, Steve Morton , Beth

Now it seems to me . ..

Moore , Pauline Morris, Barbara Morris, Bobby Morris, Gail Morris, Lee


Mosby, Benjamin Mowbray, Betty



teve Beth

Mo sby, Benja min Mo wbray , Bett y

Murray, J ea n Murr ay , Steve

. . . but I gave a t the offi ce!

N ehe r, Lind a N elso n, D ya na Ni ghte nga le , De bo rah N o rford , Sha ro n Null , Pa m



Oder , La rr y Oliva , De bora h Ordel, Willi a m Osina , Tho mas Owe ns, Ka re n

A stimul ati

If that comp ut e r breaks down again , I' ll . . .

Pace, Di an ne Pace , N a n Pastern ak , Steve

Patterson , Bruce Patterso n, Susie Payne , Peggy

Pay ne, Rebecca Pe ndl eto n, Roger Pietsch , Becky


Pollard , D ebbi e Poll a rd , Kathrin e Pol so n, Randy

Powell, Beverl y Powell , J a mes Powell. Ke nnet h

Prescott, Susan Price , Sandra Price , Wanda

A stimu la ting di scuss ion will a lways pro mpt Ga ry and La Ree to stay aft e r sc hoo l.

路erly 1es 1neth

Pr esco tt , Susa n Price, Sa ndra Price , W a nd a

Pritc hett , So nnn y Pritt , Caro lyn Pritt , Maril yn

Pro ffitt , Eddi e Pruett , N a ncy Pugh, Brenda


Pug h, C ha rl es Quarl es, D a rl e ne Rag land , Lo ui s

We wo n !

Ra in es, J a nice Ray, Savo ia Rea uVea u, Nin a

Roseberr y, Dav id

Sa ll ey, Cy nthi a

Sanne r , Terry

Sa ndridge , Bre nd a

Today, I'm playing

Com e in a nd m a ke yo urself at hom e .

Reid , Do n Re ill y, Tris h Rhodes, Bett y Ripberge r, Ka th erine Ritt e nho use, Lind a

Ritt er, Ka re n Roac h, Carro ll Ro be rt s, Stua rt Ro bert so n, Roge r Ro mer , T o m

Rutl a nd, Ba rr y

Samse l! , D arr yl

Sa nner , J err y

Sapin, Ro bin


~ I I


~e ,

Brend a

Sanner, Terry

Saumweber, Marcia

Saylor, Nolan

Tod ay , I'm playing the role of an industrious student , but tomorrow -


Sapin , Robin

Saunders, Frankie

who knows?

Scott, Mary

Seawell, Larry Seiler , Penny Shelton, Bobby Sherrard , Steve Sherwood , Jeff


Shifflett, Barbara Shifflett, Brenda Shifflett, Connie Shifflett , Gary Louis Shifflett , Gary Way ne

Sh fflett , Judy Sh fflett , Kare n Sh fflett, Katherine

Sh fflett, Larry Sh fflett, Linda Sh fflett , Pam

Shiffl ett, Steven Shortell , Linda Shotwel l, Hope

Sieg, Mar y Simmons, Carol Simms, George

Sm ith, James Sm ith, M ike Sowers, Cindy

Sipe, Joyce Smith , Barbara Smith, Charles

The roar of a crowd can turn these ange lic expressions into ferocious snarls. 134




路bar a ar ies

Smith, James Smith , Mike Sowers , Cindy

Spafford , John Spencer, Dale Spicer, Sue

Sprouse , John Staton, Roger Stephens , William

Steve ns, Garth Stokes, Barbara Strot her, Nelson

Taylor, Doris Terrell, Linda Tevendale, Gary

If I cou ld only get them to see it my way.

I heard that remark! 135

Tirrell , Tomm y

T oms, Ruby

Trembl ay, Richard

Tubbs, Ph ylis


Coul d yo u move th e board a Iittl e to the ri ght ?

Tharp , C indy Thomas , Cath y Thomas , Me lissa Thomas , Scott Thompson , Earl

Thompson, Theodore Thornton , Frank Thurston , Linda Timberlake , G ertrud e Timberlake, Joa n

T oml in, Robert


Tott y, Lynn

Trent, John

Tufts, Sharo n

{ .' ,


Tubbs, Phylis

Turner, Lana

Vanderploeg, Malcolm

Master-mind, Jay Coo per, and his hatchet man , Phil Harri s.


Tufts, Sharon

Valentine, Pam

VanHook, Virgini a


Vernon , Stephen Vest, Linda Via , Becky Via , D av id Waddell , Addison

Walker, Pam Walker, Rachel Walker, Sterling Wa lton, Pa ul Ward , Frank

John always sticks his neck out.

Wilson, Esther Wilson, Lisb Winston , Valeri<

Watson , John Watson, Tom Watts, Cindy Wells, Donald Wells, Margaret

Wheeler, Brenda Wheeler, Pam Whitcomb, Bunny White, Beverley White, Joe

White, Walter Whiting, Sandra Williams, Dave Williams , David Williams, Mike


~ I I


eck out.

Wilson, Esther Wilson , Lisb Winston, Valerie

Wood , Trinlie Woods, Thomas Woodson , Barbara G.

Woodson, Barbara L. Wright, Carl Wright, Doug

Wright , Sylvia Wyant , Jean Young, Bill

Zimmerman, Tim Ziock, Hans Zoulis, Peter

Would I lie to you'!

You can't keep it forever , John' 139

Beazell, Thomas, Tom: Chess Cl. 1,2; Radio Cl. 1,2; Photography Ci. 3. Bell, David Fletcher. Bell, Georgia Lee, George: Basketball 1-3 ; J.V. letter. Benshoff, Lisa Lane: French Ci. 1,2; Pep CI. 1,2; Tri-Hi- Y 2; Drama Ci. I ; Drill Team 3. Berry, Jaiiies Edward. Jt

Berry, Minervia Ann, Annie-Boo: F.H.A. I ; Bible Cl. 2; Nursing Cl. 1,2. Bias, James, Jim: Stamp & Coin 1; French Cl. 2; Radio Cl. 2. Bibb, Gary Clinton: Art Ci. 2; Chorus 2. Birckhead, Samuel Anderson, Sam: F.F.A. 1,2; V.I.C.A. 3. Bishop, James Burke. Bishop, Thomas Franklin, Tom: Monogram Cl. 2,3; Key Cl. 2,3; Football 1,2; Honorable Mention; Baseball 1,2. Blackburn, Sharon Ann: SCA 3, Scrapbook & Publicity; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Drill Team 3, Co-capt., Tres. Blackwell, William N., Billy Blackwell: ICT 2,3; F.F.A. 1.

She speaket h the truth!

edra's smile reflect > ated woman .

Blakey, Pauline Elizabeth. Abbott, Martha Lee, Mart: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2, Rep. 2; French Ci. I; Drama C l. I ; J .V. Chee rl ead ing 2; J .V. Basketball I; Varsity Cheerleading 3; Highlight 3, Publicity. Abbott, Peggy Ann: Art Cl. I ,2; French Ci. 2; Drama Cl. 1,2,3; SPVRM, 3; Powder-Puff2,3.

Baber, Nancy Lee.

Bair, Angela Rose.

Adams, Charles Breaznell, Ch ick : Stamp & Coin C i. I ; SPVRM 1,2, Pres. 2; Soccer 1,2,3; Peer. Allen, Mary Elizabeth, Libby: Chess C l. 2; Environmental C i. 3; Span. Cl. 3; Powder-Puff3.

Baker, Olivia Marie: G.A.A. Basketball I ,2; Varsity Softball Basketball 3, co-capt. 3; Peer 3.

Anderson, Frances Ophelia: F.H. A. 1. Ankney, Candace Lee, Ca ndy: Drama Ci. I ,2; ArtC I. 1,2.

1-3 ; J.V. 1; Varsity

Baber, Linda L.: Tri-H i- Y I ; Sr. French Ci. 2; Drama Cl. 2; Talent Show 2.

Burton, Michael Way

Byers, Gloria Evelyn.

Bowles, Patricia Anne, Tricia: Folk Dance Ci. I ; F.H.A. Dance Committee 3; Band CI. I; SCA 3; Drill Team 3.

Banton, Sylvia Gayle, Gay: Library Ci. 1; TriHi-Y 2.

Brackett, Lucinda Virginia: FBLA; Art Ci.

Camfield, Steve Russc

Bragg, Esther Maxine.

Campbell, Linda Kay

Bragg, Kenneth, Kenny: Monogram CI. 3; Cross Country, Indoor Track 2; Indoor & Outdoor Track 3.

Caperton, Mary Ga! SCA I ,2; Peer 3.

Barbour, Debbie Nannie: F.T.A. I.

Batchelet, Diane Carol: Critique Ci. 3, Environmental Ci. 3, ICC Rep.; Thespians 3; Albemarle Players 3; "South Pacific" 2; " Blithe Spirit" 2.

Ayres, Brenda Jean: Band C i. I ,3.

Bowen, Janie Elizabeth: Pep CI. 2; French CI. 13; Albemarle Players, 1-3 ; Powder-Puff I; Honor Society 3; Peer 2,3, Copy Editor 3, Club Editor 3. Nat'!. French Contest, Level 2 winner.

Callow, Gladys Marit

Armstead, Edmonia: F. B. L.A. 2; SCA 3.

Ashby, Michael Finlay.

Burnett, Gary: Frencl

Brackett, Daniel M., Boonie: !CT.

Barbour, Erick Lane: J . V. Basketball I.

Aschbach, Brigitte, Bigi: A.F.S. Student; Art Cl. 3; C ritiqu e C i. 3; Environm enta l C i. 3; Debate C i. 3.

Bomar, Mary Ann: Band CI. I ,2; Art CI. 1; Powder Puff I ,2; Talent Show 2.

Baldwin, Nancy Susan.

Armentrout, Kathryn Leigh, Ka thy: Spanish C i. 1,2,3; Pep C l. 1,2; SCA 1,2; Drama C i. I; J .V. C heerleader I , Varsity Cheerleader 2,3; Nat'!. Honor Soc iety 2,3.

Arnold, Douglas Lee: Doug: C hess Cl. 2; Band Ci. 2,3; Cross Country 2,3, Capt. 3; Track 2,3.

Bull, Diana Sue.

Burton, Marion Jacq1 Baker, Gary Alvan: French Ci. 2,3; Radio Ci. 2; Environmental Cl. 3; Critique Cl. 3; F.E.S. Drive 3.

Anderson, Earl Herbert.

Blucher, Carol Lynn. Bailey, Catherine Boyd.

Barrell, Mary Jane: Bus Driver 3.

Bates, Ernest Wilson: Hi-Y 1,2; Football 1,3; Track 2; Three Football Letters.

Bronson, Henry Ernest, Jr., Ernie: Radio Club I; J.V. Football! ; J.V. Basketball!. Brown, Brenda M.: F. H. A. , 1-3 . Brown, Emanuel Calvin: B.A. A. I. Brown, Granville, Jr.: F.F.A. 1-3, Sentinal 1-3.

Carroll, Riley V ern01 Bruce, Kenneth Wayne, Kenny: Art CI. I ,2; Track.

Bates, Raymond James, Ray: Hi-Y 1-3; Key Cl. 1-3; Monogram Cl. 1-3; Football 1-3; Baseball 1-3.

Bruce, Sandra Ann, Sandy: DECA 1,2.

Batten, James Hall.

Bryant, Linda Gayle, Linda: Powder-Puff 1,2; Basketball 1,2.


Carr, Patricia Paulir Cl. 2; F.H.A. CI. 1. Carriker, LaRee Jean 2, 3; Thespians 3; Council Rep. I ; Pow Highlight 3, Feature

Bates, Otto Theodore: Hi- Y, Sec. -Tres., Pres. 1,2,3; Key Cl. 1-3; Football 1-3 .

Beurline, Philip: Math Cl. 2; Radio Ci. 2; French Cl. 3; Antithesis 2, Editorial Staff.

Carr, Ed Lincoln.

Carter, Brian A: Cht CI. 2; J.V . Basketball

Carter, Steven Wayn路 Byrant, Linda Gail, Lynn.

Bryant, Raymond Lee.


1-3 ;

Cason, Pamela Mru SPVRM 2. Cason, Peggy Anne: 2, Sec. , D .E.C.A. Le< Letter I.

eSS CJ. 1,2 ; Radio


Casteen, Denise Lee, Necie: Drama Cl. 1,2; SCA 1,2.

Cutitta, Michael Ignatius John: Debate C i. 2; Drama C l. 3; Spanish C l. 2,3; SPVRM 3; Soccer 3.

Charters, Stephen: Chess Ci. I; Radio Ci. I; Hiy 2; J.V. Soccer I; Varsity Soccer 2 .

. Basketball 1-3; J.V.

Childress, Dora Roberta, Dot: ICT 2,3, Pres. 3; F.H.A. 3.

h CJ. 1,2; Pep Ci. 1,2; )rill Team 3.

Clark, William M., Doc: VICA 2,3. Clarke, Christopher Edwin, Chris: Radio Ci. I ; Chess Cl. 1,2; Hi-Y 2; SCA I.


Daidone, Linda Anne: French Ci. 1-3 ; Tri-Yi-Y 1,2; Pep C i. 1,2; Powder-Puff3.

F.H.A. I ; Clarke, Paul Woodford Wager: Chess Cl. I; Radio Cl. I; Hi- Y 2; Art Ci. 2.

Coin I ; French CJ. 2;

Dammann, Charles Gibson, Gibby: Debate C l. I ; SPVRM 3; Environmental C l. 3. Daughtrey, Margery Louis, Margie: Albemarle Players I ; Latin C l. I ,2, Sec. 2; Critique C l. 3; Envi,~onment C!: 3; French C l. 3; Honor Society 2,3; Bngadoon .

Claytor, Ralph: Chess Club 1,2; J.V. Football 2.

:1. 2; Chorus 2.

Davenport, Nan Ashby: Drama C i. 1,2; Art C l. 1; Thespians 2,3; French C l. 2,3, Sec. 3; "Brigadoon" .

Cleveland, Judith Lee.

;on, Sam: F. F.A. I ,2; Coakley, Philip Scott. Cobb, Thomas Lloyd, Buster: F. F.A. I ,2.

Tom: Monogram CJ. ball I ,2; Honorable

Cohen, James Guy, Guy: Key Cl. 1-3 ; Monogram CJ. 1-3; Critique Cl. 3; Band CJ. 1-3, Reporter 2, V. Pres. 3; Varsity Football I ; Varsity Track 1-3 ; Honor Society.

)CA 3, Scrapbook & ill Team 3, Co-capt.,

Davis, Carolyn Sue, Suzie: Nursing 2; F.H.A. I ,2,3, Vice Pres. 3. Davis, Edward Downer, Eddie: C hess Ci. 2; Hi y 2.1 Davison, Joel Edward.

Coles, Kenneth Eugene, Baby Ray.

y Blackwell: ICT 2,3; Nedra's smile reflects the disposition of a liber-. ated woman.

CJ. ! ,2; Art CJ. I; 2.

Collier, Ronald Lee, Ronnie: Chess Ci. 2,3. Collier, Sandy Gayle: Drama Ci. I ; Spanish Ci. I ,2; Art Ci. 2.

Bull, Diana Sue.

Collins, Spurgeon Byrd.

Burnett, Gary: French CJ. I ,2; Debate CJ. I ,2.

Cooper, Jay William.

Burton, Marion Jacquelyn.

Copeland, Jon Marc: Chess Cl. 1,2; Monogram Cl. 2,3 ; Track 2; Cross Country 2,3.

Dean, Michael Stephen, Mike: Chess Ci. I ,2; Key Ci. 2,3; Environment Cl. 2,3; Latin C J. 3; J.V. Basketball Mgr. I ; Varsity Basketball Mgr. 3.


p CJ. 2; French CJ. 1-3; Powder- Puff I; Copy Editor 3, Club test, Level 2 winner.

Burton, Michael Wayne, Birdy: Spanish CJ. 2. Byers, Gloria Evelyn.

ia: Folk Dance CJ. I; ; Band CJ. I; SCA 3;

Corbett, Timothy James, Tim: Debate Cl. I; Art Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 1-3 ; J.V . Basketball Letter.

:: ICT.

Callow, Gladys Marie.


Camfield, Steve Russell, Skibo: Spanish CJ. 2. Campbell, Linda Kay: DECA CJ. 2,3; F. H. A. 1.

mogram Ci. 3; Cross Indoor & Outdoor , Ernie: Radio Club etball I. 1-3.

Caperton, Mary Gaston, Mary: Drama CJ. I ; SCA 1,2; Peer 3. Carr, Ed Lincoln. Carr, Patricia Pauline, Pat: Tri-Hi-Y 2; Bible CJ. 2; F. H.A. CJ. I. Carriker, LaRee Jean: French CJ. 2; Drama CJ. 2,3 ; Thespians 3; Critique Ci. 3; Student Council Rep. I; Powder- Puff 3; Honor Society; Highlight 3, Feature Editor.

\.A. I .

Craddock, Howard Brook. Craddock, William Boston, Petie: SPVRM 2; Key Cl. 2,3; SCA Assembly Committee 3; Band Cl. 1-3; Football 1-3; Band Improvement Award 2. Craig, Betty Lucile, Luci: Tri-Hi- Y 2,3; French Cl. 1-3; SCA 3; Drill. Team 3, Captain; "South Pacific"; Talent Show 2; Nat' I Honor Society. Craig, James Edward, Jr., Jimmy: Band Cl. 2; French Cl. I.

Carroll, Riley Vernon, Jr.: F.F.A. 1,2. Carter, Brian A: Chess Ci. I; Art Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 2; J. V. Basketball I. ~

Crenshaw, Lawrence Edward, Larry: Math Ci. I; Debate Ci. 2.

Carter, Steven Wayne, Steve: VICA 3.

Crider, Cathy Lynn: Art Cl. I ,2; Annual Art Show Award .

Art Cl. I ,2;

)ECA 1,2.

nda: 1,2.

Cosner, Paula Laurie: Library Cl. 2, Sec.-Tres.

Creasy, Janet Eleanor, Jan: Drama Cl. 1,2; French Cl. I , ICC Rep. ; Talent Show 2; Peer 3, Business Mgr.

.. 1-3, Sentinal 1-3. ~ enny:

Copeland, Wilbur Russel!, Rusty: Chess Ci. I ,2 ; Track 2; Cross Country 2.


1-3 ;

Cason, Pamela Marie, Pam: Drama Cl. 1,2; SPVRM 2. Cason, Peggy Anne: Library Ci. I; D . E.C.A. Cl. 2, Sec. , D.E.C.A. Leadership Citation 2; Library Letter I.

Critzer, Christine Faye, Chris: DECA 2. Cunningham, Fay, Faith: Drama Cl. 2,3; Art Ci. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3; SCA 1,3.


Watch your step, Debra.

Dempsey, Deborah Ann, Debby: Spanish CI. 1,2,3; Art CI. I; Powder-Puff3; Basketball!. Dent, Forrest Nathaniel, "The Butcher" : Albemarle Players 2,3, Tres. 3; Thespian Troupe 500 2,3, Tres. 3; Art. CI. 2; Chorus I; Ind . Arts I; SCA 2,3; Track I ,2; " Brigadoon" , "South Pacific", " Millie the Beautiful Working Girl", "Easy to Persuade", Thespian State Officer, Sec.-Tres. Dent, Juane Purree Esquire, IV, Tricks: I.C.T. I; Track I; J.V. Football!. Dolan, Catherine Elizabeth, Cathy.

Radio CI. 2,3, Pres. 3; Environmental CI. 2,3, V. Pres. 2; Debate CI. 3, Tres. 3; Soccer 3; Honor Society 2,3; Highlight 2,3; Chemistry Honor 2; Math Honor 1,2. Forman, Michael Angus , Mike: C hess CI. 1,2; Span ish C I. I. Fox, Thomas Gregory, Tommy: Drama CI. I ,2,3; Rocket CI. 2,3, Rep. 2, Pres. 3; Soccer, Mgr. 3. Fredrick, Laura Grace: Drama CI. 1,2,3; Thespian 3; SCA 1,2,3; Environment CI. 3, Pres. 3.

Douglas, Hilda Paige: F.H.A. I ; F.B.L.A. 2. Downey, Nancy Druen, Dru: Latin C I. 2,3 , Sec. 3; Peer 3. Downing, Robert Henry, Jr., Bobby: C hess CI. 2; Coin CI. I . Drumheller, Anne Louise, CW: F.H.A. I ,2,3, Historian; Library CI. 1,2,3, Vice Pres. Drumheller, Debra L., Debbie: Drama CI. I ; Spanish CI. I ; Tri-Hi- Y 1,2; SCA 2; Highlight 3; MaidofHonor3.

Goode, Janet, Jan: Math CI. 2; Junior Red Cross 2. Goode, Judith Bell, Judy Bell: F.H.A. 1,2; Library CI. 3. Goode, Virginia Lee: Math CI. 1,2, Sec-Tres. 2; A lbemarle Players 2; DECA I ; "Goodbye To The Clown" . Gordon, James Curtiss, The Skinner: Football Mgr. 3; Chorus 3, Sec. 3.


Goss, Jo n Scott, El Grito: Chess CI. I ; SPVRM 3. Gourley, David: Critique CI. 1,2,3; Drama CI. I.

Garletts, Kathleen Ann.

Gray, Gary.

Garnett, James Mercer, Jimmy: Hi- Y I ,2, V. Pres. 2; Chess CI. 2, ICC Rep. 2; J.V. Basketball I; Varsity Baseball I ,2,3.

Gray, Judy Ann.

Garrison, Debra Lee, D ebb ie. Garth, Lucy Mildred: Span ish CI. I ; Pep CI. I ; SCA 2,3; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3.

Gregg, Barbara Leigh, Happy: C ritiqu e CI. 2,3; Band CI. ICC Rep. 2, Tres. 3; SCA 3; PowderPuff 2; "Brigadoon". Grimes, Mary Elizabeth: G.A.A. 1,2,3, Pres. 2; Softball I; Basketball I ,2,3, Most Valuable Player.

Garth, Virginia Leone, Ginny: SCA 3; Art CI. 3. Drumheller, Hideo H.

Dulaney, Patricia Ann, Pat: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; French CI. I ,2,3; G.A.A. Cheerleader I; Varsity Cheerleader 2,3; Thespian 3; "South Pacific", "Brigadoon"; Highlight 3; Homecoming Court 3.

Gentry, Gary Wayne, Wayne: Band CI. 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2; Chorus I ,2,3, Pres. 2; Drum Major I ,2,3; Talent Show 2; Thespian 2,3; "Easy to Persuade"; Class V. Pres. I; C lass Pres. 2; SCA Pres. 3.

Hall, Michael Calvin, Mike: Co in C I. I ; Hi- Y 2; Sr. French CI. 2.

Gerard, Julianne Cecilia, Julie: G.A.A. I; Drama Cl. 2; Art CI. 2,3; SPVRM 3; G.A.A. Cheerleader I.

Hammond, Brenda Eileen, Tw iggy: G.A.A. I; Peer 3; Nat'! Merit Scho larship Semi-Finalist 3, Nat'! Honor Society 3.

Dunn, Eddie Nelson, Jr.

Gibson, Clifford S., Jr., Big Rat.

Hanner, Vanessa Pearl, Mama Soul: F .H .A. I ; Bible CI. 2.

Durrett, Mary Ellen, Ellen.

Gibson, Martha Ann: Nursing CI. 1,2; SPVRM 2.

Dudley, Richard Neale, Rick: Drama C I. 2,3; French C I. I ; SCA 2,3; "South Pac ific".

Hall, Janet Ann: Spanish CI. 1,2; Tri-Hi-Y I.

Harman, Nedra: Art C Harris, Charles Reave!

Harris, Cynthia Ann, C

Harlow, Roy Howard, Jr,: I.C.T. 2,3.

Dyer, Peggy Lee.

Harris, David Alva, Je

Harris, Dianne Lynn, : Red Cross I ; DECA 2,

Harris, James Kenneth Harris, Joyce Ann. Earle, Edward Douglas. Egeland, Elaine Reidun, Egg & Drama CI. 2; Varsity Basketball I.

Harris, Peggy Ann, C C horus.


Harris, Philip: Span is PVRM 2,3; Football

Elliton, Linda Sue, Susie: 4-H I ,2,3, Sec. 2; Latin CI. 2.

Hasenfus, Raymond K

Enyeart, Linda Anne: Drama CI. I ,2,3; Art CI. 2,3.

Hawkins, John Bruce. T hesp ians 2,3; SCA 3; C ritique CI. 3; Soccer Honor Society 3; " Bri 路'South Pacific" 2; " Bli

Farish, Pamela Charlene, Pam: F.H.A. I ,2,3, Rep. 2, Pres. 3.

Hedgeman, Yvonne Lo Henderson, S. Holt

Farley, Mitchie Geraldine: 4-H 1,2,3; F.H.A. 1,2,3, Historian I; J.V. Basketball.

Hensley, Pamela Ann. Pres. 2; SCA 2.

Farver, Gary Wayne. Herring, Brenda Sue. Feggans, Hazel Louise.

Herring, Dwight Carn Fields, Danny Ray.

Hertel, David: Debate Fitch, Ronald Lee, Catfish: I.C.T. 2; Football I. Fleischhauer, Thomas, Flash: Rocket C I. 2;

Another one ofTrinlie's wide -awake poses!


Hill, Carol Ann: Art C C I. I.

I. 2; Junior Red Cross

Jenkins, Faye Gwen, "Nick": Art I ,2,3; Nursing I ,2,3; FB LA I ,2; Powder- Puff I ,2 .

y Bell: F.H.A. 1,2;

Jenkins, Kathy Sue: Tri-Hi-Y 2,3; Drama I. Johnson, Delma Arlene: Pep Club I ; Basketball I.

CI. 1,2, Sec-Tres. 2; 2 A I; "Goodbye To


Johnson, Judith Mae. The Skinner: Sec. 3.


Johnson, Walter Tucker, Tucker: Chess I ,2; Art I ; s ·p an ish 2.

Chess CI. I ; SPVRM

Jones, Anne Trinkle, Trinkle: Drama I ,2; Pep I; French CI. 3; SCA 1,2; Cheerleading 1,2,3, Head 3.

'1. 1,2,3; Drama CI. I. Jones, Carol Ann: Drama 2; FTA 3; PowderPuff 1,2. Jones, Deborah Lorraine, Debbie: Tri-H i- Y I ,2; French C I. I ,2, Pres. 2; Peer 3.

lpy: Critique CI. 2,3; . 3; SCA 3; Powder-

Jones, Kathryn Adair, Kathy: 4-H I ,2,3, Sec. I , Pres. 2, V. Pres. 3; Latm 2,3 . Jones, Linda: Tri-Hi-Y I; Latin 2,3; FTA 2,3, Rep. I , ICC Rep. 3; Highlight 1,2.

i.A.A. I ,2,3, Pres. 2; ~ . 3, Most Valuable

Jones, Sadie Denise, Scuppy: DECA I ,2,3; Bible 2; fha 3; Softball 1. Juui-Nielson, Carl Erik: Spanish I ,2,3; Latin 1,2,3, Rep. 3; Debate 1,2,3, Pres. 2,3 ; Soccer I ,2,3; Forensics 2,3.

. I ,2; Tri-H i- Y I.

They want you in th e office aga in , Butch! :Coin CI. I; Hi-Y 2;

Twiggy: G.A.A. I; ship Semi-Finalist 3,

Harman, Nedra: Art CI. 3.

Hippert, Debra Sue, Debby: Drama CI. I.

Harris, Charles Reavely, C huck : Chess CI. 2.

Hippert, Virgil Phillip.

Harris, Cynthia Ann, Cynn: Drill Team 3.

Holmes, Joe Page, Joe: Coin I; Art 2; Key 3; Monogram 3; J.V. Football I ; Indoor Track 1,3; Varsity Football 2,3; Outdoor Track 2,3.

tma Soul: F.H.A. I ; Harris, David Alva, Jello: DECA 3. C.T. 2,3.

Harris, Dianne Lynn, Little Lynn: Art CI. I ,2,3; Red Cross I ; DECA 2,3; G irl's Softball.

Hoover, Gail Anne: 4-H 1,2. Horner, Marjorie Susan, Marj: SCA, Rep. I.

Harris, James Kenneth, Jim: Track I.

Keithley, Judith Ann, Judy: Drama I ,2,3; Critique 2; French CI. I ; " Blithe Spirit" 3; Thespian; Highlight. Kennedy, Charles Michael, Chuck. Kennedy, J.R. Kennedy, Sandra Faye: FHA 1,2, Pres. 2, Cr isco Award .

Howell, Linda Faye: F.H.A. I ; DECA I. Kennedy, Susan Kaye, Sue: FHA 1,2, Sec. 2.

Harris, Joyce Ann. Harris, Peggy Ann, Candy: Art C I. 2; SCA 2; Chorus.

Huckstep, Frederick Lee: Rocket 2; Radio 2; Camera 3.

Kerns, Owen: FFA 1,2; Latin 1,2; JV Football I ; V Football 2.

Hudson, Mary Jane: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Peer 3. Harris, Philip: Spanish CI. 1,2,3, ICC Rep. 2; SPVRM 2,3; Football I ,2,3; Track I.

Hughes, Janice Gleen: DECA 2,3.

Hasenfus, Raymond Kenneth, Ray.

Hughes, Wallace Bryan, Wally: Chess 2.

Kirby, Deloris Alvord, Sister: Jr. Red Cross I; FHA 3.

Hawkins, John Bruce, Lonnie: Drama C I. 2,3 Thespians 2,3; SCA 3; SPVRM 3; F rench C I. 3 C ritique C I. 3; Soccer I ,2,3, Varsity Letter I ,2,3 Honor Society 3; "Brigadoon" ; " Mousetrap" 2 "South Pacific" 2; " Blithe Spirit" 3; Peer 3.

Hurlbut, Dawn Elaine: Drama I ; Spanish I.

Kirby, Roy Henry, Jr.: DECA 2.

Hedgeman, Yvonne Louise: I.C.T. 2,3.

Ingalls, Linda Lee: Art 2,3; DECA 3.

Henderson, S. Holt.

lngerick, Donna Sue: DECA, Sec. 3; FHA 2; Basketball.

Knight, Edward G., Eddie: Key 1,2, Tres. 2; Monogram 2,3; Chess 1,2,3, Tres. 2; Drama I ,2,3; Thespian 2,3.

Ismay, John Alexander: Coin I; Spanish 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2; Critique I ,2,3, Pres. 3; Honor Society.

Koeritz, Barbara A., Barb: French CI. I ,2, Tres . 2; Girl's Service 2; Drama 3.

Hensley, Pamela Ann, Pam: Library CI. 1,2, V. Pres. 2; SCA 2.


Herring, Brenda Sue.

Kim, Seun Hi.

Kirschnick, Robert Kim: Coin I ; Drama 2. Kirtley, Bruce Whitmore: French 1,3; Art 1,2; Spanish 2; SCA 3; SPVRM 3; Soccer 1,2,3.

Kohl, Janis Newsletter 3.

Herring, Dwight Carroll.






Hertel, David: Debate CI. 3. Jackson, Clarence Hubert: FFA 3; B.A. A. 2. Hill, Carol Ann: Art CI. 1,2,3; F.H.A. 2; Library CI. I.

Jackson, Lawrence Wayne.


Lam, Nancy Marie: French CI. I; Drama I ; FTA3.

Lamb, Larry Edward: VICA 2; JV Baseball I. Lane, Henry Preston, Jr.: Dra ma I ,2; Art I ,2; St amp & Coin I; Thespi an 2.

McAlpine, George Albert, Jr. : Drama 2; SCA 3; Key 3; Indoor Track 1,3; Track 3; JV Football 2; Talent Show.

Maupin, Ronald McGuire, Ronnie: C hess 1,2; Key 2,3; SPVM R 3; Double B Society; Peer 2,3.

McCauley, George Howard: DECA 1,2,3.

Mawyer, William Arnold, Doc: DECA 1,2; FFA 1,3.

McDaniel, Gary: DECA 1,2,3.

Melton, Diana Lee.

McDaniel, Patricia Ann, Pat: FHA 1,2, His. 2; Library 2.

Micham, Carolyn Christene.

McDaniel, Wilhelmina: Jr. Spanish 3, Sec. 3; Peer 2,3.

Mi.!graum, Sandy Saul: Latin 1,2; Radio 1,2, ICC Rep. 2; Ecology 2,3; Chess 2; Key 2,3 ; Ttiack 2,3.

Laverty, Martin Joseph. Leake, Dianne Felts: Drama I; Pep I; Art I ,2,3, Sec. 2,3; Peer 2,3, Ad Editor, 3. Lederman, Terence Charles, Terry: Chess I ,2; Drama I ,2; Pep I; Soccer I ,2.

Red Cross


Lee, LaVerne Eloise, Peggy: FHA I; DECA 3. Lee, Suzanne Karyl, Dimples: Art I ,2,3; Drama I ,2; Powder-Puff 3. Levenson, Jill Mayer. C hilly: Drama 1,2, ICC Rep. 2; Thespian I ,2, ICC Rep. 2; Spani sh I ,2; Art 2; Ecology 3; C ritique 3; Regional Band 2; Antithesis 2.

McGuire, Phillip Terry, Phil: Key 2,3; Cross Country I ,2,3. McVey, Rebecca Sue, Hvitzilopochtli: Drama I ; Art 1,2,3, V. Pres. 3; Spamsh 2,3, Pres. 3; Powder-Puff 2,3; Nat' I Honor Society 3. Mahanes, Stephen Willard, Steve: Drama 2,3; Thespians 3; DECA 2; FFA 1,2,3.

Lewis, Katharine Hewson, Kathy: Drama I ,2,3, Thespian 2,3 ; Latin I; French C J. 2.

Mallory, Ronald Shelby, Ron : VICA 2,3.

Little, Libby Lorraine: Debate I ,2, Sec. I ,2.

Manweiler, Gregory Dean, Greg: Key 1,2,3, Pres. 3; Highlight; Nat'! Honor Society.

Lohr, Pamela Gray, Pam: French CJ. I; Drama I; FT A I ,2, Sec. 2; Critique 2; Highlight. Lowe, Gary.

Marilla, William Benjamin, Ben: Key 1,2,3, Sec. 3; SCA 1,2,3; Monogram 2,3; JV Football' I; V. Football 2,3 ; Outdoor & Indoor Track I ,2 ,3; JV Basketball I; Boy's State 2; C lass Rep. I ,2,3.

Lowe, Jane.

Martin, Lester Donald, Sweet Peter Geter.

Lowry, Cynthia A., C indy: Band 1,2,3; SCA 2; Powder-Puff 2; JV Basketball I.

Martinez, Lisa Anne. Mason, Stonewall Jackson.

Lucas, Jerry Granville: FFA I ,2, Pres. 2, Sec. I. Massey, Linda Louise: Nursing I; FBLA I. Luck, Angaleen Deloris, Tootie: FHA 1,2,3. Luck, Joyce Ray.

Matysek, John Joseph, Jr.: FFA I , Tres. I; Football.

Milius, Susan Claire. Miller, Anita Karen, Nita: " Easy to Persuade" 2. Miller, Harold Steven, Steve: Highlight. Miller, Susan Kathryn: French CJ. I ,2; Drama I; Tri-Hi-Y 2,3, Sec. 3, District Hi- Y Council Rep. 2; Peer 2,3, Co-Senior Editor 3. Mills, Jesse William. Mills, Sallie Isabelle: FTA I; Nursing 1,2; FHA I; Bible 2. Minton, Kirk Leeds, White Owl: Key 1,2,3 ; Chess 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3, Most Valuable Defensive Back 3; Basketball I; Track I. Mitchell, Helen Cecile: Spanish I ,2; Tri-H i- Y 2. Moore, Barbara Kay: Tri-Hi-Y I; Drama 2; Spanish 2; SCA I ,2,3; Homecoming Court 3. Moore, Keith Wayne: Drama I. Moore, Margaret Veronica Nokomis, Niki: FHA I; Bible 2,3 , V. Pres. 3. Moore, Pauline Elizabeth: FHA 1,2,3. Morris, Barbara Ann: FHA 1,2; Nursing 1,2.

Take off your co;

y, Stephen M., S1 oo tba ll I ,2,3; JV 8;

Morris, Bobby Wayne. Morris, Earl Reese, Jr. Morris, Gail Elaine: VICA I. Morris, Lee: Radio 1,2; Chess 1,2. Morris, Linda Faye.

er, Linda Faye: F

n, Dyann Elizabe1 te ngale, Deborah 1 G . . A. I; SCA 2,3;

Morris, Lyvonna Diane: FHA 2,3 . rd, Sharon Faye: 路

Morris, Patsy Ann, Pat. Morris, Rosa Lee: Red Cross I ,2.

Pamela Hope, Pa 路ench CI. I; SCA I,

Morris, Steve Wilson: ICT 2,3, Rep. 2. Morton, Elizabeth Anne, Beth: Drama I路 French CJ. 1,2, Treas. I, V. Pres. 2; Pep I; Highlight 2.


Mosby, Benjamin William: VICA 3.


r. Larry Eugene: Tr Deborah Lee, Do C A 3; G.A.A. Cht

Moubray, Betty Barksdale: DECA 1,2,3.


I, Arthur William,


Dig that grr--oovy sound!

Mundie, Jessie C.: Spanish I.

Critique 3; SPVR

Murphy, Maureen Ethel: FHA 2.

Thomas Chari路 a 1,2,3, Pres. 3; \1 3; "Brigadoon uade".

Murray, Jean Ellen: Drama I ,2; Art I ,2.


uire, Ronnie: Chess I ,2; ouble B Society; Peer 2,3.

Owens, Karen Lynn: Drama 1,2,3; Pep 1,2; Art 1,2; SCA 3; Spanish 3; Patriot Pinion.

Ragland, Louis Alfonzo. Raines, Janice Lee, J.J .: FHA 1,2,3.

rnold, Doc: DECA 1,2 ;

Ray, Savoia Belinda, Butter: Bib le 2,3; Home Ec. I; Nurs ing I. Pace. Judith Dianne.

Reaveau, N ina M.

istene. Pace, Nan: SCA 2,3 ; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3, ICC Rep. 3; Cheerleader I ,2 ,3, Co-Head 3; AFS Candidate 3.

ul: Latin I ,2; Radio 1,2, 2,3; Chess 2; Key 2,3;


Pasternak, Steve.

Reid, Donald Lee, Jr., Shorty: Band 2; Chess I; Thespian 3; SPVRM 2; Soccer I ,2 ; Track I; Basketba ll 3. Reilly, Patricia Jeanne, Trish: Drama I; Highlight 3.

Patterson, Dana Bruce.


I ,2,3 ;

Renn, G. Ellen.

Nita: " Easy to Persuade" Patterson, Susie Ann: Drama I; Art I ,2,3; Nursing 2,3.

, Steve: Highlight.

n: French Cl. I ,2; Drama 3, District Hi- Y Council enior Editor 3.

FTA I; Nursing 1,2; FHA

Payne, Margaret Leigh, Peggy: FHA 2; Tri-Hiy 2; Nursing 2,3, Pres. 3; Talent Show.

Rice, Barbara Ann.

Payne, Rebecca Jane: DECA I.

Ripberger, Katherine Frances.

Pendleton, Roger Lee.

Rittenhouse, Linda: SCA 2,3, Rep. 2, Sec.-Tres. 3; Tri-H i- Y I ,2; Pep I; Art I; Jr. Class Sec.Tres. ; Nat'l Honor Society, V. Pres . ~ .

Pietsch, Becky Ann: Art 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Pep I; SCA 3; Tri-Hi-Y I; Drill Team 3; Talent·Show.

, White Ow l: Key 1,2,3; .II I ,2,3, Most Valuable .ketball I; Track I.

Rhodes, Betty Jo, B.J.: French C l. 1,2, Rep. 2; Powder-Puff 3.

Ritter, Karen Ann.

Pinto, Donald, Don .

Roach, Carroll Edward.

Pinto, Priscilla Annette.'

Roberts, Stuart Singleton.

Pollard, Deborah Kerr, Debbie.

Robertson, Roger Thomas.

Pollard, Katherine Hirst, Katie: Pep I; Tri-Hi- Y I ,2; French I.

Romer, Thomas Hardin, Tom : Spanish 1,2,3, Y. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Debate I ,2; Critique 2,3, ICC Rep. 3; Peer 2,3, Editor 3; Senior ClassY. Pres.; Nat'l Honor Society 3; "South Pacific" .

e: Spanish 1,2; Tri-Hi-Y 2.

1: Tri-H i- Y I ; Drama 2; Homecoming Court 3.

Drama I. Polson, William Randy, Jr. , Hot Dog: Key I; Chess 2; Football I ,2,3; Basketball I ,2,3.

'eronica Nokomis, Niki: Pres. 3. >eth: FHA 1,2,3. FHA 1,2; Nursing 1,2.

Take off your coat and stay a whil e, Lee! Murray, Stephen M., Steve: Key 2,3 ; SCA 1,2,3 ; Y. Football 1,2,3; JV Basketball I; Track I.

Powell, Beverly Arline, BB: Art I ,2; Drama I; Spanish 2. Powell, James Franklin, Jimmy. Prescott, Susan Drama 1,2.


French Cl.

v!CA I.

Neher, Linda Faye: FHA I; Library I ,2; ICT 1,2.

Price, Sandr,a Lee.

2; Chess I ,2.

Nelson, Dyann Elizabeth: Art I.

Price, Wanda Gayle: Powder-Puff 3.

Nightengale, Deborah LaJuan, Debbie: Nursing 1,2; G .A.A. I ; SCA 2,3; Homecoming Court I.

Pritchett, Herbert Rice, Sonny: Rocket 2.

Norford, Sharon Faye: Tri- Hi- Y I ,2.

Pritt, Carolyn Sue.

Null, Pamela Hope, Pam: Drama I ,2,3 ; Record 2; French Cl. I; SCA I ,2,3.

Pritt, Marilyn Faye: FT A 2; Art I.

1e: FHA 2,3. lt. j

Cross 1,2.

Roseberry, David S.: Radio 1,2; Rocket 2; Key 3; Peer 2,3 .

I ,2;

Proffitt, Frederick Edward, Eddie: Chess I; Rockett 2.

ICT 2,3, Rep. 2. Anne; Beth: Drama I; I, Y. Pres. 2; Pep I ;

Pruett, Nancy Caroline.


Oder, Larry Eugene: Track I. Pugh, Brenda Joyce. lliam: VICA 3.

Oliva, Deborah Lee, Debbie: G.A.A. I ,2; € hess 2; DECA 3; G .A.A. Cheerleader I; Basketball 2.

Pugh, Charles Ellis, Chuck: French 1,2.

;dale: DECA 1,2,3. anish I. hel: FHA 2. )rama I ,2; Art I ,2.

Ordel, Arthur William, Ill, Bill: Debate 2; Camera 3; Critique 3; SPVRM 3; Peer 1,2,3. Osina, Thomas Charles, Tom: Critique 2,3; Drama 1,2,3, Pres. 3; Environment 3; SCA 3; SPVRM 3; "Brigadoon", "Blithe Spirit", "Easy to Persuade".

Quarles, Darlene Marie: Library Cl. I ,2,3, Rep. 2, Pres. 3; Y. Cheerleading 3; Peer 2,3, Activities Editor 3; Senior C lass Sec.-Tres.


All for us?

Roseberry, Robert Alexander, Jr.

Shifflett, Barbara Anne.

Smith, James Ernest.

Thurston, Linda Diar

Rutland, Barry Kent.

Shifflett, Brenda Faye: FHA 2,3; Record 2,3: Nursing 2,3.

Smith, Jerry Stephen, Pete.

Timberlake, Gertrud1

Shifflett, Connie Sue: F HA I ,2; Nursing I ,2.

Sm1th, M ichael M., Mike: Band 1,2,3; SPVRM 2,3, Pres. 3; C ritiqu e 3; Pe p 2; Key 2,3; Art 3; Drama 3; JV Football I ; V. Football 2,3 ; V. Basketball I ; Thespians 3; SCA Newsletter 3.

Tim berlake, Joan.

Salley, Cynthia Summers, Cy n: Band 2; Tri-Hiy 3; SCA 2, V. Pres. 2; Honor Society 3, Tres. ; Virginia G irls' State. Samsel!, Darryl Philip: Band I ,2,3 ; Spanish I ; Soccer 3.

Shifflett, Gary Lewis.

Sowers, Cynthia Preis, C indy: Drama I ,2,3; SPV RM 2; Art I ; SCA 3; Powder-Puff2.

Shifflett, Gary Wayne. Shifflett, Judy Dianne.

Spaffor:sl, John Anthony: Drama 1,2; Radio I; C ritique 3; SPVRM 3; Soccer 1,2; Ice Hockey I; Tenni s I .

Shifflett, Karen Kay. Sandridge, Br enda Faye: FHA I ; Nursing 3, V. Pres. 3.

Shifflett, Katherine Jeannette, Kathy: FHA I ,2; Nursing 1,2.

Sanner, Jerry F.: Band 1,2,3 ; Soccer 1,2,3. Sanner, Terry, TJ: Latin 1,2; VICA I ; JV Football I ,2; Soccer I ,2; Track I. Sapin, Robin Michelle, Shorty. Saumweber, Marcia Joan. Saunders, James Franklin, Jr.: Art I ,2,3, Tres. 3; Drama 1,3; SPVRM 3. Saylor, Nolan Lafayette.

Shifflett, Linda Ann: Nursing I , ICC Rep. I.

Spradlin, Teddy James.

Shifflet, Pamela Ann, Pam: French 2, Sec. 2; Dram a 1,2 ; Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3; .Cheerleader 1,2,3; " Brigadoon", Talent Show; Honor Society 3.

Sprouse, John P.

Scott, Mary Fra nces.

Shotwell, Marilyn Hope, Hope: SCA 1,2,3; Drama 1,2; Drill Team 3; Ho mecoming 2,3, Queen 3; C lass Sec. 3.

Seawell, Larry.

Shull, Amanda Jean: Library I ,2, Sec. I ,2.

Seiler, Cary Edward.

Sieg, Mary Elizabeth, Hobbit: Library 3.

Seiler, Penny Faith, Penniwinkle.

Simmons, Carol Starr: Art I ; Tri-Hi- Y 2,3, Pres. 3; Drama 1,3, Thespian 3; Drill Team 3; " Brigadoon", "South Pacific" .

Shelton, Robert Erwin, Bobby: Bible 2; JV Basketball 2. Sherrard, Steven Daniel, SDS: Debate 3; Rocket 2. Sherwood, Jeffrey Kirk, Jeff: SPVRM Track I.

2,3 ;

Tom lin, Robert Gran

Toms, Ruby: GAA I I ; Jr. -Sr. Basketball I. Totty, Sara Lynn: Jr.

Shifflett, Larry Michael.

Shortell, Linda Joyce.

Tomlin, Douglas WaJ

Spencer, Dale Hastelle. Spicer, Susan Diane, Sue: Drama 2,3; French 2; Art 2.

Shifflett, Steven Wayne.

Tirrell, Thomas A., 1 1,2,3 .

T remblay, Richard M _; Mo nogra m 3; Golf

T rent, John Thomas, tiq ue 3; French I ,2. Track 1,2.

Staton, Roger: ICT I.

T ubbs, Phyllis Anna,

Stephens, William F., Billy: French I ; Co in I; Harvard Book Award 2.

T ufts, Sharon Lee.

Stevens, Garth, Jr.

T urner, Lana Labell:

., '

., .).

Stokes, Barbara Ann, Sue: Library 2; FHA 2. Strother, Edwin Nelson, Jr., Goose: Monogram 1,2 ,3, Sec-Tres. 2, Pres. 3; SCA 1,2,3; Key 1,2, 3; V. Foo tba ll 1,2,3, All-Valley District, Honora ble Mention, All-Central, Honorable Mention, All-Northwest Regiona l, Washingto n Post Co mmonwealth's District All-Stars; Honor Society.

Va lentine, Pamela R Pres. 3; ICC I ; GAA I \ anderlinde, Craig.

\ anderploeg, Malcoh - H 1,2.

Smith, Barbara Ann, Barb: Bible 1,2; Highlight 2,3, News Editor 3. Tate, Paul Allen. Smith, Charles Holden, Ill, C har lie: Radio I ; Rocket I; Photography 3; Drama 3; Peer 3, Photographer 3.

Taylor, Doris Ann, Ca ke: ICT 3; FHA I.

\'a nHook, Virginia E V. Pres. 2; Science I , :

Taylor, Grafton.

\'ern on, Stephen: FF 1

Taylor, Thomas Sidney.


Terrell, Linda Diane: French I ,2 ; D ebate I ; Drill Team 3.

\' ia, David Leon, All 1.2: SC A I.

Tevendale, Gary Thomas, Grand Funk: Coin I; C hess 1,2,3; Drama 1,2,3; French I ; Critique 2,3; SCA 3; SPVRM 3; Golf3.

\ ia, Rebecca Lee.

t, Linda Magnolia

Tharp, Cynthia Lee, C indy: FHA I; Regional C horus I. Thomas, Catherine Ann, Cathy: Drama 3.

Waddell, Addison Tat

Thomas, Melissa Brook.

Wade, Boyd Eugene, j

Thomas, Theodore McNiel, Jr.

Wa lker, Clarence, Jun

Thomas, William Scott.

\\ alker, Pamela Jane 1.2,3; GAA 1,2,3; Er Basketball I ,2,3; Softt

Thompson, Charles R., Rob ert: Track I.

Betty, did you hear it too!?


Thompson, Earl F : Highlight.

\ a lker, Rachel Lee, 1.2,3.

Thompson, Theodore, Ted: J.V. Football I ; Highlight 2,3.

\ alker, Sterling Lee, lass Pres. 3.

Thornton, Frank C.: Coin SPVRM 2, V. Pres. 2.

\ alton, Paul McKir J .V. Foo tb a ll 2.

I; C ritiqu e 2,3;



Thurston, Linda Diane: FHA 1,2; Nursing路 l ,2.

Ward, Frank Edward: Chess I ,2; Stamp & Coin I ; Soccer 2,3; Baseball I ,2,3 ; Basketball 3.

Winston, Valerie Jonita: FHA 1,2; DECA 1,3, Tres. 3; Bible 2.

Ward, Linda Ann.

Wood, Brenda Gayle.

Watson, Johnny.

Wood, Jeff Nathan.

Watson, Thomas Linton, Tom.

Wood, Trinlie: GAA Basketball 2.

Watts, Cynthia Diane, Cindy: Art 3; PowderPuff 3.

Woods, Thomas Lee, Tommy: VICA I .

Wells, Donald Lee.

Woodson, Barbara Gillum: Art I ,2 ; Tri-Hi- Y I; Talent Show 2; Peer 2,3, Senior Editor 3.

Timberlake, Gertrude Elizabeth Louise, Trudy. Band 1,2,3; SPVRM ep 2; Key 2,3 ; Art 3; V. Football 2,3 ; V. SCA Newsletter 3. :::indy: Drama 1,2,3; 'owder-Puff2. Drama 1,2; Radio I; ~er 1,2; Ice Hockey I;

Timberlake, Joan. Tirrell, Thomas A., Tommy: Hi-Y 1,2; Baseball I ,2,3. Tomlin, Douglas Wayne. Tomlin, Robert Grant, Bobby: Coin I; Rocket 2. Toms, Ruby: GAA I ; French 1,2; Powder-Puff I; Jr.-Sr. Basketball I ,2.

Wells, Margaret, Ann.

Tremblay, Richard M., Dick: Key I ,2 ,3, V. Pres. 2; Monogram 3; Golf 1,2,3; Drama 2. Trent, John Thomas, Hot Dog: SCA I ,2; Critique 3; French 1,2,3; SPVRM 3; Soccer 3; Track 1,2. Tubbs, Phyllis Anna, Tubby: Art I. y: French I ; Coin I ;

Wheeler, Brenda Joyce: Drama 2,3; SPVRM 2; Powder-Puff 3; Peer 3. Wheeler, Pamela Martin, Pam: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; SCA 2; Pep 2. Whitcomb, Helen Elizabeth, Bunny: Tri-Hi- Y 1,2,3, Rep. 3; French 2,3; Art 1,2.

Tufts, Sharon Lee.

White, Beverly Dawn.

Turner, Lana Labell: Nursing I; Bible I ; DECA

White, Joe Wyatt, Big Baby Joe: ICT 1,2; FFA I.

"! ,3.

Library 2; FHA 2.

White, Walter Lee.

r., Goose: Monogram SCA 1,2,3; Key 1,2,3; lley District, HonorHonorable Mention, Washington Post \li -Stars; Honor Soci-

Whiting, Sandra Marie. Williams, David C.L., V.W. Man. Valentine, Pamela Renee, Pam: DECA 1,2,3, Pres. 3; ICC I ; GAA 1,2.

Powder-Puff 2; Jr.-Sr.

Woodson, Barbara Lynn.

Totty, Sara Lynn: Jr. Red Cross 2, V. Pres. 2. Drama 2,3; French 2;


Wright, Carl William. Wright, Paul Douglas. Wright, Sylvia Marie: FTA 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; GAA 3; JV Girls' Basketball Mgr. 2; V Girls' Basketball Mgr. 3; Powder-Puff 3; Peer 2,3 , Underclassmen Editor 3. Wyant, Jean Burton, Jeannie: Spanish I ,2,3, ICC Rep. 3; Drama I; French 2,3; Environment 2,3 ; Powder-Puff 2,3; AFS 2.

Young, William Tanner, II, Bil l: Chess I ,2; Latin 3.

Williams, David Marvin.

Vanderlinde, Craig. Williams, Michael Dolell. Vanderploeg, Malcolm Joseph, Mac: FFA 1,2; 4-H 1,2.

CT 3; FHA I.

VanHook, Virginia Elisabeth, Ginny: Latin I ,2, V. Pres. 2; Science I, Sec. I; Drill Team 3. Vernon, Stephen: FFA 1,2,3.

Wilson, Esther Fleming: Drama I ; Spanish 1,2, Rep. 2; Tri-H i- Y 2; Homecoming Rep. I ,2.

Zimmerman, Donald Theos, Tim: French I ,2, 3, Treas. 3; Monogram 2,3; SPVRM 3; Soccer 1,2,3, Co-Captain 3, MVP 3; Honor Society. Ziock, Hans Joachim: Chess I.

Wilson, Lisabeth Browne, Liz: FHA 1,2,3; Art I ,2,3, Sec. 3; Talent Show 2.

Zoulis, Peter Andreas.

Vest, Linda Magnolia: Bible 1,2.

ench I ,2; Debate I ;

Via, David Leon, Alka-Seltzer: Coin II ; Chess 1,2; SCA I.

Grand Funk: Coin I; ; French I ; Critique If 3.

Via, Rebecca Lee.

ly: FHA I; Regional

:athy: Drama 3.

Waddell, Addison Tate, Esq.: J.V. Football I. Wade, Boyd Eugene, Jr. Walker, Clarence, Junior: Track I ,2,3.

I, Jr.

bert: Track I.

Walker, Pamela Jane, Pam: Drama I ; Spanish 1,2,3; GAA 1,2,3; Environment 2,3; Band 2,3 ; Basketball I ,2,3; Softball I ,2; Powder-Puff I ,2,3. Walker, Rachel Lee, Snoopy: DECA I ,2; FHA I ,2,3.


ed: J.V. Football I;

Walker, Sterling Lee, Walker: Key 3; SCA 1,2,3 ; Class Pres. 3.


Walton, Paul McKinley, Jr.: Agriculture 2 1; J.V. Football 2.

I; Critique 2,3;

Now, how do I work my way out of this one?


Foreign Exchange Students

Bigi Aschbach ... AI bemarle's adopted German ... meeting those "crazy Americans" going trick-or-treating watching her first football game . .. attending classes at U. Va. reaching out and grasping ideas to achieve her goals hoping to return to the U. S. to study medicine ... most of all, falling in love with America . . . She leaves behind a memory which time cannot erase.

Bigi's new found American friend ?????

Bigi shares her country with us.

Bigi watches for the stroke of midnight!



Jean 'talks l

Turkey-Land of Arabian Nights? Not quite! but a wonderful place to find a new family, meet new friends, and ride a while on a camel. Jean experiences a new mode of transportation!!!

Jean's T urkish family, the Osden's.


Jean 'talks Turkey' with us!


:rio nor Grad u.a. tes

Fifth: Trinkle Jones

Valedictorian: Brenda Hammond

Sixth: Margery Daughtrey


Ninth: Ralph Claytor


Third: Ruby Toms

Tenth: Tom Fleischhauer








Salutatorian: Susan Milius

Seventh: Doug Earle

Eighth: Laura Fredrick

Eleventh, Jean Wyant; Twelfth, Cynthia Salley; Thirteenth (tie), Carol Simmons; Fifteenth, Janie Bowen; Sixteenth (tie), Philip Harris, Tim Zimmerman, Ronnie Maupin; Nineteenth, Janet Hall. Not pictured: Thirteenth (tie), Cathy Bailey; Twentieth, Jill Levenson.


Fourth: Billy Stephens






. _._ )''

';i. '

. ~


. . 'I.




Agee, Alge Agee , Douglas Andrews, Ginger

Glen Haynes , President

Keith YandeCastle , Vice President

C heryl Mueller, Secretary-Treasurer


Apperson, John Arbaugh , Mike Arehart , Debbie

Baber, Bonnie Baber, Jean Baber, Thomas

Lil Salley, Reporter

Bailey, John Baldi ni , Jan Barn ette, Kim


:r , Bonnie !r, Jean !r, Thomas


Bailey, J o hn Baldini, J an Barnette, Kim

Barnette, Patsy Bascom, Blair Bates, George

Batten, Rebecca Bauley, Tom Bayar, Steve

Becker, Jim Belew Danny Be lew. Marga ret

Bickel, Darl Bickers, Edw in a Bickers, Paulette

Billups, Barbara Binns, Steve Birckhead, Frank Black, Bill Blackm a n, Bill

Blankenship, Terry Bondurant, Fi t Bowen, Jam es Bowles, John Bowyer, Robe rt

Boyle, Dia ne Breeden, Wanda Bridges, Larry Brock, Sharon Brooks, Di ane


I{I / 155

Brown, Barbara Brow n, Bo bby

Brow n, Brend a Brow n, Debo ra h

Junio r Representative, Eunice Brow n, ent e rs.

Brown, Eunice Brown, Jim Brown, Susan Brya nt , Fra nces Burford , Susan Butl er, G reg

Butler, John Bye rs, Cath erin e Bye rs, Michae l Ca mfi eld, Chr is Ca mpb ell , Diane Campb ell , Ga ry

Campbell , Robert Canady, Do ug Carey, J ac k Carma n, D onn a Ca rpente r, D ani el Carr, Te resa

Cla rk , Ma ry Sue Clatterbuck, Bruce Clayton, Mi ke Clay tor, La rry Cleveland, Ru sty Cobb, J oseph

Carr, William Ca rroll , La rry Ca rter, Chris Caso n. Susa n Chester, Ann Clark , Buddy


-.:: I




Dav id T homas conducts the class.

William II , Larry r, Chris t. Susan er, Ann , Buddy

C lark, Mary Sue C latterbuck, Bruce C layton, Mike Claytor, Larry Cleveland, Rusty Cobb, J oseph

Cobb, Roger Cobbs, Peter Cockrum, Susan Coleman, Debbie Coleman, Joan Coles, Carol

Coles, Edna Coll ins, G len Comfort, Ginny Cook, Kip Copenhaver, Judy C ramer, Bobby

Craver, Charles Crenshaw, Hi ll eary Crickenberger, Wayne Crider, Trevette Critzer, Barba ra Curtis, Daw n


Cutright, Brad Cutright, Sandra Dam ero n, Wa nd a

Dav s, Earl DavsJeff Dav s, Matthew

Daviso n, J ohn DeBell. Miche le Deets. Be tsy

Dickens, Andy Dick erso n. Juli e Dic kerso n. Robe rt

Easter , Ba rr y Easter. Emi ly

Easton , Doug Eastwood . Jim

Dill a rd , Co ra Dillard . Nancy Do lan. Robe rt

Dougl ass, Mo ll y Dudle y, D o na ld Dudl ey. Ke n

Dunn. Do nni e Durham . Sandra Durre r. Marjo ri e

Junior Pa triots rush onto th e fie ld .


Durrett , Edward Dwi er , Kev in Ear le. We nd y

Ed mund s, Janet Ewe ll , C indy Fa rish , Betty




!' ..: .

ett. Edward T. Kevin . Wendy

Edmunds, Janet Ewell , Ci ndy Farish, Betty

Farmer, Bill Farrish, Mike Faulconer, Janice

Ferguson, Sandra Fields, Donna Fitch , Steve

Do yo u sel l more tickets that way, Jeff.,

Fitzgerald , Gayle Fleischauer, Jeff Flick , Teresa Forbes, Julie Foster, Dwight

Foster Linda Foster, Sheila Fox, Carol Fox, Martha Frazier, Calvin

Frederick, Teddy Gaines, Eva Gardner, Edwa rd Gardner, Janet Garnett, Leigh


a nd then I told her . . .

Garriso n, Martha Gianniny. Avis

G ibso n, Dav id G ibso n, Dori s

Gowns , Haze l Grah a m , Do nna G raves. Anne G raves , St acey G ree n, Mary Green, Nikki

Gibson , J a mes Gibson, Pat G lass, Ted Golden, J ean Go ld e n, J o hn Goldstei n. C indy


Greims, Sandi G rim es, Tommy Gu thri e, Jimm y H aga, Ga il Ha hn , D av id H all . Ka th y

H all . St eve Ham m , Debb ie Ha ncock, Vi ck ie Ha ney, Gary Ha ney, T im Ha rdin g, Dusty

Ha rl ess, Fra nklin Har ri s, Caro lyn Ha rri s, Cind y Ha rri s, Glenn Ha rri son, Sail} Haynes, Gl en

Humphrey, Ha rvey Hunt, Ken

Hunt, Mike Hyman , Ann


a ll , Steve a mm , Debb ie ancock, Vicki e a ney , Gary a ney, Tim ard ing, Dusty

Har less, Franklin Ha rri s, Ca ro lyn Har ri s, C ind y Har ri s, Glenn Harr iso n, Sally Haynes, G len

H eadstrea m. Dav id He ishm an , J an Hend erso n, David Hend e rso n, Ju stin e He nd e rso n, Rhonda He nl ey. T im

Herndo n. Gi ld a Hero ld, J a net Herring, Diane Herring, Do nn a Hi cks, M ic hae l Holman, Bi ll

Howard, Pamela How a rd . Sara h Hud a ll, J ea n Hudson, Larry Hudson, Michae l Hughes, Cath y


Ca rol utili zes progress--the time clock .

ln ge ri ck. Nanc y lr by. Do n

Bro th er Lindsay"s new lab.

Jackson, Yivan Jahrsdoerfer, Alexa J oh nson, Haywood Johnson , Joan Johnson, Linda

Johnson , Vickie Johnson , Wand a Johnson , Willi am Johnston, Elian J o hnsto ne, Butch

Jones, Mike Janseen, Alex J ordan, Geneva Jordan, Phillip Joseph , Don

Joseph , Duff Jullien, Bill Kelso , Bob Kennedy , Bobby Ke nt.-Wes


Israe l. Terr y J ac kso n. Howard

J ac kso n. Mary Ann J ac kso n. Sadie

Kern, Ly le Key, G lo ri a

:kso n. Mary An n : kso n. Sad ie


Kern, Lyle Key, G lo ri a

Key, Jan et Kidd . C harl es

Kirb y, Hugh Kirk sey, Dav id

Ano th er a ppeti z ing lunch!

Kirtl ey, Yick ey Kite , All en Knight , Linda Kyse r, Do nn a Lack ey, To m

Ladd , Ca ry Lane, Am y Lane, Rebecca Lange, Do t La Ru e, Carri e

Lea ke, Do n Leake, Pa rk e r Lea ke, Sheil a h Lew is, Ron a ld a Lingle, Gary

Lo ud en, Harri so n Lowe nh a upt , Steph ene McCa ul ey, Caro lyn McD ani el, J esse McGe hee. J ani e


McGilvery, E li zabeth McGraw . Joni McWil li ams. J an et Madison, Mark Marsha ll , Bertha

Marsha ll , David Marston. Gary Martin, AI Martin, Robert Martin, Sandy

Masnik , Barbara Maup in, Corene Maupin, Lucky Maupin, Mary Maupin, Michael

Maupin, Sharon Mawyer, Margaret Meem, John

What's wrong w ith the sta irs, Willie''


Melton, Pat M ill er, Belinda Mi ll er, Brenda

Miller, Carson Minter, Patsy Mitchell , Denni

Napier, Sandra Napier, Tommy



Monroe, Ol lie Moore, Joy Moore, Nancy Morris, Becky Morris, Carolyn

Morris, Cathy Morris, Debbie Morris, Doug Morris, Irvin Morris, Kathy

Morris, Laura Morrris, Linda Morris, Nelson Morris, Stephen Morton, Ch ip

Moske lski, Robert Moyer, Debbie Mue ll er, Chery l Napier, Nola Napier, Ronald

ler, Carson 1ter, Patsy chell , Denni

Napier, Sandra Napier, Tommy

Nardi, Jeanne Naylor, Allison

Mrs. Fantino brood s over her flock .


Nel son, George Nieman, Martha

Norford , Darrell Norton, Pat

Nougaret, Ray O'Brien, Barbara

Oliver, Irene Owen , John Pace, Marvin Pace. Melvin Paige, Benjamin Pairet, Edwin

Chery l harasses the photographer.


Patterson, Bill Patterson, Janet Peters, Stephen Peterson, Martha Phelps, Tommy Phillips, Claude

Phillips, Lanny Pitts, Greg Poindexter, Constance Poll ard, Betty Pors, C hrist iane Porter, Margaret

Powell, Daniel Powell , Shirley Price, James Pugh, Charles Quarles, Theresa Quasebarth . Susa n




Studying hard, Vivian?

illips, Lanny ts, Greg indexter, Constance liard, Betty rs, Christiane rter, Margaret

Powell, Daniel Powell, Shirley Price, James Pugh , Charles Quarles, Theresa Quase ba rth . Susa n

Quast, Bonnie Ramazani, Yaheed Rauch , Becky Remley, Mike Rennolds, Debbie Respress, Boopy

Rexrode, Dllmas Rhodes, Judy Rice. Jimm y Rickey, Janet Richmond , Geraldine Ritchie. Bonnie

Rives, Barclay Roach , Peggy


Robinson , George Roberts, John Robertson, Mary, Ann Rogers, Sally

Was it really that bad , Ricky ?

Roseberry, Susan Roston , Ros ie

Roud abush, Paul Ro yster, George

Sams, Lynn Sandell, Bobby Sandridge, Gerald Sandridge, Rachael Sawyer, Bob Scott, Lloyd

Ruscher, Tom Rush, Sheilah Ru sh, William Ru sse ll , Elaine Ryall s, Larry Salley, Lil


Seaborn, Linda Shafer, Roy Sheridan. Pat Sherwood, Robin Shifflett Carl Shifflett. Henry

Shifflett, Judy Shifflett, Linda Shifflett, Sharane Shifflett, Steve Shisler, William Showalter, Mike

Simms, Elgie Smith. Cheryl Smith, Matthew Smith. Peter Smith, Phillip Snow. Robin

Thacher, Ca ro l Thacker, C ha rl ott e


Tho m as, D av id Tho m as, M ichae l



fflett , Jud y fflett , Lind a fflett , Sha ra ne fflett , Steve sler, Willi a m >walter, Mik e

Simms. Elgi e Smith . C heryl Smith . Mat th ew Smith . Pet er Smith . Phillip Snow. Robin

So nd ay. Robe rt Spencer. Roy Spencer. Sue Sprouse, Debbie St ahl , St eve n Stapl es, Robin

St ark e, To mm y Steppe, Ca rol yn St eppe, J ack ie St eve ns. Stewa rt Sto kes, Rebecca Str asse r. Pete r

Sudduth, J ess ie Suth erl a nd , Rit a Swing le r, She il a T albe rt , De bbi e T anto n, T o mm y Terell , Ma ry Ann


Th e ma id, J ea nn e N a rdi , talks to th e medium , Lind a Seabo

Thompson, Gregory T ho mps o n. J ud v Thompso n. Ma,:ic

Thornle y. Lauri e Timberl a ke. Joyce Tinsle y. Keit h

Va nH ook. Patr ic ia Vess, Kenn y

Vonherbulis. Lesli e Vonthel e n. Sa nd y

Topper. Debbie Trainum. Doug las Tuck er. J ennifer

Titus. G erry Tomlin. Pat Toms. Emm ett

Turner , Martin. Turn er. Ph yllis T yle r. Ke ith

David a nd Don e nj oy Spanish class??


Van. Sue Vandecastle, Ke ith VanFossen, Carla

Wag ner, Bruce Wake, Kenna Wa lker, Clyde

Sue ecastl e, Keith 路ossen, Carla

Wagner, Bruce Wake, Kenna Walker, Clyde

Walker, Debbie Walker, Diane Walker, Rosetta

Walton, Wade Ward, June Ward, Linda

Elgie Simms as the student.

Wawner, Scott Waytes, George Weary, Terry Wells, Gregory Wells, Ronnie

Wells, Steve Wesley, Mannis Wesner, Sherry Wetzel , Bruce Whaley, Robert


White, Stelia Whiting, Marilyn Whiting, Thelma Williams, Allen Williams, Danny


Williams, James Williams, Kenneth Williams, Teresa Wilson, Jim Wingfield, William

Wolfe, Susan Wood, C heste r Wood, Daniel Wood, Debbie Wood, G.C.

Wood, Judy Wood, Pat Wood, Sharon Wood, Wanda Woodruff, Mary

The chorus in acti on.

David and Blair sample cafeteria delicac ies.


John Link--enthralled by Trigonometry.

Act I, Scene I: Much Ado About Nothing.

!ria delicacies.

Woods, Janis Woodson, Judy Word, Charlotte Worrall , Sara Wright, Barbara

Wright , Doug Wright, Sylveste r Wyant, Bernard Wyant, Sarah Yates, Cauline

Yates, Cindy Yates, Gertrude Yates, Shirley Ziegler , Mike Zimmer, Lou



Buster De Biasi, Pres ident

Linda Johnson, Vice President

Abbott , Ginny Abbott, Lynn Abel , Roy Aberle , Richard

Kathy Kelly , Secretary-Treas urer

Adams, Greg A hrend, David Allen , Donna Allison, Randy

Anderson, Earl Anderson , Orlando Anderson , Wanda Arnhoff, Stuart

Arnold, Linda Aschenbach, Jennie Averett, Glenda Ayers, Linwood

Susie Harrison , Reporter

Babe r, Cathy Ba iley, C indy Bai ley, Willie Ba iley, Donna


nold, Linda chen bach, Jennie ·erett, G lenda ·ers, Linwood

Baber, Cath y Bailey, Cindy Bailey, Willie Bailey, Donna

Bain , Peter Baker, Jackie Baker, Lon Baker, Violet

Ballard. Donna Banks, Roynetta Barbour, Dale Barbour, Kenneth

Barbour, Robin Barnett, Floyd Barrell , Barbara Barrett, Margaret

Batten, Janet Batton, Wilma Belew , Larry Bell , Debbie

Ben, Casandra, Muriel and Debbie take their eyes off the game.





Bell, Susan Bentley, Laurie Birckhead, Carolyn Birckhead, Donna

Bishop, John Bishop, Steve Black , Jeffrey Black, Joe

Ca th y a nd Susie- stud ying??

Blankenbaker, Susan Bolden, Russell Blitch, Pasty Bond, Elizabeth Blucher, N a ncy Bond, James

Bowen, Alec Bowen, Beth Bowen, Doroth y


Bowles, Larry Brackett, James Brackett, Mary Bradley, Jane Bragg, Donnie Brassfield, Betty Breeden , Ann

Brezinski, Debbie Bridges, Diane Bristow, Cynthi a Britt, Randy Brock, Emily Brooks, Dallas Brown, Danice

Brown, Larry Brown, Thelma Bryant, Donna Bull, David Burnett, Steven Burnley, Catherine Burruss, Joyce

Burruss, Kay Burruss, Virginia Burton, Susa n Bush, Don Bush, Michael Byrd, Casa ndr a C ain, La uree n

Buzzy tri es to fi gure o ut where th e oth er half is.

Brown, Larry Brown, Thelma Bryant, Donna Bull, David Burnett, Steven Burnl ey, Catherine Burruss, Joyce

Burruss, Kay Burruss, Virgini a Burton, Susan Bush, Don Bush, Michae l Byrd, Casa ndr a Ca in, Lauree n

Call oway, Shirl ey Ca nipe, Debbi e Ca rr, Benj amin Ca rr, Desiree C arr, Ma ry J ane Ca rrik er, C ind y Ca rswell , T ad

Ca rter, D ab ney Ca rter, G lenn Ca rve r, J o hn Caso n, Ca th y Cassell , Debbi e C hild ress, Vanit a C hisho lm , Kath erin e

C hristm as, Lloyd C lark , She il a C la rk so n, J ames C la rk so n, Peggy C latterb uck, Ga ry C laybroo k, Ka ren C lements, Do na ld


Clements, Sherry Cobb, J ohn Co hen, Rod

Coleman, Debbie Col eman, Wilson Coles, John

Colli e r, Way ne Co mbs, Susan Cook, Marvin Cook, Michael Cook, Ruth Ann Cooke nour, Doug

Copela nd, Becky Corad i, Kare n Cottle, J ames Cowa n, Ha lli e Cox, Gary Coy ner, Lenni e

Craddock, Carole Craig, Betsy Craig, Betty Crickenb erger, Bonita C ritzer, Joyce Critzer, M ichae l Wha

Something catches Casa ndra's attention.

C rit zer, Mike C urme, J o nath an C urti s, Greg C ui ti tt a, Tom


Dav is, Denise Dav is, J er i Dav is, Keith D av is, Mary

Dav is, Ro land D av is, Robert DeBi as i, Peter Dempsey, Te resa

Duncan, Dav id Dunn, Peggy Durrett, Gregory D yer, Beth

Detamore, Tommy Dickerso n, Josephin e Dickie, Cindy

Dougherty, Steve Dougl as, Frank Dougl as, Steve

Dowell , lvar Drumheller, Nancy Dudley, Gregory

What are you staring at, Drew?

)avis, Roland )avis, Robert )eBiasi, Peter )empsey, Teresa

Duncan, Dav id Dunn, Peggy Durrett, Gregory Dyer, Beth

Easter, Amy Easter, Jeff Eckman, Gergg Eubanks, Helen

Eubanks, Valerie Eudailey, Kay Farrish, Dar lene Farrish, Tommy

Faust, Bill Feggans, Vivian Felker, Charles Fells, Dale


Figgatt, Debbie Finks, Sally Fisher, Vanessa Flora, Eleanor

Forney, Susan Fox, Shelia Franus, Lila Frazier, Rosa

Steve a nd Buster e nj oy th e cafeter ia atmosphere.

Frisco , Ka th y Frye , Bernard Gae rtner . Pa ul

G a rdn er , Bever ly Gard ne r . Melton G a rri so n. Dav id

Garriso n, Le na Garrison . Margaret G ay . C ind y


Gentry, Willi a m P. Gibson , Willi a m W Gibson , C ha rl otte Gibson , Deb ra Gibson , D or is Gibson. Ear l Gibson . Mildred

G lass , Mike Goodwin , Ginger Goode , J o hn Goodloe. Co rne li a Goodr id ge, Shawn Go url ey. Allen G raves. Larry

G raves , Wa nd a Gray , Do nald Gray , Sandra Green. Ray mo nd H al l. George H a nger, Pa m Ha rding. Ba rba ra

Ha rlow, Pa ulin e Ha rr is . Geo rge Ha rri s, J a mes Ha rri s , Yick ic Harri s, Vicky Ha rrison , Susie Ha ugh . Day ton

Humphri es, Ro bert Hunt , Ca rlt o n Hurt , Bl a key Isbister , Mo ra

J ackso n , Joa nn e J ac kso n , Lo la J acobs, Lew is J a mes, Bill y

D e bbi e a nd th e drill tea m -A lbem a rl e's newes t additi o ns.

:J raves, Wa nd a :J ray, D o nald :J ray , Sa ndra :J ree n . Ray mo nd -! a ll. G eo rge -I a nge r. Pa m -l a rding. Ba rba ra

H a rl ow , Pa ulin e H a rri s. Geo rge H a rri s. J a m es H a rri s, V ick ie H arri s. V icky H a rri son. Sus ie H a ugh . D ay to n

H aw kins , A lfr ed Hedric k. Cat h y H e nd erso n. D o n H e nry. Roge r H ero ld , H e nr y H erring . W a nd a Hicke l. Bill

Hill. Edwa rd Hi xo n , Ma r y H o lm es. M ik e H o lt . Ste ph e n H o lzt. Isabe ll a Hu a ng. H e len Hu cks te p . Ke ith

Hud so n. Ve rn e ll Hudso n. Ver ni cc Huff. Ga ry Hu gh es. J osep h Hu g hes . Rh onda Hu ghes. V ick ie Hu ie. Irene


Jo hnson. Arnie Jo hnson , D ebb ie J o hnso n. Ke nn e th Johnso n . Lar ry Johns o n . Lew is

J o hnso n, Linda J o hnson, Lo rett a J o hnso n. Sandra Johnso n. She Iia J o hn stone. El izabet h


Jo nes . Jea nn e Jones, Jo J o nes, Sandy J o rd a n , Cassandra Jo rd a n. Ju dy

Keg ley. Juli a Kell y, Kat hy Kel so, Co nni e Ken ned y, J oa n Ke nn edy. Pa ul

Ela ine a nd Pat di scove r the wo rld of biology. 路

Kes le r , Cath y Keyse r . Rusty Kit e. J a nice


Klin e. Sus ie Kni ght. Wil so n Ko hl. Bett y

Kyger, Shirley La Bu y, Beck y Laffe rt y. Pat

Lam Vincent La mon ds. D ebbie Lanahan. Bruce

Leake. Lew is Lee. Elm e r Lew is. Cla re nce


Lang, Ka re n Lang, Molly

Lange, Jack Lawless, Kenneth

Lawrence, Bobby Lawso n, Cliff

Layman, Lois Layne, Sonny

Ray mond clocks in.

_am Vince nt _a monds. Debbie _anahan. Bruce

Leak e. Le w is Lee. Elmer Le w is. Clarence

Lewis, Keith Lewis, Richard Lipscomb, Robin

Lipsey, Steve Little, Larry Lohr, Phil

Loscherlder, Barbara Ludwig, Lucie Lumpp, Cindy Loz ier, Davina Luck , Libbie McAllister, Roge r


McCauley, James McCauley, Richard McCormick, Teresa

McDaniel, Patsy McDermott, Neil McDonald, Donald

I 0: 14, Ca nd y. Are yo u rea lly ready to leave st ud y hall')')

McLaugh lin . Tr ina Maddox . Herbert Madison. Wendel

Ma ine, John Man ley. J o Marks. Joseph

Marks. Teresa Marrow . Edwa rd Marrs. David Marsh , William Marshall, C har les Marsha ll , Susan Martin. Eric


Martin. Mary Mason. Mary Masser . Sue Massey. Bennie Matacia, Theresa Matheny, Ladonna M atysek. Janice

Maupin , Debbie M a upin , Warren Mawyer, El izabe th May, Mar la ine Meeks , Debbie M icham , C lyde Mi lgram , Ca nd y

Miller , Mark Morris, Betty Morris, Bobby Morris, Eli zabet h Morris, Gary Lee ' Morris, Gary Lewis Morris. Gaynelle

Morris, Dale Morr is, Linda Morr is, Pamela Morr is, Raymond Morris, Roman Morris, Sam my Morris, Vio let



A Sa ndrid ge so lil oqu y.

iller, Mark orri s, Bett y orris, Bo bby orris, Eli za bet h orri s, Ga ry Lee orri s, Gary Lewi s orri s. Gay nell e

Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Mo rri s,

D a le L ind a Pa me la Ray mo nd Ro ma n Sa mm y Vio let

Mo rri s, W and a Mo rto n, Co nni e Mosby, Vera Mo tt, Ma rc ie Murdock, D a rre ll Murphy, Pet er M ur ray, A ndrew

Mye rs, J oe Napi er, C ha rl otte Nap ier, Elea nor Nas h, Di a ne Nay lo r, Kev in N e iho use, Ri ta N elso n, La uri e

N oon, Bil l Og ilire, J a m es O li v ia, Dick ie


O liver, J ea n ie O' Re il ly, Bi ll Page, Muri e l

Pa rri sh, Esth e r Pa rso n, V irg ini a Pa tt erso n, Jul ia

Pa ul , Marg ie Phillips, Sa mmy Pi erce, C ha rl es

Pleasants, Kenn eth Po lson, All a n Poo le, Brya nt

Popp, Rosa nn a Posada, J ack Powe ll , Ka th y

Keith Dav is- iso la ted . but st ill a pa rt of th e tea m.

Powe ll. Lind a Powe ll. Ma rth a Pow ley . And y Pres ho. Deni se

Price . Ro be rt Prill a me n. Steve Pugh. Ha ro ld Pugh. Me lin da

Pugh, Patti Qua rl es. J a mes Ragl a nd , Wend y Ra in es, Ro nn ie


Ra in ey, Lind a Ra lster, Geo rge Ra mazani , Dav id Ra nkin , To m

Rea, Do rothy Rea, Marvin Reill y, Kev in Ri c ha rd so n, Ra nd)

Riddl e, D av id Rido b, J oa nn e Riggs, Ha ro ld Ri ggs. Robi n

Sandrid ge, Dabne) Sandridge, Da vid Sa und e rs, Robert Sc hra m. N a nc ya n

Ripley, David Ripley, Jane Roberts, Keith Robinson, Roger Rogers, Becky Rogers, Charles

Rogg , Penny Rohr, Gene Roller, Blair Root , Lynne Rothfiecker, Florence Roy ster, Debbie

Ruiz, Mary Anne Ryalls, Carol Sacre, Tom Salisbury, Norm a Salmon, Patrici a Sanders, J od y art of the team.

iddle, David idob, Joanne iggs, Harold iggs, Robin

April and Kay rela x over a most pleasant lunch.


Sandridge, Dabney Sandridge, David Saunders, Robert Schram, N a nc yan

Schwab, John Scott, Patty Seal , Teresa Seiler, Bobby

Sheets, Liz Shellito, Wend y Shifflett, Carol yn Shifflett, Joanne


Shifflett, Mike Shifflett, Naomi Shifflett, Patricia Sh ifflett, Steve

Shifflett, Wayne Short, James Shotwell, Nancy Shumaker, Frank

Donna loafs!!

Simpson, William Sipe, Arthur Sipe, Wilmer Slaughter, Dotti Smith, Clyde Smith, Donna Smith, Edward


Smith, Gary Smith, Julie Smith, Kathy Smith, Larry Smith, Lisa Smith, Sheila Smith, Stanley

Smith, Steve Smith, Teresa Sneed, Stormy Snoddy, Cathy Snow, Raymond Solomon, Diane Spencer, Jesse

Sprouse, Barbara Sprouse, Larry Stafford, Judy Steppe, Helen Steppe, Margaret Street, Melinda Sudduth, Jone

Sullivan , Donna Sullivan, Wayne Tanton, Terry Tee!, John Thacker, Debbie Thacker, Sandra Thom as, Gary

;e, Barbara e, Larry d,Judy , Helen . Margaret Melinda h,Jone

Sullivan, Don na Sullivan, Wayne Tanton, Terr y Teel, Jo hn Thacker, Debbie Thacker, Sandra Thom as, Ga ry

Thomas, Laura Thomas, Teresa Thompson, Cheryl Thompson, Jessie Thorsey, Rich Thurman, Anne Timberlake, Janet

Tinsley, Joann Tomlin, Thomas Toms, Dianna Toms , Donnie Towler, Sam Trainum , Yvonne Trembl ay, Cathy

Trew, April Tucker, Jane Tucker, Scott


Turner, Marjorie Upton, Mike Valentine, Cindy

Valle, Pedro Via, Danny Via, Mamie

Via, Nancy Viar, Shelby

VonHerbulis, Chris Wagner, Elaine

Wakley, Chris Walker, Arthur

Walker, James Walker, Nora

Roger pauses before clocking in.

Walker , Richard Walker , Robert Walker, Virginia

Wallace , Curtis Wallace, Gr.over Wallace, Mike

Walton, Paula Walton, Ted Walzak, Kevin

Ward , Charles C. Ward, Charles E. Ward , Patricia


Warner , Carson Webster , C hri sty Warrick, Debbie Wee ks , Michael Washington , Elizabeth Wells. Beverly

Wesley, Margaret White , Blair White , C harles

Wood , Richard Wood, Virginia Woodson , Becky

White, Grover White, Pam White, Ray Whiting, Mary W ilhelm, Tina

Wilkins, De Wilkinson, Collen Willard, Winnie Williams, Ira Williams, Kenny

Williamson, Charlotte Wilson, Jim Wilson, Sarah Winstead, Mark Winston, Brenda

Winston, James Witcher, Sabra Witt, Donnie Wolford, Steve Wood. Debbie

ing in.

esley, Margaret hite , Blair hite, Charles

Wood , Richard Wood, Virgini a Woodson. Beck y

Woodson, Ruth Woody, Sally Word , Nancy

Wright, Dan Wright, James Yancey , Kathy

Young, John Zeller , Joy Zimmerman, Hollis


Teresa takes a test break.








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Bigelow Downs Evans & Black Yorkhurst


~N &9\_~TO~

Compliments of

~ulk ~;~ Li~~~路


One Boars Head Lane


-\\ ~ Sand, Stone & Road Work ~ Mail Address: (l h ~ ~ephone 823-4877 823 -4888 (Bill) Ivy, Virginia 22943"' ~




~ tf\Jvb

"Our Trade is One That Service Built"

~~ -



Acme Visible Records, Inc.


Sinct 3 I 0 A von Street Crozet, Virginia


Qd 10

Bigelow Downs Evans & Black York hurst


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~ OJ..f.JVI'd ~LLCJl ~ ~t


Commercial C ustom Res idential

Carpetland, Inc. Woodbrook Village for Shopping

2858 Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia 2290 I Phone: 973-4341 Specialists in Carpet Fashions



~ erv1ce


823-4877 ~888 (Bill)







Compliments of

Compliments of






Typewriters-Adding Machines-Rent als Sales and Service

I .N C

919 West Main St. Phon e 296-7419

Since I 893 Charlottesville Lumber Co. 3 10 Avon Street, Charlottesville, Va. 22902 Phone 296-5111


Custom Framing Prints

Custom Lamps Shades


Restorati on Compliments of 1413 West Main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia Telephone 293-3342 Area Code 703


Richard B. Freeman Manager-Designer

& Son , Inc. Phone 973 -4 C harlottesvil l

Largest Stock of Old Original Prints in America

TUEL JEWELERS Certifi ed Watchm a ker and Jeweler Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings Longines -Wittn auer, Bulova, and Accutron Watches 104 South First Street Charlottesville, Ya. Roy P. Tuel, Prop.

KING & ROBERTS, INC. 1106 Rose Hill Dr.

Phone 295-4258







Andrew Coli

Young Men's Shop


Holiday Esso Service Station


Compl ete Air-conditioning Igniti on-Work Service

ee & Son , Inc.

Phone 973-4393 Charlottesville, Ya. 22903

f. .

I--_ -......

Building Construction


Phone 295 -8237

Phones Bus. 286-3821 Res. 386-3244





Court Square 293-8104

East Main Street, Scottsville, Va. 24590

Andrew Collins, Owner

ung n's tp


Compliments of

Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning,


Electrical Work


Charlottesville Oil Co. Gulf

"Food Fun for Everyone" HOAGIES On Our Home Baked Sub Rolls PIZZA PeeWee Small Medium Large SPAGHETTI Lupo's Own Italian Sauce


Pick-up Orders 296-7007

Delivery Service 295-9153

5 PM to 12 PM Sun.-Thru-Thurs. 5 PM till I AM Fri. & Sat. Bruce C. Kroencke owner


· ~~UPO"S ~~ ~



Three-year c Fine Art Pro Part time Da Pottery-Ph• Drawing & P Morton P. T1

2007 Earhar

State Farm is all you need to know about insurance.

BRUCE'S DRUG STORE Phon e 286-3881 Scottsville, Virginia



Spaghetti and North Emn







Compliments of

Route 250 West Charlottesvi lle, Virginia Greenwood 456 -703 l

ery Service -9153




VIRGINIA ART INSTITUTE Three-year career courses in Commercial & Fine Art Professiona l Instruction Part time Day, Evening & Summer Courses Pottery-Photography-Graphics DesignDrawing & Painting


Compliments of


Morton P. Traylor, Founder-Director


2007 Earhart Street

Charlottesville, Va.

Checkers Spaghetti and Pizza House North Emmett Street



I W Heischman Samue A. McClung William 路 Benton Patterson . C 路 Souder Juhan G'Ibert J. Sullivan 1 J Gordon Webster . III 路 . H 路 Wh1te Wilham



Goo dyear Tire~. Gener al Electn


Heischman McClung terson ouder Sullivan Webster White III

A Certified Livestock Market




~fra-J:~~~~ J_JAX _ ~/w_>;;~ ~.1 ~ .A/77

;~~~ f ~~ cCOMPANY -/ /7. JA


Al.bemarle Livestock Market S I ' v a. Charlottesville a e Every Saturday

618 Forrest Street Dial 296-7154

Compliments of


Compliments of


204 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 296-7118

VAUGHAN TIRE AND APPLIANCE CO. INC. 80 I Preston Ave. Charlottesville, Va. Goodyear Tires General Electric

Zenith Maytag





Morton Frozen Foods Division ITT Continental Baking Company Crozet, Virginia

For Your Official Albemarle High School Class Ring


Mr. Bob Sandell Box 5107 Charlottesville, Virginia

Scottsville, Va.







A Complete Beauty Service Phone 293-9872




THE TWO THIRTEEN SHOP 213 Fourth Street, N.E. Charlottesville Gifts Greeting Cards



Monticello Dairy





--· I


ANDY'S PIZZA RESTAURANTServing Homemade Meat Sauce & Spaghetti

THE CHARLOTTESVILLE PRESS Printers 1 I 1 I Harris Street Charlottesville, Virginia

Chops Steaks Chicken

Phone 293-9 I 9 I



This is the International Symbol for Automation


* In Charlottesville, In Virginia, in the U.S.A and All Over the World-The above symbols are synonymous G.E. and Automation Manufacturing Automation Equipment Process Measurement and Control Division Charlottesville, Va.


Air-Condition Service Compliments of

Road Service



Preston & Grady A venue Charl ottesvi ll e, Virginia

Supplies for Collegians For Over a Century Visit Our Record Department


S&H Green Stamps


Phone 295-8178

Our School Photographer

Lane's Tailoring Shop

Graham's School Pictures


Edgemont and Duncan Street Bristol, Tenn .







BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS, INC. Two Locations 5 10 Preston Ave. 1327 E. High St.


America's Largest Personnel System Telephone 296-5563


LILDEL Best in Italian Kosher Foods and American Foods N.W. Wing Barracks Road Phone: 293-5974






Wholesale Grocers Since 1877 Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 295 -9144


Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation


3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 296-71 91

Incorporated Jewelers • Opticians Charlottesville, Virginia

"Over Seventy Years of Service"







Compliments of


322 East Main Street Charlottesv ill e, Virginia 295-9155


KELLER'S Exquisite Footwear Since 1883

UNIROYAL Scottsville, Virginia

Congratulations to the Class of 1971



~ I







Sperry Marine Systems Division

Sperry Rand Corporation Charlottesville, Virginia

(}Gcd lvuc Cw~~ /


RL Compliments of a



One of Charlottesville's Largest and Finest 205 ROOMS Located At Intersection Rt. 29 North and 250 Bypass Rives C. Gentry


Expert Color T.V. Service


Barracks Rd . Shopping Center 24 hr. film processing

923 Preston Ave. in Preston Plaza Charlottesville, Ya. Owner Stuart L. Perry

Fir M

Cameras--"Binocu arsTape Recorder

Phone 293-8458


Spanjian Rawlings Adidas








S楼'-\ ~ See. '\A, "~""'- ~ to 1'1\

c1 he路路4 ') . rn -e,. ""-!'

~~' ~,~~,\-e(U w~-e.tJ -楼~


PRINTING First Virginia BankMonticello National





Symbol of a Growing Business . . . and a trade mark of a firm dedicated to producing the fine st in printing.

Spanjian Rawlings Adidas

King Lindsay

"The Saturday Bank"


Printing Corporation

dial: 296-4129 Ch-ville, Va.

1134 Rose Hill Dr.

' nu1\..

'1 The Finest In Steaks



Gta:s~ 124 E . Main St. Downtown

A Completely Unique Dining Experience at:

Your Jeweler for one of your proudest possessions, your High School Ring. also Diamonds, Watches, Gift Items and Beautiful Sil ve r.

Charlottesville, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Hampton, Va. Waynesboro, Va. Virginia Beach, Va. Tyson's Corner, Va . Richmond, Va.


/ 211



COGGINS MOTOR CO., INC. 330 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Rambler-Triumph-Mercedes-Benz

RUSSELL MOONEY OLDS SALES & SERVICE 3 I 5 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Oldsmobile--Oldsmobile F85-Toronado

JIM PRICE CHEVROLET Rt. 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet-Chevelle--Chevy II Corvair--Corvette--Camaro-Vega 2300

PEYTON PONTIAC-CADILLAC, INC. 858 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Pontiac-Firebird--Cadillac Pontiac Tempest-Datsun

R.M. DAVIS MOTORS, INC. Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Plymouth-Valiant-Chrysler-Imperial

POLLARD AUTO & G.M.C. SERVICE I 020 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia G.M.C. Trucks

H.M. GLEASON and CO., INC. First and Garrett Streets Charlottesville, Virginia International Trucks & Farm Equipment

S-K MOTORS, LTD. Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Imported Auto Specialists-Sales & Service

HARPER MOTORS, INC. 918 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Volkswagen

JIM WILLIAMS BUICK, INC. 900 Preston A venue Charlottesville, Virginia Buick--Opei-Kadett

MacGREGOR MOTORS, INC. 416 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln Continental-Mercury Comet--Cougar

WILHOIT MOTORS 404 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia Dodge Cars and Trucks Dart--Coronet-Polara-Monaco

BRADY BUSHEY FORD, INC. Route No. 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Ford- Fairlane-Mustang-Falcon Maverick~Thunderbird--Cortina-Ford Trucks

PANTOPSTOYOTA Route No. 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota Sales & Service





.::"i I


Ideal Realty Company }{e:r ~ forc:l. mano-r





Compliments of


GILMORE, HAMM, and SNYDER, INC. Furniture for the Home and Office Charlottesville,

~ irgini a




Route 29 S. Charlottesville, Virginia Esso Products Meat--Groceries Beverages Open 7 Days a Week

Real Estate Post Office Box 164 • Phone (703) 295-5448 Charlottesville, Virginia 2902




Compliments Of Eastern Office

State Farm




Insurance Company 1001 Emmet Street Charlottesville



Charlottesville, Virginia

309 Avon Street--Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Phone: 296-0590 Ralph Mustard and Richard Wingfield

"Rooted in History-In Step With The Future"


For Total Insurance Service Call or Stop by


3) 295-5448 823 -4321 May We Serve You?

Ride the route of the Silver Eagles-

nents Of 1 Office





~ Company

1met Street >ttesville

Compliments of




Rout e # 2 Charl ottesvill e, Voa . 2290 I



harlottesville ~:~ · • avzngs anJ. Loan td/t.t.oelaflon


308 East Market Street





t OVERLOOK MOTEL U.S. Route 250 1/z Mile East of City And 250 By-pass Clara Walden-Owner Phone 293 -9154

J 1503 N


Compliments of

Minor Alexander Insurance

S. W. BARNES, INCORPORATED Crozet, Virginia Telephone 823-4391

Addie Alexander, Owner Thomas B. Leitch, Associate 404 National Bank Building 293-8188


Barracks Road

Downtown Charlottesville, Virginia

Colonel Sanders'

lE ~NY

World's No.1 take-home chicken JiJtefix Sunday dinner seven days a week 1503 N. Emmett Street

Phone 295-5158


Pit Bar-B-Que

~~~v, S'l'o~ ~ ~ AND


ASSOCIATES Real Estate Realtors & Builders

Northway Building 2020 Westfield Rd.

Charlottesville, Ya.

Cobham General Store


M.L. Smith, Proprietor Quality Merchandise at Low Prices Cobham, Virginia

Compliments of



29 N




- '.

C.H. Williams, Inc.

Telephone 296-8774 Home 295-4430

SPRADLIN'S FEED AND SEED Complete line of Fertilizer and Lime Spread at the lowest price possible






e ~~AVAJ1!

Compliments of


~ . '

Phone 295-5912 507 East Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia

~c~~ {,.~


':_s. 'I'


:Home ol tk~V.PBtf.flt,

Barracks Road Shopping Center Charlottesville, Virginia Paint Headquarters Phone 293-2243

29 North. Charlottesville Oasis For Hungry Albemarle Students! Congratulations Seniors and Good Luck.


W.A. LYNCH ROOFING COMPANY, INC. Roofing and Sheet Metal Work 1234 River Road Charlottesville, Va. 2290 I Telephone 293 -2302

Hessian Hills Georgetown Green Four Seasons


Vcr lnf• 1\"01

4 l'

First and Water Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 295 -7118

Strom berg-Carlson Congratulates Albemarle High School Class of 1971










••• -·••\\C---------:: .,. ~ ~ -. . - .,. .,. .,. .,. ~ ~ . ~ \I ----------==•iii......... ---\\·-·:t=-------. ...... .....: ",,. --.. • c:: ~ ~\I


.,. .,. .,. •\






I - .,. .,. .,.



....... .... .... :!.


Come seethe making of power Vepco's firs t commerc ia l atom ic po\\'cr s tation is now und er C0!1struction in Surry Cou nty, Virg inia. ln t he new In format ion Center overlook in' c s ite, yo u will :;ee an excellent s lide prese ntat ion, fasc inating ex hi bits, and a ,,,.,;,,model of lhcr lm "d fmm the balco"Y, yoo e<m wal'h t hem a<~ mblet hc wal t h;,g.J Op<'" 10 M l tc


more power to you ... at less cost

TURNER'S ESSO SERVICE Friendly Service Atlas & Exide Products Phone 286-9307 Scottsville, Virginia

CABELL AND STORY INSURANCE Located. In: Harrisonburg, Waynesboro, Staunton and Charlottesville With Kenny -riffic 19 ¢ Kenny burgers

2110 Ivy Road


It's the real thing. CQ~e. 11

2248 Ivy Rc

Johnson Bros. Funeral Home, Inc. Compliments of

"Extra Things of Service Without Extra Cost" 203 8th St. N.W. 293-8090

PEPPERCORNS LTD. I I I 0 Fourth Street



Virginic China-Gifts-Hardware





Largest Selection of Trees-Plants--Shrubs In State-Ready To Go Herbs-Perennials-Bedding

SNOW'S NURSERY GARDEN CENTER Avon Street Ext. Charlottesville, Virginia 2248 Ivy Road

Leroy W. Snow

295 -2191

Phone 295-3559 Night 295-4052


With our Compliments

National Bank & Trust Co. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Virginia National Bank Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.



The PEER Staff Thanks Miss Courtenay Turner, advisor Charles Perry and Hunter Publishing Company The Administration The Faculty Mrs. Charlotte Gay John Spafford, copy Charles Breaznell Adams, cover design

PEER Boosters Albemarle Players Art Club Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Baker Band Club Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bascom Boar's Head Inn Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Bowen Brown's Lock and Safe Carlton Brook's Southern States Petroleum Service Station Jeffrey Willis Clayton Colonial Service Station Cosner Brothers Body Shop French Club F. F. A G. A A The Hub Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John H. Key, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Leake Library Club Mr. and Mrs. James E. McDaniel Men and Boys Shop Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Puckett's Barber Shop Senior Class of 1971 Soccer Team Booster Club Society for the Preservation of Vintage Records and Movies Studebaker Driver's Club S.C. A Studio Art Shop Sycamore House Tri-Hi-Y U. S. Army Recruiting Vaughn Tire and Appliance Co. Virginia Air Cargo Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel C. Wright










Elegy for G. E.

About a crescent carved in a day-deprived sky, among the blinking eyes of further, stranger suns, Studding the obsidian firmament There are those whose tiny light is known To us by patterns, charts, and misty memory; But countless flickering multitudes live their lives unseen And grow cold in death unseen, for Their birth Their life Their funeral pyre Are missed because our eyes do stray To watch another glisten, if we ever watch at all. i must have been watching taurus, Clawed cancer, or his brother scorpio; i must have been loving pisces as i gazed into the depths above, For i missed your star's demise: i admit to having watched it scintillating every night, But i never knew its name nor its position. My eyes had scanned it frequently, rested on it often, But i never seemed to notice when it was no longer there. It died while i was watching its companionsA burst of golden flame and it was gone. But in its final moment it saw the back of my head ... Now i will never see that star again. It took a friend to indicate its absence; Now i see the space where it once burned at ease. And the sky's less full , less dazzling, less beautiful for that . .. i only wish that i had known its name. Yes, there comes that cataclysmic, apocalyptic breath of wind That tears the leaves from where They were awaiting autumn's chill. And instead of dying when the season called them, Like the rest, Prematurely struck the ground and were molded into clay ; And fate is he with the soiled hands ... It is so with the stars-they are nature's decorationsTheir life is glass fragility; And fate is he with the awkward fingers ... And now yours has been victimized. How often do we realize With our daylight-nurtured eyes That our own stars, too, burn somewhere In the lofty recesses of the night? And when they lose their incandescence, When we cease to scan the skies, Who will miss their shining presence When beneath their feet it lies? john spafford

George Warren Eudailey Ill







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,/ 1:/V ,A

1;/ So now some of us enter ~leep;


for some, the games they've played won'tdietomorrow's sun will be a signal only to continue. But for those of us whose sky will change, whose sun will cast a harsher,glare, we might now turn, gaze back and say, our memories will little change if we know the prism of the past will always show its spectrum trueunaltered in the human mind . . .

V' ,_, / h~ \--J


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the prism lies before you. john spafford


1v.[u.si c 1v.[ an Late rehearsals, Exhausted stage crews, Frayed nerves ... Al l combined to produce an unforgettable production with standing ovations and an excellent review!!

Band Di rector -

Leads -

Jud y Keithl y a nd Rick Dudl ey

Th e folly dollies

Mr. Simmo ns

The cast thanks Mrs. Dobbs.


--- 1=--

The tow nspeople .

Assistant Direc tor -

Forest De nt

.. . watch th e Well s Fargo Wago n . . .

Rick and J o hn survey the scene .

. . . go by.

It ca n't be th at ba d. Sue.

W ha t do yo u see. C in d y''

N a n in good fo r m .

We ll . if I ha d 20 minut es ...

Junior Class Talent Sho-vv -

.. Visit To .A. Harem" One unforgettable night for the Junior Class .. . A yearly tradition that fails !>

to take shape until the night of the show .. . A string of nervous talent acts waiting anxiously backstage for their cue ... Most of all, willing students, working together, trying to turn out the greatest Talent

T he S ult an a nd his harem.

Show yet. Second pi

The Harem Kickline.

Nan Pace wins '



sht for

tt fails the

tlent ac ts



trying to

st Talent

Second pl ace winner: Debb ie Figgatt.

The Mystery Act 1'1!

The Morality Squad m akes their entrance.


Wyndy Ear le takes third place.

Track The Patriot thinclads finished out the season with a mediocre record . The season was highlighted by a trip to Knoxville, Tennessee for the Southern Classic Track Meet in which Phil McGuire placed first in the high jump. The most difficult loss for AHS to cope with next year will be the graduation of Phil McGuire who, besides winning at Knoxville, broke his old state record in the high jump this spring with a jump of 6'6". His absence next year will be a heavy blow to the team, but we hope to follow him in a great career in college track. The trackmen moved up into stiffer competition this year with the new Commonwealth District which included archrival Lane. Even after disappointing losses to Lane, our trackmen intend to make a clean sweep of Lane and as many other Commonwealth foes as possible next year. A lbe ma rl e's sta te hi g h jump c ha mpi o n shows hi s style.

Coac hes a nd ca pt a ins: Coach Hard y, C. Walk e r, Coac h C raddoc k. Coac h N ull ; G . Ba tes, B. Ma rill a.

~ -------~-~路





T o m is c


High jumpers: A.J. Yates, P. McGuir e, T. Bauley.

The W a lker Leap!


F ie ld events: A.J. Ya tes, E . Mart in, T. Ba ul ey, C. W a lk er, G. Ba tes, J. Q ua rl es, E . Bates, W. White, M. Co pelan d .

Tom is ca ught ly in g d ow n o n the j ob.


Weightmen: M. Arbaugh, L. Smith , B. Wetzel. C. Miller, D. Duncan, C. Lewis, D. H eadstrea m, G . Durrett , A. Henderso n, D. Mur ray, M. J ones, B. J o hnstone, C. Morton.

Spr inters: First ro McDonald , R. Alii

Hurd Is your hair in the way, Gerry?

Headst rea m puts a noth er.

Distance me n: D . Bragg, J . Becker, F . Wa rd , T. Tanton , D. Arnold , J . Hughes, K. Lawless, M. Westl ey, J. Lange, C. Lewis, J. Coles, C. Wakely.

l Sprinters: First row: J. Quarles, C. Walker , W . White, E. Sims, K. Bragg. Second row: D. McDonald , R. Allison, B. Marilla, G. Haynes, G . Marston , L. Little.


Man age r, Alton Frank li n, does a good job!

Hurd lers: A.J. Yates, M. Critzer, B. C utright, G. Cohen, D. Bickel. er. Pole Vaulters: L. Kerr, J. Holmes, E. Hale, D. Williams.


' Joe reaches for a goal.

les, C. Wakel y.

Ease ball The AHS Base ball team completed a successful rebuilding season under their new head coach, Jim Arbaugh. The Patriots went through the regular season with a disappointing 1-12 mark. However, the Patriots were handicapped from the very beginning by having no returning starters from last year's ball club . The young, but fighting Patriots were led by Jimmy Garnett who had the highest batting average and received the MVP award while also being team captain. The pitching was shared by Jeff Easter, Glenn Carter, and Jim Eastwood. Through the season the Patriots seemed to make the mistakes of the inexperienced at the wrong time , causmg runs by errors and consequently losing close ball games. However, toward the end of the season, these mistakes became fewer in number and the year ended on a winning note.

:·:·:: -. ~~.~ ·:: r

First row: F. Ward , Manager; B. Brow n. R. C leveland , B. Massie, K. Dav is, C. S mith. Second row: T. Bishop, J . Garnett, K. Lewis, B. C lark , B. Easter, S. W arner . Third row: B. C latterbuck , R. Kyser, R. Bl ack , J. Easter, G. Cart er. Fourth row: Mr. Hri ca, coach; G.C. Wood , J. Eastwood, F . Bondurant, D . Easto n, R. Bates, R. Dav is.

.,.. ...,_.._.

..... .•· -

Infie lde rs: F. Bond C leve land , J. Garne

Jimm y Garn ett, most va luab le player.

Coac h Jim Arba ugh

Buddy prepares to fi eld a noth er o ne.


, C . Smith . Second Jw: B. C la tterbuck , Vood , J. Eastwood ,

Infield ers: F . Bo ndur a nt , B. M ass ie, B. C lark , R. Bl ack . Seco nd row: R. D av is, R. C leve la nd , J . G a rnett , R. Kyser.

A lb e m a rl e's w innin ges t pit c her.

Hit o r no hit , th a t is th e qu esti o n .

Ba rr y s hows th e Eas te r style .

. ..."'":-·-· ..._ ..... .


.- -;.....;... ;-


- --:.-Outfi e ld ers: G. M o rri s, B. East er, K. D a vi s, B. C latte rbuck .


Th e spag

Pitchers a nd catchers: J . E as twood , G. Ca rt er, J. Easte r, B. Brown , R. Bat es, K. Lewi s,

C. Smith , D. Easton .

Fil heads fo r ho me.

You figure it out.

Doug a nd J eff s how a definite interest in th e game.

Johnny ""VVa.tson

Fund Drive

The spagh etti dinner ch efs.


"'\~ -~


-~~~路:i oo~;r:.z:

._.. .

The Johnny Watson Fund Drive was started by the Seniors at Albemarle High School to raise money for Johnny Watson's hospital bill incurred after he was injured in an auto accident. The majority of the Seniors spent the day designated for their Senior Trip somewhere in the vicinity of Charlottesville earning money for their injured classmate. The Drive involved car washes, bake sales, a spaghetti dinner, and odd jobs. At press time the fund was over the $15,000 mark. But more important than earning over $15,000, the drive brought the students of AHS together in a united effort for a worthwhile cause. Never have the students, especially the Seniors, worked so hard and sacrificed so much for a fellow student.

Kirtley a nd Zimmerman working?

:t in the ga me.

How to Wash a VW by H arri s, Stevens, a nd Goss .

PLEASE buy so met hin g '

Tennis Team

Standing: S. Cock rum , D. Topper, S. Harrison, K. Frisco, C . Morris, J. Moore. Kneeling: B. Co peland , R. Sherwood , C. Goldstein, P. VanHook, C. C r add ock, K. C hisho lm.

First row路 W Carr C ron emeyer. .Seco n'< Burfo rd , E. Flora, t Rui z, Blakey Hurt ; (

It's all in how yo u swing, right C inct y路J

Watch a real pro in act ion.

Left to right :

Bicycle Team

, R. Sherwood , C .

First row: W. Carr, F. Rothtlecker, J. Curme, J. Aschenbach, K. Yandecastle, T. Malacia, S. Tucker, S. C ronemeyer. Second row: B. Shisler , K. Williams, A. Go url ey, P. Kavanaugh , L. Johnson , B. Blackman, S. Burford , E. F lora, N. Shotwell, T. Thomas, P. Find ley, S. Goodr id ge. Third row: M. Lang, J. Zeller, M. Ruiz, Blakey Hurt ; Organi zer. "Neither rain nor sleet nor mud puddles! 路? .. 路路

Golf Team

Left to right: G. Butler, E. Proffitt, B. Cra mer, T. Watson , T. Tirrell , R. Tremblay.

Another Arno ld Pal mer'?


Softball Team

Top row: M. Grimes, A. Easter, S. Wesner, E. Easter, D. Curtis. Second row: S. Wright, B. Bowen, C . Vanfossen, M. Baker, T. Israel, P. Walker, C. Thatcher. Third row: L. Abbott, J. Golden, N. Shotwell , D. Graham , J. Baber, C . Poindexter.

Coach: Miss Sanders


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Under carefu l scrutiny, Dawn takes a "crack.""

The makings of a gre at pitcher.





1971 Prom

The Zoo

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Big i e nj oys th e pro m .


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cl ers

C agey J o hn

Another kicklin e!'1

Did yo u fo rget so m ething, Ba rc lay '1

. .. featurin g th e pink e leph a nt

Graduation 1971 And so we close another year, not so much with reflection on the past as speculation on and hope for the future. But we who remain behind recognize in our memories the indelible mark left by the class of 1971 . To the members of that class we say good bye, good luck , and peace.

Our editor.

Mary sings her own farewell.

Brenda bears the torch of the class of "71 with quiet dignity.

路ssiUI II! M S H V

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