1981 Peer - ALbemarle High School

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Spring, 1981 Vol. 28


A Letter from the Editors Albemarle has undergone many changes since its doors

become stronger from the discovery of our own identities. Cliques

opened in 1953 . New wings have been added, the breezeway has

divided into individuals as we branched out in search of common

been renovated, and faculty members have come and gone .

interests. Each year we've gained the knowledge which has aided

Some of these changes have been progressive: the addition of the

us in our growth . We've come to respect each other and now

new gym and resurfacing of the track . Other changes have been

know what is and will be expected of us in the future . Now is the

detrimental to the overall student body: the cessation of assemb-

time when we must take a new look at our next and past four

lies and the discontinuation of food sales during SAP.

years . Perhaps after closer examination each one of us will look

Although the walls are painted again and again, and new

upon our experiences in a different perspective -

a perspective

curriculum is added, perhaps the most significant change is in the

which will enable us to enrich our lives further and enable us to

students themselves. Each year the senior class embarks for

continue on with our own progressive changes .

college and new students flock the hallways. The 1981 graduat-


ing class is the first class in a number of years to have entered AHS as freshmen. Having experienced four years at Albemarle, the Seniors have witnessed numerous changes, not only in the administration and the building itself, but in their fellow classmates. The changes have come qu ickly upon us. We've estab-


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lished new and more secure friendships . And we ourselves have

Table of Contents






The school goes through a series of renovations, both in appearance and in policy. .... Students show their spirit through participation in sports, clubs, and other activities . ..,.. A look at the choices in area colleges given to our students . ..,.Patriots spend the summer months relaxing before school begins again .

Upperclassmen receive special


recognition from The Peer in this edition. For the first time ever, their section will be in color. Seniors worked hard this year preparing themselves for the future, but were still able to uphold their reputation as the only real "partiers" of Albemarle High School.



Senior StatisticsUnderclassmen Student Life


Over the four years spent in high school, a senior can build up a long list of activities and honors. Stat s are one way of letting the other students know exactly what each one has accomplished . Home addresses are also included to help keep in touch .

Some of the major events and opin ions of this year have been discussed, so that years from now, one will not only be able to look back and remember Albemarle as it was, but also remember the important events that were happening in the rest of the world .

Making up a major part of the

Students were once again

student body, the

.kept busy and excited with

underclassmen never fail to

the activities and happenings

make themselves known

around Albemarle. Between

around school. In no time, the

spirit days, Homecoming,

freshmen made themselves at

productions, contests, and

home, and joined the others

competitions, students found

in activities particular to their

so much to do that there was

segment of students.

hardly enough time to work .

2 Table of Contents



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The Yearly Memory Book











With a sport to satisfy almost everyone's wishes, Albemarle's athletic program was once again a major part of student life. Because such a vast number of students participated in the various sports, the teams had many talented players, and thus had successful seasons. This tradition is sure to last.

With the constant arrival and departure of teachers, the faculty of Albemarle High School has become a large and varied one. Many instructors and administrators have left a permanent mark in the school's history, and students will leave school this year with vivid memories of the time spent working for them.








Conclusion Some final thoughts as the year draws to a close. As we think back over the days that have gone by, we look forward to the coming days with anticipation. Only time will tell what the future has in store for us, but only time will draw us away from Albemarle High .

Clubs were a way for many

Local businesses and

Every student, teacher,

students and teachers to get

agencies have chosen to

administrator, and

together outside of school

advertise in The Peer to

organization of Albemarle

hours and have a good time.

make themselves known to

High School is listed in this

To amuse members, various

students and their parents.

section. With all the time and

trips, dinners, and parties, as

Without their generous

effort put into arranging it,

well as fund-raising activities,

support, The Peer could never

the staff hopes that everyone

were organized. Those who

be published. Ads also give

will use it when searching for

participated benefitted.

students extra signing space.

someone or something.

Table of Contents 3

Peer Editors-in-Chief: Claire Bruni, Ari Kelarakis, Karen Warren

Business Managers: Tammy Barnett, Ella Benner

Section Editors: Jean Barnett, Underclassmen; Ursula Collier, Clubs; Stephanie Davis, Underclassmen; Diana Hamner, Photography; Lan i Hoza, Academ ics ; Beth Johnson, Index; Laura Johnson, Sports; Lisa Knight, Seniors; Roxanne Roth, Copy; T a myra Rose, Student Life

Photographers: E.J. Johnson, Dan Litman, Mike McGilligan, Maria Miller, Maxiane Moody, Joe David Nelms, M itch Nutt, Scott Price

Staff: Meg Adams, Steve Borg, Cath ~ Calloway, Barry Clark, Karen Dowell, T racy Driscoll, Angela Gallup, Danna Hackney, Lisa Mennerich , Marianne Murad, Annette Norford, Laura Rhodes, Courtney Roane, Becky Tirrell

Advisors: Sue Critzer, Courtenay Stanley Publishing Company Representative: Charles Garrison

Printers: Hunt er Publishing Company





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Changes at School Recently A.H .S. has undergone many changes in its long-awaited renovation process. After the Patriots were presented with the biggest gym in the district, it seemed only fitting to update the rest of the school. Students returning in late August found that much had changed over the summer. The words "Albemarle-Home of the Patriots" now greeted students and visitors as they entered the lobby. Classrooms had been painted to look fresher for the 1980 school year. The track was resurfaced and opened to the public for jogging. A new traffic pattern was establ ished for buses, faculty, and students and its effectiveness has proved very beneficial. The breezeway was also renovated to complete A.H .S.'s new look.



•• • • • • 1. The bulldozer beg ins to break ground early in the reno vation of the breezeway and courtyard . 2 . C.H.S. has its KNIGHT, W.A.H.S. has its WARRIOR, A.H.S.has its FIRE HYDRANT??! 3. A "behind-thescenes " glimpse at the partially finished A.H.S . track. 4. New traffic signs helped eliminate some of the confusion in parking this yea r. 5. The breezeway and the courtyard were blocked off to students during renovation. Th is resu lted in mass confus ion in the halls at the change of classes and in numerous tardies. 6. What a mess! Will the breezeway ever be fin ished?! 7. In its early stage of completion, the breezeway begins to take shape. 8. Welcome to Albemarle: Home of the Patriots!




Introduct ion


.. Summer The beach ... sleepless nights, sunny days, and freedom . That's the way many Albemarle students begin their summers. This year was no exception, as everyone headed for V irginia Beach to give their three short months of freedom a special start. Upon returning from the beach a majority of students found jobs to earn extra cosh, either for immediate spending or to put away for the future . Most took easy jobs at gas stations, fast food restaurants, or as lifeguards, and while they may hove missed out on some fun and parties, they still found time to relax at the local lakes . Some students were lucky enough to go out of town on vocations, and while others were stuck in Charlottesville the whole time, everyone managed to relax just enough to get ready for another exciting year at AHS.

• • • • • • 1. Sailing at Ch ris Greene was a fa vorite fo r some lucky students. 2 . Jeff T oylor smi les at his custom· ers as he earns extra money pumping gas . 3. One of the countless fresh, windy, and sunny mornings at the beach. 4. A crowd cou ld always be found at Chris Greene soaking up rays or cooling off in the water. 5 . A breath-taking summer sunset. 6. Only a few short weeks aft er schoo l began, the leaves started to change co lors all over the county. 7 . Debbie Jo Hicks ta kes a moment out to relax from her duties as lifeguard.






Choosing a College In many ways it is true that one's sen ior year is the best year of high school. Even though it is full of fun and good times, there is the very difficult task of choosing a co ll ege that just seems to go along with being a sen ior. Those seniors who decide to go to college find themselves thoroughly confused before appl ication deadlines must be met. They must consider many factors when searching for just the right school : "How much does this school cost?", "How far is it from home?", "Will it meet my individual needs as a student?" . The reasons beh ind a college choice are as individual and varied as the students who go through the ordeal.

1. Along with U.Yo. and Virginia Tech, James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, remains popular among A.H.S. students. 2. Mary Washington College in Fredricksburg, Virginia, was previously on "all -g irls" school but now accepts men as well. 3. The rotunda is a landmark of which we ore all proud, even if we don't choose to attend college at U.Yo. 4. Our own Piedmont Virginia Commun ity College provides on excell ent background for students who aren't yet decided upon a four-year college career. 5. Woke Forest University in Winston-Sa lem, North Carolina, is a private, Baptist-affiliated college for men and women. 6. Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, is one of the more competitive colleges around us.


Classes and Clubs Going to class everyday and dealing with papers, tests, quizzes can become very demanding and tedious, so to break up some of the monotony, school clubs exist. On the first Wednesday of every month, an hour is taken out of classes and given to students for clubs . Students are given a vast number of clubs from wh ich to choose to meet everyone's needs. Each club organizes activities for fun and community benefit, field trips, blood banks, and Special Olympics assistance. Clubs provide an easy way for students to meet other students, to get together outside of school, and to have a good time .

• • • • • • 1. Winston Edmonds tunes up in Gu itar club.2. Richard Stong and Joe Murray get ready for a match in Chess club . 3.Free time in government is well spent among friends . 4 . Tam Barrett tries his luck at the board .S. Steve Manzano, the mad scientist, heads an experiment in Chem Study . 6. Mr. Blanchard helps the chair members sta y in pitch . 7. Dungeons and Dragons club members work on a game plan . 8. Mr. MacDonald gives Lisa Knight and Brion Chastain t heir assignments. 9. Lill ie N ightengale works on a craft in Art cl ub. l 0 . The band gives another enthusiastic performance at a pep ra lly.


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Introduct ion



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Sports and Spirit Sweaters, hotdogs, and spirit weeks could only mean one thing.The AHS sports season has begun . Patriotism soared! Cheerleaders danced and chanted spirit into all our classes . The band gave performances during games. Students participated in role reversal and redneck days. T raffle was bottled up for miles as the Patriot convoy rolled westward to intimidate the Warriors . Throughout the year, these activities caused spirit to permeate our hallways.

• • • • • • 1. Ninth grade cheerleader Koren Heintzlemon shows her spirit during a pep ra lly. 2. Enduring the lost leg of the race ore Caro line Kelly and Kris Kost . 3 . Running post two opponents, Felice Moody dribbles the boll. 4. Serving the bo ll for a winning team is Young Mi An . 5 . Steadying the "sled" for his teammates, Mark Harrison helps get the team in shape. 6. The marching bond performs at Scott Stadium. 7. Varsity cheerleaders Cyndi and Suzi Chrystal decorate cars for the Western game. 8. Julio-moe Haviland flaunts her gapped-tooth sm il e. 9 . Pam Ditchkus, M issy Moyens, Julie Ripley, and Lauro Jones support the tennis team.

A time to laugh or a time to cry As time passes, it brings us closer to the time that each senior anticipates. Graduation! But with each passing day, our feet seem to drag a little slower. We begin to dread the time that we have looked forward to forever. We are eager for the opportunities that await us . But at the same time, we are sad to be leaving our life-long friends and the good times we shared . Insecurities plague us, and as we look toward the future, we wonder, "A time to laugh or a time to cry?"

1. Senior Closs Officers shown standing are: Dodee Coble, vice-president; Lynn Shifflett, treasurer; Meg Adams, secretory; and kneeling Bobby Johrsdoerfer, president. 2. Diona Hamner and Sue Limber enjoy tailgating at U-Holl. 3 . Donno Hackney and Emily Clark enjoy their leisure time at lunch. 16


Meg Adams Connie Adcock Bret Aker

Karen All ison Young Mi An Young Ran An

Barbara Anderson Betty Anderson Cindy Anderson Kathy Anderson David Arbaugh Donna Armstrong

Mike Armstrong Ricky Baber Greg Bacon Tom Barrett Jul ia Bazzarre Lyle Beasley



Lynne Beegle Debbie Bell Susan Bell Pam Bellomy Maria Berkeley Michele Binney Jimmy Blake Tam my Bolden

Steve Borg Judy Boring Tina Bornstein Nancy Bourne Donna Bowles Tracy Brady Mike Brassfield Barkley Breeden

Sandra Breeden Kathy Breen Angela Britton Cathy Brock Bobby Brown Chester Brown Keith Brown Lorrie Brown

Robert Brown Sandra Brown Claire Bruni Paige Bryant Paul Bull Johnnie Bunch Mike Burchett Jeff Burkhart



Kim Buse Bessie Butler Kevin Butler Kirk Byers Steve Byers

Chris Campbell Tina Cason Carlo Celli Barbara Chalfant Marieka Chapman

Ted Chapman Ray Charron Brian Chastain Cheryl Checchi Junior Chisholm

Cyndi Chrystal Janice Churchman Barry Clark Daniel Clark Emily Clark

20 Seniors

The cost of being a senior S.A.T.'s Achievements Environmentals College Catalogues College Applications Senior Trip Announcements


Cap and Gown

$ $ $ $ $ 1. Meg Adams proudly models a cop and gown. 2. Testing booklets bring bock memories of tedious Saturdays. 3. Ursula Coll ier eagerl y searches through college catalogues.



Shannon Clatterbuck Kim Clements Liz Coates Terry Cobbs Dodee Coble Constance Coles Mike Col ley Kevin Collier

Ursula Col lier David Comey Tim Corrigan Darlene Cortez Eleni Coukos Terry Cowg ill Keith Crawford Bucky Crickenberger

Tim Critzer Melike Dagli Donna Daniels Andrew Davison Linda Dewey Jimmy Dickman Pam Ditchkus Meredith Dixon

Doug Dobbins Portia Doss Karen Dowell Mark Doyle Tracy Driscol l Veronica Dudley Carol Dunbar Liz Edlich

Seniors 23

1. Donno Daniels and Lynn Marshall analyze the computer . 2. Bill Ueker, Kakie Wilson, and Tony Loyd mi x studying and socializing in the media center. 3. Western Albemarle " hicks" are port rayed here by Dodee Coble and Jamie M cClure. 4. Concentration? Shell y Nul l fools t he teacher.



Mehmet Elbirlik Myles Elledge Matt Erickson Debra Evans Diane Evans

Patricia Falls Greg Feggans Doug Fitzgerald Mike Fleming Carven Flynn

Sean Flynn Tim Ford Matt Foss Donna French Debra Fritz

Gloria Fritz Linwood Frye Doug Funfgeld Angela Gallup Christine Gardner

Seniors 25

Darlene Gardner Frandell Gardner Bobby Garrett Henry Garrison Glen Gentry Karen Gibson Susan Gibson Kaneyko Gilliam

Kara Gloeckner Brenda Goodloe Butch Graves Dawn Green Ken Guthrie Danna Hackney Mark Haga Dennis Hahn

Diana Hamner Jeff Haney Rhonda Hanger Jim Hard Chip Harper Meg Harper Derrick Harris Jane Harris

Melanie Harris Reggie Harris Teresa Harris Glenn Hasenfus Julia Haviland Andy Heintzleman Karen Hemmer David Henderson



Bobby Herold Shirley Hicks Theresa Higgins Allan Holmes Penny Holsapple

Terry Houghton Kevin Howard Maureen Howland Rich Hubbard Valerie Hudson

Beth Huffman Quenna Hughes Sherry Inscoe Dawn lvie Cary Jackson

Mikkell Jackson Jeff Jaggers Scott Jaggers Bobby Jahrsdoerfer James Jarman



1. Is this the real Jane Harris? ! 2 . Co-ed magazine interviewed Susan McDaniels, Barkley Breeden, and Kris Morris. 3 . Jessie Rosenblum and Angela Gallup f ind time to rehash the day's events . 4. Everett Feggans grins at pa ssersby.



Alonzo Johnson E.J. Johnson Jimmy Johnson Laura Johnson Leon Johnson Kim Jones Jerry Jordan Sherry Jordan

Trudy Kalla Chris Kardos Ari Kelarakis Angie Kelley Mike Kelly Joan Kemp Carmen Kerl Tim Kerns

Jeff Kidd Butch King Steve King Ton i Kirby Keith Knight Lisa Knight Rodney Kn ight Suzie Krongaard

Lise Kupke Jimmy Ladd Jeff Lamb Teresa Lamb Kathy Lambert Justine Lanzon Hain Laramore Daryl Law



Mike Lawhorn Sherri Lawson Barry Leake Cynthia Leathers Gwen Lee

Kyusang Lee Rita Lee Mark Leibl Terry Lesich Rusty Lewis Christine Lickliter Susan Limber Melissa Lindsay

Milli Lindsay Mary Beth Lindsey Mark Linkous Danny Litman Bob Livengood Terry Lohr Paul Lorentzen Cathy Low


John Lowry Tony Loyd Aliso Lukes James Lumsden Marie Magruder Dennis Mahnken Bobby Maine Curtis Mangrum



Frank Marrapodi Denise Marsh Debbie Marshall Katrina Marshall Lynn Marshall Hank Martin Kathy Martin Paul Martin

Jimmy Masloff Cindy Maupin Norman Maupin Tracy Mays Tobin McCauley Jamie McClure Eric McCubbin Kelvin McDaniel

Marilyn McDaniel Susan McDaniels John McFarland Mike McGilligan Doug McGowan Linda McKeen Vicki McKenna Jo Anne Meeks

Renny Megahan Scott Megahan Lisa Mennerich Rob Miller Melinda Mills Daphne Mink Alice Monroe Maxiane Moody

34 Seniors

Glenn Louis Diane Donna Dreama Edith James Joey

Moore Moore Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris

Kris Morris Lawrence Morris Leisa Morris Mary Ellen Mullin Billy Mullins Pattie Mullins Ken Murray Ken Neathery

Bill Neblett Dean Newton Lillie Nightingale Debbie Noble

Annette Norford Jeff Norford Katherine Norwood Catherine Nowlir



l.Randy Eppard panders the events of the day . 2. Alonzo Johnson towers over us a ll. 3. Many seniors complete their homework before the bell rings.



Shelly Null Mitchell Nutt Kim Olinger Barry Owens John Ownby Bobby Pace Jon Pace Kim Palka

Wally Parks Karen Parrish Lisa Patterson Mark Payne Pam Payne Sherry Payne Lori Pearson Billy Pendleton

Amy Pennington Cindy Perry Penny Phillips Sally Pinto Lisa Pirsch Lisa Pittman Warren Polson Kim Porter

Alan Pritchett Michelle Prosser Anne-Marie Robe Dana Ramsey Kim Ramsey Roxanne Roth Donna Reinhold Lindsay Rennolds




Do you have seven All igator sh irtsone for each day of the week? Are your Docksides broken in comfortably? Do you hate the thought of wearing socks with shoes? Are your favorite colors pink, bright yellow, and kelly green? If you said "yes" to any one of these ~uest i ons, you are probably a "prep-

pie". Clad in blazers, Espadrilles, and oxford shirts, preppies are hidden everyCla ire Bruni, left, and Eleni Coukos show the preppie look.

where, especially in our schools.

Laura Rhodes A lbert Richardson Julie Richardson Marty Riddle Sherrie Rimmer

Todd Rittenhouse Sherri Robbins Skip Robbins Shannon Roberton Larry Roberts

Todd Roberts Kim Robertson Wanda Robinson Tamyra Rose Jessie Rosenblum Doug Rosson Harold Rotenberry Garrett Roy

Lynne Runkle Sherry Rush Suzette Rush Danny Russell Jeff Russell Rusty Ryalls Jennifer Saylor Brett Schnell



Anthony Scott Mary Scott Beth Seale Laura Shavis Kevin Shifflett Lynne Shifflett Robin Short Joel Shotwell

V ic Shubert Lisa Sissons April Smith Cathy Smith Charlene Smith David Smith Germaine Smith Sue Smith

Robert Snider Dan Sobbott Ann Spradlin Beth Staples Dennis Steljes Kathy Steljes Julia Stewart Richard Stong

Lisa Sullivan Valerie Sullivan Scott Sunior Joe Sweeney Cynthia Swift George Swift Beetle Tapscott Joel Tarcha


Senio rs

The senior class lost a dear friend, Bi ll Neblett. We wish to pay our tributehonor to his life. His departure leaves a void wh ich nothing else can fill -

an indication t hat

his life was prec ious to us. We do not relinquish it with ease. We are proud of him- of his life and what it means to each of us . There was nothing which he undertook that he did not give himself to fully . He would not be mastered by anything ; rather he sought to be the master, to strive on toward perfection where others might have given up. There was in him an innate curiosity; a need to try the new, to scale the heights, to reach beyond his grasp. Now he is trying a wonderful adventure. God has given him the run of Heaven, to see the sights, to try whatever may catch his fancy, to learn new things . God is surely touched by our sorrow but glad to have Bill. Reverend Robert H . Garner August 25, 1980 lst United Methodist Church 44


Ed Tate Carrie Taylor Jeff Taylor

Medina Taylor Thelma Terrell Gloria Thacker

Matthew Thacker Matt Thorup Becky Thraves Carrie Thurneck Becky T irrell Donald Toet

Lynn Town send Paul Transue Jim Trefil Catherine Trice Elaine Tucker David Turner



Preston Turner Bill Uecker David Vanderveer Melody Verts 路 Robert Via David Wade Jeff Walker Mike Walker

Tammy Walker Karen Warren Thelma Washington Angie Welch Stacy Wells Joe Werres Melody White Lesley Wiley

Bonnie Williams Larry Will iams Paul Will iams Michele Williamson Kakie Wilson Linda Wilson Cindy Wood Kevin Wood

Mike Woods Virginia Woodson C.W.Yager Gary Yates Reggie Yates Miranda Yen Shin-Suk Yu Blaine Z immerman

Seniors 47


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Bocor Borro Ch'vil Borre Lane, 1. Greg Feggans, Dodee Cable and Susie Krongaard listen to the U.Va. representative at College Night.-2. Cary Jackson seems to enjoy S.A.P. 3. Bobby Pace and Daryl Law play it cool. 4. Beth Huffman, Lisa Sissons, and Roxanne Roth cheer for U.Va. 5. Lunch is the perfect time to relax . 6. Becky Tirrell struggles through homeroom . 7. Meredith Dixon and Cheryl Checchi compare notes. 8. Wyatt Owens munches out after practice . 9. Homeroom forms ore boring .




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Beosl Ch'vi

Senior Statistics Beegle, Lynne Ellen: Rt. 6, Box 312, Ch'ville, Va . 22901; FFA l ; Riding Cl. 2

Brown, Floyd Keith, Keith: 1125 Free State Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Football 2.

Bell, Deborah Leigh, Poudle: Rt. 4, Box 207, Ch'ville, Va. 22947; DECA 1; VICA 4; ICT 3,4.

Brown, Lorrie Anne: Rt. 1, Box 234-B, Keswick, Va. 22947; German Cl. 1,2,3; FH A 2.

Adcock, Connie Lynn: Rt. 1, Box 110, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Art Cl. 1; FHA 2.

Bell, Susan Rose, Sue: 118 Georgetown Green , Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 3; Radio Cl. 4 ; Photography Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 1; Marching Band 1,2,3; Symphonic Band II and Ill; "In Touch" Radio Show 4.

Brown, Robert Erskine, Bobby, Lucho: 504 Berwick Ct., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 3; FCA V. Pres. 4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2; Symphonic Il l Band 1,2,3; SCA Rep. 1,2,3.

Agee, Tony Edward, Rt. 1, Box 228, Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 1,2,3; VICA 3,4; Basketball 1; Track 2.

Bellomy, Pamela Leigh.

Brown, Sandra Lynn, Boarhog: 299 Winfield Cl, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; French Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; FBLA 3,4.

Adams, Margaret Ann, M eg: 2408 Smithfield

Rood, Ch'ville, Vo. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. Sec. 3; Lacrosse Pres. 4; GAA 4; Senior Class Sec. 4; JV Field Hockey 1; V . Field Hockey 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Girls' Lacrosse 2,3,4; Perr 4 ; French Hono' Society 3,4; National French Contest, 1Oth in school 3.

Aker, Bret Ernest: 338 Key West Dr., Ch'ville, Va .

2290 1; Ski Cl. 1; Spcnish Cl. 1,2,3,4; JV Soccer 1,2; V. Soccer 3,4; Outdoor Track 1; Symphonic Bond I 1; Symphonic 1112,3,4; All Regional Band 2; 5th in district Spanish Contest 2; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Pres. 4.


Allispn, Karen Lorraine, Big "K": 120 Georgetown Green, Ch'ville, Va . 22901; DECA 2,3,4; V . Pres. 2,3; Ski Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse l. An, Young Mi: 145 West Park Dr., Ch'ville, Va.

22901 ; Latin Cl. 3,4; V. Volleyball 4. An, Young Ran , Young : 145 West Park Dr.,

Ch'ville, Va. 22901 Anderson , Barbara Jean . Anderson, Betty Ann. Anderson, Cathy Mae: VICA 1; FHA 2,3,4. Anderson, Cynthia Lynne, Cindy, Cyndrum: 1625 Maiden Lane, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Field Hockey 1; Powder Puff Football 2; Thespian 1; " Night of One Acts" 1; SCA 4. Arbaugh, David Brian, Dave: Rt. 1, Box 153, Schuyler, Va. 22969; Photography Cl. 3,4; VICA Cl. Pres. 3,4 Armstrong, Donna Marie. Armstrong, Michael Samuel, "F.M.": 122 Bennington Rd. , Ch'vi ll e, Va . 22901; Sk i Cl.; Skateboard Cl.; V . Football 3,4; Junior Closs Talent Show 3. Artale, Joachim Christopher, Jack: Rt. 1, Box

113, Earlysville, Va . 22936; VICA. Baber, Richard Booton, Ricky, Wooton: Rt. 1, Box

251, Esmont, Va. 22937; Football 3,4.

Berkeley, Maria Randolph, Stud: 2403 Bennington Rd. , Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Riding Cl. 2; "The Sound of Music" 1; "Marne" 3; "Ten Little Indians" l ; "My Fair Lady" 2; "Godspell' 3; " The Diary of Anne Frank" 4; " Carousel" 4; "Mime's Bigger Than Yours" 4 ; Marching Band 2,3,4; Symphonic Ill Band 2,3,4; Thespians 3,4; French National Honor Society 2,3,4; National Merit Commended Scholar 3; National French Contest - lOth in Va . 3. Binney, M ichele Ann , Mickey: P.O. Box 462, Ch'ville, Va . 22902; FHA 1,2,3. Blake, James Edward, Jimmy: Rt. 1, Box 696, Scottsville, Va . 24590; FCA 4 ; J.V. Football 2; V. Football 3; Basketbal l 1; Intramura l Basketball 3,4. Boggiano, Darrow-Davida. Bolden, Tammy Teresa, Tee: Rt. 1, Box 198, Esmont, Va . 22937; Modern Dance 1; DECA 2,3,4; Choir 1.


Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 2290 1; German Cl. 2,3,4; Riding Cl. 2; Band 1.2 Bornstein, Tina Leah: 104 Dorset Ct., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Christian Fellowship 3; Drama Cl. 4 Bourne, Nancy Faye Bowles, Donna Justine, Dee-Dee: Rt. 22, Box 204, Cobham, Va . 22929; FHA 2. Brady, T racy Ann, Spacy: 107 Doncaster Lane,

Ch'ville, Va . 2290 1; Spanish Cl. 2,4; German Cl. 3,4; Prism 1,2; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4. Brassfield, Michael Matthew: Rt. 1, Box 214-A , Keswick, Va . 22947; Advocate Cl. 2; Art Cl. 3 ,4 ;

Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 3,4. Breeden, Barkley Harlow: Advance Mills Rd ., Ruckersville, Vo. 22968; Weight Lifting Cl. 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Band.

Barrett, Thomas Steven, Tome: 104 Northwest

Breeden, Sandra Faye.

Beasley, Alexander Lyle, LyleLo: Lot 28 Hickory, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Drama Cl.

Bryant, Paige Elaine, Elvis, Shorty: Rt. 8, Box 335, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 2,3; Christian Fellowship 4; Flag Corps 2,3,4; Art Awards 1,3. Buehler, Laura Ann. Bull, Paul Dean, Jr., Soda: 2391 Commonwealth Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; French Cl. 3; FCA 4; Buds 2,3,4; Football 1; Golf 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Band 1; Most Improved Golfer 3; Capt. -Golf 4. Bunch, Johnnie Lee: Rt. 8, Cedar Hill Trai ler Court, Lot A-36, Ch'ville, Va. 22901. Burchett, M ichael Andrew, Bird, 27th Lancer:

Boring, Judith Ann, Judy: 35 10 West Monacan

Barrett, Paul George : 207 Highv iew Lane, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Skateboard Cl. 3.

Bazzorre, Julia Beale: 3 Lake Forest Dr., Ch'ville, Vo. 22901; French Cl. 2,3,4; Drama Cl. 1; Thespian Cl. 2,3,4; V. Tennis 1,2; Madrigal Group 1,2; "Sou nd of Mus ic" 2; A. H .S. Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; "Marne" 3; "Our Town" 3; "Night of One Acts" 3; Tennis M .I. P. Award l; French Honor Society 3,4; Regional Choir 2,3,4; State Choir 3; VMEA Choir 3,4; Westminster Choir College Camp Award and Scholarship 3; National Honor Society 3,4.


Borg, Stephen Mancini.

Bacon, Gregory Riley.

Lane, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Football 1,2; Soccer 4.

Bruni , Claire; Brew-he : 112 Middlesex Dr., Ch'ville, Vo. 22901; German Cl . 1; Drama Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,4; Riding Cl. 3; Athletic Trainer 2; Girls' Lacrosse 3,4; Peer 3,4; Editor-in-Chief 4; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Scoiety 2,3,4; V. Pres. 4; National French Contest - 7th in the region 1; 7th in the nation 2; 7th in the region

1420 Pinedale Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; German Cl . 1,2,3,4; Drama Cl. 4; J.V. Baseba ll 1,2; Symphon ic Band II 1; Symphonic Band Ill 2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3. Burkhart, Jeffrey Lewis, Jeff: Drama Cl. 2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Football] ,2; "My Fair Lady" 2, "Our Town" 3, "Mame" 3; " Godspell" 3; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; "C'est La Vie" 3. Buse, Kimberly Anne. Butler, Bessie Catherine. Butler, Robert Kevin, Kevin : Rt. 1, Box 174, Kes-

wick, Va . 22947 Byers, Krik Franklin: Rt. 4, Box 11 60, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Chess Cl. 1,2; Racketball Cl. 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2. Byers, Stephen Dean, Steve: 1191 East Rio Rd ., Ch'ville, Vo. 22901 ; Chess Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; Intramural Softball 1; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Marching Band; Concert Band 1; Symphonic Bond 2,3,4; Stage Band 4; Al l-Regional Bond 4; " Marne" 3, "C'est La Vie" 3; Musical Honor Award; A ll-American Band Hall of Fame. Campbell, Christopher Dee.

Breen, Kathleen Marie, Kathie: 2935 Brookmere Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 2290 1; Spcnish Cl. 4; German Cl. 4.

Carle, Edward Hicks.

Britton, Angela Nina

Cason, Christina Jeanette.

Brock, Cathy Ann : 135 West Park Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Latin Cl . 4 ; Art Cl. 4 ; Field Hockey 4; Lacrosse 4. Brown, Bobby Wayne: Rt. 7, Box 153, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; V ICA 3,4; FFA 2,3,4. Brown, Chester Vernon.

Celli, Carlo Juhani, " Chuck": 210 Magnolia Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Guitar Cl . 1,2,4; Spanish Cl . 2,3,4; V. Soccer 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 4; " Battle of the Bands" 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4. Chalfant, Barbara Snowden: 409 Berwick Ct., Ch'vill e, Va. 22901 ; Drama Cl . 1,2; Harlequin Cl. 3,4; .c,~oir 1,2,3,4; Regional Choir 4; " Sound of Mus1c 1.

Senior Statistics


Chapman, Brian Edward: 322 Dover Rd ., Gr'ville,

Collier, Kevin Scott: Rt. 1, Box 239, Gordonsvi lle,

Va. 22901 ; VICA 1,2; Skateboard Cl. 1,2.

Va. 22942; VI CA 3,4.

Chapman, Edward Ernst, " Ted the Head", Ted :

106 Geo rg etown Green, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Skateboard Cl. 3, Drama Cl. 4; "Mime's Bigger Than Yours" 4.

Co llier, Ursu la Ann, Uschi: 310 Eastbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Germa n Cl. 2; Lati n Cl. 3,4; Historian 4; Certamen Team 3; Track 1, Peer Clubs Ed itor 4; National Honor Society 2,3,4

Chapman, Marieka Lily, Ricky: Rt. 640, Box 84,

Com e y, David Leste r: 26 14 Northfie lds Rd .,

Cobham, Va. 22929; Modern Da nce Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; FBLA 4; Marching Band 3.

Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl . 1,2; Ski Cl. 3; FCA Pres. 4; SCA 4; Football] ,2,3,4; Baseball"] ,2; Lacrosse 4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Football MVP 4; All-Central Va. Footba ll 4; Second Team All-District 4.

Dowell, Karen Sue: Rt. 1, Box S08, Scottsvil le, Va. 24S90; FBLA 3,4; Treas. 4; Choir I 3; Peer 4; National Hono r Soc iety 3,4; Honorable Mention Art Show 1.

Corrigan, Timothy Willia m, Tim: Lacrosse Cl.; Ski Cl.; Basketball 1, Football 3; Lacrosse 4.

Doyle, Mark Skeffington: 1OS Wendover La ne, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Germa n Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 4; V.V. Football 1,2; V. Baseball 2,3,4.

Dobb ins, Douglas Whitehead, Doug: 132-2 Georgetown Rd. , Ch'vi ll e, Va. 22901 ; Art Cl. 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Stuntman 2,3,4; Outdoor Tra ck 1. Doss, Portia Yvonne. Douglas, Paul Lawrence.

Charron, Raymond Henry, Rainbow: Rt. 1, Box

116, Esmont, Va. 22937. Chastain, Brion Duane: 106 Bollingbrook Dr., Ch'vil le, Va. 22901; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Capt. 3,4 Most Dedicated 4; Indoor Track 1,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,3,4; Band 1; National Merit Commended Scholar. Checchi, Cheryl Ann, Bert: 3S09 West Monacan

Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; French Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2,3; Germa n Cl. 2,3, 4; Symphonic I Band 1; Marching Band 2; Symphonic Ill 2,3. Chisholm, Clarence Monroe, Junior: Rt . 1, Box

260-A, Troy, Va; DECA. Chrystal, Cynthia Danielle, Cyndi: Box 2, Clover

Hill, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 2,3; FCA 4; J.V. Cheerleader 2; Track 2; V. Cheerleader 3,4; Homecoming Queen 4. Churchman, Janie Marie: Rt. 1, Box 231-B, Kes-

wick, Va . 22947; DECA 3; Track 2 .

Cortez, Darleen Elizabeth, Duck: P.O. Box 6141 ,

Ch'ville, Va . 22906; FBLA 4; Drama Cl . 2,3. Coukos, Eleni Dian ne : 1732 Old Forge Rd.,

Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2; French Cl. 2,3,4.

Dudley, Veronica Yvonne.

Cowgill, Terry Arno ld: 90S Rougemont, Ch'vil le,

Dunbar, Carol Joanne, Lightweight: 7003 Monroe Court, Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; GAA 1; Pe p Cl. 2; FBLA 3,4; Girls' J .V. Basketball 1,2; Girl s' Tenn is 3,4; Softball 3; Concert Choir 1,2,4; "Spring Madness" 2.

Va. 2290 1; FFA 2,3 Gu itar Cl. 2 . Crawford, Ke ith Alan: Rt. 4, Box 100, Ch'ville,

Va. 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 2; Footbal l 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 1, 2,3,4; Band 1,2; National Honor Society 3,4; Boy' s State 3; Who's Who Among American Hig h School Students. Crenshaw, Karen Den ise.

Churchman, Oscar Roy, O .C.

Crickenberger, Bucky Lee, Buck: 303 Robertson Ave, Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; FFA; VICA; ICT.

Clark, Barry James, B.C.: 1130 Oakhi ll Dr .,

Critze r, Timothy Ja mes: Rt. 1, Box 423, Scotts-

Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; German Cl. 1,2,3; Lac rosse Cl. 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1; J.V. Baseball2; Band 1; Peer 4; Honorable Mention - Football 3,4.

Curl, Karen Lynn.

Clark, Daniel Wade, Danny: 4013 Tompkins Dr.,

Dade, Zina Miche lle: P.O. Box 4S, Keene, Va. 22946; DECA; Who 's Who Among American High School Students.

Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Football] ; Symphonic Band I, II , Il l. Clark, Emily Trescine, Em: Rt. 2, Box 3S-B, Kes-

wick, Va. 22947; Drama Cl. 1; VICA 2; Pep Cl. 1; FHA 1. Clark, Terry Lee: P.O . Box 23S, Scottsville, Va.

24S90; Cross Country; Track; J.V. Football. Clatterbuck, Shannon Elaine, Little Ee l, Newt:

P.O. Box 3184, Ch'ville, Va . 22903; Spanish Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Track 2; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Choir 1; SCA Rep. 3,4. Clements, Kimberly Lynn, Moo Moo: Rt 1, Box

ville, Va . 24S90; Chess Cl. VICA 3.

Dag li, Me like Ayse, Cool : Oak Hill Form, P.O . Box 217, Keswick, Va. 22947; Ski Cl.; Riding Cl.; Dra ma Cl .; Lacrosse Cl.; Gymnastics. Dan iels, Donna Lee: 17SO Goldentree Pl., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Riding Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Lac rosse Cl. 4; SCA Rep . 4; V. Volleyball 3; Capt 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Homecoming Court 4. Davison, Andrew Burbeck, Kevin: 2612 Northfields Rd ., Ch'vil le, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 3; FCA 4; Soccer 1,2,3; J.V. Capt. 2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Symphonic Band 1,2,3.

283, Scottsvi lle, Va. 24S90; Ski Cl . 1,3; FCA 4; J.V. Softball 1,2; V. Softball 1,2,3,4; Second Team All-District 3; Prism 3,4.

Dewey, Linda Powers.

Coates, Elizabeth Dinning, Liz : 798 Squire Hill

Dickma n, Ja mes Earl, Jim: 2813 Huntington Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Photograph y Cl. 1,2,4; German Cl. 3,4; Band 1; Prism Photographer 1,2.

Ct. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Christian Fellowship; Band 1,2.

Cobbs, Terry Kay. Coble, Dodee Lee: S22 Eastbrook Dr., Ch' ville, Va.

2290 1; Scuba Cl. 1; Harlequin 2; Ski Cl. 3,4; Junior Class Sec . 3; Senior Class V. Pres. 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; French Contest Winner 4. Coles, Constance Lucille, C.C. : 978 Old Brook

Road, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; FB LA. Colley, Michael Christopher, Wildman , The

Scum : 2S1S Commonwealth Dr. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 3; German 3; Latin 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1; First Place Va. Junior Classical League Latin Pentathlon I Contest 4 .


Senior Statistics

Edl ich, Elizabeth Carol. Elbirlik, Mehmet, Truck, ME: 102 Fra nklin Co urt, Ch' ville, Va . 22901; Ge rma n Cl. 1,2,3; Soccer 2,3,4. Elledge, Myles Fletcher, Prep, Fletch : 4 1S Key West Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Lac rosse Cl. 1,2,3; FCA 4; Teen De mocra ts 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoo r Track 1,2,3,4; Intra mura l Basket ball 1,2,3,4; Jaz z Band 3,4; Symphonic Ba nd Ill 1,2,3; Society Distinguished America n Hig h School Students. Eppard, George Randy, Randy, Stud: 27 Monterey Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lac rosse Cl.; Ski Cl.; Footba ll 1,2; Soccer 3,4. Erickson, Matthew Christopher, Matt: 313 Westminster Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Lac rosse Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4; Footbal l 1; Soccer 2,3,4; Lac rosse 1,2,3; First Team All -District Soccer 2; First All District Soccer M.V.P.; Va . Regional Team 3. Evans, Debra Faye, Debbie: Rt. 6, Box 193, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; FBLA 1,3,4; Art Cl. 2; Powder Puff Football 1. Evans, Diane Gloria: Rt. 1, Box 2S7, Schu yler, Va .

22969. Falls, Patricia Gail, T ricia : Rt. 8, Box 324, Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Christian Fellowship Cl. 4; Latin Cl. 2; FBLA 2; Intra mura l Softbal l 1; Symphon ic I, Band 1; Symphonic Ill Band 2,3; Ma rching Band 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4. Feggans, Everett Lynn, Twine: Rt. 1, Box 73,

Ditchkus, Pamela A nn, MMWABA: 109 WendovCobb, Henry Wayne.

Driscoll, Tracy Jane: 26 Monterey Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22906; Fre nc h Cl. 2,3; Latin Cl. 3,4; Girls' Outdoor Track 2; Peer 4.

er Lane, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1; Ski 2,3; Drama 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Albemarle Players 1,2,3,4; Girls' Tennis 1,3,4; Powder Puff Footba ll 1,2,3; A.H. S. Madrigalists 1; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Junior Class Ta lent Show 2,3,4; " The Sound of Music" 1; "My Fair Lady" 2; "Mame" 3; " Ten Little Indians" 2; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Thespian Conference 2; Valentine's Day Thi ng; Westminster Choir College Scholarship; Fourth Place National Spanish Contest 2; All-Reg ional Chorus 2,3,4; Most Contributive Award- Concert Choir 3. Dixo n, Meredith An ne, Mere, Me rd it: 140 Bennington Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Rid ing Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3,4; Marching Ba nd 3; Symphonic Band I 1; Symphonic Band II 2; Symphonic Band 3,4; "Mame" 3; " Godspell" 3; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Peer 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Thespia n Troupe SOO 3,4.

Esmont, Va. 22937; FB LA; Ba nd. Feggans, Gregory McFarlan, Greg: Rt. 1, Box 266, Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 1,2,3; Football 1. Feggans, Jeffrey Randolph, Hays: 211 1 Michie

Dr., Apt. 19, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Football 2,3. Fields, Henry Miles. Fitzgerald, Douglas Owen, Doug: 1202 Oak Hill Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; German Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Gu itar Cl. ; Footba ll 1,2,3; Band 1,2. Fleming, Michael Patrick: S24 Eastbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 3; VICA 3,4; V. Pres. 4. Flynn, Carven David, Fly: Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4;

Football 1; Indoor Track 1; Soccer 2; La crosse 4 .

2 2




Flynn, Sean Francis: Rt. 1, Box 238, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 2; Skateboard Cl. 3; Lacrosse 4.

Gross, Gabriella Michaela.

Ford, Timothy Flann.

Grubb, Donna Sue: 650 W. Ria Rd., Ch'ville, Va 22901 ; FBLA 2,3,4; FHA 1,2,3,4; Choir I; Choir II.

Foss, Matthew Spencer, Matt: 2922 Brookmere Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Drama Cl. 4; French 2,3; ~ ki Cl. ,} ; ~~otball 1,:2 , 3,~4 ;_ Band 1; Choir ~i Marne 3; Godspell 3; D1ary of Anne Frank 4; National French Contest Winner 2,3; Special Services Award 4; SCA Appreciation Award 2 .

) n

Frazier, Edward, Eddie: Four Seasons Dr., Apt. 31 , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Advocate Cl. 1e, V.

Frazier, Sarah Ann. Freix, Gary Word.

le, 路Is'

路oe 2; nis Jd-

~ rt,

cer <ey 2,3; 3,4; ball 2,3; )tu-


CI. ; 路est1. 1;



French, Donna Lynn, Frenchie: Rt . 9, Box 213, Ch'vi ll e, Va. 2290 1; Pep Cl. 2; Christian Fellowship Cl . 3; FBLA 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Volleyball Manager 3,4. Fritz, Debra Dione, Fritzi, Charlie, Deb: 2306 Willia msburg Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Pep Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Powder Puff Football 2; Girl s' Intramural Soccer 2; Symphonic Band 1; Marching Band 1; Spanish National Honor Society 4 . Fritz, Gloria Anne, Puddin': 211 Bennington Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 3; Thespian 3; Racketball Cl. 4; Flag Corps 2; "Night of One Acts" 1,2. Frye, Linwood Mason. Funfgeld, Douglas: Rt . 4, Box 214, Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1, FBLA 3,4; Drama Cl. 3. Gallup, Angelo Sue, Angie: 2803 Northfields Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; French Cl. 3,4; Latin Cl. 4; Certamen Team 4; Advocate Cl. 4; Radio Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Indoor Track 2; Girls' Lac rosse 3,4; Flag Corps 2,3; Pee r 4. Gordner , Chr istine Re neP., Quimin: 113-B Frederick Circle, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; German Cl. 1,2; GAA 3,4; Teen Democrats 1,2,3; FHA 1; DECA 4; Christian Fellowship Cl. 4; Track 1,2,4; Cross Country 2; Field Hockey 4; Band 1; Prism 4.


Gordner, Darlene Lou ise.

Guthrie, Kenneth Andrew, Gut, Hog : 1503 Rickey Rd. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; French Cl. 2,3; German Cl. 2,3; FCA 4; Dungeons and Dragons Cl. 3; Bud Gang Member 1,2,3,4; J.V. Baseball 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Symphonic Band I 1; National French Contest- 7th in the District Levell I 2; Honorable Mention Tackle Western District Football 4. Hackney, Danna Mahalia, Slick: Rt. 2, Box 104, Keswick, Va . 22947; Photogrpahy Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. 3,4; Yoga Cl. 2; Marching Band 1,2,3; Peer 4. Hago, Kevin Mark.

HehJerson, David Stuart.

Hahn, Dennis Evon: 2210 Williamsburg Rd., C h 'vill e, Va. 22901; Symphonic I Band 1; Symphonic II Band 2.

Henry, Deborah Down, Debbie: Rt . 6, Box 56, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; GAA; Riding Cl. 2,3; DECA; Marching Band.

Hamner, Elizabeth Diona, Diana: 111 Reynard Dr., Colthurst Farm, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1,3; Pep Cl. 2; SCA 2; Ecology Cl. 4; J.V. Field Hockey 2; Co-Capt. and MVP 3; V. Field Hockey 4; Girls' Basketball Statistician 2; Peer 3; Photography Editor 4; National Honor Society 3; Pres. 4; French Honor Society 2,3; Pres . 4; Harvard Book Award 3; Girls' State 3; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3; National French Contest - 9th in the District 2.

Herold, Robert Brew, Brew: 120 Geo rgetown Green, Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. ; Ski Cl .; Golf.

Honey, Jeffrey Allen, Jeff: Rt. 6, Box 216-A, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 .

Holmes, Allan Edgar, Master Tree: 560 Stonefield Cl. , Earl ysville, Va. 22936; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 3,4; SCA 1,4; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2.

Ha nger, Rh onda Lynn: 3405 Indian Spring Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl . 1,2,3; Latin Cl. 4; Cheerleader 1,2; Girls' Track 2; Jr. Class Senator 3; Homecoming Court 1,3, 4. Hard , James Allen, Jimski, Giminski, James Diego: 2720 Huntington Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Guitar Cl.; Drama Cl. 3; Pres. 4; Soccer, Track; "Godspell" 3; "Marne" 3; "My Fair Lady" 2; "Our Town" 3; "Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Peer 2. Harper, Henry Hyatt, Ill, CHIPbZ: Rt. 3, Box 156, Gordonsville, Va. 22942; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. 4 ; Sym phonic Band I 1; Marching Band 2,3; Special Ol ympic Band 2,3.

Gordner, Frondell Doret ho.

. Va.

Garrett, Robert Martin, Bobby: 110 Wendover Lane, Ch'vi lle, Va . 22907; German Cl. 3 .


Garrison, Henry Daniel, Jr.: Rt. 1, Box 296, Earlysvi lle, Va. 22936.

Harr is, Derrick Jay, THE PHANTOM : 2424 Huntington Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Guitar Cl. 4; V. Lacrosse 4; Intramural Softball

Gentry, Edwin Glen: Rt . 1, Box 292, Earlysville, Va . 22936; VICA Pres. 4; Symphonic I Band 1; Marching Band 2; Symphonic Ill Band 2,3.


1. 2;


Gibson, Koren Lynn: P.O. Box 31, Earlysville, Va. 22936; FBLA 4.

Box ll 1.

Gibson, Susan McCray, Sue, Suzi: Rt. 1, Box 39, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; PepCI . 1,2; RadioCI . 1; Latin Cl. 3; Sec 4; Indoor T rack 1; Outdoor T rack 1; Cross Country 4; Prism 4; "Miss Latin" 3; V. Pres . Ju nior Class 3.

ch ie


Hill asse

Dr. , ; V.

3,4; e 4.

Gilliam, Koneyko Delondo.

Harpe r, Margaret Barker, Meg: 1806-D Solomon Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Scuba Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; French Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 4; SCA 2; V. Tennis 3; Powder Puff Footba ll 2; Volleyball Statistician 1.

Harris, Jane-Ashley, Jane: 2910 Brookmere Rd. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Ski Cl. 2; Skateboard Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl . 4; SCA 1,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Spanish Contest 1. Harris, Me lan ie Dawn, Mel: Rt . 1, Box 556, Scottsville, Va. 24590; VICA 2,3,4. Harris, Reginald Leroy. Ha rris, The resa Kim, Kimbies: Rt. 1, Box 558, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Art Cl. 1,2; FBLA.

Gloeckner, Koro Marie. Goodloe, Brenda Sue, Brenders: P.O. Box 594, Gordonsville, Va. 22942; FBLA 3,4. Groves, Roy Lee, Butch : 2409 Payton Drive, Apt. 206, Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Lacrosse Cl . 2,3,4; Football 1,2,3; Intra mural Basketball. Green, Down Michelle.

Heintzlemon, Andrew Knox, Andy: 100 Angus Court, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl . 2,3; FCA 4; Basketball 1; J.V. Baseball 2; V. Baseball 3,4; Intramural Basketball 1 ,2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 4. Hemmer, Karen Leslie: Rt. 1, Box 291 , Earl ysvi lle, Va. 22936; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3; Riding Cl. 2,3,4; German Cl. 3,4; Drama Cl. 1,4; Concert Choir 2,3,4; "The Sound of Music" 1; "Marne" 3; " Godspell" 3; Thespian 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Who's Who in American High School Students 4; National Merit Semi-finalist 4.

'ville, Puff

3and 2,3;

Democrats 4; V. Track 1; J.V. Basketball 1; CoCapt. 2; V. Basketball 3; Co-Capt . 4; Intramural Softball 3; Powder Puff Football 1,2; National Honor Society 4; SCA 1,3; Senator 2.

Ha rrison, Mark Edwards: 206 Georgetown Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4. Hase nfus, Gle nn Th omas, Fus: 118 Blueberry Rd., Ch'ville, Va 22901; FBLA 4. Ha viland, Julio Kay: Ardwood, Earlysville, Va. 22936; GAA 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Latin Cl. 3,4; Teen

Hicks, Shirley Ann: Lot 52 Carlton Mobile Ct., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl . 2; FBLA 3; DECA 4; Softball 2; Field Hockey 3. Higgins, Theresa, Terry: Rt. 2, Box 370, Gordonsville, Va . 22942, Advocate Cl.

Holsopple, Penny Leigh Houghton, Teresa Lynn, Terry: Rt. 4, Box 404, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; FHA 2; FBLA 3,4. Howard, Kevin Blair, Muffin: Rt. 2, Box 363, Gordonsville, Va. 22942; Spanish Cl. 2,3; FCA 4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4. Howland, Maureen Ann: 1620 Ravens Pl., Ch'ville, Va. 22901. Hubbard, Michael Richard . Hudson, Valerie Lynne, Vale: Rt. 6, Box 246-A, Esmont, Va. 22937; VICA; Track 1. Huffman, Mary Elizabeth, Sether, Buffy: 524 Nottingham, Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl . 1; Ski Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Powder Puff Football 2,4; Lacrosse 4 . Hughes, Queena Victoria. Inscoe, Sherry Lee, Shlabie: Colthurst Farms, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4. Irvin, Dora Disney, Bird: Rt. 8 N-18, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FBLA 2,3; Track 1,2. lvie, Belinda Down. Jackson, Jordon Cory. Jackson, Mikkell Lynn, Mickle, Mick: 2614 Huntington Rd. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 2,3, 4; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 2,3,4; V. Pres. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; Cross Country 2; J.V. Basketball 2; Symphonic Band 2,3; Marching Band 2,3; French Honor Society 4; National Honor Society 4; National Merit Scholarship Semi-finalist 4; SCA Sec.-Treas. 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; National French Contest- 2nd in school, 4th in the District 2.

Senior Statistics


Jaggers, Jeffery Wendall. Jaggers, Scott Vincent, Joggers: 715-A Moun-

toinwood Rd ., Ch' ville, Vo. 22901 ; Skateboard Cl. 3; Art Cl. 4; Soccer 1; V. Soccer 2,3 ; Outdoor Track 4; V. Baseball 3; Stage Bond 3,4; Symphonic I Bond 1; Symphonic Ill Bond 2,3,4; AllRegional Bond 3,4; Marching Bond 2,3,4 . Jahrsdaefer, Robert Gregory, Bobby, King Bud :

200 Alderman Rd ., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; German Cl. 2,3; V. Pres 3; FCA 4; Basketball 1,2; V. Football 3,4; Concert Bond 1,2,3; Jazz Bond 3,4; Marching Bond 1,2; MVP Freshman Basketball 1; MVP J.V . Basketball 2; Louie Armstrong Jazz Award; Senior Closs Pres . 4.

1,2,3,4; GAA 3,4; Teen Democrats 3; Drama Cl. 4; Softball] ,2,3,4; J.V. Bosketboll 2; V. Basketball 3; J.V. Field Hockey 2,3; Powder Puff Footboll2,4; Vo. State Thespian Convention 4; MVP J.V. Basketball 2; Best Offense V. Softball 2; 2nd Team All-District 2; 1st Team All-District 3; Softball AllAmerican 2 . Kerns, Timothy Wayne: Rt. 2, Box 1096, Keswick, Vo . 22947; FFA 1,2,3,4; VICA 3,4; Footba ll Manager 1. Kidd, Jeffery Lee. King, Maurice Biggs, Jr., Butch : 2656 Gatewood Circle, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 3 ; Roquetboll 4; Track 2; Lacrosse 2; Soccer 2,3,4.

Lonzon, Justine Marie, Stine: Rt. 1, Box 130, Earlysv ille, Vo. 22936; VICA 2,3,4; Cosmetology 2,3,4; Pres. 4; 2nd place scrapbook in VICA district contest 3 . Laramore, John Hoin, Fritz : 1803 Solomon Rd., Apt. 7, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Stage Bond Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 4; Cross Country 1; Symphonic I Bond 1; Symphonic Ill Bond 2,3,4. Law, Daryl Lee: 516 Nottingham Dr., Ch'ville, Vo. 2290 1; LocrosseCI. 1,2,3,4; Bosketbolll ; Football 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3 . Lawhorn, Michael David, Fudge: 675 Ridgemont

Rd. , Earlysville, Vo . 22936; French Cl. 1,2,3,4; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; V.M.E.A. Honors Choir 4.

Jarman, James Edwin, Ill. Johnson, Alonzo Frederick, Zo: Box 208 L1, Kes-

wick, Vo. 22947; Art Cl. 1;2; Football 1,2; Indoor T rock 3,4; Outdoor T rock 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; J.V. Basketball 3 . Johnson, Edward Lee, E.J .: Rt 1, Box 71, Keswick,

Vo. 22947; Footbolll ,2,3,4; Track 2,3; Lacrosse 3,4, Peer 4. Johnson, Jimmy Joe, Certs: 2600 Huntington Rd .,

Ch' ville, Vo. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; FCA 4; Ecol ogy Cl. 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4.

King, Steven Alan: 302 Camelot Dr., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Chess Cl. 2,3; Latin Cl. 4; Cross Country 2; Upper Division Certomen Team 4; Prism 4. Kirby, Toni Lynn: Rt. 1, Box 434, Scottsville, Vo .

Indian Spring Rd ., Ch'ville, Vo. 22901 ; GAA 1; French Cl. 2,3; Ecology Cl. 4; Advocate Cl. 4; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Tennis 3,4: Peer 3,4; Sports Editor 4; Notional Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; Notional French Contest- 1Oth in District, 8th in school 3.

Leathers, Cynthia Michelle, Cindy: Rt. 1, Box

Knight, Keith Gerold: Rt . 1, Box 339-B, Keswick, Vo. 22947; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse 4.

Lee, Gwendolyn Ann.

Mobil e Ct. , Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 3,4; FHA 1; German Cl . 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 2; Albemarle Players 3; " Night of One Acts" 3, "Mome" 3; Peer 3,4; Senior Editor 4; Notio na l Honor Society 3,4; Internationa l Thespian Society 3,4. Knight, Rodney Duane, Wee-Wee: P.O . Box 126

Johnson, Wayne Leon, Lee: Rt . 1 General Deliv-

ery, Keene, Vo. 22946; FFA 2; Track 1; SCA V. Pres. 3 . Jones, Kimberly Ruth, Jo: 2412 Common wealth

Drive, Ch'ville, Vo 22901 ; German Cl. 1,2; Latin 3,4; Teen Democrats 2; Intramural Softball 1; Symphonic I Bond 1; Symphonic II Bond 2 ; Marching Bond 2; Prism 2,3,4; Layout Manager 3, Business Manager 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4 .

Earlysville, Vo. 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Art Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 4; Symphonic I Bond 1. Krongaard, Kathleen Suzanne, Suzie: 114 West

Pork Dr. , Ch'ville, Vo . 2290 1; Ski Cl . 1,2,3,4; Drama Cl. 1,2; Field Hockey 1; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Intramural Softball 3,4; " Night of One Acts" 1,2; " Our Town" 2; "Dia ry of Anne Fronk" 4; Albemarle Pla yers 1,2 ,3,4; Thespian 1,2 ,3 ,4; Mime Troop 2,3,4; Concert Choir 3,4; Homecoming Court 1,2,4; Honor Thespian 2,3,4; SCA Sec. 1; Closs Pres. 2,3; SCA Rep. 4.

Jordon, Jerry Oren, Jr. Jordon, Sherry Lynn: Rt. 1, Box 249, Schuyler, Vo .

Kardos, Christopher: Box 6002, Ch'v ille, Vo .

22906 ; Auto Rolley Cl. 1; Concert Bond 3 ; Marching Bond 3; Stage Bond 2.

Ladd, James Alan, Jimmy: Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4; Football

Kalla, Trudy Ann.

Kelarokis, Ariadne Chrysonthe, Ari, Aristotle, Airhead: 1635 Derby Lone, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 4; Field Hockey 1; Gymnastics T eom Manager 1; Cheerleader 2; Cross Country 3; " Night of One Acts" 2; " The Sound of Music" 1; Junior Closs Talent Show M.C. 3; Peer 3,4: Editor-in-Cheif 4. Kelley, Angela Marie, Angie: 332 Dover Rd., Ski Cl. 2; Skateboard Cl. 3; Guitar 4; Debate 3,4; Junior Closs Senator 3; Senior Closs Senator 4; Chairperson of Policy Committee 4; Chairperson of Homecoming Court Committee; Debate Awards: 2nd place J.M.U.; 1st place Speaker at U.Vo. Kelly, Michael Wilson, Big Smelly: Rt . 1, Box 295, Keswick, Vo. 22947; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4; V. Pres. 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Co-Capt. 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Notional Honor Society 3,4; MVP Lacrosse 3 . Kemp, Joan Patricio: Rt. 1, Box 332, Earl ysville, Vo . 22936; Chrisiton Fellowship Cl. 4. Kerl, Carmen Rosita Gabriella, Pep: 2615 Huntington Rd ., Ch'v ille, Vo . 22901 ; German Cl.


Kupke, Lisa Kathleen, Kupkokes: Rt . 2 , Box 16,

Keswick, Vo . 22947; French Cl. 1,2,3; Ecology Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Symphonic Il l Bond 3,4; Marching Bond 2,3,4; Flog Corps 2,3,4; Copt . 4; " Les Poysons" 3; French Honor Society 2,3; District Winner in Notional French Co ntest 1,2,3; Most Improved Flog Corps 2 .

22969, VICA 2,3,4 .

Senior Statistics

Leake, Barry Dwayne: Rt . 4, Box 324, Ch' ville Vo . 2290 1, FFA 2,3,4; VICA 3,4.

24590; Ski Cl. 1,2; French Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 4; Debate Team 4; Rad io Cl. 4; Junior Closs T reos . 4; Thesp ian 4; " The Diary of A n ne Fro nk" 4; "Carousel" 4 .

Knight, Lisa Marie, Konig ity: B- 12 Crenshaw's Johnson, Lauro Elizabeth, Shorty, Munchkin: 101

Lawson, Sherri Rene: Rt. 2, Box 127, Ruckersville, Vo. 22968, DECA 1,2,3 .

172-A, Scottsville, Vo . 24590; Pep Cl. ; Riding Cl.; HOSA.

Lee, Kyusang, Kyu-Stud : 2504 Woodhurst Rd., Ch'ville, Vo. 22901; Fench Cl. 2,3; Chess Cl. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; V. Soccer 3,4; MIP 3; V. Tenn is 1,3; Symphonic II Bond 1; Symphonic Ill Bond 2,3; March ing Bond 2; Notional Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Notiona l French Contest- 2nd in School, 4th in the District. Lee, Rita Ann, Reree: Rt. 1, Box 325, Schuyler, Vo . 22969; FHA 1,2,3 . Leibl, Mark Allen, Leibl : 65 Lake Forest Dr., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Ski Club 1; Chess Cl. 2; French Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 4. Loh Lesich, Theresa Michele, Terry: 2315 Peyton Dr.,

Ch'ville, Vo. 22901; Riding Cl. 2,3; German Cl. 2,3; Marching Bond 1,2,3,4; First Female Drum Major of A.H .S. 4; Flag Corps Copt. 3 . Lewis, Lucian Russell, II, Rusty, Lusch : Rt . 8, Box

153, Ch'ville, Vo . 2290 1; Latin Cl. 2,3 ; Guitar Cl. 2; Chess Cl. 1; Cheerleader 3,4; Intramural Basketboll 3,4; Stage Bond 4; Bottle of the Bands 4; Junior Closs Talent Show 3,4; Valentines' Day Th ing 4; Notional Honor Society 3,4. Lickliter, Christine. Limber, Susan Philips: 106 Westminster Rd .,


Ch'ville, Vo. 22901 ; French Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Spring Track 1; Cross Country 2; " Godspell" 3; French Honor Society 3,4; Notional Honor Society 3,4.

Lam, Kimberly Brown, Kim : Rt. 8 , Box 125, Ch'ville, Vo. 2290 1; FHA 1,2; VICA 2,3,4; T reos. 4; Reporter 3; Cosmetology Closs Pres. 2; 1st place poster contest 3; 2nd place VICA bulletin board 3 .

Lindsay, Melissa Aleose, Lissie: 708-A Madison Ave., Ch'vi lle, Vo . 22901 ; FBLA; Pep Cl .

Lamb, Jeffery Franklin, Jeff: 115 Deerwood Dr., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901; FFA 1; SCA 1,2,3,4; FBLA 3,4; Pres. 4; Beta 2; T rock 1; Bosketbolll 路Football 2. .

Lindsey, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Liz: 112 Boilingbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; DECA 3,4; Sec . 4; Flog Corps 2,3; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4 .

Lomb. Theresa Gial

Linkous, Frederick Mark, Flip, Fred: 3518 Marlboro Ct ., Ch ' ville , Vo. 22901; Guitar Cl.; Skateboard Cl.; Ski Cl.; Bottle of the Bonds; Junior Closs Ta lent Show.

Lambert, Kathryn Beverly, Kath y: 3900 Deepwoods Rd. , Earl ysville, Vo . 22936; Scuba Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; Debate Team 3,4; Thespian Soceity 2,3,4; Pres. 3,4; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Cheerleader 1,2; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Mime Troupe 2,3,4; " My Fair Lady" 2; " Our Town " 2; "Mome" 3; " Godspell" 3; "Diary of Anne Fronk" 4; " Night of One Acts" 2; Junior Closs Talent Show 3; Regional Choir 3,4; Honors Choir 4; Debote Awards-1st in the District (two-man team); 1st in the Region ; 5th in the State.


Dr., 2,3, bo ll

Lindsay, Millicent Clarice

Litman, Daniel Louis, Freak: 11 Vincennes Ct., Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Chess Cl. 1; Photography Cl . 2; Spanish 4; Intramura l Basketball 2,3,4; Bond 1,2,3,4; "Diary of Anne Fronk" 4; Peer 4; Prism 2; SCA Rep . 4. Livengood, Robert Dale, Bob, Stump: Rt. 2, Box 58, Keswick, Vo . 22947; Football 1.


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Lorentzen, Paul Dennis, Jr., Paul : 2919 ld lewood Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Latin Cl. 1; German Cl. 2,3,4; Skateboard Cl. V. Pres . 3; Guitar Cl. 4; Football 1,2; Junior Class Talent Show 3. Low, Cathryn Elizabeth, Cathy: 313 Dover Rd. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1, 2; FBLA 3,4; Skateboard Cl.- Sec . 3; SCA Sec . 2. Lowry, John Harold: Rt. 6, Box 302, Ch 'ville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; J.V. Soccer 2,3; Capt. 3; MVP 3; V. Soccer 4; National Honor Society 4 .

r Rd.,

>gyCI. ell" 3; ociety Jdison

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Marlr Cl.; Junior ~s

Ct. , •hy Cl. Band ·ism2; 2, Box

Loyd, Douglas Anthony, Ton y: Rt . 9, Box 267, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 4; Debate Team 3,4; Co-Capt. 4; Intramural Softball 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; SCA 1. Lukes, Aliso Jean, Big Bird, Gi lda, Woody Woodpecker: 1004 Proffit Rd ., Ch'ville, Va 22901 ; GAA Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 4; Lacrosse 4; Debate Team 4; Lacrosse 3; Powder Puff Football 2; V. Volleyball 4; Indoor Track 4; Band 1; National Honor Society V. Pres. 4; NTCE Contestant 3; Debate Awards- J.M .U. 1st place affirmative team 3; 3rd place affirmative speaker 3; 1st place four-man team 3; V.M.I. 4th place negative speaker 3; District Debate 2nd place switch side team 3; Jameswood Debate 3rd place affirmative team 3; Regionals Debate switch side team 4th place 3; Longwood 1st place four-man team 3. Lumsden, James Charles. Maeyens, Lawrence Eric.

Maine, Robert Paul, Mainus: 770 Chapel Hi ll Rd. , Ch 'vi lle, Va. 22901 ; Latin Cl. 1,2,3; FCA 4; Bud Gang 2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Bond 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Boys State 3 . Mangrum, Curtis Eugene, Eugene: 1207 Preston Ave., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; DECA; Lacrosse Cl. ; Football 1,2; Baseball 2. Marrapodi, Frank: 147 Woodlake Dr. , Ch 'ville, Va. 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 3,4; Golf 1,2,4; Choir 1,2,3,4; Regional Choir 3,4.

Maupin, Cynthia Denise, Cindy: 103 Wakefield Ct., Ch 'vi lle, Va. 22901; Albemarle Players 1,2; French Cl. 4; Pep Cl. 3. Maupin, Norman Wiley, Jr. Mays, Tracy Ann, Little Smell: 2669-3 Barracks Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; GAA 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; SCA 1,2,4; Indoor T rock 1; Outdoor Track 1; Field Hockey 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Sec .-Treas. Lacrosse Cl . 4; J.V. Field Hockey CoCapt. 2; V. Field Hockey Co-Capt. 4 .

Marsh, Denise Page, Dips: Rt. 5, Box 118-A, Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; FBLA 3,4.

McAllister, Norman Sidney.

Marshall, Deborah Kaye.

McCauley, Tobin Kyle, T .M .: 303 Eastbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Va 22901 ; Ski Cl. 2; Skateboarcj Cl. 3; Lacrosse 4; Football 1; Lacrosse 2,3,4.

Marshall, Diana Lynn, Crash : Rt. 6, Box 299-B, Ch 'ville, Va . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1,2; Thespian 1,2,3,4; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Intramural Softball3; " Sound of Music" 1; "Night of One Acts" 1; Junior Class Talent Show 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4.

McClure, Jamie Barr: 309 Dover Rd., Ch 'ville, Va . 22901; Scuba Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; Skateboard Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; SCA 4; Homecoming Court 4.

Marshall, Katrina Lynn, Mouth : Rt. 1, Box 193-B, Barboursville, Va . 22923; Pep Cl. 1,2; FBLA 3: GAA 4; Softball 1,2,3,4; Girls' J.V . Basketball Manager 3; MIP Softbol l2; First Team All-District 3; Second Team All-District. Martin, Henry Lee, Hank: Rt. 8 , Bo x 161, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Harlequin Cl. 4; Radio Cl. 4 .

McCubbin, Michael Eric, Eric, Airwick: 1704 Solomon Rd. , Ch 'ville, Vo. 22901 ; French Cl. 2,3; Dra~a Cl. } ; E~?log y Cl.,4; L!9hti~g Director ~i Marne 3; Godspell 3; Spnng Madness; Battle of the Bands; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; "C'est La Vie" 3; " Night of One Acts" 2; Jr . Class Talent Show 4; Mime Troupe 4; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society; Thespian Society Rep 4.

Martin, Paul Vern, Jr., Dr. Disector, Fat Boy, Boo, Red , Wildman : 265-B Minor Dr., Southwood Mobile Homes, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 .

McDaniel, Michael Wesley.

Marzano, Jeffery David.

McDaniel, Kelvin Dale: Rt. 4, Box 230, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FFA 1,2,3 ,; Ski Cl. 4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; MIP V. Tennis 3 .

Magruder, Marie Antoinette, Dimples, Rea: Box 2628 Hydraulic Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; DECA.

Masloff, James Maxwell, Jimmy: 102 Connon Pl., Ch' ville, Va. 22901 ; FCA 4; J.V . Basketball 1; V. Basketball2,3,4; Capt. 4; 1st Team All-District 3; 2nd Team All-Central Va. 3; Best Defensive Player

Mahnken, Dennis Hugh.


McDaniel, Marilyn Lee, Murl: 2616 Hydraulic Rd ., Ch'vil le, Va . 22901 ; Pep Cl . 1; Ski Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; Spanish Cl. 4; Symphonic II; Symphonic Ill; Marching Band.

Senior Statistics


McDaniel, Susan Michelle, Bambi : 204 St. lves

Morris, Dora Diane, Diane: Rt. 6, Box 120, Ch'vil-

Olinger, Kimberly Dawn, Deer Hunter, Kimsy:

Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FHA 1,2.

le, Va . 22901; Photography Cl. 1; FBLA 2,4.

Mcfarland, John Burnley.

Morris, Dreama Gail.

McGilligan, James Michael, Mike: Rt. 5, Box 239-

Morris, Edith Anne: Rt. 1, Box 441 , Scottsville, Vo . 24590; Riding Cl. 2,3,4.

2471 Hil lview Ct., Ch'vi lle, Va. 22901 ; Pep Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3,4; SCA; "Marne" 3; " Godspell" 3; " C'est La Vie" 3; "Night of One Acts" 3; Albemarle Players 3,4; Thespian 3,4; Jr. Class Talent Show 3; Battle of the Bands 3; Ho nor Thespian.

A, Ch' ville, Va. 22901; Science Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 2; Ski Cl . 3,4; Basketball 1; Baseball 1; Peer 4. McGinnis, James Allen. McGowan, Douglas Joseph, Doug : 106 George

Rodger's Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Treas. 3,4; J.V. Football 1.

McKenna, Vicki Li, Duck, Big Mac: 1635 Robin

Lane, Ch'ville, Va 22901; Drama Cl. ; FBLA; "Night af One Acts" 1,3; Concert Choir 3; SCA Rep. 2. Meeks, Jo Anne, Jo: 1201 Oak Hill Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Yoga Cl. 1; Guitar Cl. 2,4; FBLA 3; Band I 1; Band Ill 2; Choir 4. Mega han, James Renwick, Renny: Rt. 9, Box 408,

Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Latin Cl. 4; SCA 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Band. Megahan, William Scott, Scott. Rt 9, Box 408, Ch'ville, Va 22901, Chess Cl . 1,2; Latin Cl. 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 3,4; Band .

Overbeck, Shannon Ralph, Space Cowboy,

Morris, James McKenzie, Jr.

Freak: 303 Brentwood Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Art 3; Chess 2; Football 2; Harlequin 3.


Marris, Joseph Keith, Joey: Rt. 4, Box 238-C,

Owens, Barry Wyatt, Wyatt, Weiser: Box 268,

Ch'ville, Va 22901; FCA 4; J.V. Basketball 1; J.V. Basebal l 1; V. Basketball 2,3,4; V. Baseball2,3,4; J.V. Football] ; Second Team All-Western District in V. Baseball 3.



Morris, Kris Carmen.

Ownby, John Wesley, Jr.: Rt. 1, Box 506, Scottsvill e, Va . 24590; Drama Cl. 1,4; Chess Cl. 2; Albemarle Players 1,4.

Morris, Lawrence Edward, Bubbie: Rt. 1, Box 152-

Pace, Jon Ashley.

A, Scottsville, Va. 24590; FFA; ICT: Football. Morris, Leisa Gaye: Rt. 1, Box 5 1, Free Un ion, Va.

Box 164, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. ; Baseball; Football.

Mullin, Mary Ellen, MEM, Mellon: 1714 Old Forge

Palka, Kimberly Anne, Kim: 1727 Easy Lone, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; VI CA 2; Pep Cl. 3.

Rd ., Ch' ville, Va . 22901; Modern Dance Cl. 1·; Pep Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; DECA 4; Historian 4; SCA Rep . 2,3,4; Intramu ral Softball 3; Girls' J.V. Basketball Manager 2; Powder Puff Football 2; Junior Class Talent Show 3; Prom Committee 3; Homecoming Committee 3. Mullins, Patricia Ann, Pattie, Patters: Rt . 1, Box 538, North Gorden, Va. 22959; Scuba Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 2,3,4; CFC 4; Intramural Volleyball 3; Powder Puff Football 3,4.

Mennerich, Lisa Dianne, Leis, Budd : 2403 Com-

Murray, Kenneth Rydell.

Messick, Deborah Sue, Debbie: Rt. 1, Box 269-C,

Naylor, Charles Kevin.

Keswick, Va. 22947. Milam, Kenneth Wayne.

Neathery, Kenneth Lee, Ill Ken: 211 Surrey Rd ., Ch'ville, Va 22901; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Tenn is.

Milhoan, Lisa Michelle.

Newton, Dean Allyn, Fig, Flasher, Maraca Male:

Miller, Robert Edward, Jr., Robbie: Rt. 9, Box 404,

Rt. 1, Box 417, Scottsville, Va . 24590; Latin Cl. 2,3,4; Historian 4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Choir 4.

ville, Va. 22923; Pep Cl . 2; Photography Cl. 4; HOSA Cl. 4; Honorable Mention Photo Class for two photographs 3.

Nightingale, Lillie Virginia, Lii-Bob: Rt. 1, Box 78, Keswick, Va. 22947; FHA 1,2,3; Pep Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2; FBLA 3; Art Cl. 4; Choir 1. Noble, Deborah Jill, Debbie: 1OS Powhatan Cl., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,4; Harlequin Cl. 3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Debate Team 4; Jr . Clas sical Leag ue 2; International Cl. 2; " Mame" 3; Harlequin 3; French Hono r Society 3,4; Governor's School for the Gifted 3; National French Contest Winner 1,3 .

Minor, Catherine Dawn.

276-A, Keswick, Va. 22947; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Latin Cl. 3,4; Peer 4.

Moody, Marian Maxiane, Max: Rt. 1, Box 199-R,

Narford, Jeffrey Allen, Jeff: Rt. 8, Box B-37, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; VICA 3,4.

Moore, Glenn Allen, Slick: Rt . 1, Box 372; Scotts-


Norwood, Katherine, Kathy, Cat: 715-D Moun-

tainwood Road, Ch'ville, Va . 22901. Nowlin, Catherine Elizabeth, Cathy: Rt. 1, Box

vill e, Va. 24590; Chess Cl. 1; SCA 1; Spanish 1,2,3; Debate Team 3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Intramural Basketball 1· Intramural Softball 1,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; District Debate 3,4; Regional Debate 3; State Debate 3.

222, Esmont, Va . 22937.

Moore, Louis Franklin, Jr.

Nutt, Mitchell Eric, Mitch, Mitchers: 2931 Brook-

Morris, Donna Marie: Rt. 6, Box 180,

mere Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; French Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 4; Band 1,2; Choir 4; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4;

Ch'ville, Va . 22901; DECA 2; FHA 1,2,3.

Senior Statistics

Parks, James Walton, Wall y: 250 Jeffers Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FCA 4; National Beta Cl.; J.V. Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2; V. Football 2; V. Baseball 2; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Intramural Softball 3. Parrish, Karen Leigh: Rt. 9, Box 244, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1,3; FBLA 3,4.

1,2,3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Frenc h Honor Society 3,4. Payne, Mark Carson. Payne, Pamela Lynn. Poyne, Sherry Lynne.

Null, Robert Shelly, Laib: P.O. Box 1226, Ch'ville,

Va . 22902; Latin Cl . 1,2,3,4; Co-Consul 4; Football 1,2; Baseball 2; Indoor Track 1; Band 1.

Peer 4.

Nor 1,2,3 Dem Com Mar< ph o Fore Cha Dist Stat•


Ch\ crot 1,2,



Va . 3,4;


Ch' Pep Floc

Hoi Ra!

C,: Ra1

Ch' Pearson, Lori Geraldine: 11 4 Chestnut Ridge Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Riding Cl. 3; French Cl. 4; Prism Co- Editor 3; Prism Editor 4; National Honor Society 2,3,4.

Cia Ma Edi Rei

Pendleton, Billy Glenn, Bill : Rt. 1, Box 935, Kes-

wick, Va . 22947; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; Art Club 3; Track 1,2; Football 1,2.


nir 2, ~

Pennington, Amy Christine, Shortnick: Rt. 9, Box


235, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; GAA 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Pep Cl. 3; V. Volleyball 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1,2,3,4; Symphonic II Band 1; Sym phonic Ill Band 2; Marching Band 2,3; Honorable Mention Photography Contest 3.


Perry, Cynthia Ann, Pervy, Guilt, Kid, BRP: 1010 Shad well Rd ., Keswick, Va. 22947; Ski Cl.; Lacrosse Cl.; Track; Boys' Lacrosse Manager 2; Symphonic Band Ill.

Rc al

Norford, Elizabeth Annette, Annette: Rt. 1, Box

Monroe, Alice Renee, Ms. Tim : Rt. 1, Box 493, Scottsville, Va . 24590; FBLA 1; Pep Cl. 1; Craft Cl. 1,2; FHA l; Art Cl. 1; Track; Choir I; Choir II .

Keswick, Va. 22947; Photography Cl. 1,3,4; Symphonic Ill Band 3,4; Marching Band 1,2, 3,4; " Prime Time Crime" 1; Prism 3,4; Peer 3,4; Photography Award 1; National Merit Semifinalist 4.

Pappas, Constantino Dino, Dina: 2643-D Hydraulic Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Art Cl. 4; Football 1; Choir 3,4; Mime Troupe 2,3,4; Concert Band 1.

Patterson, Lisa Larlene: Rt. 1, Box 75, French Cl.

monwealth Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; German Cl. 2,3; Gym nastics Team 1,2,4; Peer 4.

Mink, Daphne Lynn, Daf: P.O. Box 81 , Barbours-

Pace, Robert Lawrence, Bodacious Bob: Rt. 4,

22940, DECA 1,2,3.

North Garden, Va. 22959; Lacrosse 1,2; FFA 3,4; Pres. 4; Basketball 1,2; Intramural Basketball3,4.

Va. 24590; French Cl. 1; German Cl. 2; FBLA 3,4; Photography Cl. 4.



Mullins, William Wren, Billy, Kitty: Rt. 1, Box 538,

Mills, Melinda Leigh: Rt. 1, Box 586, Scottsville,


Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4.

Menard, Timothy Leo

Auburn Hills, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. ; Latin Cl.; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3.

Pol s

Ch'v Bosk

McKeen, Linda D1ane, Leigh, Wheat: 3034 Colo-

nial Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; FHA 1; Drama Cl . 2; Harlequin 3,4: Women's Chorus 1; Concert Choir 2,3,4; Harlequin 1,3,4; Prism 4 .


ville, Trea boa

Re Rl




Phillips, Veronica Penelope.


Pinto, Sarah Janet, Sally: 1OS Carrsbrook Ct., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; German Cl. 1,2,3,4; Teen Democrats 2 .

Ri Cl Ri

Pirsh, Lisa Ann, Weese: 107 Carrsbrook Ct.,

Ch'vi lle, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2,3,4; V. Pres. 4; German Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Track 1; Cross Country 3; Powder Puff Football 2; " Sound of Music" 1; " My Fair Lady" 2; "Godspell" 3; "Diary of Anne Frank" 4; " Potpourri Fou " 1,2; Les Soeurs Chanteurs 2; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Sec . 3; NCTE Winner 4; National Concours de Francais 1,2,3,4; Math Contest Winner 2.

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N R R ti

11sy: :1. 2; 3• 1lbe: Jient

Pittman, Lisa Gail, Pitty: Rt. 1, Box 93-E, Earl ysville, Va. 22936; VICA 2,3,4; Cosmetology Class Treas. 2; Second place in district VICA far bulletin board contest 3 .


Polson, Warren Glenn, Sirene: 35 Monterey Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; FCA 4; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; J.V. Basketball 2; Golf 1,2,3,4.


Jay, 901;

268, tball ottsl lbe-

Porter, Kimberly Ann, Little Porter: Pep Cl . 1; French Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Peer 3.


-i yd,3,4; ~ime

Dr. , J.V. ~; V. 1ural . Va. h CI. 3,4;

Pritchett, Alan Thomas: Rt. 4, Box 251 , Ch'ville,

Va . 22901 . Northfields Rd. , Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ski Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 4; Radio Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 3,4; Pres. 4; SCA 3; Homecoming Committee 1; Indoor Trac k 2,3; Lacrosse 3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4; Symphonic II Band 1; Symphonic Ill Band 2,3,4; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Forensics T earn 3,4; Young Democrats District V. Chairman 4; Jr. Miss State Finalist 2; Delegate to District Democ ra tic Convention; Alternate to State Democratic Convention . Robe, Anne-Marie: 3413 Ind ian Spring Rd. , Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teen Democrats 4; Marching Bond 1,2,3; Symphonic Ill Band 1,2,3,4. Ramey, Lindo Ruth. Ramsey, Dana Michele: 10 Cheshire Ct. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Scuba Cl . 1; Drama Cl . 2; Harlequin Cl. 3,4; "Night of One Acts" 2; Choir 1,3,4 . Ramsey, Ruth Kimberly. Kimbee: Rt . 6, Box 260,

Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1,3,4; Treas. 4; Pep Cl. 2; Teen Democrats 4; March ing Band 2,3; Flag Corps 4; Symphonic Ill Band 2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Sec . 4. C, Schu yler, Va . 22969. Roth, Roxanne Rinehart: 108 Georgetown Green, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; FHA 1; Ski 2; Lacrosse 3,4; Jr. Classical League 4; FSBP 3; Boys' V. Lacrosse Manager 3,4; Prom Committee 3; Peer 3,4; Copy Editor 4. Reilly, William .

Kesb 3; Box e CI. Bas;ymhing :on010 Cl. ; =r 2;

Ct., -een Ct., s. 4; ross :J of >iary Les 3,4; er4· bth

Robbins, Sherri Marie: Rt. 4, Box 122, Ch'ville,

Va. 22901; Latin Cl. 3,4; Pres. 4, Choir 2. Robertson, Shannon Eileen: Rt. 1, Box 276A, Ear-

lysville, Va. 22936; FHA 1; FSA 2,3: FBLA 4; Drama 2 . Roberts, Larry Wayne: 282 Winfield Cl. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; Weight Cl. 4; Football 1,2,3,4. Roberts, Todd Kelly: Rt. 1, Box 216, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Art Cl. 3; Gu itar Cl. 4. Robertson, Kimberly Annette. Robinson, Wanda Lynne: Rt. 1, Box 147, Esmont, Va. 22937; Pep Cl. 1; Choir 2,3,4; Rifle Corps Capt. 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Westminster Choir College Summer Camp Award 2. Rose, Tamyra Lee, Myra: 141 West Pork Dr.,

Rasnake, Michael Cameron, Mike: Rt. 1, Box 197-

Rd ., l 4; :mar

Robbins, Gifford Eugene, Ill, Skip: 1117 Vegas Ct., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Prism 4.

Preston, Timothy Dale.

Prosser, Michelle Ann , Shelly, Misha : 2816

t . 4, ,ase-

Rittenhouse, Todd Willard : 1801 Brenda Ct., Ch'ville, Va 22901; Latin Cl. 4; Football 2,3,4.

Reinhold, Donna-Lee Angelo, Donna: 127 Ben-

nington Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Teen Democrats 2,3; Latin Cl. 3,4; J.V. Field Hockey 1,2; Intramural Softball 1; Symphon ic I Band 1; Symphonic Ill 2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4; Prism 4 . Rennolds, William Lindsay. Rhodes, Laura Susan: 2712 Brookme re Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Radio Cl. 4; Gymnastics 3; Capt. 4; Peer 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4.

Ch'ville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1,2,4; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Powder Puff Football 1,2; Field Hockey Manager 2; Un Potpourre Fou 3,4; Peer, Student Life Editor 4; National Honor Society 3,4, Treas. 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; National French Contest, 1Oth in District, 8th in School, 3. Rosenblum, Jessie, Jessers: Rt. 1, Box 241, Earlysville, Va. 22936; French Cl. 1,3,4; Ski Cl. 2; Teen Democrats 3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Crass Country 1,2,3,4; Capt. 2; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Symphonic Ill Band 1,2,3,4; AllRegional Band 2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2; French Honor·Society 2,3,4; All-American Hall of Fame Band Student 4; First Bassoon All-Regional Band 3,4; MVP Cross Country 2; All-District Cross Country 2; Most Im proved Outdoor Track 1.

Saylor, Jennifer Lynn. Scalamandre, Jac:queline. Schmidt, Martin Stephan: Spring Valley Farm,

Howardsville, Va. 24562; FFA. Schnell, Brett Cameron, Catch: 313 Westminster

Rd ., Ch'vil le, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 1,2; SCA 1,2,3,4; FCA 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3; Football 4; "The Sound of Music" 1; "Marne" 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Football Honor 4. Scott, Anthony George, Scotty: Rt . 1, Box 225,

Keswick, Va. 22947; Basketball 2,3; T rack 4; Band Ill 1,2,3,4. Scott, Mary Christine: Rt. 4, Box 430, Ch'ville,

Va. 22901. Seale, Elizabeth Ritchie, Beth: Rt. 7, Box 169, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3,4; Sec . 4; Ecology Cl. 4; "My Fair Lady" 2; " Godspell" 3; Choir 1,2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; V. Pres. 4 Shavis, Laura Lee, Lolly: 2704 Northfields Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 4; Girls' Tennis Team Manager 4; Intramural Softball; Band 1; Spanish Contest Winner 2. Shifflett, Gail Spradlin: Rt. 5, Lot 16, Triangle Trailer Court, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FHA 1,2; Powder Puff Football 2. Shifflett, Kevin Todd, Sam: Guitar Cl. 1,3,4; Ski

Cl. 2; Band 1,2,3. Shifflett, Lynne Marie, Boo: 2508 Common-

wealth Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Teen Democrats 2, Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Girls' Lacrosse Club 3,4; Freshman Class V. Pres. 1; Sophomore Class Treas. 2; Senior Class Treos.4. Short, Robin Vernell, Tweety: Rt. 5, Box 134, Old

Rosson, Douglas Ashby, Doug: Rt. 4, Box 247, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 1,2; Band 1; Marching Band 2.

Barracks Rd ., Ch'ville, Va 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Latin Cl. 3,4; Debate 4; Powder Puff Football 1; "Our Town" 2; "Night of One Acts" 1,2; "Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Sophomore Class V. Pres . 2; Thespian 1,2,3,4.

Rotenberry, Elvin Harold, Jr., Big H: 27 15 Northfields Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Frenc h Cl . 2,3; Latin Cl. 4; Football 1,2; Won Sr. Mock Election representing John Anderson .

Shotwell, Joel Allen, Insane: 2711 Northfields

Roy, Garrett Wade, Strangler: 2518 Commonwealth Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; French Cl. 1,2,3; Racquetball Cl. 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; National French Contest Winner 2,3,4. Runkle, Betsy Lynne, Lynne: 55 Georgetown Green, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Scuba Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4. Rush, Charles Otis. Rush, Cynthia Suzette, Suzy Q: Rt. 1, Box 81,

Rd., Ch'vi lle, Va . 22901; Art Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; "Marne" 3; "Godspell" 3; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Mime Troupe 4; Thespian 3,4; V. Pres. Thespian Troupe 4; Concert Choir 4. Shubert, Victor Darrett, Vic: 98 Woodlake Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; VICA 3,4. Sipe, Raymond, Franklin. Sissons, Lisa Maria, Moose: 318 Brentwood Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; F.S. B.P. 2,3,4; Lac rosse Mgr. 2,3,4; Prom Decorating Committee 3; Peer 3.

Esmont, Va. 22937; FH A 1,2,3; V. Basketball2,3.

Sm ith, Teri Lynne.

Richardson, Julie Anne: 109 Woodstock Dr. , Ch'vi lle, Va . 22901 ; GAA 1; Fan Cl. 2; Riding Cl3; Outdoor Trac k 3; Lacrosse 4; Peer 3.

Rush, Sherry Ann, Sugar: Rt. 1, Box 90, Esmont, Va. 22937; Modern Da nce 1; FBLA 2; DECA 3,4; Choir 1.

Smith, April Anitha, Shortcake, Smitty: 212 Maury Ave., Apt. 16, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FHA; Indoor Track; Outdoor Track; Basketball Mgr.

Richardson, William Albert: Rt . 6, Box 252, Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2 .

Russell, Dan iel Allen, Dan the Man: 307 Parkwood Pl., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; SCA Rep . 1,4.

Va . 22901.

P.. usse ll, Jeffrey Allan : 565 Stagecoach Rd.,

Smith, Charlene Denise: 407 Westmoreland Ct. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; Boys' V. Basketball Statistician 3,4; Marching Band 1,2; Symphon ic Il l Band 1,2; Flag Corps 3.

Riddle, Martin Lee, Dog: 420 Carrsbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball2,3,4; Track 2; Powder Puff Football Coach 2; "Nigh.t of One Acts" 1; Football -Most Dedicated Player 4; All-Western District Honorable Mention 4; All-Central Va. Honorable Mention 4.

Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Stage Band Cl. 1; Football 1,2,3,4; Symphonic I Band; Symphonic Ill Band.

Smith, Cathy Michelle: Rt. 6, Box 171, Ch'ville,

Smith, David Lorenza, Hawk: Rt . 631, Sunset Ryalls, Russell Stuart, Rusty: Rt. 4, Box 165,

Rimmer, Sharon Jean, She rrie: 2941 Brookmere

Ch'vi lle, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 1; VICA 3,4; Football 1,2; Cheerleaders 2,3,4.

Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2; Athletic Trainer 3; "Night of One Acts."

Sacre, Bruce Allen.

Exte., Ch'ville, Va. 22903; Lac rosse Cl. 1; J.V. Football 2; V. Football 4; Intramu ral Basketbal l 2. Smith, Germaine Suzette: 1131 Freestate Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; FHA 1,2; DECA 2.

Senior Statistics


Smith, Suzzonne Frances, Sue : 1818 Airport Acres, Ch'ville, Vo . 22901 ; Dra ma Cl . 2,3,4; Teen Democrats 1,2,3,4; SCA 4; Choi r 1; " Marne" 3; " Diary of Anne Frank" 4; "Our Town" 3; National Honor Society 4; Argus Writing Experience 3; Runner-up for Westminster Choir College Trip 1. Snider, Robert Martin, Spider, Fly, "Pbz": 356 Key West Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Teen Democrats 2,4; Drama Cl . 4; Symphonic Band I 1; Symphonic Band 1112,3; Marching Band 2,3,4; Jr. Class Talent Show 3; Prism 4. Sobbott, Daniel Stockton, Dan, Spider: 2414 Northfields Rd ., Ch' ville, Va . 22901; Chess Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 3,4; FCA 4; Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 2; Band 1,2; Boys' State 3. Spradlin, Anne Jeanette: VICA 3,4. Staples, Elizabeth Ruth, Beth, Chabela: 102 Angu s Ct., Ch' ville, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 4; Track Mgr. 2; " Night of One Acts" 3; "C'est La Vie" 3; V.H.S.L. Regional Competition. Stargell, Anthony Euell, Tony: Box 206, Schuyler, Va . 22969; VICA 3,4; Auto Mechanics Class V. Pres. Steljes, Dennis Lee, Jr., Denn y: 918 Old Brook Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Spanish Cl. 2; Art Cl . 4; Football 1,2; Baseball 2. Stelljes, Kathleen Mary, Kathy, Frosty: 13 Lakeview Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Scuba Cl. 1; Pep Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; DECA 4; Advocate Cl. 4; SCA Pres. 4 . Stewart, Julia Ann: 7005 Monroe Ct., Ch' ville, Va . 22901 ; Albemarle Players 1,2; French Cl. 3,4; Debate Team 4; Thespian Society 1,2,3,4; J.V. Volleyball 2; V. Volleyball 4; Softball Mgr. 2; "Sound of Music" 1; " Ten Little Indians" 1; "Night of One Acts" 1; French Contest District Finalist 3. Stong, Richard Andrew: 150 Bennington Rd ., Ch' ville, Va . 22901 ; Chess Cl . 2,3,4; Pres. 3; German Cl. 2; "Night of One Acts" 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Chemistry Award 3; NMSQT Semi-finalist 4; Governor's School for the Gifted 3; MAA National Math Contest- First Place in school 2,3 . Stovall, Jeffrey Wayne: 161 Whitewood Rd ., Ch'vill e, Va. 22901 ; lntramura_l Basketball.

Tarcha, Joel Thomas, J.T .: Rt . 1, Box 289, Earlysvil le, Va . 22936; Spanish Cl. 2; Outdoor Track 1; Indoor Track 1,2 .

Tirrell, Rebecca Lynn, Becky: Rt . 4, Box 313, Ch'ville, Vo. 22901 ; Art Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 4; Choir 1,2,3,4; Peer 4.

Tate, Edward O'Connor, Jr., Ed . Potatoe Head: 29071dlewood Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Chess Cl. 1; German Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 3,4; Young Democrats 4; SCA 2; Footba ll 1,2,3,4; " Night of One Acts" 1,2; Concert Choir 3,4.

Toet, Donald: 1203-F Oak Hill Dr. , Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Chess Cl. 1,2; German Cl. 4; VICA 3; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Madriga l Choir 2; Regional Choir 2,3,4; All Va . Honors Chour 4.

Taylor, Carrie Ann: 18 Woodlake Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Riding Cl. 2; CFC 3,4; DECA 4. Taylor, Jeffrey William, Jeff: Rt. 4, Box 255-C. Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 2,4; Debate 3,4; V. Lacrosse 1; SCA 1,3,4; Deba te Awards - 2nd place switch side district debate tournament 3; 4th place switc h side regional debate tournament 3; U. Va . Invitational 1st place switch side 3; U. Va . Invitational 2nd place individual speaker 4; Longwood In vitational 1st place four-men team 3; J.M.U. 1st place affirmative team 3; J.M.U. 1st place four-men team 3. Taylor, Medina Yvette. Teates, David Bruce, Chuck: 107 Charmen Rd ., Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; German Cl. 2,3,4; Choir 2; Band 1; Prism 1. Templeton, LaTonya Lane. Terrell, Thelma Annette. Thacker, Gloria Jean: Rt . 20, Keene, Va. 22946; VICA 2,3,4. Thacker, Glen Herbert. Thacker, Matthew Lewis. Throup, Matthew Schuyler, Matt: 208 Colthurst Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3; Photography Cl. 2,3; Ecolog y Cl. 4; Chess 4; Debate Team 4; Soccer 2,3,4; V. Tennis 1,2,3; 1st place A.H .S. - W.A.H.S. photography contest, 3rd place A.H .S. photography contest. Thraves, Rebecca Margaret. Thurneck, Carrie Renee, Reneesive: 509 Notti ngham Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2; Riding Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Gymnastics 1; Indoor track 2; Peer, 3.

Townsend, Lynn Stewart: Rt . 6, Box 68, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Pep Cl. 1,2; Band 1; Choir 3,4. Transue, Paul Anthon: 2927 ldlewood Dr., Ch' ville, Va . 2290 1; Scuba Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. 4; Intramura l Basketball 3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Drum Section Leader 3,4; Symphonic Band Ill 1,2,3,4; Stage Band 4; " Godspell" 3; "Diary of Anne Frank" 4; " Carousel" 4; Jr. Class Talent Show 3,4; Choir 4; Regional Choir 4; Regional Band 3,4; Valentine's Day Thing 4; Battle of the Bands 4; National Merit Commended Scholar 4; Al l-American Hall of Fame 4. Trefil, James Karel, Jim, Hog: Rt. 4, Box 227-A, Ch'vil le, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2,3,4; Sec. 3; Trees. 4; German Cl. 2,3,4; Chess Cl. 4; Dungeons and Dragons Cl. 3,4; V. Football 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Band 1,2; AllRegional Bond 1; Section Leader 1,2; 1st Horn 2; "Messiah" Orchestra 1; Honorable Mention AllDistrict Football3; Honorable Mention All -Central Va . Football 3,4; 2nd Team All-District 4; National Honor Society 3,4; French National Honor Society 2,3,4; National French Contest 2,3; Math Contest 1,2,3; Governor's School for the Gifted 3; Va. Finalist, U.S. Senate Youth Program 4; America's Outstanding Names And Faces 3,4; Who 's Who Among Amer ican High School Students 4 ; "America's Character" Essay Contest 3 . Trice, Catherine Bruce, Cathy, Cath : 6 Bridle Path, Earlysville, Va. 22936, FHA 1; Pep Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 4. Triplett, Timothy Glenn . Tucker, Beverly Elaine, Tuck: Rt. 2, Box 353, Gordonsville, Va . 22942; French Cl. 1,3,4; Ski Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 3,4; Flag Corps 2,3; Certamen Team Capt. 3,4 Turner, David: Rt. 1, Box 212, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Football 2. Turner, Dorothy Ann. Turner, Preston Edward, Jr.

Sullivan, Melissa Gail, Lisa : Rt . 1, Box 260-P, Troy; Va . 22974; Spanish Cl. 1; FHA Sec . 2; HOSA 1,2,3,4; Latin Cl. 4 .


Va Ch 2,3 Ve Ch ere He do




Sullivan, Valerie Ann, Val : 102 Northwest Lane, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Thespian 1,2,3,4; Teen Democrats 2,3,4; Albemarle Players 1,2,3,4; GAA 4; Raquetball Cl. 4; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4; Co-Capt. 4; Defensive MVP 4; Softball 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 2; " The Sound of Music" 1; " Ten Little Indians" 1; " My Fair Lady" 2; "Our Town" 2; "Marne" 3; "Night of One Acts" 1,2; "The Diary of Anne Frank" 4; Honor Thespian 3.


Sunior, Scott Lardy.

0 1,:

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Sweeney, Joseph.



Swift, Cynthia Loretta, Cindie: RFD 2, Box 137, Keswick, Va . 22947; Art Cl. 1; FBLA Cl. 3,4; Astronomy Cl. 2; Track 1,3,4.


Cl S< Ec

Swift, George Rutherford, Spiderman , Shakespeare: RFD 2, Box 46F, Keswick, Va . 22947; Chess Cl. 1,2; VICA 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Intramural Basketball 3; Basketball 1,2; Track 1.


'W Tapscott, James Leslie, Beatie: Rt . 1, Box 119, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Ski Cl. 1,2, FFA 3,4; VICA 3; Football 2.


Senior Statistics

Kathy Lambert and Suzie Krongaard catch up on homework during lunch .

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1. Kim Ramsey celebrates her eighteenth birthday. 2. Carrie Taylor makes a last minute check for errors before handing in her assignment. 3 . Meredith Dixon portrays a "flower child" on Sixites Day. Uecker, William Carl, Ill.

Welch, Angelo Beth, The Winch : 504 Woodmont

Dr., Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; SCA 1,2; FBLA 3,4. VanDerveer, David Clarke, Helen : Rt. 8, Box 395, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Photography Cl. 1; Drama Cl. 2,3; J.V. Football 1; Prism Photographer. Verts, Melody Lee, Mel, Spaz: P.O. Box 6445,

Ch'ville, Va. 22906; Pep Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl . 2,3,4; J.V. Field Hockey 2; V. Field Hockey 3,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Cheerleader 1; Outdoor Track 1. Via, Robert Wesley, Robbie : P.O. Box 432, Scottsville, Va . 24590; FFA 1,2,3. Wade, David Lyon, Domingo: 616 Big Oak Rd ., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Chess VI. 1,2.

Wilson, Lindo Dione: 1731 Old Forge Rd., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2,4; Ski Cl. 3; Pep Cl . 2.

Wells, Stacy Louise: 85 Wood lake Dr., Ch'ville

Va . 22901; Track 3,4.

Wood, Cindy Lee: Rt. 1, Box 565-A, Crozet, Va . 22932; DECA; Latin Cl . 1,2; Spanish Cl. l.

Werres, Joseph Frances. White, Anne Renee, Renee: 208 Bennington Rd., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3,4; Pres. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; Debate Team 3,4; Co-Capt. 4; Band 1,2; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; NEDT Award; Most Improved Band Student 2; District, Regional, and State Debate 3.

Wood, Kevi Bruce, Tweezer: Rt. 1, Box 213, Bar-

boursville, Va. 22923; Spanis h Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 4; Football 1; Track 1; Intramural Softball 2; Intramural Basketball 1,2,4; Band 1; Debate Award - 3rd place four-men novice team 3. Woods, Michael Boyd, Mike: Rt. 1, Box 494,

White, Melody Andrea, Peaches: 707-F Country

Scottsville, Va . 24590; VICA 3,4; FFA 1,2.

Green Apt., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; FBLA; Flag Corps Walker, Jeffery Allen, Jeff: 506 Berwick Ct., Ch'ville, Va. 2290 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; SCA 1; FCA 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Honorable Mention All-Western District Baseball 2; All-Western District Baseball 3; All-Western District Football 3,4; All-Central Va . 3,4. Walker, Michael Todd, Mike: Rt. 4, Box 288-H, Ch'ville, Va. 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Soccer 1; Band 1,2,3. Walker, Tommy Jo: Rt. 1, Box 234, Keswick, Va.

22947; FHA 2; DECA 3,4; Trees. 4 . Warren, Koren Louise: 414 Eastbrook Dr., Ch'ville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1,2,3; Latin Cl. 4; SCA 4; Peer 3,4; Underclassmen Section Editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Sec. 4. Washington, Thelma Ann. Watkins, James Hamilton, Jimmy: Rt. 1, Box 235,

Gordonsville, Va. 22942.

3. Woodson, Virginia Storr, Jennie: 2338 Peyton Wiley, Lesley Kay, Shlobie: 2611 Northfields Rd .,

Dr., #14, Ch'vi lle, Va . 22901 ; HOSA.

Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4. Yager, Claude William, C.W .: 1625 Mulberry Williams, Charles. Williams, Bonnie Sue. Williams, Lorry Wayne: P.O. Box 148, Earlysville

Heights, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 1; FFA 2; Football 1.

Ave., Ch'ville, Va . 2290 1; ICT. Yates, Alonzo Regina I, E. B.: Rt. 1, Box 264, Troy, Va. 22974; J.V. Football 2; Intramural Basketball

2. Yates, Gory Theodore.

Williams, Paul Russell. Williamson, Michele Lynn: 13 Lakeview Dr., Ski

Cl.; Lacrosse Cl.; FBLA 3,4; Pres. 4. Wilson, Kathryn Irene, Kaki, Spaz: 67 Georgetown Green, Ch'ville, Va. 22901; Scuba Cl. 1; Riding Cl . 2; Spanish Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; V. and J.V. Soccer Mgr. 2,3,4; Girls' Lacrosse 3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students.

Yen, Mirando Ching-Hung: 217 Highview Lane, Ch'ville, Va . 22901 ; Drama Cl. 4; "The Diary of Anne Frank" 4 . Yu, Shin-Suk. Zimmerman, Blaine Allan, Nick: 1427 Hazel St., Ch'ville, Va . 22901; Riding Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Golf

Senior Statistics


Class of '82Albemarle's twenty-n ineth Once again the junior class organized activities to raise money for the JuniorSenior Prom. The class officers spurred the Junior class to give the Seniors the best prom possible. These officers were: President, Renee Magruder; VicePresident, Alison Dwier; Treasurer, Amy Brown; and Secretary, April Steppe. The Junior Class Talent Show took a lot of time and hard work on the part of the Juniors, but the results were well worth the effort. The "WCHV Ducks" game seems to be becoming a tradition as a fund raising activity. Educational activities also were a part of a Junior's life. History classes took a field trip to Monticello and all collegebound Juniors prepared for College Boards. Most Juniors eagerly look forward to the day when they will become seniors and will be nearly finished with twelve Junior Closs Officers: Alison Dwier, Renee Magruder, Amy Brown. Not Pictured: April Steppe.

long years of school.

Mike Acree Jeff Adcock Dennis Agee George Agee Joonie Aldrich

I Dole Peter Sollie Sarah Susan

Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson

Jim Arbaugh Shown Arnold Paul Avery Michael Bachman Lorie Boker



Jackie Barber Anita Barmore Jean Barnett Tammy Barnett Denise Bates

Donovan Bates Kathy Bauer Jennifer Bauerle David Bell David Bellamy

Ella Benner Glenn Bernhardt Chris Berry Tracey Bickers Donnie Bickley

Kenneth Billups Pat Bird Jimmie Bishop Regina Blackburn Mark Blincoe

Greg Bodenhamer Sarah Booth Kerri Borchardt Brad Bowles Charles Brassfield

Wilbert Brassfield Bruce Bratton Betsy Breeden Jeff Breeden Scott Brewer

Eileen Brezinski Holly Brite Robert Britt Amy Brown David Brown



Frank Brawn Marty Brawn Victor Brown Virginia Brown Stuart Bruce

Mason Bryant Nancy Buehler Richard Burns Diana Buttner Ivy Buttner

David Butz Jeff Byers Cathy Cain Henry Calloway Andy Carey

Sepelda Carr Theodore Carr Wendell Carr Teresa Catlett Sara Chandler

Sheila Childress Jin Choe Anthony Christmas Emmett Churchman Sonya Churchman

Tina Churchman Christina Clark Debbie Clark Donna Clark M ike Clatterbuck

JoJo Clements John Cochran Sharon Coleman William Coletrian Sandra Conn



Joyce Maher and Michael Milgraum work to prepare a big debate.

Helen Cook Felicia Cooper Cynthia Cottrel Annette Couch David Cragon

Carrie Crawford Doug Crenshaw Tim Critzer Ann Cronk Leslie Crowe

Thomas Crutchfield Mike Currie Diane Cutitta Paula Daughterty Margaret Davis



Mary Davis Stephanie Davis Mike Deane Marie D'Eiicio T ereso Demasters

Bill Devon Suzie Dickman Nicholas Dillard Joey Dimasi Anne Dinwiddie

Indio Di xon Tommy Dobbins Garrett Dudley Kim Dudley Mike Duggan

Renovation- A Good Thing? The renovations at Albemarle are an improvement, but they are also an inconvenience . Returning to school in August was senseless enough, but having to return and discover the school has undergone a complete make-over is a form of mental abuse. Rerouting the traffic patterns turned the parking lot into a death-trap. The adjustment to one-way lanes proved too much of a strain for most student drivers, especially those who are blind by the time the first bell rings . Zooming past the new gym in the wrong direction and then being hauled in by one of the assistant principals is too much for the average student strung out on ludes to handle. The renovation of the breezeway is the best improvement of all. If there is any one area at AHS which needs beautification, it's the breezeway. But the whole idea seems a waste when one considers the destructive tendencies of some students. The one question which lurked at the back of most students' minds was "Whose pea-brain idea was . it to plant trees on the breezeway?" Those rednecks will burn anything from the trashcans to their girlfriends' hair. And where did they dig up those con-



struction workers? They look like refugees from a correctional facility . They couldn't even surface the sidewalk right . They had to rip it up at least three times . While all this activity was going on, the students weren ' t allowed to use the breezeway. Because of this, anyone in the basement or language wing ended up having to claw his way up the stairs to change classes, and some students ended up with heel marks on their faces . As if that wasn't bad enough, the students were always late for their next class. Try telling a teacher that the reason you are late is because you had your face stepped on . Then some mysterious force decided to allow the basement classes to leave a few minutes early to relieve the congestion . This made the situation even worse, now if you were late for class you couldn't lie and say you had your face stepped on. Though in some cases the teacher couldn't tell if the student was lying nor not. Then to aggrevate the student body even further, once the first half of the breezeway was opened, we were told not to put our "butts" in the planters. After all this aggrevation no wonder the students will put their "butts" anyplace they want .

Jeff Norford walks through the on-going confusion of construct ion.

Brigitte Dvorak Alison Dwier Y olondo Dyer Ed Early Lisa Eppard

Pom Estes Koy Ewoys Hugh Ewing John Fariss Leona Fergusen

Tom my Fields Bruce Florence David Foss Susan Frazier Vanessa Goines

Becky Garland Scott Garver Losondro Gatewood Marty Geer Greg Gentry

Terry Gentry Corio Gibson Kim Gilko Allen Gleitz Greg Godsey

Donald Goebel Richard Gossweiler Cynthia Groves John Green Lorry Green

Down Grinde Greg Gurley Susan Homm Joe Allen Hammer Nell Harlow 路uc-



Christine Connie Robert Scott Virginia

Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris

Michael Hortman Kelvin Hawkins Tina Hawkins James Haverkamp Jim Hearne

Rodney Hearns Gosto Heimer Dorothy Helfenstein Lester Henderson Tom my Henley

Holly Hermanson Donald Herring Karren Herring Ronnie Herring Bobby Hicks

Brenda Hicks Debbie Jo Hicks Kim Hicks Scott Hiller Mike Himelrick

Dono Hobson Julie Hoel Doug Hogg Gloria Hoke Susan Holliday

Bruce Holloway Jamie Holt Charles Hood Joanne Horan Don Houghton



Joanna Hoy Lani Hozo Rhonda Hubbard Robin Huey Sallie Hunt

Harriet Hughes Tom Hunter Sheri lochetta Bobby Ivory Donna Jackson

Jyrene Jackson Susan Jakubowski Kirk Jansen Cathy Jarman Andrew Johnson

Cindy Johnson Kevin Johnson Lynnley Johnson Melanie Johnson Owen Johnson

Lisa Jones Sondra Jones Anne Kelly Caroline Kelly Courtney Kelly

Jean Kilburg Lauro Kincaid Yvenne King Debra Kirby John Kirby

Susie Kirchenheiter Chip Kirtley Colter Knight Kristine Kost Anno Kretsinger

l '.i

~t路路路 I




Sylvia Kuzman Teresa La Bruna Brenda Lee Melissa Lamb Pamela Lamb

Cynthia Jeann ie Mike Tam my John

Lewis Lewis Lewis Lively Lloyd

Pete Logan Vincent Logan Sandra Londree Mary Loose Kristin Lovelace

The ducks waddle to defeat On December 3, 1980, the class of '82, along with the choir and the debate team, hosted the WCHV Rampaging Ducks in an All-Star basketball game.


The Albemarle All-Stars won by a score of 64 to 63 . Proceeds from the game were divided between the sponsors, each making a little over one hundred dollars for the respective causes. Junior class team members were randomly chosen from a list of those interested in playing . Coached by Renee Magruder, the team members were Joanie Aldrich, David Bell, Greg Godsey, Steve Manzano, John McGetrick, Jim Mullin, John Nowell, Carmel Sweeney, Tricia Thraves, and Earl Wright . Debate team players were Myles Elledge, Tony Lloyd, Glenn Moore, Brett


Schnell, and Kevin Wood . All-Stars for the choir were Charles Bunn, Steve Gilliam, Gene Johnson, Steve Phillips, and Wanda Robinson .



1. The WCHV Duck and his team were so confused they tried to play the wrong game ! 2. Coach Magruder gives a last minute instructions to her team .

Koren Lucas Jennifer Ludgote Eric Lutz Mike Lynch Steve Madison

Renee Magruder Deborah Mohones Joyce Moher Kothi Mahnken Steve Manzano

Rosalyn Morse Scott Marshall George Morski Cindy Mason Bruce Massie

Edie Mattie Terry Maupin Bruce Mawyer Morite Mawyer Julie May

Tom Mayhew Melanie McDaniel Rosanna McDaniel Tim McEldowney Maureen McGrory

Tricio Mendelis Dora Menefee Jackie Miller Moria Miller Sora Miller


Tracy Miller Robert Milliom Denise Mills Jeff Mills Tracy Moon





Brenda Gerry Deanna Jeff Kelly

Moore Moore Morris Morris Morris

Penny Morris Renee Morris Tana Morris Lynn Morrow Rosalyn Morse

Kelly Mowbray Jim Mullin Lisa Mundie Carrie Murad Marianne Murad

Arnold Murdock David Murray Joe Murray Ken Murray Susan Musselman

Susan Nardi Joe David Nelms Mike Nickelsen John Nowell Mark Nowell

Angela Ordel Deirdre Ornduff Shannon Overcash Jennifer Pace Montie Pace

Sharron Palka Charles Page Kenny Parker Mike Parker Steve Partridge

I 70


D.E. classes adopt family in Charlottesville The Distributive Education class in Albemarle was very active this year. Led by Mr. Gardner, DE helps introduce students to the working world and its everyday problems and challenges. This year, the class adopted a family in Charlottesville, and was busy with that project. Both Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets were sent to the family, and a Christmas party was held in school for the children . Members of the DE class were also kept busy taking the family on errands and collecting toys and clothes for them. Distributive Education's biggest activity comes each spring when students compete in job-related activites. AHS is host this year of the district compitition held at Fashion Square Mall. Winners in this district level, against ten D.E. students, Kim Gilka, Jackie Barber, and Tammy Fields, learn about jobs they will face in the working world.

other schools, advance to state foilowed by national competition .

Barbara Patterson Kim Payne Steve Perkins Roland Poindexter Mary Pollard

Lisa Poole Greg Porter Spencer Powell Scott Price Leo Prosser


Pearl Quarles Kim Roth Joey Reed Jim Reese Mary Reese



Charles Reynolds Steve Riddle Julius Riddervold Julie Ripley Herbert Roach

Courtney Roane Deborah Robertson Scott Robertson Bill Rodgers John Rogan

Jeff Rogers Jonathan Rosenbaum Joanne Rush Karen Rush Sherrilyn Ruch



Phillip Ryder Nancy Sadler Morgan Scherer 路 Thomas Schweinefuss Bruce Scott

Sheila Scruggs Karen Seivers Karen Shafer Ella Sharp Joe Shaver

Tricia Mendelis concentrates to finish her work on time.



Working hard, Charles Brassfield still finds time to smi le at the camera .


Fred Shifflett Theresa Shifflett David Shipp Michael Shirley Edward Short

Kim Shreve Steve Shriner Kathy Simmonds Andrew Simpson Harvey Simpson

Didi Sisson Earl Smith Lisa Smith Teri Smith Wayne Snoots

~ Lisa Spangler Wesley Sprouse Jo Staples Chris Stark Joanne Starks

Lisa Starks Maurice Starks Terrie Starks April Steppe Lynn Steward

Ann Stewart Arthur Stewart Cathy St. John Robin Stone Nancy Sugerman

Charles Sutphin Angela Sweeney Carmel Sweeney James Symmers Jeff Taylor




Pam Teator Sarah Terry Julie Thacker Vickie Tharp Helene Thomas

Lowell Thompson Tricia Thraves Dorothy Toney Robin Trainum Scott T ratnack

Mari Tuttle Joe Ulery Andrew Valente Joe Vidunos Susan Von Herbulis

David Wagoner Juan Wallace Tim Ward Greg Warner Darlene Watson

David Watson Kari Watson Sandra Watson Charles Wayland Sandra Weakley

Barry Weathersbee Joyce Wells Page West Kari Westervelt Teresa Wharam

Barbara Wheeler Lewis Wharton Melvin White Lisa Wilkins Napier William




AHS prepares for the future Increasing numbers of juniors are becoming interested in taking the PSA T / NMSQT. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test is designed to prepare the student for the SAT which is usually taken in the spring of the junior year. This test also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Students who make a designated score or higher on the test may qualify to receive scholarships towards their college educations. A combination of excitement and nerves built when test scores were received a few days before Christmas break. For the entire day, the majority of



juniors were in a flurry of activity trying to figure out how to interpret their scores. It was found that these scores could be roughly converted to predict those all-important SAT scores. After all the concern and excitement was





apprehensively look forward to taking the real thing- the Scholastic Aptitude After PSA T's, Kris Kost escapes to a lighter side and Darth Vader, Mark Burnette, invades the band .

Test -

in the spring .

Connie Wilson Wesley Wilson Mary Wingate Lori Wingfield Lindsa y Winston

Kim Witcher Donna Wood Edward Wood Jane Woad Mark Wood

Yvonne Wood Troy Woodson Allen Worley Earl Wright Stewart Wright



Sophomores another year to grow A second year at Albemarle brings new acitivities for sophomores. PSAT's must be taken. Driver Education is offered. Extracurricular activities take up more time. Class officers, elected in the spring of their freshman year, help make the year more meaningful. The officers are: President, Anne Baker; Vice-President, William Stewart; Secretary, Suzi Chrystal; and Treasurer, Beth Shand. These officers encouraged class members during competitions such as the Food Bank, the tug-of-war, and the class competitions at pep rallies. Sophomores now look forward to planning their Junior-Senior Prom, a long anticipated event.

Lucy Akers Shirley Amos George Anas Charlotte Anderson Mark Anderson

Teddy Anderson Linda Arruda Karen Ayers Eddie Bailey Anne Baker

Theresa Ballowe Loreto Balmores Eric Banks Eric Banslehen Jimmy Batchelor

Scotty Batten Susan Bauer Dawn Beale Jim Beckner Christina Beegle



Sophomore class officers: William Stewart, Anne Baker, Suzi Chrystal, and Beth Shand.

" Kim Bell Russ Berlin Randy Bickers Alfred Bilezerian Marsha Binney

Greg Bishop Sheila Bishop Danna Blackburn John Blake Debbie Blandenship

Joanna Bledsoe Amy Basely Karen Branham Gail Breeden Maureen Breen

Rob Breinham Tammy Brook Beth Brown Cynthia Brown Harriet Brown

Marian Brown Marian Brown Melanie Brown Robin Brown Tony Browning

Rob Brugh Susie Bryant David Burch Lori Burner Craig Burton

Carol Caldwell Rich Caldwell Cathy Callaway Laurie Campagna Kevin Campbell



Sepelda Carr Kevin Carson David Carter Steve Carter Gabriella Casero

Lisa Chapman Paul Charlton Michael Chastain Sheila Childress Jeff Christmas

Suzi Chrystal Emmett Churchman Tina Churchman Ashley Clark Stacey Clark

Chris Clarke Brock Cleveland Martha Coates Mary Cockerille Sharon Coiner

Bonnie Coleman Linda Coleman Kristen Coles Michelle Coles Sara Collie

Mark Conner Raymond Cornog Caroline Cosby Toni Crawford Blaine Crickenberger

Joe Crickenberger Vonda Crickenberger Paul Dalrymple Jill Daniels April Davis



Christmas a new Spirit Week Something new was started this year by the SCA- a Christmas Spirit Week. Held from December 16th through the 19th, this was a time for the school to get involved in the Spirit of Christmas in a more real way. The teacher decorating contest was eliminated this year to make way for something new and different. Students participated in Door Decorating, visiting Santa, singing for a candy cane, and dressing in red and green. The SCA was optimistic about the response to the idea and is in hopes that a tradition will begin to be carried out through the years to come. The SCA is Santo sneaks up on on unsuspecting student as she peers up the chimney-like door.

proud of the participation this year.

Barry Davis Katherine Delis Lisa Delis Kim Dempsey Serge Depret-Guilloum

Lisa Dewey Duane Digges Jeff Dillard Kathy Dimasi Kristin Donato

Gail Dorman Richard Dorman Desiree Darns Sharon Dowell Brion Doyle

Elizabeth Doyle Sarah Drosh Loretto Dudley Lisa Dyer Kirk Eades



Cheryl Edwards Eda Elbirlik David Elliton Laura Erkenbrack Phil Estes

Vicki Eways Becky Faulkner Gletsa Feggans Phyllis Fidler Tray Fisher

Betsy Fitzgerald John Fitzwater Gary Flanagan Danna Fletcher Fritz Flynn

Health and phys.ed.the end is near Sophomores are in their last year of required physical education. They participate in both gym and health classes . The gym classes consist of the usual activities such as basketball, volleyball, and field hockey. Time is spent developing and perfecting skills already learned in the freshman year. Each student leaves with more knowledge and skill of these sports. Health consists of different units such as family life planning and mental health. In the family life unit, Mrs. Nielson, in particular, has projects for her students. One is carrying an egg around for several days as if it were a child . If the students go somewhere and don't want to take the" child" then they need to get an egg-sitter. At the end of the few days the students are required to write about their "adventure." Most sophomores are anxiously awaiting their final days of gym and health classes! There will be no more cold days to run around in, no more tardiness, and no more overcrowded gym lockers to fight to change clothes .



Gym's various activities.

Terry Ford Melissa Forloines Scott Fox Laura Frame Tammy Fritz

Robert Frye John Gaertner Valerie Gaines Jennifer Gannon Charlotte Gardner

Stewart Garner Blendell Gatewood David Gaylord Germaine Ghazarian Stephanie Giannini

Dwayne Gibson Gary Gibson Robbin Gibson Mike Gill Steve Gilliams

Gigi Gilmer Paul Given Jimmy Gloeckner Melanie Godsey Charles Golder

Zack Goodell Alan Goodwin Denea Gorman Katie Granger Ricky Graves

Anthony Graziano Paige Grinde Marlina Gurley Lester Hall Michael Hall



Mitchell Hall Steve Hammond Robin Harper Theresa Harpold Angela Harris

Bonnie Brad James Jane Walter

Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris

Alison Heeter Knut Heimer Kelly Hensley Calvert Herrmann Debbie Higgins

Norman H ipskind Denise Hollo Lisa Hooper Paul Houchens Mike Howel

David Hubbard Brad Huey Howard Huffman Harry Hugh Elizabeth Hunt

Glenn Hunt Gregory Hunt Paula Inscoe Laura Irwin Gregory lvie

Allan Jackson Martha Jackson Stacy Jarman Dawn Johannesen Charon Johnson



Five hippies invade the Spanish room during Homecoming Spirit Week.

One more struggle for Sophomores Cyndi Theodose, Jackie Masloff, and Anne Baker.

Clinton Johnson Jeff Johnson Jennifer Johnson Laurie Johnson Melanie Johnson

Anne Jones Brad Jones Gary Jones Laurie Jones Sterling Jones

Junius Jordan Tim Kauffman Tim Kendrick Ung Kim Tamara Kirby

Terry Kirby Peter Koort Theresa Kost Katrina Kretsinger Mike Kunkler



Mical Kupke Kevin Lamb Matt Lamb Litsa Lambrinos Lisa Landel

Maria Lascano Linda Lauffenburger Deneen Lawson Cheryl Leake Alan Leffers

Dana Lewis Gale Lewis Susan Lewis Eric Liedholm Lincoln Lilley

Valerie Livengood Monica Lohen Laura Loudermilk Mike Love Angela Lucas

Proofs hold Gary Jones' attention again!



Charles Lucas Jeanette Madison Pam Mandell Rodney Marshall Sonya Marshall

Leslie Martella Amy Martin Bobby Martin Debbie Martin Janice Martin

Todd Martin Tracy Martin Willie Martin Jackie Masloff Mary Maslyk

Candy Mason Carl Mathews Margaret Maxwell Rob Mays Fawn McAllister

Tracy McCauley Karen McClure John McDaniel Richard McDaniel Patricia McGetrick

Shawn McMullen Gina McWilliams Sandra Melton Mike Mennerich Tim Miller

Mark Milleson Paul Mills Warren Mills Maria Minnix Benji Minor




.._ Sophomores


Carol yn Mitchell Greg Mitchell Sondra Mongold Felice Moody Robert Moon

Lonny Moore Annette Morgan Jocquie Morgan Derrick Morr~s Lisa Morns

Mary M orr!s T ereso Morns Sharon Morse Brent Mowbray Joy Mundy

Robert Mundy Julie Murad Lauro Napier Amy Nay Chris Nelson

Doris Norford Ken Norford Mark Norford Chandra Nutt John Oliver

Cyndi Overcash Jeff Ownby Julie Palmer Keith Pamplin Louise Pork

David Parrish Donnie Patterson Madeline Potters.on Kathy Perk1ns Becky Peterson



New committee designed by the SCA


I ~

The SCA formed a new committee to communicate between the students and


the administration . The Policy Commiti

tee is chaired by senior Angie Kelley . Every Tuesday students are invited to meet with the Policy Committee to voice their complaints . These complaints are then taken to the school's administrative staff by Angie Kelley and Kathy Steljes, president of the SCA. This process enables the administration to keep in touch with the ever-changing concerns of the students and faculty, and to meet needs expressed by the Committee. Due to the efforts of the committee and the administration, our school has Hyon Yu catches up on the latest fashions .

become a better place .



Long Phon Cindy Pierce Lisa Pierce Elizabeth Pinto Donna Pittman

Kris Pollard Rick Porcaro Jane Powell Ch ip Proffitt Louis Prosser

Keith Rader David Randolph Kelvin Reid Tracey Rhodes Elizabeth Richardson




Lawrence Riley Cath y Roach Joey Robbins Deborah Roberts Sonya Roberts



Janet Robertson Kim Rogers Doug Ross Lise Runkle Barbaro Rush

Bobby Rush Koteno Rush Revo Rush Rodney Ryolls Mary Socre

Jerome Solley Tracy Sal yers Douglas Sounders Jimmy Satire Molly Schweinfuss


Scott Scrimshaw Denise Senna Beth Shand Ellen Shatz Brandon Shelton

Troy Shelton Keith Shifflett Lisa Shifflett Tina Shifflett Potty Short

Two members of the Chess Club concentrate on their next moves.






Greg Warren finds a quiet place to study.

Rifle Corps members march at half time.

Lauro Irwin works an homework.

Robert Smallwood Buddy Smith Karen Smith Marie Smith Zinc Smith

Kelly Snow Stefani Somers Mark Spencer Neil Spencer Earl Spradlin

• ._ Reeve Spradlin T amie Spradlin Tariq Steinberg Eozy St. John Debra Stephens

William Stewart Dee Sticker Bonnie Stokes Fredine Stovall Brian Sullivan

Maria Sweeney Chuck Taylor Janet Jaylor Derrick Terry Kathy Terry



Cyndi Theodose Hunter Thomas James Thomas Justin Thomas Wanda Thornhill

Peter Thorsen Bill Tilk Michael Tinsley Sam Toler Melvin Toney

Angelo Town send Stefan T refil Donny Trogdon T yler Tucker Crystal Turner

Cynthia Turner Greg Turner Jud y Turner Diona Vonderloo Fred Van Hoose

Chip Verling John Vermillion Lisa Von Achen Allison Von Herbulis Scott Vosper

Ann Walker Tereno Walker 路 John Wanebo Mike Wonebo Greg Warren

Cynthia Wells Joyce Wells Munsey Wheby Dave Wood Tracy Wilkerson



Alan Williams Chris Will iams Michael Williams Bob Willoughby Bobby Wilson

Dorinda Wilson Dwayne Wood Jay Wood Molly Wood Vernon Worley



Becky Wright Diane Wright Jeff Wright Andy Wyland Nancy Yates

George Yen Annette Young Toni Young Hyon Yu Michael Ziock

And the mad rush is an !



Freshmenthe new class As always, this year's freshmen adjusted quickly to the fast-paced life of Albemarle High School. As members of the class of '84 became more involved in AHS, they realized that the school was a big change from the small middle schools to which they were accustomed . Most found that they liked high school as they made friends from the other middle schools and from the upperclassmen as well. The freshmen class officers this year were as follows : President, June Keller; Vice President, Jackie Wanebo; Secretary, Pam Anderson; and Treasurer, Kathy Vidunas. We all join together in wishing this year's freshmen the best of luck in their future years at Albemarle. Their contributions to the school through the next three years will be very beneficial. Freshmen class officers : June Keller, Kathy V iduna, Jackie Wanebo, and Pam Anderson .

Julie Abbott Kenney Acree Roger Agee Glenn Aker Seth Allen Mike Alley

Sondra Amos Clifford Anderson Laverne Anderson Pam Anderson Terry Anderson Bovo Ankrom

Jill Anthony Dione Artale Tiesha A vallone Sara Avery Judy Bakel Jo x Banton

Hubert Barker John Barmore Eddie Barrett Tony Bates Jan Beasley Kim Bell

\, ;I 92


Forrest Benner Jim Bergold Shari Berlin Mark Berry Lori Bevilacqua Chrissy Bird

Tony Bishop Heidi Blackburn Beth Boatwright Jeanie Boatwright Jeff Bogard Athena Boling

Donna Batt Glenn Bowman Paige Branham Tammy Breeden Cynthia Brooks Doug Brooks

Renee Brooks Bridget Brown Harriet Brown Leslie Brown Ryan Brown Tom Brown

Richard Brubaker Andrea Bryant Montie Bryant T onya Bullock Charles Bunn Jurgen Burgoyne

April Burns Albie Butler Thomas Butler Alice Buttner Jeff Campbell Lila Campbell

Bobby Carey John Cargile Dennis Carter Jackie Carter Joe Casero Ruby Cason

Jay Catlett Maria Cavalca Betsy Chalfant Rudy Chapman Brenda Charron Dorothy Chartres

;I Freshmen


1 Stephanie Chivily Ben Chowney Paul Clark Steve Clark Mike Clarke Amy Cleosby

Jody Clements Rodney Clements Lisa Coleman Suzanne Coleman Janice Coles Becky Collier

Mike Collins Melinda Compston Ford Cook Jimmy Corbin Gino Covington Brenda Cowgill

John Cox Pot Craver Aaron Crawford Bobby Crenshaw T rovis Critzer Helen Crutchfield

Sanjit Dos Barry Davis Becky Davis Lisa Davis Lisa Davis Vol Davis

Kathy Dean Andrea DeBerry Lou Delicia Pot Depret-Guilloume Angelo Dickerson Jennie Dickerson

Susan Diesan Mark Dillow John Dion Andy Dixon Missy Dobbs Glendo Douglas

Koren Douglas Keith Douglas Bethany Driscoll Tommy Dudley Theresa Eddins Debbie Edgecomb



Field hockey takes Hope Hicks' complete concentration .

Diane Shifflett prepares for her routine.

Winston Edmonds Susan Edmondson Ken Edwards Nancy Edwards Davis Eichelberger Todd Eichman

John Emmons Karen Eppard Stephanie Estes Kim Evans Sharon Falls Lisa Farish

Pam Farrish William Fariss Judy Fields Kristin Fillmore Eleanor Finger George Fisk

Amy Fitzgerald Robin Fitzgerald Jenifer Fleming Ben Fordham Ronnie Forsberg Becky Fredrick



Tom Fritz Stephanie Godient Ernest Goines Elliot Gordner Kovonso Gordner Janice Garrison

Chip Gerbert Cindy Gibson Dole Gibson Fronk Gibson Michelle Gilko Ethel Gloshow

Michelle Gleason Jon Goodman David Graham Amy Granger Milton Gray T im Guthrie

Sylvia Hogo Colleen Haines Tracy Hakala Keith Hall Will Hall Lindo Homm

New ideaa Radio Club For the first time, Albemarle has its own Radio Club. The members meet once a week to put a radio show together. The show is taped one afternoon and airs the following Sunday. The program, called "In Touch With AHS," is on WINA once a month . It's purpose, according to sponsor, Mrs. McDonald, is to keep people, particularly parents, informed of the activities going on at Albemarle . Mrs. McDonald, who is an English teacher here, says she relies on her husband, who is with WI NA, to help the club with its productions. The club also relieved Mr. Hurt of doing the morning announcements, and served as DJ's at local sports activities. In order to enlighten more students to the broad field of commun ications, it is hoped that a class will be formed for this club next year.



Scott Willouby admires on upperclassman




Clifford Hammill Ken Hammond Clifton Hamner Scott Harmon T rocie Harper Anthonie Harris

Laverne Harris Tommy Harris Michael Hosenstob Todd Hawkins Lisa Hawley Joy Hearns

Karen Heintzleman Jeff Henry Kevin Hensley Wayne Hensley James Herring Keith Herring

Ollie Herring Hope Hicks Louise Hicks Thomas Hicks Pe.nny Higgins Minh Hoang

Lisa Hoel Sonja Hoel Fred Holfelder Heidi Holgate David Holsapple Yanda Holsopple

Paula Hood Teresa Hoover Cindy Houchens Jo Anne Howard Andy Hucek Chris Hucek

Ruth Hudson Shawn Hughes Donna Hunt Margaret Hunt Michael Ingalls Steve Ivory

Kernovia Jackson Lisa James Donna Jacobson Michelle Jackson Trainey Jackson William Jefferson



Heidi Johannesen April Johnson Beth Johnson Eric Johnson Felice Johnson Gene Johnson

Regina Johnson Anson Jones Darlene Jones David Jones Tracy Jones Darlene Jordan

Penn y Jordan June Keller Elliott Kelly Patricia Kelly Brian Kennon Derrick Kerns


Casey Kerr Kim Kersey Kristen Kesler Deborah Kidd Ung-Sok Kim Angela King

Billy Kirby Eddie Kirby Chris Kirchenheiter Elizabeth Kirkland David Kirtley Lisa LaBrun o

Scott Lawrence Holly Lawson Kim Lee Lisa Lee Don Leibl Howard Lenn

Katie Leonard Stacey Lewis Doug Linkous Everett Loftland Anna Logan David Londree

Cheryl Lorentzen Tracey Love Shelley Lovelace Lisa Loving Tammy Loving Randy Low




Carlton Luck Tim Lumsden Troy Lynch Mary Lyng Missy Moeyens Sondra Magruder


Tim Mahnken Tom my Mallory Kim Mondley Auburn Mann Chris Mann Kyle Marion

Floyd Marsh Robert Martin T ereso Martin Kris Mossey Perry Maupin Tiger May


Mike Ma ynard Dede Maze Stacey McConn Brad McCarthy Greg McCauley Cathy McCray


Faith McDaniel Kristina McDaniel Roy McDaniel Heather McDonald Jean McGowan Greg McKamey


Project feeds Cambodians


if~ ~

One of the many projects sponsored by the SCA this year was the Hunger Project, an activity organized to raise money. This money would be used to help feed and send medical aid to the children of Cambodia. The goal was to collect eighteen cents from every student in the school. To obtain this goal, money was collected in homerooms and during lunch in the Cafeteria . Thanks to the support and contributions of many students and faculty members. AHS was able to help needy children in a foreign country . A fresh new spirit from the class of '84



Christmas breaka relief The most awaited event for most high school students, next to summer vacation, is Christmas break! Although the work load the week before is hectic, thoughts are of the holiday season. Finally the last day comes . All tests and quizzes are taken, papers and extra credit are turned in, and presents are giveh to friends and teachers . The locker decorations are taken down and books are taken home to study for exams during the holiday. At last the 3:25 bell rings and slowly the halls become less crowded as students and faculty •.

leave for their sixteen days of break. The halls become deserted and the school is dead until January. Christmas break brings many activi-


ties: visiting family, going on vacation, and attending various parties .




Milton Gray, Paul Clark and Tom Loftland talk shop.

Sonya Hoel turns in her last paper before break.


Kedra Morris Kim Marris Lynn Marris Roxanne Morris Sue Morris Stephanie Morse

Eddie Munford Wendy Murphy Steve Myles Chet Naylor Anne Newlon Shannon Norris

Greg O'Brien Barry O'Neill Mary O'Neill Jesse O'Quinn Matt Pace Todd Pace

Annette Page David Palmer Kenny Parrish Pam Partin T atyanna Patten John Payne


Rosa Payne Thomas Payne Paula Paynter Page Pence Jamie Pentz Whitney Perkins

Chris Peterson Steve Phillips Tom Phillips Debbie Pierceall Mike Pierson Brenda Pillow


1 Glenn Pinchbeck Laura Pipes Paige Pippen Mike Poindexter Stephanie Poindexter Lorenzo Powell



Wilson Proffitt Paul Pugh Bettina Quarles Paul Robe Keith Racer Kevin Ragland



Corey Raines Glen Ramirez Joe Romas Tomie Reo Thayer Reback Becky Reid

Lance Reynolds Rhonda Rhodes Leif Riddervold Koren Riddle Brion Ritchie Scott Roberts


Wes Robertson Tony Roche Bruce Roebuck Rebecca Rosenblum Rob Rosse Steve Rovnyok

Julie Roy Todd Runkle Kathy Rush Laverne Rush Michelle Rush Sylvia Rush

Eddie Salmons Lisa Samuels Cynthia Sawyer Carleton Scott Francine Scott Lindsay Scott



Terri Scott Wayne Scrimshaw Joe Senich Tina Sexton Tom my Sexton Stoci Shafer

Johnny Shand John Shorretts Craig Shifflett Dione Shifflett Steve Shifflett Eddie Shriner


Rosa Siler Leise Sims Matt Sissons Cheryl Smith Chris Smith D.A. Smith














._ ,t-




1. Straining under the weight, Kevin Walls pumps iron. 2. The nineth grade cheerleaders chant their team to victory.


Greg Smith Keith Smith Larry Smith Linda Smith Shannon Smith Derek Snapp

Sherry Snow Tracy Snow Tom Spangler Jeff Spradlin Jimmy Sprouse Sandra Sprouse


t Melinda Stargell Coletti Starks Tore Steinberg James Stephens Jerry Stephens Albert Steppe

Phillip Stevens Lydia Stiltner Mary Louise Stong Val Stupak J. T. Suddarth Mike Syllivan



Dana Summers David Suryaatmad ja Ruth Swingier Ga il T aylor Katy Teates

Mike Terry Kath y T esack Cecil Thacker Charlotte Thacker Steve Tharp

y /

Carl Thomas Lea Thomas Mark Thomasson Ricky Thompson Martin T abin

Scott Trai l Tracey T ro vers Scott Trice Michael T rybu la H elen Tuan

SCA's food bank successful A food bank sponsored by the Albemarle SCA involved all classes in both a worthy cause and competition . Each homeroom brought in nonperishable goods by the bagful. The nonperishable goods were distributed to needy families throughout the Charlottesville area . Their holidays were made more joyful because of our contributions. The results of the competition were interesting. The senior class came out dominating the underclassmen by bringing in the most food. Second were the sophomores . The seniors were pleased to learn their prize was a two hour movie. Thanks to the SCA for organizing this project involving the school in a worthwhile cause . Thanks to the students for contributions making this endeavor successful.





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Distributing fruit is hard work for Le if Riddervold, David Graham a nd Da vid Suryaatmadja.


Cheryl Turner Chris Turner Judy Turner Sophia Turner Cathy Varner Kathy Vidunas

" ''

Rick Villwock Eric VonAchen Jimmy Walker Romano Wallace Kevin Walls Jackie Wanebo

Penny Ward Ricky Ward Betty Washington Margay Wash ington Paul Watson Glenn Wayland

~ t:

Sandra Webb Tracy Webb Jon Wender Brian Westrater Pat Wetzel Andy Wharam

George Wheeler Scott Widener Pam Wilkerson David Willis Sheila Willis Scott Willoughby




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Steven Wilson Henry Wingate Ronda Wingfield Yvette Winters Brad Wood Lonzy Wood










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Noah Wood Shannon Woad Vickie Wood

. _ ~ ~~ · • . Dwayne Woodfolk I~ ~' . ' VooW~



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Charlene Woody Lesl ie Wood y Jay Wyant Tina Wyant Elizabeth Zans Billy Zeh



AHS Field Hockey: State Champs Again! The Albemarle field hockey team won its second state title this season. After losing eight seniors from last year's team, the first few games were not an





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indication of things to come . After the team started working together, things looked better, and they went on to win the district title over Charlottesville. The team felt that all the dedication, hard work, and extra running during the weeks in preparation for the tournament truly helped . When they won the state trophy, it was all worthwhile . All season the defense was praised for its tough job of keeping the ball out of the goal, but the offense did its share. High scorers were Joanna Bledsoe and Felice Moody with nine and seven goals respectively . Tracy Mays and Valerie Sullivan were selected captains and did a good job of leading the team and getting the spirit up for all the games . Although Coach Bohannon will be losing seven seniors this year, six of them starters, next year still looks promising because of Ms. Bradley's hard work with the JV team, which finished its season with a record of 5- 1-4. The cocaptains were Jean Barnett and Didi Sissons . Jean was the high scorer with five goals. She, along with Pat Craver and Lynnley Johnson, moved up to Varsity for the regional and state tournaments . Jean was also selected as the JV's Most Valuable Player. Joanna Bledsoe was chosen Most Valuable Offensive Player and Valerie Sullivan for Most Valuable Defensive

2 108

Field Hockey


~·~~~:.>:,.1;'• ~ ~


~~~-~~~~~..·...~"'.. ,.....,,





Longley \ · ~ ~:V~ We,i ;tern Al~.marle St. 'A'~!)~'s~Belfield Western ·Aioemarle St. AnrJe's-.~elfield Charlottesville Fauquier Charlottesville CulPeper Fauquier' Tandem 1. Kris Marris and Joanna Bledsoe fight far possession against two Charlottesville defenders. 2. Valerie Sullivan drives the ball to her teammates. 3. Tracy Mays shows off her reverse stickwork while Kris Morris backs her up. 4. Diana Hamner and Felice Moody are determined to score against Charlottesville. S.Aibemarle' s Jean Barnett gets to the ball before her opponent. 6. Tracy Mays (6) takes a free hit for her team. 7. TheJV team, led by Kedra Morris, cheers on the Varsity against Charlottesville.

3 Field Hockey


Another one bites the dust

1. While the Varsity team is standing up cheering, twa JV players are waiting for their turn to get in the game. 2 . Linda Louffenburger (30) races her opponent for the ball. 3. Albemarle's Valerie Sulli van attempts to steal the ball away from the CHS offends. 4. Varsity Field Hockey team, front row: Cathy Brock, Meg Adorns, Tracy Mays, Valerie Sullivan, Melody Verts, Kris Morris, Diona Hamner. Back row: Lindo Louffenburger, Fel ice Moody, Jeanie Aldrich, Kim Dudley, Caroline Cosby, Sarah Drash, Joanne Bledsoe, Ms . Bohannon . 5. JV Field Hockey team, front Row: Susan Lewis, Pot Craver, Amy Fitzgerald, Didi Sissons, Jean Barnett, Kathy Dimasi, Heidi Blackburn . Back row: Mary Lyng, Hope Hicks, Helen Crutchfield, Gigi Gilmer, Kristen Fillmore, Kedra Morris, Melanie Godsey, Ms. Bradley.

5 11 0

Field Hockey

Cross Country teams second


I 2


1. Jessie Rosemblum's endurance and determination make her opponents wince while they try to keep up with her pace. 2. Paul Douglas heads the stampeding pack. 3. Paul Given accepts his place stick from Brian Chastain after a long 3-mile run . 4. Teri Smith races against time. She' s left her opponents behind . 5. Coming up the hill, Tricia Mendelis concentrates on the miles to go.


3 Cross Country


Kris Kost places in state During meets, members of the Cross Country team run a three mile course . This isn't so bad considering the team runs an average of six to ten miles during practice daily. Both the girls' and boys' teams, coached by Dan Monahan, did well this season. The girls' team, sporting only one defeat, wrapped up the season placing second in the District, fourth in Regionals, and nineth in State. Kristine Kost and Caroline Kelly were vital assets to the team. Kost, awarded MVP, placed second in State; Kelly placed second in both District and Regionals . The boys' team tied up their season and finished second in the District and ninth in the Regionals . Paul Douglas and Jeff Byers qualified for the state meet. Coach Monahan felt the season had been successful and is looking forward to training new talent next year.


26 45

29 79 27 76 2nd 16

45 55 5th of 12





41 . 2nd 1. A determined Mike Bra ssfield begins to pull ahead of his Heritage opponent. 2. The Albemarle Girls' Cross Country team runs side-by-side in a tri-meet at Western. 3. Boys' Cross Country team, front row: Dean Newton, Mike Brassfield, Paul Douglas, Coach Dan Monahan . Second row : Scott Brewer, Jeff Byers, Lin Stewart, manager. Third row: Elliot Kelly, Karl Mathews, Paul Given, Ricky Brubaker,Keith Douglas, Budd y Smith . Fourth row : Chet Naylor, Tim Lumsden; Todd Runkle, John Sharretts, Gene Johnson. Fifth row: Greg McKamey, Bill Zeh, Eddie Munford. 4 . Kristine Kost grabs her place number from Susan Gibson at the end of another race . 5. Paul Douglas and Jeff Byers leave all the other competitors behind. 6. Gene Johnson and Scott Brewer pace each other. 7. Girls' Cross Country team, first row: Annie Kelly, Teri Smith, Kristine Kost, Caroline Kelly, Jessie Rosenblum , Susan Gibson, Susan Bauer. Second row: Coach Dan Monahan, Mary Cockerille, Ann Stewart, Calvert Herrmann, Patricia Mendelis, Margaret Maxwell, Julie Murad, Helen Cook. 8. Coach Monahan record s Susan Bauer's scores.

1 12

Cross Country



Volleyball 1980 Bump, Set, Spike Win! The Volleyball team ended its season with a 9-3, second place district record under the outstanding coaching of Bonnie Nielson . Captains Kari Westervelt and Donna Daniels received the Most Valuable Player and Best Sportsmanship Award respectively . After losing six varsity players last year, the 1980 team was built around the four returning lettermen: Tammy Fields, Jo Horan, Kari Westervelt, and Mary Wingate . The team experimented with a stronger and more sophisticated offense which proved decisive in many of their wins . Earning a place on the First T earn AllDistrict was Kari Westervelt . Mary Wingate was named to the Second T earn and Jo Horan and Donna Daniels received Honorable Mention . The JV team, still an unofficial sport, played against second string varsity opponents. This provided them with valuable experience for next year.

114 Volleyball


0 0 0 0



Heritage , ~ . 路 ./., George W'lsn1ngt~ E.C. Gloss Amherst

2 0

0 0

Heritage George Washington



1. Captain Donna Daniels jumps to spike the boll as her teammates and the audience watch in anticipation . 2. The Girls' Volleyball team is obviously number one. 3. Girls' Varsity Volleyball team, front row: Kris Kost, Reevo Spradlin, Mary Wingate, Donna Daniels, Allison Von Herbulis, Mario Miller. Second row: Tommy Fields, Al iso Lukes, Young Mi An, Julio Stewart, Jo Horan, Sarah Miller, Becky Garland . Back row; Managers Donna French and Mary Pollard, Coach Bonnie Nelson . 4. A " spike" coke? 5. Girls' JV Volleyball team, front row: Kim Evans, Katie Granger, Katrina Kretsinger, Beth Brown . Back row: Manager Mica I Kupke, Amy Granger, Tommy Spradlin, Candy Mason, Edo Elbirlik, Coach Bonnie Nielson. 6. The Charlottesville opponent has no hope of blocking Moria Miller's powerful spike . 7. JV Amy Granger prepares to ace her opponent with a deadly serve. 8. Jo Horan smashes a strong serve. 9. Mary Wingate uses the team' s major strategy by setting up the boll for a teammate to spike .


8 Volleyball



Ain't no stoppin' 'em now The Lady Patriots had their eyes on State again this year. As they hit the tennis balls, the opponents fell leaving only one team to beat- E.C. Glass. The girls' tennis team was undefeated save one match, and had to play in a play-off for the tough district title . E.C. Glass skimmed luckily by the Pats . The Patriots are not disappointed at all; they are quite the opposite . The team will only lose two seniors, Carol Dunbar and Laura Johnson . Four starting members plus Julie Ripley and Mary Reese will return to help whip Glass and G .W . Danville next year . Kerrie Borchardt, number one on the team, MVP, and captain of the team, looks forward to next year to see Glass "down on the ground and biting the dust." Martha Coates and Susan Nardi, numbers two and three respectively, not only go for blood in singles, but are a mad duo and unbeatable in doubles . Susan Nardi definitely deserved her Most Improved Player award . Jennifer Gannon, number four, and her powerful volley will smash her opponents next year twice as hard as this year. Carol Dunbar's baffl ing spin will definitely not be missed next year by


any opponent. The team would be lost if Coach Sam Terry were not on the courts . He helps the team members with strategy and strokes, and sees them through smiles and tears. Mr . Terry, with his dark shades and bright wh ite warm-up su it (which accounts for his "white shadow" nicknameL can always be seen hitting with "his girls" and helping them in any and every way . He is the citadel of the girls' tenn is team . So with five returning on the top six seats and Mr. Terry's talent coaching them, the girls' tennis team will surpass Glass next year and move on non-stop to number one in the state. 1. Martha Coates is of course on her toes as she powerfully returns the ba ll. 2 . Tracy Bickers tries for an ace. 3. Laura Johnson and Carol Dunbar watch in support of their teammates on the courts. 4. Kerrie Borchardt, captain and Most Valuable Player, concentrates on her deadly backhand spin. 5. With such a smooth forehand , Susan Nardi, Most Improved Player, makes tennis look so easy. 6. Tenn is~ a crazy sport? 7. Girls' Tennis team, front row: Missy Maeyans, Kerrie Borchardt, Manager Laura Shavis, Mae Nardi, Lisa Dewey. Second row: Julie Ripley, Ripples John son, Mary Reese, Lori Jones, Tracy Bickers, Shootin' Coates, Carol Dunbar, Coach Sam (S. B.) T erry. Not pictured: Jennifer Gann on . 8. Tracy and Lori discuss the match.


Girls' Tennis






E.C. Glass



Varsity Football: Best season in eleven years Not since 1969 has Albemarle posted such an outstanding season. Teamwork, dedication, and coaching excellence led the Patriots to the overall domination of 7-3 for the season. This year's attitude was different in .that the team knew it had winning potential, and thus took advantage of it. The Pats ended up third in the district with a 4-2 record, their best since the Western District was formed. Two of the Albemarle's three defeats were to G.W . Danville and Stonewall Jackson, listed in the state's top ten . The team captured the area championship though, by defeating the Western Albemarle Warriors 20-7, and by giving the Black Knights of Charlottesville a second taste of Patriot Power with a 21- 14 defeat. Coach Bob Rimmer and his staff are starting to build a great football tradition. Rimmer commented that his team had no superstars, but that it was complete. He credits his staff for expertise. Brian Grainer is the Offensive line coach, while Dan Ward heads up the defensive strategy with the line and linebackers. Doug Seldon coaches the defensive backs and Tom Dovel handles the defensive ends, while Coach Rimmer has decided to spend his time with the quarterbacks, perfecting their passing abilities and running plays. This year's team marked the start of a winning tradition which Coach Rimmer feels can be carried on for years to come. Even though the team will be losing David Comey, this year's MVP, and E.J . Johnson this year's most dedicated player, as well as other valuable seniors, the varsity football players are sure to keep up the good work. 1. This ball player isn't going anywhere unless he can carry a 21 0 lb. Kirk Byers on his back and a 190 lb. Todd Rittenhouse around his waist. 2. Varsity Football team, front row: Mike Colley, Scott Mega han, Renny Mega han, Ed Tate, Barry Clark, Edward Johnson, Jeff Walker, David Com-

ey, Mike Kelly, Barry Owens, Kirk Byers, Tony Loyd, Ken Guthrie, Jim Trefil, Alan Holmes . Second row: Tim Ward, Todd Rittenhouse, Rob Miller, Da vid Smith , Larry Roberts, Barkley Breeden, Marty Riddle, Joe Werres, Daryl Law, Joe Sweeney, Mark Harrison, Doug Dobbins, Bobby Jahrsdoerfer, Brett Schnell, Keith Crawford, Manager Matt Foss. Third row: Joe Vidunas, Tedd y Carr, Mark Blincoe, Mike Chapman , Mark McCioney,Donovan Bates, Bruce Bratton, John Nowell, Joey Dimasi, Greg Warner, Wilbert Brassfield, Tracy Childress, Scott Hiller, Bubba Brown, Donnie Bickley, Chip Kirtley. Back row: Jamie Symmers, Shawn McMullin, Rob Mays, Winston Edmonds, Roland Poindexter, Greg Porter, T orig Steinberg, Orlando Watkins, John McGetrick, Robert Britt, Dwayne Rush, John Nowell, John Green, Gosta Heimer, Maurice Starks, Arthur Stewart, Jeff Rogers, Eddie Early, William Colet ra in, Allen Worley, Scott Garver, David Cragun. 3. Barry Clark (49) makes sure the quick Charlottesville player is not going to run anywhere after Albemarle reaches him . 4. (Opposite page) Kirk Byers (73) blocks the despised Charlottesville opponents while Todd Rittenhouse (78) waits to slaughter # 11 . The defeat of Charlottesville topped off the season for AHS .

3 118


JV and 9th grade teams post winning seasons


5. Ninth Grode Football team, front row: Captains Winston Edmonds, Henry Wingate. Second row: D.A. Smith, Chris Smith, Eric Johnson, Kyle Marion, Mork Berry, J.T . Sudduth, Glen Rameriz, Kevin Walls, Todd Hawkins, Chris Kirchenheiter, Ken Hammond, Mike Terry, Wes Robertson, Karl Thomas, Donny Liebl . Third row: David Williams, Tiger May, Kevin McCauley, Shannon Wood , Steve Clark, Jeff Campbell, Scott Lawrence, Tommy Harris, Ray McDaniel, Tore Steinberg, Derek Kerns, Steve Wilson, Scott Wildener, Scott Trai l, William Jefferson. Fourth row: David Kirtley, Tim Gutherie, Ch ip Gerber, Glen Wayland, Phillip Stevens, David Jones, Mike Alley, Scott Willoughby, Jimmy Corbin, Corey Raines, Rick Villwock, Leroy Anderson, Glen Aker, Paul Clark, Greg O' Brien . 6 . JV Football team, front row: Gary Gibson, Munsey Wheeby, Justin Thompson, Mark Spencer, Kevin Campbell, J.T . Hayes, Teddy Anderson, Mike Wanebo, Eric Banks, Kevin Lamb, Leo Thomas, Keith Rader. Second row: Steve Hammond, Phil Estes, Jerome Salley, Scott Fox, Brent Mobray, Zack Godell, Danny Trogdon, Stephen Trefil, Alan Williams, Robin Harper, Duane Digges, Craig Burton. Third row: John Wanebo, Barry Davis, Mark Milleson, Knut Heimer, Alfred Bilezerian, Mark Norford, Chris Clarke,

Coached by Frank McCurdy and Tom Dovel, the forty players on the JV football team ended their season with a final record of 3-2 and two forfeits . Their wins included beating WAHS twice and a strong win over CHS. The team had difficulties during the season due to forfeits by Madison and Spotswood. Even through their trials and tribulations, the team maintained a positive attitude. Weeks of practicing without playing a game did not dampen the AHS spirit. Varsity Coach Bob Rimmer commented that he feels it was the best JV team he has seen at AHS . The coaches believe some members have proven themselves to be definite prospects for the varsity team next year. There were no standouts on the team, but because of the efforts of the entire team, they concluded their season with a triumphant win over Charlottesville. Preparing themselves for future as JV and varsity football players was a victorious experience for this year's 9th grade team . Head coach Brian Benfer and defensive coach Mike Brancati steered their team to a 4-2 season highlighted by two victories over Charlottesville. The. most outstanding of these two wins was 32-8! Scott Lawrence led his team as quarterback. Two other outstanding offensive players were flanker Henry Wingate and running back Winston Edmonds. The strength of the defense was the line backers. Chip Gerbert, Glenn Wayland, and D.A. Smith, defensive linemen, were outstanding defenders for this year's 9th grade football team . Chris Williams, Mike Gill, Dennis Agee, John Blake, Gary Jones, Bobby Wilson, Paul Dalrymple, Tim Kindrick, David Elliton. 7. With great agility, Greg Womer manages to escape his opponent.





't.{estern Albemarle Ha risonburg

Western Albemarle R.E. Lee

2 120


The Knights fall, but the AHS Kings stand



1. Allan Holmes scores Albemarle' s first touchdown in a scrimmage game. 2. "Are you plonnin' on going somewhere?" 3. David Comey (MVPfor AHS Varsity Football) returns the boll many yards until on opponent luckily catches him. 4. Donovan Bates is about to score one of many Albemarle touchdowns. 5. A common sight: Albemarle smashing Charlottesville. 6. Greg Worner dodges his opponent with light, quick moves.





1. AHS Marching Band, front raw: Leslie Crowe, Diane Shifflett. Second raw: Earl Wright, Maxiane Moody, Mike Mennerich, Mark Burnette, David Suryaatmadja, Eric VonAchen, Albert Steppe, Robert Snider, Laura Kincaid, Sarah Booth, Laura Frame, Leo Prosser, Keith Pamplin, Andrew Johnson, Paul Transue, Terry Lesich . Third raw: Pete Logan, Patricia McGetrick, Lori Wingfield , Kim Morley, Stephanie Chivaly, Ethel Glasglow, Christine Cales, Carmel Sweeney, Maria Berkeley, Heather McDonald, Yvenne King, Melissa Forloines, Randy Low, Sharon Coleman , Jean McGowen, Paula Hood, Donna Reinhold. Fourth row: Haine Laramore, Mitch Hall, Charlotte Gardner, Maria Delicia, Andy Dixon, Cathy McKinnon, Kathy Tesack, Cathy Bauer, Michelle Prosser, Maria Chivaly, Julie May, Tonya Tuck, Donna Fletcher, Charles Hood, Heidi Holgate, Susan Musselman . Fifth row: Leisa Syms, Lisa Eppard, Maria Lascano, Allen Gleitz, Angela Townsend, David Palmer, Richard Doorman, David Henderson, Paige Grundi, Steve Byers, Louis Prosser, Lou Delicia, Scott Trice, Frandell Gardner, Troy Woodson, Debbie Clark, Vernon Whorley, George Anas, Rhonda Wingfield, Scott Jaggers, Trey Shelton, Mike Hall. Sixth row: Wanda Robinson, Cheryl Leake, Penny Phillips, Kenny Edwards, Carolyn Mitchell, Tom Hunter, Dan Litman, Robby Thorp, Greg Godsey, Wesley Clark, Lance Reynolds, Pete Anderson . Seventh row: Kristin Lovelace, Margaret Hunt, Julie Palmer, Lori Ann Burner, Denise Hollo, Liz Coates, Tammy Barnett, Paige Bryant, Terena Walker, Cheryl Leake, Kim Ramsey, Karen Smith, Patricia Kelly, Dawn Green, Kim Rogers, Lise Kupke, Christina Clark, Tonia Bullock, Dawn Beale, Linda Arruda, Diana Vanderloo . 2. The Jazz Band plays on the Downtown Mall . The new band, now a class, often performs before the public. 3. Mr. Sampson conducts the Symphonic Band in their fantastic fall concert. 4. Paul Transue and Maxiane Moody are the jazz to the drum corps as they play intricate and quick numbers on the xylophone. 5. Although only in practice, Wanda Robinson and Penny Phillips work hard to perfect the important maneuvers of the rifle corps . 6. "Me Earl (Wright), you Jane?" 7. Terry Lesich gets into the beat as she and Pete Logan (back) lead the AHS Marching Band. 122 Band



Instrumental music fares well




Instrumental music fared well this past year. Each group gained prominence through hard work and performances around the school and community. Many changes occurred during the season, and success was the result . Director, Elmer Sampson, appointed coed drum majors, Terry Lesich and Pete Logan, to lead the marches. Although small, the band exhibited itself well at halftimes, parades, and competitions. The Marching Patriots were invited to both U.V.A. and Washington and Lee University halftime performances and they won second place in competition at James Madison University. The drum line, aided by its original drum feature, "A Fifth of DPR" composed by Paul Transue, and a member of the 27th Lancers, took fourth out of twenty in a competition at the State Fair in Richmond. Luckily, by Spring, the members will be wearing new uniforms to match their colorful playing . Fruit sales provided the funds for the uniforms. The Symphonic II and Ill bands indulged in concerts, with Symphonic Ill appearing around Charlottesville at Christmas and attending the District V Festival in the Spring . Symphonic I concentrated mostly on building skills and techn iques. There were opportunities throughout the season to present their talent for judging; All-Regional and AllState Band, Solo Ensemble contests, and the Bland Music contest are some of the competitions . A good number of Albemarle musicians participated in each competit ion, seeking experience as well as prominence. No music program would be complete w ithout a special ensemble or two . This year's jazz band, the Patriot Notations, rounded out instrumenta l performance for AHS . It appeared at various locations throughout the year, including both malls and Holiday Inn South . It accepted invitations to perform at events such as the United Way Kickoff, a transportation conference, and a night-long dance. The jazz band, made up of some of Albemarle's best musicians, was put together so ley at Mr. Sampson's discretion. He carefully chose from many who auditioned. Mr. Sampson had positive comments concerning all the bands. He felt this had been a good year for all, especially the marching band . He seemed to feel the members, all voluntary, were more enthusiastic than in past years . Band


We fought to victory Albemarle sports have obviously done exceptionally well in 1980-81 . Field Hockey renewed their state championship title, Cross Country runners went to state, Tennis and Volleyball ranked second in the district, and our football players even beat the Black Knights twice! Our cheerleaders won many trophies for their fantastic spirit and stunts, and of course our Basketball team revealed a great year. Even the Dream Team in intramural Basketball showed talent and skill in becoming champs in their league. Extra spirit and support for AHS athletics also reached an extreme; pep rallies, spirit week, and loud cheering sections included people of all ages . There was no distinction between students, faculty, parents or directors; everyone cheered for the same thing : THE PATRIOTS. Special thanks go to Mr. Raines for his help in nearly every AHS sport, and to Brenda Langdon for her obvious success in directing AHS 路a thletics. But for all the spirit, this page is for you, Albemarle; no sport could

1. Each fall sport chose a M ost Valuable Player for hi s/her leadership, skill and enthusiasm. Front row: David Corney, Kerrie Borchardt, Paul Douglos. Bock row: Valerie Sullivan, Joanna Bledsoe, Kori Westervelt, Kristine Kost. 2. These city-slickers seem to think they're number one. 3. Boys' Basketball Intramural Chomps, The Dream Team, front row: David Corney, Reggie Yates,

Anthony Christma s, Donn y Robinson, Gory Yates, Jeff Christmas, Bubbo Brown. 4. The bond always helps to rouse the AHS spirit. 5. Mr. Raines collects tickets for many AHS sports.


Albemarle's Spirit Page


Fight, fight for old red and blue Albemarle High will win it for you Victory is our battle cry We're with you boys so never say die! Honor, Patriots, honor your name We'll win this game so true to your fame So let's all stand and give a cheer And fight on to victory!

Shooting for the top ~- .

Albemarle seemed to go wild where AHS Basketball was concerned . The Varsity team reached Regionals after an intense District tournament against strong rivals such as Halifax, G. W. Danville and E. C Glass . The JV Team won all but four close games in their district and the Ninth-grade team also had a winning season. The teams were obviously shooting for the top . Jimmy Masloff, James Morris, and Joey Morris were tri-captains and assets to the Varsity team. Under great pressure, these seniors made fantastic shots and plays . Steve Carter, Tim Kauffman and Dale Anderson added expertise to the teamwork of the AHS players . The extensive teamwork really won them their title . The JV team had some f ine players to make a winning Varsity team next year . Under the coaching of Russell Jarrett, the players worked hard; their dedication showed in their games. The Ninthgrade team also revealed rising talent in basketball. Jim Garnett coached the Ninth-grade team, which had an ll ~5 record and placed second in their tournament. Albemarle thanks Coach Richard Lyons for his excellent work with the Varsity team . Coach Lyons used his experience to its greatest extent, and this year's team proved it. He has led one more AHS team to the top .


49 53 38

29 46 34 55

46 48

57 56 63 46

59 60 38

Amherst Heritage E. C. Gloss District




57 49 49

Harlfox CHS



• Heritage Geo. Wash ington Amher-st Halifax Amherst

1 \

E ~C.-Gioss


1. With such ease, Steve Corter jumps above his opponent to slip the boll in the basket. 2 . A timeout con be much too short for Coach Lyons' advice on strategy and new ploys. 3. No Warrior 3 will get in the way of o Mosloff basket.

Boys' Basketball


Boys' Basketball, con't.



Boys' Basketball



1. Steve Carter jumps above everyone to try for two points. 2. Waynesboro will not get in the way of James Morris' lay-up. 3 . Albemarle always reaches above and beyond ... 4. This opponent needs to grow a bit to even compare with Milton Gray's towering jump. 5. Boys' JV Basketball, front row: Mike Maynard, Derrick Terry, Fritz Flynn . Second row: John Barmore, Mark Nowell; Tony Browning, Kevin Gray, David Gaylord, Greg Warren, Cliff Hamner, Milton Gray, Barry O'Neill, Malcolm Washington , Phil Estes, Head Coach Russel Jarrett. 6. Boys' Ninth-grade Basketball, front row: Henry Wingate, Jessie O' Qu inn, Eric Johnson, Ken Hammond, Steve Ivory. Second row: Tommy Harris, Jeff Campbell, David Jones, Greg O' Brien, Bruce Roebuck, Jimmy Walker, Bova Ankrom, Scott Willouhby, Brian McKinnen, David Londree, Hope Hicks, Coach Garrett. 7. Tim Kaufman dares to shoot despite the Warrior's attempt to block. 8. Jimmy Walker passes all his opponents fora lay-up and two points. 9. Waynesboro shouldn't even try to block Jimmy Masloff's definite two-pointer. 10. An easy point for Joey Morris . 11 . Boys' Varsity Basketball Team, front row: tri-captains Jimmy Masloff, James Morris, Joey Morris. Second row: George Agee, Harvey Simpson, Greg Bodenhamer, Wilbert Brassfield, Brad Bowles, Jack Masloff, Steve Carter, Brian Doyl e, Head Coach Richard Lyons. Third row: Assistant Coaches W ill Robinson and Skip Hudgins, Dale Anderson, Bob Willoughby, Maurice Starkes, Tim Kaufman.


)" 6


Boys' Basketball


More wins in basketball The Girls' Basketball teams marked more winning seasons to Albemarle's long list. Through strong teamwork, the Varsity team played excellently, achieving third in the District. The JV team, under the coaching of Lynn Abbott, slaughtered several rivals such as E.C. Glass and CHS . The Varsity team obviously revealed much skill in this year's basketball season . Kerrie Borchardt, a co-captain, made First Team All-District, and Amy Brown was Honorable mention for the All-District Team . Coach Michael Ely and Assistant Coach Sharon Beagle tried new systems of strategy and coaching to produce a winning team . Their plans worked . The girls competed in a close district tournament and were the on ly team in their district to beat G. W . Julia Haviland, a co-capta in, is the only senior so the team will be experienced in working together and should have another winning season next year. Girls Basketball Varsity

Girls' Basketbaiii----,...-:'---


Albemarle 45 Stafford 21 53 34

13 17 30 20 30 31 34 26 16 30 35 25

26 43

44 23 30 30 48 35 31 44 28 44


Amherst Halifax Hoi)" Cross l"'er-ttege E. C. Gloss District Heritage 34 E. C. Gless


43 34 33

1. Jennifer Gannon shoots an easy lay-up for Linda Lauffenberger to rebound. 2. Julia Haviland makes a confident basket before a game. 3 . Missy Maeyans tries to pull ahead with a foul shot. 4. Girls' Varsity Basketball Team, front row: Coach Michael Ely, Co-captains Julia Haviland and Kerrie Borchardt, Coach Sharon Beagle. Second row: April Smith, Reeva Spradlin, Mary Wingate, Pearl Quarles, Linda Lauffenberger, Amy Brown, Debbie Jo Hicks, Sandra Londree, Jennifer Gannon, Susan Bryant, Tina Quarles.

128 Girls' Basketball

eritage alifax E. C. Glass CHS Heritage


STAB E. C. Glass

" :

32 40

. 7

. ti, :-





4 1. Teamwork will chalk up two points on this play. 2. Debbie Jo Hicks is about to score an extra point for the Lady Patriots. 3. "V-1-C-T-0-R-Y!" The Patriots did it again ... 4. This ball is going in the hoop no matter who blocks Bark's shot. 5. JV Girls' Boksetboll Team: Coach Lynn Abbott, Beth Brown, Tena Rush, Melanie Brown, Missy Maeyens. Second row: Sheila Willis, Jan Bodoud, Stephanie Morse, Melanie Godsey, Mica/ Kupke, Betty Carter.


Girls' Basketball


Girls' Basketball,

1. Pearl Quarles in anticipation ... 2. "Jump ball, jump ball, get it, get it! " 3. Kerrie Borchardt towers over the other players in a daring shot from the corner. 4 . Mary Wingate' s shot seems to have taken too lang to go in! 5 . Such style ... Amy Brown shoots for an extra point.


Girls' Basketball


The tradition still runs The Boys' Indoor Track team continued the winning tradition that was started more than ten years ago . The Albemarle boys finished with a 4-0 record in dual meets, and it finished third in the Western District Meet and fourth in the Northwest Regional Meet. Over the Eastern Coast from Moine to Virginia, Nick Dillard was ranked fifth by Eastern Track News. The Girls' Indoor team did not break the tradition either. The Lady Patriots hod strong determination and dedication, and strived together to break numerous school records. Their first success was the Christmas Invitational meet. at Lynchburg, where Kris Kost placed in the two-mile. In the Heritage Relays, they won four out of the seven intense races. Kris Kost and Lisa Hooper were both victors in Albemarle's final and very competitive meet at VMI. 2

2 Indoor. Track Girls Christmas Meet

.t' Lynchb urg



Annapolis 63 -

Heritage -


Wb6dberry-Forl< Union-1st District-3 rd



1. Brian Chastain uses every muscle to win his event. 2. With her usual determination, Kris Kost sets great strides. 3. Boys' Indoor Track Teom, front row: Brian Chastain, Linwood Frye, Alonzo Johnson, Mike Brassfield, Alan Holmes, Dean Newton, Renny Megahan, Scott Megahan, Keith Crawford, Myles Elledge. Second row: Joe David Nelms, Jeff Bye rs, Nick Dillard, Greg Early, Richard Gosswei ller, Donovan Bates, Chris Stark, Mike Nickelsen. Third row: Carl Matthews, John Wanebo, Jimmy Gloeckner. Fourth row: Manager, Beth Johnson, Jay Hearns, William Jefferson, Chet Naylor, Chip Gerbert, Elliot Kelly, Tim Lumsden, Scott Lawrence, Winston Edmonds, Glen Wayland. 4. Girls' Indoor Track Team: front row: Donna Pittman, Kris Kost, Mikkel Jackson, Jessie Rosenblum, Caroline Kelly, Felice Moody, Stephanie Chivily. Second row: Ann Baker, Becky Garland, Carrie Murad, Helen Cook, T eri Smith, Ann Stewart, Debbie Clark . Third row: Rebecca Rosenblum, Teresa Lascano, Louise Park, Teresa Kost, Patricia Kelly, Tricia Mendelis, Coach Jane Crane. Fourth row: Anne Newlon, Kim Rogers, Kathy Terry, Susan Bauer, Marianne Murad, Di Di Sissons, Calvert Herrmann, Lisa Hooper.

Indoor Track


Indoor Track,


1. Helen Cook sets a definite pace to win. 2. Tree Holmes leads the race with opponents struggling in vain . 3. His many opponents watch as Donovan Bates gets a running start before jumping. 4. Greg Gurley practices pale vaulting to make the winning jump in the meet. 5. Chris Stark (center left) leaps over one of many hurdles that he must conquer to finish the race.

5 132

Indoor Track


Everyone watches with support for the Patriots. 2. Joe David Nelms:> a pole vaulter? He seems to be staying pretty close to the ground here. 3. Using all his strength, skill, and weight, Greg Gurley bends the pole to fly over a twelve to fifteen foot bar. 4 . Glen Wayland heaves a twelve-pound shot into the air. 5. Marianne Murad sprints to give the baton to her teammate .

5 Indoor Track


The firsts roll in The Albemarle Girls' Gymnastics Team finished the season undefeated. This was a first for Albemarle gymnastics. Another first for the team was their win over E.C. Glass, who had been the district champions since the creation of the Western District. After beating all the teams in the District during the season, Albemarle won its first district championship . With the help of Joyce Wright and Joe Gamma, a YMCA coach, Coach Pam Grainer continued her winning tradition at AHS . She had been assistant coach and coach of the E.C. Glass Gymnastics Team for the previous two years before coming to Albemarle . Cyndi Theodose and Cathy Varner were the all-arounds for the team this year. In addition, the other team members specialized their skills in one or two events, making the Albemarle team skilled and successful in every event. Albemarle's team is composed of fairly young, but talented, students, with only two graduating seniors, Laura Rhodes and Lisa Mennerich . Next year district teams should look out for that AHS expertise again .


61 .65 76.6



Stafford Invitational


86.05 84.85 Halifax Culpepper

I 1. With perfection, Cyndi Theodose fl ies through the air. 2. T ina Anderson makes a back walk-over look so easy ! 3. Lisa Mennerich keeps score for her teammates . 4 . Of course the Gymnastics team is always serious!







a .. "' 1. Suzie Kirchenheiter ends an elaborate routine with a perfect finish. 2. With excellent balance Laura Rhodes handstands on the beam . 3. AHS Gymnastics Team, front row: Tamie Spradlin, Maria Sweeney, Paige Pippin, Laura Rhodes, Lisa Mennerich, Cindy Theodose, Allison Von Herbulis, Suzie Kirchenheiter. Second row (standing): Missy Miller, Tina Anderson , Lynnley Johnson, Martha Coates, Coach Pom Grainer. Back raw (on beam) : Lisa Pierce, Karen Eppard, Cathy Varner, Amy Granger, Sandra Webb . 4. Before the meet, Cathy Varner warms up with ease on the beam. 5. Cindy Theodose runs through her routine one last time before the meet.


5 Gymnastics


Cheerleaders bring home trophies A year for talent : Albemarle sports hove accomplished many high goals and the 1980-81 cheerleoding squads ore no exception. Miss Barbaro Cragg, the cheerleoding coach, agrees with the obvious opinion of the school that the squad this year hod the finest talent Albemarle has ever seen in cheerleoding . The Varsity squad is a young group, with Cyndi Chrystal being the only senior, but the squad definitely has pizazz . Being one of the very few Eastern Coast schools with stuntmen working with experienced cheerleaders, Albemarle definitely placed its spirit stomp in several cheerleoding competitions. Our cheerleoding squad was just beginning when they won the Fashion Square Competition and the Regional Championship in Richmond . They went


on to win the Spirit Award over thirtyfive other schools at the . Virginia Tech Competition, and they placed first in their biggest competition, the Capitol Center Invitational. Our spirit-leaders even appeared for a half-hour on the television show Charlottesville Today. The Albemarle High School Cheerleaders with no doubt hove fantastic pot~mtiol and great talent. They ore the

backbone of the AHS spirit. 1. With much rising talent, the JV squad accomplishes difficult formations. 2. The cheerleaders added a touch of disco to their routines. 3. Anne Dinwiddie holds two of many trophies the Varsity squad won. 4. Balance is extremely important in formation s when a person is dangling in mid-air. 5. With ease, Rusty Lewis supports the arched Anne Dinwiddie during a foul shot. 6. Especially with stunts like these, the AHS cheerleaders always kept the spirit up. 7. Varsity Cheerleading Squad, front raw: Chris Clark, Rusty Lewis, Jill Daniels, Liz Richardson, Doug Dobbins, C.C. Crawford. Second row: Lynn Morrow, Earl Smith . Third row: Suzi Chrystal , Shoun McMullen, Bill Ti lk, Cyndi Chrystal, Gary Jones. 8. JV Cheerleading Squad, front row: Lisa Runkle, Karen Heintzleman, Tracy McCauley, Alan Leffers, Fa wn McAllister, Mork Norford, Janet Robertson , H yon Yu, Mary Maslyk. 9. Ninth-grade Cheerleading Squad: Kathy Vidunas, Kim Lee, Shelley Lovelace (top), Jackie Wanebo, June Keller, Lurna Moon. Not pictured: Eleanor Finger. l 0. The ninth-grade cheerleaders add spirit and support for their team . ll . With the sparkle in her eye, C. C. Crawford rouses the AHS spirit.





A smorgasboard of Spirit Once agatn, the activities of Spirit Week proved that Albemarle students still have that Patriot spirit. Those hit by mid-year slump had the chance to liven up their classes by changing their sex or hiding behind a hat and shades. Before the Albemarle/Western football game, the sickening sight of hicks filled the halls as students dressed in combat boots, overalls, and blackedout teeth. The week before the AHS/CHS football game, the activities of Spirit Week continued . Varieties of hats, ranging from silly to cool, were displayed by students on Bad Hats and Shades Day. On Jersey Day, the future jocks showed their enthusiasm by wearing numbered jerseys. Everyone dressed in our school colors for the traditional Red and Blue Day. The mod style of the sixties was brought back to AHS on Sixites' Day with fash ionalbe bell-bottomed hiphuggers, mini skirts, go-go boots, and love beads. One of the funnest days of Spirit Week was Role Reversal Day; the girls dressed as guys, and the guys dressed as girls (with all the appropriate "accesories"!) . Spirit Week came to an end on the day of AHS/CHS game; cheerleaders were plagued with the sounds of "Beat Cha rlottesville" coming from city slickers dressed in leopardskin skirts, fish -net hose, and slickedback hair. Everyone who participated in Spirit Week boosted school spirit and showed support for our team . Spirit Week added more excitement to student life and helped to get the football players psyched to lead the Patriots in victories over both Charlottesville and Western Albemarle.


1. "Harriet" Rotenberry's strawberry lip gloss is lip-licking good . Won no try it? 2. Jeepers creepers, where'd you get those peepers? The mod hotter, Donna Daniels, gets into "Bod Hot and Shades Day ." 3 . These guys (Elaine Tucker, Lauro Rhodes, and Debra Fritz) discuss the pros and cons of their mosuline attire. 4 . Ari Kelorokis, Julio Stewart, and Aliso Lukes chant " Peace, love, and togetherness" during a classroom Lave- in. 5 . Player 51, Koren Heintzlemon, discusses game strategy with a teammate. 6 . Rodney Knight, Tomyro Rose, and E.J. Johnson , Albemarle's own "Mod Squad," toke a break between assignments. 7. "Greta" Bacon shows the miracles that a con of Neet con do for a girl's legs. Man y AHS students entered into the spirit of "Role Reversal Day." 8 . Returning from the mota-cross, Derrick Harris and Cathy Low make a pit stop in the lunchroom. 9. Julie Ripley shows what a trip to the "Crozet Beauty Palace" con do for a girl 's appearance. 4


Spirit Week


1 1. "Give me a head with hair," Cheryl Checchi, "long beautiful hair." 2. There is double trouble when Cathy Trice blows a bubble. 3. Captivated by Ari Kelarakis' hat and shades, Ken Guthrie remarks, "you've came a lang way, Baby." 4. Receiving interplanetary vibes, Garrett Roy tunes aut while meditating. 5. "Glenda" Moore can't get no satisfaction. 4


Spirit Week


Parade sparks spirit for the Patriots The 1980 Homecoming celebration began with a bang! Students started building up their spirits the week before the game. All classes became enthused by participating in activities such as Bad Hat and Shades Day, Jersey Day, and Sixties' Day. The pep rally on the afternoon of the game raised everyone's spirits. Before the game, a big crowd of Patriot supporters turned out for the parade . The Homecoming Court and several clubs rode in convertibles and pick-up trucks. After the parade, the cheerleaders led chants and cheers around a bonfire. The highlight of the weekend was the Patriots' 16 to 7 victory over Heritage. The fans in the stands were psyched for the game and showed their spirit as the Pats dominated the field, After the game, some fans went out to celebrate the big win, while others went home to get plenty of rest for the second big event of the weekend : the Homecoming Dance. The dance was a great success. The SCA decorated the cafeteria with metalic streamers in an attempt to disguise the lunchroom. Everyone danced to the hard rock tunes and got "Trigger" happy. After the dance, most students went to after-dance parties to continue celebrating .





1. VICA Club members prepare for the parade by adding the finishing touches on their float. 2. Preceeding the Homecoming Court, Jim Trefil and Marty Riddle, football captains for the Homecoming game, lead the line-up of cars toward the field . 3. M ikkell Jackson, Aliso Lukes, and Kim Buse encourage the crowd to get involved in Teen Democrats . 4. Senior Representatives Susie Krongaard, Donna Daniels, and Andy Heintzleman wait for the parade to begin . 5. Before the parade, the woodpile of the Spirit Bond ire awaits the arrival of enthusiastic fans . Homecoming Parade


1. "Trigger" sets the evening's tempo with its hard rock tunes. 2. These dancers get an early start before crowds swarm the dance floor . 3. A slow dance is welcomed as a change of pace from the fast-moving beat. 4 . Sarah Miller and Greg Bodenhamer en joy a tender moment amongst the other couples. 5. Conversation gives the students a chance to breathe between dances. 6. A photographer provides lasting memories of the 1980 Homecoming Dance for Katie Granger and Jeff Walker. 144

Homecoming Dance

I 6

Students select Cyndi and Mike



This year's Homecoming Court added traditional excitement to Albemarle's Homecoming festivities . The members of each class chose representatives whom they felt honored their class best in personality, popularity, and appearance. The seniors selected five girls : Cyndi Chrystal, Donna Daniels, Rhonda Hanger, Susie Krongaard, ond Jamie McClure; and five guys: Derrick Harris, Mike Kelly, Tobin McCauley, Matt Erickson, and Andy Heintzleman. The undercloss court consisted of juniors Susie Kirchenheiter and Theresa LaBruno, sophomores Elizabeth Richardson ond Lisa Runkle, and freshmen Karen Heintzlemon and Jackie Wanebo . All students voted for Homecoming Queen and King, and it was not until the Homecoming football game that the winners were announced . Before the game, the members of the court rode in the parade for the crowd to get one last look. Then, during half-time, the girls were escorted onto the field by their fathers and the guys by Varsity cheerleaders. Amidst the apprehension of the gome, Cyndi Chrystal was announced as Homecoming Q!Jeen and Mike Kelly as Homecoming King . The crowning followed, and oil the members of the Homecoming Court were honored with applause of approval.

1. Homecom ing Queen Cy ndi Chrystal and Homecoming King Mike Kell y. 2. The Homecoming Court assembles for one last picture. 3. Senior Representatives Jamie McClure and Tobin McCauley .

Homecoming Court


Homecoming Court, cont.

1. Senior Representative Matt Erickson. 2. Senior Representati ves Susie Krongaard and Derrick Harris. 3 . Senior Representative Rhonda Hanger. 4. Senior Representative Andy Heintzleman . 5 . Senior Representative Donna Daniels.



Homecoming Court






1. Junior Representatives Theresa La Bruno and Susie Kirchenheiter. 2. Freshman Representative Koren Heintzleman. 3 . Freshman Representative Jackie Wanebo. 4 . Sophomore Representative Elizabeth Richardson . 5. Sophomore Representative Lisa Runkle .


Homecoming Court


Anne Frank: A stirring performance The fall production of "The Diary of Anne Frank", under the direction of E. Marcia Dobbs, was an incredible success . The emotion and feeling expressed by the players generated a roar of applause from the full-house crowds present at both performances . As tounding characterizations from Eric McCubbin, as Mr. Frank, and Kathy Simmonds, as Anne, gave the show an atmosphere of harsh reality . Kathy Lambert, Joel Shotwell, Holly Hermanson, Suzie Krongaard, Dan Litman, Pete Logan, and Mouschie, the cat, also greatly contributed to the overall success of the play. At the beginning of the show, as the lights dimmed, vivid scenes of wartime suffering were projected onto the walls, and a tone of shocking realism permeated the audience. As the set was revealed, Laura Irwin's extensive propwork and Eric McCubbin and John Gaertner's set design created the closed-in atmosphere of the Frank's attic home. This re-enactment of the touching story of a Jewish girl's growing up, amidst World War ll's plight and suffering, was done superbly by the Albemarle Players . Their performance was a credit to Albemarle High School .


2 148

"The Diary of Anne Frank"


1. Anne Frank (Kathy Simmonds) finds a friend her awn age, Peter Van Do an (Joel Shotwell), with whom she can share her most intimate secrets. 2. Margot Frank (Suzie Krongaard) gives helpful advice to her younger sister Anne (Kathy Simmonds) as she prepares to visit her sweetheart, Peter, in the next room. 3. Miep (Robin Short), o friend who acted as a mediator between the families in the attic and the outside world, brings a cake to help add some cheer to the families ' New Year celebration. 4. Mrs. Van Daan (Kathy Lambert) explains to her husband (Jim Hard) that she still has the beautiful legs that she had years ago, in spite of her confinement in the attic . 5 . The pressures of holding the families together and keeping peace between them during their confinement in the attic take their toll on Mrs . Frank (Holly Hermanson). 6. Mr. Frank (Eric McCubbin) keeps up his reading during the brief moments of solitude in the overcrowded attic . 7. During a time of conflict between the indi viduals in the attic, Mr. Dussel (Pete Logan) rations out the remainder of potatoes. 8 . Mouschie the cat, found wandering in front of Albemarle, proved to be a trustful companion to Peter (and not a bad actor either!).




8 " The Diary of Anne Frank "


Anderson storms Mock Election To help create interest and concern at Albemarle during the 1980 Presidential election, the seniors participated in a "Mock Election." Four students were chosen by popular vote to represent the four national candidates : David Comey as Ronald Reagan, Wyatt Owens as Jimmy Carter, Harold Rotenberry as John Anderson, and Bobby Jahrsdoerfer as Ed Clark. The Mock Election got underway during the final week of the national election with the distribution throughout the school of posters, bumper stickers, buttons, and handouts. Some candidates even made commercials to try to win votes. Each representative got a chance to make known his stands on important issues during the debate between the four candidates. After registering, the seniors voted for whom they felt was the best qualified candidate and whom they felt had done the best job campaigning . Carter (Wyatt Owens) won the national election as voted upon by the seniors, and Anderson (Harold Rotenberry) won with his effective campaign. Because of the Mock Election, seniors had a chance to familiarize themselves with the candidates running for the national office of the Presidency and their stands on various issues. The students' interest and participation proved one thing for sure: the spirit of competition is alive and well at AHS. 1. Diligent work and preparation proves beneficial to Harold Rotenberry as he faces the other candi-


dates in the debate. 2. Displaying one of Anderson's many campaign posters, Steve King shows support-for his candidate. 3. Reagan (David Corney) feels that a smile and a handshake will increase his percentage of votes. 4. The Mock Election cand id ates (Bobby Jahrsdoerfer as Clark, David Comey as Reagan, Wyatt Owens as Carter, and Harold Rotenberry as Anderson) review their notes before beginning their speeches. 5. Bobby Jahrsoderfer defends Clark's position on the legalization of marijuana. 6 . Representing Carter, Wyatt Owens explains how his past experience as president makes him worthy of renomination.

5 150

Mock Election


Mime's expertise exhibited Albemarle is one of the few schools lucky enough to have a Mime Troupe . Four members of the ensemble returned from last year: Alison Dwier, Suzie Krongaard, Kathy Lambert, and Dino Pappas. In addition, newcomers Ted Chapman, Mike Duggan, Jim Hard, Sylvia Kuzman, Kristin Lovelace, Amy Martin, Eric McCubbin, Cory Raines, Joel Shotwell, Kathy Simmonds, Earl Smith, and Cyndie Theodose contributed their expertise. The troupe averages about one performance a week, yet under hectic scheduling, there may be as many as four . Directed by E. Marcia Dobbs, the Mime Troupe grants added flair to our

3 4 ~ 1 1. In the traditional presentation of "The Twelve





Days of Christmas", Alison Dwier, Cary Raines, Sylvia Kuzman, Joel Shotwell, and Cyndie Theodase proudly display their five golden rings above their heads . 2 . Suzie Krongaard and Kathy Lambert provide entertainment for shoppers at the Fashion Square Mall as they make up their faces in "Mirror" . 3 . The partridges in a pear tree (Alison Dwier and Cary Raines) and the twa turtle doves (Sylvia Kuzman and Joel Shotwell) delight an audience in their pre-Christmas performance for an in-school assembly. One of the mast eagerly awaited events of the Christmas season for everyone at AHS is this presentation by the Mime Troupe. 4. Joel Shotwell, acting as a sheriff, puts up his dukes to defend a lady from Earl Smith in "One Day in Tombstone". 5 . In a scene entitled "Sheep", these kids (Ted Chapman, Joel Shotwell, Cory Raines, Mike Duggan, Kathy Simmonds, Alison Dwier, and Suzie Krongaard) imitate another whom they discover in a playground .



Deck the halls At the time when students were ready to toke off for their Christmas break, the holiday excitement hod just begun at AHS . This year, Santo paid a visit to the school (Bobby Johrsdoerfer) . Seated in the cafeteria during lunches, Santo invited the students to sit on his knee and tell him what presents they wonted for Christmas. With a twinkle in his eye, he wished everyone (especially the girls) a Merry Christmas. The Door Decorating Contest symbolized Christmas spirit in AHS . Everyone brought scissors, construction paper, and glue to his first period class to decorate the doors in a holiday scene. Ms. Flynn's Biology II class won first place in the contest with its portrayal of the "Twelve Days of Santo ." By the end of the week, students were more than happy to begin their full two weeks of Christmas vocation .

1. Potty Mullin has to think a moment betore answering Santa 's (Bobby Jahrsdoerfer) question: "Hove yo u been a good girl lately?". 2 . Door decorating provided a much appreciated break from closswork, as is seen in John Lowry, Cla ire Bruni, and Laura Rhoades . 3. Christma s greetings spill out of the AHS mailbox that decorated the lobby during the holidays . 4. This government class shows that Santa Smith could be t he hero in rescuing the American hostages. 5 . The first place wi nner in the Door Decorating Contest, Bio logy ll's "Twelve Da ys of Santo", fol lows Santo's develo pment inside a Chri stmas ball to his giftshowered birth.


Christmas Activities

A time for love Cupid's arrow pierced the hearts of AHS students during our Valentine's celebration. Because Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday, Friday the thirteenth was ironically the day to send messages of affection. Love was in the air as flowers, poems, and songs added a romantic touch to an otherwise routine day. The Valentine's Day Thing was organized by the SCA, who chose the following songs to be sung by talented students: "Longer", "Always and Forever", "I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song", "Won't Last a Day Without You", "Soldier's Joy", "Devoted to You", and "Hee-Haw Medley". The poem "How Do I Love Thee" was recited to others. During classes, a knock on the door unmistakably meant that a song, flower, or poem was being sent to someone special. Those who received songs blushed while a group of singers, sometimes accompanied by a guitarist, harmonized. Red, white, and pink carnations were sent with songs or alone. The day was a huge success as Albemarle students didn't fail to let Valentine's Day go by unforgotten . 1. Frank Marrapadi and Lyle Beasley serenade Jessie Rosenblum . 2. Lisa Runkle receives a special message as Carol Dunbar strums her guitar. 3. Wally Parks gets a big "Hee-Haw" from Jane Harris, Jamie McClure, Tracy Mays, and Meg Adams . 4 . Keith Crawford refuses to disclose the name of his admirer as Kim Witcher delivers his carnation .




Valentine's Day Thing


Now to mention the honorables ...



-•f '-,..,' ...


' 4








0 3 1. Girls' State: Diona Hammer, Lisa Pirsch . 2. Latin Award Winners: Mike Colley, Becky Garland, Scott Garver. 3. Boys' State: Keith Crawford, Don Sobbott. 4. Certomen Team, first row: Sonjit Dos, Jon Wender, Bill Zeh . Second row: Jennifer Saylor, Angelo Gallup, Elaine Tucker. Third row:



Troy Parrish, Ben Fordham, Robin Stone, Steve King . 5. Governor's School: Jim Trefil, Richard Stong, Deborah Noble. 6 . Virginia State Thespian Officer: Sylvia Kuzmon. 7. Notional Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists, first row: Deborah Noble, Bobby Moine, Koren Hemmer. Second row: Mikkell Jackson, Jim Trefil, Richard Stong . 8 . Forensics Winners, first row: Kristin Lovelace, Joyce Moher, Deborah Noble. Second row: Holly Hermanson, Pete Logon, Robin Short, Mike Milgroum, Mike Duggan. 9. Arts and Crofts Win路 ners, first row: Kat hy Terry, Virg inia Harris. Second row: Jennifer Ludgote, Nancy Buelher, Debbie Kirby, Cathy Brock. Third row: Sue Smith, Jamie Symmers, Doug Collier, Joel Shotwell, Cory Jackson . 10. Foreign Language Forensics, first row: Deborah Noble, Garret Roy, Andrew Corey. Second row: Kathy Simmonds, Joyce Moher, John Oliver. 11 . Notional Merit Scholarship Com路 mended Students: first row: Lisa Pirsch, Matt Foss, Dodee Coble, Lisa Kupke. Second row: Brion Chasta in, Mario Berkeley, John Lowry, Eric McCubbin, Rusty Lewis. Third row: David T eotes, Renee White, Debra Fritz, Paul Transue, Beth Seale. Honors


Twenty steps to the top

1. Valedictorian, Jim Trefil. 2. Salutatorian, Diana Hamner . 3 . Twentieth, Da v id Teate s; Nineteenth, Tracy Mays. 4. Seventeenth (tie), Laura Johnson, Bobby Maine; Fifteenth, Keith Crawford; Sixteenth, Brett Aker. 5. Third, Deborah Noble; Fourth, Eric McCubbin . 6. Sixth, Kyusang Lee; Fifth, Al iso Lukes. 7. Eighth, Lisa Patterson; Seventh, Beth Seale. 8. Eleventh (tie), Su san Limber; Thirteenth, Jane Harris; Eleventh (tie). Matt Foss; Fourteenth, Lisa Pirsch. 9. Hineth (tie), Richard Stong, Claire Bruni .

156 Top 20


Ol do_L

fa< or on tor

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ele do pa fin Pn of gu we m< Or op On January 19th, after 444 days of capt ivity, the Amer ican hostages were released in exchange for 8 .8 billion dollars in frozen Iranian assets . The formal agreement between Iran and the U.S . government was anhounced by Algerian intermediaries . The Algerian plane carrying the hostages left Tehran airport within thirty minutes cif President Recigari' s inauguration, stopped first in Algeria then proceded to Wiesbaden, West Germany, where the hostages uhderwent extensive medical and psychological examinations . Durihg these examinations, it was discovered that although they were in relatively good condition, many of the former hostages suffered from severe anxiety. The 52 American returnees were warmly greeted in Wiesbaden by fellow Americans and many other wetlwishers . By the invitation of President Reagan , former President Carter flew to West Germany to meet with the returnees and to speak with them about their experiences while being held captive by the Iranians. Within the span of a week, the 52 former hostages went from captivity to total freedom . Everywhere they travelled, yellow ribbons were found symbolizing hope, the hope that they



would be released soon . Hundreds of flags soared and "God Bless America" was joyfully suhg over and over again. Thousands of Americans turned out to welcome home their fellow citizens . With the release of the hostages came stories of brutal torture and extreme cruelty on the part of the Iranian captors . Now that they were free, the returnees were able to speak freely about their experiences without fear of rebuttal. The Iranians tortured, humiliated, and seriously abused the 52 Americans . Some of the hostages were forced to pldy Russian roulette while others were sustained on only bread and water. After hearing of the abuse to which the returnees were subjected, many Americans thought that the United States should halt payment of the 8.8 billion dollars. The government made the announcement that although the payments would be made, no military .a id would be sent to Iran now or in the future . The hostage crisis raised many questions about the ability of embassies to offer" safe haven" to those who seek protection . President Reagan vowed "never again would the United States tolerate the abduction of Americans without retaliation .

re< pe gn In< op cu pn

to 1

be jw un YO


• landslide victory Reagan elected 1n On November

4, 1980, America was

faced once again with having to choose a new president. When going to the polls on election day, the Americans were torn between a Democrat and a Republican in what many acclaimed to be the most difficult presidential choice in 50 years. President Jimmy Carter (D) and Governor Ronald Reagan (R) of Californ ia were the main contenders in the


election, although Independent candidate John Anderson of Illinois campaigned and fought for victory until the final results of the election were tallied . President Carter's Democratic platform of

1980 included such provisions as a

guaranteed job for every American who was able to work, the support of ERA, a massive increase in urban programs and restrictions on the use of nuclear energy. On the other hand, Governor Reagan opposed ERA and abortion, wanted to Is of nl:!r)Ver

ons heir

be the best president of the new decade.

Surprisingly enough, Ronald Reagan

period, and encouraged economic

In the last stretch of the campaign, the

swept America of its presidential votes .

growth without causing inflation. The

three candidates toured and gave

He took all of the "key" states, leaving

Independent platform supported ERA,

speeches as if their lives depended on

Carter with only his home state of Geor-

opposed nuclear energy and income tax

every last vote .

reduce taxes by 10% over a three-year

cuts, and scorned abortion .. 1ges and the vere >eak lOUt

red, the 1ges lette

Within the last month of the longest

gia, Hawaii, Maryland, Rhode Island,

In the last critical weeks before the election, Carter and Reagan tried to

Minnesota, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

presidential campaign in American his-

reach the winning number of

270 elec-

President Carter's great defeat can be

tory, Carter, Reagan, and Anderson

toral votes by zeroing in on the nation's

attributed to the fact that America was

began acting as if their campaigns were

eight most populous states, which held a

seeking a change, a new direction and a

just starting. They visited the "key" and

combined total of

228 votes. The

new man to do the job . Americans are

uhdecided states to sway and convince

"critical eight" included: California,

full of renewed optimism in their presi-

voters that their positions were the right

New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Flor-

dent and in their government of the new

positions and that they would prove to

ida, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio.


only =the

ÂĽere .Jght halt The nent d be 1t to




the :tion



Iraq vs. Iran On September 22, 1980, the IranianIraqi nightmare that had seemed inevitable for so long a time was finally at hand. Seeking power and releasing deep-seated revenge, Iraq attacked Iran along a crucial oil artery, the Shott al Arab. After months of border clashes, Iraq and Iran were at war, upsetting an already dangerous balance in a rapidly changing and politically unstable region that provided approximately 40% of the non-Communist world's oil. The war began as Iraqi pilots flew

Since her arrest in 1976, thousands of

This claim proved useless since Mao

Chinese have accused Jiang Qing, the

had diminished in the eyes of the Chinese people since his death .

Soviet-built MIGs eastward and headed

67 year old widow of the late Chairman

for bombing raids on military targets

Mao, of cruel and dispicable crimes

Durin'g her nationally televised trial,

and oil facilities across the Iranian

which included causing the death of

the Chinese people were eager for ven-

border, including the Tigres-Euphrates

some 34,000 people during the Cu ltural

geance. With conviction an unquestion-

De Ci bu

estuary known as the Shott al Arab .


Revolution of 1966-76. She was also

able certainty, the prosecution re-


The Iranians were caught by surprise

accused of masterminding the 1976

quested the death sentence. The

at first and they responded with attacks of their own, sending American-made

purge of Deng Xiaoping, who returned to power in 1977 and is now Vice

Chinese Special Court sentenced Jiang Qing to death, but suspended the sen-

Phantom F-4 fighter-bombers against

President of the Communist Party and

tence and condemned her to a life

Iraqi cities and installations. The fearful battle was under way . Iraqi armor and

the acknowledged leader of China .

co go ex sic du

infantry trudged across 500 miles of

following her late husband's orders.

desert front at many points, surrounding two key Iranian cities but runn ing into

Madame Mao claimed that she was

imprisonment of solitary confinement and hard labor.



Polish workers make gains



stubborn resistance and counter at-

Th is past August Poland experienced

low wages, tired of standing in endless


tacks . Naval craft skirmished and bom-

what many feel was the beginning of a

lines for meat, flour, sugar, and other


borded shore installations in the Shott

revolution . The working party come

staples, and tired of low qual ity, over-

and in the northern gulf.

together in Gdansk to form a strike

priced goods, when they could buy the

Within days of the outbreak of heavy

which lasted twenty-one days. Headed

goods at all. They tired of waiting eight

fighting, oil shipments from Iraq and

by laborer Lech Walesa and seventeen

to ten years for an apartment and

Iran were suspended, including crude deliveries through Iraq's pipel ines to the

other members of a solidarity group, the

almost half that long for a car that cost

workers finally set out to work for the

twenty month's wages.

Mediterranean . Between the two na-

bel iefs and ideals they had been afraid

tions, over 3 million barrels (approx-

to make known for years.

Finally, the government felt it had to cooperate, mainly to calm things down

imately 20% of gulf crude shipments)

Since Poland is a satellite of Russia

so that Russia would not intervene. In an

are exported per day . Although this

and is thus Communist, her workers

August 31st agreement, the working

amount of oil would not necessarily be

were not allowed to demonstrate unless

class was granted wage increases and

critical in a global oil glut, there re-

led by the government. This, of course,

the right to form independent unions.

mained the dire possibility that the Strait

got the people virtually nothing . They

Under the leadership of Walesa, they

of Hormuz at the southern end of the

had been afraid to speak out against the

presented additional demands for civil

gulf might be closed because of the

government for fear that Russia would

rights . Walesa continues to use his wise

mutual traditional hostilities resulting from ethnic and ideological differences. As of the time that this article is being written (January 31, 1980), the war between Iron and Iraq continues . The United States, as a member of the Western World, can only hope that it won't suffer the effects of this war.


Madame Mao sentenced


be nc pi< ne

th路 or Er Hi he th Ia

Be M

send troops to control their revolt, just as

and careful judgement to bargain with

St or m

it had done in Czechoslovakia in 1968.

the government, to deal with the Soviet


But Walesa convinced his followers

Union, and to keep his people from

that even if they were condemned to Communism, since they could not reject

acting rashly . Hopefully the working

Ju Br tic

the system, their goal should be to make

the Poles w ill peacefully get the "decent

it work better. The people were tired of

life" they have been seeking.

party will gain additional rights so that



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Deaths of Lennon, Bonham sadden world On December 8th, 1980, shortly before 11 p.m. , a limousine pulled up to the Dakota apartment house in New York City . As the occupants entered the building, a lone gunman appeared, took a military stance, and emptied a .38caliber gun into the man who had just gotten out of the limousine. In spite of extensive resuscitative efforts, transfusions, and numerous medical procedures, John Lennon was dead on arrival. Lennon had just returned from a recording session with his wife, Yoko . Mark David Chapman was waiting in the shadows for the most dynamic former Beatie to return . Chapman had even obtained an autograph from Lennon earlier that day. When the news that John Lennon had been shot was announced, the world did not believe it at first . Every time the news played, one hoped that there would be news that Lennon was still alive and that the whole horrible incident was a lie . John Winston Ono Lennon was born on October 9th , 1940, in Liverpool , England during a German bomb raid. His high school teachers thought him hopeless and a class clown . John formed the Quarrymen, and Paul McCartney later jo ined the group . In 1960, t he Beatles group was formed (Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, Pete Best, and Stu Sutcliffe) . In '62, Best left the group and Ringo Starr took his place as drummer. That same year, John married Cynthia Powell and they had a son, Julian . In 1964,3000 fans welcomed the British invasion at Kennedy International Airport. The rest is history. In '69, John married Yoko Ono, an avant-garde artist who is sometimes blamed for the breakup of the Beatles in

John "Bonzo" Bonham, drummer for '70. With his marriage to Yoko, John became deeply involved in many the British rock group Led Zeppelin, was causes, but mainly the peace move- found dead on September 25th at Zepment. His songs were filled with the pelin guitarist Jimmy Page's home . longing for world peace. In '75, Yoko Bonham, whose "physical exhaustion" gave birth to Sean Ono Lennon . With caused the cancellation of a German gig the birth of his new son, John retreated on a recent European tour, was 32. Due into "house-husbandry" while Yoko to his death, Zeppelin canceled its North looked after the financial affairs. After American tour that was to have begun four years, John returned to the music on October 17th in Canada . The most talented drummer in the world with love songs to Yoko. "Double rock world, Bonham was often on abuFantasy" was released in 1980. The world was stunned at the thought sive man, especially while touring. While of Lennon's death . The Fob Four not touring, he lived a relatively peaceful seemed immortal and hope of a Beatie existence with his wife Pat and their two reunion was present in everyone. But too children . On the evening of September 24th, soon we discovered that it was their music and memory that were immortal, Bonham and Zeppelin bassist John Paul the men were intangible. Thousands Jones were at Page's home, where, stood outside the Dakota building sing- according to a police spokeswoman, ing old Beatles songs and leaving flow- Bonham "had obviously been drinking a ers and gift s in memory of John . But the lot during the evening . He was put to grieving wasn't just in New York. All bed just after midnight by Jones and one over the world, Beatie tunes became a of the house staff." The next day Jones dirge. Yoko asked the world to remem- looked in on Bonham at 1:45 p.m. and ber John with a ten minute silence on found the drummer dead . A subsequent Sunday, December 14th. "John loved autopsy revealed that Bonham suffoand prayed for the human race . Please cated on his vomit during the night. He will be remembered for his incredido the same for him ." Radio stations went off the air for ten minutes and then ble talent on the drums. Former Swan the v igil ended with the playing of Song Vice-President Danny Goldberg "Imagine" . remembers Bonham, "I don't think John Lennon's music touched every there's ever been anybody like him . As person . It has influenced music ians brilliant as Jimmy Page is, Led Zeppelin since it was written and it will continue to will never be the same without John . It inspire the musical world . John will be may be better, it may be worse . But remembered for his music and his in- there's no one else in the world who can volvement in life. He will also be admired play drums like that." After playing together for twelve for his complete and undying love for years, Zeppelin band members apYoko . " There is nothing more important parently felt the same as Goldberg . than our relationship, nothing ." It is hard to "Imagine" a world with- Shortly after Bonham's death, Led Zeppelin disbanded . out John .

Envi ronment


Mt. St. Helens erupts On May 18, 1980, a gleaming white peak in the Cascade Range, 40 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon, created history. The eruption of Mt. St. Helens blasted away the top 1300 feet of its crest and took dozens of lives, periled thousands of others, devastated 200 square miles, triggered destructive floods and mudflows, and sent ash clouds rolling across the Northwest. It all began with a jolt on the morning of May 18. At 3 :32 a .m ., a magn itude 5.0 earthquake unhinged the nort h slope and hurled some two cubic kilometers of debris toward the North T outle River in a landslide. Hot volcanic ga~es, molten rock, and steam rocketed

out horizontally through the fractured 4

mountain leveling forests as far as 17 miles away and burying the surrounding valley with an awesome surface of gaseous ash and rock . At the same time, a hot bubbly spray of ash and rock f lamed into the sky throwing 400 million tons of dust into the earth's atmosphere. Despite pred ictions that an eruption

Who Shot Who shot J. R.? Never in the history of


TV have so many people waited and


speculated on the resolution of a plot twist. Over 300 million people in 57


different countries shared the obsession


to find out who pulled the trigger releasing the bullet that shot J.R. Ewing, the


St. Helens would explode with the fury

main character on "Dallas", "the man


of a ten megaton bonib. Miraculously,

everyone loves to hate."


was em inent, no one expected that Mt.

search parties later rescued 198 people

"Dallas" ended its previous season in


from the ravaged area, although 61

May with a bang . Unexpectedly the


others were left dead or missing in the

main character was shot by an assailant

choking ash and consuming debris .

who was to remain unknown until the

Since the first major eruption on May


following fal l. The viewers' curiosity,


over the intermediate months, grew to


18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens has continued to awaken sporadically, leaving Washington and Oregon in a state of uneasiness.

incredible proportions . Bets of large quantities were made on major sus-



Drought hurts farmers



With the exception of the Great De-

the cost of farm supplies rose at rates

pression, 1980 proved to be the worst

several points above inflation, the prices

year yet for Virginia farmers . The farm-

for their products failed to keep pace

ers, especially those in Central Virginia,

with inflation .


began facing problems with their crops

The drought, which is still affecting

in June of 1980 with the onset of the

farmers and local residents as of the

H 1

long drought. Those farmers, who were

time that this article is being written


just beginning to recover from the 1977

(January 26, 1980), has prompted agri-


area drought that resulted in mediocre

cultural officials to predict that 1980's


crops in 1978 and 1979, were also faced

average net income for Virginia's

with a cost price squeeze in 1980. As

69,000 farms would be only $1000.


Triumph and boycotting Sports in the United States reached both its peak and its depth with the Olympic Games. In one of the most exciting upsets in Olympic history, the United States hockey team wrestled the gold medal from a heavily favored Russian team, first defeating the Russians to qualify for the final and then clinching the gold medal with a win over Finland . The triumph sent a surge of nationalistic pride through the nation, but the




feeling was short-lived . President Carter ordered a boycott of the Summer Olympics in Moscow after Russia refused to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan,


and many of the world's athletic powers


joined in .

· of

pects, and one man went as far as steal-


ing the script. The night the show that

Nevertheless, the night America ' s

as soon as a Finn was put in the penalty

younger and less experienced hockey team was to play the favored Russian

box. While the whole country revelled over

team, thousands of Americans were

the victory, none could shake an under-


revealed the assailant was aired, the


largest audience, ever, assembled for


glued to their television sets in hope and

lying feeling of resentmen t due to the

the TV episode.

anticipation . Even though the Soviets

upcoming boycott . The hundreds of athletes who had prepared for years felt


The crim inal turned out to be Kristen

had beaten the Americans 10-3 in an


Shephard, JR .'s sister- in- law, who was

exhibition game just a few days before

resentment towards Pres ident Carter


pregnant with his child . Instead of hav-

the O~ympics, the underdog U .S. hock-

who had made an unsuccessful ultima-

ing her put in jail, J.R. simply sent her

ey team had conquered all with its

tum with the Soviet Union . Yet Carter

away. There is an underlying feeling

boundless enthusiasm . When the two teams returned to the ice for the second

tually he gained the support of the

11n the

that she will return one day soon .

had to stick to his statement, and even-

Even though t he interest in J.R. was

period of play with a tied score of 2-2, the game became extremely physical,

of the other nat ions . The summer

so big over the summer, as soon as the

but the Americans were able to pull

games then, went unattended, untele-


viewers learned the facts of his shoot-

ahead to a 4-3 win with only a few mi-

vised, and unpublicized, and thus be-


ing, a ll the interest seemed to vanish .

nutes left in the game. The win over

came a non-event to Americans .


"Dallas" and J. R., therefore, proved to

Finland proved itself just as emotional

Dreams of Greece as a permanent sight

be nothing more than another fad .

when the U .S. team finally took the lead

to hold the games flourished .




majority of his people and of a good deal

Cubans seek refuge in U.S. 1tes

In Cuba , a ll embassies had guards


deterring "safe haven" for the people .

of countries agreed to adm it the re-

riots and rac ial unrest . Many blacks


Word circulated that Castro's govern-

fugees . Citizens were g iven an hour to

were out of jobs or found it increasingly

ment had w ithdrawn the guards from

reach the a irport or boats. Man y were

difficult to locate new employment.


the Peruvian embassy . W ithin

Cubans to leave the country . A number

38 hours, abused as they were leaving . To make

With the arrival of the Cubans came

Apparenntly not all the refugees are


11,000 people were living on embassy

the Cubans appear as degenerates, cri-

happy in the U .S. In one week six com-


grounds . The Cubans wished to flee

minals were mixed in with the refugees.

mercia I planes were hi-jacked and


Fidel Castro's communistic "paradise"


in order to survive.


120,000 Cubans migrated to Florida .

forced to fly to Havana. "They were

When thousands chose to settle in

despondent" noted an FBI agent ,

Days after seeking refuge in the Peru-

M iami, mass unemployment became a

"mostly because they missed their fami-

vian embassy, the Cuban government

severe problem. Consequently, the

lies ."

sent word that it would allow the

crime rate had risen over 30% .



Annexation, zoning issues face county In an attempt to avoid an expensive

cit y . The proposed annexation area

court battle over land, Charlottesville

would approxi mately double the size of

City Council and the Albemarle County

the ci ty and contain major commercial

Boord of Supervisors continued nego-

areas, severa l industries, and the area's

tiations throughout 1980 under a new

biggest shopping cen t er.

state annexation law, sponsored by

After fiv e years of attempting to cope w ith continuous gro wt h , Albemarle

Sen. Thomas Michie. The city contended that while the

county f inal ly adopt ed a controversial

county enjoyed prosperity, its ta x and

new zoning low in December of 1980.

population bose had eroded . The city

Because the population of Albemarle

also maintained that it supplied more

county increased almost by half in the

services to low income res idents than

1970's, the previous zon ing law pro-

Albemarle . Overa ll, the cit y 's major

vided a basis for vi rtuall y unl imited

argument for annex ation seemed to be

growth and development.

the fact that it was suffering from a loss

The present zoning low, which was

of revenue as businesses moved to the

redrafted several t imes in an attempt to

county and from a lack of land for

satisfy local landowners, is intended to

potential development.

provide zon ing for development around

In November of 1980, Albemarle was

Charlottesville, Crozet, Hollymeod on

given the option by the city to either give

U.S . 29 north, and a few village cross-

up 11 sq. miles of land surrounding the

roods . The ordinance will a lso limit the

city or to shore a percentage of new ta x

85 percent of the county t hat is present -

revenues from a large area around the

ly classified as rural.

Michie elected When J. Harry Michael was

t rend and voted Democrat.

appointed federal judge, he left a vacant

Michie' s election created a vacant

seat in Virginia's State Senate . In order

seat. Another special election was set

to fill that position a special election was

for January. Two former Charlottesvi lle

held in November, and on short notice,

ma yors, Republican Tom Albro and

two major candidates from the Chariot-

Democrat Mitch Van Yohres, entered

tesville-Aibemarle area entered the

the race for the House of Delegates .

race . Republican Charles Hough and

The results were close, but once aga in

Democrat Tom Michie challenged each

the Democrats inched ahead with the

other for the seat . Though Hough fared

majorit y among c it y voters .

well, area residents stuck with the recent

Superintendent resigns Albemarle County School Superin-

ment, he said, was to rearrange t he sys-

tendent, Clarence S . McClure ,

tem into a streamlined kindergarten

announced in a surprise statement that

through 12th grade organization .

he would resign . After having held the

The School Boord w as told to appoint

position for over a decade, he told the

a replacement for McClure by March 1,

School Boord at a September meeting

and their selection process w as very ex-

that his leave would be effec~ ive July 1,

tensive; at press time a choice still had

1981 .

not been mode. McClure, however, had

In discussing his career in the county

already accepted the position of Super-

system, McClure felt he was eager for a

intendent i n the Botetourt County

new atmosphere, and ready for new ex-

school sy stem .

periences . His greatest accomplish-



The results are in ... Song 1. Stairw ay to Heaven- Led Zeppelin 2 . Freebird- Lynryd Skynryd 3 . Ano t he r One Bites the Dust Queen 4 . Into the Bloc k (Hey Hey, My M y ) Neil Young 5. Celebration - Kool and the Gong Group 1. Led Zeppelin 2 . Von Holen I Queen 3 . Neil Young 4 . Rol ling Stones I Beotles 5 . ACIDC I Kool and the Gong Movie 1. Stir Crazy 2 . The Song Remains the Some 3 . Anima l House 4 . Seems Like Old Times TV Show 1. Dallas 2 . M * A * S* H * 3 . Dukes of Hazzard 4 . The Benny H ill Show Male Personality 1. Cl int Eastwood 2 . Richard Pryor 3 . Chevy Chase 4 . Alan Aida Female Personality 1. Deborah Harry 2 . Goldie Haw n 3 . Bo Derek 4 . Gilda Rodner Sport 1. Football 2 . Lacrosse 3 . Skiing 4 . Basketba ll Food 1. Pizzo 2 . Stea k 3 . Subs 4 . Tacos Beverage 1. Beer 2. Jock Daniels 3 . Coca Cola 4 . Water Pastime 1. Partying 2. Quarters 3. Watching TV 4 . Sleeping Party Spot 1. Beach 2 . An ywhere 3 . Bud Spot # 1 4 . The River


a VI

tv H

c a w

R te fc fc




T fL p

How 'bout them 'Hoos? 2lin


Everyone predicted that this would be the year of Virg inia Cavalier basketball

Craig Robinson, Ricky Stokes, and Ofhell Wilson .

-the year in which the team members

Even before the season began, the AP

would come together to combine for an

and UPI polls gave the Cavaliers eighth

almost perfect union which would be

place . Every week the team cl imbed

virtually invincible. Everyone was right .

another notch. After the nationally tele-

More than half way through the season,

vised Ohio State University game, in

the Cavaliers were # 1 in the Atlantic

which Ralph Sampson scored 40 points

Coast Conference, were ranked # 1

to beat his previous game record of 32,

among the nation's college teams, and

the team reached the # 1 pos ition , tying

were undefeated .

with Oregon State, and at press time

Jeff Lamp, Lee Raker, Jeff Jones, and Ralph Sampson were four of the star-

(February 3, 1981 ), they were alone at the top .

ters . Lamp and Raker, back for their

Cava li er fans were proud of their

fourth and final year, and Jones, back

team . People all over the country were

for his third year, gave the team added

impressed with their skill, as well as with

experience. Second year Sampson, with

Coach Holland . All were sure that the

his wiry 7'-4" frame, lent the extra skill

Wahoos would make it to the NCAA

that led to high-scoring wins . Coach

finals, but even if they hadn't, everyone

Terry Holland alternated the other skill-

would still have been proud of the way

ful team members for the fifth startin g

the Cavaliers played out the season .

position . They included Terry Gates,




1. Peer Editors-in-Chief: Claire Bruni, Ari Kelarakis, Karen Warren . 2. Peer Section Editors, first row: Tamyra Rase, Student Life; Laura Johnson, Sports. Second row: Beth Johnson, Index; Diana Hamner, Photography. Third row: Roxanne Roth , Copy; Stephanie Davis, Underclass; Jean Barn ett, Underclass; La ni Hoza, Academ ics. Fourth row: Ursula Collier, Clubs; T ammy Barnett, Business Manager; Ella Benner, Business Manager; Lisa Knight, Seniors . 3. Lani Hoza assisted Mrs. Stanley in the planning of a layout. La youts took man y hours to do . Th e Peer staff hopes that this yearbook wi ll be cherished and bring back a lot of happy memories of Albemarle H igh School. 4. Peer Photographers: John Gaertner, Mitch Nutt, Dan Litman, Joe David Nelms, Mike McGilligan, Scott Price, Maxi one M oody, Diana Hamner. 5 . Dan Litman listens attentively as Ms . Critzer assigns him copy to rite. Each Peer member had to write copy at least once this year.

5 170 Peer

Peer staff introduces changes This year being no exception, the 1980-81 Peer staff continued to work toward a yearbook that would be a true representation of the school year. A few changes were introduced in the 1981 Peer, as the staff decided that some-

thing "different" was needed in this year's yearbook. To get away from the conservatism of previous yearbooks, a 48-page color spread, bolder type, copy on topics outside of school and more candids were included . Although it is difficult to imagine the hours spent on week-ends and holidays in order to put out a yearbook, the results are rewarding. The editors and staff of the 1980-81 Peer hope that this book will work for you to create lasting memories of your days at Albemarle. 2

The Peer editors would like to take this opportunity to give a special thanks to Mrs. Stanley and Ms. Critzer for all of their support throughout the year. We would also like to pay tribute to Mrs . Stanley for her 15 years of service as an A.H.S. yearbook sponsor.

3 1. Laura Johnson, Sports editor, and T a m yra Rose, Student Life editor, select pictures for their sections. 2 . Peer Underclassmen, first raw: Lani Hoza, Ella Benner, Tom m y Barnett, Beth Johnson, Cathy Callaway, Courtney Roane. Second raw: Jean Barnett, Scott Price, Marianne Murad, Joe David Nelms, Stephanie Dav is . 3. Peer Seniors, first row: Mitch Nutt, Laura Johnson, Becky Tirrell , Trac y Drisco ll, T a m y ra Rose, Ari Kelarakis, Annette Norford, Koren Dowell, Dana Hackney. Second row : Ursula Callier, Roxanne Roth , Claire Brun i, Laura Rhodes, Angela Gallop, Dan Litman, Mike McGilligan, Diana Hamner. Third row : Koren Warren, Meg Adams, Lisa Minnerich, Barry Clark, Steve Borg, Maxiane Moody, Lisa Knight. 4 . Roxanne Roth and Ursula Collier study the proofs of t he senior section. Proofreading is one of the more tedious tasks of Peer staff members. 5 . Stephanie Davis, Underclass editor, arranges loyouts of the Underclass section.

5 Peer


Prism, Harlequin solicit opinions This year's Prism staff worked diligently to publish their ten annual editions . Throughout the year they interviewed students to get opinions on topics ranging from the Honor System to library passes . Spotlight articles were also written in recognition of outstanding athletes. A new feature of the Prism's Homecoming edition was a two page picture spread of Homecoming activities. The Harlequin Club worked hard throughout the school year to raise enough money to publish a successful magazine. The club members raised money through bake sales and other activities. Writing workshops were held throughout the year to discuss the club members' writings as well as works that were submitted by English classes to be published in the magazine. Harlequin editors this year were Cary Jackson , Mari Tuttle, and Linda McKeen .

l . Susan Gibson and John Gaertner paste up a layout. 2. Kim Clements contributes to the Prism staff by typing copy for the next edition. 3. Concentration is vital when pasting headlines onto the final layout . 4 . Editor-in-Chief Lori Pears on arranges a Prism layout. 5. Mrs. Burr, Steve King, and Christine Gardner are diverted by an unknown Prism member. 6. Harlequin, front row: Terry Mead, Linda McKeen, Dona Ram sey. Second row: Heidi Johannesen, Lisa Meadows . Third row: Betsy Chalfant, Tracie Harper. Fourth row: Barbara Chalfant. Fifth row: Mari Tuttle. Sixth row: Hank Martin, Cary Jackson, Stephanie Davis. 7. Prism, front row: Skip Robbins, Mr. Kitterman , Christine Gardner, Lori Pearson, Susan Gibson, Ms. Burr. Second row: Maxiane Moody, Joh n Gaertner, Robert Snider, Linda McKeen, Donna Reinhold, Kim Jones.


Prism, Harlequin

'1U t

Honor Society has busy year The National Honor Society began the busy year by serving as student guides at the Parent Teacher Conference nights . In another activity, several members provided their talents to tutor


fellow students. At Christmas time, they sponsored a local needy family . Nonperishable food was donated by members. Gifts were bought for the children and their mother. The Honor Society also sold "Class of '81" T -shirts to raise money for school improvements . In the spring the group volunteered time to help AHIP . Each Spring, an initiation is held for those Juniors and Seniors who show superior performance in service, scholarship, and leadership. The Honor Society was lead by Diana Hamner, President; Aliso Lukes, Vice-President; Tamyra Rose, Treasurer; and Karen Warren, Secretary, and is sponsored by Mrs. Fulcher.


3 1. Julia Bazzarre, Laura Rhodes, ond Julia Haviland sample cookies while setting up the refreshment table on Parent Teacher Conference Night. 2. Wanda Robinson and Julio Haviland do their best to win Penny Phillips' sale. 3. The National Honor Society raised money to purchase trash receptacles for the breezeway through sales of their own "Class of 1981" T-shirts. The T-shirts, which were a first in Albemarle High School's history, proved to be a big success with the seniors. 4. National Honor Society, front row: Ursula Collier, Karen Warren, Diana Hamner, Aliso Lukes, T amyra Rose, Karen Dowell, Patricia Falls. Second row: Tracy Mays, Jane Harris, Lisa Patterson, Claire Bruni, Lori Pearson, Laura Rhodes, Laura Johnson, Tracy Brady. Third row: Susan Limber, Lisa Pirsch, Sue Smith, Julia Bazzarre, Meredith Dixon, Kyusang Lee, John Lowry, Richard Stong. Fourth row: Mike Kelly, Brett Schnell, Julia Haviland, Mikkell Jackson, Jim Trefil, Keith Crawford, Glenn Moore.



4 National Honor Society


1. Allen Gleitz and Robert Harris work on a speech for on up-coming tournament. 2. Joyce Moher presents her speech for class discussion . 3 . Mike Milgroum walks up to the podium to begin his speech. 4. Kathy Lambert listens intently to a classmate . 5. Matt Th orup, Glenn Moore, Jeff T aylor and Angie Kelley research many materials. 6 . Caught in the oct of laminating a poster for the Foreign La nguage Deportment, Andrew Valente carries out his duties as a Media Center aide. The aides helped the librarians by doing many smal l jobs.

6 174

Debate, Teen Democrats, Media Center A ides

Debate brings honors to AHS •


The Debate Team, coached and taught by Mr. MacDonald, continues to bring honor to Albemarle High School with its awards and trophies . The team has debated at George Mason Universtiy, James Madison University, and University of Virginia . The team's hard work and efforts have contributed to their excellent state-wide performances. The Teen Democrats, sponsored by Ms. Sivert, were involved in several political activities . They worked in the special state election, as well as the Presidential election. This year, the Teen Democrat convention was held in Charlottesville. This year the Media Center Aides kept themselves busy with filing books and operating machines . The aides were students who volunteered one period a day to learn about the Media Center. The librarians were grateful for their great assistance throughout the



l . Cynthia Swift and Karen Smith in the Media Center. 2 . Debate, front row: Kathy Lambert, Aliso Lukes, Angie Kelley, Tracy Mays, Myles Elledge, Allen Gleitz, Katrina Kretsinger, Joyce Maher, Robert Harris. Second row: Tony Lloyd, Andy Corey, Kevin Wood, Tony Kirby, Bill Devan, Sallie Hunt, Debbie Noble, Caroline Kelly, Mr. MacDonald. Third row: Brett Schnell, Jeff Ta ylor, Tom Hunter, Renee White, Carlo Celli, Matt Thorup, Glenn Moore, Cyndi Mason, Michael Milgraum . 3. Aliso Lukes is hard at work. 4 . Media Center Aides, front row: Brenda Good loe, Christine Harris, Blaine Zimmerman, Karen Warren , Diana Hamner, Valerie Livengood, Shawn Arnold. Second row: Karen Smith , Cynthia Swift, Ken Neathery, Kris Kost, Michael Brassfield, Reggie Harris, Donnie Bickley, Andrew Valente, Connie Worrell , Son ya Morris. 5 . Teen Democrats, front row: Elaine Tucker, Angela Gallup, Alison Dwier, Michelle Prosser, Mikkel Jackson, Sue Smith, Second row: Joyce Maher, Sandy Amos, Julia Haviland, Myles Elledge, Aliso Lukes. Third row: Cindy Mason, Elizabeth Hunt, Meg Harper, Tricia Mendelis . Fourth row: Carmen Kerl, Jessie Rosenblum, Julia Stewart, David Wagoner, Kim Buse, Mike Duggan . Fifth row: Darlene Jones, Sara Chandler, Lisa Kupke . Sixth row: John Lowery, Robert Snider, Sallie Hunt, Joe Bouchard .

6 Debate



Clubs' service projects help needy DECA, an organization designed to help students in the business world, sponsored a family here in Charlottesville. Four children and their mother were given Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. The children were given a Christmas party with gifts. Their birthdays were also brightened by parties. Money for these and future activities was raised by selling candles and stuffed animals . Some students in DECA attended school half the day and worked the other half. Sponsors Mrs. Garnett and Mr. D. Gardner visited these students at their jobs while training was taking place. VICA clubs exist at both Albemarle and the Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Center. Students in these organizations were interested in technical activities from building to hair dressing. They took part in the Homecoming parade, went to camp in March, and held a fund raising activity in April. All of these activities were directed by club leaders and Mr. Fantino, a new teacher at Albemarle. FBLA, sponsored by Mrs . Sandell, Mrs . Thacker, Mrs . Cooper, Mrs . Thacker, and Miss Graves, was a club designed for business-minded students . Throughout the year, the club strove to serve the community in many ways. Such services included their annual work for the March of Dimes and an annual fruit basket donations for the needy people at Towers Nursing Home. In addition, the club undertook such fund raising activities as the selling of 1981 calendars and stuffed anima ls. The Future Homemakers of America were busy practicing their skills this year. They sewed clothes and cooked meals, which they sometimes shared with invited guests. Other activities included a skating party, bake sales, and a reception for students' families . 1. Members of DECA plan their acti vit ies . 2.

VICA, front row: Mr. Fantino, Connie Harris, Joanne Rush , Harriett Hughes, Valerie Hudson, Cynthia Wells, Tammy Fritz, Michel le Coles, Kim Dempsey. Second row: Glen Gentry, Orlando Watkins, Pam Payne, Cath y Anderson , Robin Brawn, Blendell Gatewood, Sheila Childress, Sharon Morse, Sepelda Carr. Third row: Lindsa y Winston, C.W. Jager, Bucky Crickenberger, Cyndi O vercash, Jane Powell, Richard Robinson , Jason Turner. 3. FHA Club, front row: Karen Seivers, Susan McDaniel, Bonnie Stokes, Alison Heeter, Debbie Martin, Cheryl Edwards, Brenda Pillow. Second row: Christina Clark, Sandra Lond ree, Sandra Conn, Ivy Buttner, Barbara Anderson, Leona Fergu son, Lisa Shifflett, Denise Senn a, Mrs . L. Keeny . Third row: Betty Washington , Charlotte Anderson, Desiree Dorn, Ann Walker, Lisa Loving, Sheila W ill is, Sylvia Hoga , Mrs. Thompson . Fourth row: Roxanne Morris, Kim Bel l, Terry Anderson , Genia Covington, April Burn s, Chris Mongold, Penn y Jordon, Kim Kersey . 4. Bonnie Stokes, president of ou r Future Homemakers of America , works diligentl y on some draperies.






1. Tammy Bolden types on and on and on. She realizes how important typing skills are. 2. Alison Heeter, Debbie Martin, and Wanda Bodrey, make a pair of drapes for the Home Economics room. 3. DECA, front row: Deneen Lawson, Carrie Taylor, Mary Beth Lindsey, Ann Cronk, Erea Sharp, Debbie Henry. Second row: Donna German, Angelo Harris, Laurie Baker, Denise Mills, Lisa Poole, Karen Allison, Tammy Walker, Penny Hosapple, Barbara Wheeler, Kim Gilka, Germaine Smith, Sherry Rush, Tammy Bolden . Third row: Tammy Fields, Jackie Barber, Brigette Dvorak, Rosalyn Morse, Yolanda Dyer, Kaneyko Gillis, Christine Harris, Sherry Rush, Page West, Tina Churchman, Mary Ellen Mullin, Leise Morris, Mr. Darrell Gardner. Fourth row: Mrs. Jill Garnett, Lisa Davis, Monica Powell, Sonya Churchman, Cindy Wood, Gina McWilliams, Charon Johnson, Susan Lewis, Sheila Henry, Scott Sunior, Paula Inscoe, Scott Harris, Phyllis Fidler, Renee Magruder. Fifth row: Christine Gardner, Shirley Hicks, Linda Smith, Blain Crickenberger, Wes Sprouse, Junior Chisholm, Bobby Ivory, Joe Ulery. 4. FBLA Club, front row: Miss Graves, Cathy Roach, Karen Dowell, Donna French, Jeff Lamb, Mrs. Sandell . Second row: Donna Jackson, Jacqueline Miller, Dawn Green, Melissa Lindsay, Thelma Washington, Karen Parrish, Mrs . Thacker. Third row: Kathy Tesack, Becky Collier, Sherry Snow, Montie Pace, Terry Houghton, Sandy Brown, Diane Morris, Denise Marsh . Fourth row: Melinda Mills, Vickie Tharp, Lisa Mundie, Susan VonHerbulis, Shannon Robertson, Diane Evans, Debra Evans. Fifth row: Brenda Goodloe, Diane Cutitta, Kim Robertson, Everett Feggans, Denise Bates, Ton i Crawford, Marieka Chapman, Cynthia Swift. 5. Robin Brown watches Blendell Gatewood comb out a wig.



1. Jeff Johnson, William Faris, and Edd ie Mundfer work in the shop. 2. The FFA Club listens intently to a guest speaker. 3 . Victor Fortune and N ick Dillard make use of sophisticated shop equipment. 4. Ecology Club, front row: Diana Hammer, Laura Johnson, Glenn Moore. Second row: Lisa Pittman, Susan Limber, Lisa Pirsch, Renee White, Matt Thorup. Third row: Claire Bruni, Beth Seale, Deborah Fritz. Fourth row: Kyusang Lee, Debbie Noble, Shin Su Yuk, Mike Kel ly, Keith Crawford . Fifth row: Mikkell Jackson, Jessie Roseenblum, Lise Kupke, Brett Aker, Jimmy Johnson . Sixth row: Mr. Richard Ergler, Carlo Celli .


AIASA, FFA, Ecology Clubs

Members busy with outside activities The students of Albemarle who ore in the FFA seemed to keep busy. State and local livestock shows were attended by the students . The annual state fair offered many agricultural activities for their observation . Albemarle's FFA also hosted a tractor driving contest for two other counties . Students pursued other interests outside of school such as livestock, crops, chickens, and bees. Other in-school activities included small engine mechanics and tractor driving skills. The Ecology Club, sponsored by Mr. Ergler, was seldom seen but always busy. They busied themselves with activities that dealt with the relations between living organisms and their environment . Such activities included films and discussions. One of the club's biggest goals was to increase its members' awareness to problems in the environment and to try to form their own solutions to the problems . AIASA was a club for Industrial Arts students. One of its major functions was to provide its members with chances to do outside field work. Such work included the building and designing of furniture . The club's main objective was to provide students with extra experience.

Mr. Gardner, and FFA members William Jefferson, Brock Cleveland, John Green, and Joe Fisk make soil tests. 2 . FFA Club, front row: Mr. K.S. Gordner, Scott Botten, David Brown, Eddie Munford , Brion Brown, Derrick Terry, Kevin Walls, Carl Thomas , John Bandon, Dwayne Woodfolk . Second row: Jim Reese, Ronnie Forsberg, George Fisk, William Coletroin, Dole Anderson, Maurice Starks, Eddie Earl y, Shannon Morris, Henry Garrison, Ollie Herring . 3,4. FFA members listen to Alb. game warden. 5. AIASA Club, front row: Mr. Sperry, Cecil Thacker, Clifford Hammi ll, Greg McKamey, Mark Dillow, Mr. Smith . Second row: Rodney Pyol ls, Scott Tra il, Brad Wood.

5 AISA, FFA Clubs


1. Don Litman, Mitch Nutt and Eric McCubbin discuss entroce cues. 2. Mime Troupe, front row: Alison Dwier. Second row: Mario Berkely, Kathy Simmonds, Cynd i Theodose, Lauro Irwin. Third row: Kristin Lovelace, Sylvia Kuzman. Fourth row: Dina Pappas, Joel Shotwell, Kathy Lambert, Suzie Krongaard, Amy Martin . Fifth row: Carey Raines, Earl Smith, Jim Hard, Mike Duggan. 3 . Dromo Club Seniors and Juniors, front row: Cathy Vomer, AlisonDwier, Jim Hard, Pam Ditchkus, Michelle Prosser. Second row: Morgan Scherer, Lorry Green, Karen Hemmer, Andrea Thomas, Earl Smith, Susan Bell, Marilyn McDaniel, Kathi Mahnken , Julie Thacker, Yvenne King . Third row: Jeff Burkhart, Miranda Yen, Chris Stork, Greg Gurley, Toni Kirby, Angel Rowe, Laura Kinca id, Sarah Booth, Kristin Lovelace, Pete Logan . Fourth rovt: Mary Reese, Suzi Dickman, Mike Parker, Cathy St. John, Sora Chandler, Emi ly Clark, Donna Hackney, Paul T ron sue. Fifth row: T ina Bornstein, Chip Harper, Kim Olinger, Maria Berkeley, Laura Irwin, Meredith Dixon, Lisa Knight, Sheri lochetti, Les lie Grave, Robin Short, Beth Staples, Kathy Lambert, Susie Krongoard , Mitch Nutt, John Ownby, Joel Shotwell, Holly Hermanson. Sixth row: Ted Chopman, Robert Snider, Sue Smith, Greg Bacon, Paul Lorentzen, Barry Owens, Danny Russell, Sylvia Kuzmon, Dina Pappas, Matt Foss, Carmen Kerl , Lauro Shavis. 4. In the hide away, Kathy Simmonds, as Anne Frank, is comforted by Kathy Lambert. 5. Lighting the stage involves total concentration from Matt Foss and Jeff Wright . The lighting crew spent many hours trying to adjust all the lighting so it would be perfect.

I 4


Drama, Thespians, Mimes


Anne Frank and Carousel presented The Albemarle Players were the backstage crews for the fall production of Anne Frank and the Spring production of Carousel. They also worked diligently in preparation for their Battle of the Bands. The Thespians were the host troupe for the State Thespian Conference held in September. At this conference Sylvia Kuzman was elected State SecretaryTreasurer. They also ran a Halloween Makeup Workshop and a Children's Theatre Workshop . This year's officers are : Kathy Lambert, President; Joel Shotwell, vice-President; and Sarah Booth, Secretary . The Thespians were sponsored by Ms . Dobbs. The m im es l1eld many workshops around the area . They had a full-length


production in March that proved the abilities of our troupe . Other performances at Fashion Square, Eldercare, McGuffy and the David Wilson Hospital gave our Mimes the attention their talent deserved .


2 1. Kristin Lovelace helps Holly Hermonnson. 2. Drama Club Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Stacey Lovus, Cind y Sawyer, Stacey McCain, Missy Dobbs, V icki Wood, Mike Clarke. Second row: Timmy Johnson, Corey Raines, Amy Nay, Maria Minnex, Paige Pippin, Michael Hosenstob, Matt McGowan, Wayne Scrimshaw. Third row: Shawn McMullen, Alan Leffers, Eozy St. John, Cyndi Theodose, Kim Morley, Yvette Winters, Andy Dixon, Micol Kupke. Fourth row: Denise Hollo, Koren McClure, David Burch, Amy Martin, Tracey Wilkerson, Cyndi Overcash , Kristin Donoto, Merlina Gurley. 3. Thespian Troupe SOO, front row: Marcia Dobbs, Sylvia Kuzmon, Sarah Booth, Kathy Lambert, Joel Shotwell. Second row: Morgan Sherer, Kim Olinger, Jim Hard, Pam Ditchkus, Dina Pappas, Earl Smith, Kristin Lovelace, Holly Hermanson, Lauro Kincaid, Keith Pamplin, Pete Logon. Third row : Julia Stewart, Alison Dwier, Meredith Dixon, Mario Berkeley, Karen Hemmer, Tracey Wilderson, Elizabeth St . John, Kristin Donato. Fourth row: Jeff Burkhart, Lisa Knight, Julio Bazzorre, Lesl ie Crowe, Suzie Krongoard, Robin Short, Lauro Irwin, Cyndi Overcash, Cyndi Theodose, Mical Kupke, Marline Gurley. 4. Cindi Theodose, Suzi Krongoord, Ted Chapman, and Kathy Lambert perform.


Drama, Thespians, Mimes



l . Whitney Perkins and Sherrie lachetta play the handbells. 2. Regional Choir, front row: Karen Hemmer, Cathy St. John, Annette Couch . Second row: Paul Transue, Mitch Nutt, Sherri lachetta, Jim Hard . Third row: Mike Parker, Pam Ditchkus, Barbara Chalfant. Fourth row: Kelvin Reed, Susan Anderson, Mike Lawhorn . Fifth row: Kathy Lambert, Lyle Beasely, Frank Marrapodi, Julia Bazzarre, Donald Teet. 3. Women's Choir, front row: Donna Bott, Sandra Amos, Ruth Swingler, Theresa Plunkett, Cindy Sawyer, Linda Smith, Lisa Lee, April Davis, Shin Su Yu, Cindy Gibson, Dawn lvie, Lisa Delis, Hope Hicks, Marnie Johnson, Julie Abbott, Sarah Avery, Chandra Nutt, Didi Sissons, Tracey Love, Jon Beasley, Kedra Morris, Stefanie Sommers, Ashley Clark, Cath y Dean, Laura Kincad, Katherine Delis. Second row: Lillie Nightingale, Tina Smith, Tina Meeks, Becky Fredrick, Sonjah Heel, Betsy Chalfant, Tracy Salyeas, Bonnie Stokes, Linda Dewey, Julia Roy, Cynthia Cottrel, Michelle Gleason, Whitney Perkins, Kristen Fillmore, Monica Lohin, Shari Berlin, Kim Rogers, Jamie Pentz, Cheryl Edwards, Jackie Morgan. 4. The two choirs sing together.




Choir's repertoire varied The Albemarle High School Choral Department was divided into two groups, the Women's Chorus and the Concert Choir. The Women's Chorus was aimed at increasing general music knowledge and music reading . The repetoire of the Women's chorus ranged from Jazz to classical music . It was a performance oriented class. The Concert Choir was a more competitive chorus. Regional choirs, All-Virginia Choir, and Virginia Honors Choir representatives were selected by auditions from this choir . On December 19, 1980, they traveled to Ceder's Nursing Home, Fashion Square Mall, and Albemarle Square to give concerts . The Concert Choir's repetoire consisted of all types of music from jazz and rock to masses in Latin . In the Spring, the annual Spring Maddness Program was held which included mostly light, jazzy music .

1. The Women's chorus performed Christmas music during a concert for AHS . 2 . The sopranoes and the basses combined their voiced in Christmas cheer. 3. The altoes sing during the choir's Christmas concert. 4 . Honor's Choir, front row: kathy Lambert, Julia Bazzarre. Second row: Mike Lawhorn, Donald Toet. 5 . Concert Choir, front row: Bonnie Williams, Christina Carr, Cath y St. John , Kari Watson, Sara Colley, Missy Dobbs, Gene Johnson, Steve Phillips, Charles Bunn, Steve Gilliam, Karen Hemmer, Maureen McGary, Mary Tuttle, Beth Pinto. Second row: Donna Fletcher, Annette Couch, Susan Dickman, Linda McKeen, Dana Ramse y, Mike Lawhorn, Mitch Nutt, Timoth y Johnson , Earl Wright, Dina Pappas, Kelvin Reed, J.T. Hayes, Matt Foss, Gletsa Feggans, Joannie Aldrich, Elizabeth St. John, Wanda Robinson, Pam Ditchkus, T ani Young. Third row: Sherri lachetta, Mary Reese. Beth Seale, Becky Tirrell, Susie Krongaard ,Kathy Lamberg, Joe Cric kenberger, Joel Shotwell, Pete Logan, Donald Toet, Paul Transue, Scott Lawson, Jim Hard, Mike Parker, Ed Tate, Lyle Beasely, Frank Marrapodi, Julia Bazzarre, Leslie Crowe, Barbara Chalfant, Carol Dunbar, Susan Anderson. 4

5 Choirs


Albemarle bands active The Albemarle Symphonic Bands remained active throughout the year. In addition to the traditional fall, winter, and spring concerts, invitational and competitive performances kept them busy. A selected few participated in the All-Reg iona l and State bands . The Patriot Notations, our stage band, made its usual round of performances . It appeared throughout the city, at conventions and at anniversary celebrations . Albemarle High was the site of a stage band festival that featured bands from around the state .


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1. Laura Kincaid, Eric Von Achen and Albert Steppe practice. 2. Symphonic Ill - Woodwinds, front row: Yvenne King, Caroli ne Kelly, Anne Dinwiddie, Carmel Sweeney, Maria Berkeley, Beckey Reid, Mary Stong , Karen Heintzlemon, T rica McGetrick, Denea Gorman, Melissa Forloines. Second row: Meredith Dixon, Donna Reinhold , Amy Frescoln, Sharon Coleman, Earl Wright, Lise Kupke, Keith Pamplin, Rebecca Rosenblum, Terri Smith, Louise Park, Kristin Lovelace, Sarah Booth, Anne Newlon, Kay Ewoys. Third row: Charles Hood, Kim Ramsey, Donna Fletcher, Julie May, Casey Kerr, John Cargie, Maria Chi vil y, Ann Tesack, Lori Burner, Heidi Holgate, Christina Clark, Kathy Bauer, Paul Charlton, Jesse Rosenblum. Fourth row: Pete Logan, Scott Brewer, Maria Lascano, David Palmer, Angela Townsend , Allan Holmes, Allen Gleitz, Pa ige Grinde, John Cox, Hain Laramore. 3. Symphonic II- Woodwinds, front row: Heather MacDonald, Maria Sweeney, Lisa Von Achen, Jean Gowan, Laura Frame, Lynn Morris, Stephanie Chivil y, Ethel Glasg low, Cheryl Lorentzen . Second row: Pam Partin, Heidi Blackburn, Lau ra Loudermilk, Debbie Higgins, Bal Stupak, Randy Lowe, Eda Elbirlik, Margaret Hunt, Diana Shifflett, Missy Dobbs, Paula Hood, Lann y Moore, Patricia Wetzel, Kim Morley. Third row: Mitch Hall , Tanya Patten, Charlotte Gardner, Maria Delicia, Michelle Brown, Doroth y Chartres, Danna Hackney, Susan Bell, Liz Coates, Andy Dixon, Sandra Monagold, Lila Campbell, Kathy Martin, Diana Cuttitta, Kathy McKinnon . Fourth row: Chris Turner, Matt Pace, Richard Doorman, Jay Mundy, Ricky Graves, Tommy Harris, Rudy Chapman, Glenn Aker, Ford Cook, Lisa Eppard, Leisa Sims, Courtney Roane . 4 . Timmy Johnson, Cheryl Leake, Tonia Bullock, and Terena Walker display the profits of the Fall Band Concert. 5. Rusty Lewis tunes his bass electric guitar as the stage band begins to perform.




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3 1. David Henderson displays his talent an the trumpet by performing his solo in " Tomorrow", while flag corp co-captain Lise Kupke looks on during a marching band rehearsal. The marching band performed at half-time during football games both at Albemarle's games and at colleges in the area . 2. Yvenne King , Jessie Rosenblum, Tom Hunter, Paul Transue, Pete Anderson and Steve Byers were members of t he All-Regional Band . These students gathered with students from different schools to perform in one big band.

3. Symphonic II- Bross & Percussion, front row:




Scott Megahan, Elliot Kelly, George Anas, Althea Baling, Robin Harper, Brian Ritchie. Second row: Mark Thomasson, Robby Tharp, Ja y W ya nt, Steve Wilson, Ken Edward s, Lou Del ic ia, Lance Reynolds, Scott Trice, Jay Hearn s. Third row: Chris Clark, David Graham, David Suryaatmadja, Curt is White , Montie Brya nt, Da vid Murra y. Fourth row: Chris Peterson, Greg Fo ss, Lindsa y W inston . 4. Symphonic Ill- Bross & Percussion, front row: Anne Marie Rabe,Theresa Kost, Greg Godsey, Tom Hunter . Second row: Danny Cla rk, Candy Mason, Steve Manzano, Scott Willoughby, David Henderson, Brett Aker, Scott Jaggers, Greg Bishop, Debbie Cla rk, Vernon Worley, Trey Shelton . Third row: Anthony Scott, Carolyn M itchell, Pete Anderson , Jimmy Walker, Donna Jacobson, Wesley Ed wards, Louis Prosser, Stev e Bye rs . Fourth row: Andrew Valente, Paul Transue, Mark Burnette, Eric Von Achen , Leo Prosser, Edmond Winston , Albert Steppe . Missing: Ma x iane Moody, Dan Litman . 5. Stage Bond, front row: Pete Loga n, Allen Worley, Bobby Jahrsdoerfer, Da vid Wag oner. Second row: M yles Elledge, Pete Anderson, Mike Hall, Tim Beasley, David H enderson, Chris Stark, Scott Jaggers. Third row: Paul Tran sue, Fred Van Hoose, Steve Byers, Rusty Lewis.

5 Bands


1. Lucio de Jesus Cespedes from the Dominican Republic is sponsored by the Spanish Honor Society. 2. These Spanish Club members hove food and drinks at the Christmas party. 3 . At the Latin Banquet, Roxanne Roth is ordered to donee for her master. 4. Lisa Sullivan posses out candy cones to Ursula Collier and Stewart Garner during Latin Club. 5. Latin Club, front row: Steve King, Tracy Driscoll, Koren Warren, Fronk Morropodi, Rhonda Hanger, Susan Gibson, Sherri Robbins, Angelo Gallop, Elaine Tucker, Donna Reinhold, Cathy Brock, Bill Zeh. Second row: Mike Hall, Robbin Gibson, Heather McDonald, Stewart Garner, Paulo Dougherty, Cathy Coin, Sarah Terry, Shelly Null, Kotherin Misker, Kim Jones, Young Mi An, Beth Pinto, Julie Palmer. Third row: Louis Prosser, Julio Haviland, Bruce Springsteen, All ison Von Herbulis, Becky Garl and, Susan Holliday, Kori Westervelt, Renny Megohon, Rob Miller, Scott Megohon, Lisa Sullivan . Fourth row: Annette Norford, Catherina Trice, Ms. Garrett, Don Sobbatt, Scott Garver, Ed Tate, Robin Stone, Allen Worley. Fifth row: Stewart Wright, Kim Buse, Mike Colley, Lucien Lewis, Kevin Howard, David Eckelberger, Kathy Bauer, Amy Frescoln . Missing: Ursula Collier. 6. Spanish Club Juniors and Seniors, front raw: Marianne Murad, Didi Sisson, Corrie Murad, Beth Seale, Renee White, Kim Ramsey, Jean Kilburg, Mario Miller, Ella Benner, Tommy Barnett. Second row: Jane Wood, Carlo Gibson, Koren Lucas, Joanne Horan, Lori Wingfield, Angie Sweeney, Kay Ewoys, Helen Cook, Sro. Nunez. Third raw: Deanna Morris, Debra Fritz, Lauro Rhodes, Tracy Brody, Loni Hozo, Richard Gossweiller, Lisa Noble. Fourth raw: Mason Bryant, Bret Aker, Carlo Celli, Joe David Nelms . 7. Bret Aker tries to break the Spanish pinata while blindfolded . 8. The Spanish Club students ore entertained by Fernando Opere. 9. Ed Tote and Susan Holliday point Da vis Eckelberger' s face at the Latin Banquet while Young Mi An watches.

10. Spanish Club Freshmen and Sophomores, front row: Mrs. Lum, John Shorretts, Mary Lyng, Vol Davis, Brion Dona to, Joe Ramos, Donna Jacobson, Kathy Teotes. Second row: Ms. Nunez, Cathy Calloway, Lourie Campagna, Lisa Londel, Litso Lombrinos, Gabriela Cosero, Theresa Kost, Ellen Shatz, Debra Stephens. Third row: Mrs. Schinosi, Phil Estes, Revo Rush, Juan Oliver, Luc y Akers, Mario Loscono, Patricio McGetrick, Lisa Morris. Fourth row: Becky Peterson, Paulo Inscoe, Maureen Breen, Tracey Rhodes, Julie Murad, Angie Townsend, Kelly Snow, Brooks Robertson, Cliff Hamner. Fifth row: Kathy McKinnon, Helen T uon, Mary Stong, Kelvin Reid, Gletso Feggon s. 11. Spanish Honor Society, front row: Bret Aker, Beth Seale, Kim Ramsey, Sro. Nunez, Richard Stong, Carlo Celli. Second row: Debra Fritz, Renee White, Joe David Nelms, Kay Ewoys, Helen Cook. Third row: Lauro Rhodes, Tracy Brody, Dodee Coble, Tommy Barnett, Loni Hozo, Lisa Noble.


Spanish, Latin Clubs



Spanish, Latin Clubs enjoy socials .. ::;:i<iiiii - . ,.._




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"Eat, drink and be merry" is the motto for the Latin Club and they definitely proved it at the club activities . Under the guidance of Miss Garrett, the club held a Roman Banquet and sold f irst year students to raise money for their convention . These slaves were ordered to fulfill their masters' every wish . At the Latin Convention in Roanoke, the students participated in contests to prove their Latin abilities. The Latin students held a Christmas Party to ring in the holiday season . The Certomen team participated in competition with area schools and won several awards. Spring brought the annual dinner, softball game, and picnic. The Spanish Club enjoys a wide variety of activities during club periods in addition to its other activities. During one club period, Fernando Opere, who sings in local restaurants, came to sing Spanish and Latin-American songs . The club also broke the pinata at its annual Christmas party. Once the final


blow hod fallen, everyone dove for the candy . Besides these activities, the Spanish Club members took a trip to Richmond . They visited a Ballet Folklorico Mexicano and the science museum . They also stopped for lunch at La Siesta, a Mexican restaurant. The Spanish Honor Society was involved in many fund-raising activities. They sent sixteen dollars a month to Lucio de Jesus Cespedes from the Dominican Republic . Lucio is eleven years old and he enjoys playing baseball. The club members raised money, mainly through bake soles . In addition, club members tutored other students who needed help in Spanish .



French, German activities vary The French Club partic ipated in various activities throughout the year . Along. with other clubs, they donated money to the Children's Fund . They organized their annual cheese and cracker party. Their activities were not limited to the French Club members but were extended to the French classes as well. Together they attended a play in Richmond . The French Club officers are: Lisa Pirsch, Pres ident; Anne Dinwiddie, Vice-President; Jim Trefil, Treasurer; and Kris Kost, Secretary . Without the additional income of candy sales, the German Club sought other ways to raise money. The German Club planned bake sales and a car wash . The money went toward a dinner at the Bavarian Chef Restaurant and a club picnic . The officers of the club are: Kim Payne, President; Carol Caldwell , VicePresident; Cheryl Checchi, Treasurer; and Donna Pittman, Secretary. The French Honor Society enjoyed an outing to the Vinegar Hill Theater and dinner at The Muse. The Society sold language stationery with proceeds going to the Santa Fund and the Christian Children's Fund . They sold French and Spanish buttons to fund the two scholarships which are awarded by the Society. Spring plans included a trip to Washington D .C. and helping out with the Special Olympics . 1. Students sample the cheese at the French outing. 2 . German Club, front row: Rebecca Frederick, Colleen Haines, Karen McClure, Jamie Garrison, Stephanie Gadient, Judy Bakel, Deborah Moore, Th omas Thacker, Bradford McCarth y, George Yen, William Vasper . Second row: Lisa Pirsch, Carmen Kerl, Tracy Brady, Kim Payne, Cheryl Checchi, Carol Caldwell, Dona Pittman, Lisa Knight, Da vid Teates, Janice Coles . Third row: Karen Hemmer, Andrea Thoma s, Troy Fisher, Jim Dickman , Paul Lo rentz en, W yatt Owens , Dann y Russell, Greg Bacon , Jamie McClure, Sylvia Kuzman , Sall y Pinto. Fourth row: Sharon Co iner, Donald Toet, Mitch Hall, Keith Pamplin, Chris Williams, John Vermill ion, Alfred Bilezerian, Mark Conner, J.T . Sudderth, Julia May, Mike Nickelsen, Sarah Booth, Mary Loose. 3. These German Club students talk about the upcoming activities. 4. Kim Pa yne reads the minutes at the German club meeting. 5. French Honor Society, front row: Matt Foss, Claire Bruni, Julia Bazzarre, Tamyra Rose, Alison Dwier, Jim Trefil , Laura Johnson, Diana Hamner. Second row: Mrs. Lederman, Debbie Noble, Jessie Rosenblum , Mikkell Jackson, Susan Pirsch, Susan Limber, Kris Kost, Kyusang Lee. Third row: Maria Berkeley, Allen Gleitz, Virginia Harris, Lisa Patterson, Sallie Hunt, Robert Harris, Teri Smith, Meg Adams .


German, French Clubs






1,2. French Club members sample cheeses and sing . 3 . French Club Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Wendy Murphy, Linda Arruda, Elizabeth Hunt, Louise Pork, Edo Elbirlik, Dorothy Chartres, Sonja Hoel, Karen Heintzleman, Rebecca Rosenblum, Nancy Edwards, Lindo Hamm. Second row: Michelle -Gilka,Caroline Cosby, Todd Runkle, Sarah Drash, Chrissy Bird, Susan Bauer, Katrina Kretsinger, Kirsten Kesler, Andrea DeBerry. Third row: Lisa Hooper, Tanya Patten, V ol Stu pak, Heidi Blackburn, H yon Yu, Laurie Johnson, Ashley Clark, Noah Wood , Elizabetth Kirkland , Sand Amos . Fourth row: Dana Lewis, Ama y Basel y, Ashley Clark, Chris Nelson, Will iam Stewart, M issy M iller, Brian Kennon , Kim Evans . 4. French Club Seniors and Juniors, front row: Mrs. Lederman, Linda Wilson, Cindy Maupin, Julia Stewart, Julia Bazzarre, Ann e-Marie Robe , Lisa Pirsch, Susan Limber. Second row: Eleni Coukos, Debbie Noble, Jessie Rosenblum, Elaine Tucker, Angela Gal lup, Charles Hood, Caroline Kelly, Kristine Kost, Jim Trefil. Third row: Teri Smith, Lisa Pa t terson, Mikkell Jackson, Jennifer Bauerle, Anne Dinwiddie. Fourth row: Alan Gleitz, V irginia Harris, Courtney Roane, Meg Harper, Tamyra Rose, Rodney Knight, Lorie Jones, Germaine Ghazorian . Fifth row: Bill Devan, Tammy Hunter, Sal Hunt, Greg Godsey, Robert Harris, Joyce Maher, M ichael Milgram.

French Club


Skills developed The Chess Club, sponsored by Mr. Macdonald, enabled its members to test their skills at chess . During club period, they had the opportunity to play chess. The club also helped the Hunger Project by donating money . Members of Dungeons and Dragons, sponsored by Mr. Monahan, engaged in the game during club period . It is played by two groups of people . One group tries to escape by means of patterns while the other draws patterns to capture them . The Art Club offers a chance to express unique interests. Its members kept busy with activities from painting to basketweaving. Their high quality work was displayed in the Media Center.



190 Chess, Dungeons and Dragons, Art Clubs

Special friends share concerns 11

••• Shield the children from my weaknesses Protect them against my attempts to round them off or square them away ... Let me understand them when they are bearing burdens they cannot share with me nor let me help carry ... Let them be brave and safe but if they cannot be both let them be brave ... Let me share their tiny tragedies and terrible heartaches, their soaring delights and silent revelations if they want me to and as they want me to . . . I I


The Advocate Club was not simply a club that planned parties, but it was a tight ring of special friends. In addition to an activity each month, club members spent much time with their proteges taking them to lunch or even to a movie. The club, with great help from Mrs . Keyser and Mrs . Ruth, will always remain a very unique group of people who care . 1. Gosto Heimer and Kyusong Lee enjoy a game of chess as Matt Thorup watches. 2. Art Club, front row: Koro Gloeckner, Paul Lorentzen, Kathy Mohnkeen, Julie Thacker. Second row: Sora Collie, Charles Brassfield, Mike Brassfield, Katrina Kretsinger, Cathy Brock, Lisa Samuels, Koren Riddle. Third row: Alonzo Johnson, Allan Holmes, Colter Knight. Fourth row: Dennis Steljes, W yatt Owens, Rodney Knight . 3 . Dungeons and Dragons Club, front row: Mike Terry, Chris Turner, Bobby Corey, Sonjit Pas, Seth Allen , Mark Thomasson, Greg Ivie. Second row: Jim Berfold, Da vid Hubbard, Peter Barrett, Steve Thorp, Ben Fordham, Mr. Monahan. Third row: Carl Mathews, Fred VanHoose, Stefan Trefil, Mike Gill, Mark Norford, Justin Thompson . 4. Chess Club, front row: Rich Gossweiler, Lin Steward, Kyusong Lee, Andy Corey. Second row: Peter Anderson, Tim McEldowney, Anno Kretsinger, Vernon Worley, Paul Charlton . Third row: Kirk Jansen, Jimmy Bishop, Mr . Macdonald, Jimm y Satire, Barry O' Neill, Mike Love, Matt Thorup. 5. Dressed for the occasion, Martha Jackson and Rodney Knight attend the Advocate Halloween party. 6. Alan Holmes and Dennis Steljes ore busy working on their art projects. It tokes a lot of concentration to produce good work. 7. The Advocate Halloween party is enjoyed by all who attend . 8. Advocate Club, front row: Sora Chandler, Shirley Amos Chrystal Turner, Pam Lomb, Jimmy Shinoberry, Angie Ordel, Martha Jackson, Jimmy Haverkamp, Steve M yles . Second row: Caroline Cosby, Lindo Louffenburger, Anne Boker, Tomaro Kirby, Angelo Lucas, Angelo Gallup, Candy Mason, Annette Couch, Mrs. Covington, Mrs . Shorkey. Third row: Jim Hearn, Keith Smith, Lauro Erkenbrock, Lisa Lande!, Terry Higgins, Lauro Johnson, Ms. Keyser. Fourth row: Koren Murray, Scott Scrimshaw, Mournie Johnson, Rodney Knight, Lisa Delis, Heidi Holgate, Stoci Shafer. 9 . Jimmy Bishop and Andy Cory, ponder their next moves. 10. Denise Bates works on her cloy dish .

9 6 Advocate Club



1. GAA, Front row : Carmen Kerl , Chr istine Gardner. Second row: Tracy Mays, Kim Dudley, Meg Adams . 2 . GAA members surround their opponent. 3 . Anthony Christmas enjoys his D.J. job. 4. Radio Club: Mike T rybula, Hank Martin, Mrs. McDonald, Susan Bell, Lauro Rhodes, Angela Gallup , Michelle Prosser. 5 . Fellowship of Christian Athletes, front row: Mr. Jo hnson , Melinda Storgell, Kerri Borchardt, David Comey, Bobby Brown. Second row: Jeff Walker, Deborah Roberts, Joe Morris, Warren Po lson, Bob Ma ine, Ken Guthrie. Third row: Andy Heintzlemon, Jimmy Johnson , Kevin Howard, Myles Elledge, Bobby Jahrsdoerfer. Fourth row: Paul Bull, Jack Ma sloff, Cyndi Chrystal, Andrew Davison. Fifth row: Greg Porter, Wall y Parks, Brett Schnell, Dan Sabbott, Jim Masloff. 6. Wendel l Carr makes announcements. 7. Carrie Taylor and Mary Scott work on a project. 8 . Christian Fellowship Club, front row: Christine Gardner, Liz Coates, Jerry Moore, Bruce Scott, Greg Bishop. Second row: T ricia Falls, Li sa Milhoan, Annie Bryant, Paige Bryant, Joan Kemp . 9. Members of the GAA are active in sports. 10. Kristen Gardner, Jerry Moore, and Bruce Scott enjoy refreshments .


GAA, FCA, Christian Fellowship, Radio Clubs

Radio show presented monthly zx , a


A new club this year was the Radio club . Students wrote and presented a monthly show entitled " In Touch". The club members met once a week, wrote their scripts, went to WINA to record , where they also learned how to operate broadcasting equipment, and mode the morning announcements . The club sponsor was Mrs . McDonald, a new English teacher. Mrs . McDonald got her expertise from her husband, a radio announcer at WINA. The Christian Fellowship Club, sponsored by Mrs . Yongue, was one of two religious clubs at school. They gave food baskets to two needy families at Christmas, sent Christmas cords to faculty members and special education students, and listened to a guest speaker - Betty Bradly, a missionary from Spain . The other religious club was the Fellowship of Christian Athletes . It was designed to promote Christian Fellowship, not only for athletes but for anyone who wonted to join . Some of the club's activit ies th is post year hove been bake sales at football games to benefit the Carl Steppe fund, a trip to U.Vo . to visit w ith FCA members there, guest speakers from U .Va., and films about famous athletes who were also Christians. Outside of school club meetings, the club met at members' homes once a week to hold discussions and Bible studies . The sponsor of the club was Mr . Lorry Johnson . The Girls' Athletic Association was a club that supported girls' sports. More girls ore becoming involved in athletics and girls' sports ore becom ing as important and as popular as boys' sports . The club hopes that their efforts hove improved the standing of girls' sports within the school.


GAA, FCA, Christian Fellowship, Radio Clubs


1. This photography club member practices focusing with his camera . 2. Derrick Harris and Paul Lorentzen tune up their instruments. 3. The Riding Club plans for their next outing. 4 . Lori Bevilacque and Kenneth Billups ore ready to ride . 5. Weight Lifting Club, front row: Mike Curry, Scott Fox, John Nowell, Maurice Storks, Roland Poindexter, Arthur Stewart. Second row: Marty Riddle, Willie Martin , Scott Laurence, John McGetrick, Tim Ward , Joe David Nelms. Third row: Scott Hiller, John Rogan, David Murra y, Keith Herring, Craig Shifflett, John Banton . 6. Riding Club, front row: Kelly Mowbray, Gloria Hoke, Lynnley Johnson, Lisa VonAchen , Tracy Sa lyers, Tammy Malory, Donna Batt, Wanda Thornhill, Jane Harris. Second row: Karen Hemmer, Mary Cockerille, Carmel Sweeney, Tone Morris, Julie Hoel, Lynne Beegle, Dorinda Wilson , Lisa Pierce, Elizabeth Doyle, Edith Morris, Libby Moore. Third ro'(f: Ms. Wells, Pam Porhn, Ethel Glasgow, Anna Logan, Leise Sims, Courtney Roane, Beth Johnson, Lisa Hoel, Mary O ' Neil, Kim Moore. Fourth row: Madeline Patterson, Lori Burner, Lori Bevilacqua, Kenneth Billups, Rhonda Rhodes, Annette Page, Dee Strickel, Jeannie Boatwright, Melinda Compston, Beth Boatwright, Jill Anthony, David Parrish, Kathy Bauer. 7. Ricky Brubaker looks on as a club member performs on an electric guita r. 8. The students in the Weight Lifting Club try to increase their strength and endurance. 9. Photography Club, front row: Belinda Smith, Kath y Rush, Penny Ward, Sandra Magruder. Second row: Joyce Wells, Brenda Cowgill, Thayer Reback, Felicia Johnson, Jamie Reo . Third row: John Gaertner, Felicia Cooper, Jerry Stephens, Charles Bunn, Diane Artale. Fourth row: Ma xiane Moody, Mr. Cunningham, Frandell Gordner, Jeff Wright, David Murray, Hain Laramore, Mr. Schultz. 10. Guitar Club, front row: Paul Lorentzen, Angie Kelley, Annette Morgan, Todd Roberts, Derrick Harris. Second row: Brady Scherer, Wyatt Owens, Kevin Shifflett, Mark Harrison, Patrick Bird . Third row: Scott Roberts, Rusty Lewis, Bill Tilk, Winston Edmonds, Howard Lenn . Fourth row: Jimmy Gloeckner, Doug Fitzgerald, More Linkous, Carlo Celli.



Guitar, Photography, Riding , Weight Lifting Clubs


Club members improve skills Photograms, animation and other such endeavors broadened the horizons of the members of the Photography Club. Advised by Mr. Cunn ingham and Mr. Schultz, club members gained insight into printing and developing in the darkroom by learning to use bas ic equipment. They also were introduced to fundamental techniques of filmmaking . The Weight Lifting Club, sponsored by Coach Dan Ward, participated in the National Strength Coaches Conference at the University of Virginia . Strength coaches from various colleges including the National Champion, Bi ll Kazmier, demonst rated techniques of weight lifting. In addition to the wrist wrestling competition, the club sponsored a bench press and squat championship . The club is planning to buy more equipment for the weight room . The Riding Club, sponsored by M iss Wells , rode after school at Foxfield Stables and met over Christmas break. The club participated in horse shows and held a Spring Show of their own . Mr. Foutz was a new sponsor for the Gu itar Club. Members demonstrated their talents and learned various songs . 5



The Ski Club sponsored a blood bank in February, took a ski trip to Seven Springs, Po . in January, and took weeknight ski trips to Wintergreen, Va. During club period, the Ski Club had a representative from Sportin' Life come to talk to them, and they saw ski films . The Lacrosse Club was the largest club at AHS with about 150 members. To raise money, the club held a car wash and sold cups . They donated to the Hunger Awareness Project, and the remainder of the money was used for club activities. The Racquetball Club was a fairly small club with about 20 members . The members played racquetball during club period. 1. Katrina Kretsinger and Dawn Johaunessen get ready to go cross-country skiing. 2. Lacrosse Club Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Glen Wayland, Glenn Bowman, Richard Brubaker, Kedra Morris, Jan Beasley, Tim Lumsden, Todd Hawkins, Fritz Flynn . Second row: Matt Sissons, Chris Smith, Kim Lee, Bonnie Coleman, Stephanie Giannini, Kathy Vidunas, Lisa Runkle, Mary Maslyk, Suzi Chrystal , Collate Smith , Tony Browning . Third row: Tamie Spradlin, Sarah Avery, Tracey Love, Laura Erkenbrack, Calvert Herrmann, Maria Sweeney, Sonya Roberts, Elizabeth Richardson, Terry Anderson. Fourth row: Monica Loftin, Katie Granger, Kris Pollard, Carol Caldwell, Kim Rogers, Ricky Groves, Chris Clarke, Paul Dalrymple, Kirk Eades. 3 . Lacrosse Club Seniors and Juniors, front row: David Wagoner, Sean Flynn, Jeff Russell, Tim Corrigan, Greg Warner, Barry Owens, Greg Bacon, Bobby Harold . Second row: Thomas. Crutchfield, Deedee Helfenstein, Dana Hobson, Lisa Sissons, Cindy Anderson , Amy Pennington, Kakie Wilson, Cindy Perry, Scott Brewer, Marty Brown . Third row: Blaine Zimmerman, Doug Hogg, India Dixon, Kathi Mahnken, Julie Thacker, Aliso Lukes, Mary Wingate, Am y Brown . Fourth row: Tim Mullin, Chip Kirtley, Ed Bowman, Joe V idunos, Hugh Ewing, Paul Avery, Jean Kilburg, Melanie Johnson, Germaine Ghazarian . Fifth row: Kim Buse, Mikkell Jackson, Beth Huffman, Lynne Shifflett, Melody Verts, Kim Dudley, Meg Adams, Kim Clatterbuck, Toni Kirby, Melike Dag li, David Croogun . Sixth row: Donnie Bickley, Carrie Thurneck, Roxanne Roth , Lynn Runkle, Kim Porter, Tracey Mays, Jane Harris, Jamie McClure, Sylvia Kuzman, Daryl Law. Seventh row: Terry Gentry, David Shipp, Carven Flynn, Tobin McCauley, Lindsay Reynolds, Marc Linkous, Mike Kelly, Joe Sweeney, Donny Russell, James Lumsden . 4. Ski Club Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Gail Tailor, Faith McDaniel, Amy Fitgerzald, Pot Craver, Ellen Cratfield, Dana Somers, Howard Huffman . Second row: Bonnie Coleman, Denea Gorman, Jill Daniels, Tracy McCauley, Suzan Wood , Yanda Crickenberger, Susan Edmondson, Maureen Breen, Paula Inscoe. Third row: Joanna Bledsoe, Tracy Hakala, Becky Reid, Molly Schweinefuss, Margaret Maxwell , Pam Mandell , Sherri Woodson, John Sharretts . Fourth row: Melanie Godsey, John Wanebo, Chandra Nutt, Paige Grinde, Mike Ziock, Melanie Brown, Hope Hicks. Fifth row: Kim Rogers, Carol Caldwell, Laura Erkenbrack, Tarig Steinberg, Zack Goodell, Alan Goodwin, Eddie Bailey, Paul Given . Sixth row: Eazy St. John, Suzi Chrystal, Jennifer Gannon, Reeva Spradlin, Stacey Clark, Tore Steinberg, Richard Brubaker, Lance Reynolds, Jon Goodman . Seventh row: Mike Wanebo, Tim Kauffman , George Anas, Dona Pittman, Susan Lewis, Fawn McAllister, Martha Coates, Chris Kirchenheiter. 196

Ski, Lacrosse, Racquetball Clubs

1. Alan, E.J. , Mike, and Daryl play lacrosse. 2 . Ski Club Seniors and Juniors, front raw: Mrs. Massey, Mike Lewis, Terry Gentry, Dana Hobson, Mary Pollard, Tana Morris, Julie Heel, Ann Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Christie McVie, Steve Nicks. Second row: Jeanie Aldrich, Steve Shriner, Jo Staples, Doug McGowan, Sherry Rimmer, Joe David Nelms, David Cragun, M ike Clatterbuck, Julia Haviland , Becky Tirrell, Julie Thacker, Kathi Mahnken . Third Row: Matt Ericson, Marc Linkous, Tobin McCauley, Jamie McClure, M ike Kelly, Greg Bacon, Rhonda Hanger, Dodee Coble, Tim Corrigan, Suzie Krongaard , T ricia Thraves, Melanie Johnson . Fourth row: Mr. Kitterman, Danny Russell , Ken Neather, Suzi Kirchenheiter, Toni Kirby, Carmen Kerl. Fifth row: Mark Doyle, Kevin Wood, Tony Loyd, John Lowry, Julius Riddervold, Ari Kelarakis, T a myra Rose . Sixth row: Barry Clark, Lisa Mennerich, Jeff Taylor, Kelvin McDaniel, Paul Lorentzen, Carven Flynn, Wyatt Owens, Rodney Kn ight. 3. Racquetball Club, front raw: Tom Frit z, Andrew Valente, Stephen Manzano, Garrett Roy, Butch King . Second raw: Wilbert Brassfield, Susan Anderson, Eric Johnson, Troy Lynch, Jamie Pentz, Lydie Stiltner. Third raw: Donavan Bates, Glen Ramirez, Cathy Cain, Paula Daugherty, Gary Jones. Fourth row: Mr. Garnett, Bob Willoughby, Tricia Mendelis, Cyndi Mason, Felice Moody. 4. Dawn Johaunessen takes a spill skiing .


4 Ski, Lacrosse, Racquetball Clubs


1. Carven Flynn flashes his sexy legs on RoleReversal day. 2. These couples relax to o slow donee at Homecoming . 3. SCA Seniors ond Juniors, front row: Donna French, Don Litman, Jamie McClure, Sylvia Kuzmon, Kathy Simmonds, Stephanie Davis, Kay Ewoys, Julie Hoel, Greg Worner, Tomyro Rose. Second row: Tracy Brody, Koro Gloeckner, Tracy Mays, Jane Harris, Joonie Aldrich, Suzie Krongoord , Kothi Mahnken, Koren Warren, Sue Smith, Rodney Knight, Ari Kelorokis. Third row: Reg Harris, Jim Trefil , Mike Kell y, Matt Erickson, Mary Ellen Mullin , Cindy Anderson , Amy Brown, Bobby Johrsdoerfer. Fourth row: Frondell Gordner, John Lowry, Hoin Laramore, Tree Holmes, Wendell Carr, Roland Poindexter, Brett Schnell, Kathy Steljes, Mikkell Jackson . Fifth row: Paul Williams, Kim Witcher, Donn y Russell , Angie Kelly, Jeff Ta ylor, Jeff Lomb. 4. Ms. Garrett, Scott Garver, and Ursula Collier count the money the Latin club raised to help sponsor a child in Thailand. The SCA led the project. 5. The SCA sponsored Suriyun Wichndee, on underprivileged child in Thailand . 6. Becky Ti rrell tells Santo Clouse (Bobby Johrsdoerfer) what she wonts most for Christmas this yea r. 7. SCA Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Lydia Stiltner, Amy Nay, Lourie Jones, Mary Moslyk, Suzi Chrystal, Eozy St. John. Second row: Jon Goodman, Reeve Spradlin, Kim Rogers, Carolyn Mitchell, Kernovio Jackson, David Palmer. Third row: Lindo Homm, Michelle Jackson, Kathy Vid unos, Tracey Love. 8. SCA Officers, front row: Kathy Steljes, Mikkell Jockson, Kathy Simmonds, Angie Kelly. Second row: Ms. Sivert, Kernovio Jackson, Kim Witcher, T omie Spradlin, Mr. Moot. Third row: Patrick DepretGuilloume, Da vid Jones, Kim Rogers. 9 . Albemarle students put their strength together in the Homecoming tug-a-war contest.

5 198


SCA activities varied




This was another exciting year for the SCA. _ I t began with activities such as the annual Spirit Week, the tug-o-war with CHS, Homecoming, Hunger Project, Christmas door decorating, the new Christmas Spirit Week, Valentine's Day Thing, and the blood bank. The SCA officers and Senators met daily during 5th period, with monthly meetings for homeroom representatives . During these meetings they discussed many activities and serious tasks such as the organization of the School Policy Committee, which was involved with school appearance, Senior privileges, exam exemptions, and Senior skip day. The SCA is sponsored by Ms . Sivert and Mr. Moot. The SCA's greatest achievement this year was the sponsoring of Suriyun Wichadee, an underprivileged child living in Thailand . Suriyun, age twelve, lacks good food, clothes, medical care and educational expenses, but with the SCA's help these needs will be met. Donations of money came from many clubs.





l . Ben F. Hurt 2. 3. 4. 5.

Principal; Hampden-Sydney College, B.A .; University of Virginia, M .Ed. Sandra Wingate Attendance Clerk; Miami Dade Junior College Erika M. Mednikov Bookkeeper Rebecca Robin Jones Administrative Intern; Mary Washington College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. Z.H . Murray Office Worker; Jefferson School of Commerce Extension Division

5 202



Revised handbook clarifies regulations This year being no exception, Albemarle's administration continued to supervise and discipline A.H.S . students both for their own good and for the good of other students and teachers. Working together as a team, Mr. Hurt, Mr. Titus, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Sessoms kept a constant eye on things at school and made sure that all rules and regulations were enforced by teachers. The student handbook was revised and presented to students in a different format this year. The handbook included such new provisions as six minutes between classes - instead of the previous five - and no food consumption was allowed outside the cafeteria. We also added two new staff members. Ms. Becky Jones served as the new Administrative intern through December 19. Mrs. Erika Mednikov became the bookkeeper.


J 2


~ 4 1. John Anderson Assistant Principal; Virginia State College, B.A ., M .S. 2. Janet R. Tuttle Computer Secretory; Baltimore Business College, Sr. Sec. Diploma 3. John C. Sessoms Assistant Principal; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. B.A.; University of Virginia,

M.Ed. 4. John B. Titus Assistant Principal; University of Virginia,

B.A., M.Ed. 5

5. Helen M . Brite Assistant Office Assistant


5 Administration


Counselors guide students When a student first enters high school at Albemarle, he or she meets an individual with whom he will be dealing throughout his four year high school career. This individual is his counselor. The Albemarle guidance counselors make every effort to get to know and advise each of their students in every way possible. Our counselors continue to do an excellent job in aiding seniors with college requirements and deadlines, administering tests, mainly to juniors, and selecting course levels for sophomores and freshmen . They also sponsor College Night for all interested students and provide information about career opportunities . The department can be also commended for its l 00% continuity in returning counselors this year. Albemarle is proud to have such a helpful and dedicated guidance department.

J 1. Marion Elizabeth Wells Guidance Counselor; Mary Baldwin College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. ; Riding Club 2. Darla Cherie Ellis Guidance Counselor; Immaculate College; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed ., Ed .S. 3. Virginia R. Dofflemyer Guidance Director; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M .Ed. 4. Michael Ely Guidance Counselor; Bridgewater College; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Virginia State University, M .Ed.; Girls' Basketball 5. Andrew C. Elgart COPE; West Chester State College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M .Ed .

5 204





2. 3. 4. 5.

Daniel John Manahan Guidance Counselor; St. Francis College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M .Ed ., Ed .S. ; Cross Country, Dungeons and Dragons Club Yvonne J. Brown Guidance Counselor; V irginia State College, B.A., M .Ed. Ruth Johnson Guidance Clerk Theresa M. Jones Guidance Secretary . Patricia M. Stark, R.N. School Nurse; Pfeiffer College; Charlotte Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; Bloodmobile Frank C. McCurdy Guidance Counselor; Case Western Reserve University, B.A.; Miami University, M.Ed .; Football, Junior Class

4 Guidance



1. Virginia L. Fulcher Algebra II, Geometry; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; National Honor Society 2. James F. Douglas Algebra I, II, Math 9; University of Richmond, University of Virginia, B.S.Ed ., M .Ed . 3. Bessie P. Birckhead Algebra I; Mary Washington College, B.S. 4. Richard H . Ergler Calculus, Algebra II; St. Vincent College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A. ; Ecology Club 5. Stephen Patterson Ganong Math 9, 10 Algebra II ; Florida Southern College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M .A.T. 6. Louella Jane Crane Math 9, Pre-Algebra; College of Will iam and Mary, B.A. ; Girls' Indoor and Outdoor Track

5 206



Math prepares students for future

Although math was not a particular favorite of many students, others ventured beyond the one necessary credit and took advanced mathematics courses. Everything from Algebra I to Calculus was offered, and those participating in these classes found that math class wasn't an extra chance to catch up on lost sleep, but actually a worthwhile field. The use of calculators and computers in these classes disputed this argument of many students, "I don't need MathI'll never use it in life," by showing the applied use of many previously developed concepts and theories .







1. Courtenay Turner Stanley Moth Analysis; College of William and Mary, A.B .; University of Virginia, M .Ed.; Peer 2. Deborah Lynn Raymond Moth Compentencies Resources 9, 10; West Virginia University, B.S. 3. Robert C. MacDonald Algebra Ill, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry; George Washington University, A.B .; Idaho State University, M .Ed.; Chess Club, Senior' Closs 4. Lorry Alan Johnson Geometry, Algebra II; North Carolina State University, B.S.; FCA 5. Clorece Holland Edson Algebra I, Pre-Algebra; Longwood College, B.A. ; Freshman Closs 6. Jeanne Thomas Shifflett Algebra I, Moth 9; Mercer University, B.A. 7. Marion Borton Elliott Geometry, Moth 9; University of South Carolina, B.S.



Science involves participation The science department is one which at Albemarle, offers a wide range of study, and also the chance for extensive class participation . The Biology classes enable a student to discover the life around him both through text study and through the use of microscopes and dissection . Students of Chemistry found labs both interesting and fun since they were able to observe many chemical reactions taking place and were then able to explain the processes using formulas and theories . For those interested in certain fields, advanced classes were also offered in order to develop the students' knowledge for future in-depth study or simply for the practical use of concepts .

1. William M. Carley Earth Science; Virginia Tech, B.S .; Michigan State University 2. Marvin T. Curry Chemistry I, II; Florida State University, B.S .; University of Virginia, M.Ed . 3. Margaret P. Fowler Biology I; Madison College, B.S.; William and Mary; University of Virginia, M .Ed. 4. Beverly Singler Otis Biology I, Ecology; Madison College, B.S.

4 208



4 1. Martha Ann Johnson Colombini General Developmental Math I, II , Chemistry; Florida State University, B.S., B.A.; University af Virginia, M.S. 2. Samuel Westley Terry Biology I; University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, B.S.; Girls' Tennis 3 . David W. Cunningham PSSC Physics; Concord College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M .S., M.Ed .; Photography Club 4 . William Remsen Scliultz Earth Science; University of Virginia, B.A., M.S.; Ph0tography Club 5 . Kathleen Flynn Earth Science, A.P. Biology; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 4





• ""'


1. Gail E. Wosulko French, I, II; St. Francis College, B.A. ; University of Virginia; Junior Closs 2. Grocielo Lum Spanish I, II ; Wayne State University, B.A. ; University of Virginia , M .A. ; Spanish Club 3. Mary Antil Lederman French 3/4, IV, V; University of Syracuse, A.B .; University of V irginia, M.Ed .; French Club, French Honor Society 4. Carol E. Garrett Latin I, II , Ill ; Randolph Macon Women's College, A.B .; Latin Club, Certomen Team

21 0

Foreign Language



Languages broaden knowledge


The foreign language department at Albemarle offered a wide range of curriculum including classes in Spanish, French, Latin, and German. In these classes, students were able to broaden their knowledge to include not only that of a foreign language, but also the related culture. Through this process, students also learned more about their own language- its structure and its origin. Through the use of the clubs, which corresponded to each language, foreign speaking members were able to engage in many worthwhile and enjoyable activities. These included field trips, guest speakers, plays, and an Olympic Sports Day in which the competing teams were the different languages. Students participating in the foreign language program at Albemarle found learning both informative and enjoyable.




Bonnie Schinosi Spanish I, II; Bowling Green State University, B.S., M.A.; Spanish Club 2. Janet Blume Shiflett French I, Ill; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed.; French Club 3. lsolina G. Nunez Spanish Ill, IV, V; Universidad Pedagogica De Colombia, B.A .; University of Virginia, M .A.T. ; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society 4. Eugene Edward Norton German I, II, Ill; Spring Hill College, B.A.; German Club

Foreign Language




1. Verona Leake Franklin English 10; Longwood College, B.A. 2. Bernhard Zdravko Steinbach English 9; University of Virginia, B.S.; Freshman Class 3. Peggy Finley English 10, Latin I, Tift College, B.A., Universit y of Florida, M .Ed.; Sophomore Class 4. John Vincent Kitterman English 12; University of Virg inia, B.A. , M .A. , M .Ed.; Ski Club, Prism 5. Alice Mcleod Bibb English 9; Madison College, B.A.





Creativity and verbal skills are stressed Even though English is a required subject at Albemarle, the faculty makes it enjoyable. Some of the junior classes travelled to the University to see the play, "Long Day's Journey into Night."


Other classes were video-taped to be


shown at teacher inservices. All classes were asked to help with the Harlequin by submitting creative writings . Most teachers then selected six works from their classes to be published in the literary magazine. In spite of all the excitement, the students still had to learn grammar, read novels, write papers, and take tests. Verbal skills were stressed for competency tests and SAT s.

1. Carol Jean Ogburn English 11 ; University of North Carolina, B.A., M.Ed .; Harlequin 2. Marianne T udor-EIIiott English 11, 12; Carson-Newman College, B.A.; Un iversity of Virginia, M.Ed ., Advanced Graduate Study Diploma 3. Timothy C. MacDonald English 12, Debate; Modesto Jr. College, A.A.; University of California at Santo Cruz, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A., M.Ed.; Debate Club 4. Peggy A. Vaughan Engl ish 9, 12; Radford College, B.A.; University of Tennessee, M.A. 5 . Bettye Roberts White Reading 10, 11; Tennessee State University, B.S.; Howard Un iversity, M.Ed .



5 English





1. Lelia Baxter Allison Pitts English 10; Longwood College, B.S. 2. Marion Rabinowitz English 10, 11; Connecticut College, A.B .; Columbia University, University of Maryland; University of Virginia, M .Ed . 3. Sue D. Critzer English 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A. ; Peer 4. James Harrison Buck, Jr. English 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A. ; Freshman Closs 5. Mary Robeson Hunter English 12; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, B.A. ; Universi t y of Virginia ; Harlequin


a 4






2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Marilyn J. Fantino English 11; Emory and Henry College, B.A. ; Graduation Mallory Siegel Loehr English/Reading 9; Hollins College, A.B .; Syracuse University, M .S. Z. James Estes, Jr. English 12; University of Virginia, B.S., M .A. Elizabeth L. Henderson-Williams English as a Second Language; University of Virginia, B.S.Ed. Eve Lynne Burr English 11; Montclair State College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M .A. ; Prism Frances McDonald English 11 ; Northwest Missouri State University, B.S.; Radio Club, Junior Class

5 English



1. Thomas Gentry Bentson, Jr. U.S. History, A.P. History; Kenyon College, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed., Ed .D. 2. R. Stephen Foutz Psychology; Troy State University B.S.; University of Alabama, J.D.; Guitar Club, Junior Closs 3. Ellen Vosvory World History; Radford College, B.S. 4. Carolyn H. Sounders U.S. History; Radford College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A. 5. Johanna Ackert World Geography; Radford College, B.S.; Pennsylvania State University, M.Ed . 4


Social Studies


Variety of courses offered by Social Studies The Social Studies Department covers a large variety of courses from history and geography to government, practical law, and psychology. It provides for a great deal of student involvement with acitivites ranging from mock trials and elections to participation at local political headquarters . Students therefore can learn their material and enjoy new experiences at the same time.


4 Elna H . Yongue Sociology, Government; Midwestern State University, B.A.; Universite de Rennes, B.A.; University of Virg inia, M.Ed; Seniar Class, Christian Fellowship Club Douglas J. Selden U .S. Government; Norwich University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M .A.T .; Football, Baseball Robert Clinton Moot, Jr. Government, Practical Law; University of Virginia, B.S., M .Ed .; SCA Stephanie Sivert U .S. Government; Longwood College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M .Ed.; SCA Brian J. Grainer World Geography; James Madison University, B.A. ; Lacrosse, Football, Lacrosse Club


5 Social Studies


Social Studies



1. Mary Jo Gies World History, U .S. H istory; Penn sy lvania State University, B.A. ; St. Bonaventure Uni versity, M .S. 2. Gary Michael Hollins World History; University of V irginia, B.S . Ed .; Freshman Class 3. Ann Marie H . Plunkett World H istory; Brown Un iversity, A.B .; Un iversit y of Virgin ia, M .A. 4. Cynthia Marie Smith U .S. Government; Ba y lor University, B.A .; Uni versity af V irg inia, M .Ed .; Teen Democrats, Senior Class 5. Nancy Carolyn Grim U .S. History; Longwood College, B.A. ; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , M.A.


Social Studies

Business Classes Busy More sounds of activity come out of the business classrooms than from the main office. As you walk past the business classes, you will hear the roar of many typewriters . Every so often, you can hear an expletive as a student makes an error on a timed writing test. These classes provide courses in Typing, Clerical Typing , Shorthand, Accounting, and General Business . Most students take typing to prepare themselves for college. Advanced classes, such as Stenography II, are offered for the student who prefers secin the world of business

1. Reba Sandell Stenography II, Clerk T yping II , COE Coordinator; James Madison University, B.S.; University, M .Ed .; FBLA 2. Nino H . Thacker Clerk-Typist I, Typewriting II , Stenography I; Memphis State, B.S. ; FBLA 3 . Deborah E. Cooper General Business, T yping; State University of New York at Albany, B.S.; FBLA, Junior Closs 4. Margaret W. Burruss Clerical Accounting II , Typing I; Mary Washington College, B.S. 5. Brenda J. Groves Business Education; Longwood College, B.S.; James Madison University, M.Ed. ; FBLA 6. Jennette S. Hunt Typing I; Kearney Nebraska State Teachers' College, B.A.




• liii!


1. Jane Gallant Librarian; Macalester College, B.S.; University of South Florida, M .A. 2. Barbara J. Poindexter Art I; Virginia State University, B.S. 3. E. Marcia Dobbs English 10, Drama I, II; Drake University, B.F.A.; University of Virginia; Forensics, Thespian Troupe 500, Albemarle Players, Mimes Bigger Than Yours Ensemble 4. Susan Carter Etheridge Librarian; Wake Forest University, B.A. 5. V irginia Adams Crafts I, II; Beaver College, B.A.; Auburn University, B.A.

5 220

Fine Arts


Students develop artistic talents "'

Students involved in the classes and activities of the Fine Arts department at Albemarle are very lucky. They are given the chance to develop their skills in art, music, or drama in an atmosphere in which both individual talents and group efforts are emphasized . The teachers in this department stress individual dilligence and effort among the students and then unify them into a successful band, choir, mime troupe, . or gather together their works and form a successful art show. Without the guidance and efforts of the department's faculty, the students would lack the desire to achieve their artistic goals.



2. 3.

4. 5.



David A. Blanchard Vocal Music, Music Theory, Music Apprecia t ion; Westm inister Choir College, B.M., B.M .Ed . Waldo E. Johnson Art II, Ill, IV; Rutgers University; Catholic University, B.F.A. ; Art Club, Permanent Collection Elmer Franklin Sampson Symphonic Band II, Ill, Stage Band; James Milliken University; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.M .E.; Marching Band, Flag and Rifle Corps Sue C. Keyser Media Center; Marshall University, B.A. ; Univers ity of Virginia; James Madison University Janna 0 . Lindgren A-V Coordinator; Hemline University, B.A. ; Shippensburg State; Kent State

5 Fine Arts


Many changes have taken place in the Physical Education program at AHS . Included in these was a change in the staff. Ms. Lynn Abbott, who came to Albemarle from Jack Jouett, was a new addition . This year's sophomores moved from the cramped locker room of the old gym to the new spacious one. The juniors and seniors are now able to take advanced gym classes . Ms. Dotty Bohannon teaches them everything from health and athlete nutrition to lifetime individual sports . TMR classes under the direction of Ms. Deborah Jones learn basic skills.

New locker rooms appreciated


1. A.P. Moore Driver Education; North Carolina Cent ral University, B.S., M.S .; Safety Committee 2. Ralph Harrison Driver Education; Southwest Missouri State, B.S. ; Drury College, M .Ed.; Golf 3. Brenda F. Langdon Activities Director; East Carolina University, B.S.; University of V irginia, M .Ed . 4. Dotty A. Bohannon Health, Physical Education; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; Field Hockey; GAA 5. Linda Sue Abbott Health, Physical Education; James Madison University, B.A.; Girls' JV Basketball, Girls' Varsity Softball 6. Robert Rimmer Physical Education, Driver ' s Education; George Washington University, B.S.; Varsity Football



Physical Education



1. Daniel Ward Ill


3. 4.

5. 6.






Health, Physical Education; James Madison University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M .Ed. ; Varsity Football , Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Bar, Disc and Dumbbell Club Marcia Carter Mason Health, Physical Education; Bridgewater College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M .Ed. Bonnie F. Nielson Health, Physical Education; Trinity University, B.S.; M .Ed.; Volleyball Richard Wilson Lyons Drivers Education; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Varisty Boys' Basketball Gabie Bull Activities Secretary Russell L. Jarrett Health, Phsycial Education; Virginia State University, B.S., M .Ed .; JV Basketball James Mercer Garnett Health, Physical Education; Elan College, B.A.; Racquetball Club

7 Physical Education


Career education at Albemarle has many different facets to satisfy almost

Career Education meets needs

any student's needs . The department has expanded over the past several years so that now a student can pick from the basic home ec and industrial arts classes to more complicated classes such as mechanical drawing, auto servicing, fashion merchandising, and job orientation . Any student who selects any one of these classes sees the need for specialization and development of specific interests in order to succeed in that particular field . Albemarle's teachers have also realized this, so together the students and faculty work to answer career needs.

1. Edna E. Sharkey TMR Aide 2. Durinda Bennett Massey L.D. Resource; Tray State University, B.S.; Ski Club 3. Sandra A. Keyser Special Education; Northern Illinois University, B.S.; Advocate Club 4 . Darrell C. Gardner Marketing and Distributive Education; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; DECA 5. Jill Harrison Garnett Fashion Merchandising, Marketing and Distributive Education; James Madison University, B.S. ; DECA 6. Deborah White Jones Adative Ph ysical Education; Un iversity of Kansas, B.S., M .S. ; Special Olympics

5 224

Career Education



5 1. John W . Sperry Materials and Processes Technology, Career Education; Washington Technical Institute, B.S.; AIASA 2. Judith Pam Citron LD Resource; Boston University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M .Ed. 3. Barbara A. Wyker LD Resource; University of Virginia, B.A., M .Ed. 4. Mary Lou Sherrard English 9, 12, Work Coordinator 12; University of Virginia, M .Ed. 5. Linda B. Keeney Consumer and Homemaking I, II, Family Living; Virginia 路Polytechnic and State University, B.S.; FHA 6. James P. Dubnicek Auto Servicing I, II; Southern Illinois University, B.S.


6 Career Education










LeRoy H . Smith Technical Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Wood Technology, Metal Technolog y; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.A. ; AIASA Marye Dick Migrant Teacher; University of Virg inia, B.S. , M .Ed . Elizabeth A Covington Special Education; East Carolina University; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Advocate Club Cynthia Stefanak Wiles Special Education; University of Vi rg inia, B.S. Charles W . DeKrafft English 10, Gov ernment, Job Orientation , Vocational Lab.; Appalachian State University, B.S. Cafeteria Staff: Catherine Pleasants, Orene Pugh, Brenda Brown, Nellie Thompson , Sarah Santiago, Doris Anderson, Joann Spro use, Mary Jane Glover, Virg inia Maupin, Mary Harlan Custodians: Gordon Carter, Jerry Best, Juanita Burns, Thomas Swingier, Da vid Burns


Career Education





2. 3. 4. 5.


Florine Elizabeth Cypress U.S. History, World Geography, Work Coordinator; Norfolk State College, B.S.; Virginia Commonwealth University, M.Ed. Carol Robinson Special Education ; University of Alabama, B.S. Ed . Jeanne F. Thompson Con sume r/ Homemaking I, Food /Clothing Management; Marshall University, B.A.; FHA Kenton S. Gardner Agriculture, Natural Resources; Vi rgin ia State College, B.S. ; FFA Bonnie L. Ruth Special Education (Community Ba sed Instructional Program); Ohio State Universtiy, B.S .; Uni versity of Virginia, M.Ed . Anthony "Zeke" Fantino Industrial Cooperative Tra ining I, II ; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; VICA

Career Education


Working and learning The Charlottesville-Albemarle Technicol Education Center provided many students with the opportunity to expa nd their knowledge. Through applied, onthe-job practice, students were able to develop practical career skills in f ields such as cosmetology, computer sc ience, and electricity. Not only did each participant at the Tech Center benefit from additional learning experiences, but each also profited from the public relations activities in which he was involved. Every student met many individuals such as other students, teachers, and people of the public who allowed the students to demonstrate their skills .

1. Blaine E. Mcintyre Maintenance Mechanics; Virginia Pol ytec hnic Institute and State University; VICA 2. Nancy Knight Mosca, R.N . Practical Nursing, Nursing Assistant; University of Virginia, B.S ., M.Ed.; HOSA 3. Phyl lis Bestwick Librarian ; Georgia State Universit y, A.B. Atlanta University, M.L.S. 4. Willard H. Parkhill Commercial Food Service I, II ; Pennsyl vania State University, B.S.; VICA 5 . Robert Byers Data Processing Manager 6. Paul L. Johnson Auto Mechanics I, II; Adult Education I, II; Norfolk State College; Virginia Commonwealth Uni versity; University of Virginia ; VICA, NIASE


Technical Education Center



] ~


1. Clevester Logan Assistant Principal; Virginia State Universit y, B.S. , M .S. 2. Lyman R. Comey Principal; Virginia Polytec hnic Institute and State University, B.S.; College of Will iam and Mary, M.Ed. 3. Jean Brown Bookkeeper 4. Steve L. McKinney Computer Operator 5. Bernard Snyder Counselor; Salem College,B.A.; University of Virginia, M .Ed . 6. David L. Purvis Data Processing I, II ; Electron ic Computer Programming Institute; FBLA 7. Barbara A. Lewis Secretary




Technical Education Center


Tech Center



l. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

C. Wayne Austin Drafting, Design; James Madison University; VIC A Hugh Billhimer Electronics; State Uni versity of New York, B.S.; VICA Marianne Bell Morgan, R.N . Practical Nursing, Nursing Assistant; Norfolk General Hospital Schaal of Nursing; HOSA Bennie Mae Arnette Cosmetology; Virginia State College; Virginia Commonwealth University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni versity; VICA WilliamS. Taskey Auto Body Repair and Refinishing; Denver Automotive College; Fisher Body Training Center; VICA Edward L. Shifflett Maintenance Foreman Ruth Barnett Data Entry Operator

6 230

Technical Education Center





1. Mary Shifflett Housekeeper 2. Jesse W. Mills Masonry; VICA 3. Allen Wil liam Helmandollar Machine Shop I, II; Notre Dame University; Indiana State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Virg inia Commonwealth University VICA 4 . Robert Barrett Electricity I, II; VICA 5. James E. McDaniel Carpentry I, II ; Virginia State University; VICA 6. Janice M . Evans Cosmetology II , Ill ; Blue Ridge School of Nursing; University of Virginia; Virginia Commonwea lth University, Watson's BeautySchool; VIC A 7. Russell P. Wood Auto Mechanics I, II; Virginia State College; V irginia Commonwealth University; VICA




Technical Education Center


ADVERTISEMENTS Good Luck AHS Graduates The finest service and the lowest prices

camera Center 913 W . Main Street

For Your Official Albemarle High School Closs Ring

Mr. Bob Sandell Box 5107 Charlottesville, Virginia




Congratulations Seniors !

From Concerned Parents

.:. -----~-

Parks Finance Service, Inc. 112 2nd St. N.E. Good Luck Patriots!


Physical Policy

Industrial - Residential R. F. D. 6

BOX 275



Telephone 804/293-6769 State Registered No. 6440



it's the real thing

UNIVERSITY CAFETERIA A Trad ition of Carefu lly Prepared Food Open Seven days a week - Lunch 11 :30-2:00, Dinner 4:45-8 :00 1517 University Ave. 295-9251 Free Parking in Rear of Cafeteria

Walker's Exxon 24-hour wrecker service

Charlottesville, Va .

1285 Seminole T roil Cha rl ottesville

Baldy and his Eaglets



Wakefield Kennel, Inc.


%~%~ ~ 9ea " Boarding • Grooming • Training 973-5171

Box 118 Earlysv ille, Vi rginia 22936 Barry G. Doffle myer, Pres.






Roy Wheeler Realty Company Offering for over half a century Piedmont Virginia's Finest


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PECK & PECKC9 Manager Charlottesville Fas hion Square

(804 ) 973-4044

Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

Compliments of





Mrs. Burress' assets


Ad vertisements

Congratulations from

TUEL JEWELERS 104 South 1st Street Charlottesville, Virginia "Your Friendly Jewelry Store"

\\J u~it~d

Virginia Bank

Court Square Corner of Park and High Street

AGRINET Monday-Friday 6AM on WCHV

Ivy Road 2117 Ivy Road


Albemarle Square Albemarle Square Shopping Center



Compliments of


Joseph W. Teague Funeral Service



Compliments of

Teledyne Avionics Charlottesville, Virginia 973-3311

MutuiJio/{)mllhil United of( )milhll OARR E.. L L MAYNARD DI V ISION OFFIC E

2127 BE:: RK MAR D RI VE. P .O . B OX 6 008


C HAR LOTT ES VILL E . V A. . 22906

O FF . 97 3- 4 371

Your Telephone Systems Center Congratulations Class of '81


Stanley Tools and Hardware

721 Rio Road, P.O . Box 7406 Charlottesville, Virgin ia 22906

Green Mountain Country Store Grocery, Gas, Ice Cream,

A.B .C. Off 286-2164

Uncle Ben's converted and corrupted pupils



1709 Emmet Street, Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Phone 977-0050

OFFICE HOURS : 9 A.M.-4 P.M. daily ; 'til 6 P.M. Friday. Open Saturday 'til noon. MEMBER. FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION



Rt. 29 N Charlottesville, Va. 22901

1028 River Road 296-1242 or 296-1250

Congratulations Seniors!

Equal Opportunity Employer






Fast Quick Copies


Compliments of


•Instant Passport Photos •Stationery •Rubber Stamps •Business Cards •Book Binding •Office Supplies •Fil m Processing & Supplies 295-2595 lll Elliewood Ave. Charlottesville, Va .

Wholesale Distributors

THE BUDS! . .. we have left our mark.



977-6403 l 02 5th St., N.E. Charlottesville, Va .


Lee 9 •ns: ~

R.E. Lee and Son. Inc .


1460 Hydraulic Roed Charlonesville. Virg•n•a 22906 Telephone (81)11973 -1321

Con•tructlon end Engln-rtng Management Since 1939



Captain Chemistry & his chemistry cadets



Save toda)'. Thmomm· u ·ill cost more.

2039 Barracks Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Glidden, Dutch Boy and Pratt and Lambert Paints Wall Paper - Hardware





Route- 29 North .at Rio Ro•d 973-lJJl C o mmo nwuhh Ce-nter 97) -133 I

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Member FSLJC

P.O. Box 7683 • Highway 250 West Charlottesville, Va. 22906 • 804-296-9 171



Mr. MacDonald's 2nd period English students are "literally" fried!

Fresh Cut Flowers Corsages Weddings

The Pet Shoppe, Inc. Offering a full line of pets and pet supplies.

804 - 977-8686

Flowers By Wire 1205 W . Main St. 979-7125

P .O . BOX 6246,






Charlottesville's only complete auto audio store. Rt . 29 North Woodbrook Shopping Center





CONGRATULATIONS to the graduates



Rio Road

STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES REID'S SUPER SAVE MARKET ON THE MALL 500 East Main Complete line of groceries to cover your needs. Antique and collector's items also available.

1500 State Farm Boulevard Charlottesville, Va. 22909

ROUTE 620 MARKET Scottsville, Virginia 293-5502

Compliments of

UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE "Middle of the Corner" Serving the Community since 1825 293-8161

Home Phone Office Phone 295-9121 296-1692 Good Luck, Class of '81, from


Avon Street Extended P.O. Box 36 Charlottesville, VA 22902








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Decorator f abrics Close Outs and Seconds up to



Regular Retail Open 9 :30a .m .·S : OO p.m . Monday-Saturday One Block North of the Mall Phone (804 ) 295 -6054 307 E. Markel St . Cha r lott esville

Compliments of

DOWNTOWN GULF 901 E. Market St. Charlottesville, Va . 22901 Phone 293-9143


Advertiseme nts

"Thus a lwa ys to Latin teachers !" " And to you, too, students!"

Compliments of

BLUE RIDGE LOGGING COMPANY Noah E. Wood, Jr. Member Virginia Forestry Association Serving Albemarle County landowners since 1965

HENSLEY'S RADIATOR SERVICE Distributor G. & 0 . Cores l 023 Carlton Ave. (804) 295-9898

Cabell Insunmce Associates CONGRATULATIONS!







LEGGETT FASHION SQUARE open daily 10 'til 9:30 phone 973-7878

LEGGETT BARRACKS ROAD open daily 10 'til 9 phone 296-5556

For the student who looks good all year round.

GEr SERlOU.S! GET Slll.'t! Gm lltFORMEDt



TheWilliams Corner Bookstore. downto-wn

Congratulations to the Class of 1981



on tbe mall.



J.W Sieg

& Co.,





cJJetDel IE) o•x 319 E . MAIN ST . CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA . 22901 STORE PHONE 296 -6247





Charlottesville Transfer & Storage, Inc. 206 Carlton Road Congratulations Seniors!

JAMS UNLIMITED Inc. Disco's Triple Threat MC's, Disc Jockeys for all House-Rocking Affairs 560 Stonefield Circle (804)973-6491 County 2530 Hydraulic Road (804)295-9605 City



TIMBERLAKES "On-the-Mall" Charlottesville, VA


Prescriptions Cosmetics Soda Fountain


SKIPPY'S Downtown Scottsville The store that gives you more for your $'s.





MAUPIN'S GROCERY Airport Road- Charlottesville, Va . Phone- 973-7667 Fresh Meats Open - Sunday Produce 8:00-7:00 Groceries Mon .-Sat. 8:00-9:00

Charlottesville Fashion Sq . 973-4386

Burr's Burrbon Street Burrnouts

250 Advertisements

The Boston Keg Party

All Phases of Brick, Block and Stone Work

LORENZO MOODY EXPERIENCED MASON MECHANIC Specializing in Fireplaces and Brick Veneer Telephone (804) 295-9611

Route 1, Box 199-R Keswick, Va . 22947


Compliments of

Garden Center



Mile West of 29 N. On Rio Road Catl973路4402 Open 10路6 Sunday 12路5



5th period Government pleads the 5th .





PHONE 293- 5159

Blue Ridge Pharmacies





PHONE 295路41 61

serving you at three locations

rest-aurant that respects you.


your- fami\)' blrlget

Located at 1525 E. Rio Road Between Albemarle Square & Putt-Putt


"Where Sportsmen Meet" 407 E. Main Street

PHONE 293 81 74

The family


Rawlings Adidas

Riddell Spanjian


Dominick Motor Company Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota, Mercedes-Benz

MacGregor Motors, Inc . 416 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln, Mercury, Capri

John Linkous Volkswagon 918 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Mazda, Volkswagon

Jim Price Chevrolet Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet Cars & Trucks

Berlin Porshe-Audi Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Porsche, Audi, BMW, Triumph, MG, Jaguar

Tenney Pontiac, Cadillac, Inc. 858 W . Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Cadilliac, Pontiac, Datsun

Bradey-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route 250 East Chqrlottesville, Virginia Ford Cars & Trucks

George Renn ick Buick, Inc . 900 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Buick

R.M . Davis Motors Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chrysler, Plymouth, Subaru

Pollard GMC Trucks, Inc . 1011 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia GMC Trucks

Herb Brown Motors Route 250 West Charlottesville, Virginia Volvo

BSR Imports, Inc . 315 W . Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia SAAB

Bill Edwards Oldsmobile Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virg inia Oldsmobile, Honda



Congratulation, Seniors '


~ -~:..-..._ J+\P+\N€S€ , ~ST€-AK i-JOOS£



Hudson D.P. Insurance 4 12 East Jefferson Street Charlottesville, YA

We've got it all! Located on Rt. 29N Charlottesville, YA

The American T we-Party System



THE CEILING & FLOOR SHOP 105 N. First Street Charlottesville, VA Contractors specializing in . . . *Acoustical ceilings *Carpet *Floor tile & sheet vinyl *Demountable partitions Call Bernie Martin or Mike Simpson at 296-8491


Compliments of

.:, ~-~' ;<

! 路~ 路

. l,




ILI8~~~s Member FSLIC

2033 Ivy Road Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 977-0336

Compliments of

THE CEDARS NURSING HOME 1242 Cedars Court Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Telephone 296-56 1 1

"Now lot us sitte, and drynke, and make us merye, And afterward we wol his body berye." Geoffrey Chaucer,The Canterbury Tales






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t '


1 ~tlf

.W~.:~ . '



Those that shop for value and quality, buy their diamonds at


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1st Period Psychology has a SUPER EGO



It's not "What's the Party?", it's "Where's the Party?" .

W. A. LYNCH ROOFINC CO., INC. 1234 River Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Congratulations Seniors!


Servicemaster of Charlottesville Professional Cleaning Carpets - Furniture Specialty Service 550 Meade - City 295-4141

Service MASTER ..,



The 3/Sths Compromise


National Bank

~ and Trust Company

central Fklelltu Banis #VIRGINIA NATIONAL BAN~







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BRUNTON AND HICKS, INC. Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning 1105 Carlton Avenue Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Telephone 293-9127








拢4 Hour Emergency Service 1329 E. HIGH ST.

214 East Main Street Barracks Road Shopping Center

PHONE (904) g77路!53g7 OR g77-KEYS



The Senior Socialist Party


26 1


MARTIN HARDWARE SERVING CH'VILLE SINCE 1893 941 Preston Avenue Charlottesville ******************


Albemarle Bank &Trust Co. Vllllflia P.O. Box 6096 Cllalotlesville,


Phone (804-9 7 3-4 3 7 3)

Day 237: Ayatollah Smith holds 4th period government hostage.



Phone: 973-7130

Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation

LOUISE'S BEAUTY SHOP Earlysville Green Shopping Center Earlysville, Va .

3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 296-7191 "Over One Hundred Years of Service"

Monday - Closed Tuesday- Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-2 No Appointment Needed


. ~<""

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Compliments of




• '.J.


NATIONAL TURF SERVICE COMPLETE LAWN CARE Charlottesville, Virginia PHONE: 286-3939 Owned & Operated by Frank McCarthy



115 Elliewood Avenue

101 West Main Street Barracks Road Downtown Shopping Center Fashion Square Mall


REALTORS Three Boar's Head Lane Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 (804) 293-6131




!. ~ ~ - ..!. '! "~-'9 L路 ~-: :._,

-- .. .

'"! ~





Ward Anderson Anderson Brothers Browne, Eichman, & Dalgliesh, Architects Bottled Gas Corporation of V irgin ia Carson Construction Charlottesville Wrecker Service Friend of Theatre Related Employment Ginny's Hair Fashions Kirtley Realty, Inc. Gary and Nancy McGee Murphy Insurance and Travel Dennis Grant Nielson, D.D.S. Plaza Beauty Salon Piedmont Electric Supply Corporation Red Lion/Heaven to Seven Shoppe Skyline Schwinn



TO THE CLASS OF '81 Can we do a lab on this?

Mr. Cunningham shocks his 3rd period Physics class .





Congratulations from

SETTLE TIRE AND SUPPLY CO., INC. ':Jiie BoAR's ~ff:t\o I NN Preston Ave. at Rose Hill Dr. Charlottesville, VA. 2290 l




A "A" Tire Store, The 239 A&P , Shoppers World 239 AIASA 178, 179 Abbott, Julie Ann (9) 92 Abbott, Linda Sue 129, 182, 222 Accounting II Closs 236 Ackert, Johanna 216 Acree, Kenneth Earl (9) 92 Acree, Michael Todd (II )60 Adams, MorgoretAnn(12)4, 16, 17,49, 110,153,171 , 188,192, 196 Adams, Virginia 220

Adcock, Connie Lynn ( 12) 17, 49 Adcock, Dennis Allen (9) Adcock, Jeffrey Scott (II) 60 Advocate Club 191 Agee, Dennis Brian (II) 60, 119 Agee, George (II) 60, 127 Agee, Roger Dean (9) 92 Agee, T any Edward ( 12) 49 Agri-Net 237 Aker, Bret Ernest ( 12) 17, 49, 156, 178, 185, 186 Aker, Glenn Raymond (9) 92, 119, 184 Akers, Lucy Lane (10) 76, 186 Albemarle Bonk & Trust 262 Albemarle Farm Equipment, Inc. 243 Albemarle Lock & Alarm 261 Aldrich, Joan Marcy (II) 60, 68, 11 0, 183, 197, 198 Allen, Seth Whitcomb (9) 92, 191 Alley, Michael Roy (9) 92, 119 Allison, Koren Lorroin ( 12) 17, 49, 177 Allmon, Joson Scott (9) Altman, Vanessa Jane (9)

Amos, Sondra Lee (9) 92, 175, 182, 189 Amos, Shirley (10) 76, 191 An, Young Mi (12) 12, 17, 49, 115, 186 An, Young Ran (12) 17,49 Anas, George K. (10) 76, 122, 185, 196 Anderson, Barbora Jean ( 12) 17, 49, 176 Anderson, Betty Ann ( 12) 17, 49 Anderson Brothers Bookstore 264

Anderson, Charlotte Marie (I 0) 76, 176 Anderson, Clifton Leroy (9) 92, 119 Anderson, Cynthia Lynne (12) 17, 49, 196, 198 Anderson, Dale Quinton (II) 60, 125, 127, 179 Anderson, Doris 226 Anderson, Edwin B. (10) 76, 119 Anderson, John 202, 203 Anderson, Kathy Moe (12) 17, 49, 176 Anderson, Mark Anthony (I 0) 76 Anderson, Pamela Ann (II) Anderson, Pamela Lynn (9) 92 Anderson, Peter Gray (II) 60, 122, 185, 191 Anderson, Sallie Sue (II) 60 Anderson, Sarah Jane (II) 60, '34, 135 Anderson, Susan Hope (II) 60, 182, 183, 197 Anderson, Terry Laverne (9) 92, 176, 196 Anderson, Ward, 264 Ankrom, Charles Bovo (9) 92, 127 Anthony, Jill Ada-Marie (9) 92, 194 Arbaugh, David Brian (12) 17, 49 Arbough, James Edward (II) 60 Armstrong, Danna Marie ( 12) 17, 49 Armstrong, Michael Samuel ( 12) 17, 49 Arnette, Bennie Moe 230

Arnold, Shawn Louis (II) 60, 175 Arruda, Linda Grace ( 10) 76,189 Art Club 190 Artale, Dione Marie (9) 92, 194 Artale, Joachim Chris, Jr. ( 12) 49 Austin, C. Wayne 230 Avallone, Tiesha Ann (9) 92 Avery, Paul Charles (II) 60, 196 Avery, Sarah Haney (9) 92, 182, 196 Ayers, Karen Denise (I 0) 76

B Baber, Richard Booton ( 12) 17, 49 Baber, Theresa Laverne (I 0) Bachman, Michael Andrew (II) 60 Bacon, Gregory Riley (12) 17, 49, 140, 180, 188, 196, 197 Badaud, JaniCe Renee (I 0) 129 Bailer., Lester Edward (10) 76, 196 Bake , Judy Lyn.n (9) 92, 188 Baker, Anne Elizabeth (10) 76, 83, 131 , 191

266 Index

Baker, Lorie Anne (I I ) 60, 177 Ball, Wayne (9) Ballowe, Theresa Renee (I 0 76 Bolmores, Loreto Lucas (1 0) 76 Bond 122, 123, 124 Banks, Eric McKinley (1 0) 76, 11 9 Bonsleben, Erik Peter (9) 76 Banton, John William (9) 92, 179, 194 Banton, Sibyl Denise (II) Barber, Jackie Ruth ( II) 6 1, 7 1, 177 Barker, Hubert Mitchell (9) 92 Barkley Realty 236 Ba rmore, Anita Margaret (I 0) 6 1

Barmore, John Alexander (9) 92, 127 Barnes Lumber ComP!Jny 256

Barnett, Jean Marie (II) 4, 6 1, 108, 109, 11 0, 170, 171 Barnett, Leslie Vincent (9 )

Barnett, Ruth 230 Barnett, Tommy Lynn (II) 4, 61 , 122, 170, 171, 186 Barnett's Jewel Box 247

Barrett, Eddie Painten (9) 92 Barrett, Paul George ( 12) 49 Barrett, Peter John (II) 191 Barrett, Robert 231 Barrett, Thomas Steven ( 12) I 0, 17, 49, 53 Basketball, Boys' 125, 126, 127 Basketball, Girls' 128, 129, 130 Batchelor, James Neal (1 0) 76 Bates, Anthony William (9) 92 Bates, Denise Michelle (I I ) 6 1, 177, 191 Bates, Donavan Lee ( II) 6 1, 11 8, 121 , 131, 132, 197 Batten, Scott Norman (10) 76, 179 Bauer, Katherine Ella (II) 6 1, 122, 184, 194 Bauer, Susan Fritch (I 0) 76, 11 2, 131 , 186, 189 Bauerle, Jennifer Anne (II) 6 1, 189 Bazzarre, Julio Beale ( 12) 17, 49, 173, 181 , 182, 183, 188, 189 Beagle, Sharon 128 Beale, Dawn Larie (10) 76, 122 Bearden, Eddie Lean, Jr. (9) Beasley, Alexander Lyl e ( 12) 17, 49, 153, 182, 183 Beasley, Janet Elaine (9) 92, 182, 196 Beasley, Timothy Wayne ( II) 185 Beckner, James ( 10) 76 Beegle, Christina Lee (I 0) 76 Beegle, Lynne Ellen ( 12) 18, 49, 194 Belew, James Scott Lawrence, Jr. (9) Bell, David Ray (II) 61 , 68 Bell, Debra Leigh ( 12) 18, 49 Bell, Kim Annette (9) 77, 92, 176 Bell, Susan Rose ( 12) 18,49, 180, 184, 192 Bellomy, David Franklin (II) 49, 6 1 Bellomy, Pamela Leigh ( 12) 118 Benfer, Brian 119 Benner, Ella Jeanette (II) 4, 6 1, 170, 171 , 186 Benner, Forest Andrew (9) 93 Bentson, Thomas Gentry, Jr. 216 Bergold, James E. (9) 93, 19 1 Berkeley, Maria Randolph ( 12) 4, 18, 49, 122, 155, 180, 18 1, 188 Berlin Porsche-Audi 235 Berlin, Russell Phillip ( I 0) 77 Berlin, Shari Lynn (9) 93, 182 Bernhardt, Glenn Robert (II) 61 Berry, Christopher Lynde! (I I) 61 Berry, Mark Henderson (9) 93, 11 9 Best, Jerry 226 Bestwick, Phyllis 228 Beverly, Troy Alevson (9) Bevil acqua, Lori Ann (9) 93, 194 Bibb, Alice Mcleod 212 Bickers, John Randolph (I 0) 77 Bickers, Tracey Anne (II) 6 1, 116 Bickley, Donald Wayne (II) 61, 118, 175, 196 Bilezerion, Allred ( I 0) 77, 119, 188 Billheimer, Hugh 230 Billups, Kenneth Wayne (II) 6 1, 194 Binney, Marsha Annette (I 0) 77 Binney, Michele Ann ( 12) 18, 49 Biology II 152, 264 Birckhead, Bessie P. 206 Bird, Christine Nan (9) 93, 189 Bird, Patrick (I I ) 61 , 194 Bishop, Gregory Glenn (10) 77, 185, 192 Bishop, James Robert (II) 61 , 191 Bishop, Sheila Lynn (I 0) 77 Bishop, T any Dean (9) 93 Blackburn, Donna Sue (I 0) 77 Blackburn, Heidi Elizabeth (9) 93, I I 0, 184, 189 Blackburn, Regina Ann ( 11} 61 Blake, James Edward ( 12) 18, 49 Blake, John Patrick (I 0) 77, I 19 Blanchard, David A . I 0, 221 Blankenship, Debra Gale (I 0) 77 Bledsoe, Joanna Karen (10) 77, 108, 190, 110, 124, 196 Blincoe, More Alan (II) 61 , 118 Blodinger, Robert Harvey (9) Blue Ridge Logging Co. 245 Blue Ridge Pharmacies 252 Boar's Head Inn, The 265 Boatwright, Beth Frances (9) 93, 194 Boatwright, Jeanne Marion (9) 93, 194

Bodenhamer, James Gregory (II) 61 , 127, 144 Bodrey, Carolyn Jean (II) Bodrey, David Kevin (I 0 ) Bodrey, Wando Kay (9) 177 Bogard, Jeffrey A llen (9) 93 Bohannon, Dotty A. I 08, II 0, 222 Bolden, Tammy Teresa ( 12) 18, 49, 177 Boling, Althea Ann (9) 93, 185 Bonanza 252 Booth, Sarah Ann (II) 61 , 122, 180, 181 , 184, 188 Borchardt, Kerri Lynn (II) 61 , 11 6, 124, 128, 129, 130, 192 Borg, Stephen F. Mancini (1 2) 4, 18, 49, 171 Boring, Judith Ann ( 12) 18, 49 Bornstein, Tina Leah ( 12) 18, 49, 180 Basely, Amy Charlene (10) 77, 189 Batt, Donna Lee (9) 93, 182, 194 Bottled Gas Corp. of Virginia 264 Bouchard, Joe 175 Bourne, Nancy Faye ( 12) 18, 49 Bourne, Robert Edward (II) Bourne, Robert Lee ( 1I) Bowles, Danna Justine ( 12) 18, 49 Bowles, Robert Bradford, Ill 6 1, 127 Bowman, Edward Lewis (II) 196 Bowman, Glenn David (9) 93, 196 Bradley, Shan K. (I 0) 11 6

~;~~~~~.aK~r~O:,~~~e~A路oj9771 73,

186, 188, 198

Branham, Paige Theresa (9) 93 Brassfield, Charles Lewis ( I I) 61 ,72, 191 Brassfield, Michael Matthew (12) 18, 49, 112, 131 , 175, 191 Brassfield, Wilbert Davi s (II) 61 , 118, 127, 197 Bratton, Bruce Allen (II) 61 , 118 Breeden, Barkley Harlow ( 12) 18, 29, 49, 11 8 Breeden, Betsy Franklin (II) 61 Breeden, Gail Lyn n (10) 77 Breeden, Jeffrey Wayne (II) 61 Breeden, Sondra Faye ( 12) 18, 49 Breeden, Tommy Lynn (9 ) 93 Breen, David Francis (II) Breen, Kathleen Marie ( 12) 18, 49 Breen, Maureen Patrice (10) 77, 186, 196 Breihan, Robert Wa lker ( I 0) 77 Brewer, Donald Scott (II) 61 , 11 2, 184, 196 Brezinski, Eileen (I I) 61 Brite, Helen M . 203 Brite, Holly Elizabeth (II) 61 Britt, Robert Wilson ( II) 61 , 118 Britton, Angela Nina ( 12) 18, 49 Brock, Cathy Ann (12) 18, 49, 110, 144, 186, 191 Brooks, Cynthia Renee (9) 93 Brooks, Gary Douglas, Jr. (9) 94 Brooks, Tammy Laverne (9) 77 Brown, Amy O'Grady (II) 60, o I, 128, 130, 196, 198 Brown, Bobby Wayne ( 12) 18, 49, Brown, Brenda 226

Brown, Bridget Christine (9) 93 Brown, Chester Vernon ( 12) 18, 49, Brown, Cynthia Denise (9) 77 Brown, David Michael (II) 61 , 179 Brown, Earl MacArthur (9) Brown, Elizabeth Groce ( 10) 77, 115, 129 Brown, Floyd Keith ( 12) 18, 49 Brown, Fronk Edward (II )62 Brown, Harriet Savem (1 0) 77, 93 Brown, Jean 229 Brown, Kiml:>erley Kay ( 12) Brown, Leslie Claudette (9) 93 Brown, Lisa Renee (I 0) Brown , Lorrie Anne (12) 18, 49 Brown, Marian Annette (II) 77 Brown, Martin Copelan (II) 62, 196 Brown, Melanie Ann (10) 77, 129, 196 Brown, Michelle Rose (9) 184 Brown, Robert Erskine (12) 18, 49, 192 Brown, Robin Lynn (I 0) 77, 176, 177 Brown, Roger (9) Brown, Ryan Lanord (9) 93, 179 Brown, Sandra Lynn ( 12) 18, 49, 177 Brown, Thomas Franklin, Jr. (9) 93 Brown, Victor Lee (I I) 62, 118, 124 Brown, Virgin ia Catherine (II) 62 Brown, Yvonne J. 205 Browne, Eichman & Dolgiesh Architects 264

Brown's J. 205 Brown's Lock & Sale 255 Browning, Mark Anthony ( I 0) 77, 127, 196 Brownlee, Marty Ray (9) Brubaker, Richard Francis (9) 93, 112, 194, 196 Bruce, Stuart Randolph (I I ) 62 Brugh, Robert Conklin (I 0) 77 Bruni, Claire ( 12) 4, 18, 40, 49, 152, 156, 170, 171 , 173, 178, 188 Brunton & Hicks 260 Bruen, Inc. 245 Bryant, Andrea Lynn (9) 93, 192 Bryant, Mason L., Ill (I I) 62, 186 Bryant, Montie Lewis (9) 93, 185 Bryant, Paige Elaine (12) 18, 49, 122, 192 Bryant, Susan Eloise (10) 77, 128 Buck, James Harrison, Jr. 214

Buck, Ronald William ( I I) Buds, The 240 Buehler, Laura Ann ( 12) 49 Buehler, Nancy Catherine ( II) 62, 155 Bull, Gabie 223 Bull, Paul Dean, Jr. (12) 18, 49, 192, 223 Bullock, T onio Rene (9) 93, 122, 184 Bunch, Johnnie Lee ( 12) 18, 49 Bunn, Charles Robin (9) 68, 93, 183, 194 Burch, David Roy (10) 77, 181 Burchett, Michael Andrew ( 12) 18, 49 Burgoyne, Jurgen (9) 93 Burkhart, Jeffrey Lewis ( 12) 18, 49, 180, 181 Burner, Lori Ann (10) 77, 122, 184, 194 Burnette, Mark Wayne (II) 122, 185 Burns, April Joanne (9) 93, 176 Burns, Richard Christopher (II) 62 Burns, David 226 Burns, Juanita 226

Burr, Eve Lynne 172, 215 Burruss, Margaret W . 219

Burton, Craig Steven (10) 77, 119 Burton, Jeffrey Edwin (II) Buse, Kimberly Anne ( 12) 18, 49, 143, 175, 186, 196 Business Department 219 Butler, Albert Boardman (9) 93 Butler, Bessie Catherine ( 12) 18, 49 Butler, Robert Kevin ( 12) 18, 49 Butler, Thomas Franklin (9) 93 Buttner, Al ice Franklin (9) 93 Buttner, Diona Renee ( II ) 62 Buttner, Ivy Jo (II) 62, 176 Butz, David Robert (II) 62 Byers, Jeffrey Hunter (II) 62, 112, 13 1 Byers, Kirk Franklin ( 12) 18, 49, 118 Byers, Robert 228 Byers, Stephen Dean ( 12) 18, 49, 122, 185

c Cabell Insurance 245 Cain, Catherine Ann (II) 62, IB6, 197 Coldwell, Carol Ann (I 0) 77, IBB, 196 Coldwell, Richard Shelton (I 0) 77 Callaghan, Jennifer Leigh (9) Calloway, Gayle Catherine (10) 4, 77, 171 , 186 Calloway, Henry Enoch, Jr. (II) 62 Camero Center, Inc. 232 Compogno, Lourie, Sue (10) 77, 186 Campbell, Christopher Dee (12) 18, 49, 119, 127 Campbell, Jeffrey Todd (9) 93 Campbell, Kevin Wayne (I 0) 77, 119 Campbell, Lila Kaye (9) 93, 184 Canady, Dora Faye (9) Caravan 254 Career Education Deportment 226, 227, 228, 229 Carey, Andrew Frank (II) 62, 155, 175, 191 Corey, Robert Thomas (9) 93, 191 Cargile, John Mercer (9) 93, IB4 Carr, Sepelda Ammerdus (I 0) 62, 7B, 176 Carr, Theodore Patrick (II) 62, 118 Carr, Wendell Lewis (II) 62, 192, 19B Carriage Food House 236 Carroll, Sylvia Diana (I 0) Carson Construction 264

Corson, Kevin Christopher (I 0) 78 Corter, Betty Anita (9) 129 Corter, David Matthew (I 0) 78 Corter, Dennis Lee (9) 93 Carter, Gordon 226 Corter, Jacqueline A. (9) 93 Corter, Steven Jerome (I 0) 7B, 125, 127 Cosero, Gabriela Pilar (I 0) 7B, IB6 Cosero, Joseph Manuel (9) 93 Cason, Christina Jeanette ( 12) IB, 49 Cason, Glenda Denise( I 0) Cason, Ruby Hedy (9) 93 Catlett, James David, Jr. (9) 93 Catlett, T ere so Lynn ( I I ) 62 Cova lco, Mario Pia (9) 93 Cedars Nursing Home 252 Ceiling & Floor Shop 255 Cell i, Carlo Junani ( 12) 20, 49, 175, 178, 186, 194 Chalfont, Barbaro Snowden ( 12) 20, 50, 172, IB2, 183 Chalfant, El izabeth (9) 93, 172, 182 Chambers, Clarence Junior (I 0) Chomps 250 Chandler, Sara Katherine ( II ) 62, 175, 180, 19 1 Chapman, Brion (12) 50 Chapman, Edward Ernest (12) 20, 50, 151 , 180, 181 Chapman, Lisa Valencia (I 0) ?e Chapman, Morieka Lillie ( 12) 20, 50, 177 Chapman, Michael Irving (II) liB Chapman, Rudy Stanley (9) 93, 184 Charleys 259 Charlottesville Albemarle Auto Dealers 253 Charlottesvi lle Clearing House 258 Charlottesville Savings & Loan 211 Charlottesville T ronsfer &Storage 248 Charlottesvi lle Wrecker Service 264

Charlton, James Paul, Jr. (10) 78, 184, 19 1 Charron, Brenda Velma (9) 93 Charron, Raymond Henry ( 12) 20, 50 Chartres, Dorothy A. (9) 93, 184, 189 Chastain, Brion Duane (12) I 0, 20, 50, Ill , 13 1, 155 Chastain, Michael Allen (I 0) 78 Checchi, Cheryl "Ann ( 12) 20, 48, 50, 141 , IB8 Cheerleaders 136, 137 Chemistry, A.P. 241 Chess Club 190 Chick-Fil-A 241 Childress, Michael A. (9) Childress, Sheila Laverne (10) 62, 78, 176 Childress, Tracy Scott (II) 118 Chisholm, Clarence Monroe ( 12) 20, 50' 177 Chisholm, David Lee (II) Chivil y, Maria Kalina (I 0) 122, I !!4

Chivily, Stephanie Ann (9) 94, 122, 131 , 184 Choe, Jin Sun ( II) 62 Choir 182, 183 Chowney, Benhamin (9) 94 Christian Fellowship Club 192, 193

Currie, Michael David (II) 63, 194 Curry, Morvin T. 20B Cutitta , Dione ( II ) 63, 177, 184 Cypress, Florine El izabeth 227

Christmas Activities 152

Christmas, Anthony, Eugene (II) 62, 124, 192 Christmas, Jeffrey Raylor (I 0) 78, 124 Chrystal, Cynthia Danielle ( 12) 12, 20, 50, 136, 145, 192 Chrystal, Susan Maureen (10) 12, 76, 78. 136, 196, 198 Churchman, Emmett Eugene (10) 62, 78 Churchman, Jon ice Marie ( 12) 20, 50 Churchman, Oscar Roy ( 12) 50 Churchman, Sonya Monique (II) 62, 177 Churchman, Tina Leigh (II) 62, 78, 177 Citron, Judith Pam 225 Clark, Ashley Marie (I 0) 78, 182, 189 Clark Barry James (1 2) 4, 20, 50, 11 8, 171 , 197 Clark, Christina Eileen (II) 62, 122, 176, 184 Clark, Daniel Wade ( 12) 20, 50, IB5 Clark, Debra Ann (II) 62, 122, 131 , 185 Clark, Emily T rescine ( 12) 16, 20, 50, 180 Clark, Paul Eugene (9) 94, I 00, 119 Clark, Stacey Lynn (10) 78, 196 Clark, Steven Eric (9) 94, 119 Clork,Terry Lee (12) 50 Clark, Wesley 122 Clarke, Christopher Wayne (10) 78, 119, 136, 185, 196 Clarke, Donna Kathleen (II) 62 Clarke, Michael Edward (9) 94, 150, 181 Clatterbuck, George Michael ( I I) 62, 197 Clatterbuck, Marvin Scott (II) Clatterbuck, Shannon Elaine ( 12) 23, 50, 196 Cleasby, Amy Christine (9) 94 Clements, Joan Denise (II) 62 Clements, Jody Eugene (9) 94 Clements, Kimberly Lynn ( 12) 23, 50, 172 Clements, Rodney Cole (9) 94 Cleveland, George Brock (I 0) 78 Coates, Elizabeth Dinning (12) 23, 50, 122, 184, 192 Coates, Martha (I 0) 78, 116, 135, 196 Cobb, Henry Wa yne ( 12) 50 Cobbs, Terry Koy _(12) 23, 50 Coble, Dodee Lee (12) 16, 23, 24, 48, 50, 155, 186, 197 Coco-Colo 234 Cochran, John Christian (II) 62 Cockerille, Mary Jane (I 0) 78, 112, 194 Coiner, Sharon Elizabeth (I 0) 78, IB8 Coleman, Bonnie Sue (I 0) 7B, 196 Coleman, Lindo Elizabeth (I 0) 7B Coleman, Lisa Renee (9) 94 Coleman, Sharon Denise (II) 62, 122, 184 Coleman, Suzanne Michele (9) 94 Coles, Constance Lucille ( 12) 23, 50 Coles, Cristi Rosannq ( I 0) 78, 122 Coles, Janice Elaine (9) 94, 188 Coles, Luther Lewis (I 0) Coles, Michelle Denise (10) 78, 176 Coletrain, William Lee ( II) 62, 118, 179 Colley, Michael Christoper ( 12) 23, 50, 118, 155, IB6 Collie, Sora Elizabeth (10) 78, 183, 191 Collier, Doug los Glenn (II) 155 Collier, Kevin Scott ( 12) 23, 50 Collier, Rebecca Anne (9) 94, 177 Collier Ursula Ann (12) 4, 21, 23, 50, 170, 171 , 173, 186, 19B Collins, Clifton Mark (9) 94 Collins-Herndon Motor Co' 244

Collum, John Michael (I 0) Colombini, Martha Ann Johnson 209 Corney, David Lester (12) 23, 50, 118, 121 , 124, 150, 192 Corney, Lyman R. 229 Compston, Melinda Marie (9) 94, 194 Conn, Sandra Lee (II) 62, 176 Conner, Mark Stewart (10) 7B, IBB Cook, Allen Binford (9) 94, IB4 Cook, Helen Elizabeth (II) 63, 112, 131, 132, IB6 Cooper, Deborah E. 176,219 Cooper, Felicia Moria (II) 63, 194 Cooper; Michael Keith ( II ) Corbin, Jimmie Andrew (9) 94, 119 Corley, William E. 20B Cornog, Raymond Arteaga (I 0) 7B Corrigan, Timothy William (II) 23, 50, 196, 197 Cortez, Darlene Elizabeth ( 12) 23, 50 Cosby, Caroline Burke (10) 78, 110, 189, 191 Cosner Brothers Body Shop 235 Cottrell, Cynthia Juanita (II) 63, 182 Couch, Annette Lynn (II) 63, 182, 183, 191 Coukos, Eleni Dionne ( 12) 23, 40, 50, 189 Covington, Elizabeth A. 191 , 226 Covington, Eugenia V. (9) 94, 176 Cowgill, Brenda Lynn (9) 94, 194 Cowgill, Terry Arnold (12) 23, 50 Cox, John Alvah (9) 94, 184 Cragg, Barbara 136 Cragun, David Lloyd (II) 63, liB, 197 Crane, Louella Jane 131 , 206 Craver Patricia Lynn (9) 94, 197, II 0, 196 Crawford, Aaron Thomas (9) 94 Crawford, Antonio Loverna (I 0) 78, 177 Crawford, Carrie Virginia (II) 63, 136 Crawford, Keith Alan ( 12) 23, 50, 118, 131 , 153, 155, 156, 173, 178 Crenshaw, Bobby Edward (9) 94 Crenshaw, James Doug los (II) 63 Crenshaw, Koren Denise ( 12) 50 Cress, Brett Allen (9) Crickenberger, Blain W. (10) 78, 177 Crickenberger, Bucky Lee (12) 23, 50, 176 Crickenberger, Tracy Joe (10) 78, 183 Crickenberger, Venda Kaye (I 0) 78, 196 Crittendon, Anne Marie Con ice ( 11)

Critzer, Maxwell Travis (9) 94 Critzer, Sue D. 4, 170, 171, 214 Critzer, Timmy James ( 12) . 23, 5p Critzer, Timothy Harmon (II) 63 Cronk, Ann Marie (II) 63, 117 Cross Country Ill, 112, 113 Crouse-Hinds 248 Crowe, Leslie Jeann (II) 63, 122, 181, IB3 Crutchfield, Helen E. (9) 94, II 0, 196 Crutchfield, Thomas J. (II) 63, 196 Cunningham, David W. 194, 195, 209 Curl, Koren Lynn (12) 50

D DECA 176, 177 Dade, Zina Michelle ( 12) 50 Dogli, Mel ike Ayse ( 12) 23, 50, 196 Dailey, Cynthia Anne (II) Dalrymple, Paul Clayton ( I 0) 78, 119, 196 Daniels, Donna Lee (12) 23, 24, 50, 114, 115, 140, 143, 145, 146 Daniels, Jill Lynsly (10) 78, 136, 196 Dos, Sanjit (9) 94, 155 Dougherty, David Glenn ( I 0) Doughertyn Paula Susan (II) 63, I i6, 197 Davis, April Janine (I 0) 78, 182 Davis, Barry Anthony (9) 94 Davis, Barry Owens (10) 79, 119 Davis, David Duncan ( 12) Davis, Lisa Ann (9) 94, 177 Davis, Lisa Gywn (9) 94 Davis, Marggret Anne (II) 63 Davis, Mcry Mae (9) 64 Davis, Rebecca Ann (9) 94 Davis, Stephanie Lynn (II) 4, 64, 170, 172, 198 Davis, Valerie Down (9) IB6 Davison, Andrew Burbeck ( 12) 23, 50, 192 Day, Mark Alan (II) Dean, Kathy Sue (9) 94, 182 Dean, Michael (I I) 64 Deane, Joseph Randolph (I 0) Deane, Mark Anthony (I 0) Debate 174, 175 Debenedictis, Carl David (9) Deberry, Andrea Frances (9) 189 D'elicio Delicasies 244 D' elicio, Louis Edward (9) 94, 122, 185 D'elicio, Marie Louise (II) 64, 122, 184 DeKrafft, Charles W. 226 Delis, Katherine (I 0) 182 Delis, Lisa (10) 79, IB2, 191 DeMasters, Teresa Lynn (II) 64 Dempsy, Kimberly Nodine (I 0) 79, 176 Depret-Guillaume, Patrick (9) 94, 198 Depret-Guillaume, Serge (I 0) 79 DeVan, William Arthur (II) 64, 175, IB9 Dewey, Linda Powers ( 12) 23, 50, 182 Dewey, Lisa Kim (10) 79, 116 "Diary of Anne Frank'' 148, 149

Dick, Marye 226 Dickerson, Aneelo Marie (9) 94 Dickerson, Jennie Mae (9) 94 Dickman, James Earl (12) 23, 50, 188 Dickman, Suzanne (II) 64, 180, 183 Dieson, Susan Jean (9) 94 Digges, Duane Andrew (10) 79, 119 Dillard, Jeffery Mitchel (I 0) 79 Dillard, Nicholas (II) 64, 131 , 178 Dillard, Stephanie L. (I 0) Dillard, Terry Recorda ( I I) Dillow, Mark Anthony (9) 94, 179 Dimasi, Anthony Joseph (I I) 64, I 18 Dimasi, Kathleen Laing (10) 79, 110 Dinwiddie, Anne Corder (II) 64, 136, 184, IB8, 189 Dian, John Joseph (9) 94 Ditchkus, Pamela Ann (12) 12, 23, 50, 180, 181, IB2, IB3 Dixon, Harold Andrew (9) 94, 122, 181, 184 Dixon, Indio Isabell (II) 64, 196 Dixqn, Meredith Ann (12) 23, 4B, 50, 57, 173, lBO, 181, 184 Dobbins, Douglas W. (12) 23, 50, 115, 136 Dobbins, Thomas C. (I I ) 64 Dobbs, E. Marcia 148, 151 , 181 , 220 Dofflemyer, Virginia R. 204 Donahue, Michael Paul Donato, Brian John (9) 186 Donato, Kristin Eileen (I 0) 79, 181 Dorman, Gail Marie (10) 79 Dorman, Gene Preston, Jr.(9) Dorman, Richard Lee (I 0) 79, 122, 184 Darn, Desiree Lajaun 路(IO) 79, 176 Doss, Portia Yvonne ( 12) 23, 50 Douglas, Bryant (I 0) Douglas, Glenda Ruth (9) 94 Douglas, James F. 206 Douglas, Karen Marie (9) 94 Douglas, Keith Lee (9) 94, 112 Douglas, Paul Lawrence (12) 50, Ill, 112, 124 Dove, Richard Marvin (I I) Dovel, Tom 118, 119 Dowell, Karen Sue (12) 4, 23, 50, 171, 173, 177 Dowell, Sharon Goy (I 0) 79 Downtown Athletic Store 252 Downtown Gulf 244 Doyle, Brian Canning (10) 79, 127 Doyle, Elizabeth Winn (10) 79, 194 Doyle, Mark Skeffington ( 12) 23, 50, 197 Drama Club 180, 181 Drash, Sarah Elizabeth (I 0) 79, II 0, 189 Dream Team 124 Driscoll, Bethany Cia)' (9) 94 Driscoll, Tracy Jane (12) 4, 23, 50, 171, 186 Dubnicek, James P. 225 Dudley, Garrett Anderson (II) 64 Dudley, Kimberly Diane (II) 64, 110, 192, 196 Dudley, Loretta Lynn (10) 79 Dudley, Tommy Lynn (9) 94 Dudley, Veronica Yvonne ( 12) 23, 50 Duggan, Michael Thomas (II) 64, 151, 155, 175, 180 Dunbar, Carol Joanne ( 12) 23, 50, II y, 153, 183 Dungeons and Dragons 190 Durham, Sharon Elaine (9) Dvorak, Brigitte Layne (II) 65, 177 Dwier, Alison Ann (II) 60, 65, 151, 175, 180' 181 , 188 Dyer, Lisa Ann (10) 79 Dyer, Robert A. (I 0) Dyer, Yolanda 0 . (II) 65, 177



E Eades, Jonathon Kirk (10) 79, 196 Eagle Window Remodeling 255

Early, Eddie Lee (11) 65, 11 8, 131, 179 Ecology Club 178, 179 Economics, 4th Period 233 Eddins, Theresa (9) 94 Edgecomb, Debra Sue (9) 94 Edlich, Elizabeth Carol (12) 23, 50 Edmonds, Winston Lewis, Jr. (9) 10, 95, 118, 119, 131 , 185, 194 Edmondson, Susan Louise (9) 95, 196 Edsin, Clarence Holland 207 Edwards, Andrew Wesley (9) 185 Edwards, Cheryl Louise ( 10) 80, 176, 182 Edwards, Kenneth Samuel (9) 95, 122, 185 Edwards, Nancy Jean (9) 95, 189 Edwards, William Roger ( 11) Eichelberger, Ben Davis (9) 95, 186 Eichman, Todd Everett (9) 95, 189 Elbirlik, Edo ( 10) 80, 115, 184 Elbirlik, Mohmet ( 12) 25, 50 Elem, Cheryl ( 10) Elgart, Andrew C. 205 Eljos 250 Elledge, Myles Fletcher ( 12) 25, 50, 68, 131, 185, 192 Elliott, Marion Borton 207 Ellis, Darla Cherie 204 Elliton, David Gilbert ( 10) 80, 119 Ely, Addison ( 10) Ely, Michael 128, 204 Emmons, John Randlett (9) 95 English, A.P. 250 English, 1st Period, Burr 250 English, 2nd Period, MacDonald 242 English Deportment 212,213, 214, 215 Eppard, Fredrick Arnold ( 11) Eppard, George Randy ( 12) 37, 50 Eppard, Koren Michelle (9) 95 Eppard, Lisa Yvonne ( 11) 65, 122, 135, 184 Ergler, Richard H. 178, 179, 206 Erickson, Matthew Fredrick ( 12) 25, 50, 145, 146, 197, 198 Erickson, Sondra Lee ( 1 l)

Erkenbrock, Lauro (10) 80, 19 1, 196 Estes, Pamela Deenen (I I ) 65 Estes, Phillip Mansfield (I 0) 80, 11 9, 127, 186 Estes, Stephanie Mario (9) 95 Estes, Z. James, Jr. 215 Etheridge, Susan Corter 220 Evans, Debra Faye ( 12) 25, 50, 177 Evans, Dione Gloria ( 12) 25, 50, 177 Evans, Janice M . 231 Eva ns, Kimberly Sue (9) 95, 1 IS, 189 Ewoys, Kay Elizabeth ( 11) 65, 184, 186, 198 Ewoys, Vicki Rene (I 0) 80 Ewing, Hugh James ( 1 I) 65, 196

Fordham, Benhomin Oliver (9) 95, 155, 191 Foreign Language Deportmen t 2 10, 21 I Forloines, Melissa Jane ( 10) 81 ' 122, 184 Forsberg, Ronald Wayne (9) 95, 179 Fortune, Vincent Curley ( 10) 178 Foss, David ( I I ) 65 Foss, Matthew Spencer ( 12) 25, 5 1, 11 8, 155, 156, 180, 188 Fouts, Stephanie Lynn ( 10 ) Foutz, R. Stephen 195, 216 Fowler, Margaret P. 208 Fox, Harry Scott (I 0) 8 1 Fox, James Randolph (I 0) Frome, Lauro A nne (1 0) 81 , 122, 184 Franklin, V erona L. 212 Frazier, Edward Lee ( 12) 5 1, 65 Frazier, Susan Gail ( 11) Frederick, Rebecca Lyn (9) 95, 182, 188 Freix, Gory Word ( 12) 51 French Club 1-8, 189 French, Donna Lynn (1 2) 25, 51 , 115, 177 Frescol n, Amy Webb ( 11) 184, 186 Friend of Theatre Related Employment Experience 264

Fritz, Debra Dione (1 2) 25, 51 , 140, I SS, 178, 186 Fritz, Gloria Anne ( 12) 25, 51 Fritz, Tommy Lynn ( 10) 8 1, 176 Fritz, Thomas Joseph (9) 96, 197 Frye, Linwood Mason ( 12) 25, 5 1, 131 Frye, Robert Richard (I 0) 81 Fuelling, Eric Reeder (9) Fulcher, Virginia L. 173, 206 Funfgeld, Douglas ( 12) 25, 5 1

FBLA 176, 177 FCA 192, 193 FFA 178, 179 FHA 176, 177 Fogg, Gregory Scott (I 0) Falls, Patricio Gail (12) 25, 50, 173, 192 Falls, Sharon Lynn (9) 95 Fontino, Anthony " Zeke" 176, 227 Fontino, Marilyn J. 215 Farish, Dee Groce ( 1 I) Farish, Lisa Elaine (9) 95 Fariss, John Wesley (II) 65 Farris, William Henry (9) 95, 178 Farrish, Pamela Dione (9) 95 Faulkner, Rebecca (9) 80 Feggons, Everett Lynn ( 12) 29, 50, 177 Feggons, Gletso Vo rlerio (I 0) 80, 183, 186 Feggons, Gregory McFarlan ( 12) 25, 48, 50 Feggons, Jeffery Randolph ( 12) 50 Ferguson, Ruth Leona ( 11) 65, 176 Fidler, Phyllis Katherine (10) 80, 177 Field Hockey 108, 109, 110 Feilds, Henry Miles (12) 50 Fields, Judy Denise (9) 95 Fields, Tommy Lyn n (11) 65, 11 4, 115, 171, 177 Fillmore, Kristin Ann (9) 95, I I 0, 182 Fine Arts Deportment 220, 221 , Finger, Eleanor Ford (9) 95, 136 Finley, Peggy S. 212 Fischer, Troy Wayne (10) 80, 188 Fischer, Jogn Christopher (I 0) Fisher, Roger, Edward (I 0) Fisk, George Elba (9) 95, 179 Fisk, Rose Frances (9) Fitz, Douglas Alan (9) 194 Fitzgerald, Amy Sue (9) 95, 11 0, 196 Fitzgerald, Douglas Owen ( 12) 25, 80 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ann (I 0) 80 Fitzgerald, Robin Jonine (9) 95 Fitzwater, John Walker, Jr. (9) 80 Flanagan, Gory Lynn (10) 80 Flanigan, Elizabeth Cadwell ( 12) Fleming, Jenifer Marie (9) 95 Fleming, Michael Patrick ( 12) 25, 51 Fletcher, Donna Lynette (10) 80, 122, 183, 184 Florence, Richard Bruce, Jr. ( 11) 65 Flynn, Carven Da vid ( 12) 25, 51 , 196, 197, 198 Flynn, Frederick Go lager (I 0) 80, 127, 196 Flynn, Kathleen 152, 209 Fl ynn, Sean Francis ( 12) 25, 51 , 196 Fogle, William Samuel (9) Football 118, 119, 120, 12 1 Ford, Jerry Gilbert ( 10) 81 Ford, Timothy Flann ( 12) 25, 51



Grainer, Pam 135

Granger, Amy Hankins (9) 96, 115, 135 Granger, Katie Maury (1 0) 81 , 11 5, 144, 196 Groves, Brenda J. 176, 177, 2 19 Groves, Cynthia Renee ( 11) 65 Groves, Ricky Scott (10) 81 , 184, 196 Groves, Roy Lee ( 12) 26, 51 Gray, Kevin William ( 10) 127 Gray, Meredith James (II) Gray, Milton Daniel (9) 96, I 00, 127 Graziano, Anthony Franklin (I 0) 8 1 Greco, Christine (I 0) Green, Colvin Leroy ( 10) Green, Down Michelle ( 12) 26, 51 , 122, 177 Green, John (11) 65, 11 8, 179 Green, Kelvin Leroy (I 0) Green, Lorry Elizabeth (II) 65, 180 Green M ountain Country Store 238

Green, Warren Christopher (II) Greenbrier Shell, Inc. 257 Grim, Nancy Carolyn 218

G GAA 192, 193 GIGIF 263 Godient, Stephanie Edith (9) 96, 188 Gaertner, John Alden (10) 81, 148, 170, 172, 194 Goines, Earnest Lee, Jr. (9) 96 Goines, Valerie Lee ( 10) 81 Gaines, Vanessa Laverne {II) 65 Gallant, Jane 220 Gallup, Angelo Sue (1 2) 4, 25, 29, 5 1, 155, 17 1, 175, 186, 189, 19 1, 192 Gannon, Jennifer Ann (I 0) 81 , I 16, 128, 196 Ganong, Stephen Patterson 206 Gorden Spot, Inc . 251 Gordner, Charlotte Charmaine ( 10) 81 , 122, 184 Gordner, Christine Renee ( 12) 25, 5 1, 172, 177, 192 Gordner, Darlene Louise ( 12) 26, 5 1 Gordner, Dorrell C. 71 , 176, 177, 224 Gordner, Elliott J., Jr. (9) 96 Gordner, Frondell Doretho (12) 26, 5 1, 122, 194, 198 Gardner, Kovanso Kenton {9 ) 96


Goodloe, Brenda Sue ( 12) 26, 51 , 175, 177 Goodman, Jonny Wesley (9) 96, 196, 198 Goodwin, Alan Scott ( 10) 81 , 196 Garmon, Deneo Jonene (10) 81 , 184, 196 Gossweiler, Richard Carl ( 11) 65, 131 , 186, 191 Government, I st Period 254, I 52 Government, 2nd Period 257 Government. 3rd Period 261 4th Period 262 Government, 4th Period 252 Grobmon, Judith Carol (I 0) Graham, David Andrew (9) 96, 104, 185 Grainer, Brion J. 118, 217

Gordner, Kenton S. 179, 227 Garland, Rebecca (11) 65, 115, 131, ISS, 186 Garner, Stewart Ann ( 10) 8 1, 186 Garnett, James Mercer 127, 197, 223 Garnett, Jill Harrison 177, 224 Garnett, Ruth 176 Garrett, Coral E. 186, 198, 210 Garrett, Robert Martin ( 12) 26, 51 Garrison, Henry Daniel ( 12) 26, 51, 179 Garrison, Janice Marie (9 ) 96, 188 Garver, Scott Michael ( 11) 65, 11 8, 155, 186, 198 Gatewood, Losondro Blende (9 ) 81 , 176, 177 Gaylord, David Alan, Jr. (I 0) 81 , 127 Geer, Monty Wayne ( 11) 65 Gelling, Patrick Howard ( 11) Gentry, Edwin Glen ( 12) 26, 51 , 176 Gentry, Gory Wayne (9) Gentry, Gregory Scott ( 11) 65 Gentry, Terry Lee (II) 65, 196, 197 Gerber!, Charles Peck (9) 96, 11 9, 131 German Club 188, 189 German, Donna 177

Ghozorion, Germaine (1 0) 8 1, 189, 196 Giannini, Stephani Page ( 10) 81 , 196 Gibson, Carlo Lynn ( I I) 65, 186 Gibson, Cynthia Kay (9) 96, 182 Gibson, Dwayne Phillip ( 10) 8 1 Gibson, Franklin L., Jr. (9) 96 Gibson, Gory Samuel (I 0) 8 1, 119 Gibson, Harlan Franklin (I 0) Gibson, Joseph Keith ( 10) Gibson, Ko ren Lynn ( 12) 26, 5 1 Gibson, Nelson Everett (9) Gibson, Robbin Lynn (10) 81 , 186 Gibson, Roger Dole (9) 96 Gibson, Susan McCray ( 12) 26, 51 , 1 12, 172, 186 Gibson, Thomas Gene (I 0) Gies, Mary Jo 2 18 Gilko, Kimberly Ann ( 1 I) 65, 71 , 177 Gilko, M ichelle Lynn (9) 96, 189 Gill, M ichae l P., Jr. (1 0) 81 , 119, 177, 191 Gilliam, Koneyko Delondo ( 12) 26, 51 Gilliam, Robert Maxim, Jr. ( 11) Gilliam, Steve Anthony ( 10) 68, 81 , 183 Gilligan, Anthony Chris (I I) Gilmer, Georgia (10) 81 , 110 Ginny's Hair Fa shions 264

Given, Paul O'Neil (10) 81 , Ill , 112, 196 Glasgow, Ethel Elnora (9) 96, 122, 184, 194 Glassner Jewelers 256

Gleason, Michelle Lee (9) 96, 182 Gleitz, Al len Harrison (11) 65, 122, 174, 175, 184, 188, 189 Gloeckner, James Ken t (10) 8 1, 131, 194 Gloeckner, Koro Marie ( 12) 26' 19 1, 198 Glover, Mary Jane 226 Goco, Inc . 262 Godsey, Gregory Coldwell (II) 65, 68, 122, 168, 189 Godsey, Melanie Jane ( 10) 8 1, 11 6, 129, 196 Goebel, Donald Joseph ( 1 I) 65 Golder, Charles David (10) 8 1 Goode, Wil liam Mason (I 0) Goodell, Zachary Grant (1 0) 8 1, 11 9, 196

Grinde, Down Leah ( 11) 65 Grinde, Paige Elizabeth (I 0) 81 , 122, 184, 196 Grubb, Donna Sue (1 2) 51

Gu idance Deportment 204, 205 Guitar Club 194, 195 Gurley, Kieston Greg (II) 65, 132, 133, 180 Gurley, Merlino P"'?rl (10) 8 1, 181 Guthrie, Kenneth Andrew ( 12) 26, 5 1, 11 8, 14 1, 192 Guthrie, Timothy Roy (9) 96, 11 9 Gymnastics 134, 135

H H & M Shoe Stores 263 Hoar, Jane Lloyd ( 11) Hackney, Donna Mahalia (1 2) 4, 16, 26, 5 1, 171 , 177, 180, 184 Hogo, Kevin Mark ( 12) 26, 51 Hogo, Sylvia Denise (9) 96, 176 Hoger, Brenda Sue (I 0) Hahn, Dennis Evon ( 12) 26, 51 Haines, Colleen Lee (9) 96, 188 Hakala, Tracy Noel (9) 96, 196 Hall, Donald Keith (9) 96 Hall, Lester Arnold ( I 0) 81 Hall, M ichael Adam (1 0) 8 1, 82, 122, 185, 186 Hall, Mitchell A lan (I 0) 122, 184, 188 Hall, William Theodore (9) 96 Homm, Lindo Down (9) 96, 189, 198 Homm, Susan Annette (II) 65 Hammer, Joe A llen ( 11) 65 Hammill, Clifford George (9) 97, 179 Hammond, Kenneth Paul (9) 97, 11 9, 127 Hammond, Stephen Edgar (I 0) 82, 11 9 Hamner, Clifton Charles (9) 97, 127, 186 Hamner, Elizabeth Diona ( 12)4, 16, 26, 51 , I 09, 110, ISS, 156, 170, 171, 173, 175, 178, 188 Honckei-Citizens Insurance Co, 263

Honey, Jeffrey Allen ( 12) 26, 5 1 Hanger, Rhonda Lynn ( 12) 26, 5 1, 145, 146, 186, 197 Hard, James Allen (12) 26, 51 , 149, lSI , 180, 181, 182, 183 Harlan, Mary 226 Harlequin 172 Harlow, Nell (II) 65 Harmon, Scott Allan (9) 97 Harper, Henry Hyatt ( 12) 26, 51 , 180 Harper, Margaret Barker ( 12) 26, 51, 175, 189, 273 Harper, Robin Hooke ( I 0) 82, 119, 185 Harper, Tracie Lyn n (9) 97, 172 Harpold, Teresa Lynn (11) 82 Harris, Angelo Show (I 0) 82, 177 Harris, Bonnie Dione (I 0) 82 . Harris, Brad Keith (I 0) 82 Harris, Christine Leona (I I) 66, 175, 177 Harris, Connie Elaine (II) 66, 176 Harris, Derrick Joy ( 12) 26, 5 1, 140, 145, 146, 194 Harris, George Thomos(9) 97, 11 9, 127, 184 Harris, James William, Jr. (I 0) 82 Harris Jane-Ashley ( 12) 26, 29, 51, 153, 156, 196, 198 Harris, Jane Annette (9) 82, 173, 194 Harris, Laverne (9) 97 Harris, Mark A nthony (9) 97 Harris, Melanie Down ( 12) 26, 51 Harris, Reg inald Leroy ( 12) 26, 51 , 175, 198 Harris, Robert A lexander, IV (I I) 66, 174, 175, 188, 189 Harris, Scott Christopher ( I I ) 66, 177 Harris, T ereso Kim ( 12) 26, 51 Harris, Virginia Allen ( 1 I) 66, I SS, 188, 189 Harris, Wolter James (I 0) 82 Harrison, Mark Edwards ( 12) 12, 51 , I 18, 194 Harris, Ro lph 222 Hortman, M ichael A ion (I I) 66 Hosenfus, Glenn Thomas ( 12) 26, 51 Hosenstob, M ichael David (9) 97, 181 Haverkamp, James Lewis ( 11) 66, 19 1 Haviland, Julio Kay (12) 12, 26, 51 , 128, 173, 175, 186, 197, 273 Hawkins, Kathy Renee (9) Hawkins, Kelvin Ricardo (II) 66 Hawkins, Letino Angelic (I I) 66 Hawkins, Todd David (9 ) 97, 119, 196 Howley, Lisa Ann (9) 97 Hayes, James Theodore (I 0) 119, 183 Hearne, James Michael (II) 66, 19 1 Hearns, Joy Losell (9) 97, 131, 185


Hearns, Rodney Alan (I I ) 66 Heeter, Al ison Marie (I 0) 80, 82, 176, 177 Heimer, Gosto ( II) 66, 118, 191 Heimer, Knut Lennort (I 0) 82, 119 Heintges, Adrea Leigh (I 0) Heintges, David Bloire ( I 0 ) Heintzlemon, Andrew Knox ( 12) 26, 5 1, 143, 145, 146, 192 Heintzlemon, Koren Lo w (9) 12, 97, 136, 140, 145, 147, 184, 189 Helfenstein, Dorothy Lee (I I ) 66, 196 Helmondollor, Allen W. 231 Hemmer, Koren Leslie ( 12) 26, 51 , 155, 180, 181 , 182, 183, 188, 194 Henderson, David Stuart ( 12) 26, 51 , 122, 185 Henderson, Lester Harrison (I I ) 66 Henderson-Williams, Elizabeth L. 215 Henley, Thomas Walker ( I I ) 66 Henry, Deborah Down ( 12) 51 , 177 Henry, Jeffrey Harrison (9) 97 Henry, Sheila Annette ( 10) 177 Hensley, Kelly Lee, Jr. (I 0) 82 Hensley, Kevin Dole (9) 97 Hensley, Mannie Wayne, Jr. (9) 97 Hensley, Ricky A. (9) Hensley, Wendy (9)

I lochetto, Sheri Lynn (I I ) 67, 180, 182, 183 Inabinet, Carol Louise ( II) Indoor Track 131 , 132, 133 Ingalls, Michael G. (9) 97 Inscoe, Paulo Jo (10) 82, 177, 186, 196 Inscoe, Sherry Lee ( 12) 28, 5 1 Investors Savings

& Loon


Irvin, Dora Disney ( 12) 5 1 Irwin, Lauro Smith (I 0) 82, 148, 180, 181 Ivie, Belinda Down ( 12) 28, 51 , 182 lvie, Gregory Mark (1 0) 82, 191 Ivory, Robert Louis, Jr. ( II ) 67, 177 Ivory, Steven Maurice (9) 97, 127 lx, Fronk & Son 239

Hensley's Radiator Service 245


Hermanson, Holl y Crilly ( II ) 66, 148, 149, 155, 180, 18 1 Herold, Robert Brew ( 12' 28, 5 1, 196 Herring, Gary Donald ( I I) 66 Herring, James Arthur (9) 97 Herring, Korron Anne ( I I ) 66 Herring, Keith Randall (9) 97, 194 Herring, Larry Ronald (I I) 66 Herring, Ollie B. (9) 97, 179 Herring, Trent Allen (9) Herrmann, Calvert Caroline (I 0) 82, 11 2, 131 , 196 Hicks, Bobby Lee ( II) 66 Hicks, Brenda Carole ( I I ) 66 Hicks, Deborah Jo (II) 7, 66, 128, 129, 182 Hicks, Hope Mirna (9) 96, 97, II 0, 127, 182, 196 Hicks, Jacqueline Anne (II) Hicks, Kiml;>erly. Kaye (I I) 66 Hicks, Ruth Louise (9 ) 97 Hicks, Shirley Ann ( 12) 28, 51 , 177 Hicks, Thomas Burea n (9) 97 Higgins, Deborah Lynn (I 0 ) 82, 184 Higgins, Penny Annette (9) 97 Higgins, Teresa (1 2) 28, 5 1, 191 Hill & Wood Funeral Service 251 Hiller, B. Scott ( II ) 66, 118, 194 Himelrick, Michael Roy (I I ) 66 Hipskind, Norman Patrick (I 0) 82 History, I st Period 258 History, 4th Period 251 History, 5th Period 234 History, 6th Period 238 Hoang, Minh (9) 97 Hobson, Anne Dono (I I ) 66, 196, 197 Hoel, Julie Britt (II) 66, 194, 197, 198 Hoel, Lisa Maureen (9) 97, 194 Hoel, Sonja Leslie (9) 97, I 00, 182, 189 Hogg, Doug los Scott ( 1.1) 66, 196 Hoke, Gloria Jean ( I 0) 66, 194 Holfelder, Frederick William (9) 97 Holgate, Heidi Marie (9) 97, 122, 184, 19 1 Holliday, Bruce Kelly ( II ) 66 Holliday, Susan Elaine ( II ) 66, 136 Hollins, Gory M ichael 218 Hollo, Denise Lillian (I 0) 82, 122, 18 1. Holloway, Bruce Kell y ( II ) Holmes, Al lan Edgar (1 2) 28, 11 8, 121 , 13 1, 132, 184, 19 1, 198 Holsopple, David Eugene (9) 97 Holsopple, Denise Dione (9) Holsapple, Vonda Kor (9) 97 Holt, Jamie Virginia ( I ) 66 Homecoming Court 145, 146, 147 Homcoming Donee 144 Homecoming Parade 143

Honors 156, 157 Hood, Charles Marcus (II) 66, 122, 184, 189 Hood, Paulo Elizabeth (9) 97, 122, 184 Hooper, Lisa Lee ( 10) 97, 13 1, 189 Hoover, Theresa Anne (9) 97 Horan, Joanne (I I ) 66, 11 4, 11 5, 186 Houchens, Brenda Faye (I 0) Houchens, Cindy Lei9h (9) 97 Houchens, David Clinton (II ) Houchens, Paul Lindsay (I 0) 82 Houghton, Daniel Vernon ( I I) 66 Houghton, Teresa Lynn (1 2) 51 , 177 Howard, Joanne Ellen (9) 97 Howard, Kevin Blair ( 12) 28, 51 , 186, 192 Howell, M ichael Dwayne ( I 0) 82 Howland, Maureen Ann ( 12) 28, 51 Hoy, Joanna Lee (II ) 67 Hozo . Sandra Elayne ( II ) 4, 67, 170, 17 1, 186 Huang, Hao-Kong ( 12) Hubbord, David Clark ( I 0) 82, 19 1 Hubbord, Michael Richard ( 12) 28, 5 1 Hubbord, Rhonda Karen (I I ) 67 Hucek, Andrew Thomas (9 ) 97 Hucek, Christopher James (9) 97 Hudgins, Skip 127 Hudson Insurance Agency 254

Hudson, Ruth Ann (9) 97 Hudson, Valerie Lynne ( 12) 28, 51 , 176 Huey, Robert Bradley ( I 0) 82 Huey, Robin Elizabeth (II) 67 Huffman, Howard Edward (10) 82, 196 Huffman, Mary Beth ( 12) 28, 48, 51 , 196 Hughes, Harriet (I I ) 176 Hughes, Harry ( 10) 82 Hughes, Quenno Victoria ( 12) 28, 51 Hughes, Shown Johnson (9) 97 Hunt, Donna Gail (9) 97 Hunt, Elizabeth Carr (I 0) 82, 175, 189 Hunt, Glenn Alan (I 0) 82 Hunt, Gregory Alan (I 0) 82 Hunt, Jennette S. 219 Hunt, Margaret Eleen (9) 97, 122, 184 Hunt, Sallie Harriette (II) 67, 175, 188, 189 Hunter, Mary Robeson 214 Hunter, Tammy 189 Hunter, Thomas Rogers (II) 67, 122, 175, 185 Hurt, Ben F. 96, 202

J Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson,

Allen Lyndon (I 0) 82 Donna Marie ( II ) 67, 177 John Andrew (I 0) Jordon Cory ( 12) 28, 48, 51 , 155, 172 Jyrene Lynette ( II) 67 Kernovio Lovonne (9) 97, 192

Jackson, Latrovern Daniel (9 ) 97

Jackson, Martha Lee (I 0) 82, 191 Jackson,Mikkell Lynn (1 2) 5, 28, 13 1, 143, 155, 173, 175, 178, 188, 189, 196, 198, 273 Jackson, Sarah M ichel le (9) 97, 198 Jacobson, Donna Susan (9) 97, 185, 186 Jager, C. W. 176 Jaggers, Jeffery Wendell ( 12) 28, 52 Jaggers, Scott Vincent ( 12) 28, 52, 122, 185 Jahrsdoerfer, Robert Greg (12) 16, 28, 52, 118, 150, 152, 185, 192, 198 Jakubowski, Susan J. (II) 67 James, Lisa Kay (9) 97 Jams Unlimited 248 Jansen, Kirk Zior (II) 67

Japanese Steak House 254 Jarmon, Catherine Marie (II ) 67 Jarmon,Jomes Edwin, Il l ( 12) 28, 52 Jarmon, Stacy An n ( I 0 ) 82 Jarrett, Russell L. 127, 223 Jarvis, Theresa Lynn (I I) Jazz Band 122 Jefferson, William Edward (9) 97, 11 9, 13 1, 179, 276 Johannesen, Down Helena (I 0) 82, 196, 197 Johannesen, Heidi Lynn (9) 98, 172 Johnson, A lonzo Frederick ( 12) 3 1, 37, 52, 131, 19 1 Johnson, Andrew Longhorn (II ) 67, 122 Johnson, April Valerie (9) 98 Johnson, Charlotte Elizabeth (9) 4, 98, 13 1, 170, 171, 194 Johnson, Charon (I 0) 82 Johnson, Cindy Charleen (I I) 67 Johnson, Clinton Timothy (9) 83, 181 , 183, 184 Johnson, Edward Lee ( 12) 4, 31 , 52, 118, 140, 197 Johnson, Eric Scott (9) 98, 119, 127, 197 Johnson, Ernest Eugene (9) 68, 98, I 12, 183 Johnson, Felicia Mae (9) 98, 194 Johnson, Jeff (I 0) 83 Johnson, Jennifer Eileen ( I 0) 83 Johnson, Jimmy Joe ( 12) 31 , 52, 178, 192 Johnson, Kevin Joseph (I I ) 67 Johnson, Larry A. 192, 193, 207 Johnson, LouroEiizabeth(l2)4, 3 1, 52, 116,1 55, 170, 17 1, 173, 178, 188, 19 1 Johnson, Laurie Denise (I 0) 83, 189 Johnson, Lorraine Roberta (9) Johnson, Lynnley E. (II) 67, 108, 135, 194 Johnson, Marnie Piers ( 10) 182, 19 1 Johnson, Melanie McCray (II) 67, 83, 196, 197 Johnson, M ichael Alonzo ( I 0) Johnson, Owen Derrick ( II) 67 Johnson, Paul L. 228 Johnson, Ruth 205 Johnson, Reg ina Leatrice (9) 98 Johnson, Robert Jefferson (I 0) 178 Johnson, Sharon Marie (I 0) 177 Johnson, Waldo E. 22 1 Johnson, Wayne Leon (1 2) 31 , 52 Jones, Anne Whitfield (I 0) 83 Jones, Anson Theodore (9) 98 Jones, Darlene Elizabeth (9) 98, 175 Jones, David Thoma s (9) 98, 119, 127, 198 Jones, Deborah Wh ite 224 Jones, Gary Stuart (1 0) 83, 84, 11 9, 136, 197 Jones, Gregory Sid (9) Jones, Kimberly Ruth ( 12) 3 1, 52, 172, 86 Jones, Laura Kay (10) 12, 83, 11 6, 189, 198 Jones, Lisa Gay (II) 67 Jones, Phillip Bradley (I 0) 83 Jones, Rebecca Robin 202 Jones, Sandra Elaine (I I) 67 Jones, Sterling Rexford (I 0) 83 Jones, Theresa M . 205 Jones, Thomas Calvin (9) Jones, Tracy Lynn (9) 98 Jordan, Jerry Oren, Jr. ( 12) 31 , 52 Jordon, Junius Lloyd, Jr. (I 0) 83 Jordon, Penny Marie (9) 98, 176 Jordan, She~ry Lynn ( 12) 31 , 52 Jostens 232


Kalla, Trudy Ann (12) 31 , 52 Kardos, Christopher Walker ( 12) 21 , 52, 53 Kastner, Stephanie ( 12) Kauffman, James T imothy (I 0) 83, 127, 196 Keeney, Linda B. 176, 225 Kelorokis, Ariadne Chrysa1 ( 12) 4, 31 , 52, 140, 14 1, 170, 17 1, 197, 198 Keller and George 26 I Keller, June Lorraine (9 ) 92, 98, 136 Kelley, Angela Marie (1 2) 31, 52, 87, 174, 175, 194 Kellogg, Jonathan M . Kelly, Anne Catherine (I I ) 67 Kelly, Caroline Moyes (II) 12, 67, 112, 131 , 175, 189 Kelly, Courtney Francis ( II ) 67, 196, 197, 198 Keli~SMichoe1Wilson(l2) 31 , 3 2, 52, 118, 145, 173, 178, 196, 197, Kelly, Patricia Zita (9) 98, 122, 13 1 Kelly, Thomas Thaddeus Elliott (9) 98, 13 1, 185 Kemp, Joan Patricia ( 12) 31 , 52, 192 Kendrick, Tim ( I 0) 83 Kennon, Brain Patrick (9) 98, 127, 189 Kerl , Cormen .Rosita (1 2) 31 , 52, 175, 180, 188, 192, 197 Kerns, Derrick Alan (9) 98, I 19 Kerns, T imothy Wayne ( 12) 31 , 52 Kerr, Casey Meredith (9) 98, 184 Kersey, Kimberly Kay (9) 98, 176 Kesler, Karsten A nn (9) 98, 189 Kesler, Ronald A shton (I I ) Keyser, Sondra A. 191 , 224 Keyser, Sue 221 Kidd, Deborah Sue (9) 98 Kidd, Jeffery Lee ( 12) 31 , 52 Kilburg, Jean Marie (II) 67, 186, 196 Kim, Ung-Sok (9) 98 Kim, Unk-Kil ( I 0) 83 Kincaid, Laura Jane (II ) 67, 122, 180, 181 , 182, 184 Kindrick, Timothy Kevin ( I 0) I 19 King, Angela Lynn (9) 98 King, Maurice Biggs, Jr. ( 12) 3 1, 52, 197 King and Roberts, Inc. 240 King, Steven A lan (1 2) 31 , 52, 150, 155,. 172, 186 King, Yvenne M imi ( I I ) 67, 122, 180, 184, 185 Kinko's Copies 240 Kirby, Debra Rochelle (II) 67, 155 Kirby, Edward Louis, II (9) 98 Kirby, Jonathon Zone (I I ) 67 Kirby, Tomaro Lynn (1 0) 83, 181 Kirby, Terri Annette (10) 83 Kirby, Toni Lynn ( 12) 31 , 52, 175, 180, 196, 197 Kirby, William Brion (9) 98 Kirchenheiter, Christopher (9) 98, 119, 196 Kirchenheiter, Susan Joel (II) 67, 135, 145, 147, 197 Kirkland, Elizabeth Ann (9) 98, 189 Kirksey, Nelson Blond (I 0) Kirschten, Christopher J. (I 0) Kirtley, Charles St. Clair (II) 67, 118, 196 Kirtley, David Baldwin (9) 98, 119 Kirtley Distributing 24 1 Kirtley Realty, Inc. 264 Kitterman, John Vincent 172, 197, 212 Kn ight, Colter Dillard (II) 67, 19 1 Knight, Keith Gerold (1 2) 3 1, 52 Kn ight, Lisa Marie (1 2) 4, 10, 31 , 52, 170, 171 , 180, 181 , 188 Knight, Rodney Duane (1 2) 31 , 52, 140, 189, 19 1, 197, 198 Knight, Mr. & Mrs . Willard 232 Koort , Peter Alan (I 0) 83 Kost, Kristine M . (II) 12, 67, 75, 112, 115, 124, 13 1, 185 Kost, Theresa Marie ( 10) 83, 13 1, 196 Kretsinger, Anno Lisa ( II) 67, 191 Kretsinger, Mono Katrina (10) 83, 115, 175, 189, 191 , 196 Krongoord, Kathleen Suzanne ( 12) 31 , 48, 52, 56, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151 , 180, 181 , 183, 189, 191 , 197, 198 Kunkler, Mike Andrew (I 0) 83 Kupke, Lise Kathleen ( 12) 31 , 52, 122, 155, 175, 178, 184, 185 Kupke, Micol Jean (10) 84, 115, 129, 181 Kuzmonn, Sylvia Kay ( II ) 68, 151 , 155, 180, 181 , 188, 196, 198

L La Bruno, Lisa (9) 98 La Bruno, T ereso (I I) 68, 145, 147 Lacrosse Club 196, 197 Lodd, James A lan ( 12) 52 Lam, Kimberly Brown ( 12) 52 Lam, Leroy ( I I ) Lomb, Jeffery Franklin ( 12) 31 , 52, 177, 198 Lomb, Kevin Edward ( I 0) 84, I 19 Lomb, Matthew Steven (I 0) 84 Lomb, Melissa Doil (I I ) 68 Lomb, Michael Allen ( 12) Lomb, Pamela Goy (10) 68, 191 Lomb, T ereso Gail ( 12) 31 , 52 Lombert, Koth rynB.(l 2)31 , 52, 56,1 48, 149, 15 1,1 74, 175, 180, 181 , 182, 183 Lombrinos, Litso lgnatios (I 0) 84, 186 Lamie, Robert V., Ill (II) Londel, Elizabeth Ann ( I 0) 84, 186, 19 1 Langdon, Brenda F. 124, 222 Lonzon, Justine Marie ( 12) 3 1, 52 Laramore, John Hoin ( 12) 31 , 52, 122, 184, 194, 198 Loscono, Moria Theresa ( I 0) 84, 122, 131 , 184, 186 Latin I, 2nd Period 244 Latin Club 186, 187 Louffenburger, Lindo Roe (10) 84, 110, 128, 191 Low, Daryl Lee (12) 31, 48, 52, 119, 196, 197 Lawhorn, Michael David ( 12) 33, 52, 182, 183 Lawrence, Carlton Scott (9) 98, 119, 131, 183, 194, 276 Lawson, Deneen Reo (I 0) 84, 177 Lawson, Holly Marie (9) 98 Lawson , Scott Alexander (I 0

Lawson, Sherri Rene ( 12) 33, 52 Leake, Barry Dwayne ( 12) 33, 52 Leake, Cheryl (10) 84, 122, 184 Leathers, Cynthia M ichell ( 12) 33, 52 Lederman, Mary Antil 188, 189, 2 10 Lee, Brenda Kay ( I I ) 68



Lee, Gwendolyn Ann ( 12) 33, 52 Lee, Kimberly Elaine (9) 98; 136, 196 Lee, Kyusong ( 12) 33, 52, 155, 173, 178, 188, 191 Lee, Lisa Gloria (9) 98, 182 Lee, R. E. & Son 24 1 Lee, Rita Ann ( 12) 33, 52 Leffers, Robert Alan ( 10) 84, 136; 181 Leggett, Fashion Square 247 Leibl, Donald Dean (9) 98, 11 9 Leibl, Mark Allen ( 12) 33, 52 Lenn, Howard Jeffrey (9) 98 Leonard, Kathleen Blythe (9) 98 Lesich, Gory Michael (9) Lesich, Theresa Michele ( 12) 33, 52, 122, 123 Levy's 260 Lewis, And reo Jeanne ( 11) 68 Lewis, Barbaro A . 229 Lewis, Carolyn (9) Lewis, Cynthia Elizabeth ( 11) 68 Lewis, Dono Kay (I 0) 84 Lewis, Gale Christiano (I 0) 84 Lewis, Lucian Russell ( 12) 33, 52, 136, 155, 184, 185, 186, 194 Lewis, M ichael Thone ( 11) 68, 197 Lewis, Stacey Down (9) 98 Lewis, Susan Tolle{ (10)84, 110, 177, 196 Lickliter, Christine 12) 33, 52 Liedholm, Eric John ( 10) 84 Lilley, Lincoln Lynn ( 10) 84 Limber, Susan Philips ( 12) 16, 33, 52, 156, 173, 178, 188, 189 Lindgren, Janna 221 Lind soy, Melissa Aleose ( 12) 33, 52, 177 Lindsay, Millicent Clarice ( 12) 33, 52 Lindsay, Nancy Ellen (9) Lind soy, Mary Beth ( 12) 33, 52, 177 Lindous, Frederick More ( 12) 33, 52, 194, 196, 197 Linkous, Janice Meria (9)

Linkous, John Douglas (9) 98 Linkuos, William F. (10) Litman, Daniel Louis (12) 4, 33, 52, 122, 148, 170, 171 , 180, 185, 198 Lively, Tommy Koy ( 11) 68 Livengood, Robert Dole ( 12) 33, 53 Livengood, Valerie Renee (I 0) 84, 175 Lloyd, John Robert ( 11) 68 Lloyds Rexoll 237 Loehr, Mallory Siegel 215 Loftin, Monique Leigh (10) 84, 182, 196 Loftlond, Everett Thomas (9) 98, I 00 Logon, Anno Elaine (9) 98, 194 Logon, Clevester 229 Logon, Peter Kevin Marion ( 11) 68, 122, 123, 148, 149, 155, 180, 181 , 183, 184, 185, 274 Logon, Vincent Edward ( 11) 68 Logos Bookstore 248 Lohr, Terry Louise ( 12) 33, 53 Londree, David O'Neil (9) 98, 127 Londree, Sondra Faye (II) 68, 128, 176 Loose, Mary Elizabeth (II) 68, 188 Lorentzen, Cheryl Kaye (9) 98, 184 Lorentzen, Paul Dennis ( 12) 33, 53, 180, 188, 191 , 194, 197 Louderback, Jeffrey Ashby ( 11) Loudermilk, Lauro Moe (10) 84, 184 Louise's Beauty Shop 263 Love, Michael Wade (10) 84, 191 Love, Tracey Lynn (9) 9B, 182, 196, 198 Lovelace, Kristin Lee (II) 68, 122, 151, 155, 180, 181 , 184 Lovelace, Shelley A. (9) 98, 136 Loving, Lisa Lovan (9) 98, 176 Loving, Tommy JoAnn (9) 98 Low, Cathryn Elizabeth ( 12) 33, 53, 140 Low, Diona Randolph (9) 98, 122' 184 Lowry, John Harold ( 12) 33, 53, 152, 155, 173, 175, 197, 198 Loyd, Douglas Anthony ( 12) 24, 33, 53, 68, 173, 175, 197 Lucas, Angelo Sherree (10) 84, 191 Lucas, Charles William ( 10) 85 Lucas, Koren Renee ( I 0) 69, 186 Luck, Carlton Andrew, Jr. (9) 99 Ludgote, Jennifer Ellen ( 11) 69, 155 Lukes, Aliso Jean ( 12) 33, 53, 115, 140, 143, 156, 173, 175, 196, 273 Lum, Grocielo 186, 210 Lumsden, James Charles ( 12) 33, 53, 196 Lumsden, Timothy Kennon (9) 99, 11 2, 131 , 196 Lutz, Eric Harding (II) . 69 Lynch, Michael David ( 11) 69 Lynch, Troy Elliot (9) 99, 197 Lynch, W. A . Roofing 257 Lyng, Mary Regina (9) 99, 11 0, 186 Lyons, Richard Wilson 125, 127, 223 Lyttle, Craig Steven ( 10)

M Macdonald, Robert Wilson 191, 213 MacDonald, Timothy C. 10, 175, 207 Madison, Jeanette Lynn ( 10) 85 Madison, Steven Roy ( 11) 69 Moeyens, Lawrence Eric (12) 53 Moeyens, Melissa (9) 12, 99, 116, 128, 129 Magruder, Marie Antoinette ( 12) 33, 53 Magruder, Renee Dorcell ( 11) 60, 68, 69, 177 Magruder, Sondra Monique (9) 99, 194 Mohones, Deborah Lynne ( 11) 69 Moher, Joyce Patricio (11) 63, 69, 155, 174, 175, 189 Mahnken, Dennis Hugh ( 12) 33, 53 Mahnken, Kathleen Jennifer (11) 69, 180, 191, 196, 197, 198 Mahnken, Timothy Mark (9) 99 Moine, Robert Paul (12) 33, 53, 155, 156, 192 Mallory, Tommy Irene (9) 99, 194 Mandell, Pamela Ravin ( 10) 85, 196 Mondley, Kimberly (9) 99 Mangrum, Curtis Eugene ( 12) 33, 53 Mann, Auburn Page, Ill (9) 99 Mann, Christopher Vance (9) 99 Manzano, Stephen John (II) 10, 68, 69, 185, 197 Marion, Kyle Sterling (9) 99, 119



Morropodi, Fronk ( 12) 34, 53, 153, 182, 183, 186 Marsh, Cleveland Henry ( 11) Marsh, Denise Page ( 12) 34, 53, 177 Marsh, Floyd Thomas, Ill ( 10) 99 Marsh, Richard Wayne (9) Marshall, Deborah Kaye ( 12) 34, 53 Morsholl, Diona Lynn ( 12) 24, 34, 53 Morsholl, Kotrino Lynn ( 12) 34, 53 Marshall, Rodney Ro y (I 0 ) 85 Marshall, Sonya Deanna ( 10) 85 Marshall, Teresa Lynn (9 ) Marshall, William Scott (II ) 69 Morski, George Dominick (II) 69 Martello, Leslie Leigh ( 10) 85 Martha's Cole 244 Martin, Amy V irginia (I 0) 85, l SI, 180, 181 Martin, Bobby David ( I 0) 85 Mort in, Deborah Ann (I 0) 85, 176, 177 Mort in, Donna Lynn (I 0) Martin Hardware 262

Martin, Henry Lee, Jr. ( 12) 34, 53, 172, 192 Martin, Janice Morsel (I 0) 85 Martin, Kathy Lon9 ( 12) 34, 184 Martin, Paul Vern (1 2) 34, 53 Martin, Robe rt Lee, Jr. (9) 99 Mort in, T ereso (9) 99 Martin, Todd Matthew (I 0) 85 Martin, Trac y Down (I 0) 85 Martin, Willio Christopher (I 0) 85, 194 Morypeg Shop 240 Morzono, Jeffrey David ( 12) 53 Mosloff, James Maxwell (1 2) 34, 53, 127, 192, 276 Mosloff, John Bunts (I 0) 83, 85, 127, 192 Moslyk, Mary Kim ( I 0) 85, 136, 196, 198 Mason, Candace Jo ( I 0) 85, l iS, 185, 191 Mason, Cynthia Gail ( I I) 69, 175, 197 Mason, Marcia Corter 223 Mossey, Donn Krichele (9) 99 Mossey, Durindo Bennett 197, 224 Massie, Andrew Jerome (I 0) Massie, Bruce Daniell ( I 0) 69 Mathematics Deportment 206, 207 Mathews, Carl Heaton (10) 85, 112, 131 , 191 Mattie, Edith Hill (I 0) 69 Maupin, Cynthia Denise ( 12) 34, 53 Maupin, Norman Wiley, Jr. ( 12) 34, 53 Maupin, Perry Lee (9) 99 Maupin, Terry Allen (II) 69 Maupin, Virginia 226

Maupin's Grocery 220 Mawyer, Bruce Lee (II) 69 Mawyer, Montie Carroll (II) 69 Maxwell, Morgoret Foster (I 0) 85, 112, 196 May, Charles Bryant (9) 99, 119 Moy, Julio Stephens ( 11) 69, 122, 184, 188 Mayhew, Thomas Richard (II) 69 Maynard, Michael Clinton (9) 99, 127 Mays, Bruce Da rren { 11)

Mays, Robert Brion (I 0) 85, 11 8 Moys, TrocyAnn(1 2) 34, 53, 108,1 09, 110,1 53,1 56, 173,175, 192, 196, 198 Maze, Frances Doinette (9) 99 McAllister, Fowndo Shay (I 0 ) 85, 136, 196 McAllister, Norman Sidney ( 12) 53 McConn, Roger Wo ine (II) McConn, Stacey Lee (9) 99, 18 1 McCarthy, Bradford Redd (9) 99, 188 McCaslin, Melissa (I 0) McCauley, Gregory Wayne (9) 99 McCauley, Tobin Kyle (12) 34, 53, 145, 196, 197 McCauley, Tracey Kay (10) 85, 136, 196 McClellan, Graham Eliot ( 10) McCluney, Mark Steven (II) 118 McClure, Jamie Barr ( 12) 24, 34, 53, 145, 153, 188, 196, 197, 198 McClure, Koren (I 0) 85, 181, 188 McCray, Catherine Paige (9) 99 McCubbin, Michael Eric ( 12) 34, 53, 148, 149, lSI , ISS, 156, 180 McCurdy, Fronk C. 119, 205 McCutchen, Nancy Lee (9) McDaniel, Faith Helildo (9) 99, 196 McDaniel, James E. 231 McDaniel, John Wesley ( 10) 85 McDaniel, Kelvin Dole ( 12) 34, 54, 197 McDaniel, Kristina Marie (9 ) 99

McDaniel, Marilyn Lee ( 12) 34, 54, 180 McDaniel, Melania Kay (II) 69 McDaniel, M ichael Wes ley ( 12) 54 McDaniel, Raymond H., Jr. (9) 99,11 9 McDaniel, Richard Lee ( 10) 85 McDaniel, Rosanna Isabell ( 11 ) 69 McDaniels, Susan Michelle ( 12) 29, 34, 54, 176 McDonald, Frances 96, 192, 193, 215 McDonald, Heather Compbel (9) 99, 122, 184, 186 McEldowney, Timothy Ross (11) 69, 191 McFarland, John Burnley ( 12) 34, 54 McGee, Gory and Nancy 264 McGetrick, John Stephen ( 11) 68, 118, 194 McGetrick, Patricio Marie (I 0) 85, 122, 184, 186 McGilligan, James Michael (12) 4, 34, 54, 170, 171 McGinnis, James Allen ( 12) 54 McGowan, Douglas Joseph ( 12) 34, 54, 197 McGowan, Jeonmorie (9) 99, 122, 184 McGowan, Mathew (9) 181 McGrory, Maureen Dorothy (11) 69, 183 McGuire, Sherry Ann ( 10) Mcintire, Blaine E. 228 McKamey, Earnest Gre9 (9 ) 99, 112, 179 McKeen, Lindo Diona ( 12) 34, 54, 172, 183 McKenna, Vicki ( 12) 34, 54 McKinney, Steve L. 229 McKinnon, Katherine Marie (9) 199, 122, 184, 186 McKown, Matthew David (9) 100 McMullen, Shown GreQory ( 10) 85, 11 8, 136, 181 McWilliams, Gino Lee (I 0) 85, 177 McWilliams, James Randolph (II) Mead, Theresa Lawrence (9) 100, 172 Meadowbrook Hardware 241

Meadows, David Allen (9) 100 Meadows, Lisa Elaine (9) I 00, 172 Meadows, Loretto Jean (9) I 00 Meadows, Ronald Sylvester (9) Mednikov, Erika 202 Meeks, Jo Anne ( 12) 34, 54 Meeks, Tina 182

Meeks, Wando Faye (9) I 00 Megohon, James Renwich ( 12) 34, 54, 11 8, 131, 186 Megohon, William Scott (1 2) 34, 54, 118, 131 , 185, 186 Melton, Kenneth Charles (9) Melton, Michael Fletcher (9) I 00 Melton, Sondra Kay (I 0) 85 Menard, Timothy Lee ( 12) Mendelis, Patricio Allen (! I ) 69, 72, 111, 112, 131 , 175, 197 Menefee, Dora Leigh ( 11) 69 Mennerich, Lisa Dionne ( 12) 4, 34, 54, 134, 135, 171 Mennerich, Michael Spencer ( 10) 85, 122, 197 Messick, DeborGh Sue ( 12) 54 Messick, HorryFredrick (9) 100 Metzer, Da vid (9) I 00 Mid-Atlantic Imported Auto Ports 235 Milam, Kenneth Wayne ( 12) 54 Milgroum, Michael Mondy ( 11) 63, I SS, 174, 175, 189 Milhoan, Ardith Lenore (9) 100 Milhoan, Lisa Michelle ( 12) 54, 192 Miller, Corrie Lynn ( 10) Miller, Jacqueline Lojoun ( 11) 69, 177 Miller, Moria Elise ( 11) 4, 69, 115, 186 Miller, Melissa Ann (9) I 00, 135, 189 Miller, Robert Edward, Jr. ( 12) 34, 54, 118, 186 Miller, Sora Elizabeth (II) 69, 115, 144 Miller, T imothy Joy (10) 85 Miller, Tracy Anne ( 11 ) 69 Milleson, Mork Andrew ( 10) 85, 119 Milliom, Robert ( 11) 69 Mills, Jeffrey Wayne (II) 69 M ills, Jesse W. 23 1 Mills, Koren Denise ( 11) 69, 177 M ills, Melinda Lei9h ( 12) 34, 54, 177 M ills, Paul Glenn ( 11) 85 M ills, StevenDouglos (9) M ills, Warren Reginald ( 10) 85 M imes 151 , 180, 181 M ink, Daphne Lynn ( 12) 34, 54 M innix, Mario Bromblet ( 10) 85, 18 1 M inor, Benji Ricardo (I 0) 85 Minor, Catherine Down ( 12) 54 Misker, Katherine Ann (9) I 00, 186 M itchell, Carolyn E. (I 0) 86, 122, 185, 198 M itchell, Gregory Neill (I 0) 86 Mock Election 150 Monahan, Daniel John 112, 191 , 205 Moneymaker, Clinton Leo (9) Moneymaker, Peggy Dione (9) I 00 Mongold, Christina Ann (9) 100, 176 Mongold, Sondra Jean ( 10) 86, 184 Monroe, Al ice Renee ( 12) 34, 54 Monticello Dairy 260 Moody, Felice Pearl (10) 12, 86, 108, 109, 110, 131 , 197 Moody, ~orenzo 25 1 Moody, Marion Moxione (12) 4, 34, 54, 122, 170, 171, 172, 185, 194 Moon, Edward Anderson (9) I 00 Moon, Liso Ann (9) Moon, Lurno Dupree (9) 100, 136 Moon, Robert Daniel (10)86 Moon, T racy Elizabeth (II) 69 Moore, A . P. 222 Moore, Brenda Lee (I I ) 70 Moore, Deborah Ann (9) I 00, 188 Moore, Gory Keith (9) 70, 192 Moore, Gerold Houston (II) 70, 192 Moore, Glenn A llen (12) 36, 54, 68, 141 , 173, 174, 175, 178 Moore, Kim Morgorgret (9) 100, 194 Moore, Lonny Lee, Jr. ( 10) 86, 184 Moore, Libby Ruth (9) 100, 194 Moon 194 Moore, Louis Franklin, Jr. ( 12) 36,54 Moot, Robert Clinton, Jr. 198, 217 Morgan, Jacqueline Renee (I 0) 86, 182 Morgan, Marianne Bell 230 Morgan, Marie Annette (I 0) 86, 194 Morley, Kimberly Jeanette (9) I 00, 122, 18 1, 184 Morris, Anita Yvonne (9 ) I 00

Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris,

Bobby Wa le (9) David Lee (9) 100 Deanna Marie (II) 186 Derrick Glenn ( I 0) 86 Donna Marie ( 12) 36, 70 Dora Dione (1 2) 36, 54, 177 Dreomo Gail ( 12) 36, 54 Edith Anne ( 12) 36, 54, 194 George W. (9) James McKenzie, Jr. ( 12) 36, 54, 127 Jeffrey (9) I 00 Jeffrey Lee ( 11) 70 Joseph Keith (12) 36, 54, 127, 192 Kedro Coe (9) 101 , 109, 110, 182, 196 Kelly Cromer ( II) 70 Kimberly Down (9) 101 Kris Carmen ( 12) 29, 36, 54, 109, 110 Lawrence Edward ( 12) 36,54 Lei so Goye ( 12) 36, 54, 177 Mary Frances (I 0) 86

Morris, Penny Marie (II) 70

Morris, Renee Michelle ( 11) 70 Morris, Roxanne Michelle (9) 101 , 176 Morris, Morris, Sam Lewis (9) Morris, Samuel Franklin (9) Morris, Sharon Denise (9 )

Morris, Sonya Renee (9) 175 Morris, Sue E. (9) 10 I Morris, Susan Lynn (9) 10 I, 184 Morris, Tanya Lynn (11) 70, 194, 197 Morris, Teresa Lynn (1 0) 86 Morrow, Catherine Lynn (II) 70, 136 Morse, Rosalyn Marie (II) 69, 70, 177 Morse, Sboron Lucille (10) 86, 176 Morse, Stephanie Dione (9) I 0 I , 129 Mtrton Frozen Foods 246 Morton, Michael Wesley ( 11) Mosco, Nancy Knight 228 Mowbray, Kelly Lynn (II) 70, 194 Mullin, James A. ( 11) 68, 70, 196 Mullin, Mary Ellen (12) 36, 54, 177, 198 Mullins, Patricio Ann ( 12) 36, 54, 152 Mullins, William Wren (12) 36, 54 Mundie, Lisa Dione ( 11) 70, 177 Mundy, James Alexander ( 10) 86, 184 Mundy, Robert Christopher (1 0) 86

Munford, Harry Edward (9) 101 , 112, 178, 179 Murad, Corrie Joan ( 11) 70, 131 , 186 Murad, Julie Elizabeth ( 10) 86, 112, 186 Murad, Marianne Claire (11) 4, 70, 131, 133, 171 , 186 Murdock, Arnold Keith ( 11) 70

Park, Louise Chon Soak (10) 86' 131, 184, 189 Parker, John Kenneth (II) 70 Porker, Kevin Phillip ( 12) Parker, Michael Aubrey (II) 70, 180, 182, 183 Parkhill, Willard H . 228

Murphy Insurance 264

Parks Finance Service, Inc. 233

Murphy, Wendy Louise (9) 101, 189 Murray, David Allen (11) 70, 185, 194 Murray, Joseph James (11) 4, 70

Parks, James Walton ( 12) 39, 54, 153, 192 Parrish, David Walker, Ill (I 0) 86, 194 Parrish, Karen Leigh ( 12) 39, 54, 177 Parrish, Kenneth T a Image (9) I 0 I Parrish, Michelle Hartford (II) Parrish, Troy Alton (II) 155 Parrott, Billy Jacob (9) Partin, Pamela Denise (9) 101, 184, 194 Partridge, Robert Steven (II) 70 Paschall, David Winthrop (9) Paschall, Royal Lee (I 0) Patten, Tatyonna Louwonno (9) 101 , 184, 189 Patterson, Barbaro Ann (II) 71 Patterson, Donald Lee (I 0) 86 Patterson, Lisa Darlene ( 12) 39, 54, 156, 173, 188, 189 Patterson, Madeline (I 0) 86

Murray, Karen 191

Murray, Kenneth Alfred (II) 70 Murray, Kenneth Rydell ( 12) 36, 54 Murray, Rose Marie (I 0) Murray, Z . H' 202 Musselman, Susan Carole (II) 70, 122 Mutual of Omaha 238 Myers, Darryl Kenneth (I 0) Myles, Steven (9) 101, 191

N Napier, George Washington (9) Napier, Lauro Madeline (I 0) 86 Napier, William Aubrev (II ) 74 Nardi, Susan Frances (II) 70, 116 National Honor Society 173

Notional T uri 263 Nay, Annette Morgurite (I 0) 86, 181, 198 Naylor,Charles Kevin ( 12) 54 Naylor, Chet George (9) 101 , 112, 131 Neathery, Kenneth Lee, Ill ( 12) 36, 54, 175, 197 Neblett, William Allan ( 12) 36, 44 Nelms, JoeDovid (II) 4, 70, 131 , 133, 170, 171, 186, 194, 197 Nelson, Christopher Martin (I 0) 86, 189 New Dominion Brookstore 256

New Leaf, A 242 Newlon, Anne Howard (9) 10 1, 131 , 184 Newton, Dean Allyn (12) 36, 54, 112, 131 Nickelsen, Michael Gary ( 11) 70, 131, 88 Nielson, Bonnie F. 114, 115' 223 Nielson, Dennis Grant, DDX 264 Nightingale, Lillie Virginia (12) 10, 36, 54, 182 Noble, Deborah Jill ( 12) 36, 54, 155, 156, 175, 178, 188, 189 Noble, Lisa Ann (II) 186 Norford, Doris Volinna (10) 86 Norford, Elizabeth Annette (12) 4, 36, 54, 171, 186 Norford, Jeffrey Allen ( 12) 36, 54, 64 Norford, Kenneth Miller (I 0) 86 Norford, Mark Baldwin (10) 86, 119, 136, 191 Norris, Shannon Wayne (9) I 0 I , 179 Norton, Eugene Ed ward 211 Norwood, Katherine ( 12) 36, 54 Nowell, John, Ill ( 11) 68, 70, 118, 194 Nowell, Mark Anthony (II) 70, 118, 127 Nowlin, Catherine Elizabeth ( 12) 36, 54 Null, Robert Shelly ( 12) 24, 39, 54, 186 Nunez, lsolina G. 186, 211 Nutt, Chandra Coral (10) 86, 182, 196 Nutt, Mitchell Eric (12) 4, 39, 54, 180, 182, 183

0 O'Brien, Warren Greg (9) 101 , 119, 127 O'Neill, Barry Stephen 9) 101 , 127, 131 , 191 O'Neill, Mary Ellen (9) 194 O'Quinn, Jessie C. Jr. (9) I 0 I , 127 Ogburn, Carol Jean 213 Olinger, Kimberly Dawn ( 12) 39, 54, 180,181 Oliver, John Jesus (I 0) 86, 155, 186 Ordel, Angela (II) 70, 191 Ornduff, Deidro Ann (II) 70 Orrison, Walter Early (I 0) Otis, Beverly Singler 208 Overbeck, Shannon Ralph (II) 54 Overcash, Cynthia Irene (10) 70, 86, 176, 181 Overcash, Robert Lee (I I ) Owens, Barry Wyatt (12) 39, 48, 54, 118, 180, 188, 191 , 194, 196, 197 Ownby, Jeffrey Duane (I 0) 39, 86 Ownby, John Wesley, Jr. ( 12) 54, 180

p Pace, Jennifer Lyn ( 11) 70 Pace, Jon Ashley ( 12) 39, 54 Pace, Matthew Hamilton (9) I 0 I, 184 Pace, Montie Rea ( 11) 70, 177 Pace, Robert Lawrence, Jr. ( 12) 39, 48, 54 Pace, Stephen Todd (9) I 0 I Page, Charles Alex (I 0) 70 Page, Faith Annette (9) I 0 I , 194 Page, Lester Word (I 0) Polka, Kimberly Anne ( 12) 39, 54 Polka, Sharon Leigh (II) 70 Palmer, David Scott (9) 101 , 122, 184, 198 Palmer, Julio Elizabeth (I 0) 86, 122, 136 Pamplin, Keith A llen (I 0) 86, 122, 181, 184, 188 Pappas, Constantino Dina ( 12) 54, 180, 181, 183

R Robe, Anne-Marie ( 12) 39, 55, 185, 189 Robe, Paul Richard (9) I 0 I Rabinowitz, Marion 214

Racer, Keith Douglas (9) I 0 I Racquetball Club 196, 197 Roder, Donald Keith (10) 87, 119 Radio Club 192, 193 Ragland, Kelvin Eric (9) I 0 I Raines, William Corbett (9) I 0 I , 119, 124, 151 , 180, 181 Romey, Lindo Ruth ( 12) 55 Ramirez, Glen David (9) 101 , 119, 197 Ramos, Joe William, Jr. (9) I 0 I, 186 Ramsey, Dono Michele (12) 39, 55, 183 Ramsey, Ruth Kimberly ( 12) 39, 55, 57, 122, 184, 186 Randolph, Charles David (I 0) 87

Povlo nsky, John Francis {9}

Rasmussen, Mette ( 11)

Payne, John Anderson, IV (9) I 0 I Payne, Kimberly Sue (II) 71 , 188 Payne, Mark Corson ( 12) 39, 54 Payne, Pamela Lynn ( 12) 39, 54, 176 Payne, Rosa Aleosho (I) I 0 I Payne, Sherry Lynn ( 12) 39, 54 Payne, Thomas Edward (9) I 0 I Poynter, Paulo Ann (9) 101 Pearson, Lorraine Geraldine ( 12) 39, 54, 172, 173 Peck & Peck 236 Peer 170, 171 Peery, Gene L., Jr. (II) Peery, Jenny Lou (9) Pence, Page Monteoth (9) Pendleton, Billy Glenn ( 12) 39, 54 Pennington, Amy Christine ( 12) 39, 54, 196 Pentz, Jomelyn Michelle (9) I 0 I , 182, 197 Pepsi-Colo 23 7 Perkins, Kathleen Dawson (I 0) 86 Perkins, Steven Blanks (II) 71 Perkins, Whitney Lynn (9) I 0 I , 182 Perry, Cynthia Ann ( 12) 39, 54, 196, 273 Perry, David Scott (9) Pet Shoppe, The 242 Peterson, Christopher (9) I 0 I , 185 Peterson, Rebecca Lynne (10) 86, 186 Phon, Long Dinh ( 10) 87 Phillips Building Supply 264 Phillips, Stephen O'Neil (9) 68, I 0 I, 183 Phillips, Thomas Ryan (9) I 0 I Phillips, Veronica Penelope ( 12) 39, 54, 122, 173 Photography Club 194, 195 Physical Education Department 222, 223 Physics, 3rd Period 264 Piedmont Electric Supply 264 Pierce, Cindy Louise ( 10) 87 Pierce, Lisa Ann (I 0) 87, 134, 135, 194 Pierceall, Deborah B. (9) I 0 I Pierson, M ichael Charles (9) I 0 I Pillow, Brenda Carol (9) 101, 176 Pinchbeck, Glenn Thomas (9) I 0 I Pinto, Elizabeth (I 0) 87, 183, 186 Pinto, Sarah ( 12) 39, 55, 188 Pipes, Lauro Denise (9) I 0 I Pippin, Paige Marie (9) I 0 I , 135, 181 Pippin, Vincent Stuart (I 0) Pirsch, Lisa Ann (12) 39, 55, 155, 156, 173, 178, 188, 189 Pittman, Donna Reono ( 10) 87, 131, 188, 196 Pittman, Lisa Gail ( 12) 39, 55, 178

Rasnake, Michael Cameron ( 12) 55 Roth, Kimberly Anne ( 11) 39, 71 Roth, Roxanne Rinehart (12) 4, 48, 55, 196 Ratliff, Lisa Lovone (9) Ratliff, Willie Eugene (9) Raymond, Deborah Lynn 207 Rea, Jamie Denise (9) I 0 I , 194 Reback, Thayer Amanda (9) I 0 I, 194 Red Lion/Heaven To Seven Shoppe 264 Reed, Joey Wolter ( 11) 71 Reese, James Greer (II) 71, 179 Reese, Mary Susan (II) 71, 116, 180, 183 Reid Kelvin Henry (I 0) 87, 182, 183, 186 Reid, Rebecca Ann (9) I 0 I , 184, 196 Reids 243 Reilly, Will iam D. (12) 55 Reinhold, Donna-Lee Angel ( 12) 39, 55, 122, 172, 184, 186 Rennolds, William Lindsay ( 12) 39, 55, 196 Reynolds, Charles William ( 11) 72 Reynolds, Lance Edward (9) I 0 I, 122, 185, 196 Rhodes, Lauro Susan ( 12) 4, 41, 55, 135, 140, 152, 170, 171, 173, 186, 192 Rhodes, Rhonda Lee (9) 101 , 194 Rhodes, Tracey Coral (I) 87, 186 Rice, Sanford Roy (9) Richardson, Elizabeth E. (10) 87, 136, 145, 147, 196 Richardson, Julie Ann ( 12) 41 , 55 Richardson, William Albert ( 12) 41 ,55 Riddervold, Leif Bjorn (9) I 0 I, I 04 Riddervold, Svend Julius (II) 72, 197 Riddle, Koren Lynn (9) 101, 191 Riddle, Martin Lee ( 12) 41 , 55, 118, 143, 194 Riddle, Steven Nunley (II) 72 Riding Club 194, 195 Riley, Lawrence M iller, Jr. (I 0) 87 Rimmer, Robert 118, 119, 222 Rimmer, Sharon Jean ( 12) 41 , 55, 197 Ripley, Julio Lyn(ll) 12, 72, 116,140 Ritchie, Brion Robert (9) I 0 I, 185 Rittenhouse, Todd Willard ( 12) 41, 55, I 18 Rivkin, Chris (9) Roach, Herbert Leomen (II) 72 Roach, Catherine Faye (10) 87, 177 Roane, Courtney Randel (II) 4, 72, 171 , 184, 189, 194 Robbins, Gifford Eugene ( 12) 41, 55 Robbins, Joseph Allen (9) 87 Robbins, Sherri Marie ( 12) 41 , 55, 186 Roberton, Shannon Eileen ( 12) 41, 55, 177 Roberts, Barbaro Jean (9) Roberts, Deborah Leigh (10) 87, 192 Roberts, Larry Wayne ( 12) 41 , 55, 118 Roberts, Scott Washburn (9) I 0 I, 194 Roberts, Sonya Renee (I 0) 87, 196 Roberts, Todd Kelly (12) 55, 194 Robertson, Brooks Marie (I 0) 186 Robertson, Charles Wesley (9) I 0 I , 119 Robertson, Daniel Timothy (1 0) Robertson, Deborah Jean (II) 72 Robertson, Janet Marie (I 0) 88, 136 Robertson, Kenneth Scott (II) 72 Robertson, Kimberly Annette (12) 4 1, 55, 177 Robinson, Carol 227 Robinson, Daniel Timothy (I 0) 124 Robinson, Richard Keith (II) 176 Robinson, Wando Lynne ( 12) 41 , 55, 68, 122, 173, 183 Roche, Morvin Anthony (9) I 0 I Rodgers, William Edward (II) 72 Roebuck, Bruce Steve (9) I 0 I , 127 Rogan, John Thomas (II) 72, 194 Rogers, Jeffrey Carl (II) 72, 118 Rogers, Kimberly Yvonne (10) 88, 122, 131 , 182, 196, 198 Rose, Tomyro Lee (12) 4, 41 , 55; 140, 170, 171 , 173, 188, 189, 197, 198 Roseboum, Jonathan David (II) 72 Rosenblum, Rebecca (9) 101 , 131 , 184, 189 Rosenblum Jessie (12) 29, 41, 55, Il l , 112, 131 , 153, 184, 185, 188, 189 Ross, Dale (9) Ross, Douglas Evan (I 0) 88 Rosse, Rob Moir (9) I 0 I Rosson, Douglas Ashby ( 12) 41 , 55 Rotenber'6, Elvin Harold (12) 4 1, 55, 140, ISO, 276

Pitts, Lelia Baxter Allison 214

Plaza Beauty Shop 264 Pletcher, Barbaro Kay ( I 0) Pletcher, Kathy Ann (II) Plunkett, Ann Marie H. 218 Plunkett, Teresa Ann (9) 182 Poindexter, Barbaro J. 220 Poindexter, Michael A (9) I 0 I Poindexter, Roland Darnel (II) 71, 118, 194, 198 Poindexter, Stephanie L. (9) I 0 I Pollard' Kristine Lynn (10) 87, 196 Pollard, Mary Margaret (II) 71 , 115, 197 Polson, Warren Glenn ( 12) 39, 55, 192 Poole, Lisa M ichelle ( 11) 7 1, 177 Porcaro, Down Marie (II) Porcaro, Ricci Phillip (I 0) 87 Porter, Gregory Alan (11) 71 , 118, 192 Porter, Kimberly Ann ( 12) 39, 55, 196 Powell, Jane Loretto (10) 87, 176 Powell, Lorenzo (9) I 0 I Powe ll, Monico Pamela (9) 177 Powell, Spencer Wade (II) 71 Preston, Timoth y Dole ( 12) 55 Price, David Scott (II) 4, 71 , 170, 171 Prism 172 Pritchett, Alan Thomas ( 12) 39, 55 Pritchett, Will iam (9) Proffitt, Louis 8. (I 0) 87 Proffitt, Wilson Conrad (9) 101 Prosser, Lea Michael ( II) 71, 122, 185 Prosser, Louis Mark (I 0 ) 87, 122, 185, 186 Prosser, Michelle Ann ( 12) 39, 55, 122, 180, 192 Psyc hology, I st Period 256 Psychology, 2nd Period 265 Pugh, Paul Thomas (9) I 0 I Puller, Romeldo Nanette (9) Purvis, David L. 229 Putt-Putt 243

Q Quarles, Mojorie Bettina (9) I 0 I, 128 Quarles, Pearl Laverne (II) 71 , 128, 130

~~~~;~ko i~~~k;;n~4~49 Rovnyak, Steven Michael (9) I 0 I Rowe, Angel Lynn (II) 180 Roy, Garrett Wade ( 12) 41 , 55, 141 , 155, 197 Roy, Julia Donielle (9) 101 , 182 Royer and McGavock Ltd., Realtors 263 Runkle, Betsy Lynne (12) 41, 55, 196 Runkle, Lisa Anne (1 0) 88, 136, 145, 147, 153, 196 Runkle, Stephen Todd (9) I 0 I, 112, 189 Rush, Andrea Michele (9) Rush, Barbaro (I 0) 88 Rush, Bobby Lee (I 0) 88 Rush, Charles Otis ( 12) 55 Rush, Cynthia Suzette ( 12) 41 , 55 Rush, Dwayne Legan! (11) 11 8 Rush, Elmo Levi (11) Rush, Joanne (II) 72, 176 Rush, Karen Geneva (II) 72

Index 271

Rush, Katena Mae (I 0) 88, 129 Rush, Kathy Laverne (9) I0 I Rush, Michelle (9) I0 I Rush, Reva Delores (I 0) 88, 186 Rush, Sherrilyn D' Angela (I I) 72, 177 Rush, Sherry Ann ( 12) 41 , 55, 177 Rush, Sylvia Lynn (9) I 0 I Rush, Walker Benzel (I I) Russell , Donny Allen ( 12) 4 1, 55, 180, 188, 196, 197, 198 Russell, Jeffrey Allen ( 12) 41 , 55, 196 Ruth , Bonnie L. 227 Ryalls, Rodney Alan (I 0) 88, 179 Ryalls, Russell Stuart ( 12) 4 1, 55 Ryder, Phill ip Dwig ht, Jr. ( II ) 72

s S.C.A. 198, 199 Sacre, Bruce Allen ( 12) 55 Sacre, Mary Elizabeth (I 0) 88 Sacre, Michael Wa rner (I 0) Sadler, Nancy Burton (II) 72 Salem M. Eways 259 Salley, Jerome (9) 88, 119 Sa lmons, James Eddie (9) I02 Salyers, Tracy Denise (I 0) 88, 182, 194 Sampson, Elmer Franklin 122, 123, 221 Samuels, Lisa Allyn (9) I 02, 19 1 Sandell, Reba 176, 177, 219 Sanders, Douglas Gouyer (I 0) Sandra 's Boutique 260

Santiago, Sarah 226 Satire, James Dovid (10) 88, 191 Saunders, Carolyn H. 2 16 Saunders, Douglas (I 0) 88 Sawyer, Cynthia Lynn (9) I 02, 181, 182 Saylor, Jenn ifer Lynn ( 12) 41 , 55, ISS Scalamandre, Jacquel ine I ( 12) 55 Scherer, Andrew Brady (9) 194 Scherer, Margan Leigh ( I I ) 72, 180 Schinasi,Bonnie 186, 21 I Schmidt, John Dovid (9) Schm idt, Martin Stephan ( 12) 55 Schm idt, Ulric h Paul Lawrence (II) Schnell, Brett Cameron ( 12) 41 , 55, 68, 118, 173, 175, 192, 198 Schultz, William Remsen 194, 195, 209 Schuyler, Samuel Keith ( 12) Schweineluss, Molly C. ( I 0) 88, 196 Schweineluss, Thomas John (I I ) 72 Scott, Anthony George ( 12) 42, 55, 185 Scott, Bruce Johnson (II) 72, 192 Scott, Carleson (9) I 02 Scott, Francine (9) I 02 Scott, Lindsay Go ry (9) I02 Scott, Mary Christine ( 12) 42, 55, 192 Scott, Sarah Holly (9) Scott, Theresa Annette (9) 102 Scrimshaw, Scott Denis (10) 88, 191 Scrimshaw, Wayne Ed wa rd (9) I 02, 181 Scruggs, Sheila Renee (I I) 72 Seale, Eli zabeth Ritc hie ( 12) 42, 55, 155, 156, 178, 183, 186 Second Yard, The 244 Seivers, Karen Lynn (I I) 72, 176 Selden, Douglas J. 118, 217 Senich, Joseph James (9) I 02 Senna, Denise Mae (I 0) 88, 176 Servicemaster 257

Sessoms, John C. 202, 203 Settle Tire and Supplx 265 Sexton, Tina Louise (9) I 02 Sexton, Tommy Wesley (9) I 02 Shaler, Koren Ann (I I) Shaler, Stoci Beth (9) 72, I 02, 191 Shand, Johnny Jomeison (9) I 02 Shorkey, Edna E. 191, 224 Sharp, Ella Gay (II) 72, 177 Sharretts, John Michael (9) I 02, I 12, 186, 196 Shatz, Ellen Marie (I 0) 88, 186 Shover, Joseph Garland (I I) 72 Shovis, Laura Lee ( 12) 42, 55, 116, 180 Shelton, Anthony Jerome (9) Shelton, Brandon Lloyd, Jr. (10) 88 Shelton, Charles Hendrix (I 0) 88, 185 Sherrard, Mary Lou 225 Shifflett, Bria n Keith (I 0) 88 Shifflett Diane Denise (9) 96, I02, 122, 184 Shifflett, Edward L. 230 Shifflett, Frederick Lee (II) 73 Shifflett, Gail Spradlin ( 12) 55 Shifflett, Jeanne Thomas 207 Shifflett, Kevin Todd (12) 42, 55, 194 Shifflett, Lisa Marie (10) 88, 176 Shifflett, Lynn Marie (12) 16, 42, 55, 196 Shifflett, Mary 231 Shifflett, Michael Craig (9) I 02, 194 Shifflett, Steven Christo pher (9) I 02 Shifflett, Theresa Lynn (II) 73 Shifflett, Timmy McKane (I 0) Shifflett, Tina Louise ( 10) 88 Shiflett, Janet Blume 211 Shiflett, Rhonda (I I) Shinoberry, Timothy Way (II) 191 Shipp, Dovid Stuart ( II) 73, 196 Shirley, Decn Allen (I 0) Shirley, Michael Shannon (II) 73 Short, Edward Leslie ( II) 73 Short, Patricia Darnell (10) 88 Short, Robi n Vernell (I 2) 42, 55, 149, 155, 180, 181 Shotwell, Joel Allen ( 12) 42, 55, 148, 149, lSI , 155, 180, 181, 183, 274 Shreve, Kimberl y Ann (II) 73 Shriner, Edward Lawson (9) I02 Shriner, Steven Pursley (I I) ?J, 197 Shubert, Victor Dorrett ( 12) 42, 55 Sieg, J.W. and Co., Inc. 247 Siegel, Connie Renee (9) Siler, Rosa Moree (9) 162



Simmonds, Katherine Eli za (II) 73, 148, 149, lSI , 155, 180, 198, 274 Simpson, Robert Andrew (II) 73 Simpson, Ha rvey Eld rich ( II ) 73, 127 Sims, Leise Denise (9) 102, 184, 194 Sissons, El izabeth Ruther (II) 73, 108, 110, 131, 182, 186 Sissons, Lisa Marie ( 12) 42, 48, 55, 196 Sissons, Matthew Paul (9) I 02, 196 Sivert, Stephanie 175, 198, 2 17 Ski Club 196, 197 Skippy's 249 Sklany, Vincent Swain (9) Skyline Schwinn 264 Smallwood ' Robert T. ( 10) 89 Smith, April Ani tho ( 12) 42, 55, 128 Smith, Cathy Michelle ( 12) 42, 55 Smith, Cha rlene Denise ( 12) 42,55 Smith, Christopher Fager (9 ) I 02, 11 9, 196 Smith, Cynthia Marie 152, 2 18 Smith, Dovid Lorenza (I 2) 42, 55, I 18 Smith, Duane Addison (9 ) I 02, I 19 Smith, Earl (II) 73, 136, 151, 180, 18 1 Smith, Germa ine Suzette ( 12) 42, 56, 177 Smith, Gregory Owen (9 ) I 03 Smith, Karen Regina (10) 89, 122, 175, 191 Smith, Keith Oliver (9) I 03 Smith, Kenneth Lyle (I 0) Smith, Larry William (9) I 03 Smith, Leroy H. 197, 226 Smith, Linda Annette (9) 103, 177, 182 Smith, Linda Marie (9) 89, 182 Smith , Lisa Lou ise (II) 73 Smith , Phinney Russell (1 0) 89, 11 2 Smith, Shannon Novell (9) I 03 Smith, Sheryl Ann (9 ) I 02 Smith, Suzzanne Frances ( 12) 42, 56, 155, 173, 175, 180, 198 Smith, Theresa Jane (I II 73, 13 1, 184, 188, 189 Smith, Zina Vandella (1 0) 89 Snapp, Derek Christopher (9 ) I 03 Snelling and Snelling 230 Snider, Robert Martin ( 12) 42, 56, 122, 172, 175, 180 Snoots, Lewis Wayne (II) 73 Snow, Glen Scott ( I I ) Snow, Kelly Paige (10) 89, 186 Snow, Sherry Lyn ne (9) I 03, 177 Snow, Tracy Lynn (9) 103 Snyder, Bernard 229 Sabbatt, Daniel Stockton ( 12) 42, 56, 155, 186 Sabatincic, Anne ( 12) Socia l Studies Department 2 16, 2 17, 218 Sommers, Stefani Ann (I 0) 89, 182 Sound Investment, The 242

Sours, Randy Franklin (1 0) Spangler, Lisa Lynn (II) 73 Spangler, Thomas Edward (9 ) I 03 Spanish Ill, I st Period 259 Spanish Club 186, 187 Spencer, Mark Edward (I 0) 89, 11 9 Spencer, Neil Rex (I 0) 89 Sperry, John W., Ill 179, 225 Spirit Week 140, 14 1, 142 Spradlin, Ann Jeannette ( 12) 42, 56 Spradlin, Earl Franklin (9) 89 Spradlin, Reeve Mae (10) 89, 115, 128, 196, 198 Spradlin, Tamie Lee (10) 89, 11 5, 135, 196, 198 Sprouse, Jimm ie Gentry (9 ) I 03 Sprouse, Joanne 226 Sprouse, Sandra Kay (9 ) I 03 Sprouse, Wesley Edward ( II ) 73, 177 St. John, El izabeth Randolph (10) 89, 181 , 183, 196, 198 St. John, Mary Catherine (I I) 73, 180, 182, 183 Stacy, Ton i Sue (9) Stage Band 184, 185 Stanley, Courtena y Turner 4, 170, 171 , 207 Staples, Elizabeth Ruth ( 12) 42, 56, 180 Staples, Lesl ie Jo ( II) 73, 197 Stargell, Anthony Euell ( 12) 56 Stargell, Melinda Cheryl (9) I 03, 192 Stark, Christopher Lowell (II) 73, 131, 132, 180, 185 Stark, Patricia M. 205 Starks, Colletti Eurica (9) I 03 Starks, Lisa Rochelle (II) 73 Starks, Maurice Do ryl (II) 73, 118, 127, 179, 194 Storks, T errie Joanne ( 11) 73 State Farm Insurance 243

Staton, Debra Lee (I I) Steinbach, Bernhard Zdravko 212 Steinberg, Tariq Dog (10) 89, 118, 196 Steinberg, Tore Dovid (9) 103, 119, 196 Steljes, Dennis Lee ( 12) 42, 56, 191 Stelljes, Kathleen Mary ( 12) 42, 56, 87, 198 Stephens, Debra Lynn (I 0) 89, 186 Stephens, James Preston (9) I 03 Stephens, Jerome Aaron (9) I 03, 194 Steppe, Albert Bria n (9) I 03, 122, 184, 185 Steppe, April Lynanne (II) 60, 73 Stevens, Phillip (9) 103, 11 9 Steward, Lin Allen (10) 73, 112, 19 1 Stewart, Ann Marie (II) 73, 112, 131 Stewart, Arthur Rydell (I I) 73, I 18, 194 Stewart, Julia Ann (1 2) 42, 56,11 5, 140, 175, 181 , 189, 274 Stewart, William Neal (I 0) 76, 89, 189 Stickel, Frances Denise (I 0) 89, 194 Stiltner, Lydia Carine (9) 103, 197, 198 Stokes, Bonnie Kay (I 0) 89, 176, 182 Stone, Rabin Dwayne (II) 73, 155,186 Stong, Mary Louise (9) I 03, 184, 186 Stong, Richard Andrew ( 12) I 0, 42, 56, 155, 156, 173, 186 Stovall, Fred ina Louise (I 0) 89 Stovall, James William (I 0) Stovall, Jeffery Wayne ( 12) 56 Stromberg-Carlson 238 Stuart, Ca rolyn Ann (II) Stupak, Valeska Celina (9) I 03, 184, 189 Suburban Savings 239 Suddarth, James Todd (9) 103, 11 9, 189 Sugerman, Nancr, Helen (I I) 73 Sullivan, Brian 0 Neal (I 0) 89 Sullivan, Melissa Gai l ( 12) 42, 56, 186 Sullivan, Michael Charles (9) I 03 Sullivan, Valerie Ann (12) 42, 56, 108, 109, 110, 124 Summers, Dona Leigh (9) I 04, 196 Sunior, Scott Saroy (12) 42, 56, 177 Suryaatmadja, David (9) I 04, 122, 185

Sutphin, Charles Thomas ( I I) 73 Sweeney, Angela Carol ( I I ) 73, 186 Sweeney, Carmel Grace ( II) 68, 73, 122, 184, 194 Sweeney, Joseph ( 12) 42, 56, 118, 196 Sweeney, Maria (1 0) 89, 135, 184, 196 Swift, Cynthia Loretta ( 12) 42, 56, 175, 177 Swift, George Rutherford ( 12) 42, 56 Swing le r, Ruth Ann (9) I 04, 182 Swing ler, Thomas 226 Symmers, James Marshall (II) 73, 11 8, ISS Symphonic II Band 184 Symphon ic Ill Band 184, 185

T Tapscott, Charles Benson (II) Tapscott, James Leslie ( 12) 42, 56 T a rcha, Joel Thomas ( 12) 42, 56 T askey, Willia m 230 Tate, Edward O'Connor (1 2) 45, 56, 118, 183, 186 Tawney, Daniel Wayne (9 ) Taylor, Ca rrie Ann (1 2) 45, 56, 57, 177, 192 Taylor, Charles Venson, Jr. (I 0) 89 Taylor, Danie l Michael (I 0) Taylor, Ga il Lynn (9) 104, 196 Taylor, Janet Marie (II) 89 Ta ylor, Jeffrey Scott (II) 73 Taylor, Jeffrey Will iam (1 2) 7, 45, 56, 174, 175, 197, 198 Taylor, Medina Yvette (1 2) 45, 56 Taylor, Paula Renee (1 0) Taylo r, Yvette Lynn (9) Teague, J. W. Funeral Service 237 Teates, David Bruce ( 12) 56, 155, 156, 188 Teates, Mary Catherine (9) 104, 186 Tector, Pamela Marie (I I) 74 Technical Education Center 230, 231 , 232, 233 Teen Democrats 175 Teledyne Avionics 238 Templeton, La Tonya Lane ( 12) 56 Tennis, Girls 11 6, 11 7 Terrell, Jewell Anita (9 ) Terrell, Thelma Annette ( 12) 45, 56 Terry, Derrick Wayne (1 0) 89, 127, 179 Terry, Kathleen Rebecca (10) 89, 131, ISS Terry, Michael Scott (9) 104, 119, 19 1 Terry, Samuel Westley 116, 209 Terry, Sarah Lynn (I I) 7 4; 186 Tesack, Kathleen (9) I 04, 122, 177, 184 Thac ker, Cecil Ray (9) I 04, 179 Thacker, Cha rlotte Lynn (9) 104 Thacker, Glen Herbert ( 12) 56 Thacker, Gloria Jean ( 12) 45, 56 Thacker, Jul ie Nichols (II) 74, 180, 191, 196, 197 Thacker, Matthew Lewis ( 12) 45, 56 Thac ker, Nina H. 176, 177, 219 Thac ker, Thomas Martin (9) 188 Thorp, Stephen Robert (9) I 04, 122, 185, 191 Tharp Vickie Lynn (I I) 74, 177 Theodose, Cynthia E. ( 10) 83, 90, 134, 135, 151, 180, 18 1 Thespian Troupe 180, 181 Thomas, Carl Lee (9) 104, 119, 179 Thomas, Dovid Hunter (I 0) 90 Thomas, Helene Andrea (II) 74, 180, 188 Thomas, James Lorenzo (I 0) 90 Thomas, Leo Roscoe (9) I 04, I 19 Thomasson, Mark John (9) 104, 185, 191 Thompson, James Ricky (9) I 04 Thompson, Jeanne F. 176, 227 Thompson, Justin Kenneth (1 0) 90, 119, 191 Thompson, Lowell Ash ley (II) 74 Thompson, Nellie 226 Thornhill, Wanda Lynn ( I 0) 90, 194 Thorsen, Peter Roland ( I 0) 90 Thorup, Matthew Schuyler ( 12) 45, 56, 175, 178, 191 Thraves, Pa tricia Ann (II) 68, 74, 197 Thra ves, Rebecca Margaret ( 12) 45, 56 Thurneck, Carrie Renee ( 12) 45, 56, 196 Tilk, William Charles (I 0) 90, 136, 194 Timberlake's 249 Tinsley, Michael An thony ( 10) 90 Tirrel l, Rebecca Lynn ( 12) 4, 45, 48, 56, 171 , 197, 198, 183 Titus, John B. 202, 203 Tobin, Martin Michael (9) I 04 Toet, Donald (12) 45, 56, 182, 183, 188 Toler, Samuel (I 0) 90 Taml in, Rose Marie ( I I) Toney, Dorothy Bernice (II) 74 Toney, Melvin Eugene (II) 90 Top Twenty 154, ISS Townsend, Angela Lynn (10) 90, 122, 184, 186 Townsend, Lynn Stewart (12) 45, 56 Tra il, Scott Howard (9) 104, 119, 179 T rainum, Robin Lee (I I) 74 Transue, Paul Anthony (12) 45, 56, 122, 123, 155, 180, 182, 183, 185 T ratnack, Scott Allen (I I) 74 T rovers, Tracey Ann (9) I 04 4 Trelil, James Karel (12) 45, 56, 11 8, 155, 156, 188, 189, 198 Trelil, Stelin James (10) 90, 119, 19 1 Trice, Catherine Bruce ( 12) 45, 56, 14 1, 186 Trice, Scott Edward (9) I 04, 122, 185 Triplett, Timothy Glenn (12) 56 T ragdan, Daniel Wayne (I 0) 90, I 19 Trybula, Michael Edward (9) 104, 192 T uan, Helen Lin (9) I 04, 186 Tucker, Beverly Elaine (12) 45, 56, 90, 140, 155, 175, 186, 189 Tucker, Tyler Austin (I 0) 90 Tudor-Elliot, Marianne 213

T uel Jewelers 237 Turner, Cheryl Ann (9) lOS Turner, Christopher Scott (9) 105, 184, 191 Turner, Crystal Leigh (10) 90, 191 Turner, Cynthia Diane (10) 90 Turner, Dovid A. ( 12) 45, 57 Turner, Dorothy Ann ( 12) 57


v v v v v

v v v v v v v


v v v v v v

v. v. v. v. v.

w. w. w. w.

w. w. w. w. w. We We We





Turner, Gregory Allen (I 0) 90 Turner, Jason Todd (II) 176 Turner, Judy Maxine (9) 90, I OS Turner, Preston Edward ( 12) 47, 57 Turner, Sheryl Anne (9) Turner, Sophia Leoran (9) I OS Tuten, Cynthia Darlene (II) Tuttle, Janet R. 203 Tuttle, Mori Vi rginia (II) 74, 172, 183

u Uecker, William Carl ( 12) 24, 47, 57 Ulery, Joseph Allen (11) 74, 177 United Virginia Bank 237 University Bookstore 243 University Cafeteria 234

v VICA 176, 177 Valente, Andrew Paul (11) 74, 174, 175, 185, 197 Valentine, Stephanie Lynn ( 10) Valentine's Day Thing 153 Vanderloo, Diana Angela ( 10) 90, 122 Vanderveer David Clarke ( 12) 47, 57 Vanhoose, Fred William (10) 90, 185, 191 Varner, Catherine Marie (9) 105, 135, 180 Vosvary, Ellen 216 Vaughn, Michael Wayne (I 0) Vaughn, Peggy A. 213 Verling, Walter G. (I 0) 90 Vermillion, John Coleman (10) 90, 188 Verts, Melody Lee (12) 47, 57, 110, 196 Via, Robert Wesley (12) 47, 57 Vidunas, Joseph Edgar (II) 74, 118, 196 Vidunas, Katherine Anne (9) 92, I 05, 136, 196, 198 Villwock, Robert Eric (9) 105, I 19 Volleyball, Girls' 114, 115 Volpentest, Michael Christopher ( 10) Von Achen, Eric (9) 105, 122, 184, 185 Von Achen, Lisa Marie (10) 90, 184, 194 Von Herbulis, Evelyn Allison (10) 90, 115, 135, 186 Von Herbulis, Susan Elizabeth (11) 74, 177 Vesper, William Scott (10) 90, 188

w Wode, David Lyon ( 12) 47, 57 Wagoner, David Carroll ( 11) 74, 175, 185, 197 Wakefield Kennel, Inc. 235 Walker, James William (9) I 05, 127 Walker, Jeffrey Allen (12) 47, 57, 118, 144, 192 Walker, Judith Ann (I 0) 90, 176 Walker, Michael Todd (12) 47,57 Walker, Tammy Jo (12) 47, 57, 177

~~:~:~:sTE~=~~ ~~4n (10) 90,

122, 184

Wallace, Juon Leon (I 1) 74 Wallace, Romano Domingos (9) I OS Walls, James Kevin (9) 103, 105, 119, 179 Walls, Olivia Theresa (9) Walton, Mark Duane (9)

Wanebo, Jacqueline Elise (9) 92, 136, 145, 147 Wanebo, John Eric (10) 90, 119, 131, 196 Ward, Daniel, Ill 118, 195, 223 Ward, James Richard (9) I OS Ward, Prentiss Delois (9) I 05, 194 Ward, T imothy Scott (II) 74, 118, 194 Warner, Gregory Alan (II) 74, 90, 118, 119, 121 , 196, 198 Warren, John Gregory (I 0) 90, 127 Warren, Karen Louise (12) 4, 47, 57, 170, 171 , 173, 186, 198 Washington, Betty Annette (9) 105, 176 Washington, Joseph Anthony (9) Washington, Malcolm Lee (9) 127 Washington, Margoy Vernic (9) lOS Washington, Thelma Ann ( 12) 47, 57, 177 Wasulko, Goil E. 21 0 Watkins, Diona Smith (II) Watkins, James Hamilton ( 12) 57 Watkins, Orlando Sherman (II) 118, 176 Watson, Constance Darlene (II) 74 Watson, David Lewis (II) 74 Watson, Kori Lynne (II) 74, 183 Watson, Paul Alex (9) I 05 Watson, Sandra Gaye (II) 74 Wayland, Charles Reeves (II) 74 Wayland, Glenn Ramsey (9) 105, 119, 131 , 133, 196 Weakley, Sondra Leigh (II) 74 Weathersbee, Sorry Trent (II) 74 Webb, Sandra Kathryn (9) I 05, 135 Webb, Tracey Diane (9) I OS Weick, David John (I 0) Weight Lifting Club 194, 195 Welch, Angela Beth ( 12) 47, 57 Welch, Lisa Robinn (II) Wells, Cynthia ( 10) 90, 176 Wells, Edward G. Wells, Joyce Elaine (9) 74, 90, 194 Wells, Marion Elizabeth 194, 195, 204 Wells, Stacy Louise ( 12) 47, 57 Wender, Jonathon Marcus (9) I 05, 155 Werres, Joseph Frances ( 12) 47, 57, 118 West, Paige Louise (II) 74, 177 Westervelt, Karoline H. (II) 74, 114, 186 Westrater, Brion Charles (9) I OS Wetzel, Patricio Joann (9) I 05, 184 Wharam, Jackie Andy (9) I 05 Wharam, Teresa Sue (II) 7 4 Wharton, Lewis H . (I I) 74 Wheby, Munsey Joseph (I 0) 90, 119 Wheeler, Barbara Sue (II) 7 4, 177 Wheeler, George B. (9) I OS Wheeler, Roy Realty 235 White, Ann Renee ( 12) 57, 155, 175, 178, 186 White, Bettye Roberts 213 Wh ite, Curtis Johnothan (I 0) 185 White, Melody Andrea ( 12) 47, 57 Wh ite, Melvin Lee (I I ) 74 Widener, Lloyd Scott (9) I 05, 11 9 Wiles, Cynthia Stefanak 226 Wiley, Leslie Kay ( 12) 47, 57 Wiley' s Inc. 249 Wilkerson, Debra Kay (9) Wilkerson, Pamela Marie (9) I 05 Wilkerson, Tracy Lynn (1 0) 90, 18 1 Wilkins, Lisa Kaye (II) 74 Williams, Alan Eugene (I 0) 91 , 119 Williams, Bonnie Sue ( 12) 47, 57, 183 Williams, Charles ( 12) 57 Williams-Colonnade 261 Williams Corner Bookstore, The 247

Williams, David Lee (9) 119 Williams, Jon Christopher (I 0) 91, 119, 188 Williams, Larry Wayne ( 12) 47, 57 Williams, Michael Wayne (10) 91 Williams, Paul Russell ( 12) 47, 57, 198 Williamson, Michele Lynn ( 12) 47, 57 Willis, David Glenn (9) I OS Willis, Sheila Arnette (9) I 05, 129, 176 Willoughby, Bob John (10) 91 , 127, 197 Willoughby, Scott Rawling (9) 96, 105, 119, 127, 185 Wilson, Connie Laverne (II) 75 Wilson, Dorinda Leigh (I 0) 91, 194 Wilson, Kathryn Irene ( 12) 24, 47, 57, 196 Wilson, Linda Diane (12) 47, 57, 189 Wilson, Robert Dale (I 0) 91 , 119 Wilson, Stephen M . (9) 105, 119, 185 Wilson, Wesley Eugene (II) 75 Wingate, Henry Holmes (9) I 05, 119, 127 Wingate, Mary-Hunter Nosh (II )75, 11 4, liS, 128, 130, 196 Wingate, Sondra 202 Wingfield, Lori Diane (II) 75, 122, 186 Wingfield, Ronda Dole (9) 105, 122

Winston, Lindsay James ( 11) 75, 176 Winters, Yvette Marie (9) 105, 18 1 Witcher, Kimberly B. ( 11) 75, 153, 198 Wood, Angie Yvonne ( 11) 75 Wood, Cindy Lee (1 2) 47, 57, 75, 177 Wood, Darrell Shannon (9) I 05, 11 9 Wood, David ( 10) 90 Wood, Donna Lynn (II) 75 Wood, Dwayne (10) 91 Wood, Edward Seigel ( 1I) 75 Wood, James Douglas (I 0) 91 Wood, Jane Elizabeth ( 1I) 75, 186 Wood, Joseph Brad (9) I 05, 179 Wood, Kevin Bruce ( 12) 47, 57, 68, 175, 197 Wood, Lonzy Everette (9) 1OS Wood, Mark T rovis ( 11) 75 Wood, Melinda Kaye (I 0) Wood, Molly (10) 91 Wood, Noah Edward, VI (9) 105, 189 Wood, Russell A. 231 Wood, Susan Anne (I 0) 196 Wood, Vanzy 235 Wood, Vickie Lynn (9) I 05, 181 Wood, Von (9) 105 Woodfolk, Dwayne Allen (9) 105, 179 Woods, Michael Boyd ( 12) 47, 57 Woodson, Michael Alan (9) 1OS Woodson, Troy Wade (I 0) 75, 122 Woodson, Virginia Starr ( 12) 47, 57 Woody, Charlene Wilmar (9) 1OS Woody, Leslie Ann (9) I OS Worley, George Allen (II) 75, 118, 185, 186, 197 Worley, Vernon Russell (10) 91, 122, 185, 191路 Worley, Yvonne Elizabeth (9) Worrell, Connie 175 Wright, Anastasio R. (10) 91 Wright, Earl Golf ( II) 68, 75, 122, 183, 184 Wright, Elizabeth Andre (I 0) Wright, Evelyn Diane (10) 91 Wright, Jeffrey Lyle (10) 91 , 180, 194 Wright, Stewart Arthur ( 11) 75, 186 Wyant, Jay Devon (9) 105, 185 Wyant, Tina Marie (9) 105 Wyker, Barbara A. 225 Wyland, Andy Christopher ( 10) 91

y Yager, Claude William (12) 47, 57 Yates, Alonza Reg inald ( 12) 47, 57, 124 Yates, Gary Theodore (12) 47, 57, 124 Yates, Nancy Ann 9 1 Yen, George Ching-Chi (10) 9 1, 188 Yen, Miranda Ching-Hunt (12) 47, 57, 180 Yongue, Elno Harris 217

Young, Annette (10) 91 Young, Antonia Denise (10) 91 , 183 Young Men's Shop, T,he 235 Youngue, Barbara A. 193 Yu, Hyon Suk (10) 87, 91 , 136, 189 Yu, Shin Suk ( 12) 47, 57, 178

z Zans, Elizabeth Catherine (9) I OS Zeh, William Bernard (9) 105, 155, 186 Zimmerman, Blaine Alan ( 12) 47, 57, 175, 196 Zimmerman , Gordon Pierce, Ill (9)

Ziock, Michael (I 0) 91 , 196 Ziolkowski, T anja Rene (9)

Gritting your teeth, biting your lip, digging your heels into the ground, and suffering from rope burn are just a few things that a tug-of-war participant has to be willing to contend with. Here, Cindy Perry, Aliso Lukes, Mikkel Jackson, Meg Harper, and Julio Haviland show their determination and stamina during Homecoming Spirit Week.



l . Julia Stewart and her version of " Cheap Sunglasses" . 2 . Anne Frank and Peter Von Daan shore one of the man y tender moments in " The Diary of Anne Frank." 3 . Head trainer Greg Perkins gives quick first aid to an injured player. 4. The cheerleaders concentrate to avoid any messups during the Homecoming Pep Rall y. 5 . Members of the Mime Troupe take a break between shows at Fashion Square. 6 . This sign almost succeeded in scaring students away. 7 . Drum Major Pete Logan leads the rest of the band with firm authority .




As the year draws to a close, once again Albemarle's students have a good deal to look back upon and remember fondly . Almost every member of each class can pick from the many school related activities or social events and find one that holds a special meaning. Though plays and field trips may be forgotten by some students, and parties and games by others, not a single person will forget the new experiences of the 1980-81 school year . As the seniors look forward to graduation and freedom, and underclassmen anticipate coming back for another year, change seems to be a major factor in each student's life. The school itself goes through changes with renovations as well as a changing attitude among the students. With this year's improvements, Albemarle High School is sure to become better than ever. 1. First semester's warm weather prevented more than a few centimeters of snow. 2. Will iam Jefferson ond Scott Lawrence relax after an exhausting A.H.S. Track workout. 3. Jimmy Masloff, our own "Jeff Lamp", doesn't fail to let Albemarle down as his two points tie the score. 4. John Behnam ' s death was paid special respect by Harold Rotenberry who wore a black armband for a week's mourning.




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