1983 Albemarle High School Peer

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From the producers The Albemarle yearbook staff presents the 30th Annual Peer, the movie p roduction capturing the fun and excitement of AHS. So, sit back, relax, maybe have some popcom, and watch the memories roll before your eyes.

2 Introduction



On Location . ..... . .. .. 4 Stars .. ........ . ...... 14 Extras ........ .. ...... 56 Action . . . . . . .. .. . . .. 106 Special Effects .. . . .. 138 Newsreel. . .... .. . . .. 158 Production Crew. . . .. 168 Directors .. ... . . . . .. .200 Promoters ........... 232 Credits ........ . ..... 266

Table of Contents 3


On location Albemarle County On the Downtown Mall or on the sand at Chris Greene Lake, among the crowd at the county fair or amidst the blue and orange of a UVA game-the excitement of the Charlottesville area set the cameras rolling.

1. DECA holds a bake sale at an area shopping center. 2. Todd Runkle waits to perform with Albe: marie's Mime Troup on the Downtown Mall. 3. WWWV's booth at the County Fair is a popular one. 4. The Boar's Head balloon glides over Albemarle County's rolling hills. 5. Cheryl Leake and Litsa Lambrines take to the streets to advertise for a Senior Class car wash. 6. Up, up, and away! 7. Mountain streams add to the beauty of scenic Albemarle County. 8. This small calf is a popular attraction at Albemarle County's first county fair in forty years. 9. An autumn sunset over Charlottesville warms the


4 Albemarle County

1. Albemarle High School- after thirty years. 2. Expansion of the front office and guidance department help control the chaos at Albemarle. 3. Renovations on the breezeway continued during the summer of '82. 4. Mrs. McCallum teaches government in the auditorium while her room is being used for storage during renovations. 5. The new. old gym. 6. SCA members wait for the start of a meeting. 7. Shooting the breeze on the breezeway during SAP. 8. Workmen make final touches on the new teachers' lounge. 9. Caroline Cosby enjoys lunch on the patio.

6 Albemarle High School

On location Albemarle High School Albemarle High School was the scene of many changes in this, the thirtieth year of its existence. Although Mr. Hurt remained and the cafeteria food was the same, Albemarle saw phase three of its renovation change its structure. Punks and Preppies rule where Beboppers and Hippies once roamed.




4 Albemarle High School


On location - AHS classrooms A class could have be interesting, boring, difficult or fun. It all depended upon the students. Some liked to conjugate verbs while others preferred to solve for x. Of course, having a friend or two in class always helped no matter what the subject may have been.

8 Albemarle Classes


1. CeCe White and Venda Crickenburger help Deborah Roberts edit copy for the yearbook. 2. Boredom prevails in another English class. 3. Mr. Sandell offers his advice to Stacy McCann about ordering a class ring. 4. Gym students stumble in from gym class all tired out. 5. Students listen intently to Mr. Cunningham's interesting physics lecture. 6. Seniors Steve Carter and Suzi Chrvstal concentrate on their Soanish assignment. 7. The brilliant mad scientists. Candy Mason and Beth Brown, clean up after their experiment, 8. Melissa Forlolnes teaches the skill of typing to a fellow student. 9. Kathy McCray and Scott Widener goof off in class again.

Albemarle Classes 9

On location - AHS athletic fields A surefire way to experience excitement was to focus on Albemarle's winning athletic events and the fans that attended them. Of course, a loss or two was inevitable somewhere, but not very often as the Patriots fought for one victory after another.

10 Albemarle action



1. Warming up for track practice, Blaine Stackhouse and Bjom Stenmaim ham it up in front of the camera. 2. Practicing her serving, Martha Coates strikes the ball. 3. The Varsity cheerleaders do another one of their stunning pyramids. 4. Pat Craver frantically tries to keep the ball from a Westem opponent. 5. Candy Mason gets ready to set up the ball in another victorious volleyball game. 6. The Girls Volleyball team listens intently to Mrs. Neilson's strategy. 7. Varsity football player Winston Edmunds swiftly carries the ball down the field. 8. Charlottesville p layer number 83 goes in for the tackle. 9. Edmunds is wrapped up by the player. 10. Varsity football coaches, Frank McCurdy, Brian Grainer and Tom Verbanic, discuss game plan.



Albemarle action 11

1. Mickey Mouse ears seem to fit musketeer, Liz Richardson quite well.

2. Roman "Qoddess", Denea Gorman attracts attention from "mortal", Jeff Dllliard 1n front of Kim Rogers. 3. John Gaertner sets the stage for this 30th Peer. 4. Liz Hunt and Sharon Coiner punk to the max. 5. At the first pep rally, Kathy Vidunas introduced the students to our newest cheerleader, Scott Widener. 6. As underclassman, Christina, looks on, Preppies Melissa Forloines and Chris Clarke pose for a picture. 7. Alan Leffers shows patriot spirit by decorating cars with the glorious colors of red and blue before the football game. 8. During a pep rally, Varsity Football players are introduced to the fans. 9. Senior class president, Mark Milleson, congratulates the Fabulous Five on their hat day spirit.

12 Albemarle - Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes As teachers handed out books and assignments to keep students leaming, Albemarle students found themselves wearing odd clothes and doing unusual things to cheer on their Patriots and make life at school a little more fun.

Albemor1e- Behind the scenes 13


Stars Playing an infinite variety of roles - from college applicants and psychology and government experts to privilege seekers - members of the class of '83 proved to be Albemarle's true stars.

Senior Divider 15

Officers and Gentlemen

1. Awesome officers: Mar1< Milleson, president; Laura Er1<enBrack, vice-president; Beth Shand, treasurer; Cheryl Leake, secretary.

"The class of '83? Isn't that the one between '82 and '84 ?" Every class tries to be special in some way. Well , Albemarle's class of '83 doesn't have to try very hard. For openers, it is Albemarle's 30th graduating class. In its 30 years , Albemarle has changed; however, we have seen many changes in just four years. We started out our freshman year with the opening of the new gym in the fall of 1979. Since then , we 've seen the school take on a new look with renovations on the breezeway, in the office and throughout the building. Our final year brought a brand new "old gym" to finish the way we started. The "Junior class that feared not having a prom" started its senior year with an excess of $400. This money, plus that which was raised by car washes and yard sales, enabled us to have more " senior" events overall than in past years. The 30th class saw many changes and broke new ground, setting a precedent for the future. 16 Seniors

Lucy Akers Charlotte Anderson Teddy Anderson Theresa Baber Janice Badoud Anne Baker

Eric Banks Jim Batchelor Scott Batten Susan Bauer Dawn Beale Christina Beegle

Russ Berlin Randy Bickers Alfred Bilezerian Marsha Binney Greg Bishop Sheifa Bishop

Donna Blackburn John Blake Debbie Blankenship Sandra Boland Amy Bosely Karen Brauham

Seniors 17

Gail Breeden Maureen Breen Rob Breihan Beth Brown Cynthia Brown Melanie Brown Robin Brown Tony Browning

Rob Brugh Susan Bryant David Burch Lori Bumer Craig Burton Cathina Butler Carol Caldwell Rich Caldwell

Cathy Callaway Laurie Campagna Ann Capizzi Sepelda Carr Melanie Carratt Kevin Carson David Carter Steve Carter

Gabriela Casero Lisa Chapman Richard Chandler Paul Charlton Mike Chastain Sheila Childress Maria Chivily Suzi Chrystal

18 Seniors

Emmett Churchman Ashely Clark Stacey Clark Chris Clarke Charles Clawson George Cleveland Martha Coates

Mary Cockerille Sharon Coiner Bonnie Coleman Linda Coleman Cristi Coles Luther Coles Michelle Coles

Sara Collie John Collum Mark Conner Sue Copeland Raymond Comog Caroline Cosby Antonia Crawford

Blain Crickenberger Tracy Crickenberger Vonda Crickenberger Frances Cruz Kim Cusato Paul Dalrymple April Davis

20 Seniors

Barry Davis Lisa Davis Roger Davis Mike Deane Nick DeJohn Katherine Delis Lisa Delis Kimberley Dempsey

Serge Depret-Guillaume Lisa Dewey Duane Diggs Jeff Dillard Kathy Dimasi Kristin Donato Gai l Dorman Richard Dorman

Desiree Dom Sharon Dowell Elizabeth Doyle Sarah Drash Loretta Dudley Lisa Dyer Kirk Eades Cheryl Edwards

Eda Elbirlik David Elliton Laura Erkenbrack Phil Estes Vicki Eways Becky Faulkner Gletsa Feggans Phyllis Fidler



Troy Fischer Chris Fisher Roger Fisher Betsy Fitzgerald

John Fitzwater Gary Flanagan Donna Fletcher Fritz Flynn


Jerry Ford Melissa For1oines Vincent Fortune Jimmy Fox

Laura Frame Tammy Fritz Robert Frye John Gaertner



Fast Times at Albemarle High



1. Eazy St. John's motto: Put off today that wh ich you c a n do d uring SAP tomorrow. 2. Hic ks invade Al bemarle in the forms of Linda La uffenberger. Kim Rogers a nd La ura ErkenBrack. 3. Phil Estes a nd his harem relax on the breezewa y.

"Hold on loosely, but don't let go." This is the theme drumming in the heads of seniors as they look forward to the final days of high school. Though eager to press on, most experience a twinge of uncertainty now and then, which is a lmost a form of regret that the era has passed , but never for long ! Senior Skip Day and Beach Week a llow seniors to hang onto each other and move out in a unified force. During the rema ining weeks, seniors have spring fever and impatiently await the graduation ceremony. They take a holiday .. . SENIOR SKIP DAY .. . a time when the restless new generation flocks to Chris Green, Mint Springs, anywhere at al l, or maybe just

slumbers the day away. This is one glorious day when only the el ite class can take a mental health day to talk and to spend time together for longer than six minutes and without a teacher hovering near. Three short weeks later - commencement. It's off to the beaches to frol ic in the surf and sun or burrow in the sand. It's time to party, to relax, and maybe even to reflect on the previous four years. And, there's time to watch the sun set in the west or to go for romantic walks along the shore. Beach Week is a transition period , too. We 're out of high school for good thankfully- and heading for a grand and glorious future.



Valerie Gaines Jennifer Gannon Charlotte Gardner Stewart Gamer Lasanda Gatewood David Gaylord Germaine Ghazarian Stephani Giannini

Dwayne Gibson Gary Gibson Harlan Gibson Joseph Gibson Robbin Gibson Mike Gill Steve Gil liam Georgia Gilmer

Paul Given Melanie Godsey Alan Goodwin Denea Gorman Katie Granger Gordon Gray Kevin Gray Paige Grinde

Marlina Gurley Brian Hackett Brenda Hager Lester Hall Mike Hall Mitch Hall Steve Hammond Robin Harper

Seniors 27

Angela Harris Bonnie Harris Walter Harris Mike Hartman Robert Hawkins Robert Haynes Alison Heeter Knut Heimer

Tina Hendricks Kelly Hensley Donnie Herring Calvert Herrmann Deborah Higgins Norman Hipskind Denise Hollo Michelle Horton

Paul Houchens Michael Howell David Hubbard Brad Huey Liz Hunt Glenn Hunt Greg Hunt Ray Hunt

Paula Inscoe Greg lvie Stacy Jarman Dawn Johannesen Jennifer Johnson Laurie Johnson Michael Johnson Rainna Johnson

Seniors 29

Sharon Johnson Diane Jones Gary Jones Laurie Jones Phillip Jones Sterling Jones Junius Jordon Tim Kauffman

John Kellogg Ung Kil Kim Tim Kindrick Tamara Kirby Peter Koort Theresa Kost Katrina Kretsinger Mike Krongaard

Mike Kunkler Mical Kupke Mei-Chen Lai Matt Lamb Litsa Lambrinos Lisa Landel Maria Lascano Laura Loudermilk

Linda Lauffemburger Deneen Lawson Cheryl Leake Alan Letters Dana Lewis Gale Lewis Susan Lewis Eric Liedholrn

30 Seniors

Go ask Alice In order to get the "awesome class" of '83 off to a grand start, the class officers surveyed the seniors early In September. Voicing their Ideas and opinions on parties, privileges, and fundralslng , the seniors made their representatives aware of their desires for the coming year. As could be expected , the vast majority of seniors were Interested In attending an 83¢ party for "seniors only". Suggestions for music were varied - rock, soul, and punk. As decided by the survey, graduation will once again be held at University Hall. The result on the gowns were Inconclusive, though, and another survey will settle the Issue later. The second survey will also Include a run-off between Busch Gardens and Virginia Beach for the senior trip. A mere ten points separated these two possibilities. On the subject of fundralslng activities, the majority of seniors offered to help with cleaning University Hall or Scott Stadium, or holding car washes, bake sales and yard sales. A basketball game with the WCHV RampagIng Ducks, dances, and parties were also approved as sources of revenue. The class of '83, with Its thoughts constantly on June 11, plans to make this year the best yet. By responding to the survey, seniors not only aided the officers, but also participated directly In planning their future activities.

On their knees, Tariq Steinberg and teammates watch the defense with anticipation.

32 Seniors

Lincoln Lilley Valerie Livengood Monica Loftin Mike Love Angela Lucas Charles Lucas

Jeanette Madison Pam Mandell Sonya Marshall Amy Martin Debbie Martin Todd Martin

Traci Martin Willie Martin Jack Masloff Mary Maslyk Candy Mason Carl Mathews


Edith Mattie Margaret Maxwell Rob Mays Fawn McAllister Tracy McCauley John McDaniel



'Psycho' Among the few privileges that seniors at Albemarle were able to enjoy this year was taking psychology. Psychology is the science of the mind and mental processes , of desires, feelings, etc. The class, taught by Mr. Stephen Foutz, proved to be unique as compared with the routine , required classes. Many seniors considered psychology their "fun c lass." Its discussions and sometimes heated debates on favorite topics covered social issues and human relationships. Few seniors will forget their experiment with Rosie the rat the class mascot. Although the class was amusing , students worked long, hard hours on book reports, research papers and projects due each nine weeks. The work was taken seriously, but through it aiL psychology was thoroughly enjoyed. Juniors, here is your chance to regain and evaluate the mind you lost during your first three years in high school! Have fun!

1. Mr. Foutz used psychology in a Senior cl ass a ssemb ly. 2. Louise Park enjoys a nutrition break.

34 Seniors

Richard McDaniel Carol McElhaney Patricia McGetrick Gina McWilliams Sandra Melton Mike Mennerich

,. -

Julie Milkie Tim Miller Mark Milleson Audrey Mills Warren Mills Maria Minnix

Benji Minor Carolyn Mitchell Greg Mitchell Sandra Mongold Felice Moody Lanny Moore


Lisa Morris Mary Morris Sharon Morse Laura Napier Amy Nay Chris Nelson

Seniors 35

Timothy Newbert Doris Norford Ken Norford Marl< Norford John Oliver Deirdia Omduff Cyndi Overcash Jeff Ownby

Julia Palmer Keith Pamplin Louise Pari< Donnie Patterson Madeline Patterscn Kathy Peri<ins Becky Peterson Long Phon

Cindy Pierce Lisa Pierce Donna Pittman Kris Pollard Lisa Poole Rick Porcaro Jane Powell Monica Powell

Chip Proffitt Louis Prosser Tina Ragland David Randolph Kelvin Reid Tracey Rhodes Debcrah Rice Liz Richardson



Lawrence Riley Cathy Roach Joe Robbins Deborah Roberts Sonya Roberts

Janet Robertson Pam Roebuck Kim Rodgers Dorothy Roseboro Doug Ross

Lisa Runkle Bobby Rush Katena Rush Reva Rush Rodney Ryalls

Mary Sacre Michael Sacre Tracy Salyers Jimmy Satira Calvin Schuler



Let it be At 8:49 the cars with orange parking stickers roll into THEIR designated spaces. At 12:00 the Seniors are found in THEIR lunch line and at THEIR lunch tables. And who's that walking out of the school at 3:23? It's the Senior Class of '83! These are a few of the privileges that seniors have acquired through the years - others include Senior seating in the auditorium and at football games. The Seniors hoped for a Senior lounge. However, they decided to use their money for different projects such as Senior parties, diploma covers, and a donation for a future Senior lounge.


4 1. Katrina Kretsinger d isplays the senior dress code. 2. John Oliver proves his point. 3. Paul Given and Beth Shand- a couple of punks. 4. "All right, you guys, get to class."




Carla Schwab Molly Schweinefuss Beth Shand


Brandon Shelton Trey Shelton Keith Shifflett Lisa Shifflett Tina Shiflett Patty Short Brian Shortall Robert Smallwood

Karen Smith Linda Smith Zina Smith Glen Snow Kelly Snow Stephanie Somers Terri Spence Neil Spencer



Working man and playing girls

Gabriel Casero and Jennifer Gannon demonstrate the strength of the tennis team.

At Youth Day on the downtown mall, Alan Letters queries, "Higher?".

Reeva Spradlin Tamie Spradlin Blaine Stackhouse Tariq Steinberg Bjom Stenmalm Debra Stephens William Stewart Eazy St. John


Bonnie Stokes Fredina Stovall Brian Sullivan Maria Sweeney Derrick Terry Kathy Terry Julie Thacker Cindy Theodose

Hunter Thomas Leo Thomas Justin Thompson Peter Thorsen Mike Tinsley Sam Toler Angela Townsend Stefan Trefil

Danny Trogdon Tyler Tucker Cynthia Tumer Greg Tumer Diana Vanderloo Fred Vanhoose Robina Varma John Vermillion



Mike Volpentest Lisa Von Achen Allison Von Herbul is

Judith Walker Terena Walker John Wanebo

Mike Wanebo Greg Warren Munsey Wheby

1. "Where's Maslyk che before the~

CeCe White David Wiech Debra Wilkerson Tracy Wilkerson Alan Williams Chris Williams Mike Williams Bob Willoughby

44 Seniors

3 1. "Where's the Delta House?" 2. The senior class is totally awesome! 3. Mary Maslyk cheers the Patriots on. 4. Football p layer, Chris Williams. shows his spirit before the game that night. 5. During senior spirit week Reeva Spradlin dresses as

4 6 a westem beach bum. 6. With hat proudly resting on her head. Laurie Campagno prepares for class.

Dorinda Wilson Robert Wilson Dwayne Wood Melinda Wood

Susan Wood Troy Woodson Anne Woodworth Vemon Worley

Evelyn Wright Jeff Wright Andy Wyland Charles Yancey

Annette Young Toni Young Hyon Yu Mike Ziock

46 Seniors

'Pennies from Heaven'

Looking ahead to many parties, a class trip and diploma holders, seniors realized they needed money. They diligently threw themselves into many fund-raising activities. A lot of hard work was done and much money was raised. Therefore, their efforts were well rewarded. Seniors tumed out in numbers to wash filthy cars and sell del icious goods. A yard sale and dances were also held at Albermarle to raise revenue for an extra-fantastic year. After a slow beginning in '82, the class of '83 strove and unified for a year of memories. Extras that once seemed dreams now became reali ties.

1. Katherine Delis. wash that door, shine that window! 2. The three stooges - Mary Maslyk, Fawn McAllister, and Sonya Roberts. sit in a n SCA meeting. 3. Tamara Kirby. you missed a spot!



Akers, tesville. Ski Cl. t put off L

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Baber, glewoc tonight.

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Beale, tesville. French March if 4; Jr. C like jarT getting Beegle Beegle VA229 Chorus chowd

1. Chef Vanhoose is displaying his masterpiece. 2. Hey. I thought you were supposed to run in Cross Country. 3. Causing a traffic jam. Maria Sweeney, Louise Parle Calvert Hermmann and Greg Warren stop to chat. 4. John Blake is rough and ready on the Albemarle bench. 5. Say "Cheese", Paige Grinde. 6. Our young politicians, Tamie Spradlin and Anne Baker. prepare for the SCA meeting.

48 Seniors

Berlin, West. C time !"


Rt. 2. B Treas. : 2.3.4. ~ Mocel l

; masterpiece.

:>sed to run in icjam , Maria 1rmmann and Blake is rough >ench. 5. Say young politiaker, prepare

Senior Statistics Akers, Lucy Lane, Lou : Rt. 4, Box 264, Charlottesville, VA 22901: Riding Cl.1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 4; "Never do today that whi ch you can put off until tomorrow."

Bilezerian, Alfred, Alfredo: 1610 Derby Lane, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; German C1. 1,2; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Weight C l. 2,3; Psychic C l. 4; Football ; "I need another beer!"

Alexander, Greg ScoH, Slugger: 778 Queen's Ct., Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; J.V. Football 2; CATC Auto Mechanics; "Not enough partying is bad to your health."

Binney, Marsha AnneHe: P.O. Box 462, Charlottesvill e, VA 22902; "Yea , right."

Anderson, CharloHe Marie. Anderson, Edwin B., Jr., Red Ted : 1625 Maiden Lane; Ski C l. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; FCA 4; 9th Grade Footba ll1; J.V. Football 2; Stuntmen 1,2,3; "''d rather be water skiing! " Baber, Theresa LaVerne, T., Reese : 1906-B Ing lewood Dr.; FHA 1; FBLA 3,4; "No homework, tonight." Badoud, Janice Renee, Jan : 1889 Pinecone Circle; Riding Cl.; Basketball Booster; Basketball ; Softball; Track. Baker, Anne Elizabeth, Ana , Ann ie, Puta : Rt. 11, Box 2-A, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 1; Advocate C l. 2,3,4, Pres. 3, Officer 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Boys' Basketball Statistician 3,4; Vo lleyball Manager 3; Honor Committee Member 4; School record in Girls' Shot Put 2; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1,3, Executive Council 4, Senior Senator 4; Sophomore Class Pres. 2; Junior Class Council 3; Senior Class Counc il 4; " Donde esta n los muchachos?" Banks, Eric McKinley, Baby Dew Drop : Box 102, Keswick , VA 22947; VICA; J.V. Football; "I live to seNe females only." Batchelor, James Neal, Batch, Badbatch: 3505 Ma lboro Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Skateboard Cl.1; Ski C l. 2,3,4; Intermural Basketball; SCA homeroom Rep. BaHen, ScoH Norman, Scotty : 844 Chapel Hill; VICA; "You a in't got nothing unless you got a Chevrolet." Bauer, Susan Fritch: P.O. Box 7383, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Riding C l.; French C l. 2; Art C l. 3; Self-Defense C l. 3,4; Teen Democrats 3,4, Pres. 4; Psyc hic C l. Vi ce-pres. 4; Christia n Fellowship 3; Cross Country 2,3,4, Capta in, M.V.P. 4; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; French Contest 2, 4th p lace; Honesty Appreciation Contest 2, 3rd p lace. Beale, Dawn Larie: 11 9 Blueberry Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901: Art Cl. 3; Advocate C l. 4; French Contest 1, 5th in school, 6th in stare; Marching Band Rifle Corps 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 4; Jr. Class Ta lent Show crew 3; "Happiness is like jam - you can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself." Beegle, Christina Lee, Green bean, Littlest Beegle, Chrissy: Rt. 6, Box 312, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Rid ing C 1.1,2,3,4; Ski C l. 4; Regional Chorus 3,4; Albemarle Horse Show 1,2,3,4; "Let's chow down. Life goes on."

Bishop, Gregory Glenn, Greg : 503 Carrsbrook Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Christian Fellowship 2,3; Computer C l. 4; All -Regional Band 3; Marching Band 1,2 ,3,4. Bishop, Sheila Lynn: Rt. 1, Box 439, Scottesville, Va. Blackburn, Donna Sue: Rt. 1, Box 278-A, Schuyler, VA 22969; FBLA 4. Blake, John Patrick, JB, McFried : P.O. Box 275, Scottesville, VA 24590; FCA 3,4; Football 1.2,3,4, All -Western District Football 3,4, All Central VA Football 3, Co-Captain 4, MVP 4; Dogwood Tournament All -Star Lacrosse 3, Best Defenseman Lacrosse 3, All -State Lacrosse 3; "One more time, p lease a nd Laaameeerrr! " Blakenship, Debra Gale, Debbie, Debb : P.O. Box 6433, Charlottesville , Va . 22906; French Contest 1; "Homework, homework ! Give me a Break!" Boland, Sandra K. Bosely, Amy Charlene: Rt. 7, Box 177-0, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1; French Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 4; Na tiona l Honor Society 3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3; Symphonic Band 1; Office Aid 2,3,4; "Ain't no need to worry about nothing , 'cause nothing's gonna turn out right a nywa y." Branham, Karen Denise: Rt. 3, Box 150-A, Gordonsville, VA 22942; Lacrosse C l. 3; Ski Cl. 4; Outdoor Track 2. Breeden, Gail Lynn: Rt. 1, Box 133, Earlysvill e, VA 22936; FHA 1; FBLA 3. Breen, Maureen Patrice, Millie, Bean, Stinkface : 2935 Brookmere Rd; FBLA 1; Spanish Cl. 2; FCA 3,4; "Let's leave, Gertie ! No wa y!" Breihan, Robert Walker, Jr., Rob : 310 Monacan Dr., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; Germa n C l. 1; Ecology Cl. 3; Golf 1,2 ,3,4, MVP 2; "Party now, you may be dead tomorrow." Brown, Cynthia Denise. Brown, Elizabeth Grace, Beth, Chick, T-Bone : 2923 ldlewood Dr., Charlottesville , VA 22901; French Cl. 1,4; FCA 2,3; Teen Democrats 3,4; V. Volleyball 3,4, Captain 4, Sportsmanship Award 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; Nationa l Honor Society 3,4; "What?" Brown, Melanie Ann, Aunt K., Me l: 8002 Washington Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl.1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; FCA 4; Basketball 1,2; Softball 1,2,3,4; Powder-puff Football 2; Symphonic Band 111; SCA 4; "Always remember a nd never forget, When in doubt. d icker!"

Skippy, One Time Please, She's talking to yo. "

Brugh, Robert Conklin, Brewski : 1724 Old Forge Rd. , Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; Intra mural B8sketball 3,4; J.A 4; "Horrib le, Horrible, it's just so Horrible !!" Bryant, Susan Eloise, Magic , Parker, Suzie Smurf: Rt. 2, Box 129, Keswick, VA 22947 ; AfroAmerican Literature Cl. 4; J.V. Basketball1 ; V. Basketball 2,3; SCA Homeroom Rep. 3; Symphonic Band 111; Symphonic Band Ill 2,3; " ... I have a dream that my four little chi ldren will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character ... " Burch, David Ray, Elvis: 111 Carrsbrook Ct., Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1; "If you ever meet someone that shouts too loud on Sat. night, go home and lock your smokehouse." Burner, Lori Ann: 2708 Northfields Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Riding C l.1,2,3; French C l. 4; Marching Band Flag Corps 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 2,3,4; "That's life ! I'm Serious" BurneHe, Mark Wayne, Lord Burnette, Madman : 125 West Park Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Cl. 4; Intermural Basketball 4; Homecoming Court 4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; "Beer might not make people smart, but it ma d e Budweiser." Burton, Craig Steven, C.B.: 46 Spring Ct.. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA; Football 2; "All things off the wa ll." Butler, Cathina E., Kathie, Annie, Sunshine : 684 Lockesley Terrace, Charlottesvi lie , VA 22901; FBLA 4; Track 1,2,3; Volleyball1 ,2; " Don't count your chickens before they hatch. " Caldwell, Carol Ann. Caldwell, Richard Shelton. Callaway, Gayle Catherine, Cathy, BWOC : 2513 Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesville , VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 4; Spa nish Honor Society 2,3 ,4, Sec!Treas. 3, Vi ce-Pres. 4; National Honor Society 3,4; PEER 2,4; "Oh , well, C 'est Ia vi e. " Campagna, Laurie Sue, Parapagna : 640 Ridgemont Rd., Earlysville, VA 22936; Spanish Cl. 2; Art Cl. 3, Treas.; Sk1 Cl. 4; Nat1onal Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Nominee of the Nationa l Council of Teachers of Eng lish Writing Contest 3; Spanish Contest; Senior Council 4; "Short people do it better! " Capizzi, Ann Louose: Rt. 1, Box 313, Keswick, VA 22947; Indoor Hockey Cl. 4; Jr. Classical League 1; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1,2; Field Hockey 1,2,3 ,4, Captain 3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; "You can 't alwa ys get what you wa nt, but if you try sometimes you just might find that which you need." Carr, Sepelda Ammerdus.

Berlin, Russell Phillip, Russ: Wendover, Key West. Charlottesville, VA 22901; PEER; "It's Miller time !"

Brown, Robin Lynn.

CarraH, Melanie R.

Browning, Mark Anthony, Tony, lB., Stick : 100 Dorset Ct., Charlottesville , VA 22901; Skateboard Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 4; Football 1,3,4, lettered 3, 2nd team A ll-Western Distric t 4, Most Improved 4; Basketball 1,2; Baseba ll 1,2,3,4, lettered 2, 1st team All -Western District 3, Most Improved 3; Symphonic Ba nd 1; 'long live

Carson, Kevin Christopher.

Bickers, John Randolph, J.R., Dime , Randy: Rt. 2, Box 73, Keswi ck , VA 22947; Frenc h C l. 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4, Treas. 3, Pres. 4; United Nations Cl. 4; Tennis 2,3,4, Most Improved 3; French Contest 2,3; Model U.N. 4; "Caroline and I are not dating !"

Carter, David MaHhew, District: Rt. 9, Box 215, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 4; Teen Democrat 4; Intramura l Basketball3,4; National Merit Commended Scholar 3; "Yes, I've rendered my seNices toward the truly unfortunate

Senior Statistics


of AHS; I think it's time for some paybacks, tellas."

Carter, Steven Jerome: 2215-E Commonwealth Dr.. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; FCA 3.4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, All-District 3, All -Central 3, All-Region 3, Captain 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4, All District 3,4, Captain 4; Football 3, All-District. All-Central; "The will to win comes from within. "

ZOO: 113 Deerwood Rd. , Charlottesvill e, VA; Rid ing Cl. 1,2,3,4; FCA 3,4; SCA 3; Cross Country 2; MAME1; Choir 1; Forensics team 3; "Doggonnit. we can do it!"

Coiner, Sharon Elizabeth: 404 Westmorel a nd Cr., Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; German Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse 1; "Truth or Dare? or should I say Li e or Chicken out?"

ationa l Spanish Contest; "Bizarro Fungul!"


Dalrymple, Paul Clayton, Do l: 2311 -D Peyton Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse C l. 1,2,3; Ski Cl. 4; 91h Grade Football1; J.V. Football 2; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4, All-Dogwood Toumament Goalie, 2nd Tea m All-State; lntra mura l1.2,3,4.

Casero, Gabriela Pilar, Gabby, Scab, Smellerella : 144-9 Ivy Dr., Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 1; Ski C l. 2; FCA 3,4; Tennis 1,3,4, Captain 4 MVP 3,4; "Stardom - I wa nt a hit. wa nt my tan, wa nt my cash, wa nt my innocence."

Coleman, Bonnie Sue, Little B.C ., Scrapper P. Ja Nis : 143 West Park Dr., Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl.1.2,3; Ski C l. 3; DECA 3,4.

Daughtery, David Glenn.

Coleman, Uncia Elizabeth: Blue Ridge Hosp ..

Chandler, Richard Lee, Ricky: 323 Minor Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 4.

Coles, Crist! Rosanna, Cris, The Countess: 2616 Huntington Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Astronomy Cl. 1,2; Astronomy & Rocket C l. 3; College Pla nning Cl. 4; Statistian 2,3,4; National Spanish Contest; Marching Ba nd 1,2; "Stop the Madness."

Davis, Barry Owens: 297 Winfi eld Circle , Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 3.4; Football1.2; Baseball 2,3,4, 2nd Team All-District; We igh lifting

Chapman, Lisa Valencia. Charlton, James Paul, Paul : 1110 Pinehurst Ct.; Astrometry Cl. 1; Chess Cl. 2,3,4, Vice-Pres. 3; Indoor Track 4; Annual Mathematics Award; Math Contest 3, First p lace; Chess team 3,4; Certamen 3; "Nothing is as it seems, wa tch, it cha nges." Chastain, Michael Allen, Mike : 106 Bollingbrook Dr.. Charlottesville , VA 22901 ;" ever underestimate the power of huma n stupidity." Childress, Sheila Laverne. Chivily, Maria Katina, Micki. Mre : Rt. 1, Box37 , Scottsville, VA 24590; Riding Cl. 3,4; Indoor a nd Outdoor Track Manager 3; Symphonic Band Ill 1,2,3; Marching Band 2. Chrystal, Susan Maureen, Suzi: Box 2, Clover Hill , Earlysville, VA; Drama Cl.1 ; Ski Cl.1,2,3; La crosse Cl. 2,3; Spanish Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Cheerleading 1,2,3, All -American Cheerleader 3; National Honor Society 3,4, Treas. 4; a tional Spanish Contest; Homecoming Court 1; Who's Who Among High School Students 4; Freshman Class Treas. 1; Sophomore Class Officer 2; Jr. Class Counc il3; Sr. C lass Council 4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1,2; "Night of One Acts" Student Director1 . Churchman, Emmett Eugene, Church : Rt. 1. Box 213-B , Keswick, VA 22947 ; Voll eyball Cl. 4; "Try anything twice." Clark, Ashley Marie, Pete, Quarterback, Little Scuz: Rt. 6, Box 59, Charlottesvill e, VA; Choir 1,2,3,4, Regional Choir 3.4. most contributive 2; French Cl. 2; Psychic Cl. Clark, Stacey Lynn. Clarke, Christopher Wayne, Chris, O.Z.: Rt.1, Box 80-A, Earlysville, VA 22936; Skateboard Cl. 1. Lacrosse Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3,4; Stuntmen 2,3,4; Footbal l 1.2; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; "I luv you, Melissa - Led Zeppelin Forever!" Clawson, Charles Cyrus, Ill, Spud , Sp ider: 522 Nottingham Rd .. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; Spanish Cl.1; German Cl. 2; FCA 4; Ski Cl.1 ,2,3; National Honor Society 1,2,3,4; Football 1.4; Track 1.2; Cross Country 2; Basketball2 ,3; Skiing 1,2,3; Boy's State Delegate 3; SCA Pres. 1; Jr. Class Pres., 3; " Duty, Honor Country." Cleveland, George Brock, Brock, Clev: Rt. 1. Box 19, Scottsville, VA; VICA. Coates, Martha, Marty : 1518 Westfield Cr., Charlottesvill e, VA; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Tennis 2,3,4, MVP 3, Capta in 4; Softba ll 2.3.4. 2nd team All District 3; Gymnastics 1; Flag Corps 1; "Always remember and never forget : When in doubt her! " Cockerille, Mary Jane, Mare-Bear, Gertie,


Senior Statistics

Charlottesville 22901 .

Davis, Lisa Ann, Lee, Snickims, Goochy: Rt. 1, Box 154, Keswick, VA 22947; DECA Cl.1; Spanish Cl. 2; FHA C l. 4; "Live and let live and lea m! "

Coles, Luther Lewis, L.C .: Rt. 7, Box 300; Vol leyball Cl. 4; Intramura l Basketbal l.

Davis, Ro~er H. Ill: 75 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski C l. 3,4; Teenage Republicans 4; Lacrosse 1.

Coles, Michelle Denise.

Deane, Mark Anthony.

Collie, Sara Elizabeth, Clickie : 1810-C Soloma n Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Art C l. 2,3; Advocate Cl. 4; Regiona l Chorus 4; 'Spring Madness' 2,3,4; "''ll try a nything once."

DeJohn, Nicholas J., K'Nick, Nickelodeon. Old St. ic k: 155 Woodla ke Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess C l.; Football1,2,3; Stuntmen 4; Soccer 4; Wrestling 1,2, State Champion 2; Chess team; "Life is what you make it out to be."

Collum, John Michael, Whiz Bang : 2223 Willia msburg Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Advocate Cl. ; "Why do something tomorrow when you can do it toda y, because if you liked it then, you can do it again tomorrow."

Dells, Katherine: 11 6 Four Seasons Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; "Your sta irwa y lies on the whispering winds."

Conner, Mark Stewart: 656 Brighton Rd .. Earlysvill e, VA 22936; German Cl. 2; Harliquin Cl. 3; Psychic C l. 4; "Don't worry about it." Copeland, Suzanne, Sue, The Arguer: 2412 Barracks Rd. Apt #1. Charlottesville , VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Gym Aid 2,3; Track Vikettes 3; Wrestling Vikettes 2,3; Viteens 2; Swimming Vi kettes 3; Debate tea m 4; Girls Track Manager 2; "Oh, Well - Oh, really?" Cornog, Raymond Arteaga, Reic : 766 Squire Ct.; Volleybal l C l. 4; "I would like to wish good luck to my sister a nd to a ll the pretty young la d ies." Cosby, Caroline Burke: 2207 Dominion Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama C l.1, reporter; French Cl. 2.3.4, Treas. 4; Advocate C l. 2; U.N. Cl. 4; J.V. Field Hockey 1; V. Field Hockey 2,3,4; Indoor and Outdoor Track Ma nager 2; French Honor Society 2.3 ,4; Na tiona l Honor Society 3,4; 'Night of One Acts'; "I'm serious. " Crawford, Antonia Laverne. Crickenberger, Blain W.: Rt. 1. Box 447 , Barboursvill e, VA 22923; DECA 2,3,4; "Later - This Bud's for you!" Crickenberger, Tracy Joe, Cricket: Rt. 4, Box 307-A, Charlottesvil le, VA 22901; VI CA 3,4; Reg ional Choir 3. Crickenber~er , Vonda Kaye, Yummy, Ka yeKa ye, Sweetie Babe : 5845 Lexington La ne. Earlysville, VA 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2,3; Advocate Cl. 4; Track 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Field Hockey 1,2; Lacrosse 3,4; Softball 1; Intramura l Softball 1,2; "Let's go to TJ's tonig ht, nothing e lse to do."

Cruz, Frances, B.J.: Rt. 1. Box 260-F, Troy, VA 22974; "Life stinks. " Cusato, Kimberly Ann, Kimbers, Kim : 2393l lex Ct.. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish C l. 3.4; Volleyba ll 3; Cross Country 4; Track 4; a tiona l Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4;


Davis, April Janine.


Delis, Lisa: 116 Four Seasons Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; AdvocateCI.1,2,3,4, Treas. 3, Pres. 4; "Where's Kathy, Sonya and Bugg ?" Dempsey, Kimberly Nadine. Depret-Guillaume, Serge: 505 Westmorela nd Ct.. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; Astronomy Cl. 1; Photography C l. 2; French C l. 3,4; French Contest 3; Boy's State 3; Na tiona l Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4. Dewey, Lisa Kim : 29 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Germa n Cl. 1; Ecology Cl. 3; Current Events Cl. 4; Jr. Class Council 3; Tennis 2,3; French Contest. Digges, Duane Andrew, Digger. Ja ke. Figgs : Rt. 1. Box 342-C , Keswick, VA; VICA 3,4; J.V. Football 2; V. Football 3; Symphonic Band 111; "Shot down in flames." Dillard, Jeffrey Mitchel. Dillard, Stephanie Lorraine, Chinny: Rt. 1, Box 71. Esmont, VA 22937; Soccer; Volleyba ll. Dimasi, Kathleen Laing, Ka thy, D.D., Dimasi: 2603 Huntington Rd. ; Ski Cl. 1; DECA 4; Gymnastics 1; Field Hockey 2; "Where are Lisa , Bugg and bOnya , today?" Donato, Kristin Eileen, Ralph : 81 Georgetown, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Drama Cl. 1,2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; "Put me under!"






nehi : 22901 SCA seem why -


Chari Field 3, M< Track ciety

Dorman, Gail Marie.

Dud I

Dorman, Richard Lee, Little Rich : Rt. 1. Box 157 , Esmont, VA 22937; Jazz Band 4; Marching Band 1,2,3; "Ask me no questions, I'll te ll you no lies."

Kesw frienc


Dyer Dorn, Desiree Lajuan, Hot Chocolate : Rt. 4, Box 154, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FHA 1; AfroAmerican Cl. 4; Track Manager 3; Home Economics Certificate; "Better active toda y tha n rad ioactive tomorrow."

EadE Early! Lacrc Ba ske



1-D Peyton eCI. 1.2.3; :ootbal l 2; >urnament Jl1,2,3,4.


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ld Circle, >otbal l1 ,2; Weightlift-

)Chy : Rt.1, 1; Spanish learn !"

vn Green. Teenage

kelodeon. rlottesvill e. 路untmen4; Jmpion 2; out to be."

r.. Charlotes on the (_

rlottesville . .. 3, Pres. 4;

11/estmore~stronom y

,4; French 10rSociety

rn Green. ::1. 1; Ecolss Counc il

Douglas, Bryant: Box 17, Cobham , VA 22929; "Mess with the best and die like the rest."

Jke, Figgs : ~ 3,4; J.V. Band 111;

v: Rt.1, Box ball.

) ., Dimasi : ; Gymnas.isa, Bugg

:)rgetown, :1. 1.2; La-

Rt. 1. Box Marching tell you no

ate : Rt. 4, ~A 1; Afroorne Eco>day than



Dowell, Sharon Gay: pt.1. Box508. Scottsville, VA 24590; FBLA 4; PEER 3,4.


Doyle, Elizabeth Wlnn, Purpy, Hazle, Grape nehi: 93 Four Seasons Dr.. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Riding Cl. 2,3; La tin Cl. 3; Art C l. 3, Sec.; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; "Lately things don't seem the same, actin' funny, but I don't know why - scuse me while I kiss the sky!" Drash, Sarah Elizabeth: 104 Franklin Ct.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Cl. 2,3,4; J.V. Field Hockey 1; V. Field Hockey 2,3,4, Captain 3, Most Va luable Defensive Pla yer 4; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; French Honor Society 3,4; "A dog is a man's best friend." Dudley, LoreHa Lyn. Dyer, Lisa Ann, Mrs. Light Love ly: Rt. 2. Box 103, Keswick, VA 22947; VICA 4; DECA 2; "Very friendly and beautiful." Dyer, Robert A. Eades, Jonathan Kirk, Kirk. Lude : Rt. 1, Box 114. Earlysville, VA 22936; Lacrosse C l.1; Ski C l. 3,4; Lacrosse 1,4; Track 2,3; Football1 ,2; Intramural Basketbal l1; "The real deal."

1. Anne Baker and Reva Spradlin are making excuses to get out of school. 2. Usa Lande! has starry eyes for Charles Clawson. 3. Three handsome football p layers, Mark Myrick, Greg Gibson and Phil Estes, go to the Homecoming 2 Dance. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl.; Spanish Cl.; Edwards, Cheryl Louise, Cheri, CLE . Chevy: Spectators Football Cl.; "Gr2" 100 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FHA 2,3; Jazz C l. 4; Choir Cl. 1,2; Flag Corps 1.2.3,4; Guidance Aid 3; "Good MemFaulkner, Rebecca, Fatness-high Society : Rt. ories and good friends last a lifetime." 4, Box 239-A, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FBLA 3; Karate Cl. 4; Track 3,4; " Don't ever try to be more than you are - Just be yourself and be Elblrllk, Eda, Terrib le Turk, Sharkey, Ed: 102 happy with it." Franklin Ct., Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Art Cl.1; French Cl. 2,3,4; Teen Democrats 3,4; Track 1; Feggans, Gletsa Varleria, Feggans, Unskey: Vo lleyball1,2,3,4, MVP 2, 2nd team All -District Rt. 1, Box 266, Esmont. VA 22937; Spanish Cl. 4; Symphonic Band 111,2. 1.2.3; Psychic Cl. 4; Self-defense C l. 2,3; Honors Choir 4; Regional Chorus 3,4; French Contest 3; Elllton, David Gilbert: Rt. 1, Box 382, Scotts."Musical Kaleidoscope " 2; "Longwood Oktovill e, VA; VICA 2; Football 2. berfest" 4; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; "I'm tired of the bickering and backbiting. " ErkenBrack, Laura Elizabeth Anne, Lauren: 1710 Old Forge Rd .. Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Fidler, Phyllis Katherine: 1610 Ing lewood Dr., Drama C l. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Latin Cl. 3,4; Lacrosse Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Cl. 1; DECA Cl. 3; Advocate C l. 2,3,4, Treas. 4; FCA 4; Out2,3,4, Treas. 3. Pres. 4; Top 7 Semi-Final ists in door Track 2; Voll eyball Manager 3; Lacrosse Nationa l DECA Competition, 3; "Mustangs for3,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Sr. Class Vi ceever." Pres.; "Moooo ! Strawberry Slurpees, Quarters, a nd Tuesday nights at TJ's - Rock the CasFischer, Troy Wayne, W.B., Fish: 1775 Sourbah !" wood Pl., Charlottesville, VA 22901; German Cl. 2; FCA 3; Psychic 4; " Eh jeune fill e, voulez-vous Estes, Phillip Mansfield II, Esteezzz, Master of des bonbons." d isaster, Less: Rt. 11. Box 32, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Spanish C l. 2,3; Dance Cl. 4, Pres.; J.V. Football1 ,2; V. Football4; J.V. Basketball1 ,2; V. Fisher, John Chris, Fish : Rt. 4, Box 145. CharlotBasketball 3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor tesville, VA 22901; Ski Cl. 1,3,4; V. Soccer 1.3.4; "This Bud's for you. " Track 4; Homecoming Court 4; "Shut up girl. hold the phone. I refused to do it!" Fisher, Roger Edward: Rt. 1, Box 421, Barf:)oursvill e, VA Eways, VIcki Rene: 301 Parkwood Place.

Senior Statistics


Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ann, Betsy, Fritz : 1202 Oa khill Dr., Charlottesville , VA; Spectator Football Cl. 4; Ski Cl. 3; Latin Cl. 3; Lacrosse Cl. ; OutdoorTrack 1; " High times never felt so good! " Fitzwater, John W. Jr., Fishhead, freezewater, lockja w: 202 HoNest Dr.. Charlottesvill e , VA 22901; Photography Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 4; Golf 4; Intramural Basketba ll4; "Later- This Bud's for you!"

Flanagan, Gary Lynn, Flash : 103 Dorset Ct.. Charlottesvill e. VA 22901 ; Audio Cl. ; VICA; "Living in the fast lane, going at a slow pace." Fletcher, Donna LynneHe, Dino: 2912 Idle-

Ghazarlan, Germaine, Dead-head. Germ. Ann: 37 Lake Forest Dr.. Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; FCA 4; French C l. 4; Ski C l. 1,2,3; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; Thespian C l. 1; Drama C l. 1; DECA 3; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1; Intramural Lacrosse 1; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3; Director. "Night of One Acts"; "The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed. " Giannini, Stephani Pa~e, Steph : 2709 Northfields Rd .. Charlottesville , VA 22901; Lacrosse C l. 1.2.3; FCA 4; DECA 3; SCA 2,3; "It's a horrible th ing! "

wood Dr.; Latin C l. 2.3; Symphonic Band 1,2,3; Choir1 .2,3.4; " Do it while you can."

Gibson, Dwayne Phillip, Bubba : P.O. Box 31.

Flynn, Frederick Galager.

Gibson, Gary Samuel, G ipper: 211 Mick ie Dr.. Charlottesvill e , VA 22901; Weightlifting C l. 1.2; Footbaii1.2,3A; Track 1.2.4; Intramural softball; Intramural Baseball; VICA Pres.1; "This Bud 's for you."

Ford, Jerry Gilbert. Forlolnes, Melissa Jane: 503 Berwick Ct. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 3.4; Teenage Republicans 3.4. Sec!Treas. 4. Marching Band Drum Major 4; Al lRegional Band 3. Fortune, VIncent Curley. Fox, James Randolph. Frame, Laura Anne, Bubbles : Rt. 1, #3 Hidden Hills, Earlysville, VA 22936; Latin Cl. 4; Marching Band 1.2,3; Symphonic Band 111.2; J.A. 1; " Oh. how graceful !"

Earlysvil le , VA 22936; VICA 3.4.

Gibson, Harlan Franklin, Big H: Rt. 1. Box 208C, Keswick, VA 22947; Chess C l. 3.4; Library Aid 3; " Rock-n-roll's wild!"

Gibson, Joseph Keith. Gibson, Robbin Lynn, Rob : Rt. 8, Box 17A. Ridgewood Est.. Charlottesville , VA 22901; Latin Cl. 2,3; Symphonic Band 1.

Gill, Michael P. Jr., Kamikazee: 111 West Park Dr.. Charlottesvil le , VA 22901 ; D & D C l. 1,2,3; Psychic C l. 4; U.N. Cl. 4; Soccer 2.3,4; Football 1.2.4; "What the catipi ller ca lls the end of the world the master ca lls a butterfly."

Fritz, Tamara Lynn, Tammy : 2211E Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA 2,3.4; Harliquin Cl. 2; Cosmetology at CATEC.

Frye, Robert Richard Ill, Frye. married man: 1946 Lewis Mountain Rd; "What's up?" Gaertner, John Alden: 122 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Photography Cl. 1.2,3.4; Cross Country 3; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1.2,3.4; PRISM photographer 1,2,3; PEER Photo Editor 4; "Godspel l" 1; " Diary of Ann Frank" 2; "Glass Menagerie" 3; Drama; Debate 3; J.A. 2; "On behalf ot the group and myself. I hope we passed the audition." Gaines, Valerie Lee, Val : Rt.1. Box 79, Esmont. VA 22937; FHA 1.3; Dancing Cl. 4; "Valo g ."

Gilliam, Steve Anthony, Papa Smurf. Columbo : Rt. 1, Box 101. Esmont. VA 22937 ; VICA; Track Manager 2; Footbail Manager 1; Choir; "You may act a little crazy, but don't be yourself." Gilmer, Georgia, Gigi. George . G .: Rt. 1. Box 211A. Earlysville, VA 22936; Ski C l.1,2; Lacrosse C l. 3; J.V. Field Hockey 1.2; Lacrosse 2.3.4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1; " Happy tra ils to you."

Given, Paul O'Neil: 9 Little Clover Hi ll. Earlysville . VA 22936; Ski Cl. 2,3.4; Cross Country 2; Tennis 2,3.4; Indoor Track 2; National Honor Soc iety 3.4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; Jr. Class Council 3; Sr. Class Counci l; PEER photographer 4; "Give me Rossignol."

Gannon, Jennifer Ann, Judy, Jump Shot: 406 Westmoreland Ct.. Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; FCA 4; Tennis 2.3.4; Basketball 2.4; Softball 2.3.4, Captain 3, Best Defense 3, 1st and 2nd team All-D istrict 2,3; " Escape from E.B."

Godsey, Melanie Jane, Mel: 1905 Rolling Hill Rd., Charlottesvil le . VA 22901; Ski C l. 1.2; Lacrosse Cl. 3; FCA 4; J.V. Fie ld Hockey 2; V. Field Hockey 3.4, Capt. 4; J.V. Basketball1 ,2, Capt. 2; V. Basketbal l 3.4; V. Softbaii1.2.3A. Best Hustler Award 3. 2nd team 3; Powder-puff Football1; French Contest 2; "Life in the fast lane."

Gardner, CharloHe Charmaine, Chuck : Rt. 1, Box166-A. Esmont. VA 22937; Marching Band; Symphonic Band 111 ,2; Symphonic Band 1113.4; "Act like you know."

Goodwin, Alan ScoH, AI : 2604 Northfie lds Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski C l. 2; " Have a Bud! "

Garner, Stewart Ann, Stew: 1617 Inglewood Dr.. Charlottesville. VA 22901; Jr. Classical League; Latin Cl. 1.2,3.4; Teen Democrats 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; Virginia Girls State 4; Youth ConseNation Camp for VA Soil and Water 4; Jr. Class Treas.; " Better never than late."

Gatewood, Lasandra Blendell, Blend, Blanche. Gatewood : Rt. 1. Box 197. Keswick. VA 22947; VICA; "Maurice Starks & Do you live in Esmont?" Gaylord, David Alan Jr., Dave. DAG. G man: 1 Lake Forest Dr.. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; D & D Cl.1,2,3; 9th Grade Footbal l1; J.V. Basketball2; Tennis 2; Outdoor Track 3; Sr. Class Council4; Intramural Basketball3.4; "A life without Bud is a life without buzz."


Senior Statistics

loose only way to go."

Grinde, Paige Elizabeth: Eldon Farm, Cobham, VA 22929; Ski C l.; Teenage Republica ns 4; Spanish C l. 2; Indoor Track 2; Spanish Honor Society 2.3.4; Na tiona l Honor Society 3.4; Marching Band 1,2; Symphonic Band 1111 .2,3; Senior Council 4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; "Never fa ll in love with a tennis p la yer- for to them love means nothing." Gurley, Marlin a Pearl, PearL INing . Scruffums: 120 West Park Dr., Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Drama C l. 1.2; Lacrosse C l. 3; Ski C l. 4; Homecoming Court 4; "Night of One Acts" 1; "Mame" 1; "Diary of Ann Frank" 2; lntemationa l Thespian Society 1,2,3.4; "You're so fuuunny!" HackeH, Br~an: 39 Monterey Dr. , Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Photography C l. 3; Chess C l. 4; Footba ll1; Wrestling 2; J.A.; "IHTFS" Ha~er, Brenda Sue.: 6 Lake Forest Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski C l. 1,2; DECA 3.4. Treas. 4; " Do you w a nna skip ?"

Hall, Lester Arnald. Hall, Michael Adam, Mikie, Micky: Rt. 1, Box 258L. Troy, VA 22974; La tin C l.1,2,3; Astronomy C l. 1; Programming C l. 4; Teenage Republ icans 3.4; Marching Band 1,2,3.4; Jazz Band 2,3.4; Symphonic Band 1111; "What else is there? "

Granger, Kate Maury, Katy, Ya ty: 400 Strib ling Ave .. Charlottesville, VA 22903; Lacrosse C l. 2; FCA 3.4; Volleybal l 2; Softball2 ,3.4; Lacrosse 1; SCA Homeroom Rep. 2, Jr. Senator 3. Sec! rreas. 4; "Jeff."

Gray, Gordon Frederick.

Green, Kelvin Leroy, Kelow: VICA; "Wild &

Hips I



Ct., C Frenc 2.3.4; test 1,

4; "M U.N.4


Ct.. C quin C 1,2; T1 tiona I


here !'

Houc Chari


258-L, Troy, VA 22974; German Cl.1.2; Teenage Republicans 3.4. Pres. 4; Symphonic Band 1.2.3; Marching Band Drum Major 4; "Sure."


Hammond, Stephen Edgar, Hambone : 3672

151 , C Cl.3;


Hubt Airport Rd. , Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 2; FCA 4; Basketball1 ; Footbal l 2; "Hey Bud , let's party!"

Harper, Robin Hooke, Rebel: Rt. 3, Box 156 Gordonsville , VA; Ecology Cl. 3; J.V. Football 2; V. Football 3.4, Sportsmanship Award 4; Symphonic Band 1,2; "The South will rise again !" Harris, Angela Shaw, Bronco Baby: 2910 Brookmere Rd .. Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; DECA 2,3; Riding Cl.1 ; Spanish C l. 1; Intramural Softball 1; "I'm ta lkin '."

Harris, Bonnie Diane, Cuddles, Herman, Boo : Rt. 9, Box 209, Charlottesvil le , VA 22901 ; Volleyball C l. 3; FBLA 4, Pres.; Volleyball1.

Harris, James William, Jr., nut : Esmont. VA ; VICA; Track; Football ; Basketball; "Go for it!" Harris, Walter James, Creative Farmer, Waldo: Rt. 2, Box 369, Gordonsville . VA 22942; Blue Ridge Homebuilders show 3.


Westr Rugb Voile路 Rome


Teenc 1.2.


Hunt, 2512 SkiCI tics1 .


tesvill 1,2; T1 whoc notb1

Hartman, Michael A.


Haynes, Robert C.

Chari Demc so de

Heeter, Alison Marie, Boo, Boddles. Bootron : Rt. 1. Box 221G , Schuyler. VA 22969; FHA 1,2,3; Crafts C L 4; SCA Homeroom Rep.; " Hey! "

Helmer, Knut Lennart: White wood Village Apts .. 201 Whitewood Rd .. Charlottesville . VA 22901 ; Ecolog y Cl. 3; Football 2; Soccer 2,3,4; " Du er en p ik!" Hendricks, Tina L.: Rt. 7, Box 138, Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Christia n Fellowship. Pres. Hensely, Kelly Lee, Jr., Hoarsehead : FFA


Chari 3.4; "'

In me


CulpE Span AHS.路


1,2,3.4; Football1 .

rougr try 1. I

Herrmann, Calvert Caroline, Ca. Cal. Bootsie: 1610 Ravens Pl., Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Drama C l. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Spanish Cl. 3.4; Out-


Gray, Kevin William, Scoop : Box 301 , Esmont, VA 22937; Basketball1.2,3.


tesvili< Morel a nds

Hall, Mitchell Alan, Mitch, Flamingo: Rt. 1. Box

Gorman, Denea Janene, Dino, Hamhocks: 115 Deerwood Rd. ; Art <!:1.1; Ski Cl. 2; Advocate Cl. 3.4; Indoor Track 1.2; Outdoor Track 1.2. lettered; Solo and Ensemble Festival 1,2,3; Symphonic Band 111; Symphonic Band 111 2,3; "Jamm - hooters forever."

door Spani 2; Sr. < wa ys doub

ville ,'

Farm, Teenage Track 2; -lonorSo路nic Band )Om Rep. Jr-forto I

Johnson, Charon Marie, Roc : 701 West St., Charlottesville . VA 22901; DECA 1.2.3,4, Sec. 3.

Hollo, Denise Lillian, Tater Tot: 101 Smithfield Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Drama C l. 1.2.3; French Cl. 4; U.N. Cl. 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; Nationa l Honor Society 3.4; French Contest 1,2,3; PEER 4; Flag Corps 1,2,3,4, Co-Capt. 4; "Marne" 1; "Ka leidoscope" 2; UVa Model U.N. 4; "It's not my fault! "

, Chariot, Treas. 4; 1,


Rt. 1, Box

.stronomy )Ublicans nd 2,3,4; re? "

Horton, Michele R., Micki. Mic : 304 Crestfield Ct., Charlottesvil le, VA 22901 ; Ski C l. 1,2; Harliquin Cl. 3; Psychic Cl. 4; Drama Cl. 1; Volleyba ll 1,2; Track 2; National Jr. Honor Society 1; Nationa l Honor Society 2,3,4; Teen Involvement 2; PEER photographer 4; Choir 1; "Get me out of here!" Houchens, Paul Lindsey: Rt. 6, Box 32. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; VICA 3.

: Rt. 1, Box

, Box 156 :::>Otball2; j 4; Sym-

Higgins, Deborah Lynn: Rt. 6. Box 52. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Symphonic Band II 1,2; Marching Band 1; "To be what you want to be, and survive criticism. is the success of life! "

Howell, Michael Dwayne: 470 Rio Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901; "To fast to live and to young to d ie."


Hubbard, David Clark, Hubbster: Rt. 8, Box 151 , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; D & D Cl. 1.2; Latin Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; "This Bud's for you!" Huey, Robert Bradley, Brad, Gruntly: 319 Westminster Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Rugbe Cl.; Drama Cl. ; Teenage Republ icans; Volleyba ll Cl.; Track 2.3.4; V. Soccer; "When in Rome do as the Romans do!"

~a in!"

by : 2910 '01: DECA Jl Softball

nan. Boo: 11;Volley-

1ont, VA; ) for it!"

Farmer. 'A 22942;

, Bootron: =HA 1,2,3;

Huffman, Howard Edward: German C l. 1.2; Teenage Republicans 3; Voll eyba ll C l. 3.4; J.A. 1,2. Hughes, Harry. Hunt, Elizabeth Carr, Liz, Ze-Ze. Little Buzz; 2512 Huntington Rd.; Teen Democrats 1.2.3,4; Ski Cl. 3,4; French C 1.1,2; Drama Cl.1; Gymnastics 1. Hunt, Glenn Alan, B.J.: Rt. 9. Box 186, Charlottesville, VA 22901; AIASA 2,3.4; Cross Country 1,2; Track 2; "The world still belongs to the few who are still willing to get their hands d irty a nd not brag about it." Hunt, Gregory Alan, LeBeau : Rt. 9, Box 186, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Cl. 2.3.4; Teen Democrats 4; Outdoor Track 2.4; "There is none so deaf as he who will not hear."

yl "

Hunt, Ray Corbin, Scorbin : 312 Monacon Dr. . Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 3.4: Lacrosse 3,4; "This Bud's for you!"

J Village >Ville, VA ::er 2,3,4;

Inman, James Anderson.


la d : FFA

:al, Boot'A 22901 ; 3.4; 0ut-

Johnson, Jennifer Eileen, La cabeza de mierda : #8 Hidden Hills, Earlysville, VA 22936; Spanish C l. 1,2,3; Psychic Cl. 4; "EI mejor y el mas para una eternidad."

Holleman, William Joseph.

harlottes1ess C l. 4;

me: 3672 Ski Cl. 2; Bud, let's

Johannesen, Da wn Helena, JD . Contessa : Box 40-A. Rt. 6, Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901 ; Art C l. 2; Astronomy C l. 1; French Cl. 3; Psychic C l. 4; Self-defense Cl. 3,4; Ecology C l. 4; Cross Country 1; French Honor Society 3.4.

Hipskind, Norman Patrick.

:cruffums: A 22901 ; 4; Home"Marne" Thespian

Teena ge Jnd1,2,3; "Sure."

door Track 1.2; Indoor Track 2; Lacrosse 3.4; Spanish Honor Society 3.4; Powderpuff Football 2; Sr. Class Council4; Symphonic Band 111; "Always remember and never forget, when in doubt. d icker. "

Inscoe, Paula Jo, Buffy, Zuki, Zippers : 880 Culpeper Dr., Earlysville, VA 22936; Art Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 1.2.3; DECA 2; FCA 3; "Watch out AHS, the punks are here! " lvie, Gregory Mark, Executioner: 134 Scarborough Pl. ; D & D Cl. 2; Psychic Cl. 4; Cross Country 1, lettered; "Rock-n-roll a lwa ys!" Jarman, Stacy Ann : Rt. 7, Box 191. Charlottesville, VA; FHA; DECA

Johnson, Laurie Denise, L'il Lor: Rt. 4, Box 442 . Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1,2; FCA 3: Advocate Cl. 4; Honors Choir 4; Al l-Regional Choir 4; State Choir 4; Nationa l Honor Society 4; French Honor Society 4; "I got the music in me !" Johnson, Michael Alonzo. Jones, Diane L. Jones, Gary Stuart, Jones: 2412 Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Raquetball Cl. 2; 9th Grade Football1; JV Football 2; V. Football3; Stuntmen 1,2,3, Most Va luable Stuntman 3; JV Baseball1 .2; V. Baseball 3,4; "Born to be wild." Jones, Lau ra Kay, Laurie. Nancy, Deadhead : 119 Vincennes Rd. . Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1.2; Lacrosse C l. 3; FCA 4; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 2; Tennis 2,3; Lacrosse 1,2; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "When life looks like easy-street. there is danger at your door. " Jones, Phillip Bradley, Brad , B.J. : Keswick. VA 22947; VICA 3,4; "Get wild - Fine Business!" Jones, Ste rling Rexford: Rt. 1, Box 165, Schuyler. VA 22969; VICA 3,4; "Chevorlet- USA #1 !" Jordan, Junius Lloyd, Jr. Kauffman, James Timothy, Fish. Feesch . Fisheroo : 3023 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville. VA 22901; Ski C1.1,2,3; FCA 4; V. Basketbal l1.2.3.4; V. Baseball 4; JV Baseball1,2; 9th Grade Football1; Tennis 4; Stage Band 1; SCA Homeroom Rep. 3; "Everybocy! On the line !" Kim, Ung-Kil, Gil: 3675 Airport Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Computer Programming Cl. ; "Know yourself! " Kind ri ck, Timothy Kevin, Maniac : Box 83. Earlysville, VA; Astronomy C l. 1; Spectator Football 4; Footbal l1,2,3.4, Honorable Mention A llDistrict 4, 100% Award 4; Basebal l 3.4: "Try everything at least once !" Kirby, Tamara Lynn, Tam-Tam: 2633 Hydraulic Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Advocate Cl. 2,3; Psychic Cl. 4; Track Manager 2.3.4; "Love those buldges !" Koort, Peter Alan: 125 Vincennes Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Astronomy Cl. 1,2.3,4, Pres. 2,3,4; D & D Cl.1; Tennis. Kost, Theresa Marie: 103 Chaucer Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish C l. Ski Cl. 4; Indoor Track 1.2 ,3 ,4; Outdoor Track 1.2 ,3 A ; National Honor Society 3.4; Spanish Honor Soc iety2 ,3.4. Kretslnger, Mona Katrina, Kat : 406 Key West Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Debate 1,2; Literary Magazine 3.4; Clarion 4; V. Tennis 4; JV Volleyball 2; National Merit Semi-Final ist 4; Presidentia l Classroom Scholarship 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; "A motion to adjourn is a lways in order."

Krongaard, Michael Scott, Mike : 114 West Park Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 3.4; Skateboard Cl.1; Basketball1 ,2; Baseball2; Lacrosse 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Sr. Class Council 4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 1,3; "P.F. Forever!" Kunkler, Mike Andrew: 308 Dover Rd. . Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Skateboard Cl.1; Ski Cl. 2.3.4; Symphonic Band 1; "You can 't always get what you want." Kupke, Mical Jean, The Bear: Rt. 2, Box 16. Keswick, VA; Astronomy Cl. 1; FCA 2,3; Karate Cl. 3.4; Psychic Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; U.N. Cl. 4; Cross Country 1,4; Basketball 1.2.3; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; Thespian Troupe 500 1,2,3; "X-Country runners make better poker players! " Lai, Mel-chen: 23 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; College Planning Cl. 4; "Where there is a will there is a way !" Lamb, Matthew Steven, Matt: Rt. 1, Box 147-L. Keswick, VA 22947; Industrial Arts Cl. 2; VICA 3.4; FCA4. Lambrinos, Litsa lgnatios, Lee . Ral : 102 Chaucer Rd .. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1.2.3,4; Symphonic Band 1; "If the key to sue~ cess was learning , most of us would rather pick the lock!" Landel, Elizabeth Ann, Lisa. D.B.: 1707 Old Forge Rd .. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1.2; Advocate Cl. 2.3.4. treas. 4; U.N. Cl. 4; Na tional Honor Society 3.4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3.4; U.S. Journal ism Award 4; PEER 4, Sr. Sect. Editor; UVa Model U.N. 4; "A smile is a g ift you g ive to others." Lascano, Maria Theresa, Ria, Re : Rt. 4. Box 255A. Charlottesvil le . VA 22901 ; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3.4. Sec. 3, Vice-Pres. 4; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor 2; Soccer 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4, Sec!Treas. 4; Marching Band 1,2; Powderpuff Football 2; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; "No , I d idn't to my homework." Lauffenburger, Linda Rae, Lay-up : 1728 Old Forge Rd .. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Advocate Cl. 2,3,4; FCA 4; JV Field Hockey 1; V. Field Hockey 1,2,3.4. Co-capt. 4; JV Basketball1 ; V. Basketball 2,3,4, Co-capt. 4; V. Softball 1; V. Softball Manager 4; Spanish Honor Society 2.3.4; Choir 1; Powderpuff Football 2; Sr. Class Council 4; "We are the champions - Field Hockey 1979 and 1980." Lawson, Deneen Rae: Rt. 2, Box 127. Ruckersvill e, VA 22968; DECA 2; FHA 3,4; Library Aid; Office Aid; "It's hard to soar like a eagle when you are around a bunch of turkeys! " Leake, Cheryl Renee, Pigme : Rt. 4. Box 324. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama Cl. ; Latin Cl. ; Photography Cl.; Rifle Corps, Capt.; Sr. Class Sec. 4; "May the p igmies live on! " Leffers, Robert Alan, Big AI : Rt. 1. Box 251 , Keswick, VA 22947; Drama Cl. 1,2; Spanish Cl. 3.4; JV Stuntmen 2; V. Stuntmen 3.4. Capt. 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 3.4; Na tiona l Honor Society 3,4; PEER 3.4. Editor-in-chief 4; Marching Band 1; Symphonic Band 1111; Thespian Society 3; SCA Homeroom Rep. 4; Sr. Class Council 4; Freshman Class Vice-Pres. 1; "Marne" 1; "Look in' fine! " Lewis, Dana Kay: Rt. 1, Box 224, Earlysville. VA 22936; Drama Cl. 2; Riding Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; Nationai 'Honor Society 3,4; Jr. Class Council 3; Sr. Class Council 4; Symphonic Band 1; Peer 4; "If it's out there somewhere. I certainly won't stop until I find it!" Lewis, Gale Christiana: Rt. 1, Box 422, Scottsville, VA 24590; Spanish Cl. 2.3.4. Pres. 4; National Honor Society 3,4; "I'm a great believer in

Senior Statistics


luck. a nd the harder I work the more I have of it."

Lewis, Susan Tilley, SueSue : Rt. 8, Box 153, Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901; Drama Cl. 2; Ski C l. 2,4; DECA 2; Lacrosse C l. 3; FCA 3.4; Fie ld Hockey 1.2.3; Softball statistician 1; SCA homeroom rep. 1.2.3; Sr. C lass Council4; "This party is boring . Let's go to TJ's."

Martin, Willie C., Chris: Rt. 1. Box 512. orth Garden, VA 22959; Weightlifting C l. 2. VICA 3.4. "Skoal - a p inch is a ll it takes!! " Masloff, John B., Jack, Dirty, Jic. Frost : 102 Cannon Pl., Charlottesville . VA 22901; Lacrosse C l. 1; FCA 4; JV Basketball; Varsity Basketball 2.3.4; Varsity Baseball 3; Homecoming Court 4. " My, my, my, she sho look goot."

Liedholm, Eric John. Lilley, Lincoln Lynn, Slinker, Pukey, Linkster: 298 Albert Ct.. Charlottesville . VA 22901; D & D C l. 1.2.3; Chess C l. 4; "Somebody stop the world . I wanna get off! "

Livengood, Valerie Renee. Loftin, Monica Leigh, Muffin, Monique : #10 Cedar Creek Rd.. Earlysville , VA; Lacrosse C l. 2.3; FCA 4; Lacrosse 2,3.4; Trainer 2.3 .4; Powderpuff Football 2; Jr. C lass Sec. 3; Concert Choir 1.2,3.4. Vice-Pres. 4; " Mame" 1; "Spring Madness 3.4; "You better ch ill out! "

Loudermilk, Laura Mae, LML: 11 Four Seasons Drive . Charlottesvill e , VA 22901; FBLA 3; SCA Rep 3; Ski C l. 3; Football Spectators C l. 4; Symphonic Band 111,2.

Love, Mike: Rt.1. Box 126, Earlysville . VA 22936; Chess C l. 2,3; Programming C l. 4; Art C l. 1. "No . I don't do those kind of things! "

Lucas, Angela Sheree, Luke : 171 Four Seasons Dr.. Charlottesville , VA 22901; Self Defense C l. 2; Advoca te Cl. 2.3.4; PEER Ind ex Editor. 4. "Smi le and b righten someone 's day."

Lucas, Charles W., Charl ie : 302 Crestfield Ct., Charlottesville. VA 22901; Ski C l.1.2; Dungeons and Dragons 3; Psychic 4. "In Relyae Dead Cuthlu lies Dreaming" - HP Lovecraft Madison, Jeannette Lynn: 2008 East Market Street. Charlottesville , VA; VICA; Softball ; Volleyball. Mandell, Pamela Robin, Pam : 106 Powhatan Circle, Charlottesville . VA 22901; Rid ing C l. 1; Ski C l. 2; French C l. 3.4; Teen Democrats 3.4; Girls' Lacrosse 1,2,3.4; National Honor Society 3.4; French Honor Society 3.4; National French Contest: Who 's Who Among American High School Students 4; PEER Underclass Editor 3; PEER Associate Editor-in-Chief 4. Marshall, Sonya Deanna: Rt. 1, Box 169, Barboursvill e. VA, 22923; FHA 1; DECA Sec. 4. "Only the good die young !" "Where's Bugg , Kathy, a nd Li sa today?"

Marshall, Rodney Ray, Mutt: Rt. 1. Box 37 ; VICA; Football1; Intermural Basketbal l. "When the green flag drops. the Bull stops. "

ishCI.1 3.4; Te


Mllkle, Julie Ann: 2285 Lonicera Wa y, Charlottesvill e , VA 22901; PEER 3; Harlequin 3; FHA 4. Miller, Timothy Jay, Tim : Rt. 1. Box 147. Schuyler, VA 22969; Astronomy C l. 1. "Sounds like a personal problem to me."

Milleson, Mark Andrew, Hooks-De Pres : 536

Maslyk, Mary Kim, Mar-Mar. Nerd Va n Man : 4006 Tomp kins Dr., Charlottesvill e , VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Lacrosse C l. 2; FCA 3; Sec!Treas 4; PEER Section Editor. 4; Cheerleading 1.2.4; Volleyball 3; SCA 1.2.4; Senior Council 4. "Good Answer!" ''I'm serious !"

Wood mont Dr. , Charlottesvi lie . VA 22901; Art Cl . 1; Lacrosse C l. 3; 9th Grade Football1; JV Football 2; Intermura l B-Ball 3.4; Art Awards; G lass Menagerie 3; Jr. C la ss Ta lent Show - MC a nd Participant. Sr. C la ss Pres. 4. "I'd rather have a bottle in front of m e tha n a fronta l lobotomy."

Mason, Candace Jo, Candy Jo, Mother Hen :

Mills, Audrey Gail, Leather Woman : Rt. 9, Box

409 Westmorela nd Ct., Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; French C l. 1; Advoca te C l. 2.3.4; Teen Democrats 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1; JV Volleyball 2; V. Vo lleyba ll 3.4; French Honor Society; Nationa l Honor Society; Tri-Captain V. Voll eyball 4; Symp honic Ill Band 1,2,3. " Nothing is so strong as rea l gentl eness; nothing so gentle a s real strength."

Mathews, Carl Heaton. Mattie, Edith Hill.

McAllister, Fawnda Shay, Fawnzie . Shafawn: Rt. 8, Box 154. Charlottesville. VA 22901; Drama C l.1; Ski C l. 2; FCA 3; DECA 4; Softball1; Cheerleading 1.2.3; Homecoming Court 1.3.4; Homecom ing Queen 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students.

McDaniel, Richard Lee, T-N-T : 204 St.lves Rd .. Charlottesville , VA 22901; Band 2. " Flying high in 73 Chevrolet with no runw a y."

McElhaney, Carol Ann: Rt. 4, Box 412 , Charlottesville , VA 22901; Ecology C l. 4; Indoor Track 4; National Honor Society 2.3.4; Concert Choir 3. "Some people are going to like me a nd some people aren't. so I might as well be me. Then at least I will know that the people who like me, like me." - Hugh Prather.





Muffy: 47 Woodla ke Dr. Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; SCA 4; Spanish C l. 3; Drama C l. 2.4; PEER 4; Lacrosse C l. 3; Band 1,2; Track 2.3; Thespia n 4; Dia ry of Anne Frank 2, Nig ht of One Acts 3; Importance of Being Earnest, Director 4. "Like . gag me with a spoon fer sure. a nd I wi sh Buffy would bag those preps."

Minor, Benjl Ricardo, Mitchell, Carolyn Elizabeth, Carol. Spice : Rt. 1, Box 324, Keswic k, VA 22947; Harlequin 3; College Planning Cl. 4; Outdoor Track 2.3.4; Indoor Track 4; Miss Black Al bemarle '82-'83; Symphonic Band 1111 .2; Marching Band 1,2; SCA : " Re-group, a nd let there be . .. " Mitchell, Gregory Neill, Mitch : Rt. 6. Box 318 ,

Martin, Bobby David. Martin, Deborah Ann, Debbie , Pee Wee. Crazy Eyes, Gypsy: 265 B Minor Dr.. Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; FHA 4. "Take things as they come . one d a y at a time!"

McWilliams, Gina Lee: 2209 W illiamsburg Rd. , Charlottesvill e . VA 22901; DECA 2,3; Exec. V-Pres. 4; Nat'! French Contest: 3rd p lace DECA Dist. XI Leadership Conf. 2; Who's Who Among Americ a n High School Students 4.

Keswick VA 22947; VICA 3.4; AGA 1,2.

Martin, Tracy Dawn: 1575 Running Deer Dr.. Keswick, VA 22947 ; DECA 3; FHA 4; Art C l. "Good-good-a -mugga I'm Free. "


Senior Statistics

Commonwea lth Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; La tin Cl. 2; Germa n Cl. 1; Progra mming Cl. 4; Outdoor Tra ck 2,3; Marching Ba nd 1,2,3; 4th p lace English writing contest 3; Symphonic Ba nd 1111; PEER Copy Ed. 4. " Buy you a Chevro-



Box 26: Dramc One A· Cerem

Pal me

Moon, Robert Daniel, Bobby : Rt. 1, Box 205, Schuyler, VA.

Moore, Lanny Lee, Jr.: General Delivery. Boyd Tavern. Keswick , VA 22947 ; VICA 3.4; Treas. 3; Pres. 4. "I don't know!"

Morris, Lisa Mae: Rt. 1. Box 143, Scottsville. VA

Scottsv Footbc

Pam p i

nia l Dr 1.2; Te( gra mrr Ba nd I C a pt. •

Park, I

Carrsb French doorTr 3.4; Nc


3rd in Powde neverf Week '

24590; Spanish Cl. 2,3 .4.

Patter Morris, Mary Frances, M and M : Rt.1, Box 36, Esmont VA 2293 7; FHA 2; Choir. "I don't melt in people 's hands."

Morse, Sharon Lucille, Sugar: Rt. 4, Box 140-A . Charlottesvill e, VA 22901, VICA; Basketball Stats. 2; Ba sketba ll Mgr. 3. "''m good to go."


Charlc FCA4.


townG Volley! 3; Asst.

7, Box 308, Charlottesvill e . VA 22901; VICA.

Pet en

Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; FHA 1; FBLA 3.4.

Mennerlch, Michael Spencer, Mike : 2403

Earlysvi 3,4; Pre 4; Karc Eagle l ish Hon Spa nisi succes

Moody, Felice Pearl: Rt.1, Box 199-R. Keswick. VA 22947 ; Nationa l Honor Society 3.4; Racketball C l. 2; Teen Democrats 3; Indoor Field Hockey Cl. 4; G irls' Athletic Assoc. 3; Outdoor Track; Indoor Track 2,3.4; Field Hockey 2,3,4; Best Offense Field Hockey 3.4; Most Dedicated Track 3; Charlottesvill e Track Club. "Winning isn't everything, it's the only th ing ."

Napier, Laura Madeline: Box C -12 Crenshaw Martin, Todd Matthew, Snod : Rt. 2, Box 48,



Mundy, Robert Christopher, Fry, Frybrain : Rt. Melton, Sandra Kay, Sandy: Rt. 6, Box 270.

Box 19: a nd Dr Footba Ba nd I ma kes

Mongold, Sandra Jean: 2253 D Commonwealth Dr.. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; FBLA V. Pres. 4; FHA 3; Art C l. 2; Symp honic Band II 2.

Morris, Derrick Glenn. Charlottesville . VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2; Self Defense C l. 2,3; Christian Fellowship C l. 3; Psychic C l. 4; Symphonic Ba nd 111 ; Symphonic Ba nd Ill 2.3; Marching Band 1.2.3; SCA Homeroom Alt. 3. " Any good gossip I should know of?"

Place ' do any it after r

Mills, Warren Reginald.

McGetrlck, Patricia Marie: 104 Franklin C t.. Martin, Amy Virginia: 102 Junip er Lane. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; German Cl. 1.2; Ski Cl. 3; Drama Cl. 2.3.4; Pre s. 4; JV Field Hockey 1; G irls' Lacrosse 2.3.4; Thespian Honor Society 2.3.4; Symphonic 111; Mimes Bigger Than Yours 2,3.4; Battle of the Bands 2; Night of One Acts 3. " Radar. let's go to TJ's."

Norfor B-37 , C

Box 27< meroor What's

Charlottesvill e , VA 22901.

McDaniel, John Wesley.


258. Charlottesville . VA 22901 ; FBLA 4. "Love is in the Air. "

McCauley, Tracy Kay, Trace : 717 Rio Rd. West, Charlottesville , VA 22901; Drama C l. 1; Ski C l. 2.3; Latin C l. 3; Volleyball C l. 4; SCA 2.4; V. Softball1.2.3,4; JV Cheerleading 2; V. Vo lleyball 3.4; Capt. 4; 1st team Western Dist. Voll eyball p la yer 4; Certamen team 3; Nig ht of One Acts 1. "Volleyball players are better bumpers! "



Maxwell, Margaret Foster, Marge, Maggie Ma y, M and M : P.O . Box 205, Scottsville , VA 24590; Riding C l. 1; Ski C l. 2; French C l. 3.4; Cross-Country 2; G irls' Lacrosse 3.4; PEER staff 3; PEER Section Editor, 4.


Counci tiona ! I-

Tra iner Pa rk. Charlottesville, VA 22901 . "Yeah right. te ll me anything my na me is M iss Bel ieve it a ll."

Nay, Annette Marguerite, Amy. Aim. Nay : 205 St.lves Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Span-

c enne Gi.1,2,


Charlc Countr Conte:


7, Schuy-

ds like a

ish CL 1; Drama C L 2; Art C L 3; Ski CL 4; Debate 3,4; Teen-Age Republicans 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; Class Council 2,3,4; SCA 1,2, Freshman Senator 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Sec. 4.

Nelson, Christopher Marin. Neubert, Timothy S.

536 J1; ArtCL JV FootIs 1.2,3,4; >w - MC her have lotomy."

Norford, Doris Volinna, D.V .. Beetle ; Rt. 8, Box B-37 , Charlottesville, VA 22901. VICA 3,4; 3rd Place VICA Food Service Dist. Winner; " Don't do anything I wou ldn't do, if you do, don't name it after me."

Rt. 9, Box 'Love is in

Norford, Kenneth Miller, Nort, Nortord : Rt. 1, Box 276-A, Keswick, VA 22947; Latin C L 3; Homeroom C L 1,2,4. "S: Later - This Bud 's for you, What's on your shirt? "

~res :

Iffy: 47 1; SCA4; Lacrosse Diary of )Ortance 1 me with IUid bag

)pice : Rt. in3; Col4; Indoor 33; Sym1.2; SCA: Box 318 ,

Norford , Mark Baldwin, Charm Master: Rt. 4, Box 193, Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; Dungeons and Dragons CL 1,2, Pres. 2; Advocate CL 3; Football 1,2, Cheerleading 2,3,4; Symphonic Band Ill 1. "That which does not ki ll you only makes you stronger. " Oliver, John Jesus, Psychic: Star Rt. 1. Box 29. Earlysvi lle . VA 22936; Spanish Cl. 1,2,3; Latin CL 3,4; Pres. Toe Kwon Do CL 2,3,4; Pres. Psychic CL 4; Karate CL 1,2,3,4; 1st place Spanish Prose Eagle Toumament '81 -'82; Harlequin 2,4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society; Spanish Contest; " Desire, effort, and Faith mean success and Hurray for Loretta Lynn !" Ornduff, Deirda Ann. Overcash, Cynthia Irene, Cyndi. Suki: Rt. 1, Box 263-7 , Boyd Tavem, VA 22947; VI CA 2,3,4; Drama CL 1.2: Thespian Troupe 500 1,2; Night of One Acts; 1st place Dist Opening and C losing Ceremony. "Just like her Momma" - LLM

:ommonFBLA V. 1d 112.

Ownby Jeffery Duane, Jeff : Rt. 1, Box 506, Scottsvi lle. VA 24590; FFA 1.2; VICA; FFA 3,4; Football 1.

Keswick, : Racket)Or Field Outdoor j Hockey ostDediJb. "Win-

Palmer, Julia Elizabeth.

Box 205,

sry, Boyd Treas. 3;

svi lle , VA

1. Box 36, 1'tmelt in

ox140-A, :Jsketball )go."

brain : Rt. II CA.

:renshaw l1. " Yeah Believe it

.im, Nay : 01 ; Span-

Pamplin, Keith Alien, R.P. Lance : 3003 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville , VA 22901 ; German C L 1,2; Teenage Repub licans 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Programming C L 4; Thespians 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1; Band Ill 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Drum Capt. 4; Mame 1. Pa rk, Louise C. S., Lulu Lush. Weezie, Lou : 41 1 Carrsbrook Dr. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; French C L 1.2.3,4; Sec. 3,4; Indoor Track 2; Outdoor Track 2; Tennis 3.4; French Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3.4; National French Contest Winner 1,2,3; National Math Contest. 3rd in school. 1st in class 2; Marching Band 1; Powderpuff Footbal l 2. "A lways remember and never forget. when in doubt dicker. " - Beach Week '83.

Pierce, Cindy Louise: P.O . Box 6816, Charlottesvil le. VA 22906; DECA Pierce, Lisa Ann, Void, Balk , Twiggie : P.O. Box, 6816, Charlottesvi lle , VA 22906; Riding CL 1,2; Drama CL 3,4; FBLA 4; Gymnastics 1,2,3,4; OutdoorTrack 3,4. "Dork" "Aw. Man." Pollard, Kri stine Lynn, Kris : 212 Pine Ridge Lane, Charlottesvi lle. VA 22901 ; FHA 1; Lacrosse C L 2; Latin C L 3; Ski CL 3,4; FHA Pres. 1; Trainer 2. "Greatday !" Poole, Lisa Michelle, Bugg : 111 Woodlake Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 2,3,4; Cheerleading 1. "Let's leave." "I hate this class." Porcaro, Ricci Phil lip, Pork, Rico, Porcaro: 824 Old Brook Rd .. Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901 ; FCA 4; Spanish CL 2; Volleyball CL 3; V . Tennis 2.3,4. "Some things speak for themselves." Powell, Ja ne Loretta: Rt. 4, Box 272 , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FHA 1; VICA 2,3,4; Ski CL 2. "Rock-n-Roll will never die ! Beatles forever. " Powell, Monica Pamela, Mon. Moni : Rt. 1, Box 239, Esmont. VA 22937; Drama CL 1; DECA 2; Riding CL 3; Dance CL 4. "Don't give up on whatever you want to accomplish. do your very best." Proffitt, Louis B. Ill , Chip : 2311 Wakefield Rd . Charlottesvi lle. VA 22901 . Prosser, Louis Mark, Louie. Big Foot : 11 Georgetown Green. Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Latin CL 1,2,3; Advocate 3.4; Teen Democrats 3,4; United Nations CL; Marching Band 1.2 .3,4; Symphonic Band 1,2,3; Certamen Team Capt. "Cunningham's La w - Bald is beautiful! " Ragland, Tina L: Route 11, Box 68, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901. Randolph, Charles David. Reid, Kelvin Henry, Dexter: Rt 1. Box 234. Esmont, VA 22937 ; Spanish CL 2,3,4; Self-Defense C L 2; Regional Choir 2,3,4; Reg ional History Day 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Longwood Choir Festiva l 4; National Spanish Exam.; Vocal Ensemble 3. "Lawd-Gawd (Nor)" Rhodes, Tracy Carol, Space : 104 Powhatan Circle, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Spanish C L1,2; FBLA 1,2; Teenage Republ icans 4. "Cool your Jets!" Ri ce, Deborah Ann: P.O . Box 51. North Garden, VA 22959; FBLA 1.2,3,4; Junior Achievement 2.

Perkins, Kathleen Dawson, Kathy: 4 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Art C L 2; Volleybal l C L 3; French CL 4; Track 1; Volleyball 3; Asst. Mgr. Soccer 3.4; PEER section Ed 4. Peterson, Rebecca Lynne, Becky: 120 V incennes Rd . Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish C L 1,2,3,4. Phan, LonSJ, Charles Chan : 1317 River Dale Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; French C L 3,4; Cross Country 4; Track 4; French I Contest; French II Contest - 3rd p lace.

Roberts, Sonya Renee, Son-Son : 44 Lake Forest Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Cl.1.3; Lacrosse CL 2,3; FCA 3,4; SCA Homeroom Rep. 3.4; Athletic Trainer 1,2,3; Girls' Lacrosse; Powder Puff Football2; Intramural Basketball1; Intramural Softball 2; PEER Staff 3,4, Student Life Editor4. Rob ertson, Brooks Marie, George: Rt. 1, Box 8, Scottsville, VA 24590; Spanish CL 2,3,4; Honor Society3,4.

Robertson, Janet Marie, Jan-Jan : Rt. 1, Box 673, Scottsville, VA 24590; FBLA 1,2; Spanish CL 4; Cheerleading 1,2,3,4; Capt. 4; MVP 3; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Vice-President 4; "Good Answer" Roebuck, Pamela Jane, Pams : Rt. 8, Box 352, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Cl; Girls Outdoor Track; "G .U .H." Rogers, Kimberly Yvonne, Kimmy, Kim, Blondie, Roger 8: 845 E. Rio Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama CL 1; Lacrosse CL 2; FCA 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Teenage Republicans 4; SCA 1,2,3,4; Freshman Senator, Reporter 2; Jr. Class Pres.; Lacrosse 4; Indoor Track 1,2; Football Ma nager 4; Boys' Basketball Slats. & Scorebook 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Honor Guard 4; Senior Council, Library Aide 3,4; "Go For It" Roseboro, Dorothy Anne, Doris Anne : Rt. 9, Box 62 , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Track. Ross, Douglas Evan, Doug : 1720 Goldentree Pl .. Charlottesville. VA; Photography CL 1; Ski CL 2; AV. CL 4; Basketball1 ; lntramurals 3,4; Senior Student Council; "What's up Slim?" Runkle, Lisa Ann, Marsha: 68 Court PL. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama CL 1; Lacrosse CL 2,3; FCA 4; Cheerleading 1.2.3,4; MVP 2; Girls' Lacrosse 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Homecoming Representative 2,3,4; "Good Answer!" Rush, Bobby Lee, Bobby : Rt. 1. Box 82. Esmont. VA 22937 ; FFA 1.3; Afro-American Literature 4. Rush, Katena Mae. Rush, Reva Delores, Dirty Bob : Rt. 1, Box 96, Esmont, VA 22937; Spanish CL 2,3; Psychic CL 4; SCA Rep. 1,4; Jr. C lass Talent Show M.C. 3: PEER Staff 4; Senior Council 4; "I just loooove the Flinstones; Yabba Dabba Doo"

Richardson, Elizabeth E., Liz : 109 Woodstock Dr.. Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901; Drama CL 1; Lacrosse C L 2; Ski C L 3,4; Cheerleading 1,2; Track 1; Girls' Lacrosse 2,3; Volleyball 3,4; "Let the other person find out who you are. He'l l remember you longer."

Ryalls, Rodney Alan: 2226 Williamsburg Rd. Charlottesville. VA 22901; V ICA 3,4, Treas.4; German CL 1; Concert Band 1,2; Marching Band 1,2; "Do What! "

Riley, Lawrence Miller, Jr., Waltushen, The Boggie Man : Rt. 1, Box 167. Gordonsvi lle. VA; Football1 .

Sacre, Marchel Warner.

Patterson, Donald Lee. Patterson, Madeline: 105 Carrsbrook Ct., Charlottesville , VA 22901; Riding C L 1,2.3.4; FCA4.

22901; Drama CL 1; Ski CL 1; FCA 2,3,4; United Nations CL 4; Girls' Lacrosse 3; PEER Staff 3,4; PEER Co-Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 2; Athletic Training 1.2.3; SCA 1,2,3,4; Intermural Softball 2; "It's about time .. . later!"

Roach, Catherine Faye, Kitty : Rt. 1, Box 393 , Scottsville , VA 24590; Racketball C L 1; FBLA 2,3; "Let's skip school today." Robbins, Joseph Alien, The Madman : 1117 Vegas Ct.. Charlottesvill e . VA 22901 ; Jr. Science C L 1; Art C L 2,3; Ski CL 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Football1; Basketbal l 1; Golf 1,2 ,3,4; National Quarters Champion; Senior Council; Junior Council; "A good woman is like a good car, she's not too fast but she's rel iable. " Roberts, Deborah Leigh, Raw-Dog . Little Debbie : 2206 Dominion Dr.. Charlottesvi lle, VA

Sacre, Mary Elizabeth.

Salyers, Tracy Denise, Mutley : Rt. 1. Box 2579, Troy, VA 22974; Photography CL 1; Riding CL 2; Harlequin 3; HOSA Sec.!Treas. 4; Junior Achievement 1.2,3; "Holy Booty!" Sanders, Douglas Gouyer: Ski Cl; TARS. Satlra, James David, Jim : 507 Berwick Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess CL; Computer Programming CL Schuler, Cailln P., B.B.: Rt.1. Box 92B. Keswick, VA 22947; Ski C L 4. "What's Your Problem?" Schwelnefuss, Molly C., Molecule : 78 Oak

Senior Statistic s 55

Forest Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Indoor Track 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2. "Froggie Baby! "

Shand, Elizabeth carolyn, Beth: 2223 Dominion Dr., Charlottesville. VA 22901; French Cl. 1,2,3,4; V. Pres. 3; Model U.N. Cl. 4; French Honor Society; Sec. 4; National French Contest; National Honor Society 3,4; Nat'l Merit Semi-Finalist 4; Debate 2,3,4; Capt. 4; Fresh. class reporter; Sop h. Class Treas; Senior Class Treas. Shatz, Ellen Marie, Pickets : 113 Commonwealth Cir., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish Cl; FCA; FHA; Track. "I can 't wait for Friday !" Shelton, Anthony Jerome, Tony: Rt. 2. Box 100. Keswick. VA 22947 ; VICA 4; Weightlifting 3. Shelton, Brandon Lloyd, Jr. Shelton, Charles Hendrix Ill, Trey: 204 Surrey Rd.; Astronomy Cl. ; French Cl. ; Computer Cl.; Dungecns and Dragons Cl.; V. Tennis; National French Contest; Marching Band 1,2,3. " Disregard , disregard, disregard ... " - Ben Hurt. Shifflett, Brian Keith, Bocephus: Rt. 1, Box 258H, Troy, VA 22947; VICA 4. "Be Free." Shifflett, Frederick Lee, Jr., Freddy: 607 Stagecoach Rd. , Charlottesville, VA; Ski Cl. 1.2,3. "Born to be wild ... " Shifflett, Lisa Marie, Blue Eyes: Rt. 8, Box 237 , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FHA 1,2; VICA 3; 2nd p lace VICA Dist. Food SeNice. " David Kingrea 's June Bride." Shifflett, Timmy McKane: 1729 Avon St. Ext.; VIC A Shiflett, Tina Louise, Shorty : Rt. 1, Box 590 . Scottsville. VA 24590; FHA 3; FBLA 4; V. Basketball Mgr. 4. "Short but svreet." Short, Patricia Darnell, Patty : 2117 Dominion Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FHA 1; FBLA 3; Ski Cl. 4. "But Molly, I just don't understand !" Shortall, Brian Joseph, Brother Maynard: 206 Chaucer, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; College Planning Cl. 4; V. Soccer 4; Capt. 4; All-District Soccer. "Supreme Executive power is derived by a mandate from the masses. not by some fastical aquatic ceremony." Smallwood, Robert T., Bones. Pox. Chuckberry : Rt. 7, Box 287 . Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA 4. "The lights are on - but nobody's home! " Smith, Karen Regenla, K-K: Rt. 6, Box 2996, Charlottesville, VA 22906; Advoca te Cl. 3; Dance Cl. 4; Flag Corps 1.2; Libra ry Aide 1.2. "You're a sweetheart" Smith, Linda Marie. Smith, Zlna Vandella, Dee-Dee. Smurfette. T.R.: 1131 Freestate Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Women 's C l; HOASA; FBLA. "One step for man a nd a giant step for me only." Snow, Kelly Paige, Keggle. Kluh, Ke l-tron : 1706 Vermira Pl. , Charlottesvill e. VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1; Spanish Cl. 2,3; Ski Cl. 4; Night of One Acts 1. "l'mtellinl" Somers, Stefanie Ann, Stefie : Box 97 Scottsville, VA 24590; Advocate Cl. 4; Drama C l. 1; Riding Cl. 1.2,3; Most improved Choral student. "That's what friends are for."

Spencer, Mark Edward. Spencer, Nell Rex: Box 529, North Garden , VA 22959; VICA 3,4. . Spradlin, Reeva Mae, Reev, Lady Lightnin', Granny : Rt. 1, Box 573. Scottsville, VA; Ski Cl. 1,2; French C l. 4; SCA 1.2.3,4; JV Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2,3,4; JV Volleybal l1; V. Vo lleyball 2; V. Softball1,2,3,4; Most Improved Softba ll 2; MVP Softbal l 3; 2nd Team A ll-District 3; Hon. Mention Basketball 3; Co-Capt. Softba ll 3. "Having read so much about the bad effects of "Having Fun", I've decided to quit reading." Spradlin, Tamie Lee: Rt. 1. Box 550. Scottsville. VA 24590; Astronomy Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; FCA 3; Psychic Cl. 4; V. Gymnastics 1,2; Intra mural Softball 2; JV Volleyball 2; V. Volleyball 3; U.S. Student Council Award 3; National Honor Soc iety 3,4; SCA Fresh. Sena tor; SCA Soph. Senator; SCA V. Pres. 3; SCA Pres. 4. St. John, Elizabeth Randolph, Eazy: Rt. 1, Box 194, Esrnont. VA 22937; Ski C l. 1,3; Lacrosse C l. 2; FCA 4; Drama Cl. 1,2; 1st p lace Junior Class Tal ent Show 2; Thespia n Society 1.2.3,4; Mame 1; Night of One Acts 1; Concert Choir 1.2. "Dok . you drive me! " Stackhouse, Blaine Allen: 2926 Brookmere Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Cl. 1,2,3,4; President 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Cross Country 2,3,4; Capt. 4; Indoor Track 3,4; Capt. 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Nominee for a tional Council of English Teachers Creative Writing Award 3; Commended Scholar Quarterfinal ist National Merit Scholarship Award Competition 3; Honorable Mention, Virginia State Latin Essay Contest 3; Governor's School for the Gifted 3; Model Executive Government Conference 3. "Beauty is only skin deep, but ug ly, indeed , is to the bone." Steinberg, Tariq Dag, TQ : 302 Creslfie ld Ct.. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1,2.3,4; French Cl. 1,2; Latin Cl. 1,3; Football 1,2,3,4; Soccer 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1; Indoor Track 2,3; Football - Honorable Mention Kicker 3. Capt. 1.2. MVP 1; Soccer Capt. 3.4. 2nd A ll District Team 3; Track 5th in District Hurdles 2; Mime roupe 3; SCA Rep. 1,4; Debate Tournament 4; Model U.N. 4. "Obedience. its attention fixes on the goal - freedom from fear. Beyond fear- there is only life. And beyond that- love. Stenmaim, Bjorn-Oiof: Tre Va nners vag 46 39359 Ka lmar, Sweden; Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 4; Model UN a t U.Va . 4. "Varlden or rund !" Stephens, Debra Lynn, Debbie : P.O. Box 34. Scottsville, VA 24590; Spanish Cl.1,2. "Take one day at a time and don't worry about tomorrow." Stewart, William Neal, Will. Willy, Boxcar: 7005 Monroe Ct.. Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Chess Cl. 1,4; French C l. 2,3; 91h Grade Football 1; Cross Country 4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; National Merit Semi-Finalist 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; National French Contest; Vice-Pres. of class 2; Math contest 3rd in School 3. "When you finally find what you want, don't be surprised if you can 't have it." Stokes, Bonnie Kay: Rt. 1, Box 258-A. Troy, VA 22974; Riding Cl. 1; FHA 2; Pres. 2; Harlequin 3. "Too fastto live - Too young to die" Stovall, Fred Ina Louise. Stovall, James William, Jr.: Rt. 1, Box 123A. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Photography C l. 3.

Sweeney, Marla, Ree. Budda, Charm Capta in: Rt. 1, Box 330. Earlysville. VA 22936; Drama Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2,3; Riding Cl. 4; "Jockettes Forever!" Taylor, Charles Venson, Jr., Chuck. Trotter: Rt. 1. Box 35, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Intermurals. Baseball; "Hey, Baby." Tetter, Edmund H. Terry, Derrick Wayne, Wing Nut: Rt. 7. Box 282, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; VICA Pres. 3; FFA V. Pres.; JV Basketball1 .2. Terry, Kathleen Rebecca, Terry : 1009 Proffit Rd.. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; DECA 3,4; Track 1.2; "It's time to adventure into the new." Thacker, Julie Nichols. Theodose, Cynthia Evelyn, C ynd i: 336 Key West Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Drama Cl. 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3; Thespia n Troupe 500 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; SCA 1,2; Gymnastics 2,3,4, MVP 2,3, Western District All-Around Champion 2,3; Mime Troupe 2,3,4; "Ma me " 1; Night of One Acts 1.3; "The Importance of Being Earnest" 4; "Grit at the Twighlight Zone." Thomas, David Hunter. Thomas, Leo Roscoe, Jr., Play Boy: Jazz Cl. 4; Football1,2,4. Thompson, Justin Kenneth, Wetback. Just: Rt. 2, Box 33, Keswick, VA 22947 ; VICA 1.2.3,4; Skateboard 1,2; Dungeons and Dragons 2,3; Chess Cl. 4; Football 1,2; Weightlifting 1.2.3,4; "Your goals in life are what makes life worth living. So go for it!!" Thorsen, Peter Roland: 58 La ke Forest Drive, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; French C l. 1; Dungeons a nd Dragons 3; Chess Cl. 4; Library Aide 3,4; "Whatever you do in life remember not to b lock the flow pattern."

Toler, Samuel. Townsend, Angela Lynn, Angie : P.O. Box 243, Scottsville, VA 24590; Drama C l. 1; Spanish Cl. 2.3; Ski Cl. 4; Marching Band. Trefll, Stefin James, Tref. Ethel. L.T.: 2635-C Barracks Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; German Cl.1; Dungeons a nd Dragons 1,2,3, Pres. 2, V. Pres. '3; Footbal l 2,3,4; Soccer 3,4; Concert Choir3,4. Trogdon, Daniel Wayne, Batman: 68 Woodl a ke Dr.. Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 3; Footbal l1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1; Lacrosse 2; Weightlifting . Tucker, Tyler Austin, Tuck . Slugg : 108 Wood stock Drive, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901; Racquetball Cl. 2; Psychi Cl. 4; Footbal l 1,4; Golf 3,4; Basketball 1; Intramural Basketball 3,4; "Red . White a nd Blue; the one; the only." Turner, Cynthia Diane, Cindy, Sweet C : Rt. 1. Box 212, Earlysville, VA 22936; Afro-American Literature Cl. 4. VanDerLoo, Diana Angela, Di: 104 Camelot Drive, Charlottesvill e, VA 22901 ; Art C l. .1.2.3. Pres. 3; Marching Band , Rifle Corps 1,2,3,4. "Common sense is not so common."

Spence, Terri Mich.


Senior Statistic s

Stovall, Jeffrey Wayne. Sullivan, Brian O'Neal, O'Neal : Rt. 1, Box 260P, Troy, VA 22974.


Vermll Chariot mane "Here's

Volper Tinsley, Michael Anthony: Rt. 4, Box 147 , Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; "What's up?"

VanHoose, Fred William. Sours, Randy Franklin: Rt. 1, Box 193; Barboursville. VA 22923; VICA 4.

cal Da1 tiona i S

Varma, Rabina, Pinky: 122 Ivy Drive, Apt. 9, Charlottesvill e, VA 22903; College Planning Cl. 4; Badminton, Hockey; In India : Drama; Classi-

Von HE 67, Esm 4;Volle


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Warre Eastbrc Cl. 2; f Grade Track~


1rm Ca p6; Drama Jockettes

<. Trotter: >01; Inter-


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109 Proffit lA; Track

336 Key lramaCI. 0 1,2.3,4, 'v1VP 2,3. )ion 2,3; ,t of One Jrnest" 4;


lazzCI. 4;

1. Eric Ba nks gives us a lesson in shop. 2. Theresa Kost, Pa ul Given and Dana Lewis ma ke a lovely threesome. 3. Senior Class President, Mark Milleson. a ppla uds the senior cla ss.

k. Just: Rt. ,3,4;Ska ',3;Chess •,4; "Your living. So

c a l Dance; Sports; Scout Guide; Debate; Nationa l Scholarship .

est Drive. I. 1; Dunrary Aide )er not to

Vermillion, John Coleman: Rt. 7, Franklin. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1; German Cl. 2; Volleyba ll Cl. 3,4; JV Stuntman 1,2; "Here 's to us!"


Vaughan, Michael Wayne.

Box 147.


Von Herbulis, Evelyn Allison, Al lison : Rt. 1. Box 67, Esmont, VA 22937; Latin Cl .1.2.3; Psychic C l. 4; Volleyball1 ,2; Gymnastics 2.

. Box 243 . )anish Cl.

VonAchen, Lisa Marie.

lan: 68

01; DECA 1crosse 2;

l8 WoodRacquetGolf 3.4; A; "Red.

ltC: Rt.1. \merican

Camelot Cl. 1,2,3, •S 1.2.3,4

::.Apt. 9. 1nning Cl. a; C lassi-

Wheby, Munsey Joseph, Oui . Munce : 106 Whetstone Place. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Footba ll1.2; Lacrosse 1,4; C lass Pres.1; Class V. Pres. 3; Library A ide; SCA Rep. 1.2.3; Senior Council; Ta lent Show; "It's a ll in how you mix it. Robby !" White, Alicia E.

Volpentest, Michael Christopher.

: 2635-C ;>01; Ger3. Pres. 2, · Concert


White, Curtis Johnathan: 208 Bennington Road, Charlottesville. VA 22903; Photography Cl. 4; Band 1.2. Wiech, David John.

Walker, Judith Ann, Ann : P.O. Box 392. Scottsville, VA 24590; FHA 1,2,3, Pres. 3; FBLA 4; Shorthand Contest at JMU 3; "Nothing must go undone." Walker, Terena Lynn, Treenie : 8003 Washington Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama C l. 1; Latin Cl. 2.3; Photography C l. 4; Color Guard 1.2.3; "Oh. Poot! " Wallace, Juan Leon, Court Wallace : Rt. 1. Box 440. Scottsville, VA 24590; FFA; 9th Grade Football1; "That's what I was going to say." Wanebo, John Eric: 9 Lochridge La ne. Earlysville. VA 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2.3,4, Pres. 4; French C l. 1; Football1.2.3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3; Model U.N.; National French Contest; National Latin Contest; All-Western District Football Team. Honorable Mention; "Live to ski and ski to live." Wanebo, Michael David, Jean-Claude : 9 Lochridge Lane, Earlysville, VA 22936; Ski Cl. 1,2,3.4; Football1,2.3,4; Track; Lacrosse 1,2,3.4; Model U.N.; Mime Troupe; "Mame"; "Ski faster. ski harder, ski longer." Warren, John Gregory, Griggy Sweets : 414 Eastbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 2; FCA 3.4; Audio-Visua l Cl. 4; FCA 4: 9t; Grade Basketball 1; JV Basketball 2; Outdoor Track 2,3; V. Basketball4; Homecoming King 4; Senior Student Council; "What do you say.

Wilkerson, Tracy · Lynn, Mouse : 166 Pliny Road , Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Drama Cl. V. Pres. 4; Rifle Corps 3; Thespia n Society; "Mame" 1; Mime Troupe 3; "Antic Spring" 3; "Glass Menagerie" 2; Musical Review 3; "Opening Night" 3; "Hey Muffy a nd Anne ! Remember the concert?" Williams, Alan Eugene, A I: Rt. 2. Box 54. Keswick , VA 22947 ; Astronomy Cl. 1; VICA 3,4; Football 2.3.4; Symphonic Band 111. Williams, Jon Christopher, H.B.: 320 Carrsbrook Drive. Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901 ; German Cl. 2; Ski C l. 4; Football1,2,3,4, Honorable Mention Western District 3,4, Capt. 4; Stuntman 2,4; "There is nothing to fear but Grainer and his stick." Williams, Michael Wayne, Junior: Rt. 1. Box 475. Barboursville, VA 22923; FFA 1, Treas. 1; VICA 4; Pres. 4; "Knock yourself out!" Willoughby, Bob John, Bob : 1727 Old Forge Rood, Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Advocate Cl. 3.4; V. Basketball 1,2,3.4. 2nd Team All-Centra l Virgini a 3, Honorable Mention All-Western District 3; Newspaper 3,4; "I can 't get no satisfaction !"


Wood, Melinda Kaye, Molly : Rt. 1. Box 42. Earlysville. VA 22936; Ski Cl. 4; FBLA 3; FHA 1; "Who sa id b londs have more fun? "

Wood, Suzan Anne, Struedal , Cecil : 131 Woodlake Drive. Charlottesville . VA 22901 ; DECA 3.4; Ski Cl. 1.2; Cross Country 1; District DECA Competition, 1st Human Relations, 3rd Overall 3; District DECA Vi ce Pres. 4; " Do yo ' wanna skip?" Woodson, Troy Wade. Woodworth, Anne, Kitten , Meow-meow. Wood-be-worth-it : P.O. Box 7841, Charlottesvill e, VA 22906; RodeoCI.1; ArtCI.1; Drama Cl. 2,3; Homemakers Cl. 2; History C l. 3; Ski Cl. 4; Newspaper 4; Yearbook 3; Track 1; Volleyball1; Basketball 1.2; Modern Dance 1; 1st in District Forensics 3; "Na-Na-Na-Na-Na. Barracuda Bazooka !" Worley, Vernon Russell, Fred, Rusty, Mount Vernon: Rt.6, Box379. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; Chess Cl. 2,3; Programming Cl. 4; Marching Band 1.2.3,4; "Time waits for no man." Wright, Evelyn Diane, Diane : Rt. 1. Box 237 . Earlysville. VA 22936; Afro-American Literature Cl.4. Wright, Jeffrey Lyle. Wyland, Andy Christopher, Drew: Rt. 1. Box 142, Schuyler. VA 22969; "Albemarle Schools Nelson County Girls." Yancey, Charles Scott: 2715 Brookmere Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 4. Young, Annette, Patsy: Rt.1. Box 260 L, Troy, VA 22974; FBLA, Sec.; "I just can 't be worried. " Young, Antonia Denise, Toni: Rt.1. Box 260 Troy, VA 22974; DECA 3.4


Wilson, Robert Dale, Bobby: Rt. 1. Box 232B. Earlysville. VA 22936; Ski Cl. 3,4; Football1.2

Yu, Hyon Suk: 2421 Commonwealth Drive. Charlottesville. VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1.2: FCA 3; Advocate Cl. 4; JV Cheerleading 1.

Wood, Dwayne Anthony: Rt. 1, Box 42 , Earlysville. VA 22936; VICA 3,4; FFA 1.

Ziock, Michael: 116 Woodstock Drive. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl.; Tennis 3.4.

Senior Statistics


Extras From the first days at Albemarle to the first twist of their class rings/ underclassmen kept busy and dreamed of their future days as seniors.

Extras Divider 59

Class of '84 has Prom Fever Albemarle High School had hardworking junior class officers and representatives. These students came up with many surprising events, such as a twinkie eating contest. Many juniors also participated in a car wash , a game with the WCHV Rampaging Ducks and other activities which provided them with much needed money. The money raised all went toward the prom at the end of the year. Each year the class of '84 showed much school spirit and this year was definitely no exception. The juniors held their own at pep rallies during spirit weeks and proved they will be worthy successors to the class of '83. With al l the effort put forth by the junior class officers, representatives, and class members, they couldn't help but be successful.


Junior class officers and representatives are 1st row: Mike Hasenstab. Darlene Jones. Suson Edmondson. Brian Kennon. 2nd row: Eleanor Finger, Pat Craver, Howard Lenn, Lisa Labruno. 3rd row : Anne Newlon, Tracy Love . Tonia Bullock. Ms. O 'Brien, 4th row: Sonya Hoel. Scott Widener. Fred Holfelder. John Pavlansky.

Roger Agee Jason Altman Vanessa Altman Sandra Amos Clifton Anderson

Terry Anderson BovaAnkrom Jill Anthony Diane Arta le Sarah Avery

John Banton Hubert Barker Edward Barrett Janet Beasley Warren Beck

Lori Bevilacqua Christine Bird Beth Boatwright Jeanne Boatwright Jeffrey Bogard

60 Juniors


ndson, Bria n Trac y Love ,


Marc Bolen Paige Branham Randolph Breeden Gary Brooks Michele Brown

Thomas Brown Monty Brownlee Richard Brubaker Andrea Bryant Tonia Bullock

Terry Burchette April Bums Thomas Butler Jeffrey Campbell Lila Campbell

Elizabeth Carden Robert Carey Joseph Casero Ja mes Catlett Maria Cavalca

Richard Chamberlin Rudy Chapman Brenda Charron Dorothy Chartres Michael C larke

Amy Cieasby Jody Clements Suzanne Coleman Susan Cooper Jimmie Corgin

Eugenia Covington John Cox Patricia Craver Maxwell Critzer Helen Crutchfield



Barry Davis Lisa Davis Kathy Dean Patrick Depret-Guillaume Glenda Douglas

Karen Douglas Keith Douglas Bethany Driscoll Debra Edgecomb Richard Edlich

Susan Edmondson Kenneth Edwards Nancy Edwards Wesley Edwards Ben Eichelberger

Todd Eichman Karen Eppard Stephanie Estes Sharon Falls Lisa Farish

Will iam Fariss Elbert Farley Amy Fitzgerald Robin Fitzgerald Jenifer Fleming

Benjamin Fordham Ronald Forsberg Thomas Fritz Elliott Gardner Kavansa Gardner

Janice Garrison Charles Gerbert Dale Gibson Edna Goode David Graham



Amy Granger Timothy Guthrie Col leen Haines Keith Hall Sylvia Ham

LindaHamm Clifford Hammill Cliff Hamner Joe Hamner Sherri Harper

Tracie Harper Anthony Harris Bradley Harris Jane Harris Leveme Harris



James Haverkamp Letina Hawkins Todd Hawkins Ja yHeams Karen Heintzleman

Kevin Hensley Wayne Hensley Keith Herring Ollie Herring Hope Hicks




Ruth Hicks Frederic Holtelder Heidi Holgate David Holsapple Vonda Holsapple

Mathew Horridge Cindy Houchens Andrew Hucek Christopher Hucek Sha wn Hughes



Dracula invades Albemarle The vampires arrived once again this year asking for blood donations. On December 10 the SCA sponsored the semi-annual blood bank. Many students and teachers came out for the blood sucking event that was extremely successful. The goal was 68 pints, and 72 pints were collected four over the goal. After g iving blood the donors were treated to snacks and drinks as well as the ability to stay out of class a little longer. Many who contributed had to be escorted back to class because of faintness. Despite the nervousness and apprehension, the blood bank was a great success. Needy people throughout the area wi ll be aided by this d isplay of community spirit. Those who donated should pat themselves on the back. The SCA should be congratulated for all its time and hard work.

Margaret Hunt David Inscoe Steven Ivory Michelle Jackson

Latravem Jackson Susan Jacobson Lisa James Matt Jarrell William Jefferson

Heidi Johannesen April Johnson Beth Johnson Felicia Johnson Eric Johnson

Regina Johnson Anson Jones Darlene Jones David Jones Robin Jones



Disguished as a Lab technic ian, Dracula draws b lood from Charles C lawson.

Tracy Jones Penny Jordan Thad Kelly Patricia Kelly Brain Kennon

Derrick Kems Kimberely Kersey Kirsten Kesler Deborah Kidd Elizabeth Kirkland

Tracy Klueg Lisa Labruno Michael Lamb Pam Lamb Phil ippe Laurent

Scott Lawrence Holly Lawson Kimberley Lee Lisa Lee Donnie Leibl

Junior Twist _...t1S

Iiiio.. / /

A twist of the ring by Ben Fordha m could be #84.

Colorfu l stones and various etched bans of gold and silver decorated the many hands of the junior class. Each year juniors looked forward to the arriva l of Bob Sandell and his large collection of c lass rings. His artful advice of precise cut, size, and design were gladly received by the students in order to c hoose the "right" ring. Accompanying the arrival of rings came the excitement and the yearly tradition of ring-turning. Students ran around asking their fellow classmates to turn their new rings in hopes of finally reaching the "eighty-fourth " turn without having to start over. High school days would one day end , but the juniors would a lways have their class rings to remind them of their four high school years at Albemarle.

Juniors 65

Howard Lenn Kathleen Leonard Isidore Lewis Stacey Lewis John Linkous

David Londree Tracey Love Shelley Lovelace Tammy Loving Diana Low

Carlton Luck Timothy Lumsden Troy Lynch Mary Lyng Steve Madison

r Sandra Magruder Tammy Mallory AubumMann Christopher Mann Kyle Marion

Teresa Marshall Charlie May Michael Maynard Stacey McCann Gregory McCauley

Catherine McCray Nancy McCutchen Faith McDaniel Kris McDaniel Raymond McDaniel

Heather McDonald Jean McGowan Eamest McKamey Katherine McKinnon Matthew McKown Chattin

66 Juniors

Theresa Mead Lisa Meadows Loretta Meadows Wanda Meeks Michael Melton

Lenore Milhoan Lisa Milkie Christina Mongold Deborah Moore Kim Moore

Libby Moore Kimberly Morley Anita Morris Kedra Morris Kimberly Morris

\\Stir Crazy"

The hallway provides a p lace for Page Pence and Chris Peterson to finish homework.

"Some people walk so slow, hurry up! " This remark is often heard in the crowded halls during the change of classes. Many students carrying heavy books and stopping to associate with friends make it very hard for others to stroll casually down the hall. Students sit in the halls outside their c lasses and catch up on unfinished homework while waiting for their next class. Before homeroom and during SAP, students line up next to their lockers and congregate in the middle of the hallways to engage in the most fun activity of high school. socializing. The halls are a great place to socialize, but it's also annoying for those who try to get by. Sometimes people give up and just sit in a classroom and wait for the time to pass until the late bell rings. Then a mad dash down the hall brings students to class just before the teacher enters.

Chatting with friends relaxes Scott Lawrence, Bova Ankrom, Ga il Taylor, Missy Miller a nd Linda Hamm.

Juniors 67

Roxanne Morris Sharon Morris Susan Morris

Stephanie Morse Wendy Murphy ChetNaylor Richard Needham

Anne Newlon Earl O 'Brynant Warren O 'Brien Jessie O 'Quinn

Cynthia Ott Matthew Pace Stephen Pace Annette Page

Riding the talk.

Surprised when opening his locker, John Cox finds room for many bocks.



In the band room , Elliott Kelly shows off his talents.


Riding the bus to and from school provides Colletti Starks and Sylvia Rush time to talk.

Is that really John Cox singing to the beat of the music?

David Palmer Hyun-Sook Park Kenneth Parrish Pamela Partin Tatyanna Patten

John Pavansky Thomas Payne Page Pence Jamie Pentz Whitney Perkins

Juniors 69

SATurday morning fever Scholastic Aptitude Test: otherwise more commonly known as the dreaded SAT's. Several times a year juniors and seniors drag themselves out of warm beds and come sleepyeyed to school bright and early on Saturday mornings. After wild Friday nights the students have to attempt to sit in a cold cafeteria and take mindboggling tests to prove their educational skill. Common feelings of fear and nausea are felt in each individual student as he sits with the test forms staring at him. The hard, grueling tests take about three hours with the final relief of the last test and final hour. The SAT's test individuals on various English and math skills. Much emphasis is placed on doing wel l on these awful tests. The tests are important decision making tests that are sent out to colleges to help determine acceptance into a college of the student's choice. The score achieved is the determining factor of acceptance in most colleges and universities. Don't worry underclassmen, because your turn will roll around soon. You too will have to experience the dreaded SAT's.

David Perry Christopher Peterson Thomas Phillips Deborah Pierceall Michael Pierson

Brenda Pillow Glenn Pinchback Paige Pippin Teresa Plunkett M ichael Poindexter

Wilson Proffitt Donnie Pugh Paul Pugh Majorie Quarles Paul Rabe



Alby Butler looks sadly at his blank home work paper.

Keith Racer Kelvin Ragland Warren Ragland William Raines Glen Ramirez

Joe Ramos Rebecca Reid Lance Reynolds Rhonda Rhodes

Randall Richardson Leif RiddeNold Karen Riddle Brian Ritchie

Christopher Rivkin Scott Roberts Wesley Robertson


As the teacher changes the reel. Reva Rush entertains underclassmen.

Bored with school. Tracy Hakala waits in the hall and Troy Fischer stretches.



Tony Roche Rebecca Rosenblum Rob Rosse Julia Roy Stephen Runkle

Lisa Samuels Carleton Scott Francine Scott Patrick Scott Joseph Senich

Tommy Sexton Staci Shafer April Shahan Johnny Shand John Sharretts

Diane Shifflett Steven Shifflett Edward Shriner LeisaSims Matthew Sissons

Chris Smith Duane Smith Keith Smith Linda Smith Shannon Smith

Derek Snapp Sherry Snow Jimmie Sprouse Darlene Stargell Melinda Stargell

Colletti Starks Tore Steinberg Jerome Stephens Albert Steppe Phillip Stevens

72 Juniors


Todd Runkle enjoys being the center of attention.

Overloaded with books, Lisa Meadows rushes to her desk.

Linda Stiltner Mary Stong Valeska Stupak J.T. Suddarth Charles Sullivan

Donna Sullivan Ruth Swingier Daniel Tawney MaryTeates Mike Terry

Kathleen Tesack Cecil Thacker Thomas Thacker Stephen Tharp Mark Thomasson

/"' .


James Thompson Martin Tobin Scott Trail Tracey Travers Helen Tuan




Lounging in class. Karen Heintzleman slips into never-never-land.

Many students help Elliott Kelly fill out surveys.

Christopher Tumer Chrystal Tumer Katherine Vidunas Robert Villwock Eric Vonachen

James Walker Romano Wallace Kevin Walls Jacqueline Wanebo Benjamin Waring

Betty Washington Glenn Wayland Sandra Webb Joyce Wells Brian Westerholm

Patricia Wetzel George Wheeler Scott Widener Pamela Wilkerson David Williams Withtc

74 Juniors


Sheila Willis Stanley Willis Scott Willoughby Henry Wingate Ronda Wingfield

Beverlee Winnett Brad Wood LonzyWood Noah Wood Shannon Wood

Vickie Wood Dwayne Woodfolk Michael Woodson David Woodworth Yvonne Worely

Tina Wyant Elizabeth Zans Cynthia Zauner Jennifer Zauner WilliamZeh

With tape on her fingers, Kathy Vidunas prepares to put up a poster.

During SAP, Chet Naylor relaxes in the cafeteria.




Class of '85 spirit driven The officers led the sophomores into many victories. With over 900 cans the sophomores beat the other classes in the SCA sponsored food drive. As a result, they saw a movie during the school day. They beat out the seniors for the spirit stick award at a pep rally. This year all the sophomores have put out a lot of effort in order to win these events. When they become juniors they will have as much spirit as this past year. Participating in many fund raising events, such as, the cleaning of University Hall, bake sales, and a game of basketball with the WCHV Rampaging Ducks, the officers helped in many ways. With all of the effort put into making the sophomore class competitive and spirited, the officers deseNe much credit.

Tad Adams Anthony Adcock Patricia Alford Stephen Amato Youngshin An

Laura Anderson Lisa Anderson Michael Anderson Gina Arbogast Irving Armistead

Roger Banks Lisa Sames Lisa Batten Timothy Batten Edmund Berkeley

Sheila Bemard Gary Beverly Teresa Birckhead David Bishop AmyBithell



Sophomore class officers are Robert Chapman, vice president; Jennifer Braine, president; Carolyn Kelly, secretory; and Tanya Lee. treasurer.

Robert Blue Melissa Boland Kenneth Boyd Jennifer Braine Linda Braithwaite

Eldon Breeding Leigh Britton JamesBroan James Brock Arthur Brown

Kelly, secre-

Earl Brown Kimberly Browning Montie Bryant Donald Bryce Dana Buchanan

Julie Burbach Kathryn Burch Sherri Burling Allan Bumley Mary Butler

Katherine Caldwell Tina Caldwell Timothy Callanhan Dana Campbell Michelle Canada

Joseph Capizzi James Carey John Cargile Thomas Chandler Eric Chang

Paul Chang Robert Chapman JinChoe Jeffrey Clatterbuck Jane Cobb

Sophomores 77

Marta Coble Wanda Collier Marc Collins Debra Collum Ashley Colvin

Normas Conley Douglas Cooper Steven Corbin Lady-Sonya Comog Christopher Coster

Maria Cowgill Charles Crenshaw George Davis Herbert Davis Stephen Demasters

Corinne Depret-Guillaume Margaret Devan Michael Dillard Pamela Dix Michael Dixon

Mark Donnelly Jennifer Dunkl Michael Dunn Paul Duprey Sherri Durham

Paula Durkee MaryEiey Wendy Elliton Michael Ely Thomas Estes

Penny Farmer Frederick Famum Lisa Farrell Caroline Feggans Rebecca Fenneman

78 Sophomores

William Fields Louise Finger George Fitz-Hugh Mary Florence Daniel Fowley

Matthew Frank Jody Frazier Rose Frazier Rees Frescoln Jenifer Fudala

Rogelio Fussa John Gallagher Robert Garland Terry Garrison Lori Gatewood

Kelley Gerber! Bryston Giannini Franklin Gibson Kevin Gibson Susan Gibson

Anne Giffin Thomas Gill Meshanna Gilliam Kathy Goebel Anthony Good

Yvonne Gorman Robert Gossweiler Anne Gotham Donielle Gould Greer Gould

Lisa Graves Vickie Graves Kevin Gray Ruth Gray Kristin Graziano


Sophomores 79

Ronnie Green Kimberly Grehawick Duncan Haberly Michael Hale Susan Hall

Michael Hammond Lori Hanger John Harman Richard Harrington Alpensie Harris

Concentratic Jones.

John Harris Natalie Harris Shawn Hauck JanetHeams Catherine Heath

Virginia Helfenstein Maria Helwig Andrew Henderson Michael Hensley David Hettinger

The love bug Were you fifteen and eight months during the school year? If so, then you were one of the many eligible sophomores who took the range course. This enabled you to complete your total drivers ed. course in class and on the range and then to continue on to receive your driver's license. Every year sophomores quickly walked down to the range to gain experience in the actual driving of a car. Together with the range, one had to take class training as well, either during a study hall , after school or during the summer. Many students learned that driving a car wasn't as simple as they thought. Much hard work and studying was needed in order to pass the course. The time and effort that was put into driver's ed. was well worth it. "Calling car seven. Take a right tum please." 80


Concentration is required in typing from Donnie Leibl. Joel Weaver, and Andrea Jones.

"I told you not to call me," Yvonne Gorman reprimands John Harris.

Willie Hines Miriam Hirsch Thomas Hirsh Sylvia Hollo Lauri Houck

Lisa Hucek Valerie Hughes Patrick lachetta Mary James Jodi Jansen


Sonya Jenkins Clarence Johnson Gene Johnson Janet Johnson Lokie Johnson

Sandra Johnson Andrea Jones Eric Jones Jesse Jones Kendall Jones

Kevin Jones Luther Jones Rebecca Jones Caroline Kelly Tim Kenny

Sophomores 81

Kandi Kems Heather Knight Samuel Knight Victoria Kost Stein Kretsinger

AmyKrol Richard Loge Ai-Lih Lai Mei-Chuan Lai Stephen Lange

Joseph Lascano Tony Lascano Karen Lauffenburger Sharon Lawhom Rodney Lawson

Mary Layne Scott Lear Latanya Lee Erin Lewicki Desiree Lindsay

Kathy Lucas Terry Lynch Roland Madison Rose Magruder Richard Marsh

Daniel Marshall Stefanie Marshall Trina Marski Bruce Martin Hugh Martin

Marl< Martin TinaMaslyk Sallie Massie Kelly Mays Warren McCann



Flying tt

Marathon people?

Flying through the air, Tim Zierdan Spikes the ball.

Scott Lear assists Tamara McCauley in returning a volley ball seNe.

Gym classes brought many groans and moans because of having to dress out for gym, doing tedious activities not always agreed with, and sweating before next classes. Physical 路 education class was a common class among both freshmen and sophomores. The freshmen had to look forward to two years of health, running, basketball, volleyball, etc. The sophomore class was fairly lucky - at the end of their second year came the final relief of no more gym. Their two years of exercise and sweat were well worth it, but yet they were glad to see them go. The P.E. classes were notalways enjoyable, but they gave the students a chance to unwind at some point during the day and the classes were beneficial in exercise and health knowledge. Where else could you sweat and groan in such good company except AHS?

Darren McCauley Tamara McCauley Andra McCluney Julie McDaniel Mara McDermott

Dawn McDonough Dawn Mcintyre Jeffrey McKamey Valencya McKenna Michael McManue

Anthony Miller Wendy Miller Christopher Milleson Mark Mills Raleigh Minor


Edward Moon James Mooney James Morris Junius Morris Phyllis Morris



David Morris Tyrone Morris William Morrow Lynn Mueller Michael Mullins

Charles Mundie Marl< Mundie Brian Mundy Patrick Murray Tiki Murray

Marl< Myrick Cynthia Nelson Page Newman Denise Nickelsen Richardo Nunez

"Second Time Around// Taking a big step up, sophomores realized the value of selecting their classes. Choosing between academic, general or basic classes became a big decision as they moved upward. Worrying about which of the dreaded teachers they had heard so much about would be theirs kept many a sophomore up late at night. As in the past, sophomores no longer treated school as a horrible punishment, but realized the importance of making good grades and developing their personalities in the classroom. Different classes were taken that weren't needed when they were freshmen, such as Biology, Drivers's Ed and foreign languages. The future became more realistic and sophomores tended to start planning their lives. They prepared themselves for college, jobs, etc . . . ., by realizing their classes would become more complicated to deal with. Many classes became harder and took more time when studying These required students to apply more of themselves in order to do well . Much hard work was put into these classes, but it was well worth it in the long run.



Acaseofc drive.

Classworl< keeps Bobby Blue and Chrissy Bird busy in Mr. MacDonald's class.

A surprised Tommy Oliver is interrupted in class.


. t_


A case of c a ns carried b y Andy Henderson helps the food d rive.

Disp laying the spirit stick, Jennifer Bra ine is p roud of the sophomore victory.

One class that showed a lot of spirit and gave the senior class a run for its money was the sophomore class. Twice the sophomores displayed their outstanding school spirit and showed up the seniors. At a football pep rally the spirit and sparkle of the sophomore class outshined not only the other underclasses, but the seniors as well. The sophomores became the first class to win the spirit banner from the rowdy seniors. The Thanksgiving-Christmas Food Drive played an important role in the showing of school spirit. Each class competed against the others by trying to have the most cans of food in order to win a movie. For the past few years the seniors have always won the movie, yet once again the sopho- 路 mores showed more spirit and brought in more cans than any other class. Bringing in the greatest number of cans, the sophomores beat out the seniors and won the movie. All year the sophomores showed a great deal of spirit- let's hope that this spirit will continue for their next two years. Look out Albemarle, when they become seniors the spirit of AHS will roll!

Lawrence Oliver Alan Overbeck David Patterson Todd Pattison Elizabeth Pence

Doug Perkins Sandra Perkins Nicole Pharr Relana Pinkerton Donna Pippin

lracy Plunkett Richard Pompper Nancy Porritt Ted Powell William Prillaman ed in cla ss.



Angela Ramey Michael Ramos David Ramsden Lisa Rasnake Sean Redmond

Richard Reed Paul Reynolds Robert Rice Wendy Rice Michael Richardson

Elizabeth Rideout Tracy Roberson Connie Roberts Mark Roberts Sarah Roberts

Tina Roberts Derek Robinson Laurie Roebuck Lisa Rogers John Rose

A little help from Mrs. Otis encourages Tommy Oliver, Beth Eley, and Amy Bethell.

86 Sophomores

~ What has Mike Anderson found in his ice cream sandwich?


Along with others, Arthur Brown enjoys a break on the breezeway.

Oranges fill the band room as Robert Gossweiler smiles at thecamera. 路

Sarah Rosenblum Susan Rosson Claudette Rush James Rush Kevin Rush


Regina Rush Peter Salters Kevin Saunders Melissa Saylor Hilary Scherer

Stephan Schmidt Thomas Scholle Jennifer Scopelliti Antonio Scott Kimberly Seivers

Michael Shand Michael Sheffield Michael Shifflet David Shifflett Glenda Shifflett

路eam sand-



Marl< Shifflett Roxane Shifflett Donna Shirley Kilby Shymlock Tammy Simpkins

David Skeen Aimee Smith Andrew Smith Cheryl Smith Robert Smith

Lisa Smith Ruth Smith Walter Smith William Smith Randy Snow

Wesley Sobbott Fonda Spradlin Arlene Sprouse Debra Sprouse Wesley Sprouse

Sharon Starl<s Michelle Steed Brenda Stephens Sherri Steppe Greg Stokes

A smile from Julie Watson makes you wonder what she's been up to!

88 Sophomores

Regina Rush concentrates in class.


Keaton Stutz Jay Sudduth Donnie Sumerlin Shannon Taylor Tilwana Terrell


,.......,.:_ \.

Robert Terry Christine Tesack Alan Thacker Jerry Thomas Erik Thomasson


Annabel Thompson Rhonda Tooley Phillip Townsend Ann-Marie Transue Tyrone Trent

Bianca Trogdon Paulette Truslow Jacqueline Tucker Timolee Tucker KarenTumer


t Alyssa Uecker Eric Vanderloo Karen Vanderveer Pamela Vanhoose Anna Vanneste

r Brandt Vaughan Mary Vermillion Jeannie Vining Scott Vining Brian Wagoner

Kimberly Walker Vickie Walls Timothy Waits Kathryn Ward Sharon Warren

Sophomores 89

Alphonso Washington Julie Watson Joe/Weaver Frederic Westervelt Jeanie Wheby

Kathy Whee/en Kenneth Wheeler Tina Wheeler Lisa White Leigh Wiley


1 1. Tim Zierdan flies to the net. 2. Stopping for books, Sarah Roberts and Kristi Willson have a chat. 3. Sophomores Steffi Marshall and Michelle Canada work with Patricia Almond.

3 90 Sophomores

Isn't one John Harris enough?

Could Doug Perl<ins have a chew in his mouth?

David Williams Deborah Williams Russell Williams Kristine Willson


Piper Wilson Jonathan Wingfield Sandra Wintermute Daniel Wood

Matthew Wood Michael Woodson Robert Woodward Terilynne Wright

Usa Wyant Cheryl Yantz Donna Young Timothy Zierden James Zobel

3 Sophomores


"Starting Over" The freshman class met the new school year with a bit of apprehension. During the first days of school, many freshmen wandered about the halls of Albemarle in a state of confusion, unsure of which way to go. As the school year progressed, freshmen became more relaxed and began to get involved in more activities. Pep rallies and clubs gave everyone a chance to talk and meet new people. Friday nights were spent at football and basketball games helping to give support to teams. Of course there were times when the freshmen wondered if they would survive all the homework and demands that teachers put on them, but in the end they managed to make it. By exam time the freshmen were ready to meet any obstacle set before them and proved to be a great part of AHS.

Freshmen class officers Cheri Anderson, Lilian Clemena. Ann O 'Donnel and Mike Bums head a new class.

Kenneth Acree Maya Ajgadnkar Deborah Alford Patricia Almond

Robert Amos Cheri Anderson Pam Anderson Robert Archer Catherine Bailey

Varonda Banks Teresa Barker Judith Bamett Deborah Battin John Bauer

Deann Beale Michelle Beasley Denise Bickley Christopher Billups Kevin Blackbum





Sara Bollinger Timothy Booth Chris Bowen William Bowles

Patrick Boyd Stephanie Breeden Mary Breihan Angelin Brewer


Doris Brooks Janice Brown Juanita Brown Linda Brown class.

Sherri Brown Thomas Brown Thomas Eugene Bryant Michael Bums


Shea Burrell Jamie Burton Lawrence Burwell Heather Butler

Corey Byars Janet Campagna Jacqueline Campbell Dana Capps

Adonice Carey Kelvin Carter Daniel Catalano Jarrett Catlett

Freshmen 93

Christopher Cavanaugh Frenzel! Chapman Carolyn Checchi Suzanne Chivily Thomas Clark

David Clem Lilian Cleme~a Johnny Cline MarkCogbum Clariece Coles

Philip Colker Linda Collier Susan Collier Jennifer Cooper Daniel Corle

Patrick Coster Stephanie Coukos William Covert Theodora Crawford Debra Creasy

Alvin Criss Tina Cromer Randall Cumow Angela Cutler Ida D'Eiicio

Thomasine Dade llina Das Billy Davis Brenda Davis Lowell Davis

Patrick Davis Jeffrey Dean CleaDezio Rodney Diehl Courtney Dillard



Kathleen Dimock Allison Dix Lisa Dodd Patricia Donnelly Charles Dorrier ..J

Matthew Dotson Robert Dowell Anne Doyle Penny Drumheller Lori Dudley

"" '---

Samaramyth Durham Nancy Duty Sheri Edgecomb Cathrine Edson Roxanne Eppard

Heather Estes Suzanne Estes Rodney Evans Angela Eways Kevin Farmer

Gary Fields Sharon Fisher Donald Fletcher Jack Flick Breck Flynn

Andrew Fordham Page Foster Neil Fox Joanne Frazier Amanda Freeman

Alan French Anita Furr Thomas Gall Lisa Gallagher Angela Garland

Freshmen 95

Brent Garland Sara Garrigus Wendi Garrison Sharon Gentry Steven Gioannini

Cheri Gibbs David Gibson Sherman Gibson Elizabeth Gieck Sharon Gill

Julie Gilligan Emma Glenn Geoffrey Goodwin Sara Goodwim Kendrick Goss

Marsha Graves Emily Gray Jennifer Green Kimberly Groome Michelle Gutierrez

Laurie Hager Tammy Hager David Hall Kerry Hall Dawn Hammer

Wanda Hammill Harold Hamner William Haney Todd Harper Christina Harrington

Robert Harris Michael Hartling William Hedrick Bruce Hemmer Anthony Henley




In-bounding the ball , Jeff Pendleton pretends to be Ralph Sampson.

"It isn't over yet! " When Freshmen enter their first year of high school the class that they still have to take is P.E.In high school P.E. is very different from P.E. in middle school. The silly games played in 6th , 7th, and 8th grades such as crabsoccer and kick ball no longer are played. The freshmen seemed relieved of being treated like children and new it was time to play more mature games, such as football, softball and basketball. More studying and participation was required in order to pass, unlike before. Dress codes were more strict and showers were needed because of the physical . activities. Although many changes took place, some activities stayed the same, such as exercising and physical fitness tests.

Beth Henry Allen Hersey Harry Hess Carl Hester Tennis Hicks

James Higginbotham LeasaHill Peter Hill Timothy Hipskind Melissa Hirsch

Patrick Hoffman Richard Holden Joanne Holland Roger Holsapple Elizabeth Hopkinson

Jeffrey Herridge Robert Horton Larry Houchens Melissa Houchens Cynthia Hudgins

Freshmen 97

Mary Hudgins Heather Hudson Joseph Huff Deidra Hughes Sandra Hunt

Quentina Hunt Kimberly Hurd man Margot Huskey Betina Jackson Ellison Jackson

Karen Jackson Cynthia Jacobs William Jesser Garcia Johnson Michael Johnson

Rondon Johnson Shawn Johnson Cosby Jones Brenda Jones Keith Jones

Vicki Jones Brian Jordan Debra Jordan Steven Kardos George Kelley

Kevin Kelly Darren Kennon Elizabeth Kettrick Carlton King William King

Bryan Kirtley Wilfred Kleiber BobbyKoort Margaret Lambert Marsha Lambert



Julie Lande! April Lassiter Thierry Laurent Sherrie Lawrence Curtis Lawson

Jennifer Lear Jean Lee David Lenn Mark Lewis Cynthia Lloyd

Gary Loeser William Londeree Anthony Lopilato Debbie Lowe James Lowry

JamesLum Choyer Lumpp Leslie Lumsden Darren Lynch James Maloy

Glenda Mann Maria Mann Shirley Marshall Mary Martin Stephen Marvin


Kelly Mason Ronald Mawyer Thomas Mawyer Wendy Mawyer Katrina Maynard

Earle McCauley Susanna McCall Darryl McCluney Mary McCubbin John McDonald

Freshmen 99

Susan Mcelha ney John Mcelroy Thomas McKeel Jeffrey McKisic


James McNew Jean Mendelis Cathi Miller Teresa Moneymaker

Carol Mongold Paul Moon James Moore Matthew Moore Michelle Moore

Howard Morgan Elizabeth Morley Bryant Morris Christina Morris David Morris

Life begins for freshmen High school , what a switch! Entering AHS was a big adjustment ninth graders had to face. Like mastering a fine art, fitting into the routine took time and patience. Finding classes was a large




freshmen. Another challenge was seeing faces that would become friends. Taking the step to high school presented new dimensions of independence, harder classes, and a new social outlook. After overcoming these hurdles we'll go on running to face new challenges and proudly graduate in 1986! 100 Freshmen

Ice cream tickles Lilian Clemei'\a's tongue.

Led by Julie Landel, members of the freshmen class count cans.

Diane Morris Duane Morris Libbie Morris Edward Morris Michael Morris



r Sandra Morris Sean Morris Tracey Morris Teresa Morris Thomas Morris \

Charis Muller Almer Mundie AndreaMuro Lisa Murray Jackie Nash

_-_,..' ),.

William Nay Antoniette Nelson Derwin Nelson Dale Newton Jeremy Newton

Elizabeth O'Bryant Ann O'Donnell Fritz Palka George Palmer Edward Park

Hyun Park Donna Partin Betty Payne Paul Peery Tammy Peery

Jeffrey Pendleton Roy Pendleton Angela Perdue Julie Perkins Gary Phillips

n class count

Freshmen 101

Michael Pickral David Pillar Wanda Pillow Anthony Porter Donna Potter

Stephanie Powell Edward Pryor Cyndi Pugh Patti Pugh William PuNis

Catherin Putnam David Quarles Douglas Ramirez Kara Ramsey Wesley Ramsey

Steven Raque Nancy Rea George Reaves Molly Reese William Rice

Christine Richardson Robert Rimmer Kermit Roberts Nora Romine Aretha Rush

Jeana Rush Sherita Rush Teddy Shanner Christine Schladitz David Satira

Jennifer Schmidt Christine Scholle Kurt Schwab Clara Scopelliti Maxine Scott



Wardella Scott Duane Shanklin Randy Shaver Robert Shawkey KellieShelly

' Shawn Shelton Heidi Sherman Gregory Shiflett Lisa Shifflett Tammy Shiflett

Michael Shipp Kenneth Shreve Kimberly Small William Smith Leah Snider

Tammy Snow WendiSnow NoiSok Wallace Spears Kimberly Spencer

Wilton Spencer Virginia St. John William Stackhouse Kimbely Steffey Glen Steig man

t James Steimel Robert Stevenson Robert Stroud Julie Sugerman Donna Sullivan

L William Suter Rodney Tate Dawn Taylor 0Nille Taylor Rob Taylor

Freshmen 103

Ronald Taylor Scott Taylor Peter Tevendale James Thacker Susan Tharp

Michelle Thomas Valanta Thomas James Thompson Kenneth Thompson Nora Thompson

Tracy Thorsen Gary Tibbs Cathy Tirrell Juliette Tolbert Nicolette Tolbert

Duane Tooley Eleanor Trice Mark Trice Jeffrey Tumer KarenTumer

Sophia Tumer Gloria Vargas Harold Via Matthew Wade Anthony Walker

Jodie Walsh Michael Ward Aretha Watkins William Watkins Michael Watson

Susan Watson David Way Brian Wayland Susan Weaver James Weeks

104 Freshmen




LisaWharam Thomas Wheelen Penny White Shelby White Kate Whitfield

Tracy Whyte David Wilcoxen Ronnie Wilkerson Carolyn Williams David Williams

James Williams Kelly Williams Timothy Williams Fielding Williamson Brian Willis



Gail Wilson Gloretta Wilson Lance Winston William Wintermute Becky Wood

Kimberly Wood RayWood William Wood Donald Woodson Kimberly Woodson

Jamie Worsky Jennifer Wright Tracy Wright Charlotte Yager James Yates

Kimberly Yates Juanita Young Todd Younker KyoSuk Yu David Zimmerman





Action Albemarle retained its reputation as a powerhouse of athletes in '82-83 in the Western District as well as the State of Virginia. r

Action Divider 107

'The Champ'

The AHS Girls' Tennis team continued it's reign as a dominant force in the Western District. Coached by Sam Terry, the team completed the season with an outstanding record of 10-2 and made it into Northwest regional play. The Girls' Tennis team was led by several outstanding players. Gabriella Casero, the Most Valuable Player and Western District Champion, served as an example for her teammates as she went undefeated in regular season play and breezed her way to the finals of the State Tournament. Casero was also in the State Tournament in doubles play along with her sophomore partner, Heather Knight. Albemarle's 1983 Tennis team was loaded with talented players who were making their final appearances as seniors. Martha Coates, playing in the number two position went undefeated all season. Number four, Jennifer Gannon served as captain of the talented squad, while Louise Park and Katrina Kresinger added depth with their consistant play. Congratulations to Coach Terry and his girls on a terrific season. The 1982 Girls' Tennis team will long be remembered as one of Albemarle's best. 1. Jen-Jen Gannon demonstra1es her superb form for Louise Park. 2. Hea1her Knight works on her backhand during practice. 3. Gabriella Casero is too fastforthe camera. 4. Hey, Missy! Is there something in your eye? 5. Martha Coa1es attacks the ball. 6. Nothing to get excited about, Heather. 7. Gabriella Casero hams it up for the camera. 8. Nancy Edwards plays the net. 9. Girls' Tennis Team, front row: Jennifer Gannon, Martha Coa1es, Gabriella Casero, Heather Knight, Louise Park. Second row: Rebecca Fenneman, Tracy Wright, Nancy Edwards, Ka1rina Kretsinger, Coach Sam Terry, Missy Maeyens, Lisa Rogers, Kyong Yu, Mandy Freeman

9 8 8 8


Halifax E.C.GIGISS Amherst Herttage George Washington George Washington Regional• Salem


4 108




'Chariots of Fire' Albemarle's Cross Country teams retained the respect they have gained from past years despite a key injury and unusually strong competition. Coached by Dan Monahan, the Boys' Cross Country team had a consistently successful season. Although the team was young and relatively inexperienced, it placed fourth in the district meet and tenth in regional competition. The Boys' team had several outstanding individuals. Blaine Stackhouse demonstrated leadership and determination as captain of the team, while Brian Westrater and Bjorn Steinmal provided depth and consistency. Next year's team is looking forward to a successful season with Brian Westrater, Peter Salters and Tom McKeel all returning. Despite the injury of Albemarle's top runner, Greer Gould, the Girls' Cross Country team had an outstanding season. Coach Jane Crane led her team to a fourth place finish in the Western District race and ninth in regionals. Several seniors, including Susan Bauer, the team's captain, contributed to the successful season. Other talented Seniors were Kim Cusato and Mica! Kupke, whose dedication and determination boosted the team's standings and morale. Jackie Tucker, voted Most Consistent by her teammates, is returning for next year, which will assure another good season for Cross Country at Albemarle. 1. Boys' Cross Country team, front row: Michael Hartling, William Stewart, Bjom Stenmalm, Long Phon, Captain Blaine Stackhouse, Carl Mathews, Ricky Nunez. Second row: Richard Needham, John Parlansky, Noah Wood, Brian Westrater, Chet Naylor, Peter Salters, Warren Beck, Scott Lear.- Back row: Tim Lumsden, Kevin Jones, Tim Callahan, John Sharretts, David Williams, Tom McKeel. Jon Hainer, Briston Giannini, Jim Steimel, Stein Kretsinger. 2. Carl Mathews runs the Piedmont Course. 3. Blaine Stackhouse concentrates on winning. 4. Susan Bauer pushes for the lead. 5. Miss Crane discusses strategy before the meet. 6. Susan Bauer passes her fellow runners using great determination and endurance. 7. Lady Patriots are in the lead again! 8. Jackie Tucker strides through the finish line. 9. Girls' Cross Country team, front row: Pam Anderson, Kim Cusato, Captain Susan Bauer, Mica I Kupke, Wendy Murphy. Back row: Heidi Johannesen, Jackie Tucker, Alyssa Uecker, Jennifer Lear, Rebecca Rosenblum , Greer Gould, Kelly Walter, Sandra Wintermute, Vicky Kost.

110 Cross Country

Breaking Away

Boys' Cross Country-Scores AHS 38 31 42 4thof 15 6thof21 4thof12 3Q; 3rdof10 3(dof12 4th 10th

CHS Amherst E.CoGiass Louisa Culpeper Woodberry Forest Invitational U. Vaolnvltational Lynchburg Invitational Heritage Albemarle Invitational FUMA Invitational District Regionals

20 76 24 30 51

Girls' Cross Country Scores AHS 26 39 18 2ndof8 16thof25 4th of10 23 1stof6 19 4th


CHS E.CoGiass Louisa Woodberry Forest Invitational UoVao invitational Lynchburg Invitational Heritage Albemarle Invitational WAHS District Regionais


3 10Going 0. 02. Pam Anderson and Sandra Win-

termute keep on truckin '. 3. Lady Patriots pick up the pace. 4. Going . 5. Oh , the life of a lonely runner! 6. Gone. 0


Cross Country


'The High and the Mighty'

4 1. Field Hockey team, front row: Anne Capizzi , Felice Moody, Linda Lauffenburger, Melanie Godsey, Caroline Cosby, Sarah Drash. Second row: Andrea Jones, Pat Craner, Mary Lyng, Lisa LaBruno, Kedra Morris, Amy Fitzgerald, Helen Crutchfield , Miriam Hirsch. Third row: J.V. Coach Meg Hutchins, Manager Cathy Heath, Tina Roberts, Sheri Lawhorn, Erin Lewicki. Karen Lauffenburger, Raleigh Minor, Tamara McCauley, Manager Donna Jacobson, Varsity Coach Dottie Bohannon. Back row: Anne Giffen, Claire Weaver, Leslie Lumsden, Kelly Mays, Tina Maslyk, Sara Goodwin, Sheri Lawrence, Kristine Scholle, Caroline Kelly. 2. Mel Godsey takes her agression out on that poor little ball. 3. Caroline Cosby puts in hardworking hours at practice. 4. The JV defense is at it again. 5. Albemarle JV's hustle to gain possession of the ball.



Field Hockey 113

Pats to State Tourney Again Another great season was in store for both field hockey teams as the 1982-83 school year began. After winning a play-off with Charlottesville High School , the varsity team went to Regionals. At regionals they were up against North Stafford. Lisa Labruno scored the winning goal with 1 minute and 15 seconds left to go. This victory led to the State competition, but there the team lost to Mclean. Felice Moody finished the season with the high score of 23 goals. Sarah Drash had an outstanding defensive season, and team captains Melanie Godsey and Linda Lauffenberger led the varsity team through a very successful season. The junior varsity team shared in the successful season, ending with a 5-2-1 record. Tina Roberts was high scorer with 13 goals. She and Tamara McCauley were the J-V team captains and provided leadership and encouragement for all of the J-V's. Varsity Field Hockey Scores



0 8 1 7 1

6 8 0 4

3 2 1. JV offense leads the team to another victory. 2. Erin watches cautiously as Sherry attempts to make a 9oal. 3. AHS at STAB ... another defeat. 4. In her f1rst year at Albemarle, Sherry Lawrence shows them how it's done. 5. "What happened to the stick, Sarah?" 6. Follow the leader? 7. Two proud seniors, Mel Godsey and Linda Lauffenberger, display their District champion award. 8. Felice is psyched.

WAHS Annandale F-auquier WAHS Stafford CHS Stuart Hall Fauquier CHS Fauquier CHS STAB Reglonall North Stafford


State Mclean JV Field Hockey Scores AHS 0 0

4 4 0 Win

4 1 8

WAHS WAHS Stafford CHS Tandem Fauquier CHS Fauquier STAB

2 1

2 0 0 0 Forfeit 0 0 0

4 114 Field Hockey

v 0 0 0 ~!9JJO:!

0 0 0 (; ~


0 0 ~ ~ ~

0 0 0 0 0 0 ~


How the West Was Won The 1982-83 Varsity Volleyball team ended its season with an 11-1 district record and won the district title under the outstanding coaching of Bonnie Nielson. Captains Candy Mason. Tracy McCauley, and Liz Richardson provided decisive offenses for the Lady Patriots which upheld their spirit and motivation toward each unified victory. Placing on the first district volleyball team were senior spikers Candy Mason and Tracy McCauley, along with senior setter Beth Brown. Two players made the second team. They were senior Eda Elberlik and sophomore Sonja Jenkins. When the team traveled to regionals, the team lost to Potomac High School 0-2. But a combination of agility, sophistication. and determination saw them through . The J.V. team, still an unofficial sport, played its season under the coaching of Carol Wright. Playing against second string varsity opponents. the experience provided the players with much needed offensive and defensive experience for future play. 2

Volleyball Scores AHS

3 1. Tracy ~ets mean with a serve to Charlottesville High. 2. Lady Patriot gets psyched to serve. 3. Coach Neilson strengthens team moral during a time out. 4. Varsity Volleyball team, front row: Beth Brown. Eda Elbirlik, Tracy McCauley, Candy Mason. Elizabeth Richardson. Second row: Cheryl Carlson. Jackie Wanebo, Val Stupak. Kimmie Evans. Paige Pippin. Penny Ward. Ethel Glasgow. Janet Johsnon. Back row: lrvena Jenkins. Flee Johnson. Page Newman. Kathy Ward . Lynn Morris. Sonya Jenkins. Aretha Rush. Michelle Gleason. Coach Bonnie Nielson. 5. J.V. Volleyball team, front row: Gigi Vargas. Denise Bickley, Pam Dix. Second row: Shannon Taylor. Chris Richardson. Mary Vermi llion. Lori Dudley, Annabel Thompson. Angie Ramey. Third row: Michelle Gleason. Janet Johnson. Donna Pippin . Rose Ma8ruder. Aretha Rush, Flee Johnson. Back row: oach Bonnie Nielson, Carol Vidrine-Wright. Cheryl Carlson. 6. Which way now?




E.C. Glass











Roanoke Catholic






George Washington









E.C. Glass









George Washington








2 6

116 Volleyball


0 3 0 2 0 2



1. Gee, Eda, what a nice set! 2. All you have to do is bump ... set . .. spike! 3. Albemarle catches Charlottesville off guard once again. 4. The team is alert as they watch Tracy McCauley bump the ball.

0 0 0

0 0 2




4 Volleyball


'The Longest Yard' The season for the Varsity Football team was not an easy one as their record of 0-10 indicates. These numbers, however, are no indication of the effort put into each and every practice both in the summer and after school. Many people think that winning the games every Friday night proves the quality of a team; however, it is dedication and willingness to work together that makes a real winning team. The new head coach was Brian Grainer. Doug Seldon assisted by concentrating his coaching on the defensive back and in perfecting the tackling skills of the team. Tom Verbanic instructed the line backers, Frank McCurdy showed the quarterbacks and receivers all the tricks of the trade, and Dan Ward worked with the punters and the defensive line. At the end of the season their hard work as coaches was rewarded when members of the team were placed on the first and second all-district teams and received honorable mentions. Captains Chris Williams and John Blake, led the young team through a hard season, giving unity and enthusiasm to the sport. Blake exhibited not only good leadership qualities. but also outstanding skills in his defensive back position. Despite the losing record, the Albemarle Football team worked continuously and put forth their best effort during the entire season. 1. The Varsity football路team runs onto the field. 2. Bruce Martin reaches for the pass. 3. AHS and CHS line up for the annual rivalry. 4. TACKLE!!



The J-V Football team ended it's season with a 3-4 record. While learning new skills, the team offered hope for a better season for varsity next year. Coaches Tom Verbanic and Dick Loge worked hard at teaching the team the in's and out's of football. Many outstanding tenth graders made up the J-V Football team, including Steve Amato, fullback; Rees Frescoln, defensive end; and John Rose, quarterback and leading passer. Their talents were rewarded when playing Westem Albemarle, which they won 35-12. There were no "superstars" said head coach Tom Verbanic, but the games won "were a team effort." The players leamed that it takes hard work and dedication in order to win on the football field, and they will use this experience next year when playing varsity. With a record of 1-5, this year's ninth grade football team worked hard all season. The team gave 100 percent of their effort everyday. Mike Bums, top scorer of the year, led the team through many tough games. Although the team played hard against Culpeper and Westem Albemarle, their win came from their final game against Charlottesville with a score of 18-6. Coaches Tom Doral and Clyde Hoy felt that the team gained much needed experience for next year.


1. Another day of practice in the hot sun. 2. It's pepsi-time? 3. Shannon Taylor and Scott Willoughby warm-up. 4. The Varsity football team impatiently awaits the opening kick-off.


4 Football


1. "On your mark, get set, go!" 2. Scott Lawrence waits to catch a pass from the quarterback. 3. The JV Football team works out some plays for the weekend game. 4. A pile up. 5. A patriot player tries to bring an opponent down.


120 Football


Varsity Football Scores AHS 0
















George Washing1on






0 10










JV Football Scores AHS 0 14





R.E. Lee


Waynesboro Woodberry Forest

w,~i ~



14 0 20




Ha rrisonburg


William Monroe




9th Grade Football Scores AHS 12









12 0 18










2' 1. Varsity Football team, front row: Hunter Thomas, Alan Williams, Stefan Trefil, Cocaptain Chris Williams, Vic Fortune, Mike Gill , John Wanebo, Tyler Tucker, Mike Wanebo, Gary Jones, Co-captain John Blake. Sec ond row: Gary Gibson, Phfl Estes, Brandon Shelton, Tim Kindrick, Tony Browning, Tariq Steinberg, Lester Hall, Eugene Tumer, Leo Thomas, Robin Harper, Danny Trogdon. Third row : William Jefferson , Phil Stevens, Glen Wayland, Eddie Barrett Mike Terry, Mark Bolen, Chip Gerber!, Greg O'Brien, Todd Hawkins, Troy Lynch, Chris Smith, Henry Wingate. Fourth row: Fred Holfelder, J.T. Suddarth, Winston Edmonds, Scott Willoughby, Bruce Roebuck, Jack Gardner, Tommy Harris, Kyle Marion, Ryan Brown, Steve Ivory, Kavansa Gardner, Tim Guthrie. Back row : DA Smith, Mike Alley, Scott Lawrence, Arthur Brown, .Billy Morrow, Shannon Smith, Bruce Martin , Richard Loge, Mark Myrick, Mike Dunn. 2. These players fumble for the ball. 3. J. V. Football team, front I row: Robert Chapman, Fred Farrum , Gene Johnson , Clarence Johnson, Kevin Rush , Tony Adock. Second row: A lan Overbeck , Roger Banks, Roland Rush, Steve Amato, Darren McCauley, Robert Garland, Matt Frank. Third row: Coach Tom Verbanic, Joel Weaver, David Shifflett, John Harris, John Rose, Casey Boyd, Michael Anderson, Rees Frescoln, Tony Miller. Back row: Kevin Gray, Eric Jones, Terry Lynch, Tommy Oliver, Steve Lange, Mark Roberts, Hugh Martin, Greg Stokes. 4. Ninth grade football team, front row: Laurie Hager. Tony Poindexter, Lee Higengothen, Keith Fletcher, David Satira, Kico Hedricks, Chad Caendree, Bobby Rimmer, Michael Bums, Kelvin Carter, Jean Mendelis. Second row: Glen Stegman, Rodney Tate, Mike Johnson, Kermit Roberts, Mike Word, Lance Winston, Howard Morgan, Monte Rush, David Morris, Kurt Schwabb, Heather Butler. Third row : Robert Shawkey, Kelly Mason, Lowell Davis, Lee Wintermute, Tim Hipskin, Todd Stackhouse, Carl Hester, Chris Cavanaw, Danny Marshall , Robert Stevenson, Clerwin Nelson. Fourth row: Coach Clyde Hoy, Frank Tumer, Scott Porter, Eric Woolford , Rodney Evans, James Yates, Ron Taylor, Harold Morris, David Herring , Clarence Feggans, Darell McCiunney, Ronnie Wilkerson, Coach Tom Dovell. Football


Cheerleaders Rake in Awards Albemarle High School has always been known for its outstanding cheerleading program and the 82-83 squads will definitely be remembered as the best. Practice began early in July for all three squads as they prepared for Summer camp, held at the University of Richmond. The practice paid off as the Varsity won the Award of Excellence, the highest honor given at camp. With fall came the infamous football season where the AHS Cheerleaders were given the toughest of duties, cheering for winless teams. None-the-less; the crowds showed true Patriot spirit thanks to the cheerleaders. The teams greatly appreciated their support. Basketball season brought a new dimension to the cheerleaders - stuntmen. With a hugely successful season for Albemarle basketball, the games were that much more entertaining with the stunts, cheers and dances performed by the squads during timeouts and halftimes. The Varsity squad put Albemarle on the map when they competed and won at the regional contest at the University of Maryland against squads from five surrounding states. Their next stop? The National Championships at Dallas Texas! 1. Varsity Cheerleaders, sitting: Lisa Runkle, Mark Norford. First row: Darren McCauley, Steve Phillips, Chris Clarke, Alan Letters, Steve Amato, Ken Edwards, Mary Maslyk. Second row: April Johnson, Sherri Berlin, Kim Lee. Janet Robertson, Karen Heitzelman, Jean McGowan, Kathy Vidunas. 2. Ms. Critzer instructs Mary Maslyk during a pep rally. 3. The ninth grade cheerleaders build a pyramid as the marching band looks on. 4. Ninth grade Cheerleaders: ground: Andrea Muro, Jenny Cooper, Cherri Anderson. Second row: Sharita Rush, Lillian Clemena. Third row: Kate Whitfield, Katrina Maynard. Top: Jody Walsh. 5. J.V. Cheerleaders: ground: Beth Ely, Kendall Jones, Lisa Anderson. Second row: Tanya Lee, Jennifer Braine. Third row: Ginny Helfenstein, Sheila Bemard. Top: Karen VandeNeer. 6. The JV squad creates a pyr9mid. 7. The Varsity Cheerleaders entertain spectators during a break in the game. 8. Junior Cheerleaders rouse spirit in their class section during a pep rally. 9. The Varsity Cheerleaders cheer faithfully for their Patriots.








Cheerleaders Do "Dallas" The Albemarle Cheerleaders got a little more than they bargained for when they decided to accept an invitation to the National Championships at Dallas in February. After they and their parents had spent endless hours raising money, the squad ended up taking a totally different trip. A huge snowstorm dumped 11!2 feet of snow on Charlottesville the day of the departure and caused the cheerleaders to be stranded in the Madison County Rescue Squad building for a night and to be rerouted through Chicago once they found another flight. The delay meant that they missed the competition, a major disappointment, but the squad spent an extra day sightseeing, checking out Dallas night spots and generally having the time of their lives.

1. Look out Ralph, Lisa Runkle is on the movel The cheer!eaders played the WXAM Zams as part of the1r fund-raising activities. 2. Hit'em with your best shot. 3. Seventeen cover girls- Sherri Berlin and Janet Robertson. 4. Stranded at the Norfolk airport. the AHS cheerleaders wonder if they'll ever get to Dallas.

4 124 Cheerleading

"The Band Plays On//


The Marching Band got off to a rough start this year, but recovered well once the year got going. After beginning their practice in the fall, the band was ready to play at the Homecoming game. Their hope is to march in parades in the spring. The annual fruit sales were a success and the band made several thousand dollars from this activity. In addition to the fruit sales the band sold cheese and sausage. This year's drum majors were seniors, Mitch Hall and Melissa Forloines. Their general feelings about the band were positive and they felt that they had more support this year than in previous years. After much hard work Mr. Sampson and his band members got it together.

3 1. The annual fruit sales invade the band room. 2. Drum-majors, Mitch Hall and Melissa Forloints, show the rest of the band a new step. 3. The marching band comes in from practice. 4. The AHS band has it together.

4 Marching Band



126 Boys' Basketball

"Fast Break"

1 .



1. Jack Masloff Jumps for the ball. 2. The Albemarle varsity team take the ball down the court. 3. The ninth-grade basketball team plays a tough game. 4. Bob Willoughby takes a shot. 5. Trying for a lay-up. 6. Steve Carter "hangs on" in hopes of two points. 7. A ninth-grade team member makes a shot. 8. Mike Maynard rushes down the court to Albemarle's basket. 9. The ninth-grade team gets some advice before a big game.


9 Boys' Basketball



See-Saw Season loys' Varsity Basketball Scores Albemarle 55 WAHS 63 Woodberry 56 Culpeper 68 LOUisa




Louisa Orange Culpeper Heritage Charlottesville Amherst G.W. Danville Halifax E.C. Glass Charlottesville G.W. Danville Amherst Halifax Heritage E.C. Grass Charlottesville

56 76 54

61 62 55 59 53 55 63 73





44 50 55 37 39 29

43 51 60

70 64 65 60 59 59

66 53

68 42 46


loys' JY Basketball Scores Albemarle 69 46 45 50 57

70 46 53 59 50


48 39 55 57 54


Culpeper Louisa Orange Louisa Orange Culpeper Heritage Charlottesville Amherst G.W. Danville E.C. Glass Charlottesville G.W. Danville Amherst Halifax Heritage E.C. Gfass

64 29 44 31 46 53 36 35 34

This year's varsity basketball team had a much better season than the 1011 record indicates. The 11 losses were all under 10 points each game and the players put forth their best effort at all times to finish seventh in the district. The biggest upset of the season was the emotionally intense game against CHS. Graduating this year will be Arnie Brown, Steve Carter, Tim Kauffman, Greg Warren, Jack Masloff and Bob Willoughby. The JV basketball team ended their season with a 16-2 record, the best since the 1976-77 season. Most Valuable player on the team was William Wells and he, along with Tim Kenney, were the top scorers. This year's 9th grade basketball team gained valuable experience while posting a 6-7 season record.


40 45 57 44 41

56 37 48



Woodberry Forest MillerSchool STAB R.E. Lee Charlottesville WAHS Madison Harrisonburg Charlottesville WAHS Madison R.E. Lee Harrisonburg

51 31 28 45 41 36 53


32 39 51 42

52 41 13


Albemarle 13 24 21 28

37 27 24

32 57


17 31

53 45




45 40 39 63 34

43 48 48

1. Masloff soars for a jumper. 2. Boys' Varsity Basketball team, front row: Coach Robinson, Tim Kaufman, Amie Brown, Steve Carter, Greg Warren, Bob Willoughby, Jack Masloff, Coach Lyons. Second row: Tina Roberts, Tony Goode, Brian Kennon, David Londree, Malcolm Washington, Milton Gray, Cliff Hamner, Mike Maynard, Eric Johnson, Sheri Lawhom. 3. Boys' JV Basketball team, kneeling: Peter Salters, William Wells, Chris Milleson, Arthur Hayes, Herbie Davis, Steve Demasters. StandIng: Coach Mallory, Page Newman, John Harman, Gary Tibbs, Tim Kenny, Richard Lage, Eric Jones, Greg Stokes, Coach Malloy. 4. Boys' 9th Grade Basketball team, front row: Christine Richardson, Jim Maloy, David Hall, Kelvin Carter, Mark Trice, Darren Lynch, Darren Kennon. Second row: Tom Wheelen, Matt Wade, Darryl McCluney, Carl Hester, Billy Davis, Bryan Kirtley, Coach Gamett. Back row: Ronnie Moyer, Keith Fletcher, Bill Jesser, Matt Dotson, Keith Jones.

4 128 Boys' Basketball

30 43 44 54


loys' 9th Grade Basketball Scores


37 53 27

19 39 39




Albemarle 36 41 26 51

''Go for Broke//

ball team lanthe10)Sses were 1ame and ~st effort at 路he district. ~ason was 1eagainst will beArTim Kaufflasloff and

ndedtheir , the best v'1ost Valuas William m Kenney,

)asketball 'xperience 路ecord.

Girls' Varsity Basketball Scores Albemarle 36 Holy Cross 41 Stonewall Jackson 26 St. Gertrude 51 St. Catherine 37 St. Gertrude 53 St. Catherine 27 Heritage 30 Charlottesville 43 Amherst 44 G.W. Danville 54 Halifax 47 E.C. Glass 32 Charlottesville 39 G.W. Danville 51 Amherst 42 Halifax 52 Heritage _-:-. 41 E.C. Glass '-:-,.,,. 13 Heritage Girls' JV Basketball Scores Albemarle 13 St. Gertrude 24 St. Catherine ' 21 St. Gertrude St. Catherine 28 25 Heritage 19 Charlottesville 39 STAB 39 Holy Cross 37 E.C. Glass 1 27 Charlottesville 1 24 STAB ' 32 Holy Cross 57 Halifax 17 Heritage 31 E.C. Gloss

38 39 34 40 47 35 36 28 50 49 36' 36 28 57 57 44 37 43 14 39 15 27 14 24 22 31 24 24 32 37 14 36 39 30

The girls' varsity basketball team finished the 1982-83 season with a 7-12 record overall. Coach Ely and Assistant Coach Jenkins once again led the girls through some successful games. This year's captains were Reeva Spradlin and Linda Lauffenburger. They, along with other seniors Jan Badoud, Jennifer Gannon, Mel Godsey and Ann Capizzi, led the team with spirit, enthusiasm, and much needed experience. Although losing many players next year, the team is not without hope for the 198384 season. Sophomore Heather Knight placed on the Second District team and Melinda Stargell, along with Reeva Spradlin, received honorable mentions. The JV girls' team also did well ending with a 9-6 record. Coached by Mary Alice Flynn and led by team captain Laura Anderson, the JV girls had a successful season.

3 1. Patriots wait for a rebound. 2. Girls' Varsity Basketball team, kneeling: Reeve Spradlin, Linda Lauffenburger. Standln$1: Coach Jenkins, Becky Frederick . Melan1e Godsey. Missy Maeyans, Jan Badou, Heather Knight. Karen Jackson, Melinda Stargell , Ethel Glascoe. Jennifer Gannon. Stephanie Morse. Ann Capizzi, Coach Ely. 3. The JV girls jump for the ball. 4. Girls' JV Basketball team, kneeling: Wendy Miller, Heidi Sherman, Terri Anderson, Connie Roberts, Judith Bamett. Standing: Janice Coles, Vickie Walls, Clariece Coles, Terrilynne Wright. Sarah Roberts, Angela Cutler. Heather Butler. Coach Flynn.

4 Girls' Basketball


Girls' Basketball, cont'd.

3 130 Girls' Basketball

7 1. The JV girls wait to see if the ball goes in the basket. 2. Melinda Stargell takes a foul shot. 3. An AHS team member battles it out against her opponent. 4. Hoping for a lay-up, Clarece takes aim. 5. Heidi steals the ball and heads down court. 6. Heather concentrates hard. 7. The varsity team hopes Melinda will make the shot. 8. Even during a tough game a smi le remains!


8 Girls' Basketball


"Shining Victory"


- ....



1. Pole vaulter, Phil Estes, takes a backward dive. 2. Stick in hand , the race continues. 3. Felice passes off to Carol. 4. The runners are off. 5. Two patriots strive for the finish line. 6. A patriot tries her hand at the shot-put. 7. Mica I Kupke has running on her mind. 8. Girls' Indoor Track team, front row: Felice Moody, Susan Bauer, Mical Kupke, Carol McElhaney, Dorothy Rush. Second row: Trena Marski. Sherri Burling , Carol Mon~old , Deidra Hughes, Volante Thomas, Jack1e Tucker, Jennifer Lear. Third row: Nancy Porr, Miriam Hirsh, Pam Dix, Greer Gould, Sandra Morris, Heather Estes. Back row: Vickie Kost. Leisa Hackley, Roxanne Martin. 9. The last of the big jumpers.

4 132



Track, conrd. This year's indoor track team was outstanding. They seemed to break most every record made at Albemarle. The boys, under the coaching of Mr. Ward and Mr. Williams, were third in the district, fifth in the region, and sixth in the state. Co-captains were Blaine Stackhouse and Phil Estes. Phil Estes made All-State in the 300 meter and 55 meter events. Cliff Hamner made All-State in the high jump. The girls team, coached by Jane Crane, also did well. This year's captain was senior Carolyn Mitchell. The girls were first in the District, second in the Region, and the 880 relay team consisting of Sandy Marshall, Valente Thomas, Kathy Rush, and Roxanne Martin placed sixth in the State.

Indoor Track Scores Girls


Albemarle 1st

Waynesboro Invitational












11 of2:

94.8! Boys

7th 32 5th 2nd


2 1. The girls' track team stretch before a meet. 2. Vic Fortune Warms-up before the sixty-yard dash. 3. Greer Gould comes in for the final lap. 4. Boys' Indoor Track team, front row: William Stewart, William Jefferson, Vic Fortune, Blaine Stackhouse, Paul Charlton, Leo Thomas, Phil Estes, Bjom Stenmalm. Carl Mathews. Second row: James Rush, Mike Dillard. Warren Beck. Scott Weidner. Steve Ivory. Walter Smith. Carlton Luck, Shannon Smith. Noah Wood. Chet Naylor. Derek Robinson. Third row: Mark Mills. Todd Stackhouse. Chris Cavanaugh. Casey Boyd, David Shifflett, Brian Westraiter. Tom Scholle. Howard Bauerle, Mike Bums. Allen Hershey, Tom McKeel. Back row: Ted Powell, Bob Gossweiler. Kevin Jones. Arthur Brown. Tommy Oliver. Billy Morrow, John Bauer. Bova Ankrom.




Heritage Invitational E.C.Giass


3 of1~

Civitan Invitational


Waynesboro Invitational Heritage












Flying High Once again Albemarle High School has had a sensational girls' gymnastics team . The team was coached by Pam Grainer and her experience led several girls to Regionals. This year four girls went to Regionals - Lisa Pierce, Paige Pippin, Nicole Pharr and Cyndi Theadose. Of the four, Cyndi Theadose took her skills on to State to represent the team and the school. The girls not only performed in meets but at basketball games during half-time as well. Next year the team will lose three fine gymnasts, seniors; Lisa Pierce, Cyndi Theadose and Maria Sweeney. Albemarle will miss them but we're sure the team will continue to be an outstanding one.

Gymnastics Scores Albemarle 92.90

James Monroe





11of23 94.85





10 of25

Parkview Invitational


Stafford Invitational





E.C. Glass







South Lakes Invitational


1. Jenny Cooper practices her floor routine. 2. Karen performs her beam routine before a meet. 3. An AHS g ymnastics' team member practices at Burley Gym. 4. Gymnastics team, front row: Sarah Goodwin. Donna Pippin. Paige Pippin. Maria Sweeney, Nicole Pharr. Valencia McKenna. Standing: Coach Pam Grainer. Susan Cooper. Lisa Pierce . Cyndi Theodose. Karen Eppard, Christine Scholle. Kathy Ward.

Gymnastics, conrd.

1. Perfect balance on the balance beam. 2. Warming-up includes practice on the beam. 3. Cyndi Theadose practices on the uneven bars. 4. A gymnastics team member "flips-out" at practice. 5. Cyndi Theadose accepts congratulations from Coach Grainer. 6. Paige Pippin leaps through the air. 7. "spotting" is a good technique that the team practices. 8. Kathy performs a walk-over on the beam .

136 Gymnastics


'~i~r~" ~""-



Special Effects Albemarle displayed a dazzling array of events in '82-83 which could truly be entitled "Special Effects".

Special Effect Divider 139

Homecoming Starring Fawn and Greg The Homecom1ng festivities began on October 11. This year's events included spirit week, a pep rally, a bon fire, a Varsity football game, and a Homecoming dance. During half time, the Homecoming court for this year was announced. Among the female representatives were Marlina Gurley, Fawn McAllister, Denea Gorman, Toni Young, and Lisa Runkle. Greg Warren, Tony Browning, Jack Masloff, Phil Estes, and Mark Bumette were the male senior representatives. Representing the Junior class were Karen Heintzleman and Darlene Jones. Mary Vermillion and Tina Maslyk represented the Sophomore class. The Freshman representatives were Heather Butler and Charis Muller. On October 18, the SCA held the Homecoming dance. Entertainment was provided by Push. At 8 p.m. the students entered the doors with their handsome dates on one arm and a nice corsage on the other. The dance was a great success overall!

4 1. A teary-eyed Fawn is crowned Q.leen. 2. Greg Warren is named Homecoming King. 3. The A.H.S. marching band stands at attention while waiting for the announcement of Homecoming Court. 4. Toni Young and her father walk proudly down the field. 5. Proud fathers of this year's Homecoming Court display their pride and joy.


Homecoming Game Night

5 1. "Push" provided an uplifting spirit for the dancers. 2. Glen Ramirez whispers sweet nothings to Genie Wheby. 3. Alan Letters reaches for the stars as he decorates the cafeteria for the dance. 4. Homecoming Queen. Fawn McAllister. boogies to the beat with her date. 5. Marl< McCluney and Sharon Starks enjoy each other's company while taking a break from the dance floor. 6. Reeva Spradlin and her party ham up for a picture.


6 Homecoming Dance


Stars and Starlets

1. A few senior representatives say "cheese " at Birdwood Estates. 2. This handsome couple, Fawn McAllister and Greg Warren, make the perfect Queen and King. 3. Lisa Runkle, Senior Representative. 4. Denea Gorman, Senior Representative. 5. Tony Browning, Senior Representative. 6. Marl ina Gurley, Senior Representative. 7. Fawn McAllister, Homecoming Queen. 8. Mark Bumette, Senior Representative. 9. Phil Estes, Senior Representative. 10. Jack Masloff, Senior Representative. 11 . Toni Young, Senior Representative.12. Greg Warren, Homecoming King.


Homecoming Court


Underclass Homecoming Court ==~~~--~--~

1. Darlene Jones. Junior Representative. 2. Karen Heintzleman. Junior Representative. 3. Mary Vermillion. Sophomore Representative. 4. Tina Maslyk, Sophomore Representative. 5. Heather Butler. Freshman Representative. 6. Charis Myller. Freshman Representative.

5 144 Underclass Homecoming Court

'The Silent Movie'

Albemarle High is one of the more fortunate of schools in this area because it has a pantomime troupe. Several years of experience have enabled the 1982-83 Mime Troupe to be one of the best ever. This year, Mrs. Hull, sponsor, used all new materials created by the troupe. AHS students were given an opportunity to enjoy the talents of the troupe when it performed in the amphitheater during Creative Arts Week. Some of the activities participated in were a performance for David C. Wilson Hospital, and several visits to other area schools. They also gave the public a chance to experience their talents during a performance on the Downtown Mall. A spring show was also scheduled for May to end the successful year.


1. Mime Troupe standing: Brian Wagoner , Amy Martin, Todd Runkle, Paige Pippin. Tiki Murray, Ida D'Eiicio, Brent Garland , Molly Reese. David Gallagher, Shelley Lovelace, SltHng: Cyndi Theodose. April Lassiter. Michelle Gutierrez. 2. Kendall Jones, you 're such a flirt. 3. Shelley Lovelace and David Gallagher show mime techniques to the drama class. 4. The Mime Troupe really can draw a crowd!


6 Mime 145

Creative Arts Week makes it's debut This year Albemarle set aside a special week for a celebration of Creative Arts. Marilyn Fantino, chairman of the English Department, came up with the idea and organized a program which included several creative talents from the community. Among these talents were a speaking poet, a jewelry crafter, a gem cutter, a storyteller, the Fluvanna Madrigals Swing Choir, and a variety of musicians. In addition to utilizing these community artists during Creative Arts Week, our Stage Band and various art and home economics classes participated. Creative Arts Week offered something for everyone to enjoy.

2 1. Mr. Kitterman's English class parties with a medieval beat. 2. The 10th grade English classes enjoys listening to Michael Parent. storyteller. 3. Brock Cleveland and Mike Williams participate with their English class during Creative Arts Week. 4. The A.H.S. Stage Band performed during all three lunch periods. 5. Mrs. Fantino introduces Ric Masten, a speaking poet. 6. The Fluvanna Madrigals Swing Choir performs for the A.H.S. students.

5 146 Creative Arts Week


1. Mr. Prosser spoke to langua9e classes during Creative Arts Week. 2. This K1osk d isplays the Creative Arts Week events. 3. You're such a show-off, Craig Burton! 4. The 9th grade English classes are sure to follow the ten commandments. 5. Nan Rennie dances for the Modem Dance Club students-and gym students. 6. Acting as judges, Mrs. Lindgren, Mr. Monahan and Mr. Lackey, compare the costumes and the food for classes that participated in the Creative Arts Week competition.

6 Creative Arts Week


Thespians Star in 1895 Comedy. On November 19 and 20, the Albemarle Players presented "The Importance of Being Earnest," by Oscar Wilde. The relatively young cast enjoyed good reviews and large audiences both nights in their performance of Wilde's "Trival Comedy for Serious People," as it is aptly subtitled. The play involves many well wrought plot twists, bizarre action, atrocious puns and social satire as two men, both called Earnest, try to win their lady loves. The key players were Tim Booth and David Gallager, the two Earnests and Cyndie Theodose and Tiki Murry, the two lady loves. The fine actors and actresses who presented this creative performance were directed by Mrs. Martha Scott. A.H.S. can look forward to many more memorable performances by the Albermarle Players.

3 1. Mr. Cunningham and students display pictures of the characters. 2. Mrs. Scott gives a few pointers to Maria Minnix and David Williams. 3. Anne Gotham sittin' pretty. 4. "Let go of me!" cries Tonya as she helps prepare the stage. 5. Tonya strolls arm in arm with David.

4 148

"The Importance of Beina Eamest"

3 1. The Cast shows their talent. 2. "Here I am," says David Gallager. 3. Cindy Theodose and Tim Booth share their natural gift. 4. "What a handsome couple."

l 5

"The Importance of Being Eamest"


'A Christmas Carol' 'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the halls ran ... Seniors?!?" One of the highlights of this year's holiday season was the delivering of carnations and candy canes by the senior class. Mrs. McCallum sponsored the activity and members of the senior class roamed the halls delivering the flowers. Patriots also got into the holiday spirit with Albemarle's annual door decorating contest. Christmas trees, snowmen, and even fireplaces adorned many of the otherwise plain doors of AHS. This year, first prize went to Mr. Kitterman's fourth period class. The SCA sponsored a Christmas Dance on December 18 in the cafeteria. Refreshments were served, and the music was provided by "Lewis and Stark", two members of last year's graduating class.



1. "Mark, don't strangle Vonda with the candy canes." 2. Kim Rogers and Laura ErkenBrack brighten Amy Nay's day with a flower. 3. Carol Caldwell, Reva Rush, and Melissa Forloines dis. play the door that wins first place. 4. "Home for the Holidays" wins second place. 5. "Frosty tne Snowman" wins third place.


Christmas Activities






1. "Lewis and Stark" jam at the Christmas dance. 2. Beth Shand and Paul Given dance the night away. 3. "What are you doing after the dance?" Reeva asks Richard. 4. Michael Anderson, "Oh, my aching heart!" 5. Charles, you sly devil you. 6. '"Tis the season to be jolly!"



5 Christmas Dance


"Endless Love" Even a foot and a half of snow could not dampen tile spirit of warmth and affection on Valentine's Day at AH.S. Due to bad weather, this year's Valentine's Day activities had to be postponed to Thursday, February 17, resulting in some wilted flowers. Students didn't seem to mind, however, and many could be seen holding pink, red, and white camations from friends and loved ones. "Love's Holiday", "Longer", "I Honestly Love You", "Elvira", and "Truly" were the songs picked by the SCA to serenade students this year. Balloons and decorative cards were also among the , popular items of the day. A spirit of love and warmth was felt in the atmosphere of Albemarle High School.

1. Tamie Spradlin looks like she's had a happy Valentine's day. 2. "Won't you be my Valentine?", asks Annabel Thompson. 3. "Our hearts are on fire, for Elvira ... ",sings Utsa Lambrinos, Calvert Herman, Louise Parks, Martha Coates, and Maria Sweeney. 4. Tonya Lee and Shannon Taylor devote their attention to the recipient of their singing Valentine. 5. Missy Sailor, Luma Moon, Darlene Jones, and Becky Faulkner serenade Tore Steinberg with "Love's Holiday". 6. Herr Norton, hold on tight. 7. "Who volunteers to be our sweetheart?" 8. Winston Edmonds and crew: Monica Loftin, Tonya Lee, and Shannon Taylor, sing "Truly". 9. "I Honestly Love You ", is being sung by Kelvin Reid, Donna Fletcher, Christina Beegle, and Gene Johnson. 10. Laurie Johnson and Gletza Feggans sing "Longer".


Valentine's Day Thing


"Bound For Glory"

3 154 Top Twenty


1. Salutatorian, Randy Bickers. 2. Valedictorian, Beth Shand. 3. Fifth, (tie), Teresa Kost and Serge Depret-Guilliaum. 4. Third, [tie) , Lisa Landell and Mike Chastain. 5. Ninth, Denise Hollo; tenth, Louise Parks; Eleventh, Laurie Campagna. 6. Eighth, William Stuart; Seventh, Katrina Kretsinger. 7. Fourteenth, Paige Grinde; Thirteenth, Blaine Stackhouse; Twelfth, Pam Mandell. 8. Eighteenth, John Wanebo, Twentieth, Dawn Johannesen. 9. Fifteenth, Sarah Drash, Sixteenth, Amy Nay, Seventeenth, Candy Mason. Not pictured is John Oliver, Eighteenth, (tie).

4 . Top Twenty


9 1. Harvard Book Award: Beth Shand. 2. National Merit Scholarship Finalists: Paul Charlton, Katrina Kretsinger, William Stuart, Beth Shand. 3. Forensics team, front row: Tiki Murry, Nora Romine, Julie Burback, Anne Woodworth, Anne Gotham, Deb Roberts. Back row: Tim Booth, Sean Redmond, Ned Needham, David Gallagher, Ricky Nunez, Retto Wilson. (Not pictured, Cyndie Theodose) 4. Certamen team, front row: Sean Redmond, Jill Anthony. Second row: Ben Fordham , Stacey Lewis, Pam Anderson. Third row: Bill Zeh, Pam VanHoose, Sanjit Das. (Not pictured : Duncun Haberley, Davis Eichelberger, April Bums.)


5. National Merit Commended students,

front row: Denise Hollo, John Wanebo, Susan Bauer. Second row: Lisa Landel. Dawn Johannesen. Third row: Caroline Cosby, Blaine Stackhouse, Serge Depret-Guilliaum. Fourth row: Michael Chastain. 6. Regional Band, front row: Kathy Tesack, Melissa Forloines, Troy Woodson, Back row: Kathy McKinnon, Randy Low. 7. Boys' State: Serge Depret-Guilliaum , Greg Bishop. 8. Governor's School: Blaine


Stackhouse, Beth Shand, Randy Bickers. (Not pictured, Mike Chastain.) 9. Girls' State: Candy Mason, Stewart Gamer. 10. DECA Winners, front row: Holly Breeden , Sonya Marshall. Phyllis Fidler, Fawn McAllister, Gina McWilliams. Back row: Dennis Steward, Rick Chandler, Blaine Crickenberger. 11 . State Choir: Kelvin Reid, Laurie Johnson , Gleetza Feggans.12. District Forensics team, front row: Anne Gotham, Tiki Murray, Deborah Roberts. Back row: Ned Needham , Sean Redmond, Ricky Nunez.


12 Honors


ewsree The people and events which shaped the world last year also affected Albemarle's students with the humor, tragedy and triumphs which characterized 1982-83.

Newsreel Divider 159

News: At Home and Abroad

Prince William was bom to Prince Charles and Princess Diana of England on June 21,1982.

The v

Tylenol was pulled off shelves across the nation after capsules laced with cyanide killed 7 in Chicago.

While unemployment reached 10.8 per cent during 1982, the rate of inflation slowed to 3.9 percent. prime interest rates fell. and Wall Street broke 1100 - signs of success for Reaganomics.

A memorial was placed in Washington D.C. to honor Vietnam Veterans.



Yuri Andrq Leonid Bre:

le 21' 1982.

:)Wedto3.9 success for

Yuri Andropov became the new Soviet leader after the death of The Falkland Islands were the site of the 74-day undeclared war Leoniq Breshnev in November, 1982. between Argentina and Great Britain.

United States Marines were sent to Lebanon to secure the future of that war-torn nation.



Sugc tirerr

Joe Theisman holds the ball for Redskin kicker Mark Mosely, the Ralph Sampson continued his quest for the National ChampionMVP for the NFL in 1982-83. ship during his fourth and final year at the University of Virginia.

In 1982, Georgia's Hershel Walker won the highest honor in college football, the Heismann Trophy, and led his team to the Sugar Bowl against Penn State.

162 Newsreel

Wayne Gretzky's hot scoring in 1982 made him a sports legend.

Ricky He1 season-

Patrick Ev his play fc

Sugar Ray Leonard announced his retirement from boxing after an injury.

Bruce Sutter threw the winning pitch for the Martina Navratilova's victory at WimbleWorld Champion St. Louis Cardinals. don was one of many for her in 1982.

Ricky Henderson broke the all-time record in baseball for the most stolen bases in one season -118, in August, 1982, for the Oakland A's.

11982 made

Patrick Ewing eamed a name for himself in Tom Wats?n won both the British and the his play for Georgetown. U.S. Open 1n 1982.

Joe Patemo's Penn State team finally won the National Championship in football.

Newsreel 163

Screen Favorites

"M *A *S*H"

" Dynasty"

"Remmington Steele"

164 Newsreel


"Hil l Street Blues"

"Matt Houston"

"E.T.- The Extra-Terrestrial "

"The Wrath of Khan"


"An Officer and a Gentleman"


" Rocky Ill "

"Best Friends"

Newsreel 165

Trendy Trends

E.T.. E.T., . . . didn't he go home?

New fashions are stepping in for '83.

It's like Moon Zappa and some Valley Girls, you know?

The '50's style is back in the '80's -

Jane Fonda's aerobic instruction became a popular exercise fad.

The video craze hit everyone everywhere.

Garfield worked his way into many hearts.

166 Newsreel


Faces of the Year


路 exercise

1ny hearts.

Daryl Hall and John Oates

Paul Newman

,Q's -

Richard Gere

Jessica Lange

Joan Jett


Henry Fonda

John Belushi路

Ingrid Bergman

Princess Grace of Monaco

Newsreel 167

Crew Whether their interest was African liter~:1~ ature or Spanish culture, ski slopes or volleyball courts, Albemarle students had an endless variety : - '1 of clubs to choose from. ~~




Crew Divider 169

1. Mrs. Stanley listens to Margaret Maxwell 's question about the club section. 2. Russ Berlin and CeCe White point out a flaw in a yearbook proof. 3. Kathy Wheelen and Sallie Massie discuss the ad section with Mrs. Stanley. 4. Miss Critzer and Sharon Dowell prepare copy before a deadline. 5. PEER Editors: Deborah Roberts and Alan Letters. 6. Denise Hollo refers to last year's index to identify an unknown face. 7. Staffers inspect yearbook proofs to find possible mistakes. 8. PEER Section Editors, front row: Dana Lewis, Lisa Landel. Angela Lucas, Reva Rush, Mary Maslyk, John Gaertner. Back row: Kathy Wheelen, Sallie Massie. Kathie Perkins, Margaret Maxwell , Russ Berlin, Sonya Roberts, Chris Clarke. 9. PEER Seniors, front row: Alan Letters, Lisa Landel. Paul Given, Angela Lucas, Reva Rush, Kirk Eades, Chris Clarke. Second row: Pam Mandell. Deborah Roberts, Dana Lewis, Cathy Callaway, Elizabeth Hunt, Sharon Dowell. Third row: Kathie Perkins, Denise Hollo, Maureen Breen. Sharon Coiner, John Gaertner. Back row: Russ Berlin, Margaret Maxwell, Mary Maslyk, Sonja Roberts, Mike Mennerich , Maria Minnix. 10. Stewart Gamer finds time to joke while preparing a layout for her sports section. 11 . PEER Underclassmen, front row: Sallie Massie, Kathy Wheelen , Mrs. Stanley. Second row: llina Das, Stacey McCann, Darlene Jones, Patty Almond. Back row: Curtis Lawson, Tom Gall. Ann Doyle. Not pictured: Michelle Canada, Stefanie Marshall. 12. PEER Photographers: Michelle Horton, John Gaertner, Chris Clarke, Kirk Eades, Paul Given. Back row: Curtis Lawson, Tom Gall, Pieter Blikslager. David Bishop, Mr. Ergler.





The Peer writes back After coming up with the 30th anniversary theme of famous movies and films, yearbook editors and students dedicated many hours including weekends and holidays to its preparation. Mrs. Stanley and Miss Critzer, giving constant attention and support to the Peer staff members, enabled them to turn out a rewarding annual. Mr. Ergler worked with the photographers and developed most of the film used by the staff. Picture taking, writing and typing copy, drawing layouts, and selling ads were many of the tasks that went into producing a memorable yearbook. The Peer staff would like to thank Mr. Cunningham for his contributions and cooperation throughout the year. His photography was invaluable.


Peer 171

20,000 words on paper

This year the AHS newspaper began the new year with a new name, the Clarion, and new sponsors Mr. Steinbach and Mrs. Stoffel. Despite various financial problems, the Clarion continued to publish an interesting and informative newspaper and upheld its responsibility of reporting on issues that affect the students. Sixth period was set aside as the time for the Clarion staff members to gather their ideas and produce the newspaper. The Harlequin Club was again sponsored by Mr. Keller. The purpose of this club was to further develop the writing abilities of its members. During club meetings, the members entertained speakers such as poets and writers. The club published the school magazine, the Harlequin, which has become a tradition at AHS.


1. Mr. Steinbach helps staff members paste up a page. 2. Shawn Shelton confers with Mr. Steinbach about the position of a picture. 3. Clarion Staff, front row: Bob Willoughby, Matt McKown, Maya Ajgaonkar. Second row: Shawn Shelton, Leslie Mann. Back row: Tom Thacker, Katrina Kretsinger, Mrs. Stoffel, Andy Dixon, Candy Mason. 4. Candy Mason and Mrs. Stoffel examine a layout sheet. 5. Harlequin Club, front row: Anne Jones, Matt McKown, Joe Ramos, Heidi Johannesen. Back row: Michael Ely, Patrick lachetta, Mike Ramos, Julie Abbott, Mr. Keller.


Clarion , Harlequin

\\The Verdict"

The Afro-American Literature League entertained many speakers throughout the year. The speakers were well acquainted with the history and literature of Black Americans. Discussions covered such topics as the Harlem Renaissance, early slave records kept at Alderman Library, and the slave trade. Other topics centered on modem Black Literature. The Film Critics Club was added to this year's club selection. Its purpose was to encourage movie-goers to view all types of films. The club was offered to anyone interested in American Classics and was sponsored by Mrs. Susan Hull and Mrs. Peggy Vaughan. The club viewed and discussed movies during club period. They also talked with guest speakers. Two movies shown were Psycho and Citizen Kane. The club hopes to show more movies for general audiences as fund raisers. Such movies as Rebel Without a Cause and Alfred Hitchcock movies are some future possibilities.



1. Mr. Plunkett from Alderman Library shows club members a tin-type of a freed black living on the Monticello Plantation. 2. Afro-American Literature, front row: Natalie Harris. Rebecca Jones. Meshanna Gilliam . Stephanie Morse. Mrs. Dick, Clarence Johnson. Vickie Walls, Carl Hester. Joyce Wells. Second row: Missy Saylor. Lori Gatewood. Lokie Johnson. Cynthia Tumer. Desiree Dom , Ruth Swingler. Lisa Lee. And rea McCluney. Back row: Diane Wright. Tim Ratcliff. Tim Kenney, Thomas Bryant. Mark Myrick . Albert Steppe, Bobby Rush. Susan Bryant. 3. A speaker from Alderman Library shows old slave documents and log books from a plantation to club members. 4. Film Critics Club, front row: Helen Tuan. Brent Garland. John Sharretts. Harley Davison. Erik Bansleben. Fred Holfelder. Glenn Wayland . Bill Purvis. Mrs. Hull. Second row: Jim Lowry, Brian Kirtley. Mary Beth Briehantt. Patricia Almond . Beth Henry. Third row: Allysa Vecker. Fourth row: Jackie Tucker. Sara Garrigus. Molly Reese. Becky Reid , El izabeth Zans. Kevin Farmer. Fifth row: Henry Wingate. Fritz Flynn. Scott Willoughby. Sam Clements. Jeff Campbell. Jay Wyant. Back row: Jimmy Page.

Film Critics. Afro-American Literature League


Helping friends The College Planning club is sponsored by Frank McCurdy and Dan Monohan. According to Mr. McCurdy, the club was an "informal group" whose purpose was to make high school students more familiar with the college selection and admissions process. During the meetings, the club members discussed such topics as financial aid, what to look for when selecting colleges, and college boards. In the spring the club hoped to have some Albemarle graduates come back and talk about college life. The Audio-Visual Club, sponsored by Mrs. Lindgren, had about 25 members who leamed to operate all the different types of equipment in the media center. Included in this equipment were projectors of all types and the video-cassette recorders. The favorite piece of equipment was the color-video camera , and many club members used this camera to videotape classroom productions, sporting events and drama productions. Future plans included a visit to the local T.V. station. The Media Center and A-V aides did many different jobs in the library. Workers checked passes, shelved books, worked at the circulation desk, and did other library related tasks. The A-V aides shuttled films and projectors back and forth to the classrooms and helped laminate teaching materials. These aides played an important part in making the Media Center a well organized, working facility for both staff and students. 1. Media Center Aides, front row: Serge Depret-Guillaume, Theresa Kost, Suzi ChrystaL Caroline Kelly, Valencya McKenna, Lori Bevilacqua. Second row: Munsey Wheby, Dawn Beale, Cynthia Currie, Ezy St. John , Erin Lewicki , Sarah Roberts. Back row: Greg Warren, Richard La9e, Doug Ross, Valerie Hughes, Kim Rogers, N1cole Pharr. 2. College Planning Club, front row: Carolyn Mitchell, Cristi Coles. Rob ina Varma, Brian Shortall, Kelly Walker, Sandy Wintermute. Back row: Mr. McCurdy, Jennifer Braine, Kimberely Grehawick, Greer Gould, Hiedi Sherman, Kaki Dimock, Mr. Monahan. 3. Mr. McCurdy gives students some p ointers on filling out conege applications. 4. AudioVIsual Club, front row: Arthur Brown, Terry Laurent, Ronnie Taylor, Anne Doyle. Beth O'Bryant, Mrs. Lindgren. Second row: Scott Vining, Greg Warren, Kendrick Goss, Peter Salters, Steve Phillips, Buddy Taylor. Back row: Sonny Balmores, Doug Ross, Linda Braithwraite, Ted Powell , Tom Wheelen, Harry Vanderloo .


174 Media Center Aides, Audio-Visual, College Planning Clubs


The great debate Albemarle's Debate Teams have always been successful and the 198283 team was no exception. Coached by Mr. Tim MacDonald, the Debate Team eamed a name for itself throughout the state by claiming top honors at William and Mary, George Mason, and James Madison University toumaments. The highlight of the year for the Debate Team was a trip to the Bronx Science Toumament in New York City where several Albemarle students participated. In the spring the Debate Team planned to attend tournaments at VMI and Carson Newman College in Tennessee as well as the District, Regional, and State races.



3 1. Debate team: Mr. McDonald, Heidi Holgate, Anne Giffen, Amy Granger, John Cox, Kendall Jones. Sue Copeland, Beverlee Winnett, Beth Shand, Bobby Blue, Chrissy Bird, Billy Zeh , Amy Nay. 2. Mr. MacDonald and Sue Copeland compute pairings for the next round of debates. 3. Beverlee Winnett and Amy Nay sample refreshments prepared for visiting debators. 4. Debators discuss an upcoming debate toumament. 5. Kendall Jones indicates to a visiting debater that he has just one minute left in his speech.



Debate 175

Chariots of work The FFA Club, sponsored by Mr. Gardner, met once a month. There were twenty members in the club. The club members were invOlved in tractor driving contests, livestock shows, and a few members were picked to go to a convention held in Blacksburg, VA This club helped the members prepare themselves for farm life. The 1982-83 DECA members worked hard to be the best in AHS's history. All the members had a great interest in improving their job performance. The club's main goal was to develop leadership qualities and to advance the professional goals of its members.

2 1. FFA Club, front row: David Gibson , Mike Johnson, Jeff McKamey, Todd Archer, Paul Perry, Jimmy Moore. Back row: Mr. Gardener. Lowell Davis, Wesley Edwards, Wilson Proffitt, Jeff Ownby, Dale Newton, James Thacker. 2. DECA President. Phyllis Fidler, speaks to eager DECA members. 3. DECA students listen attentively during a club meeting. 4. DECA, front row: Dennis Steward, AI Harris, Charon Johnson, Glenda Douglas, Nila Reto, Edie Mattie, Stacey Clark, Lisa Poole, Suzan Wood. Second row: Dona Sullivan, Sharon Starks, Lisa Wyant, Lisa Farish, Rhonda Tooley, Blain Crickenberger, Kathy Terry. Third row: Scott Yancey, Ricky Chandler, Fawn McAllister, Bonnie Coleman, Cindy Pierce, Gina McWilliams, Ms. Pond. Back row: Brenda Charron, Louise Hicks, Francine Scott, Pam Wilkerson, Judy Fields, Pam Farrish.



Cool hand workers

FBLA, a club designed for businessoriented students, was once again sponsored by Mrs. Sandell, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Thacker, Ms. Graves, and Mrs. Hunt. The 1982-83 year was filled with such community and school activities as the annual fruit basket donation to Cedar's Nursing Home, spirit balloon sales, and a donation to the Association for Study of Childhood Cancer. The Future Homemakers of America was led this year by sponsors Mrs. Keeney and Mrs. Thompson, and club officers: Sherri Brown, President; Dee Gould, Vice President; Emily Gray, Historian; and Debra Jordon, Secretary. Together they worked to promote and encourage self-esteem and to develop skills necessary for a happy and healthy home and family. The main activities of the club this year consisted of bake sales to raise funds, and a fashion show at the Cedars, where the club members modeled clothing they had made themselves.


1. FHA Club, front row: Sherri Brown. Dee Gould, Deneen Lawson, Deborah Jordan, Wanda Hammil l. Back row: Karen Jackson. Charis Muller. Jackie Cambell. Debbie Martin. Mrs. Thompson. FBLA members, Bonnie Harris. Lisa Pierce. Sharon Dowell, and Ann Walker show off their Christmas fruit baskets. 3. Mrs. Sandell and Sandra Mongold discuss a memo during an FBLA meeting. 4. FBLA Club, front row: Mrs. Thacker, Kathie Butler, Sandra Mongold, Ann Walker, Lisa Pierce. Tina Shiflett. Second row: Mrs. Sandell. Bonnie Harris, Sandy Boland . Sharon Dowell. Deborah Kidd. Back row: Miss Graves. Sandra Melton, Annette Young, Anne Carden, Sylvia Haga.



Raiders of the working world This year AIASA the American Industrial Arts Student Association, was again sponsored by Mr. Smith and Mr. Serry. The purpose of this club was to provide its members with the experience necessary to cope with a changing technical world. Our world is filled with rapid change and progress. Students should be familiar with these changes. Anyone who has an interest in the industrial world can join the club. VICA's main goal was to help the members of the club confront the problems that may occur when they go out on the job or when they go to apply for a job. Mr. Fantino, the sponsor of the club, believed that the '82'83 VICA group was the best in AHS's history.

1. VICA Club, frontrow: Scott Trail. Jane Harris. Joey Holleman, Gail Taylor. Rodney Ryalls, Anthony Fantino. Second row: Shannon Wood, Wayne Breeden. Lisa Dyer. Cindi Eubank. Sammy Toller, Ricky Ward. Cathy Dean. Edna Goode, Kenneth Edwards. Third row: Dwayne Wood, Harriet Brown. Anthony Shelton, Joe Crickenburger. Lanney Moore. Andy Wharam. Eric Banks, Craig Burton. Fourth row: Dean Shirley, Brad Jones. David Ellton. Tom Hicks, Derrick Terry, Ben Waring , Angela Harris. Wayne Hensley. Fifth row: Dwayne Gibson. Tracy Jones, Lisa James. Wayne Gibson. Greg Smith. Sixth row: Timmy Shiflett. Tim Neubert, Scott Batten. Seventh row: Rick Thompson. David Williams. Brock Clevelend, Doug Wood. 2. A guest speaker addresses attentive VICA students during a club meeting. 3. VICA students discuss upcoming projects. 4. AIASA Club, front row: Mr. Sperry. Patrick Boyd. Wesley Crowmer, Glen Hunt, Duane Shankl in, Mr. Smith. Back row: Rodney Lawson , Allen Jones, Linda Ham. Steve Lange. Robert Terry, Tony Mawyer.



4 1. Emmett Churchman demonstrates how to build a masonry wall. 2. Nailing plywood to studs is all part of a days work in the house building trade. 3. Wanda Bodrey prepares hamburgers for a food preparation class. 4. Debbie Stephens and Tracy Salyers nurse model patient Debbie Martin back to health. 5. Interested Vo-Tech students learn the finer points of hairstyling.

CA Tech Center. VICA


Albemarle's National Honor Society, sponsored by Virginia Fulcher, was provided so that outstanding high school students could be recognized. This year's National Honor Society sponsored a needy family during Christmas, went caroling at Cedar's and Eldercare Gardens, and offered tutoring aid. Officers of the Society were Randy Bickers, president; Janet Robinson, vice-president; Suzi ChrystaL treasurer; and Amy Nay, secretary. The French Honor Society, sponsored by Madame Lederman, was an organization for outstanding French students. Members had to be enrolled in French at the third level or higher and have maintained an "A" average for three consecutive semesters. Members met at each other's homes during the year for fondue parties and meetings. A car wash was held to help ra ise money for the scholarship that was given to an outstanding French student. Officers of the club were Randy Bickers, Louise Parks, Beth Shand, and Candy Mason. This year's National Spanish Honor Society sponsored a child through CARE. Money was raised through bake sales and selling Spanish candy after school. The Society also organized an outing to La Hacienda for dinner. Officers were president, Theresa Kost; vice president, Cathy Callaway; secretary-treasurer, Maria Lasca no. 1. National Honor Society, front row: Amy Nay, Paige Grinde. Blaine Stac khouse. Suzi Crystal, Laurie Campagna. Lisa Lande!, Louise Park. Beth Shand. Second row: Candy Mason. Lisa Runkle. Dana Lewis. Janet Robertson. Theresa Kost. Amy Basely. Pam Mandell. Michelle Horton. Paul Given. Third row: Felice Moody, Ann Capizzi. Caroline Cosb y. Carol McElhaney. Kim Cusato. Serge DepretGuillaume. Brooks Robertson. Tamie Spradlin. Back row: Charles C lawson. Beth Brown. Denise Hollo. Cathy Callawa y, Randy Bickers. Kim Rogers. Mike Chastain. Greg Bishop . Kelvin Reid. 2. French Honor Society, front row: Dawn Johannesen. Katrina Kretsinger. Caroline Cosby, Louise Park. Todd Runkle. Denise Hollo. Second row: William Stewart, Jac ki e Wanebo. Beth Shand. Randy Bickers. Sara Drash. Serge Depret-Guillaume. Beth Brown. Madame Lederman. Back row: Trey Shelton. Mike Chastain. Eric Bansleben. Candy Ma son. Pam Mandell, Pam Partin. Val Stupak. Patricia Kelley. 3. Spanish Honor Society, front row: Maria Lascano. Cathy Cal la wa y. Theresa Kost. Laura Erkenbrack . Linda Lauffenburger. Second row: Katy Teates. Janet Robertson. Calvert Herrmann. Kim Cusato. Third row: Lisa Lande!, John Sharretts. Carl Matthews. Paige Grinde. Laurie Campagna. Fourth row: Mrs. Lum . Donna Jacobson. Erik Bansleben . Helen Tuan. Back row: Brooks Robertson. Mary Lousie Stong . Heidi Johannesen. Kathy McKinnon.

180 National, Frenc h. Spanish Honor Societies

The foreign express

Latin scholars

With new sponsor, Mr. Larrick, the Latin Club enriched many students. For those students interested in the classics, this club offered a more creative outlet than just the classroom. Anyone who is presently taking Latin or who has taken Latin in high school is allowed to join. This year the Latin Club sponsored the annual Roman Banquet, a faculty gathering with Greek and Roman treats, and a pizza dinner for club members.


1. Latin Club, front row: Anne Gotham. John Redman . Stacy Lewis. Jill Anthony. Laura Erkenbrack. April Burs. Heather McDonald. Second row: David Hall. Raleigh Minor. Blain Stackhouse. Mark Thomasson. llina Das, Carol Caldwell. Third row: Betsy Gieck, Shawn Shelton. Lee Higginbotham. Darren Kennon , Noah Wood, Albie Butler. Fourth row: Steve Amato, Rees Frescoln, Ric WesteNelt. Tiger May, Scott Wiedner. Sanjit Das. Back row: Brandon Shelton. Billy Zeh. Brian Donato, Matt McKown, Chett Naylor, Jimmy Walker. 2. Blain Stackhouse addresses fellow Latin Club members. 3. Latin Club members Doug Linkous, Scott Wiedner. and Tiger May find comfortable seats on the floor during a Latin Club meeting.

3 Latin Club 181

Around the world in clubs The French Club, sponsored by Madame Lederman, attracted many French students again this year. All French students at AHS were eligible to belong to the club. The club went Christmas caroling throughout the area and saw French movies during club period. In December, the club along with some other French students, took a trip to Washington, D.C. to see Cyrano de Bergerac. Officers of the club were Randy Bickers, Valeska Stupak, Louise Parks, and Carolina Cosby.

1. Madame Lederman leads French Club members in singing French Christmas carols. 2. French Club, Juniors and Seniors, front row: Caroline Cosby, Louise Parks. Beth Shand, Denise Hollo, Tanya Patten , Pam Mandell . Margaret Maxwell , Germaine Ghazarian. Second row: Kathy Perkins, Randy Bickers, Sarah Drash, Eda Elbirlik, Beth Brown, Greg Hunt. Lori Bumer. Back row: Pam Partin, Val Stupak , JoAnne Howard, Page Pence, Serge DepretGuillaume, Long Phon . Chris Peterson. 3. Theresa Kost takes a swing at a pinata during a Spanish Club party. 4. French Club, Sophomores and Freshmen, front row: Anne Giffen, Kendall Jones, Sylvia Hollo, Jennifer Dunk!. Retta Wilson. Second row: Young Shin An, Mara McDermott. Amy Krol. Louise Finger. Back row: Heather Knight. Ricardo Numez, Bobby Blue. Roger Fussa.


j 4 182

French and Spanish Clubs

1983: Langua ge odyssey ....,_

The Albemarle Spanish Club kept its members very active in 1982-83. The monthly meetings led by President Gail Lewis proved to be interesting in every aspect because of the many subjects discussed. These points of view helped bring about a better understanding of Spanish culture. In November, a former resident of Venezuela told of her many travels in that country and about the interesting people there. In December, the annual Christmas party was held with the traditional pinata and candy and Spanish Christmas carols. The Spanish Club even held its own Olympics and went on a field trip to Richmond to get an even better taste of Hispanic culture. Many thanks go out to the club's officers and sponsors for making its many activities successful.

2 1. Randy Bickers, Jennifer Dunkl, and Caroline Cosby help themselves to cheese bread during a French Club party. 2. Mrs. Lum positions Andy Dixon for his tum at the p inata. 3. Spanish Club, front row: Alan Letters, Maria Lascano, Theresa Kost, Gale Lewis. Second row: Katy Teates, Janet Robertson, Maria Cavalca , Litsa Lambrinos. Calvert Herrmann, Kim Cusato, Kathy McKinnon. Third row: Mary Gyng , Nancy McCuttchen. Greg O 'Brien, Suzi Chrystal. Carl Matthews, Leigh Wintermute, David Zimmerman. Fourth row: Mrs. Lum, Shawn Hauck, Jean Lee, Lisa Wharam . Bill Prillaman, Doug Cooper. Back row: Brooks Robinson , Kelvin Reid.


~ French and Spanish Clubs 183

Star clubs Once again anyone who was interested in drama could join the Drama Club. Mrs. Scott's purpose in sponsoring this club was to encourage an interest in the theater arts and to unite those who were theatrically inclined. At club meetings they were entertained by the Mime Troupe and the Thespians. Most of the club 's work centered around school productions of "Who Am I This Time" and "Once Upon a Mattress." Other activities included attending Larry Goldstein's workshop during Creative Arts Week. Martha J. Scott, sponsor of the lntemational Thespian Society, Troupe 500, worked this year toward the goal of making the organization an honor society of the theater students. Points had to be eamed toward initiation and had to be continually added in order to maintain membership. The activities this year included attending the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" in December at U.Va., a dinner at Bamaby's, a seminar by Larry Goldstein during Creative Arts week, and the play "Hurrah, Boy, Hurrah", in February. 1. Thespian Club, front row: Cyndi Theodose , Muffy Minnix, Tracy Wilkerson, Julie Burbach. Second row: Amy Martin, Paige Pippin, Anne Gotham, Eazy St. John, David Williams. Back row: Todd Runkle, Shelley Lovelace, Tony Graziano, David Ramsden, Tiki Murray. 2. Drama Club, front row: Tiki Murray, Amy Martin. Tracy Wilkerson. Second row: Cindy Theodose, Muffy Minnix, Tony Graziano. Third row: Michele Gutierrez, Kate Whitfield, Sharon Gill , Claire Weaver, Jean Mendelis, Mike Clarke. Laurie Hager, Jill Anthony, Paige Pippin, Tanya Patten, Jaculin Nash, Vanessa Altman, Mrs. Scott. Four1h row: Margaret Lambert, Jennifer Lear, Leslie Lumsden, Kellie Shelly, Michelle Moore, David Gallager, Shelley Lovelace, Michelle Thomas, Debbie Lowe, Kathy Tirrell , Cindy Hudgins, David Palmer, Kelvin Ragland. Back row: Kendall Jones, Piper Wilson, Sue McCall. Virginia St. John, Angelin Brewer. Molly Reese, Brent Garland, Marsha Lambert, Sherri Lawrence, Lisa Gallagher, Mary McCubbim , Janet Campagna, Julie Landel. Jennie Schmidt, Lisa Dodd , Scott Gibson. Ashely Hopkinson. 3. Tim Booth studies his lines as Kendall Jones looks on. 4. Paige Pippen enjoys herself at a Thespian Society meeting. 5. Shelley Lovelace practices a mime performance. 6. Tiki Murray and Tanya Patten act out their roles in "The Importance of Being Eamest." 7. The Drama club observes a mime performance put on by David Callagher and Shelley Lovelace. 8. Julie Burbach and David Gallagher help prepare the set for "The Importance of Being Earnest. "

3 184

Drama Club. Thespians, Mime


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Music people

The Music Appreciation Club, sponsored by Mr. Jim Estes, had a very interesting year. Participants enjoyed listening to programs of music from the romantic, classical, and modem eras. Other club activities included the discussion of both upcoming concerts and concerts already attended. The club encouraged anyone interested in listening to good music to join their club for the 1982-83 school year. This year the Concert Choir and Women's Chorus was led by Mrs. Banslaben. The Women'sChorus sang at the Cedar's Nursing Home, the Mall, and in several concerts 'held for the school. In the spring , they went to the middle schools to perform "Spring Madness." On special occasions such as school performances, the Women's Chorus and Concert Choir combined their singing abilities. Glitsa Feggans and Laurie Johnson qual ified for Honors Choir, and seventeen choir members made the Regionals Choir.


186 Music Appreciation Club . Choir


1. The Women 's Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Banslaben, performs for the AHS student body. 2. Women's Chorus, front row: Stefanie Somers, Penny Farmer, Susan Watson, Angelia Briever, Michelle Beasley, Sherita Rush, Monica Powell. Second row: Toni Crawford , Jeana Rush, Kimberley Small , Ashley Hopkenson, Therisa Barker. Kelley Williams, Lori Dudley, Suzanne Chivily, Nancy Duty, Mrs. Banslaben. Third row: Juanita Brown, Lisa Shifflett, Bridget Brown, Janice Brown, Suzanne McCall, Michelle Moore, Kelly Shelly, Heather Hudson, Cynthia Jacobs, Kim Groome, Katy Teates. 3. Re~lonal Choir, front row: Christina Beegle, Tan)a Patten , Ashley Clark, Sarah Collie. Second row: Gletsa Feggans, Gene Johnson, Charles Bunn, Shannon Taylor, Laurie Johnson. Third row: Elizabeth Chalfont, Donna Young, Donna Fletcher, Patricia Wetzel. Back row: Kelvin Reid, Steve Phillips, Montie Bryant. 4.

Classical Music Appreciation Club, front row: Heidi Holgate, Anne Jones, Tonya Patten, Staci Shafer. Second row: Lou D. Elicio, Joe Ramos, Mr. Estes, John Sharretts. 5. Sarah Collie, Stacey Lewis, Rebecca Frederick, and Donna Sullivan participate in the Concert Choir's annual Christmas concert. 6. Shannon Taylor, of the Concert Choir, delights the audience during the Christmas Concert performed for the students. 7. Honors Choir: Laurie Johnson and Gletsa Feggans. 8. Concert Choir, front row: Kimberly Seivers, Rebecca Frederick, April Davis, April Lassiter, Christine Beegle, Anne Jones, Anne Gotham, Ashley Clark, Tanja Patten, Hyun a Park, Hung Su Park , Sarah Collie. Second row: Monica Loftin, Donna Fletcher, Charles Bunn, Shannon Taylor, Elizabeth Chalfont, Patricia Wetzel. Donna Sullivan, Antonia Young, Tim Johnson, Marl< Lewis, Mrs. Bansleben. Third Row: Stefani Trefil. Steve Phillips, Tanja Lee, Donna Young, Stacey Lewis, Jerry Stephens, Gletsa Feggans, Kelvin Reid, Laurie Johnson, Montie Bryant, Gene Johnson. 9. The combined Women's Chorus and Concert Choir prepare to perform as Mrs. Banslaben announces the next selection. 10. Montie Bryant accompanies the choir on the bongos during the Christmas Concert.

10 Choirs


"All That Jazz"

The Jazz Club, a new club this year, was sponsored by our band director Mr. Sampson. It was a small club whose purpose was to teach students about the origins of jazz music. Many of its members were stage band members. During club meetings, the members took part in discussions and performed for their own amusement. This year the bands were, as usual. directed by Mr. Sampson. They were highly successful with their fund raising. They sold fruits such as grapefruit. oranges, and tangelos, as well as cheese and sausage. With the money that they raised they bought new football stands. The band also performed in a Spring Concert and at the football and basketball games. Both the Symphonic Bands and the Stage Band practiced every day, combining hard work and determination to strive for excellence. 1. Pieter Blikslager, Scott Trice, Bob Gossweiler. and Andy Henderson show off their talents during Fine Arts Week. 2. Juanita Young and Carrie Checci wait for Mr. Sampson's directions during a Symphonic Ill Band practice. 3. Stage Band, front row: James Zobel, John Cox. David Palmer. Leisa Sims. Evelyn Pharr. Second row: Andrew Henderson, James Walker, Tracy Roberson. Back row: Mr. Sampson, Michael Dixon. Jacqueline Wanebo. Winston Edmonds, Pieter Blikslager. Scott Trice. Robert Gossweiler. Scott Willoughby, Vemon Worley, Elliot Kelly, Michael Hall. 4. Third Period Symphonic II Band, front row: Penny Drumheller. Juliette Tolbert. Nicolette Tolbert. Donna Partin, Mary Breihan, Julie Sugerman. Shelby White. Kate Whitfield, Tracey Wright. Margaretlambert, Jodie Walsh, Suzanne Chivily. Second row: Daniel Catolano. Dawn Mcintyre. Cleo Dezio, Clara Scopelliti. Karen Tumer. Wilfred Kleiber. Carol Mongold, David Morris, Jay Morris, Mandy Freeman. Alan French . Mike Hartling, Ann O'Donnell. Third row: Mr. Sampson. Paul Perry, John Bayer. Fourth row: Todd Harper, Mark Cougbum, Brian Wayland. 5. First Period Symphonic II Band, front row: Jean Lee. Aimee Smith, Angela Eways, Elizabeth Pence. Beth Yager. Donna Shirley. Claire Weaver. Adonice Carey. Julie Gilligan, Ida D'Eiicio. Glenda Mann. Elizabeth Morley. Second row: Mary Leigh Layne. Betsy Gieck. Beth Henry. Carolyn Williams. Deidra Hughes. Richard Holden, Ronald Taylor, Thierry Laurent. George Palmer, William Nay, William Covert, Chad Londeree, Edward Park. Paul Moon. Third row: Clarice Coles. Pam Anderson. George Reeves. Joseph Huff, Michael Pickeral , James McNew, Jim Booth, Lisa Dodd, Frenzel! Chapman. Melissa Hirsch. Mr. Sampson. Fourth row: Ronald Mawyer. Scott Porter. Allen Bum ley. 6. Sarah Rosenblum plays her oboe during a performance by the Symphonic Ill Band.


Bands, Jazz Club


3 1. Mr. Sampson directs the band during its first performance of the year. 2. Symphonic Ill Band, front row: Mel issa Forloines, Randy Low, Margaret Hunt, Heather McDonald, Kim Marley, Mara McDermott, Becky Reid , Cathy Tirrel l, Kathy McKinnon, Anne Newlon, Sarah Rosenblum. Second row: Lori Ann Burner, Kathy Tesack, Chris Tesack , Nancy Porritt, Gina Arbogast Michelle Gutierrez , Wendi Snow, Charlotte Gardner, Cindy Dixon, Antoinette Nelson, Melissa Saylor, Anthony Lopiloto, David Bishop, James Lowry, James Saunders. Third row: Mark Martin, Jay Hearns, Scott Trice, Althea Boling , Greg Bishop, David Pillar, Don Bryce, Troy Woodson , Susan Rosson, Brian Ritchie, Mark Thomasson, Duane Tooley, Tracy Roberson. Fourth row: Lou D'Eiicio, Tim Batten, Juanita Young , Robby Tharp, Carrie Checchi, Sean Redmond. Fifth row: Chris Peterson. Sixth row: Mr. Sampson, Eric VonAchen, David Graham, Chris Clarke, Michael Bums, Keith Pamplin, David Woodworth, Jeff Wright. 3. David Woodfolk and Keith Pamplin review their music before a performance. 4. The Symphonic Ill Band plays under the direction of Mr. Sampson during a concert performed for the school. 5. Jazz Club, front row: Jamie Zobel, John Cox, Andrew Henderson, Winston Edmonds, Scott Willoughby. Second row: Ricky Reed, Chris Tesack , Windi Snow, David Pillar, Eddie Park , Chad Landeree, Rob Taylor, Karen Turner, Antoniette Nelson, Lisa Simms. Third row: Mr. Sampson, Charlotte Gardner, Cheryl Edwards, Cathy Bailey, Tracy Robertson, Scott Porter, Carol Mongold, Tony Lopilato, Brian Waylon. Fourth row: Lori D'Eiicio, Mike Bums, Bill Covert, Elliott Kelley, Brent Marshall. Back row: Peter Blikslager, Paul Moon, James McNew, Tim Nay, Pat Davis, George Palmer, Jimmy Walker.



Bands, Jazz Club


A fistful of talents A newly formed club, the Crafts Club, provided time for students to express their talents. The club's purpose was to make students more aware of crafts as an art. This year's club officers were Alison Heeter, Charlotte Thacker, and Chris McDanial and the sponsor was Mrs. Adams. The club was open to anyone interested in crafts and gave crafts people an opportunity for an exchange of information. Outside activities in which club members took part were working on macrame, Christmas wreaths, and tiny baskets for Christmas omaments. Planned activities included a trip to the Torpedo Factory in Old Town, Alexandria. The Stitchery Unlimited Club, sponsored by Mrs. Loehr, gave its members an opportunity to build their skills in such areas as knitting, needlepoint, and embroidery. A knitting lesson and a Christmas party were two of the many activities of the group this year. They planned to have a speaker come talk about the making of vests and skirts. Outside of club activity time, they planned a trip to the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria with the Crafts Club. They also planned a trip to the McGuffy Art Center to meet with a quilter and a weaver. Throughout the year, the members of this club shared their interests and worked together to improve their skills in stitchery. 1. Stitchery Unlimited Club, front row: Mrs. Loehr, Donna Young, Sherri Burling. Back row: Tony Scott, DeAnn Beale. Not Pictured: Lady Comog , Maria Cowgill. 2. Lydia Stiltner caNes a wooden box. 3. Crafts Club, front row: Elizabeth Pence, Donna Shirley, Arlene Sprouse, Sandy Johnson, Teresa Plunkett. Second row: Janet Heams, Lee Wiley, Stephanie Estes, Mrs. Adams, Debbie Sprouse. Back row: Allison Heeter, Michelle Steed , Dana Capps. Kathy Rush, Kris McDaniel. 4. Mrs. Bowman shows members of the Stitchery Club some techniques of cross stitch. 5. Corey Raines makes use of Art Club time to sketch.

190 Crafts, Stitchery Clubs

Picture makers

The Dance Club was started by sponsor Mrs. Costen. The club divided into groups and worked on different dance techniques and steps. They then performed many of the routines learned that day. Their president was Phil Estes. The Photography Club, sponsored by Mr. Cunningham, discussed lighting techniques and its effect on pictures. Anyone who wanted to learn the basics of taking a clear picture could join. Under Mr. Cunningham's instruction, the members of this club discussed how to take a good picture and learned to focus in on the professional look. Art Club time gave students a chance to talk with other artist(c students. Sponsored by Miss Poindexter, the club gave students the chance to experiment with different art forms. The diversity of art projects provided each student with the opportunity to study a variety of art forms.

3 1, Phil Estes leads Dance Club members in practicing some new dance steps. 2. Art Club, front row: Roy Pendleton. Jennifer Green, Julie Perkins. Second row: Miss Poindexter, Wendy Miller, Paul Robe. 3. Photography Club, front row: Ann O'Donnell , Flee Johnson, Charles Bunn, Terena Walker, Lisa Rogers. Second row: Tom Thacker, Joel Weaver, Don Bryce, Casey Boyd, Sarah Rosenblum, Mr. Cunningham. Back row: David Bishop, Margot Huskey, Tim Booth, Hilary Scherer, Nora Romine. 4. Dance Club, front row: Adonice Carey, April Lassiter, Beth Yager, Cleo Dezio, Leslie Mann, Mrs. Coston. Second row: Dawn Taylor, Hyong Yu, Valerie Gaines, Linda Smith, Michele Rush, Sylvia Rush. Third row: Karen Smith, Caroline Feggans, Roxanne Morris, Althea Boling, Charis Muller, Mark Trice. Back row: Leo Thomas, Vic Fortune, Monica Powell, Phil Estes, Heather Trice.


4 Photography, Art, Dance Clubs


48 moves In the Advocate Club, AHS students were given the opportunity to interact with each other. Each student benefited from the special relationship that was established between the handicapped students and their proteges. Written reports were established as a prerequisite to membership, this assuring club sponsors of the members' sincere interest. Parties, bake sales, and outdoor recreation were some of their fall events. The Chess Club, sponsored by Robert Macdonald, attracted students who were very interested in chess and very competitive. The club officers Allen Hershey, president, and Bob Gossweiler, vice-president, and club members played chess during club meetings. Members of the chess team had matches with Tandem and Fork Union Military Academy and were undefeated in the calendar year 1982.

1. "What move should I make next?" a sks Nick DeJohn. 2. Chess Team: Robert Chapman, Bill Zeh, Allen Hershey. Bob Gossweiler, Pieter Blikslager. Nick DeJohn. Not pictured: Paul Charlton. 3. Chess Club, front row: Nick DeJohn, Allen Hershey, Bob Gossweiler. Breck Hynn, Carl King. Second row: Bill Zeh. Brian Hackett. Robert Chapman, Sam Knight, Danny Wood. Third row: Howard Morgan, Phil Townsend. Mike Dixon, David Ramsden. Fourth row: Keith Jones. Matt Dotson . Mike Richardson . Bill Fields. Back row:路 Harlon Gibson, Mr. Macdonald, Justin Thompson, Peter Thorsen. 4. Advocate Club, front row: Glenda Shiflett, Wesley Sprouse, Lisa Landel. Chrystal Tumer, Stefanie Sumers, Laurie Johnson. Hyon Yu, John Collum. Second row: Angela Lucas. Randy Low, Anne Baker, Laura Erkenbrack, Dawn Beale, Tammy Hager. Tammy Snow. Third row: Lisa Hoel. Kathy Wheelen. Pam Lamb, Wendy Murphy, Tina Geer, Jean Connally. Fourth row: Lisa Delis, Mark Collins. Bob Willoughby, Susan Watson. Back row: Mr. Barrister, Ms. Healey, Cindy Pugh. George Kelley. Not Pictured: Linda Lauffenburger. Candy Mason , Louis Prosser.

4 192

Chess. Advocate Clubs

\\Poltergeists" and programs With the addition of computers to the Albemarle Math Department, a Programming Club came into existence. The club was open to students with some prior computer experience and was sponsored by Mrs. Stanley. The club members were mainly involved with writing programs and experimenting with the computers. Since the computer field was new and expanding, the potential of the club is unbounded. So, if you're interested in computers, join and leam. This year the Psychic Club was sponsored by Mr. Foutz and the club president was John Oliver. During club meetings, the members participated in various "psychic" activities such as describing a person by examining an object owned by that person and learning how to program pendulums. The purpose of this club was to help each member discover his or her own special psychic ability.


4 1. Richard Edlich demonstrates the proper programming technique to Keith Pamplin. 2. Psychic Club president. John Oliver, discusses upcoming activities during a club meeting. 3. Rhonda Wingfield seems amused as Keith Pamplin and Richard Edlich program a computer. 4. Computer Programming Club, front row: Ung Kil Kim , Richard Edlich. Mike Mennerich, Mike Hall. Back row: Mike Love, Ronda Wingfield. Mrs. Stanley, Keith Pamplin . Vemon Worley, Greg Bishop. 5. Psychic Club, front row: Mike Gill, Reva Rush . Jenifer Johnson. Keith Racer, Tyler Tucker, Susan Bauer, Mr. Foutz. Second row: Doug Perkins. Gletsa Feggans, Patricia McGetrick. Julie Watson. Rebecca Fenneman . David Graham, Ashley Clark. Third row: Eric Jones, Colleen Haines. Debbie Moore. Michele Horton. Charles Lucas. Mark Conner. Fourth row: Allison VonHerbulas, Tamie Spradlin, Amy Granger. Glenn Wayland . Glenn Ramirez, Jeanie Wheby, Kathy Goebel. Back row: Relawa Pinkerton, Tom McKeel, Alfred Bilezerian, Sarah Goodwin. Matt Wood.

4 Computer Programming, Psychic Clubs 193

This year the Ecology Club was sponsored by Mr. Ergler. The club participated in several hikes and entertained speakers who discussed topics such as solar energy. The purpose of this club was to foster an awareness of ecological problems and to try to give a sense of what part people play in the environment. The Riding Club, led by sponsor Ms. Wells, had an active year. In addition to regular club meetings, many after school trips were made to local stables. The main event of the year was the annual Albemarle Riding Club Horse Show. Club members worked diligently all year to prepare for this. The Rocket Club was led by sponsor, Mr. Schultz, and club officers, president, Tim Callahan, and vice president, Ashly Calvin. Its purpose is to teach students the skills of rocketing. In addition to regular clubday meetings, members met many times after school to launch rockets.

1. Colleen Haines, Cynthia Zauner, Chris Tesack and Kathy Tesack talk with Mr. Mauk, a gentleman from Pennsylvania who is hiking the Appalachian Trail with his three dogs. 2. Chris Tesack and Carol McElhaney rest atop Humpback Rocks and enjoy the view of the valley below. 3. Riding Club, front row: Laurie Bevilacqua , Mary layne, Sandra Perkins, Cindy Nelson , Dorinda Wilson, Maya Ajgarenkar, Tracy Thorsen. Second row: Cathy Heath, Vanessa Altman, Wendy Rice, Keaton Stutz, Penny Drumheller, Cathrine Edson, Allyson Rea. Back row: Ms. Wells, Christine Schladitz, Sheri Harper, Tom Estes, Darlene Marshall , Tim Batten , Jan Badoud, Maria Chivily, Maria Sweeney. 4. Rocket Club, front row: Mr. Schultz, Tim Callahan, Ashley Colvin, Derwin Nelson. Second row: Arthur Jones, Patrick Depret-Guillaume, Steve Rogue. Back row: Mark Donnelly, Martin Tobin, Shawn Johnson, Rick Holden. 5. Ecology Club, front row: Cynthia Zauner, Chris Tesack, Kathy Tesack, Colleen Haines, Elizabeth Kirkland, Mr. Ergler. Second row: Mory Butler, Diane Shifflett, Donna Jacobson, Mica! Kupke, Susan Bauer, Kim Seivers. Third row: Trefny Dicks, Ann Transue, Jamie Pentz. Katy Teates, Vicky Wood, Mary Florence. Back row: Troy Lynch, Michelle Gilka. Carol McElhaney, Betsy Chalfant.


Riding, Ecology, Rockets


Superhumans, too l

- -~-


Di!, Ke Vat!, Terry Ya Koor Yae! These expressions are among those that can be heard as the Self-Defense Club practices. The Japanese Tae Kwon Do defense is taught in a club sponsored by John Kitterman. The club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays to practice different forms of exercise and fighting techniques. Many students including John Oliver, David Graham, and Debbie Moore have advanced in belts this past year. Indoor Hockey, sponsored by Mrs. Bohanan, was a challenging experience for everyone involved. Many students were taught the skills needed in order to become a good hockey player, while others improved their skills. The Spectator Football Club was offered to the students of Albemarle this year for the first time. It is sponsored by Tom Verbanic. This club helps to educate males and females about the strategy of football.

/ '. , 1. Ann Capizzi , Christine Scholle. and Sherri Anderson practice passing during an Indoor Hockey Club meeting. 2. Richard Harrington and Paul Reynolds show good teamwork in a friendly indoor hockey game. 3. Tae Kwon Do Club, front row: David Graham . Debbie Moore, Tim Callahan. Second row: Mr. Kitterman. Steve Kardos, Susan Bower. 4. Indoor Hockey Club, front row: Richard Loge. Paul Reynolds, Richard Harrington. Second row: Juliette Tolbert. Jamie Worsky, Christine Scholle, Ann Capizzi. Felice Moody. Back row: Tracy Plunkett, Valencya McKenna, Karen Lauffenburger. Kelly Mays, Caroline Kelly. 5. Spectator Football Club, front row: Steve Ivory, Fred Holfelder. Kyle Marion, Mr. Verbanic. Second row: Michelle Beasley. Lenore Milhoan, Libby Moore. Lisa Samuels, Kim Moore. Third row: Missy Milelr, Penny Fordon, Laura Loudermilk, Valarie Hughs, Yvonne Gorman. Back row: Todd Hawkins, Tim Guthrie.

Toe KwonDo. Hockey, Football


The Fellowship of Christian Athletes was a club designed mainly for athletes, but many non-athletes also belonged. Club time was spent talking about how Christianity plays a role in athletics and in each individual's own life. Time was also spent watching movies of pro FCA athletes. Time out of school was spent in huddle groups. Members met in each other's homes one or two nights a month to go into more in-depth discussions and to just get together. They also formed a cheering section at home games. The 1982-83 Christian Fellowship Club was sponsored by Mrs. Verona Franklin. The 10 member club has gone Christmas caroling to nursing homes, provided Thanksgiving baskets to local families, participated in Fellowship (including dinner at the mall), and in weekly moming prayer meetings. Other planned activities include a lock-in, parents' day, and more visits to the nursing home. The club's officers are Tina Hendricks, vicepresident; Kim Groome, president; and Terry Thacker, secretary. 1. Christian Fellowship Club, front row: Penny Farmer, Cathy Jones. Back row: Susan Hall, Kim Groome. 2. Christian Fellowship Club members discuss their planned Christmas caroling. 3. FCA Club, Freshmen and Sophomores, front row: Sarah Roberts, John Rose, Kristie Willson , Tina Roberts. Bill Morrow, Sheri Lawhom, Bruce Martin. Second row: Kelly Shymlock, Timmy Helfenstein, Sheila Bemard . Lisa Anderson, Connie Roberts, Kelly Cerbirt, Andrea Jones. Chris Milleson. Third row: Tony Good, Mike Hammond, Andrea Muro. Tina Maslyk, Doug Ramirez, Bobby Rimmer, Karen VanDerveer. Back row: Tom Chandler. Tanya Lee, Herbie Davis, Greg Stokes. John Harman, . Anne Giffer, Tommy Oliver. 4. FCA Club, Juniors and Seniors, front row: Susan Lewis, Teddy Anderson, Jennifer Gannon , Linda Lauffenburger, Jack Masloff, Kim Rogers. Mary Maslyk, Tim Kauffman. Greg Warren. Second row: Bova Arkrom, Steve Carter, Deborah Roberts, Stephanie Giannini, Laura Erkenbrack, Tracy Love. Mary Cockerille. Maureen Breen, Madeline Patterson , Heather McDonald. Third row: Mike Hasenstab, Rob Rosse. Brian Kennon. Amie Brown, Earl O'Bryant. Scott Tarvierro, Felicia Johnson. Amy Cleisley, Sandra Amos. Fourth row: Phil Stevens. Scott Willoughby. Henry Wingate, Jan Beasly, Jackie Wanabo, Melinda Stargell , Bridget Brow. Lance Reynolds. Fifth row: Sarah Avery, Ellen Shatz, Lisa LaBruno, Lisa Hoel, Monica Loftin. Bethany Driscoll, Kim Lee, Mike Melton , April Shahan, Tonia Bullock. Sixth row: Jessie Oquinn, Kedra Morris, Germaine Grazaria. Laurie Jones, Easy St. John. Melanie Brown. Seventh row: Steve Hammond , Charles Clawson, Katy Granger. Melanie Godsey, Pat Craver, Amy Fitzgerald. Back row: Chip Gerbert. Barry Davis, Mike Maynard, Helen Crutchfiei<;L Kathy Vidunas, Lisa Runkle.


FCA Christian Fellowship

Sports riders I


Sports castles

The Volleyball Club, sponsored by Bonnie Nielson, continues into its second year. This club works with students who are interested in power volleyball or who are on teams for Albemarle. Members, divided into four groups headed by a captain, played against each other on every club day. Using the correct techniques taught by Ms. Nielson, the club leamed more about this serious sport. Although the Ski Club membership was limited to Juniors and Seniors only, it was still as crowded as always. The club was sponsored by John Kitterman. Mike Wanebo was president; John Wanebo, vice president; Eleanor Finger, secretary and Elliot Kelly, treasurer. The big trip this year was to Seven Springs in Pennsylvania. Though snow was not available in over-abundance this year, the club still managed to organize trips to Wintergreen every possible Thursday night. As difficult as it was to mobilize a club of a hundred members or so, this year's club was more organized than in past years.






1. Volleyball Club, first row: Sonya Jenkins, INena Jenkins. Sandra Magruder, Darlene Jones, Tracy McCauley, Mrs. Nielson. Second row: Denise Bickley, Lisa White, Donna Pippin, Shannon Taylor. Jerry Stephens, John Vermillion. Third row: Gloria Vargas, Pam Dix, Janet Johnson, Brenda Cowgill, Mark Martin, Janice Coles. Michelle Jackson. Fourth row: Rose Magruder, Kathy Ward, Nicole Pharr, Page Newman, Mary Vermillion. George Wheeler, Paul Clark. Fifth row: Scott Trice, Jonathon Wingfeild, Timmy Jones, Stephanie Coukas, Sha wn Hughes. Back row: Jeff Bogard, Eric VonAchen, April Johnson, Regina Johnson, Bettina Quarles. 2. Ski Club, front row: Bjom Stenmalm , Paul Given, Todd Runkle, Stacey McCann, Elenor Finger. Cathy Calloway, Dana Lewis, Laurie Campagna. Amy Bosely, Page Grinde, Amy Na y, Mr. Kitterman, Michelle Gilka, Diane Shifflett. Second row: Michael Zioek, Aeidi Bloekbum, Nancy Edwards. Anne Newlon, Amy Cleasby, Howard Lenn, Elliott Kelly, Diane Artale, Kim Morley, Judy Bakel . Jamelyn Pentz, Vicky Wood. Third row: John Wanebo, Tracy Hakala, Sherri Berlin, Chris Clark. Mellica Forloines. Doug Sanders, Christopher Beegle, Lisa Hoel, Randy Richardson , Mike Krongaard, Liz Richardson. Teddy Anderson. Fourth row: Jay Wyant, Kelley Snow. Angela Townsend, Liz Hunt, Tamara Kirby, Kris Pollard. Laura Erkenbrack, Chris Fisher, Kathy McCray, Kristan Donato, Marlina Gurley. Back row: Ricky Brubackar, Mike Terry, Chris Smith. Kathy Vidunas. Glenn Aker, Johnny Goodman, Mark Bumett, Rob Mays, Fritz Flynn, Tony Browning, Rich Caldwell, David Hubbard. 3. "Bump, set. spike!" Members enjoy a competitive game of volleyball during a Voleyball Club meeting. 4. Elliott Kelley counts money paid by members for Ski Club dues.

4 Ski, Volleyball Clubs 197

This year the SCA was sponsored by Mr. Foutz and Mrs. Gies. It again upheld its responsibility of sponsoring activities and carrying out the wishes of the student body to the best of its ability. Among the activities sponsored by the SCA were Homecoming, the Valentine's Day Thing, and two successful Blood Banks. The SCA was responsible for the introduction of many new clubs, thus adding new vitality to the AHS club program . They also planned a Computer Dating SeNice to help the students find out who they are most compatible with.

2 1. SCA members Katie Granger, Michele Gutierrez , and David Zimmerman judge a door during the Christmas door decoration contest. 2. "1-2-3 .. .", Reva Rush demonstrates her mathematical ability. 3. SCA Underclassmen, front row: Susan Watson, Jennifer Braine, David Zimmerman, Hilary Scherer, Michele Gutierrez, Robert Chapman. Second row: Tanya Lee Casey Boyd, Raleigh Minor, Shawn Hauck, Caroline Kelly, Michael Bums. Third row: Susan Tharp, Bill Prillaman. Aretha Rush. Kendall Jones, Derek Robinson, Herbie Davis. Back row: llin Das, Ted Powell. Valencya McKenna, Lisa Rogers, John Harman. 4. SCA, front row: Paul Given, Kim Rogers, Tracy McCauley, Katy Granger, Tamie Spradlin. Luma Moon, Allen Leffers, Reva Rush, Elizabeth Doyle, Winston Edmunds. Second row: Deborah Roberts, Susan Cooper, Chris Fisher, Reva Spradlin, Maria Minnix, Maureen Breen, Tiger May, Mike Krongard , Tony Browning , Scott Willoughby. Back row: Fritz Flynn, J.T. Suddarth, Sonya Roberts, Melanie Brown, David Jones, Brian Kennon. Anne Newlon, Mitchell Barker, Pam Anderson. Lisa La Bruno, Scott Widener, Hank Wingate, Tim Lamsden. 5. SCA Executive Council : Mitchell Barker. Hilary Scherer, David Zimmerman, Michelle Gutierrez, Annabelle Thompson, Katy Granger. Tammie Spradlin, David Jones, Ann Baker. 5



Gov't. vs. Gov't

The Teen Democrats. sponsored by Mrs. Gies, were politically involved in campaigning for candidates who sought seats in the Senate, House of Delegates, and House of Representatives. Their activities included participating in the district walk, working at local phone banks, and hosting speakers. This club's main objective is to involve students in the two-party system . Another objective is for the members to understand more about the process of the United States Govemment. The club plans a trip to the General Assembly early this spring. ' This was the second year that the Teenage Republican Club has been at Albemarle. They were very politically active during the campaigning this past fall. They handed out pamphlets in their neighborhoods and worked at the phone bank. Many took time off from their busy schedules to attend the Republican rallies before the elections. The TARS were fortunate to have Mrs. Finley and Mrs. Birkhead as sponsors again this year. The lntemational Exchange Club was a new organization at Albemarle this year which gave our students the opportunity to visit foreign nations by living with the families in other countries or to host foreign students here in America. The Albemarle chapter of the lntemational Exchange program, sponsored by Ms. Dyer, held frequent meetings throughout the year to discuss eligibility and travel procedures for interested students and parents. Much work and dedication was put into this new club to make it a success for many years to come.



1. Teen Democrats Club, front row: Darlene Jones. Susan Bauer. Greg Hunt. Pam Mandell . Second row: Mica! Kupke. Candy Mason. Eda Elbirlik . Beth Brown. Back row: David Carter. Wesley Edwards. Sonya Hoe!. JoAnne Howard. 2. Teenage Republicans, front row: Mrs. Finley, Mitch11all. Melissa Forloines. Keith Pamplin. Don Bryce. Second row: Amy Nay. Paige Grinde. Donna Shirley. Mike Hall. Back row: Jimmy Walker. Ki m Rogers. Kathy Wheelen. Elizabeth Pence. 3. International Exchange Club, front row: Amy Bollinger. Mary Hudgins. Anjie Perdue . Hyun Sook Park. Back row: Ms. Dyer. Suzy Estes. Dawn Hammer. Jennifer Wright. Ben Fordham . David Woooworth.


3 Teen Democrats. Teenage Republicans.lntemational Exchange


Directors ~


Interesting teachers and a diverse curriculum made school more than just a place to go for students at Albemarle.

Directors Divider 201

1. Bemard N. Chesshir, Jr.

Administrative lntem; University of Virginia, B.S. 2. Ben F. Hurt Principal; Hampden-Sydney College, B.A.; University of Vir9inia, M.Ed. 3. Sandra W1ngate Attendance Cieri<; Miami Junior College 4. John Anderson Assistant Principal; Virginia State College, B.A. , M.S. 5. Erika M. Mednikov Bookkeeper; Commerce Vienna-Austria 6. Carol McGuire Attendance Secretary



The godfathers

During the year, our high school was run by a hard-working administrative staff. Our principal, Mr. Hurt, headed the administration with help from the assistant principals. These included Mr. Sessoms, Mr. Lackey, and Mr. Anderson. We also welcomed a new administrative intem, Mr. Bemie Chessire. The entire staff enjoyed renovations that were accomplished over the summer. The renovations enclosed the entire office and guidance department and also moved the attendance office into a separate room near the Library. The pleasantness of the surroundings provided an atmosphere for efficient office management. 2



1. Helen N. Brite Office Assistant 2. John C. Sessoms Assistant Principal; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 3. Z.H. Murray Main Office Secretary; Jefferson School of Commerce Extension Division 4. Charles Halladay Lackey Assistant Principal; Furman University, B.A. ; Appalachian State University, M.A.; University of Virginia , Administrative Certificate 5. JoAnn Frank Attendance Secretary


5 Administration


The Guidance Department at Albemarle High School made every effort to get to know students and to guide them through their four years of high school. It helped students make decisions in order to have a prosperous future. Each was concemed for the well being of the students. Marianne Weatherly joined the guidance department staff. Not only were there staff changes, but the guidance department also underwent several physical changes. Renovations this year gave a friendlier atmosphere for both the counselors and students.

1. Darla Cherie Ellis Guidance Counselor; Imma culata College; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.Ed., Ed.S. 2. Virginia Richards Dofflemyer Guidance Director; Longwood College, B.S. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 3. Marion Elizabeth Wells Guidance Counselor; Mary Baldwin College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. ; Riding Club 4. Marianne S. Weatherly Guidance Counselor; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , B.A.; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, M.Ed. ; Cheerleading



\Follow That Dream'




1. Patricia M. Stark, R.N. School Nurse; Pfeiffer College; Charlotte Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; Bloodmobile 2. Yvonne J. Brown Guidance Counselor; Virginia State College, . B.A. M.Ed. 3. Theresa M. Jones Guidance Secretary 4. Frank C. McCurdy Guidance Counselor; Case Westem Reserve University, B.A.; Miami University, M.Ed. ; Football. Junior Class 5. Lee Carey Guidance Secretary 6. Daniel John Monahan Guidance Counselor; St. Francis College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed .. Ed.S.; Cross Country, College Planning Club


6 Guidance


1. Courtenay Tumer Stanley Math Analysis. Computer Science; College of William and Mary, A.B.; University of Virginia. M.Ed.; PEER. Computer Club 2. Louella Jane Crane Pre-Algebra. Basic Math 9; College of William and Mary. B.A.; Assistant Cross Country, Head Girls' Indoor and Outdoor Track 3. James F. Douglas Geometry. Algebra I. Pre-Algebra; University of Richmond; University of Virginia. B.S. Ed .. M.Ed. 4. Larry Alan Johnson Geometry. Algebra 2; North Carolina State University, B.S.; FCA 5. Robert C. Macdonald Algebra 3. Trigonometry. Analytic Geometry; George Washington University. A.B.; Idaho State University, M.Ed.; Chess Club. Sophomore Class 6. Bessie P. Birckhead Algebra I; Mary Washington College, B.S.; Teenage Republicans 7. Anita Brockette Jenkins Math 9, Algebra II; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. B.S.; University of Virginia. M.Ed.; Girls' Varsity Basketball 206




'One, Two, Three'

1 + 1 = 5? Math teachers at Albemarle struggled to convince some students that it was not. The installation of computers in the math department offered another approach to teach the correct answer. It also offered opportunities for new courses. Input and output were new terms floating through math classrooms. Whether the class was computer oriented or not, math was a problem for many students. First period students avoided the problem by thinking about fluffy eggs and hash browns, while sixth period students thought of after school activities. Useful though not required for everyone for four years, math rarely sat well on a full or an empty stomach. Will there ever be total comprehension in this ever changing field? Probably not.

1. Shirley Palmer Crenshaw Math 9, Developmental Math; University of South Carolina, B.A. 2. Clarence Holland Edson Algebra I; Longwood College, B.A. 3. Richard Ergler Calculus, Algebra II; St. Vincent Col lege, B.A. ; University of Vi rg inia , M.A. ; Ecology Club, PEER 4. Vi rginia Fulc her AIQebra II , Geometry; Longwood College, B.S. ; University of Virginia. M.Ed. ; National Honor Society, Math Department Chairman 5. Deborah L. Shear Pre-Algebra , Math 9, Math Competency Resource; West Vi rginia University, B.S. 6. Marian Barton Ell iott Geometry, Algebra I; University of South Carolina , B.S.

6 Mathematics


1983: A Science Odyssey The Science Department experienced many physical changes this year. With the renovation of lab space and classrooms came safer and more efficient conditions. New furniture and paint enhanced the appearance of the rooms and made classes more pleasant to attend. Not only was a new face put on the facilities, but a new face was added to the faculty. Mr. Bill Banks, formerly from Florida, joined the staff to teach . biology and earth science.

1. Marvin T. Curry Chemistry I. II ; Florida State University, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.Ed.; Science Department Chairman 2. William Remsen Schultz Earth Science; University of Virginia, B.S .. M.S.; Model Rocket Club 3. David Cunningham PSSC Physics; Concord College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.S., M.Ed; Photography Club 4. Harriet Stonebumer Bell Earth Science; Mary Baldwin College, B.A.; Ninth Grade Sponsor

4 208


1. Beverly BinglerOtis Biology I. Ecology; James Madison University, B.S. 2. Martha Ann Johnson Colombini General Developmental Math, Chemistry; Florida State University, B.S., B.A.; University of Virginia, M.S.; National Honor Society 3. William Banks Biology, Earth Science; University of Tampa, B.S.; Florida Atlantic University, M.Ed. ; University of South Sewanee, MAT.; Junior Academy of Sciences 4.- Kathleen Flynn Biology; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 5. Samuel Westley Terry Biology; University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, B.S.; Girls' and Boys' Tennis



5 Science



1. Roland David Larrick Latin I. II, Ill; University of Virginia, B.A. , M.A.; Florida State University, Ph.D. ; Comell University; Latin Club, Certamen Team 2. Graciela Lum Spanish II , IV, V; Wayne State University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society 3. Eugene Edward Norton German, I. II. Ill; Spring Hill College, B.A. 4. Charlene Louise Dickard Spanish I; St. Joseph College, B.A.; University of Virginia, MAT.; Spanish Club 5. Janet B. Shifflett French I. Ill; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed.; French Club 6. Susan Baker Toth French II ; College of Wooster, B.A. ; University of Arizona, M.A. 7. Sally Brann Strickler Spanish II , Ill , IV; Randolph-Macon Woman's College, A.B.; University of Virginia, MAT.; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society 8. Mary A Lederman French III/IV, IV, V; Syracuse University, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. ; French Club, French Honor Society


Foreign Language


'La Cage

Aux Folies' apprennent Once again the foreign language department was very active. Students took trips, sampled various foods, and participated in numerous activities related to their particular languages. The department was especially invol,ved in Creative Arts week. Among the speakers involved were several who spoke to foreign language classes about customs in foreign countries. As in most departments, there were some staff changes. Two new teachers, Dr. Larrick and Ms. Dickard were added, teaching Latin and Spanish respectively. Hard work, social activities, and new teachers contributed greatly to our already outstanding foreign language department. 6


7 Foreign Language


English Tales

1. Bemhard Zdravko Steinbach English 9, 11; University of Virginia , B.S.; Freshman Class, Newspaper 2. Verona Leake Franklin English 10; Longwood College, B.A.; Christian Fellowship 3. Lenore Magdalen Stoffel English 9, 11 ; University of Washington; Portland State University, B.A. M.S.T. ; Junior Class, Newspaper 4. Alice Mcleod Bibb English 9, 11 ; Madison College, B.A. ; Christian Fellowship Club 5. Rodney M. Keller English 10; University of Virginia, B.A. ; University of Maine; Literary Magazine







1. Peggy Finley English 10, Latin I; Tift College, B.A.; University of Florida, M.Ed. ; Teenage Republicans 2. Sue D. Critzer Engl ish 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A.; PEER, Varsity Cheerleading 3. Timothy C . MacDonald English 12, Debate; Modesto Jr. College, A.A.; University of Califomia at Santa Cruz, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A., M.Ed. 4. Leslie Henderson-Williams English as a second language; University of Virginia , B.S.Ed. 5. Z. James Estes, Jr. English 12, AP; University of Virginia, B.S., M.A.; Music Appreciation Club 6. Carmen Habeck Merkel English 10, 12; University of Illinois, B.S. ; ArmState strong-Savannah College, M.Ed.; Women 's Issues English


1. Mary Robeson Hunter English 12; University of North Carolina Greensboro; University of Virginia 2. John V. Kitterman English 12; University of Virginia, B.A. , M.A., M.Ed. ; Ski Club, TaeKwonDo Club 3. Marye Dick English 11. 12; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed.; Afro-American Literature League, Social Committee 4. Susan H. Hull English 9, 11; Brown University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Mime Troup, Film Critics Club 5. Bonnie O 'Brien English 11 ; University of Illinois, B.A. , M.Ed. , M.A.; Junior Class 214


Arsenic and Old English Many people think that the English ¡â€˘ Department at Albemarle hasn't changed for the '82-83 year. Contrary to popular belief, it has. A lot of English teachers are changing the older ideas of "English Class" and are ushering in the ideas of Modern Literature. Year after year, teaching techniques have changed. More creative writing activities and interesting reading have made English more modern. New teachers who joined the staff were Mrs. Coston, Mrs. Merkel, Mrs. O'Brien, and Ms. Stoffel. With these additions came more changes for the department. Creative Arts week added variety to the English pro-

1. Annie Ward Coston English; Fayetteville State University, B.S., A.A.; Dance Club 2. Peggy A Vaughan English 9, 12, Humanities; Radford College. B.A. ; University of Tennessee, M.A.; Film Critics Club 3. Lelia Baxter Allison Pitts English 10; Longwood College, B.S. 4. Mallory Siegel Loehr English 9, 10; Hollins College, A.B.; Syracuse University, M.S.; Stitchery Unlimited 5. Marilyn J. Fantino English 11; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; English Department Chairman, Graduation



5 English


1. Barbara D. McCallum U.S. and Virginia Govemment; Syracuse University, B.A.; Northwestem University , M.A.T.; Senior Class 2. Gary Michael Hollins World Geography; University of Virginia, B.S. Ed. 3. Douglas J. Selden U.S. Govemment; Norwich University, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.A.T; Football ; Baseball 4. Rebecca Jones History; Mary Washington College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 5. Mary Jo Gies U.S. and Virginia Govemment, U.S. and Virginia History; Pennsylvania State University, B.A.; St. Bonaventure University, M.S. ; SCA. Teen Democrats. 6. Carolyn Pilla Nolen U.S. and Virginia Govemment; University of Virginia, B.S. 7. Colleen Marie Berge U.S. History; University of Wisconsin-M ilwaukee, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.T. 8. Nancy Carolyn Grim U.S. History and World History; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.A. 9. R. Stephen Foutz Psychology; Troy State University, B.S. ; University. of Alabama, J.D. 10. Brian J. Grainer World Geography; James Madison University, B.A. ; Football

5 216

Social Studies

\History of the World Part 1' fhough our Social Studies Department did not experience program changes this year, there were new added , Ms. faculty members Mclaurin and Ms. Dyer. These new teachers, along with the retuming department members, continued the outstanding programs. The variety of classes offered included not only required courses, but electives such as practical law and psychology. Juniors and Seniors dreaded, as in the past, history and govemmeJ!t but creative teachers provided class assignments that made these courses more tolerable.




9 Social Studies


'History of the World, Part 2

1. Ann Marie H. Plunkett World History, Sociology; Brown University, A.B.; University of Virginia, M.A. 2. Thomas Glen Verbanic U.S. and Virginia History; University of Virginia, B.S.; Football , Softball. Spectator Football Club 3. Julia Dyer World History; Mary Washington College, B.A. ; lntemational Exchan9e Club 4. Willie Mae Mcl aunn U.S. Govemment; Fayetteville State University, B.S.; Senior Class 5. Carolyn Saunders U.S. History; Radford College, B.A. ; University of Virginia, M.S.

4 218

Social Studies


'A Fistful of Dollars' At Albemarle, a variety of business courses were offered. This was the second year that academic accounting was offered. It provided training for college level accounting, extremely important to people who want to further their education in business. The computer concepts class had a new dimension added to it. For the first time students had two computers to use. Plans are to add more computers with a lab. Other business courses offered were typing, stenography I and II , record keeping , general business , clerk typing , and clerical accounting. Though funds were not plentiful, the department managed to keep up with current technology.

1. Brenda J. Graves Clerical Accounting I. Recordkeeping; LonQwood College, B.S.; James Madison University, M.Ed.; FBLA 2. Jennette S. Hunt Typing I; Keamey Nebraska State Teachers' College, B.A. 3. Nina H. Thacker Clerk-Typist I. Computer Concepts. Stenography I; Memphis State University, B.S.; FBLA 4. Deborah E. Cooper General Business. Typing; State University of New York at Albany, B.S.; FBLA 5. Margaret W. Burruss CPA Accounting, Clerical Accounting II. Computer Concepts; Mary Washington College, B.S. 6. Reba Sandell Stenography II , Clerk Typing II . Typewriting I. COE Coordinator; James Madison University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed; FBLA



6 Business


The Wizard of Arts Fine Arts activities continued to take place this year at AHS. Students' skills were further developed in the fields of drama, art, and music. As in the past, Ms. Scott was the sponsor for the Thespians and Drama Club. However, this year the responsibility for the Mime Troupe went to Mrs. Hull. Again this year, AHS had a marching band that practiced after school under the direction of Mr. Sampson. Mrs. Bansleben completed her second year as choir director. The arts and crafts classes thrived with the help of Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Adams, and Ms. Poindexter. The program was supplemented by a Fine Arts week which was a joint effort with other departments.

1. Martha J. Scott Mass Media, Drama I, II; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A. , M.A. ; Thespian Society, Drama Club. Forensics Team . Dramatics Director 2. Gerda Bansleben Women's Chorus, Concert Choir, Theory of Music; West Chester State Teachers College, B.A. ; Columbia University, M.A. 3. Barbara J. Poindexter Art I; Virginia State University, B.S.; Art Club 4. Elmer Franklin Sampson Symphonic Band II, Ill, Stage Band; James Milliken University; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.M.E. ; Marching Band, Flag and Rifle Corps. 5. Janna 0. Lindren A-V Coordinator; Hamline University, B.A. ; Shippensburg State; Kent State

220 Fine Arts




1. Waldo E. Johnson Arts II. Ill, IV; Rutgers University; Catholic University of America. B.F.A. ; Permanent Collection of Student Sculpture. Paintings, and Graphics 2. Virginia Adams Crafts I. II; Beaver College, B.A. ; Auburn University, B.A. ; Crafts Club 3. Ruth Haverkamp Library Aide 4. Jane Gallant Librarian; Macalester College, B.S.; University of South Florida, M.A. 5. Susan Carter Etheridge Librarian; Wake Forest University, B.A.

5 Fine Arts


Superperson Physical education at Albemarle was a requirement that some students liked and others didn't. Many people liked being able to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and outdoor recreation that gym provided. It also enabled them to have strong, healthy bodies in the growing years. Sex education was also a part of physical education that raised many controversial questions which were handled well by a competent staff.

3 1. Brenda F. Langdon Activities Director; East Carolina University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 2. GabieBull Secretary to Activities Director 3. Dotty A. Bohannon Health, Physical Education; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia. M.Ed.; Field Hockey,GAA 4. Robert Rimmer Physical Education, Driver's Education; George Washington University, B.S. 5. A.P. Moore Driver Education; North Carolina Central University, B.S., M .S.; Safety Committee 6.CiydeHoy Physical Education; James Madison University, B.S.; Ninth Grade Football. Outdoor Track

4 222

Physical Education






1. Pamela Jillson Grainer Health, Physical Education; University of Virginia, B.S .. M.A.; Girls Gymnastics Team , Assistant Athletic Trainer 2. Bonnie F. Nielson Health, Physical Education; Trinity University, B.S., M.Ed. ; Volleyball Club 3. Richard Wilson Lyons Driver Education; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Varsity Boys' Basketball 4. Marcia C. Mason Health, Physi cal Education; Bridgewater College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 5. Daniel Ward Ill Health, Physical Education; James Madison University, B.S.; Varsity Football , Varsity Track 6. James Mercer Gamett Health, Physical Education; Elon College, B.A.; Ninth Grade Basketball , Baseball 7. Ra lph A Harrison Driver Educ ation; Southwest Missouri State. B.S.; Drury Co llege, M.Ed.; Golf

Physical Education


'9 to 5' The Career Education Program at Albemarle was designed to accommodate the many needs of the individual student. The department has expanded so that a student could choose from such courses as the basic home economics and industrial arts classas to more advanced courses such as computer science and college prepatory accounting. Any student desiring to enter a particular field could benefit greatly from the class or classes they chose. Albemarle's teachers realized this, so together the students and faculty worked to answer career needs.

1. Jeanne F. Thompson

Consumer/Homemaking I. Food/Clothing Management. Career Orientation; Marshall University, B.A. ; FHA 2. James Robert Cullop Learning Dis~bilities; Slip~erv Rock State College, B.S.; Un1vers1ty of V1rg1n1a, M.Ed. 3. Leroy H. Smith Technical Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Metal Technology, Engineering Drawing; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Sta1e University, M.A.; University of Virginia, M.A. ; AIASA 4. Sandra Blackwell L.D. Aide 5. Dana V. Nealey Special Educa1ion TMR; University of Virginia , B.S.; Advoca1e Club 6. Andrew Elgort Special Educa1ion; West Chester Sta1e College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.


Career Educa1ion

1. Theresa Lynne Gebs Govemment, English . Competency Skills. WorkStudy, Special Education 11 . 12; Mary Washington College, B.A.; University of Virginia. M.Ed. 2. Edna Sharkey TMRAide 3. William Michael Bannister Special Education TMR-EMR; Washington and Lee University, B.A. ; University of Virginia. M.Ed; Advocate Club 4. Linda B. Keeney Consumer and Homemaking I, II , Family Living; Virginia Polytechnic and State University. B.S.; FHA. Adult Education Classes 5. John W. Sperry Modem Industry 9. 10. Woods Technology 10. 12. Career Education 9. 10; Mt. St. Mary's, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Washington Technology Institute. B.S. ; AIASA 6. Margaret Elizabeth Clifford COPE; Mary Washington College. B.A.; University of Virginia. M.Ed.

Career Education


Career Education, cont'd.

1. Sharon Beauford CBIPAide 2. Ann Cashwell Tuley Leaming Disabilities; Meridith Colle~e , A.B.; San Francisco State University, M .A; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 3. Mary Alice Flynn Adapted Physical Education; Frostburg State College, B.S.; Indiana University, M.S.; Area Ill Special Olympics 4. Vickie Jones L.D. Aide 5. KarlS. Williams English 9, 10, Science 9, Geography 9; University of Virginia, B.S.; Indoor and Outdoor Track, 9th grade sponsor 6. Custodians: Gordon Carter, Jerry Best, Juanita Bums, Thomas Swingier, David Bums. 7. Cafeteria Staff, front row: Doris Anderson, Sarah Santiago, JoAnn Sprouse, Brenda Brown, Catherine Pleasants. Back row: Mary M. Harlan, Nelly Thompson, Mary Maupin, Mary Jane Glover, Lozelle Mays.


Career Education



1. Charles W. deKratft Math 9, 10, Job Orientation, Competency Skills; Appalachian State University, B.S. 2. Ann Carson Pond Marketing and Distributive Education, Fashion Merchandising; James Madison University, B.S.; DECA, JV Cheerleaders 3. Catherine Woodrow Mclean Leeming Disabilities Resource and Self Contained; Duke University, B.A. ; Emory University, M.M.Sc. 4. Carol Robinson L.D. Aide; University of Alabama, B.S.Ed. 5. Kenton S. Gardner Agriculture, Natural Resources; Virginia State College, B.S.; FHA 6. Bonnie L. Ruth Special Education (Community Based Instructional Program); Ohio State University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 7. Anthony " Zeke " Fantino Industrial Cooperative Training I, II; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; VICA Career Education


'Tex' The Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center's main purpose is to provide vocational experiences which will lead to saleable job skills for its students. The department combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training which leads to permanent employment. The students work in such areas as food services, carpentry, plumbing, auto mechanics. masonry, electrical skills and cosmetology. Technical Education students are very fortunate that the school offers them the opportunity to develop the tradesmanship they plan to use in their careers.

1. Paul L. Johnson Auto Mechanics I, II; Adult Education I, II ; Norfolk State College; Virginia Commonwealth University; University of Virginia; VICA. NIASE Certified. 2. Robert L. Barrett 路 Electricity I, II; VICA 3. Nancy Knight Mosca. R.N. P\ac:ti~al Nursing. Nursing Assistant; University of Virg1n1a. B.S .. M.Ed.; HOSA 4. Clevester Logan Assistant Principal; Virginia State University, B.S .. M.S. 5. Bemard Snyder Counselor; Salem College. B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 6. Steve L. McKinney Computer Operator

5 228

Technical Education Center


1. Janice M. Evans Cosmetology II, Ill; Blue Ridge School of Nursing; University of Virginia; Virginia Commonwealth University; Watson's Beauty School; VICA 2. Janis S. Wilson Data Processing I, II; James Madison University, B.S.; North Carolina State University; University of Virginia; FBLA 3. Barbara A Lewis Secretary 4. Lyman R. Corney Principal ; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; College of William and Mary, M. Ed. 5. Blaine E. Mcintyre Maintenance Mechanics; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; VICA 6. Robert Byers Data Processing Manager

-. ~'


&... 6





6 Technical Education Center


Technical Education Center, cont'd.

1. Jean Brown Bookkeeper 2. Russell P. Wood Auto Body I, II ; Virginia State College; Virginia Commonwealth University; VICA 3. Edward L. Shifflett Maintenance Foreman 3. Mary Shifflett Housekeeper 4. Allen William Helmandollar Machine Shop I. II; Notre Dame University; Indiana State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Virginia Commonwealth University; VICA 5. Ruth Gamett Data Entry Operator 6. James E. McDaniel Carpentry I. II ; Virginia State University; VICA



Technical Education Center




1. C. Wayne Austin Drafting, Design; James Madison University; VICA 2. Jesse W. Mills Masonry; VICA 3. Willard H. Parkhill Commercial Food Service I. II ; Pennsylvania State University, B.S.; VICA 4. Charles Maupin Janitor 4. Wayne Raines Janitor 5. Hugh Nelson Billhimer Electronics I, II; State University of New York, B.S.; Virginia Commonwealth University, M.Ed.; VICA 6. Bennie Mae Arnette Cosmetology; Virginia Commonwealth University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Virginia State College; VICA


Technical Education Center 231


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Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 804-977-6060




Porsche- Audi- BMW- Jaguar

Good Luc k AHS Graduates The finest service a nd t he lowest prices


Camera Center 913 W. Main Street


P . 0 . BOX t334

10 0



229 02



two locations

SCRAP IRON.,.路METAL PHONE 804-296-6465

236 Advertisements

500 East Main- on the mall downtown 600 Prestion Ave . Complete line of groceries to cover your needs.

(804) 977 路3 750

dl. t;.



Jh. 7Javillf1 !Jnc.

Excavating, Paving, Concrete Sealing Driveways, Tennis Courts 1000 River Rd . Charlottesville, Va. 22901


AIRPORT PLAZA 29 NORTH CH'VILLE, VA. 22901 Monday through Saturday -

Compliments of

(804) 973-3997 9:00 to 6:30



P.O. Box377 Lovingston, Va. 22949

Charlottesvil le, Virg inia

PHONE : 286-3939 Phone(804)263-4876 Owned & Operated by Frank McCarthy





23 7


1st Period .. . Hall Sitting 215 (alias Math Analysis??)

MARTIN HARDWARE SERVING CH'VILLE SINCE 1893 94 1 Preston Avenue Charlottesville OPEN DAILY ro-6 FRIDAY r o-g

****************** BARRACK S R OAD SHOPPI N(; (E NT ER



238 Advertisements

PHONE 295路3 11 3

When Stanley shouts, 2nd Period Math Analysis cowers!!






Compliments of

Service That Makes Friends



BRUCE'S DRUG STORE The comer of Main & Valley Sts . Scottsville, Va. Phone 286-3881 'We have been serving the community since 1901'

2117 Berl<mar Drive Charlottesville, Virginia

TIMBERLAKES "On-the-Mall" Charlottesville, VA

W. A. LYNCH ROOFING CO., INC. 1234 River Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901


Prescriptions Cosmetics Soda Fountain


Compliments of




Joseph W. Teague Funeral Service

Better Living, Inc.

~ Home Center Rou t e 29 No r th

97_3 - 4333

Central Fklelitu Banis #VIRGINIA NATIONAL




McCallum's Law: You make 'em. We break 'em.

Best of Luck Class of '83

it's the real thing


dpc.cia.lizin9 in c;lfu.tomatia fJ'tammi.!.>.ion dc.wiac.


Charlottesville , Va .


NIGHT 973-6680




24 dfou.~ 'Wuakn dl!.'toiac.



Best Wishes to the Class of '83

Uniroyal Inc.

Scottsville, Virginia


Cool Cottons Sun Dresses Blouses Scarves Skirts Pants

English isn't always the Pitts. Food for thought!!

5 Elliewood Ave.

MEADOWBROOK HARDWARE, INC. 2039 Barracks Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Glidden, Dutch Boy and Pratt and Lambert Paints Wall Paper - Hardware

also bedspreads, jewelry & handcrafts 296-6732


1137 Millmont St.






The family restaurant with our new freshtastiks food bar Located at 1525 E. Rio Road Between Albemarle Square & Putt-Putt

Compliments of

BY-PASS EXXON 1305 Long Street Charlottesville, Va. 22901 295-2536

Cabell Insurance Associates 2110 Ivy Road· Box 7606 ·Charlottesville. Virginia 22906 • 804/ 977-5313

TELEPHONE 804-286-2152

Maxwell Furniture Co, Inc. MAIN STREET- P.O. BOX 205 SCOTTSVILLE, VIRGINIA 24590



Good Health

PHONE (804) 295-9151




Love is Ageless



R.M. DAVIS Best wishes as always 1339 Long Street Charlottesville, Va. 22901




Phone : 295-6920 Dealership





Compliments of

MOTOR SPECIALTY COMPANY, INC. 114-12710th St. NW and 442 Westfield Rd.



A" Tl RE COMPANY 1028 River Rood 296-1242 or 296-1250

MAUPIN'S GROCERY CONGRATULATIONS, SENIORS! Airport Rood- Charlottesville, Vo . Phone- 973-7667 Fresh Meats Open - Sunda y Produce 8:00-7 :00 Groceries Mon .-Sot . 8:00-9:00





101.1 Cable FM Gospel Voice Music Source t


A PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAMMING Education Update Story Time People Are Talking Gospel Music Spotlight Announcement Line Community Service Feature Programs High School Activities


Words of Inspiration Thought For Today

RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING Various Church Broadcast Moment of Prayer

STATION INFORMATION CHGC began broadcasting in 1974 through the transmission lines of the Jefferson Cable Corporation at 101.1 mHz. FM. At that time CHGC had a potential listening audience of 35,000 in the city, 15,000 at the University of Virginia, and another 20,000 on the fringes of Albemarle County, giving CHGC a potential listenership of 70,000. CHGC is an affiliate of Sheridan Broadcasting Network. CHGC offers to Charlottesville and Albemarle County the first true community minded voice that gives to the listeners what they have wanted to hear. It also gives a direct voice to the minority community, a voice that has never existed. CHGC will allow the other side to be heard, realistically. The CHGC music format is warm and divinely inspiring, and carries a message of love, peace, hope and joy. CHGC programs are informative, controversial, and provocative. No stone is left unturned. For sports fans, we included Sports coverage, scores, interviews, CHGC broadcasts (7) seven days a week, beginning at 8:00A.M. and continues until 12:00 midnight. CHGC is owned and operated by Brown Broadcasting and Recording Company.



You may receive CHGC Radio Broadcast by connecting the TV cable to the FM antenna terminal on the back of your radio or stereo. After making the connection, turn your radio or stereo to 101.1 FM. Should you have any problems, call the Cable Company. Advertisements





We've got it all! Charlottesville Fashion Square 973-4386

Com~~!!!~!!~· Let us introduce you.

Shoppers World • Highway 29 North • Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 973-5701




.~ ~1\~' Food -~~~~\ ~~.·-,

IPLACE Beer on Tap Cocktails

' ·, · . ~:

Complete Catering Facilities Private Rooms For Banquets, Parties, Meetings, etc. Homemade Desserts

Dean "Jake" Jacobs lin Jacobs

Don Webster Sherry Webster

1207 Emmet Street Charlottesville, VA 22901

(804} 971-4696

CONGRATULATIONS to the graduates

STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 1500 State Form Boulevard Charlottesville, Vo . 22909


246 Advertisements

Industrial - Residential CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901

BOX 275

R. F. D. 6


Telephone 804/293-6769

.E State Registered No. 6440



Compliments of

"The Sfbre With Price, Style, and Quality" DOWNTOWN MALL




Senior Portraits 20-30 Proofs Environmentals Custom Work Retouched by hand It's not more expensive just nicer at Castons

Fashion Square Mall

Photography By Mark Bruch 973-2700



The world's most beautiful complexions are seldom born ... they're made

Scientific regiments for beautiful skin at any age

Electrolysis • Lash Tinting Facials Ear Piercing • Body Waxing Body Polish Manicures· Pedicures Fine Jewelry

paragon ltd. 2200 Old Ivy Road 295-3871

cr pect the crl ranrd inary

A.P. - Bag it!

The "Stomp" Act

248 Advertisements



Mrs. Gies' 3rd period class volleys with the Supreme 'Court'.





21251vy Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 (804) 295-5426 Best wishes to the Class of '83

Hamilton, Bermuda

CVO&(JUIJ1l)Gl'UOCB OW!llD(JV~ffi CJl!lVL!J !l(JQJt'eco CU:!!~ 212 East Main St., Charlottesville, Va., Hours: Man-Sat 9:30-5:30 (804) 295-1111 «17 S. Washington St., Alex., Va. 22314 Hours: Man-Sat 9:30-5:30 (703 )836-8855


lc"~o~ l




619 Fo rres t St . o Charlottesville o Virginia 22901 o 804 - 977 - 2053




Dominick Motor Company Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota, Mercedes-Benz

MacGregor Motors, Inc. 416 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln , Mercury, Capri

John Linkous Volkswagen Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Mazda, Volkswagen

Jim Price Chevrolet Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet Cars & Trucks, Peugeot

Berlin Imports, LTD Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Porsche, Audi, BMW, Jaguar

Tenny Pontiac, Cadillac, Inc. 858 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Cadilliac, Pontiac, Datsun

Brody-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Ford Cars & Trucks AMC, Jeep, Renault

George Rennick Buick, Inc. 900 Preston A venue Charlottesville, Virginia Buicks

R.M. Davis Motors Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Subaru

Pollard GMC Truck, Inc. 1011 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia GMCTrucks

Herb Brown Motors Route 250 West Charlottesville, Virginia Volvo

BSR Imports, Inc. 315 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia SAAB Brown Oldsmobile-Honda Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Oldsmobile, Honda

250 Advertisements






P. 0 . BOX 648



Those that shop for value and quality, buy their diamonds at

laMner J£1Vll£/IS


Located at: Downtown Downtown Barracks Road Fashion Square

LEGGETT FASHION SQUARE open daily 10 ' til 9:30 phone 973-7878

LEGGETT BARRACKS ROAD open daily 10 ' til 9 open Saturday ' til 6 phone 296-5556 For the student who looks good all. year round .



Located on Rt. 29N Charlottesville, VA Good Luck Class of '83




Albemarle Bank &Trust Co.


PO. Box 6096 ChoriOrtesvt!lll VirgOe 22906

Phone (804-9 7)-43 7 3)

Good Luck! from

DEL MONTE Frozen Food/ Inc. 252






RONNIE'S COUNTRY STORE Route 20 South Charlottesville, VA

CONGRATULATIONS! To the Graduates of 1983

Good Luck Class of '85!


Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation

Route 29 North 3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesv il le, Virginia Phone 296-7 191 " Over One Hundred Years of Service "

Ms. Berge puts her foot down in AP.

254 Advertisements



0000 0 00 • 0 000 0 000 0 0 00



AM 107



Charlottesville Broadcasting Corp .

Home of the HOOS




~ ~.

' ~'" ' ~1. ·




Mrs. Finley's blooming idiots!


+'•'-·',~~~._,l"'~~ ....." ""'

- ~~·- l~...... ~·


+,.,.• ,.;,

~ .

~-~ .


-J~r1c·) -Jf ·Jr ·]r ·rj'J> . rnrc· Jn(\\]UrlQ.·]c I\ ~~t _.) L1 ~ll \\.ANn \u JG,, JJlr\\.~ lJ~,]·J t ~ 2_14 East Main Street . ( '\(f-' ) 1

Barracks Road Shoppmg Center




· Congratulations Graduates Growing to meet the needs of our customers and the community


Advertisements 255





Equal Opportunity Employer

BARNABY'S The best pizza in Charlottesville






.. lfiD






904 West Main Street


'iscJ!~'&~!:?.'!I]~ SHOPPERS WORLD/RTE 29 N.

. ..... ....





CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS! ::: ... We hope all Albemarle students have a great summer and that your plans include visits to Captain Video 132 Emmett Street 971-3723 Mon.-Thurs. -10am-Midnite Fri.-Sat. 10am-2am • Sun. 12pm-12am





The 1983 PEER Staff would like to thank the owners and staff of the Barracks Road Theatre for the use of their marquee.





...' '


Rah, Rah, Rah!!!

Wade Homes ... a Charlottesville tradition!!

POPKIN ARNOLD 8 M o - - - - - - - - , HAIR REMOVAL




SPECIALIZING IN CONTACT LENSES • Lar,ut lnTentory Ol Cc:.ltact Lcnsu In The Area • 90 % Of Patients Can Be Fit Same Dar

:• :

i~~~Jde'!rw~o; toYtirue!~~

Gas Pcnoeable & Bifocal Lenacs

Pnuf~~a~~e ::C,~:::o:bk~::!~

DISCOUNTS TO U VA STUDENTS AND HEALTH CARE WORKERS E""''"" 6- SaJwrdoy Ho•r'l AuoiJobl# Two Loc.a.tions To Serve You Charlotteni.lle & Culpeper

72'2 Rio Road W Charlottesville ... . 973-7949

Congratulations, Kathie, on your Graduation- 1983

(804) 973-3271


Photographer of teams at AHS 1000 SOUTH HIOH STRIEIET HARRISONBURG, VA. 22801




433 - ~444

DAVID W. CUNNINGHAM Free-Lance Photographer













PEER BOOSTERS Anderson Bros. Bookstore, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Burks, Jr. The Candy Store H. Edward Chapman Charlottesville Sanitary Supply Pat and Bob Cruise Mr. and Mrs. Englar Feggans Page Foster, Inc. The Gold Bank of Albemarle Herrsche Chiropractic Health Center Hobbycraft Center Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Hunt, Jr. Insurance Management Corporation Investors Savings and Loan Association Japanese Steak House Johnson Chevrolet Frauline and Irvin Johnson Darlene Jones, AHS National Anthem Singer Lakeland Tours, Inc. Lewis Produce Lloyd's Rexall Angela Lucas Maggie Lucas Murphy Travel New Dominion Book Store Parks Finance Ms. Barbara Paige Ms. Patti Powell Kelvin Reid Robin Michaels Reva Rush Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Starks University Bookstore Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Wilson


Advertisements 259

Bogard. Bahann< Boland. Boland,


Bolen. ~

Boling, ,' Bollinge Booker. Booth. Ti Basely, ,t Bouch or Bowen.< Bowles.' Bowmer Bowmar Boyd,Ke Boyd, Pc Boys· Ba: Bradley. Braine. J Braithwc Branharr Branharr Breeden Breeden Breeden


Breihan. Breiver.J Bridgewo Brite. Hel Britton.LE Broan.Jc Brock. Jc Brooks.( Brooks. C

Brooks .~

Brown. A Brown. A Brown. A Brown. B1 Brown. B1 Brown, C Brown. D Brown. E< Brown. El Brown. Ho Brown. Jc Brown. Je Brown. JL Brown.Li1 Brown. M Brown.M Brown. M Brown. M Brown. Rc Brown. R) Brown. St Brown. Tr Brown. Tr Brown. Y1

The start of another day at Albemarle.

A Abbott. Julie Ann (11) 172 Acree, Kenneth Ear1 (9) 92 Adams. Tad A. (10) 76 Adams. Virginia 190. 221 Adcock. Anthony (10) 76. 121 Advoccr1e Club 192 Afro-American Litercr1ure League 173 Agee. Rober Dean (11) 60 AISIA178 Airport Road ALr1o Center 241 Ajgadkar. Maya (9) 92. 192. 194 Aker. Glenn Raymond (1 1) 197 Akers. Lucy Lane (12) 17. 49 Albemarle Bank & Trust 252 Alexander. Greg Scott (12) 49 Alley. Michael Ray (11 ) 121 Alford. Deborah L. (9) 92 Alford. Pcr1ricia A. (10) Almond. Pcr1ricia Lynn (9) 90.92. 170.1 73 Altman. Jason Scott (1 1) 60 Altman. Vanessa Jane (11) 60. 184. 194 Amcr1o. StephenS. (10) 76. 119.121 . 122. 181 Amos. Robert Lee (9) ¢2 Amos. Sandra Lee (11) 60. 196 An. Youngshin (10) 76.182 Anderson Bros. llookstore. Inc. 259 Anderson. Charlotte Marie (12) 17. 49 Anderson. Cheri L. (9) 92,' 122.195 Anderson. Clifton Leroy (11) 60 Anderson. Dons 226 Anderson. Edwin B. (12) 17.49. 196. 197 Anderson. John 202 Anderson. Laura T. (10) 76 Anderson. Lisa Carole (10) 76. 122. 196 Anderson. Mark Anthony (111 Anderson. Michael W. (10) 16.86, 121 . 151 Anderson. Pam (9) 92,110.112.157 Anderson. Pamela Lynn (11) 188 Anderson. Terry Laveme (11) 60. 129 Ankron. Charles Bova (11) 60. 67 . 134. 196 Anthany.Jill Ada-Marie (11) 60.157 , 181.184 Arbogast. Gina C. (10) 76. 189 Archer. Robert Todd~) 92. 176 6

~;;:'~~~~e~~ii~~~~ 2hi Amold. Melissa J. (9)



ArtCiub191 Artale. Diane Marie (11) 60. 197 A TireCo. 244 Ausftn. C. Wayne 231 Avallone. Tiesha Ann (11 )

~~~~ 9~~~~~2tr r11160. 196 Ayers. Karen Denise (11)

B Baber. Theresa Laveme (12) 17. 49 Back Alley Disc 257 Badoud. Janice Renee (12) 17. 49.129. 194 Ba1ley. Catherine Dolores (9) 92. 189 Bakel. Judy Lynn (11) 197 Baker. Anne Elizabeth (12) 17. 48. 49. 51 , 192 Band 188. 189 Banks. Eric McKinley (12) 17. 49. 57. 178. 261 Banks. Roger Curtus (10) 76 Banks. Varonda Denise (9) 92 Banks. William 209 Bannister. William Michael225 Bansleben. Erik Peter (1 1) 173. 180 Bansleben, Gerda 220 Banton. John William (11) 60 Barajas. Alfonso (10) Barker. Hubert Mitchell (11 ) 60 Barker. Teresa Carol (9) 92. 187 Barkscale, Tracy Ann(¢) Bamaby's 256 Bames. Lisa D. (10J76 Bamett. Judith (10 92. 129 Bamett. Lisa Karen (10) Barracks Road Thecr1er 257 Barrett. EdwarqPeyton (11 ) 60. 121 Barrett. Robert L. (12) Bcr1chelor. James Neal (12) 17. 49 Batten. Lisa Lynn (10) 76 Batten. Scott Norman (12) 17. 49. 178 Batten. Timothy L. (10) 76. 189. 194 Battin. Deborah Ann (9) 92 Bauer. John (9) 92.134.188 Bauer. Susan Fritch (12) 17.49. 110.

Bauerle. Howard 134 Beale. Dawn Lane (12) 192 Beale. Deann B. (9) 92. 190 Beasley. Janet Ela ine (11 ) 60. 196. 269 Beasley, Michelle Ka y (9) 92.187 , 195 Beauford. Sharon 226 Beck. Warren Edward \11) 60, 110. 134 Beegle. Chrisftna Lee ( 2) 17. 49. 152. 187. 197 Bell. Hornet Stonebumer 208 Berge. Colleen Marie 216 Berge 2nd Period 254 Berge 4th Period 249 Berkeley. Edmund (11 ) 76 Berlin Imports 236 Benin. Russel Phillip (12) 17.49.170 Benin. Shari Lynn (11) 122. 124. 197 Bemard. Sheila Kay (10) 76. 122. 196 Berry, Mark Henderson (11 ) Best. Terry 226 Better Living 240 Beverly. Gary Lee (10) 76 Bevilaccua. Lori Ann (11) 60. 174. 194 Bibb. Alice Mcleod 212 Bickers. John Randolph (12) 17. 49.1 55. 157.180. 182. 183 Bickley, Denise Lynn (91 ¢2.197 Bilezerian. Alfred (12) 17. 49. 193 Billhimer. Hugh Nelson 231 Billups, Christopher J. (9) 92 Binney. Marsha Annette (12) 17.49 Binney, Michael A. (10) Birckhead. Bessie P. 206 Birckhead. Teresa L. (10) 76 Bird. Christine Nan (11) 60. 84.175 Bishop, David Russell (10) 76. 170. 189. 191 Bishop. Gregory Glenn (12) 17. 49. 157. 180. 189.193 Bishop, Sheila Lynn (12) 17. 49 Bishop. Tony Dean (10) Bithell. Amy (10) 76.86 Blackbum. Donna Sue (12) 17. 49 Blackbum. Heidi Elizabeth (11) 197 Blackbum, Kevin Lee (9) 92 Blackwell. Sandra 224 Blake. John Pcr1rick (12) 17. 48. 49. 11 8. 121 Blankenship. Debra Gale (12) 17. 49 Blikslager. Pieter M. (11 ) 170. 188. 189. 192 Blue Ridge Pharmacies 235 Blue. Robert Markwood (10) 77 . 84. 175. 182 Boatwright. Beth Frances (11) 60 Boatwright. Jeanne Marion (11) 60 Bodrey. David Kevin (10) Bodrey. Wanda Kay (11 ) 179


Bogard, Jeffrey Allen (11 ) 60 Bohannon. Dot1y A 222 Boland. Melissa Ann (10) 77 Boland. Sondra K. (12) 17. 49, 177 Bolen. Marc F. (11) 61 . 121 Boling, Althea Ann (11) 189. 191 Bollinger, Sora Jane (9) 93 Booker. Granville 8. (9) Booth. Timothy Albert (9) 93. 147. 149.157. 184.188. 191 Basely, Amy Charlene (12) 17. 49.180. 197 Bouchard, Breck R. (10) Bowen. Chris (9) 93 Bowles. William Robert (9) 93 Bowman. Dottie 190 Bowman. Glenn David Boyd, Kenneth Corson. Jr. (10) 77. 134.191 Boyd, Patrick Donohue (9) 93. 178 Boys' Bosketball126, 121. 128 Bradley. Felicia Ann (10) Broine. JenniferC. (10) 76. 77 . 85. 122. 174 Braithwaite. Lindo (10) 77.1 74 Branham. Koren Denise (12) 17. 49 Branham, Paige Theresa (11 ) 61 Breeden. Gail lynn (12) 18, 49 Breeden. Randolph Wayne (11) 61 , 178 Breeden, Stephanie D. (9) 93 Breeding, Eldon C. (10) 71 Breen. Maureen Patrice (12J18. 49, 170. 196 Breihon. Mary Elizabeth (12 93, 173, 188 Breiver, Angelln 187 Bridgewater Livestock 23 7 Brite, Helen M. 203 Britton. leigh A (10) 77 Breon. James M.\10) 77 Brock. James D. ( 0) 77 Brooks. Cynthia Renee (10) Brooks. Doris A (9) 93 Brooks. Gcry Douglas. Jr. (11) 61 Brown. Anton Dominick (9) Brown. Amold Dean (10) 128. 196 Brown. Arthur Wordell. Jr. (10) 77. 87. 121. 134, 174 Brown. Brenda 226 Brown. Bridget Chris~ne (11) 187. 196 Brown. Cynthia D. (12) 18. 49 Brown. David l yle (9) Brown. Earl McArthur (tO) 77 Brown. Elizabeth Groce (12) 9. 18. 49. 180. 182 Brown. Harriet Sovem (11 ) 178 Brown. Janice (9) 93. 181 Brown, Jean 230 Brown. Juanita Delores (9) 93 , 187 Brown. undo (9S 93 Brown. Marion 11 ) Brown, Martin ( ) Brown, Melanie Anne (12) 18, 49, 196 Brown. Michelle Rose (11) 61 Brown. Robin Lynn [12) 18. 49 Brown. Ryan Lenard (11 ) 121 Brown. Sherri Ann (9) 93. 177 Brown. Thomas Franklin (11) Brown. Themes Lee [9) 61 . 93 Brown. Yvonne V. 203

Browning, Kimberly D. (10) 77 Browning, Marl< Anthony (12) 18. 49. 121, 140, 142. 197, 264 Brownlee. Monty Roy (11 ) 61 Brubaker. Richard (11) 61 . 197 Bruce's Drug 239 Brugh, Robert Conklin (12) 18. 49 Bryant. Andrea lynn (1i ) 61 Bryant. Anthony l. [10) Bryant. David J. (9) Bryant. Montie Lewis (10) 17.187 Bryant. Susan Eloise (12) 18. 49,173 Bryant. Thomas lee (9) 93. 173 Bryce. Donald W. [10) 77.189, 191 Buchanon. Dono lynn (10177 Bull. Gabie 222 Bullock. Tonia Rene (11 ) 60. 61 . 196 Bunn, Charles Robin (11 ) 187. 191 Burbach. Julie P. (10) 77, 157. 184 Burch, David Roy (12) 18, 49 Burch. Kathryn Bumet (10) 77 Burchette, Terry C. (11)61 Burl<s. Mr. & Mrs. M.V.. Jr. 259 Burling, Sherri M. (10) 77. 132. 190 Bumer. Lori Ann (12) 18. 49. 182, 189 Bumette, Marl< Wayne (12) 49, 140. 142. 197 Bumley. Allan C. [10) 77. 188 Bums. April Joanne (11 ) 61 . 181 Bums. David 226 Bums. Juanita 226 Bums. Michael (9) 92. 93. 119. 121 . 134, 189 Burrell. Shea M. (9) 93 Burruss. Margaret W. 219 Burton. Craig Steven (12) 18. 49. 147. 178 Burton. Jamie Tereso (9) 93 Burton. Wayne William (12) Burwell. Lawrence S. (9) 93 B~er. Albert Boardman (11 ) 70. 181 Butler. Cathino E. (12) 18. 49, 177 B~er. Heather D. (9) B~er. Mary Elizabeth (10) 93. 121 . 129. 140. 144 B~er. Thomas Franklin (11 ) 61 By-Pass Exxon 243 Byars. Corey Scott (9) 93

c Coble Insurance Assoc. 243 Coldwell. Carol Ann \12) 18, 49. 181 Coldwell. Katherine ( 0)77. 150. 270 Coldwell , Richard Shelfon (12) 18. 49. 197 Coldwell. Tina Marie (10! 77 Collonhon. Timcthy M. (10) 77. 110. 194. 195 Calloway. Gcyle Catherine (12) 18. 49. 170. 180. 197 Camero Center 236 Campagna. Janet (9) 93. 184

Campagna. Lourie Sue (12) 18. 45. 49. 155. 180, 197 Campbell, Dono Michelle (10) 77 Campbell , Jacqueline C. (9) 93. 177 Campbell, Jeffrey Todd (11 ) 61 . 173 Campbell, Lila Kaye [11) 61 Canada. Michelle R. (10) 77. 90.170 Candy Store. The 259 Capizzi. Ann Louise (12) 18. 49, 77, 129, 180. 195 Capizzi, Joseph E. (10) 77 Copps, Dono Lynn (9) 93. 190 Captain Video 257 Caravan 252 Carden. Elizabeth A (11) 61,177 Corey, Adonice A [9)93, 188, 191 Corey, James F. (10) 17 Corey, Lee 203 Corey, RobertThcmos (11 ) 61 Cargile. John Mercer \10) 77 Cargile. Kenneth A. (9 Carr. Sepeldo Ammerdus (12) 18. 49 Corrott. Melanie R. (12) 18. 49 Carriage Food House 244 Corson. Kevin Christopher (12) 18, 49 Corter. David Mathew (12) 18. 50 Corter. Gordon 226 Corter. Kelvin (9) 93. 121 . 128 Corter. Steven Jerome (12)9. 18. 50. 127. 128. 196 Cosero. Gabriella Pilar (12) 18, 41. 50,108 Cosero. Joseph Manuel (11) 61 COston Studios 247 Catalano, Daniel J. (9) 93, 188 Cottett. James David. Jr. (11) 61 Cottett. Jarrett Todd (9) Caul. Cheri Down (11) Covolco, Mario Pia (11) Cavanaugh, Christopher V. (9) 94, 121 . 134 Chalfont. Elizabeth Lee (11 ) 187, 194 Chamberlain. Richard Lee (10) 61 Chamberlain. Scott R. (9) Chomps246 Chandler, Richard Lee (12) 18. 50. 157 Chandler, Thomas (10) i7 Chong, Eric (10) 77 Chong. Paul Yong Pyo (10) 77 Chapman. Frenzel! (9) 94. 188 Chapman. H. Edward 259 Chapman. Lisa Valencia (12) Chapman. RobertS. (10) 76, 77. 121 . 192 Chapman. Rudy Stanley (11) 61 Charlottesville Auto Clinic 246 Charlottesville Auto & Truck Dealers 250 Charlottesville Clearing House Assoc. 240 Charlottesville Office and Machine Co. 236 Charlottesville Sanitary Supply 259 Charlton. James Poui.Jr. (12) 18. 50.134. 157, 192 Chorleys237 Charron, Brenda Velma (11 ) 61 . 176 Charters. Dorothy A (11 ) 61 Chastain, Michael Allen (12) 18. 50. 157. 180 Cheerleading 122. 123. 124 Checci. Carolyn Jean (9) 94. 188. 189

2. 183

1. Phil Estes and his cronies. Eric Banks and Emmet Churchman. ham it up in the halls. 2. Vonda Crickenberger and CeCe White are caught trying to escape to Chris Greene.

Index 261

Chess Club 192 Chesshir, Bemord N.. Jr. 202 CHGC Radio 245 Childress, Sheila Laveme (12] 18. 50 Christian Fellowship Club 196 Chisholm, Robert L. (9] Chlvlly, Moria Kalina (12] 18, 50, 194 Chlvlly, Stephanie Ann (11] Chivlly, Suzanne A. (9] 94, 187, 188 Choe, Jln W. (10] 77 Choir 196, 197 Christmas Donee 151 Christmas Events 150 Chrystal. Susan Mou (12] 9, 18, 50,174, 180, 183 Churchman, Emmett Eugene (12] 20. 50,179. 261 Churchman, Lisa Rene (10] Clorion172 Clark, Ashley Marie (12] 20, 50.187, 193 Clark, Paul Eugene \1 1] 197 Clark. Stacey Lynn ( 2120.50,176 Clark, Thomas Scott (9) 94 Clarke, Christopher (12) 12, 20, 50, 122. 170, 197 Clarke, Michael Edward (11 ) 184 Clattelbuck, Jeffrey W. (10] 77 Clawson, Charles Cyi\Js 112120.50, 51 , 64,1 80,196 Cleasby, Amy C. (11) 61. 96, 197 Clem, David Michael (9) 94 Clemerra. Lilian s. (9) 92, 94, 100 Clements, Jody Eugene (11 ) 61 Clements, Rodney Cole (11) Clemmer, Jeffrey Scott (12) Cleveland, George Brock (12) 20, 50,146,178 Clifford, Margaret Elizabeth 225 Cline, Johnny L. (9) 94 Cline, Sonya (10) Coates, Martha 112) 11 , 20, 50, 108, 152 Cobb, Jane M. ( 0) 77 Coble, Marta Ann (10) 78 Coco-Cola Bottling Co. 241 Cockerile, Mary Jane (12) 20. 50, 196 Cogbum, Mark (9) 94. 188 Cohen. David A. (11 J Coiner, Sharon Elizabeth (12) 12. 20. 50, 170 Coiners Scrap Iron 236 Coleman. Bonnie Sue (1 2) 20, 50 Coleman, Linda Elizabeth (1 2) 20. 50 Coleman. Usa Renee (11) Coleman. Suzanne Michele (11J 61 Coles. Clariece R. (9) 94, 129, 188 Coles, Crisft Rosanna 112) 20. 50, 174 Coles, Janice Elaine (!1) 129, 197 Coles, Luther Lewis (12) 20, 50 Coles. Michelle Denise (12) 20, 50 Calker, Phi Ill!' len (9) 94 Collie, Sora Elizabeth (12) 20, 50,187 Collier, Linda L. (9) 94 Collier, Rebecca Anne (11) Collier, Susan A. (9) 94 Collier, Wando F. (10) 78 Colllns·Hemdon Motor Co. 235 Collins, Marc Jay (10) 78, 192 Collum, Debra A. (10) 78 Collum. John Michael (12) 20, 50, 192

Colombini. Martt.a Ann Johnson 209 Colvin, Ashley S. (10) 78, 194 Comdiol 251 Corney, Lyman R. 229 Computer Programming Club 193 Computer Land 246 Conley, Gregory Shawn (9] Conley, Norma J (10) 78, 192 Conner. Mark stewart (12) 20, 50, 193 Cooper, Deborah 177, 219 Cooper, DouQIOS Alan (10) 183 Cooper, JennlferK. I9) 94,122,135 Cooper, Susan C. (1 ) 61 Copeland, Suzanne (12) 20, 50,174 Colbin, Jimmie Andrew (11) 61 Colbin, Sleven E. (10) 78 Corle. Daniel B. (9) 94 Comog, Lady-Sonya (10) 78, 190 Comog, Raymond Arlega (12] 20. 50 Cosby, Caroline Burke (12) 6, 20. 50,157,180. 182, 183 Cosner Bros. 252 Coster, Christopher (10) 78 Coster, Patrick Arthur(¢) 94 Coston, Annie Ward 191 , 215 Coukos, stephanie (9) 94, 197 Covert, William (9) 94, 188, 189 CovinQ!on, Eugenia V. (11) 61 CowgTII. Brenda Lynn (1 1] 197 Cowgill, Marie Teresa (10] 78, 190 Cox. John Alvah (11 ) 61 , 68, 69,175,188, 189 Crafts Club 190 Crane, Louella Jane 206 Craver, Patricia Lynn (1 1) 11 , 60, 61,196 Crawford. Aaron Thomas (11) Crawford. Antonia Lavemo (12) 20, 50,1 87 Crawford, Theodora (9) 94 Crawford, Venda Lee (11 ) Creasy, Debra Ann 19) 94 Creoftve Arts Week 46, 147 Creoftve Picture Framing 249 Crenshaw. Charles II (10] 78 Crenshaw, Shirley Palmer 207 Crenshaw. William (9) Cress. Donna (9) Crickenberger, Blain W. (12] 20, 50, 157. 176 Crickenberger, Tracy Joe (12) 20, 50,1 78 Crickenberger, Vande Kaye (12) 9, 20, 50, 150, 261 Criss, Alvin Timothy (9) 94 Critzer, Maxwell Travis (11)61 Critzer, Sue D. 122. 170,1 71 ,213 Critzer, Timothy H. (12) C10mer, James W. (10) 178 C10mer. Tina Marie \9) 94 ClOss Country 110,11 , 112 Crouse Hinds 255 CI\Jise, Bob and Pot 259 CI\Jichfield, Helen E. (1 1)61, 196 CI\Jz, Frances (12) 20, 50 Cullop, James Robert 224 Cunningham, David 9, 171 , 191 ,208, 258 Cumow, Randall Thoma s (9) 94 Currie, Cynthia C. (10) 174 Cuny, MalVin T. 208

Dillord,J• Dillard, I\ Dlllord.S Dillow, rv Dimasi. K Dimock, Dlx.Pom Dix, Trefn Dixon,Ci Dixon, He Dixon.M Dodd,LI! Dofflemy Domino'! Donato, Donato. Donnelly Donnelly Dorman, Dorman, Dom, De Dorrier.C

Cuny's 1st Period AP 248 Cuscrlo, Kimberly A. (12) 20, 50, 110, 180, 183 Cufter, Angela J. (9) 94, 129

D DECA 176 D'Eiicio, Ida (9) 94, 188, 189 D'Eiicios Delicacies 237 D'Eiicio, Luigi Edward (11) 187, 189 Dabney, Calvin Wayne (10) Dade. Thomasine C. (9) 94 Dalrymple, Paul Cla yton (12) 20, 50, 264 Donee Club 191 Dos. lllno \9) 94, 170, 181 Dos. Sonji (11) 157.181 Daughtery, David Glenn (12] 50 Dovs, April Janina (12) 20, 187 Dovs, Arthur Lowell (9) 94, 176 Dovs. Bony Anthony (11) 62. 196 Dovs, Bony Owens (12) 22, 50 Dovs, Brenda (9) Davis, George W. (10) 78,128 Davis. Helbert Linwood (10) 78, 128, 196 Davis, Joseph P. (9) 94, 189 Davis, Lisa Ann (12)22, 50 Davis, Lisa Gwyn (11) 62 Davis, Lowell 121 Davis, Rebecca A. \9~ Davis, Rebecca E. ( 1 Davis, Roger H. (12) 2 , 50 Davis, William (9) Davis, Valerie Dawn (11) 94 Dean, Jeffrey Suell9) 94 Dean. Kathy Sue (1 ) 62, 178 Dean. Michael (12) 20 Deane. Mark Anthony (12)50 Debenedicfts. Carl David (10) Debeny, Andrea Frances (11 ) DeJohn, Nichola s J. (12) 22, SO. 192 DeKrofft, Charles W. 227 Delis, Katherine (12) 22. 47, 50 Delis, Lisa (12) 22, 50, 192 DeMasters. Sfephen C. (10) 78, 128 Dempsey, Kimberley Nadine (12) 22. 50 Depret-Guillame, Corrine (10) 78 Depret-Gulllame, Patrick (11) 62,194 Depret-Guillame, Serge (12) 22. 50, 155, 157, 174, 180,182 Devan. Margaret Richards (10) 78 Dewey, Lisa Kim (12)22, 50 Dezlo, Kelley C. (9) 94, 188, 191


Douglas, Douglas. Douglas. Douglas. Dougla s, Dovel, Tc Dowell, f. Dowell.£ Downtov Downtov Doyle, AI Doyle, Eli Drama( Drosh, Sc Driscoll. I DI\Jmhell Dudley, l Dudley, l Dunki.Je Dunn,Mi Duprey,! Durham, Durham, Durham, Durkee, f Duty, No Dyer, Juli Dyer, Lise Dyer, Rot


g: ;~;,~~~~~~~~ ~ouis

210 Diehl , Rodney D. (9) 94 Digges, Duane Andrew (12) 22,50 Dillard, Courtney D. (9)94

Eodes.J• Ecology

Buses pull out before the roads get too treacherous at the start of another snowfall. Who'll ever forget the Blizzard of '83?




Dillard. Jeffrey Mitcheil (12) 12. 22. 50 Dillard, Michael A. (10) 78. 134 Dillard. Stephanie Lorroi (12) 50 Dillow. Mark Anthony-(11 ) Dimasi, Kathleen Laing (12) 22. 50 Dimock, Kathleen (9) 95, 174 Dlx. Pamela J. (10) 78.197 Dix, Trefny Allison (9) 95. 194 Dixon. Cindy 189 Dixon. Harold Andrew (11 ) 172. 183 Dixon, Michael B. (10) 78. 188. 192 Dodd. Lisa R. (9) 184.188 Dofflemyer. Virginia Richards 204 Domino's Pizzo 242 Donato. Brion (11 ) 181 Donato. Kristin (12) 22. 50. 197 Donnelly, Mark Terry (10) 78. 194 Donnelly, Patricio Anne (9) 95 Dorman. Gail Marie (12) 22. 50 Dorman. Richard LeeJ12j 22,50 Dom. Desiree LoJuon 12 22. 50, 173 Dorrier, Charles Robe • Jr. (9) 95 Dotson. Mathew 19) 95. 128, 192 Douglas. Bryant ( 2) 51 Douglas, Glendo Ruth (10) 62, 157, 176 Douglas, James F. 206 Douglas. Koren Marie (11 ) 62 Douglas. Keith Lee (11) 62 Dovel, Tom 119, 121 Dowell, Robert W. (9) 95 Dowell. Sharon Goy \12) 22. 51 . 171 . 177 Downtown AthleticS ore 232 Downtown Hairstylists 246 Doyle, AnneK. (9) 95, 170. 174 Doyle, Elizabeth Winn (12) 22. 51 Drama Club 1B4. 185 Drosh. Sora Elizabeth (12) 22. 51 . 155. 180. 182 Driscoll, Bethany Cloy (11 ) 62.196 Drumheller. Penny Louise (9) 95. 188. 194 Dudley. Loretto Lynn (12)22. 51 Dudley, Lori Ann (9) 95. 187 Dunkl, Jennifer Ann (10) 78. 182. 183 Dunn, Michael Patrick (10) 78. 121 Duprey. Paul E. (10) 78 Durham. Somoromyth Ann (9) 95 Durham. Sharon Elaine (11 ) Durham. Sherri Anne (10) 18 Durkee. Paulo Chris~ne (10) 78 Duty, Nancy A. (9) 95, 187 Dyer. Julio 218 Dyer. Lisa Anne (12) 22. 51 . 178 Dyer, Robert A. (12) 182

E Eades. Jonathon Kirk (12) 22. 51 . 170 Ecology Club 194

Edgecomb, Debra Sue (11 ) 62 Edf;Jecomb. Sheri Ann (9) 95 Edl1ch. Richard (11 ) 62 Edmonds. Winston Lewis, Jr. (11)11 . 121, 157. 188. 189. 272 Edmondson. Suscn Louise (11) 60. 62 Edson, Catherine A. (9) 95, 194 Edson, Clorece Howard 207 Edwards. Andrew Wesley (11) 62. 176 Edwards. Cheryl Louise (12) 22.51 . 189 Edwards, Kenneth Samuel (11) 62. 122. 178 Edwards, Nancy Jean (11) 62. 108. 197 Eichelberger, Ben Davis (11 ) 62 Eichman. Todd Everett (11)62 Elbirlik, Edo (12) 22. 51 . 182 Eldlich, Richard F. (11 ) 193 Eley, Mary E. (10) 78. 86 Elgert. Andrew 224 Eljo's234 Elliott, Marion Borton 207 Ellis. Dono Cherie 204 Elliton. David Gilbert (12) 22. 51 . 178 Elliton. Wendy K. (10) 78 Ely, Elizabeth (10) 122 Ely, Michcel Lawrence (10) 78. 172 Ely. Michcel129 ErkenBrack. Lauro (12/16. 22. 25. 51 . 150. 180. 181 . 192. 196. 197 Eppcrd. Koren Michele (11 ) 62 . 135 Eppard. Roxana M. (9) 95 Ergler. Richard 170. 171. 194.207 Estes, Heather L. (9)95. 132 Estes, Phillip Mansfield (12) 22. 25. 51 . 121 . 134. 140. 142. 191 . 261 . 264 Estes, stephanie Marie (11) 62. 190 Estes, Suzanne Roe (9)95 Estes. Thomas Howard. Jr. (10) 78. 194 Estes. Z. James. Jr. 186. 187. 213 Etheridge. Susan Corter 221 Eubcnk, Cynthia Marie (11) 178 Evans, Kimberly Sue (11) Evans. Rodney Wayne (9) 95. 121 Evans. Janice 229 Ewoys, Angelo Joy (9) 95. 188 Ewoys, Solem M. 234 Ewoys, Vicki Rene (12)

F FBLA 177 FCA 196 FFA 196 FHA 177 Falls. Sharon Lyn (11) 62 Fontino, Anthony "Zeke"178, 227 Fontino. Marilyn V. 146. 215 Farish. Lise Elaine (11 ) 62. 176 Fariss. William Henry (11 ) 62 Farley. Elbert (11 ) 62

Brent Garland and Paige Pippin practice for a mime show.

Former. Kevin B. (9) 95. 173. 196 Former. Penny (10) 78.187 Fomum. Fredenck P. (10) 78 . 121 Farrell, Lisa J. (10)78 Farrish. Pamela Dione (10) 176 Faulkner. Rebecca 112) 22. 51 . 152 Feggons. Caroline ( 0) 78. 191 Feggons, Clarence Stew (9) 121 Feggons, Mr. and Mrs. Eng lor 259 Feggons, Gletso Vorlerio (12)22. 51 . 152. 157. 183. 186. 187 Fennemon, Rebecca Ann (10) 78, 108. 193 Fidler. Phyllis Katherine (12) 22. 51 . 157. 176 Field Hockey 113.114, 115 Fields. Gory Wayne 95 Fields, Judy Denise 1 176 Fields. William B. 9. 192 Film Cri~cs Club 173 Finger. Eleanor F. (11)60.197 Finger. Louise (10) 79. 182 Finley. Peggy 213 Finley's 4th Period 255 ~~:~~~.U~~~oyne (11 J 24. 51

IY. (10~

Fisher. JohnC. (12) 24. 51 . 197 Fisher. Roger Edward (12) 24. 51 Fisher. Sharon Lenora (9) 95 Fisk. Freemon Paul (9) Fisk. George Elbc (11) Fitz. Douglas Alan (11) Fitzgerald. Amy Sue (11 ) 62. 196 Fitzgerald. Elizabeth Ann 112) 24. 51 Fitzgerald. Robin Jonine ( 1) 62 Fitz-Hugh. George M. (10) 79 Fitzwater. John W.. Jr. (12 j 51 Flanagan. Gory Lynn (12 24. 51 Fleming. Jenifer Marie (11 ) 62 Fletcher. Donald Keith (9) 95. 121.128 Fletcher. Donna Lynette (12) 24.51 . 152, 187 Flick, Jock R. (9) 95 Florence, Mary Catherine \10) 79. 194 Flynn. Frederick Go lager ( 2) 24. 51 . 173. 197. 264 Flynn. Kathleen 209 Flynn. Mary Alice 226.129 Footboll118. 119. 120. 121 Ford. Jerry Gilbert (12) 24. 51 Fordham. Andrew E. (9) 95 Fordham, Benjamin Oliver (11) 62. 65. 157 Forloines, Melissa Jane (12) 9. 12. 24.51 . 125. 150. 157. 189. 197 Forsberg. Ronald Wayne (11) Fortune. Vincent Cuney (12) 24.51 . 121 . 134. 191 Foster. Page. Inc. 259 Foster. Page Warren. Jr. (9) 95 Foutz. R. Stephen 34. 193. 216 Fawley, Daniel John (10) 79 Fox. James Randolph (12) 24. 51 Fox. Neil Burke (9) 95 Frome. Lauro Anne (12) 24. 52 Fronk. JeAnne 203 Fronk, Mathew G. (10) 79.121 Franklin. Verona Leake 196. 212 Frazier. Jocnn (9) 95 Frazier, Jody H. (10) 79 Frazier, Rose Marie (10) 79

Leslie Mann and Shawn Shelton use a light table to prepare layouts for the Clarion.

i .

Index 263

Frederick. Rebecca Lyn (11) 129. 187 Freemon. Amanda L. (9) 95. 108. 188 French Club 182. 183 French. Alan Wayne (9) 95. 188 French Honor Society 180 Frescoln. ReesJ. (10) 79. 119. 121 . 181 Fritz. Tomaro Lynn (12) 24. 52 Fritz. Thomas Joseph (11) 62 Frye. Robert Richard (12) 24, 52 Fudala. Jenifer L. (10) 79 Fulcher. Virginia 180.207 Furr. Anita Diona (9) 95 Fusso. Rogelio A. (10) 79,182

G Goertner. John Alden (12) 12. 24. 52. 170 Goines. Eomest Lee, Jr. (11) Goines. Valerie Lee \12) 27, 52.1 91 Gall, Thomas (9) 95, 70 Gallagher. John D. 110)79,145.147, 149.1 84 Gallagher. Lisa A. (9) 95.184 Gallant. Jane 221 Gannon, Jennifer Ann (12) 27. 41 , 52.108.1 29. 196 Gordner. Charlotte Chormo 112) 27.52.189 Gordner. Elliot J.. Jr. (10) 62. 121 Gordner. Kovonso Kenton 111) 62.121 Gordner. Kenton S.176. 221 Garland. Angelo May (9)95 Garland, Brent (9) 96,145.1 73, 184,263 Gortand. Robert William 110) 79, 121 Gomer. Stewart Ann (12) Gomett. James Mercer 128. 223 Gomett. Ruth 236 Garrigus. Sora Joan (9) 96,173 Garrison, Janice Marie (11) 62 Garrison. Terry Lynn (10) 79 Garrison. Wendi Lynn (9) 96 Gcrtewood, Losondro Blendell (12) 27. 52 Gcrtewood. Lori Ann (10) 79,173 Gaylord. David Alan. Jr. (12) 27. 52 Gebs. Theresa Lynne 225 Geer. Tina M. (10) 192 Gentry, Sharon Kaye 96 Gerbert. Charles Peck 11) 62.12t.196 Gerbert. Kelley A. (10) 9, 196.265 Ghozarion. Germaine (12) 27. 52.182.196 Giannini. Bryston Craig (10) 79, 110 Giannini. Stephani Page (12) 27. 52.196 Giannini. Steven Todd (9) 96 Gibbs. Cheri Denise (9) 96


Gibson. David Lee (9) 96. 179 Gibson. Dwayne Phillrp (12) 27. 52. 178 Gibson. Franklin L.• Jr. (10) 19 Gibson. Gory Samuel (12) 27. 52. 121 Gibson. Glenn Allan \11 ) Gibson. Horton Fronk in (12) 27. 52. 192 Gibson. John (10) Gibson. Joseph Keith 112) 27. 52 Gibson. Kevin L. (10) 79 Gibson, Robbin Lynn (12) 27 . 52 Gibson. Roger Dole (1 1) 62 Gibson. ShermanS. (9) 96. 184 Gibson, Susan Jean (10) 79 Gibson. Vickie Lynn (9) Gieck. Elizabeth Dejomet (9) 96.181,188 Gies' 3rd Period 248 Gies, Mary Jo 216 Giffin, Anne L. (10) 79, 175, 184. 196 Gilko. Michelle Lynn (11 ) 194, 197 Gill. Michael P., Jr. (12) 27, 52. 121.t93 Gill, Sharon R. (9) 96. 184 Gill, Thomas G. (10) 79 Gilliam. Meshonno (10) 79, 173 Gilliam. Steve Anthony (12) 27. 52 Gilligan. Julie C. (9) 96. 188 Gilmer. Georgia (12) 27. 52 Girts' Bosketboll129. 130. 131 Given, Paul O'Neil (12) 27. 39. 52. 57. 157. 170. 188. 197. 266 Glasgow, Ethel Elnora (11 ) 129 Glossnern 251 Gleason. Michelle Lee (11 ) Glenn. Emma M. (9) 96 Glover. Mary Jane 226 Godsey, Melanie Jane (12)27. 52. 129. 196 Goebel. Kcrthy Jeane (10) 79. 193 Gold Bonk of Albemorte. The 259 Good. Anthony W (10) 79, 128. 196 Goode. Edna Virginia (11) 62.178 Goodfellow. Diona (9) Goodman. Jenny Wesley (11) 197 Goodwin. Alan Scott (12) 27. 52 Goodwin. Geoffrey (9) 96 Goodwin. Sora Lynne (9) 96, 193 Gorman. DeneaJonene 112) 12. 27 . 52. 140. 142 Gorman. Yvonne M. (10) 19. 81. 195 Goss. Kendrick A. 19) 96.174 Gossweiler. RobertS. (10) 79, 87 . 134. 188, 192 Gotham. Anne A. (10) 79,148, 157. t81 . 184. 187 Gould, Donielle L.~10) 79, 177 Gould. GreerS. (10 79. 110, 174 Grobmon. Judith oral (12) Graham, David Andrew (1f) 62.189. 193.195 Grainer. BrionJ.11 , 118. 216 Grainer, Pamela Jillson 135. 136. 223 Granger, Amy Hankins (1t ) 63. 175. 193 Granger, Kcrte Maury (12) 27. 52. t96. 267 Groves, Brenda J. 177. 219 Groves, Lisa (10) 79

Groves. Mornho Roe (9) 96 Groves, Richard Scott (11 J Groves. Vicki e Lynn (10) 79 Gray. Emily Moe (9) 96 Gray. Gordon Frederick (12) 27. 52 Gray, Kevin William (1 2) 27 . 52 Gray, Milton Daniel (11) 128 Gray, Ruth L. (10) 79 Grays Florist Shop 249 Graziano. Anthony Franklin (1 1) 184 Graziano. Kris~n 110) 79 Green. Jennifer (¢) 96. 191 Green. Kelvin Leroy (12) 52 Greene. Ronald A. (10) 80 Grehowick. Kimberly (10) 80.174 Grim. Nancy Carolyn 216 Grinde. Pa ige Elizabeth 112) 27 . 48. 52. 155. 180. 197 Groome. Kimberly R. (9) ¢6. 187. 196 Group One Real Estcrte 247 Gurley, Martino Pearl (12) 27.52. 140.142, 197 Guthrie, Timothy Roy (11 ) 63. t21 . 195 Gutierrez, Michelle M. (9) 96. 145, 152. 184, 189, 267 Gymnastics 135. 136. 137

H Hoberiy, Duncan Chories (10) 80. 85. 270 Hockett. Brion (12) 27. 52.192 Hockley. Leise (10) 132 Hogo. Sylvia Denise (11) 177 Hoger. Brenda Sue 112) 27, 52 Hoger, Lourie B. (9) ¢6. 121, 184 Hoger. Paul (10) Hoger. Tommy G. (9) 96. 192 Hainer. Jon M. (9) 110 f' Haines. Colleen Lee (11 ) 63. 193. 194 Hair Affair. The 241 Hakala. Tracy eel (11) 197 Hole. Michael Eugene (10) 80 Hall. David Alan (9) 96. 128. 181 Hall. Donald Keith (1 1) 63 Hall. Kerry Lynn (9) 96 Hlol . Lester Amold (12) 27. 52. 121 . 269 Hall. Michael Adam (12) 27.52. 188.193 Hall. Mitchell Alan (12) 27. 52. t25 Hall. Susan Kathryn (10) 80 Homm. Lindo Down (11) 63.67. 178 Hammer. Down M. (9) 96 Hammer. Joe Allen (11)

The intramural basketball team "The Bumouts", won the toumament again. Phil Estes, Fritz Flynn, Tony Browning . Mike Krongaard. Paul Dalrymple. Hunter Thomas, and Rob Mays are members of the team.



Hammill. Hammill, Hamme Hammer Hammer Hamner. Hamner. Honey, v Hanger. Hankie( Hanley, I Hanley. 1 Harding,

Harlan . ~

Horman. Harmon. Harper, f


Horper,l Horper,l Horringtc Horringtc Harris, AI Horris, Ar Harris. Be Horris,Br< Horris. Gr Horris.Jo Horris. Jo Horris.Jo Harris. La Harris. Me Horris. Nc Harris. Rc Harris. We Harrison. Harrod, T Hartling. Hortman Hosensto Houck. Sl Hoverkor Hoverkor Hawkins. Hawkins. Hawkins. Hawkins. Hawkins. Hawkins. Howley.l Hoyes.Ar Haynes. f Heams.Jc Heams.J1 Heoth. Cc Hedrick. 1 Heeter. A Heeter. T< Heimer.K Heintges. Heintzlerr Heiss, For Helfenste Helmond Helwig.rv Hemmer. Henderso Hendeoo Henderso Hendrick! Henley. A Henry, Be· Henry. Jef Hensley.' Hensley,' Hensley, f Hensley. f Herring, 0 Herring.G Herring,Jc Herring, K· Herring,C Herring,Ti Herrmann Herrschec Hernhey,l Hess. Herr Hester. Cc Hettinger, Hicks. HOJ: Hicks, Rutt Hicks. Ten Hicks. Tho Higginbot Higgins. D Higgins. p, Highlonde Hill, Lease Hill. Peter • Hines. Will Hipskind. I Hipskind. · Hirnch. Me Hirnh. Miric Hirnch. The Hobbycro Heel. Lisa Hoei.Sonjo Hoffman. I Holden, Ri Holfelder. Holgcrte. ~ Holland • .> Holleman. Hollins. Gc Hollo. Den Hollo. Sylvi Holsopple Holsopple Holsopple Homecorr Homecorr Homecorr Honorn156 Hoover.Je



Hammill. Clifford George (11 ) 63 Hammill. Wanda Jeanette [¢) 96. 177 Hammond. Kenneth Paul [11 ) 63 Hammond. Michael J. [10) 80. 196 Hammond. Stephen Edgar [12) 27. 52. 196. 271 Hamner. Clifton Charles [11 ) 63. 128 Hamner. Harold Henry [9) 96 Haney. William [9~96 Hanger. Lori Ann 10) 80 Hankie Citizens 2 Hanley. Dawn E. [12) Hanley. William McGavoc M.. Jr. [9) Harding. Steven Lee [9) Harlan. Mary M. 226 Harman. John K. [10) 80. 128. 196 Harmon. Scott Alan [11 ) Harper. Robin Hooke (12127. 52 Harper. Sherri Lynn (11/6.3. 121 . 194 Harper. Todd Mitchel [9) 96. 188 Harper. Tracie Lynn (11 ) 63 Harrington. Christina M. [9) 96 Harrington. Richard T. [10) 80. 195 Harris. Alponsie Lee [10) 80. 176 Harris. Angela Shaw [12J29. 52. 178 Harris. Bonnie Diane [12 29. 52. 177 Harris. Bradley Keith [11 ) 63 Harris, George Thomas [11 ) 121 Harris. James William. Jr. [12) 52 Harris. Jane Annette [11 ) 63. 178 Harris. John M. [10) 80. 81 . 91 . 121 Harris. Laveme [11 ) 63 Harris. Mark Anthony [11 ) Harris. Natalie La Venne [10) 80.173 Harris. Robert Nelson [9) 96 Harris. Walter James [12) 29. 52 Harrison. Ralph A. 223 Harrod. Timothy John [9) Hartling. Michael G. [9) Hartman. Michael Davi d [11 ) 29. 52 Hasenstab. Michael David [11 ) 60. 196. 269 Hauck. Shawn E. [10) 80. 183 Haverkamp. James Lewis [11 ) 63 Haverkamp. Ruth 221 Hawkins. Kathy Renee [10) Hawkins. Kim Ron [9) Hawkins. Latina A. [11 ) 63 Hawkins. Reginald \11) Hawkins. Robert L. [ 2) 29 Hawkins. Todd David [11 ) 63. 121 . 195 Hawley. Lisa Ann [11 ) Hayes. Arthur [10) 128 Haynes. Robert C. (12) 29. 52 Heams. Janet Sheri [10) 80. 190 Heams. Jay Lasell [11 ) 63. 189 Heath. Catherine L. [10) 80. 194 Hedrick. William Clifton [9) 96 Heeter. Alison Marie [12) 29. 52. 190 Heeter. Todd R. [9) Heimer. Knut Lennart [12) 29. 52 Heintges. Adrea Leigh [12) Heintzleman. Karen Law [11 ) 63. 74. 122. 140. 144 Heiss. Fontaine Brown [11 ) Helfenstein. Virginia Ann (10) 80. 122. 196 Helmandollar. Allen William 230 Helwig . Maria L. [10) 80 Hemmer. Bruce W. [9) 96 Henderson. Andrew W. [10) 80. 188. 189 Henderson. Larry A. (9) Henderson-Williams. Leslie 213 Hendricks. Tina L. [12) 29. 52. 196 Henley. Anthony Craig [9) 96 Henry. Beth Anne [9) 97. 173. 188 Henry. Jeffrey Harrison [11 ) Hensley. Kelly Lee. Jr. [12) 29. 52 Hensley. Kevin Dale [11) 63 Hensley. Michael T. [10) 80 Hensley. Mannie Wayne. Jr. (11) 63. 78 Herring. David Lee (9) 121 Herring. Gary Donald [12) 29 Herring. James Arthur [11 ) Herring. Keith Randall [11 ) 63 Herring. Ollie 8. [11 ) 63 Herring. Tiffany Lynn (9) Herrmann. Calvert Caroline [12) 29. 48. 52. 152. 180. 183 Herrsche Chiropractors 259 Hershey. Allen Dale. II [9)97 . 134. 192 Hess. Harry F. [9) 97 Hester. Carl Dlll1nger [9) 97. 121 . 128. 173 Hettinger. David J. [10) 80 Hicks. Hope M. (11 ) 63 Hicks. Ruth Louise [11 ) 63. 176 Hicks. Tennis Gordan [9) 97 Hicks. Thomas Burean [11 ) 178 Higginbotham. James. Jr. [9) 97. 187 Higgins. Deborah Lynn [12) 29. 52 Higgins. Penny Annette [11) Highlander. Andrew D. [9) Hill. Leasa Diana [9) 97 Hill. Peter G. [9) 91 Hines. Willie L. [10) 81 Hipskind. Norman Patrick [12) 29. 52 Hipskind. Timothy Scott [9) 91. 121 Hirsch. Melissa E. [9) 97. 188 Hirsh. Miriam [10) 81 Hirsch. Thomas M. [10) 81 Hobbycraft center 259 Heel. Lisa Maureen [11) 192. 196. 197 . Heel. Sonja Leslie [11 ) 6o Hoffman. Patrick C. [9) 97 Holden. Richard Charles [9) 97. 188. 194 Holfelder. Frederic [11960. 63. 121 . 173. 195 Holgate. Heidi Marie 11 ) 63.131 . 175. 187 Holland. Joanne [9) 9 Holleman. William Joseph [12) 52. 178 Hollins. Gary Michael 216 Hollo. Denise Lillian [12) 29. 52. 155.157. 170. 180. 182 Hollo. Sylvia C. [10) 81 . 182 Holsapple. David Eugene [11) 63 Holsapple. Roger Lee [9)97 Holsapple. Venda Kay [11) 63 Homecoming Court 142. 143. 144 Homecoming Dance 141

~~~';;f5:/:~~Game 140 Hoover. Jeffrey Francis [9)

Hopkinson. Elizabeth ~9) 97 . 184. 1 8 7 Herridge. Jeffrey D. (9 97 Herridge. Matthew J. 11 ) 63 Horton. Michelle R. (12) 29. 52. 170.1 80. 193 Horton. Robert Wayne (9) 97 Houchens. Cindy Leigh [11 ) 63 Houchens. Larry Steven (9) 97 Houchens. Melissa L. [9) 97 Houchens. Paul Lindsay [12) 29. 52 Houck. LauriA. [10) 81 Howard. Joanne Ellen [11 ) 182 Howell. Michael Dwayne [12) 29. 52 Hoy. Clyde 119.121 . 222 Hubbard. David Clark [12) 29. 53. 197 Hucek. Andrew Thomas [11) 63 Hucek. Christopher James [11 ) 63 Hucek. Lisa J. [10) 81 Hudgins. Cynthia L. (9) 97. 184 Hudgins. Mary Evelyn [9) 98 Hudson. Heather Dianne (9) 98. 187 Hudson. Remi Theresa [9) Huey. Robert Bradley [12)29. 53 Huff. Joseph D. [9) 98. 188 Huffman. Howard Edward [1 2) 53 Hughes. Deidra Oleta [9) 98. 132 Hughes. Harry [12) 53 Hughes. Shawn Tremel [11 ) 63. 197 ~~~~~~~a~efj' ~ \jgl 114174. 195 Hunt. Elizabeth Carr[12) 12. 29. 53 . 170. 197 Hunt. Glenn Alan [12) 2¢. 53. 178 Hunt. Gregory Alan (11 ) 29. 53. 182 Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.. Jr. 259 Hunt. JanetteS. 177. 219 Hunt. Margaret Eleen [11 ) 64. 189 Hunt. Quentina A.\9J98 Hunt. Ray Colbin ( 2 29. 53 Hunt. Sandra Kay (9) 98 Hunter. Mary Robeson 214 Hurdman. Kimberly C. [9) 98 Hurt. Ben F. 203 Huskey. Margot S. [9) 98. 191 Hynn. Breck (10) 192



lachetta. Patrick E. [10) 81 . 172 India Gift Shop 242 Inman. James Anderson [12) 53 Inscoe. David Lee [11 ) 64 Inscoe. Paula Jo [12) 29. 53 Insurance Management Corporation 259 Investors Savings 259 lvie. Gregory Mark [12) 29. 53 Ivory. Steven M. [11 ) 64. 121 . 134. 195 lx. Frank and Son 256


1. Kelley Gerbert exclaims "Really!?! 2. Sarah Roberts and Kristie Willson use their lunch b reak for last minute studying.




Someone catches Paul Given at his own game.

Jackson. Betlno Lynn (9) 98 Jackson. Koren Ronne (9) 98. 129. 177 Jockson.Lo1rovem Danie l (11) 64 Jackson. Sara Michelle (11 ) 64, 197 Jacobs. Cynthia E. (9) 98. 187 Jacobson. Donna Susan (11) 64. 180. 194 Joke's Place 246 James, lisa Kay (11) 64. 178 James, Mary Catherine (10) 81 Jansen, Joci E. (10) 81 Jarmon, Stacy Ann (12) 29.53 Jarrell. Earl M. (11 ) 64 Jazz Club 188, 189 Jefferson. William Edward (11)64.121.134 Jenkins, Anita Brockette 12¢. 206 Jenkins. Sonya Denise (10) 81 . 197 Jenkins. Trveno Kay (11) 197 Jenkins, Wade B. (9) Jesser, William A (9) 98. 128 Johannesen. Down Helena (12) 29, 53.155. 157. 180 Johannesen, Heid i Lynn (11)64. 110. 172. 180 Johnson. April Valerie (11) 64. 122. 197 Johnson. Charlotte E. (11) Johnson, Charon Marie (12) 53. 176 Johnson Chevrolet Johnson, Clarence E.. Jr. (tO~ 81 . 121 . 173 Johnson. Clinton Timothy (11 187 Johnson. Eric Scott (11 ) 64, 1 8 Johnson. Ernest Eugene (11) 121 . 152. 187 Johnson. Felicia Moe (11) 64.191.196 Johnson. Garcia Rocerick (9) 98 Johnson. Gene (10) 81 Johnson. Ja net Malia (10) 81 , 197 Johnson, Jennifer Eileen (12) 29. 53. 193 Johnson, lorry Alan 206 Johnson, laurie Denise (1 2) 29. 53. 152. 157. 186. 187, 192 Johnson, lokieJenice (10) 81 . 173 Johnson. Michael Alonzo (12) 29, 53. 98, 176 Johnson. Michael Kevin (9) 121 Johnson. Paull. 228 Johnson. Roinno Anne (12) 29 Johnson. Rondon D. (9) 98 Johnson. Regina Leatrice (11) 64. 197 Johnson. Richard Oliver (10) 81 Johnson, Sandra L. (10) 81 . 190 Johnson. Sha ron Marie (12) 30 Johnson. Shown Alan (9) 98, 194

Johnson. Waldo E. 221 Jones. Andrea (10) 81 Jones. Anson Theacore (11 J64 Jones. Anne Whitfield (11) 172.187 Jones. Brenda Ann (9) 98 Jones. Cosby Arthur, Ill (9) 98.1 94 Jones. Daniel Kevin (10) Jones. Darlene Elizabeth (11)64. 60.140. 144,152, 170. 197.259 Jones. David Thomas (11) 64. 267 Jones, Dione (1 2) 30 Jones. Eric Leslie (10) 81 , 121.128. 193 Jones. Gory Stuart (12) 30, 53, 121 Jones, Jesse (10) 81 Jones, Keith Randall (9)98, 110 Jones, Kendall T. (10) 81. 122, 145.175. 182. 184 Jones. Lauro Kay (12) 30. 53 Jones. Lourie leigh (9) 196 Jones. luther A (10) 81. 178 Jones, Phillip Bradley (12) 30. 53, 178. 196 Jones. Rebecca 216 Jones. Rebecca A (10) 81 . 173 Jones. Robin L. (11) 64 Jones. Sterling Rexford (12) 30. 53 Jones, Timothy A (10) 197 Jones. Tracy lynn (11) 65.1 78 Jones. Theresa M. 205 Jones. Vicki Dee (9) 98 Jones, Vickie 226 Jordon, Brion Kelvin (9)98 Jordon. Debra Kaye (9) 98, 177 Jordon. Junius lloyd, Jr. (12) 30. 53 Jordon. Paull. (10) Jordon. Penny Marie (11 ) 65. 195 Jostens234 Joyce. John Thomas (9) JV Cheerleaders 122.123, 258

K Kardos. Steven Michael (9) 98. 195 Kaufman. James Timothy (12) 30, 53. 128. 196 Keeny, Lindo B. 225 Keller and George 255 Keller. Rocney M. 172. 212 Kelley, George Caicedo (9) 98 Kellogg, Jonatho n (1 2) 30 Kelly, Caroline Rose (10) 76,81.174.195 Kelly, Kevin (9) 98 Kelly, Pcriricio Zito (11) 65.180 Kelly, Thad Elliott (11) 65. Kendrick. Jeffrey L. (10) Kennon. Brion Po1rick (11 ) 60. 65.128. 196 Kennon. Darren Christopher (9) 98.128, 181 Kenney, TimothyW. (10) 81,128.173 ·Kerns, Derrick. Alan (11) 65 Kerns, Kendi K. (10) 82 Kersey, Kimberly Ka y (11) 65 Kesler. Kirsten Ann (11) 65 Kettrick. Elizabeth A (9) 98 Kldd. Deborah Sue (11) 177 Kim. Ung Kil (12) 30, 53. 193 Kim, Ung Sok (11) Kindrick, Timothy Kevin (12) 30. 53, 121 King, Angelo Lynn (1 1) King. Carlton E. (9) 98, 192 King, William Joseph (9) 98 Kirby, Edward Louis. II (11) Kirby, To maro Lynn (12) 30, 47, 53,197 Kirby, William Brion (11) Kirl<lond. Elizabeth Ann (11) 65, 194 Kirschten. Paul Fuller (11) Kirtley, David Baldwin (11 ) Kirtley, F. Bryon (9)98.128.173 Kitterma n, John V. 146.150. 195,197, 214 Kleiber. Wilfred (9) 98.188 Klueg, Tracy Ann (11) 65 Knight, HeotherR. (10) 82.108. 129. 131 , 184 Knight, Samuel M. (10) 82. 192 Koort. Bobby A (9) 98 Koort. Peter Alan (1 2) 30, 53 Kosi, Theresa Mane (12) 30. 53. 57, 155. 174. 180. 182.183 Kosi. Victoria A (10) 82. 110.132 Kretsinger. Mono Katrina (12) 30. 39, 53,108. 155.157, 172, 180 Kretsinger. Stein E. (10) 82, 110 Krongord, MichaelS. (12) 30, 53, 197, 264 Krol. Amy M. (10) 82.182 Kunkler, Mike Andrew (12)30, 53 Kupke, Mica/ Jean (12) 30, 53, 110.132. 194


Brian Wagoner tries to hold a heavy load.



LoBruno.liso (11) 60./>5. 196 Lockey. Cha rles Holladay 147,203 loge, Richard L. (10) 82.119,121,128.174.195 Lei, Ai-lih (10) 82 lei, Met-Chen (12) 30. 53 Lei, Met-Chuon (10) 82 Lakeland Tours 259 Lomb. Matthew Steven (12)30, 53 Lo mb . Michael Allen (1 1) 65 Lomb. Pamela Goy (11) 65. 192 l omb, VIrg inia Ann (9) Lambert. Margaret (9)98. 184. 188 Lambert. Marsha G. (9) 98, 184 Lomb rinos, litso lgnotlos (12) 4, 30. 53. 132, 183 Lande/, Elizabeth Ann (12) 30. 51 . 53,155,157, 170. 180.192 Lo ndell, Julie L. (9) 99, 100, 184 langdon, Brenda F. 222 Longe, Stephen G. (10) 82.121,178 Loromy, Howard J. (11)

Larrick. Ro l oscono. 1 Loscano . • Loscono, I Lassiter. A~ l oudermill Louffenbu Louffenbu Laurent. Pt laurent, n· Lava lley, f.


Lawhorne, Lawrence Lawrence Lawson, C lawson, D Lawson. H< l awson, R< l ayne, Me Leake, Ch Lear.Jenn Lear. Scott Lederma n Lee.Jeon Lee, l ater Lee. lisa<: Letters. Ro


lenn. Dov Lenn. How


Levys 242 Lewicki, Er Lewis, Dar Lewis. Gal Lewis. lsid1 Lewis. Jon Lewis. Me LewisProc Lewis, Sic< Lewis, Sus< Lied holm, lindren. Jc lindsay, C lilley, linc Linkous. Jc Linkous, Jc Linkous, Jc livengooc lloyd,Cyr Loehr. Me Loeser.Gc Loftin, Mol Loft/and, f Logon. Ar Logon, Cl Londeree Londree, I Lopiloto,, Love, Mic



路~ 路.~



Larrick. Roland David 181. 210 Lascano. Anthony (10) 82 Lascano. Joseph (10) 82 Lascano. Mana Theresa (12) 39. 53. 180. 183 Lassiter. April Lin (9/ 99. 145. 187. 191 Loudermilk. Larua 12) 30. 53. 195 Lauffenburger. Karen S. (10) 82. 195 Lauffenburger. Linda Rae (12) 25. 30. 53. 129. 180. 192, 196 Laurent, Philippe B. (11 ) 65 Laurent. Thierry B. (9) 99, 174. 188 Lavalley, Andrew L (9) Lawhom. Sharon F. (10) 82 . 128. 196 Lawhome. Vemon L. (9) Lawrence. Carlton Scott (11 ) 65, 67. 120, 121 Lawrence. Sherne L. (919</. 184 Lawson. Curtis Edwin (9) 99, 170 Lawson. Deneen Rea (12) 30, 177 Lawson. Holly Mane (11 ) 65. 157 Lawson, Rodney D. (10) 82, 178 Layne. Mary Leigh (11) 82. 188 Leake. Cheryl (12) 4, 16. 30, 53 Lear, Jennifer Louise (9) 99. 110. 132, 184 Lear, Scott Richard (10182 , 83, 110 Lederman, Mary A 180, 182, 210 Lee, Jean (9) 99. 183. 188 Lee, Latanya V. (10) 76, 82. 122. 187,1 96 Lee, Lisa Glona (11 ) 65, 173 Letters. Robert Alan (12) 12, 30, 41 , 53. 122. 141 , 170, 183 Leggett250 Leibl. Donald Dean (11 ) 65, 81 Lenn, David A (9) 99 Lenn, Howard Jeffrey (11 ) 60. 66, 197 Leonard, Kathleen Blythe (11 ) 66 Levys 242 Lewicki. Erin Lee (10) 82 , 174 Lewis, Dana Kay (12) 30, 53, 57 , 170.180, 197 Lewis, Gale Christina (12) 30. 53. 183 Lewis, Isidore (11 ) 66 Lewis, Jon Kevin (10) Lewis. Mark Edward (9) 99, 187 Lewis Produce 259 Lewis, Stacey Dawn (11 ) 66. 157. 181. 187 Lewis, Susan Talley (12) 30. 53, 196 Lied holm, Enc John (12) 30, 53 Lindren, Janna 0 . 147, 174. 226 Lindsay, Desiree L. (11 ) 82 Lilley, Lincoln Lynn (12) 33, 53 Linkous, Janice Meria (11 ) Linkous, John Douglas (11 ) 66, 181 Linkous, Johnna Lynn (9) Livengood, Valerie Renee (12) 33. 53 Lloyd, Cynthia Marie (9) 99 Loehr, Mallory Siegel190, 215 Loeser, Gary Wayne (9199 Loftin, Monica Leigh (12) 33 , 53, 187,196 Loftland, Everett Thomas (11 ) Logan, Anna Elaine (11 ) Logan, Clevester 228 Londeree. William C. (9) 99, 188. 189 Londree. David O'Neil (11 ) 66. 128 Lopilato, Anthony Salvato (9) 99, 189 Love. Michael Wade (12) 33, 53. 193

1. 197. 259

Love. Tracey Lynn (11 ) 60. 66, 196 Lovelace, Shelley A (11 ) 66. 145, 184 Loving. Tammy Joann (11 ) 66 Low, Diana Randolph (11) 66, 157, 189. 192 Lowe, Debbie M. (9) 99. 184 Lowry, James W. (9) 99, 173, 189 Lucas. Angela Sheree (12) 33, 53, 170, 192 Lucas. Charles William (12) 33, 53, 193 Lucas, Kathy R. (10182 Lucas. Maggie 259 Luck. Carlton Andrew, Jr. (11 ) 66. 132. 134 Lum. Graciela 180.183, 210 Lum. James H. (9) 99 Lumpp. Choyer Webb (9) Lumsden, Leslie P. (9) Lumsden. Timothy Kennon (11 ) 66, 110, 184 Lynch. Darren William (9199. 128 Lynch, Terry Wayne (10) 82. 121 Lynch, Troy Elliott (11 ) 66, 121 , 184 Lynch, W.A 239 Lyng. Mary Regina (11 ) 66, 183 Lyons, Richard Wilson 128, 223

M MacDonald. John David (9) MacDonald, Robert C. 192, 206 MacDonald, Timothy C.175, 213 Madison, Jeanette Lynn (12) 33, 54 Madison. Roland Lee (10) 82 Madison. Steven Ray (11 ) 66 Maeyens. Melissa (11 ) 108, 129 Magruder. RoseL (10) 82. 197 Magruder. Sandra Monique (11 ) 66. 197 Mallory, Michael128 Mallory, Tammy Irene (11 ) 66 Maloy, James 128 Maloy, James Michael (9199. 128 Mandell, Pamela Robin (12) 33 , 54, 155. 170, 180. 182 Mann, Aubum Page, Ill (11 ) 66 Mann, Christopher Vance (11 ) 66 Mann, Glenda Fay (9) 99, 188 Mann, Maria Leslie (9) 99, 172. 191 , 263 Marching Band 125 Marion. Kyle Ste~ing (11 ) 66. 121 , 195 Marsh, Floyd Thomas (10) Marsh, Richard Wayne (10) 82 Marshall , Brenn (11 ) 189 Marshall, Daniel Kevin (10) 82, 121 Marshall, Harold G. (11 ) Marsha ll. Jeffrey (101

Marshall, Rodney Ray (12) 54 Marshall, Shi ~ey D. (9) 99. 194 Marshall, Sonya Deanna (12) 33 , 54. 157 Marshall, Stefanie T. (10) 82, 90. 170 Marshall. Teresa Lynn (11 ) 66 Marski. Tnna M. (10) 82, 132 Martin. Amy Virginia (12) 33, 54, 145. 184 Martin, Bobby David (12) 54 Martin. Bruce A (10) 82, 118, 121 , 196 Martin, Deborah Ann (12) 33 , 54, 177. 179 Martin. Duane D. (10) Martin Hardware 238 Martin. Hugh B. (10) 82. 121 Martin, Janice M. (11) Martin, Mark Underhill (10) 82, 189. 197 Martin. Mary Roxanne (9) 99. 132 Martin. Todd Matthew (12) 33, 54 Martin, Tracy Dawn (12) 33.54 Martin, Willie Christopher (12) 33. 54 Martsolf. Melissa Jane (9) Marvin, Stephen J. (9) 99 Masloff.John Bunts (12) 33, 54.127. 128, 140. 142, 196 Maslyk. Cecelia C. (10) 82. 140. 144. 196 Maslyk, Mary Kim (12) 33. 45. 47 , 54. 122, 152. 170, 196 Mason, CandaceJo (12) 9, 11 , 33. 54, 155, 157. 172.180. 192 Mason, Kelly E. (9) 99, 121 Mason, Marcia C. 223 Massie and Boatwright 233 Massie, SallieS. (10) 82. 170 Mathews, Co~ Heaton (t2) 33. 54. ttO, t34, 180, t83 Mattie, Edith Hill (12) 33. 54. 176 Maupin, Charles 231 Maupin, Mary 226 Maupin, Perry Lee (9) Maupin's Grocery 244 Mawyer, Bradley K. (9) Mawyer, Ronald D. (9) 99. 188 Mawyer. Susan S. (101 Mawyer, Thomas Anfhony (9199. 178 Mawyer. Wendy Dawn (9) 99 Maxwell Fumiture 243 Maxwell. Margaret Foster (12) 33. 54, 170. 182 May, Cha~ie Brant (11 ) 66, 181 Maynard. Katnna L. (9) 99, 122. 269 Maynard. Michael Clinton (11 ) 66, 127, 128. 196 Mays, Kelly Elizabeth (10) 195 Mays, Lozelle 226 Mays, Robert Bnan (12) 33 , 197, 264 McAllister, Fawnda Shay (12) 33 , 47, 54, 140, 141 , 142. 152, 176 McCall. Susanna Mane (9) 99, 184. 187 McCallum, Ba~ra D. 6, 216 McCallum's 4th Penod 241 McCann, Stacey Lee (11 ) 9, 66, 170,197 McCann, Warren (10) 82 McCauley. Darren C. (10) 83,121.122 McCauley, Earle M. (9) 99 McCauley, Gregory Wayne (11166 McCauley, Tamara Leigh (10) 83 McCauley. Tracy Kay (12) 33, 54. 197 McClary, John H. (9) McCluney, Andra L. (10) 83, 173 McCluney, Darryl 0 . (9) 99, 121 , 128


33 72.180


The SCA in action : David Zimmerman. David Jones. Tamie Spradlin. Katy Granger. Annabelle Thompson. Michelle Gutierrez.




Nelson,M Neubert.l Newlon.P Newman. New Marl< Newton, [ Newton. J Nlckelsen Nielson, B· Niswonge Nolen, Cc Norford.C Norford.K Norford, t'.. Norton, Eu Nunez. Ri<

O'Brien. B• O'Brien. VI O'Bryant. O'Bryant. l O'Donnell


Oliver, La1 O'Quinn •• Omduff.C Orrison.K• Criis, Beve Ott, Cyn1h Overoeck Overcash Ownby, J<

Who says art class is supposed to be neat? Not Stephanie Morse! McCray, Catherine Paige (11} 9, 66,197 McCubbin. Mary A. (9} 99. 184 McCurdy. Frank C. 11. 118.174. 205 McCu1chen. Nancy Lee (11 } 66. 183 McDaniel. Faith Helilda (11} 66 McDaniel. James E. 230 McDaniel. John Wesley (12} 33. 54 McDaniel. Julie (10} 83 McDaniel. Kimbe~y Sue (9} McDaniel. Kris~na Marie (11} 66, 190 McDaniel. Raymond. Jr. (11} 66 McDaniel. Richard Lee (12} 35. 54 McDermott. Mara L. (10} 83. 182. 189 McDonald. Hea1herCampbell (11 } 66,181.189.196 McDonald. John (9} 99 McDonough, Dawn P. (10} 83 McElhaney, Carol Ann (12} 35. 54. 132. 180. 194 McElhaney. Susan L. (9} 100 McElroy. John Vic1or (9} 100 McGetrick, Patricia Marie (12} 35, 54, 193 McGowan. Jeanmarie (11} 66.122 McGuire. Carol 203 Mcintyre. Blaine E. 229 Mcintyre. Dawn Marie (10} 83.188 McKamey. Eames! Greg (11} 66 McKamey. Jeffrey E. (10} 83.176 McKeel. Thomas D. (9} 100. 110. 134. 193 McKenna. Valencya H. (10} 83.135, 174. 195 McKinney. Steve L. 228 McKinnon. Katherine Marie (11} 66.128, 180, 183, 189 McKisic. Jeffrey Lee (9} 100 McKown. Matthew David (11 } 66.172.181 Mclaurin. Willie Mae 218 Mclean, Catherine Woodrow 227 McManus. Michael John (10).83 McNew, James George (9} 188. 189 McWilliams, Gina Lee (12} Mead. Theresa Lawrence (11} 67' Meadowbrook Hardware 242 Meadows. Lisa Elaine (1 1} 67.73 Meadows. Loretta Jean (11} 67 Mednikov. Erika M. 203 Meeks. Wanda Faye (11 } 67 Melton, Kenne1h C. (9} Melton, Michael Fletcher (11 J 67. 196 Melton. Sandra Kay (12} 35.54.177 Mendelis. Jean M. (9} 100, 121.184 Menefee. Clifford H.. Ill Mennerich. Michael Spence (12} 35,54,170.193 Merkel. Carmen Habeck 213 Michaels. Robin 259 Mid-Atlantic Au1o Parts 249 Milhoan. Ardi1h Lenore (11 } 67,195 Milkie. Julie A.\12} 35,54 Mllkie, Lisa A. ( 1} 67 Miller, An1hony V. (10} 83. 121 Miller, Cathi Cecil (9} 100 Miller, Melissa Ann (11 J67, 195 Miller, Tima1hy Jay (12 35.54 Miller. Wendy E. (10} 83. 129. 191 Milleson. Christopher P. (10)83. 128.196



Looking like a true professional, Jeff Wright performs during a band concert.

Milleson, Mark Andrew (12)12.16. 35. 54. 57.1 50 Mills. Audrey Gail (12} 35.54 Mills. Jesse W. 231 Mills. Markan1hany J (10)83. 134 Mills. Warren Regina ld (12} 35. 54 Mime 145. 184. 185 Minnix. Maria Bramblett (12} 35. 54. 148. 170. 184 Minor. Benji Ricardo (12)35. 54 Minor. Raleigh C. (10)83. 181 Mitchell. Carolyn E. (12} 35.54. 174 Mitchell. Gregory Neill (12)35. 54 Monahan. Daniel John 147. 174. 205 Moneymaker. Teresa \9} 100 Mongold. Carol L. (9} 00. 132.188. 189 Mongold, Christina Ann (11\67 Mon!i]Oid. Sandra Jean (12 35.54. 177 Monticello Dairy 240 Moody. Felice Peon (12)35. 54. 132. 180. 195 Moomaw, Deborah J (9} Moon, Edward Anderson (10} 83 Moon, Luma Dupree (11} 152 Moon. Paul A. (9} 100. 188. 189 Moon. Robert Daniel (12/54 Mooney, James Patrick 10} 83 Moore. A.P. 222 Moore. Deborah Ann (1 1} 67 . 193.195 Moore. James E. (9} 100. 176 Moore, Kim Margaret (1~ 67. 195 Moore, Lanny lee. Jr. (12 35.54. 178 Moore. Libby Ru1h (11J6 . 195 Moore. Matthew J (9 100 Moore. Michelle Den1se (9} 100. 184. 187 Morgan. Howard Benjamin (9} 100. 121 . 192 Morgan. Marie Annette (11} Mo~ey . Elizabe1h A. (9} 100. 188 Mo~ey. Kimbe~y J (11} 67.189.197 Morris. Anita (1 1} 67 Morris. Bryant (9} 100 Morris. Cha~es (9} Morris. Christina Louise (9} 100 Morris. Davi d C. (9} 100.121 Morris. Davi d Scott (10)84. 188 Morris. Derrick Glenn (12} 54 Morris. Diane Lynn (9} 101 Morris. Duane An1hany (9) 101 Morris. Edward Ray (9} 101 Morris, Harold Tazewell (9} 121 Morris, James A. (9} Morris, James B.\10)83 Morris, Jay P. (9) 88 Morris. Jeffrey (11} Morris. Jeffrey 0. (10} Morris. Junius (10} 83 Morris. Kedra Cae (11} 67.196 Morris, Kimberiy Dawn (11j67 Morris, Libbie Leigh (9} 10 Morris, Lisa Mae (12} 35. 54 Morris. Mary Frances (12J35. 54 Morris. Michael Bryan (9 101 Morris. Phyllis (10} 83 Morris. Roxanne Michelle (11} 68. 191

Pace. Mcr Pace.SieJ Page, Fail Paige. M' Palka. Frit Palmer. D

Morris. Sandra (9} 101 , 132 Morris. Sean (9)101 Morris. Sharon Denise (11} 68 Morris. Sonya Renee (11} Morris. Susan Lynn (11} 68 Morris. Tracey (9} 101 Morris. Tyrone N. (10J84 Morrow. William (10 84.121 . 134.196.269 Morse. Sharon Lucille (12} 35. 54 Morse. Stephanie Diane (11} 129.173.268 Mosca. Nancy Knight 228 Motor Specialty 244 Moyer. Ronnie 128 Mueller. Charis C. (9} 101 .140. 144. 177. 191 Mueller. Lynn C. (1 0} 84 Mullins. Michael (10} 84 Mundie. Almer Delle Mae (9} 101 Mundie. Charies (10} 84 Mundie. Mark Allan (10} Mundy, Bria n (10} 84 Mundy, Donna Kay (10} Mundy. George B. (10} Mundy. Robert Christopher (12} 54 Muro. Andrea (9)101.122.196 Murphy Travel 259 Murphy, Wendy Louise (11 } 68.110. 192 Murray, Alison Joan (10} 84.157.184 Murray, Lisa M. (9} 101 Murray, Matthew Scott (9} Murray, Patrick C. (10} 84 Murray, Zelda H. 203 Music Appreciation Club 186. 187 Musselman. Russel Clinton (9} Myles. Stephen 111} Myrick. Mark Wi liam (10} 51 . 84. 121 .173

N Napier, Laura Madeline (12} 35.54 National Honor Society 180 Nash, Jackie F. (9} 101.184 Nay. Annette Marguriet (12} 35. 54.155.175. 180. 197 Nay. William T. (9} 100.188. 189 Naylor. Chet George (11 } 68. 75. 110.134. 181 Naylor. Dana W. (9) Nealey. Dana V. 224 Needham. Richard John (11 } 68.110.157 Nelson, Antoniette D. (9} 101.189 Nelson. Christopher Marin (12} 35. 54 Nelson. Cyn1hia Denise (10} 84.194 Nelson. Derwin Andrew (9} 101 .121. 194

1. B Mo the

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Nelson, Melina Jean (11) Neubert, TimothyS. (12) 36, 54, 178 Newlon, Anne Howard (11) 68, 189, 197 Newman, Page Harrison (10) 84, 128, 197 New Market Stables 232 Newton, Dole Aaron (9) 101 , 176 Newton. Jeremy D. (9) 101 Nickelsen, Denise A (10) 84 Nielson, Bonnie F. 197, 223 Niswonger, Cindy Marie (9) Nolen, Carolyn Pullo 216 Nortord, Doris Vollnno (12)36, 54 Nortord, Kenneth Miller (1~) 36, 54 Nortord, Mark Baldwin (12)36, 54, 121 Norton, Eugene Edward 152. 210 Nunez, Ricardo A. (10) 84, 110, 157, 182

0 O'Brien. Bonnie 60, 214 O'Brien, Warren Greg (1 1) 68, 121 , 183 O'Bryont, Elizabeth S. (9) 101,179 O'Bryont, Luther Eon \11) 68,196 O'Donnell, Ann M.\9 92. 101,188,191 Oliver, John Jesus ( 2) 36, 39, 55, 155, 193, 195 Oliver. Lawrence r. (10) 84, 85, 86,121 , 134,196, 269 O'Quinn, JessieC.. Jr. (11) 68, 196 Omduff, Deidro Ann (12) 36, 55 Orrison. Keith (10) Otis, Beverly B1ngler 86, 209 Ott, Cynthia E. (11 ) 68 Ovenoeck. Alan Gregory \10) 85, 121 Overcash, Cynthia Irene ( 2) 36, 55 Ownby,Jeffery Duane (12) 36, 55, 176

p Pace, Matthew Hamilton (11) 68 Pace, Stephen Todd \11 ) 68 Page, Faith Annette (11 ) 68 Paige, Ms. Barbaro 259 Palko. Fritz J. (9) 101 Palmer, David Scott (11)69. 184. 188


Palmer, George C. (9)101, 188, 189 Palmer, Julio Elizabeth \12) 36,55 Pamplin, Keith Allen (12 36, 55, 189, 193 Parogon248 Po!i<, l'dword (9) 101 , 188,189 Pork, Hyun A (9) 101,187 Pork, Hyun-Sook (11 ) 69, 187 Pork,louiseChonSook (12)34, 36,48, 55,108, 152, 155, 180, 182 Parkhill, Willard H. 231 Parks Finance 259 Parrish, Kenneth Tolmoge (11 ) 69 Partin, Donna l. (9) 101,188 Partin, Pamela Denise (11 ) 69,180, 182 Patten, Totvonno louwonno (11) 69, 182, 184,187 Patterson. David (10) 85 Patterson, Donald lee (12) 36, 55 Patterson, Madeline (12) 36, 55, 196 Pattison, Todd A. (10) 85 Povonsky, John F.. Ill (11 ) 60, 69.110 Payne, Betty Lynn (9) 101 Payne, Thomas Edward (11 ) 69 Peer170, 171 , 253 Peery, Paull. (9) 101 Peery, Tommy J. (9) 101 Pence. Elizabeth Soctt (10) 85,188,190 Pence. Page Monteoth (11) 67, 69,182 Pendleton, Roy lewis, Jr. (9)101, 191 Pendleton, Jeffrey Alexander (9) 97 , 101 Pentz, Jomelyn Michele (11) 69,194,197 Pepsi 257 Perdue, Angelo Carol (9)101 Perkins, Doug V. (10) 85, 91.193 Perkins Electrolysis 258 Perkins. Julie B. (9) 101 , 191 Perkins. Kathleen Dawson (12) 36, 55,170,182 Perkins. Sondra D. (10) 85, 194 Perkins, Whitney Lynn (11) 69 Perry, David Scott (11) 70 Perry, Poul176, 188 Peterson. Christopher (11) 67, 70,182 Peterson. Rebecca Lynne (12)36, 55 Phon, long Dinh (12) 36, 55, 110, 182 Pharr, Evelyn N. (10) 85, 135, 174. 188. 197 Phillips, Building Supply 239 Phillips, Gory W. (9) 101 Phillips, Stephen O'Neil\11 ) 121 , 174, 187 Phillips, Thomas Ryan (1 ) 70 Photography Club 191 Pickrel. Michael James (9) 102, 188 Pierce. Cindy Louise (12) 36, 55.176 Pierce. lisa Ann (12) 36, 55, 135,177 Pierceall, Deborah B. (11) 70 Pierson, Michael Charles (11) 70 Pillar, David Dickson (9) 102. 189 Pillow. Brenda Carol (11) 70 Pillow, Wando Gayle (9) 102 Pinchbeck, Glenn Thomas (11 ) 70 Pinkerton, Relono (10) 85, 193

Pippin, Donna (10) 85. 135,197 Pippin, Paige Marie (11) 70, 135, 136, 145, 184, 263 Pittman, Donna Reano (12) 36 Pitts' First Period 242 Pitts, Leila Baxter Allison 215 Pleasants, Catherine 226 Pletcher, Barbaro Kay (12) Plunkett, Ann Marie H. 218 Plunkett, Teresa Ann (11)70, 190 Plunkett, Tracy A. (10) 85. 195 Poindexter, Barbaro J. 191, 220 Poindexter, Curtis 0. (9) Poindexter. Michael A. (11)70 Poindexter. Stephanie L. (11 ) Poindexter, Tony Amoz (9) 121 Pollard, Kristine Lynn (12) 36, 55, 197 Pompper, Richard W. (10) 85 Pond, Ann Corson 176, 227 Poole, lisa Michelle (12) 36, 55, 176 Porcaro, Ricci Phillip (12) 36, 55 Porritt, Nancy lee (10) 85, 132,1 89 Porter, Anthony Scott (9) 102, 121, 188, 189 Potter, Donna Lynn (9) 102 Powell, Jane Loretto (12) 36,55 Powell. Monico Pamela (12) 36, 55, 187, 191 Powell. Ms. Patti 259 Powell , Stephanie P. (9) 102 Powell. Ted A. (10) 85,134,174 Prillaman, William C. (10) 85,183 Pritchett, Jesse Mchonie (9) Precise, Yvonne Michelle (垄) Proffitt, louis B. (12) 36,55 Proffitt, Wilson Conrad (11 ) 70, 176 Prosser, Louis Mark (12) 36, 55, 192 Pryor, Edward Marshall (9) 102 Psychic Club 193 Pugh, Cindy A. (9) 192 Pugh, Donnie l . (11) 70 Pugh, Pcnriclo A (9) 70 Pugh, Paul Thomas (11 ) Pullen, Mctlhew S. (10) Purvis, William Kent, Jr. (9) 102, 173 Putnam, Catherine Elizabeth (9) 102 Putt-Putt 242

Q Quarles. David Michael (9)102 Quarles. Marjorie Bettina (11) 70, 197


--'.... _I

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1. Billy Morrow, Mike Hasenstab, and Lester Hall ham it up at a football game. 2. Worried sophomores and juniors Jan Beasly, Katrina Maynard, Bill Morrow, Tommy Oliver, George Wheeler, and Mary Vermillion look on as their classes take to the floor in a game of tug-of-war. 3. Reeva Spradlin takes the shot in a friendly game of basketball.



R Robe. Paul Richard [11) 70. 191 Racer. Kei1h Douglas (f1)71.193 Ragland. Kelvin Eric [11 ) 71 , 184 Ragland. Tina L. [12) 36. 55 Ragland. Warren E. [11) 71 Raines. Pamela S. [9) Raines. Wayne 231 Raines. William Corbett [11) 71. 190 Ramey. Angela [10) 86 Ramirez. Douglas Michael [9) 102.196 Ramirez. Glen David (11 ) 71 , 141,193 Ramos, Joe William. Jr. (11) 71 ,1 72, 187 Ramos. Michael Lee (10) 86. 172 Ramsden, David (10) 86. 184. 192 Ramsey, Kara Lousie (9) 102 Ramsey, Wesley Dale (9) 102 Randolph, Charles David [12) 36. 55 Roque. Steven M. [9~ 102. 194 Rasnake. Usa M. [10 86 Rcrlliff. Lisa Lavone ( ) Rcrlliff. Timo1hy C. (10)173 Reo. Nancy A. [91102. 194 Reaves. George Maurice (9) 102. 188 Redmond, Sean M. (10) 86. 157. 181 . 189. 271 Reed. Richard A. (10) 86. 189 Reese. Molly Ellzabe1h [9) 102.173. 184 Reese's Fine Gifts 233 Reid, Kelvin Henry (12) . 180.183. 187 Reid. Rebecca Ann [11)71,173.189 Reid's Supermarket 236 Reobuck. Laurie Ann [10) Reto. Nela Rae [11) 176 Reynolds. Lance Edward (11)71.196 Reynolds. Paul C. [10) 86. 195 Rhodes. Rhonda Lee 111 ) 71 Rhodes. Tracy Carol ( 2) 36. 55 Rice: Deborah Ann [12) 36.55 Rice. Robert Stanton (10) 86 Rice. Wendy L. (10) 86.194 Rice, William Elden (9) 102 Richards. HolVey Philip (9) Richardson. Christine (9) 102, 128 Richardson, Elizabe1h E. (12)12. 36. 55.197 Richardson, Michael (10) 86. 192 Richardson, Randall Scott\11 ) 71 .197 RiddeNold, Leif Bjom (11) 7 Riddle. Karen Lynn (11 ) 71 Rideout, Elizabe1h C. (10) 86 Riding Club 194 Riley, Frederick [10) Riley. Lawrence Miller. Jr. (12) 38. 55 Rimmer. Robert (9) 121.196 Rimmer. Robert 222

Ritchie. Brian Robert (11 ]71. 102. 189 Rivkin. Christopher L. [11 71 Roach. Ccrlherine Faye (12) 38.55 Robbins, Joseph Allen (12) 38. 55 Roberson. Tracy Jerome (10) 86. 188. 189 Roberts. Constance M. [10)86. 129. 196 Roberts. Deborah Leigh [12) 9. Roberts. Kermit E.\9) 121 Roberts, Mark A. ( 0)86. 121 Roberts, Sarah Elizabe1h (10) 86. 90. 129.174. 196. 265 Roberts. Scott Washbum [11)71 Roberts, Sonja Renee (12J38. 47. 55. 152.170 Roberts. Tina Annette [10 86. 128.196 Robertscn, Brooks Marie [12) 55.180.183 Robertson. Charles Wesley (1 1)71 Robertson. Janet Marie [12) 38. 55. 122.1 24. 180'. 183 Robinson. Carol 227 Robinson. Daniel T. \12) Robinson. Derek L. ( 0) 86. 134 Roche. Marvin An1hony [11) 72 Rocket Club 194 Roebuck. Bruce Steve (11) 121 Roebuck. Pamela Jane (12) 38.55 Rogers, Kimberly Lee \12) 12. 25. 38. 55. 150.1 74. 180. 196 Rogers. Lisa Luvenio ( 0) 86. 108. 191 Romine. Nora (9) 157. 191 Ronnie's Country Sta<e 254 Rose. John D. (10) 86. 119. 121 . 196.270 Roseboro, Doro1hy Anne (12)38. 55 Rosenblum, Rebecca (11) 72.110 Rosenblum, Sarah (10) 87.188.189. 191 Ross, Douglas Evan (12) 38, 55. 174 Rosse. Rob Molr (11) 72, 196 Rosson. Susan Rebecca \10) 87,189 Rovnyak, Steven Mlchae [11) Roy.Julie Daniells (11) 72 Runkle. Lisa Anne (12) 38,55.121 ,1 24, 140.142.1 80.197 Runkle. Stephen Todd (11) 4. 72.73. 145. 180,1 84 Rush. Andrea Michele [11) 191 Rush. An1hony Levi [9) 121 Rush, Alfonso Lawrence. IV (9) Rush. Are1ha Pcrlrice (9)102 Rush. Bobby Lee (12) 38. 55. 173 Rush. Claudette D. [10) 87 Rush. Da<o1hy 132 Rush, James (10) 87.134 Rush, Jeona Sherice (9) 102. 187 Rush, Kcrlena Mae (12) 38, 55 Rush. Ka1hy Laveme (11) 190 Rush. Kevin (10) 87.121 Rush. Regina D. [10) 87. 88 Rush. Reva Delores [12) 38. 55.150. 170.193 Rush. Roland B. (10) 121 Rush. Sherita Laveme (9) 102.122. 187 Rush. Sylvia Lynn (11) 69. 191 Rush. Bonnie L. 227 Ru1herford. George [9) Ryalls. Rodney Alan (12) 38. 55.178

s S.C.A.198 Sacre. Mary Elizabe1h [12) 38. 55 Sacre. Michael Womer (12) 38.55 Salisbury, Wanda Faye [11 ) Salters. Peter A. (10) 87. 110, 128, 174 Salyers. Tracy Denise [12) 38, 55. 179 Sampson. Elmer Franklin 125.188.189, 220 Samuels. Lisa Allyn (11 ) 72.195 Sanders. Douglas Gouyer [12) 55. 197 Sandell. Reba 219 Sanner. Teddy D. (9) 102 Santiago, Sarah 226 Scrlira. David Allan (9) 102.1 21 Scrlira, James David (12) 38.55 Saunders, Carolyn 218 Saunders. James K. (10) 87. 189 Sawyer. Cyn1hia Lynn (9) Soyla<, Melissa [10) Scherer, Hilary M. (10) 87. 191 Schladitz. Christine [9) 102.194 Schmidt. Jennifer K. (9) 102.184 Schmidt, Stephan M. (10)87 Scholle. Christine E. (9) 102.135.195 Scholle, ThomasXovier(10)87.134 Schuler, Ccrllin P. (12) 38, 55 Schultz, William Remsen 194, 208 Schwab, CarlaJ12) 40 Schwab, Kurt L. 9) 102, 121 Schweinefuss. ally C. (12) 40. 55 Scopelliti, Clara B. (9) 102. 188 Scopelliti. Jennifer A. (10)87 Scott, Antonio John [10) 87. 190 Scott. Carlton [11) 72 Scott, Deidre (9) Scott, Francine [11) 72. 176 Scott. Lindsay Gary [10) Scott. Martha J. 147.148.184. 220 Scott. Maxine Victoria (9) 102 Scott, Pcrlrick N. [1 1) 72 Scott, nna Marie [9) Scott, Wardella Diane (9) 103 Seivers. Kimberly Anne (10) 87.187.194 Selden. Douglas J. 118.216 Senich, Joseph James [11) 72 Sessoms. John C. 203 Sexton. Tina Louise (11) Sexton, Tommy Wesley (11) 72 Shcrler, Stacie (11 ) 72. 187 Shahan. April A. (11 ) 77. 196 Shand. Elizabe1h Carolyn (12) 16. 39, 40. 55, 151 , 155. 157. 175. 180. 182

Shand . Jc Shand. M Shanklin. Sharkey, I Sharp. Me Sharretts. Shatz. EIIE Shaver. R Shawkey Shear. DE Sheffield. Shelly. Ke Shelton. J Shelton./ Shelton. E Shelton.< She lton.~

Sherry. Jc Sherman Shifflett. e Shifflett. [ Shifflett. [ Shifflett. E Shifflett. E Shifflett. F Shittlett.J Shifflett. L Shifflett. L


Shifflett.~ Shifflett .~ Shifflett .~

Shifflett. r.


Shifflett. T Shiflett.<; Shiflett.G Shiflett. Tc Shiflett. Ti Shipp,M Shirley. D Shirley, D ShoeCe1 Short. Pa Shortall. I Shreve. K Shriner. E Shymlocl Siler. Etta Siler. Rot Simpkins Sims. Lei' Sissins,M Ski Club Skeen. D Smaii.Kil Smallwo

Bill Zeh for president



John Rose. Duncan Haberly. and Kathy Caldwell are ready for their morning hug.



. 157.175.

Sean Redmond does some last minute homework.




Shand. Johnny Jomeison (11) 72. 271 Shand. Michael L. (10) 87 Shanklin. Duane Allen (9) 103. 178 Shorkey. Edna 225 Sharp. Marie C. [12) 40 Shorret1s. John Michael (11] Shatz. Ellen Marie (12) 40,55 Shover. Randy Arthur (9) 103 Showkey. Robert Allen (9) 103. 121 Shear. DeborGh L. 207 Sheffield. Michael Alan (10) 87 Shelly. Kellie Victono (9) 103.184.187 Shelton, Anthony Jerome [12) 40. 56,178 Shelton, Artene Hope [9) Shelton, Brandon Lloyd. Jr: (12] 40. 56, 121, 181 Shelton, Charles Hendnx (12) 40, 56, 180 Shelton, Shown Denise (9) 103,181,263 Sherry, Jamie Holt [11) Sherman, Heidi Alone (9) 103.129,174 Shifflet1. Brion Keith (12) 40.56 Shifflet1. David W. (10) 87.121.134 Shifflet1, Dione Denise (1 1) 72,194,197 Shifflet1, Edward L. 230 Shifflet1, Elvis Gene [9) Shifflet1. Fredrick Lee (12) 56 Shifflet1, Janet B. 210 Shifflet1, Lisa Juanita (9) 103 Shifflet1, Lisa Marie [12) 40, 56, 187 Shifflet1, Mark [10) 88 Shifflet1. Mary 230 Shifflet1, Michael Croi~ (10) 87 Shifflet1, Nancy Ann (9 Shifflet1, Roxanne (10/ 8 Shifflet1, Steven Chris opher (11) 72 Shifflet1, Timmy McKone (12) 56,178 Shiflet1, Glendo (10) 87,192 Shiflet1, Gregory Scot1 (9] 103 Shiflet1, Tommy Renee (9) 103 Shiflet1, Tina Louise (12) 40, 56,177 Shipp, Michael A. [9) 103 Shirley, Dean Allen (11) 178 Shirley, Donna Lynn [10) 88. 188. 190 Shoe Center 247 Short. Patricio Domell [12) 40.56 Shortall, Brion Joseph [12) 40. 56, 174 Shreve, Kenneth C. (9) 103 Shriner, Edward Lawson (11) 72 Shymlock, Kelby J. (10) 88. 196 Siler, Et1o Larue (9) Siler, Robert [10) Simpkins. Tommy D. (10) 88 Sims, Leise Denise (11) 72, 188.189 Sissins. Mot1hew Paul (11) 72 SkiCiub197 Skeen. David Wayne (10) 88 Small, Kimberly Anne (9) 103.187 Smallwood. Robert T. (12) 40. 56

Johnny Shand and Steve Hammond chill out on the breezeway.

Smith, Aimee Alexandra (10) 88, 188 Smith, Andrew M. [10) 83 Smith, Cheryl Renee (10) 88 Smith, Christopher Fager (11) 72,121.197 Smith, Duane Addisin (11j72. 121 Smith, Gregory Owen (11 178 Smith. Koren Regenio [12) 40. 56, 191 Smith, Keith Oliver (11) 72 Smith. Leroy H. 178, 224 Smith. Lindo Annet1e (11) 72 Smith, Lindo Marie (12) 40, 56, 191 Smith, Lisa R. [10) 88 Smith. Robert E. (10) 88 Smith. Ruth Ann (10) 88 Smith, Shannon Novell (11) 72,134 Smith, Wolter Earl (10) 88, 134 Smith, William Bradford (9) 103 Smith, Willi am Michael [10) Smith, Zinc Vondello (12) 40, 56 Smith's of Bermuda 248 Snapp, Derek Christopher (11) 72 Snider. Leah Suzanne (9) 103 Snow, Elvin Rondollg11) 88 Snow, Glen Scot1 [12 40 Snow, Kelly Paige [1 ) 40. 56. 197 Snow, Sherry Lynne (11) 72 Snow. Tommy J. [9) 103.192 Snow. Wendi Gayle (9) 103. 189 Snyder, Bemord 228 Scbbot1, Wesley Paul (10) 88 Sck. Nol [9) 103 Scmers. Stephanie Ann (12] 40. 56.187,192 Scurs. Randy Franklin (12) 56 Spanish Club 182, 183 Spanish Honor Scciety 180 Spears. Walla ce Randolph (9) 103 Spence, Terri Mich (12) 40.56 Spencer, Kimberly S. (9) 103 Spencer, Mark Edward (12) 56 Spencer, Neil Rex [12) 40, 56 Spencer, Wilton Wolter [9) 103 Sperry, John W.178, 225 Spradlin, Fonda (10) 88 Spradlin, Reeve Moe (12) 43. 45, 51 . 56, 129.141 . 269 Spradlin, Tomie Lee [12) 43, 56. 152. 180, 193. 267 Sprouse, Arlene F. (10) 88, 190 Sprouse, Debra (10) 190 Sprouse, Jimmie Gentry (11) 72 Sprouse. JoAnn 226 Sprouse. Sondra Kay (11) Sprouse. Wesley E. [10) 88. 192 Spudnut246 St. John, Elizabeth Randall [12) 25. 43, 56. 174.184.196 St. John, Virginia (9) 103.184 Stackhouse, Blaine Allen (12) 11 , 43. 56,,180. 181 Stoekhouse, William T. [9) 103. 134

Stanley. Courtenay Tumer 170, 171, 193, 206 Stanley's 1st Period 238 Stanley's 2nd Period 238 ·storgell, Darlene Jordon (11) 72 Storgell. Melinda Cheryl (11) 72. 129, 131 . 196 Stork, Patricio M .. R.N. 205 Storks. Collet1i Eurico (11) 69. 72 Storks. Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. 259 Storks, Sharon (10) 88.141,176 State Form 246 Steed, Michelle (10) 88, 190 Steffey, Kimberly Ann (9) 103 Steigmon, Glen L. (9) 103, 121 Steimel, James Michael (9) 103.110 Steinboch. 8emhord Zdrovko 72, 212 Steinberg, Tariq Doq (12] 32. 43, 56, 121 Steinberg. Tore David [tf) 72 Stenmoim, Bjom Olof (12) 11. 43, 56.110, 134. 197 Stephens, Brenda Lee (10j88 Stephens, Debra Lynn (12 43. 56,179 Stephens, Jerome Aaron (11) 72.187.197 Steppe, Albert Brion [11) 72,173 Steppe. Sherri (10] Stevens & Co. 23~ Stevens, Phillip V. [11) 72,121.196 Stevenson, Robert G. (91 103, 121 Steward. Dennis (10) 151.176 Stewart, William Neal [12] 43, 56,110, Stiltner, Lydia Carine [11) 73,190 Stitchery Club 190 Stoffel. Lenore Magdalen 212 Stokes. Bonnie Kay (12) 43 Stokes. David G. [10) 88.121,128.196 Stone, Michael [1Q) Stong, Mary Louise (11) 180 Stovall, James William (12) 56 Stovall, Jeffrey WoyQe (12) 56 Stovall, Fredine Louise (12) 43,56 Strickler, Solly Bronn 210 Stroud, Robert Gordon [9) 103 Stupak. Valeska Celina (11) 73,180,182 Stutz. Keaton Lawrence (10) 89, 194 Suddarth, James Todd (11) 73.121 Sudduth, Timothy Joy [10) 89 Sugerman, Julie A. [9) 103. 188 Sullivan. Brion O'Neal (12) 43, 56 Sullivan. Charles Michael (11) 73 Sullivan. Donna Kay (9) 103 Sullivan. Donna Mane (11] 73,176,187 Sumerlin, Donnie F. [10) 89 Summers, Dono Leigh (11 ) Suter, William Bogart (9) 103 Swanson. Wendell Dole [9) 43, 48. 56, 135, 152, 194 Sweeney. Mario \12) Sweet. Steven Wi son [10] Swingier. Ruth Ann [11) 73,173 Swingier, Thomas 226

Index 271

T Tae Kwon Do 195 Tapscott. Troy H. (10) Tate. RodneyW. (9) 103.121 Tawney. Daniel Wayne (11) Taylor. Charles Venson. Jr. (12) 73 Taylor. Dawn (9) 103. 191 Taylor. Gail Lynn (11 ) 178 Taylor. Karen Jean (9) Taylor. Orville H. (9)103 Taylor. Rob S.d9) 103,189 Taylor. Ronal Lynwood, Jr. (9) 104.121 , 174,188 Taylor. Scott Anthony (9) 104 Taylor. Shannon L. (10) 89.119, 187, 197 Teague, Joseph W. 240 Teates. Mary Catherine (11) 73.180.183, 187.194 Teen Democrats 199 Teeter. Edmund H. (12) 56 Tennis 108. 109 Terrell. Jewell Anita (11) Terrell. Tilwana (10) 89 Terry, Derrick Wayne (12) 43.56.178 Terry, Kathy (12) 43.176 Terry. Michael Scott [11) 73.121.197 Terry, RobertW. (10)89.178 Terry. Samuel West[ey 108. 209 Tesack. Christine (10J 89.189. 194 Tesack. Kathleen (11 73. 128. 189. 194 Tevendale. Peter B. 9) 104 Thacker. Cecil Ray (11) 73 Thacker. Charlotte Lynn (11/190 Thacker. James Wallace. I (9) 104.176 Thacker. John (10) Thacker. Julie Nichols (12) 43, 56 Thacker. Nina H. 177. 219 Thacker. Samuel (10) Thacker. Theresa J. (11) 196 Thacker. Thomas Martin (11)73. 172. 191 Tharp, Stephen Robert (11) 73. 189 Tharp, Susan A (91104

Theodase. Cynthia E. (12) 43. 56. 132. 135. 136. 147. 149. 184 Thespians 184. 185 Thomas. Carl Lee (11 ) Thomas. David Hunter(12) 43. 56. 121 . 264 Thomas. Donald Wayne (11) Thomas. James L. (11) Thomas. Jerry (10) 89 Thomas. Kathy (9) 104 Thomas. Leo Roscoe. Jr. (12J43· 56, 121 . 134. 191 Thomas. Michelle Lynett (9 104. 184 Thomas. Valenta Lynette (9) 104. 132 Thomasson. Erik David (10) 89 Thomasson. Marl< John (11) 73.181 . 189 Thompson. Annabel Leah (10) 89. 152. 267 Thompson, James D. (9) 104 Thompson. James Rickey(11) 73. 178 Thompson. Jeanne F. 177. 224 Thompson, Justin Kenneth (12) 43. 56. 192 Thompson, Kenneth (9) 104 Thompson, Nelly 226 Thompson, Nora Ellen (9) 104 Thorsen. Peter Roland (12) 43, 56. 192 Thorsen. Tracey A (9) 104. 194 Thurston. Linda L. (9) Tibbs. Gary (9) 104. 128 Timberlake Drug 239 Tinsley. Michael Anthony (12) 43. 56 Tirrell. Cathy A. (9) 104. 184. 189 Tobin. Martin Michael (11 ) 73. 194 Tolbert. Juliette L. (9) 104. 188. 195 Tolbert. Nicolette K. (9)104. 188 Toler. Samuel (12) 43, 56. 178 Tooley, Duane R. (9) 104. 189 Tooley. Rhonda L. (10) 89. 176 Top 20 Students 156. 157 Toth. Susan Baker 210 Towers244 Townsend. Angela Lynn (12) 43, 56. 197 Townsend. Phillip A (10) 89. 192 Track 132. 133, 134 Trail. Scott Howard (11 ) 73. 178 Transue. Ann Marie (10) 89. 194 Travers, Tracey Anne (11 ) 73 Trefil. StefinJames (12) 43.56, 121 . 187 Trent. Tyrone Leon (10) 89 Trice. Eleanor B. (9) 104, 191

Trice. Marl< Anthony 191104. 128. 191 Trice. Scott Edward ( 1 187. 188. 197 Trogdon. Bianca L. (10 89 Trogdon, Daniel Wayne (12) 43. 56. 121 Truslow. Paulette E. [10) 89 Tuan. Helen Lin (11) 73. 173, 180 Tucker. Jacqueline Lee (10) 89. 110. 132. 173 Tucker. Timalee A (10) 89 Tucker. Tyler Ausftn (12) 43, 56. 121 . 193 Tuel Jewelers 235 Tuley, Ann Cashwell226 Turner. Christopher Scott [11) 74 Turner. Crystal Leigh (11) 14.192 Turner. Cynthia Diane \12) 56.173 Turner. Frank Roosevel [9) 121 Turner. Gregory Allen (12) 43 Turner. JeffreyS. [9) 104 Turner. Karen L. (9) 104 Turner. Karen Renee (10) 89 Turner. Sophia L. (9) 104

u Uecker. Alyssa Ann (10) 89. 110. 188 Uniroyal 242 University Book Store 259

v VICA 178 Valentine's Day Activities 152. 153 Van Canegham, Robert C. (9j Vanderloo. Diana Angela (12 43. 57 Vanderloo. Eric R. (10) 89 Vanderveer. Karen T. (10) 89. 122. 196 Vanhoose. Fred William (12) 43. 48. 57 Vanhoose. Pamela Sue (10) 89. 157 Vanneste. Anna Noel (10) 89 Vargas. Gloria Leah (9) 104. 197 Varma . Robina (12) 43.57. 174 Vomer. Catherine Marie (11 ) Vaughan. Brandt Ashley (10) 89 Vaughan. Michael Wayne (12) 57 Vaughan. Peggy A 215 Verbanic . Thomas Glen 11. 118. 119. 121 . 173. 195. 218 Vermillion. Mary M. (10) 89. 140. 144. 197. 269 Vermillion. John Coleman (12) 43. 57. 196 Via. Harold R. [9) 104 Vidunas. Katherine Anne (11 ) 12. 74. 75. 122. 196 Villwock. Robert Eric (11) 74 Vining. Jeannie S. (10) 89 Vining . Scott D. (10) 89. 174 Volleyball116.117 Volleyball Club 197 Volpentest. Michael Chris [12 ] 44, 57 VonAchen. Eric [11 ) 74. 189. 197 VonAchen. Lisa Marie (12) 44. 57 Von Helbulis. Evelyn Al lr (12) 44, 57 . 193


Concentration is the key as Jamie Zobel practices his saxophone.



Winston Edmonds inspects his equipment prior to setting up for practice.

WINA255 Wade. Daniel Lee (9) Wade Homes 258 Wade. Matthew Eric (9)104. 128 Wagoner. Brian J. (10) 89. 145. 266 Walker. Anthony BenJamin [9) 104 Walker. James William (11 ) 74. 181. 188. 189 Walker. Judith Ann (12) 44. 57, 177 Walker. Kimberly S. (10) 99 Walker. Terena Lynn (12) 44. 57 . 191 Wallace. Jaun L. (12) 57 Wallace. Romano Domingos (10) 74 Waller. Mary E. (9) Walls. James Kev1n (11 ) 74 Walls. Olivia Theresa (11) Walls. Vickie (10189.129. 173 Walsh. Jodie A 9) 104. 122. 188 Walls. Timothy (10) 89 Wanebo. Jacqueline Elise (11 ) 74. 180. 188. 196 Wanebo. John Eric (12) 44. 57.121 . 155. 157. 197 Wanebo. Michael David (12) 44. 47.121 . 197 Ward. Daniel.lll118. 223 Ward. James Richard. Jr. (11)178 Ward. Kcrihryn G. (10) 89. 135.197 Ward. Michael Graham (9) 104.121 Ward. Prentiss DeLois (11) Waring. Benjamin M. (11 ) 74. 178 Warren. John Gregory (12) 44. 48. 57.128 . 140.142. 174. 196 Warren. Sharon K. (10) 89 Washington. Alphonso (10) 90 Washington. Betty Annette (11) 74 Washington. Malcolm Lee (11) 128 Washington. Margay Vemic (11 ) Watkins. Aretha Priscilla [9) 104 Wcrikins, John AI. Jr. [9) 104 Wcrikins. William Todd (9) Wcrison. Julie Gale (10) 88, 90. 193 Wcrison, Michael Allen (9) Wcrison. Susan C. (9) 104. 187. 192 Way. David Wayne (9) 104 Wayland. Brian Robert (9) 104.188. 189

Wayland. Gler Weatherly, Ma Weaver. Joel T. Weaver, Susan Webb. Saundrc Weeks. James 1 Wells. Anita Lyr Wells. Cyntbia ( Wells. Joyce Elc Wells. Marion El Wells. William L· Werres. Timothy Westerholm. Cr Westervelt. Free Westrater. Brian Wetzel. Patricia Wharam. Jacki< Wharam, Lisa J. Wheby, Jean H. Wheby, Munsey Wheelen. Kcrihr) Wheelen, Thorn< Wheeler. Gerog Wheeler, Kenne· Wheeler. Tina [11 White. Alicia E.(' White, Anthony White. Curtis Jon White. Lisa Lynd White. Melvin Le. White. Penny E. (' White. Shelby Elr; Whitfield. Kcrie B. Whyte, Tracy M. ; Widener. Lloyd S Wiech. David Jd Wilcoxen. David Wiley, Leigh Ann Wilkerson. Debra Wilkerson. Tracy 1 Wilkerson. Pamel Wilkerson. RonniE Williams, Alan Eu Williams, Carolyr Williams. David E Williams, David L• Williams. David t-.. Williams, De.bara Williams, James!: Williams. Jon Chri Williams, Karl S. 2: Williams. Kelly Lyr Williams. Michael Williams, Stephen

Day is Done ..


Wayland. Glenn Ramsay (11) 74,121.173.193 Wea1herly, Marianne S. 204 Weaver. Joel T. (10) Weaver, Susan C. (9) 104.184 Webb. Saundra Ka1hryn (11) 74 Weeks. James R. (9)104 Wells. Anita Lynn (10) Wells, Cyntbia (11) Wells, Joyce Elaine (11)74.173 Wells. Marion Elizabeth 194,204 Wells. William Lee (10)128 Werres. Timothy W. (10) Westerholm. Christopher (11) 74 Westervelt. Fredric (10) 90.181 Westrater, Brian Charles (11J 110. 134 Wetzel. Patricia Joanne (11 74.187 Wharam. Jackie Andy (11) 187 Wharam. Lisa J. (91 105.183 Wheby, Jean H. (10) 90,141.193 Wheby. Munsey Joseph (12) 44.57.174 Wheelen. Kathryn E. (10) 90.170.192 Wheelen. Thomas L. (9) 105.128.1 74 Wheeler. Geroge B.. Jr. (11) 74,197, 269 Wheeler. Kenneth Mason. Jr. (10) 90 Wheeler. Tina (10) 90 White. Alicia t.(12J 9. 44, 57.170.261 White. Anthony (9 White. Curtis Jona1han (12)57 White. Lisa Lynd (9) 90,197 White. Melvin Lee (1t) White, Penny E. (9) 105 White. Shelby Elizabeth (9) 105, 188 Whitfield, Kate B. (9) Whyte, Tracy M. (9) 105 Widener. Lloyd Scott (11) 9.12. 60, 74.134.181 Wiech, David John (12) 44, 57 Wilcoxen. David Sean (9) 105 Wiley, Leigh Ann (10) 90. 190 Wilkerson, Debra Kay (12) 44 Wilkerson. Tracy Lynn (12) 44. 57.184 Wilkerson. Pamela Marie (1 1) 74.176 Wilkerson. Ronnie W. (9) 105.121 Williams, Alan Eugene (12) 44. 57. 121 Williams. Carolyn Denise (9) 105. 188 Williams. David Edward (9) 105.110 Williams. David Lee (11) 14.178 Williams, David M. (10J 91.148.184 Williams. Deborah (10 91 Williams. James Shannon (9) 105 Williams. Jon Christopher (12) 44. Williams. Karl S. 226 Williams. Kelly Lynn (9) 105. 187 Williams. Michael Wayne (12) 44. 57, .146 Williams. Stephen R. (10)91

Williams. Timothy Wade (9)105 Williamson. Fielding (91 105 Willis. Brian Keith (9) 105 Willis. David Glenn (11~ Willis. Sheila Arnett (11 75 Willis. Stanley Lee (11) 5 Willoughby, Bob John \12) 44.127,128.172.192 Willoughby, Scott Raw ings (11) 75,119.121.173 Willson. Kristine Lee (10) 90. 91,196,265 Wilson. Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo 259 Wilson. Dorinda Leigh (12) 46, 194 Wilson. Gail L. (9) 105 Wilson, Gloretta L. (9) 105,157.182 Wilson. Janis S. 229 Wilson. Piper Leslie (10) 91.184 Wilson. Robert Dale (12) 46. 57 Wingate. Henry Holmes (11) 75.121.173,196 Wingate, Sandra 203 Wingfield, Jona1han (10) 91.197 Wingfield. Ronda Dale (11 175.193 Winnett. Beverlee K. (11175. 175 Winston. Lance Irving(垄) 105.121 Wintermute. Sandra (10) 91.110.112 Wintermute. William L. (9) 105.121.183 Women's Chorus 187 Wood. Daniel Waldo (10) 91.192 Wood. Darrell Shannon (11) 178 Wood, Dwayne Anthony (12)46, 57. t78 Wood. James Douglas (11) 178 Wood, Jerry (9) Wood, Joseph Brad (11) Wood. Kimberly Annette (9) 105 Wood, Lonzy Everette (11) 75 Wood, Matthew Scott (10) 91,193 Wood. Melinda Kaye (12) 46.57 Wood, Noah Edward, Ill (11) 75.110.134,181 Wood. Ray J. (9) 105 Wood. Rebecca Ann (9) Wood. Russell P. 230 Wood, Susan Anne (12) 46,57.176 Wood, Vanzy 247 Wood, Vicki Lynn (11) 75.194.197 Wood. William Samuel (9) 105 Woodfolk, Dwayne Allen (11) 75.189 Woodson. Donald L.. Jr. (9)105 Woodson, Kimberly A. (9) 105 Woodson, Michael Alan (11) 75.91 Woodson, Troy Wade (12) 46,57.157.189 Woodward. Robert Wayne (10) 91 Woodworth. Anne (12) 46.57.157 Woodworth, DavidW. (11) 75.189" WoolfOfd, Eric Nelson \9) 121 Worley, Vernon Russel (12) Worley, Yvonne Elizabeth (111 75

Worsky, Jamie Jeanette (9)1b5. 195 Wright. Evelyn Diane (12)46. 57.173 Wright. Jeffrey Lyle (12) 46. 57.189.268 Wright, Jennifer Dawn (9)105 Wright, Terilynne (10)91.129 Wright, Tracy L. (9) 105.108.188 Wyant. Jay Devon (11) 75.173.197 Wyant. Lisa D. (10) 91.176 Wyant. Tina Marie (11) 75 Wyland. Andy Christopher (12) 46.57

y Yager. Charlotte (9) 105.188.191 Yancey, Charles S. (12) 46,57.176 Yantz. Cneryl Ann (10) 91 Yates. James F. (9) 105,121 Yates. Kimberly Dawn (9)105 Young. Annette (12) 46,57.177 Young, Antonia Denise (12) 46, 路 Young. Donna Lane (10191.187.190 Young, Juanita Marie (9) 105,188, 189 Younker. Todd (9) 105 Youth Service Center 256 Yu. Hyon Suk (12) 46,191 Yu. Kyong Suk (9) 105, 108

z Zans, Elizabeth Catherine (11) 57,173 Zauner, Cynthia A.\11) 75.194 Zauner, Jennifer L. ( 1) 75 Zeh. William Bernard (11)75, 270 Zierden. Timothy D. (10) 83. 90. 91 Zimmerman. DavidS. (9) 105. 183. 267 Zimmerman. Tina L. (10) Ziock, Michael\12) 46.57.197 Zobel, James Elsworth (10) 91.188.189,272

Index 273





1. If there isn't T.P. in the bathrooms, then just go to the roll in the lobby. 2. It's raining, it's pouring, and life at Albemarle is never bo~ing . 3. Gletsa Feggans spreads Christmas cheer by passing out Christmas carnations for the senior class. 4. Students relaxing on the breezeway enjoy SAP time. 5. Who says the Navy is only for men.

274 Highlights




1. The new courtyard, 2. Sonya and Deborah Roberts wait for their Prince Charming. 3. Embarrassed, Lisa Hoel states, "please don't take my picture with these hicks!" 4. Thank goodness for renovations. 5. You're the next contestant on Dance Fever- Mike Maynard and Kim Lee.



5 Highlights 275




I ~



~ ~



p~~r~s~~~~c. COMPANY • Nonh Carolina

Charlie Garrison

Charlottesville. Vi rginia









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