1977 Peer - Albemarle High SChool

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The Peer

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Albemarle High School Charlottesville, Virginia l .__ ·'_ ·, ~ ------Y o-lume XXIV .......















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Looking back over the year, I wonder what it was that made Albemarle. At times, the year seemed quite long, with so many things to do and to remember. There were moments when I thought that the year would never end . I can recall feeling that nothing ever changed: the crowded halls, the rush to class, the homework - they all added to the monotony, the mundane routine that symbolized my existence. But yet there was more to the year than the classes that strung out over days and weeks: the presidential election, new dividing lines for Western Albemarle, the long cold winter when I wanted to snuggle up in a blanket in front of a fire, the hoe-down held for Jimmy Carter's inauguration, the winter evenings when the eyes of the nation were glued to "Roots," the excitement over the ACC Tournament. All these events help distinguish '7 6-'77 from previous years, making it something worth remembering.



I ,.

1. Erik and Carolyn take refuge in an empty room co carry our their conversation. 2. Albemarle High School located in Albemarle County Virginia. 3. Bill offers an explanation co Gail as she studies for an upcoming test.


L Taryn tells Kim how to do the homework. 2. Ms. Stringfield lectures to her class. 3. "What I wouldn't give to be back home in my nice warm bed. "



"I can't believe that we're in school already. It's too early to be in school! It seems like only yesterday I was soaking up the sun at Chris Greene Lake ." Probably bedlam most accurately describes the beginning of school. The halls were a mass of crowded confusion as reunited friends exchanged stories of the summer. But it didn't take long to fall into the school routine (get up early, take a shower, run for the bus, sit in classes, socialize during SAP, count the minutes until lunch, go to afternoon classes, attend club meetings, home for dinner, do homework, go to bed, repeat). The long rainy days of September were reminiscent of such fall days in years past, and I found it difficult to remember when I hadn't been sitting in class. It all seemed the same: the trig homework I forgot to do, the English quiz I hadn't heard about, the French homework due today, not tomorrow. On the surface, the year seemed to be no different from any of the others.


Yet no matter how many times I felt that the school was the same, I recognized the changes. There was a new attendance policy, we implemented the Minute of Silence, our teams competed for the first time in the Western District, and a , jukebox arrived in the cafeteria. But Mondays often felt like Wednesdays and many a Tuesday was mistaken for a Thursday. Couldn't something be done to make those Fridays roll around more frequently and couldn't we do away with first period Monday altogether? "What do you mean you want us to work in class? Think?! Hey, Pam. Did the teacher really say she wants us to thin~? and be creative? She has got to be joking! I've been running around like a mad person all day. I was up until 1:00 this morning doing homework. Consequently, I overslept and had to skip breakfast in order to catch the bus. I forgot my English paper at home, I flunked a quiz second period, I've got a test to take sixth period, and she wants me to be creative?! It only hurts when I realize that today is Monday and I've got the whole week ahead of me. " 1. " You would not believe the amount of homework I have co get done by first period." 2. ''What's the matter, Jim? Do you have the Monday morning blahs?" 3. Deciding which song to play occupies the time of Clyde and Kim.








t 2

It was always frustrating to find that after spending all those gorgeous fall days inside, that the weather forecast for the long awaited weekend consisted of rain, rain, and more rain. If I decided to ride my bike on Saturday afternoon, invariably I'd be doomed to a wet weekend. It was like a pattern: if I had to be inside, the weather was nice and if I wanted to be outside, the weather was lousy. It was even more frustrating that the snow days that I had begged and prayed for during a hectic December finally came in January, only two days after we returned from Christmas vacation. It's not that I didn't welcome the days off; however, I do remember thinking that Old Man Winter could have picked a more appropriate time to dump his blessings on Charlottesville. Yet no matter how ill-timed the snow may have been, the break was enjoyable. The only thing that could have put a damper on the snow break was the fear that we would lose Easter vacation.


r 1. "A nd you think you've had a hard winter! Mike has starred talking ro planrs 1" 2. The unexpected snow gave Jon and Mike a chance to go sledding. 3. The snow that fell in early January stayed in the parking lot for several days making driving hazardous.


Aside from the week missed because of snow, the year managed to pass by uneventfully. This is not to say that each one of us did not have a memorable year, but rather that the student body is too large and too diverse in its interests for one event to have any impact on us all. The only events otlu::r than va._ tions that touched all of us was the onset of spring. Perhaps after such a harsh winter, we were ready for anything that was warm. Days when the temperature rose above 50째F were labelled "balmy." When the warm weather finally arrived, the courtyard became crowded with people during SAP, lunch and between classes. The forsythia blooming on the breezeway and the flowering dogwoods served as a constant reminder of the golden summer ahead. The pleasant days definitely made it hard to concentrate on homework, especially for the seniors who had fallen to that legendary disease - Senior Slump. There were papers to write, but it seemed to me a travesty to spend beautiful Saturdays and Sundays in the library.

r 1

1 1. Donna's smile reflects her happiness at receiving a flower on Valentine's Day. 2. Blooming dogwoods are a familiar sight during the spring. 3. Singing the Valentine's Day Thing served ro brighten things up. 4. Taryn shows the proper position for observing the senior slump. 5. Mr. Marshall explains the term paper assignment much ro the dismay of many of his students.

It only seemed fit that a week of diligent work ended in a weekend of pursuing pleasure. I knew that without a break from school related activities, I would soon be bouncing off the walls. Weekends were special times, intervals to unwind, even after the most disastrous week. Although the community doesn't offer a wealth of entertainment for high school students, there was always something to do if I was willing to look for it. In a way it was a challenge to find diversions, especially if they got you out of the house and away from all suggestions of academics. So whether I spent Friday night in the back row of Vinegar Hill Theater watching a double feature and drinking jasmine tea, or going to see the Cavaliers play basketball, I knew that the weekend would give me a lift to face the week ahead. 1. The jury box at University Hall provides an excellent spot from which to view the game. 2. Ms. Amburn echoes the sentime nts of most of the students and faculty. 3. Marsha and Mrs. Finn take a trip to the C & 0 Restaurant to try the French cuisine.


1. Eleventh, Elizabeth Dixon (front); Twelfth, Susan Blackman. 2. Fourteenth, Richard Sobbott; Thirteenth, Diane Hansen. 3. Valedictorian, Robert Hutchinson. 4. Sixteenth, Jim Spence; Fifteenth, Maureen Conklin; Seventeenth, Edgar Woodson. 5. Fourth (tie), Cheryl Mason, Lee Nunn, Adi Hillel.

Top twenty seniors are rewarded for diligent work




1. Salutatorian, Kurt B ertone. 2. Third, Kimberly Pullen. 3. Seventh, Ashton Trice (fro nt); Ninth (tie), Carleen Barnocky, Susan Stephenson ; Eighth, Laura Nelson. 4. Eighteenth, Wood y Ja y; Nine teenth , R oberta Bailey; Twentieth, Dan Rial!.

Homecoming Court lends tradition

1. Senior representative- Kathy Talley . 2 . Homecoming Queen Gwynne Hathaway. 3. Sophomore representative Nanc y Foster. 4 . Junior represent ative - Mimi Wagner.


Homecoming Court

1. Maid of Honor - Dita Zapata. 2 . Sophomore representative Karen Evans. 3. Senior representative - Deana Coyner. 4 . Junior representative- Vicki Wood .



Homecoming Court


Homecoming Dance enjoyed by all

1. George and his date have the floor tO themselves. 2. The band plays "Love Roller Coaster." 3. None of that in public! 4. Woody Jay finds something that diverts his attention. 5. . . . and the beat goes on .


Homecoming Dance

Creativity evident in Homecoming Parade


1. A Headless Football Player ?!? 2. Sophomore representatives Nancy Foster and Karen Evans smile at the crowd. 3. The Spanish Club's Victory Cafe. 4. Jerry Pruitt drives the Latin Club chariot.

Homecoming Parade


City Slicker Day generates enthusiasm


1. O .D . and Melanie are fooling around again. 2. Kevin and Frank take time to flex their muscles. 3. The Varsity Cheerleaders show their stuff. 4. Grits pose for the photographer.


City Slicker Day

Mime's Bigger Than Yours troupe performs


1. Ms. Stringfield makes joe up. 2 . Leslye puts on a happy face . 3. Warm-up. 4. Art McDermott returns to the AHS stage. 5. Overture.



"A Night of Pantomime"


GYPSY hits Albemarle stage For many students and members of the Charlottesville community, Marcia Dobbs' annual musical productions are events eagerly and enthusiastically looked forward to . Audiences were not disappointed when Gypsy hit the Albemarle stage this fall. Based on the life of the infamous, wa~m-hearted G ypsy Rose Lee , the production featured Tracy Williams in the title role. The play centered around Madame Rose's (Carleen Barnocky) efforts to place daughters G ypsy and Baby June (Sonja Jahrsdoerfer) in the evasive spotlight. Herbie Gim Spence) and Tulsa (Carter Echols) come to the aid of Madame Rose during the course of the play. Behind the scenes, the efforts of Jim Spence and Mike O 'Neill were greatly appreciated. As one cast member commented, "Gypsy would never have gotten off the ground without them! "

1. Baby Jun e sings her hearr out. 2. That-a-way. 3. "Mr. Goldstone , we love yo u ." 4 . Patti electrifies th e crowd .



"G ypsy"






f r.


1. "Have an eggroll, Mr. Goldsrone ." 2. Uncle Jacko's Kiddy Show. 3. "Ler me enrerrain you ." 4. " Togerher wherever we go."

r 4

"G yps y"



Dee Dee Proffirr, Vice Presidenr

Beatrice Adcock

Pramila Anne Fran Arbaugh Donna Acwell William Austin Kim Averette

Elizabeth Aldrich Ernest Allen Shawn Alverson

Barry Baber Debbie Baber Wanda Baber

Merri Aberle Lynne Abidin Lisa Ackers

Nancy Adams



Everette Backe John Bailey Mark Bailey Calvin Baker Steve Baker Sona Balian Rodney Ballard Evelyn Ballas

Crystal Barber William Barbour Guy Barnock y Elaine Bartlow Tom Batchelor Brigerte Baudoux Kevin Beach

Russell Beal


Sophomore Class experiences AHS Trying ro fit into the groove of high school life, the Sophomore class spends much of its time sitting back and observing the Juniors and Seniors. The class of '79 has been the first class to experience coed gym classes now mandated by federal law. Many of the coaches seem to get the impression that the Sophomores enjoy the mixed classes. H owever, many students have complained. Girls don't really mind but the boys feel that the females are infringing on their rights to "play rough". Marcus Stamp , the Sophomore class president said, "The class is not really lively" because there is no big project that the kids participate in such as the Prom, organized by the Juniors. The Sophomores have worked with bake sales ro raise funds and have been in contact with the SCA.



Karhi Beall Suzanne Beddingfield Randy Benjamin Anira Berry

Charles Billups Melissa S ingler

Kate Bishop Les Bishop

Keirh Bourne Elizaberh Bowen

Carby Bowers Teery Bowman Pere Bowyer David Bradley Elizabeth Branch Robin Breeden Faith Brewer

Rod ney B owen

Cassan dra Brino n

George B lankenship

Gi nny Bloum Pam Boring Karen Bornstein Larry B ossong

Kathy Brown

Kenneth Brown

Marcus Sramp, Presidenr

Laura Brown R onnie Brown

Susan Brown Tracy Brown

Debbie Browning Billy Bryam




Harry Br yant Roger Bryant Jeannette Buehler Mike Bulls Stephanie Burnene Susan Burney Lula Bunon Tina Bunon



Patrick Butler Vickie Buder Barbara Byerly Sharon Byers Euphemia Cabell Chris Caleb Lettie Calloway Gary Campbell

Mark Campbell Anthon y Capps Anthony Carr Martha Carr Woody Carr Jeanne Carrell Warren Carter Bradley Carver

Sandy Cason Kelly Caul Elizabeth Causey Duane Cavanaugh Roberr Cedre Billy Chalfant Kathy Chapman Nathaniel Chapman

Rita Chapman Robin Chapman Curtis Christmas David Churchman Alben Clatrerbuck Billy Clatrerbuck Betsy Clayton Vann Clem

Fonda Cleveland Vicki Clopton Sara Coffman Kenneth Coleman Betty Sue Coles Terry Collier Jeff Collins Mike Collins




Coed gym classes . encourage competttton



For the first time this year, the physical education classes at AHS have gone coed . The change has brought mixed emotions from the student body. The girls say they enjoy having classes with the guys because it gives them a chance to be more competitive (or to show off in front of Mr. Right, maybe?!?) Overheard in the girls' locker room : "I sure hope HE saw me make that 40 foot jump shot!!!" The guys seem to think they can show up all the girls in their classes, but what was this, overheard in the halls after class? "Did you see HER jump shots today? I've got to start practicing harder!! " As long as this type of "competition" continues, there shouldn't be any complaints coming from the P.E. classes.



Laura Colony

Sreve Cox

Greg Curry

Tom Connoll y

Hu mer Craig Teresa Craig Kenneth Crider Kelley Critzer Lynn Cros by Pete Crosby Kell y Crum

Gwen Dade Dan Dahlen Cindy Daidone Ruth D ameron Rosano D'Angelo Julia Dacmin Clay Davis

Sam Coogan Raben Cooper Li sa Corderman

Dwight Corle

j oel Conen Janet Cowan

Nelson Raben Ronald Stanley

Davis Davis Davis Davis

''Oh, my gosh' A girl can kick like that 1''

Jeff Dell Dawn Derby David D etamore Wright D e ter




Roy Dickie Mike Dillard Waverly Dillard Gina Dumasi Ted Dinwiddie Greg Dixon Ralph Dixon Russell Dodson

36 Sophomores

Cindy Driver Kri s Driver Barbara Drumheller Parry Drumheller Tamm y Dudley Cate D uffey Billy Dulaney Jennifer Durren

Barbara D yer Pat Oyer Kim Easron Jeff Eco nomos Tom Edmonds John Elledge Ricky Eppard Karen Evans

Lisa Evans Karen Eways Louis Farina Billy Farish George Fariss Claire Farrell Russell Faulk ner Andrew Feggans

Emery Feggans Sandra Feggans Fonda Ferguson Bill Finger Debbie Finneny Tony Fischer James Fisher Linda Fis her

Melissa Fisher William Fisher Karen Fitzgerald Jennie Flora Danny Flyn n. Paul Forbes Terry Ford Ellen Forloines

Novices take to the road "Bingo! " That dreaded word means the skidding of cars, long black marks on the pavement, and the practice of one's ability to stop quickly in an emergency situation. For 16 year olds to obtain an operator's permit, they must have their parents' permission and successfully complete a certified Driver's Education course. The class is offered during study halls, after school, and during the summer. The class consists of two parts: a classroom instruction of law and proper operation of the vehicle, and actual driving practice on the range . Y-turns, figure eights, T and X turns, and parallel parking bring "fond" memories back to those who have successfully completed the course. To many, the horrors of just learning to drive are immense. Coach Moore and his assistants are constantly amused and provoked by the antics of beginners. Running up on the curbs, rolling stops, missed signals, and weaving all over the road while backing are everyday occurrences on the range. Many coaches come back with their hair standing on end after an "on the road " session. It's all worth it, though, when Mom and Dad give their permission to go on a solo cruise.

Lisa tells tales of her latest escapades on the driving range.

James Fonune N ancy Fosrer Kip Fox Barbara Frazier


Bill Fraz.ier H erben Frazier Gordon Fry

Janer Frye

B e rli n Funk Carb y Funk

Debbie Furr Drema Furrow Jackie Gaines Stephanie Gajar Sanford Gardner Sreve Gardner

Phil Garland

Ricky Garver

Randy Garren Bryan Garri son Gale Garriso n Gary Garri son

Angel G entry Jay G entry j oe Gemry

Parri cia Garrison

Roben Garrison Theresa Garrison

Nancy Gentry Pam Geren D onna Gibson Dwayne Gibson



Marvin Gibson Mike Gibson Kerry Gilmer Timorhy Gilm er Roscoe Gilmore Ivan Glasgow David Glasser Steve Godwin



Charles Goenner Gene Good Mary Goode Kate Goodell Jace Good ling Kevin G oodman William Govoruhk Mike Grabman

Tom Grant Joanna Green Laird Grimm Allen Grubbs David Gunter Susan Gutshall Karen Haas Jess Haden

Alex Hafer Betsy Haign Danny Hall Kathy Hall Jeff Halterman Cindy Hamm Jeff H ammett Curtis Hancock

Marshall Haney Robbie Hanger Robin Hansen Lore Hancske Marguerite Harding Wayne Harlow Valerie Harper Carter Harris

Donna Harris Nadine Harris Sandra Harris Sharon Harris Terry Harris Tom Harris Tamra Harrison John Harshdon

J.V. stgns boost spirit The Junior Varsity chee rlead ers promote school spirit in many ways. One main concern is the making of signs that are posted on the walls all over AHS . The signs let the student bod y know about upcoming games. Kara Wood, the head cheerleader of the ].V. squad, says the signs also help to "make the players aware of the support they have from the stud e nt bod y and from the cheerleaders." Lynne Abidin and Robin Hansen, two cheerleaders from the squad, added that "Spirit is the main purpose. " The typical sign involves the name of the opposing team, or that team's mascot, and some form of an Albemarle caricature overcoming that other symbol.

Robbi e say s "Knights are a drag".

L z H arwell Derek H ass Dianne H aubrer Ji mmy H awkins Sharon H awkins Larry H ayes G ail H aynes Donna H ayslett

Maria Hear n Pam H einrzleman H o lly H emmer Calvin H enderson Joyce Henderson Theresa H enderson T yle r H enders on Temple H enle y

Haro ld H ens le y Vicki H e nsle y H eidi H e rmanon Berh H e rndon Joyce H erndo n A mhony H e rring D on H erring James H erring

Eric H e rherington Michelle Higgins Randy H iggins Shawn Hi ll Sue H imelrick Chrisrine H irsh Cindy H irer Susan H odges



Brian Hogg Bobby Hoover Keith Houchens David Howard Louella Howard Carl Huber Roselle Hudson Annene Hughes



Carrie Hughes John Hughes Steve Hughes Sybil Hughes Larry Humphreys Mary Hunt Vicky Hunt Shawn Ingersoll

Madelyn Ivory Bart Jackson Melody James Barbara Jarvis Laura Jasephrhal Willie Jenkins Darlene Jessee Butch Joachim

Shirley Joachim SeSe Johann Alvin Johnson Carmelira Johnson Dorothy Johnson Paula Johnson Philip Johnson Valerie Johnson

Gloria Johnstone Debbie Jones Doug Jones Kelvin Jones Kelvin Jones Pam Jones Lewis Jordan Steven Joseph

Gregory Kelly Teresa Kelly Ellen Kem Jimmy Kernes Scan Kesler John Key Carlton IGngrea jay Kinlaw

WAHS to Qpen Perhaps the biggest concern to our students this year was the impending opening of a second county high school next fall. Beginning in September, Mr. Ben Hurt and Mr. Charlie Armstrong, W AHS principal, worked with students here, setting up dividing lines and encouraging student enthusiasm for both schools. In the fall of 1977, WAHS will open its doors to 1250 students from the western areas of the county. Although the curriculum will be basically the same, many new changes will be made. The school will participate in AA sports competition, with possibly two new sports added - a varsity wrestling team and girls' soccer. A rotating schedule of classes and a lunch-activity period will also be initiated. Although students would rather not leave familiar surroundings and friends, many welcome smaller classes, the new facilities, and a shorter commute to school.

Construction progresses at W AHS.

Mary Kirtley Bradley Knigh<

Martin Ko ren

Ellen Lawson

Debbie Litman

Debbie Kraf<

Ester Knight

Linda Krawz

Susan Lawson Thomas Lawson

Robert Uoyd Allen Lohr Greg Lohr Missy Lohr

Joh n Knigh< Mike Knigh< Tricia Knight Lore Knighti ng

Ka<hryn Kolb

Mark l.add Virginia Ladd Mimi Lang

Sheryl Lang Joy Law

R onnie Layne David Lee

Ellen limber Counney Lindsay

Gwen Lowderback D onna Lowrey

Wilbur Lindsey

Rhonda Lowry




Brad Lukes Walrer Lumpp Shiniria Lyles Bill Lyng Robert Lyons Lolly MacLeod jennie Maddox Beverly Madison



Herben Magruder Jeff Mankie Sheila Manley Beth Marshall Chuckie Marshall Earl Marshall Kevin Marshall Ginn y Martin

Monica Masby Tricia Maslyk Cathye Mason Page Massie Steve Matacia Nancy Mathews Cecil Maupin Pam Maupin

Gay Mawyer Richard Mawyer Ricky Mawyer Lucinda May Darren Maynard Kenny McAllister Brian McAlpine Roy McClanahan

Karen McClung Sarah McClure Maureen McCrystal Roben McKeen Margaret McMillion Lonnie McWilliams Sam Meadow Stephanie Meeks

Pam Melton Randy Mendicino Tammy Miller Donna Mink Scott Minor Gwen Monroe Carrie Mooney Leroy Moore

" \

Ouch stuck!

my finger is

or 1s 1t 27


32? Lockers are an important aspect of students' daily lives. Lockers are where books are scored (and lost), fingers are pinched, and crowds congregate as a student needs to gee to class in a hurry. For some strange reason - perhaps the will of char Grear Locker in the sky, people always gee lockers where their classes aren't. Take for example the student whose locker is near the fine arts wing, when his classes are upstairs on the science hall. Odds are 10 co 1 nor only will your locker nor be centrally located, bur it will be inappropriate fir. Have you ever noticed how basketball players have bottom lockers and how more diminutive students muse strain arm muscles co reach their books ? Then there is always the complaint char lockers gee stuck or char they resist the combination - an excuse, unfortunately, reachers of tard y students are nor sympathetic with!

A lvi n Morris Beth Morris David Morris Debbie Morris Im ogene Morris Jane r Morris

Li sa Morris Mary Morris Natalie Morris Patricia Morris

Jean Morris

Robin Morris Phi l Morris

Jeanine Morris


Richard Morris Ro be n Morris

ScoH Morris

Tim Morris To neue Morris j os h Morton Greg Mowbray Te rri Mawye r Kenny Murray Susan M urray

David Naoier

Ch ar;~s N orford

Will tries his new locker combination.

Naomi Norman Sheryl O esterheld Angela O rdell Rurh O verbeck Tim O wen Audrey Pace




Steve Pace

Anconio Parra

Carol Pirsch

Selia Page

Mary Pleasants Charles Poindexter

Clifford Pannell

Kim Partridge Gary Payne Lori Payne Mark Payne james Perkins Mike Perry

Richard Powers

DeeDee Proffin Greg Pugh Larry Pugh Lois Pugh

jennifer Park

Ralf Pillgirath

Mark Preddy

Tony Pullaro

Tina Painter Valerie Fairer

Page Palumbo Shelia Pamplin



Ann Pollard Ellen Pollard Hersh Poner

Paige Price Pam Price Robin Pritchett

Cindy Pyne Anthony Quick Carla Quillon Gwen Rabe Lewis Raden Bruce Rainey

] eff Rasnake Pam Ray

Theresa Ray Vernon Ray

Brenda Reed Lee Reeder Toni Regan Steve Reger Jeanne Reynolds

Ralph Reynolds




Throwing a pot can be fun For talented and patient art students, throwing pots can be fun. Lest you conjure up visions of broken crockery all over the art room floor, the term is applied to the method by which pots are constructed. Getting your fingers into gooey, pliant mud can be fun and a good release for pent-up frustrations . There is also the thrill of gambling involved - what will this glaze look like ? Will my poor creation survive the firing ? The real satisfaction comes when the individual product is complete. Other students got to see labors of the potters when pieces were displayed in the media center. _1

Jane sands down her finished product.



D avi d Ri ce Bobby Ri chmond Mike Ri ley Amy Ri opel Clay Ri vers L nda Roach Billy Robe rtso n Cindy Ro bertso n

Ri chard Rush

Te rry Roberrso n Tim Roesch

Ray Rushr on

Ri cky Rohm Dave Rosenblum Allison Ross Sharon Rore nberry Wi ll Ror hac ker Edward Rush

Eddie Russe ll H olly Russe ll Miche lle Rur hruff Rod ney Sacre David Salzman Pany Samse ll

Mitzi Santana Amy Sanenhwai te Trici a Saunde rs Sarah Scanlo n Susan Scan lon

Kat hleen Sc harff Ursu la Schmidt Tim Scott




John Seabrook Carl Shade Franz Shanuck Mike Shavis Di di Sheads Dora Shelton Beki Shifflett Cherry Shifflett



Claude Shifflett Danis Shifflett Denise Shifflen Gary Shifflett Glenda Shifflett Granville Shifflen Marie Shifflett Gary Shiflett

Gary Shiflett Susan Shinaberry Timothy Shinaberry Duane Shipp Tall y Shorr

Kim Shuberr Rebecca Siler Terrie Simpkins

Bill Smith Bill Smith Caryl Smith Cat hy Smith Granville Smith G reg Smith Richie Smith Rodney Smith

Stephen Snider 路 Elizabeth Snow Joann Snyder Nancy Sn yder Laura Sobborr

Terri Sole Vic Somers John Spears

Kathy Spencer Claudia Spradlin Cathy Sprouse Theresa Sprouse Ruth Spurgin Linda Stacy

Roger Stalnaker Marcus Scamp


Stephen Starke Denise Starks Dareua Steppe William Steppe Jim Stewan Mary Smrm David Stovall Joh Strong



Juke box brightens lunchtime monotony AHS students don't have to wait for infrequent Saturday night school dances to hear melodious strains emitting from the cafeteria. A juke box arrived this winter to brighten lunchtime monotony. In the words of one skeptical student, "It's the best thing to happen to the cafeteria since it was built." Students were able to munch hamburgers and tacos while being serenaded by such top 40 tunes as . . . "Get Up and Boogie" . . . "You Sexy Thing" .. . "Take It to the Limit" .. . "Dream On" . . . "Tonight's the Night" . . . "Slow Ride" . . . "I Never Cry" .. . "Shake Your Rump to the Funk" . . . "Do You Feel Like I Do" . . . "You Don't Have to be a Star" . . . "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word" . . . and "Disco Duck".



D avid tries to persuade Jennifer to dance to rhe beat of the juke box.

:.ath y Spencer

:taudia Spradlin :arhy Sprouse 'beresa Sprouse

.mh Spurgin inda Stacy .oger Sfalnaker .farcus Stamp


Joe Sudd u1h

Stephen Starke Denise Starks Daretta Steppe William Steppe Jim Stewart Mary Storm David Stovall

Gina Sullivan Jill Sullivan Sheri Sullivan Ulysses Sullivan Edmond Summers Vi ncent Sweeney

Joh Strong

Jeff Swif1

Lawrence Swingler V icki Sylvester Mike Tanne y Debbie Tapscott Donna Taylor

San dra Taylo r Elizabeth T eates

Gary Taylor

Terry Thacker Imogene Thomas 1\o'{ary Thomas

Keith Taylor

Ray Taylor

Ralph Terry Beth Thacker

Mary Leigh Thacker




I I r

lI I



~~~~~~o~~mas Steven Thompson Teresa Thompson John Thraves David Throckmorton Laurie Thurneck Todd Tignor

Donnell Tillage Anna Tironi Kelly Toms Diane Toney Louise Toney Paula Trainum Mike Trainham Glen Tucker

Carl Turner Miss y Turner Susan Turner Tracy Umstadrer Paul Van Voorhis Robert Vaughn Sandy Via Clay Von Herbulis

Kelly Wad~ Steve Wagenstein Arnie Walfe Bonnie Walker Michelle Walker Elain路e Wallace Cereathie Waller Dorris Waller

Peter Walpole Am y Walton ].B. Walron Robert Ward Tracy Warner Sand y Warrick Brenda Washington Ella Washington

Mel Watkins Cheryl Watson Sandra Wayne Tim Weathersbee David Weeks Annette Wells Kenneth Wells Lloyd Wells


1 (




Laura Wesner Lynn Wheeler Peggie Wheeles Macia White Mary White Becky Wiebe! Buster Williams Carolyn Williams


Shoppers throng malls One favorite weekend pastime especially for female students is shopping at the many new stores in the Charlottesville area. However, centrally located Barrack's Road remains the number one choice. Some of the most visited stores there are Leggett, Miller and Rhoads, Hip Pocket, and Ed Michtom's. Throngs of students can be found on a Saturday morning at the new Albemarle Square Shopping Center in such stores as Clover Patch, The Imp Pedlar, and Best Products. Perhaps the most attractive shopping area is the Downtown Mall with its tree-lined , relaxing atmosphere. The Hardware Store's delectible ice cream concoctions are enough to delight any closet sweet junkie! A common complaint among shoppers is sore feet, but resist the temptation of sticking yours into a mall fountain . One sophomore who did not heed this warning recently found herself in the emergency room with aching, cut feet!

Brad checks o ut the equipm ent at Cary's.



del Wackins : heryl Wacso n iandra Wayne rim Weathe rsbee )avid We e ks \nnette We lls :::enneth Wells

.loyd Wells




Laura Wesner

Charles Williams

Lynn Wheeler Peggie Wheeles Becky Wiehel

Davey Williams Roben:a Williams Carol Wilson D ebbie Wi lson Tommy Wilson

Buster Williams Caro lyn Williams

Becky Wingfield ).R. Wingfield

Macia Whi te Mary White

Melinda Wingfie ld Brian Winslow

Tina Wood Brenda Woodfi n

J ohn Wolfe

Charles Woodfolk

Fuhon Wood

Scon Wood y Donna Y ates Sandra Yowe ll Ri cardo Zapata Mike Zivic

James Wood J ud y Wood Kara Wood

Kat hy Wood




Cheri Woodfolk, President


Freddie Rick s, Vice Preside nt

Barbara Abbolt j oyce AJams Mary Be1 h Agnor Melanie Alle n

Davey Alison Robin Amaw Randy Amburn

50 Juniors

Gary Anders on j oe Anders o n Nancy Anderso n Ricky Anderson Krisri Angel Prasad Anne Susie Armbrecht

Angie Arm strong Charles Armstrong Avis Arneue Michael Avery Bill Ayers Becky Baber Denise Backe

AI Bacon H elen Bain Paul Bain Elizabet h Balian Richard Balian Deloris Ball Deborah Ballard

Edwin Banks

Steve Barber D onna Barbour Sheila Barbour Joyce Bar nen

Bert Barrell Arhlene Barreu

Junior Class works to fund the prom Cheri Woodfolk, president of the Junior Class, explains that the major activity of the class is, as in previous years, putting on the prom. Because of the projected cost of $1,500, the class spent the fall and winter months in efforts to raise money. Although they have considered activities ranging from car washes, dances, and bake sales, the major money-making projects were candy sales and the Junior Clas.s Talent Show held on March 19th. Although candy was also sold by the drama department and the concert choir, these sales did not detract from the Junior Class profits. Junior Class sponsor, Ms. Stringfield, explains that they sold as much cand y out of one door as they possible could and therefore the candy sales by other groups did not hun them. After the money has been raised, the efforts of the class turned to the actual planning of the prom. Despite the fact that most Juniors did not help on the prom, those who did work have worked enthusiastically and they are looking forward to what Cheri says will be "the best prom ever."





.r .,;.


n Bain Bain berh Balian ud Balian ris Ball >rah Ballard

Edwi n Banks

Wanda Bati ste

Steve Barber D onna Barbour

Greg Batten Scon Bazzarre

Sheila Barbour

Erica Beaurli ne Eugene Bell

Joyce Barnett Ben Barrell Arhlene Barren

Sabrina Bell David Bende y

Rh onda Besseas Foci ni Bez.irianndis Gene Bicke rs

Chip Birdsall J ohn Black Cunis Blades Janet Blai r

Dann y Blake lin da Bledsoe Nancy Blodinger j oe Blount Tom Blue

Vicki Wood , Secretary-Treasurer

Connie Boarw righr Marca-Maria B oggiano



Frank Boling Beth Bossong Johnny Bowles Judy Bracke" Chip Brannen

Carl Breeden Linda Breeden

52 Juniors

Poo Brezinski Donna Bridges Kim Brinain R ydell Brooks Amhony Brow n Bergen Brown Dwight Brown

Robin Brown Terri Brown

Pete Browning Gregory Bruce Belva Bryam Bud Bryanc Joh n Bukrim

Charlotte Burton Billy Buder Melanie Burruss Jeannie Bun yea John Bunts Bill Burnett Dane Byers

Keith Byers Sue Byrom Mary Cai n Darlene Campbell

Robert Caradi Richard Care y Yvonne Carey

Lon Carle Bob Carlin Carl Carter Bre nda Carver Pauy Cason Curds Chapman Penn y Childress

Mike Childs Jaclcie Chisholm And y Chronister Susan Clarkson Nancy Clatterbuck William Cobb Margo Coble

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary "I think it's a good book," said Gene, "bur I bet nobody spent more than 30 seconds a week studying it. " Two other students couldn't disagree more . Joyce and John just stuck out their tongues and groaned. Mrs. Wall, junior English teacher, felt that the book was a useful teaching aid. "Remember," she said, "that this book made the best seller list. People actually used it even though they didn't have to for a class! " Some students thought the book's words were useless. "How am I ever going to use weltschmerz and mulct ?" demanded Craig. "Or ennui ? That book was definitely ennui."


Melanie knows rhar srud ying is an essen rial pan of enlarging her vocabulary.

Carle Carlin Caner

tda Carver t Cason

:is Chapman ty Childress

Pam Coffey

Mike Childs Jackie Chisholm

Am y Coffman

And y Chronister

Mary Coleman

Susan Clarkson

Nancy Coleman

Nancy Clanerbuck

William Cobb Margo Coble

Sandra Collier Lsa Collins Patti Conklin

Jeff Conn Kay Cook Ri chard Cook Tammy Cook David Cooke

John Copeland Brian Corrigan Kim Cosner Pam Courtney

linda Cox

Connie Cooper

Denise Coyner

Cynthia Cooper

Belinda Craft



Randy Crawford Barrie Crickenberger Trudie Crickenberger Mary Critzer Beth Ann Crocker Denise Crues Avery Currie

54 Juniors

Craig Davidson Becky Davis Mike Davis Valerie Davis Kay Darby Dale Deane Bruce Deel

John Dempsey Sandy Dempsey Stan Detamore Bill Dickie Alisa Diehl Rand y Dixon Molly Dorman

julie Drexler Kathy Dudley Pam Dudley Donna Dunbar Charlene Duncan Ramona Durrer Trooper Earle

Gary Easrer Carter Echols Lewis Edwards Sandy Edwards Fred Ehearr Beverly Ellinger Brand Elverrson

Richard Eppard Melissa Erickson Nathaniel Eubanks Tommy Evans Craig Famine Cheryl Farish Ralph Fariss

Sarah Farley Michael Farrish Page Feathersron John Fields Bren Ferguson Phyllis Ferguson Wendy Figgan

Slopes, anyone? "Learning to ski at Wintergreen is fun," said senior Jane Fink. "But the ground is awfully hard ." Skiing has returned to Charlottesville for a second season . D espite serious financial difficulties, the ski area reopened in the beginning of December to the delight of many Albemarle High School students. "It is really very hard, " one junior added. "And a beginner should learn on the short skis first. " Although natural snow alone cannot possibly satisfy local ski freaks, Wintergreen is equipped with its own snow making apparatus. "They can be hazardous," stated one knowledgable student. "I skied under one of those machines when it was making snow and I came out with ice all over my face ."

trd Eppard ;sa Erickson aniel Eubanks n y Evans ; Fancino

yl Farish 1 Fariss

Sarah Farley Michael Farrish Page Featherston John Fields

Dorothy Firth

Delo res Fox

Charles Fisher R obert Fisher

Karen Fox Edward Frazier

Dan ny Frien d Leslie Fri sco D oug Fri tz l.acry Fugeu

Gary Fitzgerald

Jeannie Frazier

Roy Fitzgerald Bill Flora

Jessie Frazier

Ph yllis Ferguson

Mary Frazier

Kelly Fuller Amhony Gadiem

Wendy Figgau

Maggie Flynn

Judy Fretwell

Mickey Gage

Brett Ferguson

Tom is in an upright position, for a change.

Juni ors


Scorr Gallant

Bobby Gardner

Hearher Garland

Wayne Gardner Wayne Gardner David Genrry Pam Gibson Janie Gibs on Fran ces Gleason

Carolyn Garver Barbara Garris On Donna Garrison Kenny Garrison Vincent Garrison

56 Juniors

Karen Glady Doug Golder Ellen Goldsrein

Margarer Granger Mike Gram

Glen Grinsread

Teresa Hale

janice Hardy

Mike Haas

Berh Gravely

Karh y Hall Tim Hall

Hunrer Goode Laurie Goodell

Donna Graves Brenda Gray

Rhonda Hackeu Dana Haden Pani Haden

Rene Harlow Karhy Harris Mark Harris Rickie Harris

Linda Goolsby John Graff

Elaine Greene

Roy Gray

Buddy Haigh Mary Haign

David Hamer Lynn Hamilron Keich Haney Dana Hannum

john Harrup Dennis Harvey

Science labs are fun Balances

Celsius . . . Filter Paper . . . Molar

Messing up in science labs is lots of fun. Like the time Lucy's group spent two days preparing a mixture when she dropped it before they could weigh it. Then again, Prasad added detergent instead of H 2 0 to form his solution. Kidney . . . Left Ventricle . . . Fetal Pigs . Formaldehyde . . . Biology offers lots of opportunities for blunders. Ms. Stringfield has four pages worth of faux pas on her bulletin board. Can you imagine how Susan felt when she realized that her 10 incubated test tubes were empty? Beakers . . . Test Tubes . . . Thermometers . . . Graduated Cylinders . . . They break. Ask Donna what happened to the beaker in her hand . It broke! On the first day of school, Tom's chemistry class took inventory of their lab materials. At the beginning of class, he had a dozen test tubes. When he finished counting, he had ten!


lie II mer 1ilron 1ey


janice Hardy Rene Harlow Karhy Harris Mark Harris Rickie Harris John Harcup Dennis Harvey

Greg Hasenfus Paula Hash Mike Hawer Nancy Haverkamp Patti Hawkes Herman Hawkins Jimm y Hawkins

Keith Hawlins Roy Hawkins

Rico Hearns Joanne Heatwole Pam Heischman Anita Hensle y Connie Hensley

jane HerTansdorfer Kathy Hero ld Theresa Herring Jesse Hi ck

Mr. Curry shows the proper way to do the experimen t.

Frances Hicks

lorna Hicks Margaret H icks





58 J uniors

Theresa Higgins Yvonne Hillier Julie Himelcick Lynn Horan David Houchens

Debbie Howe Donna Howe Glenna Howes

Joe Howard Bill Howe

Edith Huff Clay Huffman

Clyde Hoy Cindy Hudson

Mary Hughes Nettie Hughes Sandra Hughes Sharon Hughes Rurh Hurlock Marianne Israel Gladys Ivory

Jerome Ix John Jackso n Sonja Jahrsdoerfer Tom Jenkins Darre 11 Jessee Chris Johnson Foresr Johnson

George Johnson Wanda Johnson William Johnson

Bob Johnston Blake Jones Cheryl Jones Deborah Jones

Ronny Jones Warren Jo nes Sunnie Jordan David Kaur Jane Kauzlarich Joanne Kelarakis Perry Kennedy

logo Kerl Toni Kindrick David Kieschnick Kevin Knight Lisa Knorr Cindy Kois Connie Kuder

VJCL attracts Latin students On December 3 and 4, thirty-four Latin students from Albemarle participated in the annual Virginia Junior Classical League Convention in Norfolk. Delegates stayed at the Omni International H otel, a new multi-story convention ce nter. For the third consecutive year, Albemarle students made an outstanding showing. David Reynolds, Gene Bickers, Rhonda Kite, and Kay Cook won awards in academic and crafts contests. Gene Bickers was elected to the office of VJCL Parliamentarian. Delegates enjoyed taking part in workshops, seminars, Greek and rock dances, and a general assembly in the hotel ballroom. Everyone had a great time and eagerly awaits the next VJCL Convention.

Kay recalls happy momenrs spent at the VJCL convenrion.

my j ones ~ren Jones nie Jordan 路id Kaut ! Kauzlarich 1ne Kelarakis ry Kennedy

lngo Ked Toni Kindri ck David Kieschnick Kevin Knight Lisa Knorr Cindy Kois Connie Kuder

Evelyn Laing Peggy Lamb Ann e Lasley Denise Law Gail Layne Kim Leffers Rebecca Lewis

Willie Lindsay Pacry Li nd se y Ann Lively Jeannine Locher jessica Lohr Rebecca Lohr Michael Lourin

Uo yd Lumpp Ann Lu tz Ro bert Lyng Steve Lynch Pamela Mahone Barbara Marsh Cind y Marshall







\ A

Donny Marshall Monroe Marshall Ricky Marshall Connie Martin Victor Martin Emily Masloff Gerry Matheny

60 Juniors

Laquira Manhews Pam Manhews Danny Maupin Keirh Maupin Robbie Maupin Terri Maupin Kerry Mawyer

Brad Maxa Ray May Jane Mayhew Danny McAllister Mary McCaule y Ray McCauley Rebecca McCormick

Tom McCrystal Thomas McCune Debbie McDaniel Early McDaniel Joanne McDaniel Anne McGrory Sandy McKamey

Mike McMillion Mark McVey Kim Megahan Jessica Melton Robin Mendicino Melvin Miller Paul Miller

Rusty Miller H owdy Mills Debbie Minor James Minor Glad ys Monroe Joyce Moon Colleen Moore

Diane Moore Sharon Moore Anita Morris Audrey Morris Caroline Morris Cheryl Morris Cheryl Morris

ty Miller >~dy Mills >hie Minor es Minor dys Monroe

:e Moon leen Moore

SCA dances a success Realizing the lack of a place where high school students can meet and relax for the evening with friends, the SCA has continued to sponsor dances for the whole student body. Two big dances, Homecoming and a spring dance, enjoyed large, successful turnouts . These dances featured bands and were occasions for which students "dressed up ". According to George Thompson, SCA President, these dances attract large crowds of mixed classes and the SCA usually operates these in the black. Three smaller dances, usually with taped music, were generally held after games and attracted mainly sophomores and juniors.


" Diane Moore Sharon Moore A nita Morris

Audrey Morris Caroline Morris Cheryl Morris Cheryl Morris

Dann y Morris Janice Morris Jannis Morris Pansy Mo rris

Ph yllis Morris Sreve Morris Suzette Morris

Yvene Morris Nancy Mosca

Debbie Mundie James M}'ers Bers y Nardi Earl Neikirk James Nelms

Sylvie Nelson Lu cy Newron Teresa Norford Valerie Norford David Nunn Maureen O 'Connell Carol OdeU

It's the latest dance!




Rob Ogilvie Donald Oliva Mike O'Neill Dicky Owen Mike Ozerov Cindy Pamplin Harrier Pankey

62 Juniors

Alex Pappas Waverly Parker Cindy Payne Lise Payne Neal Payne Parsy Peery Kathy Perry

Sandy Perers Larry Penir

William Piecher Nancy Pleasants Sharon Poindexter

Mary Pollard Daryl Porritt

Norman Pars Alfreda Powell Cind y Powell Donna Powell Savannah Powell Tim Powell Verna Powell

Vanessa Powers Wanda Proffir Robin Quillon

David Raines

Jahan Ramazani

Betty Randolph Alice Ray

David Ray

Woody Rea David Trynolds Mark ltipberger Frederica Ricks David Riopel Parry Roach

Steve Roberson

Jeff Robens Sally Robertson Wallace Robertson Iris Robinson Patricia Robinson

Donna Rose


r (

The CHS-AHS football game! A time for school spirit and excitement! A time for pep rallies and new cheers! A time for spirit links, grit day, and yelling for bubble gum! A time for sportsmanship! Sportsmanship? A time for painting on tennis courts and steps? A time for breaking windows? A time for writing obscenities all over the wall? A time for $5,000 worth of damage to a public school? Honesty in little things is not a little thing!




r r

No other evenr of the year can equal the spirit shown at the AHS-CHS football game.


Steve Roberso n

I Ray

Jeff Robem Sally Robemon

ly Rea I Trynolds

Wallace Robertson Iris Robinson Patricia Robinson Donna Rose

Rip berger

rica Ricks

I Riopel Roach


Shea Rose

Robert Rush

Donna Ross

Ton y Rush Mae Sacre Christine Sacre Tracey Sandell Bev Sandri dge David Sandridge

ubby Ross janet Rouse Brenda Rund Bob Ruscher

Mable Rush

Lisa Sandri dge Kevin Sandridge Dennis Scanlon Nathan Schlame Heidi Schnell

Carol Schwab Robert Scou



Lisa Scrimshaw Vicki Scruggs Doug Seal Logan Seale Edson Secundo Patty Shackelford Heidi ShaUoway

64 J uniors

Caroline Shifflett Connie Shifflete Debra Shifflett Debra Shifflen Diane Shifflen Greg Shifflett Linda Shifflett

Patricia Shifflett Ronald Shifflett Stanley Shifflett Regina Shiflett Detlef Shockley Todd Showalter Brian Shreve

Robyn Simmonds Leslye Sinn Bernadette Sklany Beth Sklany Debbie Smith Deborah Smith George Smith

John Smith Lisa Smith Shelia Smith Ton y Smith Lori Snapp Linda Snow Jim Snyde r

Rae Ann Speidel Sadie Spencer Tom Spencer Tammi Sperry Karen Spradlin Billy Sprouse Robin Sprouse

Chip Staples Jackie Stargell lewis Starks lewis Starks J eff Staton George Scephens Reggie Steppe

The National Peon Society haunts drama office From time immemorial, secret societies have held a certain fascination of intrigue and mystery. Now AHS has such a group - The National Peon Society. Queried one confused student, "National what? I've heard of the National Honor Society, the French National Honor Society, and even a joke about the newly formed National Dishonor Society- but a Peon Society ?" To clear up the mystery, the Peons are a group of students who hang around the drama office doing odd jobs for Mrs. Dobbs. Headed by a secret cult leader, the peons are available to run errands ranging from picking up trash in the Little Theater to picking up dinner at McDonalds for the cast and crew during late night rehearsals. Explains Mrs. Dobbs, "I am always asking people to go for this and go for that. We looked it up and found out that during the Middle Ages, go fors (gophers ?) went by the name of peon and thus we adopted the name for our group."

Rae An n Speidel Sadie Spencer Tom Spe ncer T amm.i Spe rry

Karen Spradlin BiUy Sprouse

Robin Sprouse

Chip Staples Jackie Stargell Lewis Starks Lewis Starks Jeff Staton

Greg Stevens Marand a Steve ns

Parry Sutphi n Ingrid Swans on

Charles Stewart Lisa Stovall Helene Swwe

Terrell Swartz

George Stephens

Wayne Sullivan

Reggie Steppe

William Sullivan

Pe ter Swee ney

Debbie Tay lor Ed Taylor Joanne Taylor

Philip Taylor Norman Terrell

Barbara knows what peo ns are, but she"ll never tell.

Jeff Tewksbury Tammie Thacker Ben Thomas Migrant Thomas Stuart Thomas



J Kathryn Thomasson lvonia Thompson Steve Thompson Robert Thraves Donnie Timberlake Torey Todd Laura Topper

66 Juniors

Dan Tramack Eddie Turner Jeff Turner Ki t Turner Amanda Twoney Mi chele v aglio Mary Ann Vale me

Drake Van de Casde Paul Van Slyke Martha Varga

Anira Vaughn Marsha Vayvada Geo rge Via Pam Via

Carol Vidrine Diane Villwock Bonnie Wade Mark Wade Eric Wagner Mark Wagner Mimi Wagner

Barbara Walker Lillie Walker Walter Walker Connie Walcon Bobby Watkins Jackie Warson Carolyn Weary

Ellen Wells Logan Wells Rob Werner Beth Whaley Rose Wheby Tina Whindleron Drew Whire

Melissa White Tamm y Wiest Yvonne Wiley Karen Wilkerson Bruce Williams Tracey Williams Carhie Wilson

Debate class researches national topic, Penial Reform


Until this year, all debaters had to rally together to form the debate team, but due to growing interest in this area, a debate class was offered this year under the direction of Mrs. Hill. Fourteen juniors and seniors researched and presented this year's national debate topic, Penial Reform, in district competition. In order to thoroughly understand the subjects discussed, the students were given special permission to use the Alderman and the U.Va. Jag School libraries . One student commented, "Debating .can be fun, but after a while you get tired of spending all your evenings in the library doing research! "



1en Wells gao Wells b Werner th Whaley se Wheby 1a Whindlecon ew Whice

Melissa White Tamm y Wiest Yvonne Wiley Karen Wilkerso n Bruce Williams Tracey Williams Cadlle Wilson

Wilhemina Wilson Doug Wimer Bunn y Winfield Manin Winfred D iane Winston Kim Wolfrey Jeff Walton

Dennis Wood Kim Wood Michelle Wood Wanda Wood Vicki Wood Cheri Woodfolk Brendan Woodson

Faye Wright Linda Wright Mike Wright Steve Wyant Kip Yancey Kim Yowell Rick Zimmerman

No, I don't rake debate, bur I defy you ro argue with me about anything.



Gwen Ward, Secrerary-Treasurer



Dick Abidin Edward Anderson John Anderson Judirh Anderson Lavonne Andes

Jon Argenbrighr Willie Armisread Sharon Armsrrong Susan Aschenbach Terry Ausrin

Tyke Ayres Bill Bailes Dale Bailey Glenn Bailey Karen Bailey

Seniors anxiously await graduation As usual, the major concern of the Senior Class is counting the minutes until graduation. However, before graduation exercises take place, there are certain duties which fall on the shoulders of the class. These duties range from picking out the guest speakers and ordering flo~ers for graduation to planning the class trip. In previous years, classes have journeyed to places such as Washington, D .C. and Kings Dominion. This year the class hopes to be able to take an overnight trip to Six Flags Over Georgia. One senior commented, "I think it would be cool to go to Georgia. I've been to Six Flags before and it's a really terrific place. However, I don't think we'll be able to go. It's a bit much to ask ."


,righr is read 1srrong en bach n

T yke Ayres Bill Bailes Dale Bailey Glenn Bailey Karen Bailey

Robi Bailey Roland Balik David Ballard Kenny Ballard Frank Barbour

Billy Pollard, Vice Presidenr



Lynn Barksdale Wayne Barnes Lance Barneue Carleen Barnocky Wesley Barreu



Lucy Bates Billy Bauen Anita Baumgardener Dale Beall Greg Beddingfield

Mark Bell Alicia Benjamin Thomas Benso Caryl Berti Kurt Bertone

Bill Billups Stuart Birchead Suzanne Birdsall Sally Bishop Robyn Black

Susan Blackman Joan Blades Barbara Bledsoe Lynn Boatwright Karl Bolden

Keith Bolden Mary Jane Boron Walter Bower Barbara Bowers Robert Bowers

Welcome Jose! Visiting for a short while or planning an extended residence in a foreign country affords an experience that is capable of changing one's outlook on life. One student had that experience. On January 15th, Jose Fernando Velho Falcao arrived in Washington from his native Porto Alegre in Brazil. Jose was sponsored by the Forrest Marshall, Jr. family in Albemarle. Rea, his American brother, recently returned from a visit to South America and was eager to sponsor the Brazilian. Our new student participated in a full class schedule, as well as such activities as ice skating for the first time. A warm, attractive person, Jose enjoyed meeting the Patriots, but noted that South Americans are more openly emotional and do not quite have the "reserve" Americans do. Consensus among the female population was that Latin good looks went a long way! Spanish students particularly enjoyed Jose's tales of Brazil.

man hoe righr

Keirh Bolden Mary Jane Boron Walrer Bower Barbara Bowers Roberr Bowers

Pamela Bowles Paul Brassfield James Breeden Troy Breeden Teresa Breeding

Mark Bremer Kirk Brirrain Roberr Brirrain Dennis Brock Sruarr Broughron

Jose was a welcome addirion ro AHS.



Anthony Brown Homer Brown Jeff Brown Phillip Brown Roderick Brown



Tracy Browne Ida Bryant Pamela Bryant Roger Bryanr Carrie Bull

Robert Burruss Sue Burruss Mary Burton Walter Burton Steve Bush

Karen Byers Jim Byrom Kevin Cage George Callaway Elizabeth Campbell

Charles Carey Lynn Carle Jean Carlin David Carswell Alice Carr

Debra Carr Denise Carr Betsy Carrell Tim Carson Tammy Carter


Observing the Bicentennial While some people thought that the right way tO spend the Fourth of July was cramming in as many picnics, parades, and parties as possible, others felt the urge tO paint fire hydrants. Rising at 6 a.m., the culprits srole over to the AHS parking lot. As the rest of the world slept, they transformed the fire hydrant into a reasonable facsimile of an AHS male, complete with levis, a LaCoste shirt, and Adidas. Due to their precision and artistic license, the administration allowed the painters tO have a second go at the two other fire hydrants on the school property. A football player and a basketball player soon joined their lonely counterpart. Not bad but it sure doesn't say much for Wome n's Lib!

r rey .well

Debra Carr Denise Carr Bersy Carrell Tim Carson Tammy Caner

Taryn Carrer Barbara Cason Par Cason Mark Cerra Denny Chapman

Bill Chadron Wayne Clark Mary Clarrerbuck J eff Clayron Paula Coffey

Seniors 75

Ellen Coleman Patricia Coleman Caroline Coles Keith Collins Steve Combs



Maureen Conklin Claudine Conn Pam Cook Debbie Cooper 路 Kevin Corrigan

Greg Cotten Robert Couch Deana Coyner Mary Craig Linda Cramer

Gale Crawford Robin Crickenburger Lori Cross Burt Cutright Carol Cutright

Cathy Daidone Bob Davis Cathy Davis Cheryl Davis Karl Davis

Leigh Davis Sarah Deane Debbie DeHooge Kris Delis Judy DeMarcs



Students choose Ford Even though most of us were not legally eligible to vote in the national presidential election held in November, we got our chance on November 2nd too. The Albemarle Student Cooperative Association held its' first official mock election. The entire student body was eligible to vote provided he or she registered the prior week in homeroom. The voters were limited to two choices : the incumbent President, Gerald Ford, running on the Republican ticket, and Ford's Democratic challenger, Jimmy Carter, the former governor of Georgia. The result of the election: Albemarle voted m favor of Ford by a two to one margin over Governor Carter. Although Carter ultimately won the national election, student votes correlated with Virginia voters as Ford carried the state.

Leigh Davis Sarah Deane Debbie DeHooge Kris Delis Judy DeMarcs

Lori Derer Caroline Devan Margie Dillard Berh Dixon Ronnie Dollins

Donald Dooms Perry Downing Laura Dudley Sue Duprey Debbie Durrerre

Paige shows rhe senrimenrs of rhe narion bur nor rhose of rhe school.



t I








1 Bill Dyer Leslie Eckford Demerri Economos Karen Edmundson_ Scorr Elledge



Hayes Elverron Nancy Enyearr Parry Eppard Lynn Fagg Debbie Farish

Teresa Farish Mike Farmer Tom Farrell Buzz Faulconer Lloyd Feggans

Michael Feggans Freda Ferguson Jane Fink Liz Finger Janer Fisher

Louise Fleishman Keirh Fleming Lucy Flynn Ricky Ford Laurie Forman

Bonnie Fosrer Tim Frame Daryl Frazier Terry Frazier David Freed







Movies become homework


Madame Lederman's French classes are often assigned homework of a curious type - French movies. The Vinegar Hill Theater has made an attempt to provide varied and interesting French productions throughout the year. Through special arrangements with the theater owners, French students attended movies for $1.25. Movie assignments were strictly extra credit, but students enjoyed and benefitted from the classic films as well as avant-garde productions. All in all, French students found the movies a pleasant diversion and a unique way to practice French com-



f (

Bonnie Foster Tim Frame Daryl Frazier Terry Frazier David Freed

Luther Fry Sandra Frye Rick Funk Allen Furr Becky Garrison

Calvin Garriso n Chuck Garriso n Jeff Garriso n Sandra Garrison Shelby Garrison

Young Sik may not speak French but he brings foreign culture to Albemarle.



! I

Paula Garver Cynthia Gibson Larry Gibson Mike Gibson Savilla Gibson



Sherwood Gibson Teresa Gibson Larry Gilligan Marion Gleason Linda Glover

Jeffrey Godfrey Kurr Goodwin Earnest Goolsby Johnetta Gordan Ronald Gordan

Sarah Graham Bobby Graves Carmen Graves Mark Graves Brenda Green

Ellen Green Leigh Ann Greer David Gregg Dana Grimm Dawn Gruenwald

Dean Gruenwald Fred Haar Donna Hadden Allen Haden Chris Haga

l I

Keep on singing To be a member of the Regional Chorus is something which most choir members aspire to. Regional Chorus, a choir composed of high school students in central Virginia, accepts only the best students. The work is rigorous and the auditions are tough . The actual beginnings of tryouts occur in Mr. Blanchard's concert choir class as members of various sections challenge other members to sing. The process of challenging determines which students will be sent to audition for the chorus. In order to qualify for the chorus, the student must be in his school's choir and he must audition in front of a judge. The audition includes singing a song that has previously been designated as the audition piece and sight reading a portion of another song. Choir member, Jeff Stark, makes this observation, "It's a lot of hard work. We do a lot of practicing in order to put on the concert and sometimes all the singing gets on your nerves, but it's really worth it because you know you've done your best."

The choir performs at the Christmas concerr.



gg Lm


Dean Gruenwald Fred Haar Donna Hadden Allen Haden Chris Haga

Jeffrey Haga Sharon Hager Mitchell Hall Roger Hall James Hamilton

Cynrhia Hammen Raymond Hammond Debra Haney Connie Hanger Diane Hansen





Denise Hardy Sonny Harlow Ann Harris Connie Harris Leigh Harris



Paula Harris Samuel Harris Carol Harrison Donna Harvey Laurel Hass

Cheryl Hatcher Gwynne Hathaway Pearl Hawley Pete Hawley Tim Haynes

Craig Hearne Theresa Hearne Shelby Hebbe Fellisco Henderson Jennifer Henderson

Judy Henderson Donna Hensley Thomas Herndon Kim Herring Linda Herring

Mark Herring Grant Hetheringto Carol Hicks James Hill Adi Hillel


and a calf undergoes surgery • Due to an unfortunate accident, the Biology II class was given the opportunity to dissect a newborn calf during the fall. Stated one student, "I heard we were getting it and I began to wonder where we would put it or how we would even get it up to Room 256. When it arrived in a, Purina Dog Chow bag, I nearly freaked! " The class first did a basic torso dissection. One class member, Laura Nelson, decided to investigate the length of the large intestine while Page Turner and Beth Dixon attempted to remove the brain. ''I'm not sure what was funniest, the expressions of the Biology I students who came into watch or when Ms. Stringfield and I tried to figure out what to do with the dissected calf that we put in a lawn bag in the trunk of her car. " Stated one Biology II student. Final comments? "It was fun, well, not fun, interesting- I enjoyed it" summed up one senior.



erson tsley !rndon tg ing


Mark Herring Granr Hetherington Carol Hicks James Hill Adi Hillel

Amanda Hiller Jeff Hiller Jeff H ood Jack Horner Patricia Howard

Rh onda H owe Jessie H owell James H oy Carolyn Huber Richard Hudson

When they aren't dissecting calves, th e favorite ac tivity of the Bio II class is peeki ng around corners.



Eddie Huffman Tim Hughes Connie Hunt Pat Hurlock Robert Hutchinson



Teresa Hutton Cheri Ingersoll John Ivory Kim Jackson Andy James

Donna Janney Woody Jay David Jenkins Karl Jones Mary Jones

Mona Jones Patricia Jones Randall Jones Ronald Jones Barbara Johnson

Barbara Johnson Forrest Johnson Kim Johnson Lisa Johnson Matt Johnson

Sharon Johnson Sunny Jordan Faye Jordan Jeff Jordan Paul Jordan

mson rlSOn >n n )n

"Truck and Trike


. .. excurstons exctttng Explained one recent survivor of an overnight bike trip, 'Tm not sure what the worst aspect of the trip was. First, it rained all night long. The next morning I awoke to find my sleeping bag lying in a puddle. Hoping to be revived by breakfast proved to be wistful thinking. We ate lumpy oatmeal a neighborly bear wouldn't even eat. Finally I broke my spoon trying to extract petrified Cremora from the jar to add to my lukewarm instant coffee!" AHS bike enthusiasts with varying degrees of experience have found their weekend excursion an exciting if sometimes painful way of discovering Mother Nature. The group usually proceeded at a leisurely speed (due to lengthy bike repairs along the way). Other tenderfoots, not willing to endure sore leg muscles and racing hearts, would drive to the proposed campsite in cars or trucks thus the club has been dubbed by several members "The Truck and Trike Club".



Sharon Johnson Sunny Jordan Faye Jordan Jeff Jordan Paul Jordan

Frank Joseph John Keckley Susan Keith Kevin Keithly Paula Kent

Reb Kessler Charles Key Margie King Jill Kirkland Holly Kirksey

''You stole my bicycle, you jerk!"



Benita Kirtley Rhonda Kite Jay Knight Kenneth Knight Sam Knight



Tammy Knight Vincent Kois Debi Lancaster Fred Lanzon Monica LaRue

Katherine Lassetter Tsang Fang Lau Viola Layman Kathy Lecuyer Don Lindsey

Randy Liscomb Laurie Locher Jessica Lohr Dai Loo Hollis Lumkin

Nelson Maddox Mike Madison Rick Mangione Dan Manweiler Ro Marks

Donny Marshall Rea Marshall Harry Marshall Rebecca Marshall Christopher Martit

ldox on Jne ,iler

What night life? Of primary concern to people of our age is social life. The Peer staff decided to investigate this weighty matter by asking the question - What about the night life?, and here are the results! "What night life?" "The day life is not too good either. " "I like to ride up and down the elevator at the parking garage on Saturday night." "The main attraction of Charlottesville at night is, undoubtedly, the illuminating graffiti in the bathrooms of the various restaurants in town. " Senior David Freed made these comments: "Charlottesville has, without a doubt, the best night life this side of the Rivanna River. In what other city can you see the same movie two months later? Where else can you watch the drunks stumble down the same pathways that felt the feet of Tom Jefferson? Excuse me, but my friends are waiting in the car so we can go cruise the Mall! "



"What do I do on weekends ? I go to basketball games, football games, and nothing else."

Donny Marshall Rea Marshall Harry Marshall Rebecca Marshall Christopher Marcin

Joci Marcin Russ Marcin Mike Marzano Cheryl Mason Rea Mason

Crystal Matheny Victoria Matthews Erik Manson Stephen Matysek Frances Maupin



.George Maupin James Maupin Mary Maupin Donna Mawyer Tim Mawyer



Greg Maynard Doug McAllister Mark McCann Anna McCauley Dwayne McCauley

Paula McCauley Kim McCianhan Mickey McCormack Sherry McDaniel Tommy McDaniel

Wendell McDaniel Terri McDonald Chip McFarland Kim McNulty Barrie Meador

Manuel Michan Vivian Michan Iris Miller Kim Miller Paul Miller

Bill Mills Cindy Millway Collecce Mitchell Alcon Monday Alanzo Monroe

chan han

Parking poses problems If you're looking for an easy way to slip away from school undetected, don't try to make a getaway when your car is parked on the hill. Lurking in the parking lot are three private detectives commonly known as Anderson, Goodwin, and Sessoms. That is, if you get that far without Mr. Blanchard checking your pass. Most likely, you will put the car in reverse only to find either a pickup truck double parked or Mr. Sessoms. If this is not enough to deter you from driving to school, there is always the snare of cars, trucks, and buses at 3:25 every day- Albemarle's version of the New Jersey Turnpike!


Bill Mills Cindy Millway Collette Mitchell Alton Monday Alanzo Monroe

Scott Montgomery Richard Moon Guy Moore Alfred Morris Alfreda Morris

Amy Morris Cheryl Morris Dillard Morris Donna Morris Michael Morris

"Well , Kim , our ride is parked up in the back of rhe lor, so we should be picked up in about 15 minutes."



Pam Morris Patricia Morris Ricky Morris Tina Morris Marie Monon



Nancy Monon Judy Moye Dan Mundie James Mundie Ricky Mundie

Christine Murad Mary Nees Laura Nelson Gary Nickell Patrick Nuesch

Lee Nunn Angelea Norcross David N orford Joyce Nowlin John Oliva

Bev Osborn C.T. Pace Tom Pace Theresa Pannell Ginger Parker

Donna Parmer Elsie Parra. Peggy Pasternak Lorin Patterson William Patterson

After-school jobs popular With rising unemployment a pressing national concern, and a glut in the Charlottesville job market, many students are more interested than ever to get their foot in the door. While some are fortunate enough to be employed by area businesses, others opt for traditional, but less lucrative babysitting or yard work jobs. The jobs are as varied as the people. Students work as far away as Wintergreen, but most are employed close by at such places as McDonald 's, Leggetts, Town and Country Exxon, and Rustler. School programs such as DECA allow participants to work for half the day to gain on-the-job skills. Why do students take jobs and how do they feel about them ? Most have found it necessary to work for spending money, cars, college, and some even support themselves. Popular sentiment was expressed by one student: "It's a pain to get off at night and know you have all your school work waiting at home". Where holding down a job and completing school present problems, another AHS student said enthusiastically, "I enjoy my job and the money's great! "



Work ar rhe Vo-rec Cenrer prepares people for jobs.

Donna Parmer Elsie Parra. Peggy Pasrernak Lorin Parrerson William Parrerson

ell r

Darlene Payne Sharlene Payne Billy Pearce Frank Pearso n Brenda Perkins

Lesrer Perry Wes Pererso n Gloria Phillips Debra Pirkle Parricia Plum

. Seniors






Bill Pollard Jimmy Powell Jerry Pruit Perry Pruit Pamela Pryor



Jeff Pugh Judy Pugh Sidney Pugh Kim Pullen Steve Puller

Mark Ragland Donna Ralston Debbie Reed Robbie Reed Lewis Rhodes

Dan Riall Kathy Rich Carol Ricks Sheila Riley Paige Roane

Mark Robb Douglas Robertson Alex Robinson Lois Rogers Gary Rund

Mike Rondeau Dan Ross Cynthia Rowen Q_D_ Royals Demetrius Rush


b obertson nson



Students observe the Minute of Silence Amid much controversy, the Minute of Silence was instituted in Albemarle County schools this year. In recent years, the teaching of religion, religious assemblies, and prayer were not permitted in nonparochial schools. Since the Supreme Court upheld this decision, many groups have been actively seeking to restore some form of worship back into the schools. The Minute of Silence allows each student to "Meditate or pray or engage in any other silent activity which does not interfere with, distract, or impede other pupils in the like exercise of individual choice." In theory, this statement does not infringe upon a student or impose a certain religious attitude. Student reaction to this new ruling has been rather passive. Some felt that it was a very good idea while others felt it was a waste of time.


Terry uses the Minute of Silence ro catch up o n his sleep .

. Mike Rondeau D an Ross Cynrhia Rowerr O .D . Royals Demetrius Rush

Geneva Rush Selma Rush Judith Rush ia Fred Russell Terry Russell

Mary Russo Mary Rybolt Mary Salisbury Kathy Salaman Sylvia Sammons




Cherie Sampson Lewis Sandridge Phil Sawyer Brenda Scott Karen Scrimschaw



Jimmy Seal Curtis Shifflett Diane Shifflett James Shifflett Jeff Shifflett

Kenneth Shifflett Mitchell Shifflett Rose Shifflett Susan Shifflett Barry Shisler

Sharon Shotwell Carroll Simpson Kenneth Simpson Adelle Smith Diane Smith

Henry Smith Margie Smith Mike Smith Timothy Smith Rebecca Snow

Roxanne Snow Richard Sabbott Jim Spence David Spencer Penny Spencer


Students travel abroad


During spring vacation, some students traveled to points all over the globe. This year the Spanish teachers sponsored a large group of third and fourth year students to five Spanish cities. The travelers toured Madrid , Toledo, Granada, Cordoba, and Sevilla, spending several days in each place. The magnificent Prado Museum proved an excellent introduction to Spanish as well as Western art. Valle de los Caidos, burial place of Generalissimo Franco, recalled to students the tragedies of the Spanish Civil War. As they rode through acres of olive groves, another exotic facet of Spain's history was visited. For years before Catholicism, the Moors settled in Cordoba leaving behind a beautiful marble mosque , illuminated by 40 00 bronze and copper lamps. Senior Teresa Sweeney stated enthusiastically, "For those of us who went, the memories will be forever in our minds and the trip certainly did further our






th ith 1

nith lOW

Roxanne Snow Richard Sabbott Jim Spence David Spencer Penny Spencer

David Sprouse Karen Sprouse Patricia Sprouse Robert Sprouse Wilson Sprouse

Bobby Stalnaker Erin Stalnaker Neal Stamp Jeff Stark Ashley Starke

Rea dreams of warm days in sunny Spain.



Elton Starks Susan Stanley Susan Stephenson Shirley Steppe Pam Stevens



Tim Storm Laura Strever Teresa Sweeney Cynthia Swift Robert Sylvester

Kathy Talley Sue Taylor Nancy Terhune Jim Terrell Vicki Terrell

David Thomas Isidore Thomas Jay Thomas Donna Thompson George Thompson

Bennett Tomlin James Tomlin Jessie Tims Dale Townsend Christine Trainham

Robert Tremblay Peggy Trench Ashton Trice Tandy Tucker Diane Tumblin

Civic duties come early For some senior government students, CIVIC responsibilities began early. Every year, second and third year law students at the University of Virginia compete against each other in a mock trial situation in order to get actual courtroom experience. For these erial practices, Albemarle High School government students were asked to serve as jurors. Their duties were to listen to the case, evaluate it, and determine the verdict. Among the cases heard were a premature embalmment, a bank robbery, and a child custody case. U. Va. drama students portrayed various plaintiffs with comical names such as Fred Fagg and Tom Tickle. Most student who participated found it educational, rewarding, and sometimes amusing.

Tomlin )mlin ms wnsend ! Trainham

Robert Tremblay Peggy Trench Ashton Trice Tand y Tucker Diane Tumblin

Blair Turner Page Turner Tom Valenre Dawn VanDerveer Jon Van Fossen

Julie Von Herbulis James Vassar Gay Verts Parry Vess Bessie Vess

" .. and rhe plainriffs name was Fred Fagg!'"






Mark Via Maomi Via Victor Villar Deborah Wade Alice Ward



Gwendolyn Ward Raymond Ward Rebecca Ward Patricia Washington Annette Watson

Dianne Watson Susan Wawner Sue Wheeler Felix White John White

Sarah White Ron Wickert Terry Widener Janet Wilberger Patricia Wilkins

Daryl Williams Lawrence Williams Susan Williams Joyce Williams Lloyd Wimer

Richard Wingfield Becky Wood Bernice Wood Keith Wood Mike Wood



Comma, semicolon; period. For the past ten years, verbal scores on SAT and other such similar tests have been on the decline. Since student writing is poor, even universities of the highest caliber have been forced to initiate freshmen composition courses dubbed "bonehead English". This year the English department brought back an intensive grammar and composition program used two years ago. Senior and junior English classes studied the essentials of good grammar as well as improving individual writing style. In an effort to steer away from sometimes mundane textbook exercises, one student devised her own unique narratives to be punctuated - a dialogue between a certain caped crusader and his side-kick, Robin. Although many moaned and groaned, most students survived the rigors of grammar. In fact, tests by the faculty, administered after the course was completed, showed a significant improvement. Now isn't that a good effect . . . or is it affect?



ams ~illiams

.ams ams er

Richard Wingfield Becky Wood Bernice Wood Keith Wood Mike Wood

Edgar Woodson Dan Woodward Bernard Wright Dita Zapata Diana Zarb

I don"t care what anyo ne says. Grammar was boring!



Abidin, Richard Robert, Ill; Dick: Auto Rally 1; Ski Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2 ,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Intramural 3.

Baumgardner, Anita Faye: Spanish Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; Ecology Cl. 2; Powder Puff Football 1; Harlequin 2.

A nderson, Edward Fitzhugh, Jr.; Ed: J.V. Basketball 1.

Beall, Edwin Dale; Stick: Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Motorcycle Cl. 3; Ecology Cl. 3; Bike Cl. 3; Rally Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 3; Arhleric Assistant 1,2,3.

A nderson, john Walton, Jr.: Spanish Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 1,2,3; Rally Cl. 3; Symphonic Band I,2 ,3; Marching Band 1,2,3. Anderson, judith Dianne; Jud y: Spanish Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; Flag Corps 1,2,3. Argenbright, jonathan M iller; Jon: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2. Amzistead, William Franklin; Willie: V. Football 1,2,3. Armstrong, Russell Lee; Rusty: VICA. Armstrong, Sharon Rebecca: FHA 1; FBLA 3; Marching Band 2. Aschenbach, Susan Pa tricia: Susie: Outdoor Cl. 1. Austin, Terry W ade: Larin Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. I; Young Democrats 1,2,3; SCA 1,2; Outdoor Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 1. Ayres, D ouglas William; Tyke: Motorcycle Cl. ; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Lacrosse 1; Football 1,2,3, Mosr Valuable Defensive Lineman 3. Bailes, Willia m Franklin, II; Dr. Demento: Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Chess Cl. 3; Auto Rally Cl. 3; Guitar Cl. 2; Peer 3. Bailey, Dale Randolph .

Beddingfield, Gregory Keith; Greg: Rally Cl. 3; Career Cl. 2; Cross Country; Track; Smoke Signals 2. Bell, Mark Chancellor; CBY 1; Photography Cl. 2; Yoga Cl. 3; Marching Band 1,2,3 ; Symphonic Band II, 1,2,3; Srage Band 2,3; Talent Show 2; Peer 3; National Merit Semifinalist 2; Who's Who Among American High School Students. B enjamin, Alicia Louise; Leesh : Albemarle Players 1; Bicycle Cl. 2,3; Peer 2. Benson, Thomas Lee. Berti, Caryl Ann; Mark: Bertone, Kurt Richard; Kiggu: Chess Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3, Treas . 3; Harlequin 2,3; Governor's School Participant 2; National Honor 2,3, V. Pres. 3; "It's Academic" 2; Alternate Student Judge for National Bicentennial Essay Contest 2; National French Conresr, 5rh in stare 1, 2nd in stare and 7rh in nation 2; D .A.R . Award for Excellence in American History; French National Honor Society; NMSQT Commended Scholar. Best, Eddie Ray. Bickel, Randall David.

Bailey, Glen n Edward: Band.

Birckhead, Stuart Timothy; Sru: Outdoors Cl. 1,2; Btcycle Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3.

Bailey, Karen Ann: Guitar Cl. ; FBLA; Outdoor Cl. ; "Night of One Acrs."

Birdsall, Su zanne Kee: Riding Cl. 1; French Cl. 1,2; Field Hockey; Choir 1,2.

Bailey, Roberta Davis; Robbie: Spanish Cl. 1,2,3, Co-Press. 3; Albermarle Players 1; G ymnastics 1,2, Capt. 1,2; Track 1; "Godspell" I ; National Honor Society 2,3.

Bishop, Sally Gordon: Spanish Cl. 1,2,3 .

Balik, Roland; Curley: Auto Cl. 3; Photograph y Cl. 1; J.V. Soccer; Intramural Baseball and Football; Peer 2,3. Ballard, David Michael; Dad : Srage Band Cl. 3; Concert Choir 3; Srage Band 3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Symphonic Band II 1,2 ,3, First Trumpet 1,2,3. Ballard, Kenneth Waid; Kenn y: FBLA 3; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Outing Cl. 1; Baseball 1; Band 1. Barbour, Frankie Keyston; Zero: V. Football 1,2,3, Co-Capt. 3, Most Valuable Defensive Back 3; Baseball 1,2,3; Symphonic Band 1,2 ,3. Barksdale, Virginia Lynn; Lynn : French Cl. 2,3 ; Rid ing Cl. 1; Talent Show 2,3; Prom 1,2,3; Peer 3.

Barnocky, Carleen; Car: Albemarle Players 1; Thespians 2,3; CGB 3; Spanish Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; SCA 2; J.V. Cheerleading 1; V . Cheerleading 2; Intramural Soccer 2,3; "Godspell" 1; "G ypsy" 3; Concert Choir 2,3; Regional Cho rus 2,3; Talent Show 2; National Honor Society; Girls' Srare Rep.; National Spanish Exam, 3rd Place District; DAR Good Citizenship Award . Barrett, Wesley D ean.


Senior Srarisrics

Brassfield, Paul Sa11.

Breeden, Harold }at. ball 3.

Breeden, Troy Michc.

Breeding, Teresa G"

Breedlove, Susan Ch Cl. 1,2 ; Pep Cl. 1; Fan Cl. 3; SCA 1. 路 Champion 2; Medai Prism 3; Quill and ery, V. Pres.; "lr' Writer's Local Run

Bremner, Mark Gor. Doug Logan Fan C

Brittain, Kirk Rc. Drama Cl.; 3rd in ' Brock, Dennis Tate.

Broughton, Stuart A

Brown, Anthony }aj

Brown, Homer Virgz Motorcycle Cl. 3; Baseball 1,2,3, All II 1,2,3; Marching Regional Band 1 ,2,

Brown, jeffrey Lee; l 1,2; Soccer 1.

Brown, Phillip Edu Cl. 1; FCA 1; V. :E cer 1.

Brown, Phillip Wh i Black, Charles Richard; Charlie. Black, Roby n Sue: Outdoors Cl. 1; French Cl. 3; Bike Cl. 2; Powder Puff Football 1; Symphonic Band 1. Blackman, Susan Read: Spanish Cl. 2,3, Treas. 3; Bicycle Cl. 1; National Honor Society 2,3, Sec.

3. Blades, joan Maria. Bledsoe, Barbara Ann; Barb: French Cl. 1,2,3; Bicycle Cl. 1,2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Albemarle Players 1; Outdoor Track 1,2; Intramural Volle yball 3; Field Hocke y 2,3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; "Godspell"; "G ypsy;" "Night of One Acts;" SCA Rep. 3; CGB 3; N ational Honor Societ y 2,3.

Brown, Roderick Lt J.V. Football 1; Im

Browne, Tracy Al/1 Bike Cl. 2,3.

Bryant, Ida Mae: S<

Bryant, Pamela Der. Bryant, Roger Neal:

Bull, Carrie Lee; ~ Powder Puff Foot 2,3; GAA 1,2.

Burnette, Cynthia 1 2; Outdoor Cl. 1; 1

Burruss, Robert, Jr. :

B oatwright, Lynn Susan: Spanish Cl. 1,3; Critique Cl. 2, Pres. 2; Mgr. Girl's Tennis 1; National Spanish Exam 1,2.

Burruss, Susan Wh Outdoors Cl. I; ).' leading 2; "Night c

Bolden, Karl Thomas; K.T.: DECA 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3 ; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; 1st Place Pari! Procedure District X .

Burton, Mary Anr. Choir 1,2,3.

Barnes, W ay ne Lyman: Guitar Cl. 1; VICA 2. Barnette, La nce Allen: Ecology Cl.; Auto Rall y Cl.; Bike Cl. ; Tennis; Intramural Basketball.

Bowyer, Walter just

B olden, Keith Danforth; Dann y: DECA 1; FCA 2; Indoor Track 1,2 ; Outdoor Track 1,2,3. Boron, Mary j ane: Albemarle Players 1; Bike Cl. 1,2,3; Golf Team 2,3; "Godspell" 1. B owers, Barbara Suzanne; Barbs: French Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Larin Cl. 3; Riding Cl. 1; Powder Puff Football 3; Symphonic Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; "G ypsy" Band 3.

Bates, Lucy Creatina; Lou B. : FBLA 3; Spanish Cl. 1.

Bowers, Robert.

Batten, William Gregory; Billy: DECA 2,3.

B owles, Pamela Elaine.

Burton, Walter Heri Bush, Steven Bradle



Byers, Karen Lynn: l Cl. Byrd, Larry Odell. Byrom, james Kevin; 2; Wrestling 1; Tra Cage, Kevin Gerarc. Art Cl. 2; CBY Marching Band 1,

panish Cl. 1; Advoowder Puff Football

· Bowyer, Walter justin.

Ensemble 3; Peer 3; Virginia Bicentennial Band 2,3.

Brassfield, Paul Samuel; Preach: CBY 2; Track 1.

>Ug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Cl. 3; Bike Cl. 3; ~tball 3; Athletic As-

Breeden, Harold James; Jimmy: Guitar Cl.; Football 3.

Callaway, George Carrington; Cal: Guitar Cl. 1,2,3; Motorcycle 2.

Collins, Keith Durwyn . Combs, Steven LaRue; Steve: German Cl. 3; FFA 1; Intramural Soccer.

Greg: Rally Cl. 3; y; Track; Smoke Sig-

Breeding, Teresa Gail,· Patricia: SCA 1; FBLA 3.


1; Photography Cl. nd 1,2,3; Symphonic 2,3; Talent Show 2; inalist 2; Who's Who )01 Students.

Breedlove, Susan Cheryl: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Science Cl. 1,2; Pep Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; SCA 1,2; Tennis 2, Mixed Doubles Champion 2; Medallion 2,3, Spores Ed., Ass't Ed.; Prism 3; Quill and Scroll; National Honor Society, V. Pres.; "It's Academic" 2; Century III Writer's Local Runner-Up 3.

Conklin, Maureen Katherine; Moe: Latin Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; Liberation Cl. 1; ].V. Basketball 1, Capt. 1, Most Valuable Player 1; V. Basketball 2,3, Capt. 3, Most Improved Player 2; V. Track 1,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2,3; French Honor Society 2,3; Governor's School Nominee 2.

Carlin, jean Elizabeth: Photography Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 1,3; Talent Show 2; Prism 2; National Spanish Exam 1,2,3.

Con n, Claudine Michelle; De-De: Drill Team 1; Cheerleading 2; CBY 1,2; DECA 3.

Carr, Alice Denise; Connie : Ecology Cl. 1; FBLA 1; FHA 1; Mixed Chorus 1.

Cook, Pamela jane; Pam : Motorcycle Cl. 1; VICA 2,3 .

Bremner, Mark Gordon: French Cl. 2; Rally Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3.

Carr, Debra Louise: VICA; Track; Bowling.

Cooper, Deborah Sue; Debbie: FBLA 2,3.

Carr, Denise Darcel/; Dee-Dee.

Corrigan, Kevin Michael: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3, Most Valuable Player; Basketball 1; Football 2,3.

Campbell, Elizabeth Mawyer. Breeden, Troy Michael: VICA 3.

Leesh: Albemarle 1er 2.

Carey, Charles Anthony. Carle, Lynn Renaud; Rokkney: FBLA 3, V. Pres.

Brittain, Kirk Ray: Motorcycle Cl.; VICA ; Drama Cl.; 3rd in VICA contest 1.

: Chess Cl. 1; French ·in 2,3; Governor's mal Honor 2,3, V. ; Alternate Student nial Essay Contest 2; :h in state 1, 2nd in . A.R . Award for Ex·ry ; French National •mmended Scholar.

:u: Outdoors Cl. 1,2; sketball 1,2,3.

.g Cl. 1; French Cl.


Brock, Dennis Tate. Broughton, Stuart Anthony: FBLA.

Brown, Homer Virgil; Hometown: French Cl. 2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 3; Basketball 1,2,3; Football 3; Baseball 1,2,3, All District 2,3; Symphonic Band II 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Stage Band 1; All Regional Band 1,2,3.

Brown, Phillip Edward, Jr.; Junior: Photography Cl. 1; FCA 1; V. Basketball 1,2,3; Track 1; Soccer 1.

Cason, Barbara]ean.

Cramer, Linda Louise; Skipper: Outdoors Cl. 1; Erutan 2; Track 1; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Cl. 1; French Cl. 3; otball 1; Symphonic

Browne, Tracy Allison: Albemarle Thespians 1; Bike Cl. 2,3 . Bryant, Ida Mae: Softball; Choir.

r~y: DECA 1; FCA 2; Track 1,2,3.

larbs: French Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 1; Powder Band 1,2,3; Marchnd 3.

Cason, Patrick Bruce; Pat. Cerra, Mark Edward: Football2 ; Basketball2; Intramural Basketball 1,3; Softball 3. Chapman, Denise Lynn; Denn y: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Erutan 2; Outdoors Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; "Godspell" 1; SCA Rep. 1,3.

Craig, Mary Fra nces; Chuckie: VICA 1,2,3, Pres.; Softball.

Crawford, Doris Gale; Gale: VICA 1,2,3. Crickenberger, Robin Denise; Cricket: DECA 1,2. Critzer, George Edward. Cross, Lori Noel: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Yoga Cl. 3; Modern Dance Cl. 1; Talent Show 3; SCA 2,3.

Bryant, Pamela Denise.

Charlton , W illiam Emmett; Bill: Photography Cl. 2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 2,3; V. Tennis 2,3 ; Prism 2,3 .

Bryant, Roger Neal: VICA.

Childress, William Nath ie.

Bull, Carrie Lee; Skeater: V. Basketball 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Track 1; Softball 2,3; GAA 1,2.

Clark, Neil Wayne, Jr. Clarkson , Deborah Lynn; Debbie: DECA; FBLA.

Burnette, Cynthia Elaine; Cind y: Motorcycle Cl. 2; Outdoor Cl. 1; Peer 2.

Clatterbuck, Mary Alice: FHA 1,2,3; FBLA 1; DECA 1.

Daidone, Cathy Marie: Lacrosse Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 2; Modern Dance Cl. 1; Art Cl. 3; Marching Band 1,2; Drill Team 1,2.

Burruss, Robert, Jr.: CBY; Indoor Track 2.

Clayton, jeffrey Willis: Symphonic Band 1,2,3.

Dameron, Ernest Burche: VICA 2,3.

Burruss, Susan Whitted; Sue: Modern Dance 2; Outdoors Cl. 1; ].V. Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading 2; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Coffey, Paula Earle: FHA 1,2; VICA 3.

Davis, Bob Neil; Johnny B. : Outdoors Cl. 1; FCA 2; Drama Cl. 3; Indoor Track 1; Cross Country 2; Baseballl,2,3, Batting Title 2, Capt. 3; "Night of One Acts" 3; SCA Rep. 3.

Burton, Mary Ann: CBY 1; GAA 2; Concert Choir 1,2,3. Burton, Walter Herbert.

Coleman, Ellen Dulane.

Cutright, Carol Arlene; Clairol: French Cl. 1,2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; Albemarle Players 3; ].V. Basketball 1; "G ypsy" 3; "Night of One Acts" 3. Cutright, Corey Bu rton; Burt: Science 1; SCA 1,2; Latin Cl. 2,3; Golf 1,3; Intramural Basketball 1; Peer 1.

Coleman, Patricia Anne; Patty: FCA 1. Coleman, ]ohn Thomas.

Davis, Catherine Marie; Cathy: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; Guitar Cl. 1,2; Outdoors Cl. 1,2; SCA 1,2.

Coles, Caroline: Drama Cl. 2,3; Equestrian C. 3.

Davis, Cheryl Darlene.

Coles, Charles Vincent; Snap: VICA 1,2, V. Pres. 2; CBY 1.

Davis, jonathan D ouglas; God: German Cl. 1,2; Guitar Cl. 1,2; Photograph y Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 2; Thespians 2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Coles, William Franklin; Billy: Guitar Cl. 2,3; Motorcycle 2; ].V. Football 1; V. Football 2; Intramural Basketball 2; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Davis, Karl Allen.

Bush, Steven Bradley; Steve: DECA 1,2,3, Treas.

3. e Players 1; Bike Cl. spell" 1.

Coyner, Deana Lee: Outdoors Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; Erutan Cl. 2; SCA 3; Cheerleading 1; Powder Puff Football 2,3. Craft , Neale Frazier: Intramural Basketball.

lie .

: DECA 1; Indoor 1,2,3; 1st Place Paril

Carter, Tammy Lee; T . Jo: Young Democrats 2,3; Spanish Cl. 1,2; VICA 3.

Couch, Robert Wayne.

Carter, T aryn Vassar; Tiki Bird : Bic ycle Cl. 1,2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; SCA Rep . 1,2,3; Drill Team 1; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3; Peer 3.

Brown, Roderick Laurice; Ricky: Guitar Cl. 1,2; ].V. Football 1; Intramural Basketball 3.

nish Cl. 1,3; Critique Tennis 1; National

Carswell, David William: Erutan 1,2; Photograph y Cl. 3; Choir 2,3; Regional Choir 2 .

Cotten, Gregory joe; King Cotton; German Cl. 1,2 ; Rally Cl. 3; Marching Band; Symphonic Band II; Concert Choir.

Brown, jeffrey Lee; Boodine: Ski Cl. ; Outdoor Cl. 1,2; Soccer 1.

Cl. 1,2,3.

•: French Cl. 1,2,3; Albemarle Players 1; nural Volleyball 3; Puff Football 1,2,3; t of One Acts;" SCA onor Society 2,3.

Carson, Timothy Perry; Tim: Outdoors Cl. 1; FCA 2; SCA 2 ; V. Football 1.

Brown, Anthony ]apeth .

Brown, Phillip Whitfield; Phil.

ish Cl. 2,3, Treas. 3; 1or Society 2,3, Sec.

Carrell, Elizabeth Anne; Bets: Art Cl. 1,2,3; French Cl. 3; Baseball Team Equipment Mgr. 2.

Byers, Karen Ly nn: DECA; Spanish Cl. ; Outdoors Cl. Byrd, Larry Odell. Byrom, james Kevin; Jim : French Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2; Wrestling 1; Track 2,3; Peer 3.

Collier, Clarence William.

Cage, Kevin Gerard; The Kid : Spanish Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 2; CBY 1; Symphonic Band 1,2,3 ; Marching Band 1,2,3; Stage Band 1,2,3; Solo

Collins, Danny Ray; Jest a Good Ole Boy: German Cl. 1; Auto Rally 3; Chess Cl. 1,2,3; French Cl. 1,2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; FFA 1; Choir 1,2 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3.

Davis, Leigh Anna: Modern Dance Cl. 1; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Spanish Cl. 2; Art Cl. 3; Albemarle Players 2,3; DECA 3; GAA 1; Powder Puff Football 2 ; V. Cheerleading 3; "Night of One Atts" 1,2. Dean, Barry Allen: VICA 1.

Senior Statistics


Dea ne, Sarah Sue; Suzy: FBLA 1,2,3; Library 3.

Farmer, David Michael; Mike: VICA 2.

Garrison, Rebecca Frances.

Gruenwald, Dawn Bicycle Cl. 2; Fren

DeHooge, Debbie Lynn; Mama Woman: GAA 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; J.V. Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2,3, Best Rebounder 2, Most Valuable Player 3, All Western District First Team 3; V. Softball 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Symphonic Band I 1,2; Marching Band 3.

Farrell, Thomas Vail, Jr.; Padd y: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3 ; Soccer Cl. 2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Soccer 2,3; Intramural Basketball 3.

Garrison, Sandra Dee; Sand y: DECA 3; Volleyball.

Gruenwald, Dean L

Deter, Lori Lin: French Cl. 1,2; Photography Cl. 3; Tennis Team 1,2,3 ; Mgr. V. Basketball 2; "Gypsy" 3; Accompanist Concert Choir 1,2,3. DiBiasio, Lawrence Arthur; Larry: Photograph y Cl.; Drama Cl.; Football 1,2,3, All Conference 2; Hockey 2; Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2 ,3, AllConference 1,2, All-City 1,2; "Which is the Way co Boston," Best Actor; Yearbook 1,2. Dickerson, Ira Kendall; Dick. Dillard, Margie Laverne. DiMarco, judy McCauley: DECA 2,3. Dixon, Elizabeth Ellen; Beth: German Cl. 2,3; Equestrian Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 2; Harlequin 3; National Merit Semifinalist.

Farrish, james Wesley, Jr. Faulconer, Walter Edwa rd, Jr.; Buzz: Lacrosse Cl. 2; Outing Cl. 1; Band 1,2. Feggans, Lloyd Rhinehart. ,Feggam, Michael Anthony; Mike: Guitar Cl. 2; Football 3; Incramural Basketball 3. Ferguson, Freda Dawn: Ecology Cl. 2. Finger, Elizabeth Lewis; Liz. Fink, jane Hambleton; Bozo: Outdoors Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Albemarle Players 2; Prom Band Comminee Co-Chairman 2; V. Field Hockey 2,3; Peer 1,2,3, Photograph y Ed. 2; National Honor Sociery 2,3; Dupont Scholarship Nominee 3; Washingcon Congressional Seminar 3. Fisher, j anet Lea. Fleishman, Louise Wagner.

Dooms, Donald Calvin.

Fleming, Keith LaSalle; Nute: FCA 1,2; ).V. Basketball 1; Track 1,2; V. Basketball 2,3; Soccer 3, Most Improved Player 3.

Dowell, W a/lace Carrollet.

Garver, Paula Mae: Photograph y Cl. 2,3; Concert Band 1; Harlequin 1; Prism 3. Gentry, Douglas Christian . Geury, Randy Scott; Curly: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; SCA 3; Soccer 1,2,3. Gibson, Cynthia Dennelle; T: VICA 1,2,3; Drama Cl. 1; Ph ysical Fitness Award 1; Extemporaneous Speaking 2. Gibson, Larry Hamilton: Drama Cl. 3; Band II 1,2,3. Gibson, Michael Allen; Gipper: Outdoors Cl. 1; Rally Cl. 2,3; Larin Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; Incsamural Football 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 2; Band 1,2; Peer 3. Gibson, Sherwood William; Woody. Gibson, Teresa Lynn.

Dollins, Ronald Richard; White Lighting: Choir 1,2.

Douglas, jay Mathew: Concert Choir 3; "Night of One Aces. "

Garrison, Shelby jean: FBLA 1,2.

Gilligan, Henry Lawrence; Larry: Javelin Catching. Gleason, Marion Massi, Jr. Glover, Linda Steele.

Flynn, Lucia Virginia; Lucy: Spanish 3; Bicycle Cl. 3; Equestrian Cl. 3; Track 3; Albemarle Players 3; National Spanish Exam, 3rd Place in Discricc 2.

Godfrey, jeffrey: Choir II 1,2. Goff, Larry Otis: VICA 2,3.

Downing, Perry Ray: Photography Cl. 1; Rally Cl. 2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; lncramural Basketball 1,2,3; Prism 3.

Ford, Ricky Allan: FFA 2.

Good, Rebecca Ann; Becki: Chorus 1,2,

Dudley, Laura Frances; Dudley: GAA 1; Band 1.

Fomzan, Laurie Elaine; Poozle: Outdoors Cl. 1; Modern Dance Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; SCA 1,3; CGB Rep. 1; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Peer 2.

Goodwin, Kurt Butner; Butner: FCA 1,2; Baseball 1,2; Soccer 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2; Basketball 2; Indoor Track 1.

Foster, Bonnie Page; Hips: Dance Cl. 1,2; An Cl. 3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Track Mgr. 1; ).V. Football Mgr. 2; Talent Show 1; In An: Local - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 Honorable Mentions; Regional- 1st; Scare- 1st.

Goolsby, Earnest Lee, Jr.

Fox, Bryon Page.

Gordon, Ronald Clay ton, Jr.; Ron: French Cl. 2,3; Chess Cl. 1,2,3, Sec. 3; Outing Cl. 2,3; Harlequin 2,3, Ed.-in-Chief 3; NEDT Commended Scholar 1; National Honor Society 2,3 ; National Council of Teachers of English Essay Contest 2; National Achievement Semi-Finalist 3; National High School lnstiruce 2; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3 .

Duprey, Suzanne judith; Sue: Photograph y Cl. 1; Future Teachers of America 1; Journalism 1,2; National Honor Society 1,2; Quill and Scroll Society 1 ,2. Durrett, Anthony Alonzo; Am: Ecology Cl. 1,2,3. Durrette, Deborah jean; Debbie: Yoga Cl. 3; CBY 1,2; Outdoor Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Volleyball 1. Dyer, William Arthur; Bill: Chess Cl. 1,2; Symphonic Band I 1; Symphonic Band II 2,3; Scare Band 3. Eckford, Leslie Pratt: Harlequin 2,3, An Ed. Economos, Demetri; De: Latin Cl. 1,2,3, Treas. 2; Rally Cl. 3; V. Football 1; Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 1,3 ; Symphonic Band II 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2 ,3; Graduation Band 1,2.

Frame, Timothy Allen: Intramural Football 3; Intramural Softball 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3 ; American Legion Bo ys' Scare Rep.


Frazier, Daryl Eugene: VICA 2,3. Frazier, Terry Sue: Spanish Cl. 1. Freed, David Wayhe: Photograph y Cl. 2,3; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; "Nigh of One Aces" 2; Peer 3; Prism 2.

Gordon, johnetta Denise; Fawn: Majorette 2,3; Modern Dance Cl. 2,3; CBY 1; Drill Team 1; FHA 3.

Graham, Sarah Washington : Chess Cl. 1,2; Critique 1,2; Harlequin 1,2,3.

Haar, Frederick H Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2 arable Mention; T ball; Band 1,2; "B1

Hadden, Don na S Players 1; Teen Dt 2,3; French Cl. 3; vertising Ed. 2, Cc ecy 2,3.

Haden, George Allen Outdoors Cl. 1; In 2.

Haga, Brian ChriJ DECA 1; VICA 3.

Haga, jeffrey Allen;

. Hager, Sharon Mar

Hall, Mitchell Suz, Drill Team 2, Mgr 1; Prism 2; Most-S]

Hall, Roger Dale; R Drama Cl. 2,3; "B1 Old Lace" 2; "Nig 3; "A Night of Mi International The Matthew Scheider National P.E.O.N .

Hamilton, james Br

Hammett, Cynthia GAA 1; Concert ( Symphonic Band Solo and Ensemblt

Hammond, Raymon Basketball 2; In era

Haney, Deborah jo, door Cl. 1. Haney, Steve Clyde.

Hanger, Connie Sr. . DECA 3; Modern Gymnastics 2; Tal cion for Paintings i

Hansen, Diane Ire Cl. 1; J.V. Cheer; "Gypsy" 3; Talent ciecy 2,3. Hardy, Denise: FH

Graves, Mark Allan: V. Football 1,2; Symphonic Band 2,3.

Harlow, Coleman

Graves, Mark Allan: V. Football 1,2, Symphonic Band 2,3.

Harris, Ann Carol, cramural Softball Peer 3, Senior SeCl


Edmondson , Karen Elaine. Elledge, Emmett Scott: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Incramural Basketball 3; Soccer 2,3; Prism 3; National Honor Society 2,3. Elverston, john Hayes; Hayes: Private Enterprise 1. Enyeart, Nancy jeanne; Turde: Modern Dance Cl. 1; Powder PuffFoocball1 ,2; Talent Show 1;Peer 2; French Honor Sociery 2,3.

Fry, Charles Luther, III; Luther: French Cl. 1,2,3; Chess Cl. 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball; "Night of One Aces;" Mach Contest 1; National French Exam, 5th in District 2.

Graves, Robert Leroy; Bobby: VICA 2; Outdoors

Cl.l. Frye, Sandra Marie; Sand y: FHA 1,2; Harlequin 3; Latin Cl. 2; Flag Corps 2,3; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3; National Merit Award.

Green, Brenda Alice: ICT 1.

Funk, Richard joseph, Jr. ; Grand Funk: Chess Cl. 1,2; French Cl. 3.

Green, Laura Ellen; Ellen: FHA 3; CBY 1; Choir 1,3.

Purr, Allen Keith; Joe Furr: Latin Cl. 1,2,3.

Greer, Leigh Ann: Riding Cl. 1; Outdoors Cl. 1; Albemarle Players 2,3; Rally Cl. 3; SCA Rep. 3; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2; Concen Band 1; Symphonic Band 2,3; Marching Band 2,3.

Graves, Sandra Carmen.

Harris, Connie }E Concert Band 1; 1 Prism 2,3, Editori<

Harris, Lee Ethel SCA Rep . 1,2,3; < Harris, Paula Gai.

Eppard, Patty Claire: FHA; DECA; Choir. Fagg, Francelia Lynn; Fonze: An Cl. 2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2; Concert Band 1; Symphonic Band II 2,3; Marching Band 2,3.

Gaines, james Franklin.

Gregg, David Michael: Auco Rally Cl. Garrison, Charles Gray.

Farish , Teresa Annette: VICA 1,2; An Cl. 3; FHA 2; "Night of One Acts" 2.


Senior Statistics

Garrison, jeffrey Owen.

Harris, Samuel Mi. Harrison , Carol Pa

Garrison, Calvin Earnley: FFA 1. Farish, Debra Lynn; Debbie: FBLA 3.

Harris, Robert Aile:

Grimm, Dana Leigh: Outdoors Cl. 1; Erutan Cl. 1,2.

Harvey, Dontla An Harrison, Carol Pa


Gruenwald, Dawn Virginia: Outdoors Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2; French Cl. 3. andy: DECA 3; Vol-

Gruenwald, Dean Darnell: Motorcycle Cl. 2,3. Haar, Frederick Hubbard, Jr.; Fred: Motorcycle Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2,3; Soccer 2,3, All Srare Honorable Mention; Tennis 2,3; Inrramural Basketball; Band 1,2; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2.

.A 1,2.

graphy Cl. 2,3; Concert

"' 3.

Hadde n, Donna Suzanne; Donner: Albemarle Players 1; Teen Democrars 3, Pres. 3; Bicycle Cl. 2,3; French Cl. 3; "Godspell" 1; Peer 1,2,3, Advertising Ed. 2, Co-Ed. 3; National Honor Society 2,3.

: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; T: VICA 1,2,3; Drama ard 1; Extemporaneous

ipper: Outdoors Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; InrraInrramural Football 3; Kh 2; Band 1,2; Peer 3. Woody. .l

Larry: Javelin Catch-

Hass, Laurel Ann; Lori: French Cl. 1,2,3; Albemarle Players 3; "Night of One Acrs" 3.

Chorus 1,2,

rner: FCA 1,2; Baseball >r Track 1,2; Basketball

Fawn: Majorerre 2,3; CBY 1; Drill Team 1;

Hathaway, Gwynne Anne; Gwynnie: French Cl. 2,3; Art Cl. 3; Ourdoors Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 3; SCA Class Rep. 3; CGB Senior Class Rep. 3; "Night of One Acts" 2; Junior Class Homecoming Rep. 2; Homecoming Queen 3.

gton: Chess Cl. 1,2; ,2,3 . oorball 1,2; Symphonic oorball 1,2, Symphonic by: VICA 2; Ourdoors

1. FHA 3; CBY 1; Choir

Cl. 1; Ourdoors Cl. 1; ally Cl. 3; SCA Rep. 3; :err Band 1; Symphonic I 2,3.

tto Rally Cl. doors Cl. 1; Eruran Cl.

Hoy, james Winston: SCA 1,2,3; Motorcycle 1,2,3. Huber, Carolyn jeanne: German Cl. 1,2; Advocate Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 2; Symphonic Band 1; Solo and Ensemble Festival 2,3; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; Harlequin 2,3; Forensics 2.

2. Haga, Bria n Christopher; Chris: Bicycle Cl. 1; DECA 1; VICA 3.

Hawley, Pete Wayne; Perer Dick: FBLA 2,3; Concert Choir 2,3 ; Mixed Chorus 1.

Hudson, Richard Lee, Jr. ; Rock: Ourdoors Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; V. Baseball 2,3; V. Football 1,2,3; Inrramural Basketball 3; Concerr Band 1; Symphonic Band 2,3 .

Haga, jeffrey Allen; Rooster: VICA. .Hager, Sharon Marie: FHA 1,2,3,.

Haynes, Timothy Warren; Tim: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; Outdoors Cl. 1; Soccer 1; "Night of One Acrs" 1,2,3; Arr 1,2 .

Huffman, Howard Edward; Eddie: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3; "Night of One Acrs."

Hall, Mitchell Suzanne; Mitch: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Drill Team 2, Mgr. 3; Language Christmas Show 1; Prism 2; Mosr-Spirired Drill Team Member 2.

Hearn, Craig Lyon: Photography Cl. 2,3; Spanish Cl.13; Outdoors Cl. 2;J.V. Soccer 2; V. Soccer 3; Baid 1; Peer 3.

Hughes, Timothy Lee; Tim: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 2,3; "Nighr of One Acts" 2.

Hall, Roger Dale; Roger Dodger: Outdoors Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3; "B ye Bye Birdie" 2; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; "Nighr of One Acrs" 2,3; "Gypsy" 3; "A Nighr of Mime" 3; Albemarle Players 2,3; Inrernarional Thespian Society 2,3, Rep. 3; Marrhew Scheider Bravery (Drama) Award 3; National P.E.O.N. Society 3, Co-Pres. 3.

Hearne, Theresa Anastasia: French Cl. 2; Arr Cl. 3; Crafts Cl. 2,3; Moden Dance Cl. 1; Outdoors Cl. 1; Volleyball, Hockey 1; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2.

Hamilton, james Bramham. Hammett, Cyn thia Lou; Cindy: Guirar Cl. 1; GAA 1; Concerr Choir 3; Symphonic Band I 1; Symphonic Band II 2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Solo and Ensemble Festival 2,3.

Hebbe, Robin Lyn: DECA 1,2; VICA 3. Henderson , Earle Kenneth; Mr. 29. Henderson , Fellisco Roberta; Pere: CBY 1; Modern Dance Cl. 1,2; Track 1; Band II 1,2,3; Majorette 1,2,3; SCA Rep. 1,2,3. Henderson, Harold Kelvin: J.V. Football 1.

Hammond, Raymond: Arhleric Cl. 2; Intramural Basketball 2; Inrramural Softball 2.

Henderso n, jen nifer Grace; Jenn y: Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Field Hockey 1,2,3, Co-Capr. 3; Basketball 1,2; Softball 1,2; SCA 1; AFS Cl. 2; Graduation Comm. 2; Baccaleureare Comm. 1.

Haney, Deborah jo; Debbie: Bicycle Cl. 2; Ourdoor Cl. 1.

Henderson , judy Diane.

Hanger, Connie Sue; Hangerburr: Art Cl. 1,2,3; DECA 3; Modern Dance Cl. 1,2,3; Safery Cl. 2; Gymnastics 2; Talenr Show 2; Honorable Mention for Paintings in Arr. Hansen, Diane Irene: Eruran Cl. 1,2,3; Spanish Cl. 1; J.V. Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading 2; "Gypsy" 3; Talent Show 1; National Honor Society 2,3.

Herring, Kim Marie; Do-Do: Bike Cl. 2,3; Ourdoor Cl. 1; German Cl. 1,2; Track 2,3; Powder Puff Foorball 3; Peer 3. Herring, Linda Sharon.

Harris, Ann Carol; Moose: French Cl. 1,2,3; Intramural Softball 2,3; Forensics 3; Harlequin 3; Peer 3, Senior Section Ed. 3.

Hicks, Carol Eileen; Tiny: Arr Cl. 2; Softball 1; Majorerre 1.

Harris, Samuel Michael.

Ingersoll, Cheri Ann.

jackson , KiTn Renee; Kimbo: FHA; Motorcycle Cl.

Hetherington, Grant Donna: Ecology Cl. 3; Chess Cl. 2; Soccer 1 ,2,3.

Harris, Robert Allen; Robbie: VICA 1,2.

Hutton, Teresa Louise: VICA.

Herndon, Thomas Edward; Ed : German Cl. 1; Auto Rally Cl. 1; Outdoors Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 1; Motorcycle Cl. 1

Harlow, Coleman Vincent,jr.; Sonny.

Harris, Paula Gail: VICA 1,2,3.

Hutchinson, Robert Alan: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Bicycle Cl. 1; Ouring Cl. 2; Ecology Cl. 3, V.Pres. 3; Soccer Cl. 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2,3; Soccer 2,3; Band 1,2; Harlequin 3; National Honor Society 2,3; National Merit Semifinalist 3; Who's Who Among America High School Srudenrs; Who's Who Among Music Students in American High Schools; Governor's School for rhe Gifred; National Spanish Exam, 4th in Stare 2,3; National Marh Exam, 3rd in School 2; All-Regional Symphonic Band 2; NCTE Essay Conresr 2.

Hensley, Donna Anne: FHA 1; FBLA 1,2.

Herring, Mark Wayne.

Harris, Lee Ethel Aretha; Shortie: CBY 1,2 ,3; SCA Rep. 1,2,3; Choir 1,2,3.

Hurlock, Patricia Sue.

Ivory, john Henry, Ill; Johnny: VICA 2; Intramural Basketball 3; Band 1,2.

Hardy, Denise: FHA Mixed Chorus.

Harris, Connie jeanette; Nersy: Larin Cl. 2,3; Concert Band 1; Marching Band 1; Harlequin 1; Prism 2,3, Editorial Ed. 3.

Hudson, Darnelle Louis.

Hunt, Connie Elizabeth.

Haney, Steve Clyde.

r.; Ron: French Cl. 2,3; Ouring Cl. 2,3; Harle>; NEDT Commended >r Society 2,3; National :nglish Essay Conresr 2; emi-Finalisr 3; National ~; Who's Who Among tudenrs 3.

Howell, jesse Allen; Stick: Chess Cl. 2,3; Ecology . Cl. 1).

Hatcher, Cheryl Ann: Guirar Cl. 2,3.



Howe, Rhonda Anne: Phorography Cl. 2; ]A 3, Corporation Sec. 3; Track 1; Concerr Band 1; Marching Band 1; Symphonic Band 2; Harlequin 1.

Hawley, Pearl Louise; Bumbo: GAA 2,3; J.V. Basketball 1; Powder Puff Football 1,2; V. Basketball 2,3, Besr All Around 3, All Disrricr Basketball Team 3.

Haden, George Allen; Allen: Rally Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; Inrramural Basketball 1,3; Track

Drama Cl. 3; Band II

raphy Cl. 2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Spring Production 3; Prism 1,2,3, Ed.-in-Chief 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3.

Hill, james Howard: Marching Band ; Choir. Hillel, Adi: French Cl. 1,2,3; Albemarle Players 3; Young Democrats 3; "Nighr of One Acrs" 3. Hiller, Allen jeffrey: Baseball 2,3; Intramural Football 3; Inrramural Basketball 3. Hiller, Amanda Elizabeth; Mandy: French Cl. 1; DECA 1; FHA 1.

jackson, Gerald Lee.

jacobs, john Calvin: Motorcycle Cl. 2; VICA 3. Janney, Donna Lynne. jay, Timothy Woodruff; Woody Wood: French 1,2,3; Soccer Cl. 3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Soccer•2,3, Most Valuable Player 3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Most Valuable Player 2; Irramural Basketball; Concert Chorus 3; National Honor Society 2,3; French National Honor Society. jenkins, David Clyde. johnson, Barbara Louise. johnson, Barbara Lynn; Barb: French Cl. 1,3; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 2,3; SCA Rep. 3; Advocate Cl. 3; J.V. Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading 2; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3. johnson, Kim Renee. johnson, Lisa Leigh: Modem Dance Cl. 1; Ourdoors CL 1,2; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Yoga Cl. 3; Indoor and Outdoor Track Mgr. 1; Powder Puff Football 1,3; Talenr Show 1,2.

Harriso n, Carol Paige.

Hood, jeffrey Mustian ; Jeff: French Cl. 1,2; Advocate Cl. 3.

Harvey, Donna Ann:

Horner, john Stuart; Jack: Chess Cl.

Johnson, Marrhew Earl Wayne; Jay: CBY 1,2; J.V. Basketball 2,3; V . Football 2,3; Track, Rookie of rhe Year; Chorus 1.

Harrison, Carol Paige; Kid: Riding Cl. 1; Photog-

Howard, Patriciajean: FHA 3.

johnson, Sharon Lyn!! .


. . . c..


Senior Srarisrics



johmon, William Eugene; B.J. : VICA. joneJ, Karl Allen: Ecology Cl. 2; Wrestling 1; Soccer 1; Band 1. joneJ, Mary SuJan: Riding Cl. 2,3, Treas . 3; Harlequin 2; Treas . of Talent Show 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; "Gypsy" 3.

ball 2,3; Intramural Football 3; Intramural Softball 2,3.

MarJhall, Rebecca Sue; Bicky: Spanis h Cl. 1,2; Germ an Cl. 3; NEDT Award 1.

Knight, Tammy Kay: Albemarle Players 1; French Cl. 1,2; Yoga Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 3; "Godspe ll."

Martin, ChriJtopher Scott.

KoiJ, Vincent Louts.

Martin, j anw Rune!!; Russ: Science Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 2; Rall y Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,

Kravetz, Peter Darch. }oneJ, Mona Gail: FBLA 2,3.

joneJ, Payricia Elaine; Shortie: Chorus.

LancaJter, Deborah Kay; Debi: Spanish Cl. 1; Drill Team 1,2,3, Co-Capt. 2, Capt. 3; Powder Puff Football 3; "Godspell" 1; "G yps y" 3; Concert Choir 1,2,3; Regional Chorus 3.

}oneJ, Randall Dale; Rand y: Motorc ycle Cl. 2.

Lang, William Edward, Jr.

}oneJ, Ronald Keith.

La nzon, Frederick Amante; Fred.

Jordon , Ethel Faye; Twiggy : Spanish Cl. 1; FBLA 2,3.

LaRue, Monica Collen; Unique Monique: Bicycle Cl. 1,2; SCA 1,2,3 ; CGB Sophomore Class Rep. 1; Concert Choir 2,3.

}oneJ, Moneda WalJton.

McDaniel, Tommy

McDaniel, W endalt

Martin, Roderick Lee; Hot Rod: V. Basketball 1,2,3; V. Outdoor Track 1,2,3 . Marzano, Michael Kevin: !CT, VICA. MaJon , Chery Lynn: German Cl. 1,2,3, Pres. 2,3; Teen Democrats 2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; SCA 2; J.V. Basketball Mgr. 1; V. Basketball Mgr. 2; Debate Team 3; PriJm 2, Sports Ed.; National H onor Society 2,3; National Merit Commended Scholar 3; Governor's School 2. Matheny, CryJtal Mae; Chris: FHA 1,2, 1st Prize Tophy.

jordan, jeffery R ichard; Jeff: DECA 1,2,3. jorda n, Paul Cleveland: FCA 1,2; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; Intramural Softball 2,3; ).V. Football 1; Outdoor Track 3. joJeph, Allen Franklin; Frank: Rally Cl. 2; Guitar Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 2,3 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3, Pres. 3; Outdoors Cl. 2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; FCA 1; SCA 3; V. Indoor Track 1; Intramural Basketball 3; V. Football 1,2,3; Most Valuable Player 3; V. Lacrosse 1,2,3; Most Improved 1; "Night of One Acts" 2; Talent Show 2,3 . Keckley, john Michael. Keith, SuJan Linda: French Cl. 1,2,3 ; Advocate Cl. 3; French National Honor Society 2,3; National French Contest 1,2,3 ; Natio nal Educational Development Award 1.

LaJJetter, Katherine Burney: French Cl. 2,3; Outdoors Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3; Powder Puff Football 3; Track 3; Symphonic Band 1,2.

MatthewJ, Victoria Carol.

Micham, Vivian ], Concert Choir 3.

·Lecuyer, Kathleen Ann.

Maupin, George H unter: Chess Cl. 1,2 ,3 ; J.V. Foo tball 1; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 2,3.

Miller David.

Maupin, jame.r Merritt; Zippy: Football 2.

Miller, Kimberly 11 Cl. 2; DECA 3; P

Maup in, Mary A nne: CBY 1,2; Drill Team 2.

Miller, Paul Le.rter.

Mawyer, CharleJ Edward; Gunch The Great White Hunter: VICA 1; Auto Mechanics 1,2 .

Mil!J, William j reeny: Football 1, 2; Lacrosse 1.

LindJay, Donald William; Mad Dog: German Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 2; Intramural Softball 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 3; Forensics 3; "G yps y" 3; Talent Show 2; Marching Band 1,2; Symphonic Band 1,2. LipJcomb, Ivan Randall,· Rand y: FFA; Archery Cl.; VICA; Motor Cross Cl. ; Intramural Basketball; Intramural Softball; Intramural Volle yball.

Mawyer, CurtiJ Wayne: Science Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2; Auto Rally Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2.

Mawyer, Ronald Wayne; Ronnie: VICA 1.

Kent, Paula Anne: VICA 1,2,3.

Lohr, }mica RoJelie.

Km ler, john Almond.

Lon, Dai Kim: Chess Cl. 2,3; Model Bridge Building Contest, 4th place.

Kite, Ronda Wade: CGB 2,3; SCA 3, Sec.-Treas. 3; French Cl. 1,2,3; Latin Cl. 1,2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 3; Outdoor Track 3; "Un Violon Sur Le Toit" 1; "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" 2; French Honor Society 1,2,3; French National Contest 1st School, 6th Regional 1, 2nd School 2, 2nd District 2; Junior Classical League Convention, 3rd State Latin I Vocabulary, 2nd State Latin II Vocabulary 2; 3rd State Latin II Vocabulary 3. Knight, john Howard, Jr.; Jay: Outdoors Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; SCA 1,2,3; V. Football 1,2 ; V. Lacrosse 2,3; Powder Puff Football Coach 1,2,3; Symphonic Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Talent Show 2,3; Homecoming Dance Decorating Committee 2,3; Prom Decorating Committee 2,3; Homecoming Float Committee 3.

Lawrence, Mark Hampton. Lumpkin, HolliJ , NelJon. Maddox, Edward NelJon; Nelson: FFA 1,2,3. MadiJon , Michael Wayne; Mike: FFA 1,2,3. Mangione, Richard Leon; Rick: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; Outdoors Cl. 2,3; Ecology Cl. 3; Bicycle Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 1,2,3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 2,3; Soccer 1,2,3 ; Thespians 2,3; Albemarle Players 1,2,3 ; "Godspell" 1; "Night of One Acts " 2; " Arsenic and Old Lace " 2; "G ypsy" 3; Priw1 2; National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation. Manweiler, Daniel George; Dan: Rally Cl.; Harlequin. MarkJ, Elizabeth Romnary; Ro: Modern Dance Cl. 1; French Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; SCA 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Senior Class Pres.; Junior Class V. Pres.

Knight, Kenneth Coleman; KEN : Intramural Basketball. Knight, Sammy Ray; Sir Sam: Erutan Cl. 2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Rally Cl. 3; Intramural Basket-

MarJhall, Harry Warren, Ill: Safety Cl. 2; Football 2,3.

Senior Statistics

Mawyer, Timothy Allen; Tim: Latin Cl. 2,3; Science Cl. 1; Outdoors Cl. 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2; Golf 1,2,3. Maynard, Gregory Vernon; Little G : Outdoor Cl. 1; FCA 2; V. Basketball 1,2,3 , Capt. 3; V. Baseball 1,2,3, Capt. 3. MayJ, Timothy Kevin; Tim: Outdoor Cl. 1; Motorc ycle Cl. 2,3; V. Football 1; J.V. Baseball 1. McAlliJter, DouglaJ Brian; Doug: FCA 1,2; V. Football 1,2,3; V. Basketball 2,3; J.V. Basketball 1; Symphonic Band 1,2; Marching Band 1,2; "Night of One Acts" 2. McCann, Marc Alan: Outdoor Cl. 1; Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; J.V. Basketball Mgr. 1; "Bye Bye Birdie"; "Night of One Acts." McCauley, Anna Marie; Marie: FHA.

Micham, Manuel C

Mil/way, Cyn thia

Mitchell, Colette • Dance Cl. 2; Ad' 1,2,3; Rep. to Vir

Montgomery, Scott de Cl. ; V. Footb:

3. Moon, Richard Wa Cl. 2.

Moore, Guy Edwar

Moore, Sterling Ho-.

MorriJ, A/fred An. Track 1,2,3; Out Basketball.

Mo"iJ, A/freda Ar. Cl. 3; Track 2,3, ; National HonorS

Mo"iJ, Amy Suzet tan Cl. 2; FBLA 3

Mo"iJ, Dillard W,

McCauley, Donald Wayne.

Mo"iJ, Donna L; Outdoor Cl. 1; D

McCauley, Paula Ann: FHA 1,2.

Mo"iJ, Michael Lt

McClanahan, Kimberly Lynn; Kim: French Cl. 1,2; Spanish Cl. 3; Modern Dance Cl. 1; Art Cl. 3; Girl's Cheerleader 1,2,3.

Mo"iJ, Pamelajo; German Cl. 2,3; (

MarJhall, Donald Carroll; Donnie: Guitar 1,2, 3. MarJhall, ForreJt Rea, III; Red Arshall: Spanish Cl. 1,2,3; German Cl. 2; Teen Democrats 3; Albemarle Players 3; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; Talent Show 3; Spring Play Production 3; Peer 2,3, Co-Editor 3; National Spanish Exam 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Thespians 3; "Jesucristo Superstar" 3. ·


Meador, ja net Bat Albemarle Player 1,2,3; Most Valm "Godspell" 1; Peer

Matyuk, Stephen Gary: VICA 1,2.

Lohr, Alvin julian: VICA 2.

Kirtley, Benita Kim; Kimbo: Choir 1,2,3.

McNu lty, Kim: 0 Mgr. 1; V. Footb ball 2,3; "Night OI

Layman, Viola Annette.

Mawyer, Don na FranceJ.

Kirkland, jill A nnette; Keely: Latin Cl. 1,2,3; Spanish Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; Equestrian Cl. 3; V. Cheerleading 2,3.

McFarland,jameJ 1 1,2,3; Outdoors ( crosse 1; V. Lacro cer 3; Symphonic 2,3, Section Leadf Band 3; "G ypsy" "Bye Bye Birdie":

Lau, Derek TJang Pong: Chess Cl. ; Art Cl.

Locher, Laurie Elizabeth; Dizz y: German Cl. 1,2,3; Bike Cl. 1,2,3; Advocate 1,2 ; SCA 1,2,3.

King, Marjorie Lynn; Margie : Doug Logan Fan Cl. 2,3, Sec. 2, V. Pres. 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2; DECA 3, Sec. 3; SCA 2; CGB Junior Rep. 2; Outdoor Track Mgr. 2.

McD onald, Terry 1 Cl. 3; Motorcycle

MatfJon, Erik SophuJ: French Cl. 1; Rally Cl. 1; Ecology Cl. 1; SCA 1; Soccer; Regional Art Award 2.

Keithley, Kevin Lynn; Bo y: Bicycle Cl. 1,2,3; Auto Cl. 3; V. Tennis 1,2,3, Most Improved 2; Choir 1, Most Contributive 1; Concert Choir 2,3 .

Key, CharleJ Allan.

ogy Cl. 2; Motorc

McCleJkey, WilJo n Pierce: Spanish Cl. 1; Harlequin 1,2; Chess Cl. 1,2; Peer 2; National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist; Who's Who in American High Schools; DAR Historian Award ; National English Teachers Award.

Mo"iJ, Patricia A MorriJ, Richard M

McCormack, Michell Tour: Guitar Cl. 1,2,3; Erutan Cl. 1,2; "Godspell" 2.

MorriJ, Ricky Lent Rep . 1; Young D• SCA 1,2,3; Mar. Band II 1,2,3; St: nial Band 2.

McDaniel, Sherry jo: Erutan Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 1; Safety Cl. 2,3, Pres. 2,3; Modern Dance 2; Ecol-

Mo"iJ, Terridena Modern Dance 2,

icky: Spanish Cl. 1,2; vard 1.

ogy Cl. 2; Motorcycle Cl. 2.

McDaniel, Tommy Lee, Jr.: VICA 1. McDaniel, Wendall Arlin; Weasel.

;s: Science Cl. 1; Guitar ural Basketball 1,2,

McDonald, Terry Louise: Outdoors Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 3; Motorcycle Cl. 2.

or Rod: V. Basketball 1,2,3.

McFarland, james Emmons, III; Chip: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Outdoors Cl. 2,3; Erutan Cl. 1; J.V. Lacrosse 1; V. Lacrosse 2,3; J.V. Soccer 2; V. Soccer 3; Symphonic Band I 1; Symphonic Band II 2,3, Section Leader 3; Marching Band 2,3; Stage Band 3; "Gypsy" 3; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; "Bye Bye Birdie"2.


1an Cl. 1,2,3, Pres. 2,3; ~vocate Cl. 3; SCA 2; V. Basketball Mgr. 2; !, Sports Ed .; National mal Merit Commended hool2.

McNulty, Kim: Outdoors Cl. 1; V. Basketball Mgr. 1; V. Football Mgr. 2; Powder Puff Football 2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2; Peer 2.

tris: FHA 1,2, 1st Prize

Meador, janet Barrie; Burrie: French Cl. 1,2,3; Albemarle Players 1; Bicycle Cl. 1; V. Tennis 1,2,3; Most Valuable Player 1; Field Hockey 2; "Godspell" 1; Peer 3.

!nch Cl. 1; Rally Cl. 1; Soccer; Regional Art

Micham, Manuel Carreiro.

ICA 1,2.

Micham, Vivian Irene; VV: VICA Cl. 2, Sec. 1; Concert Choir 3.

Chess Cl. 1,2,3; J.V. 2; Outdoor Track 2,3.

Miller David.

ppy: Football 2.

Miller, Kimberly Iris; Kim: FHA 1; Photography Cl. 2; DECA 3; Physical Fitness Award.

{ 1,2; Drill Team 2.

Miller, Paul Lester: VICA 1,2; FFA 1,2,3.

i; Gunch The Grear

Mills, William Thomas , III ; Meatball Pelagreeny: Football 1,2; Outdoor Track 3; Wrestling 2; Lacrosse 1.


Mechanics 1,2.

cience Cl. 1; Chess Cl. mural Basketball 1,2.

Mil/way, Cynthia Ann; Cindy. Mitchell, Colette Cora: Spanish Cl. 1; Modern Dance Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; SCA 2; Majorette 1,2,3; Rep. to Virginia Girls' State 2.

onnie: VICA 1.

Montgomery, Scott Partter: Outdoor Cl.; Motorcycle Cl.; V. Football 2,3, Letterman 2,3; Lacrosse

C'im: Latin Cl. 2,3; Sci1; Intramural Basket-

Little G : Outdoor Cl. l,2,3, Capt. 3; V. Base-

fim: Outdoor Cl. 1; Jotball 1; J.V. Baseball

; Doug: FCA 1,2; V. Jail 2,3; J.V. Basketball ; Marching Band 1,2;

door Cl. 1; Motorcycle ~gr. 1; "Bye Bye Bir-

:arie: FHA.

3. Moon, Richard Warner; Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; Chess


Morris, Timothy Carl.

standing Flute 2; Scholarship Award 2; NE DT Award 1.

Morris, Tina Robyn. VICA.

Parra, Elsie Adela: French Cl. 1,2,3; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Keyettes 1; SCA 1,2,3; J.V. Cheerleader 1; "Night of One Acts"; Chain '1.

Morton, Marie Naomi: FBLA 2,3. Morton , Nancy james; Nan: Lacrosse Mgr. 3; Powderpuff Football 3; "Gypsy"; Peer 2.

Paschall, Perry Finley: Concert Choir 3.

Mosby, Larry Alonzo: Chorus.

Pasternak, Peggy Sue: FCA 2; Yoga Cl. 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 1.

Moye, judith Kay; Judy: Drama Cl. 1,2. Mrdeza, Matthew Nicholas . Mundie, Curtis Daniel; Root: VICA. Mundie, Herbert Alton. Mundie, Ricky Lwyellen: FCA 2; FBLA 3; V. Football 2; Intramural Basketball 3; Intramural Softball 2; Weighdifting. Munday, james Michael: Science Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2. Murad, Christine Carol: Spanish Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; V. Field Hockey 2; J.V. Field Hockey 3; Prism 1,2,3, Features Ed. 2, Ed.-in-Chief 3; National Honor Society 2,3. Nees, Mary Sharon; Bus Driver: Band 1,2; Marching Band. Nelson , Laura Page: Riding Cl. 1, Sec.-Treas. 1; Art Cl. 3; Harlequin 2; Equestrian ,Cl. 3, Sec. 3; "Night of One Acts" 2; Valentine's Day Thing 2; National Honor Society 2,3. Nickell, Gary Lee. Norcross, Angelea Caldwell: Spanish Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. l;J.V. Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading Co-Capt. 2; Talent Show 2. Nor/ord, David Bryan; Dave: Stage Band 1,2,3; Bicycle Cl. 2; FFA 3; Football 1; Basketball 1; Band 1,2,3.

Nuesch, Patrick Felix: German Cl. 1,2.

Moore, Guy Edward: VICA .

Nunn, Rodolph Lee, III; Lee: French Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Guitar Cl. 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Football 3; "Godspell" 1; Talent Show 1,2; Stage Band 1,2; National Honor Society; National French Honor Society.

Morris, Alfred Anthony: Athletic Cl. 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball. Morris, Alfreda Anita; Freda: Ecology Cl. 2; Yoga Cl. 3; Track 2,3, Most Outstanding Individual 2; National Honor Society 2,3.

Orrison, Savilla Pearl; Sissy: Modern Dance Cl. 1; FBLA 2,3; Choir 2.

Morris, Amy Suzette; Moose: Outdoor Cl. 1; Eruran Cl. 2; FBLA 3.

Osborne, Beverly Lynn; Bev: Outdoor Cl. 1; Bike Cl. 2,3; Advocate 3; Spanish Cl. 3; Indoor Track; National Spanish Contest Level 3, 1st Place.

Morris, Dillard Wayne.

Owens,john Martin.

Morris, Donna Lynn; Moose: French Cl. 1,2,3; Outdoor Cl. 1; Drill Team 1,2, Sec.-Treas. 2. A 1,2.

Morris, Michael Lorenzo; Blink: Track 1,2,3.

ynn; Kim: French Cl.

Morris, Pamelajo; Pam: Drama Cl. 1; Art Cl. 1,2; German Cl. 2,3; Golf 2,3.

Pace, Thomas Aubrey; Tom: Auto Rally Cl., V. Pres.; Golf 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball.

Morris, Patricia Ann; Pat: VICA 1,2,3.

Pannell, Theresa Ann: Spanish Cl. 1,3; Creative Writing Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Latin Certamen Team 2,3.


panish Cl. 1; Harlequin . National Merit Scholo's Who in American orian Award; National Guitar Cl. 1,2,3; Eru-

an Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 1; \>fodern Dance 2; Ecol-

Patterson, William Mitchell, Jr.; Billy: Young Democrats Cl. 2,3; Equestrian Cl. 3; Concert Band 1; Symphonic Band 2,3; Marching Band 2,3; "Gypsy" Band 3; National Spanish Exam 4th School, 4th District 2. Payne, Darlene Imogene; Tiny: VICA 1,2,3. Payne, Sharlene Cynthia: FHA 1; CBY 2. Pearce, William Earl, II; Billy: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; Guitar Cl. 1; Football 1; Lacrosse 1. Pearson, Frank Edward: Outdoor Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 2. Perkins, Brenda Ann: VICA 1,2,3; Motorcycle Cl. 1. Perry, Lester Boyd, Jr.; Box: FCA; V. Basketball 2,3; J.V. Basketball 1; Most Valuable Player 1; V. Track 1,2,3. Peterson, Wesley Axel. Phillips, Gloria Elaine: FBLA 1; Color Guard Corps. Pillow, Kevin Clay. Plum, Patricia Myrtle; Patti: VICA 3. Pollard, William Bryan, Jr.; Mouse: French Cl. 2; Rally Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Football 1,2; V. Lacrosse 1,2,3; J.V. Baseball 1; V. Soccer 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2; SCA 1,2,3; V. Pres. Senior Class. Powell, james Lee; Jimmy: Science Cl. 1; Auto Rally Cl. 3; Chess Cl. 2; Intramural Basketball 1,2.

Oliva, john Issac.

Pace, Cecil Theodore, Jr.; CT: Young Demo~:rars 2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; SCA 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 1; J.V. Football 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3.

:n Dance Cl. 1; Art Cl.

Patterson, Lorin Eugene: "Night of One Acts"; "Arsenic and Old Lace."

Nowlin, joyce Lillian: FBLA 3; Choir 1.

Cl. 2.

Moore, Sterling Howard.

Patterson, Dick Nicholas, Jr.; Dickie: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; VICA 2,3.

Pruitt, jerry Gene; Cowboy: Latin Cl. 2,3; CoPres. 3; J.V. Basketball 1; Track 1; Intramural Basketball 2,3; Intramural Softball 2; Latin Certamen 2,3; National Honor Societv. Who's Who Among American High School Students; Virginia Boys' State. Pruitt, Perry Dean: VICA 2,3; Intramural Basketball 2; Intramural Softball 2. Pryor, Pamela Marie; Pam: ICT 1. Pugh, jeffery William: Guitar Cl. 1,2. Pugh, judy Lynn: Art Cl. 1; FBLA 3; FHA 1; DECA 1; Choir 2. Pugh, Sidney Randolph,jr.:.ICT 2,3 .

Morris, Richard Myles. Morris, Ricky Leon; Dyke: Larin Cl. 1,2; FFA 1, Rep. 1; Young Democrats 1,2; Stage Band Cl. 3; SCA 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Symphonic Band II 1,2,3; Stage Band 2; Virginia Bicentennial Band 2. Morris, Terridena Cheryle; Cinnamon: FHA 1,2; Modern Dance 2,3; Majorette 3; CBY 2.

Pullen, Kimberly jayne; Kim: Art Cl. 2,3; Outdoor Cl. 1,2; Prism 3.

Parker, Virginia Roche!. Rabinowitz, Michael Alan; Mike: Parmer, Donna Lynn: Drama Cl. 1,3; SCA 1,2; Chess Cl. 1; Volleyball 2; Symphonic Band II 1; Wind Ensemble 2; "Feathertop" 1; Marching Band 1,2,3; Concert Choir 1,2; Stohion 2; Ohio Music Education Association I Award for Class A Flute Solo 2; Ohio Northern University Out-

Ragland, Mark Eugene; Pumpkin: Advocate Cl. 3; FCA 1,2; Albemarle Players 3; Thespians 3; ).V. Football 3; Intramural Football 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; Intramural Softball 1,2,3; "Gypsy"; "Night of One Acts" 3.

Senior Statistics


Raison, Donna Lynn: Guitar Cl. 1; FBLA 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; DECA 2.

Logan Fan Cl. 2,3; FBLA 3; SCA 3; Powder Puff Football 2; Concert Choir 2,3; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2.

Rea, Mason Early. Reed, Deborah Kay; Debbie: FBLA 3; Harlequin 1. Reed, Robert Edward; Robert: Archery Cl. 1; VICA 2,3; ].V. Football; Symphonic Band I; Symphonic Band II. Rhodes, Lewis Edward, Jr. ; L.E.: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; VICA 3; FFA 1.

Russell, Frederick Leroy, Jr.; Fred : Outdoors Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 2; Photograph y Cl. 3; Tennis 1; Talent Show 2. Russell, Teresa Anne; Terry: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; Outdoors Cl. 1,2. Russo, Mary Ann; Boogie Woman: Albemarle Players 1,2,3 ;Thespians r',2,3; Spanish Cl. 1; Avocate Cl. 3; "Godspell" 1; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2; "Night of Pantomime" 2,3; "Mime is Bigger Than Yours" Pantomime Troupe 2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2,3; Concert Choir 3; "G ypsy" 3; Spring Production 3; Talent Show 2,3; Honor Thespian 2,3 ; "Jesucristo Superstar" 3.

Riall,james Daniel; Dan: French Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Chess Cl. 1,2 ,3 ; Chess Team 2,3; SCA 1; :·un Violon Sur le Toit"; "Le Poisson"; "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme"; National Honor Society 2,3; French National Honor Society 1,2,3 , V. Pres. 2; National French Contest 8th State, lOth Region .1 ; National French Contest 7th State, lOth Region.

Salisbury, Mary Ruth: ICT 2,3 .

Rich, Katherine Irene; Kathy: Riding-Cl.

Salman, Katherine Pauline; Kath y: ICT 2.

Ricks, Carol LaVerne: CBY 1,2; French Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; Flag Corps 2,3; "The Joys of Christmas" 2;-Albemarle Players 3; "Gypsy" 3.

Sammons, Sylvia Suzzette; Sibby: CBY 1,2; VICA

Rybolt, Mary Lee; Bird : Mixed Choir 1.


Riley, Sheila May.

Sampson, Cherie Lynn: SCA 3; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Majorette 2,3; Flag Corps 1.

Roach, Gregory Linwood.

Samuel Greg.

Roane, Paige Allison: Outdoors Cl. 1,2; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 2,3; Modern Dance Cl. 2; Young Democrats 3, Sec.-Tres.-3; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3, Mgr. 2; Peer 2.3, Sports Ed. 3, Powder Puff Football 2,3; FCA 3.

Sandridge, Lewis William; Crewshus Lewshus.

Robb, Mark Hoffman: Bicycle Cl. 2,3; Photography Cl. 3; Soccer 2; Symphonic Band 1,2. Robertson, Douglas Mitchell; Bunny Ears: French Cl. 2,3; Advocate Cl. 3; Outdoors Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl., Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Motorcycle Cl. 3; Spanish Cl. 3; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 2; Itramural Basketball 1,2; Powder Puff Football Coach 2. Robey, Roland Thomas. Robey, Terry Yates: DECA. Robinson, Alexander Davis, Jr.; Alex: VICA; Baseball; Outdoor Track; Marching Band; Symphonic Band II. Robinson, Gary Lee; Cut: Symphonic Band II 1,2,3; Outdoor Cl.

Smith, Adelle Priscilla: FHA 3; Drama 1.


Stephenson, Susan ~ phonic II Band 1, French National !Award.

Smith, Cranston Venoris; Spine: DECA 1; Guitar Cl. ; Concert Choir 1, Most Improved Student 1. ·

Steppe, Shirley Ann.

Stevens, Pamela ]o; I

Smith, Henry Walker: Ski Cl. 3; Rally Cl. 1,2,3 ; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Photograph y Cl. 3; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 2; Band 1,2,3.

Stewart, Ricky Aller.

Smith, johnnie Lewis: FBLA 3; Track 2,3.

Storm, Timothy Wa

Smith, Marjo rie Marie; Margie: French Cl. 1; Ecology Cl. 2; Photograph y 3.

Stowe, Everett Lear/ Than Yours".

Sm ith, Michael Maurice; Mike: FCA ; J.V. Basketball 2,3.

Strever, Laura; Wo doors Cl. 3; Ecolo · Cl. 1; French Cl. 2

Smith, Timothy Dodge; Tim: Thespians 2,3; Albemarle Players 1,2 ,3 ; Chess Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3; Symphonic Band II 1,2 ,3 ; Marching Band 1,2,3; Solo Ensemble Festival 2,3; "Godspell"; "Bye B ye Birdie"; "Gypsy"; "Mimes Bigger Than Yours"; SCA 2; CGB 2.

Sweeney, Teresa; · ~ Drama Cl. 1; Drill


Snow, Rebecca Wren; Becky: FHA 2; Choir 1,2,

Swift, Michael Tim Powder Puff Food: Football 1; Intramt ral Softball 1,2,3; ' Player in Western l 1st Team All Dist phonic Band 1,2.

Sobbott, Richard Lecour; Duke. Sobottka, Daniel Carl.

Scrimshaw, Karin Celeste: Tennis 1; National French Contest 2nd District. Seal, Timothy Reid; Mad D og: VICA 2,3; Pres. 2; Motorcycle Cl. 1. Sheridan, joseph Franklin; Joe: Thespians; Cross Country; "Gypsy"; The Pantomime Troupe. Sh:fflett, Carolyn Sue; Carol: FHA. Shifflett, Curtis Craig; Noodles: VICA 2,3 ; Bicycle Cl. l;J.V. Football; Intramural Basketball 3.

Spence, james Hu nter; Jim: Albemarle Players 2,3; Thespians 1,2,3; Bicycle Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1; "Godspell"; "Feathertop"; "Un Violon Sur le Toit"; "Interview"; "Arsenic and Old Lace"; "Gypsy"; National Honor Society 2,3.

Sylvester, Robert Art Rally Cl. 3; Doug Soccer 1,2,3 ; Intra~ Softball 3.

Spencer, David Edward: J.V. Football 1; V. Football 2; V. Baseball 2; Band 2.

Talley, Katherine A.

Tapscott, Bernard C

Spencer, Penny Diane: FBLA 1.

Tapscott, Harvey H•

Sprouse, David Lee, Jr.: Dave: Band 1,2,3.

Taylor, Wanda Sue; Sprouse, Karen Lynne: Motorcycle Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; FHA 3.

Terhune, Nancy LJI.

Shifflett, Diane Marie: FBLA. Sprouse, Patricia Ann: FHA 3.

Terrell,james Frank Cl.- 2 ; Indoor Trac mural Basketball 1

Shifflett, Gregory Allen. Sprouse, Robert Lee; Bobby. Shifflett, jeffrey Kelly; James. Shifflett, jeffrey Lynn; Jeff: ICT 2,3.


Swift, Cynthia Dia1 Team 2; Color G1 Acts" 2 ; SCA 3.

Snow, Roxanne Gail: FHA 1; FBLA 1,2.

Scott, Brenda Arlene: CBY 2; Modern Dance 2; J.V. Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading 1.

Starks, Gwendolyn I

Smith, Barbara D iane; Diane: Outdoor Cl. 1; Erutan Cl. 2; Modern Dance 2; DECA 3; Albemarle Players 2; Powder Puff 1,2 ,3; V. Football Mgr. 2; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Sprouse, Wilson Irvin: FCA 2; Outdoor Cl. 1; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; FFA 1; VICA 2,3; V. Football 1,2 ; V. Football Mgr. 3; J.V. Football Mgr. 3; Intramural Basketball 1; Weighdifting 1,2,3 ; Intramural Softball 2 .

Terrell, Norma Viet<

Thomas, Isidore La 1,2.

Thomas, David Mi, Rally Cl. 1,2; Outd 1,2,3.

Rogers, Lois Elaine: Modern Dance Cl. 1,2; FBLA 3; "Night of One Aces" 2; "Thirty Minutes in a Street''; Peer 1,2, Academic Ed. 2.

Shifflett, Kenneth Wayne.

Rondeau, Michael Robert.

Shifflett, Mitchell Elwood; Mitch: Spanish Cl. 1,2; Rally Cl. 3; Intramural Football 1,2,3; Intramural Softball 1 ,2 .

Ross, Daniel Thomas; Dan: Erutan Cl. 2; Auto Rally Cl. 3; Intramural Basketball.

Shifflett, Rose Marie: Motorcycle Cl. 3.

Stalnaker, Erin Elizabeth; Betsy: Spanish Cl. 1,2,3; Drill Team 2; Prism 2, ArtiAd Ed 2; National Honor Society 2,3 ; National Spanish Exam 5 ch District.

Rowett, Cynthiajean: Spanish Cl. 1,2,3.

Shifflett, Silver jean net.

Stalnaker, Robert Wayne.

Thomas, Richard G

Royals, Oscar Douglas, Jr. ; O.D.: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3, Most Valuable Offensive Lineman, ALL Central 2nd Team, Honorable Mention in Western District; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football Head Coach.

Shifflett, Susan Ann.

Stamp, Neal VanderMeer; Stump: SCA V. Pres.; Ski Cl. 3; Science Cl. 1, V. Pres. 1; French Cl. 2; Golf 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Regional Band 2; State Band 2; National Honor Society 2,3.

Thompson, Donna 1 2; "Bye Bye Birdi1 lie Speaking I ls1 tiona! Spanish Exru

Rund, Garry Alan; Mountain Buck: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2,3; Outdoors Cl. 1,2; V. Football 1. Rush, Demetrius Edward; Me Me: J.V. Basketball; V. Basketball; V. Track 1,2,3.

Shisler, Barry Lynn: VICA 3; "Night of One Acts" 2 . Shotwell, Sharon Faye: Modern Dance Cl. 1,2,3; Safety Cl. 2, Pres. 2; DECA; Art Cl. 1,2,3; Football Mgr. 2; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Talent Show 2; Honorable Mention for Paintings. Simpson, Carroll Steven; Steve: Guitar Cl.

Thomas, jay Dougu

Thompson, George 1,2,3; CGB 1,2,3; Cl. 2; Ecology Cl. Fan Cl. 3; Teen 0. 2; "Night of Onf Lace" 2; Talent Sl Symphonic II Bane Drum Major 1,2,3 wood Parade 2; H 2; Thespian 2,3; C

Stanley, Susan Conway: French Cl. 3; German Cl.

3. Stark, jeffrey Harris; Jeff: Bicycle Cl. 2,3; Basketball Mgr. 2; Athletic Trainer 3; Concert Choir 2,3; Regional Chorus 2,3; Westminster Choir College Vocal Champion 2.

Simpson , Kenneth, Jr. Rush, Edith Geneva. Rush, Selma Marie; Sam: FHA 1,2,3; FCA 1; SCA 1,2,3; "Bye Bye Birdie."

Sims, Harvey.

Starke, Ashley Lee: Doug Logan Fan Cl. 1,2,3, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Intramural Softball 1,2,3; Symphonic Band.

Rushia, judith Ann; Jude: Riding Cl. 1; Doua

Sipe, Rodney Lee.

Starks, Elton Orander: Intramural Basketball 2,3.

Sims, Priscilla; Do: Chorus 3.


Senior Statistics

Tomlin, Bennett AI 1; SCA 2 ; Intram' ].V. Football 2; · "Bye Bye Birdie;"



'\ 3; Drama 1.

Starks, Gwendolyn Dee.

•iane: Outdoor Cl. 1; ance 2; DECA 3; Al·r Puff 1,2,3; V. Foote Acts" 2.

Stephenson, Susan Wilson: French Cl. 2,3; Symphonic II Band 1,2,3; National Honor Society; French National Honor Society; Harvard Club Award .

pine: DECA 1; Guitar Improved Student 1.

Steppe, Shirley Ann.


Stevens, Pamelajo; Pam : Spanish Cl. 1,2,3.

Cl. 3; Rally Cl. 1,2,3; 1y Cl. 3; Indoor Track ld 1,2,3.

Tomlin, james Daniel; Danny: Albemarle Players 2; Symphonic Band I 1,2; Symphonic Band II 3; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2; "Night of Pantomime" 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2. Toms, jessie Mae. Towle, Elizabeth Chilton; Buffie: Latin Cl. 1,2; German Cl. 3.

'>. 3; Track 2,3.

Storm, Timothy Wayne; Tim.

Townsend, Dale Ellen; Doo-Doo: Erutan Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3; Outdoor Cl. 1; Track 1; Powder Puff Football 1,3; "Night of One Acts" 2.

brgie: French Cl. 1;

Stowe, Everett Learfield, Garfield: "Mimes Bigger Than Yours".

Trainham, Christina Paula; Chris: French Cl. 1; SCA 2; Cheerleading 1.


Stewart, Ricky Allen.


\1ike: FCA; ].V. Bas-

Strever, Laura; Wonder Woman: Ski Cl. 3; Outdoors Cl. 3; Ecology Cl. 3; Yoga Cl. 3; Bicycle Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; ''L'il Abner" 2.

: FHA 2; Choir 1,2,


Albemarle Players 2,3; Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1; "Un Violon Sur le enic and Old Lace"; Society 2,3.

r. Football 1; V. Foot-

Tumblin, Lena Diane; Diane: FBLA 3.

White, Sarah Douglas.

Turner, Gordon Blair; The Express: Outdoors Cl. 1; FCA 2; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Basketball 1,2.

Whickert, Ronald Todd.

Taylor, Wanda Sue; Sue: DECA 2,3; FHA 2. Terhune, Nancy Lynn: FCA 1,2; Equestrian Cl. 3. Terrell,james Franklin, Jr. ; Jim: FCA 1; Outdoors Cl. . 2; Indoor Track 1,2; J.V. -Baseball 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; V. Baseball 2,3 . Terrell, Norma Victoria; Vicki: FBLA 2,3, Pres. 3. Thomas, David Michael; Freak: Bicycle Cl. 1,2,3; Rally Cl. 1,2; Outdoors Cl. 1; Intramural Softball 1,2,3.


Thomas, Isidore Laurence; Icy: Track 1; Chorus 1,2.

; Betsy: Spanish Cl. ' 2, Art/Ad Ed 2; Na\J'ational Spanish Exam

nch Cl. 3; German Cl.

Bicycle Cl. 2,3 ; Basainer 3; Concert Choir i; Westminster Choir

' ogan Fan Cl. 1,2,3, V. a! Softball 1,2,3; Sym-

mural Basketball 2,3 .


Turner, Page Brinn; Pageatha: French Cl. 1,2; Equestrian Cl. 3; "Night of One Acts" 2.

Wpwner, Susan Clay: Modern Dance 1,2; Art Cl. 3; Gymnastics 1,2; Honorable Mention at Albemarle Art Show 2. Wheeler, Bonnie Sue; Scottsville: Latin Cl. 1,2.

Wilberger, janet Leigh: Softball Mgr. 1,2,3; Choir 1,2,3. Wilkins, Patricia Gaye; PG: Advocate Cl. 3.

Tuttle, james Brooks; ].B. Valante, Thomas, William; TV: Outdoors Cl. 1; Bicycle Cl. 2; Yoga Cl. 3; Football 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1; Intramural Basketball 2,3; Talent Show 2. VanDer Veer, Dawn: Spanish Cl. 1; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Harlequin 2; Indoor Track 2; Prism 3. Van Fossen, jon Milton; Johnny Van: Outdoors Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 2; ].V. Football 1; V. Football 2,3; V. Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Rookie of the Year 1, Nationally Ranked 2 Mile Relay 1,2; V. Indoor Track 1,2,3, Rookie of the Year 1, Most Valuable Runner; Symphonic Band 1; Marching Band 1. Vassar, james Provosto. Verts, Gay Denise: Outdoors Cl. 1; FBLA 2,3, Sec. 3.

Williams, Darryl Tobias; Jumping Bean: Guitar Cl. 1,2; Track 3; Symphonic Band I 1. Williams. joyce Darnell; Joy: VICA 1,2,3; CBY 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3. Williams, Lawrence Will: Indoor Track 1,2,3; V. Outdoor Track 1,2,3; V . Cross Country 2; Rookie of the Year 1; Most Valuable Runner 1; Most Valuable Player 1. Williams, Susan Elaine: Outdoors Cl. 1; Albemarle Players 2; French Cl. 3; "Bye Bye Birdie" 2 . Wimer, Lloyd Allen: Motorcycle Cl. 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Cross Country 1. Wingfield, Richard Forrest: VICA. Witcher, Bridgett Karen. Wood, Bernice Ellen: FHA.

Vess, Bessie Lynn: FHA 1,2; VICA 3. Vess, Patricia Ellen; Patty: FHA 1; FBLA 2,3 .

Wood, Keith Wayne: FFA 1,2, Chapter Star Farmer.

Thomas, jay Douglas.

Via, Betsy Naomi; Ducky: FBLA 3; Library Cl. 3.

Wood, Michael Alan.

Thomas, Richard Godfrey: Motorcycle Cl. 2.

Via, Mark Edward; Might: Latin Cl. 1,2; Football 1,2; Intramural Softball 1,2,3.

Wood, Rebecca Lynn.

Thompson, Donna Marie: DECA 1,3; Spanish Cl. 2; "Bye Bye Birdie;" "Night of One Acts;" Public Speaking I 1st District, Finalist State; National Spanish Exam 2nd District.

Stump: SCA V. Pres.; Pres. 1; French Cl. 2; l 1,2,3; Regional Band Honor Society 2,3.

Watson, Michael Ray: Scottsville Smoke: FCA 1,2,3; V. Baseball 1,2,3, All-District 1st Team 2; Intramural Basketball 1,2.

White,john Henry, II; Big John: Rally Cl. 2; Photography Cl. 3; Track 2,3.

orcycle Cl. 1; French

A 2; Outdoor Cl. 1; 'FA 1; VICA 2,3; V. Mgr. 3; J.V. Football •tball 1; Weightlifting

Watson, Kathie Dianne

Tucker, Tandra Lee; Tandy: Equestrian Cl. 1,3; Outdoors Cl. 3; Harlequin; Flag Corps 1,2; Marching Band 3; "Gypsy" Band.

Tapscott, Harvey Hill, Jr.; Hilly.


Watson, Annette Gay:· Latin Cl. 1; Equestrian Cl. 3; Eruran Cl. 2; Golf 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3.

Trice, Ashton Pleasants.

Tapscott, Bernard Chaste; Hassie.

re: Band 1,2,3.


Swift, Cynthia Diane: CBY 1,2,3; FBLA 3; Drill Team 2; Color Guard Band 1; "Night of One Acts" 2; SCA 3.

Talley, Katherine Ann.


Washington, Patricia Susan; Pat: DECA 1; FBLA


Sylvester, Robert Arthur; Sto~k: Erutan Cl. 2; Auto Rally Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Spanish 1; Soccer 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 3; Intramural Softball 3.

! 2.

Ward, Rebecca Louise.

Sweeney, Teresa; Tweeny: Spanis.h Cl. 1,2,3; Drama Cl. 1; Drill Team I ;· "Gypsy" 3; Harlequin

Swift, Michael Timothy; Mike: CBY 1; FCA 2; Powder Puff Football Coach; Stunt Man 2; ].V. Football 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3; Intramural Softball 1,2,3; V. Football 1,2, Most Valuable Player in Western District, Player of the Week 3, 1st Team All District Regional Central 3; Symphonic Band 1,2.

1; FBLA 1,2.

Ward, Raymond Lafayette; Ray: ICT 2; Intramural Basketball.

Trench, Margaret Stuart: Peg: Latin Cl. 1,2; Debate Cl. 1,2,3; Young Democrats 3; V . Field Hockey 2,3; V. Track 2,3; Powder Puff Football 2,3; Harlequin 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3 .

m: Thespians 2,3; Al-

less Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 1,2,3; Marching Band ;rival 2,3; "Godspell"; Jsy "; "Mimes Bigger 3 2.

Tremblay, Robert Laval: V. Track.

mural Softball; Marching Band 2; Symphonic Band I 2; Stage Band 3; Band Award 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; Albemarle Players 2.

Villar-Gosilvez, Victor Augusto Villar: French Cl. 1,2,3; German Cl. 1,2; Spanish 3; Soccer 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; "Night of One Acts" 2; National French Contest 1st School 1,2, 1st District 1,2, 4th State 1, 1st State 2, 7th Region 1, 2nd Region 2, 3rd Nation.

Thompson , George Allen, Jr. ; G.T.: Spanish Cl. 1,2 ,3; CGB 1,2,3; CBY 1; SCA 1,2,3; Outdoor Cl. 2; Ecology Cl. 3; Bicycle Cl. 3; Doug Logan Fan Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 2,3 ; V. Cheerleading 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; "Arsenic and Old Lace" 2; Talent Show 2; Marching Band 1,2,3; Symphonic II Band 1,2,3; Albemarle Players 2,3; Drum Major 1,2,3, Award 1,2,3, 1st Place Dogwood Parade 2 ; Homecoming Dance Committee 2; Thespian 2,3; Class Pres. 1,2; SCA Pres. 3.

Ward, Alice Lorraine; Wendy: FHA 1,2,3; FBLA.

Tomlin, Bennett Allen: French 2,3 ; Outdoors Cl. 1; SCA 2; Intramural Basketball 2; Tennis 2,3 ; J.V. Football 2; Trl!,ck 3; Concert Choir 2,3; "Bye Bye Birdie;" "Gypsy;" ''L'il Abner."

Ward, Gwendolyn Theresa; Gwennie Pooh: SCA 1,2,3; FBLA 2, Treas. 2; Modern Dance Cl.; Spanish Cl. CBY 1,2; Class Sec.-Treas. 1,2,3; CGB 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3; Intra-

Woodson, Edgar Olin: German Cl. 1,2,3; SCA 1,3; Symphonic Band II 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Stage Band 2,3; Forensics 3; National Merit Semifinalist; Who's Who Among American High School Students. Woodward, Daniel Guy: Art Cl. 2,3.

Vonherbulis, julie Anne.

Wright, Bernard Lee: ICT 1,2.

Wade, Deborah Anne; Debbie: Modern Dance Cl. 1,3; French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; "Night of One Acts" 2 ; "Gypsy" 3.

Yu, Young, Sik. Zapata, Bernardita Eugenia; Dita: Modern Dance Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3, Treas. 2; GAA Cheerleading 1; V. Cheerleading 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; National Honor Society 2,3; National Spanish Exam 1st District, 3rd State 2; Homecoming Court Rep. 2,3 . Zarb, Diane.

Senior Statistics



1. Patricia Cooper Attendance Clerk. 2. John N . Anderson Virginia State College, B.S.; M.S. Assistant Principal. 3. Donn A. Goodwin Wingate Junior College, A.A. ; Appalachian State University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Advanced Graduate Studies Certificate. Assistant Principal. 4 . Judith H . Wells Blue Ridge Community . College Certificate. Bookkeeper. 5. Helen M. Brite Attendance Secretary.

110 Administration








Administration implements new attendance policy The Administration this year enforced and implemented a new student attendance policy, probably one of the most significant policy changes in the history of the school. Disturbed by the high absenteeism of past years, the administration began to seek a solution to this problem several years ago. The new policy was a product of extensive research and many hours of discussion. Input was sought from committee members including schbol board members, parents, and students. Given wholehearted support by the faculty, the new poliCy was not challenged by members of the community. In fact, a survey sent to parents of students with attendance problems indicated that 80% approved of such a policy. But does the policy work? Mr. Hurt and the assistant principals seem to think so. Attendance was up 3% - 4% over last year, but even more encouraging, student response to the new policy is favorable.



Ben F. Hurt Hampden-Syd ney College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Principal. 2. Zelda H . Murray Jefferson School of Commerce . Office Secretary. 3. John C. Sessoms University of North Carolina, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Assistant Principal.




1. Inez B. Bowler Virginia State College, A.B. Guidance Counselor. 2. Dee Ann Wolfe Wesleyan College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Guidance Counselor. 3. John B. Titus University o f Virginia, B.A.; M.Ed. Guidance Counselor. C.G.B. Representative; Lacrosse Club. 4 . Ethel Johnson Guidance Secretary.



Student participation in guidance programs stressed The Guidance department had its hands full this year, since each counselor worked with approximately four hundred students. Because of the large student body at Albemarle, the counselors tried to stress the importance of student participation in the guidance programs. One such program was College Afternoon, held in October. Although many students and their parents did attend, Mrs. Virginia Dofflemyer hoped that next year the hours could be a bit more convenient for participants. The purpose of this activity was to acquaint students with various post-graduate educational experiences. Individual school representatives were also invited to the school at various times, so that students might have the chance to ask questions about a specific university. A group of specialists has now been added to aid the students and faculty: Mrs. Naiman, a migrant teacher who coordinates migrant students with out-of-state jobs; Mrs . Smith, who specializes in learning disabilities; Miss Wood and Mrs. Shoney who deal with speech and hearing; and Mrs. Tahboub, who teaches English to foreign students. This spring the department was extremely busy registering students for the new Western Albemarle High School, as well as for A.H. S路.


3. 4.


Mary B. Smith Longwood College, B.S. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Learning Disabilities Resource Counselor. Virginia R. Dofflemyer Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Guidance Director. Connie D. Banton Guidance Secretary. Darla C. Ellis Virginia Commonwealth University , B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. ; Ed.S. Guidance Counselor. Daniel). Monahan Saint Francis College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Guidance Counselor. Cross Country Coach; C.G.B. Representative ; Motorc ycle Club.



Intensive grammar and .. composttton course offered "You can't hide, no matter what," grumbled one student early this year. He added, "At this rate, maybe I'll learn to write! " Brought back after a successful attempt two years ago, senior and junior English classes began the year with an intensive grammar and composition program. With the aid of eighteen student teachers from the University of Virginia, class ratios of teachers to students were cut to 1 : 9. The objectives of the unit were to review or learn grammatical usage and mechanics in order to improve compositional skills. The program also allowed the student and teacher to spend more time and attention on the student's individual language needs. General reaction of teachers and students was favorable, as most students made considerable progress. The addition of a new reading teacher, Mrs .. Nasbe, late in the fall gave some students the chance to brush up on their reading skills. Literature was examined for one semester, and students supplemented classroom activities by attending movies, plays, and speeches. Popular elective courses were offered in the spring.


1. Peggy S. Finley Tift College, B.A .; University of Florida, M.Ed . English 10. Sophomore Class Sponsor. 2. David L. Hill Grace College, B.A .; St. Francis College, M.S. English 11. Prism; Senior Class Sponsor. 3. Barbara B. VanTine University of Maryland, B .A. ; M.A. English 10. 4 . Marilyn]. Fantino Emory and Henry College, B.A. English 11. Senior Activities. 5. W. Curtis Holgate, Jr. University of Akron, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.A. Harlequin. 6. Baxter A. Pitts Longwood College, B.S. English 10.





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E Marcia Dobbs




Drake University, B.F.A. English 11; Drama. Albemarle Players; Thespian Troupe 500; Director of Drama. Verona L Franklin Longwood College, B.A. English 10. Virginia G. Barnett Wheaton College, B.A.; University of Virgnia, M.Ed. English Bonnie J Wheatley Mount Holyoke College, A.B .; University of Virginia M.A.; M.Ed. English 12; A.P. English 5. Katheryn K. Sublette University of New Orleans, B.A.; University of Virginia, M .A.; M.Ed. English 12.




1. Sarah M. Hill Universiry of Virginia, B.S. English 12 . Forensics; Debare; Senior Class Sponsor. 2. Consrance S. Gurren Universiry of Virginia, B.S. English 10. Peer. 3. Srephen C. Yowell Universiry of Virginia, B.S.; M.Ed. English 10. S.C.A.; Senior Class Sponsor; Chrisrian Y ourh Club. 4. James D . Marshall 路 Indiana Universiry, B.A.; Universiry of Virginia, M.A .; M.Ed . English 11 , 12. Prism; Doug Logan Fan Club; Senior Class Sponsor. 5. Carol F. Wall Peabody College, B.A . English 11. Junior Class Sponsor.




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Mary Wilkes Randolph-Macon Woman's College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A. English 11; A.P. English. Drill Team. Ann R. Rooker Sullins College, A.A.; University of Virginia, B.A. English 12. Varsity Cheerleaders. Z. James Estes, Jr. University of Virginia, B.S.; M.A. English 12. Mary Chrisryne Nasbe Kansas Scare Universit y, B.S. Reading 10,11,12. Ann T. Snoddy Queens College, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.A .T. English 10.




1. Mary A. Lederman Syracuse University, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. French Ill,IV,V. Le Cercle Francais; La Societe Honoraire. 2. Sandra B. Finn College of William and Mary, A .B. ; Centre Univ e rsita ire Medirerraneen . French II ,Ill. French Club. . 3. Judith B. Schilling U nive rsidad de Valencia; Mary Washington College, B.A. Spanish II. Spanish Club. 4. Beverly H . Jones Washington College, B.A. French !,II . Fre nch Club; Junio r Class Spo nsor.


Foreign Language


Foreign travel occupies many during spring . vacatton Our way of life is broadened as we learn how others live and work daily. We see that American culture is only a small part of the culture of the world, and the foreign language department enables interested students to look more closely at distinct ways of life. As one walks through the language wing, voices from many countries are heard echoing down the corridor. Sprechen sie Deutsch? A few willing-to-work students do speak this language which is the basis for English. iGrita, no te puedo oir! bounces out of the Spanish room as the teacher spurs the student onward in conversation. ]e ne comprend pas! is thrown back at the teacher as many students really don't understand the French question. E pluribus unum is the well known Latin phrase inscribed on our coins that spells out the American spirit. In response to the pressure of parents and the willingness and effort of teachers, the Albemarle County School Board granted permission for teachers to take students on trips to foreign countries during spring vacation. Greatest support came from the Spanish department as some fifty students went to Spain and close to the same number traveled to Mexico. Teachers sponsoring these trips have given their time so that a few eager students can take part in a first hand experience in using their language. Thanks Foreign Language Department! 1. Eugene E. N orton


Spring Hill College, B.S. German l ,Il,III. German Club. 2. Judirh L. H allahan Universiry of Michigan , B .A .; M.A. Spanish III,IV,V. Spanish Club. 3. Carol E. Garre rr Rand olph-Maco n Woman's College , A.B . Larin I ,Il ,Ill. Larin Club. 4 . Anne Rud e Rosary Hill College, B.A.; Universidad Car6lica de Pue rro Rico; Unive rsiry of Virginia, M.A. Spanish I. Spanish Club.


Foreign Language


1. Molli L. Amburn College of William and Mary, B.A. Psychology. Senior Class Sponsor; Girl's Varsity Cheerleaders; Advocate Club. 2. DanielL. Gibbes, Jr. University of South Carolina, A.B. G overnment. 3. Willis C. Wake Lynchburg College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. History. 4. Robert P. Green, Jr. University of the South , B.A.; University of Virginia, M .A .; Ed.D . History. S.C.A .; Albemarle Teen Democrats; Track. 5. Mary A. Tanner Virginia Union University, B .A. World History. 6. Carolyn H. Saunders Radford College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.A. History. 7. ";. Daniel Patterson Bluefield College, A.A.; Madison College, B.A. History; Government. 8. Stephanie Siverc Longwood College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Government; World History.


Social Sciences

Past, present, and future interest Social Studies classes "I enjoy teaching U.S. History because it involves interpreting the past, relating it to the present, and using it to guide oneself in the future." That's Mr. Bob Green, U.S. History instructor, speaking. Social Studies is an important part of everyone's education. Albemarle High School has classes ranging from World and U.S. History to U.S. Government classes. Psychology and Sociology are two other courses created to meet student interest. A capable staff of thirteen assists students in this area. Most courses involve an interesting curriculum that does not always proceed in chronological order. For example, Miss Amburn's psychology class is a survey of approaches to human behavior. A new teacher, Mr. Marshall, joined the staff early in the fall after government teacher, Mr. Gibbes, suffered an unfortunate illness. Although there are no clubs closely related to the subject material, government classes take a trip to see the historical sights of Washington every year .







5. 6.

D ouglas). Selden N orwich Universiry, B.A.; Universiry of Virginia, M.A.T . Government. Varsiry Foo rball; Varsiry Baseball; Senior Class Sponsor. Lawrence E. Marshall Universiry of Virginia, B.A. G overnment. Elna E. Harris Midwesrern Srare Universiry, B.A.; Universiry of Virginia, M.Ed. Sociology. Nancy C. Grim Longwood College, B.A.; Universiry of Norrh Carolina ar Chapel Hill, M.A. H isrory. Harold F. Paris Madison C o llege , B .A .; M .A . G overnment. Marrha E. Rirchie Longwood College, B.S. Hisrory; G overnment.

Social Sciences



1. Molly Reeves University of Virginia, B.S.; University of Washington, M.S . Medi a Cenrer. 2. Waldo E. Johnson Rutgers University; Catholic University, B.F.A . Art II ,III,IV. Art Club. 3. Elmer F. Sampson 路 James Millikin University; Virginia Commonwealth U nive r sir y, B .M .Ed. Symphonic Band ! ,II; Music Appreciation . Marching Band ; Majorettes; Flag Corps. 4. Donna H . Tucker Vald osta Srare College, B.F.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Art I; Crafts; Advanced Crafts. Art Club. 5. David A. Blanchard Westminisrer Choir College, B.M.; B.M .Ed. Choral Music ; Music Theory.


Fine Arts

Need for self-expression taught by Fine Arts department


There are other forms of self-expression than the written word. The instructors in the Fine Arts department are dedicated to teaching that need for self-expression to their students. Each strives to help, the student achieve a proficiency to express himself satisfactorily. Goals are not set for each class as a whole, but are tailored to the needs of each individual student. Marcel Marceau, Stravinsky, Sills, and Dali are but a few of the great artists who inspire the fine arts student every day. The Fine Arts are something that many people take for granted, but without music, art, and drama, the world would be a colorless place.

Katherine G . Gardner University of North Carolina at Greensboro , B .F.A . Arc I. Arc Club. 2. Beverly Lecuyer Media Center Aide. 3. Marjory R. Goodall University of Virginia, B.S. Media Center. 4. Jane A. Gallant Macalester College, B.S. ; University of South Florida, M.A. 路Media Center.



Fine Arcs



Mechanical thinkers aid mathematics students Constantly building upon itself, the most basic math concept is inevitably used in the more advanced topic. The facets of the math department are wide and varied. From the practical use of career math to the most mind-boggling calculus, the math , department has provided numerous levels of subject matter based upon student capabilities. Using their instructional funds, the department this year decided to purchase calculators for the use in the upper level classes. The trigonometry classes, taught by Mrs. Irwin who is also a new addition to the department, are in almost constant possession of these mechanical thinkers. As one student commented, "It's hard to believe they finally created something smarter than the teacher!" The department, under the supervision of Mrs. Virginia Fulcher, continues to push and to analytically motivate conscientious students.

1. Bessie P. Birckhead

2. 3.




Mary Washington College, B.S. Algebra I. Larry Johnson North Carolina State University, B.S. Basic Math; Algebra I. Edith C. Irwin Agnes Scott College, B.A. Math 10; Trigonometry; Analytic Geometry Janice K. Ramirez University of New Orleans, B.S. Algebra I; Geometry. Junior Class Sponsor. Clarece Edson Longwood College, B.A. Math 10; Career Math; Algebra I; Geometry . Ann A. Broaddus Bryn Mawr College, A.B. Geometry; Elementary Functions. Sophomore Class Sponsor.






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1. Courtenay T. Stanley College of William and Mary, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Math Analysis. Peer. Rally Club. 2. Marie H . Wharam Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed . Algebra II ; Pre-Algebra. 3. Betsy S. Edmunds Mary Washington College, B.S.; University of Rhode Island, M.S. Geometry; Algebra II. 4. Richard H . Ergler Saint Vincent College, B .A . Algebra II ; Calculus . Ec o logy Club. 5. Virginia L. Fulcher Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Algebra II; Geometry. National Honor Society.




1. Beverly B. Oris Madison College, B.S. Biology; Ecology. Ecology Club. 2. Margarer P. Fowler Madison College, B.S.; Universiry of Virginia, M.Ed. Biology. 3. Sarah B. Hudson College of William and Mary, B.S. Biology. J.V. Cheerleading. 4 . Elizaberh Rodewald Swarrhmore College, B.A. Chemisrry.




< t'

Student interest creates a wide range of electives The Science department provides a wide range of electives including the biology, chemistry, and physics classes offered by most high schools. Courses in ecology and photography are also taught, due to high student interest in these areas. Courses are demanding and informative on all levels. The second year biology classes center on original experimentation rather than duplicating textbook experiments. The basic biology courses were remodeled this year, providing time for more lab work and less memorization of textbook material. Although the courses are specialized, most teachers explain that they like to teach science courses because they involve more than textbook material. The classes involve working with lab equipment, using the scientific method of problem solving, and hoping for a solution. 1. Sally E. Stringfield Wellesley College, B .A .; Duke University, M.A. Biology I, Biology II. Junior Class Sponsor ; Thespian Assistant Sponsor. 2. William L. Bishop University of Virginia, B.S. General Physics; Photograph y. Photography Club. 3. Marvin T. Curry Florida State University , B .S. ; University of Virginia, M .Ed. A.P. Chemistry; Chern Stud y. Chess Club. 4. F. Michael Brittingham University of Virginia, B.S.E.E. PSSC Physics; Algebra II. 5. Samuel W. Terry University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, B.S. Biology. Boys' Tennis Coach.

J ;:




Coed gym classes prove beneficial for students Arousing mixed reactions from the student body, the transition to coed gym classes was completed this year. Members of the Physical Education department seemed to all agree that the change was beneficial for their students. Ms. Brenda Langdon, Assistant Athletic Director and P.E. instructor believes that ". . . the new classes were the best thing that ever happened to the program." She foresees that the coed class will aid in forming better communication and interaction among students of both sexes. She went on to say, "I once thought I would not enjoy teaching guys , bur since September, the guys have been my favorite subject!" The majority of P.E. teachers believe that their teaching methods have not changed as a result of the coed classes. With a few minor exceptions in contact sports, the rules have not been radically altered. Other new programs that have been added are a unit in health careers, slimnastics, table games, golf, horseshoes, and indoor hockey.

1. Dotty Bohannon

2. 3.



Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Health and Physical Education. Field H ockey; Girls' Tennis; G.A .A. Gabie Bull Athletic Secretary. Brenda F. Langdon East Carolina University , B.S. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Assistant Activities' Director; Health and Physical Education. Girls' Varsity Basketball. Len路 Hrica University of Virginia, B.S.; M.Ed. Driver Education . Soccer ; Lacrosse. James E. Arbaugh Greenbriar Military Academy , A.A.; University of Virginia, B.S. Driver Education. Football.



Physical Education

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George T. Gay East Carolina University, B .S. Health and Physical Education ; Driver Education. Football; Track. James Garnett Elon College, B.A. Health and Physical Education. F.C.A. A.P. Moore North Carolina Central College, B .S.; M .S. Driver Education . Safety Club. Susan A. Miller Madison College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed . Health and Physical Education. Girls' Basketball ; Girls' Softball ; G .A .A .; G .A.A. Cheerleading. Richard W. Lyons Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S. Health and Physical Education. Boys' Varsity Basketball. Joseph L. Bingler University of Virginia, B.S.; M.Ed. Health and Physical Education. Activities' Director; Football. Ralph A. Harrison, Jr. South West Missouri State, B.S.; Drury College, M.Ed. Driver Education . G olf. Physical Education



1. Margaret W. Burruss Mary Washington College, B.S. Typing I. 2. Katharine Hancock Lynchburg College, B.A. Typing II ; General Business. 3. Agnes]. Anderson !"fontreat College, B.S. Cler;k TypISt I; Stene I. F.B.L.A. 4 . Sherry K. Aylor Radford College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Typing I; General Business. F.B.L.A.


Business Education


Job-entry skills taught


For those students who will soon be out working in office situations, the Business department plays a vital role in preparing them for the rigors of the business world. This department offers students the chance to obtain a good, secure job upon graduation . Many former students who work in local businesses can attest to the fact that skills taught and encouraged by this staff have been instrumental in obtaining satisfying jobs. Clerk typing, accounting, general business practices, shorthand, and a new course in record keeping are just some of the courses available to students. The new record keeping course is designed for those who wish to learn to keep personal and business records accurately. Besides offering job-entry skills, the department sponsors on the job training in local businesses and the F.B .L.A ., a national co-curricular activity.



Nancy G. Small Madison College, B .S.; Old Dominion University, M.S. Clerical Accounting 1,11. F.B.L.A. 2. Brenda]. Graves Longwood .College, B.S. Typing I; Record Keeping. F.B.L.A. Sophomore Class Sponsor. 3. )annette S. Hum State Teacher"s College at Kearney, Nebraska, B.A. Typing I. 路 4. Reba H. Sandell Madison College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Steno II; Clerk Typist II; C.O.E. F.B.L.A.







Business Education


1. Jeanne F. Thompson Marshall University, B .A. Consumer Homemaking I,II. F.H .A. 2. Francis W. Baughan St. Paul's College, B.S. Auto Servicing Coordination. 3. John H . Pleasants West Virginia State College, B.S. Industrial Arts I,II,III. 4. C. Lee Cochran University of Virginia, B.S. Vocational English 11,12. Work-Study Coordinator. Junior Class Sponsor. 5. Luci Craig University of Virginia, B.S. Math. 6. Le Roy H . Smith Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.Ed. Mechanical Drawing I,II,III ; Industrial Arts !.



Vocational Education

Students learn a variety of practical skills


The Vocational Education department helps students learn a variety of practical skills. In Distributive Education and Industrial Cooperative Training, students have the opportunity to go out and acquire the experience of working a half day in preparation for a future career. Agricultural production and management of natural resources help students understand more about the land and how to use it conservatively. Future homemakers gain experience in home management; woodworking skills and instruction in the use of shop equipment are obtained in the Industrial Arts classes; and a new generation of draftsmen is being trained in the mechanical drawing department. Our newest addition to the Vocational Education department is Fashion Merchandising. The class focuses upon apparel and accessories, using field trips to a local stores to reinforce classroom discussions. Next year a second level of the same course will be added for those who wish to continue in the fashion area.




1. Sharon Naiman George Washington University, B.S.; American University, M.Ed. Reading; English. Yoga Club. 2. Rodez L. Anderson Virginia State College, B.S. Career Education. 3. Elizabeth A. Covington Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S. Special Education. Advocate Club. 4. Charles de Krafft Appalachian State University, B.S. Work Study Counselor. 5. Jennifer Mann Madison College, B.S. Distributive Education; Fashion Merchandising. D .E.C.A. 6. Pat West University of Missouri, B.S. Job Orientation.


Vocational Education

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1. Linda L. Davis Avererr College, A .A .; Westhampton College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. History; Government; Human Relations. 2. Darrell C. Gardner Virginia Commonwealrh University, B.S. Distributive Education I,II. D.E.C.A. 3. Jeanne Logan Purdue University, B.S . Home Eocnomics III,IV; Career Orientation. F.H .A. 4. Mary Lou Muench University of Virginia, M.Ed. Language Arts. 5. Gail E. Mcintyre University of Virginia, B.S. Language Arts. Sophomore Class Sponsor. 6. Joseph R. Gillenwater Emory and Henry College, B.A.; Wesr Virginia University, M.S. I.C.T. I,II. V.I.C.A. 7. Kenton S. Gardner Virginia State College, B.S. Agriculture. F.F.A.

134 Vocational Education



Tech Center graduates have bright future This year, the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center continued preparing students for a variety of jobs after graduation. The center still offers the same courses, but has plans to add auto body repair, welding, and small appliance repair in the next five years. Ninety percent of the people who graduated from C-A Tech last year now have jobs in the community, and the administration has great expectations for this year's graduates. The community is expanding, and the demand for people with the skills offered at Tech is becoming greater all the time. Indeed, a Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Center graduate has a bright future ahead of him.


1. Clevesrer Logan Virginia Scare College, B.S.; M.S. Assisranr Principal. 2. Bernard]. Snyder Salem College, A.B.; Universiry of Virginia, M.Ed. Guidance Counselor. 3. Jean Brown Bookkeeper. 4. Lyman R. Corney Virginia Polyrechnic Inscirure and Scare Universiry, B.S.; College of William and Mary, M.Ed. Principal. 5. Theresa Booker Arrendance Secrerary. 6. Lief Aagard Universiry of Virginia, B.S. Elecrronics; Dara Processing Manager.



Technical Education Cenrer


1. Ruth G . Updike University of Virginia, B.S. Practical Nursing. V.I.C.A. 2. Russell P. Wood Virginia State College. Auto Mechanics I,II. V.l.C.A. 3. Allen W. Helmandollar University of Notre Dame; Indiana State. Metal Trades. V.I.C.A. 4. Curtis W. Austin Drafting I,II. V.I.C.A. 5. Janice M. Evans Blue Ridge School of Nursing; Watson 's Beauty School. Cosmetology . V.I.C.A. 6. James E. McDaniel Virginia State College, B.S. Carpentry, Cabinet Making I ,II. V.l.C.A. 7. Betty T. Hicks St. Paul's College , B.S. Office Clerk. F.B.L.A. 8. Blaine E. Mcintyre Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Heating and Air Conditioning. V.l.C.A.

136 Technical Education Center



1. Johnnie G. Anderson Madison College, B.S. Data Processing I,II. F.B.L.A. 2. William H . Johnson Tuskegee Institute, B.S. Bricklaying I,II. V.I.C.A. 3. Willard H . Parkhill Pennsylvania State University, B.S. Commercial Foods I,II. V.I.C.A. 4. Robert L. Barnett Coyne Electrical School. Electricicy. 5. Bennie M. Arnette Poco School of Beauty Culture of Registered Professional Beauticians. Cosmetology. V.I.C.A. 6. Hugh N. Billhimer Buffalo State College of New York, B .S.; Co yne Electrical School. Technician's Diploma. Electronics; Regular Tests. V.I.C.A. 7. Nancy Mosca University of Virginia, B.S. Practical Nursing. V.I.C.A. 8. Paul L. Johnson Norfolk State University, B.S. Auto Mechanics. V.I.C.A.



Technical Education Center

13 7

SCA and Honor Society sponsor school activities The S.C.A . is composed of representatives and officers chosen by the student body. It is the responsibility of the S.C.A. to sponsor a number of school activities including dances, fund raising endeavors, and special activitie s. Its major fun ction though is to provide a means of communication between the student bod y and the administration. Lead by president George Thompson, the S.C.A. hosted the Homecoming activities and the Valentine 's Day Thing. The Honor Society, a select group of academic students, has also helped out in various school and community activities. These students provided clean-up crews for Scott's Stadium, entertained children at the C.R.C., and participated in the annual March of Dimes Walk-a-thon . 1. SCA Sophomore!, fi rst row: K. Hall , S. Pace, L.

Cros by. Stcond row:]. Rey nolds, M.B. Hum, A. Tironi, S. Brown. Third row: L. Burton, M . Stamp, P.

Pri ce, B . Madison. Fou rth row: 0 . Barnocky, D. Proffit, C. Mason, L. Moore. 2. SCA j unio rs, fi ri i

ro w:]. Ramazani, Y. Morris, ]. Snyder, F. Ricks, C. Woodfolk, V. Wood , B. Maxa. Second row: S. Kniglu, L. Barnett, C. Carter, D . N unn, P. H aden,

B. Flora, L. Sta rks, M. Allen, T. H erring, E. Parra, R. Durrer. T bird row: T. McCrystal, S. Thompso n,

E. Mattson, B. Ruscher, M. Ozerov, R. Quill on, T. Sperry, C. Brannen, L Stovall, M. Avery, N. Pleasants, K. Wood, ].' Robens, A. Chapman. 3. SCA Stniori, /i rsl row: B . Jo hnso n, C. Sampso n, N. Mor-

ton, B. Meador, B . Bledsoe, R. Kite, J. Rushia, D . Harvey. Second row: S. Mo ntgomery, L. Fo re man, T. Vale me, D . Coyner, L. Greer, R. Morris, T. Carter, J. VanFosse n, T. Austin, D. Morris, C.T. Pace. Third row: J K night, G. H athaway, W. Jay. Fourrh row: G . Thompso n, D. Chapman , L. Fletcher. Fifth row: S. Rush , L. Cross, L. H arris.






1. National Ho no r Society, first row: P. Trenc h, A. Watson, L. Nelson, D . Zapara, D. Hansen, C. Harrison, D. Hadden. Serond row: C. Ingersoll, S. Blackman, S. Breedlove, N . Stamp, S. Stephenson , W . Jay, R . Bailey, B. Stalnaker. Third row: C. Maso n, C. Murad, ). Pruitt, A. Trice, A. Morris, B. Bledsoe, K. Talle y, R. Hutchinson, K. Bertone, L. Nu nn, D. Riall, R. Gordon, S. Elledge, ]. Fink. 2. SCA 0/fictrs, firs t row: N . Stamp, G . Thompso n. Second row: B. Bledsoe, R. Kite. 3. Mr. Green, SCA sponsor. 4. Mr. Yowell, SCA sponsor.


National Honor Society, SCA

14 1

HARLEQUIN encourages student creativity

1. Harkquin, first row: M. Trench, R. Hutchinson , M. Hauser, ]. Ramazani, S. Graham, L Eckford. Stcond row: S. Frye, D . Harvey, L. Seale, T. Tucker,

I. Swanson, C. Britton, E. Balian. Third row: Mr.

Holgate, L. Nelson, R. Gordon, ). Haden, K. Ansel, C. Moore, R. Mendicino, D. Manweiler, S. Robertson , C. Powell. 2. Mtdia Ctnltr Aidls, first

S. Deane, N . Via, P. Dudley, T. Dudley, P. Howard, A. Morris, A. Carr, M. Craig, D. Durre{(e, M . Frazier, C. Shifflett. Stcond row: C. Swift, P. Johnson, L. Rogers, D. Fields, T. Brown, G . row:

Garrison, W. Harlow, B. Gray, R. Brown, D . Cof-

fey, B. Vess, T . Vaughan, C. Shifflet.


Harlequin, Media Center Aides

Published bi-annually under the sponsorship of Mr. Holgate, the Harlequin features student art and student writing. Members of the staff see their publication as an encouragement to individuals in the school community to produce creative works and to allow others to share in their products. Many of the contributions are products of an English or art project, but just as many are the result of a student's outside endeavors. Every day the Media Center aides can be found xeroxing articles, shelving books, filing cards, and instructing bewildered teachers in the use of .a projector or thermofax machine. The librarians praise them for their help in making the Media Center run more efficiently.

The Prism, A tions during the des, sports cov1 of the editorials body. Many tim November elect Mr. Hill and II a transition in e Harrison as Ed Charlottesville. last issue featur taments.

of Mr. Holgate, •riting. Members 1gement to indi~ative works and · of the contribubut just as many

nd xeroxing arti:ting bewildered IX machine. The O.e Media Center




The Prism, Albemarle's newsmagazine, published eight editions during the year. Most issues contained special feature articles, sports coverage, and editorials. While the staff wrote most of the editorials, they welcomed contributions from the student body. Many times the staff polled students on such issues as the November elections, then interpreted the res{Ilts of these polls. Mr. Hill and Mr. Marshall directed the staff of eighteen through a transition in editors mid-year. Christine Murad replaced Carol Harrison as Editor-in-Chief, when Carol's family moved from Charlottesville. Most all students looked forward to the Prism's last issue featuring Senior Superlatives and Last Wills and Testaments.

PRISM solicits student opinions


L Prism Staff, first row: P. Downing, W. Rothacker, S. Elledge. Second row: P. Garver, P. Palumbo, D. VanDerveer, J Copeland. Third row: R. Lewis, J Barnett, B. Walker, C. Harris, S. Brudlove, K. Pullen, M. Powell, D. Kaut. 2. Prism Editors, first row: Me. Marshall, B. Charton, Mr. Hill, C. Harris, C. Murad .






1. Pttr UndtrdaJJmm,first row: E. Huff, T. Thorpe,

R. Breeden, P. Hawkes, C. Marshall, M. Koren , B. Maxa, R. McCormick, A. McGrory, K. Averette. Stcond row: T. N orford, K. Leffers, K. Cook, M. Coble, ]. Tewksbury, S. Nelson. Third row: C. Morris, K. Wood, V. Sylvester, M. Wagner, T. Henderson, M. Vayvada, B. Adams, B. Sklany, P.

Barbour, B. Bailes, T. Blue, C. Famino, A. Corderman. 2. Peer Advisors: Miss Gurren, Mrs. Stanle y. UnderdaJJmtn: H. Garland, S. Byrom, P. Mauhews. 3. Peer Seniors, first row: K. Cage, R. Balik,]. Fink. Stcoo r~d row: B. Meador, L. Barksdale, P. Roane, D. Hadden. Third row: T. Carter, A. Harris, B. Bailes, R. Marshall, K. Herring, M. Gibson. Fourth row: M . Bell, D. Freed, C. Hearn.



Increased use of copy characterizes 1977 PEER Work on the annual began early last summer as the staff members solicited ads from various businesses throughout the community. Editors Donna Hadden and Rea Marshall called for a change in the style and the format of The Peer with the emphasis on additional copy. Deadlines seemed to create chaos as the editing staff went into a panic a week before "D-day" and Mrs. Stanley resorted to histrionics. The night before a deadline was usually Blled with cramming in work and writing copy that should have been written three weeks before. Late night cups of coffee and frequent trips to McDonald's sustained the editing staff through many close calls. Nevertheless, deadlines were always met. (Do you hear that Prism staff?). The last deadline brought sighs of relief as the staff sat back and waited for the finished product to arrive in May. l. Pur EditorJ, first row: R. Balik, P. Roane. Second row: D . Freed, L. Barksdale, A . Harris. Third row:

C. Marshall, P. H awkes, K. Le ffers. 2. Peer Edito rsin路Chitf R. Marshall, D. H adden.



14 5

1. Conctrt Choir, first row: I. Swanson, C. Inger路 soU, C. Quillon, T. Collier, D . Lancaster, F. Arbaugh, S. Birdsol, T. Williams, K. Wolfre y, V. Wood. C. Bri<1ain. L. Snow, B. Coles, T. Tare, ). Reynolds, L. Corderman. Strond row: M. Hughes, C. Mitehell,). Rushia, B. Wiebe!, L. Derer, C. Barnock y, D. Carswell, T . McCrysral, G. Srevens, P. Paske!, P. Hawle y, K. Crider,). Hill, D. Smirh, G. Critzer, M. Harris, M. Varga, C. Hammer ~ L. Knorr, ]. Frazier, V. Mauhews, E. Bardow, M. Russo. Third row: C. Woodfolk, P. Conklin, N. Harris, T. Thacker, C. Devan , M. LaRu e, K. Turner, L. Monroe, R. Benjami n, ]. Horner, J. Swift, G. Bruce, K. Keithley, J. Vassar, W. Jay, J. Douglass, D. Cooke, L. Nunn, D. Ballard, ). Starke, M. Mitchum, G. Couen, W. Parker, B. Tomlin, V. Mite hum, K. Talley , ). Blair. 2. Modlm Dana, firu row: P. Robinson, S. Poindexter, D. Coyner, R. Brown , R. Hansen , S. Coffman, B. Score, N . Harris , C. Morris, M. Hughes. Strond ro w: D. Wade, S. Shorwell, C. Hanger, T. Sperry, K. Wolfrey, B. Lohr, A. Chapman, Y. Care y,). Gordon , T. Short, L. Walker, Ms. Tanner. 3. Art, first row: }. Taylor, C. Odell, L. Nelson, B. Carrell, T. Umstadter, L. Si[\n, M. McMillion, D . Litman , T. Harrison . Stcond row: Ms . Gardner, C. Watson , S. Dillard, C. Schwab, T. Morris, E. Huff, ). Hermansdoerfer, L. Fagg , K. Cosner, H . Hermanson, T. Todd, L. Davis. Third row: G. Hathaway, K. Megahan, M. Lang, E. Parra, Mr. Johnson, C. D4Udone, B. Foster, C. Hanger, S. Wawner, S. Shotwell , D. Cavanaugh , G . Louderback, V. johnson, I. Thomas , D . Jones, R. Hudson, Mrs. Tucker.

14 6

Concen Choir, Mod e rn Dance, An


Artistic efforts bring enjoyment




The Concert Choir presented two concerts this year, both for the student body and the public. The fall concert was the joint effort of the Concert Choir and the band. Just before Christmas vacation, the Choir staged a Christmas performance composed of carols from all over the world. At this concert, the members also sponsored a drawing for a motorcycle to aid their moneyraising efforts. Student art work was featured at various locations around the school, thanks to the Art Club. Watercolors, acrylics, and pottery were displayed in the front lobby, in the art wing, and in the Media Center. Several art students also had their work shown in a city-wide exhibit held on the Downtown Mall. Photography Club members' work was also featured in the Media Center at various times during the year. 1. Mixed Chorus, first row: A . Brown, B . G arr ison, P. Jones, A . Sandridge, A. Ray, ]. Morris , D. De-

nby, L Harris. Second row: P. Simms, C. Smith, A. Hughes, L. Walker, C. Shifflet, M. Vaglio, P. J ohnson , M. White, C. Wi lson, ). Wilberger. Third row: I. Morr is, P. R obinson, B. Clayron , B . D yer, S. Manle y, B. Thacker, L. Page , D . H ardy, V. Johnson, T. Dudley. Fou rth row: D. Starkes , M. Rybolt, W. Johnson , TRay, I. Bryanc, N . He nderson, ]. Poin de xter, C. Hite r, D . Harr ison, C. G arver, B . Clauerbuck, K. Kinley. Fifth row: C. Chapman, G . Witcher, R. D o Ui ns, P. j ones, ].


Starks, L. Wells, W. Rea, T. Morris, M. Gibson, R . Harlow. 2. Symphonic 1 Band, first row: L. Macleod, C. Hire r, M. White, V. Harpe r, M. Masby, J. Flo ra, S. Scanlon , S. Wayne, A . Pace, D. Mirk, P . Ray, B .

Marshall, B. Morris,]. Henderson, E. Forlo ines, M. Cosner , L. Burton. Second row: V . Paircec ,



Byers, P. Anne D. Arwell, C. H udson, B. Wie bl, B. Carver, D . Glosser, T. H ende rso n, L. Williams, D. Hall, K. Kolb, T. Edmo nds, J. H ammen, R. Hi ggins, S. Snider. Third row: C. Fun k, F. Brewer, L. Fis her, E. Hecheringcon, ]. Cotten, D. Williams, M.

Knighc , B. Smir h, W. Jenki ns, C. Wilson, S. Cason , S. H ughes, S. Thompso n, M. Campbell, R. Davis, ]. Seabrook. Fourth row: P. Samsell, B. Mad iso n, R . Spurgin, P. Price, P. Van Voorhis, ]. Kerns, M.


Davis, ]. Meyers,]. Srewan, L Rade r, D . Wimer , K. Marshal l, ]. Goodling, ). G encq•, D. Golde r, D. Timberlake, D . Owen. Fifth row: C. Fis her, G. Ivor y, ]. Sn yd er, S. Burney, L. Bossong, S. Hill, P. Garland, N. Norm an, M. Aberle, P. Jones, E. Lawson. Sixth row: S. Pilcher, T. Warner, B. Funk, B. Lucas, A. Parham , D. Hannum, K. Toms, L Farina, G. Haynes. Ser;enth row: M. Shavis, W. Rorhacker. Eighth ro w: T. Quick , E. R usse ll , D. Brad ley, P. B arbour , C. Frazier, G . T ay lor. 3. Photograph)•, first row: B. Bishop, M. Vayvada, P. Garver, A . Barrett,

S. Byrom, B. Pollard. Second row: A. McG rory, G. Flo ra, D. Freed, T. Je nk ins, C. H o lmes, B . Sprouse, W. Bo wyer, D. Re}•nolds.


Mixed Chorus, Band, Ph orograph y


1. SpaniJh Swiors, first row: E. Parra, L. Davis, L. Cross , L. Flynn , D. Zapata, A. Norcross, P. Han se n, L. Cramer, V. Villar, R. Marsha) I. Second row:

S. Bishop, R. Bailey, D. Thompson, C. Rowen , B. Osborne, B. Johnson, S. Blackman, K. McClanahan, B. Stalnak e r, J. Carlin, T. Valente , T. Sweeney. Third ro w: T. Pannell, B. Bowers, L. Boat wright, B. Charlton, S. Dnight, D . Robenson, L. Barneu, R. Huthinson, J. Knight, B. Mills, G . Thompson, R. Quillon, B. Gleason, T. Farrell, C. Hearn, S. Montgomery, C.T. Pace. 2. Latin Seniors, first row: ]. Pruiu, L. Barnette, D. Econ omos, T . Pannell. Second row: B. Bowers, S. Wh ee ler, B. Mills, R . Kite , B. Cutright, T. Mawyer,). Kirkland.


Spanish, La[in


Foreign travel keeps clubs occupied The foreign language clubs have traditionally been among the most active organizations in the school. These clubs seek to extend student involvement in language related activities outside the classroom. Rivalry among the clubs reaches a peak during Homecoming float activities. This year, the French Club took first place, while second place went to the Latin Club. Along with the spring trips to various countries, the Spanish Club ventured to Washington and the Latin Club traveled to Norfolk to attend the Virginia Junior Classical League Convention . Gemutlich abound at the German Club picnic sponsored by Mr. Norton. The French Club went caroling en francais and in the spring, the Spanish Club presented selections from]esus Christ Superstar. 1. German SeniorJ, firi i row: S. Johnson11 P. Morr is. Second row: B. Dixon, S. Stanley. Tbird row: E. Wookson, S. Com bs. 2. FrenchSmio ri,/irJI row: D. Riall , V. Villar-Gosalvez, K. B ertone, E. Mattsso n, B. Tomlin, R. Funk, D. Robertson, L. N unn, T. Vale nte. Second row: M. Rondeau, D. Hadden, B. Mills, S. Stephenson , S. Stan ley , K. Lassecre r, R.

Kite, B. Meador, ]. Kirkla nd, E. Parra, C. Cutrigh t, L Barksdale. Third row: L. Barnette, K. T alle y, R. G ordon, B. Johnson, L. Fry, B. Bledsoe, B. Carrell, R. Kess le r, S. Keith, S. Williams, C. Mur ad, L. H ass, S. Birdsall, R. Blac k, ]. An derso n , G. H at haway, W. J ay.

G erman , French


1. Latin Undtrclassmm , f irst ro w: C. Cooper, T.

Umsrader, G. Good, N. Foster, P. Trainum, ]. Frazier, K. Thomasson. Second row: M. Preddy, K. Hirsh, M. PoUard, P. Walpole, ]. Monon, H. Hemmer, M. McCrystal, G. Bickers, B. Hogg, ]. Adams, N. Adams. Third row: T. Bowm an, M. Childs, P. Van Slyke, ). Reynolds, L. Newron, N. Snyder, B. Crocker, M. Reid, M . Ozerov, K. Cook. Fourth row: T. H ale, A. Lucz, G. Banen, Mrs. Gar-

S~~:ii~T.~'~h~ili~~路 2~路 F~~,;j}~~io,~fH~;~J;

Socitty, first row: M. Lederman, L Ballion. Stcond

R~~~~fnfi;,.~ ~~~~~k~it~aJ~H路e;~;~fcfoerrfe~: K. Bertone, W . Jay. Fourth row: B. Ruscher, K . Tal-

le y, D. Nunn, R . Kite, S. Stephenson , D. Reali, L. Nunn.



1. Frwch SophomortJ , first row: B. McAlpine, S. Thompson, S. Sahlen, A . Berry, L. Thurneck, M. Hearne, R. Garrett, K. Borns rein, S. Pamplin, S. Burney, P. Anne, L. Wesner, R . Spurgin, B. Tears .

Stcond row: M. Thacker, P. Garland, S. Pace, E. Forloins, K. Wood , S. Coffman, K. Evans, K. Easmn,

L Hantske, R. Chapman, N . Norman, ]. Park, S. Ballion , C. Smith, B. Madison, D . Atwell , E. Somers , Mrs. Finn. Third row: L. Colony, ]. 路Haden, C. Pirsch, B. Herndon, M. Pleasants, P. Price, L. Evans , M. Lohr, C. Daidone, M. Hum, S. Brown, A. Tironi, L. Crosby, T. Henderson , K. Averecte,

B. Jones. Fourth row: M. Turner, C. Duffey, S. Sullivan, K. Shubert, ]. Goodling, C. Mason, F. Brewer, B. Hogg, S. Hodges, C. Mooney, ]. Myers, N. Mac hews, M. Ruthruff, P. Ray, D. Rosenblume, M. Knight, ]. Gentry, H. Porter, T. Brown , L. Bremner. 2. Spanish Underclassmen , first row: L. Frisco, C. Shifflett, C. Fancino, G . Easter, ] . j ackson, T. Todd, D. Proffitt, F. Hicks, N. Payne, R. Wheby, K. Crum, P. Sutphin, S. Dempse y, M. McMillion. Stcond row: B. Adams, M. Bingler, M. Ripburger, S. Murray, D . Van de Casde, N . Pleasants, T. Herring. C. Brannen, C. Carter, V . Wook , R. Zimmerman, T . Earle, C. Echols, A . Ross, K. Glad y, P. Johnson , L. Batiste, V . Norford, S. Edwards. Third row: K. Leffers, R. Besseas, M . Avery, C. Sacra. K. Shubert, R . Amaro, M. O 'Connell, E. Masloff, T. Sandell , L. Starks, D. B yers , S. Gallam , B . Wingfield, R. Durrer, P. Via. D . Churchman, P. Melron, K. Spencer, S. Warrick , K. Marshall , K. Wilson, C. Hirer. Fourth row: C. Marshall, B. Corrigan, R. Fitzgerald, C. Staples , B. Ruscher, M. Ozerov,]. Robens, S. Thompson, G . Hasenfus, P. Heintzleman, R . Baile y, R. Hanger, L. Goodell, D. Powell. 3. French ju niors, first row: S. Byrum, P.

Mathews, W. Figgatt, E. Goldstien, K. Herold, A. Pappas, M . Vale me, K. Perry, P. Brezinske, C. Fantino, T . Hall, ]. Kauzlarich, M. Coble, C. Pamplin, B. Abbott, B. Flora, K. Dudley, P. Argenbrite. Stc-


ond row: ]. Ramazani, D . Nunn, ]. Kelarakis , S.

Hughs, N. Coleman, A. Lively, ]. Barnett, R. Lewis, R. Shifflerr, E. Beaurline, S. Nelson, B. Sandridge, R. Simmonds, P. Haden, H. Schnell, D. Llw, M. Cain, C. Kois, A. Barrett, K. Angel. T bird row: L. Topper, B. Walker, B. Ballion, R. Wheby, G . Haines, M. Hauser, S. Thompson, L. Peuit , ].

Snyder, V. Wild, C. Birdse ll, R. Fitzgerald, T. Blue, B. Aires, R. Amburn, ]. Blount, M. Avery, ]. Copeland . 4. German Underclassmen, f irst row: T. Ruesh , B . Crocker, S. Reger, R. Ziock, C. Pirsch, P. Price, L Fisher, D. Firth, G. Layne, B. Baber, W. Carr, H .

Shalloway, T. Kindrick, M. Lang, G . Barnocky. Second row: V. Cotten, M. Campbell, G . Bickers, R. Fisher, L. Corderman, K. Harris, S. Snider. L. Payne, T. McCune, S. Meeks, P. Anne, F. Beziriannidis, R. Hanger, S. Gajar, T. Gadient. Third row:

S. Hill, T. Quick, ]. Seabrook, M. Grabman, P. Boring, L Williams, V. Schmidt , R . Werner, T.

Smith, ]. Stargell,]. Wolf, D. Scanlon, M. Ozerov, B . Haige. Fourth row: K. Keithle y, L. Bossong, D . Friend, L. Harwell, P. Taylor, N. Schlamb, R. Durrer, C. Huffman, R. Garren, ]. Bukrim.

I f



Spanish, French, German


1. Chess Club, first row: C. Fantino, A. Gadiem, B. Carver, D. Hall, M. Knight, F. Wood, ). Starks, P. Johnson, D. Jones. Second row: C. Birdsall, T. Valence, L Frye, D. Riall, C. Win, P. Anne, B. Aldrich, D. Houdrer, ]. Dorman, C. Cavanaugh, M. Rabinowitz, R. Cedra, B. ChacletOn. Third row: Curry, D. Van de Castle, R. Gordon,]. Bailey, B. Gleason, T. Farrell, H . Smith, B. Mills, B . Johnston, B. Dyer, T . Roesch, L. Hudson, B. Watkins, E. Wagner. 2. Young Democrats, first row: B. Hogg, B. Maxa, P. Roane, L Greer, P. Trench, R. Simmonds. Stfond row: S. Roberson, D. Lancaster, T. Smith, R. Marshall, L. Sinn, I. Swanson, P. Hawks, A. HilleL Third row: Mr. Green, T. Austin, R. Kite , ). Copeland, C. Brannen, G. Thompson, D. Hadden, C. Mason, K. Harris, R. Breeden. 3. Albtmark Pkzym , first row: M. Dobbs, C. Jones, W. Rothacker, M. McMillion, R. Benjamin. S芦ond row:路 C. J<?hnson, P. Hawke~, B. Abbott,]. Ramazaru, L S1nn, D . Wade. Thtrd row: B. Abbon, P. Haden, C. Pamplin, C. Marshall, ). Black, S. Jahrsdoerfer, A. Diehl, N. Pleasants. Fourth row: T. Umstadter, B. McMillion, ]. Kinlaw, J. Blount, L Greer, R. Wheby, A. Barrett, V. Somers. Fifth row: L Davis, R. Mangione, ]. Spence, F. Ricks, ]. Hughes, C. Britton, P. Conklin, C. Kuder, M. O 'Connell. Sixth row: ). Sullivan, M. Ragland, L Flynn, M. Wagner, K. Wood, D. Lancaster, B. Tomlin, R. Hanger, L. Goode ll. St1ltnth row: J. Morris, D. Proffitt, P . Matthews, D . Haden, P. Feuherscone, A. Chronister, R. Quillon, F. Gleason, L. Wells, P. Via. D. Morris. Eighth row: A. Pappas, A. Pollard, K. Beall, D. Litman, L. Wright, R. Marshall, P. Lindsay, A. Hillel, L. Hass,). Craig. Ninth row: K. Glady, K. Wilkerson, L Scrimshaw, ). Roberts, G. Thompson, I. Swanson,). Reynolds, C. Manson, L. Gibson.


Chess, Young Democrats, Players

Thespians host conference Service-oriented members of the new Advocate Club found that sharing with mentally retarded children can be a very rewarding experience. According to sponsor, Ms. Amburn, the students were able to "provide friendship and social outlets for their proteges, who might not otherwise have such opportunities. " The advocates took the children bowling, Christmas shopping, and planned outdoor activities for the children in the spring. For their hard work in the Carter campaign, the Young Democrats received a special commendation from their party. The Chess Club provided members with a opportunity to master game skills. The Albemarle Players and Thespians had a busy schedule, particularly around February 4-6, when they hosted the State Theater Arts Conference here at Albemarle. Both groups also ~

2 1. Thtspian.s, first row: L. Sinn, M. McMillion, M.

Dobbs, C. Mcfarland, P. Hawkes, B. Abbott. Second row: R. Mangione, J. Black, P. Conklin, C. Jones, T. Wi lliams. Not Pictured: J. Spence, T. Smith. 2. Advocatt Club, first row: J. Anderson, L.

Forman, C.T. Pace, D. Chapman, D. Coyner, ]. Mood, C. Cutright. Steond row: B . Osborne, C. Devan, D . Townsend, K. Lasseuer, R. Kite, C. Mitchell, A . Baumgardner. Third row: E. Covington, P. Wilkins, B. Johnson, L. Deter, C. Mason , M. Gilr son, T . Carter, M. Ragli n, S. Keith, S. Breedlove,

D. Robertson, V. Wood, L. Ricks, M. Amburn. 3. Dtbau Club, first row: K. Harr is, C. Mason, H . Schnell, L. Newto n, C. Ingersoll, P. Trench. Second row: P. Bain,). Ramazani, P. Taylor, L. Patterson, L Llumpp, R. Gordon, G. Cotten, P. Anne.

Thespians, Advocare, Debare


1. FBLA, first row: L. Tone y, S. Lyles, S. Yowell, E. Washingron, L. Bares, M. Maupin, C. Swif(. Sec路 ond ro w: G. Ven s, B. Woodso n, D. Warson, ).

Rushia, S. Feggans, A. Ray, P. Hawle y, L. Snow, S. Powell, H . H um. Third row: Mrs. Aylor, M. Marron, M. Jones, A. Morris, C. Quillon, C. Shiffler , V. Powers, S. Rile y, L. Rogers, D. Deed, Mrs. Sandell, Mrs. Small. Fourth Row: Ms. Graves, P. Vess, B. Boatwroghr , T. Thacker, D. Clarkson, R. Snow, D. Shelton, P. Saunde rs, V. Terr ell. Fifrh row: B. Davis, P. Mahone, C. Davidson, F. Wright , R. Mund ie, K. Ballard. 2. FHA, firsr row: D. Hardy,

M. Santana, T. Sprouse, D. Hays leu , P. Morr is, D. Shifnen , B. Reed, S. Shinaberr y, B. Byerl y, P. H ash, W. Baker, S. Via, V. Hensle y, M. James . Second row: K. Wood, E. Knight, P. Knight, G . Garrison, T. Collie r , L. Knighting, V. Glad, T . Thompson, L. S hifnen, A. Gentry, E. Pollard, B. C raft, L. H err ing, S. Chapman, S. Bell, P. Sprouse, T. Robertso n, G. Dimasi, D. Gibson, K Sprouse. Third ro w: D. Starks, A. Pace, P. Ferguson, D . Jones, C. Robertson, K. Kirtle y, ]. Greene, M. Ru sh, ]. Cowan, R. J ones, L. Walker, Y. Care y, N. Harris, S. C hurch man, T. Henderson, A. Wolfe , S. Oeste rh eld, Mrs. Logan. Fourth row: S. Joachim, P. Mahone, I. Morr is, S. Beddingfield, K. Bishop, D . Shifflett, J . Mo rris, K. Scharff, Mrs. Thompson. 3. FFA, first row: Y. Carey, N. Lloyd, L. Walker, C. Williams, D. Starks, G. Murrs y. Ser011d row: T. Shaver,]. Deel, C. Norford, G. Shifflett,]. Kerns, L McWi lli ams. Third row: Mr. Gar dner, D. Norford, V. C lem, G. Tucke r , V. Sullivan, M. Wingfield,]. Wood, T. Harris, M. Thomas , F. Boli ng. Fourth row: D. Re y, R. Garver, C. Kingrea, G. Roac h, M. Adcock, R. Layne, G . Mowbray.




- -~:;:-:~~~~~--"'-


Clubs explore careers For the first time at A.H.S., fashion merchandising was offered as part of the curriculum. The goals of this class were to prepare students for jobs and to explore careers in the field of apparel. The Fashion Club emerged from these students' interest. Club members participated in several fashion shows and visited Washington to tour the clothing and textile exhibits at the Smithsonian. F.F.A., F.H.A., F.B.L.A., D .E.C.A., and V.I.C.A. clubs focused on increasing the knowledge and skills of the individual club members in their chosen careers. The clubs are very competitive in vocational contests on local and state levels. 1. Fashion Merchandisiflg, first row : L. Davis, P.

Roane, C. Hanger. Second row: S. Tay lor, S. Garrison, C. Sampson. Third r()UJ: D . Thompson, ]. Locher, C. Woodfolk. Fourth row: K . Cosner, S.

Barbour,). Mann. 2. DECA, first row: D. Hardy, S. Harris , K. B yers , G . Garrison, D . 路Browrllng, M. Zivic, K. Gregory, T. Marshall , J. Donnan, R. Ward. A . Hensle y, B . Carver. N. H averkamp. Second row: S. Chapman,_ W. Barbour_:, V._ Garrison, R.

Jones, D. S~arks , E. WeUs, Y. Morris, ). Henderson, ). Yontterbulis,J. Jordon, B. Wood, H . Lum pkin,). Dimarco,]. Locker, D . Thompson. Third row: D . Fritz, D. Gardner, S. Bush, W. Clark, B. Bauen, G . Matheny, M. King, D . Shiffiert , P. Garrison, L. Knighting, R . Pritchen, T . Rey, B . Baudoux, K . Chapman, R. Bryanc, E. Banks, T. Crickenberger,

P. Eppard. 3. ICA, jim row: ). Turner, A. Robinson, R. Gevr y, B. Shisler, S. Pugh, P. Sandridge, B. Childress. Second row: Me. GiUenwa[er , B. Sklany , N. Hughes, L. Page, P. Pryor, K. Salmon, R. Habbe, T. McDaniel, M. Salisbury. Third row: F. .Graves, R. Via, M. Marzano, R. Sipe, T. Morris, R.

War d, R. Mason, D. Gruenwald, R. Thomas.

Fashion Merchandising, DECA, VICA


Clubs j transpc

In a loose ser. various forms o gregation of ho on horseback w forced postponf Sponsored by nic country spo1 and camping. Ti of motorcycles safety. A spring were judged on The members cision driving tc bemarle Andian 1. Bicydt Undtrdasmmz, first row: C. OdeU, S. jahrsdoerfer, A. Diehl, R. Davis,]. Economos, D . Glosser, S. Thompson, R. Ziock, C. Huffman. Strond row: ]. Robens, L. Bledsoe, ]. Kauzarlarich, M. Coble, D . Hannum, H . Toms, L. Srakes, B. Davis, ]. Sn yder, P. Jones, G . Haynes, S. Sullivan, E. Lawson, A. Tironi, L Crosby, G. Alexander, T. Lord, S. Lynch , M. Fuzz, L Fuzz, B. Adams. Third row: K. Maupin, D . Van de Castle, C. Weary, R. Zimmerman, D . Nunn, C. Angel, S. Burruss, C. Brannen, T. Short, R. Hudso n, L. Moore, L. Crosb y, A. Tironi, P. Johnson , D. Tratnack, ]. Monon , S. Thompson, W. Smith . Fourlh row: ]. Nelms, D. Byers, R. Wheby, ]. Snyder, L. Penit, P. Heischman, M. Wagner, ). Haden, T. Smirh, B. Flora, B. Nardi, P. Haden, K. Wood, M. Wagner, L. Collins, G . Barnocky, C. Carrer, B. Lucas, T. Warner, C. Pamplin, B. Ruscher, P. Walpole, M. Ozerov. 2. Motorcydt: G. Blankenship, O.D. Royals, R. Gevry, T. Farrell, H . Smith, R . Mangione, B. Maxa, P. Roane, S. Byrom. Steond row: T. Hay, K. Dudley, S. Stevenson, B. Gleason, K. McClanahan, T. Valence, M. Haas, H . Garland, S. Nelson, B. Sklany, P. Matthews. Third row: W. McCauley, B. Mead or, D. Van de Castle, G . Rund, M. Erickson. Fo11r1h row: G. Barnocky, K. Wood, A. Lasley, R. Hanger, M. Wagner, ]. Snyder, B. Gevry, T. Mayes, H . Brown, A. Hafer, G. Layne, B. Mills. 3. Birydt StniorJ, firJI row: D. Thomas, K. Herring, S. Johnso n, L Flynn, L. Barneue, H. Klauschmeyer, F. Haar. Suond row: C. Lassener, M.J. Boren, ]. Fink, B. Bledsoe, B. Osborne, T. Valente, K. McClanahan, R. Mangione, T. Carter, D . Hadden. Third row: A. Benjamin, K. Talle y, D. Beale, ]. Anderson, K. Keithley, W. McCauley, D. Abidin, T. Farrell, }. Knight,}. Stark.





Bicycle, Motorcycle


Clubs focus on . transportation In a loose sense, several clubs centered around enjoyment of various forms of transportation . The Equestrian Club is a congregation of horse-owners, who wish to enjoy the countryside on horseback with other riders. Bitter cold weather this winter forced postponement of trail rides until the spring. Sponsored by Mr. Anderson, bike enthusists took off to scenic country spots such as Big Meadows for weekends of biking and camping. The Motorcycle Club promoted a positive image of motorcycles and provided members with information on safety . A spring "trials event" was scheduled, where individuals were judged on skills and balance. The members of the Rally Club used their knowledge of precision driving to participate in auto rallies sponsored by the Albemarle Andiamo Auto Club.

I 1. Rally Club, first row: B. Howe, M. Mardeza, R. Zifllmerman , C. Caner, D. Nunn, G. Barnocky, L. Pe[(it ,). Snyder. Stcond row: D. Fricz, M. Haas, P.

Haden, M. Ripberger, B. Flora, M. Shifflet, P. Farrell, M. Gibson, O.D. Royals, H . Smith, M. Wagner, C. Brannen, D. Proffir, R. Quillon,]. Anderson, Mrs. Stanley, B. Bailes, D. Collins, M. Rabi nowitz, M. Dorman, ]. Dorman. Third row: L. Greer, B. Abbott,]. Blo unt, P. Hawkes, B. S_ylvesrer, T. Pace, D. Ross, D. Timberlake, T. Carson, M. Bremner, D. Bailey, R. Kessler, K. Keithley, S. Knight, B. Mills, L. Barnette, B. Charleron, P. Downing, S. Elledge, D. Economos, S. Coogan, B.

Smirh. 2. EqueJtriarJ Cl11b, first row: B. Pauerson, Ms. Gardner - sponsor, M. Jones, B. Dixon, L. Nelson, ]. Taylor. Second row: A. Warson, P.

Turner, T. Tucker, ). Kirkland, L. Fl y_nn.

Rall y, Equestrian

15 7

._ '•

I. Yogo Club, fiw r<>W: M. Coble, V. Wood, F. Hicks, K. Leffers, R. Zimmerman. Stcond row: S.

Armbrecht, T . Herring, D. Hansen, R. Wheby, M. Granger, T . Todd 1 E. Parra, L. Cramer, H . Garland, M. Wagner. Third row: G . Layne, A. Tironi , D . Van

de Castle, N . Payne, R. Quillon, F. Haar, K. Wil-

son, Q. Proffiu, J. Knight, L. Cross, C.T. Pace, R . Amato. Fourth row: C . Kudor ). Roberts , T. Williams. 2. Doug Logan Fan Club, first ro w; A . Stark,

M. King, H . Schnell, T . Weist, K. Megahan, L. Davis, K. Yowell, T. Todd, K. Hall, K. Haas, G . Sullivan. Stcond row: P. Mauhews, S. Nelson, H . Garland, E. Parra, G. Thompson, Y. Wile y, j. Tewksbury, S. Byrom, P. Roane, B. Maxa, D. Por-

rit,). Buchler, S. Warrick. Third row: C. Schwab, M. Varga, L. Hall, ). Rushia, C. Ingersoll. Fourth row: R. Hutchinson, T. Carter, B. Johnson, K. Mawyer, D . Byers , T. Vale me, L. Colon y, C. Hirer, B. Clatterbuck, R. Wheby, Mr. Marshall. Fifth ro w:

T. Austin, G . Hathaway, W. Jay, D. Proffit , J. An-

derson, B. Mills, O.D. Royals, H . Smith. 3. So/tty Club, first row: R. Zimmerman, C. Brannen , D . Nunn , C. Carter, B. Flora, D . Van de Castle, G . Layne, B . Mills, R . Wheb)'. Stcond row: ]. Knighr, P. Haden, C. Echols, C.T. Pace, L Ba.cneue.


Yoga, Doug Logan Fan Club, Safety

' l


Clubs for the sportsminded attract many r


Clubs centered around sports and school spirit attracted many members this year. Promoting "the fastest game on foot, " the Lacrosse Club hosted a team from Garden City, Long Island this spnng. The G.A.A. hoped to host other schools for intramural activity, including a Sports Day Program. The members also tried to entice the faculty to join informal basketball and volleyball games. Generating a tremendous amount of school spirit at the basketball games, the Doug Logan Fan Club lead other students in cheers. The Safety Club promoted cautious driving and taught other young people about safe driving practices.

2 l. EcojQgy, front: E. Martsson. First row: R. Besseas, A. Lasley, D. Howe , K. Cook. Second row: ].

Kelarkis, N. Coleman, A. Wright, R. Mangione, ). Vassar. Third row: Mr. Ergler, W. Parker, G. Heatherington, R. HU(chenson. 2. LacroiSe, first row: C. Fancino, C. McFarland, D. Owen,). Nelm s, ). Garrison , W. Jay, D. Nunn, B. Flora, B . Shifflen, C. Carter, E. Huffman, R. Mangione, L. Nunn, K. Corrigan. Second row: T . Smith, D. Blake, P. Van-

Slyke, T. Warner, O.D. Royals, T. Farrell, ). Knight , H. Smith, D. Abidin, ). Haden, S. Elledge, D. Van de Castle, C. Brannen. Third row:). Goodling, M. Ladd, ). Myers,). Roberts, B. Tomlin, D. Robertson, W. McCauley, K. Griffe y, V. Wood, T . Williams, P. Haden, L. Davis, L Collins, K. Megahan. Fourth row: P. Garland , L. Grimm, N. Payne,

B. Corrigan, M. Avery, W. Deter, W. McDonald, B. McAlpine, R. Zimmerman, M. Wagner, G. Hathaway. 3. GAA, jir1t row: B. Madison, R. Hanger, S. Gajar, C. Vidr ine,]. Himelrick , P. Ferguson. Stcond ro w: G . Haynes, P. Jones , ]. Snyder, A. Morris, K. Briuain, L. Horan, M. Israel. Third row: K. Toms,

T. Sandell, P. Hawley, C. Burcon, D. DeHooge, C. Cooper.



Ecology, Lacrosse, GAA


Albemarle students receive various awards


1. Forensics, first rliW: ]. Ramazani, C. Mirchell, C. Mason, G. Bickers. Second row : L. Parrerson, P . Taylor, D . Lindsay. 2. Latin Awards, first rliUJ: T. McCrysral, K. Cook, T. Pannell, K. Thomasson. Second row: ]. Pruirr, D . Reynolds, G. Bickers,]. Morron. Nor picrured : Ronda Kire. 3. Boys' and Girls' State: C. Mirchell, C. Barnocky, J. Pruirr, T . Frame. 4 . Ha rvard Award: S. Srevenson. 5. National Merit: R. Gordon, B. Dixon, M. Bell, C. Huber, P. McClesky, E. Woodson. 6. Who's Who in American High School Music, first r!iW: B. Crocker, ]. Hearwole, D. Palmer, B. Bowers, K. Cage. Second r!iW: N. Sramp, D. Byers, E. Beaurline, B. Abborr, M . Bell, H . Shalloway.

160 Honors



1. Regional Band, first row: N . Scamp, B. Abbott, J. Hearwole, E. Beaurline, T. Smith. Second row: L. Moore, D . Dahlen, K. Perry, D. Norford. 2. Art Show Winners, first row: B. Carrell, C. Davis. Second row: W. Barren, I. Dickerson, D . Freed. 3. DECA, first row: B. Carver, M. King. Second row: S. Cason, J. Henderson, T . Ray, L. Hudson, R. Spiedel, B. Baudoux. 4. DAR: K. Berrone, C. Barnocky. S. Governor's School: K . Berrone, C. Mason, R. Hutchinson. 6. Regional Chorus, first row: C. Brirron, D. Carswell, C. Barnocky, G . Srevens . Second row: J. Reynolds, V. Marrhews, T. Williams, P. Paskell. Third row: J. Vasser, J. Hill, J. Srark, M. Mirchum, W. Parker. 7. State Regional Chorus W inner: W. Parker.





s: r~:.::;:+.

1. Co-captains: Clyde Hoy, Frankie Barbour. 2. Keith confronts a Charlottesville tackler. 3. Mike Swift and a swarm of Patriot defensemen bury an opponent. 4. Varsity Football Team, Of fense, first row: R. Hudson, I. Glasgow, L. Pettit, C. Kirchmier, W. Armistead, K. Haney,]. Garrison, J. Nelms, R. Mundie, B. Thraves, G. Barnocky, S. Davis. Second row: C. Garrison, D. Gentry,]. Van Fossen, M. Wagner, C. Hoy, K. Hawkins, B. Jones, S. Bazzare, S. Jordon, O.D. Royals, W. Burton, B. Gleason, H. Brown. Third row: B. Tomlin, S. Gallant, G . Easter, R. Hearns, K. McAllister, H. Magruder, R . Jones, G . Hasenfus, C. Huffman,]. Roberts, A. Curre.

164 Varsity Football

.. AJ!r路路



Football team shows nucleus of a winning program


For the fourth straight year, the Patriot football team suffered through a losing season. However, the 3-7 record doesn't tell the entire story. Eight points separated the Pats from a 7-3 record and they clearly showed a nucleus of a winning program. The strong point of this year's team was the defense. The players were small, but very quick, aggressive , and dedicated. Under the direction of Coach Joe Bingler, they lead the district in total defense until the final game of the season, then finished second. The defense was lead by Frank Joseph, the team's M.V.P.; Doug McAllister, "pound for pound the best player on the team"; Frankie Barbour, team captain and Most Valuable Defensive Back; Tyke Ayers, Most Valuable Lineman; and Mike Swift, the Outstanding Defensive Back in the district. This year's offense was very young and therefore was plagued by inconsistency all season. Bright spots were the play of sophomores Ivan Glassgow and Stanley Davis along with juniors Clyde Hoy, Scott Bazzarre, Keith Hawkins, and Forrest Johnson.

t (


f.. . -~

L David runs the option. 2. Coaches: Doug Selden, Joe Bingler, Richard • Lee, Bob Taylor. 3. Coach Arbaugh offers his advice. 4. Bubba snares a David Gentry pass. 5. Varsity Football Team, Defense, first row: B. Corrigan,]. Snyder, H . Marshall, R. Terry, T. Valente, R . Maupin, C . Baker, S. Montgomery, N . Terrell, C. Carey, M. Swift. Second row: T. Evans, L. Nunn, F. Joseph, K. Corrigan, T. Ayers, F. Barbour, M. Davis, D. Nunn, R. Anderson, A. Parham, D. McAllister, M. Feggans. Third row: C. Hancock, B. Dameron, ]. Graff, R. Ruston, K. Byers, L. Moore, E. Russell, L. Pugh, R. Miller, W. Deter, R. Vaughn.


Varsity Football


1. Managers, first row: R. Lee, T. Magruder, W. Sprouse. Second row: M. Bingler, L. Walker, R. McCormick, A. McGrory. 2. Chuck really pucs his fooc inco che ball. 3. Frankie screams co che ref, "Puc me down!" 4. Ivan breaks loose for a long gainer againsc CHS. 5. Clyde, O .D . and Scocc prepare co blow ouc che Charloccesville defensive line.

166 Varsicy Foocball


1. Herbert evades the Heritage defense. 2. ] .V . Football Team, first row: T . Lawson, T. Hughes, B. Carver, C. Hancock, E. Russell, D. Dahlen, C. Frazier. Second row: R . Balik, K. Houchens, T. Harris, A. Johnson, W. Jenkins, R. Armstrong, M. Campbell, T. McCrystal, A. Currie, M. Ashenbach.

Varsity and ].V. Football



6 2 2





0 2










E. Mennonite


W. &L



1. The soccer team psyches up before the game. 2. Woody controls the ball.

3. Varsity Soccer Team, first rQW: S. Elledge, D. Van de Castle, F. Haar, P. VanSlyke, R. Cook, K. Flemming, C. Hearn, L. Farina, B. Pollard. Second rQW: B. Johnston, C. Powell, B. Sylvester, J . Copeland, S. Marrin, K. Goodwi n, R. Mangione, C. Carter, W. Jay, P . Brown, D . Hall , G . Hetherington, R. Hutchinson, S. Detamore, L. Hrica.

r 168



Soccer sports 6-5-1 record


After four years of hard work, Coach Len Hrica was able to see the payoff of his investment of time and effort in Albemarle's soccer program. The soccer team ended its season with a winning record of 6-5-l. Of the games lost, all were within one goal of victory. The team's great determination was illustrated by the fact that they beat every team they lost to the previous year. Many had wondered about the team's chances when only two lettermen returned this year. Replacements were quickly found from last year's J.V. team and a winning season was underway. It had been felt that last year's goalie, Tom Simpson, would be sorely missed, but Drake Van de Castle proved t~ be an excellent replacement. Other outstanding players included Woody Jay, Fred Haar, Keith Fleming, Rick Mangione, and Tom Farrell. Coach Hrica feels that soccer has finally come into its own, perhaps with one of the best programs in the state. The Junior Varsity team, under the direction of first year coach Jim Comstock, posted an 8-2-2 season and gives hope for a bright future.



l. Fred defends against a driving op-

ponent. 2. Scott streaks down the sidelines on the way to another goal. 3. Coach Hrica displays the Marlon Brando look. 4. Ricky stimulates the offense with his sharp passing ability. 5. ] .V . Soccer Team , first row: D. Riopel, M. McVey, E. Matrsson, ]. Haden,]. Gentry, G. Woodward , E. Somers, B. McAlpine. Second row: P. Johnson, D . Borchardt, S. Thompson, S. Meadows, M. Robb, C. Brannen, S. Reger, T. McCune, C. Davis, C. Gathright, M. Hilton, E. Mathews, E. Hetherington, R. Eppard, T. Wilson, ]. Comstock.




1. Coach Langdon talks to her ream during a rime-out. 2. Pearl squeezes through her defenders. 3. Carrie batdes with determinacion for the ball. 4. Debbie shoots for rwo points. 5. Pearl and Lisa defend against a Charlottesville lay-up. 6. Carrie vies for a rebound as Maureen looks on.


Girls' Varsity Basketball



Girls' Basketball team Western District champs ;


The A.H.S. Girl's Basketball team enjoyed another winning season, taking first place in the newly formed Western District. The Lady Patriots were led by Pearl Hawley and Debbie DeHooge, who both made first team All-District, and Maureen Conklin who was a second team selection. The team compiled a 14-5 overall record, and more importantly, defeated Charlottesville High School in both battles against that team. Leading scorer Debbie DeHooge ~as also voted M .V.P. Pearl Hawley was nominated Best All Around Player, while Terri Brown received the Most Improved Player award. Coaches Brenda Langdon and Susan Miller will miss the fine efforts of seniors Carrie Bull, Debbie DeHooge, Pearl Hawley, Maureen Conklin, and Judy Henderson. However, these seniors will be replaced by an excellent crop of J.V. performers including Kelly Toms, Joanne Snyder, Dawn Denby, and Betty Coles. The leadership of J. V. Coach Marcie Mason in the past has developed many fantastic basketball players for the high school team. It looks like next year will prove no exception .


Girls' Varsicy Basketball





1. Maureen and Tina jump it up. 2. Carrie and Pearl surround an unworthy opponent. 3. Girls' Varsity Basketba/1, kneeling: Coach Miller, M . Conklin, ] . Henderson, Coach Langdon. Standing: C. Bull, L. Morris, D. Dunbar, D. DeHooge, T . Brown, C. Cooper, M. Israel, V. Wood , ]. Redinger, P. Hawley, T. Sandell, W. Wilson.


Girls' Varsiry Basketball




21 27 39

21 28 22 22 27 15 8 17 Charlottesvill~,h 36 17



56 45


Geo. Washington E.C: Glass路

14 14

1. Kelly drives to the basket. 2. Joanne and Betty dominate an unfortunate ball handler. 3. Janet lays one in. 4. G iris' ]. V. Basketball, sitting: Coach Mason, C. Sprouse, L. Morris, K. Toms, D. Denby, B. Coles, L. McCauley, S. Hughes. Second row: B. Madison, L. Roberts, 路]. Snyder, C. Coles, P. Jones,]. Frye.

Girls' J.V. Basketball


1. Carol is determined to beat a swarm of Black Knights to the ball. 2. IGm Wood unleashes a deadly slap shot.



Hockey record impressive After their first season of play ended in a disappointing 1-9 record, it seemed doubtful that the hockey team would improve radically for the 1976 season. However this assumption proved to be wrong, as the team deftly compiled an impressive 7-1-1 路record, perhaps the most outstanding record achieved by any of the fall sports' teams. The season began with a win against Stuart Hall and this winning streak continued until a defeat occurred late in the season against Fauquier. Despite a string of victories including one over cross-town rival, Charlottesville, very few students came out to support the players. Many students explained that their lack of support was . due to the disappointing season last year. "Hockey has the image of being a losing team and that's just not so," stated one veteran player. "Most people remember our losing record of last year when we were inexperienced and most of the teams we played were well established. They don't bother 路 to find out how we are doing this year. It's frustrating to play with such little support. I wish people would just come out and see how much we have improved." Those students who did watch the team in action quickly forgot the past. Last year's inexperienced team members were replaced by confident, experienced players we should be proud of.


1. Peg and Kim battle with a CHS player for the ball. 2. Coaches and captains: S. Drinkard, ). Henderson, B. Bledsoe, D. Bohannon. 3. Becky Garrison drills one home. 4. Carol maneuvers past her opponent. 5. Hockey Tea m, first row: G. Layne, S. Scanlon, K. Scanlon, S. Parmer, K. Wood , S. Jahrsdoerfer, A. Diehl, B. Bledsoe, S. Birdsall, P. Sutphin, ). Fink. Second row: S. Drinkard, S. Dempsey, L. Jay, L. Bledsoe, ). Henderson, C. Odell, M. Hutchinson, P. Conklin, E. Huff, ). Hermansdoerfer, B. Garrison, W. Johnson, C. Murad, N . Adams, P. Trench , C. Jones , K . Fuller, D. Bohannon.



Harriers are dedicated group One sport that does not receive much attention from the local press and the student body is Cross Country. An extremely dedicated group, the harriers spent hours each day running over the same specific course. Coached by Mr. Dan Monahan, the team ended their season with a 3-8 record . Angie Armstrong and Dana Hannum were the most consistent female runners, while Chuck Witt and Joe Howard lead the male harriers. Coach Monahan stressed that the success of a cross country team depended upon each individual team member's strength, speed, and endurance.

1. Joe and Ban leave the other thinclads behind. 2. Determined and dedicated, Angie strides her race. 3. Dana and Bill easily outdistance their Charlonesville opponent. 4. Cross Country Team, first row: Coach Monahan, D. Hannum , H . Bain, A. Armstrong, L. Ackers. Second row: ). Stewan, B. Jackman, S. Joseph, B. Abbott, T. Rosenbaum,). Howard, S. Johnson, C. Win, E. Smith. Third row: S. Snider, T. Hall, A. Reynolds, ). Monon , L. Jones, R. Fitzgerald , ). Bain, B. Adams.


Cross Country


Volleyball team w1ns championship The newest addition to the Albemarle sports scene is varsity volleyball. Coached by Donna Johnson, the volleyball team experienced an 8-2 season while winning the Western District championship. This year's team still has much to learn according to Coach Johnson. No complicated systems were employed since few of the players had participated in organized volleyball previously. Because of this, the spectators witnessed power volleyball instead of regular team play. The team improved their playing skills every game, however, impressing Coach Johnson with their eager anticipation and hard work. They were led by team MVP Julie Himeldck and Amy Riopel who received the sportsmanship award. Julie and Amy were also named to the first and second team all-district, respective! y.

1. The Girls' Volleyball Team warms up. 2. Rose serves a winning poinr. 3. Toni jumps up to hit the ball. 4. Girls' Volleyball Team, first row:]. Adams, L. Horan, C. Burton, ]. Himilrick, C. Vidrine, C. Funk, P. Bledsoe. Second row: Coach Johnson, T. Regan, P. Geren, K. Brittain, P. Ferguson, B. Abbott, A. Riopel, R. Wheby.




78 77

58 56 84 79 60 76 75

Patriots are # 1 tn new Western District Despite the fact that the varsity basketball ream lost Coach Frankie Allen and four starters last year, the Patriots continued their winning ways. Under their new coach, Rich Lyons, the team compiled an 18-5 record, winning the district regular season championship for the third straight year. The Patriots also won the district tournament, then advanced to regional play where they lost the championship game. Albemarle played for the first time in recent years without one individual star. Instead, the team relied on good teamwork and a sticky defense, lead by co-captains Greg Maynard and Lester Perry. Junior point guard Reggie Steppe helped the Patriots breeze by the arch-rivals Charlottesville Knights on three separate occasions. Roderick Martin's electrifying slam dunks and Demetrius Rush's solid play assured the Patriots of the Western District title. Patriot players who received individual honors were: Greg Maynard, First Team All-District and All-Regional; Reggie Steppe, First Team All-District and Second Team All-Regional; and Lester Perry, First Team All-District.

66 79 83 76 73 60 56

Heritage Geotge Washington Fauquier Stafford Garfield Charlottesville Herirage Halifax 59 58 60 75

74 61 80 65 · 65 56 J.V. Scores Albemarle 66 Fauquier 47 Garfield 68 ·waynesboro 40 E.C. Glass 63 Halifax 79 56 54 57 54 70 68

Fau,qwer Stafford Garfield Charloctesville

1. Phillip gees two more points against E.C. Glass. 2. Doug moves coward the basket co score. 3. Varsity Basketball Team, first row: C. Woodfolk, manager, K. Fleming, R. Steppe, D. Cooke, P. Brown, G . Maynard, S. Davis, D. Rush, S. Jordon, B. Bavar, manager. Second row: Coach B. McKeag, R. Marcin, D. Hamer, E. Allen, D. McAllister, H . Brown, L. Perry, Coach R. Lyons.



Varsity Basketball



- -

J.V.'s continue thirty game winning streak While the varsity team won the district championship, the J.V.'s also enjoyed great success under new head coach Dom DeMaria. The Patriots breezed to a 12-0 record led by cocaptains Derrin Maynard and Calvin Baker. The current team continued a thirty game winning streak which starred last year at Jack Jouett. Maynard led the team in scoring, averaging in the high teens per game, while Baker contributed heavily in the rebounding department. Also providing strond play were starters Sam Meadows, Charlie Poindexter and Kenny McCallister. Supplying bench strength were Tracey Warner, Sam Gatewood and Roscoe Gilmore.


\ 4

1. C. Baker scores rwo! 2. Our J.V. players really show enrhusiasm in rhe game. 3. Darren fighrs for rhe ball againsr a Srafford player. 4. Coaches ponder srraregy. 5. }. V. Basketball Tea m, front: Coach D . DeMaria. Back: L. Farina, R. Gilmore, T. Warner, D. Williams, S. Garewood , C. Poindexrer, C. Baker, S. Meadows, K. McAllisrer, D. Maynard, K. Goodman, W. Barbour .

. ~

J.V. Baskerball


1. Rod eases one over the top of Charlottesville player David Weiss. 2. Phillip watches Gregg put the ball away for two points. 3. Demetrius looks on as Reggie scores a basket to lead the Patriots on to victory. 4. Reggie tosses the basketball to an open teammate. 5. Coaches B . McKeag, D. DeMaria and R. Lyons watch the game from the bench.











1. Demetrius fights for the possessio~ of the ball with a Waynesboro opponent. 2. Box guards the basketball against an opposing player. 3. A Stafford Indian tries unsuccessfully ro rake the ball away from Gregg. 4. Rod lays it in for rwo points .





1. Jill generates spmt during the game. 2. The varsity cheerleaders have perfected complex formations. 3. F-1-G-H -T, Fight Team Fight, chants Kim . 4. The score of the AHS vs. CHS basketball game prompts the smile from Leigh. 5. The squad cheers before a home crowd.


Varsity Cheerleaders


Varsity cheerleaders perfect formations



1. Varsity Cheerleaders, first row: T. Weist, K. Megahan, D . Law. Second row: T. Todd, M. Allen, K. Yowell, F. Hicks. Third row: L. Davis, ]. Kirkland , H . Schnell. 2. Frances jumps for joy after Albemarle scores a touchdown. 3. Katrina Maynard cheers on her big brother, Greg.

Varsity Cheerleaders


Stuntmen add to cheerleaders' versatility

s 1. Sruntmen, Charles and Glen, help

Kara and Robin elevate their movements. 2. Pam and Robin move into the spirit of the cheer. 3. Daretta lends inspiration to the crowd after a close score. 4. Robin, Sara, and Paige perform during half-time for the Stafford cheerleaders. 5. Susan DeMaria helps create spirit among the spectators. 6. ]. V. Cheerleaders, first row: D . Steppe, G . Good, R . Vaughn, R. Benjamin, C. Gaertner, L. Abidin. Second row: S. Coffman, K. Wood, P. Price, P. Price. Third row: R. Hanger, R. Hansen.

184 J.V. Cheerleaders



Gymnasts roll on I ' ·'·-- , '



-.-::.'.·~ ·_·

·- ..... ~


1. Millie finishes her routine with a split. 2. Stephanie begins another floor demonstration. 3. Floor routines require coordination with music. 4 . Cathy goes into a back walk over. 5. Gymnastics team : R. Simmonds, C. Von Herbulis, C. Taylor, S. Gajar, M. Wright, K. Brittain, C. Sprouse .

• t




"' Boys' Indoor Track Albemarle








4 ,l


Woodberry Forest


Girls' Indoor Track Albemarle









1. Boys' Indoor Track Team, first row: R. Brooks, C. Witt, C . Hoy, G. Johnson, M. McVey, L Williams, ]. Minor, H. Magruder, A. Morris, I. Glasgow, M. Morris, D . Economos. Second row: R. Werner, T . Hall, D. Rice, ]. Howard, A. Chronister, V. Villar, B. Carver, L. Rader, C. Homes, D . Williams, D. Shockley, S. Godwin. Third row: C. Rivers, E. Taylor, D . Rose nblum, B. Lukes, P. Anne, ]. Byrom, K. Bolden, D. Hall, R. Rush, A. Parham. Fourth row: C. Hannock,]. Bain, B. Clatterbuck, B. Smith, ]. Manke, M. Davis. Not pictured, Coaches and Managers: G . Gay, B. Green, ]. Garnett, C. Whitmore, E. Washington, A. Chapman, ]. Thraves. 2. Chuck Witt on his way to another two mile victory. 3. Rounding the final turn, Dorey heads home. 4. Lisa and Karen watch closely as the judge puts down their throws.


Indoor Track




Thinclads undefeated in dual meets For both the Girls' and Boys' Indoor Track teams it was an outstanding season. The boys' team compiled a 4-0 dual meet record and placed second in the Western District behind E.C. Glass. The team was coached by Bob Green. George Johnson, Mark McVey, and Clyde Hoy served as captains . Standouts included: George Johnson, Outstanding Runner; Clyde Hoy, Outstanding Field; Ivan Glasgow, All-Around Athlete . The girls' team also enjoyed an undefeated record in their first year of competition, ending the season with a 3-0 dual record . Captains Joyce Barnett, Imogene Thomas, and Mary Hutchinson led the team to a third place in a regional meet.

1. Girls' Indoor Track Team, first row: R . Spurgin, S. Byrom, A. Tironi, P . Roane , M . Hurchinson. Second row: T. Sole, K. Hamilton, L Thomas, N. Sn yder, B. Johnson,). Barnette. Third row: C. Pirsch, P . Sarnsell, L. Ho y, T . Career, D . Lowlere y. 2 . Lawrence chalks up another vicrory for Albemarle. 3- George gets ready ro run against an unworthy opponent. 4. Lisa lets go of another winning shot-put throw_ 5. Joe runs the 2 mile for another Albemarle win _


Indoor Track





A.H.S. Marching Band delights crowds


. ';··;-_;-.

1. Symphonic II Band, Woodw indJ, first row: D. PaJmer. D. Firth, F. Ri cks, C. Pamplin. Second row: T. Tucker, P. Hei nzdeman,]. Heatwole, A. Diehl.. !.. Greer, P. Haden, C. Shifflett, N . Foster, P. Gibson, T. Hall. Third row: D. DeHooge, D. Bailey, M. Bell, E. Woodson, E. Woodson, N. S<amp, D. Economus,


Tomlin, B. Abbott . Fourth row: D .

Harvey, L. Moore,]. Klepach , A. Coogan,]. Anderso n. 2. Sy mphonic II Band, Brass, firs/ row: G . Cotten,]. Watson, I. Rosenblum, R. Balin. Second

row: ]. Haden, S. Starke, D. VIA, B. Abbott, R. Morris . Third row: N. Schlamb, M. Scamp, P. Warpole, W . Patterson, M . Gravele y, K. Perr y, C. Coo per, G . Layne, D . Ballard, L. Morris, I. Kerl, E. Taylor. Fourth row: D . Norford, D . Hill, L. Gibson,


Knight, G . Robinso n, B . Dahlen, A . B yers, A .

Smith. Fifth ro w: C. Chapman, C. Johnso n, ]. Black, ]. Clayton. 3. The Albemarle Marching Band performs. 4. George Thompson leads the

band. 5. Symphonic II Band, Percussion,/irst row: W. Figgett, S. Brown, ). Gordon, C. Mitchell, C. Sampson , G . Thompson. Stcond row: H . Garland, C. Ingersoll, S. Rotenberry, B. Herndon , A. Arnette, K. Hall, S. Feggans, S. Nelson, N. Norman, M.


Cain, P. Matthews, L. Thurneck, L. Topper, C. Smith, M. Lohr, T. Norford,). Rey no lds, M. Vale me, C. Daidone, F. Arbaugh, M. Ruthru ff, D. Lancaster. Third row: D. Stark, F. Ricks , H . Shalloway, R. McCaule y. E. T urner, G . Good,). McFar-

land , W. D yer, A . Robin son, R. Fisher, W. Bar-

bour, M. Bell , M . Collins , H . Smith, D.

Throckm orton, J. Anderson, P. Anne, S. Frye, C. O dell, R. Spurgin. 6. Symphonic II Band, Clarintii,

J. Park. B. Crocker, K. Cage, S. Stephenson, C. IngersolL Second row: M. Johnson, S. Scanlon , S. Balian, B. Bo wers, S.

/i rJI row: E. Beaurline,

J ahrsdoerfer, V. Norford, K. Maupin, G . Bailey, L. Fagg, C. Hammen.








.• I

GAA Cheerleaders, Drill T earn and Majorettes boost sch.o ol spirit




1. Majorettes, fro nt: W. Figgatt. Back: S. B row n , ]. G o rdon , C. Mi tchell , C. Sampson. 2. GAA Cheerleaders, front: A. Lasle y, ]. Sullivan. Back: L. Hanrske, K. McClanahan, R . Chapman. 3. Kim looks appealingly toward the crowd . 4. D ebbie demonstrates h er high-kicking abilit y. 5. Introducing head ma jorette, Wend y Figgar.


Majorettes, GAA Cheerlead ers








:•. • ' :



" "·-'"="". :~~~ -·'.;._~~~:.:;;~': •'c. :.•·.'···.·.::...•·. ""' -· .. ·:~ ...:··.~;~.:: : - : ·~~.!!!!' : .::--.:. ::










"" (

( 1


1. Drill Team , sitting: D. Lancaster (captain), H . Garland (captain). Kneeling: C. Daidone, C. Ingersoll , B. Herndon, S. Rotenberry, M. Valence , A. Arnette, F. Arbaugh, M. Ruthruff. Standing: N. Norman, P. Matthews, K. Hall, C. Smith, S. Feggens, S. Nelson, T. Norford, M. Cain, M . Lohr, L. Thurneck, ]. Re ynolds, L. Topper. 2. The GAA cheerleaders lead the crowd in a rousing cheer. 3. The drill team and the band prepare for halfrime activities.



r (

D riiJ Team


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973-5311 816 Cherry Ave. 973-5311

Crozet Shopping Center


First Virginia Bank Monticello National 2149 Barracks Rd . 973-5311

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Compliments of

MORRIS TIRE SERVICE, INC. 616 West Main Street Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Phone 296-0108








ns •


-..:... .!


Congratulations and warmest wishes to the senior class

Nydrie Farms ~/

~ :~ ··,~ ~ :. J ::>:'i·· "'--~ ~. ;:.~<, .'~

Daniel G. Van Clief and Sons





Congratulates Albemarle High School Class of 1977






to the Graduating Class You have already been told that the world is at your feet and is yours for th e effort, that the challengers are great as are the rewards. There is no doubt that is true. Let us add this. You have just conquered one major hurdle in your life - graduating from school. You dfd it by taking one day. at a time, one week at a time, one test at a time.

That's the way life is - one step at a time . And each step builds on the one before it. "Genius is the capacity to take infinite pains." Fe w of us are geniuses but each of us owes it to h imself to do every task to the best of his ability and in hi s own inimitable way. Each of us h as a contributi on to make to society. What yours is and will be is now 路in the making.





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UNIVERSITY CAFETERIA "A.t the Corner" A Students' Sort of Place Free Parking While Dining

BRUNTON AND HICKS, INC. Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning 1105 Carlton Avenue Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Telephone 293-9127

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S. W. BARNES INCORPORATED Crozet, Virginia Telephone 823-4391

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Route 29 N., Woodbrook Village Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 804-973-5366

John Deere Farm & Industrial Machinery


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,1 "eep




Vaughan Tire & Appliance Co., Inc. 218 West Walter Street Phone 977-5291 Chariottesville, Va. 22901


ROll Compliments



Meats - Groceries


Dial 823-4828

Congratulations Class of 77 from

Air Force ROTC Detachment 890

University of Virginia Varsity Hall 924-3394



Crozet, Va.





Charles Loftin Manager





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KEN JOHNSON CAFETERIA Private Parties- Receptions- Catering Barracks Rd. Shopping Center, Charlottesville, Va. 22903 804 - 293-9324

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115 Elliewood Avenue


Compliments of



Rt. 29 North and Airport Road Charlottesville, Virginia

Good Reading, Pleasant Atmosphere Conveniently Located 5 Elliewood Ave.

For Personal And Confidential Attention To All Your Real Estate Requirements Steven L. Ludeke 977-5006 Frank A. Gregg 973-4816

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Town & Country Exxon CROZET DRUG CO., INC. Service for th e Sick C. F. Stanl ey, President Phone 823-4211 Crozet, Virginia


P.O Ch Congratulations Seniors

R. E.

Building Construction Be SON. INC.

Symbol of a firm dedicated to the

Offices on Hydraulic Road

highest quality possible in the printing trade Member of Virginia Student Aid Foundation; Colgate Darden Graduate Business School Sponsor; Tuesday

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Road '& Wrecker Service

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2100 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville Virginia 22901


HOUSE OF ATHLETICS, INC. 2125 Ivy Sqi.tare Charlottesville, Virginia 2290, 804-977-0442, 0443


Congratulations to the Class of 1977

J.W. SIEG & CO., INC. I WHOLESALER P.O. Box 4000 University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Phone: 296-5531

Lane's Tailoring Shop, Inc. ,..

I ~

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Barracks Road Shopping Center Charlottesville, Va. 22903 Bus. Phone : 293-8505 Home Phone: 293-624 5 Formal-wear Rental Service




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Custom Cabinetry • Corian • Corning • Jenn-Air

Hall Brothers, Inc. 1825 Avon St. Ext. Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Phone 295-1121

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Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx On the Mall

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One Boar's Head Place

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WOODBROOK VILLIAGE -Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 973-8344

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M.C. THOMAS FURNITURE 420 E. Main St. and M.C. THOMAS EXCHANGE STORE 205 W. Main St. Distributor Of Pittsburgh Paints And Fine Wall Coverings

Mrs. Rodewald's Greatest Chemists

Joseph G. Pace rt E. Carter III nder T. Stumpf .'. Clemmer, Jr. !rt R. Patterson

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• American

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In Four Seasons Mall Mighw•y 250 Afton, Virgini• Tel. Gr'eenwoocl 456-6112


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GILMORE, HAMM, AND SNYDER, INC. Furniture for the Home and Office Charlottesville, Virginia



P SHOPPERS' WORLD Rt. 29 N Charlottesville, Va. 22901

Get the message!

Congratulations Seniors!






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Mary L. Ashcom B. Jo Braun M. Gabrielle H all

P . 0. BOX


Mary E. Hodges Emily W . Mendicino Douglas L. Zerkel John H . Royer, Jr.



804 293-6131

Cable Polmac All information regarding property is from sources deemed reliable and it is submitted subject to errors, omissions, change of price , prior sale, or w i th~rawal without notice MEMBER OF NATIONAL INSnTUTE OF REAL ESTATE BROKERS • NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FARM AND LAND BROKERS • AMUICAN CHAPTER, INTERNAnONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATION






702 Ridge Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Telephone 295-5540

418 East Main Phone 295-5191 Charlottesville Friendly Service Since 1934 Best wishes to all Patriots

ALCO CASUALS Women's Sportwear & Casual Shoes Crozet Shopping Plaza Crozet, Va. 22932

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Always Welcome

Barry G. & Dofflemyer


OFFICE (804) 293-5459 HOME (804) 296-1976 EMERGENCY (804) 295-4493

Compliments of

r. inc.


Center 103

1240 Harris St.


eltae!ctteJvitle ;Jt~tmlinp & '7/eatlnp, !Jnc. SPECIALIZING IN SERVICE WORK



Homeowner's Supply Center

Compliments of

MASSIE & BOATWRIGHT BUILDING CONTRACTORS Residential, Commercial, Remodeling

.. 71!2 & Dice Street (804)977-5056

"The Country Club For Pets"

Wakefield Kennel Boarding - Grooming - Bathing Training Cats Or Dogs Private Suite & Exercise Area For Each Animal 24-Hour Supervision Grooming All Breeds To Suit The Season 937-5171 8-5 Mon.-Fr1. Barry G. & Nancy L. 8-1 Sat. Dofflemyer

NEW DOMINION BOOK STORE 413 East Main Street Charlottesville, Va. 22902 295-2552

RHEW'S MARKET Woodbrook Village Shopping Center Rt. 29 North- Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 973-4259





Parks Finance Service, Inc. 112 2nd St. N.E. Good Luck Patriots!

Full-s, Salon for Me1 Eight 0: to sen T wo Lo IVY S( Mon-F Sat


IV Best Wishes To All from


Lawn & Garden Sales & Service Small Construction Equipment

For Your C Albemarle Hi! Class R

GENTRY'S POWER EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. Route 29 North Charlottesville, Va. Phone 973-5349

James A. Gentry, Jr.



100 Years as Diamond Merchants

Crozet, Virginia Phone 823-4121

214 E. Main St. Barracks Road Shopping Center


Mr. Bob Sand1 Box 5107 CharlottesvillE



Full-service Salon for Men and Women Eight Operators to serve you


Two Locations IVY SQUARE Mon-Fri 7-5 Sat 7-1 293-7777


IVY HAIRSTYLIST ALBEMARLE Albemarle Square 29 North 973-7777

On the Mall 322 East Main St. Charlottesville , Virginia 295-9155

For Your Official Albemarle High School Class Ring

~~ tts


Mr. Bob Sandell Box 5107 Charlottesville, Virginia

' Ads



Berli Rout Char Pors'

Brad Rou Chat Ford Gra1 Ford

Congratulations to the 1977 Graduates of Albemarle High School



ChaJ Line Con Mor

Jim Rou Cha Imp Mor M01


R.:M Rou Cha Plyr Imp H .~




Firs Cha I me Equ




CHARLOTTESVILLE AUTO & TRUCK DEALERS' ASSOCIATION Berlin Porsche Audi, Inc. Route #250 East Pantops Mtn. Charlottesville, Virginia Porsche Audi Brady-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route #250 East Pantops Mtn. Charlottesville, Virginia Ford, LTD, Torino, Thunderbird Granada, Mustang, Maverick, Pinto Ford Trucks




MacGregor Motors, Inc. 416 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln Continental, Mercury Comet, Cougar, Capri, Montego Monarch Jim Price Chevrolet Route #250 East, Pantops Mtn. Charlottesville, Virginia Impala, Chevelle, Chevette, Nova, Monza, Camaro, Vega, Corvette Monte Carlo, Chevrolet Trucks R.M. Davis Motors, Inc. Route #29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Plymouth, Valiant, Chrysler, Imperial H.M. Gleason & Co., Inc. First and Garrett Streets Charlottesville, Virginia International Trucks and Farmall Equipment

Bill Edwards Oldsmobile, Inc. 315 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Omega, Cutlass, Starfire Toronado, 88, 98 Peyton Pontiac Cadillac Datsun, Inc. 858 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Pontiac, Cadillac, Datsun Pollard Auto & G.M.C. Service 1021 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia G.M.C. Trucks Hillcrest Motors, Ltd. Route #250 West Charlottesville, Virginia Imported Auto Specialists Sales and Service Jim Williams Buick, Inc. 900 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Buick, Opel, Kadett Dominick Motor Company Route #250 East Pantops Mountain Charlottesville, Virginia Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Fiat, Saab John Linkous Volkswagen, Inc. 918 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Volkswagen



Ads . 223

In Memory of


Montfair Campground Playground in the Blue Ridge Mountains

camping, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, overnight trail rides, hay rides, paddleboats, tennis cabins- phone 823-5202

BEN FRANKLIN STORE 1107 W. Main St. Charlottesville, Va.

ECONOMOS HAIRSTYLES "only the best" Meadowbrook Shopping Center Charlottesville, Va. 22901

Louise's Beauty Salon Earlysville P .O. Building 973-7130



We invit~ you to com~ in and browse among our ihousards d titl~5 . we路re easy to find in -the 1-Jorth Wing of E>orracks Road .


:k riding, oars, tennis

You don't have to be crazy to rake Biology II , bur ir helps.


Mr. and Mrs. Breeden

Henley's Orchard

W.E. Brown

The Hub, Inc.

Mrs. T.R. Bunron

King and Roberrs

Mr. and Mrs. R.M . Byrom

C.B. Kirchmier

Carriage Food House

Dr. and Mrs. John H . Knight

Charlottesville Hardware Co. Inc.

The Kounrry Kitchen

Clover Realty

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Leffers

Mr. and Mrs. ].N . Coble

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr.

Clyde and Frances Cooper

Matthews Beauty Salon

Crozet Beauty Salon

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel]. Meador

Tammy Dudle y

Purcell Oriental Rug Company

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fanrino

Red Lion Gifts -

Carol Garrett

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rheuby

Jeffrey and Elaine Hadden

Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Sylvester

Happy House

Mr. and Mrs. V ayvada

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hawkes

Wood 's Garage

Heaven to Seven Shoppe


22 5





E J_



Excedrin Headache #5, 829, 521

Ch -路 Motor Controls - Motors Hood & Exhaust Fans Intercom Systems

Any Type Lamps - Electric Heat Electric Water Heaters Air Conditioning Radio Dispatched

Serving You Since 1937

Trucks Industrial - Residential Charlottesville, Va. 22901

5 Miles South on Scottsville Road



R.F .D. 6, Box 275 Tel. 293-6769

STUDENT BOOSTERS Age is mostly a matter of mind -if you don't mind it, it doesn't matter Mr. Anderson K. Averette Be .like a duck- calm on the surface and paddling like mad underneath

Bruce's Drug Store


. I

.J.. '


Mimi Lang Mark Leffers Brad Maxa Mime's Bigger Than Yours H. Edward Null Pat, Thyrza, Mary, Tracy 'People are like stained glass windows; they glow and sparkle when it is sunny and bright, but when the sun goes down their true beauty is


revealed only if there is a light from within. "I love Quinton" . . . Lynn

Charlottesville Ice Rink t

trois - Motors :haust Fans Systems


A Cardinal-Rexall Drug Center Serving the Community's Drug Needs Since 1909 Phone 286-3881 Scottsville, Va.

Robin Breeden Mrs. Bri~e 路 Bruci and Patti Chai Yen Cindy Loo Patti Conklin Connie Cooper Dedicated to the 89 guys in our lives - from Anne and Rebecca Jose Fernando Velho Falcao (Zefer) Good luck, Bruce and Patti Ms. Constance Gurren , ''GYHSTie" Lynn Hamilton T . Henderson Hi, Hon! . .. PBH How much? Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hurt Ice is Nice IOU 15 brownie points - KAL ''I love blue jeeps" . . . Jane K. "I love green vans" . . . Margo C. Mary Jones (CLICK!!!)Keely and David

Liz Branch The best things in life are free , like me on Saturday night: A jet set girl,

Greenbrier Drive Charlottesville, Va

Since 1937

). 6, Box 275 I. 293-6769

Paige Roane Will Rothacker Dick and Judy Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanley Vicki Sylvester Thank you, Lord, for AHS! Bless it in Jesus' name. Love, Beth Whaley and

295-2196. Timo To Babe: All my LOVE always To Earl and Warner from Kim Varsity Cheerleaders Marsha Vayvada Mimi Wagner Wolfeschlieglesteinhausenbergendorfe -

5th period

Kim Wood "I love WOODY" . . . gwynne "You and Me" . . . B.A. The PEER Staff thanks David Freed for his cover photo and Ralph Thompson for his dedication photo.



Suddenly the years' events go by in a blur as school closing nears. And as I leave Albemarle, I am beset with a feeling of sadness. Despite the fact that many of my hours spent at Albemarle were filled with the tedium of endless lectures and sleepy classrooms, I still found the year to be an enjoyable one. What began as a long year, ended up coming to a close much too early. Perhaps I am scared about what the future will bring me and feel a desire to return to the familiarity of Albemarle.


e North Carolina JOHN G. PERRY, Regional Soles .V.Onoger Saluda, Virginia CHARLIE GARRISON, RepresentaTive

, VJ





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