1972 Peer - Albemarle High School

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Teaching the student practical skills as an alternative to a college education Stressing individual as well as team improvement Upholding his own moral convictions rather than bending to outside pressures Always remaining jovial regardless of the circumstances Involving himself in numerous community activities It is in recognition of these qualities

that the Senior Class dedicates the 1972 PEER to 路Mr. LeRoy H. Smith



Administration Guidanc Fine Art English Foreign anguages Social Sc 路 nces

Ben F. Hurt B.A. , Hamp den-Sydney College; M.Ed ., Un iversit y of Virginia Princip al

Zeld a Murray, Office Sec retary

Donn A. Goodwin B.S. , Appalachian State University; M.Ed., University of Virginia Assistant Principal


Administration Swamped with paperwork, but always doing their individual part To maintain the functions of the school as a whole .

. Yates ugini a Union University; M.Ed., University of Virgini a Princi pal


Jean U. Moffat , Bookkeeper

Uni versity of Virginia P Kenn ey, Attendance Secretary

" Get your hands out of that file! "


In ez E. Bowler B.A., Virginia State Col lege Guidance

Virginia R. Dofflemyer B.S., Longwood College; M.Ed., University of Virginia Director of Guidance

Guidance Concerned with grades , class rank, and placement Putting the student's potential ability over his present state of mind.

Martha T. Oakhill B.A. , Muskingum College; M.Ed., University of Virginia Guidance

ewassa V. Gentry, Gu idance Office Secretary


G. Fornes h Caro lina State University; M.Ed ., University of Virginia

Hazel M. Russell B.A ., Duke University Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

Who ever said guidance wasn't fun ?! y of Virginia

"!f~ College; M.Ed. , Un iv ersity of Virginia


Paul J. Potesta B.A. , Fairmont State College; M.S. , West Virginia University Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor


Waldo E. Johnson B.A., Catholic University; Rutgers University Art 2,3,4; Art Club , Drama Division

Erma M. Martin B.A. , Madison Coll ege Art 1,2; Art Club

Marjory R. Goodall B.S. , University of Virginia; Ave rett College Librarian ; Library Club

Joan H. Thomasson B.A ., Randolph-Macon Co ll ege Librarian; Library Club

David A. Blanchard B.M. , B.M.E. , Westminster Choir College Music Appreciation; Chorus; Concert Choir


Fine Arts Developing creative talent to show another aspect of ourselves The individual emerging from his creations.

i a Do bbs Drake Uni versity : Speech; Engli sh l O; arl e Pl ayers; Th es pi ans; Director of Dram a

10 ir

Alyce tra in s th e jitterbugs .

E. Mo ulton ton Universit y; M.M.E ., East Caro lina Universi ty d; Concert Ba nd; Band Club


Beverley Ann Yates A.B., Central Michigan University; M.Ed. , Universit y of Virginia English 10,11; T ri-Hi-Y Clu b

Frederick T. Hardy, Jr. B.A ., M.A. , Uni versi ty of Ri chmond English 12; Co mposition ; Cross-Coun try; Track

English Studies ranging from the rules of grammar to the understanding of Shakespeare and Chaucer, Conveying ideas and concepts of our language In order to advance our knowledge in other fields.

Sara R. Houck B.A., University of orth Carolina English 11; Composition



Elizabeth Sutherland B.S. , Madison College; M.A., Columbia University English 11

Victoria T. deVries B.A. , Douglass College; M.A.T., University of Virginia English 10; Society of Philosophical Ideas


Marilyn J. Fantino B.A. , Emory and Henry College English 11; Activities Co-ordinator

Katherine S. Olton B.A. , University of Ri chmond; M.A.T., University of Virginia English 10

Z. James Estes, Jr. B.S., M.A. , University of Virginia English 10

David L. Hill B.A., Grace College; M.S., St. Francis College English 11, 12; Senior Class; Highlight

jeanne G. Slabaugh B.A., University of Kentucky English 10; Debate Team; Drill Team


-bara ]. Linn ey • Westhampton Co ll ege ish 11,12

Patri cia L. Hazard B.S. , Au stin Peay State Univ ersity; M.A., Ohio Univers ity Engli sh 10; Composition ¡., Un iversity o f Virginia Kenn eth W. Od er B.A. , Un iversity of Virg inia Engli sh 12 ; H ighli gh t

. Mason Longwood Coll ege; M. Ed. , Un iversity of Virgini a h 12

College lt

Beware of Hazard" ous " Oders!

Sandra B. Finn A.B ., Co ll ege of William and Mary; Centre Un iversi tair e Mediterraneen French 1,2; Vars ity Cheerleaders; French Club

Beverly H. Jones B.A. , Washington Coll ege French 2,3; Honor Society

Foreign Language

Patricia G. Short A.B., Randolph-Macon Woman's College; M.A., Johns Hopkins University Latin 1,2,4; Latin Club

Learning to communicate with people of other lands To further the understanding of ourselves and others .

Juli e A. Hoy A.B. , Immaculata Coll ege; Universidad de Valencia Spanish 1; Spanish Club; Pep Club


•ersita ire Mediterraneen

Valerie D. Lan e B.A., Mary Washington Co ll ege Spanish 2,3,4; Spanish Club

ene E. No rton pring Hill College an 1,2; U.S. History

\ ., Johns Hopkins


R. Brubaker Berea College; .T., Antioch-Putney Graduate School

2; Spanish Club

Mary A. Lederman A.B. , Syracuse University; M.Ed. , Un iversity of Virginia French 3,4 ,5; French Club


Social Science Teaching the student to reason out the intricacies of cause and effect Aiming towards a future made more hopeful by the understandings gained about ourselves and our environment. Nancy C. Grim B.A. , Lo ngwood Coll ege; M.A., Un ivers ity of Nort h Caro li na at Chapel Hill Un ited Sta tes History

L Gibbes, Jr. University of South C< States History; Gave

John D. Patter so n , Jr. A.A. , Bluefi eld Coll ege; B.A ., Madison Co ll ege Unit ed States Hi story

Conni e M. Bibu s B.A., So uth west Texas State Un iversity; M.A., Uni vers ity o f Virginia Un it ed States History

m l!llmmty of Virginia :=::.:==It: J. \'. Bas etball


Lo is P. Johnson A.B., Virginia State College; M.Ed ., University of Virgin ia World History; Black History


·olina at Chap el Hill

'lie! L. Gibbes, Jr. ., University of South Carolina ated States History; Governm ent

Carolyn H. Saunders B.A ., Radford College; M.A ., Universit y of Virginia Unit ed States History

Douglas J.E . Selden B.A., Norwich Universi ty M.A.T. , University of Virginia Government; J. V. Football


•; M.A., University of Virgini a

eH. Brown Universit y of Virginia •rnment; J.V. Basketball A. Bruce Blatti B.A. , Luther Co ll ege; M.Ed. , Un iversity of Virgini a Governm ent; Social Problems


Science Chaos and Explosions in the labs Contrasted with the technicalities and precision of the classroom. ard Monfo rt tate Un iversity of


Erich E. Brumbaugh B.A ., Bridgewater College; Ph.D ., University of Virginia Chemistry; Biochemistry

David A. Behrens B.S ., Madison College; M.C.S ., University of Mississippi Chemistry

Catherine S. Fisher B.S ., Madison College Biology; Ecology; S.C.A. ; J.V. Cheerleaders

Paul H. Cale, Jr. B.A. , Wake Forest Universi ty Psychol ogy


P. Fowler iso n College; M.Ed


L. Bisho p, Jr. iversity of Virginia Photography

路chard Monfort ., State University of New York ology

Samuel W. Terry B.S. , Arkansas A.M. and N. College Biology; T ennis Team

The downs are at it again.

versity of Mississippi

aret P. Fowler S.;Madison College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia ology

liam L. Bishop, Jr. S., Un iversity of Virginia ;sics; Photograph y



Shirley S. Barnhardt B.S ., Mansfield State College; M.S ., Bucknell Un iversity Algebra 2; Geometry; Art Club

The functioning of numbers so they fall into place Somehow creating in the pupil's mind a desire to understand .

) ulia F. Castle B.S ., Mary Wash ington College; M.Ed., Univers it y of Virginia Algebra 1,2

u mrtenay T. Stan ley B., College of William and Trigonometry; Elemen tary F1

t\nn A. Broaddus ., Bryn Mawr Coll ege gebra 2; Geometry; Cinemt

Bessie P. Birckhead B.S. , Mary Washington College Math 9; Algebra 1

Richard H. Ergler B.A ., St. Vincent College Math Ana lysis; Trigonom etry; Ana lyti c Geometry; Environment Club

a G. Reid . . , Converse College; M.E lath 10; Algebra 1


:s bers

.e pupil's mind ~stand.

Pamela Bateman B.S. , University of Georgia Algebra 1; Math 10; Algebra 2/Trigonometry

Courtenay T. Stanley B., College of William and Mary; M.Ed., University of Virginia rigo nometry; Elementary Functions; Analytic Geometry; Peer

A. Broaddus ., Bryn Mawr College gebra 2; Geometry; Cinema Club

Virginia L. Fulcher B.S., Longwood College Geometry; Algebra 2/Trigonom etry

3lyti c Geometry;

a G. Reid A., Converse College; M.Ed., Clemson University th 10; Algebra 1


Saundra E. Gilliam B.S., Virginia State College General Business; Bookkeeping

argaret W. Burruss B. ., Mary Washington Coli • Office Practice; Data Proces:

Reba Sand ell B.S ., Madison College M.Ed. , Universit y of Virginia

Agnes J. Anderson B.S. , Montreat College Stenography I; Typewriting I

eannette S. Hunt ., Kearney State Teache yping I and II

Business Learning to deal with the public at large An alternative to or preparation for college life.

Katharine Hancock St. Mary' s Junior College; B.A. , Lynchburg Coll ege Stenography; Typewriting II; Americans Abroad


ina H. Thacker .. , Memphis State Unive Typ ing I; F.B.L.A.; Peer

Margaret W. Burruss B.S ., Mary Washington College Office Practice; Data Processing

Raymond H. Hite A.S. , Bluefield Junior College; B.S. , East Tennessee State University Reco rdk eepi ng I and II; Business Procedures

Jeannett e S. Hunt B.A. , Kearney State Teachers College Typing I and II

rg College


Chery). White B.S. , Longwood Coll ege Record keeping I; Typi ng I

.... ina H. Thacker B.S.! Memphis State Un iversity Typ mg I; F'.B.L.A.; Peer


Ruth G. Updike R. ., Un iv ersity of Virginia Practical Nursing; Future urses' Club

Darrell C. Gardner B.S ., Virginia Commonwealth University Distributiv e Education; DECA

Delsie T. Hancock R. ., University of Virginia Health Assistants

Suzanne Thompson B.S. , Virginia Commonwealth University Distributive Education 1,2; DECA

IS. Kushner ., M .Ed., University oft ecial Education; Job Orit



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Ray Clark ., East Tennessee State ecial Education


Vocational Training Offering a beneficial alternative to college life A chance to become responsible and self-sufficient soon after graduation.



Caro lS. Kushn er B.A., M.Ed., University of North Carolina Special Education; Job Orientation

Clarence M. Anderson , Jr. B.S., University of Delaware Special Education

Ray Clark ., East Tennessee State Un iversit y peci al Education


Doroth y B. Harraway B.S. , Hampton In stit ute Ho me Eco no mics 3,4 ,6; Future Home makers o f Ameri ca

John H. Pl easants B.S., Wes t Virginia State Coll ege Indu str ial Art s

t.lliam H. Johnson ., Tuskegee Institute m asonry; VTCA Club

Joseph R. Gill enwater B.S. , Emory and Henry; M.S. , West Virginia Universit y Industrial Coop erativ e Training 1,2; VICA Club

Loui se H. Sullivan B.S ., Madison College Hom e Economics 1,2,3; Future Home mak ers o f Am eri ca


y H. Smith

Virg inia Polytechnic Ir. ani cal Drawing; Auton

Brickmasonry students prepare a practice wall.

1akers of America

rg ini a University 'ICA Club

illiam H. Johnson B.S., Tuskegee Institut e Brick masonry; VICA Club

Edw in 0. Rus sell B.S., Virginia Polytechnic In sti tut e and State Un ivers ity Agri culture; Conservation and Foresty; Future Farmers of America

Roy H. Smith ., Vi rginia Polytechni c Institut e and State Univ ersity an ical Drawing; Automotives; Soccer Team

Dawes L. Orr B.S ., St. Paul ' s Co llege Carpentry


Mary Anna Sanders B.A. , Bridgewater Co ll ege Physical Education; Driver Education; Varsity Basketb al l Softball ; G.A .A.

Albemarle's r:

Ralph A. Harrison, Jr. B.S ., South West Missouri State; M.Ed. , Drury College Driver Training; Varsity Footb all; Golf

Harry " Ed" Nu ll B.S. , Hampden-Sydney College Physical Ed ucation ; Driver Education; Athletic Director

James E. Arbaugh A.A., Greenbrier Military; B.S. , University of Virgi nia Driver Training; Varsi ty Football; Baseball

A.P . Moore B.S., M.S ., orth Caro lin a Central Univ ersity Driver Education; Varsit y Basketball


nis C. Craddock , Ferrum Jr. College ; B. ical Education ; Driver

nard J. Hrica University of Virginia 路cal Education ; Driver

Physical Education

ty Basketball

ti c Director

Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of Driver's Education by using the new driving range . Striving to create physically fit bodies that are better able to cope with the pressures of the classroom.

Alb emarle' s new driving ran ge is now in use.

Dennis C. Craddock A.A., Ferrum Jr. College; B.A. , Lynchburg Co ll ege Physical Educati on ; Driver Educati on; F. C. A.; Track; Footba ll

Frances L. Hensley B.S., Lynchburg College; M.Ed. , Universi ty of Vi rgini a Physical Educati on; Driver Education; J.V. Basketball ; Tennis

nard J. Hri ca ., University of Virginia ysical Ed ucation ; Driver Education ; Basketball; Baseball



Homecoming 1971 An enthusiastic pre-game ritual -the bonfire A successful rally of spiritthe pep rally A group of well -chosen, lovely young ladiesthe Homecoming Court A caravan of festively decorated cars, trucks , tractors, and peoplethe parade A night of Halloween with all the trimmingsthe Homecoming Dance

Wh en you 're hot you 're ho t

Av is, qu een for a ni ght

Th e Patriot Angels



Victo ire pour le circl e francais

1're hot


The Motorcycl e Club- a hard working gang

The babes of '73 ride o n


Homecoming Court 1971

Bets y Dee ts, Maid of Honor

Susan Bw

Av is Giann in y, Qu ee n

Vivia n Jackson , Sen ior Representat ive

Jud y Sh ifflett , Senior Represent ative


Pam Thoma


~se ntativ e

Susan Burton , Junior Represe ntative

Ro ynetta Banks , Junior Represe ntative

Pam Thomas, Sophomore Representative

Linda Arbaugh , Sophomore Represe ntative

.- ---------------------------------I

Wizard ofOz Mrs. E. Marcia Dobbs set a new precedent this year with the presentation of the beloved "Wizard of Oz". This play, being the first children's play attempted by the Albemarle dramatic group, appealed to both young and old . The efforts of the leading characters, Wendy Earle, Ted Frederick, Mark Patterson , David Martin, and Chip Morton, along with the dancers, the townspeople , the Munchkins, the soldiers, and various crews that can never be given enough credit, all joined forces to produce a truly unforgettable experience.

E. Ma rc ia Do bbs, Director Th e good witch of th e

Som ewhere . ..


The w icked w itch of th e West blows in


A mun chkin tak





Internatio -

Freezing cold practices Delayed gamesEnding in a Junior victory And a Junior-Senior tie

a new experienc bringing togethe partake in food many countries

This is football, girl s

The sop homores get ready for th e big game

The juniors converge on Emily

Boopie and Leigh square off

Good-bye Louise


Le Prinet

International Dinner -

a new experience at AHS bringing together everyone to view and partake in food and merriment from many countries

s Herr Snortin ' Norton samples a French ecla ir.


Le Prince Charmant et Cendrill on

International Togeth erness

The eight bo ars enchant Guida Lottsa lu ck





Black Culture Originated by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1926 .. . " Knowledge of past achievements is the best weapon to combat race prejudice and reduce inferiority complexes. " Blacks at Albemarle exemplify their proud blackness through the presentation of a Black Culture Assembly entitled "Young, Gifted , and Black. "

" Bu t He Was Cool "

Brend a deli vers h er speech o n being " Youn g, Gifted, and Bl ack"

Me lody

Togeth er we stan d


ightenga le: Modera tor




.. Sl 8JBM pa ,qn OJ.L J8 AQ a8 ppg ., 4l! M 8Uiu eaw a nJl a y1 dn swn s a::mJg


Thespian Conference Held for the first time at Albemarle and doubling the attendance of last year's conference . A new slate of state officers elected , a new constitution drafted - but most importantly, people with a common love comparing notes on what they know best.

Mr. Thomas Mill er, Regional Thespian Director; Jim Dooley , outgoing Pres ident ; Mrs. Dobbs, State Thespian Director

Zinka shows her bubbli ng perso na lity

The Presid en t shows hi s stuff

Th e mirror effect



ng personality

ional Band, Sitting: P. Murph y, S. Forn ey. First row: A. East er. P. Smith, R. Clevela nd , S. Smith. Second row: B. Lewis, G Sandridge , E. Russ ell .






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Girls' State : E. Easter, E. Russell

s hi s s tuff

Boys' State: M. Clayto n , G. Bates


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S.C.A. Working to further the cause of students' liberation; Seeking a nonexistent solution to apathy; Fighting criticism . . . Seniors; First Row: J. Fleischauer,). Baldini , B. Ritchie , D. Lange , B. Jo hnstone, G. Pitts. Second Row: S. Wright, B. Mil ler, E. Brown, V. Osvalds, J. Heischman. Third Row: J. Thompson, S. Jacks~n , D. Shutts, B. Masnik, A. Graves, _S. Von Thelen , J. Edmunds, S. Martin, B. Respess, M. Garn son , C. Morns, L. Seaborn , A. Gtanmny. Fourth Row: L. Ke rr, R. Cleveland , M. Showalter, S. Bayer, T. Bauley , T. Tanton , D. Powell. Fifth Row: B. Rives , J. Becker.

Junior: First Row: . Shot w elly, J. Zeller, S. Harrison R. Co hen , K. Lawless, A. p, G. Averett , C. Carriker, D. F

S.C.A. officers : D. Lange, Secretary; B. Johnstone , President; J. Lange, Vice President; D. Allen , Reporter.

J Pitts , C. Stables, N. E Ja so n . Middl e: L. McVe

I'm sick of this whol e mess!

phomores: Front: M. CaJ


. Johnston e, G. Pitts. SecThird Row: J. Thomp son, tds, S. Martin, B. Respess , .. Kerr, R. Cleveland , M. ives , J. Becker.

Junior: First Row: N. Shotwell, K. Burruss , M.A. Ruiz , J. L<;mge , J. Olgilvi e , E. Flora, T. Malacia. Second Row: C. Snoddy, K. Ke ll y, J. Zell er , S. Harn so n , C. Gay, B. Hurt , K. Lewis. Thud Row: C. Lumpp , B. Leake , T . Detamore,]. Pasad a, R. Aberl e, R. Cohen , K. Lawless, A. Pol son . Fourth Row: N. Word , M. May , J. Ridob , M. Wes ley, R. Richardson, R. Paine. Fifth Row: G. Averett, C. Carriker, D. Fell s, R. Banks , C. Wakely. Sixth Row: S. Witcher, L. Johnson.

;tone, President; J. Lange,

J. Pitts , C. Stables, N. Barbour, P. Washington , Y. Waller, M.

Vanderlind e, D. Leake, M. Lewis, P. Duncan, E. Grabner. Top: B. Dent, C. Thompson , E. Ripberger, C. Corrigan, P . Sprouse, J. Gilbert , L. Arbaugh , C. Patteson , D. Lovelace.

ophomores: Front: M. Carter , D. Thacker, A. Gardener, S. Winters,

Jackso n. Middle: L. McVey, C. Samuels , B. Zeigler, M. Bently , D.








Flute: A. Easler, D. Lange , L. Arnold , R. Banks, ]. Sudduth , E. McGilve ry , S. Critzer, N. Word , V. Sprouse, J. Pitts. Clarinets: E. Russ ell , W. Blackman , E. East er , S. Smith, C. Word , P . Tomlin, C. Samuels, D. Walker, S. Binus , R. Humphri es , S. Batten , S. Quasebarth, M. Durrer, D. Porritt, A. Layn e , J. Sudduth , D. Brown , M. Wolfe, S. Hearn,). Bishop , S. Wesner , j. Holman , G. Dul ey, P. S mith , G. Huff, K. Kindrick, French Horn :S. Forney, A. Debiasi , D. Hau gh , S. VanFossen. Oboe: T. Malacia. Bassoon: E. Oyer. Saxaphone: G. Hayn es, L. Rainey , D. Sandridge, T. Gr ind e, 0.

Detamore , K. Barnette. Baritone Horn: T. Starke , j . Ma ine. Trombone: G. Sandridge, ]. Ritchie, P. Roudabush, . Bryant, A. Bushby , R. Cohen , G. Thomas . Basses: 0. Belew, D. Meeks, C. Felker, j. Black, S. Lawrence . Coronets: B. Lewis , P. Murphy , j. Co tt en , B. Fields , T. Reynolds, E. Pairet, L. Ayres , W. Clements, D. Thomas , j. Bishop, V. Eubanks. Percussion: R. Cleveland, J. Davidson, J. Hughes, D. Thacker, D. Webber, !. Wi lli ams, D. Figgatl, L. Garrison.

Mr. E

Band A new band teacher and new musicboth combining to make a whole new band.

The Ben Lewis st ru t.


opranos: M. Brackett, T M. Clark, S. Clark, H. Eu Gi anniny , L. Goodrich , v 0. Race, M. Stepp e, Y. T1 R. Popp, K. Ridd ervold , j . R. Frazier, G. Herndon , 0 Bell, D. Brooks , T. Brown

Chorus From a new direction emerge melodious sounds and hidden talent. 1: T. Starke, ). Ma in e. {o ud abu sh , N. Bryant , A. D. Belew , D. Meeks, C. B. Lewis, P. Murph y, ). L. Ayres, W. Clements, D. ussion: R. Clevela nd , ) . 1er, I. Willi a ms, D. Figga tt ,

Mr. Bl anch a rd, th e new choru s d irector.

Loving, M. Ma y, P. Pri ce, C. Robinson , M. Jackson , A . Agee , G. Aver ett , B. Mill er, P . Sh eridan , N. Shotwell , M. Walton , B. Marsh a ll. Tenors: R. Lo ng, V. Monroe, ). Roark , J. Thompson , A . Walker , K. Col es, M. Ga rn ett, ). Gold en , M. Patterson , A . Ruddo ck. Basses: C. Barbour , M. Glass, ). Guthri e, G. Harris , D. Hend erson, A.). Mart in , L. Scott , C. Fisher , H . Humphreys, H. Ja ckson , E. Luck , T . Sprou se, R. Brya nt , B. Robinso n .

Sopranos: M. Brackett , T . Bradl ey, D. Brown , V. Burrus, D. Ca ssell , M. Clark , S. Clark , H . Eubanks , F. Fish er , D. Ford , M. Garwood , A. Gian nin y, L. Goodri ch , V. Harri s , W. Herring, D. Fell s , T. Jackson , D. Race, M. St epp e, Y. Tra inum , N. Walker, M. Jackso n, S. jac kso n , R. Po pp , K. Ridd er vo ld , ). Stepp e, L. Smith . Altos: V. Baker , K. Col es, R. Fraz ier, G. Hernd on , D. Pay n e, N. Shiffl ett , S . Wo lle, B. Balt en , 0 . Bell , D. Brooks , T. Brown , D. Curti s, I. Dyer , S . Fitch , J. Hu d n all , C.


,..._ I '

Honor Society A selective corps of individuals chosen for achievement striving to maintain their motto Character , Scholarship, Leadership , and Service for the glory of the school.

Cleveland , T. Porter, J. Wilson, Third Row: C. Pars, T. Weary, T. Frederick , M.F. Clayton, N. Greene, E. Eas ter, R. Dickerson.

Honor Society, First Row: U. Arehart, S. Quasebarth , Sec.-Treas., B. Rives, Pres., B. Ritchi e, Re p., H. Bayer, V.-Pres., L. Seaborn. Second Row: Mrs . Jones , Sponsor, T. Quarl es, G. Bates, B. Res pess, R.

Art Club

Highlight, Editors: B. O'Br Sports; B. Rives, Ed itori al ;


Creating a new world with the stroke of a brush, or the molding of clay stimulating themselves and their a_ppreciativy a~pience .. ~0~? ~~~o~

Row: S. Roseberry, J. Hodge, J. Coleman , M. Pace, P. Smith , G. White. Not Pictured: R. Key, T. Towler, D. Boyle, P. G.ibson.

Art, First Row: D. Carpenter, M. Ziegler , C. Canfield, M. Lang, S. M!lftin , C. McCauley , D. Walk-~r. C. Gay, S. Haney, J. Han ey. Second


Highlight Staff: A. John , l Mr. Hill, Sponsor.

w: C. Pors , T. Weary, T. 3r, R. Dickerso n.

Highlight, Editors: B. O'Brian, Advertising; R. Dickerson , Editor-in-chief; B. Bascom , Typing; T. Weary , Feature; D. Allen, News; T. Frederick, Sports; B. Rives, Editorial ; Not Pictured: D. Josep h , Business Manager.

Highlight lay


n, M. Pace, P. Smith, G. Boyl e, P . G.ibson.

Putting out monthly publications that try to give the issues and answers to the students of Albemarle.

Highlight Staff: A. John, Mr. Oder , Sponsor; D. Powel l, C. Go ldstei n , L. Ricciardell i, S. von Thelen , R. Suth erl and, D. Joseph , L. Wingfield , Mr. Hill, Sponsor. .


Peer A group of students trying to perfect a likeable image of the school year. Peer Section Editors: Dav id Kirk sey, Academics: Bo nni e Rit chi e, Clubs; Gloria Key, Seniors, Underclass; Debbi e Arehart , Business Manager; Sh erry Wesner, Layout; Molly Douglass, Circulation, Clubs; Mike Sho wa lt er, Sports; Sa ndy Ge rm a n , Activities. Not Pictured: Jan et Edmund s , Circulation.

Peer Photographers: Butd Will y Carr , Bill Bl ackr Klink er , Bec ky La Buy, Da'

Underclass Staff: K. Kell y, S. Mars hall, S. Blankenb a ker , B. La Bu y, Drumh ell er, I. Hui e, M. Garri so n, K. Burru ss .

Overexu berance ???


Hard w

Js; Gloria Key , Seniors, 1yout; Molly Do ug! ass, es. Not Pictured: Janet

Peer Photographers: Butch John ston e, Buzzy Leake, Willy Carr, Bill Blackman . Not Pictured : Mike Klink er, Bec ky LaBuy, David Kirksey.

Senior Staff, Front Row: Tom BauJ ey, Mike Klinker, Betsy Deets, Frank Birckh ead. Back Row: Brad Cutright, Sylvester Wright, Jean Go ld en , Debbie Topper, Cath y Mo rri s, Robin Sherwood , Martha Garrison , Debbi e Rennolds, Allison Naylo r, Michel e DeBe ll , Din ah Hale. Not Pictured: Cheryl Smith, Jan Heischman.

enbaker, B. LaBuy , N.

Peer Editors: Nikki Greene , Mike Clayto n.

Maddening details, and last minute work, produce an annual 路which is an eternal record of ' 71 -' 72. Hard work befor e a deadline.


Critique Club Providing a needed outlet for the discu ssion of topics of importance to our times.

Critique, Sitting: T. Crenshaw, A.P. DeBiasi, ]. Tucker, ICC Rep. S. Bayar, C. Morto n, ]. Meem , L. Seaborn, Pres., T. Starke. Second Row: S. Cro nemeyer, Mrs. Mason, Sponsor, . Rutland , D. Powell ,

L. Ri cciard elli , M. Clayton, D. Go url ey, C. Smith , J. Wil so n , W. Carr, D. Merkl e, R. Coh en, j . Becker , J. Hodge, M. Showalter.

Philosophy Club


Learning the in photography that will

Photo, Front Row: R. Ro sza k, T. Tate, G. Dt Bishop, K. Ziock. Bacl Ma tth ews, A. Busby, 'v


Contemplating life, striving to find universal truths , for the betterment of h umanity.

Philosophy, First Row: Mrs. DeVries, Sponsor, A. Con klin , T. Trun zo, K. Konkle. Seated: J. Blank enship , M. Deaton , D. Murdock , ]. Marsdon , L. Hartman.

J. Mo hl er. Stand ing: M. Patterson , ]. Riffe, M. Wo lfe,

Cinema, First Row Farish , Sec .-Tr eas.

que Club iscussion aes.

Smith, J. Wilson , W. Carr, 1. Showalter.

so n , J. Riffe, M. Wolfe,

Photography Club Learning the intricacies of self-expression through photography .. . in an instant capturing a moment that will last forever.

Photo, Front Row: R. Clark, M. Bardon , R. Owens, N. McDermott , J. Wright , T. Rankin , B. Roszak, T . T ate, G. Dudley, B. LaBuy, T. Cutitten , L. Arnolds, N. Drumh ell er , W. Garrison, J. Bishop , K. Ziock. Back Row: L. Kauz lari ch, R. Kent , K. Libis , G. Luke, B. Faust, J. Young, T. Ma tth ews, A. Busby , W. S im son.

Seniors and Officers: J. Fleischauer, D. Ripley, S. Tow ler, S. Burford , B. Blackman , B. Shisler, Mr. Bishop , Sponsor.

Cinema Club Countless hours of hard work, taking and retaking, striving to find the real thing!

Cinema, First Row: G. Curt is, C. Lang , D. Clements. Second Row: T. Whitehead, D. Smith , I. Will iams , V. Ramazani, D. Farish , Sec .-Treas. T hird Row: T. Farrish, K. Cook , D. Hahn , M. Farish , Pres., D. Dunn, V.-Pres. J. Owen.

' Spanish Club Bringing the gala atmosphere of Spain to AHS, including fiestas and siestas. Spanish , Underclassmen, First Row: D. Marks, M. O'Leary, S. Carson, L. Arnold, M. Pugh, D. Soloman, C. Loving, M. Page, S. Muson, H. Cowan , S. Batten , J. Huie, C. Co rri gan. Second Row: L. Soloizario , D. McGehee , P. Gentry. Third Row: D. Lamonds, M. O'Leary, B. Harding , P. Musachio , . Ragland, M. Ruiz, S. Combs, L. Cain, B. Kohl , Miss Ho y, Sponsor, T. Williams. Fourth Row: L. Christmas , B. Carr, S. Coleman, J. Haga , S. Arnhoff, G. Morris , M. Powell , C. Powell. Not Pictured: Miss Brubaker, Sponsor, T. Grinde.

French, Underclassmen, I Hanger, I. Huie. Second Drumheller, J. Naylor, L. Ogilvie, P. Bain , D. Rama:

Latin, First Row: T. Marks, S. Kyser, H. Marks, Mrs. Short, Sponsor. Second Row: K. Kinderick, K. Ahrend. Third Row: J. Webber, F. Barnett, P. Wilson. Fourth Row: E. Sheets, M. Powell. Fifth Row: J. Lange, E. Davis. Sixth Row : S. Rungwer, C. Stables, P. Strasser.

Latin Club

Spanish, Seniors, First Row: Mrs. Lane , Sponsor, M. Robertson, N. Ingerick. Second Row: D. Walker, S. Maupin, R. Sutherland. Third Row: T. Lackey, K. Morris, Pres. Fourth Row: M. Peterson, A. Lan e. Fifth Row: B. Martin, G. Key , ICC Rep. Sixth Row: D. Mitchel l, Sec.-Treas., D. Hale. Seventh Row: J. ardi, J. Heischman. Not Pictured : M. Mauro, V.-Pres .

Quid me Anxium est ? an obsolete language some say, but this club has brought us the glory and grandeur that was Rome.


rench, Seniors, First Rc Sam , C. Goldstein, D. R o rris, B. Deets , R. She tan ding: S. Cockrum, J. Dawso n, J. Patterson, E. F Re pess, M.F. Clayton , l Mrs . Finn, Sponsors, C. H ardeen , M. Showalter, I vo n T hel en.

;on , L. Arnold, M. Pugh, D. Huie, C. Corrigan. Second Is , M. O'Leary, B. Harding , tl , Miss Ho y, Sponsor, T. , S. Arnhoff, G. Morris , M.

1e, Sponsor, M. Rob ertson , S. Maupin, R. Suth erland . .. Fourth Row: M. Peterson, y, ICC Rep. Sixth Row: D. venth Row: J. Nardi , J. 路.-Pres:

French Club Exploring new aspects of the French language, countries, and culture for the enrichment of themselves and their sponsor. French, Underclassmen, First Row: B. Cu tri ght , K. Kell y, K. Burruss , B. Rogers, S. Burton , P. Hanger, I. Hui e. Second Row: R. Owen, E. Wagner, B. Lawso n , B. LaBu y, M. Garrison, L. Drumheller, J. Naylor, L. Thompson , V.-Pres., G. Averette, B. Bowen, S. Blakenbaker. Top: J. Ogilvie, P. Bain, D. Ram azani , D. Sand ridge.

The internati onal banqu et is enj oyed by all.

French, Seniors, First Row, Sitting: S. Germ an, J. Ed mund s, L. Sams, C. Go ldstei n, D. Reynolds, M. Woodruff. Second Row: C. Mo rris, B. Deets , R. Sherwood , C. Yates, S. Cutrite, D. Topper . Standing: S. Cockrum , J. McGehee, E. McGi lvery, V. Co mfort , M. Dawso n, J. Patterson , E. Russ ell , ICC Rep., J. Herold , Z. Ziebell , B. Res pess, M.F. Clayton , N. Gree ne, Mrs. Jones, Mrs . Lederman , Mrs. Finn, Sponsors, C. Smith. In Tree, Clockwise: B. Rives, T. Hardeen, M. Showalter, P. Str asser, S. Qu asebarth , B. Ritchi e, S. vo n Thel en .


Pasada. Back Row: B. Carpenter, M. Ma upin , S. Stah l, L. Leake, B. Poole, V. Hero ld, T. Glass , P. Johnson , R. Davis , C. Felker, P. Lohr, G. Thomas, S. Viar, R. Sonday, J. Manl ey.

Motorcycle, Sitting: B. Pritchett , J. Brochu , B. Brezin ski, D. Davis , P . McClel lan, S. Wood , D. Brezi nski , L. Jones , J. Maupi n . Motorcycles: P. Shiffl ett e, M. Wanless, R. Walker, B. Seil er , L. Francis, R. Bell, C. Lawso n, N. oof, S. Tucker, E. Hensley, K. McA lpine, D. Via , J.

e Club, First Row: L Jones, Sgt.-at-Arms, B. J F. Birckh ead , G. Bate Arba ugh , Pres., R. Cle

Key CluJ

Motorcycle Club Bicycle Club

Reving their engines Learning about the intricacies of their machines Dragging off into the sunset

Pedaling down scenic paths in one of the few pollution free forms of transportation.

Bicycle, Fi rst Row: K. Ma rtin , C. Vande Cast le, M. Show a lter, S. von Thel en , J. Lange, M. Holmes, M. Garrison , D. Renno ld s, B. Lewis , V.-Pres., Mr. Brumbaugh, Sponsor. Second Row: G. Sketchl ey, B. Rutc lit e, ]. Curme, B. Smith , ]. Fleischhauer, ICC Rep., J. Ogilvi e, K. Kell y, Sec. , T. Ta nton, D. Bralley, T . Malacia, J. Asc henbach, L.

Kes ler. Third Row: D. Leake, R. Stallings, J. Hodge, D. Hoppe r, J. Co tt en, D. Go url ey, B. Blackman, P. Leake, A. Arnold, R. Averle, K. Roberts, K. McGrory, B. LaBuy, S. Snow. Not Pictured: B. Hurl, Pres., Treas., D. Vanderl in de.


Outstanding ir athletic endeavoJ aithful, devoted public sei

, Seniors, First Ro Coach Craddock, Spon er , D. Williams , E 路 d Row: ]. Ri ce , G urth Row: R. Birck.l au!Ul, S. Wawner, ~ : G. Titus, D. H ea<

laupin , S. Stahl, L. Leake, B. R. Davis, C. Felker, P. Lohr,


ey Club, First Row: L. Smith, R. Allison, V.-Pres. , B. Brown, M. jones, Sgt.-at-Arms, B. Johnstone, L. Corrigan, Sweetheart, C. Carter, F. Birckhead, G. Bates, I.C.C. Rep., J. Lange. Second Row: M. Arb augh, Pres., R. Cleveland , L. Stembridge , B. Clatterbuck , L.

Key Club


Outstanding in the field of athletic endeavor and doubling as 'a ithful, devoted and enthusiastic public servants.

f transportation.

lings, J. Hodge, D. Hopper, J. eake, A. Arnold , R. Averle, K. )now. Not Pictured: B. Hurt ,

, Seniors, First Row: G. Bates, V. -Pres. Second Row: Coach Craddock, Sponsor, A. Burruss , B. Clatterbuck , D. ~er, D. Willia.m s , B. Wetzel, Coach Moore, Sponsor. d Row: J. Rtce, G.C. Wood, B. Cutnte, B. Cramer. :th Row: R. Birckhead, D. Easton, R. Cleveland, M. austh , S. Wawner, Pres., ICC Rep., R. Davis. Fifth :G. Titus, D. Headstream , T. Grimes , P. Leake, Sec.-

Smith , B. Massie, D. Williams, J. Black, Treas., D. Murray. Third Row: L. Kerr , S. Wawner , C. Stables, G. Titus , Sec., D. Bickl e, T. Bauley, T . Tanto n , J. Becker, D. Kirksey, C. Lewis, B. Wetzel, B. Albert , D. Bush. Not Pictured: K. Lewis , B. Bailey , Mr . Cale.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Devoted sportsmen ... promoting good sportsmanship both on and off the field.

FCA, Underclass, First Row: D. Wimmer, B. Fields, A. Walker, E. Wallace, R. Williams, L. Williams, H. Pryor, J. Quarles , A. Henderson , K. Davis , L. Johnson , J. Vior. Second Row: M. Reid, R. Keyser, L. Littl e, J. Black, E. Hale , D. Murray , D. Bragg, L. Smith , B. Massie, A. Powley. Third Row: J. Ritchie, D. Leake, S. VanFossen, D. Robinson, B. Bailey, R. Allison , C. Wake ly, G. Barbour, L. Dowell, L. Stembridge, J. Ch isholm, I. Dowell , J. Ne lms, B. Maxa , R. White. Fourth Row: C. Smith , E.T . Price, J. Easter, ). Gregg, D. Thomley , B. Albert , M. Burton, T. Hughes, D. Bush, J. Pitts, M. Sandell , N. Clausen.


Albemarle Players Eager to pursue in the dramatic arts, giving their all to the show.

Players, Seniors, First Row :). ard i, M. Douglass, D. J<jrksey , S. Cockrum, T. Fredrick, Pres., W. Earle, M. Woodruff, C. Yates. Second Row: C. Morton , N. Green e , M. DeBell , L. Sea born , P. Smith, L. Kerr , B. Bascom , ). Fleischauer. Third Row : E. Johnston, D. Shutts, P. Tomlin, C. Word , A. )ahrsdoerfer, j. Copen haver, S. Bayar, D. Rennolds, P. Leake.

Envi ronment Club, First lary; C. Pors , C. GoldstE Fleischaue r, T. Tanton, Carter, W. Ea rl e, Preside Tho mpson , J. Lange, V. ( P. Strasser, ). Eas twood ,

Players, Sophomores, First Row: V. Garrison, K. Thalmann, T . Taylor. Second Row: ). Roark, A. Strever, A. Luck. Third Row: T. Quasebarth , K. Tirrell, C. Samuel, P. Smith. Fourth Row: J. Grinnell , P. Wilson , M. Wolfe , S. Smith, E. Graebner. Fifth Row: M. Borden , R. Jud ge, ). Naylor, N. Rutland, S. Russell.

Players, Juniors, First Row: P. Gae rtn er, N. Word , Rep., C. Burn ley, . Via, K. Lawl ess , . Masser. Second Row: V. Har ris , F. Rothacker , B. LaBuy, T. Tanton , D. Ahrend. Third Row : L. Buchanan , D. Allen , T. Wilhelm , M. Garrison , W. Herring, C. Carriker. Fo urth Row: L. johnson, M. Stree t, C. Thompson , j. Manley, Drumheller, P. Murphy, M. Weeks, V.-Pres. , Not Pictured: L. Luck , C. Mil graum, Sec.Treas. , De Wilkins , ICC Rep .


hes pians. Kneeling: S po nso r , ). ardi , K. Mi D. Wilkens , ). Manley Ri tchie, M. Street, T . ilhelm , B. Respess, eaborn, A. jahrsdo erf Gaertner, T. Frederick . 1orton.



Cockr um , T. Fredrick, Pres., 1e, M. DeBell , L. Seaborn , P . Jn, D. Shutt s , P . Tom li n , C. ak e.

Informing the community and the students of the "problems of pollution and the necessity of maintaining clean air, clear water and green fi elds. " Envi ronment Club, First Row: J. Heischman, K. Fross a rd , D. Allen , T. Weary , M. Port er, Secre tary; C. Pors , C. Go ldst ein , R. Sherwood , L. Seaborn. Second Row: G. But ler, F. Harless , J. Fleischauer, T. Tanton , D. Kirks ey, G. Comfort , ]. Hodge , K. Wake, B. Wagn er, A . Naylor, M. Carter, W. Ea rl e, President; T. Fredrick, Vice-President; D. Ah rend , T. Ph elps. Third Row: C. Tho mpso n , ). La nge, V. Osvald s, M. Gib so n , B. Woodson , T . Crid er , R. Ri chardso n , j . Ogil vie, P. Strasser , ) . Eas twood , W. Bail ey, D. josep h , K. Nay lor, B. Noon , G. Adams .

Library Assis tant s: C. Bye rs, I. Oyer , C. Lumpp , D. Wood , ]. Ga rver, Mrs. Gooda ll , C. Morris , Mrs. T ho masso n , T. Bab er, R. Go ll aday, ]. Hudn a ll . Not Pictured : T. Norcross, B. Caso n.

Library Assistants Working to keep the library straight, making the library usable for the students. I. Word, Rep., C. Burnley, ... : V. Harri s , F. Roth ac ker , B. r: L. Bucha nan , D. All e n , T. Carrik er. Fourth Row: L. vl a nl ey, N. Drumh ell er, P. : L. Luc k, C. Milgraum , Sec.-

pians, Kneeling: S. Bayar, S. Qu ase barth, Mrs . Dobbs, Sponso r, J. Nard i, K. Mil grim ,T . Porter , W. Ea rl e , C. Ca rrik er, Wil kens, ]. Manley, S. Coc krum. Standing: J. Zell er, B. tchie, M. Street, T . Weary, N. Word , D. Renn olds , T. il hel m , B. Res p ess , L. Kerr, N. Green e. On Ladder : L. taborn, A. Ja hrsdo erfer, G. Ab bott , M. Zeigler. Above: P. Gaertner, T. Fred eri c k, P. Thom li n, P. Sm ith , B. Ri ves, C. rton.

Thespians Veterans of the stage , constantly returning to "give their regards .. ."



! ==---=--~~

VICA: Underclass: McCau ley , W. Shifflett , M. Shiffl ett , W. Sipe, R. McAllister, L. Mayo, R. Abel, D. Witt.


VICA: Seniors: First Row: Mr. Gill enwa te r, Sponsor; N. Jackso n, 1 . Dillard, S. White, G. jordan , D. Kyser, President ; D. Williams , ). Timb erlake. Second Row : R. Patt erson, G. Knight, C. Morris , ]. Pritt , H. john son, G. Co llins, C. Wood . Third Row: P. Shiflett , G. Campbell , D. Marshall , A.W . Cri tzer, S . Fi tch, ). Gordon, G. Ne lson, R. Shafer , H. Souden, R. Brown. Fourth Row: T. Baber, C. Craver, L. Ril es, S. Sh ifl ett, C.D. Wright , H. Shifflette , R. Dudl ey.

. A., Underclassmen , hi fflett. Second Row: D. Row: C. Robertson , A. E Jackso n, S. Rennolds , D. Righ t Pole: M. Wolfe, R. I

G.A.A. V.I.C.A.

Providing a h1 outlet for suppres

Workers dedicated to a cause . .. model students for all the community to observe.

F.F.A. Learning agricultural methods to benefit all mankind.

F.F.A., First Row: D. Wood , D. Bryant , W. Cl e ments , M. Walton , ]. Cobb , R. Thacker . Second Row: D. Spradlin, D. Toms,]. Barn ett , S. Black, P. Crit ze r, H. Simmons, P. Maupin , P. Rines , P. Matysek . Last Row: ]. Bond , E. Mayo, R. Wood , D. Blac k, D. Garrison.


路, Sitting: R. Robin , L. arrison, ]. Zell er , H. Hu andridge , P. Fisk, A.路 ebster, C. Tremblay, S. Roseberry, Pres.; R. : u er, V.-Pres.; M. Rc alker, S. von Thel en ,

liard, S. White, G. jordan , D. 路son , G. Knight , C. Morris , j. :a mpb ell , D. Marshall , A.W. vn. Fourth Row: T. Baber, C.

G.A.A., Underclassmen, First Row: S. johnson, V. Wood, V. Hughes , j.L. Timberlake, j. Yates , T. Shifflett. Second Row: D. Miller, P. Miller, B. Stephenson, D. Lovelace, R. Morton , j . jenkins. Third Row: C. Robertson, A. Easter, A. Johnson. Back Row: P. Sprouse, I. Jue l-Nei lson, C. Turner, M. jackson, S. Rennolds, D. Gruenwald , A. Stanford, ]. Garver, C. Simmons, A. Beasley, P. Thomas. Right Pole: M. Wolfe, R. Burgess. Left Pole: L. Abbott, S. Hudson , L. Smith.

G.A.A., Seniors, First Row: D. Curtis, C. Poind exter, B. O'Brian , D. Graham. Second Row: J. Golden, E. Easter, D. Walker, S. Wesner. Third Row: M. Douglass , T. Coles , C. Van Fossen, j. johnson , T. Isreal.


Ski Club

Providing a healthy physical outlet for suppressed female energy.

Hissing down the powdered slopes, bringing a new club with great potential to AHS.

]. Cobb, R. Thacker. Second nmons , P. Maupin, P. Rin es, Tison.

Shifflett, S. Spenser, C. Shifflet , F. Brown, T . Tirrell, K. Yancy , B. Brown , D. Bickle , Treas.; L. Nelson , S. Rogers, ]. Heischman, W. Bryan , D. Wi lli ams, G. Webber, F. Birckhead , P. Strasser, T. Ewell, L. Sa ll ey, P. Buehler, L. Thornl ey, D. Ahrend , P. Arm entrout , L. Arbaugh, R. Thorsey, D. Wilson , D. Kirksey, S. Wood , M. DeBell , L. While, M. May, M. Reml ey , E. Pairet, Mr. Seldon , Sponsor. Not Pictured, B. Patt eson, Sec.

:ki, Sitting: R. Robin, L. Ryalls, B. james, P. Wilson, N. Shifflet, S. Harrison , ] . Zell er, H. Humphries , B. Fisher , T . Ruscher, A. Graves, J. Sandridge, P. Fisk, A. Thurman, D. Slaughter, C. Dicki e, D. Nash, C. Webs ter, C. T remblay, B. Leake, S. Rogers , K. Eudaily, D. Cramer, S. Roseberry, Pres.; R. Sherwood , B. Johnstone, R. Moskalski, j. Tucker , V.-Pres.; M. Robertson, D. Rennolds, C. Goldstein, D. al ker, S. von Thel en, ]. Copenhaver, P. Smith. Standing: P.





- - - - - -- - - - - --




F.H.A. Opposing the women 's lib, trying to preserve the home unit.

Fitzgerald , W. Morris, P. Walton , S. Garrison , C. Brackett, W. Morri s, D. Cassell, V. Shifflet. Not Pictured: J. Brown , Historian; D. Johnson , Rep.

F.H.A. , Sitting: B. Craig, Sec. ; P. White , V.-Pres. ; B. Cri cken berger, Pres.; D. Wood , Treas. Standing: Mrs. Harraway , Sponsor; F. Shiffl et , W. Snow , V. Armstrong, P. Shifflet , S. Poe, G. Farrich , A.

Nursing Club

Learni grin

.B.L.A., First Row: S. o rris , P. Dunn, B. Mars! B er , P. Turner, M. Turn

Pep Club

In a needed field . learning to serve the people in a practical and serviceable way.

Nursing, Underclassmen, First Row: M. Davi s, W. Batt en, D. Hays lett . Second Row: D. Co lema n, M. Tyler, C. Ryall s. Third Row: S. Clemen ts, J. Colli er, R. Riggs. Fourth Row : A. T ho mas, P. Rosenbaum , L. Brya nt. Fifth Row : S. Moore, D. Porritt , P. Pugh , D. Wingfi eld. Sixth Row: C. Lawson , B. Co peland , C. Lumpp.

Nursing, Seniors, Left : L. Morri s, V. -Pres.; R. Snow, B. Miller, Rep .; U. Herring, R. Lewis, Sec.; L. Knight , Program Ch . Right: B. Mill er, S. Ferguso n , S. Lowenhaupt, F. Bryan t, E. Brown , Pres.; Mrs. Upd ike, Sponsor.


p Cl ub, Sitting: M. Wi1 . . Critzer, J. Theil , P. Srr B. Dyer, D. Figgatt, D. Dai do ne, D. Brown , S. r Baten, S. Smith, D. Wilkt ki k, J. Shifflett , J. Rh



Learning the difficulties of the teaching profession.

Learning how to survive in a grinding society.

Garrison , C. Brackett, W. tre d : J. Brown , Historian; D.

F.B.L.A., First Row: S. Mawyer, Prps., J. Ripley, V.-Pres., V. Hudson , j. Sudduth, P. Morris , P. Dunn, B. Marshall. Second Row: T. Carter, P. Salman , J. Tinsley , L. Rainey, B. Baker, P. Turner, M. Turner, D. Gibson, S. Critzer.

F.T.A., Sitting: j. Wilson, L. Vonherbulis. Standing:

J. Sudduth.

Pep Club in

rvay .

.; U. Herring, R. Lewis, Sec.; taupt, F. Bryant, E. Brown,

The activists in the stands, playing their own game of noisy fun, for the benefit of themselves and their team.

Curtis, Chairman; V. Harris. Standing: C. Gentry, P. Gibson , S. Batten, j. Batten, j. Baber, L. Eudail y, L. McWi lli ams, M. Woodruff, D. Walker, Miss Hoy, Sponsor; L. Corrigan , Chairman; A. Brown , M. May , M. Walton , D. Ahrend . Not Pictured: K. Corrigan , L. Arbaugh, D. Lange, R. Stables , T . Tanton, G. Webber.

Pep Club, Sitting: M. Winstead , M. Douglass, S. Wolford, G. Curt is, M. Critzer, J. Theil, P. Smith , S. von Thelen. Second Row: J. Ritchie, B. Dyer, D. Figgatt, D. Slaughter, C. Goldstein, D. Rennolds, S . Daidone, D. Brown, S. Hall , B. Sprouse, S. McCann, B. Smith, S. Baten, S. Smith, D. Wilken, S. Monday, D. Mirhou , R. Moskalski , B. Maskik, J. Shifflett, ]. Rhodes, N. Barfield, L. Smith, S. Wesner, D.


Concerned Black Youth Solving the racial problems and promoting better student relationships .

Seniors, First Row : T . Whiting: D. Wal~er , M. Green, N. Moore, M .. Jacks<;>n! M. Thompson, J. Steppe, S. jackson , Sec. -Treas., D. Harn s, H. Howard. Second Row . A. Wt!IIams, M. Thomas, J. Thompson , J. Go ld e n, D. Mitchell, G. Thompson, D. Bell. Third Row: B. Rag land, C. Fisher, Sgt-at-Arms; E. Gardener, K. Tyler, Sgt -at-Arms; W. johnson . Fourth Row : W. Rush , G. e lson , H. jackson.

DECA, Seniors: Mr. Garc Quast, Ex. Vice-Presiden

Sophomores, First Row: T. jackson, M. ightengal e , K. Coles , A. Berry, P. Johnson , D. Grady, A. Agee, T . Bradl ey. Second Row: S. Witch er , L. jordan , P. Washington, 0. Branch, L. Kalloway , ) . Dickerson , B. Byrd, S. Fitch, M. Whiting, K. Coles. Third Row : A. Gardner, N. Thompson, S . Thomas, P. Eubanks, R. Frazi er, J. Pai ge, Y. Waller. Fourth Row: . Barbour, T. White, B. -Carey, R. Barbour, E. Brown , D. Ford , B. Robinson, R. Brassfield , B. Maupin , j . Rush , B. Den t, C. Howard, V. Johnson , R. Agee , V. Monroe, C. Brown.

Juniors , First Row: . Shotwell , P. Rogg , M. Mason , A. Hyman , ). Green, M. Ragland , ). Jackson, D. Brooks , S. Wilson. Second Row: ) . Dickerson, M. Wesley, B. Brassfield , V. Hudson , V. Eubanks, P. Scott , V.-Pres.; L. Ja ckson, C. Jordan, V. Feggans . T hird Row: S. Phillips, M. Martin, B. Winston , M. Carr, S. Witcher, S. Johnson , D. Brown , R. Barbour, N. Walker, D. Fells , M. Brackett, S. Clark. Fourth Row: L. Williams , D. johnston , L. Baker, G . Harri s, A. Martin , Pres.; M . Gardne r, J. Martin, R. Bolden, R. Agee, D. Henderson , J. Gordon, K. Davis, D. Carter.


DECA, Juniors: E. Na~ Maddox. Second Row: M. Bush , J. Cottle, G. Durrette, J. Jordan , S. Sh

. Jackson : M. Thompson, J. 路: A. Wdhams, M. Thomas, {ow: B. Ragland, C. Fis h er , 1 Row: W. Rush, G. Nelson,

:g, M. Mason , A . Hyman, J. ks, S. Wilson. Second Row: V. Hudson , V. Eub an ks , P. V. Fegga ns. Third Row: S. 1rr, S. Witcher , S. Jo hn so n , 'e ll s, M. Brack ett , S. Clark. n , L. Baker, G. Harris, A. 1, R. Bolden , R. Age e, D. :er.

D.E.C.A. DECA, Seniors: Mr. Gardn er , Sponsor; G . Hill , J. M cG ra w , V. M asyc k , M. Sco tt , C . Phillip s, B. Quast, Ex. Vice-President; J. G ibson , S. Dunl a p.

Continually striving in the business world to make the world a better place.

DECA, Sophomores: D. H erring , D. Ripley , S. Fox , V. Collins , T. Farm er , D. Hunt , D. Gilb ert , B. M a rya. Second Row: P. Oyer, D . Napi er, J. Thompson , M. F li ck, L. Hunt , L. Willis , A. Waybright , C. Childress. Third Row: J. Higgin s , J. Wright , D. Shiffl ett, M. Fa u ve r , B. Whit e, H. Sm ith . Top: C. Lang, D. Orde l, F. Farish, H . Chi ldress , L. Co lem a n .

DECA, Juniors: E. Nap ie r , H. Pugh , P. Sp e n ce r , L. Matheny, H. M addox. Second Row: M iss Thompson. 0. ~ox , L. Sprad lin , S . Fink, M. Bush , J. Cottle , G. McCauley . Third Row: L. Belew , C. Ward , G. Durre tt e, J. Jo rd an, S. Shiffl ett , E. Ros e nbaum , P. Ke nn ed y .


Football Repeats Last Year's 6-4 Season

Wright, J. Easter, A. Powley, A. Bailey, D. Leake. Fourth Ro w: f. Hudson, K. Barbour, A. Henderson, G. Barbour, B. Noon, J. All en, J Chisolm, M. Sandell, J. Gilbert, B. Albert. Fifth Row: R. Keyser, M Lewis, B. Fields, M. Reed, M. Glass, A. Kite, M. Wesley, D. Bu h Sixth Ro w: E.T. Price, S. Coleman, J. Little, B. Bailey , C. Smith .

First Row: R. Davis , B. Wetzel, W. Carr, S. Wawner, M. Arbaugh , D. Headstream, G. Bates, M. Jones, B. Brown , B. Easter, D. Williams, F. Bonderant , D. Bickel, B. Johnstone. Second Row: J. Quarles, L. Dowell, K. Davi s, R. Allison , B. Clatterbuck, L. Smith,/. Black , K. Lewis, G. Morris, B. Massie, E. Hale , D. Murray, J. Go den. Third Row: I. Dowell, M. Winstead , G. Haynes, K. Jane , J. Hughes , J.

The 1971 Patriot football team posted a 6-4 record and finished second in the Commonwealth District. This team had four players selected to the all district team. Players receiving this recognition for their hard work were seniors Mike Arbaugh, David Headstream, Barry Easter, and junior Bennie Massie. The sometimes sporadic team put it all together in their finest game of the season by defeating James Wood 14 -13. This Patriot victory proved devastating to James Wood as it snapped a 22 game winning streak and knocked them out of contention for the state title.

Kennet h Barbou r finds running room aga in st Lane.

blocks as


3. Fourth Row: M. :. Noon,]. Allen,].

:ow: R. Keyser, M. Wesley, D. Bush. ey, C. Smith. Head Coach Ralph Harrison gives his team encouragement.

The defense plugs up a hole.

Albe marl e



George Was hington









Amherst Stonewall Jackson




Handl ey






Alb ema rl e






Jam es Wood

Albemarle Albem arle Albemarle




Albemarl e

Ed Hale blocks as George Bates outruns tacklers on an end sweep.


f l








Staffo rd




Bennie Mass ie run s back a key interception in th e Jam es Wood game.

Ass istan t Coach Jim Arba ugh gives advice to Allen Kite.

ennie Massie is

uthur Henders Dar! Bi ckl e breaks in th e cl ear aft er findin g a big hole.




in the James Wood

Bennie Massie is helped off the field after inju ring his ankle .

Bruce Clatterbuck evades a ta ckler and picks up a big gain.


~~'tRio)> ~

.s Assistant Coach- Dave Turner.

Au thur Henderson breaks a tac kl e and looks for blockers downfield.


Fil Bondurant waits for a Bill Bailey pas&.

Assistant Coach- Dennis Craddock.

Most Valuable Pla yer Mike Arbaugh shows how he ea rn ed th e honor.

Managers: E. Park er, R. Robinson, B. Cramer, Head Manage r; M. Twardoski.


David Headstrea

Bail ey throw

David Headstream opens a big hole for Randy Allison.

mer, Head Ma nager;

Scott Wawner and David Heads tream close in on a Lane ha lfback.

11 Bailey throws to an open receiv er.


J. V. Football


Carr. Fourth Row : R. Armentrout, S. Coleman, S. Viar, R. Bowen, R. Will iams , T. Grendie, R. Con ley. Coaches: D. deMaria, D. Selden, T. Zimmer.

First Row: L. Williams, D. Robinson , G. Howard . Second Row: B. Gentry , M. Critzer, T . Henderson, ]. Bates, j. Winston , H. Pryor. Third Row : L. Whitcomb, B. Cooper, D. Oliva , ]. Viar, P. Vallee, B.


t Row: B. B Toms, A. Jager, r ead , L. Sm





Albe marl e


ac ie Terrell b

The defense closes in on a Lane halfback.


. Viar, R. Bowen , R. v!aria, D. Selden , T.

Girls' J.V. Basketball Albemarle







Harrison burg




'r/ J



.f41l. 30

T,urnâ‚Źr ~ shbey

Albemarle i.

31 ..






Turner Ashbey




Jack Jou ett

Albemarl e



William Monro e


...... Pat Duncan shows her jump sho t form.




Willi am Monroe


First Row: B. Bowen, Fran Hensley, Coach; C. Simmons. Second Row: R. Morton, R. Toms, A. Jager, J. TerrelL L. McVey. Third Row: A. Beasely, T. Shifflett. Fourth Row: C. Birkhead , L. Smith. Fourth Row: P. Duncan , P. Horrocks .

Jackie Terrell beats her defenders and shoots.


Girls' Basketball Has Big Winning Season

Amy Easter shows how she earned the team's Most Valuable Player awa rd .

Top : B. O'Brien , Manager; S. Wesner, A. Easter. Bottom: E. Easter, T . Isreal , L. Abbott, P. Scott, C. Van Fossen, P. Curtis , D. Graham.

Lynn Abbott clowns around as the team relaxes during the J.V. game.


ary Anna San<

's successful


T. Isreal, L.

Mary Anna Sanders - th e coach responsible for the team's successful season.

Emily Easter dr ibbles wh ile looking for a good shot.


t Harrisonburg ri sonburg Ora nge

Turn er Ash be)' Eastern Menno Lane

Albema rl e

Donna Graham drives in for a layup.


Lack of Depth Hurts Soccer Team

First Row : T. Frederick , P. Leake, M. Clayton , B. Hurt , S. von Thelen , )路 Wi lso n! M. Showalter , co -ca ptains; J. Lange, J. Eastwood , J. Ogd vte, J. Fletsc hauer, J. Curme, G.C. Wood. Second Row: B. Ratchcliffe, D. Bragg, C. Van de Castle. T. Gri mes , J. Gregg , D.

Ahrend, A. Dickens, M. Smith, P . Strass er, S. Cronemeyer, R. Smith, M. Ho lm es, C. Hurt , M. Reid , P. Wilson , D. Va n der Lind e, D. Thornley , S. VanFossen , T. Frederi ckson.

B l ak e y ~

With only four returning lettermen , the soccer team put together a good team that could have been better. However, some starters were bothered year long with painful injuries and others were kept off of the team because of grades. In spite of a fairly dismal 3-5-1 season, there were many bright spots for the bays. Three year letterman Jim Wilson ended a very successful career, scoring 20 goals during this period . Most Valuable Player Jim Eastwood turned in many fine performances at fullback this year, making many miraculous saves throughout the season. The 7-0 victory over A.M.A. broke the record set last year for most goals scored in a game. Mike Showalter set the individual scoring record for one game with 4 goals against A.M.A.

Jim Wilson shows th e great control that h as enabl ed him to score so many goal s.


Coach LeRoy Smith .

M. V.P. Jim Eastw

1emeyer, R. Sm ith, an der Linde, D.



Eastern Mennonite



E.C. Glass






Eastern M ennonite



E.C.G lass













Blakey Hurt a nd Jim Ogilvie watch th eir understudies play.

Jeff Fleischauer clears the ball against A.M.A.

imith .

M.V.P. Jim Eastwood heads th e ball back up to the halfbacks.


Goa lie T ed Frederi c k makes one of th e many saves he made throughout the season .

The bays talk it over at h alfti me.

Mi ke Clay to n gets in positio n to slo p a n A.M.A. dri ve .

Hi g h ki c ks, an yo ne?




G.C. Wood us es hi s body to make a save.

Manager Pete Smith wat ch es th e Ta nd em ga me .

Mike Showa lte r beats an A.M.A. d e fend er and prepares to take a shot.





. '

. I




v! .A. drive .

Park er Leake cent ers th e ball to work for a bett er shot.

Blakey Hurt scores 1 of 7 goals aga inst A.M.A. to h elp set a ne w sc hoo l reco rd.


Cross Country

First Row: D. Bragg, F. Birckh ead, R. Cleveland, R. Rushia, T. Ranklin. Second Row: C. Wak ely.

Ch ri s Wake ly and Danny run ners into th e woods.


Bec ker ,

Coach H ardy shows his own track form.

Tom Tanton t

Bragg lead th e

Tom Tanton leads the pack through th e tunn el.


Ru s

Tom Tanton turns the corner to run around Jack Jouett.

own track form.

Frank Birckhead shows his exhaust ion as he comes to the finish lin e.


Rusty Cleveland .

. Jim Becker and Bob Thomas


. and Greg Weber run through th e woods .

Varsity Cheerleaders

Left to Rig ht : M. Woodruff, T. Quarles , D. Mitchell, B. Masnik , ].

Left to Ri g ht: E. Wagn er, P. Hanger, C. Gay, S. Burton , S.


Harrison .

Jan et Edmunds, Head Cheerleader.

Co-Head Barbara Masnik cheers at a pep rall y.


Susan Bur

Oeni Mitchell sh tea m p lays a close

:ay , S. Burto n , S.

Susan Burton ch ee rs at a bas ketb a ll game .

The chee rl eaders watch th e La ne football ga me with great hopes.

Susan , Elaine , a nd Pam show that winning ca n be fun.

ll y.

Oeni Mitchell show s grea t co ncern as the basketball team p lays a c los e game.



J.V. Cheerleaders

jeanne watches Linda's great bi cycle balancing act.

First Row: M. Steppe, A. Sanford, C. Corrigan . Second Row: L. Arbaugh . C. Dickie , ). Jones , Co-Heads; B. Rogers.

First Row: P. Tho Juul- ielsen.

Becky Rogers helps a foul shot go in at th e Lane game.

Th e G.A .A. Chee ga me.

Cindy Dickie gets ready to lea d a ).V. cheer.


G.A.A. Cheerleaders

>augh , C. Dic ki e,


First Row : P . Th o mas , P. Sp ro use, D. Love lace, Head. Second Row: ). Go ld en , S. Re nno lds , D. Dean e, I. Ju u l-Nielse n.


• Ev ery bo dy , cla p yo ur h a nd s !

shot go in a t th e

Th e G.A .A. Ch ee rl ead ers genera te spirit for th e girls ' bas ketba ll gam e.


Drill Team

J.V. B

T h e Drill Team performs a t a pep ra ll y.

Counterclockwise from Bottom : J. Copen h aver, Word , D. Arehar t, T. Malacia , A. Giann in y, L. Z imm e r , M. Ca rt er, ). Keg ley , S. Cockrum , D. Gru enwald , C. Thompson , S. Roge rs , ) . McG eh ee , C. Morris , D. Renn o lds , L. Cai n , S. Sm ith , K. Tha lm a nn , M . P eterso n , M. P age. On Bannister: J. Ze ll e r, K. Rob e rt s, S . Sm ith , B. Sm ith , M. De Be ll .

Judy , Martha, Debbi e, and Kathy p erfo rm th e ir ro utin e.


First Row : L. ~ Wh it eh ead, R. J e lms , B. Maxa

If yo u

·d, D. Arehart, T. y, S. Cockrum, D. •rris, D. Rennold s, On Bannister: J.

J. V. Basketball

)VI 4 ,

Albemarl e Albemarle Alb emarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarl e Albemarle

First Row: L. Stembrid ge, J. Sa und ers , ). Ha ga , ). Bates. Second Row: N. Clauson, T. Whitehead, R. Ke nt. Third Row: j . Pitts , j . Kauzlarich, M. Mark s, C. Stabl es, C. Berry, j. e lms, B. Maxa .

If yo u want it, here it is . Co me and gel it.

Th e Jeff Saunders push shot.


58-71 42-30 34- 66 51- 31 48-37 48-32 34-3 5 39 -41 27 - 29 51- 36 40-30 37-41 31- 53 35-42 -!1- 28 44-28 4 7-32 25-46

E.C. Glass HandJ ey E.C. Glass Osbourn Woodbridge James Wood Lane Stafford Handley Stonewall Gar-Fi e ld Lane Woodbridge James Wood Stafford Osbou rn Ston e waJl Jackson Gar-Field

..!:1 ..

Lack of Height Hurts Basketball Team

First Row: R. Davis, G. Ti tu s , E. Sims. Second Row: K. Barbour, D. Bickel, D. Gray, G. Morris , R. All ison, G. Barbour, E. Aw kw ard , G. Bates, J. Martin.

After getting off to a slow start, the 1971-72 Albemarle basketball team turned into a team well respected by its opponents. The Patriots were 7-3 during the second part of the season and finished 8-10 overall, tying with Gar-Field for fourth place in the Commonwealth District. Although the Patriots were at a great height disadvantage with every team they played, they overcame it with speed and hustle and became a winning team. This speed and hustle paid off in their best game of the season as the Patriots shellacked a much taller Stafford team - the eventual district champions. Gerry Titus was the most consistent player on the team. He turned in many fine performances and was consequently named to the second team all-district. Although the Patriots lose four starters from graduation, things look quite hopeful for next year as there will be seven players returning from this year's team.

Coaches A .P. Moore and Len Hri ca give advice during a time-Qui.


Gerry Titu s, Ca1 form.

Greg Barbour


A lbemarle Alb em arle Albemarle Alb emarle Alb emarle Alb emarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Albemarl e Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle

ison , G. Barbo ur ,


41- 56 49-60 54 - 64 47-55 40-41 69-5 3 36 - 40 50-54 45-38 61 - 62 68-43 43- 39 55- 50 38 - 49 74-56 64-50 57- 60 47- 3 9

E.C. Glass Handl ey E.C. Gl a ss Osbourn Woodbridge Ja mes Wood Lane Stafford Handley Sto newall Jackson Gar-Field Lane Woodbridge Ja mes Wood Stafford Osbourn Ston ewall Jackson Gar-Fi e ld

Gerry Titu s, Captain a nd Mo st Valu a bl e Pl aye r, show s his form.

Greg Barbour do es th e " Monst er Ma sh ".

Elgi e Sims tri es to dri ve p as t th e Lane zon e .


Here, ref. Yo u take it. I don' t wa nt it.


- - - -

Don Gray shows his hook shot form .

Gerry Titus leads th e Patriots through th e victory lin e.

A frustrated Co lonel tri es to guard George Bates.

Elg ie Sims ignores the harassment of a Lane player.


Ricky Davis s

t form.

Rjcky Davis shows the gracefulness of basketball.

Ersk in e Awkward sco res against james Wood .

Don Gray out -jump s the Handley center.


Catfish cries as Gerry sinks a jump er.


I - -



The bench watches the game from their front row seats.


Ricky Davis sin ks a foul shot.

Erskine pia

Patri ots get revenge .

Keep on truckin ', Gerry.




Greg Barbour ponders a way out of this situation .

Erskine plays soldier and marches to the basket.


Coach Hrica uses his mystic powers on th e basketball co urt.


Elgi e Sims scores on a driving layup .

. 105

Indoor Track Team Wins District Title

First Row: T. Tanton, R. Cleveland, F. Bondurant , M. Arbaugh , J. Rice, A.J. Martin, D. Headstream, L. Kerr, W. Carr, F. Harless, B. Blackman. Second Row: F. Birchead , {路 Becker, B. Bailey, E. Hale, L. Dowell, M. Critzer, B. Massie, D. Wil ia ms, L. Smi th , L. Whitcomb , R. Rushia. Third Row: B. Smith, A. Bailey, B. Albert , M. Reid , A.

Hend erson , L. Dowell , G. Ho ward, D. Ahrend , D. Cop efand , R. Bowen . Fourth Row : D. Lea ke, D. Ru sh , R. Co nn ally, R. Williams , J. Quarles, E. Wa ll ace, J. Gregg. Fifth Row: J. La nge, D. Bragg, T. Rankin, K. Lawless, J. Hugh es, S. Daughty, K. Lewis , C. Wa kely.

Th e .

Roger Willi a ms jumps a t the d istri ct meet.

Bob Albert puts th e shot.

Lee Dowell breaks the tap e for a victory a t the d istrict mee t.


Is th is th e way

The A.J. Martin high step.

D. Copefand, R . .y, R. Williams , J. tge, D. Bragg, T . ;, C. Wakely .

Patriots ce le brate after w inning th e ir seco nd Co mmo nwea lth Dis t rict titl e in a row.

Wh a t took yo u so long, Jimmy ?

Is this th e way yo u us ua ll y greet p eo pl e, Ke ith ?






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I hop e this pol e doesn 't brea k!

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I 1 If

Tom Tanton, President

Agee, Alge Andrews, Ginger Apperson, John

Arbaugh , Mike Arehart , Debbi e Arnold , Jerry

Awkard , Erskine Baber, Bonnie Baber, Jeanni e

Baber, Thomas Bailey, John Baldini , Jan Barnett, !Gm Bascom, Blair

Susan Quasebarth , Report er


Av is Gia nni ny , Sec .-Treas. Scott Wawn er , Vi ce-Pres.

skine 1i e nie

Baber, Thomas Bailey, John Baldini , Jan Barnett, Kim Bascom, Blair

Bates, George Batten , Bec ky Bauley , Tom Bayar, Steve Becker, Jim

Bel ew, Dan Belew, Marga ret Bickel, Dar! Bickers , Edwina Bi ckers, Pa ul ette 1 11

Aw, gee whiz.

I Bondurant, Fil Boyle, Diane Breeden , Wand a

Billups, Barbara Binns , Steve Birckhead, Frank

Black, Dale Black, Danny Blackman , Bill

Brock, Sharon Brooks, Dian e Brown, Barbara

Brown , Bobby Brown , Brenda Brown , Debora

Brown , Eunice Brown , Jimmy Brown , Ronald


Think about it , Matthew.



Butler, John Byers , Catherine Camfield, Chris

~ nda


Brown , Euni ce Brown, Jimm y Brown, Ronald

Brown, Susan Bryan . Bill Bryant, Frances

Burford , Susan Burruss, Alexander Butler, Greg 11 3

Campbell, Diane Camp bell , Robert Canody, Doug

Is it a good book , Jan ?

Cook, Kip

Hm ... This looks int eresting.

Carr, Edward Carr, Willy Carter, Chri s Cason, Susan Chester, Ann

Clark, Buddy Clark, Mary Clatterbuck, Bruce Clayton, Mike Claytor, Larry

Cleveland, Rusty Cobb, Roger Cobbs , Peter


Cockrum, Susie Co leman, Debbie Coleman, joan

Coles, Carol Coles, Edna Comfort, Ginny

Craddock, Ronalc

ol Ia ;inn y

I Cook , Kip

Copenhaver , Jud y

Corrigan , Louise

All righ t , you guys, on th e count of three.

Craddock, Ronald

Cramer, Bobby

Craver, Charles


Crenshaw , Larry Crenshaw , Teresa Cricke nberger, Rob ert Crickenberger, Wayn e Crider, Trev

Critzer, Austin Crit zer, Barbara Critzer, James Curt is, Dawn Cutright , Brad

Stud y hard , Michael.

\ Cutright , Sandra Dal y, Lind a Dame ron , Wanda Davi s, Earl Davi s, Gay le

Davi s, Jeff Davis , Ricky Davison , Joh n Da wson , Martha DeBell, M ich ele

Deet s, Bet sy Di c ke ns , Andy Di ckerso n , Jud y


Dic ke rson , Rob ert Dillard , Cora Dill ard, ancy

Douglass , Moll y Dudley, Kenn e th Dudl ey, Rob ert

Dunl a p , Scott Dun n, Donni e Durh am, Sandra


Moll y enn eth obert

Gerald and Steve ca ugh t in the act.

Dunlap, Sco tt Dunn, Donni e Durham, Sandra

Durrer, Margi e Dwi er, Kevin Earle, Wendy

Easter, Barry Easter, Emily Easton, Doug

Eastwood, Jim Ed munds , Jan et Ewe ll , Cindy Farish , Betty Farish , Mike 11 7

Farmer, Bill Ferguson, Sandra Fields , Donna Fis h er , Ch arl es Fitch , St eve

Good girl, Leslie, get that report done for next period.

Fitzgerald , Steve Fleischhauer, Jeff

Flick, Teresa Foster, Dwight

Foster, Linda Foster, Sheila Fox, Carol Fox, Marth a Franklin, Altonya 118

Fredrick, Ted Frossard , Karla Fu lton, Sherwin Gardner, Edward Gardner, Wes

Garnett, Leigh Garrison, Martha German, Sandy Giann in y, Avis Gibson, Davis

Gibson, Doris Gibso n , James Gi bson, Pat Glass, T ed Golden, Jean

eig h \llartha andy Avis


Graves, Anne Graves, Stacey

Green, Mary Green, Nikki

Greims, Sandy Grimes, Tommy


Gibson, Doris Gibson , James Gibson, Pat Glass , Ted Golden, Jean

Golden, John Goldstein, Cindy Gordon, James Gourley, David Graham, Donna 119

) Guthri e, Jimmy Hahn , David Hal e, Dinah

Hall, Kathy Hamm, Debbie Hamshar , Kathy

Hancock , Vickie Haney, Gary Hanson, Mark

Hardeen, Ted Harding, Dusty Harless , Frank

Harris, Cindy Harris , Daniel Harrison , Sally

Haynes, Glen Headstream , Da路 Heischman, Jan

Tha Andy in a moment of brilliance .

Sylvester and Barry find something better than French .


Henderson, Mary Henley, Tim


Herold, Janet Herring, Donna

Holman, Bill Howard , Harold


Haynes, Glen Headstream, David Heischman, Jan

11iel )aJly

Helmandollar, Susan Henderson , David Henderson , Justine

Howard , Sarah Hudnall , Jean '>

Hudson, Mike Humphreys , Harvey

That's th e best book I ever read.

tt er than French. ~


Rach el Sandridge goes through another " interesting" day.

Hunt , Kenneth Hunt , Michael

Ingerick, Nancy lrb y, Uonald

Jackson, Howard Jackson, Mary


Jackson , Sadie Jackson , Vivan J ahrsdo erfer, Alexa Johnso n, Dian e Johnson , Haywood

Johnson, Joan Johnson, Linda Johnson , Vicki e Johnson, Wanda Johnson , William

Johnston, Elian Johnston e, Butcl Jones, Mike Jordan, Geneva Jordan , Phil


inda icki e vanda Iilli am

I Kerr, Lyle Kesler, Liz

Key, Gloria Key, Janet

Key, Rhond a Kirby, Hugh

I~~ Johnston, Elian Johnstone, Butch Jones , Mike Jordan , Geneva Jordan , Phil

Jim prepares to take a " whack" a t the ball.

Joseph , Don Joseph, Duff Kelso, Bob Kennedy, Bobby Kent, Wes 123


Lingl e, Gary Louden, Harrisc Lowenhaupt, St Kirksey, David Kirtl ey , Vickey

Kite, Alan Klinker, Mike

Knight , George Knight , Linda Kram er, Debbi e Kyser, Donna

Lackey, Tom Lan e, Amy Lane, Becky Lange, Dot

Lea ke, Don Lea ke, Parker Lea ke, Sheli a Lewis/Ro na id a


Don 't worry, we'll protect you.


~ \~ e.:



c-0\:.. ~ \.~'

Love that face.

That's right , ju st relax, Bonni e.

Lingl e, Ga ry Louden , Harri so n Lowenhaupt, Stephani e

McCaul ey, Carolyn McGeh ee, Janie McGilvery, Elizabeth

McGraw, Joan McWilliams, Jan et Madison , Mark

Marshall, Bertha Marston, Gary Martin , Robert

er ia dd a



Martin, Sandy Maslyk, Virginia Masnik, Barbara

Miller, Carson

Minter, Patsy

Mitchell, Denni

Morris, Carolyn


Morris, Doug

Late again , I see.

Maupin , Lucky Maupin , Mary Maupin, Michael Maupin , Sharon Mawyer, Sandra

Mawyer , William Mayo, Am y Mee m , john Mill er, Belinda Mill er, Brenda

Moneymaker, Robert


Monroe , Ollie



Morris , Carolyn

Morris , Cathy

Morris , Cli fton

Future Einsteins of Amer ica?


Mo rris, Doug

Morris , Ellen

Morris , Frank

" 127

Morris , Kathy Morris, Laura Morris , Lin da Morri s, Rebecca Morris , Steve

Morton, Chip Moskalski, Rob ert Moyer, Debra Munson , Rob ert apier, Nola

The best row in all th e class (s mil e).

P terson, Janet

erson, Martha

elp. Tommy

Napier, Tommy ardi , Jeann e Naylor, Alison elson , George ieman , Martha

Nougaret , Ray O'Brien , Barbara Oliver, Irene Osvalds , Vi esturs Owen , John

Pace, Marvin Pace , Melvin Pai ge, Ben Pairet, Eddi e Patterso n, Bill

]ani pauses to strike a pose. 128

(smi le].


Patterson, Jan et Peterson , Martha Phelps , Tommy

Phillips Cla ud e Phillip s, Lanny Pitt s, Greg

Poindexter, Conn ie Pollard , Betty Pors , Chris

Porter, Tina Powell, Danny Powell , Shirley

Price, James Pritt, Jerry Quarles , Thresa

Put out-disgusting!

I'm numb er one around here. 129



Something draws Leigh 's winning smile.


Quasebarth , Susan Qu as t, Bonnie Ramazani, Vaheed

Rauch , Bec ky Remley, Micha el Rennolds , Debbi e

Dar! gels ready for a pass .

Respess, Boopie Rexrode, Delmas Rhod es, Judith 130

Rice, Jimmy Ritchie, Bonni e Rives , Barclay

Roach, Peggy Rob erts , John Robertson , Mary

ggy ohn 1, Mary

A rare moment of concentration!

Rogers, Sally Roozrokh, Margaret Roseberry, Susie

Roston, Rosie Roudabush , Paul Ruscher, Tom

Rush,Shelia Rush , William Russell , Elaine

Janet and Jerry mix things up a bit.

Ryalls, Larry Salley, Lil Sams, Lynn 131

Sandridge , Gerald Scott , Mary Seaborn, Linda


The joy of victory .

Sh afer, Roy Sherwood , Robin Shifflett , Carl Shifflett, Henry Shiff! ett , Judy

Shifflett, Linda Shifflett , Linda Shifflett , Sharan e Shifflett , Steve Showalter , Mike

Sims, Elgi e Smith, Cheryl Smith, Matthew Smith , Pet er Smith , Phillip 132

Umph, some people leave anyth ing lying around.

Steve B;



tg lying around .

Steve Bayar in a most interesting seat.

l'm telling you once more, now.

Snow, Robin Sonday, Robert Spencer , Charlotte Spencer , Sue Sprouse, Debbie 133

Stables, Robin Stahl, Steve Starke, Tommy Steppe, Carolyn Steppe, Jackie

Stevens, Stewart Stokes , Becky Strasser, Peter Sudduth , Jessie Sutherland , Rita

The look of ... ?

Of co urse I'm right. I always am.

Toms, Emmett Topper, Debbie Towler, Toni

Swingler, Shelia Tanton, Tom Terrell , Mary

Thomas, David Thomas , Michael Thompson, Gregory

Thompson, Judy Thompson, Marie Thomley , Laurie


Timberlake, Joyce Tinsley, Keith Tirrell , Tom

Titus, Gerry Toet, Robert To mlin , Pat



ert 'at


Toms , Emmett Topper, Debbi e Towler, Toni

Tucker, Jennifer Turner, Ph yllis Tyler, Ke ith

Van, Sue Van de Castle, Keith VanFossen , Carla

Another one of Brumbaugh 's wild parties.


Vess, Kenn y Vonherbulis , Lesli e von Thel en, Sandy

Wagner, Bruce Wake, Kenna Walker, Clyde

Elain e get s advice from th e "Top ."

Walker, Debbie Walker , Deborah Walton , Wade Ward , Jun e

Wawner, Scott Webber, Greg Well s , Greg Well s, Ronni e

Wells , Steve

Wesley, Mannis

Wesner, Sherry



Gadzooks! I've found it.

Wetzel , Bruce Whaley, Rob ert White, Jacki e White, Stella


The joy of the first snowfall.


Whiting, Marilyn Whiting, Thelma William, Allen Williams , Danny

Williams , Deborah Williams, Kenny Williams , Teresa Wilson , James

' right, Barbara ' right, Sylveste \ ya nt , Sarah

Wi lson, jo Ann Wolfe, Susan Wood, Ch es ter Wood , Danny

It isn't that bad , is it ?


Wood , Grayson Wood , judy Wood , Pat Wood , Wanda

Wood ruff, Mary Woodso n , Judy Word , Charlotte Worra ll , Sara

Wright, Barbara Wr ight , Sylvester Wyant , Sarah

Yates, Caulin e Yates, Gertrude Yates, Shirley

Ziebell , Zinka Ziegler, Mike Zimmer, Lou

" Why don't you mind your own bu sin ess?"


Mary Judy rlotte ara

Mike a nd Frank " look over the stock. "


Black, Clarence Dale: FFA 1-3.


Black, Daniel Thomas, Danny. Blackman, William Allison, Bill: Band Cl. 1,2; Latin Cl. 2; Bi cycle Cl. 2,3; Photograph y Cl. 3; Cross Coun try 1; Indoor Track 3; Peer Photograp her 3. Blankenship, Terry Neil.

Bondurant, Forrest Filmore, Fi l: SCA 1,2; Key Cl. 2,3; Sp a nish Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 1; FCA 3; JV Football 1,2 ; V. Baseball 1-3 ; V. Football 3, All-Central 3; In door Track 2,3.


Boyle, Diane Ruth: Art Cl. 3, Pres . 3.


Bragg, James Franklin, Frankie: FFA 1,2. Breeden, Wanda Mae. Brock, Sharon Jane: Nursing Cl. 1,3; Bible Cl . 1. Brooks, Diane Elizabeth , Ann: Nurs ing Cl. 1; Bible Cl. 1. Brown, Barbara Jean: Bible Cl. 1;



ursing Cl.


Brown, Brenda Denise: Softbal l 1; SCA 3. Brown, Debora Elizabeth, Debb ie: Art Cl. 1· Dra ma Cl. 1. Brown, Eunice Louise, Ange l: ursing CJ. 1,3 ; Pres. 3; Hom ecom ing Courl2. Brown , Rob ert Stanley, Jr., Bobby: SCA 1; Key Cl. 3; Ski CJ. 3; V. Foo tb all 1-3; V. Baseball 1-3 ; Powd erpuff Foo tball Coach 1,2; " Wi zard of Oz." Brown, Ronald Leroy, Baby Boy: ICT 2,3. Brown, Susan Merle, Su e Bee: Critiqu e CJ. 3. Well, at least somebody's studying.

Abshire, James Mic h ael.

Valuable Back 2; V. Basketball 2,3; V. Track 1-3, Capt. 3.

Agee, Alge Mae: DECA Cl. 2.

Batten , Re becca Ann, Becky.

Apperson , John Mack. Arbaugh , Michael Montgomery, Mike: Monogram Cl. 1; Key Cl. 2,3 , V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; V. Football 1-3, All -Commonwealth District 3, All-Central 3, 2nd T ea m Allorthw est Region 3, Most Valuable Playe r 3, Most Va lu ab le Offensive Lin eman 3, TriCaptain 3; V. Track 2,3; In door Track 2,3 . Arehart, Deborah Elle n, Debbie: SCA 2; Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1; Drill T eam 2,3, Capt. 3; Juni or Class Ta le nt Show 2; Honor Society 2,3; Peer 2,3, Ad Ed . 3. Arnold , Jerry Lewis. Awkard, Erskine Lewis: V. Basketball 1-3. Baber, Bonnie Sue, Bonita: Home maker Cl. 2; Chorus 2.

ur sing Cl. 1·

Baber, Carole Jean , Jean ni e: Math Cl. 1; FTA 1; Pep Cl. 3, Exec. Offi ce r 3; Softball 2,3. Baber, Thomas Carroll, Jr., Tom: VICA 2,3; Masonry Cl. 3, V. Pres. 3; 4-H Cl. 1. Bailey, John Marshall. Baldini , Janet Therese, Jan: SCA 2,3 , V. Pres. 2, Parl iam ent ari an 3; ICC Pres. 2; GAA 2, Sec. 2; Ski Cl. 3; V. Basketball 1,2; Intramural Basketb a ll 2; Powderpuff Football 2. Barbour, Eri ck Lane. Barnette, Kim Allen: Band Cl. 1. Bascom, Charlotte Blair: GAA 1,2; Math Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; "Music Man ", " Wizard of Oz"; Highlight 2,3. Bates, George Albert : Key Cl. 3; FCA 3; Monogram Cl. 1; Hi-Y Cl. 1; Honor Society 2,3; Class V. Pres. 1; V. Foo t ball 1-3 .. Mos t

" (

Bryan, WilliaJn Jennings, Jr., Bill : V. Basebal l 1,2.

Bauley, Thomas Kelly, Tom: Key Cl. 3; SCA 3; Ou tdoor Track 1-3; In door Track 2,3; Pee r 3.

Bayar, Harold Steven, Ha l: Psyco logy Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Thespians 2,3, Pres. 3; Critiqu e Cl. 3; Honor Soci ety 2,3, V. Pres. 3; Cross Co untry 1; SCA 3; " South Pacifi c", " Musi c Man", "B lith e Spirit ", " Wizard of Oz; " District 2nd place Poetry-Pros e 2; Highlight 1. Becker, Ja mes Ri chard , Jim & Legs : Lat in Cl. 2; Monogram Cl. 1,2; Key Cl. 3; Crit ique Cl. 3; SPVRM 1; Radio Cl. 1; SCA 2,3; Cross Country 1-3; Indoor Trac k 1-3; Outdoor Track 1-3. Belew, Daniel Loving. Belew , Margaret Elizabeth: Tri-Hi -Y 1,3, Treas. 3; DECA 2, Rep. 2.

Bryant , Frances Lo uise: FHA 1.

ursing Cl. 1,3 ;

Bryant, Raymond Lee. Burford, Susan Kay, Scooby & Kid: SCA 2; Span ish Cl. 1; Bi cycle CJ. 2; Photograph y CJ. 3.

Burruss, Alexander Howard, Alex: FCA 3; Ou tdoor Track 2; Footba ll. Butler, Gregory Carl, Greg: Rocket Cl. 1; Rad io CJ. 1,2 , Sec.-T reas. 2; Environmen t Cl. 3; Go lf 1-3; Basketball Manager 3. Butl er, John Junior. Byers, Catherine Elizabeth, Ca t : Bibl e CJ. 1,2; ursing CJ. 1; Lib rary Cl. 2,3. Camfield, Christine Marie, Chris: Spanish Cl. 1; Art CJ. 3.

la tterbuck, Ha JV Foo tball 1; 2,3.

Jayto n, Micha 2,3; Critiq ue Cl 1,2; JV Bas ke tb < ciety 2,3; Boy 's Hi tory Student

laytor, Larry V 1.

Jeveland , Rus FC A 3; SCA 1-3 Ba eba ll 2,3; C1 3; Jun ior Class~ 2,3; Class Pret " Mus ic Man " . ob b, Roger Lel

Campbell, Gary Mi chael : FFA 1; !CT 2,3 .

obbs, Peter I Radio Cl. 1; D " Musi c Man ," One Act s.

Campbell, Kenneth James, Bub by.

Bell , Olive: FHA 1; Nurs ing Cl. 2.

Ca mpbell, Robert Massie: JV Basketball 1.

Bickel , Dar! Gene, Bi c: Hi-Y 1; Monogram Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3, Treas. 3; V. Foot ball 1-3; ).V. Basketb a ll 1, V. Basket ba ll 2; Track 2; Most Valuab le Back 3. Bickers, Blanche Paulette.

Campbell , Wanda Diane . Canady, Douglas Fulton, Doug: Critiqu e

Bickers, Edwina Sue, Wina: Albe marle Players 1; Art Cl. 1, Sec. 1; SCA ews let ter 2, Asst. Ed. 2.

Carr, William Phillip, Jr., Will ie: Chorus 1; Albemarle Players 1; V. Foo tb all 2,3; Indoor Trac k 2; Bicycle CJ. 2.

Billups, Barbara Lee.

Carter, Christoper Marvin , S.H.: Key Cl. 3.

Binns, Stephen James, Steve: Band Cl. 1,2; Environm ent Cl. 3; "M usi c Man" .

Cason , Susan Vivian: FTA 1, Re p. 1, Sk i Cl. 3; Art CJ. 1.

Birckhead , Franklin Kipps, Frank: Key Cl. 13; Ski Cl. 3; Chess Cl. 1; Monogram Cl. 1; Hiy 1, Chap lai n 1; Cross Country 1,3; JV Basketb a ll 1; Indoor Track 2, 3; Ou tdoor Track 1-3; Peer 3.

Chesler, Ann Lindsa y: Drama SPVRM 1; En vironment CJ. 3.


lark, Mary Sw




Carr, Edward Lincoln , Bud .

ockrum , Shru Dra ma Cl . 1-3, SCA 3; T enni s: cific," " Music ll

Coleman , Debo 1; Art Cl . 1; DE< Coleman, Joan Thesp ian s 2; " S

Coles, Carol Y Bas ketba ll 1.


Coles, Ed na Te

Clark, Hugh Nelson, III, Buddy: Hi -Y 1,2; FFA 1-3, V. Pres. 2,3; V. Baseba ll 2,3.

Co llins, Glenn VICA 2.




1 -3.


m , Bill: Band Cl. . 2,3; Pho tography ioor Track 3; Peer

•re, Fil: SCA 1 ,2; Ch ess Cl. 1; FCA Baseball 1-3; V. ndoor T rack 2,3.


3, Pres. 3.

nkie: FFA 1 ,2.

.in g Cl. 1,3; Bible

-- -- ::;:::::::::

::::::::::: ~

ng el: Nursing Cl. :O urt 2.

:::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::

r Boy: ICT 2,3.

Clark, Mary Sue: Regional Chorus 1 ,2 . Clatterbuck, Harold Bruce: FCA 3; Key Cl. 3; JV Football 1; V. Football 2 ,3; V. Base ball 2,3.

Clayton, Michael Franck, Mike: French Cl.

.rd , Alex: FCA 3·

2 ,3 ; Critiqu e Cl. 3; ICC Re p. 2 ; Hi-Y 1; SCA 1 ,2 ; jV Basketball 1; V. Soccer 2 ,3; Honor Society 2,3; Boy's State 2; D.A.R. Outstanding Hi story Stu dent 2; Peer 2 ,3, Co-editor 3 .

Jg: Ro ckel Cl. 1; ; Environment Cl. tager 3.

Claytor, Larry Wayne: Radio CJ. 1: Chess Cl.

h , Ca t: Bible Cl.

Cleveland , Ru ssell Alan, Rusty: Key Cl. 3; FCA 3; SCA 1-3; jV Bask etba ll 1; V. Track 2: Baseba ll 2,3 ; Cross Country 2; Ind oor Track 3; junior Class Tal e nt Show 2; Honor Society 2,3 ; Class Pres . 1; Boy 's Stat e A lt ernat e; "Music Man " .

Chris: Spanish

FA 1; ICT 2,3. Bubby. V Basketb a ll 1. Joug: Crit iqu e



Willi e: Chorus 1; lOtball 2 ,3; Indoor



1 ,2;

. 3.

Bud dy: Hi -Y 1 ,2; seball 2 ,3.

Dudley, Kenneth Wayne.

Dunn , Donni e Ra y. Durham, Sandra Yvonne , Sandy: Drama Cl. Durrer, Marjorie Elizabeth, Margie: Band Cl. 2; Drama CJ. 2; Highlight 3, T ypi st 3.

Dwi er, Kevin Lynn: Baseball. Ear le, Patri cia Baldwin , Wyndy: Nursing Cl. 1; Enviro nmen t Cl. 2 ,3, Pres. 3; Girl 's Volleyball lntra mura ls 3; Thespians 2,3; Drama Cl. 1-3; "So uth Pacifi c", " Blithe Spirit", "M usic Man " , "W izard of Oz", ''N ight of One Acts " . Easter, Barry Neal: Key Cl. 1; F.C.A. 3; jV Foo tb a ll 1; V. Footbal l 2 ,3; V. Baseba ll 1-3.

Crickenberger, Fran cis Wayne , Crick & Slic: SCA 1; Key Cl. ; JV Football. V. Baseball ; Three On e Act s .

Eas ter, Emil y Lucretia: S.C .A. 1-3; G.A .A. 13, Pres . 3; JV Ba sketball 1; V. Basketba ll 2 ,3, Co-capta in 3; V. Softball 2,3; V. Tenn is 1; Band Cl. 1; "Music Man "; Girls Stat e 2; Nat' ! Ho no r Society 2; Highlight 3 .

Cri ckenberger, Robert Wayne, Bob & Bobby : jV Basketball ; V. Track; Albemarle Pl ayers .

Easton , Douglas Edward , Doug: Key Cl. 3 ; F.C.A. 3; Baseball 1-3.

Crider, Henry Trevette Jr., Trev: Art Cl. 1: Environment Cl. 3; Math Con test Winner 2.

1; Alb emarl e Players 1; Enviro nm e nt CJ. 3;

Critzer, Austin Whitlock Jr., A.W.: ICT !.II.

Baseball 1-3; Soccer 2,3; M.V.P. 3.

Critzer, Barbara Gale, Bobb ie.

Edmunds , Janet Sheldon: S.C.A. 1-3, ICC Co m . 2; Frenc h Cl. 2, ICC Re p. 3; V. Cheerleader, Head 3; Dra ma Cl. 1; " Wi za rd of Oz'' , "Parad ise Lost "; Peer 3 , Circu lat ion Co-Editor.

Eastwood, James Edward, j. Slick: Latin Cl.

Cutright , Brad Ronald : Fren ch Cl. 1; SCA 2,3; FCA 3; De bate Cl. 1; Outdoor Track 2; In door Track 3; Peer 3 . Cutright , Sandra Ann , Sandy: French Cl. 1 ,3; Tri-Hi-Y 1-3; Rep . 3. Da ly, Linda Ann: Pe p Cl. 3; Voll eyball 3. Dameron , Wanda Elai n e, Doodl es: SCA 1-3; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Powd erpuff Footba ll 1,2. Davis, Earl Han sford .


Davis, Jeffr ey Brooks, jeff: Radio Cl. 1; Ro cke t Cl. 1; Envi ronment CJ. 3; Soccer. Davis, Matthew Glen, Ricky: Key CJ. 3; V. Base ball 1-3 : V. Basketball 2 ,3 : V. Football 2,3; Highlight 2. Da vison, John Morton: Band CJ. 1.

Cobb, Roger Lee.

Dawson, Mart ha Vernon: French Cl. 1,3; TriHi-Y 1,3 , Chap lain 3 .

Cobbs, Peter Price, III , Pete : Art Cl. 1,2; Radio Cl. 1; Drama CJ. 2; " Blith e Spirit ," " Mu s ic Man ," "Th e Wi zard of O z," Three On e Acts.

DeBell , Michele: Dram a CJ. 1-3 ; Spanish Cl. 1 ,2; Ski Cl. 3; Powd erp uff Football 3; Drill Team 2 ,3; " Musi c Man ," "W iza rd of Oz ,"

Cockrum , Sharon Sue, Susi e: Art Cl . 1, Drama CJ. 1-3 , Thespians 1-3 ; Fre nch CJ. 3; SCA 3; Tennis 2 ; Drill Team 2,3; " South Pa cifi c ," " Musi c Man ," " Paradise Lost".

Deets, Betsy Patt erson , Bet s: French Cl. 2,3; Dram a Cl. 2 ,3; "W izard of Oz," Peer 3; Homeco ming Court 3, Maid o f Honor 3 .

Coleman, Deborah Kaye, Debby: Drama CJ. 1; Art CJ. 1; DECA II & Ill. Coleman , Joan Marie, j.C.: SCA 1; Art Cl.; Thespians 2; "So uth Pac ifi c," " Musi c Man ··.

S.H .: Key Cl. 3. 1, Re p. 1, Ski Cl.

1 ,2; Pep Cl. 1.

Curti s, Dawn: GAA 1-3: Pep Cl. 3; JV Basketb al l 1 ,2; V. Basketba ll 3; V. Softba ll 2,3, Capt. 2.

" Go on, I' m li sten in g".

Jr., Bi ll: V. Base-


Corriga n , Louise Marie: Pe p Cl. ; Albem arle Pl ayers; Ke y Club , Sweeth eart; Powderpuff Footbal l; Voll eyball ; " Wi za rd of Oz"; Talent Show.

Crit zer, Ja mes A lan, Bo.

3ee: Critiqu e Cl. 3.

:::t. 2,3.

Dunlap , Scott Wi lli am: DECA.

Cre nsha w, Lawre nce Edward, Larry .

:., Bobby: SCA 1; ·!b all 1-3; V. BaseJtball Coach 1,2;

by & Kid: SCA 2; Photography Cl.

Co penh aver , Jud y Beth , Geo: Drama Cl. 1-3: Art Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 3; Thespians 1-3; Drill Team 2 ,3; " South Pacifi c", "M u sic Man ", " Wi zard of Oz ", " Parad ise Lost".

Cre nsh aw, Teresa Carr: Math Cl. 1; Critiqu e Cl. 3 ; French CJ. 1-3.

Debbie: Art Cl. 1;


Dudl ey, Robert Wayne, Bob: VICA.

Craver, Charles Walter, Chuck: VICA 1 .

'tb all 1 ; SCA 3 .

Nu rsing Cl. 1 ,3;

Cook, Michael Kipling, Kip.

Cram er, Robert Wayne , Bobby: Key Cl . 1-3; Dra ma Cl. 1; Rock et Cl. 1: FCA 3; Golf 1-3: V. Football Manager 1-3.

Cl. 1; Nursin g Cl.


Foo tb a ll 2 ,3; Vo ll eyball 3; junior Class Talent Show 2; " Wizard of Oz;" Peer 3, Coeditor Circulation and Clubs 3.

Cra ddock , Ronald Eugen e.

- •-

•nn: Nu rsing Cl. 1;

Confort, Virgi nia An n e, Ginn y & je na : French Cl. 1-3; Env ironm ent Cl. 3; Powd erpuff Foo tb all 2; " Wizard of Oz ," " Bourgeois Gentilhomm e" ; junior Class Tal ent Show 2; Peer 3 .

Coles, Carol Yvonne, Kiki: Art Cl. 1; jV Basketball 1. Coles, Edna Teresa, T essie: GAA 3; Cho ru s 1.

Collins, Glenn Albert, Big De k: Pe p Cl. VICA 2.


Peer 3.

Di ckens, Andrew Forbes, Andy: Latin Cl. 2,3; Soccer 3.

Dickerson, julia Lockhart , juli e: Ski Cl. 3 . Dickerson , Robert , Jr. ; Honor Society 2,3; Highlight 2,3, Ed itor 3. Dillard, Cora Elaine. Dillard , Na n cy Lorett a: GAA 1; VICA 3; Newspape r Cl. 2. Douglass, Margaret Marie, Moll y: Albemarle Playe rs 2; GAA 3; SCA 3; Powd erpuff


At it aga in , huh , Terry?

Glass, Ted Wilson: Motorcycle Cl. 3. Golden, {ean Carlene, Jell ybean: F.H.A. 1; French C . 1; JV Basketb a ll 1; V. Softbal l 2,3; Drill Team 2; Powd erpuff Footba ll 2,3; Intramurals 1-3; Concern ed Black Youths of A.H.S. 3; G.A.A. 1-3, Tres. 2, ICC Rep. 3; G.A.A. Chee rl eader 3; Peer 3. Golden, John Carl: Art Cl. 1,2; Pep Cl. 1路 Concerned Black Youths of A.H .S. 3; JV Footba ll1 ; V. Footba ll 3; Photography Cl. 1. Goldstein, Cynthia Anne, Cind y: Env iro nment Cl. 3; French Cl. 3; Tennis Team 1,2; Highlight 3; jun ior Class Talent Show. Gordon, James Curtiss, T he Skinner: VICA 1-3; JV Foo tb a ll Mgr. 2; Chorus 2. Gourley, David Willson : Intra mura l Basketball 3; Critique Cl. 1-3; Bicycl e Cl. 2,3; Yang-Yin .

Ferguson, Sandra Lou , Sandy: Latin Cl. 1; ursing Cl. 3, Tres. 3; F.T .A. 1.

Fitzgerald, Gayle Marie. Fitzgerald, William Stephen, Fitch : I.C .T. 2,3, Report er 2, Parliame ntarian 3. Fleischhauer, Jeffrey Alan, "Flash": Latin Cl. 1; Debate Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. ICC Rep. 3; Photography Cl. V. Pres. 3; Environment Cl. 3; S.C.A. 3; Soccer 2,3; " Music Man" ; Junior Class Talent Show.

Hudna ll , Delor; Hu dson , Doug!; Hu d on , Mich; Pres. 2; JV Foot! Humphreys, Ha JV Footba ll 1


Hun t, Michael I

Hahn, David Charles, juhre: Cin ema Cl. 3.

In eri ck, Nan cy

Hall, Amanda Katherine, Ka th y: Tri-H i-Y 1; Fre nch Cl. 3.

Hamm, Deborah Ann, Debbie . Hamshar, Virginia Seay, Kath y: F.H .A. 1,2 .

a. 1.

ae l, Terry El 1; G.A.A. Softb all 2,3, Ca1


a on, John outh Cl. 3.

) on, Mary , Concerned Blac

J kson , Sadie Concerned Blacl

Gardner, Edward Montgomery, Knu ckl e: Conce rn ed Black Youth of A.H.S. 3.

Hancock, Vickie Ann: "B lith e Sp irit".

Gardner, William Edmond Scripps, Wes.

Haney, Gary Franklin.

Ja kson , Vivian Drama Cl. 1; VI<

Garnett, Leigh Wilkinson: French Cl. 1-3 ; Tri-Hi-Y 1-3, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Powd erpuff Footba ll 1-3 ; at' ! Ho nor Society 2,3 .

Hanson, Mark David : Latin Cl. 1; DECA 3路 Track 1.

Jah.rsdeerfer, AJ

Hardeen, Theodore Brett , T ed: Fre nch Cl. 3; Baseball 3.

J hnso n, Ha yw1

Garrison, Martha Levenie: La tin Cl. 1,2, ICC Rep. 2; Dra ma 1; Peer 3. German , Sandra Gwen, Sandy: Drama Cl. 1; S .C.A. Rep. 3; Fre nch Cl. 1-3, Pres . 2; Powderpuff 3; " Le Bourgeois Gentih omme"; Highlight 1; Peer 2,3 , Activi ti es Editor 3.

Harding, Dusty Lynn. Harless, Franklin Neal, Frank: Eco logy Cl. 3; Golf 2; Indoor Track 3.

Foster, Linda Sue.

Gibson, Clifford Sidney.

Foster, Sheila Loraine.

Gibson, David Wayne: DECA 1.

Fox, Carol Faye, Bear: G.A.A. 1. ursing Cl. 1; DECA 3;

Gibson, Doris Ann: Art Cl. 1; S.C.A. 2路 Albemarle Players 1,2 . Gibson, James Alvin, Jim: DECA 2,3.

Haynes, Glen Barksdale, Deputy Dawg: Key Cl. 3; S.C.A . 2; F.C.A. 3; Latin Cl. 1; Band Cl. 1; Concert Band 1-3 ; Ma rching Band 1-3; JV Football 2; V. Football 3; Outdoor Track 2; Pres . of the Junior Class 2.

Franklin, AJtonya Angelique, Tonya: Pep Cl. 2; Forensir. 2.

Gibson, Patricia Diane, Pat : Tri -Hi -Y 1; Art Cl. 1,3 ; SPVRM 2; Pep Cl. 3.

Headstream, David Reed, Streamer: Rocket Cl. 1; F.C.A. 3; Monogram Cl. 1,2; V.


hnson, Diane 3.

hn on , Jean Li


on, Jo ce }

Harris, Cynthia Leigh.

Foster, Dwight Bennett, F.B.

Fox, Martha Sue: S.C.A . 1.

Howard, Sarah

Haga, Vanessa Gail.

Gianniny, Avis Carol: GAA 1-3, Cheerleader 1; SCA 2,3; French Cl. 1; Choir 1,2, Pres. 2, Most Improved Award 1, Regional Choir 2; Drill Team 3; Powde rpuff 2,3; " Wizard of Oz " ; Class Sec. -T reas. 3; Homecoming Court 2, Queen 3.

Flick, Teresa Layne.

Howard , Harol1

Hu nt, Kenneth

Fulton, William Sherwin, III., Sherwin.

Fitch, Steve Marcellous, Stevie: VICA 3.

Ho lman , John V

Guthrie, James Edward, Jimm y: DECA 1.

Faulconer, Janice Ann, Cootie Woman : Art Cl. 1,2; Albemarle Pla ye rs 1.


Dou ~


Hamilton , Charles Alexander: Environm ent Cl. 3.

Fisher, Charles Henry: Concerned Youths of A.H.S. 3.

Hill, Gary

Grimes, Thomas Keith, To mm y: Rocket Cl. 1; F.C.A. 3; Baseball 1; Soccer 3; S.C.A. 1.

Frossard, Karla Ann: Pep Cl. 1; French Cl. 2路 Eco logy Cl. 3; G.A.A. 1.

Fields, Donna Lee.

He rold, Janet .C.A . 1-3, Re p Basketba ll 1; p,

Hughes, Julie F1

Farmer, William Earl, Jr., Bill.

Farish, Michael Browning, Mike: Cin ema Cl. 3, Pres. 3; " Wizard of Oz" .

He nley, Charle:

Greims, Sandra Lee, Sandi : Drama Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3; "Mousetrap" .

Hale, Dinah Dean: Tri -Hi-Y 1; Span ish Cl. 3; Peer 3; One Act Play.

D.E.C.A . 1;

Henderson , Ma Cl. 1; F. H.A. 1-

Hodge, John Da Bicycle Cl. 3.

Fredrick, Theodore David, " Poet" : Rocket Cl. 1; JV Basketball Mgr. 1; V. Basketball Mgr. 2,3; Socce r 2,3; Thesp ians 2,3, V. Pres . 3; Drama Cl. 1-3, Pres. 3; " South Pacifi c", " Musi c Man ", " Prometh eus Bound ", " Wizard of Oz", "Fiddler on the Roof"; at'l Merit Schol arship Semi-Finalist, Nat '! Honor Soci ety; Highlight, Sports Editor 3, Photograph er 3.


Henderson, Jus

Graves, Anne Dorryce: Art Cl. 1, Sec . 1; S.C.A . 2,3; Sk i Cl. 3; Powd e rpuff Footba ll 1; Jun ior Class Talent Show.

Greene, Nikki Cole: Girls JV Bas ketball 1; Powderpuff 3; French Cl. 2,3; A lbema rl e Players 1-3; T hesp ians 2,3; "South Pacific" , " Music Man", " Blith e Spirit"; at'l Honor Society 2,3; Peer 2,3, Co -Editor 3; junior Class Talent Show.

Farish, Betty Jo Motorcycle Cl. 1.

He lmandollar, Dra ma 1.

Herri ng, Donna

Green, Mary Elizabeth.

Ewell, Lillian Lucinda, Cindy: Tri-Hi-Y 1; JV Ch eerl eader 1.

Heischman, J pan ish Cl. 1,3 Dra ma Cl. 1,2; ic"; Powde rpuf

Graham, Donna Linda: Dra ma 1; F.H.A. 1; Spanish Cl. 1; G.A.A . 2,3, Rep. 3; JV Baske tb all 2, V. Basketball 3; V. Softball 2,3.

Graves, Stacey Lee; Latin Cl. 1; Dra ma Cl. 1.

The truth about study hall?

Foo tball 1,3, ~ ma n 3, Daily f 3, Al l-Central Pos t All Outdoor T rack

Harris, Daniel Sterling, Danny: Intramura l Basketball 3; Concerned Black Youth s of A.H .S. 3. Harrison, Sally Louise: Fre nch Cl. 1; Dram a Cl. 1; S.C.A. 1,2 ; Critique 3; Tennis Team 13; JV Ch eerl eader Co-Head 1; Powderpuff 2; " Mousetrap "; Junior Class Talent Show.

hn n , Williru Concerned Blac

ton , Elian South Pacific"

•cle Cl. 3.

ybean: F.H.A. 1; 1; V. Softball 2,3; 'oo tball 2,3; lnt ra3lack Youths of l . 2, ICC Rep. 3; 3.

. 1,2; Pep Cl. 1; of A.H.S. 3; JV w tography Cl. 1.

Cindy: Env ironrenn is Team 1,2; lent Show. e Skinner: VICA rus 2.

on : Intramural 3; Bicycle Cl. 2,3;

Foo tb all 1,3, Most Va lu abl e Defensive Lin eman 3, Da ily P rog ress Awa rd 3, All -District 3, All-Central 3, All -Regiona l 3, Washington Post All AAA Team 3; In door and Ou tdoor Track 1-3. Heischman , Jana Kay, Jan: S.C.A . 1-3 ; Span ish Cl. 1,3; Environ me nt Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 3; Dra ma Cl. 1,2 ; " Mou se Trap ", "Sou th Pac ific"; Powderpu ff 1; Peer 3. Helmandollar, Susan Lee: Dra ma 1.

French Cl. 1·

Henderson, Justine Marvis: Math Cl. Rep. 1. Henderson, Mary Ann, Miss Jenni e: Nurs ing Cl. 1; F.H.A . 1-3. Henley, Charles Timothy, Tim . Herold, Janet Ru ckman: French Cl. 1-3; S.C.A. 1-3, Rep. 2; G.A.A . 1,2, ICC Rep. 2; JV Bas ketball 1; Powderpuff Foo tball 1-3.

ama 1; F.H.A. 1; 2,3, Rep. 3; JV 3; V. Softball 2,3.

Hill , Gary Douglas.

rt Cl. 1, Sec. 1; ~ rpu ff Foo tb a ll 1 ;

Hodge, John David, " Kill er" : Critiqu e Cl. 1,3; Bicycl e Cl. 3.

I. 1; Drama Cl. 1.

Herring, Donna Jean: Nursing 1,3.

Holman, John William. Howard, Harold Walter, "Ba ll s."

JV Basketball 1; 2,3; Albemarle "So u th Pacific ", rit" ; Nat'l Honor ·Editor 3; Junior

Howard, Sarah Elizabeth : Art Cl. 3. Hudnall , Deloras Jean , Jean: Library Cl. Hudson , Douglas Denham, Jr. Hudson , Michael Wayne, Mike: F.F.A. 1, Pres . 2; JV Football ; V. Footb all 2,3 .

i: Drama Cl. 1,2; :etrap".

Hughes, Julie Forbes.

mmy: Rocket Cl. er 3; S .C. A. 1.

Humphreys, Harvey Page: Art Cl. 1-3; Ski Cl. 3; JV Footb all 1.

my: DECA 1.

Hunt, Kenneth Veiard Jr. , Ken. Hunt, Michael Raymond , Mike.

: Cinema Cl. 3.

· 1; Spanish Cl. 3·

Ingerick, Nancy Lee: Spanish Cl. 1-3; Drama Cl. 1.

:at hy: Tri-H i- Y 1;

Israel, Terry Elizabeth: Drama Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 1; G.A.A . 2,3 ; V. Basketball 2,3; V. Softba ll 2,3, Ca ptain 2; Intra mura ls 2,3.

ler: Environmen t

Jackson, John Howard: Con ce rn ed Bl ac k Youth Cl. 3.


Jackson, Mary Ann: Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1; Concerned Black Youth Cl. 3.

thy: F. H.A. 1,2. he Spirit". n Cl. 1; DECA 3;

'ed: French Cl. 3;

Jackson, Sadie Louise: Art Cl. 1; SCA 2,3; Concerned Bl ac k Yo uth Cl. 3. Jackson, Vivian Deloris, Cookie: Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1; VICA 3; Homeco min g Court 3. Jahrsdeerfer, Alexa Thais. Johnson , Diane Marie: DECA 1-3. Johnson , Ha ywood Lindbergh, Ha ydi e: ICT 3.

nk: Eco logy Cl. 3;

Johnson, Jean Linda: GAA 1. Johnson, Joyce Ann. Johnson , Wanda Mae.

anny: Intramura l Black Youths of nch Cl. 1; Drama ; Tennis Team 11; Powderpu ff 2; ra lent Show. eputy Dawg: Key in Cl. 1; Band Cl. ting Band 1-3; JV Jutdoor T rack 2; Streamer: Ro cket am Cl. 1,2; V.

Johnson , William Edward, Blu e: Ma th Cl. 1; Concern ed Blac k Youth Cl. 3. Johnston, Elian Skipwith: Drama Cl. 1-3 ; " South Pacifi c".

A co nfront ation in a qui et ha ll way. Dis trict" 3, Ce ntra l" 3.

"A ll -Co nference"


"A ll-

Knight, George Hubert: VICA 3.

Jordan, Geneva Elizabeth.

Knight, Linda May: FHA 1, T res. 1; Nursing Cl. 1,3 , Program Cha tr . 3; Ltbrary Cl. 2.

Jordan, Philip Leslie.

Kramer , Deborah .

Joseph, Edwin Donnelly.

Kyser, Donna Lohr: VICA 1,2, Pres. 2.

Joseph, Thomas Duff: Math Cl. 1; J.V . Basketb a ll Mgr. 1; Vars it y Ba sketb a ll Mgr. 2,3; Highlight 2,3, Business Mgr. 3.

Lackey, Thomas Gatewood , Tom : Spanish Cl. 3.

Kelso , Robert Wilson , III: Ma th Cl. 1; J.V . Football 1, Baseball Mgr. 1.

Lane, Rebecca Mae.

Kenne dy, Bobby Wayne .

Lange, Doroth y Alice.

Kent, Wesley Mich ael, Wes : J.V. Basketball

Lea ke, Curtis Parker: Band Cl. 1,2; Bi cycl e Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 3; FCA 3; Soccer 1-3.


Kerr , Donald Lyle, Bozo: Math Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3, Thespian 2,3; Key Cl. 3; SCA 3; Indoor Track 2, Outdoor Track 2,3; " Music Man ". Kesler, Elizabeth, Liz: Drama Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2; Bi cycle Cl. 3. Key, Gloria Diane, Glo: Spanish Cl. 1-3, ICC Rep . 3, 2nd P lace Spanish District Contest 2; a ti ona l Merit Sem i-Finalist 3; Pee r 2,3, Ed itor Und erclass, Se ni or Sections 3. Key, Janet Sue: Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2; DECA 3.

Key , Rhonda Henderson : Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1; DECA 3; "The Mousetrap ", " South Pacifi c."

Johnstone, Francis William, Butch.

Kirby, Hugh Conrad, Zack.

Jones, Andrea Lee: Ch ess Cl. 1; Environm ent Cl . 3.

Kirksey, David Garrett: Key Cl. 3; Pep Cl. 3; Sk i Cl. 3; Peer 3, Academics Ed itor 3.

Jones, Michael Allen, Mike: Key Cl. 1-3, Tres . 2, Sgt . at Arms 3; Monogram Cl. 1; SCA 1; FCA 3; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1-3; Varsit y Football 1-3, Cap t. of Defense 2,3, Tri-Cap t. 3, Honorabl e Me ntion " All

Klinker, Louis Michael, Mike: Drama Cl. 3; Photo . Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 3; " Wizard of Oz"; Peer 3, Pho tograp her 3.

Kirtley, Vickey Anne, Vick: FTA 1, Rep. 1.


Lane, Amy Ka y.

Leake, Don Milton: Spanish Cl. 1; SPVRM 1; Bicycle Cl. 3; " Sou th Pac ific"; Football1. Leake, Sheilah Yvonne: DECA 1-3. Lewis, Ronalda Burnette, Rat: Nu rsing Cl. 3, Sec. 3. Lingle, Julian Gary. Louden, Harrison Daniel, Chorus 1,2; VICA 3; Track 2.


Ma le

Lowenhaupt, Stephanie Amy: Nurs ing Cl. 1,3 . McCauley, Carolyn Rea: Drama Cl. 1; Art Cl. 3; J.V. Cheerleader 1, Varsity Cheerl ea d er 2. McGehee, Jane Harris, Janie: French Cl. 2,3; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Drill T ea m 2,3. McGilvery, Elizabeth, Li z: Fre nch Cl. 1,3. McGraw, Joan Ellen, Joni: Pep Cl. 1; Dra ma Cl. 2; DECA 3. McWilliams, Janet Dolores: French Cl. 1; T ri -Hi-Y 1,2, Chaplain 2; Pep Cl. 3. Madison, Mark Stanley, Mark: Rocket Cl. 1.

Dem. 1; Varsity Cheerleader Basketball 1; " Easy to Persuade" .

Marshall , Bertha Ma e: FBLA 3. Marshall , David Lee.



MoskaJ ski , Robert Wayne, Rob : " Paradise Lost" .

Moneymaker , Robert All en.

Moyer , Debra Louise, Debbi e.

Marston , Ga ry Edward : Math Cl. 2; V. Pres . 2; Track 2.

Monroe, Ollie Darnell, O.D.

Munson, Rob ert Arthur, Bob: Debate Cl. 1; Math Cl. 1.

Mart in , Robert Leslie, Bob: Span ish Cl. 3.

Moore, Nancy Virgie: Art CJ. 1; Drama Cl. 1· Concerned Black Youth Cl. 3 .

Martin, Sandra Ka y, Sandy: Art Cl. 1,3, Tres. 3; GAA 1 ; GAA Cheerl eader 1 , J.V. Cheerleader 2, Head 2 .

Morris, Carolyn Sue: FHA 1. Morris, Cath erine Ann e, Cathy: Art CJ. 1; Drama Cl. 1; Critique CJ. 2 ; French Cl. 3; SCA 2,3; Drill Team 3; Tennis Team 2,3 , Intramurals 1-3; Powd erpuff 3; Junior Class Talent Show; Peer 3.

Napier , Luther Thomas, D.E.C.A. CJ. 1-3 , Pres. 3.



a pier, Nola Elizabeth.

Maupin, Mary Catherine.

Morri s, Cynthia Leigh , Cindy .

ardi , Julia Jean, jeanne: Tri-Hi-Y Cl. 1; Spanish CJ. 2,3; Intramurals 3; Thespian 2,3; Albemarle Players 1-3; "So uth Pacific" , " Blithe Spirit" , " A Tight of One Acts", " Promethus Bound ", " Music Man" , "Millie th e Beaut iful Working Girl ", " Wizard of Oz" 3, " Fiddler on the Roof"; S.C.A. 1,2; Second prize in Art Show 2; Patriot Pinion .·

Maupin, Michael Wayne, Mike: Radio Cl. 1; Motorcycle Cl. 3 .

Morris, Douglas Preston.

Nas h , Me lvin Lee.

Morris, Ellen Nan cy. Morris, Irvin.

Naylor, Alison Diana: Environmen t Cl. 3; T enn is Team 2; Drama Cl. 3; " Wizard of Oz " 3; Peer 3.

Morris, Kathyrn Diane, Kathy : SPRVM 1 ; FTA 1,2 , V. Pres. 2, Pres. District J Chapter 2; Spanish Cl. 3 , Pres. 3.

Ne lson, George Leon, Googy: V.l.C .A. 2,3; Concerned Black Youth of A.H.S. 3.

Morris, Laura Lee: FHA 1 ; Nurs ing Cl. 1; FBLA 3.

ieman , Ma rtha Ellen : Cl. 1.

Morris, Linda Kay: Tri-Hi-Y 1 ; Tursing 3 , V. Pres . 3.

Nougaret, Andre Alvin , Ra y.

Masl yk, Virginia, Ginny: Bicycl e Cl. 3; DECA. Masnik, Barbara Elizabeth : GAA 1,2, Rep. 2; French Cl. 2; Pep Cl. 3; SCA 3; GAA Cheerleader 1, Head 1 , Vars ity Cheerleader 3, Co-Head 3; " South Pacific " .

Maupin , Sharon Leigh : SCA 1; FT A 2; Spanish Cl. 3; Powderpuff 1. Maupin , Wilbert Irving. Maw yer, Sandrn Napier: FBLA 1,2, Pres. 3. Mawyer, William Arnold . Ma yo, Amy Win wood. Meem, John Graw, Gerone: Critique CJ. 3; " Parad ise Lost " . Miller, Belinda Amanda, Sis: Nurs ing Cl. 3. Miller, Brenda Jean, Lin:

FHA 1,2;

ursing Cl. 3.

Miller, Carson Snyder: Cinema Cl. 3; j.V. Football 1, Varsity Football 2, Varsity Track 2.

Minter, Patsy Ann . Mitchell, Phylli s Denise, Denni: GAA 1; Pep Cl, 1,2; Spanish Cl. 1,3, Sec. 3; SCA 1; Young

Morris, Clifton William: FFA 1; VICA 2,3.

Morris, Nelson Footba ll ; VIC A.




ursing Cl. 1,3; Latin

O' Brien , Barbara loan : M_gr. JV Basketball; Mgr. V. Basketbal ; V. Softbafl; Intramurals 1-3; Highlight 2,3 .

Morris, Rebecca Ann e, Becky.

Oliver , Evelyn Irene .

Morris, Stephen Fredrick .

Osvalds, Viesturs: Art Cl. 1,2; Critiqu e Cl. 3, V. Pres. 3; Environment Cl. 3; Track 1; JV Ba sketball 1.

Mort on, Harold Sylvanius, Ill, Chip: Art Cl. 1; Debate CJ. 1; Drama Cl. 1,3, Thespians 3; Key CJ. 2,3; Critique Cl. 3; SCA 1,3; Track 1,2; Junior Class Talent Show; Peer 2,3; MSQT Letter of Commendation ; "Wizard ofOz".

Owen , John Atkinson, III : SPVRM Cl. 1· Cinema Cl. 3; Highlight 3. Pace, Marvin Harlow : Music Cl . 1; Drama Cl. 1,2.

Powell , Shirle:

Paige, Benjamin Franklin, Be n: Environment Cl. 3 ; Nat '! Sem i-Fina li st 2.

Powell, Warre 3; Highlight.

Pairet, Lawrence Edwin, Ill, Eddie: Band Cl.

Pri tt, Jerry All•

Patterson, Franklin .

Pugh , Charles

Patt erson, Janet Leigh : Tri-Hi-Y 1; French Cl. 3.

Quarles, Thre: F.H.A. 1; Dril a t' I Honor Sc

Patt erson , Stanley Leight.

Quase barth , Sr

Patt eson, Luth er Willard , Jr., Bill: Ski Cl. 3 , Sec. 3; JV Football 1; V. Indoor Track 1· Outdoor Track 1 ; V. Football 2.

uast, Bonni airman and

Rag la nd , Bo Concerned Bla

Peterson, Martha Jane : S.C.A. 1,2; Drama Cl. 1; Span ish Cl. 3; Dr ill Team 2,3; G.A.A. Intramura ls 2.

Ragland, Ri cha

Phelp s, Thomas Lewis, Tommy: SPVRM Cl. 1 ; Latin Cl. 2 ; Ecology Cl. 3.

Ramazani , V; Cinema Cl. 3.

Phillips, Claude Dudley.

auch, Rebecc Art Cl. 1,2; Powderpuff 1.

Phillips, Lanny Duane. Pitts, Forrest Gregory, joe : Critique Cl. 2,3; Albemarle Players 1-3 ; " Blith e Spirit", "Easy to Persuad e", "Water Street Furniture Store Rebellion"; Thesp ians 2,3; Forensics 2; ICC Rep. ; Jr . Class Talent Show.

R mley, Mic h• 2; ki Cl. 3.

Poindexter, Constan ce Elaine, Connie: Mg r. JV Basketba ll 2; V. Softba ll 2; G.A.A. 3.

nnol ds, Deb 1; PVRM Cl. · Drill Team 2,3 ent how 2; 1 '\1 izard of Oz '

Pollard, Betty Jean .

R spess, Elizat

Pors, Christiane, "C .M.": Enviro nment Cl. 3; Spanish Cl. 1; "M usi c Man" 2; at'l Honor Society 2,3 .

R xrode, Delm.

Porter , Margaret Fox, Tina: Art Cl. 1, Pres. 1; Drama Cl. 1-3 ; Environment Cl. 3, Sec. -Tres . 3; Tat'! Honor Society.


Powell, Carl R

Pace, Melvin Harlow, Auction ee r: Art Cl. 13; Drama Cl. 1; " South Pacifi c" 1.

2; Ski Cl. 2; Intramurals Basketball 3.

A true learning experience.

Cindy pauses

Rho des, Judith Cl. 3; Philosopl · e, James Tho Track 1-3 ; Outc

·, Rob: "Parad ise ie.

lob: Debate Cl. 1·




T ri-Hi -Y Cl. 1; Is 3; Thespian 2,3; " South Pacific", tt of One Acts", sic Man", " Milli e ","W izard of Oz" 3.C.A . 1,2; Second t Pinion .'

JVironm ent Cl. 3; 3; "W izard of Oz" ogy: V .I.C.A. 2,3; A. H.S. 3.

rsing Cl. 1,3; Latin y.

.gr. IV Basketball; ftbafl; Intramurals

1,2; Critiqu e Cl. 3, 3; Track 1; JV


II: SPVRM Cl. 1· Cindy pauses a moment in sil ent reflection.

ow, that 's a good place to study.

usic Cl. 1; Drama

;tion eer: Art Cl. 1:ifi c" 1. Ben : Environment

Powell, Carl Roy, Flower: V.l.C.A. 1. Powell , Shirley Marie. Powell , Warren Daniel: Critique Cl.; S.C.A. 3; Highlight.

Ritchie, Bonnie Louise, Chipmunk: S.C.A. Chairman of Social Comm. 3; French Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1; Th esp ian Troupe 500 3; "Le Bourgeois Ge til homme " 1; "Music Man " 2; "W izard of Oz " 3; Powd erpuff Football 2; Nat 'l Honor Society Rep. 3; Peer 3.

II, Edd ie: Band Cl. asket ball 3.

Pritt, Jerry Allen, Butterball : VI.C.A . 1,2.

'ri-Hi-Y 1; French

Quarles, Thresa Ann, Teese: Nursing Cl. 1; F.H.A. 1; Drill Team 2; V. Cheerleader 3; Nat' l Honor Society 2,3 .

Rives, Samuel Barclay, Barcles: French Cl. 1-3; S.C.A. Cha irma n of Socia l Co mm . and A.F.S. Comm .; Thespian Tro up e 500 3; "Le Bourgeois Gen tilh omme" 1; " Music Man " 2; " Wizard of Oz" 3; Nat' l Honor Society Pres. 3; Nat'[ Semi-Finalist 3; Highlight 3.

Quasebarth, Susan Joan .

Roach , Peggy Lee.

Quast, Bonnie Ann, B.Q.: D.E.C.A. 2,3, Chairman and Executive V. Pres . 3.

Roberts, Henry Roge r.

Ragland , Be rnard Llo yd , Shackey: Concerned Black Youth of A.H.S. 3.

Robertson , Mary Ann: Art Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 1-3; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Ski Cl. 3.

Ragland, Richard Tom.

Rogers, Sally Lewis: S.C .A. F.E.S. Com m. 2. Ski Cl. 3.

Jr., Bill: Ski Cl. 3, · Indoor Track 1; al l 2. : .A. 1,2; Drama Cl. am 2,3; G.A.A. In ommy: SPVRM Cl. 3.

Pugh , Charles Michael.

Ramazani , Vaheed Ci nema Cl. 3.




Rauch , Rebecca Ann, Becky: Drama Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 1,2; S.C.A. 2; Philosophy Cl. 3; Powd erpuff 1. e: Critique Cl. 2,3; " Blith e Spirit", .er Street Furniture ns 2,3; Forensics 2; Show. aine, Connie: Mgr. II 2; G.A.A. 3.

Remley, Michael Raymond , Mike: Chess Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3. Rennolds, Deborah Sue, Debbie: Drama Cl. 1: SPVRM Cl. 1; French CJ. 3; Powderpuff 2; Drill Team 2,3, Co-Captain 2; Jr. Class Talent Show 2; Thespian 3; " Mus ic Man" 2, "Wizard of Oz" 3; Peer 3. Respess, Elizabeth Cyprie, Boopie.

Enviro nm ent Cl. 3; an " 2; Nat 'l Honor a: Art Cl. 1, Pres . 1; ent Cl. 3, Sec.-Tres.

Rexrode, Delmas Martin . Rhodes, Judith Faye, Judy: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; Pep Cl. 3; Philosoph y Cl. 3. Rice, James Thomas, Jimmy: F.C.A. 3; Indoor Track 1-3; Outdoor Track 3; V. Baseball 1,2.

Robert s, John Ma uri ce.

March ing Band 1-3; Powd erp uff 3; " Music Man" 2; Girls' State 2. Ryalls, Larry Wayne: Ski Cl. 3; ICT 3; Chorus 1. Salley, Lillian Brice, Lil: Drama Cl. 1; Fre nch Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 3; Chee rl eader 1,2; Powderpuff 1,2; "So uth Pacific", " Wizard of Oz "; Junior Class Rep . Sams, Peggy Lynn, Lynn. Sandridge, Gerald Newman , Bodene: Band Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 1; J.V. Basketball 1; Regional Band 2. Sandridge, Rachel Ruth . Scott, Lloyd Nelson. Scott, Mary Jan e.


Seaborn, Linda Pendleton, Mata: Latin Cl. 1,2, Pres. 2; Dra ma Cl. 1,2; T hespian 2,3 , Rep. 3; Critqu e Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Enviro nm ent Cl. 2,3; "B lith e Spirit ", " One Acts ", " Musi c Man ", " Wizard of Oz"; Nat' l Ho nor Society; NCTE fina li st ; NMSQT semi-fina li st.

Roseberry, Susan Alexis, Susie: S.C.A. Rep . 1; Ski Cl. 3, Pres. 3.

Shafer, Roy Edward: J.V . Football 1.

Roston , Rosie Lee: D.E.C.A. 1.

Sheridan, Patricia Maria Anne, Pat: "Kiss Me Kate" .

Roudabush , Julian Paul: Band Cl. 1,2; FFA Cl. 1,3; V. Basketball Mgr. ; JV Football; " Music Man" 2.

Sherwood, Robin Ann: Environment Cl. 3; Tennis 1,2; Peer 3 .

Roozrokh , Margaret Mawyer, Margie: F.H.A.

Ruscher, Thomas Richard, Tom: Drama Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 3. Rush , Sheila Eleanor: Pep Cl. 3. Rush , William Jr. : D.E .C.A. 2. Russell, Elaine Bracey: Band Cl. 1,2; Member of Regional Band 1,2; French Cl. 1,3; ICC Rep. 3; Tri-H i-Y V. Pres. 3; S.C.A. Publicity Comm. 3; Concert Band 1-3;


Shifflett, Carl Woodrow: l.C.T. 3. Shifflett, Henry Mack, Peanuts: Motorcyc le Cl. 3; J.V. Foo tb a ll 1. Shifflett , Judith Belle, Jud y: Nurs ing Cl. 1,2; Pep Cl. 3; Homecoming Court 3. Shifflett, Linda Ann. Shifflett, Linda Johnson.

Shifflett, Sharane Dianne.

Sprouse, Deborah Ann .

Shiffl ett , Steve Ray: DECA 1; ICT 1-3, V. Pres . 3.

Stables, Robin Anne: Dra ma CJ. 1 ,2; Pep CJ. 1 ,3 ; ICC 2.

Shifflett, Steven Wayne: DECA 1,2.

Stahl, Steven

Showalter, Mich ael Ray, Mike: French CJ. 2,3; Critiqu e CJ. 3; Hi- Y 1; So ccer 2,3, Co ca pta in 3; Jr. Class T ale nt Sho w; Pee r 2,3, Spo rt s Edit or 3.

Starke, Thomas Frederi ck, II, Baro n: Band Cl. 1; Critiqu e Cl. 3; Trac k 1; Jr. Class T a lent Sho w; Co ncert Ban d 1 -3; 3 Distri ct Band Fes tiv als.

Shutts, David Frankl ynn, Megal o mani ac: Dra ma CJ. 2,3 ; Rocket CJ. 1; " Mu s ic Man " ; SCA 2,3.

Steele, John William.

Sims, Elgie Russell, Jr.: J.V . Foo tb a ll 1; J.V. Bas ketball 1; Footb all 2,3; Basketba ll 2,3 ; Track 2.

Steppe, Earl MciUnley.

Smith, Cheryl Ann: Dra ma CJ. 1; Art CJ. 1; French Cl. 3; Critiqu e CJ. 2,3; Int ra mur al Footb all 1 ; Peer 3.

ace: Mo torcycle CJ. 3.

Steppe, Carolyn Laverne, De-De. Steppe, Jacqueline Victoria , Concerned Blac k Yo uth 3 .

Thomas, Michael Douglas, Mi ke: Fre nch Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 1; SCA 1 ; Co ncern ed Bl ack Yo uth 3.

Van, Sharon Su Pres. 1; Ecology

Tho mas, Theodore. T hompson, Francis joseph. Thompson, Gregory Ra ndolph, Co ncer ned Bl ac k Yo uth 3.

Ra nd y:

Thompson , Judith Inez, jud y路 Socia l Co mmitt ee 3 , co -ch a irm a n 3; Co nce rn ed Bl ac k Yo uth 3, ICC Rep. 3. Thompson , Marie Anna: Conce rn ed Bl ack Yo uth 3.

jac kie :

Tyler, Keith An

Thornley, Joan Laurie, Dobb ie: Chess CJ. 1; Powderpuff 1-3.

VandeCastle, K V. Footbal l 1,2; 1, V. Out door 1 Class Rep. 1; Cl

Van Fossen, Ca G.A .A. Sec./Tr Basketball 2,3 ;:

ess, Kennely I Radio Cl. 1; JV l

on Herbulis, L

Stokes, Eth el Rebecca, Bec ky: Library Cl. 1 .

Ti n sley, William Keith .

Smith, Matthew Hrnst, Matt : SCA 1; Art Cl. 1; cub a CJ. 2; Photogr aph y CJ. 3; Soccer 1 ,2.

Stovall, Ve nni e Lea.

T irrell , Thomas Alexander.

on Thelen, AJ li tica l Cl. 1; Fro Soccer 3; JV Tr ish Award; H 1; Highlight.

Smith , Michael Wayne.

Strasser, Peter Guido.

Wag ner, Bruce ronment Cl. 3.

Smith, Peter LeRoy, Pete: Dra ma CJ. 1-3; Thes pi an 1-3; Art Cl. 1 -3; Scuba Cl. 2; Soccer Boos ters CJ. 2,3; Sp an ish CJ. 2,3; Soccer 1-3; "Music Ma n ", " Mouse trap", " So uth Pac i fie" .

Sudduth, Jessie Aline, jess ie th e q rea t ': Ba nd Cl. 1 ; FTA 3.

Titus, Gerard Allan, Gerry: Key CJ. 2,3 , Sec. 3; FCA 3 ; Bas ketb a ll 1-3; Baseba ll 1; Trac k 2 . Toet, Robert.

ake, Kenna F.T. A. 1; Ecolog:

Stevens, Stewart Harmon.

Timberlake, Joyce Marie: VICA 3.

Sutherland, Rita Lynn: Span ish Cl. 1-3; Highlight 3; Antitheses 1. Swingler, Shelia An n , Ki tt en : Pep Cl. GAA 1 ; CBY 3.

Smith, Phillip Mosher. Sneed , Stormy Lee. Snow, Robin Laverne. Sonday, Robert Arthur. Spencer , Charlotte Gail. Spencer, Lora Sue, Sue: Drama CJ. 1; Art CJ. 1; Ski CJ. 3.


Tomlin, Patricia Kaye, Pat: Dra ma CJ. 1 -3; T hesp ia n 1 -3; Ban d Cl. 2; Co ncert Band 1 -3; "Music Ma n" . To ms, Em mett Wilson, Jr .: Ba nd Cl. 1.

Tanton, Thomas Carter, Jr., To m: Debate Cl. 1; SPVRM 1; Mo nog ra m Cl. 1-3; Key Cl. 3; SCA 1 ,3; Environment Cl. 3; "Wizard ofOz" ; Cross-Co untry 1-3; Indoor Trac k 1-3; Outdoo r Track 1 -3; Seni o r Class Pres .

To pper, De borah Anne, Debbi e: Dra ma Cl. 1; Fre nch CJ. 1,3 ; Te nni s 2 ; Vassa r Awa rd 2; Chemi stry Awa rd 2; Peer 3 .

Terrell , Mary Ann: 4-H Cl. 2; Powder-puff 3.

T ucke r, Jennifer Lynn: S ki CJ. 3, V. Pres. 3.

Thomas, David Arth er.

Turner, Phyllis Jane : FBLA 3.

Towler, Antonia Ru ssle.

" I can see it in your eyes " .

Mike gets so me " special att ention".


\ alker, Qyde A

Walker, Debora Art Cl. 2 ,3; Span

'\ alker, Debo1 Albemarle PI ayE

al ton, Cecil W

rd , June Mari

hingto n, Lei

wner, Scott I ey Cl. 2,3; panish Cl. 1; ball 1; Foe Valuable Defe1 L terma n 2,3; V

ts, Mike: French Cl. cerned Black Youth

Tyler, Keith Antonio, Sweet Back. Van, Sharon Sue: Drama Cl. 1; Art Cl. 1,2, V. Pres. 1; Ecology Cl. 3.





tez, Judy: Social :nan 3; Concerned 3.


Concerned Black

Jobbie: Ch ess Cl.


VandeCastle, Keith Dawson: Critique Cl. 3; V. Footbal l 1,2; V. Indoo r and Out door Track 1, V. Outdoor Track-Board of Champions 2; Class Rep. 1; Class V. Pres 2; Yang-Yin. Van Fossen , Carla Ruth: F.T.A. Sec./T res. 1; G.A.A. Sec./Tres. 3; JV Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2,3; Softball 2,3; Powderpuff 2,3. Vess, Kennely Edmund, Kenny: Chess Cl. Radio Cl. 1; JV Football 1; Tennis Team 3.


Von Herbulis, Leslie Frances: F.T.A. Cl. 3.


Von Thelen, Alexander Carnaby, Sandy: Political Cl. 1; French Cl. 1-3; Chess Cl. 1; V. Soccer 3; JV Track 1; JV Tennis 1; 1970 English Award; 1970 Latin Award; S.C.A. Rep 1 ; Highlight.

Ty: Key Cl. 2,3, Sec. Baseba ll 1; Track 2.

Wagner, Bruce Robert: Debate Cl. 1; Environment Cl. 3.

: VICA 3.

Pat: Drama Cl. 1-3; Concert Band 1-3;

Wake, Kenna Elizabeth: S.C.A. Rep. F.T.A . 1; Ecology Cl. 3.



Walker, Clyde Allen.

路.:Band Cl. 1.

Walker, Deborah Ann, Debbie: Drama Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2,3; Spanish Cl. 1-3; Band Cl. 1-3.

Debbie: Drama Cl. 1; 2; Vassar Award 2;

Walker, Deborah Diane: Albemarle Players 2.

r 3.

Williams, Kenneth Wayne, Kenny: F.F .A. 1,2.

Woodson, Judy Ann: Spanish Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2; D.E.C .A. 2,3, Tres. 3.

Williams, Teresa Ann: Spanish Cl. 1-3; S.C.A . Rep. 2.

Word, Charlotte Jo: Latin Cl. 1; S.C.A. 2; Drama Cl. 1,3; Band Cl. 1-3; "Musi c Man" 2.

Wilson, James Mather, Jim: SPVRM 1,2; Span ish Cl. 1; Critiqu e Cl. 3; Soccer 1-3, CoCaptain 3.

Worrall, Sara Henderson, Harry: Drama Cl. 1-3; " Wizard of Oz" 3.

Wright, Clifton Douglas, Doug: V.I.C.A. 3.

Wolfe, Susan Marie, Suzy: Spanish Cl. 2; Albemarle Players 2; Environmen t Cl. 2; S.C.A. 2; Powderpuff 2,3; Intramural Football and Basketball 2; A.F.S . rep. 2; at'l Merit Semi -Finalist.

Wright, Sylvester Marshall, Butchiback: Hiy 1; Art Cl. 1; Band 1; Albemarle Players 2; S.C.A. 1,2; Concerned Black Youths Cl. 3; "Music Man" 2; Peer 3.

Wood, Chester Leon, Woodie: F.F.A. Sec. 2; V.l.C.A. Tres . 3; JV Footbal l 2. Wood, Daniel Davis. Wood, Deborah Ann.


Wood, Grayson Corvi, G.C .: Chess Cl. 1; Band Cl. 1,2; F.C.A. 3; Soccer 1,3; Baseball 2,3. Wood , Patricia Ann, Pat : Drama Cl. 2. Wood, Wanda Lynn: Motorcycle Cl. 3. Woodruff, Mary Conrad: French Cl. 1-3; Pep Cl. 3; Thespian 2; Drama Cl. 1-3; "So uth Pacific" 1, "W izard of Oz" 3; G.A.A. Cheerl eader 1; JV Cheerleader 2; V. Cheerleader 3.

Walton, Cecil Wade. Ward, June Marie.

ki Cl . 3, V. Pres . 3.

Washington, Leroy Herruan, Lee.

" A 3.

Wawner, Scott Fredrick, Scotty: F.C.A. Pres. 3; Key Cl. 2,3; Pep Cl. 1; Monogram Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 1; Footba ll 1; Basketball 1; V. Baseball 1; Football Team Captain , Most Va luabl e Defensive Back 2,3 ; Baseball Letterma n 2,3; V. Pres. Class 3.

Wyant, Sarah Lee. Yates, Cauline Mary, Peewee: Art Cl. 1,2; A.F.S. Cl. 3; Albemarle Players 3; "Wizard ofOz" 3. Yates, Cynthia Jane, Cindy: Drama Cl. 1,3; French Cl. 1,3; Thespian 2,3.

Wood, Garland Gregory

Wood, Jud y Ann.


Wright, Barbara EIJen.

Wilson, Jo Ann: F.T.A. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Latin Cl. 2; Na t '! Honor Society 3.

Yates, Gertrude Ann. Yates, Shirley Loretta: Pep Cl. 1; G.A .A. 1; Basketball 1; Concerned Black Youth 3. Ziebell, Zinka: French Cl. 3; " Wizard of Oz" 3.

Ziegler, Michael Joseph. Zimmer, Lou Ann, Lucifer: Drama Cl. 1,2; Pep Cl. 1,3; Drill Team 2,3; Powderpuff 1,3; Intramural Football and Basketpall 1; "The Return" 2; "Wizard of Oz" 3; S.C.A. Rep . 1.

Weary, Terry Webster: Drill Team 2; Thespians 1-3 ; Nat'l Honor Society 2,3 ; Highlight 2,3, Feature Editor 3. Webber, Gregory Eugene, Grey: F.C .A. 3; Key Cl. 3; Cross Country; Indoor and Outdoor Track. WelJs, Gregory Lynn, Greg: V. Football 1; V. Track 1. We lls, Ronnie Delwin. We lJs, Steven Oliver: F.F.A. 1,2. Wesley, Mannis Reeves, Petey: Latin Cl. 2; Concerned Black Youth 3; JV Football 1; V. Football 2,3; Track 1-3; S.C.A . Rep. Wesner, Sharolyn Sue, Sherry: Band Cl . 1; G.A .A. 2,3; Pep Cl. Executive Committee 3; Basketball 1-3; Softbal l 2,3; Powderpuff 2; Peer 2,3, Layout Ed itor 3. Wetzel, James Bruce, Moose: Latin Cl. 1,2 ; Key Cl. 3; F.C .A. 3; JV Football 1; V. Football 2,3; Track 1-3. Whaley, Robert Owen. White, Jacqueline Finella, Kena. White, Larry Denni s.

Alison and Robin pause for a bit of ca tching up .

White, Stella Louise: Drama Cl. 1; V.I.C.A . 3. Whiting, Maril yn Black Youth 3.



Whiting, Thelma Black Youth 3.

Eli zabeth:


Williams, Allen Lyn: You ths Cl. 3, Repo rt er.



~il liams ,

Dan Ralph: Key Cl. 1,2; F.C.A. Cl. 3, S.C .A. 1, Football 1-3, Track 1-3.


WiJiiams, Deborah Salina, Debbi e: F.T .A. F.H .A. 1; V.I.C.A. 2,3, Sec. 3.



Zinka Zieb

very spe(

pecial bee fo r every

p cial bee

of ad din!

pecial bee

he sho\1\.


a -a



Zink a makes her debut

Zinka gets acquainted with Albemarle

Zinka and Sandy discuss Brazil 's nati ve sport -

A birthda y party- American style




Zinka Ziebell

A very special present from Brazil Special because of the way she finds time for everyone Special because of her involvement and her way of adding to everyday activities Special because of the uninhibited affection she shows every student Zinka- a truly loved part of the student body of Albemarle. A momen t of re fl ecti on

Z inka - th e stud ent


Zin ka shows off her ha ndsome brother





Honor Graduates

Third: Martha Peterson

Va ledi ctori an: Debbi e Topper

Fourth: Boopie Resp e s

Salutatoria n : Barclay Riv es

Twelfth (tie) , Debbi e Rennolds, Kath y Morris; Eleventh, Bruce Clatterbuck; Sixteenth (tie). Debbi e Arehart; Fifteenth, Any Lane; Fourteenth, Tina Port er: Sixteenth (tie), Nancy lngeri ck; Nineteenth, Mike Clayton ; Twentieth , Robin Sh erwood; Eighteenth , Elaine Russ ell 150



3ruce Clatterbuck; oenth , T in a Port er; Twentieth , Robin

Fifth : Nikki Gre ene

Sixth : Teresa Willi a ms

Seventh : Andrea jon es

Ninth : Ca th y Morris

Tenth : Ted Fredrick

Eighth : Lind a Seaborn



\ ~.

Blakey Hurt , President

Abbott , Ginny Abbott , Lynn Abel , Roy

Arnhoff, Stuart Arnold , Anne Arnold , Linda

Patt y Scott, Re port er


Aberle, Ri chard Adams , Greg Agee , Ray

Aschenbach, jenni e Averett e. Glenda Ayers, Linwood

A hrend , David All en, Do nna All e n , Edward

Baber, Cathy Bail ey, Do nna Bail ey, Willie

All e rs, jose ph Alli son . Randy Anderson, Wand a

Bain, Pet er

Baker, Jacqu eline Ba ker, Leon

Ba er, Vio let Ballard, Donna Ban , Roynett a




rs, Joseph ;on , Randy

erson , Wanda

Baker, Vio let Ballard, Donna Banks . Royn ett a

Barbour. Dal e Barbou r , Kenn eth l:larbour , Ro bin

Barfi eld , Na ncy Barnett , Cecili a

Ba rn ett . Floyd

Barrell, Barbara Batt en , Jan et Batt en. Wilm a

Be lew , Larry Bell. Debbi e Bell. Su sa n

Bent ley , Laur ie Birckhead , Carolyn Birckh ead , Joann e

Bishop , John Bl ack , je ffrey Black , oe

Lind a Johnson , Vi c e -President

, Peter r , Jacqueline r, Leon

Ma ry Ann Rui z, Secre ta ry-Tre asure r



\ ~.

\ Bla key Hurt , Presid e nt

Abbott , Ginny Abbott , Lyn n A bel, Roy

A be rl e, Ri chard Adams , Greg Agee, Ray

Ah re nd , Davi d All en , Do nn a All e n , Ed ward

All ers, jose ph Allison , Rand y Anderso n , Wand a

Arn ho ff, Stuart Arno ld, Anne A rnold , Lind a

Asche nba ch , jen nie Ave ret te, Gle nda Ayers , Linwoo d

Babe r , Ca th y Ba il ey , Don na Bai ley. Will ie

Ba in , Peter Ba ker , Jacq ueline Ba ker , Leo n

Patt y Scott , Repo rt er


Baker , Vio let Ba ll ard , Do n na Ba nks, Roynett a



\ ~.

rs, jose ph :on , Rand y

erson , Wand a

Baker, Vio let Ballard , Donn a Ba nks. Roy nett a

Barrell . Ba rb a ra Batte n , lanet Batten. Wilma

Be lew, Larry Bell , De bbie Bell , Susan

Bent ley, Laurie Birckh ead , Carolyn Birckh ead, joann e

Bi shop, jo hn Blac k. je ffrey Black, oe

Lind a johnson , Vi ce-Presid e nt


r , Jacqueline

r, Leo n

Mary Ann Rui z, Secre tary-Treas urer


Blankenba ker , Susan Bluch er , Nancy Bo ld en , Russell Bond, Eli zabeth Bond , }ames

Bowen , Beth Bowen, Doroth y Brac kett, Mary Brad ley, jan e Bragg, Donnie

Brassfield , Betty Breeden, Ronnie Brezi nski , Debbi e Bridges, Diane Bridges, Larry

The futility of try ing to lea rn so m e thin g.

Bro ck , Em il y Broo ks, Dall as Bro w n , Reva

Bryan , Wayne Bryant , Donna Bu ll , David

Burnett , Steven Burnley, Cath erine Burru ss. joyce

Burruss , Ka y Burruss, Virginia Burton , Su sa n Bush, Don Bush, Michael Byrd. Cassandra

Keith and Raymond like what th ey see!

"' Burru ss, Kay

Cain, Lau reen

Burruss, Virginia

Cal loway, Shirl ey Ca rmody , Eugene Carpenter, Daniel Ca rr , Benjamin

Burton , Susan Bush, Don Bu sh , Michael Byrd, Cassandra

Carr, Des1ree

Carr. Mary jane Carriker, Cindy Carroll, Larry Carter, Dabney Carter, Glenn Carter. Teresa

Carver, john Cassada , Lawrence Cason, Cathy Cassell , Debbie Chisholm , Kath y Christmas, Lloyd


Clark, Sheila Clarkson, james

Qarkson , Peggy Clatt erbuck, Gary


Clements, Dona ld Clements , Sherry Cobb , john

Cohen , Red Coleman , Debbie Coleman . Randy

Coles , john Combs , Susan Cook . Marvin

Another int elligent face in th e library.


Cook, Michael Cook, Ruth Cooke nour , Douglas

Copeland, Rebecca Cottle, }ames Cowan , Hailie

Craig, Be tsy Craig , Betty Cricken berger, Bonita

Critzer, Joyce Critzer, M 1chael Curme, jonathan

Curti s, Gregg Cuttit a, Thomas Dave nport. Kath eri n<

Davis, Deni se Davis, Jeri

Davis, l<eit h

, Peggy te, Gregory er, Beth

ig , Betsy ig, Bett y :ken berger , Bonita

Davis . Denise

Dav is, Keith

Davis. Jeri

Davi s, Mary Dav is, Robe rt Davi s, Ro nald

ti s, Gregg ' it a, Thomas 路e nport , Katheri m

Dunn, Peggy Durrett e, Grego ry Dye r , Beth

Easter , jeffr ey Eckman , Gregory Eubanks , Hefen

DeBi as i , Albert Det a more, Tommy Di ckerson , josephi ne

Di ckerson, Lore nzo

Di cki e, Ci ndy Dill a rd , joyce

Dolan , Robe rt Doughe rty . Steph e n Dowell , lvar

Me? The Office?


Drumh e ll er , Na ncy Dudl ey, Gregory Duncan , David

Eubanks, Va lerie Eudailey , Kay Farish , james

Faust , William

a a


beon , Ol a rlotte n . Debra n . Doris

Okay Steve , you know what I'm going to say.

Gee, I we Fell s , Dale Figgatt , Deborah Fink, Sall y

Flora, El eanor Forney, Susan Fox, Donna

Fox, Sh eil a Fri sco , Kathy Frye, Bernard


Gaertner , Paul Ga rdn er , Beverl y Ga rdn e r , Melton

Garrison , D avid Garri so n , Lena

Garriso n . Margaret

Gay , Cynthia Ge ntry , William P . Gentry, William W.

Gibson, Charlott e Gibson. Debra Gibson. Dori s

Gibson, Mildred Glass. james Glosser, Mark

Godwin, Ginger Goode. John Goodridge, Lee

Gee, I wonder who that good-looking guy was!

•Y . Cynthi a entry , William P. entry, William W.

Graff, joseph Grant, Ralph Graves, George Graves , Wanda

Gray, Sandra Green. jeanett e


Green , Raymond Haigh , Charles Hale, Edgar Hall, George Hall , jerry Hanger , Pam ela

Harding , Barbara Harlow, Pauline Harris , George Harris. James Harris, Vickie D .

Harris , Vickie L.

Harrison , Susa n

Haugh , Dayton

Hawk in s, Alfred Hedgeman, Harry

H ende rso n , Do n

He nnessey , Thomas He rnd on , Gild a He ro! d, Henr y He rring. Wand a Holmes, Mich ae l

Ben tri es o ut a new set of wh eels.


Huc kste p , Ke ith Hud so n , Ve rn e ll e Hudso n , Ve rnice

Huff, Ga rry Hugh es. Josep h Hughes. R honda

Hughes, Vick ie Huie. Irene

Humphri s, Robert Hunt , Ca rlt o n Hurl , Thom as Is bi ster, Mo ra

ac kso n , Joa nne ac kso n , Lola aco bs. Sh erry


am es, Willi am ohn so n , Arni e

John so n , De bra

ope, jeanette, that 's not all yet.


...6... 1


' J~

ackson, joann e

ackso n , Lola •cobs , Sherry >mes, William Jhn son, Arni e ohn son, Debra

hnso n, Keny hnson, Larry hnson, Lew1s hnson, Linda hnso n , Lorett a hnso n. Sa ndra


ohnson, Shelia

Johnstone, Elizabeth a nes, ~anne o nes , o ones,


fordan, Cassandra

ordanJ.ohn ordan , ulia iKelly. athy Kelso. Constanr:e

Kembery , Paul Kes le r , Cathy

Keyser, Frederick Kline , Margaret Knight , Wilson Koh l , Betty Kyger , Sh1rley La Buy. Becky


Lam, Vince nt Lamonds, Deborah

Lanahan , Bruce Lang , Karen


Guess who 's listening to the teacher.

y. Jo Josep h ieresa

Lang. Mary Lange , john Lawless, Kenneth Lawrence. Robert

Lawson. Cliff Layman . Lois Layne , Alfred Leake. Lewis

Lewis , Bennet Lewis, Clarence

Lewis, Keith Lewis. Richard

Lipscomb, Robin Lit lie. Larry Lohr. Philip Loschelder. Barbara


Lozier, Davina

Luck. Elizabeth Lumpp, Cynthia McAllister. Roger

McCauley , George McCauley, Jam es Mcdellan. beborah McDaniel, Patsy

McDermott , eal Maddox. Herbe rt Madison. Allen Maine. john

McDermott, Neal Maddox. Herbert Madison, Allen Maine. John

Manley, )o Marks . josep h Marks, Teresa

Ma rsh. William Marshal l , Charles Martin, Edward

Mart n, James Mart n, Mary

Mayo, Edward Meeks. David licham. Clyde

Milgraum. Candy Mi ll er, Mark Miller. Michael

Mills. Ca rolyn Monroe. Pearl Morris. Betty

Mart n , Eric

Mason, Mary Masser, Susan Massey, Ben

Matacia, Th e resa

Maupin, Deborah

Matheny. Ladonna Matysek. )anine

Mauro , Maureen

May. Marlai ne

At leas t Eleanor can find something to smi le abou t .


Mo rri s, Mo rri s, Morri s, Mo rri s,

Bobby Dal e Fred Gary Lee

Morri s , Ga ry Lewis

Morris Gaynell e Mo rri s, Pa mela Morris , Roman

Morri s. Samuel Mo rri s, Violet M orr is , W anda

Mosby . Vera

Murdoc k, Da rrell Murphy , Peter Murray , Dre w Musachio, Diana

Ano th er one o f thos e st imul ating class peri od s.


a pi er , Ch a rlotte Na pi er, Eleanor Nas h . Di ane Naylo n , Kevin

Ne lso n , Lauri e

oo n , Willi am


Oops! You ca ught m e in th e ac t.

~ l son.

Lauri e

oo n , William gil vi e, James

fi va, Ri chard

Oliver, Jeann e

Pace, jonn Paige, Muriel Parso ns, Virgini a

Patte rso n , juli a Payne, Russell

Phillips, Samuel Pierce, Charles Pollock, Terry Polson , Allan Poole, Garnett Popp , Rosann a

Posada, Joaquin Po we ll. Kathy Powell , Martha


Pugh , Harol d Pugh , Melinda Pugh, Patti

Prill aman, Steven


Quarles James

Ragl and, We nd y

Race, Debora

Ra1nes. Ronni e

Ragl a nd, Margaret

Rain ey, Linda

• t

Ramazani, David Rankin, Thomas Rea, Dorothy

Rea, Marvin Reilly, Kevin Richardson, Randy

Ridob, Joanne Riggs, Robin Ripley, Howard

Ripley, Jane Ripley, osel'h Ritch1e, FreC!erick

Roberts, Keith Robin son, Roger Rogers, Rebecca

~~~~: ~:~:ret Root, Nancy

Rosebaum, Eddie Roseboro, Patricia Roszak, William

Rothacker, Florence Ruddock, Alexander Ryalls, Carol

Nothing like the comforts of home life.

All right Eddie, you know that's a no-no.


Sacre, Thomas Salisbury, Norma Salmon, Patricia

Shifflett, E. Steve Shifflett, joanne Shifflett, Michael

ley, Jane ley, osel'h :hie, Frederick

hacker, Florence !dock, Alexander tlls, Carol

Sacre, Thomas Salisbury, Norma Salmon, Patricia

Sandridge, Dabney Sandridge, David Saunders, Robert

Sawyer, Robert Scott, Helen Scott, Patty

Seiler, Robert Sheets, Elizabeth Shifflett, Carolyn

Aw gee, I'm bashful you guys!

Shifflett, E. Steve Shifflett, Joanne Shifflett, Michael

Shifflett, Naomi Shifflett, Wayne Shisler, Wilham

Short, James Shotwell, Nancy Shumaker, Frank

Simpson, Walter Sipe, Arthur Sipe, Wilmer

Linda prepares to make musical history.


Slaughter, Dotti Smith, Clyde Smith, Donna

Smith, Garry Smith, Kathy Smith, Larry

Smith, Lisa Smith, Sheila Smith, Stephen

Nimcy and Maureen- true scientists at work.


Smith, Teresa Snoddy, Cathy Solomon, Diane

Spencer, Jessie Spencer, Patsy Spencer, Roy

Steppe, Margaret Street, Melinda Sudduth, joni

Sullivan, Donna Sullivan, Wayne Tanton, Theresa

Spradlin, Lisbeth Sprouse, Barbara Stallings, Roy

Tee!, John Thacker, Deborah Thacker, Sandra

Thomas, Ann Thomas, Garrett Thomas, Laura

Turner, Marjorie Tyler, Mary Valle, Pedro

tdlin, Lisbeth luse, Barbara lings, Roy

Thomas, Ann Thomas, Garrett Thomas, Laura

Thompson, Cheryl Thompson, jessie Thorsey, Richard

Thurman, Anne Timberlake, janet Tinsley, joann

, john :ker, Deborah :ker, Sandra

Turner, Marjorie Tyler, Mary Valle, Pedro

Via, Danny Via, Mamie Via, Nancy

VonHerbulis, Mary Wagner, Elaine Wakley, Chris

Toms, Dianna Toms, Donald Towler, Sam

Trainum, Yvonne Tremblay, Catherine Trew, April

Tucker, Jane Tucker, Scott Tull, Herbert

Diane looks into her bag of "goodies."


Walker, Arthur Walker, James Walker, Nona

Walker, Richard Walker, Robert Wa! ker, Virginia

Wallace, Grover Wallace, Michael Walton, Paula

Walton, Ted Wanless, Monte Ward, Charles C.

Webster, Chris Weeks, Michael Wells, Beverly

Oh, that guy. He makes me so angry!


Ward, Charles E. Ward, Darryl Ward, Patricia

Wesley, Margaret White, Grover White, Pamela

Warner, Carson Warrick, Deborah Washington, Raymond

Wilder, Hans Wilhelm, Christina Wilkins, Daye

Wilkinson, Colleen Williams, Ira Williamson, Charlot!

Woodson, Rebecca Woodson, Ruth Woody, Sally

1er, Carson

rick, Deborah hington, Raymond

Wilkinson, Colleen Williams, Ira Williamson, Charlotte

Wilson, Dudley Wilson, Tames Wilson, Peter

Wilson, Sarah Wingfield, Denise Wingfield, William

Winstead, Marcus Winston, Brenda Winston, James

er, Hans elm, Christina ins, Daye

Woodson, Rebecca Woodson, Ruth Woody, Sally

Word, Nancy Wright, Cynthia Wright, Daniel

Wright, James Yancey, Kathy Yates, Jacquelyn

Young, John Zeller, Karen Zimmerman, Hollis


Witcher, Sabra Wolford, Stephen Wong, Kaikan

Wood, Deborah Wood, Sharon Wood, Virginia

Mary takes advantage of this peaceful area.



l Ned Clausen, President

Adcock, Robert Agee, Audrey Agee, Ronald Ahrend, Kerry

Albert, Robert Allen, john Allen, Stephen Andes, Lertie

Andrews, Douglas ArbauEh. Linda Argenbright, David Armentrout, Richard

Armstrong, Vicki Ashe, Richard Asher, Donna Baber, Brenda

Bishop, james Black, john Blankenship, jackie Borchers, Robert

Baber, john Bailey, Alan Bailey, George Banton, OJnnie


Barbour, Carl Barbour, Cheryl Barbour, Francis

Barbour, Gregory Barbour, Nadine Barbour, Ruby

Nancy Rutland, Secretary-Treasurer


Barnett, John Bates, john Batten, Susan

Beasley, Ann Bell, Edwin Bentley, Melanie

Bentley, Vickie Berry, Ava Berry, Charles

Brown, Carroll Brown, Debra Brown, Dorothy

r ~

Iaber, john lailey, Alan Iailey, George lanton, Connie

Bishop, james Black, John Blankenship, jackie Barch ers, Robert

Borden, Mary Bowen, Randy Brackett, Clarasteen Brackett, James

Brackett, Phyllis Bradley, Mark Bradley, Tony Bralley, Deidra

Branch, Cary Branch, Olivia Brassfield, Reginald Brezenski, Rebecca

Brechu, Judith Brock, Huey Brookshire, Brian Brown, Anna

entley, Vickie erry, Ava erry, Charles

Brown, Carroll Brown, Debra Brown, Dorothy

Brown, Eden Brown, Franklin Brown, jochlyn

Bryant, Donald Bryant, Naomi Bryant, Robert

Buehler, Patricia Burgess, Ruby Burns, Diane

Burns, Howard Burton, Michael Busby, Arthur

Chris Samuel, Vice-President

Melanie Bentley, Reporter


Cotten Jeffrey Cozort, Deborah

Critzer, Ronald Critzer, Roy Critzer, Susan Cutright, Barry Cutright, Bonnie

Butcher, Sally Butler, Michael Butler, Wendell Byrd, Beverly Calloway, Linda

Carey, Bertha Carpenter, Bryant Carson,_Aames

Carter, Jan Carter, Mayo

Cason, Brenda Childress, ~nthia Childress, enry Chisholm, Jeffrey Christmas, John

Chronister, Steven Clark, Robert Clausen, Ned Clements, James Clements, Karen

Must be a good book, Larry.


Clements, William Cockerille, Laura Coleman, Nancy Coleman, Ste[hlien Coles, Kennel

Coles, Kim Collier, Janice Collins, Howard Collins, t'seph Collins, iclde

Conklin, Anne Conley, Roy Cooper, Wade Copeland, Daniel Corrigan, Kathy

Conklin, Anne Conley, Roy Cooper, Wade Copeland, Daniel Corrigan, Kathy

Cotten Jeffrey Cozart, Deborah

Crawford, Alvin Crawford, Roger

Crawford, Samuel Critzer, Donald

Critzer, Ronald Critzer, Roy Critzer, Susan Cutright. Barry Cutright, Bonnie

Daidone, Steve Dameron, Susie Davis, David Davis, Gary Davis, Jeffrey

Davis, William Deane, Debra Deaton, Mary Dellinger, Steven Dent, Bundora

No fair, Bob, keep your eyes on your work.

Dixon, Suzanne Dollins, Florence Douglas, Welford Dowell, Lee Dudley, Doris

Duncan, Patricia Lee DuncanJ Patricia Loun Dunn, David Durrette, Charles Dwier, Marcella



Dyer, Michael Dyer, Patricia Enyeart, William Eubanks, Debrah Ewell, Teresa

Farish, Diane Farish, Glenda Farish, Wanda Farmer, Terry Fields, Gregory

Tao Ho investigates the mysteries of science.


Fields, John Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher, Frances Fitch, Sheila

Fitz, Terry


April Ford, Deborah Fox, Susan

Frankfort, Erwin Frazier, Charles Frazier, Daniel Frazier, Rosa

Fredrikson, Timothy Garcia, John Garcia, Sylvia Gardner, Ava Gardner, William Garnett, Michael Garrison, Douglas


Garrison, Mary Garrison, Randy Garrison, Vicki Garver, Jackie Garwood, Marcha Gentry, James Gentry, Kathy

Gentry, Lewis Gibson, David Gibson, Tony Gilbert, James Gilmer, Melissa Glasgo, Hattie Glosser, Cynthia

Glover, Kathy Golladay, Randy Goodman, Tony Grady, Deloise Graebner, Emily Gray, Angelina Greenwood, Sheree

Mlaoer,Patti ..._,,Sheree Mwris. Bruce

All the comforts of home.

Gregg, John Grinde, Thomas Grinnell, Jane

Grinstead, Janet Gruenwald, Diane Hackett, Thelma

Haga, John Hall, Oilton Hall, Kenneth

Hall, Mark Hall, Steven Hamm, Kenneth

Hayslett, Deborah Hearn, Susan Hedrick, Kathy

Hedrick, Richard Helmandollar, Toni Hensley, Donafd

Jensley, Michael Herndon, Charles Herring, Cathy

Herring, Dale Herring, Deborah Herring, Lloyd

I' t

Glover, Kathy Golloday,Randy Goodman, Tony Grady, Deloise Graeoner, Emily Gray, Angelina Greenwood, Sheree


Hamner, Patti Haney, Sheree Harris, Bruce

Harris, Linda Harris, Ollie Hartman, Lawrence

Harvey, Vallarie Hash, Guy Hawkes, Judy







What's wrong Ruby?

Herring, Raymond Herring, Ruby Hewitt, Gregory

Hong, Sungwha Horrocks, Paige Howard, Garry

Howard, Gary Hudson, Susan Huff, Deborah

Hughes, Larry Hu1e, Jane Hunt, Donna Hunt, Lora Hunt, Sharon Hunt, Susan Hunt, Tina


Hurlbut, Cliff jackson, Mildred jaeger, Alison arman, George Jenkins, june Johnson, Ava johnson, Dana

johnson, johnson, johnson, johnson, johnson, ohnson, ohnson,


Deborah Douglas Duane Edward Gary Lawrence Paula

ones, Curtis ones, Debra jones, Laurie Jones, Sharon jones, Wanda jordan, Lillian joseph, Polly


judge, Ruth Juul Nielsen, Ingrid leallg!llan, Lawrence KauZlarich, John Kelly, Timothy Kennedy, jean Kent, Ronald

Lewis, Charles Lilly, Edward Lindsey, Robert

Long_, Rodney Loschel der, Charles Lovelace, Denise

Loving, Cathie Lucas, Vicki Luck, Andre

Yvonne prepares to "reach" for it.

Jones, Curtis jones, Debra Jones, Laurie jones, Sharon jones, Wanda jordan, Lillian joseph, Polly

judge, Ruth juul Nielsen, Ingrid l<augman, Lawrence Kauzlarich, John Kelly, Timothy Kennedy, jean Kent, Ronald

Kim, Tae Kindrick, Kathy King, Ernest Kiroy, Barry Kirby, Edward Kirby, Nancy Kirschnick, Steve

Klepach, Robert Knight, Aubrey Konkle, Kristin Lam, Harold Lam, Loretta Lamb, Deborah Lane, joseph

LaRue, Alexandra Lawrence, Steven Lawson, Brenda Lawson, Cornelia Layman, Charles Leake, Douglas Leathers, jonathan



Lukes, Gu)' Lyng, Katlileen McAllister, Melvin McAlphine, Keith

McCann, Sharon McCauley, Linda McDaniel, Clifton McDaniel, Patricia

McDaniel, Wanda McGehee, David McGrory, Keith McLaughlin, Caroline


Mad dry, Gary Marks, Heather

Mohler, Jossie Mondy, Sherry Moore, Shelby Moore, Timothy

Marks, Michael Markwood, Paula Marston, Jodi Martin, David

Martin, Debra Martin, ~erome Martin, erry Martin, atricia

All right Keith, watch it.

Martin, Sarah Martin, Victor Mathews, Thomas Matysek, Paul Maupin, Betty Maupin, Charles

Maupin, ~anet Maupin, une Maupin, atricia Maupin, Vernon Maupin, Warren Maupin, William


Mawyer, David Maxa, Colin Mays, Robert

Miller, Deborah Miller, Dorothy Miller, Gregory

Minter, Mildred Minter, Stephen Mittelstardt, Alan

Morton, Rhoda Moubray, james Moubray, Robert Maya, Linda

Munson, Susan Napier, Darrell Naylor, julien Nelms, John

Nelson, Suzanne Neofotis, Ted Nightingale, Melody Norcross, Teresa

Now that's something to think about.

Mohler, Jossie Mondy, Sherry Moore, Shelby Moore, Timothy

Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris,

Alton Gary Gerald judy

Morris, Michael Morris, Nancy Morris, Pamela Sue Morris, Pamela Teresa

Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris,

Raymond Ronald Vegina Wanda



Norford, Sharolyn Norvelle, Richard O'Brien, Gary

0 'Leary, Margaret O'Leary, Mary Oliva, Michael

Owen, John Owen, Ryland Owens, David

Pace, Betty Paige, John Palmer, William

Parker, Milburn Patterson, Mark Patterson, Sherri

Patterson, William Payne, Debra Payne, Lloyd

Quasebarth, Tom Raines, Allen Rainey, Larence

Perkins, Roger Peters, Karen Pitts, James

• Pleasants, Rita Poe, Sharon Porritt, Debra Powell, Alvin

Ava decides to "sit this one out."

Powell, Charles Powell, Gwen Powell, Tyrone Price, Brad

Price, Edward Price, Pattie Pritchett, Bonnie Pritchett, David

Pryor, Hans Pugh, Robert Pullen, Susan Quarles, Debbie

Riffe, Jennifer Ripburger, Ellen Ripley, Debbie Ripley, Debra

• 184

Perkins, Roger Peters, Karen Pitts, james

Quasebarth, Tom Raines , All en Rainey, Larence

Ratcliffe, William Reed, Mark Rennolds, Sarah

Rexrode, Matthew Reynolds, Timothy Ricciardelli, Laura

Richardson, Robert Richmond, james Riddervold, Kari

Pam takes a moment to examine the situation.

, Riffe, jennifer Ripburger, Ellen Ripley, Debbie Ripley, Debra

Pryor, Hans Pugh, Robert Pullen, Susan Quarles, Debbie

Ritchie, John Roach, William Roark, james Roberts, Cathy

Roberts, William Robertson, Kay

Robinson, David Rogers, Susan

Robinson, Bruce

Rosenbaum, Patricia

Robinson, Cynthia

Rungwerth, Stephan

.# 185

Ruscher, Charles Rush, james Rushia, Robert Russell, Susan

Rutland, Nancy Sacre, David Sams, William Samuel, Chris

Sandell, Michael Sandridge, judy Sanford, Anne Sanner, Perry

Saunders, Jeff Scruggs, Michael Seale, Ruby

Shell, Richard Shelton, Teresa Shifflett, Bennie

Shifflett, Deborah G. Shifflett, Deborah L. Shifflett, Della

Shifflett, Gloria Shifflett, James Shifflett, Ma~aret Shifflett, Path

Shifflett, Patsy Shifflett, Peggy Shifflett, Velma Shifflett, Virginia

Shortell, Helen Showers, Connie Simmons, Cathy Sims, Randy

"C'mon you guys, cut it out."

Sims, Stuart Sites, Deborah Sketchley, Roth Smith, Betty

Smith, Dianne Smith, Helen Smith, Louise Smith, Randy

Smith, Susan Snow, Samuel Snow, Wanda Snyder, Michael

Spence, Vicki Spradlin, David Sprouse, Larry Sprouse, Lynita

Steppe, Susan Stokes, James Stoots, Ronnie Straughan, Alice


l •


Sprouse, Pamela Stahl, Kim Stembridge, Robert

Stephens, Wayne Stephenson, Beth Steppe, joan

Thomas, Rosemary Thomas, Shirley Thompson, Alvin Thompson, Charles

Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson,

Guess what's happening?

)ence, Vicki >radlin, David ,rouse, Larry >rouse, Lynita

Steppe, Susan Stokes, James Stoots, Ronnie Straughan, Alice

Strever, Allison Sutphin, Michael Tate, Terry Taylor, Christine

Taylor, Diane Terrell, Evelyn Terrell, jackie Testerman, Fred

Thacker, David Thacker, ~ames Thacker, ean Thacker, a bert

Thalman, Katherine Thomas, Archie Thomas, Pamela Thomas, Robert


' 187

Joyce Mary Nan Richard

Thornley, Donald Timberlake, james Tinsley, Mary

Tirrell, Kim Toet, Petronella Toliver, james

Toms, Rhonda Topper, Steve Travis, Susan

Now how did you get in here?

Trunzo, Antonia Turner, Dennis Turner, Douglas Turner, Lorraine

Turner, Sharlene Twardoski, Mike Van de Castle, Craig Van Der Linde, Derek

Van Fossen, Steve Varner, Gerald Via, Thomas Viar, Steve

Viar, William Wacn, Gerard Wade, Gary Walker, Robert

Wallace, Edward Waller, Yvonne Walton, Marsha Walton, Michael

Walton, Timothy Wang, Lulu Ward, Mabel Washington, Pat

Washington, Sandra Waugaman, Mark Waybright, Audrey Webber, Douglas

Whiting, Mary Whiting, Patncia Williams, Darlene Williams, Debra


I 188

Webber, Jodie Wbitcomb , Lee White , Beatrice

White, Richard White Teresa Whitehead, Thomas

Woodson , Douglas Woodson , Gary Wright. Elizabet h Wright , jam es

Wyant , Daniel Wyant , Kim Ziegler, Robe rt Ziock, Klaus

A before lunch " treat. " (s mil e)

Wash ingt on. San dra Waugaman , Mark Waybright , Audrey Webber. Dougla s

Whiting. Mary Whiting, Patncia

Williams. Darlene William s, Debra

William s, Loui s Wi lli ams , Robe rt Willis. Linda Wil so n, Marcell a

Wilson , Pamela Wimmer , Donald Winfgield , Betsey Wint er, Susan

Witcher, Steph a ni e Wolf, Mary Linn Wolff, Mary Lea Wolff, Claire


Wood , David Ro ss Wood, David Wade Wood , Helen Wood , Stewart


Congratulations and Best Wishes to th e 1972 Seniors

Rudy's Cleaning and Dye Works Inc.

AT&T Long Lines

721 Preston Avenue Charlottesville , Virginia






ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME Serving Albemarle County and Central Virginia A Complete Funeral Service 24-Hour Ambulance Service St. George Ave. , Crozet Va. Phone: 823-500 2

MONTICELLO FLORAL DESIGNS First and Water Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 295-7118


ales & Servi ce Image Making? It 's Happening at Leggett


Gentry West Main Street Downtown Charlottesville

Barracks Road Shopping Center

]a mes A. Gentry


Ovenaire Compliments of

L.A. Lacy Inc. 900 Harris Street

THE CHARLOTTESVILLE PRESS Printers 1111 Harris Street Charlottesville, Virginia


Phone 293-9191




~ill~ Air Conditionin g

Keller and George

Tacco Inc. Incorpo ra ted Jewelers Opti cian s Ch arlottesvill e, Virgini a

714 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesvill e, Virginia 22901

Sales & Service

Lawn & Gard en

Small Construction Equipm ent

larracks Road lpping Center

Gentry's Power Equipment Service, Inc. 2115 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, Va. James A. Gentry , Jr.

Phone 973-5349


Wall to Wall Carpet Custom Drap eri es

Oriental Rugs Rug Cleaning & Repairs

Munir S. Eways Salem M. Eways, Inc.

1417 N. Emmett Street Charlottesvill e, Virgini a 229 01


Barracks Road Shopping Center Daily Specials

R. E.






Offices on Hydraulic Road Phone 973 -43 93

CARY 'S CAMERA SHOP Barracks Rd . Shopping Center 24 hr. film processing Cam eras - Binoculars Tape Recorders

& SON , INC.

Charlottesville Building Construction


to Wall Carpet ;tom Drap eri es



"Extra Things of Service Without Extra Cost" 203 8th St. N.W.

2113 Greenbrier Drive Charlottesville, Virginia


Telephone (703) 295 -3136



THE DAILY PROGRESS Charlottesville, Virginia

1214 Monticello Road

Charlottesville, Virginia

"Rooted in History- In Step With The Future"

Phone 296 -7586

IP er

ct~q~2~£NTER .•

LIL DEL Best in Italian Kosh er Foods and American Foods N.W. Wing Barracks Ro ad Phone 293-5974

313 East Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia

Downtown Spauldings- Cabbies Bostonians - Nunn Bush


n •.

Brl ALCOVA REALTY , INC. 707 E. Jefferson St. Charlottesvill e, Virginia 22901


of 1972


220 Wes t Water Street Charlottesvill e, Virginia






Bruce 's Cardinal Drug Center


·~..~TEAGUE RERA~j·.; .

Phone 286-3881 Scottsville, Virginia


!; ' .


r J


. -,:::·· "

•. 1


Funeral Home/909 West Main St./Charlottesvill e, Va.


.... -


W.A. LYNCH ROOFING COMPANY, INC. Roofing and Sheet Metal Work 1234 River Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone 293 -2302




Compliments of

GLECO MILLING CORPORATION Route 29 South Phone 296-6435 Compliments



N>( ,~CUBA

1lEHEMr. .

Parks Finance Service, Inc.



MIDWAY ELECTRIC CO. , INC. Serving the public for electrical n eeds since 1928


La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant


The First Restaurant in Charlottesville Lounge Open 1 P.M. till 4 P.M.

1511 University Avenue at the corner

Congratulati ons on a job well done!



It's the real thing. CQt<e.



1134 Rose Hill


. . . . ~:.::.:.·:-.:4£;.~m-:-:~ ...




CHARLOTTESVILLE CYCLE SHOP Sales Open 10 A.M. till 6 P.M. 295 -1784


Charlottesville, Virginia


EUO'S ~af,V~


Compliments of

DAVIS FLORIST Phone 295-5912 507 East Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia

Symbol of a Growing Business . .. and a trade mark of a firm dedicated to producing the finest in printing.


King Lindsay Printing Corporation

Crozet , Virginia Telephone 823 -4391

dial: 296-4129 1134 Rose Hill Dr .

Ch -ville, Va .


Ph. 973-5044



INC. ~



City -



Virginia Real Estate Charlottesville-Virginia Suburban and Country Property

The Virginia Real Estate Clearing House "Wheeler Building 401 East High Street

Court Square" Phone 296-4171



Stromberg-Carlson Congratulates Alb emarle High School Class of 1972






0 โ ข ~<:.:.~\LVe.

a_ "t---)0-t'



'-<...) ;


0 L.U2.0--{ I c.........O

Office Ph. 296-9690

Cl ..-







C> "'-

o Q.)C,g


::> e_ I'Op L \~ -

~) {ll~~ . \

1PANY pliments of



Lg House



Telephone 295 -8 316



Charlottesville , Virginia


THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO . Barracks Road Shopping Center Charlottesville, Virginia Paint Headquarters Phone 293-2243





Compliments of

Barracks Road Shopping Center ANDY'S PIZZA RESTAURANT


108 Second Street , S.E.- Dial 295-415 7 Charlottesville , Virginia 22902



1~~ ~arnd~


~-ILhs 1,pc ek..Lte.. ~ ~lotk6v :l~

Gilmore, Ham Snyder, In""'.

an~ ~Q ~ -

~urnitu~e for the Home and Offio

Charlottesville, Virginia

2037 Barracks Road

Charlottesville , Va. Phone 296-4135


Cobham General Store M .L. Smith , Proprietor Quality Merchandise at Low Prices Cobham , Virginia





KELLER'S Exquisite Footwear Since

I } ~


Co mpliments


AND TRAVEL, INC. of 'et , S.E.- Dial 295-4157 'ille, Virginia 22902



to the Gradua ting Class You have already been told that the world is at yo ur feet and is yours for the effort , that the ch all engers are great as are th e rewards . T here is no doubt that is tru e .



yY /

Let us add this. You have just co nqu ered one major hurdl e in your life grad u ating from schoo l. You did it by taking on e day at a time , one week



'' ,'

'JJe, one test ' ' ' time.


That's the way life is one step a t a tim e. And each step builds on th e one before it . "Genius is the capacity to take infinite pains. " Few of us are geni us es but each of us owes it to himself to do every task to th e best of his abi lity and in his own inimitabl e way. Each of us has a contribution to make to society. What yours is a nd w ill be is now in the making.

~tl:z:ens ~



-~ 1










ife is one \.nd each step me before it. .pacity to take 'ew of us are of us owes it •ery task to th e md in his own

:ontribution to What yours is in th e making.


Two Locations 510 Preston Ave . 1327 E. High St.

1106 Rose Hill Dr.

EDWARD VAN LAER INCORPORATED General Contractors 705 National Bank Building Charlottesville , Virginia 22901


M·ain Street Downtown Charlottesville , Virginia f.






Ix &





on Professional Institute and Holden School of Art and Design 1924 Arlington Boulevard

295 -9357

Career training in: Business Automation

Spadling MacGregor Russell Southern

Spot-Bilt Puma Shoes

Commercial Art Fine Art

Spanjian Rawlings Adidas Compliments of



Compliments of



Typewriters- Adding Machines- Rentals Sales and Service

500 East Main Street 1017 West Main Street 600 Preston Avenue

919 West Main St. Phone 296-7419





~ ~~~




'-'( :;;"


rt and

Congratulations Class of 1971


~ Morton ~

:lmmercial Art Fine Art

Morton Frozen Foods Division ITT Continental Baking Company Crozet, Virginia



Expert Color T.V. Service

(Across From Monticello Dairy)


Complete Jewelry Line

923 Preston Ave. in Preston Plaza

Charlottesville , Va. Trophys- Engraving Watch and Jewelry Repair

Owner Stuart L. Perry


Phone 293-8458

Hanckel- Citizens Insurance Corporation


Compliments of 3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 296-7191


" Over Sevent y Years of Service"

Compliments of

MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. , INC. One Boars Head Lane 296-5694



John Deere Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

Glassner Jewelers


124 E. Main St. Downtown


Your Jeweler for one of your proudest possessions, your High School Ring . also Diamonds , Watches , Gift Items and Beautiful Silver





310 Avon Street, Charlottesville , Va. 22902 Phone 2965111


Com] Spn



Charlottesville Oil Co.

Gulf Office 293-9107 Emergency Number- 295-1730

A Certifi ed Livestock Market




R .G


Livestock Market Charlottesville, Va . Sale Every Sunday





601 Cherry Ave.

Charlottesville, Virginia



Complete line of Fertili zer and Lime Spread at the lowest price possible

Friendly Service Atlas & Exide Products Phone 286 -9307 Scottsville, Virginia

Scottsville, Virginia 2459 0 286-3451

w2 Phone 296-


309 A


..JL 1


For Total Insurance Service Call or Stop By


Telephone 296-8774


Compliments of


HILL AND IRVING FUNERAL SERVICE First and Market Streets Charlottesville, Virginia




309 Avon Street- Charlottesville, Virginia 296-0590

322 East Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia

Ralph Mustard and Richard Wingfield

295 -9 155

~ Vy;;»­



Compliments of


Compliments of

Supplies for Collegians For Over a Century Visit Our Record Department


Pit Bar-B-Que

Red Lion Gifts

2119 Ivy Road

Gifts for all occasions


\\ \<Y




Heaven to Seven Shoppe 211

- - - -

- ---

Holiday Esso Service Station "YOUR FULL SERVICE REAL TOR "

Complete Air-conditioning Ignition -Work Service





REAL ESTATÂŁ DUt 293 -5102

Phone 295-8237

Phone 295 -9717

JEFFERSON CABLE CORPORATION 9 Commercial Channels 1 Educational Channel 2 Local Channels "Cablevision Covers The Community" 324 West Main 295 -4154


1409 West Main St.

Charlottesville, Va. 22903

TUEL JEWELERS Certified Watchmaker and Jeweler Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings Longines-Wittnauer, Bulova ; and Accutron Watches 104 South First Street Charlottesville, Va. Roy P. Tu el, Prop. Phone 295 -4258

virginia telephone





telegraph company 1924 Arlington Boulevard Charlottesville , Virginia





Business- Inv es tm ent- Indu s tri a l 296-4250



, Compliments of



T.E. Wood, Proprietor Established in 1883 Friendly Service Ivy , Virginia

C. Scotty Duncan Jr. 230 Court Square Charlottesville , Virginia 22901





•\\C---------·: • • .... .. --~ ~ .,..,. .,..,. ~ .,. .,. .,. ,~, .,. .,. .. ··. . \\ I .,. .,. .,.



----------·=·• . ,... . . . ........ .....,.,l"-. ----- ___ ,,. ·,t=------........ .



~ ~i1~--





............ :!.

Come seethe making of power \' epco's firsl comnwrcial atomic pO\H'r stat ion is now under CO'lstruction in Smry Count~·. \ ' irginia . In tlw Ill'''. lnformaLion C'l'lltl'r ovl'rlooking the siLL', you \\'ill SL'e an l'XCL'IIl'nl slide presentation, fascinating L'xhihits, and a ,,·orking model of Lhl' rea<'tor. (And frolll the balcon y, you can \\'atch them assl•m ble t he rl'althing. l Opl'll 10 A:\1 to I 1'\1 :\londay through Saturday and I 1':\1 to 6 P:\1 on Sunday. For Lour information call 77 1-:ll!l-1 in l{il'hlllond.



more power to you .. . at less cost



harlottesville •

avzngs and Loan. cl/iio~laflon.

308 East Market Street


Compliments of


J.E. Ports Owner, Manager Rio Road , Charlottesvill e, Virginia Compliments of

E.M. Martin, Inc.



Channel Master

Lane's Tailoring Shop Graves Electronics, Inc. 1700 Allied Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Phone 296-01 25









and its staff salute the

" Your Complete Insurance Service"

Scottsville , Virginia

101 East High Street Phone 295-2913




311 East Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone 295 -2257

CLEANERS 1301 Harris Street 1204 Monticello Road


Charlottesv i

The Oasis Of Men's Clothing



TV 296-7106

White House Motel Corp. Rt. 25 0 E. Charlottesville Air Conditioned



Marble Terrazzo Contractors


Charlottesville, Va. Phone 293-3352 Richmond, Va. Call 649-2075



Three year courses in Commercial & Fine Art Professional Instruction Part tim e Da y, Evening, & Summer Courses Approv ed by th e State Board of Educa tion and th e Vet erans Adm in . Morton P. Traylor, Founder-Director 2007 Earhart Street Charlottesville, Va.



tJ ~ -/A ~ ff: -;Z.W; ~-d U}_.t,


t: A







'~'''/!4{.J., ~ c;/d ~UI

~~ .


Oc;?V- ...... u--,, .

wd/ ~ ;uc._ ~

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co urs es ial & Fine nal Instructime Day , Summer proved by 'ard of Edhe Veterans


Traylor, Director ut Street ville , Va.

:: teltillflf(/1 eorJter

~~ -

studio shop

Congratulations to the

K E S W I C K, V I R G I N I A




r»Mf J/ue . Jil/

. ''•


Charlottesville office






Cu stom Frami Prints Now Availabl e At


Kirby Jewelers


Tele1 Ri ch a Largest St

Designed for Albemarle High School Students Boy's or Girl's Rings 10K or 14K Gold

1800 Jefferson Park

205 East Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia

Univers ity Heights

Ivy Gardens



Custom Framing Prints

Custom Lamps Shades Restoration

Paul Victorious Framing Shop, Inc.

Compliments of

1413 West Main Street , Charlottesville Telephone 293 -3342 Area Code 703 Richard B. Freeman, Manager-Designer Largest Stock of Old Original Prints in America



Compliments of Clean Air

Minor- Alexander Mutual Insurance Agency

Call Hal C. Keller at 973-6009




Addie Alexander, Owner Thomas B. Leitch, Associate 404 National Bank Building


M I N OR-AlEt~ ' "'"





Burner Repairs Tank Installations Top Quality Products


293 -8188

CHARLOTTESVILLE AUTO & TRUCK DEALERS RUSSELL MOO EY OLDS SALES & SERVICE 315 West Main Street Charlottesville Virginia Oldsmobile, Oldsmobil e F85, Toronado

COGGINS MOTOR CO., I C. 330 Preston Avenue Charlottesville , Virginia Ambassador, Matador, Javelin , Hornet, Gremlin, Mercedes-Benz

PEYTON PONTIAC CADILLAC DATSU , INC . 858 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Pontiac, Firebird, Pontiac Tempest, Cadillac, Datsun

BRADY-BUSHEY FORD , INC. Route o. 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Ford, LTD, Torino, Thunderbird, Mustang, Maverick, Pinto , Ford Trucks

POLLARD AUTO & G. M. C. SERVICE 1021 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia G. M. C. Trucks

MacGREGOR MOTORS, INC. 416 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln Continental, Mercury, Comet , Cougar, Capri , Montego

S-K MOTORS, LTD. Route o. 29 North Charlottesville , Virginia Imported Auto Specialists- Sales

JIM PRICE CHEVROLET Route 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet, Chevelle , Nova, Corvette Camara, Vega, Chevrolet Trucks



JIM WILLIAMS BUICK, I C. 900 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Buick, Opel , Kadett

R.M . DAVIS MOTORS, I C. Route o. 29 North Charlottesville , Virginia Plymouth, Valiant, Chrysler , Imperial H.M. GLEASO & CO., I C. First and Garrett Streets Charlottesville, Virginia International Trucks and Farmall Equipment

WILHOIT MOTORS 404 East Market Street Charlottesville , Virginia Dodge , Dart, Coronet, Polara, Monaco Demon, Charger, Dodge Trucks

DO MAN VOLKSWAGE , I C. 918 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Volkswagen

PA TOPSTOYOTA Route No. 250 East, Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota Sales- Service


Acme Visible Records, Inc.






Compliments of

Compliments of

J.F. Bell Funeral Home, Inc. Serving Families of Albemarle and Surrounding Communities Since 1917

Meadowbrook Hardware

Phone 295-9169


Charlottesville, Va.

Whitt Compliments of


orth Garden

CAMERA CENTER 913 West Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia Phone 293-8970 " We will instruct you"

JAMES H. WILLIAMS Real tor and General Contractor


Serving This Community Since 1876 Located at the University of Virginia

Developer of Jefferson Village


Compliments of

Whitt & Company Realtors 2248 Ivy Road Phone: 295-2191

Visit O ur Po t Pourri 5i l?op


For Gifts of Fragrance POURRI e FONTANA

CLAIRE BU RKE, INC. Ivy Rond ( 250 "\iVest)

Ch n r lottcsvillc

'. ~'-'il.1'io..



RADIO STATION W P ED 810 On Your Dial "The Country Station That's Going To Town" Crozet, Virginia





...~-. . ,. :~··:;..> - -- . -~--

..... 1-1k~ .t~


·~~ · ~

~- .. ~


Young Men's


~ ~~::..





· {- -

- -=- "<'''




-Aluminum and China Glaze Siding- RoofingAwnings -Room Additions -Jalousies -Porch Enclosures Bathrooms - Storm Windows and Doors -Recrea tion Rooms -Wells

Charlottesv ill e, Virginia

EAGLE WINDOW COMPANY 1518 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia

C.W. Herring Rep resentative


Phone Home 295-2025 Business 293-3312 1333 Long Street Charlottesville , Virginia Rives Gentry , owner Wayne Gentry, manager

293 -4610

Alb ern


!Ylr. a n

!Ylr. an

!Ylr. an


Vaughan Tire & Appliance Co. , Inc.

Ca rri a1

801 Preston Ave. Phone 293-8131 Charlottesville , Va. 22901

Drill T


!Ylr. a n

!Ylr. an

!Ylr. a n

!Ylr. a n

Mr. a n

Gleasc G.A .A Herb I

Holt H

!Ylr. a n

!Ylr. an


The PEER Staff Thanks


Tom Bauley, cover design and art work Linda Seaborn, copy The Administration The Faculty Mrs. Jean U. Maffat Charles Perry and Hunter Publishing Company and most especially our advisorMrs. Courtenay T. Stanleyfor her patience and assistance


in this her sixth year with the Peer staff

PEER Boosters Key Club

Albemarl e Pl ayers and Thesp ian

Mrs. Lewis Marran

Troupe 500 Mr. and Mrs. Preston j . Arehart

Mar-shall Hair Stylists

Mr. and Mrs. james E. Baul ey

Mr. and Mrs. CaJeb L. Morri s at ional Linen

Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Blackman

The Nook

Brown 's Lock a nd Safe Carriage Food House

Rennold 's Elect ric

Concerned Black Youth

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Rit chi e, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs . F. Ronald Cutright

Senior Class

Mr. a nd Mrs. Edward H. Deets

Mr. a nd Mrs. john T. Smith

Drill Tea m

Mr. a nd Mrs. john E. To pper

Mr. a nd Mrs . j .W. Clayton , Jr.

Trimbl e's Dry Cl eaners

Mr . a nd Mrs. James W. Ga rrison, Jr.

United Rent All

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Greene

Varsity Cheerleaders

Gleason 's Bakery

Wayside Press


Mr . and Mrs. Edward E. Woodruff

Herb Harlow 's Barb er Shop

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel C. Wright

Holt Hardware

Xi Iota Chaper

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Israel

Omega Psi Ph i Fraternity

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Key, Jr.


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