1984 Peer - Albemarle High School

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The 1 883-84 Peer staff gi v es y ou the opportunity to trav el bac k in time and reflect upon your memories of Albemarle High School. Step into the Patriot Time Machine and watch the years go by as you turn the pages .







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For many students,


Day was the day they headed to Virginia Beach. Plans were made early in the school year as to who would stay with whom and where they would stay . Beach Week, as it was called, was the final big social event for the gradu ates.

Everywhere, whether it was

Pacific Avenue or Atlantic A v enue, Sandbridge or Peabody's, Albemarle faces were seen. No matter where they were, everyone enjoyed the fun, sun, and parties of Beach Week.

1 . On their trip to France, many Albemarle s tudents pose for a picture . 2 . The beginning of a new day, captured on film . 3 . Students pick the grapes before stomping them t o make w ine. 4 . Now , after picking g r apes, Albemarle students stomp them. 5. The sun sets o v er the Atlan t ic Ocean . 6 . As the night comes to an end, people gather on the boardwalk . 7 . In France, Sharon Warren, Dor othy Chartres, and L y nn Morris pose before a scenic background .

3 4










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During all your years of school, you could always rely on your friends. A friend was someone who listened when you needed him and would help you whenever you needed it. Can you remember football,

basketball, and

baseball games? Well, none of these would have been the same without friends. When school ended, everyone became sad and didn't want to say goodbye;

but you will always have

those memories of friends and cherish the memories for the rest of your life . Some of us would be lucky enough to stay in touch and to remain friends for many years .


4 6



1 . Karen Heintzleman and Shari Berlin glance around during one of their practices . 2: . Vonnie Kemon , Elizabeth Pence, and Lisa Bowers smile over their outstanding performance at a local band competition . 3 . The late e v ening sun is captured before it sneaks behind a cloud. 4 . Lori Runkle and Ann Marie Fussa display their spirit fo r their field hock e y team. 5 . Two members o f Albemarle's own "A" team are Rob Ros se as Hannibal and Dav id .Jones as Murdock . B . As Ton y Lascano, .Jill Anthon y, and .Jackie Wanebo tal k , Sonja Hoel listens in . 7 . Many students are captured eating and social iz ing at the FCA tailgate. B . During first lunch , Michelle Thomas munches . 9 . Valencia McKenna, Aimee Smith, and Donna Young take a break between classes .



9 Memories



Remember the hard work that was put forth when you were little? Well, all of this paid off in your high school years. Dedicating yourself and your time to practice on many hot summer days finally prov ed to be worthwhile. For some, the end of school meant the end of much time and effort devoted to athletic endeavors, but for others it was only the beginning.

1 . Glen Wayland and Fred Hope stop to catch their breath as they await their coaches 路 speeches during half - time. 2 . Mike Du nn is almost tackled while running with the football. 3. The Albemarle High School band looks sharp during one of its many performances . 4 . Raleigh Minor tries to steal the ball away from her opponent during a varsity field hockey game. 5. Erin Lewicki, Lisa LaBru no and Helen Crutchfield listen as Ms. Bohannon gives them some helpful hints. 6. Page Newman sets the ball for a spike. 7. The vol leyball team catches its breath as Mrs. Neilson gives them a few pointers during a time-out. B . Clarence .John son, Roland Rush and .Jack Gardner concentrate on their pregame meal. 8. Heather Knight makes an effort to return the ball during one of the tennis matches. 1 0. The football team breaks through a sign while entering the field before a big game. 1 1 . Kathy Vidunas, Karen Heintzleman, and Kim Lee lead the crowd in cheers during a varsity football game.


5 B





Sitting in classrooms listening to teachers lecture and answering questions were just some of the events that took place all throughout your years of school.

Even though many

things remained unchanged , yo ur knowledge increased as you grew older. Despite all the hard work, there was still time to have fun .

1 . Lauren Davis - What are you looking a t ? 2 . Mr. Macdona ld assists Louise Finger with he r homework. 3. D avid Lenn Say cheese! 4. Awaiting practice, these football players take over the coaches' office. 5 . While doing his homework, Patrick Hoffman jams to his Walkman. B. Students learn several tra des in shop . 7 . You are not supposed to be chewing gum, Bethany Driscoll! B . April .Johnson looks over her notes before a big test. 8 . This is a familiar scene in many classes.

4 10


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Throughout the years, Albemarle has undergone many changes and 1 983-84 was no exception. The most obvious change was the reconstruction of Hydraulic Road . Students were faced with less parking space and much longer traffic lines, especially during peak hours. In spite of all the changes, some things remained the same. For example, the cafeteria and breezeway were still the popular hangouts for students. Again this year, the new fire alarm system sounded without cause and allowed Mr. Hurt to announce the familiar " Disregard".










1 . Like many other students, .Julie Sugerman , Lise Anderson end Ramey Hudson take advantage of the library. 2. Do you need some help, Mike Hesensteb? 3 . While rushing to class, e photographer catches Tim Radcliff on film . 4. During classes , the breezeway is quiet end peaceful, but it is still one of the many hangouts for students . 5. During e fire drill, Cathy Neihouse, Missy Meeyens, Sharon Morse end Von Worley await the bell. B . .Julie Sugerman finds time during study hell to reed e book. 7. Gym is time for recreation. 8 . These students listen intently as the teacher goes over e lesson. S . Who can forget this familiar sight? 1 D. During SAP, students socialize with their friends. 1 1 . David Bishop shows his spirit.



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7 14

Senior Divi der



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~rttior ~pirit ~oars The class of 1 984 exemplified a school spirit that had not been seen in many years . We joined and worked together to produce a school of which we are very proud. The roots of our organization were our outstanding class officers. Our president, Elliot Kelly did his best to bring our class together. Susan Cooper, our v icepresident, collaborated with Elliot in making a lot of important decisions . .Jackie Wanebo,

our treasurer, and

Pat Craver, our secretary, helped in many ways, also . The senior class and its officers did an outstanding job this year. For many years to come the members of the class of 1 984 would be proud of the spirit and enthusiasm we had generated. 1 . Sen ior class officers : .Jackie Wanebo, t reasurer; Susan Cooper, v ice-president ; El li o t K e lly , president; Pat Crav er, secretary. 2 . Ell io t Kelly speaks to the senior class . 3, 4 . The s e nior class waits for a meeting to begin .

4 16


.Julie Abbott Roger Agee Glenn Aker Mike Alley


Denial Alonso Veneese Altman Sandre Amos Leroy Anderson



Mery Anderson Pam Anderson Terry Anderson Save Ankrom


.Jill Anthony Sereh A v ery .Judy Bakel Erik Bensleben



.John Banton Mitch Barker Eddie Barrett .Jan Beasley Warren Beck Donna Benavitch Shari Berlin Mark Berry

Lori Bevilacqua Chrissy Bird Heidi Blackburn Beth Boatwright .Jeanne Boatwright Wanda Bodrey .Jeff Bogard Marc Bolen

Althea Boling Paige Branham Holly Breeden Wayne Breeden Gary Brooks Michele Brown Ryan Brown Thomas Brown

Monty Brownlee Richard Brubaker Kenneth Bruch Andrea Bryant Tonia Bullock Charles Bunn April Burns Albie Butler



Thomas Butler .Jeff Campbell Lila Campbell Elizabeth Carden Robert Carey Carolyn Carter .Joseph Casero Charles Castle

.James Catlett Maria Calvaca Elizabeth Chalfant Rudy Chapman Brenda Charron Dorothy Chartres Michael Childress Stephanie Chivily

Paul Clark Mike Clarke Rodney Clements Lisa Coleman Suzanne Coleman .Janice Coles Rebecca Collier Susan Cooper

.Jimmie Corbin Eugenia Covington Brenda Cowgill .John Cox Pat Craver Aaron Crawford Travis Critzer Helen Crutchfield



Sanjit Das

Barry Davis LiSa Davis Val Davis Kathy Dean .Jessica Delapp Luigi D'Eiicio Patrick Depree-Guillaume

Mark Dillow ..Jean Loui s Oislaire Andy Dixon Missy Dobbs Brian Donato Glenda Douglas Karen Douglas Keith Douglas

Bethany Driscoll Sharon Durham Richard Edlich Winston Edmonds Susan Edmondson Wesley Edwards Ken Edwards Nancy Edwards

Davis Eichelberger Todd Eichman Karen Eppard Kim Evans Sharon Falls Lisa Farish William Fariss .Judy Fields


Sen iors

Eleanor Finger George Fisk Amy Fitzgerald Robin Fitzgerald

..Jenifer Fleming Ben Fordham Wayne Forsberg Rebecca Fredrick

Thomas Fritz Earnest Gaines Elliot Gardner Kavansa Gardner


Garrison Chip Gerbert Roger Gibson Ethel Glasgow




~enior ts -J\~~'s feature tfuirler There was a person in our senior class who contributed to the Albemarle High School Marching Band greatly during her four years here, This was Diane Shifflett, a majorette for the band. Diane twirled for Albemarle's marching band all four years -

the last three as the feature twir-

ler. She started twirling at the age of three. She has won over 300 awards of different varieties over the past fourteen years. She has been a member of the Virginia Twirlettes for thirteen years. She has participated in national and international competitions. Diane Shifflett will be missed greatly by the A . H . S . marching band .

3 1 . Diane Shifflett prepares to s t art her routine as feature twirler in the A . H . S . march ing band. 2. The A . H . S . march ing band performs during halftime. 3. Margaret Hunt display s her skills of r ifle spinning in a pep rally. 4 . The marching ban d plays for the crowd during a football game.

4 Sen iors


Michelle Gleeson Edna Goode .Jon Goodmen Dav id Graham Amy Granger Milton Grey Tony Graziano Tim Guthrie

S y lv ie Hags Colleen Heines Tracy Hak ala Linde Hemm Clifford Hamm ill Ken Hammond Cliff Hamner Scott Hermon

Sherri Harper Tracie Harper Anthony Harris Lav e r ne Harris Thomas Harris Mic hael Hesenst eb Cindy Haught .James Hav erk amp

Reginald Haw kins :rodd Hawkins .Jay Hearns Karen Heintzlemen Kevi n Hensley Way ne Hensley .James Herring Keith Herring

Sen io r路s


Ollie Herring Hope Hicks Ruth Hicks Lise Hoel Sonja Hoel David Holsapple Vonda Holsapple Paula Hood

Frederic Hope Mathew Herridge Cindy Houchens .Joanne Howard Andrew Hucek Christopher Hucek Shewn Hughes Margaret Hunt


Michael Ingalls David Inscoe Steve Ivory Michelle .Jackson Donna .Jacobson Lise .James William .Jefferson lrvene .Jenkins

Heidi .Johannesen April .Johnson Beth .Johnson Clinton .Johnson Eric .Johnson Felicia .Johnson .Jennifer .Johnson Regina .Johnson



Anson .Jones David .Jones Tracy .Jones Penny .Jordan Elliot Kelly Patricia Kelly Brian Kennon Derrick Kerns

Kirn Kersey Kirsten Kesler Deborah Kidd Angela King E dward Kirby Terri Kirby William Kirby Elizabeth Kirkland

David Kirtley Tracy Klueg Lisa LaBruno Parnela Larnb Evette Lapan Philippe Laurent Scott Lawrence Kirn Lee

Lisa Lee Don Leibl Howard Lenn Kathleen Leonard Isidore Lewis Stacey Lewis Doug Linkous Everett Loftland



J\~~ fn£1tomes

£xtqang£ stu~£nts In the year of 1 983-84, Albemarle High School welcomed four exchange students through the American Field Service Exchange Student Program, and the International-Intercultural Exchange Student Program . These four students were Neils Hadnungseth, from Norway; .Jean-Louis Dislaire from Belgium; Hugo Rocha from Portugal; and Daniel Alonso from Argenti na. As the students walked down the halls each day, these individuals' friendly smiles greeted them with a big hello. Their need to fit in and be a part of the student life at A . H. S. was gradually satisfied as they became more acquainted with their peers . Hopeful ly, Albemarle created a warm atmosphere for these students to feel at home. All of, the students who had classes with these special people will remember their struggles to understand this new and different world that they were experiencing and will also remember their laughter and smiles , when a goal was accomplished . Albemarle's teachers and students were able to gain a better understanding of other countries, their culture, values, morals, and ways of life through involvement with Neils, .Jean-Louis, Hugo and Daniel. The friendships made will live on for years through many warm memories of their peers here at Albemarle High School. The Senior foreign exchange students: Daniel Alonso, .Jean-Louis Oislaire, Hugo Rocha, and Neils Hadnungseth.


Dav id Londree Tracey Lov e Shelley Lov elace Randy Low Carlton \-uck Tim Lumsden

Troy Lynch Mary Lyng Roland Madison Stev e Mad ison Melisse Meey ens Sandre Magruder

Tammy Mallory Auburn Mann Chris Mann K y le Merion Brent Marshall Terese Marshal l

.Janice Martin T iger May M ike May nard Stacey McCann Gregory McCauley Cathy McCray



~ÂŁttior slump "I 'll do twice as much homework tomorrow night; I don't feel like doing any tonight." "I'm not in the mood to do it tonight, either. I'll catch it up this weekend . " Needless to say, it was never done. It had struck. Yes, this student fell victim to the dreaded "senior slump", a disease that inflicts almost every senior approximately half way through the school year. The dreaded infliction has been known to strike even earlier, though, sometimes as early as the first nine weeks . This nationally known disease makes seniors feel tired and restless during the school day and temporarily puts them out of commis sion from all academically related activities. Getting up in the mornings from Monday thru Friday becomes a dreaded and difficult task. Senior slump ,



teachers. Homework is turned in late, if it is turned in at all; seniors wander into class late for no particu l ar reason . Students falling asleep in class seem to annoy teachers the most. They should be use to it; it's a daily occurrence. Neither the cause of nor the cure for senior slump has yet been found . Until a cure, or antidote, is discovered, seniors will continue to fall asleep in class, to not do their homework, and to take advantage of their seniority. K y le Marian has been struck b y "senior slump".

Nancy McCutchen Feith McDaniel Kristine McDaniel Raymond McDaniel Hesther McDonald .Jean McGowen

Greg McKamey Kathy McKinnon Matthew McKown Therese Meed Lise Meadows Wende Meeks

Mike Melton Lenore Milhoan Lise Milkie Melisse Miller Christine Mongold Lurne Moon

Deborah Moore Kim Morley Anita Morris Kedre Morris Kim Morris Roxanne Morris



Sharon Morris Susan Morris Stephanie Morse Wend y Murphy Chet Naylor Richard Needham Anne Newlon Re x Norman

Greg O'Brien Earl O'Bryant .Jessie O 'Quinn Matt Pace David Palmer Hyun-Sook Park Kenneth Parrish Pamela Partin

Tatyanna Patten .John Pav lansky Thomas Pay ne Page Pence Whitney Perkins Dav id Perry Christopher Peterson Thomas Philips

Deborah Pierceall Brenda Pillow Glenn Pinchbeck Paige Pippin Teresa Plunkett Michael Poindexter Stephanie L . Poindexter Wilson Proffitt



Donnie Pugh Paul Pugh Bettina Quarles Paul Rabe Keith Racer

Kelv in Ragland Warren Ragland Corey Raines Angela Ramey Glen Ramirez

.Joe Ramos Becky Reid Nile Reto Lance Reynolds Rhonda Rhodes

Randall Richardson Leif Riddervold Karen Riddle Brian Ritchie Scott Roberts



Qilass of '84 qas spirit The members of the class of '84 were thought of as the least spirited class until they became seniors. Then they won the Spirit Week competition! The seniors had more spirit than any other class in the school. As seniors, they became more organized and spirited. They knew they had to leav e this school being remembered for some thing. They really emphasized this at the first pep rally of the year. They all congregated outside Null Gym. When the SCA president,

David .Jones,

asked where they were, they ran into the gym. This showed a real turn around. Now they would be remembered as one of the rowdiest classes in Albemarle High School's history. They won the spirit stick for the first time since they were freshmen . The senior class of '84 had finally gotten its act together and was definitely going to rule the school with spirit.



Hugo Rocha Tony Roche Rebecca Rosenblum

Rob Rosse Stev e Rov n y ak .Julia Roy

Stephen Runkle Andrea Rush Kathy Rush S y lv ia Rush Lisa Samuels Francine Scott Patric k Scott .Joseph Senich

Tina Sex ton Tommy Sex ton Staci Shafer .Johnny Shand .John Sharretts Diane Shifflett Stev e Shifflett Eddie Shriner




st!noromr qits Yes, that's right, UNDERCLASSMEN, we are the S -enior Class . Whenever we look ed, you were there. After all, who cluttered up the halls as we tried to get to our classes? All those freshman! Boy, they're getting smaller every year! These obscure creatures (which include sophomores and juniors) don't seem to understand the bell at 3 : 23. This bell is meant for SENIORS -that's why it's called the SENIOR BELL. Comprendre? Too many times I saw underclassmen dashing down the halls, and contrary to belief, you do NOT look like Seniors . What's the rush? After all, you will be a SENIOR one of these days . P . S . Hang


in there! Shannon Smith d ispla y s " seniority s y ndrome" on the breezeway .

Leise Sims Matthew Sissons Chris Smith Duane Smith Gregory Smith Keith Smith Linda Smith Linda Smith

Shannon Smith Sherry Snow .Jimmie Sprouse Darlene Stargell Melinda Stargell Coletti Starks Tore Steinberg .Jerome Stephens

Albert Steppe Mary Stong Valeska Stupak .J . T . Suddarth Donna Sulliv an Dana Summers Ruth Swingier Gay le Tay lor

Mary Testes .Jewell Terrell Mike Terry Teresa Thacker Thomas Thacker Stephen Tharp Donald Thomas Mark Thomasson



.James Thompson Scott Trail Scott Trice

Helen Tuan Christopher Turner Greg Turner Kathy V idunas Robert Villw ock Eric Von Achen .James Walls Olivia Walls

.Jackie Wanebo .James Ward Prentiss Ward Benjamin Waring Betty Washington Margay Washington Kathleen Watkins Glenn Way land

Cynthia Wells .Joy ce Wells Brian Westrater Pat Wetzel .Jackie Wharam George Wheeler Melv in White Scott W idener



s.entors For years we only heard about se nior skip day. We have thought about how much fun it would be. Some of us even went as underclassmen! Finally, we were "Big bad Seniors ". We took our "supposed" legitimate letters to all our teachers to sign, in order to avoid an unexcused absence. Then it was time to hit the lake armed with a

1 2-pac k,


towels, and sunscreen . But, the package wouldn't have been complete with out the raybans , box, and a member of the opposite sex. For those of us who wanted a little privacy -

parties were the answer.

Others went shopping and some just stayed home and slept and watched their favorite soap-operas. All in all, the day was worth the risk of being caught for skipping . 1 . Many people go t o Chris Greene Lak e fo r Senior S k ip Dey . 2 . Obliv ious to u n der c lassmen, Save Ankrom relax es on t he beech on Senior Skip Dey.

David Williams David Willis Sheila Willis Scott Willoughby Henry Wingate


,...... .



Ronde Wingfield Beverlee Winnett Darrell Wood .Joseph Wood Lonnie Wood

Noah Wood Vickie Wood Dwayne Woodfolk David Woodworth Yvonne Worley

.Jay Wyant Tine Wyant Cynthie Zauner .Jennifer Zauner William Zeh



The Class of 1 884 will leav e behin d it something many classes before it had not achiev ed -

senior pri v ileges .

Many of us were unaware of some o f these priv ileges. One that w e were un aware of was being able to use th e Media Center during lunch without a pass. This made life easier with all o f the papers we had to w rite . It also made it easier on our teachers be cause they d i d

not ha v e to co n -

tinuously write notes . Another o ne most of us knew nothing about wa s the pri v ilege of s it t ing in the fron t rows of the auditorium durin g assemblies . Finally, we could see w hat was happening, if we were some of th e few who knew we could sit in the fron t . We did, howev er, learn to appreciate the senior bell that allowed us to leave two minutes before the rest of th e school.

Senior parking would have

been great this year if the school had had enough parking spaces for all th e mighty autos of the seniors . Three y ears of waiting was well worth it; finally, we hav e a few pri v ileges.

4 1 . Seniors enjoy psyc hology class . 2 . Trac y Hakala w ants t o be the f irst one in c lass . 3 . Sen ior cheerleaders p .s yche t he student s . 4 . Oh. reall y ?! 5 . Kel vi n Ragland disc usses t he game o v er dinner. 6 . The prac tice drains G r eg O"Brien .




184 wil l leav e behind

'Y classes before it


senior priv ileges .

Jnaware of some of

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Diane Artale Tiesha A v allone

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M ic h e lle G ilk a .Jamie Pent z

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was well w orth it;

'ew pri v ileges.

Sandra Sprouse L y dia Stiltner

Kat h y Tesac k Elizabet h Zans

~ bbott,

.Julie Ann, Ho Box 97R , K eswick, \ )p a nish C l. 2 ; The La n1 Vho Am ong Am erican Be y oursel f and g o f or ~ gee,

Roger Deen

~ ker,

Glenn Raymond; Vest D r . , C h a rlotte sv , 2, 3 , 4 ; P sychic C l. , 2, 3,4 ; Footb a ll 1; 5 r ict Socc e r Team 4 ; "r orget the R W B or the : lien, Kelly Elizabeth Uley, Michael Ray; t\ 2D Lupine Lane , C h a r Ve ightlifting C l.; Footb : .; Football1 , 2 ,3, 4 ; E : assical League ;

i --eeeest! " l o n ao, Cenlel Ferne 'ace , Charlottesvill e , : ess Team ; AFS.

Utmen, .Ja•on Bcatt

Utman, Vaneeae .Ja n• :e~i ck Court, C harlr n g C l. 1 , 2 ; Dra ma :iOO 4 ; Thespia n T r-ea surer 4; 1 st p lace i - Due t Acting ; • • ..-.d a ll th e men and wo .. -a espea re" ~.

Bendre Lee; Sar • 3ox 224 , CharlotteE . 1; Ski Cl. 2,3 , 4; 'toes 4; PEER 4, sec· 1; Lacrosse 4 ; r" -Rings , and Ray- E e automatic ! Glenr

re on, Cllftcm Lerc

re on, Mary Elelr ottes vill e , VA 2:= Ec . 1, 2 , 3 .

Laud e N a ti onal La1 o.n; Contest 4; "Any ld b e p erfectly c the· sur f ace of t

.-...on, Terry Laver

I!'Oo-.rcom , Cherlee Bove • 43, Ea r ly s v ille, VJ "CA 3, 4 P r esident 4 ; PEER 4 ; Beske Outdo o r Track 2, : - :.est, if y ou can 't me

y, .Jill Ade·Me Charl o ttesv ille , 'v a Cl. 2, 3; Certarr e-:;y 3, 4; Space Mic

al H onor Society

, Clene Merle; D 33, Early s v ille , VA Advocat e C l. 2 ; e Cum Laude A w

Senior Statistics lbbatt, .Julie Ann, Homebrew, Garfun kle: Rt. Box 87R, Keswick, VA 22847; Riding Cl. 1; l oani sh Cl. 2; The Lantern 3; Key Cl. 4 ; Who's '.'no Among American High Schoo l Students; 9e y ourself and go for it!!" ijee, Roger Dean Uce r, Glenn Raymond; G leem , V egas : 33B Key . est Dr., Charlottesv ille , VA 22801 ; S ki Cl. 2 , 3,4 ; Psychic C l. 4 ; PEER 2; Soccer 2 , 3 , 4 ; Football 1 ; Soccer Capt. 4 ; All O ist Soccer Teem 4 ; " H ot the s lopes ! end don't ;:;-get the RWB or the Ston es! "

puff 4; "Arrows up ~oe, Austin Heelys, Fireworks Mobley, To digs Whet is everyone else going to drink?!!!!! On the train to Bangkok!" Avallone, Tleehe Ann; Twitty Bird : Ceder H ill Box C-31 , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; VICA; FBLA. Avery, Sarah Heney; "Ave": 503 Nottingham Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2 ; FCA 3, 4; Lacrosse 1 ; Softball 2; "Owww!" Sakal, .Judy Lynn; ~u-~u. ~udes : 825 Bedford H ills Or., Earlysville, VA 22836; German Cl.; Ski Cl. ; R id ing Cl. ; Basketball 2.

Box 1 04, Esmont, VA 22837; Chess Cl.; Riding Cl.; Photography Cl.; Intramural Basketball ; Once Upon A Metress; You Can't Take it With You; Top 20 State Chess; "If we can't talk openly, we ere nothing say whet? Milk and Grape ~uice forever." Boatwright, Beth Frencee; Keene, VA 22846; FBLA; Adv ocate Cl.; "If you love me baby please smile ." Boatwright, .Jeannie: Keene, VA 22846; Adv ocate Cl. 4 ; FBLA. Badrey, Wende Key

en, Kelly !!IIzabeth Rey; Muha m mad, Alvin, M 2 : e , C h a rlottesv ille, VA 22801; r>g Cl F ootoell Spectators; Psychic ;::,x,t;ba ' 2 . 3 , 4 ; Baseball 1, 2 , 3 , 4; ~unior League ; " S h oooot Bet! t , Oen lel Fernanda: 1 08 Whetstone Cra ,...ottesville , VA 22801; Chess Cl.; - earn: AFS.

n, -.Jeeon Bcott , Ven_.., .Jane; Van Nessa, Red : 511 Court. C h arlottesville, VA 22801 ; ' 2 ; Drama C l. 3; Thespian Troupe esooa n Troupe 500 secretary-~- G • s t p la c e State T h espian Conferet Acting ; " A ll the world's a stage, e n mere ly p la y ers- W.

-.ndre Lee; Sen d, Sen, " the tease": Rt. 22G Cna ,...ottesv ille, VA 22801; Teen S< C 2 , 3 , 4 ; FCA 3,4; Rock Album :>EE~ 4 , sectoon editor 4; Marching ..ac-osse 4 : " Snickers, Slurpees, eno R a y- Bans ! It's a bust! Gettin' ~...IC 1 G le nn, I love y ou!" C lfftorol L-eroy I'- -

..,. '•

Mer-y Elaine: Rt. 4 Box 1 678, e V A 22801 ; French Cl. 1, 2; • 2 .3

l:l-o IC:CAW.

Pwnela Lynn; Pam, Petre, Vogue: ::J- , C h a rl ottesville, VA 22801; :: ~ , S l<i C l. 2; Latin 3, 4, Treasurer ..,....,.,.., _.. G 'letto n e l Honor Society 3, 4; Soc•e ty 3 , 4 ; IFS 3,4; Certemen C!BSs Secretary 1 , 2; ~A 1 ; S ym- Cross Country 2,3,4, Capt. oor T r ack 3, 4 ; Outdoor Track "'1oe><e y Manager 1 ; Powderpuff Gram mer State ~CL Conven-


T....-y L-averne

Beneleben, Erik Peter: 2208 Dominion Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Requetbell Cl. 1 ; Spanish Cl. 2; Music Appreciation 2, 3; Film Critics 3 ; Space Mice 4; Spanish Honor Society; French Honor Society Boy's State; "Life is like a sewer: Whet yo u get out of it, depends upon whet y ou put into it." Benton, .John William Barker, Hubert Mitchell; Mitch, Baby Hubert: Rt. 1 Box 1 37, Schuyler, VA 22868; Art Cl.; "Life is but a light in a realm of darkness ! That light is ~esus!" Berrett, Edward Peyton; Flipper, Eddie Spa ghetti, Edie Bernett: 2328 Glenn Ct. ; Charlottesville, VA22801; SkiCI. 1,2,4; Footbell3,4; "Spacey, Dot, Re-b -b-becce, Eleanor end Ween, It was weird, Rellim Reeb, towel trick, Big Dogs- Little Girls, candy, THE CRUISE!" Beeeley, .Janet Elaine; ~en , Beese-la Reese, Mary Poppins: 261 3 Huntington Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 ,2; FCA 3, 4; Field Hockey 2; Lacrosse 1 , 2, 4; Trainer 3, 4 ; Class Council 3, 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Whet's the name of the game? Cell on me"

Ade-Merle: 1 B Lake Forest ::u!Sville , VA 22801; Riding Cl. 1; 2. 3 . Certemen C l. 2, 3, 4; Thesp ian G Soace M ice 4 ; Latin C l. 3; SCA 4; ,g~s:;ac ,an 3 ; Volleyba ll Manager 4; ~~ ~ Society 4; Latin Honor Society

""'-rle; Dee, Chipper, Cool: Rt. 1 ,'SVille , VA 22836; Photography te C l. 2; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Tennis 4;

Bolen, Mere F. Baling, Althea Ann; Thee : Rt. 1 Box 23B, Esmont, VA 22837; Psychic Cl. ; Marching Bend ; "Smile end you will conquer the world." Brady, Stephanie Anne: 1010 Wertlend St., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22803; Spanish Cl.; Art Cl.; Teenage Republ icans. Brenham, There•• Paige; Paige, Peigey, Frog : Rt. 8 Box 1 05 , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Rid ing Cl. 1 ; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3; VICA 2, 3, 4; "If you have a dream don't give u p - go for it! I will always love~- H . end Michelob." Breeden, Hally L.ewean Breeden, Randolph Wayne; Wayne: P. 0 . Box 1 55, Earlysville, VA 22836; VICA; "Finally!" Brooke, C3ery Dauglee .Jr.; Strey Cat: Rt. 6 Box 1880, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; VICA; "Old cars nev er d ie, they just go fester." Brown, Marlen Annette

Beck, Warren Edward; King -Red , Boatmen : 1 64B Townwood Ct., Charlottesville , VA 22801; Art Cl. 2; Photography Cl. 4; Peer 4; Cross Country 3; Indoor Track 3; Outdoor Track 3, 4; "This is the end, Don't do that, Be good, It was fun end thanks MEA!" Belew, Llee Lynn Benevltch, Donne Lynn: Rt. 8 Box 202, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; FBLA 3; Key Cl. 4; Field Hockey 1 ; Gymnastics 1 ; Biology Award; 1 st place in Accounting Camp.; "Whatever you say. " a-lin, Shari Lynn; Shar-Ber, Sheri Sari: Wendover Ln .. Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 2, 3, 4; AC:iv'ocete Cl. 4; Cheerleeding 2, 3, 4; French Contest Award; "A fool will lose tomorrow looking beck to yesterday. " Berry, Mark Henderean1 Marcus, Buck, Breed: 1 507 R ickey Rd., Charlottesvill e, VA 22801 ; Psychic Cl. 3 , 4; FFA 4 ; Football 1 ,2; Golf 2, 3; "Long live Cameros, Skippy, end the KING-way! See ye at Harvard!" Bevilacqua, Lori Ann1 Boo Boo : 1 1 37 Oak Hill Dr.. Charlottesv ille, VA 22801 ; Riding Cl.; "If you love something, set it free. If it comes beck it's yours, if it doesn't it never was."


Bogard, .Jeffrey Allen; ~eff : 1 760 Running Deer Dr., Keswick, VA 22847; Key Cl. 4; Volleyball Cl.; Intramural Basketball.

Bird, Chrletfne Nan; Chrissy, Oiseeu : 205 Bennington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; French Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 2, 3; Psychic Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4; Debate 3, 4.

Brawn, Michelle Raee; Shell: 2521 Hydraulic Rd . , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; OECA, Vice Pres.; ~A; "All human beings ere born free end equal in dignity end rights. Hey! Let's keep it this way!" Brawn, Ryan L.enerd; Papa Smurf: Box 248 Esmont, VA; Weightlifting Cl. 2; FFA 1; Footbell 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4 ; "You got a dip, Lucky? Be a karate men." Brawn, Thome• Franklin; Brown : Rt. 6, Schuyler, VA; FFA 1 ,2,3; "As you go through life may the doors of success slam you in the face." Brownlee, Monty Ray Brubaker, Richerd Francie; Brew: 1 732 Old Forge Rd., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 ; French Cl. 2; Guitar Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 3, 4; Teenage Republ icans 4; SCA 2 ; Soccer 1 ,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2; Cross Country 1 ,2; 2nd teem ell-district soccer 2, 3; Soccer Capt. 4, Most Sportsmanship Soccer 2; "Have a dip? Born to be wild! Love stinks! end petiteafilles, Aime-tu des bonbons." Bruoh, Kenneth .Jarnee Bryants, Andree Lynn; Annie, Ann, Roscher: Rt. 8 Box 335, Cherlbttesville, VA 22801; Art Cl. 2, 3; Ski Cl. 4; "Oh Henry!"

Blackburn, Heidi Elizabeth; Hi-Dee, Heidi-He, Holende: 101 Surrey Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; French Cl. 1,2; Ski Cl. 3,4; SCA 4; SCA Treasurer 4; Field Hockey 1 , 3 Capt. 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; Finalist for Net'l Council of Teachers of English 3; "Someday we'll look beck on this end it will ell seem funny!"

Bulleok, Tonie Rene1 Tone, Toneee, Punkin : 2426 Huntington Rd. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 4 ; Flag Corps 1 , 2; Rock A lbum Critics Cl. 4; FCA 3,4 ; PEER 4, Sports Editor 4; Class Council 3; Powderpuff Football 4 ; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Fireworks, Flat Tires, Ia that your car? The 0. C. Hail Syorm, This is the end. David ILY."

Bllkeleger, Pleter Marrle; Pe-ter, Meet: Rt. 1





Chez :

Senior Statistics



Greentree Park Or., Charlottesvill e , VA 22801; Photography Cl. 1 , 2,3, 4; Choir 1 , 2, 3 ; PEER Photographer 4; Soccer 1 , 2, 4; Regional Choir 2 , 3 ; Most Improved Soccer 2; "I shot it at 1 25 at f2 . B . Yes, I'm still going out with Sarah!" Burna, April .Joanna; Ape, .Jo, Honey: 24B Scott Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Latin Cl. 2 , 3 , 4, Pres. 4; Certamen Cl. 2, 3 , 4, Pres . 4; French Cl. 4; Space Mice 4; FHA 1 ; Ri f le Corps. 4; Nat'l Latin E xam 2, 3, 4; Nat'l French E xam 3; "Conv ivi amini quo ad regurgitatis in Bermuda et OCLXXV. " Butler, Albert Boardman; Bert, AI, Sleepy; Rt. B Box 2B8, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; SCA 4; Ski Cl. 4 ; Latin Cl. 2 , 3 ; French Cl. 2 , 3; Karate Cl. 2, 3 ; Guitar Cl. 1 ; Rock Album Critics C l. 4; French Honor Society 3, 4; Intramura l Basketball 4 ; Football 1 ; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Golf 2; Silver Maxima Cum Laude Nat'l Latin E xam 3 ; Nat'l French Contest; National Honor Society 4 ; AllDistrict Soccer 4; Co-Capt. Soccer 4; "Years from now, nati ons may fall, mountains may crumble, and oceans may disappear, but one thing alway s remains: RWB!" Butler, Thamaa Franklin: Gen Del, Scottsvi lle, VA; VICA; FFA. Campbell, .JaHray Todd; Soup: 241 B Commonwealth Or., Charlottesvi lle , VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2 , 3; FBLA 4, T reasurer 4; Basketball 1 , 2 ; Football 1 , 2, 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Rat n' rodents wi n or lose we drink the brew s! Brew to you, dude! " Campbell, Lila Kaye; R ile, Lulu : 256 Scott Rd., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; VIC A 2, 3 , 4; "Party less party more, we're the class of '8'4." Caperalna, Louie II Carden, Elizabeth Anna; Anne; Retarted, Snag : Rt. 1 Box 464, Scottsvi lle, VA 24580 ; FBLA; " Go for it!" Carey, Robart Thamaa; Bob, Bobby: 2802 Brookmere Rd ., Charlottesville , VA 22801 ; Dungeons and Dragons Cl.; Games Inc.; Soccer 1 ; " If life was a roller coaster, I wou ld have thrown up long ago." Carter, Carolyn Marla

B - Becca, Wean, Stacey, Eddie-Spaghetti, Amy, Pat, Heidi, Chriss y, Beth, and especially my Scooter -Pie!!" Chlldraaa, Michael Antonia; Mike: Rt. 1 Box BB, Esmont, VA 22837; "No more school and no more minute o f silence." Chlldraaa, Bhalla Laverne Chlvlly, Stephania Ann: R t. 1 Box 37, Scottsvi lle, VA 24580; Dance Cl.; Drama Cl.; Space Mice Cl.; Track 1 , 2 ; All-Regional T rack 2 . Clark, Paul Eugene; Hershel, Koko, G-Forces : Rt. 1 Box 23, Earlysvi lle, VA 22836; Football; Tennis; "I'm still trying to think of a quote." Clarka, Michael Edward; Mi ke, Milelong , Holmes: 1 23 Blueberry Rd ., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Drama 1 , 2 , 3; FCA 4; Football 2; "Toga! Toga! College here I come!" Cleaaby, Amy; Killer, Mate: 232B-2B Peyton Dr. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2 , 3 ; FCA 2,3,4; Key Cl. 4; College Planning Cl. 4; Who's Who Among American High School S tudents 3, 4; Nat'l Dean 's Lis t 3 , 4; " Hey Bobby .Jo, .Jo Bob, and Bobby Bill , are ya'll hot and bothered?" Clamanta, Radney Cala Coleman, Llaa Ranee; Leet, Lee-Lee : 1 06 Chaucer Rd., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Adv ocate Cl.; AIASA. secretary; OECA 1 , 3; Rid ing Cl. 1 , 2 ; Lacrosse; " There goes anot her Pididdle. " Coleman, Suzanna Michele; Suz ie, Suzie-Q, Chapstick: 2234 -A Common wealth Dr., Charlottesvill e, VA 2280 1 ; Drama Cl. 2; DECA 3 ; "Western parties, Western lunches, Western guys - What do y ou think Ellie? Hey guys, more good times to come!" Calaa, .Janice Elan Ina; Missy, Coletrain, Colsie: Rt. 7 Box 300, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; FBLA; Teen Democrats ; Volleyball Cl.; German C l.; Photography C l.; Bask etball manager; "Muskel macht der Mann." Callier, Rebecca Anna; Becky, Eekers, Myrtle: Rt. 7 Box 185, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; FBLA 1 ; French C l. 2 ; Psychic Cl. 3; Space Mice Cl . 4 ; Softball Manager 2, 3; "The only important things in life are friends."

Caeara, .Jaaaph Manual Cooper, Buaan Curtla: 200 Ivy Ridge Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; SCA 1 , 2. 3; Volleyball Cl. 2 ; FCA 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 4; Model UN 4; French Cl. 1; Tennis 1; Lacrosse 2; " Smile, it make s people wonder what you 've been up to!"

Castle, Charles Edward .Jr. Catlett, .Jamaa David .Jr. Cavalca, Marla Pia: Mia, 'Ria , My little Italian fri end : 203 Bennington Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Spanish Cl . 2,3,4, Secreta ryTreasurer 4; AFS; 1 st place State nat'l Spanish Exam lev el 1 ; 1 st place State and 1 st place Nat'l Spanish E xam level 2; Spanish Honor Society; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Bloom where you were planted." Chalfant, Ellzabath Lea; Betsy, Bootsy , M . Port hos; 408 Berwick Ct., Charlottesv ille, V A 22801 ; Harlequin 1 , 2; Ecology Cl. 3 ; Thespian Cl. 4 ; "Once Upon a Mattress" 3; "You Can't Take It With You" 4 ; Reg ional choir 3, 4; Con cert choir 2, 3 , 4 ; Women 's choir 1 ; " I may be an idiot, but indeed I am no fool." Chapman, Cobham .




R t.


Charron, Brenda Velma; Woodpecker, Woody, Red: Rt. 1 Box 1 1 6 , Esmont, VA 22837; DECA; SCA 4; FHA; "Good luck to the teachers for Kim C. is coming to Albemarle. This brew's for you! Good luck Kim Charron. " 2

Chartres, Dorothy Anna; Dot 0 , Oolanda: 1 61 4 Inglewood Or. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Class Council 3, 4; French Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 2 , 4; Ecology Cl. 3, Vice- Pres. 3 ; SCA Senior Senator 4; Science Fair 1 st in school & 1 st in district 3; French Contest Winner 3; S ym phonic II Band 1; S ymphonic Ill Band 2 ; "I love B-


Senior Statistics

D'EIIcla, Luigi Edwarda; Lou : 1 002 Proffit Rd .. Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Band 1 , 2; Choir 2 ; .Jazz Cl.; Music Appreciation Cl.; "Yep, Yep, Yep." Daa, Banjlt; C racker, Gandhi, Lazy Bum: 311 C restfield Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Latin Cl. 1 ,2,3,4, Vice P res. 4; Model UN 4; Soccer 3, 4 ; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Summa Cum Laude Nat'l Latin E xam 2; Magna Cum Laude Nat'l Latin E xam 3; Nat'l Merit Commended Scholar; "We live as we dream, alone; to crack the shell, we mix with the others ."

Covington, Eugenia V. Cox, .John Alvah; Slash, Reagan, Chug : 206 Surrey Rd., Charlottes ville, VA 22801 ; Debate 2,3,4; .Jazz Cl . 1 , 2,3,4 ; Marching Band 1 . 2; Teenage Republicans 1 , 3; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; " God bless the ol' Red, White, and Blue; and running for t he shelter of my mother's little helper." Craver, Patricia Lynn; Pat, Manager: Rt. 8 Box 152, Charlottesvill e , VA 2280 1; Ski Cl. 1 . 4, Secretary 4; Lacrosse Cl. 2; FCA 3 ; Class Council 3; SCA 4 ; Lacrosse 3 , 4; Field Hockey 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Cheerleading Manager 4; Field Hockey Capt. 4 ; All Area Field Hockey 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; "1 1 . 3 is the limit; yeah, y eah, y eah, yeah, yeah, uhuh, yeah!"

Davia, Valeria Dawn; Valonda, Veal- Head, Mrs. Hunter; Rt. 1 Box454 , Barbou rsville, VA 22823; Spanish Cl. 1 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2; Spectator Football 3 ; Certamen Cl. 4; L acrosse 3, 4; Latin Honor Soc iety 3 , 4 ; .Junior Classical League 4; _1ncentive For Success 3,4; "Seniors Ru le; Graduation doesn't have to mean goodbye; Beachweek 'B4!!; Snap! I heard that!; Gary and Val forever." Dean, Kathy Bua; Soun, G illey, Dean : Rt. 1 Box 3, Scottsvill e , VA 24580; ICT 1; "Lisa F . remember me when you get to Nashville." Dapl:'at·Gulllauma, Patrick Thlarry; Pat: 505 Westmoreland Ct. , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Chess 1 ; Rocket Cl. 3 ; Games Inc. Cl. 4 ; French Honor Society ; " Tall or short, lying down they are all the same size- P . D . -G." Dillow, Mark Anthony

Dlalelra, .Jaan·Laula Dixon, Harald Andrew; Andy, Drew-boo, OB 2 : 1 40 Benn ington Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22801; Drama Cl. 1 ,2; Spanish Cl. 2 ,3; FBLA 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Rifle Corps 2, 3, Capt. 3; "Snap! I heard t hat! and Guess w hat? My parents are going out of town!" Dabba, Mallaaa Lynn: Missy-Poo, Mitty-Boo, Missy: 350B W. Monacan Or. , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Drama Cl. 1 ,2; Thespian Cl. 4; Band 2, 3 , 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; " To be as crazy as I can, never stop talking , and live life to the fullest."

Donaghue, Kelly Anne Doug lea, Glenda Ruth: 1 1 1 1 Little High St., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; DE 1 , 2, 3, 4; OECA 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; ".Just loved this school to deeth, and so gled I'm leaving, it almost kills me." Douglas, Karen Marla; Slim, Crafty Lady: Box 17, Cobham, VA 22828 ; Afro-American Cl. ; "Stop the madness before the madness stops you." Douglas, Keith Lee Drlacall, Bethany Clay; Bee: 26 Monterey Dr., Cherlottesvi lle, VA 22806; Ski Cl. 1 ; FCA 2, 3, 4; Trainer 2, 3; "Way to go man! I love S! "

1 41 ,

Critzer, Maxwell Travla; Red : Rt. 1 Box 1 1 B , Scottsv ille, VA 24580; Ski Cl.; FFA; VICA 1, 2; Football; "To Fish I leave a cold one . To Angie I leav e all m y respect, trust, and love fore ver." Crutchfield, Malan Elizabeth; Captain Crunch, Crutch, The Groovey Chic : Rt. 8 Box B6, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Ski Cl. 1 ,2,4; FCA

Edmon da, Wlnatan OS-A Georgetown ~ 1 ; Guitar Cl. 'Chonoc Ill 1 , 2; 3 ~rack 1 . 2 ; B was onlytw£

..,.._-da,, Andrew V O::n'II!TIOI'""····-ea lth


Davia, Barry Anthony; Boots : R t. 2 Box 1 DB , Earlysville, VA 22836.

Donata, Brian .John; Donut, Secret Weapon: B1 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Spanish Cl. 1 . 2 ; Letin Cl. 3; FCA 4; Soccer 1 , 2, 3, 4 .

Carbin, .Jimmie Andrew

Crawford, Aaron Thamaa: R t. 1 Box Scottsville, VA; AIASA 1 , 2; V ICA 3 , 4.

3; Field Hockey 1 ,2,3,4 ; Lacrosse 2,3,4 ; All Area Field Hockey Team ; MVP Defense; MVP Lacrosse defense 2, 3; Latin I Cum Laude; "1 1 . 3 is the limit!"

Durham, Bharan Elaine Edllch, Richard French .Jr.; Frenchy, Rich, Home of the Whopper: Rt. 4 Box 254, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Computer Cl. 3; S ki Cl. 4; Lacrosse 3, 4; 1 st place AHS Science Fair 1 st place AHS end Reg ionel computer science fair; "The Sea Refuses No River and the Ri v er is where I am. Unh Ungowa Seniors Got the Power. LeLeLater MCM-66!"

Sox St:unt

.; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; All n ; MVP Defense; 1se 2, 3 ; Latin I Cum

L ou: 1 002 Proffit Rd., )1; Band 1, 2; Choir 2; iation Cl. ; "Yep, Yep,

3ndhi, Lazy Bum: 311 tesv ille, VA 22B01; "res. 4; Model UN 4; Among American High na Cum Laude Nat'l :urn Laude Nat'l Latin •mended Scholar; "We to crack the shell, we

3oots : Rt. 2 Box 1 DB,

Valonda, Veal-Head, ~54, Barboursvi lle, VA 3crosse Cl. 1 , 2; Specmen C l. 4; Lacrosse 1 3 , 4 ; .Junior Classical 3uccess 3, 4; "Seniors t have to mean goodlnap! I heard that!;

Gilley, Dean : Rt. 1 Box 10; ICT 1 ; " Lisa F. ret to Nashvi lle."

lck Thierry; Pat: 505 lottesvi lle, VA22901; 3mes Inc. CL 4; French 3hort, lying down they . 0. - G. "

Edmonda, Winston Lewis .Jr.; Space Ace: 1 D B-4 Georgetown Rd., Charlottesville, VA 2 2901; Guit ar Cl. 1 ; FCA 1 ,2,3; .Jazz Cl. 3; Symphonic Ill 1 , 2 ; .Jazz Band 2 , 3; Football 1, 2 , 3 ; Track 1 , 2; Baseball 1 , 2, 4 ; " I can't be.eve s h e was only twelve." Edmondson, Susan Louisa; Sue, Suebert: 79 Georgetown Green, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 2 ; FCA 3, 4 ; DECA 4 ; Lacrosse 1 ; Soccer Manager 2, 3 , 4; Volleyball 2 ; "I'm serious!!! .Jamie I love you! dribble, dribb le, dribble." Edwards, Andrew Waal~y; Moi, Wesley: 1 00 Commonwealth Cr., Charlottesville, VA 2 2901; Teenage Republicans 2 ; Volleyball CL 2 ; Raquetball CL 1 ; Student Peace Alliance 4; FFA 3 ; Teen Democrats; French Cl. 3; Tennis 3 , 4 ; Marching Band 1 ,2; "Preps, Punks and othin's beware, get real while you're in high school lest life catch you unprepared. Moi." Edwards, Kenneth Samuel; Ken, Pervie, Sandpaper: Rt. B Box 1 59, Charlottesville, VA 2 2901 ; VICA; Stuntman ; "Fa-Freak!" Edwards, Nancy .Jean; Bird, .JB: 2927 Broo k mere Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French CL 1 ; Ski Cl. 2, 3; FCA 4; College Plann•ng Cl. 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; National Honor Soc•ety 3,4; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Incentive For Success 3, 4; " Seriously BenOov er. are y ou H and B?! Are you on the wight lavelength?!" Eichelberger, Ban Davia Ill; Davis Bensiepooh, Burnout: Rt. 2 Box 1 B1, Earlysvi lle, VA 22936; Latin Cl. 1 , 2, 3; Certamen Cl. 3, 4; Ski Cl. 2 , 3 ; Space Mice 4; Math Contest Winner 2; " Conviamini quo ad regurtitatis in Bermudaque OCLXXV et Avon." Eichman, Todd Everett: Rt. 2 Box 530, Ardwood , Earlysville, VA 22936; "If I had a cha n ce to do it all again, I wouldn't."


Andy, Drew-boo, OB : Charlottesville, VA Spanish CL 2, 3 ; FBLA ing Band 1 ,2,3, 4; R ifle -,ap! I heard that! and -,ts are going out of

.llissy- Poo, Mitty-Boo, 3n Or. , Charlottesville, 1 , 2; Thespian Cl. 4; and 1,2,3,4; "To bees ::>talking, and liv e life to

:>nut, Secret Weapon: 1, Charlottesvill e, VA 2; Latin CL 3; FCA 4;

1 1 1 1 Little High St. , J1 ; DE 1 ,2,3,4; DECA 3 school to death, and ::>st kills me."

Eppard, Karan Michelle; Dinky, Duck, Bancane: Rt. 9 Box 216, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA 3 ; G ymnastics 1 , 2, 3, 4 Capt.; "Now and always I love you Baboo! Willie, Willie, Willie ! " Eataa, Stephania Marla Evans, Kimberly Sua; Kimmie: Rt. 6 Box 1 93, Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Volleyball Cl. 4; Volleyball 1 , 2, 3 , 4; MVP Volleyball 4 ; "I only had two." Falla, Sharon Lyn: Rt. B Box 324, Charlottesvill e , V A 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 2; VICA 2,3,4; n centive For Success ; VICA; "Excuse me! Don't I know you? Hi Mom!" Farish, Lisa Elaine; Buffy , Little One , Clyde: R t. 6 Box 321, Charlottesville, VA 22901; VICA; D ECA; "We've only just begun to live." Farlee, William Henry; Captain Machinst: R t . 1 Box 322, Scottsvi lle, VA 24590; VICA; " E v erything without moderation!"

Fitzgerald, Robin .Janina Flaming, .Janlfar Marla; .Jen .Jeneefer, Monkey Face : 524 Eastbrook Dr., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; Spectator Football Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; PEER 4; Softball 4; "I know, Fanta Grape Forever, Ooo-a-ling - a-doo-aling, ILLED." Flick, .Jacqulyn Regina Florey, Pater .Joseph; Pete, .Joe, Sam : 1 Monterey Dr., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Space Mice CL 4 Treasurer 4; "I really don't care." Fordham, Benjamin Cliver Ill; Ben, Altior: 1 B01 -B Soloman Rd., Charlottesvil le, VA 22901 ; Latin Cl. 1 ,2, 3 , 4; International Exchange Cl. 3, Pres. 3; Model UN 3, 4 Pres. 4; SCA 3; Triumviri 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society; National Honor Society; Magna Cum Laude Latin 2, 3; Certamen Team 1, 2, 3 , 4; Best American History Student 3; "In the final analysis, when all is said and done, none of this will matter." Foraberg, Ronald Wayne Fredrick, Rebecca Lyn; Becky, Speck, Athas: 2602 Bennington Rd. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; German CL 1; Ecology Cl. 2,3; Thespian Cl. 4; Choir 1 ,2,3,4; "Once Upon a Mattress" 3; Basketball2, 3; Field Hockey Manager 4; "Live long and prosper- Good old Spot- Oh well, what the . . . "

Ski Cl. 1 ,2,3,4; SCA 1 ,2,3,4; Football 1; Basketball 2; Golf 2, 4; Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4; "This Bud's for you but. . I'll take the rest! I'm proud to be a rodent! .JWG KDB = KBG? The End . "


Graham, David And raw Granger, Amy Hawkins: 400 Stribling Ave. E xt., Charlottesville, VA 22903; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Pyschic Cl. 3, 4; SCA 1 , 2, 3; Debate 2 , 3, 4; Gymnastic 1 ; Volleyball 1 , 2; Debate Capt.; Nat'l Merit Semi -Finalist; "Mushrooms." Gray, Milton Daniel; Veteran: Tr. 1 Box 91 ; Esmont, VA 22937; Basketball ; "I leave all the good looking young ladies all the y oung guys." Graziano, Anthony Franklin Green, Kelvin Leroy Guthrie, Timothy Ray; Grizzly, Or. Chops, Bear: 1 503 Rickey Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; FFA 2; Spectator Football Cl. 3 ; Psy chic Cl. 4; Football 1 , 2, 3; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; "I'm right and you 're wrong. Red, White, and Lovlies and Copenhagen an unbeatable pair. Muttonchops and Poly ester fore ver." Hega, Sylvia Danlaa Haines, Colleen Lea

Frye, Robart Richard

Hakala, Tracy Noel; Trax, Trace, T: 1 02 George Rogers Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 3, 4; Advocate CL 4; Spanish Honor Society; Spanish Contest Award; " Peachy keen! .. . and with every goodbye we learn."

Galnaa, Earnaat Lea .Jr.; Gaines : Rt. 1 Box 79 Esmont, VA 22937; "To all underclassmen: Don't you wish you were a Senior?"

Hall, Donald Keith; Keith: R t . 1 Box 57, Earlys ville, VA 22936; VICA; "If you think you can, you know you can."

Gardner, Elliott .J . .Jr.

Hamm, Linda Dawn; Himalya, Snookums: 5002 Madison Ct. , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1 ; Ski C l. 2 ; AI SA 3, 4, Pres . 3, 4; SCA; "Once Upon a Mattress"; "Live - if not for yourself, then for those who love you! Iranian men and Trax liv e on!"

Fritz, Thomaa .Joaaph; Fritz, Tom : 211 Bennington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Volleyball Cl. 1, 2, 4; VICA 3; Cross Country 2; "It was good while it lasted , but is great it is now over."

Gardner, Kavanaa Kenton; Kat: R t. 1 Box 235; Esmont, VA 22937; Weightlifting Cl.; Football 1 , 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 4; "I have a dream, some day people can walk together no matter what race, and all are considered equal." Garrison, .Janice Marla; Dig-Em : Rt. 4 Box 126, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; German CL 1 ; Ski CL 2 ; "Chipper and Kimba-Sue, Thanks for e verything you've done, and good luck in everything you do." Gerbart, Charlaa Pack; Chip, Chipperoo, Chipper: B Randolph Ct., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Weightlifting CL 2 ; FCA 3,4; Track 1, 2 , 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Western District Football Honorable Mention; "No quote could sum up my ever growing spirit and happiness much less my love for the special people around me." Gibson, Glenn Allan Glbaon, Robbin Lynn

Hammar, .Joe Allan Hammill, Clifford George: Keene, VA 22946; FFA. Hammond, Kenneth Paul; Hambone: 3672 Airport Acres Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. FCA; Football 1 ; Basketball 1 ; Baseball; "Roxann, I'll miss her. This Buds for me. She talking to ya." Hamner, Clifton Charles; Elwood, Bru ise Brother #2, Cliffmastree: 1 1 1 Reynard Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Spanish Cl. 1; Computer Cl. 3; FCA 2, 4; Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1 , 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 3, 4; Football 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; MVP Outdoor Track 3; Most Improved Football 4; Capt. Basketball 2; "I'm a soul man! so give me some loving. MASH."

Farrish, Pamela Diana Glbaon, Roger Dale

31im, Crafty Lad y: Box 9; Afro-American CL; re the madness stops

3ee: 26 Monterey Or., 306; Ski CL 1 ; FCA y to go man! I love S!"

Fields, .Judy Denise Finger, Eleanor Ford; Ellie, Anoe, Elf : Pavilion Ill W . Lawn, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903; Raquetball CL 1 ; Ski Cl. 2, 3, 4 Secretary 3; AFS 2, 3. 4; Class Council 3, 4; PEER 4; Section Ed itor 4; Cheerleading 1 ; "Ocean moti on . Cows forever. Roadtrips, only 1 0 minu tes: Western lunches. I lov e you, .Jeff." Flak, George Elba; GE: Rt. 7 Box 1 99, Charlotte sville, VA 22901; FFA.

' .Jr.; Frenchy, Ri ch, t. 4 Box 254, Charlot-,puter CL 3; Ski Cl. 4; AHS Science Fair 1 st ::ornputer science fair; "iv e r and the Riv e r is Jwa Seniors Got the ·66! "

Fltz, Dougal& Alan Fitzgerald, Amy Sua; Amy, Van: 1 202 Oak Hill O r., Charlottesv ille, VA22901; SkiCI . 1,4; Lacrosse Cl. 2 ; FCA 3; Field Hockey 1 , 2, 3, 4; Lac r osse 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; National Honor Society 3, 4; French Honor Society 2,3, 4; French District C ontest Winner 2 , 3; "The fun's on us."


Gllka, Michelle Lynn; Melanie: 3013 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1 , 2; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Ecology Cl.; "The best of the Beach is for you 'B4. Private parties make pri vate fun. So what do you know?"

Harmon, Scott Allan: Rt. 9 Box 1 DB, Charlottesville, VA 22901; AIASA; FCA; SCA. Harper, Sharrl Lynn; Skip, .Joe's Girl: Rt. 1 Box 2B5, Scottsville, VA 24590; Riding Cl.; "Go for it and get it!"

Glaagow, Ethel Elnora; Fatness, Fuzzy: 332 .Jackson Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Afro American Literary League; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3 ; Track 3.

Harper, Tracie Lynn; BL, Harper Valley PTA : 2225 Wakefield Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Harlequin 1 , 2; "Go for it! Party till you

Gleason, Michelle Lea; Shelly: 2925 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Photography CL; "Without friends you got nothin."

Herrle, Angela Shaw Harris, George Thomas Harrla, .James William .Jr.

Goode, Edna VIrginia Harrla 1 Laverne Goodman, .Jon Wasley; .Jonny G . , .Jonny B. , Goode : Rt. 2 Box 109, Earlysville, VA 22936;

Herrle, Mark Anthony

Senior Statistics


Maaenatab, Michael Cavld; Mike, GQ, Psycho: Rt. 1 Box 286, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Drama Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4; FCA 3; Thespian 3, 4; In door Track 1, 2 ; Outdoor Track 1 , 2; Football Statistician 3, 4; .Junior Class Pres . ; MC .Junior Class Talent Show; "Later dudes, see yo u in about ten years."

"Long live comrade Lenin !" Molaapple, Cavld Eugene; Dave: Rt. 8 Box 262, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; FFA; "Gimme all your loving, don 't give up until you're through."

Rd ., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Spanish Cl. 1 , 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pres. 4; Eco logy Cl. 2, 3, Sec. 3; Field Hockey Manager; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Nationa l Honor Society 4; IFS; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "N e ver do today wh at. you can put off until to morrow."

Molaapple, Vonda Kay Mau~ht,

Cynthia Grace; Cyndi: Rt. 2 Box 78, Earlysvil le, VA 22836; Certamen Cl. 4; Band 1 , 2, 3; Latin Cl. 2, 3; .Junior Classical League 4; Outdoor Track 2, 3, 4; Basketball Manager 1; Cross Country Manager 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Who's Who Among High School Stu dents 3; Latin Honor Society 2, 3 ; "Convivamini quoad Regurgitatis! If you dream it you can achieve it!" Haverkamp, .Jamea Lewla Mawklna, Kathy; Cat: 1 404 Running Deer Rd . , Keswick, VA 22847; OECA.

Mood, Paula Lea Elizabeth; Tutti, Bow Feet: 380 Wildwood C t. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; DECA; Marching Ba nd; Band II, Ill; DECA Sec.; "I wish all my luck to special people I leave behind." Mope, Frederic William; Captain Kaos, Fat .Jap, Tra vel in Gyno : 44 Woodlake Dr., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Film Critics; Lati n Cl.; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Spectator Football; Compute r Cl. ; Ecology Cl.; SCA 1, 3, 4 ; Class Council 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Banana Eating All Time Champ ; "This bud's for you Captain, once a rebell al ways a rebel I, Let me have a dip of Kodiak."

Mawklna, Reginald Morrld~e,

Mawklna, Todd Clinton; The Hawk, Sparrow, Possum : 4012 Tompkins Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2 ; FFA 3; FCA 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; "I ain't going to school no more . You can't make me g o no way dadeo!"

Mathew .John; Barney , Matress, Mr. AP: 1 06 Smithfield Ct., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Key Cl. 2,4 Pres . 4; FCA 3,4; B icycle Cl. 1 ; Band 1, 2, 3 ; Marching Band 2, 3; SCA 4; All-Regional Band 2 ; Solo Festival - Excellent Scores 1 , 2, 3; "Gather no moss. " Mouchena, Cindy Leigh

Hawley, Llaa Ann Hearne, .Jay Laeell Malntzleman, Karan Law; Claire, Porter: 1 DO Angus Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; French Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2; FCA 3, 4; Advocate Cl. 4; Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Homecoming Court 1 ,2,3,4, Queen 4; "The fun's on us y eah , yeah, yeah, yeah, uhuh, yeah." Menalay, Kevin Dale; Moses: Rt. 6 Box 56, Charlottesville, VA 22801; FFA; "Hey now." Marring, .Jamea Arthur; Peach: Rt. 4 Box 287 A, Rt. 28 North, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; FCA; "See ya next year! Give old Peach a Reach!" Marring, Keith Randall; .J . Holmes: PO Box 42, Earlysville, VA 22836 ; FFA; Weightlifting Cl.; FFA Vice - Pres. 2 ; 2nd Place Tractor Driving Contest; "If you ain 't got a ford, you ain't got nothing."

Howard, .JoAnna Ellen; Guylaine: 2845 Earlysville Rd., Earlysville, VA 22836; Latin Cl. 1, 2; French Cl. 2, 3; Teen Democrats 3, 4; Key Cl. 4; "And what is so important as knowledge? asked the mind. Caring and seeing with the heart, answered the soul." Mucak, Andrew Thomaa; Hooch, Huwack: 38 Georgetown Green, Charlottesvill e, VA 22801 ; Art Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Spanish Cl.; "The waves break me, I don't break them, I won't be satisfied until I catch the perfect wave. Surf's up!" Mucek, Chrlatopher .Jamea; Hooch , Huwacker, Slave: 38 Georgetown Green , Charlottesville, VA 22801; French Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 3, 4; "A tasty wave and a cool buzz. " Mu~hea, Bhawn Tremel; Tremillasue: Rt. 460 Box 45, Cobham , VA 22828; Volleyball Cl. 3; Afro-American Literary League 4; Karate Cl. 3; "The Awesome- 4some live forever! (Bettina, Regina, Shawn, April. J"

Marring, Cilia B. Micka, Mope; Hapless: 2707 Brookmere Rd ., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 3, 4; OECA; Field Hockey 1 ; Basketball Manager 1 ; "No matter how dark the beginning, one who strives can reach the sun." Micka, Thoma• Burean .Jr.; Buddy, Bud, Chief Smokem : PO Box 211, Earlysv ille, VA 22863; VICA; "Live it up today, for you may die tomorrow." Micka, Ruth Loulae Modnungaeth, Nlela Byver Moel, Llaa Maureen: 1 703 Old Forge Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Riding Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 2, 3; FCA 4; .JA 2; Lacrosse 2, 3; Who's Who Among American High School Students. Moal, Bonia Lealia; Son-jja : 1 703 Old Forge Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; French Cl. 1, 2; Teen Democrats 2, 3; FCA 3, 4; Class Council 3; .JA 1, 2; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Girl's State; IFS; Who's Who Among American High School Students; 2nd place AHS Science Fair; "Follow men's eyes as they look to the skies, the shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams RUSH- Permanent Waves. Mol~ate, Meidl Marla; Rocky: 1 205 Bland Cr., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Teem Democrats 2, 4; Debate 2, 3; Advocate Cl. 1 , 2, 3; Martial Arts 1 , 3; Model UN 4; Music Appreciation 4;


Senior Statistics

Hunt, Mar~aret Eleen; Maggie, Margie, Margarita: 31 2 E. Monacan Dr. , Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Ski Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 3,4; Band 2, 3, 4; Flag Corp 1 , 2; Rifle Corp 3, 4; "Hav e a good time. Being happy is most important." lngalla, Michael Glenn; 81 8 Old Brook Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 ,2; FBLA Cl. 4; Football2, 4; Varsity Lacrosse 2, 4. lnacoe, Cavld Lae, Disco: 1 DB Cavalier Dr., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Lacrosse; Intramural basketball; "What a long strange trip it's been. Long live the GRATEFUL DEAD!" Ivory, Bteven Maurice, Capt. Steve, KarateMan, Willard: 505 Druid Ave., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Weight lifting 1 ,2; Afro -American Literary League; Football 1 , 2, 3; Baseball 1 , 2; Basketball 1 ; Indoor-Outdoor Track 1 , 2; Football MVP 4; Most Dedicated Football2, 3; Most Improved Indoor Track 2; All District, All Central Football; Football Capt.; Track Capt.; DAR Citizenship Award; Homecoming King; "Good luck in the future: Tina, April, Shawn, Regina, Smurf, Shannon, Walter, Larry, Football and track teams, Coach Brian Grainer." .Jackaon, LaTravern Daniel, Trainey : Rt. 1 , Box 31 2, Esmont, VA; Afro American Literary League. .Jackaon, Barah Michelle .Jacobaon, Canna Buaan, Ame: 1 DB Blueberry

.Jamea, Llaa Kay, Wise: Rt. 8, Box 243, Charlottesvil le, VA 22801; VICA 3; DECA 4; FHA 1. .Jarrell, Matthew Earl, Ill, Matt: 675 Stage coach Rd., Lot 25, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; FFA; "Mental Corruption rock on . " .Jafferaon, William Edward, .Juice: T rosdale, Keene, VA 22846; FFA 1, 2 , 3; FCA 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; "You can do it if you try." .Johanneaan, Meidl Lynn, Space Cadet: Rt. 6, Box 40A, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Har lequin 1, 2; Lantern 3, 4; Space Mice 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Cross Country Most Ded ica ted 4; Span ish Honor Society; "I'm sorry." .Johnaon, April Valerie, P rella: Rt. 2, Box 1 24, Keswick, VA 22847; Volleyball Cl.; Afro American Literary Cl. ; Cheerleading 3, 4; "Study less, party more!!" .Johnaon, Charlotte Elizabeth, Beth , Woman of the SO's, Mom: 7 Lake Forest Or., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Riding Cl. 1 , 2 ; Ski Cl. 3; FCA 4 , Pear 1 ,2,4; Ed itor-in-chief 4; Trainer: Football, track, baseball , lacrosse, basketba ll, field hockey, vo lley ball, tennis, soccer; Footba ll statistics 1 ; Powd erpuff football 4; Nationa l Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor· Society 3, 4; NEOT Award 2 ; Incentive for Success 3,4; "Friends are forever; Lau rie, B rian, Dot, Eleanor, and Bethany. I love yo u, "C"." .Johnaon, Clinton Timothy, Ill, First knight: 2221 -8 Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesvill e, VA 22801 ; Psych ic Cl. ; D rama Cl.; C hoir; Crafts; "Oh, truly. All right. Stop Fool!" .Johnaon, Eric Bcott, E . .J. · 31 1 Brentwo od Rd., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl.; FCA; Football 1 ; Basketball 1 , 2, 3; Intramural Bas ketball 4; Outdoor track 3; "R. W. B. the only thing for me. Lite is right. M .A. S . H ., Killer, Cliffmas, Snake, and .Jew, let's go drink some brew. " .Johnaon, Felicia Mae, Flee : 640 West Rio Rd . , Box 13, Charlottesv ille, VA 22801; Photography Cl. 1 , 2, 3, 4; FCA 3, 4; Quill and Camera 4; Patriot Preaa 4; Photo Editor 4; SCA 2, 4; .JV Basketball Mgr. 2; Lacrosse Statistian 2, 3, 4 ; Volleyball Statistics 4; Powderpuff Football 1, 4; Girls' Intramural Basketball4; "Remember WANGO, Chase- 21, and Why must I chase the cat." .Johnaon, .Jennifer Ellaan, Cat, .Jen: #8 Hidden Hills, Ear lysvi lle, ' vA 22836; Spanish Cl.; Psychic Cl.; DECA; Rock Album Critics Cl.; "Smile, it makes people wonder what you've been up to. Party high and Rock 'n' Roll wi ll never die." .Johnaon, La Canna Rae .Johnaon, Regina Laatrlca, Gina, Shorty .J.: Rt. 640, Box 84, Cobham , VA 22828 ; Volleyball Cl.; Afro-American Literary Cl.; "What's up Hominique? I leave to the young guy to move to bigger and better things." .Jonaa, Anaon Theodora: Rt. 1 , Box 1 65, Schuyler, VA 22868; VICA 4; "If you know you have something good never let it go." .Jonaa, Cavld Thomaa, Doonesberry, Dav e: 1 05 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2; FCA 3, 4; Football 1; Basketball 1; Lacrosse 4; SCA 1 , 2, V. Pres . 3, Pres. 4; FCA V. Pres. 4; International Thespian Society 4; "Meanwhile I remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love." .Jonaa, Tracy Lynn, Spooky, Tripper, Stoney: 1 25A Middlesex Dr., Charlottesv ille, VA 22801; VICA; FHA; "Don't drink and driv e."

22801 ; Spanish Cl. :ology Cl. 2, 3, Sec. 3; panish Honor Society 3ty 4; IFS; Who's Who School Students; u can put off until to-

" Rt. 8, Box 243, l1; VICA 3; DECA 4;

II, Matt: 675 StageJttesville, VA 22801; rock on."

ord, .Juice: Trosdale,

, 2, 3; FCA 4; Football you try."

Space Cadet: Rt. 6, 1, VA 22801; Harle3pace Mice 4; Cross ountry Most Dedica;iety; "I'm sorry."

'rei Ia: Rt. 2, Box 1 24, eyball Cl.; Afro Ameriding 3, 4; "Study less ,

Bbeth, Beth, Woman Forest Dr., Charlot-,g Cl. 1 ,2; Ski Cl. 3; ::Jr-in -chi ef 4; Trainer: lacrosse, basketball, 1nis, soccer; Football football 4; National 3nish Honor · Society 1centive for Success '; Laurie, Brian, Dot, ve you, "C"."

.Jorden, Penny Merle, Pen, P.J, Peanut butter and .Jelly: P.O. Box 304, Scottsville, VA 24 580; Spanish Cl. 1 , 2; Ski Cl. 4; Spectator Football Cl. 3; Space Mice 4; "CT 2 El. Lunche. Stace. Moot Court, Wean. Big Dogs, Becce , Binky Mobiles Gook·. Love to .J. R. forever end .Js to El." K elly, Patricia Zlte, Patsy Pork: 2B07 orthfields Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22801; S ki C l. 1; Ecology Cl. 3; Teen Democrats 4; College Planning Cl. 4; Flag Corps 1 , 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1 ; Basketball 2; French Honor So Ciety 2, 3, 4; "Honestly, I really was sick y esterday! "

. .J.: 311 Brentwood 22801; Ski Cl.; FCA; 2, 3; Intramural Bas3; "R. W. B. the only M.A. S. H., Killer, Cliff let's go drink some

•e: 640 West Rio Rd., 'A 22801; Photogra; Quill and Camera 4; :ditor 4; SCA 2,4; .JV sse Statistian 2, 3, 4; Powderpuff Football ketball4; "Remember nd Why must I chase

1 Cat, .Jen: #B Hidden 36; Spanish Cl.; PsyJm Critics Cl.; "Smile, hat you've been up to. oil will never die."

1, Gina, Shorty .J. : Rt. lA 22828; Volleyball ·ary Cl.; "What's up young guy to move to

o: Rt. 1 , Box 1 65, ;A 4; "If you know you er let it go."

Doonesberry, Dave: le, Charlottesville, VA ; FCA 3, 4; Football 1; SCA 1, 2, V. Pres. 3, "lternational Thespian main: faith, hope, and these is love."

Jky, Tripper, Stoney: Charlottesville, VA 1't drink and drive."

Lee, Kimberley Elaine, Kim, Devon, Dizzy: P. D. Box 824, Charlottesville, VA 22902; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 4; Lacrosse 1 ; FCA 3, 4; Volleyball 2; Cheerleeding 1, 3, 4; Homecoming Cou r t 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Boundary Breakers . The Monkey said roll over. My four best friends. Opposites attract. Keep smiling. NCA ell the way."

22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1; Rock Album Critics Cl. 4; Cross Country 1 , 2, 3; Indoor Track 2, 3; Tennis 2; Lacrosse 3, 4; "Green grass end high times forever." Lynch, Tray Elliott, Lynchburg: Rt. 2, Box 372, Gordonsville, VA 22842; Ski Cl. 3,4; Latin Cl. 2; Requetbell Cl. 1 ; Football 3; Basketbell 1 ; Latin end German Scholer; "Ret, you're en elcholic. Rose, you're still a thief. Better luck in 85. Tiger, keep up the wild tradition." Lyng, Mary Regina Medlean, Roland Lee

Lee, Llee Gllarle Mad lean, Steven Ray

Kelly, Thomee Theddeue Elliot, Big El: 1 DB Wh e t stone Pl., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Ski C l. 2 , 3, 4; Teen Democrats 3; FCA 4; Cross Country 1 , 2; Indoor Track 1 , 3; Soccer 1, 2 , 3, 4; SCA 3, 4; Sr. Class Pres. ; "The sooner y ou reach the top, the sooner you reach chetop . "

Lelbl, Caneld Ceen, Leibl, Ret, Don: 45 Lake Forest Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl.; Lacrosse Cl.; SCA 1 , 2; Golf 2, 3, 4; F ootball 1 ; "Always around, but never there. Can I write a check for it?"

Kennan, Brien Petrick, Snake, Bruise Brother # 1 , Dr. X # 1 : 2421 Simeon Ct., Charlottesville , V A 22801 ; French Cl. 1 , 2; FCA 3, 4; Besetbe ll 1 , 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 3, 4; Basketball Capt. end MVP 2; Who's Who Among American Hogh School Students 3, 4; Homecoming Court Rep. 4; "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, heck no!"

Lenn, Heward .Jeffrey, BASIC, Howie, Howe: 15 Lake Forest Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Guitar Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3,4; Photography Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 1 ; Talent show 2, 3, 4; SCA 3, 4; .Junior Class Council 3; Soccer 1 ; Sam Houston Institute of Technology Scholarship in Music; 1 st place Battle of the Bends, 1 9B2; "Someone told me about these regular guys . . . Whet? Who? . . . Oh, no . not RWB! Momma told me not to come."


:hy, Ill, First knight: Dr., Charlottesville, Drama Cl.; Choir; t. Stop Fool!"

Track 1 , 2; Football 1 , 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 4; 2nd Teem All Western District Football; Baskin Robins Most Enthusiastic Player Award Footbell; "Glenn, I don't cere, I like strawberries in my champagne, KK.JI forever."

Kerne, Carrick Alan, Pepe, Dreek: Rt. 2, Box 1, Earlysville, VA 2283B; Ski Cl.; Psychic Cl.; Footbal l 1 , 2; "Live for the weekend. Four wheel olives forever. DAK:TLE" Kereey, Kimberly Key Keeler, Klreten Anne, Kissypoo: #5 Crumpet Ct. , Stonehenge, Charlottesville, VA 22801; French Cl. 1 , 2; Ski Cl. 4; "If it feels good, do it!" Kldd, Cebareh Sue: Rt. 2, Box 1 69; Earlysville, V A 22936; FBLA; "Come on, Terry!" Kim, Ung.Sak K ing, Angela Lynn Kirby, Edward Louie, II; Crazy Kirb, Murdock, B ig Ed : Rt. 1 , Box 6B8, Scottsville, VA 24580; V ICA 4; "I may have been wacky but I sure won't miss Leckey. My ming is blown, now I'm on my own. " Kirby, Terri Annette

Mallory, Tammy Irene, Tam-Tam, Pebbles, Molly: Rt. B, Box 328, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Riding Cl. 1; Lati n Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 4; Health Occupations Student of America, Sec. 4; "With Led Zepplin ell things ere possible! It's better to burnout then fade away. Take a B. H."

Lewle, leldare, lela: 711 -8 Mt. Wood Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FFA; Afro American Literary Cl.; Track; Basketball; "There's no more after B4, so give up."

Mann, Auburn Page, Air Borne, Damian: P. 0. Box B5, North Gardens, VA 22858; Art Cl.; "Ladies end gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants end slide an the ice."

Lewle, Stacey Cewn, Stece, Snick, Sam : Rt . 1, Box422, Scottsville, VA24580; LetinCI. 3; Drama Cl. 1' ,2; Certemen 3,4; Choir 2,3; Space Mice 4; Once Upon a Mattress 3; Na tional honor Society 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 3; National Merit Commended Student 3; "Convivemini quoad regurtitetis 675 lives forever in our hearts end souls!"

Mann, Chrletcpher Vance, Chris, Auburn, Menford Mann; P. 0. Box 337, Rt. 6, Scottsville, VA 24580; Latin Cl. 1 , 2, 3; Key Cl., V. Pres. 4; P - r 4; Tennis 1 , 2, 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 3; "Megna Cum Laude" Latin Award 2; Incentive for Success 3, 4; "Cherish every experience. On the road again. Whet about that wreck, men! Love for D. C . Why the dump?"

Llnkaue, .John Cauglae, Doctor Doug: Ski Cl.; Latin Cl.; Tennis 1 , 2, 4; "The Doors forever. Train."

Merdree, Ctle Arnold

Landree, Cevld O'Neil

Klueg, Tracey Ann: 2090 Ashmer Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Track teem; Softb e ll; Powder puff football 4. Knight, Richerd 131enn L.. Bruna, Llee, Boom, Scedoo: 2710 Gatew ood Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Riding Cl. 1; FCA 2,3; Ski Cl. 3,4; F ield Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; L acrosse 2, 3, 4; All-area field hockey te em; lacrosse most improved player. Lamb, Pamela Gley LB Pen Evette Elaine, Ev: B88 Chapel Hill Rd., C harlottesville, VA 22801; Ski Cl.; "If you alw ays face the sun, you will never see your s h adow." Laurent, Philippe B. L..wrence, Carlton Scott, Skippy, Strewberry, Scott: 4010 Tompkins Dr., Charlottesvill e, VA 22801 ; Weightlifters 1 ; FCA 2, 3, 4;

Magruder, Sandre Manlque, Magruder, Gruder, Gruder-butt: 262B Hydraulic Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Photography Cl. 1 ; Volleyball Cl. Sec. 2, 3; FBLA Pres. 4; Teen Democrats, V. Pres. 4; .Junior A chievement Pres. 3; "I don't talk a lot, I just talk fest, so it sounds like a lot, so N-0-W!"

Leonerd, Kethl-n Blythe, Katie, Key -Key, Wee-Ward: 25B 1 A Hydraulic Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; The Lantern 4; FBLA 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Field Hockey Mgr. 1, 2; Incentive for Success; "If your mind can conceive it; end your heart can believe it; then you can achieve it. Texas here I come!"

Kirby, William Brien Kirkland, Elizabeth Ann, Eliz, Eek, Bete-Tete: 1 0 5 Felcoln Dr .. Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Cl. 1 , 2, 4; Ecology Cl. 3; Music Apprecia t ion Cl. 2; Softball Statistics 1 , 2, 3, 4; Softb e ll Mgr. 2, 4; Girls' .JV Basketball Stets 2; G irl s ' V Basketball 3; Boys V Basketball Stets 4 ; G irls' Volleyball Stqets end Mgr. 4; German D epartment Award 3; National Honor Society 4 ; French Contest 3; "Be first!"

Meeyene, Melleee, Missy, Miss, Perv: 7 Vincennes Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 2; FCA 3, 4; Tennis 1 , 2, 3, 4, Capt. 4; Basketbell 1, 2, 3, 4, Capt. 2; Powder puff football 1, 4; Most Improved Player Tennis 3; National Art Merit Award 3; "My beauty needs understanding end a knowledge of whet I em. Long live T he Who!"

Lave, Tracey Lynn, Trace: 272 Albert Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1; FCA 2, 3, 4; DECA Office Secretary; Lacrosse 1 , 2, 3; Senior Rep . Homecoming Court; "Whes-sup?!" Lovelace, Shelley Anne, Salida: Rt. B, Box 325, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Requetbell 1; Drama 2, 3; International Thespian Society 1 , 2, 3, 4; French Cl. 4; SCA 4; Symphonic Bend 1 ; Cheerleeding 1 , 2; Mime Troupe 2, 3, 4; Who Am I This Time? 3; National Honor Society, Sec. 3, 4; French Honor Society, Sec. 3, 4; Who's Who Among American High School Students; "Love is eternal" I Corinthians 1 3: B. Law, Clene Randolph, Randy: 313 Dover Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Ski Cl. 1; Advocate Cl. 2,3,4; Symphonic Ill Bend 1 ,2,3,4; March ing Bend 1 , 2, 3, 4; Regional Bend 3, 4; National Honor Society; Spanish Honor Society; National History Dey; Essay Contest, state winner. Luck, Carlton Andrew, II, Luck's, Lucky, Brother Luck: Rt. 1 , Box 1 88, Esmont, VA 22837; Cross Country 2; Indoor track 3; Outdoor track 3, 4; "Time to catch that train, Papa Smurf. That party train, remember - ' s get lonely, tao. " Lumllden, Timothy Kennan, Scruffy, Lumpy: 1 04 Blueberry Rd., Charlottesville, VA

Marian, Kyle Sterling, Moo: 1 ODD Proffit Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801; Football Cl. 3; Psychic Cl. 4; Football 1 , 2, 3; Intramural Bas ketbell 2, 3, 4; "May ell your troubles be piccolo (smell)." Merehell, Brent T. Merehell, Herald Glreg, Mad Dog: Rt. 2, Box 371, Gordonsville, VA 22842; "No metter how tough the work gets, fight beck." Merehell, Tar••• Lynn, T, T-Bird: Rt. 1, Box 44B, Barboursville, VA 22823: Riding Cl.; Volleyball Cl.; Softball; "Come an Anita, let's go!" Martin, .Janice Marcelle: Rt. 1 , Box 244, Esmont, VA 22837. Maynard, Michael Clinton, .Juicy II: 301 B Colonial Dr .. Charlottesville, VA 22801; Ski Cl. 1; FCA 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Baseball Tricept., 2nd Teem All District; Basketball Capt.; "Charlie says . Maya, Robert Brien McCann, Stacey Lee, Stece, Spacey Stacey: 574 Stagecoach Rd., Cherlottesvile, VA 22801; Drama Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Peer 3, 4, Editor 4; Lacrosse 2; Incentive for Success; "Epileptic, Pizza, ocean motion, skipping, did you hear about . . . , Scott, Dot, Becce, Wean, Ellie, Pen, and Eddie love you ell!" McCauley, Glregary Wayne

Senior Statistics


McCray, Catharine Paige, Cathy: 53 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22801: L acrosse Cl.: Ski Cl. : French Cl.: FCA: Homecoming Court 4; "What's the name of the game? Why do you play it? How do you play it? Lynnie, I miss him!" McCutchan, Nancy Laa, Nanc: 408 Carrsbrook Charlottesville, VA 22801 : Riding Cl.: Spanish Cl.: Rock Album Critics Cl.: "Indolence is bliss. Homework?" McDaniel, Faith Hall Ida, Rt. 1 , Box 4B4, Scottsville, VA 24580: Ski Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4: SCA 1, 2: Majorette 2, 3: Intramural softball 1 : "Who said blondes have more fun? To my friends . . this brew's for you . Do it w ell. Go for it!" McDaniel, Kristina Maria, Kris, Krissy: Rt. 1 , Box 467, Barboursville, VA 22823; Ski Cl. 1 ,2,3,4; Crafts Cl. 3: SCA 1.2: Track 1: " To the beach, the boys, and Boo . Long live the girls and the Chee-Chee. Skip Castro and the Ready Teds ." McDaniel, Raymond N., .Jr., Ray, Barbarian: Rt. 1, Box 134, Esmo nt, VA 22837; Art Cl; Games Inc. Cl: "If music be the food of love, let it play on . " McDaniel, Richard Laa McDonald, Haathar Campbell, B. B ., H. H. U. · 1 602 Inglewood O r., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801: Latin Cl. 1, 2, 3: FCA 3, 4; Ski Cl. 4; Marching Ba nd 1 , 2, 3, 4: Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4: "Are you on the wight lavewength? Hold me back!!" McGowan, .Jeanmarie, Wean, Mean ..Jean, Wendy: 1 06 George Rogers Rd., Charlottesvil le, VA 22801: Ski Cl. 1 ,2; FCA 3,4; Cheerleading 2 , 3, 4; "U-turns, CGL, Elon -BOA, P rom night, Mean Green Machine, fake friends, Becca, Stacey, Eddie. Scott, Dot. Is this the end?" McKamey, Earnest Greg McKinnon, Katharine Marla, Kathy, Mickey: 320 Westminister Rd., Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801: Marching Band 1, 2. 3, 4 ; Spanish Cl. 1, 3: Drama Cl. 2: Space Mice 4: Sec. 4; Teenage Republicans 2, 3: Spanish Honor Society 2, 3, 4: National Honor Society 3, 4: All Regional Band 3; "Snap I heard that. Guess what, my parents are going out of town!" McKown, Matthew David, Matt, Shado, Homegrown: 1 1 B Ivy Dr., Apt. 1 1 , Charlottesville, VA 22801 : D rama Cl. 1 : Literary Magazine 2, 3: Psychic Cl. 4: Newspaper 2, 3; .Junior Achievement 2, 3; "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it truly is, infinite." Mead, Tharaaa Lawrance, Terri, Tez, Gibb : 2232 Wakefield Rd., Charlottesv ille, VA 22801 : Harlequin 1 , 2 : Drama Cl. 3; FCA 4; T hespian Troupe 500 4; French Honor Society 4; "I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I've seen yesterday, I love today. Li fe is too important to be taken seriously." Meadows, Liaa Elaine, Shake-n -bake, Rosiebird: 1 55 Ivy Ridge Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22801: Ha rlequin Li terary Cl. 1: Advocate Cl. 2: Marching Band 2: Drama Cl. 3; National Honor Society 4; 1 8B3 Spanish Dept. Award; "Succeeding around here is like wetting a dark pair of pants - it gives you a warm feeling but nobody notices." Meske, Wanda Faye, Sweetie : 1201 Oak Hill Or., Charlottesville, VA 22801 : VICA: Cosmetology I, II, Ill; 2nd and 3rd Metals in VICA: "The one that's been with David Brown for two years and MANY, MANY more to come . .Jeam Bean and water." Malton, Michael Fletcher Milhoan, Ardith Lenora, Nore, Nore-Nore, Norsky: R t. B, Box 336, Charlottesville, VA 22801: Lacrosse Cl.: Spectator Football Cl.: Crafts Corner Cl., Pres . : " Four years gone by, integrity in friendships grow.. You 've given and gained understanding and respect. Good mem-


Senior Statistics

aries conquer bad. " Mllkia, Liea Ann: 22B5 Lonicera Way, Charlottesville, VA 22801: .Junior Achievement 4, V. P res. 4; F rench Cl. 1 . Millar, Maliaaa Ann: Rt. B, Box 404, Charlottesville, VA 22801 : French Cl. 1 : Spectator Footbal l Cl. 3: Ski Club 4; "Hey Lydia, What'd you do last night? Who's playing at Trax? Hey L ydia, wanta go to Shoney's?" Mille, .Jamie Louisa: P. D. Box 1 02, Keswick, VA 22847; FHA 4: Womens Choir 4; "I'm happy to leave here . Thank God it's finally over." Mongold, Christina Ann, Chrissy: 375 Fence Rd., Earlysville, VA 22836: Drama 1 , 2 : Dance Cl. 3: Space Mice 4. Moon, Lurna Ouprsa, Lo , Worm, Moo: 1 8 Lake Forest Or., Charlottesville, VA 22801 : DECA: Afro-American Literary League: SCA 1 , 2, 3, 4; Indoor T rack 2: Outdoor Track 2; Cheerleading 1 : Track Manager 3: "Que Pasa . Can we talk?" Moore, Kim Margaret, Mags: R t. 6 Box 1 71 A, Charlottesville, VA 22801: Riding Cl; Spectator Football Cl: Po wder puff football 4. Moore, Libby Ruth, Libby .Jane, Libbeth: R t. 6, Box 171-A, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801: Riding Cl; Spectator Football Cl; Photography Cl ; Golf: "Golfers do it with a swing." Moore, Deborah Ann Morgen, Marls Annetta Morley, Kimberly .Jaannatta, Kim, Kimba-Sue Mobley, Kimbo: 2221 -C Commonwealth D r., Charlottesville, VA 22801: Drama Cl. 1 ,2; Ski Cl. 3: Space Mice 4: Symphonic Band 1 , 2, 3: Marching Band 1: Ri f le Corps. 2,3,4; Capt. 4: Outdoor Track 3; "May all us nuts at B askinRobbins scoop on! Don't tell anyone you saw me like this!" Morris, Anita Yvonne, Neat: Rt. 6, Box 1 20, Charlottesville, VA 22801: FBLA: "Come on, let's go. I got some money." Morrie, .Jeffrey, .Jeffroe: Rt. 1 , Box 64, Keswick, VA 22847; V ICA: Football: Baseball; "Grass and gas, nobody gonna ride for free in this world." Morrie, Kedra Cae, Kiddy, Snake: Rt. 2, Box 3B2, Gordonsville, VA 22842; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2 ; FCA 3, 4; Choir 1 : SCA 1 : Field Hockey 1 , 2, 3, 4; Softball 1 , 2, 3, 4: "Hi Hundoah. Good .Johnny. What's wrong with older guys? You don't want to go to school today. SSSSSS. " Morrie, Kimberly Dawn: Rt. 2, Box 1 45, Charlottesville, VA 22801 : " This year is the most important, it will determine our future and we should strive to make it the best." Morris, Roxanne Michelle, Roxie: Rt. 1 , Box 75, Esmont, VA 22837: FHA: Dance Cl; "Come smurf with me. The class of B4 is no doubt the Number 1 class!" Morrie, Sharon Oanlaa, Bee Bo : Rt. 8, Box 246, Charlottesville, VA 22801 : Lacrosse Cl. 2; FBLA 3, 4; "I love Boo!" Morrie, Buaan Lynn, L ynnie: Rt. 7, Box 1 63A, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 : Lacrosse Cl. 1 : Ski Cl. 2: Advocate Cl. 3: FCA, treasurer 4; Volleybail 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1, 2 , 4: National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Incentive for Success 3, 4: "Grits, twi light ;,one, Cyndi's basement, Cath, Fred G., The 1-hing, RWB, Maureen, Le Drapeau, heartbreak, good times .. too much fun!" Morea, Stephania Diane, Steff: R t. 4, Box 1 40-A, Charlottesville, VA 22801 : Afro American Literary Cl.: Basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Mgr.: Most consistent Art Award, Bask etball MVP 1 , 2: Basketball Best Defense 3.

Cl. 1, 2; Psychic C l. 3; FCA 4 ; Peer 4: Outdoor Track 1, 2, 4; Cross Country 2, 3 : "Dh sick! Are you serious?"

riottesville, VA2 2, 3, 4: Sec. 4: ..........::h Honor Socie people shoul

Naylor, Chat Glen, .Jr.: Chester the Molester, Cabbage Patch Snatcher: 24B5 Hydraulic Rd., Earlysville, VA 22836: L atin Cl. 2,3; Rock Album Critics Cl. 4: College Planning Cl. 4: Cross Country 1 ,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1 ,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1 , 2, 3, 4; Cross Country Capt. 4 : "Now you will not swell the route of lads that wore their honours out, Runners whom renown outran and the name died before the man."

sa lot more to

Needham, Richard .John, Ned, Piggott, Romeo: 1 1 0 Tally Ho Dr. , Charlottesvile, VA 22801 : Film Critics Cl. : Model UN Cl.: Thespian Troupe 500 ; Mime Troupe; Cross Coun try; The Importance of Being E arnest; Once Upon a Mattress: You Can't take It With You: 3rd District Forensics; Governor's School for the Fine Arts; "We live as we dream alone . .Joseph Conrad."

Tetyanns L e : Rt. 1 , Box 50 F,...-,a, Cl. 1 , 2, 3; T ::>--a-na C l. 3: Model Concert Band 1 , 2 : - Cho ir 3, 4: For ~ ss 3: The lm> You Can't Take 11 5cr'OOI for the Arts - H onor Thespi< w temptation:



.John F.,

, ThomeaEdw

Newlon, Anna Howard, Howie, Sarge, Newly: 1 13 Bollingbrook Or., Charlottesville, VA 22801 : Ski Cl. 2, 3, 4: Incentive for Success 3, 4; Space Mice 4: SCA 1 , 2, 3: .Junior Class Council 3 : Indoor Track 1 : Football Statistics 3: Symphonic Band 1 , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3 , 4; Marching Band 2, 3 , 4 , Drum Capt. 4; National Honor Society 3,4; 4th Place District French Contest 3; Class Pres. 2; "DDOOH! 1st Period is a bunch of burn-outs! We finally made it Trace. Whit, Shares , and Becks!" Niehaus, Catharine Anne, Cathy: Rt. 2, Box B6A, Earlysvi lle, VA 22836; Speech and Debate 3: Spanish Cl. 2, 3: .Junior Achievement 2; Teen Democrats 4; Ski Cl. 4; Patriot Press 4; "The greatest Happiness of life is being loved for yo·urself or, more correctly, being loved in spite of yours elf."

.Jemelyn Mlc s. Charlotte Sl<.i C I. 3,4:

Llfe is fragil•


_....,..,, Chrl•topl

Rd., Chari

Norman, Rex Gibson O'Brian, Warren Gregory, Lazy Boy, Greg : #3 Woodlake Dr. , Charlottesville, VA 22801 : Ski Cl. 1 , 2: Spanish Cl. 3: FCA 4: B asketball 1 : Football 1, 2 , 3, 4; 1st Team All-District, 2nd Team All-Central State Football 3: Honorable Mention All - District Football 4; "If you didn't come to party don't bother knocking on my door . . . Prince : 1 888." O'Bryant, Luther Earl, Ill, .Juicy 1: 226B Lonicera Way, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 : FCA 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: 2nd Team All-District Baseball; Baseball T ri-Capt.: "Never give up the wi ll to win, and always reach for the stars." O'Guinn, .Jaaaia, .Jr., .J. C.: 655 Ridgemont Rd., Earlysvi lle, VA 22836; Ski Cl. 1 , 2; FCA 3, 4: Basketball 1 : Baseball 1 : Golf 2, 3, 4.

Thomas Ry• 24 580: "I fir

~---.....- •, Deborah El

Michae l Ct=h: 1, Box 1

• Brenda Cl!lr'D Keith Allen

Ott, Cynthia Elizabeth, Otty Ott, Cindy: 26B26 Copeley Hill , Charlottesville, VA 22801 : FHA: "Thank Heaven! The crisis is past: the fever called school is conquered at la st." Pace, Matthew Hamilton, Pacer, Ralf: Rt. 4, Box 200, Cha rlottesville, VA 22801: VICA; "Hey Man, I need another brew." Pace, Stephan Todd, Todd , Great White Hunter: 285 W indfield Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22801: " Thank the Lo rd." Palmar, David Scott, Louie De P alma, B ig boy, Droopy: 1 707 Vermira Pl., Charlottesville, VA 22801: Spanish Cl. 1 ,2; Drama Cl. 3: Rock Albums Critics Cl. 4; Marching Band 1 , 2; Stage Band 3,4; "Woke up this morning, had myself a brew: the day is just beginning, the end is always near." Park, Hyun-Book: 203 Greentree Park, Charlottesville, VA 22801: International E x change Cl.: Concert Choir 2, 3, 4: Incentive for Success, Mathematics Award . Parrish, Kenneth Talmage.

Murphy, Wendy Louisa, Smurf, Murph: Tu rkey Run, Box 262-B, Keswick, VA 22847; French



Choir 1: VI SchooiStuc 1'-eard spea

IPoalo'>d-:toor, Michael --'>d-:t<or, Btephar . . ._ _<t-

• Partin, Pamela Oaniaa, Pam : R t. 4, Box 281,

Wilson Con

Scottsville, evelmade it

Charlo ttesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Riding Cl. 1 ; French C l. 2 , 3 , 4; Sec. 4; National Ho n or Society; French Honor Society; Incentive for Success; 'Short people should not be overlooked, for there is a lot more to them than what meets t he eye."

r4; Outdoor " Oh sick! Are

:he Molester, ~ ydraulic Rd., 2, 3; Rock A I;J Cl. 4; Cross I ,2,3,4; Outntry Capt. 4; 3 of lads t hat V\/homrenown the man."

Patten, Tetyanna Louwann, Tany a , li 'l Bear, B irdi e: Rt. 1 , Box 503, Scottsvil le, VA 24590; French Cl. 1 , 2, 3; Thespian Troupe 500 3, 4 ; Drama Cl. 3 ; Model UN 3 , 4 ; Patri ot Press 4 ; Concert Band 1 , 2; Marching Band 1 , 2 ; Conc e rt Choir 3, 4; Forens ics 3, 4 ; Once Upon a Mattress 3 ; The Importance of Being Earnest 3 ; Y ou Can't Take It With You 4 ; Gov ernor's S ch ool for the Arts; Honors Choir; Regional Choir; Honor Thespian ; French Honor Society; " Yield to temptation; it may not come again !"

Piggott, Ro lottesvi le, VA UN Cl.; Thes; Cross Coun-

:arnest: Once Pavlanaky, .John F. 1 Ill

:e It With You; 1r's School for eam alone.

Payne, Thomas Edward Pence, Page Montaath: 337 Key West Or., Charlottesville, VA 2290 1; French Cl.; Teen Republicans, Sec.fTreas.; " This y ear seniors, n ext y ear freshmen . "

Sarge , Newly: ottesville, VA 路e for Success 3; .Junio r Class all S tatistics 3; reasurer 3, 4; 3pt. 4; National :Jistrict F rench IOH! 1st Period finally made it ;! "

Pentz, .Jamelyn Michele, .Jemie; 2285 Wes tover Hills, Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; Requetball Cl.; S k i Cl. 3, 4; Ecology Cl. 3; Flag Corp.; " For ell the good times then end ell the good tim es now, this beech w eek of '84 is for y ou ." Perkins, Whitney Lynn, Whit: 408 Key West Or. , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Choir 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1 . 2 ; FCA 3 , 4 ; SCA 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Senior Council; "Life is fragile- handle with pray er. "

ohy : R t . 2, Box 3peech and DeAchievement 2; >atriot P ress 4; s being lov ed for y, being loved in

Perry, Cavld Scott, Mutt; Rt. 2, Box 357 , Gordonsville, VA 22942 ; Ski Cl. Peterson, Christopher, Pac ifist, Liberal : 1 20 V incennes Rd ., Cha rl ottesville, VA 22901 ; Raquetbell Cl. 1 ; French Cl. 3, 4 ; National Honor Society ; French Honor Society ; "God seve t he Red, White , end Blue, Davi d Bowi e, and all godless hippies ."

:1 Boy , Greg: #3

VA 22901 ; Ski l; Bas ketball 1 ; !I-ll-D istrict, 2nd 911 3; H onorable 4; " If you didn 't k nocking on my

Phillips, Thomas Ryan: P . 0 . Box 384, Scotts vill e, VA 24590; "I f inally made it." Pierceall, Deborah B. Pierson, Michael Charles, Charles Edward Ill, Moose: Rt. 1 , Box 1 69, Schuy ler, VA 22969; V ICA; Indoor Track 1 ; Outdoor Track 4; " Engin eers do it with planning and Draftsmen do it t:he w a y th e y 're told, but teenagers do it best. "

cy 1: 2268 Loni4 22901; FCA ramural Basketistrict Baseball; Je up the wi ll to

Pillow, Branda Carol


Pillow, Keith Allen

655 R idgemont 3ki Cl. 1 , 2 ; FCA Gol f2.3,4.

Pinchbeck, Glenn Thomas, 11. Pinch: R t . 6 .. Box 97, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Baseball ; " N othing left to do but smile, smile, smile. Long live t he Grateful Deed !!"

O tt, Cindy: 26i lle, VA 22901; isis is past: the d at last. "

Pippin, Paige Marla: Rt. 6 Box 1 7, Charlottesvill e , VA 22901 ; Ora me Cl. 1 , 3; Ski Cl. 2 ; FCA 4; Opening Night 2 ; Thespians 3, 4 ; Mime Trou pe 3, 4; V anities 3, 4; Once Upon a Mettress 3; Volleyball 3 , 4 , Capt. 4 ; S y mnestics 1 . 2 , 3 , 4, Capt. 3, 4; National Honor Soc iety 3,4 ; 1st Teem All-District 4 ; Girls' State 3 ; In centive for Success 3; Who's Who Among Ameri can H igh School Students 3 , 4 ; "Why ere th e r e so many songs about ra in bows, end wh o's on t he other side?"

Cer, Ralf: R t. 4, 22901 ; VICA; .


G reat White Charlottesville,

e Palma, B ig boy, harlottes vil le, VA ama Cl. 3; Rock hing Band 1 , 2 ; his morning, had eginning, the end

Plunkett, Teresa Ann: 352 M inor Or., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Crafts Cl. 3,4 ; W omen's Choir 1 ; Who's Who Among American H ig h School S tudents 3 ; "To be seen stand up, to be heard speak up, to be appreciated shut up!"

reentree Park, nternational E x, 4 ; Incentive fo r

Pugh, Connie L.

Riddle, Karan Lynn

Pugh, Paul Thomas, Coneheed , Peppy, Pug: Rt. 1, Box 217, Scottsvi lle, VA24590; S k iCI . ; Photography Cl. 3 , 4; Tennis 4 ; National Honor Society, French Honor Society; "Learn ell y ou can before it's too late. Then it's brew time."

Ritchie, Brian Robart

Guarlaa, Marjorie Bettina, Grandma , Tine Marie: R t. 1, Box 202. Keswick, VA 22947; Volleyball Cl. ; Afro-American Literary Cl.; Girls' Basketball, Mgr. ; Spanish Honor Society; "Always stand up for w het y ou feel is right." Reba, Paul Richard Racer, Keith Couglaa, White-Boy, Handsome Devil: 112 Deerwood Road, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Psy chic Cl. 3,4; Astronomy Cl. 1 , 2 ; Football 2; Intramural Basketball 2, 3 , 4; "The KINGS rule the school! REO WHITE & BLUE end Cameros forever . Whet's up? That's poor! Where de party be?" Ragland, Kelvin Eric, Regs, Webster, Sherk: Route 1, Box 249 -C, Keswick, VA 22947; Drama Cl. ; Football 1, 2; Outdoor Track; "You Can't Tak e It With You" ; "No more books, no more thin kin , on to sex and social drinkin." Ragland, Warren Eugene, .Jr., Smurf: Rt. 1 1 , Box 68, Charlottesv ille, VA 22901; VICA. Raines, William Corbett, Corey, Corbie, Ranger: 1 25 Georgetow n Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Oreme Cl. 1; Art Cl. 2,3; Ski C l. 4; Mime Troupe 1 , 2; Football 1 , 2 ; PEER 4 ; "The blacksmith end the artist/Reflect it in their art/Forge their creativity/ Closer to the heart. " Ramey, Angela Can lea, Ang, Red : Keene P . 0., Keene, VA 22946; Ski Cl.; Volleyball; " Biondie end Tem-Tem- Mr. Beam. " Sleaze" end "Kim mie" m y chewing gum . Travi s I leave m y lov e, trust end respect forever." Ramirez, Glen Cavld, Shlub, Or. X, Taco: 21 3 Brentw ood Road, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; Guitar Cl. 1 ; Racquetball Cl. 1 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2; Dungeons end Dragons Cl. 1 , 2 , 3; Psy chic Cl. 3.4; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 3.4; Chess Cl. 4 ; F ilm Critics Cl. 4; Rock Album Critics C l. 4 ; FCA 4 ; PEER 4; 9th Grade Footba ll 1 ; .JV Baseba ll 9; V . Baseball 2, 3 , 4 , Captain 4, 1 st Team AllWestern D istrict 2, 3, 4 ; " Sundays at MB." Ramos, .Joe William .Jr., The Poet: Rt. 1 , Box 1 84, Barboursvi lle, VA 22923; Spanish Cl. 1 Literary Magazine 2 , 3 , 4; Classical Music Ap preciation Cl. 2, 3; Spanish Honor Society; 1 st P iece Virginia Creativ e Writing Contest; NCTE Writing Contest Winner; "We burn the fat of swollen eggs 'till it burns out end w e 're left tired and broken with our parts. " Reid, Rebecca Ann, " Boo", "Sex", Becky: 1 01 Bollingbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; S ki Cl. 1 , 2 , 4; Film Critics Cl. 3 ; S ymphonic Ill Bend 1 . 2 , 3 ; Cross Country 2 ; " I'll do it tomorrow. '' Rata, Nile Rae: 2249 F Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesv ille, VA 22901; OECA 3,4, Pres . 4; "Youdid whetyou hedtodo. I did whet I hedto do end now we're through."

Raynolde, Lance Edward, L ink, Lot, Lenceolot: 71 Woodlake Driv e, Cherlottesv illle , VA 22901; Ski C l. 1 ,2,4 ; FCA 3; Golf 1 ,2,3,4, MVP 3 , 4 ; Intramural Basketball 1 , 2, 3 , 4; "The best of the Rockies is yo urs, Gutless; Dominance Omus, Rob ; .Jan end Cathy, Thumper Champs ; No more killer, E . .J." Rhodes, Rhonda Lee, Mojo, Munch: 4275 P inegrove, Earlysvi lle, VA 22936 ; Rid ing Cl. FHA, P r es.

Poindexter, Michael A.

Rivkin, Christopher L. Roberta, Scott Washburn, Aregorn: Rt. 1 , Box 21 6, Scottsvi lle, VA 24590; Guitar Cl. ; Dungeons end Dragons Cl. ; Art Cl ; Games, Inc.; " Reality is but e vivi d illusion. " Rocha, Hugo Rodrigo M. T., Regu : 97 Georgetown Green, Charlottesvill e, VA. 22901 ; Cross Country; V. Stuntmen; "Este Virginia e uma maluca! . " Roche, Marvin Anthony, Tony : Rt. 1 29, Earlys v ille, VA 22938 .



Rosenblum, Rebecca, Becce, Re-b-b -becce, BecceWecceBium: Rt. 2. Box 87 A, Earlysville, VA 22936 ; French Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 2 , 4; Ecology Cl. 3 ; Cross Country 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Indoor Track 1 ; Outdoor Track 1 , 2; PEER 4, Senior Section Editor 4 ; Symphonic Ill Bend 1 , 2 ; Penny "Shroom! "; Pet- "beast"; " Elan" - BOA; Dot, Scott, Eddie, Stacey, .Jean (BFAJ; "Is this the end, Are you m y friend?" Roese, Robart Molr, Bodacious Bob, Boy, One Bleb: 87 Woodlake Drive, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 3 , 4; Lacrosse Cl. 2 ; FCA 3; Tennis 1 ; Basketball 2 ; V . Lacrosse 3, 4; In tramural Basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4 ; PATRICT PRESS 4, Editor 4 ; " Oh Boy, y ou 're w orthless . Hey Needle, hav e e nice Halloween next y ear! Andree .Jones, y ou look so fine . Let 's party!" Rounyak, Steven Michael: 2811 Magnolia Drive, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; Model U . N . Cl . ; Model U . N ., Honorable Mention 3, .<j ; Who's Who Among American High .School Students; "When in Rome, who ceres how the Romans do?" Roy, .Julia Canialle, .Julie, .J . .J . , Oeni : 251 B Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesv ille , VA 22901 ; Choir 1; French Cl. 1 ,2; PEER 2,3,4, Business Editor 4; Film Critics Cl. 3, 4 Pres. 4; District French Contest Winner 1 , 2; VCTM Math Contest, 9th Piece, 4; "Variety is the essence o f lif e: Be different. " Runkle, Stephan Todd, Todlet, Toddy, Toed: 8B Court Piece, Charlottesv ille, VA 22901 ; French Cl. 1 , 4; Ski Cl. 2 , 3 ; Mime Troupe 2. 3 ; "Who Am I This T ime" 3; National Honor Society 3 , 4, Pres . 4; French Honor Soc iety 2 , 3,4, V . Pres. 4 ; Cross Country 1 ; Indoor Track 1 ; Outdoor Track 1 ; Harv ard Book Award 3 ; Boys' State 3 ; I. F . S . 3 , 4; 1st Piece School Science Fair 3; Regional Science F air 3; "I k now I failed it... Rush, Andrea M ichele; Shelley: Rt. 1 , Box 21B, Esmont, VA 22937; OECA, Dance Cl., Afro-American Literature League. Rush, Kathy Laverne, " S weet Pee " , "Turtledov e" ; Rt. 1 , Box 90, Esmont, VA 22937; FBLA, Crafts 1 ; Outdoor Track 1 , 2 , 3; Indoor Track 1 , 2 , 3 ; Pow der Puff Football 4; "Let's go to the Go-Go." Rush, Sylvia Lynne: R t . 1 , Box 1 02, Esmont, VA 22937; AFro-American Literature League; .Jazz Cl. Samuela, Lisa Allyn, Leece, Shorty: 87 Georgetown Green, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; Art Cl.; Photography Cl. ; Track ; "Life's e cinch inch b y inch! Go for it. " Scott, Carleton Scott, Francine, Cine: Rt. 1 , Box 2B8, Es mont, VA 22937 ; OECA; " Nice but nasty. Lov e will conquer w ithin me. You heard it. I didn't. So please k eep it to you rself. "

Richardson, Randall Scott Poindexter, Stephania L .


Proffitt, Wllaon Conrad, Wi ll ie, Conrad ; R t. 1 , Box211, S cottsville , VA24 590 ; FFA 1 , 2 ,3; "I can 't believe I made it."

R t . 4, Box 281,

Riddarvold, Leif Bjorn: Rt. 2, Box 6, Keswick, VA 22947; Space M ice 4, Pres. 4 ; Ski Cl. 3 ; Advocate Cl. 2; Lacrosse C l. 1; Golf 1; "You'll never forget your first St. Pauli G irl."

Scott, Patrick Nathaniel, Rick: Rt. 2, Box 1 01 B, Keswick, VA 2294 7; V. Football 3 , 4 . Sanich, .Joaaph .James, Sly: 9 Chestnut Lane, Earlysville, VA 22936; Dungeons end Dragons

Senior Statistics




2; Ski C l. 3, 4; " Open windows, a red A TC, blue Cameros and Buds - then to fade away. That says it all."

Bext:on, Tine Loulea Sexton, Tommy Weelay Shafer, Steel Beth: P. 0 . Box 36, Scottsville, VA 24580; Advocate Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4; Teen Demo crats 2 , 4; Music Appreciation Cl. 3; French Honor Society 4 . Shand, .John .Jemaleon Ill, Ooob ie, Slot, .Johnny: 2223 Dominion Driv e, Charlottesv ille, VA22801; SkiCI. 1 ,4; Tenn is 1 ,2,3,4; "Kedra I match!" Lance y ou Gutless Punk! I love you Mrs. Toth. Like that Rob! Thump it. LLAATTERR!!" Sherra4:te, .John Michael, Groucho, " Show me a rose": 73 Woodlake Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Spanish Cl. 1, 2; Ski Cl. 1; Classical Music Appreciation Cl. 3; Film Critics Cl. 3,4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2; Outdoor Track 1; Soccer 2,3,4; lnramural Basketball 4; Span ish Hono r Soc iety, French Honor Society, National Honor Soc iety; French Contest State Winner 1 , 2, 3, National Winner 3; Spanish Contest National Winner 2, 3; Math Contest School Winner 3. " The problem here is not that I'm asleep, it's that everyone else is awake . . . Apples instead of faces , here! here!" Shifflett, Diana Danlea, Oi, Dinan, Oiney: 221 8 Williamsburg Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Drama Cl. 1; Ski Cl. 2,3 ; Key Cl. 4; Ecology Cl. ·3; Colllege Planning Cl. 4; Teen Democrats 4, Trees. 4; Symphon ic Band 1 ; Majorette 1 ,2,3,4, Feature 2,3,4; PEER 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Society of Distin guished American High School Students 3, 4; I. F. S. 3, 4 . " I am so serious!" "Yes , I do get cold!", "The fun's on US!", "ILYE", "Graduation doesn't have to mean good-bye." llhlfflett, llteven Chrlnopher: Rt. 2, Box 76, Keawich, VA22847. Shriner, Eclwerd Leweon, Smed, Dead Head Ed: 280B Huntington Road, Charlottesvile, VA 22801 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 3 , 4; Golf 4; "Live e very day as if it were going to be your last. Someday you'll be right." Sirna, Lei . . Denlea, Leis, Sid: P . O . Box 161, Earlysville, VA 22836; Riding Cl.; .Jazz Cl.; Afro-American Literature League; FHA; Band 2, 3 ; .Jazz Band 2; "I would like to leave my beau tiful looks and all of m y ex-boyfriends and good times to the underclass girls." Sleeone, Mett:hPaul, Chiro: 31 B Brentwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Lacrosse C l. 1 , 2; SCA 4; Lacrosse 1 ; 2 , 3, 4; " If the moon's out at night, and you see the .Jew, expect a fright . " BrneHwood, Leu,.. Smith, Chrletaphar Feger, Chris, Smitty; At. 7, Box 223-A, Bellafield Farm, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2; Latin Cl. 2; Ski Cl. 3 , 4; FCA 4 ; Football 1 ,2,3,4; Lacrosse 3 , 4; "Friends, Friday nights, and K. V. forever." Smith, Duane Acldleon, D . A., Big D . : At. 8, Box 281, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Football 1 ,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1 ,2,3,4; Indoor Track 4; "If you see that Big Red Chev 4x4 a rockin, don't come a knockin." Bmlth, Clregory Owen: Electro man: Rt. 6, Box 1 71 , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; VICA; Ski Cl. ; "Lucky I'm insane after all I'v e been through . " Bmlt:h, Keith Cliver

31 31 , U. Va. Station , Charlottesville. VA 22803; Weightlifting Cl.; F il m Critics Cl. ; SCA 1 ,3,4; Football2,3,4 ; Track 2,3,4; " When it's time to party and it's time to jam, make sure you're still a 'karate man'. "

Sullivan, Donne Merle Bummere, Dena Leigh: P . 0 . Box 56BS , Charlottesville, VA 22805; Ski C l. 1 ; Lacrosse Cl. 2; "Honey Buns and Little Debbies forever . " Swingler, Ruth Ann

Bnepp, Derek Chrlet:ophar, Snapp , Snapper, The Snapp : Mt. Alto, Howardsville, VA 24562; "A word to the wise: Save aluminum, drink bottled brew. Grab a bottled Bud!"

Tawney, Daniel Wayne

Bnow, Sharry Lynna: Rt. 2 , Box 1 63, Earlysville, VA 22836 ; FBLA 3,4; " Each day comes bearing ite gifts. Untie the ribbons."

Teylo.-, Gall Lynn1 280 Albert Court, Charlottesvill e, VA 2280 1 ; Ski Cl. 1 , 2 ; VICA 3; HOSA 4, V. Pres . 4; "The music hasn't stopped. It's on ly just begun, so ·ke ep on dancing . . Keith's bride in 1 SB5."

lilprouea, .Jimmie Bantry HI: 450 Stribling A v enue E xtended, Charlottesville, VA 22803 ; Key Cl. 4 . &prouee, Sandre Kayo Rt. 4, Box SB, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Lacrosse Cl. 1, 2; FBLA 4; SCA 4; "I love Peul, and Goodbye to all! " Btergell, Derle.na .Jorden: Rt. 1, Box 504, North Garden, VA 22858; Advocate Cl.; FBLA; I.F. S . Stergall, Melinda Charyl, Moose, #34, Starch : Rt. 1, Box 206, Schuyler, VA 22868 ; FCA 1 , 2, 3, 4; PATRIOT PR&SB 4, Sports Edi tor 4; Guill & Camera 4; Softball 1, 2, 3, 4, 2nd Team All-District 2; .JV Basketball 2 ; V . Basketball 3, 4 , Tri -Capt ain 4, Honorable Mention AllDistrict 3; Powder Puff Football 4; " You get what you want if you're willing to w ork for it. Road trips and water breaks . . Go for it!" &t:erke, Colet:tl Eurlca, Hi "C", Red , Prissy: R t . 1 , Box 87, Esmont, VA 22837; Karate Cl. 2; VICA 2, 3, 4; Softball 2; " Coletti is my name, drinking brew is my game. Drink like me and you'll belong to the hall of fame . "

VIll wock, Robart Er C arlottesvil le, VA 2

Teetee, Mary CMherlna, Katy: 1 07 Chaucer Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Spanish Cl. 1 ,3,4 ; Ecology Cl. 2 ,3; Thesp ian Troupe 500 4; Spanish Honor Society 3 ,'4; National Honor Society 3,4; "Once Upon a Matress"; "You Can 't Take It With You"; NMSGT Semifinalist; "I think, if y ou don't mind, that we'd better be going . .. "

Terrell, .Jewell Anlt:e: Rt. Keswick, VA 22847 ; DECA.

Cheerleader MV ational Honor Soc -o or Society; Fres •• o A mong Americ <=our best frien ds ~a parties, DALL • • 0 . . I love you C



21 5-A,

Terry, Michael Scott, Meek, Mike: 1 DOS Proffit Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Dungeons and Dragons Cl. 1 ; Latin Cl. 2 ; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Football 1 , 2 , 3; Golf 2 ; Soccer 4 ; " Regular guys aren't preps or red necks. They just listen to the Roll ing Stones and drink R. W. B . to excess!" Taeaok, Kathleen, Kat: 301 4 Colonial Drive, Charlottesvil le, Virgi nia 2280 1; FBLA 1; Psychic C l. 3; Ecology C l. 3; .Junior Ach ie v ement 3; Space Mice 4; Symphonic Ill Band 1 ,2,3,4, AllRegional Band 3, 4; Flag Corps 2 , 3, Drum Major4.



0 erlottesville , VA 2 "Ell Basketball.

Well e, .Jamaa Kavlr =oed, Charlottesville ..a-..or Football Cl ; Foe

W e ll e, Olivia Tharae1

Wanebc, .Jacquelin• ...oct"-..dge Lane, Earl C ~ . Ski Cl. 2; Advc 2 . 3 , 4, Most Oed -;;-.ct, Sportsrr ....IIC'"'OSSe 1 , 2 , 3, 4; C Soc•etv 2 , 3, 4; I.F

Nerd, .Jamaa Richer

erd, Prentlaa Dale

-e Charlottesvil h D

y C l.; FBLA V olleyball; T1

w..-.ng, Benjamin

t Road, Ea1

Thacker, Cecil Rey Steinberg, Tore David, Tubby, Tore, Tub: 307 Crestfield Court, ChariGttasvi lle, VA 22801; Ski Cl. 1 , 2, 3 , 4, Trees . 4; French Cl. 1 , 2; SCA 1 , 2, 3, 4; Latin Cl. 2 , 3; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2 ; Guitar Cl. 1 ; Dungeons and Dragons Cl. 1 , 2 , 3; 8th Grade Football 1; .JV Football 2; .JV Soccer 1 ; V. Soccer 2,3,4 , Co-captain 4 , All-District 4; Intramural Basketball 4; National Latin Exam Cum Laude 3 ; "We are .. . the regular guys. Our goal: Attain ultimate and irrevocable sloppiness . Our source : The one and onl y, unparalleled . . . RWB ." Stephana., .Jerome Aaron Steppe, Albert Brien, Alberto: 2717 Brookmere Road, Charlottesvill e , VA 22801; Spanish Cl.; Afro-American Literature League; "1 884 Seniors of Albemarle High - go for the gusto and be successful." Stllt:ner, Lydie Corlne: 1 02-4 Turtle Creek Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801; Racquetball Cl. 1 ; SCA 1 ; VICA 3, 4; " Sandra, Rick, Missy and everybody else thanks for everything. Y'all are the best! Remember Missy, only good die young." Stong, Mary Loul.e e: 1 50 Bennington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Spanish Cl. 4, Pres. 4; Spanish Honor Society 2 , 3 , 4; 1 SB3 Gov ernor's School; "Why ask me? I don't know. " Stupak, Veleeke Celina, Val: 663 Bradford Lane, Early..;ville, VA 22836 ; French Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4, V. Pres. , Pres.; FCA 4; French Honor Society 3, 4, Pres . 4; National Honor Society 3,4 Trees . 4; PATRIOT PRESS 4, Editor-inChief 4; V. Volleyball 3, 4, 2nd Team All-District 4; Girls' and Boy s' V. Basketball Statistician 3, 4 ; Gov ernor's School for the Gifted 4; "Life is a jug saw puzzle with most of the pieces missing. Nothing will come of nothing."

Thacker, Charlotte Lynn, Thacks : Rt. 1 , Box 1 1 B , Esmont, VA 22837; Crafts Cl. Thacker, Taraee .Jean, Terry: Rt. 7, Box 266 , Charlottesville , VA 22801 ; FBLA; "Debbie, what a y ear! Take it easy with Alan. Michael . well .. . yes !"

eschool nee

Thacker, Thome• Martin Tharp, Stephan Robart Thomae, Donald Wayne Thomeeeon, Mark .John, Them : Scottsville, VA 24580; Dungeons and Dragons 1 ; Ski C l. 2,3,4 ; Latin Cl. 3 ; Football 2; Soccer 2,3,4; "Listen to the Rolling Stones (can't yo u hear me knocking) and drink RWB to t he Regular Guys. L-L-Later freaks ." Thompeon, .Jam•• Ricky, Rick: Rt. B, Box N 68, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22801; VICA; Basketball2 . Trail, Scott Howard, Moler: 2712 Westmoreland Road , Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; AIASA 1, 2, Pres.; VICA 3, 4; Football 1, 2 ; "I've tried the rest and I found the best."

, Cynt:tila

Trice, lloatt I!Giward Tuen, Helen Lin: 325 Key West Drive, Charlottesville, VA22801; SpanishCI. 1; FrenchCI. 2 ; Music Appreciation Cl. 2 ; Fi lm Critics Cl. 3 ; Space Mice 4, V. Pres. 4; Spanish Honor So ciety 2 , 3, 4, Pres. 4; French Honor Society 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; "Life is NOT a sewer- no matter what Erik says."



C l.; Crm ">Cloer and Out

Turner, Chrletophar Boot:t: Turner, Clregory Allen

Smith, Linda Merle

lludderth, .Jam- Todd, .J. T ., Sparky, .Jot: Box 21 BN, Route 1 , Troy, VA 2287 4 ; Ski C l., 3, 4; German Cl. 1 ; FFA 2; Football 1 , 2, 3, 4; Basebell 1 , 2 , 3; Intramural Basketball 2 , 3, 4; "Long live Willie and Waylon. ", "Well 1 love her. ", "Did 1 ever tell you about the time .

llmlth, Shannon Novell, Little Hawk: P . O . Box

Sullivan, Cheri- Mloheel

Smith, Linde Annetta, Little Bits : 1 1 31 Freestate Road, Charlottesvi le, VA 22801; Dance Cl.; Photography Cl. ; Majorette; "May the force be with you."


Senior Statistics

Vaughn, Michael Wayne Vldunee, K.therlne Anna, Kathy, Katie, Meghann: 1 1 8 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22801 ; Lacrosse Cl. 1 , 2; Ski Cl. 3 ; FCA 3, 4 ; SCA 1 , 2, 4; Cheerleader 1 , 2, 3, 4 , U.S. Cheerleader Achiev ement Award W inner,

"'W'holrlom, .Jackie At 2064, Schuly ar

l•r, Barbara ~

P. 0. Box 5BB9, 5; Ski Cl. 1 ; Lacrosse otle Oebbies forever. "

..JV Cheerleader MVP; Girls' Lacrosse 1, 2, 4; ational Honor Society 3 , 4, V . Pres . 4; Latin Honor Society; Freshman Class Trees .; Who's Wh o Among American High School S t udents ; " Four best friends, boundary breakers, ver anda parties, DALLAS, it came and w ent with # 10 . I lov e you C . S .!" VIllwock, Robart Eric, Rick: Rt. 6, Box 1 07-A, Charlottesville, VA 22801 .

.!bert Court, Charlot1. 1 , 2; VICA 3; HOSA c hasn't stopped. It's m dancing . . Keith's

, Katy: 1 07 Chaucer . 22801 ; Spanish Cl. 'hespian Troupe 500 1 3, 4; N"'tional Honor >n a Matress"; "You IMSQT Semifinalist; "I 1at we'd better be go-

Rt. ::A.




.ak, Mike: 1 009 Prof/ A 22901 ; Dungeons ;1. 2 ; Ski Cl. 3, 4; Foot:er 4; "Regular guys They just listen to the 1. W . 13. to excess!"

3014 Colonial Drive, ~ 290 1 ; FSLA 1 ; Psyunior Achievement 3; :Ill Sand 1 , 2,3,4, All:orps 2, 3, Drum Ma-

Thacks: Rt. 1 , Sox ';Crafts Cl.



Rt. 7, Sox 266, 01; FSLA; "Debbie, <vith Alan. Michael . . .

VonAchan, Eric: 500 Carrsbrook Driv e, Charlottesville, VA 229D1; Volleyball Cl.; Intram ural Basketball. Walla, .Jam•• Kevin, Bleep : 211 Barnsdale Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FFA; Spectator Football Cl; Football.

, Rick: Rt. 9, Sox N290 1; VICA; Basket-

er: 271 2 Westmore'· VA 22901; AIASA •otball 1. 2; "I've triec •st."

West Drive, Charlotsh Cl. 1 ; French Cl. 2; ~; Film Critics Cl. 3; ~; Spanish Honor So·ench Honor Society •ty 3, 4; " Life is NOT a :rik says ." tt

nne, Kathy, Katie, 1ealth Circle, Charlot•sse Cl. 1 , 2; Ski Cl. 3; :heerleader 1 , 2, 3, 4, !ment Award Winner,

Woodfolk, Dwayne Allan, Woody, Winfer: Rt. 1, Box 64 B. Keswick, V A 22847; FFA; "I leave my good looks t o t he sexy yo ung f emales."

White, Malvin Lea

Wyant, .Jay Cavan, .Jake, .Jake t he Sna k e : R t. 1, Box 345, Keswick, VA 22947; Ski Cl. 3,4; Latin Cl. 2; Golf 1 , 2, 3; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; "Get off of my cloud."

Widener, Lloyd Bcat:t:, Scooter, Lloyd: Rt. 7, Box 232, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Cl. 1, 2 ; Latin Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 4; SCA 2 , 3,4; Football 1,2, 4; Track 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1 , 2, 3, 4; "Press firmly on dot. Lax: Chicks lov e our sticks. It was we-ird. Super pickle and w afers."

Woodworth, Oavld W. Warley, Yvonne Elizabeth, Von , Red , Beaver: Rt. 6, Box 379, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901 ; ''I'm serious . I'm not sad."

Wyant, Tina Marla Zane, Elizabeth Catharine: Rt. 4 , Box 243AA, Charlottesville, VA 2290 1 .

Walla, Olivia Theraaa Wanabo, .Jacqueline Ellaa, ..Jackie, KW: 71 5 Lochridge Lane, Earlysvi lle, VA 22936; French C l. 1; Ski Cl. 2; Adv ocate Cl. 3 ; FCA 4 ; Volleyball 2 , 3, 4, Most Dedicated 2, Co-captain 4, AllD is trict, Sportsmanship Award; Girls' Lacrosse 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Cheerleader 1 ; French Honor Society 2 , 3, 4; I. F . S . 3, 4. Ward, ..Jamaa Richard .Jr. Ward, Prantlaa Caiola, Penny: 1 D9 Woodlake Driv e , Charlottesville, VA 22901; FHA ; Phorography Cl.; FBLA, V. Pres . ; Teen Democrats ; Vo lleyball; Track; Flag Corps; I. F. S .; .. G iv e me a break! " Waring, Benjamin M., Benny, Ba-Ha: 4270 V ie wm ont Road, Early sville, VA 22936 ; VICA 1 ,2 . Waahlngtan, Batty Annetta: Rt. 2, Box SO, Keswick, VA 22947; FHA; OECA; Karate Cl; Concert Choir; "The best thing about life is li fe itse lf. " Waahlngt:an, Malcolm Lea: 1 26 Scarborough P la c e , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Basketball 3 , 4 ; " The school needs more excitement." Waehlngt:an, Margay Varnlce, Gay: Rt. 1 , Box 2 1 9, Esmont, VA 22937; FHA; OECA; Crafts C l. ; Cheerleader 3; "From me to you many sunny days and bright· smiles."

Thom: Scottsville, VA Dragons 1 ; Ski Cl. Jail 2; Soccer 2, 3. 4; 1es (can't you hear me to the Regular Guys.

Wheeler, George Bladaaa .Jr., The Wheel, Eagle, Bietz: P . 0 . Box 44, Bird Street, "Cliff View", Scottsville, VA 24590; French Cl. 2 ; Volleyball Cl. 3 ; Photography Cl. 4; Rock Album Critics 4 ; Chess Cl. 4; SCA 4 ; Band 1, 2 ; FCA 4; PEER Photographer 4 ; Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; " Taka a hike!", "We be bad!", " Well I say Ahhh, w e go for it!", "My lov e for Linda and F YM!!"

Watklna, Kathleen Llea, Lisa : 939 Henry A v enue , Charlottesv ille, VA 22901 ; ·Lantern Cl.; "It' s been a small time blast, but I'm glad to be sayi ng at last Adios!"

Wayland, Gllann Ramaay, Fat Man, Wart Hog, Whale-Winkle: 2309 Wakefield Road , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse C l. 1,2; Film C riti cs Cl. 3; Photography Cl. 4; FCA 4; Psych ic Cl. 3, 4; SCA 4; PEER 4 ; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1 ; 9th Grade Basketball Statistician 1 ; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Intramural Bas ketball 3,4; " All there is left to do is smile, sm ile, smile . Walla, Cynthia Walla, .Joyce Elaine, ..Joycie: 209 Ba rnsdale Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Indoor and Outdoor Track; "Stop the madness!" Waatratar, Brian Chartae, Westy: 5004 Madison Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Cl.; Volleyball Cl.; Cross Country 1 , 2, 3, 4, MVP 3 , 4; Indoor and Outdoor Track 1 , 2 , 3, 4 . Wetzel, Patricia .Joann, Pat, Pretzel, The Wetzel : Rt. 6 , Box 25, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; S ymphonic II Band , 1 , 2 ; Women's Chorus 2, Most Improved Choir Member 2; Concert Choir 3, 4, Regional Chorus 3, 4; F ilm Critics Cl. 3; "Spring Madness" 2, 3, 4; "Music! Music! Long live the 4077th!" Wharam, .Jackie Andy, A . ..J. McCormick: Rt. 1 , Box 2064, Schulyer, VA 22969; VICA 3,4; "Going around and having fun with all my friends." Wh-lar, Barbara Bua

Wllllama, Oavld Lea, Willie, Kip: Rt. 6, Box 1 1 0, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball2,3, 4 ; Baseball 4; "All my lov e, Watfish . Kico all m y 'great' football skills. Good luck, Kell y. Lov e ya! Nic. Party at ..Jake's house." Wllllama, Sheryl Ann, Milkshake: 21 3 Barnsdale Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Volleyball; "Never judge a book by its cover." Willie, Oavld Glenn Willie, Shalla Arnatt, Slick, Red Neck: P. 0. Box 364, Scottsville, VA 24590; FHA 1 ; Basketba ll Manager 1 ; Softball Manager 1 ; "Come on Fonda, I got some money for gas."

Zauner, Cynthia Ann, C yn de : R t. 2, Box 1 00, Ruckersville, VA 2296B; Ecology Cl. 3 ; Ski Cl.

4. Zauner, .Jennifer Lynn, .Jen , .Jenny: R t. 2, Box 1 00, Ruckersvi lle, VA 2296B; S k i Cl. 4; Who's Who Among High School Students 3 . Zah, William Barnard .Jr., Bill, Lush : 1 1 4 Lu pine Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Latin Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Cl. 2, 3, 4; Band 1 , 2; Debate 3, 4; Certamen 1 , 2, 3, 4; Chess Team 3, 4; Cross Country 1 ; Gov ernor's School 4; National Math E x am, 2nd in School 3 ; National Merit Semi-final is t 4 ; Who's w ho Among American High School Students 4 ; "It's party time ain't no doubt about that! Gimme Skippy, S k oal, and rock 'n ' roll!"

Willoughby, Scott Rawllnga, Mr. Offense: 1 727 Old Forge Road, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; StageBand2,3; FCA3,4; SkiCI. 2 , 4; SCA 3; Football 1 , 2, 3, 4, Honorable Mention All-District 4; Lacrosse 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; "Party on the patio. Wicked- Bad . " Wingate, Henry Halmaa, Hank, Raoul, Captain Disgrace: 1 DB Bennington Road, Charlottesvi lle, VA 22901; Ski Cl. 1; Lacrosse Cl. 1,2; FCA 3, 4 ; Film Critics Cl. 3; Weight Lifting Cl. 2; PEER artist 4; Art Cl. 1 ; National Honor Society 3, 4; Basketball 1; Lacrosse 4; Footba ll 1 , 2, 3, 4, Co-captain 1, 2, 4 ; Senior Sportsmanship Award 4; Intramural Softball 2; Intramural Basketball 3 , 4 ; Gov ernor's School of F ine Arts 4; Art Awards, 1 st in District, 1 st in Region, 2nd in State, 2nd Place Art, Drawing 2, 1 st place Pen and Ink 2; I. F . S.; "Serious plagerizing; Omni-present studies; Obnoxious preppy females; Stoned boys talking dirty; Horrib le edibles; Incredible gossip . I always did enjoy A.H.S." Wingfield, Randa Oala: 1 540 A v on Street Extended, Charlottesvi lle , VA 22901 ; Music Ap preciation Cl. 1, 2; Key Cl. 4; Model U . N. 4; Outdoor Track 1 ; Spanish Honor Society; National Honor Society; "Potatoes forev er." Winnett:, Bavarlaa Kaye: 1 645 Derby Lane , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Teen-Age Republicans 4; Debate 2,3 , 4; Adv ocate Cl. 3; Ski Cl. 1,2; Band 1,2; Key Cl. 2; French Cl. 1,2,4; ..Jazz Cl. 1 . Woad, Carrell Shannon, Wood: Box 57D, Stonefiald Circle, Earlysvil le, VA 22936; FFA 1, 2; VICA 3 , 4; Football 1, 2; "Bodacious 4x4 . The off-road challenge- Go for it!" Woad, ,Jaaeph Brad, Brad : Rt. 6, Box 4B , Charlottesville, VA 22901; Baseball. Woad, Lanzy Everette Woad, Noah Edward Ill, No, The Ark, No-AH!: 2829 B rookmera Road, Charlottesv ille, VA 22901 ; F rench Cl. 1 , 2 ; Latin Cl. 3; Latin Honor Society 3; .Junior Achievement, V. Pres . of Finance; Cross Country 2, 3; Indoor Track 3 ; Outdoor Track 2, 3 . Woad, VIckie Lynn: Box 570, Stonefield Circle, Earlysville, VA 22936 ; Drama Cl. 1 ; Ski Cl. 2, 3 , 4; Ecology Cl. 2; "Barry: Life is for living and caring and sharing with people you lov e ."

1 . Red and Blue Day! .Jackie Wanebo shows her Senior class spirit.

Senior Statistics


7 58

Underclass Divider



~ .... ~ .1. \I.OWJIZUII-..


OllllD •

W/210 . 0


(([lass of '8 5 looks to tqe future The class of '85, under the leadership of .Jennifer B raine,

had a suc-

cessful year. We showed great sp irit by winning the spirit stick at pep r al lies and by on ly losing to the sen iors in Spirit Week Competition by a mere seven points.

Fund raising projects

for the prom w ere planned and carried out. T he t a lent show was once again the primary source of in come. S . A . T. s, the prom , and playing v arsity sports made our junior year v ery exciting. G r aduation , co llege, and jobs gav e this year's junior c lass much to look f orward to in 1 985 . .Junior Claae Officers, front roW": .Jennifer B ra ine, T an y a Lee . Second row : Mi ri a m H ir sch,

Caroline Kelly .

TsdAdsms Antony Adcock Youngsh in An Laura Anderson Lisa A nderson

Gins Arbogast Irv ing Armistead Robert Be ll Roger Ba nks Lisa Barnes

L isa Barnett T imothy B etten Dawn Ben nett Edmund Be rkeley S he il s B ernard

Gary Beverly Terese B irc kh ead Davi d B ishop Amy B ithell Robert B lack


.J un1o r s

Robe rt B lue Melissa B oland B reck B oucharc Casey Boyd ~e nnif er B ra ine

L inda B raithwaite E ldon Breed ing Le ighann B ritton Todd B rooks Arthur B rown

K imberly B rowning Montie B rya nt Donald B ryce .Jul ie Burbach Kathryn Burch

Sherri B urli ng A lla n B urnl e y Mary B utler Katherine Ca ldwell T ina Ca ldwe ll

M ichelle Canada .Joseph Capizzi .James Carey T homas Chandler E ric C h ang

Paul Chang Sun -C ha Chang Robert Chapman .Jin Choe .Jeffrey C latterbuck

.Jane Cobb Wanda Collier Marc Collins Ashley Colvin Steven Corbin

.Jun iors


Christopher Coster Charles Crenshaw Cynthia Currie George Davis Herbert Davis

Lisa Davis Stephen Demasters Corinne Depree-Guillaume Margaret Devan PamelaDix

Michael D ixon Chistine Dodson Mark Donnelly Terri Duggan .Jennifer Dunkl

1 . Gee Doug, we don't see anything. 2. Martin Taylor, Mary Vermillion, and Annabelle Thompson, enjoy halftime together at an Albemarle football game.

2 62


Michael Dunn Paul Duprey Paula Durkee .Jean Ehrhardt MaryEiey

Wendy E lliton Thomas Estes Penny Farmer Frederick Farnum Lisa Farrell

William Fields Louise Finger George Fitz-Hugh Mary Florence Amy Forrest

Daniel Fawley Matthew Frank Rees Frescolm .Jenifer Fudala RogerFussa

David Gallagher Robert Garland Kim Gentry Kelley Gerbert Bryston Giannini

Susan Gibson Anne G iffin Thomas Gill Meshanna G illiam Kim Glanzer

Kathy Goebel Tony Good Yvonne Gorman Anne Gotham Donielle Gould

2 .Jun iors



Lisa Graves Vicki e Graves Kevin Gray L ynne Gray Kristin Graziano

Ronald Greene Kimberly Grehawick Duncan Haberly .Janita Hagar Susan Hall

Michael Hammond Lori Hanger .John Harman R ichard Harrington .John Harris

Natalie Harris Shawn Hauck Carole Haught Arthur Hayes .Janet Hearns

Catherine Heath Virginia Helfenstein Maria Helwig Andrew Henderson Michael Hensley

David Hettinger Willie Hines Miriam Hirsh Mark Hofland S ylvia Hollo

Lau ri Houck T rine Houl in Lisa Hucek Valerie Hughes Patrick lachetta



Qllass rings memories for the future The fine tradition of class rings was once again upheld.

T he .Juniors or-

dered their rings at the beginn in g of the y ear with much . excitement.


most, the time period between ordering and arri v a l went by quickl y . The r ings arri v ed on time and the students flocked to get theirs. O nce the ring was on the finger, there was time for the ring turning. If you have your ring turned 85 times it will bring good luck . T he 85th person gets a kiss from y ou. Students had a v ariety of styles to choose from. A ll of the b irth stones and a few others were a v ailab le. For the actual ring, you could chose go ld or sev eral alloys. The guys with girlfriends also gave their ring to their girl. T he only problem was when the relationsh ip was o v er, how did the guy politely ask for it back? 1 . An eager student carefully selects his class ring while Mr. Sandell looks on, ready to give advice. 2 . .John Harris displays his new class ring for the camera.

Mary .Jam es .Jodi .Janse n Pau la .Jetton C lare nce .Johnson Gene .Johnson

.Janet .Johnson San d r a .Johnson A llen .Jon es Andrea .Jones Da nie l .Jones

T imothy .Jones Ca rolin e Kell y Deborah Kemp T imothy Kenny Kand i Kerns



T racy K irb y Heather Knight Sa mue l Knight Victori a Kost S tein Krets inger

Am yKrol Ronald Lackey R ichard L ege A nthony L ascano .Joseph Lascano

Karen Lau ffe n burge r Shar o n Lawh o rn Ma ry La yne S t ephanie Lea p S cott Lear

Lata nya Lee E rin L ewicki .Jon Lewis Des iree L indsay Kathy L ucas

Te rry L ynch Rose Magruder Daniel Marshall Shirle y Ma rshall Stefan ie Marshall

Hug h Martin Mark Martin T ina Maslyk Sall ie Mass ie Kelly Mays

Warren McCann D arren McCau ley Tamers McCauley .Jul ie McDa niel Dawn McDonough



JrÂŁparing for ~J\W ' s F rom the beginning of the school year , juniors were bombarded w ith pamphlets and brochures from n umerous




T hey w ere constantly reminded SAT dead lines.


T he counselors en-

couraged many to begin using the abundant





There w ere booklets o n speci fic colleges and books that listed almost all of the colleges and of course there was the v alued computer where students could find out just about any J o hn Rose works d il ige ntly in c lass .

over a h omework ass1gnment.

thing about a ny institution .

Louise F inger and Ke lly Ge rbert, what are you really m ix ing?

Dawn Mc intyre Jeffrey McKamey Valencya McKenna Wendy M iller Christopher M illeson

Mark Mills Rale igh M inor James Mooney .James Moore G lenn Morris

.James Morris .Jun ius Morris P hyllis Morris Scott Morris T yrone Morris



William Morrow L ynn Mueller Michael Mullins Charles Mundie Mark Mundie

George Mundy Aliso n Murray Mark Myrick Cynthia Ne lson Page Newman

Denise N ickelsen Kajsa Ni lson R icardo Nunez Oavi dOdom Tommy O liver

1 . A rthur B rown and his lit tl e brother s troll acro ss the breezewa y. 2 . The .Junior class congregates in th e cafeteria duri n g Spir it Week. 3 . A hug from A n d y Henderson brightens Hilary Scherer's day.



Alan O verbeck David Patterson Todd Pattison E lizabeth Pence Doug Perkins

Sandra Perkins N icole Pharr Relana Pinkerton Donna Pippin T racy Plunkett

Nancy Porritt Ted Po w ell W illiam Prillaman Colvin Rae Michael Ramos

Davi d Ramsden Lisa Rasnake Sean Redmond Richard Reed Paul Reyno lds

Robert Rice Wendy Rice Michael Richardson Elizabeth R ideout Chris R ivkin


Tracy Roberson Connie Roberts Mark Roberts Sarah Roberts T ina Roberts

Derek Robinson Lauria Roebuck Lisa Rogers .John Rose Sarah Rosenblum


.Jun iors


Susan Rosson Kathy R oudabush .James Rush Regina Rush Roland Rush

Peter Salt ers .James Saunders Meli ssa Saylor Karen Scarr H ila ry Scherer

Tho mas Scholle Ra ndi Schwab .Jennifer Scopelliti Kimberly Seive rs M ichael Shand

M ichael Sheffi eld David Shiffl ett Mark Shifflett Ro xane Shifflett Donna Shirley

Kelby S hymlock Tamm y S impkins Davi d Skeen A imee Sm ith Andrew Smith

Che ryl G itana Lisa Robe rt Walter

Smith Smith S mith S mith S mith

Wesley Sobbott R obert Spence F onda Sprad lin A rl e ne Sprouse Debra Sprouse






new were

requirements announced.

for For-

tunate ly, these would not affect any of the 1 883-84 grads . For a long time, only 1 8 credits were needed for graduation.





freshmen class these credits would be boosted to 20 . T he changes were in math and science, where 2 credits were needed in each. T hen the student could pick another credit in either of these two areas.

O nly six

e lectives would be allowed, instead of 2

the usual seven.


studies program, which was available






beginning with the class of '85. T he credits taken would total to 22, three in






math; and a foreigh language. In this department the student could either have three years of one language or two years of two languages. Only four e lectives


allowed .


these changes would be for the better, even though it meant more work. It would definately prepare the individua l for college. 1. Jul ie Burbach h elps Casey Boy d with a difficu lt concept in Mrs . Berge's history class . 2 . A pretty sm ile from N icole Pharr brig hte ns th e photographer's day. 3 . A n E cology class li s t e ns attentively as Mrs . O ti s lectures .

Sharon Starks B renda Stephens Dennis Steward Greg S tokes G w e ndolyn Strot her

Keaton S tutz T imothy Sudduth Mike Su lliv a n Donn ie Su merlin Shannon Taylor

T ilwana Terre ll Robert Terry Christine T esack John Thacker Jerry Thomas

Juniors 路 71

Annabel Thompson Rhonda Tooley Phillip T ownsend Ann Transue B ianca Trogdon

Paulette T rus low T imolee T ucker .Jacqueline Tucker Karen Turner Alyssa U e cker

Eric Vanderloo Karen Vanderveer Pamela Vanhoose Brandt Vaughan Mary Verm illion

..Jeannie Vining

Scott Vining Kimberly Walker Ramano Wallace Vickie Walls

1. Oh no, M a ry! You forgot to set your alarm again. 2. Grandma Roberts takes on the .Junior class. 3. Yvonne Gorman decides if she 's going to sleep in class. she might as well come prepared .




T imothy Walts Kathryn Ward Sharan Warren .Joel Weaver William Wells

T imothy Werres Frederic Westervelt .JeanWheby T ina Wheeler Lisa Wh ite

Leigh W ile y David W illiams Deborah Wi lliams Stanley W illi s Kristine W ill son

P iper W ilson .Jon W ingfie ld Daniel Wood Matthew Wood M ichael Woodson

Kennon Wrenn Terilynne Wright Lisa Wyant Do nna Young .James Zobel

1 . A nnabel Thompso n and A lyssa Uecker d iscuss child rear1ng .



QI!ass of '86 mofting on up Sophomo r es


t hat


were ta ki ng o n a big step up in mak ing decis ions between general, basic, and academic classes offered a t A lbemarle . Wondering and worry ing which teachers they wou ld get k ept many students up late at night. They becarne aware of the fact that schoo l was no longer a horrible ordea l, but rea lized the need for good grades and dev e lopment of classroom personali ties . New c lasses were required of Sophomores



Biolog y


Dri v ers' Ed . The end of high school becarne more of a r eality and students started to p lan for college and f or the rest of the ir lives. With one y ear be hind them, the sophomores were glad not to be the low man on the totem pole and to have someone to look up to them.

S opho more cl ass o ffic ers, le ft to ri g h t : M ichae l Bu rns , Li lian Cle me1'ia , M icky W atso

Maya A1gaonkar Patricia Almond Robert Amos Cheri Anderson P am Anderson

R obert Archer Melissa Arnold Cathe rine B ailey Veranda B anks T eresa B arker

.Judith Barnett D eborah B attin H ollis B atten .John B auer D eann B eale

M ichelle Beasley D enise B ickley C hristopher B illups Sara B ollinger T imothy B ooth



.路Ch ris B owen Lise B owers Patrick Boyd Stephanie B reeden Mary B reihan

Angelin Brewer .Janice B rown .Juanita B rown Sherri Brown T homas B rown

Michael Burns S h ea Bu rrell Lawrence B urwell Heather B utler .Janet Campagna

M icky Watson

.Jacqueline Campbell Dana Capps Adon ice Carey Kenneth Cargile Karen Carter

Kel vin Carter Daniel Catalano .Jarrett Catlett Chris Cavanaugh Frense ll Chapman

Carolyn Checchi Suzanne Chi vily David Clem Lilian Clemens .Johnny Cl ine

Mark Cogburn Clariece Coles Susan Collier .Jennifer Cooper Patrick Coster





tenth ,



twe lth graders had to undergo the unp leasant





tests. Starting in tenth grade you had the optio n of taking NEOT tests, the Nation al

Educatio nal

Dev e lopment

Test. This test provi ded an objective vi ew of your education a l strengths a nd wea knes ses . T he PSA T,

P r e liminary Scho lastic

Apt itude Test , w as taken by juni ors. It w as





v erbal





reasoning ab ili ties, other characteristics that might contribute to success. F ina lly,

the SAT, S cholastic Apti-

tude Test, measured the verbal and mathematica l abi lities juniors had dev e loped o v e r many y ears , both in and out of

schoo l.

multiple cho ice.

A ll



Verba l consisted of

test ing y our v ocabulary, verbal reasoning , and underst a nding of what y ou read. Math invol ved the ability to solve problems involving arithmetic, algebra ,

and geometry.

A long with

high schoo l courses a nd grades, SAT scores helped indicate how prepared students were to do the kind of academ ic work most co lleges require.

Stephanie Coukos A ldin Criss T ina Cromer Andrew Crowder Randa ll Curnow

T homasine Dade Gregory D 'Atre B renda Davis L owell Davi s .Joseph Davis

Ida D 'E iicio KellyDezio Rod ney D iehl Courtney D illard T refny D ix


S ophomores

2 1 . David Way concentrates on his assignment. 2. Stephanie Patton enjoys the challenges of being a library a ide and the opportunity to learn how a li b rary operates.


L isa Dodd Patric ia Donnelly Cha rl es Oorr ier Matthew Dotson A nne Doyl e

Penny D rumhe ller Lori D udley Sam Durham S heri E dgecomb Catherin e E dson

B obby E nglish R oxann E ppard Heather E stes S uzanne E stes Gary F ields


S haron F is her Ke ith Fletcher .Jack F lick B reck F lynn Andrew Fordham

" challenges of being a

P age Foster K im Francis Amanda F r eeman Alan F r ench A nita Furr

Lise Ga llagher Ange la Ga r land Davi d Garland Wend i Garrison S haron Ge ntry

Stev en G iann iny C h eri G ibbs Davi d Gibson S cott G ibson Betsy G ieck

S ophomores

7 7

Sharon G ill .Julie Gill igan Geoffrey Goodwin Sara Goodwin Kendrick Goss

Em ily Gray .Jen n ifer Green K imberly Groome Michelle Gutierrez Lau rie Hager pho t ographer is obv ,. bio logy lesson.

Tamm y Hager David Hall Kerry Hall Dawn Hammer Wanda Hammill

Harold Hamner William Haney Chris t ina Harrington Robert Harris Mic hael Hart ling

1 . Susan Tharp attempts to stay on the road as she driv es car number 7 around the driv ing range and takes d irections from an invis ible instructor in a far off tower.





Th e photographer is obviously more interesting to Kerry Hall . Marsha Lambert and .Jimmy Lowery than the ir biology lesson.

3 OK boys and g irl s , let's wave to the camera.

M iss F lynn goes o v er a complicated assignment.

William Hedrick B ruce Hemmer Beth Henry Davi d Herring A ll en Hershey

Harry Hess Carl Hester Katherine Heuchert Leigh Hicks .James Higginbotham

Lease Hill P eter Hill T imothy Hipskind Melissa H irsch Patrick Hoffman

an invisible



1 . A sophomore class listens ss its teacher exp lains some basic rules. 2 . Ms. Bohannon demonstrates bas ic tenn is form ss h e r class w atches .

R icherd Holden .Joanne Holland Roger Holsapple Elizabeth Hopkinson .Jeffrey Herridg e

Robert Horton Steve Houchens Melissa Houchens Cynth ie Hudgins Mary Hudgins

Hesther Hudson .Joseph Huff Oeidrs Hughes Quentina Hunt Sandre Hunt

Kimberly Hurdmsn Margot Huskey B etins .Jackson Ell ison .Jackson Karen .Jackson

Cynthie .Jacobs Wade .Jenkins Will ism .Jesser Ga rci a .Johnson Melanie .Johnson




•.., ¡

M icha e l Johnson S h a wn Johnson Arthur Jones B r e n da Jones Laurie .Jones

V ick i Jones B ri a n Jordo n Debr a Jordon S t e v e n Kardos Kevin Kelly

her class watches .

Darr e n Kennon Elizabeth Kettrick W illiam K ing Bry an Kirtley W ilfred K le iber

Pamela Klink Margaret Lambert Marsha Lam bert Julie Landel April Lass iter

Thierry Laurent Sherrie Lawrence Curtis La wson .Jennif er Lea r Jean Lee

2 1 . and 2 . .James M cNew and .Jimmy Lowry find .Jenni Schm idt more interesting than thei r classwork .

S ophomores

B 1

~J\J a timÂŁ



F ifteen minutes o f the morn ing w as giv en to students for SAP period. S A P was a t ime for student s t o rel a x, t a lk,


or study.

This y ear,

stu -

d e nts were able to enjo y munch ing out in the cafeteria. A ll k inds of good ies were a v a ilable f or those wh o hungry.

On sunny

day s,



stu -

dents were found on the breezew a y. T he breezeway was perhaps t he nicest place for student s t o just s it and gossip . Talk of the wee k e n d fi ll e d th e air as people lounged o n p la n ters o r w a lls. With out S A P , t he day s we re ex t re mely long . E v ery

studen t

look ed

forward to a few minutes o f soc iali zin g and hoped that the caf eteria w ou ld rem a in c lean , n o smok e bombs wo u ld be set off, and no fire alarms w ou ld be pulled because that lead to the cancel lation of SAP .

David Lenn Mark Lewis Cynthia Lloyd Ga ry Loeser Will iam Londeree

Anthon y Lopilato Debbie Lowe .James Lowry .James L um Choyer Lu mpp

Leslie Lumsden Darren L ynch -James Maloy Glenda Mann Maria Mann

Phili p Manz i Melissa Martsolf Stephen Marvin Kell y Mason Thomas Mawyer



1 . -Ju lie Lande I and Virginia St. -John walk in time across the breezeway. 2 . David L enn shows off h is artis tic tee-shirt. 3 . P enny D rumhe ller and Auburn Mann take tim e to socialize during SAP as they rela on the breezeway.

.路Katrina Maynard E arle McAuley Susanna McCall Susan McE lhane y T homas McKeel

2 .Jeff re y McKisic .James McNew .Jean Mendel is Melissa Molner T eresa Moneym aker


'avid L enn shows off his juring SAP as they relax

Caro l Mongold Deborah Moomaw Paul Moon Matthew Moore

Howard Morgan

El izabe th Morley Christina Mo rris Da vi d Morri s Duane Morris Edward Morris

Mike Morris Teresa Morris Thomas Morris Todd Morris Mascha Mowry

Charis Muller AndreaMuro

Lisa Murray Patrick Murray .Jack ie Nash

William Nay A nton iette Nelson Derwin Nelson Dale Newton Donna Nichols

Sophomor es


1 . Valanta T homas helps a ell ow student w1th a computer ass ignment. 2 . Pa y1ng attention 1n class is a hard task for Ga ll Wilson and S ylv1a Ho llo whil e a photographer IS 1n th e room. 3 . Ca rlto n L uck g ives a big smile for th e camera whil e S h e rri G ibbs tak es time to look over a good m agaz ine .

E ll en N iehaus Beth O'Bryant E dward Park H yan Park

Donna Part1n

S teph anie Patton Betty Payne Pau l Peery Tammy Peery .J e ff Pendleton

Roy P endleton Ange la Perdue .Julie Perkins Gary Phillips Michae l P ickral




David P illar Wanda P illow Scott Porter S tephanie Powe ll

E dward P ryor C indy P ugh Will iam Pu rv is Catherine Putnam

David Quarles Doug Ramirez Kara Ramsey Wes ley Ramse y

S teven Raque Nancy Rea George Rea v es Robert Redick Mol ly Reese

C hristrine Sch o lle , pretend ing to be a cheerleader, attempts a cheer.

A group of g ir ls enJOY watch ing after schoo l actiVIti es.

Sopho mores


~ounos of

±4£ tim£s Many





throughout th is past year w ith a So ny Wa lkman.

T hese



caused quite a few prob lems betw een the students and teachers. T he stu dents



f eel

th at

th e

Walkman was the best invention since the T.V. T he teachers, however, felt the Walkman should be banned from school. M r . Hurt had a good compro mise . T he Wa lkman could be used in the ha lls and cafete ria,

but not in

class. T he problems w ere solve d, and the Walkman, after some fighting b y the students , still lived a t AHS. 1 . S ophomores listen attentatively during a m eeting of th e FCA in the auditorium. FCA pro vides students opportunitie s to go on retreats and attend huddles w ith students who have simi lar inte r ests.

William R ice C hristine R ichardson Robert R immer Kerm it R oberts Anthony Rush

Aretha Rush Teddy Sanner David Satira Christine S chladitz .Jennifer S chmidt

Christine S cholle Kurt Schwab Clara Scopell iti Wardella S cott Duane Shonklin

Ra ndy Shaver Robert Shawke y S hawn Shelton Heidi S herman Craig Shifflett



Lisa Sh ifflett T ina Sh ifflett Tammy Shiflett Michael Shipp Kenneth Shreve

K imberly Small Tammy Snow WendiSnow Anne Spang ler Kimberly Spencer

K imberly Sprouse Todd Stackhouse K imberly Steffey Robert Stev enson V irg in ia St. .John

.John S ton e r .Ju lie Sugarman Donna Su llivan W illiam Suter Rodney Tate

1 . A n e cklac e display lures th e attention of Ga1l W ilson. 2. Mrs. Tu le y and Keith Scott enJOY a hallway conversation. Sophomo res


Orville Rob Ronald Scott

Ta ylor T aylor Ta ylor Taylor

Peter Tev enda le clames T hacker Susan Tharp M ichelle Thomas David T hompson

Kenneth T hompson Tracy Thorsen Gary T ibbs Cathy T irrell clul iette Tolbert

N icolette To lbert D u ane Tooley Frank T urner cleffrey T urner Karen T urner

Shannon Smith enjo ys a break with Katrina Maynard and Dawn Lee .



Lat in offers challenges for S tev e Ma rvin, David Hall, and Betsy G1eck .

.路L ise S hifflett Tins S hifflett Tammy Shiflett M ichael Shipp Kenneth S hre v e

K imberly S mell Tammy S now Wend i S now Anne Spangler K imberly Spencer

K imberly Sprouse Todd S tackhouse Kimberly S teffey R obert S tevenson Virginia St . .John

.John Stoner .Julie Sugarman Donna S ullivan William S uter Rodn e y Tate

1 . A necklace display lu r es the actention of Gail Wilson. 2. Mrs. Tuley and Keith Scott enJOY a hallway conversation . Sophomores


Orv1lle R ob Ronald Scott

T aylor T aylor Taylor Ta ylor

Pet e r T evendale .James T hacker S usan T harp Michelle Thomas David T hompson

Kenneth T hompson T racy T horsen Gary T ibbs Cathy T irrell .Juliette T olbert

N icolette To lbert Duane Tooley

F rank Tu rner .Jeffrey T urner Kare n Tu rner

Shannon Sm ith enjoys a b r eak with Ka trina Maynard and Dawn Lee .



La tin offers challenges for S t e v e Marvin, Davi d Hall, and Betsy G 1e ck.

Robert V an Caneghem Harold Via Matth e w Wade cJod ieWalsh M ichae l Ward

Michael Watson Susan Watson David Way B r ian Wayland C la ire Weaver

Rebecca Webster LisaWh aram Penny White Kate Wh itfield Trac y Whyte

Da vid Wilcoxen Caro lyn Williams David W ill iams Kelly W ill iams Shannon Williams

T imothy Wil liams B ri a n W illis Ga il Wilson Gloretta Wilson RayWood

Do nald Woodson E r ic Woolford clamie Worsky clenn ifer Wright T racy Wright

B eth Yager K imberly Yates T odd Younker Kyong Yu David Z immerman

la ll, and Betsy G ieck .



(([lass of '87 S££S hig oiff£r£n££S There w as a b ig differen ce between the cha ll enges of M iddle School and High


signed up fo r

Whe n




last spring,

they accepted the challenge of their new h igh school career. They rea lized t hat the n ext fou r y ears wou ld g r eatly influence the rest of the ir lives . Many became invo lved w ith sc h ool acti v ities such as SCA , sport s, and the many c lubs here at A . H. S . "There are a

lot more things

a v ai lable at

A. H . S . than at m iddle school and a lot more





fman. Most of the freshmen felt this way . They were glad to hav e finall y made the move from middle to high school. Freahmen Class Officers, front raw: Fresh~ m a n Sen a tor S t a c e y C urrow, .J ohn B lackburn P r e sident, Vice- P r e sident A nna M arie F ussa. Second row: Secre tary R osemary B eard. T r e asurer Paige A n d erson. Third row: C ourtney M c D anie l. Ka r e n C lark.

Alan Agee Andrew Allen Terri Allen A nn A mbler Youngkeun An

Athena Anas

P aieg Anderson Stefanie Anderson Herbert Ankrom Kelly B aker

P atrick B arber Harold B are II Cynthia B arker D onald B arrett Scott B atten

clohn B attle R obert B ays ton Rosemary B eard closeph B easley Henry B ell



.路-. Arthur B ender N icole B ennefield E ric B ennett John Benne tt JR Roy Bennett

E linor Benzinger Rhonda Berry Davi d Bevil acqua B ins B hatt B raden B ickers

Edward B inion Il l Thomas B ithell John B lackburn G loria B lagman Victoria B likslager

Lisa B oard Stacy B ocock Thomas B oswell M ichelle B ouchard K imberly B ourne

Rose Bow ers Lora B oyd Lt;6S , Christopher B rasted Kevin Breeden Susanna B rent

Sherri Brewer Candace B ridges L acy B r ooks Jr. Anna B rown David Brown

E lbert Brown G inger B rown M ichael B rown Terry Brown Elizabeth B runs

F r eshme n




Michele B ryant Leonard B unn Derick B urton L aurie Cahill Douglas Canter

Alic ia Carey Charles Carter Chris Carter Kimberly Cavedo S usan Cavitt

Carmel ite Chapman Valerie Chapman .John Charlton Cynthia Chartres Mitchell Childress

1 . Katie Kelly wa its patiently as Maggie W ingate stands in line for a drink at the powder puff footbal l game. 2 . Lora Younker takes ad v antage of the quiet atmosphere in the library to do some extra studying . 3 . L ynn Hav erkamp , c arryi ng suppl ies to a c lass. gets help from a friend .


F r e shme n

Tamara Ch isholm Karen Clerk Bonnie Clement s Petrick Clements Meli sse C line

S t e v e Cobb Robert Cochran T r acey Co le .Jeffrey Co leman A licia Conley

Ann Cosby H arry Coukos Laura Cov ert G le nn Covington .Judith Crawf ord

Fra nci s Cre ighton Am y Crescimanno ..J e rl e Crocker S t ace y Cu rnow Heken Degli


C hri s tin e Demikoles C hris Damuakaris S t eph an ie D 'Atre Ga ry Davi s .Joseph Davis

Madeline Davi s Nancy Davi s Scott Davi s Weston Decker Christine Des il e ts

Ronit D ickstein V ictor D iggs We lter D itchkus E lizabeth D ix Mercy D ixon

3 F r eshmen


Cassandra Dodson .Jan Douglass .Joseph D owell Gregory D rumheller Carolyn D udley

D aniel Dunbar Miche lle Dunbar Michae l Duncan D ani e l Dunn Christopher D uprey

Nancy D uty Phillip Oyer Michael E agan Lisa E astlack T eresa E ddins

Nicole E dgecomb R achel E dlich S arah E ichelberger Cory E ichman Cynthia E lledge

Leigh E ppard Anna E stes D arryl E stes William E ubank Ill T homa s E ubanks

D rew E wing D awn F arrell David F aulconer S tuart F ielding D onna Fields

Kimbe rly F isch er M e lis sa F isher Tammy F itzgerald .Ju li e F itz -hu g h .Jessica F omalont



.路-路 ~ plarc to

pass tqc time The A. H . S . cafeteria is a place for us to socialize, a place for us to waste time,

but most importantly,

it is a

place for us to refuel our bodies in order to prepare for the second half of the day. Luncheon activiti es include signing up for clubs, buying flowers for your sweetheart, voting for officers, and throwing butter up so it sticks on the ceiling. O f course food is sold in the cafeteria during S A P , so if you need a quick sugar fix , head on over. Watch out though , someone in authority might come up to you and say, "I'm sorry, you'll hav e to ta k e that back t o the cafeteria to e a t it." 1 . M ichelle B rown takes time to socialize in the cafeteria during SAP. 2 . Rashe l Hammond enjo ys eating an ice-cream bar wh ile Tammi Chisholm settles for an orange juice.

Rodney Ford Melissa Foster Ton y F razi er Rob Frescoln S heri Fritz

Gretchen Fudala Tanya F uller Annamarie Fussa Davi d Gamache Christopher Gardner

T imothy Gardner Ke ith Gentry George Gentry Angela Gibson Bernard Gibson

L ibbie G ibson S t ephen G iffen Paul G ill ispie Nathan Gleit Amy Glov er

F reshmen


Trac y Gorby Kevin Gordon Charles G rady, J r. S h a wn Gramme r C hristophe r Grav elle

Karla Graz iano Laura Greene S onya Green Jeffrey Guerrant Ra ymond Hackett

D ionne Hack le y Lesl ie Hall Sara Hall Rashe l Hammond E dward Hamn e r

Ton y Ha n e y Dawn Hard ing Rodney Hard ing A nge la Harlow Nathani e l Harlow

A lan Harris Shawn Harris Sonia Harris Lesl ie Hatch e r Lynn Haverk amp

Ma rti Hawk ins B renda Hawley Li nda Heath David Hen derson Rache l Henry

Robert Hensley Tracey Hensley R odney Herndon B radley Herring Tammy Herring


F reshm en



Tennis H icks E ric Hiner Anne Hogen Chris Holdren Thomes Holl ingsworth

Angels Holl ins Gregory Holsapp le Rani Hanger Edward Hope T ins Horton

Rodney Houchens B red Howard Shands Howard Will ism Huff E lizabeth Huffman

Peter Hunt Melissa Hutchinson Beth Inscoe Anne -Jackson Port is -Jackson

Alsn --!scabs on Anthony -Johnson Dsvid -Johnson Msry -Johnson Michael -Johnson

Tsmmy -Johnson Andrew -Johnston Candice -Jones Hesther -Jones Mel isse -Jones

M ichelle -Jones Stephanie -Jones Dsv id -Jorden Deborah -Jorden --lesnne -Jorden



Tamm y .Judge Kristen Kadner T imothy Karr Me lissa Kauffman Amy Kelley

Katherine Kelly Yvonne Kemon Marvin Kerl Kenneth Key Angela Kidd

Lisa Kindrick Caroline K irby Laura Kirchgessner W illiam K irkland A nn K irwan

D iana Kost .John Kost Kimberly Kreglo .Joseph Ladd Ana lise L age

T ina Damikol as g ives a guilty smile to the camera when caught in the act of writing on the floor.


F reshmen

Unfortunately, Charl ie Carter had to learn the hard way to respect upper cla ssmen .

V irg in ia Lamb E lizabeth Lane Scarl e tt Labe Norma La wson Ra ym ond Lawson

Dawn Lee Robin Leiter Beth L indsay Friede L oose Chris tin e Lopilato

Am y Lovejo y Sura k it Mala iruang .Julia Manley B ren da Marshall Alesia Martin

.Jay Martin

Laura Ma rtin T ony Martin Whitn e y Ma rtin A my Marvin

A ndre w Mason Darryl Mason Will iam Massie Scott Matacia Garr e tt M.;,th ews

Carl Mawyer T roy Mawy e r Wendy Mawyer Laurie Mays Courtney McDan iel

.Julie McE ld owney Christoph e r McGee .J ennifer McKamey Raymond M c Lees Lori M ichie

d way to respect upper



Jfj'r£sqm£n antiripat£ ~£ars as &arsit~ pla~£rs T his year, as in y ears past, many freshmen went out for and play ed ninth grade or junior v arsity sports. Some became the star play ers on the ir teams and look ed good as pros pects for v arsity teams. Does playing a varsity sport require skill and physical shape? According to many of the schoo l's coaches a nd top ath letes,

ded ication p la y ed a


role in obtaining and maintaining a spot






wanted to see ded ication from their ath letes and they tried to in sti ll th is in the ir




Ou r

ninth graders who wished to play a sport, practiced , stayed in shape, and w ere dedicated. 1 . .Joni S howa lte r' s a tte mpt to return the ball is assisted b y a f e ll o w p la y e r . 2 . T he F reshman C lass gath e r s t o s how wh e r e th e y'd rather spend t hei r s ch ool day s .

S t acy M iller .Jeanette M ills A m anda M itchell M iche ll e M itchell M ic h ael M oone y

Ma rk M oore Ma ry Moore Brad Mo rri s Edd ie Morris E lane M orris

Harry Morris .Jr. Kris tine Morris M ichael Morris Shawn Morris Tracy Morris

1 DO

F reshme n

.路.路 Constantin Mowry Kenneth Moy ers -Jane Nash R icky N e lson M ichel le Newman

Luc ille O liver Wendy O lsen Robin Orser Danna Papp S t epha ni e Parr

G r egory Parrish Kerry Parsons L isa Partrid ge E lizabeth Pavl ansky Norman Pearson

-James Pender Pau l Perkins Davi d Petry Davi d P h illi ps Melissa P h illips

Scott P iotti M ike P lunkett -Jeffrey Powell Lisa Pow e ll Robert Powell

David Proffitt -James P roffitt Wendy Pugh Betsy P urvi s Rodney Putnam

..Julie Quisenberry Samuel Ragland S iobhan Ragland Daniel Rea -Jeremy Reed


1D 1

Ward Reeder Sean Reynolds William R ice B r ad le y R ichardson An n a R iddervold

.Jam es R idd le Dawn Roberton .Jimmy Roberts S h awn Roberts Charles Rob inson

B r ia n Rodeffer G r eg Roga n Kelly Roge rs Nancy Rosso n Heather Rudin

Lora Runkle Mark Rush T imothy Rush Chris Rutla nd Robert Sabanosh

Charles Safl e y Ka thy Sandridge Susan Satire Ma ry Sau nders Rebecca Scarr

G regory Scha rer W ill iam Schneider A lli son Schrank Derek Scott M ichae l S cott

Davi d Shanklin Angela Shattuck .Jay Shawk ey Ron S heffey .J r. Hugh Shifflett

1 02


Jan Sh iffle tt Donald S hire y Matthew S hort Joan S howalte r John S isson

Deborah S ites Te r esa S ites G r ego ry S kinn e r Joyce Sl inkma n John S lough

Karen Sm ith Robin S mith A nthony Spears Tammi Spence r La rry Stacy

Robert S t ee lman Glen S t e igma n William S t e igman Andrew S t e venson C hristia n Stoddard

Mark Sull ivan Charle s Suter Sun iah Tah boub Darnell Ta ylor Karin T aylor

Martin Ta y lor Kim Templin Valencia T errell Mary T hacker Nancy T hacker

L ynn T heodose Ann T homas D ebbie Thomas Lisa Thomas Marque rita T homas


1 03

JtT r£sqm£n look forfuaro to on£ mor£ ll£etr of Entering freshrTlen had to take two years


P . E.



P. E.

would be an easy credit , but so!Tle found that it was as difficu lt as any other class.





ITlore !Tlature students. They played footbal l, handba ll , and basketba ll. The classroo!Tl part of the class required the students to do !Tlore studying a nd participating. T h e y had several weeks of sex education and then nine weeks of health and survival education . The teachers !Tlade the classes ITlOre fun while the students learned life saving infor!Tlation . T his year was no different f or entering freshrTlen, and they looked forward,

though not always

happi ly, to one ITlore year of physical fitness tests and health classes. Practicing skills is an important part of participation in gym class .

Sharon T homas M ichael T insley Charl es Toml in David Topper E r ic T ucker

Este ll e Turner Davi d Underwood Richard Vaughan Christopher Vayvada E m ily Verm1llion

David V 1a S tephen Vosper An thony Walker George Walker M ichael Walker

Windy Walton Michael Waits Da ni e l Warren Katherine Watkins T imothy Way

1 D4



.. 路-


2 1 . Students in Ms. O yer's World H istory class take notes during a lecture. 2 . B oy, doesn't this look like an inte resting class!

Lloyd Wayne Carrie Weber .Jenn ifer West Sus ie Westrater

Cary Wheeler .Jeff White N ina White Thomas Wh itten

S tacy W illiamson Andrew W ineapp le Maggie W ingat e Catherine W ingfield

Angela Winston B randis Wood Christina Wood E lizabe th Wood .Jeff Wood

M ichael Woodson Laura Younker Shabnam Zandinejad Kenneth Zauner Stephan ie Zeh


1 05


1 06

Sports Divider



"' """lf .L 'riWliZ. II I X




WlllD • o

The 1 9B3 footbal l season c losed with the varsity team leaving with a winless

y ear.



and morale were kept high during the long season. The team worked hard to improve each week . At the end of the 1 3-week season, the fighting Pa triots played their hearts out against the B lack Knights, on ly to lose in the final minutes of that long, cold game. However,

the seniors showed the

younger players how never to lose faith in yourself. The defense took on a

new look

when Dan Ward was moved to defensive coordinator.

He instructed his

players in how t o defend against the pass. Clyde Hoy coached the defens ive line into hard hitters. Dick Lage was in charge of the linebackers and defensive ends.

He taught them to

"Stone them with the F lipper" and to make the perfect tackle. The offense had a new face on its side, Gary S hepard. Coach Shepard worked with wide receivers, running backs,



mak ing

sure that they hit the right holes and ran the right patterns. Head Coach B rian Gra iner controlled the offensive linemen for another season . He drilled them in quick feet and in the six inch punch as well as in keeping their heads up. Co -captains




S teve Ivory kept a close eye on the team . Both will be missed next year as will other hard-working seniors. The

v ars ity




worst defeat of the year when Coach Grainer resigned . He had been coaching at AHS for 7 years and had become






P layers had mixed emotions about his resignati o n. If you were to ask them about him, they would say, "He cared about his players both on and off of the field . " If they had the chance, most would play for him again. In spite of the August heat, young ath letes will always be out there working hard and pushing their bodies to the limit in hopes of having a winning season . With tremendous talent and a lot of effort from the younger players, the AH S team should be a competitive and strong-wi lled team for the 1 9B4 Western D istrict season.

5 1 DB



1. The Patriots ' defense waits f or th e chance to crush Cu lpeper's offense . 2 . Coach Grainer fires up h is team before the game. 3 . Edd ie Barrett and Mark B o len put a hurting on Culpeper. 4 . Mark Myrick puts the figure f our on his teammate in pre路game warm-ups. 5 . La rry Henderson darts around the e nd f or a big gain agai n st CHS . 6 . M ike D unn follows blocks by Walter Sm ith whil e tryin g to gain the needed yardag e . 7 . R ichard Lege w atches wh1le teamm a t es , Stev e Ivory, Scott W idener and Jack Gardner make the play. 8 . Co -capt a ins a nd sen iors , Henry Wingate and Stev e Ivory call the toss before th e game.


8 Football




1. Football Managers. front row: Tina Caldwell, B eth E ley, She ila Bernard . Second row: M ike Sheffield, Mr. Larry .Johnson, William .Jefferson. 2 . Gene .Johnson comes to aid his fellow teammate stop the STAB ball carrier. 3. Chris Cavanaugh and R odney Tate fight to bring the STAB player down. 4 . David Shifflett and Tim Werres prevent the STAB quarterback from releasing the ball in time. 5 . Arthur Brown takes a needed break from the long, hard game.

4 1 10




Albemarle 0 12 12


7 0

7 15

7 6 13

Western Albemarle Fauou•er Culpeper Amhers t Charlottesvtlle G . W . Oanvtlle Heritage Haltfax E . C . Glass Charlottesvt lle Recor d - D-1 D


27 21 20


59 62 20 16


.JV Football Sea,... Albemarle 6 6 14 6 18 0


Loutsa STA6 Wes tern Albe m arle Wo odberry Forest Charlo ttesvtlle Amherst Charl otte svtlle Re cord - 4 - 3

0 18 0 0 12 6 6

Ninth Gl,..de Football Sccre• Albemarle 18 6 19 22 0 16




Western Albemarle Culpeper Cherlottesvtlle Spotswood Cu lpeper Harrtsonburg Record-3-3

0 34 0 0 22 20

1 . Varelty Football team, front ro\N: .Jeff Ca mpbell , Fred Hope, Glen Weyland. Henry Wing ate , Scott L awrence. Shannon S m1th . .Jack Gardner, T tger May . .J. T. Suddarth. M tke Ingalls . Second ro\N : M ike Alley, Cliff Hamner, Patrick S cott, E ddie Berrett. Ryan B rown. Kav ansa Gardner, T odd Hawktns, Scott Widener. Ke lvin Ra gland. P aul Clarke, Oavtd Wtlliams. Third ro\N: Marc Bolen, David Sh ifflett. Roger Sa nks. Owane S iler. Greg O 'S rten, Chtp Gerb ert. C hris Smtth. Scott Willoughby. Stev e Ivory. R ichard L age . .John R ose, T im Werres. Fourth ro\N: R obert Chapman. Rees Fre scoln. R ic Westervelt . .John Harris. Mik e D unn . Kelvtn Carter. M ark R oberts. S illy Morrow. Arthur B rown, Tommy Oliver, .Joel Weaver. Back roW" : Larry Henderson, Roland Rush , Steve Amato. Walter S mith. Tony Good, C larence .Johnson , Mark M yrick. H ugh M artin. Mtke Burns, Tony Poindexter, Gary T ibbs. Gene .Johnson. 2 . .JV Football team, front ro\N: Roger Rush. Kelly Ma son. Chris Cavanaugh, T ig er May. Tony Po indexter. T ony Mille r , O wane Stier. David Sattra, Tod d Stackhouse. Second ro\N: R obert Chapman. Chad Londree. Bobb y Rimmer. Scott P orter, Allen Insets. Davtd Shifflett. Carl Hester. Roger S anks. Third ro\N: Ti m Werres, Gary T ibbs, Gene .Johnson. T odd Yonker . .John Harris, L owell Davis . K-etth Fletcher. R ic Westerve lt. Back row: L ance Winston. M ike Ward, Lee Higginbotham. Frankie Yates. Rod ney Ta te. Lonn ie Rush. Rees Frescoln. David Quarles. Frank Turner. 3 . Ninth Grade Foot· ball taarn, front row: M1ke Walker . .James Proffitt. David .Jordan. Mark Rush, Chrts Gardner. George Walker, Ron Sheffey, .J. R . Oitchkus. Steve Witcher, Kenneth Zauner. Second row: David B rown, M ike D uncan, Chtp E ubank. M ike Morris. Chris McCoy. Kevin B reeden . Sam Rag land , Wayne Mull ins, M ike Gentry. R obert S teelman . .Jimmy Pende r. Third ro\N: .Joe B easley. Kevin Gordon, Chip Wood. Lacy B rooks . Phillip Oyer, D rew E wing, D errick S urton. E ddie B inion. Charlie Saf ely, C . E . Grady. Fourth ro\N: .Jody D owell . R ichard Charron. Surakit Malaruana , D arnell T aylor. M arvin Kerl, Mike .Johnson. Chris Duprey. Scott Matacia. Rob Frescoln, Clyde Gibson, Te rry B rown. Back ro\N: David P roffitt, Mi ke Scott . R icky Nelson, Tom Whitten, Dennis Hacket, Willtam Herndon. Greg Holsapple . .John Sisson, Willtam H uff. Greg Scharer. Hal Burton .

3 F ootball

11 1

J\notq.er fuinning s.eason The field hockey team experienced another

winning season during the

1 983-84 school y ear.

The v arsity

team twice defeated C harlottesville High





chance at Regiona ls . Unfortunately , the team was defeated by North Stafford. S ix players were selected for the Al l- Area Team. Craver,

The y

were Pat

Helen Crutchfield,

Lisa La-

Bruna , Ra leigh Minor, Andrea .Jones, and Karen Lauffenburger with an honorable Mention. Team captains Pat Cra v er and Helen Crutchfield helped lead the varsity team in its outstand ing season. The .Junior Varsity team showed an e x cept ional season with a record of 9 1 -1 . Dawn Lee and C laire Weav er had only two goals scored on them all season . C laire was named MVP. She and Sherri




and brought the .JV team through a great hockey season.

1 12

F ie ld Hockey


Varelty Field Haokey 8aorae Albemarle D-D-2

D-1-1 D D D-D-1 D 13 2-D-5 2-D-3 4 3 2 4 D D

Stafford AHS lnv1tat1onal


Queen Elizabeth Monacan Annandale West. Albemarle Stafford

D D- 1-2 1 2 D-D -2 1

Wast. Albemarle Tandem Charlottesville Monacan STAB

D 2-D-4 2-D-D


Fauqu1er Charlottesville


Fauquier Colleg iate Reg1on als


N . Stafford Record-9-7

.JV Field Hockey Beare• A lbemarle 4 Stafford D Western Albemarle 4 Sta fford D Western A lbemarle 1 Charl ottesvi lle 3 3 3 4 2 4

Monacan STAB Fauquier Charlottesvill e Col leg1ate Tandem Record- 9 -1-1

D D D 2 D D D D D D D

1 . Varsity Field Hockey team, front row: A my F itzgerald, Lisa LaBruno, Helen Crutchfield, Pat Craver, Mary Lyng . Second row: T ina Maslyk, T ina Roberts, Ke lly Mays, Ra le igh M inor, S h erri La whorn, Ka ren L auffenburger. Third row: T amara M cCauley, Ca r o line Kell y, E rin Lewicki , A n d r ea .Jones. Miriam H irsch, Coach Dotty B ohannon. 2 . AHS' Helen Crutchfield and CHS' Patty Ke ith can't seem to find the ba ll. 3 . Sherrie La wrence waits for the signal to begin th e game. 4 . Mary Lyng gets ready for th e kill. 5 . Kell y May s uses all of her might to h1t th e ball. 6 . M iriam H irsch, the lady in the iron mask, scares the oppone nts away. 7 . Dawn L ee can't catch her opponent. B . .JV P atriots have a good time during the game. 9. Patriots scramble for the ball. 1 D . .JV Flald Hockey team, front row: Betsy G ie ck, C hri s tin e Schol le, S herrie L awrence, C la ire Weaver, Sara Goodwin, .Judith B arnett. Second row: Sus ie Westra ter, Dawn Ha rding, Cynthia E lledge, Dawn Lee , Sunh ia Tauboub, Ki m Kreg lo , G retchen Fuda la . Back row: Coach Meg Hutchins, Rach ael Ed lic h, B eth B runs, Laur a Yonker, Marcy D ixon, Lori Ru nkle, A nna Marie Fussa.



1D F1eld Hockey

1 13

This year the AHS Cross Country team experienced both individu al and team

success .

coached Lance







Monahan help



from great

motivator and a positive force behind the




Monahan .

Both the boys' and the girls' teams were relatively y oung due to a large number of underclassmen . The girls' team did well, coming in second at the L ynch bu rg Invitationa l. Pam Anderson was the captain of the team







boys' team





tained by Chet Naylor. There were many individuals who did well this season. Many members were named to A ll- District.

They were Pam Ander-

son, .Jackie Tuc ker , .Jennifer L ear, Peter

Sa lters ,

A ndy



Hers h e y, and Brian W estrater, who a lso made All-Regional and A ll- State. He also placed seventh in the state meet. MVP's were Pam Anderson and Brian Westrater; Most Dedicated, Andy Crowder and Heidi .Johannesen; and Most Improved,

.Jeff Guerrant and

.Jennifer Lear. Leaving the team are seniors Pam Anderson , Heidi ..Johane sen, Rebecca Rosenblum, Brian Westrater, Chet Naylor. .Jon Sharrets, Tim Lumsden, and exchange student Hugo Rocha.

6 114

Cross Country

lt.C.C.CSS Charlottes vill e 27

Culpeper Fauquier


E.C. Glass

:3rdof 14 Invitational S tho f24

U . Va. Invitational

3rd of 14

Lynchburg Collegf;t



3rdof 14

A lbemarle


Western A lbemal"''e




Invitational Invitational

Glrle' Cra.e Cauntroy Boa,... Albemarle





C ulpeper






6th of 10

Woodberry Forest

5 thof30

U. Ve. Invitational


Lynchburg College



7th of 12

A lbemarle






lnvitetoionel 4th of


Western Albemerla lnvitatoionel


D istrict






1 1

1 . .Jeff Guerra nt pushes to finish the race. 2. Rebecca Rosenblu m emerges from the woods. 3 . Che t Naylor pulls a h ead of an opponent. 4 . " Catch th a t runn er, C hris!" 5 . B rian Westrater leads the pack. 6 . Peter Sa lte rs receives his place s tick after a tiring race. 7 . Pa m Anderson gains on a rivaL B . Boys• Cross Country team, front row: Chet Nay lor, T im Lumsden . B rian Westrater, Hugo R ocha, .John Sha rretts. Second row: And y Cro w der, .Je ff Guerrant, Alle n Hershey , .John Kos t. Back row: Coach D an Monahan. Pet er Salt ers . Robert B ayston. Raymond M c Lees . Matt Short. Greg D'Atre. Chris Coster. 9 . Girts• Cross Country team, front row: .Jackie Tucker. Rebecc a Rosenblum . Pa m Anderson. Heidi .Johannesen, Alyssa Uecker. Beck row: Coach Da n M onahan , Kathy Watkins, D iane Kost, .Jackie Carlton, Nancy Porritt, .Jennifer B raine, .Jennifer Lear. Clea Dezio . 1 0 . B rian Westrater exp eriences the thrill of victory and the agony of "de feet." 1 1 . B rian Westrater is r e warded for his well run race. 1 2 . .Jackie Tucker, .Jennifer Lea r and Clea

Dez io s tretch out befo re practice.


12 Cross Country

1 15




IJlabtJ Jatriots bo it again The

1 983-84



team ended its season with a district record and a

1 0-3

1 2-4 record

o v erall. Under the expert coaching of Bonn ie

N ie lson ,




gav e it their al l throughout the season. Seniors Pai ge P ippi n and .Jackie Wanebo were the co-aptains and kept the team together. Placing


District were




A ll-

senior setter .Jackie

Wanebo and sen ior spiker Paige Pippin.

Re ceiving second team honors

were sen ior spiker Kimmie E v ans, senior spiker Val Stupak a nd junior setter-spiker Page Newman . Having the same record as Heritage, the Patriots had a playoff at the end of the season for the district tit le. P laying at Amherst, the Patriots lost 2-1 , but they showed great spo rts manship. Sti ll p la ying as an unofficia l sport, the .JV team was coached by Ca rol Vidrine-Wright.




second string varsity teams, the .JV team learned many fundamental skil ls which will help in future seasons.





5 116

Volleyba ll

Volleyball Scoree






E . C. Glass

0 0






2 2






2 ·,

rt; l




G . W. Danville







E.C. Glass Amhers t





G. W. Danv1ll e




0 0


D1str1ct Play-Dfts Her•tage Record -


1 0-3

1 . .Jackie Wanebo, Pam Dix, Mary Vermill1on and E mily Vermillion take a rest from a very strenuous game. 2 . M rs. Neilson is pleased

with her players. 3. Pa1ge P ippin watches as K im E v ans recovers with a bump . 4 . Pa ig e P ippin makes a save. 5 . Kim E vans spikes as the te am looks on. 6 . Varsity Volleyball tearn, sit· ting: .Jack ie Wanebo, Kim E vans, P age P ipp1n, Val Stupak, Lynn Morr1s. Kneeling: Annabel Thompson, Donna P 1pp1n, Mary Vermillion. Pamela D ix. Standing: Coach B onnie N ielson. S t ephan ie Morse, Page Newman, .Jill Anthon y, Emi ly Vermillion, E lizabeth Kirkland, Vick1e Kost, Coach Carole Wright, Denise 8 1ckley. 7 . .JV Volleyball team, kneeling: T refney D 1x, Molly Reese . S ina B hatt. L ori Dudley, Stacey Bococ k, Heid i Sherman . Standing: Seth Henry, Chris Richardson, Coach B onnie Nie lson . .Jill Anthon y, .John Vermillion, E lizabeth K irkland, Stephanie Morse , Coach Carole Wright, M issy Kaufman, Anna-Lisa Lage. 8 . .Jackie Wanebo serves the ball. 8 . K 1m E vans spikes in the warm-ups. 1 0. K1m E v ans makes a routine bump.




5 Volleyball

1 17




6 1 18





1 . Vickie Kost concentrates on her serve. 2. Kim E vans bumps the ball to the setter. 3 . L ynn Morris easily bumps the ball. 4 . The team relaxes between games . 5 . Lad y Patriots watch their teammate set the ball. 6 . Pam Dix saves a point by bump ing the ball .


~olf tram sfuings to &irtorll The





team, coached by Ralph Harrison, had a very successful season . The team finished third in the district with outstanding performances from Lance Reyno lds and Matt Wade . Both qual ified for Regiona ls,


later Matt

went to state. The team's achiev ement was aided by Tony Good, Donny Lieb l, B rian Way land, .Jessie O'Qui nn, Pau l Reynolds,

B rad Booker,


S hriner, and Kathy Ward . The horne course for the team was Keswick Country Club. The members thought the switch from fal l to spring was v ery beneficial. They used their summer practice time to better their play in the fa ll. 3

Golf Scores

Uow score wins!



lrJ ,;z Albemarle









E. C. Glass



D•strict Match



- - -- - - - -



l .lltrf ~ .a·•n•~ ~, ~ ' ··l;'~~~~~· ¢;~Aili . -:-', -,_~~i·~uttt!1~1 ;-,_ rL ~~' .;rltf :




Quantoco lnvitatoonal


District Match


District Match




1 . Golf team. front ro\N: Pau l Reynolds , B rian Wayland. Beck row: B rad Booker, Eddie Shriner, Donny Liebl, .Jess ie O 'Qu inn. La nce Reyn olds, Kathy Ward . 2. Lance Reynolds takes a practic e swing on the t ee. 3 . Will B rad B ooker make a huge d ivot? L ooks as if he will! 4 . .Jessie O 'Quinn concentrates on the pressure putt.


4 Golf


-------· -




\lr£nnis i£am z£rb£s up 9 to 3 z£ason The AHS girls' tennis team continued





y ear.

Coached by Mike Mal lory, they preserv ed the ir prestige as a r iv al opponent w ith a

record of 8 - 4

for th e

season. The team was lead b y severa l talented p la y ers . T op seeded numbers one and two,

respective ly,

Heathe r

Knight, a jun ior, and Missy Maey a ns, a senior, p layed an outstanding season as the number one doubles team. These two a lso serv ed as captains of the team, provi ding exemplary showmanship and sp irit. The 1 8 83 -8 4 girls' team had many fine p la y ers who will carry on the winning

tradition .

freshman, P harr,


Hea ther

Sal lie

W ingate,





N ico le S haran

Warren, al l juniors, will be the dominant force for next y ear's team.

2 1 . M issy Maeyans shows off her awesome style . 2 . Coach Mallory talks with M issy Maeyans and Heather Knight during practice. 3. " Ah, Katie, aren't you supposed t o hit the ball?" 4 . M iche lle B ouchard serv s up another. 5 . M issy Maeyans concentrates hard on a sl ice forehan d shot. 6 . Tannla tearn, front roW': Sallie Massie, A ndrea Mu ro, L ori K irchkess n er. Corinne Depret-Gu illame. Nancy Edwards. D iane A rtale. Second row: Coach M ike Ma llory, Sharan War ren. Maggie W ingate , Lisa R ogers, M iche le B ouchard, T racy Wright, Ka te Ke lly, M issy Maeyans. Beck roW": N icole Pharr. Louise F in ger, E llen N ie haus, Heather Knight, Betsy PurVI S , Mandy Freeman .

6 120

T e n nis









E . C . G lass











G . W . Danville






E .C. Glass



A m herst






G . W . Denville





9 9


1 . Missy Maeyens demonstrates service with a smile along with her doubles partner Heather Knight. 2 . The girls' tennis team takes a break between games. 3 . The doubles team of Sharon Warren and Maggie Wingate catches its breath during a s ide change-over.



3 Tenn1s


--------------- - - - - ---------

------------- - - - 路 路 - - -



The Cheerleading squads at A lbemarle added spirit and enthusiasm to sports events throughout the year. Performing difficult routines became second nature after many days of practice .

Footba ll



games were where most people saw the cheerleaders. Teams on the field and on the court were encouraged by chants and cheers from the fans led by the squads . Summer practicing

also and

found working





squads attended camp and competed against other squads. Practices were held to prepare for the first games. Many long, cated

hard hours were

by the



members and

coaches to keep up the tradition of spirit at Albemarle High School.

1 . Veralty Cheerleaders, front row: Apr il .Johnson. Shari Berlin. Second row: Rob Bal l, Darren McCauley, Tan ya Lee, Peter Hill, Karen VanDerveer, David B ishop, Todd Stackhouse. Top row: .Jean McGowan, Karen Heintzleman, L isa Anderson , Kim Lee . Kathy Vidunas . 2 . Ninth Grade Cheerleedere, front row: Lynn Theodose. Rochelle Hammond. Courtney McDaniel. Second row: L ori Boyd. Paige Anderson. Karen Clark. Michelle Dunbar. Top row: Octavia Young. 3 . ..J. V . Cheerleadere: Lillian Clemens, Cheri Anderson , P inkie Nelson , .JoAnne Holland, .Jody Wa lsh , Kate Whi tfield. Sharon G ill, Katrina Maynard . 4 . .J . V. Cheerleaders. Sharon G ill . .JoAnne Holland and Kate Whitfield psyche the crowd up during a game. 5 . P inkie Nelson, Cheri Anderson and .JoAnne Holland end their timeout cheer. 6 . .Jenny Helfenstein and Darren McCauley get ready to start the cheer. 7 . .J . V. Cheerleaders await the ver d ict of a free throw. B . Weebles wobble but they don't fall down . 8 . The Varsity Cheerleaders perform at the CHS-AHS game. 1 D . The Varsity Cheerleaders d isplay their jumping ability.


1 22





The Marching Band got off to a good start this year. After beginning practice two




opened, the band executed each footba ll halftime show with style and en thus iasm.

They trave led to competi-

tions in Ric hmond and Roano ke with a trip to the Orange B lossom Festival in Orlando ,

F lorida




spring. E ven though they were competing in the tough AAA divis ion , the band fared well and won many awards. Once again Washington and Lee Uni v ers ity requested the band to per form at one of their games. Despite temperatures in the teens, the show went on. In






sales, the band sold p izza kits, sau sage,

cheese ,







hard and

nuts. Al l of these sales were highly successful and the band made several thousand dollars for its fi v e-day trip to F lo rida. The drum majors this year were Kathy and Chris Tesak . They felt that the band had greatly improved and was we ll on its way to becoming championship material.

This year's band

was highly supported by the student body, a factor that always helps in mo tivation. T hanks to the dedication of Mr. Sampson, the marching band and the auxili a ry was a success. 1 . T he Marching Band perf orms during halftim e . 2 . D rum majors, C hris and Ka thy Tesack lead the ba nd during its performanc e . 3 . Marga ret Hunt waits for the band to begin p la ying. 4 . Marching Band, front row: Kathy T esack , Lisa W h aram. Apr il B urns. Liz Morle y, Margaret Hunt, D iane Sh ifflett, DeAnn Bea le . K im Morley, Dawn Roberton, Beth Yager. Chris Tesack . Second row: Wendy S now. E lizabeth Pence , Ida D'Ei icio, Lisa B owers, M iss y Dobbs, Rand y Low. Dawn Bennett, Y vonn e Ke man , .Jennifer Wes t , Mary Saunders. Donna Partin, .Jea n Lee. C lara S copelleti, Christine L api la to, G ina Arbogas t, .James Sa unders, Karen Turner. Caroly n W illia ms . B illy Kl iebe r , De id ra Hughes, Kathy McK innon, M issy Saylor. La ra .Johnson. Third row: Dan ny Bare. George Reav es , Davi d Morris, Nathan Harlow, Todd R ichardson, .John Kost, T im Gardner. A lthea Bol ing , E ric VonAchen, Don B ryce, D avid P illar. Tomm y B ithel, Chris Holden, .Jeff Po well, Melan ie .Johnson. Pet e r Hunt, F r enzel! Chapman. C la rice Coles . Pam Anderso n. .Jul ie G ill ig an . Fourth row: Ronnie T aylor, T hierry Laur e nt, Pau l G illespie, Lei sa S ims, T im Karr, M ike Hartling, .Juanita Young , Ca rri e Checchi, R ob T harp, Danny Faxon, Ch ris Pet erson , M ike Woodson. T im Batte n , .James McNew. Lou D'E iicio. S arah Rose nblum, Scott B atten, Anne Newl on, .John Battl e , Ton y Lop ila to, .John Bower, .Jay Morris , Duane Toole y , Heat her M c D onald, .John S lough. Fifth row: S usan Coll ier, P ortia .Jackson. .Jea nnie .Jordan, S ylvia Hollo, .Jennifer Fudala, Patricia Ke lly, M ichelle Thomas , C indy Cha rtres, .Jennifer M c Kamey, Susan Cavitt, Stephanie P arr. Beth O'B ryant, .Julie Qu ise nberry, K im Cav ed a. Kar a Ramse y, T ina Horton . .Jennifer Du nkl , .Jennifer Wrigh t, David G rah am . David Wood worth, M ary Le igh Layne. Amy B ithe l.




mrain.ers hust! in all s.easons


T he




H igh

School were greeted by a new head trainer


1 9B3-B4 .



McBride was the first trainer in the past four years to teach at Albemarle. She worked with a staff of student trainers and one physical therapist. The trainers worked closely with the coaches to organize beneficia l exercise schedu les and diets. They worked mutually to prevent injuries and to properly treat the ones that did oc cur . Trainers supervi sed each practice of every athletic team and all of the athletic events. The trainers began working long before each practice and left only after all of the teams finished practicing. When football began at the first of Au gust, so did the work of the trainers. T hey worked through each season; fall, winter, and spring, stopping on ly after every spring sport ended and complete inventory had been taken. The student trainers, Warren McCann, T racey Thorsen, Kathy Ward , Terri lynne Wright, Roger B anks , Val Hughes, and Beth .Johnson, had the opportunity to work in a training room with





much v a luable experience.

1 . Trainers. first row : Be th .Johnson, Valer1e Hughes. B rent Garland, T racey Thorson . Sec路 end row: Pa m G r a iner. Ton i McBride, Sal ly Sligar. 2 . Tra iners Tracey Thorson, Kathy Ward and Valerie Hugh es chat while Beth .Johnso n and Sally Sligar concentrate on the basketball game. 3 . Head trainer. T oni McBride, helps out a .JV footbally player. 4 . Student tra iner, T ra 路 cey T h orson, offers Greg O'Brien a much needed cup of water.

4 T rainers

1 25

1 . M ike Maynard directs his teammates on the basketball court. 2. William Wells fires it up against WAHS. 3. B rian Kennon leaps higher than anyone else to get the rebound. 4 . Ninth grade players keep the ball away from Madison . 5 . .J. V. Boya' Basketball Team, front roVJ: Coach Maxa, B ill Jesser, B rian Jordan, Jim Maloy, Kelvin Carter. Carl Hester, Ron Sheffey, Darren L ynch, Coach M ike Mallory. Back row: Lo ri Dudley, Carl Mawyer, David Hall, Ronnie Mawyer, Gary T ibbs, Matt Datsun, B illy Suter, Scott Bu rwell. Carol Dud le y. 6. Varsity Boys'

Basketball Team, front row: Coach Greg Maynard, Lane Odom, Herbie Davis, Mil ton Gray, Mike Maynard, T ony White, William Wells, Coach R ich L yons. Back row: Manage r Donna P ippin, Brian Kennon, Tony Good, T im Kenney, Malcolm Washington. David Londree, Richard Lage , C liff Hamner.

6 12 6

B oys' B asketball



1 . Malcolm Washington says. "In your face. Phill ip Stinniei" 2 . Cliff Hamner shows how str~ngth and positioning ensure good rebounding. 3. Keith .Johnson demonstrates his skill in ball handling . 4 . High flying, Beaver Londree slams one home. 5 . T he bench is calm and relaxed as AHS coasts to v1ctory.


5" Bo,ys' Basketball

1 27

This years' Varsity Bask etba ll Team was one of the better teams o v er the past few y ears . The team was a co n -

<Qrim£-out for~~~

tender for the D istrict Title but lost to Charlottesv ille . The team ended the season w ith


w inning



placed fifth in the District. Capta ins th is

y ear were M ike

May nard and

Milton Gray. The ..J. V. Team went 1 3-5 and four of the losses w ere b y t hree po ints or less. Gary Tibbs was leading rebound er and Kel v in Carter w as top scorer. Coach Ma ll ory sa id t h ere was a lot o f potential on the team for future v ars it y squads . ..J. V . didn't hav e a to u rnament,


t he



t ied

f or

second in the District. The 9th Grade Team th is y ear was v ery strong. It fi ni shed 1 0-5 and the losses w ere v ery close . They were 9th Her• tag E . C . G la D is Halifa x Geo r ge

grade champs beating Charlottesvill e 33-32 in the CHS tou r nament. Lacy Brook s scorer

was for

top the

rebounder 9th



llav8' ...........


and Albemt!lf'te


a v eraging about 1 D points a game and

87 70 74 BS 49 58 87 159 44 1515 B2

B rebounds per game .

e4 88 47 42 4B 65 60 43 51 54 55

Spotswood Tour-nament Fluvanna

Lui'SY Culpeper. Wester-n Albemarle Orange Orange Culpeper Waater-n Albemarle Amherst Heriteige Charlotteeville George Washington Halifex E . C . Glass Charlottesville George Washington Amherst Halifax Heritage E.C. Glass DistriCt Her1tage Charlottesvill e

31 42 47 57 41 40 46 38 41 45 63 55 47 45 64 57 68 57 45 46


37 22 46 30

52 61

.JVBcorea Albemarle 58 48 44 !57 43 53 53 46 5E' F 33 F 34 37

Cu lpeper Wester n Albemarle Orange Oran ge C ulpe per Western Albemarle Amherst Heritage C h a rlottesville H a lifax E.C . Glass C h a rlottesville Amh e rst Heritage

E'7 26 33 37 30 37 40 42 40 34 38


Bt:h Grade Bcorea A lbemarl e 37 57 38 4 6 27 49 48 35 35 41 4E' 31

1. Boys' Nlnt:h Grade Baakat:ball t:earn, front: row: Lacy B rook s, Rodn e y Ford, D arnell T aylor, K e ith .Johnson. Charlie Carter. B rad Howard, C hris Ru t land. Back row: Coach Garnett. P h illip O y e r, T im G ardener. Glen G ravelle, B rian Martin, D anny S cheider. P aul Pe rkins. Martin Ta ylor. 2 . T ony G ood I w a nt to hold your hand. 3 . T im K e nney g e ts the tap for Albem a rl e .


Woodbe rry F ore st W oodberry F ore st STAB R . E . Lae C h arlot tesvill e W estern A lbemarle Madis on H arri s o n b urg C h a rl ottesville Wes t ern A lbemar le Mad ison R . E.Lee He~

42 44 32

3l;! 40

46 5 1 45 3 1

Sth.GrMie"'rj:)UI"flament 5:'3

:'3:3 3 1 28

Boy s ' Bas k e t ba ll



37 32

Trinit;y HolyCr S t. Ger T r• nit:y


s ;;:


Herita g C hariot S t. G erd Ha l1fa x E .C. G la• C h a ri o t H al1fa x


'<.UimÂŁ for rqampions

The V a r s it y G irls' B ask etba ll T eam enjoyed an e x cel lent season this year. Coach M ike E ly and Ass is t ant Coach A n ita


through many


t he


e x citing games . The

regu lar s ea son Western District record was 9 -3 , good enough to p lace secon d, a nd the o v era ll regu lar sea son reco rd was 1 7-4 . This y ear's tricapta ins




S targell and Stephan ie Morse and junior Hea ther Knight .


led the

team w ith patie n ce, sp irit, e x perience 22

45 32 .Helitex


ti.C. Gielle

33 25 46 43

~herlottesvi lle

69 38

George Wash1 ngt o n Amh e r s t

64 55 43

Halifa x


Her 1t e ge

33 32

54 56 63


46 515 46

Cav e Spring

E . C . Glass D istrict

Tournament 31




42 47 57 41 40 46 38 41 45 63 55

47 45 64

57 68 57


Fleg ione ls

the team was

able to r e deem itself b y ending the season



dev astating

v ictory

o v er top - seeded and r egular season As the run n er- up in the Northwest Region, the t eam represent ed A . H . S .


.JVS-. A lbemarle




58 22

HolyCro s s


T rinicy



S tonewall .


S t. Gertrude






Heritag e



C h arlo tte s ville



S t . Gertrude

26 50


F F 19

Hal ifax Charlotte sville


34 46

Halifax Heritage

50 24


E . C. Glass


33 37

d ominating the

wel l in th e S tate T ournament.




d istrict t o urnament,

33 48 52

45 46

27 A lbemarle



N o rths ide

and Stepha nie made honor able men tion A ll - D istrict.

champs, the A mherst L ancers ! 3 1

George Wash ingtOn

Woo d bridg e

and ski ll. Both Mel inda and Heather made fir s t team All-We stern District

E . C . G lass

30 IAJbemarla

37 40







36 34

ie Bcoree

•ry Forest ry Forest



35 42

A lbema rle



32 32

1 . Melinda S t e rg e ll shoots between o pposing teem m e m be rs. 2 . G lrla 1 Vars ity Basketball team, front row: Cindy J a cobs, S t e phanie M orse, G r e tchen Fuda la. M issy M eeyens, Manue le Man ce , W e ndy Miller, C onnie R oberts, Ca r o lyn Willi a ms. Second row : Anita Jenkins, E the l G lescow , Melinda S t e rg e ll, Karen J a ckso n , Heath e r Knight, S ara h R oberts , M ike E ly. 3 . Girl a ' ,J, V . Baaketball team, front row: S h e lle y B eesle y, S carl e t Lan e , B ecky W ebst e r. Roni Hanger, Judith B erne tt, Maggie Wingate . Second row: Coach Mary A lice Flynn. Molly R eese, Val e rie Washington, Christi Wood, J a cki e Ca rlto n, Betsy P urvis, H eidi S herman. S ta c y W illia m so n, Regina Kirk.

40 46 51 45 ;:1 1

37 32

G irl s ' Bask etba ll

1 29


1 30

Girls' Basketball


~~ ,.,




9 1 . Heather Knight says "This one is for you, 32!" 2 . Melinda Stargell goes f or an easy two. 3 . Was there a foul? G ive me two . 4 . A b it of a foul, wouldn't you say? 5. Talking about form f or a set shot. 6. An AHS player gets stuffed; try again later. 7. The rebound! 8 . And th ey call it the jumpball . 9. Heather Knight drives to the basket.


8 G irls ' B asketball




T h e A . H. S . g y m n asti c s te a m once again p u lle d t h roug h a difficult but rew a r d ing season . Coach P am G r a iner managed t o k eep th e t eam's spirit up a n d lea d them t o win the D istrict. The t eam 's t op g y m n ast s were P aige P ipp in,

Rac h ael Henry, Y o ungshin An,

and Ka re n Eppard . A ll th e team members performed well a n d plac e d t h ird at Regio n a ls. Each member w a s s u pportive w hen so m eone lost her bal a n ce o r fo oting . Fo r th e third year in a r o w , th e y gained A ll -Am e rican status.

Gymneet:lee Bearee A lbemarle 92 . 10

93 . 75


1 Ot;h

South Lakes Invitational

88 . 20

.James Mon r o e

86. 05

95 .75


51 . 95

Sof 24 Park View Invita tion a l 97.30

Weatiern Albemarle


Stafford lnvicetio n e l

85. 10

78. 85


77. 20


E.C. Giese


88. 75

Harri son burg

8 1. 80

D is trict 96. 00

E. C . G lass

89. 74

3 1 . The Glrle' Gymneet:lee Team, front: raw: .Jenny Cooper, Recheel Henry, Karen Eppard, Paige P ippin, Laure Michie, D enise B ickley. Bee路 and raw: Coach Greiner, Kristen McKay. C hristine Scholle, Youngshin Ann, Nicole P harr, Sere Goodwin, Heather B utler, Stacy B ocock. 2 . P aige P ippin plays peek-a-boo on the balance beam . 3 . R acheel Henry perfects her beck walk-over for her fl o or routine. 4 . Mr. Hurt congratulates Recha e l Henry on he r outstanding performance.

1 32

G y m n astics




6 1 . Sarah Goodwin balances carefully on the beam. 2. Heather Butler and Sarah Goodwin get some friendly support during a meet. 3 . .Jenny Cooper d isplays her skill by performing a cartwheel on the balance beam . 4. Nicole Pharr prepares for a difficult move on the beam . 5. Karen Eppard wonders if this move will get her a good score. 6 . Heather Butler shows her agility with this tough pose.



5 Gymnastics

1 33






posted eventfu l seasons. They practiced long and hard during the cold winter months,

but it paid off with

good performances . The boys' team was coached by Dan Ward. The season record was 2-3, beating Lou isa and Woodberry. They placed 3rd in D istricts, 5th in Regionals , and 1 1 th in State. Stev e Ivory had an excellent performance in the pole vault, setting a new personal record of 1 3 ft. 6 in . a nd becoming Albemar le's first state champion since 1 98D . Other fine efforts came from the 880 relay te am of Wa lter Sm ith, Mike Burns, Chris Cavanaugh,


Kev in



placed 6th in the state . Walter Smith was 6th in the 55 meter hurdles. The girls' team was coached b y .Jane Crane Ward. T he girls were 3-0 in dual meets and won the Heritage Invitationa l Meet. They were 2nd in the Dis trict and 5th in Regiona ls . The team, consist ing of Lynn Thomas, Sandra Morris, Rox a nne Martin , and Karen .Jackson, set a new Regional and school record, and also made AllState. The high jump relay team of Vicky Kost, Pam Dix, and Nicole Pharr were first in the Patriot Invitationa l at George Mason Univ ersity. Two Freshman, Dawn Lee and Gloria Blagman. showed exceptional talent in sprinting and will be back to help out the team . Both teams will , no doubt, continue to be a factor to be dealt with in the years to come as they striv e for success . 1 . Bay•' Indoor Track team, front raw: Bov a

Indoor Track

A nkrom, Stev e Ivory, Shannon S mith, B rian Westra t er, Chet Nay lor. Bacond row: Ch ris Ca v anaug h, F r ank Yates, Walter S mith, Pet er Salters, Kevin .Jones, Todd Via, Greg S tokes. Back row: .Jeff Guerrant, Ra y McLees. Ala n Hersh e y , Geor ge Walker. And y C rowder, T om McKeel. 2 . Girl•' Indoor Track team, front row: .Jackie T ucker, Vicki Kost, Pam O ix, Annabel T hompson, S tephanie Pa rr. Second row: Marti Hawkins. D iana Kost, Kathy Watkins , Katrina Mayn a rd , Susan M c El hane y. Back row: Sandra Morris, Valenta T homas , G loria B lagman, D iedra Hughes, Roxa nne Ma rtin, Kar e n .Jackson. 3 . S usan McEl h a ney a nd Stephanie P arr race t o t he finish line .

Glrla' Bcaraa Albemarle George Mason Invitational 40



Heritage Invitational






45 48

52 35


FUMA Western Albemarle


90 123


3 1 34

Indoor Track

3 1 . Steve Ivory makes his run for the triple jump. 2 . D awn L ee starts running as L ynn Thomas gets ready to hand her the baton. 3. Greg S tokes hurls himself over the bar during the high jump competition. 4. B illy Morrow puts some muscle into his shot and sends it flying through the sir. 5 . Oeidrs Hughes stretches out before the meet.




5 Indoor T rack

1 35

1 . An AHS pole vaulter flies through the air. 2 . B obby R immer prepares to pole vault. 3. Mark Mills gets ready to outjump his opponents. 4 . B rian Westrater leads the pack as they round the turn.

1 36

Indoor T rack



4 ~.

•k ~.



1 . S herri Lawho rn controls the ball. 2 . David Londr ee , M ike Maynard, B rien Kennon, and Tony Good catch their breath dur1ng a time out.


3 . "What play is it thi s time?" 4 . B rian Weststa ter is pressed for the lead . 5 . T ony Good f1nds punting the ball a difficult task. B . Cliff Hamner says, "Whet are you going to do now?" 7. E v e rybody get up for th e P atriots. B . "Hey, G reg O 'B rien, and F lee .Johnson, the game's the other way."

B Sports Collage

1 37

-路 I


1 38

Student Life D ivider


" " '"0 'f' "W :.I2111 1 •

om~"; rllllllJ 0 . 0


1 . .Juniors enjoy the party spirit on pajama day. 2 . Varsity cheerleaders looked a bit d ifferent before the powderpuff football game . 3 . Careful attention is given as Davi d .Jones paints Paige P ippin's face. 4 . Kelley Gerbert seems to be enthusiastic at the pep rally. 5 . Mike Hasen stab checks Richard Edl ich 's muscles. 6. Strategy for the .Junior Class powder puff team is planned by Coach .Jones. 7. Leslie Lumsden chants as classmates regress to the 'SO's. B . The Freshmen are prepared for the beach, but there is none close by. 9. "Pull! Pull ! P ull!" encourage Senior classmates as they win the tu g of路war.

5 1 40

Sp irit Week


sqofu lots of spirit

Homecoming 1 8B3 was full of fun and lots of school spirit. The seniors led off Spirit Wee k with "Toga Day" to show how psyched they could Tuesday,






spirit with " Pajama Day" . The sophomores got their chance on Wednesday with " Si xties Day". Thursda y was "Beach Day " and the freshmen also got to show their spirit. Friday was the big one -

"Class Day".

Clad in

their appropriate class colors.


pep rally was where the classes got to see who c ou ld scre a m

the loudest.

Beg inning





cla ss got to sport its own powderpuff football team cheered on by "glamorous"




outshined the other classes by winning the Powderpuff Tourname nt and the o verall spirit week events. B efore the football game, students gathered around the bonfire. 2


9 Sp1r1t Week

1 41

3 1 . Mike M aynard and E thel Glascow seem to be enjoying themselves as they dance to the music of "Krakajax" . 2. T he B onfire is one of the main events of Homecoming. 3. Karen Heinztleman smile s as she begins her reign as queen . 4. This year's band is " Krakajax" from Richmond . 5 . Brian Kennon and Cla ire Weaver boogie to the beat at the Homecoming dance. 6 . T he Homecoming Dance is a good time to social ize with your friends. 7. D uring ha lftime , T racey Love smi les radiantly at the crowd. B . " B eat It" and " S tart Me Up" are just a f ew of the songs which are enjoyed at t he dance . 8 . Escorted b y his mother, Davi d .Jone s is a senior representative for thi s year's Homecoming Court.

1 42

Homecom ing D ance and Game


qigqligqts spirit fn££k After the

most egregious


Wee k ever at A HS , there was the Homecoming Dance . T he dance was on Saturday night, October 29, and the theme was a "Heavenly Fall Even1ng. "The decorations were appropriate for the occasion, there were pink, white






other decorations everywhere. There was an abundant amount of refreshments that were thoroughly enjoyed by all of the participators. E ven though the band, Kraka .Jax from Richmond, w as not up to the high



Albema rle


dents, the students did enjoy themselves . The band was made up of five members who played all modern pop, rock and jam . Than k s to the students, faculty, and parents who spent much time and effort in preparation, it was a truly enjoyable evening.


B Homecom1ng D ance and Game

14 3

1983 rourt The Homecoming court of 1 9B3 showed






beauty. Among the female representativ es



Heintz leman,

C athy McCray, Tracey Lov e, and K im Lee. The male representatives were B r ian

Kennon ,



Da v id

.Jones, and S teve Ivory. Representing the junior class were T ina Maslyk and Tanya Lee. Heather Butler and .Jenny Cooper represented the sophomore c lass, and the freshman representatives were Amy Crescimanno and Octavia Young.

During halftime of the

football game, the court was recognized





S tev e Iv ory were crowned Queen and King of the Homecoming.

1 . K 1ng and Q ueen S teve Ivory and Karen Heintzleman say "Cheese" f or th e camera. 2 . Sen1or Representative , T racey Lo v e . 3 . .Junior Repre sentative , Tanya Lee . 4 . .Junior Repre路 sentative. T ina Maslyk. 5 . Sophomore Representative, .Jenny Cooper.

1 44

Homecoming Court




1 . Senior Representative, Brian Kennon. 2 . Senior Representati v e. Cathy McCray. 3 . Senior Representati v e, David .Jones. 4 . Senior Ref')resentative , K im Lee . 5. Sen ior Representative, Rob Rosse . 6 . Freshmen Represenuative , Amy Crescimanno . 7 . Freshmen Representative, Octavia Young. B . Sophomore Representative , Heather Butler.


7 Homecom1ng Court

1 45

This year C reative Arts Week was a tremendous success, not only for the

Qlrcati&c J\rts ~cck a surrcss

school but a lso for the community. According to Mrs. Fantino, the director of Creative Arts Week, the important thing t o realize about this year's event was not the increase in activities open to the students, but the input that local businesses provided. T hese




contests offering prizes, awards, and public recognition . This gave the students an incentive to participate and to use abilities that they might not or dinarily be

a ble to




sch o ol ye a r. As a result of the fine work turned in,

the businesses in-

volved presented some winners with the opportunity of having their work seen by the public. In general , these winners were well received and gave the community a more positive image of the high sch o ol student. Some of the winners included: Scott Burwell and

S cott

R oberts,


P ro-

gramming; Ann C arden and Chip Gerbert, in a competition sponsored by the National B usiness College;


P am Anderson, whose work has been compared to professionals', an advertising campaign sponsored by Leggett. W e hope that the participation shown this year will continue to increase. 1 . During Creative Arts Week some teachers and students get to become fashion models. 2 . The .Jazz band plays during all three lunches to highlight Creative Arts Week. 3 . Several speakers from foreign countries share with students th eir knowledge. 4 . M r. Anderson and Miss Boyd are judges during the Creative Arts Week drama competition. 5 . N . A . S. A. shows several models during Creative Arts Week. 6 . Miss Boyd skates gracefully t hrough the Gu idance Office. 7 . P laying music at lunch enterta in s several people and also gets the .Jazz Band out of class . B . One class shows its dramatic expertise during Creat1ve Arts Week . 9 . These students run computer programs written for one of the many Crea t1ve Arts Week activities .

4 1 46

Creative Arts Week


Several acti v ities marked t h e fa ll se mester of t h e 1 883-84 school y ea r .


£b£nts ar£ inspiring

O ne of the activ ities was the gov ern ment trip to Was hi ngton, gov ernmen t

0. C . T h e

students were g ive n


tour of the Capito l bu il ding, and w ere a llowed to s it in on the Senate, c ommittee meetings , a n d the House o f Representatives, a n d to t our t h e S u preme Court bui lding . T here w as a lso a b lood-dri v e he ld during the fal l. S tudents w ho fit age, weight, and hea lth requ ireme n ts gav e blood,

wh il e

others wh o

co uld

n ot

gi v e, donated food f or th e don o r s . S kip W ilkins, a meda l w in n er in the O lympics, ga v e an uplifting speech te lling about h is life, and how he o v ercarne the difficu lties he encou n tered after an acc ident that left hi m

in a

whee lchair.

2 1 . Du ring their tri p to Washington some sen io r s h a v e to bear th e rain whi le they wait to vi s it th e Capitol. 2 . S kip Wilkins d e scribes his life a fte r en accide nt which paralyzed him. S ome stud e nts bought hi s book, The Real Race, after h e describ e d everything so brilliantly. 3. T he seni o r class poses for a rainy picture a t the Capi t o l. 4 . S cott R obe rt s see ms to be in pain ss his b lood is withdra wn. 5 . S everal students dona t ed blood in t h is y ea r 's B loo d Ba nk.


1 4B

Senior T ri p , B lo o d Bank, Assembly



T his y ear's Mime Troupe was full of

4ffi{im£ improb£s fuitq tim£

talent and lots of personality.


Hull was the sponsor again this year. She w as able to help the troupe with its performances.

T he first perfor-

mance of the year was for Creative Arts Week. There were also performances for several of the surrounding

e lementary

schools .



Show was also planned for the end of the ye ar. T he play Vanities, wri tten by .Jack Heifner, w as performed in the auditorium. Three third y ear students put on the play as their class project. T hey had no real direction from a teacher and did a wonderful job b y themselves. T here w ere on ly three characters and they w ere a ll girls. T h e bas ic story was about these girls growing up. The play portrayed their changes as they matured. T he three roles were played b y P aige P ippin and



both of wh o m are sen iors, and by .Julie Bu rbach, who is a juni or.





1 . Mime Troupe, front row: Ned Needham , .Julie Lande!, P iper Wilson, H ilary Schere. Second row: Molly Reese, Tina Damkolas, L isa Gallagher, Kate Wh itfie ld, B rent Garland. Beck row: T ik i Mur ray, .Julie Perkins, Shelle y L ovelace. Matt Moore, Terri Duggan . 2 . Lisa Gal lagher shows one o f t he many acti ons whi ch are needed for m ime. 3 . In one of the many mime acts, Ned Needham g ives Lisa Gallagher a kiss . 4 . In the play Venltlee, Vanessa Altman, Paige P ippin, and .Ju li e Burbach port ra y t hree girls growing up. 5 . The M ime Troupe h as t o t ake a lot o f ti me to pu t t heir makeup o n f o r perf or· mances .

5 M ime a n d Van it ies

1 49

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -


lou tan't tak拢 c3Jt fnitq


On December 2nd and 3rd the A lbemarle High Schoo l D r ama Department





called You Can't Take It With You. T he production drew large

crowd s

both nights. The play focus ed upon the p r oblems an engaged couple had when their families met. Tony, played b y D a vid .Jones , and A lice, played b y Tik i Murray , were from very different bac k g r ou nds. T he elaborate set o nly h ighlighted the




1 . Nora Rom ine is getting ready for a performance of You Can't Taka It With You. 2 . Dr. Larrick adds an extra dimension to this year's dramatic performance . 3 . Dav id Gallagher, Patrick lachetta, and Anne Gotham show their acting abilities. 4 . Th e cast of You Can 't Take It With You performs for th e audience.

4 1 50

Y ou Cen路t Take It W1th You


1 . David .Jones and Tik i Murray are the stars of this years fall production. 2 . T1m Booth and Apr il Lassiter pose for a picture. 3 . "Hey! David .Jones, what are you doing?" 4. April Lass tter shows her dancing abilities. 5 . Stage Manager .Julie Lande l is taking a break from her hard work.


5 You Can't Ta ke It With You

1 51

O ne of the most exciting events of this year's holiday season was the delivering of candy and carnations by the .Junior class. The week before C hristmas members o f

the .Junior class

were found roaming the halls with bunches of carnations to be given to unexpecting students . The holiday season was a lso celebrated with the annual door decorating contest. Many doors adorned with snowmen and Santa C laus were entered in the contest, but they were all overshadowed by Mr. Norton's first period class who won first place.


3 1 . Caroline Kelly, ~enn if er B raine and ~eann i e Vining take time out from delivering flowers to smile for the camera. 2. One of the more un路 usual e ntries to this year's door decorating contest is by Mrs . S tanley's computer classes. 3. T he 1 2 Days of Christmas holds Michael Burns attention . 4. Whose present will Whitney P erkins be? 5 . To help get people into the Christmas spirit, Cathy Ba iley, Patricia Almond and Adonice Carey do a skit. 6. ~. T. Suddarth and T ommy Ol iver laugh as Kyle Marion shows them the flower he received from his girl friend. 7 . T his Christmas tree is just one of the many door decorations. B . It takes a lot of hard work by the .Jun ior class to make the carnation sales a success . 8 . A thoughtful M ike Maynard receives a carnation. 1 0. On Christmas Character Day , Heidi B lackburn shows her school spirit by dressing as a present. 1 1 . An elfin smile from Karen Doug las shows her delight with her carnation .

1 52

Christmas Ac tivities

0 ~



. . flowers . . . poems

. . songs . .

lo ve, these were just a

few words that described Valentine's Day at A. H. S . this year. Once again the S . C . A. sponsored the highly successful Va lentine's Day Thing. dents






carnations, singing songs, and reciting poems, to their peers. "Annie's Song", "Evergreen",

"Happy Tra ils",

"Behind B lue Eyes" , "The Rose", "Fal ling", and "Your Song" were the songs which were chosen by the S . C . A . to be sung to unsuspecting students. Local florists also had a v ery busy day. Girls received roses from that specia l guy and balloons could be seen floating throughout the halls in different shapes and sizes. Valentine's Day was a very special day this year because of the hard work of many students.

1 . Davi d Inscoe end Malcolm Washington look on as Sylvi a Rush recei v es a carnation. 2 . Davi d Shifflett end Beth Yager share Valentine's Dey with each other. 3 . Read ing names to receive flowers, .Joanne Holland end Kim Hurdmen see if they ere going to get one. 4 . Pieter Bl iks leger. Betsy Chalfant, Becky Fredrick, Ke ty Testes end Lou D'Eiic io ere one of many singing groups . 5. Comparing Valentines, Hilary Scherer end Ken Edwards look to see where t hey need to deliv er a flower next. B . As Sheri Berlin, M issy Meeyens , Becky Reid. Tracy Hakala end Anne Newlon s ing , Rebecca Rosenblum listens in tently. 7 . To a v o id embarrassment, Tommy B ithell look s away from his classmates . B . '"Happy Tra ils'" is sung for Valentine's Dey. 8 . "Will someone be my Valentine?" asks Mike Burns. 1 D . Sarah Rosenblum rece ives a carnat ion in the libra ry. 1 1 . Balloons ere seen throughout the school.

1 54

Valentines' Acti vities

Oiupio strikÂŁs ontÂŁ again



S810ll/\l'l0'1f ,S8U I'lU8i8/\








3 1 56

Top T w enty

10 1 . Selutetorlen, Mary Louise Stong . 2 . Vela路 dlctorlen, Stev en Rov nyak. 3. Sixth, Rebecca Fredrick; Seventh, Shelley Lovelace . 4 . Eighth, Todd Runkle; Ninth, He len Tuan. 5 . Eleventh, Pam Anderson ; Tenth, .John Sharretts . 6 . Third, Bill Zeh. 7 . Fourth, Staci Shafer. B . Fifth, Valeska Stupak. 9. Thirteenth, Randy Low; Fourteenth, Ben Fordham; Twelfth, Pam Partin . 1 0 . Nineteenth, (tiel Sanjit Des and L y nn Morris; Eighteenth, Katy Testes . 1 1 . Sixteenth, Patrick Oepret-Guillaume; Flf路 teenth, Patric ia Kelly; Seventeenth, Tore Steinberg .

Top Twenty

1 57




\Uim拢 for Jronors


10 1. Regional Eland. front row: Rand y Lo w. Chris Tesak, G ina Arbogas t, Ka thy Tesak. Middle raw: Carrie Checchi, .Jean Lee . Back row: Chris Peterson, Lo u O'Ei icio. 2 . All VIrginia Chorus: S hannon Taylor. Regional Chorus Soloist: H yun Park. 3 . Oiatrict Forensics

team, 5






R icardo

Nunez . Back row: .Julie Bu rbach , Sean Redmond. 4 . Certaman Team, front: Sean Red mond, April Burns , Stacey Lewis. Back: Bill Zeh , Oa v.is Eichelberger, B en F ordham, Sanjit Des . 5 . National Merit Commended Btudents, front row: .John Sharretts, S anjit Oas . Middle row: P ieter B likslage r, .John Cox. Back row : Helen Tuan, Becky Fredrick, T erri Mead. 6 . National Merit Scholarship, front row: B en Fordham, finalist, B ill Ze h , finalist. Back row: Mary Louise S tong, finalist, Amy Granger, semi-finalist, Katy Testes , fin a list. 7 . Top Oe路 bators: Clea Oezio, Kim Hurdman, William Mass ie . B . Governor's School, front: Henry W ingate. Middle: Tan ya Patten, Ned Needham. Back: Pam Anderson , Mary L ouise Stong. 8. Girls' State: Paige P ippin, Sonja Hoel. 1 0. Boys' State: E r ik B ansleban, T odd Ru nkle. 1 1 .

Modal U.N. participants, front row: R onda Wingfield, B en Fordham, T anya Patten. Back row: Ricardo Nunez, T om E stes . Ashley Col vin. 1 2. CECA Winners: N ilo R eto, L isa Farish, M ichelle B rown , Glenda D ouglas. William S tewart.

7 Honors


1964: Gary and his father dressed alike for TV's The Bing Crosby Show. It pleased audiences wlw seemed to expect Gary to be a carf)on of his dad.


1953 1962



1953 1 60

E nv•ronment O tv•der



,..,.,.J.... Wllll fll l 'l IOIY U , il::

omo • f1ll1l1J 0 .


1. As Syria and Israeli mobilized. U.S. marines were sent to defend L ebanon. 2. The Pershing II missile and the MX missile were the subject of many test launches and arms reduction talks. 3. The first woman astronaut for the United States proudly smiled as she talked to the control headquarters. Her flight was a success. 4. The medical profession was baffled by the newly discovered disease called A. I. D. S .. short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome . The cause and cure were unknown . 5 . Many innocent people were killed in the bombing of the U.S. embassy in B eiruit. Several bombs were used by the PLD . 6 . T he weather of 1 983 was devastating. F rom blizzards to floods. patural disasters occurred everywhere. The sunbelt was hit by cold waves and large amounts of snow.










uestros fusiles nues_tros tanques y canones preser


a pa

1 . Marines were forced to tighten the security around the airport that they were using as a base in Lebanon after an enemy soldier drove through the gates in a car that soon thereafter exploded . Many Americans were killed or injured in the explosion . 2. T he marines were forced to remain in L ebanon during Christmas as the tension grew. 3. People everywhere mourned the tragic disappearance of a Ko rean jetliner that flew into Soviet territory. 247 died in the plane accident. No one officially claimed responsibility for it. 4 . Massacres were committed repeatedly in Nicaragua by Sandinista soldiers. 6 . The military ga ined control in Nicaragua and planned to keep it as the banner displayed the slogan "our guns, our tanks a n d cannons preserve the peace. "

6 News


1. The movie " Trad ing Places" with Dan Akroyd and E ddie Murphy from Saturday Night Live dealt with two men, one a bum and the other a wealthy executive, and how they were forced to trade pos itions. 2 . Crowds went to see the movie version of a long time hit T .V. show called "The Twilight Zone." 3 . Rebecca DeMornay was lucky enough to star in "R isky Business" with the popular Tom Cruise. T he movie showed the problems that can arise when a teenager's parents leave him alone for a week. 4 . With th e rise of dancing, "Fiashdance" became a big hit soon after it was released. T he theme song by Irene Cars soared to the number one position on the music charts. 5. " T he B ig Ch ill" was a humerous movi e about the reunion of old college friends. Th is movi e helped to make some old songs from the fifties popular again . 6. "First Blood" was a movie in which Sylvester Sta llone played a tough guy. 7 . Debra Winger was no less spectacular in "Terms of E ndearment" than she was in "An Officer and a Gentleman" . B . Soap operas became popu lar in 1 8B3-B4 . Ac tresses from v arious shows posed for the camera and showed that it was not JUSt the character that was pregnant. 9. Karen Carpenter had been writing and singing for a long time when America was shocked by the news of her death . 1 0. "The D ay After" dealt with the effects of a nuclear war and received much d iscussion. Th is T . V. show stirred the nation to take action . 1 1 . Michael Jackso n had songs on a ll of the charts from his album "Thriller" . He won over twelve awards for the record. 1 2. Many Americans tuned in to watch Mr. T on " The A- Team" . 1 3 . Tom Selleck from "Magnum P.l." continued to be a success. 1 4 . " Something For Amelia" w a s a T.V. show that d iscussed the touchy topic of incest and was very h ighly rated.


'I\ '.L ' :J ISnLI\J

1. In college f ootball , the University of M iami won the national championship despite the efforts of Nebraska. 2 . The new league, the U.S. F . L ., held th e first Super Cup. The Stars were the champions of this bowl game. 3. Baltimore managed to beat Philade lphia in the 1 9B3 World Series without much difficulty. 4 . After a very close race. Austral ia II (right) shocked the world by defeating the Liberty (left) in the Americe's Cup. 5 . Hag ler beat Duran in a highly publicized boxing match. 6 . America watched Ralph Sampson play his first season in the pros as he played for the Houston Rockets . 7. The move to Los Angeles by the Raiders must have been beneficial because they beat the defending Super Bowl champs, th e Washington Red skins , in a record setting game.




9 1 . President Reagan prepared to address the nation. 2 . .Joan R ivers made her comeback. 3. Andropov disappeared from the scene. leaving doubt in people's minds. 4. Habib was a name that was often in the news. 5. The P ope was forc ed to ride in a bullet proof car after an attempt on his life was made. 6. James Watt resigned from his post of the Secretary of the Interior after he made a prejudiced statement. 7. Margaret Thatcher won re-e lection in Britain w ith a large majority. B . America was shocked by the assassination of Aquino. S . ..Jesse .Jackson not only ran for the office of the president 1n 1 983, but also gained the freedom of a captured pilot. 1 0. Syria's president, Assad, often made the headlines. 1 1 . Lech Waslesa was the subject of the news. 1 2. The PLO was led by Yassar Ara fat.








... 4




1 68

Organizations 0 1v1der






J~~~ raptures time This y ea r 's yearbook staf f carne up w ith the theme Time Machi ne . T h e staff ca r ried out the theme f eat u ri ng such th ings as Senio r baby p ic t ures. A lot of preparation went into this y earbook. The staff sold ads , took pic tures, typed copy , a n d drew la y outs during si x th period , after school , and on weekends. T he staff wou ld like to thank Hen r y Wingate fo r his drawing of the t ime machine and both Henry

and Cor y

Raines for the cov er design . A special thanks to Ms. C ritzer, Mrs. S t an le y , Mr. Erg ler, and Mr. Cun ningh am for their he lp and d irection .

4 1 . Miss C ritzer is in the middle of Yearbook preparations . 2. PEER photographere, Front row: Howard Lenn. G le nn Wayland, Mr. Cunningham . Second row: B ova Ankrom, Warren B eck. George Whee ler. Back row: Charles B unn, D avid B ishop. PEER undarclaaamen, Front row: Mrs. S tanley, K eaton Stutz, ..John H arris, H ugh M artin. Back roW': M ichelle Canada, S teffi M arsha ll, M ary Vermi ll ion, Christine S c holle, Patrici a A lmond, D avid B ishop, M ike R icha rd son. 4 . Mary V e rmillion, S tu d ent Life e ditor, is inte rrupte d while writing copy. 5 . PEER adltor: Beth ..Johnson. 6. Mr. Ergler examines negatives that were just developed. 7 . ..J u ly R oy, B usiness ed itor, takes a break from the yearbook accounts.

5 17D










1. Sandra Amos, Keaton Stutz, T onia Bullock and George Wheeler take a break after a long day of taking and identifying club pictures. 2. Steffi Marshall , Patricia Almond and M ichelle Canada finish up last minute work. 3. Diane Shifflett and George Wheeler work diligently to meet a deadline. 4 . PEER sen iors, Bottom row: Charles Bunn, B ova Ankrom, Glen Ramirez, George Wheeler, Warren Beck, Glen Wayland, Henry Wingate, Chris Mann. Middle row: D iane Shifflett, T onia B ullock, ..Jenifer F leming, Rebecca R osenblum, Eleanor Finger, Stacey McCa nn , ..Julia Roy. Top row: Sandra Amos, Diane Shifflett, Wendy Murphy, Beth ..Johnson. 5. PEER section editors: M ichelle Canada, Beth .Johnson, S teffi Marshall. Sac路 and row: Howard Lenn, T onia Bullock, Keaton Stutz, R ebecca Rosenblum. Third row: Patricia Almond, Mary Vermillion, ..Julia Roy, Wendy Murphy, Stacey McCan n. Last row: Christine Scholle, Mike R icharcson, Chris Mann, Eleanor F inger. 6 . Chris Mann and Stacey McCann discuss the environment. 7 . M rs. Stanley and B eth ..Johnson work on layouts . Peer 171

During the 1 983 -84 schoo l y ear, the

newspape r



~cfu ncfus,

ola ncfus


from the "C larion" to the "Patriot P ress" . T hi s marked the second time in two years that this had happened . A lso the '83-84 school yea r ma rked the first t ime th a t the new spaper w a s a w a rded

acad e mic

cred it.

T his


tracted more students to the staff than in

previ ous y ears.

W ith more

staff members, each person was ab le to concentrate on his area of w ork . T his e nabled th e Ch ief Ed itors , Rob Rosse, and Va l S tupak to turn out a much improv ed v ersion of t h e paper. Many issues of the schoo l paper a llowed students to hav e their say. The Ch ristmas Wishes ,

Senior S uperla-

ti v es , and Senior Wil ls w ere al l high lights o f ths y ear's v o lume.

3 1 . Heid i Holgate asks M s. Stoffel a question

a bout th e newspaper. 2. Patriot Praaa BtaH, front row: Val e ska S tupak, R o b R osse. Bee· and row: M s. S toff e l, T stysnns P atte n, A ngels Per due , A nge line B r e wer. A ndy Mason. Third row: Lisa M urray, Me linda Stsrgell, F lee .Johnson. Rob1n Le1ter. Choyer L umpp. Fourth row: R ob Ba ll, T ins D amikolas . .Julie Abbott, D anny Bar e , Yvonne G orman . Cathy N iehaus. Back row: ..John Stone r, A ndrew ..Johnson, H eidi Ho lga t e , R onda D . Wingfield, K are n P . Scarr. C liff Hamner. 3 . Patriot Preaa Staff Editors, front row: R ob R osse. Second row: Val Stu· pak. T 1na Dam•kola s . T atysnna P atten. Third row: Ronda D . Win g fi e ld, M e li nda S targell, Clifton H a mner, F le e .Johnson. K aren S carr. Back row: Heidi H olgate. A ndrew .Johnson . .Julie A bbott, Cathy N 1ehsus. 4 . Pstr1ot Press ed•tors V a le ska Stupak a nd R ob Rosse. 5 . E d1tor Val S tu pa k d e cora t es the newspape r bulletin boa rd.


P atriot P ress

~£porting rqang£s


The Lantern, pub lished four times a year, w as comprised of many short writings b y many talented w riters at


A lbemarle. Mr. Keller acts as the coord inator as w e ll as the motivator for the publicatio n. He a lso conducts a creativ e writing class from which a large number of the sto ri es came. T he Qui ll and Camera Club was comprised of peop le who were interested in many forms of journa lism . Most of these people helpe d to produce both the " La ntern" and the "Patriot P ress" . T h e Film Critics C lub w as enjoyed b y many students wh o

app r eciated


good movie. Students w a tched different

movies duri n g their club period

and discussed wh eth e r or not they like the film. A collection w as also taken up to provi de the school with mov ies that others cou ld enjoy.




1. Film Critics Club, front row: Kyong Yu, .Julie Roy, M ike Melton. Ms. Susan Hull, Glen R amirez P r es ident. Second raw: Debbie Moore, L eigh Hicks, Me li ssa Molmar, Lease H ill, Vicki Bl ikslager. Back row: Glen Wayland. Roger Fussa. .Joe Capizzi. David Hettinger, Cathy Bai ley, Andrew .Johnston. 2. Gulli and Camera, front row: A ngie Perdue, Angelin B re· wer, Karla Graziano. Second row: ..Judith Ba rnett, Christina Morris. Back row: Presi· dent Choyer Lumpp, Vice-President Rob Ball . 3 . Mr. Keller speaks at a Lantern Club meet1ng. 4 . Lantern Staff, front row: Carrte Weber, Kathleen Watkins. Second row: .Joe Ramos. Terri Allen, He idi .Johanassen. Back row: Pat lachetta, Mr. Keller. 5 . Club members .Joe Ra mos and Terri Allen listen closely at a club meet· in g.

F ilm Critics. Qu ill and Camera, L antern S taff

1 73


T he A. V. and Media Center aides pro v ed to be v ery helpful to teachers , students , and, of course, the librarians. They did several different jobs in the library.

Some workers checked

passes and shelved books . Others worked in the copy room. A . V . aides shuttled

projectors and



and forth from media center to class rooms.





teaching materials. Without the help of these





would not have run as smoothly as it did . The Audio-Visua l C lub was sponsored b y Mrs. Lindgren. During club period, members learned to operate all different types of equipment. T he club met in the Media Center so they would have access to the equipment. S ome





learned to use were projectors and vi deo -cassette recorders .

2 1 . Med ia Center A ldea, front row: L isa Samuels. Lisa Rogers, Steve Ivory, M ike Terry . .John Pavlansky. Second row: Stephanie Patton, Rhonda Rhodes. A my Granger. Chrissy B ird, Lisa LaBruno . Th ird row: Li nda B raithwaite, Leigh B ritton. Glenn Aker. Kedra Morris. Fourth row: Herb ie Davis, Sam K night. F ifth row: Mike Maynard, Earl D'Bryant, Val Hughes . S ixth row: Steve Houchens, Missy Houchens , Milton Gray , Herbie Ankrom . 2. Stephanie Parr and L isa Powell talk during a club meeting. 3 . Mrs . Lindgren explains video techniques. 4 . The Aud io Visual Club enJOY watching a movie. 5 . Audio V isual Club, front row : Mary Beth Saunders. Vonnie Kemon , Beth Inscoe. Kim Cavedo . .Julie Fitzhugh, .Jeff T unrer. Second row: Stephanie Panr. Lisa Powell, C ind y Chartres, M ike Hartling, .Jeff Powell. Third row: R onnie Taylor, David Morris, Ea rle McAu ley, David Hettinger. Back row: Robert Dowe ll , Pres ident Arthur Brown, Mrs. Lindgren.

5 174

Med ia Center Aides. Audio Visual Club

\Ua:lking about tqÂŁ timÂŁz A lthough




A HS D ebate T eam has prov en its greatness many times o v er. with





G r anger,

other top level debators, B obby B lue, B everly W innett, and .John Cox have h elped







awards. This year the team traveled t o B ronx High S chool, W ake Forest, a nd G atlinburg, T enn e ssee for large tournaments . Coach e d Mac D onald ,


b y Mr. T im



h o me first p lace awa rds from the G eorge Mason, .J M U , Monacan and CHS tournaments. T h e A H S Debate T eam made 1 9B3 - B 4

its best year

e v er.




4 1 . Am y G ranger prepares her notes for an upcoming debate . 2 . S usan M c E lhaney and .Joanne Holland practice t heir debating skills. 3 . .John C ox uses class tim e to prepare for t he next tournament. 4 . Bev erlee Winnett uses hand gestures in her round. 5 . Oabata team. front row: Allen Hershey, Chrissy B ird , Anne G iffen, Cynthia E lledge. Amy G ranger, Clea De z io, Kim Hurdman, Darren Kennon . Back row: S teve Marvin . Gary Davis, B ill Zeh . .James L um, Will iam Massie, Su san McElhaney. .Jarle C rocker, .John Cox. Bev erlee W innett, B obby B lue. M r. MacDon a ld.



The Future Farmers o f

A m erica

was agai n sponso r ed b y M r. Ga r d n er. The pu r pose of thi s c lub w as t o f a mil iarize members wi th d iffe rent a s pects of farm li fe . Acti v it ies incl uded livestoc k judging and attend ing a stat e conv entio n in the spri n g . The Future B usi n ess Lead e rs o f America ,

under t he supervi sion


Mrs . Sa n de ll a n d o ffi ce r s Sandra Ma gruder, Pres iden t ; Pe nny Wa rd, Vi ce President; .Jeff Campbe ll , T r easu r er; a n d Missy Bola n d , Secr e t a ry, h ad a p r oductive y ear. The c lu b h e lped co llect food and c lothi n g for a needy f am il y a t

Christmas and h a d

speak ers

during club meetings . They

partici -

pated in Vocationa l Educati o n w eek in February a n d sev era l me m bers competed in t h e reg io n a l FBLA c o n test a t .James Madison U nivers it y.

2 1. FFA, front row : Vice-President .Jarrell Catl e tt, Treasurer L owell Davis. Reporter Todd A rcher. Centenn ial David Gibson. Secret ary P au l Peery. P resident M ike .Johnson, S t e ve Cobb. Second row: Ken Gardener, Pau l F1sk. Roger Holsapple, T 1m W1ll1ams, Clifford Hammill, .John B anton, Dav1d Will1s, Cary Wheeler. Back row: Duane Shanklee , Mike Mundie. .Jerry T homas. Fred Ra ley. George F isk. .James Thacker. Robbie Harris. R icky Nelson, Da le Newton. 2 . FBLA, front row: V1ce-President Penny Ward , P resident Sa ndra Magruder, Secretary M issy B oland, T reasurer .Jeff Campbell. Second row: T eresa T hacker, D eborah K idd. Kathy Rus h, Wanda Hammill . Paulette Truslow. Penny Farmer. Back row: Sandra Sprous e , Randy Wrenn, .Jan1ce Coles. Cindy Curr1e. Sha ron Du rham, M rs. Sandell. 3 . FFA members learned to repa1r tools. 4 . .Jeff Campbell was surpr1sed by th e camera during a n F B LA meet1ng.

1 76



~ork takes time


T he Future Homemakers of America were again sponsored by Mrs. Thompso n and Mrs . Keeney . Anyone who was interested in improv ing domestic s k ills could join this c lub. They had numerous bake sa les in order to raise funds. DE CA, a co -curricu lar c lub for the marketing department, h e lped with the class and with job training in areas of c ity consciousness, v ocational understanding, socia l intelligence, and leadership development. T he ultimate goa l of the club was to dev e lop a well rounded professiona l in marketing . Members participated in a District Fall Ral ly at Fry Spri ngs and took field trips to T y son's Corner f or presentations on career opportunities in ma ll operations. Eight members competed in District le v e l competition and a ll placed in at least one event. O ne member, Nila Reto , went to State competition at Roanoke in May.


3 1 . CECA, front row: Ms. Fernandez, Genia Covington, T ina Z immerman, Tracy Plunkett. Valencya M cKenna, Debbie P iercea ll. Vonda Holsap ple , Lisa Anderson, Mrs. Garnett. Back row: Paula Hood, Dennis Steward, Michelle Campbell , Donna Young, Sharon S tarks, Lori Gatewood, Lisa James. Christ1ne Dodson. 2 . FHA Club, front row: Vice President E mily G r a y, Reporter K im Sprouse, President Rhonda R hodes. Secretary Sherri Brown. T r easurer Amy Bollinger. Second row: .Jennifer McKamey, Jamie M ills. Valencia Terrell. D onna F ie lds. Back row: N ancy Thacker, Tammy F itzgerald, Mrs. Linda Keeney. Aretha Rus h, Carmelite Chapman. 3 . Cooking w1ll play a b ig part in a fLture homemaker's career. 4 . Dennis Steward speaks during a club meeting.


1 77



\Uqc inoustrial future The Albemarle Industrial Arts Student Association,

the AIASA,


sponsored b y Mr. Smith . This club helped prepare its members for a possible career in the ind ustrial field. VICA,



M r.

Henry ,

worked this y ear to help its members with problems they may face when ap plying for jobs . They a lso worked with problems that might have dev eloped in jobs already held by members . Ex pert

gu idance




helped members prepare to meet the demands of the working world .

1 . VICA members Chris Turner and -Jay Catlett talk during a club meeting. 2 . AIASA, front row: Lisa Coleman . Second row : Mr. Sperry, Mr. Sm ith . Third row: Donnie Sumerl in, W inston Ed monds. Fourth row: ..Jerry Thomas , R icky Ree d. Back row: Reess Frescoln, Scott Harmon. 3. VICA Club, front row: Matt Pace, Tracy -Jones, Wayne Breeden , Ben Waring, Ken Edwards, Rick Thompson . Second row: Bill Henry, Scott Trail , Greg Sm ith, Shannon Wood, Chris Turner, -Jay Catlett, T roy Tapscott, Mike Childress. Back row: Thomas Hicks. -Joe Casero, Tommy Payn e. Lydia Stiltner. B rent Marshall, Rob Mays, Monty B rownlee. D . A . Smith . 4 . Tommy Harris and William Wells explore careers in woodworking.

1 7B




3 1. Mr. Mills superv1ses as Kev in Hensley lays bricks for the house being built by CA-Tech students. 2 . Michael Dillard end Meshenne Gilliam cl ean up after preparing lunch. 3 . During a nursing class, Tammy Mallory practiCes her skills by checking blood pressure. 4 . In cosmetology, .Jean Mendel is gives Stephan ie Breeden a manicure. 5. This house. being built by the carpentry, masonry. and electriCity classes. w1ll be sold upon completion and the money w ill be used by th e T ech Center to buy lend and materials for another house.

C-A Tech Center VICA

1 79

I -






1 . Dav1d Gallagher as M r. DeBenna and David .Jones as Tony K irby shake hands. 2 . David Gallagher and Re tta W ilson talk before a performance. 3 . .Julie B urbach helps David .Jones with h1s makeup . 4 . Vaness A ltman hams 1t up durIng cl ass . 5 . Kel vin Ragland and Pat lache tta talk after a show. 6 . Re tta Wilson announces the menu .

1 BO

T hespians

(tf)am£s of tq£ tim£s

The Computer C lub , sponsored by Mrs. C ourtenay dents


S tanley , gav e





their computer ski ll s . T he members of the c lub were gi v en a programm ing gu ide that they cou ld fol low. Some of the partic ipants wrote the ir own programs and tested them during the c lub period . T he cl u b gav e students wh o otherwise would not have hac;l access to compute rs the chance t o w ork with computers, to learn programming

techniqu e s




disks to store their programs . G ames , Inc. dents who,


was a group of stueac h



vi e w ed ga m es, wrote n e w rules for o ld g a mes and pl a y ed v ario u s games . The type of games th e y preferred were the strateg ic games such as Dun g e ons and D ragons.


4 1 . Members of Ga mes. Inc. discuss their re· cent f u nd raising. 2. Games, Inc .• front row:

S cott Roberts, Ra y M c Da ni e l, Amy Granger. Second row: B obby Carey, Pat DupretGuilla ume. Chrissy B ird. Third row : Derwin Nelson, P resident Steve Raque, Steve Marvin , E ric B lair. Back row: Vice-Pres1dent R ick Ho lden . .James Lum, B ruc e Hemmer. 3 . M ike Woodson programs h is computer during club period . 4 . Computer Programming Club, front row: Kelly Mason. Ashley Hopkinson. Second

row: Scott P orter. Greg Oatre. Third row: M ike Woodson, Scott B urwell. Back row: Mrs. Stan le y, C hris Holden . 5 . Kelly Mason ponders his program. 6 . Derwin Nelson counts the money he has collected so far.





Computer C lub , G ames, Inc.

1 B5

The Nationa l Honor Society, sponsored b y Mrs . Fu lcher, was in v ol v ed

~ouors rom.e to man~

wit h activiti es such as ma k ing book s f o r a girl with a lea rnin g d is ability, giving gifts to tho se stud e nts wh o s uffe r ed t r a gic losses n ea r Ch ri stm as. T he m embers had to hav e s c ho lars hip , s e rvi ce , leadersh ip a nd c harac t e r. This y ea r t he Spanish H onor So c ie ty sponsored a ch ild t hroug h Sav e th e childre n. Du rin g th e en t ire y ea r s t ude nts rai sed m o n e y selling ca ndy. The o ff icers w ere

P r es iden t

Tua n, V ice P r es iden t, Secre t a ry

K a thy

He le n

Katy Teat es,

M c K inno n,

T r ea -

s ure r , .Jo hn S h a rretts . T h e F r e nch Hon o r

S ociety , spon-

s ore d by M ad ame L ederm a n, w a s a g r oup f o r

outst a n d ing

F rench stu -

dents . This group w as for upper lev el F r ench studen ts with an "A" a v e r age. T h e s tud e nts w e r e in v o lved in m an y fund r a is ing a ctiviti e s. T h e Inte rn a ti o n a l T h esp ia n Society w as spon sor ed b y Mar tha S c o tt. T hi s past y ea r th e T h esp ia n s w ere inv o lve d with ma ny act ivi t ies . T h e y w ork ed o n the p la y "You C an't T ake It With You" and sold candy in order t o ta k e a tri p t o New York. T h e T hespians trav e led to a

sta te c onfer ence wh e r e

B u rbach

and V a n ess a

.J uli e

A ltman w o n

f irs t p lac e. 2 1 . Thespians, front row: R icher d Needh a m , Vanessa A ltman , Anne Gotham, .Julie B urbach, Apr il L ass iter, .Jecul in Nash. Second row: Margaret Lambert, P aige P ippin, Nora Romine . .Jill Anthony, .Julie L ende l, B ecky F r ederick, M ichel le Gu iterrez, Seen R edmond . Th ird row: D a vi d R amsden, B rent Garland, B etsy Chalfont, Rette Wi lson. D avid Gallagher, Mol ly R eese, M issy Dobbs . Back row: D a vi d Williams. B ryan Kirtley, T im B ooth, D a v id .Jones, Pieter B liksleger, T iki Murrey, Petrick lechette, Ke ty Testes, Terri Meed. Michae l Hesenstab. 2 . Spanish Honor Society, front row: Paige New men, .John Sherretts, Kathy McKinnon, Kety Testes, Helen Tuen: E r ik Be nsleben . Second row: M iss B lackman, Mrs. Strickler, Beth .Johnson, Susan Mc E lheney, Donne .Jacobson, B en Fordham, Heid i .Johanne sen . Th ird row: Mrs. Lum, Marie Cev elce, Vicky Kost, Susan Hell, Tracy Hakala, Ronde D. Wing fi eld. Beck row: Mary L ou ise Stong, Karen Scerr, R andy L ow, .Joe Ramos. K im Hurdmen. 3 . French Haner Society, front raw: L ynn Morris, Amy F itzgerald, .Jack ie Wenebo, T odd Runkle. Valeska Stupak. P am P artin. Second row: H eather Knight, T atya nna Patten , Carol ina Kelly, Sylvie Hollo . .Jenn ifer D unkl , Mrs. Lederman. Bobby B lue. Back row: R icky Nu n ez. Chris Peterson, .John Sharrett s , Helen Tua n. E r ik B ansleben. Corinne Depret-Guilleume. Staci Shafer. 4 . National Honor Society, front row: B eth .Johnson , E li za beth Kirkland , VicePres ident Kathy Vidunes. President Todd Runkle , T r easu r er Valeska Stupak, Pam Pert in, Helen Tuen , Secretary She lley L ove lace not shown . Second row : L ynn Morris, P at Crav e r, Amy F itzgerald, Karen Heintleman , He1di B lackburn, Nancy E dwards, .J ill Anthon y, Paige P ippin . Third row: Henry Wingate, Anne Newlon. B en Fordham. Don Sherre tts. Donne .Jacobson, Randy Low, Kety Testes. Cyndi Haught, D iane Shifflett, Katie L eonerd . Beck row: C liff Hamner, Chris P e t e rson , Al b ie B utler, T ore Steinberg, .John Cox. Ronde Wingfield , Kathy McK innon, Larry Mul lenor. S tacey Lew1s .


4 Thespians, National, French , Span ish Honor Societies

1B 1

This year the sponsor for the Certamen C lu b was Dr. Larrick . For the

Jast anb present attrart

returning and the new club members, Certamen was a place where students could be creati ve , where still enjoying the G reek and Roman treats . O ne activity that the club was involved in was going to a convention in Norfolk. O nce again, the French Club managed to attract students from every grade. Any F rench student cou ld join the club and would be inv o lved with m a ny enjo y able activities including C hristmas caroling and watching F rench movies . T he AHS Spa nish Club members had many opportunities to experience S panish traditions. Durin g one of the monthly




joined in groups o f 4 or 5 students t o develop a fairy tale that they would like to act out.

3 1 . Spanish Club members wait for the pinata to be opened . 2 . Senjit Des, Dr. L arrick end Seen Redmond lead a Certemen club meeting. 3 . French Club members en joy singing songs accompanied by .Jean-Lou is D isleire. 4 . French Club, front row: T reasurer Bobby B lue. President Valeska Stupak, Secretary Pam Partin, V ice-President Hesther Knight, .Jean-Lou is D islairs . Second row: Todd Runkle, Terri Duggan, Be verlee W innett, Anne G iffen , Pa ige Pence. Third row: L ise Dodd, M ike Burns. L ilian Clemens, Clea Dezio, R icardo Nunez, April Burns . Fourth row: Kathy Watkins. Corinne DepretGuilleume, Alyssa Uecker, Anne Brown. S t acy Curnow, Terry Lau rent. Back roW": Young Keun An. Al ici a Carey. El izabeth Lane. Hes ther Rud in , Lauren Davis, E linor B enzinger. Lara .Johnson .

1 B2

Certemen. French. Spanish Clubs






4 1 . Pa m Partin, Paige Pence and El izabeth K irkland participate in th e caroling during the F rench Club meeting in December. 2. Spanish Club, front row: ..Jessica Formalont, Lise B oard, T racy Wright, Katy Heuchert, G . L um, S . Blackman, S . Strickler. Second row: Gi nger B rown, Rosemary Beard, Carol ine Kirby, Nancy Rosso n, Pete H ill, Vicky Kost. Back row: B ill Purvis , Valenta Thomas , Susa n McE lhaney, S tefanie Marsha ll, Maria Cav alca , Paige Newman, Donna ..Jacobson . 3 . Cartaman team, front row: Sean Redmond, April Bu rns, San1it Das, Ben Fordham. Sacond row: Betsy G ieck, Darren Kennon , .J ill Anthony, Cindy Haught, Stacey Le wis, Ali cia Conle y. Back row: Shawn S helto n, Carrie Weber, B ill Zeh, Steve Marvin. Tomm y Hollingsworth. Not p ictured : Davis Eichelberger, Pam Anderson. 4. Sanj it Das and April Bu rns lead th e Cert amen Tea m through a meeting. 5 . Members of the Spanish Club soc ialize during a meeting.


c"ertamin, F r ench, Spanish Clubs

1 B3


The Co ll ege P lanning C lub,


sored by Mrs . Riddick and Mr. Monohan, famil iarized high school students with admission procedures and selec ti o ns. Club members used the office c o mputer t o find info rmation about different

col leges ,



f inancial aid, what to look for in a college, and c o lleg e boards.


knew they would have a head start on the future goa l of attend ing college. Many Albemar le students enjoy ed being able t o as s o ciate with and to help




sors of the club were Mrs. Ruth, Mrs. T alarico , and Mrs . F itch. The

Afro -American

Club ,



Mrs . Gies, studied the history and literature of the Afro-Ame rican culture. Through d iscussions of a v ariety of top ics,

members gained an under-

standing of their backgrou nds.

1 . M r. Monahan helps D arrell Pa lrrer with his college plans. 2 . College Planning Club, front row: P r es ident D iane Sh ifflett. Second row: Nancy E dwards, A rry Cleasby. Beck row: D arrell Palmer . V ice· Pres ident Patrtcte Kelly missing. 3 . Advocate Club. front row: S t e ve Madison. Kath i Sa ndridge, Lisa B elew. Wesley Sprouse, R oland Mad ison . S teve M yles. Second row : R icky Kn ight. Lisa Colerran. .Jeanie B oatwright, Marc Coll ins. Third row: A lvi n Doug las. Cindy Pug h . Margaret Hunt. 4 . AfroAmerican L iterary Club. front row: Robert Garland , L ok1e .Johnson. T irr Ratc l1ff, Shawn Hughes. S t e v e Ivory. T 1na Quarles. M1 chele R ush, Mes anna Cu illiam, Scooter Morris. Second row: a t al ie Harris, ..James Yates. T r a1 n e y .Jackson, Roland Rush. Dav1d L ondree, Apr tl .Johnson , Reg ina .Johnson. Le tsa Stms, Le tsa Hackley, Garc ta .Johnson . Back row: Patrtck Murray, Carolyn Williams, Veranda Banks, K tm Yates . M tssy Saylor, Lurna M oon.' Glnrta B lagman . 5 . A fro-Amertcan culture holds th e attention of E th e l Glasgow. T 1na Q uarles. and Steve Ivory.

1 B4

Advocate, Co llege Planning. A fro -A merican Lite rary Clubs

Jtfutur£s plann£o


the Concert C hoir and the

Women's Chorus, led by Mrs . Bansleben, were very involved in many activities

t hroughout


ye ar.


participated in many auditions such as the Honors ' Choir and Regiona l Choir. Various concerts were given. There were





spring concert and one performed at Castle Hi ll. Spring Madness was enjoyed by many as wel l as concerts gi v en for many nursin g homes. Members of the choir had a chance to e xpress their talents and also to have fun .

5 186

Choir s


9 1 . The Women's Chorus performs during the Christmas concert. 2. Honors Choir: Tanya Patten. 3. T he Concert Cho ir performs for the school. 4. Choir accompanist, Hyun-Sook P erk, turns pages for M rs. Bensleben. 5. All路 Regional Choir, front row: Shannon T aylor, April La ssiter, Tanya Patton, Angelin B rewer, Hyun A. Perk. Second row: P atricia Wetzel, Betsy Chalfont, Donne Young, Kety Tee tes, Kimberly Groome. Back row: Leig i D'Eiicio, Rebe cca Frederick , Kevin .Jones, M issy Dobbs, Gene .Johnson. 6 . April L assiter performs a solo. 7 . Mrs. Bensleben directs the Concert Choir. B . Woman's Chorus, front row: Kristine Mo rris . Tracey Gorby , B renda Hawley, Tammy Spencer, Cathy Wingfield, Amy G lover. Marie Ambler, Mary T hacke r. Second row: Angela Winston, .Jamie Mi lls, T racy Morris. Katherine Watkins, Friede Loose, Caroline Kirby, Nancy R ossen, Karen Smith, Mrs . B ensleben. Back row: .Juanita B rown, L aura Greene , Sheri Fritz. A lesie Martin , Kelly R ogers, Anne R iddervold, Tammy Herring, Cathy .Jones. 9 . .Juanita B rown performs a solo during the Christmas concert. 1 0 . Concert Choir, front row: .Jeane Rush , Natalie Harris, Gene .Johnson. Shannon T aylor, Betty Washington. Second row: Hyun A Pa rk, Kim Seivers, Angelin B rewer, M ichele Gutierrez, Me li ssa Molnar, Hyun-Sook Perk, S herita Rush, Tanya Patten, April Lassiter. Third row: Mrs. Bansleben, Nancy Duty, Lisa Sh ifflett, Katy Teetes, Patricia Wetzel, Missy D obbs, Donne Young, B etsy Chalfont, Rebe cca F rederick, Suzanne Chi vi ly, Kim G roome, T im .Johnson . Beck row: Heather Hudson, Rache l Green, C ind y .Jacobs. G ina .Jackson, .Jerome Stephens, Kevin .Jones. T anya Lee , Charles Safely , Rodney Putnam. Mark Lewis, L eigi D' E licio, Gera ld Pa lmer, Monti e B ryant.


1D Choirs


A new club t h is y ear at AHS w as th e Roc k A lbum Crit ics C lu b . T his club w as



ju n iors

1JtÂŁars of musir

Ed mund

Be r kl e y and .Joe l Weav er. Ms. Merk e l was the sponsor of this club . The club li stened




th e

50 's

throug h modern r oc k . T h e cl ub d id mor e than just listen t o t h e m u s ic . T he members learned about the back ground o f the mus ic. T h e y d iscussed the persons or the ban ds that cornposed the music and the mean ings be hind each song. T he club had speakers co m e a n d d iscuss cert a in e r a s in r o ck music history. Th is new

c lub w as a

huge success at AHS thi s y ear a n d will , most like ly, be conti n ued f or y ears to come .

2 1 . Rock Album Club, front row: N ancy M cCutch e n , M ary Lyng, Keaton Stutz, S andra Amos, Ted P owell, .James M cNew, R . Taylor, .Joel w e ave r, B illy Rice, R ic Sav age, Mary B u tl er. Second row: Mike Morris , Tonia B ullock, George F itz -H ugh, E dmu nd Burkeley, T im L umsden, M ike Hensley, M ike Waits, Rob He nsley, A len B urnley, Mike D ixon. Third row: R obert Horton, D a vi d P almer, M ike Shipp , R ob S p e nce , Hug h M artin , W inston E dmonds, Ward R eeder, R oy B ennett, .John S iss on, S cott Mat a ci a , .Jennifer Wright. Back raw: S cott Ta ylor, P eter S alters, Chris Coster, P aul R eyno lds, Pat Davis, Todd Yonker, Geoff G oodwin. Ste in Krets inger, Glen R amirez. George Wh eeler, Linda B raithwaite, L aurie Houck, Mary Florence, .Jarita Hagar, .Jenn ifer .Johnson. 2 . Stege Band 1 front row: ..Jay Morris, T ony Lopllato, Leise Simms , David Palmer, .Jo n Cox, .James E . Zobe l, M 1ke D 1xon, P 1eter B llkslager. Second row: M r . Sampson, .John B ower, S cott T rice, E lliot Kelly, Davi d P illa r . Third row: Ricky Re e d, .James M cNew, R onn ie M awyer. Da vid Woodworth . 3 . Tony L api la to, L.e 1sa S ims and David Palmer play during a ll t r e e lunches . 4 . Ro ck Cr1tics Club members e n JOY a s p eake r dur1ng club period .

4 1 BB

Ban d , R ock A lb um C ritics

!ieepinB time

The bands at A . H. S . this y ear were, as usual, directed by E lmer F . Sampson. To the delight of everyone, many performances,

such as the Winter

Concert, were held . T hese concerts

, '

r. t f\\~.~~J~~(ji{11-hl-'/ ill!_~._ 7 t. '.~-·,,_ t~ ~-i''• .::~· .-~ r,• ~, . 4'II'\ 1(~Y htn,t~: .- ·. . ·. U. ~,_I{ ~~~a~. o.l ·~·· .. . c ,, •1 .•



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gav e band members a chance to displ ay their t a lents and provided the students with a chance to hear v a rious types of m usic . A ll of their performances were grand successes . T his was a rebu il ding year for the stage band. Due to last year's graduation, the majority of the stage band w as new. During this growing stage, the band was exposed to a wide range of musical c ompo siti o ns from Bas ietype charts to .Je nnings charts. The





c=kies, pizza kits, nuts, raffle tickets, and candy to raise money for its trip to the Orange Blossom Festival in O rlando , F lo rida, planned for the spring. T he enrollment in the S ymphonic band dramatically increased this y ear. E nthusiasm, d isc ipline, and pride were some of the members' most outstanding impro v ements. Mr. Sampson felt that this was one of the better bands A . H . S. h a d had in the last five or s ix y ears. The band this year was a y oung group, which is an asset


th e re is time for improvement in com ing years .



1 . Symphonic Band, front raw: R andy Low, Heather McDonald. Margaret Hunt, Cathy T ir· re ll, Dewn Bennett, .Jean L ee, M iss y Dobbs , Lara .Johnson. Bacand raw: Ida D'Eiicio, Liz Morley, Donna Partin, Katy Heuchert, .Julie G illigan, El izabeth P ence, Lise Bowers , Shawn Grammer, B onnie Clements. Made li ne Davis . .Jenn ifer West, Vonnie Kemon, Mary B eth Saunders. Third raw: Kathy Teseck, Chris Tesack, Gina Arbogast. Wendi S now, Clara S copell iti, De idre Hughes, David Gamache , Kathy McK innon, And y D ixon , C hristine Lop il ato , B illy Kl e iber, Da nny Cata lano, Pau l G illi spie, .Juanita Young, Robby T harp, Carrie Checch i. Fourth raw: Mr. Sampson. Karen T urn er. Caro lyn Willia m s , Valencia Terrell, Missy Saylor, C lariece Coles, Pam Anderson, Kevi n Saunders , Frenzel! Chapma n, .John Kos t. B obby Powel l, Me lanie .Johnson, .Jeff Powell , Todd R ichardson. Nathan Ha rlow, C hris Holdren, Althea Boling , Tim Gardner, David Topper , Davi d Mo rris . Pet e r Hunt, Tommy B ithell, Don B ryce, T im Kerr, Thie rry Laurent, M ike Hartling, Ron nie Taylor. Mary Leig h La yn e. A nne Newlon , Sa ra Rosenblum . Fifth raw: L isa Dodd , Chris Carter, T im Batten, Lou D 'Eiicio, S cott Batten, N ick Hamner, Dua ne Too le y, Tony Lopileto , David B rown, Geo rge Reav es, Danny Ba re . Back raw: M ike Woodson , Sean Reyn o lds, Greg Vaughan, T im Nay, M ike Du ncan, Chris Peterson, Danny Fa x on , Davi d Woodworth, Am y B ithell. 2 . Band &!, front raw: Shawn Gram mers, Bonnie Clements, .Jennifer West, M r. Sampso n , Vonni e Kemon, Mary Beth Saun ders , A lic ia Carey. Second row: Valencia Terre ll , Carolyn W illiams, Made line Davis, Sherri Brewer. Dav id Gamache, Chris Carter, David Brown . Back raw: Davi d Topper , M ike Duncan, T im Gardner, Sean Reynold s . 3. .Jazz band jams in th e caf eter ia . 4 . Could th is be the horn sec t ion? 5 . And y Dixon does h is home work wh ile th e rest of th e band practices .

4 Bands, Rock Album Critics

1 89

press er talents w ith others oe ts light of the year was a fie ld trip to e To rped o Facto ry in Ol d T own, A lexandria. The Thick 'n Thin C lub, in its second year, promoted nutritional diets and healthful activities. The club's sponsor was Mrs. Stark. The club was a support group that had guest speakers to help encourage the members. During the year the c lub took a field trip to tour the local health spas to find out how they operate.

1 . Photography Club, front row: Glenn R . Wayland, M r. Cunningham, Cathy Heath. Second row: Warren Beck, Cha rles Bunn, Howard Lenn. Back row: Davi d B ishop, George Wheeler, Bova An krom. 2 . Weighing in at a T hick and Th in meeting. 3 . Thick and Thin, front raw: B eth R ideout, D awn Hammer . M rs. Stark. Second row: Tina Horton. Karen T urner. ..Janice B rown, A nge la W inston . Back row: Marsha Grav es. Absent , Karen B olden, 4 . Crafts Club in action. 5 . Crafts Club, front row: Sandra Johnson, Kei th Gentry , Mary Leigh La yne, G lenda Ma nn, Teresa Plunkett. Second row: Arthur Jones , Arlene Sprouse, Sandra P erkins, Jane Cobb , Robin Orser, Ms. Adams. Back row: Maria Hellway, Rhonda Tadley, Dana Capps, Oeann Beale, Debbie Sprouse, Ma rla Wash ington.

1 90

Crafts, Photography, Thick and T hin

Jffrllofusqip o&rr tim拢


Among many clubs offered at AHS, The Fellowship of C hristian Athletes was one of the most popular. Club members could be found at many school events from club meetings to football and basketball games showing their spirit. Sponsored by Mr. -..Johnson, the FCA had many of its own events such as face painting at a powderpuff football game, the tailgate parties and FCA huddles. The club also created the financial forty to help boost school spirit at basketball games. Speakers were invited to attend and to share feelings and beliefs with club members . FCA was led by four dedicated students: Bova Ankrom, president, L ynn Morris, treasurer, David -..Jones. vice president, and Tracey Love, secretary. This club gave members the chance to become active in many outside activities as well as to develop close friendships.

5 1. Chr-Ist ian Fellowship, fr-ont r-ow: Sara Hall . Sherri Brewer. Second row: Lynne Gray , Susan Hall. Back r-ow: Cathy .James, Kimberly Groome . 2. FCA members listen to a guest speaker. 3 . FCA has a tailgate party. 4. Mr. .Johnson gets his fill of chicken at the FCA tailgate party. 5. Bova Ankrom leads a club meeting. 6. FCA F r eshmen a nd Sophomores, f ront r-ow: Adonice Carey, Virginia S t . .John, .Jimmy Lowry, Patricia Almond, .Joa nne Holland. Herbie Ankrom. Martin Ta ylor, .John Blackburn. Second r-ow: Marybeth B reihan, Leslie Mann . .Julie Lande!, Margot Huskey, Roxanne Eppard, .Juliette Tolbert, Chris R ichardson, Nicolette Tolbert, Cynthia Elledge . Th ir-d r-ow: Cathy Tirrell, Cheri Anderson, Christine Scholle, Dawn Lee , Harry Coukos, Charl ie Carter. Michelle Dunbar, Courtney McDaniel. Four-th r-ow: Sharon Gill, Leslie Lumsden, Katrina Maynard, .Jodie Walsh, L ynn Theodose. Ann-Neil Cosby, Anna Fussa, Lori Runkle, Whit Boswell. Back r-ow: Becky Webster, Sherri Lawrence, Bobby Rimmer, Da rren L ynch , Brian Martin. 7. FCA .Jun iors and Seniors, front row: Missy Maey路 ens, Nancy Edwards, Heather McDonald, Lynn Morris, Bova Ankrom, Mr. .Johnson, David .Jones, Tracey Love , Sherri Lawhorn , Steve Demasters, .Jan Beasley, Tonia Bullock. Second r-ow: David Shifflet, Cheryl Smith, Chris Mann, Ken Hammond, Scott Lawrence, Glenn Wayland, Cathy McCray, Kim Lee, Kathy Vidunas. Henry Wingate. Thir-d r-ow: Tommy Oliver. Kelly Walker, William .Jefferson, Flee .Johnson, Melinda Stargell, .John Harmon, Lisa Anderson, Casey Boyd, Kathy Caldwell , Val Stupak, Sonja Hoel, .Jackie Wanebo. Four-th r-ow: Tamara M cCauley, Ka ren Lauffenburger, Michelle Canada. Glenn Ramirez, Shawn Hauck, Connie Roberts. Earl O'Bryant, Beth Eley, Kel ley Gerbert, Mary VerMillion, Tan ya Lee , David B ishop. Back r-ow: Darren McCauley, Ginny Helfenstein , Greg Stokes, T ina Caldwell, Sarah Roberts, Cliff Hamner, Donna Pippin, Brian Kennon, Sharan Warren, Mike Clarke, Mike Maynard, .James Herring, Herbie Davis, Val Hughes.

5 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fellowship

1 81

This year ,

the Psychic C lu b


sponsored by Mr. Foutz. During club meetings, members tried to discover their pyschic abi li t y. They participated in different psychic activ ities and learned new experiments to test psychic pow ers . The Chess C lub, sponsored by Robert MacDona ld,

practiced new ma-


neuvers and played head games. Hours of practice pa id off as they


competed aga inst other schoo ls and


remained undefeated. T he S tudent Peace Alliance was a


h s s Sl

new club designed to deal with issues involving peace keeping actions in the United S tates. It w a s sponsored by a


new teacher, Mr. S andage, and at-


tracted many interested students who talked about peace keeping is-


sues . S pace M ice, a new science club, w a s sponsored by Mr. B anks . It was orig inated b y Mr. B anks and explored the w onders of science and space exploration.

1. "'

Way I, and r

Lenn. Whee Th ick front Stark Turne

raw: 1 4. Cr!

r o w: Leigh

Bac o n Sandr, Adam, ley, c Sprou!

1 . Dan Alonzo. a foreign exchange student, shows how chess is played in his country. 2 . Cheaa Team, front row: Mike R ichardson. Second row: Daniel A lonzo. Robert Chapman. Th ird row: B ill Zeh , P hil Townsend . Back row: P ie t er B likslager, R . Scott Gosswe il er. 3 . Robert Chapman concentrates on his move . 4.

Student Peace Alliance, front row: Terry K irby, Robert Sma llwood. Second row : Gary Davis. Third row: Sea n Wallace, Andrew Fordham . Fourth row: Wes E dwards, Duncan Haberly . Beck row: Mr. S andhage. 5 . l=leychlc Club, front row: Trace y Whyte, Gail Wilson, T im Guthrie , ..Janet Campagna , Keith Racer,

K yl e Marion, Scott Lawrence , K im berly Grehaw<ck, A lthea B oling, Tracie Gorby. Second row: Mark Berry, Mike Alley, Mike Dunn, Melissa H irsch, Relana P inkerton Pres ident, Tim .Johnson . .Jimi Hendricks, .Julie Pe rkins. Third row: 01ane A rtale, A lbie Butler. Howard Lenn . G le nn Ake r, Glen Ra m1rez. M 1chael Mo rris , M ike Ramos , .Jennifer B raine. Back raw: SanJit Das, Erin Lewicki, Kathy Caldwell, Glenn R . Wayl and, Amy Granger, Chrissy B ird , .Jennifer Dunkl, Carol<ne Kell y, Sylvia Hollo, .Jenifer Fudala . 180


1 82

Chess. Space M ice , Psychic Clubs. Student P eace Alliance

~ cfu

rluhs aoo &arict\!



1 . David Bishop ponders his next move. 2. Chase Club, front row: Allen Hershey, Robert Chapman. Sarah E iche lberger, Sean Reynolds. Peter Tevendale. Second row: E ric Chang, Phil T ownsend, Robert S . Gossweiller. .Johnny Cline. Teddy Sanner, Bil l Zeh . Second row: Mike R ichardson, George Wheeler, .John Charlton , B reck Flynn, Tim Way, Kerry Parsons. Back raw: Scott B atten. Daniel Alonso. Glen Ramirez, President P ieter B likslager, Davi d B ishop, Glenn Wayland, Sean Wallace, G reg Skinner. 3 . Clubs advertise for members. 4 . Space Mice, front row: Stacey Lew1s, Kathy McK innon, Pete Florey, Le if Riddervold, Helen Tuan, Becky Collier, Kim Morley, Stephanie Chivily, Howard Morgan. Second row: Daddy B anks, April Bu rns, Heidi .Johannesen, .Jill Anthony, Penny .Jordan, A rthur Bender, Kathy Tesack. Third row: G r eg Vaughan, William Mass ie, S hawn Grammer, Sa nJit Des , Tracy Hakala, Anne Newlon, Mickey Watson, David Way. Marsha Mowry. Back raw: Norman Pierceson, Alan French, Hakan Dagli, E rik B ansleba n, Randy Curnow, Matt Dotson, Mac Haney. 5. A move by Bob Gossweil ler br1ngs a smile from Pieter B likslager.

5 Chess. Space Mice, Psychic Clubs, S tudent Peace A lliance

1 93


This year the AHS Ski Club, sponsored by .John Kitterman, went to S nowshoe West V irginia . W ith most of the E ast coast blanketed by a snowstorm two days earlier, the skiers were psyched. T he snow was powdery with great packing abilities the best. T he skiers left on Friday morn ing, .January 1 9, after a two day snow vacation. Unlike the trip two years ago, when skiers encou ntered 2 0 degree weather, the skies were clear a nd the conditions perfect. The days p romised fantastic skiing and the ni g hts, entertainment and fun! Most o f th e s lo pes were open, including the newest- Hawthorne. F rom "the top of the world", the highest point at S nowshoe , one could look out o ver Hawthorne Valley and see the beautiful We s t Virgini a hills dipping and curving to form a fantastic picture of pure utopia . The cool air, actiol'l packed days and good friends set the scene f o r a fantastic ski vacation.

1 . Ski Club Seniors, front row: Bert B utler. To re Steinburg. Pat Craver, Lance Reynolds, Scott Willoughby, Kirn Lee, Cathy McCray, .Jan Beas ley, Tonia Bu llock, Sandra Amos. Second raw: .Jennifer Zauner, Cynthia Zauner, Vickie Wood, Rob Rosse, Richard Edl ich, Ricky B rubaker, E v ette L aPan, Paul Pugh , .Jenifer F leming . Th ird row: Glenn Bowman. Troy Lynch . .Johnny Goodman, Dorothy Chartres, Stacey McCann, E leanor F inger, Rebecca Ro senblum, Arny F itzgerald, L isa La B runo, Helen Crutchfield . Fourth row : Fred Holfelder, Doug Linkous, Andy Hucek, .J. T. Suddarth, Shari Berl in, Tracy Hakala. Danny Tawney , Andrea Bryant, Randall Richards . Fifth row: George Wheeler, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Ronnie Wood, Becky Reid, Chrissy Bird, Anne Newlon, Heidi B lackburn. Back row: .Jay Wyan t, Glen Ramirez. Elliot Kelly. Chris Smith, Chris Hucek, Arny Granger, Kirsten Kesler, Hope Hicks. Diane Artale, .Joe Senich missing . 2 . Kristin and Keaton gossip during a Ski Club meeting. 3 . Members of the Ski Club enjoy a social hour. 4 . Ski Club .Juniors, front row: Keaton Stutz. Paul C . Reynolds, Richa rd Harrington , Ri c Westervelt. Torn Chandler, Mike Shand. Second row: Sarah Rosenblum. A rny B ithe ll, Matt Wood. Dan Fawley. Third row: Breck Bouchard, Lisa Anderson, .Jamie Zobel. Raleigh M inor. M ike Morris, Andrew Hende rson . Fourth row: Mi riam Hirsch, T imolee Sucker, Erin Lewicki , Connie Roberts, Geof Goodwin. Fifth row: Glenn Morris, Nicole P harr, .John Rose. Kathy Caldwell, P iper Wilson. Back row: Louise F in ger, Casey B oyd, .Jeannie Wheby, Andrea .Jones. Lisa Ro gers.


Ski Club








~port5 .cluh5 aaa &ari£t~


Th is year's Vol le y ball C lub had many members wh o had an interest in v olley ball. S pon sored b y Ms. Nielson, who is the girls ' v o lley bal l coach, t he object of this c lub w a s to teach t he fundamenta ls of power v o lle y bal l. Each c lub period w as spent in compet iti v e v oll e y bal l mat ches. The officers w ere Kim E v ans, P resident; Mary Ve r mil lion , Vi c e P res ident; and Rose Magruder, Sec r eta ryfTrea sure r. A n ewly formed c lub, the Outdoor S ports C lub, prov ided s t u d e nts a n opportu nit y to e x press a n interest in their fa v orite sport. S p onsored b y Mrs . T homas, t his club had sev e r a l members . The Riding C lub met e v e ry c lub day and a lso made sev era l t ri p s t o compete in horseshow s t hroughout the y ear. Thi s club had a v ery suc c essful y ear and prov ided enjoy ment for ma ny students .

·~ ~



1 . Volleyball Club, front raw: Den 1se B ickley , He1d i Sherman , Pam 0 1x, Mary Verm•ll•on. K1 m E v ans, Donna P 1pp1n, E mily Vermillion . Second row : A nnabel T hompson, .Janet Hearns. Marta Coble, Lori Ha nger, Le 1gh B ritton , L•sa Wh1te. B il ly Suter. Third raw: C h ar1s Mu ller, .Jenn1fer Green, S heryl Will1ams. M 1chae l Mayna rd. Chr1s S m1th. .J 1m Moon e y. Back raw: .Jay Hearn s , E r ic Von A chen, Mark Donnelly, Tony Lascano , Mark Cogburn, To m Scho ll e , .Jonathon W ingf1eld . 2 . K 1m E v a ns watches a n awesome shot. 3 . What powe r a nd f•n esse ! 4 . Riding Club, front raw: Christ1ne Schladitz. L inda H e ath , L ora B e v e laqua . Second row : Wendy R ice . Penn y Dru mhe lle r. Third row: Tom Est e s. Margare t Devan. 5 . Outdoor Sparta, front raw : E lizabe th Huffman, Phyll1s Turn er. Second row: .Jeanette M 1lls. Third row: Tam m y .Judge, M1ke Mo rr1s. Fourth row: N 1na White . B e th Ke ttr1ck. Fifth row: AI .Jen sen. Back raw : E a r l O' B r ien , M ike M el ton.


5 R iding, Outdoor Sports , Volleyball Clubs

19 5

The Mode l U.N. C lub led b y P resident B en Fordham , studied the chara cte ristics and E gypt,


problems of Israel,

B arbados .


g a thered research on thes e

they coun-

tries, they represented each country at the Model U . N . , which w as h e ld at O ld Dom inion.

T he club w as spon-

s o red b y Mr. Weaver. Membe rs of th e c lub were He idi Holgate, Das ,


W ing fi e ld ,

Sanjit Susan

C o o per, Tanya P atton, and -Joe La scana. Teenage R epublicans w as o ne of th e po li tical clubs in A lbemarle. It allo w ed its members to express their vi e ws on key po li tica l issues . D e legat e G e orge A llen discussed during one club meeting his objecti v es in his ne xt term. T he sponsors of this club were Mrs. B irkhead and Mrs . Fin le y.

2 George A llen shakes hands with Paige Pence. 2 . Teenage Republicans, front row: Mrs. F inley, Mrs. B irckhead . Second row: Paige Pence , Kim Hurdman, Donna Sh irle y. Third row: Debb ie Moore, P at lachetta, Tanya Lee. Back row: Sean Wallace, Be verlee W inn e tt, W ill iam Massie, Gary Davis. 3. Model U . N . stu dents d iscuss world Situations. 4 . Model UN Executive Council, front row: Susan Cooper. Heid i Holgate, Ben Fordh am, Steve Rovyn ek, T anya P atten . Beck row: S anjit Des . Tom Estes , Ro nda W ingfi e ld, .Joe L ascano, Ned Needham . 5 . Model UN Club, front row: Rebecc a R osenblum, Tonia B u llock, .Jenifer Fleming, S usa n Cooper, E leanor F inge r, He idi Holgate, Be n F ordham, Stev e Ro vyn ak , Tan y a Patten, Warren Beck, Wendy Murphy, C ind y Haught, S t a cey Lewis . Second row: D iane Art a le, Sandra Amos . Keaton S tutz, Glen Ra mirez. SanJit Des, Tom E stes, Ronda W ingfie ld, .Joe L asceno, Ned N eedham, Georg e Wheeler. B eth .Johnson, Davi d B ishop, Charles B unn, Keith Racer. Beck row: M ike Mo rris , And y Hender son , .John Goodman, Howard Lenn, R ob R osse , G lenn Weyland , Pat Dav1 s , Ton y L ascano, Alb1e B utle r, Tore S t einberg, G lenn Aker, T im L ums den , M ike A lley, T im Guth rie, Mark Berry.


1 96

Modul UN, Teenage Republicans

~£r&it£ rluhs tim£1£s s

The Internationa l E xchange Club, sponsored by Mrs . Dyer, gave members the opportunity to visit foreign countries or to host foreign students. The A lbemarle Chapter held many club meetings throughout the y ear to discuss and to work out travel procedures. The Teen Democrats, sponsored by Mrs. Gies, were po litically active. They






Un ited States government and planned to take a trip to the General Assemb ly






cussed the key issues in the Presidential

e lection





Democratic candidates. The Key C lub enjoyed serving the school and the community. They gave gifts to the teachers during T eacher Appreciation Week and went C hristmas caro ling at loca l nursing homes.



3 1 . Chris Mann enjoys a stimulating club period w ith other students. 2. Teen Damocrate, front raw: Heid i Holgate Pres ident; S t ac i Schafer, Rosemary Beard, Dianne S hifflett Treasurer; Anne Giffen . Second row : .Jan e t Coles, .JoAnne Howard, Kathy Niehaus, Chrissy B ird . Back raw : B en Fordham , Andrew .Johnson, Howard Lenn, Bobby Blue. 3 . Key Club, front raw: Mrs. S t rick ler, V ice· Pres ident, Chris Mann; Pres iden t , Matt Hor · r idge ; Treasurer, Davi d Z immerman; Secretary, .Joanne Howard; Mrs. Nolen. Sac· and raw : Todd B rooks, ..Jenifer Scopelleti, Kathy Ward, Donna Shirley, El izabeth Pence, D iane Sh ifflett. Third raw: .Jeff Horridge , Susan McElhaney, L isa Whara m, Beth O'Bryant, Stephan ie Patton, .Jean Lee . Fourth raw: Ronda Wingfield, Susan Collier, .Jul ie Ab· batt, Young S hin An, Sheri E d gecomb. 4. Mrs. Strickler introduces students from anot her schoo l. 5 . International Exchange Club, front raw: Heather Hudson, C indy .Jacobs. Bacand raw: Hyun·Ah P ark , Ms. Oyer.


5 International E xchange, Teen Democrats, Key Club

1 87


1 . Ms . B erge r e ceives carnations. 2 . Pat Craver. B ecky F r e derick, Katy T estes and Eliz abeth Kirkland work o n their door decoration . 3 . BCA Executive Council, front row: Treasurer Heidi B lackburn . Jun ior Senator H ilary Scherer, Freshman Sen a tor Ka ren C lark , Secretary Reporter David Z immerman. Back row: C ourtne y McDan iel , S tacey Curnow, Dorothy Chartres, David JOnes, Annabe l Thompson. 4 . BCA Freshman and Sophomorae, front row :

Courtney McD an ie l, Ki m Hurdman. Rosemary B eard, Anna Marie Fussa, Paige Anderson. Second row: D erwin N elson. Clea Dezio, Em ily Vermillion. Karen C la rk, L ori runkle, Stacey C urnow. Back row: P atricia A lmond . Tim B ooth, D a vi d Z immerman, JOe B easly, Andrew Johnson. JOhn B lackburn. Karen Jackson. 5 . ~unior ..John Harman a nd Seniorette B rian Ken non smile pretti ly b e fore the powder puff game. 6 . M ike Inge ls and W illiam Jefferso n li sten to S k ip W ilkins .

1 9B


~QI~ fuorks qara The SCA sponsored many school activities again this year. T hey held a fall blood bank and helped with Homecoming. Spirit Week was set up differentl y this y ear. There was a day for each class to show its spirit and the week concluded with the Powder-puff football game between the different classes


Frida y.



agreed that this w as one of the most successful years.

T he

Spirit SCA

Wee k s



many the

Tha nksgiving Food Ba nk and the Valentines Da y thing, and coordinated all the clubs. All the responsibilities were again fulfil led b y the SCA. The hard w ork of the representatives helped the students enjo y their year.


4 1 . Clea Dezio and Margot Husky show their Christmas spirit during Christmas character day. 2 . .Joel Weaver, David .Jones, M ike Hasen stab, B rian Kennon. Tim Lumsden proudly d isplay the fact that th ey gave blood. 3. BCA .Jun iors and San lora, front row: Kea ton S tutz, Pat Crav er, T ore Ste in burg , H ilary Scherer, Annabel T hompson, Mary Vermillion, Cathy Heath, Sa ndra Sprouse . Second row: B urt B utler, M ike Terry, Heidi B lackburn, El liot Kelly, Dorothy Chartres. Karen Scarr. Ang ie Ramey, Donna Young . Third row: Glenn Way land, Glen Aker. Don Lieb l, Saniit D as, Howard L enn , Tanya Lee, Matt H erridge. Fourth row: .John Goodman. Rob Ross , B ova Ank r om, 路 David .Jones, George Wheeler. Winston Edmonds , S cott Harmon, Leigh B ritton . 4. The Art De partment door begins to take shape. 5 . Skip W ilkins speaks on never g iving up. 6 . Courtney McDan iel and Hilary Scerer serve refreshments to blood donors.




7 200



.4 0''1H l ""'WJI:ZI . I1l 117t -.~nz:

Df!.:ID •

WllJo • o



Through the years, Albemarle High School has undergone many changes. The year 1 8B4 - B5 would be no different. The biggest change of all would take place. Ben F . Hurt would be retiring. Since 1 853, Mr. Hurt has been an important






came to Albemarle in 1 853, its opening year, as the assistant principal and assumed the principalship in 1 854. Prior to that time he had lived in Crozet and taught for nine years. At the time of his arriv al at Albemarle, there were B50 students and 44 teachers. These





doubled. Increases in student population and faculty are not the only changes Mr. Hurt has witnessed. The building has been expanded, programs have been added,

the Tech Center has been

opened, a new high schoo l has been built, and a new gym has been added. Mr. Hurt has been a leader through all of these changes helping to make each an easy ad justment that would meet the needs of the many students in Albemarle County . Mr. Hurt had not spent his entire life in Albemarle County. He grew up in Farmville, Virginia . After high school he




路lege. Upon graduation, he moved to Albemarle





teaching career at Greenwood High Schoo l. World affairs took him away when he was drafted during World Wa r II. He served in the Fi rst Armored Divisi on which took him through Tunisia and Italy. In 1 845 , he was discharged from the arm y as a Sergeant Major





County. E veryone wh o has attended Albemarle High School has known Ben F . Hurt. His hard work and dedication as an educational leader in the county is respected and appreciated by e v eryone who has known him. Though it is difficult to do, we bid farewell to this outstanding educator and thank him for the influence he has had on each of our lives. To one we love and will miss, we send wishes for a happy life, a full future, and good luck. 1 . 1984 4 . 1979 7 . 1 982


2 . 1953 5 . 1977 8 . 1982

Ben F . Hurt

3. 1957 6 . 1973


B eneficence



E quanimity N on-partisanshi p

F a irness

H umility U nderstanding R eliabi lity T rustworthiness


Mary A . Le derman 3




: · , .: : f*""J+«:r' .....;· r


:'"·f"P ..• . ~ ' ':






8 B en F . Hurt


A lbemarle H igh School has for 30 y ears been run v ery efficiently under the direction of Be n F. Hurt. With expert assistance from .John Sessoms, .John Anderson, and Cha rlie La ckey, Mr. Hurt successfu lly ended his career at A lbemarle. The hard work and dedication of these men was evident. The school ran smoothly. Discipline, maintenance, attendance and tardies were







handled b y this staff. T hough future students may not have the privilege of knowing Ben F. Hurt, they, too, can be proud to attend a school that has had the fine leadership he has offered.

3 1 . P . A . Pleasants Bookkeepers . 2 . He len M . B r ite Offi ce Ass istant. 3 . Ben F . Hurt P r incipal; Hampden- S y dney College, B . A .; U ni versity of Virgi n ia. M . E d . 4 . John C . Sessoms Assistant P rinc ipal ; Universit y o f North Carolina a t Chapel H ill, B . A .; Univ ersi ty o f Vi r g in ia, M .Ed .


A dm1n1stra ci o n




4 1 . .JoAnn Frank

Attendance Secretary. 2 . Sandra Wingate Attendance Clerk. 3 . .John Anderson Assistan t Princ ipal; Virginia State College, B .A., M . S . 4. z. H. Murray Main Office Secretary: .Jefferson School of Commerce E xtension Division . 5 . Charles Halladay Lackey Assistant Principal ; Furman Un ivers ity, B . A. ; Appalach ian State Un iversity, M . A .: University of Virginia, Admin istrative Certificate. 6 . .Jeanne Mue ll er Attendance/Computer Secretary.



6 Administration


3 1. Yvonne .J. Brown Guidance Counselor; Virginia State College , B . A ., M . Ed . 2 . Dorothy Shields Guidance Secretary; Sweet B riar College, B . A. 3 . Daniel .John Monahan Gu idance Counselor; St. Francis College, B . A . , University of V irginia, M . E d., E d. S .; Cross Country, College Plann ing Club . 4. E velyn R . Boyd Guidance D irector; Univ ersity of Virginia, B . A .. M . Ed . 5. Patricia M . Stark School Nurse; P feiffer College, Charlott e Memorial Hospital School of Nu rsing, R.N .; Bl oodmobile, Health Fair, Th ick 'n Thi n Club . 6 . Luci Cra ig R iddick Guidance Counselor; Randolph -Macon College, University of Virginia, B . S. , M . Ed . ; Sophomore Class, College Planning Club.



@uiaca time

The Gu idance D epartment was a place where many turned for assistance . Students as well as teachers depended


A lbemarle 's







ment. E v e lyn Boyd became the new Guidance



v ery

ade -

quately filled shoes we weren't sure could be filled! The support and a id of returning guidance counselors must hav e made the job easier. T hree other new faces in the department were Gary



R idd ick,


Sarah Key. A ll of these new people fit right into

our already

e xi sting pro -

gram and contributed greatly


their guidance and assistance .


4 1 . Darla Cherie E llis Guidance Counselor; Immaculata College ; Virg inia Commonwealth Univers ity, B .S.; Un iversity of Virginia. M . Ed ., E d. S . 2 . .Joseph P esti In-School Suspension ; National Pedagogic Academy. B udapest, B .S.; Washington and Lee University. Mary Ba ldwin College . 3 . T heresa M . .Jones Guidance Secretary. 4 . S arah Key Guidance Counselor; Old Dom ini on University, B . S. ; University of Virginia, M . Ed . 5 . Gary L . Shepard Guidance Counselor: T exas Christian Univers ity, B . S ., M. E d.; Football, L acrosse.


2 Gu idance


Jffi{atq x futur£ Math continued to t h rive a t A lbemarle this y ear. With in c reased e mphasis placed on math s k ill s

in the

outside w o rld , our math department kept up. More computers w ere added so that an a lre ady e xi sting p r ogram cou ld be e x panded . New dimens io n s in math cou ld be stud ie d as s tud e nts ap p lied t h e ir kn o wl edge b y w o rking a t computers , and the w orld o f t o m o r row,

the computer w o rld,

bec a m e

less f r igh ten ing. T o help in t he ins truction of basic skil ls a nd in th e p r epar a tion for the futue, two new t each e r s, G regory May nard and Walter -.Jones, were added to the sta f f .

1 . R icherd E rgl e r Calculus. A lgebra II; St. Vincent College . B . A .; Un iversity of Virgin ia. M . A . ; E cology Club, P EE R . 2 . Robe rt C . Macdonald Algebra 3. T rigonometry. Analytic Geometry; George Washington Un1versity , A . B .; Idaho State Univers ity. M . E d .; Chess Club . Junior C lass . 3 . Sh1rley Palme r Crenshaw Mat 8. D evelopmental Math ; Un1vers1ty of South Caro lina, B . A .; Jun1or Class Sponsor. 4 . James F . D oug las G e ometry. A lge bra I; Un1vers 1ty of R1chmond ; Un1versity of Virginia. B . S . E d .. M . E d . 5 . Courtenay T urne r S tanley M ath Analysis . Computer Science; College of William and Ma ry, A . B ., University of Virginia. M . E d . ; PEER . C omputer Club. 6 . Anita B rockette Jenk1ns M ath 8 , Alg e bra II; V 1rg1n1a P oly echnic Institute and State Un•vers•ty, B . S . ; Un1vers• ty of V•rg1n1e. M . E d .; G1rls" Vars1ty B asketball .

5 20B



-~.,ili!'{i':' ""' .. .










5 1 . Greg Maynard Math 8, Dev e lopmental Math; Bridgewater College , B . S .; B oys' Varsity Ba sketball, Girls' Softball. 2 . Virginia Fu lcher A lgebra II, Geometry; Longwood College, B .S.; University of V irg inia, M . E d.; National Hono r Soc iety , Math Department Cha irman. 3 . Bess ie P . Birckhead A lgebra I; Mary Washington College, B . S. ; Teenage Republicans. 4 . .Jane C rane Ward Pre-A lgebra, A lgebra I; Co ll ege o f William and Mary, B . A . ; G irls' Indoor Track , G irls' Outdoor Track . 5 . A . Walter .Jones Math Resou rce, P re-Algebra; N . C . Central Un iversity, B . S .; Football . 6 . Clarece Holland E dson Algebra I; Longwood College . B . A . 7 . La rry Alan .Johnson Geometry, Algebra II; North Carolina State Univ ersity, B . S .; FCA.

...... . 6


7 Mathematics





By starting the year with a NASA assembly during Creati v e Arts week, the Science Department continued its task of keeping up with the latest developments


sc ience .

T he


dents were informed of the progress of the space shuttle . The Science

F a ir w as an annual

event that gav e the students an opportunity to display their scientific talents.


t a lents became


refined with each passing year. The Science Department welcomed Ms . Anto inette

Mc B ride,


bio log y

teacher and head athletic trainer, t o A lbemarle H igh S chool.

1 . A ntoinette McBride Biology; Un iversity of Virginia. M . E d.: Athletic Trainer. 2 . Katherine Bai n T homas Earth Science; University of Notre Dame. A . B .; University of Virginia, M . E d. : Outdoor Sports Club. 3 . Beverly S ingler O tis B iology I, E cology; .James Madison Un1vers1ty, B .S . 4 . Marvin T. Curry Chemistry I, II: F lorida State University, B . S .: University of Virginia, M . E d. ; Science Departm en t Chairman.




2 1 . Martha An n .Johnson Colombini General Developmental Math , Chemistry: Florida S tate University, B . S . , B . A. : University of Virgin ia, M . S .; National Honor Society. 2 . W illiam Remse n Schultz Earth Science; Un iversity of Virg in1a, B . S . . M . S .; Photography C lub. 3 . Harriet S toneburner Bell E arth S cience; Mary Baldwin College , B . A .; Sophomore Class . 4 . David Cunningham PSSC P hysics; Concord College, B . S . : Univ ers ity of Virginia, M . S ., M . E d .; P hotography Club. 5 . William Banks B iology I, II; Un ivers ity of Tampa , B . S .; Flor1da Atlantic University, M . Ed .; Un iversity of South Sew anee , M .A. T.; .Junior Class, Space M ice Sc ience Club . 6 . Kathleen F lynn B iology; Long wood College, B .S.; University of V irg inia, M . E d .

2 1 . Carmen Habe ck Merkel

E ngl1sh 1 0, 1 2; University of lll1n01S, B.S . ; Armstrong-Savannah S tate College, M. E d . 2 . P eggy A . Vaughn E nglish 9 . 1 2, Human1t1es; Radford College, B . A . ; Un1vers1ty of Tennessee, M .A.; F1lm Cr1t1cs Club. 3 . Al1ce B 1bb E ngl1sh 9 ; M ad1son College. B . A.; Chr1st1an Fellowship Club. 4 . Rodney M . Keller E ngltsh 1 0, Creattve Wrtttng; Untverstty of Vtrgtnte, B . A . : Universtty of M atne; Creat•ve Wr1t1ng Club, LANTER N . 5 . .John V . Kttterrnan E nglish 1 2; Un1vers1ty of V1rg1n1a. B . A . , M . A . , M . E d . ; Sk1 Club .

5 212

E ngl1sh


~nglis4 spans Âą4ÂŁ ages This y ear the A lberrarle English Departrrent had the privilege of greeting four new teachers: Miss Currrrins; Miss Hill;

Mrs . Pea rson ; and Mrs.

Re drrond. Miss Currrrins and Miss Hill were new to the ninth grade class and Mrs . Pearson and Mrs . Redrrond were in the Reading Oepartrrent. A lthough this is on ly their f irst year of teach ing at Alberrar le, they blended wel l with the faculty and students . T hough English was one of the rros t often corrplained about courses because everyone rrust take it al l four years, students learned a lot frorr the writing and frorr the interesting literary works studied in their classes . The returning and new E ng lish teachers were to be corrrrended for the fine job they did w ith a course rrost students wou ld rather not take .


1 . Z . James E stes . J r . E n g lish 1 2 . A . P . E nglish; Unive rsity of Vtrgtnta. B . S .. M . A. 2 . B onnte O 'B ri e n E nglish 1 1 : Unive r s ity of lllinots, B . A .: D e P aul Untve rstty. M . Ed. , M . A . 3 . T tmothy C. Mac D ona ld E ngli s h 1 2 . Deb a t e : Mod esto Jr. College. A . A . : U ntve rstty o f C a lifornia a t Santa Cruz. B . A .: Unive rsity of Vtrg tnt a , M . A ., M . Ed . 4 . C ynthi a Cumins E n gl is h 8 : L ongwood College. B . A . 5 . Pegg y F inley Egnli s h 1 0 : T ift College. B . A .: U ntve rstty of F lorida . M . E d.: Teen age Rep u blicans.


4 E n g lish



1. Marilyn .J. Fant1no E nglish 1 1 ; Emo ry and Henry College, B . A.; E nglish Department Cha1rman , Creative Arts Week, Graduation . 2. Susan Hull E nglish 9, 1 0; Brown Univers1ty, B . A .; University of Virginia, M . Ed .; M ime T roupe, F1lm Critics Club. 3 . Linda Hill E nglish 9 ; Grove C ity College, B . A.; Freshman Class. 4 . Ma ry Robeson Hunter Eng lish 1 2; U niversity of North Carolina at Greensboro; University of V irgtnla . 5 . Sue 0 . Critzer E ngltsh 9 : Virginia P olytechniC Institute and S tate University, B . A.; PEER .

5 214

E ngl1sh

~nglisq, cont'o.





1 . B axter Allison Pitts E nglish 1 0; Longwood College. B .S. 2. Lenore Magdalen Stoffel E nglish 1 1, .Journalism; University of Washington; Portland State University, B . A ., M . S . T.; University of Virginia; PAT RIO T PR E SS . 3. Leslie Henderson-Williams E nglish as a Second L anguage; Un1vers1ty of Virginia, B .S. E d. 4 . Verona L eake Franklin E nglish 1 0; L ongwood College. B . A.; Christ1an Fellowship Club. 5 . P eggy Redmond E nglish 1 1. 1 2; Wheaton College; Purdue University, M.A .; Un1versity of Virginia, Diploma of Advanced Graduate Study. 6. S herry Pearson E nglish 9, 1 0; Ohio State University. B . S .; Florida State Un1versity, M . S .



6 E nglish

21 5






change from the typical classes. The students





created works of art. Some students entered art pieces in local shows. Some of these students will continue to use their talents in art related careers.

Othe rs will use their talents

a nd knowledg e for relaxing and for personal pleasure. The re are two choir classes at A lbemarle

H igh

Schoo l,



Chorus and the Concert Choir. These two groups participated in many performances both at the school and in the community. AHS offers Band 2, Band 3, and Stage Ba nd. The Marching Band members are those students who are in Ba nd 3 . The A lbemarle High School Media Center enabled students to complete class assignments through its wide range of resources and presented a quiet atmosphere in which to study. The students appreciated the special surroundings in the library because they provided an area of escape from the rest of the school.

1 . Ba rbara ..1 . Poindexter Art I; V irgin ia S tate University, B . S .; Art Club. 2 . .Jane Gallant L ibrarian; Maca lester Co ll ege , B . S .; Un1vers1ty of South Florida, M . A . 3. Ruth Haverkamp Library Aide. 4. Gerda Bansleben Women's Chorus, Concert Choir, Theory of Music; West Chester State Teachers College, B . A.; Columbia University, m. A. 5 . Waldo E . .Johnson A rt 11, Ill, IV; Ru tgers Univers ity; Catholic University of America, B .F.A.; Permanent Collection of Student Sculpture, Paintings, and Graphics .


F 1ne Arts



3 1. Martha .J. Scott Mass Media. Drama I, II; Virgin 1a Polytechn1c Institute and State University, B . A . , M . A .; T hesp1an T roupe 500. Forensics Coach. D rama Coach . 2 . .Janna D . Lindgren A-V Coordinator; Hemline Un1vers1ty. B . A .; S h ippensburg State ; Kent State . 3 . E lmer Frank lin Sampson B and 2. 3. Stage B and; .James M 1ll1ken Univ ers ity; Virginia Commonwealth Un1vers1ty. B . M . E .; Marching B and. Ma1ore ttes. Flag and R ifle Corps. 4 . Virg inia Adams Crafts I, II; B eaver Colle ge, B . A .; Auburn Uni versity, B . A .; Crafts Club.


4 F ine Arts

21 7

3 1 . Sally Brann S trickler Spanish 1: Randolph-Macon Woman's College, A . B .: University of Virginia, M . A . T .: Spanish Honor Society, Key Club. 2 . G racie la Lum Spanish Ill, III/ IV, IV, V: Wayne State University, B . A .: University of Virginia, M . A . : Spanish Club. Spanish Honor Soc iety. 3 . Susan R . B lackman Spanish II; University of V irginia, B . A .: Span1sh Club , Span ish Honor Soc 1ety. 4 . Eugene Edward Norton German I, II, Ill : Spring Hill College, B . A . 5 . .Janet B . Shiflett French I, Ill: Univers ity of Virginia, B . S ., M . Ed .


o;JJ;rl~ ..J~ '


r ~ 4


'..f2.-;--l "


\UranslatinB tqÂŁ t!ÂŁ&rs

A lbemarle offers foreign language classes in the following


French, Spanish , German , and Latin. Students studying a language were giv en the opportunity to prepare for travel abroad. Not on ly was the language studied but the culture of the countries who f

speak the


was also explored. This year the language department had a new teacher, Many


Ms . B lac k man .



from the past year when she was a student teacher for Mrs. Stick ler. We welcomed her to the department.


3 1 . Rollin David L arrick

Latin I. II, IV ; University of Virginia. B . A .. M . A .: F lorida State University, Ph . D .: Cornell University; Certamen T eam. 2 . Susan Baker To th F rench II ; College of Wooster, B . A. ; University of Arizona. M.A. 3 . Mary A . Lederman F rench Ill. III/ IV. IV, V; Syracuse Un1versity. A . B .; University of Virginia, M . E d.; Fore1g n Lan guage Department Chairman, French Club. F rench Honor Society.


2 F oreign L anguage

21 9


1 . Douglas .J. Selde n U.S. Governm ent; Norwich Un1versity, B . A .; Un1vers1ty of Virginia. M . A . T. ; B aseball. 2 . .Jul1a Dyer World H istory; Mary Washington College, B . A . Internati onal E xchange Club . 3 . Rebecca .Jones World History; Mary Wash ington College, B . A .; University of Virginia. M . Ed . 4 . Ba rbara D . M c Callum U.S . and V 1rg~ nia Gov ernment, Geography; S yracuse University, B . A .; Northwestern Uni v ersity, M . A . T. ; Senior Class .

3 220

Soc1al Stud1es


~anas of timÂŁ This year the Socia l Stud ies Department welcomed two new teachers, Mr. Weisend and Mr. Weaver. These new teachers, along with the returning department members, continued outstanding programs. Mr. Weav er fit right in with our programs since he had done his student teaching here the year before. T his year the department put more emp hasis on writin g term papers. T he courses offered w ere much the same as last year with thre e e lectiv es: economics, ogy.

practical la w,

As usual,

and psychol-

juniors and seniors

dreaded history and government, but c reative teachers pro vided class assignments that made these courses more tolerable . 2



4 1 . M ary .Jo G ie s U . S . a n d Virgini a G ove rnm e nt; Pennsylvania S t a t e Unive rsity , B . A .: S t. B onave nture Univ e rsity, M . S .; SCA . S ocial S tudies D epartment C h a irman, A fro- A m e ric a n L ite r a ry L eague. 2 . Ca rolyn P ill a N ole n

U . S . a nd Virginia G overnme nt. P ractical L aw: U nive rsity of Virginia, B . S . ; Key C lub. 3 . R obe rt E . W e ave r U . S . and Virginia G ove rnm e nt, E conom1cs . W o rl d A ff a irs; F lo ri d a A t lantic U nive rsity, B . A .; U nive r s ity of Virg inia , M . A . T. ; Mode l U . N . C lu b . 4 . B ri a n .J . Gra ine r World Geo g r a phy; .Jam es Madison U niversity, B . A .; F o otb a ll. 5 . C o lleen M ari e Berge U .S . H istory; U niversity of WisconsinM ilwau k ee . B . A .; Unive rsity of Virg1n1a, M . A . T .; H is tory D ay. 6 . Lance W e 1se n d W orld G eography, U. S . and V1rg1n1a G overnm e nt; Virginia P olyte chnic Institute and State U nive rsity , B . A .; O klahoma S tate Un1vers1ty, M . A .; C ross Country, Indoor T rack. Outdoor T r a ck, F r e shman C la ss.



6 Soci a l S tudi es


~o.cial ~tuoirs, Lont'a.

1 . R . Stephen Foutz Psychology, Practical Law; Troy State University, B . S .; Univers it y of Alabama . .J . D .; SCA , Psychic C lub. 2 . Ann Marie H . Plunkett World History , Sociology; Brown University , A. B . ; Univ ers ity of Virginia, M . A . 3 . Carolyn Saunders U.S. History; Radford College, B. A. ; Universit y of Virginia. M . A . 4. Dav id K . Sandhage U.S. History, U . S . and Virginia Gov ernment ; In d iana Univ ersity, B . S . Ed . 5 . Nancy Carolyn Grim U . S . History; Longwood Col lege, B . A .; Univers it y of North Carol ina at Chapel Hill , M . A .


Soc 1al S t udies

mqrouglr tqc tomputcr age


A v ariety of business courses were offe red a t AlbelTlarle this yea r . The ac counting


courses were

c olTlputer


stronger than

e v er.

T he addition of a colTlputer lab p rov ided for a new learning atlTlosphere . The colTlputer course was also able to accOIT11T10date ITlore



the addition of newly purchased colTl puters. O ther business courses off ere d








business, and c lerical accounting. A s in t he past, our business departlTlent did a great deal to prepare students for the working world. The addition o f the colTlputer lab prov ided an added dimension to help keep students in tu ne with the r ea l world. 2



1 . Reba Sa nde ll O ffi ce Techno lo gy II , Word P rocessing, Shorth a n d, T y pewriting, C OE Coordinator; .James M a d is on University, B .S.; University of Virginia , M . E d.; F B LA. 2 . N ina T h a cker O ffic e T echnol ogy I, Comp uter C oncepts, C le rk- T ypist I, S tenography; M emphis State Unive rsity, B . S .; FBLA. 3. M argare t W. B urruss C PA A ccounting, Business Computer A pplication s, T ypewriting I; M ary W ashington College, B .S . 4 . D eborah E . Coope r Introduction to Business . B usiness 1'./lath , Typewriting I; S tate University of N ew York at A lbany, B . S .; FBLA. 5 . B renda G raves R ecordkeeping, Accounting; Longwood College , B.S .; .James M adison Un1versity, M. E d.; FBLA. 6 . .Je nnette S . H unt T y p ewriting I; Kearney N ebraska State Teachers' C ollege, B . A.



6 B usine ss


Jllffaturing hob-ies strengtqeneb-

G y m was a requ ired c lass for ninth and tenth graders,

and o n e

wh e r e

studen ts cou ld re la x a n d f orget about their routine academic c lasses . G y m also helped keep students in sh ape. In this c lass students c ou ld e xpl o r e a n d improv e the ir athl etic abi liti es . Health c lasses w ere t aught in con junction with

gym .


lea rned

a b o ut

t h e ir bod ies a n d about h o w t o c a r e f o r thei r bod ies . D iseases a n d th e ir pre v entio n w e r e a lso stu d ied. G ym a n d health t eachers wo rked wit h s t udents in different w a y s, but each cl ass wil l be appreciated in the future .


4 1. B r e nda F . Lan gdo n Ac ttvtttes D ire ctor; E a st Ca ro lina U nive rsity. B . A . ; U niversity o f Virg inia . M . E d . 2 . Gab1e B u ll Secre t a ry to A cttvitt es O tre ctor. 3 . Dan 1e l Wa rd. Ill Health . P hys 1c a l E ducation; .Jame s M adison Un1ve r s 1ty, B . S .; V ars 1ty F ootba ll. Vars1ty T r a ck . 4 . P am e la .J ill son Gratne r Health , P hys tca l E ducatt o n; Untve rstty of Vtr gtnta , B . S . , M . A . ; G irls ' G y m nasttcs Te am, A s-

ststa nt A thle tic T r a ine r . 5 . Marc1a C . M ason Health , Phy s1ca l E ducat1on ; B r idge water C ol le g e . B . A .; U n1ve r s ity o f V 1r g 1n1a. M . E d . 6 . D otty A . B oha nnon Health. P hys1ca l E d u c a t1on; L ongwood College . B . S .; Un1ve rs1ty of V1rg 1n1a. M . E d . ; F 1e ld

H ocke y . 7 . B onnte F . N te lson H e alth . P hys tc a l E d ucatton : T rtntty Untverstty, B . S .. M . E d . ; V a r s 1ty Voll e yball. Volleyball Club .

7 224

P hysic al E duca tion



of tim£ roll

"Number 2, please stop your car," says Coach Moore . "Do it right or kiss the sign. " This is a common phrase heard by a ll A lbemarle driv er educa-



.J._.._. ~

t ion students.




The excitement and





through al l underclassmen as they await that fateful day when they can final ly get their mug-shot taken at OMV.


through al l this excite-

ment, there has always been an excellent









Albemar le

thanks to our highly rated instructors.



3 1 . R ichard W il son L yons Driver's Education ; Virg inia Commonwalth Univ ersity, B . S .; B oys' Varsity Basketball. 2 . Ralph A . Harri son Driver's E ducation; Southwes t M issouri State. B . S .; D rury Co ll ege . M . Ed .; Gol f. 3 . A . P . Moore D rive r's Education; North Caro lina Central Univ ersity, B . S . . M . S .; Saf e ty Comm ittee . 4 . .James Merc e r Garn e tt Health. Physical E ducation; E lon C ollege, B . A .; B oys' N inth grade B asketball. baseball. 5 . Robert R imme r Driver's E ducation : Geor ge Washington Un iv ers ity. B . S . 6 . C lyde Hoy P hysical E ducation; .James Mad ison Un1v e rs1ty, B . S . ; .JV Football. Indoor T rack, Outdoo r T r ack .



6 D r ive r Ed ucation


The Career Education Program a t A lbemarle was designed to accommo date any student planning t o enter a particular field . A

v ariety of classes

were offered, ranging from industrial arts to horne economics. Special Education was also a part of the Career Ed ucation Program . Students learned more about themselves and were giv en some important


spons ibilities . O ne of these was clean ing the cafeteria.

Th is was appre-

c iated b y a ll of the students and staff at A lbemarle. Through this program, the needs of the indi vi dual student we re met. Al l of the students benefited great ly from the classes that they took and looke d forward to their future in the working world.


4 1 . Mary L . S tone Resource Aide. 2. Sandra .Jackson Resource A ide. 3. Debra Manion Coyle Math 9, R esource; M iami U niversity, B .S. 4 . Madel ine Morgan TMR ; Univ ersity of Virginia. B . S. 5 . E dna Sharkey TMRAide. 6 . Marcia K lansek TMR Vocational Coordinator; Southern Illinois University, B . S .; Illinois S tate Univ ersity. M.S. 7 . L isa McDanie l TMRAide. B. Susan Fitch Resou rce, Developm e ntal Math ; .James Madison University, B . S .; Advocate Club. 9 . Therese Wasilewski TMR ; Univ ersity of Virginia. B . S .


Career Education









4 1 . Kenton S. G ardner Agriculture. Natural Resources; V irginia State Co llege, B .S.; F FA. 2 . S h a ron Beauford CB IP Aide. 3 . B onnie L . R uth S pec ial E ducation (Community B ased Instruction P rogram); Ohio State University, B .S.; U niversity of Virg inia, M . E d. 4 . Cafeteria Steff: B renda B rown, Lozelle Mays, Mary M aupin, Mary .Jane Glover, .JoAnn S prouse , Mary Harlan, D oris Anderson. Not p ictured: S arah Santiago . 5 . B eth S orc igl i A dapted P . E . A ide. 6 . M ary Alice F lynn A dapte d P hysical E ducation ; Frostburg State C ollege, B .S.; Indiana University, M .A.; Area Ill S pecial O lympics. 7 . Willi a m Henry Industrial Cooperative T r a ining I, II; Virginia P olytechnic Institute and State Univers ity, B .S.; VI C A . B . Marga ret E lizabeth Clifford CO PE ; EO/ LO ; Mary Washington Colleg e , B . A.; Univers ity of Virginia, M. E d.



B Career Education


Qlar.e.er ~auration, ront'o_


4 1 . .Jeanne F . Thompson Contemporary Living I, II, Creative Foods, C hi ldhood Education, Career E ducation : Marshal l University, B . A.: FHA. 2 . Custodians: Gordon Cart er, .Jer r y Best, .Juanita B urns, Thomas Swigler, Davi d Bu rn s . 3 . .James Robert Cullop Learning D isabiliti es , E moti ona lly D is t urbed : S lippery Rock State College, B . S .: U n1ve r s 1ty o f V irg ini a , M . E d . 4 . .John W . Sperry Modern Industry 9 , 1 0. Woods Technolog y 1 0 . 1 2 , Career Ed ucation 9 , 1 0: Mount S t. Mary's, Virgin ia P o lytechnic Institu t e and State Univers ity,

Wash ingt on Te chno log y In s titu t e , B . S .: A lA SA. 5 . Linda B . Keeney Contempora r y L iving Independent L ivi ng , Fashion and Const ruc ti o n, Housing a n d Inter iors ; V irg in ia P o lyte chn ic Institu t e a n d S t a t e Univ ersity , B . S .: FHA. 6 . Donna Fernandez Ad v anced Marketi ng: Marsh a ll U n1ve r s ity, B . B . A . , V irg inia Polytechnic In s titu t e a n d S t a t e Un iversity, M . E d .: D E CA.

5 22B

Car eer Educati on





6 1. A nn Tu le y E nglish Res ource : Meredith Co llege. B . A .: San F ranci s co S t a te U nive rsity, M . A .; Un1ve rsity o f Virgini a , M . Ed . 2 . C h arles W . De Kra fft Math 8 , 1 0, E nglish 1 0 , H1story 1 1, Compet e ncy S kills: Appa lach ia n S tate University, B . S . 3 . L eRoy H . S mith Wo ods Techno logy, Technic a l O raw1ng, Arch it e ctural Drawing, E ngineering D r a wing; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and S tate University, B . A. : Unive rsity of Virginia, M . A .: A IASA . 4 . Cath e rin e Woodrow M c Lea n L earning D isabilit ies Resource a nd Self Co ntained: Duke University, B . A .: E mory University, M . M . Sc . 5 . Karl S . Williams E nglish 8, Science 8 , Geog raphy 8 : Un ive rsity of Virginia, B . S .: Indoor T r ack , O utdoor T rack, Freshman C lass. 6 . .Jill Garn e tt Marketing II , Fas hion Me rchand is ing 1: Mad ison Coll ege , B . S .: D E CA.

6 Career E duca tion


®n-tq£-joh training for tq£ futur£ The Char l ottes vill e-A l bema rl e Technica l E ducation Center prov ided many students with the opportunity to e x pand their kn owledge . T hrough a pplied, on-the- job train ing, students were able to dev e lo p practical skills in fields



cosmetology ,


chan ics, and electricity. Each particip a nt at the Tech Center gained th e exp e ri e nce they needed for a particular job a nd had an advantage o v er most stud e nts upo n g r aduating from high schoo l.

2 1 . Hugh Nelson B illhime r E lectronics I, II: State Un iversity of New York, B . S .; Virginia C ommonwealth University, M. Ed .: VIC A : Robotics. 2 . James Mady B us1ness Data Process ing and Computers: W1dner Unive rsity, B . S . E ngineer1ng: Radford Un1vers1ty, M . E d .: FBLA . 3. Clev ester L oga n Ass tstant Prtn c ipa l; Virgtnia State Univers ity, B . S .. M . S . 4 . C . Wayne Aus tin Drafttn g, Design; .James Madison University; VI CA. 5 . James E . M c Da nie l Carpentry I, II: Virgini a S tate University: VICA . 6 . Nancy K night Mo sca, R . N . Practtc a l Nursing, Nu rsing Assistant: U niverSity of V1rg1nia, B . S ., M . Ed .: HOSA.


Techn ical Education Cente r

-. .





1 . Lyman R . Comey Princi pal ; V irg inia Polytechn ic Institute and State Univers ity, B . S .: Co llege of W illiam and Mary , M . E d. 2 . Bennie Mae Arne tte Cosmetology; Virgin ia Commonwealth U niversity: Virg inia Polytechnic Institute and S t ate University: Virginia State College: VICA. 3 . S teve L . McKinney Manager, Computer Center. 4 . Russe ll P . Wood Au t o B ody I, II: V irgi nia State Co llege: Vwg 1nia Commonwealth Un iversity: VICA. 5 . Ruth Garnett Data E ntry Operator. 6 . W illarc H . Pa rkhill Commercial Food Service I, II: Pennsylvania State University, B . S .: VI CA.



6 T echn1cal E ducat1on Center


W:£r4niral Itrburation Ol£ni£r, cout'o.

1 . Paul L . .Johnson A uto Mechanics I, II; Adult E ducation I, II; Norfolk Stat e University, B . S.; Virginia Commonw ealth University; University of Virginia; VICA, NIASE Certified. 2 . .Jesse W . M ill s Maso nry; VICA. 3. Robert L . B arrett E lectricity I, II; VICA. 4 . Charles Maupin .Janitor. 4 . .John Davis .Janitor. 5 . .Janice M . E vans Cosmetology II, Ill; B lue Ridge School of N ursing; Un ive rsity of Virginia: Virginia Commonw ealth University; Watson's B eauty School ; VICA; Ac tivities Coach for VIC A, F B LA, HOSA. 6 . B arbara A . Lewi s Secretary.




-.-. ...


1. B la ine E . Mcintyre Ma intenance Mechanics: Virgin ia PolytechniC Institute and S tate Univ e rsity; VI CA. 2 . Al len William Helmandollar Mach ine Shop I, II; Notre D ame U nive rsity; In d iana State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute a nd State • Un iversity: V irgin ia Commonwea lth Un iversity; VICA . 3. ~ean B rown Bookkeeper. 4 . Sue E lle n L antz Comput er Ope rator. 5 . Be rnard Snyder Counselor; Salem College, B . A . ; Un ive rsity of Virginia, M . E d. 6 . Edward L . S hifflett Maintenance Foreman . 6 . Mary Shifflett Housekeeper.


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CHARLOTTESVILLE , VIRGINIA 22901 (804) 295-9194

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624W. MAIN




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SINCE 1900

EAGLE WINDOW REMODELING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1513 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone : (804) 293 ·3312


REG . NO . 7


AU: :::I-&






The bE inCha1

H orne of the famous F reshtastiks F oodbar Includes hot breads. soups, salad, and 1 1 item dessert bar


2 3 6

1 s2sEast R ioRoa d

A ds


.. /

. ~-


-0JMD Service That Makes Friends

BRUCE'S DRUG STORE The corner of Main & Valley Sts. Scottsville, Va. Ph one 286-3881 'We have been serving the community since 1901'




--')>-=-- , ~-








BARNABY'S The best pizza in Charlottesville




JESSE O'QUINN District Truck Manager

AVIS RENT A CAR SYSTEM Rle. 29 North Charlottesville, VA 22906 804 973-3336




OFFICE PHO 286-3821



Mrs . Berge 's 2nd period declares their independence


Ad s




Route 250 East Ch&rlottesv ille , V i rgin ia 22901 804 -977 -6060




) Porsche- Audi - BMW - Jaguar

~ O FFICE PHONE 286-3821


COLLINS-HERNDON MOTOR CO . Quali ty Used Cars & Trucks

P . O . Bo x 377 L o v in gst on , Va . 22949

P hone (8 04) 263 -4876







CARRIAGE FOOD HOUSE Qua lity is E c o n omy




(804) 295- 1 63 1

EST. 1 954



~ Albemarle

Bank &Trust Co. PO Bo• 5096 Gro iOIIesv•lle. V"'lfll 2?906

Ph one (804) 973-43 73

BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS INC. 5 Convenient Locations

51 0 Preston A v e. 1 326 E. High St. K - Mart Plaza

827 Cherry A v e . Mi llmont St.




co .

2 40


-- - :-:-:-~~~@Rassed






L I ,. · .. )t ., .;~, _..,- ·







-. .

,,_··. Runn1na


VA 22903

804 / 293-3367

TEAGUE-HA\NKINS Funeral Service Co mpliments of

M . C. THOMAS FURNITURE 420 E. Main S t . and






Convalescent aids sales & rentals

42 5 LEXING T ON AVE 7 ~1]

8) 1 !






295 . 4161

293 -5159

PHARMACY 916 E. Hig h



THE TAVERN S pecializing in priv ate parties and brunch

Meadowbrook Shopping Center C harlottesvil le, Va. 22903 Con gratu lations from

SETTLE TIRE AND SUPPLY CO., INC . .%~or rr .71rrjf.!r; , J;rllt l llrt'l

P reston A v e. at Rose H il l Dr. Charlottesvil le, Va . 22901

FROM . .. THE DEALER with the SHARPEST PENC IL when buying a car or truc k.

* New B uicks .. . Best in C lass ! * lsuzu Pickup Trucks * " Do uble C hecked" Used Cars

GEORGE RENNICK BUICK 900 P reston "Downtown" Charlottesv ille

MEADOWBROOK HARDWARE, INC . 2039 Ba rracks R oad Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Glidden, Dutch Boy and Pratt and Lambert Pa ints Wa ll Paper - Ha rdware

Good Luck AHS Graduates The finest service and the lowest prices CHA

Camera Center 913 W. Ma in Street 240


2 42

A ds

293 -8970



Berge's Burnouts

IN C .







3 Convenient Offices in Charlottesville.





4th and Main Streets

* Barracks Road Shopping Center * Fashion Square Mall


Route 29 and Rio Road

104 7 EMMET STREET P.O . BOX 5628 . CHARLOITESVIUE. VIRGINIA 22905 804-971-4 7 41

• open Saturdays Member FSLIC


Accounts insured up to $1 . ODD. 000







Hall ' s Body Shop

Rt . 29N


mile Past Airport Road )



Brady - Bushey wishes the graduation c lass success! ! Congratulations Sen iors ! !











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in the World

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Guided 1c

Rt. 1, Box ·










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R oute 28 North Charlottesville, Va. NexttoA&P F ree D elivery Limited Area O nly 873-3338 T eams are welcome!

'0 rt1



INSURANCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION of C harlottesville [8 04) 877-3370

We 've g ot it a ll! Charlottesvi lle Fashion Square


James River Runners Inc. •A CANOE LIVERY

30 1 E ast High S t. C harlottesvill e, Va. 2 2 8 01

A Fine English Tradition has Come to Virginia

canoe & tube rentals • camping Guided 1catered white water & fishing excursions

Rt. 1, Box 106 scottsville, Virg inia 24590 (804l 286-2338


R EID S U PER SAVE MARKET 600 Preston Ave.

l ou r Graduation from firgh school represents many old traditions. In the city whe re traditi on is a way of life, " Bed and Breakfast " flou rishe s a t the gracious English Inn of Charlo ttesville. As the custom goes , all of our overnight guests enjoy a hearty , country breakfast o n us. Our Piccad ill y Pub has a daily happy

hour from 5-7, delicious dinners and a sumptuous "Brunch with a Punch" Sundays, from 11-2. Fully equipped meeting and banquet facilities are avai lable as well as a profess ional and knowledgeab le staff to assist yo u. Please ca ll us for reservations and info rmation. Why not start yo u r own tradi ti on !

Ill \II


Complete line of Groceries, Meat & Produce Loca lly Owned & Ope rated by Kennan & Phyllis B rooks

i.Engliaq linn of illqarlotteauille 2000 Morton Drive, Charlottesville, Vi rgi nia 22901 (Just south of the 250 Bypass on Route 29) (800) 338-9900 In Virginia (804 ) 971-9900




Shoppers We

Central Fklelltu Banis #VIRGINIA NATIONAL



BAN~ "Ov



A \1

'Jl k /,(I

• Lu re~t Inn·a tory O f Ccmta.ct Untu 1n Tbc A rea

e 901J. Of Paricnu Can Be Fit s ..,.e Day

: ~~~;::csxw~:: ta"r~ir~~i:,ra

• Cu Pc:rmublc &: Bifoc.a.l Lc:ntes


pnuf~~.s-~c ~~:~.soQ!b~cc::~~

DISCOUNTS TO U VA STUDENTS AND HEALTH CARE WORKERS E"""'"' 6- So.J•rrloy Horu·J At~oilobU T • o Loc.ations To Serve You CA.arlotteuillc A C11ipeper

72'2 Rio Rood W Chorlott.svllit ... . 97>-7949

CONGRATULATIONS to the Graduates of 1984!












Computerland· ~

We know small computers . Let us introduce you. TELEPHO N E 80 4- 28 6 - 2 1 52 Shoppers Wor ld • · 1460 Seminole Trail • Cha rlottesville, VA 2290 1 (804) 973-570 1



Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation


P .0 . B O X 2 5 0

S C O TTS V IL L E, V IRGIN IA 2 4 5 9 0

3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Vi rginia Phone 296-7 19 1 " O ve r O ne H und red Years of Service"

Congratulations Class of '84


2 47

0 0 0 0 00 0 • 0 0 00 0 0 00




AM 107

FM 95

O'tarlottesville Broadcasting Corp

Home of the HOOS

... so met hing for everyo ne

Cabell Insunmce Associates

:.=-JelfiiiiHtf eorHtf. Barracks Road

2110 Ivy Ro ad · B o x 7606 · Charlottesville . V~rgin1a 22906 • 804/ 977·5313



Shopping Cento Vi,Paia


~gett FASHION SQUARE open daily 10 ' til 9:30 phone 973-7878

BARRACKS ROAD open daily 10 ' til 9 open Saturday ' til 6 phone 296-5556 For th e student who looks good all. yea r round.




GKANT C 296-1


"The S






Remember Me ...


GHANT COSi\'ER 2 9 6-8184

1!538 E . HI G H

fast, free delivery



Domino's P1z za thin~s ti:J at 30 minutes is as long as anyone should have to wail for a pizza. Free 30 minute delivery and 10 m inute pic~-up service. Just call us 1

Call Us! 971-8383 11 37 Millmont St. (Campus Area)

973-1243 722 RIO Rd. (North 29 Area)


979-2656 Stewart St. ~Ofl

(Downtown & Pantop Mt. Area)

"The Stbre With Price, Style, and Quality" DOWNTOWN MALL





Ba1 Charlottesville/Crozet

Good Luck to the Class of 1 884!


:~ '~;)_{a~ · 'rfiij~ '


' '






Congratulations and a happy future to Rebecca and the Class of 1984!

Th e Ro s enblurns

Those that shop for value and quality, bu y their diamonds at

laMner THE PET SHOPPE North W ing B arracks Road Shopping Center

~~!1 I

~~~~~!~.-r~ t~ ~~~~ .-~~L~~~~~ r~::':~~:"~t£-'Jl.®t·~·; :;;, _-;:.£


Located at: Downtown Downtown Barracks Road Fashion Square

A University Tradition for Men and Women


ELJO'S AT THE CORNER Free Parking In Rear '·

taiwan Gorden


B est W ishes

285 -0 08 1


A ds





~ ~



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--tb cl_Q_oJ)








~<..J-_p<_Y--'~ ~ ~oc::d

~~ 1"4--J ~ - 'fV-.9-- . o<~ ~. Q



R. F. I

Mrs. Stan le y' s 2n d period Math Ana lys is













W-Lct I





(804) 973-3271



Photographer of teams at AHS

804 -286- 35 71 Scottsville Shopping Center S cottsville, VA 24590


DAVID W. CUNNINGHAM Free-Lance Photographer

~ol ~





C ompliments of



Located on Rt. 29N Charlottesville, VA

1 1 4-1 27 1 Oth St. NW and


442 Westfield Rd.

Good Luck Class of '84

Industrial R. F. D. 6

BOX 275

- Residential



Telephone 804/293-6769 State Registered No. 6440




History Outline

Maupin's Grocery Bob's Wheel Alignment

Airport Road- Charlottesv ille, Va . Phone- 873-7667

823 East Mark et St. Charlottesv ille, Va . 22801

Open- Sunda y Phone 286 -4523

F r esh Meats P roduce Groceries

8 : 0 0 - 7 :00 Mon . - S a t.


Senior Portraits 20-30 Proofs Environmentals Custom Work Retouched by hand It's not more expensive just nicer at Castons

Photography By Mark Bruch 973-2700 Fashion Square Mall


A ds







10-7: 00

Jn. -Sat.

l 0 - 8 : 00

Dominick Motor Company Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota , Mercedes-Benz

MacGregor Motors, Inc. 416 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln, Mercury, Capri

John Linkous Volkswagon Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Mazda , Volkswagon

Jim Price Chevrolet Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet Cars & Trucks , Peugeot

Berlin Imports, LTD Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Porsche, Audi , BMW, Jaguar

Tenny Pontiac, Cadillac, Inc. 858 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Cadilliac , Pontiac, Datsun

Brody-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Ford Cars & Trucks AMC , Jeep, Renault

George Rennick Buick , Inc. 900 Preston A venue Charlottesville, Virginia Buicks

R.M. Davis Motors Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Subaru

Pollard GMC Truck , Inc. 1011 Linden Street Charlottesville , Virginia GMCTrucks

Herb Brown Motors Route 250 West Charlottesville, Virginia Volvo

BSR Imports, Inc. 315 W. Main Street Charlottesville , Virginia SAAB Brown Oldsmobile-Honda Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Oldsmobile, Honda




2 55

' I



~ 9 01L~Ii SuPer Haocuttels 22 Elliewood Av . Just Three Blocks From University Charlottesville, Va .



If your vacuum cleaner or sewing machine needs repair or you are looking for a reconditioned machine. See us.


RT . 2S &




24 dlou\ 'Wu akH a H via拢

205 Monticello Road

Equal Opportunity Emp loyer



977路661 0

K INGS '84


Jeeds repair 1e. See us.

" Possum" Hawkin s, Marion,

".Jot" S uddarth , " Mauler" Ge rbert , " Moo"

"4- B arrel" B erry,

" S lug" T ucke r,

"Mohammad" A lley,

" G rizzly" Guthrie , "Handsome Devil" Racer.






~s so r

FETHER'S 1 3-1 4 University Shopping Center

8 A.M . - 4 A.M .

7 Days a Week

CONVIVAMINI QUOAD REGURGITATIS Magister Larrick's F irst Period Latin Class Revel in luxury.



1We e k

An app le a day k eeps Berge away.

Congratulations Graduates Growing to meet the needs of our customers and the community





CROUSE-HINDS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Route 660, Earlysville, Virginia 22936



This is our contribution to the AHS Peer 1 984

Compliments of Good luck next year:

~8ne;,,~ ~al

ÂŁ.state Ltd.

David Bishop Warren Beck Hugh Martin

P. S . We love y ou Beth .

Clothiers since 1947

Michtoms Barracks Road Shopping Center CharlotteSI'ille, Virginia 22903 (80-1) 295-3JJ3

Congratu lations to the Graduates from

Compliments from



1 04 S. First Street

General Contractors

Charlottesville, Virginia- Downtown

Builders , Developers, Well Dri lling

Your friendly jewelry store

Scottsvill e 286-2396

CONGRATULATIONS to the groduotes

STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 1500 State Form Boulevard Charlottesville, Vo . 22909



PEER BOOSTERS Anderson Brothers Book Store Blue Ridge Travel The Book Room Burgess Continental Coiffures Caleb Stowe Associates




The Candy Shop Charlottesville Observer Commonwealth Propane, Inc. L. Gordon Dorrier Insurance Agency Inc. Downtown Gulf Fashionality Gray's Floral Gallery Patricia B. Hawkes


Holt Oil Company, Inc. Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts


Murphy Travel New Dominion Book Shop Parks Finance Plantscapes Priority Press, Inc. Rapid Photos Young Men's Shop


26 1







6 0 4 / 977 . :1331 604 / 977路:1332



~~~拢Mdr>~ 12 30




Daddy Knows Best!


We'd like to g ive than x to Uncle Roy 's F ine De si g ns o f Beverly H ills managed b y Ga ry o f Daytona; Dex's third grade teacher ; R . W. Blue for the use of his e s tate; and our choreogra pherR. D .


Ad s


WHO'S WHO ON THE DIVIDERS Page 14 1 . Stephanie E s t es 2 . .J ill Anthony 3 . C ind y Houchens 4 . Elizabeth Kirkland 5 . R ichard E dlich 6 . Todd E ichman 7 . Chris Sm ith Page 115 C liff Hamner Page !58 1 . Chris B illups 2 . .Juliette and N icolette Tolbe rt 3 . .John Rose 4 . Gen ie Co vington 5 . M ikeWard 6 . .Janet Campagna 7 . T immy Batten and .Jody Frazier Page !59 Chip E ubank Page 108 1 . Mike Maynard 2 . Earl O 'B ryant 3 . Henry Wingate 4 . Kelvin Ragland 5 . Dawn L ee Kim Lee 6 . Pat Crav e r 7 . Amy F itzgerald

B 1 2 1 1 3 1

y ears year y ears year year y ears y ea r

year 5 years 2 years 16 months 3months 2 years 2 years 10 months 1 year 3months

2 years 9 months 5 y ears 1 B months 3 years 1 year 2 years

Page 107 K ico Hedrick

Page 138 1 . Whitney P erkins 2 . B obby Rimmer 3 . .John Pavlansky 4 . Eric .Johnson 5 . Terri Mead 6 . .Jamie Z obel 7 . R honda Rhodes Kenny Whee le r Page 139 Becky Reid, S ibylla B rodzinsky, Mary Vermillion. Paige Pence , Stuart Greer, Susan E dmondson, Va . Anne Page, Sandra Mays, Terri Mead Page 180 1 . .Jackie Kennedy 2 . .James Stewa rt. Cary Grant. Audrey H epburn 3. Cary end B ing Crosby 4 . Sophia Loren 5 . Hal Linden 6 . Helen Hayes 7 . Queen E lizabeth Page 161 M ike Todd . E lizabeth Taylor. E ddie Fisher, Debbie Reyn olds Page 188 1 . Eddie B arrett 2 . M ike R ichardson 3 . Todd Runkle 4 . Beth .Johnson 5 . S teffi Marshall 6 . M ichelle Canada 7 . .Jimmy Hav ercamp Pege 189 Warre n Beck Pageeoo 1 . Doug Se ldon 2 3 4 5 6 7

. . . . . .

Virginia Fulcher Richard E rgler Courtenay Stanley Brian Grainer Relp h Ha rri son Ben Hurt

Paga201 A . P . Moore

3years 5months 3years 1B months 1 y ear 6 y ears 3 y ears 4 years 4 years

1972 1 953

1964 1962 1953 1940 1937

3 2 3 3 2 1 3

y ears y ear s y ears years years year


2 y ea rs 1973 1973 1969 1969 195B 1969 1969 1969




A A IASA 1 78 Abbott. J ulie A nn ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 49 , 1 72 . 1 97 Accen t O n T r a v e l 234 Acme S oove C o. 235 Adem e , Ted A . £111 60 Adame, V1rg1n1e 1 9 0, 2 1 7 Adcock, A ntony [ 1 11 60 Advoc ece C lu b 1 84 Afro· A m er•ce n Litera ture C lub 1 84 Agee, A len K le n beck £9 1 9 0 Agee, Roger Deen ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 44 A 1rport Road A uoo Can cer 256 A jgeonke r, Mey e { 1 O J 74 Aker, G le nn Reymond (1 2 ) 17, 49 , 1 74 , 1 9 2, 1 9 6, 199 A lbem a r le Sank a nd T ru st C o. 240 A lle n, A n drew Fo r aeer (91 SO A llen , Kelly E ll zebeeh ( 1 2 1 49 A lle n, Terr. J ean (9 ) 9 0, 1 73 A lle y, M •cheel Ray (1 2 1 1 7 . 49 , 111, 1 92, 196 A lmond, Pet.NCIBLynn£101 74 , 1 52 . 170, 171, 1 9 1, 198 A lons o. Den1e l Fe rn a ndo ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 3 2 , 49, 1 9 2, 1 93 A ltiTie n, Jason S e c~ ( 1 2 1 49 A ltrne n, V a n essa Jan e (1 2 ) 1 7 , 4 9, 1 49 A m b le r, A nn Ma n e (9 ) 90, 1 87 Amero. Scev e ( 1 2 1 1 1 1 A m os, Robe rc Lee (1 0 1 74 Amos, Sen d r eLee C1 2 11 7 , 4S , 1 7 1, 1 88 , 1 S4 , 1S6 A n. You ng Keun CS 1 S O, 1 82 A n. Y oung S h1n ( 1 11 6 0, 1 S7 A n sa. A t.he n e Kechleen CS J S O A n con a , L ou•e J ose ph ( 1 11 A n derson B roche rs B ook S core 26 1 A n de rso n, C h e r. L. ( 1 O J 74 , 1 22. 1 S 1 A n der son, C hfcon Leroy (1 2 11 7 , 4S Anderso n , D or. s 227 A n der s on, J ohn 1 46, 204 , 2 D 5 A n der son, John A n c hony CS 1 A n derson, Lau re T . ( 1 1 1 S D Ander son, L •ee Cerole (11 l 1 3 , 60 , 1 2 2. 1 7 7, 1 S1, 194 A n derson, Mar k A ncho ny ( 1 1 l A n derson, Mery E le 1ne ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 4S Anderson, M •cheel W. ( 1 Ol A n der eon, Pe •ge C . CS J S O, 1 22, 1 SB A n der son, Pa m CS J 1 24 A nderson. Pa m (1 OJ 11 4 , 1 74 A n derson, PemeleLynn(1 2 J1 7 , 4S , 11 4 , 115. 1 4 6. 157, 1 59,1 83 Ander son, Roberee L. (9 J A n derso n , Scef e n1e (9 ) 90 A n der s on, Terry Lav e rne ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 4 9 A n k rom, C h e rlee8ove C1 2 1 17, 46 , 4S , 134 , 170, 171. 1 90, 1 91 , 1 SS A n k rom. Herbe rcW. C9 l 90 . 1 74 , 1 S 1 A n ch o ny, J •II A d e -Me r•e (1 2 J 7. 1 4 , 17, 4 S , 117.1 8 1, 183. 1 S3 A rbo g eec. G •neC . ( 11J 60, 124, 15S Arch er. R o bert T o d d (1 OJ 74. 176 Armis ceed, lrv•ng J . ( 1 1 J 6 0 A rm s crong. Ahce A . CS J A rmscrong. A hce N o e ll CS J A rne cce. Benn1e Mae 2 31 A rn o ld, Mei1SSB J. ( 1 QJ 7 4 Arcele , D n~m e Mer•e C1 2 l 49 , 1 2 0, 1 S 2 , 1 S 4 , 1 SS A t"'VI B, L 1sa D awn CS J A ud•o -V•euel C lub 1 7 4 A uec.n, C. Weyne 2 30 A v e llone , T•e she A nn c1 2 J .as A v e ry, Sereh H eney ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 4 9 A v• s23 B

B Be1le y, Ceche r1ne Dolore s (1 0174 , 1 5 2, 173 Bakel, J u d y L ynn ( 1 21 1 7 , 4S Bak e r, Kelly A nn CS 1 S O Bell, Rob a re W a yne {11J 60, 1 22 , 1 7 2, 1 7 3 Ben d a 1 24 , 1 25 , 1 BB Ban k s F •rsc Penod 252 Benk e , R oge r Cureus ( 1 1 J 5 0, 11 1, 1 2 5 Ban ks , V e randa Den1se CS 1 74 , 1 84 Bem ke , W1ll1e m 1 92 , 1 93 . 2 1 1 Ben s le b e n, E r.k Pet.er ( 1 2 1 1 7 , 49 , 1 59, 1 8 1 , 1 93 Be n s le b e n, G e rda 1 B6 . 1 B 7, 2 1 6 Be ncon. J ohn W1lhe m ( 1 2 1 1 B . 49, 1 7 6 Be rbe r, Pacr.ck A le xande r CS J S O Bar e , Denny 1 24 , 1 7 2 , 1 89 Bare, Herold L . II C9 1 9 0 Berke r. C ynt.h•e A . (9 J 90 Barke r , H ubert M 1t.che ll (1 2 J 1 8 , 49 Barke r . Teres e Carol (1 O J 74 Barnaby's 237 Ba rne s, L IBB 0 . ( 1 11 6 0 Ba rne cc. J ud1Ch C1 OJ 7 4 . 113. 1 2S , 173 Ba rne cc. L •sa C1 1 1 6 0 Bar recc. D ona ld T•mot.hy (S 1 9 0 Berrett, E dwa rd PeytOn ( 1 2 1 1 B . 49 , 1 09. 1 1 1 , 1 68 Ber recc. R obe rt L . 232 Baskecbell. B oys' 1 26, 1 27 . 1 28 Baskecbell, G 1rle' 1 29 , 1 3 0, 1 31 Betten, H oll1s Samue l Jr. ( 101 74 Betten, S cocc A eron (9 1 9 0, 1 24 , 1 89 , 1 93 Batten, T •mot.hy L. (1 1 ) 58, 60, 1 24 , 1 8 9 BeCC1n, Debora h A nn ( 1 O J 7 4 Battle , J ohn C9 J 9 0, 1 24 Bau e r, John C1 0174



Bey scon, R o bert Meche w C9 J 9 0. 1 1 5 Beale , Deann e . (1 0 ) 74 , 1 24 . 1 90 Beard , R o sem e ry A nn (9 J 90. 1 83, 1 97 , 1 98 Beesle y, Jan e t E le 1ne ( 1 2 J 1 B . 49 , 1 9 1, 1 94 Beesle y, Joseph E v e recc CS 1 9 0, 1 1 1 , 1 98 Beesle y, M •che lle K ey (1 OJ 74 , 1 29 Beaufo rd. S h e ron 227 Bec k. War ren E dwa rd C1 2 1 1 B . 49 , 1 6S , .1 7 0. 1 7 1. 1 S O.

1 98 Bell, Hart'le t S cone burne r 2 1 1 Bell. Henry H. CS 1 S O Bele w, Eugen e Rey [9 1 Belew, L JBB L ynn ( 1 2 1 4S, 1 B4 Ben e v•t.ch, D onne L ynn ( 1 2 1 1 B . 4S Ben der, A rchur K. CS 1 9 1 , 1 93 Benne fi e ld, N1cole CS 1 9 1 Benne cc, A ndree Lynn ( 1 OJ Bennecc. Dawn Mer1e ( 1 1 1 5 0, 1 24 , 1 8S Benne tt, E r1c Den•e l (9 J 9 1 Benne cc, J ohn KelCh Jr. (9 ) 9 1 Bennecc. R oy Lee CS J S 1 . 1 BB Be n z •nge r, E hnor Mae (9 1 S 1, 1 B2 Berge , C olleen Me r1e 7 1 , 1 S B, 22 1 Berge F 1ft.h Per1o d 254 Berge F ourth Per•od 24 3 Be rg e Second Per•od 23B Berge S •xth PeNod 25S Be rke le y, E dmund ( 1 1J 6 0, 1 B8 Be rhn lmport.s 239 Berlin, S h e n L ynn(1 2 l7, 1B, 1 22. 1 54 , 1 94 Berna rd. S h e 1le Keye ( 1 1 ) 60, 1 1 0 Berry, Mark Hende rson ( 1 21 1 B . 1 S 2 . 1 95 Berry, R honda H enee £9 1 S 1 Sese, Jerry 228 Bev e rly, Gary L ee [ 1 1 1 6 0 Bevilacqua , Dev•d A ueCln C9 1 91 Bevlle cque , L or• A nn ( 1 21 1 B . 4 S, 1 S5 B h e cc, B •neM . (9 1 9 1, 117 B 1b b. A hce 2 1 2 · B •ckere , B r e d e n A la n CS J 9 1 B •ck te y, Den1se L ynn (1 OJ 74 , 11 7 , 132 . 1 S5 B illhl mer, H ugh Nelson 230 B illups, C hr•e top h e r J . (101 58 , 7 4 B •n•on, E dwa rd Kermen Ill (9 ) 9 1, 1 1 1 B •nney, M ic h ael And rew ( 1 OJ B •rckheed, Bess •e P . 1 S6. 2 09 B •rckheed , T eres e L. C1 11 6 0 B 1rd , C ht'le Clne N a n ( 1 2J 1 B . 4 9, 1 74 , 1 75, 1 B5. 192 , 1 S 4 ,

1 97 B •e hop, Dev•d R uss e ll ( 1 11 1 3. 50, 1 2 2 , 1 7 0, 1 S O. 1 91 , 193, 1 S5 B 1t.he ll, A my ( 1 11 6 0, 1 24 , 1 BS , 1 94 B •che ll, T home e A ie n( 9 J S 1, 1 24 , 1 54 , 1 BS B leck , R o bert: Ke•t.h C1 1J 60 B lack b urn. He•d• E hz ebe ch ( 1 2 1 1 B . 49, 1 52. 1 B 1 , 1 S 4 , 1 98.

1 99 B lack b urn, John A shle y C9 1 9 0, 9 1 , 1 9 1 , 1 98 B lackm a n, S usa n A . 1 B 1 . 1 B 3. 2 1 8 , 2 1 S S iegm a n, G l o rn~IDe n•s e ( 9 ) 9 1. 134 , 1 B4 B le 1r , E t'IC 1 B5 B likeleger, P 1et.e r M . (1 2 1 49 , 1 54 , 1 81 , 1 BB, 1 92. 1 9 3 B li kslager, V•coor•e A. C9 J 9 1 , 1 7 3 B lood Ban k 1 48 B lue R 1dge G r aphiCS 237 B lue R 1dge P h e rrne c1e e 24 1 B lue R 1dge T r a v e l L td. 26 1 B lue , R o ba re Markwood ( 1 11 61 , 1 75 , 1 B 1 , 1 B2, 1 97 B o a rd, L ISB Anne (9 ) S 1. 1 B 3 Boecwng ht, Bach F r e nce s ( 1 2 J 1 B . 49 B o e cwr•g hc. J eanne Mer1on ( 1 2 J 1 B . 4S , 1 B4 Bob's Wheel A hgnme nt 254 Bocock, Stacy A . CS 1 9 1, 117, 132 B o drey, W e nde Key C1 2 J 1 B . 49 Bogard. Jeffre y A lle n [ 1 2 1 1 B . 49 Boh a nnon, D otty A. B , 8 0, 1 1 3, 224 Bola n d . Mehs s e A nn (11 J 6 1, 1 76 Bolden, Karen M iche lle ( 1 01 1 9 0 Bo le n, Marc F . C1 2 1 1 8 , 109 , 111 Bo ling. A lchee A nn c1 2 1 1 8 , 49, 1 24 . 1 89 , 1 92 Boll•nger. Ser e Jan e C1 01 74 , 1 77 Bon a n za St.eek H ous e 2 3 6 Book Room, T h e 26 1 Booker, G r e nville 8 . ( 1 O J 1 1 9 Booch, T •mochy Aibert: C101 74 , 1 51 , 1 B 1. 198 Boswell, T home sW. C9 1 S 1. 1 9 1 Bouchard , Breck R . ( 111 61 , 194 Bou chard , M 1c h e lle S . CSJ 9 1 , 1 2 0 Bourne , K •mberly S . CS1 9 1 Bowen, C hr•a C1 O J 75 Bow e r . J ohn(1 0 J 124, 1 8B B owe rs, L •se K n s Cln (1 OJ 7 , 75 , 1 24 , 1 BS Bow ers , Rose V. (9 J S 1 Bowme n, G le nn Dev•dC11J 5 1 , 1 94 Bowme n, Metthew T . (101 Boyd, E v e lyn 1 46 , 2 0 6 Boyd, Ken nech Carson Jr. (11 J 61. 7 1, 1 S 1, 1 S4 B oyd, L ore A nne CS J S 1 . 1 22 B oyd, Pet;nck D onohue C1 01 75 B r a dy B u s h e y F ord 244 B r ady, Srephe n1e A nne (1 2 1 4S Bre1ne, Jen n ifer C . C1 1 J 60. 6 1. 115. 152. 1 92 B r a 1Chwa 1te , L 1nde ( 11) 6 1, 1 74 . 1 BB B r a nham, Pe1ge T h e r e s e ( 1 2 J 1 B . 4S B r asced , C hr1 e cop h e r R . (9 J 9 1 Breeden . H olly L awson ( 1 2 J 1 B . 49 Breeden, Kev•n S cocc CSJ 9 1, 1 1 1 Breeden, Rendolph Wayne ( 1 2 1 1 8 Breed e n, St.eph e n•e D . ( 1 01 75, 1 7 S Breed1ng , E ldon C . C1 1 1 6 1 Bre •he n . Mary E hzeb e ch C1 01 75, 1 9 1 Brenc. S u sanne C a role CS J 9 1 Brewer, A n gehn (1 OJ 75 , 1 72 , 1 7 3. 1 8 7 Brew e r, Sherr~ Lynne CS J S 1. 1 BS , 1 9 1 B n dgee, Can dace L. C9 1 S 1 B n dgew et:.er L ivescock C o. 23S B n ce , Hele n M . 204

B rtteon, Le1g h e nn (11 J 6 1, 1 74 , 1 95, 1 S9 Brooks , D one A . C9 J B rooks , Gary D oug las J r. ( 1 2 J 1 B . 49 B rooks , Lecy Edward J r. (9 1 S 1, 1 11. 1 28 B rook e, T odd Nolung (11 l 6 1, 1 97 B rown, A nne Margaret (9 J 9 1, 1 82 B rown, A rehurWerdeii Jr. (111 6 1, 68. 110, 111, 1 74 B rown, Brande 227 B rown. Dev1d A rNngCOn CS 1 9 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 89 B rown. Den•se M ic h e lle (9 1 B rown. E lbert: Lew.s CS J 9 1 B rown, Harne c Sev e rn (1 2 1 B rown, Jen•ce ( 1 O J 75, 1 S O B rown, Jeen 233 B rown, J u e n1t;e Delores (9 1 75. 1 87 B rown, L 1nde [ 1 01 B rown, Me N e n A nneete ( 1 2 J 49 B rown, Me ron C1 O J B rown. M ichael W ilham (9 J S 1 B rown, M 1che le Rose {1 2 J 1 B . 49 , S5, 1 59 B rown, R y a n Len ard C1 2 1 1 8 , 4S, 1 1 1 B rown, S h e rr• A nn ( 1 0 1 75 , 1 77 B rown, Terry CS J 9 1, 111 B rown, T h omes Frenkhn ( 1 2 1 1 B . 4S B rown. T homes Lee C1 OJ 75 B rown, V1rg1n1B C le Nce (9 J S 1 . 1 B 3 B rown, Yvonne 2 0 6 B rown•ng, K •mbe rly D . [ 1 1 J 6 1 B rownlee, Monty Ray (1 2 11 8 , 49 , 178 B rown's D ry C lean e rs 240 B ruba k e r, R 1chard F r e nc•s (1 2 11 B . 4S , 194 B ruce , Devre Y. (9 ) B ruce , R 1che rd (9 J B ruce 's D rug S core 237 B ruch, Kennech C1 2 1 1 B . 49 B runs , E hzeb e t.h P . CS 1 S 1, 1 1 3 B rya nt, Andree Lynn ( 1 2 1 1 8 , 4 9, 1 9 4 B rye nc. Dev1d J . ( 1 01 B rye nc, M 1che le E r•n CS J S2 B rye nt, M onc1e Lew1s C1 OJ 5 1 . 1 8 7 B rya n t , T h omes E u gen e (9 1 B ryce , Don a ld W. (11 J 6 1, 1 24 , 1 BS B ull. Geb•e 224 B ullock, Ton•e Ren e C1 2 J 1B, 5 0, 1 7 1, 1 BB. 1S1. 1 94 , 1 96 B unn, C h a rle s R o b •n ( 1 2 1 1 B . 5 0. 1 7 0. 1 7 1 . 1 S O. 1 9 6 B unn, Leone rd A . CS 1 S2 B urbe ch, JuheP. £111 67 , 7 1. 1 49 , 1 59 , 1 B 1 B urch, Kathryn B urne t ( 1 1J 6 1 B urgees Contlne n cel C o1ffuree 26 1 B urke , Ga ry Lee C9 1 B url1ng, S h e rr. M . (11 J 6 1 B urnl e y, Alle n C. (111 6 1, 1 88 B urn~:~, A prtl Joa nne C1 2 l 1 8 , 5 0, 1 24 , 1 59 , 1 B 2, 1 B 3. 1 93 B urne , Dev•d 22B B urns , J u e n•ce 22B B urns , M 1cheel E v e r e cc (1 01 74 , 7 5. 11 1. 134 , 1 5 2. 1 54 ,

1 82 B urrell, S hea M . ( 1 0 1 75 B urruss , Mergerec w. 223 B urton. Der1ck Herold (9 1 92, 1 1 1 B urwe ll, Law rence S cocc ( 1 OJ 75. 1 2 6. 1 46 , 1 B5 B utle r. A lbe rt: B o rdman(1 2 J 1 B . 5 0, 96 , 1B1, 192. 1 94 ,

1 99 B uele r, B u'Ci e r, B u'Ci e r, B yers,

Heache r D . ( 1 O J 75 , 1 32. 1 33, 1 44 , 1 4 5 Mary E lizeb e t.h ( 11) 6 1, 1 BB T homes F r a nklin (1 2 J 2 0. 5 0 C o re y S c o cc C1 OJ

c C -A Tech VICA 1 7S Cebelllns ure nce Aesoc•a t.es 248 Ceh1ll, Leurie (S l 92 Caldwe ll, Keche r•ne ( 1 11 6 1, 1 S 1 . 1 S2. 1 94 , 270 Celdwe ll, T 1ne Mer•e (1 1 J 6 1, 11 0 , 1 9 1 Cele b S cowe Assoc•et:.es 26 1 Cam e r a C e n ter 242 Cam pagn e , Jen et C10J 58, 192 C a m pbell. Dena M 1c h e lle ( 1 1 1 7 5 Campbell, Jac q u e line C . ( 1 OJ 75 Cam pbell, Jeffrey Todd C1 2 l 20, 5 0, 111. 1 76 Cam p b e ll, LJie Kay e { 1 2 J 20, 50 Cen ede , M •che lleR.C 1 1J 6 1.1 68,1 7 0, 1 7 1.177 , 1S1 Candy S hop 26 1 Cen ter, D oug le M . C9 l 92 Cepere1n0, L OUIS ( 1 2 J 50 Cspizz•. Joseph E . c1 11 6 1 , 1 73 Cap ps, Den a L ynn C1 O J 75. 1 90 Csr e v e n 253 Carde n. E l•zebet.h A . C1 2 1 2 0. 5 0. 1 4 6 Carey, Adon•ceA . (101 75, 1 52. 1 9 1 Carey, A hcie V. CSJ 92 , 1 B2. 1 BS Carey, James F . [11 l 6 1 Carey, Robert: T homes ( 1 2 1 20. 5 0, 1 85 Cargile , Kenn ech A . C1 O J 75 Carleen, Jacqu e line L. C9l 1 1 5 , 1 29 Ce rr~ ege Food Hou se 23S Cercer, Carolyn Mer1e (1 2 J 20. 50 Certer, Carroll Mar ke ll CS J Carter, C h a rles H . C9 1 S2 , SB , 1 2B , 1 29 , 1 S 1 Carter, C hr1s 0 . C9 1 92 , 1 89 Carter, G ordon 228 Career. Karen ( 1 01 75 Career, Kelv1n ( 1 OJ 75, 1 1 1 , 1 2 6, 1 28 Cesaro, Joseph Manue l ( 1 2 J 2 0, 5 0. 1 7B C astle , C h a rles Edwa rd J r. (1 2 1 2 0, 5 0 Cescon S tud •os 254 Cet.ele n o , Den•e l J . ( 1 O J 75 , 1 BS

Ceele cc, James O ev•d Jr. ( 1 C Ce e cc, J e rrecc Todd C1 OJ 7 ! Cev e lce , Man e P 1e { 1 2 1 20, ~ Cev e n e u g h . Cht'IBOOph er V. ( Cev edo, K 1mberly A . CSJ 92 , Cev1cc, S u san E . CS l 92, 1 24 Cercem e n C lub 1 B2, 1 B3 C h e lfe nc, E hze b e ch Lee ( 1 2 J ; C h e mbe rh,,n, Scott R . ( 1 O J C h emps 245 C h a n d le r. T homes ( 11 J 5 1, C h e ng, E t'lc ( 11) 6 1. 1 S3 Che n g , Peul Yang Pya ( 1 1 1 E Che n g ; S un-C h a ( 11 J 6 1 C h apmen , Carme lite Darce l C h apm e n, Fren zel! ( 1 O J 75. C h e pme n, Robe rt: S . (11J 6 1 C h apmen, R u d y Stanle y ( 1 2 : C h apm e n, V e le r.e L ynn CS 1 9 C h a rle y's 249 C h e rlottesVJIIe A u co T ruc k 0 C h e rlo tt.eev•ll e C leenng H ou1 C h e rlo tteev1lle Obs e rve r 26 C h e rloteesv1lle Office Mech•r C h a rlottes ville San•tery S u p C h a rleen. John R oyce CS 1 92 C h a rron, Bren da V e lma C1 2 : C h a rron, R 1c h e rd Mark (9) 1 C h a rron, R ob•n F itzger a ld ( 1 C h a rtres, C ynthi e (9J S2. 1 f C h ert:res. O orochy A . C1 2 1 2 C h ecch1, Carolyn Jean ( 1 0 1 : C h eerleader s 1 22 , 1 23 C h ess C lub 1 92, 1 93 C h ess Teem 1 92 , 1 93 C h•ldress, M ic h ael A . C1 2 1 2 ! C hildress , M 1t.che ll A . CS 1 92 C hildress , S h a de Lav e rne ( 1 ; Ch1m n e y Corne r 24B C his holm , Tem e r e Ren ee CS : ChiVIIy, Steph a n1e A n n C1 2 1 ~ C h1vily, S u zanne A . [101 20. C h oe , J 1n W. (11 l 6 1 Cho•re 1 B6 , 1 87 C hns Cle n Fellowship C lub 1 S C hne t.rnee A c'Civ•tles 1 52 , 1 C hr•s t.rnee. Joel Wi111e m (9 1 Churchme n, Lise Rene ( 1 11 C le r k , Karen Den• se C9l 90 , C lerk, Paul Eugen e ( 1 2 1 20. C lerk e . M 1chael E dward ( 1 2 1 C le t t.erbuck, Jeffrey W . C1 1: C leesby, Amy C hr•sc•ne ( 1 2 1 C le m, David M ichael ( 1 Ol 7E C lemen s , Lilia n A . C1 OJ 74 , -; C le m ence , B onn •e S . C9 l 93. C le m e n t.a , Pecr1ck V a n (9 J s : C le m e n ce , R o d n e y Cafe ( 1 2 1 C l1ff ord. MergereC E l1zabet.h C hne , J ohnny L . ( 1 01 75, 1 S C l•ne , Mehsse A nne CSJ S3 C hne , S onya ( 1 1 J Cob b , Jen e M . C11l 6 1, 1 9C Cob b , Scev e A uehur (9 } S3, C o b le . MerteAnn(11l 1 95 C oce ·C ol e 242 Cochra n , R o be rt: Lee .C S J S3 Cog burn, Mark ( 1 OJ 75, 1 S C ole , T r e c e y L. CSl 93 Coleman, Jeffrey Page CS 1 S C ole m a n, Lise Ren ee ( 1 2 1 2 ( Coleman , S u zann e M 1c h e le ( Coles , C le r•ece R . { 1 OJ 75. " Colee , Janice E la ine (121 20 Ca lker, P hili p le n [1 O l College P le nn1ng C lub 1 84 Coll•er, Rebec ca Ann e C12J C: Collie r. S u san A . (1 O J 75 , 1: Coll•e r, Wende F . (11 J 6 1 Coll•ns -Hernd on M ocor C o. Coll•ns . Me re J e yC11 l 6 1, 1 Colomb1n1, Merehe A nn Joh • Colv1n, Ashle y S . (11J 6 1, 1! Comey, L yme n R . 23 1 C o mmon weelt.h Propen e 2E Com puter C lu b 1 85 Com puterl e n d 247 C onle y, A licia A nne CSJ 93, 1 Conle y, Gregory S h e wn C1 0 Cooper . Debora h E . 223 C o oper. D oug las A la n ( 1 1 l Cooper . Jennifer K . ( 1 01 7E C o oper. Nath an E u gene CS 1 Cooper , Susan C . ( 1 2 1 1 6, ; Corb1n, J im mi e A n drew ( 1 2 Corbin , scev e n E . C1 1 1 6 1 Cosby, Mergret A . C9 l 93. 1 Cosner B rot.ha re Body S he Coster, Chr•scoph e r C111 6 : Coster, Pecr1ck A rthu r ( 1 O J Coukos , Harry S . CSJ S3 Cou k o s , Steph a n•e ( 1 O J 76 C ove rt, Leure C . CS J S3 CovJngcon, E u gen• e V. (1 2J i C ov1ngcon. G le nn M . C9 1 S3 C ow 111, Brende C1 2 l 20 C o x , Joh n A lva h [ 1 2 1 20, 5 ( Coyle , Debra Men1on 226 C re~ C lu b 1 90 C r a v e r, Pet r 1c1e L ynn (1 2 J1 1 94 , 198. 1 99 Crawford. Aaron T home s ( • Crawford, Jud•ch A nn CS 1 s ::; Creasy, Debr a A nn [ 1 01 Creec1ve A rcs Week 1 46. 1 Creighcon, F r a nCIS M 1ICOn (!:; Cren s h aw, C h a rl e s II C1 1 1 6 Cren s h a w, S h1rle y Palme r C: Cren s h aw, W 1lhe m ( 1 O J Cresc1me nno, A my MaN e CE Cress , Donne (9 1 C rtss , A lv1n T 1mot.hy ( 1 OJ 7 E C rt tzer. S u eD. 170 , 2 1 4 C rt tzer, Ma xwe ll Tre v1 s (1 2 : Crock e r. Jerle S tockcon cs ; Cromer , Jem e eW. (11) Cromer . T ine Man e ( 1 O J 7E C rose Country 1 1 4 , 1 1 5



'110, 111,174



I, 194

188, 1 91 , 194, 196 '1 71 , 190. 196


1 59 . 182. 183. 193

1 1. 1 34, 1 52. 1 54 ,

• 146,185 16 , 181. 192. 194 , 144,145

• 194, 270 I

11,176 ). 171,177,191



78 )


Ceclece. James Oev•d Jr. {12) 20. 50 Ceclecc, Jerrece Todd ( 1 01 75, 1 76, 1 78 Cevelce, Mane P te ( 1 21 20. 50, 1 B 1 , 1 83 Cav e naugh, Chrteoopher V. (1 Ol 75, 110. 1 11, 134 Cevedo, Ktmberly A. (9) 92, 1 24, 1 74 Cevice, Sueen E. CSl 92, 1 24 Certamen C lub 1 82, 1 83 Chalfant, E hzebech Lee !121 20, 50, 154, 181. 187 Chamberlain, Scott R . C1 OJ Chemps245 Chandler, Thomes ( 1 11 61, 1 94 Cheng, Enc(11 l61, 193 Cheng , Paul Yong Pyo (111 61 Cheng; Sun-Che ( 1 1 l 61 Chapman, Carmelite Darcel C91 92, 1 77 Chapman, Frenzel I ( 1 Ol 75, 1 24, 1 89 Chapman, RobertS. (11161, 111, 192, 193 Chapman, Rudy Stenley ( 1 21 20, 50 Chapmen, Velerte Lynn (9) 92 Charley's 249 Cherlocteeville Auto Truck Dealers 255 Cherlot;tesville Cleertng House 246 Cherlocteeville Observer 261 Charlottesvtlle Offtce Machtne Co. 240 Charlottesville Sanitary S upply Corp. 235 Charlton, John Royce C9l 92 . 1 93 Charron, Brenda Velma ( 1 21 20. 50 Charron. R 1chsrd Mark C9l 1 1 1 Charron, Rob•n F•czgereld ( 1 21 Chartres, Cynchla C91 92 , 1 24. 1 74 Chartres, Dorothy A . (12120. 50. 194, 198. 199 Checchi, Carolyn Jean ( 1 OJ 75. 1 24, 1 59, 1 89 Cheerleaders 1 22, 1 23 Chess C lub 1 92, 1 93 Chess Teem 1 92, 1 93 Child ress. M 1cheel A . ( 1 2 1 20. 50, 1 78 Ch•ldress. M itchell A . (91 92 Childress, Shells Laverne ( 1 21 50 Ch1mne y Corner 248 Ch•sho lm. Tamara Renee (91 93. 95 Ch1vily, Scephen•e Ann ( 1 21 75, 1 87 Ch1vity, Suzanne A. (10J20. 50, 193 Choe. J in W . (111 61 Cho•ra 1 86, 1 87 Chnsoen Fettoweh•p Club 1 9 1 C hnecrnea Act.iv1Cn~~s 1 52 . 1 53 Chnscrnee. Joel W 1them CSJ Churchmen, L •se Rene ( 1 1 l C lerk, Karen Den•se (91 90. 93. 1 22 . 1 98 Clark. Paul Eugene ( 1 2J 20. 50. 1 1 1 Clarke. M 1chael Edward ( 1 2J 20. 50. 1 9 1 C latterbuck. Jeffrey W. ( 1 1 J 61 Cleasby, Amy Chnsc.ne ( 1 21 50. 1 84 Clem, Oev•d M 1cheel ( 1 01 75 Clemens, L •hanA. (10J74, 75,122, 182 Clements, Bonn1e S . CSJ 93, 1 89 Clements, Paet"lck Van {91 93 C le m e nts, Rodney Cele ( 1 21 20, 50 C lifford, Mergerec E lizebech 227 C line, Johnny L. ( 1 Ol 75. 1 93 Chne, Mehsse Anne CSJ 93 C line. Sonya ( 1 1 l Cobb,JeneM.C11l61,190 Cobb, seeve Auchur CSl 93, 1 76 Coble , MerceAnnC11l 185 Coce·Cole 242 Cochran, R obert: Lee (9) 93 Cogburn, Mark ( 1 OJ 75. 1 95 Cole , Tracey L. (9J 93 Coleman, Jeffrey Page (91 93 Coleman, L 1se Renee ( 1 2J 20. 50, 1 78 , 1 84 Coleman, Suzanne M 1che le ( 1 2J 20, 50 Coles. C leNece R . ( 1 OJ 75. 1 24 Coles, Jen•ce Ele 1ne ( 1 21 20, 1 76, 1 97 Calker. Philip len (1 OJ College P tann1ng Club 1 84 Cather. Rebecca Anne (1 2J 20. 50, 193 Cather, SusanA . (10175, 124 , 197 Cather, Wanda F . C11 J 61 Collins·Herndon Motor Co. 239 Collins, Marc:JeyC11J61, 184 Colomb1ni, Mert:he Ann Johnson 21 1 Colv1n. Ashley S. {11 J 61 , 159 Comey, Lyman R . 231 Commonweelch Propene 261 Computer Club 1 85 Compucerlend 247 Conle y, A lic1 e A nne CSJ 93 , 1 83 Conle y, Gregory Shewn ( 1 Ol Cooper, Deborah E . 223 Cooper, Douglas Alan { 1 1 J Cooper, Jenn1fer K . ( 1 Ol 75. 1 32. 1 33. 1 44 Cooper, Net.hen Eugene CSJ Cooper, Susan C. ( 1 2 J 1 6. 20. 50, 1 96 Corb1n, J 1mm•e Andrew ( 1 2J 20, 50 Corbin, Sceven E . C11 J 61 Cosby, MergrecA. C9J93, 191 Cosn e r 8rot.hera Body Shop 249 Coecer. Chr•st.opher (11 J 62. 115, 1 BB Coecer, Pecr•ck Art:hur C10J 75 Coukos, Harry S . CSJ 93 Coukos. Scephen•e ( 1 OJ 76 Covert:, Leurs C . (9J 93 Cov1ngt.on, Eugen•e V. (121 20, 50, 58. 177 Cov1ngton. G lenn M . C9J 93 Cowb•n. Brenda C1 2J 20 Cox, John A lvah (12J 20. 50. 159. 175. 181. 1 BB Coyle, Debra Men1on 226 Creft.s Club 1 SO Crav er, Peet"lc•e Lynn (12J 16, 20, 50, 1 OS, 112, 113, 181. 194 , 198, 199 Crawford, Aeron Thomes ( 1 2J 20, 50 Crawford, Jud•ch Ann CSJ 93 Creasy, Debre A nn ( 1 OJ Creac.ve Art.s Week 146, 147 Cre•ghton, Frenc1s M•lton CSJ 93 Crenshaw. Charles II {11 l 62 Crenshaw. Sh•rley Pa lmer 208 Crenshaw, W1lham C1 OJ Cresc•menno, Amy Mer•e CSJ 93. 144 , 145 Cress. Donne CSJ CNss. A lv1n T1mochy ( 1 OJ 76 CNczer, SueD. 170,214 CNczer, Maxwell Trev•s ( 1 2J 20. 50 Crocker, Jarle Stock con CSJ 93, 1 75 C rome r, JemesW. (11) C romer, Tine Ma N e ( 1 OJ 76 C ross Coun"try 1 1 4, 1 1 5

Crouse·H•nds 259 Crowder, Andrew R 1cherd ( 1 OJ 76 . 1 1 4, 1 1 5. 1 34 Cruechf1eld, Helen E . (1 218, 20. 50, 11 2. 1 1 3, 194 Culliem, Mea henna 1 84 Cullop, Jemee Robert: 228 Cum•ns. Cynt.h•e 2 1 3 Cunn1nghem. Dev•d 1 70, 1 90 , 21 1 Cunn1nghem Phocogrephy 253 Curnow, Rendell Thomes ( 1 OJ 76. 1 93 Curnow, St.ecey Lynn CSJ 90, 93. 182, 1 98 Curr1e, Cynt.h•a C. ( 1 1 1 62. 1 76 Curry, Merv1n T. 210

D OECA 177 Debney, Joseph L1ndwood (9) Dabney, Roneld Ke1t.h C9J Dade, Thomee 1ne C. (1 OJ 76 Degli, He ken Akec C91 93 , 1 93 Dam1kolee, Chnsc.ne S . CSJ 93. 98, 1 49, 1 72 Demv ekeNe, Chr1s (9) 93 Dee, SenJIC(1 2J22 . 50, 157. 159. 182,183. 192, 193. 196,199 D 'ACre , Gregory Michael ( 1 OJ 76, 11 5. 1 85 D 'Acre , Scephen•e Ann C9J 93 Dev1es, Donald Allen ( 1 OJ Dev1 s, Art:hur Lowell { 1 0~ 1 1 1 Dev1e, Berry Anchony { 1 2J 22, 50 Davie, Brenda (1 OJ 76 Devie. Gary Thomes C9l 93, 1 75, 1 92, 1 96 Davie, George W. ( 1 1J 62 Dev1e, Herbert: L inwood (11 J 62, 126, 174, 191 Devis, John 232 Dev1s, Joseph P . ( 1 OJ 76. 1 BB. 196 Dev1s, Joseph W. C9J 93 Dev•s. Lauren {9 ) 1 82 DeMe, L •sa ( 1 21 22 Dev•e. L •se Gyvvn ( 1 11 62 Oav1e, Lowell C1 01 76 Dev1s, Medel1ne (9J 93. 1 89 Dev•e, Nancy Lauren (9J 1 0, 93 Devu!l, R . M. Motors 246 Dev1s, Scot:t. Jackson (91 93 Davis. VeleNe Dawn ( 1 21 22 . 50 Dean. Kechy Sue ( 1 21 22. 50 Deane. Carl Edward CSJ Debece Team 1 75 Decker. Wescon E . (9J 93 Oelepp. Jess1ca ( 1 2J 22 O 'Eiic1o, Ida { 1 Ol 76, 1 24, 1 89 O'Eiicio, Lu1g1 Edward C12J22. 50. 124, 154. 159. 187. 189 Del Monee Frozen Foods 250 OeKrefft;, Charles W. 229 OeMescers. Scephen c. C11J 62. 1 91 Deprec·Guilleume, Cor1nne C11J62. 120, 181, 182 Oeprec·Guilleume, Pecr•ck(12l22. 50,157. 185 Des1IBt.e, ChNet.lne (9) 93 DeVen, Margarec R •cherds C1 1J 62, 1 95 Dez1o, Kelly C . ( 1 Ol 76, 1 1 5 . 1 59 , 1 75, 1 82. 1 98, 1 99 D 1Cket.e1n, Ron1C C9J 93 D1ehl, Rodney D. ( 1 Ol 76 D1ggs, V1ct.or D . (SJ 93 Olllerd. Courcney D. C1 01 76 D•llerd. M 1chee l A. C1 1 1 1 79 D•llow, Mark Anchony ( 1 2J 22, 50 O.sle1re, Jeen·LOUIB ( 1 21 22 , 32. 50, 1 82 D •echkue, Welcer B . CSl 93 O ix, Elizebet.h Ashley C9l 93 D 1x. Pamela J . (11 J 62. 67, 117, 118, 134, 195 D 1x, Trefny Allison ( 1 Ol 76, 1 1 7 D 1xon, Herold Andrew ( 1 2J 22. 50, 1 89 D 1xon, Mercy Jean <91 93, 1 1 3 D •xon, M 1chael B . ( 1 1 J 62, 1 BB Dobbs, MehsseLynn{12J22. 50, 124 , 181. 187, 189 Dodd, L ISBR. (10J77, 182, 189 Dodson, Cassandra K. CSl 94 Dodson, ChNst.lne M 1che le ( 1 1 J 62, 1 77 Dom1no's P 1ZZB 249 Doneco. BNen John ( 1 21 22. 50 Donnelly, Mark Terry (11 J 62, 195 Donnelly, Pecnc•a Anne ( 1 OJ 77 Donoghue, Kelty A nne ( 1 21 50 Dorman, R1cherd Wayne ( 1 OJ Dorner, Charles Rober Jr. ( 1 OJ 77 Dorrier, L. Gordon Insurance Agency 261 Docaon, Mect.hewC10J77. 126. 193 Douglas, Alv1n Jerome ( 1 21 1 84 Douglas. G lenda Rut.h {1 2) 22 . 50. 159 Dougles, James F . 208 Douglas, Jan V1ctor1e (9J 94 Douglas. Karen Mer•e ( 1 2J 22. 50. 1 52 Douglas. Ke1ch Lee C12l 22, 51 Dowell. Joseph Eugene CSJ 94 , 11 1 Dowell, Raben< W. ( 1 OJ 1 74 Downtown Achlec.c Store 234 Oowncown Gulf 261 Doyle, Anne K. (1 OJ 77 Dnecolt, BechenyCiey£121 10, 22.51 Drumh e ller. Gregory K. CSJ 94 Drumheller. Penny Louise (1 OJ 77. 82. 195 Dudley, Carolyn Lou (91 94, 1 26 Dudley, LoN Ann (1 Q) 77, 117. 126 Duggen. Tern Key ( 1 11 62, 1 49 . 1 82 Dunbar. Den•el 0. f Sl 94 Dunbar, M•chelle L. (91 94, 1 22, 1 91 Duncen. M1chael T . {9) 94, 111, 1 89 Dunkl, Jenn•fer Ann C11 l 62, 124, 181, 192 Dunn, Dan1el Nelson (9) 94 Dunn. M1cheel Pat.r•ck ( 1 1 1 B . 63, 1 09. 1 1 1 , 1 92 Duprey, ChNstopher W. C9J 94. 111 Duprey, Peu l E . ( 1 1 J 63

~~~~=~: ~~:'r:n ~:.nhe~~~( ~~~ ~~.


1 76 Durkee. Peule ChNSt;;lne ( 1 1J 63 Ducy, Nancy A . CSJ 94 , 1 87 Oyer, Julie 105. 197.220 Dyer. Phillip Razelle C9J 94, 1 1 1, 1 28 Dygert:, Gregory J. C9l

E Eagen, M1cheel W. (9) 94 Eegle Window end Remodeling 236 Eest;lack , John W1111em CSJ Eeselack . Lise M1chelle C9J 94 Edd1ns. Terese A. CSJ 94 Edgecomb. N•cole Lee C9J 94 E dgecomb. Sheri Ann ( 1 Ol 77, 1 97 Edhch, Rachel Cerci CSJ 84. 1 13 Edlich. R icherd F . Jr. (121 1 4 , 22. 51. 1 4 0, 194 Edmonda , WlneconLewisJr. (12J22, 51, 178. 188, 199 Edmondson , Susan Lou•se ( 1 21 22, 51 , 1 39 Edson, Cecherine A. ( 1 OJ 77 E dson, C tarece Hollend 209 E dwards, Andrew Wesley ( 1 2J 22, 51 , 1 92 Edwards, Kennech Semuel ( 1 21 22. 51 , 1 54, 1 78 Edwards, NencyJeen(12J22. 51 , 120, 181, 184, 191 E hrherdt;, Jean MaNe ( 1 1J 63 E ichelberger. Ben DaviS (121 22. 51, 1 59, 183 E iche lberger, Sereh B . (91 94, 1 93 E 1chman, Cory C. C9J 94 E 1chmen. Todd Everet:t. ( 1 21 1 4, 22. 51 E l Cebr1to'e 247 E ley, Mary E. C11 l 63, 191 E tjo'e 251 E lledge, Cynt.hu!!l E. CSJ 94, 1 1 3, 1 75. 1 91 E lhs, Oen1el Wade (9J E llie, Oerle CheNe 207 E lhcon, Wendy K. ( 1 1 l 63 E ly. M•cheel 1 29 Emp1re Poole 240 English Inn of Cherloct.eev•lle 245 English, Robert: Conway, .Jr. (9J 77 Eppard, KBren M ichelle (12122. 51, 132, 133 Eppard, Le1gh MIChelle (9J 94 Eppard. RoxsnnM . {10177, 191 Ergler. R 1chard 170, 200, 208 Esces. Anne Elizebet.h CSJ 94 Esces, Darryl W. C91 94 Eeces, Heecher L. C1 OJ 77 Eeces, Scephen•e MaNe (1 21 14, 51 Escee. Suzanne Rae ( 1 OJ 77 Eet.es, Thomes Howard .Jr. ( 1 1) 63. 1 59, 1 95. 1 96 Estes, z. James 21 3 Eubank, William Ill CSJ 59. 94, 1 1 1 Eubanks. Thomes Lee CSJ 94 Evens. Jen•ce M. 232 Ev ens. K•mberlySueC12J22, 51, 116. 117, 118, 195 Eweys, Sa lem M. 240 Ewing, Drew J. (9J 94, 11 1

F F8LA 176 FCA191 FFA 176 FFA 177 Falls, S h aron Lyn ( 1 2J 22. 51 Fenc.no, ManlynJ. 146.214 FeNeh, Use Ele•ne C12J22. 51, 159 Far•ss, Wilham Henry ( 1 2J 22. 51 Fermer, Penny { 1 1 l 63. 1 76 Farnum, Freder•ck P . ( 1 1 l 63 Farrell, Dawn E. CSl 94 Ferrell , LISS J. ( 1 1) 63 Farr1sh, Pamela 01ane {12151 Fesh1onelit;y 261 Feulconer, Dev1d W. CSJ 94 Faxon. Daniel Keich (9J 1 24. 1 89 Feggene, Cerohne { 1 1 J Feggene, Clarence S . .Jr. ( 1 OJ Fernandez. Donne 1 77. 228 F •eld Hockey 1 1 2. 1 1 3 Field•ng, Severt: V. CSJ 94 F 1e lds, Donne MaNe C9l 94, 1 77 F •elde , Gary Weyne CS1 77 F 1e lde, Judy Den•se C1 21 22. 51 F 1e lde, W11t1em 8. ( 1 1 l 63 F ilm CNt.ICS Club 1 73 F 1nger. E leenor F. [12124, 51, 171, 194, 196 F1nger, LOUISB ( 1 11 1 0, 63, 67, 1 20, 1 94 F 1nley, Peggy 1 96 , 21 3 F 1scher, K •mberly A. CSJ 94 F 1ehe r. Mehsse D. CSJ 94 F1eher. She ron Lenore ( 1 Ol 77 F 1ek. Freemen Peul ( 1 01 F 1ek. George E lbe C12J 24, 51, 176 F 1cch. Susan 1 84, 226 F icz, Douglas Alen <1 21 51 F icz, Timothy D. C9l F iCZ·Hugh, George M. ( 1 1 J 63, 1 BB FICZ·Hugh, Juhe {9J 94, 1 74 F 1czgereld, AmySueC12J24, 51,106, 113, 181, 194 F 1czgereld, Rob•n ( 1 2J 24. 51 F1Czgereld, Temmy Den1ee (9) 94, 1 77 F lem1ng, Jen•fer Mane ( 1 21 24, 5 1, 1 71, 1 94, 1 96 F letcher. Doneld Ke1t;h ( 1 OJ 77, 1 1 1 Flick, .Jeck C1 01 77 F lick, JecQuellne { 1 21 51 F loor Fee h•one of V1rg1n1a 237 F lorence, Mery Cet.heNne {1 1 l 63. 1 BB F lorey, Pet.erJoeephC12l51. 193 F lynn, Breck A. {10177, 193 F lynn, Kathleen 21 1 F lynn, Mery Allee 1 29, 227 Fogle, M1cheel 8 . C9l Fomelonc. Jese•ce C9J 94. 1 83 Foocbeii10B. 109. 110, 111 Fore!. Rodney Weyne CSJ 95, 1 28 Fordham, Andrew E . (10177, 192 Fordham, Benjem•n0hverC12J24, 51, 157, 159, 181. 183. 196,197 Forresc. Amy Sue C11 J 63 Forsberg, Roneld Wayne ( 1 2J 24, 51 Foscer. Melisse Reagen C91 95 Foscer. Page Warren Jr. ( 1 OJ 77 Foucz . R . Scephen 1 92. 222



Fowley, Danie l John [ 1 11 63, 1 94 Frenc1s , K •m A lle n { 1 01 77 F r a nk, JoAnn 205 F renk, Mecchew G . { 1 1 1 63 F r enk.lln, Verona 2 1 5 F rez1er. J ody H. {11 1 58 F r ez 1e r, Tony D . {91 95 Fredrick, Rebecca L yn C12l 24 , 5 1. 1 54 , 1 57 , 159. 1 8 1, 1 87,198 Freemen, Amende L. [101 77 , 120 French. A le n Weyne ( 1 01 77 , 1 93 French C lub 1 82 , 1 83 French Honor Soc•e Cy 1 8 1 Freecoln, Reee J . ( 111 63, 1 1 1 , 1 78 Frescoln, Rob Yarnell {9195 F rn;.z, S h e n A . {91 95, 1 87 F n tz, T homes Joseph [ 1 21 24 , 5 1 F rye , Robert; R •cherd C1 2 1 5 1 F u dala , Gret.ch e n E . (91 95, 1 29 F ude le , Jen•fe r L. ( 1 11 63, 1 1 3 , 1 24 , 1 92 F ulche r, V1rg in1a 1 8 1, 200 , 209 F ull e r, Tenya Joy <9195 Furr, Anite D 1a n e (9 1 77 F usee . A nne m e n e G . C9l 7, 90, 95, 113, 1 9 1. 198 F u see , R ogello A . ( 1 1J 63, 1 73

G Geunes , Eernesc Lee J r. (1 2 1 24 , 5 1 Ge llegh e r,John Dav•d(111 63, 1 50,1 8 0.1 8 1,270 Gellegh er, LIBB A . (1 0177 , 1 49 Gelle nc. Jan e 2 1 6 Gamache, Oev• d E . (9 J 95, 1 89 Games. Inc. 1 85 Gardn er, C hr• st.oph e r Dele CS J 95, 1 11 Gardn er, E llloccJ . Jr. (1 2 18 , 24 , 5 1, 109 , 111 Gardn er, Kav e n sa Kencon (121 24 , 5 1. 111 Gardn er. Kenton S . 1 76 , 227 Gardner, T imochy W . (9J 95 , 1 24 , 1 28. 1 89 Garlend, Angela Mey ( 1 OJ 77 Garl a n d , David Brenc C10J7 7 , 1 25. 1 49 , 1 8 1 Garla n d , Robert; William C1 1J 63. 1 84 Garnecc, Jem es Merce r 1 28 , 225 Gam ete, J ill 1 77. 229 Garnecc, R uth 23 1 Garr~e on, Jen1ce Man e (121 24 , 5 1 Gerr~son. Wend• L ynn ( 1 0 1 77 Gatewood. Lo ri A nn ( 1 1 1 1 77 Geer , T 1naM. (111 Gencry, George M 1cheel (91 95, 1 1 1 Genc.ry, K 1m L ynne ll ( 1 11 63 Gentry, Aen e id Ke•th C9l 95. 1 90 Gentry, S h eron Kay e [ 1 01 77 Gerber-c. C h arles Peck. ( 1 21 24 , 5 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 .as Gerber-c. Kelle y A . ( 1 1 l 63, 67 . 1 4 0, 1 91 Ghezer1an, Vehe M . (9 J Gusnn1n1, Bryst.on C re•g ( 1 1J 63 G •enniny, Stev e n T odd ( 1 OJ 77 G ibbs , Chen Den 1se ( 1 O J 77 , 84 G ibson, A nge la Fe1th (9 J 95 G ibson, Bernard C lyde (91 95 , 1 1 1 G •beon, C ynth•e Key { 1 1 1 G ibson, Dev•d Lee [ 1 Ol 77 , 1 76 G •bson, G lenn A lle n ( 1 2 1 5 1 G •bson, John ( 1 1 l G •bson. Libbie Le•gh C9 J 95 G •bson, Roge r Dele ( 1 2 J 24 , 5 1 G •bson, S h errnen S . (91 77 G •bson, Susen Jean ( 1 1 1 63 G 1bson, Vicki L ynn ( 1 OJ G •eck , E li zebech De.Je rnect.e ( 1 OJ 77 . 88 , 1 1 3 , 1 83 G 1es, MeryJo 1 84 , 1 97, 221 G •ffe n. Steph e n C . C91 95 G iffin, A nne L . [ 1 1J 63, 1 75 , 1 82 . 1 97 G •lk.e, M ichelle L ynn ( 1 2 1 5 1 G ill, S h aron R . ( 1 01 78. 1 22 , 1 9 1 G ill, T homes G . ( 1 1 l 63 G ilham, Meshenna ( 1 1 1 63, 1 79, 1 84 G illig a n. J uhe C . {1 0178, 1 24 , 1 89 G illisp ie , Paul McDonald C9J 95 , 124 , 1 89 Glanzer, K •m ( 1 1 1 63 G lasgow, Ethel Elnore ( 1 21 24 , 5 1, 1 29 . 1 42, 1 84 G lessn er Jewelers 25 1 G leeson, M ichelle Lee (121 27, 51 G le lt , Nschen R oy CSJ 95 G lover, A my Sue C91 95, 187 G love r. Mery Jen e 227 G lover, S h e rry (91 Goebel. Kathy Jeane ( 1 1 l 63 Golt11 9 Good, AnthonyW. (111 63. 111, 119, 1 26 . 128 , 137 Goode . Edna V 1rg 1nie ( 1 2J 27 , 5 1 Goodmen, J on w . (121 27 , 5 1, 1 94 , 196, 199 Goodwin, Geoffrey ( 1 01 78 , 1 88. 1 94 Goodwm. Sere Lynne ( 1 01 78 , 1 1 3, 1 32 . 1 33 Gorby, T r ecy Kathryn (9 1 96 , 1 87 , 1 92 Gordon, Kev1n J . C9J 96, 1 1 1 G orman, Yvonne M . ( 1 1 l 63 , 72, 1 72 Goes , Ken d nck. A . ( 1 01 7S G ossweile r, Robert; S . (11J192 , 1 93 Gochem, Anne A . (111 63, 1 5 0 , 1 8 1 Gould , Donie lle L. ( 1 1 J 63 Gould , Greer S . (11J Grady, C h a rles E . Jr. CSJ 96 , 111 Gra h am, David Andrew C12J27. 51. 124 Gre•ne r, Br1an J . 1 08, 1 09, 2 CXJ. 221 Gre•ner, Pamela J1llson 1 25, 1 32, 224 Grammer, Shawn CSJ 96 , 1 89, 1 93 G range r, Amy Henk1ns (12J 27 , 5 1, 1 59, 174 , 175, 185. 192.194 Grav e lle , C hnetopher (9J 96, 1 28 G1"'8v ee , 81"'8nde 223 G revee . Jemes McK inle y (9J G r eves , L IBB ( 11 ) 64 Grav es . Marsha Rae (9 J 1 SO G r a v es. V 1ck 1e L ynn ( 1 1 1 64 G r a y, Em•IY Mae ( 1 Ol 78, 1 77 G1"'8y, Kev•nWIIIIem (11J64 Grey , M ilton Den1 e l (1 2 1 27 , 5 1, 126 , 12S . 1 74 G r e y, R uth L (11 l 64 , 1 9 1

2 66


Grey's F lo r a l Galle ry 26 1 G re z •ano , Anehony F renk.hn ( 1 21 2 7, 51 Graz1e no. Karle Merle (91 96 , 1 73 Grez•ano , Kns~n ( 1 1 l 64 Green, Jenn•fer ( 1 OJ 78, 1 95 Green , KelVIn Leroy ( 1 2 J 51 Green. Rech eel Annet:t.e [ 1 11 1 87 Green, Sonya Lamour (9) 96 Greene , Laure A . (9) 96 , 1 87 Green e . R onald A . ( 1 1 1 64 GrehBWlCk. K •mberly ( 1 11 64 , 1 92 G r'lm, Nancy Cerolyn 222 Groome, K •mberly R . (10178 , 1 87 , 1 91 G roup O n e Reel Escete 260 G u e rra nc, Jeffrey L1tt.lec (91 96, 1 1 4, 1 1 5 , 1 34 Gut:i'"IN e , T •mot.hy Rey ( 1 21 27 , !5 1, 1 92. 1 96 G u errez, M•chelleM . (10178 , 1 8 1. 1 87 G ymnes cs 1 32 . 1 33

H Heberly, Dunca n C h a rles (1 1 J 64 , 1 92 Heckecc, Raymond Oenn•s CS J 96 , 1 1 1 Hackle y, D •onne A nt1onecce CS J 96 Hac kley, L e •ee ( 1 1 J 1 s.a Hednungeech, Neils C12J 32 , 52 Nags, Sytv1e Den•se (121 27 . 5 1 Heger, Janrt.e L ynn (11 J 64 , 1 88 Hege r, Leur1e 8 . (1 0J78 Heger, Pau l (11 1 Heger, Tammy G . C10J78 He1ner, Jon M . (1 OJ He1n es, Coll een (1 2 J 27 , 5 1 Hakala , T r e cy N o e l(1 2127, 48 , 51 . 1 54 . 181, 193. 194 Hale , M 1cheel E uge n e ( 1 1 1 Haley, C his holm end Morna Inc. 236 Hpll, Dev1d A la n ( 1 O J 78 , 88, 1 26 Hell, Don a ld Ke1t h ( 1 2 1 51 Hell, Kerry Uynn ( 1 OJ 78, 79 Hell, Lesl•e Carol (91 96 Hell, Ser e Jo CSl 96 , 1 9 1 Hell, S usa n Kechryn (11 1 64 , 1 8 1, 1 9 1 Hell, T •mothy Scott C9J Hell' s Body S hop 243 Hemm, Unde0ewn{12J27, 5 1 Hemmer, Dewn M . (1 OJ 78, 1 90 Hemmer, JoeAIIe n(1 2 1 5 1 Hemm111, C hfford Geo rge C12J2 7 , 5 1, 176 Hemm1ll, Wende Jeenect.e [ 1 OJ 78, 1 76 Hammond, Kennech Peul ( 1 2 J 27 , 5 1 , 1 9 1 Hammond, M •cheel J . ( 1 1 l 64 Hammond, Reeh e l M . CS J 96 , 1 22 Hamn er, C hfton Charles C12J 1 5 , 27 , 5 1, 111, 126 , 127, 1 37.1 72 , 1 8 1, 1 9 1 Hamn e r. Edward N icholes Jr. (91 96 , 1 89 Hamn e r , Harold Henry ( 1 OJ 78 Heney, Tony Brenc C9J 96 Heney, W ilham M cGa vock. Jr. ( 1 01 78, 1 93 Hanger, Lor• A nn (11 J 64, 195 Hange r, Ron• Lee (91 1 29 Hanck. e i· C 1t1zene Ins ura nce Corp. 247 Hard•ng , Dawn Mer•e C9 l 96 , 1 1 3 Herd•ng, Rodn e y A lle n (9J 96 Herding, Stev e n Lee (9J Harla n. Mary 227 Harlow, Angele Feye {9 ) 96 He rlow, Nethen•e l P . Ill (9 J 96 , 1 24 , 1 89 Harmen. John K . (11 164 , 1 9 1, 198 HeNT'Ion. Scocc A IIe nC121 27 . 52 . 178 , 199 Harper, S herr~ Lynn ( 1 21 27 , 52 Harper, Trec •e Lynn C1 2 1 27 . 52 Hernngton, Chr~sune M . ( 1 OJ 78 Hernngton, R •cherd T . (11 l 64 , 194 Herr1 s , A la n Dav•d (9 1 96 Hem s , A lpense Lee ( 1 Ol Hem s , Angela S h ew ( 1 2 1 52 Hern e , George T home s C12J 27 , 1 78 He rr~ a , ..James W ilha m Jr. ( 1 21 52 He rr~ s , ..John M . (11 l 64 , 65, 111, 170 Herne. Lav e rne ( 1 2 J 27, 52 Herne. Merk. Anthony ( 1 2J 27 , 52 Herrl e , Necehe La Venne (11 164, 1 84 , 1 87 Herrle, Robel""'t Nelson ( 1 01 78 , 1 76 Harri s , Shewn J . CSJ 96 Harris . Son•e Delores (9 J 96 Harrison, Relph A . 1 1 9 , 2 00. 225 Herrod, T imo t.hy John ( 1 OJ Her-cling , M ichael G . {1 OJ 78, 124 , 1 74, 1 89 Hesen sceb. M •cheel David ( 1 2 1 1 3, 27 , 52, 1 4 0, 1 8 1 , 1 99 Het.cher, Lealie Suzanne (91 96 Hauck, S h e wn E . [11 164 , 1 9 1 Hau ght, Carole E le •ne (11 J 27 , 64 Heughc, Cynehle Grace ( 1 21 52, 1 8 1 , 1 83, 1 96 Hav e rkamp, L ynn M . (9 1 96 Hav e rka mp, James LeWJs (1 2 1 27. 52 , 168 Kev erk.emp, R uth 2 1 6 Hewk.es , Pscnc•e B . 26 1 Hewk.1ns, Kathy Ren ee ( 1 1 J 52 Hewk.1ns, Mert.l A . (9 ) 96, 1 34 Hewk.1ns, Reg1ne ld ( 1 2J 27, 52 Hewk.ine , R obert; L . ( 1 1 J Hewk.ins . Todd Dev1d (1 2 1 27, 52, 111 Hawley, Brenda Lee (9196, 1 87 Hawle y, LiseAnnC12152 Hayes, A rt;hur ( 1 1 J 64 Hearns, Jan et; Sheri (11 J 64 , 1 95 Hearns, Jay La sell ( 1 2 1 27 , 52 , 1 95 Hesch, Cach er•ne L ( 1 11 64 , 1 99 Heath, L 1nde A. (91 96, 1 95 Hednck. William Cllft.on C1 Ol 79 , 1 07 Heecer. Todd R. CSJ He1ntzlemen, Keren Lew (1 2 l7, B . 27, 52. 1 22 . 1 42 , 1 44 ,

Hendereon-Wilha ms, Leshe 2 1 5 Henley, A nt.hony Cre1g (9 J Henry, Beth A nne ( 1 01 79, 1 1 7 Henry, Reche l D 1a n e C9J 96 , 1 32 Henry, W11Ua m 1 78, 227 Hensle y, Kev1n Dele (1 2 1 27, 52 , 179 Hensley, M •chaei T . (11) 64 , 1 88 Hensley, MontleWeyneC 11J 27 Henele y, Robare Dwa•n CSJ 96 . 1 88 Hensle y, Tracey Dawn CS l 96 Herndon. Wi lham Rodney C91 96, 1 1 1 Hernng, B r adley C la ry C9 l 96 Hernng, DaVId Lee ( 1 01 79 Hernng, James Art.hur ( 1 2 1 27 , 52, 1 91 Hef"''"''ng , Ke1th Rendell ( 1 2 1 27 . 52 Hernng, O llie B . (1 2 129 . 52 Hernng, Temm1e Ren e (9) 96 , 1 87 Hef"''"''ng, W ilham Lee C9l Hersh e y, A lle n Dele II ( 1 OJ 79, 1 1 .a, 1 1 5 , 1 34. 1 75. 1 93 Hess , Harry F . ( 1 Ol 79 Hester, Carl D ilhnge r ( 1 OJ 79, 1 1 1 , 1 26 Heecer, W ilh a m Mathew (9 1 Heet~ ng er, DeVld J . (1 1 J 64 , 1 73, 1 74 Heuchel""'t, Keehenne E . [ 1 01 79 , 1 83, 1 89 H 1cke. Hope M . ( 1 11 29 , 52 , 1 94 Hlck.e, Le•g h A nn ( 1 O l 79 , 1 73 Hlck.e , R uth LOUISe ( 1 2) 29 , 52 Hicks , Tennis Gordon C9J 97 Hicks , T homes 8urean ( 1 2J 52 , 1 7S H1gg1nbothan, Jame s Lee J r. ( 1 01 79 , 1 1 1 Highla nde r, Andrew D . ( 1 O l H ill, Leese D iene ( 1 O J 79 . 1 73 Hill, Linde 2 1 3 . 2 1 4 H ill, Peter G . (1 O J 79 , 1 22 , 1 83 H •ller, Anthony Welter (91 Hiner, E Nc C91 97 Hin es, W 1lhe L. ( 1 1J 64 HlpekJnd , T •mochy S cocc [ 1 OJ 79 Hlrech, Meheee E . ( 1 OJ 79, 1 92 Hlrach, M lr'lem LJee [1 1 J SO , 64 , 11 3, 194 Hlreh, T homes M . [ 11 l Heel. Lise Maureen ( 1 2 1 29. 52 Heel. SonJB L es he C12J7. 29. 52 . 1 59 , 1 91 Hoffman. Pe t.r~ck. C . ( 1 OJ 1 0. 79 Hofla nd, Mark Ch r~ stlan ( 1 1 J 64 Hogen, Anne B . (9 1 97 Holde n, R 1cherd C h a rles ( 1 O J S O. 1 85 Holdren. C hr~ eJ . (91 97 , 124 , 1 85, 189 Holfe lder, Fred ( 1 2 J 1 94 Holgace , Heid i Mane c1 2 1 52, 1 72, 1 96 , 1 97 Holle nd, Joanne ( 1 O J 80, 1 22 , 1 54 , 1 75, 1 91 Holl•ngeworch. T h omes J . {91 97 , 1 83 Hollins , Angela Melecce CSJ 97 Hollo, S ylv•e C . (11J 64 , 84 , 124 , 1 8 1,1 92 Holeeople , Dev1d E uge n e ( 1 2 1 29, 52 Holeepple , Gregory A la n C9 1 97 , 1 1 1 H ol sepple , R oger Lee (9 1 80, 1 76 Holsapple , Vande Key ( 1 2 1 29 , 52. 1 77 Holt 0 •1 Company Inc . 26 1 Hom ecom•ng Court; 1 44 , 1 45 Homecom•ng Dance 1 42 , 1 43 Homecom1ng Game 1 42 , 1 43 H ange r, Ron• CS J 97 Honora 1 58, 1 59 Hood. Paule Lee E hzebeeh ( 1 2J 29 , 52 , 1 77 H ope , Edward M . (9 J 97 Hope, Fredenc W •lh e m ( 1 2 1 29, 52 H opkinson, As hle y 1 85 H opk1neon, E hzabech ( 1 O J 80 Horr'ldge, Jeffrey D . (1 O J 80, 197 H oN"'d g e , MethewJ. (1 2 J2 9 , 52,1 97 . 1 99 Horcon. R obe l""'t W a yne ( 1 OJ 8 0, 1 BB H orcon. T ine M . C9J 97 , 1 24 , 1 SO Houche n s , Cindy Le•gh ( 1 21 1 4 , 29 , 52 Houche n s , Larry Stev e n ( 1 OJ 80, 1 7 .a Houche n s , Mel•sse L. (1 OJSO, 174 Houche n s , R odney Jake CSl 97 Houck. Lauri A . (11) 64 , 188 Houhn, T r1ne ( 1 1 J 64 Howard, Beck. • Vern1ce ( 1 1 l H owerd, B rad S . (9)97 , 1 28 H oward , Joa nne Ellen ( 1 2 J 29 , 52. 1 97 H owa rd, Shands Isabelle (9 J 97 H oy, C lyde 1 08, 225 H ub 238 H ucek. , Andrew T homes ( 1 2 1 29. 52 , 1 94 H uce k., Chnetophe r James ( 1 21 29. 5 2, 1 94 Hucek., L ISB J . {11 J 64 Hudg1ns, Cynthie L. C1 OJ 80 H u dg1ne, Mery E v e lyn ( 1 01 Hudson, Heath er D 1e n e ( 1 01 80, 1 87, 1 97 Hudson. Rem• T h erese ( 1 OJ 1 3 H uff. Joseph D . (1 OJ 8 0 H uff. W ilham R . CS l 97 H uffman , E lizabeth A . (9 J 97, 195 H ughes , De1dre O leta (1 OJ SO. 124 , 134 , 135. 1 89 H ughes. S h ewn Trem e t { 1 21 29 . 52, 1 84 H ughes. Veler~e L. ( 11 J 64 , 125, 1 7 4 , 191 H ull, Susan 1 49 , 1 73, 2 1 4 H unt;. D onne G . (9 1 H unt;, Jennette 223 H unt;, Margaret E leen (1212 5 , 29, 52. 124, 184 , 189 H unc, Peter D llwort.h (9 1 97, 1 24, 189 H unt, G u e n n e A. ( 1 OJ S O H unt;, Sandre Key ( 1 01 8 0 H unt.er. Mary Robeson 21 .a H urdma n, K1mberlyC. (10180. 1 54 ,1 59. 175, 181, 196.

.Jackson, A nne (9 1 97 .Jackson. Be~ ne L ynn r 1 OJ E Jeck.eon, E ll1eon Bev e rly ( 1 O J Jackson, G ina Denise ( 1 1 l 11 J&ekaon. Karen Renne ( 1 OJ E Jec eon. Letrevern Dan1e l ( 1 Jeck.son. P ort.1e D . CS J 97, 1 : J&ek.son, Remone Jan e lle (91 Jeck.son. Sendre 226 Jeckson. Sere h M iche lle ( 1 2 Jacobs, Cynthie E. C1 OJ 80, Jecobson. A la n L. CSJ 97 Jacobson, Donne Susan ( 1 2 Jemee, LJee Key C1 2 J 29 , 52 James, Mary Cath e rine C1 1 1 Jemes R ive r R unners 245 Jen sen, Jod1E . ( 1 1) 65 Jerre ll, Eerl M . ( 1 2 ) 52 Jefferson, W illiem Edward ( 1 Jenk.•ns , Anita B rock.ecce 1 ~ Jenkins, lrve n e ( 1 2 ) 29 Jenk.•ns, Wede B . ( 1 0 1 80 Jen sen. A lfred L. B . C9l 1 95 Jeeeer. W tll•em A . (1 0 1 80, 1 Jeccon. Paule C1 1 1 65 J ohennesen, Heid i Lynn ( 1 2 J

1 93

Johnson, Anthony R . CSJ 97 Johnson. Apnl Valeri e ( 1 2 1 1 Johnson, Charfocce E li zabetl 171, 181 ,1 96 Johnson . C larence E dward .. Johnson. C lint.on Timochy ( 1 Johnson, Dev•d K . C9l 97 , 1 ~ Johnson, E ric Scotc C1 2 J 29 John eon, Ernest E ugene ( 1 ~ John son, Felic ia Mae C1 2 1 2! Johnson, Gercie Roderick C1 Johnson. Jen ec Meli e ( 1 1 J 6 Johnson. Jenn1fer E •leen ( 1 ~ Johnson, Le Donne Ree ( 1 2 Johnson. Larry A lan 1 09. 1 John son, Lere 1 82 , 1 89 Johnson, Lok.•e Janice ( 1 1J ~ Johneon, Mary Lere C9 J 97 , Johnson, Melen•e S u zenne ( Johnson, M •c h eel Kev•n { 1 o: Johnson, M 1cheel S h e wn (9 1 Johnson, Peul L. 232 Johnson, Ren don D . C9 l Johnson. Regina Leet.rice ( 1 Johnson. Sendre L. ( 1 1 J 65 Johnson, S h e wn Alan ( 1 Ol E Johnson, Temmy Lynn CS l 9 · Johnson, Waldo E . 216 Johnston. Andrew Grah am Jon es , A. Welter 1 40, 208 Jones, Andree S . ( 1 1 l 65 . 1 Jones, Anson Theodore ( 1 ::; Jones, B rande Ann {1 018 1 Jones. Cend•ce L. C9l 97 Jones. Cetherine E . (91 1 87 Jonee. Cosby Arthur Ill ( 1 01 Jones. Den•el Kev1n ( 1 1 1 65 Jones. Devid T homas ( 1 2 1 1 1 45, 1 50. 1 5 1. 1 80. 11 Jones , Heathe r Leig h C9 J 97 J ones , Jesse ( 1 0 1 Jones, Le ur~ e Le1gh ( 1 01 8 1 Jones, L ut;he r A . ( 1 1 l 65 Jon ee, Mel ieee Ann [9J 97 Jones, M ichelle (9 J 97 Jon es, Rebecce 220 .Jones, Rebecca A . ( 11 J .Jones, Robin Lynn ( 1 1 J .Jones , Stephanie A . C9l 97 Jones , Therese M . 207 Jon es , T imot.hy A . C1 1 l 65 Jones, T racy L ynn ( 1 2J 30, Jones. V icki Dee C1 OJ B 1 Jones, W ilham Anthony ( 1 1 Jorden. Brien Kelvin ( 1 O J 8 ' Jorden, DaVId G rey C9l 97 .Jorden, Deborah S . C9 J 97 Jorden, Debre Keye ( 1 OJ B • Jorden, Jeanne E lisabeth CS Jorden, Penny Man e ( 1 2 J 3 Jorden. Peul L . C1 11 Jostens. 235 Joyce. John T homes ( 1 0 1 J u dge, Tammy L. C9J 98 , 1 !:

198 H urc. Ben F . 10, 86,1 32,200,202,203.204 H uske y, Margot; S . !1 OJ 80, 191, 199 H utchins , Meg 1 1 3 H utchinson, Meli sse (91 97

181 Helfenscein, Vn"Q•n•e Ann ( 1 1 1 64 , 1 22 . 1 9 1 Helmendol1e r, A llen Wil liam 233 Helwig, Mari e L . ( 1 1 1 6 4 Hemmer, B ruceW. (10179 , 185 Henderson, A n drewW. (111 64 , 68, 1 94 , 1 96 Henderson. Dav1d Carlton C9 1 96 Henderson, Larry A . ( 1 01 1 0 9 , 1 1 1

l;;ternetlonel Exchange C lub Ivory, Steven M . C12l 29, 5E 1 74, 184 lx, Frank. end Sons 256

lechette, Petrick. E . ( 1 1 1 64, 1 50. 1 73, 1 8 0. 1 B 1. 1 96 lnecis, A lle n 1 1 1 Ingalls, M ichael Glenn { 1 2 1 29. 52 , 1 1 1 , 1 98 Inscoe , Dev•d Lee ( 1 2 1 29 . 52. 1 54 Inscoe, Mary Beth C9l 87 , 174 Institute of Chart:ered F 1nenc•al Analyses 261 Insurance Ma n agement; Corp. of Chertoccesv111e 245

Kedn e r, K riecen E. C9 1 98 Kardos. Sceven Michael ( 1 C Kerr, T imochy M •cheel CS l 9 Keuffmen, Melisse E . (91 SE Keeney, Linde B. 1 77 , 228 Keieh, Peericie 1 1 3 Kelle r, R odne y M . 1 73 , 21 i Kelle y, AmyL. CS J 9S Kelley, George Ce•cedo ( 1 o: Kelty, Caroline Rose ( 1 1 l SC Kelly, Kethenne Wren (9) St Kelly, Kevin(1 0l

lntoernecionel Exchen ge C lub 1 97 Ivory, St:.ev en M . ( 1 21 29 , 52, 1 09. 1 1 1, 1 34. 1 35, 1 44 , 1 74,1 84 l x, Frank end Sons 256


134, 1 75, 193



Jackson, Anne (9) 97 Jeckeon. 8ec.ne L ynn r 1 OJ 80 Jackson. E llr eon Beverly r 1 Ol eo Jackson, G ine Denise [ 1 11 1 87 Jackson, Keren Renne C1 OJ 80, 1 29, 1 34, 1 98 Jackson, Lacrevern Danret ( 1 2 1 52. 1 84 Jackson. P or'Cia D . (91 97, 1 2..:l Jackson. Ramona Jenelle (9) Jeckson, Sandre 226 Jackson, Sarah M ichelle { 1 21 29 , 52 Jecobs, Cynt.rua E . (1 OJ ea . 129, 1 e7 , 197 Jecobson, A lan L. (91 97 Jacobson. Donne Susen ( 1 21 29 , 52, 1 8 1 , 1 83 James, L ree Key ( 1 21 29. 52 1 77 James, MeryCecher'!ne(11165, 191 .Jemas R rver Runners 2..:l5 Jensen, ..Jod r E . ( 1 11 65 Jerrell, EertM. C121~2 Jefferson, W illiem Edward { 1 21 29 , 52, 1 1 0, 1 91 , 1 98 Jenk.rns , Anrte Brockecce 1 29 . 208 Jenkins , lrvena ( 1 2 1 29 Jenkrns , Wade B . (101 eo Jensen, Alfred L. B . [91 1 95 Jesser, Wilhem A . (1 O l 80, 126 Jet;t;en, Paule ( 1 1 l 65 Johennesen, Heid t Lynn (121 29, 52 , 11..:l, 11 5 , 1 73 , 1 81 ,

193 91

1 97 ), 191



1 99




a , 135. 1 89


19 1

12d, 184 ,189

Johnson, Anchony R . (91 97 Johnson, Aprii Vele r'!eC12110, 29, 52. 122, 1 B4 Johnson. Cherlocce E li zebech ( 1 2 1 29. 52 , 1 25 , 1 6B, 1 70, 171,181.196 Johnson, Clerence Edward Jr. ( 1 1) B . 65, 1 1 1 Johnson, C lincon T imot;hy(12129. 52 , 187, 1 92 Johnson, Devrd K . <91 97, 1 27. 1 28 Johnson, E r'IC Scocc r 1 2 1 29. 52, 1 38 Johnson, Ernest; Eugene ( 1 1 1 65, 1 1 0, 1 1 1 , 1 87 Johnson, Fehc reMee(12l 29. 52 , 137. 1 ..:l0, 1 72,191 Johnson, Gercia Roderick ( 1 Ol eo. 1 8..:l Johnson, Janet; Maire ( 1 1 l 65 Johnson, Jennifer E ileen ( 1 21 29 , 52 , 1 88 Johnson, Le Donne Ree ( 1 21 52 Johnson. Lerry Alan 1 09, 1 91 , 209 Johnson. Lara 1 82 , 1 89 Johnson. Lokre Jan ice ( 1 1 l 1 e.a Johnson, Mery Lara (91 97, 12.a Johneon, Melenre Suzenne ( 1 O J 80 , 1 2..:l , 1 89 Johnson, Michael Kevin { 1 01 81 , 1 1 1, 1 76 Johnson. Mrcheel Shewn (91 97 Johnson, Peu l L 232 .Johnson, Rendon D . (9J Johnson. Regrne Leecrrce ( 1 21 29 , 52 , 1 8.a Johnson, Sendre L . (11 J 65, 1 SO Johnson, Shewn A len ( 1 OJ 81 .Johnson, Temmy Lynn (9J 97 Johnson, Weide E . 21 6 Johnston, A n drew Graham (91 97 , 1 72 , 1 73 , 1 97 , 1 98 Jones, A . Welter 1 40, 208, 209 Jones, Andree S . <11 J 65. 11 2 , 113, 19.a Jones, A nson Theodore ( 1 21 30, 53 Jones. Brenda A nn <1 OJ 8 1 Jon es, Candrce L. (9) 97 Jones, Cech errne E . <91 1 87 Jones, Coeby Archu r Ill { 1 O l 81 , 1 90 Jones, Denre l Kevin ( 1 1 l 65, 1 3d , 1 87 Jon es, Dev idThomeeC12l 1 7 , 30. 39, 53 , 1 ..:l0, 1 d2, 1 ..:l4, 1 A5, 150, 151 , 180, 181. 191, 1 98, 199 .Jones, Heech er Leigh (91 97 Jones, Jesse ( 1 O l .Jones, Utu rre Lergh ( 1 O l 8 1 Jones, Lut;her A. ( 1 1 l 65 Jones, Mel ra se Ann CSJ 97 Jones, M iche lle (91 97 Jones. Rebecca 220 Jones. Rebecca A . ( 1 1 1 Jones. Robrn Lynn ( 1 1 J Jones, Stephanie A . {91 97 Jones. Therese M . 207 .Jones, T rmochy A. [ 1 1 1 65 Jones, T recy L ynn ( 1 21 30, 53, 1 78 .Jones, V icki Dee ( 1 O l 81 Jones, W illr emAnt;hony(111 Jorden, B rien Kelvin ( 1 0 1 8 1 , 1 26 .Jorden. Devrd G rey (91 97 .Jorden, Deborah S . (91 97 .Jorden, Debra Kaye ( 1 O l 8 1 .Jorden. Jeanne E lieebech <Sl 97 . 1 24 Jorden, Penny Marie ( 1 2 1 30, 53, 1 93 ..Jorden, Peul L. { 1 1 1 Jostene. 235 .Joyce, John Thomes ( 1 O J Judge, Tammy L. C9J 98 , 1 95

9, 175, 181, 196,




180, 181, 196 1 98

e2 6 1 rctesvrlle 2..:l5

Kedner, K rrecen E . (9) 98 Kerdos, Steven M rcheel ( 1 OJ B 1 Kerr, T imothy M ichael C9J 98, 1 2d , 1 89 Keuffmen. Melisse E . CSJ 98 , 1 1 7 Keeney, Linde B . 177,228 Keit;h, Pecncre 1 1 3 Keller, RodneyM . 1 73,212 Kelley, AmyL. (91 98 Kelley, George Cercedo ( 1 OJ 8 1 Kelty, Carolrne Rose [ 1 1) 60 , 65, 1 1 3 , 1 52, 1 81 , 1 92 Kelly, Kecherine Wren (91 92, 98, 1 20 Kelly, Kevin ( 1 OJ

Kelly, PacricieZrteC 1 2l30 , 1 3.a , 1 57 . 1 84 Kelly, Thomes Thaddeu s E llioct(1 2J 18, 30, 53, 1 88 , 19d, 1 99. 27d Kamen , Y vonneJ . (9) 7 , 98, 1 24 , 174 ,1 89 Kemp, Deborah Lee ( 11 1 65 Kendrrck., .Jeffrey L . ( 1 0 1 Kennon, B r.en PeCt"'ck.C12130, 53 , 126, 137, 1 ..:l2, 1 44 , 1 d5, 1 9 1, 1 98. 1 99 Kenno n, Oerren Christoph er ( 1 OJ 81, 1 75, 1 83 Kennon, Vonnie 1 89 Kenny, T rmoehy W . ( 1 11 65, 1 28 Kert . Mervrn M rcheel (91 98, 1 1 1 Kerns . Derrick A lan C1 21 30. 53 Kerns , Kendr K . ( 1 1} 65 Kersey, K imberlyKay(12J30, 53 Keeler, K irsten Ann ( 1 2 1 30, 53, 1 9..:l Kectrick., E lizebech A . ( 1 0 1 B 1 . 1 95 Key C lub 197 Key, Kennech <91 98 Key, Sareh 207 K idd. Angele M . C9l 98 K idd, Debor ah Sue [ 1 21 30, 53 , 1 76 K im, U ng· Sok ( 1 2 1 53 K ind rick. Lise A . CSJ 98 K ing, Ange la Lynn (1 2130, 53 K ing, Wilham Joseph (1 Ol 8 1 K 1ng 'e 257 K irby, Cerolr ne Mer1e (91 98, 1 83, 1 87 K irby, Edward Louie II <1 21 30. 53 K irby, Tern Annette C1 2J 30. 53. 1 92 K rrby, Tony 1 80 K rrby, Tracy Leig h ( 111 66 K irby, W illiem B rien ( 1 21 30, 53 K irby's Vacuum Repair 257 K irchgessner, Leure M . (91 98, 1 20 K irk, Reglne 1 29 K irkland, E lizebethAnn(1211 4 , 30, 53 , 117, 181, 1 83 , 1 88 K irkland, Williem A . {9) 98 K lrcley, Davrd Beldwrn ( 1 2 1 30 K ircley, F . B ryan (1 0181. 181 K irwan. Ann M . (9) 98 K rtterrnen, John V . 194 , 212 K lensek., Mercia 226 K le iber, W ilfred( 10l 81 ,1 24 ,1 89 K lrnk, Pemele Conwey ( 1 O J 81 K lueg, Trecy Ann ( 1 21 30, 53 Knig ht;, Heet;her R . (11 1 B . 66, 120, 121, 129, 1 3 1, 1 8 1.

Lindsey, Bach A . C9l 99 Lindsey, Desiree L . ( 1 1 1 66 Linkous, John Doug las { 1 2 1 30, 53, 1 94 Lloyd, 8obbte ..Jo CSJ Lloyd, Cynchie Marte r 1 0 1 82 Lloyd's Rexall 237 Loeser, Gery Wayne <1 0 1 82 Lofclend, E v erect T homes ( 1 1 l 30 Logan, Clevester 230 Londeree, W illrem ( 1 OJ 82 Londree. Ched 1 1 1 Londree , Charle n e Cerey <91 L ondree , Oevid0'Nell(1 2l33, 53. 126 . 1 27 . 137, 18..:l Loose, Frrede Louiee {9} 99 , 1 87 Lopilato, A nchony Selvaco ( 1 OJ 82. 1 2..:l, 1 88, 1 89 Loptleco , Chrisc•ne Louts CSJ 99 . 1 24 , 1 89 Lord Herdw1cks 2..:l0 Lov e , Tracey Lynn (121 33 , 53, 1 42 , 1 .a.a . 191 Lovetoy, Amy Lergh (91 99 Lov e lace. Shell ey A . (12133, 53, 1 ..:l9, 157, 181 Low, D ieneRendolph(12l 33, 53 , 12.a. 157, 159, 181, 1 89 Lowe, Debbie ( 1 O l 82 Lowry, Jam es W . ( 1 O J 79 , e 1, 82, 1 91 Luces, Keehy R . ( 1 11 66 Luck. Cerl ton Andrew J r. {1 2 1 33 , 53, B..:l L um, Grecrele 1 81, 1 83 , 2 1 8 Lum , James H . (10182, 1 75 , 1 85 Lumpp, Choyer Webb ( 1 01 82. 1 72 , 1 73 Lumsden, LeelreP. (10182. 1 ..:l0, 191 L umsden, T imochy Kennon ( 1 21 33 , 53, 11 .a , 1 1 5 , 1 88, 196,199 Luv'n Oven 235 Lynch, Darren W ilh am ( 1 O J 82 , 1 26 , 1 91 Lynch Roofrng Co. 236 L ync h. Terry Wayne ( 11 166 Lynch, Troy EIIIOet;(12l33, 53 , 1 94 Lyn g, Mary Regrne ( 1 21 33 , 53, 1 1 3, 1 88, 1 90 Lyons, A rcherd W il son 1 26, 225


1 82 Knight;, R icherd G lenn r 1 21 53, 1 e.a Knight;, Samue l M . (11 1 66 , 1 7d Koec. D iane M . C9l 98, 1 1 5 , 1 3.a Kosc. John R . C9l 98 . 1 1 5 , 1 24 , 1 89 Kost, ViccorieA. (11J66. 117, 11 8 , 134, 1 81 , 183 Kreglo , K imberly Dewn (91 98, 1 1 3 Kret.e inger, Stein E . (111 66, 188 Krol, AmyM . [11)66

MecDoneld, John Devrd r 1 OJ MecOonetd, Roberc C . 1 0 , 1 92 . 208 MecDon e ld , Timot;hy C . 1 75, 21 3 Med rson, Roland Lee ( 1 2 1 33, 53 , 1 8..:l Mad ison, Sceven Ray ( 1 2 1 33, 53, 1 84 Medy, .James 230 Maeyene, Melrsse (1 2 1 13. 33, 53 , 120, 121, 129. 1 54 ,


L LeBruno, L ree (1 2 J 8 , 30, 53. 1 1 2 , 11 3 , 1 7.a , 19..:l Leckey, Cherie a 20.a , 205 Leckey, Ronald Dean< 1 1 J 66 Ladd , Joseph Alan CSJ 98 Lege, Ana li se (9 1 98. 1 1 7 Lege. A rcherd L. (11 J 66. 108, 109, 1 26 Lamb, Pamela Gay ( 1 21 30. 53 Lemb, V irgin ia CSJ 99 Lembe~. MerQerec L. c1 0 1 81 , 1 81 Lambe~. MeraheG. (10179. 81 Lence, V trgini e Lynn ( 1 1) Lendel, J ulie L. (1 OJ 81 . 82. 1 ..:l9, 151, 181, 191 Lene, Devrd Scott ( 1 1 J Lane, E lizebech A . C91 99. 1 82 Lena, Scarlett K rmberlly {91 99 , 1 29 Lene. W illi em Troy {91 Len gdon, Brende F . 22.a Leneern 173 Lencz, Sue Ellen 233 LePen, E v eece E le rne ( 1 21 30, 53, 1 94 Larrick. F irec Period 258 Lerrrck, Rollrn Devrd 1 50, 1 82, 2 1 9 Lescano, Anthony ( 1 11 7 . 66. 1 95 , 1 96 Leecano, Joseph ( 1 1 l 66. 1 96 Lees rter. Aprrl Lin (1 O J 8 1, 1 5 1, 181 . 187 Leuffenburger. Karen S . ( 1 1 1 66 , 1 1 2 . 1 1 3, 1 91 Laurene. P hilippe B . <1 2 1 30 , 53 Laurene, T h ierry 8 . ( 1 0 1 81 , 1 24 , 1 82, 1 89 Lewhorn, SheronF . (11166, 11 3 . 137 , 1 91 Lewhorne . Alfred Lee rsl Lawrence , Cerlcon Scoet ( 1 21 30, 53, 1 1 1 , 1 9 1 , 1 92 Lawrence , Sherr1e L. (1 Ol 81 , 1 12, 11 3 , 191 Leweon, Curt.ls Edwin ( 1 Ol 8 1 Lawson, Norrne J . (91 99 Lawson, Raymond Andrew (9) 99 Leyne , Mary Leigh ( 1 1 l 66 , 1 2.a. 1 89 Leep, Stephenre Ren ee ( 1 1 1 66 Leer, Jenntfer Louise (1 Ol 81 , 114, 115 Leer, Scoct R icherd { 11 l 66 LedeN"nen, Mery A . 1 81 , 203 , 21 9 Lee, Dawn RobrnC 9lBB , 99 , 106, 112, 1 3..:l , 135, 191 Lee Insurance Agency 262 Lee. Jean (1 OJ 8 1, 1 2d , 1 59 , 189, 197 Lee. K lmberleyE ie rne< 1 2 1 B. 30, 53 . 106, 122. 144, 145, 1 91 . 19d Lee. Let.enyeV . (11)60, 66 , 1 22 . 1..:l4, 187, 1 9 1, 196, 199 Lee. L•se G lorie { 1 21 30. 53 Leggett248 Laib l, Dona ld Dean ( 1 2 1 30, 53, 1 1 9, 1 99 Letter. Robrn J . (9} 99 , 1 72 Lenn, Oevid A . (10) 10,82 Lenn. Howard Jeffrey {121 30. 53, 1 70. 1 71 . 192. 196, 197,199 Leonerd , Keehleen Blyt;he ( 1 21 30. 53 , 1 8 1 Lewic k i, E rrn Lee ( 1 11 B . 66 , 1 92 . 1 94 Lewrs , B arbera A . 232 Lewrs . le idore ( 1 21 30, 53 LeWIS , ..Jon Kevrn ( 1 1 l 66 Lewre , Mark Edward (1 OJ 82, 187 Lewre , Stecey0ewn(12l 30 , 53, 159, 1 81 , 1 83. 1 93, 1 96 Lindgren , Jenne a . 1 7.a , 217

Mergruder, RoseL. (11 l 66 , 1 95 Magruder, Sandre Monique (1 2 133, 53, 176 Mele rrueng, Surekic (91 99 Mallory, M tke 1 20 , 1 26, 1 28 Mallory, Tammy Irene ( 1 2 J 33, 53, 1 79 Meloy, .James M rchael <1 OJ 82. 1 26 Mence , Menue le <1 OJ 1 29 Manley, Julra Moseby C9l 99 Mann , Auburn Page Ill ( 1 21 33. 53 , 82 Mann, Chri ecopher Vance ( 1 21 33 , 53, 1 71 , 1 91 1 97 Menn. G lenda Fey ( 1 01 82 , 1 90 Menn, Merre Les lr e ( 1 01 82 . 1 9 1 Menzr. P hrhp Dom rnic { 1 0 1 82 Mardres, O iedre Marie (91 53 Merdres. Ot.ls Amold ( 1 2 1 53 Marr on, K yl e Sce rltng ( 1 21 33, 3d , 1 52 . 1 92 Mershatl, B renda M . C9l 99 Merehell, BrencT. (121 33, 53, 178 Mereh e tl, Denre l Kevin ( 1 11 66 Marshall, Herold G . ( 1 2 J 33, 53 Marshall, Shirl ey 0 . ( 1 1 1 66 Mer e h e ll, Stefenie T . (11 1 66 , 1 68, 170, 171, 183 Mershell, Terese Lynn ( 1 2 1 33, 53 Merek.i, T rrne M . ( 1 1 l Marcin. A lesie Lynn (91 99. 1 87 Merc1n, Anthony (9) 99 Merc.n, 8 rranJay(9199, 128. 1 9 1 Merctn, Duane D . ( 1 1 l Mer'Cin, H ugh B . (11 166, 111, 170, 188 Mert;rn, ..Jenrce M . ( 1 21 33, 53 Mercrn. Laure Jean (91 99 Mer'Cin, Lewrence Hervey <91 Mercin, Mark Underhill ( 1 1 ) BB Marcin , Mery Roxenne ( 1 0 1 1 3d Mercrn, Whlcne y Ann <91 99 Merceolf, Ma lt ese ..Jane (1 0182 Mervrn, Amy N . (9J 99 Mervrn, Stephen..J. (10182. ea. 175. 183, 185 Meslyk, Cecelte C . ( 1 1 1 66. 1 .a.a Meson, Andrew Paul (91 99 . 1 72 Meson, De rry! Conley <91 99 Meson, Kelly E . (1 O J 82. 111, 185 Meson. Marcie C . 22..:l Meee•e en d Boecwrighc 260 Maeste , Sallie S . ( 1 1 l 66 , 1 20 Meeeie, Williem T homes (91 99 , 1 59 , 1 75, 1 93. 1 96 Meeecra , S coec CeN"nelrno (91 99, 1 1 1 1 BB Mechewe. Gerrect W . CSl 99 Meuptn, C h e rtee 232 Maupin, Mary 227 Meuprn's Grocery 25d Mewyer, Carl Wayne (91 99, 1 26 Mawyer, Charles Emmett <Sl Mawyer, KeN"nrC W rl son (91 Mawyer, R ona ld Dele (91 126, 188 Mawyer, Thomes A nehony ( 1 Ol 82 Mawyer, Troy Ke rch (9) 99 Mawyer, Wendy Oewn (9 1 99 Mexwell F umrcure Co . 2..:l 7 Mey, C h a rlie B r ent ( 1 11 33, 1 1 1 Maynard, Kecnne L. ( 1 O J 83, 88 , 1 22. 1 34 , 1 91 Maynard. Greg 1 26. 208, 209 Maynard. M rcheel Chncon (121 33, 53, 106, 126. 128, 137. 142, 152. 17d, 1 91 , 1 95 Mays, Kelly Ehzebech r 1 1 l 66 . 1 1 3 Meye, Laur1e J . (91 99 Mays, Lozelle 227 May s , R obert; B r ten r 1 2 1 53. 1 78 McAuley, Eerie M . (1 0183, 1 7.a Mc8rrde. Antorneete 1 25, 21 0 McCall , Susanne Mer. e ( 1 Ol 83



McCallum. Barbera 0. 220 McCann, Scecey Lee ( 1 2) 33, 54, 1 71 , 1 94 McCenn, Werren C1 1 J 66, 1 25 McCeuley, Oerren C. ( 1 1 J 66, 1 22. 1 91 McCeuley, Gregory Wayne ( 1 21 33, 54 McCauley, Temere Le1gh { 1 11 66. 1 1 3, 1 91 McCluney, Andre L. C1 1 l McCluney. Oerryl 0. C1 01 McCoy, Chr1e 1 1 1 McCrey, Cether~ne Pa1ge ( 1 21 33. 54, 1 44, 1 45, 1 91, 1 94 McCubbin, MaryA. (101 McCutchen. Nancy Lee ( 1 21 35, 54. 1 88 McDen1e l, CourtneyS. (9190, 99, 122. 191. 198, 199 McDaniel, Fa1th Helilde ( 1 2J 35, 54 McDen1el, James E . 230 McDan1el, Julie ( 1 11 66 McDan1el, Kr~ecine Merle C12J 35. 54 McDen1el, L1se 226 McDen1el, Raymond N. C1 2J 35, 54, 1 85 McDen1el. R 1cherd Lee { 1 2J 54 McDonald, Heather Campbell C1 21 35, 54, 1 24, 1 89, 1 91 McDonough, Dawn P. ( 1 1 1 66 McEldowney, Juhe Johanna C9J 99 McElheney, Susan L. C1 OJ 83. 134. 175, 181. 183. 197 McGee, Christopher N. C9J 99 McGowen. Jeenmene { 1 2J 35, 54 , 1 22 Mclneyre, B la1ne E. 233 Mcintyre, Dawn Merle C1 11 67 McKamey, Eernesc Greg C1 21 35 McKamey, Jeffrey E. (11167, 177 McKamey, Jenn1fer Renee C9 1 99, 1 24 McKey. Andrea Cechenne { 1 1 J 1 32 McKeel, Thomes D. £101134 McKenna. Velencya H. (11 J 7, 67, 177 McK1nney, St.eve L. 231 McK1nnon, Kether1ne Mer1e ( 1 2J 35, 54, 1 24, 1 81 . 1 89, 193 McKISIC, Jeffrey Lee C1 01 83 McKown. Macthew David C1 21 35, 54 McLean. Cecher1ne Woodrow 229 McLees, Reymond Arledge (9) 99, 1 1 5, 1 34 McNew, James George ( 1 OJ 81, 83, 1 24, 1 BB Meed, Therese Lawrence ( 1 21 35, 54, 1 38, 1 59, 1 81 Meadowbrook Hardware 242 Meadows, L•se Ele1ne ( 1 21 35. 54 Med1eCencerA1des 174 Meek.e, Wende Faye C1 2J 35. 54 Melton, M•cheel Fleccher c1 2J 35. 54, 1 73. 1 95 Mendehs, Jean M. ( 1 OJ 83, 1 79 Merkel, Carmen Habeck. 1 88, 21 2 M1chel He1rstyllsee 246 M1ch1e, Lon Ann CSJ 99, 1 32 M•chcom'e, Ed 260 M•lhoen, Ard1Ch Lenore C1 2J 35, 54 M•lk1e, L1seA. (12135, 54 M1ller, Anchony V. (11 l 111 M•ller, Melissa Ann ( 1 21 35, 54 M1ller. Stacy Michelle C9J 1 DO M1ller, Wendy E. (11167, 129 Milleson. Christopher P. C11 167 Mille, Jem1e LOUISe ( 11) 54, 1 77, 1 87 M1lls, Jeenecte Angel1ne C91 1 CXJ. 1 95 M1lls, Jesse w. 1 79, 232 MillS, MsrkanchonyJ. C11 167, 135 M1me 1 49 M1nor, Rele1gh C. (11 J 8, 67, 112, 113, 194 M•cchell, Amende Margaret (9) 1 00 Mitchell, M1chelle Lynn (91 1 00 Model U.N. 1 96 Molner, Melisse ( 1 OJ 83, 1 73, 1 87 Monehen, Den1el John 1 1 4, 1 1 5, 1 84, 206 Moneymeker, TeresaC10J83 Mongold, Cerci C1 OJ 83 Mongold, Chr•sC1ne Ann ( 1 2J 35, 54 Monocelto Da1ry 235 Moomaw, Deborah J. ( 1 OJ 83 Moon. Lurne Dupree ( 1 2J 35, 54, 1 84 Moon. Paul A. C1 OJ 83 Mooney, James Petr1ck. (11 l 67 Mooney, M1chael Oev1d CSJ 1 00, 1 95 Moore, A.P. 201,225 Moore, Deborah Ann { 1 21 35, 54, 1 73, 1 96 Moore, James E . C1 1 J 67 Moore. K1m Mergrec C1 21 54 Moore, Libby Ruth C1 2J 54 Moore, Mark. Randolph CSJ 1 00 Moore, Mery Lynn C9l 1 DO Moore, MaechewJ. (10Ja3. 149 Morgen, Howard BenJamin ( 1 OJ 83. 1 93 Morgen. Madehne 226 Morley, Elizabeth A. C10JB3, 124. 189 Morley, K1mberlyJ. C12J35, 54, 124, 193 Morr1s, An1te Yvonne ( 1 2J 35, 54 Morr1e, Bredley D. CSJ 1 DO Morr1e, Bryenc C9J Morrie, Christine Louise C1 OJ 83. 1 73, 1 87 Morr1e, Chveous Thomes (1 OJ 83 Morr1e, Dev•dC. C10JB3, 189 Morrie, OevidScoct(111 174, 189 Morrie, David W. CSJ Morrie, Duane Anthony ( 1 OJ B3 Morr~s, Edward Ray ( 1 OJ a3. 1 00 Morna, Elene Dawn (9) 1 DO Morr1s, Glenn Andrew ( 1 1 l 67, 1 94 Morr1e, Herold T ezewell ( 1 OJ Morna, Harry Lee Jr. CSJ 1 DO Morf"'s, James A. ( 1 OJ Marne, James B. {11 J 67 Morns . .JeyP. (10J 124,188 Morr1s, Jeffrey ( 1 2J 54 Morns. Jeffrey 0. c1 1 J Morns, Jun1us C11l 67 Morr1e, Kedra Cee C12J 35, 54, 174 Morr~e. K1mberly Dawn ( 1 2J 35, 54 Morr~e, K r~sC1ne E lizabeth C9J 1 DO Morr1e, Landon S. C9J Morr~e. M •chael Allen C9J 1 00, 1 1 1 , 1 94 Morr~s. M 1chael Bryan ( 1 OJ 83, 1 BB, 1 95, 1 96 Morr~e , Nell Edw1n (91 Morr1e, Phyllis ( 1 11 67 Morr1e, Roxanne Michelle ( 1 21 35, 54 Morrie, Sandre Aurelia ( 1 OJ 1 34 Morns, ScoccC11J67, 184 Morns, Seen Romero ( 1 Ol Morrie, Sharon Den1se ( 1 2 1 1 3. 36, 54 Morr•s. Shewn C91 1 DO Morr1s, SueanLynnC12J36. 54, 117, 118, 157. 181. 191 Morr~e. Terese F. (1 OJ83



Morns, Todd Hughes ( 1 Ol 83 Morrie, Tracy M. CSJ 1 DO. 1 87 MOrriS, TyroneN. (11J67 Morr~e, Willie C9J Moi"''"''w, Wilham B. (1 1 J 68, 111, 1 35 Moree, St.ephen1e D1ene {1 21 36, 54, 11 7. 1 29 Meece, Nancy Kn1ghc 230 Motor Spec1alty Co. 253 Mowry, ConscenonC9J 101 Mowry, Mescha Pearl C1 Ol Moyers, Kenneth Bnggs C9J Mueller, Jeanne 205 Mueller, Lynn C. (11168 Muller, ChensC. (10183, 195 Mullenor, Larry 1 B 1 Mul11ns, Mlchael(11l6B Mull1ne, Wayne Duehaun (9) 1 1 1 Mund1e, Cherlee(1116B Mund1e, Mark Allen C1 1 J 68 Mundie. M1ke 1 76 Mundy, George B . ( 1 1) 68 Muro. Andree C1 Ol 83, 1 20 Murphy, Laune Gwen CSJ Murphy Travel 261 Murphy, Wendy LOUISB ( 1 2J 36, 54, 1 71, 1 96 Murrey, Aheon Joan C1 1 l 68, 1 49 , 1 50. 1 81 Murrey, LJBBM. (10183, 172 Murrey, Meechew Scoct C1 OJ Murray, Pecnck c. c1 11 83, 1 84 Murrey, Z . H. 205 Musselman, Homer C9J Museelmen, R ussel Clinton ( 1 OJ Myles, St.ephenC111184 MyriCk, Mark. Wilham ( 1 11 68, 1 09. 1 1 1

N Nash, .Jeck1e F. (1 0183, 1 a1 Nash, .Jane F. (9J 101 Nee~onel Honor Soc1ety 1 8 1 Nay, Wilham T. C1 OJ 83, 189 Naylor, Chec George C1 21 36, 54. 1 1 4, 1 1 5, 1 34 Naylor, DenaW. (10J Needham, R1chard John C1 2J 36, 54. 1 49, 1 59, 1 B 1 . 1 96 Nelson, Ant.on•ecee D. C1 OJ 83, 1 22 Nelson, Cynch1e Dentee {1 1J 68 Nelson, Derw1n Andrew ( 1 01 83, 1 85, 1 98 Nelson, R 1cky Wilham C9l 101. 176 Nelson, R 1ke Yoh!!mde CSJ New Dom1n1on Book Store 261 Newlon, Anne Howerd ( 1 21 36, 54, 1 24, 1 54, 1 81, 1 BS. 193,194 Newman, Mechelle D. C9J 1 01 Newmen,PageHerr•sonC11)8,68,116, 117, 1a1.183 Neweon, DeleC10J83. 176 N1chole, Donne ( 1 OJ a3 N1ck.elsen, Oen•seA. (11JBB Niehaus, Cether1neA. C12J 13, 54, 172. 197 Niehaus, E llen Cla•re ( 1 OJ a4. 1 20, 1 29 Nielson, Bonn1e F . B. 116, 117, 195. 224 Nilson, KBJBB ( 11 ) 6B Nolen, Carolyn P1lle 197, 221 Norman, Rex G1beon T. (12) 36, 54 Nort.on, Eugene Edward 21 B Nunez, R 1cardo A. ( 1 1 J 68, 1 59, 1 81 , 1 a2

0 O'Br•en. Bonn•e 21 3 O'Brien, Warren Greg ( 1 21 36, 48, 54, 1 1 1 , 1 25, 1 37 O'B ryenc, Elizabeth S. (1 Ol a4. 124, 197 O'Bryenc, LutherEariC12136. 54, 106. 174, 191. 195 O'Qu1nn, Jess1e C. Jr. ( 1 2J 36. 54, 1 1 9 Odom. Oav•dLeneC11J68, 126 Dhver. Lawrence Thomes C11J68, 111, 152, 191 Ohver, Luc1Ue8. C9l 101 Olsen, WendySuzenneC91 101 Orser, Rob1n Michelle C9J 1 01 , 1 90 Ot1s, Beverly 8 1ngler 71 , 21 0 Oct, Cynch•eE. (12154 Outdoor Sports Club 1 95 Overbeck., Alan Gregory ( 1 1J 69

Pect.ereon. DeVJd C1 1 l 69 Pect~eon , Todd A. c11J 69 Peccon, St.ephen•e Yvonne (1 OJ 76, 84, 1 74, 197 Pevfenek.y, John F . Ill (12J 36, 55, 138. 174 Pevtenek.y, Susan E lizabeth (9) 1 01 Payne, Bet;ty Lynn C1 Ol 84 Payne, Thomes Edward ( 1 21 36, 55. 1 78 Peerson, Norman C. C9 J 1 01 Peerson, Sherry 21 3, 21 5 Peer. The 1 70 . 1 71 Peery, PaulL. {1 Ol 84 , 162 Peery, Tammy .J. ( 1 OJ 84 Pence. EhzebechScoctC11lB9. 87. 124, 189, 197 Pence. Page Monceech C1 21 36. 55. 1 82. 1 83, 1 96 Pender, James W. C9J 101, 111 Pendleton, Jeffrey A lexander { 1 01 84 Pendleton, Roy LeWis Jr. (1 0184 Pencz , Jemelyn M1chele ( 1 2J 55 PepeJ23 8 Perdue, Angela Carol ( 1 01 84 , 1 72, 1 73 Perk1ne, Doug V. ( 1 11 69 Perk.1ne, Julie B . {1 OJ 84 , 1 49 , 1 92 Perk.•ne, Peul F . CSJ 101. 1 28 Perk.1ns, Sandre D. ( 11 J 69, 1 90 Perk.1ns, Whitney Lynn ( 1 21 36, 55, 1 38, 1 52 Perry, Dev•d Scocc C1 2 J 36, 55 Pesc•. Joseph 207 Pee 9hoppe 251 Pet.ereon, Chnstopher ( 1 2 1 36, 55, 1 24, 1 59, 1 B 1, 1 89 Peery, Dev1d A llen C9J 1 01 P harr, E velyn N. C11) 69. 71 , 120, 132, 133, 134 , 194 P h1lhpe, Oev•d Neal CSJ 1 01 P h•lhpe, GeryW. C10l84 Ph1lhps, Mehssa A. C91 1 01 Ph•lhpe, Thomes Ryan ( 1 21 36, 55 Photography Club 1 90 Ptckrel, M1cheel James ( 1 OJ 84 P 1erce, Mecthew A lan (9) P 1ercee ll, Deborah B . C1 2 J 38. 55, 1 77 P 1erceeon, Norman 1 98 P tereon, M1cheel Charles ( 1 2 1 55 P 1ller, Dev1d D•ck.son ( 1 OJ 85. 1 24, 1 88 P illow, Brenda {1 2 138, 55 P1llow, Ke1t;h Allen ( 1 2J 55 P1llow, Wende Geyle (1 OJ 85 Pinchbeck, Glenn Thomes ( 1 2J 3B, 55 P1nkerton, Retana C1 1J 69, 1 92 P1oct1, ScoctM. C9J101 P IPPin, Oonne(11J69, 117, 126,191. 195 P IPPin, Pe1ge Mane (12) 3a, 55, 11 B. 117, 132. 1 49, 159. 181 P 1cee, Bexcer Alhson 21 5 P lancecepes 263 Pleasance, P. A. 204 P lunkact, Ann Mar1e H. 222 P lunkett, M•k.e.J. (91101 P lunkecc, Terese Ann {1 2J 38, 55 , 1 90 P lunkecc, Tracy A . ( 1 1 l 69, 1 77 Po1ndexter, Barbera J . 21 6 Po1ndexcer, Kev1n E . C9J Po1ndexeer, M1chaet A. C1 2J 38. 55 Po1ndexeer, Scephen•e L. C1 2 J 55 Po1ndexcer, TonyArnezC101111 Pompper, Orland Dev1d CSJ Pompper, R 1cherdW. (111 Popk.1n, Arnold 8 . 246 Pornct, Nency Lee ( 1 1 J 69, 1 1 5 Porcer, Anthony Scoct ( 1 OJ 85 , 1 1 1, 1 85 Powell, Jeffrey Wade (9) 101, 124, 174, 189 Powell, L•eeSh•ri(9J101, 174 Powe ll, Robert L •ctlecon CSJ 101, 1 as Powell, St.ephen1e P . ( 1 OJ 85 Powell, Ted A. C1 11 69, 1 88 Prillaman. Wilham C. ( 1 1J 69 Pr10r1ty Press 263 Pr•t.checc. Jesse Mechan1e (9) Pr•t.chet;t, Sonya Morris C1 2J Professor Feathers 258 Profftt;t, David Allen (9) 101, 111 Proff•ct. James Edger (9) 101, 111 Proff1ct, Wtlson Conrad C1 21 38, 55 Pryor, Edward Marshall ( 1 OJ 85 PsychiC Club 1 92, 1 93 Pugh, C1ndyA. (10185, 184 Pugh, Donn1e L. ( 1 21 38, 55 Pugh, Paul Thomas C1 2J 38, 55, 1 94 Pugh, WendyLelghC91101 Pullen, Mact.hew S . ( 1 OJ P urv1s, 8eceyC 9l101 , 120. 129 Purvte, Wilham Kent Jr. C10J 85. 183 Putnam, Cacher1ne C1 OJ B5 Putnam, Rodney D . CSJ 1 01 , 1 87 Puct-Putt 260


p Pace. Mecehew Hem1lton ( 1 2J 36, 54, 1 78 Pace, Scephen Todd {12154 Pelka, F r1cz .J. (1 01 Palmer, Dev1d Scoct ( 1 21 36, 54, 1 88 Palmer, George C. {1 Ol Palmer. Gerald Dm•cn C9l 1 84, 1 a7 Papp, Denne I. C9J 101 Perk, Edward ( 1 OJ 84 Perk, HyunA. (10J84. 159, 187, 197 Perk, Hyun-Sook(12136, 54, 187 Parkhill, Willard H . 231 Perk's F 1nence 261 Parr, Scephen1e A. (9J 101, 124, 134, 174 Parr•eh, Gregory S1nton CSJ 101 Parnsh, Kennech Talmage ( 1 2J 36, 55 Persons, Kerry W. C9l 101. 193 Partin, Donne L. ( 1 OJ 84, 1 24, 1 89 Partin, PemeleDen•eeC12J36, 55, 157, 1a1, 182, 183 Partridge. L•se Ann C91 1 01 PartJot Press 1 72 Pecten, Tatyanna Louwenna ( 1 2J 36. 55. 1 59, 1 72, 1 81, 187,196

Queries, Dev•dM icheeiC1 0185, 111 Q ueries, Me}one Be nne ( 1 21 38. 55. 1 84 Qu ill end Campers Club 1 73 Quisenberry, Julie B . (91 1 01 , 1 24

PatT>ey, Angela C12J 38, 55, Ramirez. Dougtee M..cl"'eee (1 Remirez. G len DeVId C12l3E 193, 194, 196 Ramos, Joe William Jr. C12l Ramos, M tchael Lee C11J6E Remeden, David C1 11 69, 1 E Ramsey, Kl!!!lra Lou•ee ( 1 OJ 8 Remeey, Wesley Dale (1 OJ 8 Reptd Photos 263 Requa, Sceven M. ( 1 OJ 85, Reeneke, L1ee M. C111 69 Rechff, T imothy C . ( 1 1 1 1 84 Rea, Daniel Franklin C91 101 Ree , NencyA. (101 85 Reaves, George Maurice C1 I Redick, Robert Vonst.ein ( 1 C Redmond, Peggy 21 3 , 21 5 Redmond, Seen M . ( 1 1 J 69, Reed. Jeremy K . C9J 101 Reed , R 1cherd A. ( 1 1) 69, 1 Reeder, Howard C9J 1 02, 1 ! Reese, Molly E lizabeth C1 01! Regu lar Guys Club 262 Retd, Rebecca Ann C1 21 38, Re1d Super Seve 245 Renntck., George Bu1ck. 242 Republic Homes 234 Ret.o. N1le Ree C1 2 J 3B . 55. Reynolds , Lance Edward ( 1 f Reynold s . Paul C. ( 1 1J 69 , 1 Reynolds. Sean Edward CSJ ' Rhodes, Rhonda Lee ( 1 2J 3E R 1ce , Robert Scenton C1 1 J 6 R 1ce. Wendy L. C1 1J 69, 1 9~ R 1ce , Williem Elden ( 1 01 86 , R 1ce, Withem Lascar C91 1 D2 R 1cherds , Ke•Ch ( 1 2 1 55, 1 9 R 1cherde. Rendell Scoct C1 2 R 1cherdeon, Bradley Todd CS: R ichardson, Chrtetlne (1 OJ E Rtcherdeon, M 1chael C1 1 l 6S: R tddervold, Le1f B Jorn C1 21 3 R tddervold, A nna Mer~e (9) .. R 1dd1ck. Luc1 Cre1g 1 a4 , 201 R •ddte , James K. CSJ 1 02 R iddle , Keren Lynn (121 38, R 1deouc, E hzebech C. C1 1J B~ R 1d1ng Club 1 95 R 1ley, Fredenck ( 1 1) R 1mmer, Robert 225 R 1mmer. RobertC10JB6, 1' R tt.ch1e , Br1en Robert c1 2J 3 R 1vk.1n, Christopher L. ( 1 21 E Robbins, Charles V•v•en CSJ " Roberson, Tracy Jerome { 1 Robert.on, Dewn Chr1st;y (9) Roberts. Constance M . {1 1 Roberts. James Edward C9l Roberts, Kerm1C E . ( 1 Ol 86 Roberts, Mark A. (1 1 l 69 , -; Roberts, Sarah E . ( 1 1) 69, Roberta, Scott Washburn ( • Roberta, Shewn May C9l 1 0 Roberts, T ina Annecte { 1 1 J I Robertson, Charles Wesley Rob•neon, Derek. L. ( 1 1 l 69 Rock A lbum Critics Club 1 81 Rocha, H ugo Rodngo ( 1 2J 3 Roche, Merv1n Anchony ( 1 2: Rodeffer. B r~en C. C9J 102 Roebuck. Bruce Sceve C1 11 Roebuck, Laurie Ann ( 1 1 ) 6~ Regen, Greg G . C9J 1 02 Rogers, Kelly Renee C9J 1 a:= Rogers, Use Luvenia ( 1 1J B~ Romine, Nore~ ( 1 OJ 1 50, 1 8 Rose, John 0. (11158, 67, Rosenblum, Rebecca ( 1 2J 4 194,196 Rosenblum, Sarah { 11) 69, Roeenblums 251 Roese. RobMoirC1 217, 40 199,274 Rosson, Nancy Anne C9l 1 0: Rosson. Susan Rebecca ( 1 " Roudebush, Kechy Lynn C1 1 Rovnyek. , St.even M tchae l ( 1: Roy, Juhe Dentelle ( 1 2J 40, E Rud1n, Hesther C9J 1 02, 1 a: Runkle, Lore D . C9J 7, 102, Runkle, St.ephen Todd C1 2l ~ R ush. A lfonso Lewrence IV ( Rush. Andree M1chele C1 21 ~ Rush. Anthony Lev• C1 01 86 Rush. Areche Pacrice C1 OJ B Rush. D . Claudecte ( 1 1J Rush, Jemes ( 1 11 70 Rush. Jeane Sherali ( 1 Ol 1 E Rush, Kathy Laverne C1 21 4! Rueh, Kevin ( 1 1 l Rush, Mark Anton•o £91 1 o:::: Rush, Reg1na D . C1 1 J 70 Rueh, Roger 1 1 1 R u sh, Roland 8. ( 1 1 lB. 70, Rueh, Shence Lavern ( 1 OJ 1 Rush, S ylv•e Lynne ( 1 2J 40, Rush, Timothy Alexander C9 Rush, Trecey Arlecte ( 1 OJ Ruth, Bonnie L. 184, 227 Rue/end, Chr~eW. C9J102."

R Reba, Paul C1 21 38, 55 Racer. KelCh Dou g las (1 21 3B. 55, 192. 1 96 Radcliff, Tim (11 1 13, 184 Rae, Colvln(11169 Ragged Mount.e1n Runn1ng Shop 241 Reglend, Kelvtn E nc C1 21 38. 4a, 55, 1 06. 1 1 1. 1 80 Ragland, Samu e l L. C9l 1 01, 1 1 1 Ragland , SJobhen L . (9J 1 01 Reglend, Warren E . (1 2138 , 55 Retnee, Will1am Corbett ( 1 21 38, 55, 1 70 Relay, Fred 1 62

SCA 198, 199 Sebenoeh, Robert W. C9J 1 C Safley, Cherlee (91 1 02, 1 1 Set's P IZZS 245 Setcere , Pacer A. C1 1 l 70, 1 Sempeon, E lmer Franklin 1: Samuela, LISB Allyn ( 1 2J 40,

34 , 174, 197 J8 , 174


124, 1 aS . 197 182, 183, 1S6


138. 1 52

1 2 4 , 1 59 , 1 81 . 189 32 , 133, 1 34 , 1 S4

77 88


31 . 195 3, 117,132.149,159,


• 185 174, 18S


5, 184

Rarre y, Ange le C1 2 1 3 8 , 55, 1 99 Remirez . D ouglas M ichael C1 OJ 85 Ram1re z . G le n David C12l 38. 55. 171, 173. 1 BB. 191, 192. 1 9 3 . 194, 196 Ramos, Joe Willtem Jr. C1 2l 38 , 55. 173. 181 Ramos, M 1chael Lee ( 1 1 J 69, 1 92 Ramsden, D II!!IVIdC11J69, 181 Ram sey, Kare L OU ISe ( 1 OJ 85 , 1 24 Ram sey, W e ele y Dele ( 1 OJ 85 Rapid P hotos 263 R eque , S ceve n M . C1 OJ 85, 1 85 Resneke, L•ee M . C1 1 1 69 Ret.l •ff, T imot.hy C . C11 1 184 Res , D en1el Frenkli n C91 101 Rea . N a ncy A . C10J85 Reev e s, GeorgeMeurice(10J85, 124, 189 Red•ck. R obert: Vonste1n C1 OJ 85 Redmond, P eggy213, 215 Redmond, S ean M . C11 169, 159, 181, 183 Reed, J e remy K . C91 101 Reed , R icherd A . ( 1 1 J 69, 1 78, 1 8 8 Reed e r, Howerd (9} 1 02, 1 BB Ree s e , Molly E hzebet;h (1 018 5 , 117, 129, 149, 181 Regu la r Guys C lub 262 Re1d, Rebecce A nn(1213 8 . 55, 1 39 , 1 54 , 1 94 Reid S upe r Sev e 245 Rennrck. G eorge Bu 1ck 242 Republic Homes 234 Reto, N ilaRaeC 1 2l38 , 55, 1 59 , 177 Reynolds, Lance Edward C1 21 38. 55. 1 1 9 . 1 94 , 275 Reynolds, P aul C . {1 1 l 69, 11 9, 188. 1 94 Reynolds, S e en Edward CSJ 1 02, 1 89. 1 93 R hodes. R honda Lee C121 38, 55, 138, 174, 177 R 1c e , Robe rt Stanton C1 1 1 69 R 1c e , W e ndy L. { 1 1 J 69, 1 95 R 1c e , W illia m E lden ( 1 01 86, 1 88 R 1c e , W illiam Lascar CSJ 1 02 R ichards, Ke1th C1 2 1 55. 1 94 R 1chsrds, R endell Scott ( 1 21 38 , 55. 1 9 4 R icha rdson. B radley Todd (91 1 02. 1 24, 1 89 Richardson. Christ•neC10186 , 11 7 , 191 R IChardson, M tcheel { 1 1 J 69 , 1 68, 1 70. 1 71 , 1 92. 1 93 R 1dde rvold, Le•f B JOrn { 1 2J 38 , 55, 1 93 R ldde rvold , Anne Mar1e (9 1 1 02, 1 a7 R 1dd1ck, Luc• Cre 1g 1 84 , 206 R 1d d le , James K. C9J 1 02 Riddle , K a ren Lynn { 1 2J 38 , 55 R 1d e out, E liz ebech C . ( 1 1 1 69 , 1 90 R id ing C lub 1 95 R il ey, F rede rick C1 1 1 R 1mmer, R obert: 225 R 1mmer. R obert C1 0186, 111, 136. 191, 1 38 R rtchie, B r1en Robert: ( 1 2 1 38, 55 R 1vk 1n, Chr1stopher L. { 1 2J 55, 69 R obb1ns, Charles VIVIen C9J 1 02 R obe rson, TrecyJerome£11 1 69 R obe rton, Dawn Chriecy C91 1 02. 1 24 R obe rta, C onstence M . {11 169, 129, 191 , 194 Rob e rta, J a mes Edwerd C91 1 02 Roberta. Kerm•t E . (1 OJ 86 R obe rta, Mark A. C1 1 1 69 , 72, 1 1 1 R oberta, Sarah E. ( 1 1 1 89, 1 29 . 1 91 R oberce, Scott Washburn C1 2 1 38. 55, 1 46, 1 48 , 1 85 R oberta, Shewn May C9J 1 02 R oberta, T 1ne Annette ( 1 1) 69. 1 1 3 R obertaon, Charles Wesley C1 1 J R ob1nson, Derek L. C1 1 1 69 R ock A lbum CNCICB C lub 1 88 Roche , Hugo Rodrigo C1 2 1 32, 40, 55, 1 1 .a, 1 1 5 R oche, Marv1n Anthony ( 1 21 40 , 55 Rode ffer. B r~en C . (91 102 R o e buck, B ruce Steve C1 1 1 R o e buck, Laune Ann ( 1 1 ) 69 R oga n , G reg G . C9l 1 02 R o g ers, Kelly Ren ee CSJ 1 02. 1 87 R ogers. Lise Luv enia (11 189, 120, 174, 1 94 R omine, Nora ( 1 01 1 50, 1 81 R ose, John D . (11 158, 67 , 69, 111, 194 R osenblu m. R ebecca C1 21 40 , 55, 1 1 4 , 1 1 5 , 1 54, 1 71 . 1 94 , 196 R ose nblum, Sarah ( 1 1 1 69, 1 24, 1 54, 1 94 R ose nblums 2 5 1 R oese. R obMolrC1217, 40, 55. 144, 145, 172, 194, 196. 1SS, 274 R osson, Nancy Anne (9} 1 02. 1 83. 1 87 R osson, Susan Rebecca ( 1 1) 70 R oudebush. Kathy Lynn ( 1 1 1 70 R ovnyek, Steven M 1cheel C1 21 40, 55, 1 57 , 1 96 R oy, Juhe Den•e lle ( 1 2 1 40, 55, 1 70. 1 71 . 1 73 R udn, Heath er C91 1 02, 1 82 R unkl e , Lore D . C9l7, 102, 113, 191, 1 S8 R unkle . Stephen Todd (121 40, 55, 157. 168, 181, 1 82 R ush, A lfonso Lawrence IV ( 1 01 1 1 1 Rush. Andree M iche le C12J 40, 55, 184 R u s h, Anthony Levi (1 0186 R ush, Arethe Petr1ce (1 0 1 86 , 1 77 R u s h, D . C laudette C1 1 J R ush, Jemes(11l70 Rush, J eane Sherell C1 Ol 1 87 R ush, K echy Lav erne ( 1 21 40, 55, 1 76 R ush, Kev1n ( 1 1 1 Rush. Mark Antonio (91 1 02 . 1 1 1 Rush, R eg1ne D . (11 J 70 R ush, R oger 1 1 1 R ush, Roland 8 . C11 J 8 , 70 , 111, 184 R ush. She nta Lavern C1 OJ 1 87 R ush, S ytv1e L ynne ( 1 2 1 40, 55 , 1 54 R ush, T imot.hy A lexander (9) 1 02 Rush, Tracey Arlette ( 1 OJ Rut.h, B onn1e L. 184, 227 Rudend, Chris W . CSJ 1 02, 1 28





S CA 198 , 19S Sebenosh, Robert: W . CS1 1 02 Saf ley, Charles C91 1 02, 1 1 1 , 1 87 Sal's P 1ZZB 245 Salters , Peter A . ( 1 1 l 70. 1 1 4 , 1 1 5 . 1 34, 1 88 S a mpson, E lmer Frenkhn 1 24 , 1 88 , 1 BS, 2 1 7 Samu e la , L•eeAIIynC12l40, 55 , 1 74

Sandell, R eba 1 76 , 223 Sandhege, D ev1d K . 1 S2, 222 Sendridge , Keehy D . C91 1 02 , 1 84 Senner, Teddy D . (10186, 193 SenCiego, Sarah 227 SaCire, D a v1d Allan (1 01 as , 111 SeCire , Susan Lynn C9J 1 02 Saunders, Carolyn 222 Saunders, James K. C11 1 70, 124, 1 89 Seundere, Mary B. CS1 102, 1 24, 1 74 , 1 89 Savege, R 1ck 1 8 8 Sawyer, Joshua Reuben (91 Seyler, Meli sse (11 J 7 0, 124 , 184, 189 Scert", Karen P elt.on C1 1 1 70, 1 72, 1 B 1, 1 S9 Scarr, R ebecca B lackwe ll C9J 102 Scherer, G regory E dward (9) 102, 11 1 Sche rer, H ilary M . (11 1 68, 70, 149, 154, 198, 199 Schled1tz, Christine ( 1 01 86, 1 91 , 1 95 Schmidt, Jenn1fer K. C1 OJ 86 Schmidt, Stephan M . C1 1 J 8 1 , 86 Schne1der, W illiam Dsn1el CSl 1 02, 1 28 Scholle , Christ1ne E . C1 01 85, 86 , 1 1 3. 1 32. 1 70, 1 71. 1 91 Scholle , Thome s Xav1er ( 1 1) 70, 1 95 Schrenk, A ll1 son Palmer C9J 1 02 Schultz , W ill1em R e msen 211 Schwab, KurtL C10l86 Schwab, Rend• J ill ( 1 1 J 70 Scopelht l, Clara B . ( 1 OJ 86 , 1 24, 1 89 Scopellltl, Jenn1fe r A . C1 1 1 70, 1 97 Scott, Ca rleton (121 55, 11 1 Scott, De1dre Lynn CSl Scott, Derek Meurtce C9l 1 02 Scott, Franc 1na { 1 2 1 40, 55 Scott. Ke1'Ch C1 0187 Scott. L1ndsay Gary ( 1 01 Scott, Marthe J . 181, 217 Scott, Mex1ne V ictor •e ( 1 OJ Scott, M 1cheel Ivan C91 1 02. 1 1 1 Scott, Petr~ck Nathanie l C1 21 40, 55 Scott, Wardell a D 1ane ( 1 0 1 86 Se1vers , K 1mberly A nne ( 11 170, 1 87 Selden, Dou g las J. 200, 220 Sen•ch, Joseph James C1 2 1 40, 55, 1 s.a Sen1or T rip 1 48 Sessoms , John 204 Setitle T 1re end S upp ly Co. 242 Sext.on , T 1ne Lou•se ( 1 21 40, 55 Sexton, TommyWes le yC121 4 0, 55 Shafer, Stecl(1 2 140, 55 , 1 57 , 181, 1S7 Shand , Johnny Jame1son ( 1 2 1 40, 55 Shand , M 1chael L. C1 1 1 70, 1 94 Shenkhn, Oev•d Lee (91 1 02 Shankhn, Duane A llen C1 OJ as . 1 76 Sharkey, Edna 226 Sharrette, JohnMicheel( 121 40, 56 , 114, 11 5 , 157, 159,

181 Shattuck. Angels (91 1 02 Shaver, R andy Art:hu r ( 1 01 86 Shawkey, Jay M . (91 102 Shewkey, Robert: Allen ( 1 01 86 Sheffey, Ron Werrtck J r. CSJ 1 02 , 1 1 1, 1 26 Sheff1e ld . M 1chael A lan C1 1 1 70, 1 1 0 Shelton, Arlene Hope ( 1 01 S helton, Shawn Den•se ( 1 01 86, 1 83 S heperd, Gary L. 1 DB. 207 S h erman, He•d•Aia ne(10l 86 , 117,129. 195 S hie lds, Dorothy 206 S h1fflett, Cra 1Q ( 1 0 1 86 S hifflett, Dav1dW. (111 70, 110, 111, 154. 191 Shifflett, D 1a n e Den1se ( 1 2J 25, 40, 56, 1 24, 1 71, 1 81 , 184,197 S hifflett. Edward L. 233 Shifflett. Hugh R . C91 1 02 Shifflett. Jan A. C9J 1 03 Shifflett, L isa ( 1 OJ 87 , 1 87 Shifflett, L1se J u an1ta (91 Shifflett, Mark. ( 1 1 1 70 Shifflett, Mary 233 Shiffle tt, Nancy Ann ( 1 01 Shifflett. Roxana ( 1 1 l 70 Shifflett, Stev en Christopher ( 1 2J 40, 56 Shifflett, T ine Mar1e ( 1 01 87 Sh1flett, Glenda (1 1 l S h1f let. Gregory Scott C9l S hiflett, Janet B . 21 8 S hiflett, Tammy Renee ( 1 OJ 87 Sh1pp, M 1cheel A . ( 1 OJ 87 . 1 BB Sh1rey , Donald E lme r C9J 1 03 Sh1rley, Donne L ynn ( 1 1 1 70, 1 96 , 1 97 Shoe Center 249 S hort, Matthew J. C91 1 03, 1 1 5 Showalter, Joan W. CSJ 1 00, 1 03 S h rev e , Kenn eth C . ( 1 OJ 87 Shriner, Edward Lawson (12 1 40, 56 , 119 Shymlock. Kelby C1 1 1 70 Slier, Robert ( 1 1 l S 1mms, Ed1th Lilhan C11 1 S 1mpk1ns , Tammy D . (1 11 70 S 1mpaon , 0 . Jay C9l S ims, LeisaDen•eeC121 4 3, 56 . 124 , 184, 188, 271 S ipple , Sunny Laverne C1 1 1 S ir·n·H e r 256 S isson, John Carroll (91 1 03, 1 1 1, 1 88 S is eons, Matthew P aul ( 1 21 43, 56 S 1tee, Deborah J . CSJ 1 03 S 1CBB, Terese L . C91 1 03 Skeen, Dav•d Wayne C1 1 1 70 SkiClub 194 Sk1nner. Gregory G . (91 1 03, 1 93 S hger. Sally 1 25 S hnkman, Joyce K 1mberly C9 1 1 03 S lo ugh, John Howard CSl 1 03, 1 24 Smell, K 1mbe rty Ann ( 1 OJ 87 Smellwood , Lerua ( 1 21 56 Smellwood. Robert (1 21 192 Sm1th, A 1mee Alexandre ( 1 1 J 70 Sm1th, Andrew M . ( 1 1 ) 70 Sm1th, Cheryl Renee ( 1 1 J 70, 1 S 1 Smreh. Christopher Feger ( 1 2J 1 4, 43, 58, 1 1 1 , 1 94 , 1 95 Sm1eh, Duane Addison { 1 2 1 43, 56 Smreh, Gitan a C1 1 ) 70 Smreh, Gregory Owen C1 2J 43, 56 , 1 78 Sm1th, Karen Lang C91 1 03, 1 87 Sm1th, Ke•eh O hver ( 1 21 56 Sm1t.h, Le Roy H. 1 78 . 229 Smith, L•nde(12l43, 56 Sm1t.h, Linda Annette ( 1 2 1 43, 56 Sm1t;h, Lise R . C1 1 1 70

Sm1t;h, Robert E . ( 1 1) 70 Sm1eh, Rob1n Carol C91 1 03 Sm1t.h, Shannon Nov e ll ( 1 2J 41 , 4 3 , 56 , 88, 1 1 1, 1 34 Smrth, Welter Earl ( 1 1 1 70, 1 09, 1 1 1, 1 34 Smtt.h, Wilhem M 1cheel c1 1 1 Snapp, Derek Chnstopher [ 1 1 1 56 Snow, Sherry Lynne ( 1 21 43, 56 Snow, Temmy J . C10J67 S now, Wen dl Geyte (1 OJ 87, 124, 189 S nyde r, 8ernerd 233 Sobbott, Wesley Paul ( 1 1 l 70 Sorc•Qh. Bet;h 227 Space M1ce C lub 1 92, 1 93 Spengler, Anne Ch ri stine ( 1 OJ 87 Spanish C lub 1 82 . 1 83 Spanish H onor Soc 1ety 1 81 Speers. Anthony Wayne (91 1 03 Speers, Wellece R andolph ( 1 0 1 Spence. Robert M 1chsel C1 1 l 70, 1 88 Spencer, K 1mberlyS . C101a7 Spencer, Temmy CSl 1 03 , 1 87 Spencer, W ilton Welter ( 1 0 1 Sperry, John W. 178, 228 Sp1r1t Week 1 4 0 , 1 41 Spr edhn, Fonde ( 1 1 1 70 Sprouse, Arlene F . (11 1 70, 1 90 Sprouse. Debr a C1 1 1 70, 1 SO Sprouse. JoAnn 227 Sprouse. J1mm1e Gen'trjf {1 2 1 43, 56 Sprous e. K1mberly A nne C1 01 87, 1 77 Sprouse, Sandra Key C1 2 J 56 , 176, 1 99 Sprouse, Wesley E . ( 1 1 1 1 84 Spudnue239 St. John, V1rg1n1B (1 OJ 82 , 87, 191 St.eckhouse , WilhamT. (101 97. 111, 122 St.ecy, Larry Scott <SJ 1 03 S tan ley, Court;en ey Turner 1 52 , 1 70, 1 7 1 , 1 85. 200, 208 Stanley Second Per1od 252 Sterge ll. Darlene Jorden ( 1 21 43, 56 Stergell, Melinda C h e ryl C1 2 1 43, 56. 1 29 , 1 31 , 1 72, 1 91 Sterk, PetrJCI8 M . 1 SO, 206 Starke, ColetCI Eur1ca C1 2 1 43 , 56 Starke, Sharo n (11 171, 177 State FBNT'I Insurance 260 Steelman, Robert Wesle y (9 1 1 03. 1 1 1 Steffey, K imberly Ann ( 1 01 87 Ste•gme n, G len L. (9 1 1 03 Ste•gmen, W1lhem CSJ 1 03 Steinberg, ToreDevid(1 2 143, 56 . 1 57, 181, 1 94 , 196,

1 99 S~;;ep h ene , Brenda Lee ( 1 1 1 7 1 Steph e ns. Jerome Aaron c1 21 43 , 56. 1 87 Steppe , AlbertBr•enC12143, 56 , 274 Steppe, Seen Menn1x ( 1 01 Steppe , Sherr• ( 1 1 1 SteVenson. Andrew J. (91 1 03 Stevenson, Robert G . (1 OJ 87 Steward, Oenn1s ( 1 1 1 71, 1 77 Stewart. Willlem(11) 15S S'Ci lt.ner, L yd1e C or•ne ( 1 21 56 , 1 78 Stoddard, Chr•et1en M . C91 1 03 Stoffel, Lenore Magdalen 1 72 . 21 5 Stokes, Dev1d G . (11 171, 134, 135. 191 S tone, MeryL. 226 Stone, M•cheel ( 1 1 1 Ston e , Selene Angela C9 1 Ston e r, John T homesC101 B7. 172 Stong , Mary LOUISe (12) 43 , 56, 1 57, 159, 181 St.nckle r, Sally Brenn 181, 193, 1S7, 218,219 Strot.her. Gwendolyn Yvette C1 1 l 71 St-uden t Peace A lli a nce 1 S3 St-upak. Valeska Celina (1 2 1 43, 56 , 116, 117, 157, 172. 1 81.182 1 9 1 Stut.z, Keet.on Lewerence (1 1 J 71 , 1 70 , 171, 188, 1S4,

1 96,1 99 S uddert:h. James Todd< 1 21 43, 56 . 1 52 . 1 94 Sudduth. T imOthy Jay ( 1 1 1 71, 1 1 1 Sugerman , J ulie A. ( 1 01 1 3, 87 Su lhve n, Charles M IChael C1 2 1 56 Su lhven, Donne Key C1 01 87 Sulhve n, Donne Mer•e ( 1 2 1 43, 56 Sulhven, Mark W . C9l 1 03 Sulliva n, M 1ke (11 171 S u merlin, Donn1e F . (111 71, 178 Summers , Dan e Le1gh ( 1 21 43, 56 Sueer, C herlea Ward CSl 1 03 Suter, Williem B ogertC10J87, 1 26 , 195 S w1ngler. R uth A nn ( 1 2J 43, 56 S w1ngle r. Thomes 228

T Tehboub, S un1el S. (9 1 1 03, 1 1 3 Te•wen Gerdens 251 Tapscott, Troy H. { 1 1 1 1 78 Tete, Rodn e yW. C10J 87, 110. 111 Teuboub, S unn1a 1 1 3 Tevern 242 Tawney, Dan•el Wayne ( 1 2 1 56 , 1 S4 Tawney, S h e rr1e Lynn CSl Teytor, Dernell A. (91 1 03. 1 1 1 , 1 28 Taytor, Gail Lynn ( 1 2J 43, 56 Taylor, Ka r~n E lise CS l 1 03 Taylor, Martin A ndrew CS1 62 , 1 03, 1 28. 1 S1 Taylor, Orv1lle H. ( 1 01 88 Tll!!lylor, RobS . C10J88, 188 Taylo r, Roneld LynwoorJr. (10J88, 124, 174 , 1 89 Taylor. ScottAnthony(10J 88 , 188 Teylor, S hennan L. (11) 7 1, 159, 187 Taegue· Hewklne Fun e r a l Serv1ce 241 Tast.es, MeryCetherlne C12143, 56, 154, 1 57. 159, 181, 187,198 Templin, K 1m L. CSl 1 03 Teen Democrats 1 97 Teenage Republicans 1 S6 Terrell, Jewell An1te C121 43, 56 Terrell, Tilwena (11 J 71 Terrell, Velenc•e lnette (9 1 103 . 1 77 , 1 89 Terry, M •cheel Scott C12) 43, 56 , 1 74, 1 99 Terry, Robert W . C1 1 1 71



Terry, Samuel W. 272. 273 Teseck, Chneune ( 1 1 J 71 , 1 24, 1 59, 1 89 Teseck, Kechleen C12J 56, 124, 159, 189, 1 93 Tevende le. Peter B . (1 Ol 88 , 193 Thacker. Cec1t ReyC12J 56 Thacker, Chertotte Lynn ( 1 21 56 Thacker. .James Wallace II ( 1 OJ BB. 1 76 Thacker, .John (11 l 71 Thecker. Mery Key (91 103, 187 Thacker, Nancy Suzanne (9) 103. 1 77 Thecker, N ine 223 T hecker, Samuel ( 1 1 l T hacker, Terese .J . C12J 43, 56 , 176 Thacker, Thomes Martin (121 43, 56 Thacker, T 1mochy Napoleon (9J T harp, Stephen R obert ( 1 2J 43, 56 , 1 24 , 1 89 T harp, SusanA. (10J 7B. BB Theodose. LynnT. (91 103. 122, 191 Thesp1ens 1 80, 1 81 Thick 'n Thin Club 1 90 Thomes. Ann K . (9J 1 03 Thomes. Cart Lee ( 1 11 Thomes, Debb1e Lou C9J 1 03 Thomes, Oone ld Weyne ( 1 21 43 , 56 Thomee, .Jerry ( 1 1 J 71 , 1 76. 1 78 Thomes, Kechenne 8e1n 1 95, 21 0 Thomes, Kechy C9J Thomes, Lisl!l Carol CSJ 1 03 Thomes. M . C . Furrueure 24 1 Thomes. Merquenta Denise CSJ 1 03 Thomes. M iche lle Lyne~ ( 1 OJ 88. 1 24 Thomes. She ron Lynn CSl 1 04, 1 35 T homes, VelenC8 Lynet;te ( 1 OJ 84 , 1 3 4 , 1 83 Thomasson, Enk Dev1d ( 1 OJ BB Thomasson, Mark .John ( 1 21 4 3, 56 T hompson, Annabel Leah (11 J 62. 72 , 73, 117, 134, 195. 198, 199 T hompson . .James 0 . [1 OJ T hompson . ..JemeeRJcky(12l45, 56. 178 Thompson . .Jeanne F . 177, 228 Thompson. Kennech I 1 01 88 T hompson. Nore E llen (91 Thorsen, Tracy A . (1 OJ 88, 125 T 1bbs. Gery(1 0188. 111, 126, 128 T insley, M ichael Coleman C9 l 1 04 T irrell, CechyA. (10188, 189, 191 Tob1n, Mel"'een M1cheel ( 1 1 J Todd, T 1mochy M . (91 Tolbert, .Juhet:t.eL £10158. BB. 191 Talbert, N ico let:t.e K. ( 1 OJ 58 , 88, 1 91 Tamhn, Cherlea Ga rten (91 1 04 Tooley, OueneR. (101 88, 124, 189 Tooley, R honda L ( 1 1 ) 72, 1 90 Topper, Oev1d Bentemln (9} 104, 1 89 T op Twent;;y 1 56 , 1 57 T oth, Susan Baker 21 9 T ownsend, Phillip A . ( 1 1 l 72. 1 92, 1 93 Track. Indoor 1 34, 1 35 Tra1l, Sec~ Howard ( 1 21 45 , 56, 1 78 Tre1ners 1 25 Transue. Ann-Mane ( 1 1 1 72 Tr1ce. Sec~ Edward ( 1 21 45, 56, 1 B8 Trogdon. 8 Jence L. ( 1 1 l 72 True Vetue H ardware 253 Truslow, Peulecte E . ( 1 1 J 72. 1 76 Tuen, Helen l.Jn (12J 45, 56 , 1 57, 159, 181, 193

1 . Magg ie W ingate can't seem to find the cafe teria . 2. D id y ou see that one hit the deck? 3 . Kath y Caldwell is immersed in her computer program. 4 . " You don't say!" r esponds Davi d Gallagher. 5 . Leiss S ims poses for the phot og rapher. 6 . T hese are the d irections to the party, so don 't lose them ! 7 . Don 't juniors alw a ys look so bright-e y ed and bush y tailed in the morning?



T ucker, Enc C . (91 104 Tucker, .JecQueli ne Lee (11 l 72, 114, 115, 134 Tucker, Timolee A . (1 1 J 72 , 194 Tuet .Jewelers 280 Tuley, Ann 87, 229 Turner, ChnetopherSco~(12J45, 56, 178 T urne r, CryeU!II Leugh (11 l Turner. Emme Louise CSJ Turner. Eet.ell e F loy1ne (9) 104 Turner, Frank Rooeevele (1 OJ 88 , 111 T urner, Gregory A ll en ( 1 21 45. 56 Turner, .JeffreyS. C10JB8. 174 Turner, Karen L. ( 1 01 88. 1 24 Turner, Karen Renee ( 1 1 1 72, 1 89 , 1 90 Turne r, Phyll1s Nell C9l 1 95

u Uecker, A lyssa Ann ( 11 l 72 , 73, 115, 1 82 Underwood. Oav1d Scot:e (9) 1 04 Un1roye t 251

v V ICA 1 7 8 , 1 79 V a le ntine 's Dey T hing 1 54, 1 55 V a n Caneghem, Robert C . ( 1 O J 89 VanDerLoo, Enc R . ( 1 1 1 72 V a nDerVeer, Karen T . (11 J 72, 122 V an Hoose, Pemele Sue ( 1 1 l 72 V e nit.Jee 1 49 Veughen, B randt; Ashley C1 1 l 72 V a ughan, Peggy A . 212 V e ughen, Richerd G . (9} 104, 1 89 , 193 V a ughn, M 1cheel Wayne ( 1 2 1 56 V e yvede, Chnetopher G . C9l 1 04 V e rmilhon, Emily M. (91 1 04, 1 1 7, 1 95, 1 98 Vermillion . .John 1 1 7 V e rmillaon, Mary M . (11 l 62. 72. 117, 139. 170, 171, 191, 195 V ie, Dev1d Todd (9J 1 04, 1 3 4 Vie, HerotdR. (101 89 V ier, Micheel Edward C9l V idrine-Wright, Cerol 1 1 6, 1 1 7 V idunee, Katherine Anne ( 1 21 B. 45, 56 , 1 22. 1 B 1, 1 91 Villwock, Robert Eric C1 21 4 5, 57 V1n1ng, .Jeenn1e S . C1 11 72. 1 52 Vining, Sco~ D . C1 1 l 72 Vlrglr'II B Federal Savtnge end Loan 243 Volleybe ll11 6, 117, 11 B Voll e yball C lub 1 95 VonAchen, E Nc(12l 45 , 57, 124, 195 Vespe r, Stephen A lexander C9l 1 04

vv W1NA24B Wade , Mectnew ENc ( 1 OJ 89 , 1 1 9 Willlemeon, s . L. PeVIng 262 Welker. Ant;hony B enJem1n [9J 1 04 Welker, George Lee (91 1 04 , 1 1 1 . 1 34 Welker. Kelly 1 9 1 Welker, K 1mberly S . (11 J 72 Welker, M 1cheel Winfof"d C91 104, 1 11 Wellece, Ceyce Leagh { 1 01 Wellece, Remeno Oom1ngos (1 01 72 Wl!lllece, Seen Cerlton ( 1 1) 1 92 , 1 93, 1 96 Welte, .Jemes Kev1n (121 45 , 57 Welle. O liVIa Therese C121 45. 57 Welle, Vtck.ie(11) 72 Welsh • .Jod1e A . C1 Ol 89. 1 22, 1 9 1 Welton, Windy K . C9J 1 04 Wetus, M tcheel .James C9l 1 04 , 1 BB Welt.a, Timothy ( 1 1 l 73 Wenebo, .JacQueline E hee (121 16. 45, 57, 1 16, 117, 181, 191 Werd. Oen1e l Ill 1 08. 1 34 , 224 Werd . .James R 1chard .Jr. ( 1 2J 45, 57 Ward . .Jane Crena 1 34 , 209 Werd, Kechryn G . ( 1 1 J 73. 1 1 9, 1 25. 1 97 Wel"'d, M 1cheel Graham ( 1 OJ 89, 1 1 1 Werd, PrentiSS OeiOIB (121 45, 57 , 176 Ward , Sherod OemetNue (91 Wering, Benjam1n M . C1 2145, 57 , 1 78 Werren, Danie l George (91 1 04 Werren, Sheren K . (11173, 120, 121, 191 Washington, A lphonso ( 1 01 Weeh1ngton, Betty Annet:te (12J 45, 57 . 187 Washington, Malco lm Lee ( 1 2J 57, 1 24. 1 27 . 1 54 Washington, Margay Vern1c ( 12J 45, 67. 1 90 W eehington, V e le n e M . C91 1 29 Wasile wski, Ther-ese 226 Week. Jne, KetheNne Fay e (91 1 04 , 1 1 5. 1 34, 1 82 . 1 87 WetJons, Kechle en Lise ( 1 2 1 4 5, 57 , 1 73 Weekme, William Todd (1 01 Weeeon, M lchee1A IIenC10l74, 89. 193 Weeeon, Susan C . C1 OJ 89 Wey, Devid Weyne ( 1 OJ 76, 89. 1 93 Wey, T imothy M 1cheel C9l 1 04, 1 93 Weyland, B rien Robert C1 OJ 89 , 1 1 9 Weyland , G le nn R emsey(12J B . 45 , 57 , 111, 171, 173, 190, 191~ 192. 193, 196. 199 Weyne, Uoyd A . (91 1 05 Weever, .Joel T . (111 73, 111, 188. 199 Weaver, Robert E . 22 1 Weaver. S usen C . ( 1 Ol 89 , 1 1 2. 1 1 3. 1 42 Weber, Carrie Elizebeth (91 1 05, 1 73, 1 83 Webster. Rebecce Lynne (1 OJ 89, 129. 191 Weeks, .James R . [ 1 OJ Weieend, Lence 1 1 4 , 221 Welle, Cynthie C12J 45, 57 Welle, .Joyce E le 1ne C1 2J 45, 57 Wells. Withem Lee ( 1 1 l 73. 1 26, 1 78 WeN"ee, TimochyW. (11173, 110, 111 West, .Jenn1fer Dawn C9J 105. 124 , 1 89 Westervelt;, Frede Nc ( 1 1) 73, 1 1 1, 1 94

West;reter. Bnen Charles (1 137 West;rater, Sus•e L. (91 1 0~ Wet..zel, Patricia .Joann ( 1 21" Wherem, .Jeckie Andy C1 2 1 4 Wharem, L1ea.J. (10189, 1e; Wheby, .Jean H . ( 1 11 73 , 1 9Wheeter. Berbers Sue (121 e: Wheeler, Cery Howard CS l 11 Wheeler, George B . .Jr. C12l 194, 196, 199 Wheeler, T ine ( 1 1 J 73 White, Anthony(11l White, .Jeff Lemone CSJ 1 05 White, Lise C1 1 J 73, 1 95 White, Lise Lynd C1 01 White , Melvin Lee c1 21 45, 5 White. N ine Theresa (91 1 DE White. Penny E. ( 1 OJ 8 9 Whlt:fleld, Kate 8 . (1 OJ 89 , 1 Whitlock, Steve Andre (9] Whitten. Thomes Lindwood I Whyte. Tracy M . ( 1 01 89 . 1 ~ Widener, Uoyd Scott ( 1 2 J 4! W ilcoxen, Oevid Seen ( 1 OJ 8 : W iley, Leigh Ann ( 1 1 l 73 W il k ins. S kip 1 48, 1 98 , 1 9!: W itt!eme, Cerotyn Denise C1 C Willfems, David Edward (1 OJ Willieme, Oevid Lee C121 4 7, Willieme, David M. ( 1 1 J 73, • Willieme. Deborah ( 1 11 73 Williams, .Jemes Shannon ( 1 Willieme. Kerl S . 229 W illiems, Kelly L ynn (9) 89 Williems, S heryl Ann ( 1 2 1 57 Wlllieme, T imothy Wade ( 1 o: Williemeon, Hunter D . C9l W ittlemeon. Stecy E . 191 1 D E Willie, B rien Ke ith C1 Ol 89 W illi e, Oevid G lenn ( 1 2 J 4 7 , e: Willie, Sheils A rne~ (12} 4 7, Willie. Stanley ( 1 1 1 73 Willoughby, Scott Rawling ( 1 Wilt eon. Kristine Lee ( 1 1) 7:= Wilson. Geii L (10184, 87 . f Wilson, Glorette L. [1 0189, W il son, P1per Leshe [ 1 1 J 73 ,


7, 116.117,1 8 1,



·• 187 '1 27, 154 7,190



134 , 182, 187


' 111' 1 7 1, 173, 190,

l9 142

1 83 I, 1 91


39 34




Westrat.er. S nenCharlesC12J 4 5, 57,114,115.1 34 ,136 , 137 Wescretoer, Sus•e L !91 1 05. 1 1 3 Weczel, Pecricie .Joann C12l 45, 57, 187 Wherem, .Jackie Andy ( 1 2 1 45 , 57 Wharem, UeeJ. (10189. 1 24 , 197 Wheby, .Jean H . C11 l 73 . 194 Wheeler, Berbere Sue C12l 57 Wheeler, Cery Howard (9) 105, 1 76 Wheeler, George B . Jr. (12145, 57, 171, 1 88 . 190, 193. 194, 196, 199 Wheeler, T ina( 11l73 Whiee . Ant.hony( 11 l White, Jeff Lamont: CSl 1 05 Whiee, L •ee C1 1 l 73, 1 95 White, Liee Lynd C1 OJ White, MetvJn Lee C1 2 l 45, 57 White. N ine T h eresa CSJ 1 05, 1 95 White. Penny E . C1 Dl 89 Whictield, KaceB. (10189. 122. 1 49 Whit;lock., Seeve Andre CSl Whicten, T h omes Undwood CSJ 1 05, 11 1 Whyte. TracyM . (10189, 192 Widener, Lloyd Scoct. (1 2J 45, 57, 111 Wilcoxen, David Seen ( 1 OJ 89 Wile y, Leigh Ann ( 1 1 J 73 Wilkins, Skip 1 48, 1 98. 1 99 Williams , Carolyn Denise ( 1 OJ 89 , 1 24 , 1 29. 1 84, 1 89 Williams, David Edward C1 OJ 89 W illiams , David LeeC12l 47, 57 . 111 Williams , David M . C11 J 73. 1 8 1 W illiams . Deboreh C1 11 73 Williams, James Shannon ( 1 Ol 89 Williams, Karl S . 229 W illiams. Kelly Lynn CSJ 89 Williams, She ryl Ann C12J 57 . 1 95 Williams, T lmot.hy Wade ( 1 OJ 89 . 1 76 Williamson, H unter D . C9l Williamson. Seecy E . C9l 1 05, 1 29 Wil li e , Bnen Keit.h ( 1 O J 89 Willie, OavidGienn(1 2147 , 57, 1 76 Willie, She1la Arnece C12J 47 , 57 Willie, St.enley { 1 1 J 73 Willoughby, S coce Rewhng (1 2 J 47 , 5 7. 111. 194 Willson, K rie eine Lee ( 1 1 J 73 Wilson, Geii L. (10184, 87 , 89, 192 Wilson, G loret:te L. { 1 O J 89 , 1 80, 1 8 1 W ilson, P 1per Lee lle(11 J 73, 149, 194

W ineepple, Andrew J . (9) 1 05 W ingece. HenryHolmesC 12l 47 , 57. 108 . 109 , 111, 159, 170.171,181 ,1 9 1 W ingate, Maggie 0 . (9 1 92 , 1 05, 1 20, 1 21 , 1 29. 270 Wi.-,gate, Sandre 205 W ingf1eld , Catherine S u e C9J 1 05. 1 87 W ingfie ld, Joh athen ( 1 11 73, 1 95 Wingfie ld, Ronde0eleC12 l 47 , 57, 159. 1 72. 181, 1 96, 197 Winnece. Bev e rleeK. (12147, 57 , 175. 1 82. 1 96 W inston. Angela N icole (9 1 1 05, 1 87, 1 90 W inat.on, Lance lrv1ng { 1 O J 111 W itcher, Stephen Raymond C9J 1 1 1 Wolf, Freda Wood. Brend1e C9l 1 05 Wood, Ch1p 1 1 1 Wood. Christine L ynn C9l 1 05, 1 29 Wood, Daniel Waldo {11) 73 Wood, Oerreii S h ennonC12l 47 . 57, 178 Wood, E lizabeth Yvette C9 l 1 05 Wood, JeH Maynard C9 J 1 05 Wood, Jerry ( 1 Ol Wood, Joseph B re d ( 1 21 47 , 57 Wood, K imberly Annette C9l Wood, Lonzy E v erece ( 1 2 1 4 7. 57 Wood, Mecehew Scott; ( 1 1 J 73 , 1 94 Wood, Noeh Edwerd Ill C1 2 J 47 . 57 Wood, Rey J . ( 1 Ol 89 Wood, Ronnie Wayne C9J 1 94 Wood. R u ssell P . 231 Wood, Shannon 1 78 Wood, Venzy 253 Wood, Vickie Lynn (12147, 57. 1 94 Woodfolk, Dwayne A lle n (121 4 7, 57 Woodson, Donald L. Jr. (1 OJ 89 Woodson, M ichael Alan ( 1 11 73. 1 85, 1 89 Woodson, M ichael E . CS J 1 05, 1 85 Woodward, Robert Wayne ( 1 OJ Woodworth, DevidW. (1 2 1 47, 57,12 4 ,1 88,189 Woolford, E ric Nelson c1 01 89 Word Store 243 Worley, YvonneE IIzebeth(1 2 l 1 4 , 47, 57 Woreky, Jemie Jeenet:te ( 1 Ol 89 Wrenn. Kennon Randolph J r. ( 1 1 l 73, 1 76 Wright, .Jennife r Dawn ( 1 OJ 89, 1 24, 1 88 WNght, TeNiynne (11 l 73. 1 25 Wright, Trecy L. C1 OJ 89, 1 20. 1 83 Wyant. Jey0evon(12l47, 57. 194 Wyant. Lise D . ( 1 1 l 73

Wyant, T lneMari eC12J47 . 57 Wyrnen. William c1 2J 1 54 , 1 94

y Yager, C herloct.e { 1 O l 89. 1 24 Yates, .James F . (1 OJ 111, 134, 184 Yates. K imberly0ewn(10J89, 184 You Can't Take It W ith You 1 50, 1 51 Young, Donne Lane ( 1 1 l 73, 1 77 , 1 87 , 1 99 Young, .Juanita Mari e (1 OJ 124 , 189 Young Men's Shop 263 Young, Oct.evie Leel1e (9) 1 22 , 144, 1 45 Younker, Laure J . C9J92. 105 , 11 3 Younker,Todd£10189.111, 188 Yu, Kyong Suk ( 1 OJ 89. 1 73

z Zendine Jad , S h ebnem (9) 1 05 Zene, E lizabeth Cethertne (12157 Zeune r, Cynt.h1eA. (1 2 ) 47 , 57, 194 Zeun e r, .J enn1fe rL. C12J47, 57, 194 Zaune r. Kenneth .Jemee C9l 1 05, 1 1 1 Zeh, Steph a nie M . (9) 1 0 5 Zeh , W illia m Bern a rd(12J 47, 5 7, 159. 175. 183. 192 . 1 93 Z tmmermen, DavidS. C10J B9 . 197. 198 Z immerman, T 1ne L. ( 1 1 J 1 77 Z obel, Jemee E llsworth ( 1 1 l 73, 1 88. 1 94

3 Index

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