1982 Peer

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Academics ....................................... 200

Underclassmen ...... . ..... . . .... . ... ... .. ... ... . .............. .56

Student Life .......................... . .......... . . ..... .. 138

2 Table of Contents

Clubs and Organizations .. . .... . .. . . ........ . .. ... 168

Table of Contents

uction .... . . ... . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . ..... . ... .. . .. .. .. ...... . .... . ... .. . .. .. .4 f

.. ........ .. . .. .............. . ..... . .. ... . ....... . .. . ...... ........ . .. 106

For many years, yearbooks have .;.e:rved as reminders of one of the most mportant times of a student's life ears in high school. Traditionally ach yearbook has been filled with '·'Pi cal pictures and brief summaries of ~"te year's events. However, this year, :--:e Peer staff has decided to take on a .. ore personalized format - that of a ~pbook. In this edition, we have inuded a diverse collection of journal tries, activity programs, accounts of • ·'P'cal thoughts, and original newspaper articles, in order to create a more .1d memory. Every individual remembers a different aspect of high ool, but hopefully this composite , file will help each person to remember the best of the year ending in june, 1982. f(

. ..... .... . ... . ... 56

Seniors ...... . . . ..... . .. ... . .. . .. . . ...... 14

Conclusion .. .... . . . .......... . ... .. . .. . . ............ . . . .. ..... .. ... ........ 274

Introduction . . .... .. .... .... . .4 Seniors . .... .... ... .. ..... ... 14 Senior Statistics . . .. . .... .. ~ . .49 Underclassmen . . . . . . . .... . . .56 Sports . . . ... . . . . .. . ... ... ... 106 Student Life . . .. . ... .. ... ... 138

Environment . . . ....... ... ... 158 Clubs and Organizations .. ... 168 Academics ..... . . ...... ..... 200 Ads . ... . . . . ... . . . . .... .. .. .232 Index .. . .. .... ........ ..... 266 Conclusion .. . .. . . ..... . . ... 274

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.. .......... . .... 168


Table of Contents 3




4 Introduction




Renovations Albemarle High School (TPSP)* Extensive renovations have taken place at Albemarle High School during the summer of '81. Among these changes were: the replacing of the tall lockers with two short ones - a change provoking countless shouts of "I want an odd-numbered one", the lowering of the ceilings, and new lighting systems (causing students to liken the building to a space capsule). Also, a new paint job with colorcoordinated lockers and new windows were added. In addition, a new fire alarm system complete with a new alarm tone and flashing lights resembling those at discos was installed. (Do you think they're trying to make the students forget where they are?) Also for protection from fires, doors which automatically close when activated by smoke were installed between each Finally, wing of the school. Albemarle's auditorium was also remodeled - a renovation which extended into the school year. *(The Peer Staff Press)

The last mile at Albe-traz?!

That's not exactly what we mean by higher education.

6 Introduction

Do you want to keep the trash cans or trade for what's behind door #1, #2, or #3?


door #1, #2, or #3?

The ceiling finally caved in. .~

"American Graffiti" versus "American Beauty"

Even the lockers need to graduate sometime.

That's one way to kill time before school starts.

The Seniors' suggestion for Underclass lockers.



Classes A typical class schedule for an Albemarle High School student shows marked similarity for students in a given grade. Eleven of the eighteen credits needed for graduation are required courses. All students must take English every year. A year of mathematics, a year of science, and a world history or a world geography course are prescribed. All freshmen and sophomores must take health and physical education. Juniors have to take U.S.Na. history and all seniors need to take American government. These are intended to give the student a well-rounded background for life in our society.

Rip Van Wiflkle- Borchardt

"Pay attention! Next week we're building a DC-10."

"I see someone tall, dark, and handsome in your future ."

A Home-ecch (!) class.

8 Introduction


A class-ick picture.

15 yrs. old and still playing with blocks


DQ wonders, "Why bring a book if you're not going to use it?!"

"The secret is paint!"


Introduction 9

Can you find the boy wearing the red baseball cap?

If you think that's good wait 'til you put a ball in front of her.

"The Clash of the Titans"

10 Introduction




"Hey, Daddy. Look at their pom-poms!"

"Look out, girls. Here it comes!" warns Candy Mason.


Just a tennis player in a "gilded cage."

Albemarle High School (TPSP)Once again the Albemarle High School sports season had begun. As usual, football players and cheerleaders attracted large crowds, especially on Friday nights. Tennis also gathered crowds as the Lady Patriots volleyed for victory. The

field hockey players continued to drive to win the state title for the third year. And the girls' and boys' cross country teams set a fast pace for their season. All the fall sports teams played and competed long and hard for their goal to be the best.

Introduction 11


Look at the Mod Squad- well, almost!

Are you SURE you're David Bell?!?

Yvenne King: "Hey you! It says right here- if you don't dress like us- you can't sit with us!"

12 Introduction

Spirit Week

Wining and dining.

September 14-18 was designated senior week (by the seniors, of course!). Monday, senior buttons appeared emphasizing slogans such as "There's superiority in Seniority", "It takes a Senior", and "Seniors do it up right". Tuesday the buttons were displayed on red shirts worn by the class of '82. (Look at that title page picture!) On Wednesday, we all got to wear our bandannas to show our spirit. On Thursday, the seniors found it in their hearts to let the underclassmen join in the fun and the Patriots all became Western Albemarle hicks. Finally, all the spirited Patriots wore red and blue in support of the football team. All in all, the entire week was a lot of fun for everyone involved- especially theseniors.

)avid Bell?!?

"You mean this isn't 'Let's Make a Deal'?"

" Hi, I'm Bruce Bratton- and you' re not!"

CC Crawford has another pair of shoes at home just like these.

That's not really an alligator - that' s a croc-o- ... dile.





Profile of a Senior: training programs both at the Tech The typical senior at Albemarle Center and at AHS play a big part in High School is actually atypical of the life of a senior who does not plan any other member of his class . to enter college in the fall. In addition to classes, varied extraUpon reaching the twelfth grade, a student's only required courses curricular activities such as football, are English and government. His baseball/softball, field hockey, tentime is then more or less his own. nis, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, basHowever, since a major concern of ketball and track of all types get the many seniors is that of college ac- senior involved. Other activities inceptance, most twelfth grade stu- clude the drama productions (plays, dents schedule additional courses Mime Troupe, musicals), journalism in the fields of mathematics, sci- staffs (The Peer, Prism, Harlequin), and the clubs that require attention ence, and foreign language. Vocational training and on-the-job outside of class (DECA, foreign Ian-


Senior Divider

guage clubs). Recognition for achievement is given by membership in various honor societies and scholastic teams. The Class of '82 as a whole also received several privileges this year. Among these were: special senior parking, seating in the auditorium, and the senior bell allowing seniors to leave two minutes earlier than underclassmen. Regardless of the activities in which the senior was involved, the profile of the senior shows an active and concerned individual.

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Senior Class The best yet

Senior class officers, bottom: Brad Bowles, vicepresident; Joe David Nelms, president. Top: Alison Dwier, secretary; Sara Miller, treasurer.


The Senior Class of 1982 exhibited -,~:-. _...... ~--­ more spirit and involvement than any ;:~- ..- "",; :) other class. The officers created stu- ··· ;..: :~ ::~!: , .... :!. ~~ ~ dent participation through Senior ..' , ' ' ,~1' "'. •' Week. Monday was Buttons Day, " ~ . • 1.-! ., \~ ."t... r Seniors donned red shirts on Tuesday, Wednesday brought out bandannas, WAHS hicks crowded the halls on Thursday, and Friday was all red and blue. Senior buttons came with various slogans: "It takes a Senior," "There's superiority in seniority," "Seniors do it up right," and most importantly, "Seniors rule the school." Following the week of the seniors, the class officers distributed senior surveys consisting of questions about fund raising activities, the senior trip, and senior parties . President Joe David Nelms created a Senior Council which consisted of approximately twenty-five seniors who wanted the year to be the best ever. The council sponsored Senior Slave Day where seniors were auctioned to anybody who wanted to buy them for bids starting at $1.00. They carried books, lunches, and opened doors. It was a blast! The underclassmen finally got back at the seniors, or at least they thought they did.

. ..

16 Seniors

._.. ..,_




Michael Acree Jeff Adcock Dennis Agee George Agee Joanie Aldrich Barbara Anderson

Dale Anderson Pamela Anderson Pete Anderson Sally Anderson Sara Anderson Susan Anderson

Jim Arbaugh Shawn Arnold PaulA very Ricky Baber Jackie Barber Jean Barnett

Tammy Barnett Peter Barrett Denise Bates Donovan Bates Kath>;:Bauer Jenmfer Bauerle

Seniors 17

Tim Beasley Sharon Beck David Bell David Bellamy Ella Benner Kris Bennett Glenn Bernhardt Chris Berry

Tracey Bickers Donnie Bickley Kenneth Billups Pat Bird Jimmy Bishop Regina Blackburn Marc Blincoe Greg Bodenhamer

Carolyn Bodrey Sonny Balmores Sara Booth Kerri Borchardt Brad Bowles Ed Bowman Charles Brassfield Wilbert Brassfield

Bruce Bratton Betsy Breeden Jeff Breeden Scotty Brewer Holly Brite Bobby Britt Amy Brown David Brown

18 Seniors

Why work when you can play? Finally, the summer was upon the upcoming Seniors. Planning for the expenses of college and a wild Senior year, many students found jobs. For others, the thought of facing the "real" world was too much and they relaxed all summer. Finances were in many peoples' minds when students and parents thought of the last year of high school. SAT's, applications, beach week, gasoline, and tuition all required money, lots of it. Considering these, many students thought it wise to find a source of income . From gas stations to McDonald's, working Albemarle Patriots could be found. Relaxation and/or partying filled the minds of other Patriots. They realized this was their last summer before entering college, being on their own, and having many .more responsibilities. Chris Greene Lake, Virginia Beach, and Sandbridge were common hangout spots. The Seniors busied themselves all summer working and playing. It was a time in their lives that they would always remember and look back on, no matter what they did.


1. Scott Robertson: "Yeh, the ink's dry." 2. "And you thought you could get away," laughs Sarah Booth.

20 Seniors

Marty Brown Victor Brown Virginia Brown Stewart Bruce Mason Bryant

Richard Burns David Butz Jeff Byers Cathy Cain Theodore Carr


Wendell Carr Teresa Catlett Paula Chandler Sara Chandler David Chisholm

JinChoe Sonya Churchman Tina Churchman Christina Clark Debbie Clark

Seniors 21

Donna Clark Mike Clatterbuck Jo]o Clements Sharon Coleman Douglas Collier Helen Cook Felicia Cooper

~~ L~~


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Regine Finet, an exchange student from France, enjoys her classes and many new friends at Albemarle.

Ann Cronk Leslie Crowe Thomas Crutchfield Mike Currie Diane Cutitta Paula Daugherty MargaretTiavis Mary Davis

Stephanie Davis Marie D'Elicio Teresa Demasters Suzanne Dickman Joey Dimasi Anne Dinwiddie Tommy Dobbins Garrett Dudley ¡

Mike Cooper Cynthia Cottrell Annette Couch David Cragun Carrie Crawford Doug Crenshaw Anne Crittendon

Kim Dudley Mike Duggan Alison Dwier Eddie Early

Fred Eppard Lisa Eppard Pamela Estes KayEways

Hugh Ewing John Farris Leona Ferguson Tammy Fields

Bruce Florence David Foss Susan Frazier Amy Frescoln

24 Seniors

Seniors voice opinions Senior Survey

Kings Dominion Busch Gardens

1. If the Senior class sponsored a

Others - - - - -- - -- -

party before the CHS or Homecoming

6. Would you come to a Sadie

game would you come? Hawkins dance on Valentine's Day? 2. For graduation, would you like to 7. If we were to clean U-Hall or Scott have it held ~utside or somewhere Stadium to raise money, would you else? Would you want the guys to help? . ? wear blue and the girls wear w h Ite 路 8. If we had a bake sale or a car wash, How would you like to receive the di- would you help? ploma in a vinyl-like folder? 9. If we held a school-wide yard sale, 3. If you were allowed to have a Se- would you donate items and/or your "? nior Lounge, would you go to 1t. time? Would you follow the rules? Would 10. If the Seniors had a Slave Day, that you, if you have a study hall, help in is a day where Seniors were sold to running it? underclassmen for a day, would you 4. Mr. Hurt said that last year people be a slave? took their one skip day (with an ex- 11. Would you buy a class of '82 tcused note) and then some even took a shirt? few extra days. If we had a skip day for 12. Would you be interested in playing Seniors, would you take only that spe- the WCHV Rampaging Ducks in bascific day off? ketball? 5. For the Senior trip, where would 13. If we held dances or parties would you like to go? Check only one. you attend? Shennandoah Acres Virginia Beach Mint Springs Smith Mountain Lake

14. If we sold fruit after the practices in the afternoon, would you buy some? If so, what kind? Thanks for your cooperation.

" Ok, you guys. It goes true, false, false, true, true."

Seniors 25

Vanesa Gains Becky Garland Scott Garver Greg Gentry Terry Gentry KimGilka Robert Gilliam Allen Gleitz

- -Greg Godsey Donald Goebel Rich Gossweiler Cynthia Graves Meredith Gray John Green Lorry Green Warren Green

Greg Gurley Robert Hager SusanHamm Nell Harlow Teresa Harpold Christina Harris Connie Harris Robert Harris

Virginia Harris Kelvin Hawkins James Hearne Rodney Hearns Gosta Heimer Deedee Helfenstein Holly Hermanson Gary Herring

Seniors 27

Karron Herring Ronnie Herring Bobby Hicks Brenda Hicks Debbie Hicks Jacqueline Hicks Kimberly Hicks Scott Hiller

Michael Himelick Dana Hobson Julie Hoe! DousHogg GlonaHol<e Susan Holliday Jamie Holt Charles Hood

Joanne Horan Dan Houghton LaniHoza Rhonda Hubbard RobinHuey Harriet Hughes Sallie Hunt Tom Hunter

Sherri Iachetta Coral Inabinut Bobby Ivory Susan Jakubowski Donna Jackson Jrene Jackson Kirk Jansen Kathy Jarmen

Seniors 29

Andrew Johnson Carol Johnson Cindy Johnson Lynnley Johnson Melanie Johnson Owen Johnson Lisa Jones Sanda Jones

Annie Kelly Caroline Kelly Joanna Hoy Jean Kilburg Laura Kincaid YvenneKing Debbie Kirby Jon Kirby

Chip Kirtley Colter Knight Kris Kost Anna Kretsinger Sylvia Kuzman Teresa LaBruno Leroy Lamb Melissa Lamb

Brenda Lee Cynthia Lewis Jeannie Lewis Mike Lewis Tammy Lively John Lloya Pete Logan Sandra Londree

30 Seniors

Seniors break barrier Senior privileges - We have some and need some more. In 1981-82 the senior class made tremendous progress in breaking the barrier against senior privileges. They obtained a senior bell (dismissal at 3:23), a senior parking lot, and a senior seating section in the auditorium. Senior Skip Day was not approved officially, but the administration took no action against participating Seniors. The class of '82 hoped to finalize Skip Day along with many more privileges. Ideas for a senior lounge and senior Christmas carolling presented good possibilities for privileges. Several other ideas were discussed and may present opportunities for future classes at Albemarle. Whatever theresults, the worst we could say was we tried!

1. Maxbe it pays to be superstitious. 2. Brenda Lee: 'Wow, two minutes before underclassmen."

32 Seniors

Mary Loose Kristin Lovelace Karen Lucas Jennifer Ludgate Eric Lutz Mike Lynch

Renee Magruder Debra Mafianes Joyce Maher Dennis Mahnken Kathi Mahnken Steve Manzano

Cleveland Marsh Scott Marshall George Marski CyndiMason EdieMattie Terry Maupin

. -- "


Bruce Mawyer Montie Mawyer Julie May Tom Mayhew Mark McCluney Melanie McDaniel

Seniors 33

Government a favorite? Government class. That one class that we seniors just LOVED to take. Right? Wrong! It's one of the classes seniors had to take, or not graduate~ What choice did we have? The basic fears were those long papers and those long, difficult essay tests. Some class time was spent discussing current events and how government played a role in each. The best parts were those class discussions or class debates which inevitably turned into heated yellings. Who could forget studying the classical theories of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle . . . From the constitution to the Reagan administration, we studied it all. So what could we say? UNDERCLASSMEN, good luck enjoy.

Didi Sissons: " Do you suppose she'd believe that the sky is fallmg?" Julius Riddervold: "I would."

34 Seniors

Rosanna McDaniels Tim McEldowney John McGetrick Maureen McGrory Tricia Mendelis

Jacqueline Miller Maria Miller Sara Miller Tracey Miller Karen Mills

Paul Mills Tracy Moon Brenda Moore Gerald Moore Deanna Morris Jeff Morris

Kelly Morris Tana Morris Penny Morris Lynn Morrow Rosalyn Morse Kelly Mowbray

Seniors 35

Jim Mullen Lisa Mundie Arnold Murdock JoAnne Murphy David Murray

Joe Murray Kenneth Murray Susan Musselman Susan Nardi Joe David Nelms Mike Nickelsen Lisa Noble John Nowell

Mark Nowell Jon Nuechterlein AngieOrdel Deirdra Orrduff Shannon Overbeck Robert Overcash Jennifer Pace Montie Pace

John Parker Michael Parker Steve Partridge Barbara Patterson Kim Payne Steve Perkins Roland Poindexter Mary Pollard

36 Seniors

Warren Polson Dawn Porcaro Greg Porter Spencer Powell Scott Price

Leo Prosser Pearl Quarles KimRath Jim Reese Mary Reese

Chuck Reynolds Julius Riddervold Steve Riddle Julie Ripley Courtney Roane

Scott Robertson Ricky Robinson john Rogan Jeff Rogers Dwayne Rush

38 Seniors


1. Gre9 Bodenhamer: Is that what they had in mind when they said "Register for the draft?' 2. Andrew Valente: "You want me to know this when?" 3. Laura Kincaid: "I wouldn't even sell that to my worst enemy!"

Seniors 39

JoAnne Rush Karen Rush Sherillyn Rush

Walker Rush Phillip Ryder Nancy Sadler

Morgan Scherer Paul Schmidt Thomas Schweinefuss Sheila Scruggs Karen Seivers Karen Shafer Joseph Shaver Theresa Shifflett

Rhonda Shiflett Tim Shinaberry David Shipp Michael Shirly Eddie Short Kim Shreve Steve Shriner Kathy Simmonds

40 Seniors

Beach week .. . e. Sighs of 1 \'er - let's

Sunrise, Sunset Beach week . . . the ultimate experience. Sighs of relief - graduation is over - let's head for Virginia Beach and a week of letting loose. Parties, lying in the sun, and sleepless nights. Beach week was the ultimate thing all seniors looked forward to. Students from all the high schools from our area and many others gathered together at irginia Beach. During the day, the beach and strip were covered with untanned bodies clad in skimpy bathing suits and Birdwells, all enjoying the sun and freedom. Then the night life set in . . . romantic walks along the water's edge, cruising, multiple parties, and Peabody's. Three major attraction areas where most of the parties were held are Mai Kai, Ocean Lake, and Sandbridge. Seniors saved up all year to rent these places. It was a wild and crazy week. But what better way to end a long and hard four years and what a fantastic way to start the summer. Beach week ...

Andy Simpson Harvey Simpson DidiS1sson Earl Smith Lisa Smith TeriSmith Wayne Snoots Scott Snow




Lisa Spangler Wes s-Erouse Cathy St. John Jo Staples Chris "Stark Lisa Starks Maurice Starks Terrie Starks

April Steppe Ann Stewart Robin Stone Carolyn Stuart Charles Sutphin Angela Sweeney Carmel Sweeney Jamie Symmers

Binky Tapscott Janet Taylor Jeff Taylor Maria Tedeschi Sarah Terry Andrea Thomas Lowell Thompson Trida Thraves

Seniors 43

Dorothy Toney Robin Trainum Jane Turner

" as another ~ . :alier football a one from toddl

ghty crowded r his beloved After tailgate

路 and green cc re but the star ue.

e games were

Mary Tuttle Joe Ulery Andrew Valente

fans and a ] The were qt . a fans not

but als' ever did

up on i

Joe Vidunas Susan Von Herbulis David Wagoner Juan Wallace Tim Ward Greg Warner

Diane Watkins Orlando Watkins Darlene Watson David Watson Karl Watson Charles Wayland

44 Seniors

Colors of orange & blue It was another Saturday of exciting

Cavalier football at Scott Stadium. Evone from toddlers of two to adults eighty crowded into the Stadium to eer his beloved Cavaliers on to vicry. After tailgate parties in the park,g lot with food and drink galore, fans eaded inside for another afternoon of

-.avalier football. Preppy colors of . Jlk and green could be seen every. here, but the stands were dominated ;,th the wonderful colors of orange .nd blue. .~


The games were a major pastime for va. fans and a place to see and be n. They were quite a social event . .Va. fans not only shared in the ories, but also in the Cavalier

.:eteats. Never did the loyal fans of U. a. give up on the Wahoos. Each turday they were back to cheer the 路.ahoos on. Wahoo-wa, Wahoo-wa, Cavs!


1. "Fools on the Hill." 2. Where's your cup, John? 3. Service with a smile . Well, maybe not.

Seniors 45

Sandra Weakley Barry Weathersbee Page West Kari Westervelt Theresa Wharan

Haden Wharten Barbara Wheeler Lisa Wilkins Connie Wilson Mary Wingate

Lori Wingfield Lindsay Winston Kim Witcher Donna Wood MarkWood

Yvonne Wood Troy Woodson Allen Worley Earl Wright Stewart Wright

46 Seniors

You deserve a break today

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As I awoke to the freshness of a spring morning, I wondered if this were the long awaited "SENIOR SKIP DAY"; BIGS (SURE!). I rolled over in bed. Oh, no, it was already 11 o'clock! Poor underclassmen suffered through another day of school. Skip Day. Yes, no school, no work, 路no worries, no nothing. JUST CHILL OUT! Off to Chris Greene, Pen Park, or the rock to catch some rays, or to enhance one's self with the fine lines of Plato's Republic. It didn't matter. SKIP DAY meant doing what ever you wanted. If sun was not your thing, you could catch up on your Z's. Sun, Music, Sleep. Whatever turned you on, that's what it was all about. It was a reminder of that grand Senior finale, Graduation and Beach Week. Oh, yes, don't forget your good friend, SKIPPIE!

1. Lazy daisies. 2. Can you find the party crasher?

Seniors 47

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1. "What are you yelling about? It's only a waterfall." 2. Joey Diiriasi to David Bell and Maurice Starks: "Now what did he do that for?" 3. "What do you want now, Steve?" questions Sarah Terry. 4. When someone says take a rest, Karl literally "takes a rest." 5. After twelve years of school you would think that they would know what color red is.

48 Seniors

Senior Statistics Acree, Michael Todd, Ace: Rt. 7, Box 132, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 1; "Surfers are forever. "

Barber, Jacqueline Ruth, Jackie: 179 Bitternut Ln ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 1,2,3; "The one who gave Mr. 'G' all the hard times in his third period D.E. class."

Adcock, Jeffrey Scott, Jeff. Agee, Dennis Brian , D.B., Moses : Box 191 , Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 1,2; Football3,4; Track 3,4; Intramural Basketball4; "Uncle Sam got me! U. S. Army." Agee, George, Jr. , Goo: Rt. 1, Box 228, Esmont, Va. 22937; Basketball Mgr. 1,2,3,4. Aldrich , Joan Mar_cy, Monkey: 2715. Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4, V. Pres. 1, Treas. 3, Pres. 4; SCA 1,2,3; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4; V. Softball1,2,4; Powder Puff 1; Gymnastics Mgr. 1; Choir 1,2,3; "Marne" 2; Valentine's Day Thing 2,3; Spanish Contest, 5th District; "Barnaby's- home away from home."


Anderson, Barrora J. , Jean: Rt. 1, Box 413, Scottsville, Va . 24590; "Being friendly and having a good time." Anderson, Dale, Freak, D.Q., Q .D.: Rt. 1, P.O. Box 81, Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 2,3,4; FHA 1; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Football 1; " I am all world ." Anderson, Pamela Ann, Pamie: Rt. 1, Box 263-D, Troy, Va. 22974; FHA 3; FOLA 4; "My quietness and my smile ." Anderson, Peter Gray, Pete: 1903 Rolling Hill Rd ., Charlottesville Va . 22901; Stage Band Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3; "My Fair Lady" 1; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Sym. III 1,2,3,4; Stage Band 2,3,4; U.S. National Band Award; All-American Hall of Fame Band Honors; Who' s Who Among American High School Students; "Bein' green. " Anderson , Sally Sue: P.O. Box 132, Esmont, Va. 22937; "Talking crazy and joking around ." Anderson , Sarah, Tina, Tinnie: P.O . Box 132, Esmont, Va . 22937; "Joking around and talking crazy."


Anderson, Susan Hope, Susita: 730 Yorkshire Rd ., Earlysville, Va. 22936; Drama Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2; Racquetball Cl. 3; Sr. Class Council 4; "My Fair Lady" 1; "Musical Kaleidoscope" 3; Regional Chorus 2,3,4; JMEA Chorus 4; Va State Chorus 3; Valentine' s Day Thing 3,4; AHS Concert Chorus 2,3,4; Jr . Class Talent Show, 3rd 3; National Honor Society 3,4; French National Honor Society 3,4; "Warm fuzzies; Chicago; Hel-llo. "

Barnett, Jean Marie, Bj : Rt. 7, Box 189, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3; Outdoor Track 1; J.V. Field Hockey 2,3, Co-Captain 3, MVP 3; V. Field Hockey4; Peer 3,4, Underclass Co-Editor 3, Editor-in-chief 4; " Mean Jean theMachine." Barnett, Tammy Lynn , Tam: Rt. 9, Box 266, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 4; TARS 4; Powder Puff 3,4; "My Fair Lady" 1; Marching Band Flag Corp 2,3,4; Peer 2,3,4, Business Editor 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Who' s Who Among American High Schoof Students 4; "A Presidential Classroom for Young Americans" 4; "Slurpees forever . Preppie and proud ." Barrett, Peter John . Bates, Denise Michelle, Cricket: Rt. 1, Box 257, Cobham, Va. 22929; FHA 1,4; FBLA 3; Outdoor Track 2,3. Bates, Donovan Lee, Dooney: Rt. 1, Box 256, Gordonsville, Va. 22942; Racquetball Cl. 3; FHA 4; Football 1,2,3,4, Capt. 4; Basketball 1; Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Band 1; " Gun Lap" award; Senior Sportsmanship Award 4; "A fast guy, Flash. " Bauer, Catherine E. Beach, Michael E. Beasley, Timothy Wayne . Beck, Sharon Leigh, Sharon: 1648 Tow nwood Ct. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FBLA; National Honor Society 4. Bell, David Ray, Jelly: 135 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FCA4, Treas. 4; Football 1,2,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Golf 1,2,3,4; State Golf 3; Regional Golf 3,4; Peer 4; National Honor Society4; "The big'S' . Skippy. " Bellomy, David F., Franklin: Box 1218 B, Troy, Va. 22974; "Climbing the trees at the park. " Benner, Ella Jeanette: 505 Carrsbrook Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Peer 2,3,4, Business Editor 3,4.

Bennett, Christian Lee, Krissy: Rt. 1, Box 42, Scottsville, Va . 24590; Spanish Cl. 4; FBLA 4.

Arbaugh, James E., Jimmy: 332 Key West Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Football 1; "Green Grass and High Times Forever. " Arnold, Shawn Louis, Shawn: Rt. 4, Box 221-C, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FCA 4; Football 4; "Make your year as full as possible." Avery, Paul Charles, King Meek: 503 Nottingham Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4; V. Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Sym . II 1,2; "The rocks, the rod, and aluminum containers. " Baber, Richard P. , Ricky.

Bernhardt, Glenn Robert: P.O . Box 116, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Photography Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2; Sym . I 1; Sym. III 2; Marching Band 2. Berry, Christopher Lynde/. Bickley, Donald Wayne, Donnie, The Bic: 2621 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Footbalr 1.,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; FCA 3,4; Lacrosse 3; "Yes, the Kandi Man most definitely can." Bickers, Tracey Anne, Tracey: 1245 Old Garth Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4; Tennis 1,2,3; Lacrosse 2; "Good Times ."

Bachman, Michael Andrew.

Bishop, James Robert, Jimmie, Pistol Pete: 3595 Pinewood Dr., Keswick, Va . 22947; Chess Cl. 1,2,3; Volleyball Cl 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Basketball1,2; Baseball 2; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Intramural Softball 3; " Let's go for it!" Blackburn , Regina Ann: Rt. 1, Box 278-A, Schuyler, Va . 22969; FBLA 4. Blincoe, Marc Alan, Blink, Stork: 118 Deerwood Rd. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Skateboard Cl. 1; Weightlifting Cl. 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Weightlifting Ironman . Bodenhamer, James Gregory, FF, Pooh: 200 Pineridge Ln., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Monogram Cl. 1; FCA 4; SCA 4; Basketball4; Baseball1,4; Foreign ,~anguage Award 1; "Sara Miller's Pooh 2,3,4 Bodrey, Carolyn Jean , Carol : Rt . 1, Box 143, Schuyler, Va . 22969; Drama Cl. 3; DECA 4. Booth, Sarah Ann, Booph, Blues Sister #1 : Rt. 6, Box 272-C, CharlottesVille, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; German Cl. 1,2,3, Treas. 2; Ski Cl. 1; Sym. Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; "My Fair Lady" 1; " Our Town" 1; "Marne" 2; " Godspell" 2; "Diary of Anne Frank" 3; National Honor Society 3; International Thespian Society 1,2,3, Sec . 4, Treas . 4; "Anyway, DPR' s and 27's right?" Borchardt , Kerri Lynn , Bork, Kerri-Lynn: 109 Sturbridge Rd ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2; FCA 3,4, Sec. 3, Pres. 4; V. Basketball 1,2,3,4, Capt. 3,4; V. Tennis 1,~ , 3 A, Capt. 3,4; SCA 1,2, Sec. 1,2; Western D1stnct MVP 2,3; Team MVP 3; District Doubles Winner 4; Regional Doubles Winner 4; "Member of state champs, Tennis Team, Skippy, Basketball." Bowles, Robert Bradford, III, Brad: P.O. Box 6893, Charlottesville, Va . 22906; FCA 4; SCA 4, V. Pres. 4; V. Basketball3,4, Capt. 4; Peer4; National Honor Society 4; Va. Boy State 4; Who' s Who Among Amencan High School Students 4; Homecoming Ct. 4; "Va. Tech, THE University of Virginia ." Bowman, Louis Edward, Ed: 104 Smithfield Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; "The rocks." Brassfield, Charles Lewis, Charlie: Rt. 1, Box 214A, Keswick, Va. 22947; Art Cl. 1,2,3; Volleyball Cl. 4; Gymnastics 1,4; Stuntman 2; Football Mgr. 1; SCA 4; " Be yourself." Brassfield, Wilbert Davis, Brass: Rt. 1, Box 214-A, Keswick, Va. 22947; Racquetball Cl. 3; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2; Radio 4; "It's been fun but I've got to go. " Bratton, Bruce Allen, Snake: Rt. 1, Box 510, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Football 2,3,4; "Be a well hung individual. " Breeden, Betsy Franklin, Bets, B.B.: Advance Mills Rd ., Ruckersville, Va. 22968; FBLA 3; " Singed hair and forehead." Breeden, Jeffrey Wayne, Jeff: 210 Pineridge Ln., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; J.A. 1,2,3. Brewer, Donald Scott, Brew: 3578 Airport Acres Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4; Cross Country 3,4; Marching Band 1,2,4; Stage Band 4; Sym. Band 1,2,3,4; "The party wagon lives on."

Billups, Kenneth Wayne. Balmores, Loreto Lucas, Sonny: 1565 Robin Ln ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; VlCA 4.

Bird, Patrick.

Brezinski, Eileen: 309 E. Monacan Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2; Racquetball Cl. 3;


Senior Statistics 49

Ecology Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Cheerleader 2; Intramural Softball3; National Honor Society 3; French Honor Society 3.

Brite, Holly Elisabeth: 2655-1 Barracks Rd ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Riding Cl. 1; VICA 2,3,4; Intramural Soccer. Britt, Robert W., Bobby: Rt. 1, Box 34, Earlysville, Va. 22936; FCA 2,3,4; Football 3,4; Band 1,2.

Advocate Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 4; "Willingness to help others."

Chapman, Michael Irving. Childress, Tracy Scott. Chisholm, David Lee: Rt. 1, Box 260-A, Troy, Va. 22974.

Brawn, Amy O'Grady .

Choe, ]in Sun : 1904-B Inglewood Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901.

Brawn, David Michael, Brown: Rt. 7, Box 153, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FFA; "Like a Big Dog?"

Christmas, Anthony Eugene, DJ SLYY: Rt. 7, Box 28, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Slyy all the way, lives."

Brown, Frank Edward, Francoise: Rt. 2, Box 103, Keswick, Va . 22947; Football; Track; Baseball; " Not being here everyday."

Churchman, Sonya Monique, So-so: Rt. 7, Box 26, Charlottesville , Va . 22901 ; D.E .; Chorus;

Brown, Martin Copelan, Cope: 504 Berwick Ct. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Football Mgr. 1,2,3; Sym. I; Sym. II; Peer 4.

Churchman, Tina Leigh.

Brown, Victor Lee; Fatback: 2215-A Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Football 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 4; Intramurals 3,4; Band 1,2. Brawn, Virginia Catherine, Va ., V.B., Gin: 1820 Charles Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 1; Choir 1,2,4; "Remember all the B.B.'s, C.T.'s and lunches at El Cabritos ." Bruce, Stuart Randolph, Brucester the Rooster: Rt. 2, Box21, Keswick, Va . 22947; Football2; Band 1. Bryant, Mason Lawrence, III, Tweet, 2420 Barracks Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Spanish Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 4; Football1 ,2; Intramural Basketball. Buehler, Nancy Catherine . Burnette, Mark Wayne .


1 '

Clark, Christina Eileen, Chris: Rt. 1, Box 67, Earlysville, Va ..22~36; Latin Cl. 1; Astrology Cl. 2; FHA 3; Harhqum Cl. 4; Sym. I 1; Sym. III 2,3,4; Flag Corps 2,3,4, Capt. 4; Choir II 2,3,4; "Spring Madness" 2,3,4; "Kaleidescope" 3; Harlequin 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Who's Who Among American High Schoo1 Students 4. Clark, Debra Ann. Clarke, Donna Kathleen: Rt. 6, Box 295, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; FHA 2; FBLA 3,4; Spanish Cl. 4; Choir 2. Clatterbuck, George Michael, Buck, MIG : 2613 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ski Cl. 3; Football 1; Peer 4; " High times never felt so good. " Clatterbuck, Marvin Scott. Clements, Joan Denise, JoJo: Rt. 1, Box 283, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Riding Cl. 1,2,3,4; Track 2; "Westward bound ."

Burns, Richard Christopher. Butz, David Robert. Byers, Jeffrey Hunter, Jeff: 115 Terrybrook Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Chess Cl. 1; French Cl. 4; Photography Cl. 2; Weightlifting Cl. 3; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; "The individual winner runner.''

Cain, Catherine Ann, Co-Caine: 2808 Northfields Rd. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 3; French Cl. 2; Racquetball Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; Peer 4; "Cain parties. " Carey, Andrew Frank, Andy: 2902 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Chess Cl. 2,3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Soccer 2,3; Debate 3,4; Intramural Basketball3,4; Band 1; National Honor Society 3; French Honor Society 3; NEDT Commended 2; French Forensics 3rd 3, 5th District 2, 7th State 2, 8th District 3; " I played when I could, worked when I had to, and laughed when it suited me."

Cochran, John Christian, John: 8 Woodlake Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2; Weightlifting CL. 3; Photography Cl. 4; Football 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1; Drama 1; "My guest appearances in school. " Coleman, Sharon Denise: Rt. 1, Box 129, Earlysville, Va . 22936; Latin Cl1,4; FHA 3; Astrology Cl. 2; Harlequin Cl. 4; Marching Band 2,3;4; Sym. III 2,3,4; Sym. I 1. Coletrain , William Lee, Jelly: Rt. 1, Box 250, Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 1; Football1,2,3; Track 1; Intramural Basketball 1,2. Collier, Douglas Glenn . Conn, Sandra Lee, Sandy: 2116 Dominion Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FHA 1,2,3; "My ability to update their soap operas."

Carr, .Theodore Patrick, Teddy: Rt. 22, Box 218, Keswtck, Va . 22947; Football 1,2,3,4.

Cook, Helen Elizabeth: 2522 Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Sf'anish Cl. 1,2,3; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Cross Country 3; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; National Spanish Test 1,2; "The Doors."

Carr, Wendell Lewis, Captain Midnight: Rt. 5, Box 168, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Radio Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 4; Basketball1,2; "The voice of the Albemarle Patriots ."

Cooper, Felicia Maria , Coop: Rt. 1, Box 217-A, Keswick, Va. 22947; Pep Cl. 1; FBLA 4; Photography Cl. 3; Track 4; "My sweet smile and brown sugar."

Catlett, Teresa Lynn .

Cooper, Michael Keith , Mike: Rt. 1, Box 101, Earlysville, Va . 22936; Harlequin Cl. 4; Football 2; Prism 2,3,4; "The big words that I use. "

Chandler, Paula Jean: Ct. B2 Crenshaw Mbl. City, Charlottesville, Va. 22901. Chandler, Sara Katherine: Scottsville, Va . 24590;

50 Senior Statistics

Cottrell, Cynthia Juanita: Rt. 1, Box 86, Scottsville, Va. 24590.

C~uch, Annette Lynn, Sofie: Rt. 1, Box 122, Keswtck, Va . 22947; Drama Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 4; Music Appreciation Cl. 4; Regional Choir 3,4; National Konor Society 4; "A name like 'Couch' isn't enough?"

Cragun, David Lloyd, Speed: 2617 Northfields Rd ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Ski Cl. 3,4; Football 3; "This bud's for you." Crawford, Carrie, C. C. Sweet C: 190-B Inglewood Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. ; DECA; FBLA; Self-defense; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1,2; Cheerleading 2,3,4; Peer 4; "My mouth." Crenshaw, James Douglas, Poot: Rt. 1, Box 306; "It's Miller time. " Crittendon, Anne Marie, Annie: 3006 Idlewood Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Advocate Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Liturgy Cl. 1,2; Flag Corps 2,3,4; Who's Who Among American Htgh School Students; National Honor Society; "Life is vicious. " Cronk, Ann Marie: Rt. 1, Box 300, Keswick, Va. 22947; Riding Cl. 1,2; DECA 1; ICT 1; "Let's go skip." Crawe, Leslie Jeanne, Stretch: 1645 Maiden Ln. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Thespians 2,3,4; SCA 4; Outdoor Track 1; Powder Puff 1,3; Majorette 1,2,3; "My Fair Lady" 1; " Marne" 2; " Kaleidoscope" 3; Sym . 1,2; Marching Band 1,2; Concert Choir 3,4; Regional Choir 4; Valentine's Day Thing 3,4. Crutchfield, Thomas Jenson, Stud: Rt. 9, Box 86, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4; Football 2,4; Soccer 4; "Turn out the lights, the party's over." Currie, Michael David. Cutitta, Diane Marie, Shorty: Rt. 1, Box 269, Earlysville, Va. 22936; FBLA 3,4; "My loud laughing voice and my short body." Dailey, Cynthia Anne, Cin, D.Q .: Rt. 1, Box 123, Keswick, Va. 22947; Advocate Cl. 3,4; "My driving." Daugherty, Paula Susan , Raw Dog, P.D.: Rt. 6, Box 113, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Pep Cl. 1; FBLA 2; Racquetball Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Latin Cl. 3,4; Peer 4, Clubs Editor 4; "Munch!" Davis, Margaret Ann, Margie Ann: Rt. 5, Box 182, CharlottesVille, Va. 22901; VICA. Davis, Mary Mae: Rt. 1, Box 341, Barboursville, Va. 22923; VICA 2,3,4. Davis, Stephanie Lynn, Steph: 2 Lake Forest Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1; FCA 2; Harlequin Cl. 3; SCA 2,3; "My Fair Lady" 1; Peer 2,3, u-nderclass Editor 3; Harlequin 3; National Honor Society 3,4; " Rainbows, Hawaii and purple!" Day, Mark Alan. D'Elicio, Marie Louise Bernadette, Little Mother: 1002 Proffit Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Sym. III 4; Marching Band 2,3,4; Prism 4; "The shrink is in." DelPrete, Susan Marie, Scamp: P.O. Box 6671, Charlottesville, Va. 22906; Choir 4; Thespian 4; " It was a bust!" DeMasters, Teresa Lynne. DeVan, William A ., Guy dele Maupasant: 2817

t. 1, Box 122, Kes. 1; French Cl. 2; mocrats 4; Music :::hoir 3,4; National like 'Couch' isn't

2617 Northfields 1; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; bud's for you."

:: 190-B Inglewood '1; Pep Cl.; DECA; Tracl< 1; Outdoor 3,4; Peer 4; "My

)t: Rt. 1, Box 306;

ie: 3006 Idlewood 1; Spanish Cl. 1,2; rats 4; Liturgy Cl. vho Among Amer: National Honor

300, Keswick, Va. 1; ICT 1; "Let's go


1645 Maiden Ln., )rama Cl. 1,2,3,4; loor Track 1; Pow"My Fair Lady" 1; e" 3; Sxm . 1,2; :hoir 3,4; Regional ng 3,4.

ud: Rt. 9, Box 86, .acrosse Cl. 2,3,4; out the lights, the


1, Box 269, Ear'My loud laughing

Q.: Rt. 1, Box 123, :ate Cl. 3,4; "My

Dog, P.D.: Rt. 6, 22901; Pep Cl. 1; !vocate Cl. 4; Teen r 4, Clubs Editor 4; •nn: Rt. 5, Box 182, CA. ~41,


2 Lake Forest Dr., ama Cl. 1; FCA 2; ·Fair Lady" 1; Peer ·lequin 3; National )WS, Hawaii and

1. Scott Price investigates the paths worn by Jackie and Edgar (the Peer staff editors' cars) on Saturdays while helping with deadlines . 2. Allen Worley and Pete Anderson play the game of "fruit flies." Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; TARS 4; French Cl. 2,3; Chess Cl. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; Intramural Basketball3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; ''I'll sell no wine before its . e." tim

Duggan, Michael Thomas Hoyt , Mike: Rt. 7, Box 273-lA, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; EcologyCI. 1; French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 3,4; Soccer 2; Mime Troupe 3,4; "Friends? What friends?"

Dickman, Suzanne, Suzie: 2813 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,4; French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 4; Concert Choir 2,3,4; "Kaleidoscope" 3; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; "Blondes have more fun ."

Dwier, Alison, Ali: Rt. 9, Box 405, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; SCA 1,2,3,4, Senator 1, Reporter 2; Jr. Class V. Pres. 3; Sr. Class Sec. 4; 'MX Fair Lady" 1, "Our Town" 1; "Marne" 2; 'Godspell" 2; Mime Troupe 1,2,3,4; French Honor Sooety 2; National Honor Society 3; Who's Who Among American High School Students: "It's not short, it's petite."

Dillard, Nicholas, Nick: Rt. 1, Box 71, Esmont, Va. 22937; Indoor Track; Outdoor Track; "By-theway, I tripled jump." Dillard, Terry, Pop: Rt. 1, Box 21, Esmont, Va . 22937; Basketball 2; Track 1. Dimasi, Anthony Joseph, Joey: 2603 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Football 2,3,4; "Having great parties when things were down and dead." Dinwiddie, Anne Corder, Annabelle: 108 Sturbridge Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Pef' Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3, V. Pres. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; Sym. I; Sym. III 2,3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students. Dixon, India Isabell.

tte, Little Mother: e, Va. 22901; Sym. ;sm 4; "The shrink

Dobbins, Thomas.


Dudley, Garrett Anderson, Dudley: Rt. 1, Box 246, Gordonsville, Va . 22942; "A skipper." >: P.O. Box 6671,

.oir 4; Thespian 4;

Dudley, Kimberly Diane, Kim, Pudley: Rt. 1, Box 523, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Pep Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4, Treas. 4; GAA 3,4; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4; Gymnastics 1,2; Lacrosse 4; Powderpuff 1,3; Peer 4; "Let's go whaling!"

Early, Edward Lee, Big Cat: Rt. 22, Box 207, Cobham, Va. 22929; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Indoor Track; Outdoor Track. Eppard, Frederick Arnold, LimP.: "We may be crazy but we are born to be wild." Eppard, Lisa Yvonne, Lis: Rt. 9, Box 196, Charlottesville, Va . 22?01; Photography Cl. 1; Sym. III 1,2,3,4; Marchmg Band 2,3,4. Estes, Pamela Deneen, Teasing Tan: Rt. 11, Box 32, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; DECA 2; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; "Complaining." Eways, Kay Elizabeth, Special K: 1883 Pine Cone Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Advocate Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Sym. I 1; Sym. III 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; S,ranish Honor Society 3,4; "Let's go to Sbarro s!" Ewing, Hugh James, Sticks: 412 Key West Dr., CharlottesVille, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4, Sec. 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; "The rocks." Farish, Dee Grace. Farish, Kimberly Hicks, Kim Met-

al Mouth: 825 Blenheim Ave ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; VICA 2,3,4; Pep Cl. 1; "The one who got married to Danny Farish."

Fariss, John Wesley: Rt. 1, Box 322, Scottsville, Va. 24590 Fergusen, Ruth Leona. Fields, Tammy Lynn, Porky, Weasle Nose: Rt. 9, Box 122, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; DECA 2,3; FBLA 4; Volleyball 1,2,3; "The one who was engaged for 11 months. " Finet, Regine, Rere: Rt. 9, Box 10, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 3; "I'm French, my accent." Florence, Richard Bruce, Jr., Bruce: Rt. 1, Box 260N, Troy, Va. 22974; "Dark red hair." Foss, David: 303 Four Seasons Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,3; Football Mgr. 1; Band 1,2. Frazier, Susan Gail, Susie-Q: Rt. 1, Box 407, Scottsville, Va. 24590. Frescoln, Amy Webb, Webb: Rt. 9, Box 223, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Latin Cl. 2,3,4. Gaines, Vanessa Laverne, Nesa: Rt. 1, Box 79, Esmont, Va. 22937; FHA 1,4; FBLA 2; "Nona". Garland, Rebecca, G.B., Rascal: 670 East Rio Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 3,4; Ecology Cl. 4; Volleyball Cl. 4, Sec ./Tres. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3; Volleyball 2,3,4; Marching Band 1; Band 1,2; "My Fair Lady" 1; "The Great Three B's." Garver, Scott Michael, Bon.

Maupasant: 2817

Senior Statistics 51

Geer, Monty Wayne. Gelling, Patrick Howard.

AA, Esmont, Va. 22937; DECA 1,2,3; FHA 4; Basketball 1; " Remember me for singing to them."

Gentry, Gregory Scott .

Har ris, Co nnie Elaine: Rt . 1, Box 13, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; ICT 1,2.

Gentry, Terry Lee. Stud: Rt. 1, Box 292, Earlysville, Va . 22936; Sk Cl. 1,4; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3,4; "Good luck."

Harris , Robert Alexander, IV; 106 Northfields Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3,4; Ecology Cl 4; Teenage Republicans 4; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4, Treas. 3, V. Pres . 4; "Man is matter. The spirit gone, man is garbage. "

Gibson, Carla Lynn , Gibby: 302 Georgetown Rd ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Photography Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 3; " Big mouth, wild and craziness." Gilka, Kimberly Ann, Kim: 3013 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 1,2; "Art IV will know me as becoming Mrs. Alwine." Gilliam, Robert Maxim, Jr., Mr. Cool: Rt. 1, Box 101, Esmont, Va. 22937. Gleitz, A llen Harrison : 2924 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 2,3,4, Treas. 4; Teenage Republicans 4, Pres. 4; Intramural Basketball 3; Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Frencn Honor Society 3,4, Pres. 4. Godsey, Gregory Caldwell, Greg, Stretch: 1905 Rolling Hill Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FFA 1,2; French Cl. 3,4; Intramural Softball 3,4; Intramural Basketball3,4; Sym. II 1; Sym. III 2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; " Go for it!"

Harris, Scott Christopher: Rt. 1, Box 299, Scottsville, Va. 24590; FFA 1,2; DECA 3,4. Harris , Virginia Allen, Ginny, V.A.: 106 Northfields Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teenage Rep u blicans 4; "Kaleidoscope" 3; French Honor :>ociety 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4, Sec. 4; National Merit Commended Scholar 3. Hartman, Michael : Rt. 6, Box 360, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FCA. Hawkins , Kelvin Ricardo, Kelly: Rt. 640, Box 84, Cobham, Va. 22929; Pep Cl. 1; Choir 1; "Super Freak. " Hearne, James Michael. Hearns , Rodney Alan, Radella: Rt. 2, Box 107, Keswick, Va. 22947; Football 2; Track 2.

Goebel, Donald Joseph, Don: Rt. 1, Box 297, Barboursville, Va. 22923; FFA.

Heimer, Gosta: 138 Georgetown Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Chess Cl. 1; " Goodbye."

Gossweiler, Richard Carl, Rich: 257 Albert Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Astronomy Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2,3,4, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Track 1,2,3,4; Sym. 1; Jazz Band 2; National Honor Society 3,4; "A two."

Helfenstein, Dorothy Lee, DeeDee: 2923 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 1, V. Pres. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Advocate 0 . 4; "Zombie, Young Life Club, homework?"

Graves, Cynthia Renee, Speedy, Cindy: Gen . Del. , Boyd Tavern, Va. 22947; HOSA 3,4, Treas ./Sec. 3,4; "Does anybody have any aspirin?" Gray, James Meredith, Hoover: R.F. 1, Box 91, Esmont, Va. 22937.

Henderson , Lester Harrison. Hermanson, Holly Crilly, Hollis: Rt. 1, Box 210, North Gardens, Va. 22959; Drama Cl. 3,4; Mime 4; "Diary of Ann Frank" 3; Prism 3,4; "Snow falling as Salinger writes words on my paper and I watch, understanding."

" It's been real."

Hogg, Douglas Scott, Doug: 108 Inglewood Ct., CharlottesVille, Va. 22901; Soccer 1,2; Football4; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; Intramural Basketball 3; "The rocks ."

· , Donna M ottesville, v, • FHA 2; Tra

Hoke , Gloria Jean. Hollidqy_, Susan Elaine, Sue: 3002 Colonial Dr. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 2,3,4,- Pres . 4; Riding Cl. 2; Ecology Cl. 4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Sym . 1,2; "Happy Hollidays from the Sizzlin Gal. "

ki, Susan .

Kirk Zior.


Holloway, Bruce Kelly. Holsapple, Penny Leigh. Hood, Charles Marcus, Chuck: 113-A. Fn!derick Circle, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teenage Republicans 4; Sym. III 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Choir 4; "My Fair Lady" 1; "Marne" 2; Kaleidoscope" 3; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3,4; "Music, music, music! That talented Charles Hood." Horan, Joanne, Jo MaMa: 610 Ridgemont Rd. , Earlysville, Va. 22936; Pep Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 3; Volleyball Cl. 4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Softball 1; "Going to Coaches house." Houghton , Daniel Vernon , Houghton: Rt. 4, Box 404, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Track.

• Keuin, Ke e, a. 22 ·e used to

Howard, Sumit: 1710 Solomon Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Tennis 1,2,4. Hoy, Joanna Lee, Joe: P.O . Box 6253, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Photography Cl. 1; "Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll." ~oza, Sandra Elayne, ~ani: P.O . Box 146, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Spamsh Cl. 1,2,3,4; Powderpuff 1,4; Peer 3,4; Academics Editor 3, Editor-in-chief 4; National Honor Society 3,4, Pres. 4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4, Pres. 4; " How ugly!" and "Never mincf!"

• O.m~ Der

Hubbard, Rhonda Karen . Green, John , Mean Machine: 110 Dorset, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FHA; Football. Green, Lorry Elizabeth, F.M., Land L: 21 Woodlake Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 2,3; Teen Democrats 4; Advocate Cl. 4; Peer 4; "Truth or dare, the list."

Herring, Gary Donald. Herring, Karron Anne: Rt. 1, Box 195-A, Barboursville, Va. 22923; "My car." Herring, Larry Ronald.

Green, Warren Christopher, Puerto: Rt. 9, Box 15, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Good time skating mate."

Hicks, Bobby Lee, Jr.: 102 St. Lues Rd ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Astronomy Cl 4; "Rough rides on the bus and sliding to CA Tech."

Gurley, Keiston Greg, Greg: 120 West Park Dr. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 4; Drama Cl. 3; Ecology Cl. 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track -1,2,3,4; Sym. I 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4.

Hicks, Brenda Carole, Brend, Bernda: 2201 An~us Rd. , Aot. 15, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ridmg Cl. 4; ' 1PARTY!"

Hager, Robert B., BobbY,: Rt. 4, Box 325, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 'My fast car." Hamm , Susan Annette: 5002 Madison Ct., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FCA 2, V.Pres. 2; French Cl. 3; Harlequin 4:

Hicks, Deborah Jo, Debbie Jo: 2707 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; Cheerleader 1; Softball 1; Basketball 2,3, 4; Soccer Mgr . 2,3; " My individuality."

Harpold, Teresa Lynn, Reese: Rt. 8, Box 29-A, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Always remember and never forget, Old Blue may be old but she can stil git!" Harris, Christine Leona, Chrissy: Rt. 1, Box 193

52 Senior Statistics

Hughes, Harriet, Girly: Rt. 2, Box 131, Keswick, Va. 22947; ICT 4; " Girly or Penny." Hunt, Sallie Harriet , Sal: 2512 Huntington Rd. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 2,3; Latin Cl. 1,2; Teen Democrats 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; "Oh really?" Hunter, Thomas Rogers, Tom, Dancing Bear: 2709 Huntington Rd ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Chess 0. 1; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teenage Republicans 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; lntramural Softball 3, Ca,r.t. 3; Sym. III 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; My Fair Lady" 1; National Honor Society 3,4, Treas . 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; "I never fhou,9ht there was so much to say, and I still don't.

Hicks , Jacqueline Anne.

Himelrick, Michael Ray: Rt. 9, Box 232, Charlottesville, Va. 22901.

Iachetta , Sheri Lynn , Neck, Dog: Rt. 8, Box 143, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1; Harlequin Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Powderpuff 1,2; Choir 1,2,3,4; Harlequin 2; "Whatever floats your boat. Hey, cutie!"

Hobson, Anne Dana .

Inabinet, Carol Louise.

~oel, Julie Britt: 17~3 Old Fo~g~ Rd ., Charl?ttesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2; Ridmg Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Indoor Track 2; Band 1,2;

Ivory, Robert Louis, Jr., Bobby: 2331-C Commonwea1th Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 3; FFA 4; Baseball 2; " Playboy of the year."

Hiller, Scott B. Harlow, Nell: Rt. 6, Box 353, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FBLA; "Herbert's future wife! June 1982."

Huey , Robin Elizabeth: 319 Westminister Rd ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Ski Cl. 4; Young Republicans 4.

Debra Roche

Jackson, Donna Marie: Shorty: 128 Summit St., Charlottesville, Va. 22903; FBLA 4; DECA 3; Pep Cl. 1; FHA 2; Track 1,2; "Short and sweet."

J8 Inglewood Ct., :cer 1,2; Football4; 4; Intramural Bas-

Jackson, Jrene Lynette, Weez: Rt. 1, Box 312, Esmont, Va . 22937; VICA 1; "The unknown Playgirl." Jakubowski, Susan .

l002 Colonial Dr., ki Cl. 1; Latin Cl. cology Cl. 4; Out'Happy Hollidays

Jansen, Kirk Zior. Jarman, Catherine Marie. Johnson, Andrew L., Squig: 106 Georgetown Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Teen Democrats 4; Skateboard Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 2; Marching Band 2,3; Sym. I 1; Sym . III 2,3; "Where's Burnette today?"

1ghton: Rt. 4, Box lf; Lacrosse Cl. 4;

Rd., Charlottesvil-

: 6253, CharlottesCl. 1; "Sex, drugs,

). Box 146, Earlys2,3,4; Powderpuff r 3, Editor-in-cnief l, Pres. 4; Spanish "How ugly!" and

Vestminister Rd., i Cl. 4; Young ReBox 131, Keswick, enny." . Huntington Rd., ~nch Cl. 2,3; Latin rench Honor Soci)a!lcing Bear: 2709 5v1lle, Va. 22901; Teenage Republill 3,4; lntramural 1,2,3,4; Marching 1; National Honor 'ho Among Amer"I never thou,9ht 1d I still don't. )g: Rt. 8, Box 143, ench Cl. 1; Harle:ate Cl. 4; Powder•uin 2; "Whatever

2331-C Commona. 22901; DECA 3; >f the year."

Kirby, Jonathan Zane, Jon: Rt. 8, Box 391, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; AIASA 4; Photography Cl. 1,2; "Save your Confederate money boys, the South is gonna rise again." Kirtley, Ch~rles St. Clair, Chip, Wulf: P.O. Box 254, Kesw1ck, Va. 22947; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; "A pinch is all it takes." Klemp, Theresa Marie, Tessa: 15 Southhampton Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "The girl from Minnesota." Knight, Colter Dillard.

: 113-A. Frederick 22901; French Cl. ~; Sx,m. III 1,2,3,4; 4; 'My Fair Lady" !" 3; Who's Who tool Students 3,4; talented Charles

J Ridgemont Rd., . 1; Spanish Cl. 3; [,2,3,4; Softball 1;

Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FHA 1,2; HOSA 3,4; "To our friends, always remember and never forget, we almost hit it but we haven' t yet. Signed Pilot."

Johnson, Carol Renee, Twiggi: 814 Dale Ave., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1; Prism 4; "Probably being the only senior to get lost and cheer for AHS, CHS, and WAHS at the same time. I went to all three."


johnson, Cindy Charlene, Mug: Rt. 1, Box 311, Scottsville, Va. 24590; Pep Cl. 1; FCA 2; VICA 2,3,4, Sec. 4; "Rodge Hilf forever." Johnson, Kevin, Kevin Joe: Rt. 4, Box 160, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Football 1; "All the partying we used to do." Johnson, Lynnley Elizabeth, S~uddie: Rt. 1,. ~ox 233, Kesw1ck, Va. 22947; Latin Cl. 1,2,3; Ridmg Cl. 1,2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 2,3; Field Hockey 3,4; "Ox-ox." Johnson, Melanie McCray, Bug: Rt. 616, Olde Poorhouse Farm, Kesw1ck, Va. 22947; French Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Art Cl. 4, V. Pres. 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Lacrosse 3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Powderpuff 3; "The ultimate. God, you all. I don't get it." Johnson , Owen Derrick:

Kost, Kristine Marie, Superstar Kris: 103 Chaucer Rd. , Charlottesville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 2,3,4, Sec. 3; Volleyball1,2; Cross Country 3,4, Capt. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; "Long live the Three Musketeers! (and their business .)" Kretsinger, Anna: 400 Key West Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Harlequin Cl. 2,4; Chess Cl. 2,3,4; Harlequin 2,4; "Waving arm, thunder clogs." Kuzman, Sylvia Kay: 3 Vincennes Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; German Cl. 1,2; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; Thespians 2,3,4; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; Athletic Trainer 1,2; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Mime Troupe 3,4; "Marne" 2; "Night of One Acts" 2; Forensics 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Homecoming Court 4. LaBruno, Teresa Rose Marie, Bruno: Rt. 4, Box 188, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; FCA 3,4, V.Pres. 4; Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; Sym. III 1,2; Marching Band 1; Homecoming Court 1,3,4; Queen 4. Lam, Leroy.

Jones, Lisa Gay, Lee: Box 44, Esmont, Va. 22937; FHA 1,2; HOSA 3,4; "To our friends, always remember and never forget, we almost hit it but we haven't yet! Signed, Co-pilot."

Lamb, Melissa Dale, Lisa: Rt. 1, Box 73, Charlottesville, Va . 22936; Latin Cl. 1,4; FBLA 2.

Jones, Sandra Elaine, Sandy: P.O. Box 252, Scottsville, Va . 24590; FCA; "Laughing a lot."

Lamie, Robert: 102 Four Seasons Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Live and Let Die."

Kelly, Anne Catherine, Annie: 2807 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Cross Country 3,4; Track 2,3; Band 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; "Cross Country's most dedicated."

Lee, Brenda Kay.

Kelly, Caroline Mayes , Awesome: 108 Whetstone Place, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teen Democrats 4; Debate 3; Cross Country 2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Tack 2,3,4; Sym. II 1; Sym . III 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; "Long live the Three Musketeers! (and their business)" Kesler, Ronald Ashton . Kincaid, Laura Jane, Toni: 2 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 2,3,4; German Cl. 2; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Sym. III 1,2; Choir 1,3,4; Thespian 3,4; "D.P. R. 's, butterflies, 27th."

• King, Yvenne, Yvenne: 203 Monacan Dr. , Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Art Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 3; Harlequin Cl. 4; Sym. III 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; "My Fair Lady" 1; "Guys and Dolls" 3; Forens1cs 1,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4.

Kirby, Debra Rochelle, Shortie: Rt. 9, Box 287,

Lewis, Andrea Jeanne, Jeannie: 5 Prescelly Place, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2,4; Racquetball Cl. 3, Pres. 3; Teen Republicans 4; Lacrosse 3,4; "Night of One Acts" 1; "Tricia, VPI? This weekena ... ? YOU BET!" Lewis, Michael Thane, Mike, Seal: Rt. 1, Box 224, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Art Cl. 4; National Honor Socie!7' 3,4; "Nothing in particular just remember.'

Londree, Sandra Faye, Grover: Rt. 6, Box 338, Esmont, Va. 22937; FHA 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3. Loose, Mary Elizabeth, Marywanton: Clover Hill Farms, Keswick, Va . 22947; German Cl. 2,3; Latin Cl. 1; Photography Cl. 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Softball 3; Peer 4; "Slurpees forever." Lovelace, Kristin Lee, Guylet: Rt. 7, Box 325, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; Ski Cl. 1; German Cl. 2; Dungeons and Dragons 3; Teen Democrats 4; Tfiespian Society 1,2,3,4, Sec.rrreas. 4; Cheerleader 4; Sym. II 2; S)'m. III 3; Marching Band 2,3; "My Fair Lady" 1; "Our Town" 1; "Marne" 2; "Godspell" 2; Forensics 1,2,3,4; "Diary of Ann Frank" 3; Mime Troupe 3,4; " Night of One Acts" 2; National Honor SoCiety 4. Lucas, Karen Renee, The Red Baron: 111 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3,4; Gymnastics 1; Choir 2; "Being kind of scatter-brained." Ludgate, Jennifer Ellen. Lutz, Eric Harding, Hutch: 2800 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 1,2; Art Cl. 4; Golf 2,3,4; Intramural Basketball . Lynch, Michael David, Mike: 110 Mimosa Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 4; "A smile and a hug." Magruder, Renee Darcel!, Gruder: 2636 Hydraulic Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1,2, Pres . 2; Advocate Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 3,4; Jr. Class Pres. 3; Girls Basketball Mgr. 1,2; Boys Track Mgr. 2; Athletic Trainer 2,3,4; FCA; Homecoming Court 4; "Beach, skippy, and Hooters forever." Mahanes , Deborah Lynne, Debbie: Rt. 7, Box 266, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 3,4; Sym . 1,2,3; Marching Band 2; "Being late for first period." Maher, Joyce Patricia, Joyce: 101 Juniper Ln., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Debate 1,2,3,4, Capt. 4; Teen Democrats 3,4, V. Pres. 4; French Cl. 2; Drama Cl. 1; Literary Magazine 2,4; Forensics 1,2,3; "Does anyone have any gum?" Mahnken, Denis H. Mahnken , Kathleen Jennifer, Tootie: 201 Azalea Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Pep Cl.; Art Cl. 1,2; Riding Cl. 1; DECA 4; SCA 1,2; "Party." Manzano, Stephen John, Steve: 1737 Thurston Dr. , Crozet, Va. 22932; Advocate Cl. 4; Racquetball Cl. 3; Teenage Republicans 4; Football 1; Baseball 1,2; Bana II 2; Band III 3,4; "Friday night? Was I there?" Marsh, Cleveland Henry: Rt. 9, Box 265, Charlottesville, Va. 22901.

Lively, Tammy Kay: Oak Lawn Trailer Court, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FHA 1; FBLA 3, Pres. 3.

Marshall, William Scott, Scott: Rt. 1, Box 100-A, Earlysville, Va. 22936.

Lloyd, John Robert.

Marski, George Dominick, Starsky: 1708-A Soloman Rd. , Cfiarlottesville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 2,3; Art Cl. 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Golf 2,3,4.

Logan, Peter Kevin Marion , Pete: 30 Spring Ct., Cfiarlottesville, Va. 22901; Skateboard Cl. 2, Pres. 2; Dra~a Cl. ~,4; Sym . III 1,2,3,4; Stage Band 1,2,3,4, Marchmg Band 1,2,3,4, Drum Major 3,4; Concert Choir 3,4; "Godspell" 2, Stage Mgr. 2; "Diary of Ann Frank" 3, Stage Mgr. 3; Przsm 4; Homecoming Court 4; "Patriot Band forever!"

Mason, Cynthia G., Cyndie: 409 Westmoreland Ct., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; French Cl. 1,2; Racquetball Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Intramural Basketball 4; Concert Choir; Debate; Prism 4; National Honor Society; "I am woman; hear me roar."

Logan, Vincent Edward, Vince: 777-A Mountainwood Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Art Cl.

Mattie, Edith Hill, Edie: Rt 2, Box 39, Keswick, Va. 22947; Ski Cl. 2; Field Hockey 2,4.

Senior Statistics 53

Mullin, ]ames, Jin

tesville, Va. 229(

.'Aullins, William . Mu ndie, Lisa Di



Charlottesville, · leyball 1,2; " Let'


.'Aurdock, Arnold .

donsville, Va . 22 4; Band 1,2; "Te:

••lurphy, JoAnne ,

\'ealth Dr. , Char · e to remembe: had to leave beh

.\furray, David: .2,3; "One of tl pple."

,furray, Joseph ]a

ttesville, Va. 2:< Soccer 3; Intramu o r Society 3,4; 'ho' s Wh o Arne ents 4; Pop Qui .; ve."

·• urray, Ken neth

23-A Auburn H ;,panish Cl. 1,2; I ECology Cl. 4; Ind ball 4; " Harrison bag, no oxyg

·JS.Selman, Susan

, Cha rl ottes :>anish Cl. 2,3, v · •publicans 4, Se Sym. III 2,3,4; : nor Society 3/

No, it's not Annette Funicello. It's Albemarle's own Musketeer, Joanie Aldrich- " M-I-C, See you real soon. K-E-Y, Why? Because we have to!"

Has AI Capone come into Virginia Harris' class to shoot "our girl" ?

Maupin , Terry Allen: Rt. 2, Box 339, Gordonsville, Va . 22942; Riding Cl. 3; Self Defense Cl. 4.

Mills, Paul: Rt. 1, Box 113, Keswick, Va . 22947.

, William A.

Moon , Tracy Elizabeth: .Rt. 1, Box 205, Schuyler,

e, Va. 24590; ' en, don't cc

R.O.D. S.K.O.A.L."

McGrory, Maureen Dorothy, Moe: 780 Chapel Hill Mawyer, Bruce Lee, El Cosmic: 2311-B Peyton Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1,2; Riding Cl.; Lacrosse Cl. ; Football; Lacrosse .

Mawyer, Montie: Rt. 1, Box 257-D, Troy, Va.

Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 2,4; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Valentine's Day Thing 3,4; "Kaleidoscope" 3.

McWilliams , ]ames Randolph .


Mendelis , Patricia Allen, Tricia: 104 Lufine Ln., Mays, Bruce Darren. May, Julia Stephens, Julie-Mae: Rt. 1, Bo;x 312, Kesw1ck, Va. 22947; German Cl. 1,2,3; Ski Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 3,4; Lacrosse 1,3,4; Sy m . 1,2,3,4; Marchin9, Band 2,3,4; " O .K. , give me the money and I II buy it."

Mayhew, Thomas Richard, Tom: 2216 Williamsburg Rd. , Charlottesville, Va . 22901; " It was gooa, and it was real, but it wasn' t real good."

Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Spanish C . 2; Teen Democrats 3,4; Racquetball 0 . 2; Outdoor Track 2,3; Indoor Track 3; Cross Country 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; " Questioning 1s the 1<ey to knowledge."

Milgraum , Michael Meilen, Micky: Cobham Park Farm, Cobham, Va. 22929; Debate 1,2,3,4; Teen Republicans 4; French Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 2; ForenSICS 2,3,4; Harle9uin 4; " God save America and Ronald Reagan.'

Va. 22969; FBLA 1,2,3,4; "Spacey."

:nii, Susa n Fran. wick, Va. 22947; "The crazy girl of biology."

Moore, Gerald Houston . '115,

Morris, Deanna Marie, Dee: 501 Carrsbrook Dr. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Softball 2; Peer 4; " Memories acquired through times are indispensable."

Morris , Jeffrey Lee, Big Do~ : Rt. 6, Box 120, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; "B1g Dog." Morris , Kelly Cramer. Morris, Penny Marie: Rt. 1, Box 606, Scottsville,

McCann, Roger Waine .

lottesville, Va. 22901; FHA 4.

Va. 24590; FBLA; "I Penny, soon to be wife of Bobby in summer of '82."

McCluney, Mark Steven, Geese: Rt. 8, Box 513

Miller, Maria Elise, Mariah: 422 Carrsbrook Dr. ,

Morris, Re>zee Michelle.

Woodbrun Rd. , Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Band .

McDaniel , Melanie Kay, Mel-Mel: Rt. 1, Box 356, Barboursville, Va. 22923; VICA 2,3,4; "Barry Leake's girlfriend ."

McDaniel , Rosanna, Rosie : B-10 Crenshaw Mobile City, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; VICA 3,4; " Electro-fox."

McEldowney, Timothy Ross. McGetrick, John , Altitude Problem: 104 Franklin Ct. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; German Cl. 1,2; Weightlifiting Cl. 3; Breakfast Cl. 4; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Football 1,3,4; Track 2; "The rocks and the

54 Senior Statistics

Miller, Jacqueline La Juan; Rt. 9, Box 40, Char-

Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; Spanish Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 4; Volleyball Cl. 4, Pres. 4; Volleyball1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Sym. 1,2; Peer 3,4, Photographer 3, Photography Editor 4; "Bloop!"

Miller, Sara Elizabeth: Liz: Rt. 9, Box 404, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3; Basketball Mgr. 1,2; National Honor Society; Sr. Class Treas. 4; "Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, hi, Hokie Hokie, Pooh and I." Miller, Tracy Anne: Rt. 7, Box 226, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FBLA 1; " Let's party, get wild and get crazy."

Mills, Jeffrey Wayne .

lottesville, \ .:nnis 1,2,3,4; Be be wild."

Moore, Brenda Lee, Crazy: Rt. 1, Box 73-A, Kes-

Morris, Tana Lynn: Rt. 4, Box 72, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Riding Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Concert Band 1,2,3; "A few tears, many more laughs with a lot of great people."

Morrow, Catherine Lynn, Lynn: 1760 Easy Ln., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Cheerleader 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; "Filet of Fish."

Morse, Rosalyn Marie, Rock: Rt. 4, Box 140-A, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 3,4.

Mowbray, Kelly Lynn , Blue eyes: 118-2 Ivy Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2; Riding Cl. 3; "Partying."


Joe David,

.1rlottesville, \ 0. 2,3,4, Pn ublica ns 4; I 1,2,3; Prisn t?grapher 2,2 .arusn Honor S ecoming Co

lsen, Michael

, Lisa Ann, I

ville, Va. 22 1; " Carousel" ' 1; "Annie' · h Honor~ ety 4; "Ooh!

II, John, III, lottesville, V 1; Football1,2, • 1, "My being <

II, Mark Ant Charlottesvill • Football 1,2,3, 4



lottesville, V; Republicans; or 2, Editor 4; tes of mind."

till, Robert.

Mullin, ]ames, Jim: 1714 Old Forge Rd., Charlot-

Ordel, Angela.

Reed, joey Walter.

Ornduff, Deirdra Ann.

Reese, ]ames, Jimi: 2431 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Teen Democrats 3,4; Latin Cl. 4; FFA 2,3,4; Indoor Track 4.

tesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 3, 4.

Mullins, William. Overbeck, Shannon Ralph. Mundie, Lisa Diane, Fred: 1300 Auburn Dr ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FBLA 1,2,3,4; Volleyball1,2; "Let's party." donsville, Va. 22942; Spanish Cl. 3; Ecology Cl. 4; Band 1,2; "Texas Pete."

Pace, Jennifer Lyn, J.P.: 2700 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; FBLA 3; Indoor Track 1; "Road trip! American Express."

Murphy, JoAnne Marie, Banana: 2085 Common-

Pace, Montie Rea.

Murdock, Arnold Keith, Bird: Rt. 2, Box 340, Gor-

wealth Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "I would like to remember my friends and school that I had to leave behind in my Junior year."

Murray, David: Weightlifting Cl. 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3; "One of the mce young men of the Big Apple."

. <

Overcash, Robert Lee, Beaver Buddy.

Murray, Joseph James, Joe: Rt. 8, Box 149, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 2,3,4, Pres. 3,4; Soccer 3; Intramural Basketball3; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; Pop Quiz Team 4; "To laugh is to survive."


Va. 22947.

Box 205, Schuyler, •acey."

Parker, Michael Aubrey-Shelton, Mike: 1735 Goldentree Place, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Guitar Cl. 1; Spansih Cl. 2; Chess Cl. 3; Weightlifting Cl. 4; Sym II 1; Sym III 2; Marching Band 2; Concert Choir 3; "Parker!" Parrish, Troy Alton: Rt. 2, Box 3, Keswick, Va. 22947; Latin Cl. 1,2,3; French Cl. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; "Kaleidoscope" 3; National Honor Society 3,4. Partridge, Robert Steven, Steve: Rt. 1, Box 283, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Latin Cl. 3; French Cl. 1.

J1 Carrsbrook Dr., iing Cl. 1; Spanish 1emories acquired tble."

. 6, Box 120, Charog."

)X 606, Scottsville, ;oon to be wife of

Roane, Courtney Randel, Prep: Bel-roi, Keswick, Va. 22947; Pep Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl2; Riding Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; Intramural Softball3,4; Sym. I 1; Sym. II 2,3; Sym. III 4; Marching Band 2,3,4; Peer 3,4, Sports Editor 4.

Patterson, Barbara Ann, Barbie Ann: Blenheim, Robertson, Kenneth Scott.

Payne, Kimberly Sue, Kimmie: 131 Woodstock

Robinson, Richard: Rt. 1, Box 89, Keswick, Va. 22947; ICT 3,4; "My feet."

Musselman, Susan Carole, Moosan: 306 Carrsbrook

Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pef Cl. 1; German Cl. 2,3, Pres. 3; Cheerleader ,2; National Honor Society 3,4.

Va. 22947.

Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3, V. Pres. 3; French Cl. 4; Teenage Republicans 4, Sec.ffreas. 3; Ecology Cl. 4; ~ym I 1; Sym. III 2,3,4; Marchmg Band 2;3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4.

Napier, William A., Wilbur: P.O. Box 353, Scottsville, Va . 24590; "When you see the yellow van arocken, don't come aknocken." Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Photography Cl. 3; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Basketball1,2, Co-capt. 2; "Born to be wild."

Nelms, joe David, Joe David: 2408 Angus Rd., C~arlottesville,

Va. 22901; Photography Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4, Pres. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Prism 4, Photographer 4; Peer 2,3, Photographer 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanisn Honor Society 2,3,4; Sr. Class Pres. 4; Homecoming Court 4.

Nickelsen, Michael Gary. Noble, Lisa Ann, Li: 105 Powhatan Circle, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 3,4; Gymnastics 1; "Carousel" 1; "Pippin" 1; "Fiddler on the Roof" 1; "Annie" 1; Sym. III 2; Harlequin 2,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; "Ooh! You smushed my gonads!"

Nowell, John, III, Billy Baseball: 108 Dorset Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FCA 1; Weightlifting Cl. 1; Footballl,2,3,4; Baseball1,2,3; Cheerleacfer 1; "My being a conceited guy."

n: 1760 Easy Ln., Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; [onor Society 3,4;

Nowell, Mark Anthony, Sub Shop 1: lOS Dorset

·es: 118-2 Ivy Dr., Cl. 1,2; Riding Cl.

Ripley, Julia Lyn, Julie: 1550 Merrifields Ln., Ruckersville, Va . 22968; Ski Cl. 1,4; Riding Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 4; Tennis 3,4; Lacrosse 2,3,4.

Charlottesville, Va. 22901; VICA 1,2,3; "The girl who got nothing for nothing."

'2, Charlottesville, 1g Cl. 3; Advocate ~ few tears, many ~at people."

Rt. 4, Box 140-A, KA 3,4.

Riddle, Steven N., Steve: 214 Pineridge Ln., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1,2.

323-A Auburn Hill, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Drama Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 4; Ecology Cl. 4; Indoor Track 2; Intramural Basketball 4; "Harrisonburg Camp 1981! Bird's sleeping bag, no oxygen and frozen tears."

Nardi, Susan Frances, Nerdi: 123 Woodstock Dr., 1, Box 73-A, Kesgirl of biology."

Reynolds, Charles W., Chuck: Keene, Va. 22945. Riddervold, Sven Julius, Dr. J.: Rt. 2, Box 6, Keswick, Va. 22947; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Ecology Cl. 4; French Cl. 2; Golf 1,2; Soccer 1,2,3,4.

Parker, fohn Kenneth.

Murray, Kenneth Alfred, Manhattan: Rt. 9, Box

rginia Harris' class

Reese, Mary Susan, Brooke: 2509 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl.; Ski Cl.; Drama Cl.; Tennis; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; "Kaleidoscope"; "To all of my friends, I leave the weekenas, parties, and Punk rock."

Ct., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FFA 4; Basketball 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Baseball 4.

Nuechterlein, jonathan E., Jon: 124 Falcon Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Chess Cl. 1,2,4; Teenage Republicans; Harlequin Cl. 4; Prism 2,4, Coeaitor 2, Editor 4; "Ditches and oil pans are but states of mind ." O'Neill, Robert.

Perkins, Steven Blanks.

Rodgers, Billy, Billy: 1071 Milton Dr., Keswick, Rogan, fohn Thomas, IV, Bri~adere V: 2308 Williamsburg Rd., CharlottesVIlle, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1; We1ghtlifting Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Basketball 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4.

Petcavge, Paul. Poindexter, Roland Darrnel, Peckus: Rt. 640, Box 75, Cobham, Va. 22929; FFA 1; Footballl,2,3,4; Track 4; Band 1; "The will to help people."

Rogers, Jeffrey Carl, Cocaine: 845 East Rio Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Guitar Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Football 2,3,4; Baseball 3,4; "My blonde hair."

Pollard, Mary Margaret, Angel: 2702 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Pep Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3,4; Girl's Outdoor Track Mgr. 2; Volleyball Mgr. 3,4.

Ross, Michelle Yvette.

Polson, Warren G.: 34 Monterey Dr., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FCA 3,4; Ski Cl 2; Basketball2; Golf 1,2,3; "The last of the buds."

Rush, Dwayne LaGrant, Gator: Rt. 1, Box 87, Esmont, Va. 22937; FFA 1; Football1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3; Basketball 1.

Porcaro, Dawn Marie, Knick-knack: 824 Old Brook Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "The day I came back to school in my senior year with coal black hair."

Rush, joanne, Joise: Rt. 1 Box 82, Esmont, Va. 22937; FHA 4; "Joise."

Porter, Gregory Allen,

G,~eg: FC~

Rush, Karen Geneva, Julie Lip----: Rt. 1, Box 98, Esmont, Va. 22937; FHA 1,2,4.

3; Football

1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Neuter.

Powell, Spencer Wade: Rt. 6, Box 60, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FFA 1, Pres. 1; FBLA 3,4.

Price, David Scott, Scott: Little Clover Hills, Box 4, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Ski Cl. 1,4; Photography Cl. 2,3; Football 1; Golf 2,3,4; Peer 3,4. Prosser, Leo Michael, Stickman: 2816 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1; Latin Cl. 2,3; Chess Cl. 4; Indoor Track 1; Marching Band 2,3,4; Sym. 2,3,4. Quarles, Pearl Laverne, Cookie: Rt. 22, Box 24, Cobham, Va. 22929; Cheerleader 1; Track 1,2; Basketball 2,3,4. Rath, Kimberly Anne, Bo: 108 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Riding Cl. 1,2, Pres. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Boy's Lacrosse Mgr. 4; Intramural Softball 2; "My Fair Lady" 2; "M and M's, lots of M and M's."

Rush, Sherillyn D' Angela, Linny: Rt. 1, Box 103, Esmont, Va. 22937; FBLA 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3,4; "Thank goodness I'm graduating!"

Rush, Walker Benzel. Ryder, Phillip D. , Jr. , Dwight: P .O . Box 142, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Weightlifting Cl. 1; "Good luck everybody." Sadler, Nancy Burton: 2480 Milton Hills Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Class Sec. 1; Senior Class Council 4; Pep Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 4; Women's Chorus 1; Concert Choir 4; Regional Choir 4; Valentine's Day Thing 4. Scherer, Morgan Leigh. Schmidt, Paul Ulrich: Spring Valley Farm, Howardsville, Va. 24562; FFA 1. Schuyler, Samuel.

Senior Statistics


Schweinefuss, Thomas John , Thorn: 78 Oak Forest Circle, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; German Cl. 2; "Give me a break." Scrugss, Sheila Renee, Scruggy: Rt. 1, Box 283, KeswiCk, Va . 22947; Riding Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; VICA 2,3,4; "Short and fast walker. " Seivers, Karen Lynn: 2623 Huntington Rd ., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FHA 1,2,3; Latin Cl. 4; Certamen Team 4. Shafer, Karen Ann: Spanish Cl. 1; Christian Fellowship Cl. 2; Frencn Cl. 3; FBLA 4. Sharp, Ella Gay: 124 West Park Drive, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; DECA 3,4; "Trips to the store ." Shaver, Joseph G. , Joer.: Crenshaw Trailer Park, Lot A13, Charlottesville, Va. 22901.

Shifflett, Frederick Lee. Shifflett, Theresa LY,nn, Cissy: Rt. 2, Box 76, Keswick, Va. 22947; 'Party 'til ya die."

Shiflett, Rhonda Christine, Ronni: 640 W. Rio Rd., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; HOSA 3; "Another Miamian."

Shinaberry, Timothy. Shipp, David Stuart, Dave: 2511 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cf. 1,2,3,4; Teen Democrats 3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Band 1; "Keep on skiing."

Box 295-CC, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; FCA 4; V. Softball 2,3,4, Capt. 3,4; Softball' s Most Spirited Award 3; "My Doctor Pepper patch and Budweiser jersey."

Sweeney, Angela Carole, Angie: Rt. 9, Box 45, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Spanish CI. 2,3; Symphonic II Band 1; Symphonic 1II Band 2; Marching Band 2.

Smith , Theresa Jane, Teri, Boo-Boo Face: 2914 Brookm ere Rd. , Cha rlottesville, Va . 22901 ; French Cl. 2,3,4, Pres . 4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4, Most Dedicated 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4, Co-Capt. 3; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; " Long live the 3 Musketeers (and their business!)"

Sweeney, Carmel Grace, Melly: Rt. 1, Box 330 Earlysville, Va. 22936; Riding Cl. 2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; Intramural Softball 3; V. Basketball Statistician 2; Marching Band 2,3,4; "My Fair Lady" 2; Jr. Class Talent Show, Emcee 3; Symphonic II Band 1; Symphonic III Band 2,3,4, Willing Worker Award 1, Music Honor Award 1; "Tal<e a walk on the-wild side."

Snoots, Lewis Wayn e.

Symmers, James Marshall, Jamie, Jamo: 1530 Bir-

Snow, Glen 5., Scotty: Rt. 8, Box 180, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; VICA; FFA; " Get that lam thing."

Tapscott, Charles Benson, Binky: Rt. 1, Box 119, Scottsville, Va . 24590; Lacrosse Cl.; Ski Cl.; Weight Lifting Cl. ; Football.

Spangler, Lisa Lynn, Prisse: Rt. 4, Box 132B, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Christian Fellowship Cl. ; "Joking around a lot. "

Taylor, Janet Marie: Rt. 4, Box 202, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Smiling."

Sprouse, John Henry, Jr.: 115 St. Ives Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901.

Sprouse, Wesley Edward, Wes: Rt. 9, Box 288, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2; DECA 3,4; Football 1; "Marne" 2; "Wild man, yellow Dodge Dart. " Staples, Leslie Jo, Josey: 102 Angus Ct., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama CI. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3,4; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; " Beep Beep Zip Bang! Love, The Roadrunner. " Stark, Christopher Lowell .

Short, Edward Leslie, Stray Cat: 2425 Commonwealth Dr. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Record Cl.; Lacrosse; "Blond hair, leather jacket."

Starks, Lisa Rochelle.

Shreve, Kimberly Ann, Pooh: 101 Woodhurst Court, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; 9th Grade and J.V. Basketball statistician; Concert Choir 2,3,4.

Starks, Maurice Daryl, Mo-Cheeks: Rt. 1, Box 97, Esmont, Va. 22937; VICA; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Track, Outstanding Runner; J.V. Basketball MVP; " Woman chaser."

Shriner, Steven Pursley.

Starks, Terrie Joanne, First: Rt. 1, Box 97, Esmont, Va . 22937; FBLA; " Sweet and kind."

Simmonds, Katherine Elisabeth, Kathy: 104 Guildford Lane, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; SCA Pres.; Drama Cl. 1,2; French Cl. 3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2; J.V. Cheerleading 2; Girls' Lacrosse 3,4; " My Fair Lady" 1; Diary of Anne Frank" 3; Mime Troupe 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4, V. Pres. 4; French Honor Society 3,4.

Steppe, April Lynanne, Blanche, Buck : 2717 Brookmere Rd ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; SCA 1,2,3,4, Senator 2; Class Sec. 3; Pep Cl. 1; Radio Cl. 3; Racquetball Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; Marching Band 1,2; Symphonic III Band 1,2; " Stay cool and out of trouble ."

Simpson, Harvey Eldrich, Wallbanger: Chess Cl. 1; Weightlifting Cl. 4; 9th Grade Basketball Manager 1; J.V. Basketball Manager 2; V. Basketball Manager 3,4

Stewart, Ann Marie, Ann, Amer: 2233 Wakefield

Sisson, Elisabeth Rutherford, Didi, Hurricane: 8 Tennis Drive, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; Harlequin . Cl. 2; Drama CI. 1; Teen Democrats 4; SCA Alternate 3,4; J.V. Field Hockey 2,3, Co-Capt. 3; Outdoor Track 1,2,4; Indoor Track 2,4; Concert Choir 1,4; Women' s Chorus 3; Westminster Choir College ScholarshiJ? 3; Va . Honors Choir 4; National Honor Soaety 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Nationaf Merit Commendation 3; "Chimerical, zucchini, ratatoullie, Captain Kangeroo." Smith, Earl, Captain Mad, Lord Lucifer: Rt. 6, Box 170, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; Honor Thespian 3,4; DECA 2,3; Guitar CI. 3,4; Art Cl. 4; Eattle of the Bands 2,3,4; " Night of One Acts" 2,3; Jr. Class Talent Show 3,4; SCA 4; Prism 4; "The Rockstar!!" Smith, Lisa Louise, Sally Softball, Smitty: Rt. 4, 56 Senior Statistics

nam Dr., Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Art Cl. 1,2,3; Lacrosse CI. 4; J.V. Football 2; V. Football 2,3; Art Awards .

Sobotinck, Anne.

Shirley, Michael.

Simpson, Robert Andrew, Andy: Alta Vista Farm, Esmont, Va. 22937; Guitar Cl.; Skateboard CI.; FFA; 9th Grade Football; " Oh, I will dine on honeydew and drink the milk of Paradise!"


Rd. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Spanish CI. 3; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,3; Outdoor Track 1,3,4; Lacrosse 2; "Such is life. "

Taylor, Jeffrey Scott, J. T.: Rt. 1, Box 312, Barboursville, Va. 22923; FFA 1,2,3; AIASA 4; 9th Grade Football 1; J.V. Football 2; "I cou1d always help find some kind of trouble for us to get into!" Tedeschi, Maria L., Teddy: 955 Madison Drive, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Drama CI. 2; SGA 1,2,3, Historian 3; Spanish CI. 4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; "Oh you guys ." Terry, Sarah Lynn, Lucy: 1009 Proffit Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Latin Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Senior Council 4; Lacrosse 4; Peer 4.

Thornton, Gregory. Thraves , Patricia Ann, Tricia, Kerrn: Rt. 1, Box 190-B, Barboursville, Va . 22923; Pep Cl. 1; French Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; Advocate Cl. 4; SCA 1,2,4, Senator 1; Senior Council 4; Teen Republicans 4; J.V. Basketball 1,2, Co-Capt. 2; Girls' Lacrosse 2,3,4; Powder Puff Footoall 1,3,4; "Diary of Anne Frank" crew 3; Peer, Student Life Editor 4; Homecoming Court 1,4.

Trainum , Robin Lee, Robean, Honkey Tonk; 370 Stagecoach Rd. , Charlottesville, Va. 22901; GermanCI. 1,2; Spanish Cl. 1; Prism 4; " Save me 2 pages."

Sutphin, Charles Thomas.

lis, Susa1 a. 22937 2; atio1

Toney, Dorothy Bernice.

Stone, Robin DeWayne: Rt. 1, Box 128, Esmont, Va. 22937; Latin 0. 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2.

Sugarman, Nancy Helen.

.:;wealth CirclE 1,2,3; Lam - 3,4; V. Lacr

Thompson , Lowell Ashley, Claudia, Ash: Rt. 2, Box 33, Keswick, Va. 22947; Latin Cl. 2,4; Racquetball CI. 3; Football 1; Baseball 2; J.V. Soccer 1; V. Soccer 2,3,4, Most Improved Player, 2nd Team All-District 3.

22937; Chess Cl. 1.

Stuart, Carolyn Ann, Clairol, Goon: Rt. 1, Box 132, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Riding Cl. 1; Ski CI. 2; HOSA 3,4; SCA 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 1,3; " Night of One Acts" 1; "My craziness and sense of humor, m y ability to get wild and party and to always get caught skipping."


Thomas , Helene Andrea, Casper: Rt. 1, Box P.T. 9, Ruckersville, Va. 22968; German Cl. 2,3; Drama Cl. 3,4; Art CI. 4; "Diary of Ann Frank"; Musical Kaleidoscope; Jr. Class Talent Show.

St. John, Mary Catherine, Cathy, Jungle Woman: Rt. 1, Box 194, Esmont, Va. 22937; Pep Cl. 1; Drama CI. 3; Women' s Chorus 1; Concert Choir 2,3,4; " Godspell" 3; Jr. Class Talent Show 3; Regional Chorus 2,3,4; Spring Madness 2,3,4; Harlequin 2,4; "purple pants, mountain tops, and music."

Stovall, James William: Rt. 7, Box 123 AC, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Photography Cl. 3.

...... joseph Allen

Toney, Melvin Eugene: Rt. 1, Box 41, Esmont, Va. Trainack, Scott Allen.

/U1211 Leon .

Turner, Jane Elizabeth Wood: Rt. 7, Box 157C, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Pep Cl. 1; SCA 1,2; Gymnastics; Choir 1,2. Turner, Jason Todd, Chip: Rt. 1, Box 141, Keene, Va. 22946.

Tuttle, Mari Virginia , Markus: Rt. 1, Box 233, Gordonsville, Va. 229~~; H~rlequin Cl. 2:~' Editor 2,3; Drama CI. 1,4, Spnng Madness 1,2,3; Mime Troupe 4; Honor Thespian 4; Choir 1,2,3,4; French Contest, lOth District 3.

Diana Sm1 .a 22942; Sf Jimmy. "

- Orlando 51

e: Rt. 9, Box 45, Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. phonic 1II Band 2;

Rt. 1, Box 330 Ear2,3,4; Ski Cl. 1; ball Statistician 2; Lady" 2; Jr. Class phonic II Band 1; Willing Worker d 1; "Take a walk

e, Jamo: 1530 Bira. 22901; Art Cl. ball 2; V. Football

y: Rt. 1, Box 119, >sse Cl.; Ski Cl. ;



lox312, BarboursASA 4; 9th Grade :ou1d always help .s to get into!"


i Madison Drive,

Cl. 2; SGA 1,2,3, Country 2,3,4; :k 1,2,3,4; Nationl guys."


Proffit Rd. , Char-

::I. 1,2; Latin Cl. 3;

!; Lacrosse 4; Peer

Rt. 1, Box P.T. 9, Cl. 2,3; Drama 1 Frank"; Musical Show.


ia, Ash: Rt. 2, Box Cl. 2,4; Racquet; J.V. Soccerl;V. 'layer, 2nd Team

Cerm: Rt. 1, Box :923; Pep Cl. 1; ! Cl. 4; SCA 1,2,4, !n Republicans 4; ~; Girls' Lacrosse 1,3,4; "Diary of .ent Life Editor 4;

: 41, Esmont, Va.

Sherri Iachetta and Steve Manzano gleam at the money raised at the Senior Party.

Ulery, Joseph Allen, Joe, Jumping Joe: 128 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesvllle, Va. 22901; DECA 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Intramural Basketball 2,3,4; V. Lacrosse 4.

E, Mt. Wood Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; ICT 3; FFA 4; 9th Grade Football1; J.V. Football2; V. Football 3; J.V. Baseball 2; V. Baseball 4; Symphonic Band II 1,2; Symphonic Band III 4.

Valente, Andrew Paul, Sergio: 1321 Oak Tree Lane, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Volleyball Cl. 4; Racquetball Cl. 3, V. Pres. 3; Symphonic III Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2; "My Fair Lady" 1; All-Re~Ponal Band 1,2,3,4; "The mad Italian fireman.'

Watson , Constance Darlene, Frog: 1941 Avon Street Extd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Art Cl. 1; VICA 2; "Banzai! Garfield Fanatic! It's nice to be liked- just the way you are."

Vaughn, Michael W., Hollywood: Rt. 4, Box 140, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "My talk, my walk and my hat." Vidunas, Joseph Edgar, Joe: 119 Commonwealth Circle, CharlottesVille, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Football 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; "Remember 'The Rocks' ." Von Herbulis, Susan Elizabeth, Suz: Rt. 1, Box 67, Esmont, Va. 22937; Pep Cl. 1, FBLA 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Tennis 2; National Honor Society 3,4. Wagoner, David Carroll: 100 Juniper Lane, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; French Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3,4; Teen Democrats 3,4, Treas. 4; Debate 3,4; 9th Grade Football!; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Symphonic II Band 1; Symphonic III Band 2; Jazz Band 3; Jr. Class Talent Show 2,3; Battle of the Bands 3; "P.O.A.C.O." Wallace, Juan Leon.

onkey Tonk; 370 , Va . 22901; Germ 4; "Save me 2

Ward, Timothy Scott, Jim Beam: 1905 Dellwood Rd., Charlottesville, 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Weight Lifting Cl. 3; French Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 4; Football1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 4; Band 1; "The rocks."

:t. 7, Box 157C, :Ush Cl. 2,3; Pep toir 1,2.

Warner, Gregory Alan, Pops: 2913 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2,3,4; Latin Cl. 4; SCA 4, Pres. 4; 9tlf .Grade Football1; V. Football2,3,4, Capt. 4; 9th Grade Basketball!; J.V. Baseball1,2; V. Lacrosse 3,4; Homecoming Court 4.

Box 141, Keene, Rt. 1, Box 233, 1uin Cl. 2,3, EdiMadness" 1,2,3; spian 4; Choir tistrict 3.

Watson, David Lewis, Woodson: P.O . Box 235, Keswick, Va. 22947; German Cl. 1; VICA 3,4; Golf 1,4; Golf Athletic Trainer; The East Rivanna Fire Co. "We respond in pick-up trucks." Watson, Knri Lynne: 103 Woodhurst Court, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Tennis 4; Concert Choir 1,2,3; A.H.S. Tennis #1. Wayland, Charles Reeves. Weakley, Sandra Leigh. Weathersbee, Barry Trent: Rt. 7, Box 85, Charlottesville, Va . 22901.

crazy kid."

Wilson, Connie LaVerne: P.O. Box 61, Ruckersville, Va. 22968; Pep Cl. 1; Christian Fellowship 2; VICA 2,3,4; "A rebel at heart." Wingate, Mary_ Hunter, Wingles, Hunter: 108 Bennington Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski CI. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; Volleyball1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3,4, Outdoor Track MVP 2,3. Wingfield, Lori Diane. Winston, Lindsay James III, Electric J: Cismont Manor Farm, Keswick, Va. 22947; Weight Lifting Cl. Witcher, Kimberly Bernadette, Kim: 936 Old Brook Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Per CI. 1,2; Racquetball CI. 3; Advocate CI. 4; Teen Democra~s 4; SCA 1,2,3,4, Senator 3, Sec.-Treas. 4, Boys V. Statistician; Symphonic III Band 1,2; Marching Band 1,2; Homecoming Court. Wood, Angie Yvonne.

West, Page Louise, Shortie, Thelma: Rt. 1, Box 63, Keswick, Va. 22947; Pep Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2,4; DECA 3; J. V. Cheerleading; Harlequin; "Someday I'll be six feet tall." Westervelt, Karoline H. , Kari, Henry: Milton Farm, Rt. 9, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Riding Cl. 2; Latin Cl. 3,4, Historian 4; Volleyball Cl. 4, V. Pres. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; V. Volle)'ball 1,2,3,4, Capt. 3,4; MVP 3,4; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Band 1,2; National Honor Society 3,4; "Kermit!." Wharam , Teresa Sue, Boo: Rt. 1, Box 206A, Schuyler, Va. 22969; "Joking around and acting foolish: keeping everyone smiling." Wharton , Lewis Haden : 2490 Hillview Court, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; "Moe-digger."

Watkins, Diana Smith: Rt. 2, Box 338, Gordonsville, Va. 22942; Spanish Cl. 1,2; "The girl who married Jimmy."

Wheeler, Barbara Sue.

Watkins, Orlando Sherwin, Hollywood: Apt. 731-

Wilkins, Lisa Knye: 520 Stagecoach Rd ., Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FBLA 1; "One wild and

Wood , Donna Lynn: Rt. 6, Box 269, Charlottesville, Va. 22901; FBLA 3,4; FHA 2. Wood, Mark Travis: Rt. 8, Box 186, Charlottesville, Va. 22901. Worley, George Allen, Bi~ AI: Rt. 1, Bo': 262W, Kesw1ck, Va. 22947; Latin Cl. 2,3,4, Officer 3,4; Stage Band Cl. 1; Football 1,2,3,4, Western District Honorable Mention 3, 2nd Team 4; Lacrosse 3,4; Symphonic III Band 1; Stage Band 2,3,4; "The fight for individual contentment and pleasure."

Wright, Earl Gulf, Jr.: Rt. 1, Box 234, Earlysville, Va. 22936; Intr~mural Basketball 3; Symphonic III Band 1,2,3,4, Marchmg Band 1,2,3,4, Reg~on足 al Band 2; Concert Choir 3,4; Musical Kaleidoscope. Wright, Stewart Arthur, Lefty, Giorgio: Rt. 9, Box 317, Charlottesville, Va . 22901; Latin CI. 1,2,3,4, Historian 1, Pres. 4; Ecology Cl. 4; J.V. Soccer 1; V. Soccer 2,3,4; "My immaculate taste in music and my dedication to the game of soccer." Senior Statistics 57


Freshmen Albemarle High School finally becarne a reality for the Freshman. The new school, new classes, and new faces quickly became familiar as he settled in. Organized sports, SAP, and interaction with many more people was all new to the Freshman but seemed normal after only a short time. Although the next four years would be long ones and being a Senior seemed far in the distance, the Freshman looked forward to his future at Albemarle.

58 Underclass Divider

Sophomores Juniors The Sophomore was no longer the The underclassman began to think youngest in the school. He knew his seriously of his future by Junior year. way around the school, felt a bit more The reality of college or career had equal to the older students, and real- more meaning. Classes became harder ized that being an Upperclassmen was as teachers prepared the Junior for the more of a possibility. School work outside world. PSAT, SAT, and seemed more difficult during the tenth Achievement tests were taken by the grade since Biology tests and English college bound Junior for college papers became more numerous; admission. The student who strove for however, the thought of the last year a career just out of high school took of gym and of receiving the coveted DE, ICT, or other vocational programs driver's license kept the Sophomore to increase his chances of success in the working world. optimistic and comforted.


8"' 111 ~

m to think unior year. career had :~.me harder nior for the SAT, and ken by the )r college o strove for chool took l programs success in




Underclass Divider 59

Class of '83 is Albemarle's 30th The junior year- it sure was a big jump from tenth grade . The junior year has the reputation of being the hardest of high school. Many juniors found this to be true after struggling through a schedule which included U.S . and Va. History, chemistry, and English 11 . Many took those dreaded PSAT' sand SAT's which helped to determine their college futures. Along with the difficult academics came the rewarding moments of the junior year. The arrival of class rings was a long-awaited event as was the Junior-Senior Prom. The junior class sponsored many activities including a talent show and a basketball game with the WCHV Ducks. Juniors enjoyed not having to dress out for P .E. every day and looked forward to their senior year when they would enjoy Junior class officers: Kim Rogers, president; Munsey Wheby, vice-president; Stewart Garner, treasurer; Monica Loftin, secretary. oven more privileges .

Lucy Akers Charlotte Anderson Mark Anderson Teddy Anderson Linda Arruda

Theresa Baber Jan Badoud Anne Baker Eric Banks Jim Batchelor

Scott Batten Susan Bauer Dawn Beale Christina Beegle Russ Berlin

Randy Bickers Alfred Bilezerian Marsha Binney Greg Bishop Shiela Bishop

60 Juniors

Donna Blackburn John Blake Debbie Blankenship Sandra Boland Amy Bosley

Karen Brannan Gail Breeden Maureen Breen Rob Breihan Beth Brown

.. Mel Brown Robin Brown Tony Browning Rob Brugh Susan Bryant

1er, treasurer; Monica

David Burch Lori Ann Burner Carol Caldwell Rich Caldwell Cathy Callaway

Laurie Campagna Sepelda Carr Kevin Carson David Carter Steve Carter

Gabriela Casero Lisa Chapman Paul Charlton Michael Chastain Sheila Childress

Maria Chivil Suzi Chryst:J Ashley Clark Stacey Clark Chris Clarke

Juniors 61

Brock Cleveland Martha Coates Mary Cocherille David Cohen Sharon Coiner

Bonnie Coleman Linda Coleman Christi Coles Michelle Coles Sara Collie

John Collum Mark Conner Raymond Comog Caroline Cosby Antonia Crawford

Blaine Crickenberger Joe Crickenberger Vonda Crickenberger Kim Cusato Paul Dalrymple

April Davis Barry Davis Lisa Davis Roger Davis Mike Deane

Lisa Delis Kim Dempsey

Serge Depret-Guilfaum Lisa Dewey Duane Diggs

Jeff Dillard Kathy Dimasi Kristen Donato Gail Dorman Richard Dorman

62 Juniors

Desiree Dom Sharon Dowell Elizabeth Doyle Sarah Drash Loretta Dudley

Lisa [)yer Kirk Eades Cheryl Edwards Eda Elbirlik David Elliton

Catherine Erickson Laura Erkenbrack Phil Estes Vicki Eways Becky Faulkner

Gletsa Feggans Phyllis Fidler Regine Finet Clms Fisher Troy Fisher

Besty Fitzgerald Donna Fletcher Fritz Flynn Terry Ford Mellissa Forloines


Tammy Fritz Earl Fuelling John Gaertner

Valerie Gaines Jennifer Gannon Charlotte Gardener Stewart Gamer Blendell Gatewood

Juniors 63

Juniors take difficult classes

Mr. Curry's chem-study discussion holds the attention of this class.

David Gaylord Germaine Ghezarian Stefanie Giannini Dwight Gibson Gary Gibson

Harlan Gibson Joey Gibson Robin Gibson Michael Gill Steve Gilliam

GiGi Gilmer Paul Given Melanie Godsey Alan Goodwin Denea Gorman

64 Juniors

Kelvin Reid and Kim Cusato make use of their time between classes.

Katy Granser Tony Graziano Kelvin Green Paige Grinde Marlina Gurley

Brian Hackett Brenda Hager Lester Hall Mike Hall Mitch Hall

: Joe Hammer Steve Hammond Robin Harper Angela Harris Bonnie Harris

Brad Harris Walter Harris James Haverkamp Robert Haynes Alison Heeter

1e between classes.

Who's the 83rd?

A junior holds out her hand to have her new class ring turned.

Who would be the "Eighty-third?" The Eighty-third what? you might ask. The "Eighty-third" person to turn the new class rings acquired by the class of '83. This ring-turning tradition was an old and honored tradition practiced by many juniors. Year after year on the day class rings arrived, students approached other students, faculty members, or anyone else in the building to "turn their ring." Ten long hard years of struggling to become a junior had finally come to an end. Just about the most exciting thing about becoming a junior was purchasing a class ring. Much thought went into picking the perfect ring. Decisions about size, stone color, cut, and any special features had to be made . Each junior wanted his to be the perfect ring. Juniors


Nick Held Sheila Henry Calvert Herman Deborah Higgins Norman Hipsl<ind

Denise Hollo Michele Horton Paul Houchens David Hubbard Brad Huey

Corbin Hunt Glenn Hunt Greg Hunt Liz Hunt Paula Inscoe

Laura Irwin Greg Ivie Dawn Johannsen Charon Johnson Jennifer Johnson

Laurie Johnson Gary Jones Laurie Jones Sterling Jones Tim Kauffman

Jon Kellog Tim Kindricks Tamara Kirby Terri Kirby Peter Koort

Theresa Kost Katrina Kretsinger Mike Krongaard Mike Kunkler Mical Kupke

Alliso1 66 Juniors

Matt Lamb Penney Lamb Litsa Lambrinos Lisa Lande! Maria Lascano

Laura Laudermilk Linda Lauffenburger Deneen Lawson Cheryl Leake Alan Leffers

: Dana Lewis Gale Lewis Susan Lewis Eric Liedholm Lincoln Lilley

Money needed

Reva Rush, Gletsa Feggans, and Angela Lucas tum in profits from the Junior class bumper sticker sales.

Allison Von Herbulis and Shawn McMullen take orders for Christmas carnations.

The junior class, as always, needed money. A prom costs a lot. To give the class of '82 the best prom ever, many fund raising activities were needed. The juniors struggled throughout the fall trying to sell items such as Patriot bumper stickers, stadium cushions, and shakers during lunches and ball games. Cars throughout the parking lot and around town were seen displaying Patriot bumper stickers. Two weeks before Christmas, carnations and candy canes were sold. This activity brought in the first real profit toward the juniors' $2,000 goal. Orders were placed by students throughout the school to have a carnation and a candy cane delivered to one of their favorite people . Classes were interrupted as juniors distributed good cheer before Christmas break. During the winter and spring, cleaning U-Hall after Cavalier basketball games, playing the WCHV Rampaging Ducks, and presenting the Junior Class talent show were on the agenda to push the juniors to their goal. Though a slow start was made, the fund raising was successful. Juniors 67

Valerie Livengood Monica Loftin Mike Love

Angela Lucas Charles Lucas Craig Luttle Jeannette Madison

Steve Madison Pam Mandell Rodney Marshall Sonya Marshall

Amy Debbie Todd Traci Willie

Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin

John Wa:.

Jack Masloff Mary Maslyk Candy Mason Carl Mathews Margaret Maxwell


Vernon Worley is among the many students introduced to computers in Math Analysis. 68 Juniors

Peter Koort devours his pizza while Amy Bosely looks on with hunger.

Juniors anticipate senior year

Greg Warren prepares his paper in the library.

"I wish I were a senior!" What a common exclamation heard from the mouths of every underclassman, juniors as well as sophomores and freshmen. There is so much to look forward to in the senior year. In recent years numerous privileges have been given exclusively to the senior class. One of these privileges is early dismissal. Not only are the seniors allowed to leave school two minutes early, but if they are eighteen years old, they may also sign themselves out. A special parking area has recently been designated for seniors only. Seniors also worked hard this year for new privileges including a special section for themselves in the cafeteria. Seniors have also completed all of their tests. PSAT's and SAT's have been taken. They have the satisfaction of knowing that next year they will no longer have to face the problems of being a high school student. Four years of hard work have come to an end.

John Wanebo struggles to stay awake while working out an equation for Math Analysis.

Rob Mays Fawn McAllister Tracy McCauley John McDaniel Carol McElhaney

• Patricia McGetrick Shawn McMullen Gina McWilliams Sandra Melton Mike Mennerich

Julie Milkie Tim Miller Mark Milleson AMudrey ~s ana Minnix on with hunger.

Juniors 69

Carolyn Mitchell Greg Mitchell Sandra Mongold Felice Moody Robert Moon

Lanny Moore Annette Morgan Lisa Morris Mary Morris Sharon Morris

Brent Mowbray Laura Napier Amy Nay Chris Nelson Kim Newbert

Doris Norford Ken Norford Mark Norford John Oliver Cyndi Overcash

Jeff Ownby Julie Palmer Keith Pamplin Lowse Park Donnie Patterson

.. Madeline Patterson Kathy Perkins Becky Peterson Long Phan Cindy Pierce

Lisa Pierce Beth Pinto Dona Pittman Kris Pollard Rick Porcaro

70 Juniors

Jane Powell ChiJ? Proffitt Lows Prosser Keith Rader Tina Ragland

David Randolph Kelvin Reid Liz Richardson Cathy Roach Joe Robbins

. Debra Roberts Sonya Roberts Brooks Robertson Janet Robertson Daniel Robinson

Kim Rogers Doug Ross Lisa Runkle Reeva Rush Rodney Ryalls

Tracy Salyers Douglas Sanders Jimmy Satira Calvin Schuler Molly Schweinefuss

Scott Scrimshaw Denise Senna Beth Shand Colette Sharp Ellen Shatz

Anthony Shelton Brandon Shelton Charles Shelton Keith Shifflett Lisa Shifflett



Tina Shiplet Patty Snort Robert Smallwood Buddy Smith Karen Smith

Marie Smith Zina Smith Kell)' Snow Stefanie Somers Neil Spencer

Jamie Spradlin Reeva Spradlin Lois Sprouse Eazy St. John Blain Stackhouse


Tariq Steinberg Debra Stephens William Stewart Bonnie Stokes Fredina Stovall

Diana Vanderloo studies a classmate's artwork. 72 Juniors

Mike Maynard and Mike Mennerich work on a project in the chemistry room.

Those dreaded SAT's



John Vermillion hopes that his guidance appointment will take a long time.

Although most Friday nights were followed by a morning of rest and recovery, this was not the case when SAT season rolled around . On a few Saturdays every year, the calm, laidback routine of the Albemarle High School student was suddenly interrupted by the highly anticipated Scholastic Aptitude Test. Yes, this was the time when many juniors and seniors got to show that they could actually walk, talk, and think after a Friday night. These tests were given annually and were observed as a major entrance requirement by many colleges . The fact that so much emphasis was placed on these tests has been a highly debated topic in recent years . But it looked like the old SAT's were going to be around for a while . So all of you underclassmen still have something to look forward to.

Brian Sullivan Maria Sweeney Chuck Taylor Danny Taylor Edmund Teeter

Derrick Terry Kathy Terry Cyndi Theodose Leo Thomas Justin Thompson

Peter Thorsen Michael Tinsley Sam Toler Angela Townsend Stefan Trefil

Danny Trogdan Tyler Tucker Cynthia Turner Diana Vanderloo Fred Van Hoose

mistry room. Juniors 73

unior activities are varied.

Gletsa Feggans shows off for the camera at the Spanish club party.

David Burch does his work while the breezeway is full of activity.

John Vermillion Mike Volpentest Lisa Von Achen Allison Von Herbulis Scott Vosper

. Judith Walker Terena Walker John Wanebo Mike Wanebo Greg Warren

Cynthia Wells Munsey Wheby Melvin White Dave Wiech Debra Wilkerson 路 e Gill and Line

74 Juniors

Tracy Wilkerson Alan Williams Chris Williams Mike Williams Bob Willoughby

Dorinda Wilson Robert Wilson Dwayne Wood Melffida Wood Susan Wood

.. Troy Woodson Vernon Worley Evelyn Wright Jeff Wright Andy Wyland

Annette Young Toni Young Hyon Yu Mike Ziock

; full of activity.

Mike Gill and Lincoln Lilley plan strategies for Dungeons and Dragons.

Lisa Delis is taken by surprise by a Peer photographer.



Sophomores more relaxed The sophomore class returned for its second year and found classes more hectic. However, the students were more at ease with the school than the past year. Though they liked or hated the school, they became more involved in the school with clubs and extracurricular activities. The class of '84 enjoyed many activities characteristic of older high school students. Many students joined junior varsity and varsity teams. The majority of sophomores, anxious to get their licenses, took driver's ed . NEDT tests and PSAT's were taken by many. Sophomores enjoyed P.E., knowing this would be their last year. The class of 1984 looked forward to their Junior year when they would be true upperclassmen.

Julie Abbott Roger Agee Glen Aker Seth Allen Mike Alley

Jason Altman Vanessa Altman Sandra Amos Laurie Anderson Laverne Anderson

Leroy Anderson Pam Anderson Bova Ankrom Jill Anthony Diane Artale

Tiesha Avallone Sara Avery Judy Bakel Jax Banton John Barmore

76 Sophomores

Sophomore class office rs: jackie Wanebo, vice- president; Anne New lon, president; Pam And erson, secretary; Susa n Ed mondson, treasurer.


Erik Bansleben Hubert Barker Eddie Barrett Jan Beasley Warren Beck

Shari Berlin Mark Berry Lori Bevilacqua Chrissy Bird Heidi Blackburn

Pieter Blikslager Beth Boatwright jeanie Boatwright Wanda Bodrey Mark Bolen Ande rso n, secretary;

Athena Boling Jeff Bogard Paige Branham Doug Brooks Bridget Brown

Harriet Brown Michelle Brown Rya n Brown Monty Brownlee Richard Brubaker

Andrea Bryant Montie Bryant Tonya BuTiock Charles Bunn jurgen Burgoyne

April Burns Albert Butler jennifer Callaghan jeff Campbell Lila Campbell



Elizabeth Carden Bobby Carey John Car~e Jay CatTett Marie Cavalca

Betsy Chalfant Rudy Chapman Dorothy Charties Stephanie Chivily Paul Clark

Steve Clark Mike Clarke Jody Clements Lisa Coleman Susan Coleman

Becky Collier Melinda Compston Susan Cooper Jim Corbin Brenda Cowgill

John Cox Pat Craver Haron Crawford Travis Critzer Helen Crutchfield

Sanjit Das Barry Davis Lisa Davis Lisa Davis Tony Davis

Val Davis Kathy Dean Andrea DeBerry Lou Delicio Pat Depret-Guillaume

78 Sophomores





Susan Dieson Mark Dillow Andy Dixon Missy Dobbs Brian Donato

Karen Douglas Keith Douglas Bethany Driscoll Sharon Durham Debbie Edgecomb

.. Winston Edmonds Susan Edmondson Nancy Edwards Ken Edwards Davis Eichelberger

Todd Eichman Karen Eppard Stepharue Estes Cynthia Eubank Kim Evans

Sharon Falls Lisa Farish William Fariss Elbert Farley Pam Farrish

Becky Feggans Judy Fielas Eleanor Finger Amy Fitzgerald Robin Fitzgerald

Gary Flanagan Jeniier Fleming Ben Fordham Ronnie Forsberg Becky Frederick

Sophomores 79

Tom Fritz Eric Fromer Stephanie Gadient Jack Gardner Kavansa Gardner

Janice Garrison Earl Geral Chip Gerbert Dale Gibson Michelle Gilka

. Sampson and his b money for band activil

Ethel Glasgow Michelle Gleason Jon Goodman David Graham Amy Granger

Tim Guthrie Sylvia Haga Colleen Haines Tracy Hakala Keith Hall

What's worse? An increasing number of sophomores became interested in taking the PSAT' s - the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. The PSAT's were taken to prepare sophomores for the SAT's which were taken in the spring. The test also served as the NMSQT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Students who made a designated score or higher on the test qualified to receive scholarships toward their college educations . Excitement and ner.ves built up when test scores were received. For the entire day, the majority of sophomores were confused with trying to figure out how to interpret their scores. It was found that these scores could be roughly converted to predict those all important SAT scores . 80 Sophomores

Mr. Keller's poetry captivates the girls in his English 10 class.

Mr. Sampson and his band students organize boxes of fruit that they sold to raise money for band activities.

Shari Berlin gets herself into a big mesh!

Linda Hamm Clifford Hammill Ken Hammond

Clifton Hamner Scott Harmon Trade Harper Anthony Harris

Laverne Harris Tom Harris Michael Hasenstab Reggie Hawkins

Todd Hawkins Lisa Hawley Karen Heintzleman Tina Hendriks Jeff Henry

Kevin Hensley Wa)lne Hensley Jay Hems James Herring Keith Herring

Sophomores 81

Ollie Herring Hope Hicks LoUJse Hicks Penny _Higgins L1sa Hoe!

Sonja Hoe! Fred Hofelder Heidi Holgate David Holsapple Yanda Holsapple

Paula Hood Cindy Houchens JoAnne Howard Andy Hucek Chris Hucek

Sha w n Hughes Margaret Hunt Mike Ingalls Steve Ivory Donna Jacobson

Michelle Jackson Trainey Jackson Lisa James Heidi Johannesen April Johnson

Beth Eric Felice Regina Roberta

Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson

Anson Jones Darlene Jones David Jones Tracy Jones Darlene Jordan

82 Sophomores

Sophomores enjoy last year of P. E.

. ~

Kim Moore and Amy Granger lead their sophomore gym class in running to warm up before participating in various sports .

Every yea r sophomores look forward to one thing- their last year of health and physical education. There would be no more crowded locker rooms, whistle-happy coaches, or the dreaded physical fitness testing. Both freshmen and sophomores are required to pass two years of physical education. These classes included vigorous sports activities as well as an extensive health program in the classroom. Skills in the lifetime sports and tips on how to lead a healthy life were taught. A well-trained and qualified P.E . staff led classes in interesting discussion s and activities . This staff provided a relaxed relationship with their students . At least this made the dreaded health and physical educat. I t I bl 10n c asses more o era e .

Penny Jordan Patricia Kelley Elliott Kelly Brian Kennon Derrick Kerns

Kim Kersey Kristen Kessler Deborah Kidd Bill Kirb Ed:he Kirby

Elizabeth Kirkland David Kirtley Lisa LaBruno Mike Lamb Philippe Laurent

' Scott Lawrence Kim Lee Lisa Lee Don Leibl Howard Lenn

Sophomores 83

Katie Leonard Isidore Lewis Stacey Lewis Doug Linkous Janice Linkous

David Londree Tracy Love Shelley Lovelace Lisa Loving Tammy Loving

Randy Low Carlton Luck Tim Lumsden Troy Lynch Mary Lyng

Missy Maeyens Sandra Magruder Tammy Mallory Auburn Mann Chris Mann

Kyle Marion Richard Marsh Teresa Marshall Kris Massey Tiger May

.. Mike Maynard Stacey McCann Greg McCauley Cathy McCray Nancy McCutchen

Faith McDaniel Kristina McDaniel Ray McDaniel Heather McDonald Jean McGowan

84 Sophomores

Greg McKamey Katny McKinnon Matt McKown Teri Mead Lisa Meadows

Loretta Meadows Wanda Meeks Mike Melton Lenore Milhoan Lisa Milkie

Katherine Misker Christina Mongold Lisa Moon Lurna Moon Debbie Moore

Kim Moore Libby Moore Kim Morley Anita Morris Kedra Morris

Kim Morris Lois Morris Lynn Morris Roxanne Morris Sue Morris

Stephanie Morse Eddie Munford Mike Murphy Wendy Murphy Steve Myles

Chet Naylor Anne Newlon Shannon Norris Greg O' Brien Earl O'Bryant

Sophomores 85

Barry O'Neil Jesse O'Quinn Matt Pace Todd Pace Annette Page

David Palmer Hyun So Park Kenneth Parrish Pam Partin Tatyanne Patten

Thomas Payne Page Pence Jamie Pentz Whitney Perkins David Perry

Chris Peterson Steve Phillips Tommy Phillips Debbie Pierceill Brenda Pillow

Driver's Education was one of the few classes to which the underclassmen actually looked forward. After absorbing all of the information from classroom instruction, driving on the range was a welcome change. Even though the 15-mile per hour speed limit was much different from that of real roads, the range experience prepared students for situations they might face in the future. The range included every obstacle of the open highway . Several well-qualified driver education teachers supervised these activities . After completing the course, most students are prepared to take the driving test. Then comes the most important event of all - receiving the long-awaited licenses.


Two student drivers try to avoid the fence on their first trip around the range.

86 Sophomores

AHS offers a wide variety of classes

Jerry Stephens proudly displays his art project. A variety of art forms was studied m art classes .

An enthusiastic geometry class prepares for its class ad picture .

Glenn Pinchback Paige Pippin MiKe Pomdexter Stephanie Poindexter Wilson Proffitt




-~/ , ,~l

Paul Pugh Bettina Quarles Keith Racer Kevin Ragland Warren Ragland

Glen Ramirez Joe Ramos Jamie Rea Rebecca Reid Lance Reynolds

Rhonda Rhodes Karen Riddle Leif Riddervold Brian Ritchie Scott Roberts ange.

Sophomores 87

Wes Robertson Tony Roche Bruce Roebuck Rebecca Rosenblum Rob Rosse

Steve Rovnyak Julie Roy Todd Runkle Kathy Rush Michelle Rush

Sylvia Rush Wanda Salisbury Lisa Samuefs Francine Scott Sara Scott

Wayne Scrimshaw Joe Senich Tina Sexton Tommy Sexton

Staci Shafer April Shahan john Shand John Sharretts


Elizabeth Kirkland and Staci Shafer compare the results of their biology lab.

88 Sophomores

Glenn Wayland and George Wheeler seem to enjoy dissecting frogs in biology.


. Shifflett Diane . Shifflett ~~ a _.__ Josephme Steve Shifflett • -~~~·p..,.._.. [@f§J Shit§ Matt Sissons


Chris Smith Duane Smith Greg Smith Larry Smith Linda Smith

. <

Marie Smith Shannon Smith Derek Snapp Sherry Snow Jimmy Sprouse

Sandra Sprouse Melinda Stargell Coletti Starks Tore Steinberg Jerry Stephens

Albert Steppe Phillip Stevens Lydia Stiltner Mary Louise Stong Val Stupak

J.T. Suddarth Mike Sullivan Dana Summers David Suryaatrnadja Ruth Swingler


Gail Taylor Katy Teates Jewell Terrell Mike Terry Kathy Tesack frogs in biology.

Sophomores 89

Sophomores full of spirit

Cecil Thacker Charlotte Thacker Teresa Thacker

Tom Thacker Steve Tharp Carl Thomas

Mark Thomasson Ricky Thompson Scott Trail

Tracey Travers Helen Tuan Chris Turner These sophomores seem more interested in the photographer than their health class .

Crystal Turner Stephanie Valentine Cathy Varner

Kathy Vidunas Eric Vieweg Eric VonAchen

Jimmy Walker Romano Wallace Kevin Walls The sophomore class shows its school spirit at a pep rally.

90 Sophomores

Jackie Wanebo Penny Ward Rickey Ward Benjamin Waring Betty Washington

Margay Washington Glenn Wayland Sandra Webb Joyce Wells Jon Wender

Brian Westrater Pat Wetzel George Wheeler Scott Widener Pam Wilerson

David Williams David Willis Sheila Willis Scott Willoughby Henry Wingate

Rhonda Wingfield Yvette Winters Brad Wood Darrell Wood Lonnie Wood

Noah Wood Vickie Wood Dwayne Woodfolk Von Worley Jay Wyant

Tina Wyant Elizabeth Zans Cynthia Zauner Jennifer Zauner Bill Zeh

Sophomores 91

Freshmen meet new challenges Albemarle High School. What a change that would be for the freshmen! Coming from three different feeder schools, Walton, Jouett, and Burley, we had a lot to look forward to . There were more teachers, students, and administrators who welcomed us as we began our first yea r of high school. As always, when beginning something new, the first few weeks were very challenging. In this larger high school, classrooms were difficult to locate. It was not unusual to wind up in the wrong room during the wrong period . Learning the names of six teachers also presented a difficult task. All of the challenges were met. Classrooms were found and teachers' names were learned . The Class of '85 was prepared for three rewardin g Freshman Class officers: Lisa Anderson , vice-president; Tanya Lee, treasurer; Tracy Roberson, president; years at AHS. Annabelle Thompson, secretary.

Kenneth Acree Tad Adams Anthony Adcock Patricia Alford George Allman

Stephen Amato Young Sin An Cari Anderson Lisa Anderson Laura Anderson

.. Michael Anderson Gina Arbogast Irving Armistead Roger Banks Tracey Barksdale

Lisa Barnes Tim Batten Katherine Bauer Edmund Berkeley Sheila Bernard

92 Freshmen

Gary Beverly Michael Binney Teresa Birkhead David Bishop

Amy Bithell Robert Blue Melissa Boland Granville Booker

. Breck Bouchard Felicia Bradl ey Jennifer Braine Eldon Breeding Roberso n, president;

Leigh Britton James Broan James Brock Arthur Brooks

nrcrn u

Doris Brooks Leslie Brown Kimberly Browning Anthony Bryant

Donald Bryce Julie Burbach Kathy Burch Sherrie Burling


Allen Burnley Mary Butler Cathy Caldwell Tina Caldwell

Freshmen 93

Timothy Callahan Michelle Campbell Michelle Canada Thomas Chandler William Chaney

Eric Chang Robert Chapman Brenda Charron Jim Choe Lisa Churchman

Jeffrey Clatterbuck Jane Cobb Marta Coble Wanda Collier Debra Collum

Ashley Colvin Norma Conley Douglas Cooper Charles Cope Steven Coroin

Lady Comog Christopher Coster Maria Cowgill Brett Cress James Cromer

Cynthia Currie Marie Cuyler Becky Davis George Davis Hero1e Davis

Jeffrey Dean Stephen DeMasters Margaret Devan Michael Dillard Pamela Dix

94 Freshmen

Michael Dixon Mark Donnelly Glenda Douglas Jennifer. Durikl Paul Duprey

Paula Durkee Mary Eley Wendy Elliton Michael Ely Penny Farmer



Fred Farnum Lisa Farrell Wilfred Faulkner Caroline Feggans William Fiefcfs

Louise Finger George Fitz-Hugh Mary Florence Danny Fowley Rebecca Fox

Mathew Frank Jody Frazier Rees Frescoln Jennifer Fudala Rogelio Fussa

John Gallagher Monica Gardner Nancy Gardner Robert Garland Lori Gatewood

Tina Geer Kelley Gerbert Bryston Giannini Kevin Gibson Rebecca Gibson

i Freshmen 95

Susan Gibson Anne Giffen Thomas Gill McShanna Gilliam Kathy Goebel

Tony Good Yvonne Gorman Robert Gossweiler Anne Gotham Greer Gould

Lisa Graves Marsha Graves Vickie Graves Ruth Gray Kristin Graziano

Ronald Green Kimberly Grehawick Corinne Depret-Guillaume Duncan Haberly Ja rita Hagar

Susan Hall Michael Hammond John Hannon Richard Harrington Jane Harris

John Harris Natalie Harris Shawn Hauck Cathy Heath Janet Hearns

Todd Heeter Virginia Helfenstein Maria Helwig Andrew Henderson Larry Henderson

96 Freshmen

Adjustments are difficult


Kelly Gerbert, like many other fres hmen, is getting used to AHS and the homework load that co mes with it.

The freshmen year was very confusing for many people. There were many questions floating around in our heads. "Will I get lost? Will I have new friends? What will the teachers be like? How hard will it be?" Well, these were just a few of our questions. Once we settled in and adjusted to the changes in atmosphere and people, all of our questions were answered and our fear subsided. After locating our classrooms and meeting new people, we found that we liked it. The teachers were not really too bad and classes could be handled. There was so much to do. Football games on Friday nights, dances to attend afterwards, Homecoming, and new clubs to join provided many new experiences that we enjoyed. Every freshmen would agree that AHS is a great school. Each of us looked forward to our remaining years with anticipation of things to come.

Michael Hensley David Hettinger Thomas Hicks Willie Hicks

Miriam Hirsch Thomas Hirsch Patricia Hoff Sylvia Hollo

Lauri Houck Lisa Hucek Ann Hudson Valerie Hughes Pat Iachetta

Catherine James Jodi Jansen Clarence Johnson Gene Johnson Janet Johnson

• Freshmen 97

Lokie Johnson Sandra Johnson Andrea Jones Kendall Jones Kevin Jones

Luther Jones Rebecca Jones Thomas Jones Paul L. Jordan Caroline Kelly

Deborah Kemp Jeffrey Kendrick Timothy Kenny Kandi Kerns Paul Kincaid

Erin Kitteridge Heather Knight Sam Knight Vicky !Cost Stein Kretsinger

Amy Krol Richard Lage Virginia Lamb Joseph Lascano Tony Lascano

Karen Lauffenburger Rodney Lawson Sherry Lawhorn Mary-Leigh Layne Scot Lear

Tanya Lee Shelly Letner Erin Lewicki Jon Lewis Desiree Lindsay

98 Freshmen

Kathy Lucas Terry Lynch Roland Madison Rose Magruder Daniel Marshall

Shirley Marshall Stefanie Marshall Irina Marski Bruce Martin Duane Martin


. <


Hugh Martin Mark Martin Tina Maslyk Sallie Massie Bradley Mawyer

Kelly Mays Warren McCann Darren McCauley Tamyra McCauley Julie McDaniel

Mara McDermott Dawn McDonough Jeffrey McKamey Valencya McKenna Louise McManus

Steven McNaughton Tony Miller Wendy Miller Christopher Milleson Carla Mills

Markanthony Mills Raleigh Minor Yvonne Montanino Deborah Moomaw Deborah Moon

Freshmen 99

Jimmy Mooney Jimmy Moore Frank Morris Jeff Morris Jimmy Morris

Junius Michael Phyllis Samuel Tyrone

Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris

William Morrow Jasper Morton Lynn Mueller Michael Mullins Mark Mundie



1 I I

A ninth grade gym class enjoys a game of volleyball .

100 Freshmen

The 9th grade cheerleaders fill their class with school spirit.

Randy Mundie George Mundy Alison Murray Patrick Murray Dano Naylor

Cynthia Nelson Page Newman Denise Nickelsen Ricardo Nunez Alan Overbeck

: Linda Parrott David Patterson Todd Pattison Rosa Payne Elizabeth Pence

Doug Perkins Sandra Perkins Evelyn Pharr Relana Pinkerton Donna Pippin

Tracy Ann Plunkett Richard Pompper Nancy Porritt Ted Powell William Prillaman

' Matthew Pullen Paul Rabe Pamela Raines Roger Ralston Angela Ramey

Michael Ramos David Ransden 路Lisa Rasnake Tim Ratliff Sean Redmund

h school spirit .

Freshmen 101

Rickey Reed Paul Reynolds Robert Rice Wendy Rice Michael Richardson

Beth Rideout Fredrick Riley Tracy Roberson Connie Roberts Mark Roberts

Sarah Roberts Tina Roberts Mildred Robertson Derek Robinson Perry Robinson

Lisa Rogers John Rose Sarah Rosenblum Susan Rosson Julie Rucker


Claudette Gina James Kevin Roland

Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush

James Saunders Cindy Sawyer Missy Saylor Hilary Scherer Thomas Scholle

Judy Schooley Jennifer Scopellitti Kimberly Seivers Michael Shand Mike Sheffield

102 Freshmen

Craig Shifflett DaVId Shifflett Glenda Shifflett Mark Shifflett Roxanne Shifflett

Donna Shirley Sheila Shull Kelby Shvmlock Duane Siler Rosa Siler

: Tammy Simpkins Aimee Smith Cheryl Smith Mike Smith Robert Smith

Ruth Ann Smith Walter Smith Wesley Sobbott Fonda Spradlin Jeff Spradlin

Arlene Sprouse Debra Sprouse Gary Sprouse Tammy Sprouse William Sprouse

Sharon Starks Michelle Steed Robert Stevenson Greg Stokes Keaton Stutz

Timothy Sudduth Donnie Sumerlin Troy Tapscott Rodney Tate Shannon Taylor

Freshmen 103

Tilwana Terrell Robert Terry Christine Tesacks Greg Thacker Samue1 Thacker

Jerry Thomas Erik Thomasson Annabelle Thompson Kenneth Thompson Rhonda Tooley

Ann Marie Transue Bianca Trogdon Paulette Truslaw Jackie Tucker Timalee Tucker

Karen Turner Alyssa Uecker Eric VanDerloo Karen VanDerVeer Pam VanHoose

Brandt Vaughan Mary Vermillion Paula Vest Jeanie Vining Scott Vining



Brian Wagner Anthony Walker Kelly Walker Vicki Walls Katherine Ward

Sharon Warren Paul Watson Joel Weaver Rick Westervelt Jeannie Wheby

104 Freshmen

Freshmen enjoy first year at AHS


Eric VanDerloo takes a break from his work in the library.

Paige Newman finds time during SAP to make a telephone call .

• Kathy Wheelen Tina Wheeler Lisa White Tony White

Leigh Wiley David Williams Deborah Williams Piper Wilson Jonathon Wingfield

Sandra Wintermute Danny Wood Matt Wood Michael Woodson Leslie Woody

Terilynne Wright Lisa Wyant Donna Young Tim Zierden Jamie Zobel

Freshmen 105

Albemarle High School offered a wide range of athletics from which to choose. Fall found the guys playing football, the girls playing field hockey, tennis and volleyball, and both running cross country. Albemarle's marching band entertained crowds at football games, students at pep rallies, and parade observers with their precision routines and spirited music. Cold, snowy evenings saw the basketball teams put forth their best efforts in the new gym and provide

diversion from studying for their fans. Indoor track meets, held in Lynchburg, meant long bus rides for track team members, and Burley Middle School's gymnasium was the site for the gymnastic team's performances. Spirited crowds supported teams throughout the year. Posters and spirit activities encouraged students to get involved . Victory lines and pep rallies lead by the cheerleaders urged the players to victory. Throughout the year the colors of red and blue were displayed various days as an indica-

tion that spirit was soaring and all were urging the teams with a cry for "Victory!" The advent of spring gave many AHS students the ideal excuse to venture outdoors. Track and lacrosse offered both guys and girls a chance to expend their energies. Softball, powderpuff football and cheerleading tryouts kept many girls occupied. In spring when many a young man's fancy turns to love, AHS students turn to outdoor sports.



106 Sports Divider


ndall were y for "Vic-

;ave many .1se to veni lacrosse :1 chance to :ball, pow~ading try:upied. In man's fan路nts turn to


Sports Divider 107

Once again the Lad y Patriots had th e ir eyes e t o n a s tat e c h a mpionship . This yea r they could even see E.C. Glass " biting the du st" a t th eir fee t! As expected , the tea m wa s undefeated in regular season play . After beating the district teams, the tea m was more than psyched fo r state. With Regionals nex t, the girls saw no need to swea t. Gabriela Casero, Su sa n Nardi, and Marth a Coa tes s parked enthusiasm in the team du e to their undefea ted regular season. When the long reg io n a l to urnam e nt was be hind them, their energy level was higher th an ever. " Th e sce n e of th e Crim e " wa s Lynchburg. There the Albemarle Tennis Team walked more than proudly away with the State title. Before the battle was over, there was a show stopper. The score was tied 3-3 after singles matches. Garbiela Casero and Kerri Borchardt won their doubles match to bring the score to 4-3. Then the undefeated number two doubles team of Susan ardi and Martha Coates blasted away their opponents 6-2, 6-4. This match clinched the State Championship. Without Mr. Terry' s backin g, th e Lady Patriots might not have bee n so successful. He was th e key to o pening all of the locked doors. Three of th e top six players were seni ors . H owever, th e conce ntration of Louise Park, the patience of Missy Maeyans, and the power of H ea ther Knight will lead nex t year's tea m to fo llow in the ste ps of th e " TEAM OF

Girls' Tennis -

State Champs!!

'82" . 1. Susa n ardi plays de fensive ly aga inst a n opponent. 2. Gabriela Casero smashes the ba ll . 3. Twistin g and turning, Martha Coates se rves to her opponent. 4. Hea ther Knight takes aim at th e ball . 5. Melani e jo hn so n co nce ntrates w hile hitting the ball. 6. Susa n ard i declares tha t th e team 1s #1 and the rest have fun . 7. Ju lie Ripley shows her style while jennifer Gannon plays defe ns ive ly. 8. The te nni s tea m re turn s with another victory . 9. Girl's Tennis team , front row: Ga briela Case ro, Laurie jo nes, Ju lie Ripley, Kari Watso n, Lou ise Pa rks, ancy Edwa rds, Ma ry Reese, Martha Coates. Second row: Lisa lJewey, Hea th er Knigh t, jennifer Ga nnon, Susa n ardi , Coac h Sa m Te rry, Ke rri Bo rch a rdt , Mi ssy Maye ns, Melanie john so n, Lisa Roge rs.




Girls Temzis Scores






E.C. Glass









George Washington

0 0






E.C. Glass







George Washington







j jSd

Girls take a District 1st, Regional 1st Albemarle High School (TPSP) The 1981 Cross Country seaso n proved to be a very successful one for the girls' cross country team . They were undefea ted in duel mee ts and won most of the invitationals in which they participated. The team took first place at the Eastern Mennonite Invitational, the Woodberry Forest Invitational, the AHS Invitational , the Lynchburg College Invitational and fifth place at the U.Va. Invitational. For the first time ever the girls were the District and Regional champs, ending the season with a seventh place finish at the State Meet. The team saw much success with outstanding performances from a talented group of se niors and underclassmen . Although Captain Kris Kost, Caroline Kelly, Annie Kelly, Maria Tedeschi, Teri Smith, and Anne Stewart will be missed next year, the returning underclassmen, Freshmen Greer Gould, Jackie Tucker, Vicky Kost, Sara Rosenblum, Sophomore Rebecca Rosenblum, and Junior Susan Bauer, look forward to a promising season next year. 1. Girl's Cross Country team , front row: Kris Kost, Caroline Kelly, Maria Ted'eschi, Terri Smith, Anne Stewart, Annie Kelly, Second row: Rebecca Rosenblum, Pam An derson, Susan Bauer, Heidi Johannsen, Wend y Murph y, Colee n Haines, Becky Reid . Back row: Greer Gould, Vickie Kost, Jackie Tucker, Sara Rosenblem, Kell y Walker, Denise icklesen.2. Ca rl ton Lutz runs " the last mile" fo r AHS. 3. Whatcha doing Ca roline? 4. Albemarle - win, place, and show. 5. See Kris Run. Run , Kris, Run . 6. Susa n Bauer runs wi th deep concentration . 7. Running cross co un try lulls Noa h Wood to sleep. 8. Hey, Chet. Do you fee l like Secretariat? 9. Boys' Cross Country team, front row: Scotty Brewer, Jeff Byers, Blaine Stackhouse, Carl Mathews . Second row: Brian Westreiter, Tom Fritz, Chet Naylor, Ricky Bruabaker, Elliot Kell)'. Third Row: Albee Butler, John Gaertner, Mike Stone, Peter Salters, Steve Me aughton, Tim Lumsden. Back row: Tim Callahan, John Sharretts, Noa h Wood, Derek Robinson, Rickey unez, Carlton Lutz.

110 Cross Country

Boys take a District 3rd Albemarle High School (TPSP) The boys' cross country team finished the season third in the district, only one point behind E. C. Glass. They were led by Seniors Jeff Byers (captain), and Scotty Brewer, Juniors Blaine Stackhouse and Carl Mathews, and Sophomores Chet Naylor, Brian Westrater, Torn Fritz and Ricky Brubaker. Jeff went on to place second at the Regional meet and thirty-third at the State meet. With the nucleus of the team returning next year, the boys are looking forward to a successful season .







..... ;;..- ..............~





Cross Country Scores Girls AHS 15 18 1st 1st of 6 5th of 23 1st of 8 16 1st 1st 1st 7th

CHS E.C. Glass E. Mennonite Invitational Woodberry Invitational U. Va. Invitational Lyn~hburg Invitational Hentage AHS Invitational District Regionals State

47 39


Boys 47

CHS Amherst 41 Cul{'eper Lomsa E.C.Glass 36 6th of 13 Woodberry Invitational Orange 18 lOth of 19 U. Va. Invitational 4th of 11 Lynchburg invitational 23 Hentage WAHS 47 CHS 3rd of 13 FUMA Invitational District 3rd Regionals 6th

Cross Country

16 79 30 49 19 45

32 35 46


1. " Over hill, ove r dale. " 2. Kri s Ko t and Caroline Kelly pose after winning the meet. 3. Look out! They're co ming! 4. On, no 1 They're almos t here! 5. It's the cross country team neading fo r the finish line!

112 Cross Country


Field Hockey continues reign

1. Caroline Cosby warms up before a victory over Fauquier. 2. Varsity Field Hockey team , front row: joarue Aldrich, Pat Craver, Sarah Drash, jean Barnett, Susan Lewis Second row: Caroline Cosby, Amy Fitzgerald, Ked ra Mo rris, Lisa LaRruno, Helen Crutchfield, Mary Lyng. Back row: Linda Lauffenberger Melanie God sey, Felice Moody, Edie Mattie. Not picutred: Kim Dudley, Lynnley johnson, Coach Bohan nen. 3. Helen Crutchfield shows Felice Mood y how to bring the ball dow n the field. 4. JV Field Hockev team, Front row: Caroline Kelly, Heidi Blackburn, Karen Lauffenberger, Kathy Heath. Second row: Tamara McCauley, Kelly Mays, Miriam Hirsh, Raliegh Minor, Tma Maslyk, Erin Lewicki. Back row: Coach Hutchins, Andrea jones, Beth Ely, Sh e rr ie Lawhorn, Yvonne Gorman , Tina Robe rts. 5. Their opponents seem to have stepped aside to let the AHS players move freely down the field .



Field Hockey 113

..Field Iiockey --first in district Albemarle High School (TPSP) The A lbemarle field hockey team ended its season with an 11-2 second place regional record under the great coaching of Dotty Bohannon. After losing seven seniors, the team was still able to win the district title over Charlottesville for the fifth year in a row . Sarah Drash and Kim Dudley each scored a penalty stroke to win the deciding game. Although the team lost the Regional title and the chance to play in the State tourney, goalie Mel Godsey was unscored upon in regular season. Also giving good support for the defense were team captains Kim Dudley and Sarah Drash. The offense also had a good year with leading scorer Felice Moody scoring many goals plus two penalty strokes during the regional game. Linda Lauffenberger also added a penalty stroke in Regionals. The JV Field Hockey team ended another great season with a 6-3-1 record. Coach Meg Houchins really put together a promising team for Coach Bohannon for the next few years. The leading scorer was Raliegh Minor who, for her speed and aggressiveness, was moved up to Varsity to play in Regionals. Team Captains were Heidi Blackburn and Karen Lauffenberger. 1. Showing great control, Amy Fitzgerald

speeds down the field with Helen Crutchfield backing her up. 2. Kedra Morris speeds up to • tackle a Western player.

Varsity Field



















Stuart Hall





0-0-2 CHS








Regionals 0-0-5 North Stafford




0-0-3 Woodson

0 0-0-1

]V Field Hockey Scores AHS 0




0 10

114 Field Hockey
























1. With her unique style Felice Moody dodges another Western player. 2. After taking her shot Amy Fitzgerald and Linda Lauffenberger (30) watch to see if it goes in . 3. Lisa LaBruno and Joanie Aldrich look on as the ball goes out of bounds . 4. Caroline Cosby shows her aggressiveness by battling it out with a Fauquier player. 2


Field Hockey 115

Valley ball wzns

district Albemarle High School (TPSP) The AHS volleyball team ended its season with an outstanding winning record of 12-1. Coached by Bonnie Nielson, the Patriots clinched the Western District Title with an awesome 12-0 season, the first district title for the Patriots in six years. With hard work and dedication each player contributed individual strengths to the team. The 1981 Volleyball team was made up of these returning players: Hunter Wingate, Maria Miller, Kari Westervelt, Jo Horan, and Becky Garland. Kari Westervelt, Jo Horan, and Hunter Wingate were named first team All-District with Eda Elbirlik, Maria Miller, Candy Mason and Becky Garland receiving Honorable Mention. For the 1981 season Kari Westervelt was MVP. Becky Garland earned the Best Sportsmanship Award. The JV Volleyball team had a 5-8 season under the coaching of Elizabeth Peez.

Volleyball Scores Varsity

3 1. Karl Westervelt sets up the ball so Joanne Horan can spike it over the net. 2. Oh no! Not another pep talk. 3. Susan Edmundson " takes a free shot." 4. JV Volleyball team, front row: Paige Newman, Lynn Morris, Kathy Ward . Second row: Ms. Peez, Kim Lee, Mary Pollard, YounJ Shin An, Anne Baker, Jackie Wanabo, Mrs. N1.son. Back: Amy Granger, Susan Edmondson. 5. Brea, out of jail? 6. Hunter Wingate shows her st~r 7. Varsity Volleyball team , front row: Mary aslyk, Mana Miller, Hunter Winfaate, Joanne Horan, Kari Westervelt, Becky Gar and, Beth Brown. Second row: Eda Elbrilik, Kim Evans, Tammy Spradlin, Candy Mason, Tracy McCauley, Elizabeth Richardson, Kim Cusato, Kathy Perkins . Back row: Anne Baker, Coach Bonnie Neilson, Manager Mary Pollard . 8. Football indoors? 9. Okay, she's got the ball. Now, run!

116 Volleyball

AHS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 6 9 4

12 22 22 21 7

21 10


21 21

Halifax E.C. Glass Amherst Heritage George Washington CHS Halifax E.C. Glass Amherst Heritage George Washington CHS


Halifax Glass Amherst Amherst Heritage GW CHS Halifax Glass Amherst Heritage GW CHS

0 0 0

2 1 0 0 0 0

2 0

21 21 15 21 21 2D 4

21 4





V. Football 3rd in District Albemarle High School (TPSP) The Varsity Football team, though getting off to a slow start, hung in to end the season 4-6 and third in the district. Bob Rimmer and his staff continued the tradition of a hard working team. Coach Rimmer worked with the quarterbacks and the punters. The defensive backs and ends, coached by Doug Seldon and Tom Doval, displayed their power throughout the season . Dan Ward, defensive coordinator, worked with the defensive line . Coaches Tom Verbanic and Jose Ochoa worked with the linebackers and the wide receivers . Coaches Brian Grainer and Frank McCurdy guided the offensive line and backfield. The team of 59 players included a new and outstanding player, Steve Carter. Carter ranked third in the district, receiving 20 passes for 408 yards. The team will lose some outstanding seniors. Greg Warner, the quarterback, Victor Brown, playing both offensive and defensive positions, Roland Poindexter, defensive end, and Dwayne Rush will be missed as the team lines up for 1982. Tom Brown played a defensive position and made first team all-district. Donovan Bates, John Greene, Joey Dimasi, and Allen W or!ey made the second team. The Patriot team also had several players who received honorable mention. Tom Brown helped to make the Charlottesville game a big success. Coach Rimmer was quoted as saying, "Our seniors want to go out with a victory." That is the way the season ended -with a 35-11 victory over the local rival. For three years straight the Patriots have won THE GAME - the one which is looked forward to for 364 days a year.

Varsity Football Scores AHS

27 15

0 7

0 19 20 0 20 34 42 7

Spotsylvania Stonewall Jackson WAHS Amherst Fauquier George Washington Halifax E.C. Glas CHS



6 6 7

26 22 0

Harrisonburg Waynesbor CHS

1. AJV pla yer fights hard to gain yardage against CHS. 2. Madison unsuccessfully tries to block pass by the ninth grade quarterback. 3. Winston Edwards heads for a hole as Tracy Childress provides a block.


tlrGrade Football SgJres


22 26

arrisonburg eulpeper WAHS Madison Culpeper O range CHS

28 20 - - - -14

16 34 0 36

3 118 Football

Teams post victories over arch-rival Charlottesville

Albemarle High School (TPSP) - A record of 4 wins, 2 losses and 1 tie proved the outstanding abilities of the JV football team. Frank McCurdy, the head coach, had the helpful assistance of Coach Verbanic, a new addition to the team this year. Both felt the season was a successful one and were very pleased with the final record. The team was composed of 46 players, all of whom were lOth graders. The victory over Charlottesville seemed to make all of those difficult practices worth while. The coaches believe some members have proven themselves to be definite prospects for the varsity team next year. There were no standouts on the team. Rather, it was the team effort which made the season a success. The 9th grade team consisted of 40 players this year. The final record of, 3-4 left the team a bit discouraged, yet happy with their wins . The most important game of the year, the Charlottesville game, ended with a big victory. The score was 28-6 in our favor . Among the many players displaying outstanding abilities were John Rose, quarterback, who threw many excellent passes into the arms of Bruce Martin. Bruce, the high scorer for the season, played right end and scored 11 touchdowns. The four coaches this year were Tom Saunders, head coach, Tom Doval, defensive back, Pete Grainer, defensive line , and Jim Rose, offensive line. Coach Saunders, besides being head coach, worked with the offensive backfield. The coaches felt it was a sucessful season. Albemarle played 9th grade teams who had been playing since 7th grade, giving them a big advantage.


1. A spectacular catch by Steve Carter helped in defeating Spotsylvania at Scott Stadium. Rain prevented p1aying at Albemarle on Frida y ni ght. 2. While Maurice Starks grabs his opponent' s shirt, john Blake grabs a leg and waits for further help from the AHS defense .




Sports Medicine AHS team tops Albemarle High School (TPSP) Albemarle had one of the best training programs in Virginia. This year there were seven student trainers and two head trainers . Donna Rich, one of the head trainers, taught the taping techniques needed by the student trainers . A CPR class was also taken . The major purpose of the trainer was to be present to care for and to prevent injuries to our athletes. Renee Magruder and Morgan Scherer will be leaving this year after four years in sports medicine. 1. Donovan Bates: "Get away from me. " 2. Trainers, kneeling: Renee Magruder. Standing: Morgan Scherer, Monique Loftin, Pam Grainer, Sonya Roberts, Donna Rich, Deborah Roberts, Beth Johnson. 3. Coaches, front row: Jim Rose, Dan Ward, Bob Rimmer, Doug Seldon, Tom Saunders. Back row: Jose Ochoa , Tom Verbanic, Tom Dovel, Frank McCurdy, Brian Grainer, Pete Gra iner. 4. Greg Warner, praying: "Please Lord, let John Greene get through. " 5. That's what you get for putting your jersey on backwards.



120 Football






1. Varsity Football team, fron t row: Greg Porter, Jeff Rogers, Allen Worley, Vic Brown, Bruce Bratto n, G reg Wa rn e r, Joey Dimas i, jo hn owell, Chip Kirtley, Eddie Early, Donova n Bates, Tom Brow n, Donnie Bickley. Second row: Justin Thompso n, Th omas Crutch fi eld , De nn is Agee, Teddy Ca rr, Mark McCluney, William Coletrain, Roland Poindex ter, Ma rk Nowell, Tracy Childress, john Green, Tim Ward, john McGetrick, Doug Hogg, joe Vidunas, Wilbert Brass field, David Bell, Steve Carte r, Jeff Burkhart. Th ird row: Charl es Wayland, Bobby Britt, Scott Garver, Marc Blincoe, Kyle Mari on, Jamie Symmers, Maurice Starks, Dwa ne Rush, Les ter Hall, Gary jones, Nick Dejohn, John Blake, Stefan TrefiJ, Alan Williams, Mike Wanebo, Tariq Steinberg, Tony Browning, Marty Brown . Back row: Henry Winga te, Scott Law rence, Glenn Wayland, Shawn Arnold, Chip Ge rbert, Winston Edmond s, Leo Thomas, Gary Gibso n, john Wan ebo, Robin H arp er, Shaw n McMullen , Danny Trogd on, Dwayne Diggs, Mark Spe ncer, Tim Kindricks. 2. JV Football team , fron t row: Eric Vieweg, Mark Thomaso n, Chris Smi th, Scott Widener, Ca rl Thomas, Keith Race r, ) . T. Suddarth , Scott Will oughby, Mike Melton, Steve Ivory. Second row: Greg O' Brien, Mike Alley, Todd Hawkin s, Rya n Brown, To re Steinberg, David Williams, Tiger May, William Jefferso n, Marc Bolan, Mike Te rry, Mark Berry, Mike Ingalls. Third row: Jim Corbin , Rick Vill wock, Derek Kerns, Le roy Anderson, Shannon Wood , Tommy Harris, Fred Holfelder, Kava nsa Ga rdner, D. A. Smith, Greg McCa uley, Kevin Walls. Back row: Mike Clark, Jerry Stevens, Shannon Smith, Scott Trail, Jack Ga rdner, Ken Hammond, Jeff Vesley Robertson, Tim Guthrie, K vin Ragland, Paul Clark . 3. 9th Grade Football team, fro nt row: Robert Chapman, Roger Banks, Tommy Oliver, Billy Morrow, Kenny Thom pson, Mark Chaney . Second row: Robert Ga rl and, Clarence johnso n, Tony Miller, Bryston Granning, john Pose, Gary Beverly, Roland Rush, Matt Frank, Steve Amato, Reese Frescoln, Joel Weaver. Third row: Jeff McCa mey, Ra nd y Mund ie , Jo h n H a rri s, Mi ke H a mm o nd , Da re n McCa ul ey, Geo rge Almond, David Shi ffl ett, John Ha rm ond, Mike Shand, Alan Thacker, Fred Fa rm , Alan Ove rbeck, Timmy Morris. Back row: A rthur Brow n , Bru ce M a rtin , Mark Roberts, Richard Lage, And y Hend erso n, Kelby She ml ock, G reg Stokes , Ti m Wur s, Dav id Headinger, Hu gh Ma rtin, Terry Lynch. 4. just one more step and Alle n Worley could make a fine catch.




1. Marching Band, front row: Diane Shi ffle tt, Anabelle Thompson, Tina Sexton, Ruth Ann Smith, Linda Smith, Sharon Wharam, Faith McDaniel, Drum Major Pete Logan, Tracy Wilkerson, Kim Morley, Andy Dixon, Julie Palmer, Linda Arruda, Cheryl Leake, Diana VanDerLoo, Dawn Beale. Second row: Chris Clarke, Mark Burne tt, Da vi d Graham , Eric VonAchen, Jeff Wright, Leo Prosser, Mike Mark Mennerich, Keith S. Pamplin, Earl Wright, George Wheeler, David Suryaatmadja, Julie May, La ura Frame, Laura Kincaid, Sarah Booth, Cha rl es Hood, Yvenne King, Anne Newlon . Third row: John Cox, Liesa Sims, Mitch Hall, Kathy Dixon, Mary Vermillion, Susan Musselman, Michelle Campbell, Mary Florence, Marie D' Elicio, Charlotte Gardner, Mark Martin, Nancy Porritt, Va l Stupak, Pam Partin, Tonya Patten, Amy Bethel, Gina Arbogast, Kathy Bauer. Fourth row: Patty McGetrick, Sharon Coleman, Ethel Glasgow, Aimee Smith, Mara McDermott, Piper Wilson, Heather McDonald, Katherine Misker, Randi Low, Don na Shirley, Julie Fudala, Elizabeth Pe nce, Carmel Sweeney, Melissa Fo rl oi nes Paula H ood . Fifth row: Brian Ri c hi e, Ja y Hearnes, Scott Trice, Don Brice, Chris Nelson, Althea Boling, Susan Rosson, Chris Stark, Troy Woodson, Trey Shelton, Mike Hall, Vernon Worley, Debbte Clark, Greg Bis hop, Pieter Blikslager, Mark Martin . Sixth row: Jamie Zobel, Chris Turner, David Bishop, Richard Dorman, Lisa Simms, Allen Gleitz, Tim Batten, Louis Prosser. Lokie Johnson, Greg Godsey, Tam Hunter, Robby Tharp, Pe te Anderson, Lou De' Elicio, Ken Edwards, Todd Peterson . Seventh row: Marga ret Hunt, Terena Walker, Kim Browning, Susan Dieson, Tonia Bullock, Tammy Barnett, Kathy Tessack, Christina Clark, Denise Hollo, Lori Ann Burner, Anne Marie Crittendon, Lisa Meadows, Chris Tessack, Sylvia Hollo. 2. The drum line bows as the brass blares during a drum feature. 3. Leo Prosser keeps the bea t to "Trumpet Voluntaire".

3 122 Marching Band

Band displays new uniforms The Marching Band was once again the largest band at Albemarle. The group was comprised of members from each of the other bands and of other interested students. Not only did the band have musicians, but 1t also had a flag corps, a rifle corrs, and majorettes to add to its visua effect. Th1s year the group displayed new uniforms which had been purchased at the end of the previous school year. Many people felt that these new uniforms were the best looking of any band in the state of Virginia . Hashing its new uniforms, the band entered more competitions this year in the difficult AAA division. Led by drum major Pete Logan, the band did very well in most of these competitions. While leading this young, hard-working, enthusiastic band, Mr. Sampson and Pete Logan emphasized self-discipline and group cooperation . Much dedication was required from the members since practice started two weeks before school opened to prepare a halftime show for the first football game . Thanks once again to this hardworking group and its leaders.


3 1. The Marching Band provid es additional support to the Patriot crowd . 2. Troy Woodson, Trey Shelton, and Vernon Worley gJVe it thei r all during practice. 3. Tracy Wilkerson meditates about her future formations during a football halftime show. 4. The AHS marchmg Patriots march onto the field with careful precision. 5. Wea ring corsages, the flag corps steps out to give a special performance on H omecomi ng night.



5 Marching Band


This year at Albemarle the fans really showed their spirit . Dedicated fan s attended football games on cold Friday nights and trekked through the icy weather to cheer on the basketball team . Pep rallies allowed AHS students to cheer the teams. The Senior class consistently yelled the loudest, w inning the cheerleader sponsored "spirit contests." We're paying tribute this year to a special fan, Mr. David Burns . His help and hard work prepared many a field or floor for Albemarle's athletic activities.

Boys' Varsity Albemarle 66 Madison 46 Woodben 46 Garfield 46 Waynesbc 48 WAHS WAHS Waynesbc


.C. Gla 1 Oi Garfield Heritage George W mherst Halifax


1. So phomores, " where' s yo ur spirit?" 2. Mr .

Burns changes another basketball net - just one of the many things he does for AH S athletics. 3. Tina Maslyk, what are you looking at?! 4. The Va rsity cheerleaders perfo rm befo re one of the rival ga mes .

124 Spirit

CHS Harrisonb WAHS Madison R.E. Lee Harrisonbt R.E. Lee CHS WAHS Madison

Injuries plague Patriots Boys' Varsity Basketball Scores Albemarle · 66 Madison 46 Woodberry Forest

Garfield Waynesboro



.1 53

WAHS Waynesboro OiS

50 41


53 58

49 ~1

60 47 47 48 73


41 49 63


George Washington



E.C. Glass OIS Garfield

52 56 54 42

Heritage George Washington Amherst

62 62

t' I


' '


64 42


38 36



E.C. Glass


District- E. C. Glass



Boys' JV Basketball Scores Albemarle 38 Garfield ~ \ 35 Waynesboro · :

30 35 29

~- /


WAHS WAHS Waynesbo,ro CHS


~ers t

26 41 41 37

George Washington Halifax E.C. Glass CHS Garfield Heritage George Washington Amherst Halifax Heritage E. C. Glass

46 42 33 25

39 47 56

,.. ~

? ~.~-,. . . ~

_ . ·.


25 37 33 36 43


;~ ~

A [

Ninth Grade Basketball Scores Albeuwie 36 ' R.E. Lee 31 R.E. Lee 44 CHS 44 Harrisonburg 55 WAHS 40 Madison 38 R.E. Lee 39 Harrisonburg 38 R.E. Lee 48 CHS 59 WAHS 34 Madison



46 46

"43 M



48 45 31 51 47



The Varsity Basketball team, coached by Rich Lyons and Skip Hudgins, didn't experience the success of the past years, but the team didn ' t lack in effort. The Patriots ended the preChristmas season with a 4-3 record . After Christmas, the Patriots began their district games, but fell to a 1-3 record in the first two weeks. The team reversed the trend and won 4 games in a row to jump into second place in the district . Again, the Patriots faltered and finished with a 9-12 record. Throughout the season injuries prevented any long winning streaks. Each time the team seemed to be building momentum, one or two key players would be injured. This was most evident in their last 5 losses, as the Patriots played two games with one starter out and the other three with a starter and a top reserve out. Bob Willoughby led all scorers with 12.2 per game, Dale Anderson in rebounding with 7.5 per game, and Steve Carter in assists with 70. Next year's team should fare much better as the Patriots lose only three seniors, Dale Anderson, Wilbert Brassfield , and Brad Bowles. The Junior Varsity, squad coached by Russell Jarrett, also fell in comparison to last year. Inexperience played a major part, as the team finished at 612. Brain Kennon led the team in both rebounding and scoring, while Eric Johnson led in assists. The 9th grade team experienced the greatest success. After losing its first two games, the team won ten straight to finish at 10-2. Herbie David and Steve DeMasters led the team in scoring and Richard Lage led in rebounds. 1. Bob Willoughby leaps to release a soft shot. 2. Boys' Varsity Basketban team, fron t row: Wilbert Brassfield , Dale And erson, Brad Bowles. Second row: Coach Rich Lyo ns, Mike Maynard , Melto n Gray, Tony Goode, Tony Davis, Tim Kauffman, Coach Skip Hudgins . Third row: Steve Carter, Phil Estes, Bob Willoughby, Jack Masloff, Greg Warren . 3. Boys' JV Hasketba/1 learn, fron t row: Brian Kennon , Eric Johnson , Cliff H a mn er. Second row: Jeff Campbell, William Wells, Ken Hammond, Arthur Ha yes, Bova Ankrom. Third row: Shannon Smith, Jon Goodman, Rob Rosse, Barry O'Neill, Scott Willoughby, Bruce Martin, Tim Kenney, Coac h Russell Jarrett. 4. Boys' Ninth Grade Basketball tea m, front row: Wes Sobbatt, Peter Salters, Steve beMaste rs, Herbie Davis, Tony White, Barry Churchman. Second row: Mike Hammond , Hugh Martin , Kelby Shymlock, Richard Lage, john Harman, Greg Stokes, George Fitzhugn, Coach Jim Garnett.

35 45 37 35


Boys' Basketball




1. Jack Masloff makes an outstanding jump shot while Brad and Phil watch. 2. Herbie Davis ends a fast break with a lay-up . 3. Tim Kauffman, to avoid a blocked shot, tries to get rid of the ball . 4. Authur Hayes fires a jumper while Scott Willoughby gets in position for a rebound . 126 Boy' s Basketball



Boys' Basketball, ~




4 1. Wilbert Brassfield takes a 20-foot jump shot. 2.


Fighting hard , Tim Kauffman gets the rebound. 3. Cliff Hamner powers his way to the basket for tw<;> points . 4. All team members work out in the we1gnt room pnor to practice.

Boys Basketball


Varsity girls are regular season champs The Albemarle High School Girls' Varsity Basketball tea m, coached by Mike Ely, produced a winning tea m . With a twelve and e ig ht over-all record , they were ra ted number o ne in the Western District for regular season play . During an eight ga me winning streak, the girls beat E. C. Glass for the first time in five yea rs. The Lady Patriots were led by Kerri Borchardt in scoring and also in rebounding . Kerri Borchardt also wa s named to first tea m all district while Amy Brown was named to seco nd tea m all district. Reeva Spradlin got Honorable Mention .


r L

Girls' Varsity Ba Albemarle 37 Holy Cross 37 Stonewall 49 St. Gertrud 38 Fauquier .n Stafford 50 Stafford 34 Fauquier 34 St. Gertrud 27 CHS 65 Amherst 42 George Wa 36 Hal ifax 27 E.C. Glass 24 CHS 42 Heritage 59 George Wa 51 Amherst Halifax Heritage 30 E.C. Glass

Gi~ls' JV Bask1 Albemarle r St. Gertrud Fa uquier Stafford 12 Stafford Fauquier St. Gertrud e CHS STAB Holy Cross ~ Halifax E.C. Glass CHS Herita ge STAB Holy Cross Halifax ~1 Heritage E.C. Glass

1 1. Coach Ely looks amazed at some thing . 2. Girls' Varsity Basketball learn, front row: Susan Bryant, Pearl Quarles, Kerri Borchardt, Debbie Jo Hicks, Amy Brown, Linda Lauffe nburge r. Back row: Coach Ely, Loretta Barrett, Melanie God sey, Reeva Spradlin, Heather Knight, Mikal Kupke, Jan Badoud, Bittina Quarles . 3. Li nda Lauffe nburge r watches th e clock while o the r membe rs ta1k. 4. Girls' ]V Basketball team, front row: Becky Frederick, Missy Maeyens, Ste phanie Mo rse, Melinda Stargell, Jud y Bakel, Patricia Kelly. Back row: Coach Abbott, Connie Roberts, Ethel Glasgow, Sha ro n Starks, Sa rah Roberts, Terri Anderson, Paula Ves t, Sharo n Morse.


Girls' Baske tball

JV outstanding in district Girls' Varsity Basketball Scores Albemarle 37 Holy Cross 37 Stonewall ~ r'~49 St. Gertrude -" ........ Fauquier 38 ) " 41 Stafford I Stafford 50 34 Fauquier St. Gertrude 34 27 CHS Amherst 65 42 George Washington Halifax 36 L... 27 E.C. Glass c:::::. CHS 24 --= 42 Heritage """' 59 George Washington Amherst 51 Halifax 36 46 Heritage E.C. Glass 30 I

39 68 37 39 47 74 63 25 42 63 32 48 26 20 38 37 30 31 43 47

Gi~ls' JV Basketball Scores Albemarle St. Gertrude 25 ~ t Fauquier 25 Stafford 36 Stafford 32 Fauquier 8 18 St. Gertrude ~ c '35 CHS 29 STAB 43 Holy Cross r 44 Halifax I E.C. Glass 30 I 34 CHS 32 Heritage 37 STAB Holy Cross 35 "t~ Halifax 29 h, 41 Heritage E.C. Glass 33 t.

28 29 29 30 33 27 21 17 31 20 24 41 21 14 25 21 21 13









The Albemarle High School Girls' Junior Varsity Basketball team was coached by Lynn Abbott. With an overall record of thirteen and five they were seven and one in the district. Stephanie Morse led the team in scoring with an average of 13 .8 points. Sharon Starks was the leading overall rebounder averaging 5. 9 rebounds a game. The Junior Varsity girls won eleven of their last twelve games.


4 1. Kerri Borchardt takes a free throw. 2. The audience looks cap ti vated while watching Amy Brown . 3. Kerri "Borchardt plays defensively against her opponent. 4. Ethel Glasgow tries to retrieve the ball from a Black Knight. 5. Pearl Quarles tries to ge t the ball before going out of bounds. 6. Kerri assists Amy Brown in making another basket.




Girls' Basketball



~ --



Girls' Basketball,

1. Sara Roberts hustles to Albema rle's offensive

end . 2. Sha ron Starks takes a free- throw. 3. Pa ula Ves t penetrates to the baseline as Sharon Starks pos ts-up her opponent . 4. Stephanie Morris takes a one-and-one. 5. The team gathers around coach Abbott as she makes adjustments.

130 Girls Basketball










Track at top The 1981-82 Indoor Track team had a moderately successful seaso n. The boys' team finished with a 1-1 dual meet record, second in the district and region, and eighth in the state. The girls finished first in the district and second in the region. For the girls, Kris Kost won the mile and two mile in both district and region. For the boys, Chris Stark, Donovan Bates, and Nick Dillard won individual titles. The girls' relay team was strong, Felice Moody, Maria Tedeschi, Kathy Rush and a freshman, Raleigh Minor. The 880 relay team of Bates, Dillard, Thomas, and Fortune received Eastern ranking. Also, Bates and Dillard received East[ z ern ranking in the 60 yard and triple jump respectively . In the state meet Nick Dillard jumped the 11th best indir.T~路-...路._...,;:路-----"'!. vidual triple jump (49ft. 7Vz in .) in the



U.S. high school history. It gave him a final ranking of second in the nation . Other noteworthy efforts came from Jeff Byers who holds the school indoor record of 9:501 in the two mile, Vic Brown who is the best shot put at AHS since he broke the 1976 record, Greg Gurley whose highest jump is 12ft. 6 in. in the pole-vault, and Brian Stackhouse who ran the mile in 4:37.3.



Indoor Track Scores Girls




Heritage Invitational








Heritage Invitational








1. Indoor Track Team, front row: Maria Tedeschi, Kris Kost, jim Reese, G reg Gurley, Chris Stark, jeff Byers, Eddie Ea rl y, Nick Dillard . Second row: Tamara Kirby, Blaine Stackhouse, Carl Matthews, Felice Moody, Theresa Kost, jo hn Wanebo, Tariq Steinberg, Mike Wanebo. Third row: Chet Naylor, john Sha rretts, Mike Hasenstab, Scott Widener , Kathy Rush, Penny Ward, Stephanie Chivily, William jefferson. Fourth row: Matt Frank, Mark Chaney, Steven Amato, Bob Gossweiler, Ronald Greene, Derrick Robinson, Ricky Nunez. Back row: Raleigh Minor, Arthur Brown, Miriam Hirsch. 2. Straining to beat her record lo ng jump, Theresa Kost g1ves her all. 3. Donovan Bates puffs and pumps hi s way around the track. 4. The triple jump gives Nick Dillard an opportunity to fly. 5. Vic Fortune prepares to jump.


Ind oor Track


Indoor Track,






3 1. Lurna Moon hands the lead to Felice Moody. 2. Raleigh Minor "goes for it". 3. Jeff and Blaine strut their stuff. 4. Stephanie Chi vil y alone in th e home stretch . 5. " I think I ca n, I think I can," says Donovan Bates.

5 132 Indoor Track



4 1. and 2. Rich Gossweile r - up and ove r. 3. John

Wanebo sits on an invisible chair. 4. Susa n Bauer gives it her all . 5. " Whew, that was close," sighs Theresa Kost.


5 Indoor-Track


The Albemarle Hi gh School girl s' gymnastics team, coached by Pam Grainer, finished the seaso n und efeated for the third year in a row and first in the district for the second consecutive year with a score of 96.3 ahead of E. C. Glass who scored 80.15. Seven team members placed in the district meet and went on to regionals. Cyndi Theodose, Youngshin An, Lisa Pierce, Cathy Varner, Paige Pippin, Karen Eppard, and Tina Anderson represented Albemarle at the regional meet. Participants who placed in regionals then went on to the state meet. Cyndi Theodose and Youngshin An participated in the state meet. Cyndi placed 8th in floor exercises and Youngshin An placed 8th in vaulting. CongrC~tulations to Coach Grainer and her girls.

I •~~~~~I I; . ' \

Gymnastics Scores Albemarle

2 1. Music for floor exercises is controlled by

Charles Brassfield and Missy Miller. 2. Ginny Helfenstem reaches for the ceiling on th e balance bea m. 3. The uneve n bars cha11enge Karen Eppard to excel. 4. Lynnley johnson prepa res to do a ca rtwheel on the balance beam. 5. Who could that be walking on th e ceiling?

91 .4

jefferson Forest









Parkview Invitational


Stafford Invitational




E.C. Glass










134 Gymnastics



1. Cind y Theodose soa rs throug h the ai r with the grea tes t of ease. 2. Lisa Pierce ge ts help from the coach on the uneven parallel ba rs. 3. Gymnastics tea m, fron t: Young Shin An, Ca th y Va rner, Maria S'wee ney, Lynnley jo hn son, Karen Eppard, Tin a Anderson . Back: Gi nny Helfenstem, Lisa Pierce, Charles Brassfield , Paige Pippin, Missy Miller, Cind y Theodose, Trina Marski, Coach Pam Graine r. 4. Tri na Ma rski shows perfec t balance. 5. A HS gymnasts show their enthu siasm ove r winn ing th e dis trict trop hy. 5




We've got spirit to win The AHS Cheerleaders experienced another exciting year in '81-'82. Their work to retain traditional excellence began in late June at a week long summer camp in Norfolk . In August, Misses Anne Pond and Sue Critzer took over the JV and Varsity squads . Practices began during the summer for football season. Practicing, making posters, and leading pep rallies kept the squad busy through out the week. Of course, Friday night found them cheering for football games . Once again the Varsity squad won the annual cheerleading competition held in October at Fashion Square Mall. After football season, stuntmen tried out for the JV and Varsity squads . Both squads spent much time in practice and many late snowy nights traveling to and from games. For the third year in a row Varsity won the regional competition in Roanoke, qualifying them for the National competition at Williamsburg in April.

4 1. Varsity Cheerleaders, fro nt row: Ly nn M o rrow, ja ne t Robinso n . Second row: Te resa LaB runo, Anne Dinwiddie, Suzi C h rysta l. Third row: Ca rrie Crawfo rd , Mark orfo rd , Faw n McA lli s te r. Fou rth row: C hri s Clarke, Ea rl Smith , Shaw n McMulle n, Gary jo nes, Li sa Runkle. Back row: Kri stin Lo ve lace, Ke n Ed wa rds. ot pictured: Teddy Ande rson , Ala n Le ffe rs. 2. JV Cheerleaders . fron t row: jea n McGowan . Second row: Shari Be rfin , Shell ey Lovelace, Kat hy Vidu nas, Back row: Margay Was hin g to n , April jo hn so n. 3. Running be fo re pra chce kee ps Faw n McA llis te r and Ly nn Mo rrow in co nditi o n . 4. Kri s hn Lovelace e nco urages the foo tba ll tea m o n to victo ry. 5. Ninth grade Cheerleaders, fro nt row: Ka re n Vand ervee r, La ta nya Lee, Kelly Ge rbe rt, julia Burbach , Lisa Ande rson , je nn ife r Bra in e, Ke nd all jones. 6. Smil es a nd cla p s fro m Suzi C hrys tal spur fa ns to ch eer fo r the Pa trio ts.





Chee rl eaders




1. J. V . Cheerleaders practice before a big game. 2. Smile girls . We're on Patriot's camera. 3. Pressing Anne Dinwiddie takes complete con-


centration from Gary Jones . 4. Are our arms strajght? 5. "We're super great!", says Tanya Lee.




Where do you go for exciting student life? Albemarle High School! Student participation began during football season with City Slicker Day and Hick Day . Homecoming week, the highlight of the fall quarter, commenced with spirit days like Punk vs . Prep Day and ended with the annual Homecoming Dance. Game day found Patriots wearing red and blue, roaring at a pep rally, viewing a beautiful parade, and gathering around a toasty bonfire. During halftime of a victorious game the Homecoming Court was introduced.

138 Student Life Divider

AHS rejuvenated before Christmas schools. Throughout the year, Albemarle's break with holiday festivites. Candy cane an carnation sales spiced up ro- talented actors performed plays for the mances and even began new ones. student and surrounding communiThe Door Decorating Contest created ty. The Mime Troupe displayed their visions of candy and sugar plums. Anx- talent for AHS, other schools and area ious freshmen greeted Santa Claus shopping centers. Finally, the long-awaited list of top and some daring seniors relived their childhood . twenty seniors was prepared. Senior Valentine's Day received a hearty rank was determined by the grades welcome at AHS. Songs for lovers and earned throughout high school. AHS Student life welcomed every for friends echoed through the halls as hands clasped carnations and red pa student and created a fun atmosphere per hearts. The holiday ended as AHS for learning. Patriot spirit never died! hosted a Valentine's Dance for nearby

~ L





Jemarle's ysforthe ommuniyed their and area ist of top j . Senior e grades



ed every nosphere ver died!

Student Life Divider


Spirit shows Albemarle High School (TPSP) The school showed support for the football team by demonstrating its school spirit in a fun-filled Homecoming week. The spirit days - Jersey Day, Roll Reversal Day, Class Day, Bad Hat and Shades Day, and a new idea, Punk vs. Preppy Day filled the week. This new activity seemed to have the greatest success. At the end of the week the student ~ody gathered together for a pep rally. All students roared as the varsity footba ll players, dressed in their new blue jerseys, made their entrance into the new gym. All classes joined in a tug-of-war. The freshmen won over the sophomores in the first round; and the seniors won over the juniors in the second round. The battle ended with the se niors triumphant over the freshmen. In another competition to see who was the most spirited, the seniors won with the loudest cheers. Friday night our varsity footba ll team won over E.C. Glass, 14-7. During half time Theresa LaBruno was crowned Homecoming Queen and Maurice Starks was chosen Homecoming King. The week ended with a fantastic Homecoming Dance with a performance by "Standing Room Only."

1. "Listen to me now Start with you r feet .. . go

feet 2, 3, 4, ... " 2. "She's a Superfreak!" 3. "Hey Buffy, you wanna ga tor?" 4. Golly gee, you're cute sweety! 5. Put your left foot in, put your left foot out. ..


140 Spirit Weeks





3 1. " C'mon, hit me with yo ur best shot. . "2. If

only there were more contact spo rts like this! 3. Forget the cameras ... 4. Ella Benn er as Charlie Chaplin. 5. Mike Cooper goes punk with "The Doors."




Spirit Weeks


Albemarle High School (TPSP) The 1981 Homecoming Weekend began with honks of horns. On Friday, October 30 at 7:00, the annual parade began. Each class entered a float and many clubs participated in the float contest as well. The Teenage Republican float, a large truck decorated with Coleman, Davis and Miller campaign stickers, topped with an elephant and vivacious teen Republicans, won first prize. The Homecoming Court was a special feature of the parade. The two representatives from .each underclass and the twelve seniors nominated for king and queen rode in flashy convertibles and sporty jeeps. After the parade, the participants and spectators huddled around a bonfire to "get psyched" for the big game. Homecoming weekend was off to a great start.

LaBruno and Starks reign

1. "Gee Daddy, are you cold or just nervous?" 2. Coleman was number 1 with the Teen Republican float. 3. Spirited sophomores lift ye ol' UVA cup as preps and preppets. 4. The Teen Democrats really think this guy IS gonna win?!


142 Homecoming Activities



1. Teresa La Bruno flashes her radiant smile to a spiri ted crowd. 2. Cheerleaders burned at the stake? 3. The Seniors, with their float, once again showed that Seniors rule the school. 4. They're no longer little drummer boys, Mom.



Homecoming Activities


A celebration with SRO Albemarle High School (TPSP) The SCA sponsored the Homecoming Dance on October 31, 1981. After a wild week of spirit and a victorious Homecoming football game, "Standing Room Only" provided a grand finale to the festivities. Couples dined in various atmospheres before the dance . The Aberdeen Barn, That Steak Place, the Gaslight and one's own dining-room were among favorite spots. Upon arriving at the dance, the couples, surrounded by gorgeous corsages and handsome boutonnieres, were moved by the beats of "Super Freak" and "Bad Mama Jama." The SCA provided tables and chairs for relaxing, as well as munchies and Pepsi for revitalization . Some couples boogied all night while others found socializing to be more enjoyable. A professional photographer was also provided by the SCA to capture beautiful memories of the enchanted evening. After the dance, the students went to small get-togethers at each others' homes to enjoy each others' company. Homecoming '81 was one to remember.

2 1. Wild people jam to SRO. 2. Captured memories ... 3. "Let's show 'em how to dance!" 4. Couples relax while awaiting the next dance. 5. "These kids really get down!"


144 Homecoming Dance

Theresa and Maurice honored The Homecoming Court of 1981 reflected warm personalities and glamourous , handsome appearances. Seniors chose Renee Magruder, Debbie Jo Hicks, Tricia Thraves, Kim Witcher, Theresa LaBruno , Sylvia Kuzman , Joe David Nelms, Steve Manzano, Brad Bowles, Pete Logan, Maurice Starks and Greg Warner to represent their class . Junior representatives were Fawn McAllister and Lisa Runkle . Sophomores chose Karen Heintzleman and Darlene Jones while freshmen representatives were Mary Vermillion and Lisa Smith. Admidst the excitement of halftime of the game, Theresa La Bruno was crowned Queen and Maurice Starks was named King.



1. Theresa LaBruno; Homecomin g Queen 2. Brad Bowles; Senior Representative. 3. Mary Vermillion; Freshmen Representative 4. Sylvia Ku zma n; Senior Represe ntative 5. Maurice Starks; Homecoming King 6. Lisa Smith; Freshman Representative 5


Homecoming Court 145

Homecoming Court, cont'd


4 1. Fawn McAllister; Junior Representative 2. Joe

David Nelms; Senior Representative 3. Renee Magruder; Senior Representative 4. Karen Heintzleman; Sophomore Representative 5. Steve Manzano; Senior Representative 6. Tricia Thraves; Senior Representative

146 Homecoming Court


1. Kim Witcher; Senio r re prese ntati ve. 2. Greg Warn er; Se ni or represe ntati ve. 3. Lisa Runkl e; junio r representati ve. 4. Debbie jo Hicks; Se ni or re prese nta ti ve. 5. Pe te Loga n; Se ni o r representative. 6. Darlene jones; Sophomo re re presentative.



Homecoming Court


V~c~onny Claus ties f 5 display their Chor 1st place. 2 ~ucrt'hrisstockingoo~f bnghtened AJ-fss~allas cheer: s. 4. Mr strnas ' course. 5 Th ~tuart Gardne~a: ndot forgotten e6 trpue meaning ons . ' n Mical Kupk e deliver au! Given cama~

1. Ms.and Smith' Paige 3. Decorated d

6 148 Chri strnas Activities

uterized Christmas?

When Christmas b r eak rolled around, AHS students were itching with holiday cheer. The SCA demonstrated their spirit by buying a Christmas tree for the cafeteria . Santa Claus visited during the lunches and pictures were sold by the SCA for a small sum. The junior class sold candy canes and carnations that brought smiles and rosy cheeks to many unexpecting faces. Red and Green Day brightened the halls of AHS as did the Door Decorating Contest. Tied for first place were Ms . Smith' s door with Santa Reagan's naughty and nice list and Mrs . Stanley's door with Santa holding his TRS-80 computer list of names and presents.








r l

5 1. Hilary Scherer tells Santa Wa rner w hat she wants for Christmas. 2. "Oh, Christmas tree ... " 3. Scott Price finds his toy on Santa' s list. 4. Caroline Cosby presents ca rn ations to Beth Shand . 5. Tony Young admires AHS Christmas cards. Christmas Activities


Class party preceeds big football game The Senior Class of 1982 became very active early in the year due to the motivation of the dedicated officers and council. Before the AlbemarleCharlottesville football game, the class gave a party for all Seniors and their dates. For only 82 cents, each person received all the fried chicken, hot dogs, potato chips, donuts and coke he could eat. Entertainment was provided by Lewis and Stark. Seniors socialized and danced to "Super Freak" and other tunes. After the party, everyone convoyed over to Lane Stadium to enjoy their last football victory over the Black Knights as students of A.H.S. The evening was a definite success.


1. Chris Stark goes undercover as D.). 2. Seniors

like Nancy Sadler provide the backbone for fun activities . 3. Steve Manzano finds time for a small snack. 4. Steve Perkins, Jeff Byers, and Caroline Kelly munch out at the Senior Party . 5. Seniors teach Ms. Burr how to boogie. Or does she teach them?

5 150 Senior Party


performs ~ r o --

~ - -._nn

The mime troupe, sponsored by Ms. Scott, is a performing pantomime group consisting of 16 boys and girls. Tryouts are held each fall for positions on the troupe. The mime troupe performed at the Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Va. in October. They also performed at Red Hill Elementary School, David C. Wilson Hospital, Martha Jefferson house, and Farmington. Workshops were given at Thespian Conference. Other performances were given at the Homecoming pep rally and bonfire. The troupe was also in the Homecoming Parade. The traditional mime show was held in April, and the troupe worked with a professional, Larry Goldstein. The troupe functions as a team rather than as a club. Therefore, it is a demanding activity all year long .

4 1. Sylvia Kuzman teaches Mike Wanebo the fine

art of cosmetics. 2. Holly Hermanson and Mari Tuttle perfect emotions. 3. Kathy Simmonds and Sylvia Kuzman mimic Marcel Marceau . 4. Cyndi Theodose and Alison Dwier tug the imaginary rope. 5. The Troupe in action: Sylvia Kuzman, Kristin Lovelace, Kathy Simmonds, Alison Dwier, Mike Wanebo, Tariq Steinberg, Michael Duggan, Cory Raines, Amy Martin, Shelley Lovelace , Todd Runkle, Cyndi Theodose, Holly Hermanson, and Mari Tuttle.




Lovers and friends Valentine's Day at AHS brought a spirit of love and warmth. On Thursday, February 11, Albermarle held its annual Valentine's Day Thing. Boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends sent flowers, songs, hearts and poems . "Always and Forever", " I Honestly Love You", "The Rose" , "Keep On Lovin' You", " Love's Holiday", and a "Hee Haw Song" were songs picked by the SCA to serenade lovers and friends. Many hands clasped red , pink, and white carnations. On a cold February day, AHS was filled with warmth. The Senior Class, Sophomore Class and SCA sponso red a Valentine's Dance on Saturday, February 13. Infinity provided the music as students from AHS, CHS, WAHS, and St. Anne's got together and danced to "Endless Love" with "Open Arms".

1. A dreamy Leslie Crowe holds tightly to CHS student Doug Bierly . 2. The Va lentine' s Day Thing brougnt tears and laughs to many students . 3. Deborah Robe rts gleams as Bart Chisholm takes a break from his group Infinity. 4. Didi Sisson, Cyndi Mason, Tricia Mendefis and Suzie Dickman sing a song of love, "The Rose" , for Valentine' s Day. 5. Martha Coates is sung the " Hee Haw Song" by them gorgeou s Tennessee wome n; Ca ro lin e Kelly, Susan Anderson, Lynn Morrow and Kris Kost. 6. CHS students Steve Vinyard and Dave Wood find happiness at Albemarle with Marlina Gu rley and Kedra Morris while Mark Milleson and DIana Vanderloo chose AHS partners. 7. Couples David Wagoner, Sarah Terry, Leo Prosser and Tricia Mendelis find se renity in each othe rs arms. 8. " Always and Forever" en francais?

152 Valentine Activites









154 Honors



Honors won


路~ ~

1. State Chorus: C ha rles Hood , Leslie C rowe, Susa n And erson, She ri lache tta, Mike Pa rke r. 2. Boys' Sta te: Brad Bowles, Joe David Nelms . 3. Harvard Book Awa rd: La ni H oza 4 . Regional Chorus , front row: Cha rl es Bunn , Ma uree n McG rory, Ashl ey Cla rk . Second row: Steve Philli ps, C ha rl es H oo d , Su sa n And e rso n , Pe te Loga n, Thi rd row: Kelvin Reed , Na ncy Sadl er, Ca th y St. Jo hn , Gle tsa Fegga ns. Fourth row: Ann e tte Couch, Mike Parl<e r, She ri lac he tta, Donna Fle tche r, Leslie Crowe, Joe C ricke nbe rger. 5. Girls' State: Aliso n Dwier, Su sa n And e rso n . Girls' Na tion: Aliso n Dwier. 6. Governor's School: Robe rt Ha rri s, Lisa Noble, Joe Murray. 7. Craft wi11ners, front row: Ka tina Ru sh, C ha rlo tte Thacke r, Lisa Pierce, Allison Hee te r. Second row: Katie Leo nard, Ka re n Doug las, Tim Mille r. 8. Art winners, fro nt row: Liz Hunt, La urie Ca mpagna, Ann Stewa rt , Pa ige West. Second row: Me lanie John so n, Ca thy St. Jo hn , Pa m Ande rso n, Heidi Jo ha nn eso n . Back row: Ma rk Milleso n, Anna Kre tsinge r, Keith Doug las. 9. Forensic winners: Mike M ilg ra um , Mil< e Du gga n, Ann e Go tha m, Pete Loga n, Mary Cocke rill e. 10. ReJ?ional Band; front row: Ca roline Ke lly, Cha rles Hood , Yve nne King, Troy Shel to n . Second row: And rew Va le n te , Melissa Fo rl oin es, Ann e Din widd ie, C hris tina Cla rk, G reg Bis ho p . Back row: Ea rl Wright, Pete And erso n, Troy Wood son, Pete Loga n . 11. National Merit Scholarship Commended Students , front row: Andy Ca rey, Jon Nuec hte rl ein, Joyce Ma he r, Mike Milg ra um , Lisa No ble, Did i Sisso n, Sa ra h Boo th , La ni Hoza . Second row: Virginia Ha rris, Scott Ga rve r, Kris ti n Lovelace, Mike Coope r, C hris tina Cla rk, Anna Kretsinge r. 12. National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists: Bill Deva n, Joe Murray. 13. Debate Team , front row: Joyce Ma he r, He1di Holga te, Jo hn We nd e r, A m y N ay , Sa lli e Hunt, Be th Sha nd , Amy G ra nge r, jacki e Wa nebo, Knut Heime r. Second row: Mr. Tim Mac Do nald , John Gae rtne r, Jo hn Cox, Mike Mil g ra um , Robe rt Ha rris, Cy ndi Mason, Mike Dugga n, Bill Deva n, Andy Ca rey, Tom Hunte r, Alle n Gleitz, David Wago ner. 14. Certamen team , front row: Ka ren Seive rs, Pa m And e rso n, Susa n Holl id ay, Jill Ant h o n y , Ap r il B urn s, S h a r on Colema n . Back row: Sa njit Das, Be n Fo rdha m, Tracey McCa ul ey, Bill Zeh , Joe M urray . 15. DECA winners, front row: Teresa De mas te rs, Lisa Poole, Susa n Wood , Cin dy Houc he ns, Pa m Wilkerso n . Back row: Scott Ha rris, Wes Sprouse, Sco tt Vospe r, Bla in C ri ckenb urge r, P h y lli s Fidler.


Hono rs


156 Top Twenty

20 excel academically



1. Valedictorian , Robert Harris. 2. Salutatorian , Lani Hoza. 3. Third, Joe Murray. 4. Fourth, Brad Bowles; Fifth, Andy Carey; Sixth , Mike Milgraum. 5. Seventh, Susan Musselman; Eighth, Susan VonHerbulis; Ninth , Susan Anderson; 6. (r. to 1.) Tenth , Greg Gurley; Eleventh , Virginia Harris; Twelfth , Jon N uechterlein. 7. (clockwise from bottom) Thirteenth , Sylvia Kuzman; Fourteenth, Kathy Simmonds; Fifteenth, Lisa Noble . 8. Sixteenth, (tie) Kris Kost, Allen Gleitz, Sha ron Coleman. 9. (r. to 1.) Ni neteenth , Stephanie Davis; Twentieth, Joyce Maher. 6


8 Top Twenty


Since press time of 1981, the world around us has been plagued by many catastrophes and marked by many important milestones. On an international level, the world was shocked by the malicious assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The Polish Solidarity Union expressed its dissent over the lack of civil liberties, and the uprising caused a military take-over; while, on a happier note, millions all over the world viewed the fairy tale wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. In the U.S., the summer's air traffic

controllers strike caused idle runways for a time. Similarly, the striking of America's baseball players preempted the national pastime until August. The first w0man Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, was appointed by President Reagan in September, while other Washington officials (Stockman and Allen) caused controversy in the administration. On the more tragic side, two plane crashes caused many fatalities during the brutally cold and icy winter weather. Also, an assassination attempt on the

life of President Reagan occurred, and the trial proceedings of Wayne Williams began. Statewide, Virginia elected a new governor, Democrat Charles S. Robb who defeated Republican candidate Marshall Coleman. Locally, the annexation talks between the city and the county continued; U. Va. football coach Dick Bestwick resigned; and Albemarle County Schools appointed a new superintendent, Dr. Carlos Gutierrez .

1 .


158 Environment Divider


ured, and ayne Wil-

ed a new s S. Robb candidate

talks beunty con)ach Dick Ubemarle a new suutierrez.


Environment Divider 159

Sada Jets downed Albemarle High School (TPSP) During the summer of 1981, United States pilots downed two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra near Libya. The U.S. planes were practicing maneuvers in what they considered neutral airspace and what Libya claimed as their own. When Libyan jets retaliated against what they viewed as aggressive actions, the U.S. pilots fought back. Partly as a result of this incident, rumors reached President Reagan that Libyan leader Mohammar Kadafy had sent hitmen to the United States to assassinate Reagan and other top American officials. How much of this is substantiated and how much is heresay is unknown since the White House kept its evidence private; however, by the end of the year, the additional security was lessened and the publicity concerning the issue had settled .

Wales, heir to the English throne, married Lady Diana Spencer. The royal wedding took place at 11:00 a.m. London time and was viewed by 750 million people world Tht Lord Chamberlain is Commanded o/ The Qyeen and Tht Duke of Edinburgh to invite wide . Revenues from the sale of wedding to tht Marriage of souve nirs and from tourism greatly His Royal Highness Tht Prince of Wales boosted England's depressed economy; wirh Tht Lo<fy Diana Spencer however, the magical and mysterious aura in St . Paul's Cathtdral (the design of Lady Di's wedding gown on Wednesd'!Y, 29th July , 1981 at 11.00 a .m. was kept secret until the ceremony) surrounding the wedding was even more proAn """"' rrqwsud ro Lotd Ch<lmb.t.rloln, Drm : Unijoun , Mottting Sr. Juws '• 1fllou , London , S. W. J. «l.ZJUnrScm . fitable. Viewers all over the world were Albemarle High School (TPSP given the chance to forget their problems Albemarle High School (TPSP) Once upon a time there was a prince and temporarily and see a fairy tale come to life December 12, 1981 saw Polish Premier a school teacher. This sounds like the be- - the day Prince Charles and Lady Di Wojciech Jaruzelski announce to the Polginning of a fairy tale and in many respects began their life together which will surely ish people that their country would be run it was. On July 29, 1981, Prince Charles of proceed "happily ever after." by a 21-member "military council for national salvation." He declared a "state of war" under which the trade union movement was suspended and martial law imposed. Polish radio and television were Albemarle High School (TPSP) censored; the country's telephone and Delays and postponements were finally telex lines were cut; gas stations were overcome in April, 1981, when the U.S. closed to private cars; flights were cansuccessfully launched the Columbia, the celed; and all travel- even within Poland first space shuttle. The voyage, manned by -was banned. A 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew astronauts Robert Crippen and John was imposed. Numerous dissidents, Young, was initiated at Cape Canaveral, among them Solidarity leader Lech WaleFlorida where the orbitor was hurled into sa, were detained. As a protest to the space as a rocket, maneuvered through "flagrant and brutal" crackdown, Poland's space as a spacecraft and completed its Ambassador to the U.S., Romuald Spajourney landing as a glider on the desert sowski, requested and was quickly floor in California. The shuttle then rode on granted asylum in the United States. the back of a 747 jet, returning to the I<:enThe most immediate excuse for the nedy Space Center for preparation for yet takeover was Solidarity's "rash" proposal another space venture. calling for a referendum on whether the A second successful mission manned by government should remain in power. Joe Engle and Richard Truly, on which the Jaruzelski felt he had to reassure the shuttle orbited the earth several times, Soviets who threatened to intervene if Solidarity appeared to be on the verge of took place in November, 1981, also after seizing control of the state. postponements. /1


D rat

"State of war"

Columbia flies

160 Environment



out of a p< ident Sac

ta. What c

e black yout - . Starting i1 tlanta start· metirnes da) e task force v g the persor

Sadat killed

President Reagan shot



(TPSP)· of 1981, United ro Libyan jets over : Libya. The U.S. naneuvers in what airspace and what •wn. When Libyan hat they viewed as U.S. pilots fought Albemarle High School (TPSP) -

is incident, rumors agan that Libyan lafy had sent hitltes to assassinate American officials. substantiated and unknown since the evidence private; the year, the addiened and the pubme had settled.

In March, 1981, John W. Hinkley, Jr.

the movie "Taxi Driver". This movie's plot

shot President Ronald Reagan, Press

had someone planning to kill a political

Secretary James Brady, Secret Service

official for the love of a girl. Hinkley de-

Agent Timothy J. McCarthy and D.C.

cided to do the same to show his love for

Policeman, Thomas R. Delahanty. John Jodi. Fortunately, Hinkley's attempt was Hinkley supposedly committed this crime

only an attempt. All those who were shot

for the love of Jodi Foster, who starred in recovered from their wounds .

f war"

Albemarle High School (TPSP) -

l (TPSP).aw Polish Premier nounce to the PolJntry would be run litary council for declared a "state of trade union rnovemd martial law irn:td television were (s telephone and gas stations were : flights were can~ve n within Poland rn. to 6 a.m. curfew erous dissidents, · leader Lech Wales a protest to the ·ackdown, Poland's .S., Rornuald Spaand was quickly United States. tte excuse for the v' s "rash" proposal trn on whether the remain in power. d to reassure the .ed to intervene if be on the verge of :;tate.

whole world as one of the saddest events

Williams tried

Attempt #2

A parade? The parade that struck the of today's time . This particular parade took place in October, 1981 in Egypt. President Anwar Sadat was shot to death by four men who were in a truck riding in a parade . The unsuspecting President was looking up at six Mirage jet fighters that were flying low overhead, trailing streams of colorful smoke, when the four assassins jumped out of a passing truck and opened fire. President Sadat died two hours later from "violent nervous shock and internal bleeding in the chest cavity." VicePresident Hosny Mubarak took over President Sadat's position. The world still mourns the loss of a grea t man . for this string of murders that totaled 28 . Albemarle High School (TPSP)Finally, a break through - Wayne WilAtlanta. What does that mean to you? Iiams was arrested and charged with the To the black youths of the city it meant murders of two of the youths. It was be• terror. Starting in March, 1979, xouths lieved he could also be linked to eighteen from Atlanta started disappearing and la- of the other deaths. At press time, courts ter (sometimes days and sometimes weeks were hearing the testimony of all of those later) their bodies were found . A special involved in the various crimes as more and police task force was assigned the task of more evidence (blood stains, fibers, and finding the person or persons responsible witnesses) carne through.

Albemarle High School (TPSP) Attempt #2. A second attempted assassination of a prominent figure happened this past year. Pope John Paul II was struck in the chest by gunfire in St. Peter's Square in Rome by a gunman later identified as escaped Turkish murderer, Mehrnet Ali Agca. After having spent months recuperating Pope John Paul II was able to return to his everyday duties.

Environment 161

Woman appointed to Court

Albemarle High School (TPSP) Here comes the judge, here comes the judge. Ronald Reagan appointed Judge Sandra Day O'Connor to serve on the Supreme Court. Sandra O'Connor was the first woman ever to receive such a high position and privilege . In fulfilling a campaign promise to appoint a woman to the

Supreme·Court, President Reagan said of his appointee that she had "unique qualities of temperament, fairness, and intellectual capacity." Judge O' Connor was approved by Senate in September, 1981, and now the motto of the Supreme Court, "Equal Justice Under Law" has seen a new light.

Air controllers strike Albemarle High School (TPSP) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - you're fired! That's what happened to striking air controllers in August of '81. The Federal Aviation Administration sent dismissal notices to over 5,000 strikers after President Reagan had warned them to discontinue their strike. Luckily, not all flights had to be canceled. They just had to be cut back until new controllers could be hired. Some 12,000 fired members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization left their jobs on August 3, 1981. President Reagan warned them that they would be fired if they did not return to work immediately.

162 Environment

Reagan said, "There is no strike. There is a law that federal unions cannot strike against their employers, the people of the United States. What they did was terminate their own employment by quitting. " PATCO's demands were not met, and the FAA simply hired new controllers to replace the old.

Jet crashes Albemarle High School (TPSP) In a treacherous ice storm in midJanuary, a Boeing 737 Air Florida jet crashed into the chilling waters of the Potomac River. The jet left Washington National Airport bound for Tampa, Florida, •but collided with the 14th Street Bridge, causing several fatalities among the motorists on the bridge at the time . The cause of the crash was believed to have been the icy weather; however, it had not been discovered at press time . Five of the 78 passengers survived the disaster due to heroic acts of several people. Two rescuers, Don Usher and Eugene Windsor, saved the lives of some passengers with their rescue equipment. A bystander, Lenny Skutnik, risked his own life by plunging into the icy waters to save a passenger who lost consciousness during attempts to rescue her. Finally, six passengers were originally found grasping onto the partially exposed tail of the jet. One unselfish man continually passed on the floatation devices to these passengers until they were all safe. When the rescuers re-

turned for him, he had disappeared . A week later, an airplane ran off a Boston runway, sliding into the harbor during the icy weather. At first it was believed Albemarle High School (TPSP) David Stockman, Office of Management that all the passengers survived; however, and Budget Director, openly expressed his later investigations suspect two fatalities. dissatisfaction with Reagan's proposed budget in the Atlantic Monthly. There was much controversy over his interview, but Reagan excused this misdemeanor and work proceeded as usual thereafter. National Security Advisor Richard Allen supposedly received a "gift" of $1000 from a Japanese magazine reporter for allowing an interview with Nancy Reagan to transpire. Allen allegedly forgot about the money that he had placed in a safe rather than handing it over to the Treasury Department. Much controversy took place and finally, in January of 1982, Allen handed in his resignation and President Reagan accepted it. William Clarke replaced him shortly thereafter.

Controversy hits

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Democrats sweep state

(TPSP) :e storm in mid ,7 Air Florida jet

Albemarle High School (TPSP) Spring of 1981 found the Albemarle County School Board looking for a new Superintendent as Dr. Clarence McClure submitted his resignation . Albemarle County appointed Dr. Carlos Gutierrez of New York to the position. Dr. Gutierrez received a B.S . degree in English Literature and Education from Elmira College in New York and an Ed.D. from the University of Rochester. He also took courses on the graduate level at Alfred University and Ithaca College . Dr. Gutierrez' professional experience includes five years as an English teacher on the high school level, positions as a basketball and tennis coach, and various terms as principal of primary and junior/ senior high schools. Dr. Gutierrez also held positions as District Principal in New York State, as well as the position of Superintendent in Potsdam, New York.

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st it was believed urvived; however, Ject two fatalities.

Supt. elected

Coaches named Albemarle High School (TPSP) In November, 1981, Charles S. Robb was elected Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia . He is the first Democrat to have held this office in twelve years. Mr. Robb, who formerly held the position of Lieutenant Go vernor, defeated republican candidate Marshall Coleman, former Attorney General of the state, in a marginal victory . Mr. Robb will seek to improve the system of education, raise the salaries of Virginia's teachers, and develop the economy of the Commonwealth . He, with the aid of Attorney General, Gerald Bahles, will also concentrate on standardizing criminal sentencing in Virginia. Mr. Robb, whose wife is the daughter of fo rmer President Lyndon Johnson, has been suspected of using the gubernatorial position as a stepping stone to the.White House; however, his plans for the Commonwealth should prove profitable . Others elected in the last November's democratic sweep were Richard Davis (Lt. Governor) and Gerald Baliles (Attorney General).

Localities talk Albemarle High School (TPSP) The annexation talks which got underway last year between the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle continued, and in November of 1981, the basis for a settlement was reached. Negotiators chose to close the meetings to the press and public, allowing them to reach a decision more quickly. The officials agreed to set aside the possibilities of annexation and to concentrate on a revenue-sharing plan, in which Albemarle County would submit a percentage of its annual revenue to the city. This agreement was the result of Charlottesville's ultimatum to take Albemarle County to court if plans were not formulated by the proposed January deadline . As of press time, the details of the plan were as yet undecided; however, officials on both sides stressed to area residents that any possible solutions would be submitted for public comment and referendum before signing.

Albemarle High School (TPSP) After the resignation of former University of Virginia head football coach Dick Bestwick, George Welsh, former head coach of Navy, will take over in leading the Cavalier football team in seasons to come. Welsh was head football coach for Navy for the past 9 years leading the Midshipment to a 55-45-1 record and taking them to 3 bowl games in the last 4 seasons. He will be the 37th head coach in Cavalier history . The 47-year old Welsh is a native of Coalsdale, Penn. and has been a member of the Navy since he was 17 years old. U. Va. wasn't the only team which had a change in its coaching staff. Albemarle's former head football coach, Bob Rimmer, resigned and will be replaced next season by World Geography teacher and lacrosse coach Brian Grainer . Grainer has been the offensive line coach for the Varsity team . Rimmer has been the head coach for the Patriots for the past 5 years . He stated that he resigned from the position because he needed a rest from football.




''David W. Gibson'' leads 49ers to Super Bowl XVI win Albemarle High School (TPSP) On a cold January 24 in Pontiac Michigan, the Cincinnati Bengals and the San Francisco 49ers met inside the Silverdome to take part in Super Bowl XVI. The 49ers' head coach, Bill Walsh, (formerly of the Bengals) inspired his team to a 26-20 vic. tory over Cincinnati in San Francisco's first appearance in a Super Bowl. Quarterback Joe Montana (nicknamed David W. Gibson through a contest by an entrant who felt Joe needed a "real name." Montana liked it and has since used the name over his locker.) displayed his athletic skills and football knowledge as he led the team to victory. Both teams were considered to be longshots as Super Bowl participants early in the season; however, neither one disappointed the game's viewers.

Wimbledom champ upset Albemarle High School (TPSP) Once again, American John McEnroe and Swede Bjorn Borg met in Centre Court in Wimbledon, England during the summer of 1981. Millions of viewers watched to see the heated rematch between the 路 "Iceman" of Sweden and the outspoken Mr. McEnroe. After 4 sets of tennis, John McEnroe defeated Borg, stopping Bjorn's five consecutive year winning streak and keeping him from surpassing the record holder for consecutive wins. (He is currently tied with the leader.) McEnroe's win was not without hardships. After several calls with which McEnroe disagreed, his snide remarks and candid comments to the officials cost him thousands of dollars in fines .

164 Environment

Baseball "strikes" out Albemarle High School (TPSP) The word "strike" took on a new meaning in baseball this year. Because of a dispute over the free agent trade policy, the ballparks were idle from June until August. When the season finally resumed, there was much confusion over the playoff format. The controversy was resolved and the long awaited World Series took place in October. The participants in the 1981 World Series were rivals, the Los Angeles Dodgers and the New York Yankess. With the guidance of coach Tom LaSorda and the athletic prowess of players Steve Garvey, Ron Cey, Steve Yager, and rookie Fernando Valenzuela, the Dodgers earned the title of champs, defeating the Yankees in 6 games.

Wahoos ranked agazn

ball ,, out (TPSP)'k on a new mean. Because of a dist trade policy, the m June until Aufinally resumed, ion over the playersy was resolved ,Y orld Series took the 1981 World ~os Angeles DodYankess . With the LaSorda and the ers Steve Garvey, nd rookie Fernansers earned the ti; the Yankees in 6

Albemarle High School (TPSP) The season was over. The 1981 Virginia Cavaliers had gone to the NCAA Final Four in Philadelphia and ended the year ranked third in the nation. But the loss to North Carolina in the Semi-Finals was not the primary worry of Virginia fans - it was the loss of "The Ballard Connection." Seniors Jeff Lamp, Lee Raker and Terry Gates (all of Ballard High School in Louisville, Ky.) made up a fundamental part of U. Va. ' s nationally ranked team and their leaving should certainly have hindered the 1982 team's performance. However , the Cavaliers emerged once again as one of the nation's finest teams, ranking consistently among the top three . The team efforts of Ralph Sampson, who turned down an impressive professional offer to remain at U.Va.; Jeff Jones, the team's captain and only senior; junior Craig Robinson; sophomores Othell Wilson and Ricky Stokes; and new recruits Jim Miller and Tim Mullen made the Cavaliers the only Division I team to have earned twenty victories by the end of January . The Wahoos are expected to equal or better last season's feats even without the three of Kentucky . What happened to them? Jeff Lamp, who broke the record for the most points scored by an individual in his career with 2,317 points and who received the honor of being the last to wear the now-retired #3 at U.Va ., went to Portland, Oregon to play professional basketball for the Trailblazers. Lee Raker, was recruited by the San Diego Clippers but was cut from the team, and Terry Gates returned to Virginia as a graduate assistant coach after injuries kept him from pursuing basketball in Scotland.



Results of the AHS Student Survey

Most Popular Style of Clothing Jeans Prep Izods; oxfords khakis; cords docksides; ducks add-a-beads Knickers Jean Jackets Clothing throughout the nation was on a prep wave as it was for Albemarle's students. Basically they both ranked the same styles and articles of clothing as the "Most Popular" .

Albemarle and the Nation were comparatively close when polling for the popular singers and groups. Foreigner, Rick James, and Journey were big on both polls, but the Nation ranked Stevie Nicks and Hall & Oates higher than did Albemarle .

Most Popular Songs Start Me Up- The Ro1,Stones ~RiÂŤre~lr.i~iiilim~ Urgent- Foreigner Destroyer - The Kinks Endless Love - D. Ross and L. Richie Let's Groove - Earth, Wind and Fire The Nation and Albemarle did not agree on the most popular songs. The Nation ranked them as Bette Davis Eyes, Endless Love, and 9 to 5.

Most Popular Movies Raiders of the Lost Ark Modern Problems Sharkey's Machine Halloween II Neighbors The Nation and Albemarle agreed on the No. 1 movie - Raiders of the Lost Ark, however, the second and third choices differed . The Nation ranked Taps and Reds as their next choices.

166 Environment

Most Popular Singing Group or Singers Rolling Stones AC/DC Foreigner

~ Led Zeppelin

Most Popular TV Shows M*A*S*H Dallas Magnum PI Hill Street Blues General Hospital M*A*S*H has consistently ranked No.1 with Albemarle, but the Nation continually ranked it somewhere in the top 10. 60 Minutes ranked no. 1 with the Nation, a movie of the week ranked highly on the national poll, and Magnum PI was usually right up in the top ten as well. Most Popular Fads Rubik' s Cube Boots Punk Rock Knickers Jean Jackets Fads in the nation and at Albemarle both centered around the Rubik ' s cube. However, nationally, the Sony Walkman and electronic video games ranked higher on the polls than they did in the Albemarle area.

Fads: games and cubes

'V Shows H

PI Blues •spital mtly ranked No. 1 Nation continual~ in the top 10. 60 vith the Nation, a <ed highly on the urn PI was u sually as well . t

Albemarle High School (TPSP) Who started the Rubik cube craze? Erno Rubik, an Hungarian architect, was the inventor of that colorful cube that could be seen in the hands of many classmates. Rubik designed the cube to help his students develop an understanding of spatial relations, as well as for his own pleasure. Many contests have been held to find the world's fastest "Cube solver" and the current record holder is a teenager who solves the mind-boggling puzzle in under ten seconds. Several books have been published giving possible solutions to the puzzle for the person who does not have the time, energy, talent, or patience to solve the multicolored cube. The fad was not only an American craze, but was also a worldwide pastime as well. Another craze sweeping the nation this year was the ever-increasing popularity of video games . These quarter-eating machines filled gamerooms and 7-ll's, engrossing young and old alike. Among the more popular games were "Space Invaders", "Pac-Man", "Asteroids", and "Defender". Video games for the home TV set were a popular family Christmas gift and provided an alternative to the smoke-filled

r Fads ube

ck ·s

ets at Albemarle both ~ Rubik 's cub e. te Sony Walkman nes ranked higher :i in the Albemarle




Albemarle offered more than 40 clubs to the students this year. These clubs gave students an opportunity to get involved during school and also after school. They met for an hour on the second Wednesday of each month . There were clubs to fit almost any interest. Some students were involved in several clubs. This variety included areas related to publications, curriculum, the performing arts, sports, and politics. Three groups were involved with the publication of student literary en-

168 Club Divider

deavors . These organizations worked hard to turn out a yearbook, a school newspaper and a magazine. Cocurricular clubs and organizations ranged from those which were job related to the foreign language clubs. There were at least nine of these to choose from. Athletic clubs were among the more popular clubs at AHS. Students could increase their knowledge about these sports. Some groups prepared and performed concerts, plays, and shows - all involving much preparation time.

Many students showed great enthusiasm by getting involved in politics this year. AHS provided three clubs for these students to get a better understanding of the political world. Many other clubs and organizations were offered at AHS. These included some which honored students of high academic standing, others which helped students and/or teachers, and those which enhanced skills in a particular area. Involvement in clubs often proved to be very beneficial to members.



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Club Divider 169


1. Student Life editor, Tricia Thraves writes copy for her section. 2. Peer Editors-in-Chief, Lani Hoza and Jean Barnett, study and correct proofs of the color section. 3. Senior editor, Beth Johnson, types senior statistics. 4. Peer typist, Sharon Dowell, relaxes after typing all the club identifications. 5. Ms. Critzer, Cathy Cain, and Paula Daugherty discuss plans for the club section.

5 170 Peer

Peer continues tradition To continue tradition, the Peer staff has again worked very hard to turn out a yearbook that all students will enjoy. The first major step was for the staff to decide on a theme and cover for the yearbook. From then on there were pictures to be taken and developed, copy to be written and typed, layouts to be drawn and deadlines to be met. With all of this, the staff rushed everywhich-way trying to get its work done and turned in. The staff would also like very much to thank Mrs. Stanley, Ms. Critzer and Mr. Ergler for all their help and patience in producing a memorable yearbook. 2


1. Peer Section Editors, front row: Cheryl Leake, Academics; Beth Johnson, Seniors; Maria Miller, Photography; Scott Price, Photography; Tricia Thraves , Student Life . Secona row: Paula Daugherty, Clubs; Pam Mandell, Underclass; Courtney Roane, Sports; Ella Benner, Business; C. C. Crawford, Index. Not pictured: Tammy Barnett, Business. 2. Peer Seniors, fro nt row: Jean Barnett, Lani Hoza, Maria Miller, Ella Benner, Tricia Thraves, David Bell, Sarah Terry, Mary Loose, Deanna Morris . Second row: Courtney Roa ne, Cathy Cain, Lori Green, Paula Daugherty, Julia Ripley. Third row: Marty Brown, Mike 5

5 Clatterbuck, Brad Bowles, C. C. Crawford, Scott Price. 3. Peer Photographers, front row: Marty Brown, Maria Miller, Chris Clarke, John Gaertner. Back row: Glenn Aker, Joe David Nelms, Mr. Ergler, Scott Price. 4. Peer photographers, Maria Miller and Mike Nickelsen, examine some of the hundreds of pictures they've taken for this edition of The Peer. 5. Peer Underclassmen, front row: Alan Leffers, Julie Milkie, Cheryl Leake, Dona Pittman, Mrs. Stanley. Second row: Beth Johnson, Margaret Maxwell, Pam Mandell, Sonya Roberts, Sallie Massie, Deborah Roberts. Back row: Chris Clarke, Glenn Aker.


Peer 171

The Prism , sponsored by Ms . Eve Burr, worked hard this year to keep the student body and faculty informed about the happenings at Albemarle High School. Throughout the year the staff reported on sports events, new teachers, student achievements, and events of special interest to its readers . Sixth period every day was spent by the members of the Prism staff gathering information, combining it, and typing up the information. The Harlequin Club, sponsored by a returning teacher Rod Keller, was an organization designed to promote creative writing and publishing skills of its members. Members were also given a chance to interact with other young writers and to display their best work to the school. Activities this year included having a speaker, Chuck Vanderser- a poet and dean at U. Va. , who read to the club. The club also published a magazine, the Harlequin, which included student writing . Other speakers and publications were also planned for the club. After school meetings were held to discuss the writings of students . A magazine and club such as this were a great benefit to the students who participated and to those who shared their work.



1. Ms. Burr and Lynn Morrow discuss copy for the Prism. 2. Jon Nuechterlein pastes up the next issue of the Prism. 3. Prism, front : Earl Smith . Second row: Marie D'Elicio, Charlotte Gardner, Jon Nuechterlein, Mike Cooper, Chris Fisher, Ms. Burr. Third row: Joe David Nelms, John Gaertner, Lynn Morrow, Bob Willoughby . 4. Harlequin Club, first row: Heidi Johannesen, Debbie Edgesond, Susan Hamm, Julie Milkie, Christine Clark, Sharon Coleman , Colleen Haines. Second row: Anne Jones, Michele Horton, Tracie Harper, Terri Mead, Betsy Chalfant. Third row: Joyce Maher, Jon Nuechterlein, Carolyn Mitchell, Cathy St. John, Yvenne King. Fourth row: Mr. Keller, Anna Kretsinger, Lisa VanAden, Tracy Salyers. 5. Harlequin Club members listen to a discussion of creative writing.


Prism, Harlequin

Students recognized


The National Honor Society, sponsored by Virginia Fulcher, was established in 1921 so that outstanding high school students could be recognized as having exhibited qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Members were selected by a faculty selection committee from students who had submitted applications during their junior and senior years . On parent-teacher conference nights, members could be found serving refreshments. Throughout the y ear tutoring was offered to students who requested it. At Christmas the group bought gifts for a needy family . Other planned activities were working with AHIP and selling T-shirts to raise money to buy a gift for the school and for cultural field trips. Throughout the year, this select group of students was actively involved in helping others.



. <

3 1. Lani Hoza and Susan Anderson supervise as Kim Payne and Aliso n Dwier wo rk o n th e Na tio n al H o n o r Socie ty bulle tin b oard . 2. National Honor Society, first row: Virginia H arris, Su sa n A nd erso n , Su san M u sse1ma n , Sara Miller, Kim Payn e, Lynn Morrow, Kari Westervelt, Susan VonHerbulis, Kris Kost, Teri Smith, Caroline Kelly, Yvenne King, Annette Couch . Second row: Mike Lewis, Eileen Brezinski, DiDi Sisson , Alison Dwier, Kathy Simmonds, Christina Clark, Anne Marie Crittend on , Mich elle Horton , Suzie Dickman, Stephanie Davis . Third row: David Bell, Brad Bowles, Joe David Nelms, Robert Harris, Sarah Booth , Chris Stark, La ni Hoza, Lisa Noble, Troy Parrish, Annie Kelly, Joyce Maher. Fourth row: Greg God sey, Tom Hunter, Mike Milgraum, Allen Gleitz, Rich Gossweiler, Greg Gurley, Andy Ca rey, Joe Murray. 3. " ... and that' s a 'T' . . . " 4. Now cut that out!!!



Na tional H onor Society


Aides help teachers

The AV and Media Center aides proved to be very helpful to students, teachers and the librarians. They assisted in various areas of the library. Some helped in the magazine room, while others worked in the copy room. Then, of course, there were the aides who checked passes and worked at the circulation desk. AV aides shuttled films and projectors back and forth from the media center to the class-rooms and helped laminate teaching materials.



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2 1. AV and Media Center Aides, fi rst row: Alison Dwier, Kim Rogers, Sara Miller, Peter Thorsen .

Second row: Marc Blincoe, Eileen Brezinski, Kelvin Hawkins , Rob Brugh. Third row: Val Hughes, Renee McGruder, Owen Johnson, Peter Koort. Fourth row: Tim Beasley, Munsey Wheby, Brock Bouchard, Mary Bavis, Kath)' Wheelen, Ann Marie Crittendon. 2. What s Annette Young grinning at? 3. Greg Warren tries to look busy. 4. Kelvin Hawkins checks passes .


174 Media Center Aides

Debate brings recognition to school The Debate Team was once again coached and taught by Mr. Tim MacDonald. The team participated in many tournaments and brought more recognition to our school. One difference for the team this year was that there was a class period set aside for the members to work together. More time to work together and prepare their debates was a much appreciated benefit for this year's debate team.

6 1. Tom Hunter explains his position to Joyce Maher. 2. Allen Gleitz tries to convince Sally Hunt that their position is correct. 3. Robert Harris, Mike Milgraum, and Tom Hunter display their filing system. 4. Bill DeVan watches as Robert Harris checks his facts . 5. Mr. MacDonald appreciates his debaters' humor. 6. Heidi Holgate and Amy Nay display one of the debate team' s recently won trophies. 4


5 Debate


Career development The Future Farmers of America, sponsored by Mr. Kenton Gardner, worked hard this year to maintain its status at Albemarle. Many of the goals were based on goals similar to those of larger state organizations. The club's agricultural activities were geared toward meeting the goals and toward experience after graduation. Student interests were varied and the club strived, once again, to meet the needs of many by providing them with expert leadership . DECA attracted young people who wish to have future careers in marketing, merchandising, and management. This year the students had fund raising activities such as a bake sale, and a car wash. They also participated in a district leadership conference, a state leadership conference held in Norfolk, Va., and a career development conference held in Chicago, Ill. DECA presented awards to the students who competed in events relating to their on-the-job training this year as one of their activities . The DECA club's sponsor was Mr. D. Gardner. A new sponsor involved with the club's work this year was Ann Pond . 1. Underclassmen look on as Dwayne Ru sh, John Greene, and Kevin Gray give a d emonstration . 2. FFA , first row: Kevin Gray, Orlando Watkins, Dwayne Rush, John Green, Dale Ande rson . Second row: Junius Morris, Ja y Catlett, Frankie Butler, Jeff Henry, Kevin Hensley, Keith Herring, John Ban ten, Jeff McKamey. Third row: Jim Reese, Travis Critzer, Gook Tapscott, Dwayne Woodfolk, William Fariss, Dav1d Holsapple, William Jefferson. 3. DECA, firs t row: Debbie Mahames, Lisa Pool, Te resa DeMasters, Susan Wood, Scott Harris, Germaine Ghazarian, Laurie Jones, Ms. Pond, Mr. Gardner. Second row: Ella Sharp, Jackie Barber, Phyllis Fidler, Diane Jones, Bonni e Coleman, Step hani Giannini, Carolyn Bodrey, An tonia Young, Olivia Walls. Third row: Brenda Hager, Angela Harris, Cindy Houchens, Wes Sprouse, Blam Crickenburger, Shiela Henry, Kath y Terry, Tracci Martin, Charon Johnson. Fourth row: ancy Sugarman, Pam Farri sh, Louise Hicks, Francine Scott, Danny Trogdon, Mary Sacre, Loretta Dudley, Gloria Hoke.





is goal of clubs I


The Future Homemakers of America, sponsored by Linda Keeney and Jean Thompson, continued its tradition as an active member of its national-international association. Club members achieved their goals, creed, and motto through monthly meetings and various activities throughout the year. This year the club concentrated on investigating the problems, concerns, ana neeos of senior citizens . Listening to speakers, visiting with older people and developing activities for the oloer people encouraged club members to become further involved with the community and with the needs of people throughout the lifecycle. Membership in tli.e club was encouraged to students who wished to show that they cared about the future of others . The American Industrial Arts Student Association, AIASA, sponsored by LeRoy Smith and Jack Sperry, proVided students an opportunity to become involved in meaningful activities and experiences that prepared them to understand, contribute to, and live in a changing technical world. Their talents were displayed in the Homecoming parade with a barn style dog house on a float for which they won second prize. Christmas time found members selling items they had made to others to g1ve as presents. The annual spring fair was attended and the club participated in several contests. At the end of a year full of work, the AI.ASA club relaxed at its annual picnic. 1. Practical application is an important part of the FFA. 2. ATASA, first row: Alfen Jones, Scott Trail, Glenn Hunt. Second row: Paul DeupreY., Steven Schmidt, Cecil Thacker. Third row: William Fariss, Mr. Smith, Steve Clark, Mr. Sperry. 3. FHA , first row: Debbie Martin, Ann Walker, Tina Shiflett. Second row: Penny Ward, Kathy Rush , Karen Rush , Sandra Mongold , Lori Anderson . Third row: Valerie Gaines, Caroline Feggans, Wanda Bodrey, Bre nda Charron, Robm Fitzgerald. Fourth row: Denise Bates, Leisa Sims, Joyce Wells, Donovan Bates, John Green. Fifth row: Mrs. Keeney, Mrs. Thompson.




The FBLA, sponsored once again by Reba Sandell, Nina Thacker, Debbie Cooper, }annette Hunt, and Brenda Graves, discussed items of interest to students who plan a career in the business world. The club sponsored several fundraising activities . A long-standing and much respected organization at Albemarle, the Future Business Leaders of America encouraged other business-minded students to join their ranks. The VICA, sponsored by Zeke Fantino, continued its involvement with students interested in technical activities . Many of these students not only attended Albemarle High School, but also attended the CharlottesvilleAlbemarle Technical Education Center. The club was involved in many activities throughout the year. Students with similar interests were invited to join the club next year and learn from close work and cooperation with others.

2 1. VICA , fi rst row: Craig Burton, Joe Crickenberger, Samuel Toler, Dwayne Wood. Second row: Scotty Batten , Greg Turner, Ann Cronk, Michael Ross . Third row: Timmy Shiflett, Con nie Harris, Irene Jackson, Mr. Fa ntino. Fourth row: Dei Ornduff, Tim Neubert, Richard Robinson. 2. Tracy Moon and Sherillyn Rush wo rk with a computer printer in their data processing class. 3. FBLA , fi rst row: Terrie Starks, Chris Berry, Lisa Mundie, Tammy Fields, Miss Graves. Seco11d row: Cathy Roach , Diana Cu titta, Annette You ng, Becky Faulkner, Missy Bolling, Sherillyn Rush, Mrs. Sand ell. Th1rd row: Deborah Kidd, Donna Wood, Nell Harlow, Tracy Miller, Anne Carden. Fourth row: Gail Breeden, Regina Blackburn, Pam Anderson , Sha ro n BecK 4. FBLA members relax with refreshments during a club meeting.

Students share interests






3 1. Auto Mechanics has Rodney Hearns working hard. 2. Dona Pacaro practices her talents on a wig. 3. Practical Nursing student, Robin Stone, feigns illness for Pam Agnor to practice her bedside manner. 4. Carolyn Stuart checks Darlene Watson' s temperature. 5. Drafting captures David Chisholm's undivided attention.


5 C-A Tech Center, V1CA



-::_ ~


The French Honor Society was very active this year, enjoying an evening at the Vinegar Hill Theater, a quiche dinner at the Hardware Store Restaurant, a trip to Washington D.C. to see a production of "Le Petit Prince" and a viewing of the National Art Gallery . In addition, the Society sa ng Christmas carols at an area nursing home during the holida y season. The Society planned to help work in the Special Olympics this spring. The Spanish Honor Society invested a great deal of effort this year in raising money through bake sales. The money the Society raised was sent to sponsor a needy child, Lucio de Jesus Cespedes, of the Dominion Republic. The Society planned a field trip and dinner in the spring.

1. Spanish Honor Society, first row: Cathy Callaway, Maria Lascano , Calvert H e rrm an n, Theresa Kost. Second row: Lani Hoza, Lisa Noble, DiDi Sisson, Tricia Mendelis. Third row: Mrs. Lum, Kay Eways, Greg Gurley, Brooks Robertson. Fourth row: Mrs. Strickler, john Oliver, john Sharretts . Fifth row: Susa n Musselman, Lisa Lande!. Not pictured: Linda La uffen burge r, Laura Erk enbrack, Ca rl Mathers, Joe David Nelms, Ta mmy Barnett. 2. French Honor Society, first row: Suzie Dickman, Kathy Simmonds, Teri Smith, Kris Kos t, Louise Park, Beth Shand, Madame Lederman, Joe Murray. Second row: Eileen Brezinski, Sallie Hunt, Dawn Johannesen, Katrina Kretsinge r, Caroline Cosby, Ra nd y Bickers, Denise R ollo. Third row: Allen Gle ttz, joyce Maher, Robert Harris, Virgi ni a Harris, Aliso n Dwier, Serge Depret-G uillaume, Trey Shelton, Candy Mason. 3. The language clubs bulletin boa rd brightens up the language wing.

3 180 French, Spanish Honor Societies




Club attends conference

For years there has been a Latin Club at Albemarle. This year, however, there was a new sponsor for the club, Jeanette Rowe. Membership in the club included current and former Latin students at all grade levels . These students were involved in several types of activities. One fund raising activity was a "cleansing of the old" at a car wash. Participants also shared in a Roman-style dinner, something few people had previously had an opportunity to enjoy. The VJCL convention was held in Norfolk this year and many club members attended .


3 1. Latin Club amuses Jim Reese. 2. Latin Club, Juniors and Seniors , / 'rst row: Stewart Wright, Allen Worley. Secon row: Kris Pollard, Roboin Gibson, Dona Pittman, Julie Hoe!, Susan Holliday, Sara Miller, Miss Rowe . Third row: Carolyn Caldwell, Debra Harry, Kari Westervelt, Rebecca Garland, Allison VonHerbulis, Maria Miller, Amy Frescoln . Fourth row: Betsy Fitzgerald, Laura Erkenbrack, Jeff Dillard, Melissa ForJoines, Melissa Lamb, Sharon Coleman, Karen Silvers . Fifth row: John Oliver, Elizabeth Doyle, Lewis Prosse r, Debbie Clarke, Blaine Stackhouse, Stewart Garner. Sixth row: David Hubbard , Kenn eth Norford, Lowell Thompson, Greg Warner. 3. Latin Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, first row: April Burns, Pamela VanHoose, Joan Howard . Second row: Sanjit Das, Heather McDonald, Pam Anderson, Chet Maylon. Third row: Tore Steinberg, Billy Zeh, Ben Fordham, Ric Westervelt. Fourth row: Mike Terry, Chris Mann, Jon Wender, Shawn Redmond . Fifth row: Benjamin Eichelberger, Corporal Prenchmen , Charles Duncan, ~ee s Frescoln . 4. Are Allen Worley and Stewart Wright translating the B52's into Latin?





Latin Club 181

Trip to D.C. highlights year Once again, this year, the French Club was popular with students in all four grades. The French Club enjoyed many of its annual activities including a cheese , bread, and fruit party, Christmas caroling at local hospitals and nursing homes, and a French film at Vinegar Hill. The highlight of the year was a trip to Washington D.C. in December. Club members viewed numerous art exhibits at The Smithsonian and other art galleries, and saw a French play, "The Little Prince". This year's French club gave AHS students an opportunity to experience French culture.

1. French Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, first row: Pam Dix, Alyssa Uecker, Jennifer Braine, Gervais Cuyler, JoAnne Howard, Page Pence . Second row: Bobby Blue, Jennifer Fudala, Heather Knight, Jenriifer Dunki, Sonya Hoe!, Mrs. Shiflett. Third row: Corinne Depret-Guillaume, Michelle Gilka, Sarah Rosenblum, Mary Vermillion, George Wheeler, Brian Kennon. Fourth row: Richard Brubaker, Elizabeth Kirkland, Pam Parhn, Val Stut>ak, Noah Wood, Wendy Murphy. Fifth row: jacqueline Tucker, Young Shin An, Becky Collier, Helen Tuan, Richard Lage, Tore Stemberg. 2. French Club, Juniors and Seniors, first row: Amy Bosely, Greg Godsey, Kathy Sunmonds, Teri Smith, Kris Kost, Gennaine Ghazanon, Laurie Jones, Louis Park, Beth Shand, Allen Gleitz. Second row: Eda Elbirlik, Jeff Byers, Charles Hood, Linda Arruda, Dawn Johannesen, Katrina Kretsinger, Caroline Cosby, Randy Bickers, Madame Lederman. Third row: Pam Mandell, Tom Hunter, Virginia Harris, Susan Musselman, Serge Depret-Guillaume, Trey Shelton, Monte Pace, Sarah Drash, Mrs. Shiflett. 3. 路Sonja Hoe! and other French Club members sing Christmas carols. 4. The French Club caroling is led by Madame Lederman .


182 French Club

Activities numerous Albemarle's Spanish Club kept busy in 1981-82. Monthly meetings provided time to plan their many activities. Early in October a trip to Washington gave the Spanish club members an opportunity to see Spanish art and culture. Even Flamingo dancers were on hand to provide entertainment while club members ate lunch in a famous Spanish restaurant. At the December meeting the annual Christmas party was held with the traditional fiesta feature, the Pinata. As always the club's activities were numerous and provided the members with varied learning experiences.


3 1. Gletsa Feggans and Reba Rush enjoy Spanish Club's Christmas party. 2. A pii'lata madeoy the Spanish Club hangs in wait to be broken at the Christmas party. 3. Spanish Club, Juniors and Seniors, first row: Litsa Lambrinos, Theresa Kost, Cia vert Hermann, Maria Lasca no, Kris Bennett, Kelly Snow, Denise Senna. Second row: Lisa Morris, Dorinda Wilson, Kim Ceesato, Lani Hoza, Lisa Noble, Didi Sisson, Tricia Mendelis. Third row: Mrs. Schinasi, Mason Bryant, Greg Gurley, Brooks Robertson, Vicky Eways, Reeva Rush. Fourth row: Mrs . Strickler, Mrs . Lum, Lisa Davis, Alan Leffers, Gale Lewis, John Oliva, Angie Townsen . 4. Spanish Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, firs t row: Beth Rideout, Ruth-Ann Smith, Kimberly Grehawick, Keaton Stutz. Second row: Donna Shirley, Donna Young, Lisa Hoe!, Regina Rush. Third row: John Sharretts, Joe Ramos, Erik Bans!eben, David Palmer, Mrs. Lum . Fourth row: Julie Abbott, Maria Cavalca, Penny Jordan , Mrs. Strickler. Fifth row: Kim Seivers, Gletsa Feggans, Phil Estes, Mrs . Schinasi.

4 4

Spanish Club


Theatre arts studied The Drama Oub promoted the various aspects of theatre arts such as acting and dancing. It attempted to spend club period exposing its members to the s e aspects of theatre through films, reading of plays, and an occasional workshop. The activities participated in were a float in the Homecoming Parade, a fund raising project and selling stationery. The annual Battle of the Bands was a big activity which attracted a lot of talented musicians . Ms. Scott, a new teacher at Albemarle, sponsored the Drama Club .


1. Thespians Troupe 500, first row: Shelley Lovelace, Morgan Scherer, Cynd i Theodose, Earl Smith, Kristin Lovelace, Andrea Thomas, Mike Duggan, Laura Irwin, Leslie Crowe. Second row: Tony Graziano, Laura Kincaid, Alan Leffers, Holly Hermanson. Third row: Jeff Wright, Sarah Booth, Tracy Wilkerson, Amy Martin, Mari Tuttle, Allison Dwier, Kathy Simmonds, Kathy St. John, Pete Logan. 2. Tony Graziano and Jeff Burkhart examine the new lighting board . 3. Drama Club, first row: Lisa Pierce, Krtsten Lovelace, Alison bwier, Cindy Theodose, Tracy Wilkerson. Second row: Debbie Kemp, Sheila Bernard, Morgan Scherer, Debbie Piercall, Shelley Lovelace, Earl Smith, Hollis Herma nson, Mike Duggan, Laura Irwin, Leslie Crowe, Beth Ely. Thircl row: David Burch, David Williams, Cathy Varner, Laura Kincaid, Sarah Booth, Amy Martin, Mari Tuttle, Ann Mongold, Jeanette Morley, Marie Winters, Stacey Lewis. Fourth row: Tony Graziano, David Kirtley, Mike Clarke, Mike Hasenstab , Missy Dobb s, Jeff Wrig ht, Jill Anthony, Chris Stark, Denise Holfo, Pete Logan, Kathy McKinnon, Jennifer Scopelliti, Anarea Thomas, Tiki Murray. 4. Members of th e Mime Troupe prepare a routine .


Drama Club, Thespians, Mime

3 1. Fashion Square Mall shoppers enjoy Mime antics of SylVIa Kuzman and Kathy S1mmonds. 2. Jeff Wright tries out the new eqwpment in the balcony while taping the band concert. 3. While painting their faces, Kathy Simmonds and Sylvia Kuzman discuss the upcoming performance. 4. Workmen hurry to fin.ish the remodeling of the stage .



Drama Club, Thespians, Mime


The Music Appreciation Club, formed in the fall of 1981, had a membership of about ten interested students, one faculty participant, and the club sponsor, Mr. Jim Estes . The club normally met after school on alternate Thursday afternoons. Participants enjoyed listening to programs of music from the baroque, classical, romantic, and modern eras. Other club activities included the exchange of information about up-coming concerts . Discussions were also held about concerts which the members had attended. The club encouraged other students and faculty members who enjoy listening to good music to join their ranks and looked forward to an even better second year. Members of the Mass Media Class produced a radio show, which was aired once a month on 3WV. It was heard on Sunday mornings starting at 9 a.m. for one-half hour. After school they taped the shows which included a variety of interests. Some of the features were movie reviews, top five countdown of favorite songs, and stories that affect students at AHS. This proved to be an enjoyable and a learning experience.

Music enjoyed by clubs ,..----

4 1. Music Appreciation Club, front row: . Ronda

Wingfield, Heidi Holgate, E(izabeth Kirkland, Tanya Patten. Second row: Mrs. Finley, Helen Juan, Tiki Murray, Joe Ramos . Third row: Lou D'Elico, Mr. Estes. 2. Brian Mundy studies the radio equipment at 3WV. 3. D.]. Sara Chandler is on the air. 4. Radio Show, front row: Bob Wil loughby, C. C. Crawford, April Steppe, Stephanie Poindexter, Anne Jones. Secona row: Katl1erine Delis, Joann Horan, Jackie Fiedler. Third row: Tammy Mallory, Robert Chapman, Sara Chandler, Buddy Smith, Wilbert Brassfield. Fourth row: Scott Pullen, Brian Mundy, Mark Milleson, Wendell Carr, Leo Prosser, Mark Chaney. 5. Leo Prosser reads from his script at a recording session at 3WV. 6. Ann Gotham uses the tape recorder to record the monthl y AHS radio program. 5 186

Music Appreciation Club, Radio Show


Choirs work together

Under the new direction of Mrs. Gerda Bansleben, Albemarle' s choral department had another successful year. During the Christmas season the concert choir gave a program at Cedar's Nursing Home and later combined with the Women's Chorus to perform the annual Christmas concert. Spring Madness saw both choirs working together to present a light show of popular music with a New York theme. The formal Spring concert, involving more serious music, was also a success. Throughout the year the Concert choir was fortunate to be widely represented on both the regional and state choir levels .





3 1. The choir is the first group to entertain the students in the new auditorium . 2. Sarah Collie sings enthusiastically with the rest of the choir at the Christmas assembly. 3. Women's Chorus; Donna Young, Carla Mills, Stacey Lewis, Anne Gotham , Sheila Bernard , Patricia Wetzel , Caroly n Bodrey, Terilynne Wright, Jennifer Dunke, Cheryl Smith, Gervaise Cuyler, Bonnie Stokes, Stefani Somers, Maria Cowgill, Tamara McCaule y, Virginia Helfenstein . 4. Concert Choir, fro nt row: Mari Tuttle, Laura Kincaid , Gletsa Feggans, Jacqueline Fiedler, Toni Young, Christina Clark, Sonja Hoe!, Susan DelPrete, Elizabeth Chalfant. Second row: Julia Rucker, Beth Pinto, Kimberly Sievers, Christina Beegle, Maureen McGrory, Shannon Taylor, Elizabeth Sisson, Ashley Oark, Sarah Collie. Third row: Kim Shreve, Virginia Brason, Carol McHaney, Rebecca Frederick, Catherine Erickson, Charles Bunn, Patricia Mendelis, Cyndie Mason, Nancy Sadler, Gerda Bansleben (choir director) . Fourth row: Leslie Crowe, Sheri Jachetta, Cathy St . John, Missy Dobbs, Annette Couch, Monique Loftin, Donna Fletcher, Mary Reese, Charles Hood, Suzie Dickman, Susan Anderson. Fifth row: Clinton Johnson, Steven Phillips, Ste(an Trefil, Kavansa Gardner, Mike Parker, Pete Logan, Earl Wright, Ernest Johnson, Phinney Sm1th, Tracy Crickenberger, James Hayes.




The 1981-82 year was another great year for the Albemarle High School band department. The department seemed to grow stronger under the continued leadership of Sonny Sampson. Its various programs ranged from the symphonic band, which played classical music, to the stage band which played jazz and rock music. Mr. Sampson's hard work inspired his students. With the support of both faculty and students, the bands were considered to be among the most respected in the state of Virginia. The Symphonic Band was a large group of talented students that practiced on a daily basis throughout the year. The repertoire consisted of music from many eras. A large part of the music was classical, but the band played popular music as well. This year's Symphonic Band was one of the largest in several years. This large group participated in the District V Band Festival and was judged on its musical performance. The musicians of this group worked hard to represent their school well. The Stage Band, a fairly new addition to the band department, was formed two years ago. They played a wide range of music from the Big Band era of the '30's and '40's right on up to the rock music of today. This class not only gave students a chance to play as a group, but it also emphasized solo work and improvisation. The community also had a chance to enjoy the Stage Band when it performed at various activities such as the United Way fund drive kick-off banquet.

Band respected in state



1. Soloist Allen Worley plays for the stage band.

2. Symphonic Ill performs at the Christmas concert. 3. Warming up her flute takes complete concentration from Cathy Heath . 4. Symphonic III Percussion: Andrew Valente, Billy Zeh, Eric VonAchen, George Wheeler, Monty Python, Chris Clarke, DaVId Graham. 5. Stage Band, front row: Mr. Sampson, Scotty Brewer, Allen Worley, Pete Logan, Nicole Farr. Second row: Pete Anderson, Tracy Wilkenson, jimmy Walker. Third row: Chuck Hood, Ricky Reed, Fred VanHoose, Elliot Kelly, Scott Willoughby, Tim Beasley, Chris Stark, Troy Woodson, Mike Hall, Winston Edmonds. 6. Symphonic Ill Brass, front row: Andy Henderson, Jay Wyatt, Donna Jacobson, Pete Anderson, Robbie Tharp, Mike Dixon, Teresa Kost, Greg Godsey, Tom Hunter, Lou D'Elicio, Ken Edwards, Louis Prosser. Second row: Rob e rt Gossweiler, Doug Ross , Brian Richie, Mark Thomason, Susan Rosson, Vernon Worley, Tim Beasley, Troy Woodson, Greg Bishop, Steve Manzano, Debbie Clark, Candy Mason, Albert Steppe, Althea Boling. 3

188 Bands


" (




1. As the stage band listens, Mr. Sampson gives them some helpful hints. 2. Pete Logan flips his switches for the band from the new balcony. 3. Symplwnic lii Woodwinds, front row: Yvenne King, Anne Dinwiddie, Caroline Kelly, Lisa Lande1, Melissa Forloines, Carmel Sweeney, Denea Gorman, Maria Sweeney, Raleigh Minor, Becky Reed, Jean McGowan, Randi Low, Heather McDonald . Second row: Lori Ann Burner, Julie May, Christina Clark, Susan Musselman, Kathy Tessack, Pam Partin, Val Stupak, Heidi Blackburn, Dorothy Chartress, Maria Chivily, Margaret DeVan, Katherine Burch, Lisa VonAchen, Ethel Glasgow, Patty McGetrick, Kathy Heath, Mary Lomse Stong. Third row: Charles Hood, Marie D'Elicio, Charlotte Gardner, Michelle Brown, Scotty Brewer, Marie Lascano, Pete Logan, Louise Park, Paul Chartress, Matt Pace, David Palmer, Lisa Simms, Orlando Watkins, Richard Dorman , Courtne y Roane , Miss y Dobbs. Fourth row: Yvonne Gorman, Donna Fletcher, Kathy Dixon, Andy Dixon, Gina Arbageddon, Chris Tessack, Nancy Porritt, Keith l'amplin, Mitch Hall, Rebecca Rosenblum , Earl Wrignt, Susan Bryant, Teri Smith, Anne Newlon, JoAnn Horan, Sarah Booth, Allen Gleitz, Paige Grinde, John Cox, Margaret Hunt, Sharon Coleman . 4. Symphonic II Band, front row: Paula Hood , Kim Morley, Sheri Lawhorne, Wendy Price, Mara McDormett, Katherine James, Kelly Mays, Kendall Jones, Erin Lewelry, Donna Shirley, Elizabeth Pence, Aime Smith, Patricia Wetsel Second row: Donna Pipin, Vickie Kost, Amy Bithell, Lisa Batten, Mary Florence, Paul Reynolds , Michelle Campbell, Missy Saylor, Lisa Hackley, Kevin Sanders, Joey Lascano, Hugh Martin, Miriam Hirsch, Richard Harrington, David Bishop. Third row: Joel Weaver, Brian Wagner, Sean Redman, Mark Martin, Sam Knight, Jay Hearnes, Tony Lascano, Don Bryce, Patrick lachetta, Jamie Zogel, Carl Benedictus, Jack Armsted , Greer Gould , Piper Wilson. Fourth row: Arthur Brown, Lokie Johnson, Tim Batten, Kenny Wheeler. Fifth row: Jeff Wright, Derek Robinson, Allan Burnley, Larry Henderson, Danny Rewley, Paula Vest.





Skills, techniques The Art Club, sponsored by Waldo Johnson, planned many ambitious activities this year ranging from field trips to an artists' costume ball. The field trips planned included trips to The National Art Gallery, the Hirshhorn, the Smithsonian, the Phillips, and possibly the Virginia Museum and the Bayley. Another project that the club undertook this year was an Alumni Exhibit in the Media Center during the month of March. Former Albemarle students from as far away as California, New York, Minnesota, Canada, Mexico, and Louisiana participated . Others who lived more locally also contributed. Yet another new endeavor for the group was an artists' costume ball with emphasis on creative costumes which were classical, comical, or arabesque . Members hoped to make this an annual event at Albemarle. The Art Club activites both enriched the members and entertained the nonmembers. Once again this year during club period students could be found, under the leadership of Dan Monahan, sharing in the fantasy board game of Dungeons and Dragons . Using their imaginations to slip into the past, members of this club practiced their skills during each club period to defeat their opponents . Skill, however, was not the only factor involved in winning. Luck also played a major role . The lucky and the skillful looked forward to an opportunity every month to play Dungeons and Dragons . 1. Art Club president Diana Vande rloo discusses upcoming events with club members. 2. Dungeons and Dragons, first row: Pete Thorsen, Ashley Colvin . Second row: Scott Robe rts , Charles Leecies. Third row:Joe Senich, Mike Gill. Fourth row: Stephen Trefil, Carl Mathews. Fifth row: Fred VanHoose, Rick Villwock. 3. Art Club, first row: Ollie Herring, Ronnie Forsberg, Mike Lewis, Susan Diesen, Mitch Barke r, Da w n Beale. Second row: Diana Vanderloo, Sara Collie, Amy Nay, Page West, Kim Gilka, Susan Baver, Earl Smith, Elizabeth Doyle, Eric Lutz, George Marski, Andy Hucek. Third row: Andrea Thomas, Mr . John so n , Juli e Palm er, Warren Beck, Ra ymond McDaniel, Auburn Mann, Roge r Banks , Core y Raines, Joe Robbins. 4. Pam Anderson prepared a sign to direct folks to the Christmas art show. 5. fd eas for projects come from lots of sources .


4 190 Art, Dungeons and Dragons Clubs

#~ . ~ 4

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developed by clubs

The Photography Club, sponsored by Mr. Cunningham, teaches the fundamental mechanics involved in taking a good picture. Club members were also introduced to the techniques of printing and developing by the use of basic darkroom equipment. Some of the better photographers even had the chance to enter an outstanding picture in a local contest. The Chess Club, sponsored by Robert Macdonald, was a club that attracted students who were interested in competing against others. During each meeting members played chess. At the end the top five players were ranked. These five entered a tournament. The winners continued to play in the following tournaments. The members also tried to create different ways of playing the game by making up their own rules and using varied game boards.




3 1. Chess Club members use club period to develop their skills. 2. Mr. Cunningham instructs

Photography Club members in basic photographic techniques. 3. Photography Club, first row: Mary Butler, Mary Leigh Layne, Lady Cornog, Caroline Kelly, Vrrginia Lamb, Tom Thacker. Second row: John Gaertner, Bridgett Brown, Mary Florence, Janice Cole, Amy Bithell, Kandi Kerns, Mary Loose. Third row: Brian Hackett, Breck Bouchard, Charles Bunn, Ricardo Nunez, Mr. Cunningham . 4. Chess Club, first row: Nick DeJohn, Jim Satira, Charles Cope, Bill Zeh, Mike Dixon, David Ramsden. Secona row: Tim McEldowney, Leo Prosser, Andy Carey, Bill Fields, Mike Richardson. Third row: Kirk Jansen, Anna Kretsinger, Mike Love, Joe Murray. Fourth row: David Foss, Pete Anderson, Rich Gossweiler, John Tuttle, Vernon Worley. 5. Joe Murray and Rich Gossweiler offer advice to unsuspecting friends .



5 Photography, Chess Clubs






Club is rewarding


The Advocate Club was one of the more rewarding clubs at AHS. Both the advocates and the proteges experienced a special feeling. The advocates enjoyed their work with their special friends while the proteges delighted in having friends who really cared . The club planned many parties and activities, all of which were a unique and challenging experience. The relationships formed among the advocates and the proteges were special ones which will always be remembered.

1. The Advocate Club enjoys their Christmas party. 2. AdVOCllte Club, first raw: Glenda Shifflett, Steve Perkins , Steve Manzano, Jim Hearne, Lorry Green, Paula Daugherty, John Rogan, Kim Witcher, Anne Baker, Jimmy Haverkamp, Pam Lamb, Angie O'dell, Steve Milks. Second row: Leif Riddervold, Darlene Jordan, Angela Lucas, Tamara McCauley, Renee Magruder, Amy Brown, Nancy Saddler, Sheri fachetta, Deedee Helfenstein, Lisa Meadows, Karen Smith, AnneMarie Crittendon . Third row: Diane Artale, Jeannie Boatwright, Beth Boatwright, Annette Couch, Heidi Holgate, Staci Shafer, Steve Madison, Wesley Sprouse, Mrs . Sharkey. Fourth row: Linda Lauffenberger, Candy Mason, Tim Shinaberry, Ka y Eways, Cyndie Mason, Lisa Hoe!, Roland Madison, Denea Gorman, Mrs. Robinson, April Steppe. Fifth row: Louis Prosser, Mark Norford, Laura Erkenbrack, Joe Hamner, Keith Smith, Anne Dinwiddie, Chrystal Turner, Lisa Lande!, Janice Linkous. Sixth row: Mrs. Keyser, Mr. Bannister. 3. " ... and, Laura, it was this big ... " 4. Heidi Holgate reads a card to the members of the advocate club.



192 Advocate Club



Fellowship is goal of clubs 3:Fr:o;;;::: ~

~ ~

FCA is a fairly new club for Albemarle students. Most members participate in sports, yet other Christians have joined " On Club Day". The time is spent discussing how Christianity is related to athletics . Not only are discussions held, but movies and speakers play an important role. The main involvement is spent outside of school in huddle groups . These groups take place in individuals' homes one night during the week. These groups are more in depth discus sions for the more serious Christian athletes. The club also participates in U.Va .'s FCA meetings and in the annual FCA "Day of Athletes". The club is an official member of the national Fellowship of Christian Athletes-Association. The Christian Fellowship Club , sponsored by Flo Ward, was a group of young people from different religious backgrounds who met to share their Christian feeling s with one another. Three times a week the group shared in a Fellowship Prayer. Not only did they share with one another, but at Thanksgiving and Easter, food baskets were shared with needy families. At Thanksgiving the participants also gathered for a pot-luck dinner. Christmas time found the members again sharing dinner and listening to a speaker. Later in the year parents were invited to attend a dinner with the club members . With fellowship as its main goal, the Christian Fellowship Club joined together for many activities this year.


1. Fellowship of Chris tian Athletes Club, fi rst row: David Bell, Kerri Borchardt, Beth Brow n, Mr. Johnson . Second row: Bob Willo ughby, Steve Carter, Shawn McMullen, John Nowell, Lisa Smith, Stacey Clark, Melinda Stargell, Troy Fisher. Th ird row: John Blake, Hunter Wingate, Sonya Roberts, Debra Roberts, Katie Granger, Tamie Spradlin, Mica] Kupke, Tina Masfyk, Hyon Yu, Laurie Johnson . Fourth row: Greg Bodenhemer, Brad Bowles, Kim Rogers, Tracey Love, Lisa Labruno, Bill Prillaman, Co nnie Roberts, Tina Roberts, Winston Edmonds. Fifth row: Cliff Hamner, Sandy Wintermute, Maria Cowgill, Brenda Cowgill, Doug Perkins. Sixth row: Bruce Martin, Scott Law rence, Mary Maslyk, Donnie Bickley, Faw n McAllister, Susa n Lewis, Paula Inscoe, Mauree n Bree n, Ma ry Cockerille, Jimmy Morris. Seven th row: Jackie Masloff, Peter Salters, Terry Ly nch, Tommy Oliver, Barry Davis, Greg Warren, Randy Mundy. 2. Christian Fellowship club members engage in thou ghtful disc ussions during club period . 3. Christian Fellowship Clu b, first row: Lynne Gray, Penny Farmer, Mrs. Ward, Tina Hendricks, Wanda Collier. Second row: Julie Rucker, Hyun Soak Park, Theresa Thacker, Marsha Graves. Third row: Patricia McGetrick, Jerry Moo re , Shaw n Arn old, Steve Corbin . Fourth row: Greg Bishop, Mike Hartman. 4. FCA member Kerri Borchardt shows her skill on the tennis court .




FCA, Christian Fellow ship Clubs


Varia us needs Mr. Bill Schultz introduced a new

met by

club to Albemarle this year. The Astronomy and Rocket Club was introduced to meet the interests of students . The club offered its members skills in rocketry. They learned how to operate and test them. The club was a learning club with members learning also how to build a workable robot. Other club plans were test firing rockets and entry into a regional competition. Once again the needs of students were met by the formation of a new club. The Ecology Club, sponsored by Dick Ergler, was formed to foster in its members a sensitivity to environmental issues and an awareness of the necessity of living in harmony with the natural environment. In order to meet this goal, club members have viewed films on such topics as energy and endangered species. To further encourage the appreciation of nature, hiking trips to such places as Hump Back Rocks were taken. Another planned activity was listening to a speaker from the Sierra Club. The topic of the speech was solar energy. The increasing dangers to our environment provided many topics of discussion for the Ecology Club. 1. Skills lea rn ed in Weightlifting Club help James Harris and Barry O'Neil in the weight room . 2. Astronomy and Rocket Club, fro nt row: Pete Koort, Mike Volpentest. Second row: Christy Coles, Tony Adcock. Third row: Eric Fromer, Tim Callahan, Mr. Schultz. 3. The members of the Astronomy and Rocket Club look like they are having fun. 4. and 5. Members of the Ecology Club pose for a picture both befo re and after their c1imb to the top of Hump Back Rocks on a foggy day. 6. Riding Club, Jzrst row: Michelle Steed, Jarita Ha gar, Robert Te rry, Christina Beegle, Madeline Pattersen . Second row: Na ncy Porri tt, Vanessa Kaitrnan, Holly Lawson, Mary Lyng, ancy Cutchen, icole Pharr, Shawn Hauck, Ste fanie Summers, Cari Anderson, Leigh Ann Britten, Brenda Hicks, T. Marshall, JoJo Clements. Third row: Kelly Walker, Peter Blikslager, Eli zabeth Doyle, Tina Wheeler, Sa ndra Perkins, Jane Cobb, Maria Helwig, Lynn Mueller, Susa n Gibson, Lynnley John son , Dorinda Wilson . Fourth row: Miss Wells, Mary Cockerille, Judy Bakel, Debbie Moore, Lisa Coleman, Wend y Miller, Desiree Lindsay, Gloria Hoke, Shannon Taylor, Na talie Ha rri s, Ja n Badoud, Li a Graves, Cathy Hea th . 7. Ecology Club, first row: Julius Ridd ervold, Arnold Murdock, Lisa Dewey, Donna Jacobson, Becky Fredrick, Ka ty Teates. Second rcnv: Knut Heimer, Rob Breiham, Rob Harper, Ken Murra y, Anne Kretsigner, Susan Muscleman, Robert Harris. Th ird row: Rebecca Ga rland , Susa n Holliday, Kari Westervelt, Greg Gurley, Susa n VonHerbulis. Fourth row: Tom Hunter, Andy Ca rey, Mr. Ergler. 8. Weightlifting Club, first row: Shannon Smith , Steve Ivory, Hunte r Wingate, Tracy McCauley. Second row: Kevin Rush , James Rush , Michael Dillard, Robert Chap man. Third row: Mark Blincoe, John Barmore, Harvey Simpson, Mike Parker. Fourth row: Billy Morrow, Lindsay Winston, Arthur Brow n, Mike Alley, Coach Verbanic.



Riding, Ecology, Weightlifting, Astronomy and Rocket Clubs




met by clubs t:::CSC:$ 1t. tgq PC @L


The Riding Club, sponsored by Ms. Wells, has over sixty members. They meet during club period to discuss past and future events in the local horse world. Recognition is given to the members who have done well in competition or horseback. The club has gone several times to Foxfield stables for rides and instruction. They plan their third annual horse show at Farmington this spring. Many of the students have their own horses. They ride in shows, hunt, and some even ride in rodeos . The club attempts to cater to the needs of many different equestrian enthusiasts. The Weightlifting Club, sponsored by Tom Verbanic- a new teacher at Albemarle, was designed to help its members understand physical fitnes s and how to strengthen their bodies. The club not only met during regular club period, but they also met three times a week to lift weights . In order to have a more informed group, speakers were also invited. The strength coach from the University of Virginia spoke to the group. Another member of the community who spoke to the group was the president of the Charlottesville Powerlifting Club . Information and practical application were the main goals of the Weightlifting Club.


Riding, Ecology, Weightlifting Clubs




Self-defense is not only another form of fighting but also a sport. John Kitterman is the sponsor of Albemarle's Self-Defense Club, a club which deals with different forms of exercises and fighting structures. The club also has demonstrations for people who are interested in Karate or Judo. David Cohen is a first degree Black Belt in Tae Kuvon Do, a form of Japanese art from Korea. Debbie Moore will be earning her Balck Belt in the summer. Self-defense is also paper work. Exams must be taken to advance in Belts. The Lacrosse Club, sponsored by coach Brian Grainer, was one of the most popular clubs at AHS. Members participated in the annual Homecoming parade by riding a float and tossing bubble gum with their Lacrosse sticks. Other planned activities throughout the year were the sale of Lacrosse Tshirts and lacrosse hats. 1. Lacrosse Club, Juniors and Seniors , first row: Marlina Gurley, Kristin Donato, Maria Sweeney, Stephani Giannini, Bonnie Coleman, Sonya Roberts , Hugh Ewing, Joe Vidunas, Doug Hogg, Maria Mimix, Karen Branham . Secona row: Monique Loftin, Dan Houghton, David Shipp, Lynn Morrow, Melanie l3rown, Suzi Chrystal, jennifer Gannon, Reva Rush, Melanie Johnson, Sarah Terry, Kim Rath. Third row: Jerry Gentry, Mark Millison, Carter Thomas, Melanie Godsey, Laura ErkenBrack, Paul Dalripple, Ed Bowman, Greg Warner, David Wagoner, Scotty Brewer. Fourtli row: Thomas CrutChfield, Chip Kirtley, John McGetrick, Tim Ward, Paul Avery, Joe Ulery, David Wagoner. Fifth row: Mike Clatterbuck, Jeff Rogers , Bruce Bratton, Jimmy Arbraugh, Laura lrwing, Hunter Wingate, Eric Sa bastion, Bruce Ma\1\)'er. 2. Lacrosse CTub, Freshmen and Sophomores, prst row: Sandra Sprouse, Sarah Avery, Amy Fitzgerald, Susan Edmondson, Dana Summers, Tina Caldwell, Kelley Gerbert, Jeanie Wheby, Sheri Lawhorn, Louise Finger. Second row: Helen Crutchfield, Kedra Morris, Steve Demasters, Jan Beasley, Amy Granger, Val Davis, Pat Craver, Kim Evans, Paige Bramham, Lenore Milhoan, Libby Moore, Sharon Falls, Andrea Bryant. Third row: Kelly Mays, Richard Harrington, Todd Hawkins,- Stacey McCann, Jeannie Vining, Erin Lewicki, Carpal Frenchman, Bon Worley Jr., Jerry Garcia, Kafhy Vidunas, Tim Jones. Fourth row: Karen Lauffenburger, Miriam Hirsch, Lisa Hoe!, Tina Sexton, Janue Zobel, Kathy Caldwell, Glenn Wayland, Richard Smith, Sam Warner, Tiger May, Chris Milleson, Mike Hammond, Jonathan Wmgfield, Barry O'Neall. Fifth row: Perry Robin son, Dan Fawley, David Jones, Greg O'Brien, Rob Rosse, Mike Ingalls, Mark Thomasson , Tore Steinberg. 3. Self-Defense Club, first row: Gletsa Feggans, Sherri Burling, Rhonda Tooley, Tracy Roberson. Second row: Angela Lucas, Debbie Moore, Carrie Crawford, Darfene Jones, Regina Johnson , April Johnson . Third row: Wayne Scrimshaw, Afbie Butler, Jon Wender, DaVId Cohen, John Oliver, Derek Johnson . Fourth row: Patricia McGetrick, Rud y Chapman , Shawn Hughes , Leise Hackley.



3 196 Lacrosse, Self-Defense Clubs

unite ell

Jithletic interests

unite club members


The Ski Club, sponsored by John Kitterman and Randi Massey, was once again one of the most popular clubs at Albemarle . Club members looked forward to winter and trips to ski resorts . This year they visited the South's biggest resort, Snow Shoe in West Virginia. Extremely cold weather put a damper on the club's trip. Cars wouldn't start and the skiers were unable to enjoy their trip as much as expected. There was one good thing about the trip, however. Due to being stranded, the participants missed one day of school. The Volleyball Club,-Sponsored by Ms. Neilson, is a club open to all students interested in power volleyball. Each member actively participates in volleyball matches during club period . They use the correct techniques and position. Members also saw a video tape of the AHS Team' s Regional match.


1. Ski Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, first row: Vickie Wood, Diane Shifflett, Sharon Warren, Donna Pippin, Sylvia Hollo, Faith McDaniel, Gail Taylor, Raleigh Minor, Dorothy Chartres, Rebecca Rosenblum, Tom Hirsh. Second row: Sallie Massie, Marty Broan, Nancy Edwards, Becky Reid, Missy Maeyens, Kathy Ward, Lisa Roge rs, Shari Berlin, Heidi Blackburn, Chrissy Bird . Third row: Linda Ham, Tracy Hakala, Jean Gowan, Pam Anderson, Ann Newlon, Todd Runkle, Paige Pippin, Paul Reynolds, Henry Windgate, Karen Heintzleman, jackie Wanebo. Fourth row: Elliott Kelly, Howard Lenn, Joel Weaver, Karen Vanderveer, Andrea Jones, Jessie O'Quinn, Mike Maynard, Kim Lee. Fifth row: Tim Zierden, Stephanie Marshall, John Harris, Lisa Anderson , Michelle Canada , Cathy McCray, Jon Goodman, Lance Reynolds. Sixth row: Scott Lear, John Rose, Kendall Jones, Kathy Wheelen, Tonia Bullock, Stephanie Gedient. Seventh row: George Allman, Susan Rosser, Andy Henderson, Margaret Hurt, Randy Low, Robby Tharp, Brian Ritchie, Seth Allen, Greg Smith. 2. Skz Club, Juniors and Seniors, fi rst row: Ella Benner, Mike Ly nch, Jo Staples, Steve Shriner, Joanie Aldrich, Laura Irwin, Tracey Bickers, Renee Magruder, Hunter Wingate, Debbie Jo Hicks, Julie Ripley, Marty Brown. Second row: Jim Reese, Melarue Johnson, Mike Wanebo, Suzie Dickman, Sallie Hunt, Julie Hoe!, Robin Huey, Terry Gentry, Courtney Roane, Scott Price . Thircf row: Mrs. Massey, Chris Fisher, Tariq Steinberg, Laura Erkenbrack, Elizabeth, Sonya Roberts, Elizabeth Doyle, Laura Loudermilk, Troy Woodson, Vonda Crickenberger, Molly Schweinefuss . Fourth row: Chris Nelson, Paige Grinde, Martha Coates, Melissa Forloines, Chris Clarke, Teddy Anderson, Tony Browning, Mike Kunkler, Paul Given . Fifth row: Corbin Hunt , Doug Sanders, Liz Hunt , Trac y McCauley, Laurie Jones, Germaine Ghazarian, Mike Ziock. 3. Kari Westervelt practices skills learned in the volleyball club. 4. Volleyball Club, first row: Mrs. Nielson, Jo Horan, Becky Gar1and, Maria Miller, Kari Westervelt. Second row: Sandra Magruder, Charles Brassfield, Terry Stephens, Tom Fritz, Brian Westrater. Third row: Darlene Jones, Rose Magruder, Mark Martin, Susan Cooper, Kathy Perkins. Fourth row: Scott Trice, Buddy Smith, John Vermillion, Bonnie Harris. Fifth row: Ronnie Greene, Lindsay Scott, Eric VonAchen.




Ski, Volleyball Clubs



Self-defense is not only another form of fighting but also a sport. John Kitterman is the sponsor of Albemarle's Self-Defense Club, a club which deals with different forms of exercises and fighting structures. The club also has demonstrations for people who are interested in Karate or Judo. David Cohen is a first degree Black Belt in Tae Kuvon Do, a form of Japanese art from Korea. Debbie Moore will be earning her Balck Belt in the summer. Self-defense is also paper work. Exams must be taken to advance in Belts. The Lacrosse Club, sponsored by coach Brian Grainer, was one of the most popular clubs at AHS. Members participated in the annual Homecoming parade by riding a float and tossing bubble gum with their Lacrosse sticks. Other planned activities throughout the year were the sale of Lacrosse Tshirts and lacrosse hats.



Athletic interests

1. Lacrosse Club, Juniors and Seniors, fi rst row: Martina Gurley, Kristin Donato, Maria Sweeney, Stephani Giannini, Bonnie Coleman, Sonya Rooerts , Hugh Ewing, Joe Vidunas, Doug Hogg, Maria Ntimix, Karen Branham. Second row: Monique Loftin, Dan Houghton, David Shipp, Lynn Morrow, Melanie l3rown, Suzi Chrystal, Jennifer Gannon, Reva Rush, Melanie Johnson, Sarah Terry, Kim Rath. Third row: Jerry Gentry, Mark Millison, Carter Thomas, Melanie Godsey, Laura ErkenBrack, Paul Dalripple, Ed Bowman, Greg Warner, David Wagoner, Scotty Brewer. Fourtli row: Thomas Crutchfield, Chip Kirtley, John McGetrick, Tim Ward, Paul Avery, Joe Ulery, David Wagoner. Fifth row: Mike Clatterbuck, Jeff Rogers , Bruce Bratton, Jimm y Arbraugh, Laura lrwing, Hunter Wingate, Eric Sa bastion, Bruce Ma\\)'er. 2. LAcrosse Cfub, Freshmen and Sophomores, prst row: Sandra Sprouse, Sarah Avery, Amy Fitzgerald, Susan Edmondson, Dana Summers, Tina Caldwell, Kelley Gerbert, Jeanie Wheby, Sheri Lawhorn, Louise Finger. Second row: Helen Crutchfield, Kedra Morris, Steve Demasters, Jan Beasley, Amy Granger, Val Davis, Pat Craver, Kim Evans, Paige Bramham, Lenore Milhoan, Libby Moore, Sharon Falls, Andrea Bryant. Third row: Kelly Mays, Richard Harrington, Todd Hawkins,- Stacey McCann, Jeannie Vining, Erin Lewicki, Corpal Frenchman, Bon Worley Jr. , Jerry Garcia, Kafhy Vidunas, Tim Jones. Fourth row: Karen Lauffenburger, Miriam Hirsch, Lisa Hoe), Tina Sexton, Jarrue Zobel, Kathy Caldwell, Glenn Wayland, Richard Smith, Sam Warner, Tiger May, Chris Milleson, Mike Hammond, Jonathan Wmgfield, Barry O'Neall. Fifth row: Perry Robinson, Dan Fawley, David Jones, Greg O' Brien, Rob Rosse, Mike Ingalls, Mark Thomasson, Tore Steinberg. 3. Self-Defense Club, first row: Gletsa Feggans, Sherri Burling, Rhonda Tooley, Tracy Roberson . Second row: Angela Lucas, Debbie Moore, Carrie Crawford, Dar rene Jones, Regina Johnson, April Johnson . Third row: Wayne Scrimshaw, Albie Butler, Jon Wender, DaVld Cohen, John Oliver, Derek Johnson. Fourth row: Patricia McGetrick, Rudy Chapman , Shawn Hughes , Leise Hackley.

3 196 Lacrosse, Self-Defense Clubs


unite ell

unite club members


The Ski Club, sponsored by John Kitterman and Randi Massey, was once again one of the most popular clubs at Albemarle. Club members looked forward to winter and trips to ski resorts. This year they visited the South's biggest resort, Snow Shoe in West Virginia. Extremely cold weather put a damper on the club's trip. Cars wouldn't start and the skiers were unable to enjoy their trip as much as expected . There was one good thing about the trip, however. Due to being stranded, the participants missed one day of school. The Volleyball Club,--Sponsored by Ms. Neilson, is a club open to all students interested in power volleyball. Each member actively participates in volleyball matches during club period . They use the correct techniques and position. Members also saw a video tape of the AHS Team's Regional match.


1. Ski Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, fi rst row: Vickie Wood, Diane Shifflett, Sharon Warren, Donna Pippin, Sylvia Hollo, Faith McDaniel, Gail Taylor, Raleigh Minor, Dorothy Chartres, Rebecca Rosenblum, Tom Hirsh. Second row: Sallie Massie, Marty Broan, Nancy Edwards, Becky Reid, Missy Maeyens, Kathy Ward, Lisa Rogers, Shari Berfin, Heidi Blackburn, Chrissy Bird . Third row : Linda Ham, Tracy Hakala , Jean Gowan, Pam Anderson, Ann Newlon, Todd Runkle , Paige Pippin, Paul Reynolds, Henry Windgate, Karen Heintzleman, jackie Wanebo. Fourtli row: Elliott Kelly, Howard Lenn, Joel Weaver, Karen Vanderveer, Andrea Jones, Jessie O'Quinn, Mike Maynard, Kim Lee. Fifth row: Tim Zierden, Stephanie Marshall, John Harris, Lisa Anderson , Michelle Canada, Cathy McCray, Jon Goodman, Lance Reynolds . Sixth row: Scott Lear, John Rose, Kendall Jones, Kathy Wheelen, Tonia Bullock, Stephanie Gedient. Seventh row: George Allman, Susan Rosser, Andy Henderson, Margaret Hurt, Randy Low, Robby Tharp, Brian Ritchie, Seth Allen, Greg Smith. 2. Skz Club, Juniors and Seniors, first row: Ella Benner, Mike Lynch, Jo Staples, Steve Shriner, Joanie Aldrich, Laura Irwin, Tracey Bickers, Renee Magruder, Hunter Wingate, Debbie Jo Hicks, Julie ~J?IEry , Marty Brown. Second row: Jim Reese, Melarue johnson, Mike Wanebo, Suzie Dickman, Sallie Hunt, Julie Hoe!, Robin Huey, Terry Gentry, Courtney Roane, Scott Price. Third row: Mrs. Massey, Chris Fisher, Tariq Steinberg, Laura Erkenbrack, Elizabeth, Sonya Roberts, Elizabeth Doyle, Laura Loudermilk, Troy Woodson, Vonda Crickenberger, Molly Schweinefuss. Fourth row: Chris Nelson, Paige Grinde, Martha Coates, Melissa Forloines, Chris Clarke, Teddy Anderson, Tony Browning, Mike Kunkler, Paul Given. Fifth row: Corbin Hunt , Doug Sanders, Liz Hunt, Tracy McCauley, Laurie Jones, Germaine Ghazarian, Mike Ziock. 3. Kari Westervelt practices skills learned in the volleyball club. 4. Volleyball Club, first row: Mrs. Nielson, Jo Horan, Becky Gar1and, Maria Miller, Kari Westervelt. Second row: Sandra Magruder, Charles Brassfield , Terry Stephens, Tom Fritz, Brian Westrater. Third row: Darlene Jones, Rose Magruder, Mark Martin, Susan Cooper, Kathy Perkins. Fourth row: Scott Trice, Buddy Smith, John Vermillion, Bonnie Harris. Fifth row: Ronnie Greene, Lindsay Scott, Eric VonAchen.



4 Ski, Volleyball Clubs


SCA active The SCA was fortunate to find a new, interested sponsor, Cynthia Smith. Under her direction, the group strove to represent the concerns of the student body and to voice these concerns to the faculty. Among the many activities the SCA became involved with were the organization of school clubs, Homecoming festivities, Christmas Spirit Week, and Freshmen club orientation and officer election . The Valentine's Day Thing and dance, a St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt, and a dance were planned for spring. Through the Christian Children's Fund a child was sponsored. Community related activities included sponsoring a family through Madison House, a Food Bank, and a Blood Bank.

1. SCA Executive Committee, first row: Katy Granger, Caroline Kelly, Hilary Scherer. Second row: Tamie Spradlin, Tore Steinberg, Kim Witcher. Third row: David Jones, Greg Warner, Ms. Smith. 2. What has the SCA done to Steve Perkins? 3. SCA, Sophomores and Freshmen , first row: Nancy Porritt, Kendall Jones, Kathy Wheelen, Raleigh Minor, Andrea Jones, Lisa Anderson, Jennifer Braine, Shannon Taylor, Cathy Heath. Second row: Janet Johnson, Ted Powell, Toni Hirsh, Perry Robinson, Tracy Robinson, Susan Cooper, Lady Cornog. Third row: Andl Henderson, Jon Goodman, Cliff Hamner, Va Hughes, Allen Jones, Lurna Moon, Darlene Jones. Fourth row: Karen Heintzleman, Amy Granger, Jamie Pentz, Faith McDaniel, Scott Widener, Hilary Scherer, Caroline Kelly. Fifth row: Tore Steinberg, Glen Aker, Richard Brubaker, David Jones, Cathy McCray, Sarah Avory. 4. The alligators have taken over everything! 5. Louise from England has gone " Punk Roc1<". - -





198 SCA


Politics attracts members

The Teenage Republican Club was new this year. They became politically active during the governor's campaign by volunteering at Republican Headquarters. Phoning local residents, distributing pamphlets, and driving people to the polls on election day were a few of their activities. Before elections they welcomed speakers Pat Cooke, Bill May, and George Allen, Jr. The TARS were priviledged to have Mrs. Finley and Mrs . Birckhead as sponsors . The Teen Democrats, sponsored by Ms. Smith, are a very active club . The club is an extension of the Young Democrats Club from college campuses . Its main objective is to involve high school students in the political process and to stimulate interest in the two-party system of the United States Government. Some of the club' s numerous activities were working at phone banks for local and state democratic candidates, organizing a mock election, hosting speakers, as well as making plans for a General Assembly field trip . 1. Teenage Republicans Club, first row: Li nda Arud a, Keith Pamplin, Me lissa Fo rl oi nes, Mike Hall, Ronald Hall, jimmie Bishop, jimmy Wa lke r, Mrs. Birckhead, Mrs. Finley. Second row: Howa rd Huffman , Kathy McKinn on, Donna Young, Donna Shirley, Kathy Wheeler, Michele Canada, Stefani e Marshall, Mary Loose, Susa n Musselman . Third row: Doug Sa nders, An ne Din widd ie, Melanie johnso n, Tricia Thraves, jean nie Lewis, Steve Manza no, Ella Benner, julius Riddervold . Fourth row: Bill Zeh, Allen Gleitz, Robin Huey, Brad Huey, jon N uechterlein, joe David Nelms, Robert Harris, Tom Hunter. Fifth row: Mi tch Hall, Susa n And erso n, Greg Godsey, john Cox, Charles Hood, Virgi nia Harris, Mike Milgra um . 2. Teen Democrats Club, first row: Jim Reese, Dave Shipp, Lorry Gree n, Pa ula Da ugh erty , Amy Brow n, Re nee Magrud e r, joa me Aldrich, Tony Adcock, Suzie Dtckman, Ms. Smith . Second row: Heidi Holga te, Elliott Kelly, Howa rd Lenn, Sally Hunt, julie Hoe!, Alison Dwier, Da rlene jones, Sonj a Hoe!, Pa m Ma nd ell. Thi rd row: Dav id Wag n e r, A n n ette Cou ch , Roge r Fussa , David Williams, Mason Brya nt, Mike Dugga n, Ka ren Shaver, Staci Shaver, Elizabeth Hunt . Fo urth row: Cy ndie Mason, Eileen Brezinski, Tricia Mend elis, Anne Marie Cri ttendon, Candy Maso n, Beth Brown, Didi Sisso n. 3. SCA , Junio rs and Seniors, first row: Amy Brow n, Kim Witcher, Renn e Mag rude r, Tim Kauffm an, Munsey Wheby, john Gae rtner, La urie Ca mpagna, Mike Lewis, Ms. Smith . Second row: Tim johnso n, Laura La ud ermilk, Kathy Roach, Brad Bowles, Kim Roge rs, Greg Bodenhamer, joe David Ne lms, Greg Wa rn er. Third row: Charles Brassfi eld, Reeva Spradlin , jea nnie Lewis, Tricia Thraves, Mary Cockerill e, Dawn Beale, Ta mie Sprad lin, Katy Grange r. Fourth row: Anne Baker, Terrie Starks, Charles Hood, Nick Dejoh n, Ma ria Miller, Melanie johnso n, Lisa Ru nkle, Ea rl Smith . Fifth row: Timi Ward, Son)'a Roberts, Stephani Giannini, Deborah Ro be rt s , Te d dy A nd e rso n , Faw n McCallister, john Noe l.



Teen Democrats, Teenage Republica ns, SCA



Why did the typical teacher at Albemarle teach? Some said it was dedication and the actual willingness to help students. Others said it was personal satisfaction; but whatever the reason, let's face it- Albemarle would not be the same without its teachers . Most of the 127 member AHS faculty was assigned to teach five classes with student enrollment of 100 to 125. Generally, teachers had at least two different course preparations. One period a day was set aside for planning time. Du..'ing their time papers were graded, tests made up and run off, grades averaged, lesson plans written, and some

200 Academics Divider

teachers even found time to relax. The last two years have been particularly busy ones . Every teacher had been involved in a self-study of the various programs and facilities of the school. Committee meetings were held in the morning and after school. Monda y afternoons were spent in faculty meeting discussing and voting on committee reports . In March a visiting team carne to evaluate the school, the programs, and the facilities. After the team left the faculty was ready to relax and get back to just one job, teaching. Besides teachin g classes all day

long, most teachers were also involved in sponsoring various sports and clubs. These teachers served as coaches or leaders and helped the students in their various endeavors . Sponsoring the respective classes also helped to fill the time for Albemarle's teachers. They served as sponsors, advising the classes for fundraising events and school activities. In addition to our many students, Albemarle's staff and faculty helped to make up the framework of the school. Their hard work, dedication, and guidance was essential to preparing students for life after high school.

, involved orts and ~rved as d the stu.vors. re classes for Albe:i as spanfor fund:tivities. students, helped to 1e school. , and guiaring stu-



... Academics Divider



t I





1. John Anderson Assistant Principal; Virginia State College, B.A ., M.S. 2. John C. Sessoms Assistant Principal; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 3. Z.H. Murray Office Worker; Jefferson School of Commerce Extension Division 4. Carol McGuire Attendance Secretary 5. Lee Carey Attendance Secretary

202 Administration




UJONft ~


Administration - a well-oiled machine


Albemarle High School (TPSP) During the year, our high school was run by a hard-working administration. At the head of the administration was Mr. Hurt, the principal. The assistant principals, Mr. Sessoms, Mr. Lackey, and Mr. Anderson, completed the staff. Mrs. Brite and Mrs. Murray kept the main office functioning smoothly by taking calls, sorting mail, and performing other secretarial jobs. Mrs. Mednikov worked as the bookkeeper, managing the budget for the entire school. Students were found in room #107 recording absences and early dismissals with Ms. Carey and Ms. McGuire, the new attendance secretaries. The individual class attendance records were handled in the library by Ms. Wingate. Yes, the school was handled efficiently by this administrative staff. 2


1. Ben F. Hurt Principal; Hampden-Sydney College, B.A.; University of Virgmia, M.Ed. 2. Sandra Wingate Attendance Clerk; Miami Dade Junior College 3. Helen M. Brite Office Assistant 4. Charles Halladay Lackey Assistant Principal; Funnan University, B.A.; Appalachian State University, M.A. ; University of Virginia, Administrative Certificate 5. Erika M. Mednikov Bookkeeper; Commerce Vienna-Austria



5 Administration


GIS machine aids students Albemarle High School (TPSP) Students of Albemarle found that the Guidance Information System introduced new services to find jobs and future careers. The machine also identified students' interests. Some job related interests that it identified were salary, working hours, residence desires, and colleges with programs in your field . Many problems have been solved for students by this wonder in the guidance department.



1. Patricia M. Stark, R.N . School Nurse; Pfeiffer College; Charlotte Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; Bloodmobile 2. Frank C. McCurdy Guidance Counselor; Case Western Reserve University, B.A .; Miami University, M .Ed.; Football, Junior Class 3. Darla Cherie Ellis Guidance Counselor; Immaculata College; Virginia Commonwealth University, BS. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed., Ed .S. 4. Marion EliZabeth Wells Guidance Counselor; Mary Baldwin College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Riding Club








4 1. Donna Longo Wood Guidance Counselor; Virginia Polytechnic and State University, B.S., M.nd. 2. Ruth Johnson Gufdance Clerk 3. Virginia R. Dofflemyer Guidance Director; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 4. Theresa M. Jones Guidance Secretary 5. Yvonne J. Brown Guidance Counselor; Virginia State College, B.A., M.Ed. 6. Daniel John Monahan Guidance Counselor; St. Francis College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed ., Ed.S. ; Cross Country, Dungeons and Dragons Club



5 Guidance 205


1. Marion Barton Elliott Geometry, Math 9; University of South Carolina, B.S. 2. Louella Jane Crane Math 9, Pre-Algebra; College of William and Mary, B.A.; Girfs' Indoor and Outdoor Track 3. Richard H. Ergler Calculus, Algebra II; St. Vincent College, B.A.; University ofVirginia, M.A. ; Peer, Ecology Club 4. Jeanne Thomas Shifflett Algebra 1, Math 9; Mercer University, B.A. 5. Larry Alan Johnson Geometry, Algebra 11; North Carolina State Uruve!Slty, B.S.; FCA 6. Robert C. Macdonald Algebra 111, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry; George Washington Umversity, A.B.; Idaho State Universtiy,M.Ed .; Chess Club, Freshman Class

5 206 Mathematics


Math has more books, computers


Albemarle High School (TPSP) The Math department offers a curriculum ranging from Developmental Math to Algebra to Calculus . In 1981-82 the department underwent some changes. One new teacher, Beth Bennett, arrived to replace Steve Ganong. Math Analysis classes worked with the computer unit more easily because three computers were obtained . The major change within the department was the acquisition of new textbooks. Unlike the past, classes enjoyed different books for different levels. Teachers felt this system enabled them to instruct more effectively.




1. Clarece Holland Edson Algebra I, Pre-Alge bra; Lo ngwood College, B.A. ; Freshmen Class 2. Virginia L. Fulcher Algebra 11, Geometry; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virgima, M. Ed .; Na tional Honor Society, Ma th Department chairman 3. Deborah Lynn R aym ond Math Compen tencies Resources 9, 10; West Virginia Unive rsity, B.S. 4. Bessie P. Birckhead Algebra 1; Mary Was hingto n College, B.S.; Teenage Republicans 5. Elizabeth Oliver Bennett Developmental Ma th, Algebra I; james Madi so n University, B.S. 6. Ja mes F. Douglas Algebra 1, Geometry, Math 9; Un ive rsity of Ricnm ond , Uni ve rsity of Virginia, B.S. Ed ., M.Ed. 7. Courtenay Turner Stanley Ma th Analysis, Algebra II; College of William and Mary, A.B. ; Unive rsity of Virginia, M.Ed .;

Peer 5

Mathematics 207

Scienceinteresting and

fun Albemarle High School (TPSP) In the Science department, very few changes occurred. One new teacher, Mrs. Harriet Bell who taught Earth Science, was welcomed to the staff; she, in turn, welcomed the new ninth graders. Science classes this year covered a variety of material. Disecting animals, doing labs of all sorts, and finding out about the environment interested many students . The experiments in the science classes proved to be educational as well as fun .

1. Kathleen Flynn Earth Science; Longwood College, B.S. ; University of Virginia, M. Ed. 2. Samuel Terry Biology. I; ;..rruve~sity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, B.S. ; Grrls Tenrus 3. Beverly Bingler Otis Biology I, Ecology; Madison College, B.S. 4. William Remsen Schultz Earth Science; University of Virginia, B.A ., M.S.; Photography Club, Astronomy Club, Rocket Club

208 Science



---- --路 - - -


4 1. Martha Ann Johnson Colombini General Developmental Math II, Chemistry; Florida State Uruversity, B.S. , B.A.; University of Virginia, M.S. 2. David W. Cunningham PSSC Physi~s; Concord College, B.S.; University of Vuguua, M.S., M.Ed.; Photography Club :l Marvin T. CulT)' Chemistry U I; Florida State University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; Science Department cha1rrnan 4. Harriet Stoneburner Bell Earth Science; Mary Baldwin College, B.A. 5. Margaret P. Fowler Biology; Madison College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; College of William and Mary



Science 209

1. Janet Blume Shiflett French !,III; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed.; French Club 2. Graciela Lum Spanish ll, IV, V; Wayne State University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society 3. Susan Baker Toth French I, II; College of Wooster, B.A.; University of Arizona, M.A. 4. Eugene Edward Norton German I,Il,III; Spring Hill College, B.A. 5. Jeanette M. Rowe Latin I-IV; Sweet Briar College, A.B.; Latin Club, Certamen Team 6. Sally Brann Strickler Spanish II,III; Randolph-Macon Woman's College, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.A.T.; SpanisFt Club, Spanish Honor Society 7. Bonnie Schinasi Spanish I,Il; Bowling Green State University, B.S., M.A.; Sparush Club 8. Mary A. Lederman French Ill!IV, IV, V; Syracuse University, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; French Club, French Honor Soaety

210 Foreign Language




Foreign languages prove versatile Albemarle High School (TPSP) Learning a foreign language is the way to broaden knowledge, learn about a different culture, and talk to your brother or sister without your parents knowing what you're saying about them. (All this is in addition, of course, to college credits students may receive.) The foreign language department at Albemarle offer courses in Spanish, French, German, and Latin up to the fifth level for the industrious students who strive to become bilingual. Students participating in a foreign language class will remember such activities as memorizing dialogues, watching foreign films, playing games, and the favorite activity of all sampling foreign foods! The students found that, despite all the fun, they actually learned something.

. <



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Foreign Language 211


1. Mary Robeson Hunter English 12; University of North Carolina at

Greensboro, B.A.; University of Virginia. 2. Esther Elswick Knight English 9, English 1D;. Bridgewater College, B.A. ; UnJVers1ty of V1rg1ma, M.Ed. 3. Marye Dick English 10, 11; University of Virginia, B.S ., M.Ed. ; Junior Class 4. Carol Jean Ogburn English 11; University of North Carolina, B.A. , M.Ed.; Harlequm 6. Rodney M. Keller English 10; University of Virginia, B.A.; University of Maine; Har[equin





English has new teachers and new class Albemarle High School (TPSP) Though to many students English is the same no matter what the circumstances, Albemarle has undergone many exciting changes in this field. One of the changes was new teachers. We welcomed Mrs. Susan Hull, Mrs. Martha Scott, and Mrs. Esther Knight. Ms. Marye Dick was new to teaching English and Mr. Rod Keller returned after attending school himself. Other changes included the option of taking mass media, a new class consisting of speech and radio techniques. The hard work of the English teachers and their students paid off. Students participated in various contests and brought recognition back to AHS . 1


1. Lelia Baxter Allison Pitts English 10; Longwood College, B.S.

2. Z. James Estes, Jr. English 12, AP; Universit)' of Virginia, B.S. , M.A.; Music Appreciation Club



3. John Vincent Kitterman English 12; University of Vir~a , B.A., M.A. , M.Ed .; Ski Club, Self-Defense Club 4. Sue D. Critzer English 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univers1ty, B.A.; Peer, Varsity Cheerleading 5. Leslie Henderson-Williams Enslish as a second language; University of Virginia, B.S.Ed.

English 213


1. Alice McLeod Bibb English 9; Madison College, B.A. 2. Verona Leake Franklin English 10; Longwood College, B.A. 3. Eve Lynne Burr English II; Montclair State College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.A. ; Prism

4. James Harrison Buck, Jr. English 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A. ; Freshman Class 5. Timothy C. MacDonald Enslish 12, Debate; Modesto Jr. College, A.A.; Uruversity of California at Santa Cruz, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A., M.Ed .

214 English




1. Marilyn J. Fantino English 11; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; Englisn Department chairman, Graduation 2. Mallory Siegel Loeh r Englis h 9; Englis h 12; Hollins College, A.B.; Syracuse University, M.S. ; Freshman Class 3. Bernhard Zdravko Steinbach English 9; University of Virginia, B.S.; Freshman Class 4. Peggy Finley EnglisfdO, Latin l; Tift College, B.A.; University of Florida, M.Ed. ; Sophomore Class, Teenage Republicans 5. Peggy A. Vaughan English 9, 10, 12; Radford College, B.A .; University of Tennessee, M.A. 6. Susan Haney Hull English 11; Brown University, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed .


6 English



1. Carolyn Pilla Nolen World Geography; University of Virginia, B.S. 2. Mary Jo Gies U.S. and Virginia History; Pennsylvania State University, B.A.; St. Bonaventure University, M.S.; Junior Class; Social Studies Department chairman 3. Rebecca Jones History; Mary Washington College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 4. R. Stephen Foutz Psychology,_ Pra<:tical Law; Troy State University, B.S. ; Uruvers1ty of Alabama, J.D. 5. Ellen Vasvary World History; Radford College, B.S. 6. Douglas J. Selden U.S. Government; Norwich University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.T. ; Football, Baseball 7. Brian J. Grainer World Geography; James Madison University, B.A.; Lacrosse, Football, Lacrosse Club 8. Ann Marie H . Plunkett World History; Brown University, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.A. 9. Colleen Marie Berge U.S. History; Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, B.A.; Univ. of Virginia, MAT; Junior class 10. Gary Michael Hollins World Geography, U.S. and Virginia Government; Uruversity of Virginia, B.S .l ld .; Junior Class

216 Social Studies




Social Studies participates in trial =-_ 路-= J Albemarle High School (TPSP) - -~ 路 - - _:_;) 路 While many things in the Social Stu-~--

dies department at Albemarle were the same, there were a few changes. Mr. Stephen Foutz taught Practical Law in addition to the Psychology classes he taught last year. His Practical Law classes joined with Mrs . McCallum's government classes in simulating mock drug sales, drug busts, and a trial. Some students were pushers, some were buyers, and others were "narcs." The remaining students were members of the court. "Drug" sales were conducted before school, during SAP, and during lunch for six days. On the seventh and eighth days of the activity the trials were held. Other activities also took place in the social studies department. Mrs. McCallum's students visited the Joint Security Complex, and Miss Smith's government classes focused on several speakers. These included candidates for Board of Supervisors, Layton McCann and Tim Lindstrom. Also, John Marsh, Secretary of the Army, addressed the students . There were several new teachers in this department. These included Ms. Colleen Berge and Ms . Rebecca Jones, who taught history; Mrs . Barbara McCallum who taught government; and Mr. Tom Verbanic who taught government and sociology.






Social Studies 217




Social Studies,


1. Thomas Glen Verbanic U.S. and Virginia Government; University of Virginia, B.S. ; Football 2. Barbara D. McCallum U.S. and Virginia Government; Syracuse University , B.A. ; Northwestern Universit y, M.A.T.; Senior Class 3. Nancy Carolyn Grim U.S. History; Longwood College, B.A. ; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M .A. 4. Cynthia Smith U.S. and Virginia Government; Baylor University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; Teen Democrats, Senior Class, SCA 5. Carolyn Saunders U.S. History; Radford College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.

5 218 Social Studies

Students prepare for business world ..

I I------:;;:;;;.}:-~,.t'!t:'c.-;~~~ :;-7路.


Albemarle High School (TPSP) Another school year has come to an end and Albemarle's Business department has been as busy as ever. First year typing students provided a challenge for the Business teachers. Mrs. Janette Hunt and Mrs . Deborah Cooper began to teach the fundamentals of typing. Once again the typewriters were clicking away, first slowly and then with added speed as the students increased their typing rates. For academic seniors, a new class, Managerial Accounting, was introduced. This course was designed for the senior who planned to continue his or her education in the area of business . Some other courses offered were Typing I and II, Record Keeping, Steno I and II, Clerk Typing I and II, Clerical Accounting, Personal Typing and Data Processing. The world of business is an ever expanding part of our society. These many courses and the teachers who teach them helped to prepare Albemarle's students for the outside business world after high school.

6 1. Nina H . Thacker Clerk-T楼Pist I, Typewriting II, Stenography I; Memphis State, B.S .; FBLA 2. ]annette S. Hunt Typing I; Kearney Nebraska State Teachers' College, B.A. 3. Margaret W. Burruss Clerical Accounting I, Typing I; Mary Washington College, B.S. 4. Brenda J. Graves Business Education; Longwood College, B.S.; James Madison University, M.Ed. ; FBCA 5. Reba Sandell Stenography II, Clerk Typing II, Typewriting I, COE Coordinator; James Madison University, B.S., M.Ed. ; FBLA 6. Deborah E. Cooper General Business, "Typing; State University of New York at Albany, 1l.S.; FBLA 4




Fine Arts develop skills Albemarle High School (TPSP) Students and teachers who were involved in fine arts activities kept busy in 1981-82. Skills were developed extensively in drama, art, and music. Ms . Scott was welcomed to the faculty and immediately took on the responsibilities of the Mime troupe, Thespians, and Drama Club. Mr. Sampson upheld the tradition of great Albemarle bands by leading the marching and symphonic bands into spectacular shows and concerts. Mrs. Bansleben, also a new teacher, was welcomed to the faculty. Her choirs continued the singing excellence left behind by Mr. Blanchard . The art department also remained busy in 1981-82. Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Adams, and Ms. Poindexter led the arts and crafts classes as well as the Art Club to many successful shows . The fine arts department withstood many changes in 1981-82 and remained a vital part of student life.

2 1. Waldo E. Johnson Arts I, II, III, IV; Rutgers University; Catholic University, B.F.A. ; Art Club, Permanent Collection of Student Art, Art Department chairman 2. Gerda Bansleben Choir, History of Music, Theory of Music, Piano; West Chester State Teachers College, B.A.; Columbia University, M.A. 3. Susan Carter Etheridge Librarian; Wake Forest University, B.A. 4. Janna 0. Lindgren A-V Coordinator; Harnline University, B.A. ; Shippensburg State; Kent State 5. Martha J. Scott English 11, Mass Media, Drama I, II; Virginia Pofytechnic Institute and State University, B.A., M.A.; Thespian Society, Mime Troupe, Drama Club, Forensics Team, Radio Show 5

220 Fine Arts






4 1. Jane Gallant Librarian; Macalester College, B.S.; University of South Florida, M.A. 2. Ruth HaverKamp Media Center Aide 3. Virginia Adams Crafts I, II; Beaver College, B.A. ; Auburn University, B.A. 4. Elmer Franklin Sampson Symphonic Band II, ur, Stage Band; James Milliken University; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.M.E.; Marching Band, Flag and Rille Corps, Majorettes 5. Barbara J. Poindexter Art I; Virginia State University, B.S.

Fine Arts


Albemarle High School (TPSP) Freshmen and sophomores participating in gym classes this year may have noticed that they were not the only students offered courses in Physical Education. In 1981-82 juniors and seniors were offered a class in Physical Education in order for them to further develop their athletic abilities. In addition to the change of curriculum, the Phys. Ed. facilities underwent some remodeling. A new office provided the male teachers with more comfort.

P. E. offered to upperclassmen ~-.~~



.. 1. Marcia Carter Mason Health, Physi~al E~ucatio~; _Bridgewater College, B.A.; Uruversity of Vrrguua, ~ . Ed . 2. Russell L. Jarrett Health, Physical Education; Virginia State University, B.S .; JV Basketball 3. Gabie Bull Activities Secretary 4. Linda Sue Abbott Health, Physical Education; James Madison University, B.A .; Girls' JV Basketball 5. Bonnie F. Nielson Health, Physical Education; Trinity University, B.S., M.Ed. ; Volleyball; Volleybalf Club 6. Ralph A. Harrison Driver Education; Southwest Missouri State, B.S.; Drury College, M.Ed .; Golf

222 Physical Education



1. James Mercer Garnett Health, Physical Education; Elon College, B.A.; Ninth grade Basketball, Baseball 2. A.P. Moore Driver Education; North Carolina Central University, B.S., M.S.; Safety Committee 3. Dotty A. Bohannon Hea~th, ~hysical Education; Longw~od College, B.S., Uruvers1ty of Vrrguua, M.Ed. , F1eld HoCkey; GAA 4. Robert Rimmer Physical Education, Driver's Education; George Washington University, B.S.; Varsity Football 5. Richard Wilson Lyons Driver Education; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Varsity Boys' Basketball 6. Brenda F. Langdon Activities Director; East Carolina University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 7. Daniel Ward III Health, , Physical Education; Ja.m~s. Madison Uruvemty, B.S.; Uruver5lty of Vrrguua, M.Ed. ; Varsity Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Bar, Disc, and Dumbbell Club

Physical Education 223

Students' careers aided

Albemarle High School (TPSP) The career education department was kept busy this year helping students plan their futures and careers. Albemarle 's technical education teachers contributed a great deal to students by supplying them with information to aid them with their lives after high school. The special education department was busy. Time was spent working with many of the special education students. This department was devoted to helping to improve and develop the skills and learning abilities of these students.




2 1. Kenton Gardner Agriculture, Natural Resources; Virginia State College, B.S.; FFA 2. Edna E. Sharkey TMR Aide 2. Carol Robinson Special Education; University of Alabama, B.S. Ea. 3. Ann Carson Pond Marketing and Distributive Education, Fashion Merchanaising; James Madison Unive rsity, B.S.; DECA, JV Cheerleaders 4. Sandra Keyser Special Education; Northern Illinois University, B.S .; Advocate Club 5. Florine Cypress Ward English 12, Government and Work Coordination; Virginia Commonwealth, M .Ed .; Norfolk State College, B.S. ; Christian Fellowship Club, Special Educ. Department Chairman 6. Deborah White Jones Adapted Physical Ed~:~cation; University of Kansas, l3.S. , M.S.; Speoal Olymp1cs


Career Education






5 1. LeRoy H . Smith Technical Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Metal Technology, r:ngineering Drawing; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, M.A .; AIASA 2. Margaret Elizabeth Clifford COPE; Mary Washington College, B.A.; University of Vuginia, M:Ed. 3. Jeanne F. Thompson Consumer/Homemaking I, Food/Clothing Management, Career Orientation; Marshall University, B.A.; FHA 4. William Michael Bannister Special Education TMR-EMR; Washington and Lee University, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed .; Advocate Club 5. Karl Scott Williams English 9, 10, 11, Science 9, Geograph)' 9; University of Virginia, B.S.; Indoor and Outdoor Track 6. Anthony "Zeke" Fantino Industrial Cooperative Training !,II; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; VICA

Career Education 225

Career Education, cont'd

3 1. James P. Dubnicek Auto Servicing I, II; Southern Illinois University, A.S., B.S.; Junior Class 2. Linda B. Keeney Consumer and Homemaking I, II, Family Living; Virginia Polytechnic and State University, BS ; FHA, Adult Education Classes 3. Darrell C. Gardner Fundamentals of Marketing, Marketing, Advanced Marketing; Virginia Commonwealth Universtty, B.S.; DECA 4. Judith Pam Citron LD Resource; Boston University, B.S. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 5. Ann Cashwell Tuley Learning Disabilities; Meredith College, A.B. ; San Francisco State University, M.A. ; University of Virginia 6. Cafeteria Staff: Catherine Pleasants, Orene Pugh, Brenda Brown, Nellie Thompson, Sarah Santiago, Doris Anderson, Joann Sprouse, Mary Jane Glover, Virginia Maupin, Mary Harlan . 7. Custodians: Gordon Carter, Jerry Best, Juanita Bums, Thomas Swingler, David Bums.

226 Career Education



4 1. Durinda Bennett Massey LD Resource; Troy State University, B.S. ; Ski Club 2. Charles W. deKrafft Math 9 and 10, Job Orientation, Vocational Lab; Ap_palachian State University, B.S. 3. john W. Sperry Modern Industry, Woods Technology I, II, Career Education; Mt . St. Mary's, Virginia Pol ytechnic Institute and State University, Washington Technology Institute, B.S.; AIASA 4. Helen Getz LD Ajde 5. Bonnie L. Ruth Special Education (Community Based Instructiona l Program); Ohio State University, B.S. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 6. Andrew Elgort Special Education; West Chester State College, B.A.; Unjversity of Virginia, M.Ed .





Career Education


Training in various trades offered by C-A Tech The Charlotte svi lle-Albemarle Technical Education Center offered training in various trades to the area students. Course offerings from cosmetology to auto mechanics provided something for every interested student. Knowledgeable and ambitious teachers instructed the students in the basics of every field . More in-depth training for the seniors prepared them to enter the career world with skills to aid them in landing the job of their choice .

1. Paul L. Johnson

Auto Mechanics I, II; Adult Educa tion I, II; orfolk State College; Virginia Comm onwealth University; University ofVirginia; VJCA, lASE 2. William S. Taskey Auto Bod y Repai r a nd Re fini shin g; Denve r Auto moti ve Coll ege; Fishe r Bod y Tra in ing Center; VJCA 3. Lyman R. Corney Principal; Virgi nia Polytec hn ic Institute a nd State Umversity, B.S .; College of Willia m and Ma ry, M.Ed. 4. Bernard Snyd er Counselor; Sal em College, B.A.; Unive rsity of Virginia, M.Ed . 5. Jean Brow n Bookkeeper 6. Clevester Lo~a n Assistant Prina pal; Virginia State University, B.S., M.S.





228 Tenchnical Education Ce nter




1 ~



,• " ,.

··.r -..- . . P'..





5 1. James E. McDaniel Carpentry I, II; Virginia State University; VICA 2. Phyllis Bestwick Librarian; Georgia State University, A.B . Atlanta University, M.L.S . 3. Janice S. Wilson Data Processing I, II; James Madison University, B.S.; North Carolina State University; University of Virginia; FBLA 4. C. Wayne Austin Drafting, Design; James Madison University; VICA 5. Hugh Billhimer Electronics I, II; State University of New York, B.S.; Virginia Commonwealth Vniversity, M.E.; VICA 6. Barbara A. Lewis Secretary 7. Robert Byers Data Processing Manager

.... 6



Technical Education Center 229

Tech Center,



4 1. Blaine E. Mcintyre Maintenance Mechanics; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; VICA 2. Russell P. Wood Auto Mechanics I, II; Virginia State College; Virginia Commonwealth University; VICA 3. Willard H . Parkhill Commercial Food Service I, II; Pennsylvania State University, B.S.; VICA 4. Robert Barrett Electricity I, II; VICA 5. Allen William Helmandollar Machine Shop I, II; Notre Dame University; Indiana State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Virginia Commonwealth University; VICA 6. Wayne Raines Custodian 7. Raymond Breeden Custodian 8. Steve L. McKinney Computer Operator

6 230 Technical Education Center








1. Mary Shifflett Housekeeper 2. Ruth Garnett Data Entry Operator 3. Janice M. Evans Cosmetology II, III; Blue Ridge School of Nurs-ing; University of Virginia ; Virginia Commonwealth University; Watson' s Beauty School; VICA 4. Bennie Mae Arnette Cosmetology; Virginia State College; Vir~a Commonwealth University ; Virg1nia Polytechnic Institute and State Uruversity; VICA 5. Edward L. Shifflett Maintenance Foreman 6. Jesse W. Mills Masonry; VICA 7. Nancy Knight Mosca, R.N. Practical Nursmg, Nursing Assistant; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed; HOSA 7

Technical Education Center



Congratulations to the fantastic class of 1982

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Compliments of the

BLACK TIE Barracks Road Sh opping Center

Historic Downtown Charlottesville Quality clothing for men and women

Best wishes to the Seniors of '82

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When C.M. Berge talks ... no one listens.

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Compliments from


General Contractors Builders, Developers, Well Drilling Scottsville 286-2396


Albemarle Bank &Trust Co. PO. Box6096 ClloriOnesvllle, VII!JOO 22906 Phone (804-97 3-43 7 3)



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Stromberg-Carlson A GENERAL D YNAMICS SUBS I DIAR Y Charlottesville, Va.


of Charlottesville P.O. Box 1583 HIGHWAY 250 EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22901 BUS . 804-295-9101



Acme Visible Records, Inc. Crozet, Virginia 22932

( 236 Advertisements



l Phone


1!538 E . HIGH



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Best Wishes to the Class of '82 Uniroyal Inc. Scottsville, Virginia

Ms. Burr's 4th period English class is a trip .


CHARLOTTESVILLE SANITARY SUPPLY CORPORATION Sanitary M ailll ell all re s,pplics & T:qlli/> lllC/11 S w immi11g Pool S 11pp!ics & T:q ll if>mml


1 327





THE "A" TIRE COMPANY 1028 River Road 296-1242 or 296-1250

Advertisements 237


Good Luck, Class of '82, from


Office Phone

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R. W. Barnett Owner





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Jim Price Chevrolet Route 29 North Charlottesville, V irginia Chevrolet Cars & Trucks

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Advertisements 243


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258 Advertisements

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1859 Seminole Trail Woodbrook Shopping Center Charl ottesville, Va. 22901

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Advertisements 259

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262 Advertisements

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Brassfield, Wilbert Davi! Bratton , Bruce Allen (12


Breeden, Betsy Franklin

Breeden, Gail Lynn (II) Breeden, jeffrey Wayne 2.30 Breeden, Tammy L. (9) Breeding, Eldon C. (9) 9

Breeden , Raymond

Breen, Maureen Patrice

Breihan, Robert Walker Brewer, Dona ld Scott (1 : Brezinski, Eileen (12) I 7. Brice, Don 122 Brite, Helen M. 203 Brite, Holly Elizabeth (1 : Britt, Robert Wilson (12) Britton, Leigh A. 93 Broan, james M. (9) 93, Brock, james D. (9) 93 Brooks, Cynthia Renee ( Brooks, Doris A. (9) 93 Brooks, Gary Douglas, J

:;~:~: ~~~u~,~~~~~II(J Brown , Brenda 226 Brown, Bridget Christin•

Brown , Cynlhia Denise

Brown, David (12) 18 Brown, Elizabeth C race

Brown , Harriett Sa vern


Brown, jean 228 Brown, Kevin D. (9) Brown, Kevin W. (9) Brown , Leslie Claudette

Brown, Linda (9) Brown, Marian (10) Brown , Martin Co pelan Brown , Melanie Ann (11

Brown, Michelle Rose (I Brown, Robin Lynn (II ) Brown, Ryan Lanard (10 Brown, Thomas L. ( 12) Brown, Victor Lee (12) 2

Brown , Virginia Catheri1 Brown , Yvonne J. 205

Browning, Kimberly D.

and ' pfhttttt' you was gone 1"

A " A" Tire Co., The 237 AJASA 177 Abbott, julie Ann (10) 76, 183 Abbott, Linda Sue 129, 130, 222 Acme Visible Records 236 Acosta, Victoria Michelle (10) Acree, Kenneth Earl (9) 92 Acree, Michael Todd (12) 17 Adams, Tad A. (9) 92 Adams, Virginia 221 Adcock, Anthony R. (9) 17, 92, 194, 199 Adcock, jeffrey Scott (12) 17 Advocate Club 192 Agee, Dennis Brian (12) 17, 121 Agee, George (12) 17 Agee, Roger Dea n (10) 76 Agnor, Pam 178 A~er, Glen n Raymond (10) 76, 171, 198 Akers, john

~r~~a~1~'1.':kn:~~ 't~st

co. 248 Albermarle Farm Equip., Inc. 238 Aldrich, joan Marcy (!2) 17, 113, 115, 197, 199 Alford, Patricia A. (9) 92 Allen, Seth Whitcomb ( 10) 76, I97 Alley, Michael Ray (10) 76, 121 , 194 Allman , George N . (9) 92, 121 , 197 Altman, jason Scott (10) 76 Altman, Vanessa jane (10) 76 Amato, Stephen S. (9) 92, 121 Amos, Sa ndra Lee (10) 76 An, Youngshin (9) 92, I 16, 134, 135, 182 Anderson, Barbara) . (12) 17 Anderson, Cari L. (9) 92, 194 Anderson , Cha rlotte Marie (II ) 60 Anderson, Clifford Leroy (10) 76, 121 Anderson, Da le Quinton (12) 7, 9, 17, 125, 176 Anderson , Doris 226 Anderson , Edwin B. (I I) 60 Anderson, joh n 202 Anderson, Laura T. (9) 92 Anderson, Laurie M. (10) 76, 177 Anderson, Lisa Ca role (9) 92, 136, 197, 198 Anderson, Mark Anthony (II) 60, 136, 197, 199 Anderson, Michael W. (9) 92 Anderson, Pamela Ann (12) 17, I 10 Anderson, Pamela Lynn (10) 76, 155, 17S, 181 , 197 Anderson, Pete r Gray (12) 9, 13, 17, 122, 155, 188, 191 Anderson, Sallie Sue (12) 17, 199 Anderson, Sa rah jane (12) 17, 134, 135 Anderson, Susan Hope (12) 13, 17, 153, 155, 157, 173, 187 Anderson, Terry Laverne (10) 76, 128 Ankrom, Cha rl es Bova (10) 76, 125 Anthony, Jill Ada-Marie (10) 76, 155, 184 Arbaugh, ja mes Edward (12) 17, 196 Arbogast, Gina C. (9) 92, I 22

~~~~t~,ag;,~~~n~~e(~~f2, 189 Arnold , Shawn Louis (12) 17, 121 , 193 Arrud a, Linda Grace (I 1) 60, 122, 182, 199 Art Club 190 Artale, Diane Marie (10) 76, I 92 ~~~~~~~a~~ t.~9t Club 194 Avallo ne, Tl'esha Ann (10) 76 Avery, Paul Cha rl es (12) 17, 196



Browning, Mark An tho r

jason Clarke's (Chri s' dog) imjtatio n of joe Cool.

Avery, Sarah Haney (10) 76, 196, 198 Ayers, Karen Denise (I I)

B Baber, Richard B. (12) I 7 Baber, Theresa Laverne (11) 60 Bachman, Michael Andrew (12) Badoud, Janice Re nee (II) 60, 128, 194 Bakel, judy Lynn (10) 76, 128, 194 Baker, Anne Elizabeth (II) 60, 116, 192, 199 Balmores, Loreto Lucas (12) 18 Band, Marching 122, 123 Band, Symphonic 188, 189 Banks, Eric McKinley (I I) 60 Banks, Roge r Cu rtis (9) 92, 121 Bannister, "William M. 192, 225 Banslebe n, Erik Peter (10) 77, 163 Bansleben, Gerda 187, 220 Banton, john William (10) 76, 176 Barber, jaclie Ruth (12) I 7, I 76 Bare, Dr. Curtis 265 Bare Essentials 258 Barker, Hubert Mitchell (10) 7 Barkley Realty 237 Barksdale, Tracey A. (9) 92 Barmore, john Alexander (9) 76, 194 Barnes, Lisa D. (10) 92 Barnett, jean Marie (12) 3, 17, I 13, 115, 170, 171 Barnett, Tammy Lynn (12) 12, 13, 17, 122, 171 , 180 Barnett's jewel Box 238 Barr, Beth Barrett, Eddie Painter (9) 77 Ba rrett, Pete r joh n (12) I 7 Barrett, Robert 230 Basketba ll, Boys' 125, 126, 127 Basketball, Girls' 128, 129, 130 Batchelor, James Neal (II ) 60 Bates, Denise Michelle (12) 9, 17, 177 Bates, Donovan Lee (12) 9, 17, 118, 120, 121 , 131 , 132, 134, 177 Batten, Lisa Lynn (9) 189 Batten, Scott orma n (II) 60, 178 Batten, Timothy L. (9) 92, 122, 189 Bauer, Katherine (9) 92, 122 Bauer, Katherine Ella (12) 17 Bauer, Susan Fritch (1 I) 60, I 10, 133 Bauerly, jennifer 17 Bavis, Kathy 174 Beach, Michael E. (12) Beale, Dawn 60, 122, 199 Beasley, Janet Elaine (10) 77, 196 Beasley, Timothy Wayne (12) 18, 174, 188 Beck, Sharon L. (12) 178 Beck, Warren Edward (10) 18, 77 Beegle, Christina Lee (II ) 60, 187, 194 Bell, David Ray (12) 12, 18, 48, 121 , 171 , 173 Bell, Harriett Stoneburner 209

Bellomy, David F. (12) 18 Benedictus, Ca rl 189 Benner, Ella jeanette (12) 18, 141 , 143, 171 , 197, 199 Bennett, Elizabeth 0 . 207 Bennett, Kristina L. (12) 18, 163 Berge, Colleen M. 216 Berge's 1st Period 233 Berge's 2nd Period 24 I

Berge's 3rd Period 243 Berge's 5th Period 253 Berge's 6th Period 265 Ber~eley , Edmund (9) 92 Berlin Im po rts Ltd. 258 Berlin, Russell Phillip (II) 60 Berlin, Shari Lynn (10) 77, 81 , 136, 197 Bernard, Sheila Kay (9) 92, 184, 187 Bernhardt, Glen n Robert (12) 18 Berry, Christopher Lyndel (12) 18, 176 Berry, Mark Henderson (10) 77, 121 Best, jerry 226 Bestwick, Phyllis 229 Beverly, Ga~ Lee (9) 92, 121 l:;';;a~'j~~ Mo~ ~nn (10) 77 Bickers, john Randolph (II ) 60, 180, 182 Bickers, Tracey Anne (12) 18, 197 Bickl ey, Donald Wayne (12) 18, 121 , 193 Bilezerian , Alfred (II) 60 Billhimer, Hugh 229 Billups, Kenneth Wayne (12) 18 Binney, Marsha An nette (I I) 60 Binney, Michael A. (9) 92 Birckh ead, Bessie P. 199, 207 Birckhead, Teresa L. (9) 93 Bird, Christine Nan (10) 77, 197 Bird, Patrick (12) 18 Bishop, David Russell (9) 93, 122, 189 Bishop, Gregory Glenn (II) 60, 122, 155, 188, 193 Bishop, James Robert (12) 18, 199 Bishop, Sheila Lynn (I I) 60 Bishop, Tony Dean (10) Bitheil, Amy (9) 93, 122, 189, 191 Blackburn, Donna Sue (II ) 61 Blackbu rn , Heidi Elizabeth (10) 77, I 14, 189, 197 Blackbu rn , Regi na Ann (12) 18, 178 Black Tie 232 ¡ Blake, john Patrick (II) 61 , 119, 121 , 193 Blankenship, Debra Gale (II) 61 Blikslager, Pieter M. (10) 73, 122, 194 Blincoe, Marc Alan (12) 18, 121 , 174, 194 Blue Rid ge Pharmacies 253 Blue, Robert Markwood (9) 93, 182 Boatwright, Beth Frances (10) 77, 192 Boatwright, jeanne Marion (10) 77, 192 Bodenhamer, james Gregory (12) 12, 18, 193, 199 Bodrey, Carolyn jean (12) 18, 176, 187 Bodrey, Wanda Key (10) 77, I 77 Bodvarsdottir, Soffia (I I) Bogard, jeffrey Allen (10) 77 Bonannon, Dotty A. 114, 223 Boland, Melissa Ann (9) 93 Boland, Sa ndra K. (II) 61 Bolen, Marc F. (10) 77, 121 Boling, Althea An n (10) 77, 98, 122, 188 Bolling, Missy 178 Booker, Granville B. (9) 93 Bonanza 252 Booth, Sarah Ann (12) 18, 20, 39, 122, 140, 155, 173, 184, 189 Borchardt, Kerri Lynn (12) 8, II , 18, 108, 128, 129, 193 Bosly, Amy Cha rl ene (I I) 61 , 182 Bouchard, Breck R. (9) 93, 174, 191 Bowles, Robert B. Ill (12) 13, 16, 18, 125, 126, 145, 155, 157, 171 , 173, 193, 199 Bowman, Edwa rd Lewis (12) 18, 196 Bowman, Glenn David (10) Bradley, Breck (9) 93 Bradley, Felicia Ann (9) Braine, jennifer C. (9) 93, 136, 182, 198 Branham, Paige Theresa (10) 77, 196 Brannan, Karen (1 I) 61. 196

Brownlee, Monty Ra y (1

Brown's Lock and 5afe :t Brubaker, Richard Franc Bruce, Stua rt Randolph 1

Bruce's Drug Store 259 Brugh, Robert Conklin ( Bryant, Andrea Lynn (]( Bryant, Anthony L. (9) S Bryant, David) . (9) Bryant, Mason L. Ill (12: Bryant, Montie Lewis (9: Bryant, Morris Lee (9) Bryant, Susan Eloise (II : Bryce, Dona ld W. (9) 93 Buck, james H. 214 Buck, Ronald William (I

g~fJ~~~bi:~z? Catherir Bullock, Tonia Rene (10) Bunn , Charles Robin (10 Burbach, julie P. (9) 93, Burch, David (I I) 184 Buren, David Ray (II) 6.


Buren, Kat hryn Burnet ( Burgoyne, Jurgen (10) Ti Burl<hart, jeffrey L. (12)

Burling, Sherri M. (9) 93 Burne r, Lori Ann (II ) 61 Burnett, Mark Wayne (I. Burnley, Allan C. (9) 93, Bums, April joanne (10) Bums, David 124, 226 Bums, juanita 226

Bums, Richard Christop Burr, Eve L. 172, 214 Burr's 4th Period 237

Burruss , Margaret W. 21


Burton, Craig Steven (II

Butler, Albert Boa rdman

Butler, Cathina E. (II ) Butler, Mary Elizabeth (\ Butler, Thomas Franklin

Butz, David Robert (12) . Byers, jeffrey Hunte r (I; Byers, Robert 229

Cain, Catherine Ann (12 Caldwell, Ca rol Ann (II ) Caldwell, Katherine (9) 9 Caldwell, Richard Shelto Caldwell, Tina Marie (9) Callaghan, jennifer (10) ; Callaghan, Timothy M. ( Callaway, Gayle Catheri1 Camera Ce nter 243

Campagna , Laurie Sue (: Campbell, jeffrey Todd ( Campbell, Lila Kaye (10) Campbell, Michelle Dam Canada, Michelle R. (9) \ Caravan 250

Carden, Elizabeth A. (10 Carey, And rew Frank (1: Carey, james F. (9) Carey, Lee 202 Carer., Robert Thomas (I Ca r8'1e, john Mercer (IO: Carpenter, jay Michael C Carr, Sepelda Amme rdu

Ca rr, Theodo re Pa tri ck (12) 21, 121 , 186 Ca rr, We nd all Le wis (12) 21 Ca rratt, james C. (9) Ca rratt, Melanie R. (I I) Ca rriage Food House 241 Ca rrol, Donna (10) Ca rson, Kevin Christophe r (11) 61 Ca r Store, The 246 Ca rte r, Da vid Matthew (I I) 61 Ca rte r, Gordon 226 Ca rte r, Steve n je rome (II ) 61, 118, 119, 120, 125, 193 Case ro, Gabriela Pola r (II ) 61, 106, 108 Casero, jose ph Manuel (10) Ca tl ett , james David, Jr . (10) 176 Ca tl ett, Teresa Lynn (12) 21 Cavalca, Ma ria Pia (10) 78, 183 Ceiling an d Floor Shop, The 256 Chalfant, Eliza beth Lee (10) 78, 172 Chamberlai n, Richard L. ( 10) Cha mps 247 Chandler, Paula jean (12) 21 Chandler, Sara Katherin e (12) 12, 21 , 186 Chandle r, Thomas (9) 94 Cha ney, William M. (9) 94, 121 , 131, 186 Chang, Eric (9) 94 Chapman, Lisa Va lencia (I I) 61 Chap man, Michael Irving (12) Chapman , RobertS. (9) 94, 121 , 186, 194 Chapman, Rudy Stanley (10) 78, 196 Charley's 249 Charlottesvil le-Albe marle Au to-Tru ck Dea le rs Ass' n . 242 Charlottesville Auto Clinic 233 Charlottesville Clea ring Ho use 258 Cha rlottesville O ffice Machine Co. 260 Cha rlottesville Sa nitary Supply Co rporatio n 237

Brason, Virgi nia 187 Brassfield, Cha rl es Lewis (12) 18, 134, 135, 197, 199 Brassfield, Wilbert Davis (12) 18, 121, 125, 127 Bratton, Bruce All en (12) 18, 121 , 196 Breede n, Betsy Frankl in (12) 18 Breede n, Ga il Lynn (II ) 61, 178 Breede n, jeffrey Way ne (12) 18 Breede n, Ray mond 230 Breede n, Ta mmy L. (9) Breeding, Eldon C. (9) 93 Bree n, Mauree n Pa trice (11 ) 61, 193 Breiha n, Robert Walke r (II ) 61, 194 Brewe r, Donald Scott (12) 18, 11 0, 11 1, 188, 189, 196 Brezinski, Eilee n (12) 173, 174, 180, 199 Brice, Don 122 Brite, Hele n M. 203 Brite, Holly Eliza beth (12) 18 Britt, Robert Wilson (12) 9, 18, 121 Britton, Leigh A. 93 Broa n, james M. (9) 93, 197 Brock, ja mes D. (9) 93 Brooks, Cy nth ia Renee (10) Brooks, Doris A. (9) 93 Brooks, Gary Douglas, Jr. (I I ) 77 Brown , Amy O'G rady (12)18, 128, 129, 192, 199 Brow n, Arth ur Wa rdell (9) 92, 121, 189, 194 Brow n, Bre nda 226 Brow n, Bridget Christi ne (10) 77, 191 Brown, Cy nthia De nise (10) Brown, David (1 2) 18 Brown, El izabe th Grace (II ) 6 1, 11 6, 193, 199 Brown , Harrie tt Savem (10) 77 Brow n, jea n 228 Brown , Kevin D. (9) Brow n, Kevin W. (9) Brow n, Leslie Cla udette (9) 93 Brown , Linda (9)

Brown, Brown , Brown , Brown, Brown , Brown , Brow n, Brown, Brown ,

Bro wn , Yvo nne



' 188, 193

189, 197

Charlottesvil le W rec ker Se rv ice 265

Marian (10) Ma rtin Copela n (12) 21 , 118, 141, 142, 171, 197 Mela nie Ann (11 ) 61, 196 Miche ll e Rose (10) 77 Robin Lyn n (II) 61 Rya n La nard (10) 77, 121 Thomas L. ( 12) 11 8, 121 Victor Lee (12) 21, 11 8, 121, 134 Vi rgi nia Cat herin e (12) 21



Browning, Kimbe rly D. (9) 93, 122 Brown ing, Mark Anthony (I I) 61, 121 , 197 Brownlee, Monty Ray (10) 77 Brown's Lock a nd Safe 257 Bru baker, Richa rd Francis (10) 77, 110, I ll , 182, 198 Bruce, Stua rt Rand olph (12) 21, 189 Bruce's Drug Store 259 Brugh, Robert Co nklin (II ) 61, 174 Brya nt , Andrea Lynn (10) 77, 196 Bryant , Anthony L. (9) 93, 195 Bryant , David j . (9) Bryant , Maso n L. lll (12) 21, 183, 199 Bryant, Montie Lewis (9) 77 Brya nt, Morris Lee (9) Bryant, Susan Eloise (11 ) 61, 128, 189 Bryce, Do nald W. (9) 93 Buck, james H. 214 Buck, Rona ld William (I I) g~ll~IG~b~af~ Ca the rine (12)

Cha rron, Brerda (10) 94, 177 Charlton, james Paul , Jr. (I I) 6 1 Chartres, Dorot hy A. (10) 78, 197 Chastai n, Michael Allen (11 ) 61 Cheerl eaders 136, 137 Chess Club 191 Childress, Michae l A. (10 Childress, Sheila Lavern e (11) 61 Childress, Tracy Scott (12) 118, 121 Chisholm, Dav1d Lee (12) 21, 178, 189 Chivily, Maria Kali na (II ) 61, 78, 189 Ch ivi ly, Stephanie Ann (10) 131 , 132 Choe, )in Sun (12) 21 Choe, )in W. (9) 94 Choirs 187 Christia n Fellowship Club 193 Christmas, Anthony Euge ne (12) Christmas, jeffrey Tay lor (11 ) Chrys tal, Susa n Mauree n (11) 61, 136, 140, 196 Chu ng, Julie (9) Chu rch man, Barry L. (9) 125 Churchman, Em mett Eugene (I I) Chu rchman, Lisa Rene (9) 94 Ch urchman, Sonya Mo nique (12) 21 Churchman, Ti na Leigh (!2) 21 Ci tron, Jud ith P. 226 City Dry Clea ners 244 Cla rk, Ashl ey Marie (I I ) 61, ISS, 187, 189 Cla rk, Brenda L. (9) Cla rk, Chri stin a Eilee n (12) 2 1, 122, 172, 173, 187, 189 Cla rk, Debra Ann (12) 21, 122, 181, 188 Cla rk, Pa ul Eugene (10) 78, 121 Cla rk, Stacey Ly nn (11 ) 61, 193 Clark, Steve n Eric (10) 78, 177 Clarke, Christophe r Way ne (11) 61, 122, 136, 140, ISS, 171, 188 Clarke, Donna Kathlee n (12) Clarke, Michae l Ed wa rd (10) 78, 121, 171 , 184 Clatte rbu ck, George Michae l (12) 22 Clatte rbu ck, jeffrey (9) 94 Clatte rbuck, Marvm Scott (12) Clatte rbuck, Michael (12) 171 Cleasby, Amy Christin e (10) Clements, joan Denise (12) 22, 194 Clemen ts, jody Euge ne (10) 78 Clements, Rod ney Cale (10) Cleveland , Geo rge Brock (I I) 62 Cliffo rd , Marga ret E. 225 Cli ne, Sony (9) Coates, Ma rtha (II) 62, 108, 153, 197 Cobb, jane M. (9) 94, 194 Coble, Ma rta An n (9) 94 Coca-Cola 257 Coch ran, joh n Christia n (12) Cocke rille, Mary jane (I I) 8, 62, 155, 193, 194, 199 Cohen, David A. (II) 62, 196 Coine r, Sharon El izabeth (II) 62, 189 Coine r' s Scra p Iron and Meta l 252 Cole man, A lan, Raci ng 254

c Cai n, Cath erin e Ann (12) 21 , 170, 171 Caldwell, Carol Ann (11) 61, 181 Caldwell, Kat heri ne (9) 93, 196 Caldwell, Richard Shelton (II) 61 Ca ldwell, Ti na Ma rie (9) 93, 196 Callaghan, jennifer (10) 77 Callaghan, Timothy M. (10) 94, 110, 194 Ca ll away, Gayle Ca the ri ne (11) 61, 180 Camera Center 243

40, ISS, 173, 184, 189 !, 128, 129, 193 126, 145, ISS, 157, 171,

Campagna, Lau rie Sue ( I I) 61 , ISS, 199 Ca mpbell, jeffrey Todd (10) 77, 121 , 125 Ca mpbell, Li la Kaye (10) 77 Ca mpbell, Miche lle Dana (9) 94, 122, 189 Ca nada, Miche ll e R. (9) 94, 197, 199 Carava n 250 Ca rde n, Elizabet h A. (10) 78, 178 Ca rey, And rew Fra nk (12) 13, ISS, 157, 173, 19 1, 194 Ca rey, james F. (9) Ca rey, Lee 202 Carer,, Robert Tho mas (10) 78 Ca rgJle, john Mercer (10) 78 Ca rpenter, jay Michael (11) 78 Ca rr, Sepelda Amm erdus (11) 61

Cro use- Hind s 25 1

Crowe, Leslie jea nn e (12) 22, 152, ISS, 184, 187 Cru tchfie ld, Hele n Elizabeth (10) 78, 11 3, 11 4, 196 Crutchfi eld, Thomas j . (12) 22, 121, 196 Cu nningham, David W. 191, 209 Cu nningha m's 5th Period 264 Currie , Cy nthia C. (9) 94 Currie , Michael David (12) 22 Curry, Ma rvin T. 64, 209 Curry's AP Chemistry 259 Cusa to, Kimberly A. (II ) 64, 11 6, 162, 183 Cutchen, Na n] 194 Cuti tta , Dia ne 12) 22, 178 Cuyle r, Marie . (9) 94, 182, 187

Christmas Acti viti es 148, 149

Bullock, To nia Rene (10) 77, 122, 195 Bunn , Charles Ro bin (10) 77, ISS, 187, 191 Burbach, julie P. (9) 93, 136 Burch, Da vid (II ) 184 Buren, David Ray (11 ) 61 , 74 Buren, Kat hry n Burnet (9) 93, 189 Burgoy ne, j urgen (10) 77 BurKha rt, jeffrey L. (12) 121, 184 Burling, Sherri M . (9) 93, 196 Burner, Lori Ann (11 ) 61, 122 Burnett , Mark Way ne (12) 122 Burnley, Alla n C. (9) 93, 189 Bum s, Ap ril joan ne (10) 77, ISS, 181 Bums, David 124 , 226 Bums, jua nita 226 Bum s, Richa rd Christopher (12) 21 Burr, Eve L. 172, 214 Burr's 4th Period 237 Burru ss, Ma rga ret W. 219 Burton, Craig Steven (11) 178 Butler, Albe rt Boa rd man (9) 77, 110, 196 Butler, Cathina E. (11 ) Butler, Mary Elizabe th (9) 191 Butler, Thomas Fra nkli n (10) 176 Bu tz, David Robert (12) 21 Bye rs, jeffrey Hunte r (12) 21, 106, 110, Il l , 131 , 134, 182 Byers, Robert 229

' 193, 199

Coope r, Susa n C. (10) 78, 198 Cope, Cha rl es Lu cius (9) 94, 191 Corbin, jimmie Andrew (10) 78, 121 Corbin, Steven E. (9) 94, 193 Cornog, Lady Sonya (9) 94, 191, 198 Cornog, Raymond Arteage (II) 62 Cosby, Ca roline Burke (11) 62, 113, 115, 149, 180, 182 Cos ner Brothers BodY, Shop 237 Coste r, Christophe r (9) 94 Cottrell, Cy nth .a jua ni ta (12) 22 Couch, Annette Lynn (12) 22, ISS, 173, 187, 192, 199 Covington, Eugema V. (10) CowgJll, Brenda Lynn (10) 78, 193 Cowgill, Ma ria Te resa (9) 94, 187, 193 Cox, john Alva h (10) 122, ISS, 189, 199 Cragu n, Da vid Lloyd (12) 9, 22 Crane, Lo uella )a ne 206 Craver, Patricia (10) 78, 196 Craw ford , Aa ron Tho mas (10) 78 Crawfo rd , Ant onia LaVe rn e (I I ) 62 Crawfo rd, Ca rrie Vi rginia (1 2) 13, 22, 136, 171, 196 Crawford, Vo nda Lee (10) Crenshaw, Bobby Edwa rd (10) Crenshaw, ja mes Douglas (12) 22 Crenshaw , Will ia m (9) Cress, Brett Allen (9) 94 Cricke nbe rge r, Blai n W . (II ) 62, ISS, 176 Crickenberge r, Tracy joe (II ) 62, ISS, 178, 187 Crickenberger, Vonda Kaye (II ) 62, 197 Crittendon, Anne-Ma rie C. (12) 13, 22, 122, 173, 174, 192, 199 Critzer, Maxwell Travis (10) 72, 176 Critzer, Sue D. 136, 170, 171, 213 Critzer, Timoth y H. (II ) Cromer, james W . (9) 94 Cronk, Ann Marie (12) 22, 178 Cross Coun try 110, Il l , 11 2


Colema n, Bonn ie Sue (11 ) 62, 196 Cole ma n, Linda El iza beth (11 ) 62 Cole ma n, Lisa Re nee (10) 78, 94 Cole man , Sharon De ni se (12) 22, 122, ISS, 157, 172, 176, 181 Coleman , Suza nne Miche le (10) 78 Coles, Cristi Rosa nna (11 ) 62, 194 Coles, janice Elaine (10) 191 Coles, Luther Lewis (I I ) Coles, Michelle Denise (II) 62 Coletrain, Wi ll ia m Lee (12) 121 Collie, Sa ra Elizabeth (II) 62, 187 Collier, Douglas Glenn (12) 22 Collie r, Rebecca Anne (10) 88, 182 Collier, Wanda F. (9) 94, 193 Collins-H erndon Moto r Co. 2.58 Collum Debra A. (9) 94 Collu m, john Michael (I I) 62 Colo mbini, Mart ha 209

Colvin, As hley S. (9) 94, 190 Corney, Ly man R. 228 Co mpston, Melinda Ma rie (10) 78 Co nley, No rma j . (9) 94 Co nn , Sand ra Lee (12) Conner, Ma rk Stewa rt ( I I) 62 Cook, Helen Elizabeth (12) 22 Cooper, Deborah E. 178, 219 Cooper, Douglas Alan (9) 94 Cooper, Feliaa Maria (12) 22 Cooper, Michael Keith (12) 22, 14 1, ISS, 172

D DECA 176 Dabney, Calvin Way ne (9) Dabney, Donald E. (9) Dabney, Lin wood (10) Dai ley, Cy nthia Anne (1 2) Dalrymple, Pa ul Clayton (I I) 62, 196 Das, Sa njit (10) 78, ISS, 181 Daugherty, David Glenn (II ) Daugherty, Pa ula Susa n (12) 13, 22, 170, 171 , 19 1, 199 Dav1s, Anthony (II ) 78 Davis, April janine (II ) 62 Davis, Barry Antho ny (10) 62, 78, 193 Davis, Barry Owens ( I I) Davis, Geo rge W. (9) 94 Davis, Greg

Davis, He rbie L. (9) Davis, Lisa Ann (10) 78 Davis , Lisa Gyw n (10) 62, 78 Davis, Ma rga ret Ann (1 2) 22 Davis , Mary Mae (12) 22 Davis , Rebecca A. (9) 94 Davis, Roger (II ) 62 Davis, Stephanie Lynn (12) 22, 143, 157, 173 Davis, Vale rie (10) 78, 196 Day, Mark Ala n (12) Dea n je ffrey Sue! (9) 94 Dean, Kathy Sue (10) 78 Dean, Michael (I I) 62 Dea ne, Ma rk Anthony (II) Debate 175 Debened ictis, Ca rl David (10) Deberry, Andrea Frances (10) 78 Dejohn, Nicholas j . (II ) 19, 121 , 199 De Krafft , Cha rles W. 227 Del Prete, Susa n M (12) 187 D'E licio's D elicacies 243

D'Elicio, Ma ri e Louise (12) 22, 122, 172, 186, 189 D'Elicio, Louis Ed ward (10) 78, 122, 188 Delis, Kat herin e (II ) 186 Delis, Lisa (I I) 62, 75 DeMasters, Stephe n C. (9) 94, 125, 196 DeMasters, Te resa Lynne (12) 22, ISS, 176 Dempsey, Ki mbe rley, Nad ine (II ) 62 Depret-G uilla ume, Cori nne (9) 96, 182 Dep ret-G uilla ume, Patrick (10) 78 Depret-Guilla ume, Serge (II) 62, 180, 182 DeVan, Ma rga ret Richards (9) 94, 189 DeVan, William Arth ur (12) 13, ISS, 175 Dewey, Lisa Kim (II ) 62, 108, 194 Dick, Marye 2 12 Dickma n, Suzanne (12) 22, 142, 152, 173, 180, 187, 197, 199 Dieso n, Susa n jea n (10) 79, 122 Digges, Dua ne And rew (II ) 62, 12 1 Dilla rd , A. G. Jr., Pavi ng In c. 25 1 Dilla rd , Alphonso Leroy (9) Dil lard , jeffrey Mitchel ( II ) 62, 181 Dillard, Michael A. (9) 94, 194 Dillard , Nicholas (12) 131, 134 Dillard , Ste pha nie Lorra ine ( I I) Dillard, Terry Reca rd o (12) Dillow, Mark Antho ny (10) 79 Dimasi, Anthony joseph (12) 22, 118, 121 Dimasi, Kat hleen Laing (11) 48, 62 Di nwidd ie, Ann e Corde r (12) 22, 136, 137, ISS, 189, 192, 199

Index 267


' Dix, Pamela) . (9) 94, 182 Dixon, Harold Andrew (10) 79, 122, 189 Dixon, India Isabell (12) Dixon, Kathy 122 Dixon, Michael B. (9) 95, 188, 191 Dobbs, Melissa Lynn (10) 79, 187, 189 Dobbins, Thomas C. (12) 22 Dofflemyer, Virginia 205 Donato, Bria n john (10) 79 Donato, Kristin Eileen (II) 62, 196 Donnelly Mark Te rry (9) 95 Dorman, Gail Ma ri e (II ) 62 Dorman, Richa rd (II ) 62, 122, 189 Dorman, Yvon ne 189 Dom, Desi ree (II) 63 Douglas, Bryant (II ) Douglas, Gle nda Ruth (9) 95 Douglas, james F. 207 Douglas, Karen Ma rie (10) 79, 155 Douglas, Keith Lee (10) 79, 155 Doval, Tom 11 8, 119, 120 Dowell, Sharon Gay (II ) 63, 170, 194 Downtown At hl etic Store 240 Doyle, Elizabeth Winn (II ) 63, 181, 197 Drama Club 184, 187 Drash, Sarah Elizabeth (II ) 63, 114, 182 Driscoll, Bethany Clay (10) 79 Dubnicek, james P. 226 Dudley, Danny (9) Dudley, Garrett Anderson (12) 22 Dud ley, Kimberly Dia ne (12) 13, 24, 11 3, 11 4 Dudley, Loretta Lyn (II ) 63, 176 Duggan, Michael Thomas (12) 24, 155, 184, 199 Dunca n, Charles 181 Dungeo ns and Dragons Club 190 Dunk!, je nnifer Ann (9) 95, 182 Dunni va n, Lloyd Ray (9) Duprey, Pa ul E. (9) 95, 177 Durham, Sharon Elai ne (10) 79 Durkee, Paula Christi ne (9) 95 Dwier, Alison Ann (12) 16, 24, 155, 173, 174, 180, 184, 199 Dye r, Lisa Ann (II) 63 Dyer, Robe rt A. (I I)

E Eades, johathan Kirk (II ) 63 Early, Eddie Lee (12) 24, 121 , 131 Ecology Club 194, 195 Edgecomb, Debra Sue (II) 79, 172 Edmonds, Winston Lewis, Jr. (10) 79, 118, 121 , 193 Edmondson, Susan Louise (10) 76, 79, 116, 142, 196 Edson, Clarece Holla nd 207 Edwards, And rew Wes ley (10) Edwards, Cheryl Louise (II ) 63 Ed wa rds, Kenneth Samu el (10) 79, 122, 136, Edwa rd s, Na ncy jea n (10) 79, 108, 197 Eichelbe rger, Ben Da vis (10) 79, 181 Eichma n, Todd Everett (10) 79 Elbertik, Eda (II ) 63, 11 6, 182 Eley, Mary E. (9) 95, 184 E l ~o rt , Andrew 227 El[os 243 El iton, David Gilbe rt (II) 63 Elliton, Wendy K. (9) 95 Elliott, Marion Barton 206 Eltiot~s 4th Period 250 Ellis, Darla Che rie 204 Ely, Michael Lawrence (9) 95 El y, Mike 128 El y, Todd Ba ld win (9) Eppard, Frede rick Arnold (12) 24 Eppa rd , Karen Michelle (10) 79, 134, 135 Eppa rd , Lisa Yvon ne (12) 24, 134 Er~ler, Richard H. 171 , 191 , 194, 206 Enckson, Catherin e L. (II ) 63, 187 Erkenbra ck, Laura Elizabeth Ann (11) 63, 180, 181, 192, 196, 197 Estes, Thomas Howa rd , Jr. (9) Estes, Pame la Deenen (12) 24 Estes, Phillip Ma nsfield (II ) 63, 125, 126, 183 Estes, Stephanie Ma ria (10) 79 Estes, z. james, Jr. 186, 213 Estes' AP Engtisn 263 Etheridge, Susan Carter 220 Eubank, Cynthia Marie (10) 79 Evans, Jamce 231 Evans, Kim be rly Sue (10) 79, 11 6, 196 Eways, Kay Elizabeth (12) 24, 180, 192 Eways, Sa lem M. 241 Eways, Vicki Rene (II ) 63, 183 Ewing, Hu gh james (1.2) 24, 196

F FBLA 178 FCA 193 FFA 176 FHA 177 Fagg, Gregory Scott (II) Falied, Stephanie A. (10) Falls, Sharon Lyn n (10) 79, 196 Fantino, Anthony " Zeke" 178, 225 Fantino, Marilyn ) . 215 Farish, Dee Grace (12) Farish, Lisa Elaine (10) 79 Fariss, joh n Wesley (12) 24 Fariss, William Henry (10) 79, 176, 177 Farley, Elbert L. (10) 79 Fa rmer, Penny (9) 95, 193 Farnum, Fred P. (9) 95, 121 Farr, Nicole 188 Farrell, Lisa J. (9) 95 Farrish, Pamela Diane (10) 79, 176 Fa ulkne r, Rebecca (11) 63, 178

268 Index

Faulkne r, Sand ra Elaine (II ) Faulkner, Wilfred D. (9) 95 Fazli, Sohile A. (9) Fegga ns, Becky (10) 79 Feggans, Ca roline (9) 95, 177 Feggans, Gletsa Va rl eria (II ), 63, 67, 74, 155, 183, 187, 196 Fergusen, Ruth Leone (12) 24 Fidrer, Phyllis Katherine (11) 63, 155, 176 Field Hockey I 13, 11 4, 115 Fielde r, jacq ueline R. (11 ) 186, 187 Fields, Jud y Denise (10) 79 Fields, Tamm y Ly nn (12) 24, 178 Fields, Wil liam B. (9) 95, 191 Fine Designs 256 Fine!, Regine, G. (11 ) 63 Finger, Efea nor F. (10) 79 Finger, Louise (9) 95, 196 Fin ley, Peggy S. 199, 21 5 Fischer, Troy Wa yne (I I) 63, 193 Fisk, Freeman P. (9)

~t~~: ~:~r~e f~a (10) Fishe r, john C. (II ) 63, 172, 197 Fisher, Roger Edwa rd (11 ) Fitz, Do uglas Ala n (10) Fitzgerald; Amy Sue (10) 10, 79, 113, 114, 11 5, 196 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ann (11 ) 63, 18 1 Fitzgerald, Robin )a nin e (10) 79, 177 Fitz'Hugh, Geo rge M. (9) 95 Flanaga n, Ga ry l ynn (10) 79 Fleming, jenife r Marie (10) 79 Fletcher, Donna Lynett e (II ) 63, 155, 187, 189 Flo rence, Mary Catheri ne (9) 95, 122, 189, 191 Flo rence, Richard Bruce, Jr. (12) 24 Flynn, Frederick Ga lager (II ) 63 Flynn, Kathlee n 208 Fogle, William Samu el (9) Football 11 8, 11 9, 120, 121 Ford, jerry Gilbert (II) 63 Fo rdham, Benjamin O liver (10) 79, 155, 181 Forl oines, Melissa Jane (II) 63, 122, 155, 181, 189, 197, 199 Forsberg, Ronald Way ne (10) 79 Fortune, Vincent Cu rle{ (II ) 131 Foss, David (12) 24, 19 Foster, Page 232 Foutz, R. Stephen 216 Fowler, Marga re t P. 209 Fowley, Damel john (9) 95, 196 Fox, Harry Scott (II) Fox, James Ra ndolfh (II ) 63 Fox, Rebecca D. (9 95 Frame, Lau ra An ne (11) 63, 122 Fra nk, Matthew F. (9) 95, 121 Franklin, Ve rona Leake 214 Frazier, )ody H. (9) 95 Fra zier, Susa n Gail (12) 24 Fredrick, Rebecca Lyn (10) 79, 128, 187, 194 Fre nch Club 182 French Hono r Society 180 Frenchman , Corpal !96 Frescoln, Amy Webb (12) 24, 181 Frescoln, Rees ). (9) 95, 121 , 181 Fritz, Tamara Lynn (1 I) 63 Fritz, Thomas josefh (10) 80, 110, Ill , 197 Frome r, Eric S. (10 80, 194 Fudala, jenifer L. (9) 95, 122, 182 Fuelling, Eric Reeder (1 1) 63 Fulche r, Virgin ia L. 173, 207 Fussa, Rogefio A. (9) 95, 199


Gibson, john (9) Gibson, joseph Keith (II ) 64 Gibson, Kevm L. (9) 95 Gibson, Rebecca L. (9) 95 Gibso n, Robbin Lynn (II) 64 18 1 Gibson, Roger Dale (10) 80 Gibson, Susan jean (9) 96, 194 Gibson, Thomas Gene (II ) Gies, Mary jo 216 Giffin, Anne L. (9) 96 Gilka, Kimberly Ann (12) 27 Gilka, Michelle Lynn (10) 80, 182 Gill, Michael P., Jr. (11 ) 64, 75, 190 Gill, Thorws G. (9) 96 Gil lam, McSha nna (9) 96 Gil liam, ,Fobert Maxim, Jr. (12) 27 G illi am;'~teve Anthony (11 ) 64 Gilmer, Georgia (I I) 64 Gitchell, Billy 265 Given, Pau l O' Neil (I I) 64, 148, 197 Glasgow, Ethel Elnora (10) 80, 122, 128, 189 Glass ner Jewelers 234 Gleaso n, H. M. 259 Gleaso n, Michelle Lee (10) 80 Gleitz, Allen Harrison (12) 27, 122, 155, 157, 173, 175, 180, 182, 189, 199 Glove r, Mary jane 226 Coco Oil, Inc. 248 Godsey, Gregory Caldwell (12) 27, 122, 173, 182, 188, 199 Godser., Me lan ie jane (11 ) 64, 114, 128, 196 Goebe , Donald joseph (12) 27 Goebel, Kath y Jeane (9) 96 Good, Antho ny W. (9) 96 Goodman, Jo nny Wesley (12) 80, 125, 197, 198 Goodwin, Alan Scott (11) 64 Go rma n, Denea Janene (1 1) 64, 189, 192 Go rman, Yvonne M. (9) 96 Gossweiler, Richard Ca rl (12) 12, 13, 27, 133, 173, 191 Gossweiler, Robert S. (9) 96, 131 , 188 Got ham, Anne A. (9) 96, 155, 186, 187 Gould, Greer S. (9) 96, II 0, 189 Grabman, judi th Ca rol (I I) Graha m, Da vid Andrew (10) 80, 188 Grai ner, Brian) . 118, 120, 196, 216 Grainer, Pam 120, 134, 135 Grainer, Pete 119, 120 Grange r, Amy Ha nkins (10) 80, 83, 116, 155, 196, 198 Gra nger, Kate Maury (II ) 65, 193, 198, 199 Graves, Brenda ). 178, 21 9 Graves, Cynthia Renee (12) 27 Graves, L1sa (9) 96, 194 Graves, Marsha Rae (9) 96, 193 Graves, Ricky Scott (II) Graves, Vickie Lynn (9) 96 Gray, Kevin Wilfiam (11 ) 125, 176 Gray, Meredith ja mes (12) 27 Gray, Milton Daniel (10) Gray, Ruth L. (9) 96, 193 Graziano, Anthony Franklin (10) 65, 184 Graziano, Kriste n (9) 96 Gree n, john (12) 15, 27, 11 8, 120, 121 , 176, 177 Green, Kelvin Leroy (II ) 65 Gree n, Lorry Elizabeth (12) 27, 171 191, 199 Green, Warren (12) 27 Greene, Ronald A. (9) 96, 131 , 197 Grehawick, Kimberly (9) 96, 183 Gri m, a ncy Carolyn 218 Gri nde, Paige Elizabet h (11) 65, 189, 197 Gurley, Keisto n Greg (11 ) 27, 131, 134, 143, 157, 173, 180, 183, 194 Gurley, Ma rlin a Pea rl (11 ) 65, 153, 196 Guthrie, Timothy Ra y (10) 80, 121 Gym nastics 134, 135

Harris, john M. (9) 96, Harris, Leve m e (10) 81 H ~ rri s , Ma rk Anthony ( Harris, Nata lie LaVonnt Harris, Robert Alexa ndE Harris, Scott ChristophE Harris, Virginia A. (12) Harris, Walter james (l l Harriso n, Ralph A. 222 Hartman, Mich ael A. (I Hasenstab, Michael Da\ Hauck, Shaw n E. (9) 96 Ha ve rkamp, James Lew Haverkamp, Ruth Haw kins, Kathy Re nee Hawkins, Kelvm R. (12) Hawkins, Kim Ron (9) Hawki ns, Le tina Ange li Hawki ns, Reginald (10) Hawki ns, Todd (10) 81, Haw ley, Lisa Ann (10) ! Hayes, Arthur (9) 125, 1 Ha yes, James Theordric Hay nes, Robert C. (II ) < Hea rne, James Michael Hearns, ja net Sheri (9) Hea rn s, jay Lasell (10) 1 Hea rn s, Rod ney Alan (1 Hea th, Catherin e L. (9) Heeter, Alison Marie (11 Heeter, Todd R. (9) 96 Heimer, Cos ta (12) 27 Heim er, Knu t Lennart (



Held , Nick (1 1) 66 Helfe nstein, Dorothy Le Helfe nste in, Virginia An Helma nd olla r, Al len Wil He lwig, Maria L. (9) 96, He nd erson , Andrew W. Henderso n, Larry A. (9) Henderson, Lester Harri Henderson-Will ia ms, Le Hendricks, Tina L. (10) I He nry, jeffrey Harrison He nry, Sheila Annette C He nsley, Bil l 265 Hensley, Ke ll y Lee, Jr. ( Hensley, Kevm Dale (10 Hensley, Lisa Gayle (II ) Hens ley, Micha el T. (9) ' Hens ley, Monnie Waym Hensley, Wendy (9) Hermanson , Holly Crilly Hem s, jay (10) 81, 189 Herring, Gary Donald (I Herri ng, james Arthur (: Herring, Karron Anne (I Herring, Keith Randall ( Herring, Larry Ronald (1 Herring, Ollie B. (10) 82 He rrin g, Trent Allen (10 He rrmann, Ca lve rt Caro Hess, Ltd . 246 Hettinghe r, David) . (9)' Hicks, llobby Lee (12) 29 Hicks, Brend a Ca role (12 Hicks, Deborah jo (12) 2' Hicks, Hope Mirna (10) I Hicks, jacque line Anne ( Hicks, Kimberly Kaye (1: Hicks, Ruth Louise (10) I Hicks, Thomas Burean C Hicks, Willie (9) 97 Higgins, Deborah Lynn


Gadient, Stephanie Edi th (10) 80 Gaertner, joh n Alden (11 ) 63, 11 0, 155, 171, 172, 191, 199 Gaines, Earnest Lee, Jr. (10) Gaines, Va leri e Lee (II ) 63, 177 Ga ines, Vanessa Lave rne (12) 27 Ga llaghe r, john D. (9) 95 Ga llan t, Jane 221 Gannon, je nn ifer Ann (II ) 63, 108, 196 Ga rcia, Jarryl 196 Gardner, Charlotte Charma (II ) 63, 122, 189 Ga rdn er, Darrell C. 176, 226 Ga rdn er, Elliott). , Jr. (10) 80, 121 Gard ne r, Kava nsa Kenton (10) 80, 121 , 187 Ga rdner, Kenton 176, 224 Gardner, Monica (9/95 Ga rdne r, Nancy Ar e ne (9) 95 Ga rla nd , Rebecca (12) 11 , 12, 27, 11 6, 181 , 194, 197 Ga rland , Robert Will iam (9) 95, 121 Garner, Stewart An n (II) 60, 63, 148, 181 Garnett, ja mes Me rcer 125, 223 Garnett, Ruth 231 Ga rrison, Janice Marie (10) 80 Garver, Scott Michael (12) 27, 121 , 155 Gatewood, Lasand ra Blende (II ) 63 Gatewood, Lori An n (9) 95 Gaylord, Da vid Ala n, Jr. (11 ) 64 Ged ient , Stepha nie Gee r, Monty Way ne (12) Geer, Tina M. (9) 95 Gelling, Patrick Howard (12) Gentry, Gregory Scott (12) 27 Gentry, Terry Lee (12) 196, 197 Cera!, Ea rl ( 10) 80 Ge rbert, Cha rl es Peck (10) 80, 121 g:~~~e~~~~~~/ (9) 95, 97, 136 Ghaza rian, Germai ne (I 1) 64, 182, 197 Gia nnini, Bryston Craig (9) 95, 121 Gia nn ini, Stephan ie Page (11) 64, 176, 196, 199 Gibson, Carla Lynn (12) Gibso n, Cyn thia Ka y (10) Gibson, Dwayne Phillip (II ) 64 Gibso n, Franklin L. , Jr. (9) Gibson, Gary Samuel (11 ) 64 Gibson, Glen n Al la n (10) Gibso n, Ha rlan Franklin (II) 64

~~ft~~d ::Ve::J ~rnette

H Haberly, Duncan Charles (9) 96 Hackett, Brian (II ) 65, 191 Hackley, Le isa (9) 189, 196 Haga, Sylvia Denise (10) 80 Ha ga r, Darita (9) 96, 193 Hager, Bre nda Sue (II ) 65, 176 Hager, Paul (9) H a~er , Robert B. (12) Hames, Colleen Lee ( 10) 80, 172 Haka la, Tracy Noel (10) 80, 197 Hall, Donald Keith (10) 80 Hall, Lester Arnold (11 ) 65, 121 Hall, Michael Ada m (I I) 65, 122, 188 Hall, Mitche ll Alan (II) 65, 122, 189, 199 Hall, Susa n Kathryn (9) 96 Hamm, Li nd a Dawn (10) 81, 197 Hamm, Susan Annette (12) 27, 172 Hammer, joe Allen (11) 65, 192 Hammill, Clifford George (10) 81, 125 Ha mm ond , Kenneth Paul (10) 81 , 121 , 125 Hammond, Michael J. (9) 96, 121 , 125, I 96 Hammo nd , Stephen Edgar (II ) 65, 144 Hamner, Clifton Charles (10) 81, 125, 127, 193, 198 Hanckle-C itizens Insurance Corp . 250 Harlan, Mary 226 Harl an & McGuire 247 Harlequi11 172 Harlow, Nell (12) 27, 178 Harman, joh n K. (9) 96, 121 , 125 Harmon, Scott Allan (10) 81 Harper, Robin Hooke (11 ) 65, 121 194 Harper, Tracie Lynn (10) 81 , 172 Harpold, Te resa Lynn (12) 27 Harrin gto n, Ri cha rd T. (9) 96, 189, 196 Harris, Angela Shaw (II ) 65 Harris, Bonnie Diane (11) 65, 197 Ha rris, Brad Kei th (11) 65 Harris, Ch risti ne Leo na (12) 27 Harris, Connie Elaine (12) 27, 176, 178 Harris, George Thomas (10) 81, 121 Harris, james William, Jr. (II) 194 Harris, jane Annette (10) 96


Hiller, B. Scott (12/29 Himelrick, Michae Ray ( Hines, Willie L. (9) Hipskind , orman Patrit Hi rsch , Miriam Lisa (9) 9 Hirsch , Thomas M. (9) 9' Hobso n, Ann e Dana (12) Hodson, Vera Ma rie (9) Hoff, Patrick L. (9) 97 Hoel, ju lie Britt (1 2) 29, : Hoe!, Lisa Maureen (10) Hoel, Sonja Les lie (I 0) 8: Hogg, Douglas Scott (12) Hoke, Glon a jean (12) 29 Holfelde r, Frederic Willi2 Holgate, He idi Marie (10 Holliday, Susa n E. (12) 2 Holl ins, Gary Michael 21 Hollo, Denise Lillia n (11 ) Hollo, Sylvia C. (9) 97, 1: Hollowar., Bruce Kelly (I Holsa pp e, Da vid Euge nt Holsa pple, Denise (9) Holsapple, Pe nny Leight Holsapple, Vonda (10) 8: Holt, Jam ie Virginia (11) Homecoming Court 145, Homecoming Dance 144 Homecom in g Pa rade 143 Ho nors Hodd, Cha rles Marcus (1 Hood, Paula Lee Elizabet Hoover, The resa An ne (1 Hoove r, Wade A. (1 1) Horan, joan ne (12) 29, 11 Horto n, Michele R. (11 ) I Houche ns, Cindy Leigh I Houche ns, Pau l Lindsay Houcke, Lauri A. (9) 97, Ho ughton, Dan iel Ve rn o1 Howa rd, joanne Ellen (H Howa rd , Sum it (12) Howell, Michael Dwayne Hoy, joa nn a Lee (12) Hoza, Sandra Elayne (12) Hubba rd , David Clark (1

Harris, john M. (9) % , 121 , 197 Harris, Leverne (10) 81 Harris, Mark Anthony (10) 81 Harris, Natalie LaVo nn e (9) % , 191 Harris, Robert Alexa nder IV (12) 27, 57, ISS, 175, 180, 199 Harris, Scott Christo pher (12) ISS, 176 Harris, Virginia A. (12) 27, ISS, IS7, 173, 180, 182, 199 Harris, Walter James (II ) 65 Harrison, Ralph A. 222 Hartman, Michael A. (12) 193 Hase nstab, Micha el David (12) 81 , 131 , 142, 184 Hauck, Shawn E. (9) 96, 194 Haverkamp, James Lewis (II) 65, 192 Ha verkamp, Ruth Hawkins, Kathy Renee (10) Hawkins, Kelvm R. (12) 27, 174 Hawkins, Kim Ron (9) Hawkins, Letina Angelia (II ) Hawkins, Reginald (10) 81 Hawkins, Todd (10) 81, 121 , 1% Hawley, Lisa Ann (10) 81 Hayes, Arthur (9) 125, 126 Hayes, james Theordric (11 ) 187 Ha ynes, Robert C. (11 ) 65 Hearne, james Micha el (12) 27, 192 Hearns, janet She ri (9) Hearns, Jay Lasell (10) 122 Hearns, Rodney Alan (12) 27, 96, 179 Heath, Ca therine L. (9) % , 188, 189, 194, 198 Heete r, Alison Marie (11 ) 6S, ISS Heeter, Todd R. (9) 96 Heime r, Costa (12) 27 Heimer, Knut Lenna rt (11 ) ISS, 194 Heintges, Adrea Le igh (11 ) Heintzleman, Karen 1.aw (10) 81, 142, 145, 146, 197, 198 Held, Nick (11) 66 He lfe nstein, Dorothy Lee (12) 27, 192


157, 173, 175, 180, 182,

173, 182, 188, 199 196

17, 198

~~:~~~~~?ia~i:G\~~ ~~ua~ ~ 134.

133, 173, 191 ~

13S. 187

Helwig, Maria L. (9) % , 194 Henderson, Andrew W. (9) 96, 121 , 188, 197, 198 Henderso n, Larry A. (9) % , 189 H enderson, Les ter H arrison (1 2)

ISS, 196, 198 199

76, 177 199

143, 157, 173, 180, 183,

Henderson-Williams, Leslie 21 3 Hendricks, Tina L. (10) 81, 193 Henry, Jeffre y Ha rri son ( 10) 81, 176 Henry, She il a Annette (II ) 66, 176 Hensley, Bill 265 Hensley, Kell y Lee, Jr. (II ) Hensley, Kevm Dale (10) 81, 176 Hensley, Lisa Gay le ( 11 ) Hensley, Michae l T. (9) 97 Hensley, Ma nnie Wayne, Jr. (10) 81 Hensley, We nd y (9) Herma nso n, Holl y Crilly (12) 27, 184 Hems, Jay (10) 8!, 189 Herring, Ga ry Dona ld (12) 29 Herring, Ja mes Arthur (10) 8 1 Herring, Ka rron Anne (12) 27 Herring, Keith Rand all (10) 81, 176 Herring, Larry Ronald (12) 27 Herring, O llie B. (10) 82 Herring, Tre nt All en (10) Herrmann , Calve rt Ca roline (11 ) 66, 180, 183 Hess, Ltd . 246 Hettin ghe r, David) . (9) 97, 121 Hicks, 1lobby Lee (12) 29 Hicks, Bre nda Ca role (12) 29, 194 Hicks, Debo ra h )o (12) 29, 128, 142, 145, 147 Hicks, Ho pe Mirna ( 10) 82 Hicks, Jacqueline Anne ( 12) 29 Hicks, Kimberly Ka ye (12) 29 Hicks, Ruth Louise (10) 82, 176 Hicks, Thomas Burea n (10) 97 Hicks, Willie (9) 97 Higgi ns, Deborah Lynn (11 ) 66, 197 ~:IF.~d' ~~nette (10) 82 Hiller, B. Scott (12) 29 Himelrick, Mi chael Ray (12) 29 Hin es, Willie L. (9) Hipskind , Norma n Pa tri ck (II) 66 Hi rsch, Miria m Lisa (9) 97, 131, 189, 1% Hi rsch, Thomas M. (9) 97, 197, 198 Hobso n, Anne Da na (12) 29 Hodson, Vera Ma rie (9) Hoff, Patrick L. (9) 97 Hoel, Julie Britt (12) 29, 181. 197, 199 Hoel, Lisa Maureen (10) 82, 183, 192, I% Hoel, Sonja Les li e (10) 82, 182, 187, 199 Hogg, Dou111as Scott (12) 29, 12 1, 1% Hoke, Glona jea n (12) 29, 194 Holfelder, Frederic Willia m (10) 82, 121 Holgate, Heidi Marie (10) 82, ISS, 175, 166, 192, 199 Holr.day, Susa n E. ( 12) 29, ISS, 180, 194 Hollins, Ga ry Micha el 21 6 Hollo, Denise Lillia n (11 ) 66, 122, 180, 184 Hollo, Sylvia C. (9) 97, 122, 197 Holloway, Bruce Kelly (12) Holsa pple, David Eu gene (10) 82, 176 Holsapple, Denise (9) Holsa pple, Penny Leight (1 2) Holsa pple, Ya nda (10) 82 Holt, Ja mie Virgi nia (II ) 29 Homeco ming Cou rt 145, 146, 147 Homecoming Da nce 144 Ho mecoming Pa rade 143


25 %

? , 193, 198

H onors

Hodd, Cha rles Marcus (12) 29, 122, ISS, 182, 187, 188, 189, 199 Hood, Pa ul a Lee El izabe th (10) 82, 122, 189 Hoover, Theresa Anne (10) • Hoove r, Wade A. ( II ) Hora n, Joa nne (12) 29, 11 6, 166, 189, 197 • Horton , Michele R. (11) 66, 172, 173 Houchens, Ci nd y Le igh (10) 82, ISS, 176 Houchens, Paul Lindsa y (II ) 66 Houcke, Lauri A. (9) 97, 176 Houghton, Da niel Vernon (12) 29, 196 Howard, joa nne Ellen (10) 82, 181, 182 Howa rd , Sumit (12) Howell, Michae l Dway ne (11 ) Hoy, joa nna Lee (12) Hoza, Sa ndra Eiax ne (12) 3, 29, 157, 15S, 170, 171, 173, 178, 183 Hubbard , David Clark (11 ) 66, 18 1

Hubbard, Rhonda Karen (12) 29 Hucek, Andrew Thomas (10) 82 Hucek, Christoj>her james (10) 82 Hucek, Lisa J. (9) 97 Hudso n, Ruth Ann (9) 97 Huey, Robert Bradley (II ) 66, 199 Huey, Robin Elizabeth (12) 29, 197, 199 Huffman, Howard Edward (11 ) 199 Hughes, Harriet (12) 29 Hughes, Harry (11 ) Hughes, Shawn (10) 82, 196 ~~ff~s~~~~~~~; ~} 97. 174. 198 Hunt, Elizabeth Carr (II ) 66, 155, 197, 199 Hunt, Glenn Alan (II) 66, 177 Hunt, Gregory Alan (II) 66 Hunt, )annette S. 178, 219 Hunt, Margaret Eleen (10) 82, 122, 189 Hunt, Ray C. (II ) 66, 197 Hunt, Sailie Harrie t (12) 29, 142, ISS, 175, 180, 197, 199 Hunte r, Mary Robeson 21 2 H~~er, Thomas Rogers (12) 29, 122, 142, 1SS, 173, 175, 188, 194,

jones, Thomas C. (9) 98, 1% jones, Timothy (9) jones, Tracy (10) 82 Jordan, Darle ne Ma e (10) 82, 192 Jordan, Junius Lloyd Jr. (II ) Jordan, Paul L. (9) 98 Jordan, Pe nny Marie (10) 83, 183



Hurt, ·Ben F. 144, 203 Hurt , Margaret 197

Hutchins, Meg

I lachetta, Patrick E. (9) 97, 189 lachetta, She ri L. (12) 29, ISS, 192 Inabinet, Carol Louise (12) 29 Ingalls, Micha el G. (1 0) 82, 121 , 196 Inscoe, Paula Jo (II ) 66, 193 Irwin, Laura Smith (II ) 66, 184, 196, 197 !vie, Gregory Mark (II ) 66 Ivory, Robert L. (12) 29 Ivory, Steve Maurice (10) 82, 121, 194

J Jackson, Donna Marie (12) 29, 82 jackson, )rene Lynette (12) 29 Jackso n, Latravern Da niel (10) 82 Jackson, Sarah Michelle (10) 82 jacobso n, Donna Susa n (10) 188, 194 Jakubowski , Susa n) . (12) 29 James, Lisa Kat (10) 82 James, Mary Ca th erine (9) 97, 189 Jansen, )od1 E. (9) 97 Jansen, Kirk Ziorc (12) 29, 19 1 Jarman , Ca the rine Marie (12) 29 Jarman, Stacey Ann e (11 ) Jarrell, Earl M. (9) Jarrell, Russell L. 125, 222 jefferson, William Edward (10) 12 1, 131 , 176 Jetton, Paula D. (9) Johann esen, Dawn Hele na (11 ) 66, 180, 182 Johann esen, Heidi Lynn (10) 82 110, ISS, 172 johnso n, Andrew Langha m (12) 30 johnso n, April Valerie (10) 82, 136, 1% johnso n, Charlotte Eli zabet h (10) 82, 120, 170, 17, Johnso n, Ca rol Re nee (12) 30 johnso n, Cha ron (11 ) 66, 176 johnso n, Cindy Cha rl ee n (12) 30 johnso n, Cla rence Edward Jr. (9) 97, 121 johnso n, Clinton Timothy (10) 187, 196 johnso n, Eric Scott (10) 82, 125 johnso n, Ernest Eugene (9) 97, 187 johnso n, Fe li cia Mae (10) 82 Johnson, Jane t Ma lia (9) 97, 198 john so n, Jennifer Eilee n (II ) 66 John so n, Kevin joseph (1 2) John son, Larry Al an 193, 206 john son, La uri e Denise (I I) 66, 193 John son, Lo kie )e nice (9) 98, 122, 189 John son, Lo rraine Roberta (10) 82 john son, Lynnley E. (12) 30, 134, 13S, 194 john son, Mamie Piers (II ) john son, Melanie McCray (12) 30, 108, 155, 196, 197, 199 john son, Michael Al onzo (11 ) John son, Owen De rrick (12) 30, 174, 196 Johnson, Paul L. 228 Johnson, Rainna (11 ) 82, 196 john son, Reginia Lea trice (10) 66, 196 johnson, Ruth 20S Johnso n, Sandra L. (9) 98 Johnso n, Sharon

johnso n, Wald o E. 190, 193, 220 jones, Ala n 177 jones, AndreaS. 98, 19S, 198 jones, Ann e Whi tfield (10) 172, 166 Jones, Anson Theodore (10) 82 Jones, Daniel Kevi n (9) 98 jones, Da rle ne Elizabe th (10) 82, 142 , 145, 147, 196, 197, 198, 199 jones, Davi d Thomas (10) 82, 196, 198 jones, Debra h Whi te 224 Jones, Dia ne L. (I I) 176 jones, Gary Stua rt (II ) 66 121 , 136, 137 jones, jesse (9) jones, Ke nda ll T. (9) 98, 136, 189, 197, 198 jones, Laura Kay (II ) 66, 108, 176, 182, 197 Jones, Lisa Gay (12) 30 Jones, Luther A. (9) 98, 198 Jones, Ma ry Ellen (9) jones, Phillip Bradl ey (11 ) jones, Rebecca 21 6 Jones, Rebecca A. (9) 98 Jones, Robin L. (10) Jones, Sa ndra Elaine (12) 30 jones, Sterling Rexford ( II ) 66 Jones, Theresa 205

K.aitman Van essa 194

Kauffman, James Timoth y (11 ) 66, 125, 126, 127, 199 Kee ney, Linda B. 177, 226 Keller, Rodn ey M. 177, 212 Kell ogg, )ona tnan M. (11 ) 66 Kelly, Anne Cath erine (12) 30, 110, 173, 189, 191, 198 Kelly, Caroline Mayes (12) 112, 153, ISS Kelly, Caroline Rose (9) 98 Kell y, Elliot 83, 110, 140, 188, 197, 199 Kelly, Patricia Ztta (10) 83, 128 Kelly, Thos Thad Elliott (10) Kemp, Deborah (9) 98, 184 Kendrick, jeffrey L. (9) 98 Kennon, Brian Patrick (10) 83, 125, 182 Kenny, Timothy W. (9) 98, 12S Kerns, Derrick Alan (10) 83, 121 Kerns, KandiK. (9) 98, 191 Kersey, Kimberly Kay (10) 83 Kesler, Kirsten Ann (10) 83 Kesler, Rona ld Ashton (12) Key , Joann e (12) 30 Keyser, Sandra (9) 192, 224 Kidd , Deborah Sue (10) 83 Kilburg, Jean (12) 30 Kim lJng-Sok (10) Kim Ung Kil (11 ) Kincaid, Laura ja ne (12) 30, 39, 122, 184, 189 Kincaid , Pa ul B. (9) 98 Kindrick, Timothy Kevin (11 ) 66, 121 King, Angela Lynn (10) King, Yvenne Mimi (12) 12, 30, 122, 153, 172, 173, 189 Kirliy, Debra Roc helle (12) Kirby , Edwa rd Lo uis U (10) 83 Kirby, jona than Za ne (12) Kirby, Ta mara Lynn (11 ) 66, 131 Kirby, Te rri Annette (II ) 66 Kirby, William Bria n (10) Kirkland , Elizabeth Ann (10) 83, 88, 182, 166 Kirksey, Ne lso n Bla nd (II ) Kirtley, Cha rles St. Clair (12) 30, 121 , 1% Kirtl ey, Da vid Ba ldwin (10) 83, 184 Ki tte rman , John Vince nt 1% , 197, 21 3 Kitterman's 4th peri od Ki ttredge Erin G. (9) 98 Klemp, Theresa Ma ri e (12) Knight, Colte r Dillard (12) Knigh t, Hea the r R. (9) 98, 108, 128, 182, 21 2 Knight, Sa mu el M. (9) 98, 189 Koort , Peter Ala n (11 ) 66, 68, 194 Kost, Kristine M. (12) 14, 30, 106, 11 0, 112, 131, 134, 153, 157, 173, 180, 182 Kost, The resa Marie (11 ) 66, 131 , 133, 183, 188 Kost, Victoria A. (9) 98, I 10, 189 Kretsinger, Anna Lisa (12) 30, ISS, 172, 191 Kretsinger, Mona Katrina (11 ) 66, 180, 182, 194 Kretsinger, Ste in E. (9) 98 Krol. Amx M. (9) 98 Krongaard , Mich ae l S. (11 ) 66 Ku zma n, Sylvia Kay (1 2) 30, 142, 145, 157, 18S Kunkler, Mike Andrew (II ) 66, 197 Kupke, Mica! Jea n (II ) 66, 128, 148, 193

L La Bruno, Lisa (10) 83, 11 5, 193 LaBruno, Te resa (12) 30, 136, 143, 145 Lackey, Cha rles Halladay 11 , 203 Lacrosse Club t:~~~a~J'¥'~~r; (9) 98, 121 , 182 Lam, Le roy (12) 30 Lamb, Kevin Ed wa rd (10) Lamb, Matthe w Steve n (II ) 67 Lamb, Melissa Da il (12) 30 Lamb, Michael Allen (10) 83 Lamb, Pa mela Gay (11 ) 67, 192 Lamb, Virginia Ann (9) 98, 19 1 La mbrin os, Litsa lgn a tios (II ) 67, 183 La mie, Robert V. ni (12) Lamm, Ralph Todd (9) La nde!, Elizabeth Ann (11 ) 67, 189, 192 La ngdon, Bre nd a F. 223 Lasca no, Anth onx (9) 98, 189 Lasca no, Joseph (9) 98, 189 Lasca no, Mana The resa (11) 67, 183 Latin Club La ud ermilk, Laura (I I) 67, 199 Lauffe nbe rge r, Ka ren S. (9) 98, 11 4, 1% Lauffe nbe rge r, Linda Rae (11) 67, 114, 115, 128, 180, 192 Laure nt , P ~ilip pe B. (10) 83 La va lley, Andrew L. (9) La valley, Timothy S. (11 ) Lawhorn , Sharon F. (9) Lawhorn , She ri 189, 196 Lawhorne, Ve rn on L. (9) 98 Lawrence, Ca rlton Scott (10) 83, 121 , 193 Lawso n, De nee n Rea (11 ) 67 Lawso n, Holl y Ma rie (9) 194 Lawso n, Rodn ey D. (9) 98 La yne, Ma ry L. (9) 98, 19 1 Leake, Cheryl (11 ) 67, 122, 171 Lea r, Scott Richa rd (9) 98, 197 Lede rman, Mary 182, 21 0




Lee, Brenda Kay (12) 30, 32 Lee, Donna D. (II) Lee, Kimberl y Floine (10) 83, 116, 197 Lee, L.atanya V. (9) 92, 98, 136, 137 Lee, Lisa Gloria (10) 83 Leecies, Cha rles 190 R.E. Lee Leffers, Robert Alan ( II) 67, 136, 171, 183, 184 Leggett Leibl, Donald Dean (10) 3 Lenn, Howa rd jeffrey (10) 83, 197, 199 Leo na rd, Kathleen Blythe (10) 83, !55 Letne r, Shelly A. (9) 98 Levy's Lewicki, Eri n Lee (9) 67, 98, 189, 196, 199 Lewis, And rea jean ne (12) 30 Lewis, Ba rbara A. 229 Lewis, Carolyn (9) Lewis, ynthia (12) 30 Lewis, Dana Kay (11 ) Lewis, Ga le Christianna (II) 67, 183 Lewis, Isido re (10) 83 Lewis, jon Kevin (9) 98 Lewis, Marc E. (9) Lewis, Michael Thane (12) 12, 30, 199 Lewis, Stacey Dawn (10) 83, 184, 187 Lewis, Susa n Talley (11) 67, 193 Lewis, Viola Corneli a ( 10)

Liedholm, Eri c joh n (11) 67 Lilley, Lincoln Lynn (11) 67, 75 Lindgren, Ja nn a 0. 220 Lindsay, Desiree L. (9) 98, 194 Linkous, jan ice Me ria (10) 83, 192 Linkous, john Douglas (10) 83 Li vely, Tammy Kay (12) 30 Li vengood, Valerie Renee (II ) 68 Lloyd, john Robert (12) 30 Loehr, Ma ll ory 215 Loftin, Monica Leigh (II) 60, 68, 120, 187, 196 Loftland, Everett Thomas (9) Loga n, An na Elaine (10) Logan, Clevester 228 Lop; ~ . i~~e; ~evin Marion (12) 30, 122, 123, 145, 147, !55, 184,



Loga n, Vi nce nt Edwa rd (12) Lond ree, David 0' eil (10) Londree, Sandra Faye (12) 30 Loose, Mary Elizabeth (12) 13, 33, 171 , 191 , 199 Loudermilk, jeffrey Ashby (11) Loudermilk, La ura Mae ( II) 197 Love, Michael Wade (11 ) 68, 191 Love, Tracey Lynn (10) 83, 193 Lovelace, Kristi n Lee (12) 33, 136, !55, 184 Lovelace, Shelley A. (10) 83, 136, 184 Loving, Lisa Lovan (10) 83 Lovi ng, Tammy joa nn (10) 83 Low, Diana Ra nd olph (10) 83, 122, 189, 197 Lowe's

Lowry, The resa D. (10) Lucas, Angela Sherree (11 ) 67, 68, 192, 196 Lucas, Charles William ( II ) 68 Lucas, Ka re n Renee (12) 33 Lucas, Kathy R. (9) 99 Luck, Charlton Andres Jr. (10) 83 Ludgate, jennifer Ellen (12) 33 Lum, Graciela 80, 183, 21 0 Lumsde n, Timothy Kenno n (10) 83, 110 Lu tz, Ca rlton 110 Lutz, Eric Ha rding (12) 33 Lynch, Michael David (12) 33, 197 Lynch, Terry Wayne (9) 99, 121 , 193 Lynch, Troy Elliot (10) 84 W.A. Lynch Roofin g Co. Inc. Lyng, Mary Regina (10) 84, 194 Lyons, Richard-wilso n 125, 223 Lyttle, Cra ig S. (II) 68

M Macdonald, Robe rt C. 191, 206 Macdonald's 1st Pe riod Macdonald' s 4th Pe riod MacDo na ld , Timothy C. 155, 175, 214 Madison, jeanette Lynn (11 ) 68 Madison, Roland Lee (9) 99, 192 Madison, Steven Ray (11 ) 68, 192 Maeye ns, Melissa (10) 108, 128, 197 M~~~~~ Re nee Da rcell (12) 33, 120, 144, 145, 146, 174, 192, Ma grud er, Rose L. (9) 99 Magrud er, Sa ndra Monique (10) 84, 197 Ma nanes, Debo rah Lynne (12) 33, 176 Ma her, joyce Patricia (12) 33, 151 , 155, 172. 173, 174, 180 Ma hnke n, Denis H. (12) 33 Ma hnke n, Kathleen je nnifer (12) 33 Mahnken , Ti moth y Mark (10) Ma llory, Tammy Irene (10) 84 Mandell, Pamela Robin (11) 168, 171 , 182, 199 Ma nn , Chri sto pher Va nce (10) 84 Ma nn , Auburn Page lll (10) 84 Ma nzano, Ste~he n john (12) 33, 145, 146, 168, 192, 199 Ma rion, Kyle Sterling (10) 84, 121 Ma rsh, Cleveland He nry (1 2) 33 Ma rsh, Floyd Thomas (9) Marsh, Richard Wayne (9) 84 Ma rshall, Daniel Kevin (9) 99 Marshall, Harold G. (10) Ma rshall, Rodney Ray (11 ) 68 Ma rshall, Shirley D. (9) 99 Marshall, Sonya Dea nna (11) 68 Marshall, Stefanie T. (9) 84, 99, 144, 197, 199 Ma rshall, Teresa Lynn (10) 194 Marsh all, Willia m Scott (12) 33 Marski, George Dominick (12) 33 Marski , Trina M. (9) 99, 135 Martin, Amy Virginia (11) 68, 184 Martin, Bobby David (11 ) Martin, Bruce A. (9) 99, 11 9, 121 , 193 Marti n, Deborah Ann (11 ) 68, I n

270 Index

Martin, Duane D. (9) 99 Martin Hardware Martin, Hugh B. (9) 99, 121 , 189 Martin, jamce M. (10) Martin, Mark Underhill (9) 99, 122, 189 Martin, Todd Matthew (II ) 68 Martin, Tracy Dawn (II) 68, 176 Martin, Wilhe Christopher ( II ) 68 Masloff, john Bunts (II) 68, 125, 126, 193 Maslyk, Christine C. (9) 99, 124, 193 Maslyk, Mary Kim (11 ) 68, 116, 193 Mason, Candace jo (I I ) 11 , 68, 116, 180, 168, 192 ~=~~~: fr..~~~~ac~~~r<m 33. 142. 152. 155. 187. 192. 199 Massey, Donn Krichele (10) 84 Massey, Durinda Bennet 197, 227 Massie & Boatwright Massie, SallieS. (9) 99, 171 , 197 Mathews, Ca rl Heaton (II) 68, 110, Ill , 131 , 180, 190 Mattie, Edith Hill (12) 33 Matthews, james Patrick (9) Maupin's Grocery

Maupin, Perry Lee (9) Maupin, Terry Allen (12) 33 Maupin, Virgmia 226 Mawyer, Bradlel K. (9) 99 Mawye r, Bruce ee (12/ 33, 196 Mawyer, Monti e Ca rro I (12) 33 Maxwell Fu rni tu re Co., Inc.

Maxwell, Margaret Foster (II ) 68, 171 Ma y, Cha rlie Bra nt (10) 84, 121 , 196 May , Dr. a nd Mrs. joe May, julia Stephens (12) 33, 122, 189 Mayhew, Thomas Richa rd (12) 33 Maynard , Michael Clin ton (10) 72, 84, 125, 197 Mays, Bruce Darre n (12) Mays, Kell y Elizabeth (9) 99, 189, 1% Mays, Robert Brian (I I) 69 Maze, Frances D. (9) ~~IIi!~~: :;:;(,~~: ~hil' (Il) 69, 136, 142, 145, 146, 193, 199


McCamey, jeff 122 McCann, Roger Waine (12) McCann, Stacey Lee (10) 84, 196 McCann, Warren (9) 99

McCauley, Darren C. (9) 99, 121 McCauley, Gregory Wayne (10) 84, 121 McCauley, Tam ra Leigh (9) 99, 187, 192 McCauley, Tracy Kay (11) 69, 11 6, 155, 181 , 194, 197 McClary, john H. (9) McCluney, Andra L. (9) McClu ney , Mark Steven (12) 33, 121 McC ray, Cathe rin e Paige (10) 84, 197, 198 McC urdy , Frank C. 11 8, 119, 120, 204 McCutchen, Nancy Lee (10) 84 McDaniel, Dawn (9) McDaniel, Faith Helilda (10) 84 , 122, 197, 198 McDaniel, james E. 229 McDaniel, john Wesley (II) 69 McDaniel, julie (9) 99 McDaniel, Kristi na Marie (10) 84 McDaniel, Mela nie Ka (12) 33 McDaniel, Ray mond . Jr. (10) 84 McDaniel, Richard Lee (II) McDa niel, Rosanna Isabell (12) 35 McDermott, Ma ra L. (9) 99, 122, 189 McDonald, Heather Campbell (10) 84, 122, 181 , 189 McDonough, Dawn P. (9) 99 McEldowney, Timoth y Ross (12) 35, 191 McElhaney, Ca rol An n (11) 69 McGetrick, john Stephen (12) 35, 121 , 196 McGetrick, Patricia Marie (10) 69, 122, 189, 193, 196 McGowan, jea n Marie (10) 81, 136, 189, 197 McG rory, Ma uree n Dorothy (12) 13, 35, 155, 187 McG uire, Ca rol 202 Mcintyre, Blai ne E. 230 McKa mey, Ea rnest Greg (10) 85 McKa mey, jeffrey E. (19) 99, 176 McKe nna , Va lencya H . (9) 99 McKinney, Steve L. 230 McKinnon, Brian 142 McKinnon, Katheri ne Marie (10) 85, 184, 199 McKown, Matthew David (10) 85 McManus, Louise A. (9) 99 McMullen, Shawn G regory (II ) 67, 69, 121 , 137, 193 McNaughton, Steven La wren (9) 99, 110 McWilliams, Gina Lee (II ) 69 McWilliams, james Randolph (12) Mead, The resa Lawre nce (10) 84, 172 Mea dowbrook Hardware, Inc. 241 Mead ows, Loretta jea n (10) 85 Meadows, Lisa Elai ne (10) 85, 122, 192 Media Ce nter Aides 174 Mednikov, Erika M. 203 Meeks, Wanda Faye (10) 85 Melton, Kenn eth C. (9) Metlon, Michael Fletcher (I 0) 85, 121 Melton, Sandra Kay (II ) 69 Mendelis, Patricia All en (12) 12, 35, 142, 152, 153, 180, 183, 187, 199 Me nn erickh, Michael Spence (II ) 69, 72, 122 Midway Electric Co. 265 Milgraum , Michael Mellen (12) 155, 157, 173, 174, 199 Miln oan, Ardith Le nore (10) 85, 1% Milkie, julie A. (II) 69, 171, 172 Milkie, Lisa A. (10) 185 Miller, Anthony C. (9) 99, 121 Miller, jacqueline L.ajuan (12) 35 Miller, Ma ria Elise (12) 35, 116, 141 , 171 , 181 , 197, 199 Miller, Me lissa Ann (10) 134, 135 Miller, Sara Elizabeth (12) 16, 35, 174, 181 Miller, Timot hy jay ( II ) 55, 69 Miller, Tracy Ann (12) 35, 178 Miller, Wend y E. (9) 99, 194 Milleson, Christo pher R. (9) 99, 1% Milleson, Mark Andrew (11 ) 69, 153, 155, 186, 1% Mills, Audrey Ga il (II ) 69 Mills, Ca rl a Renee (9) 187 Mills, jeffrey Wa yne (12) Mills, jesse W. 231 Mills, Karen D. (11 ) Mills, Markanth onx }. (9) 99 Mills, Pa ul Gle nn (12) 35 Mills, Warren Reginald (I I)

Mime 184 , 185 Minnix, Maria Bramblett (II ) 69, 196 Minor, Benji Ricardo (11 ) ~:~~;~ ~~~~r~~ ~Jr- 114, 131 , 132, 134, 189, 197, 198 Misker, Katherine Ann (10) 5, 122 Mitche ll, Ca rolyn E. (II) 70, 172 Mitchell, Gregory ei ll (11) 70 Monahan, Daniel }. 190, 205 Mongold, Christi na Ann (10) 85, 184 Mongold, Sandra jean (II) 70, In M ontanino, Yvo nne Marie (9) 99

Monticell o Dairy 233 Mood y, Felice Pearl (11) 70, 11 3, 114, 115, 131, 134 Moomaw, Debo rah} . (9) 99 Moon, Deborah Ann (9) 99 Moo n, Edward Anderson (10) Moon , isa Ann (10) 85 Moon , Luma Dupree (10) 85, 132, 198 Moon, Robert Daniel (II ) 70 Moon, Tracy Elizabeth (12) 35, 178 Mooney, james Patrick (9) 100 Moore, A.P. 223 Moore, Brenda Lee (12) 35 Moore, Debo rah Ann (10) 85, 194, 196 Moo re, Gerald Houston (12) 35 Moo re, james E. (9) 100 Moo re, Kim Margret (10) 83, 185 Moo re, Lanny Lee Jr. ( II ) 70 Moore, Libby Ruth (10) 85, 1% Moore Realty 248 Morga n, Marie An nette (10) 70 Morley, Kimberly jea ne tt e (10) 85, 122, 184, 189 Morris, Anita Yvon ne (10) 85 Morris, Charles E. (9) Morris, David Scott (9) Manis, Deanna Marie (1 2) 13, 35, 171 Manis, Detrick Glenn (1 1) Morris, Emmanuel Ray (9) Morris, james B. (9) 93, 100 Morris, jeffrey (10) Ma nis, jeffrey Lee (12) 35 Manis, jeffrey 0. (9) 100 Ma nis, junios (9) 100, 176 Manis, Kedra Cae (10) 85, 113, 114, 153 Manis, Kelly Cramer (1 2) 35 Morris, Kimberly Dawn (10) 85 Morri s, Lisa Mae ( II ) 70, 183 Morris, Lois A. (10) 85 70


elson, Chris 122 Nelson , Cfn thia DeniS(

N=~~mi~To"~h/~k ~~

New lo n, An ne Howa rd Newman , Page Harriso ickelsen, Denise A. (9 Nickelsen, Michael Ga r

Nielson , Bo nni e F. 11 6,

able, Lisa Ann (12) 3C No len, Carolyn Pilla (9) No rford , Do ri s Volinn a Norfo rd , Kenne th Mille Norford , Ma rk Baldwin orris, Shannon Nay nE

orton , Eugene Edwa n

No well, john 3rd (12) 3 owell, Mark Anth ony Nuechterlein, Johat han unez, Ri ca rdo A. (9) I

O' Brien, Warren G reg ( O' Brya nt , Luthe r Earl (I

Ochoa, jose 11 8, 120 Ogburn, Carol jea n (9) : Ofiver, john jesus (II ): O liver, L.awerence T. (9 0' eill, Ba rry Stephen 0' eill, Robe rt} . (12) O'Quinn , jessie C. }r . (: O rd el, Angela (12) 36, 1 O rnduff, Deirdra Ann ( Orrison, Keith (9) Otis, Beberly Bingler 2tl

Overbeck, Alan G regoiJ

Overbeck, Shannon Rar Overcash, Cynthia lre m Ove rcash, Robert Lee (1 Ow nby, je ffery Duane (

~~;~~: ~fciia:r'Gc'i~> <:~

Ma nis, Penny Marie (12) 35 Mor ris, Phylhs (9) 100 Ma ni s, Renee Mi chelle (12) Morris, Roxann e Michelle (10) 55 Morris, Sam Lewis (11 ) Morris, Samuel F. (9) 100 Morris, Sharon De nise (10) 70 Manis, Sonya Re nee (10) Ma nis, Stephanie (10) 129, 130 Manis, Susan Lynn (10) 85 Morris, Tana Lynne (12) 35, 171 Morris, Teresa Lynn (10) 85, 144 Morris, Timmy (9) 121 Morris, Tyrone '路 (9) 100 Morrow, Catherine Lx nn (12) 12, 13, 14, 136, 153, 176, 196 Morrow, William B. (9) 100, 121 , 140 Morse, Rosal yn Mari e (12) 35 Morse, Sharon Lu cille (11) 128 ~~;~~~ ~~ranie Diane (10) 85, 128 Morton, jaspe r, R. (9) IOU Mosca, ancy Kn ight 231 Mowbra y, Brent Wade (11) 70 Mowbra y, Kelly Lynn 35 Muelle r, Lynn C. (9) 100, 194 Mullen, james A. (12) 36 Mullins, Michael (9) 100 Mullins, William (1 2) Mundie, Brian (9) 186 Mundie, Cha rles R. (9) 101 , 121 Mundie, Lisa Diane (12) 36, 178 Mundie, Mark Allan (9) 100 Mundy, George B. (9) 101 Mundy, Robert Christopher (II ) 193 Mu nfo rd , Harry Edwa rd (10) 85 Murd ock, Arnold Keith (12) 36, 194 Murphy Insu rance 257 Murphy, joa nne Marie (12) Murphy, Michael Alexa nder (10) Murphy Travel 260 Murphy, Wendy Lou ise (10) 85, 110, 185 Murray , Alison joann (9) Murray, David Alle n (12) 36 Murray, Glenn Richard (10) Murray, joseph ja mes (1 2) 36, 155, 157, 173, 180, 191 Murray, Kenneth Alfred (12) 36, 194 Murray, Matthew Scott (9) Murray, Patrick C. (9) 101 Murray, Z.U. 202 Murra y, Tiki 184, 186 Music Appreciation Club 186 Musselman, Russell C. (9) Musselman, Susan Carole (1 2) 122, 137 Myles, Stephen (10) 85


Pace, jennifer Lyn (12) : Pace, Montie Rea (12) 1路 Pace, Matt hew Hamilto Pace, Stephen Todd (10 Pace, Faith Annette (10) Pa lme r, David Scott (10. Pal mer, julia Elizabeth ( Pamplin, Keith Allen (1 Paragon 246 Parhn, Pam 182 Park, Hyu n-Sook (10) &

Park, Louise Cha n Sook

Pa rke r, john Kenneth (1 Parker, Michae l Aubrey


Pa rrish, Ken neth Talma, Pa rrott, Melinda C. (9) I Pa rrott, William j. (9) Partin, Pamela Denise



Paschall, Roy L. (10)

Patten, Tatyan na Louwi Patterson , Barbara A nn

Patterso n, David (9) 101 Patterso n, Donald Lee ( Patterso n, Madeline (11 ) Pattison, Todd A. (9) 10 Payne, Kimberly Sue (1: Payne, Roge r L. (9) Payne, Rosa A. (9) 101 Pa y ne, Thomas Edward

Peer 170, 171 Peery, je nny Lou (10) Peez, Elizabe th 116 Pence, Elizabeth Scott (S Pence, Page Montea th (: Pentz, jamelyn Michele

~:;~~~: ~~t'h~e~~ Wa!,?s~

Perkins, Sa ndra D. (9)


Perkins, teve n Blanks ( Perki ns, Whitney Lxnn 1

Perry, David Scott (10) Petcavage, Pau l L. (12) Peterso n, Christophe r (I Peterson, Rebecca Ly nnt

Peterson, Todd 122 Pha n, Long Pinh (II) 70 Pharr, Evelun . (9) 101 Phillips, Stephen 0' 'eil Phillips, Tho mas Ryan ( Photography Cl ub 191 Pierce, Cmd y Loui se (1 1

Pierce, Lisa Ann (II ) 70, Piercea ll, Debo ra h B. (10 Pierson, Michae l C harl e~

apier, Laura Mad eline (11) 70 Nap ier, William Aubrej (12) a rdi , Susa n Frances ( 2) 36, 108 Natio nal Honor Society 173 Na tional Turf Service 250 Navy 264 ay, Amy (11) 144, 155, 170, 175 Naylor, Chet Geo rge (10) 85, 110, Ill , 131 , 181 aylor, Dana W. (9) 101 Nelms, joe David (12) 12, 14, 16, 36, 140, 145, 146, 155, 171 , 172, 173, 180

Pillow, Bre nda Carol (10 Pinchback, Glenn Thorn. Pinkerton, Relana (9) 10路 Pinto, Eli zabe th (II ) 70, Pippin, Donna (9) 101 , 1 Pippin, Paige Marie (10) Pitt man, Donna Rea na ( Pitts, Lelia Baxter Allisor

Plaza Beauty Salon 265 Pleasa nts , Catherine 226

Pletcher, Barbara Ka y (1 .

134. 189. 197. 198

5. 131. 134

elso n, Chris 122 elso n, Cynthia De nise (9) 101 Neube rt , Timothy S. (11 ) 70, 178 New Dominion Book Store 249 New lon, Anne Howard (10) 76, 85, 122, 189, 195 Newman, Page Ha rrison (9) 101 , 105, 11 6 Nickelsen, Denise A. (9) 101 , 110 Nickelsen, Micha el Gary (12) 12, 13, 36, 171 Nielson, Bonnie F. 116, 197, 222 Noble, Lisa Ann (12) 36, 155, 157, 173, 180, 183 Nolen, Carolyn Pilla (9) 216 Norford , Doris Volinna (11) 70 Norfo rd , Ke nneth Millelr (11 ) 70, 181 Norford , Mark Baldwin (1 1) 20, 136, 192 No nis, Shannon Nayne (10) 85 Norton, Eugene Edward 210 Nowell, john 3rd (12) 36, 45, 121 , 144, 193, 199 Nowell, Mark Anth ony (12) 36, 121 , 141 Nuechterlein, johatha n E. (1 2) 36, 72, 142, 155, 157, 199 Nunez, Ri ca rd o A. (9) 101, 131, 191

0 184. 189

O' Brien, Warre n Greg (10) 85, 121 , 196 O'Brya nt, Luther Earl (10) 85 Oc hoa. jose 118, 120 Ogburn, Carol jean (9) 212 Ofi ver, john jesus (II ) 70, 180, 181, 196 Oliver, Lawe rence T. (9) 121 , 193 O'Neill, Barry Stephen (10) 85, 125. 196 O'Neill, Robert) . (12) O'Quinn, jessie C. Jr. (10) 86, 197 Ordel , Angela (12) 36, 196 Ornduff, Deirdra Ann (12) 36, 178 Orri son, Keith (9) Otis, Beberly Bingler 208 Overbeck, Ala n Gregory (9) 101 , 121 Overbeck, Shannon Ralph (12) 36 Overcash, Cy nthia Irene (II ) 70 Overcash, Robe rt Lee (12) 36 Ow nby, jeffery Duane (II ) 20

Pletcher, Katy Ann (10) Plunkett, Ann Marie H. 216 Plunkett, Teresa Ann (10) Plunkett, Tracy A. (9) 101 Poindex ter, Barbara

J. 221

Poi nd ex ter, Micha el A. (10) 87 Poindex ter, Rona ld (12) 36, 118, 121 Poindex ter, Ste phanie L. (10) 87, 186 Polla rd , Kristi ne Lynn (11 ) 70, 181 Pollard , Mary Marga re t (12) 36, 11 6 Polson, Warren G. (12) 38, 144 1

~~;:'!,~~n~;:.~n ~:itli~ 224

Poole, Lisa Michell e (11 ) 155, 176 Porcara, Dawn Marie (12) 38, 179 Porca ra, Ricci Philli f> (11) 70 Porritt, Nancy Lee (9) 101 , 122, 189, 194, 198 Porter, Grego ry Ala n (12) 38, 121 Potter, Donna Lyn (9) Powell, ja ne Loretta (11 ) 71 Powell, Lorenzo (10) Powell, Monica Pamela (11 ) Powell, Spencer Wad e (12) 38 Powell, Ted A. (9) 101. 198 Presta rri, Te resa F. (11 ) Price, David Scott (12) 38, 149, 171, 195 Price, Mr . and Mrs. Da vid 265 Prillaman, William C. (9) 101 , 193 Prism tn Proffitt, Louis B. (11 ) 71 Proffitt, Wilso n Conrad (10) 87 Prosser, Leo Michael (12) 13, 38, 122, 143, 153, 186, 188, 191, 192 Prosser, Louis Ma rk (11 ) 122. 171, 181 Pugh, Do nni e L. (10) Pugh, O rene 226 Pugh, Paul Thomas (10) 87 Pullen, Matt hew S. (9) 101 Putt-Putt 255

Q Quarles, M a ~ o ri e Bettina (10) 87, 128 Quarles, Pearl Lavonne (12) 38, 127, 128


'• 136. 153, 176. 196


• 173, 180, 191

131 , 181

, 145,1 46, 155, 171 , 172,


Pace, jen nifer Lyn (12) 36 Pace, Montie Rea (12) 144, 182 Pace, Matth ew Hamilton (10) 86, 189, 273 Pace, Stephe n Todd (10) 86 Pace, Faith Annette (10) 86 Palmer, David Scott (10) 86, 183, 189 Pal mer, Julia Elizabet h (11) 70, 122 Pa mplin, Keit h Allen (I I) 122, 189, 199 Pa rago n 246 Pa rhn, Pa m 182 Park, Hyun -Sook (10) 86, 193 Park, Louise Chan Sook (1 1) 70, 108, 180, 182, 1 Pa rke r, john Kenne th (1 2) 36 Parker, Michae l Aubrey (12) 36 ~:;~~~~t~ch:_,ell~r~b~~ (12) 36, 155, 187, 194 Pa rrish, Ke nn eth Talmage (10) 86 Parrott, Melinda C. (9) fOI Parrott, William J. (9) Partin, Pamela Denise (10) 86, 122, 189 Partridge, Robe rt Steven (12) 36 Paschall, David Winthrop (11 ) Paschall, Roy L. (10) Patten, Tatyan na Louwan na (10) 86, 122, 186 Patterson, Barbara Ann (12) 36 Patte rson, David (9) 101 Patterson, Donald Lee (11 ) 1, 70 Patte rson, Madeline (11 ) 70, 194 Pattison, Todd A. (9) 101 Pay ne, Kimberly Sue (12) 36, 173 Pay ne, Roge r L. (9) Pay ne, Rosa A. (9) 101 Payne, Thomas Edward (10) 186 Peer 170, 171 Peery, je nny Lou (10) Peez, Elizabeth 11 6 Pe nce, Elizabe th Scott (9) Pe nce, Page Mont ea th (10) 182 Pentz, ja melyn Michele (10) 86, 198 Pe rkins, Doug V. (9) 101, 193 Perkins, Kathleen Dawson (11) 70, 11 6, 197 Pe rkins, Sa ndra D. (9) 101, 194 Perkins, Steven Bla nks (12) 36, 192, 194 Pe rkins, Wh itney Lxnn (10) Perry , David Scott ( 10) Petcavage, Paul L. (12) Pete rson, Christop her (10) 86, 273 Pete rson, Rebecca Lynne (II ) 70 Pete rson, Todd 122 Pha n, Long Pinh (11 ) 70 Pharr, Evefun N. (9) 101 , 194 Phill ips, Stephen O'Neil (10) 86, 185, I Philli ps, Thomas Rya n (10) 86 Photography Club 191 Pierce, Cmdy Louise (II) 70, 184 Pierce, Lisa Ann (II) 70, 134, 135, 155 Pierceall, Debo rah B. (10) 86, 184 Pierson, Michae l Cha rles (10) Pillow, Brenda Ca rol (10) 86 Pinch back, Glenn Thomas (10) 87 Pinke rton, Retana (9) 101 Pinto, Elizabeth (11) 70, 187 Pip pin, Donna (9) 101, 134, 189, 197 Pippin, Paige Marie (10) 87, 135, 197, 273 Pittma n, Donna Rea na (II ) 70, 171 , 18 1 Pitts, Le lia Bax ter Alliso n 213 Plaza Beauty Salon 265 Pleasants , Catherine 226 Pletcher, Barbara Kay (II)

Rabe, Paul Richard (9) 101 Race r, Keith Douglas (10) 87, 121 Rader, Donald Ke ith (11 ) 71 Radio Show 186 Ragla nd, Kelvin Eric (10) 87, 121 Ragla nd , Tina L. (1 1) 71 Ragland , Warren E. (10) 87 Ra mes, Pa mela S. (9) 101 Raines, W ayne 230


Raines, William Corbett (10) Ralston, Roger L. (9) 101 Ramey, Angela (9) 101 Ramirez, Gle n David (10) 87 Ramos, joe William, Jr. (10) 87, 183, 186 Ramos, Michae l Lee (9) 101 Randolph, Cha rles Dav id (II ) 71 Ran sden , David (9) 101 , 191 Ra snake, Lisa M. (9) 101 Rath, Kim berly Anne (12) 14, 38, 196 Ratliff, Lisa Lavo ne (9) Rat liff, Timothy C. (9) 101 Ra ymond , Debo ra h Lynn 207 Rea, Jami e De nise (10) 87 Redm ond,Sea n M. (9) 101 , 181, 189 Reed , joey Walter (12) Reed , Richard A. (9) 102, 131, 188 Reese, ja mes Gree r (12) 38, 142, 176, 181, 197, 199 Reese, Ma ry Susa n (12) 108, 187 Reese's Gifts 249 Reid , Kelvin Henry (11 ) 64, 71, 155 Reid , Rebecca Ann (10) 87, 110, 189, 197 Reid's 244 Rey nolds, Charles William (12) 38 Rey nold s, Lance Edward (10) 87, 197 Reynolds, Pa ul C. (9) 102, 189, 197 Rhod es, Rhonda Lee ( 10) 87 Rice, Robert Sta nt on (9) 102 Rice, Wendy L. (9) 102 Rich , Don na 120 Richard son, Elizabeth E. (II ) 71, 11 6 Richa rd son, Michael (9) 101, 191 Riddervold, Le i[ Bjorn (10) 87, 192 Riddervold , Svend Julius (12) 34, 38, 194, 199 Riddl e, Karen Lynn (10) 87 Riddl e, Steven Nu nley (12) 38 Rideout, Elizabeth C. (9) 102, 183 Riding Club 195 Riley, Frederick (9) 102 Riley. Lawre nce Mille r, Jr. (11) Rimm er, Robert 118, 120, 223 Ripley. julia Lyn (12) 38, 108, 171, 197 Rit c h~e , Brian Robe rt (10) 87, 188 Rivkin , Christop he r H . (10) Roach, Ca therine Faye (11 ) 71, 178, !99 Roa ne, Cou rtney Ra nd el (1 2) 38. 171 , 189, 197 Robbins, jose ph Alle n (II ) 71 Roberso n, Tracy je rome (9) 92, 102, 196 Roberts, Barbara jean (9) 102 Roberts , Co nstance M. (9) 128, 193 Rnberts, Deborah Leigh (II ) 71, 120, 157, 171. 193, 199 Roberts , Ma rk A. (9) 102, 121 Roberts, Sarah E. (9) 102, 128, 130 Roberts, Scott Washburn (10) 20, 87, 190 Roberts, Sonya Ren ee (II ) 71, 120, 171, 193, 196, 197, 199 Roberts, Tina Ann ette (9) 102, 193 Robertson, Brooks Ma rie (11 ) 71, 180, 183 Robertson, Charles Wesley (10) 88, 121 Robertson, janet Ma ri e (11 ) 71. 136

Robertso n, Ke nneth Scott (12) Robertso n, Mildred A. (9) 102 Robertson, Scott ( 12) 20, 38 Robinson, Carol 192, 224 Robinson, De rek L. (9) 102, 110, 131, 189 Robinson, Perry E. (9) 102, 196, 198 Robinson, Richa rd Keith (12) 38, 178 Robinson, Tracy 198 Roche, Marvin Anthony (10) 88 Rodgers, William Edward (II ) Roeouck, Bruce Steve ( 10) 88 Roga n, john Thomas (12) 38, 192 Rogers, jeffre y Ca rl (12) 38, 121 , 196 Rogers, Kimberly Yvonn e (11 ) 60, 71, 174, 193, "199 Rogers, Lisa Luve nia (9) 102, 108, 197 Roge rs and Co mpa ny 256 Rose, jim (9) 119, 120 Rose, joh n D. (9) 119, 102, 197 Rosenblum, Rebecca (10) 88, 110, 197 Rosenblum, Sa rah (9) 102, 110, 182 Rosenthal, Stan Ross, Douglas Evan (11 ) 71, 188 Ross, Miclielle Yvette (12) 178 Rosse, Rob Moir (10) 88, 125, 192 Rosson, Susa n Rebecca (9) 102, 122, 189, 197 Route 620 Market 260 Rowe, jea nette 181, 210 Rovnyak, Steve n Michae l (10) 88 Roy, julia Danielle (10) 88 Roye r and McGavock 240 Rucker, julie (9) 102, 187, 193 Runkle , Lisa Ann e (11 ) 71, 137, 142, 145, 147, 199 Runkle , Ste phen Todd (10) 88, 197 Rush, Andrea Michele (10) 88 Rush. Bobby Lee (11 ) Rush , D. Gaudette (9) 102 Ru sh, Dwa yne Lagan! (12) 9, 38, 11 8, 121 , 176 Ru sh, James (9) 102, 194 Ru sh, joa nne (12) 40 Ru sh, Karen Gene va (12) 40, In Ru sh, Kath y Lave rn e (10) 88, 131 , 134, 1n Rush, Kate na Mae (11 ) 155 Rush, Reva Delores (II ) 67, 71, 183, 196 Rush, Regina (9) 102, 183 Rush, Ronald (9) 102, 121 Rush , Sherril yn D' Ange la (12) 40, 178 Rush, Sylvia Lynn (10) 88 Rush , Walker Benzel (12) 40 Ruth , Bonnie L. 227 Rya lls, Rodney Alan (11 ) 71 Ryder, Phillip Dwight. Jr. (12) 40

s Sacre, Mary Elizabeth (11 ) 176 Sacre, Michael Warn er (10) Sadler, Nancy Burton (12) 12, 13, 40, 155, 187, 192 Salisbury. Wa nd a Faye (10) 88 Salmons, James Edd1e (9) Salters, Peter A. (9) 11 0, 193 Salye rs, Tracy Denise (II ) 71 , 172 Sampson, Elme r Franklin 123, 221 Samuels, Lisa Allyn (10) 88 Sandell, Reba 178, 219 Sa nde rs, Douglas Gouyer (II ) 71 , 197, 199 Santiago, Saran 226 Satire, james David (II ) 71, 191 Saunders, Ca rol 218 Sa und ers, Ja mes K. (9) 102, 189 Saund ers, Tom 11 9, 120 Sawyer, Crnthia Lynn (9) 102 Saylor, Bil ~clo; t~~sa (9) 102. I89


Schere r, Andrew Brady (10) 102, 198 Schere r, Hilary M. (9) 102, 149, 198 Scherer, Morgan Leigh (12) 40, 120 Schinasi, Bonnie 183, 210 Schmidt, Stephan M. (9) In Schmidt, Ulnch Paul Laure nce (12) 40 Schoole, Thomas Xavier (9) I02 Schooley, judy Ann (9) 102 Schuler, Cailin P. (II ) 71 Schul tz, William R. 194, 208 Schuyler, Sa mue l K. (12) Schweinefuss, Moll y C. (II ) 71, 197 Schweinefu ss. Thorn john (12) 40 Scopelliti, jennifer A. (9) 102, 184 Scott, Ca rle ton (10) Scott, Frandne (10) 88, 176 Scott, Keith (9) Scott, Lindsay Ga ry (9) 197 Scott, Ma rth a 184, 220 Scott, Sa rah Holly (9) 88 Scrimshaw, Scott Denis (11 ) 71 Scrimshaw, Way ne Edwa rd (10) 88, 196 Scruggs. Sheila Re nee (12) 40 Seive rs, Karen Lynn (12) 40, 155, 181, 183 Seive rs, Kimberley Ann e (9) 102, 187 Seldon, Doug 11 8, 120, 216 Self Defense Club 196 Senich, joseph James (10) 88, 190 Senna, Denise Mae (11 ) 71, 82 Sessoms, john 202 Settle Tire a nd Supply Co., Inc. 253 Sexton, Tina Louise (10) 88, 121, 141 196 Sexton, Tommy Wesley (10) 88 Shafer, Karen An n (12) 40, 199 Shafer, Stad Beth (10) 88, 192, 199 Sha han, April A. (10) 88 Sha nd , Elizabeth Ca rolyn (1J ) 71. 149, 155, 182, 188 Shand , johnny Ja meison (10) 88 Sha nd , Michael L. (9) 121 Sharkey, Edna E. 192, 224 Sharretts, john Michael (10) 88, 110, 131, 180, 183 Sharp, Ella Gay (12) 176 Sharp, Marie C. (11) 71 Shatz, Ellen Ma rie (11 ) 21



Shaver, joseph Ga rl and (12) 40 Sheffield, Michael Ala n (9) 102 Shelton, Anthony je rome (I I) 71 She lton, Brandon Ll oyd (11 ) 71 Shelton, Charl es He nd rix (II ) 71 , 122, 123, 155, 180, 182 Shiffl ett, Bna n Keith (II ) 71 Shifflett, David W. (9) 103, 121 Shifflett, Diane Denise (10) 89, 122, 197 Shifflett, Ed wa rd 23 1 Shiffl ett , Frede rick Lee (12) Shi fOett , jane t 182, 210 Shifflett , jea nni e 206 hiffle tt , josephine L. ( 10) 89 Shifflett, Lisa Marie (11 ) 71 , 89 Shifflett, Ma rk (9) 103 Shifflett, Mary 103, 23 1 Shifflett, Mi chael Craig (9) 103 Shifflett, Roxa nne (9) 109 Shifflett, Steven Christop her ( 10) Shifflett, Theresa Lynne (12) 40 Shifflett, Ti mm y McKane (I I) 178 Shi Oett, Gle nda (9) 103, 192 ShiOett, Rh onda (12) 40 ShiO ett, Tina Louise (11) 72, 176 Shinaberry, Timoth y Way (12) 40, 192 Shipp, David Short (12) 40, 1%, 199 Shirl ey, Dean Alle n (11) Shirl ey, Donna Lynn (9) 103, 122, 183, 189, 199 Shirl ey, Micha el S. (12) 40 hort , Edwa rd Lesli e (12) 40 Short , Pa tricia Da rne ll (11 ) 72 Shreve, Kim berly Ann (12) 40, 187 Shrin er, Edward Lawso n (10) Shrin er, Steve n Pursley (12) 40, 197 Shull, Sheila R. (9) 103 Shyrnl ock, Kelby j . (9) 103, 121 ). W. Seig and Co., In c. 234 Siler, Ro6e rt (9) 103 Siler, Rosa Marie (9) 103 Simmonds, Ka therine Elisabeth (12) 40, 157, 173, 180, 182, 184, 185 Simpkins, Ta mmy D. (9) 103 Simpson, Harvey Eld ri ch (12) 43, 194 Simpson, Robert Andrew (12) 43 Sims, Leisa Deni se (10) 122, 177, 189 Sisson, Eli7.abeth Ruthe r (12) 34, 43, 155, 157, 173, 180, 183, 187, 199 Sisson, Matthe w Pa ul (10) 89 Skee n, David Way ne (9) Ski lub 197 Skla ny, Vince nt S. (9) Small wood , Robert T. (11 ) 72 Srnirh , Aimee Alexa ndra (9) 103, 122, 189 rnith , Andrew M. (9) 103 Smit h, Cheryl Renee (9) 103, 187 rnith , Ch ristophe r Fage r (10) 89, 121 Smith, Cynt hi a 148, 197, 198, 199, 218 Smit h, Dua ne Addiso n (10) 89, 121 Smit h, Ea rl (12) 43, 136, 172, 184 Smith, Gregory Owe n (10) 89, 197 Smith , Kare n Regenia (II ) 72, 192 Smith , Keith O liver (10) 192 Smith , Larry Wil lia m (10) 9 Smith, Le roy 177, 225 Smith , Li nda Ann ette (10) 89, 122 Smith , Lind a Marie (10) 72. 189 Smi th, Lisa (9) 145 Smith, Lisa Lo uise (12) 43, 193 Smith, Lisa R. (12) Smith , Phinney Ru ssell (11 ) 72, 187, 197 Smith, Robert E. (9) 103, 186 Smith, Ruth Ann (9) 103, 122, 183 Smith, Shann on Novell (10) 89, 121, 125, 194 Smith , The resa ja ne (12) 12, 43, 110, 173, 180, 182, I Smith, Walte r Ea rl (9) 103 Smith, Willia m Michael (9) Smith, Zina Va ndella (11 ) 72 Smith's 2nd Period 260 Smith's 3rd Pe riod 239 Smith 's 4th Period 244 Snapp. De rek Ch risto phe r (10) 89 Snelhn g a nd Snelling 255 Snoots, Lewis Way ne (12) 43 Snow, Elvi n Randell (9) Snow, Gle n Scott (12) 43 Snow, Kell y Paige (II ) 72, 183 Snow, She rry Lynne (10) 89 Snyd er, Bernard 228 Sobbott, Wesley Paul (9) 103 Sobotincic, Ann e (12) Some rs, Stefa ni Ann (11 ) 72, 187 Sours, Ra ndy Franklin (11 ) Spa ngle r, Lisa Lynn (12) 43 Spa ngle r, Thomas Edwa rd (10) Spa msh Club 183 Spa nish Honor Society 180 Spence r, Mark Edwa rd (11 ) 121 Spence r, Neil Rex (11 ) 72 Sperry, john W. 176, 227 Spradlin , Fonda (9) 103 Spradlin , jeffrey Eugene (9) 103 Spradlin , Reeva Mae (II ) 72, 128, 199 Spradlin , Tarnie Lee (11 ) 72, 11 6, 193, 198, 199 Sprouse, Arle ne F. (9) 103 Sprouse, Debra (9) 103 Sprouse, Gary L. (9) 103 Sprouse, jimmie Ge ntry (10) 89 Sprouse, joa nn 226 Sprouse, john He nry (1 2) Sprouse, Lois (II ) 72 Sprouse, Sandra Kay (10) 89, 196 Sprouse, Tammy jea n (9) 103 Sprouse , Wesley E. (9) 155, 176, 192 Sprouse, Willia m D. (9) 103 Spudnut 263 St. john , El iza beth Randolf ( II ) 72 St. john , Ma ry Ca therin e (12) 43, 155, 172, 184, 187 Stackhouse, Blaine Alle n (11 ) 72, 11 0, 111 , 131 , 134, 181 Stage Band 188, 189 Sta nley, Courte nay T. 149, 207 Sta nley's I t Pe riod 149, 246 Sta nley's 4th Period 253 Staples, Leslie jo (12) 43, 197 Stargell, Melinda Cheryl (10) 89, 128, 193 Starl< , Chri sto pher Lowell (12) 43, 122, 131, 134, 173, 184, 188

272 Index

Stark, Pa tricia 204 Starks, Co lletti Eu rica (10) 89 Starks, Lisa Rochelle (12) 43 Starks, Ma urice Daryl (12) 43, 48, 119, 121 , 145 Sta rks, Sharon (9) 103, 128, 103, 134 Sta rks, Te rri e joan ne (12) 43, 178, 199 State Farm Insurance Co. 260

Steed , Miche ll e (9) 103, 193 Steinbach, Berna rd z. 215 Stei nbe rg, Ta riq Dag (11 ) 12 1, 13 1, 197 Stein be rg, Tore Dav id (10) 72. 89, 121 , 181, 182, 196, 198 Ste phe ns, Brenda L. (9) Stephe ns, Deb ra Lyn n (11 ) 72 Stephe ns, je rome Aa ron (10) 87, 89, 121 Steppe, Albe rt Bria n (10) 9, 188 Steppe, Ap ril Lx na nne (12) 43, 186, 192 Steppe, She rri (9) Stevens, Philli p V. (10) 89 Stevens, and Company 238 Stevenson, Robert G. (9) 103 Steward, Denn is (9) Stewa rd, Lin Alle n (12) Stewa rt, Anne Ma rie (12) 43, 110, 155 Stewa rt, William ea l (11) 72 Stickel, Frances De nise (11 ) Stil tne r, Lyd ia Corin e (10) 89 Stokes, Bonnie Ka.)' ( II ) 72, 187 Stokes, David G. (9) 103, 121, 125 Stone, Mi chael (9) 110 Stone, Robin Dway ne (12) 43, 179 Stong, Mary Louise (10) 89, 189 Stovall, Fredin a Louise (1 1) 72 Stova ll, james Willia m (12) 83, 180 Stova ll, jeffrey W. (12) Caleb Stowe Associa tes 236 Strickler, Sa lly 210 Stra wberry 240 Strombe rg-Ca rlson 236 Stuart , Ca rolyn Ann (12) 43, 129 Stu pak, Va leska Celina (10) 89, 122, 182, 189 Stu tz, Keaton Lawe re nce (9) 103, 183 Sudd arth , ja mes Todd (10) 9, 89, 121 Sudduth , Timoth y jay (9) 103 Suge rma n, ancy He len (12) 176 Sulli van, Bria n 0' eal (II ) 73 Sullivan , Cha rles Mi chael (10) 89 Sum erlin , Donnie F. (9) 103 Summers, Dana Le igh (10) 89, 196 Suryaa trnadj a, Da vid (10) 89, 122 Sutphin, Cha rles Thomas (12) 43 Swee ney, Angela Carol (12) 43 Swee ney, Ca rmel G race (12) 43, 122, 189 Swee ney, Ma ria (II ) 73, 135, 189, 196 Swingle r, Ruth Ann (9) 89 Swingle r, Thomas 226 Syrnrners, ja mes Ma rsha ll (12) 43, 121 Symphonic II Band 189 Symp honic IU Ba nd 188, 189

T Tapscott, Charles Benson (12) 4.3 Tapscott, Troy H. (9) 103, 176 Tas key, Willia m S. 228 Tate, Rodney E. (9) 103 Tay lor, Charl es Ve nson, Jr. (11 ) 73 Tay lor, Daniel M. (10) 73 Tay lor, Ga il Lynn (10) 9, 197 Tay lor, ja net Ma rie (12) 43 Taylor, Jeffrey Scott (12) 43 Tay lor, Sha nn on L. (9) 103, 187, 194, 198 Taylor, Sha ron 265 jose ph W. Teague Fune ra l Horne 265 Tea tes, Ma ry Ca the rin e (10) 9, 194 Tedeschi, Maria L. (12) 43, 11 0, 131, 134 Teen Democra ts 199 Teen Republica ns 199

Teete r, Edmund H. (11 ) 73 Teledy ne Avionics 239 Tenms, Girls' 108, 109 Terrell, jewel Anita (10) 89 Terrell, Tilwana (9) 104 Terry, Derrick Way ne (11 ) 73 Terry, Kathl ee n Rebecca (11 ) 73, 176 Te rry, Micha el Scott (10) 89, 121 , 181 Terry, Robert W. (9) 104, 193 Te rry, Samuel Wes tley 108, 208 Te rry, Sa ra h Ly nn (12) 43, 153, 171, 1% Tesack, Christine (9) 104, 122, 189 Tesack, Kathlee n (10) 89, 122, 189 Thacke r, Al an (9) 121 Thacke r, Cecil Ra y (10) 90, 177 Thacker, Cha rlotte Lynn (10) 90, 155 Thacker, john (9) 104 Thacker, Julie ichols (11 ) Thacker, Nina H. 178, 21 9 Thacker, Sa mue l (9) 104 Thacker, The resa ) . (10) 90, 193 Thacker, Thomas Ma rtin (10) 90, 191 Tharp, Ste phen Robert (10) 90, 122, 188, 197 Theodose, Cy nthia E. (I 1) 73, 134, 135, 184 Thespians 184, 185 Thomas, Carl Lee (10) 73, 90 Thomas, Da vid Hunter (11 ) Thomas, Helene Andrea (12) 43, 184 Thomas, ja mes Lorenzo (11 ) Thomas, jerry (9) 104 Thoma s, Lenora

Thomas, Leo Roscoe, Jr. (11 ) 121 , 134 M. C. Thomas Furniture Co. 260 Thomasson, Erik David (9) 104 Thomasson, Mark john (1 0) 90, 121 , 188, 1% Thompson, Anna bel Leah (9) 92, 104, 122 Thompson, james Ricky (10) 90 Thompson, jeanne F. 176, 177, 225 Thompson, justin Kenn eth (11 ) 73, 121 Thompso n, Ke nneth (9) 104, 121 Thompso n, Lowell Ashley (12) 9, 43, 181

Ward, Florine C. 193, 224 Ward, james Richard, Jr. (10) Ward, Kathryn G. (9) 104, 1J, Ward, Prentiss Delois (10) 90, Ward, Timothy Scott (12) 44, Waring, Benjamin M . (10) 90 w~87~r{9~:ef9"s';l~f" (l 2) 44 ' Warren, john Gregory (II ) 12 Wa rren, Sharon JC (9) 104, 1\ Washington, Betty Annette (I Washington, Ma lcolm Lee (]( Washington, Margay Vernic ( Washington Post 234 Watkins, Diana Smith (12) 44 Watkins, Orla ndo Sherwin (I Watso n, Cons tance Darlene ( Watso n, David Lewis (12) 44 Watso n, Kari Lynne (12) 44, I Watso n, Paul Alex (9) 104 Wayland, Charles Reeves (12; Wayland, Glenn Ramsa y (10) Weakley, Sandra Leigh (12) 4 Weathersbee, Barry Trent (12: Weaver, joel T. (9) 104, 121 , 1 Webb, Saundra Kathryn (10) Webb, Tracy Diane (10) Weightlifting Club 194, 195 Weirs, Cyntliia (10) 74 Wells, Edward C . (10)

Tho mpson, e ll ie 226 Tho rton, Gregory . (12) Thorsen, Pete r Rola nd (1 1) 73, 174, 190 Th raves, Pa tricia Ann (12) 43, 145, 146, 170, 171 , 199 Th urston, Linde L. (9) Ti rn berlakes 254 Tinsley, Michael Anthony (11 ) 73 Toler, Samuel (II ) 73, 178 Toney, Do rot hy Bern ice (12) 44 Toney, Melvin Eugne ~ 1 2) Tooley, Rhond a L. (g) 104, 196 To p Twe nty Toth , Susa n B. 210 Towe In surance 265 Tow«!'r's Nu rsing Ho me Facili~ 26 1 183 i~a~k.~~~;,~n1wa ~~~ 73~ I) 3' Trail, Scott Howa rd (10) 90, 121 , 177 Trai nack, Scott Allen (12) · Trai num , Robi n Lee (12) 44 Transue, Ann-Mari e (9) 104 Travers, Tracey Anne (10) 90 Trefi l. Stefa n ja mes (II ) 73, 121, 187, 190 Trice, Scott Edward (10) 122, 197 Trogdon, Bianca L. (9) 104 Trogdon, Danie l Wayne (II ) 73, 121 , 176 True Va lu e Hardware 255 Truslow, Paule tte E. (9) 104 Tuan, Hele n Lin (10) 90, 182 Tucker, jacqueline Lee (9) 104, I 10, 182 Tucker, Tirnolee A. (9) 104 Tucke r, Tyle r Austin (II ) 73 Roy P. Tuel 265 Tuel jewele rs 251 Tuley, An n C. 226 Turner, Christopher Scott (10) 90, 122 Turner, Crystal l.eigh (I I) 90, 192 Turner, Cy nthi a Dia ne (11 ) 73 Turner, Gregory Alle n (11 ) 178 Turner, ja ne Ehzabe th Wood (12) 44 Turner, jaso n Todd (12) Turner, judy M. (10) Turner, Kare n Re nee (9) 104 Turner, Ma rie (9) Tuttle, Ma ri Virgi nia (12) 44, 184, 187

~:::~: !Z~~~Itl:l!~h 9f9t

Wells, Wi ll iam Lee (9) 125 Wender, jonathan Marcus (IC Werres, Timothy W. (9) West, Paige Louise (12) 46, E Westervelt, Frederic (9) 104, I Westervelt, Karoline H. (12) 4 Westrater, Brian Charles (10) Wetzel, Patricia joann (10) 90, Whararn, jackie And y (10) Wharam , Sharon 122 Whararn, Teresa Sue (12) 46 Wharton, Lewis H. \12) 46 Wheby, jean H. (9) 04, 196 Wheby, Munsey joseph (II ) t Wheelen, Kathryn E. (9) 105, Wheeler, Barbara Sue (12) 46 Whee ler, George B., Jr. (10) 8 Wheeler, Kenn elh Maso n, Jr. Whee ler, Tina (9) I 05, 194 Whitake r, Richa rd M. (10) White, Alicia Elizabeth (12) White, Anthon y (9) 105, 125 White, Curtis johna tha n (II ) White, Lisa Lynd (9) 105

u Uecker, Alyssa Ann (9) 104, 186 Ulery, joseph All en (12) 44, 196 Uni roya l 237

v Valente, Andrew Paul (12) 39, 44, 155, 188 Valentine, Stephanie Lynn (10) 90 Valentin e's Dance Vale ntin e's Day Thing Va nderloo, Dia na Ange la (II ) 72, 73, 122, 153, 190 Va nde rloo, Eric R. (9) 104, 105 Vande rvee r, Karen T. (9) 104, 140, 197 Van Hoose, Fred Willia m (II ) 73, 188, 190 Van Hoose, Pa mela Sue (9) 104, 18 1 Va rn er, Ca the rn Mari e (10) 90, 134, 135. 184 Vasvary, Elle n 21 6 Va ugha n, Bra ndt Ashley (9) 104 Vaughn , Michael Way ne (12) Va ughn , Peggy A. 215 Verba nic, Tlioinas 11 8, 119, 120, 194, 195, 218 Vermillion, john Colema n (I I) 73, 74, 197 Verm ill io n, Marx M. (9) 104, 122, 144 , 145, 182 Ves t, Pa ul a M. (9) 104, 128, 130, 189 VI CA 178, 179 Vidunas, jose ph Edga r (12) 44, 121 , 196 Vidunas, Katherine Ann e (10) 90, 136, 196 Viewe9, Eric B. (10) 90, 121 Villino s De li 247 Villwock, Ro bert Eric (10) 121, 190 Vining, jeannie S. (9) 104, 196 Vining, Scott D. (9) 104 Voll eyl>all 116, 117 Volleyball Club 197 Volpentes t, Michael Chri s (11 ) 74, 194 Von Ache n, Eric (10) 90, 122, 188, 197 Von Ache n, Lisa Ma rie (11 ) 74, 172, 189 Von He rbulis, Evelyn Allison (I I ) 67, 74, 181 Von He rbulis, Susa n Eliza beth (12) 44, 157, 173, 194 Vosper, William Scott (10) 74, 155


w Wago ner, Brian) . (9) 104, 189 Wagoner, Da vid Carroll (12) 13, 44, 153, 155, 1%, 199 Walker, Anthony Be njamin (9) 104 Walker, ja mes William (10) 90, 188, 199 Walker, Judith Ann (II ) 74, 177 Walker, Kimberly S. (9) 104 Walker, Terena Lynn (II ) 74, 122 Wallace, juan Leon (12) 44 Wallace, Romano Domingos (9) 90 Walls, james Kevin (10) 90, 121 Walls, O livia Theresa (10) 176 Walls, Vickie (9) 104 Walts, Timothy (9) Wanebo, jacqueline Elise (10) 76, 90, 142, 155, 197 Wanebo, john Eric (11 ) 69, 74, 121, 131, 133 Wanebo, Michae l David (11 ) 74, 121 , 131, 197 Ward, Daniel, Ill 11 8, 120, 223

Paige Pippin uses a


6, 170, 171 , 199

190 176



Ward, Florine C. 193, 224 Ward, james Richard , Jr. (10) 90 Ward, Kathryn G. (9) 104, ll6, 177, 197 Ward, Prentiss Delois (10) 90, 131 Ward, Timothy Scott (12) 44, 121 , 1%, 199 Waring, Benjamin M. (10) 90 Warner, Gregory Alan (12) 44, 69, 74, ll8, 120, 121 , 145, 147, 149, 181 , 193, 198, 199 Warren, john Gregory (II ) 125, 147, 174 Warren, Sharon IC (9) I 04, 197 Washington, Betty An nette (10) 90 Washington, Malcolm Lee (10) Washingto n, Margay Vernic (10) 90, 136 Washington Post 234 Watkins, Diana Smith (12) 44 Watkins, O rlando Sherwin (12) 44, 176, 189 Watson, Co nsta nce Darlene (12) 44, 179 Watson, David Lewis (12) 44 Watson, Kari Lynne (12) 44, 108 Watson, Paul Alex (9) 104 Wayland, Charles Reeves (12) 44, 121 Wayland, Glenn Ramsay (10) 88, 90, 121 , 196 Weakley, Sa ndra Leigh (12) 46 Weathersbee, Barry Trent (12) 46 Weaver, joel T. (9) 104, 121 , 189, 197 Webb, Saundra Kathryn (10) 90 Webb, Tracy Diane (10) Weightlifting Club 194, 195 Weirs, Cyntliia (10) 74 Wells, Edward C. (10) Wells, joyce Elaine (10) 90, 177 Wells, Marion Elizabeth 194, 19S, 205 Wells, William Lee (9) 125 Wender, jonathan Marcus (10) ISS, 181 , 190, 196 Werres, Timothy W. (9) west, Paige Louise (IW 46, 155 Westervell, Frederic 9 104, 181 Westervelt, Karoline . (12) 46, 48, ll6, 144, 173, 181 , 197 Westrater, Brian Charles (10) 90, llO, Ill , 197 Wetzel, Patricia joann (10) 90, 187, 189 Wharam, jackie Andy (10) Wharam, Sharon 122

Wharam, Teresa Sue (12) 46 Wharton, Lewis H. (12) 46 Wheby, jean H . (9) 104, 196 Wheby, Munsey joseph (ll) 60, 74, 144, 174, 199 Wheelen, Kathryn E. (9) lOS, 174, 197, 198, 199 Wheeler, Barbara Sue (12) 46 Wheeler, George B., Jr. (10) 82, 88, 90, 122, 144, 188 Wheeler, Kenneth Mason, Jr. (9) 189 Wheeler, Tina (9) 105, 194 Whitaker, Richard M. (10) White, Alicia Elizabeth (12) White, Anthony (9) lOS, 12S White, Curtis johnathan (II ) White, Lisa Lynd (9) 10S

White, Melvin Lee (ll) 74 Widener, Lloyd Scott (10) 90, 121 , 131, 198 Wiech, David john (ll) 74 Wiley, Leigh Ann (9) 105 Wiley's 244 Wilkerson, Debra Kay (ll) 74 Wilkerson, Pamela Marie (10) 90, ISS Wilkerson, Tracy Lynn (II) 7S, 122, 123, 184, 188 Wilkins, Lisa Kaye (12) 46 Williams, Alan Eugene (ll ) 75, 121 Williams, David Lee (10) 121 , 184, 199 Williams, David M. (9) 90, 105 Williams, Deborah (9) 10S Williams, jon Christopher (II ) 75 Williams, Karl S. 121 , 225 Williams, Michael Wa yne (I I) 7S Williams, Stephen R. (9) Williams Colonnade 289 Willis, David Glenn (10) 90 Willis, Sheila Arnett (10) 90 Willoughby, Bob john \ll) 75, 12S, 172, 186, 193 Willoughby, Scott Raw ing (10) 90, 121. 125, 126, 188 Wilson, Connie Laverne (12) 46

Wilson, Dorinda Leigh (11 ) 75, 183, 194 Wilson, janice S. 229 Wilson, Piper Leslie (9) 105, 122, 189 Wilson, Robert Dale (11) 7S Wingate, Henry Holmes (10) 90, 121 , 197 Wingate, Mary-Hunter Nash (12) ll , 46, 116, 193, 194, 196, 197 Winga te, Sandra 203 Wingfield, jonathan (9) 105, 196 Wingfield, Lori Diane (12) 46 Wingfield, Ronda Dale (10) 90, 186 Winston, Lindsay james (12) 46, 194 Wintermute, Sandra (9) lOS, 193 Winters, Yvette Marie (10) 90, 184 Witcher, Kimberly B. (12) 46, 14S, 147, 192, 198, 199 Women's Chorus 187 Wood, Angie Yvonne (12) 46 Wood, Daniel Waldo (9) 10S Wood, Darrell Shannon (9) 90, 121 Wood, Donna L. 205 Wood, Donna Lynn (12) 46, 178 Wood, Dwayne Anthony (ll) 7S Wood, james Douglas (11) Wood, jerry (9) Wood, joseph Brad (9) 90 Wood, Lonzy Everette (10) 90 Wood, Mark Travis (1 2) 46 Wood, Matthew Scott (9) 105 Wood, Melinda Kaye (11) 75 Wood, Noa h Edward, UJ (10) 90, 110, 182 Wood, Russell P. 230 Wood, Susan Anne (ll ) 7S, 176 Wood, Vanzy L. 247 Wood, Vickie Lynn (10) 90, 197

Wood, William Samuel (9) Woodbrook Beauty Salon 259 Woodfolk, Dwayne Allen (10) 90, 176, 178 Woodson, Michael Alan (9) 10S Woodson, Troy Wade (ll) 7S, 122, 123, 1SS, 188, 197 Woody, Leslie Ann (9) 105 Worley, George Allen (12) IS, 46, 118, 121 , 181, 188 Worley, Vernon Russe ll (ll) 68, 75, 90, 122, 123, 188 Worley, Yvonne Elizabeth (1 0) Wright, Donnie L. Wright, Earl Golf (12) 46, 122, 155, 187, 189 Wright, Evelyn Diane (ll ) 7S Wright, jeffrey Lyle (1 1) 7S, 122, 184, 185, 189 Wright, Stewart Arthur (12) 46, 181 Wright, Teresa (9) Wright, Terilynne (9) 105, 187 Wya nt, jay Devon (10) 90, 188 Wyant, Lisa D. (9) 105 Wya nt, Tina Marie (10) 90 Wyland, Andy Christopher (II) 7S

y Yancey, Charles S. (I I Young, Annette (II ) 7S, 174, 178 Young, Antonia Denise (ll ) 75, 149, 176, 187 Young, Donna Lane (9) 10S, 183, 187, 199 You ng, Roland (9) ~~~~~sM~~路s Shop 238 Yu, Hyon Suk (ll ) 7S, 193

z Zans, Elizabeth Catherine (10) 90 Zauner, Cy nthia A. (10) 90 Zauner, jennifer L. (10) 90 Zeh, William Bernard (10) 90, 15S, 181, 188, 191 , 199 Zierden, Timothy D. (9) 105, 197 Ziock, Michael (II) 7S, 197 Ziolkowski , Tanya (9) Zobel, james Ellsworth (9) 105, 122, 196


55, 188

I, 122, 153, 190

97 18, 190


135, 184

I, 195, 21 4, 197 14, 145, 182

196 36, 196

''I'd like one of those, and two of those, and one of th ose, ... "

94 97 189 7, 74, 181 44, 157, 173, 194

153, 155, 1%, 199 199

, 142, 155, 197 131, 133 , 131, 197

Paige Pippin uses a balance beam to prepare for a dunk shot.

Matt Pace and Chris Peterson try to bring Frosty back to life .

Index 273



-- - - -

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The Mime Troupe

pep rallies

the AHS chee rlead ers

the new auditorium


Homecoming 1981

274 Conclusion

the snows that kept us out of school



~9U ~E .J..C· •J_,.

Senior Service Day

the Seni or Class ya rd sale


"Senio r slump"


the music of " Lewis & Stark" that played during the Se nj or party and at afterfoo tball game dances

athletic banquets

Conclusio n


the SCA X-Mas tree

Valentine's Day Thing

riding the bus home

The Peer staff would like to thank the following students not on our staff who gave us their help during the year: Susan Anderson Sharon Dowell Alison Dwier Lorry Green Greg Gurley Kris Kost Jeanne Lewis Pete Logan Kim Payne Julie Roy Thanks also go out to our sponsors: Mrs. C. Stanley Ms. S. Critzer Mr. R. Ergler Also, the staff would like to thank all the teachers and club sponsors, The Daily Progress, the local businesses who have advertised in The Peer, and all the parents of the staff members.




the end of the da y





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