!973 Albemarle High School Yearbook - The Peer

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Decision: a necessary part of living Our daily lives are filled with decisions. They may be as simple as buying a birthday card or an ice cream sandwich. They may involve political issues such as the election of 1972 and the war in Vietnam. Or they may concern our future careers.
















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The facets of school life The lab ... the cafeteria lunch . . . the club project . the chorus assembly . . . the classroom discussion . the huddle before the game . . . the driving range . our actions make up school life.




We adjust to the sound of construction equipment Bulldozers and cranes became a familiar sight after construction got underway in the courtyard and behind the cafeteria. We missed the convenience of the breezeway and adjusted to the new smoking area.


Dedicated to Mr. Daniel L. Gibbes, Jr. Sharing his keen interest in government and politics with his students . Respecting each student's opinion while maintining his own convictions . . . Always willing to take the time to answer questions and to help a confused student .. Approaching his work with dedicationand a sense of humor . .. It is in recognition of these qualities that the Senior Class of 1973 dedicates the PEER TO

Mr. DanielL. Gibbes, Jr.




Ben F. Hurt B.A. , Hampd en-Sydney College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Principal






Zelda Murray, Office Secretary

Clevester Logan B.S., M.S., Virginia State College Assistant Principal


Administration \1

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Donn A. Goodw in A.A ., Wingate junior Co ll ege; B.S. , Ap palachi an State Unive rsit y; M.Ed. , Un ivers it y of Virgi nia Ass istant Princip al

Margaret E. Via, Attendance Secretary

The job of running a school for more than 1800 students is handled by Mr. Ben Hurt and his assistants, Mr. Goodwin and Mr. Logan. Their conferences with both students and teachers have resulted in a new program of studies and activities. As a part of the program, the administration has reduced the number of grading periods from . six to four so that report cards are now issued at intervals of nine weeks. Mrs. Murray, Miss Thomas, and Miss Via complete the tremendous amount of paperwork which seems inevitable in the operation of a large school.

Mar ieS. Thom as, Bookkee per


Matti e L. Forn es B.S. North Carolina State Univ ersit y; M.Ed ., Uni versit y of Virginia Guid a nce Couns elor

Inez E. Bowler B.A., Virginia State College Guidance Counselor

Guidance Working in expanded offices, the Guidance Department offers specialized help this year. Mr. Monahan assists any student with academic problems. Those who have personal problems can get help from Mr. Cale. Students needing care.e r information may talk with Miss 0' Hagan while those planning post-high school education consult with Mrs. Dofflemyer. Mrs. Bowler and Mrs. Fornes serve as general advisors for juniors and seniors. Although not actually connected with the Guidance Department, Mr. Titus is the vocational rehabilitation counselor.

Vi rginia R. Dofflemyer B.S. , Longwood College; M.Ed. , Un ivers it y of Virgini a Guidance Director

Newassa V. Gentry , Guidance Office Secretary


' Chrys tal M. O'Hagan B.A. Manhattanville College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Guidance Counselor



Ethel H . Johnson , Guidance Secretary

Danie l J. Monahan B.A., St. Francis College; M. Ed. , Un iversity of Virginia Gu idance Counselor


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John B. Titus B.A. , Un ivers it y of Virgini a M.Ed ., Universi ty of Virgi nia Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor


?aul Cale, Jr. 3_-\., Wake Forest Un iversity ~uid ance Counselor; Key Club




Vocational Training For the student who wishes to learn a practical skill w hile completing his high school education, AHS provides training in these vocational fields : carpentry, industrial m e chanics , training, drafting , farming , sales , nursing, and home economics. Besides gaining experience in his trade, the vocational student learns how to become an active member of the working community.

john H. Pleasant s B.S . West Virginia St ate Co ll ege Ind ustr ial Arts I, II

Ruth G. Updi ke R.N. Uni vers it y o f Virgini a Practical Nur si ng; Future Nurses ' Club

Su zan ne T. Mawyer B.S. , Virgini a Co mmo n w ealth Un iversi ty Distributi ve Education I, II: O.E .C.A.


LeRoy H. Smi t h B.S., Virgini a Po lytechni c In stitut e Mec h ani ca l Draw ing I, II ; Electroni cs ; Woo d work

Delsie T. Ha ncock R.N. , Un ivers it y of Vi rgin ia Health Assis ta nt

Jose ph R. Gill enwa ter B.A., Emory and Henry Co ll ege; M.S. , Wes t Virgini a Univers ity I.C.T .: V.I. C.A .

Dorot h y B. Harraway B.S., Hampto n In stitut e Co nsume r and Hom emaking Edu catio n : F.H .A.


William H. Johnson B.S. , Tuskegee Institut e Masonry I, II; V.I.C.A.

Jeanne F. Thompson B.A., Marshall University Consu mer and Homemaking Educat ion I, II; F.H.A.

Edwin 0. Russell B.S. , Virginia Polytechnic Institute Agricult ure II , Ill ; Natural Resources; F.F.A.

Darrell C. Gardner B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University Distributive Education II , III; D.E.C.A. Dawes L. Orr B.S., St. Paul's Co ll ege Carpentry


Linda L. Davis A.A. , Averett Co ll ege: B.A .. Westh ampton, Universit y of Richmond Vocational English and History

Clarence M. And erson B.S ., Univ ersity of Delaware; M.Ed., Universit y of Virg ini a Vocational Coordinator: Work Study

V. Ray Clark B.S. , East Tennessee State Universit y Vocational Guidance ; Vocational English 12; junior Class Sponsor


james P. Lacey B.S. , University of Virginia Basic 3; Track Coach Charles W. Dekraft B.S. , Appalachian State College Vocational Math; job Orientation


Business Such subjects as Bookkeeping, Recordkeeping, General Business, and Data Processing train students for a business career after graduation. Typing, Shorthand, and 路 Stenography provide students with the skills needed for a secretarial position. The class exercises in these business courses attempt to simulate actual office conditions. For example, recordkeeping students practice filing and accounting with fictitious names and companies. Students in the two-hour steno block perform many of the tasks they will face in an actual office.

Saundra E. Gill iam B.S., Virgin ia State Coll ege Bookkeeping; Ge neral Business; F.B.L.A.

Margaret W. Burru ss B.S. , Mary Wash ington Co ll ege Data Process ing

Reba Sandell B.S., Madison Co ll ege; M.Ed ., Universi ty of Vi rginia V.O .T.; Steno II; F.B .L.A.


Raymond H. Hite A.S. , Bluefield Jr. Co ll ege; B.S. , East Tennessee State Un iversity Bus iness Economics ; Reco rdkeeping I, II ; F.B.L.A.

Katharine Hancock A.B. , Lynchburg College Typewriting II; Office Practice

Il ene S. Stewart B.S ., West Virginia Wesleyan College Recordkeeping I; Typing I

Nina H. Thacker B.S ., Memphis State University General Business; Typing I


)annette S. Hunt A.B., Nebraska State Teachers College Typewriting I

Agnes J. Anderson B.S. , Montreat College Clerk Typist ; Steno I; Typewriting I


English " Man in Crisis ," "Who's Who in the Family," "Individualized Reading"- these are just a few of the courses that are offered in the revised English program. Juniors and seniors may select their own English courses for each nine-week grading period. Sophomores are only required to take grammar and composition. At the end of the year, the progress of each student is evaluated and a final grade is given. The English Department hopes that the student 's freedom to determine which units they will study will lead to a greater interest in English.

Maril yn J. Fantino B.A., Emory and Henry Co ll ege English 10, 11 , 12; School Activiti es

joyce E. johnston B.A. , Dickinson Coll ege , M.A., Emory Un iversity Engli sh 10 ,11,12; Crit iqu e Clu b Junior Class Sponsor

David L. Hill B.A., Grace Coll ege M.S., St Francis Coll ege Engli sh 11 , 12; Critique Club ; Highlight

Rob ert C. joh nso n B.A., Duke Universit y M.A. , Univers ity of Virginia Engli sh 10,11 ,12; Aradia Club


Virginia G. Barnett B.A., Wheaton College; M. Ed ., University of Virginia English 10 ,11 ,12

Frederick T. Hardy B.A ., M.A. , University of Richmond English 10,11, 12; Track: Cross Country

I Victoria T. deVries A.B. , Douglass College; M.A .T., University of Virginia English 10,11 ,12; Philosophy Club

Jeanne G. Slabaugh B.A. , University of Kentucky English 11 ,12 ; Drill Team: Debate Team ; Forensics ; Harlequin



Z. james Estes, Jr. B.S., M.A ., University of Virginia English 10,11,12

W. Curtis Holgate , Jr. B.A., Un iversity of Akron; M.A. , University of Virginia English 10,11 ,12

Beverley A. Yates A.B., Central Mich igan Univers it y; M.Ed ., Universi ty of Virg ini a English 10 ,11 ,12

Mar ian H. Thomas B.A., Li vings ton e Coll ege English 10,11 ,12


Judith L. Hallahan B.A. , M.A., Un iversity of Michigan English 10,11,12

Laura W. Dunn B.A. , Hollins College Englis h 10,11,12; Harlequin; Highlight

Joan B. Jerrell B.A. , Mary Washington College English 9,10 ,11 ,12 ~

Sara R. Houck B.A. , University of North Carolina; M.A. , Universit y of Virginia Engli sh 10 ,11 ,12; Junior Class Sponsor


Valerie D. Lane B.A., Mary Washington Coll ege Spanish II , III , IV; Spanish Club

Julie A. Hoy A. B., Im maculata Co llege; Universidad de Va lencia Spanish I; Spanish Club; J.V. Cheerl eaders; S.C.A.

Foreign Language For fifty minutes each day, AHS students can enter a different world. Eight teachers offer the opportunity to learn a foreign language and absorb a new culture at the same 路 time. French, Latin, Spanish, and German are currently being taught. In beginning classes , tapes and records are often used to improve pronunciation and oral comprehension. The students' desire to learn a foreign language in depth is shown by the increased enrollment in third, fourth, and fifth year classes. Outstanding students continue to win honors in foreign language contests.


Beverl y H. Jones B.A. , Wash ington Co ll ege French II , III ; French Clu b; Honor Society; Pep Club


Mary A. Lederm an A. B., Syracuse University; M.Ed. , Un iversity of Virginia French III, IV, V; Honor Society; French Club

Sandra B. Finn A.B. , Coll ege of William and Mary; Centre Universi taire Mediterann een French I, II ; Varsity Cheerl eaders; French Club

Eugene E. Norton B.S., Spring Hill College German I, II; U.S. History; German Club

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Eli zabeth Suther! and B.S., Madison College; M.A. , Columbia Un ivers ity Latin I, II , III ; Latin Cl ub

Evelyn R. Brub aker B.A ., Berea Coll ege; M.A.T., Antioch-Putney Graduat e School Spanish I, II; Span ish Club

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DanielL. Gibbes, Jr. B.A. , University of South Carolin a U.S . Government

Harold F. Paris B.S., M.A. , Madison College Government; Social Problems; Motorcycle Club

Douglas). Seld en B.A., Norw ich University; M.A.T., University of Virginia U.S. Government; Ski Club; ).V. Football

Social Science Especially important in an election year is the ability to understand the changing conditions in our society. Students in history classes learn that the key to the future lies in the past. Seniors examine the structure of' our government at the national, state, and local levels. For those interested in more social studies, Albemarle offers Black History and Sociology.

Na ncy C. Grim B.A. , Longwood Co ll ege M.A., University of North Carolina U.S. History


). Dani el Patterson A.A. , Blu efield College B.A., Madison College U.S. History

Willis C. Wake B.A. , Lynchburg College; M.Ed. , Un iversi ty of Virginia U.S. History; U.S. Government Patricia R. Burton B.A. , University of Richmond M.Ed ., University of Virginia World History; Sociology; Psychology Club Junior Class Sponsor

Ca rol yn H. Saunders B.A. , Radford Co ll ege ; M.A., Uni versity of Vi rginia U.S. Hi story

Jamie H. Brown B.S. , Univ ersity of Vi rgi nia U.S . Government; J.V. Basketball Senior Class Sponsor; Ecology Club

Mary A. Tanner B.A. , Virginia Union Un iversi ty Black Studies ; World History Concern ed Black Youth of A.H.S .

Cath erine Q. Hitchcock B.A. , Col lege of William and Mary M.A ., University of Arizona U.S. History


Physical Education A requirement for sophomores, Physical Education gives everyone a chance to combine the exercise of the mind with that of the body. While fitness tests stress individual stamina, team sports develop co-operation and relieve the boredom of daily exercises. "Whenever I say 'Bingo!' step on your brakes." This is one of the radioed commands a student driver may hear at the range. Driver Education helps prepare the student for the road.

Mary AnnaS. Kaplan B.A. , Bridgewater College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Physical Educat ion ; Driver Education; Health: Varsity Basketball; Softball; G.A .A.; S.C.A.

Dennis C. Craddock A.A., Ferrum Jr. College; B.A., Lynchburg College Physical Educatio n ; Driver Ed ucat ion ; F.C.A. ; Indoor Track; Track .

Leonard]. Hrica B.S., University of Virgini a; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Ph ysical Education ; Driver Education ; Soccer 34

Ralph A. Harrison, Jr. B.S. , South West Missouri State; M.Ed ., Drury College Driver Training; Ski Club; Varsity Football

Harry E. Null B.S ., Hampden-Sydney College Physical Education; Driver Education; Athletic Director

James E. Arbaugh A.A. , Greenbrier Military; B.S. Ed., University of Virginia Driver Training; Varsity Football; Baseball ; Ski Club

Frances L. Hensley B.S., Lynchburg College; M.Ed ., University of Virginia Physical Education; Driver Education; G.A.A.; J.V. Basketball

' Students use AHS's new driving range to develop their driving skills.


A.P. Moore B.S., M.S. , Nort h Carolina Central University Driver Education; Basketball; F.C.A.

Science Today's emphasis on science has led to a greater demand for courses in biology, chemistry, and physics. Students learn that experiments provide the sources for much of man's knowledge about nature. As students conduct experiments of their own, they learn to make careful observations and justifiable conclusions. Other science courses at AHS satisfy curiosity about man's behavior and his environment. In Psychology, students gain a better understanding of themselves. Those taking Ecology discuss the problems of conservation in a polluted world.

Beverly B. Otis B.S., Madison Coll ege Eco logy; Biology 10; A.H .S. Environment Club

Margaret P. Fowler B.S., Madison College; M.Ed. , University of Virginia Biology 10

William L. Bishop B.S. , University of Virginia Ge neral Physics ; PSSC Physics Photograph y; Photography Club

Tho m as M. Dugan B.S ., W.VA . Institute of Technology M.A.T ., Miami University Chemistry; Chess Club ; Junior Class Sponsor




Robert L. Taylor B.A. , University of Virginia Psychology; Psychology Club

Samuel W. Terry, Jr. B.S., Arkansas A.M. and N. College Biology I; Concerned Black Youth of AH S

Guy B. Oldaker, III B.A. , University of Virginia General Chemistry

Richard D. Monfort B.S ., State University of New York M.Ed ., University of Virginia Biology I, II ; Science Club



Ann A. Broaddus B.A ., Bryn Mawr College Algebra II ; Geometry; Cinema Club

Mathematics Ever expanding to keep pace with the scientific mind, the Mathematics Department offers courses from General Math to Introductory Calculus. As Students attempt to decipher the numerous symbols and Greek letters, they remember that mathematics is the basic language used in science and business. An annual contest held in March provides an opportunity for math enthusiasts to excel.

Russell K. Garrett B.S., Hampton Institut e; M.A.T., University of Virginia Mathematics 10; Class Sponsor



Julie F. Castle B.S., Mary Washington College M.Ed., Un iversi ty of Virginia Algebra I, II ; S.C.A.

Bessie P. Birckhead B.S. , Mary Washington College Math 9; Algebra I


Courtenay T. Stanley A.B., College of William and Mary M.Ed. , University of Virginia Trigonometry; Elementary Functions; Analytic Geometry; Peer

Virginia L. Fulcher B.S., Longwood College Geometry; Algebra !!(Trigonometry

Richard H. Ergler B.A., St. Vincent College Math Analysis; Calculus; Environment Club

Shirley S. Barnhardt B.S., Mansfield State College M.S., Bucknell University Geometry; Algebra [[(Trigonometry

Rosa G. Reid B.A. , Converse College; M. Ed ., Clemson University Mathematics 10; Algebra I

Pamela P. Bateman B.S. , University of Georgia Algebra II ; Elementary Functions; S.C.A. ; Bicycle Club




Fine Arts Appreciation of art, drama, and music is stimulated by the Fine Arts Department. In the fall and spring, a gallery of student paintings is displayed on the second floor. AHS students submit drawings to local art contests as well as school publications. The Drama courses cover many aspects of the theatrical world and offer exercises to develop a student's acting ability. Each year Drama members put on three productions for the community. Classroom instruction is well applied when the band performs at pep rallies, games, and concerts. The choir shows its skill in the Christmas assembly.


Waldo E. Johnson B.A. , Catholic University; Rutgers University Art II , III , IV; Art Club; Drama Club


Kenneth E. Moulton B.M. , Boston University; M. M.E., East Carolina University Band I, II; Beginning Band


David A. Blanchard B.M., B.M.E. , Westminster Choir College Prep. Choir; Concert Choir; Music Appreciation; Music Theory


Thomas H. Spates, Jr. B.A. , Mad ison Co ll ege Art I, II ; Art Club

Marjory Gooda ll B.S., Univers it y of Virginia; Ave rett Coll ege Librarian


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Beverly A. Lecuyer, Lib rary A id e


E. Marcia Dobbs B.F.A. , Drake Universi ty Drama; Speech; A lbema rl e Players; Thespian Troupe 500

jan e A. Ga ll ant B.S ., Maca lester Coll ege M.A ., University of South Florida Librarian


Two Big Weekends. • Homecoming


The court . . . 8 well chosen representatives. The game . .. a victory over Faquier. The floats .. . hard work, creativity, and much effort equaling a splendid halftime parade. The dance .. . a trip back in time to the fabulous 50's. Homecoming 1972.


Second Place: T he Motocycle Club

an overall success! Third place: Future Farmers of Americ a Le circle fr ancais wins again!





Becky Rogers , Senior Representative

Pam Hanger, Senior Representative


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• Pat Lee and Alice Averette, Sophomore Representatives

Pam Thomas and Mel Bentley, Junior Representatives


The Lane Game An annual meeting with Albemarle's crosstown rivals, involving a rousing pep rally which was the best in Albemarle's history, a bonfire which burned a Lane Black Knight in effigy, and a game which will long be remembered!

This is th e spirit . . .


that excit ed th e crowd . . .

that started the bonfire . . .


who played a spectacular game!

who cheered on the team . . . j


Hello Dolly!



"Hello Dolly!", Albemarle's fall musical, directed by E. Marcia Dobbs, was a " smashing" success. Contributing their talents were the leading characters, Sue Forney, Chip Vasi, John Owen, Mike Weeks, Jo Manley and Melissa Locher, who were supported by the chorus and dancers, well trained by Alyce Katayama. As usual, the backbone of the show was not seen, but the various crews' presence was felt by all.

Dolly Levi, played by Sue Forney, makes her entrance.

E. Marcia Dobbs directs another hit.

Horace Vand ergeld er (Chip Vasi) and Miss Money (Jo Manl ey) dine at th e Harmonia Gard ens Restaurant. .

Mike Weeks as Barnaby tri es to hide himself at Mrs. Malloy's Hat Shop.



We're not coming back 'til we 've each kissed a girl.

Wild horses couldn't make me ask this next question, but . . .


Melissa Locker as Mrs. Malloy sings " Ribbons Down My Back. "

Beautiful costumes on display


Backstage, the cast shows Mr. Blanchard he's appreciated.

The horse takes its bow .

Happiness is putting on a great show.

"Hello Dolly!" cast wins a standing ovation.




Powderpuff Powderpuff is Albemarle's own Women's Liberation movement with male coaches and female players. The games are an annual winter event undertaken and carried out completely by students. This years result was a senior victory!


He y, that looks like fun.


Ann shows signs of frustration . ~

Watch th at finger, Jackie.


Ginny Abbott and the look of victo ry.

The winning team!



Black Culture Assembly Held at Burley The theme of this year's Black Culture Assembly, "The Times Are A-Changing," was revealed in the presentation of the three periods in the Black man 's history. The Glory Period was depicted in the dance " Funga. " Vivian Feggan's presentation of the poem " Who 's Teaching Hate" represented the Captivity Period . The poem " City Songs," recited by Virginia Wood , symbolized the final period the Revolutionary or Contemporary Period.


" Funga" -

The dance of welcome.

Johnsey Steppe and Debbie Bell express satisfaction after a great performance. .

Margaret Steppe sings "I Believe".


" I Have A Dream " and "My Desires" are vividly expressed by Millie Jackson.



Education is Mary Martin's topic.

Houston Ross and his band provide the music.


Mary Scott and Kenneth Coles- "Lift Every Voice And Sing"

Don Henderson is doing it again!!


Honors Outstanding students are recognized for a job well done .

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D.E.C.A. District Leadership Conference, second and third place winners: Debbie Coffman, Judy O'Mary, Michelle Fulton, Brent Williams, Donna Fox. Not pictured: Tim Patrick, Donna Hunt, Wallace Shifflett.

D.E.C.A. District Leadership Conference: first place winners: front: Rosanne Gibson , Patsy Sp enser , LaDonna Matheny. back: Harold Pugh, Edd ie Rosenbaum, Greg Durette.

Thespian Officers: front: John Owen , State Publicity Chairman; Mike Garnett, State President. back: Sue Forney, State Treasurer, Regional Secretary-Treasurer; Mike Weeks, State Representative At Large.

State Forensics Contestants: Mark Patterson, Original Oratory; T. Blakey Hurt, Extemporaneous Speaking; Craig Van de Castle, Poetry Reading; front: Bill Huber , Spelling.



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National Merit Finalists: top to bottom: Kit Davenport , Irene Huie, Rhonda Hughes, Jack Lange, Jo Manley, T. Blakey Hurt. Not pictured: Jim Ogilvie.

Regional Band: on pipes: Sue Forney, Susan Smith, Amy Easter, Doug Webber, Karen {ameson. in pipes: Peter Murphy, Tommy Detamore, Bill Huber, Chris Samue, Chip Felker, Ray Conway.

Girls' State Representatives: Kathy Kelly, Beth Bowen, Rhonda Hughes.

Boys' State Representatives: Tommy Detamore, Bennie Massey.


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S.C.A. With new officers, reorganization (a new constitution with a Cooperative Governing Board and plans for fund raising activities such as a carnival), and many enthusiastic representatives, the SCA tries to make itself more relevant to the needs of the school. Seeking to encourage more and better communication between the administration and the student body, the SCA provides neutral ground for the two opposing forces.

S.C.A. officers: Debbie Lamonds, Secretary-Treasurer; Jack Lange , President; Sue Pullen, Reporter. Not Pictured: Kathy Corrigan, Vice President.

Carr, S. Harrison, K. Smith, L. Bentley, J. Manley, B. Massie, C. Thompson, Mrs. Castle. Last Row: D. Ahrend, C. Wakley, K. Lawless.

S.C.A., Seniors, First Row: J. Lange , S. Wilson, M. Martin , M. Holmes , C. Carriker, J. Curme . Second Row: D. Lamonds , Mrs. Bateman, A. Walker, P. Scott , K. Jones , D. Musachio, V. Parsons, B.



S.C.A., Juniors, Kneeling: M. Nightingale, L. Arbaugh, C. VandeCastle, B. Carey, M. Garnett, M. Carter. Second Row: M. Jackson, S. Critzer, A. LaRue, R. Morton, P. Hamner, P . Sprouse , P. Wilson, N. Rutland . Third Row: B. Warren, T. Goodman, A. Sanford , S. Pullen, T. Quasebarth, R. Kent, B. Smith, B. Lindsey, J. Viar.



S . C.~ ..

Minor, K. Wade, C. Shea, E. Tull , K. Payne, L. Hale. Third Row: K. Perry, D. Carr, J. Hoy, D. Brown, E. Morris, G. Garland, B. Chisholm.

Sophomores, Kneeling: J. Ratcliffe, J. Quasebarth, S. Maine,

K. Kmg, C. Curme , T. Jones, C. Hurt. Second Row: A. Hodge, P.



Huff, C. Maupin . Tenor Sax: B. Ballard, 0 . Detamore. Coronet: L. Ayres, J. Bishop , W. Cl ements, R. Conway, J. Cotten, J. Fields, J. Ford, P. Murpliy, J. Respess, T . Reynolds, M. Tull, G. Webb , C. Wingfield. Flute: R. Banks, B. Chester, A. Colony, C. Cooper, A. Easter, L. Johnson, K. King, T. Matacia, D. Napier, J. Pitts, L. Webber, N. Word. Percussion: J. Brown , M. Butter, B. Carriker, P. Crawford , D. Figgatt, L. Garrison , J. Hughes .. R.. Rushia, D. Thacker, D. Webber, J. Wolfrey. French Hom: A. DeB1as! , R. Dyer, S. Forney, D. Haugh , D. Jones. Bassoon: E. Dyer, S. Watson .

Symphonic Band, Clarinet: M. Amato, M. Andrews, A. Averette, S. Batten, J. Bishop , D. Brown, S. Critzer, S. Dameron, A. Davenport , J. Glady, S. Hearn, C. Hughes, R. Humphris, K. Jameson, T . Kim, A. Layne, D. Lee, D. Mawyer, P. Murphy, D. Porritt, N. Riopel, C. Samuels , S. Smith. Alto Clarinet: L. Baker, G. Dudley, K. Kindrick, M. Wolfe. Trombone: N. Bryant, A. Busby, D. Glasgow, W. Huber, C. Hurt, W. Lassetter, W. Ratcliffe, J. Ritchie. Bass Clarinet: M. Figgatt. Tuba: V. Benshoff, C. Felker , S. Lawrence. Baritone Horn: J. Maine, J. Peterson. Oboe: J. Hutchinson, B. Word. String Bass: A. Brie. Alto Sax: T. Grinde, L. Rainey, D. Sandridge, J. Vascott. Baritone Sax: G.


A group of dedicated individuals, under the direction of Mr. Moulton, use their musical talents to provide our school with a band.

Starke. Alto Clarinet: G. Craddock. Tenor Sax: A. Coleman, V. Wood. Flute: N. Bain, V. Hensley, D. Plymire, J. Quasebarth , J. Ratcliffe, D. Shortell, C. Wheeler. Base Clarinet: D. Wood . Tuba: T. Awkard, I. Dowell , C. McDaniel. Trombone: D. Carter, G. Davis.

Band I, Trumpet: J. Anderson, D. Cl ements, C. Jones, 0 . Harris , D. Rhodes. Percussion: C. Burton, M. Costello , {路 Cronemyer, C. Davis, W. Garner, M. Johnson, D. Lowry, V. McCau ey, R. Sims, T. Steppe. Clarinet: M. Bain, J. Clements, C. Dougherty, G. Good, B. Johnson, W. Osborne, T. Payne. Alto Sax: D. Berry, C. Clayton , R. Collins, H.

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Chorus The Chorus is in its second year under Mr. Blanchard. His excellent training and the student's hard work, coupled with the love of music, create harmonious voices and beautiful melodies.

Concert Choir, Left Row: K. Coles, C. Lo ving, M. May, M. Jackson, S. Fitch , M. Walton , K. Col es, A. Ruddock, J. Bond , B. Robinson , G. Harris , D. Henderson , J. Martin , A. Henderson, E. Luck, L. Smith, V. Harris, B. Warren , H. Eubanks, D. Fells. Middle Row: D. Figgat , A. Vredenburg, L. Garrison, K. Konkle, A. Conklin , M. Weeks, D. Casey, B. Maupin, C. Samuels, D. ~ood , M. Patterson , D. Du?-n , C. Barbour, H. Shortell , K. Montgomery, M. Wolfe, P. Peppin . Right Row: B. Resse, P. Pnce, G. Averette, R. Golladay, M. Garnett, V. Monro e, P. Hall , R. Long, D. Ford , M. Steppe, G. Burruss, D. Florendo . Not Pictured: M. Locher.

Chorus I, Left Row: J. Timberlake , S. Forney, D. Jones, E. Brown , D. Brail ey, S. Rawlings , L. Dowell, S. Casey, S. Dowell, V. Hughes, M. Butler, L. Jackson. Middle Row: L. Price, M. Garv.tood, L. Hinton, C. Dolan, J. Paige, B. Carr, C. Vest, J. Brach~. A. Garder •. B. Johnson. Right Row: T. Carr, V. Feggans, S. Johnson, T. Thompson, C. Mitchell , R. Hlll , S. Baggett, A. Johnson, S. Jones.


Chorus I, Left Row: H. Fitch, C. Steppe, L. Pendleton, K. Burruss, M. Gardner, A. Burruss, M. Cook, A. Hawkins, L. Johnson, C. Tliompson. Middle Row: A. Agee , M. Brackett, D. Tinsl ey, S. Thomas , S. Witcher, M. Bell, P. Hinton, A. Gray, V. Hudson, B. Hughes, C. Robinson, T. Bradley. Right Row: J. Perkins, D .. Jones, I. Dyer, N. Vest , P. Monroe, S. Lewis, T. Ham, N. Walker, C. White, J. Jackson, M. Flick. _f


The Concert Choir and Chorus take a bow during th e Christmas assembly.

er; D. Allen, President; C. Thompson, Treasurer; S. Forney, M. Powell , S. Blankenbaker, N. Blucher, P. Gaertner, D. Sandridge. Not Pictured: A. Thurman, K. Kelly, K. Smith, T. Price.

Honor Society, Sitting: I. Huie, S. Kyger, N. Drumheller, D. Figgatt, K. Davenport , 0 . Detamore, A. Easter, B. Bowen, S. Smith. Standing: Mrs. Jones, Sponsor; D. Musachio, D. Bragg, J. Dickerson, P. Murphy, Vice-President; R. Hugh es, Secretary; G. Averette, Report-

Honor Society


Scholarship, leadership , character, and service are the qualities exemplified by National Honor Society members. For many long weeks, a committee of teachers studied each candidate trying to decide which students possess these characteristics. The members can truly be considered a credit to our school. The Harlequin is Albemarle's new fine arts magazine in which outstanding photography and art work are included with examples of prose and poetry. Under the guidance of Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Slabaugh, students exhibit their creative talents in semi-annual issues. Staff members have sponsored bake sales to help get the magazine off to a start.

Castle, M. Isbister, E. Gibbs, S. Terhune, K. Davenport, D. Ripley, K. Jones , G. White .

Harlequin, Sitting: E. Haigh, M. Wesley, R. Hughes, E. Graebner, T. Wilhelm, G. Averette. Standing: Mrs. Dunn, M. Jackson, C. Van de






__., .~

Standing: M. Cook, Editorial; S. Smith , Features; D. Solomon, Typing; Mrs. Dunn, Sponsor; Mr. Hill, Sponsor.

Highlight Editors, Sitting: M. Via, News; L. Ricciardelli, Business; M. Amato , Exchange; B. Bowen, Sports; D. Allen, Editor-in-chief.



Our school newspaper, the Highlight, brings us accounts of this year's activities. Topics such as Ye Olde Astrology Column, Letters to the Editor, Feature Stories, Sports, Dear Ralph, and Disc-Ussions make the Highlight a truly interesting newspaper .

., .)


Highlight Staff, Sitting: T . Wilhelm, J. Umdenstock, S. Allen , D. Moore. Standing:

J 63

J. T errell , D. Rea , L.

Wingfield , B. Cutright, D. Pritchett .

Peer The Albemarle Peer is the product of time, effort, and cooperation. The staff members not only worked every day during fifth period, but after school, at home, and on school holidays also. Under the excellent guidance of Mrs. Courtenay Stanley, the 1972-1973 Peer is one we will remember for a long time.

"""'- -- - -


Peer Section Editors, Sitting: M. Garrison, Ads; B. LaBuy, Ads; N. Via, Academics; S. Blankenbaker, Seniors. Standing: K. Burruss , Underclass.

Peer Editor: Irene Huie.

Senior Staff, First Row: C. Webster, K. Eudailey, M. Ruiz. Second Row: R. Hughes, A. Thurman, L. Nels(m, K. Smith, C. Kesler. Third Row: S. Phillips, M. Martin, H. Cowan, S. Towler. Fourth Row: V. Parsons, D. Musachio, S. Kyger, L. Sheets.

路i_ ~



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~ --

Underclass Staff, Front Row: J. Bates , D. Congdon, S. Topper. Back Row: B. Stephenson , D. Robinson, C. Simmons, M. Nightengale, J. Huie.

--Peer Section Editors, Sitting: K. Kelly, Activities; S. Harrison, Sports; C. Wakley, Sports. Standing: N. Drumheller, Circula路 tion Manager, Oubs.

Peer Photographers, Sitting: K. Lawless, K. Jones . Standing: T. Matthews, S. Tucker, J. Nelms, D. Ripley.

Our sponsor, Mrs. Stanley, works with some of the staff to meet a deadline.


,. \.

Critique Understanding their world by discussing its different aspects is the objective of the members of the Critique Club. Critique, First Row: L. Sheet s,- C. Van de Castl e, R. Thorsey. Second Row: S. Cronemeyer, Pres.; D. Aker. Third Row: R. Coh en , ICC Rep .; S. Terhun e, E. Gibb s. Fourth Row: C. Mil gram, Sec.-Treas. ; D. Cassell.

Cinema By learning the techniques of movie-making and the appreciation of the finished work, the Cinema Club may produce the works of a famous film-maker. Cinema, First Row : S. Co nw ay, D. Herring, Cl ements, S. Lawrence , G. Huff.

J. Av instead , R. Adams. Second Row: D. Wood , D.

Philosophy, Sitting: W . Ragl and , V.-Pres. ; C. Da ught ery, Sec.; I. All en . Standing: A. Hodge , ICC Rep.; J. Sudduth , Treas.; S. Barnett.

Philosophy Exploring man's through his theories Philosophy Club members develop outlook on life.

inner self on life, the helps its their own


Future Business Leaders of America, Kneeling: N. Shifflett. D. Soloman , D. Sullivan. S. Thacker, S. Jac?bs , D. Gi~son. First Row: P. Shifflett, C. Shifflett •. D. Figgatt , P. Smith, S. Clements , S. Cntzer, L. Ramey. Second Row: V. Armstrong, J. Morns, P. Dunn , W. Snow , P. Shifflett , D. Gibson, D. Russo , F. Fisher , P. Morris.

FBLA strives to create more interest and understanding in the intelligent choice of a business occupation; and to develop character, train its members for useful citizenship, and faster patriotism. FBLA members are encouraged to participate in worthy undertakings for the improvement of business and the . community, and to work cooperatively. FBLA members are involved in the development of individual projects and in establishing themselves in business.


- ---- ·- - · -

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Future Farmers of America, Stooping: S. Kirshner , E. Barnett , S. Klapp , T. Gibson, A. Kingrea. First Row: B. James , G. Davis, T . Goode, B. Clements, President; R. Thacker, Secretary; D. Wood , LC.C. Rep.; S. Black, Sentinel; D. Bryant. Second Row: M. Jordan, L. Pendleton , J. Popp, C. Jordan, J. Frazier , R. Mayo, R. Critzer , K. Morris .


Future Homemakers of America, Sitting: C. Jenkins, E. Brown, P. Thorne. Couch: C. Lawson, D". Hughes, D. Sprouse, B. Viar, B. Crittenburger, T . Carr, L. Hinton, D. Jones , F. Loschelder, Reporter; C. Lawson, Treasurer; H. Cowan, Historian; W. Morris, Historian; J. Timberlake, Secretary; P. Hinton , Vice-President; A. Fitzgerald, President; Mrs. Thompson, Sponsor; L. Morris, C. Brackett.


The Future - Farmers of America face the challenge of producing enough to feed an ever increasing population. Farming successfully is a science that must be learned. 67

Preparing themselves for the role of housewife and mother, the Future Homemakers of America learn the skills necessary for managing an efficient home.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Underclassmen, First Row: L. Washington , Q. Burton , K. Burgess, B. Gentry , H. Moore , B. Fields, G. Howard , A. Henderson , J. Gilbert, L. Stembridge, D. Robinson, J. Snyder, B. Mawyer, G. Garland , M. Blake, J. Daly, Mr. Craddock. Second Row: M. Walton, M. Jackson , L. Whitcom, P. Conley, G. Miller, J. Gram, D. Carr, P. Leake, J. Chisholm, J. Carlin, J. Viar, J.

Townsend , M. Miller, R. Davis, J. Nelmes. Third Row : F. Root , J. Gregg, J. Hansen, R. Harris , L. Hawkins , J. Bingler, L. Cockrum, B. Branch , D. Corrigan, B. Abbott, S. Birckh ead, M . Wright , S. Von Herbulis, R. Slosson, T. Kim , C. Hawkins, W. Gardner. Fourth Row: G. Hewitt , R. Gray, M. Reed , M. Marks , C. Mark, B. Albert , J. Spitts, C. Pryor.

Exhibiting the good qualities of true sportsmen, the members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes provide important leadership while setting good examples for the young athletes.

Key Club, Kneeling: L. Smith , J. Carlin, J. Lange, D. Bush. Second Row: L. Stembridge, D. Robinson, C. Mark, C. Hawk.in, C. Smith , B. Leake, B. Bailey. Top: M. Sandell , J. Black, J. Gilbert .


Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Seniors, First Row: R. Keyser, D. Bush , L. Johnson. Second Row: A. Walker, C. Smith , R. Allison , B. White. Third Row: E. Hale, J. Hughes , G. Carter. Fourth Row: P. Valle, L. Smith . Top : S. Dough erty, J. Bl ack , C. Wakley.

Club 68

Formed as the High School counterpart to the Kiwanis Club, the Key Club strives to improve the community.

Chess Club ------

Chess Club, Sitting: L. Rainey, A. Brie, G. Morris , C. Van de Castle , S. Wood , W. Stevens, P . Bain, J. Webber, J. Baber, J. Knight , E. Mullady. First Row: R. Conway, R. Dyer, D. Lee, T. Dongkim , G. Herring, B. Lasl ee, J. Wolfrey, D. Congdon , N. Johnson, B. Drash , R. Comfort , D. Nash , N. Riopel, T. Pl ymyre, K. Seabrook, T. Rennolds.

Back: S. Van Fosen , J. Haga, L. Hughs , J. Stevens, S. Towler, D. Mawyer, B. Maya , M. Snyder, R. Morris , B. Chisolm , D. Garrison , R. Payne , M. Begieby, B. Bailey, S. Smith, K. Lewis , B. Thompson , F. Shumaker , L. Dowell , G. Carmody, M. Thacker , M. Amato , B. Carriker, J, Trembly.

Preparing for Life, the chess enthusiasts participate in tournaments of tactics to determine the masterminds of strategy. P-K4; P-K4 . . '

Library Assistants, First Row: J. Maupin, P. Rosenbaum . Second Row: B. Dodson, D. Pritchett, D. Bishop , L. Henderson , D. Shiflett. Third Row: V. Hughes, T. Hennessey , K. Perry , B. Craig, B. Powell, S. Casey.

Photography, First Row: D. Ripley, President; T . Cutitta , Treasurer; H. Busby , Vice-President. Second Row: T. Wilhelm , K. Ziock, K. Lawless. Third Row: G. Eckma n , G. Adams. Fourth Row: Mr. Bishop , Sponsor; D. Sandridge, R. Lewis. Fifth Row: C. Rusher, B. Zieler, R. McCauley . Sixth Row: N. McDermott , W. Simpson .

Seeking to perfect the art of capturing thoughts on film, the Photography Club helps its members to increase their enjoyment of the world around us.

Library Assistants

The library assistants learn the methods of running an orderly and servicable library while helping to lighten the load for the librarians.

Photography 69

Spanish Club

Sp~nish, Sophomores, Kn~eling: D. Plymire, G. Spots~ood, S. lngenck, A. Hawkes, K. Kmg, S. Watson, D. Graff. Fust Row: B. Mitchum, R. Maddox, S. Jordan , J. Erkenbrack, K. Dunsmore. Second Row: P. Lee, S. Wiley, E. Jones, S. Young, C. Jones, K. Clarity, S. Maddox, N. Bain , J. Ford. Third Row: P. Umstadter, K. Kirkland , P. Powell , J. Hutchinson, P. Compton , D. Armstrong. Right Side: K. Kane. Top: S. Jenkis , S. Mahone, S. Memann, C. MacWilliams, K. Wade, R. Moore.

Spanish, Juniors, First Row: S. Hearn, M. Nightingale, K. Thalmann, M. O'Leary, J. Huie, G. Morris. Second ~ow : T. Norcross , L. McVey, G. Bain , L. McWilliams, S. Mondy, S. Jones, R. Judge. Third Row: G. Faris.h , S. Carson, G. Pasternak, A. Beasl~y. E. Terrell , M. O'Leary, S. Trav1s, P. Markwood . Fourth Row: C. M1ller, A. Luck, A. Tanner, K. Ahrend, S. Batten, D. Gravenwald, P. Duncan, B. Smith . Top: B. Lindsey, C. Vande Castle, D. Andrews, S. Davis, D. McGhee , M. Carter, R. Borcher.

The Spanish club met throughout the year and had a very interesting and fun time. They viewed slides brought by their PresideiJ.t, Liana Soloranzo, and learned about the Philippines from our foreign exchange student, Donna Florendo. To provide entertainment for the international dessert, the club practiced Spanish Christmas carols. They also had a Christmas party of their own to generate the holiday spirit.

Latin, First Row: K. Kindrick, Secretary; M. Wolf, P. Wilson, ICC Rep.; N. Rutland, Treasurer; S. Kyger, President; C. Branch, G. Good . Second Row: L. Allen , F. Barnett, Vice-Presidnet; M. Powell , Miss Sutherland, Sponsor.

Latin Club Spanish, Seniors, First Row: S. Arnhoff, Secretary Treasurer; C. Loving, Vice-President; L. Solorzano, President; M. Paige, I.C.C. Representative. Second Row: Mrs. Lane, Sponsor; S. Gray, C. Kesler, M. Ruiz. Third Row: P. . DeBiasi, D. Musachio , M. Isbister, J. Matysek, L. Cain, B. Kohl, Miss Brubaker, Sponsor. Fourth Row: B. Carr, B. Gentry, J. Batten, D. Lammonds , A. Thurman. Fifth Row: D. Meeks.

The members of the Latin club increase their understanding and development in a modern world by studying the greatest civilization that ever lived: the Greeks and the Romans. 70



German, First Row: D. Shortell , K. Robertson, D. Webber, S. Hudson, S. McCann , R. Hughes. Second Row: R. Popp , C. Lumpp, M. Tompson, K. Blankenbaker, V. Parsons . Third Row: M. Wanless, M. Waugaman, R. Long, J. Lang~ , N. Bl~ ch er, M. Ryder, D. Allen. Fourth Row: B. Lanahan , S. B.aggett, J. Ohman, D: Rea, E. Haigh, A. Graff, G. Wilson. Fifth Row: G. Wade, D. Brown, J. Lee , M. Hall, D. Famsh , K. Seabrook. Sixth Row: M. Locher, T. Quasebarth , L. Johnstone. Seventh Row: S. Rungwerth, L. Cassada, R. Humphris, J. Hesled , M. Powell , President; S. Dellinger, J. Allison.

The German club is a new language club this year. Herr Norton enriches the lives of his students with a little German culture- a dinner at the Schnitzelhaus, guest speakers, slides, and ice skating.

French, Underclassmen, First Row: E. Graebner, S. Taylor, B. Warren, M. Wolf, C. Simmons , B. Stephenson, S. Wood, P. Sprouse , J. Howe, M. Thompson. Second Row: L. Thomas, J. Grinnell, P. Fisk, S. Nelson, C. Curme, A. LaRue , H. Kupke, B. Lawson, P. Null , S. Hermanscloffer, J. Sandridge, C. Keiser. Third Row: P. Wilson, P. Hamner, L. Ricciardelli, S. Rennolds, S. Russell. Fourth Row: D. Casey, T. Mathews, J. Owen, C. VandeCastle, B. Chester, A. Averette, P. Murphy, A. Echols , J. Allen, K. Hall.

French, Seniors, Sitting: J. Manley, C. Thompson, M. Street. First Row: B. Bow en , K. Kelly, B. Blankenbaker. Second Row: M. Garrison, L. Johnson. Third Row: T. Smith , R. Hughes, P. Murphy. Back: B. Hurt. Hanging: B. La Buy, D. Sandridge.


Club 71

This year the French Club was again successful. For the second year straight they won first place for their Homecoming float. French Christmas carols were also practiced for the international dessert.

Science Club Through experimentation and research, Science Club members further explore the vast world of science and attempt to create their own worlds. Under the instruction and guidance of Mr. Monfort, the club members seek to attain new levels of scientific understanding.

Science, First Row: A. Kitay, Vice-President; F. Barnett , M. Naylor. Second Row: L. Hughes, Mr. Monfort , Sponsor; D. Thacker, R. Keithley. ~

Debate Team The national topic this year for debate teams is "Resolved: that all financial aid to public elementary and secondary schools should be provided exclusively by the federal government." Our Debate Team, "the students who talk the most and say the least," participated in six tournaments during February and March. Debate, Sitting: G. Sketchley, M. Snyder, C. Van de Castle, A. Trew, C. Simmons. Standing: P. Wilson, M. Street , B. Hurt , T. Quasebarth , R. Golladay, D. Brown, B. Ratcliffe, C. Branch.

Nursing Club Dedicated A.H.S. nursing students have organized a club to seek better ways of providing health service to the community. Meeting once every month, the club learns more about the nursing profession and its importance in the world.

Nursing, Kneeling: C. Ryalls, T. Wilson, Secretary; P. Rosenbaum, President. Left Side: D. Coleman , C. Barnett, L. Brown, J. Oliver, L. Bryant, S. Wells . Right Side: J. Burruss, Reporter; S. Burnley, Program Chairman; K. Lang, Treasurer; D. Wingfield , Vice-President.




Club The students of the Environment Club work to provide a better and cleaner society. The club members also inform students and the community of the growing need to help the environment. These future conservationists strive to perfect their society and thus themselves. Environment, _Kneeling: M. Zivic, J. Webber, D. Hopper, J. Jord~. G. Kiser, K. Furr. Second Row: Mrs. Otis , A. Aker, C. Moms, J. Gath , C. Shiflett, H. Smith, K. Naylon, J. Webber, B. Sands, S. Morris, K. Davenport, V. Parsons, C. Rea, D. Jones, J. Vascott, V. Foster, C. Cooper, D. Ramazani. Third Row: S. Hall , T. Henley, B. Powell , C. Hunt, R. Richardson, Pres.; S. Ogilvie, B. Robinson, D. Argenbright , D. Ahrend , R. Stallings, E. Flora, C. Thompson, M. Holmes, V. Harris.

Art Club II The Art Club is a group that produces art, easily identifiable as ''translations of the mind." They create the "shocking and the enlightening," often ascribing to the transcendetalist doctrine implied by the quote, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." ~

Art, Kneeling First Row: J. Maupin , L. Jones, B. Gardner, L. Greene, C. Gay, K. Tirrell, President. Kneeling Second Row: C. Via, R. Wagner, S. Haney, D. Hicks, D. van der Linde, G. Howard . Standing: Mr. Johnson, L. Arbaugh, K. Corrigan, T . Gibson, D. Minter, T. Whitehead , M. Bentley, D. Bull.

Art Club I


Art, First Row : M. Wyant, K. Smith , C. Staufer, J. Zell er. Second Row: E. Shifflett, J. Maupin , K. Gentry, V. Collins . Third Row: J. Bishop , L. Stevens, C. Jones, D. Clarkson, S. Johnstone, C. Schmuab , B. Gibson, Mr. Spates.



V.I.C.A ., First Row: R. Barbour, C. Gardner, C. Kelso , D. Williams, G: Morris. Second Row: S. Morris, J. Garver, J. Leathers, J. Offield,

A. Thompson. Third Row: W. Butl er, C. Gibson, A. Key, S. Brock , J. Cottle, R. Abel , V. Maupin, J. Pace.

With the aim of uniting in a common bond all students enrolled in trade and industrial education, V.I.C.A. tries to develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational , and social activities. V.I.C.A. assists students in establishing realistic vocational goals while it works to promote high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship and safety, and foster a wholesome understanding of the functions of labor and management organization.

Pep, First Row: M. Fulton. Second Row: G. Kiser, V. Parsons, V. Foster, D. Musachio , K. Kane. Third Row: C. Wakley, Sweetheart. V.I.C.A., First Row: E. Wallace, H. Burns , G. Wallace. Second Row: W. Johnson, J. Winston, T . Lee, C. Lang, D. Spradlin. Third Row: T. Powell, R. Mays, A. Mor_ris, C. Wallace , R. Ashe. Fourth Row: D. Barbour, S. V1ar, R. Walker, L. Williams , D. Ward, M. Hensley, D. Grey.

Pep Club 74

Along with backing our team, the Pep Club's many posters decorate the halls and help to promote school spirit.



Underclass: Kn~eling: P. Highlander, J; Christ~as, R. Warfield , L. Bowles, C. D1llard, D. Roach , G. G1bson. Fust Row: D. Tinsley, T. Patrick, P . Dyer, H. Smith , R. Christmas, L. Howard , H. Childress, T. Farmer, D. Hunt, M. Parham, B. Maupin, D. Carter, J.

Ward, V. Ross , F. Farrish , S. Shifflett , B. Shaver. Back: J. O'Mary, M. Maupin, D. Lowry , F. Hunt , D. Glasgow, S. Hall , G. Sprouse, L. Williams , D. Thomas, E. Woody , D. Napier, C. Sprouse, B. Shifflett , B. Price , D. Gardener, D. Coffman, W. Shifflett.

Being a Distributive Education club member is a two-fold job. These students not only go to school, they also have part time jobs. These jobs provide the students with the business experience and necessary skills they will need after graduation. These jobs also make DECA members vital parts of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Business Community. DECA contributes to the welfare of the community through such activities as the distribution of Thanksgiving baskets for needy families.

Aradia, First Row : A. Johnson, J. Jackson , V. Lucas , M. Garwood, S. Norford. Second Row: S. Norford , P. Monroe , S. Allen , J. Jordan , D. Bralley, G. Bornstein. Third Row: P. Estelle, B. Baber, B. Harris, M. Deaton, B. Brezenski , D. Cozort. Fourth Row: T. Tate , R. Critzer, L. Hartman , R. Sillatt.


D.E.C.A., Seniors, First Row : B. Rogers, Secretary; M. Fulton , Treasurer; G. Durrette, President; W. Herring. Second Row: J. Cowan, Reporter; W. Anderson. Third Row: R. Gibson, VicePresident; B. Barrell, L. Shackelford, Parliamentarian. Fourth Row: P. Spencer, M. Bush, E. Napier. Fifth Row: D. Fow, L. Willis, Historian. Sixth Row: L. Belew, J. Goode . Seventh Row: H. Pugh , E. Ros enbaum. Eighth Row: S. Riddl e, G. Rea. Ninth Row: G. Sprouse, Mrs. Mawyer, Sponser. Tenth Row: B. Williams, Mr. Gardner, Sponser.


The Aradia club is a strange new club which discusses unusual occurances. Club members learn about the occult and supernatural phenomena.

Motorcycle Club

Motorcycle, Kneeling: B. Carpenter, R. Bell, J. Possada, J. Walker, S. Costello, D. Shifflette, S. Moore, L. Moore. First Row: R. White, W. Estes, V. Harold, J. Bishop, M. Yowell , D. Farmer, L. Price, L. Maupin, D. Smith, D. Davis , W. Graves, E. Morris, J. Aschenbach. Second Row: R. Crickenberger, R. Carver, J. Davis, K. Shifflett , T.

Burcham, J. Hensl ey, G. Byerly. Third Row: J. Sweeney, S. Morris, D. Ahrend, W. Bailey, D. Kirby, B. Thacker, R. Ray, L. Shifflett, A. Bond, M. Murrelle , V. Harris, S. Tucker, C. Kline, T . Goode, P. Price, J. Patterson, B. Morris.

The Motorcycle Club offers road riding, trail riding, the challenge of a trails event, or the excitement of a motorcross. The Motorcycle Club strives to give a better image to the motorcycle rider.

Bicycle Club The cyclists ride their bicycles through the picturesque countryside for exercise and enjoyment. As well as getting fun and exercise, the Bicycle Club helps cut down on air pollution.

Bicycle, First Row: S. Snow, B. Enyeart, D. Wimmer, B. Smith, B. Thomas, D. Roberts. Second Row: J. Respess, G. Goldstein, T . Malacia, Sec.; N. Deets, T. Jones, J. Ratcliffe, J. Quasebarth, S. Johnstone. Third Row: G. Sketchley, F. Brown, P. Hall, J. Cronemeyer, S. Smith, C. Van de Castle, J. Ogilvie.


Concerned Black Youth

Concerned Black Youth, Seniors, First: D. Bell , M. Stepp e, Miss Tanner, L. Johnson, Pres.; C. Whit e, A. Martin , A. Hawkins , J. Quarles , E. Martain, J. Winston. Second: D. Carr, J. Tinsl ey, D. Fells, V. Pres.; V. Wood, V. Walker, M. Mason, A. Ragland, M. Wesley, S.

Withch er, B. Brassfield , V. Hudson. Third: B. Winston, K. Jones, E. Dyer, M. Martin, M. Brackett. Fourth: L. Baker, L. Christmas, S. Byrd. Fifth: C. Jordan, H. Eubands , S. Phillips . Sixth: M. Gardner, V. Eubanks, G. Harris . Seventh: R. Bolden.

Members of the Concerned Black Youth take a stand in society to help and aid others. Their activities include such things as sponsoring Black History Week and working to improve the image of the black man in our society.

Concerned Black Youth, Sophomores, First : F. Smith , B. Anderson, M. Bell, M. Smith , L. Williams, L. Perry. Second: J. Farrar, J. Stepp e, J. Perkins, T. Anderson, C. Pryor, D. Phillips, D. Jon es, C. Winston . ..l

1Concerned Black Youth, Juniors, First: T. Bradley, C. Whindleton, M. Wilson. Second: B. Byrd , N. Thomson, D. Eubanks . Third: T . White , L. Branch, M. Whiting, Y. Waller. Fourth: J. Page, G. Howard , K. Grad y, M. Burton , B. Carey.

-' 77

Albemarle Players

Albemarle Players, Underclassmen, First Row: J. Dameron, J. Owen, Treasurer; A. Davenport, C. Saunders, V. Garrison, D. Conklin, C. Weary, B. Clarke. Second Row: L. McDaniel, S. Glass, S. McCann, A. Echols, S. Taylor, B. Warren, M. Thompson, S. Rogers, J. Jordan.

Third Row: D. Smith , T. Taylor, J. Respass, N. Rutland, P. Wilson, S. Smith , K. Wagner, S. Pullen, M. Wolfe, M. Locher. Fourth Row: K. Jameson, E. Graebner, D. Leake, T. Quasebarth, K. Ahrend , M. Wolf, J. Ratcliffe, T. Quarsebarth , H. Shortell.

Striving for excellence in its theatrical productions, the Albemarle Thespians and Albemarle Players provide our school with a bit of the cultural side of life. Their latest accomplishment was the outstanding production of "Hello Dolly".

Albemarle Players, Seniors, First Row: D. Ahrend, J. Jones, B. La Buy, S. Forney, M. Weeks . Second Row: N. Drumheller, K. Lawless, D. Allen, F. Rothacker, M. Garnett. Third Row: S. Gray, J. Zeller, K. Jones, J. Jordan, M. Garrison, B. Hurt. Fourth Row: C. Thompson, M. Holmes, S. Lane, L. Garrison, C. Vasi, M. Street, Reporter. Fifth Row: C. Snoddy, E. Johnstone, L. Johnson, K. Smith , J. Black, D. Wilkins. Sixth Row: N. Word, J. Manley, P. Murphy.

Thespians, First Row: C. Vasi, M. St~eet, J. Lange, P. Murphy, N. Word , C. Thompson, J. Manley, V. Gamson. Second Row: J. Owen, M. Garnett, S. Forney, M. Weeks, D. Allen. Third Row: S. Gray, J. Zeller, S. McCann, C. Carriker, S. Smith, S. Rogers, N. Rutland . Fourth Row: K. Ahrend, L. Johnson, F. Rothacker, D. Conklin , M. Thompson , P. Wilson. Fifth Row: D. Rea, K. Lawless, J. Jones, D. Ahrend, B. Hurt, L. Johnstone. Sixth Row: L. Garrison , D. Wilkins, M. Wolf, T. Quasebarth , E. Graebner.


Ski Club

Trail , J. Kauzlarich, B. Cooper, B. Ballard , D. Rhod es, J. Allen , Chronister, R. Armentrout , S. Topper. Wall: D. Deane, D. Porritt, Glosser, S. Hunt, D. Robinson, E. Ripberger, R. Kent , J. Ritchie, Woodson, T . Goodman, E. Tull, P. Cross, T. Hamm, J. Olson , Moon .

Ski Underclassmen, Kneeling: L. Thorsey, G. Lipscomb , K. Meeks, D. Echols, C. Weary, C. Hurt , L. Leake, J. Bishop, P. Rosenbaum. First Row: D. Wyant, M. Rexrode , P. Smith, D. Terrell, J. Currin , D. Johnson, E. Parker, S. Buchanan, D. Shifflette, C. Shea, L. Mann, S. Roger~ . C. Roberts , J. Glady. Second Row: C. Cutright, C. Kinney, P.

D. C. G. B.

The first thing a member of the Ski Club learns is how to fall down. The Ski Club members plan to utilize the local ski facilities, but they are also planning a skiing trip to Pennsylvania.

G.A.A., Kneeling: Y. Batten, P. Banton, S. Fitch, S. Johnson, M. Vidrine, P. Green, V. Williams, D. Austin, N. Walker. First Row: C. White, S. Powell, J. Dickerson, D. Brooks . Second Row: D. Miller, Vice-President; M. Washington, J. Maupin, B. Craig, N. Vest, P. Ward, : V. Feggans , D. Gray, J. Morris, A. Gardner. Third Row: M. Jackson, D. Miller, A. Gray, L. Jordan, B. Snyder, G. Young, B. Hughes , C. Robinson, V. Hughes, K. Col es, P. Scott, R. Morton. Fourth Row: L. McCauley, S. Turner, K. Brown , P. Bowen, K. Perry, R. Armistead, P. Bull , L. Abbott, President. Pole: G. Musachio, D. Kirksey. Not Pictured: A. Easter, Reporter; P. Thomas, Secretary-Treasurer.

Ski Seniors, Kneeling: R. Davis, P. Rogg, M. Miller, C. Ryland , D. Berry, D. Garrison. First Row: J. Kegley, K. ~owell, K. Yancey, T. Clark, L. Carter, L. Webber, M. Pugh , D. Ba1l ey. Second Row: C. Felker, P. Gentry, J. Birckhead , B. Dyer, B. Woodson, J. Zeller, A. Johnson, N. Via, G. Meeks, D. Florendo . Third Row: S. Layne, R. Thorsey, R. Britt , {路 Teel, G. Webb , P. Wilson , J. Young, J. Black, C. Webster, K. Eudai ey, B. Leake, L. Root , D. Warrick, G. Godwin, L. Luck, C. Carriker, T. Pologruto , A. Trew, K. Chisholm , M. Morris , C. Cason, M. Winstead.



The Girl's Athletic Association participated in many activities including playing sports, making posters for Homecoming, selling tickets, and providing refreshments for powderpuff football.



Varsity Football Team Posts 5-3-2 Season

Fourth Row: R. Wach, L. Cockrum, D. Carr, T. Crenshaw , J. Gilbert , L. Stembridge, B. Bailey, G. Howard , J. Richardson , J. Viar, J. Townshend . Fifth Row: M. Twardoski , C. Frazier , L. Williams, R.

First Row: K. Jones , C. Hawkins, J. Little, K. Barbour, K. 路 Davis, L. Smith, B. Massey, J. East er , G. Morris, R. Allison, E. Hale , K. Lewis, J. Black. Second Row: I. Dowell, G. Huitt, D. Leake, J. Chisolm , M. Lewis, R. Albert , L. Whitcomb , L. Dowell , G. Barbour, A. Henderson, J. Carlin , M. Reed . Third Row: R. Conley, K. Wade, R. Smith , J. All en, J. Nelms , J. Ritchie, B. Fields , M. Glass , J. Hughes , D. Bush .

Davis , M. Miller, C. Kenny, M. Wright, B. Ballard, C. Smith , M. Sandell. Sixth Row: s: Mahone路, S. Vo-ri 1-ierbulis, D. Brown , C. Mark. Not pictured: J. Bates.

The 1972 Patriot football team experienced a good but rather disheartening season. A total of just 4 well-placed points would have boosted the season record of 5-3-2 to an impressive 8-2 record. The Patriot offense was led by Lee Dowell and Art Henderson behind the blocking of seniors Clyde Smith and Eddie Hale, and junior Bobby Albert. The defense was in the able hands of " Snow White"- Jeff and the "seven Easter dwarfs" Clarence Lewis, Mike Lewis, Larry Smith, Bennie Massey, Don Bush, Jimmy Richardson, and Jeff Chisholm. The linebacking corps of Larry Smith, Mike Lewis , and Bennie Massey were among the best in the state. The kicking of Gary Morris gave an extra boost to the team's morale.

Defensive li neman manhandl e Lane.


Chip Mark connects to Greg Barbour.

Art Henderson is ready for this block.


Albemarl .... e Albemarle



7- 7

Stafford ~


0- -20


7- 15

路 James Wood

Handley Jeff Easter sp eaks. 1


20- 6 -



27- -28 -路-路. Lane


Lee Dowell turns on th e speed.

Head Coach iously.

Ralph Harrison watches anx-

The offensive line gives Bill good protection.

Clarence wants to join the fun.

Assistant Coach- Doug Seldon.


Randy Allison breaks a tackl e against Stonewall Jackson.

"Paco" Morris boots an extra point against Lane.

The defense takes a well-deserved rest".

Assistant Coach - Jim Arbaugh.

Awards - Outstanding offensive lineman , Clyde Smith ; All-Commonwealth District offensive back. Most valuable offensive back, Lee Dowell ; Most valuable defensiv e back, Keith Davis; All-Commonwealth District defensive back. Keith Lewis; All-Commonwealth District , All-Northwest Region defensive end , Outstanding

defensive lineman, Jeff Easter; All -Commonwealth Distri ct linebacker, Most Valu able Player, Bennie Massey. Go ld Brick Award - Jeff Black. Three year letterman - Keith Lewis, Gary Morris . Clyde Smith . Jeff Easter, Most und erpubli cized player and three year lett erman , Larry Smith .


Two of the " stars " confer.

Victory row , how sweet it is!

Keith Lewis shows us a new way to intercept a Lane pass.

Watch out behind you , Art.




, iJ

"lUn d ll SUIDl<JJ SIAEQ l.{l!<l)!



t '



J.V. Football

M. Stuart. Third Row: J. Tremblay, D. Echols, B. Quillon, K. Hasenfus , A. Thomas, S. Rawlings , B. Carriker.

First Row: B. Abbott, S. Birckhead, R. Crickenberger, M. Day. Second Row: S. McVey, D. Corrigan, V.Benshoff, B. Lassetter, P. Minor,

Kevin runs through Lane's defense.


Inexperience Hampers Soccer Team

Kneeling: P. Hall, M. Reed , R. Golladay, S. Snow, M. Holmes, P. Bain, B. Hurt , J. Lange, C. Van de Castle , M. Sayden, R. Britt, D. Ahrend , S. Coleman , C. Hurt. Standing: G. Goldstein, J. Cronomyer,



S. McMillan, J. Ford, G. Hewitt, P. Crawford , J. Ohman , C. Benjamin, P. Owen, R. Morris , S. Wood , J. Gregg, W. Estes, B. Word, M. Naylor , G. Sketchley , D. Andrews, D. Minter.

With new players outnumbering the more experienced lettermen, the soccer team suffered a disappointing season under their new coach, Leonard J. Hrica. The 2-7 record did not reflect the hard work put forth by the team, which had to adjust to a new European style offense. ~ Some of the outstanding performances of the season were tuned in by seniors Jack Lange and Blakey Hurt, juniors Craig Van de Castle, Steve Coleman, and Sam Snow, and sophomore Warren Estes. Despite the loss of senior players, the soccer team looks forward to a better season next year.


David Ahrend uses his head.


Coach Hrica watches the action.


0 路_ 1




Tandem Blakey, Peter, and Craig move the ball downfield.

Albemarle Patriots defend against a corner kick.

Jack Lange boots it away.


Mike, Ryland , and Randy have different outlooks on the game.

Peter Bain shows hi s form.


Blakey Hurt swings into actio n .


Craig Van de Castl e battl es wi th an opponent.


Girls Basketball Has Big Winning Season! 14-3

Kneeling: S. Decker, R. Morton, P. Bull , R. Armstead. Standing: Thomas, Ma nager; L.Abbott, P. Washington .

J. Dickerson , A.

Easter, P. Scott , B. Bowen, P.

The Albemarle girls put together a good basketball team this year. The team eventually went to the District Tournament where they completed a 14 - 3 season. One of the bright spots of the year was defeating Lane twice. Much of the team's success was due to the play of Paula Bull, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Amy Easter, Most Valuable Defensive Player; Lynn Abbott, Hardest Worker; the dependable play of the rest of the team; and, of course, to their great coach Mrs. Kaplan.

Pat looks for an open teammate.

Paula shows her foul shot form.


Our defense shows how they used th ei r hands in the game!

Head coach- Mrs. Kaplan.



Patti Scott jumps to great heights.

Albemarle girl s get up for another victory.

Who's got the ball!


Varsity Scores

The patriots warm up for anoth er romp of their opponent.

James Wood Woodbridge

Amy Easter drives past a defender.

Which way will the ball go?

Lynn Abbott shoots over Lane.


Girls J.V. Basketball Team Crunches Opponents

Kneeling: P. Duncan, D. Terrell , G. Fisher, S. Turner, J. Terrell. Standing: M. Peterson, L. Washi ton, T. Todd , L. Bowers, A. Jaeger, Mrs . Hensley, Coach .


26 !' 24



jackie Terrell at the foul line.

Eamern Mennonite __ Louisa

Debbie goes up for the jump ball.

路 95

Cross-Country Team Has Rough Season: 7-5-1

Kneeling: J. Saunders , R. Williams, S. Daugherty, C. Reynolds. Standing: B. White , F. Root, B. Branch , R. Moyer.

Cross Country runners make it through th e woods.

Cross Country Coach- Fred Hardy

Jeff Saunders .. . " Most Valuable Runner"


Steve, Bobby, and Charles take the lead .

h Could this Guy be an assistant coach?

These three seniors seem to be interested in something!

I just hate these hills .

Charles pulls away from two opponents.


G.A.A. Cheerleaders Boost Morale

Bottom: Robin Hantske, Joan Russ ell, Dorothy Miller, Head . Middle: Kay Kirkland , Kim Perry. Top: Gay Musachio, Susie Maine.

Let's hear it for the Patriot s.


It 's all yours Gay!

Drill Team

Bottom: J. Zeller, D. Florendo, A. Johnson, N. Riopel, C. vyhite, K. Seabrook. Zn~ row: C. Carriker, B. Smith, K. Thalman, M. Carter. 3rd row: L. Sheets , D. Gruenwald , M. Pruge, S. Sm1th. Top: L. Came, S. Rogers, N. Word.

The drill team adds spice to the basketball game.

Nancy Word twirls her flag to the sound of the band .


Varsity Cheerleaders

Left to Right: P. Hanger, D. Quarles, C. Dicki e, K. Smith, M. Wessley, E. Wagner, S. Harrison , A. Sanford, C. Corrigan, S. Burton .

. I

Elaine expresses h er emotions during a tense game.

Who is that guy in th e third row?


Margaret takes a break.

The blues hit two of Albemarle's cheerleaders .

Kathy has got the right idea!

Wake up you two! The game is about to start.

Cathy cheers on the home team crowd.


J.V. Cheerleaders

Top: N. Barbour, D. Deane. Bottom: L. Hale , T . Jones, D. Phillips . Not pictured: P. Payne .

Debbie says " Yea" .

Head cheerleader, Trica Jones, ponders the situation.



J.V. Basketball •

... ]

Left to right: J. Graham, S. Duncan, B. Mawyer, R. Slossan, B. Abbott, D. Carr, G. Davis, J. Hoy, T. Crenshaw, J. Snyder, C. Pryor, L. Cain, R. Gray, K. Burruss.

~ ~ :~:~:~.x~~


James Monroe


Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle








'fJ ~-






Albemarle ~



S. Jackson


Albemarle Albemarle ,11 2s -




Lr Lane

Albemarle • 34



Albemarle Albemarle




Albemarle Albemarle

., LJ Todd Crenshaw lays one over Stafford.




' 'V:. Lane




James Wood















Varsity Basketball Team Pays Tribute to Coach Moore

Left to right: D. Corrigan, ]. Martin, L. Hawkins, ]. Kauzlarich , S. Swingler, ]. Easter, D. Gray, C. Berry, G. Barbour, ]. Haga, K. Barbour, S. Sims, ]. Saunders.

Coach A.P. Moore's Albemarle Patriots finished the '72-'73 season with a 13-7 record and a fourth place finish in the Commonwealth District. The high points of the season came with our defeat of rival Lane and our big win over number one-ranked Stafford. Coach Moore has . shaped a young team into a winning team. The Patriots will miss two seniors next year, but their .greatest loss will come with the absence of Coach Moore who leaves the coaching staff after five successful years at Albemarle. His hard work and total dedication have been seen by everyone. Albemarle High School will miss this great basketball coach, A.P. Moore.


We couldn 't have done without these managers, R. Hughes, V. Parsons and S. Gray.

Jerry says, "This is no way to play basketball".

" Turkey" is up in the air against James Monroe.

Coach A.P. Moore with three of his players.


"Turkey" Sims wears P.F. Flyers.

Don Gray wonders where his help is.

Greg Barbour and Chip Berry show us how to play defense.

You'll have to jump higher than that to stuff Jerry Martin .


Chip Berry hunts for an open teammate.

Jeff Easter drives through two defenders.

Jeff Saunders skies in Albemarl e-Lan e game.

Who is going to get it?


Stuart Sims has got his eye on that basket.

Greg Barbour shoots over Lane .

Don Gray looks for that lay-up .

It 's mine and you can't have it !

Jeff Easter eases one over the top of Handley.


路passJUI r 'sdoo


'UllOJ dn-AEJ puEtpapun SJtj sn SMOtjS SlapUnES JJ8f

Indoor Track Team Wins Third Straight Title

First row: Assistant Coach]. Lacy, Head Coach D. Craddock. Second row: Assistant Coach G. Oldaker, D. Bragg, L. Dowell, E. Hale, L. Smith , K. Davis, ]. Grady, E. Wallace, G. Howard, R. Harris, S. McVey. Third row: L. Christmas, A. Henderson, ]. Bates, R. Williams , M. Day, D. Mawyer, P. Minor, ]. Allen, B. Thomas , ]. Pitts, M. Parham, B. Albert. Fourth row: M. Wright. ]. Richardson, M.

Kelly, B. Branch, B. White, R. Davis, T. Wood , L. Cockran, B. Carriker, D. Bush. Fifth row: M. Mark~,] . Lange, F. Root •. S. Rawlings, C. Reynolds, A. Powell, D. Nap1er, B. Klepack. SIXth row: C. Hawkins, ]. Bingler, G. Miller, H. Moore, R. Brassfield, M. Begiebing, T. Wilhelm , S. Daughtery, N. Word , B. Ratcliff.

Coach Dennis Craddock's indoor track team had its third straight undefeated season in the Commonwealth District. The Albemarle team were district champs as well as runnerups in the region. Seven school records were broken during the year, two by our relay teams. Lee Dowell, an All-American sprinter, broke tlie record in the 60 and 330 yard dash with times of 6.2 sec. and 36.8 sec. respectively. James Grady set a new record in the triple jump, while Senior, Roy Cole jumped 21' 71/z" to break the long jump record. Donnie Bragg, also a senior, bettered his record in the 500 yard dash with a time of 61.0 sec. Although the loss of the seniors will be felt, Coach Craddock has high hopes to make it four in a row next year.

Bobby Albert gets a look from Coach Craddock as he throws the shot.


Donnie Bragg shows the form that broke th e school record in th e 500 yard dash.

Lee Dowell waves as he breaks the tape in the 60 yard dash.

Eddie wants to know which. way is down.

Don't look now Jimmy, but . . . !

Gary Howard tries to go 4 ways at once in the long jump.


The Class of '73

Patty Scott , President.

Margaret Steppe, Secretary-Treasurer.

Ginny Abott Roy Abel Gregory Adams Ray Agee Susan Agnor 114

Charles Ahrend Donna Allen Ike Allen Joseph Allen Randolph Allison

Raymond Anderson Wanda Anderson Stuart Arnhoff Jennie Aschenbach Glenda Averette

Eleanor Flora, Vice-President.

Linwood Ayres Cathy Baber Claude Bailey Donna Bailey Peter Bain

Jacqueline Baker Leon Baker Donna Ballard Roynetta Banks Kenneth Barbour

Ricky Barbour Robin Barbour Cecilia Barnett Floyd Barnett Barbara Barrell

Donna Allen, Reporter.


Penny Rogg concentrates on an enthralling book.

Janet Batt en Wilma Batton Mark Begiebing Larry Belew Deborah Bell

Susan Bell Laurel Bentley David Berry Carolyn Birckhead Donna Birckhead

John Bishop Jeffrey Black

Susan Blankenbaker Nancy Blucher

Russell Bolden James Bond

A rare moment- Clyde is studying!!

Beth Bowen Dorothy Bowe n

Mary Brackett Donald Bragg

Betty Brassfield Diane Bridges


Larry Bridges Jody Brock Dallas Brooks Danice Brown Donna Bryant

David Bull Steven Burnett Catherine Burnley Ginger Burruss Joyce Burruss

Miki Paige has found a new friend!!

Kay Burruss Susan Burton

Donald Bush Michael Bush

Cassandra Byrd Laureen Cain


Shirley Calloway Gene Carmody Daniel Carpenter Benjamin Carr Desiree Carr

Mary Carr Suzanne Carr Cynthia Carriker Larry Carroll Dabney Carter


Gary Clatterbuck Donald Clements Sherry Clements


John Cobb Rod Cohen Roy Cole

Debra Coleman John Coles Wayne Collier

.•, )

\ a~ Glenn Carter Leslie Carter Jennie Casey Cathy Cason Lawrence Cassada

Looks like Paul Gaertner has a crush on somebody.

Deborah Cassell Katherine Chisholm Lloyd Christmas Shelia Clark Peggy Clarkson



Rebecca Combs Marvin Cook Michael Cook

Karen Coradi James Cottle Halli e Cowa n

Deborah Cozart Ronald Craddock Betsy Craig

Donni e Bragg co unts pictures for th e und erclass section of th e Peer.


Betty Craig Bill Craig Bonita Crickenberger

Michael Critzer Steven Cronemeyer Jon athan Curme

Be Quiet!! Ann is trying to work. \

.... ~

Thomas Cutitta Katherine Davenport Denice Davis

Jeri Davis Keith Davis Ronald Davis

Buster Debiasi Tommy Detamore Josephine Dickerson


Mike Garnett and Kim Jones show Sandy Gray a _n ew way to travel.


Cynthia Dickie Cora Dillard Joyce Dillard Stephen Dougherty Michael Douglas

Ivar Dowell Nancy Drumheller Gregory Dudley Peggy Dunn Gregory Durrette

Laureen forgets her lunch money again.

Elizabeth Dyer Irene Dyer

Amy Easter Jeffrey Easter

Gregory Eckman Jeftrey Erkenbrack


Helen Eubanks Valerie Eubanks Kay Eudailey James Farish William Faust

Vivian Feggans Charles Felker Dale Fells Deborah Figgatt Sally Fink

David Garrison Lena Garriso n

Eleanor Flora Donna Florendo Susan Forney Donna Fox Shelia Fox

Lila Francis Paul Gaertner Beverly Gardner Carolyn Gardner Melton Gardner

Margaret Garrison Cynthia Gay

Bill Gentry Pres ton Gentry

Daye Wilkins is obviously overjoyed with Suzanne Carr's make-up.


Charlotte Gibson Debra Gibson

Doris Gibson Mildred Gibson

Michael Glass Ginger Godwin

John Goode Ralph Grant

Wanda Graves Donald Gray

Sandra Gray Raymond Green

Edgar Hale George Hall

Vickie Hancock Pamela Hanger

Clarence Lewis doesn 't seem to want to practice today.


Eddie Rosenbaum's attention has been diverted.

Diana Musachio displays a mod monocle.

Barbara Harding George Harris Vickie D. Harris

Vickie L. Harns Susie Harrison Dayton Haugh

Alfred Hawkins Clarence Hawkins David Henderson



Don Henderson Gilda Herndon Wanda Herring

Van Herold Michael Holmes Phyllis Howard

Sarah Wilson is in a reflective mood.

Keith Huckstep Vernelle Hudson Vernice Hudson Garry Huff Joseph Hughes

Rhonda Hughes Vickie Hughes Irene Huie Robert Humphris Carlton Hunt

Mora Isbister Joanne Jackson


Lola Jackson Sherry Jacobs

William James Arnie Johnson

Rebecca LaBuy


Larry Johnson Lewis Johnson Loretta Johnson Sheila Johnson Jeanne Jones

Kimberly Jones Casandra Jordan Julia Jordan Kathleen Kelly Constance Kelso

Cary Ladd

Kenny 's physics experiment is all tangled up.

Cathi Kesler Rusty Keyser Vickey Kirtley Bette Kohl Shirley Kyger 127

A spare moment allows Joe Hughes to catch up wi th his government homework.

Vincent Lam Deborah Lamonds Sally Lampp Bruce Lanahan Karen Lang

Molly Lang John Lange Kenneth Lawless Robert Lawrence Cliff Lawson

Lois Layman Sonny Layne Buzzy Leake Jong Woo Lee Keith Lewis

David makes sure the coast is clear. 128

Richard Lewis Larry Little Phil Lohr

Barbara Loschelder Libbie Luck Cynthia Lumpp

Herbert Maddox Allen Madison John Maine

Joseph Marks Teresa Marks William Marsh

Charl es Marshall Alton Martin Edward Martin

Mora Isbister studies th e game apprehensively.

Tommy Detamore enjoys the first big snow. 129

A mild diversion for Rusty Keyser and Cliff Lawson .

Mary Martin Mary Mason Bennie Massey

Theresa Matacia Ladonna Matheny Janine Matysek

Kathy Kelly gets caught in th e S.C.A . office.

Marlaine May Edward Mayo Richard McCauley


Neal McDermott David Meeks Gail Meeks

Clyde Micham Claire Milgraum Mark Miller

Speech class provides a pleasant interlude for Sabra Witcher.


Michael Miller Pearl Monroe Robert Montgomery

Betty Morris Bobby Morris Gary Lee Morris

Gary Lewis Morris Gary Wayne Morris Gaynelle Morris

Snow White, alias Mike Holmes, dreams of the Seven Dwarfs.


Jaye Morris Kathy Morris Pamela Morris

Samuel Morris Wanda Morris Vera Mosby

Who ate Cheryl Thompson 's lollipop ?

Darrell Murdock Peter Murphy Diana Musachio Cecelia Muslin Charlotte Napier

Eleanor Napier Diane Nash Kevin Naylon Laurie Nelson James Ogilvie

Richard Oliva Jeanne Oliver John Pace Muriel Paige Virginia Parsons 132

Tom Cutitta can't wait for an early dismissal.

You 'll need more than paper for wings, Johnny!



"AlE "n Margy Garrison seems happy about her horoscope.

Julia Patterson Russell Payne Stewart Payne Samuel Phillips Charles Pierce


Victoria Plumb Terry Pollock Thomas Pologruto Allan Polson Bryant Poole

Rosanna Popp Joaquin Posada Kathy Powell Martha Powell Andy Powley

Jo Manley leaves school prepared for a long snow vacation.

Harold Pugh Melinda Pugh Patty Pugh

Deborah Race Margaret Ragland Wendy Ragland

Allen Raines Linda Rainey David Ramazani


Melinda Street makes sure the apple-snatcher isn 't fallowing. Dot Rea Kevin Reilly Charles Reynolds

Joanne Ridob Robin Riggs David Ripley





\ I~ Jane Ripley Frederick Ritchie Keith Roberts

Rebecca Rogers Penny Rogg Lynne Root

Thomas Rosenbaum Bill Roszak Florence Rothacker

Alexander Ruddock Mary Ann Ruiz Arthur Rush

Danny Concklin outlines his devilish plot.


Carol Ryalls Norma Salisbury Patricia Salmon

Dabney Sandridge David Sandridge Patty Scott

Rob ert Seiler Larry Shackleford Elizabeth Sheets

Carl Shiffl ett Carolyn Shifflett Joanne Shifflett

Oani se holds the class ' attention with her oration.


Michael Shifflett Naomi Shifflett Wayne Shifflett

Nancy Shotwell Frank Shumaker Walter Simpson

Gosh , Wendy, can 't yo u hurry up!

Neil McD ermott: the McDonald's hamburgler .

.: \-

,. '-

Larry proves th at you can still find a fri endl y smile.


Arthur Sipe Wilmer Sipe Dotti Slaughter Clyde Smith Debra Smith 137

Garry Smith Julie Smith Kathy Smith Larry Smith Lisa Smith

Shelia Smith Teresa Smith Cathy Snoddy Diane Solomon Patsy Spencer

The eyes of judgement.

Donna Sullivan Wayne Sullivan John Tee!

Lisbeth Spradlin Barbara Sprouse Deborah Sprouse

David Thacker Deborah Thacker Sandra Thacker

Garrett Thomas Laura Thomas Teresa Thomas

This is the way we hold our pens . . .

Roy Stallings Margaret Stepp e Joni Sudduth


At least someone appears to be studying.

Catherine Tremblay Jane Tucker Scott Tucker

Cheryl Thompson Richard Thorsey Ann Thurman

Janet Timberlake Joann Tinsley Dianna Toms

Donald Toms Sam Towler Yvonne Trainum


Herbert Tull Marjorie Turner Mary Tyler

Wednesdays are days of contemplation.

Jack Posada, champion of the chompers!

Cindy Valentine Pedro Valle Charles Vasi

Mamie Via Nancy Via Elaine Wagner

A modified kickline??!

Christopher Wakley Arthur Walker Clyde Walker


James Walker Nona Walker Robert Walker

Grover Wallace Michael Wallace Paula Walton

Winning smiles for the photographer.

Linda Webber Christianna Webster Michael Weeks

Ted Walton Monte Wanless Charles Ward

Darryl Ward Patricia Ward Carson Warner

Deborah Warrick Raymond Washington Gary Webb



Beverly Wells Susie Wells Margaret Wesley

This bett er be the last page!

The ideal stud y hall.

Make-up tests seem to be part of the senior year.

Deborah White Grover White Pamel a White Kim Whitlow Christina Wilhelm 142

Colleen Wilkinson Daye Wilkins Brent Williams Ira Williams Dudley Wilson

Peter Wilson Sarah Wilson Denise Wingfield Deana Winslow John Winstead


•., .



' ' ·-w


Can you believe that?



Brenda Winston James Winston Sabra Witcher Stephen Wolford Daniel Wood

Deborah Wood Virginia Wood Rebecca Woodson Ruth Woodson Ann Woody

Nancy Word Cynthia Wright Kathy Yancey John Young Joy Zeller 143

Liz displays th e triumphant smile of a senior.

Barrel, Barbara Ann: DECA 3. Batten, Janet Yvonne: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2, Sec. 2; Spanish Cl. 3; Pep Cl. 2. Batton, Wilma Gay. Begiebing, Mark Robert, Bageeb: Drama Cl. 1,2; Chess Cl. 3; Indoor Track 1-3 ; Outdoor Track 1-3; "The Mouse That Roared" 1.

Senior Directory

Belew, Larry Wayne: DE 1-3. Bell, Deborah L., Debpie: Drama Cl. 2; Concerned Black Youth 3. Bell, Debra Susan: Arcadia Cl. 3. Bell, Owens. Bentley, Laurel Ann, Laurie: SCA 1-3. Berry, David Steven, David : Ski Cl. 3; Band 3.

Best, Jerry Lee. Birckhead, Carolyn Alice: Enviro nment Cl. 3; JV Basketball1,2; Powderpuff 1,3 . Birckhead, Donna JoAnne, JoAnne: Pep 路 Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3. Bishop, John Charles, Bish: Motorcycle ct. 3; Soccer 1; Mgr. Indoor-Outdoor Track 2; Concert Band 1-3: Marching Band 1-3 . Black, Jeffrey Eugene, Fro : Key Cl. 2,3, Sec. 2, Treas . 3; F.C.A . 2,3, Pres. 3; V. Football 13; fV Basketball 1; V. Baseball 1-3; Intramural Basketball 3; Powderpuff Coach 2; "Hello Dolly". Blankenbaker, Susan Wright, Susan: GAA 1; French Cl. 2,3; Intramurafs 1; Powderpuff 13; Nat'! Merit Commendation 3; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Peer 2,3 , Section Ed . 3.

Miss Tanner's class is deep in concentration. Abbott, Linda Sue, Lynn: GAA 1-3; Pres. 3;

able Mention NW Region Football 3; V. Track 1,2; JV Basketball!; V. Basketball 2.

Worker on the Team 3; V. Softball 1-3; Powderpuff Football 1-3.

Anderson, Raymond Charles.

JV Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2,3, Hardest

Abbott, Virginia Lee, Ginny: Albemarle Players 1-3 , Sec.-Treas. 3; SCA 1; Powderpuff Football 1-3; "Blithe Spirit," "Music Man," "Wizard of Oz," "Prometheus Bound," "Fiddler on the Roof. " "Hello , Dolly. " Abel, Roy Edward: VICA 2,3 .

Anderson, Wanda J.: DECA 1,2. Arnhoff, Stuart Brett: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Sec.Treas . 3; Track 3. Aschenbach, Jennie Lee: Bicycle Cl. 1,2; Motorcycle Cl. 3; Powderpuff Football 1.

Adams, Gregory Paul, Greg: Environment Cl. 2; Photography Club 3; Soccer 2,3.

Averette, Glenda Watkins: Latin Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; SCA 2; Chorus 2,3; Drill Team 1,2; Nat'! Honor Society 3, Reporter 3; Harlequin 3.

Agee, Ray Michael.

Ayres, Linwood Wayne: Band 1-3 .

Agnor, Susan Carter: SCA 1.

Baber, Cathy Gayle, Kay: Tri-Hi-Y 1; Powderpuff Football 1.

Ahrend, Charles David: Latin Cl. 1,2; Environment Cl. 2,3; Albemarle Players 1-3; Thespian 2,3 ; Soccer 2,3 ; "Fiddler on the Roof' ; "Hello Dolly" ; "Wizard of Oz" ; Jr. Class Talent Show. Aker, Cynthia Jane: Critique Cl. 3. Allen, Donna Marie: Environment Cl. 2; German Cl. 3; Critique Cl. 2; SCA 1,2, Repm;ter 2; Albemarle Players 2,3; Thespians 2,3; Jr. Class Talent Show; "Wizard of Oz," "Fiddler on the Roof," "Hello , Dolly" ; Nat'! Honor Society 3, Pres. 3; NCfE Achievement Award 3; Nat'! Merit Letter of Commendation 3; Sr. Class Reporter; SCA Newsletter Editor 1; Highlight 2,3 , News Editor 2, Editor in Chief3. Allen, Edward Pike, Jr., Ike: Philosophy Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 3.

Bailey, Claude Willie, Willie: Environment Cl. 2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 2. Bailey, Donna }aye, Dingbat: Ski Cl. 3. Bain, Peter Edward, Pete: French Cl. 2; Chess Cl. 3; Soccer 3.

Blucher, Nancy Ann, Nancy: Latin Cl. 1; German Cl. 3; Girls' Basketball Mgr. 1; Nat '! Honor Society 3. Bolden, Russell Wendell: Concerned Black Youth 2,3. Bond, James A. , Jim: FFA 2, Treas. 2; Concert Choir; JV Football 1. Bowen, Dorothy May, Dotti. Bowen, Margaret Elizabeth, Beth: GAA 1; French Cl. 2,3 ; JV Basketball 1,2, Most Improved Player 2; V. Basketball 3; V. Softball 1-3; Powderpuff 1-3 ; Intramurals; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Highlight 3; Girls' State 2. Brackett, Mary, Rock: GAA 1; Concerned Black Youth 2,3. Bradley, Jane: Nursing Cl. 1. Bragg, Donald Wayne, Donnie (Lightfoot) : Key Cl. 1; Monogram Cl. 1; F.C.A. 2; Photography Cl. 3; Cross Country 1-3 , Most Valuable Runner 1,2, Capt. 1; Indoor Track 1-3 , Record Holder 2,3; Outdoor Track 1-3 ; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Peer 3.

Baker, Jacqueline Elaine, Jacki e: Girls' Cl. 3.

Brassfield, Betty Arlene: Concerned Black Youth 2,3 .

Baker, Leon Dores, Jr.

Brezinski, Deborah Elizabeth, Debbi.

Ballard, Donna Ellen: GAA 1; Powderpuff Football 1-3.

Bridges, Diane Gail.

Banks, Roynetta Thomaszine. Barbour, Kenneth: FCA 2,3; JV Football! ; V. Football 2,3 ; JV Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2.

All.en, Joseph Eric.

Barnett, Cecilia Frances.

Allison, Randolph Hill, Flame: Key Cl. 1-3, V. Pres . 2; FCA 2,3; V. Football 1-3 , Honor-

Barnett, Floyd Anderson: Latin Cl. 1-3 ; V. Pres . 3; Science Cl. 3.


Bridges, Larry Rodger: JV Football1. Britt, Randolph, Randy: Photography Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Soccer 3. Brock, Emily Josephine, Jody: French Cl. 3; Highlight 3. Brooks, Brenda Robinson: Tri-Hi-Y 1,2; French Cl. 1,2, Treas. 2; Beta Cl. 2; Class Treas. 2.

Carmody, Eugene John, Gene: Chess Club 1,2. Carpenter, Daniel N., Danny, Dan: Art Cl. 2.

Craig, Betsy Dell, Bets: FHA 2,3 , Sec. 3; FFA Sweetheart 3.

Carr, Benjamin Franklin Harrison, Ill, Ben: Drama Cl. 3; Spanish Cl. 2,3 ; SCA 1,3; V. Football 2.

Craig, Betty Sue.

Carr, Desiree Angela: Drama Cl. 1; Concerned Black Youth 3.

Crickenberger, Bonita Ann: FHA 2,3, Pres . 2.

Craig, William Dean, Bill.

Carr, Mary Jane.

Critzer, Michael Wayne, Mike: Fellowship of Christian Athlet es 1; Pep Cl. 1; Track 2; Football 2.

Carr, Suzanne: Ski Cl. 3; Gymnastics; " I'm the Family Crisis" 1, "The Shock of His Life" 2.

Cronemeyer, Steven Jon, Steve: Bicycle Cl. 1,2; Critique Cl. 1-3, Pres. 3; V. So ccer 2.

Carriker, Cynthia Lee, Cindy: SCA 3; Ski Cl. 3; Albemarle Players 1,2; Thespians 2,3; Drill Team 2, Co-captain 3; " Blithe Spirit" , "Music Man ", "The Wizard of Oz"; Host Sister for Foreign Exchange Student 3.

Curme, Jonathan Gainsford. Cutitta, Thomas lgnatious James, Cut: Photography Cl. 2,3, Treas. 3; Soccer 1.


Davenport, Katherine S., Kit : Latin Cl. 1,2; Environment Cl. 1-3; Honor 路 Society 3; Harlequin 3.

Carter, Glenn Roland: FCA 3; Albemarle Players 2; Baseball1-3 .

Davis, Jeri Lynn: Spaish Cl. 3; Girls' Basketball , Manager 3.

Carter, Leslie Duanne: Ski Cl. , Sec-Tres. 3.

Davis, Keith Marcus, Hippie: FCA 2,3; Concerned Black Youth 2,3; Football 1-3; Baseball1 ; Indoor Track 3; Most Valuable Defensive Back; All Central Football T eam; First Te am Defense.

Carter, Dabney: Concerned Black Youth Cl.

Cason, Cathy Lynn: Ski Cl. 2,3. Cassada, Lawrence German Cl. 3.




Cassell, Deborah Ann, Debby: FHA 2; Critique Cl. 3; Concert Choir 2,3. Chisholm, Katharine Stuart, Kathy: Ski Cl. 3; Powderpuff 1; Tennis 1; Junior Class Talent Show.

Carter contemplates the construction of a composition.

Craddock, Ronald Eugene: Chess Cl. 3.

Christmas, Lloyd Edward: DECA 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Concerned Black Youth Cl. 3; Indoor Track 3; Intramural Basketball 2.

Davis, N. Ronald, Ronni e: Motorcycl e Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3. Davis, Sue Denise, De De: Motorcycle Cl. 2,3. DeBiasi, Albert Peter, Buster: Critique Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 3; SCA 1; Class Pres. 1. Detamore, Oscar Thomas, Jr., Osk: French Cl. 1,2,3; Sec-Treas. , 3; SCA 2; Honor Society 3; Harlequin 3.

Clark, Shelia Jane, Big Mama: Concerned Black Youth Cl. 2,3; SCA 3; V. Basketball1. Brooks, Dallas Lee: Concerned Black Youth 2; GAA 3. Brown, Danice Maria, Nizciz: Concerned Black Youth 1,2, Sec-Treas. 2. Brown, Reva. Bryant, Donna Marie: DECA 1,2, V. Pres. 1路 Psychology Cl. 3. Bull, David A.: Critique Cl. 2; Art Cl. 3. Burnett, Steve V. Burnley, Catherine Sue, Susie: Drama Cl. 1路 Nur.,sing Cl. 2, Program Chairman 2. Burruss, Joyce Lucy: GAA 2; Nursing Cl. 3, Reporter 3. Burruss, Margery Kay, Kay: French Cl. 2,3; SCA 2; Peer 2,3. Burruss, Virginia Ann, Choir 2,3 .



Burton, Susan Rebecca: SCA 1,2; French Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Cheerleading 1-3 ; Homecoming Court 1 ,2; Maid of Honor 3. Bush, Donald Edwin, Bushkin: FCA 2,3; DECA 1; Key 2,3; V. Football 1-3 ; Indoor Track 2,3 ; Outdoor Track 1-3 . Bush, Michael Dawson, Mike: DECA 1-3 . Byrd, Cassandra Anita, Kate: Concerned Black Youth Cl. 2,3. Cain, Laureen Marie: Spanish Cl. 2, 3; Latin Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 1; Powderpuff 1,3; Drill Team 1-3; "Music Man" 1. Calloway, Shirley Ann, Teepee. Campbell, Gary Micheal: FFA 1; VICA 2,3.

Clarkson, Peggy Jane, Jeanie: DECA 1; Motorcycle Cl. 3. Clatterbuck, Gary: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Audio Visual. Clements, Donald Richard, Don : Cinema Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3. Clements, Sherry Angelina: FBLA 3. Cobb, John Eugene, Johnny: FFA 1-3 , Sec. 2, Treas. 3. Cohen, Richard Rod: Critique Cl. 1-3; Band Cl. 1,2; Concert Band 1,2; "Music Man" ; ICC Rep. Cole, Roy Stanard, III, Skibo: FBLA 3; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3. Coleman, Debra Kaye, Debbie: Nursing Cl. 2,3 .

FHA 1;

Coles, John: Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1. Collier, Lewis Wayne. Combs, Rebecca Susann, Susann: Spanish Cl. 2. Cook, Marvin L. Cook, Michael Wayne Ernest, Zak: Highlight 3.

Coradi, Karen Joanne. Cottle, James Ronald, Ronni e: DECA 1,2; VICA 3; Pep Band 1. Cowan, Hallie Mae; Spanish Cl. 2; FHA, Historian 3; "Young, Gifted and Black" ; Peer 3. Cozort, Deborah, Debbie: Philosophy Cl. ; Aradia Cl.


The 3:13 vigilance begins.

Flora, Eleanor C.: Latin Cl. 2,3; Bicycle Cl. 2; Environment Cl. 3; "Wizard of Ox," "Fiddler on the Roof"; SCA Rep . 1; V-Pres. Senior Class; Highlight 1; Harlequin 3. Florendo, Donna Estacion; Ski Cl. 3; AFS 3; Dril l Team 3; Concert Choir 3. Forney, Susan, L'orpheline: Drama Cl. 1,2,3; Thespians 2,3; Treas. 2,3; "Music Man," " Wizard of Oz," " A Tale of Chelm," " Fiddler on the Roof," " Hell y Dolly"; Jr. Class Tal ent Show; Regional Band 2,3; National Merit Commendation; Honor Society 3. Fox, Donna Elaine: DECA 2,3 . Fox, Sheila Ann: Art Cl. 3. Francis, Lila Christina: Motorcycle Cl. 2,3; Sec. 3; Treas. 2; Powder Puff 2,3 ; Highlight 3.

Frisco, Katherine Ann, Kath y: Ski Cl. 1,2,3; SCA 1; T ennis Team 1,2,3; Powder Puff 1,2,3. Gaertner, Paul C. , Killer: Drama Cl. 2,3; Thespians 2,3 , V-Pres. 3; "Wizard of Oz, " " Fiddler on the Roof, " " A Tale of Chelm "; Jr. Class Talent Show; National Merit Commendation; Honor Society 3; Harlequin ~路 Gardner, Beverly, Bev: Pep Cl. 1; Art Cl. 1. Gardner, Carolyn Shiflett, Carol: VICA 2,3; Treas. 2; Pres. 3. Gardner, Melton: CBY 1,2,3; Track T eam. Garrison, David : FF A, Treas. 3.

Eddie an d Allan -

th e mad scientists of A.H.S.

Dickerson, Josephine Elizabeth, Ducky: GAA 3; CBY 3; Softball 2; Basketball 3; Honor Society 3. Dickerson, Lorenzo Warren, Boo Boo: CBY 3.

Dickie, Cynthia Claire, Cindy: Ski Cl. 2; French Cl. 3; GAA Cheerleader 1; JV Cheerleader 2; Varsi ty Cheerleader 3; Powder Puff 1,2,3 .

Dyer, Irene, Betty: CBY 3; Softball 3; IHA 3. Easter, Amy G. : GAA 1,2 ,3; V-Pres. 2; Rep. 3; " Music Man " ; "Fiddler on the Roof '; Basketball 1,2,3; Softball 1 ,2,3; Powder Puff 1,2,3; Regio nal Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3.

Garrison, Lena Gayle: Drama Cl. 2,3 ; Thespian 2,3; Concert Band 1 ,2,3; Concert Choir 3; " Music Man, " " Fiddler on the Roof," " Wizard of Oz, " "H ello Dolly" . Garrison, Margaret Frances: Albemarle Players 1,2,3; "Music Man," "Fiddler on th e Roof,; ; Peer 2,3 ; Ad. Ed. 3. Gay, Cynthia Melinda, Cindy: GAA 1; Art Cl. 2,3; SCA Rep. 2,3; JV Basketball 1; Tennis 2; Varsity Cheerleader 2.

Easter , Jeffery Lynn, Snowwhite & Slim: FCA 3; Football 1,2,3; Most Val u able Defensive Lin eman 3; Basketball 3; Baseball 1,2,3 .

Gentry, William Preston, Preston: Ski Cl. 3.

Dillard, Cora Elaine, Pickle.

Eckman, Gregory Clair, Greg: Photography 3.

Gibson, Charlotte Jeanette.

Dillard, Joyce Jacqueline.

Erkenbrack, Jeffrey, Erk: Motorcycle Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 3.

Gibson, Debra Ann, Debbie: French Cl. 1; FBLA 2,3; Powder Puff 1.

Eubanks, Helen Dolores, Lois: CBY 3; Concert Cho ir 2,3 .

Gibson, Doris Marie: FBLA 2,3.

Eubanks, Valerie V.: CBY 2,3; Sec-Treas. 2; GAA 1; GAA Ch eerleader 1; Concert & Marching Band 2.

Gibson, Mildred F.: Latin Cl. 1,3; Environment Cl. 2.

Dougherty, Stephen Thomas, Jr. Bear: FCA 1,2,3; Photograph y Cl. 3; JV Footb all1 ; Cross Cou ntry 3; Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 2,3; DAR History Award 2. Douglas, Steve Michael. Dowell, Ivar Hall: FCA 1,2,3; Football 2,3; Indoor, Outd oor Track 2. Drucker, David. Drumheller, Nancy Diane: Lat in Cl. 1; TriHi-Y 1; Albemarle Players 2,3; " Fiddl er on the Roof," 2; Honor Society 3; Peer 2,3; Circ. Ed. 3; Cl. Ed . 3. Dudley, Gregory Alan, Dud: Photography Cl. 2; FBLA 3; Concert Band 1,2,3 . Dunn, Donnie Ray. Dunn, Jeffrey Lee: Ski Cl. 1,2; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Photography 2; SCA 1; Basketball 1; Band 2. Dunn, Peggy Lee: FBLA 2,3; Sec. 2. Durrette, Gregory The author: DECA 1 ,2,3; Rep . 2; Pres. 3; JV & Varsity Track. Dyer, Elizabeth Ann, Beth: Pep Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; "Music Man" 1; Jr. Talent Show.

Gentry, William Walter, Billy: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Soccer 2,3.

Glass, James M., Mike: Football 2,3.

Eudailey, Susan Kay, Kay: Ski Cl. 2,3 ; Powder Puff 1,2; Peer 3.

Godwin, Ginger Leigh: French Cl. 2; Ski Cl.

Farish, James Thomas, Tommy: Cin ema Cl. 2; Psychology Cl. 3.

Goode, John Beverly, Jr., Sonny: FFA 2,3 ; DECA 1,2,3.


Faust, William A., Bill: Photography Cl. 2,3.

Graff, Joseph Andrew, Andy: German Cl. 3.

Feggans, Vivian Marie, H eedlee: CBY 3; GAA 3; Chorus 3.

Grant, Ralph Edward.

Felker, Charles Arthur, Chip : Motorcycly Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; JV Football1.

Graves, Wanda Carol: FHA 1; Motorcycle Cl.

Fells, Dale Loretta, Dee: CBY 2,3; V. -P res. 2; SCA Rep. 1,2,3; "Wizard of Oz"; Co ncert Choir 1,2,3; Cross Country Manager 3; Outdoor Track 3.

Gray, Donald Lee.

Figgatt, Deborah Kay, Debbi e: Pep Cl. 2; FBLA 3; Twirler 1,2,3; Miss High School Majorette of Va. 2; Jr. Class Talent Show; SCA 1,2; "Music Man"; Honor Society 3.

Green, Raymond William: Football 1; Intramura l Basketball 2.

Fink, Sally Ann, Slic; DECA 1,2,3.



Gray, Sandra Yvonne, Sandy: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Pep Cl. 2,3; Th esp ian 3; "Fiddler on the Roof" ; " Hello Dolly" .

Hale, William Edgar, Eddie: Key Cl. 1-3; FCA 1-3; Football 1-3; Indoor Track 1-3; Outdoor Track 1-3; "Wizard of Oz".

Hall, George Stanley. Hall, Jerry Allen. Hancock, Vickie Ann: Pep Cl. 1; P sycho logy Cl. 3. Hanger, Pamela Diane, Pam: French Cl. 1,2; DECA 3, V. Pres. 3; JV Ch eerl eader 1; Varsity Ch eerleader 2,3; Powd er Puff 2; Homecoming Court 3. Hanson, Mark David. Harding, Barbara Ellen. Harlow, Velma Pauline. Harris, George Jordan, Joe: CBY 2,3; Chorus; Concert Cho ir . Harris, Vickie Denise, Vickie: Drama Cl. 2; Environm ent Cl. 3. Harris, Vickie Lynn, Vicky: FHA 1; Co ncert Choir 1; Pep Cl. 2; Motorcycle Cl. 3. Harrison, Ellen Sue, Su sie: SCA 1 ,2,3; Ski 3; Tennis Team 1,2,3; JV Ch eerl eader 1; Var si ty Ch eerl eader 2,3; Soph . Class Reporter; Peer. Haugh, Lair Dayton, Dayton. Hawkins, Alfred Montague, Jr. , Juni e: Concerned Bl ack Youth 2,3; Pep Cl. 1; Choi r 1; Basketb all 1. 路 Hawkins, Clarence Mosby, Big C: Key Cl. 2,3; FCA 3; V. Football 1,3; Indoor T rack 1,3; Outdoor Track 3; Intramural Basketb all 2. Henderson, Don Edwin, Donni e: Basketb all 1; Track 2; "Youn g Gifted and Bl ack" 2. Hennessey, Thomas Ryan, Tom : J.V. Foot ball 1.

Dayto n Haugh in a rar e moment of refl ection.

Herold, Henry Vanmeter, III, Van: Motorcycl e Cl. 2,3, Treas. 3; Intramural Basketb all. Herring, Wanda Marlenea: Drama Cl. 2; DECA 3; Chorus.

Humphris, Robert Rives, Jr., Humphries: German Cl. 3; Concert Ban d 1-3.

Hicks, Michael Lewis, Mike.

Hunt, Carlton Randolph, Jr., Randy.

Hill, Gary Douglas. Hixon, Mary Jean: DECA 1-3. Holmes, Richard Michael, Mi ke: Bicycle Cl. 1,2; Environment Cl. 2,3 , ICC rep. 3; Soccer 2,3; Intramural Basket ball 2; Junior Class Talent Show; "Hello Doll y" 3; SCA 3. Howard, Phyllis Louderback: Arcad ia Cl. 3. Huckstep, James Keith. Hudson, Vernell Lavinia: FBLA 2; Co ncern ed Bl ack Yo uth 3. Hudson, Vernice Lavern: Concern ed Bl ack Youth 2,3; Chorus. Huff, Garry Edwin: Cinema Cl. 3; Concert Band 1-3. Hughes, Joseph Alphonso, Joe : FCA 2,3 , V. Pres. 3; V. Football 2,3; J.V. Footb all1 ; Track 1-3. Hughes, Rhonda Mae: French Cl. , Pres. 2; German Cl. 3; Boys' V. Basketball Mgr. 3; Shakesp eare Workshop 1; Jr. Class Talent Show 2; Honor Society 3; Girls' State 2; Nat'! Merit Commendati on 3; Nat'! Achi evement Semi-Finalist 3; SCA 3; SCA Newslett er 1; Harlequin 3; Peer 3. Hughes, Vickie Kathleen, Vicki e: GAA 2,3; Soffbal! 2,3. Huie, Irene Barbara: French Cl. 2,3, Program Chrm. 3; Environment Cl. 2; Library Cl. 1; Jr. Class T alen t Show 2; Honor Society 3; Ch emistry Award 2; Nat '! Merit SemiFi nalist ; Peer 2,3 , Editor-i n-chi ef 3; Harlequin 3; SCA Newslett er 1.

Hurt, Thomas Blakey, Bl ake: Bicycle Cl. 1-3, Pres. 1-3; French Cl. 3; Debate Cl. 3; Key Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; Thespi an 2,3; SCA 1-3; Soccer 2,3, Captain 3; "T ale of Ch elm"; "Fiddl er on ,the Roof"; Nat' ; Merit Semi-Finalist; Jr. Class Pres. Hvatum, Elisabeth, Li z: German Cl. 3. Isbister, Mora Jean, Ibi : Spanish Cl. 1-3; "H ello Doll y" 3; Harlequin 3. Jackson, Joanne Alberta, Dody : Concerned Bl ack Youth 1; GAA 2; Arcadia 3; Choir 2. Jackson, Lola Mae: Co ncern ed Black Youth 2; GAA 1; Aradia 3, Sec-Treas. 3; Choir.

Johnstone, Elizabeth Ann, Liz: German Cl. 3; Thespian 2,3; J.V. Basketball 1; Intramural Football 1; Powderpuff 2,3; " One Day in th e Life of Ivan Denisovich " 2; "Wi zard of Oz" 2.

Jones, Jeanne Claiborne: Drama Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 2; SCA Rep. 1; Th espi an 3; J.V. Cheerl eader 1,2, Co-H ead 2; Powderpuff 1; "Wi zard of Oz" 2; "A Night of On e Acts" 2; " Fiddler on th e Roof" 2; Junior Cl ass Talent Show; "Hello Doll y" 3. Jones, Kimberly Alan, Kim : Art Cl. 1; Gymnastics Club 1, Pres. 1; Co ncerned Bl ack Youth 2,3; J.V. Foot ball 1; V. Footb all 2,3 , Co-Capt ain 3; Vo ll eyball 1; Albem arl e Pl ayers 2,3 ; "Yo ung, Gi ft ed and Bl ack" 2; " Hello Doll y" 3; AHS Radio Show An noun cer 3; SCA Rep. 1-3; Soph . Class Pres.; Peer 2,3 ; Harlequi n 3, Art Editor.

Jacobs, Sherry Lee: FBLA 3.

Jordan, Casandra, Kri s: Concern ed Black Youth 2,3; Powd erpuff 2.

James, William Albert.

Jordan, Julia Lynn, Jud y: Spani sh Cl. 3.

Johnson, Kenneth Wayne.

Kavanaugh, James Patrick, Pat.

Johnson, Larry Wade: FCA 2,3; Basketb all Mgr ., 1.

Kegley, Julia Reynolds: Latin Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3, V. Pres. 3; Drill Team 2; "Wizard of Oz"; "Hello Doll y".

Johnson, Lewis Nathaniel, Ch ubby: Concerned Black Youth 2,3, Pres. 3; SCA Rep . 13.

Johnson, Linda Ann. 路路 Johnson, Loretta Anne: French 2,3; Dram a 3; " One Day in th e Life of Ivan Den isovich " 2; "Hello Doll y" 3.

Kelly, Kathleen Elizabeth, Kath y: Bicycle Cl. 1,2, Sec.; French Cl. 2,3; SCA Rep . 1-3; Powderpuff 2; Jr. Class T alent Show; Hono r Society 3; Gi rl s' State 2; Soph. Class SecTreas. ; Peer 2,3 , Activiti es Ed. 3. Kelso, Constance Ann, Conni e: VICA 2, Treas.

Johnson, Mary Arnie: Ski Cl. 3; Environment Cl. 3; Highlight 2,3.

Kesler, Catherine, Cathi: Drama Spanish Cl. 2,3 ; Peer 3.

Johnson, Sandra Ann.

Keyser, Frederick Thomas, Rusty: FCA 2,3; J.V. Footb all 1; V. Footb all 2; V. Baseball 1-

Johnson, Shelia Denice, Lou: GAA 2,3.





Lawson, Edgar Clifford, Cliff: Motorcycl e Cl. 1-3 ; ICC Rep. ; Intramural Sports 2. Layman, Lois Jean: DECA 1.

Malacia, Theresa Anne, Lizy: Bicycle Cl. 1-3, Sec. 2,3 ; Concert Band 1-3 , Most Improve d 2; Drill Team 1,2; Powderpuff 1,2; Marching Band 3; SCA 1,2.

Layne, Alfred Lewis, Jr., Sonny: Ski Cl. ; " Hello Dolly" .

Matheny, LaDonna Kay: DECA 1-3 , State V. Pres . 3.

Lamp, Sara Lynn, Sally: Yoga Cl. 1; Girl's Leaders Cl. 2; Intramurals 1-3.

Matysek, Janine Marie: GAA 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; JV Basketball1 ; Powderp uff 1.

Leake, Lewis Landon, Buzzy: Art Cl. 1; Society for the Preservati on of Vintage Records 1; SCA 2; Motocycle Cl. , ICC Rep .; Key Cl. 3;" Ski Cl. 2,3; Peer 1, Copy Ed itor 2, Co-Editor

Maupin, Hunter D., Pete: FFA 1; Track 1.


Mayo, Edward Nathaniel, Jr.

Lee, Jong Woo: German Cl. 3.

Meeks, David Russell: Spanish Cl. 2.

Lee, Thomas, Tom.

Meeks, Gail Ann: Ski Cl.

Lewis, Keith, Lew: Photography Cl. 2; Key Cl. 2; Chess Cl., V. Pres.; V. Football1-3 , All District 3, All-Central 2,3; JV Basketball 1; Baseball1-3; Indoor Track 2.

Micham, Clyde Orehl Christopher, Jr. , Chris , Mouse: Ch ess Cl. 3.

Lewis, Richard Reed, Lou , Mr. Rich: Motorcycl e Cl. 2; Photography Cl. 3.'

Milgram, Candy Claire, Candy: Bicycle Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2, Sec-Treas. 2; Critique Club 3, Sec-Treas. 3; T ennis Team 2,3; "Music Man" ; "Wizard of Oz" .

Little, Larry Dwain, jack: FCA 2,3; Pep Cl. 1; V. Football 1-3; Outdoor Track 1.

Miller, Mark Allen.

Loschelder, Barbara Jean.

Miller, Michael Kellogg: Ski Cl. 3; Wrestling 2. •

Luck, Elizabeth M., Libbie: Environment Cl. 3; Tri-Hi-Y 1; SCA 1; Drama 2; Ski Cl. 3. Lumpp, Cynthia Sue, Cindy: German Cl. 3; SCA 2; Library Cl. 2; Library Assistant 2. McCauley, Richard Lee, Dick: Photograph y

Mike Cook plans some mis chief.

May, Marlaine Rae: Pep Cl. 2; SCA 2,3.

Monroe, Pearl C.: Concerned Black Youth 2,3. Montgomery, Robert Lee, Lee: Chess Cl. 1; Track 1,2.


Morris, Betty Lou, Button: GAA 1,3; Softball 1-3 ; Po wderpuff 1,2; Intram urals 1.

McDermott, Neal: Alb emarle Players 1; Photography Cl. 2,3.

Morris, Bobby Lee.

McLaughlin, Daniel Carl, Dan , Mud.

Morris, Gary Lee, Paco: FCA 2,3; SCA 1; Footb all1-3; Basketball 1,2; Baseball1-3.

Kirtley, Vickey Anne,. Vick: FT A 1, Reporter; Environme nt Cl. 3.

Maddox, Herbert Russell, Herbie: DECA 2.

Kohl, Bette Jean: Drama Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3. .

Maine, John Daniel, J.D.: Bicycl e 1-3; JV Football 1.

Morris, Gaynelle, Gay: VICA 3.

Kyger, Shirley Arlene: Latin Cl. 1-3 , Reporter 2, Pres. 3; Honor Society 3; Peer 3.

Mankie, Donald, Don.

Morris, Jaye Dale.

LaBuy, Rebecca Lee, Becky: French Cl. 1,2; Albemarle Players 3; " Fiddler on the Roof" 2; "W izard of Oz" 2; Peer 2,3 , Business Mgr.

Manley, Jo Ellen, Jo: French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; Th espian Troupe 500 2,3 ; "Music Man" ; "Wizard of Oz" ; "Fiddler on th e Roof" ; "Hello Dolly".

Morris, Kathy Jo, Missy: Ski Cl. 3.

Ladd, Gary Thomas, Jr.

Marks, Joseph, Joe: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Bicycle Cl. 2; JV Basketball1.

Morris, Samuel Maxwell.

Lam, Vincent Wayne, Vince.

Marks, Teresa Gale, Tree: Latin Cl. 1-3.

LaMonds, Deborah Kaye, Debbie: Latin Cl. 1-3 ; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Pep Cl. 3; SCA Sec.Treas. 2,3; Honor Cl. 1-3, Pres.; Powderpuff

Marsh, William Lee, Jr.



Lanahan, Bruce Lee: German Cl. 1; V. Football1. Lang, Karen Denise: Nursing Cl. 3, Treas. 3. Lang, Mary Hall, Moliy: Bi cycle Cl. 2; Art Cl. 3, Pres.; Arts and Humaniti es Institute 1. Lange, John Edward, Jack: Bicycl e Cl. 1,2, V. Pres. 1,2; Latin Cl. 1,2, V. Pres, 2; German Cl. 3, V. Pres. 3; SCA 1-3 , Rep. 1, V. P res. 2, Pres. 3; Soccer 1-3 , Co-Captain 3; Indoor Track 1-3 ; Outdoor Track 1-3; " Fiddler on th e Roof' ~ ; Nat' ] Merit Semi-Finalist; Harvard Awa rd 2. Lawless, Kenneth William, Kenny: Dram a Cl. 2,3; Photography Cl. 3; SCA Rep. 1-3; Thespian 2,3; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; "Music Man" ; "Fiddler on th e Roof"; "Wizard of Oz"; "Hello Doll y" ; Peer 3. Lawrence, Robert Paul, Bob: VICA 2,3; J.V. Football 1.

Madison, Wendell Alan.

Morris, Gary Lewis: Spanish Cl. 2; Chess Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 2,3. Morris, Gary Wayne, Skinner.

Morris, Pamela Sue, Pam: FBLA 2,3; Intramurals 3.

Morris, Violet Louise. Morris, Wanda Jean: FHA 2,3, Histo ri an 3.

Marshall, Charles D.: DECA 3. Martin, Alonza, A.J.: Concerned Black Youth Cl. 3; Pres. 2; Indoor Track 1,2 , Distri ct Champ 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2, Most Valuable Overall 2, Most Valuable Pl ayer 2; "Young, Gifted and Black" 2; "The TimesThey Are A-Ch anging" 3. Martin, Alton F., Jr. , AI: Critique Cl. 3; In door Track 2; Junior Class Talent Show 2. Martin, Edward Michael.

Mosby, Vera Laverne. Murdock, Darrell Dean, Guy: Philosophy Cl. 2,3, Pres. ; Highlight Editorial Editor 3. Murphy, Peter Andrew V, Pete: French Cl. 1,2; Drama Cl. 2,3; "Musi c Man" orchestra 1; "Wizard of Oz" orchestra 1; "Fiddler on the Roof" orchestra 1; " Hello , Dolly! " 3; International Thes pian Society 2,3; Regina! Band 2,3. Murray, Elizabeth.

Martin, Eric, Tazz Mant: FCA 2; Concerned Black Youth Cl. 3; V. Basketball 1,2.

Musachio, Diana, Diane: Spanish Cl. 2,3 ; Pep Cl. 1,2; SCA Rep . 1; "Wizard of Oz" 2; Honor Soci ety 3; Peer 3.

Martin, Mary Alice, Mickie: SCA 3; Concerned Black Youth Cl. 2, Reporter 3.

Musulin, Cecilia Lee, Cece: Ski Cl. 3; " Hello , Dolly! " 3.

Mason, Mary Louise, Weebie: Concerned Black Youth 2,3. Massey, Bennie Wilson, Jr. , Ben: FCA 2,3, Sec-Treas. 3; Key Cl. 2; V. Football 1-3, AllDistrict 2,3, All-Central 2,3, M.V.P. 3; Indoor Track 2,3; V. Baseball 1-3, All-Central 2; Boys' State 2; Who's Who .


Napier, Eleanor: DECA Cl. 1-3. Nash, Linda Diane, Diane: GAA Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; Chess Cl. 3, Sec.; GAA Cheerl eader 1; Po wder Puff 1; Junior Class Talent Show 2. Naylon, Kevin James: Environment Cl. 2,3; Soccer 1,2 ; SCA Rep . 1,2.

Nelson, Laurie Anne, Laurie: GAA Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1-3; Ski Cl. 2; French Cl. 3; Thespian Troupe 3; GAA Cheerleader 1; "Wizard of Oz" 2; "Night of the One Acts" 2; Junior Class Tal ent Show; " Hello , Dolly! " 3; Peer 3.

Ragland, Margaret Barrett, Ann : Concern ed Black Black Youth 1-3. Rainey, Linda Lou: FBLA 2,3, V. Pres . .3.

Ogilvie, James William, Jim: Bicycl e Cl. 1,2 , Act. Director; Critique Cl. 1; Environment Cl. 2,3, Program Director; Soccer 1,2, J.V. lett er 1, Varsity letter 2; Nat'! Mer't SemiFinalist 3; SCA Rep. 1-3; Stud ent Rights Committee Chairman 2.

Rea, Dorothy Ann, Dot: Pep Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 2; German Cl. 3; Thespian 2,3; " Fiddl er on the Roof" 2; " Hello Dolly" 3; Highlight.

Oliva, Richard A. Jr., Dickie: Ski Cl. 3; Environment Cl. 2; J.V. Football1,2 . Oliver, Marilyn Eugenia, Jeanie: Motorcycl e Cl. 2; Nursing Cl. 3. Pace, John Westley, John . Paige, Muriel Lorraine, Miki : Spanish Cl. 2,3 ; SCA Rep .; AHS Drill T eam 2,3 . Parsons, Virginia Justine, Fudge: Latin Cl. 1; Environment Cl. 2,3; German Cl. 3; SCA Rep. 3; Pep Cl. 3; Varsity letter, Manager Boys Basketb all 3; Junior Class Tal ent Show; NEDT Commendation 1; Peer 3. Patterson, Julia Marie, Jud y or Sho rt Stuff: Motorcycle Cl. 3. Payne, Russell Charles, Boo: SCA Rep . 1,2; Chess Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 2. Payne, Stewart Glenn, St ewart.

Ramazani, David Karegar, Bo:

Rea, Marvin Eugene, Gene: FFA 1; DECA 3. Redden, Kenneth Robert. Reilly, Kevin Michael, Berti e.

Phillips, Samuel D., Sam: Concern ed Black Youtli 2,3; "Young, Gifted and Black" 2路 "Tim es They Are A-Changing" 3; Peer 3. Pierce, Charles David.

Root, Nancy Lynne, Lynne: Ski Cl. 2,3; Powderpuff 1. Rosenbaum, Thomas Edward, Ed di e: DECA 2, 3. Roszak, William Joseph, Bill: Photography Cl. 2; Intramural Basketball 3. Rothacker, Florence Marie, Flo : Alb em arl e Players 2,3 ; Thespians 2, 3; "A Night of On e Acts" 2; " Fiddler on the Roof" 2; " Hello Dolly" 3. Ruddock, Alexander Wells,

Ruiz, Mary Anne: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Bicycl e 1; "Wi zard of Oz" 2; Talent Show 2; Sec. Treas . Junior Class, S.C .A. 2,3; Peer 3.

Richardson, Thomas Randal, Randy.

Russo, Diane Marie, Diane: Spanish Cl. 1; FBLA 3.

Riddle, David Stanley, tography Cl. 2; DECA 3.

Tadpol e:


Rush, Arthur Richard.

Ryalls, Carol Sue: Nursing Cl. 2,3; Tri-'Hi-Y 1.

Riggs, Robin Gail.

Salisbury, Norma Jean.

Ripley, Jane Ester: Pep Cl. 1; FBLA 2,3.

Salmon, Patricia Ann, T ricia: Nursin g Cl. 3; FBLA 2.

Ripley, Joseph David: Photography Cl. 2,3, Pres . 2,3 ; SCA 2,3.

Roberts, Keith Walter: Bi cycl e Cl. 2; Environm ent Cl. 3. Rogers, Re~ecca Adelaide~ Be.cky: Drama Cl. 2, Pep Cl. 2, DECA 3, Sec., Skt Cl. 3, Powderpuff 1; j.V. Cheerleader 2 " A Night of One Acts" 2; Homecoming Court 3.

Samuel, Thomas Henry, III. Sandridge, Dabney Blain, D.B.: French Cl. 2; Photograph y Cl. 3. Sandridge, David Lewis: Latin Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; "Hello Dolly" 3; Honor Society 3; Drum Major 3. Scott, Patty Lou: Concerned Black Youth 2, V. Pres. ; GAA 3, ICC Rep. ; FHA 1; JV

Pollock, Terry Denise: Art Cl. 1-3; Cinema Cl. 2. Pologruto, Thomas Michael, Tom: German Cl. 1,2; German School Exchange 2. Polson, Allan, Snake: FCA 3; J.V. Basketball 1; Intramural Basketball 2, 3; SCA Rep. 1,2. Poole, Garnett Bryant, Bryant. Popp, Rosanna Kathrine, Ro sailna: Latin Cl. 1; German Cl. 3. Posada, Jack: Motorcycl e Cl. 1-3 ; SCA Rep. 1.

Powell, Kathy Lynn: Tri-Hi-Y Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3. Powell, Martha Benton: Latin Cl. 1-3, Pres. 2; Spanish Cl. 2; German Cl. 3, Pres. 3; Honor Soci ety 3; NEDT Commendation 1; Nat'! Mer't Commendation. Powley, William A., Andy: FCA 1; JV Football1 ; V Football 2; Golf 2,3. Prince, Terri Lynne: (Prin ce Geo rge H.S. ) Pep Cl. 1,2; Math-Sci ence Cl. 1,2; German Cl. 1-3; Concern ed Black Youth 3; SCA 3; Beta Cl. 1-3; "Tim es Th ey Are A-Changin " 3; National Honor Soci ety 3; "Mi ss Senior Class Christmas Seal "; Prince George Yearbook 1-3. Pugh, Harold, Bo : DECA 1-3. Tri-Hi-Y



Quarles, James Walter, Jr., Bubba: FCA 2路 CBS 3; SCA 1. Ragland, Clarence Alexander: Ski Cl. 3. Ragland, James Melvin: FFA 3.

Chess Cl.


Plumb, Victoria. Lynn, Vikki:

Pugh, Melinda Leigh: Spanish Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3.

~l ex :

Reynolds, Charles Edward: Sci ence Cl. 1-3, Photographer 2, V. Pres. 1, Pres. 3; Hi-Y 1, V. Pres. ; German Cl. 2; FCA 2, Chaplain ; Bibl e Cl. 2; Cross Country 1-3 , All District 1; Indoor Track 1-3 ; Outdoor Track 1-3; Honorable Mention Va. Jr. Acad . of Science 1; Honorabl e Mention Scien ce Fair 1; Who 's Who Among American H.S. Students 2.

Ritchie, Frederick Arthur, Fred: Ski Cl. 3.

Perkins, William Allan, III, Allan.

Rogg, Margaret Lowrie, Penny: Concerned Black Youth 2; Ski Club 3.

Laurie Bentley takes a pl easant break for lunch .


Basketball 1 MVP; V Basketball 2,3; Softball; "Eas y to Persuade" ; DAR Award 3; Reporter Junior Class ; Pres. Senior Class; S.C.A. Seiler, Robert L., Bobby: Motorcycle Cl. 2, V. Pres. Shackelford, Larry Linwood: FFA 2,3; D.E . 3, Parliamentarian . Sheets, Elizabeth Ann, Liz: Critique 3; Latin 1,2; Environment 1; Albemarle Players 1; Drill Team 3; NEDT Commendation 1; Peer 3.

Shifflett, Carl Woodrow: ICT 2; FFA. Shifflett Joanne. Shifflett, Michael Clint: DECA 1; ICT 1路 Chorus 1. Shifflett , Naomi Ruth: Art Cl. 1; Ski CJ. 2路 FBLA 3, Committee Ch airman . Shifflett, Phillip Wayne. Shifflett, Carolyn Sue: Ski Cl. 1; FBLA Cl. 3. Shotwell, Nancy Ann, Nancy: GAA 1; Concerned Black Youth 2; Ski Cl. 3; S.C. A.; JV Basketball 1; Softball 1; Powderpuff 2.

Spigner, Donna Jean. Spradline, Lisabeth, Li z: DECA 1,2; Ski Cl. 3.

Sprouse, Barbara Ann, Tina: Pep Cl. 1-3. Sprouse, Deborah Lynn, Debbi e: FH A 3; Nursing Cl. 1. Stallings, Roy G.: Bicycl e Cl. 2; Environment Cl. 3. Steppe, Margaret Cassandra: Drama Cl. 2; .Concerned Black Youth 3; Chorus 1-3 ; JV Cheerl ead er 2; " Easy to Persuad e" 1; Sr. Cl ass Sec.-Treas. Street, Melinda Abbot: French Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. 2,3, Report er 3; Thespians 2,3; Environment Cl. 2; Debate Team 3; Powderpuff Football 1; "Music Man' ;; "Wizard of Oz;" " Fiddl er on th e Roof;" "Hello , Dolly." Sudduth, Joni Meline: FBLA 1,2; Philosophy Cl. 3, Treas. 3. Sullivan, Donna Lynn: FBLA 3', Pres. 3. Sullivan, Wayne Russell: Bicycl e Cl. 1,2; Chess Cl. 3. Tee!, John Peyton: Pep Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 3.

Shoemaker Jr., Frank Walter, Twig: Pep CJ. 1; Chess Cl. 1; JV Football 2.

Thacker, David H.: FFA 2,3; VICA 3.

Sillett, Roy Allen, Old Man: Aradia Cl. 3.

Thacker, Deborah Louise, Debbie: French Cl. 2,3; Nat'! Merit Letter of Commendation 3.

Simpson, Walter Lee: Photograph y Cl. 2,3 ; Golf Team. Sipe, Arthur Glen, A.G. Sipe: Chess Cl. 3. Sipe, Wilmer: V.I.C.A. 2,3. Slaughter, Dotti Keith: Ski Cl. 2,3; Pep Cl. 2: Powder Puff 2; Talent Show 2. Smith, Clyde Eugene, P.B .A.: Fellowship of Christian Athlete's 1,2,3 ; Key Cl. 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3, Most Valuable Offensive Lineman; Indoor Track 1; Baseball 1,2,3; Talent Show. Smith, Garry Wayne. Smith, Julie Kay, Kay. Smith, Larry Wayne, Smitty: Key Cl. 3; FCA 3; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3; Football 3.

Smith, Lisa Carol: Pep Cl. 2; GAA 2; Drama Cl. 3; JV Basketball 2; "H ello Doll y" 3. Smith, Deborah McClellan, Debbi e: Motorcycle Cl. 2,3, Treas. 3. Smith, Shelia Ann: Nursing Cl. 3. Smith, Stephen E. : Ch ess CJ. 3, Pres. 3; Bicycl e Cl. 2; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Nat'! Merit Letter of Commendation 3; Highlight 3.

Smith, Tara Kathleen, Kath y: Bicycl e Cl. 2,3 ; Albemarle Players 2,3; Drama Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 1; SCA 1,3; GAA Cheerlead er 1; V. Cheerl ead er 3; Drill Team 2; Powd erpuff Football1 ,2; "Wizard of Oz," "Hello , Doll y," Jr. Class Talent Show; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Peer 3. Smith, Teresa Lynn, Terri : French Cl. 2,3. Snoddy, Cathy Maye: Tri-Hi-Y 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Albemarle Players 3; SCA 1,2. Solomon, Diane Patricia, Pat : Spanish CJ. 2; FBLA 3; Highlight 1,3. Spencer, Elizabeth Sue, Betty. Spencer, Jessie Lee. Spencer, Patsy Laverne: DECA 1-3 .

Thacker, Sandra Carolyn, Sandy: FBLA 3. Thomas, Garrett A., Gary: Band Cl. 1; Motorcycle Cl. 2,3; Band 1,2. Thomas, Laura Lynne: Latin Cl. 1; Fren ch Cl. 3. Thomas, Teresa Ann, Slim , Bubbl es, Wallie: Nursing Cl. 1,2. Thompson, Cheryl Lynn: French Cl. 2, VPres 2; Environment Cl. 3, Sec.-Treas. 3; Albemarl e Players 1-3 ; Thespians 2,3; SCA 1-3 ; Drill Team 2; "Music Man ;" " Fiddler on th e Roof;" "Wizard of Oz; " "Hello , Doll y" ; Jr. Class Tal ent Show ; Nat'! Honor Soci ety 3. Thompson, Sharon. Thorsey, Arthur Richard, Rich: Ski CJ. 2,3; Critiqu e Cl. 3; JV Football1; Indoor Track 1.

Candy finds amusement in class.

Thurman, Margaret Anne, Annie: Spanish Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 2; "Hello , Dolly"; Jr. Class Talent Show; Nat'! Honor Society 3; Nat'! Merit Letter of Commendation 3; Peer 3.

Tull, Herbert Graham, IV, Herb: Chess CJ. 3; "Wizard of Oz" 2.

Timberlake, Janet Leola, Jo: GAA 2; FHA 2, Sec . 2; Chorus 3; Basketball 1; Softball 2; Jr. Class Talent Show. Tinsley, Joann Marie, Jo : Concern ed Black Youth 3; FBLA 2. Toms, Donald Wayne. Towler, Sam Channing: Drama Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 2, Sec.-Treas. 2; Ch ess Cl. 3; " Blith e Spirit " ; Peer 3. Trainum, Yvonne lone. Tremblay, Catherine Mciver: Ski CJ. 2; Albemarle Players 2,3; French CJ. 3; Thespians 2,3; Powderpuff Football 1-3; Intramural Gymnastics 1; "Wi zard of Oz;" "Fiddler on the Roof. " Trew, April Valeria: Ski CJ. 3; Chess Cl. 3; Debat e Team 3. Tucker, Jane Ann: Critique Cl., ICC Rep. 2, V. Pres. 3; Girls' Tennis 2,3; "Wizard of Oz" 2.

Tucker, Michael Scott, Scott: Motorcycle Cl. , Pres. 2, V. Pres. 3; Peer, Photographer 3.


Turner, Marjorie Lynelle, Nell: FBLA 2. Tyler, Mary Louise: Nursing Cl. 2; Tri-Hi-Y 1.

Valle, Pedro Negron, Petey: FCA 3; J.V. Football 2. Vasi, Charles Alfred, ChiJJ: Albemarle Players 3; Thespians 3; " Hello , Dolly! " 3; "Tale of Chelm " 3; " Infanta " 3. Via, Mamie Ellen: Albemarle Players 2,3; Thespians 3; "Wizard of Oz" 2; "Fiddler on the Roof" 2; "Tale of Chelm" 2,3; " Hello , Dolly! " 3; "Infanta" 3; Highlight 3. Via, Nancy: Motorcycle Cl. 2; Ski CJ. 3; Peer 3, Academics Editor 3. Vredenburg, Annette Lucille. Wagner, Joy Elaine, Elaine: French CJ. 2,3; J.V. Cheerleader 1; V. Cheerlead er 2,3; " Music Man" 1; "Wizard of Oz" 2. Wakely, Christor.her Alan, Chris: SCA 1-3; FCA 2,3; Key C. 3; Cross Country 1,2; J.V. Basketball 1; Outdoor Track 1; Indoor Track 2; Tennis 2,3 ; "Helly, Dolly!" 3; Jr. Class Talent Show 2; Peer 3, Sports Editor 3.

Wood, Daniel Davis, Jr., Dan: Hi-Y 1; Cinema Cl. 3, V. Pres. 3; Pep Cl. 3; Peer 3.

Ward, Patricia Marie. Warner, Carson Cornell. Warrick, Deborah Carol, Debbie: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3. Washington, Raymond Nathaniel.

Wood, Deborah Joan, Debbie: FHA 2,3, Historian 2,3. Wood, Richard Kevin.

Webb, Gary: Band 3.

Wood, Virginia Carolyn, Juicy: GAA 2; Concerned Black Youth 3.

Webber, Linda Eloise: Band 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Concert Band 1-3.

Woodson, Rebecca Lea, Becky: Environment Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3.

Webster, Christianna Phillips, Christy: Ski Cl. 2; German Cl. 3, Chairman of Publications 3; Powderpuff 1,2 ; Peer 3.

Woodson, Ruth Ann.

Weeks, Michael Warren, Mike: Albemarle Players 1-3, V. Pres. 2; Thespians 1-3 , Pres. 3, Va. Rep. 3; "Blithe Spirit" 1; "Music Man" 1; "Wizard of Oz " 2; "Prometheus Bound " 1; " Fiddler on the Roof" 2; " Hello , Dolly! " 3; "Tale of Chelm" 2,3; "Infanta" 3; Forensics 2,3.

Word, Nancy Scott: Band Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 1; Albemarle Players 1-3 , Rep. 2, Sec. 3; Thespians 1-3 ; Drill Team 1-3, Co-Captain 2; Track Team Mgr_ 2,3; "Music Man" ; " Fiddler on the Roof"; "Wizard of Oz" .

Wells, Beverly Ann: Art Cl. 2,3.

Yancey, Kathy Anne, Kathy: Ski Cl. 2,3; SCA

Wells, Margaret Kline, Susie: Nursing Cl. 3. Wesley, Margaret Mane, Ree Ree: Concerned Black Youth 2,3 ; Girls ' Softball 1; V. Cheerlead er 3; SCA Rep. 1,2; Harlequin 3. White, Charles Henry.

Woody, Sally Ann.

Wright, Cynthia Bailey. 2.

Young, John Alan, John: Ski Cl. Zeller, Karen Joy, Sparkle: Bicycle Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 2,3 ; Art Cl. 3; Thespians 1-3 ; Drill Team 2,3 , Captain 3; Drama Cl. 1-3 ; SCA 1, Alternate 2,3.

White, Deborah May. White, Grover Clinton, Joe: Art Cl. 2,3 , Pres. 3; Harlequin 3. White, Pamela Faith: FHA 2,3, V. Pres. 2. Whitlow, Kimberly Ann, Kim: Bicycle Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; "Fiddler on the Roof" . Wilder, Hans Joachim, Hays. Wilhelm, Christina Turner, Tina: Tri-Hi-Y 1; Photography Cl. 3, Sec. 3; Albemarle Players 1,2; Thespian 1,2; Track Mgr. 2,3; Highlight 3, Features 3; Harlequin 3, Editor 3. Wilkinson, Colleen Kay: Tri-Hi-Y 1; Pep Cl. 2; Cinema Cl. 3; Va. Players ' Workshop 1. Wilkins, Daye Exum, Ill, De: Drama Cl. 1-3 ; Pep Cl. 2; "Music Man " ; "Wiz3rd of Oz"; "Fiddler on the Roof"; "Hello Doliy" . What are you hiding, Randy?

Williams, Brent Alan: DECA 3; DECA Insights Editor 3.

Walker, Arthur Fountain: SCA 1-3; FCA 2,3; J.V. Football1; Track 2,3.

Wilson, Dudley D., Wilbur: Ski Cl. 2,3; Tennis Team Mgr. 2.

Walker, James Harvey: Motorcycle Cl. 3.

Wilson, Peter Reid, Elmer: Ski Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Soccer 2; Tennis 2,3; JV Football 1; JV Basketball 1; "Little Women" 1; SCA 1,2; Yearbook 1.

Walker, Nona Oliva, Lou: GAA 3; Concerned Black Youth 2,3. Walker, Richard McKinley. Walker, Robert Hendris: Motorcycle Cl. 2,3. Walker, Virginia Marty, Bunny: Concerned Black Youth 3. Wallace, Curtis Lloyd, Lloyd: Outdoor Track 2.

Wallace, Grover Bertrem. Wallace, Thomas Michael, Mike: Latin Cl. 1; Cinema Cl. 2,3. Walton, Paula Paige: FHA 2; Nursing Cl. 3. Walton, Ted Carrol.

Wilson, Sarah Clementine, Tina: Nursing Cl. 3, Sec. 3; Concerned Black Youth 2,3 ; SCA 3. Wingfield, Denise Donnell: DECA 1; Nursing Cl. 2,3 , V. Pres. 3. Winslow, Deana Louise. Winstead, John Marcus, Marc: Pep Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Baseball , Track Trainer 2; Football Trainer 3. Winston, Brenda Denise: Concerned Black Youth 2,3; V. Softball 2. Winston, James Alvin, Super Fly: VICA; Concerned Black Youth ; JV Basketball; Basketball Mgr.

Wanless, Monte Carl: Motorcycle Cl. 2路 German Cl. 3.

Witcher, Sabra Morraine, Black Sabra: Concerned Black Youth 2,3, Founder 2, ICC Rep. 3; Majorette 3; SCA 1.

Ward, Charles Channing: DECA 2; FFA 3.

Witt, Donald Wayne, Don: VICA 1,2.

Ward, Darryl Vincent, Spencer.

Wolford, Stephen Norman.


Even Rhonda has wistful moments.

Donna Florendo Our 1973 Foreign Exchange Student An individual responsive to each student's emotions and ideas, Donna Florendo easily wins her way into the hearts of all she meets. Although she is naturally unimposing, her active participation at Albemarle, her warmth, and her irrepressible smile at once distinguish her from the crowd. A true foreign exchange student, Donna has succeeded in trading a bit of the Philippines, and herself, for a taste of a no longer strange country.

An old Virginia custom- an apple a day . . . .

Friendship overcomes obvious differences.

Donna- the cute one on the end .


Donna isn't at all sure this is the best way to cross a river.


Donna meets the challenge of a new academic environment.


Even after crossing the Pacific, sailing seems fun .

A small glimpse of the Philippine way of life.


Honor Graduates



First Row: Twelfth (tie). Glend a Averette, Marth a Powell. Second Row: Sixteenth, Jody Brock; Nineteenth, Sheil a Fox; Seventeenth, Amy Easter ; Twentieth (tie). Sue Forney; Eleventh, Shirley Kyger. Third Row: Fifteenth, David Sandr idge; Twelfth (tie). Cheryl Thompson ; Fourth Row: Twentieth (tie). John Maine; Eighteenth, Jack Lange.

Fifth: Susan Blankenbaker


路-----Valedictorian: Irene Huie

Sixth: Peter Murphy


Seventh: Rhond a Hughes

Salutatorian (tie): Donna Allen

Salutatorian (tie): James Ogilvie

Eighth (tie) : Cathi Kesler

Eighth (tie) : Beth Bowen

Salutatorian (tie) : Kathy Kelly

Tenth: Kit Davenport





Donna Asher Brenda Baber John Baber


Chris Samuels- President

Audrey Agee Ronald Agee Kerry Ahrend

Nancy Aker Robert Albert John Allen

Stephen Allen Douglas Andrews Linda Arbaugh

David Argenbright Richard Armentrout Vickie Armstrong

Sandra Baggett Bill Bailey Virginia Bain

Ruby Barbour John Barnett Johnny Bates

Susan Batten Ann Beasley Edwin Bell

Melanie Bentley Charles Berry James Bishop

Jackie Blankenship Robert Borchers Randy Bowen

Connie Banton Dale Barbour Nadine Barbour



Clarasteen Brackett Tony Bradley Phyllis Brackett Steve Braithwaite Mark Bradley Deidra Bralley

Cary Branch Olivia Branch Reginald Brassfield

Judith Brochu Brian Brookshire Carroll Brown

Debbie Brown Debra Brown Dorothy Brown

Franklin Brown Joculyn Brown Lynn Bryant

Robert Bryant Patricia Buehler Troy Burcham



Pam Sprouse- Vice President



Nancy Rutland- Secretary-Treasurer


Melanie Bentley- Reporter

Kim Tirrell eyes greener pastures (the hall) .

Howard Burns Sandra Burrus Charles Burton Michael Burton Arthur Busby Michael Butler

Wendall Butler Beverly Byrd Linda Calloway Bertha Carey John Carlin Bryant Carpenter

James Carson John Carver Daniel Casey

Samuel Casey Brenda Cason Jeffrey Chisholm


John Christmas Steven Chronister Teresa Clark

James Clements Laura Cockerille Nancy Coleman

Stephen Coleman Kenneth Coles Kim Coles

~-~ )


Vickie Collins Roy Conley Raymond Conway

Douglas Cookenour Michael Costello Wade Cooper Jeffrey Cotten Kathy Corrigan Alvin Crawford

Samuel Crawford Donald Critzer Ronald Critzer Roy Critzer Susan Critzer Barry Cutright

Hurry , Melissa! It's almost curtain time.


Bonnie Cutright Steve Daidone Susie Dameron David Davis Jeffrey Davis Steve Davis

William Davis Debra Deane Mary Deaton Steven Dellinger Bundora Dent Linda Dickerson

Suzanne Dixon Bridget Dodson Florence Dollins

Lee Dowell Robert Drash Patricia Duncan

David Dunn Charles Durette Marcella Dwier Michael Dyer Patricia Dyer Ann Echols Bonnie Cutright finds amusement during th e monotony of th e day.


William Enyeart Deborah Eubanks Teresa Ewell Diane Farish Glenda Farish Wanda Farish

Terry Farmer Blair Fields Gregory Fields Elizabeth Fisher Frances Fisher Patsy Fisk

Shelia Fitch April Fitzgerald Margie Flick Cynthi a Fonseca Deborah Ford Susan Fox

Jeff Cotten and the band entertain the crowd at halftime .

Daniel Frazier Timothy Fredrikson Eva Gaines Sylvia Garcia Ava Gardner Michael Garnett

Douglas Garrison Mary Garrison Vickie Garrison Jackie Garver Marsha Garwood Debra Gebhard

Kathy Gentry Lewis Gentry Tony Gibson James Gilbert Melissa Gilmer Joyce Glady

Cynthia Glosser Randy Golladay Toni Goodman Deloise Grady Emily Graebner Angelina Gray


Jerome Gray Leslie Green John Gregg

Thomas Grinde Jane Grinnell Janet Grinstead

Bess Fisher, Tom Grinde and Terry Plymire watch Susie Hudson eat her ice cream sandwich.

Diane Gruenwald Thelma Hackett John Haga Conrad Hall

Kenneth Hall Mark Hall Petie Hall Steven Hall

Kenneth Harnm Pattie Hamner Sheree Haney Judson Harrell

Bruce Harris Linda Harris Ollie Harris Lawrence Hartman


Valerie Harvey Guy Hash Judy H\}wkes Susan Hearn

Joni Helmandollar Judith Hensley Michael Hensley Dale Herring

Deborah Herring Ruby Herring Jeffrey Heslep Gregory Hewitt




r. '"

~ I


Sung Wha Hong Paige Horrocks Gary M. Howard

Gary W. Howard Josephine Howard Joan Howe

Susan Hudson Larry Hughes Jane Huie

Karen Jameson George Jarman Connie Jenkins

Ava Johnson Charles Johnson Dana Johnson

Debo rah Johnson Duane Johnson Edward John so n

Donna Hunt Lora Hunt Sharon Hunt

Susan Hunt Tina Hunt Clifford Hurlbut

Mildred Jackson Sandy Jackson Alison Ja eger

Debbie Quarl es h as important news that just can't wait.


Gary Johnson Paula Johnson Curtis Jones

Jo Jones Laurie Jones Sharon Jones

Wanda Jones Lillian Jordan Ruth Judge

Ingrid Juul-Nielson Paul Kennedy John Kauzlarich Ronald Kent Timothy Kelly Tae Ho Kim

Mel Nightengale has a hard time deciding between Dennis Carr and James Graham.


Bobby Klepach Aubrey Knight Kris Konkle

Kathy Kindrick Barry Kirby Donna Kirby

Edward Kirby Nancy Kirby Steve Kirschnick

Loretta Lam Deborah Lamb Chet Lang

Alexandra LaRue Steven Lawrence Brenda Lawson


Cornelia Lawson Charles Layman Douglas Leake

Jonathan Leathers Mike Lewis Robert Lindsay

Melissa Locher Rodney Long Denise Lovelace

Catherine Loving Vickie Lucas Andre Luck

Guy Lukes Melvin McAllister Sharon McCann

Clifton McDaniel Patricia McDaniel Wanda McDaniel

Quit trying to brown-nose the coach, John.

David McGehee Keith McGrory Edward McLellan


Lexie McVey Mona McWilliams Chip Mark

Heather Marks Michael Marks Paula Markwood

Beverly Marshall Jodi Marston Barbara Martin

Debra Martin Jerome Martin Jerry Martin Patricia Martin Sarah Martin Victor Martin

Thomas Mathews Paul Matysek Charles Maupin Janet Maupin June Maupin Vernon Maupin

William Maupin David Mawyer Bruce Maxa Theresa Melton Deborah Miller Dorothy Miller

Gregory Miller Carolyn Mills Stephen Minter

Sherry Mondy Howard Mooore Vincent Monroe Shelby Moore Karen Montgomery Deborah Morelock

Claire Wolff makes use of the library before construction closes it.



I If you think Jack the Ripper was something, wait 'til Sue Pullen gets started .


Carol Morris Craig Morris Judy Morris Michael Morris Pamela Morris Raymond Morris

Rennie Morris Vegina Morris Wanda Morris Rhoda Morton James Moubray Thomas Mundell

Susan Munson Julien Naylor Edna Nees John Nelms Susanne Nelson Melody Nightingale

Teresa Norcross Sharolyn Norford Richard Norvelle Margaret O'Leary Mary O'Leary Michael Oliva


Wiley Osborne John Owen

Ryland Owen David Owens

Betty Pace John Paige Charlotte Pape

Milburn Parker Gary Pasternak Mark Patterson

Pamela Peppin James Pitts Rita Pleasants

Theresa Plymire Sharon Poe Debra Porritt

Alvin Powell Charles Powell Mike Powell

Tyrone Powell Brad Price E.T. Price

Pattie Price David Pritchett Hans Pryor

Robert Pugh Susan PulTen Debbie Quarles

Thomas Quasebarth Allen Raines Lawrence Rainey



Come on, Debbie! We know you 're skipping class.



Jennifer Riffe Ellen Ripberger Debra Ripley

William Ratcliffe Mark Reed Sarah Rennolds

Matthew Rexrode Timothy Reynolds Laura Ricciardelli

James Rush Susan Russell Nancy Rutland

Thomas Sacre Cathy Sands Christopher Samuel Anne Sanford Mike Sandell Perry Sanner

John Ritchie Cathy Roberts Charlotte Roberts

Dan Roberts Kay Robertson Bruce Robinson

Cynthia Robinson Dave Robinson Susan Rogers

Deloris Grady finds empty halls puzzling.


Patricia Rosenbaum Steve Rungwerth Charles Ruscher

1 I



Audrey Agee and Lillian Jordan enjoy a jazz concert.

Velma Shifflett Virginia Shifflett Helen Shortell

Connie Showers Debbie Sites Garsed Sketchley

Betty Smith Debra Smith Dianne Smith

Jeffrey Saunders Ruby Seale Teresa Shelton

Bennie Shifflett Della Shifflett Deborah Shifflett Gloria Shifflett Deborah L. Shifflett Margaret Shifflett

Patsy Shifflett Patti Shifflett Peggy Shifflett

Helen Smith Louise Smith Randall Smith

Susan Smith William Smith Samuel Snow

David Spradlin Larry Sprouse Lynita Sprouse


Wanda Snow Michael Snyder Liana Solorzano



~ I




Pamela Sprouse Lee Stembridge Wayne Stephens

Beth Stephenson Michael Sutphin Angela Tanner

Terry Tate Sarah Taylor Tina Taylor

Evelyn Terrell Jackie Terrell David Thacker

James Thacker Jean Thacker Robert Thacker

Kathy Thalmann James Thigpen Archie Thomas


I Rhonda Thomas listens intently to Mr. Wake.

Pamela Thomas Robert Thomas Rosemary Thomas


Shirley Thomas Alvin Thompson Charles Thompson

Mary Ann Thompson Nan Thompson Richard Thompson

Kim Tirrell Petronella Toet Steve Topper

Susan Travis Toni Trunzo Dennis Turner

Douglas Turner Lorraine Turner Sharlene Turner

Mike Twardoski Stephen Van Fossen Steven Viar Craig Van de Castle Danny Via William Viar Thomas Via Mary Vonherbulis Derek Van Der Linde

Marsha Walton Michael Walton Timothy Walton

Charles Ward Mabel Ward Barbara Warren

Sandra Washington Audrey Waybright Douglas Webber Pat Washington Mark Waugaman Jodie Webber


Gerard Wach Gary Wade Robert Walker

Theodora Walker Edward Wallace Yvonne Waller

Johnny Bates believes in hard work!!





\\ )


Ann Echols is distracted by outsiders.

Cynthia Whindleton Lee Whitcomb Beatrice White Richard White Th eresa White Mary Whiting

Debra Williams Louis Williams Rob ert Williams Linda Willis Marcella Wilson Pamela Wilson

Donald Wimmer Lyn Wingfield Susan Winter Mary Wolfe Mary Linn Wolf Claire Wolff

David W. Wood Helen Wood Stewart Wood Douglas Woodson Gary Woodson Margaret Woodson


Alice Wright Elizabeth Wright

Daniel Wyant Kim Wyant

Robert Ziegler Klaus Ziock


David Brown- President

Lori Hale -

Vice President

William Abbott George Allen Lewis Allen John Allison

Marsha Amato Marian Andrews Bernard Anderson Robin Armistead John Anderson Debra Armstrong Theresa Anderson Larmie Arnold

Debra Austin Alice Averette Hilda Awkward Tony Awkward

Barbara Ayres Mary Bailey Martha Bain Nancy Bain

Brady Ballard Patricia Banton Leroy Barbour

Ernest Barnett Sharon Barrett Donnell Bates

Christopher Benjamin Victor Benshoff Ralph Berthold

Rebecca Bickers Mary Billups James Bingler

Jean Batten Patricia Batten Mary Bell








Edwin Birckhead Richard Bond Michael Blake Patricia Bowen Kim Blankenbaker Kelvin Bowles Charlotte Linda Bowles Boatwright

Robert Branch Harry Breeden Alan Brie Barbara Brite

Angela Brown Barbara Brown David Brown Ethel Brown

Howard Brown Jacqueline Brown James Brown Kayanne Brown

Linda Brown Mary Brown Theodore Brown

Paula Bull Steven Bunch Andrew Burruss

Kelvin Burruss Curtis Burton Gail Burton

Delores Bush Daris Butler Mattie Butler

Becky Bryant Stanley Bryant Suzanne Buchanan


Laurie Stephens- Secretary-Treasurer

Tricia Jon es -


George Byerly Nancy Cabell Lawrence Cain Courtenay Campbell

Woodrow Campbell Dennis Carr Dorothy Carr Theo Carr

Bruce Carriker Alan Wade Carter Deborah Carter Richard Carver

,... I

. I Joan Russell finds matching a little annoying.

Charlotte Cecerquist Barbara Chester Gloria Chidester William Chisolm Rooseve lt Christmas David Chronister Mary Clarity


Beth Clarke Denise Clarkson Clarence Clayton Sharon Clayton Wilton Clements Logan Cockrum Debra Coffman

Alan Coleman Earlene Coles Edward Coles Katherine Collier Floyd Collins Michael Coltran Richard Comfort

Patricia Compton Duncan Congdon Sherry Conway Celeste Cooper David Corrigan Shannon Costello James Cowan


James Farrar thinks these cheerleaders are on the wrong side.

Gary Craddock Barbara Craig Samuel Craig Paul Crawford Serson Crawford Larry Crenshaw Todd Crenshaw

Rickey John Daly Jeanne Dameron Crickenberger Sharon Crider Alison Davenport 路 fames Cronomeyer Ann Davis Pamela Cross Calvin Davis Caroline Curme Deborah Davis Judith Currin Donald Davis Nancy Dabney

Elvin Davis Gregory Davis James Davis


Jane Davis Melvin Davis Randolph Davis

Mike Day Sue Decker Ned Deets

Barbara Dickie Charles Dillard Charles Dillard

Pam Trail finds something amusing.

Robert Dillard Carol Dougherty Sandra Dowell

Gary Drumheller Franci a Durham Scott Duncan Rob ert Oyer Kathi Dunsmore Rob ert Dyer

Susan Earhart Darcy Echols Jon Erke nbrack Warren Es tes

Pern ell Eubanks James Farrar Michael Figgatt All en Fitzgerald

Teresa Fitzgerald Ph yllis Fogle Vivian Fong Sandra Fonseca

Karen Furr Angelita Garcia Bertha Gardner

David Gardner Garry Garland Willia m Garner

Randy Garrison ]ann Garth Rebecca Garrison Elizabeth Gibbs Steph en Garstang Gary Gibson


Just in Ford Valerie Foster Lienard Fulcher Michelle Fulton

- 路~


Rosanne Gibson Steven Gibson Teresa Gibson William Gibson

David Glasgow Sandra Glass Steven Godfrey Gary Goldstein

Gail Good Toby Goode Rebecca Gowans James Grady

George Hansen Robyn Hantske Daniela Harlow Michael Harris

Donna Graff james Graham Bonnie Graves Darlene Gray

Ronald Harris Kevin Hasenfus Ann Hawkes Leon Hawkins

Gary Hearn Nancy Heilman Linda Henderson Rose Henley

I .J

~ Erskine Gray Robert Gray Patricia Green

Barbara Griems Robert Haacke Edward Haigh

Lori Hale Anne Hall Neanne Hall

Sharron Hall Teresa Hamm Susan Hancock


Gary Goldstein and Robbie Dillard show varying degrees of attentiveness.

Tracy Henley Judy Hensley Venna Hensley Susan Hermansdorfer

Wanda Herring Pamela Highlander Lillian Hinton Lucy Hinton

Alan Hodge William Holland Beth Houchins Carolyn Houchins

Ronald Houchens Larry Howard John Hoy William Huber

Betty Hughes Debra Hughes Charles Hunt Karen Hunt

Theresa Hunt Walter Hunt Charles Hurt jean Hutchinson Geneva Scott discusses matters with Mr. Logan.

Sherry Ingerick Danny Isaacson Irene Jackson Peggy Jenkins Stephen Jenkins Barbara Johnson

Brenda Johnson Connie Johnson Frank Johnson Linda Johnson Marvin Johnson Nancy Johnson


Taking notes keeps Sherry Conway busy.


I '


Orlando Johnson Deborah Jones Susan Johnstone Delores Jones Barry Jones Doris Jones Cecilia Jones Elizabeth Jones

Forrest Jones Patricia Jones Clarence Jordan Michael Jordan

Vio let Jordan Janet Joseph Kathleen Kane Cynthia Keiser

Ronald Keithley Matthew Kelly Ruby Kelso Nancy Kendall Charles Kenney Douglas Key Tae Dong Kim


Karen King Kathleen King Linda Kirkland Debra Kirksey Gay Kiser Amy Kitay Jon Klapp

Cynthia Kline Mary Anne Kline Joseph Knight Kathryn Konkle Heidi Kupke Debra Lam Steven Lamp

Cary Lang Carolyn Lawson Robert Lasley Mary Layne William Lassetter Melissa Layne

Grace Lipscomb Frances Loschelder James Louderback David Lowry

Dan Leake David Lee Patricia Lee

Patrick McCafferty Rhonda McCauley Karen McCann Virginia McCauley Alice McCauley Lynn McDaniel Doris McCauley Steven McMillion

Roosevelt Christmas and Audrey Agee do some serious studying in the library.

Eugene McVey Cheryl McWilliams Ruth Maddox Sharon Maddox


William Mahone Susan Maine Leslie Mann Nancy Manweiler

Ruby Marsh Linda Martin Richard Martin Stanley Martin

Synora Malacia Jos eph Matthews Bessie Maupin Jacquline Maupin

Linda Maupin Richard Maupin David Mawyer

Donald Mawyer Everett Mawyer Leon Mawyer

William Mawyer Bernadette Robert Mayo Micharn Kim Meeks Patricia Milks Mathew Miller

Jo Anne Morris Keith Morris Leon Morris Loellen Morris

Mark Morris Patricia Morris Patsy Morris Ronald Morris

Robert Match Edward Mullady Patrice Murphy Gay Musachio

Fannie Mills Karen Mills Patrick Minor

Barry Napier Dennis Napier David Naylor Theodore Neofotis


Dale Minter Brenda Moon Donna Moore

Brenda Morris Col eman Morris Elizabeth Morris

Judy Currin, Connie Weary and Debbie Terrell clown for the photographer.

Patricia Null Jeffrey Ohman Disa Olson

Judy O'Mary Richard Pace Vicky Pace

Michael Parham David Paul Timothy Patrick Darell Payne Michael Patterson Karen Payne

Lisa Poole John Pope William Potter Andrew Powell

Bernard Powell Page Powell Patricia Powell Pamela Powley

Juanita Presho Linda Price Roger Price Barry Pritchett

Carla Pritchett Kathy Pryor Oliver Pryor Donald Pullen


Tina Payne Mary Pearce Jennifer Perkins

Kim Perry Leslie Perry John Peterson

Deborah Phillips Deborah Plymire Deborah Poe

Celia Jones concentrates on her test.




~ Jane Quasebarth Kathy Rabe Deborah Ralston

Joyce Ratcliffe Frank Rawlings Steven Rawlings

Russell Ray Cindy Rea Elizabeth Rees

Rufus Rush Joan Russell Thomas Russell David Rybolt

Mary Ryder Glenn Salzman Rebecca Sands Cynthia Saunders

Christopher Schmitt Jan Schwab Alice Scott Frances Scott

James Respess Dallas Richmond Thomas Roberts Michelle Rexrode Nancy Riopel Larry Robinson David Rhodes Patricia Roach Houston Ross

Vanessa Ross David Rush Phyllisteen Rush

Pat Green performs a balancing act.


Joyce Ratcliffe finds something to clap about.

Karen Sheets Sherry Sheler Rebecca Sheridan Cynthia Shiflett Debra Shiflett

Wallace Shiflett Bonnie Shifflett Ginger Shifflett James Shifflett Kim Shifflett

Larry Shifflett Pauline Shifflett Roy Shifflett Sheila Shifflett Wanda Shifflett

Deb ra Shifflette Don Shifflette Philip Shoop Denise Shortell Carol Sieling


Geneva Scott Connie Scruggs

Kathy Seabrook Charles Shaver

Lottie Shaver Cynthia Shea

Tony Simpkins Joan Sipe Richard Slosson Fannie Smith George Smith

Karen Smith Patricia Smith Robin Smith Sandra Snow Trudy Snow

Brenda Snyder John Snyder Earl Sowers Butch Spain Allan Spang

Gloria Spottswood Vicki Spigner Pamela Spigner Vivian Spradlin

Geneva Sprouse John Sprouse

If you think Charlie's thumbs are great, wait until you see his toes!!

Gay Musachio wonders what Becky does to her hair.

Roger Sprouse Richard Stalnaker Laurie Staples Harry Starke Christi Stauffer


Joseph Stephens Laurie Stephens Johnsey Steppe Mad aline Steppe Ethel Stovall

Michael Stuart John Sweeney Mildred Swingler Steven Swingler Susan Terhune

Debbie Terrell Michael B. Thacker Michael Thacker Clayton Thomas Frances Thomas

You're sure that's right, Kim?

Jacqueline Thomas Karen Thomas Paul Thomas

Stephen Thomas Timothy Joyce Thompson Thompson Rob ert Thompson Priscilla Thorne Mary Thorsey

George Thurston Michael Thurston Darl ene Tinsley Tomma Todd Thomas Tomlin John To wnsend Pame la Trail


James Tremblay Elizabeth Tull Gary Truner James Umbdenstock Paul Umstadt er Janice Vascott Carl Vest

Nelli e Vest Cathy Via James Viar Mary Vidrine Jona Von Herbulis Kar en Wade Katheri ne Wagner

Ro semary Wagner Paula Walden Joan Ward Roger Ward Tina Ward Reginald Warfield Kenneth Washington

Oh no, Larry! Did you break another one?


Leslie Washington Nancy Wheeler Susan Watson Raymond White Conway Weary Wanda White Jennifer Webber Steven Wickert Arthor Widener Joel Webber Samuel Wells Stephanie Wiley Carol Wheeler Brenda Williams

Larry Williams Valerie Williams Georgia Wilson Roger WiLson Cheryl Wingfield Mary Beth Winslow Carla Winston

Stephanie Witcher Jeffrey Wolfrey Carolyn Wood Dawn Wood Mark Wood Sharon Wood Thomas Wood


Evelyn Woodie Gary Woodson Benjamin Word

Karen Wright Michael Wright Cynthia Young

Susan Young Michael Yowell Mary Beth Zivic


Lane's Tailoring Shop Compliments of

MONTICELLO OIL COMPANY J.E. Ports Owner, Manager Rio Ro ad, Charlottesville, Virginia

TIMBERLAKES DRUG STORE 322 East Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia 295-9155



~~ ::i...S








Vaughan Tire & Appliance Co., Inc.

310 Avon Street , Charlottesville , Va. 22902 Route 29 North Phone 296-5111


801 Preston Ave. Phone 293-8131 Charlottesville, Va. 22901

Scuba Shop & Rock-Shell Shop Phone 293-6984 1729 Allied St. Charlottesville , Va. 22901

Scuba Diving Equipment Sales Air Fills Repairs Instruction Books


S.C. Chancellor Co, Inc.


Serving The Community With Quality Products And Pharmaceuticals




Rock-Shell (Lapidary) Machine Sales Rocks & Sea Shells Mountings Liquid Casting Plastic Books


TV 296-7106


White House Motel Corp.

1517 West Main St. At the Corner Recommended by - Mobi l Travel Guide McCall 's Magazine

Rt. 250 E. Charlottesville Air Conditioned

Restaurant Free Parking

BY-PASS MARKET 1337 Long Street Open 7 Days 8 A.M.-10 O.M.


Picnic-Hunting Fishing Supplies

Bruce's Cardinal Drug Center Phone 286-3881 Scottsville, Virginia


RADIO STATION WPED 810 On Your Dial "The Country Station That's Going To Town" Crozet , Virginia


2149 Barracks Rd. 977-0880

Rte. 29 North 973-5311


First Virginia Bank


Monticello National

Parks Finance Service, Inc.

Court Square 218 5th N.E. 296-0156

816 Cherry Ave. 295-2141

Compliments of

Minor- Alexander Mutual Insurance Agency Addie Alexander, Owner Thomas B. Leitch, Associate 404 National Bank Building

Compliments of

Meadowbrook Hardware



THACKER CONSTRUCTION CO. Building Construction 918 Harris Street P .O. Box 1110 - Charlottesville, Virginia Telephone


Compliments of

E.M. Martin, Inc.

1000 Harris Street Charlottesville , Virginia Telephone 296-7181


The Equitable Life Assurance Soci ety of the United States, New York, N.Y . Charlottesville office 293-5176


P.O. Box 510

Audio World Ltd. For Total Insurance Service Call or Stop By

Ivy Square Phone 296-4203

CROZET INSURANCE AGENCY Blue Goose Building 823-4321

ROY WHEELER REALTY COMPANY Virginia Real Estate Charlottesville-Virginia City- Suburban and Country Property The Virginia Real Estate Clearing House

"Wheeler Building 401 East High Street

Court Square" Phone 296-4171


Boarding- Grooming- Obedience Training by appointment

Crozet , Virginia Telephone 823-4391

973-5171 owner:


Mrs. Peggy B. Kessler


Charlottesville's Leading Fashion Stores Charlottesville, Virginia 22902




Compliments of

CISMONT MANOR FARM Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth Wheeler, Keswick , Va .


Image Making? It's Happening at Leggett

West Main Street Downtown Charlottesville

Barracks Road Shopping Center



108 Second Street, S.E.- Dial 295-4157 Charlottesville , Virginia 22902

D.D. Wood Robert Crickenburger


KEN JONSON CAFETERIA 1333 Long Street Charlottesville, Virginia Rives Gentry, owner Wayne Gentry , manager

Barracks Road



Cary's Camera Shop Barracks Road Shopping Center Phone 293-3914

Compliments of

L.A. Lacy Inc. 900 Harris Street

Eastern Office STATE FARM

State Farm Insurance Companies INSURANCE

Home Office -

Bloomington, Illinois



BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS, INC. Two Locations 510 Preston Ave. 1327 E. High St.






We J'ut Jt Af{ 10gether %~.!)011


13arracks noaf .Sfz'!}Jying (ent~r




mall!f ston?s I0-9



William C. Tinsley, owner

Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 703 973-8333





703/ 293-S t SS



~bt>al ~t>al±~ @ompan~ lraltnr 304 - A












Ktatueklf fried Ckieke11

Glassner Jewelers

124 E. Main St. Downtown Your Jeweler for one of your proudest possessions , your High School Ring . also Diamonds , Watches , Gift Items and Beautiful Silver


Spadling MacGregor Russell Southern

Swim & Raquet Club

Spot-Bilt Puma Shoes

Spanjian Rawlings Adidas


Phone 973-4444

Comp liments of

FRUIT GROWERS COOPERATIVE CORPORATION Crozet, Virginia Phone: 823-4008 Home of- Farm- Orchard Supplies


Arrow Hart-Murray Division Route 660 , Earlysville , Va.


Compliments of

GLECO MILLING CORPORATION Route 29 South Phone 296-6435

Sales & Service

Lawn & Garden

Small Construction Equipment

GENTRY'S POWER EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. 2115 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, Va. James A. Gentry, Jr. Phone 973-5349 Route 29



Compliments of

Stevens and Company

Serving This Community Since 1876 Located at the University of Virginia

Red Lion Gifts Darden



Gifts for all occasions

TOWE INSURANCE SERVICE, INC. 418 East Main Phone 295 -5191 Charlottesville Friendly Service Since 1934

. ::i ::路


' ' li






S:E:OE STO:RES 101 West Main Street (Downtown)

Barracks Road Shopping Center

Heaven to Seven Shoppe 204

The Young

Men's Shop

Morris Tire Service B.F. Goodrich Dealer

HILL AND IRVING FUNERAL SERVICE First and Market Streets Charlottesville, Virginia

Compliments of

HOME BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. Congratulations to the Class of 1973


Congratulations Class of '73 Wash your threads at

LESCO LAUNDROMATS 2000 Hydraulic Road

R. E.

Offices on Hydraulic Road Phone 973-4393

GILMORE, HAMM, AND SNYDER, INC. Furniture for the Home and Office


Charlottesville, Virginia Charlottesville Building Construction

Compliments of

Northside Gulf Service James E. Crenshaw owner U.S. 29 N. at Hydraulic Road

Keswick Market


Esso Products, ABC

General Merchandise





Walker Manley T/A MAC'S Bear Wheel Alignment Service

The Garden Spot

515 Stewart Street

Phone : 296-6'338

matfhewj SA~ON


'1819 N. Emmet! Street Charlottesville, Virginia: Owner & Operator: Be路tty Matthe w s

Next door to Pancake House Resi aur'ant

"Open Frida:y Evenings by Appoinlment"

Rio Ro ad

973 -440 2

----路 sMan m. eways InC.

1417 North Emmet Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22901


Pho n e 296 -177 4



Printing Service

Telephone: 295-7875

RA'EL AUTO SHOP Specializing in all Auto Body and Fender Repair Painting and Glass Installation Estimates .• Insurance Jobs Fast Efficient Service R.B. Ragland Proprietor

Symbol of a Growing Business . . . and a trade mark of a firm dedicated to producing the finest in printing.

Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Va.



,fs ··-...\~ ~ ~ j; .




King Lindsay Printing Corporation


dial: 296-4129

Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns, A Worldwide Service of ITT 1-64 and 250 E Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Telephone (703) 977-3300

1134 Rose Hill Dr.

Ch-ville, Va.

Compliments of



-; ;,/J

(Across from Monticello Dairy) Complete Jewelry Line Preston Plaza Trophies- Engraving Watch and Jewelry Repair

I ..;.::..· I :o~

o.~q~2~£NT£R ..


n •.

313 East Main Stree( Charlottesville, Virginia Downtown Spauldings- Cabbies Bostonians- Nunn Bush




Holiday Esso Service Station

THE SPOKESMAN Bicycle Servicenter 1229 Harris St.

Complete Air-Conditioning ignition-Work Service

Phone 296-6930

SADE & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange & American Stock Exchange 1. Gerald W. Furguson 2. W. A. Reynolds 3. Robert Westaway Jr.

1200 W. Main

295 -5179 Phone 293 -3785 & 295 -8565


Channel Master

Graves Electronics, Inc. THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO . 1700 Allied Street Charlottesville , Virginia 22903 Phone 296-0125



Barracks Road Shopping Center Charlottesville, Virginia Paint Headquarters Phone 293-2243





Co/16ine/16al TPai/ways


Back Alley Disc c.P~u路 S

Keller and George



Incorporated Jewelers Opticians Charlottesville, Virginia

904 W. Main Street (In the Nicest Alley in Town) 977-1659



Coggins Motor Co., Inc. 330 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Mercedes-Benz

Russell Mooney Olds Sales & Service 315 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Oldsmobile , Oldsmobile F85 , Toronado

Brady-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route No. 250 East, Pantops Mo unt ain Charlottesville, Virginia Ford, LTD, Torino, Thunderbird, Mustang, Maverick, Pinto, Ford Trucks

Peyton Pontiac Cadillac Datsun, Inc. 858 West Main Street Charlottesville, Vi rginia Pontiac , Firebird , Pontiac Tempest , Cadillac, Datsun

MacGregor Motors, Inc. 416 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln Continental , Mercury, Comet , Cougar, Capri, Montego

Pollard Auto & G.M.C. Service 1021 Linden Street Charlottesville , Virginia G.M.C. Trucks S-K Motors, Ltd. Route No. 29 North Charlottesville , Virginia Imported Auto Specialists- Sales & Service

Jim Price Chevrolet Rout e 250 East , Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet, Chevelle, Nova , Corvette Camara , Vega , Chevrol et Trucks

Jim Williams Buick, Inc. 900 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Buick, Opel, Kadett

R.M. Davis Motors, Inc. Rout e o. 29 North Charlottesville , Virginia Plymouth , Valiant, Chrysler, Imperial

Wilhoit Motors 404 East Market Street Charlottesville, Vi rginia Dodge , Dart , Coronet, Polara , Monaco Demon , Charger, Dodge Trucks

H.M. Gleason & Co., Inc. First and Garrett Streets Charlottesville , Virginia Int ernational Trucks and Farmall Equipment

Pantops Toyota Route No. 250 East , Pantops Mountain Charlottesville , Virginia Toyota Sales & Service

Don Mann Volkswagen, Inc. 918 Preston Avenue Charlottesville , Virginia Volkswagen




Typewriters- Adding Machines- Rentals Sales and Service


919 West Main St.

Phone 296-7419


<ยง> HUMB-LE KELLER'S "friendl y red carpet service" Downtown Charlottesville

Open 7 AM Until 8 PM- 7 Days A Complete Selection Of Imported Wines, Beers And Cheeses Ample Free Parking

THE DAILY PROGRESS Charlottesville, Virginia


" Rooted in History- In Step With The Future"

Barracks Road Shopping Center Phone 295-1784


Compliments of


Compliments of

J.F. Bell Funeral Home, Inc.

Serving Families of Albemarle and Surrounding Communities Since 1917

Charlottesville , Va.

Phone 295-9169

2007 Earhart Street Post Office Box 5447 Charlottesville, Va. 22903

i路83$iJvlsiBLE I

to the Graduating Class You have already been told that the world is at your feet and is yo urs for the effort, that the challengers are great as are the rewards . There is no doubt that is true. Let us add this. You have just conquered one major hurdle in your life graduating from school. You did it by taking one day at a time, one week at a time , one test at a time.

~~l:zens ~SAN K



That's the way life is one step at a time. And each step builds on the one before it. "Genius is the capacity to take infinite pains ." Few of us are geniuses but each of us owes it to himself to do every task to the best of his ability and in his own inimitable way. Each of us has a contrib uti on to make to society . What yours is and will be is now in the making.






It's the real thing. CQL<e.



Certified Watchmaker and Jewelf~r Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings Longines-Wittnauer, Bulova, and Accutron Watches 104 South First Street Charlottesville, Va. Roy P. Tuel, Prop . Phone 295-4258

Marine Systems Division Sperry Rand Corporation Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

THE YOWELLS' Ladies Shop The Yowells' for Desirable Fashion 108 S. First Street


For Your Official Albemarle High School Class Ring

virginia telephone & Mr. Bob Sandell Box 5107 Charlottesville, Virginia

telegraph company 1924 Arlington Boulevard Charlottesville, Virginia

Compliments of

UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Supplies for Collegians For Over a Century Visit Our Record Department

Learn In Your US Air Force, Interested?


~ ··.


Money Advancement Travel Training Recreation Education Security Satisfaction

Contact TSGT Jim White 1932 Arlington Blvd . Barracks Road Shopping Ctr. .Charlottesville, Va. 22903 Phone 296-1658

:_J!~ .'

·~~: .



Compliments of

Johnson Bros. Funeral Home, Inc.

Whitt & Company Realtors

"Extra Things of Service Without Extra Cost" 203 8th St. N.W. 293-8090

2248 Ivy Road Phone: 295-2191





OMOHUNDRO ELECTRIC Company Compliments Of


400 East Market Street Phone 296-6161


Sal es and Service Frigidaire and Zenith


Visit Our fJot Pourri ,'-.fzop For Gifts of Fragrance

1511 University Avenue at th e corner

e FON TANA CLAIRE BU RKE, INC . Jyy Road ( 250 \Vest )



j Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation Compliments 3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 296-7191


"Over Seventy Years of Service "



BLUE RIDGE PHARMACIES. INC. 973-4601 Chancellor's Drug- 295-4161


Medical Arts Phar.- 293-5191 Monticello Drug- 293-8174

L.B . Crenshaw Route 29 North Charlottesvill e, Virginia 22901 "The Mobile Home of Your Future Is On Our Lot Today"

Congratulations Class of 1973

W.A. LYNCH ROOFING CO., INC. 1234 River Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

UNIROYAL INC. Scottsville, Va.


j Levy's


of Charlottesville Barracks Road Shopping Center Phone 295 -4270

1417 Emmett St. (Route 29), Charlottesville, Va. 22903 • Tel. (703) 977-4400

" Serving Albemarl e County & Central Virginia"



rv~ai:::;; ~Mp Barracks Ro ad Shopping Center Charlottesville , Va. 22903 The Most Complete Line of Needlework and Craft supplies in To wn .




-·h , -

;rfi-.•~·' 1.. \. I r.x" j Y_. . .~. ~;:.. ""~. . . }

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... . . ...

• -

r ·~


Three year courses in Commercial & Fine Art Professional Instruction Part time Day, Evening, & Summer Courses Approved by the State Board of Education and the Veterans Admin. Morton P. Traylor, Found er-Director


2007 Earhart Street Charlottesville, Va.

Charlottesville Oil Co.


TURNER'S EXXON SERVICE Friendly Service Atl_p.s & Exide Products Phone 286-9307 Scottsville, Virginia

Office 293-9107 Emergency Number - 295 -1 730


203 7 Barracks Road

Charlottesville, Va. Phone 296-4135 Free Delivery Service

Stromberg-Carlson Congratulates Albemarle High School Class of 1973


~ ~




Ix &





" Food Fun for Everyone " HOAGIES On Our Home Baked Sub Rolls PIZZA PeeWee Small Medium Large SPAGHETTI Lupo 's Own Italian Sauce


Pick-up Orders 296-7007

Delivery Service 295-9153

5 PM to 12 PM Sun. -Thru -Thurs. 5 PM till 1 AM Fri. & Sat. Bruce C. Kroencke owner Home Ph. 296-6314

~~~~ , ._ ,


Office Ph. 296-9690


u PO'S

Prescription Opticians " In The Cardinal Shops "

. . .


• \\




1819 N. Emmett Street Charlottesville, Va.



Bernard L. Pardue

James H. Williams Realtor and General Contractor

Jefferson Professional Institute and Holden School of Art and Design 1924 Arlington Boul evard


Career training in : Business Automation

Developer of Jefferson Village

Commercial Art Fine Art

CONGRATULATIONS! On Another Giant Step In Your Future.

Giant Savings For Your Future Are Available At


300 Preston Avenue

Commonwealth Ctr. 9-4 5-7


avzngs anJ Loan dl~~ot:laflon


Monday-Friday Friday Evenings


Virginia's Official Steak House

Angus Barn Route 29 North Next To The Holiday Inn 2018 Holiday Dr Charlottesville, Va


Congratulations Class of 1973

• Morton Frozen Foods Division ITT Continei lal Baking Company Crozet , Virginia


Edward T. Clausen- "Ned"

Basketball was his first love.

Athletics were Ned 's entire life.

There are three billion people on the face of the earth; Ned Clausen was one of them. The world has been around for millions of years; Ned was here for sixteen. When we feel discouraged, let us remember Ned Clausen, one of our own who faced more trials and tribulations in sixteen years than we meet in a lifetime. Yet he greeted every day with a smile, with overwhelming strength, and with quiet determination. Meeting him, one could never have guessed Ned was dying of cancer. He warmed the hearts of everyone he met; he reached out and touched people he did not even know. Ned Clausen man . ..


stud ent ,

at hl ete,


Ned died October 29 , 1972. For what he was, for what he represented , the students and faculty of Albemarle and the members of the community dedicated one week, much effort, and a great deal of love to keeping Ned's spirit alive by establishing a trust fund in his memory. Ned Clausen will live forever in our hearts and minds as a truly great human being. To Ned 's mother, brother, and grandmother, we dedicate this tribute: we are proud to have had Ned as a friend. -Ned's friends

The Peer Staff Thanks Kit Davenport- cover design The Administration The Faculty Mrs. Marie S. Thomas Charles Perry and Hunter Publishing Company and our special thanks to Mrs. Courtenay T. Stanley, our hardworking advisor, who has now completed her seventh year with the Peer staff

PEER Boosters King and Roberts Kirby Jewelers Mr. & Mrs. James L. La Buy Mrs. Marion C. Martin Rev. & Mrs. Frank Montague Motorcycle Club Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Murray Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Musachio New Dominion Bookshop Mrs. Lillie Nightingale Old Dominion Bookshop Martha B. Parsons Mrs. Edith Peoples Piedmont Cleaners Ms. Dorothy Randolf Mr. & Mrs . Charles H. Simmons Dr. S. Ebbenson Sohem Farm Mr. & Mrs. Page Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William R. Towler Mr. George Walker Dr. & Mrs. S.L. Wanganteen Grover White Mrs. Elnora Williams Miss Ernestine Winston Mrs. Lucy Winston

Mr. Alonzo Branch Mr. Berchel Brown Brown's Lock & Safe Bryan & Beck Inc. Burgess Continental Coiffures Mrs. Susan Burruss Charlottesville Stationery Mrs. Alice Coles Concerned Black Youth Pauline Cowan gritique Club Crozet Drug Crozet Foods Mr. & Mrs. George W. Eudailey, Jr. FBLA Fellowship of Christian Athletes Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Ferguson Mrs. Ella Fitch Mr. & Mrs. RichardT. Garrison G.L.C. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Graves Mr. Joseph Hackney Mrs. Evelyn Harris Mr. Robert Harris Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Huie Dr. Charles William Hurt Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson


A New Beginning The dilemma of making a choice does not end with graduation from high school. We will face many decisions as adults in a complex society.


;:. ~

School events will continue to form an integral part of our lives, for the knowledge and ideas which we have gained at Albemarle will become the basis for our future work. We are the inheritors of an eternal legacy left to all youth . . .




• North Caroli na


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.