1985 Peer - Albemarle High School

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The 1984-85 PEER staff would like for you to reflect back on the many goals you have strived to achieve. The success of the Patriots left many with a feeling of accomplishment and proved that we were "Nothing Less Than the Best"! Editors-in-Chief,





6 2 Introduction

Seniors .... ; ......................... 14 Underclassmen ....................... 56 Sports.............................. 106 Student Life . . ....................... 138 Environment ........................ 160 Organizations ....................... 168 Academics . ......................... 200 Advertisements ....... . ...... . ... ... .234

1. Displaying her excitement over victol)', Roni Hanger shows off her trophy. 2. Along with a new administration comes a new motto for AHS, "Nothing less than the best" 3. Once one reaches the top of his mountain, the hard work has been worthwhile. 4. The Key Club sponsor, Mrs. Strickler, participates in a popular homecoming event, the wet sponge contest 5. Fall colors decorate Virginia's mountains. 6. Members of the track team prepare to depart for a track meet 7. Being able to climb to the top of this ash tree symbolizes one's ability to do his best 8. Mark Roberts, Tommy Oliver, and John Rose make a nice silhouette against the evening sky. 9. A lone student waits patiently for the doors of AHS to open. 10. Nicolette Tolbert and Roxanne Eppard take a break during lunch.

Table of Contents 3


Scenes around AHS

The new administration at Albemarle brought with it a fresh spirit and a bold attitude. The theme was "Albemarle High School- A School for Everyone - Nothing Less Than the Best." Our new principal, Mr. Raines, and our new associate principal, Mrs. Harris, were instrumental in helping AHS become the best school possible.



9 1. A familiar face to everyone is that of Mrs. Maine, a frequent substitute teacher. 2. Powder-puff cheerleaders Jamie Zobel, Ric Westervelt, and Mike Shand socialize before the game. 3. Leaving school is anticipated by many students. 4. Mr. Lackey is often found in the office advising parents, students, and teachers. 5. The football equipment quietly awaits the players' arrival before practice. 6. A familiar sight to all athletes is the AHS gym. 7. The core of the new administration is Mrs. Harris, Mr. Raines, and Mrs. Allen. 8. Albemarle High School's motto, "Nothing Less Than the Best", can be found displayed in Mrs. Jenkins' classroom. 9. A PEER photographer peeks in on a classroom hard at work. 10. From the roof of Albemarle, students can be found socializing on the breezeway.


Scenes around AHS


1. Club sign up during lunch is a very important part of the school year. 2. During Beach Week, Connie Roberts, Beth Eley, and Nicole Pharr take a break to smile for the camera. 3. Summer football practices are dreaded by many. 4. Selling balloons before football games, the cheerleaders promote school spirit 5. Michael Jackson, alias Martin Taylor, struts his stuff in the Michael Jackson look-a-like contest at Fashion Square Mall. 6. The strip at Virginia Beach is a welcomed sight for many AHS students during Beach Week. 7. Mrs. Hughes takes control during Yearbook. 8. At Chris Greene Lake, Joanne Holland and Michelle Canada relax in the sun. 9. Nobody could describe the way the AHS football players felt after the Fauquier game better than Hugh Martin.


6 Memolies


The excitement which lingered in the summer air had various effects on different students. Whether basking in the sun at Chris Greene and various beaches, or just staying home to watch the favorite soaps, summer proved to be a fulfilling break for all. As the summer came to a close, students put away their suntan lotions, part-time jobs, and even summer romances. They began focusing their attention on sports, club activities, and classes so they could make 1984-85 the best year ever.


9 Memories 7

The friends that we made during these four years in high school become our constant companions both inside and outside of school. We spent our SAPs, before school, school time, and weekends with our classmates. Most of our fondest memories of high school would be not of the school itself but of the people with whom we shared the school.

1. Among the many nerds in the cafeteria, a few of the best dtessed ones were captured in a picture. Derek Robinson, David Gallagher, and Doug Perkins were among the many. 2. Having a serious conversation, John Rose and Katie Kelly take a break during SAP. 3. Harry Coukos, D11nny White, Joe Beasley, Chris Duprey, and LauriMichie give big smiles which makes one wonder what they have been up to. 4. Bryston Giannini tries to explain to Scott Lear what he needs to do for homework while Wes Sobbott gives 11 big smile to the girl across the breezeway. 5. Leaving school with friends makes the day happier. 6. The library is used by many students for various types of studying. Barbi Berry and Rodney Bryant show their hard work and ability to use the available resources. 7. Along with many others, Rees Frescoln and Jamie Zobel give the PEER photographer a smile while they are on the breezeway. 8. Ullian Clemena, David Lenn, and Arthur Brown enjoy each others friendship. 9. Among the many flowers Donna Pippin received on her birthday, the ones given to her by J immy Mooney seem to be her favorite if the smile

on her lilce means anything. 10. Advising Mrs. Murray, Mr. Raines seems to be in deep concentration.




Friendship 9

Extracurricular activities provided students with many opportunities to express themselves. Some students looked upon them as a way to become the well-rounded students that colleges look for. Others simply enjoyed the challenge and friendship that accompanied these activities. All in all, extracurricular activities helped students cope with their every day pressures.

4 1. Cheerleaders hold practices all during the summer. 2. Ahead in the race, Roni Hanger nears the end. 3. In hopes of another goal, Dawn Lee dribbles the ball down the field. 4. Page Newman attempts to bump the volleyball to the setter. 5. Leading the band on to the 6eld, Courtney McDaniel displays a bright smile. 6. Tony Good, a member of the golf team, shows his outstanding golfing technique. 7. Enjoying a cookout given to the cheerleaders and football players, Katrina Maynard and Walter Smith finish their dinner. 8. Putting forth her best effort, Heather Knight returns a serve. 9. During halftime, the PEER photographer catches modest John Rose and Coach Rimmer. 10. Chip Eubanks runs away with the football. 11. The AHS volleyball team talks over their strategies during a timeout.


10 Emao.mcular Activities

Extracurricular Activities


2 1. Showing his artistic abilities, Ellison J ackson works on his painting. 2. Gym classes provide time for underclassmen to get rid of their frustrations through physical activities. 3. Many students take band classes to display their musical abilities. 4. The cafeteria is often used for study hall classrooms. 5. Choir offers another outlet for students to extend their musical talents. 6. Foreign language classrooms are often seen by all grade levels. 7. Computer classes are taken by many students to further their business and mathematical concepts. Emily Grey takes advantage of the computer lab. 8. Tom Pugh and James Darmon develop skills that will help them in their future employment

12 Classlooms

Whether it was Spanish, math, English, or physics, students sat in classrooms to learn whatever was being taught Some students liked to sit in desks and listen to teachers lecture while others would rather have gym or home economics to give themselves a break from quietly sitting still in the classrooms. In any case, it was always nice to have a friend in class with you.

Classrooms 13

14 Senior Divider

Senior Divider



"Nothing less than the best"

Not only did AHS start the new school year with new administration, it also had a new breed of seniors. The most school-spirited class ever, the Class of '85, set a superb example for the underclassmen to follow. The seniors showed that they could beat the underclassmen at anything. They out-cheered everyone else at pep rallies and sporting events and came out in full force for all school functions. Senior officers were: President, Tanya Lee; Vice-President, Patrick Wood; Secretary, Mary Vermillion and Treasurer, Miriam Hirsch. The officers were dedicated to making crucial decisions which would affect the whole senior class. The Class of '85 will be remembered for its tremendous dedication and school spirit

1. Super nerd, Donald Bryce, goofs off in computer class. 2. Senior class officers: Mary Vermillion, secretary; Miriam Hirsch, treasurer; Patrick Wood, vice president; and Tanya Lee, president 3. Casey Boyd, Hilary Scherer and Sarah Roberts participate in the nerd rally during SAP. 4. Seniors prepare to cheer on their class for the pep rally class competition.

16 Seniors

Tad Adams Anthony Adcock Agustin Alonso Youngshin An

laura Anderson Usa Anderson Gina Arbogast Irving Armistead

Robert Ball Roger Banks Usa Barnes Timothy Batten

Usa Belew Dawn Bennett Edmund Berkeley Sheila Bernard

Seniors 17

1. Karen VanDerVeer and Edie Symms spend SAP joking on the breezeway. 2. Enjoying a new breezeway craze, David Gallagher, Doug Perkins, and David Bishop play hacky sack. 3. Taking time out from lunch, Brenda Chambers smiles for the PEER photographer.

18 Seniors

David Bernardo Gary Beverly David Bishop Amy Bithell Robert Blue

Melissa Boland Breck Bouchard Kenneth Boyd Unda Braithwaite Leighann Britton

Todd Brooks Arthur Brown Todd Brown Kimberly Browning Donald Bryce

Julie Burbach Sherri Burling Mary Butler Katherine Caldwell Tina Caldwell



Dana Campbell Michelle Canada Joseph Capizzi John Cargile Eric Chang Marianne Chang Paul Chang Robert Chapman


Mary Childress Jin Choe Usa Churchman Jeffrey Clatterbuck Jane Cobb Marta Coble Wanda Collier Marc Collins

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Stephen DeMasters Corinne Depret-Guillaume Margaret Devan Michael Dillard Pamela Dix Michael Dixon Christine Dodson Mark Donnelly



Terri Duggan Jennifer Dunkl Paul Duprey Paula Durkee Jean Ehrhardt Beth Eley

Wendy Ellington Thomas Estes Penny Farmer Fredrick Farnum Usa Farrell Caroline Feggans

William Fields Louise Finger George Fitz-Hugh Mary Florence Amy Forrest Daniel Fowley

Matthew Frank Jodv Frazier Rees f=rescoln Jenifer Fudala Rogelio Fussa John Gallagher

22 Seniors

3 1. Using a little of her free time as a library assistant, Val Hughes catches up on some homework. 2. While Terry Duggan demonstrates a physics principle, Mr. Banks watches. 3. Senior Kathy Caldwell and others enjoy their privilege of Psychology Class.

Seniors 23

Robert Garland Lori Gatewood Tina Geer Kim Gentry

Kelley Gerbert Bryston Giannini John Gibson Susan Gibson

Anne Giffen Thomas Gill Meshanna Gilliam Kathy Goebel

Anthony Good Yvonne Gorman Robert Gossweiler Anne Gotham

24 Seniors

Getting better all of the time At 3:20, seniors were finally released from their sixth period class. Having gone their separate ways, some rushed home to prepare themselves for work, while others remained at school to participate in sports. The athletes enjoyed competing in various ways. Whether it was passing a football, jumping a hurdle, or dribbling the ball to score, they all put forth their best efforts to achieve their goals. Many students were also interested in other after school activities such as drama, debate or numerous clubs. Some clubs included dance, horseback riding, and political organizations. Clubs, such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, one of Albemarle's largest clubs, contributed to help improve school spirit and provide fund-raising activities as well as promote a better understanding of each other. Although the seniors at AHS shared different responsibilities and interests, they all strove to reach one 'm ain objective: to be "Nothing less than the BEST'!!!

1. Pabicipating in Thespian induction week. Piper Wilson laughs during lunch. 2. At an F.CA tailgate, Mr. Johnson sells pizza to hungry Pabiot fans. 3. The AH.S. varsity football team celebrates yet another victory. 4. Tina Roberts steals the ball from a Western Albemarle player on the way to another field hockey win.

4 Seniors 25

3 1. Displaying their friendship, Yvonne Gorman gives Jeanie Vining a hug. 2. Caroline Feggans and Sylvia Rush ..hang out.. on the breezeway during lunch. 3. What a cute couple! Usa Anderson Is held captive by Billy Morrow.

26 Seniors

Usa Graves Vickie Graves Ruth Gray Kristin Graziano Rachel Green Ronald Greene

Kimberly Grehawick Leisa Hackley Paul Hager Susan Hall Michael Hammond John Harman

Richard Harrington John Harris Natalie Harris Shawn Hauck Carole Haught Kathy Hawkins

Janet Hearns Catherine Heath Virginia Helfenstein Maria Helwig Michael Hensley James Herring



Willie Hines Miriam Hirsch Thomas Hirsch Mark Hofland Sylvia Hollo

Trina Houlihan Becki Howard Usa Hucek Valerie Hughes Patrick lachetta

Gina Jackson Mary James ' Paula Jetton Clarence Johnson Janet Johnson

L.adonna Johnson Lokie Johnson Sandra Johnson Andrea Jones Daniel Jones

28 Seniors

'85's guests This year we had four exchange students at AHS: Nicolas Danigo from France; Torsten Kopp from Germany; Agustin Alonso from Spain and Stefan Pert! from Austria. In addition to these exchange students who were in the AFS and EF programs, we welcomed Anna and Pontus Modeer from Sweden and Dina Bar-Yaacov from Israel who had moved here recently with their families. The students remarked on some of the differences here in America. "I had never heard of French Toast until I came to America," Danigo, from France, says. He also complained that American parties were too short. The students were asked how AHS was different from their schools. Dina remarked that in Israel, the teachers change classes, not the students. There are more school hours here than in Germany and T orsten says, "I thought 1 that since there are more school hours, we' have less homework." Agustin thinks that American classes are very easy compared to classes in Spain, and Anna, from Sweden, was shocked at all the rules at AHS. With exchange students at AHS, we had a chance to learn about foreign schools just by asking the students. All of them seemed excited to belong to AHS and they all added a lot 路to our school.


1. Stefan Pert! and Nicolas Danigo enjoy participating in Spirit Week festivities. 2. Foreign exchange students: Pontus Modeer, Torsten Kopp, Anna Modeer, Nicolas Danigo, Agustin Alonso, and Stefan Pert!. Seniors 29

Luther Jones Rebecca Jones Timothy Jones Paul Jordon Tim Keeney Deborah Kemp Kandi Kerns Tracy Kirby

Heather Knight Richard Knight Samuel Knight Victoria Kost Stein Kretsinger AmyKrol Ronald Lackey Richard Lage

Pam Lamb Virginia Lance David Lane Anthony Lascano Joseph Lascano Karen Lauffenburger Sharon Lawhorn Mary Layne

Scott Lear Latanya Lee Erin Lewicki Desiree Undsay

Susan Lowe Kathy Lucas Rose Magruder Daniel Marshall









3 1. Another view of the students' favorite work places. 2. Is Scott Lear being a generous blood donor or just finding a way out of class? 3. Taking the stage at an F.CA club meeting, Mr. Johnson, Billy Morrow, and Doug Perkins put on a skit 4. Mal)' Childress take time out from her birthday excitement to do a little studying in the libra!)'.


32 Seniors

Stefanie Marshall Hugh Martin Mark Martin Taber Martin Cecelia Maslyk

Sallie Massie Kelly Mays Warren McCann Darren McCauley Tamara McCauley

Andra McCiuny Julie McDaniel Dawn McDonough Jeffrey McKamey Valencya McKenna

Anthony Miller Wendy Miller Christopher Milleson Markanthony Mills Shawn Miskimon



Anna Modeer James Mooney David Morris Glenn Morris James Morris

Junius Morris Phyllis Morris William Morrow Lynn Mueller Michael Mullins

Charles Mundie Mark Mundie George Mundy Alison Murray Patrick Murray

Mark Myrick Cynthia Nelson Page Newman Denise Nickelsen Richardo Nunez

34 Seniors

4 1. Enjoying a SAP break on the breezeway, Usa Hucek and Sharon Warren talk about the "latest". 2. Missy Saylor eats the rest of her lunch as she finishes up her work. 3. Janet Johnson works hard to complete a long assignment 4. Surprised by the camera, Steffi Marshall is caught filling her knapsack with the next period's books. 5. Looking on with interest, Stein Kretsinger picks up some pointers from Bobby Blue.

Seniors 35

LaneOdom Tommy Oliver Udia Otano-Martinez Alan Overbeck David Patterson Elizabeth Pence

Doug Perkins Sandra Perkins Stefan Pertl Evelyn Pharr Relana Pinkerton Donna Pippin

Tracy Plunkett Nancy Porritt Ted Powell William Prillaman Michael Ramos David Ramsden

Timothy Ratcliff Sean Redmond Richard Reed Paul Reynolds Wendy Rice Michael Richardson

36 Seniors



3 1. Kelley Gerbert introduces MalVin Widdlespoon, alias

Doug Perkins, and his friend David Gallagher to the school. 2. As Pam Dix gets ready to receive the ball, she winks to another teammate. 3. Smashing the ball across the net, Heather Knight goes for another Patriot tennis victory. Seniors 37

s 1. The band practices for its next game performance under the direction of Mr. Sampson. 2. Correcting the details, Chris Dodson finishes up a still-life. 3. Paige Newman takes careful notes in her Spanish class. 4. This year government classes were privileged to host both senatorial candidates, Edythe Harrison and John Warner. Here John Warner talks with Mr. Weaver's fourth period class. 5. Mike Sheffield pauses from his typing assignment only to see a camera staring him in the face.


Michelle Rickborn Elizabeth Rideout Fredrick Riley Constance Roberts Mark Roberts Sarah Roberts Tina Roberts

Diana Robey Derek Robinson Usa Rogers John Rose Sarah Rosenblum Susan Rosson Gaudette Rush

38 Seniors

Special interest classes fill schedules Besides regular core classes, elective and special interest classes played a big part in seniors' schedules. Some of the more popular classes were foreign languages and business classes, both of which were important for college preparation. Some of the fine arts classes offered were choir, art, crafts, band, and elrama. These allowed seniors to exercise their own individual talents and these talents were often displayed throughout the year with frequent musical, dramatical, and art productions and exhibitions. The reasons seniors took these "special" classes varied. Some simply took them to take up the required number of electives. Other students tried to meet the requirements of the colleges to which they wanted to apply and some actually began preparation for their majors. Although the reasons behind taking these special talent classes varied, the outcome was the same: Seniors had a chance to excel in their talent areas or to learn about new talents. 3

James Rush Regina Rush Roland Rush Peter Salters James Saunders

Melissa Saylor Karen Scarr Hilary Scherer Stephan Schmidt Randi Schwab

Jennifer Scopelliti Kimberly Seivers Michael Shand Michael Sheffield David Shifflett

Mark Shifflett Roxanne Shifflett Donna Shirley Robert Siler Edith Simms

40 Seniors




1. Concentrating carefully, Richard Lage practices his punt return. 2. The Albemarle Patriots return to the field psyched after a half time pep-talk. 3. A little bit tired from cheering, Ginny Helfenstein and Kelley Gerbert pause in between quarters. 4. Mary Vermillion prepares to receive a serve from the opposing team.

Seniors 41

Tammy Simpkins Aimee Smith Andrew Smith Cheryl Smith Usa Smith Robert Smith Walter Smith William Smith

Wesley Sobbott Robert Spence Fonda Spradlin Arlene Sprouse Debra Sprouse Sharon Starks Brenda Stephens Sherri Steppe

Dennis Steward David Stokes Timothy Sudduth Donna Sullivan Donnie Sumerlin Troy Tapscott Scot Taylor Shannon Taylor

Tdwana Terrell Robert Terry Christine Tescak Allen Thacker John Thacker Jerry Thomas Annabel Thompson Rhonda Tooley

42 Seniors

Phillip Townsend Bianca Trogdon Paulette Truslow Jacqueline Tucker Timolee Tucker

Alyssa Uecker Eric Vanderloo Karen VanDerVeer Pamela VanHoose Brandt Vaughan

Mary Vermillion Jeannie Vining Scott Vining Kelly Walker Vickie Walls

Timothy Walts James Ward Kathryn Ward Sharan Warren Joel Wei!Ner

44 Seniors

4 1. Yvonne Gorman demonstrates her basic physics principle on the board. 2. Demonstrating the latest in fashion, Carol Haught and Phil Townsend finish the rest of their experiment 3. Collaborating on a painting, Tim Nye and Randi Schwab layout the rough plans for a new piece. 4. Although Jeannie Wheby lends some help, Arthur Brown can't seem to pay attention. Seniors 45

More privileges for 1984-85 This 1984-85 school year was going to be the best for everyone! Our new principal and associate principal, Mr. Raines and Mrs. Harris, were going all out this year for the graduating class of '85. The administration had worked to give the seniors a few more privileges besides the senior bell and senior parking. Senior lunch passes and a senior lounge were being considered as possibilities. Mr. Raines encouraged spirit week and all school-related activities. Mrs. Harris awarded the first spirit stick to the seniors for having the most spirit during our CHS pep rally. Our thanks to Mr. Raines and to Mrs. Harris for promoting a very successful year.

1. The varsity first string waits to be introduced at the pep rally. 2. Yelling as loud as possible, Tanya Lee and Karen VanDerVeer lead chants to fire up everyone at the pep rally.

2 46 Seniors

WtlliamWeUs Timothy Werres Frederic Westervelt Jean Wheby Tina Wheeler

Anthony White

Sophia White Leigh Wiley David Williams Deborah Williams

Piper Wilson Jonathan Wingfield Daniel Wood Matthew Wood

William Wood

Randy Wrenn Terilynne Wright Usa Wyant Donna Young James Zobel




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• 1. A beautiful sunset over the Blue Ridge. 2. We will not soon forget our first won game after a two year losing streak. 3. The University of Virginia will always be a special memory of Charlottesville and for some of us, it holds much in store for the next four years. 4. As our new and very special principal, Mr. Raines made incredible contributions to the school and to our senior class. 5. Ms. Edythe Harrison speaks to senior Government classes.

48 Seniors

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Senior Statistics Adams, Tad A. Adcock, Antony Ros ser, Tony: 2613 B Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Teen Democrats 1; DECA 2; Rock Album Critics 3; Intramural Basketball; " Do you remember me on the street of dreams; Running through my memory; on the street of dreams." Alonso, Augustin Hernandez, Agustin: c/ Fernandez Numero 5, Santanarta De Tormes, Salamanca, Spain; Spanish Honor Society; Soccer; Basketball; SCA; PATRIOT PRESS; "There is no night without day and there is no freedom without anarchy." An, Youngshin: 145 West Park Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club; Key Club; Volleyball; Gymnastics; "Do not pray for an easy life; Pray to be a strong person:· Ancona, Louis Joseph,Cowboy: 135 West Park Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Anderson, Laura Theresa, Terri: P.O. Box 132, Esmont, VA 22937; Volleyball Club; J .V. Basketball; Outdoor Track; "Don't even try it." Anderson, Usa Carole, Lis, Tootsie: 1625 Maiden Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,3,4; FCA 2,3,4; DECA 3; Cheerleading 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football 3,4; SCA 1,2,3,4 President 1; "You know it!!" Arbogast, Gina Carlson, Boo-boo Bear, Gin-gin: 1785 Goldentree Place, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Psychic Club; HOSA; Symphonic Ill Band; SCA; "It's trash time! I've got the munchies!"

go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on." Black, Robert Keith Blue, Robert Markwood, Bobby, Blue: RFD 7, Box 280 Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 1,2,3,4; Teen Democrats 2,3,4; Tennis 1,2 ; Debate 2 ,3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Intramural Basketball3; National Honor Society 4. Boland, Melissa Ann, Missy: 4315 McClary Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; FBL.A 1,2,3,4, Sec 3, Pres. 4; "Oh it's Friday."

Barnes, Usa Darlene, Jo: Rt. 1, Box 645, Scottsville, VA 24590; VICA 1,2,3; Karate 4 ; "If you think twice before you speak once, you will speak twice the better for it." Batten, Timothy Lewis D., Buck, Gung-Ho: Rt. 1, Box 355, Scottsville, VA 24590; Astronomy Club; Equestrian Oub 1,2; Chess Club 4; Band !If; Marching Band; Captain AHS Marching Band 4; "SEMPER-FlDELIS-USMC."

Boyd, Kenneth Carson, Jr., Casey: 114 Vincennes Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 3,4; Young Life 2,3,4; FCA 3; Photography Club 2; Football 2; Indoor Track 2; Varsity Soccer 2,3,4; "Beach week and ski trips- times to remember." Braithwaite, Linda, Amazon, Braith, Legs: 51 0 Eastbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Alpha Club 1; AV Club 2; Rock Album Critics Club 3; FCA 4; Psychic Club 4; PATRIOT PRESS 4; "Thanks for being there, especially my little friends." Britton, Leigh Ann, Blondie, Beach-Bum: 108 George Rogers Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Riding Club 1; Volleyball Club 3 ; DECA 4; " Let's hit the beach boys and girls ... it's time to JAM!"

Brown, Todd King: 2079 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Soccer; SCA; "E.C. Glass, who?'" Browning, Kimberly Dawn, Kim: 305 Greenbrier Drive, Charlottesville, VA22901 ; Rock Album Critics Club 1; Flag Corps 1.

Belew, Usa Bennett, Dawn M •• Crip: 5 Georgetown Green, Charlottes-

Burbach, Julie

Berkeley, Edmund Ill, The Greek Nose: 2403 Bennington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Photography Club 2; Rock Album Critics 3,4; Intramural Basketball3,4; "My car may be ugly but it's got personality." Bernard, Sheila Kaye, Half Pint, Smurfette, Midget 2604 Hwltington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama Club 1: FCA 2,3,4; MVP JV Cheerleader 2; JV and Varsity FootManager 1,3,4; "Let us be the first to give a sign, to nod rst. to speak first, and if there is a need .. . forgive first." Bernardo, David Beftrty, Gary

a-bop, David Russell, Bish: 503 Carrsbrook Drive, Char-

Burling, Sherri Mae: Rt. 1, Box 142, Scottsville, VA 24590; Karate 1; Stichery Unlimited 1; FBL.A 2; Softball 1; Indoor Track 1; Outdoor Track 1. Burriiey, Allan Craig, AI, Burn: 908 B. South First St., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Rock Album Critics Club 3,4; Band 1,2; " Hey Dave, Who's that girl? Let's go party!" Butler, Mary Elizabeth, Butt: Rt. 1, Box 174, Keswick, VA 22447; Photography Club; Ecology Club; Rock Album Critics; PATRIOT PRESS 4; Psychic Club; " Best of luck." Caldwell, Katherine Elizabeth, Kathy, Benny Hill, Big Abby: 414 Westmoreland Ct., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Club 1; Ski Club 3,4; FCA 3 ; Who's Who; "I give you this memory - a what? A memory - why thank you."

~. VA 22901; PEER 2,3; Band 1,2; Photography Qb 1.2.3; Volleyball Club 4; Stuntman 3; Young Life 12.3.4: 'The key to success is within your grasp; take it open the door!''

Caldwell, Tina Marie, Smurfette, Stump, Tiny: Rt 2, Box 362, Gordonsville, VA 22942; Lacrosse Club 1; FCA 2,3,4; Manager Football 3,4; Who's Who; "Measure your life by loss instead of gain."

Amy, Biff, Amon: 509 Carrsbrook Drive, Char-

Campbell, Dana Michelle, Shelly: Rt. 1, Box 56, Keswick, VA; DECA 1,2,3,4; "It's gotta get better!"

VA 22901; Photography Club 1,2; Ski Club 3;


Brown, Arthur Wardell Jr., Wardell, Artie, Oscar, Bamma: Rt. 1, Box 60, Keswick, VA 22947; Weight Lifting Club 1; Audio Visual Club 2,3; Model United Nations 4; Football 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball4; SCA 3,4; Homecoming Court4; " I feel the capacity to care and love is the thing which gives life its deepest significance."

Bryce, Donald William, Don, Ducky: 3011 Colonial Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Photography Club 1; Psychic Club 4; Teenage Republicans 2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Symphonic Band 1,2 ,3; Who's Who 4; Junior Achievement 1,2,3; "Anybody need a ride to Williamsburg?''

ville, VA 22901 ; Marching Band; SCA.

llftTERN 4: Symphonic Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band Drwnline Captain 4; 'There are two paths you can

Carey, James F. Cargile, John

Brooks, Todd Nolting

Banks, Roger Curtis, New: 118 Deerwood Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Art Club 1; Football1 ,2,3, Trainer3; "Home Boys; Home Girls; Home Anything."

Capizzi, Joseph Edward, Chico: Rt. 1, Box 313, Keswick, VA; Film Critics Club 3,4; Basketball1 ; Student Ambassador to Italy; PEER; Who's Who; "Give it up!"

Bouchard, Breck

Armistead, Irving J. Ball, Robert Wayne, Rob, Demon River: Rt. 4, Box 188, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Vice Pres. Quill and Camera 3; Model United Nations 4; Varsity Stuntman; PATRIOT PRESS; "Oh by the way which one's pink."

Charlottesville, VA22901 ; Young Republicans Club 1; Ski Club 1; FCA 2,3,4, Treasurer 4; Powder Puff 4; PEER 2,3,4, Editor-in-Chief 4 ; JV Basketball Statistician 2; Who's Who 4; "People need people, and friends, and we all need love; for a full life depends not on riches or great acclaim, but just knowing someone cares, and holds us close in their thoughts and prayers."

Canada, Michelle Renee, Shelle, Skish: Rt. 6, Box 305-A,

Chambers, Brenda: 2243-D Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Chang, Eric Chang, Marianne: 898 Old Brook Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Chang, Paul Yong Pyo Chang, Sun-Cha Chapman, Robert Stewart, Rob, Chapstick: 261 0 Commonwealth Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Weightlifting Club 1; Chess Club 2,3; Wrestling Club 4; Football1,2,3,4; Wrestling 4; Chess Team 2,3 ,4; "Don't bother me, Don. I'm thinking." Childress, Mary Louise: 3591 Airport Acres Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 1,2,3; History Club 1; Outdoors Club 1; Science Club 2; FCA 3; Ski Club 4; Powder Puff Football 4; SCA 1; "I give you this!" Choe, Jin Woo, Jin: 1904-B Inglewood Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Karate Club; Soccer 1; "When it's time to party and it's time to jam, make sure you're still a Karate Man." · Churchman, Usa Renee: Rt. 1, Box 213-B, Keswich, VA 22947; FBL.A 1; DECA 1; Black History Club; Riding Club; Track; Upward Bound; Basketball; Volleyball. Clatterbuck, Jeffrey W. Cobb, Jane Marie: Rt 1, Box 122, Scottsville, VA 24590; Riding Club 1; Crafts Club 2,3,4; "Live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment" Coble, Marta Deanne, Myrtle: 522 Eastbrook drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1; Spectator Football 2 ; Volleyball 3; DECA 4; " It's over!" Collier, Wanda F. Collins, Marc Jay Colvin, Ashley Speight, ASH, Ashly: 97 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Dungeons and Dragons 1; Model Rocket 2; Rock Album Critics 3,4; Model UN 3,4; FCA 4; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 2; Wrestling 4; SCA 4 ; AFS 3,4; "There's no real reason to be lonely, be yourself, Give your free will a chance, you've got to want to succeed. Love what's loveable & hate what's hateable, it takes brains to see the difference." Corbin, Steven E., T im : Rt. 1, Box 401 , Barboursville, VA 22923; CFC; " Don't even try it." Coster, Christopher F. Chris: 521 Eastbrook drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Dungeons and Dragons 1; Rock Album Critics Club 3,4; Cross Country 3,4; Indoor Track4; Outdoor Track 4; Intramural Basketball 4; PATRIOT PRESS 4; "It's almost never." Crenshaw, Charles, Goober 3: 540 Bridle Path Drive, Earlysville, VA 22936; AIASA 3; Volleyball 4; Football 1. Cromer, James Wesley: Rt 1, Box 212, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA 2,3,4; AIASA 1; FFA 1. Senior Statistics


Currie, Cynthia C.

Feggans, Caroline, Cat Route 1, Box 80-A, Esmont, VA 22937; FHA 1; Dance Club 2; "lfs been real!!"

Danlgo, Nicolas Davis, George W. Davis, Herbert Linwood Jr., Herbie, Linne, Rabbit: Rt. 5, Box 182, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Baseball2,3,4; Football4; Indoor Track 4; SCA 2; Homecoming King 4; Powder Puff Cheerleader 3; "You better wake up and smell the coffee because life is not always a bed of roses." Davis, Usa G. DeMasters, Stephen Christopher, Stevie D. DeMasters: 86 Four Seasons, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 1,2; FCA 1,2,3,4; Basketball I ;JV Basketball2; Track2; Varsity Basketball 4; Homecoming Court; Who's Who; "I Love that. It's the least." Depret-Guillaume, Corinne Usiane: 505 Westmoreland Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 1,3,4; Film Critics Club; Tennis Team 3,4; "That's too much to ask." Devan, Margaret R.: 2817 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, VA 2290 1; Riding Club; Marching Band; Symphonic Band Ill; Senior Council, "Beth, Can we go out tonight."'

Aelds, William B., Bill, Bubba: 118 Scarbourough Place, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess Club; Rock Album Critics; PATRIOT PRESS; "Money talks!" Finger, Louise Anderson, Weezie, Weasle: Pavilion Ill, West Lawn, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903; French Club 1; Lacrosse Club 2; Ski Club 3,4; Tennis 3,4, Captain 4; Intramural Lacrosse 4; "Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings- always darker, emptier, simpler."

Atz-Hugh, George Jr., Fitz: 1605 Derby Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; College Planning Club 1; Rock Album Critics 1; Teen Democrats 2; Basketball 1; " Never take things too seriously and always laugh."

Glanzer, Kim

Aorence, Mary Catherine: Route 1, Box 438, Troy, VA 22974; Photography Club 1; Ecology Club 1; Rock Album Critics Club 1; Psychic Club 1; Marching Band 1; PATRIOT PRESS 4.

Dlx, Pamela Jean, Pamcakes, Pammy: 135 Scarborough Place, Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Club 1; Volleyball 2,3,4; FCA 4; SCA 4.

Fowley, Daniel John III, Dan: 510 Berwick Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Club 1,2; Ski Club 3,4; Lacrosse 1,4; "Hey, what day is it?"

Dixon, Michael Barrett, Mike: 2760 Milton Hills Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Chess Club 1,2; Rock Album Critics Club 3,4; Stage Band 2,3,4, Jazz Award 3; Who's Who 4; "Good luck to all my friends...

Frank, Matthew G.

Duggan, Terri Kay, T, Te-Key-Dee: Route 7, Box 273-lA, Charlottesville, VA 22901; SCA 1, Treasurer 1; French Club 1,3; Drama Club 2; Fluvanna County High School Mascot 1; Thespians 4; Mime Troupe 3,4; Junior Achievement President 4; Who's Who 4; "You voted for Reagan!" Dunkl, Jennifer Ann, Jen: 411 Berwick Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Club 1,2; Psychic Club 3; Film Critics Club 4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; Girls' Tennis Manger 4; Flag Corps 2,3; PATRIOT PRESS Page Editor 4; Women's Chorus 1; Junior Achievement 1; Who's Who 3,4; National Merit Semi-Fianlist 4; "Are we talking nails here?" Duprey, Paul Edward, P.J.: 103 Lupine Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 4 ; Soccer 1.2,3,4, Sportsmanship Award 2, Honorable Mention 3; "We made it through 12 long years... Durkee, Paula Christine Ehrhardt, Jean Marie: Route 8, Box 337, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Psychic Club 4; Hall Monitor 4; PATRIOT PRESS 4; French Club 1; " Love is life's magic." Eley, Mary Elizabeth, Beth: 1605 Maiden Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA 3; Ski Club 1; Field Hockey 1; Cheerleading 1; V. Football Manager 1; Lacrosse 1; Young Life 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4; "May the tray of life be yours." Elliton, Wendy Kay: 1900 D Inglewood Square, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; DECA 4; "I love you honey bunch and always will." Estes, Thomas H., Jr.: Route 4, Box 243D, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Riding Club 1,2,3; Model United Nations Club 3,4, President 4; National Honor Society 3,4; "I listen, lfs quiet, I hear silence."

Gill, Thomas G•• Tom: Ill West Park Drive, Charlottesville, VA22901; Film Critics Club 3,4;Soccer 1,2,4; "Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out of it alive." Gilliam, Meshanna Van, Gillie: Route 1, Box 101, Esmont, VA 22937; Afro-American Club; Dance Club; "Seniors are it!"

Dillard, Michael A.

Donnelly, Mark Terry: 1806 Wakefield Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Games, Inc. 2; Volleyball Club 3,4.

Giffen, Anne Louise, Anne: 210 Westminster Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 2,4; Ski Club I; French Club 2,3; Teen Democrats 3,4; Model United Nations 4; Field Hockey 2; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Intramural Lacrosse 4; Debate 2,3; Academic Team 4 ; Who's Who 4; " Hey you! Don't tell me there's no hope at all. Together we stand, divided we fall."

Fisher, Kwame Nkrumah, String: 26606 B Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Football I; Track 1; Basketball 4; "Hey, Vern!"

Forrest, Amy Sue: 2415 Huntington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish Club 2,4; Youth Orchestra; Who's Who 4; "We're the best there ever was."

Dodson, Christine Michele, Christina, C. Dodson: 11 05 Fox Ridge Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; DECA; Volleyball; Softball; "You only live once!"

Gibson, Susan Jean

Frazier, Jody H. Frescoln, Rees J. IV, Scrubb, Rus: Route 9, Box 223; Charlottesville, VA 22901; Latin Club 1,2; Lacrosse Club 4; Football 1,2,3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; "Groovie, man!" Fudala, Jenifer Lynn: 555 Stonefield Circle, Earlysville, VA 22936; French Club 1; Film Critics Club 4; Marching Band 1; Flag Corps 2,3,4, Co-captain 4; "I guess I'll just see you by our lockers in the morning. Goodbye." Fussa, Rogelio A.P., Roger Fussa: 1501 Rickey Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Teen Democrats I ; French Club 2; Film Critics Club, Secretary, President; French Honor Society; 'Time crawls by!" Gaines, Earnest Lee Jr. Gallagher, John David: 104 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Drama Club 2 ; Thespians 2,3,4, Best Actor 2; "Importance of Being Earnest" 2; "Who Am 1This Time?" 2; "You Can't Take It With You" 3; "Runaways" 3; Mime Troupe 2; National Latin Exam Silver Medalist 3; National Honor Society 3,4; "Think people, think!" Garland, Robert William Jr., Sweet Gee"; Route 2, Box 340-A, Gordonsville, VA 22942; Afro-American Club; Volleyball Club; Football; " Right! Right!" Gatewood, Lori Ann, LoLo, Lollipop: Route I , Box 197; Keswick, VA 22947; Afro-American Club 1; DECA 3; Dance Club 4; Girls' Basketball Manager 1; "Don't stop!" Geer, Tina Marie, Teema: Route 4 , Box 321 , Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Advocate Club 3 ; VICA 4; "She doesn't love me; she loves my automobile." Gentry, Kim Lynnell: Route 7, Box 214, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FBLA 2,4; J.V. Cheerleader 1. Gerbert, Kelley Ann, Kelley, Sherbert 8 Randolph Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club I ; FCA 2,3,4; SCA 1,3,4; Cheerieading 1,4; Homecoming Queen 4; Regional Spanish Award; Who's Who; "Just horrible! Just too cool, too cool!"

Farmer, Penny Ann, Nickel: Route 2, Box 170, Earlysville, VA 22936; Christian Fellowship Club 1,2; FBLA 3; Psychic Club 4; SCA 4; "Don't fall in love with a soccer player."

Giannini, Bryston Craig, Buc, B.G.: 2709 Northfields Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 4 ; Football 1; Track 1; Cross Country 2; Intramural Basketball 4; "Somebody give me a mirror. It's 9:30!"

Farnum, Frederick P.

Gibson, Cynthia Kay

Farrell, Usa J.

Gibson, John

Goebel, Kathy Jean, Kathy: Route 1, Box 397, Barboursville, VA 22923; VICA 2,3,4, District First Place Winner 2,3; Psychic Club 1; Cosmetology Class President 2,3; "I'll drink to that!" Good, Anthony William, T. Good: 2411 Smithfield Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, All-Central Virginia 3; Baseball 2,3,4, Second Team AllDistrict 3; Football 3; Golf 1,2,3,4, MVP 4; First Place Upsync Contest 4; " Bull!" Gorman, Yvonne Michelle, Vonnie: 115 Deerwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spectator Football 2; FCA 3; Ski Club 4; Field Hockey 1; Girls' Lacrosse 2,3; Soccer Manager 3; Powder Puff Football 4; "Get out of my face, please!" Gossweiler, Robert Scott, Guss, Bob: 1609 Cool Spring Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess Club 1,2,3,4, Vice President 2,3,4; Chess Team 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Field Hockey Video Technician; HARLEQ(JIN; LANTERN; Who's Who 4; Sinclair Award; "If you ever find happiness by hunting it, you will find it, as the old woman did her lost spectacles; safe on her own nose all the time." Gotham, Anne A. Gould, Greer Stacey, Green Mold: Route 1, Box 395; Barboursville, VA 22923; College Planning Club 2; Psychic Club 3; French Club 4; Junior Classical League 4; SLO 4; Cross Country 1,2,4, Captain 4, Most Dedicated 4; Indoor Track 1,2, MVP 2; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; "What the heck is your problem?" Graves, Usa: Route 1, Box 99, Scottsville, VA 24590; Riding Club; Dance Club; FBLA 1,2; Crafts Club; "Always keep a smile on your face." Graves, Vickie Lynn: General Delivery, Boyd Tavern, Keswick, VA 22947; "Lunch is around the corner." Gray, Ruth Lynne, Linnie: 3707 Airport Acres Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Christian Fellowship Club 4; "Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow." Graziano, Kristin Green, Rachael Annette Greene, Ronald A ., Ron Greene: Route 7, Box 205, Char· lottesville, VA 22901 ; Volleyball Club; Track; "Hey dude, Let's Party!" Grehawick, Kimberly Ann, Spaz, Bear: 540 Milford Road, Earlysville, VA 22936; Spanish Club 1; College Planning Club 2; Psychic Club 3; Film Critics Club 4; Teenage Republicans 4; Outdoor Track 2,3; "A friend is one to. whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away." Hackley, Lelsa, Hack: Route 1, Box 166, Barboursville, V 22923; Afro-American Club; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Out door Track 1,2,3,4; Football Manager 4; Marching Band l SCA4. Hagar, Jarita Lynn Hager, Paul


Senior Statistics

Hale, Michael Eugene. Spike: 23 Hickory Street, Char1 lottesville, VA 22901 : "School is out"

v'estminster Road, Chariki Club 1; French Club United Nations 4 ; Field ural Lacrosse 4; Debate ~o 4; " Hey you! Don't ~ether we stand, divided

t Park Drive, Charlottes3,4; Soccer 1,2,4; "Don't : get out of it alive." •ute 1, Box 101, Esmont. >ance Club; " Seniors are

:e 1, Box397, Barbours:t First Place Winner 2,3; Jass President 2,3; 'Til

1: 2411 Smithfield Road, 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, !,3,4, Second T earn All3,4, MVP 4; First Place

ie: 115 Deerwood Road, :ator Football 2; FCA 3; s' Lacrosse 2,3; Soccer 14 ; "Get out of my face,

Bob: 1609 Cool Spring Chess Club 1,2,3,4, Vice 2,3,4, Captain 4; Indoor :,3,4; Field Hockey Video iTERN; Who's Who 4; happiness by hunting it. 1 did her lost spectacles; 1e."

...... Kathryn: Route 4, Box 218, Charlottesville, VA Christian Fellowship Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Honor 2,3,4, President 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Ciod loves You! " Michael Jean, Hambone: 3672 Airport Acres a-touesville, VA 22901 ; FCA2; Ski Club 4; FootBaketball; 'Third Period Study Hall, quiz, quiz,

John Kevin, Johnny: 91 Biltmore Drive, CharVA22901; FCA 1,2,3,4, Vice President 4; FootEU:IIIe'IDOJI 1,2; Lacrosse 4; PEER Sports Editor 4; Powder Puff Cheerleader 3,4; Who's Who 3,4; the whipped cream is for the ice cream!" -...._ Richard Todd, Bouche: Route 6, Box 263, ~. VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club 1,4, President 4; ltockey 2; Ski Club 3; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; "When you push to get through school, think of the Bouche won't be a fool."

John Morgan IV, Johnathan: 4008 Tompkins a-toaesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,3,4, Vice PresiFoocbllll1 ,2,3; Soccer 1,2,3,4, Most Improved 2; Lacrosse 4; Junior Achievement 1; PEER 1nPher 2,3; PATRIOT PRESS Page Editor 4; •-who 4; " Now, I'm sick of doubt. live in light"

rt.ta11e LaVonne, Little Rags"; 104-10 Turtle load, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Afro-American League; Thick and Thin Club; Riding Club; Choir; kick to those in the Class of '85." • . . . . , Ellubeth, Shawnie, Buzz: Route 1, Box 55; • VA 22937; Riding Club 1; Spanish Club 2; FCA \2.3; Spirit Committee 4; Lacrosse Manager 2,3,4; . .I hold today. ln my dreams,! hold tomorrow. I hold forever."

c:.ole Elaine, Spike, Boo-Boo: Route 2, Boz 79, VA 22936; Band 2; Choir 1; French Club 1; AFS Host Sister; "Ain't nothin' but a


..llnet Sheri

Heath, Catherine L, l..:athy, 1•1s. dosch: 1730 Old Forge Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Rock Album Critics 3,4; Photography Club 3; Equestrian Club 1,2; SCA 1,3; National Ronor Society 3,4; IFS 2,3; Junior Classical League 4; Thespians 4; Field Hockey 1, Manager 2; Maxima Cum Laude Latin Contest 3; "I need a reason; I can't think without one now; Too much learning got to show; Call it treason; May be catch it don't know how; Too many things too much to know." Helfenstein, VIrginia Ann, Ginny: 2923 Brookmere Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2,3,4; DECA 3; Cheerleading 2,3,4; Choir 1; "Double trouble". Helwig, Marla Lynn, Ria: Route 1, Box 103, Scottsville, VA 24590; Dance Club; Crafts Club; "Watch out for Iii' Bunny Foo-Foo." Hensley, Mike T., Hensel, Muford: Route 9, Box 156, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Club 2; Rock Album Critics Club 3; Psychic Club 4; "To be a rock and not to roll. I love you RaJ." Herring, James Hines, Willie L Ill: Route 11 , Box 58, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Wrestling Club 4; 'What's up?" Hirsch, Miriam Usa: 342 Key West Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 3,4; Lacrosse Club 2; SCA 4; Field Hockey 1,2; Outdoor Track 1,2; Indoor Track 1,2; Class Treasurer 3,4; "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the m usic which he hears however measured or far away." Hirsch, Thomas Hofland, Mark: 2703 Brookmere Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Football 3,4, Most Improved Player 4, Second Team All-District 4; Basketball 4; "Fans are fickle. When you win, you're a hero. When you lose, you're a bum." HoUo, SyMa Claire: 101 Smithfield Court. Charlottesville, VA22901 ; Ski Club 1; French Club 2; Psychic Club 3; Flag Corps 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain 3,4; French Honor Society 2,3,4; 'What am I gonna do?"

Holsapple, Vonda Kay: Route 1, Box 434, Scottsville, VA 24590; DECA 3; SCA 3; FCA 4; 'Way to go!" HouUhan, Trlna Marie, Tis, " Hotlips"; 16 Copeley Hill, Apt B- 11 ; CharlottesviUe, VA 22903; Psychic Club 4; Gymnastics l; lndoorTrack2;"lam me ... Theonlypersonlwant to be!" Howard, Beckl, Buffy: Route 9, Box 83, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Beta Club 1,2; Tars Club 2; Basketball 1,2; Cross Country I ,2; Yearbook Staff, Sports Editor 2; Student Council 2, Secretary 2; Basketball MVP 2; Cross Country MVP 1,2; Academic Award 2; Sportsmanship Award 1; Choir 1,2; Class Secretary 9; Class President 2. "Yea, think sol" Hucek, Usa J., Fewack, Hooch: 972 Liberty Oaks Court. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 3,4, Treasurer 4; Art Club 2; Lacrosse 2,3,4, Most Improved 2; Intramural Lacrosse 4 ; Spirit Committee 4; IFS 2,3; Powder Puff FOQtball 4; 'Where's the party?!" Hughes, Valerie Lynn, Val, Poka-Dot; 2587 Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA 3,4; SCA 1,3,4; Spectator Football2; Library Aide 1,2,3,4; Athletic Trainer 1,2,3,4; Baseball Statistician 3,4; Equestrian Club 1; Powder Puff Football 3; Who's Who 3; " Don't forget. friends last forever."

lachetta, Patrick Evan, Spock, 'Chetta: Route 8, Box 143, Charlottesville, VA 22901; LANTERN 1,2,3,4, Editor 4; Thespians, 3,4, Most Improved Actor 3; Teenage Republicans 3; Honorable Mention Creative Writing Contest 1; First Place Broadcasting Award 4; "You Can't Take It With You" 3; "Runaways" 3; " Harvey" 4; "You look marvelous. Beem me up Scotty!" lsak, Alan Jackson, Gina Denise, Pooki: 749 A Mountainwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Thick 'n Thin dub; Dance Club; Student Ambassador for Charlottesville and Albemarle to Italy 3; Regional Choir; Powder Puff Football 3,4; 'Works for me!" James, Mary Catherine

old: Route 1, Box 395; lege Planning Club 2 ; Jnior Classical League 4; tain 4, Most Dedicated 4; 1r Track 1,2,3; 'What the

, Scottsville, VA 24590; 1,2; Crafts Club; "Always

livery, Boyd Tavern, Kesnd the corner." lirportAcres Road, Charellowship Club 4 ; "Don't mtil tomorrow."

Route 7, Box 205, CharClub; Track; "Hey dude,

Bear: 540 Milford Road, Jub 1; College Planning :ritics Club 4 ; Teenage 2,3; "A friend is one to contents of one's heart. ing that the gentlest of 'lat is worth keeping, and the rest away." ox 166, Barboursville, VA loor Track 1.2,3,4; Outager 4; Marching Band 1;

1. Alyssa Uecker and Tiki Murray do a skit during Creative

Arts Week. 2. Seniors dismissed from class hurry to their lockers.

!3 Hickory Street. Charout" Senior Statistics


Jarrell, Matthew Earl Ill, Matt: 675 Stagecoach Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FFA; "Let's party."

Charlottesville, VA 22901; SLO, Grand Master; "If you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with."

Magruder, Rose Louise, Ro-Ro: 2628 Hydraulic Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Volleyball Club 2,3,4; JV Volleyball 3; Special Olympics; Junior Achievement

Jetton, Paula

Krol, Amy Marie, Krol, Alms: 2689-3 Barracks Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Club 1; French Club 2; FCA 3,4; Senior Council 4; Band 1; "Why Me? Oh, my lands!''

Marshall, Daniel Kevin, Frog: Route I. Box 448, BarboursviUe, VA 22923; FBLA; "See ya!"

Johnson, Clarence Edward Jr. Johnson, Ernest Eugene, Gene F"rve Flavors Johnson: Route 2, Box 9, Scottsville, VA 24590; Cross Country; Football; Lacrosse; Regional Choir 1,2,3,4; "What's up, wild man?" Johnson, Janet Malia, J.J.: 2600 Huntington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA; Volleyball, Manager; FBLA; "Uttle things mean a lot" Johnson, LaDonna Rae, Donnie Rae: 1904 H Inglewood Square, Charlottesville, VA 22901; VICA, State Championship in Essay Contest; "Never say never again." Johnson, Lolde Jenice: Route 2, Box 88, Keswick, VA 22947; Afro-American Uterary League; Varsity Softball; Symphonic Band II; Marching Band; "Than's alright!" Johnson, Sandra Lee, Sandy: 138-A Bitternut Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Crafts Club; "I cannot believe I made it Class of '85." Jones, Andrea Scott, A.J., RoolRoute 2, Box 165, Adventure Farm, Earlysville, VA 22936; FCA 2; Ski Club 1,3,4; Lacrosse 1,3,4; Indoor Lacrosse 4; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4, All Charlottesville-Albemarle Area Field Hockey Team 3,4, Best Defensive Player 4; SCA 1,4, Treasurer 4; "All dressed up and nowhere to go." Jones, Daniel Kevin, Great White Hope: 309 Eastbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4, All-State 3; Football 4; Homecoming Court 4; Regional Choir; "Quit playing!" Jones, Luther A. Jones, Rebecca Ann, Beckie, Becca: 906-A Montrose Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Riding Club 1; AfroAmerican Uterary League 2,3; FBLA 4; Marching Band 1; ''To be great is to be misunderstood." Jones, Ronald Lee: Wrestling Club 4; "Thou shall be thy own self." Jones, Timothy A. Jordon, Paul 1.. Kemp, Deborah Lee Kenney, Timothy W.: 800-A Blenheim Avenue, Charlottesville, VA22901; Afro-American Uterary League; Basketball 1,2,3,4, Honorable Mention All-District 3. Kerns, Kandl Kendra, Kali-Kay, Candle: Route 2, Box 1, Earlysville, VA 22936; VICA 1,2,3, First Place District 6; "Good luck to all my friends. I love you all."

Kirby, Tracy Leigh: Route 1, Box 426, Ruckersville, VA 22968; FBL.A, Secretary 4; "Tracy loves Timmy forever!" Knight, Heather Rea, Emma: 400 Colthurst Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Club 1,2,3,4, Vice President 3, President 4; Softball 1,2, Honorable Mention All-District 1, State Final Four 2; Tennis 1,2,3,4, State Champons 1, Third in State Doubles 2, Captain 3,4, MVP 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4, Second Team All-District 2, MVP 2,3, Captain 3, First Team All-District 3, State Final Four 3; French Honor Society 2,3,4, Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 3,4, Vice President 4; Girls' State 4; "Crash through your wall!" Knight, Samuel M., Sam, Sam Bowie: B-12 Crenshaw's Mobile City, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess Club 1,2; Volleyball Club 3; Teen Democrats 4; Golf 1,2; Baseball4; "High School was great but College will be better than ever." Kost, Victoria Ann Marie, Vickeytoria, Vickey Mouse: 103 Chaucer Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Spanish Club 4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4, Treasurer 4; Cross Country 1,2, State 1; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4, State 3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4, Best in Field 3,4, Captain 3, State 3; Volleyball3; Nominated to West Point; "Anyone who remains calm in the midst of confusion simply doesn't understand the situation!" Kretslnger, Stein Eric, Grand Master: 406 Key West Drive, 52

Senior Statistics

Lage, Richard L Jr., Watfish, 2000Jefferson Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Spanish Club 1; Lacrosse Club 1; Track 1,2; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,4, First Team All-Western District 3,4, First Team All-Northwest Region 4, Second Team All-Central Virginia 4, T ri-captain 4; "Hey! Somebody give me 15 cents!" Lamb, Pamela Gay Lance, VIrginia Lynn Lane, David Scott, Dave: Box 149, Scottsville, VA 24590; FCA 2; Basketball 1,2,3, MVP 2; "Go for it!" Lasca no, Anthony Charles, Les, Jack: Route 4, Box 255A, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Dungeons and Dragons 1; Volleyball Club 2; Lacrosse Club 1; Outdoor Track; Soccer 2; PATRIOT PRESS 4, Editor 4; "I told you before. I am not Joey. I'm the better looking one." Lascano, Joseph Charles, Tony: Route 4, Box 255A, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Dungeons and Dragons 1; Ski Club 2; Model UN 3,4; Soccer 1,2; Indoor Track 1; " Live every day as if it were your last For one day you will be right!" Laulfenburger, Karen Sue, Karen Owl, K-Sue: 1728 Old Forge Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club 1; Indoor Field Hockey 2; FCA 3,4; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4, All-Area Honorable Mention 3, First Team All-Area 4, Co-captain 4; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4; ''I'm so psyched . . . yeah, yeah, uh-huh-huh, yeah, yeah . . . Albemarle Field Hockey will never be the same." Lawhorn, Sheri Faye, Sheri Faye: 675 Ridgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 2,3,4; Lacrosse Club 1; Ski Club 4, Secretary 4; SCA 1,2,3,4; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Baseball Manager 2; ''You better wake up and smell that coffee a-brewin'." Layne, Mary Leigh, Buster: P.O. Box 29, Earlysville, VA 22936; Photography Club 1; Riding Club 2; Crafts Club 3,4; Marching Band; ''I'm ashamed and appalled." Leap, Stephanie Renee: Route 1, Box 313, Scottsville, VA 24590; Spanish Club 3; Dance Club 4; Dance Troupe 4; "Too many people make cemeteries of their lives by burying their talents." Lear, Scott Richard, Learbait 105 Shawnee Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Psychic Club 3; Ski Club 3,4; Soccer 2,3,4, Captain 4; Cross Country 2,3, Second Team AllDistrict 3; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Intramural Lacrosse 4; 'What time does Wes have to be home? Lucky Seven 19??1!" Lee, LaTanya V., Tanya: 1900 Inglewood Drive, Charlottesville, VA22901; Volleyball Club 1,4; FCA2,3,4; Teen Republicans 3; SCA 1,2,3,4; Cheerleading 1,2,3,4, Captain 2; Outdoor Track 2,4; Concert Band 1; Concert Choir 2,3,4, Vice President 4, Longwood Choir Festival2; Powder Puff Football3; Who's Who 3,4; Homecoming Court 3,4; American Institute of Foreign Study 4; Class Treasurer 1,2; Class President 3,4; "Where's your beef? Give me a break." Lewicki, Erin Lee, Erin: 508 Westmoreland Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Club 1; FCA 2; Ski Club 3,4; Field Hockey 1,2,3; Softball 1,2,3; Powder Puff Football4; Who's Who 4; "Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly." Lewis, Jon Kevin Unkous, Joseph Eugene, Joe: 322 Brentwood Road, Charlottesvillt!, VA 22901; Skiing 1,2,3; Gymnastics 2,3; Track 3; "Thanks, Doug." Undsay, Desiree L Lowe, Susan Carol, Suz, Suzy Q: Scottsville, VA 24590; Ski Club; Outdoor Track 1; Majorette 2; Cheerleading 3. Lucas, Kathy Robin: 111 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Psychic Club 4 ; Who's Who 4; "Is Penny here today?"

MarshaU, Stefanle Toren, Steffi, Shorty: 1 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA22901; Ski Club 1,4; FCA 1,2,4; Spanish Club 3; Young Republicans 1,2; Young Ufe 1,2,3; PEER 2,3,4, Underclass Editor 2, Assistant Editor 3, Editor-In-Chief 4; Powder Puff Football4; IFS 3; Who's Who 3,4; "AU the memories and good times will never be forgotten." Martin, Hugh B. Ill, Shoe, Hubert 102 Juniper Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Photography Club 2; Rock Album Critics Club 3,4; PEER 3; PATRIOT PRESS 4, Page Editor 4; Football 1,2,3,4, Honorable Mention AllDistrict 4; Basketball 1; Outdoor Track 2; Lacrosse 4; lntramurals 3,4; Who's Who 4; "Planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do." Martin, Mark Underhill: Route 2, Box 48, Keswick, VA 22947; Volleyball Club; FBLA; Symphonic Band; Marching Band; "It's been real and it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun." Martin, Taber Valento, Lover-X: 555 Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Afro-American Uterature League 4; Football 1,2,4; Basketball 1,2; Wrestling 1; Upward Bound; "Reach for the end of the universe so that if you miss you'll fall among the stars." Maslyk, Cecelia C. Massie, Sallie Stuart. Sal: Route 1, Box 128, Scottsville, VA 24590; Ski Club 1,3,4; Tennis 3; PEER 1,2, Business Editor 2; "Hey, let's have a contest I won!" Mays, KeUy Elizabeth, Mazola, Mayo: 1501 Minor Ridge Court; FCA 2; Lacrosse Club 1, Captain JV 1; Field Hockey 4; Lacrosse 3; Who's Who 4; Senior Council 4; "Just horrible, O.K.? O.K." McCann, Warren Page, Capt. Bell & Howell: 535 Stagecoach Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; VICA 3,4; Student Trainer 1,2,3,4; "To the top and beyond." McCauley, Darren Craig, Kareem, Deque: 117 Commonwealth Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,3,4; Spanish Club 2; Football 1,2; Baseball 2,3,4; Stuntrnan 2,3,4, MVP 3; Intramural Basketball 3,4; National French Exam 1; National Spanish Exam 2; Young Ufe 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 4; "I love you, Pam! Greg, no more use of my Dad's chair." McCauley, Tamara Leigh: 303 Eastbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA; Indoor Hockey Club; Field Hockey 1,2,3,4, JV Co-Captain 2 , Varsity Co-Captain 4; ''You won't fail if you pick tails." McCluney, Andra L: Route 11, Box 60, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FBLA; Afro-American Uterary League; Basketball 1; ''The unexamined life is not worth living." McDaniel, Julie Marie, Route 2, Box 165A, Earlysville, VA 22936; 'Til try anything once, twice if I like it" McDonough, Dawn Patricia, Stubs, Beast 118 Blueberry Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; VICA 1,2,3, First Place District 6, 2,3. McKamey, Jeffrey E., Country, Mo: 4629 Heather Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FFA 1,2; AIASA 3; FCA 4; Intramural Basketball 2,3; "Carolina born, Carolina bred." McKay, Andrea Catherine McKenna, Valencya Helyna, Valenc: 1635 Robin Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 1,2,3; DECA 3, First Place Winner; FCA 4; Gymnastics 2; Lacrosse 1; "Getting fired up! Way 2 go!" Miller, Anthony V., Tony: Route 1, Box 44, Earlysville, VA 22936; Football 1,2,3,4; Track. Miller, Wendy EDen, Weasle: Route 1, Box 119, Esmont, VA 22937; Riding Club; Art Club; Basketball; Softball; "It's Miller time." Milleson, Christopher P., C-Bomb: 536 Woodmont Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Lacrosse Club; SCA; FCA; Ski Club; Football; Track; Basketball; Golf; Intramural Basketball; "We were meant for the weekends!""

2628 Hydraulic Road, •all Club 2,3,4; .N Volor Achievement >ute} . Box 448, Bar· ya! Shorty: 1 Georgetown ;ki Club 1,4; FCA 1,2,4; tS 1,2; Young Ufe 1,2,3; '\ssistant Editor 3, Editll 4; IFS 3; Who's Who od times will never be :rt: 102 Juniper Lane, >graphy Club 2; Rock : PATRIOT PRESS 4, ionorable Mention AllTrack 2; Lacrosse 4; 'Janet earth is blue and

Box 48, Keswick, VA I; Symphonic Band; nd it's been fun, but it

IIIM<anthony J.



n, Shawn Michelle: 2756 Hydraulic Road, Char_ . , VA 22901; Lantern Club 4; Uterary Guild 3, Vice llident 3; Association of Science Students 3; L.E.O. 2; Inter-Club Council3, Sub-chair 3; General AssemF'nt Place Editorial U. of Hawaii Journalism Day; HiQh School Outstanding English Student, Out'lllng Beventh Grade Social Studies Student; National t COmmended Student; "But examine everything ~ hold fast to that which is good." -·Anna Ulrika Margareta, Anna: Karlav. 4, 222 40 Ind. Sweden; Dance; Band; Art

-..y, James Patrick, Jr., Jimmy: 2917 Brookmere

·d. Charlottesville, VA 22901; Volleyball Gub 3,4; lntra-

'81 Basketball3,4; SCA 4; FCA 4; 'Why does life always IDmorrow?" James Edward, Jr., Jimmy: Route 1, Box 288-A, ..-.VA 22969; VICA; FFA; "For those who are about - - salute you."

Nelson, Cynthia Denise, Cindy: Route 1, Box 299 E, Keswick, VA 2294 7; Spanish Club 1; Riding Club 2; Computer Club 3; FBLA 4; Junior Achievement Newman, Page Harrison, PH, Lefty: 5 Sutton Court, Stonehenge, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 1; Volleyball Club 2; Spanish Club 3,4; FCA 3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Basketball Manager . 1,2; ~asketb_all Statis~cian 3,4; SCA; Spanish Honor Soctety, Vtce Prestdent; National Honor Society; Young Ufe; "God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble." Nlckelsen, Denise Ann, Da B: 104 Chaucer Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Cross Country 1; "When you find true love, it will last forever." Nunez, Ricardo Alfredo, Ricky, Paco: 2721 Huntington Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Photography Club 1; French Club 2,3; Model United Nations Club 3,4, Vice President 4, Honorable Mention U. VA Model U.N. 3; French Honor Society 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Forensics Team 2,3,4, Third Place District Extemporaneous Speaking 2; Certamen T earn 4; Academic T earn 4; IFS 2,4; Cross Country 1,2; National French Exam 1,2, Fourth in District 1, Third in District and Fifth in State 2; "Harvey" 4; Who's Who 4; "Don't sweat the small stuff; it's all small stuff."

Anita Yvonne

•5 Rio Road, Charlottes~rature League 4; Footing 1; Upward Bound; so that if you miss you 'II

David Scott, Scooter, Scotty, 2308 Wakefield Charlottesville, VA 22901; Baseball2,3,4; "Another

lnOiher dollar." Glenn Andrew: Ski Qub 3; VICA 4.

1, Box 128, Scottsville, 3; PEER 1,2, Business st I won!"

ayo: 1501 Minor Ridge :>tain JV 1; Field Hockey enior Council 4; "Just

Nye,llmothy Edward, Tim: 105B Frederick Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 4; SCA 4; Track 1; Wrestling 1,2; National Scholastic Art Competition, First Place 2; Crown Center Art Competition, First Place 2; Crown Center Art Competition, Arst Place 2; Southwestern Misso':'ri University Art Competition, Third Place 3; Youth of Unity 1,2,3,4; Young Ufe 4; ''Thank heaven for little giris."

::astbrook Drive, Charor Hockey Club; Field ~. Varsity Co-Captain 4;

ox 60, Charlottesville, VA rary League; Basketball orth living."

te 1, Box 119, Esmont, 3asketball; Softball; "It's

o: 536 Woodmont Drive, se Club; SCA; FCA; Ski Golf; Intramural Basket!kends!"

Ramsden, David John, Dave, Brother Dave: Route I, Box 134, Scottsville, VA 24590; Chess Club 1,2; Thespians 2,3,4; Model United Nations Club 4; "The Importance of Being Earnest" 2; "You Can't Take It With You" 3; PATRIOT PRESS; LANTERN; Who's Who 4; "Wherever you go, there you are." Rasnake, Usa M.

OUver, Lawrence Thomas, Tommy, Taco: Star Route 1. Box 29, Earlysville, VA 22936; FCA 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4, Second Team All-District 4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball; PATRIOT PRESS Circulation Manager 4; "What's wrong?"

Redmond, Sean Michael: 65 Woodlake Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Club 1,2,3; Thespians 3,4; National Honor Society 4; Who ' s Who 4; Certamen 2,3,4; Forensics 2,3,4; "I know him/her/you."

Phylls Elaine, Elaine: Route 1, Box 435, Scotts-

• Wlllam B. Jr., Fatboy: 1760 Easy Lane, CharVA 22901; Weightlifting Club 1; SCA 3,4; FCA Oub 4; Football 1,2,3; Track 2,3,4, Northwest Indoor Shot-Put Champion 3; Golf 4; Baseball 1,2; Basketball; Young Ufe; "Fat forever."

Linn Carol: 2140 Viburnum

Court, Charlottes22901; Riding Club 1,2; Psychic Club 3; Aim Glb4; "I'm better than no one, and no one is better

Overbeck, Alan Gregory, The Beck: 330 Brentwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; F ootball1 ,2; Eagle Scout 3; ''You can't always get what you want, but you get by with what you need." Patterson, David

JlllchHI Perry: Route 1, Box 538, North Garden, :i9; VICA 3,4; Rock Album Critics 2,3.

Allan: Route 1, Box 195, Barboursville, VA




Brian, Brian: Route 7, Box 308, CharVA 22901; VICA 3; Electricity II President 4; de free. This is America! Love it or leave it!" Joan, Tiki, Piki-Lee: Route 8, Box 149, VA 22901; Drama Club 1,2, Secretary/ 2: lbespian Troupe 500 2,3,4, Secretary/ French Honor Society 1,2,3,4, President 4; or Society 3,4; Mime Troupe 2,3,4; Technic.2,3,4; Governor's School 3; " The Glass ; "'The lm~rtance of Being Earnest" 2; "You ¥11h You· 3; "Runaways" 3; "Harvey" 4; IFS A..-ds 2,3; State Forensics 2,3; Science 2.3: Wellesly Book Award 3; National Merit MMyrtle Mae, see who's in the bathtub!"

• -..n. Grizzly: 1941 Michael Place, Char22901; Afro-American Literary League 2,3; 4; Football 1,2,3,4, All-District Honorable r.ck 3; Wrestling 1.

Reed, Richard Allen: Rt. 1, Box 587, Scottsville. VA24590; FCA 12; AIASA 3; Psychic Club 4; Football9; Wrestling 4; "Let's Bolt!" Reynolds, Paul Caperton, Spaz, Quozi, Pablo: 33 Langford Place, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; President 4; Golf 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball; "Yeah, you gotta problem with that?"

Pattison, Todd, G: 47 Wood Lake Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Spanish Club; Rock Album Critics; Intramural Basketball; "So long."

Rice, Wendy Lynn, Window, WendyWoo: Rt. 12. Box 125, Charlottescille, VA 22901; FCA 4; Riding Club 1,2,3; Ski Club 3; Symphonic Band Ill; PEER 4, Student Life Editor 4; Honor Roll I ,2,3,4; "Just Kidding! "

Pence, Elizabeth Scott, Liz: 419 Carrsbrook Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Club; Crafts Club; Key Club; Teenage Republicans; Marching Band.

Richardson, Michael L. Mike, Trapper: Rt. 1. Box 301, Scottsville, VA 24590; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Chess Team 2,3,4; Latin Club 1; Who's Who; "Don't worry about it, it's only a test"

.Mnanette LesUe

Beast 118 Blueberry VICA 1,2,3, First Place

, Box 44, Earlysville, VA

Ramos, Michael Lee, Fra: Route 1, Box 164, Barboursville, VA 22923; LANTERN; Who's Who.

Junius, Juny: Route 1, Box 36, Esmont, VA FFA; "It works for me."


!nc: 1635 Robin Lane, 1b 1,2,3; DECA 3, First ,2; Lacrosse 1; "Getting

Prillaman, William C., Bill: 960 Bedford Hills Drive, Earlysville, VA 22936; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Model United Nations 4; Teenage Republicans 4; FCA 1; SCA I ,2; SLO 4; Who's Who 4; National Spanish Exam, Third Place Regional, Fifth Place State, 3; "Modernity is nebulous."

Ratliff, Timothy C.

ox 165A, Earlysville, VA .ce if I like it"

o: 4629 Heather Court, ~; AIASA 3; FCA 4; IntralOrn, Carolina bred."

Powell, Ted A., Ted- Fred: P.O. Box 33, Earlysville, VA 22936; Audio Visual Club 2; Rock Album Critics 3; Ski Club 4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3; IFS 2; "DEBSWPSALP- Don't Ever Be Surprised When People Start Acting Uke People."

Odom, David Lane, Scoop: 2111 Morris Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903; FCA 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4.

Otano-Martlnez, Udia

Deque: 11 7 Common290 1; FCA 1,3,4; Span2,3,4; Stuntman 2,3,4, National French Exam mg Ufe 1,2,3,4; Who's • more use of my Dad's

Ponitt, Nancy L, T ucky, Nanny: 170B Georgetown Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Riding Club I ; Dance Club 2; French Club 3,4, Secretary4; Indoor Track2; Cross Country 3; Marching Band 1,2; Symphonic Band Ill 1,2; French Honor Society; National Honor Society 3,4; "My mind lets go a thousand things- Dates of wars and deaths of Kings - but it recalls the very hour .. . "

Jm1es Brendan, Jimbo Reese: 2451 Simeon Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2; Ski Club 3,4; 1.2; "Remember party because it could be your

24590; "Party all night"

Bell & Howell: 535 , VA 22901; VICA 3,4; top and beyond."

Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 3; FCA 4; Field Hockey 2; "He's lookin' fine!"

Perkins, Douglas Victor, Nose, Captain Justice: 4 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,3,4, President4; Psychic Club 2; Soccer 1,2,4; "You Can't Take It With You" 3; Young Ufe 1,2,3,4; Who's Who 3,4; "Under 12 and overweight" Perkins, Sandra D., Fred, D.D.: 2527 Hydraulic Road, Apt 10, Charlottesville, VA 2290 I ; Riding Club 1,2; Crafts Club 3, Vice President 3; Psychic Club 4; Who's Who 4; "A friend is a present you give yourself." Pertl, Stefan Friedrich, Stef, Burdle: Route 2, Box 79, Earlysville, VA 22936; (P. Muehlbacher Weg 5, 9020 Klagerfurt, Austria); Junior Classical League 4; Ski Club 4; Soccer 4; AFS Exchange Student; "Holladiodldiooo! I bin a Oestarrekha!!" Pharr, Evelyn Nicole: 701 Bollin9 Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Riding Club I; Volleyball Club 2; Ski Club 3,4; Tennis 3; Gymnastics 2,3,4, Captain 4; Track 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football3,4; Stage Band 1,2; "Don't wish your life away. It will be gone before you know it" Pinkerton, Retana: Ski Club 1; Psychic Club 2,3,4, President 3,4; Powder Puff Football 3. Pippin, Donna Jean, Pip, Pippins: Route 6, Box 17, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Volleyball Club 2,3,4; FCA 3,4; Volleyball 2,3,4; Basketball Manager 3; Gymnastics 2; "The bus; the bird, the slide. " Plunkett, Tracy Ann, Trace, Bug: 38 Lake Forest Drive,

Rickborn, Michelle Thais, Mish, Meek: Rt 4, Box 243B, Charlottesville, VA22901; Thespians 1,2,3,4;Art Guild! ,2; Arts and Crafts Club 4; Forensics Team 2,3,4; Annual Staff 2; Virginia Classical League Convention; Tenth Place Petathalon Level One, Arst Place; Upper Division Oil Painting 4; Academic All-American 3; Virginia State Thespian Conference Second Place Solo-acting 4; Catch Me If You Can; The Mathmaker I; The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon-Marigolds 2; Anything Goes I; The Diary of Anne Frank 2; Flowers for Algernon 3; Runaways; Harvey; " .. . the secret stays locked within - not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear." Rideout, Elizabeth Carrington, Beth, Spacey Blond: 3515 Marlboro Ct. Charlottesville, VA22901 ; Spanish Club I ,2; Spanish Honor Society 4; Key Club 4; Spanish Dept Award 2; IFS English Award 3; "Biondie, Fred, Marg, and Kim ... friends that are irreplaceable!" Riley, Frederick Sidney, Fred: 1906 Avon St. Ext; FFA 1,2. Rivkin, Christopher L Roberts, Constance Maureen, Boom-Boom, Spritz, Goober: 44 Lake Forest Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2,3,4, Secretary 4; Indoor Lacrosse 4; Student Council4; PEER 4, Senior Editor 4; Ski Club 1,2; J.V. Basketball 1,2; Varsity Basketball 3; Lacrosse Club 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football3,4; Young Ufe 1,2,3,4; Incentive For Success 2; "Michael, baby, I'm all yours, always and forever!!" Senior Statistics


Roberts, Mark Alan, Rock Block, HQ: 3010 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; AV Club 1,2,3, Vice President 1,2,3; Wrestling Club 4, Treasurer 4; Ninth Grade Football 1; Varsity FootbaU 2,3,4, Honorable Mention Defensive Tackle 3, Second Team All-District Offensive Tackle 4, First Team AU-Central VA Offensive Tackle 4, Varsity Football Most-Dedicated Player 4; Track; Lacrosse; "Roberts, you don't want it enough:' Roberts, Sarah Elizabeth, The Doc, Elvis, Say-rah: 2206 Dominion Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1,2,3,4; J.V. Basketball1,2; Varsity Basketball); Lacrosse 2,3,4; Indoor Lacrosse 4, Captain 4; Who's Who 3; Young Ufe 1,2,3,4; "All my graduated Western girls are forever to stay." Roberts, Tina Annette, Babe: 44 Lake Forest Dr., CharlottesviUe, Vrrginia22901; FCA 1,2,4; Ski Club 3;J .V. Field Hockey 1,2; Varsity Field Hockey 3,4; PATRIOT PRESS 4, Ad Manager 4; Who's Who; Captain and MVP Field Hockey 2; "Marc, I'll love you forever." Robertson, Charles Wesley Robey, Diana Sue, DeeDee: Rt 8, Box 211, Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 1. Robinson, Derek Alan; 1440 Villa Verde, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Baseball 1,2,3,4. Robinson, Derek Lamar, Pete, Sunkist. Orange: 2 Lakeview Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 4; SCA2,3,4; Cross Country 1; Indoor Track 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Boys' State; "Disregard, disregard." Roebuck, Laurie A., ROE, Spacey Blonde; 116 Turtle Creek, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1; Riding Club; Crafts Club 3; Psychic Club 4; Track 1; PATRIOT PRESS 4; 'Where's my Babee?" "But why?" Rogers, Usa Luvenla,Smiley; Ski Club 1,3,4; Photography Club 2; Tennis 1,2,3; Who's Who 4; "Just don't worry about it ... Tell me it isn't sol Is this really happening?" Rose, John David, J.D.: 116 Dorset Ct, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,3,4; FCA 2; Baseball 1,2,4, Captain; Football 1,2,3,4, Captain, All-District Honorable Mention 3,4; Track 4; Senior Homecoming Representative 4;


Senior Statistics

Athlete of the Month; Student of the Week; "Don't hit the quarterback." Rosenblum, Sarah, Tharah, Rose-in-bloom: Rt 2, Box 87A, Ealysville, VA 22936; French Club 1; Photography Club 2; Ski Club 3,4; Cross Country 1; Symphonic IU Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4; All-Regional Band 3; Drumline Captain 4; ''I'll stop being paranoid. if you'll stop talking about me." Rosson, Susan Rebecca

Scarr, Karen Pelton, Krayon: Rt 6, Box 8, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Rock Album Critics 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; VolleybaU VIdeo Manager 4; B: "Is it raining out?" A: "I think they're spitting at us." - Andy Warhol. Scherer, HDary Marte, Hily: Rt 9, Box 10, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Drama Club 1; Photography Club 2; Thespians 4; Track 1; SCA Senator 1,2,3,4; Mime Troupe 3,4; "AU bad things must come to an end; Thank God."

Roudabush, Kathy Lynn

Schmidt, Stephan, Schmidt: Spring Valley Farm, Howardsville, VA 24562; FBL.A; "Never do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow."

Rush, Claudette Denese, Niecy: P.O. Box 173, Scottsville, VA 24590; VICA 2,3,4, District First Place Winner- Opening and Closing Ceremonies 3,4; Cosmetology 2,3,4; 'What's up, Cool?"

Schwab, Rand! Jm, Randina, Jeckle: 71 Georgetown Green, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Ski Club 3; DECA 4; Cheerleading 1,2; Gymnastics 1; "Never mind."

Rush, James R.,Jive: Box 71A Rt 1, Esmont, VA22937; Afro-American; Weight Ufting; Track. Rush, Kevin Rush, Regina Doretha,Dirty Bob: Rt 1, Box 96, Esmont, VA 22937; Spanish Club 1; Psychic Club 4; 'Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?" Rush, Roland B., Ronnie Luv: Rt 1, Box 218, Esmont, VA 22937; Afro-American Literary League; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball; CNA Upward-Bound Program; "Sure you're right" Salters, Peter Arlen: 2714 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1; Audio-Visual Club 2; Rock Album Critics 3; Ski Club 4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Ninth Grade Basketball; J.V. Basketball; Outdoor Track 1,2; Indoor Track 3; "Roll with with changes." Saunders, James Kevin, Kevin: 1719 Easy Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Marching Band 1,2,3,4. Saylor, MeUssa Pamela, Missy, Sis: Rt 6 Box 134, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FHA 1; DECA 3; Afro-American Literary Club 2,3; Symphonic Band U 1; Symphonic Band Ill 2,3; Marching Band 3; Varsity Basketball Statistician 1; "Alright!"

ScopeUitl, Jennifer Ann, Jen: 2004 Jefferson Ct, CharlottesviUe, VA 22901 ; Drama Club 1; Thick and Thin Club 2; Key Club 3,4;Junior Achievement 1,2; Vice-President of Marketing - 1982; SCA 2; National Honor Society 3,4; Incentive For Success 2 ; Honor Roll; "Nothing in the world lasts, save Eternal change." Selvers, Klmberty Anne, Kim, Bubba, Kimbo, Squeaky: 2623 Huntington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Spanish Club 1; Ecology Club 2; Quill and Camera Club 4, President 4; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; "Once Upon a Mattress" 2; PATRIOT PRESS 4; Senior Council 4; "Forget it" Shand, Michael Louis, Daddy, Waxie Maxie: 2223 Dominion Dr.• Charlottesville, VA 22901; FCA 1; Ski Club 3,4; Football 1; Tennis 2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Weightlifting 1,2,3,4; Powder Puff Cheerleader 4; "You know what I mean, Jellybean?" Sheffield, Michael Alan, Mike: R.F.D. 1, Box 421, Troy, VA 22974; Self-defense Club 2; Football Manager 3,4; Indoor Track 4; Outdoor Track 4; "Oh, my!" Shifflett, David Wayne, The Doctor, The Southern Assassin: 1640 Derby, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Audio-Visual Club 2; FCA 3,4; Indoor Track 1,3; Outdoor Track 2,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; National French Contest- Tenth Place in District; Football All-District Team Honorable Mention; "No wonder all my

• Box 8, Charlottesville, French Honor Society lational Honor Society "Is it raining out?" A: "I •ely Warhol.

1. Mary Butler and Mary Aorence take a break from being Greek to work on the newspaper. 2. Torsten Kopp, from Germany, learns about American history. 3. Hard work pays off. Roger Fussa and Margot Huskey spend their extra time in the classroom. 4. Mer a tiring game, Artllur Brown, frowns with satisfaction. 5. Daniel Wood, while eating a roast beef sandwich with oJ., is surprised that his picture is being taken.

3ox 10, Charlottesville, 1phy Club 2; Thespians l't\ime Troupe 3,4; "All Thank God." Spring Valley Farm, ever do today what you

!Ckle: 71 Georgetown Ski Club 3; DECA 4; 'Never mind."

l4 Jefferson Cl, Chart; Thick and Thin Club lt 1,2; Vice-President of nal Honor Society 3,4; J; " Nothing in the world

bba, Kimbo, Squeaky: lie, VA22901 ; Spanish Camera Club 4, Presice Upon a Mattress" 2; lcil 4 ; "Forget il" tie Maxie: 2223 Domin; FCA 1; Ski Club 3,4; nural Basketball 3,4; r Cheerleader 4; "You

D.t , Box421 , Troy, VA all Manager 3,4; Indoor ny.


r, The Southern AssasA 22901 ; Audio-Visual .3; Outdoor Track 2.4; sketball 3,4; National n District; Football .on; " No wonder all my is falling oul"

Mark Thompson: 607 Stage Coach Rd., Char-



Smith, Robert E., Bobby: 19 Hicko~ Sl, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Handball Tournament 4;' Full steam ahead to Aorida!"

Steward, Dennis E., Dex: Rl 8, Box 314; Charlottesville, VA 22901; DECA 2,3,4, Treasurer 3, President 4; "C'est Ia vie."

Smith, Walter

Stokes, David Gregory, Greg, Murdock, Greystoke: 118 West Park Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA 1,2.3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2; Indoor Track 3,4; OutdoorTrack2.3,4;YoungUfe 1,2.3,4;Who'sWho4; "Don't worry about itl"

...wle, VA 22901 ; VICA Roxanne A.: Rl 1, Box 258, Esmont, VA 22937; 4; Choir 4; ''I'll m iss you, Matthew!" - · Donna l..,ynn: 3209 Clarke Lane, Charlottesville, 22901; Marching Band 1,2; Spanish Club 1; Arts and 2; Key Club 3,4; Teenage Republicans 1,2,3,4. , Robert Duane, Dewey, Smelly: 288 Winfield Circle, .touesville, VA 22901; Football3; " No Problem. " Edith Ulllan, Edie, Eddie, Edward: 2708 North-

Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Loudoun Valley High :hool: History Club 1; SCA 1,2,; Keyettes 2; Hunt Pony 1.2; Albemarle: SCA 3, Latin Club 4, Soccer Statisti3,4; Young Ufe 3,4; " Run rabbit run, dig that hole, lhe sun, but when at last your work is done, don't sit l's time to dig another one."

~. Tam my Diane, Simple: 3637 Airport Acres


Olarlottesville, VA 22901 ; FCA 2,3; Ski Club 4; Pow-

• Puff Football 4 ; " Luv ya." Sunny Laverne Aimee Alexandra, Aims, Alex, Smithfield, Smurf:

'"500 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French 1.2; FCA 3,4; Band 1,2; Third Place State National ;:h Contest 1; SCA 2; Teacher's Aide 3; Who's Who; ·s _go eat some vanilla ice cream with chocolate

Cheryl Re!'lee, Smif: 3503 Monacan Dr., Char-

llellllle, VA 22901 ; FCA 3,4; J .V. Basketball Manager 2; tA Rep. 2; Alternate 4; ''While I breathe I hope." Gitana

Smith, WIDiam Michael, Cruiser: Rl 2, Box 338, Gordonsville, VA 22942; VICA 3,4; CATEC Electricity I, D, VICA Contest; "You've got to want to succeed." Snider, Travis E.: 101 Georgetown Rd .. Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Electronics; " Give me liberty or give me death." Sobbott, Wesley Paul, Wes, Sobbito: 24 14 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Club 1,2; Ski Club 3,4; Basketball 1; Golf 2 ,3,4, Captain 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; Intramural Lacrosse 4 ; Who's Who; Junior Classical Le~gue; ~tin Honor Society 3,4; "I think I can stay out until9:30. Spence, Robert Michael, Carrot Top, Spence: 2348 Whitney Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901; Rock Album Critics 3; VICA 4; 'The cow moves slowly but the earth is patient" Spradlln, Fonda Kay: Rt. 1, Box 356, Scottsville, VA 24590; "Best of luck to my sweet little nephew Brian in his 12 years of school." Sprouse, Arlene Frances: 373B Hickory St, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Arts and Crafts 1,2,3; Who's Who; "If you have earned but one true friend in your lifetime, you can feel very honored." Sprouse. Debra Diane, Debbie, Uttle Debbie, Mouse: Rl 1, Box 156, Esmont, VA 22937; Crafts Club 2.3.4. President 4; IFS Crafts Award 2; " Great Day!" Sprouse, Wesley E.

Stone, Michael Sudduth, Timothy Jay, Trip-do-man: Rt 1, Box 148, Barboursville, VA 22923; FFA 1,2,4; VICA 3,4; Auto Body I and D; " He who smelt it dealt il" Sullivan, Charles Michael Sullivan, Donna Marte Sumerlin, Donnie F., Club: P.O. Box 6923, Charlottesville, VA22901; Psychic Club; "You knowwhatl mean, Verne" Tapscott, Troy H., Guke: Rt 1, Box 119, Scottsville, VA 24590; FFA 2; VICA 2. Taylor, Scott Z.: Rt4, Box 400, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Teenage Republicans 1,2; Baseball 2,3; Wrestling 1,2; "Never settle with words what can be settled with a name thrower." Taylor, Shannon Leigh: 260 1 Bennington Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Riding Club 1; French Club 4; Volleyball Oub 2; J.V. Volleyball 2; Concert Choir 1,2,3,4; Regional Choir; First Place Regional Science 3 ; AllVirginia State Choir 3; Who's Who; National Honor Society 3,4; "Do as I say, not as I do." Terrell, Tllwana

Starks, Sharon DeShanta, Dee Dee: Rt. 1, Box 97, Esmont, VA22937; DECA2,3; FBLA4; Basketball I ; "The class of 85 brought everything back alive."

Terry, Robert W., Robbie: Rt 1, Box 202, Scottsville, VA 24590; VICA; "I would if I could, but I can't, so I ain't Dream on."

Stephens, Brenda Lee Usa R.: 665 Locksley Terrace, Charlottesville, VA Homecoming Court 1; " Long live Bubblehead."

Steppe, Sherrl

Tesack, Christine, Chris: 3014 Colonial Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Jazz Oub 4; Ecology Oub 4; Science Club

2 Senior Statistics


3,4; Intramural Softball 1,2,3,4; Symphonic Ill Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Pep Band 2,4; Flag Corps 1,2; Drum Major 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Incentive for Success 2 ,3,4; Junior Achievement 1,2; VP SalesJA 1; VP Marketing JA 2; Achiever Award JA 2; Junior Executive Award JA 2; VA JA Conference 2; President Science Club 4; Fifth in District National French Contest; Instrumentalist Magazine Musicianship Award 3; All-Regional Band 3,4; Who's Who 4; Sales Club Award 1,2; "Ufe is action and passion. I think it is required of a man to share the action and passion of his time, at peril of being judged not to have lived."



Truslow, Paulette Eneen, Stinkie, Sexy-Angel, Racer"s Woman: 101 Quince Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901; FBLA 3,4; FCA 4; SCA 4; PEER 4; "I don't understand."

Vaughan, Brandt Ashley: 115 Vincennes Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 2; Spanish Club 3; Latin Club 4; SLO 4; National Honor Society; ''On to bigger and better things."'

Tucker, Jacqueline Lee, Jackilane: Rt 2, Box 353, Gordonsville, VA 22942; French Club 1,2,3; Film Critics 2; Cross Country 1,2,3,4, Co-Captain; Indoor Track 2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Latin Junior Classical League; Fifth Place State Latin I Grammar Contest, 1984 State Latin Convention; "Leon 4's Forever."

Thacker, Allan: Rt 1, Box 552, Scottsville, VA 24590; Rock Album Critics; Ninth Grade Football.

Tucker, Timolee Alison, Timmi, Bones: 108 Woodstock Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse 1; Ski Club 3,4; "Do not follow where the path may lead - go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.''

Thac:ker,John Gregory, Greg: Rt 1, Box 118, Esmont, VA 22937; FFA; VICA; "Glad to be out of school, so long."

Tumer, Crystal Leigh

Thacker, Samuel Thomas, Jerry Lee, Mr. T: Rt 1, Box 490, Scottsville, VA 24590; AIASA; VICA; FFA; Weightlifting; Ninth Grade Football; ''I'm Jerry Thomas and you're not"

Thompson, Annabel Leah, Annie Lu, Tinker, Abby, Abel: Rt 2, Box 33, Keswick, VA 22947; Volleyball Club 2,3; Latin Club 1; FCA 3,4; Certamen 3,4; Volleyball 2,3,4; Track 3; SCA President, Vice President, Reporter; Freshmen Class Secretary; Who's Who; Society of Distinguillhed High School Students; Homecoming Court; SecondRegional Qualifier- Science Fair; "He who doses his ear to the cry of the poor will himself cry out and not be heard." Tooley, Rhonda L,ynne, Rip it Rhonda, LouLou Freakum: 215 Bamsdale Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Crafts Club, Vice President; DECA; VICA; "Long live the rebels." Townsend, PhDIIp Andrew: 715 Nelson Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Chess Club 2,3; Model U.N. 4; Intramural Basketball 3,4; French Honor Society; National Honor Society; "From Anarchy we came; to Anarchy we shall return:路 Trogdon, Blanca L


Senior Statistics

Tumer, Karen Renee: Rt 1, Box 418, Barboursville, VA 22923. Uecker, Alyssa Ann, Dee-dee Mouse, Lyssy-Biss, Lyss: 509 Eastbrook Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901; French Club 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Film Critics 2; Cross Country 2,3; Track 2; Who's Who 4; Honor Roll 1,4; "Long live the Circle."

VermDIIon, Mary Margaret, Woo Woo, Wee Wee: Rt 13, " Franklin", Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 1; FCA 3,4; Volleyball Club 2,3,4, Vice President 3, President 4; .J .V. Volleyball 2, Most-Dedicated; Varsity Volleyball 3,4, Captain 4; MVP 4; First Team All-District 4; Marching Band 1; Night of One Acts 1; IFS 2; SCA 1,3,4; Homecoming Court 1,2,4; National Honor Society 3,4; PEER 3,4, Student Ufe Editor 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Who's Who 3,4; 'Io Mike I give my heart and the reassurance of being here for you forever! " VIning, Jean Song, Beans: 2802 Magnolia Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club 1; AV Club 2; Advocate Club 3; Ski Club 3,4; Cross Country 1; Softball 3; Powder Puff 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Incentive for Success 2; Who's Who 4; "Don't tell me your problems, I have enough of my own already! " Walker, Kimberley Sue, Kelly: 8003 Washington Ct, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Riding Club 1; College Planning Club 2; FCA 3,4; Cross Country 1,2; PATRIOT PRESS 4, Business Manager 4; Who's Who; "Tommy . .. " Walls, VIckie

VanDerloo, Eric Roger: 104 Camelot Dr., Charlottesville, VA2290 1; Astronomy Club 1; AV Club 2; '"Uving in the fast lane at a slow pace . . . Part II."' VanDerVeer, Karen TonneaUe, KV, Amazon, Lunge: Rt 8, Box 164, Charlottesville, VA22901 ; Ski Club 1; FCA2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4, President 4; Freshmen Cheerleading 1; J .V. Cheerleading 2; Varsity Cheerleading 3,4; NCA Captain 1,2,4; U.S. Cheerleading Award 2; Who's Who 2,3,4; Art Awards 2,3,4; Most Consistant Art Student 2; Incentive For Success 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Academic All-American 3; Governor's School Altemate 3; Girls' State Altemate 3; PEER Senior Editor 4; "Let love be your greatest aim! " I Corinthians 14:1. VanHoose, Pamela Sue, Pam: 3404 Indian Spring R., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Club 1,2,3; Advocate Club 4; PATRIOT PRESS 3; "I may get older, ... but I refuse to grow up."'

Walts, Timothy James, Tim, Timbo, Hagen Walts: Rt 9, Box 118, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Baseball 1,2,3; ''I've been dazed and confused for so long its not true." Ward, James Austin, James: 2227 Wakefield Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; French Club 1; Math Club 1; Key Club 1;Model UN Club2; Track 1;Wrestling2;Academic Bowl 2,3,4; Math Team 2; Second Place- Mississippi History and Civics Test; Governor's School3; "It is better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Ward, Kathryn G., Kathy, Daughter #1, Ace, Daff: 105 Inglewood Ct, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,4; Volleyball Club 2; Key Club 3,4, Treasurer 4; Golf 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2; Gymnastics Manager 2; Trainer 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; PEER Photographer 4; Westinghouse Talent Search 4; "Go for it, there is nothing you

Qn't do!'" Wmen, Sharan Kaye: Rt 9, Box 403, Charlottesville, VA 2290I ; DRAMA Club 1,2; FCA 3; Ski Club 4; Tennis 3,4; Boys' Tennis Manager 3,4; Band Majorette 1,2; "Cest Ia ·ie." Waver, Joel Thomas, Red: 330 Key West Dr., Charlotteswile, VA 22901 ; Ski Club 1,4; Photography Club 2; Rock ~ Critics 3,4, President 4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Football .2.3: Indoor Track 2; Intramural Basketball 3,4, Captain; lnlramural Lacrosse 3,4, Captain; Who's Who 3,4; IFS 3,4; SCA 3,4; Senior Council4; PEER 4, Photographer 4; 'The ollllllher is here, wish you were beautiful."

Web, WilHam Lee lfenes, Timothy W•• Scottsvillian, Skip and Dip: 5615 ekk:rest Dr., Scottsville, VA 24590; Lacrosse Club 3,4; Football 1,3,4; Lacrosse 3,4. Westervelt, Frederick Ballard, Ric, P.W.: Milton Farm, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Latin Club 1.2; Ski Club 3; Uc:rosse Club 4; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Football 3; "We will 4111Y5 remember." .....,, Jean Hannah, Weebles, Uttie Jeanie: 106 Whet.ane Place, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club 1; ~Club 2; FCA 3; Ski Club 3,4; Lacrosse 3,4; Indoor lAcrosse 4; Varsity Baseball Manager 1; Powder Puff 3,4; OUng Ufe 4; Homecoming Court 4; "A smile relieves a art that grieves."

.Aeeler, Tina Marie: Rt 1, Box 127, Schuyler, VA 22969; illng Club 1,2; FBLA 3,4; ··sounds like a personal probto me."


nnes Rd., Charlottes.sh Club 3; Latin Club "On to bigger and

Anthony, Tony White: P.O. Box 1663, Charlottes-

lie. VA 22902; Ninth Grade Basketball 1; J.V. Basketball '. -sity Basketball3,4; 'To Kim I wish you lots of luck. e had a lot of great times and you know and I know that will always be mine."

White, Sophia Annette: 2231 F Commonwealth Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901. Wiley, Leigh Ann: 261 1 Northfields Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; "I never said a thing." Williams, David McClellan; Dave: 1727 Easy Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama Club 1: Thespian Troupe 500 2,3,4; "Antic Spring" 1; "Importance of Being Earnest"" 2; "Who Am I This Time·· 2; "You Can't Take it With You" 3; " Runaways" 3; "Harvey" 4; First Place Up Sync Contest 4; SCA 3,4; Intramural Basketball4; "What's the story? Man, what did you get on that test?" Williams, Deborah Faye, Debbie, Deb, Lit'l Deb: Rt 1, Box 472B, Barboursville, VA 22923; Psychic Club 1; VICA 2,3,4, Treasurer 2,3,4; First Place VICA Opening and Closing Ceremony Sixth District 2,3; "Don't mess with those yellow pintos... Wliison, Kristine Lee Wilson, Piper LesUe, Pi, Pipes: Rt 1, Box 449, Barboursville, VA 22923; French Club 1; Ski Club 3; Marching Band 1; Lacrosse 2,3,4; Mime Troupe 3,4; Thespian Troupe 500 4; PEER Photographer 4; 'We can have a lot of fun with our illusions, can we not? I don't want realism, I want magic." Wingfield, Jonathan Gray, Jon: P.O. Box 822, Charlottesville, VA 22902; Lacrosse Club 1; Volleyball Club 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; "Let's head for the Beach!" Wood, Daniel Waldo Wood, Matthew Scott, Brother Wood, Woody, Ernie, Mateoo: 2929 Brookmere Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Psychic Club 1,2; Ski Club 3,4; J.V. Baseball 1,2; Varsity Baseball3,4; Golf 4; Intramural Basketball2,3,4; Intramural Lacrosse 4; "What's up Bud?"

22901 ; FCA 3,4; Hi-Y; Young Ufe 3,4; Mixed Chorus 1; Louisiana Ali-State Choir 2; Who's Who in Music 2; Denims and Diamonds Show Choir 2,3; Acapella Choir 2,3; Concert Choir 3,4; Senior Class Vice President 4; Execu· tiVe Council 3; First Place Albemarle County Talent Show 3; "Ufe is like the wind; it goes by with or without you." Wrenn, Kennon Randolph, Wren- 85, Randy: Rt 1, Box 97L, Keswick, VA 22947; FBLA 3,4, President; PEER 4; Organizations Editor; FFA 2; J.V. Baseball2; PEER Photographer 4; SCA 4; "It won't happen unless you make it happen. Don't wait for tomorrow for today." Wright, Terllynne, Ups: Rt 1, Box 34, Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Drama Club 1; Key Club 1; JV Basketball 1: Athletic Trainer 2; National Honor Society; Who's Who; IFS; Regional Choir; "Life is for living, for loving and giving whatever you're holding inside, so celebrate life." Wyant, Usa Darlene, Babe: 1I 14 Monticello Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Fashion Merchandizing; "Good luck and be good." Young, Donna Lane, Donna, Summer, Donna: 1780 Old Brook Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901; Teenage Republicans 1; Stichery Club 2; DECA 3; FCA 4; Outdoor Track 2; Concert Choir 2,3,4; Women's Chorus 1; Regional Chorus 2,3,4; "Once Upon A Mattress" 2; National Anthem 4; "To all my friends, goodbye." Zobel, James Ellsworth, Jamie, Jamers, Scrub: 210 E. Monacan Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901 ; Lacrosse Club I ,2; Ski Club 3,4; Soccer 1,2,3,4; intramural Basketball4; Intramural Lacrosse 4; Soccer All-Western District 3,4, All-Regional 4, Captain 4; Student Government 1,2,3,4; "This is the end beautiful friend, all our elaborate plans, of everything that stands; No safety in our cries, I'll never look into your eyes again; This is the end my only friend."

Wood, Patrick: 951 Huntwood Lane, Charlottesville, VA

Wee Wee: Rt 13, ; French Club I ; FCA ident 3, President 4; 'arsity Volleyball 3,4, District 4; Marching :A 1,3,4; Homecomdety 3,4; PEER 3,4, !f 4; Who's Who 3,4; eassurance of being


Magnolia Dr., CharI; AV Club 2; Advo:ountJy I ; Softball 3; entive for Success 2; Jr problems, I have

03 Washington Ct, b 1; College Planning PATRIOT PRESS 4, Tommy .. . "

Hagen Walts: Rt 9, Baseball I ,2,3; "I've ng its not true."


Wakefield Rd., CharI; Math Club 1; Key 'restling 2; Academic Place - Mississippi School 3; "It is better 's mouth and remove

r #1, Ace, Daff: I05 !2901; Ski Club I,4; !a surer 4; Golf I ,2,3; ~;Trainer 3,4; Nationgrapher 4; Westingthere is nothing you

5 1. Seniors catch up on homework during lunch. 2. David Shifflett and Herbie Davis pose after finishing their lunch. 3. A proud senior, Todd Brown, strolls along the breezeway. 4. Mike Hammond and Jimmy Morris wonder, " can we have a bite?". 5. Jeanie Wheby and Beth Eley discuss the latest news.

Senior Statistics


58 Underclass Divider


Juniors show hard work

The Junior class, with Lillian Clemena as class president, experienced a very exciting and challenging year. New ideas for fund raisers were developed in order to raise money for the prom. The Juniors also worked hard to achieve the best possible scores on the SATs and to receive good grades for college preparation. The hard work and enthusiasm of the class of '86 made this a truly successful year.

Maya Ajgaonkar Patricia Almond Robert Amos Cheri Anderson Todd Archer

Melissa Arnold Catherine Bailey Varonda Banks Judith Barnett Hollis Batten

Karl Bauer Ron Bauguess DeAnn Beale Shelly Beasley Denise Bickley

Chris Billups Tim Booth Chris Bowen Patrick Boyd Brian Branch

60 Juniors

Junior Class Officers: Beth Yager, Secretary; Julie Landel, Treasurer; Lillian Clemena, President

>rk Stephanie Breeden Eldon Breeding Marybeth Breihan Angelin Brewer Cherri Brown

Janice Brown Juanita Brown Otis Brown Tom Brown Michael Bums

Scott Burwell Heather Butler Janet Campagna Jackie Campbell Michelle Cangialosl ;a, President

Dana Capps Adonice Carey KeMn Carter Jarrett Catlett Chris Cavanaugh

Frensell Chapman Carrie Checchi Suzanne Chivily David Clem Ulian Clemena

Johnny Cline Mark Cogburn Susan Collier Jennifer Cooper Patrick Coster

Stephanie Coukos Marie Covard Debra Creasy Alvin Criss Tina Cromer



Class • rings Almost every student wanted to buy a class ring. It was something everyone would keep forever to remind them of their high school days. Class rings were ordered in September. There were many styles and colors of stones from which to choose. When they were delivered in November, students hurried to receive them so they could start the turning tradition. This year juniors had their rings turned 86 times and the person who turned it last received a kiss. The guys who bought rings hated to part with them so soon since it is tradition to let your girlfriend wear your ring. Many parents warned their sons not to lend the exepnsive class rings since many are never returned. Years later these rings would serve to remind everyone of the days at A.H.S.

1. Marcie Dixon and David Lenn make a cute couple. 2. Standing at her locker, Claire Weaver talks with Donnie Barrett.

3. "You didn't? Really!" Carrie Checci exclaims to a grinning Ronnie Taylor.

Mike Cronk Andrew Crowder Greg D'Atre Thomasine Dade Brenda Davis

Lowell Davis Patrick Davis Ida D 'Eiicio Clea Dezio Rodney Diehl

Courtney Dillard Trefny Dix

Usa Dodd Patty Donnelly Charles Dorrier

\ 62 Juniors


Anne Doyle Penny Drumheller Lori Dudley Sam Durham Catherine Edson

Roxann Eppard Heather Estes Suzanne Estes Sharon Fisher Keith Fletcher

Breck Flynn Andrew f="ordham Page Foster Amanda Freeman Alan French

Anita Furr Angela Garland Brent Garland Joseph Garland Darryl Garrison !r talks with Donnie Barrett

Wendi Garrison Sharon Gentry Cheri Gibbs David Gibson Betsy Gieck

Sharon Gill Julie Gilligan Geof Goodwin Sara Goodwin Kendrick Goss

Emily Gray Jennifer Green Kimberly Groome Michele Guiterrez Christine Guthrie

t Juniors


Laurie Hager Tammy Hager David Hall Kerry Hall Dawn Hammer

Wanda Hammill Harold Hamner William Haney Todd Harper Christina Harrington

Robbie Harris Mike Hartling Kico Hedrick Bruce Hemmer Beth Henry

David Herring Allen Hershy Harry Hess Robert Hicken Leighann Hicks

Lee Higginbotham Leasa Hill Peter Hill Timothy Hipskind Melissa Hirsch

Pam Holdren Joanne Holland Ashley Hopkinson Jeff Horridge Robert Horton

Missy Houchens Steve Houchens Usa Hubbard Cindy Hudgins Mary Hudgins

62 64 Juniors

Importance of year

2 1. Usa Dodd listens intently as her teacher explains the work. 2. Working diligently at the computer takes Jon Hainer's full concentration. 3. USNA history seems very entertaining to Tim Williams!

This year was, scholastically, the most important year for college-bound Juniors. For most students the junior year was one of the hardest Many classes, such as history, science, mathematics, English, and a foreign language were required for graduation and college entrance. Students worked hard to attain the best possible grades. Juniors took PSATs in the fall to prepare them for the SATs in the spring. They also had a chance to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. All in all, the junior year was the most important and the busiest year for most students. The juniors this year worked hard to make it the best ever.

Heather Hudson Joseph Huff Deidra Hughes Quentina Hunt

Sandy Hunt Kim Hurdman Margot Huskey Cynthia Jacobs

Karen Jackson Brenda James Wade Jenkins Bill Jesser



Garcia Johnson Melanie Johnson Michael Johnson Shawn Johnson Cosby Jones

Laurie Jones Vickie Jones Brian Jordan Steve Kardos Kevin Kelly

Darren Kennon Beth Kettrick Joe King Bryan Kirtley Bill Kleiber

Kim Kowalzyk Margaret Lambert Marsha Lambert Julie Landel Thierry Laurent '\

Sherri Lawrence Curtis Lawson Jennifer Lear Jean Lee David Lenn

Mark Lewis Anthony Lopilato Gary Loser Jim Lowry James Lum

Choyer Lumpp Leslie Lumsden Darren Lynch Terry Lynch Jim Maloy

66 Juniors


1. Preparation for a class presentation consumes David Zimmerman, Mike Cronk, and Retta Wilson. 2. What does Kate Whitfield expect to j ump out of her locker? 3. The parking lot seems to intrigue Bob Downer and David Williams. 4. Puffing and blowing, Mike Hartling practices in band.

Glenda Mann Leslie Mann Mary Martin Steve Marvin Kelly Mason

Ronnie Mawyer Thomas Mawyer Katrina Maynard Mary McCubbin Tom McKeel

Jean Mendelis Steve Miles Melissa Molnar Teresa Moneymaker Debbie Moomaw



Paul Moon Christina Morris David Morris Edward Morris Michael Morris

Thomas Morris Todd Morris Mascha Mowry Charis Muller Andrea Muro

Jaculine Nash Tim Nay Antoinette Nelson Derwin Nelson Dale Newton

1. Marsha Lambert puts an assignment on the board. 2. The hall seems to be the place to catch up on gossip. 3. Hand gestures from Katrina Maynard & Jodi Walsh indicate that a conversation is in progress. 4. Deidra Hughes gets books out of her locker before class.


68 Juniors

Ellen Niehaus Beth O'Bryant Lydia Otano Mayra Otano Donna Partin

Stephanie Patton Lynn Payne Paul Peery Roy Pendleton Angie Perdue

Julie Perkins TammyPeny Mike Pickral David Pillar Wanda Pillow

Scott Porter Stephanie Powell Edward Pryor Cindy Pugh Bill Purvis

David Quarles Doug Ramirez Kara Ramsey Wesley Ramsey Steven Raque


t 1

Allyson Rea George Reaves Molly Reese Christine Richardson Todd Riley

Kermit Roberts Darren Robinson Nora Romine Kathy Routabusk Aretha Rush



Taking the SATs A common interest among many Albemarle students, especially Juniors, was preparing for college. The Scholastic Aptitude Tests was required when applying for college. This made the test very popular. At eight-thirty on Saturday mornings, students could be found at AHS taking SATs. This test consisted of Math and English. After much hard work and dedication, students found out that the SATs weren't so much of a burden, but merely a preparation for the future.


1. Lunch tables serve other purposes than just for eating. 2. Virginia Sl John focuses her attention on a typintf assignment 3. Something interesting seems to be holding the attention of these students in English.

Jeana Rush Sherita Rush Teddy Sanner David Satira Joy Savoray

Heather Scanlon Christine Schladitz Christine Scholle Clara Scopelliti Vicky Scott

Wardella Scott Duane Shanklin Randy Shaver Robert Shawkey Shawn Shelton

70 Juniors

Heidi Sherman Glenda Shifflet Tina Shifflett Tammy Shiflett Michael Shipp

Kenny Shreve David Skeen Tammy Snow Wendi Snow Randy Spears

Kim Sprouse Wesley Sprouse Virginia St. John Todd Stackhouse Kim Steffy


Danna Sullivan Chhaya Suthar Punita Suthar Rodney Tate Grover Taylor

her attention on a typing nts in English.


Robert Taylor Ronnie Taylor Scott Taylor Peter Tevendale Susan Tharp

Michelle Thomas Tracey Thorsen Cathy Tirrell Juliette Tolbert Nicolette Tolbert

Duane Tooley Crystal T umer Frank Turner Jeff Turner Matt Wade



The Prom at its best The Junior Class excelled to make the 1985 Prom the best ever. The fund raising for the Prom was almost as much fun as the Prom itself. Whether it was getting your picture taken with Santa Claus, buying a carnation for a dear friend, or receiving mistletoe along with a kiss, the earned money was happily contributed to the future dance. Students learned from working with these fund raising activities that putting on a prom at a school the size of Albemarle was not an easy task and demanded much hard work.

Cayce Wallace Ramano Wallace Mike Ward Mickey Watson Susan Watson

David Way Brian Wayland Oaire Weaver Rebecca Webster Usa Wharam

Penny White Katharine Whitfield Tracy Whyte David Wilcoxen Carolyn Williams

72 Juniors

1. Since when are cards allowed in class? 2. Heather Butler and a visitor study in the Media Center. 3. Pep rallies before a game gave fwe students a chance to show their spirit 4. What could be so interesting? 5. A tailgate before a football game seems to be fun for JoAnne Holland. 6. Lori Dudley smiles as she chats with a friend during lunch. 7. Make-up work is often done in the halls as Clea Dezio shows us.



David Williams James Williams Kelly Williams Tim Williams Omar Williford

Gail Wilson Gloretta Wilson RayWood Eric Woolford Jennifer Wright

Tracy Wright Beth Yager Kim Yates Kyong Yu David Zimmerman



Sophomores look into future

The Sophomores, no longer the babies of the school, attempted to make this a successful and enjoyable year. They carefully selected classes as they began to realize the importance of academics. Sophomores also looked forward to taking driver's education when they became fifteen years and eight months old. The students worked hard to achieve good grades, succeed in sports, and participate in fun activities.

Terti Allen Ann Ambler Younkeun An Athena Anas Paige Anderson

Pam Anderson Herbie Ankrom Usa Alvis Melissa Austin Cynthia Barker

Donald Barrett Robert Bayston Rosemary Beard Joe Beasley Henry Bell

Arthur Bender Nicole Bennefeld Eric Bennett John Bennett Elinor Benzinger



Sophomore Class Officers, John Blackburn, President; Cynthia Elledge, Vice President; Diana Kost, Secretary; Rosemary Beard, Treasurer.

future Rhonda Berry David Bevilacquo Bina Bhatt Brady Bickers Tommy Bithel

John Blackburn Gloria Blagman Vicky Blikslager Usa Board Stacy Bocock

Sara Bolliger Whit Boswell Michelle Bouchard Kimberley Bourne Rose Bowers "It; Diana Kost, Secretary;

Lora Boyd Amy Boyer Chris Brasted Kevin Breeden Susanna Brent

Sherri Brewer Candace Bridges Lacy Brooks Anna Brown Denise Brown

Ginger Brown Michael Brown Renee Brown Michelle Browning Beth Bruns

Michele Bryant Gary Burke Derick Burton Kristina Cady Doug Canter



Ross Carew Alicia Carey Jackie Carlton Charlie Carter Kim Cavedo

Susan Cavitt Carmelita Chapman John Charlton Cyndi Chartres Tammy Chisholm

Sangwon Choi Karen Clark Bonnie Clements Patrick Clements Steve Cobb

Tracey Cole Jeff Coleman Alicia Conley Anneil Cosby Harry Coukos

Glenn Covington Duke Creighton Laura Cronk Hakan Dagli Stephanie D'Atre

Tina Damikolas Chris Damvakaris Lauren Davis Madeline Davis Scott Davis

Scott Davis Carl Deane Weston Decker Vic Diggs Walter Ditchkus



Beth Dix Marcy Dixon Cassandra Dodson Jan Douglass Jody Dowell

Greg Drumheller Carol Dudley Daniel Dunbar Michelle Dunbar Mike Duncan

Chris Duprey Phillip Dyer Mike Eagan Nikki Edgecomb Rachel Edlich

Sarah Eichelberger Cory Eichman Cynthia Elledge Danny Ellis Michelle Eppard

Anne Estes Danyl Estes Chip Eubank Dawn Farrell Vincent Fielding

Donna Fields Kimberly Fischer Julie Fitz-Hugh Tammy Fitzgerald Jessica Fomalont

Demetrio Ford Rodney Ford Rob Frescoln Sheri Fritz Gretchen Fudala

Sophomores 77

David Gamache Chris Gardner Tim Gardner Ketih Gently Mike Gently

Vahe Ghazarian Steve Gianniny Angela Gibson B .C. Gibson Stephen Giffen

Paul Gillispie Nathan Gleit Amy Glover Tracy Gorby Shawn Grammer


Glen Gravelle Laura Greene Sarah Grode Jeff Guerrant John Haar

I. The shoe seems more important to Omar Williford than the book. 2. Taking advantage of the Media Center, Robin Leiter studies intently. 3. The Media Center offers Portia Jackson and William Morse a quiet place to study. 4. Students find a variety of ways to concentrate on an assignment 5. Tracy Gorby works on Geometly homework.



Testing for College


- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -

Beginning in their sophomore year, Albemarle students began the drudgrey of taking various scholastics tests. Sophomores began with taking the NEDT test. The NEDT was designed to show students' strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Next they suffered through competency tests. The upcoming three years held even more competencies for them. These included SRAs, Preliminary SATs, and SATs. Most important of these standardized tests was probably the SAT because it helped decide which college many of the students would attend. Many of these SAT test takers chose to take theirs over to see if they could improve their scores. Some even took classes to help these scores. Achievement and ACT tests came after SATs and were designed to place up-coming college students in appropriate college classes.


Leslie Hall Sara Hall Tim Hall Rashel Hammond

Nick Hamner Roni Hanger Dawn Harding Rodney Harding

Nathan Harlow Alan Harris Tracy Harris Suzanne Hatcher

Lynn Haverkamp Marti Hawkins Unda Heath David Henderson



Rachel Henry Rob Hensley Tracey Hensley Rodney Herndon Tammy Herring

William Herring Anne Hogan Chris Holdren Tommy Hollingsworth Angela Hollins

Greg Holsapple Ed Hope Tina Marie Horton Rodney Houchens Brad Howard

Karen Hueschen William Huff Elizabeth Huffman Peter Hunt Melissa Hutchinson

Beth Inscoe Anne Jackson Portia Jackson Alan Jacobson Anthony Johnson

Is this real life or a skit being performed by Tom Estes, Karen Clarke, Michelle Mitchell, and Shawna Batten. 80


The lesson is ended and Diana Kost and Alicia Carey relax.

Prom fund • raisers '

Are Martin Taylor, Laurie Murphy, and Pam Murphy holding up the walls?

Fund raising activities were used by many clubs and classes. Groups such as debate and band raised much needed money. The most popular fund raiser was candy sales. Everything from Bike's candy to Gummy Bears was sold. Students spent thousands of dollars on candy this year, thus consuming many sweets. Aside from junk food, however, the band sold citrus fruit and pizza. Students helped to support many organizations by purchasing the fund-raisers.

Carol Johnson Keith Johnson Laura Johnson Tammy Johnson Andrew Johnston

Candy Jones Heather Jones Shelly Jones Stephanie Jones David Jordan

Deborah Jordan Jeane Jordan Tammy Judge Kristen Kadner Timothy Karr

Missy Kauffman George Kelley Kate Kelly Yvonne Kemon Marvin Kerl

Kenny Key Angela Kidd Usa Kindrick Caroline Kirby Laura Kirchgessner

Alicia Carey relax. Sophomores


Kirk Kirkland Jay Kirtley Ann Kirwan Diana Kost John Kost

Joseph l..add Analisa l..age Elizabeth Lane Scarlet Lane Troy Lane

Alanna Lee Robin Leiter Beth Undsay Dena Unkous Bobbie Uoyd

Christine Lopilato Amy Lovejoy John Macko Surakit Malairuang Brenda Marshall

1 1. Sang Won must have just heard a good jokel2. Roberta Anderson and Octavia Young take a break in science class. 3. Are Blna Bhatt and Young Keun An really studying for their test?



Alesia Martin Brian Martin Laura Jean Martin Tony Martin Whitney Martin

Amy Marvin Andy Mason Danyl Mason Garrett Mathews Laurie Mays

Courtney McDaniel Julie McEldowney Chris McGee Jennifer McKamey Mark Mclaughlin

Lorie Michie Stacy Miller Jeanetta Mills Kim Miskimon Amanda Mitchell

Michelle Mitchell Mike Mooney Mark Moore Brad Morris Eddie Morris

Greg Morris Kristine Morris Mike Morris Tracy Morris Cai Mowry

Kenny Moyers Wayne Mullins Martin Murphy Jane Nash Ricky Nelson



Michelle Newman David Obenshain Lucy Oliver Wendy Olsen Robin Orser

Stephanie Parr Greg Parrish Usa Partrid9e Susan Pavlansky Norman Pearson

Paul Perkins David Phillips Lawrence Pilkey Scott Piotti Michael Plunkett

1. Many serious problems are solved over lunch. 2. What do you mean, Omar Williford? 3. "He's not really taking our picture, is he?" asks Pinky Nelson. 4. The extended lunch provides Leslie Hall and Sarah Grode more time for deep conversation.



New lunch Schedule The AHS faculty had much discussion and controversy over whether there should be two or three lunches. Finally, it was decided that there would be two 45 minutes lunches instead of three 30 minute lunches. The students of AHS wanted a break from their long classes and hard school work. The classes were shortened and the students seemed to be much happier and pleased with the faculty's decision. This seemed to make the students, ready to go to their classes after lunch and be more prepared because the students were able to have a break; otherwise they wouldn't have. This also allowed more time for make-up work. Students could get help from teachers.

Jeff Powell Usa Powell Robert Powell James Proffit

David Proffitt Wendy Pugh Betsy Purvis Julie Quisenberry

Samuel Ragland Slobhan Ragland Daniel Rea Jerry Reed

Sean Reynolds Todd Richardson Ann Ridderwold Kevin Riddle

~I 3 Sophomores


Shawn Roberts Brian Rodeffer Kelly Rogers Nancy Rosson Heather Rudin

Lori Runkle Mark Rush Tracy Rush Chris Rutland Charlie Safley

Kathi Sandridge Susan Satira Mary Beth Saunders Rebecca Scarr Greg Scharer

Allison Schrak Tricia Sells Ginny Shafer David Shanklin Angela Shattuck

3 1. Let" s hear it for the breezeway and good friends! 2. Are these guys kidding or are they about to break into dance? 3. Laura Williams uses on the breezeway.



Students enjoy SAP

Many students used their SAP periods for a variety of activities. As you walked out on the breezeway, a familiar sight would be students studying for a test for their next class or just socializing with their friends. Some unlucky students had to serve their SAP for their teachers because of too many tardies or other "crime" which were punishable by the same means. SAP was a welcome break for all AHS students and was used in various ways.

Ron Sheffey Jan Shifflett Matt Short Joanie Showalter Denise Shull

John Sisson Debbie Sites Teresa Sites Greg Skinner Jun Slinkman

John Slough Karen Smith Robin Smith Tony Spears Glen Steigman

Trey Steigman Andrew Stevenson Shannon Stewart Miller Stoddard John Stone




Kimberley Swithenbank Suniah Tahboub Sherrie Tawney Darnell Taylor Karin Taylor

Martin Taylor Kimberly Templin Betty Thacker Mary Thacker Nancy Thackera

Lynn Theodose Ann Thomas Debbie Thomas Margueriata Thomas Sharon Thomas

Tim Todd David Topper Eric Tucker Xavier Tufty David Underwood

Joe Underwood Greg Vaughan Chris Vayvada Emily VermiUion Michael Viar

Steve Vesper Anthony Walker George Walker Michael Walker Windy Walton

Sherod Ward Dan Warren Kathy Watkins Timothy Way Carrie Weber




Jennifer West Susie Westrater Cary Wheeler Nina White Krista Whitehead

Tom Whitten Stacy Williamson Neil Wilson Maggie Wingate Cathy Wingfield

Angela Winston Steve Witcher Becky Wood Christina Wood Jeff Wood


Octavia Young Laura Younker Shab Zandi Kenneth Zauner Stephanie Zeh



Could this be Dawn Lee, Allison Shrank, Kate Kelly and John Rose in English class?!

Drama offers students an opportunity for a creative outlet



Freshmen • experience a change The Freshmen class showed signs of apprehension during the first few days of school. Soon, however, they became active in the SCA, sports, and clubs. The Freshmen found that they had to work much harder to achieve good grades in high school than they did in middle school. Teachers loaded them with harder assignments and more homework. By the end of the year, the Freshmen were as much a part of the school as the Seniors, and they contributed greatly to its success.

Dawn Abare Jamie Akers Dana Alexander Kelly Alexander Mark Allen

Stephanie Amato Youncheu An Angie Andrews Scott Archer Julie Arey

Jason Armistead Frances Arnold Angus Arrington Marker Baber Robbie Bailey

Undsay Baker Dina Bar-Yaacor Jill Bare David Barrett Dawn Barrett



Freshmen Class Officers: Laura Williams, Treasurer; Ellen Lester, Secretary; Joy Daniels, Vice President; Ubby Edwards, President

Taryn Barrett Bobby Batchelor Shanna Batten Susan Batten Leanne Battle

Ginny Behrens Eugene Belew Stephanie Belew Phil Benzinger Jason Bergem

Angela Bernhard Barbie Berry Lorrie Billups Margaret Bishop Mark Black

Emily Blankenbeckle David Blankenship Wendy Bocock Keith Bolen Terri Breden

Gene Breeden Nancy Breeden Roger Breeding George Brewer Charles Brown

Elbert Brown Gary Brown Kendra Brown Mike Brown Sally Brown

Sophia Brown Larry Broy Wanda Bruce James Bryant Rodney Bryant



Dana Burton Wendell Burton Kathy Canter Stephen Capiu.i Carla Capps

' Christopher Carew Bill Carey CherJt Carey Rodney Carter Tracy Carter

Robbie Cash Angela Cason Travis Cavanaugh Byron Chandler Usa Chapman

Kim Charron Greg Childress Nick Chivily

Gary Christain Dusty Christain

Cathy Clemmer Dave Clicquennoi Melissa Cline Bradley Cohen Dawn Coles

Bill Collier Heather Colvin Dana Cooper Unda Cooper Suzanne Courtney



Judy Crawford William Crawford Heather Criser Elisa Currie Joi Daniels

.. '

'• ~~~~~~~~~-





Rajesh Daryanani Brian Davis Rodney Davis Sarah Dean Ketth Deane

Kim Deane Tim Deane F elecia Deberry Dean Dei!ood Michelle Delaunay

Eddie D'Elicio James Dell Chris Delio Dorraine Dillard Stacey Dinning

Todd Doffiemyer Rad Donato Michael Dorrier Michelle Dudley Tracy Dunbar

Delores Dunivan Charles Dunkl Shonna Durham Vanessa Eades Teresa Eddins

Juanita Eddy Ubby Edwards Chip Ehrhardt Donna Ehardt George Elliot

Wayne Eppard Camilla Eubanks Sherice Eubanks Thomas Eubanks Todd Evers

Freshmen 93



Tammy Fisher Stacey Frtzgerald Erich Fleming Uli Flynn Heather Foltz

Tuomi Forest Glenn Forloines Jennifer Foss David Fowley Geneva Fox

Cathy Freid Laura Friesen Michelle Frye Michelle Fuller Oarence Gaines

' I

These floors are as hard as they look!

This year's Freshmen class was one of the most spirited that Albemarle had ever seen. The Freshmen started out the year by placing o!"Jy a few points out of second in the Homec:oming Spirit Week competition. The Freshmen then advanced to capture first place in the annual Thanksgiving food drive. Their reward for the cpmmunity and school achievement was a movie after mid-term exams. The Freshmen clas~ promised to build class spirit at Albemarle and to be in constant competition for the Spirit-Stick. .

94 Freshmen



The Breezeway is a very popular place during SAP and lunch.

Pausing in the hall for a break Robin Mason, Witendale Burton, and Elbert Brown pose for a picture. t

Simone Gardnee Mark Ganison Roslyn Ganison Vicki Garver Pamela Geer

Wendy Geer Coleman Gentry Lois Gentry Trent Giannini Scott Gibson

Renee Gilka Michael Good John Gordon Kevin Gordon Stacy Gordon

Julie Goss Bradley Grady Kenny Graham Matthew Graves Paul Green

Rebecca Green Sonya Green Tami Green Usa Greene Tracey Greene

Heather Griffith Matt Grimm Amy Guerrant Anne Haberly David Haga

Tess Hainer James Haistead Stacy Halbach William Hall James Halstead

1se for a picture.

Freshm en


Mike Hamm Amy Haney Chris Haney Heather Hansen Angie Harlow

Scott Harlow Kim Harper Usa Harper Scott Harper Scott Harrell

Jennifer Harrelson Erik Harrington · Jason Harris Jennifer Harris. Jim Hart

Leslie Hartman Mike HIIIVey Tammi Hastings Matt Haught Brenda Hawley

Melissa Hedgeman Charlie Hedrick C¥,s Helwig Deborati Henshaw S.cott Hensley

Jeff Herath Chris Herold Pamela Herring Anita Hershey Leroy Hester


n or

cc m th

Jennifer Hicks Alfred Hill Brian Hill Christopher Hill Warren Hill

we m• Ff'l at tio


94 96







Adam Hiller Anthony Hiller Amanda Hinton Nicole Hofland Lawrence Holland

Eric Hollingsworth Joey Holsapple George Hooper Elaine Houghton Katherine Howland

Shannon Hubbard Usa Huffman Michelle Hughes Donna Hunt Clifton Inabinet

Debbie Jackson Jennifer Jackson Erika Jansen Patrick Jarvis Sheny Jarvis

Wanda Jarvis Billy Jenkins Nicole Jesser Dana Johnson Deitrich Johnson

Kenny Johnson Melissa Johnson Jason Jones Tracey Jones Veronica Jones



Christie Jordan Clarence Jordan Scott Jordan Jacob Joseph Usha Joseph

\ Freshmen


Jeff Judge Rob Kadner Bany Keith Ullian Kelly Mary Sydney Kelly

Beth Ann Kennedy Suzanne Kerns David Kettrick Jim Kettrick Angela Key

Gopal Khare Stephen Kim Steve Kleiber Michael Knight Rhonda Lackey

David Lamb

Usa Lambert Cynthia Lane Marciare Lang Jeff Lanier

Janet Lawson Ronald Lawson Grace Lee Uonel Lee Roderick Lee

Sunny Lee Rebecca Lenn Ellen Lester Jennifer Lewis

Kim Lewis


Leah Lewis Stuart Lively Denise Uoyd Sheny Lovin Marcus


. 98





Brandon Lynch Laura MacDonald Armen Malikian Scott Mandell Dana Marlett

Kathryn Marsh James Marshall Tr!ti Martin Robin Mason Heather Mauldin

Katherine McCarthy Keith McCauley Michael McCauley William McClure Doug McCoy

Beth Anne McCray Wendy McDaniel Susanne McDonald Rob McLaughlin Cathy McMahon

Usa McMahon Barbara Melton Wendy Melville Cathy Meyers Suzanne Michaud

Dawn Mihalsky Wanda Mills Emmanuel Mineo Aaron Minnis Barbara Moneymaker

Trevor Moon Chris Moore Robbie Moore Mark Morgan Julie Morris



Back to school apprehension There is always a bit of apprehension. During the first few days of school, freshmen wandered around the halls in confusion and amazement. Only people who had been freshmen knew what it was like to be a freshman. Many freshmen stated that throughout the year there were so many changes. As the year progressed, though, they became more relaxed and mor.e involved in activities, games, and pep rallies. Sap's allowed them time to mingle and enjoy meeting new people. One big change for most was the increase in the amount of homework. Middle school and high school homework loads were two different things. By the end of the first semester, freshmen all seemed to be doing very well. When exams came around, they seemed very prepared. In the long run, by the end of the year, they turned out to be a very important part of Albemarle High School. The freshman year had prepared them for the following years at • ' AH.S.

Wayne Thomas listens to his English teacher.

Tommy Hastings takes a break during class.

Computer classes offered new challenges to Allen Hirsd\ Scott Harrell, and Marcus Lucks.

Micliael Moms Rhonda Morris Sandra Moms Ezekwin Mosby Paula Mueller

Teresa Mundi Marquette Mundy Michael Muro Pam Mwphy Cynthia Murray


.. .,

.. William Murray Thuy Nguyen Mark Niehaus James Norcross Amy Oehlschlaeger

1 100





- 路

Wesley Oliver Dan Olsen Margarita Otano David Owings Laura Parrott

Sharon Payne Stuart Payne Taunya Payne Robert Peery Huck Pence


Rebecca Pence Roberta Pence Jim Pender Randy Pennington Bettie Perdue

Wayne Perry Matt Peterson R.E. Phillips Heather Pillar Gavin Pinchback -challenges to Allen Hirsch, :ks.

Dallas Pitt Kristin Pitt Becca Pitts David Poff Fella Powell

Mary Price Jeff Proffitt Jon Proffitt Tommy Pugh Kevin Purdy

Rodney Putnam James Rae Jennifer Rae Kristy Rankin Michelle Regnier



Robert Reid Andy Rein Nick Reppucci Joe Rice Cannelinda Richard

Elizabeth Richardson Kristin Rideout Jackie Ritter Darlene Roach Charles Robbins

Dawn Roberts Usa Roberts Steve Roberts Will Roberts Chris Robinson

Steve Robinson Tracy Roche Gregory Rogan Rachel Romine Sarah Rotgin

Brian Roupe Deangelo Rush Usa Rush Carol Russell Karen Samuels

Scott Saunders Gloria Saylor

Thomas Schladitz Mathew Schlesinger Wendy Schrock

Susan Schumaker Donald Scott James Scott Tammy Scott Keith Secoski

• 102 '·



Jay Shawkey 路 Oakey Shifflett Dale Shiflett Tammy Shiflett Jennifer Short

Mike Shrader Jim Simpson Carrie Slinkman Laura Slocum Irene Slutsky

Doug Smith Vickie Smith Tracy Snead Andrew Snoddy Howard Snoddy

Robert Snow Lori Sollins Randy Spencers Billy Spradlin Annette Sprouse

Howard Sprouse Kim Sprouse Petrida Sprouse Peter Stacy Robin Stafford

Usa Steppe Uzzie Stokes Julie Stuart Jennifer Sullivan Mark Sullivan

Leigh Syvester Samer Tahboub Hunter Taylor Tim Taylor Tom Taylor

'' Freshmen


Stacy Thacker Usa ThomilS Wayne ThomilS Ellen Tobin Charles Tomlin

Jennifer Tompkins Kevin Toms Donald Toney Gary Trader Neil Truhar

Tee Tucker Estelle T umer Mike Vaglio Andrew Vaughan Wanda Viar

Freshmen, as well as Sophomores, were required to pass physical education and health. Many students enjoyed P.E. classes, although others found P.E. and health more difficult. Students learned the techniques of football, handball, basketball, and volleyball. Health classes studied vital information such as what to do in a disaster, life路 saving, and family life. The freshmen, in most cases looked forward to another year of P.E., a year when they could expand skills already learned. Most students looked forward to this time as a time to release-someofthestored energy from hours of sitting .in desks. -

Gym classes offer time for James Marshall to use up some energy.



Stacy Gordan and about theil"'lunch.

Je~ don't seem too sure

The wall privides a prop for Leslie Hall as she chiD Tracy Hensly.

David Fowley talks to a friend at his locker between classes.


Kimberly Vosper \Scott Wagner Chip Walker Jackie Waller James Washington


Brian Watkins Angela Waufle Melissa Waufle Vanessa Wetsel Glenn White

Jamie White Jeff White Rodney White Sherri Whyte Suzanne Wiest

Felicia Williams Kathy Williams Laura Williams Sandra Williams Hunter Williamson

lie Hall as she chats with

Eric Wilson Kimberly ~mer Tracy Wircenski Leigh Wilson Chip Wood

Monica Wood Pam Wood Paul wood Usa Wyant Chrissann Yankay

Christine Zaegel Sherrie Zandi Lewis Zaretzki Pamela Zauner Mark Zimmerman



106 Sports DMder






CHS and WAHS wins highlight season The AHS Varsity football team posted a 4-6 record this year to negate the past two 0-1 0 seasons. Coach Bob Rimmer carried the team emotionally throughout the season. He took the job of head coach suddenly at the end of the summer. His staff of coaches raised the spirits of the players to an overwhelming high. Coaches Clyde Hoy, Brian Grainer, Dick Lage, and Dan Ward helped Coach Rimmer build a close relationship between players and coaches. Albemarle's Varsity football team posted several big wins this season. AHS beat rival Charlottesville twice, and had victories over Western and Fauquier. The team captains were John Rose, Walter Smith, and Richard Lage. The MVP was Walter Smith, who led the team in scoring. Albemarle hoped to have a winning season next year with many returning players. The Junior Varsity football team also had a good season in 1984. The team was coached by Gary Shepard and only lost to CHS. They finished the season with a 5-1 record. Hopefully, they will carry this winning tradition on to the Varsity football team. The Ninth Grade football team, coached by Doug Seldon, ended the season with a record of 4-2. This showed the outstanding success of a team composed mostly of First year Football players.

2 I. The Patriots celebrate after winning the first game of the season against Fauquier. 2. Kico Hedrick takes a well deserved break to watch the game. 3. The cheerleaders show their support for the football team. 4. Larry Henderson and Richard Lage prepare to stop the Fauquier offense. 路

4 108


1. Greg Stokes, Herbie Davis, and Richard L..age talk about the game they will play. 2. An Albemarle player tries to run against Western. 3. Quarterback John Rose keeps the ball against Western. 4. John Rose talks to Coach Rimmer about the play. 5. Chip Eubank watches aJ.V. player being hit by a STAB player.


5 Football


Goalposts fall -

season rises

Varsity Football Scores Albemarle

19 14 6

Fauquier Westem Albemerle

14 0 20 31


46 17


25 6

Ninth ar.de FootDell Scores Albermsrle

0 0

Western Albemerle ~r



18 28 6






14 0


.Chllrlottesville Record -4-2

5 110




- - -

--- --- ~


- - -- -





1. AHS students show their spirit by ripping down the goalpost after a big win. 2. The Patriots come together to get psyched before the game. 3. Phil Dyer and Hugh Martin celebrate a victory. 4. The Patriot offense awaits the call from the sidelines. 5. James Halstead, Stacey Fitzgerald, and Wendell Burton listen to the officals call. 6 . Lawerence Holland and Ricky Garton watch the game from the sidelines. 7. Varsity Football team, front row: Tim Werres, Mark Myrick, Richard Lage, Larry Henderson, Walter Smith, John Rose, Tony Miller, Roland Rush, Patrick Murray, Clarence Johnson. Second row: Mike Sheffield, Travis Cavanaugh, David Shifflett, Tommy Oliver, Mark Roberts, Mark Hofland, Kevin Jones, Hugh Martin, Herbie Davis, Arthur Brown, Greg Stokes, Robert Chapman, Mike Ward, Taber Martin. Third row: Rodney Carter, Frank Turner, David Morris. Rob Taylor, Mike Bums, Kico Hedrick, Chris Cavanaugh, Don Barrett, Tim Hipskind, Chip Eubanks, Joe Beasley, Steve Jackson. Back row: Rodney Tate, Lowell Davis, Darnell Taylor, Phil Dyer, Ronald Sheffey, Lacy Brooks, Tony Henley, Keith Fletcher. 8. J.V. FootbaD team, front row: Jan Shifflett, Rob Taylor, Harry Coukos, Donnie Barrett, Joe Beasley, Chris Duprey, Chip Eubanks. Second row: Surkit Malainiang, Nick Hamner, Kevin Breeden, Darryl Estes, Charlie Safley, Lacy Brooks, Rodney Carter, Steve Jackson. Third row: Chris Dygert. David Morris, Darnell Taylor, Mike Morris, Matt Short, Jody DoweU, Rodney Herndon. Back row: David Brown, Glen Covington, Philip Dyer, William Huff. Derek Burton, Ron Sheffey. 9. Ninth Grade FootbaU team, front row: Mike Schrader, Scott Hensley, Jeff Hines, Anthony Hill, Mike Brown, Billy Crawford, Billy Hall, Chris Hill, Erick Fleming, Rob Cash. Second row: ~onnie Lawson, Matt Peterson, Terrance Scott Bradley Grady, Keith Bolen, Rodney Bryant, Mark Neihaus, Donald Toney, Erik Harrington, Billy Morse, Wendell Burton, Tun Deane. 11*d row: Billy Spradlin, Lawrence Holland, James Halstead, Adam Hiller, Tad Chambers. Billy Jenkins, Clarence Jordon, Lyndell Rush, Leroy Hester, Steve Robinson, Rob Bailey, Travis Cavanaugh. Back row: Aaron Minnis, Barry Kieth, Todd Dofflemyer, John Gordon, Rodney Davis, Ricky Garton, Stacy Fitzgerald, Donald Spencer, Jason Bergen, Mike Hamm.

6 Football


Volleyball wins district


Under the coaching of Bonnie Nielson, the Albemarle Varsity Volleyball team again had an outstanding season. The Lady Patriots ended their season with a 11-1 record in the district and a 15-3 record overall. The highlights of the season were winning the Western District title and competing in the Northwestern Regional semi-finals. Also , the team placed second in the Franklin County Tournament, the highest seeding ever accomplished by an Albemarle Volleyball team. Captains for this years team were Seniors Donna Pippin, Mary Vermillion, and Page Newman. These girls helped lead the way for the great season. Placing on the First Team All-District were senior spiker Annabel Thompson, senior setter Mary Vermillion, and senior setter-spiker Page Newman. Receiving second team honors were junior Denise Bickley and sophomore setter-spiker Emily Vermillion. Honorable mention went to senior spiker Donna Pippin. MVP for the 1984-85 season went to Mary Vermillion and the Best Sportsmanship honor went to Donna Pippin. TheJ.V. Volleyball team was still an unofficial sport but under the coaching of Carole Vidrine-Wright, the team had a record of 5-2. TheJ.V. team provided an opportunity for freshmen and sophomores to strengthen their skills for future years on Varsity. The award for the most dedicated J.V. player went to Tammi Shifflet.


3 112









9 I. Mary Vermillion sets the ball for a waiting team member. 2. With a killer spike, Annabel Thompson scores a point 3. Volleyball teani members, "Is there a plane flying low in the AHS gym?" 4. Concentrating very hard, Denise Bickley prepares to return a serve. 5 . Rebecca Scarr, Steve Houchens, and Missy Houchens keep stats for a volleyball game. 6. With her back towards the team, Emily Vermillion sets the ball. 7. Coach Nielson imitates Joan Rivers. 8. Taking her frustrations out on the ball, Annabel Thompson serves. 9. Stephanie Coukos receives congratulations from Missy Kaufman.


8 Volleyball





VoDeybaU Scores Albemarle

3 3 3

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Amh Heritagll G.W.Ilnilt 011Jrl~



Regionals Potomac Re<:Qrd 1!1'3



3 1. Varsity Volleyball team, front row: Page Newman, Annabel 'Thompson, Mary Vermillion, Donna Pippen, Pam Dix. Second row: Rebecca Scarr, Stephanie Coukos, Denise Bickley, Lori Dudley, Molly Reese, Beth Henry, Missy Houchens. Back row: Carole Vidrine-Wright, Wendi Garrison, Steve Houchens, Missy Kaufman, Emily Vermillion, Analisa Lage, Karen Scarr, Coach Bonnie Nielson2. J.V. VoDeyball team, front row: Kristen Rideout, Stephanie Zeh, Wendy Bocock, Tess Hainer, Wanda Mills. Second row: Tammi Shifflet, Jeanne Jordon, Suzanne Courtney, Dawn Barrett Back row: Steve Houchens, Carole VidrineWright, Missy Houchens, Kim Lewis, Wendy Garrison, Cynthia Murray, Karen Scarr, Carrie Weber, Rebecca Scarr, Tessa Norris, Coach Bonnie Nielson.3. Emily Vermillion and Donna Pippen wait for the game to begin. 4. Volleyball team members rejoice after a winning point



Both Cross Country teams take district title The 1984 AHS Cross Country teams were the most successful that Albemarle had seen in recent years. Coached by Dan Monahan and Lance Weisend, both teams finished the season with winning records. The boys' team won the District Championship, placed second in the Regionals and seventh in the State. The team had great success with the running of Alan Hershey, Peter Salters, Andy Crowder, Tom McKeel, and Jeff Guerrant Albemarle took first place in both the AHS Invitational and the Woodberry lnvit"ational. The girls' team did equally weU by winning the Lynchburg Invitational. The girls' captured the District Championship to end their season. They were paced by Jennifer Lear and Roni Hanger.




3 1. Allen Hershey leads the pack in this race. 2. Receiving their numbers, Diana Kost, and William Murray prepare to start the race. 3. Cross Country members listen to Coach Weisend before the meet 4. Taking the run in stride, Kathy Watkins paces herself. 5. Showing the pain, Andy Crowder pushes on.


5 Cross Country




Boys' Cross Country Scores Albemarle




King ~rge



Char~!ÂĽ . W~ln~

24 1st 1st 2nd

E.C. Gfass AHS!nvi I.; erg



2nd lit




3 •





2nd 7th

5tlte Record -


Olrll' Cross Countly Albemerle )1

18" 5th 21 5th

AlbeiJI!llh Cherlottesvirf'




~.C. Glass

WAHS Invitational Lynchburg Invitational


Herage FUMA District ,Recor<t- !-1



1. The girls' cross country team prepares start a race. 2. Marti Hawkins takes time out to relax after a run. 3. The boys' team prepares to run sprints.4. Girls' Cross Country team, front row: Roni Hanger, Julie Quisenberry, Leslie Lumsden, Jennifer Lear, Greer Gould, Jackie Tucker, Kathy Watkins. Back row: Coach Lance Weisend, Amy Marvin, Margaret Bishop, Laura Cronk, Diana Kost, Marti Hawkins, Julie Stuart, Coach Dan Monahan. 5. Greer Gould and Jennifer Lear head for the finish line. 6. Hoping to place first, Peter Salters runs the last leg of the race. 7. Chris Coster maintains a slim lead over the field.8. Boys' Cross Country team, front row: Andy Crowder, Allen Hershey, Peter Salters, Chris Coster, Nicolas Danigo, Danny Wood, Mike Cronk. Kendrick Goss. Second row: Scott Mandell, Howard Sprouse, Chris HetwiQ, Chris Herold, Leigh Wilson, William Murray, Larry PiTkey. Back row: Coach Lance Weisend, Tom McKeel, Greg Scharer, John Hainer. Deane DeGood, Joe Garland, Jeff Guerrant, Coach Dan Monahan. 9. Drained at the end of the race, Mike Cronk looks forward to rest


Cross Country

L ll

.\JtUnO::) SSOJ::)

Hockey wins District With excellent coaching by Ms. Dottie Bohannon, Albemarle Girls' Field Hockey team had a successful1984 year finishing with 10-1-1 record for the season. For the District title they played Charlottesville twice winning first 4-0 then 1-0. Then they strove for the Regional title playing North Stafford and finished the season losing Regionals 2-0. All of these accomplishments took great effort and support from the team as a whole and not just individuals. The MVP for defense was Andrea Jones and the offensive MVP was Gretchen Fudala. These two contributed a lot to the winning season. The JV team also had a successful season with the help of Ms. Meg Hutchins. Their ending record for the season was 8-1-1. They were able to establish such an undefeatable record with the help of Cynthia Elledge who won MVP. Not only was the MVP important, but teamwork also proved to be rewarding.




118 Field Hockey


:t Varsity Aeld Hockey Scores Albemarle 2 Stafford AHS Invitational 3 Herndon 0 Kempsville 1-0-3 Western Albemarle 2 Fauquier CoUegiate 1 4 Charlottesville 2 STAB 7 Fauquier Charlottesville 1 Stafford 3 2 Western Albemarle District 0 N. Stafford Record - 10-2-1

0 1

4 1-0-2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2

JV Aeld Hockey Scores Albemarle 0 2 0 3 2

5 2 3 2 3

Stafford Western Albemarle Collegiate Tandem Charlottesville STAB CharlottesviUe Stafford Western Albemarle Tandem Record- 6-1-1

0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

9 1. Varsity Add Hockey team, front row: Heather Scanlon, Andrea Jones, Sherri Lawhorn, Tamara McCauley, Karen L..auffenberger, Kelly Mays, Tma Roberts, Cindy Jacobs. Back row: Coach Dottie Bohannon, Dawn Lee, Lori Younker, Claire Weaver, Sheri Lawrence, Betsy Geik, Gretchen Fudala, Judith Barnett. 2. Dawn Lee watches the ball as she races up the field. 3. J.V. Field Hockey team, front row: Marcy Dixon, Suzi Westrater, Lori Runkle, Cynthia Elledge, Stacy Bocock, Suniah Tahboub. Second row: Coach Meg Hutchins, Mary Sydney Kelley, Jennifer Sullivan, Katie Kelly, Elaine Houghton, Beth Anne McCray. Back row: Ulian Kelly, Kim Vosper, Usa Roberts. Laura Williams, Laura McDonald, Tracy Carter. 4. Cheri Lawrence rushes to regain possession against a Western opponent 5. Running alongside her opponent, Claire Weaver pursues the ball. 6. Anna Fussa keeps the ball from an opposing player. 7. The Varsity field hockey team celebrates another AHS victory. 8. Laura Williams takes a break during halftime. 9. Andrea Jones defends the goal against a scoring attempt by a Western player. 10. Moving toward the goal, Tamara McCauley controls the ball.

Field Hockey


Tennis posts winning record The AHS Girls' Tennis team once again had a winning record of 8-4 for the season. First year coach, Peggy Redmond lead the team throughout the year with both her coaching and friendship. The team was lead by seniors Heather Knight and Sharron Warren in both singles and doubles play. Although the team will loose many seniors, talented underclassmen including Maggie Wingate , Ellen Niehaus, and Michelle Bouchard provide a good start for next year's team.


Girls' Tennis Scores Albemarle

9 0

Halifax E.C. Glass Amherst Heritage Charlottesville G.W. Danville E.C. Glass Halifax Heritage G.W. Danville Charlottesville Amherst District G.W. Danville Record- 8-5


9 9 2 0 9 9 0 9 8


0 9 2 0 0 7

9 0 0 9 0


1. Maggie Wingate returns to serve another point. 2. Making a nice silhouette, Kathy McMahon shows good form in returning the ball. 3. Corrinne Depret-Guilliame practices her game. 4. Posing for a picture, Heather Knight returns the ball. 6. Girls' Tennis team, front row: Kim Steffey, Corrinne Depret-Guilliame, Ellen Niehaus, Heather Knight, Louise Finger, Sharan Warren , Lilian Clemena, Lou Kirchkessner. Back row: Dawn Farrel, Michelle Dulaney, Jennifer Dunk!, Coach Peggy Redmond, Michelle Bouchard, Christie Jordan, Kathy McMahon.




Golfers play new course The Albemarle Golf team , coached by Ralph Harrison, had a winning regular season in 1984. The team finished 4th in the District defeating crosstown rivals, Charlottesville and Western Albemarle. Outstanding players were Billy Morrow, Wes Sobbott, Brian Wayland, and T any Good who qualified for regionals. A new golf course, UVA's newly built Birdwood golf course, replaced the old Keswick country club course. Golf provided the participants with a good hobby to keep long after school has ended.


Golf Scores Albemarle 3rd 4th 340 240 156 157 I \ 170 4th


District District Waynesboro Western Albemarle Heritage Charlottesville Waynesboro District Dual Match Record 4-0

344 257 171 178 172

1. The golf team enjoys a day on the green. 2. Brian Wayland smooths out the sandtrap before going to the next hole. 3. Brian Wayland watches as Tony Good sinks a putt. 4. Coach Harrison relaxes during a team practice. 5. Golf team, front row: David Kettrick, Jimmy Kettrick, Mark Mclaughlin, Rob Mclaughlin. Back Row: Billy Morrow, Matt Wade, Brian Wayland, Wes Sobbot, Matt Wood.


5 Golf


Lots to cheer for The Albemarle cheerleaders had a lot to cheer for in the '84-'85 sports seasons. Both the teams they cheered for and the cheerleaders excelled. Beginning in June and continuing through July, the cheerleaders practiced each week for their trip to a National Cheerleaders ' Association summer camp held at Old Dominion University. Coached by Beth Barr, Kim Payne, Janna Olsen, and Pam Price, all three squads made a good showing at camp. During the school year from September until March, the cheerleaders spent many hours a week dedicated to their sport. In November, stuntman tryouts were held and four new members were added to the varsity squad. All in al! the hard work paid off and the '84-'85 season proved to be enjoyable as well as very successful.







1. Ginny Helfenstein prepares to j ump. 2. Kelley Gerbert and Katrina Maynard are pressed at the top of a pyramid. 3. J .V. cheerleaders cheer at a football game. 4. This year's squad's mascot was Ryan Mason. 5. Chant the team to victory, girls. 6. Ninth grade cheerleaders chant for their football team . 7. J.V. Cheerleaders, front row: Lynn Theodose, Karen Clark, Amy Byer. Second row: Beth Bruns, Denise Brown. Back row: Paige Anderson , Rashel Hammond, Michelle Dunbar. 8. Varsity Cheerleaders, front row: Lora Boyd, Second row; Ginny Helfenstein, Karen VanDerveer, Darren McCauley, Tanya Lee, Kelley Gerbert, Katrina Maynard. Third row: Pinkie Nelson, April Lassiter, Kelly Mason, Michael Hartling, Todd Stackhouse, Cheri Anderson . 9. Ninth grade cheerleaders perform at a game. 10. Ninth Grade Cheerleaders, front row: Susan Batten. Second row: Angie Andrews, Ginny Behrens, Nancy Breeden. Back row: Joi Daniels, Elaine Garber, Heather Griffith, Sonny Lee. 11 . Cheri Anderson straddles atop a stunt. 12. At a pep rally Lynn Thomas, Cheri Anderson, and Katrina Maynard clap for the team.




12 Cheerleaders


A better beat ~




-.-:~"'~ 路-'C'~路.-


... '.

The Marching Band got off to one of its best starts ever this year. Though the band was younger than groups in the past, it showed a spirit of pride and dedication that helped add to its success throughout the year. After two long weeks of practice before school began, the band was ready to flash its award-winning show during each of the home football games. The band not only performed during these halftime shows but also competed in field show and parade competitions across the state. Lead by drum major Chris Tesack, the band showed well in all of its competitions including first place in the Charlottesville Calvalcade. For their pride and never-ending dedication, we salute the band and its hard-working leaders. 1. Band members perform at an AHS football game. 2. Mr. Sampson tensely awaits the arrival of his band. 3. Drum Major Chris Tesack marches the band onto the field. 4. The AHS band daules the fans at a football game. 5. AHS Marching Band, front row: Tracy Dunbar, Li sa Wa rham , Beth Yager, Tammy Johnson, Courtney McDaniel, Octavia Young , DeAnn Beale, Bena Bhatt, Gail Wilson, Lisa Board, Heather Hanson . Second row: Mr. Sampson , Sarah Rosenblum , Amy Bithell , Wayne Perry, Clyde Green, John Kost, Chris Tesa ck, Jan Douglas, Brian Branch, James McNew, Greg Vaughan , Tim Nay, Mary Beth Saunders. Third row: Heather (riser, Kristy Rankin, Bobby Reid , Gloria Saylor, Deidra Hughes, Kevin Saunders, Dana Burton , Gina Arbogast. Mellissa Waune , Simone Gardner. Fourth row: Valencia Terrell, Christine Lopilato, Tim Karr, Randy Pennington, Thierry Laurent, Mike Hartling, Paul Hartling, Paul Gillispie, Ronnie Taylor, Steve Kleiber, Melissa Hedgeman, Pam Anderson , Juanita Young. Fifth row: David Gamache, Tim Batten, Scott Archer, Coleman Gentry, Anita Hershey, Eddie D'Eiicio, Kim Miskimmon, Bobby Powell, Tommy Bithell, Gavin Pinchback, David Pillar, Peter Hunt, Glenn Forloines, Todd Richardson , Melanie Johnson, John Bauer, Carrie Checchi, Robin Mason. Sixth row: Stacy Halback, Cindy Chartres, Jenifer Fudala, Tammi Fisher, Tina Horton, Stephanie Parr, Kim Cauedo, Jennifer Wright, Danny Faxon, Doug Smith, Heather Day, Sylvia Hollo, Linda Cooper, Susan Collier, Candy Jones, Heather Colvin, Cathy Canter.


Marching Band



Unsung heroes The Student Trainer Club was an integral part of the AHS sports program. Sports medicine had a neces~ary and well-staffed program. The club consisted of seniors Val Hughes, Warren McCann, Kathy Ward, and Terilynne Wright; juniors Cheri Gibbs and Tracey Thorsen and freshmen Marclare Lang and Taunya Payne. Ellen Hansen, a graduate student at U. Va. served as Assistant Trainer. Ms. McBride was the Head Athletic Trainer and sponsor of the club. The athletic training program was a very demanding yet rewarding commitment. Their seaso n started with football , continued through the winter season, and finished with the spring sports. Trainers attended all practices, scrimmages, and games. Work included administering first aid procedures, establishing rehab programs, and making evaluation and referrals. Student t rainers took classes in Emergency Medical Care and had the opportunity to become certified in First Aid and C.P.R. The student trainers, the so-called " unsung heros", took a back seat at all athletic events but were always there before, and many times long after, the crowds had gone. The student trainer program indeed was a great service to AHS.


3 1. Cheri Gibbs work on the ankle of a ninth grade basketball player. 2. Front: Marclare Lang, Cheri Gibbs, Kathy Wa rd , Warren McCann. Back: Terilynne Wright, Tonya Payne, Tracey Thorsen, Val Hu~h es , Ms. McBride. 3. Tina Caldwell returns from a wonderful job of managing. 4. Val Hughes and Kathy Ward wait on the sidelines during a football game. 5. Va l Hughes prepares a much needed bottle of water.


4 Trainers


Varsity triumphs

4 126

Boys' Basketball



8 1. Tony Good drives for the lay-up against Brunswick. 2. Steve DeMasters shoots a free throw in a close Charlottesville game. 3. Richard Lage posts-up a Charlottesville player. 4. Tad Chambers shoots against Tandem. 5. Chris Dezio prepares to grab the Jump ball. 6. Tim Kenney powers his way to the basket for two points. 7. Coach Garnett discusses the play with his ninth grade team . 8. Mark Hofland makes an easy two points. 9. Front: Tim Kenney, Mark Hofland, William Wells, Tony White, Lane Odom, Steve DeMasters, Tony Good, Kwame Fisher, Richard Lage, Back: Coach Maynard, Kirk Kirkland, Peter Hill, Gary Tibbs, Carl Mawyer, David Hall, Darin Lynch, Coach Clutter, Coach Lyons.

5 Boys' Basketball


Patriots win District Boys' Basketball Varsity Scores

Gir Va


67 62 67

The 1984-85 AHS Varsity Basketball team was one of the most successful in Patriot history. The team , composed mostly of seniors nine of twelve players were seniors, posted a 17-6 record winning the district regular season title and going on to regional competition. The Patriots had to play an additional game with G.W. Danville because of a regular season tie. The Patriots advanced with the district title to the first round of regionals. Albemarle hosted the Patriots of Patrick Henry of Roanoke and were defeated to end a hard schedule. Coach Rich Lyons will be sad to lose his two high scorers, Tim Kenney and T any Good, but juniors David Hall, Gary Tibbs, and Darin Lynch leave hope for the future. During this season, the J .V. Basketball team worked very hard on team play and defensive skills. The team had a record of 8-1 0 and posted district wins against G.W. Danville, Charlottesville, and Amherst. Due to the loss of seniors on the varsity team, most of these players look forward to playing on the varsity team . First year coach Mr. Clutter looks forward to coaching upcoming ninth graders. The Ninth Grade team was the most suecessful of all the teams this season. The team was undefeated with a record of 16-0. The • team won the AHS Invitational with wins over Western Albemarle and Woodberry Forest. The record of 16-0 was the best record in the school's history. Coach Garnett had many good players including Stacey Fitzgerald, Rodney Carter, and Chris Dezio. The team 's great record leaves hope for AHS basketball in the next four years. 1. Tim Kenney gets the jump at the opening tipoff of the game against Brunswick. 2. J.V. Basketball team, front row: Ross Carew, Keith Johnson, Philip Dyer, Darnell Taylor, David Obenshain. Back row: Coach Clutter, Paul Perkins, Brian Martin, Chris Rutland. 3. Ninth Grade Basketball team, front row: Tom Taylor, Fella Powell, Brad Cohen, Nick Ruppuci, Mark Neihaus. Middle row: Chris Carew, Scott Saunders, Chris Dezio, Tad Chambers, Rodney Carter, Steve Jackson. Back row: Linda Cooper, Coach Qarnett, Stacey Fitzgerald, James Washington, Tracey Snead.

71 53 72 53 61 56 73 54 55 75 67 66 72 53 61 60 73 75 54 56

55 36 63 53 57 60 40 50 53 60 47 54 32 62 54 57 63 62 58 84 64



61 44 48 37 49 49 49 64 56 43 47 34

Ha E.C St. Charl Fau Hol St.


Ston Halif Trin E. C. Cha Amh Herit



2 -5 ~3

64 51

Halif2 E.C.

74 52

JV Scores Albemarle

34 38 26 49 43 52 36 43 43 41 31 40 32 40 50 41 50 53

Halifax Western Albemarle E.C. Glass Orange Heritage Western Albemarle George Washington Charlottesville Amherst Brunswick Orange Brunswick Halifax E.C. Glass Charlottesville Amherst Heritage George Washington Record - 8-1 0

35 33 50 34 42 55 57 35 38 46 37 41 28 42 51 33 53 38

9th Grade Scores Albemarle

37 49 55 60 43 58 56 44 59 43 39 44

53 58 53 61

128 Boys' Basketball

Haiifax Western Albemarle E.C. Glass A.H.S. Invitational Charlottesville William Fleming Orange Heritage Western Albemarle George Washington Charlottesville Amherst Brunswick Orange Brunswick Halifax E.C. Glass Charlottesville Amherst Heritage George Washington District Play-Off George Washington District Glass Regionals Patrick Henry Record - 17-6

Woodberry Forest Tandem R.E. Lee Charlottesville Western Albemarle Madison Charlottesville Harrisonburg Western Albemarle Woodberry Forest Madison R.E. Lee Harrisonburg Tandem AHS Invitational Western Albemarle Woodberry Forest Record - 16-0

33 29 49 41 13 18 53 29 20 42 17 36 36 23 40 40


'2 28 48


E.C. < St. G1


43 )lj


Trinitj Chari STAB Herita Reco

Season a success


sketball )cores

Albemarle ss [itational



Girls' Basketball Varsity Scores

55 36 63 53 57 60 40







47 54 32 62 54 57 63 62



ashington lay-Off ashington rict

58 84 64








44 48 37 49 49 49 64 56

43 47 34 92 75 43 64 51 46

38 60

43 52


57 Albemarle ss


35 33 50

34 42

Albemarle 12


28 48 30 43 30 29 23 37 28

57 35 38 46


37 41

28 42






33 53 38




Halifax E.C. Glass St. Gertrude Charlottesville lnvit'l. Fauquier Holy Cross St. Gertrude Heritage George Washington Trinity Charlottesville An1herst Stonewall Halifax Trinity E.C. Glass Charlottesville An1herst Heritage George Washington District Halifax E.C. Glass George Washington Regionals Woodbridge Record - 17-6

35 45 44

The Lady Patriots finished the '84-'85 season with a 17-6 record. Led by seniors Heather Knight, Wendy Miller, and Junior Ellen Neihaus, the team finished second in the district behind G.W. Danville both in the regular season and in the tournament. Sophomores Maggie Wingate and Stacey Williamson contributed greatly to the success of the team this year and will be starters next year. The team concluded the season with a loss to Woodbridge in the regionals, but overall had a very successful season. Coach Ely will miss his graduating seniors but hopes to have a good team next year. The J.V. team ended the season with a 6-6 record and established a building block for the varsity squad. The team posted wins over CHS, Heritage, and Trinity. The team finished the season strong, winning three out of the last four games. Coaches Kirk and Shannon offered leadership and poise that encouraged 路 competition and sportsmanship.

36 34 33 48 77 18 18 41

38 50

32 31 41

42 45 48 37 42 83 74

JV Scores E.C. Glass St. Gertrude Heritage Christian St. Gertrude Heritage Trinity Charlottesville Stonewall Trinity Charlottesville STAB Heritage Record- 6-6

24 34 8 40 40


33 44 31

.e Scores erry Forest



1. Maggie Wingate concentrates on a free throw during a

29 49 :esville 1 Albemarle 1

:esville 1burg 1 Albemarle erry Forest

home game. 2. Girls' J.V. Basketball team, front row: Coach Kirk, Sonia Harris, Tammy White, Valerie Washington, Ronnie Hanger, Lisa Chapman, Taryn Barrett, Coach Shannon. Back row: Michelle Delaunay, Kathy Williams, Heather Pillar, Kim Slinkman, Stephanie Anderson , Felicia Williams, Selena Stone. 3. Wendy Miller goes up for a lay-up against Heritage. 4. Shooting a foul shot, Heather Knight shows great form.


13 18

53 29

20 42 17


36 36 23

1itational 1 Albemarle erry Forest

40 40





4 Girls' Basketball


Shoot the hoop

4 130

Girls' Basketball



9 1. Ellen Neihaus shoots against Glass as Stacy Williamson looks for the rebound . 2. Michelle Dulaney shoots a free throw in a J.V. game. 3. Trying to wo rk the ball inside, Gretchen Fudala waits to pass. 4. The Lady Patriots begin the game looking for another win . 5. Roni Hanger drives inside for the shot. 6. A J .V. player takes an outside shot against Glass. 7. Heather Knight watches as Ellen Neihaus tries to rebound . 8. Wendy Miller gets fouled as she tries a lay-up. 9. Senior Heather Knight receives treatment before the game. 10. Girls' Varsity Basketball team , front row: Cindy Jacobs, Heidi Sherman , Wendy Miller, Heather Knight, Judith Barnett, Ellen Neihaus, Coach Mike Ely. Back row: Sara Rotgin , Maggie Wingate , Stacy Williamson, Jennifer Tompkins, Christi Wood, Gretchen Fudala.


10 Girls' Basketball

13 1

Seniors lead

The 1985 PEER staff would like to dedicate this page to all of the seniors who played a spring sport. These athletes played without cheerleaders and their games were attended by few spectators. Even though only a few people chose to observe their efforts, these seniors were the leaders of their teams. They worked hard to encourage their teammates to achieve the best possible record. These seniors will be sadly missed by their teams and by the school. The PEER staff would like to thank these seniors for their contribution to the school and to wish them the best of luck in the future .


1. Boys' Tennis: Breck Bouchard, Derek Robinson . 2. Girls' Softball: Wendy Miller, Janet Herns, Sheri Lawhome. 3. Boys' Baseball: Derek Robinson, Scott Morris, Matt Wood, John Rose, Darren McCauley. Being held: Herbie Davis. 4. Track: Greg Stokes, Pam Dix, Bill Morrow, Greer Gould, Vicki Kost, Kevin Jones, Jackie Tucker, Danny Wood. 5. Girls' Lacrosse, front row: Yvonne Gor_man, Connie Roberts, Kelly Mays. Back row: Piper Wil son, Sarah Roberts, Li sa Hucek, Karen Lauffenburger. 6. Soccer, front row: Jamie Zobel, Scott Lear, Todd Brown, Todd Evans. Back row: Casey Boyd, John Harris, PJ. Duprey, Agustin Alonso, Ted Powell. 7. Boys' Lacrosse, front row: Rees Frescoln, Dan Fawley, Richard Harrington, Brandt Vaughan, Joel Weaver. Back row: Rick Westervelt, Tommy Oliver, Stein Kretsinger, Hugh Martin, John Harman, Tim Werres.


Spring Sports- Seniors

No hurdle too high

The 1984-85 Albemarle Indoor Track team was one of the most successful in recent years. The girls' team won the district championship and sent several girls to the regional and state meets. After placing second in the region , Vicki Kost, Roxanne Martin, Sandra Morris, Lynn Thomas , Gloria Blagman , Dedra Hughes, and Sophia Brown represented AHS in the state competition. The boys' team finished third in the district, second in the region , and eleventh in the state. Tearn members who qualified for the state were Walter Smith, Kevin Jones, Mike Burns, Chris Cavanaugh, Greg Stokes, Andy Crowder, Alan Hershey, Billy Morrow, George Walker, Tony Hinley, Frankie Yates, and Larry Henderson. National honors were awarded to Walter Smith, second in the nation in hurdles, and to the mile relay team of Kevin Jones, Chris Cavanaugh, Mike Burns, and Frankie Yates, ranked in the top twenty in the United States at the Seventh Eastern States Championship. The seniors on the team will be greatly missed since the team was composed in large part of seniors. Future teams will have to work hard to achieve the respect that the 1984-85 Indoor Track team received.



3 1. Showi ng his strength, Arth ur Brown throws the shot. 2. Look out, Mr. T.! It's Billy Morrow and Arth ur Brown!! 3. Diana Kost paces herself in track practice. 4. Leading the pack, Alan Hershey is followed by Tom McKeel.



4 Indoor T rack 133

Gold medal year





Indoor Track






I. Vicky Kost jumps over the bar in an away meet. L. Practicing for districts Pam Dix, Fran Hackley, La rry Henderson, and Tony Henley run for strength. 3. 路路clea r the floor , here Igor路路 . th inks Monica Wood. 4. Andy Crowder paces himself in front of a Heritage opponent. 5. Marti Hawkins and Katri na Maynard wa rm up on a co ld January afternoon. 6. Girls ' Track team , front row: Rebecca Green, Angie Purdue, Leslie Lumsden, Pam Dix, Vicki Kost, Jackie Tucke r, Diana Kost. Second row: Melissa Johnson , Susie Westrate r, Laura Cronk, Julie Quisenbe rry, Kathy Watkins, Marti Hawkins. Third row: Aniya Hershey, Deidra Hughes, Katrina Maynard , Alana Lee, Betty Purdue. Back row: Angie Andrews, Gloria Blagman, Roxanne Martin , Jackie Waller. 7. Greg Stokes flips over the bar in a district track meet. 8. David Satria practices the pole vault in preparation for the upcoming meet. 9. Pushing himself to the lim it, Tommy Oliver throws the shot. I 0. Kevin Jones uses the in side lane to take the lead. 11. Boys' Track team , front row: Tommy Oliver. David Sati ra, Mike Sheffield, Billy Marrow, Larry Henderson , Tony Henley, Mike Burns, Chris Cava naugh, Kevin Jones. Second row: Andy Crowder, Hakan Dagli , Howard Sprouse, Leigh Wilson , Tom McKeel, Allen Hershey, Tom Whitten, Bavin Pin chback. Third row: Ch ri s Coste r. Paul Wood , Bobby Bachelos, Steve Roberts , Larry Pilkey, David Topper , Jeff Guerrant. Fourth row: Lee Tucker, Dean DeGood, Greg Scharer, Danny Wood , William Murry, Mike Cronk. Back row: Jon Hainer, Mark Mills, George Walke r, Greg Stokes, Herbie Davis. Rodney Davis, Rodney Bryant. Indoor Track


Tumbling for success

The Albemarle Gymnastics team, coached by Pam Grainer, was excellent again this year. The team raised money for new uniforms by selling candy bars. They also participated during halftime at a basketball game. Girls who competed in regionals were Young Shin An , Heather Butler, Jenny Cooper, Rachael Henry, and Nicole Pharr. AHS lost Senior captains Young Shin An and Nicole Pharr but looked forward to success the following year.


90.00 8th 92.00 90.25 85.00 13th

95.40 94.00 4th

2 1. The gymnastics tea m members parade in front of the fans at a hom e meet. 2. Rachel Henry flips out on the balan ce beam . 3. Jenny Cooper floats in the air. 4. The uneven bars pose no problem for Ginny Behrens. 5. Explaining the facts, Coach Grainer talks to her team.




Monacan Lake Braddock Invitational E.C. Glass District Regionals Record-5- 1

78.55 49.85 78.10 96.00 94.55



78.55 49.85 78.10 96.00 nvitational

94.55 94.20


3 1. Heather Butler practices her routine on the batanct beam. 2. Showing her many talents, Nicole Pharr works on the uneven bars. 3. Nicole Pharr and Sara Goodwin are followed onto the floor by Coach Grainer. 4. Front: Genny Behrnes, Ellen Lester, Nico le Pharr, Youngshin An , Stacy Bocock, Lori Michie. Middle: Wendy McDaniel. Sara Goodwin, Rachel Henry. Back: Coach Grainer, Jenni Cooper, Wendy Bocock, Heather Butler, Coach Gamma.


4 Gymnastics



Student Life Divider




3 1. Mrs. Harris vents her frustrations during the Spirit Week Festivities. 2. Arthur Brown shows his fellow nerd Rick Reed how to make a move. Time to take out the trash! 4. To start off Nerd Day, Kevin Jones, Sharon Warren, Herbie Davis, and Tammy Simpkins meet for breakfast at Mr. Donut. 5. Indians Claire Weaver, Tim Booth, and Stephen Raquet take aim at the Cowboys. 6. Indian Becky Webster feels intimidated by Cowboys Melissa Hirsch and Jimmy Lowry. 7. Julie Goss, Laura Williams, and Carol Russell are ready for their first day of kindergarden . 8. TheJ.V. Cheerleaders look a bit different at this Homecoming Pep Rally. 9. Plays like this by Jeanie Wheby helped win the Powder Puff football game for the seniors. 10. Erin Lewiki says " no comment" about Miriam Hirsch's toga .


Spirit Week


Students show school spirit The 1984-85 classes were full of spirit during Homecoming Spirit week. Seniors had " Nerd Day" which was quite a success. Some of them really looked like Nerds! Junior Day was " Cowboys and Indians". The Sophomore class really showed its spirit by coming tacky on "Tacky Day" . Then the Freshman class came dressed as Kindergarten students on Thursday. Then came the big class spirit day during which all classes participated. Freshmen wore yellow and Sophomores wore green. The Juniors wore blue and Seniors wore Albemarle's main color, red. Friday afternoon classes were shortened for the annual pep rally. Students came together to show their appreciation to the football team and to show their support. Another event, after school, was the powderpuff football game. Girls played football and guys became the cheerleaders. The Seniors were the overall winners of Spirit Week. After all games were played, all of the students headed for the football field and the kickoff for the Homecom ing game.



10 Spirit Week



1. Sophomore Representative Michelle Dunbar sm iles radiantly at her father during halftime. 2. The theme of the Homecoming Dance was the "Roaring Twenties", as portrayed by Tim Booth, Annabel Thompson, Julie Burbach, Virginia St. John, and Greg Stokes. 3. Steve DeMasters and his mother look very proud. 4. Throwing a wet sponge during Spirit Week, Corrine Dupret-Guilluame might have to face some drastic consequences because ... 5. Mr. Raines might not appreciate being smacked by a sponge 6. The fans look very happy at the football game. 7. As Mr. Raines crowns Kelley Gerbert Homecoming Queen, the rest of the Court looks on with admiration. 8. Kelley Gerbert looks surprised as her name is called for Homecoming Queen. 9. Jenny Cooper and her father watch as the Queen is crowned . 10. During halftime, Bryston Giannini and his mother pose for a picture . 11. Penny Ray and Freida Erskine, the Homecoming Queen and First Runner-up of the class of 1959, make an appearance at halftime.


Homecoming Activities

Students celebrate roaring 20's After spirit week, on Saturday, October 27 , 1984, many Albemarle students got dressed up and arrived at the gym for the Homecoming Dance . The "Roaring Twenties" was the theme. For the first time ever, the dance was held in Null Gym. The scene was set with streamers, a car by Bentley, an.d various refreshments . Unfortunately, the band did not arrive, but Mr. Carey posed as a disc jockey and saved the night by playing various songs. Thanks to the Homecoming Committee, led by Julie Burbach, the Homecoming dance of 1984 was enjoyed by AHS students and was a success. 2



10 Homecoming Activities


'85 Court is sophisticated

Friday, October 26 was the night of the Homecoming game. During halftime the Homecoming Court was announced. The Freshmen this year were Shanna Baton, Laura Williams, and Lisa Lambert. Sophomores representatives were Michelle Dunbar, Rashel Hammond, and Shanda Howard. Junior representatives were Lillian Clemena , Jenny Cooper, and Claire Weaver. Seniors representatives were Kelly Gerbert, Tina Maslyk, Tanya Lee , Annabel Thompson , Jeanie Wheby, Mary Vermillion , Herbie Davis, Arthur Brown, Steve DeMasters, John Rose, Kevin Jones, and Bryston Giannini. Albemarle 's Homecoming King and Queen this year were Herbie Davis and Kelley Gerbert. The King and Queen were honored. They cut the Homecoming cake and danced to a song which had been reserved especially for them . Though the theme of Homecoming was " The Roaring Twenties", youthful beauty was the order of the weekend with this Homecoming Court.


Homecoming Court


6 1. Homecoming King and Queen, Herbie Davis and Kelley Gerbert, smile for the camera. 2. Members of the Senior Homecoming Court take time to pose for a picture. 3. Senior Representatives Annabel Thompson and Steve DeMasters. 4. Senior Representatives Tanya Lee and Kevin Jones. 5. Senior Representatives John Rose and Mary Vermillion . 6. Senior Representatives Arthur Brown and Jeanie Wheby. 7. Senior Representatives Bryston Giannini and Tina Maslyk.

Homecoming Court


Underclass homecoming court

1. Junior Represe ntatives Claire Weaver, Lilian Clemena, and Jenny Cooper. 2 . Sophomore Representatives Michelle Dunbar, Rashel Hammond, and Shanda Howard. 3. Freshmen Representatives Shanna Baton, Lisa Lambert, and Laura Williams.


Underclass Court

Mimes perform for all

In September tryouts were held for the M ime Tro upe and sixteen members were chosen from a large group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Mrs. Hull, the sponsor, organized performances in the Charlottesville area for the troupe. The m imes' first performance was during Creative Arts Week in the fall. In December, the troupe performed a holiday show for fou r elementary and middle schools. The m imes also performed at First Night Virginia on New Year's Eve. Shows for hospitals, schools, commun ity organizations, and a spring performance atAHS are included in the Mime Troupe's itinerary.

4 1. The Mime Troupe poses for the camera . Front row: Brent Garland , Hilary Scherer, Molly Reese, And rew Vaughan, Tina Pimakolas, Andrew Johnston. Middle row: Terri Duggan , Julie Lande!, Lynn Theodose, Piper Wilson , Nicki Bennefeld, Jay Kirtley. Back row: Julie Perkins, Tiki Murray, Brian Kirtley, Jimmy Lowry, Anneil Cosby. 2. Jul ie Lande! offers Hilary Scherer a taste of her Sugar Daddy. 3. Hilary Scherer and Tiki Murray discuss their pe rformance and apply makeup. 4. 1n the middle of rehearsing are April Lassiter and Lynn Theodose. 5. Te rri Duggan, Piper Wilson, and Nicki Bennefeld preen in front of the mirror.

3 Mime


Drama presents "Harvey"

The Drama Department presented a production of " Harvey", the Pulitzer Prize winning comic fantasy by Mary Chase. It was directed by Ms. Martha Scott, AHS drama teacher. The group presented " Harvey" on Friday, November 30 and Saturday, December 1 in the AHS auditorium. Tim Booth played Elwood P. Dowd who has an invisible friend who is a six foot and 1/z inch white rabbit. Elwood's sister, Veta, was played by Nora Romine and her daughter, Myrtle Mae was played by Tiki Murray. James McNew played Dr. William B. Chumley, head of the sanatarium, and his assistants Dr. Lyman Sanderson, Nurse Kelly, and Wilson were played by Patrick lachetta, Julie Burbach, and David Williams. Ricardo Nunez portrayed Judge Omar Gaffney, Becky Webster was Mrs. Chauvenet, and Anne Gotham played Dr. Chumleys wife, Betty. David Phillips played the taxi driver, E.J. Lofgren. The student director for the production was Retta Wilson . Judging from the audience's reactions, it was the best show in many years at Albemarle!

4 148



9 1. Nurse Kelly and Doctor Sanderson give Elwood Dowda witty run around in " Harvey... 2. Wilson relays an important message to Myrtle Mae. 3. Flirtacious Kelly talks with Dowd. 4. Myrtle Mae Simmons and her mother Veta Simmons try to ease the mind of a baffled Mrs. Chauvenet. 5. Dr. Sanderson questions Veta Simmons to determine her sanity. 6. Veta and Dr. Sanderson discuss Elwood's prob lems. 7. Worry sets in as the search for Dr. Chumley continues. 8. Nurse Kelly " swishes., her way out of Dr. Sanderson's life. 9. The egotistical orderly Wilson takes a vanity break. 10. Nurse Kelly takes notes on Vetta Simmons' family history.

10 " Harvey..


Creativity marks week

This year Creative Arts week was a big success. Both the French and Spanish departments set aside a day for special events. French students watched and participated in plays written by French authors. The Spanish Department, on the other hand, organ ized a "Spanish Town" which consisted of a restaurant, a jail (for students who failed to speak Spanish), a Spanish fortune teller, and a market. Marilyn Fantino, chairman of the English Department, organized several new contests. The contests included song writing and radio T.V. announcing, sponsored by WCHV. A lip sync contest was also offered. The purpose of this week was to expose AHS students to as many forms of art as possible.

1. Tom Estes, Karen Clark, Michelle Mitchell, and Shanna Batten perform a French skit during Creative Arts Week. 2. The GoGo's, alias Beth Eley, Jeanie Wheby, and Sarah Roberts, perform during the Lip Sync Contest. 3. Jimmy Gibson talks to Psychology and Drama classes about the psychology of m agic. 4. The French classes' plays are a success because of dedicated students like Tiki Murray and Alyssa Uecke r. 5. Robert Soffian describes his techn iques to a dram a class. 6. There were many student-made French village scenes along the Foreign Language wing. 7. T ad Adam s, Tony Good, and David Williams walk away with the Lip Sync contest. 8. Mac McDonald, the voice of the Cavaliers, describes his broadcasting career.


Creative Arts Week


Christmas spirit abounds ~·,.

~:... . •"' Along with the closing of 1984 came the excitement of knowing that Christmas break was just around the corner. Everyone's spirits were aroused with the help of the SCA and Junior class. The three days before break were named Christmas Spirit Week. Pictures with Santa were taken all three days. On Wednesday, stu dents could sing a Christmas carol to any SCA member and receive candy. Thursday students dressed as their favorite Christmas character. Friday was a day which kept everyone on their toes . The door decorating contest winners were announced, students dressed in red and green, Juniors brought flowers to the Patriots, and the SCA filled stockings with candy during sixth period.

2 1. Julie Landel delivers Mike Shand some Ch ri stmas cheer in his co mputer class. 2. Mickey Watson delivers Christmas carnations fo r the SCA. 3. Patty Donnelly, Ms. O'Brien, and Heather Butler, Santa's three best elves, show off for the camera. 4 . The Spanish Club celeb rates the holidays with a snowman pinata. 5. Band member Wayne Perry looks dwarfed beside his drum at the Band's Christmas Concert. 6. Santa Claus, played by Mr. Zimmerman, poses with Mrs. Thraves, Tanya Lee, Hilary Scherer, and Mhur Brown. 7. The weather is nice enough for Santa's helper, Joanne Holland, to stop by for a visit. 8. Breck Bou chard checks out the other couples at the Christmas Dan ce. 9. Mrs. Bansleben introduces the Concert Choir at their assembly. 10. David Bishop and Mrs. Harris enjoy the Christma s dance . 11 . This is just one example of the variety of door decorations this year at Albemarle .


Christmas Activities



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Valentine's Day is for best friends

Once again the Valentine's Day Thing was sponsored by the SCA. This year not only carnations, but also red roses could be sent to sweethearts and friends. There were also the traditional valentines and songs. The songs featured this year were "Longer", " Heaven", 'The Rose", " Down in Arkansas", and "All I Need" . With balloons and vases of flowers wandering through the halls, the specialness of the holiday touched everyone.


1. Patrick Wood, Kate Whitfield, and April Lassiter serenade someone's sweetheart with the song " Heaven". 2. Marta Coble picks up some flowers in the office that she received from her sweetheart. 3. Stealing a balloon from Darren Kennon, Beth Yager stops to give the cameraman a smile. 4. During Valentine's Day, Annabel Thompson takes a break from delivering flowers to chat with Herbie Ankrom and Kerry Hall. 5. Presenting Glenn Gravelle with a flower from his girlfriend, David Zimmerman is one of the many SCA members who made Valentine's Day a success. 6. Herbie Davis receives the song "All I Need" from an admirer. The singers were Tanya Lee, Donna Young , Shannon Taylor, and Ricky Reed. 7. " Longer", one of the songs that could be bought on Valentine's Day, is sung by Kelly Williams, Christine Richardson, and Nancy Rosson. 8. Mrs. Edson's class is entertained by Margot Huskey, Julie Burbach, Tim Booth, and Retta Wilson singing "Down in Arkansas". 9. While John Harris is taking a test, Tanya Lee decides to give him a greeting. 10. Coach Grainer receives a valentine hug from Sheila Bernard, while Tina Caldwell waits in line for her turn.

6 154

Valentine's Day Thing




The best twen



156 Top Twenty






10 1. Co-Valedictorian, Tiki Murray. 2. Co-Valedictorian, Bobby Blue. 3. Sixth, Roger Fussa; Seventh, Heather Knight. 4. Eighth (tie), Sylvia Hollo and Vicky Kost. 5. Eleventh, Susan Hall; Tenth, Karen Scarr. 6. Third, Jennifer Dunkl. 7. Fourth (tie), Carine Depret-Guillaume and Phil Townsend. 8. Twelfth, Pam Dix; Thirteenth, Shawn Miskimon; Fourteenth, Carole Haught. 9. Seventeenth, Wes Sobbott; Fifteenth, Cathy Heath; Sixteenth, Brandt Vaughn. 10. Eighteenth, Nancy Porritt; Twentieth, Chris Tesack; Nineteenth, James Ward.



9 Top Twenty









5 158 Honors

AHS represented well A new type of high school competition, academic competition , arrived this year to provide additional fun and excitement of a more intellectual variety. The new Academic Teams represented Albemarle in competitions among the Western District high schools and Western Albemarle High School. Following a quick recall, Trivial Pursuit-type format, the teams' skills in math, history, English, and science were tested. Sponsored by Dr. Larrick and Mrs. Vaughan, the teams provided recognition and were an added incentive for Albemarle's outstanding students. All of this year's honor recipients should be thanked for their participation in their individual categories, and for representing Albemarle successfully.

9 I . Model U.N., front row: Mascha Mowry, Steve Raque. Second row: Ricky Nunez, Joe Lasca no, Pat Davis. Back row: Arthur Bender, Rob Ball, Scott Taylor, James Ward. 2. National Merit Commended Students, front row: Nancy Porritt, Louise Finger, Jackie Tucker. Second row: Duncan Haberly, Sean Redmond, Don Bryce, Tom Estes. Back row: Brandt Vaughn, Phil Townsend, Bobby Blue. 3. Governors' School: Ka ren Scarr, Phil Townsend, Tiki Murray. 4. Forensics Team, front row: Ellen Lester, Retta Wilson, David Williams, Amy Marvin, Tiki Murray. Second row: Ricky Nunez, Stephanie Coukos, Lillian Kelly, Michelle Cangialosi, Anne Gotham. Back row: Patrick lachetta, Jim Simpson, Tracey Jones, Cathy Heath, Tim Booth, Andrew Johnston. 5. Girls' and Boys' State: Robert Chapman, Heather Butler, Carine Depret-Guillaume, Derek Robinson. 6. History Team, front row: Jeff Coleman, Mark Mclaughlin; Back row: Steve Raque, Ricky Nunez, James Ward. 7. Math Team; Tina Marie Horton, Anne Giffen, Tiki Murray, Dallas Pitt; not pictured, Lori Runkle. 8. AllRegional Band, front row: Sarah Rosenblum , Chris Tesack. Ba ck row: Glenn Forloines, Tommy Bithell, Carrie Checchi, Jean Lee. 9. Certamen, front row: David Lenn, Bryan Kirtley, Wes Sobbott. Second row: Arth ur Bender, David Gallagher, Sean Redmond, Kristin Pitt, Alan Jacobson, Al icia Conley. Third row: Shawn Grammer, Stefan Pert!, Mickey Watson, Ricky Nunez, Brandt Vaughn. Back row: Mark Mclaughlin, Dallas Pitt, Jacob Joseph, Scott Taylor. 10. English Team, front row: Julie Lande!, Sean Redmond. Back row: Carrie Weber, Karen Scarr. 11. Science Team, front: Mascha Mowry. Middle: Brent Garland. Back: Jacob Joseph, Phil Townsend, Brandt Vaughn.



11 Honors



Environment Divider



Prominent newsrnakers

6 162








12 I . President Reagan expresses his enthusiasm during a speech to the nation. 2. The assasination of India's Indira Ghandi shocks the world . 3. The first Black Miss America , Vanessa Williams, is asked to give up her crown with only a month remaining of her reign . 4. Richard Burton is picured here with his daughter before his death. . . . This child represents many of the ch il dren suffering in Ethiopia. 6. Baby Fae, the only human to have a baboon heart transplant, dies after many days of controversy. 7. Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro cam paign for the 1984 Presidential election. 8. The two Presidential candidates are pictured with their wives. 9. Americans enjoy following the real life fairy tale especially with the birth of Lady Diana's and Prince Cha rles路 son. I 0. The tragic death of MalVin Gaye was felt by many. II. A sad event is the McDonalds massacre in California. 12. Pope John Paul II makes several visits to different countries to speak. 13. President Reagan's runningmate, is once again George Bush. 14. The head of the Russian government, Konstantin Chernenko, receives important news from an astronaut. 15. Jesse Jackson makes history by running as a Presidential candidate.




1. " Born in the U.S.A.", is the hit album of the year by Bruce Springsteen. 2. Michael Jackson continues his success along with his brothers on a world tour. 3. Sting, lead singer of the Police, makes his debut as an actor in the movie " Dune" . 4. " Like a Virgin " is Madonna's second hit record in two years. 5. Joan Rivers makes a comeback by hosting the Johnny Carson Show, and co ming out with her own comedy album. 6. During a T.V. interview, Hall and Oates talk about their success as singers. 7. Tom Selleck is once again voted as the top male actor by audiences of his T.V. show "Magnum, P.l. " 8. Tina Turner shows the world that even though she was middle aged, she can still delight audiences with her music. 9. "Where's the Beef', was the slogan of Wendys which was spoken so humorously by Clara Peller. 10. The son of John Lennon, Julian Lennon, shows that success runs in the family. 11. The album " She's So Unusual", by Cyndi Lauper, had many hits which placed at the top of the charts. 12. With his feminine features, Boy George continued to grow more popular among teenagers. 13. " Purple Rain " by Prince was one of the most popular soul albums of the year.





Popular Trends

4 1. One of the most popular movies of the season is a comedy, Beverly Hills Cop, starring Eddie Murphy. 2. Ghostbusters, starring Dan Akroyd, and Bill Murray set trends for the nation such as Albemarle's Mr. Johnson and his negative busters. 3. The sequel to Indiana Jones路 Raiders of the lost Ark is the temple of Doom. 4. A thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzengger, The T erminator, frightens many. 5. One of AHS. favorite night time soap opera is Dynasty. 6. Robert Redford sta rs in a touching movie, "The Natural." 7. Many people tune in to watch a new program, "T he Bill Cosby Show." 8. A Gremlin, " one of the bad guys:路 9. " Gremlins", is a movie in which adorable little creatures turn into monsters when thev eat aher ' midnight.


Movies, T.V.


6 1. The smile on George Welsh's face, shows his happiness after the Cavaliers defeated Purdue in the Peach Bowl. 2. The lightning of the torch is a cli matic beginning of the 1984 Olympics. 3. Mary Decker, a marathon winner in the Olympics, is disappointed by her fall. 4. San Francisco startles many with their win over the Miami Dolphins, in the Super Bowl. 5. Gymnast, Mary Lou Retton, "Americas Sweetheart," expresses her joy after winning her Olympic gold medal. 6. An olympic diver, Greg Louganis displays his technique. 7. The World Series comes to an end with the win by Detroit.

7 Sports Events



Organizations Divider



After many hours of dedication and preparation, the 1984-85 yearbook staff was successful in another year of hard work. Working weekends and holidays, the Peer Staff was able to accomplish everything it strove for. Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. Hughes gave their constant attention to the staff and the annual. Yearbook editors and other students worked hard and turned out a successful yearbook. Mr. Ergler helped tremendously with his dedication to the photographers. The students developed almost all of the pictures the staff used. Drawing layouts, writing and typing copy, writing captions, and taking pictures were many of the jobs the staff learned to do. The Peer Staff wants to express its gratitude to Mr. Cunningham for all of his help and contributions that made our yearbook, " Nothing Less than the Best".

1. PEER Staff, Front row: Randy Wrenn , Michelle Canada, John Harman, Connie Roberts, Wendy Rice , Steffi Marshall, Adonice Carey, Mary Vermillion , Back row: Mrs. Stanley, Paulette Truslow, Herbie Ankrom , Joel Weaver, Kerry Hall, Piper Wilson. 2. PEER Photographers, Front row: Piper Wilson, Herbie Ankrom , Kerry Hal!, Randy Wrenn. Back row: Joel Weaver, Ron Taylor, Greg D'Atre, Mr. Ergler, Kathy Ward. 3. PEER Business Staff, Front row: Shannon Taylor, David Shifflett, And rea Jones, Chris T esack. Second row: Mike Richardson, Heather Knight, Steve Raque, Jean Lee, Alyssa Uecker, Lisa Hucek, Corin路 ne Depret路Guillaume, DeAnn Beale. Back row: Bill Prilla路 man, James Lum, Clea Dezio, Michael Burns, J ulie Land路 el, Arthur Bender, Brent Garland, Sean Redmond. 4. Contact sheets are studied by Kerry Hall to pick pictures. 5. John and Steffi play around. 6. Paulette Truslow uses the typewrite rs in the business room to type copy. 7. Yes, Mary, there is a deadline today!



The Peer -

The Best





5 1. Editors: Steffi Marshall, Mary Ve rmillion, and Michelle Canada. 2. Drawing layouts is a new expe rience for many staff members, like John Harman. 3. Oh, gee! I didn't mean to Mr. Ergler. 4. Steffi Marshall, Karen VanDe rVeer, and Piper Wilson work on their section. 5. Editors, Michelle Canada and Mary Vermillion work hard before a deadline. 6. Copy is proofread by Mrs. Hughes before it is typed.

6 Peer


Patriot Press

During the 1984-85 school year, the newspaper kept the same name. This marked the first time in three years that this had happened. Chief-editor Tony Lascano and business editor Linda Braithwaite did what most editors do and strove for improvements. As in the past, the first issue was free to the student body to encourage them to buy subscriptions. Once again this year, two of the highlights were the Christmas Wishes and the Senior Wills. We thank the members of the "Patriot Press" for keeping us informed.

1. Patriot Press Staff, Front row: Joe Lascano, John Harris, Hugh Martin, David Ramsdan, Jean Ehrhardt. Second row: Linda Braithwaite , Tina Roberts, Laurie Roebuck, Todd Stackhouse, Agustin N.owso, Jeanne Jordan, Yvonne Gorman, Jennifer Dunkl. Back row: Tommy Oliver, Kelly Walker, Mary Butler, Scott Taylor, Pat Davis, Rob Ball, Chris Coster, Richard Lage, Scott Lear. 2. Patriot Press Editors, Front row: Rob Ball, Tony Lascano, David Ramsden , Scott Lear, Richard Lage. Back row: Tina 路 Roberts, John Harris, Jennifer Dunkl, Yvon ne Gorman, Kelly Walker, Tommy Oliver, Linda Braithwaite, Hugh Martin. 3. Linda Braithwaite is reminded about her deadline. 4. Editor-in-chief, Tony Lascano, and Managing Editor, Linda Braithwaite, take a break from typing . 5. Mrs. Shepard explains to Chris Coster and Bill Fields how to write a story.

4 172

Patriot Press

best news

Watching and writing


During club period, students in the Film Critics Club watched different movies and discussed their opinions about the films. Also, movies were shown after school for anyone who wanted to watch them. Anyone who loves movies should participate in this club . Albermarle's writers got a chance to display their talents by having works published in "The Lantem". Many short stories and poems were printed in this magazine four times a year. The sponsor was Mr. Keller, who also teaches a creative writing class.




1. Film Critics , Front row: Danny Dunbar, Kendrick lioss, Lynn Mueller. Second row: Kim Cavedo, Stephanie Parr, Jennifer Dunk!, Matt Frank, Tad Adams , Travis Cavanaugh. Back row: Andy Stevenson, Robert Amos, Ray Wood , Brad Morris, Joe Capizzi , Glen Steigman. 2. Lan tern Staff, Front row: Carol Johnson, Kim Templin, Patrick lachetta , Susan Paulansky, Lara Johnson. Second row: Kim Miskimen , Jessica Fomalont, Melissa Hutchinson, Kristen Kadner, Carrie Weber , Rebecca Scarr. Back row: Terri Allen , Christie Jordan, Lisa Boa rd , Mr. Seaman, Maya Ajgaonka r, Amy Marvin. 3. Mr. Seaman and Patrick lachetta notice a photographer in the room . 4. Kim Templin , La ra Johnson , and Kristen Kadner learn by taking a creative writing class.


4 Film Critics, Lantern


Media at its best The Quill and Camera Club was comprised of a small group of people who were interested in Journalism. They expanded their ability to write journalism. The Media Center has been fortunate in having some outstanding aides this year. These aides have done a variety of jobs: checking passes, checking book in and out, shuttling decks, films, and movie projectors back and forth, laminating teaching materials plus many other library related jobs. These aides have been a great help in making the Media Center a well organized working facility for both staff and students.


~ \

"' ;.,l

2 1. Media Center Aides, Front row: Billy Herring, Jennifer Dunk!, Patrick lachetta, Derek Robinson, Sallie Massie. Second row: Mary Butler, Retta Wilson, Linda Braithwaite, Allison Schrank, Maggie Wingate, Ellen Neihaus. Back row: Val Hughes, Kelly Mason, Louise Finger, Natalie Green. 2. Ellen Neihaus helps Mrs. Gallant find a card. 3. Working in the Media Center seems to be fun for George Reaves. 4. Library worker Beth Eley uses her spare time to study. 5. Quill and Camera, Front row: Stephanie Amato, Jennifer Jackson, Kim Seivers, Karla Graziano.


Media Aides, Quill and Camera

... '•;..


.-: ...



From space to debate The Debate team had always been successful and this year was no exception. Leaders Mr. McDonald and Captain Bob Blue lead the team to victory many times. The team won many competitions throughout the state in cluding 1st place at George Mason University and 1st and 2nd places at Wilson Memorial High School. The team also won the Washington Forensics League Tournament. Many honors were brought to Albemarle High School by Mr. McDonald and his Debate team. The Space Mice Club, in its second year, has been a great success. Mainly involved in science related activities, this club gives students an outlet to experiment with different things.

1. Space Mice, Front row: David Williams, Alan French. Second row: Chris Pamvakaris, Hakan Dagli. Back row: Mr. Curry. 2. Debate members James Lum and Gary Davis look fo r important papers. 3. Kim Hurdman and Bill Massie debate on a picked subject. 4. Reading the notes is a must for Gary Davis. 5. Debate, Front row: Mr. MacDonald, Becca Lenn, Clea Dezio, Kim Hardman, Lisa McMahon, Jeff Herath, Jennifer Hicks. Back row: Steve Marvin, James Lum, Allen Hersey, Jarle Crocker, Bob Blue, Gary Davis, Bill Massie, Mark Niehaus.

5 Space Mice, Debate


Active FBLA Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) was a national organization with many local chapters . The Albemarle chapter did many things this year to carry out its goals. The club sent officers to the Southern Regional Leadership conference in Nashville, T ennessee. A needy family was adopted at Christmas time. Another activity was a coffee for the faculty during vocational education week. Community business leaders spoke at club meetings. Members were sent to the Regional FBLA contest. Also, the club visited a modern business office. This year's officers were as follows: Randy Wrenn - President; Missy Boland- Vice-President; Tracy Kirby- Secretary; and Cindy Nelson -Treasurer.


t ~ TtN C I E S

the qreat s tat e ol

4 1. FBLA, Front row: Randy Wrenn, Missy Boland, Tracy Kirby, Cindy Nelson. Second row: Patric1a Sprouse, Rebecca Jones, Melissa Arnold, Paulette Truslow, Janet Johnson. Back row: Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Sandell, Ms. Graves, Mrs. Thacker. 2. Cindy Nelson, Mrs. Cooper, Missy Boland, and Randy Wrenn enjoy a cold night in Nashville, Tennessee. 3. Karen R. Turner and Janet Johnson find a way to get more food than Paulette Truslow. 4. Randy Wrenn conducts a meeting. 5. Jackie Campbell, isn't that your third time up? 6. Tennessee or Bust! 7. During the Christmas Party, Patricia Sprouse socializes with other club members.

5 176



To a better Future

FHA is a national organization which promotes personal, family and community development. The group is celebrating its 40th anniversary with the theme ' The Future Touch . . . Now" . The Albemarle Chapter is currently stressing community action projects which benefit such organizations as Hearthstone House, CRC and local nursing homes. Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is designed to complement, supplement, and strengthen the instructional program. The DECA program of work includes activities related to DE class work, district meetings, participation in community projects, and competitive events. The Marketing program studies the field of marketing. The program allows students to combine classroom instruction with on-the-job training , which is closely supervised by the teacher/ coordinator. Graduates from this program have gone on to receive business administration or business related degrees from college, or have moved straight into local management training positions upon graduation from high school.


3 1. DECA, Front row: Tina Shifflett, Marta Coble, Dennis Stuard, Mrs. Jill Garnett, Wendy Ellington. Second row: Heather Estes, Kenny Shreve, Lisa Churchman, Steve Corbin, Michelle Campbell, Debbie Kemp. Back row: Lisa White, Brenda Chambers, Eldon Breeding, Todd Brooks. 2. FHA, Front row: Jeanna Rush , Sherri Brown, Lisa Kindrick. Back row: Emily Gray, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs Thompson. 3. Emily Gray shows how it is done. 4. Michelle Campbell and Debbie Kemp are paying Dennis Stewart no attention.



Vocational clubs abound The AIASA, the Albemarle Industrial Student Association, helps prepare its members for a possible career in the industrial field . The club is sponsored by Mr. Smith. The Future Farmers of America, the FFA, is a national organization that familiarizes its members with different aspects of farm competitions like livestock judging, tractor driving and parliamentary procedure. VICA was sponsored again by Mr. Henry. They explored the working world for problems that might arise. lt helped its members prepare for the problems they will face when applying for jobs.

2 I. FFA, Front row: Troy Tabscott, Donnie Sumerlin, Matt Jarrell, Fred Riley. Back row: Mr. Gardner, Tim Thacker, Chris Helwig, Steve Coble. 2. AIASA, Front row: Aianna Lee, Darren Robinson. Second row: Anthony Miller, Tim Gardner. Back row: Leroy Smith. 4. Ai.anna Lee shows Darren Robinson her work. 3. Mark Shifflet admires the camera. 5. VICA, Front row: Jerry Thomas, Mark Shifflet, Troy Tapscott, Kevin Rushiush, Mary Hudgins, David Gibson, Michael Mullins. Back row: Mr. Henry, Jimmy Moore, Mark Mundie, Scott Byers, Breck Flynn, Glenn Morris, Rob Spence.




Tech offers variety 路,

The Ca-Tech Center is very busy this year teaching Albemarle and Charlottesville students. Albemarle students take courses in fields in which they plan to work. For example cosmetology, mechanics, electricity, auto body and commericial food service are some classes offered. The center provided the students with practical skills through on-the-job training .


l.ls it finishedJ 2. J.R .. are you down thereJ 3. Concentration is the orde r of the day for PJ. Duprey and Travis Snider. 4. I've been down here all day. Wes. 5. Work skills for daily life are taught in commerci al food service class by Mr. Parkhill. 6. Kim Browne. Debbie Sites. Tina Geer. and Sam Durham enjoy cosmetology class.

6 Tech


Thespians successful Thespian Troupe 500 of Albemarle High School was very active this fall. On October 10, 1984, they inducted new members, bringing the troupe total to 36. On November 9, 10, and 11, six troupe members attended the State Thespian Conference at Great Bridge High School in Virginia Beach and won first place in the State Duet Acting competition . This year's winners were Tim Booth and Julie Burbach, President and Vice-President of the troupe. Albemarle 's Michelle Rickborn won second place in the state in solo acting with an original monologue.

1. Thespians, Front row: David Will iams, Julie Burbach, Patrick lachetta, Margot Huskey, Anne Gotham, Michele Gutierrez. Second row: Brent Garland, Cathy Heath, Sean Redmond, Bryan Kirtley, Julie Lande!, Terri Duggan, Lynn Theodose, April Lassiter. Back row: Retta Wilson, Ashley Colvin, Peper Wilson, David Ramsden, Nikki Edgecomb, Molly Reese, Jay Kirtley, Tina Damikolas. 2. During the presentation of Harvey, Patrick lachetta, James McNew, and Julie Burbach show their extensive dramatic abilities. 3. Showing his forceful side, David Williams threatens Julie Burbach with his finger. 4. Students show good facial expression in the fall production of Harvey. 5. David Ramsden and fellow drama students wonder what's going on in the back of the class. 6. Tim Booth and David Williams appear to be making a rukus during the play Harvey.





Honoring some of the best

The National Honor Society, sponsored by Mrs. Fulcher, was involved in many activities this year. To show their great appreciation for the new administration, they instigated a petition of gratitude. They began a tutoring service for Albemarle students and also participated in fund raising activities such as a bake sale and the sale of school spirit buttons. In addition, they held their annual Red Cross Bloodmobile. The important qualifications for being a member in the society were Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. This year's officers were President - Karen VanDerVeer, VicePresident - Heather Knight, Secretary Corinne Depret-Guillaume, and TreasurerVictoria Kost. The Spanish Honor Society, lead by Mrs. Ferree and Mrs. Strickler, again this year sponsored a child. Members also worked towards raising money for various activities. Officers for the 1984-85 school year were President - Susan Hall, Vice-President Page Newman, Secretary- Rose Mary Beard, and T reasurec- Tracy Wright. Sponsored by Madame Federman, the French Honor Society participated in many out of school activities. In addition to singing at a local nursing home , Riverdale , they also traveled to Washington, D.C. to see a French play at Constitutional Hall and to hear "The Voice of America" at the Health and Human Service building. The officers this year were President - Tiki Murray, Vice-Presid ent - Bob Blue, Secretary - Corinne Depret-Guillaume, and Treasurer- Heather Knight. 1. French Honor Society, Front row: Corrinne DupretGuillame, Tiki Murray, Heather Knight, Bobby Blue. Second ro~: Karen Scarr, Nancy Porritt, Mike Burns, Lilian Clemena, Jennifer Dunk!, Clea Dezio, Madame Lede rman. Back row: Ricky Nunez, Phil Townsend, James Lum. 2. Spanish Honor Society, Front row: Tracy Wright, Julie Lande!, Page Newman, Susan Hall. Second row: Mrs. Lum, Kerry Hall, Kyong Yu, Christine Schladitz, Beth Rideout Back row: Bill Prillaman, Mascha Mowry, David Zimmerman. 3. National Honor Society, Front row: Heather Knight, vice-president; Karen VanDerVeer, president; Vicky Kost, treasurer; Corinne Depret-Guillaume, secretary. Second row: Peter Salters, Roger F ussa, Terrilynne Wright, Bill Prillaman, Ricardo Nunez, Sean Redmond, Youngshin An , Shawn Miskimmon. Third row: Jennifer Scopelletti, Robert Chapman, Chris Tesak, Pam Dix, Mary Vermillion , Kelly Mays, Greer Gould, Jackie Tucker, Alyssa Uecker, Shannon Taylor. Fourth row: Tiki Murray, Bobby Blue, Brandt Vaughn, Phil Townsend, Don Bryce, Tom Estes, David Gallagher, Lisa Hucek, Cathy Heath, Page Newman, Jennifer Dunk!, Ka ren Scarr. 4. Page Newman and Tracy Wright conduct a m eeting.

4 French Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society


Language clubs

French carolers tried to bring a little Christmas cheer to patients of the Towers and Riverside on December 17 by singing traditional French Christmas Songs. On December 10, members went to Washington, D .C. to visit the "Voice of America" and hear several world wide foreign language broadcasts. They also attended " Le Petit Prince" at Constitution Hall and the Degas exhibit in the East Wing of the National Galleries.

2 1. French Club, Front row: Corinne Depret-Guillaume, Lilian Clemena, Heather Knight, Alyssa Uecker, Nancy Porritt. Second row: Jeanne Jordan, Jennifer Tompkins, Robin Orser, Mrs. Shiflett, Bob Blue, Clea Dezio, Shannon Taylor, Mike Burns, James Lum, Mrs. Lederman, Ashley Hopkinson, Mrs. Ferree. Third row: Sherice Eubanks, Rebecca Green, Heather Foltz, Steve Vesper, Kevin Toms, Liz Richardson , Susan Cavitt, Alicia Carey, Diana Kost, Roberta Pence, Jennifer Sullivan, Ginny Behrens. Back row: Heather Ruder, Robin Leiter, An ne Hogan, Ann Kirwan , Kate Howland, Jennifer Rae, Janet Lawson, Jim Maloy, Deitrich Johnson, Tracey Jones, Robyn Stafford, Rebecca Pence. 2. Madame Lederman prepares to be hit by a wet sponge. 3. Club members Corinne DepretGuillaume and Alyssa Uecker sing Christmas carols. 4. Diana Kost puts on a skit.


French Club


More languages The Latin Club once again had a great year. Sponsored by Dr. David Larrick, the club went to the Junior Classical League Convention in Norfolk. They were the 15th largest delegation out of 92 schools and won 7 first places. The club has collected trophies for Certamen throughout Virginia . They also held fund raisers for leukemia victims, Latin Night for parents, and plan a picnic for June. Most important of all was club participation in the Latin Exam in March. The Spanish Club attracted members from all grades, also. The only requisite for the club was that Spanish be a regular academic course . The members were exposed to Spanish traditions and culture, in addition to Spanish games.


4 1. Spanish Club, Front row: Bill Purvis, Tracy Wright, Page Newman, Rosemary Beard. Second row: Mrs. G. Lu m , Bill Kleiber, Amy Forrest, Sheri Gauthier, Suniah Tahboub, Ginger Brown . Back row: Mike Pickrel, Bill Prillam an, Athena Anas. 2. Dr. La rrick and Stephanie Ze h preside over a club meeting. 3. Spanish Club members listen attentively during a club meeting. 4. Page Newm an blindfolds another member as she prepares to attack the Pinata. 5. Lati n Club, Front row: Mickey Watson , Stephanie Zeh, Alicia Conley. Second row: Alan Jacobson, Kelly Alexander, Jamie Ake r, Amy Oehl sc hlaeger. Back row: Lee Higginbotham, Ma rk Mclaughlin, Jan Dougl ass, Dal las Pitt, Jeff Lanier.

Spanish Club, Latin Club


Students experience culture

This is the second year for the popular Games, Inc. Club. This year club membership has risen to 30. They raised money for the Homecoming Tailgate and took first place. The club plays games such as role reversal and role masters during cl ub period. The club has become popular due to the popularity of games and to the new games that have been added.

1. Games, Inc. Front row: Jarle Crocker, Greg Scharer, And rew Johnston, Second row: Bobby Powell, John Bennett, Keith Soroskia, Chris Holdren , Jacob Joseph, Back row: John Charlton, Michael Hamm, Gary Davis, Duke Creighton, James Scott. 2. Taber Martin leads a club meeting. 3. Games, Inc. enters a noat in the Homecoming parade. 4. Afro-American, Uterary Club, Front row: Larry Henderson, Walter Smith, Taber Martin, Jackie Walker. Second row: Francesca Hackley, Robert Garland, David Quarles, Patrick Murray, Clarence Johnson, Lokie Johnson. Back row: Varonda Banks, Carolyn Williams, Donna Fields, Leisa Hackley. 5. Dance Club, Front row: Mrs . Jackson, Omar Williford, Carl Hester, Jeff White, George Walker, Anthony Hill. Second row: Juanita Brown, Portia Jackson , Jennifer Green, Charis Muller, Valanta Thomas. Back row: Martin Taylo r, lvey Webb , Dionne Hackley, Elaine Garber, Gloria Blagman .


Nrc-American, Games, Inc., Dance



Game and computers

The Computer Club, sponsored by Mrs. Stanley, enjoyed learning and practicing skills on the computer. Computers were available to them during club period. Many students took advantage of this time to write programs or to type up previously written programs. This club was of much educational benefit to the members.

4 1. Computer Programming, Front row: Scott Harrell, Marcus Luck, Phil Benzinger, Paul Gillispie. Back row: Mrs. Stanley, lnge Smit, Andy Rein , Andy Mason. 2. Club period is a time fo r Marcus Lu ck to use a com puter. 3. Concentration at the comp uter shows on Andy Mason 's face. 4. Computers seem to be fun fo r Andy Rein. 5. Club members enjoy a game during cl ub pe riod.


5 Games Inc., Computer Programming


Choirs entertain many Concert Choir and Women 's Chorus participated in many activities throughout the year. With Mrs. Bansleben directing the choir, there were many concerts, a school Christmas Concert, a Christmas dinner concert for parents and friends, one concert at Fashion Square Mall, and one for a nursing home. In the spring the choir presented its "Spring Madness" show which had the theme of "American Pop". There were many competitions throughout the year such as the Longwood Festival and Regional and State Choir.


Regional Choir






1. Regional Chorus, Front row: April Lassiter, Shannon Taylor, Donna Young, Angelin Brewer, Second row: Terry Lynn Wright, Kimberly Groome, Lisa Hubbard, Gina Jackson, Gene Johnson. Back row: Kevin Jones, Charles Safely, Michael Morris. 2. Tenors Patrick Wood and Chris Hill rehearse for the Christmas concert. 3. The Concert Choir performs for the school. 4. Becka Pitts, Christie Jordan, Vickie Garver, and Melissa Johnson sing during the Christmas Concert. 5. "Oh, Holy Night" is sung by Donna Young. 6. Peter Hunt and Don Bryce accompany the Concert Choir. 7. Rehearsal is very important to Mary Thacker, Christine Richardson, Kim Seivers, and Donna Young. 8. Choir I, Front row: Chariss Muller, Rebecca Puts, Jennifer Harris, Annette Sprouse, Katherine Marsh, Melody Stone, Christina Jordan. Second row: Victoria Garver, Antonietta Nelson, Nancy Breeden, Davin Coles, Kimberly Lervis, Melissa Johnson, Victoria Smith. Back row: Susan Batten, Anne Haberly, Kristin Rideout, Beth Ann Kennedy, Roxanne Shifflett, Leigh Sylvester. 9. Practice makes perfect- the choir prepares for the Christmas Concert. 10. Concert Choir, Front row: Girda Bansleben, Lisa Arves, Brenda Hawley, Kimberly Silvers, Angel in Brewer, James Tarson, Trent Giannini, Christopher Hill, Stephen Kim. Second row: Heather Hudson, Sherita Rush, Jeana Rush, Terry Lynn Wright, Mary Thacker, Amy Glover, Marie Amaler, Patrick Wood, April Lassiter, Patricia Salls, Alesia Martin. Third row: Suzy Estes, Angela Winston, Natalie Harris, Rachel Green, Lisa Hubbard, Christine Richardson, Kelly Williams, Shannon Taylor, Catherine Jones, Kimberly Groome. Back row: Cindy Jacobs, Michael Morris, Charles Safely, Gina Jackson, Kevin Jones, Tanya Lee, Gene Johnson, Donna Young , Rodney Putnam, Omar Williford, Darren Snap, Mark Lervis.

10 Choir I, Choir II


The Volleyball Club was once again sponsored by Ms. Nielson, the A.H .S. volleyball coach. The club 's purpose was to teach the fundamental techniques of power volleyball. Each club period was spent in competitive matches between club members. Officers this year were Mary Vermillion , President; Pam Dix, Vice President ; and Emily Vermillion , Secretary-Treasurer. 1984 was welcomed by the Rock Album Critics Club as their second year of existence. Throughout the year members wrote reviews of various recent albums for their newspaper, "Face the Music". The newspaper, including articles and cartoons designed by members, was sold to raise funds for the club. This money was used to attend several concerts and to invite local bands to perform at the school. Ms. Merkle, club sponsor, and club members are looking forward to another year.

1. Rock Album Critics, Front row: Ms. Merkle, Lisa Dodd, Cathy Heath, Jennifer McKamey, Jason Armistead. Second row: Ashley Colvin, David Pillar, Coleman Gently, Eric Bennett, Nancy Thacker, Allan Burnley. Third row: Fritz Palka, Allison Schrank, Lori Runkle , Katie Kelly, Karl Bauer. Back row: Robin Smith, Scott Piotti, Susan Satira, John Rose, John Sissom, Mike Dixon. 2. Volleyball Club, Front row: Bonnie Nielson, Pam Dix, Emily Vermillion , Mary Verm illion, Donna Pippin, J immy Mooney, Analisa Lage. Second row: Denise Bi ckley, Wanda Mills, Tammy Shifflett, Tanya Lee, Stephanie Coukos, Lori Dudley, Wendy Bocock, Tessa Noris, Heidi Sherman, Wendi Garrison. Third row: Missy Kauffman , Pat Coster, Brian Wayland, Todd Stackhouse, Mark Martin, Dawn Roberts, David Bishop, Mark Donnelly, Jon Wingfield. Back row: Becki Howard, Wardell a Scott, <;;buck Cre~. Mark Cogburn . 3. Andy Lawson and Eric ~nverse during a Rock Album Club meeting. 4. Pam Dix looks on as the ball is spiked.


Rock Album , Volleyball

Music and sports

A song in the air

Symphonic Bands I and II were again directed by Elmer F. Sampson. The marching band attended many competitions, played at home football games, and held several concerts this year. These activities gave the band the opportunity to display its talents. The Symphonic bands sold many items to raise money for various activities. They sold fruit, pizza kits, and cheese and sausage. Enrollment in the Symphonic bands has increased dramatically this year. The students took pride in their talent and worked hard to make this the best area band. I. Symphonic Band Ill, Front row: Jean Lee, Donna Partin, Ida D'Eiicio, Liz Pen ce, Linda Cooper, Felecia DeBerry, Vanessa Wetzel , Julie Gilligan , Mary Beth Saunders, Jennifer West, Sarah Rosenblum. Second row: Kevin Saunders, Lisa Dodd, Kwame Fisher, Chris Tesack, Christine Lopilato, Doug McCoy, Valencia Terrell, Bill Kleiber, Bobby Reid , Amy Bithell , Robin Mason , J uanita Young , Carrie Checchi. Third row: Thierry Laurent, T im Karr, Steve Kleiber, David Brown, Ronnie Taylor, Mike Hartling, Kim Miskimmon, John Kost, Coleman Gentry, Scott Archer, Gavin Pinchback, Todd Richardson , Bobby Powell, Eddie D'Eiicio, Anity Hershey, Melanie John son, Glenn Forloines, Pet~r Hunt. David Pillar, Tom m y Bithell, Mr. Elmer Sampson. Fourth row: Cla ri ce Coles, Pam Anderson , John Bauer, Tim Batten, Huck Pence, David Gamache, Danny Faxon, Douglas Smith, Randall Ph arr. Back row: Brian Brauch, Greg Vaug han, Clyde Green, Wayne Perry. 2. Band liB Class, front row: Mr. Sampson , Cheryl Carey, Melissa Waufle. Back row: Ra ndy Pennington , Robert Bailey, Jason Harris, David Haga. 3. Mr. Sampson directs the Ch ristmas Concert. 5. Band I !A, front row: Angela Cason, Marquette Munday, Gloria Saylor, Melissa Hedgeman, Amy Guervant, Tammy Fi sher, Amy Oehlschlaeger. Second row: Simone Gard ner, Ke ith Seroski. Back row: Mr. Sampson, Emmanuel Mineo, Mike Dunca n, Eric Hollingsworth.

4 Symphonic and Band II


Something for everyone Thick and Thin was a health related club sponsored by Mrs. Stark. Club members discussed nutrition and other good health practices. Though club membership was small, many could benefit from topics discussed. Even those who weren 't too thick or too thin needed wise nutritional habits and good health practices. The Arts and Crafts Club, sponsored by art teacher Mrs. Adams, offered a creative outlet for students during club period. The mental anxiety of math and English was pushed aside for a little while and creative juices were allowed to flow. Christian fellowship Club, sponsored by Mrs. Bibb and Mrs. Browning, met during club period. Students shared experiences and discussions were held.

1. Arts and Crafts Club, Front row: Debbie Sprouse, Michelle Rickborn, Roy Pendleton, Angelin Brewer, Heather Scanlon, Sandra Johnson. Second row: Frances Arnold, Roxanne Shifflett, Glenda Mann, Melissa Johnson, Choyer Lumpp, Donna Partin, Christina Morris, Arlene Sprouse. Back row: Leslie Hartman, Kim Sprouse, Sherry Jarvis, Aretha Rush, Vicky Blikslager, Brian Watkins, Lisa Steppe, Mrs. Adams. 2. Christian Fellowship Club, Front row: Kim Groome, David Wilcoxen. Second row: Wanda Collier, Susan Hall, Lynne Gray, Sara Hall. Back row: Angela Cason, Bettie Purdue, Wendy Schrock, Sherri Brewer, Mrs. Bibb. 3. Mrs. Starks leads a club discussion. 4. Thick & Thin, Front row: Laura Dabney, Angela Harlow, Angela Winston, Natalie Harris. Back row: Chuck Tomlin, Bill Hall, Mrs. Stark.


Thick & Thin, Arts & Crafts, Christian Fellowship


Challenging the mind


The Chess Club, sponsored by Robert Macdonald, started out a great year by defeating Fork Union Military Academy. During Club meetings the competitive members tried out new moves on their opponents. The team then tried these moves out on Fork Union, Tandem, Louisa, and Heritage Christian. Members of the Psychic Club felt very positive about their club. President, Relana Pinkerton , helped organize the guest speakers who came to share new ideas with the club. During the meeting, members discovered their own special psychic abilities and experiemented with activities such as describing persons through their personal objects.

1. Chess Club, Front row: Allen Hershey, Tim Way, Torsten Kopp , Todd Richardson , Tim Karr. Ba~ row: Elinor Benzinger, Barry Keith , Mac Haney, Mike Richardson , Greg Skinner, Tim Batten. 2. Chess Team, FfQ_nt row: Mike Richardson , Berry Keith , Todd Richardson, Allen Hershey. 3. Allen Hershey concentrates on his next move. 4. Psychic Club, Front row: Mr. Peste, Regina Rush , Kim Slinkman, Tammy Fitzgerald, Penny Farmer, Sandra Perkins , Jennifer Lewis, Leah Lewis, Tracy Snead, Kim Harper, Tracey Greene, Julie Arey. Second row: Michael Morris, Linda Braithwaite , Mary Florence, Mary Butler, Laurie Roebuck, Jean Ehrhardt, Nicole Hofland , Stacey Dinning, Rob Mclaughlin, Bobbie Batchelor. Third row: Kathy Lucas, Pat Davis, Scott Taylor, Carrie Slikman, David Clicquennoi, Bill Carey, CJ . Dunk! , Nick Reppucci. Back row: Lisa Arvis, Trina Houlihan, Ricky Reed , Kwame Fisher, Donnie Sumerlin, Mike Hensley, Steve Capiui, David Fowley, Paul Wood , Eric Wilson , Andrew Vaugha n.


4 Chess Team, Psychic, Chess Club



1. FCA, Seniors front row: Steffi Marshall, Steve DeMasters, Sheri Lawhorn, Lane Odom, Beth Eley, Michelle Canada, Connie Roberts, John Harman, Doug Perkins, David Gallagher, Anne Giffen. Second row: Tina Roberts, Tamara McCauley, Karen Lau fenburger, Kelly Mays, Tina Caldwell, David Shifflett, Greg Stokes, Sarah Roberts, Darren McCauley, Tracy Plunkett, Patrick Wood. Third row: Tommy Oliver, Kelly Walker, Ginny Helfenstein, Linda Braithwaite, Sheila Bernard, Tim Nye, Rachael Green, Paulette Truslow, Donna Young. Fourth row: Page Newman, Cheryl Smith, Kevin Jones, Tanya Lee, Wendy Rice , Shawn Hauck, Mary Vermillion , Val Hughes, Tommy Chandler, Ri c Westervelt. Back row: Vonda Holpsapp le, Valenc ia McKenna , Pam Dix, Donna Pippin, Jimmy Mooney, Aimee Smith, Amy Krol. 2. FCA Juniors, front row: Roxanne Eppard, Andrea Muro,Juliette Tolbert, Margaret Lambert, Katrina Maynard, Jodie Walsh , Apri l Lassiter. Second row: Kerry Hall, Virg inia St. John, Becky Webster, Lori Dudley, Cheri Anderson , Harry Hess. Third row: Bill Jesser, Scott Burwell, Darrin Lynch, Darren Kennon , Jeff Herridge, Kelly Mason. Fourth row: Ellen Neihaus, Julie Lande!, Patty Donnelly, Penny Drumheller, Cathy Bailey, Jennifer Wright. Fifth row: Tim Hipskind, Beth Kettrick, Angie Perdue, Shelly Beasley, Lisa Hubbard, Mike Hartling. Back row: J immy Lowry, Leslie Mann, JoAnne Holland, Peter Hill, Patrick Boyd, Ronnie Taylor, Greg D'atre, Terry Laurent, Kim Sprouse. 3. FCA Sophomores, front row: Keith Johnson, Brian Martin, Robert Bayston, Wayne Mullins, Kenny Moyers, Karen Clark, Sean Reynolds, David Obenshain, Susana Brent, Herbie Ankrom , Stephanie Jones. Second row: Daryl Estes, Norman Pearson, John Haar, John Blackburn, Marcy Dixon, Karen Taylor, Rosemary Beard, Kristina Cady, Charlie Carter, Mike Eagan, Beth Inscoe. Third row: Trey Steigman, Tom Whitten, Kristine Morris, Anneil Cosby, Wendy Pugh, Wendy Olsen, Dawn Farrell, Rachel Henry, Steve Griffen, Gretchen Fudala, Leslie Hall. Fourth row: Roni Hanger, Linda Heath, Karen Smith, Joanie Sho-Walter, Ann Thomas, Paige Anderson , Rashel Hammond, Courtney McDaniel, Tracy Morris, Cynthia Elledge, Tracy Hensley, Martin Taylor. Back row: Susie Westrater, Scarlet Lane, Jackie Carlton, Jane Nesh, Bestsy Purvis. 4. FCA Freshmen, Front row: Elaine Houghton, Cathy McMahon, Lili Flynn, Lisa Lambert, Lau ra McDonald, Christine Price, Joi Daniels, Nicole Jesser, Debbie Henshaw, Laura Williams. Second row: Beth Kennedy, Shannon Donato. Libby Edwards, Sarah Rotgin , Jennifer Short, Paula Mueller. Third row: Heather Hansen, Wendy Geer, Lisa Huffman, Camilla Eubanks, Steve Roberts , Michelle DeLaunay. Lisha Joseph, Teresa Mundie. Back row: Stacy Gordon, Leanne Battle, Lisa Roberts, Heather Day, Linda Cooper, Tammi Hasting.



a club for all


A.H.S.' largest club This year one of the most popular clubs was the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Sponsors Mr. Larry Johnson and Mrs. Anita Jenkins helped to make FCA the best club ever. Whether it was a tailgate at every home game or collecting money for the needy in walk-athons, members proved to be successful. To help manage the club, officers, President Doug Perkins, Vic~ President John Harman, Secretary Connie Roberts , and Treasurer Michelle Canada worked harder than ever. The FCA officers started a new program during lunch where you could learn about the Bible while eating.



1. Mr. Johnson tells Steve DeMasters he can't go to the bathroom. 2. Mr. Johnson loves John Harman's outfit. 3. Cheryl Smith and John Harman talk before an FCA meeting. 4. Billy Morrow is thinking about someone else while Kelly Mason tries to be noticed. 5. Connie Roberts, Tina Caldwell, Sheila Bernard, and Darren McCauley pay no attention to Mr. Johnson. 6. FCA members chat at a tailgate before the Homecoming game.




Sports clubs provide fun The Ski Club, one of the largest clubs, was sponsored by Mr. Foutz and Mrs. Garland. In order to join, students had to pay eight dollar dues. This made various ski trips available for participation. During club meetings, activities consisted of speakers and even video tapes of skiers. The Lacrosse Club was another popular club . Sponsored by Coach Shepard, the officers were President- Richard Harrington, Vice-President - Richard Lage, Secretary Rees Frescoln, and Treasurer- Ric Westervelt. Members sold candy in order to raise money for the girls and boys Lacrosse teams and were part of the intramural programs. The Lacrosse Club also participated in a blue and white game in which the alumni were present and held a spring Social activity.

2 1. Ski Club, Juniors, front row: Sherri Lawrence, Leslie Lumsden , Claire Weaver, Janet Campagna, Melissa Hirsch, Jennifer Lear, Geoff Goodwin, Patrick Boyd, Cheri Anderson . Second row: Andy Crowder, Rob Hicken, Shawn Shelton, Catherine Edson, Tracy Whyte, Mike Ward, Rodney Tate, Mary Beth Breihan, Scott Taylor. Third row: David Hall, David Morris, Susan Tharp, Beth Yager, Joe King, Mike Morris, David Satira, Cayce Wallace, Clarence Robertson , Missy Houchens, Matt Wade. Back row: Cindy Hudgins, Joe Beasley, Juliette Tolbert, Kelly Williams, Nicolette Tobert, Christine Scholle, Heather Butler, Steve Houchens, Laurie Hager, Harry Hess, Jimmy Lowry, David Lenn. 2. A speaker from a local ski shop shows equipment to the ski club. 3. Ski Club, front row: Scott Lear, Tom Chandler, Bryston Giannini , Paul Reynolds, Lisa Hucek, John Harris, Sheri Lawhorn, Steve DeMasters, Tammy Simpkins, Tina Masluk, Danny Fowley, Mike Shand, Matt Wood. Second row: John Rose, Lane Odom, Peter Salters, Nicole Pharr, Sallie Massie, Breck Bouchard, Lisa Anderson, Steffi Marshall, Joel Weaver, Piper Wilson, Beth Eley. Third row: Mary Butler, Stefan Pert!, Timolee Tucker, Erin Lewicki. Miriam Hirsch, Wes Edwards, Susan Rosson, Mary Childress, Sharan Warren, Lisa Rogers, Sarah Rosenblum. Back row: Mary Florence, Casey Boyd, Louise Finger, Andrea Jones, Jeannie Vining, Yvonne Gorman, Jim Morris, Mike Hammond, Derek Robinson, Wes Sobbott, James Zobel. 4. Lacrosse, front row: Richard Harrington, Richard Lage, Andrea Muro, Rees Frescoln, Coach Shepard. Second row: Heather Griffith, Libby Edwards, Beth Inscoe, Jeff Wood, Ric Westervelt, Tim Werres, Joel Weaver, Piper Wilson, Rob Taylor. Third row: Scarlett Lane, Jackie Carlton , Charlie Safley, Jennifer Harrelson, Mike Plunkett, Joe Beasley, Rachael Edlich, Mickey Watson, Harry Hess. Back row: Dan Olsen, Scott Hensley, Charlie Carter, Cynthia Elledge, Rob Frescoln, Kevin Breeden, Darren Kennon, Jeff Horridge, Mary Sidney Kelly.


Ski, LAX


To better athletes

The Wrestling Club, a new sports club , was sponsored by Coach Hoy. He hoped for it to become a school sponsored team. This year they competed in matches as a team with schools such as Western Albemarle and Charlottesville. Coach Hoy felt he had enough guys willing to participate as a team . The Riding Club had a new sponsor, Mimi Hirsch, who has made the riding club very successful. This year the Riding Club gave pony rides, bake sales and, of course , gone riding.


3 1. Wre stling. Front row: Ashley Covin, Mark Myrick, Robert Chapman, Mark Roberts, Chris Duprey, Ti m Nye, Ron Bauguess, David Jordan, Sherod Wood , Carry Pilkey. Second row: Matt Gerimm, Vic Diggs, Kevin Riddle, Ha rry Coukos, Alan Agee , Courtney Fountain. Greg Childress, Terrence Scott, Mike Shrader, Clarence Johnson. Back row: Scott Porter, Bobby Stealmen, Edward Pryor, Lyndell Rush, Jan Shifflett, Todd Via , Ricky Reed , 0 . Jay Simpson . 2. Riding Club, Front row: Lisa McMahon, Amy Glover. Second row: Stacy Halkach, Emily Blankenbecker, Lo is Gentry, Vanessa Eades. Back row: Cai Mowry, Dana Johnson, Nick Chivily, Tina Marie Horton. 3. Riding Club m em bers hear a speaker during club period. 4. Robert Chapman and Mark Myrick attend to Wrestling Club business. 5. In the Weight Room , members watch as other club members work out.


5 Riding, Wrestling


Politics at A.H.S. The Model U.N. Club , sponsored by Mr. Weaver, had an exciting and interesting year. Members attended conventions at the University of Virginia and in New York where they represented Lybia. At these conventions, they followed U.N . procedural rules and created resolutions. The '84 Presidential election provided increased activities for the Teenage Republicans working the phone bank, going on literature drops, helping at the Court House, working the polls on Election Day, and celebrating at the Victory Party where they were interviewed by the media. The Teen Democrats were also politically active. They discussed the key issues in the Presidential election. They also helped in the election.

2 1. Teenage Republicans, front row: Elizabeth Pence, Jennifer Wright, Alic ia Conley, Melissa Hutchinson, Li sa Board, Bill Prillaman . Back row: Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Birckhead, Mickey Watson, Donna Shirley, Mandy Freeman. 2. Republican John Warne r pays a vis it to A. H.S. 3. Model United Nations, Front row: Ashley Colvin, Joe Lascano, Nicolas Danigo, Tom Estes, Ricky unez. Second row: M51scha Mawry, Sean Redmond, Anne Giffen, Steve Raque, James Wood, Anne Gotham. BAck row: Authur Brown, Phil Town send, David Ramsden , Rob Ball, Pat Davis, Arthur Bender, Scott Taylor, Bill Prillaman . 4. Teen Democrats, front row: Rosemary Beard, Elinor Benzinger. An ne Giffen, Amy Lovejoy. Back row: Andrew Johnston, Bobby Blue, Jarle Crocke r, James Lum. 5. Mrs. Gies and Democrat Edie Harris exchange ideas.


Teen Republicans. Model U. .. Teen Democrats



To better involvement The Key Club, sponsored by Mrs. Strickler, performed many, many school and community services. The club hosted the fall blood bank, helped with daycare centers at local elementary schools, and went Christmas caroling at nursing homes. The International Exchange Club, sponsored by Ms. Dyer, offered the possibility for members to visit foreign countries or to host foreign students. Speakers from foreign countries spoke to the students about life overseas. The Ecology Club, sponsored by Mr. Ergler, enjoyed studying certain aspects of nature. The students watched films, and the club offered members the opportunity to hike in the mountains.

3 1. Key Club, Front row: Kathy Wa rd , Jenni fe r Scopelliti, David Zimmerman, Lisa Wharam . Second row: Te rilynne Wright, Clara Scopelliti, Adonice Carey, Leigh Hicks, Stephanie Patton, Liz Pence, Donna Shirley, Nancy Freeman, Kyong Yu, Sarah Grode. Back row: Michelle Cangialosi, Wendi Snow, Traci Gorly, Angi Shattuck, Kristin Rideout, Beth Rideout, Jean Lee, Susan Collier, Anne Doyle, Mrs. Stricker. 2. Mr. Ergler, are we watching a movie? 3. Ecology Club: Trefeny Dix, Mr. Ergler, Peter Hunt, Brain Branch. 4. International Exchange, front row: Ms. Dye r. Second row: Angela Waufle , Stacy Bocock, Maggie Wingate , Michelle Browning. Third row: Marclare Leng, Karen Samuels, Christine Schladit, Cindy Jacobs, Amy Lovejoy. Back row: Heather Colvin, La ura Greene, Heather Hudson, Suzy Estes, Ashley Colvin.

4 Key Club, International, Ecology


The SCA has been very active this year in student events. They organized and arranged all clubs and made sure they had sponsors. Their biggest responsibility of the yea r was Homecoming. Spirit week, the powder-puff football game, half-time activities and the Homecoming Dance were a few events surrounding Homecoming. They also conducted a food drive in December. In February they once again conducted the Valentine Day fund raiser in which flowers, songs, poems, and roses were sent to a loved one. They continued the selling of donuts during SAP to help get new things for the students and school and also aid for programs such as wrestling , lacrosse, and the newspaper.

Government for all


1. SCA Council, Front row: David Zimmerman, Wendy Bocock, Lori Dudley, Paige Anderson , Andrea Jones, Mr. Foutz. Back row: Shanna Batten, J ulie Lande!. 2. Annabel Thompson, President, and Hilary Scherer smile for the photographer. 3. Students Micky Watson , Randy Wrenn , Andrea Jones, and Linda Braithwaite decide who the next flower is going to. 4. " Peace", says Rees Frescoln and Jamie Zobel. 5. Lori Dudley and Connie Roberts show their spirit.










1. SCA Juniors and Seniors, Front row: Richard Harrington, Arthur Brown, Andrea Jones, Joel Weaver, Miriam Hirsch, Patrick lachetta , Carl Hester. Second row: Mary Vermillion , Jimmy Mooney, Pete Hill, Patty Donnelly, Julie Landel, Beth Yager, Page Newman, Cheryl Smith, Scott Lear, Val Hughes. Third row: David Zimmerman, Lori Dudley, Julie Burbach, Paulette Truslow, Lillian Clemena, Mike Burns, Linda Braithwaite, Tim Nye, Tanya Lee, Mike Shand, Becky Webster, Matt Wood . Back row: Tina Maslyk, Ashley Colvin, Tina Caldwell, Lisa Anderson. 2. SCA Freshmen and Sophomores, front row: Ellen Lester, Laura Williams, Lisa Kindrick, Paige Ande rson, Rosemary Beard, John Blackburn, Cynthia Elledge, Ann Kirwin, Eli nor Benzinger, Rani Hanger. Second row: Stacy Bocock, Shanna Batten, Libby Edwards, Amy Guerrant, Michelle DeLaunay, Joi Dan iels, Lisa Steppe, Anneil Crosby, Suniah Tahboub, Lori Michie, Joe Beasley. Back row: Leah Lewis, Lisa Roberts, Linda Cooper, Nicole Jesser, Trent Giannini, Mike Shrader, Greg Childress, Lyndell Rush, Micheal Muro, Mandy Hinton, Lisa Huffman, Lisa Arvis. 4. Annabel Thompson assembles the nerds. 5. Mr. Seaman 's class participates in the SCA door decorating contest. 6. Tommy Johnson watch the game, not me. 7. Don 't move or I'll shoot. SCA



Academics Divider



Nothing but the best The 1984-85 school year was a time of beginnings at Albemarle High School. Our new principal, William Raines, brought a different kind of leadership to us when he replaced the retired Ben F. Hurt. During the summer months before any students came back to school, Mr. Raines and Mrs. Sharon Harris, our new associate principal, began working to plan new goals and priorities. Mr. Raines brought with him two new phrases that seemed to summarize his goals for the school year: " Nothing less than the Best" and "AHS - a school for everyone" . Throughout the year, administration , faculty, and students were all encouraged to work toward these goals. With an experienced staff, these goals were even easier to reach. Our assistant principals, John Anderson , John Sessoms, and Charlie Lackey, possessed a great part of that experience which made these beginnings run smoothly. All involved worked toward the goals of creating a feeling of excellence and of raising the expectations of students, faculty, and administration. A new sense of unity between the student body and the faculty as well as an over-all spirit of cooperation was felt. Everyone strove to accomplish his own personal goals in addition to the goals of the school. With the leadership of our new principal and a new feeling of school spirit, this year was a complete success. With these new ideas, goals, and principles, the future looks bright for Albemarle High School.

2 202



1. Sharon E. Harris Associate Principal for Cu rri cu lu m and Instru ction ; Midwestern State University, B.S.E.; University of T exas at San Antonio, M.A. 2. William Howard Raines Principal; University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed. 3. Patricia M. Stark School Nurse; Pfeiffer College, Charlotte Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, R.N.; Bloodmobile, Health Fair, Thick 'n Thin Club. 4. Jeanne Mueller Attendance/Computer Secretary. 5. Z.H. Murray Main Office Secretary; Jefferson School of Commerce Extension Division. 6. Charles Halladay Lackey Assistant Pri ncipal; Furman University, B.A.; Appalachian State University, M.A.; University of Virginia, Admi nistrative Certificate.





4 Administration


Administration, cont'd.

1. Donnie Garrison Resource Officer. 2. Sandra Wingate Attendance Clerk. 3. Helen M. Brite Secretary to the Assistant Principals. 4. John Anderson Assistant Principal; Virginia State College, BA., M.S.



4 204





1. Patricia A. Pleasants Bookeeper. 2. JoAnn Frank Attendance Secretary. 3. Sandra A. Nlen Secretary to the Principal. 4. John C. Sessoms Assistant Principal; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A.; University of Vi rginia, M.Ed.

4 Administration



3 1. Harold " Bud" Eckholm Guidance Counselor; Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, B.A.; James Madison University, M.Ed.; Freshman Powder Puff Football. 2. Luci Craig Riddick Guidance Counselor; Randolph-Macon College, University of Virginia, B.S., M.Ed.; College Planning Club. 3. Gary L. Shepard Guidance Counselor; Texas Christian University, B.S., M.Ed.; Football, Lacrosse, Lacrosse Club. 4. Darla Cherie Ellis Guidance Counselor; Immaculata College; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed., Ed.S. 5. Theresa M. Jones Guidance Secretary.




Guidance for all

The Guidance Department at Albemarle High School helped all students again this year. The addition of Mr. Eckholm added a new dimension- another male in the department. Freshmen and seniors benefited most from contact with their counselors. Those in the freshman class needed help with scheduling and adjusting to a new, larger school. Seniors needed the counselors to help them plan their futures. Would it be college or what? Counselors provided much valuable information . Sophomores and juniors also used guidance services for class changes, the ever important SAT's and moral support. Guidance often provided a listening ear for students in all grades who could not seem to find anyone else. 2


4 1. Evelyn R. Boyd Guidance Director; University of Virginia, BA., M.Ed.; Study Skills. 2. Yvonne J . Brown Guidance Counselor; Virginia State College, BA., M.Ed. 3. Daniel John Monahan Guidance Counselor; St. Francis College, BA., University of Virginia, M.Ed., Ed.S.; Cross Country, College Planning Club. 4. Dorothy Shields Guidance Secretary; Sweet Briar College, BA.


4 Guidance


The perfect lO's The Math Department at Albemarle High School continued to grow. It would have been hard to complete all the math courses offered. It seemed that every year new courses and advanceme n ts were made . Computer courses were enhanced this year when more computer printers were added to Albemarle High School's computer room. The standard math courses that had been taught for years were, as always, a challenge and offered consistency in the department. The Math Department, with its variety of faces , offered challenge, excitement, and advancement for all students involved in its programs.

4 1. Shirley Palm er Crenshaw Math 9, Developmental Math; University of South Carolina, B.A.; Senior Class Sponsor. 2. James F. Douglas Geometry, Algebra I; University of Richmond; University of Vi rginia, B.S.Ed., M.Ed. 3. La rry Ala n Johnson Geom etry, Algebra II; North Carolina State University, B.S.;

FCA. 4. Bessie P. Birckhead Algebra I; Mary Washington College, B.S.; Teenage Republicans. 5. Robert C. Macdonald Alge bra 3, Tri gonom etry, Analytic Geom etry; George Washington University, A.B.; Idaho State University, M.Ed.; Chess Club, Senior Class Sponsor. 6. A. Wa lter Jones Basic Math, Developm ental Math; N.C. Central University, B.S.; Footbal l.

5 208



5 I. Courtenay Turner Stanley Math Analysis, Computer Science; College of William and Mary, A.B.; University of Virgin ia, M.Ed.; PEER, Computer Club. 2. Richard Ergler Ca lcul us, Algeb ra II; St. Vincent College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.; Ecology Club, PEER. 3. Clarece Holland Edson Pre-Algebra, Algebra I; Longwood College, B.A.; Sophomore Class Sponsor. 4. Anita Brockette Jenkins Geometry, Algebra II; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; FCA. 5. Virginia Fulcher Algebra II, Geometry; Longwood College, B.S.;University of Virginia , M.Ed.; National Honor Society, Math Department Chairm an. 6. Greg Maynard Math 9, Pre-Algebra; Bridgewater College, B.S.; Boy's Va rsity Basketball, Girls' Softball. 7. Jane Crane Wa rd Pre-Algebra, Algebra I; College of William and Mary, B.A.; Girls' Outdoor Track.



7 Mathematics


Science betters the world The Science Department strove to explain the world around us. In order to relate to the world more personally, students participated in the science fair, which highlighted the year. The fair, held March 15-18, featured many exciting projects with prizes awarded to the winners in each category. Mr. Curry, the chairman of the Science Department, and others in the department emphasized computers more in their classes. Those who were able to participate in the assembly enjoyed a talk given by astronaut Harrison Schmidt from NASA. Whether it was Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Earth Science, science classes were a vital part of our school and our lives.

1. Harriet Stoneburner Bell Earth Science; Maay Baldwin College, BA. ; Freshman Class Sponsor. 2. Marvin T. Curry Chemistry I, II; Florida State University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Science Department Chairman . 3. David Cunningham PSSC Physics; Concord College, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.S., M.Ed.; Photography Club. 4. Beverly Bingler Otis Biology I, Ecology; James Madison University, B.S. 5. William Remsen Schultz Earth Science; University of Virginia, B.S., M.S.; Photography Club.





5 1. William Banks Biilogy I, II, PSSC Physics; University of Tampa, B.S.; Florida Atlantic University, M.Ed.; University of South Sewanee, MA.T.; Science Fair Director, Space Mice Science Club. 2. Kathleen Flynn Biology; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.Ed.; Art Club. 3. Katherine Bain Thomas Earth Science; University of Notre Dame, A.B. ; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Outdoor Sports Club. 4. Antoinette McBride Biology; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Athletic Trainer. 5. Martha Ann Johnson Colombini General Developmental Math, Chemistry; Florida State University, B.S., BA.; University of Virginia, M.S. 6. Jennifer Workman Earth Science; James Madison University, B.S. 7. M. Ross Alliston Laboratory Assistant; University of Virginia, BA.



7 Science


2 1. Verona Leake Browning English 10; Longwood College, BA.; Christian Fellowship Club. 2. Carmen Habeck Merkel English 10, 12; University of Illinois, B.S.; ArmstrongSavannah State College, M.Ed.; Rock Critics Club. 3. Rodney M. Keller English 10, Creative Writing; University of Virginia , BA.; University of Maine; Creative Writing Club, LANTERN . 4. Dennis M. Shannon English 9, 11 ; University of Ca lifo rn ia, A.B. ; University of Virginia, M.A. 5. Lenore Magdalen Shepard English 11 , Journalism; University of Washington; Portland State University, BA., M.S.T.; University of Virginia; PATRIOT PRESS.







for all

This year the English Department at Albemarle High School welcomed two new members to its staff. These two members were Mr. Alan Seaman and Mr. Dennis Shannon. These two were popular not only with their students but also with their fellow faculty members. New names taken on by other department members make it seem that two other new teachers had been added. However, it was only marriage that changed Mrs. Franklin's name to Mrs. Browning and Miss Critzer's to Mrs. Hughes. The English teachers applied the school's motto, "Nothing Less Than the Best", both in classroom and through successful participation in various contests and events, including creative Arts Week.


3 1. Sherry Pearson English 9, 10; Ohio State University, B.S.; Florida State University, M.S.; Junior Class Sponsor. 2. Z. James Estes, Jr. English 12, A.P. English; University of Virg inia, B.S., M.A. 3. Timothy C. MacDonald English 12, Debate; Modesto J r. College, A.A. ; University of California at Santa Cruz, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A., M.Ed. 4. Peggy A. Vaug hn English 9, Humanities I, II; Radford College, B.A.; University of Tennessee, M.A.; Film Critics Club, Academics Coach. 5. Bonnie O'Brien English 11 ; University of Illinois, B.A.; DePaul University, M.Ed., M.A.



5 English





1. Mary Robeson Hunter English 12; University of North Carolina at Greensboro; University of Virginia. 2. Peggy Finley English 10; Tift College, BA; University of Florida, M.Ed.; Teenage Republicans. 3. Sue C. Hughes English 9; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniverSity, BA; PEER. 4. Leslie Henderson-Williams English as a Second Language; University of Virginia, B.S. Ed. 5. Peggy Redmond English 11, 12; Wheaton CoUege; Purdue University, MA; University of Virginia, Diploma of Advanced Graduate Study; Girls' Tennis.

5 214



-- __



The best of times




1. Alice Bibb English 9; Madison College, B.A.; Christian Fellowship Club. 2 . Linda Hill English 9; Grove City College, B.A.; Freshman Class. 3. Susan Hull English 9, 10; Brown University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Mime Troupe, Film Critics Club. 4. Baxter Allison Pitts English 10; Longwood College, B.S. 5. Alan A. Seaman English 12; College of William and Mary, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A., M.Ed.; Creative Writing Club, Junior Class Sponsor. 6. Marilyn J . Fantino English 11; Emory and Henry College, B.A.; English Department Chairman, Creative Arts Week, Graduation,IFS.







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a better way

Fine arts

The Fine Arts classes gave students an escape from the ordinary "run of the mill" classes. They gave them a chance to expand their given talents and to put them to good use . The classes helped point out career opportunities. Some students took these classes just for fun while others wished to be involved in competitions and shows. Albemarle offered Band 2, Band 3, and Marching Band. All Marching Band members were in Band 3 . Concert Choir and Women 's Chorus allowed students to sing and perform in front of many different people. The Media Center also allowed students to expand their knowledge and learn more about books. It provided an atmosphere for study at SAP, during lunch, and before school. Fine Arts courses and access to the Media Center offered variety to what otherwise might have been a humdrum year.



1. Douglas J .Selden Ubrary Media Specialist; Norwich University, BA; University of Virginia, MAT.; Baseball, 9th Grade Football. 2. Martha J. Scott Mass Media, Drama I, II; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, BA., MA.; Thespian T roupe 500, Forensics Coach, Drama Coach. 3. Jane Gallant Librarian; Macalester College, B.S.; University of South Florida, MA. 4. Ruth Haverkamp Library Aide 5. Jana Olson A-V Coordinator; Hamline University, BA; Shippensburg State; Kent State; 9th Grade Cheerleaders, Junior Class Sponsor.

4 216

Fine Arts



- -




3 1. Gerda Bansleben Women's Chorus, Concert Choir, Theory of Music, History of Music; West Chester State Teachers College, BA; Columbia University, MA 2. Waldo E. Johnson Art II, Ill, IV; Rutgers University; Catholic University of America, B.F A ; Permanent Collection of Student Sculpture, Paintings, and Graphics. 3. Elmer Franklin Sampson Band 2, 3; James Milliken University; Virgin ia Commonwealth University, B.M.E.; Marching Band, Majorettes, Flag and Rifle Corps. 4. Virginia Adams Art I, Crafts I, II; Beaver College, BA; Auburn University, BA; Art and Crafts Club.


4 Fine Arts



1. Ruth M. Ferree French I, II; Bridgewater College, B.A.; James Madison University, M.Ed.; French Club, One-Act Play. 2. Graciela Lu m Spanish II, Ill, IV, V; Wayne State University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society. 3. Janet B. Shinett French 1, 11; University of Vi rginia, B.S., M.Ed.; French Club. 4. Susan R. Blackman Spanish I, II; University of Vi rginia, B.A.; Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society. 5. Rollin David Larrick Latin I, II, Ill; University of Virginia, B.A., M.A.; Florida State University, Ph.D.; Cornell University; Certamen, Latin Club, Academic Coach.

4 218

Foreign Language


Our world is broadened

The Foreign Language Department again was an important part of the school curriculum. The students worked hard in French, Spanish, German, and Latin to learn both language and culture. We welcomed two teachers to this department. Mrs. Ruth Ferree, a French teacher, and Mrs. Ruth Trice, a German teacher, were very welcome additions. Hard work, club activities, and outstanding teachers contributed greatly to our excellent Foreign Language Department.

3 1. Sally Brann Strickler Spanish I, Spanish III-IV; Randolph-Macon Woman 's College, B A.; University of Virginia , MA.T.; Spanish Honor Society, Key Club. 2. Mary A. Lederman French Ill, III/IV, IV, V; Syracuse University, A. B.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Foreign Language Department Chairman, French Club, French Honor Society. 3. Ruth Angela Trice German I, II, Ill; College of William and Mary, BA.; University of Virg inia, MA.; University of T uebingen .






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2 Foreign Language


1. Barbara D. McCallum Geography; Syracuse University, BA.; Northwestern University, MA.T.; University of Virginia, Ed. Specialist. 2. Carolyn Saunders U.S. History; Radford College, BA.; University of Virginia , MA. 3. Nancy Carolyn Grim U.S. History; Longwood College, BA. ; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MA. 4. Julia Dyer World History; Mary Washington College, BA.; International Exchange A.F.S. Club.



Social Studies



For a better future Four new teachers were added to the Social Studies Department this year: Mr. David Riddick, Mrs. Bobinette Hughes, Mr. Ed Griffith, and Mr. Joseph Pesti. Mr. Riddick taught U.S. and Va. History, Mr. Griffith taugh U.S. and Va. History and Practical Law, Mr. Pesti taught World Geography, and Mrs. Hughes taught U.S. and Va . Government. These teachers were a very valuable addition to the Social Studies Department. The same courses were once again offered by the department this year. Freshmen and sophomores had to take either World History or World Geography. Juniors and seniors took both history and government. Economics, Practical Law, and Psychology were also offered as electives. Through much though and preparation, the social studies teachers made learning very enjoyable. 2

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3 1. R. Stephen Foutz

Psychology; Troy State University, B.S.; University of Alabama, J.D.; SCA, Psychic Club, Ski Club. 2. Edmund B. Griffith U.S. History, Practical Law; University of Virginia , B.S.; Football. 3. Mary J o Gies U.S. and Virginia Government, Practical Law; Pennsylvania State University, BA; St. Bonaventure University, M.S.; S.L.O ., So cial Studi es Department Chairman , AfroAm erican Literary League. 4. Brian J . Grainer World Geography, U.S. and Virginia Government; James Madison University, BA; Football. 5. Bobbinette W. Hughes U.S. and Virginia Government; College of William and Mary, BA; Senior Class Sponsor. 6. Rebecca Jones World History; Mary Washington College, BA; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; Senior Class Sponsor.


5 Social Studies



Pa_ st, present, and on



I. Ann Marie H. Plunkett Wo rld History, Sociology; Brown University, A.B. ; University of Virginia, M.A. 2. Robert E. Weaver U.S. and Virginia Government, Econom ics, World Affairs; Fl orida Atlantic University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.T.; Model U.N. Club. 3. Lance Weisend Wo rld Histo ry, U.S. and Vi rginia Government; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A.; Oklahoma State University, M.A.; Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Games, Inc. 4. Joseph Pesti Wo rld Geog rap hy; Na ti o nal Pedagogic Academy , Budapest, B.A.; Washington and Lee University, Mary Baldwin College. 5. David Francis Riddick A.P. Am eri can History, U.S. History; Hampden-Sydney Coll ege, B.A.; Lacrosse.

5 222

Social Studies

Business for everyone




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Many students learned more about available careers by taking advantage of the many business courses offered at Albemarle. These courses consisted of Typing, Bookkeeping, Stenography, General Business, Clerical Accounting, and a variety of computer classes. Computer Science was a favorite among students who wanted to learn more about a new career that was becoming very successful. Albemarle High School's Business Department helped prepare students in many ways and helped give them a broader view of the real world.





I. Reba Sandell Office Technology II, Word Processing, Shorthand, Typing, COE Coordinator; J am es Madison University, B.S.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.; FBLA. 2. Brenda Graves Recordkeeping , Accounting; Longwood College, B.S.; J ames Madison University, M.S.; FBLA. 3. Nina Thacker Office Technology I, Computer Concepts; Memphis State Umvers1ty, B.S; FBLA. 4. Deborah E. Coope r Introduction to Business, Office Services II, Typwriting I; State University of New York at Nbany, B.S.; FBLA. 5. Jannette S. Hunt Typwriti ng I, Office Services I; Kearney Nebraska State Teac hers· College, BA. 6. Margaret W. Burruss CPA Accounting, Business Com puter Applications, Typewriting I; Mary Washington College, B.S.; FBLA.

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Physical Education and Health, now two individual classes , challenged freshmen and sophomores both physically and mentally. Physical Education allowed students to participate in team sports and to keep their bodies well conditioned . Kickball and foursquare were replaced with racketball, volleyball, and basketball. Health provided students with valuable knowledge about family life and emergency medical techniques. Sophomores often adopted a baby "egg" only to see their first responsibility " cracked" . Physical Education and Health, although required, provided a fun and memorable time for underclassmen.

To better health

6 1. Brenda F. Langdon Athletic Director; East Carolina University, BA.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 2. Gabie Bull Secretary to the Athletic Director. 3. Bonnie F. Nielson Health, Physical Education; Trinity University, B.S., M.Ed.; Varsity Volleyball, Volleyball Club. 4. Marcia C. Mason Health; Bridgewater College, BA.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 5. Clyde Hoy Physical Education; James Madison University, B.S.; Varsity football , Outdoor Track, Wrestling Club. 6. Daniel Ward , Ill Health, Physical Education ; James Madison Unive rsity, B.S.; Varsity Football, Varsity Track. 7. James Mercer Garnett Health, Physical Education ; Elon College, BA.; Boys路 Ninth Grade Basketball, Baseball.

7 224

Physical Education, Health Education

To better drivers

Walking down to the range was considered a drag, especially when it rained . You were assigned to a car and given instructions to follow. "Turn off the radio," was a common phrase from Coach Harrison. Coach Moore contributed by saying, " Don't forget your turn signal car #5. " Taking range was the exciting part of Driver's Education. Classroom was an educational experience as well. Coach Lyons was in charge of the classroom part of Driver's Education. After completing the required courses, students looked forward to driving their friends around without being accompanied by an adult.

6 1. Dotty A. Bohannon Health, Physical Edu cation; Longwood College, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.Ed.; Field Hockey. 2. Pamela Jillson Grainer Health, Physical Education; University of Virginia , B.S., M.A.; Girls'Gymnastics Team . 3. A.P. Moore Driver's Education; North Carolina Central University, B.S., M.S.; Safety Committee. 4. Richard Wilson Lyons Drivers Education; Virginia Commonwealth University, B.S.; Boys' Va rsity Basketball. 5. Ralph A. Harrison Driver's Education; Southwest Missouri State, B.S.; Drury College, M.Ed.; Golf. 6. Robert Rimmer Alternative Learning Center, Health, Physical Education; George Washington University, B.S.; Varsity Football.

7 Physical Education, Driver Education


Students plan for future

The Career Education Program at Albemarle High School was designed to guide and help students plan classes as they looked towards future academics of the working world. With the variety of classes offered, students could plan to enter fields ranging from Industrial Arts to Home Economics. Through these classes students were provided with responsibilities that not only benefited the school but also helped students recognize their strengths and their weaknesses. This knowledge allowed these students to plan for the best possible future for themselves.

3 1. Karl S. Williams English 9, Science 9, Geography 9; University of Virginia, B.S.; Indoor Track, Outdoor Track. 2. Jill H. Garnett Marketing and Fashion Merchandising; James Madison University, B.S.; DECA. 3. Sandra Wells Jackson U.SNirginia History, Geography; St. Augustine"s College, BA. 4. Madeline Morgan TMR; University of Virginia , B.S. 5. Margaret Elizabeth Clifford English 1 0, Developmental Math , Resource; Mary Washington College, BA.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 6. Ann C. Turley LDIED Resource; Meredith College, BA.; San Francisco State University, MA.; University of Virginia, M.Ed.

5 226

Career Education







5 1. Charles W. DeKrafft U.S. Government, EFE, Work Study; Appalachian State University, B.S. 2. Jeanne F. Thompson Career Ed., EFE, Creative Foods, Childhood Ed., Clothing: Fashion and Construction, Housing and Interior Design, Contemporary Living I; Marshall University, BA.; FHA. 3. Diana Walker Collins TMR; Appalachian State University, B.S. 3. Lisa McDaniel TMR Aide. 3. Edna Sharkey TMR Aide 4. Debra Manion Coyle English 9, Pre-Algebra, Resource; Miami University, B.S. 5. Mary Alice Flynn Adapted Physical Education; Frostburg State College, B.S.; Indiana University, MA.; Area Ill Special Olympics. 6. Kenton S. Gardner Agriculture; Natural Resources; Virginia State College, B.S.; FFA.

6 Career Education


Career Education, cont' d.

1. Emily F. Lage LD, ED Instructional Aide ; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, A.B. 2. Carolyn Baxter Warren CBIP; University of Virginia, B.A. 3. William Michael Bannister LD Resource; Washington and Lee University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M. Ed. 4. Le Roy H. Smith Woods Technology, Technical Drawing, Modern Industry; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.A.; AIASA. 5. William Henry Industrial Cooperative Train ing I, II; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; VICA. 6. Sharon Beauford CBIP Aide.


Career Education



5 1. James Robert Cullop Learning Disabilities, Emotionally Disturbed ; Slippery Rock State College, B.S.; University of Virginia , M.Ed. 2. Cafeteria Staff, front row: Joann Sprouse, Brenda Brown, Virginia Maupin, Doris Anderson , Mary Jane Glover. Back row: Rebecca Carter, Judy Kidd , Lozelle Mayes. 3. Custodians: Juanita Burns, David Burns, Stonewall Mason, Thomas Cobb. 4. Susan Fitch Resource , English 9, Biology; James Madison University, B.S. 5. Mary L. Stone Resource Aide . 6. Gail P. Coleman Contemporary Living , Independent Livin g ; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; FHA. 7. Jan K. Jarman CBIP Aide .



7 Career Education


Skills gained at C-A Tech

The Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center provided area high school students with job skills necessary to succeed in later life. The building trades students actually built a house from ground up. Cosmetology students gained experience with their own customers and auto mechanics students made many repairs on many different kinds of cars. Those taking Data Processing, Practical Nursing, and Food Services gained first hand knowledge in their chosen fields. Area students were very fortunate to have this opportunity to learn these life-long skills.

2 1. James E. McDaniel Carpentry I, II; Virginia State University; VlCA. 2. Robert L. Barrett Electricity I, II; VlCA. 3. Russell P. Wood Auto Body I, II; Virginia State College; Virginia Commonwealth University; VlCA. 4. Blaine E. Mcintyre Maintenance Mechanics; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; VlCA. 5. Paul L. Johnson Auto Mechanics I, II; Adult Education I, II; Norfolk State University, B.S.; Virginia Commonwealth University; University of Virginia; VlCA, NIASE Certified. 6. Steve L. McKinney Manager, Computer Center.

5 230

Technical Education Center





4 1. Lyman R. Corney Principal; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S.; College of William and Mary, M.Ed. 2. Bennie Mae Arnette Cosmetology; Virginia Commonwealth University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Virginia State College; VJCA. 3. C. Wayne Austin Drafting, Design; James Madison University, B.G.S.; VJCA. 4. Hugh Nelson Billhimer Electronics I, II; State University of New York, B.S.; Virginia Commonwealth University, M.Ed.; VJCA; Robotics. 5. Bernard Snyder Counselor; Salem College, BA.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 6. Marianne Morgan Practical Nursing; HOSA.



6 Technical Education Center


4 1. Julian Taylor Career Planning; St. Olaf College, M.A. 1. Theresa L. Gebs Vocational Evaluator; Mary Washington College, B.A.; University of Virginia, M.Ed. 2. Janice M. Evans Cosmetology II, Ill; Blue Ridge School of Nursing; University of Virginia; Virginia Commonwealth University; Watson's Beauty School; VICA; Activities Coach fo r VICA, FBLA, HOSA. 3. Ruth Garnett Data Entry Operator. 4. Barbara A. Lewis Secretary. 5. J ames Mady Business Data Processing and Computers; Widner University, B.S . Engineering; Radford Unive rsity, M.Ed .; FBLA. 6. Jesse W. Mills Masonry; VICA.

5 232

Technical Education Center








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4 1. Clevester Logan Assistant Principal; Virginia State University, B.S., M.S. 2. Jean Brown Bookkeeper. 3. John Davis Janitor. 4. Charles Maupin Janitor. 4. Mary Shifflett Housekeeper. 4. Edward L. Shifflett Maintenance Foreman. 5. Willard H. Parkhill Commercial Food Service 1,11; Pennsylvan ia State University, B.S.; VICA Not Pictured. John E. Gerl ack Machine Shop, Welding.


5 Technical Education Center


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Mr. Bob Sandell


Box 5107 Charlottesville, Virginia 973-4333



' Stove Co. {









Quality is Economy

PHARMACY H6 E. High 293-5159



Dr. John H. Knight General Dentist Congratulations Heather! GOOD LUCK CLASS OF 1985




900 I




:HH• .



e ~~

EAGLE WINDOW REMODELING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1513 East High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone: (804) 293-3312 296-1538




CONGRATULATIONS to the Graduates of 1985!


r..:2w sUB~~~




- -







ijl!/, t.IIJllJ




OF ALBEMARLE a subsidiary of Tara Trading Company

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! From: "The Dealer with the sharpest pencil when buying" New Buick Cars, lsuzu Pick-up Trucks, "Double checked" used cars

l ~KE;' ~ if!,~ r / .•:·,

p. .·"'/.,


H ll'll

GEORGE RENNICK BUICK-ISUZU 900 Preston "Downtown" Charlottesville

Barracks Road Shopping Center 1207 Emmet St. Charlottesville, VA 22903






:::>AD .LE, VA.

DEL MONTE FROZEN FOODS, INC. Charlottesville/Crozet

Good Luck to the Class of 1985!



Rio/29 Building Rio Road and 29 Charlottesville




JEFF ECONOMOS Stylist/Salon Manager (804) 979-5973 Roffler Products

JESSE O'QUINN District Truck Manager

AVIS RENT A CAR SYSTEM Rte. 29 North Charlottesville, VA 22906 804 973-3336

MEADOWBROOK HARDWARE, INC. 2039 Barracks Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Glidden, Dutch Boy and Pratt and Lambert Paints Wall Paper- Hardware



:F ECONOMOS ist/Salon Manager 4) 979-5973 ~er Products



REID SUPER SAVE MARKET 600 Preston Ave. Complete line of Groceries, Meat & Produce Locally Owned & Operated by Kennan & Phyllis Brooks

Salem M. Eways, Inc. A beautiful room begins with a beautiful floor.

RAPID PHOTOS ',Where Quality Never Waits"

Rio/29 Building Rio Road and 29 North Charlottesville

7-6 M-F 9-4 Sat. 973-4222

For over 50 years Salem M. Eways Inc. has been an importer of fine Oriental rugs. Today we continue the fine family tradition and not only buy, sell and give expert advice on orientals but also have a fin e facility for the repair, cleaning and restoring of oriental rugs. Salem M. Eways Inc. also carries wall to wall carpeting, vinyl and parquet hardwood. So come for a visit and let us handle your floor covering needs. 1417 North Emmet Street Charlottesville, Virginia 2290 I Phone (804 ) 295-3136

Those that shop for value and quality, buy their diamonds at

~lDMner j£JV£L£/IS



3 Located at: Downtown Barracks Road Fashion Square



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212 East Main Street, Charlottesville, va. 22901 Tel. (804)295-1111 607 South ..yashington Street, Alexandria, Va. 223 14 Tel. (703)836-8855






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Adve rtiseme nts

l our G radua t io n from ni g h sc h ool represents many old traditions. In the c it y where tradit ion is a way of life ... Bed and Breakfast .. flourishes at the g racious English Inn of Cha rl ottesville. As the cus tom goes . a ll of ou r overnight gue ts en joy a hearty , country brea kfas t o n us. Our Pi ccadilly Pub has a da il y hap p y

hou r from 5-7, delicious dinners a nd a sumptuou s .. Brunch wi th a Punch .. Sunda ys, from 11-2 . Full y equipped meetin g a nd banqu e t facilities a re ava ilabl e as well as a professional a nd knowledgeab le staff to a ssi st you. Please call us for rese rv atio ns and info rmation . Wh y not start you r own trad itio n '


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Vu-glnia Federal SA~


3 Convenient Offices in Charlottesville.

4th and Main Streets •Barracks Road Shopping Center •fashion Square Mall Route 29 and Rio Road •open Saturdays

Congratulations from

Member FSUC Accounts insured up to $} ,000,000

SETTLE TIRE AND SUPPLY CO., INC. Preston Ave. at Rose Hill Dr. Charlottesville, Va. 22901





Located on Rt. 29N Charlottesville, VA Good Luck Class of '85

adition • • rgtnta

Congratulations Graduates '

from 5-7 . delicious -s a nd a su mptu ous ch w ith a Pu nch " tys , from 11-2. Full y ped meeting and Jet facilit ies are ble as well as a pronal a nd knowledge' assis t you. Please ;ervati ons and infor' not sta rt your own

!Wille irg ini a 22901 .ou te 29 )


Growing to meet the needs of our customers and the community AN EQUAL OPPO RTUNIT Y E MPL OYE R




CROUSE-HINDS DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Route 660, Earlysville, Virginia 22936




Plantscapes Florist • Plants Silks • Gifts

823-2290 GOOD LUCK CLASS OF 1985!

VICKI and GARY BIBB 1300 E. High Street Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804) 971-8508



CONGRATUL.ATIONS to the graduates


STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 1500 State Farm Boulevard Charlottesville, Va. 22909

on the mall






Keeping you first in class has made us the nu one pizza delivery company in the world.



TELEPHONE 804-973-4402

Congratulations to the Graduates from

TUEL JEWELERS 104 S. First Street Charlottesville, Virginia - Downtown Our drivers carry less than $10.00. Limited delivery area. ~ 1984 Dom ino's Pizza , Inc.


Your friendly jewelry store

W€ 1250 :











BROWN'S DRY CLEANERS INC. 5 Convenient Locations 2901 _EPHONE -973-4402

es from

510 Preston Ave . 1326 E. High St. K-Mart Plaza 827 Cherry Ave. Millmont St.

Congratulations Graduates!




Western Sizzlin Steak House

North Wing Barracks Road Shopping Center

1250 Seminole Trail, Charlottesville, Va.



Brady-Bushey wishes the graduation class success!! Congratulations Seniors!!

AMC~I RENAULT Alliance Encore Fuego Sportwagon






Crown Victoria LTD Mustang Escort Tempo

Eagle CJ-7 Grand Wagoneer Cherokee Scrambler Jeep P/U

EXP Bronco Bronco II Thunderbird F-Series P/U Ranger P/U Econoline Van Aerostar Van




aadJUU will buy 244


• HONE (804) 2S

BO 9:








/ agoneer 路okee mbler > P/U

SAL'S RESTAU RANT AND PIZZA Shopper's World Route 29 North Charlottesville, Va. Next to A&P Free Delivery Limited Area Only

973-3339 Teams are welcome!

Compliments of PHONE (804) 296-4523- 979-7437







{[gjgelt FASHION SQUARE open daily 10 'til 9:30 phone 973-7878

BARRACKS ROAD open daily 10 'til 9 open Saturday 'til 6 phone 296-5556 For the student who looks good all year round.

7im:-vai& H ARDW ARE STORES "

TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 804-286-3571 Scottsville Shopping Center Scottsville, VA 24590



Dial (804) 293-3352- 293-7683


Tile Marble-Jerrazzo RA. OLIVA PRES.- MANAGER









UNIROYAL Dr. E. ALTON THOMAS and Associate DR. GEORGE W. TISDELLE General Family Dentistry Good Luck Class of '85




Studia adulescentiam alunt, senectutem oblectant. -Cicero.



CHARLOTTESVILLE & ALBEMARLE AUTO & TRUCK DEALERS ASSOCIATION Dominick Motor Company Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Toyota, Mercedes-Benz

MacGregor Motors, Inc. 416 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Lincoln, Mercury, Capri

John Linkous Volkswagen Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Mazda, Volkswagen

Jim Price Chevrolet Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chevrolet Cars & Trucks, Peugeot

Berlin Imports, LTD Routt: 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Porsche, Audi, BMW, Jaguar

Tenny Pontiac, Cadillac, Inc. 858 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Cadilliac, Pontiac, Datsun

Brady-Bushey Ford, Inc. Route 250 East Charlottesville, Virginia Ford Cars & Trucks AMC, Jeep, Renault

George Rennick Buick, Inc. 900 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Buicks

R.M. Davis Motors Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Subaru Herb Brown Motors Route 250 West Charlottesville, Virginia Volvo Brown Oldsmobile-Honda Route 29 North Charlottesville, Virginia Oldsmobile, Honda

Pollard GMC Truck, Inc. 1011 Linden Street Charlottesville, Virginia GMC Trucks BSR Imports, Inc. 315 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia





~-t:&*'~ 624 W .MAIN •

SAAB Johnson Chevrolet, Inc. Scottsville Shopping Center Scottsville, Virginia

1000 RNER RD







Maupin's Grocery


Airport Road - Charlottesville, Va . Phone - 973-7667





Fresh Meats Produce Groceries

Open - Sunday 8:00-7:00 Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 9:00



A.G. Dillard Jr. Paving Inc. ESTABLISHED 1966

,new house company o, . ,,oo

(804) 971-2555

977-3750 KATIE HURT 1000 RIVER RD


2120 Angus Road


GR I. Broker 977-3590 home Charlottesville, Virg inia 22901






Caston Studio Senior Portraits 20-30 Proofs Environmentals Custom Work Retouched by hand It's not more expensive just nicer at Castons


Fashion Square Mall

2110 Ivy Roa


Compliments of


AIR PI INSURANCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION of Charlottesville (804) 977-3370

RT. 29 & AIRPOF 24

301 East High St. Charlottesville, Va. 2290 1




Adve rtisements

tllle ,VA

Cabell Insurance Associates 2110 Ivy Road • Box 7606 • Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 • 804/977-5313




2401 Hydraulic Rd. West Charlottesville, VA 22903 977-7075 Specializing in Automatic Transmission Service






Michael L. Baisch General Manager RAMADA INN 1901 Emmet Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 (804) 977-7700

taiwan Gorden


#9 University Circle Shopping Center 295-0081







Casual Dining at inexpensive price Open 7 Days a V.




the Downtown Athletic store

& COMP...-\.~'\ -





TELEPHONE 804 296-6104

1248 Emmet Stre




Advertise ments




Holl ' s

Body Shop

Rt . 29N (J / 4 mile Po,t Airport ~ood )

Compliments of


442 Westfield Rd.






c::J =


\ ''1/ j; ,.~'/

Savings & Loan


1\ .~


206 Fifth Street N.E. and Rio Road & 29 North



Casual Dining at an inexpensive price! Open 7 Days a Week!

N THE MALL iiNlA 22901


rbwirkr's 295-6668

1248 Emmet Street

(l BOJAN G l E S O F AM E RI C A., IN C. 198 3


(horlolle~v• ll e

• Pott A irp or t


We've got it all! Charlottesville Fashion Square


Rood )

Adve rtise ments


PEER BOOSTERS Anderson Brothers Bookstore Baby Furniture Outlet The Candy Shop Charlottesville Office Machine Co. Commonwealth Propane, Inc. John A. Dezio, Attorney L. Gordon Dorrier Insurance Agency, Inc. Downtown Gulf Earlysville Animal Hospital Patricia B. Hawkes Holt Oil Company John Linkous Volkswagon -


Maxwell Furniture Company, Inc. Meadowbrook Pharmacy Murphy Travel New Dominion Book Shop George F. Perkins Insurance R.M. Davis Appliance M.C. Thomas Furniture and Exchange Store Video Village S.L. Williamson Company, Inc.



Muscles alone aren't enough Even the toughest pro needs protection . Shoulder pads , hip pads , helmet-all help the player give the game all he's got. And it's much the same off the playing fields , as well. Good health is important . But to get the most out of life , you also need protection. That's where life insurance from The Equitable comes in. It can give you the satisfaction of knowing that your family will be protected financially, if you die. And , while you live, it can provide a reserve of funds for emergencies, education , retirement. To find out more about an insurance program tailored to your specific protection needs, call your Equitable Agent, today.

Live the good life.

William H. Adams II Alan S. Archer Ronald R. Morris, CLU Charles A. Norford Joe B. Selman , CLU Dianne Z. Todd EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES Albemarle Bank & Trust Bldg. , Suite 300 ; P.O. Box 7766 Charlottesville, VA 22906

THEfQ~~LE The EQuitable Lde ASSllf'OlJlC:e Sooety of the Uruted States, N.Y.• N.Y

The Equ itable Life Assurance Society of the United States , N.Y., N.Y.




•WIN Nv\





"Over C "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Dwight" (Mr. Shannon 's Second Period English Class)

The PEER Staff Would like to thank Mrs. Patricia Pleasants, Mr. David Cunningham, the Administration , the Faculty and Staff for their help in producing the 1985 PEER.



~---, ~!



Good Luck AHS Graduates The finest service and the lowest prices


Camera Center 913 W. Main Street




I~ I·






Hanckel - Citizens Insurance Corporation 3rd and Jefferson Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 296-719 1 "Over One Hundred Years of Service"

"t'• ...

"Computer Blues"

. I

22901 /

., ! i I

BARNABY'S The be~t pizza in Charlottesville 973-8346 or 978-4100 For Free Delivery


I Advertisements 257

Equal Op portunity Emp lo yer

Clothiers since 1947

Michtoms Barracks R oa d Shopping Center CharlolleHille, Virginia 22903 (80-1) 295-3113

Earn a commission in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps after completing a 4-year university education while participating in <NA's Naval ROTC program. Become an NROTC scholarship student and receive tuition, college fees, books, uniforms and $] 00/mo. Contact LT Lyle (804) 924-0976 Maury Hall, <NA



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~ Albemarle

Bank &Trust Co. PO Bo•6096 GnaiO!Iesvtlle Vrgno 22906

Phone (804) 973-43 73




Iarine Corps while 3ecome an n, college ) 924-0976



I . I :





Albemarle students honored Not only are Albemarle students earning honors inside school, but they are also representing the school in the community as well. Two students, Kim Sprouse and Kim Bourne, competed in the Senior and Junior Miss Albemarle Pageants of 1984-1985. Kim Sprouse, a seventeen year old AHS Junior sponsored by University Mahanes Florist, is our new Senior Miss Albemarle of 198485. The pageant was sponsored by Virgin ia Brenner, director of the Junior and Senior Virginia State Pageants. Kim holds the titles of Miss Lexington 198384, Miss Virginia Springtime Sweetheart 1983, Miss Blue Ridge 1982-83, Miss Sweetheart 1982, Miss Shenandoah 1981-82, and Miss Pre-Teen Albemarle 1979-80. Kim has participated in pageants since she was twelve years old and intends to continue. She likes the traveling and meeting exciting people. Kim Bourne, a fifteen year old sophomore at Albemarle , is our new Junior Miss Albemarle. Kim was sponsored by Marshall Hair Stylists. The pageant was held at Walker Middle School on June 3, 1984. This pageant carried Kim to the Junior Miss Virginia state pageant held in August. Kim also holds the title of Miss Blue Ridge. On November 25, 1984, Kim won the title of Senior Miss Christmas Queen.

N.-.sA 178 Abare, Dawn Marie (9) 90 Accent On Travel 234 Acme Stove Co. 235 Ada ms, Tad A.( 12) 17, 49, 150, 1 Adams, Virginia 190, 217 Adcock, Antony ( 12) 17, 49 Afro-American Literature Club 18.: Agee, Alan Klenbeck ( 10) 195 Airport Road Auto Center 251 Aklaonkar, May ( 11) 60, 173 Akers, Jam ie Fay (9) 90, 183 Alexander, Dana B. (9) 90 Alexander, Kelly Marie (9) 90, 183 Allen, And rew r orster (1 0) Allen, Daniel Mark (9) 90 Allen, Sandra 205 en, Terri Jean (10) 74 ,1 73 iston, M. Ross 2 11 Almond, Patricia Lynn (I 1) 60 Alonso, Ag ustin ( 12) 17, 29, 49, I Amato, Stephanie M. (9) 90, 174 Ambler, Ann Marie (10) 74, 187 Amos, Robert Lee (1 1) 60, 173 An, Young Cheu (9) 90 An, You ng Keun (10) 74, 82 An, Young Shin (12) 17, 49, 137, Anas, Athena Kathleen ( I 0) 74, I!


Anderson, Cheri L (11) 60, 123, I Anderson, Doris 229 Anderson, John 204 Anderson, John Anthony ( I 0) Anderson, Laura T. ( 12) 17, 49 Anderson, Usa Carole (1 2) 17, 26 Anderson, Michael W. ( 11 ) Anderson, Paige C. ( 10) 74, 123, Anderson, Pam (9) Anderson, Pam ( 10) 74 Anderson, Pam (11 ) 189 Anderson, Roberta L ( I 0) 82 Anderson, Stefanie ( 10) 82 Andrews, Angel ika (9) 90, 123, 13 Ankrom , Herbert W. ( 10) 74, 154, Arbogas~ Gina C. ( 12) 17, 49, 12< Archer, Gordon Scott (9) 90, 124, Archer, Robe rt Todd ( 11 ) 60 Arey, Julie D. (9) 90, 191 Armistead, Irving J . ( 12) 17, 49 Armistead, Jason Coleman (9) 90 Arnette, Bennie Mae 23 1 Arnold, Frances D. (9) 90, 190


Community Honors

no red


1. A class hard at work.


Arnold, Melissa J . (II) 60 Arrington, Angus IV (9) 90 Arts and Crafts club 190 Arvis, Usa Dawn (10) 74, 187, 191 , 199 Austin, C. Wayne 231 Austin, Melissa (10) 74 Avis 238

Beasley, Joseph Eve rett (10) 74, II , 194, 199

~=:~~~;d~s~a~~~ ~is c11) 60, 192 Behrens, Ginny R. (9) 91 , 123, 137, 182 Belew, Eugene (9) 91 Belew, Usa Lynn (1 2) 17, 49 Belew, Stephanie Lynn (9) 91 Bell , Harriet Stoneburner 21 0

AJASA 178 Abare, Dawn Marie (9) 90 Accent On Travel 234 Acme Stove Co. 235 Adams, Tad A. ( 12) 17, 49, 150, 173 Adams, Virginia 190, 217 Adcock, Antony ( 12) 17, 49


Afro路American Uterature Club 184

Agee, Alan Klenbeck ( I 0) 195 Airport Road Auto Center 251 Ajgaonkar, May ( I I ) 60, 173 Akers, Jamie Fay (9) 90, 183 Alexander, Dana B. (9) 90 Alexander, Kelly Marie (9) 90, 183 Allen, Andrew Forster ( 10) Allen, Daniel Mark (9) 90 Allen, Sandra 205 Allen, Terri Jean (10) 74, 173 Alliston , M . Ross 211 Almond, Patricia Lynn (I I ) 60 Alonso, Agustin (1 2) 17, 29, 49, 172 Amato, Stephanie M. (9) 90, 174 Ambler, Ann Marie ( 10) 74, 187 Amos, Robert Lee (II) 60, 173 An , Young Cheu (9) 90 An , Young Keun ( 10) 74, 82 An, Young Shin (1 2) 17, 49, 137, 181 Anas, Athena Kathleen (10) 74, 183

~~~~~n~~~u;~~~~~~ 254 9

Anderson, Cheri L ( II ) 60, 123, 192, 194 Anderson , Doris 229 Anderson, John 204 Anderson , John Anthony ( I 0) Anderson, Laura T. ( 12) 17, 49 Ande rson, Usa Carole (12) 17, 26, 49, 194, 199 Anderson, Michael W. (II) Anderson , Paige C. ( 10) 74, 123, 192, 199 Anderson , Pam (9) Anderson , Pam (10) 74 Anderson , Pam ( II) 189 Anderson, Roberta L (I 0) 82 Anderson, Stefanie ( I 0) 82 Andrews, Angelika (9) 90, 123, 135 Ankrom , Herbert W. ( I 0) 74, 154, 170, 192 Arbogas~ Gina C. ( 12) 17, 49, 124 Archer, Gordon Scott (9) 90, 124, 189 Archer, Robert Todd ( II ) 60 Arey, Julie D. (9) 90, 191 Armistead, Irving J. ( 12) 17, 49 Armistead, Jason Coleman (9) 90 Arnette, Bennie Mae 231 Arnold, Frances D. (9) 90, 190

Baber, Mark E. (9) 90 Baby Furniture Outlet 254 Bailey, Catherine Dolores (I I) 60 Bailey, Kathryn D. (9) 192 Bailey, Robert Wayne (9) Ill Baker, Kelly Ann ( I 0) Baker, Undsay Relando (9) 90 Ball, Robert Wayne ( 12) 17, 49, 159, 172, 196 Bands 124, 189 Banks, Roger Curtus (12) 17, 49 Banks, Varonda Denise ( I 0) 60, 184 Banks, William 23, 211 Bannister, William Michael 228 Bansleben, Gerda 152, 217 Barber, Patrick Alexande r (I 0) Bare, Harold L II (I 0) Bare, Jill S. (9) 90 Barker, Cynthia A. (1 0) 74 Barker, Teresa Carol (II) Barnaby's 257 Barnes, Usa D. (1 2) 17, 49 Barnett, J udith (ll) 60, 119, 131 Barr, Beth 122 Barrett, David Hamilton (9) 90 Barrett, Dawn Michelle (9) 90, 114 Barrett, Donald Timothy ( 10) 62, 74, Ill Barrett, Robert L 230 Barrett, Taryn Janine (9) 91 , 129 Bar-Yaacov, Dina (9) 29, 90 Basketball, Boys' 126, 127, 128, 132 Basketball, Girls' 129, 130, 131 , 132 Bass, Wendy (I 0) Batchelor, Robert Charles (9) 91 , 135, 191 Batten, Hollis Samuel Jr. (I I) 60 Batten, Shanna Jeanine (9) 80, 91 , 144, 146, 150, 198, 199 Batten, Susan E. (9) 9 1, 123, 187 Batten, Timothy L ( 12) 17, 49, 124, 191 Battle, Leanne B. (9) 91 , 192 Bauer, John ( I I ) 60, 124, 189 Bauer, Karl (I I ) Bauguess, Ron ( I I) 60, 195 Bayston, Robert Mathew (I 0) 74, 192 Beale, Deann B. ( II ) 60, 124, 170 Beard, Rosemary Ann ( 10) 74, 181 , 183, 192, 196, 199

Bell, Henry H. ( 10) 74 Bander, Arthur K. ( 10) 74, 159, 170, 196 Bennefield, Nicole ( 10) 74, 147 Bennett, Dawn Marie ( 12) 17, 49 Bennett, Eric Daniel ( I 0) 74 Bennett, John Keith Jr. ( I 0) 74, 184 Benzinger, Elinor Mae ( 10) 74, 191 , 196, 199 Benzinger, Philip Alan (9) 91 , I II Bergem, Jason Paul (9) Berkeley, Edmund (12) 17, 49 Berlin Imports 240 Bernard, Sheila Kaye (1 2) 17, 49, 154, 192, 193 Bernardo, David (12) 19, 49 Bernhard, Angela L (9) 91 Berry, Barbie A. (9) 91 Berry, Rhonda Renee (9) 75 Better Uving Home Center 234 Beverly, Gary Lee (12) 19, 49 Bevilacqua, David Austin (I 0) 75 Bhatt, Bina M. (I 0) 75, 82, 124 Bibb, Alice 215 Bickers, Braden Alan ( I 0) 75 Bickley, Denise Lynn (II) 60, I 12, I 13, I 14 Big A Auto Parts 25 1 Billhimer, Hugh Nelson 23 1 Billups, Christopher J . ( II ) 60 Billups, Lorrie Ann (9) 9 1 Birckhead, Bessie P. 196, 208 Birckhead, Teresa L ( I I ) Bishop, David Russell ( 12) 18, 19, 49, 152 BishoF., Margaret A. (9) 91 , 116 Bithel , Amy (12) 19, 49, 124, 189 Bithell, Thomas Alan ( I 0) 75, 124, 159, 189 Black, Mark Dewayne (9) 9 1 Black, Robert Keith ( 12) 49 Blackburn, John Ashley (10) 74, 75, 192, 199 Blackman, Susan R. 2 18 Blagman, Gloria Denise ( I 0) 75, 135, 184 Blankenbeckler, Emily C. (9) 91, 195 Blankenship, David W. (9) 91 Blikslager, Victoria A. ( I 0) 75, 190 Blue Ridge Graphics 249 Blue Ridge Pharmacies 234 Blue, Robert Markwood ( 12) 19, 35, 49, 157, 159, 175, 181 , 182, 196 Board, Usa Anne (10) 75, 124, 173, 196 Bob's Wheel Al ignment 245 Bocock, Stacy A. (10) 75, 119, 137, 197, 199 Bocock, Wendy L (9) 91 , I 14, 137, 198 Bohannon, Dotty A. 118, 119, 225 Bojangles 253 Boland, Melissa Ann ( 12) 19, 49, 176 Bollinger, Sara Jane (II) 75 Bolen, Keith (9) 91 , Il l Booker, Granville B. ( I 0)


26 1

Booth, TimothyA!bert (l!)60, 140,1 42, 148, 154,159, !80 Boswell, Thomas W. (I 0) 75 Bouchard, Breck R. (II) !9, 49, !50, 194 Bouchard, Michelle S. (I 0) 75, 120 Bourne, Kimberly S. ( I 0) 75 Bourne, Matthew Wayne (9) Bousquet!, Joseph ( I 0) 129 Bowen, Chris ( II ) 60 Bowers, Rose V. (I 0) Bowman, Matthew T. ( I 0) Boyd, Evelyn 207 Boyd, Kenneth Carson Jr. (12) !9, 49, 194 Boyd, Lora Anne (10) 75, 123 Boyd, Patrick Donohue (II) 60, 192, 194 Boyer, Amy ( I 0) 75, 123 Brady Bushey Ford 245 Braithwaite, Linda (12) 19, 49, 172, 174, !91 , 192, 198, 199 Branch, Brian ( II) 60, 124, 189, 197 Brasted, Christopher R. ( 10) 75 Breeden, Gene Wilbert (9) 91 Breeden, Kevin Scott (I 0) II, 75, 194 Breeden, Nancy L (9) 91 , 123, 187 Breeden, Stephanie D. (II) 91 Breeding, Eldon C. (I I ) 61 , 177 Breeding, Roge r B. (9) 91 Brei han, Mary Elizabeth ( II) 6 1, 194 Brent, Susanna Carole ( I 0) 75, !92 Brewer, Angelin ( I I) 61 , 187, 190 Brewer, George James (9) 91 Brewer, Sherri Lynne (I 0) 85, 190 Bridges, Candace L (I 0) 75 Brite, Helen M. 204 Britton, Leighann (12) 19, 49 Brooks, Lacy Edward Jr. ( 10) 75, Ill Brooks, Todd Nolting (12) 19, 49, 177 Brown, Anna Margaret ( I 0) 75 Brown, Arthur Wa rdell Jr. ( 12) 19, 45, 49, 55, Ill , !40, 144, 145, !52, 196, 199 Brown, Brenda 229 Brown, Charles Elwood (9) 91 Brown, David Arrington (I 0) Il l , !89 Brown, Denise Michelle (I 0) 75, 123 Brown, Douglas Michael (9) Brown, Elbert Lewis (9) 91 , 94 Brown, Gary (9) 91 Brown, Ginger ( 10) 75, 183 Brown, Janice ( I I ) 61 Brown, Jean 233 Brown, Juanita Delores (9) 6 1, 184 Brown, Kendra Kay (9) 91 Brown, Martin (II) Brown, Michael William (I 0) II , 75, 91 Brown, Otis (I I ) 6! Brown, Renee ( I 0) 75 Brown, Sally Meredith (9) 91 Brown, Sherri Ann (II) 6 ! , 177 Brown, Sophia Irene (9) 91 Brown, Thomas Lee ( II ) 61 Brown, Timothy (9) Brown, Todd (1 2) 19. 49, 57 Brown, Vi rginia Clarice (I 0) Brown , Yvonne 207

Browning, Kimberly D. ( 12) 19, 49 Browning, Michelle ( I 0) 75, 197 Browning, Verona L 212, 190 Brown's Dry Cleaners 243 Broy, Thomas Larry (9) 91 Bruce, Davra Y. ( I 0) Bruce, Wanda Marcel (9) 91 Bruns, Elizabeth P. ( I 0) 75, 123 Bryan~ James E. (9) 91 Bryan~ Michele Erin (I 0) 75 Bryant, Montie lewis (II) Bryan ~ Rodney L (9) II , 91 , 135 Bryce, Donald W. ( 12) 19, 49, !59, 181 Bull, Gabie 224 Bunn, Leonard A. (I 0) Burbach, Julie P. ( 12) 19, 49, 142, 148, !54, ! 80, 199 Burke, Gary Lee ( I 0) 75 Burling, Sherri M. (12) 19, 49 Burnley, Allan C. ( 12) 49 Burns, David 229 Bums, Juanita 229

Burns, Michael Everett (II) 61, Ill , 135, 170, 181 , 182, 199 Burruss, Margaret W. 223 Burton, Derick Harold ( 10) 75, Ill 2

~~~~~: ~o!~e~l ?~)~4:~t. i if


Burwell, Lawrence Scott ( II ) 6! , 192 BuUer, Heather D. (II) 6 1, 73, 137, 152, ! 59, 194 BuUer, Mary Elizabeth (12) !9, 49, 55, 172, 174, 191, 194 Byars, Corey Scott (II) 178

Carriage Food House 235 Carter, Charles H. (I 0) 76, 192, 194 Carter, Karen (II) Carter, Kelvin ( II) 6! , Ill Carter, Rebaca 229 Carter, Rodney D. (9) 92, Ill , 128, 269 Carter, Tracy A. (9) 92, 119 Cash, Robert Lee (9) 92, Ill Cason, Artgela M. (9) 92, !89, 190 Castillo, Ramon (II) Caston Studios 250 CaUett,Jarrett Todd ( II ) 61 Cavanaugh, Christopher V. (II) 6! , Ill , 135 Cavanaugh, Travis C. (9) 92, Ill , 173 Cavedo, Kimberly A. (I 0) 76, 124, 173 Cavitt, Susan E. (I 0) 76, 182 Chambers, Brinda ( 12) 18, 49, 177 Chambers, Tad Collion (9) Ill , 127, 128 Champs 253 Chandler, Byron Douglas (9) 92, 269 Chandler, Thomas ( II ) 192, 194 Chang, Eric ( 12) 21 , 49 Chang, Marianne (12) 21 , 49 Chang, Paul Yong Pyo (12) 21 , 49 Chang, Sun-Cha ( 12) 49 Chapman, Carmel ita Darcel ( I 0) 76 Chapman, Frenzell ( II ) 51 Chapman, Lisa Michelle (9) 92, 129 Chapman, Robert S. ( 12) 2 1, 49, Ill, !59, 181 , 195 Chapman, Valarie Lynn (9) Charley's 245 Charlottesville Auto Truck Dealers 248 Charlottesville Office Machines 254

Charlottesville Sanitary Supply Corp. 235 Charlton, John Royce ( I 0) 76, 184 Charron, Kimberly Marie (9) 92 Charron, Richard Mark (I 0) Chartres, Cynthia (I 0) 76, 124 Checchi, Carolyn Jean (II) 61, !62, 124, !59, ! 89 Cheerleaders 122, 123 Chess Club 191 Chess Team 191 Childress, Gregory Anthio (9) 92, 195, I 99 Childress, Mary ( 12) 21 , 32, 49, 194 Chisholm, Tamara Renee (10) 76 Chivily, Nicholas Savas (9) 92, 195 Chivily, Suzanne A. ( II ) 61 Choe, Jin W. (12) 21 , 49


76, 82

Christian Fellowship Club 190 Christian, Gary (9) 92 Christian, Timothy D. (9) 92 Christmas Activities !52, !53 Christmas, Joel William ( I 0) Churchman, Lisa Rene (12) 177 Clark, Karen Denise (I 0) 76, 80, 123, !50, 192 Clatterbuck, Jeffrey W. ( 12) 21 , 49 Clem, David Michael (II) 61 Clemena, Lillian A. (II), 60, 61 , 144, !46, 181 , 182, 199 Clements, Bonnie S. (I 0) 76 Clements, Patrick Van (I 0) 76 Clemmer, Cathy Jo (9) 92 Clicquennoi, David Andrew (9) 92, 191 Clifford, Margaret Elizabeth 226 Cline, Johnny L (II) 61 Cline, Melissa Anne (9) 92 Cobb, Jane M. (12) 21 , 49 Cobb, Steve Authur (I 0) 76 Cobb, Thomas 229 Cobianchi, Christina ( II ) Coble, Marta Ann (12) 21 , 49, !54, 177 Coble, Steve 178 Coca-Cola 246 Cochran, Robert Lee (9) Cogburn, Mark (I I ) 61

2~~~'ir~:'id~(~gl)e~J9) 92,


Coleman, dail 229, 177 Coleman, Jeffrey Page ( I 0) 76, !59 Coles, Clariece R. ( II ) 189 Coles, Dawn Rena (9) 92, 187 Colker, Philip lan (II) Collier, Susan A. (II) 6! , 124, 197 Collier, Wanda F. ( 12) 21 , 49, 190 Collier, William Douglass (9) 92 Collins, Diana 227 Collins, Lori D. (9) Collins, Marc Jay ( 12) 21 , 49 Colombini, Martha Ann Johnson 211 Colvin, Ashley S. ( 12) 21 , 49, !80, 196, 197, 199 CoMn, Heather (9) 92, 124, 197 Corney, Lyman R. 231 Commonwealth Propa ne 254

c C-A Tech VlCA 179 Cabell Insurance Associates 251 Cady, Kristina (I 0) 75, 192 Caldwell, Katherine ( 12) 19, 23, 49 Caldwell, Tina Marie (12) 19, 49, 125, !54, 192, 193, I 99 Camera Center 256 Campagna, Janet ( II ) 6! , !94 Campbell, Dana Michelle ( 12) 21 Campbell, Jacqueline C. ( I I) 61, 176 Canada, Michelle R. ( 12) 21 , 49, 170, 171 , 177, 192, 193 Candy Shop 254 Cangialosi, Michele (II) 61 , !59, 197 Canter, Douglas M. (I 0) 75 Canter, Katherine W. (9) 92, 124 Capilzi, Joseph E. ( 12) 21 , 49, 173 Capizzi, Stephen Andrew (9) 92, 191 Capps, Carla Renee (9) 92 Capps, Dana Lynn (II) 61 Caravan 241 Carew, Christopher M. (9) 92, 128 Carew, William ( I 0) 76, 128 Carey, Adonice A. (II) 61 , 170, 197 Carey, Alicia V. ( I 0) 76, 80, 182 Carey, Cheryl Lisa (9) 92, 189 Carey, James F. ( 12) 49 Carey, Will iam A. (9) 92, 191 Cargile, John ( 12) 21 , 49 Carlton, Jacqueline L ( I 0) 76, 192, !94



Computer Club 185 Conley, Alicia Anne ( I 0) 76, !59, 183, !96 Conley, Gregory, Shawn ( 10) Cooper, Dana M. (9) 92 Cooper, Deborah E. 223, 176 Cooper, Denise ( I 0) Cooper, Jennifer K. ( II ) 61 , 137, 142, 144, 146 Cooper, Linda N. (9) 92, 124, 189, 192, I 99 Corbin, Steven E. ( 12) 21 , 49, 177 Cosby, Margret A. (10) 76, 147, 192, 199 Cosner Brothers Body Shop 23 7 Coster, Christopher ( 12) 21 , 49, 116, 135, 172 Coster, Patrick Arthur ( II ) 61 Coukos, Harry S. ( I 0) 76, Ill, 195 Coukos, Stephanie ( II) 61 , 113, 114, ! 59 Courtney, Robin S. (9) 92, 114 Covard, Marie (II) 6 ! Covin, Ashley 195 Covington, Glenn M. (10) 76, Ill Coyle, Debra Manion 227 Crawford, Judith Ann (9) 92 Crawford, Richard (9) Crawford, Will iam A. (9) 92 Creasy, Debra Ann ( II ) 61 Creative Arts Week ! 50, !5 1 Creighton, Francis Milton ( 10) 76, 184 Crenshaw, Charles II ( 12) 21 , 49 Crenshaw, Shirley Palmer 208 Crenshaw, William (I 0) ( riser, Heather Loraine (9) 92, 124 Criss, Alvin Timothy (II ) 61 Crocker, Jarle Stockton (10) 175, 184, 196 Cromer, James W. ( 12) 21 , 49 Cromer, Tina Marie (II) 61 Cronk, laura (I 0) 76, 116, 135 Cronk, Mike ( II ) 62, 67, 116, !35 Cross Country 115, I 16, 117 Crouse路Hinds 24 1

Crowder, Andrew Richard (II) 62, 115, 116, 135, 194 Cullop, James Robert 229 Cunningham, David 170, 21 0, 256 Currie, Cynthia C. ( 12) 21, 49 Currie, Elizabeth Anne (9) 92 Curry, Marvin T. 21 0, 175

Dyer, Julie 197, 220 Dyer, Phillip Razelle (1 0) 77, Ill Dygert, Gregory J . ( 10) Ill

D DECA 177 Dabney, laura D. (9) 190 Dade, Thomasine C. (II ) 62 Dagli, Hakan Akat ( I 0) 76, 135, 175 Damikolas, Christina S. (I 0) 76, 180 Damvakaris, Chris ( I 0) 76 Dance Club 184 Daniels, Joi Gayle (9) 20, 92, 123, 192, !99 Danigo, Nicolas ( 12) 21 , 29, 49, 11 6, 196 Darmon, James E. (9) Daryanai, Rajesh R. (9) 93 D'Atre, Gregory Michael (II) 62, 170. 192 D'Atre, Stephanie Ann (I 0) 76 Davies, Donald Allen (II) Davis, Andrew Brian (9) 93 Davis, Arthur Lowell ( II ) Davis, Brenda ( I I ) 62 Davis, Edward (I 0) Davis, Gary Thomas (10) 175, 184 Davis, George W. ( 12) 49 Davis, Herbert Linwood (1 2) 21 , 49, 57, 109, Ill, 135, 140, 144. !45, ! 54 Davis, John 233 Davis, Joseph P. ( II ) 62, 172 Davis, Lisa Gywn ( 12) 50 Davis, Lowell ( I I ) 62, I I I Davis, Madeline (I 0) 76

8:~:~: ~:tn~9~1u~~~ i~g) Davis, R.M. Appliance 254 Davis, R.M. Motors 236 Davis, Rodney Duncan (9) 93, !35 Davis, Scott Jackson (I 0) 76 Day, Heather A (9) 124, 192 Dean, George Howard J r. (9) Dean, Sarah Page (9) 93 Deane, Carl Edward (9) 76 Deane, Keith Logan (9) 93 Deane, Kimberly Kay (9) 93 Deane, Timothy Jay (9) 93, Ill Debate T earn 175 Deberry, Felecia N. (9) 93 Decker, Weston E. ( I 0) 76 D'Eiicio, Edward T. (9) 93, 124, 189 D'Elicio, Ida (II) 62, 189 Degood, Dean Dou9Ias (9) 93, 116, 135 Delaunay, Michelle (9) 93, 129, 192, 199 Dell, James F. (9) 93 Del Monte Frozen Foods 237 DeKrafft, Charles W. 227 DeMasters, Stephen C. (12) 2 1, 50, 127, 142, 144, 145, 192, 193, 194 Depret-Guillaume, Corinne (12) 21, 50, 120, 142, !57, !59, 170, 181, 182 DeVan, Margaret Richa rds ( 12) 21 , 50 Dezio, Christopher E. (9) 93, 127, 128 Dezio, Kelly Clea ( II ) 62, 73, 170, 175. 181, !82 Dezio, John A. 254 Diehl, Rodney D. (II) 62 Diggs, Victor D. (I 0) 76, 195 Dillard, A. G. J r. , Paving Inc. 249 Dillard , Courtney D. (II) 62 Dillard, Dorraine Aleta (9) 93 Dillard , Michael A. ( 12) 21 , 50 Dinning, Stacey Lea (9) 93, !91 Ditchkus, Walter B. (I 0) 76 Dix, Elizabeth Ashley (I 0) 77 Dix, Pamela J. (12) 21 , 37, 50, 11 4, !35, !57, 181, !88 Dix, T refny Allison ( II ) 62, 197 Dixon, Marcy Jean (I) 66, 77, 119, 192 Dixon, Michael B. ( 12) 21 , 50 Dodd, Deanna (9) Dodd, Lisa R. (II) 62, 65, !89 Dodson, Cassandra K. (I 0) 77 Dodson, Christine Michele ( 12) 21 , 38, 50 ~~~;,;r;~~rii~'fher T. (9) 93, 111 Donato, Robert A. (9) Donato, Shannon (9) 192 Donnelly, Mark Terry (12) 2 1, 50 Donnelly, Patricia Anne (II) 62, ! 52, 192, 199 Dorman, Brenda Louise (9) Dorner, Charles Rober Jr. (I 0) 62 Dorrie r, L Gordon Insuran ce Agency 254 Dorner, Michael Wayne (9) 93 Douglas, Christopher L (9) Douglas, James F. 208 Douglass, Jan VIctoria (10) 77, 124, 183

~:~r:&t:'r~ ~)g;ne

( 10) 77, 111

Downtown Athletic Store 252 Downtown Gulf 254 Doyle, Anne K. (II) 63 Drumheller, Gregory K. (10) 77 Drumheller, Penny Louise (II) 63, 192 Dudley, Carolyn Lou (I 0) 77 Dudley, Lori Ann (II) 63, 73, 114, 192, !98, 199 Dudley, Michelle Lee (9) 93 Duggan, Terri Kay (1 2) 22, 23, 50, 147, 180 Dulaney, Michele 131 Dunbar, Daniel D. (! 0) 77 Dunbar, Michelle L ( 10) 77. 123, 142, 144. 146 Dunbar, Tracy E. (9) 93, 124 Duncan Michael T. (10) 77, !89 Dunivan, Delores (9) 93 Dunk!, Charles John (9) 93, 191 Dunk!, Jennifer Ann ( 12) 22, 50, 15 7, 172, !73, 174, 181 Duprey, Christopher W. (10) 77, Ill , 195 Duprey, Paul E. ( 12) 22, 50 Durham, Samaramyth Ann ( II ) 63 Durham, Sherri ( 12) Durham, Shonna L. (9) 93 Durkee, Paula Christine ( 12) 22, 50

Eades, Vanessa Hope (9) 93, 19~ Eagan, Michael W. ( I 0) 77, 192 Eagle Window and Remodeling Earlysville Animal Hospital 254 EasUack, John William ( I 0) Eastlack, Lisa Michelle (I 0) Eckholm, Harold "Bud" 206 Ecology Club 197 Eddins, Teresa A (I 0) 93 Eddy, J uanita Renea (9) 93 Edgecomb, Nicole Lee (1 0) 77, Edhch, Rac hel Carol ( 10) 77, 19路 Edson, Catherine A. ( II ) 63, 19< Edson, Clarece Holland !54, 2~ Edwards, Libby Y. (9) 20, 93, 19: Edwards, Wes ( 12) 194 Ehrhardt, Donna Lynn (9) 93 Ehrhardt, Jean Marie ( 12) 22, 5( Ehrhardt, Richard Dennis (9) 93 Eichelberger, Sarah B. (I 0) 77

~~c~~~i~~路;'2'$2c. ( I 0) 77

Eley, Mary E. ( 12) 22, 50, 57, 15 Eljo's 240 Elledge, Cynthia E. ( 10) 74, 77, Elliott, George William (9) 93 Ellis, Daniel Wade (I 0) 77 Ellis, Darla Cherie 206 Elliton, Wendy K. ( 12) 22, 50, I; Ely, Mike 13 1 English Inn 240 Eppard, Carroll Wayne J r. (9) 93 Eppard, Leigh Michelle ( I 0) 77 Eppard, Roxann M. ( II ) 63, 192 Equitable Life lnsturance 255 Ergler, Richard 170, 171 , 197, 2 Erskine, Freida 142 Estes, Anna Elizabeth ( 10) 77, 2 Estes, Darryl W. ( 10) 77, Ill , I~ Estes, Heather L (II) 63, 177 Estes, Jonathan D. (9) Estes, Suzanne Rae (II) 63, 181 Estes, Thomas Howard Jr. ( 12) : Estes, z. James 213 Eubank, William Ill (10) 77, 109, Eubanks, Camilla Delorse (9) 93 Eubanks, Kenneth Nelson (9) Eubanks, Sherice Jenelle (9) 93, Eubanks, Thomas Lee (9) 93 Evans, Janice M. 232 Evans, Todd Andrew (12) 93 Evers, Will iam T. (9) Eways, Salem, M. 239

FBLA 176 FCA 192, !93 FFA 178 FFA 177 Faison, James A. (9) Fanti no, Marilyn J . !50, 2 15 Farmer, Penny ( 12) 22, 50, 191 Farnum, Frederick P. ( 12) 22, 5< Farrell, Dawn E. (10) 77, 192, 2' Farrell, Lisa J . ( 12) 22, 50 Faulconer, David W. ( 10) Faxon, Daniel Ke ith (I 0) 124, II Feggans, Caroline ( 12) 22, 26, : Feggans, Clarence S. J r. ( II ) Ferree, Ruth 181, 182, 218 Field Hockey I 18, 119 Fielding, Stuart V. ( I 0) 77 Fields, Donna Marie ( I 0) 77 Fields, Gary Wayne ( 10) 184 Fields, William B. (12) 22, 50, I Film Critics Club 173 Finger, Louise (1 2) 22, 50, !59, Finley, Peggy 196, 214 Fischer, Kimbe rly A (I 0) 77 Fisher, Kwame ( 12) 50, 189, 19 Fisher, Sharon Lenora (II) 63 Fisher, Tammy J . (9) 94, 124, 1 Fisk, Freeman Paul ( II ) Fitch, Susan 229 Fitz, Timothy D. ( 10) Frtzgerald, Stacie Lee (9) 94, II Frtzgerald, Tammy Denise ( 10) 路 Fitz-Hugh, George M. ( 12) 22, 5 Fitz-High, Julie (I 0) 77 Fleming, Erich H. (9) 94, Ill Fletcher, Donald Keith ( II ) 63, Floor Fashions of Vi rginia 251

Florence, Mary Catherine (1 2) 2 Flynn, Breck A. (II) 63, 178 Flynn, Elizabeth A. (9) 94, 192 Flynn, Kathleen 211 Flynn, Mary Alice 227 Foltz, Heather Anne (9) 94, 182 Foma lon~ Jessica ( 10) 77, 172 Football 108, 109, 110, Ill Ford, Demetrio Augusto (I 0) 7; Ford, Rodney Wayne ( I 0) 77 Fordham, Andrew E. (II) 63

. 135, 194

-----Dyer, Julie 197, 220 Dyer, Phillip Rozelle (10) 77, Ill, 128 Dygert, Gregory J . (10) Ill

E Eades, Vanessa Hope (9) 93, 195 Eagan, Michael W. (10) 77, 192 Eagle Window and Remodeling 236 Earlysville Animal Hospital 254 Eastlack, John William (I 0) Eastlack, Usa Michelle (I 0) Eckholm, Harold "Bud" 206 Ecology Club 197 Eddins, Teresa A ( I 0) 93 Eddy, Juanita Renea (9) 93 Edgecomb, Nicole Lee (10) 77, 160 Edlich, Rachel Carol ( 10) 77, 194 Edson, Catherine A (II) 63, 194 Edson, Clarece Holland !54, 209 Edwards, Ubby Y. (9) 20, 93, 192, 194, 199 Edwards, Wes (12) 194 Ehrhardt, Donna Lynn (9) 93 Ehrhardt, Jean Marie (12) 22, 50, 172, 191 Ehrhardt, Richard Dennis (9) 93 Eichelberger, Sarah B. (I 0) 77

Forloines, Glenn T. (9) 94, 124, !59, 189 Forres~ Amy Sue ( 12) 22, 50, I 83 Forres~ Tuomi (9) 94 Fortner, Jodie (I I ) Fortune, Usa Annette (9) Foss, Jennifer A. (9) 94, I 04 Foster, Page Warren Jr. (II) 63 Fountain, Courtney L (9) 195 Fountain, James Darnell (10) Foutz, R. Stephen 194, 198, 221 Fowley, Daniel John ( 12) 22, 50, 194 Fowley, David K. (9) 94, 191 Fox, Margaret G. (9) 94 Frank, JoAnn 205 Fran, Matthew G. (1 2) 22, 50, 173 Frazier, Jody H. (12) 22, 50 Frazier, Tony D. (10) Freeman, Amanda L (II) 63, 196 Freeman, Nancy 197 Freid, Cathy Lynn (9) 94 French, Nan Wayne (I I ) 63, 175 French Club 182 French Honor Society 181 Frescoln, Rees J . ( 12) 22, 50, 194, 198 Frescoln, Rob Yarnell ( 10) 77, 194 Friesen, Laura Elisabeth (9) 94 Fritz, Sheri A (10) 77 Frye, Michelle (9) 94 Fudala, Gretchen E. (10) 77, 118, 119, 131, 192 Fudala, Jenifer L (12) 22, 50 Fulcher, Virginia 209 Fuller, Michelle Leigh (9) 94 Furr, Anita Diana (II) 63 Fussa, Annamarie G. ( 10) 119 Fussa, Rogelio A (12) 22, 50, 55, !57, 181


. Ill , !35. 140, 144. 145,

~:c~:~i~o¡~'2$ c <1O) 11 Eley, Mary E. (12) 22, 50, 57, 150, 174, 192, 194 Eljo's 240 Elledge, Cynthia E. (10) 74, 77, 118, 119, 192, 194, 199 Elliott, George William (9) 93 Ellis, Daniel Wade (10) 77 Ellis, Darla Cherie 206 Elliton, Wendy K. ( 12) 22, 50, 177 Ely, Mike 131 English Inn 240 Eppard, Carroll Wayne Jr. (9) 93 Eppard, Leigh Michelle ( I 0) 77 Eppard, Roxann M. ( II) 63, !92 Equitable Ufe lnsturance 255 Ergler, Richa rd 170, 171 , 197, 209 Erskine, Freida 142 Estes, Anna Elizabeth (10) 77,267 Estes, Darryl W. (10) 77, Ill , 192 Estes, Heather L (II) 63, 177 Estes, Jonathan D. (9) Estes, Suzanne Rae (II) 63, 187, 197 Estes, Thomas Howard Jr. (12) 22, 50, 60, !50, !59, 18 1, !96 Estes, Z. James 213 Eubank, William Ill (10) 77, 109, Ill Eubanks, Camilla Delorse (9) 93, 192 Eubanks, Kenneth Nelson (9) Eubanks, Sherice Jenelle (9) 93, 182 Eubanks, Thomas Lee (9) 93 Evans, Janice M. 232 Evans, Todd Andrew ( 12) 93 Evers, William T. (9) Eways, Salem, M. 239

Z, 144, 145, 192, 193, 194 142, 157, !59, 170, 181 ,

• 182

7, 181 , 188


;, ! 99


173, 174, 181

F FBLA 176 FCA 192, 193 FFA 178 FFA 177 Faison, James A. (9) Fantino, Marilyn J . 150, 215 Farmer, Penny (1 2) 22, 50, 191 Farnum, Frederick P. (12) 22, 50 Farrell, Dawn E. (10) 77, 192, 269 Farrell, Usa J. (12) 22. 50 Faulconer, David W. (10) Faxon, Daniel Keith ( 10) 124, 189 Feggans, Caroline ( 12) 22, 26, 50 Feggans, Clarence S. Jr. (II ) Ferree, Ruth 181 , 182, 2 18 Field Hockey 118, 119 Fielding, Stuart V. (I 0) 77 Fields, Donna Marie ( 10) 77 Fields, Gary Wayne ( I 0) 184 Fields, William B. ( 12) 22, 50, 172 Film Critics Club 173 Finger, Louise ( 12) 22, 50, 159, 174, 194 Finley, Peggy !96, 214 Fischer, Kimberly A (I 0) 77 Fisher, Kwame ( 12) 50, 189, 191 Fisher, Sharon Lenora (I I) 63 Fisher, Tammy J . (9) 94, 124, 189 Fisk, Freeman Paul ( II) Frtch, Susan 229 Fitz, Timothy D. ( I 0) Frtzgerald, Stacie Lee (9) 94, Ill , 129 Frtzgerald, Tammy Denise ( 10) 77, 191 Frtz-Hugh, George M. ( 12) 22, 50 Fitz-High, Julie ( I 0) 77 Fleming, Erich H. (9) 94, I ll Fletcher, Donald Keith ( II ) 63, Ill Floor Fashions of Virginia 251 Florence, Mary Catherine (1 2) 22, 50, 55, 191 , 194 Flynn, Breck A ( II ) 63, 178 Flynn, Elizabeth A. (9) 94, 192 Flynn, Kathleen 211 Flynn, Mary Nice 227 Foltz, Heather Anne (9) 94, 182 Fomal on~ Jessica ( 10) 77, 172 Footbaii!08, 109, 11 0, Ill Ford, Demetrio Augusto ( I 0) 77 Ford, Rodney Wayne (I 0) 77 Fordham, Andrew E. ( II ) 63

G Gaines, Clarence William (9) 94 Gaines, Earnest Lee Jr. (12) 50 Gallagher, John David (1 2) 18, 22, 37, 50, !59, 181 , 192 Gallan~ Jane 174, 216 Gamache, David E. (I 0) 78, 124, 189 Games, Inc. 184 Garber, Elaine (9) 123, 184 Garden Spot 242 Gardner, Christopher Dale ( 10) 78 Gardner, Kenton S. 178, 227 Gardner, Simone Evell (9) 95, 124, 189 Gardner, Timothy W. (I 0) 78, 178 Garland, Angela May ( II) 63 Garland, Beverly A. (9) Garland, David Brent (II) 63, 147, 159, 170, 180 Garland, Joseph (II) 63, 116 Garland, Robert William ( 12) 24, 50, 184 Garnett, James Mercer 127, 224 Garnett, Jill 177, 226 Garnett, Ruth 232 Garrison, Darryl (II) 63 Garrison, Donnie 204 Garrison, Mark Wayne (9) 95 Garrison, Roslyn (9) 95 Garrison, Wendi Lynn (II) 63, 114 Garton, Richard Dwayne (9) Ill Garver, Victoria Leigh (9) 95, 187 Gatewood, Lori Ann (1 2) 24, 50 Gaughan, Walter L ( 12) Gauthier, Sheri Usa (II) 183 Gebs, Theresa L 232 Geer, Pamela L (9) 95 Geer, Tina M. ( 12) 24, 50 Geer, Wendy Jo (9) 95, !92 Gentry, Coleman 189 Gentry, George Michael ( I 0) 78 Gentry, Kim Lynnell (1 2) 24, 50 Gentry, Lois Anne (9) 95, 195 Gentry, Ronald Keith ( I 0) 78 Gentry, Sharon Kaye (I I ) 63 Gentry, William C (9) 95, 124 Gerbert, Kelley A ( 12) 24, 37, 41, 50, 123, 142, 144, 145 Gerimm, Matt 195 Gerlock, J ohn E. 233 Gervais, Nisa Carol (9) Ghazarian, Vahe M. ( I 0) 78 Giannini, Bryston Craig ( 12) 24, 50, 142, 144, 145, 194 Giannini, Trent A. (9) 95, !87, 199 Gianniny, Karin Dale (9) Gianniny, Steven Todd (I 0) 78 Gibbs, Cheri Denise (II) 63, 125 Gibson, Angela Faith ( 10) 78 Gibson, Bernard Clyde ( I 0) 78 Gibson, Cynthia Kay ( 12) 50 Gibson, David Lee ( II ) 63, 178 Gibson, Jimmy !50 Gibson, John ( 12) 24, 50 Gibson, Ubbie Leigh (I 0) Gibson, Michael E. (I 0) Gisbcn, Sherman S. (9) 95 Gibson, Susan Jean (1 2) 24, 50 Gibson, Vicki Lynn ( 12) Gieck, Elizabeth DeJarnette ( I I) 63, 119 Gies, Mary Jo 196, 221 Giffen, Stephen C (10) 78 Giffin, Anne L (12) 24, 50, 159, 192, 196 Gilka, Renee Kathleen (9) 95 Gill, Sharon R. (II) 63 Gill, Thomas G. ( 12) 24, 50 Gilliam, Meshanna (12) 24, 50 Gilligan, Julie C (II) 63, 189 Gillispie, Paul McDonald (10) 78, 124, 185 Glanzer, Kim ( 12) 50 Glassner Jewelers 239 Glei~ Nathan Roy ( 10) 78 Glover, Amy Sue ( 10) 78, 187, 195 Glover, Mary Jane 229 g~d~~:~/eane (1 2) 24, 50 Golf 121

g~: x~~~rJW<Jm 24. 50. Goodwin, Geoffrey ( II ) 63, 194

121 . 127, !50


Goodwin, Sara Lynne (II) 63, 137 Gorby, Tracy Kathryn (10) 78, 197 Gordon, John Hamilton (9) 95, Ill Gordon, Kevin J . (9) 95 Gordon, Stacy E. (9) 95, I 04, 192 Gorham, Tracie Janine (9) Gorman, Yvonne M. (12) 24, 26, 45, 50, 172, 194 Goss, Julie Christine (9) 95, 140 Goss, Kendrick A (II) 63, 116, 173 Gossweiler, Robert S. ( 12) 24, 50 Gotham, Anne A. (12) 24, 50, 148, !59, 180, 196 Gould, Greer S. ( 12) 50, 116, 181 Grady, Bradley Louis (9) 95, Ill Graham, Kenneth N len (9) 95 Grainer, Brian J. !54, 199, 221 Grainer, Pamela Jillson 137, 225 Grammer, Shawn (I 0) 78, !59 Gravelle, Christopher (I 0) 78, !54 Graves, Brenda 176, 223 Graves, James McKinley (9) Graves, Usa ( 12) 27, 50 Graves, Matthew Nan (9) 95 Graves, Vickie Lynn (1 2) 27, 50 Gray, Emily Mae (II) 63, 177 Gray, Ruth L ( 12) 27, 50, 190 Graziano, Karla Marie (I 0) 174 Graziano, Kristin (12) 27, 50 Green, Nlen Paul (9) 95 Green, Clyde Edward Jr. (9) 124 Green, Jennifer (II) 63, 184 Green, Natalie 174 Green, Rachael Annette (12) 27, 50, 187, 192 Green, Rebecca (9) 95, 135, 182 Green, Sonya Lamour ( I 0) 95 Green, Tami Lynne (9) 95 Green , Laura A. ( 10) 78, 197 Green, Usa (9) 95 Greene, Laura A. (I 0) 78, 197 Greene, Usa (9) 95 Greene, Melissa Anne (9) Greene, Ronald A (12) 27,50 Greene, Tracye (9) 95. 191 Grehawick, Kimberly ( 12) 27, 50 Griffen, Steve ( I 0) f 92 Griffith, Edmund B. 221 Griffith, Heather L (9) 95, 123, 194 Grim; Nancy Carolyn 220 Grimm, Matthew Michael (9) 95 Grode, Sarah (I 0) 78, 84 Groome, Kimberly R. (II) 63, 187, 190 Group One Real !::state 250 Guaranty Savings and Loan 253 Guerran ~ Amy L (9) 95, 189, 199 Guerran~ Jeffrey Uttlet ( I 0) 78, 115, 116, 135 Guthrie, Christine (II) 63 Gutierrez, Michelle M. ( I I) 63, 180 Gymnastics 136, 137

H Haar, John Vena ble (I 0) 78, 192 Haberly, Anne S. (9) 95, 187 Haberly, Duncan Charles (12) 159 Hackett, Raymond Dennis (9) Hackley, Dionne Antionette (9) 184 Hackley, Francesco D. (9) 135, 184 Hackley, Leisa (1 2) 27, 50, 184 Haga, David Steven (9) 95, 189 Hagar, Jarita Lynn ( 12) 50 Hager, Laurie B. ( II ) 64, 194 Hager, Paul (12) 27,50 Hager, Tammy G. (I I ) 64 Hainer, Jon M. (II) 65, 116, !35 Hainer, Theresa Marie (9) 95, 114 Halbach, Stacy Lynn (9) 95, 124, 195 Hale, Michael Eugene ( 12) 51 Haley, Chisholm and Morris Inc. 236 Hall, David Nan (II) 64, 127, 194 Hall, Kerry Llynn ( II ) 64, !54, 170, 181, 192 Hall, Leslie Carol ( I 0) 79, 84, I 04, 192 Hall, Sara Jo ( I 0) 79, 190 Hall, Susan Kathryn ( 12) 27, 51 , 157, 181 , !90 Hall, Timothy Scott (I 0) 79 Hall, William Bcyd J r. (9) 95, Ill , 190 Hall's Bcdy Shop 252 Halstead, James H. (9) 95, Ill Hamm, Michael (9) 96, Ill, 184 Hammer, Dawn, M. (I I ) 64 Hammill, Wanda Jeanette (II) 64 Hammond, Michael J . ( 12) 27, 51, 57, 194 Hammond, Rashel M. (I 0) 79, 123, 144, 146, 192 Hamner, Edward Nicholas Jr. ( 10) 79, Ill Hamner, Harold Henry (II) 64 Hanckle Citizens Insurance 257 Haney, Ann Michelle (9) 96 Haney, Jon C (9) 96 Haney, Tony Brent (9) Haney, William McGavock Jr. ( II ) 64, 191 Hanger, Roni Lea ( 10) 79, 115, 116, 129, 131 , 192, 199 Hansen, Heather Faith (9) 96, 124, 192 Harding, Dawn Marie (I 0) 79 Harding, Rodney Nlen (I 0) 79 Harding, Steven Lee (I 0) Harlow, Angela Faye (9) 96, 190 Harlow, Christopher S. (9) 96 Harlow, Nathaniel P. Ill ( I 0) 79 Harman, John K. ( 12) 27, 51 , 170, 171 , 192, 193 Harmon, David Edward Jr. (12) Harper, Kimberly A. (9) 96, 191 Harper, Usa Michelle (9) 96 Harper, Scott G. (9) 96, 268 Harper, Todd (II) 64 Harrell, Timothy Scott (9) 96, I 00, 185 Harrelson, Jennifer A. (9) 96, 194 Harrington, Christina M. (II) 64 Harrington, Erik Lennart (9) 96, Ill Harrington, RichardT. ( 12) 27, 51, 194, 199 Harris, Nan David ( I 0) 79 Harris, Christopher Bland (9) Harris, Jason Douglas (9) 96, 189 Harris, Jennifer Lynn (9) 96. 187

Index 263

1. In between classes, Ramona Jackson and Brady Grady stop to enjoy a conversation. 2. Wade Jenkins takes time out to listen to his walkman . 3. During a study hall, Anna Riddervold and Wendy Olsen prepare to study.

3 Harris, John M. (12) 27, 51 , 154, 172, 194 Harris, Larraine Michelle (1 0) Harris, Natalie La Venne (12) 27, 51 , 187, 190 Harris, Robert Nelson ( 1 1) 64 Harris, Sharon E. 46, 140, 152, 205 Harris, Sonia Delores ( 10) 129 Harris, Tracy (10) 79 Harris, William P. (9) Harrison, Ralph A. 12 1, 225 Hart, James Radford (9) 96 Hartling, Michael G. ( 11) 64, 67, 123, 124, 189, 192 Hartman, Leslie Elaine (9) 96, 190 "Harvey" 148, 149 Harvey, Mike D. (9) 96 Hasen stab, Michael David ( 12) Hastings, Tammi R. (9) 96, 100, 192 Hatcher, Leslie Suzanne (I 0) 79 Hauck, Shawn E. (12) 27, 51 , 192 Haugh~ Carole Elaine ( 12) 27, 45, 51 , 157 Haugh~ Matthew Paul (9) 96 Haverkamp, Lynn M . ( 10) 79 Haverkamp, Ruth 216 Hawkes, Patricia B. 254 Hawkins. Kathy Renee (12) 27, 51 Hawkins, Marti A. (I 0) 79, I 16, 135 Hawley, Brenda Lee (9) 96, 187 Hayes Arthur ( 12) hearns, Janet Sheri ( 12) 27, 51 Heath. Ca therine L. ( 12) 27, 51 , 157, 159, 180, 18 1 Heath, Linda A. (I )0 79, 192 Hedgeman, Melissa Denice (9) 96, 124, 189 Hedrick, Charles M. (9) 96 Hedrick, Will iam Clifion (II) 64, 108, Ill Helfenstein, Vi rginia Ann (12) 27, 41 , 51 , 123, 192 Helwig, Christopher M. (9) 96, 116, 178 Helwig, Maria L. ( 12) 27, 51 Hemmer, Bruce W. (I I) 64 Henderson, David Carlton ( 10) 79 Henderson, Larry A. (II) I 08, II , 135, 184, 268 Henderson-Williams, Leslie 214 Henley, Anthony Craig ( 1) II , 135 Henry, Beth Anne ( II) 64, 114 Henry, Rachel Diane (1) 80, 137, 192 Henry, Will iam 178, 228 Henshaw, Deborah. A. (9) 96, 192 Hensley, Michael T. (12) 27, 51 , 191 Hensley, Robert Dwain ( 10) 80 Hensley, Scott Anthony (9) 96, I I I , 194 Hensley, Tracey Dawn (10) 80, 104, 192 Herath, Jeffrey Alan (9) 96, 175 Herndon, William Rod ney (I 0) 80, I I I Herold, Christopher D. (9) 96, I 16 Herring, David Lee (I I) 64 Herring, James ( 12) 27, 51 Herring, Pamela D. (9) 96 Herring, Tammie Rena ( 10) 80 Herring, William Lee ( 10) 80, 174 Hershey, Allen Dale II (11) 64, 115, 116, 135, 175, 191 Hershey, Anita Sharon (9) 96, 124, 135, 189 Hess, Harry F. (11) 64, 192, 194 Hester, Carl Dillinger (I I) 184, 199 Hester, Leroy Jr. (9) 96, II I



Hicken, Robert (11) 64, I 04 Hicks, Jennifer Rachel (9) 96, 175 Hicks, Leigh Ann ( 11 ) 64, 197 Hicks, Sandra Kay (9) Hicks, Tenn is Gordon (10) Higginbothan, James Lee Jr. ( I I ) 64, 183 Hill, Alfred (9) 96 Hill, Anthony (9) II I , 184 Hill, Brian E. (9) 96 Hill, Christopher Sean (9) I I , 96, 187 Hill, Leasa Diana ( 11 ) 64 Hill, Linda 215 Hill, Peter G. (11) 64, 127, 192, 199 Hill, Warren Robert (9) 96 Hiller, Adam Scott (9) 97, Ill Hiller, Anthony Walter (9) 97 Hines, Jeffrey N. (9) 111 Hines, Willie L. (12) 28, 51 Hinton, Amanda Thea (9) 97, 199 Hipskind, Timothy Scott (II) 64, Ill, 192 Hirsch, Melissa E. (II) 64, 140, 194 Hirsch, Miriam Lisa ( 12) 28, 140, 194, 199 Hirsh, Thomas M. (12) 51 , 28 Hofland, Mark Christian ( 12) 28, 51 , Ill , 127 Hofland, Nicole Adrienne (9) 97, 191 Hogan, Anne B. ( 10) 80, 182 Holdren, Chris J . (10) 80, 184 Holdren, Pamela ( 12) 64 Holland, Joanne ( I I ) 64, 73, 152, 192 Holland, Lawrence E. (9) 97, Il l Hollingsworth, Eric (9) 97, 189 Hollingsworth , Thomas J. ( 10) 80 Hollins, Angela Malette ( 10) 80 Hollo, Sylvia C. (12) 28, 51 , 124, 157 Holsapple, Gregory Alan ( I ) 80 Holsapple, Joseph Lee (9) 97 Holsapple, Venda Kay ( 12) 51 , 192 Holt Oil Company Inc. 254 Homecoming Activities 142, 143 Homecoming Court 144, 145, 146 Honors 158, 159 Hooper, George Gotteslebe (9) 97 Hope, Edward M. (I 0) 80 Hopkinson, Elizabeth ( 1 I ) 64, 182 Herridge, Jeffrey D. (I I ) 64, 192, 194 Horton, David Allen (9) Horton, Robert Wayne ( II ) 65 Horton, Tina M. (1 0) 80, 124, 159, 195 Houchens, Larry Steven ( I I) 64, 113, I 14, 194 Houchens, Melissa L. (I I) 64, 113, I 14, 194 Houchens, Rodney Jake ( 10) 80 Houghton, Catherine E. (9) 97, 119, 192 Houlihan, Trina ( 12) 51 , 191 Howard, Becki Vernice (1 2) 28, 51 Howard, Brad S. ( I 0) 80 Howard, Roderick M. (9) Howard, Shonda Isabelle (1 0) 144, 146 Howland, Katherine B. (9) 97, 182 Hoy, Clyde 108, 195, 224 Hubbard, Amy Shannon (9) 97 Hubbard, Lisa (11) 64 , 187, 192 Hucek, Lisa J. ( 12 ) 28, 35, 51 , 170, 181 , 194

Hudgins, Cynthia L. ( I I) 64, 194 Hudgins, Mary Evelyn (II) 64, 178 Hudgins, Robert Gene (9) Hudson, Heather Diane ( II ) 64, 187, 197 Hudson, Remi Theresa (11) Hueschen, Ka ren ( 10) 80 Huff, Joseph D. ( II ) 64 Huff, William R. (10) 80, Ill Huffman, Elizabeth A. (1 0) 80 Huffman, Lisa Dawn (9) 97, 192, 199 Hughes, Bobbinette W. 22 1 Hughes, Deidra Oleta (II) 64, 68, 124, 135 Hughes, Michelle C. (9) 97 Hughes, Sue Critzer 170, 171 , 214 Hughes, Valerie L. ( 12) 23, 28, 51 , 125, 174, 192, 199 Hull, Susan 147, 215 Hun~ Donna G. (I 0) 97 Hun~ Jannette 223 Hun ~ Peter Dilworth ( 10) 80, 124, 187, 189, 197 Hun~ Quentina A. ( II) 64 Hun~ Roger Lee Jr. (9) Hun~ Sandra Kay ( I I) 64 Hunter, Mary Robeson 214 Hurdman, Kimberly C. (11) 64, 175 Huskey, Margot S. ( I I ) 55, 64, 154, 180 Hutchins, Meg I 18, 119 Hutchinson, Melissa (I 0) 80, 173, 196

Jackson, Carolyn Monice (1 0) Jackson, Deborah L. (9) 97 Jackson, Ellison Beverly (II Jackson, Gina Denise (12) 28, 5 Jackson, Jennife r B. (9) 97, 174 Jackson, J uanita Laverne ( I 0) Jackson, Ka ren Ranne ( 11) 64 Jackson, Lewis Maurice (II) Jackson, Portia D. (1 0) 78, 80, I Jackson, Ramona Janelle ( I 0) Jackson, Sandra 184, 226 Jackson, Steven A (9) Ill , 128 Jacobs, Cynthia E. (II) 64, 119, Jacobson, Alan L. ( 10) 80, 159 Jake's Place 23 7 ' James, Brenda (I I) 64 James, Mary Catherine ( 12) 28, ! Jam ison, Alexis Patrice (9) Jansen, Erika (9) 97 Jarman, Jan K. 229 Jarrell, Earl M. ( 12) 52, 178 Jarrell, Gwendolyn A. (9) Jarvis, Patrick M. (9) 97 Jarvis, Sherry (9) 97, 190 Jarvis, Wanda (9) 97 Jauregui, Elisa (9) Jenkins, Anita Brockette 193, 2ry Jenkins, Kymbula Daune ( 12) Jenkins, Wade B. ( 11 ) 64 Jenkins, William Jackson (9) 97, Jesser. Nicole E. (9) 97, 192, 1~ Jesser, William A. (11) 64, 192 Jetton, Paula (1 2) 28, 52 Jewell, Bobbie Sue (1 0) Johnson, Anthony R. ( 10) 80 Johnson, Carol (10) 81 , 173 Johnson, Clarence Edward Jr. (I Johnson, Dana L. (9) 97 Johnson, David K. ( I 0) 192 Johnson, Deitrich Dewllman (9) Johnson, Ernest Eugene ( 12) 52 Johnson, Garcia Roderick ( 1 I ) 6 Johnson, Janet Malia ( 12) 28, 3~ Johnson, Keith (10) 81, 128 Johnson, Kenny L. (9) 97 Johnson, LaDonna Rae (12) 28, Johnson, Larry Alan 25, 32, 193, Johnson, Lokie Jenice ( 12) 28, ~ Johnson, Mary Lara ( I 0) 81 , 17" Johnson, Melanie Suzanne (II) 1 Johnson, Melissa Lavon (9) 97, 路 Johnson, Michael Kevin ( II) 66 Johnson, Michael Shawn (9) Johnson, Paul L. 230 Johnson, Randon D. (I 0) Johnson, Sandra L. ( 12) 28, 52, Johnson, Shawn Alan ( 1 I ) 66 Johnson, Tammy Lynn (10) 81 , Johnson, Tommy (1 0) 199 Johnson, Wa ldo E. 217 Johnston, Andrew Graham ( 10) Jones, A. Wa lte r 208 Jones, And reaS. (12) 28, 52, 11 Jones, Brenda Ann (II) Jones, Candice L. ( 10) 81 , 124 Jones, Catherine (9) 187 Jones, Cosby Arthu r Ill (I I ) 66 Jones, Daniel Kevin ( 12) 28, 52, Jones, Heather Leigh ( I 0) 81 Jones, Jason Hunter (9) 97 Jones, Laurie Leigh (I I ) 66 Jones, Luther A ( 12) 31 , 52 Jones, Michelle (I 0) 81 Jones, Rebecca 221 Jones. Rebecca A. ( 12) 31 , 52, I

j~~::: ~~~~~dLr.~ ~


52 Jones, Stephanie A. ( 10) 81, 19; Jones, Theresa M. 206 Jones, Timothy A. ( 12) 3 1, 52 Jones, Tracey LT. (9) 97, 159, I Jones, Vicki Dee ( I I ) 66 Jordan, Brian KeMn (I I ) 66 Jordan, Christina Sue (9) 173, I Jordan, Clarence Alexander (9) ~ Jordan, David Gray (10) 81 , 195 Jordan, Deborah S. (I 0) 81

j~;~:~: f::~~eK~~:.~el~

( 10) 8 Jordan, Joseph Scott (9) 97 Jordon, Paul L. (12) 31 , 52 Joseph, Jacob David (9) 97, 15~ Joseph, Lisha Diane (9) 97, 192 Jostens 235 Judge, Everett ( I I ) Judge, Jeffrey R. (9) 98 Judge, Tammy L. ( 10) 8 1

I lachetta, Patrick E. (1 2) 28, 51 , 148, 159, 173, 174, 180, 199 lna bine~ Clifion Charles (9) 97 Inscoe, Mary Beth (I 0) 80, 192, 194 Insurance Management Corp. of Cha rlottesville 250

International Exchange Club 197 lsak, Alan ( 12) 52 Israel, Allen Wesley (I 0)


Kadne r. Kristen E. (1 0) 81 , 173 Kadner, Robert J . (9) 98 Kardos, Steven Michael ( I I ) 66 Karr, Timothy Michael ( 10) 81 , I Kauffman, Melissa E. ( 10) 81 , 1 Keith , Barry ian (9) 98, Ill , 191 Kelle r, Rodney M. 173, 212 Kelley, Amy L. (9) 98 Kelley, George Caicedo (I 0) 8 1 Kelly, Ka therine Wren ( I 0) 89, I Kelly, Kevin ( I I ) 66 Kelly, Lillian E. (9) I 19, 159 Kelly, Mary S. (9) 98, 119, 194 Kemon , Yvonne J . (I 0) 81 Kemp, Deborah Lee (12) 31 , 52 Kennedy, Beth Ann (9) 98, 187, Kennon, Darren Christopher ( 11

Jackson, Anne (9) 80 Jackson, Betina Lynn (I I )

Kenney, Timothy W. (1 2) 31 , 52 Kerl, Marvin Michael ( I 0) 81 Kerns , Kandi K. ( 12) Kerns, Suzanne D. (9) 31 , 52, 9:



35 74, 192, 199

89, 197

Jackson, Carolyn Monice (I 0) Jackson, Deborah L (9) 97 Jackson, Ellison Beverly (I I Jackson, Gina Denise ( 12) 28, 52, 187 Jackson, Jennifer B. (9) 97, 174 Jackson, Juanita laverne (I 0) Jackson, Karen Ranne (II) 64 Jackson, Lewis Maurice (II) Jackson, Portia D. (I 0) 78, 80, 184 Jackson, Ramona Janelle (I 0) Jackson, Sandra 184, 226 Jackson, Steven A (9) Ill, 128 Jacobs, Cynthia E. (II) 64, 119, 187, 197 Jaco,bson, Alan L (10) 80, 159, 183 Jakes Place 237 James, Brenda (II) 64 James, Mary Catherine ( 12) 28, 52 Jamison, Alexis Patrice (9) Jansen, Erika (9) 97 Jarman, Jan K. 229 Jarrell, Earl M. (12) 52, 178 Jarrell, Gwendolyn A. (9) Jarvis, Patrick M. (9) 97 Jarvis, Sherry (9) 97, 190 Jarvis, Wanda (9) 97 Jauregui, Elisa (9) Jenkins, Anita Brockette 193, 209 Jenkins, Kynnbula Daune ( 12) Jenkins, Wade B. (I I) 64 Jenkins, William Jackson (9) 97, Ill Jesser. Nicole E. (9) 97, 192 199 Jesser, William A (II) 64, 192 Jetton, Paula (12) 28, 52 Jewell, Bobbie Sue (I 0) Johnson, Anthony R. (I 0) 80 Johnson, Carol (10) 81 , 173 Johnson, Clarence Edward J r. (12) 28, 52, Ill, 195 Johnson, Dana L (9) 97 Johnson, David K. (I 0) 192 Johnson, Deitrich Dewilman (9) 97, 182 Johnson, Ernest Eugene ( 12) 52, 187 Johnson, Garcia Roderick ( I I ) 66 Johnson, Janet Malia ( 12) 28, 35, 52, 176 Johnson, Keith (I 0) 81 , 128 Johnson, Kenny L (9) 97 Johnson, LaDonna Rae (12) 28, 52 Johnson, Larry Alan 25, 32, 193, 208 Johnson, Lokie Jenice ( 12) 28, 52, 184 Johnson, Mary Lara (I 0) 81 , 173 Johnson, Melanie Suzanne (II) 66, 124, 189 Johnson, Melissa Lavon (9) 97, 135, 187, 190 Johnson, Michael Kevin (II) 66 Johnson, Michael Shawn (9) Johnson, Paul L 230 Johnson, Randon D. (I 0) Johnson, Sandra L ( 12) 28, 52, 190 Johnson, Shawn Alan (I I) 66 Johnson, Tammy Lynn (10) 81 , 124 Johnson, Tom my (I 0) 199 Johnson, Wa ldo E. 217 Johnston, Andrew Graham ( 10) 81 , 147, 159, 184, 196 Jones,. A Walter 208 Jones, Andrea S. ( 12) 28, 52, I 18, I 19, 170, 194, 198, 199 Jones, Brenda Ann (II) Jones, Candice L ( 10) 81 , 124 Jones, Catherine (9) 187 Jones, Cosby Anthur Ill (II) 66 Jones, Daniel Kevin (12) 28, 52, Ill , 135, 140, 144, 145, 187, 192 Jones, Heather Leigh ( I 0) 81 Jones, Jason Hunter (9) 97 Jones, laurie Leigh (I I) 66 Jones, Luther A ( 12) 31 , 52 Jones, Michelle (I 0) 81 Jones, Rebecca 221 Jones, Rebecca A. ( 12) 31 , 52, 176 Jones, Robin Lynn ( 12) Jones, Ronald Lee ( 12) 52 Jones, Stephanie A. (I 0) 81 , 192 Jones, Theresa M. 206 Jones, Timothy A. ( 12) 31 , 52


j~~:~: ~~~eb.~~-, 159, 182 Jordan, Brian Kelvin (II) 66 Jordan, Christina Sue (9) 173, 187, 197 Jordan, Clarence Alexander (9) 97, Ill Jordan, David Gray (10) 81 , 195 Jordan, Deborah S. (I 0) 81

j~~~:~: J.:':~~eK[K~~e'J. oo>

81, 114, Jordan, Joseph Scott (9) 97 Jordon, Paul L ( 12) 31 , 52 Joseph, Jacob David (9) 97, 159, 184 Joseph, Usha Diane (9) 97, 192 Jostens 235 Judge, Everett ( II ) Judge, Jeffrey R. (9) 98 Judge, Tammy L (10) 81

m . 182

K 173, 174, 180, 199 .sville 250

Kadner, Kristen E. ( I 0) 81 , 173 Kadner, Robert J. (9) 98 Kardos, Steven Michael (II) 66 Karr, Timothy Michael (I 0) 81 , 124, 189, 191 Kauffman, Melissa E. (10) 81 , 113, 114 Keith, Barry Ian (9) 98, Ill , 191 Keller, Rodney M. 173, 212 Kelley, Amy L (9) 98 Kelley, George Caicedo (I 0) 81 Kelly, Kathe rine Wren ( I 0) 89, I 19 Kelly, Kevin ( II ) 66 Kelly, Ullian E. (9) I 19, 159 Kelly, Mary S. (9) 98, I 19, 194 Kemon, Yvonne J . ( 10) 81 Kemp, Deborah Lee ( 12) 31 , 52, 177 Kennedy, Beth Ann (9) 98, 187, 192 Kennon, Darren Christopher (I I ) 66, 154, 192, 194 Kenney, Timothy W. ( 12) 31, 52, 127 Kerl, Marvin Michael (I 0) 81 Kerns, Kandi K. (12) Kerns, Suzanne D. (9) 31 , 52, 98

Kettrick, David Patrick (9) 98, 121 Kettrick, Elizabeth A. (I I) 66, 192 Kettrick, James Francis (9) 98, 121 Key, Angela M. (9) 98 Key Club 197 Key, Kenneth (I 0) 81 Khare, Kamalendra S. (9) 98 Kidd, Angela M. (10) 81 Kidd, Judy 229 Kim, Stephen Suwon (9) 98, 187 Kindrick, Usa A (10) 81 , 177, 199 King, William, Joseph ( II ) 66, 194 Kirby, Caroline Marie (9) 81 Kirby, Tracy Leigh (12) 31 , 52, 175, 176 Kirby, William (12) Kirchgessner, Laura M. ( I 0) 81 Kirkland, William A. (I 0) 82, 127 Kirtley, F. Bryan (II) 66, 147, 159, 180 Kirtley, Jay (10) 82, 147, 181 Kirwan, Ann M. (I 0) 82, 182, 199 Kleiber, Bill (II) 183, 189 Kleiber, Stephen J. (9) 98, 124, 189 Kleiber, Wilfred (II) 66 Klink, Pamela Conway ( I I ) Knigh~ Heather R. (12) 31 , 37, 52, 120, 131 , 157, 170, 181 , 182 Knigh~ Dr. John H. 236 Knigh~ Michael Carroll (9) 98 Knigh~ Richard ( 12) 31 Knigh~ Samuel M. ( 12) 31 , 52 Kokochak, Alta Marrell (I 0) Kopp, Torsten Rudiger (II) 29, 55, 191 Kos~ Diana M. (10) 74, 80, 82, 115, 116, 135, 182 Kos~ John R. (I 0) 82, 124, 189 Kos~ Victoria A. (12) 31 , 52, 135, 157, 181 Kowalsyk, Kimberly (II) 66 Kreglo, Kimbe rly Dawn (I 0) Kretsinger, Stein E. ( 12) 31, 35, 52 Krol, Amy M. (12) 31, 52, 192

L Lackey, Charles 203 Lackey, Rhonda (9) 98 Lackey, Ronald Dean (1 2) 31 Lacrosse Club 194 Ladd, Joseph Alan (I 0) 82 Lage, Ana lisa (I 0) 82, 113, 11 4 Lage, Emily F. 228 Lage, Richard L (12) 31, 41 , 52, 108, 109, Ill , 127, 172, 194 Lamb, David W. (9) 98 Lamb, Pamela ( 12) 31 , 52 lambert, Brian Roland (I 0) lambert, Usa Jo (9) 98, 144, 146, 192 Lambert, Margaret L (II) 66, 192 Lambert, Marsha G. (I I) 66, 68 lance, Vi rginia Lynn ( 12) 31 , 52 Lande!, Julie L (II) 60, 66, 147, 152, 159, 170, 180, 181 , 192, 198, 199 Lane, Cynthia L (9) 98 Lane, David Scott ( 12) 31 , 52 lane, Elizabeth A (I 0) 82 Lane, Scarlett Kimberlly (I 0) 82, 192, 194 Lane, William Troy (10) 82 Lang, Mard are M. (9) 98, 197 Langdon, Brenda F. 224 Lanier, Jeffe=n Alexander (9) 98, 193 Lantern 173 Larrick First Period 247 Larrick, Rollin David 159, 183,21 8 La5cano, Anthony ( 12) 31 , 52, In Lascano, Joseph (12) 31 , 52, 159, In, 196 lassiter, April Un (11) 123, 147, 154, 180, 187, 192, 267 Lassiter, Julie R. (9) latin Club 183 Lauffenburger, Karen S. ( 12) 31, 52, 1 19, 192 Lauren~ Thierry B. (I I) 66, 124, 189, 192 Lawhorn, Sharon F. ( 12) 31 , 52, I 19, 192, 194 Lawrence, Sherrie L ( 11) 66, I 19, 194 lawson, Curtis Edwin (I I) 66 Lawson, Janet D. (9) 98, 182 Lawson, Norma J. ( 10) 98, Ill Lawson, Raynnond Andrew (I 0) Lawson, Ronald E. (9) Layne, Mary Leigh (12) 31 , 52 Leap, Stephanie Renee ( 12) 52 Lear, Jennifer Louise (II) 66, 115, 116, 194 Lear, Scott Richard (12) 31, 32, 52, 172, 194, 199 Lederman, Mary A. 181 , 182, 219 Lee, Alanna (I 0) 82, 135, 178 Lee, Dawn Robin (I 0) 89, I 19 Lee, Grace T. (9) 98 lee, Jean (II) 66, 159, 170, 185, I g7 Lee, Latanra v. ( 12) 31, 46, 52, 123, 144, 145, 152, I 54, 187, 192, 199 Lee, Uone (9) 98 Lee, Roderick B. (9) 98 Lee, Sunny Y. (9) 98, 123 Leggett-Fashion Squa re 246

Leiter, Robin J. (10) 78, 82, 182 Lenn, David A. ( 1 I) 62, 66, 159, 194 Lenn, Rebecca A. (9) 98, 175 Lester, Ellen B. (9) 20, 98, 137, 199 Lewicki, Erin Lee (12) 31, 52, 140, 159, 194 Lewis, Barbara A. 232 Lewis, Jennifer C. (9) 98, 114, 187 Lewis, Leah L (9) 98, 191 , 199 Lewis, Mark Edward ( 1 I) 66 Undsay, Beth A. (I 0) 82 Undsay, Desiree L ( 12) 31 , 52 Unkous, Dena ( 10) 82

~~~~~~路 ~i~~d~u~~e ( 12) 52 Uvely, Stuart Keith (9) 98 Uoyd, Bobbie Jo (I 0) 82 Uoyd, Denise (9) 98 Loeser, Gary Wayne (11) Logan, Clevester 233 londree, Charlene Carey (I 0) Lopilato, Anthony Salvato ( I I) 66 Lopilato, Christine Louis ( 10) 82, 124, 189 Lord Hardwicks 253 Loser, Gary (II) 66 lovejoy, Amy Leigh (I 0) 82, 196, 197 loving, Sherry A (9) 98 lowe, Susan Carol ( 12) 31 , 52

Lowry, James W. (II) 66, 140, 147, 192, 194 Lucas, Kathy R. (12) 31 , 52, 191 Luck, Marcus Louis (9) 98, 100, 185 Lum, Graciela 181, 183, 218 Lum, James H. (II) 66, 174, 175. 181 , 182, 196 Lumpp, Choyer Webb (II) 66, 190 Lumsden, Leslie P. (II) 66, 116, 135, 194 Lynch, Darren William (II) 66, 127, 192 Lynch, Kenneth Brandn (9) 99 Lynch, Terry Wayne (II) 66 Lynch, W A. Roofing Co., Inc. 249 Lyons, Richard Wilson 127, 225

M MacDonald, Laura P. (9) 99 Macdonald, Robert C. 208 Macdonald's First Period 238 MacDonald, Timothy C. 175, 213 Macko, John ( 10) 82 Mady, James 232 Madison, Roland ( 12) Magruder, Rose L ( 12) 31 , 52 Malairuang, Surakit (I 0) 82, Ill Malikian, Armen Josefh, J r. (9) 99 Maloy, James Michae (I I) 66, 182 Mandell, Scott E. (9) 99, 116 Mane Image, The 238 Manley, Julia Moseby (10) Mann, Glenda Fay (II) 67, 190 Mann, Maria Leslie (II) 67, 192 Marks, John, J r. (9) Marlett, Dana Michelle (9) 99 Marsh, Kathryn Lynn (9) 99, 187 Marshall, Brenda M. (I 0) 82 Marshall, Daniel Kevin (12) 31, 52 Marshall, James Page (9) 99, 104 Marshall, Rebecca E. (9) Marshall, Stefanie T. ( 12) 33, 35, 52, 170, 171, 192, 194 Martin, Alesia Lynn (I 0) 83, 187 Martin, Anthony ( 10) 83 Martin, Brian Jay ( I 0) 83, 128, 192 Martin, Hugh B. ( 12) 33, 52, Ill , 172 Martin, Kimberly Paige (9) Martin, Laura Jean ( I 0) 83 Martin, Mark Underhill ( 12) 33, 52 Martin, Mary Roxanne (II) 67, 135 Martin, Taber Valento ( 12) 33, 52, Ill , 184 Martin, Tonya Lynn (12) Martin, T raci Marie (9) 99 Martin, Whitney Ann (I 0) 83 Marvin, Amy N. (I 0) 83, 159, 173 Marvin, Stephen J. (II) 67, 116, 175 Maslyk, Cecelia C. ( 12) 33, 52, 144, 145, 194, 199 Mason, Andrew Paul (I 0) 83, 185 Mason, Darryl Conley (I 0) 83 Mason, Kelly E. (II) 67, 123, 174, 192, 193 Mason, Marcia C. 224 Mason, Robin Lynette (9) 94, 99, 124, 189 Mason, Stonewall 229 Massie, SallieS. (1 2) 33, 52, 174, 194 Massie, William Thomas (I 0) 75 Mathews, Garrett W. (10) 83 Mauldin, Heather Lynn (9 ) 99 Maupin, Charles 233 Mau 1>in, Larry Joe (9) Maupin, Mary 227 Maupin's Grocery 249 Maupin, Virginia 229

Mawyer, Bonnie (II) 67 Mawyer, Carl Wayne (10) 127 Mawyer, Thomas Anthony ( I I ) 6 7 Maxwell Furniture Co., Inc. 254 May, Christopher Michael (9) May, Melissa Dawn (I 0) Maynard, Katrina L (I I) 67, 68, 123, 135, 192 Maynard, Greg 127, 209 Mayo, Peggy (9) Mays, Kelty Elizabeth ( 12) 33, 55, 119, 181 , 192 Mays, Laurie J . (I 0) 83


125, 211 McCallum, Barbara D. 220 McCann, Warren ( 12) 33 , 52, 125 McCarthy, Kathe rine B. (9) 99 McCauley, Brian Keith (9) 99 McCauley, Darren C. ( 12) 33 , 52, 123, 192, 193 McCauley, Michael Lee (9) 99 McCauley, Tamara Leigh ( 12) 33, 52, 119, 192 McCluney, Andra L (12) 33, 52 McCluney, Darryl 0. (II) McClure, William Todd (9) 99 McCoy, Douglas S. (9) 99, 189 McCray, Elizabeth A. (9) 99, I 19 McCubbin, Mary A (II) 67

~~g:~:::: }~,;',':.'~ b~ 0)

83, 124, 192

McDaniel, Julie (12) 33 , 53 McDaniel, Kathy Ann (9) McDaniel, Usa 227 McDaniel, Wendy Ellen (9) 99, 137 McDonald, Laura 119, 192 McDonald, Susanne G. (9) 99 McDonough, Dawn P. ( 12) 33, 52 McEldowney, Julie Johanna (I 0) 83 Mcintyre, Blaine E. 230 McKamey, Jeffrey E. ( 12) 33, 53 McKamey, Jennifer Renee ( I 0) 83 McKay, And rea Catherine (12) 53 McKeel, Thomas D. (II) 67, 11 5, 116, 135 McKenna, Valencya H. ( 12) 33, 53, 192 McKinney, Steve L 230 Mclaughlin, Mark (10) 83, 121 , 159 Mclaughlin, Robert E. (9) 99, 121 , 183, 191 McMahon, Catherine B. (9) 99, 120, 192 McMahon, Usa E. (9) 99, 175, 195 McNew James George (I I ) 148, 180 Meadowbrook Hardware 238 Meadowbrook Pharmacy 254



Media Center Aides 174

Melton, Barbara J. (9) 99 Melville, Wendy Beth (9) 99 Mende lis, Jean M. ( I I ) 67 Merkel, Carmen Habeck 212 Meyers, Catharine Louise (9) 99 Michaud, Suzanne (9) 99 Michie, Lori Ann (10) 83, 137, 199 Mihalsky, Dawn Marie (9) 99 Miles, Steve ( 1 I) 67 Miller, Anthony V. ( 12) 33, 53, 111, 178 Miller, Stacy Michelle ( 10) 83 Miller, Wendy E. ( 12) 33, 53, 131 Milleson, Ch ristopher P. ( 12) 33, 53 Mills, Jeanette Angel ine ( 1) 83 Mills, Jesse W. 232 Mills, Markanthony J. (12) 33, 53, 135 Mills, Wanda R. (9) 99, 114 Mime 147 Mineo, Emmanuel (9) 99, 189 Minnis, Aaron J oseph (9) 99, 1 I I Minor, Raleigh C. ( 12) 53 Miskimon, Kimberly Diane ( 10) 83, 124, 173, 189 Miskimon, Shawn Michelle (12) 33, 53, 157, 181 Mitchell, Amanda Margaret (1 0) 83 Mitchell, Michelle Lynn (1 0) 80, 83, 150 Modeer, Anna Uinka Margar ( 12) 29, 34, 53 Model U.N. 196 Molnar, Melissa ( 11 ) 67 Monahan, Daniel John I 15, 1 16, 207 Moneymaker, Barbara Ann (9) 99 Moneymaker, Nancy Lucille (9) Moneymaker, Teresa ( 11) 67 Monticello Dairy 235 Moomaw, Deborah J. ( II ) 67 Moon, Paul A. ( 11) 68 Moon, T revor L (9) 99 Mooney, James Patrick (12) 34, 53, 192, 199 Mooney, Michael David ( 10) 83 Moore, A.P. 225 Moore , Christopher David (9) 99 Moore, James E. ( 12) 53, 170 Moore, Mark Randolph (I) 83 Moore, Mary Lynn (9) Moore, Robert F. (9) 99 Morgan, Madeline 226 Morgan, Marianne 231

Morgan, Mark Gregory (9) 99 Morris, Anita Yvonne ( 12) 53 Morris, Bradley D. ( 10) 83, 173 Morris, Bryant (1 0) Morris, Christina Louise (11) 68, 190 Morris, Cllveous Thomas ( 1 I) 68 Morris, David C. (11) 68, 111 , 194 Morris, David Scott ( 12) 34, 53, Ill Morris, David W. (9) Morris, Duane Anthony ( 11) Morris, Edward Ray (11) 68 Morris, Elana Dawn ( 10) Morris, Glenn Andrew (12) 34, 53, 178 Morris, Greg ( 10) 83 Morris, James A. (11) Morris, James B. (1 2) 34, 53, 57, 194 Morris, Jay P. (11) Morris, Julie L (9) 99 Morris, Junius ( 12) 34, 53 Morris, Kristine Elizabeth ( 10) 83 Morris, Landon S. (9) Morris, Michael Allen ( 10) 83, 111 , 187 Morris, Michael Bryan ( 11) 68, 187, 191 , 194 Morris, Michael T. (9) 100, 187 Morris, Neil Edwin ( 10) 83 Morris, Phyllis ( 12) 34, 53 Morris, Rhonda Michelle (9) I 00 Morris, Sandra Aurelia ( 11) Morris, Sandra Gail (9) 100 Morris, Sean Romero ( 10) Morris, Teresa F. ( I 1) Morris, Thomas C. 111 Morris, Todd Hughes ( 1 I) 68 Morris, Tracy M. (10) 83, 192 Morris, Willie (10) 78 Morrow, William B. (12) 26, 32, 34, 53, 121 , 135, 193 Morse, Will iam C. (9) II I Mosby, Ezekwin Mattholome (9) 100 Motor Specialty Co. 253 Mowry, Constantin ( 10) 83, 195 Mowry, Mascha Pearl ( 11) 68, 159, 181 , 196 Moyers, Kenneth Briggs ( 10) 83, 192 Mueller, Jeanne 203 Mueller, Jeanne P. (9) 100, 192 Mueller, Lynn C. ( 12) 34, 53, 173 Muller, Charis C. ( I I ) 68, 184, 187 Mullins, Jananette Leslie ( 12) 53 Mullins, Lovallrie (12) 53 Mullins, Michael ( 12) 34, 53 Mullins, Wayne Dushaun ( I 0) 83, 192 Mundie, Cha rles (12) 34, 53 Mundie, Mark Allan ( 12) 34, 53, 178 Mundie, Teresa Lynn (9) 100, 192 Mundy, George B. (12) 34, 53 Mundy, Marquette Lynn (9) 100, 189 Muro, Andrea (11) 68, 192, 194 Muro, Micha el P. (9) I 00, 199 Murphy, Lauria Gwen ( 10) 81 Murphy, Martin (1 0) 83 Murphy, Pamela Dennis (9) 81 , 100 Murphy Travel 254 Murray, Alison Joan (12) 51 , 53, 154, 147, 148, 150, 157, 159, 181 Murray, Cynthia Renee (9) 100, 114 Murray, Usa M. (I 0) Murray, Patrick C. (12) 34, Ill , 184 Murray, William L (9) 100, 115, 116, 134 Murray, Z.H. 203 Musselman, Homer ( 10) Musselman, Russel Clinton ( 12) Myles, Stephen ( 11) 53 Myrick, Mark William (12) 34, 53, Ill , 195

N Nash, Jackie F. (II) 68 Nash, Jane F. ( 10) 83, 192

266 Index

National Honor Society 181 Nay, William T. ( 11) 68, 124 Nelson, Antoinette D. ( 11) 68, 84, 187 Nelson, Cynthia Denise ( 12) 34, 53, 123, 176 Nelson, Derwin And rew (11 )68 Nelson, Ricky William ( I 0) 83 Nelson, Rika Yolanda (9) New Dominion Book Store 254 New HOuse Company, Realtors 249 Newman, Mechelle D. ( 10) 84 Newman, Page Harrison (1 2) 32, 38, 53, 112, 114, 181 , 183, 192, 198, 199 Newton, Dale ( 11 )68 Nguyen, Thuy Thi (9) 100 Nickelsen, Denise A. ( 12) 34, 53 Niehaus, Ellen Claire (II) 69, 120, 131, 174, 192 Niehaus, Mark D. (9) 100, 111 , 175 Nielson, Bonnie F. 112, 113, I 14, 224 Nielson, Dr. Dennis 242 Norcross, James Howard, Jr. (9) 100 Norris, Tessa L (9) 114 Nunez, Rica rdo A ( 12) 34, 53, 148, 181, 176, Nye, Timothy Edward ( 12) 45, 53, 192, 195, 199

0 Obenshain, David ( 10) 84, 128, 192, O'Brien, Bonnie 152, 213 O'Bryant, Elizabeth S. ( 11 ) 69 Odom, David Lane (12) 36, 53, 127, 192, 194, Oehlschlaeger, Amy Melissa (9) I 00, 183, 189 Oliva, RA and Sons 246 Oliver, Lawrence Thomas ( 12) 36, 53, 111 , 135, 172, 192, Oliver, Lucille B. ( 10) 84 Oliver, Wesley MacNeil (9) 101 Olsen, Daniel Richard (9) 101 , 194 Olsen, Wendy Suzanne (1 0) 84, 192 Olson, Janna 122, 216 Orser, Robin Michelle (1 0) 84, 182 Otano, Lydia ( 11) 36, 53, 69 Otano, Margarita (9) Otano, Mayra (11) 69 Otis, Beverly Bingler 210 Overbeck, Alan Gregory (12) 36, 53 Owens, Joseph B. (9) Owings, David Massey (9) 101


Pillar, David Dickson ( I I) 69, 124, 189 Pillar, Heather Anne (9) 101 , 129 Pillow, Wanda Gayle ( 11) 69 Pinch ba ck, Gavin Thayer (9) I 01, 124, 135, 189 Pinkerton, Relana ( 12) 36, 53, 191 Piotti, Scott M. (I 0) 84, 269 Pippin, Donna ( 12) 36,53, I 12, I 14, 192 Pitt, Dallas E. (9) 101 , 159, 183 Pitt, Kristin E. (9) 10 I , 159 Pitts, Baxter Allison 215 Pitts, Rebecca (9) 101, 187 Plantscapes 242 Pleasants, Amy ( 1 I ) Pleasants, Patricia 205, 256 Plunkett, Ann Marie H. 222 Plunkett, Mike J. ( I 0) 84, 194 Plunkett, Tracy A. ( 12) 36, 53, 192 Poll, David Lee (9) 101 Poindexter, Kevin E. ( I 0) Poindexter, Tony Arnaz (11) Porritt, Nancy Lee ( 12) 36, 53, 157, 159, 182 Porter, Anthony Scott ( 1 I) 69, 95 Powell, Fella Daron (9) 101 , 129 Powell, Jeffrey Wade ( 10) 85 Powell, Usa Shirl (1 0) 85 Powell, Robert Littieton (I 0) 85, 124, 189 Powell, Stephanie P. ( 11) 69 Powell, Ted A. (12) 36, 53 Price, Mary C. (9) 10 I , 192 Price, Pam 122 Prillaman, William C. ( 12) 36, 53, 170, 181 , 183,196 Proffitt, David Al len (I 0) 85 Proffitt, James Edgar (I 0) 85 Proffitt, Jon W. (9) 101 Proffitt, Stephen Jeffrey (9) I 01 Pryor, Edward Marshall (II) 69, 195 Psychic Club 191 Pugh, Cindy A. ( 11 ) 69 Pugh, Thomas Jefferson (9) 101 Pugh, Wendy Leig h (10) 85, 192, 267 Purdy, Kevin R. (9) I 0 I Purvis, Betsy ( 10) 85, 192 Purvis, William Kent (11) 69, 183 Putnam, Rodney D. (9) 10 I , 187 Puts, Rebecca 187

Q Quarles, David Michael (II) 69, 184 Quill and Campera Club 174 Quisenberry, Julie B. (I 0) 85, I 16, 135 Quis~ Jon Erik (1 0)

R Palka, Fritz J. (I 0) 269

~!~v".'k~~~'C~r~ m>

Pa rkhill, Willard H. 233 Parr, Stephanie A. ( I 0) 84; 124, 173 Parrinelli, Dietrich George (9) Parrish, Gregory Sinton ( I 0) 84 Parrott, Laura Ann (9) 101 Partin, Donna L (11) 69, 189, 190 Partridge, Usa Ann ( 10) 84 Patariot Press 172 Patterson, David ( 12) 53 Pattison, Todd A. (12) 53 Patton, Stephanie Yvonne ( 11) 69, 197 Pavlansky, Susan Elizabeth ( 10) 84, 173 Payne, Betty Lynn ( 10) 69 Payne, Sharon Kay (9) 10 I Payne, Kim 122 Payne, Stuart Allen (9) 101 Payne, Taunya Marie (9) 101 , 125 Pearson, norman C. ( 10) 84, 192 Pearson, Sherry 213 Peer, The 170, 171 Peery, Paul L. ( I I) 69 Peery, Robert Long (9) 10 I Peery, Tammy J. (11) Peery, Wayne 124 Pence, Elizabeth Scott ( 12) 36, 53, 189, 196, 197 Pence, Malcolm W. (9) 101 , 189 Pence, Rebecca (9) 101, 182 Pence, Roberta (9) I 0 I , 182 Pender, James W. (9) I 0 I Pendleton, Jeffrey Alexander ( 1 I ) Pendleton, Roy Lewis Jr. (II) 69, 190 Pennington, William Randa (9) 101 , 124, 189 Pepsi 256 Perdue, Angela Carol (I I) 69, 135, 192 Perdue, Bettie Leigh (9) I 0 I , 135, 190 Perkins, Doug V. (12) 18, 32, 26, 37, 53, 192, 193 Perkins, George F. Insurance 254

Perkins, Julie B. (II) 69, 147 Perkins, Paul F. ( 10) 84, 128 Perkins, Sandra D. ( 12) 36, 53, 191 Perry, Tam my (11 ) 69

~:;:r.路 :er~eFG(~2) ~J. j~~ 路5~ {5b~~ 94


Pesti, Joseph 191 , 222 Peterson, Matthew Scott (9) I 0 I , II I Pet Shoppe 243 Pharr, Evelyn N. ( 12) 36, 53, 137, 194 Pharr, Kennon Randall (9) 189 Phillips, David Neal ( I 0) 84, 148 Phillips, Gary W. (II) Phillips, Melissa A ( 10) Phillips, Ronald Edward, Jr. (9) 101 Pickral, Michael James (II) 69,1 83 Pilkey, Carry 195 Pilkey, Lawrence (10) 84 , 116, 135

Rae, Colin ( 11) Rae , James Leigh (9) 101 Rae, Jennifer E. (9) 101 , 182 Ragland , Samuel L (I 0) 85 Ragland, Siobhan L ( 10) 85 Raines, Williams 46, 142, 203 Ramada Inn 251 Ramirez, Douglas Michael ( 1 I ) 69 Ramos, Michael Lee ( 12) 36, 53 Ramsden, David ( 12) 36, 53, 172, 180, 196 Ramsey, Kara Louise ( 11) 69 Ramsey, Wesley Dale (I I ) 69 Rankin , Kristy S. (9) I 0 I , 124 Rapid Photos 239 Raque, Steven M. ( 11) 69, 140, 170, 196 Rasnake, Usa M. ( 11) 53 Ratliff, Timothy C. ( 12) 36, 53 Ray, Penny 142 Rea, Daniel Franklin (I 0) 85 Rea, Nancy A. ( I 1) 69 Reaves, George Maurice (I I ) 69, 174 Redmond , Peggy 120, 214 Redmond , Sean M. (12) 36, 54 , 159, 170, 180, 181 , 196 Reed , Jeremy K. ( 10) 85 Reed , Richa rd A. (1 2) 36, 54, 140, 154, 191, 195 Reese, Molly (I I ) 69, 114, 147, 180 Regnier, Michelle Nina (9) I 01 Reid, Robe rt Allen (9) I 02, 124, 189 Reid 's Super Save 239 Rein , And rew C. (9) 102, 185 Rennick, George Buick-lsuzu 237 Reppucci, Nicholas J. (9) I 02, 12g, 191 Reynolds, Paul C. ( 12) 36, 54 Reynolds, Sean Edward ( 10) 85 Rice, Joseph E. (9) I 02 Rice, Wendy . ( 12) 36, 54, 170 Richa rd , Carmelinda H. (9) I 02 Richardson, Bradley Todd (I 0) 85, 124, 189 Richardson, Christine ( 11 ) 69, 154, 187 Richardson, Elizabeth M. (9) I 02, 182 Richardson, Michael ( 12) 36, 54, 170 Rickborn, Michelle Thais ( 12) 38, 54, 180 Riddervold , Anna Maria ( 10) 85 Riddick, David 222 Riddick, Luci Cra ig 206 Riddle, James K. (1 0) 85, 195 Rideou~ Elizabeth C. ( 12) 38, 54, 18, 197 Rideou~ Kristin M. (9) I 02, 114, 187, 197 Rid ing Club 195 Riley, Frederick ( 12) 38, 54 , 178 Riley, Todd ( 11) 69 Rimmer, Robert 108, 69, 225 Ritter, Jacquelyn A. (9) I 02

1. During the Ya are Anna Estes

Rivkin, Christopher L ( 12) 54 Roach , Darlene (9) 102 Robbins, Charles Vrvian (9) I 02 Roberson, Tra cy Jerome (II) Roberts, Constance M. ( 12) 38, 5 Roberts, Dawn M. (9) 102 Roberts, James Edward (10) Roberts, Kermit E. (II) 69 Roberts, Usa M. (9) I 02, 1 19, 19 Roberts, Mark A. ( 12) 38, 54, I I I Roberts, Sarah E. ( 12) 38, 54, 1~ Roberts, Shawn May (I 0) 86 Roberts, Steven L. (9) I 02, 135, Roberts, Tina Annette ( 12) 25, 3! Roberts, William W. (9) 102 Robertson, Charles Wesley ( 12) ~ Robertson, Cla rence ( 11) 194 Robey, Diana Su~ ( 12) 38, 54 Robinson , Christopher Paul (9) I Robinson , Darren (II) 69, 178 Robinson , Derek Allen ( 12) 38, 5 Robinson, Derek L. ( 12) 54 Robinson, Steven L. (9) I 02 Roche, Tracy Jeanette (9) I 02 Rock Album Critics Club 188 Rodeffer, Brian C. (I 0) 86 Roebuck, Laurie Ann ( 12) 54, 17 Rogan, Greg G. (9) I 02 Rogers , Kelly Renee ( 10) 86 Rogers, Lisa Luvenia (12) 38, 54 Rogers, Monique Deanne (I I ) Romine, Nora ( I I ) 69, 148 Romine, Rachel (9) I 02 Rose, John D. ( 12) 38, 54, 89, 11 Rosenblum , Sarah ( 12) 38, 54, 1 Rosson, Nancy Anne (1 0) 86, 15 Rosson, Susan Rebecca ( 12) 38, Rotgin, Sarah M. (9) I 02, 131, 1: Roudabush, Kathy Lynn ( 11) 54, Roupe, Brian S. (9) 102 Rudin , Heather ( 10) 86, 182 Runkle, Lora D. (I 0) 86, 119, 15 Rush , Alfonso Lawrence IV (I 1)

~~~~: ~;'.~oan~a'tZie(U/)

69, 191 Rush, D. Claudette (12) 38, 54 Rush, Deangelo Darrell (9) 102 Rush, James ( 12) 40, 54 Rush, Jeane Sherell ( 11) 70, 181 Rush , Kevin (12) 54, 178 Rush, Lisa Patrice (9) I 02 Rush , Lyndell Antonio (9) 1 I I , 1 Rush , Mark Anton io ( I 0) 86 Rush, Naomi Lorita (9) Rush, Regina D. ( 12) 40, 54, 19 1 Rush, Roland B. (12) 40, 54. I I I Rush, Sherita Lavern ( 11) 70, 18 Rush, Sylvia 26 Rush, Timothy Alexander ( 10) Rush , Tracey Arlette ( 10) 86 Russell, Carol A. (9) I 02, 140 Rutland, Chris W. ( I 0) 86, 128

135, 189

' 182


81 , 183,196

3 1. During the Valentine's Day Th ing, Kate Whitfield, Patrick Wood and April Lassiter practice singing the song " Heaven." 2. Discussing their latest math problems are Anna Estes and Wendy Pugh. 3. In the Foreign Language wing, students finish their homework.


' 180, 181 , 196 91 , 195


Rivkin, Christopher L ( 12) 54 Roach, Darlene (9) I 02 Robbins, Charles Vrvian (9) I 02 Roberson, Tra cy Jerome (II) Roberts, Constance M. ( 12) 38, 54, 170, 192, 193, 198 Roberts, Dawn M. (9) I 02 Roberts, James Edward (I 0) Roberts, Kermit E. (II) 69 Roberts, Usa M. (9) I 02, 119, 192, 199 Roberts, Mark A. ( 12) 38, 54, I I I , 195 Roberts, Sarah E. ( 12) 38, 54. !50, 192 Roberts, Shawn Max ( I 0) 86 Roberts, Steven L. (9) I 02, 135, 192 Roberts, Tina Annette ( 12) 25, 38, 54, 119, 172, 192 Roberts, William W. (9) I 02 Robertson, Charles Wesley ( 12) 54 Robertson, Clarence (II) 194 Robey, Diana Su~ ( 12) 38, 54 Robinson, Christopher Paul (9) I 02 Robinson, Darren (II) 69, 178 Robinson, Derek Allen ( 12) 38, 54, !59, 174, 195 Robinson, Derek L ( 12) 54 Robinson, Steven L (9) I 02 Roche, Tracy Jeanette (9) I 02 Rock Album Critics Club 188 Rodeffer, Brian C. (I 0) 86 Roebuck, Laurie Ann ( 12) 54 , 172, 191 Rogan, Greg G. (9) I 02 Rogers, Kelly Renee (I 0) 86 Rogers, Usa Luvenia ( 12) 38, 54, 194 Rogers, Monique Deanne (II) Romine, Nora (II) 69, 148 Romine, Rachel (9) 102 Rose, John D. (12) 38, 54, 89, 108, !09, Ill , !44, 145, 194 Rosenblum, Sarah ( 12) 38, 54, 124, !59, 189, 194 Rosson, Nancy Anne (I 0) 86, !54 Rosson, Susan Rebecca ( 12) 38, 54 , 194 Rotgin, Sarah M. (9) 102, 131 , 132, 192 Roudabush, Kathy Lynn (I I) 54, 69 Roupe, Brian S. (9) I 02 Rudin, Heather ( I 0) 86, 182 Runkle, Lora D. (I 0) 86, I 19, !59 Rush, Alfonso Lawrence IV (I I) Rush, Anthony Levi (II) Rush, Aretha Patrice (II) 69, 190 Rush, D. Claudette ( 12) 38, 54 Rush, Deangelo Darrell (9) I 02 Rush, James (12) 40, 54 Rush, Jeane Sherell (I I) 70, 187 Rush, Kevin ( 12) 54 , 178 Rush, Usa Patrice (9) I 02 Rush, Lyndell Antonio (9) I I I , 199, 195 Rush, Mark Antonio (I 0) 86 Rush, Naomi Lorita (9) Rush, Regina D. (12) 40, 54, 191 Rush, Roland B. ( 12) 40, 54. I I I Rush, Sherita Lavern (II) 70, 187 Rush, Sylvia 26 Rush, Timothy Alexander ( I 0) Rush, Tracey Arlette (10) 86 Russell, Carol A. (9) I 02, 140 Rutland, Chris W. ( 10) 86, 128

s SCA 198, 199 Safley, Charles (1 0) 86, I l l, 187, 194 Sal's Pizza 245 Salters, Peter A. ( 12) 40, 54, 115, 116, 181 , 194 Sampson, Elmer Franklin 38, 124, 189, 217 Samuels, Karen R. (9) I 02, 197 Sandell, Reba 223 Sandredge, Kathy D. (I 0) 86 Sanner, Teddy D. ( II ) 70 Satira, David Allan (II) 70, 135, 194 Satira, Susan Lynn ( I 0) 86 Saunders, Carolyn 220 Saunders, James K. ( 12) 40, 54 Saunders, Kevin Scott (9) 102, 124, 128, 189 Saunders, Mary B. ( I 0) 86, 124, 189 Savory, Joy (II) 70 Sawyer, Joshua Reuben (I 0) Saylor, Gloria A (9) I 02, 124, 189, 269 Saylor, Melissa (12) 35, 40, 55 Scanlon, Heather (II) 70, 119, 190 Scarr, Karen Pelton ( 12) 40, 55, I 14, 181 Scarr, Rebecca Blackwell (I 0) 86, 113, 114, 173 Scharer, Gregory Edward (I 0) 86, I 16, 135, 184 Scherer, Hilary M. (12) 40, 55, 1476, !52, 198 Schladitz, Christine (II) 70, 181 , 197 Schladitz, Thomas H. (9) I 02 Schlesinger, Matthew C. (9) I 02 Schmid~ Stephan M. ( 12) 40, 55 Scholle, Christine E. (I I) 70, 194 Schrader, Mike (9) I I I Schrank, Allison Palmer (10) 86, 174 Schrock, Wendy Lynn (9) I 02, 190 Schultz, William Remsen 210 Schumaker, Shawn Susan (9) I 02 Schwab, Randi Jill ( 12) 40, 45, 55 Scopelliti, Clara B. (I I) 70, 197 Scopelliti, Jennifer A ( 12) 40, 55, 181 , 197 Scott, Brian I. (9) Scott, Donald Ray (9) I 02 Scott, James Nickolas (9) I 02, 184 Scott, Martha J. 148, 216 Scott, Maxine Victorie (I I) 70 Scott, Tammy Renay (9) 102 Scott, Terrence Earnest (9) Ill , 195 Scott, Wardella Diane ( I I ) 70 Seaman, Alan 173, 199, 215 Seay, Harry (9) Seivers, Kimberly Anne ( 12) 40, 55, 174, 187 elden, Douglas J. I 08, 216 Sells, Patricia (I 0) 86, 187 Seroski, Keith A. (9) 102, 184, 189 Sessoms, John 205 Settle Tire and Supply Co. 241 Shafer, Ginny (I 0) 86 Shand, Michael L (12) 40, 55, !52, 194, 199 Shanklin, David Lee (I 0) 86

Shanklin, Duane Allen (II) 70 Shannon, Dennis 212 Shannon Second Period 256 Sharkey, Edna 227 Shattuck, Angela (I 0) 86, 197 Shaver, Randy Arthur (II) 70 Shawkey, Jay M. (9) I 03 Shawkey, Robert Allen (II ) 70 Sheffey, Ron Warrick Jr. (10) 87, Ill Sheffield, Michael Alan ( 12) 38, 40, 55, Ill , 135 Shelton, Arlene Hope (I I ) Shelton, Matthew Lynn (9) Shelton, Shawn Denise ( I I) 70, 194 Shepard, Gary L 193, 194, 206 Shepard, Lenore 172, 212 Sherman, Heidi Alane (II) 71 Shields, Dorothy 207 Shifflett, Bonita (I 0) Shifflett, David W. (12) 40, 55, 57, Ill, 170, 192 Shifflett, Edward L 233 Shifflett, Glenda (II) 71 Shifflett, Jan A (10) 87, Ill , 182 Shifflett, Mark (12) 40, 55, 178 Shifflett, Mary 233 Shifflett, Nancy Ann (II) Shifflett, Oakey Darrelle (9) I 03 Shifflett, Roxane (12) 40, 55, 187, 190 Shifflett, Teresa ( I I ) Shifflett, Tina Marie (II) 71, 177 Shifle~ Aaron Dale (9) I 03 Shiflett, Glenda ( 12)

~~m:~ J:~~~~ ~9~~ ~: g>

Shiflett, Tammy M. (9) 103, 112, 114 Shiflett, Tammy Renee (II) 71 Shipp, Michael A. (I I) 71 Shirey, Donald Elmer (I 0) 197 Shirley, Donna Lynn ( 12) 40, 55, 196 Short, Jennifer Rachelle (9) I 03, 192 Short, Matthew J. (10) 87 Showalter, Joan W. (10) 87, 192 Shrader, Troy Michael (9) 103, 195, 199 Shrank, Allison (I 0) 89 Shreve, Kenneth C. (II) 71, 177 Shugart, Erika Christine (9) Shull, Denise (I 0) 87 Siler, Robert ( 12) 40, 55 Simms, Edith Ullian ( 12) 18, 40, 55 Simpkins, Tammy D. ( 12) 42, 55, 140, 194 Simpson, James Edward (9) I 03, 159 Simpson, 0. Jay (9) 195 Sipple, Sunny Laverne ( 12) 55 Sisson, John Carroll ( I 0) 87 Sites, Deborah J. (10) 87 Sites, Teresa L (I 0) 87 Skeen, David Wayne ( II) 71 Ski Club !94 Skinner, Gregory G. (10) 87, 191 Slinkman, Carrie A. (9) I 03 Slinkman, Joyce Kimberly (10) 87, 129, 191 Slocum, Laura Ann (9) I 03 Slough, John Howard (I 0) 87 Slutsky, Irene (9) I 03 Small, Kimberly Anne (II) Smit, Enge Suzanne (9) 185 Smith, Aimee Alexandra ( 12) 42, 55, 192



Smith, Andrew M. ( 12) 42 Smith, Cheryl Renee ( 12) 42, 55, 192 Smith, Andrew M. ( 12) 42 Smith, Cheryl Renee ( 12) 42, 55, 192, 193, 199 Smith, Douglas Aaron (9) I 03, 124, 189 Smith, Gitana (12) 55 Smith, Karen Lang (10) 87, 192 Smith , Le Roy H. 178, 228 Smith, Lisa R. ( 12) 42, 55 Smith, Robe rt E. ( 12) 42, 55, 184 Smith , Robin Carol (I 0) 87 Smith , Sherri Lynn ( I I ) Smith, Victoria Elaine (9) I 03, 187 Smith, Walter Earl ( 12) 42, 55, I 08, I I , 268 Smith, William Michael ( 12) 42, 55 Smith 's of Bermuda 240 Snapp, Daren Preston (9) 187 Snead, Tracy Lynn (9) I 03, 19 1 Snider, Travis Edward ( 12) 55 Snoddy, Andrew Jackson (9) I 03 Snoddy, Howa rd Earl (9) I 03 Snow, Gerald M. (I 0) Snow, Robert L (9) I 03 Snow, TammyJ. ( II ) 71 Snow, Tammy Renee (9) Snow, We ndi Gayle (II) 71 , 197 Snyder, Bernard 231 Sobbott, Wesley Paul (12) 42, 55, 121, 157, 159, 194 Soffian, Robert 150 Sollins, Lori (9) I 03 Space Mice Club 175 Spanish Club 152, 182 Spanish Honor Society 181 Spears, Anthony Wayne ( I 0) 87 Spears, Wallace Randolph ( II ) 71 Spence, Robert Michael (12) 42, 55, 178 Spencer, Donald Randolph (9) I 03, I I I Spence r, Rodney Scott (9) Spence r, Tammy (9) Spirit Week 140, 14 1 Spradlin, Fonda (12) 42, 55 Spradl in, Willie W. II (9) I 03, II I Sprouse, Annette Louise (9) I 03, 187 Sprouse, Arlene F. ( 12) 42, 55, 190 Sprouse, Debra ( 12) 55, 190 Sprouse, JoAnn 229 Sprouse, Howard Eugene (9) I 03, I 16, 135 Sprouse, Kimberly Ann (9) I 03 Sprouse, Kimberly An ne (I I ) 71 , 190, 192 Sprouse, Patricia (9) I 03, 176 Sprouse, Wesley E. (II) 55, 71 Spudnut 256 St. John, Virginia ( II ) 70, 71 , 142, 192 Stackhouse, William T. (I I) 7 1, 123, 172 3

~:=~r~~~~~~ (~~ 1 03, 182

Stanley, Courtenay T umer 170, 185, 209 Stanley Third Period 257 Stark, Patricia M. 190, 203 Starks, Sharon ( 12) 42, 55 State Farm Insurance 242

Steelman, Robert Wesley ( I 0) 195 Steffey, Kimberly Ann (II) 71 Steigman, Glen L (10) 87, 173 Steigman, William ( 10) 87, 192 Stephens, Brenda Lee ( 12) 42, 55

Steppe, Lisa Laverne (9) I 03, 190, 199 Steppe, Sherri ( 12) 42, 55 Stevens and Company 252 Stevenson, AndrewJ . ( 10) 87, 173 Stevenson, Robe rt G. (I I) Steward, Dennis ( 12) 42, 55, 177 Stewart, Shannon (I 0) 87 Stoddard, Christian M. (I 0) 87 Stokes, David G. ( 12) 42, 56, 109, Ill , 135, 142, 192 Stokes, Elizabeth I. (9) I 03 Stone, John ( I 0) 87 Stone, Mary L 229 Stone, Melody Dawn (9) 187 Stone, Michael ( 12) 56 Stone, Selena Angala (I 0) 129 Stoner, John Thomas ( I 0 Strickler, Sally Brann 181 , 197, 219 Stuart, Julie t.. (9) I 03, I 16 Sudduth, Timothy Jay ( 12) 42, 56 Sullivan, Charles Michael ( 12) 56 Sullivan, Donna ( 12) 42, 56 Sullivan, Donna Kay ( I I) 71 Sullivan, Jennifer L (9) I 03, 119, 182 Sullivan, Mark W. (9) I 03 Sumerlin, Donnie F. ( 12) 42, 56, 178, 191 Suthar, Ch haya (I I ) 71 Suthar, Pun ita ( II ) 71 Swithenbank, Kimberly (I 0) 88 Syivester, Leigh A. (9) I 03, 187

Tennis, Girls' 120 Terrell, Tilwana (1 2) 42, 56 Terrell, Valencia lnatta (I 0) 124, 189 Terry, Kelley Lynn (9) Terry, Robert W. ( 12) 42, 56 Tesack, Ch ristine (12) 42, 56, 124, 157, 159, 170, 181, 189 Tevendale, Peter B. (I I.) 71 Tha cker, Allan ( 12) 42, 52 Thacker, Betty Pauline ( I 0) 84 Thacker, Cynthia Marie (9) Thacker, James Wallace II ( I I ) Thacker, John ( 12) 42, 56 Thacker, Mary Kay (I 0) 88, 187 Thacker, Nancy Suzanne (I 0) 88 Thacker, Nina 176, 223 Thacker, Samuel ( 12) 56 Thacke r, Stacy A. (9) I 04 Thacker, Timothy Napoleon (9) 178 Tharp, Susan A. (I I ) 7 1, 194 Theodose, Lynn T. (10) 88, 123, 147, ISO Thespians 180 Thick 'n Thin Club 190 Thomas, Ann K. (I 0) 88, 192 Thomas, Debbie Lou ( I 0) 88 Thomas, Donald Wayne , J r. (9) I 00, I 04, 269 Thomas, Dr. E. Alton and Associate 247 Thomas, Jerry (12) 42, 56, 178 Thomas, Katherine Bain 21 I , 268 Thomas, Lisa Carol (9) I 04 Thomas, M .C. Furniture and Excha nge Store 254

Thomas, Marque rita Denise (I 0) 88 Thomas, ('\ichelle Lynett (II) 71 Thomas, Sharon Lynn ( I 0) 88, 123 Thomas, Valanta Lynetta (II) 184 Thompson, Annabele Leah ( 12) 42, 56, I 12, I 13, I 14, 142, 144, 145,


154, 198, 199 Thompson, James D. (II) Thompson, Jeanne F. 1 17, 227 Thorsen, Tra cy A. (II) 71 , 125 Thraves, Betty 152 Tibbs, Gary (II) 127 Tinsley, Michael Coleman (I 0 ) Tirrell, Cathy A. ( II ) 7 1 Tobin, Ellen F. (9) I 04 Todd, Timothy M. (I 0) 88 Tolbert, Juliette L (II) 71 , 192, 194 Tolbert, Nicolette K. ( II) 71 , 194 Tomlin, Charles Garlen (9) I 04, 190 Toml in, Cindy Mae (9) Tomlin, Jeffrey Wayne ( 10) Tompkins, Jennifer Elizabeth (9) I 04, 131 , 182 Toms, Kevin T. (9) I 04, 182 Toney, Donald J. (9) 104, Ill Tooley, Duane R. (I I ) 71 Tooley, Rhonda L ( 12) 42, 56 Toppe r, David Benjamin (I 0) 88, 135 Top Twenty 156, 157 Townsend, Phillip A. (12) 44 , 45, 56, 157, 159, 181 , 196 Track, Indoor 134, 135

Tahboub, Samer S. (9) 103 Tahboub, Suniah S. ( 10) 88, 119, 183, 199 Taiwan Gardens 251

Tapscott, Troy H. (12) 42, 56, 178

Tarson, James 187 Tale, Rodney W. ( II ) 71 , 194 Tawney, Sherrie Lynn (10) 88 Taylor, Darnell A. ( 10) 88, 128 Taylor, Grover (II) 71 Taylor, Hunter P. (9) I 03 Taylor, Julian 232 Taylor, Karin Elise (10) 88, 192 Taylor, Martin Andrew ( 10) 81 , 88, 184, 192 Taylor, RobS. (II) 71 , 194 Taylor, Ronald LynwoorJr. (I I ) 62, 71 ,1 24, 170, 189, 192 Taylor, Scott Anthony (I I) 42, 56, 71 , 159, 172, 191 , 194, 196 Taylor, Scott Zackary (12) Taylor, Shannon L (12) 42, 56, 154, 170, 181 , 182, 187 Taylor, Thomas Stacy (9) 103, 128 Taylor, Timothy Scott (9) 103 Teague and Hawkins Funeral Home 247 Templin, Kim L (10) 88, 173 Teen Democrats 196 Teenage Republicans 196 Teledyne Avionics 245

i~:~":;sGtz1 Lee

II (9) I 04

Trice, Ruth 219 Trogdon, Bianca L (1 2) 44, 56 True Value Hardware 246 Truhar, Neil A. (9) I 04 Truslow, Paulette E. ( 12) 44, 56, 170, 176, 192, 199 Tucke r, Eric C. ( 10) 88 Tucker, Jacqueline Lee (12) 44, 56, 116, 135, 159, 181 Tucker, Tee (9) 104, 135 Tucker, Timolee A. (12) 44, 56, 194 Tucker, William D. (9) Tuel Jewelers 242 Tufty, Xavier (10) 88 Tuley, Ann 226 Turner, Crystal Leigh ( II ) 56, 71

Virginia Fede ral Savings and Loa

Volleyball 112, 113, 114 Volleyball Club 188 Vosper, Kimberly S. (9) I 05, 119 Vospe r, Stephen Alexander (I 0) I

Turner, Emma Louise (9)

Turner, Estelle Floyine (9) I 04 Turne r, Frank Roosevelt (II) 71 , Ill Turner, J effreyS. (II) 71 Turne r. Karen L ( II ) Turner, Karen Renee (12) 56, 176

u Uecke r, Alyssa Ann ( 12) 44, 51 , 56, 170, 181 , 182 Underwood, David Scott (I 0) 88 Underwood, J oseph Davis (9) 88 Uniroyal 247

v VICA 178

1. Mrs. Thomas takes her "frustration s" out on Scott Harper. 2. Before football practi ce, Walter Smith and Larry Henderson stretch.




Vag lio, Michael (9) I 04 Valentine's Day Thing 154, 155 VanDerloo, Eric R. ( 12) 44, 56 VanDerVeer, Karen T. (1 2) 18, 44, 46, 123, 171 , 181 VanHoose, Pamela Sue (12) 44. 56 Vargas, Gloria Leah (II) Vaug han, Brandt A.shley (12) 44, 56, 147, 157, 159, 181 Va ughan, George And rew (9) I 04, 189, 191 Vaug han, Peggy A. 159, 213 Vaug han, Ric hard G. (10) 88, 124 Vaug hn, Brian Douglas (9) Vayvada, Ch ristopher G. (I 0) 88 Vermill ion, Emily M. ( 10) 88, 112, 11 3, J 14, 118 Vermillion, Mary M. (1 2) 41 , 44, 56, 112, 114, 144, 145, 170, 171 , 181 ,

188, 192, 199 Via, David Todd (I 0) 195 Viar, Michael Edward (I 0) 88 Viar, Wanda Kay (9) I 04 Video Village 254 Vidrine-W rig h ~ Carole 112, 114 Vining, Jeannie S. (1 2) 26, 44, 57, 194 Vining , Scott D. (12) 44

WINA 257 Wade, Matthew Eric ( II ) 7 1, 121 Wagner , Scott William (9) I 05 Walker , Anthony Benj amin ( 10) I Walker, Anthony Lenewman (9) Walker, Constance Lillian ( I 0) Walker, George Lee ( 10) 88, 13 ~ Walker, Jackie 184 Walker, James. W. II (9) Walker, Kathy Elizebeth (9) Walker, Kimbe rly S. ( 12) 44, 57, Walker, Michael Winford ( 10) 88 Walker, Perry Lorenzo (II) Wallace, Cayce Leigh (I I ) 72, 15 Wallace , Romano Domingos (I I Waller, Jacqueline B. (9) I 05, I J Walls , Vickie (1 2) 44, 57 Walsh, Jodie A. ( II) 68, 192 Walton , Windy K. ( I 0) 88 Waits, Michael James (9) Waits, Timothy (I?) 44 . 57 Ward, Daniel Ill I 08, 224 Ward , James Austin ( 12) 44, 57, Ward , Jane Crane 209

Ward, Kathryn G. ( 12) 44, 57, I< Ward, Michael Graham ( II ) 72, Ward, Sherod Demetrius ( I 0) 8~ Warren, Carolyn Baxter 228 Warren, Daniel George (I 0) 88 Warren . Sharan K. ( 12) 35, 44, ~ Washington, James E. (9) I 05 Wash ington, Valerie M. (I 0) 129 Watkins, Brian Randell (9) I 05, I Watkins, Denise (I 0) Watkins, Kathe rine Faye ( 10) 88, Watkins , Will iam Todd (I I ) Watson , Michael Allen ( II ) 72, I Watson , Paul Alex ( II ) Watson , Susan C. (II) 72 Waufie, Angela Lynne (9 ) I 05, I ' Waufie, Melissa Maree (9) 105. I Way, David Wayne ( II ) 72 Way, Timothy Michael ( I 0) 88, I Wayland, Brian Robert (II) 72, I Weaver, Joel T. ( 12) 44, 57, 170 Weaver, Robert E. 38, 196, 222 Weaver, Susan C. ( I I ) 62, 72, I Webb, lvey Edwina (9) 184 Weber, Carrie Elizabeth ( I 0) 88, Webster, Rebecca Lyn ne ( I I ) 72 Weeks, James R. ( 12) Weisend, Lance I 15, 116, 222 Wells, William Lee ( 12) 47, 57, I

1. Dawn Farrel works busily on an assignment 2. Wayne Thomas, Scott Piotti and Fritz Palka wa it patiently for class to begin. 3. Gloria Saylor, Byron Chandler and Rodney Carter take a quick glance at last minute hom ework.

159, 170, 181 , 189


I , 269

itore 254

112, 113, 114, 142, 144, 145,


I, 182

• 159, 181 , 196

Virginia Fede ral Savings and Loan 241

Volleyballll2, 1!3,114 Volleyball Club 188 Vesper, Kimberly S. (9) I 05, 119 Vesper, Stephen Alexander (I 0) 88. 182

5, 192, 199 135, !59, 18 1


181 , 182

I, 171 , 181 157, ! 59, 18 1 II

4, 118 14, 144, 145, 170, 171 , 181 ,

w WINA 257 Wade, Matthew Eric ( II ) 71 , 121 , 194 Wagner, Scott William (9) I 05 Walker, Anthony Benjamin (10) 88 Walker, Anthony Lenewman (9) I 05 Walker, Constance Ullian (I 0) Walker, George Lee (I 0) 88, 135, 184 Walker, Jackie 184 Walker, James. W. II (9) Walker, Kathy Elizebeth (9) Walker, Kimberly S. ( 12) 44, 57, 172, !92 Walker, Michael Winford (10) 88 Walker, Perry Lorenzo ( 11 ) Wallace, Cayce Leigh (II) 72, 194 Wallace, Romano Domingos (II) 72 Waller, Jocqueline B. (9) 105, 135 Walls, Vickie (12) 44, 57 Walsh, Jodie A. (I I ) 68, !92 Walton, Windy K. (I 0) 88 Walts, Michael James (9) Walts, Timothy (!?) 44, 57 Ward, Daniel Ill I 08, 224 Ward, James Austin (12) 44, 57, !57, !59 Ward, Jane Crane 209 Ward, Kathryn G. ( 12) 44, 57, 125, 170, 197 Ward, Michael Graham (II) 72, Ill , 194 Ward, Sherod Demetrius (I 0) 88, 195 Warren, Carolyn Baxter 228 Wa rren, Daniel George (I 0) 88 Warren, Sharan K. (12) 35, 44, 57, 120, 140, 194 Washington, James E. (9) I 05 Washington, Valerie M. (10) 129 Watkins, Brian Randell (9) I 05, 190 Watkins, Denise ( 10) Watkins, Katherine Faye (10) 88, 115, 116, 135 Watkins, William Todd (II) Watson, Michael Nlen (II ) 72, !52, ! 59, 183, 194, 196, 198 Watson, Paul Nex (II) Watson, Susan C. (I I) 72 Waufle, Angela Lynne (9) I 05, 197 Waufle, Melissa Maree (9) I 05, 124, 189 Way, David Wayne (I I) 72 Way, Timothy Michael (10) 88, 191 Wayland, Brian Robert (II) 72, 121 Weaver, Joel T. ( 12) 44, 57, 170, 194, 199 Weaver, Robert E. 38, 196, 222 Weaver, Susan C. ( II) 62, 72, 119, 144, 146, 194 Webb, Jvey Edwina (9) 184 Weber, Carrie Elizabeth ( 10) 88, 114, !59, 173 Webster, Rebecca Lynne (II) 72, 140, 148, 192, 199 Weeks, James R. ( 12) Weisend, Lance 115, I 16, 222 Wells, William Lee ( 12) 47, 57, 127

Werres, nmothy W. ( 12) 47, 57, Ill , 194 West. Jennifer Dawn (I 0) 89, 189 Western Sizzlin ' Steak House 243 Weste rv e l ~ Frederic (12) 47, 57, 192, 194 Westrater, Susie L ( 10) 89, 119, 135, 192 Wetsel, Va nessa M. (9) I 05, 189 Wharam, Usa J. ( 11 ) 72, 124, 197 Wheby, Jean H. (12) 45, 47, 57, 140, 144, 145, !50 Wheeler, Cary Howard ( 10) 89 Wheeler, Tina (12) 47, 57 White, Anthony (12) 47, 57, 127 White, Daniel Wallace ( 1 I) White, Glenn Edward, Jr. (9) 105 White, Jomes A (9) 105, 128 White, Jeff Lamont (9) I 05, 184 White, Usa Lynd ( 11) 177 White, Nina Theresa ( 10) 89 White, Penny E. (II) 72 White, Rodney A (9) I 05 White, Sophia Annette (12) 47, 57 Whitehead, Krista ( I 0) 89 Whitfield, Katha rine B. (II) 67, 72, !54, 267 Whitten, Thomas Undwood (I 0) 89, 135, 192 Whyte, Sherri Rani (9) I 05 Whyte, TracyM. (II) 72,194 Wies~ Suzanne Marie (9) I 05 Wilcoxen, David Sean (II) 72, 190 Wiley, Leigh Ann ( 12) 47, 57 Williams, Carolyn Denise (I I ) 72 Williams Corner Bookstore 242 Williams, David Edward (II) 67, 73, 175 Williams, David M. (12) 47, 57, 148, !50, !59, 180 Williams, Deborah (12) 47, 57 Williams, Felicia Chamine (9) 105, 129 Williams, James Shannon ( 11 ) 73 Williams, Kathy D. (9) 105, 129 Williams, Karl S. 226 Williams, Kelly Lynn (II) 73, ! 54, 187, 194 Williams, Laura A. (9) 20, 86, I 05, I 19, 140, 144, 146, 192, 199 Williams Loader Service 243 Williams, Paul Wendell (9) Williams, Sandra K. (9) I 05 Williams, Timothy Wade (I I ) 65, 73 Williamson, Hunter D. (9) I 05 Williamson, J. Kimrey (I I) Williamson, S.L Paving 254 Will iamson, Stacy E. (I 0) 89, 131 Williford, Omar (I I ) 73, 78, 84, 184, 187 Willis, Brian Keith ( 10) Willson, Kristine Lee (12) 57 Wilson, Eric S. (9) 105, 191 Wilson, Gail L ( 11) 73, 124 Wilson, Gloretta L (11) 67, 73, 148, 154, !59, 174, 180 Wilson, Leigh William (9) I 05, I 16, 135 Wilson, Neil ( I 0) 89 Wilson, Piper Leslie (12) 25, 47, 57, 147, 170, 171, 180, 194 Wimmer, Kimbe rly Suzanne (9) I 05 Wingate, Maggie 0. (10) 89, 120, 13 1, 174, 197

Wood, Monica Renee (9) I 05, 135 Wood, Pam Ullian (9) 105 Wood, Paul D. (9) I 05, 135, 191 Wood, RayJ. (II) 73, 173, 196 Wood, Raymond (9) I 05


~::1: ~~~~~TI Jr. (9) Wood, William Patrick ( 12) 47, 57, !54, 187, 192, 267 Woodward, Robert Wayne (I 0) Woolford, Eric Nelson (II) 73 Word Store 253 Workman, Jennifer 211 Wrenn, Kennon Randolph Jr. (12) 47, 57, 170, 176, 198, 199 Wrestling Club 195 Wrigh~ Jennifer Dawn ( II) 73, 124, 192, 196 Wrigh~ Terilynne (12) 47, 57, 125, 178, 181 , 187, 197 Wrigh~ Tracy L ( II ) 73, 181 , 182 Wyan~ James Edward II (I 0) Wyan~ Usa A. (9) 47, 57, I 05 Wyant, Usa D. ( 12)

y Yager, Charlotte (II) 60, 73, 124, 154, 194, 199 Yankay, Chrissann L. (9) I 05 Yates, James F. (I I ) 73 Yates, Kimbe rly Dawn (II) 73 Young, Donna Lane (12) 47, 57, !54, 187, 192 Young, Juanita Marie (11) 124, 189 Young, Octavia Leslie (9) 82, 89, 124 Young, Roland Hayes (12) Younker, Laura J. ( 10) 89, 119 Younker, Todd ( II ) Yu, Kyong Suk (II) 73, 181 , !97


Wingate, Sandra 204

Wingfield, Catherine Sue (I 0) 89 Singfield, Johathan (12) 47, 57 Winston, Angela Nicole (10) 89, 187, 190 Winston, Lance Irving (I I ) Wircenske, Tracey Elaine (9) 105 Witcher, Stephan Raymond (I 0) 89 Wolfe. Leslie Yvonne ( I I ) Wood, Becky (I 0) 89 Wood, Christina Lynn ( I 0) 89, 131 Wood, Daniel Waldo (12) 47, 55, 57, 116, 135 Wood, Elizabeth Yvette (II) Wood, Jeff Maynard (I 0) 89, 194 Wood, Matthew Scott (12) 47, 57, 121 , 194, 199

Zaegel, Christine Anne (9) I 05 Zandinejad, Shabnam (I 0) 89 Zandinejad, Sherri Shara (9) I 05 Zaretzki, Lewis E. (9) I 05 Zauner, Kenneth James (9) 89 Zauner, Pamela (9) I 05 Zeh, Stephanie M. (I 0) 89, 114, !83 Zimmerman, DavidS. (II) 67, 73, 154, 181 , 197, 198, 199 Zimmerman, Mark A. (9) 105 Zimmerman , Roland 152

Zobel, James Ellsworth ( 12) 47 , 57, 194. 198





The end of the year brought many visions of the future as Albemarle students began to prepare for the days to come. Underclassmen chose classes they would take the following year. Juniors thought of finally being at the top and ruling the school, while Seniors started counting the days until graduation and thought about what their lives would be like after high school.








8 1. Juniors Mike Morris and David Satira take time to talk with Sophomore Ana lisa Lage. 2. Andrea Muro and Jenny Cooper learn that studying is an important part of making good grades. 3. Getting ready for a big race is an AHS Cross Country member. 4. The hallways are a good place to socialize with your friends during SAP and lunch. 5. Many students use the cafeteria for other things besides eating lunch. Rodney Tate, Patrick Boyd, Lance Winston , Lisa Anderson , and Joe King enjoy talking with each other during SAP. 6. Using their time wisely during lunch are Donna Partin and Youngkeun An. 7. Junior Stephanie Patten shows her enjoyment over the present she received for Christmas. 8. The breezeway is the place to meet all your friends when the weather is nice. 9. Biology is usually taken in you r sophomore yea r, but Chip Eubank doesn 't seem to be enjoying it too much. 10. "Are you sure you 're Nicolette?" asks Mike Shand. 11. Watching the game are Chris Duprey and Joe Beasley- "When will we get in?" they think.



11 271

3 I . Rashel Hammond studies intently in class. 2. Rodney Carter, Allen Agee, Glenn Carrington, Terrence Scott and Michael Scott "hang out" in the cafeteria . 3. John Harman tries to convince Julie Lande! to give him a kiss. 4. Football players prepare to eat their fill before the next big game. 5. Enjoying each others' co mpany are Rachel Henry and Matt Wood .





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5 1. Anxious students are ready to begin class. 2. During half time, the band prepares to perform. 3. The breezeway brings back many thoughts of past yea rs. 4. The AHS Volleyball team shows their support for the football team . 5. Roni Hanger, Linda Heath, Kristine Morris and Jeanie Showalter are ready for the holiday season. 6. Reflections of the AHS football field bring back lots of happy memories.


6 Closing


I 1. Is this the real Tim Nye? 2. Todd Brown, Stephanie Patten, and Michelle Canada look over Nicole Pharr's homework assignment. 3. "Does he really know what he is doing?" thinks Annabel Thompson. 4. Showing the physical endurance involved in cross country running is Chris Coster. 5. During lunch, Cathy Heath, Page Newman, David Gallagher and Julie Goss catch up on the latest news. 6. Nerds Amy Bithell and Tim Walts look for twentyfive more pennies for a drink. 7. What are you looking at Jimmy Mooney? 8. This is the last season Mark Myrick will play for the red and blue. 9. A new sight at Albemarle were the drink machines which the students were permitted to use. 10. The computer in the library is used by Seniors Breck Bouchard and Timolee Tucker.



As the year came to a close, the class of 1985 could say "we made it," even after a new administration, new rules, and even new privileges. They left AHS on the road to success proud to say, "We made it nothing less than the best. "




9 Closing



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