1994 Albemarle High School Peer

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~ adness in Life Student Life ....................................... 4

~ adness in the Halls Seniors ............................................ 52 Juniors .. ......................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Sophomores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Faculty ........................ ... .......... . .. .. 122

~ adness in Class Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

~ adness of the Game Sports ........................................... 150

~ adness Among the Masses Organizations ................................ 198

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Albemarle 路gh School 2775 Hydra 路c Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 ''"llll"nP 41

W hen students en- ¡ tered Albemarle High

A Touch adness of

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School on September seventh, they realized just how mad the school year was

goingto be. With the new block scheduling, students sure which classes to

attend. And when

the Breezeway was al-

most taken away,

the student body be-

came maddened by the threat of losing the privilege. Members of the Boys' Basketball team joined in the madness by shaving their heads to show off their Patriot pride as their season began. With so much going on at Albemarle High, 1994 was sure to bring A

Touch of ~adness.


• Opening


Maurice Apprey waits expectantly for Erica Perry to show him what's in the bag on the Breezeway at STEP.

Jason Skipper runs to the side hoping to get down the field as Chris Steadley and Rob Beasley block their opponents in a scrimmage against Orange County.

Opening • 3


W .ether the students at Albemarle were in the classroom or on the playing field, they were sure to encounter Madness In Life. During Spirit Week, the underclassmen looked on as the Senior Class, clad in togas, stormed the Breezeway on Senior Spirit Day. The Junior Class delivered orange carnations, alloons to students during Halloween Madness. For time, floats were constructed for the school-wide tailgate before the Homecoming game.


adneSS SeniorClasswon$100 withtheir "Cage in the Crop

In Pioneers" display. While some walked Life Walk to fight hunger, others made

money at after-school jobs or exercised by hitting the slopes or doing laps in the pool. To get in the holiday mood, the band and thechoirperformedinconcerts, while Santa visited the Breezeway. With so much going on at AHS, it was easy for students to join the madness.

With Activities DirectorMr. Cahalllooking on, Principal William Raines crowns SCA President Tim Criscione as the Homecoming King.


• Student Life

Student Life • 5


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chad Ragland and Molly Adams gaze into each others eyes during a slow song.

Wtth her shoes in hand. Erin Brohm smiles up at Troy Woodson after an exhausting night on the dance noor.

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• Prom


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As sprtng slowly creeps around the comer so does the stressful thought of Prom. With • • • • • • • • Prom comes the thought-provokng question: "Who do I ask?" Many students enjoy going with a friend or maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend. But still this question can be tough for students who ask someone they do not know very well. The usual procedure is to ask a potential date's friends about him or her and then make a move, but the brave ones just go ahead and ask. After this step comes the problem of what to wear. Many guys will travel to a local tuxedo shop with their date for help in picking their attire for the night. For girls this can be the hardest thing to do before the entire event occurs. Many hope to have a dress that no one else will be wearing but occasionally this does occur. After the outfits have been picked out and the color is arranged the next step is to order the boutonniere or corsage. When April29 arrives it's time for things to really start getting weird. Girls are frantically making sure that their hair looks the way they want, while guys make sure their lies are on I correctly and parents check that they have enough film in their cameras! . . . . , The evening begins for many couples with dinner. Many students travel to the Aberdeen Bam. Some decide to make the big event a night to spend with friends so it is quite common . . . . . to travel with 2 or 3 other couples. When making an entrance it is important to make sure everyone notices. Many then • • • • • • • make a quick walk around the floor to find friends and find out how hectic their day was. After dancing for hours at Prom students move on to party at All Night Long. The junior class produces Prom for the senior class, so that they can have one more night together before 'The lights go down in the city." •Kate Teates





Amanda Frazier and David Ginsum have a great time dancing the night away.

JessI Emmit, Kelli Sharp. Ingrid Lobo. Valeria Garcia-Tufro. Ashley Edwards. and Colton Ebersold put the finishing touches on decorations for the 1993 Prom.

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Prom •




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The final bell ofthe school year rings, and summer begins. Many students

take time to say goodbye to their friends, while others get on their buses or in their cars to try and take advantage of the summer break as much as they possibly can. Over the summer, AHS students went on trips, worked, or played sports. Many visited Nags Head, North Carolina, Florida, or Virginia Beach. "Over the summer I went to Illinois, to visit some of my friends and family." says Nick Barto, a sophomore at AHS. "I had a great time while I was there, and can't wait to go back." Many students also worked to earn extra money. Students held a wide range of jobs but the most popular was the famous "McDonald's." Some students volunteered at the U.V.A. Hospital or just baby-sat for neighbors and friends. Others decided that summer school was the way to go. They took the opportunity to earn an extra credit or make up for a class that they did not do well in during the school year. Albemarle students also played sports over the summer such as basketball. baseball, football, tennis, S\vimming, soccer, cheerleading, and lacrosse. Many played on summer teams, while others just wanted to play a fun game with their friends. Others went to sports camps and Christian camps. Of course, there were the ones who just chose to hang around Charlottesville and go to the mall, movies, bowling, swimming, or parties. or simply hang out with their friends. But then September 7th, 1993. came around and the first bell of the school year rang. The students opened up their books and took out their pens for another 180 days of hard work and fun. • Tavis Coffm

Artcha Gilpatrick. Courtney Kiehl. Erin dePoix. and Karen Weaver at Edltor-in-Chle[AshleyEdwardsandBusinessManagerJon the Ash Lawn Opera Company Summer Festival. All orthem appeared Fulton in yearbook camp at Lynchburg College. They are In the play "Don Giovanni". which was one or the three plays that were discussing what this year's yearbook theme will be. shown at the resllval.

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• Summer

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kim Seagren, Becky McMahon, Kara Cason, Tammy Arbogast, Laurie Hogan. and Andrea Proctor take time out form their trip to the beach to pose for the camera.

Junior Jessica Beck smiles for the camera as she shows off her Miss Albemarle Fatr 93-94 title. Jessica was crowned Miss Albemarle Fair on August 31. 1993 .




••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• After only a few days back at school. Juniors have reclaimed their section on the breezeway.

Senior Colton Ebersold attentively listens to a class discussion during the first week back at school.



• Back to School






It's the time when stores all around Charlottesville start having their back to school sales. Studentsstartbuyingschoolsuppliesandclolhes. It's back-toschool. and this year might be rougher for those who can't handle sitting down for a whole hour and forty minutes. although many others look forward to this change in their lives at Albemarle. For the most part, students do enjoy being back at school. They enjoy seeing their friends again, and playing on their favorite sport teams. They enjoy going to the games with their friends and cheering for their team. The students also like being back in school because they can be a part of their favorite clubs again. "I like being back at school because I get to see all my friends again." says sophomore Diana Bodily. "I like AHS a lot better than Jack Jouett," says freshman Jennifer Ridenoure. "It offers better food, more freedom, and the block scheduling allows you to have more time to do your homework." As good as summer vacation may have been, students now realize that it is time to settle down and focus on school work. Students are looking at high school as their way into college. They know that if they don't make the grades now, their dreams ofgetting into a big college and having an above average job can be easily ruined. So a lot of students here at Albemarle are taking the advantage of being back at school. They are taking things seriously and are looking ahead in their future. Students know that school is going to be difficult this year. and they are ready for the challenge. They are glad to be back and many look forward to returning next year. Welcome back students! • Tavis Coffin

Students looked forward to seeing familiar faces on the breezeway during the first days of school.

Once again. students had to rely on the school bus for transportation .

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Back to School •




The week of October 18-22 was a very exciting and spirited week here

\t,J at Albemarle. It was Spirit Week-five days of class competitions to show

off school spirit and get psyched for the Homecoming game. During Spirit Week there were dress-up days for the different classes to show their school spirit. On Monday, the freshmen dressed up as their favorite entertainers. Most freshmen were timid during their first weeks ~.....~ at AHS, so not many came to school in costume. Tuesday, the sopho••lliilll!!!!!..ll mores were country bumpkins. They were dressed up as farmers in straw hats and jeans. Then Wednesday rolled around, and the juniors were sporting sunglasses and ties. Thursday was the traditional "Senior Toga Day," where all of the seniors got wrapped up in sheets and met at Bodo's for breakfast at 7:45. Dress- up days were not the only exciting events during Spirit Week. For Girls participated in the powderpuff football games at STEP. halftime entertainment during these games, there were pie-eating contests and egg and water balloon tosses. The cheerleaders also stayed after practice and made spirit bags, decorated football players' lockers, •••IIIIIIJI and decorated the fence inside of the stadium to say "Homecoming '93." • By the end of the week, school spirit was at a high for the pep rally on Friday. Not only was the Homecoming Court chosen and introduced, but the football players stormed into the center of the gym to the cheers of the crowd. More than any other time of the year, students went out of their way to show their Patriot Pride during Spirit Week '93. • Kerri Bickers

.JI• •

Randy Rhoads. Jayson Jean. and Ingrid Lobo get together in Ashley Edwards' garage to build the cage for their taill!ate.

SeniorclassPresldentJaysonJeanstandswilh Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Jenkins in front of their winning tailgate where Justin Demetsky poses as the pioneer.

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• Spirit Week


Kamesha Smith displays her Sophomore spirit by dressing up as a country bumpkin during Spirit Week.

Mr . RaJnes and Mrs. Hunt prepare to munch on plates full of nachos at a tailgate before the game .

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Spirit Week


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eric Hurt. Jerry Simmons. and Nate Galea watch in anticipation of the outcome of the game.

Junior Nikki Eubanks runs to block Seniors Amy Knott and Tomoko Kitazawa from entering her side of the field during the championship

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• Powderpuff

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titt'a t~e tf;,e

"47, 52, 36... Oh my gosh I broke a nailW Nothing like that was heard fror the members of this year's powderpuff football teams. The girls gave the fans a they could handle. The lunch-time games enabled the fans to come and suppor their classes as the girls' football teams showed highly intense competition. In the first game, the juniors outmaneuvered the freshmen. Although th freshmen had their chance to tie up the game with the ball inside their opponent! 10-yard line, the juniors put the game out of reach with a powerful drive late i.: the contest. On Wednesday, during the senior-sophomore game, the seniors moved th ball with skill. The sophomores held up until lhe end, but the final score wa 12-0 and set up a rematch of the 1992 powderpuff championship game. Th juniors wanted a repeat while the seniors anxiously awaited a victory. In the first half of the championship game, both teams had trouble moving th ball on the other's powerful defense. During the second half, as the seniors an• the juniors were striving for a winning score, time ran out on themand the gam resulted in a scoreless tie. Overtime came next, where each team had four trie to score from the 10-yard line. The seniors had the ball first and could onl manage to reach the 7- yard line after a personal foul was called on the senio coaches for being on the field. On their first down, the juniors threw ru interception which was promptly returned to midfield. No successful play wa made, so the game ended in a tie. Although there were no champions, the team put forth their best efforts on the field, raising spirit for the big Homecomin. game. • Kerri Bickers and Randy Rhoad

to discuss their game strategies.

The tough powderpuff teams fight it out for a victory during the Senior-Sophomore game.

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Powder Puff •


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Butterflies flutter inside the stomachs of every young couple as the pressures of getting dressed for a night of festivity occupy their minds. This year's Homecoming dance, "The Phantom of the Opera,~ was held on October 23 in the cafeteria. Executive council vice- president Laurie Hogan headed the committee that was responsible for the decorations. As soon as students walked in, they were dancing, socializing, and having a great time with their dates and friends. There was always an exciting moment. Junior Jessica Jackson and Senior Rebecca Viglione both agreed that Homecoming was "an enchanted evening." Many of the students who attended Homecoming had a terrific evening. Some, on the other hand, had problems with the music selection played by this year's D.J. Shannon Fletcher says, 'lhe D.J. could've played better music, some that fit everyone's tastes, but I ended up having a terrific time with my date, Travis Jackson, anyway." •••••• Others just barely missed the Homecoming "curfew"; students who weren't there by 10:00 weren't allowed in the door. When the lights came on and the magical evening came to an end, students headed out the doors having had a great evening. • Kerri Bickers

Z 1


Junior Nikk.J Kitazawa fr Eubanks n ~~nlor-Juntom entering I• • • • ~r l ame.


After arriving with their frtends. Tort Baldwin. Hunter Lynn. Bradley Martin. Ellen Gibson. and ErtcJensen were sure to have a great night at Homecoming.


Chrts Taffe and Lacey Goehrtnger are caught in a warm embrace dancing the night away.


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Students take a break from dancing to relax and have fun with their dates and friends.

Jemel Ross and Stacey Locker head in the door for a night with the phantom .

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Homecoming Dance •




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1993 On October 22, the 1993 Homecoming court members were introduced during halftime of the football game. Students nominated Homecoming court members in homeroom, and then visited the SCA office to vote for the representatives from their classes. Two girls were selected from the freshman class. three from lhe sophomore class. four from the junior class. and six guys and six girls from the senior class. The 1993 Homecoming King and Queen were chosen from the senior class by ballot at the beginning of the week before lhe dance. King Tim Criscione and Queen Olivia Eades were pleased to hear their names announced before the crowning. They both agree that lhe Homecoming King and Queen status is a great honor. and lhey were very surprised to be chosen as the representatives of their school. Junior Homecoming court member Becky McMahon explains. "It was cold out, and I was very nervous when I had to walk out in front of everybody, but lhen I remembered how much of an honor it was to be out there representing my class, and everything was fine." • Kerri Bickers

Senior Class Homecoming Court Members Valeria GarciaTufro and Randy Rhoads. .

~ 18

Olivia Eades and Tim Criscione were crowned the 1993 Homecoming King and Queen.

Senior Class Homecoming Court Members Dawn Klimmek and Jared Christensen.

• Homecoming Court

Senior Class Homecoming Jayson Jean.

Senior Class Homecoming Court Members Eugenia Jackson and Mike Wicks.

Senior Class Homecoming Court Members Kelly Shena) and Brian Smith.

Homecoming Court • 19 ~



Z '


C~/1? Many of the students here at AHS choose to participate in sports not offered by the school, either for competitive or non-competitive reasons. Many times people like to get together to play a game of football or basketball with a group of friends to pass the time. Other students enjoy dancing, running, gymnastics, or other sporting events of their choice. Many students enjoy participating in sports for competitive reasons. Some enjoy horseback riding, gymnastics, or baseball or basketball for ther organization. Many of these groups are sponsored by community '"'"''--=>· Other students just enjoy playing sports for the sake of having fun. A lot of kids will get together over at a friend's house and play a friendly game of football, or basketball. An anonymous sophmore says, 'When me and my friends get together we usually end up calling up the other kids in the neighborhood to play football or something." Other students, though, prefer skiing or swimming. Many will travel to Wintergreen, or Snowshoe to take on the slopes. All over the place, AHS students are participating in sports. Whether or not they do it for competitive reasons, they all just want to have fun. • Kate Teates

Brenda Awad glides over the jump on her horse Bookie at one of the many horse shows she attended this year .

Matthew Behems likes to go bike riding even if it rained the night before.

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~ 20 • Individual Sports


David Hoeller takes a break from warm ups before a swim meet. Along with his older brother Dan, David competes for the local learn SMAC.

Kris Galione likes to hll the s lopes In his spare lime- especially to s nowboard on Eagle Swoop at Wintergreen .

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Individual Sports


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vicky Bernhard and Steven Barnes spend their time in ELT to catch up on some work from chemistry class.

Bianca Johnson and Meg Kemp spend their lunch hour talking on the breezeway .

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Z ee-


~OIIf t~e


The halls are clear, and full of silence. All you can hear is the soft tick of the clock. As it slowly hits 12:50, the halls are ftlled with students, all going their seperate ways. Some go to the cafeteria, some to class for help from teachers while others go out for senior lunch. STEP stands for Student-Teacher Enrichment Period. The 55 minutes out of the day gives students time to relax from the pressure of block scheduling. Many students will take their time to go to ELT(Extended Learning Time) to receive help from teachers,makeup homework, tests, or quizzes. People who don't need to attend ELT can enjoy nearly a full hour of lunch. The first thing many students do after the bell rings is head straight for the cafeteria or a Patriot Express Satellite to purchase food The Patriot Express Satellites are carts in different areas of the school that sell different food items such as sandwhiches, nachos, pizzas, or drinks. After buying some food it's off to find some friends on the breezeway, courtyard, picnic areas, or the cafeteria. Seniors have the opportunity to go out to lunch. As long as they are back before the bell rings to go to class, they can go anywhere they want-- Subway, Bodo's, or even home to catch a noontime nap. STEP is a time to relax from the hectic block scheduling and not worry about anything but having fun. Even though it is only 55 minutes long. that's time enough when spent with friends away from class. • Kate Teates

Terri Travis stands at the dlink machine waiting patiently for it to take her money .

Students sit around the lunch table and enjoys lunch together while they talk about what's going on .

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Community service is an important part of life here at AHS. Seniors are required to donate their time. and many underclassmen also volunteer in order to help their community. In order for seniors to graduate they mu st contribute l 0 hours of community service. They can do this by spending time at the local SPCA. participating in seminars abou t government. or even giving blood, which can be a traumatic experience for students who are afraid of needles. In order to give blood students must be of a certain age and weight. Senior Randy Rhoads comments on required community service. "It's a great way[for studen ts) to give to the community what the community gave them-- an opportunity." Clubs also contribute a lot of their time to the Charlottesville community. For example the Key Club participates in the Crop Walk. This is to benefit those who are not able to receive a lot of food. Students walk 10 km to help out less fortunate people. The Key Club also goes trick-or-treating, but instead of collecting candy they go door to door and gather canned foods . Community service is displayed everywhere in the community. It is important that we all do our part to help make our community a better place for us to live. • Kate Teates

Rebecca Viglione pases out flye•·s requesting food Matt Sadler lraveled to Haiti with his church on a summer mission project this summer as part of his donations in front of Giant supermarket just before community service. the holidays. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e II e e e e e e e e e e


Community Service

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AHS students Wendy Swisher and Chris Denby walk to fight hunger in the Crop Walle

Laura Schempf, Abbie Swanson. Katy Schutz and Melissa Letzkus dress up as characters from llie Wizard of Oz to collect canned foods for llie food bank as a service project for llie Key Club .

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Community Service


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The field hockey team huddles up at the pep rally as they scream out their cheer.

The football team.jumplngon top ofeach other tn the pack, yell to get psyched for a big game.

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Pep Rallies

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Hundreds of students enter the gym at Albemarle High School and prepare to cheer like crazy. The walls and the bleachers start to shake and the noise is unbearable. It's called a pep rally and the purpose is to cheer on the school's sports teams as well as show off each class's spirit. In the first pep rally, the fall sports teams were introduced. There was a contest between the freshme n. sophomores, juniors, and seniors to see who had the most spirit and who would own the spirit stick. It was a close call, but the seniors proved to have the most patriotism with their loud cheers and enthusiasm. The second pep rally of the school year was for the homecoming court members and the Varsity football team. There was also another contest to see who had the most spirit. Once again, the cheering was intense as well as close, but the seniors could not pull it off twice in a row. The Juniors put them in their place and now had ownership of the spirit stick. Many students enjoy the competition between the grades for the spirit stick. As Jessica Olingy put it, "I like the competition between the grades for the spirit stick, although it does get loud at times.~ Students at AHS also cheer for their favorite teams such as basketball, football, baseball, soccer. wrestling, field hockey, tennis, cross country, track, golf, and lacrosse. Pep rallies at AHS have a lot to offer. and the more students that participate, the more fun they become. • Tavis Coffm

Keisha Johnson. Kate Teates. Jessica Jackson. and Kelly Shena! prepare for a double-base extension duling a pep rally.

Seniors yell to s how offtheir spilit at the winter sports pep rally .

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Pep Rallies •

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"Mom, can I borrow ten dollars? I swear I'll pay you back next week, I promise!" Where have we heard that before? Chances are you have probably said that more than a hundred times. Most of us ask for a small amount of money, so we can go to the movies or the mall with our friends, but parents still respond by saying, "Go get a job." So that's what students are doing. They pull out the classified ads from the local paper and start looking for jobs in their best interest. Students atAHS like to work for many reasons, the main one being to establish their own source of income. Others work to have something to do after school, while still others are saving their money to go to college. "I like my job, because it gives me a chance to meet new people. I also like getting paid. The downside of it is I get home late at night and really don't have time to do my homework," says Scott Brennan. "The things that benefit me in my job are experience in retail, learning to work with people, as well as meeting new people. The discounts received are a great benefit, and a job helps me form responsibility. One thing that is a disadvantage is even though things may get bogged down in school, you have to go to work anyway because you have a commitment to working," says senior Maylisa McGrath. The students atAHS don't mind going to find work. They like the fact that they have money in their pocket and don't have to keep begging their parents for it. They enjoy feeling what it's like to work in the "real world. " • Tavis Coffm

Teri Ravenell makes sure all the shirts are straight at Gap Kids while sh e talks to a customer.

Shannon Bishop organizes necklaces for display at Lerner in the Fasion Sqaure Mall .

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Students Jobs

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tomoko Kitazawa h astily folds a shirt during the mad Christmas rush at The Limited.

On his short break, Jay Brown ch a ts with friends in front of Chess King .

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Students Jobs


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jeff Ridenoure purch ases a tic ket for Wayne's World 2 at Carmike Cinema Six on Friday night.

Nichole McCauley eyes a shirt a t The Limited with Courtney Rush a s they spend their weekend together s hopping at the mall.




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"So what's going on this weekend?" It's a question that can be heard throughout the halls of AHS. Many students cannot wait for this time of the week to arrive. For others it may mean working, or maybe even a weekend at home from grounding. Junior Stacy Rush says, "I like cooking, shopping, and hanging out with my friends on the weekends." Lots of students would agree that being with friends is a great way to spend a weekend . Some students don't get to spend a lot of their time with friends on the weekends because they have to work. They choose to work in order to have a car, earn extra spending money, or save for the future. A lot of students end up spending a lot of their time on the weekends practicing for a sport. Many sports have practices on Saturdays; some even have games. Students who don't participate in a sport for that paticular season may enjoy running, or some type of workout. Even though this takes away from time with friends it can be a lot of fun too. Without a break from all the work during the week, the wreekend gives students a chance to relax-- and prepare for more work in a few short days. Even though many students may have to take that extra trip to the libary they still have a chance to take a breather. For the less fortunate ones, though, there may be the possibility of not doing anything on the weekends due to the dreaded word that no teenager enjoys hearing: GROUNDED. Grounding can result from bad grades or rebellious behavior; whatever the cause, it's no fun. •Kate Teates

Karen Trevillian and Diana Baldini spend their Saturday aftemoon looking for cards for their friends in Hallmark .

Late Saturday night. Jamie Dardin drops in TCBY to get a snack--choclate chip cookie dough yogurt.

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Weekends • 31


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As the month of December rolls around so do the delightful times of the holiday season. Each year people are frantically on their way to the mall or their favorite store to begin or finish holiday sh opping, deliveries, and many other holiday a ctivities. When the snow came along everyone was excited to miss a day of school but for the SCA this meant finding the 2nd period classes of students who were supposed to receive flowers during their lst period classes. The snow didn't stay around lon g enough, thou gh, to make it a white Christmas here in Charlottesville. Th e s now did come back long enough to delay activites like the Shoney's Holiday Classic held h ere at Albemarle. Shopping can be a difficult task for students who don't enjoy spending a lot of time finding the perfect gift, or a lot of money. But for other students it is an easy task to accomplish . Jun ior Courtney Holt comments on how her Christmas shoppin g went this year: "Many stores had what I wanted which made shopping easier." The holiday season is n ot meant to be h ectic or frustrating but it can sometimes tum out to be that way. But it is also a time to be with friends and family and enjoy the time away from all the hassles of the world for one day. • Ka te Teates

Scott Kuebler . a nd La- Thon Ware s how their holiday s pirit by wearing l he fash iona ble Santa hal.

Erin Bromm . Amb ha Lessard. and Alicia Willis spend time in the cafeteria exch anging gifts .

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~ 32 • Winter Holidays

•• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Danielle Lambert walks across the breezeway with her hands full of Christmas gifts she recieved from her friends .

..... Alicia Edwards, Tara Huckstep, and A shley Lamb pause for a moment to give a holiday smile as they enjoy the holiday spirit.


Winter Holidays • 33


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Laura Schempf is very excited to have just received two balloons.

Canie Christensen and Sara Stovall croon "Earth Goldstein .

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~ 34 • Valentine's Day

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In Denmark, lovers send each other pressed snowdrop flowers. In Italy, young women wake up before the sun rises to watch the men go by. Here, on February 14, you see many admirers rushing to the SCA office to make last-minute purchases of carnations, balloons, roses, "hugs and kisses," and everyone's favorite-SONGS, to express their Valentine love. Every year, couples rack their brain to come up with the perfect gift, or the best possible way to spend this day with the one they admire most. "The most ideal way to ever spend a Valentine's Day is on a h ot-air balloon with the one I love, away from all of my troubles, having a picnic," junior Keisha Johnson says. The best part of Valentine's Day to many students at AHS is receiving flowers, balloons, songs, etc. from their boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends . During the day, students in SCA deliver these gifts to students during classes . We celebrated Valentine's Day on February 16 this year, because the real holiday fell on one of those many days we had off because of inclement weather. The day still turned out to be wonderful. Valentine's Day is usually one of the most enjoyed and looked-forward -to holidays of the year for students at Albemarle. • Kerri Bickers


MelVin Perrow blushes as Sarah Clifford s ings a sweet love song to him .

Students In Ms. Layman's cho ir class watch as sh e gets serenaded by J ared Christen sen and Brian E mert .

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Valentine's Day • 35


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Twenty students from all around the world have taken the time to come to Charlottesville, Virginia, to understand the way we live in our daily lives. These twenty students traveled to America in late August from Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Israel, and even the Re public of Georgia in eastern Europe. Before coming here they were matched with a host family. First the host family was able to select from a variety of students who they thought would best adapt to their living environment. Then came the process of letting the student know. Before the student packed up and journeyed to his or her host family's home, the student and host family sent letters and pictures back and forth to give each an idea of what everybody looked like. Then it was time to come to America. Saying good -bye to family members and then stepping aboard the plane meant spending almost a year with strangers. The first time off the plane could be tough considering that many students aren't well adapted to our language. Jet lag was also a minor complication but that was gotten over quickly. For many students, having someone new added to their home was quite an exciting but also a new experience. Coming into a new land was also hard on the foreign exchange students because they had to adapt to a totally d ifferent culture of their own. These


X L.L..J

students are very brave for coming so far aw~~:~:.:::to learn more.


Exchange Students: Back Row- Lotte Hallevig, Anke Neumann. Muriel Meyer. Eszler Abraham. Alex Luashkin. Ori Yahav. Front Row- Anna Pordes. Hui Lin. Shahar Seigman .

Anna Pordes. Anna Paulo Pinto, and Muriel Meyer hang out at Forest Lakes pool to work on their tans before the school year begins.


~ 36 •

Exchange Students

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wendy Gay, Muriel Meyer. and Amanda Maupin hug to keep warm on the Breezeway during SAP.

After j u st arriving in the U.S., exchange students Natela Nemetisheva. Tsira Moistsrapishvili, and Shota Mikadze relax on the deck of their host's house.

•••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jason Carter as "Petruchio" pins down Ivan Gardner who is playing the role of Grumio In the play The Taming ofthe Shrew. The Taming ofthe Shrew was the fall play that the Drama class performed this year.

Alicia Tracy starred as "Kate" and Courtney Kieh l as "Bianca" In The Taming of the S hrew. David Burton. Jessica Beck and Nicole Carr play the servants.

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~ It's

( what has entertained us for centuries. It's given us laughter, """""' sorrow, anger, adventure, and has even changed some people's lives . It's called acting, and according to drama teacher Carolyn Massie , this year's drama classes at Albemarle may be her best yet. Ms. Massie has taught drama classes at AHS for three years. She is the first teacher to direct a full length Shakespeare play at AHS in 20 years. When asked what her opinion was on this year's drama classes she replied, "I've had the best classes yet this year, especially my Drama I sections. The students are creative and enthusiastic, and they make me look forward to school." Many students in Drama voice their own opinions as well. As Junior Allison Orr said, "I like Drama because it lets me use my imagination and it lets me pretend to be someone I'm not. The bad part about it is that there is a lot of memorization." Many of the Drama students also had high recognitions. Allison Orr and Courtney Kiehl were awarded "All-Star Cast" awards at a competition that involved students from 25 Virginia high schools. They've also put on two plays this year--The Taming of the Shre w and Gypsy. All in all, the Drama Classes have had a very successful year. • Tavis Coffin


Alicia Tracy performs the role of "Kate" in the play, The Taming of the Shrew.

Greg Kane gives a look a t the camera as h e and the rest of the Drama Class watch the rehearsal of their min1-play .

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Drama • 39

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With a new band conductor as well as new recruits from the local middle schools, things were sure to be different with the Albemarle High School bands. Mr. Thomas became the new band conductor for Albemarle. He likes working with all the band groups. He comments,"! am excited about teaching at this fme high school. The attitude of the students is very positive and the potential for making good music is enormous. No regrets, none at all!" Mr. Thomas conducts all of the band classes here at Albemarle. He works with the Jazz Band, Stage Band, Sax Quartet. Brass Choir, Marching Band. and 4th period band. Besides the concerts at school, the bands have had a busy year. The Marching Band had an interesting highlight when they performed at the Lynchburg Classic. The Jazz band also h ad fun when they were invited to play at the Boar's Head Inn. Also, ten members of the Albemarle High School Bands were awarded places in All-District Band.

First chair baritone p layer Chris Steadley says, "I like all the trips you go on and the challenging difficulty of the music. I don't enjoy the rules and all the time it takes to practice." Overall, the band has had a great year. They have enjoyed working with their new conductor and look forward to working with him again next year. • Tavis Coffin

Jeff llackett and Oav1d Rodgers smile as they gctlnto the groove of things al one of the Albemarle lllgh School football games. Both are members In the Marching Oand here at Albemarle.

Mr. Thomas shows off his conducting technique as he directs one of his band classes. Mr. Thomas Is the new band conductor for Albemarle this year.

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40 • Band


fourth Period Woo<lwjnds Back Row: Charlya Little. Matt Terry. Brenton Combs. Mic hael Shlffieu. Yvette Lawson. Ashley Coiner. Kbris Thompson. Miguel Strol11er. Ryan Franklin. Jessica Gahan. Mandy Johnson. Joy Sandlin. San1 Miller. 2nd Row: Kate Patterson, Kathryn McCauley. Brian Smith, Jackie Downie. Andrea Bieber. Megan O'Leary. Randy Meyers. Chr1sUna Paige. Lynette Jordan. Nicol~ Freeman. Lysandra Fl!llclano. Front Row: Charlotte Ding, Ltndsle Luzynskl. Claire Covill. Heathe r Boggs. Anita Johnson. Ashley Smith . Jackie Gerlach. Jameta Barlow

4th Pedod Brass Back Row: Kevin SprouSI!. Stephen Craver. Louis BaskOeld. Konrad Sarostek. Clint Luers. Paul Meyers. James Reinhold. 2nd Row: Jeffrey Beeler. Er1ka Johnson. Chr1ssle Isbister. Keith Zantow. Chds Maddox. Br1an Barto. Toshlo Mlyar1. Kdshan Leong. Ryan Burrowbrtdge. Nelson Leal. f'ront Row: David New. Abigail Altschul. Kelley Oough~rty. Nlng Zhu. Andrew Strassburg. Aaron Strickland. Danny Mords. Alex Russo. Brandon Greer. Jessie Gibson


Back Row: Stephen Craver. Randy Meyers. Kate Pallerson. Shu Hamamlchl. Carla Frazier. Chariya Lillie. Mike Heck. Middle Row: Jessica Doner. Keith Zantow. David Rabe. Marc Dawkins. Terd Travis. Jennifer Schroeder. Betsey Fosler. 2nd Row: Duane Johnson. Matt Ferguson. Ben Hams. Ted Dugan. Brad Barber. Front Row: Mordce Apprey. Keith Brown

Color Guard Back Row: KlmberlySchluSSf!l. Ashlelgh Lamb. LtndslcLuzynskl, Stacey Locker. Deanna Ocllaganna. 3rd Row: lngdd HolTman. Melanie Gibson. Crystal Mordson. Kerde Gibson. 2nd Row: Gretchen llo!Tman. Elbllsh Tobin. Sona Canipe. Kamesha Smith. Stacey Scoll. f'ront Row: Betsey f'oslcr. Patty Cannan




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o-a "lheettlflta.l(e z • c:::

This group of 118 students enlightens a room with the simple sound of their voices. These students are a mixture of four different choir groups, each with their own individual talent. The concert choir is composed of 53 students who had to try out so they would have the opportunity to perform at p laces like the mall, County Office Building for a tribute to Martin Luther King, elementary sch ools, and a competition in Atlanta, Georgia. These students practice durtng the A block on b lue days and sometimes have reh earsals during STEP. After an audition , freshmen have the opportunity to sing in the select ensemble composed of 15 studen ts. The mixed choir group is composed of freshmen and sophomores. They sing at the winter and spring concerts. Twenty-one students make up this group. The Patriot singers are a group of29 students wh o have to learn a dance and a song and then try out. They perform at the mall, winter and spring concerts,and competitions. Choir can be fun yet hard. Junior Brittany Ruga, a member of Concert choir, comments, ''The most fun thing to do in choir would have to be learning new music. " Taking an opportunity in choir would be a great experience for any student. • Kate Teates

Ms. Layman prepares to head off to another Choir rehearsal for the upcoming spring concert.

Ms. Layman pensively listens as a chotr s tudent ask about a new piece of music.

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~ 42 • Choir

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Concert Choir: Front Row- Paula Gosh, Queen Rush, Kamesha Smith, Brittany Rugo. Brandy Houchen s, Yen Shek. Shannon Webb, Shaunte Harris. Tori Ray, Jen Collier, Sherrie Shores. Middle Row- Mrs. Christensen, Jenni Houska. Jennifer Aylor, Wendy Jenkins, Katy Conley. Carey Corrigan, Becky Scott. Carla Strickland, Kim Adkins, Olivia Veldhuis, Alex Scully. Mindy Sadler, Sarah Wood, Leslie DeFrank, Jenni Clifford. Amy Hundley, Crystal Burlingame, Ms. Layman. Back Row- Erin Potter, Leah Holt, Katherine Brumbaugh, Collette Skeen. Becky Boone, Kara Dodrill, Faith Wang. Jennifer Kasidiaris. Ambh a Lessard. HeatherTaffe. JeffSnyder, MorriceApprey. Sam Barnett, Matt Sadler , Angie Harris. Amelia Damon, Phyllis Thomas, Brandy Jeffries, Erica Perry.

Patriot Singers: Back row- Jessica Jackson, Deanna Dellaganna, Collette Skeen, Scott Martin, Brian Emert, Jason Carter, Jared Christensen, Chris Darden, Carrie Christensen, Sarah Edwards. Middle Row- Olivia Eades. Melinda Sidwell, Kojo Apprey, Bill Lee, Bobby Wood, In Kwong Kim, Shawn Lenning, Lori Walker. Tory McConnell , Ms. Layman. Fr ont Row- Aricha Gilpatrick, Sarah Clifford, Genevieve Blair-Watson, Elizabeth Tillman, Kristen Franklin, Gwen Hartman, Annie Scouten, Arlene Delapena, Sarah Stovall. i


Mixed Ch oir: Back Row- Wen dy Jenkins, Tsira Moistsrapishvili, Amy Wells, Stephanie Catoe, Maya Ferguson, Faith Garrison. Front Row- Heather Johnson, Twan Jackson, Tanisha Norwood, Keisha Calloway, Nichol Santos, Ms. Layman.

r······································ Choir • 43


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~ S'tl?tirf II M~rl. ..

~ The annoying, piercing ring of the alarm clock is heard at the break ..J of dawn, jolting its victims out of s lumber and into the fast-paced world of style and glamour. These sleepy children are now charged


with the task of creating an appearance a ll their own to show off in the halls of Albemarle. Changes in attitude towards fashion have students saying goodbye to o ld fads, and hello to originality. From baseball hats to bell bottoms, patriots feel more obligated than befor e to stress individualistic attire. In addition, feeling comfortable has become more important than being stylish or trendy. Then again, most students here at AHS have the ability to "bum" and look stylish at the same time.

Although different personalities call for various styles, students try to avoid cloning with society's expectations. "Fads, stereotypes, and people who support them are just conformists. People tell me to act normal, and I say I'm not an actor. I'm just a unique person," senior Kelly Shena! says. Junior Jessica Jackson agrees, also saying, "Most people call me strange because of what I wear, but strange is just an attit u de." Self-expression is a value that has a lways been shown well by fashion at AHS, but this year will most likely stand out in everyone's minds. "Making a statement without saying a word" definitely explains the various styles of everyone at Albemarle this school year. • Kerri Bickers

Popular styles of shoes at AHS this year were clogs. Timberland boots. and Nike tennis shoes.

Junior Courtney Holt and seniors Charley Lewis and Kelly Shenal model three stylish outfits. Students take pride in their unique styles .


~ 44 • Fashion

••••••••••••• • ••••• • •••••••••••••••• • •• Rugby shirts and jeans were a common pair. This outfit from a Structure display looks a lot like what was seen on many students throughout the halls.







Hats became a popular style for girls U11s year as well as boys. and here are a few that were seen a lot amongst the students .

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Fashion • 45


•••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Courtney Holt edits the tapes to make them a work of art for the entire school to see. -~-


Jessica Jackson, an anchor for Channel 2, reports on upcoming events at AHS .

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...At\ 46 •

Channel Two

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0 I I

They are a group of AHS students and they are making the news--that is Albemarle news. These students put together the Channel Two television show that is aired once or twice a month. They work really hard to put together an exciting show for everyone to see. In the beginning of the year there was a large variety of students to help in the production but class changes narrowed the class down to four students. They still keep going and try their best to make productions for the student body as enjoyable as possible. Ms. Hull, the class advisor, says she "attempts to learn different ways to use the editing machine to make Channel Two a little more exciting for the students to watch." Channel Two can also be a good learning experience for people who wish to have a career in the television industry. Courtney Holt comments, "I have learned editing skills that could get me a job in the future." This class gives stu dents the opportunity to become acquainted with the operation of the television and how to communicate with people. This class like any class has its good times and its bad. Jessica Jackson says, "The most fun part is seeing yourself on television but the hardest part is interviewing others who refuse to be on the camera." This class is very enj oyable and is recommended to any student who hopes to have a career in the television industry.

Cory Miller is ready to find some action with the video camera.

•Kate Teates

Cory Jackson , and Courtney Holt- the Channel 2 staff.

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Channel Two • 4 7


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-a. u.J u.J

This year has been full of local, national, and International excitement. We've had floods near the Mississippi, earthquakes in California, the Superbowl, and the Winter Olympics. Charlottesville even had its own slight crisis. Winter brought snow and ice to the area, and although snow wasn't much of a problem , ice caused many complications. Many schools had to close for long periods of time due to a storm in January. Severe cold throughout the midwest and east killed 142 people. But Charlottesville wasn't the only place that had weather complications. Weather created many problems near the Mississippi River: it rained, and it rained, and it rained. Cities and farms from Illinois to Missouri suffered the worst flooding along the Mississippi in decades. California experienced wild fires and another earthquake. Roads and bridges fell , business were shut down, schools were closed, and dozens of people died. While those events were occurring athletes all over the world were preparing to compete in the Olympics in Lillehammer,Norway. Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was attacked and fans were shocked when rival Tanya Harding was linked to the attack. The war in Bosnia continued , extremists were elected in Russia, and President Clinton promised to get American troops out of Somalia after several soldiers were killed. Dallas won the Superbowl for the second year in a row, as the Buffalo Bills faced their fourth straight Superbowl loss. With good times and bad times, 1993-94 has been a memorable year. •Kate Teates

Dan Sandell looks at the remains of what is left of a project his construction company was completing in Los Angeles before the earthquake which destroyed many bus inesses and homes .

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~ 48 • Current Events

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• President Cinton comments on health care reform while addressing the National Governors' Association in Washington on Febuary 1, 1994.

Emmitt Smith was named MVP Tonya Harding takes a break from skating. of the Super Bowl XXVlll when Many were stunned to fmd out s he was linked the Cowboys won 30- 13. to the Nancy Kerri!!an attack .

......................................... Current Events • 49


W .h over 1717 students and 185 Faculty members at Albemarle in 1994, there was sure to be Madness In The Halls. The overwhelmingly large Freshman Class of 543learned their way around Albemarle after only a few weeks. Soon they made new friends and blended in with all the other students. The , with their newly attained driver's permits and gained freedom and became more involved in activities at school.

The Juniors kept their cool even

adness when stressed out by such a n The load. They were the first class Halls the new American Studies program. After the mad rush to get college applications in on time, the Seniors took it easy as they got a collective case of "Senioritis." All the while, the Faculty, Staff, and Administration watched over, making sure the Madness In The Halls was under control.

Seniors Becky Alter and Ann Harris work diligently during study hall to get their work out of the way. With longer classes, students were able to get more homework done during study hall in one period.


50 • People

People •

51 ~

STATS AJdrrd. Rrb«ca Kat.he:J"tne (KaUtl 100 WtndO\Itr Lane:; Key Club l. Drama Club 2.4. Outdoor Club 3: Th~aplans 3.4 • . I c~ ov~r and began to mount lhal IIlli~ known and

llghtless rood to ascend into lhe shining world·Prople




Aoclcrs. Paul Thomas {Swtnr, Paul E. Waddle. Meat) 1675

Coldentr« Platt CVU~ 2290 1; MVP ~fen!K' l..acrosse 2: Ma~.tna. Cum LauM NaUonal Latin £)lam 2; Varsuy Lacrosst' Letter 2.3.4. AcademiC Utter 3: Varsity Lacrosse; football l. Lacrosse lntramural5 2; FCA 1.2: Lac~ Club 1.2: Varsity Club 3.4 JCL •Eat, drtnk. and be

hatrv .. for tomorrow )"'U may be bald-- SwiOC' . Am<>ld . lltnjamln Alan (lknl 105 Tmybrook Dr CVUI< 22901: 2 Silver Medals on Nollonal Latin E.'l(am 2.3; Tennis l...('tter 2. Jst ln Art Show 2; McCrurfy Art Show 3; Varsity

Tennis L2: FCA 1.2;JCL3.4. "You havt" to~oonand be crazy. Craziness l.s like heaven.·· Jlml Hendrtx Awad. Brenda Esther (BUm. I::J~n. B~nny. Oumda. Bleb) 2508 Woodhurst Rd. CVIIIe 22901; Who·~ Who Class S«~tary 3.4; ~St'l"\"r Champlorh.JunJor Jurn,xrs In Tampa FL.; Rod~ wtt.h two Olympk r1den In England 2; Honor Roll I .2.3.4 2nd In Art Contest L Horybat'k Rkllng; Outdoor Club 1.2.3; Key Club 4; &!ta Club 4. Honors ~ty 4 Honor CouocU 4 ·Happy are thOK who dream dreams and are JTady to pay the pri« to make tht-m rome true.· '"Where t~re·s a wlll. lhrte'!l a way· Ba~r. Bradley A. (Brad) 2145 Nandlna Ct. CVIIIf' 22901; Honon Band l.2.3.4: District Band Section Leader

1.3.4. Squad Wder 3.4; Dlrtetors Awnrd for Band 3: Honor Roll 1.2.3; National Ski Patrol 2,3,4; JV Oa~ball 1. Track 3: Volleyball Club 2.3. "A musician must 01..1.ke music. an artbt must paint . a pocot musl \\'Tlte.lfh~istobeulltmately at peace wtth himself. What a man can be. he must bt." Abraham 1-1. Maslow Barnes. Jamrs Michael (Mike) PO Box 401 Scottsvtne-: f"T"6hman Football 1: JV Football I. 2: Varsity Football 3; Sponsman Club 4 ·wow. ll"s been a fast four yt-a.rs To the unden:lassmc:n·don't g:l\'e up HoprorK"dayyou11 be a s.enlor. I v.-am to thanks to all teachers and fr1ends •


Uarndo. ()ll\1d Morgan Ca..rtsma (Dlwd 114 Four Seru;ons Drive C'Vtlle 2290 I; Honor Roll 1.2.3; llom~room Rep~sentallve I. Who's Who 1.2.3; 5th place Reg.km.al Span tsh I Contest 2, Newspaper Sta1T2; Best JoumaUst of the Year 3; Ac-ad~mlc U!'tt~r 3; Layout Editor 3; tiest S':Ort In AHS In U.S. Nattonal Chemistry Olymplnd 3; National Honor Society 4. Beta Club 4: E<litor-ln-ch.ler of1l1e- l"atr1ot 4: FCA 3.4. ·1n all labor then-: ts pront.·- Provrrbs 14:23. ·strh'c for excellenC't' Look forward. Go straight ahead. Don't look back.· Dave Oarndo

l:k.t,le)•. Robert llkas. Cortez. Ek'a~tJ 2401 Southside lJrtve Non.h Carden 22901; Spanish Club (MHSJ 1.2; JV Football (MHSI2; Outdoor Club 3. Varsity Footba113.4 VanllyCiub 4 "l..otsor people are talkln and a (ewo(them know. that the soul of a woman was created below· · Led Zt-ppltn . ·A man nttds a rnatd." Ne-U Young &-bko. Amv (Amos. Bebku'\, AJm) 687 Rocky Hollow Rd. CVIlle- 22901; Honor Roll 1.2.3,4: F"reoch Honor Society 3.4: President 4; National Honor Society 4: W~llsley l...eadershlp Awnrcl3; Hollins Creative \Vr1llng Award 3; IF'S FrenC'h Award 2; IF'S English Award 3: IF'S Amer1can lltstory Award 3: VA Russian Co\--emors Ac-.ademy 2: Phi Dt-lta Ko1ppas Prospecttve Teachen Academy 3: National YounK U:-ad~r·s Conference 4: OAR 3; National Beta Club 4 Inte-rnational Club

Lantcn1 2: Fon!'nsk:s 1; ACE Uteratu~ Team l.4: School lmpr'O\"t"mmtCommJttcc 1.2. ·rmttallonls5Wdde.· · E~n. Beh~ns. Matthew (Matt, ShonyJ 5 Ot<er Path CV11lc 22901: CrouCounuy 1.3.4: lndoorl'rack3.4:0utdoorTrack Outdoor Club 2.3.4 '7l'w! edge of the-- world does not look far away. to thl.s lam on my way running·· Pa~o lndla.n song

for a young girl

Oenneu. El~beth (Uz. Pan!. Soutros Sholala Ctssotd) Rt.l Box 119 Schuyler 22969: Spanish Honor So<-lety 3.4: Who's Who 1.2.3; Honor Roll Beta Club4. Outdoor Club I; SADD 3; Carnes Club 4: H01'10<back Rldlng "Prithee my d~ar why are we Mre-nobody knows~ go to sleep-as b!'f'Rthlng nows-my mind ~es"'- Pix!~& ·rm sony. was I StU1lf'r1ng?"'

Benmtl. Michele- R (Mitchell, Th~ ~mel) 208 U~ntwood Rd CVUie 22901; Ar<'hJtecturaJ Award 2. 1-lonor Roll; Who'sWho2.3.4; I:JUiy Mitchell Award: Amella Earhan Award. Ph>'IC'IV Complctk>n. Sok> Wll'ljls FCA 1.2.3; BET/I Club 4: Proft"Mkmal Intern 4: Varstty Clrl-. Soccer 1.2.3; CMJ Alr Patrol; Blue Ridge Mountain Group 2.3.4 "He who ha.s no lncllnaUon to learn mo~ wtll be vt'ry apt to thlnk that he knows enough.· Powell Oodlly. Adam Samuel 0\.lba. Ed. Senor. Sammy)2 1OChauce-r

Rd C'VIIlt" 22901: Spanish Honor

Socl~y 2.3.4:

President 4:

NaUonal HonorSocletyVlce-Presldent 4, Harvard Book Award 3. BetaCiub4: ltonorRoU 1,2.3.4.Acadf'mkTeam4. Who's Who 1.2; Captain 2. f'CA I; KeyCiub2.3.4: Cla.ssAdvt.sory 1.3; ICC 3: Honor Council 3.4 "If your Ufe 1s

fne ol'failurcs. you·rt' not taking enough r1sks ... "Laughter has no fon-:tr;:n accent· Paul Lowney Bossi. Tara Mart<" (Bama, Beny, Boz~ Bug) 401 Key West Or. C'Vtlle. VA 22901. Softball I; LDUn 2.4. Pttr 3.4 'A plctun nt'\·er killed anybody. A picture never mup.ged anybody. At wor&t U bttrnys your own lllustons about yourst"lt. · ·Avedon

Booth. Shannon EU.-.abe:th (Shay. Shaylal 2967 Cove Trace 22901: Who's Who 2.3: SADD 2: FCA 3.4: Soccer 2: P«r Counseling 2.3.4. ~From the rudatodatoda • R 1\tmer. "So close no matter how far. couldn't be much mor~ rrom the hean. fo~·f>rtrusttngwho\\'t"are-. and nothing else rnatters.· • Mct..'llllca CVIU~



Eszter Abraham Rebecca Aldred Rebecca Alter Paul Anders

Benjamin Arnold BrendaAwad William Baldwin Bradley Barber

James Barnes David Barredo Robert Beasley Hovik Beaver

In the spring of their junior year, the class got together to vote for five responsible, spirited people to lead their class during the '93-'94 school year. These people would be in charge of the senior gift, fees, trip, and fundraisers. The students elected Jayson Jean as president; Ingrid Lobo as Vice-President; Kelli Sharp as Treasurer; Brenda Awad as Secretary; and Heather Flynn as Senator. The officers organized and won the tailgate contest during Spirit Week this year. To dramatize their theme, "Cage the Pioneers," they made a cage with plastic piping and put classmate Justin Demetsky inside. They also sold nachos off the back of their truck. Throughout the year, the officers organized fundraisers such as selling mugs at Christmas and sponsoring a dance. "Everything takes a lot of time. You have meetings every week and have to plan everything yourself. And senior fees can be a pain, " says treasurer Kelli Sharp. "But everyone gets along and we work well as a team." • Holly Mack

Amy Bebko Matthew Behrens Kelly Belew Elizabeth Bennett

Michele Bennett Shannon Bishop Tammy Bishop Adam Bodily

1994 Senior Class Officers: Secretary Brenda Awad, VicePresident Ingrid Lobo, President Jayson Jean, Treasurer Kelli Sharp, and Senator Heather Flynn.

Seniors • 53

"Say cheese .... and smile!" That's what seniors heard many times as they got their senior pictures taken. Many seniors had their pictures taken by Delmar Studios over the summer . The weather affected everybody. Explained Christy Maupin, "I was sweating, it was hot, and I wore a sweater and jeans." For others, who had their pictures taken the second day, there was wind and pouring rain. For those who ran into such problems. Delmar Studios returned to AHS during the second week of school to retake pictures. Proofs arrived six weeks later. Other seniors had their portraits done professionally at places such as Olan Mills or Cunningham Photography. Aricha Gilpatrick, who missed both of the picture dates set up with the school, had her pictures taken at Olan Mills. Valeria Garcia-Tufro commented, "The ones I got done looked awful because when I pose I never look good." She opted to bring in a snapshot from home. Seniors were allowed to wear any outfits that they wanted and/ or tuxedos or drapes. Many brought several props such as guitars, sports equipment, and even pets. Jared Christensen had his senior pictures taken with the school and prepared by "getting a haircut and dressing nice." Rebecca Viglione had hers done professionally. She said "I got together 14 outfits that I wanted to wear and I got my hair cut." Whether taken professionally, done by the school's photographer, or taken at home by a parent or friend, senior pictures provide a lasting portrait by which to remember those final high school days. • Emily Potter

Rebecca Boone Shannon Booth Tara Bossi Sheri Bourne


54 • Seniors

Lawanda Bowles Colin Boyd Scott Brand Alison Brandenburger

STATS Bourne. 5~11 l.udlle (Rl. ntuba. 1/ 2 double troubl<. Cynthia. Spr1te. Crapc:fmlt. Sh~rtle, Sunshlne Falry) Rt- 9 Box 22 CVUle 22902: ltonor Ro11 l.2.3.4: JFS AcadcmK' ~..toner 3: eacher l«=cogn.lllon 3: SHOllf 1.2: French tlonor Society 3.4: SIP 3,4: Natlonalllonor Society 4: Beta Club 4: llonor Council 4 "Youth Is not a llmtofllfe·lt lsastateofmlnd.lt tsn f~shness Bowles. Lawnnda Btryce C'J)1cey) 116 OorMt Ct . CVUie 2290 I: JV Basketball 2; Varsity Ba.sketbaU 3.4: SHOUT 1.2. ·Donl ~r

let anyone or anybody get tn the! way

or your goals and

droams •

Bnrnd. S<oll Dou!l)as (Banl} 515 Woodmont Dr CVIII<. VA 22901. JV Foocball1.2; Varsity Football3.4 JV Bask<tball 1.2. Var51ty Wrt"slltng 3; Outdoor Track 3. Stuntman 4 Outdoor Club 1.2.3; f'CA 1.2. lhe best way to tum a woman'$

head Is to tt"ll her she has a beauUful proOle.··Sacha Cutuy Brandenburgrr. Alison Marte (All, Gtz.ard Brtath, Allboo.

Thuntpt"r, Allbob, Phellca) 1375 Le Pare Terrace CVU~ 2290 I; Beta Club 4; Honor Roll 1.4: ICC Reprt:senu~ 4: ICC Sec~tary 4: Varsity F1c:ld !-Iockey Varsity Soccer 1; JV Lacrosse 2; Varsity l.acros.rte 3: FCA 1: Var$lty Club 2.3. Outdoor Club 4.

BrazeD. Jeanne CJeans. Uon, Eugen<'. Beanie) 93 WUdfl~r Dr. CVtUe 22901: Who's Who 3.4; NAMES 3; flonor Roll VanJity Tcnnls 2,3,4: Key Club Drama Club 1,2; B<ta Club 4. Cep<aln's CoW>CU 1.4. Tonnls CeptaJn 4; Schoollmprov!!nlf'nt Program 4 . ·1ryou want lt.youjuet got to ~I Bdk\~tnyounei!I'Causett'salljustagamelv.-ejust

want to bt lo\•f'd. • Lrnny KraVItz. Br1ggs. Natasha Lynn (Swiss. Tosha . 1/2 Double Trouble, Ta.sha.. Asha. Naasha. Mellna. l..ytnOn. Zon«<) 766 Squl~ HUI Ct. CVUie 22901; IFS 2.3: Who's Who 1 .2.3: History Award 2: Honor Roll 2.3: SAOD 1: Spanish Club 2; SHOUT 3; llonor Council 4, Beta Club 4 ·Empty your purse Into your head. no man can take Ito way. An Investment in knowl«tgeatwayspays the be-st tntc~&t • F'rankltn. Burm, Mala 1.. {Mia. Mayta. Bum.shouse. MaJatheB.) Rt.2 Box 98 Ruckersvtlk. VA, 22968: National Honor Society 4. Who's Who 1.2.3; Homecoming Court 4; Key Club Committee Chair man3: KeyCiub1n-uurer4: KeyCiub2.3.4; Outdoor Club 1. J V Larroue 1.2; Varsity l...acros.5c: 3: Cn>:5s Country 4; Beta Club4 111eonlyway to have a (r1end lstobeot'M'. • RaJph Waldo

Emerson Butler. Mellssa. 80 Oak Forest Circle. C"VIIle. VA 22901; f'rom PenJnsula Catholic Htgh School: Honor Roll 1.2.3: Mayors YouU1 Committee 3: Annual Leadendtlp Conre~n~ 3.4: Teen

Hotllne 2.3: SpanJsh Society 2.3: Who's Who 3.4; Horm'COmlng Coun 3; SADD; P<p Club 1,2,3.4: M-1 UN 2.3; BasketbaJI 1.2.3: Soccer 1.2,3: Class HlStol1an 1,2.3; lhose who ha~ lltl~ nnd gtve It all are the belle'\o~rs In hfeand theirs t~Jle'\'tt"~pty•

Cain, AndrewJ. (Andy} 2048Whl>p<rtng Woods Dr. CVIII<VA. 22901; B<st All(<bra II Student 2; Authoring 3 books on lhto&ogy slmultanmu.sly: A CrttJcal Exegesis olthe Re\.~latWn of St.John 3,4; Man of Sin: The L.t#nd of the AnUchrtst 4.£xplanaUo Fldet (Lattn ror Exegesis of the F'aHh }4. flonor Counctl 3.4 ·tn all things we arc more than conquerors through him who lovfd us.· Romans 8:37 Calhoun. Chastity Lynn (nty. Squlrt) 316 Minor Ridge Rd. CVIIle • Vn 22901 . 11onor Roll 1,2: Who's Whos 2.3: If'S 2.3: Outdoor Club 1. -"The past cannot be changed but the ruture Is what you make ll. Don't dwell on the past w

cambmiV.JamesLyle; 3360Ca.mdenCt, Keswtck. VA22947: NASCAR I .2.:t School Improvement CommHt~ 3.4; Honor Coundl3.4; NRA 3,4; Rcpubll<an Party Wl'<stllng 1.2 l.acros8e Debate 3,4;Gennan Club 1.2.3. Political f"orum 4, •I( you obey the n.tJes )'OU mJS5 all the best O(tlmes, and whC"therll's ~best of limes. or the worstorumes.lt'sthe only Ume you\.~ go1.• Hepburn Buchwald CampbeU. Mia Marte !Shorty. Europe) Rt. l Box 50. Kettwtck. VA 22947: Who's Who 2: NatiOnal Honor Society 4; Beta Club 4: Honor Roll 1.2.3,4: Spanish Club I: SADD 2.3.4. Powder PufT2. lhc: rnore you complain. the longer God lets you live.· Unknown. lhe ~'Orld when seen through n little chlld'!l eyes greatly rtsemblts paradise.· Unknown. Carney. Er1n Ellzab<th (Gom. Angry) 3049 Arnb<rlleld 1'r CVUie. VA 22901; Honor Roll JV Aeld llockey 1,2; MVP 2; Varsity F'l<ld Hockey 3.4; JV ~.Deroos< 1.2; MVP 2; Captain 2; F'CA 1.2.4; Outd001"Ciub3; Beta Club4 "You must do the thing you think you cannoc do. Eleanor Roc»e\·elt . ·~s go crazyt Lett get nutsJ" Princt'. ·JX young. have funt" Pt-pst Caner. Ashley Coll~n (Ash. Smash1y. 5\\.-et:, Flttl 240 Tei'T(!ll Rd. West. C'vtlle. VA 22901: Spant.sh Honor Society 3.4. Beta Club 4: All A.N!a t-lockey Player 3; Regional Choir I ,2; Who's Who 2.3: Lacrosse 1.2: F'leld Hockey; FCA 1; Varsity Club 2.3: Outdoor Club 4. 'ilte best thtng you've ever done for me 1sto help me take my life less ser1ously. 1fl only life after au.· "Avoid Responsibility.· Chandler Ill . Harlow Mak:olm (Cameraman. Harley. Stewart. Mcf'ly} PO 405 K<wk:k. VA 22947; G<m>an Club 1,2,3.4. Fol'<nsles 1.2.3; PEER staff I; S<ctlon Editor 2; Photography 3. Photography Editor 4; ACE 2: SCA Rep 2; Debate 3; Nauona.t Mtrtl Commended 4. -when walklng on lhln u. you mtght as we:U dance. A Uttle rebellion now and then Is ll('\~r a bad thing" ·Thoma.s JefTe.ntOn •tn Dreams bc-gtn Rt'sponslbiU Ues" U2


Jeanne Brazell Natasha Briggs Erika Brown Maia Bums

Roderick Burton Melissa Butler Christopher Byler Andrew Cain

Chastity Calhoun James Camblos Asia Campbell Cori Canar

Chr1stensen. Jared J .T.) 508 Woodmont Dr .. C'vtlle, VA 22901 : Who's Who 1.2.3: Rep. or Va ror Congrt-sstonal Youth Leadership Counctl: SCA President of Freshmen Class I; Re~n.aJ Choir 3,4; Honor Roll 1.2.4: Lacrosse 1.2.3,4; Wrts tllng 2; Football 2; l.Dcrosoe Club 1: FCA 2.3; Varsity Club 4, Outdoor Club I ·Alto( life Is like a race with ups. downs and all All you ha\"e to do to wtJll.9 rise each time you fall. D.H Crob<rg Cliffon!. sarah Patrld.a (Sewah.Jizz. HeyYou} 2111:1 M<adowfl<ld WayCVIIk2290 1. State Ftna.Jlst Cowmor'sSchool3· Honors· Drama and Cholr"3.4. Drama 2.3.4; DramaCiub0ffiC'Cr4 ·AU the "A'Ortd·s a sta.ge and rm the director and th~ Jead.· "To beor not to bt. What was the question?


• 55

STATS Coif', J('nnU<'r Shannon (Jenny. JC"n. lin Woman) 103 ~~lO"'ll

Crttn CVI.lle 22901;


PuiT l ,3; JV 5oc:'ttl"

Co -Captain 2: Coach's A"--ard 2: Varsity



Most lmprovC"'d 3: F'CA l: Va.rstty Club 3,4 ""'lllat which Is rverybody'8 bu'\lness Is nobody's buslnefJ.,_" "A tNt friend Is

a trensurr" Collins. Kathertn(' B

(Kattr) 33 Four



lnantl~ F'or Success 3: PowdC"r Puff 2.3.4: SHOlff I ; JV Volleyball I . llonor Counctl 4 "Some ~l a lit tiC": some ~et none.· NauJ{hty By Naturt. ·~ rt"bpectful.

22901. llonor Roll 3.4. o~n

mJndcd and



Conwar. Jt'nniftr Uenny.Jen.Jei'UlCft', Guido. OouU"Osshalala Blfolluml l065 Hunter·s Rid~ Rd. E..'l.rly~111C' 22936: IFS Award forCh('ml$try2; IFSA"'-ardforArt 2: lfonor-1{0111,2,3.4: Animal Rights Club 1: Sierra Club 2.3: K Mart Shop~r·s uruon 3; Gan~sCiub4: ~ta Club4 "It's allaodC"arto mt" now. I'm tht" kef'JX'rOfthe cheese. and you·IT tht l<'n'IOn nltn-hanL .. Rrn ll~k . ·No cows!.. T~ ThiJI Copeland. Matthew AlJen (Matt. Cope. Cople) 220 Te~ll Rd CVIII~ 22901. Prtnctpars Honor Roll 1.2.3; Betn Club 4: 1992 VA EduNulon Confert:nce 3; Ma~ Cum l.au<k' Sllvtr Metal Na11on..'\l LaUn Exam 3: IFS 2.3; Who's Who 2.3: 9th grade Football I , JV Football 2; Varsity Football l.A!ttennan 3; Wc-sumOLstr1ctAIIAca<kmicF'ootbaiiTtam3;JVL.ac~



La~ Tn~m 2.3: lacrosse Club I. \'anlty Club 3: Honor

COuncU Ex~uu,·e Council 4; JCL 3 -san Botdty • Martin Luth~. -nme and space are physk>logk:al colors which the q-e the soul ls Ugtur Ralph Waldo Emerson ·t.aunch youi"5C'If on Every Wave, nnd your ettmlly tn ('\~ty moment... H('nry David Thoreau. makes. but

Cr.n-rr, St('phen Mlchael (Btscun, Esteban) 2432 WhJtney Court CVIII(' 2290 I: Albemarle Patr1ot Band Award 3; Cross Country3.4; OutdoorTrack lndoor1"nl<'k3.4: Marching Band 1.2.3; Jaa. Band 2.3.4: Drum Major 4; Dlstrlct IV

Con«rt Uand 3: SAOO 3.4: Gennan Club 4 Irue.· · Ste\o-en Tyler

·o~am unttlyour

d~am~ C"'im"

Crt-asy. AnnJe L.dgh (Smannte. CraeyCreazy. N:annk') P.O. Box

3972 CVIUt 22903; Outdoor Club 1.2.3;


3: PM:r

CounMlor . .JV Basketball 1.2: JV f'ltold llockty I: Tnlck 3 "I.Jke r1vt:rs. \lo"C grew together and w111 dlvkle. e\-Tntually v.-e wUI end up at the s.aJ1lt' p~acr· Cr18C1one. nmothy f' (Tlm. Crunchy. l~anut. Peanut 1-lead. Fred. Ramone. Scrumptious. Pughn) 61 Gtorgetown Crttn CVUie 22901. SCA President 4. Junior Cia~ ~nntor 3;

School Improvement 1.3.4. Stude-nt R('cognltlon 3.4. lk-autlllcaUon Committee 3.4: School Mascot 3: Who's Who 3,4; Sllv('nne'(lal NauonaJ l.aUn Exam 3; Clft('d and talented Task F'ort'e 4. Stude-nt Advlsory 3.4 . .5oc<-c-r 1.2~ F'ootball 2: Sle01lCiub2.3.4. f'CA I . PecrCourudor JCL3.4. Key Club 4 Honor Council 4: T\1 Partsh Youth CoordlnaUng CommittM 4 lobe' a man. you ha"~ to ~atth(' man. If you can't bt-at him. jotn ~- .. Cr111.<r. llolly 0.~ (Holly Molly) P 0 . llox 451 Kuwlck 22947: CATEC Cosmetology 3.4: Chorut~ 1.2; llonor Rolt SAOD 2.3: F1-lA 3: Povodtr Pufff'ootball1.2 ·trvou would not be rorgouen. dlher wr1te things worth rt-adln~ or do things worth writing.· Benjamin F'ranklln Crou~. Richard Jertmla.h (Crou~. Pre1ty Boy) 302.5 Copper KnoU CVtllr 2200 I: Who's Who 3: Outdoor Club 2; Varsity Club3.4; Cross Country 1.2: IndoorTrack I ; Track I: Wrestling 2.4; FootbaU 3.4 -vou only ltv!! life on('('. llany liard ·

Damon. Amelia Bu<"kley (Meals. Oats) 202 CrMn~ Park C'VUI(' 2290 I : Nauona.J Honor Socitty 4. &ta Club 4; Concert Chotr Prnl<knc 4; Sophomore Advisory 2: Who's Who 1.2.3; Frrshman Ensemble I: Concert Choir 2.3.4 Dtstrtct Cholr I:

Honor Roll 1,2.3.4' JV Volleyball 1: v ....uy Volleyball 2.3 JV i.acroM< I. Varsity Lacro... 2.3.4; F'CA 1.2. Varsity Club 3, Outdoor Club 4. AIJ~Academk Ath~Uc Te-am "'The de(tct of equality It that we only cksl~ It with our su~nors .. Henr1 Becque. "Never play leaprrog wtth a untrom.•

Danwakarls. Crorge Z. (Greek, Precklesl2800 Brookmere Rd. C'VIIle 2290 I; Lacrosse 1.4; FootbaU 3; Yahtzee Club 3.4; Outdoor Club 1 "Ure·s a Joke.· CrMk. "l«rntmber to take a ltft ac Albuquerqut:" ... - Bugs Bunny Chrtstop~r John (Dar. Pugsley! 344 Keyv.-~st Dr CVillt22901 ; ~ltcl'l"d l.n l...ac-n,)ss,e t .2.3.4. 9thgradefuasurer I, E~15h Rrp 2 ,3, Powder Puff Coach I. Prtnctpals Advloors Council 3: Patriot Singers 4; lDS B OaU champlonshJp 4; Varsity LaC1'0:55C F'rench Club l; Lax Club I; Varsity Club 2. fCA 2; llonor CouncU 2.4. Cerman Club 3; Studtnts For Oeorgt Alkn 4 _ Lacrosse lntermumts 2. ~ou only lt\-e once. and lfyou play It rtght once ls all you n~ .· Joe ~1s


"\Y(' ain't gotn' outl" · &n Dogg

Oavts. Kr1sllnn (Kr1sUe. Uttlc Susie) 2669 Apt. 6 Barrac.ks Rd. C"v1Jie 2290 l; Drama Club 2: Gennan Club I; SADD 3; Tr('a.sure:r 4 ·gue Sera, Que Sera. Whatf'Vtr will b(' wUI be. Tile ruture's not ou.rs to sec. Qu(' Sera. Str.. • Oavts. Stewart Allen (BeefStewt 2413 Nonhfldds Rd. CV~ 2290 I, Bal.kctbal11.2: SADD I: Volleyball Club 3 'Lov<IJI not fll('asured by how many Urnes you touch each other but by how many t1oles you rt"a<'h ('3Ch other.·

DawkJm. Marc (Marky Mark. Snlkwad. Cram. Buddyt 24 I 9 Commonw9hh Dr C'\'Ute. VA 22901 : Honor's Band 1.2.3; Jazz Band 2.3.4. Man:hlnj! Band I ,2,3.4. SOlo Em<mbk 2; Who·s Who 3; OECA 3; National fkta Club 4; ~lk: curious always! For knowledgr will not acquire; you must ac:-qutre it.·Sudl(' Back Dell~tf(anna. Deanna Yur1 (Dee. Yurt) 955 Madison Dr. Early&vtlle. VA 22936: Choir Dlstr1ct Rcgtonal!t 3.4 : Patrlot Singers 3.4; Choir 1.2 .3.4; Color Guard 2.3.4. Who's Who 3: Drama Club 2; Sirn-a Club 3: Beta Club 4 .. Uvt" to touch your df'('ams. df'('am to touch thr stars. but rt:lmmber that It takes mot(' than d~ to kttp your fantasle-~ alive l.o\-·(' ya guys!"



Erin Carney Ashley Carter Chic'kon Carter John Carter

Harlow Ch andler Jared Christensen Sarah Clifford Amanda Cole

Jennifer Cole Katherine Collins Yolanda Colter Ashlee Colvin

"Hmmm. Dol have enough

~~~~iii~ money for ~

Mike Tapscott munches on chicken nuggets at Chick-FilA in the mall during his lunch break from school.

Calvin Conner Jennifer Conway Matthew Copeland Brian Craddock

that?" Erin Carney counts out her money as she purchases her food during S1EP.

Brad Barber hastily finishes off his soft taco and Mountain Dew at Taco Bell before heading back to school in time to get to class.

Stephen Craver Melissa Crawford Annie Creasy Timothy Criscione

Seniors •


Holly Critzer Richard Crouse Margo Czarski Amelia Damon

~ 58

• Seniors

George Damvakaris Christopher Darden Angela Davis Kristina Davis

Marc Dawkins Deanna Dellaganna Justin Demetsky Jesse Dibble

Charlotte Ding Kara Dodrill Neepa Doshi Chad Dotson

STATS Demetsky. Justin Trevor (Pep. Pepe, Colden Boy. V1adlmlr, Potsy, J.T. Wonderful. Ricky Wade) 2221 Dominion Or. C'vtl\e 2290 I: JV Football 1.2: Varsity Football 3; Basketball I : Wrestl.l.ng 3: FCA l,2.3. ''Wlnners find ways. looscrs make excuses."

Olng, Charlotte (Ding. Char. Dtng-a-llng, Charlt":nel 145 Woodlake Dr. CVtlle. Va 2290 I : Honor Roll second semester2: County Honors Band 3.4: Dlstrtct V Symphonic Band 3.4: Band Boosters ScholarshJp 3; Solo Enst'mble 2,3.4: Dlstrlct Festtvall,2,3,4: Key Club 3.4: Oand Club 1.2: Concert Band J:

Symphonic2.3.4: Marehlng Band 1.2.3. •Jfyoulove life. llfe wt ll love you back.Doshi. Nccpa (Neep. Uttle So Neep. Nose. Doshi. Neepi. Chlcal) 2211 WUIIam.sburg Rd. CVIIIe, VA22901 ; HonorRoll1.2.3.4:

NaUonal Honor Society 3.4: SpaniSh Honor Sot':lety 2,3.4: Spanish Honor Society Exec. Council 4: IF'S 2.3.4: Vo.rstty ennis 3; Key Club 1.2.3: Honor CouncU; SADD 3,4: School Improvement Program 3,4; Beta Club 4; VA DLsoovery Museum 2.3.4; Teacher Aide 3.4. ·Uve ror today. dream ror tomorrow.learn from yesterday.· ·anonymous ·Never let school Interfere wtth your education.· ·Mark Twain

Douglas. Emtly Ann(Em. Ernie. Emmal23531lexCt. CVIIIe, VA 22901; Varsity Lc:ller 4: F'lrst & Second Place tn School An Show 2: Honor Roll Honored In Chemistry: Honored In World History: IF'S Award Art 2: Certificate of Mer1t 1.2: All erican AthleUc Team 3.4: Field Hockey Outdoor Club 1; Sierra Club 2.3.4: Beta Club 4: School Improvement Commmee 4: NaUonal Honor Society 4. ·No one Is useless in this world If he or she lightens the burdt'ns or others.· Dugan. Thomas Eugene n·eddy. Ted. Dottie. Bob. Jack the Hachet Man. Zimbabwe wan1or or the lmpuety trtbe) I 17 enybrook Or. CVUie. VA 22901: Key Club International Chairperson 4: Manager Tennis Team Letter I : Medal or Excellence In District VBand J-..esUval3: JazzBand4; Marching Band Squad Leader 4: Key Club lnternaUonal3.4. ·Hey teach· ers. leave us kids alone.·· Ptnk Floyd

Eades. Ollvla OanJelle (Uver1 Rl.l Box 97 Earlysville. VA 22936: Chorus Jr. Regtonals 1: Patriot Singers 3,4; Choir Council Member 3: Cholr President 4: Cholr Choreographer 4:

Homecoming Court 3.4: Homecoming Queen 4; Cheerl~adtng Varsity 3.4: Captain JV 2: Captain Varsity 4: Freshman Class Rep. 1: Sophmore Class Rep. 2: Junior Class Rep. 3:SCA Treasurer4: FCA 1.2: VarsltyCiub3.4: Peer Counseling I .2.3.4: School Improvement Program 1,2.3.4: Block Scheduling ConunJUt:e 3. MLove ha~ Its reasons. that reason knows nothing ofl Never let a fool kiss you or a kJss fool you!· Ebersold, Colton: 21141lmber Pointe Rd. CVtUe, VA 22901; National Mertt Commended St ude:nt: Spanish National Honor Soctety: National Honor Society: Football 4: Lacrosse Swimming 1.2: Wreslllng 3: Indoor Track 4: Science Club 3. 'VJhat"r· Colton Edwards. Ashley Brookman (Shlee. gueen. Eddie Bauer. Ashamon.ster, Ash , E.shley. Curly) 1707lambs Rd. CVIIIe. VA 22901: Dartmouth Book Award 3: Magna Cum Laude on Natk>nall..aUn Exam 2.3; National Merit Commt'nded Student 3; NaUona1 Honor Society 3.4: Beta Club 4 : Clae.slcal Honor Society 2.3.4: Who's Who 2.3.4: Honor Roll 1.2.3,4: PEER: Sports Editor 1.2: Edltor-tn·ChJef3.4; JCL2.3.4; Secretary4: FCA Honor Council Class Representative 1.3.4: Student Advisory 2.3.4: History Academic Team 2.3.4: Co·Captatn 2: Choir 1.2. "These boots are made ror walk.ln and that's just what they'll do. One of lhesc days these boolS are gonna walk all over you.·-Nancy Sinatra Elder. Erika Dawn (fuldsha. Flakey. Double E) 1809 Brenda Court CVIIJe 2290 I: Nationally Commended Mertt Scholar 4: Outdoor Track Captain 2; ~ta Club 4; Indoor Track Outdoor TTack SAOO 2: SHOt.rr 3: National Honor Society 4. ·Make peace wtth those you love and that love you or wtlh those you wish to love.· - AUce Walker.

Emert. Brtan (Emu) I 135 Fox Ridge Ortve Earlysville 22936: Choir Otst.rtct Reglonals 4: PaU1ot Slngers 3,4; Football 1: Wrestling I: Baseball 1.2.3,4; Volleyball Club 1.2: Outdoor Club 1: FCA 2.3.4: School Improvement 3.4. "Someumes people focus on somelhlng so far away, that they rnJss the things standing right next to them. Open your eyes. Don't mJss the fun.· Emmttt. Jessica CJt":sst. Jesslms. EmmJtt Smith. Jess. Skank. Bridger) 1734 fTankUn Drtve CVUie 2290 I: Socttr 1.2: Sierra Club 2.3: FCA 1: An Club 4. ~Ocu Loctove Zoctebroctas! 1 feel a tick on my head and he's sucking on my head. In the morning 111 be dead.- - Ween. English, Melissa Otane (Mel. Mabie. Mt":ltza. Melt) 2624 Huntington Rd CVII1e22901: BetaCJub4: Who'sWho3: Honor Roll I : NCTE Contest 3: JV Basketball 1: Varsity Basketball 2; Cross Country 3,4; Captain 4: Coach'& Award 4: All Academic/ AthleUc Team 4: Indoor Track 3.4: Captatn 3: Outdoor Track Captaln 3: SAOO 1: F'CA 2.3.4: Captaln's Councu 3,4 -Be: good . live rtght and take your Ume. Don't try to race the world.· • Annie Ashley.

Esposito. FaJth (Babbles. Blondle. Klutz. Moonshine . Crtp. Short Stuff'. Sldlls) 9 Georgetov.n Green CVille 22901: Honor Roll 3: School Improvement 4: Marc;:hlng Band 1,2,3; Color Guard 1.2.3: Most Improved I: Captaln3: Class representaUve 3: Student Advisory CouncU 3; JV & Varsity Lacrosse Manager 2.3: PowderPuff 4: Assistant Director "Taming of the Shrew'" 4: Drama Club 2.3.4; Officer 4: Thespian 4: ·1 always knew I'd laugh at the ttmesl cried. bull never thought I'd cry at the times llaughed .-1'11 never forget "

Emily Douglas Derrick Dudley Thomas Dugan Olivia Eades

Brandy Easton Colton Ebersold Ashley Edwards Brian Edwards

Erika Elder Brian Emert Jessica Emmitt Melissa English

Estes. Ryan Patrick (festes. Test us, Te~tums. Test) 416 Carrsbrook Or. C'v111e 2290 I: Art Club I: Sierra Club 2.3: J. V. Lacrosse I: Varsity Lacrosse 2.4: Lettered 2.4. alf you are a btg. btg tree we: are a small axe. sharp and ready, ~ady to cut ou down. to cut you down.· - Bob Marley



STATS Fabian, Erik Michael (F'abs. Hey Tall Guy. Nuk Nuk Cod ofF1re,

Bob) 3160 Crossfield lane. CVtlle. VA 22901: Lettered Tennis 3,4: MVP Tennis 3: MASH 3; The TamJng of the Shrew 4:

National Thesplan Society 4 : Varsity Tennis 2.3.4:


Club I: Outdoor Club 2: Drama Club 3.4: -rhe lnte!Ugent man Rnds almost everything t1dlculous. the sensible man hardly anything.~

Goethe: ·rm just a duck man... strlctly a duck

man.··Carl Barks fartnholt. Kevtn Morrts Rt. 18 Box 14 C'vUie22901: Honor Roll 1,2.3.4: Who's Who 2.3.4: Volleybal12: french Club 3: F'rench

Honor SOCiety 3.4: National Honor Society 4: Beta Club 4. ·slmpUcity Is the foundation for greatness.· featherer, Tara Kristen


Polo, McTara) 1845

Amberfleld Drtve. CVIIIe. VA 2290 I: Junior Class RepresentaUve 3: Jazz Band 4: Marching Band Squad Leader 3.4; Most Improved F'reshman In Band I: Who's Who 3: YAOAPP 3: Montreat 3: SADD 3.4: Secretary 4: German Club I: Beta Club 4: Gennan Amertcan Partnership Program I: "Forevertrust In who you are and nothtngeJst" matters." -MetalUca: 1lte grace of our lord Jesus Christ be wtth you all. Amen.·-Revelation 22:21

field Ill. George Wythe (-ter) 3190 Malbon Dr. CVUle. VA 22901: Markellng Club: "Everything has Its beauty but not everyone ~ lt." l-1ynn. Healher Randle: 135 Ivy Ridge Rd. CVllle. VA 22901: National Honor Society 3,4: President 4: NatJona.l LaUn Exam:

Cold Medal 3: Vlrgtnla Girl's State 3: Who's Who 2.3: LaUn llonor Society 3: Beta Club 4: Class Rep. 1.2; Class ln:asurer 3: Class Senator 4: SIP 3.4: History Academic Team 4; Teacher

Cadets4: HomecomlngCourt2: llonorRoll1.2: Lantem2:JCL 3.4: KeyCiub3.4: OutdoorCiub2: FCA I; HonorCounctl2.3. 4: Cross Counuy 4: Indoor Track 2; JV Field Hockey 2; JV Lacrosse 1: 1'hank you. no!" : "I count my~lf In nothing else so happy...As In remembering my good (rte nds."-Shak.espeare Foster. Betsey Faith (Bets) 107 Terrybrook Dr. CVIIe, VA 22901: National Honor Society 4: Spanish Honor Society 4: Beta Club 4 : Co-Captain of t he Flag Corps 3.4: Key Club 2.3.4:

FCA 1: Marching Band 1:


Corps 2.3.4: Jazz Band 3.4:


Band I: Symphonic Band 2.3.4: "He who pursues righteousness and IO\'e Ond.s life, prosperity. and honor.· Proverbs 21:21 Fost~r. Shelly Hence: 781 Old Brook Rd. CVIIle. VA 22901: HonorRoll1.2.3.4: Key Club 1,2:Who'sWho2;JunlorCiasslcal League VIce Pn!sldent 4: Principal Student Advisory Rep.4: ~uve each day as if It was your last day, because before you know lt ... It \\fill be.~

FrankJtn, Kristen Aaron (Krts. KRSS 10, Farfugnewgan) Rt. 4 Box 63 C'vt.lle 22901: Jr. Regional Chorus 1: Midsummer Ntght's0ream3: Art Club 1: KeyCiub3.4: Thesplans3.4. "Ufe ts but a stage and "'-e are m~re actors!"· Shak~speare.

Calavottt. Holly: Rt.2Box 129Earlysvtlle. VA22936: ltonorRoll Who's Who IFS; Fn-shmenCheerleadlng I: JV Cheerleadtn.g 2: Varsity Cheerleadtng 3; JV Soccer I : Varsity Soccer 2.4: Qulll and Camera I : Key Club 2.3: Outdoor Club 4: IkbateTeam 4: Beta Club 4 ; "Be nobody-but youn;elfln a 1.1.'0rld which Is doing Us best to make you everybody elsemeans to fight the hardest battle and never stop."-E.E. CummJngs Galtone. Krtstopher J. (GAL) 2609 Northfield Rd. CVIlle. Va 22901: CASTNaUonalTt:am 1: Who'sWho3; VPVarsltyCiub 4: F'CA2.3: LacrosS(' 2.3.4: History Team 3.4: Beta Club 4; .. Ufe Is Just one damned lhlng after another."·Thomas O'Mally Oarda·Tufro. ValertaA. (Val. Big Val) 408 Eastbrook Or. C'vtlle 2290 I: French Honors Society 2.3.4: Secretary 4; NoUonal Honors Society 3.4: Wllo's Who2.3.4: Class Rep. 3.4: Beta Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.4: 8th State French NaUonal Exam 2: Varsity Field Hockey2.3.4.: Outdoor Track 2.4: lndoor1'rack2: Key Club 2.4: Varsity Club 3: Honor Council 1.3.4. · 1rs his

loss.· Gannan. Patricia Ann (Pattie. "P"J 1610 Poe:s Ln. CVllle. VA 22901; National Honor Society 4: Who's Who 2.3; IFS 1,2,3: Teacher Cadet 4: Beta Club4: Track 1: Marching Band 1: Flag Corps 2.3.4: Co~Captaln 4: Symphonic Band 2: Concert Band l; FCA 1: Key Club 2.3.4: ~In everythln.g you do. remember the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would like others to do unto

you Gay. Wendy Erin (PeeWee. Blossom) 2784 Earlysvtlle Rd. Earlysvtlle, VA 22936; Volleyball: Best Defensive Player 3. Penta -Captain 4. JV All·Toumamc:nt Team 2: All·Acadernlc Team 3: Second Team All Districts 3; Softball All Academic Team 3. Second Team All Dts1rtct 2; Who's Who 3: IFS award 1: Art Club 1: Key Club 2.3.4: Volleyball JV 1.2: Varsity 3.4: Softball Varsity Deta Club 4: Powder Puff 4: ·1r you can't be true to yourself. you can't be true to anyone." Gentry. Christopher Scott: 1548 Coolspring Rd. CVtlle. Va 22901; Baseball t .2,3.4: Honorable Mention in Dtstrtct Baseball 3: SADD Club; ~Chris was In lhe house In '94 and now I am gone."

Genuy, Parrts Nk:cle (N!k Nlk) 775 Bridle Path Or. Earlysville. VA22936: Explorers4: Chorus Reglonals 1,2: Patriot Singers 4: STE~ SHOl.IT; SADD: Outdoor Club: Cosmotology: VICA: Uons Club. "Love Is life ln all U.s aspects: so If you miss love. then you miss life." Gerke. Jennifer Dawn (Jennle. Jt>n, Jeneyd Rt.4 Box 155 CVUle. Va 2290 I: Honor Roll Bela Club 4: Who's Who 4: Marching Band Forensics; Captain 4: Key Club 2.3,4: Academic Team 1,2.3.4; 4H 1,2,3,4; Secretary lbe most beautiful thtng we can experience Is the mysterious. It Is the source of all lhe true art and science. "Albert Einstein .



Faith Esposito Ryan Es tes Erik Fa bian Kevin Farinholt

Tara Feather er George Feild Steven Feilds Anselmo Feliciano

Jody Flora Steve Floyd Heather Flynn Bet sey Fos ter

Carpe lliem Toga l!la1!J

L :a\IDIE::. . . During Spirit Week, the Senior Class goes all out dressing up for SeniorTogaDay.

Becky Rehm carefully spreads cream cheese on her bagel at Bodo's on Senior Toga Day.

Kristen Franklin Holly Galavotti Kristopher Galione Valeria Garcia-Tufro

Patricia Garman Jessica Garnett Wendy Gay Christopher Gentry

Brian Craddock bares his chest at school on Senior Toga Day.

Jeff Holland and Jared Christensen get in the Roman spirit wearing togas to school.





Werkiag fawarrds Many seniors started preparing for college in the spring of their junior year. The process started with the SAT and continued into the summer as students tried to visit as many colleges as possible. At the beginning of their senior year many students made a list of possible college choices. They could then take them to their guidance counselors, who helped them with the application process and suggested that the student write or call the colleges for applications early in the year. Students also had to file a transcript request with Mrs. Thumeck at least a month in advance of their earliest deadline date. The average senior applies to five colleges. Guidance counselors urge them to be diligent in finishing the sections of every application including any required essays and get the counselor sections of the application to their counselor as soon as possible. •Holly Mack

Christine Krizek takes a quiet moment in the Media Center to work on her college applications.

Parris Gentry Jennifer Gerke Andrew Giffen Jessica Gill


• Seniors

Aricha Gilpatrick Lacey Goehringer Katia Golovatyuk Gregory Goode

STATS Glff~n.

Andrew Duncan (Drtw. R«l Card) 210 We-.tmlnst~r Rd C"VIII<. Va 22901.1FSEngllshAword2. Go-·<mor'5School

for Laun 3: l"tarffi at V.JCL 3.4: Latln Exam Gold M«t.-.1 t .3. l...utn F.x.'lm SU\'t-r Medal 2 : Socct'r Captain 2; JCL, ~sklent 4 ; UonorCouocU4. HonorRo\ IF'S I .2.3.4 , C~s Rrp 3. latin Honor Soddy 1.2.3: lktaCiub4 Stmbaf. -Tlln.an;' F'rkndshlps art: Ukc Dov.~rs You (K'(':a~tonally nttd to water them. Cod sho-."S hlm!Pelf tn ltttlfo thtnp;s.· AntiOCh '92 ; ·Hantttz sells ch~urger!l"' ·~up.

Gill. Jc~~ka ~wts. Rt.6 Box 36 CVUlc. VA 22902. JV ~ket baU 1.2. JV La~ L Varsity 2.3.4; Outdoor Club 1.2. Vanity Club 3.4; Beta Club 4, To my c-IOMst friends· ·Fr1end5 con\f' and frk'nds m...'\y go my friend. you·~ rt'al I know . 1)-u(' 6C.Lf you tl.'l\T shown you're alright wtth me.· ..Jand Ja(·k-.on Cllpatr1<'k. At1cha (Ric. E. Guga, CMp. Sarah Krlly. ChiC'~' R«kn 0. Special K. Babel 410 Eastbrook Or. CVIII<. VI\ 2290 I. S)Janlsh JlonorSoclety2.4: Sk.lppedJuniorYearl; l:kta Club4;llonort«.II1.2.4:Spanl.shClub I:GemlanCiub 1: lttr

CounM"IIng 2,4; Orarm Club I: CMC 1V Club I; l>atr1ot Sln,i.!t"r.t 4. Tmck L Outdoor Club 2.4; Vi« l"n-~ident 4 "Bfo wan1ed In time. Jan1~s. and remaln as 1do. lncomprThcnslblt': lO bt- gl't'at '" to bt- misunderstood • OSt·ar Wilde

C«hringcr. laC'ey ~bekah (Spacey. Btg U 22 19 Dominion Or CVille. VA 22901: llonorRoll1.2.3.4 , Who's Who3: Spanbh Uonors Socit-ty 3.4; SK~tary ofSHS 4, SIP 3.4, FCA 1,2.3.4 , St-nk>r 1«-p 4.11onorCOuncti4:JVF'Jto:kl Hockey2: \'aro;tty fkld ltockcy 3.4. Var.,ltyTrack 3.4; Chttrlead~rCaptain 1: l:kta 4 many, Lrust (~. learn to paddle your own canoe.unknown ll1t- htart has lUi reasons that fl"1L-,onMln't romp~




"Happy trails unul ""~ ~~ au,tn!"

Colo\,Uyuk Katta (Kalla) 2633-F UarTack.s Rd. CVUlt", VA 2290 I; f'~och Honor Soctdy 4 National &ta Club 4 "92- "93 AHS 11-"'S (Health 91 Award 2 : llonor Roll JntrmaUonaJ Club 2. Sl('rra Club 4 I(' penS(', done jc suts'· Re~ D«cu"tett 11596 16501 MtnorRJd~ Rd . C\1lle22901 : Lk'f'n~ in Co<:trnctol~· (rom PTC: Honor MusJe Student Uland. tlalk>t Pointe: Tennis 4; Out Back Club I "lie that bt-llcvc' In htmMif 5hall St'C'C'C'Cd. •


Crov(', Tara (Tara h. Grovrrl514 0 Gc-rogetown Rd . CVIIIt. VA 22901 :Ali(C"bra II Award I; HfstoryOayAward I; World History Awilrd I . Fo!Tnstcs Om tory State Champ 2~ Regional Choir 3; F'~Tnch Covt"mors&hool3: Forensfcs2.3.4: Captain 3; Frt:n<'h

Club 2.3; t>restd('nt 3: Math Team Captain 2.3: Sc-hool Improvement Program French Jlonor Society 3.4: ICC rf'p.4 "l ..."l ~tre~~- c'("st l'cs~n~ de rna vte.Je n(' ffiC' detends J~mMI"l et je n(" le femi JamaisW Ha'-·kett. Jr-llrey Colin (Sir Wetly. Jeffy the l:kffy frfly. Wt"fT W<lfy. Jeffie. !!<If. 1'001 411 Key Wcost. CVIII<. VI\ 22901 SymphonJc B..'lnd S«Uon {..('ader 2.3.4 : \1alt"hlf\lt Band .Jau En~mble 2.3.4. Hono~ Band, fln-.t Chillr 2.3.4. Outdoors Club 3: MonUttUo V<"lo Club HI(")'(' If' R.,c~ngTeam 1 .2.3.4 "Ema.nclpatcyour.;.ellfrom nw-n tal <iilaVf'ry f'\one- but ourscl\-'<'s can fi"C'C our mind~· Uob Marl<)-


H.tck.n<'-) . Jamtt" L~'TUl~ (Grnsshopper1 1902C ln..,ewood Or CVt11<"2290l. SADO 1.2.3;FH~4.FHA I. "Dowhatyouw.ilnt ~md think about paytni( for II lata and lf you dklll um,t not mind payt~ (or It'-


Ham.tmk'hl . Shu"" IShOC', Shu. Socki2607C Hn.lraulic Rd

CVIIte-, VA22901. MJJ>tn Uand2;Albemartc U.-uld PatJ1,,. Award 3; Who''\ Who 2: Honors Band 1,2,3: Football I , K("Y Club Jao Band 2.3.4: March~ Band ·Squad Lrotdf'r -1 . "'You don ·l always Mn. you don·t alwa:vs I~. but no mmt<"r what you do, aJways know th<" truth 1n this ~alUy" ll~ulow. Arnie Marie: 25 Gror~ctown Cret-n CVIIIt.• 22901 . Conc·t·rt B..uut 1,2:SADD I, Man:hLngBand 1,2; KcyCiub2. 4 ~when you fcelllkt" hope Is gone look tru,ideyou and tx- &trong and you"ll finally S<"e the truth, that a hero lies In you I·

Uarmon. Klnuy Ellt.abeth (Kirs) Rt.6 Box 56 H. CVIIIe-. VA 22902: Gf'nnan Honor Soctcty 2.3.4: Who's Who 1.2.3: lt-'"5 award'i In Art. ~nnan & Earth Sctc-ncc; Younl( Women In Self' nee: C~mor·s School Vlsu.saJ Arts: Ccrm.m Art Awards:

t lonor Roll; Gf'nnanCiub Pl'('sldcnt 2.3.4: Powder PuiTF'ootball 3. NatiOI\al Honor Socldy. l:kta Club. -A flown goc:s ovcr thf' meadow. 'ittS a beautiful man and r1~ hi~ head orT ~

unknown t-larT1s . Ann Marie (Annif', "Pan Pans~. Scolt:,\illc. Anni<"pooh) Rt I 0o:(339. Scotts\111<". VA24590: ~aUonaJ BciaCiub4 . IFS

Award 2 : Honor Rol12: Class Rfop. 2.3: Who's \Vho2.3: \'at"''ity Soltballl.2.J.4:SHOliT Cross Country 1.2.:1.4 "Any· way, myllf~ was gn-at here, but now l'mkavtnli!: lt!xhlnd F'or 1he Orlf'<t to come <"njoy the llf~ as a SenJoc" H.lrrts. RlchardH=ry(Dick.Richi<. Rlch)Rl.1 Bax339Scocts\'tlle. VA 24590. Who's Who 4, SUOL11'2; Varsl~ Club 3: KryCiub lntematlonal4. WrestUng; Flrst ~JVTouri Clly County Championship 1.2.3: Western 1Jistr1ct Champlom.hlp

1.2.3. 1'o mc to live Is Chr1st; and to die' Is to ~ln." Hathaway. Scott: Rt.7 Uox 280 CVUk-. VA 2290L VICA .11 CATEC3.4

Geoffrey Goodell Julia Gray Darrell Greep Tara Grove

Jeffrey Hackett Eric Hall Lisa Hall Shusei Hamamichi

Natalie Haney Arnie Harlow Kirsty Harmon Ann Harris

llc~cmlcr, Abb)· Marl<" !Shabby. Abbtgatl. Brid~tl 580Arrow head Dr Earlysville. VA 22936: Student Advisory Comntlti« 2, Who'!~! Who; ScnJorCiass Rep.4;JV F'1eld I Iockey 1.2: VatSity Fk-ld Hockey3.4;.JV Ba~ketbaU 2: FCA 1,2.3.4. NaUonal ~taCiub4; CaptalnofFtf'ld Hockey2.4 ·tfyou go out looking ror friends. you're going to flnd they're very ~an't". If you go out to be it frtend. you'll Ond them c:'\'C"rywhe!'T."

Hentey. Taml Lynn (Redlll5Wendoverl.n. CVlllt", VA 22901

"Patlt'fl("(" Is not paoJSI\·e: It Is active. conccnlrntcd strt'nl(lh" ll<'rbel1. unan Curti~; PO Box 267 EarlysVille. VA 22963: NaUonal Mer1t Scholar 3. Lacro:,.s.e Cross Country I, Colf2.3 , GennanCiub 1.2.3; Ecology Club 1.2 . 1lle~·llth.at nW'n do II\·('~ afttr th~m. the good IS often lnf<"nftl wtlh tht"lr bone~ .· Shakespear("





ban: )740 GOidemrre Dr. CVUic-. VA 22901: AHS

L.atln Honor Society 3; Outdoor Club 3.4. FCA 1.2: S Junior Cla.aslcal l..(oagut 3.4, Beta Club 4 anybody ~mcmtxr Laughtc-r''r



~ ~~Un

Holland. J<ITrey Ckn U<lll'ral 1220 Blxham La~. CVllk. V 2290L rotatton.'\lllonorSOCtc-ty3.4; Spanish Honor~ty3.4 SaUonaJ 1X1a Club J.4: SC'hobr Athk-tt 3; Boys State 3 Frtshman Football 1~ JV YoocbaU 2; Varsity foocbaU 3.4; ~r 1.2: VaM\ItySocttr3.4 Wrt'StUn,g2: KeyCiub2:0utdoo Club 4 ·11 s suppost'd to bf- tough I( It wasn't tough t.lY ~rvbody "-"'Ukt do It Its lM IOU~ that makt-5 you great.Jb1111'1\1Dugan Jackton. ntavisl...« (l'n\\111. Tra\15 Trav. T~) 1524 W~t.Oekl Ct CVUIC'. VA 22901; 5«-ond Team All Dlstr1ct, Honorable Men· Uon. VarBity l..('lttrs ln Football & Ba.skC"tb.'ll1: F'ootbaU

BaskC"tball 1.2.3,4. SIIOUT; Varsity Club. -Don't talk about ll.

1x about fl ." Jean, Jayson lion (Bean) 83 Cif'orgetown


CVlUe, v

2290 I; Boys StatC' 3; llom«<mlnft Coun 4: Class Treasurer 2 SCA VI~ ~sldcnt 3: Cln.ss ~sldent 4: History ACE Team 3.4 SLP Key Club2.3.4: Varsity Lacross< 2.3.4:JV Lacro I; BMketball 1.2: Sterm Club 2. ·Don't do what you can hold o unttl tomom>wt tr you hnvt' t1me to sl«p. ullllu tu• Span1sh l lonorSociety3.4.11onorslland 1.3.4:Disu1ct Band I HonOr Rolf:; Squad Lt3<kr2; National Merit CollUlX'nd Student4; l\-1..'\Jl'tungBand 1.2:Conttrt Band l:Symphonlc 2.3.4; History Oa) SC'cond In Di5U1ct 1; Ek"Ul Club 4: Voll l; SADD 3.4 ·Lo\"e and frk'ndshtp arr the grratrst things Ln life. I ho~ yo\• e:\per1erl« them both. Cood luck in the future.· Johnson_ Craig Ashton PO Box 178 Kts-.1ck. VA 22947 W~tllng 1. •t( you carry your childhood "'1th you. you rle\-e b«olllC' oklcr -· Abrahm SuuknTr

Jones. Tracy DeniM: 2338Austfn0r CVille. VA2290l;SHO 1.2: ·tam ht'IT tosu«'ffd; lamherrtomakedreamsandgoal come true: But I'm mottly ht-~ to stay black and stay posiUv bfcau-'C' that's tM bc!st you can C'\o't'r tx!· Kemp. Adam Sttvt'ns (Kemper Open. A. 1\JttJe) 190 Walnut Ln CVW<. VA22901. HonorRoll1.3: Golf Caplaln/MVP4. Coach' Award 3; Who·s Who 1.2.3; JV Soccrr 1.2: Varsity Golf 1.3.4: SleiT:l Club 3.4. Vollryball Club 2 ·ooubt only l~ds to failttn! wtthoutlt you t'<ln aocompllshanythtng.· Charllc Ward. FSU K~nnedy. Chrtstln~ Ell.W~th (PlJdt, Tink~~u. Psycho) 2 MontUil(' OrtveCVtllt22901 ''Who ami t.ry1ngtolmpress?Wh rould C'an- lessr M\ni!'Jtry

Key, April Joy (Shorly) H1 .3 Box 39 Earlysville. VA 22936: Slem\ Club 2; MarketlnS( Club 3.4 "\Ve cannot dlr«-t the wtnd but we can adjust tht salls."

Key. TonyaM.l~: Rt . 1 Bo.x221 ESchuylcr. VA22969: IF'S Awd.td 2 "'l'hr ~rtatut kJndnus we ('an offer tach other Is th truthKl<hl. CourtneyiCourt. Tooti<S. Tortn<yl Rt 9Box 110 BCVIUe VA 22902; National Honor Soci<'lY 3.4; ~tary 4; Spanis Honor Sodtty 3.4 . Pt-tr Coun&ellnll.2.3.4. School Play 2.3.4 HonorRoU Patrl<kTa>s<ISCholorshlpS<I«!IonConunlt IM 3; Who·a Who 3.4. Key Club 3.4 , Dram.-. Club 3.4: ICC ~p 3; Btta Club 4. SADD 2. Outdoor Club I ~ Honor Counctl3.4 Srnior Clas..'il Rrp 4 ThNpl.ln 3.4. Drama Counct13.4 ·Nn·t' gwt up on your diT~llS. no matter what Anyone tc:Us you! ·M Kirby. Ja!IW>n Hunt<'r t.Jake the Snake) 1435 RunnJng Dttr Dr K.es"1ck. VA 22947; JV Bu<ball 1.2: Var.olty Bu<ball 3.4 Spon.smansClub3.4

KJ<by. 1«111 Ann IKrlbby. AJ. ll&.Dl 1435 Running Deer Dr ~l'1ck. VA 22947; Natlon..._l Honor Society 4; Natkmal Bet Club 4 . Honor Roll, Spanish Honor Society 3.4: Who' Who 3; Varsity SOftball3.4. WresUing Mana~r 4; SAOO 1.3.4 ICC Rt:p.4, School Improvement Program 4. ·ufe's a dance. yo learn a !II you go.· ..John Micha<'l Montgomery Kitar.awa, TonlOko (Mokic. KokonlO. Toe. Tomato)354 WestHe

Rd. CVUlc. VA 22901; Most Improved Play~r-JV Soccer2: Hono Roll 2.3; Powder Puff Honor Council 4: Who's Who 4 WresUing Man.'l.ger2:JVSocct-r2; Animal Rights 1: OutdoorClu 3.4. KeyCiub 2; Sr.Cla.ssCounctl4; FCA3: NaUOnal Beta Club4 Cotorguard 1.2; Band I ·For long you live. and high you Oy SmUesyou g1~.and tears you cry: And all you touch. and all yo ~ lS all your life wtll t'\-'t"r bt'. •

Kfn.g. Jrnnlfer Pal.gr lJmnJ 104 LupW Ln. CVIUe. VA 22901 Outdoor Club 1.2: Volleyball Manag<r2 ; FBI.AS<cr.tary3: fB Vk:e Prt-sklent 4 ·uve for Today Onam for Tomorrow. Lea from Y<"sterddy.· Klimmek. Dawn; Rt 1 Bo.'IC 105 £arlyl\1llr. VA 22936; Spanl Honor Soctel) 3.4. National Honor Society 4: Beta Club 4 Volleyball Captain 4 Bask<tba112: Outdoorfuck 1.2 OutdOOf' Club 1: Key Club CollC'ert Cholr 1.2: Ju.nlo Claulcal League 3; Studcnt tmpr"O\.-emmt Board 4; Studen Advisory Coundl4. Junior Class Rrp. 3: Honor Roll ·1 you smllt" thc world Will <~~mUe wuh you F'rtend" are forn't don·c take thcm for granted • Knott. Amy Elizabeth (Nolhrd. Knoueml~r. ltigh) Rt.l Box 448 Barboui"S\o1lle. VA 22923; EAtttHf\"e Council Sttrrtary 4 Beta Club 4; Who's Who 2.3.4; All Dlstrlct ln All Spo115 1,2,3.4: All Region In Volleyb;\112.3.4. Bask<tbaii3:AII·Stat<Volleyball 3: VaJ"Sity VolleybaU Captain 3.4: Varsity Basketball 2.3.4: Captain 4. JV Ballk<lball 1: V3l'Sity Softball 1,2.3,4: Capta.Ln 4; F'CA 1: Varsity Club2.3.4. To all the gtrls- ·1 stopped by the bar at 3:00AM. to SNk solace In a bottle. or possibly a frtend .. -· Indigo Girls

Krtl.«k. Chrlstlnt- J . (Chris. Bullfrog) 230 Carrsbrook Dr. CVlllr. VA 22901: Honor Roll Most Improved Award VarsUy Soc«r 3. Nauonal Beta Club 4: ~nd Tram All Central VA Vanlly5occtor3: If'S 1.2.3. Who'sWho2.3: National Young Leaders Conferrntt 3 : Jr_ Class Rep 3: JV Soocttr I: Var.my Soccer 2.3.4. Honor Counctl3.4: Exccuttve CounMI4: ~nch Honor Soctcly 3 .4. FCA l. Outdoor Club 2.4: Varslt Club 3: Powdt':t PufT [)('bate 4 -rhe way It ts, Is the wa that ls goes. eo why ask whyr Tt"SI.a •I( Jove Is blind. I guess I'll


• 64

Nicole Harris Richard Harris Lotte Hattevig Ruth Hays

Abby Hegemier Tami Henzey Kevin Herring Daniel Hoeller

Jeffrey Holland Leah Holt Kelly Howell Hotsuma Ikeda

I Senior Slump .. .It hits seniors every year but some get it before they are even seniors. "I got it my freshman year," reported Jeff Snyder. "It's been going on for the past four years," agrees Scott McCandlish. What exactly is senior slump? For some, it is not wanting to do any more work. For others, it's actually not doing any work at alll "It's the terrible feeling you get about one and a half weeks into school. You don't want to do any more work and you know you only have one semester to go," Valeria Garcia-Tufro explains. "I got it last year, the first week of US History!" Sure signs of senior slump are lack of concern for grades, responding to questions with "I don't care," and putting all social life first. "There's no hope!" jokes Snyder. "But it'll end at Beach Week." •Holly Mack and Emily Potter

Jessica Morse takes a break from h er studying for a quick nap during study hall in the cafeteria.

Marty Jackson Travis Jackson Jayson Jean Anita Johnson

Craig Johnson Chad Jones Heather Jones Tracy Jones

Seniors •


A.fterr all After waiting three long years, seniors finally benefit from their upperclassman status. They get special perks and privileges that no other students in the school receive. Most seniors enjoy having these special privileges, but they debate about which one is the best. ...

"The best thing about being a Senior is looking at the freshmen and knowing that you are finally at the top of the school." -Adam Bodily "We get the freedom of going out for Senior Lunch and aren't stuck at school." -Duane Johnson "The best perk is knowing we're getting out of here--we're leaving." -Stacy Marrs "The best things are having opportunities to get out every other day and finally getting along with the administrators. We also have more time to spend with our friends. " -Lacey Goehringer "Being able to go out to lunch." -Faith Esposito "Going to Senior lunch and having an early release." -Collette Skeen "Knowing you don't have to do anything 'cause you know you're going to pass." -Jeff Shifflett "Getting to graduate and get out of high school." -Kelly Belew Fedor Karginov Robert Keithley Adam Kemp Christine Kenn edy




April Key Tanya Key Courtney Kiehl In Kwang Kim

STATS Lamben. Jr ., Raymond The-odore fBcano. Lamar. Sam the' Patr1ot. Mlnuc~ Ma.nJ 2834 Po\\"C.U Creek DT cvu~ 22901. Fnnch Honor Sodety 3.4. Beta Club 4, Football 1,3,4, T~n.nu: .3.4_ Wrcstllng3; Varsity Club 4. f"rench Club J_ ~L:audace. l."audace. Toujours L'audace. • -FTedrtck the Great. -n-.e lmUtute wtll be heard from today. -stonewall Jacbon !.an<. Eric Brandon: 740 Lockridge Lan<CVIIIe22901. Span· ish Uonor Society 3.4; Tr1~Ath~e 3: 2nd kam All Q:ntal VA Butball 3 : 2nd place Dlstr1ct.s ln Wrestling: 2nd team All Wntem OlsU1ct Baseball; FCA 2.3.4; 9th Grade Football I; V. HaMbali I; J.V. FootbaU 2: Varsity Bastball 2,3; Varsity Football 3.4; Varsity W~stU~ 3.

IA"ake. Melissa (Missy. Stuffy. Smts. Mlesna) Rt. 23 Box 310 CVUie 2290 I ; Defensive MVP Lacrosoe 2: JV Volleyball 1.2: JV l.acros~ 1,2; Varsity Lacrosse 3.4; Outdoor Club 1.2.3: Key Club 2.3.4 -~J~e ln yourself. Believe In others. &lltve In d~Tams- But always Believe. ·-Anonymous. ·Everythlng has Its beauty , but not ~eryone sees ll. ·-Confucius. J'al vecu l..cclair. Natasha T. 208 Montvue Dr. C'vtlle 22901. SkJtng: Hiking: BtkJng What we- do. what we are. what we have, e~nds upon what we think. -Robert Collier. Today 18 tomorrow you wonyabout yesterday.-Unknown Jryou ~ali.«' that It'• fooltsh to look for Ore v.1th a fire. the meal won't take 30 long to cook.-Mumanuam. Le<, WOllam Henry (But, BUly, BUIWllllam. Tanan. "Henryl", Cod) 629 VIctorian Ct. C\rUI~ 22901: letter ln Track 1.2: leuer in Musical Production "Joseph and the Amazing Technlcolor l>rtamcoat." J; letter In Cross Country 2: Home~~s ft:mlng

proj«t at Chrtsuna.s 3: Chess Club I: lntemaUonaJ Club I : Indoor Track; OutdoorTrac~ Cross Country; Wm.t.Ung The geo(theearthdoeanot took far a\o\'8.y. To that I am on my Viray running but ru miSs you --- all! Udd<II.AiexandraJuno!AllleiRl. I Box2!>!>ScottsvUie24590: ·s Who 3; Cross·Countty 1.3.4; Captain 4: Outdoor Track 3,4, S.Crra Club 3,4 "Don't swt-at the small stuff.Jt's all 5mall stulf • "L<t the good Um<s roll.· Lobo, Ingrid Elllabeth348KeyW.,t Dr. C'vllle22901. NaUonal Honor Society 4; Spanish Honor- Society 3,4; National Beta

Club 4: Who's Who Among Amulcan High School SludtniS 2.3; Governor's School for the Huma.nlt~s 3; Comrm:ndtd National Mcr1t Scholar; Varsity lkbate Team Varsity Engllsh Acedemtc Team 3.4: J.V. Hlstory/En~Jish Team 1.2. Honor Council 1.2.3,4; FCA 1.2,3: Lantern Uterary M~az.tne 2: SCA 1.2.3,4; Varsity Terllllil team 3,4; J.V . Field Hockey t~m I; J.V. Lacrosse team 1: Model Judiciary 1: PolttlcaJ Forum Club 4. '" Nothing Is at last sacred but the lnt~grtty of ur o....-n mind.· · Ralph Waldo Emerson.



Logan. Kyle Xavter (X-Man) Rt. 1 Box 322 Keswick 22947: ~As long a.s you uy hard and believe ln God you wtll ~ace to n-eryone 1 wtll be leaving ~hind. ~


bt- succe~sful

"'··• ...

Loney. Jennl<y Irene (F'nrnkle. Calp. Hipple. Rlkkll 1725 B Sok>mon Rd . C'VUle 22901: An Award for Stained Glass 2;8ackstage Grease 2:Art AchJevement Aw.u-d 3; Secretary S~rra Club 3; 3rd place Art Show 3: Taming of the Shrev. BlondeUo 4 ·. Tr!'aMJ.t't":r Sierra Club 4: Mime & JuggUng Club I , Stem Club 1.2.3,4. "'Dr:adftshcan'tswtm. Oeadblrdscan'tfly. Dead Osh can Oy. Dead birds can swtm You've just exper1 · need non-sensical ravings of my lunaUC mind.·. Jenny Loney ajtrus. Marilyn l..o)"Oia (Mare-Bear. Pooky. Mare\1arel2236· Common-.-ealth Or CVllle 22901; Spanish A~-a.rd 2 ~ JV olleyball I: SAOD 1.2.3; WrestllngManager2.3.4;Joumallsm .4 '"A ship In the h.arborlsC\·ersa(ebut that Is not what ships re ror.'"


1arTS. Stacy Mar1e(Stace. Doughboy. Jnformt.r, Chubs. Spacey, 520 HunUngton Rd CVllle 22901: ChoiT 1.2.3; SADO a5urer 2: Powder Puff 1: Fleld Hockey 2.3.4: All Area Team : ~r All Academic Team I; Who's Who 2.4; Honor II 1 .2:TeacherCadets 4. "'lllere ts no feartn Jo;,..-e: but perfect e casteth out fear."- I John IS. artln, ScottAnthony(Sammy.Sam. OJ. Muggs. Sambo, Uttle ar, Secret Scrv1ce. Scotty. Slater, Tanto. Qtzmo) 1813 ake:Oeld Rd.: AP History 3: Who's Who 3; Honor Roll 2.3.4: AMES 3: Mos1 Improved Lacn>S$l'! 2: English Representattve ; PrcstdenUaJ Fitness Award 1.2.3: JV Lacrosse 2; Varsity crosse 3,4; JV W~stUng 2: JV Football 1,2: Kty Club 2,4; CA 3. -R U t.rytng 2 to get crazy with ese don't chu know I'm 01 Don't gel mad get PUTSOA \Vhomp alll el es.· ullcr, Tania (Tawn. Maullerllf Ia Chestnut Grove. EarlysvUie 2936: Year In Sweden 3: French Honor Soctety 3.4. NaUonal onor Society 4: Honor RoiJ Who's Who 2.3: NaUonaJ lO Club4: If'S Health 1: lf'S·""'nch 111 /IV2;JV Field Hockey 1.2. Ice ftockcy 3: JV Soccer 2. lantern 2. Key Club l.2; ntcmauonal Club 4; JV ACE Ute:rature and HJstory 1.2: arsltySdence4 -Always\\--earaudadou.sun~,-..-earunderthe t austere buslness suit •

aupln, Amanda Eltzab<th (Pig. Maupheadl Rl 18 Box 79 VUlt: 22901: Most Jmpf"O'\--ed Softball); Coach'sAward·f1cld Iockey 3: -Miss Hustle- Soft.baJJ 3: Honor RoU 1,2.3,4 •JV F'1eld ockey 1.2: Varsuy Fl<ld Hockey 3.4: Varsity Sonball utdoorCiub I; Slt"rTBCiub2~ VarsllyCiub3.4 '"AU you n~ n life 15 F'rtends!· '"Success iSn't a matter or cha~. suC"C..'es:s ls matter or Choltt!"'

Jennifer King Jason Kirby Kelli Kirby Tomoko Kitazawa

Dawn Klimmek Amy Knott Jason Kriigel Christine Krizek

Raymond Lambert Eric Lane Melissa Leake Natasha Leclair

aupln , Chr1sllna Blanca IChrtsty, Crtcket, Futurd 2503 ort.hOcld Rd. CVUJc 22901: Honor CouncU 2.3.4. Rep 4 ; C'Quffy Art Show 1.3.4: Mall An Show 1.3.4: Class VIce slde.nt ),2: Class Rep 3; Advtsory Counctl 3; Soc«r 1.2; ennl~ 3,4; Tmck 3.4: Flag Corp 1.2: F'CA L Outdoor Club ,3,4: Sierra Club 2: Games Inc. 3: ICC Rep 3: Varsity Club 3: wder J>uff 1,2,3.4: Young Ufe 2 .3.4: Campaigners 3.4: PM-r un.sellng 4: At1 Club 4. -Do not follow where the path may ead, Instead. make your own path and leaw a tnt II .-




MCCallum, Angelica Dtane (Ang} I7t0 Tinkers COVe CVtlle 22901: National Honor Soctety 4; Spanish Honor Society 2,3,4; Beta Club 4: President 4: Honor Roll Who's Who Students 2.3; Who's \Vho Athlete~ 3: Academic Letter 3: Scholar Athlete Award 3: AHAcackmic/ Athletic Team 1,2,3; Al!Touma ·

ment Team (Volleyball) I: Ftrst Team Ali-Dtstr1ct (Volleyball) 3: Se<-ond Team Ali-Reglon (Votleyballl 3: Coaches Award {Volleyball) 3: JV Volleyball I; Varsity Volleyball 2,3.4; captain 3,4; Junior Olympic Vo1Jeyba11 1.2.3: JV Basketball 1.2: Varsity Basketball3;VarsltyTrack 1: VarsltyCJub2: Key Club I .2.3.4.

·1r you have t.r1ed to do something and falled. you are vastly better ofT than lf you had tr1ed to do nothing and suc~ed.McCandlish. Scou Clinton (Waldo. Btg Bob. 13tggs. Win) 18 Georgetown Green CVtue 22901: Basketball Letter 3.4: lacrosse Letter 3.4: F'CA 1: JCL 4: 9th grade Basketball I: JV

Basketball 2: Varsity Basketball 3.4: JV Lacrosse 1: Varsity Basketball3.4. ~Just give me one shot In a million. that"s alii need.~ ~ Waldo. ~vou'llsUll be here tomorrow: but your dream§ may noW • Cat Stevens. McCauley. Kathryn S. fKat. UJ 0) 1330 Villaverde Lane CVUle 22902: Symphonic Band Who's Who 1.2.3: Marching Band 1.2; lionors Band 3,4; Solo and Ensemble Festlval2.3.4: Honor Roll l.2.4: School Improvement Program 3.4: Key Club 3.4. SADD 1: DECA 2: Beta Club 4. ~Don't waste lime grieving over past mlstakes. Leam from them and move on.~ • H. Jackson Brown. Jr. McConnell. Tory Chr1sll.ne rroe·Wee. Toe, Tor) 1118 Cotton· wood Rd. CVIIIe 2290 I: Honor Roll Who's Who 2.3: NaUonaJ Honor Society 4: NCT'E Contest 3: Beta Club 4: JV Soccer 1.2: Cheerleadt.ng 3.4: FCA 1,2; Varsity Club 3,4: Sec 4: Peer Counseling 2.3.4: Class Representative 2.3.4: Choir 1.2,3.4; Patriot Singers 4: President: Powder Puff I. ~I have learned I must llve today and only today, if not I will Uve In fear

of tomorrow.·

McGarity. Amy EUzatxth (Mac. Smac, Mac Daddy, Perty 2) 1966 Lonlcera Way CVUie 22901: Jst Team All Dlstrtct In Basketball/Volleyball: 2nd Team All Central Va Basketball: Varsity Club 1,2.3,4:Who's Who3,4; Var8ltyVolleyball I .2.3,4; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Softball I. ~Ifyou're scared. say you're scared.· •trs not what you get that counts. It's what you do wtth what you gt:t.• McGrath, Mayllsa (May. PI') 3346 Cotswold L.an< Keswick

22901 : Hono~ English 4: All Central Soccer Team for Va 3: Soccer Co-CaptaJn 2: Captain 3: Key Club 2.3.4: F'CA I: Beta Club 4. ·ufe Is va.t.n: a tittle love. a little hate. and lhen· Cood-dayf Life Is short: a little hoping: a little dreaming: and then-Good · ntg.ht!• • Leon De Montenaeken. Meese. Birch Forest (Donkey Kong, Forest) P.O. Box 146 Scottsvtlle 24590: Outdoor Club 2.3: FCA 4; Swimming 1.2: Cross Counuy 1.2: Track 1. ~Hell hath no fury Uke lhe scorn of a women.· Meyer. Murtel: c/o Kllnunek Family Rt. I Box 105 Earlysvtlle 22936: Varsity Volleyball 4 : Varsity Track 4; Tennis 1,2,3.

·cantg met ememe laechle dor d'waelt ·$0 werd sl zrogg laechle. • Mills. Nanyel Anltra {Nanny) Rt.l Box 200 Esmont 22937: TTack MVP 2 ; Cross Country 3,4: Indoor 3.4: S IIOlJI' 1.2.3: Peer Counselor 3.4: Basketball Mannagcr I. 1lleTe Is a hero that lies Inside of you. Just look Inside of yourself and sec.... Good luck to class of '94. Peaeel~ Mllls. Trlcla Rose fT'rish, Noodle. Fatty. 1iica. Mtlls A. Try-c·a) 949 Huntv.'OOd Lane CVtlle 22901; Sof\0011. Marketing Club, Football Manager. \Vhat goes around comes back around again.·

Moler. Amanda Jean lAmy, Aim. Crace. Underleg. Shorty. Gong. Victorta. Yar. Ghall. Mildred) 106 SmJthfleld Ct. CVU1c 22901 : Who's Who 3: Beta 4: Honor Roll If'S Art 1; Siena 2.3: Games 4. ·Love is patient, love Is kJnd . Lov~ always protects. always trusts. always hopes, always pre· serves. Love never falls.· · 1 Cortnthlans 13. Moneymaker. James (l'weety) P.O. Box 609 Scottsville. MorTis. Michelle (Red. Charlie) Rt. 1 Box 370 ScottSVille 24590: National Honor Society 3,4: National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Bt:ta Club 4 ; Godspei1·Technk:al A.ssl9tant Director I: Sierra Club 3.4: Schoollmprovement Committee 3.4; Spa.nl9h Club 2: Thcsptan Club I. "if you love something badly enough. and you set It free: lf U loves you just as much. It wUJ always come back to you.~

Morris. Preston Earl (Pres. PeteyEarl. PhaiUcJ Rt. 7 Box 163A CVUie 22901: Honor Roll I .2.3.4: APEngltsh 4: Honors English 2,3:APGovt 4: APFre:nch 4; Lacrosse Club 1: FCA2.3; Outdoor Club 4: Treasun"r; French Honor Soclery 3.4: T'l"easurer; JV Soccer 1.2: Captain: Varsity Soccer 3.4: 9th Grade Football I: JV Football 2. "Strtve for excellence. not perfection.· "2: rules o Ufe: I) Don't sweat the small stuff. 2)1t'saU sma.Usturr.· ·&kind to kind ~pie; be ktndcr to unkind people.~ Mo~. Jessica: 2812 Northfield Rd. CVtlle 22901 : Honor Roll Athletic Honor Roll Natlonal Honor Society 4: French Honor SOCiety 3.4; Beta Club 4: Soccer 1 .2.3.4: Volley· ball 1.2,3. 4: Trainer 1.2: V:rnolty Club 3: FCA 1,2,4. "The Lord goes before you and wlll be wtth you: do not be afr.:t.Jd; do not be discouraged. · · DeUleronomy 31 :8.

Neopeoo. Abby Susan ISiabby. No8<) Rt . 2 Box 760: SADD

secretary 3: Horseback RJdlng. •At the heart of love Is a very simple 5eeret: the lover lets the beloved be free.~ Pomeroy. Corey I'Pills) 2927 Brookmcre Rd. 2290 1: Marketing Club 4. ·aeavts, I may be cool. but I can't change the futun"." · Bullhead. Poweii.JUI Lon::tta(Pill. PJ.Jllltan.Jilly.JP. JlUyBean.Jillbers. Lydta) 175 Tem:ll Road CVUJe 2290 J; MVP Attack-Lacrosse I : Patrtot Award· l.acrosse 3: Who's Who J .3: Nauona1 Young Leaders Conference 3: Spanish Honor Society 3,4; English Rep 3: Student Advisory CouncU 3.4: Beta Club 4; HonorCounctl4; Varsity Club-President 4: Rep of Gifted and Talented Task F'o~ 4 : 1st Team All Ct:ntral Vlrglnla· Lacrossc 3: f'CA I : Varsity Club 2.3.4: f1eld Hockey..JV I; Varsity 2.3.4: Basket· baii.JV 1: Varsity 2 : Lacrosse-JV 1: Varsity 2.3.4. ·1 always knew I WQuld look back on the bad Urnes and laugh, but! nev~r

Charles Lewis Alexandra Liddell Ingrid Lobo Kyle Logan


Mark Lohr Jennifer Loney Martlyn Majerus Stacy Marrs

Shane Marshall Rebekah Martin Scott Martin Tania Mauller

Amanda Maupin Christina Maupin James McAdams Marcel McCain

Angelica McCallum Scott McCandlish Kathryn McCauley Tory McConnell

Amy McGarity Maylisa McGrath Amanda McNally Birch Meese

Muriel Meyer Shota Mikadze Nanyel Mills Tricia Mills

Seniors •


"Let's go, Albemarle, let's go!" With only one year left at Albemarle, the senior class went all out showing their spirit. They walked away from the first pep rally with the spirit stick after a group of seniors clambered down the bleachers onto the gym floor, yelling and screaming, hoping to catch Mr. Cahall's attention. Later that night the seniors crowded onto the stadium bleachers to cheer on the football team as they defeated Westem Albemarle. On the traditional senior toga day, after gathering at Bodo's for breakfast,seniors arrived at school wearing anything from plain white sheets to Garfield sheets. The next day, the classrooms were full of color as seniors sported their red clothing on Red Rage Day. Seniors also showed spirit by joining the academic or athletic teams. Others joined committees such as the School Improvement Committee to help make their school a better place. Christy Maupin encouraged her classmates' efforts by saying, "The best way to show school spirit is to go to sports events and cheer. Spirit Week and toga day are a good way also. Just support your school and stick up for it because you know it's the best." •Holly Mack

Seniors Jeff Snyder and Jayson Jean raise their hands in victory as the Senior Class wins the spirit stick at the Winter Pep Rally.




Renae Milton Tsira Moistsrapishvili Amy Moler James Moneymaker

Moon Michelle Morris Preston Morris Jessica Morse

STATS Prillaman. Bryan Page (PrtU. Pr111amon. Page. GPl960 B<dlord HiUs Dr. EarlyS\1lie 22936: Honor RoU Nattonal \it'l1t S<mH'lnaltst 3; Who's Who 12.3.4; fCA 1.2.3. Spanish Honor Soctety 3.4: Beta Club 4. "Wisdom ls bUndness. s~ngth ls alc.mou. power is failure.llbased on what Is known." lOng's ·A man canl stumble when he's on his Jmto.es_~ Pugh. I<.IUUe Gaye (Krts. SW 4914 Mahonia Drive CVllle 22901; Key Club Ch:Wl><rson ol' fundralsln~ 3.4. Key Club Sc:t.a Club 4: Art Club 1: ~r CounMilng; Volleyball I ; Varsity Boys Basketball Manager 1,2: Vat'6lty ~ Ba&<'ball Manag<r 1.2: Sports M<dlclne'l'ratn<r3.4 "Wh<n God

cloeH o door. he o~ns a window.· Rabe. Dav1d Scott !Crash) 2560 Mllton Hllls Dr. CV!lle 22902: Marching Band Symphonk Band; Drum Major 2.3.4: Musk Magazine's Leadership Award: JV Bueball 1.2: Varsity Baseball 3.4: 9th Grade Football 1: Varsity Club 4 "Prove yours<"lfl Without proof they will lake advantage of you. but do It honorably as to not dlScredH one~II...

Ragland , Bemetrtce (N«. Nlnaboo. Banee. Nee-hi. Ms. Pippen). MUve ltfeand be happy; Ifyou're not happy then you're not llvt.ng Uf~ rtglu. P~ace." · Nee Ragland

Ragland. Carolyn Michelle (Mickie. Boo.TWtnkie. Hips. ~anut. Moructa. GBJ RRI Box 166 Barboursville 22923: ~llt:r 3; Varsity &: JV BasketbaU Manager 2: VarsJty & JV f'ootbaJl Manager 3.4; SH0lff2.3.4:-Treasurer 3: Presldent4 "Ask and llslulllb<~n toyou:S..k. andy< shall find: Knock, and It shaD be opened urtto you • -Matth~ 7·7

RumUOS<n, Angola Jad< IJO<, Chld', flang<. Pal. Al<gnal ~24 Eutbrook Dr. C'VUic 22901. Poem In "Lant<m" 2. Bacltstag< mt.o«oftheSh~4: Siena Club 1.2: KeyCiub3.C~sCiub 4 "Always ~member Now is now. but not nowtsnot now.tt Is then. and now Is now again "- Frankie: Redrum!!l lhe Keys!! Keysll" Ravrnell. T~ressa Emlynne (fert. T. T .Money. Halr1 540 Arrow head Ct. Earlysville 22936: National Mertt &ho1ar&hip for N~gro Students 4: Who's Who 4; Honor Roll; JV F'1ekt Hockey 1.2: Captain 2: Varsity fl<ld Hockey 4: O.:bal< 2 Captain 3.4: F'CA 1,2.3: PoliUcal Forum 4 . "Ain't too proud to bog" TI.C. Rehm. Re~ Ann fBeclcy. Beck-a-Boo. Rttune:r) RL 4 Bo.'< 33 ScottsVIlle 24590; Honor Rolll.2.3.4: NaUonaJ Honor Society 4: Beta Club 4: Summer Economics Institute 3: Ball~t; au Tap 1: Cennan Club 2.3: Omce.r 4 "Trust tn the l..ord w1th all your heart, and do not l~an on your own und('rstandtng,"- Proverbs 3:5. Rtnton, Valerte Dee (SUmpy. BlondJe. Dent} l465 E. RJo Rood CVIlle 22901: Honor Roll Who's Who 2.3: Ol~tr1ct 5 Honors Band2,3: Softball ~tter2.3: Band ~uu 1.2: Beta Club 4: Varsity SoftbaJl Manager 2: VarsJty Softball 3.4: Marching Band; ConL"trt Band I; Symphonic Band 2.3.4: fla.g1 2.3.4; SpanbhCiub2 . "Tobelstodo"-Socrates. lodolstobe.· Plato. "Do Bt Do & Do.• Slnatra. 4

Rhoad<S. David W<Sley 2806ldlewood Dr. C'vllle 2290 I . SADD 1.2: lnl~m5hlp program 4. U\"e for Today. Dream for Tomorrow.


from Yesterday

Rhoods. Randall David (Randy. Double RJ 208 Surrey Rd. C'v!U< 22901; National Honor ~~y~asuru 4: Who's Who 2.3.4. W~stem Distrtct All-Academic Bask~tba.U 2.3; AIIWnt.em Dt•trlct AII·Acad<mtc Baseball3: Hom«omlngCoun 4. fCA 2.3. 4 ; ~r Counseling 3.4; Freshman ~lba.U I. Varsity Baoketball2,3,4: JV BaS<balll.2: Vanotty Baseball3.4: Class Rt>p. 2.3.4; Lacrosse Club I ; JCL3.4: ICC Rep. 4; Nallonal Beta Club 4. SIP 4. Shoney'a Cl.aMtc All-Academic 3 "Uf• •• 95% mental.· ·It takes a big man to ay. but It takts an C\o"rn bigger man to laugh a t that man.· Richardson. Amy Lynn (Rosebud): Rt. I Box 301 Scottsv1.11e 24590: F'FA 1.2: FBL.A 1,2.4: DECA 3: FHA 4. The longe~t oumey starta wtlh a single step. Ridenou~. Jdfrey Scott (Montrass. Body. Woodchuck. Woody . Mower. Trou, Oscar, Shrew, Hunchle. Sonlc Boom. The Conductor} 520 Village Woods Lane Earlysv1.11e 22936: Who's Who 3 .4; Beta Club 4: If'S Honor Roll Varsity Club 3.4; F'CA 2; Outdoor Club I : Varsity Footbal13.4: JV Football2; ~shman Football I ; JV Soccer I : JV Wrestling 1; Varsity W~stllng 2.3; Stunt man 4; Indoor Track 4: Track 3.4 ·Not ~ryone g~t.s lh~ chance to ride the train. Yet those. who do shall cher1sh those bitter moments forever.· -The Conductor


Sadler, Matth.-w Richard !Matt. Sloth. Chl<f. Tammy. Cool Guy} 2312 Wakefield Rd. CVUie- 2290 l: Honor RoU, &ta Club 4: NcCulfy An A\\-ard Nominee 2.3: IFS2 .3.4 . Horne Room Rep 4; Nominee for ~aUonal Leadership Conf. 3; FCA 1. Sierra lub 2: Chess Tram 3: Chess Club 3; ICC Rep 3; Studmts for rge AIJ~n 4; PolJtcal Forum (VP) 4; ACE HiStory 3.4; Ma.tcot 3; Peer Couno<ltng 2.3.4: AAA 3: Young Uf• "Consld<r It pure Joy ..whC'ne\·er you !act trtals... because the tHOng of lOUt fallh de\'t:lops perserverance. • ·James I :2 3 4

Schlua..l, Ktmb<rly (Kim. Klmmy. Ktmbo)l620 Redwtng l.an< C'VUI< 22901; lfS Pre-Cakulus Award 3: NatiOnal Honor Society 3.4: F'rench Honor Society 3.4: lnsUtutl! for Prospccttve eachen 3: Who's Who 1.2.3: WAHS Exchange 2: Beta Club 4, Honor RoU Key Club Presld<nl 4: Sccretal}' 3; Honor Council 2: FtagCorps 1.2.3,4:TcacherCadeta4: Powder Puft' 2: Junior Rep 3. "Strtve to be the best you can be.'"

Laura Myrtle Na tela Nemetish eva Terry Nepper Abby Nespeco

Anke Neumann Robert Park ey Levi Pearson Steven Pomeroy

Scot Poor Jill Powell Bryan Prillaman Kristie Pugh

Scopellltl. Ralph Dominick (Ray. Httman) 2004 Jefferson Court CVtll~ 22901: Honor RoU 1,2,3: Key C1ub 4~surer 3: Vice· President 4. ·ure Is short, play hard.· - Reebok.

Scott, Andr< T. (Erkl<. Cant«n Boy. Voodo. Dr. Oro) 110 Hawthome Ln. CVUle 22901: Hl.stortan·Outdoor Club 4: Na · Uonal Young Leader"s Conference 4 : JV Football 2.3: JV La· cross<3: Vanity football4: OutdoorCiub2.3.4: DECA 3.4.JCL 4: Varsity Lacrosse 4. "When t he blues kJck you tn the h6d, and u ron out of bed in the morning, just sit on the porch and owlnj!.": B'o.



STATS Scolt. Charles Nelson (Crazy) 1610 Redwtng Ln. CVUie 2290 I Letter In Football. Wrestling, Baseball : Football4: Wrest1lng3.4 Baseball3,4; Varsity C lub 4. '"y• Scott, Chr1stina (Shorty) RL I Box 308 Esmont 22937: Who' Who: Honor Roll 1.2.3: SH Olff 1.2.3: Manager Basketball I YWA 4. •ttup your head up.Scay. WUitam (Scu m . WUJ.scum , Tater) 2702 Brookmere R CVIUe 22901: Football 1: JV Baseball 1.2: Varsity Baseba113

Outdoor Club 1: FCA 3.4. 1lte best kJnd ofpr1de Is that w h compels a man to do his best. even If no one Is watching." Shannon, Timothy M. rilml 121 West Park Dt1ve CVUie; Who' Who 3: SAOO 1.2: Outdoor Club 3. "We don't need no educatJon we don't need no thought control." - Pink Floyd. Shelton. Janey {F11ck) 344 Minor Ridge Rd. CVlUe 22901: AH Recognized Award 3: FHA "He that overco~th s hal inherit."

Shenal. KeUy Marie: 505 Village Woods Lane Earlysvtlle 22936

Student Advt30ry Committee 2: Debate Team 2: Peer Counselo 2.3.4: ~!lhman Cheerleader 1: Vaulty Ch eerleader 2.3.4: All Amencan Ch eerleader 2.3.4; 1-lomecomlng Coun. 1.2.4: Out door Club 1: Key Club 2.3: Varstty Club 2.4: Honor Council 4 ·A man always has two reasons for dolnganything·a good reaso and the real reason.·.J.P. Morgan. Shifflett. Jeffrey G raham (Jeff. S h tf-Shlf. Stewert) 271 1 Brockmere Rd. C'vt1Je2290l: Who'sWhoAmongAmertcanHI School Students 3.4: IFS J: Honor Roll J: Teacher Cadet 4 Football 1: Track 3.4: Chess Club 1: Spanish Cl ub 2: VoUeybal Club 3; SADD 4. When you're down always get up. Never glv up and you'll always be a wtn.ner tn everything you do ln U!e JellY

Shtffiett. Amanda Diane (Mandy, Panda. A.mlfe. Shorty) P.O Box 206 Kes\\1Ck 22947: Honor Roll: CATEC Cosmet ology 3.4 2nd place VlCA Scrapbook Cont est {CATEC) 3: FBLA 1.2: Fl 3: V!CA 3.4. Love ts a feeling ofbeauUful want one person ca brtn,g to your heart. and a feellng of loneliness deep lnsld whenever you are a pan. Shlmett. Montca Suzanne (Mo) Rl.l Box l46·C Barboursvtll 22923: Sierra Club 2.3. '"The light at the end of the tunnel 018) be you.· ·Aerosm.Jt.h. Shortrtdge,Mellssa Lynn(Me1, Us)24 10N. Berkshire Rd. C'vlli 22901: CATEC Cosmetology 3.4: SHOlJT 3. You never knovo whatyoucandounUiyou try. Thank you Usa. Nut. and Nathan I love you guys. Class or "94. Skeen. Colette Elisabeth (Gtllelle. Colettie, Spaghetti. &tie CaJlUlbeth} 1737 Franklin Dr. C'vtlle22901 ; Honor Roll Drnma Club 1.2: Outdoor Club 3.: Beta Club 4: Softba.114. ·1 may be ratnln' but there's a raJnbow above you."' · Don Henley Glenn Fry.

Skipper, Jason N. (Skip. Skippy. Whee:ls) 1400 Minor Ridge Ct C'vlUe 22901 :Captain of Freshman Football l : Captain or J.V lacrosse I: Preshman FootbaU 1: J.V. Lacrosse 1: J.V. f'ootbal 2: Varsity lacrosse 2.3.4: Varsity Football 3.4: lndoorTmck 2 Peer Coun9eUng 3.4: Varsity Club 3.4: Ou tdoor Club 1: FCA 2 ·As the days Oy past through we lose our grasp. or fu~ It in th sun.· -Nell Young. "'Tile sun ls the same in a ~lauve way bu you're older.· -Plnk floyd. Smith. BrtanJoseph {Smllty. Brother BriJ3238Poplar Ridge Rd C\11Je 2290 I: FCA 2.3.4: Vice President 3: President 4; Germa Club 1.2: ICC President 4: Class Representative 3,4: Basketba I : Stuntman 3.4: Al1·Ame.rica.n Stuntman 3:Soccer I .2.3.4: All Acedemlc/ Athletic Team Western Olstrlct 2: Captaln 3: 2n Team AII-Distrtct 2: I st Team All ·Distrtct 3: 2nd Team All Region 3: 1st Team All-Regton 3: 1st Team All-Central VA 3 Football 4: Peer Counseling 3.4. ·ufe's Short. Play Hard • ~bok. ·one can never consent to creep when one feels a Lmputse to soar.· - Helen Keller. Snead, Brant Ertc (Skywalker, Bo, ·snead·, Shag·Diesal)242 Huntington Rd. C'v1lle 22901: Who's Who 3.4: Spanish Club 2 FCA3. "'Diamonds are forever and so l.s Brant Snead. Wouldn' you like to be a wtnner too?" Snyder. Jeffrey Douglas (Nigel. Nlge. BT. Jem 1720 Old Forg Rd. CVUie 22901: AC& History Team l: Peer Counseling 3,4 JCL 4: Varsity WresUing Varsity Cross Counlly 4 Lacrosse Captain 2: Football 2: Varsity Club 2.3.4

fuasurcr 4 . '"When you play With fire you're going t o gt' burned.· - R T. Wonderful. ·oream.s are Uk.e excuses. ev~rybod has one ... · Nlge. Sobeck. Amy Catherine {Clover . Persephone. Amos) 3 Georgetown Green C'vlUe 22901: Honor Roll : Who' Who 3: JCL 2.3: German Club 3.4. "Wicked Awe50me- I an finally tattooed and ftnlshed." Sptgone. Amanda Cathertne (Spt.gone. Manda, Man) 2996 Cov Trace C\.111e 22901: COmmunity and School Ser"'1ce ChaJ 3.4: NatiOnal You ng Leaders Conference 4; Patr1ot Staff 3.4 Managing Editor 4: Key Club 2.3.4: FCA 1: J.V. Fleld Hockey I J.V. La~ I. i'ou can't always get what you want b uUfyo uy some lime you just nught find you get what you n eed.· - Th Rolling Slon<S. Spradlin, Matthew Shawn Rt. 1 Box 359 Scottsvtlle 24590 ·Paln Is t emporary. Glory ls forever."- Matt Hoffman Stacy. Jennifer Renee {Rtn. Stlmpy) 2450 Warlys\1lle Rd Early$VIlle 22936: Who'sWho 2,3: IFS l ; VarsltySoftbaJ Spanish Club I : Games Club 3.4: VP Church Youth Grou School Uterary Magaztne 3.4: Beta Club 4. "\Vhe midnight ldsses the eyelids of slumbering children. a world o stardust and rainbows awakens. In this world. J dlsCO\'ered m unicorn.· - Jennifer Stacy Staton. Tara Leigh RL Box 99 Earlysvtlle 22936: Uttered I SOftball 2 : Lettered tn Volleyball 3 : Outdoor Club 1: Varslt Softball 2.3.4: J .V. Volleyball 2: Varsity Volleyball 3: Natlo Beta Club 4. '"Whe:nyou are young you grow up wanting to lea" home. when you grow old you want to get back.·


David Rabe Carolyn Ragland Kristen Ragland Richard Randolph

• Seniors

Angela Rasmussen Teressa Ravenell Rebecca Rehm Valerie Renton

Randall Rhoads David Rhodes John Rice Amy Richardson

"I think my most memorable moment will be graduation because I can see what I've accomplished." -Jeanne Brazell "First time I put on my mascot uniform at the Charlottesville game and got on 1V." -Matt Sadler "My most memorable moment about AHS is lunch in general. The times spent laughing, crying, and just fooling around with friends. The best hour of the day." -Rebecca Viglione "Underclassmen years--spending weekends hanging out with my best friends, Jacques, James , and Richard." -Jason Skipper "Being on Varsity Softball all four years of high school." -Ann Harris "Hitting a home run against Western." -Brian Emert "Choir in general--the Spring Concert and the Busch Gardens trip." -Elizabeth Tilman "At a wrestling tournament where I pinned someone and later got my letter." -Richard Harris ''When the football team made it to the playoffs." -Duane Johnson "Playing on the football team." -Troy Woodson Jeffrey Ridenoure Matthew Sadler Kevin Sanders Terrence Sauvie

Alistair Savory Bryan Sayers Kimberly Schlussel Charles Schoolcraft

"When I finally started driving." -Kathryn McCauley

Seniors • 73


Throughout high school, seniors walked out of the doors of school knowing they'd be back doing the same thing the next day. But as their senior year came to an end, they began to see the light. The students had mixed emotions. Some were oveljoyed at the thought of leaving high school forever while others were scared to leave the place they'd spent so much time. Familiar with Albemarle's surroundings, many students were unsure of moving on to a new place and way of life. Many students have been attending the same school since elementary school and have carried their friendships up through high school. New students came in over the years and worked their way into a crowd and made friends. Most seniors worry about what will become of certain friendships as they move to a new place and are unable to see each other all the time like in high school. ''I'll miss seeing my friends and other people I know because when I go to college I know we won't stay in touch," sa,id Erica Mcllwee. •Holly Mack

Julie Stone gives Tim Criscione a quick hug on the breezeway before heading off to class.




Ralph Scopelliti Andre Scott Charles Scott Christina Scott

William Seay Melissa Sells Timothy Shannon Kelli Sharp

STATS Stevens. Dalsy Margaret (DOOdle. Damar. Honeyt)eC. Tliltp) RL. 1 Box 12 18 Keswtck 22947: Senior Rep. 4: Honor CouncU 4; PolltJcalCiub4: ICC Rep. 4: Sierra Club 1,2. "'T'rust In the Lord w1lh aU your heart and lean not on your own understanding.· • Prm.-erbs 3:5

Stevenson. Charles Rondell (Rondell) 2214 WUitamsburg Rd. CVt.lle 2290 I 9th grade Basketball I: Football 1: Track 1,3.4:

Letter 3: J.V. Basket ball 2; Varsity Football3: Varsity Basket· ball 3.4: SHOliT 1.2. "I canllell." Stone. Julie Kristin (Stoner. Jules. Syph. Bulle. Stuffy) 300 em::ll Rd. West C'vllle 22901: SCA Senator 4: Class Pres.ldent 3: ICC President 4: J.V. Field Hockey I .2: Captain 2: J.V. Lacrosse 1.2: Captain 2: AJbemark:/CharlottesvtlleChlldl"!'n &: Youth Commlsion 3.4: Who's Who 2: Honor Roll 1.2: Varsity Lacrosse 3.4: Key Club 2.3.4: School Improvement CommJuee 2.3.4: Student Advisory CouncU 3.4: Beta Club 4; 9lh Grade Rep: Varsity Club 4 : Honor CouncU 1.2: VBJ"Sity Field Hockey 3.4: Captain 4. -what lies behlnd us and whallles before us are Uny matters compared to what Ues wtthln us.~ "Do not Rnd urself, deAne you.r&elf." e. Christopher WUUam (OUs) 2508 CommonWf.:allh Dr. CVIlle 22901: Who's Who 2,3,4; Honor Roll; AUDogwood Toumment Team 3: All-CenLmJ Vtrgtnla 1st team 3; AU-Academic/All Western Dlstr1ct (Lacrosse) 3.4: Commonwealth Games Player 3; Football 1.2.3: Basketball Lacrosse SIP3.4: HonorCounc114: FCA2.3.4: Outdoor Club 1: ACE HlstoryTeam 3.4: Rocket Club 4; Pat.J10t Press 3; DECA 3,4; Marketing Club 3.4. ·ure g~ by pretty fast. lfyou don't slow down to look at it. It might pass you by." - Fen1s Bueller . "Do anything. Ooeverythtng.· acker. Helen EIJzabeth (Melon. Cracker) 3030 Earlysville Rd. Earlysvtlle 22936: JncenUve for Success 2: Honor Roll 2: FCA 4; Powder Puff 4: "See you at the Pole" 4: SHOUT 1.2. "My businesslsnot to remake myself. but to make the absolute best ofwhat Cod mad~.-- Ray. Susan, and BeccaGalllon.llovcYQu! ompson. Jeremy 4-Jay. Jaybird) 3176 SaddJebrook Lane CVllle 2290 I: Math Award 3: Marketing Club 3: Band Club I. "It's not what you get that counts. It's what you do with It that counts.· ur'$ton.lnga M.lcheUe (log. ThUJ""St) 1693 Banyan Ct. CVUie 22901: National Honor Society 4: French Honor Socitty 3.4: BetaCiub4; R~gtonal Cholr3: HonorRoll l.2.3.4: FCA F1ag Corps 1.2: Debate Team 1: School Improvement CommJt~ tee 1.2: English Academic Team 4: Extracurr1cular Singing 1,2,3.4. ·When Cod closes a door He always opens a wtndow. • lman. Marian EIJzabeth (Uzard Breath. l zzy-8. Uz.beJ, Wkl· get. Maryanne) Rt. 2 Box 65 Keswtck 22947; \\lho's Who 2.3: BusinesS Manager. Patrtot Singers 3.4: Sterra Club 1.2: Outdoor Club 3: Carnes Inc 4: SADD 4: Lantern I ,2. "Don't be afraid your life wtll end: be afraid tt wtll never begin." -Grace Hansen. obln. James 1: 2410 Northfields Rd. C'Vllle 22907; Dislrlct V Honors Band 1.2,3,4: Albemarle County Honors Sand; Squad Leader 2.3.4: Prtnctpal Clartnet 2.3.4: Volleyball Club 2: Vtce President 2. ~ The path Is myrtad ln Its complt-Jdty. Dtfferent for everyone. BeautlfuJ for some. Stryfe for others. versed by all. Completed by none. the pas( behtnd. and destlny ahead." - Tile Bard. ompklns. Aprtl Charlene (Charlene} Rt. 2 Box 6 Pound 24279: ennis 1.2.3: Letter: Track 3: Letter: Volleyball 3: Letter: Science and Ecology Club; 4·11 Club: FBLA: The Dance Club; e Big "K" Club. ·rt ts better to be a has been than one who neve:r was.· ompklns. Kristen Marle(Sasha. Crace. KrtJshten) 2765 Milton HUls Dr. CVIlle 22902: French Honor Society 4; Beta Club 4: Secretary; Academic Letter 3; Honor Rolll.2.3.4: AU Academic Honor Roll 1.2,3,4; Who's Who 2.3.4; J V Basketball 1.2: arsl.ty Basketball 3.4: JV VoUeybal12; Varsity Volleyball 3,4: Key Club 2,3,4; Varsity Club 4: Honorable Mention District 3: unJor Olympics Volleyball 2.3. "When your ml.nd says s1op. push a little more. Reach for your potenUal. not just for what's expected.· - Anonymous. cy. Joshua Chalm 4-Jo~h. Trace, Tracer. Crazy EddJe. Jose) I 07 Wendover Lane CVllle 2290 I : Spanish Honor Soctety 3.4: ExecuUve Counc1l4: National Mer1t Scholarship Commended Student 3: Who'sWho2,3,4; NaUonal Educauonand Development Test Award 2; Incentive For Success 2: Outdoor Club 2.3.4: V.Pres 3; President 4: Patrlot Mascot 3.4; Peer CounselIng 3.4: Varsity ScienceAcademJcTeam 4; Beta Club 4: JunJor Ac:Msory COunctl 3: Sophomore Advisory Coundl 2: School Healthy Advisory Councll 3.4: Yearbook 2: Concert Band 1: Spanis h Club 1. •Don't gain the world and lose your soul-Freedom ts better than sliver and gold."- Bob Marley. mer. Rosanna Wynn (Rosie. Ro, Rosebud, Roman, Red} Rt. 4 Box 227N CVllle 22901: Who's Who; Honor Roll; Beta Club4: Choir 1: f'CA 1: SADD2: VarsttyCiub3: Outdoor Club 4: Secretary 4; Peer Counseltng2,3,4: JV Soccer 1,2; VarsltyChecrleadlng3: PowderPuff 1.2: SCARep . ·Isn't It funny. how a bear loves honey. buzz buzz ... " - Wtnnie the Pooh. ·Love eorne trucks.·· s. Booth. "Only love can make love: · Peter Gabriel. Varner, KeUy F. (Kelly Bundy) Rt. 6 Box 105 CVUie 22902: Secretary-Marketing Club 4: Did Aloohol Death PalnUng Face In SADD2; Gennan Club4: SADD4. "Ifyou aregotngtomake the best of something. make It the last year. Do your best.-

J aney Shelton Kelly Sh enal Amanda Shifflett J effrey Shifflett

Monica Shiflett Melissa Shortridge Colette Skeen J ason Skipper

Brian Smith Deborah Smith Brant Snead J effrey Snyder

tgllone. Rebecca Glrord (Betta, B<x, Vlgl. Vtgllone. ReeBee) 4369 Saddle Court Earlysville 22936: National Honor Sodery 4: Athlete of the Month 3: Honor Roll 1.2.3,4; Freshman Cheerleadlng I : Varsity Ch~leadtng 2,3.4: Peer Cou.nMllng 2.3.4: Key Club Varsity Club 3.4: Senior Advisory CouncU 4: Captain's Council 4. · 1 believe every person has a heart. and lf you reach It, you can make a dHI'erence.· • UU Der1ckson.



STATS watker. LOn Eitz.abeth (CUr) 525 Vtllagt WOOds Ll'i Earlysville 22936; Beta Club 4. Patr10t Sln#rs 4, NaUonaJ Honor Sod~ty 4; Choir . fftnch Honor Society 4. Who's Who 2.3.4; Honor Roll; Key Club 2.3.4. ICC Rep 4; FCA I, Youth Group; Pftr Coun.e:llng 2.3.4 ~I can do aU things through Clu1st who st~ngthens ~- • PhUJipl.ans 4:13. Walker. S~na MkheU (Rt:na) 4005 Tompkins Ortve CVUie 22901: Chotr Reg)onals 2; Natk>nal Anthem 3.4: SHOlJf I. -shoot for the moon and ~n lfyou miss you1l be amongst the

stars.· Walsh. JennJfer Ann "-len. Nej) ItO Grorgetown Green CVIlle 22901; Honor Ro11 IFS 1.2.3; IFS

~nnan Award 3; Who's Who2.3; Marching Band Lf:tter 1.2.3: LttterBar2,3: An Club 1: SlerTB Club2; SA003: ~nnanCiub3.4: Conc:ert Band 1.2.3; Marching Band 1,2.3. "'Where tveryou go. Lhereyou an!"

Wang. Samantha Shirley (Wanger· Wonker, Sam. Sammy. Tay· lor. Wang) 1556GardenCt,CVIIIe22901: HonorRo112,3:Who's Who 2.3.4: Key Club 1.2. Dmma Club 1.2: Marketing Club 3.4: Outdoor Club 4.11lere are things known and lh..lngs unknown and tn betw«n are the doors. ~ Jim Morrtson. ·Ufe Is full of un~ surprtsc:a. some brtng laughter. others brtng pain with Jt·alllt maku life wonh Uvtng.• · Wanger. Weddle. MichaelA. (Elmer. Money. Beetle. Che-eKr, Bubba) Rl. 4 Box 276 CVU!e 22901; Beta Club 4: Honor RoU JV Soccer 1.2; Best Attitude 1; AU academic Team I; Golf 2.3.4: Rookie of the Year2: AU AcademJcTeam 2.3.4. Coaches Honors 4; Team CaptaJn 4; Captaln's Counctl 4; \Vho's Who l.2.3: An Club I:VolleybaJJCiub2;Ste"'Ciub3.4 "'YouontyaccompUsh ln proportion to what you attempt.· Wells. Stephanie O.wn fSteph. Stephle) 2500 MUton Hill!i Or CVllle 22902. Sf.DD 1.2; F'HA 3; Yearbook 2.3. DECA 4 '"You are nothJng untll you btlleve you art- something. Good LuckClass of 94 Remembe-r. -.II you can do I$ 'IA.'Ork through ...rythtng' s.e yaJ" We5C081. Robert Tate; 4637 Brtan.'OOd OrCVtlk 2290 I •[nslSt on yourself. never tmltate.• Westenberger. l..eah Mkhtle ll« -l..ee. F•trtcka) 46 F'our Sea· sonsDrCVWe22901 : English Rep 1.2:DramaClub3.4 ·Don't worry about a lhJng· btcause ~ry little thing Is gonna be alrtghll" · Bob Marley. Whitener, Chr1stophrr Nell (Whitey. Whiteman, WhHes) 1620 Poe's Lane CVtlle; EngJlsh Honore Award I; Honor Roll 3.4,5: Varsity Lacrosse 2.3.4. Captain 4: Lacrosse Club 1.2: Sierra Club 3.4: Outdoor Club 5. '"To all those who thought I couldn't make ll·thJs diploma Ia for yout• ·Don't eat yellow $now," Wicks, Michael HamUton (Wick.sypoo. Mlke Mlke. Moctlke, WocUc~J 793 Castle Court: letter tn basketball and football: FootbaJJ 1.2.3,4; Basketball 1,2,3.4. SHOlff 1.2.3; Varsity Club 4 "We can do thl.!i ." Wllberger. Jeffrey Brandon (Booger, 8oog) 100 Deerwood Rd. C'VWc22901; 9thCrad• Bask<cballl; VarsltyBask•cball2.3.4: JV Ba..,balll: 9th Crad< foocballl : rCA 1.2: Varsity Club 3.4: Beta Club 4 ; School lmpro~nxnt 4 "'The greatest joy 1n life i5

doing what


say you can't do."

Fortune CookJe.

Willis. Brandy WUldns. Rl 1 Box 173M !<Hoe 22946; Spanish Honor SOdety 2 ,3.4; Outdoor Club I Wlnl<rrtng<r. Rebecca (B«:k. Schmeck. Bronco) 128 Oak for-

est Ctrclt CVUJe 22901: Outdoor Club 1; SlerTa Club 2.3.4: Outdoor Track; Indoor Club 2.4 '"'llle differr:ncr beta:·ttn the rtght word and almost the rtght 'WOrd l.s the same as the dlfl'"erei"K'C bet\\ttn lightening and a lightening bug • - Mark

-r-tn Wotmer, Catherine NICole 114 BoiUngbrook: Dr. C\.1Jie 22901: Honor Ro112.3; Jw1lor Class Rep. 3; Teacher Cadet 4: Student Advisory 4: Key Club ·Hokl on to your dreams and someday they wttl come true.· Wood, Shawn Lyn (Woodpyle, Wood Trunk. Shaw-Nay) Rc. I Box 231 Keswtck 22947: Chrss Club I; SpanJsh Club 2: Volleyball 2.3; Outdoor Club 3; SAOD 4. "From whom this tyrant holds. dueofBirth · Myfomltrspeechesha\-ebut hit your thoughts· Now good dlgeaUon walt on appetite flve flve Ove." Yowdl, AlyclaAIIen(Shorty. Spe<dy. Short Scum Rt. 9 Box 1178 C'lrllle 2290 I: f'rench honor Society 2.3.4. Who's Who 3 : SADD 1: Outdoor Club 2: Key Club 4. National Beta Club 4. ·Prayers tn my pocket and no hand In dutlny I'll k~p on movtn' along wtth no Ume to plant my fe-et. • · CNR

Amy Sobeck Amanda Spigone Jennifer Stacy Tara Staton



Daisy Stevens Rondell Stevenson Julie Stone Christopher Taffe

Michael Tapscott Helen Thacker Jeremy Thompson Inga Thurston

When "s the Even though the senior year is thought to be a breeze compared to the junior year, for some it isn't. Whether by choice or by necessity, seniors are taking up to five Advanced Placement Courses concurrently. Says Senior Chris Krizek, "I just get so stressed out when I have two term papers to write in one week and three chapters to read and outline for a unit test. And all this work is only for AP Govemment. " These students cover more information in class than level three students do in preparations for an exam in May. This year, Adam Bodily is taking four AP classes. He predicts, "When May comes around, I'm sure my friends and I will be frantically studying in groups at night just to get prepared. " By earning a four or five on a scale of one to five on the exam, a stude nt can receive credit hours for a college class even before ente r ing a college or university. Students who are taking the AP classe s are willing to out forth the hard work to receive the benefits at the end of May. • Ashley Edwards

Orlando Thurston Marian Tilman Kris ten Tompkins Joshua Tracy

Jennifer Trimpe Rosanna Tumer James Tyree KellyVamer

Josh Tracy a nd Tim C riscione take notes during an AP lecture .

Seniors •


Rebecca Viglione Matt Walker Lori Walker Sirena Walker


Jennifer Walsh Samantha Wang Walter Washington Shannon Webb

• Seniors

Michael Weddle Kenny Weidman Stephanie Wells Robert Wescoat

Leah Westenberger

Christopher Whitener Jeffrey Wilberger Brandy Willis

Seniors at

Brian Smith and Scott Brand psych each other up before the big game against Westem. Jill

Powell and Amy Knott flip burgers together at the Homecoming tailgates.

The senior football players show their spirit by walking onto the

Aaron Wilson Rebecca Winterringer Catherine Woerner Shawn Wood

TeswarWood Troy Woodson Richard Yates Alycia Yowell

gym floor during a pep rally.

Seniors •



Jay Brown & Maia Bums

Best Dressed Tracy Jones & Randell Stevenson

Most Likely To Succeed Edwards& Adam

Class ~...·- .j., Debbie Smith& Jason Skipper

~ 80 • Senior Superlatives

Biggest Rebecca Viglione & Mike Wicks

Loudest Guy Mason & Amy McGarity

Quietest Kevin Farinholt & Becky Alter


Courtney Kiehl & Jason Carter

Most Seen Together Tomoko Kitazawa & Chris Whitner

Senior Superlatives • 81


1) Ashley Edwards, Adam Bodily, Ingrid Lobo, Amy Bebko, Jennifer Conway, Tara Grove

7) Betsey Foster

*not pictured 14) Andrew Cain

8) Inga Thurston

~ 82

• Senior Top Twenty

11) Katia Golovatyak, Kevin Farinholt

13) Rebecca Alter

15) Anita Johnson

.\~ ...

' l





1 .• \

16) Valeria Garcia Tufro, Kimberly Schlussel

18) Rebecca Rehm


19) Angelica McCallum

20) Brenda Awad

Senior Top Twenty • 83


Senior Wills I. Brenda Awad, leave to: ASIIAMONSTER--Wlsconsln. Brendan. water and snow skllng. Guns N Roses. hair spray. cabookl body slams. Timmy. Nutraswcel. drMng lessons, broken porch. dirty tacos. Prtncess Bride. homemade meals. summer filngs: KEW-hatreuts. prom and homecoming adv .. wed 2-step. reglonals. 18 B-day. state falrs. Bulldozer at Canaan. horse adv.: KEVIN-- I month wall. prom 2 -slep. ski trips: HEADER; 2 yrs. U P.O.: KRJsnE--Tootsie Rolls. falling asleep, Skittles: \VENDY--Yoohoo!, Howdy. Spanish jokes. Dr. Pepper: ADAM-- ski trips. homecoming. falling Chern and Gov't: ALl-- Ms. O'Brten. help In Eng.: ADAM B--bring your friend hither!: 600-· AL, Mon. and Wed. 2-step. meadows. Beavis and Butthead.l Love Lucy. punching Heather. driving on ice. New Years. Lovebug. Boot Scoolln Boogie!. Jonna and Diet Coke. marrtage In UtUe Mermaid. Julia Roberis: JOIIN--Biackhawks. Home Alone 2 : KRISTEN--Jolly Green Giants. I, Billy Baldwin, leave: MM -Knaps. secrets. Longwood. a better guy. Andrew. mind games. Jack. Deltaville. long talks. snowtublng. sexy babies. birthmarks. pinky ring, belly necklace. abs. shooting star, messy hair. new friends. phone bUI. no more lies. trip to Gtant. Dad. Scotl's pretty feet. Cam1ex, truth, Bambi. car rtdes. Chicago. Koo-Koo. more affection. love ya. Sexy: WS--Erin's. run -arou nds. bridgejumping. rent. PPA. fighling skills. Beachweek. Longwood nights and fences. drive from Lee's, Debby's. schoolnlghts. Fairview days. John M's. all the women. to many good limes. to list: KG--PPA. niles at Wintergreen. a wedding ring. Beachweek. house pariles. double or nothIng: CT-· nile at John's, creek walking. a new girl: AK· plnches. science. ~at limes. overnight at May's. cutest. New Y~ar drtve-: AC · nltf!S at ur house. crazy. good times. secret kisses. Lolln's:JP--Chlnese. mints. Annie's: JJ--Oy fishing. gJrltalks. Sydney days: MB-a nile on the town. a relationship?. Its ur fault. a kiss. the lake: JG --Iong talks, Deltavtlle. 125: AH--Ms. Pahuta. crypto limes: 515--a year to go. good and bad limes, the best of luck. a good boyfriend, no more of my friends. love you: KM -- ?'s. secrets. Bball games. pictures. SP. Jolly Rancher. a guy who Is worth lt. Brlan. a backrub. vtslt to Sydney. a trlp to the beach. a bi!( bro(Mel. love ya. Kelley-Belly. want some water: MOM/DAD--a refonned me. a week at home. thanx for everything: SM--dtnner. more deer. less stress. choking on salad. encore. talks. love ya. I. Davtd Morgan Cart s ma Barredo. hereby leave:PATRIOTSTAFF--layout weekends. Jl's: HELEN T--fla!(poles. pmyers. letters 20 ED: JENN H--my bulletin board: JON 11--Comp problems: ROBIN. STEPHANIE--Winterfest. bears: Thanx 2 MS. O'B, MR. CURRY. MS. CARTER: MS. PAHUTA--Aidennan. Polscl major. SENIORS--sovereignty. success. N go '98: this Edltor-ln-Chlefleaves 2 AilS D best newspaper (Vol 431: STUDENTS- B A2J. "Before honor Is humtllty. N favor Is priceless.·

I, Robert Beasley.leaveto: JASON --KingofBall Wars, Mr. Slick. s ki bum. while lightning. VMI Keydel: to RICHARD--Spanish test partner. blue whale: to RAYMOND--Most Ukely to be a Military Genius. General Lambert. VMI Keydel. Larnborglnl. bagboy: to RIDENOUR .. Montross. actor. conductor, Grantt , woody. fruitcake. AI Bundy: to HENRY V (ANDREI-you owe Jay and I a meal at RoCoco's: to IAN SMITH· Fr1ar TUck: to CARTER--I saved your life. Falsta/T, blackout, Blackbeard: to the CREW ABOVE except llcnryV--Young. Zepplln. PcariJarn. Matthews Band. these are all the chillln' bands we listened to while having Rootbeer and llcortsh and toast. The lnsUtue shalt be heard from ... EVERYONE-Romans l 0 :9: CORY --Barbl es on Ice. all my clothes. Prov. 17: 17: INCA Swing Kids. stress no more. banana party. runntng a t lhe beach. Willow Run. Jean Bean, River Pheontx. Mat. 6 :25-34: TANIA·Ace of Base. Jeopardy. expensive beach umbrella, belly dancer, Impossible cave hltl: JENNIE GERK-book wom an. LM ··Montgomery. mtspe:ld werds; MICHELE--planes kidnapped I, Matt Behrens. leave to: 1\ARLOW--a new Ml Bike: to TEDDY--party till you drop: to the GUYS ON THE BREAZEWAY· lotsoflaughsatSAPand lunch: to MY COACHES--thanks for all: to HOSKAE KIM--A-new pair of pointed shoes to kick your friends : to VAL--a punching bag: to BIU..-a shirt: to 0&0--pracllce. meets, Districts: to CRYSTAL-· how about a date? P.S.--dontchange: toLES11E&JOYCE--Iotsoflaughs. loveya: to RAY -Taco Bell & Bodos: to ALL--goodbye, good luck. we're outta here. I, Kellye B. leave: RC--the day we mel. lluv u with all my heart and soul, George and Elton. the best 3 yrs of my life. my undying luv. 'Its me call me back", my total support. eternity: MM--Crytn', late nile searches. giraffe, sleepwlkrs. 2 sees. pantyhose. a baby broom. steam marks. beeked In the woods. 7- 1 I pizza. funyuns. Aberdeen Bam. top secret conversations: SB-- sunburn, funyuns. Sbarros pizza. cleaning up string. bolng.theJanetJackson.legglngs.lhemaster plan oulltne. Roadhouse:. ·did she hear us·. Teen Spirit. turned away at the booth. 90% chance of rain: FE. EC· Ward. pg 56. danctng tn the headlltes. dumpster. Ute of the moon. mt-n-room. helmet hair. a homeless guy. wanl some Pepsi. swtvel caps. a fake tan: AL- I 05. that perfume slinks. a $37 hair cut.

~ 84 •Wills

fake hair on the floor. ·c how loud It Is up here·. "Toms Diner·. AH. culTs. !..AX slick hair. sllv: to MY PARENTS--thanx for all of your love and support. I, Michele Bennett. leave: JESS-·Gov't. beach trip. and soccer: BECKY--Bible study and Bess stories· Plle-A-Thon, An1y, brothers. stress filled O<:hool years. SA shoppln!(. and fun parties: INCA my car. Tech. butt baggage. and fun limes: NATHAN --Beavis. pushups, Taco Bell: DANIELLE--Howdy. Vanguard. combat boots. and Major Ward: KEVIN--AP, hypercard and rockets: SCUM--my toys and a haircut: RACIIEL-· makeup and growing up: MY PARENTS--dreams and hopes achieved and a lifetime of havtng fun .

I, Shannon Bishop. leave: SILAWN--allthe love I have for you. summer of93 and the month of November. coming August I give you our baby. my heart Is yours. the years coming will be the greatest. thank you for all you have done for me: to MANDY--the manyyearsoffriendshlp, 7 - 11 parklnglotandmany more, good luck to Anthony. tell Taylor I love her. she'll grow up to see she has a great mother: to ROBERT-- the summer of 93. IBSKUNK, tuft on av, Rosles van. Mike's house. the roses were beautiful, the talks. the laughs. and the crys. you will rorcver live In my heart. good luck lo all you do, I love you. yes. to CHRIS 0 --our senior year. you have been mean. but I wouldn't t.radeanotheruncle for you. see you ln the years coming: lo MY PAREN'TS-· lhe greatest 18 years. you have given me a lot. I know ll doesn't seem like lltstened. but I did. I love you. Mom and Dad. you will be great grandparents. I. Adam Bodily. leave: to DREW--rides. clunkers of

the neighborhood, why is a belt?: to VAL--a field hockey hat, Feb 2nd and so?. a fiashllght ln your eyes. stars upside down at 2. Prom, study groups. stress. walks and talks. falling asleep. a red necklace. sneaking out again. hiking. foggtng up the Windows. lime. rollerbladtng, Phil Collins: toSHLEE-AP labs. 50 guys. st udy l(roups. Canaan Valley. pool. ballroom danctng, slitches. nuclear chicken. pizza. dinner In March. a ski lift bruise. boots. drvtng skJils, Valedictorian stress; to HEATII--clunker's club. thank you no. snow Isn't dense, a good vtew ln Psych. a chicken burger. stress: to SR--sneaklng out. rreeetttch. skiing v. snowboarding. a good vtew In Spanish. religion talks: to JAREFERATI IERATHAN--beach trips. yals'nl you're cool not. a plckuh. plckuh. pcckoo. a future daffy: to FRAY--sncaklngout. pool at Preston's, 3 girls In Florida at New Years. a head wound at the beach: to DIANA--mommy cat. rides everywhere. did anyone call. ScruiTy. Jaime. Mrs. Dolly Afro: to MAlA--homecoming. early morning chats: to INGRID-Governors School. s tandardized tests. a canned ham: to PRES--stop and Route 706: get In the car Flash. Hoolley Hoo. Gawdaag. dere Ills: to KIRSTY· homecomtng. asking for direcllons: to MOM and DAD--support. love. the SAAB. the I told a joke·· face: to UNC FANS-81 -77: to AU. thanks for a great four years. CP sonny boy! I, Shannon Booth, leave: to ROSIE--fxfld. freak me greasy. U4UM fight. Missy's chin. men. our own fun. CS. OK jeans. BOTS. steel mlnet. l · mouse. do the rtght tang. JP wrttk. car tapes. a facial exp 4 aU limes. thanx 4 all the laughs. I love Ul, MISSY-·hllil. tatlgators, GB2. Sega. TUlly. UVA plot. plant rights. gremlin. love. some cuteness!: AMY McG-GB I. JPA crew. UF-Iovtn. whats 4 dessert. scared?, what R U gonna do If she gets In your face?. Monnle love: keep ya head up: JESS I--4.5, dgpound. 4 love notlovtn. long talks, hey tacos. MMcD. lhanx 4 your shoulder, luv ya: KC--Cowboy. born business. Lhats not nght. Ken: ASH --Miller, 50 boys. room w/ privacy, 2 of lhe last. Dton, mailbox, 3 yrs. beach. whal wUII dow/o U? Avoid responslblllty:TIM--chemlsery. channel 48: JAYSON-- rocks & my window, sneak. juice power nap. hmcmng '92. trust. BBF: MAY--a dtlch. runs ax the street. Cgtrls. Mardi Gras. secrets. snow. ddddddnt. FmVW01W. luv ya: TR--arl tal.ks. JD: CO--Prom '93. shepsent. Spconfesslons. C. B.M.L. thanx: LG--summermemoties; AC--plcture. dresses. hosU. nenners. Esrnnt. WSO--M: MW--twln: RS-DIRA: SR--111 miss the crealionl: KS-- turtle fann: HI---every 6m: RH--a girlfriend: PA--!(plg: NICK-Chico. prtdes, I'll miss U: EJ--Iets go: TRM--KPW, boo. come 2 CHS. favors. Pmce. pump. ouch. talks w/ JnM, BB: SF--U Rsostupld. red Ute. rides. 2yrs. I got friends on this: RR--SF. 50 girls. nuts: MARK· 1- 14. catchn on. lunchbox. c. rood. d.undrwr, speech, my hear!, XO!: GBs--·so close no matr how far ... ': EVRY- 1 ELSE--live like you II die 2morow. dy Uke you'llllv 4evr. I, Tara Bossl.leave: to KATIE--late night trips. tablng. towing my car out of ditches. snowdays. my cousins. Malice. and all my love: to ING--vtsltln pj's. sunblock. a greek man w I a southern accent whose good at debate. Marco Polo, no knocking. a honk In the night, gym. lngridslm. and good friendship: to MESHELLMEBELL--a good story, art. elevators. nights w/ Malice and the boys. ski lift. pinochle cards. a gold chain . remember that policemen are your fnends and luv ya: to F'ArTH· ·picnlcs. unexpected vtslts. Ll. a haircut: to !lEATHER J --club days. gum, the dragon: to M0-1151\A--our Window. our notebook, the trip to the mall. and black and purple: to the PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF--It's more fun In the dark: to MDF--1'11 never leave Petri-Bug: to GISEUTA, ml hermanila grande--Te qulero. schmuck!, wtsh you were gotng w1 me. llove you and I'll miss you, XOXO.

I. Sheri Boume. leave: NATASILA (Swissl--1 hate lhat boy. Gaston. SLs. fakename. FBI agents, 300. Ken.C .. new Benz. great minds, rough harr. BsBBr, beaut men of Amer. Ted Ruxpln, toys. Meatloaf. 50110 cap. strobe ll. (plalfonns. sliver dres, feathers. glltterl Hello?, ans mach . VCR Idiosyncracies. RJ-1. Cape Fear. Br on head. Pillsbury Dough boy, KFC --shorts. MBSC. seance, hikes. robot, break dancing and moonwalk. rain. Janet. Dominos. Kroger. volleyball. sun. crime beat. Aren't we cool?: MICIIELLE· -shavIng cream. KD. talks. Janet. shoppln. wid summers: RH--wkend !hang!. Malt· AC-cool guy. Wash DC. peroxide. flytng spoons. Is vlad bl?: FAITii- luv·fr. Gennan, Taco Bell. Toys R Us. Dr, Eng: INGRID--a ladder. 2CN "1ndows. Leggett. a prob n hall. dancing: NEEPA--food. nap n fin. mustard bottle, drivtn at SIP. I. All Brandenburger, leave the following: to KELLI -IIeave bike rtdes. Val l '93 and 94', s ki/SAT class. "I'm Goofy". Europe, lake house, B & E. feet. 99%. a maid, tears and laughter. good 'ol Betsy. Nags Head. T.T.. A.K.. C.E.. D. H.. L.K. --beslfriend boyfriends-2x's, "I'll nver give up on you!" Smllel 7 years of great friendship, and horsy good limes: to MIKE--l leave: Chubby. Prom 93. a dog named Sassy. V.T.. Weill. a putter. love. a perfect head of ha ir, a squcez. 7 !(real mnths. a voice that doesn't crack. a red face. champaign glasses. classes together: to K.S.--a memomble l Olh grade: toASH--skltrlpsand friends. "Good TUnes": to BRENDA--classes together , ski trips. friends . I. Jeanne Brazell. hereby leave: LEAii--"Just kid· ding". soul seaching talks. astrology. guys from the past. taughler and tears. a friend forever: ABBIE·· UVA and AHS tennis, sir psycho sexy hiking boots. Joey. friendship. thanks: KATY--Ms. Gilkey's math class, 6 million notes. M&N. Joey (Whoall. "You re bull' . Mountlnfatualion. luck and love: NEll...- Prom '93, honeysuckle. a special place In my hear!. al"'aYS and forever: IRENE--Antonio. Joey. "Novels ... a Leo bond. luck In life and love: ARICIIA--· foxy lady" and · Eyebrows--U1ere should be 2": SUSHUITA· UVA and AHS tennis, "robbin' the cradle". "Shmila", friendship foever : INGRID--"Advtce" we exchanged. tennis doubles. forcing me Into goln!( to Prom. peace and happiness: LAURA--Eternity perfume. tennis memories. my trust and friendship: AMY and JENNY--your crealive, yet gross. "Burp and underlcl( stuJT. luck and love; VANESSA··lhanks for many rides. peace and happiness: KATIE--friendship 6th- 10th grade. a place In my heart. luck In life: SCOTT--us dlsrupllng Psychology classes. what the future may hold: EVERYONE ELSE--peace. love, happiness and sunshlne. Pany on!

I. Natasha Brtggs, leave: SHERI-- Aladdin. OW song. B2M voice. Free food. filp It over. ST meat pie, poisonous Mlsllc. Belly, Jo, AI (sooo uglyll. 29N... il doesn't go S!: strobe light outfit. Cheerios (banana anyone?l. hot air and tropical music, pasture (where R the cows!l: KELLY--Westside story ftghts. FOX. Mike Brady, by the way. U need 2 grow up!": MATT--a spastic fit. your own Ournml Bears. silk boxers. a real life (like mlne!l: JAY--locker ft'!}lts. Muili-gratn Cherr1os With banana. and btrocals (R U Bllnd?ll: to all of MY FRIENDS--IIuv you guys with all my heart. Ill never 4get ne of you. Keep Smiling! I. JayBrown. hereby lea••e: TJ--thegood odays. 7- 11 , fun Friday. nuh,just kiddln. go-go patrol. Rice Krtspy treats. why did the chicken cross the road?, you W\11 a lways be my acel: to all my other IGGAS--SR. RS. CL. NR. and the rest--peace. love. and life: to the I.ADIES·slay sweet!: AMBHA--Iast but not least. stay beautiful and llvtngl Remember JQ house. chocolate doughnuts. Penn Park. Prom '93, Penn Park, my cousins house. the arguments that brought us closer. all other memories and many to come. love now and forever! I, Mala BunlS,lcave: MAY··M&M. Glmme some skJn, sisters. Pewey Peanut Buller. Sunchlps. cucmbcr eyes. summer-- us. Kris & Scott. a million chats. 1 can'l write it all-·you've been there for me always-thanks--luvya: KELLY -- tears at your house, commu nily crutches and clothes. Beach-surfing, lifeguards. Snaggletooth. tan & bum, that bikini, won't turn my back!: BEX--3rd-hat tea. Kite day. Cups O'noodles-poolslde. cheddar cheese bagels. your dads my denlist. 5th-math project. tutor-Toby & Julia, 10 yrs of s ummer reunions. guy chats, and true frtendshipand we're slill counling: BILLY--windsurfing. fix my hair. Homecoming. lake. Western game, thanks for honesty (when I askedl and betng there: MABIE--Timmy. U can't BIn that: LORI--Go ahead, No. back up, a nice guy: CHRIS K--Beachweek. applying early. best of luck--U desrve It: ANG --Fx Carol. no 2nd pd: DAWN-enemy. since Klndergarten--thanx:JESS M Cheater. my dress: MATH TIJfOR--UVA. that'swhatl'm gonna do: AMEUA--It's Friday: MURIEL---ride home. library: KRIS 0 --Bums house. Paws: JESS 0 --thanx for the support In !..AX: INGRID--a lunch pass. problem to society: LORIE--Run!:TRN--random page. URagood sport: JULIE--summer-Rubys & guy chats: KIMBERLY--W & M, my tutor: HEATIIER--XC & !..AX-buds: JAYSON--6th grade--sorry: J UsnN B-- pool. my ups & downs, UR an awesome friend lo have. thanx 4 llstentng, good luck ahead: MR. WEISANDIIfellnes. the biggest college. thanx 4 the support, encouragement, and advice aboul everything: ALl. DAN. MS. BACK. and UV--all my lovel l wish I had a page for each of you!

I, ChasUty Calhoun, leave: JENNIFER-- Bike races. Myrtle Beach. Stone & Thomas. a Slurpce. Nov 23 90.

thanks for listening to all my problems. love ya: MARG0-- 131nverts. blke races. 7 years of friendship : JEN--Va Beach 93. Mad Dog. all the good and bad limes with D.H. and J.W.: JEANNIE--a wardrobe. Gold's Gym. BRIAN--a better life and my first love: RICKY and MARK--Will's house. BRCYniER--all the stupid arguments. all the late night talks and all my love: SISSY --my mom and all my love: JOE--all the good and bad limes. too bad things didn't work out buill was a great year. and always my lo•·e: MIKE-Utile Otngs but hot flames: Sept 25 93: secret lovers. love ya: MOM and STEVE--Thanks for everythln~. I ne\;er could have made It Without all your love and support $ . I love you guys! I. Lyle. betngofdwlndllngmtnd and precious body. do hereby bequeath the following to: BH--all our yrs. CHS. cUlTs. music. EhnJS. BBgun, Sean. Bridge. Robby. Camrys. lax camp. NyoMouth. Sp. laughs. KWC. 8th grd Od day. Ohlll, the pastllme, growtng up, all da girls. Greenbner : CD--getlin me started, the debate, your paslime. Cherry Dar, no dirt. tnaugura lion. GMU. MlkenRS.JR. Mass. BensRvg.JL. chores. every movts. the 80s live on; TR-·debate. a Lrshcn. pggybck rds. sanity. when necessary, rides. pariy where?: AH--church, chats, JM, new hubeap. PlOTS: PA--lhe Bmer. Rchmnd?. the fld. many nights U had 2 slay at my house, Remo; ASP-JVC stereo. your hse. prlys. thnx 4 spmg brk. drivtng: JD--a dnt N yo car. Ertn (MayB noll. work: 56--Cypress Hill, Beastie Boys. Larry: AL--a bet. the Suburban. my hat: GO-how many Is that?. quilling, English. Where is the sun?. the pickle. 20 goals: THE GANG--Town and Country. JeffR. Jerky Boys. melted glass. MIS Bball. New Years. Freestyle. Nutlin' just klckln tt. C-Ya 111· ERIN EUZABETH--sprbw!Snday. my wreck. Browns Mntn. missing school. U and Ashley. sprng brk. prom. Btians. Kings DomlnJon. Amandas. worry. fights. my exll. TnC(sorry!l. Dec 23. New Yrs. 'Tm gonna let you go·. I was wrong?. Jill. long talks. Ume together, my drlvtng, "Mom they're Lyles!·. BBF. parlies. Jason and his Chamln. my music, Abby, Shay. Eggplant. Sandwich, Popeyes, $150, Trip, Jose. C ... you like?!: early release. your/my hat --a ring. a hug. a kiss. my love--I love you, Erin... ll's only the begtnnlngi. ..ChUI till the next episode. babel It's all over now:TI1anx MOM. DAD. MARK. and EVERYONE who wa.s always there for me. Cya later and dar at VMI! I. Asia Campbell. leave to: GREG--all the chocolate chip coo kies you can eat: S~IANNON W--crutons. parties, lunchtime. our talks: LAURIE--a car . Josh, Scott. 20Q's, a date w/ Paul: JENNY-- physics class. Scott. our talks: CAROLYN R--Spanlsh, Monday night football, all the limes we have shared together: SCO'IT -more sleep: BRIAN--a fire. Holly: DAISY--our child· hood. our talks, movies, C\-erythtngwe've been through, and my job: AMANDA--our past. s lecpovers. laugh· tng. crytng, gossiping. Tastee Freeze. Pizza Hut. lunch time. bus rides. movies. football pmctice. birthday parties. and everything you remember about me; I lOLLY--hunling. fishl.ng. truck bumpers. btkes. mud puddles. our club house. F'reddy, the games wt played when we were little, The Shirt Tales. 0-ma's house. birthdays. perslnunonscattalls, the River, the pond. bees in ajar. our fights. Kim's memory. wanta hug? CHCD. Chris's. RRT. TB. BK. bowling. Burley. bus r1des. poems. dreams. sofas. Gotcha. runts. movies. Ice. RH . our lunches. a lcnl. a hill. dances. shopping. Bennet. whoslt. FNMisslon, Max's. WS. HKR, B\VM, OJ. RCOKST, ERVFD, sofiball, skiing, boaUng. pool. sleepovers. 20Q's. YOP, tissues. putt· putt. black van, SC. a patty. a phone. a map, BRand YD. a CB. roll bar. CDR. ALW /OB. a sausage egg and cheese blscufl, the best summer ever. the world: EVERYONE--all the happiness In the world, thanks for everythi ng.

I, Cori Canar. leave the following things: to SAMMY· -!low many miles do we have?. SHABAI. the old days (Forget them). can I have some AC and air condlllon· ing?. Where's the sandwich. FITZ. 3 min rid e home. camping trips, Pauly. skiing. midnight swims, a left arm, arrested on ~lal.loween. Pepelco. FoxJleld. Lalla's party. Kev's party, hickey woman, canoeing. Bootyman, PI Capps. Deltas. ll<E. ODU. Beachweek '94. Otngs. BluendgeParkway. Taylor. Dannyx2, Rich mond, runaway wagon. a lunch pass, ftnd yourself a man. love ya Gtrly! Good luck!: CHRISTY--New Or· leans. the beach, running from ru,·erwalk. YoungUfe. Kev's couch. gllly. barkln llke a dog, Longwood. PI Capps, CHRisnNE--your house. a little freedom first limes: KEV--some money. ski trips. bathroom door. new bed, restauranlln Waynesboro: TW· ·love you forever: JW--the bugs are following us! , YL. parties: BOB--thanks for being there. I miss ya. love ya lots!. stanara: FE--Longwood!. Cadner, Chris Shores (Godl. Cori I think I'm gonna be sick: ERIC- I0\'0 ya NATALIE--chlllln with ourblonle bables!, the chronic. all the apartments: !PI---the old days. gelling Into Lrouble ... always. the home. a car that's not wreaked; LAILA--TRAX, cases. fun at your house: TK--a trip to Richmond!: JAIME--a date. Young Life: to everyone I left out-good luck! I'll miss ya: to everyone still In school·tm.ha.ha!. ..I'm outta he relt I. Erin Camey. leave: LYLE-- KINN. s-boel. Crlys. J 's,

P-: te. SBK. C-hands. shtgn, spgtli, r-slp, car. 4hole. wmnt. Mr Ray. cUTs. sear. hdngondr. BSPrch. BE. Stchsnrt, lefi. sklne. 120, Jnl7, s-dppng, rvT, JLV15, firm. Aug 19. PP, T&C. pacifier. KWBKCR. Rchmdl, rtng, Peczi, NY94. lcewk. CLST. PHN, no heat, wllco. !-balm. p-crn. saops. bussls. wetu. no sleep. hat. couch. 2%. Cmetry. cable, momks. belt. field.ldtube.

van. togs. flghts. SHRTI.KS. nkdskln. kiss. hugs. love you always; my daughter TERI--UVA gms. $22. MHICKS. SATCSS. Mnboots. QUAD. nor1ss. NY93·4. KINN. Channu. C-ton. SBK93. moon. rstop. Ctohead. lnprop. cooler. key. pybchc. R-hse. e'·onstun. kite. baton, Rlnner. Bluemd, Zelda. carwrks. Wddsdown,

T&C. Lemons. canoe. campn. F-llon. Aries. SO's, stoplnn. love ya; SYPH--Gom. t· ptrl. Ice. gssp4brds. U\X. IIcky. bacon. UGCh. h-plane. R-Ight . KINN. UVA gms. NY 93-94. QUAD. ment. limo. Prom. mrott. camping. candysoda. Rmpshker.love ya; SPIG-Prdse. Ohm~so.

UVA Gms. drvng. boro, rearvwmrv. notes.

Quad. Danny. NY 93-4. Oknwa. rstp . Gabriel. ketsp. moon. R bks. lndprd. Blue MD. camp. Rchmd. T&C. Mrrt. Love ya; ABBY--Choir. spots. cnfrmt. chuckle. ditto. hcky. UVA gms. NY 93-4. Danny. r-stp. spike. camptn . Iron. drtytlk. ccheese. cah. bugr. Ben. lies. PlOTS, dmlS. govt. love ya; DAR--$1. 1st DP. DD. mkthatface. s-plsh. prom. Jill; B--sho41un. PlOTS. mybsS500. T&C. Marti. phutdreantS; AC--deadb. pIle. snkout. waffles. J IIL--snkngout. slfi. bkrs. fghts. boys. own phone, driving. 3 yrs. mom. love ya; MOM· cln room. drty Uk. J ill, stress free life, thanks for overythlng.loveya ; EVERYONE-- thanks for the memories. Beachweek '94; love ya'll. I, Ashley Caner. leave; RWf--RO. GB3. glnmr, HFL GLN. Bch wk'93. outdr s hwr. breathallzcr. VA Bch. IOOmph, duck. do U Ilk esh?. toilet. dune. death row. mdsmrs. TRAX, SS. RR. our prttes. Agrtr Hrt. BB s wagon; SEB· GB4. Rh 's. Ted. Jeffx2. loco lobo. MM. legs. say thnk U. Jeeps. please s top. mall box. othr womn.l 0/that don't, darts; JOE--GB4.5; study Urno. JPA talks. trig. post office. sklpn; AEM··GBI.Jall brd. shrd lntrsts, s nkn out, MB, DA bomb. a ll guys n Ch'vtlle. gren. glnrnr; MCL--GB2. Wau. up!, SAP brk. Ore at Dunkin' Donts. CH, got mlne. drvn, phones; ALl-CBS· I'd rthrlaugh w/lhcsnnrs than cryw/ the salts. luv ya .. ; JT--9th grade. honst tlks. a falltn lght; MAC- homecoming '92, VA Tech . unlckd door. Penn , Bronlaw. I love U!; TER--3rd grd. UVA. blck. SAAB. cld-hrted snake. ballet. lemons, T&C. wrck, bfor/aflr prctce. bttr hlf. thnks 4 evryth.lng l ; Jl-P- -cofe stans. lazmr fmds. ere P, 1.-mr tlks, 4yrs, hcky prty. OVUle. laugh/cry. Lngwod. Bthtub/snow. JMU. urch; ERIN· -Chico. RH s. uckl kisses. T&C. d ead bro. 1)-, bthrom, trsh ptrol. I quit; LEIGH··AK-campn. Rob. Joey, Robbie. Jack. spec!. nots, choir. JT's. Dwayn , B scrtchr. Bulldog. sweeUe. luvya; MTM··D'Vtll, glnmr, muffin; ALC--a turtl. sheep n a desrt bU1 tub/snw; Ml !W-- RJI's, frsl mov. clr ID. swngset. IUddlck's, my dad; SR & RS--wans. luv some .. .. Agnr Hrl. s uns hln, good smells; AMH--tr1g. hi girl, s ledn't. camp; TIM-grd.guy problems. my momclld?; 1.-RG--7- II .campn't. gov't projcl. JMU. Lngwod. bus stop. Taylor; BU..Y BOY--racln. TRP 2 DVUI, Bech Wk '93; WlLUE--U mght wnt 2 pck ur bags... C-ya...

homeboy Wal. the old days. main enevt . long talks. 9th grade \vlth Nae-Nae. chot r 6th grado. Mamajokes. the 9th grade dance JC. Boogie Woogte Bugle boy 9th grade. cuzzlnll. CC. LT. New Years '94, plurey. the wound, Jr Charlie Danie ls, Frosty throwup. suit s hoppln. a paper cup. Heckle and Jeckle. Angel and Aubrey. GOB. Cp beach l11ps. Sllmfasl. 12 lnch tongue. Herberts mom. kcubed. star sand bars. the Holsapples. Beachwcek. U\X, I can help you! I'd like Lo try!, gee Its really raining cats and dogs out there!, my friendship always. Dudeman. keep ln touch at VMI. thanx for the lafs and the flghts. good luck always. love ya man. (pillow biter.) I. Sarah ClliTord. leavo: JS--Jordan. stones. parties.

Ringo Is dead and so Is the awesome threesome. throw-up at ETs and twister. to VR--hottubs. FUMA. Toy Soldiers. Joe, paw prints. Is Jason home?. mo tears at Fried Green Tomalosl; to SE--Oh no!. CIIITfor President. fast walking. and Valerie's chtcken sand· W1ch; to ET-- posung. bad hot chocola te. Uny fnes. and pennyw!sel; to KF-·AIIce In Wonderland a nd Owen--take hlnl please!; to MIL--Sunshine. IT. King's Domln.lon. ST conversation. our long talks and youth group; to N~: IL--belng late to school. the hospllal. UNO. Dracula. our flgh lS. my heart--excepllf I cut yours out flrst; to DEANNA--my best friend. Woriette's slnglng.Iove lives. meteor sh owers. debut on Bradway

Uckets. Brain fans. Starl)-e k. data Is fully functional. you're gonna be m ad at me. monkeys in a paln llng.

and my love. Someday you'll see me on the big screen . so watch out world. Finally I leave my fears and unselfishnces to MEGAN BAVETZ. I love you sweetie! So long. JENNI, get ready to carry on the name! To:JEFF ··prom. hom ecoming. go Cowboys. sun1mer.

Beach Week . April 15. Pookh!, happy Urnes . Macaroni and Cheese, Sundays. Ground Hogs Day. TMNT3. bestfrlend. get a haircut. June 22 199?. pool (table). rednalls, bll7.zard. RU. VT. FU. UVAfootball gan>es.Xmas. Val Day. kitchen . Ofteen wonderiul months. and many morel I love you. JeiTrey!; to KELLY--bll7.zard. Pargos. friends hip. will. VA. MB, SC. go w/ your heart, I love ya!. good luck \vlth everylhlng; to BE.X. SMEl-l-. UVER. SM!Tl'Y. RANDY. MATT. ANDRE-Beach Week!; toKJBKKCD--good luck. I II mlssyal; to BEX--kcep smllenl; to OLIVIA & TORY--for us 3 LO acquire dance skills!; to MANDY··IIuv ya no matte r what! Take care of Cutleptel; to KEVIN--"Hey ugcr1"; Lo ROSIE--2 weeks my butt. a lways 2nd! I. Katie Collins, belng of sound mind a nd body leave; MEG--advtce. mom. secret. hostl . BrendaAwad. leave to: ASIIAMONSTER··Wtscon sln, Brendan, wate r and

snow skiing. Guns N Roses. h ai r spray. cabookl body slams. Timmy. Nutrasweet. dr1vtng lessons. broken porch. dirty tacos. Princess Bride. homemade meals. summer flings: KELI.J··halrcuts, prom and home-

I, Harlow M Chandler. leave; to MATT B-· ·20 waters·. a flying bike; 10 l-YLE--a deep Channel I discussion, cooperative learning; to TED--a group hug. a ride With Bill; to COLTON--greeungs from Brunswick Harlow, a razor; 10 SHI.-EE--''You want that when?". an AP Gov't whine; to J EFF H--a car stereo and 2:00 am Installation, a call on llne 3. a Merlltl: to KIRS (ty)- halr. a dead slinky. styrofoan1 In hair. hatr In eyes. a childhood trauma; to BILL L--"Uh. Bill. your car Is on Ore", two drops In a bucket.. .. 'Where Is SCott Brand?'. "Food... thud". fun ...yes. rolltng cotns. anything endlng '"-er". an outrageously hllartous event. Locker

girls. 'Thais what she said". ts that a plan?. a small explosion. a painted shoe; to BRYAN--Is that an African or European swallow?; to BECKY R what was the Gorman homework?. Where's Chris?. "Mind lfl come over?"; to CHRIS R--\Vhere's Bocky?. 3 years of fun ... ?; Lo KIMBERLY--a bigger backpack. an lnfoSys note. "But you're In W&M!", a car In U1ls lifetime. a meellng 10 go to; to INCA--stress. a ride. s heddlng. tnflntle talks on flnlle s ubj ects; Lo JAMES--'Why Is your h air wet7'. a ride. a game of pool; to II F..ATilER and AMANDA--a New York wave; to S IMONE·· Ocracoke In a tracker ; to MOM and DAD--thanks for everythlng... may I have $20?; to EVERYONE ELSE·· be alert for school buses at a ll Urnes. I. Jared. leave; FRA--tennls. CP Brach trtps. flat lire. spitball. super soaker. football. Kendall C. 10 ADAM· -tuba. stair master. Elvts, ski trtps and the goodnt, CP partys. GOB. last call asleepnt, nerd boy. good luck at Harvard. see ya al the 95 Bball toumy; to 011S··I am a real American. U\X. Christ Church. see ya at Brach Week; lo PEPE--Brandy E. l-ets work. good luck grapplln ; to AL-·GA. Bball; to SNEAD--CBA. I like dad'unkl. Govt. Wasen, Bo; to MOK.IE--Psych class. Scotty. all da lafs; to OLIVIA-Jouel dances. hottub. vampire teeth. lots of love; to KEl-1.-Y--all 9th grade year. my loss. love ya!; to CARRIE--da lltlle ones. the boyfriend scarer. da arguments. the Bo. my love. all the long talks. thanks. I love ya sis!; lo SCOTTY--Da Bu.uas. slzlln , male bondlng, throWing, Chuck, dog girl, skater cut. J ohn Golden. Baby-sf Blll l-ee. ear1y mom In rides. sklppln ankles class. orange s hake, all da oops. hoodlums. cuzzlntl. Bill Walsh . Da tWins. football. Cypress. a ll da lafs. Dr Pepper throwup, flghtswlth Dirty H. PUTSGA. Deylllazl. Govt. Amy M. Nataly.an dyou know who; to DAWN--roses. my polka dot boxers. homecoming. valentines. Xmas chase down. videos. stars. EtiTel Tower, s ledding, bruises. my heart s lnce 9th grade. you look wonde riultonlght, my love forever. thanks for a wonderiul year; to CD· my Bua.a. Pugsly. vtc. etc. my life In VA, fudge. cluelce vtcs. car safly. 8th grade talent show, B-day fugitives. we were In 6th grade together but I haven't soen him slnce. Hoochys (all of deml. Mass. ML, malebond. da tuiT limes. Bbal.l . cave girl. seatbell.

comlng adv .. wed 2-step. reglonals. 18 B-day. state fairs. Bulldozer at Canaan. horse adv.; KEVIN-- I month walt. prom 2-step, ski trtps; HEADER: 2 yrs. U.P.O.; KRIS11E--Toots te Rolls. falling asleep. Skittles; \VENDY··Yoohool. Howdy. S panish jokes. Dr. Pep per; ADAM·· ski trtps. homecoming. falllngChem a nd Gov't; ALl·· Ms. O'Brien . help In Eng.; ADAM B··brlng your friend hither!; BOO--AL. Mon. and Wed. 2 s tep. meadows. Beavts and Butthcad , I Love Lucy. punch tng Heather. dnvtngon Ice, New Years. Lovebug. Boot ScooUn Boogie!. Jonna and Did Coke. marrtage In UtUe Mermaid . J ulia Roberts; JOHN--Biaekhawks. Home Alone 2; KRISTEN--Jolly Green Giants. I. Jenny Conway. bestow the followlng upon my cherished friends. comrades. and loved ones (all you sweet thingslo MO pun k. wh a t you lookln at?. viSit lng Elvis. RuPaul, and Arby's-FLANGE--why do they call you Flango?, the keys!. and end to reindeer, you know why!-JENNIEY JENNIEY--my eternal adora· Uon. you little temptress-CHRIS--give my true a kiss from me. sec you guys al VCU (I hope)-BOUTROS·Kmart. SPAM. clay monoprlnts. "Phenomenal woman", got ltl. and our beloved fam ily In Mother Superior 's class-BRO'IliER HOUD!NI-soup-MR. TiliLlr-all my cows-MS. !--yak cookies and my obscene gradeJONATIIAN--chlcken Kmart -RAMONA (Bee glrl)-BUnd Melon and Mtchaol LO Rob. your hear1throb-CI tAD-lawyers. I know you lo,·e them-BOB-ooga shaka, be nice to my little lantb TARA! I & JENEYE--dorkface. you guys can flghl over him-FRUITCAKE-you're so cooi!-SWEET CHEEKS-Grace! She past away 30 yrs ago!, diges tive problems. Santa, Snoopy, pulUngPhlls, Thr1ller comics. wild race. lock your doors. pickups. RVs. pudding!, duck. sir. and I 0 million other things. my little bullercup. say hi to Mom and Dadl1l1ese things and a big belch lo Au.. Now excuse me. I gotta eat. so I can take my pill. I. Matthew Copeland. leavo to; U\X TEAM--Mac & Cheese; BEAN--"When you go Oshlng". Dill pickles. on a hardwood floor. movte projects. pool games. Iced tea; ASHLEY- lots of walks. talks and backdoors. Cream of Broccoli Sou p. ball money. pool cleanings; MEAT--nurn-nums; 011S--Roanoke PI Lam da Phi; LACEY--How'rc your wat<rs?; SKIPPER--yeah. Sldpl. psychology. Dor1tos & Doughnuts; REBECCA--what do you think aboul.. ..11lere's a lot you can do with .... Cancun. open & honest. Is ll just me or Is It hot u p here;TORY--honey bubblcs&shavtngcream.showe r. "I forget som ething". her man the s py. evenlngs wllh 1)-ey & Brandy. a new comforter. Blue Ridge Parkway. "Did It work". drlvolns. rooms of the house. Su perbowl & flghUng for the remote?. S hhh you've got to be quiet . once you starlit's hard to s top!: JAY·-Georgetown vs North Cnrollna. pound thai pocket.

I, Brian Craddock, leave; JASON J ··Br1d; KRI IGEL-· the beach-summer'93.Jennlfer . B.T.. Pro-pain. m·erklll. Manassass. "Krtlgel" the band. the goal. and don't rorget the phrase "Pardon me. do you have the Ume"; to ERIC--mosl everything above. Busch Gardens. CB4. that party we went to at UVA. excesslve

noise. Beastie Boys. my gullarskUis; to PI IlL. cheeseys ummer school felld trips. a rosy. and the almighty Subaru. to replace the school bus/taxi Scoupe; lo STEVE--Floyd's closet. Valentine's '94. Jamn' at your

sister 's house. racen' cars down 29; lo COREY--bay of ptgs lives on . now&then. lhal bear In the woods when we went camping. Bad 4 Good our first musical

Inspiration. Spln Doctors concert. dr1ve-bys ln Birches land crulseer. to RYAN--all those songs we wrote and never qutle flnlshed, Floyds closet the greatest band ever: to YVONNE--one word-""Tomahawk"': to ADAM -

-all the nlcen't displays we made at work. and those great team meeting; to BOOGER--a glass to replace Lh e one m e and Phil gave you ac Cht-ChJs, Bllncoes

BMW you've always wanted; to KEl-LY--a very memorable 8th grade. and the guita r lesson we never flnts hed; to CHRIS--my enormous body that you could never seem to beat no matter how hard you tried; to DOUG--Spanis h class. Spin Doctors concert; lo MATT--clnnamlne rolls. tho night we thought someone was break1ng ln J 's house and my dr1vtng skJlls:

lo JOHN--many movtes to be made featuring John Shelton karate super hero; to Au.. the little boys a nd girls I forgol-N joy If. To BECKY--the bomb, shrubberies. and lots' o· "walks"; to JAMES--so. you thought you beat me.eh?; lo SHUSEI--zuvleledeutsch; to CRASH--you 've al· ready It all DM; to TARA--Steve and the ears!; to JESSE M--melnegro bledanke well du sowunderbare etn e freund blst; and toJESSICAELAINE--3 times?!?. PSU. Why me?, and simply; all my love. I, Annie Creasy. leave;JP-- Mp, a safe drive home. Koot-Koo!. a spot on J bed. Ivy Gardens. a spy. C-ln a cup , TBA. pictures. mayo. a dip In KJ lake, a tollel. 10 grade. lmaglne. food . tears. long drives. a fall . a butte rfly. a hurdleo,·eryourbed. a snowy walk. a UVA bike ride. a s ki trtp. a dream to take a cruise. and a lot of other great laughs a best friend forever , luv yal; JG--AVON, B·baU, P In your pants. Easter Illness. 20/20. Pondo. a boy you deserve. a smile. a red Subaru. 4 grade. Du nlora. Mrs. O'B. a wipe out. Mr. .. I luv ya!; LG·-same jobs. do lists. late ca lls. track!,

Health I 0. a Longwd drive. a missing nile. a choke. a kite. Fed talks. Chris, Luv yal; AK--Prom. Ou. a song. JG . thanx; AM--my floor. Foxfld. a light. boys. SS. MM. Rocky. plnk dress. lu v yat; AC--a party. a kite. turtle, hiding place, luv ya; TB--RU. a bike. a laugh. luv ya!; AH--a doctor. SA. pollee. luv ya!; JS--skl trtp. dr1vll>gschool, SmeUum . a carton, luv ya!; RT--green alge. Gov1; SB--a dress Esmont; ML-· ~-oxfld. a laugh; KC--Copely days. Esmont. luv ya; JJ --grapes. TC·· HC. duckers. a laugh, luv ya!; BB--a place In my house. secret club!; WS--party buddy; HI---Chemistry; CT--1.-acey. a s mile!; LR·· Da,·e; CW. EV. EG. HS· -good luck. I love you gtrls!; MM--a brother I never had. thanks for everything! XOXO; RYAN--August 10 or 12. HC '9 3. phoneblll. Dylan. Pree Willy. a winning lot!ery ticket. and a million more great memories, I love you!; JP, J G. i.-G. AH. JS. EC. AS, TR, IL--Bcach Week will be great; to EVERYONE ELSE-thanks. It was fu n! "Crazy f.rtends provide crazy Urnes and what

crazy Urnes we have had!" I. 11m Crtsclone. leave; 011S-Ben--Gay. the beach. fleld hockey goal. years of OTS. my house and couch, a botlle of loUon . snowballs a nd eggs. BMC. unworried wart , many rough momlngs. GTG pool. Christmas decorations. 50 wounds. red hot. BNI.; WALDO· Domtnos. beach, my curlew. 5; 15. Disney movtes, s kiing. GTG pool-late nights. soda machine. an1bush . J ames River. long talks. deba te'S. snowball fight. my basemen!. WG, bowling. JS on New Years. ditches. son sense; POTSY··AWF UUe. good B· day presen t, Johnnie. Hima layas. l-eopard skln. work. Ntge's pool. 'ITS. diving creep. so lies. HUSS. dirt. my ninja skills. driving. broken eggs. stall ~2 . spaghetti poem; BEAN·say II again. catching. Otis. GTG pool. Stonehenge s ign. Brad's house. SCA. Parga's. Missy. house sitting. sunllller before 9th grade. beach. Port Isabel. M Jane. coolers. dinner lime; NICE--Spring Break. J.W.. pool. ambush. 50 nicknames. flashlight. snowballs. fre food, GTG. Gl Joe. llghler. fast food . 1.-alln. Englis h. E.C.. WW cabin. a deer ; GEORGE--the bay. skiing. Debbie. bowling. s ummertime. skating; LYI..E· lunes. Pep's car; ML-·Il's his land. Foxfleld, s kip· ping: AC·-homecomJng. flsh. a hose for your mom.

gaps. lunch; JES--a bulton to pus h. duckers & gaps. homccomlng. a hat; AK--homecomlng, SCA. Bodos. a mlblet; PA--your house. how old are you? ten. latin, new years; J P--Iunch . pizza, playing In the snow. PC; AM·-flex. what's your favor1te color-:



s ick; LACEY--goat GTG pool. Mac & Cheese. AC-Jay's house. homecoming;



you all are great. good luck; EC--necklace; AS--Pepe; KS--Prom, a great time together; Lll, BM, TA. KC. KS·d lnners. partying; thanks lo Au. for a great 4 years; MOM and DAD--thanks for a ll of your support; SENIORS- -congrats. good luck. God bless. I. Ilolly Critzer. leave; Lo ANNIE--the bus. a tear drop. an ear. picnic tables. P.B.. an A.C .. grave yards.

spoiling. B-Days. Tasty Freeze. a meal, a brdSS bed. touchy hands. G.G.. McD's, 20?s, all mosts. many great years!. thanks for everything. If you do. I Will. and most of all friend--I love ya!; to LAURIE--a ride, 305. J .G.. the turkey; toJD and COURT--phone calls. Pondy, a beard. a coun try girl. and mop water. thanks

guys!; to BRYAN--a blaze. shopping. a clean tmck. ou r friend. a great senior year. what will you do withou t us?, thanks; lo JON--a plug. 'Thais tight . and happiness; to DAISY--a horse. trtp. RF. and old candy. tonlque. s klllfl. Mickey Mouse. a tall gate. nl~·. Benie's real love. the country· I II miss yout; to JAN -a good morning!; to LES-- holpl, a n!al man; MATT· d olhes; Lo ASIA--a life saver, lunches", bad Influence. GG, LKS. Paul. 20?s. Don. RR. a hug, Halloween. ~:RD. a wonderiul childhood. long talks. my roof. Max's. a coverup, your own blanket. 2 beds. a backrub. s lay cool. eat. McD's, Putt-Pull. pool, GWD. a ski. Ken -Ken. a talk In a truck. Jay. thank you ··love. mel; toB--acouch. 9-13 9 1, 12-22-92. can I do something!. a bow shoot. the flrchouse. crys. a rose. pierced noses, gra,-e yard. ru-·. Thanksgiving. 4 wheeling. Ch inese Food. a kiss. April Fools. our bel. a flru.h light. 350.000 Urnes, a broken heart. fadal hair. lunch . every minute. a fat rear end. Don, a

jealous bone. my phone~- a job . a bud light. church. a massage. flghLS. a friend. a wonderiul 15 months. U1anks for everythlng. my lost!. the song It Must Hav~

Been Love--and most of all my brother's friend·

shlpl; to EVERYONE ELSE--my love! Good-bye! I , Jeremiah Crouse. leave... to BRIAN E· ·non contact

football games and BCWll; to JOSH M -an AI!S football letter and PT; to TJ--BCWII and all tho other movtes; to STACY--my love and friendship throughout tho 7 years and may God Bless. 1 will always remember you ; toJENNIFER A--all the Olsneymovtes ever made: to ERICA--my trust and love; 10 DAVE--all the womtn In the world that you can't get and a Ford

Escort (blue); to JENNIFER K--the 8th grade. homecoming. '93. and many m emories. to AMANDA S--a

phone call. a date. 'VIrgin Mary". and all the rules I broke at Forest l-akes pool; lo KEI.-1--· a new muffler and my fri endship; lo REBECCA V-- the movie Aladdin; and to ALL the people I nlisscd··sorry and I'm out of here. I. Margo Czars!d. leave; COURTNEY--·w ord to the purple bird ·. lost in Richmond. King's Dominion , MACS jokes. happy little piles. "Intense .. and bestest friends; to ASHLEE--egg N ch eese biscuits. the Waltons. slur. "Draggln ln the wind ·. weekends. 'Zarsk & Shlee'. 7 years of fr1endshlp"-·love ya sis!; TJ-- 'Flre II up"; JOSlE--one 6 weeks of funl; RICKY· -a few good men. great times. "Not·. frontln . redeyel; CliAS · thanxl. the secret conversations!. Jenn. old Umes. top s..'lfllsland. m emories!: NATIIAN-· mcmo·

rlcs still to come; GRETA--luck In life!. shopping, you , me. and Sears!. sisters forever!. love ya; KATIE--4 years of Albemarle; MR. RIDDICK··USVA History. coiTec. smiling faces; MOM and DAD--my love, my thanks; MOM-- my best friend --thank you for making me the person I am. I love you!; DAMON. my flrstlove· 1 leave you the bes t times of my life. you are every-

thing. my best friend, my alr to breathe. may we always be together. I love you very much!. Kisses Klssses Kisses; to Au. my friends- good limes! HI miss you alii Peace! 1. An>ella Damon, leave Lo; KRISTEN--yelllng out wlndows--NBLII. Duke camp (My stomach hurts). "You did really good today", cliques. JO, jackets w I chains lhatjlngle. double dates In '92, d id we really act that dumb?. best memories. luvya 4evert; MOKI E-

·Ocoan City. wrecked go-cans. 10 ml hikes. we beat up Zlggy. here's to a new fr1endsh lp--luv yal; JESS-I think we met In 3rd grd. V-ball bus tal.ks. muscle manms. you helped me through so much, couldn t have made It wto you ; DAWN--don't fall In lhe hole. I hate redheads. JO, Duke. U always made me laugh! Thanxl; ANG--Duke. JO. all the laughslo HOU..Y-- Ist dale. acres. JMU. Draft guys. pool sharks. what's on the brnln. my tnlllals stand 4 .... U R the best!; CHRISTINE--bullfrog, "fly down swoop", I fell tn the creek!. s ki class. choo-choo. temper. grcatllmcs. luv yal; WIIITEY-·Ocean City--nice dress. card games. nice Jeep. carrot chunks. good luck . luv yatl; SKIPPER--Is that my sundress?. Ocean City talks. Is tha t my s und ress?, go-can wreck--l'm bleeding. bumble B. never 4get Ut; MURIEL--gotta luv the U.S. babel; LORI··I'Tench class, R U 1.-aughlngor Crytng?; ZIGCY· En Vogue songs. I Dream of Genie. Do I talk loud?. 10-9-93, no magazines. long naps. R U my baby?. fastest Mus tang. and most of all. my love to Uonly. my heart Is yours so save up fast--HI be waiting 4 UII'U love you forever. AmeUa.

I. CJD. lcave;J D·-r1dc, Bro42. reg, sts; KR ride, bro; AS--lax. window; SHANNON--Prom. bul.!alks. E.R's. C.L.. I'm your Bean, Scotty. se. lley Darden... ; TERI·con trol. brush. debate. GMU. G. me. JG. J D. guad. T&Jnlle. dtnnerx2, word; !NG-- 12yn,, red bike, Bushy, llmcmng. l-aura. debate. tree hse; SPIG--Neww Yrs. Danny. will, scarpalchy; l-YLE rich. lnaug, hoopty. Ertn. chats at 1. ride. camp. 2032. VM I. skiing. Curleys, March 5, MCD. B-ball. GMU, debate. R.C .. politics. V. party. G.A.; B· lnaug. ST. SR. Curly's. SP. pack , cu t. Danny's, license. J ohnny S uede. A. Mason. 4pd. clean ing su pplies. lax. $500, movtng. J ason's. NYs92; SCOT-B. Walsh. Val. IOgrd. b ball. malebond. lax. C. Echols. cabannls. sprlmlnt. a cui . Fanny Hill. church . Layman. heap. camp AJ-iS. Buaa. SP: AL-·

SP. STP. copen. ride. s hell; RYAN--lax. can. church. Ash . Deb; ANGRY--$ 1.00, Lyle. God Father; JARED· -Dawn. choirS. 12. l-ayman. DV. fudg. malebondtng. mass 93. dell. lax. 6 . 9. & lith grd. Jenae. curbtn. uncle. Charl ie Daniels. F-baU. c hurch ball. VA BCB 12 94. Colelle, Watkins. Baylor , seal belt , s prg flllJ!, 14th B·day. clueless vtcs. 2 teeth. liars. reg conf. J amie. Jull. Buzza. Pugs. l-ayman. slulln. BWK. cou sln Steph , Naked Gun, Tori, Shelly, h ll II, trash

Wills • 85


can In choir. young blood. home of love. Mme Ferg. weight. APR. fools. best friends always. bro thru life; PAUL--Opd. He-Be. lax, 9-12. Hollywd shuffie. field, Sydney; JUsrtN--Jare's 14 b-day. matches. future In WWF, SP, breathe It!; Brandy E. field; MISSY--camp AilS. seeyal: BUZZAS--malebonding, slzzlin, whomp. derectls, word, can. ball. "I gotta cal!'', G. Allen. my

love!; TEAM--lillberth and a Dogwood title! I. Marc Dawkins, leave: to CRAIG--band sprtng trips. slam. 2 on 20. the posse. the duet, and waterguns: lo CHRIS--Chemistry. "Hoss". gtned. and the black man: to JENNY--JMU. the Gatlinburg trtp. and homecomIng; to TARA--the first band trtp. the Hampton trtp. and McDonald's: to SHOE--JMU, band trtp. and squad leader; to BETSEY--spirt! bags. JMU. and the estate; to KIM--a football game; to J ESSICA--sclence class. McDonald's. and nature walk: to DUANE--the weather. and sixth grade; to SrEVE--JMU. basketball. wake· up call. and the grill: to KElLEY D--runl. doc-karate. and honor's band; to TERRI C--Ocean City; to JEFF--math class. "Fre<?.e", and two points". to TERRI T·-the vtclnlty. and the perfect pose. I. Justin Demetsky. leave: to NIGE--Oshlng days at

the pond. TTS. a small plzt.a for biggs. suplexes In the pool. a soft pool in your pool for my head. fries at Barnaby's. falls into bathtubs. bumper stickers, "that's Pep": to GREEK--"klll her'' map to Harrisonburg. "No pressure. do it tomorrow", "Can you beat Super Marlo

I", good life at Piedmont. English t I. cream com. ITs pariy. ghost and goblins. journals kept last summer: to BIGGS--luggage sets. 2 on 2 B-ball. days at the Dell, 150 bucks for Prom. Fire In the SkY. memories of winning: to TIM--"He never asked". a pack of squares. thanks for all the squares, dozen of eggs. coffee cream. a key chaJn. a cricket. copy ofPinochio, a plate of Fetucctnt: to MEAT-- 100 bucks of clothes. mud dives. jerky calls. doubler. continuity. looklng at stars. ants marching. whatca want. empty boxes. can't walt LUI Beach Week. O.B.; to BEAN--lies tn French class. "Bean, you gotta hook me up". 185 bowling. hepsh: to JOEY --carving pumpkins. caPandroter. college punks--wooh. Hotel California.

& cleantng... the good stuff. SW-- secret... the challenge. JK--over the min .. buckteeth 95 pennies. If It

It without you. I love you both.

Spotsylvania. Boar's Head. Janet, jealousy. snow

wasn't 4 me u would still be ... 1 CC--some guys are

I. Jessl Emmit. leave BEC--the beach, \VAHS men.

days,luck:JEFF--BurgerKing. a trtp toRose's, mylV shirt, the Paddywagon: KIM& - Combos. Guard Stuff.

just blind. liC-- NagsHead Stingray '92. NH - Latin. HollyC--Splllnanashtray. CM--FS'sparty. lsi try2d chance. RR--2nd bigbro& our 4th of July's. Mark L-What. a troll? HC '93. never know UU u try. RP-bathroom ceiling. SF--letters & advice 2 I another. I'm still here. Wintergreen '93, don't forget the fun limes. ML--Myrtle Beach '93. Inhale-speak-exhale, bible schl. AHS LAX--the good games & talks. To

Amazing P. Canada. an Inhaler. a tabaconlst, a wig. no aspm, ACAC, Life of parties. Luv 4everl R0--10 years. 2 wksapart, 409B. MsTex-Mex. KG (7th-11th).

everyone--Good luck In lhe future.

I. Ashley Edwards. leave to: BREN--Wtsconstn (don't let go of the rope. Timmy. dirty tacos), coffee talk. swings at STAB. ski lrlps to Wintergreen. homemade

cherry pie. falling ofT the deck, surprlze party. Nutrasweet. Dave & Kevtn. Little Mermaid. 9th Grade crush. Jouett Days. 3 hr. phone calls, Kings Dominlon. mawwage. two stepping; VAL--whtntng, Bodo's. love songs. Melrose & Beverly Hills. sneaking out. Science Week '93. physics talks. depths of despair, Aladdin. a good cry. chocolate chip cookies; HEATH·Ftrst Baptist Preschool & your ponytails, good views. physics talks, my fickleness. gum noises. ·Anyway·. JCL convention. ACC tournament, singing; ED--Ms. Yager. swing dance, sutches In ER. awesome Physics Labs. AP stress. stgn at 706. hand gestures. ltn at Massanutten. B·day dinner, 4 -w heellng. Valedictorians. 2 pyro's; KELI..I· -2x's In Europe. Cancun, glitter. Nerd Herd. Mr. Smlr. size 101. painting your room. nrc In your kitchen. JCL

convention. Arch's, skl trips: PRES--Mr.J's math class. my guy problems, pool games. backrubs, late phone calls. \1Sits at I am. sign at 706, advice. UVA. my best bud; ALl--Europe, tailgates. "the time was 6 o'clock ..." fireworks. visits at summerschool; INGRJD·In depth with Ingrid, fashion advice. ACE team; RYAN--cows that won't move. Gay's peskY neighbor. a flat tire. sega games. Beavis & Bullhead. U-Hall. When Harry Met Sally. Prom and Homecoming; MANDA--MYC. First Prez, dress shopping. strawberrles. Paul & Co .. Jamie. Good Tunes. New York; JEFF-toys. xmas shopping, getting hit. calculator help:

songs. Kln.ko's, scoUosis. pro-

a new car. rides In lhe LeBaron. "Can I test drive that

RON--Ounlora. latin

truck?". Genesis golf. "we're at Hletes". a ball game. amway: to BRtAN--crossbodles. T /C. homecoming '93. 'Thanks Jell", jerkY calls. the field, Petes. goose; to LYLE--T/C. Homecoming '93. the field. Pete's, "''m aU out of gum"; to OTIS--a pad lock at the Criscione's. a bath robe, hockey gaol; to WILL--yes!. last laugh, go get meallety!; toAL.Lthe COLLEGE PUNKS--have fun 'cause I'll be working!: to ALL the FELlAS--HUSS!

crastination. getting fired at; HARLOW--last minute photo orders: HOLLY-- NYC & camp roomies. green

I. Neepa Doshi. leave: to AJ--blke rides. balloon ball. talks. walks. elephants. my brother. and da mall: to

EM--long talks. SAT. lunch. and signs: to SHERI--a Mazda. summer93. driving. and roomies; toJENN G-Golden grahams. I'll learn to ski one day; to KK-sentorlunch. and are we late; toTAN··Chem. burning sinks. nre: toTARA·-lunch?. button car. dress. a red·

head; to CHAR--emoming; to BEC & RACH--ballet lessons: to LIZ B. AMY. INGA--frtendshlp and smiles. toALLmyother friends--be hyper and happy; to MOM and DAD--thanks for being there; to HET--Oght and t'm not a foot away. hah!

I. Emily Douglas. leave: to ASH--AHS. the bus. home alone: to BEC--UMYF. advice. hockey; to KAREN-drean>s, Jimmy. the beach. TGIF. Australia. the bus. Tuck & Stew. long walks & talks. a Wrangler: to CHARLES--UMYF. "wild thing''. class ring. J. Park. my artie ability; to ALl--guys. English papers. homecoming; to BECKY A--Rococo's: to KRJSTY--chemistry. math. art. thanks for all of your help; to BETSY-long talks, tying togas. lunches. studying. finally being pared up; to PATilE>-Ionger lunches. boring Eng movies; to NEEPA--SArs. an elephant, lxl=2. memorizing vebs: to EVERYONE--lots of fun. happi-

outfit. deadline stress, real men tn yearbook. Redbeard & Brandon. your man. mora1 dUemas. three way

phone calls; JON--NYC trtp. card games. nicknames. power trips. stiCkY fingers. my moods and patience, •you have to talk". a hook gadget: DOUG--nicknames, shopping In Kroger. stiCkY fingers. bowling champ. bad pool games (scratch boy). Chick-Fil-A & Mco·s. Roses. 81-77. too many movtes. cheese sUcks.

skiing skllls & llfi rides. my whining. ' Busted". unnecessary comments. steak & potatoes. Reservoir

Road, Valentine's Dance. DPA. the doghouse. Monopoly. dressing room In Richmond, KT, roadtrips. New York. Disney World. -Ill!". deadlines. IJckle wars. my love.

I, Erica Elder. leave to: RJSHA--dreams. Farmville. Jamlcans. manhunts. PA? Richmond. track. Wll & Doug. WA Park, ~loneywagon. Marcus. sleepovers. WTJU. TJ's, Projects. mall, my llattron & friends hlp: KATIE--my SS. Inglewood. boyfriends. laughter & tears, 4 yrs of friendship; SHELLY & AMY-- senior lunch, Spring 13reak. The Penny Cup & memories; ANGELA--success& a good man:TJ-IE ROUNDTABLE· crazy talks. Oghll who fell? This Is our table! MY MEN(you know who you are and who you aren't) past. present. and future, treat U1e ladies rtght. remember

our talks on the phone. movies. laughs. frustration. anger & love: CAROLYN- thanks for everything! MA & DAD- I love you! JAMAHL- Love ya!

sunflower seeds. Ndo, asph. foxfield. the beach. a tnt.

MLHP. Box224A. nKOTB. JPA, Slippers, ricks, you r shak, Camel & Zebra. Calle,! Luvyal SHAY--BALdr. ASPH. V-dog. KLI.., Funky Bunch. Icy rex, Ndo--Luv ya! MAC--grade 9. US/VA. MSOB. JPA. Ndo. U Kill Me. Mickey. & Mlkcy, Whiten!! KATH--KR, Hmptn ln. DB. ACAC 2day. pflag. Agna Hun. Geeklnl MISS-Brock (Cuz I doni want him). RP (& bro). 500+stogs. A lock. het tacos. greeneboyz. gremlin! PATS--red docs. MSJpn. Foxfield, Ndo. 409B, milk. new years. the beach. TMGB! NAT--Arave. bas hous. snowed in Preppy guys. childhood 4everl TRJSH--Ofal, A warm room, agoodgeek. 94 redjettal SARAH--acollage. Key West?. a decent guy, an Iron, my carl HEATti--CC (had to pull II). a guy I like. poems & stories! KELL-newt, VA beach, An 4ever! JONG--my car. my cnlr. a hug! ASH--study time. new cuddle bud. a hole In the door, Greene B-balll DAR-- 10 yrs. EMturdar. tears. the river, dip! JEN C--5 yrs. a good twin, J W. No FF legs! CRJS C--HC'93. Orgn gum. tree house. a sexy lady. friends foreveri 0&-clean sheets. mash, Ndo, prom, oasts, bald eagle! RICK--7th grade. Penn Park. SF. a cln rml JACK--Foxfield. hot tub, Richmond, "Wtgoul". Zack Jay. Ivy. a kiss! MARK L--a booth. a better car. a session! OELI--boomln system. dance

lessons. Ndo! OA BOYZ--TJ. CL. DB. MW--a guilty conscience & a forgiving lady! ANNA--Snowshoe, Art class. cute guys! BILLY--knee hi boots COLT--bike trtp. roller coaster THE REST OF U-- GBS ROC. life Is a game lhat no one wins so laugh alit. Jm outUe llke 5000. I, Tara Featherer. leave to: TJ--the usual--a med. Dr.

Pepper: MARK--a hair rub: DAVE & COURTNEY--my thanks for great advice; FAITH--a hug for all the stress: JENNY. KIM. & CARL'\ (esp)--shave you r head and grow that thang; JOHN·· all the parties. Chem & a rtde home; KIM--learning how to pump gas. & all the wonderful math classes; BETS~·stress, rm so lost (Math). & my thanks for always listening; EIBLISH-a hug & a EBI..ISH!; KONRAD--my apologies; RAY-VP/SEC fights; TED--numerous nights of pool: MONt & RACH--a walk between yards to friends always there; ERIK & AMANDA--FL. memories. & a pair of scissors: COLLEEN & SUSAN-·tuna Osh lunches: HEATHER--a watch: ASHLEY--my guy problems & Montreat; KENNY--Chern?, & a smile: SQUADS-knock hlm oiT the ladder. take the batteries. poles. marbles. I I0%. ANITA--Macy's, & B-dale's. good Piedmont guys. & Ken and his perverse jokes at2 am In a Florida hotel: CRAM--Capl'n Crunch. band. phone calls. Riddick's tests. & you found 9!, AARON-a Disney movie, the District Concert. fruitcake. (ln)deciclveness. & my thankx for showing me the -mystery of human life'; BRAD--30 hrs. 10 I rdes. &

TECh: JAMES--Sr. Stud--PM Dawn, a ride home, massages. a big hug. & my love for your friendship; JENN --SRS. of92 & 93. dumb jokes. shopping carts. guy problems. SADD,JMU. & a guy that will treat you rtght forever & a day--maybe you have already found him!! Bye! I. Heather Flynn, do hereby leave: BROOK&-Hey shorty!. Molly Blue--the only true automobile;

COURTNEY--my freshman buddy. the convention. you nasty thAngl: BREN--the underappreclated officers; KELU --danctngw I fat strangers. my Prom chauffeur. Purple!: INCRID--the greatest saleswoman ever,

I. Brian Emert. leave: TJK--bama. CD runs. brother-

David McAbey: PRES--You're a gentleman and a scholar!; CHRIS-- gov'l groups. a ticket In the rain: ADAM--theold car club. That's my VEEP!, a note from me; DREW--Merry CHRJStmas. thank you no; TIM--

hood: m--new songs new lives. a new rim. and a life

You nasty thang!: JEFF--I love a man In untfonn. as

full of memories; DJ--"settlc down Beavis!", Semper Ft; DR--SM. TF. LD. NG. HS. Crash and Bum!. Ha.

long as its a Naval unlfonn; JESS--blushing. long talks. procrastination. I'll never hate you!: ASHLEY-

' 1. Thomas rreddy) Dugan. being of unstable mind and

Ha. very funny. no more bets, look out for foul poles.

reckless body do hereby leave: to DEATtl--5:00 in the morning, Taco Bell. D--t..oo. thanksgiving parties; to BRIAN--Halloween killings and other adventures. summer night sing-a-longs. parties, basktball rims: to TJ--a fixed car, band trips. pool parties. speed racing; to CHAOS--Subway. pool. 60mph curves. life at home, 540 syndrome, homecoming: to JENNY-Ilying through the air. sneaklng out, 6."U11 breakfast,

BA--trick shots. broken ankles. I00 I tidbits of unknown Info: KOJOand SAM--Thlssongmakes me feel wann Inside", lots of laughs In second period; JT--a weekend at Tech; JC--Forcst Lakes Football, "get up you wimp!": J. TOBIN--Nonchalant MS & HH-Beauty and the Beast: JC. SM. CO--a trashcan by

-You're so fickle. gum-smacking, "Memphis Bene·, the Latin Convention. You're the greatest WOMAN .... pre-school ponytaJls. He's scum!, smile post it notes.

ness always and wonderful memories!

Ray over a chair; to PRJUr-mailboxes. car taking a

your bathroom door: EP. JC. TJ . HS--no more

an M&M ... : VAJ.....·never a matchmaker agalnl. long sighs over the phone. "Mmphls Belle", I'm so con-

cheerleadtng problems for me to listen to; JM-- Flat tires and the llelsman trophy: MOM. DAD. and SIS-

fused!, the 2-mlle. Don't Worry! Be Happy!. He's too shori. Need to get a date first, Don't think and don't

-thanks for always betng U1ere. remember the good

listen to J .. a house-free day. va_rious factors. Wood brook al2 a.m .. my forevewr friend, Love Is like

leak. DC; to BRAD--college day. car tests; to RAY-Saturday night driving. cops; to IRRESPONSIBLE-car sleeping. llying mailboxes: to NUK NUK--cgg fights, LTC. Ted-fest '931to VAL--lunch pant-drawIng. key steeling: to JAMES--Ray. Jenny. TJ. wall building: to JENNY. CARU\. KIM --2 In the morning

nol to hit your head while I'm gone. no matter how far away I am. rn always be lhere tf you need a friend or

show-ups: to CARU\-·many math classes. speak

build a bridge, get over lt. It's been fun. but all good things must come to an end, Goodbye.

upo: to KIM--breakfast. !love you, rides home: to ALL

limes. and the beach house. let's go Oshtng: JA--try more; PT-- My life, see you in Heaven; EVERYONE--so many memories. so little cash!. If you were lefi out

who are not listed--Who cares.

I, Melissa Englsh, leave to: JAMIE-a bib. lots of I, Brandy Easton. leave to: M&D--alJ the great Urnes

success: ANGELA- -a power bar, fire protection. an-

together. thanks 4 the love and support. lluv u both! Gram--shop'n 2gether. riding with me, I luv ul Chip-sand & play toys. taking up 4 I another. good luck

other trtp to states: GIRLS X-COU~YTEAM --a trail

tn the future. KV-- everythJng! the animals. volvo ·get out of my side of the car: our daycare. great talks.

UVa bible schl. beach Stingray '92. up all night. you'r the best friend ever. l luv u like a sis. Friends UU the end. ZZ--Halloweens. roses, fishing. church. b-days. skiing '93... thanks 4 showing me how, Prom '93. COOl. good thing we didn't hll her, our ups and downs. It's been 2 1/2 years. We can make it through ru1ythlng no matter what. I'll always rem. the good Urnes we shared. lluv u 4ever. EM--chats. staying up

~86 • Wills

Anyway!: ANG --Intellectually stimulating conversations, Does he think we're talkng to hln>?. reading out loud.last minute essays. country dancing, Life is like

to ca.IJ home. pack power . a state champtonshtp:

COACH WEI SAND--a win over WAHS. a team without injuries; COACH Wli..LIAMS--a team without complaints, lots of thanks. a wtnntng lollery ticket: ERICA-aU memories good and bad. success in the furture:

KEI..LIE--a completed notebook. a roomate at MWC. great limes a head; MAlA (May1a). new knees. workoutsatlifeUnes. x-count.ry. Parlez-vous francis?: TIM-a UVA wtn. the future. lots and lots of letters. my love.

I love you more: MOM & GRANNY--I leave to you 2 dogs and a cat. plenty of memories. oodles of visits. Thank you for U1e last 18 years. I couldn't have done

a snowmobile.... btg blue eyes. Your very own Aladdin, and a forever gorgeous vtew: To all my friends at AHS~ I wtsh you the best of luck in your future endeavors. May you always be happy and remain forever young!

I, Betsey Foster, leave to KELLY --!Ionon; Band. Runts, Taco Bell. World History: STEPHEN--the Quartet. a spelling test. a perm: COLLEEN & SUSAN-- the tmmpet player. old memories: KRJSTEN--Cabbage Patch Kids. Gossip Buddies. directions to Willow Run, JOY club. forever friendship: ANDY--talks at Willow Run: JENNA & MICHELLE--boots. Gatllnburg Pull Putt, a waterbed. brewin' attitudes; MELANIE--

Calc, success: EMILY- ET on Henry's Farm,

Beachweek. Gov't tests. h istory projects. SATs. a guy. a lightheart. friendship: PATilE-- hairspray. Friday Night Cheez Balls, Double Dates. Ruby 1\1esday's. Guard Memories. Threats. elevators ln O.C .. overflowing toilets. bi.rd costumes. generic lifesavers. Dr.

Pepper.lieldl's perfect Ot. stop-light chocolates. dance classes. Spanish I. waving at trucks. Disney World, Brain Waves, Sweet 16 parties. the first 13 years of a lifetime friendship. I. Kristen f'rankltn,leave to: WENDY G.--yrs offriend-

shlp. hide-n-seek In the dark. drtnk can wars at lunch, our parents. and hope for the futu re; KRlsrtE P.--balloons at a homecoming game. luck In all you do; JENNY S.--study hall. lunch patroi.'Ack! Jenny's sick', out to lunch at Wendy's, my favorite family member. Slayman's wrestling. geltlnglostln Shadwell. Halloween. "Old FalthfuW, Dracula--the hurling part. Keep writing you'll go far. Good luck In becoming a movie crtUc;


from u again

old faithful! Skit In Eng. CamoOodge. out to lunch at Wendy's, lunch patrol. Mr. Physics: LIZARD-BREATii•Tweedle Twins. nasty clowns that bile ankles. ·A dog with a face ltn?", Pal. Singers, Gov't Study Hall. look out llytng money bags. "Wanna play cards?' the candy hat .. Good luck In the future: CAPT. CLIFFORD--Pepper Mostly". truck stop. Hodertck. Burger King, Bobby's story, Jabberwok poem. Owen. Data clankclank. Trek theme song. "U. Farfeugnewton reporting·, Pat. singer. the True Shrew. we were finaJ ly In a show together. remember to save me an isle seat your

opening night on Broadway! I'll do the same. C U there! Break a Leg! DEANNA ofTroi--Pie Jsue. Hoss. Happy Hortday, year I of regional auditions with Busse. You'll be famous I can tell!Good Luck! ARJCHA·my fellow callpider. orange-n-green faces. teased halT. Work on your accent. Jabberwok poem. Burger

King, Car pooling. I want my Aladdin tape! "Gimme that spotlight! You 're Broadway bound babe. Break a leg! ROB--yrs oftorment, Gov't video. Calvin-Hobbes. "Not the Mamma". A tuning fork, Good luck In life: SARAH S.--ovemlght projects. French food. "Pardon me do you have any IFNI?'. 3 yrs. of French class, have a great Senior year: JENNA (Benna) & MICHEI..LE·Gatlinburg. the best hotel room. Willow Run, youth group. Car rides. stopping traffic. registration. "What Is that hanging from the light?' (mint-retreat) U are like sisters to me. thanks! Hang In there. only 2 years leO. May God bewithyou always!!RYAN--myllttle bro. we don't always see eye to eye (especially since you art

taller now!) but I'll always love you. Good luck these three years and have fun! TO THOSE NOT MENTIONED--U R not forgotten, just ran out of money. Sorry! free at last. free at last. Thank God Almighty. I'm free at last!!!"

I. Val Garcla-1\1fro, leave: HEATH--"Don't worry be

happy". a daffodil. the perfect guy. 4 yrs of memories. some gum. '1llank you mo". my friendship and love

always; AARON--my always friend, thanks. I'll really miss you: SHLEE--50 talks. guys. ''I'm not fickle", Anne of Green Gables. endless nights. a red rose.lovc ya: ADAM --rebellion. M. a cool car. stars. memories. good fights. friends forever. love ya; MATT--the freak VR. you better Write: PRES--a clean thought, a real klss; JEFF--physics help, thanks for listening; !NGY·Situations. acting like middle schoolcrs, see ya al Dartmouth?: JESS--no moreslrcss. fun at the beach:

CHRIS--a tu. freedom; SKIP--a klss; WISE ONE-thanks for all the advice; FOUTZ--don't be un-cool!: POLl--good luck next yr. I' ll miss you. love ya!: MAY 1WEETY--thanks for everything. I love you two! I. Patrtcia Ann Gam>an. do hereby leave: BETSEY--a porcupine and a cactus. cheez balls. band trips. closing elevator doors. being chased in your car.

Spanish, I Oth grade English, all the talks. and the best friend I t-ou ld have!; HEATtiER--Onally a class together. a broken ann. and a great friend: THE

FLAGS CORPS--happy times with MrT and best luck next year: JAY--2 more years of high scoot. gelling your license. and many more baseball games!; MOM and DAD--all the lessons you've taught me. evel)'· thtngyou've done for me and everythtngyou conUnue

to do, thnaks for always being there!: JEFF.. Candyman. homecoming. a third lane. English, a walk In Penn Park. the Prom. a drive on Skyline Drtve, deer, Kings Dominion. renung movies. Teacher Cadets. aU the other wonder Urnes we've shared and all my love!

I, Wendy Gay. leave to: JEN--a pack of katchup and a golf club and a towel to clean 11 ofT the wall. E:SP-N. \Vanny and Moe, Jon was looklng at me. Myrtle Beach--! can't stop my leg. "Bum" graffitt--our ntghl club. cake icing fights. "skits" In your bowling alley. magis attic. scenery, Love Boat. FIA -- MGM and UniversaJ--Breakdanctn'. gas slaUon-·lndlana Jones

scenes, Beach Week '94. Dr. Pepper. Groves Stadium. !love pole. JK rocks!: VAL, YURI, 2xSARAH--ch-ch ch-ch thump-thump-thud. tolllet paper. the Ugh! U1at no one lUJTled offi; JU5nN--rtde to Wintergreen.

guy problems, Homecoming 93, a ride home:

skls. some banks. a new bike; SltANNON--new pack

COURTNEY--STAB guys. weird names: KELLI--En gUsh 9. 10, & 12. good luck: IIEATtiER--middle school. Angel tree. Wake Forest. my attack cat; FAITH· -CNW. PromNtght. a tollet. a nice bucket. Donna Graham. Guard Fights. Heart-to-Heart talks. Parades, lasting friendship: TARA- being lost In malh. guy problems. a speeding ticket. a smile; SHU- a phone call. happiness; MARC- f1ortda Trtp. JMU.

flexes; JESS--a bandage for your head: LACEY· "Reba! Nl5". Ho-ho-ho. White Out. How many limes have you mtssed practice?. Skittles; V-BALL TEAM bus talks. 2-4-6-ace. Mac-atlack. coach-suppori?, mighty-mighty!: MURIEL--what isdat?, animal noises. pictures. a hug: BRENDA--yoo-hoo. Howdy. Hola!: OEBDIE--Physics. class clown. candy: AMANDA··

of Overwrlters.you rock mel. accents and circum

slurpecs. cheeder and sour cream chips. girls from Massanullen. new curfew, Patrick from Chlck· fli·A. pull your feel up. oh God oh gcez. El est null huere. relax. relate. release. RU sensitive. chllls. just rickln. we're BFfl: KRISTIE · but urn. hey-hey: FUI check· check. Blossom and Slx. Wendy· -Woman, trips In your van. Busch Gardens. Gray and Pu~. E.T.. Facts of Ufe. MMC. MMCO workers. slngln w I Snuggles. chocolate chip cookies. Aladdin. stop Vanilla time: JODY·-all our stories. fights. I luv yal: PARENTS·· thanx for all you support and love!: EVERYONE--love and luck In all you dol I. Jennie ~rke, leave: to AB TC. duck. stress. and siblings: to IT··my beller highlight": to JC· -myths, Mr T and Tarah jokes: to KK Science class. burner llghUng and Spanish: to NO Golden Grahams. osmosis. and 9 dollars: to TG Forenslcsc. myths. and slngtng on the bus: to TM··hlstory day. Sara. bon· fires. 4- H. and thanks: to VY-- merry wives. forensics. books, and long talks: to MY FAMILY--I leave love and thanks. but not my room: thanks to EVERYONE for pulling up wtth alii have done: I leave you my brother. watch out! I. Andrew Giffen. leave to:AO- soccer tounls, rides to school. 5 mLn of consciousness. chetah. "\Vhat R U doing down der?', IMP··what's leO of Gobble. dlsloc knee: RR··Double R IOih grade. Douglas. Hughs. 0 B: BS··bug comln at yal: Jll··2 blonoc legs. govt essays. amnesia: EL··MAD. Ken Tony. Lance!: SWINE and STEIH··Dozo. Nanellc. 11co. Norm: DANIELI.E and MIUO DC and a bunch of Lexuses: JOSH·· STAB. BoSox. dolphins. Cubs the best: HF. AE. and 11M· .Jump! Jump!: JP··Calculus slinks!: AB again· -2pm agaln· UR Claudio Not!: EL agaln··Trtple Yahtzee (2nd lsnl too bad. Eric), Hero (Go. go. go ... ): BS again--lucky 2 have U In 4 clascs: ADAM K··Sr. Pat. John R.. same b ·day. Memories wtlh Palrlck!: SOCCER--countless red cards: EVERYONE--ease up, Slmbal and don't forget Palrlck T. I. Jess Gill. leave: LG··VMI. Arches man. "Real love". "She's playtng hard to gel", date wtth Seta h. Prom 93. magic cream. Lady In Red. Krts's party. sharing a sleeping bag. Fondu. buraUip. OTTS. a figh t for the couch. beach: TT--Dalsy Duke. munchies. scares. 11m's house. long talks on the tele. 2nd home. par · ents. homecoming--rip!. confessions In the grass. Longwood: AC··Avon. Jim and Bob. wipeout. lady on air mattress. Easter candy. Chane and Mathe. ·~low did we get to the road?". Nlagra Falls, Jason. Quick. PouUe. llauda. skiing. Ryan. It's about lime: JP·.Jl got us some drinks. straws. you get lhe toJiet. I 'll get

the tub. "Marty and I gotlntoa fight". "She hasn't been eating ngaln". rice. shed at AC's house. gals. stairs. snowed In: U\X--mudflght, Dogwood. Babysitting the Cumbie's kids: LC. AC. JP·· Key WesL busted. Annie's house party. MD. 20/20. New Yrs '92 and '93. WC. MP. ST. JPour boys from the past. peach, Dl. hook ups. Soph yr. funny love talks. You all are In my heart and mind through the yrs we are seperated, thank you for the laughs and fun Urnes . I love you all and wtll mtssyou: AH··Chlcken.twtn. Roger:JS··U\X. skiing: AC·-Rlverhouse: ~-·ACACdanclngpartner. busted. men. Ill miss you: AK -Pondo. New Yrs '92 and '93: JGB··ball lrlps. brain squeeze: JJ· ·Itsy bltsy teeny weeny. 8th grade sweet heart: TC··Summer '93. '''onerful homecoming date. broken rose: CG·· dales at Sloans, MD. 20/20: 13B-deep talks. Chinese. you lost: WS··MD. 20/20: Rll· mute. homecoming. middle school boyfriends: CT--Is your head sliU there? m chair In Psyc. Pouter. you take care of Lace for me: cw. EG. TB. EV· Lax parties. take care, you guys are wonderfui:JT··you are a very special bro. thanks you for everything. I'll miss you: ALL the girls In my Beach Week house--Party!: lo EVERYONE I missed--good luck through the yrs. I'll miss you alii Artca leaves: ELIZA KATE··Cioscts. Elevators. Con· re.rences. TA. AJiy ally mon mon. I lazmals. Cerrunic lions. Barbles. Brownies. Dorothydrcss:JENN··ACAC. Babysltllng horrors. movies. Blue Lagoon. thanks: DIANA--Snack cakes. Cheerleader. BK. B dude. I didn't wantlogotoyourstupld party anyway: KAREN· -History outlines. BK Dr Pepper. Joey. 3 Musketeers. B dude, Study groups. shopping: MIUO··Dally notes, Words for superior people. Stupid Poetry. Wayne's World, Spanish Menlos. DrMng Skills. Sly. Muzak and Drum machines. Jonathan Uvlngston Seagull: HOLLY--Pauls jeans. Droolmclsler. Holiday Spam, Weight Room. Pull Pull guy. Clg. Tennis racket. Purple lighter, Leo. Mru./Henry. My favorile food Is.... The Crush: HANNAH Sexy gynmastlcs man. Dalton James: HOL and HAN-Sunshine· Horizon !hands). Woo (over the head). beat master. cellular phones: BOB--Music. Dave. McD. Channel I assignments, Senior Lunch. Beavis and Bu1U1ead: ZACII-·Bal· anced equations. tiny braJds: STEWART--My cool shades. Ash Lawn parties. Erin. Snow kids: NEIIrLasl of the Mohicans. Aladdin. phone calls. Dropping by: EUZABETH and SI\RAII··Trall rides. Going to lunch. Chris O'Donnell: ANNIE and SI\RAII··Palrlot Slngrrs. Ruby Tuesdays. Cute busboys. for Annie, Movies: DAVIE--Picnics on the hill, Care packages. Dropping by. Bad movies: SARA P·· Nervous break· downs. Biology: DAN··Beauly and U1e Beast. Noles lhru the wall. Driving oulla the way. CC meets: COURT··Sound of Music. Chern lab, Ash Lawn. Louise Ballet: DAVE··BUieles. Scrabble. Throwtng blocks In Mrs. Lear's class: X Country: KRISTEN··Grecn and orange. Sparkly deely boppers. Green County BK: VICKY· -Crus ln tapes. PC. Critter Cats. Charm necklaces. Training Room

I. Lacey Goehrtnger. leave to: JESS··VMI weknd. "lie's got red briefs". Arch's man. OTTS. Prom & homecoming '93. Jon In a sleeping bag. kitchen talks, Da beach. Tl"s Daisy Dukes. magic cream. a puff gummies. LWood. 'They R herel". Playboy Bunny. JD & Jamie. a mew sudl. a new subl. a true friend when I needed I. Luv ya: JP·· I sl dip. Humpbek Rock. 50 dales. Rm t618. yellowsled. bushes. secret club. "Your shirt Is Inside out", running red lite. 7 - 11 pizza. Fh camps, prides, and buslrlps: AC do lists. Mary Jane. Dul & Von. parry house. New Yrs. blueyes. I kissed him 2". giraffes. track stars. "We lost Lacy". pondo and the atuc: GAL--a k.l ss. Its mel: JS · lip gloss. a carton. "we R just casuaJy dating". smelm. JMU nile. brcakallyour' laW&"at Beach Wk: BENGAY· · ho,ho.ho. RUHYP2. 115. Skittles, Mr Rogers. jus klckn: ACC··a friend at the bus slop. Is he a good kisser?. "some I lost a Ongemall". dirty llarbles: liT· -choc gummles. Alex's car. aerobics. a pack of MLT IOOs. a guy that deserves you: Fli GAI..S··stales'nl. RMnSO. let the party contin ue: MS SNYDER & 0 LUV· ·thanx 4 everyt.hlng! I'll never 4get U: FOlffZ·· pretzels: WEISND··stalrwclls: MAC. KNOT. MAY. 11M. NIG. BEAN, PEP. WAJ.DO. GO. All. TR. EC. AS. WIL. BB··Bcach Wk will be a neverendlng pariyl thanx 4 the laughs: CHRIS--baking a cake. March 24. a picnic. Skyline Dr. 50 bets. "You're It". rope swtng. playing N the snow. fondu. candle Ute dinners. Chunky Monkey. "Punch BugE". a dant'C. "llero". pinky prom lses, a while lab. 2 squeezes. deep talks. smiles and tears. UR alwayz there. Did I ever tell U lluv U? I do. alwayz: JC. AC. JP-·here comes that red Subaru! I. Jeff Hackett. leave to: my bestest buds. DAN. IVE. BOB·· the band. jams. lsi playln atlves house. tum your amp down! movie skits. raps. Purple llaze. Sunshine o yo luv. my drum solos. Jams wf TC. To DAN-·2 cars totaled. fast plckln To IVE··the 4 trac. punk band. To BOB--a bass. a bit of funk: slap n pop. To JAS C.·· whul a voice! Thanx 4 beln I I could talk 2. To E···pikln on u when at home. To llARWW -·long hrs on the volvo. great sounds. Alg 2 To SHAWNEE· -geometry. the radiator. the box. tee-hee. CPCTC. DNB. Chern. the calculator. experiments. office he!... per. trig. To THE BAND -some good music. To THE DRUMLINE-- m ernorles to never forget . Gatlinburg Hotel. chaperones. the Barney bus. To DUANE··Harry C.Jr. To TAMI B··current events. To JENNY and HELEN··lleave some I kind 21uv: don't worry U'll find 1. To MS. MASSIE··thanx 4 the fun and belief I could act. Finally loAMY-- my l sltrue love. I leave. the Innocent Urnes. Jennifer 8. the grey sweater. 1.2.3. shooting stars. playln golf at Pen Park , tennis at Key West. movie rest. bike races. ruchmond, Ume alone. helpln U when U had mono. workln at Toys R Us. big hugs and more 2 come. drama. Real World. French people. wtnks. driving the Volvo. Ind. Grls. Luv'U come 2 u. moods, phases. inlttatell Pokte. moo cow. letters. mJss U. drivln like a maniac. no money. U pe.rv. someone 2 talk 2. we'll .survive college. I leave 2 us the futur. could only get better. whal would I do wto U? And 2 those unmentioned I'll remem. yal Ill mtss every I of u!l Don't forget mel I. Jamie Hackney. leave these three things to LAUREN LEIGH--turbans. men. and much unfinished bust ness. To ROGER--I lea\·e one year To my MOM and

DAD··I'U leave my love. there Is too much to take wtth me. To NATHAN-- Ileave one thing. a quaner. that's

all you ever wanted anyway To MAJ A and PAPPA JIM--thanks for all the encouragement. To GRANNY -watching over me. guide me to the garden. To all my FRIENDS and FAMILY··II Is gotng to get belier and brighter. "Top of ll1e Mountain. Jamie Speak'n" I, Shuscl Hamamlch:. leave: To MAHC· Ocean City. all good ol' band concerts. Cindy and redhead. all those fights over everything--didn't I tell you they're gonna give you d···?: To CRAIG challenges. thanks for slopping us fight In Tenn.: To STEPIIEN··Bis· marck. German. all those sluff that we faced this year--thanks for your help!: To DUANE·· nice solo In Tenn .. Good luck: loJESSICA·· Brass Ensemble--you wtll be In charge of II next year (Hal Hal): to KJM--all t11e good Umes and bad limes (If therc'rc any). "Hil me·. and Good luck in Wand M--you can't leave me like thaU: To FRAU TRICE--what else do you want? More Tagebuch?: To Trumpets. my squad. my trumpet (Bundy for Terri). all the best luck In the future: to RICH. MALISSA. and RYAN··I just want to say. 'Thank you": and finally to EVERYBODY Including my friend. JENNI.FER-·Good Luck. and hope Bills wtll wtn someday. again. Good Luck!ll I. Ami Harlow, leave: MOM--thanks for the 10\·e and support (especially the jewelry) JEN -·7· 11. Greene County. the polo Oeld, keep II coming. Def Comedy Jam. TJs. the Food KJng parking lot. a bollle ofC··O, Knlcks jacket, mustang. mall. !lop. caller ld. Gerogetown Green. U comer. Oxford Hill. the Vlnz. toe Jam. happiness w/d NYCE. 1991 · 92. Sunday night jazz. guest room. 16 yr. party. Harrisonburg. Pen Park. Original Cookie. but most of all thanks for being my best friend the past 13 yrs: AB-· a can of shaving creme: MM·-aeroblcs. my Mickey Mouse thermos. a Ronlroll. K· Mart garden center: CC··a stalrmaster. snoop's. R··B·ball games. Aaron IIIII. Jiffy Lube: JK--early mornings. Bridgewater: LUNCH GANG--bagels , Avalon water. personal conversations.

laughs: But Importantly to my GRANNY and CRAMPA· -thanks for the guidance. understanding. help and everything else. I, Ann Harris. leave: RH--c.u-. alarm clock. TK··The men, F'rtendshlp. luck. secrets A~· Donul. rrtt:nd

ship. boys. meets. secrets. fights JC· W.M notes. laughs. math classes HT··shoeslrlngs. Christmas. Bodyguard JS··Va Beach. phone calls. deer!. car chase CJ--MM watch. Rose N. Memories MS· Your lady. parking place. middle school KB·-car keys. NKOB-8 grade SB·-Drop Dead Fred. Teddy Bear: MM··Homecomlng '93. car chase: RJ · kindergarten. rides home. camping. Va Beach: KT--111e Dare Gan1e. Baseball. dogs:1W--VMI. English. Shotpul practice: CN--movle Uckets. SAP: GM··SAP.Chrts: JS conver· sauons. study hall: NE--Mr. Daniels. Algebra II; BP· -Subway sub. youth group. KC·· Gleals. turtle:OJ Pargos. Dracula. Govemment:RC··Where's Marlow?. Hair FE: yts. courtyard TJ Luck In the future: TB · all the classes we had logethcr:SC--Bunsen bumer. labs: YC··Plzza Hut. drummer. softball: DE study hall. guy talks: TJ··Good luck In football. memories. remember me!: JB·· range, 9th grade Algebra. draw lng: SF--welghlltfllng guys. softball: NR·· lst base. dogs. practice: CS··Biology. Elvis. notes boots: MD 5 second dance, 9 grade lunch; KM cholr. Va Beach resort. the right guy: SBTeam practice. hills. Bradley. coach. food. metal toughness: Kl--· Buddy my body· guard. middle school: ART CLASS 92-93 Mr. 111111. cartoons: EJ guys. Xcountry: NM·· Xcountry: BW· English: MW--bus rides. talks. guys: TO EVERYONJ:: I FORGOT--sorry bulthls does cost: MY FHIENDS· love ya and I'll mJss you.

I. Richard Harris. being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Mr. MacDonald · the phrase The Teacher asked. "Who shouted. 'Let's KJII Henry!'?": to the Wrestling team--all my hard work: to CHRIS M -the tape I ne\'er got: to EBM··my wrestling shoes: to RAYMOND--my knowledge: to the softball team·· runny memories: to my slste.r--a most fulnlllng and

happy future: to CRAJGJOHNSON··a watch: to BRIAN P.··OUT order at Taco Bell: to my Youth Group·· my sincere thanks for your prayers; to JENNY 11.. ·dri\1ng skills: and finally to all future students--good luck. ·not!"

I. Abby Hegemler leave: ELLEN-- ride, breakfast: CORI··slster. talks. tears. camp. party. gas. If you need alhlng I am here foryoul: MAY··• value: JESS· Roger. English. chicken twtn: ANNIE--my brothers. bad day with boys. Is that a cop?: LACEY--my car. lap before game: CHRIS T··Woodbrook. Fairview. walk In woods. phone that works. dances. chicken pot pies: JILL-· 31reesdown. cutting grass. cowboy boot glass. bad boyz. sick feeling, Abe Lincoln and ride. all my secrets. eternal trust: BRIAN··hlde and seek. bed for 4. wolf scratches. Richmond. McD's : CHRIS 0 Ge omet.ry. my word. blacksheep. bathroom door. wall. trust: LYI..E··ride to Ocacroke. Richmond. late nlte need, 2 hr trip on New Year's Eve, Chat berore dinncr· Beach: long talks: ERIN·· Mrs. Hudson. couch. Pete's math class. Booradley. quarters. candy. batll· room-- New Year's running man and rrtends running away. crossing busy road barefoot. l/14/93.. f'tzza and sodas. guad. PlOTS. heal rises. canoeing: JUIJE· -quarters. eggyoak. a rebel. are there boys down here? . In ever.Jason and Story. poslllve s ide. smooth car ride. batswlnglng and sodas while camping. rea l candy. bruises on thighs. here Kllly Kllty. Mrs. Reynolds. GUAD. captain. fish In the sea-· NOTI. bl~ secret: AMANDA··Timmy and Tommy. Jenna. Tunes. a snowy friend. beach, quarters. your house. walk down driveway. Danny and Cramps. GUAD, my cousin. car In sand. PA. boys. big grab. parties. lowe ya!: Teri·..Jane. meet at comer. quarters. rail sled. Ocacroke, phone number, canoeing. car rides. Kroger. Ellis. Irick. thanks!: J-crew. awkward kiss . the lm· possible. everything I love, you 'll always be part of mel I love you!: my famlly··Thanks!l I. Brian Herbert. bequeath the followtng to the follow· lng: LYI..E··Ughts. subwoofer. Amp. alrbags. !lome coming 93. summer or 93-·lls I0:30 do you know where you r children are? VMI Decrepit tomb. KOP. Erin. McDonalds. sneaktn out, Lax camp. lloopty. Thomas Jefferson. Gerbils DAR·-lhe capital of Den mark, Pluresy walk the dog. calling the While I louse on New Years. the spot. SP. carpel shampoo. a beeper. VMI, TMN ABBY··AML. lrlp to Richmond. EMP. TMN long summer chats··l miss em do u? A mallbo.~. hide and seek. ben Eln--the angry shirt. Prozac. that night a t Jasons. I woke up and you were ... Paul the field. Peles. Freestyle. slmo. study hall. RR drivin~ Lyles car PEP--WWF uu~. firelrucks on a s unday aficr· noon. tool stone. jerky boys ants marching. Ricky \Vade. TMN Greek--Checker Pig. a log. the field I lome coming 93. ouze Jeff Robbins--Homecoming 93 and to Lyle. Paul. AI. DAR. Pep. Greek. TaiTe. 11m. Bean. NIGE. Dan. Waldo--Beach Week 94 Babyll Bope we don't gel evicted. I. Travis Jackson. leave-.JB·-my Nlg since day l. 7 ·

I I. GJ.Joe. Quandoodlc. bowl cuts. got somethln 2tel u MW··MACK Daddy. Moclck Woclcks RS- How can I B Down? the cr1zon made me choke GM··Don"t hurt em, bear DB--Whalcha dotn this weekend? CL-· Chuck drives by wtt da Boomln system NR··slde· 2 · -side SR--Brenl Lock! s hot gun. fricndz SF·· my lsi love. hey Boo-Boo. Ruff II off Hamma Time. PilAT ISSAAD, Best friendz w1UI lhe end. U brought lhe best out of me KT--IIllle sis. don't fol'gct or secret ML· Hey baldy! AL-· sorry about the snow peace and love 2the rest of the upstairs crew: as4 alllhealmostsand could've beens and u know who are . How ya like me now? Class of '94 I. Jayson J ean. leave FRED··gas loUon absolute weeds pond Jims magazines a neighbor: lliGS·· flunks Dap thealre Gel o Boys pond Chucky COPE

concussion Contra -Anyways· Egg noodles plck.les cricket: OTS··coco buller humla: PEP· WWt" Ludvig hepsch: NIGE··Food Bigs Sr nicknames: MEAT- Lax HSC roomy: TUNES--Black Jack M COs CD player: SPREAD··Gum Las Vegas: TAM. LAUR. KJM , BECK Pargos: KJM· Movies. Dinner. A Dance. Al.l adln.llugs. Ben & Jerrys. New Years. Warm Fuzzles Drives to the mounlaln B&B Paco Honda Scga SUiy Goose walks Prom Homecoming all the love Ill the world MAR RIAGE: JESS··Dolly piggybacks ANNIE mac n ch~ parties rose grapes pepsi: JII..L-· 2000 talks the girl friend I never had: ASHLEY· pool talks. 5 speed: MAY··Advk:e Jackel drt\'es SHAY··lalks late night \1Sits looks lasso: ILL--fishing hammer Ume Path Onder: to anyone else I forgot. sorry! Bean Is all out of money! I, Healhfi Jones leave: FArlli--my best friend llo\·e

yal NIAJW Pizza Hut. Macados Keys! Baby lire turn ri~hll Longwood! Phi Cappa Del he called mell Ah! Andy and Andy New Years Eve sigh: John what a babel Jason who? study hall dawn what? When? I could goonru1d on and on .... MAIULYN --Scnlorswowl Wherc's the pariy? English. nah. Jet's leave! Cori. Sam. Christy: Longwood. oh no! gel Chris away! Ahhl runaway wagon 1!1 spill MIKE--Where did you go? KELLY -or Khell. Kelll, Kelee? study hall convcrsa lions ... BIRCII .. J miss ya! So. who's wtndow are you cllmbln' ln now? TARA--The ashtray in your volvo. Sorry do you have any gum? LAURA··I miss ya chlcl SAP. JESSI-I like my new name: Plealher Tharo. Jess!! Craig Carlton: Don't explain thalloanyoncl oh. I'm done wtlh Andy Ha Ha! I got somebody else! DEBBIE ·Omnl, Pizza Hut. yor house In Julyl Ahhh! Mike's house How's EC's toe? Awful Arthurs. J eff Ryan. AndyJohn. l won·t mention the other ..... NEIL· Iley buddy! Nope. haven't done that report yet. SAP· !ley. let's go to my carl I'U miss yal KEVIN··ha\'e a good life GARGAMEir l love your hair! IVAN We haled each other as freshmen but heyf As seniors. you're prelly cool! Read those children's books now! Jay: I ne\'er call you? You never call mel! MS. HULL·You're great! 111 mtss ya! MS. MASSIE··Study hall haha! What fun! Oh I think he's so cute! Should I tell him? I think I will. Who cares anymore! I'm gradual· lng JOHN--you look so goooooood!l! By byl I Adam Kemp. hereby leave MIKE--more nally than I could get. Myrtle !leach In December. "Swank's Best". 2 swtsher sweets (one for me). a VIrginia Tech chicken. my collection or Cliffs. coach's award. a double eagle. 21 O's, and · A good woman Is hard to find": ANDRE· Kid's size clubs. home mov1es. 4 am s ki lrlps. 24 hr female vis itation rights al Hampden Sydney. and nl~ht trips to check up on your woman: THE SNOWSHOE CREW--bald hooter. the pictures. "Slay on the ski area". reading material. "I don't have any ID on me·. Julta, Catec, n-osse.ronnl & Cheese, and ~she's phal!": 11 IE G TEAM--my tuttle. the best average. a rake. a nine Iron. pretty shorts. an unbreakable shaft. and a color photo to go over the gym wtth your s tate championship: MEG--the education of your choice. 1ltem's the brakes·. and the man or your dreams; SARAII··"Parlez-vous Frru1cals?". "Daughter". and peace In the Kemp house: KELLI·· lhc best of limes. "Nothing s hould last slx months". and aU the luck In the future: BRENDA··the best dance of my life. fast skis. a nd my AP grades: AU··thal sk.l lrlp we never took. Christmas carols. and the key to my best friend's heart: ALL THE GIRLS IVE KNOWN--a lillie piece of my heart and a smile: MOM and DAD tl1anks for everything. I love you and I'll see you every "brake· I get: PArnlCK T-- lhe memory of your unreplaceable friendship: 111E REST OF THE SCIIOOL··Iunch In a classroom

I. Chrisllne Kennedy. leave to: MS··TP. S .A Dale Cooper. ·rm worried about COOP!. long talks. advice. B&B. "Manly yes·. kinkiness. allempts at paying attention. love mistakes good lu ck In llfe. hope your dreams come true. Love ya Bud. J\V- .J. Newsted~ 1313oys. a crisis. Bethle. oh geez. stoplights. 13 & B "he be lllln'" our pills. a good man the beach. I year. doni u forget about me! LR--snorts. Jason. Melissa's wts dom advice. psycho friends. Shop Dogg & the guy In uger pants. good Intentions. a killer 12th. Be:.l wtshes. Sis. AS BR. prom talk. MYC. notes. K- 12. scandals. "we'll talk later" AK··bad Umlng. a new start. long talks. road lrlps. cheesecake. a good woman. t'rench. confusion. AY··crulsln'. good limes. B & B. A.XL. those guys we used to like. ~IF--my tattoos. Ron & Trace. secrets. a gun. HC··the cure. MM··a friendly ear, a trip to Roanoke.JR--bad relationships. passing notes.secrels. I know I forgot some of you. and you know the reasons why. I. Courtney Klehl, leave lo MC··the you knows. "Veronica". the purple bird. UCLA (We wtsh). Kings Domlnlan, foxfield. Jamaica (It'll happen some day). and so much more that I'd fill a book. I love ya. sw~lle : KA--homewreckers. Rainbow Connection. thta cuUes. II ER, beach houses (Or lack there oO. dem' golden slippers and lots' a laughs. you're a great rriend. never change: JC- -hugs. connesuer. countless talks. frowns turned upside down. and a friend s hip that'll last forever: KC-· 10 years of true friend· s hip. what more can I say?: IG··foot rubs. Beach Week. higher SAT scores than me. NC School of the Arts (At least one of us will be there). make me proud: M S. M~- to a great teacher and friend, you've taught me more than you know. hang tn t.here. only 35 more years Ull reltrement: NB-- my favorite '"Woman", Uc · lacs . the best backrub I'll ever have. "Lucky". the river. movies that we ne'\·er seem to finish and all my love. no matter wha t happens. I'll never forget youl:

Wills • 87


MY FAMILY--thanx for bdng there when I needed to talk, helping me when I needed help. and showing up at all my "Perfomtanct-s" f~ven the first onel. love yal; EVERYONE I couldn't fit sorry!! 1 Jenntfer King leave: CC Nov 23 '90 JJ. GC. Blke races. Myrtle Beach. 9th grd boys. Rodney M • Stone & Thomas. my cal'?. I luv yal MM -Prom '93. X-mas '93. oval nn .• O.,adOog Aerobics. ·sac" twins. CHS BBG's, OMeN. collage cheese. FDU\, Greene Guys. "It was great." Uta & AXl. 250 Bypass. FFLula. LYU\51 BE--<:omeonwe'vegouago! Buck teeth. Brtdgewater. Aerobics. a Hardees Chi cken Sandwich. LYtASI RP·keep slngtn'. your hand. late nlte talks. you mean a lot. lluv ya! KP· Prom '92 & '93. Beach '92 & '93, July I '92. Leesburg. witches & ghosts. what night? Why?. lies! I'll luv u 4 ever! JC--8th grd. & 8 months. Danville, Homecoming '93. secret lovers. Aladdin. How 'bout Cinderella! RW--Who's on the sneak Up now?. Aunt Margie--A free babysitting job! MOM-long talks & good advice! DAD--mom's bad moods & a boat! I luv you both! I. Kellt Kirby. being of country music loving mind and counll)' dancing body leave: KEVIN. KELLI. IAN. BRAN!'. BRENDA. BRADLEY. JASON. JAKE. TRAVIS. MATI, KRISTI. LILA. LEAH. TODD B. MICHELLE. CARISSA. SCOTI. !·JOLLY. JD. CARRIE, SONA. ASHLEY. ADAM. TODD D .. CI.AY. and MECAN-memortes of MAXX: KEVIN --"Kirby". Apple Jacks. UZ-- -nny·. all the laughs (tears): KRISTI--a list of boys you haven't gone with, frtcndshlp: JEFF'-"R.M.W.L.C.C." Brooks & Dunn: BRAN!' SN--my Brooks & Dunn Alan Jackson t-shlrts. "Who's Marty Brown": BRAN!' Sf-barn dance-•miJe; SchotUsh: the

old days.


phone conversations: fun

times. JASON -U R so funnyl TRAVIS--"Alright hammerhead" JEN -Chern . labs· bunsen burners-- -n-.at

was close!" nEEPA-· Milky Way shakes; Spanish & your pneumonic devices. a red light. BETSY. AWE. KIMBERLY. PATnE & EMILY--Beach Week '94! DANIELLE--hunl club picnics: 4-whe<lln·: cone. stands; s-ball TODD D. --Bull Run; Homecoming weekend; wonderful times on the dance floor--we've

learned a lot together JAKE--a hard lime from your twin. MOM- Dwight Yoakum. MOM & DAD- Thanxs 4 everything Love You! EVERYONE--Good luck In the future! My cowboy boots -I'm taking them with mel Yec Haw!

Tomoko Klla>.awa leave to; KT-· KNIG~ITS INN. hikIng. Corona. NYE. PT?. Carols. Burt. Prom.SAT. Tight jans. sl7.e 1-2. colleges, girl talks. history. thanx 4 llslenlng--luv yal & Bach Wid AD--Ocean City. Zlggy. LAX. hiking. NYE. Bandages. I.K. JC's. ski. janunln. & frtendshlp. Luv Ul SM--Zlplock sandwich bag. Prettyn't gtrls LAX. notes jokes & best of luck! IIC-DH. DB. Cap. NYE. dubledates. TJ'sCL.Jessfs. Prom & my wreck. My luv alway•. JS· Jared. lllldng. Luv Ul. ML--BL LTO. dunkJn: AF';s wrek & ours. Luv Ul JM--Mom. soccer. wrestllngMng.. rtppeddress. fights. Thanx 4 UR support. my luv always. MM to all the fun times that R sUU coming up. RP-- Luv Ut AA-· Spanish, MF. Honnones & a girl frtcnd AM· ·eternal Luv between U & Carey. JC· Psych .. CQ. jokes & Dawn To Chris Whitener· 1018192. hlktng. DC. homecomings. 0- ~1111. watches. Roanoke & Tech. Hard Roc Cafe. Bach wk '93 (Ocean City) LAX (URI I). U ofR. UR house. housestt. LTO. Prom '93. skiing. UR wreck. CJ7. The Phantom of the Opera. CltaUon. Pool. Ars Wreck. NYE. Tax & Ttz. SECA. cookie & Ginger. posters. jokes. momtng rtdcs to school. colleges. Alladtn.X-mas. llekln ears. "Much Ado About Nothln". to me. UR U1e best friend & Boyfrtend. hugs. smiles. kisses. love & so much morel I will love U always & I

chelish all our memor1cs. MOM ·couldn't have done It without Ul thanxl

1. Dawn Kllmmck. leave: ANC-·No not Angle long talks. Bus trtbs, camping. skiing. pool. advice. U are & always \viii be my BBF'. I luv & trust U wI my life. Thanx for being th ere. best of luck w I Carey he's a lucky guy. MURIEL--SB& BC· summer. chccken filet navor · flour, driving. aerobics. homecoming·· OHCOSII. cream cheese. Thanks for the best Slyr Sts.l couldn't hav~ madeH w/outya.lluvyaand wUI never forget U. JESSICA -Snow vacallon.V ball PT 4 U & I, Poplarts. Brttches. she wears tight jeans. Chrtsllan man. Thank U 4 maktng me who I am. U taught me to open up & be myself U hold a place In my heart. JARED the BB game. Dlstrtct V. look behind U. Homoromtng. disco skating KB. Face-nsnow. Don't scUyourselfshort.Thanks 4 greal memortes. UR the most wonderful guy I've ever met. ru always love & never4get U. KRISTEN · -Crace & skills. late ntte talks. VB Coach. Hotl\Jb. UVA can1p. don't ever think you're not good enough. UR the best. Athletic. smart. beautiful. & U make me laugh. Reach for the stars. JEFF -JEEF. 730 cafetertA. Span Mrs. Obrten, the BB game. April I st. Tha.nx 4 being a great friend & always listening to my probs. MOKIE & CHRI5--Cood luck wlall tncludlngeachother. Beach Week. HOLLY· Counll)' muslcfes.. gym. PF'. U Counll)' gtrl U. TARA--Bus. drtvtng. sleedtng. Ice Road. Dirty car. country music II l . SCOTI.CHRISTINE.ADAM. PRESTON. MALS MAlA. MOLLY--Span--& Everyone else. 111anx 4 aiL Don't forget all the memortes or each other. I'll love U always & will mtss each one of U. Good luck w I all. SMILE I . Amy Knoll. leave to MAY.-t.'l.lks. boys. laughs. crtes. frtends. Bojangles Frtcs. parents. babies. llste•mg. phone calls. beachweek. college. stress. cutle. best frtends. I'll miss ya & love ya 4 always! to AC. JP. JC. LG--sophomore - - - · a lot of great Urnes. a few bad

~88 • Wills

limes: Remember them aU. I love you all no malter what! to ACC--frtends. talks. camping sisters. L +C. birthdays. algebra. crylng smiling. laughing. flowers. love ya always & forever! to AM-· Bball. Vball. An>y 2. Perty. HC '92. Jon C. road trtps. boys. love you & I'll miss you! to SAIWI--13ball. Sball. beautiful. talks. Ill' sis. I'll miss you be earful. you're wonderful. I'll love

you always! toWS- ·I'm sorry. my parents. 50 lrles. my heart forever! to BB--Vball. May's house. tceskaUng. frtends. cool seniors. beachweek. love yal to WJ -SbaU. camping. talks. Baby Sis. be carefu l. love yalto

Everyone··be your own person: love oul your drams!

I Ingrid L. leave TARA--sunblock. early-momln~. VA mountains. good advice. ft~hllng techniques VANESSA--Best luck no matter where CliRIS--red bike. yellow paint. jail INCA-· Inga rtd. babysitting. JM TERJ--hislory day. UVa car slluallon. slippery seats. debate problems. majaraja VAL--mlddlcschool nostalgia. HEA'lllER-·Davtd McKabe JUUE- fruit LYI..E--a waltz SHERRIE--problem situations. the trtal. summer foolishness ASHLEY- In depth with Ingrid MAIA--researeh. transitions ADAM stuffing AMELIA--push In the creek JEANNE· tennis mad ness JASON--happiness

So Long Albemarle & Evcryonelll I. Chrts Krtuk. hereby lea,·e: CORI my party. the appt.. Bob l)ylan. IL. peer couns. troule. monopoly. ToCHRISIY--my party.lady flngers.gutdanee. Antioch TCBY. the notebook. tn•st. rebelling. ron.fimmtlon. true frtendshlp. Onal happiness. AMELIA-- skiing. creeks. acres. 1- 0ght. •1 buzz. Welcome to the club! TOMOKO--old frtendshlp. chemistry. Knights Inn. summer movies. I'm sorry. llcy Whitey! HOLLY-- 1way. Acres. fights. tears. worth It all. regrets·-oh well. lhe wall. UVa·-great Urnes lo come. JESS· · SOCttr. long talks French, the Oghts we can't keep. break ups. your help and guidance. movies. my b-day party. the best frtend I've ever had. Thanks! DAWN--Hal party. life guard, swlmmln~. frtends. KRISTEN-Knlghls Inn, hot tub. Trig & English. fun Fl ANC- F'orcst Lake visits. dinner at Wendy's. study hall. UVa. Can't watt. HEA1liER--History. study hall. gov't & guys. good & bad. Hey Murtall PRESTON--English. F'rench. dinner on the comer. pool at your house.

MAlA--English • 2. cookies. grades. gossip. beach week--hopefully. ADAM··•!. A· In English. Psychology--fun'!. To all of those mentioned and not. Best luck In the future. don't forget the past. & "To thine own selfbe true· WS Somewhere. hidden deep Inside.

behind an atltude so immense. 1shed a tear. not only for the departure of great friends. but also for the dawntng of their new beginnings. Good luck everyone and thanks for being there for me. I. Ray Lambert. leavetoJASON·-the Institute. Satelllle. Ball Hooter. VMI day trtps. Dom on the Parade deck. Bowing to Numb. the Wall. SAM. 4 more years to come. brtng the soldier: to B~::ASE ·- Bult.'l.fuco. do you have a quartcl'l. ball wars, know It all. English class. don't study too long southern rnan; to RICIIARD--DrCalaweekage.l feel numb. the blue whale; to Rides--shoe, Trossaronl. creek. jumping. my grandpas. my underwear's burning. Kllbasa. It's plptn. BN; to ANDRE--you arc a canteen boy. better check the PH: to WEDDLE & KEMP--ski to the parking lot. creeks and rocks: to MAlT--Gettysburg. tractor puis. tennis matches. Harper's Ferry. good luck: Let the games begtn--'95 + 3. t. Melissa Leake. hereby leaveAM--SNAC. cost cuttrs. perm. Tenoc. JPA. Greene. bring It back rtght! love always yourgremlln. RT--JMU. homeromh•g. 26 placs. IVP. ORE. 1\•e never. stay alert. French. sawed ofT. SAP. lluv ya. SB NYNSfYt. Mark. sneakout. JPA. 1\JfTy. Mmen.Fxlleld. lub ya. JE--bL. WP. Africa. BeadsLuvya. AC- CBS. •II. SAP. Greene. Roc.ChUI. Sneakout, Peer Couns .. luv some Ash KC· Psych.

lunchs good luck. Annie-· f'x field, New Years Luv ya. MM--French. guy problems. talks. CR Georgetwn. lovesome.. RS--McC. RR--partles. wicker tmsh ML-new yars.Junchbox, dinner BS-·a Sunday movie. baseball. southIll. EJ --EC. new car. fonnres. liLdancz dre. PA--a dr1vtng class. BG-·a lax Jackel. a rtde home. Paul's porch. TB-· Homecomlng. RT. Mrolah-a great friendship. LAX. U M--a science class. good luck. RP--purple tru ck. bear named Rob. Brottany. lcehockey. homecoming. prom. Escort. 9. 10, II dating. 9 months. TI1anx good luck. JS--a lasllng friendship. Cll & BL. saldboat. 11<- LTD. apples. Matt's. wrecl/ :C--Trlg, ED. All the laughs. picture break. TC--F'xFicld, It's his land. studybrcak. AS-fruitcake. Bunnie. llclen- a great frtendshlp. Rob W·apples skund luv ya. Chad -froggle. foot ball ntms. does It hurt. suslclous XO. Rich a date. a rtde. KG-French. stuffy. Mom & Oad --Thanx for all your support. lluv you! KT--drt,1ng class. Everyone clse·good luck and jus keep ya head up! The good times are yet to come. Kep things on the down low. I'll check you on the next cptsode··l'm outtet Non~ of yaU can hang with CBS. Vall' R kllln me.

1. Alexander Liddell. leave: To ANKE D.C.. cold toes. nosy women. movies and dinners paJd for. r1de home wl6 Tae Kwon Do and track: IIEATIIER--we are almost there: NIKKI·-a run. track and seerets. when was the last lime you ... ran? Shh: GUSSIE -a rtver. canoe. plenty sunshine. cam p s inging: HOLLY HOBBl E--track: VICTORIA- your secret and track: JEFF--math Monday. Tuesday MARC· -math Thursday and Frtday: EMILY Homecoming. beach house lunch:AStiLEY--brothers; BILLY--plleofleavesstrtders blke rtdes: STEWART- answers. laughs. food ; CARY --a picture Jack? track broken bones: WENDY "Sisler": KRISIY--Richard & Richard; ANN rtdes. walks. lunch: YOLANDA -car rtde policemen. troll. movies; RICKY- -beaullful eyes. flve years; KELLY B ·Ciub 105. perfume. haircu t; AMANDA -whats your problem: CUY--monl'sanswcrs.lai>e. $20: RICilA!m and fVAN--frozen candy; JENNIF'EH--movle.Jason L: MELINDA--cool rtder; SHANNON F tape. answers. just want to hughlm; ANNA--a letter. KELLI K --beach week; BUZZ--snowball. JASON- Phone. money. talks: TO MY FAMILY--thanksforallyoursupportand love: TO ALL MY FRIENDS--I leave memortes. laughs and


I Mark Lohr leave to RONDELL- -nuts. Rick's house and fat sacks: To SHA\VN--glasses Jc•sle and 0 style; ToTRISH.JESSLE. SAIWI. AMY and the oll1cr gangsta girls--after school al Rick's. munchies. session. McDonalds and to TRISII and SARAII Coats: To AMBER the new gtrl of Albemarle· no guys. no XOXO just 4 years of hard work: To Sf lANNON- my boxers. Chinese food. snowdays. at your house all

sendog atnt got no thlnk forb--real. cleaning up while talking to a chlcki--JAR. PUGS. I know that lots of thtngs B lefl out but ....Time 'Time ror some time for

some action just a fraction of frtcUon I got the clear-

ance 2 run the lnterl"erance enteryoursatelllle sound the batllltght heres a example just another sample I

man trted 2 come tn my home take my dome I said yo Its on ... Carry the Latino expertcnce proud!! U my Buua? Dag Buzz Oy -- Mrs. Cllky· Ahhahaaaahahaahai·-Albemarle- Hahaha··MOM

&DAD- -Thanx 4 everything. lluv U Guys- Everyone I forgot, Its I :30 am you can get over It · take It easy guys P-U-T-S G-A D-E-P-C -A Enu I. Tania Mauller. leave: My silent house no siblings. all

my problems solved. a doll who wlllltscen ~au~ no one listens to you: to AMOS (AMY). To INCA -moral support for buylng rtskc dresses. all my obsene jokes to ofTend your virgin ears and the beach. To JENNIE· -old houses (STP) To all my frtends·-my complaints ttl min class I svertge: Ala dem festar och gerds engelska!

week. eyes in RJck's room, my heart and the beach; To RAY LEE--your room. drtveways. up all night; To NICK--Ray and Rick's house. Cheryl. up all night. To RICK- -weare On ally done and we made Ill Your room. my room. session. eclipse. much money.

I Amanda Maupin leave: to WENDY C & KRISTIE P· frtendshlp. guys. govt. chills. Candyn1an. Dr. Giggles. New Yrs lots of laughs. talking skills. RV sensauve HI guys! liol Hoi Hoi. my curfew. Myr1le Beach. thanks 4 being there. WENDY--softball & track bus rtdes. oh

I Marilyn Rose Ignatius Loyola Majerus leave to DEPUTY DOC (Jen)--hunchback & his bro. lotion. l


senior ltmch, Superbowl Sunday. New Years·. spring

gum from Taco Bell. PreUy Woman F'rcnle, srearnln~

break .a fireman. sophomores. Mike. Kentucky. Any-

lnto my plUow. busting on people. Frosty. Chicken McNuggets: KRISTIE- -carrots. salad shooter. parties. green clay. Pretty Woman. gum from Taro. Frenle.

thtngyou wanllt'snota problem. J likeloveU· n-stufT. 2 double mint. Matts house. Chad. Oops! Green C

oh God. for real!. Patrie. BFF's. rent money. If 15.

monkey's. wizard of Oz. elephants. cheerleader. ecnal.

water salons. Freestate. Kiss. list Robs Supe:rbowl

movte theater. bored in class. pulling my haJr. Muran

Sunday. New Years. 2X mid Winters. Parents. double dates. Fairfax & Maryland. sisterhood. military men. parking lots. CHS party, all the boys and good Urnes lUke love you-n-stufT2 NICOLE--orangejulee. Matt's Oops! Kermit. Broccoli. the older brother. Or Pepper. A license. Days Inn. Georgetown. park. lletro night.

angel. track. pictures. what Is that ?; BRIAN S scrunchles. a pen; JUSTIN B --blke. Oh Ceezl. •kllng U\CEYG-- JI5250. missed pracllce:JESSICAC Oh Ccezl. "nM C--phonecaU?: HEATIIER F'--D 12; VAL· 250: CARRI.E C & DAN! L--speedy windows; J AIME D. KIM S & ANCEU\ F'--candy hearts: little brother BRIAN -3 years at AHS--MY FAMILY--Thanks I love you: everyone else--thanks love ya--PI~I!

anywhere. Zeta Bela. a pet dinosaur. a cow picture.

Brtan. I like love U n stuiT .2 NATRAT--A Mad Dog. Bouchs. gotta have ·em songs. In the woods. A guy with red halr. yellow roses. A last ucklachalr. Roborop. \Vayne·s World. A towtng. cad many censored memo

rtes. I love ya; 2 KRISIY --pretzels. wresllers: 2 HEATHRA--Chr1s. Eng. Walkouts. Omnl. Storyllme: 2 NIKKY--mextcan pl7.za. Mickey Mouse. a man. card games. love ya 2 JAY--the library. Spanish. English. Friendship. roses. good luck! 2 PUDGY--Days Inn. my


rail. lotion. the rock. senior lunch. surnme '93 2 CLINT--my brother. 5 am drives. Fort Kn ox memo r1es.

I Christy Maupin leave: JAMIE--rtde to 7 I I at 5:00. ski trtps. blackout In McD bathroom. Woodberry hotel. bach mem. Richmond. backward hats. 1980's. your Jewelry In one piece, Oghts. a bikini that Ots. stal.k ers free bowling shos. frtends?; CORI--New Or· leans. sticky Ongers. Spanish rap. "Shut up Bavls huh. huh", navy dorks. sccurtty at Rlverwalk. riding on vehicles. you talk too fast. a car ~he kisses like a .. :, Longwood. The Cal's Meow. the caslle. losers.

frats freaks obsession: SAM--Longwood--lwtce.


away wagon·. THC. girl's weekend out. no hurt feeling I, Stacy Marrs l eave to: MC--BBF. SfAB boys. beach. Champs. phone bills. baseball players. heartache Good bless; JM--2 am. phone calls. bad boys. bad girls. KINZER--a 24 hr phone line to college; JED-tulortng. talks. honesty. cars. my love. Good luck! S\V-·sweetthunder. slumber parties. FV talks.youn~ love: JC--Candyman. MG. good luck Joel: Jo·-0 go get her! She's your woman! : Jloney··a trt'e, work, beach. skllng--you·re too slow. teeth shoulder. cows.

get a way. tickle spot. belly button. most of all. my love! Always and forever! I sweart Rob big brother. l'moutandromlngsoon!; KTG- Slssy. lwlllmtssyou. 111 be home soon!: Mom and DAD--you guys are the best. Sorry! what more can I say? I love you l(uys with all my heart. Thanks for everylhlng! AilS- Goodbye! I. Srou Martin. hereby leave: RACH~:L- -a new phone. some gnunpy bear tunes. and 978 7732. TOMOKO -Love Ootsom. I have the sandwich bag. More stortes about gas--CARRY--long drtves even tfthey were over medians. where Is by Lamborgtni. DAWN--a helmet just In case U happen to trtp or fall. a paved drtveway· RYAN--yea I think you know. basement breaks. dl7.zy drtve 2 Pizza Hut. a string In a ktt2 else me up. carpet cleaner--SKIPPER--Yea Skip! Yea Skip! Christmas paalon. hold that ball boyi--MEAT--A nice fall in the mud--JUSTIN 0--some typeofwrcslltngtllle. another Ore. weekend wrestling with secret service--MARK L·sneaktn govt. The Tavern --JOHN COLOEN --Whats up cward wanna try that again. where Is my money. Boy--SHELLY F'--any ways--MURIEL-· bree.<cway appearance. sometranslatlons-·\Vhttes--1have the sand· wlch bag and U don't--CllAim- a new La.' sttck--ML· CampAlbemarle--1 cant lie to U. thejunx was good· How much do U welgh- -ADAM-·Xcusc me. do they call U the tuba--FRA- -Eibow l11rowlng layups. no wonder U score--Bill Walsh--VAL- -what the heck happened to your eye. dalen't--PRESTON--basket baU at you r house. hangln some vtsln. cause the shot ts In your eye. going to the dump· -UNO--lucky Lepprachan--BEAN--Wtnston Claiborn Ill, SIIX Inc. ortental cutsln--STU--luvstallton --ASIILEY--Hook me up!--CHRISIY--Am I straight forward when ... -SHANNON & STONER--U cant beat me KRISTEN T -Docs your ex have any--BRAN!'-· R U lrylng to gel crazy. Y B Adomlnallon. more gov. Olms-·LORI --1 want a necklace--Bib AI--library maze--MORRICt>-1 want my tool back --SARA--my shirt pleaS<'! GWEN-have U heard the song CopKlller-·ART·· IV & L- JARED--Auburn vs Georgia. Cypress I I III. Staylng at Fras. lloodlums, deadend, wannathrow. CBA I B like who omp Detts. T1me for some action. Boomerang. Us

unbn!akable bones. my clothes. beach week . n _m to the border. stnce we're being honest. .. : CIIRlS- latt ntght at the ·movies·. church retreatsn'L. Barnaby's. school night sneakouls. babysitting. SAT studying. your own TV. nice guy: JERRY--poems. deep talk•

emotions. singles. hat. fale, no lies. Pen Park.


nation. snow days. job yellow. piggy-back rides. bike parts. Kevtn's bonfire. winter solsuce. lruM. mt!

JACKIE--'When the -- goes down you gotta be ready" and were!: NEIL & MIUO--frtendshlp that lasts for· ever, Kings Dominion. church. nice girls. MIL--you are "ok" HEA'lllER & FArlli--fats rock. he called 'I threw my roommate out. so do you want to come over?": MOM & DAD--Thanks for not glvtn~ up on m<' Good luck holding down the fort while I am gone! HOLLY--keep the circle "hot". track talks. rtde home. Iron balls. leggings. smiles; JESSICA--we finally got our license. we've got coUege to look forward to now. thanks for all the talks: E.VERYONE--good luck. "live llfe to the fullest!" Ang McCallum leaves to; DAWN--Jegn1e. v-ball meet lngs. prob. kids at F.l... dropping by. senior ptct.. Bela work, skiing. tubing. relationships. carols In Olo.. shartng. understru>dlng. love. JESS--studylng for gov't (missed you). v-ball probs.. mean old ladles. lime management. talks about life. emotions. hugs. wann hearted ness. cartng. HEA'lllER--lntelleclually stlmu Ialing conversations. daffodils. study hall. WENDY team two. forgetting positions. friendship. CHRIS· TINE--study hall, rainbows. KRISTEN --AAU. spiking. old Urnes. MURIEL--skiing. cold Ongers. learnu1~ JE~r--a gavel. full-time frtendship. MAlA a smile kindness. PRESTON--awesome pens. t:onergy. UVa LORI- -thoughtfulness HOLLY--happiness. AM EUA determination. DAN--racing to school. JARED 1c< sledding. SCOTI--head rubs. RANDY 104's In psych MATI--peace. CHRISW.--scartngsultors. TOMOKO -a free sptrtl. NATE--Tech lrtps. spilling OJ. I . Waldo. leave: NICE--Wash & dryer. vr. Vl'2. war plans. Jays Jeep. Platoon. bass. ww talks. Green Franlis. stupid frtghts. BT sign. girl talks. TIM \\1 & L.Jims house. CA. show me how the piggy eats. Sisler Act. J ust a snlfT. Little Mennatd. Deep?s. My Girl. Long talks. late nile dom. conspl2. Chrts Cren Lk. 50 drtnks. Sun. Olnners.AII nlghtrs. you've got a frtcnd. BOS. prtvaey. BOS. VC. Ksng, Lax. J ust scratching. vr. Mikes grtll. govt proj. backyard. an INVITATION BEAN--Dap. Avon Ext.. Lax. Ter lrtp. lab partner excuse. a groove. bugs broken ankles. an assist. clutch pref. CREEK--Vfplans. tolerance. Blues Oros.

either Hammer time or somelhtngs wrong wtth Lhe

car wash. age PEP- · my equal. I leave all the winning

twl7.za. Tabvoo. Dirty Harry. backseat riding. We goln St7..Zier. steak, B --real. DJMWJS. SENOOCC. l ast but not last. AUTISMPOOTS. good luck In the furute·- pugs-- puddln -- twln kl e -- Puglsey - Camp Albemarle= = ML==Camp Albemarle. Camp Albemarle==Blll Walsh. Latin. WE -goln slz7ler. Cunnlon Steak. Mrs. \1/eaknt, style of dog. a neagle that Is spread. as It up beanch. Maxin. Boomebang.

most people d ream of and more! WENDY --Jump serve. real watch , readable license plate. scary m<Mt. Bodo's. party at Foresl Lake, a dinner at Ruby 1\aes.. my thanks and love. KEU.Y· -conUnued success. I love you! KATE--carry on the tradition. MAURA -all the luck In the world. raise heck!II Maggie my prayel'> and love.

I Kathryn McCauley. leave to: BUDDY--the Peppermint Lounge. Ocean City. and all the other problems we've been through: DUANE--The spring break contest. 4 years of walling. ·Be careful·. grinding. and all the limes you were so close; DING--TJ's. skllng.Chad. Shos. the erry guy. Brads. Matts. French hom. home· comings, prom, and waiting four years to finally find the perfect guy: CLINT--7-11. May 25, ties. stars. August 23. the dog next door. firsts. prom. long sununerntghts. flowers. drummers. Tennessee. ·mov· les·. exes. Keglers. and all my love; Lllr·Jidlng the bus next year: Good luck guys!

t. Tory McComlell,lcave:JEN--Poetry women, soccer. tennis courts. the Bam. bent knee. LW--study hall, slide, lip stu!T. a good guy: PM--shol n the bull. Upslick. 7 grade (sorry): TIM & WALIJO--a car wreck: JJ--sorry 4 v-day. U should have asked. Chesapeake Bay: KS--4 yrs of science, Channel I. passing out

I, Amanda McNally, leave to F'Aml·· SHAC, Kids Only. our glasses. Peanut Butter. WalMart. catting pie. the beach (Citnts) New Years. food fight at Piz?.a Hut. body marking. pee where you are. you're always there for me, luv U like a sister promise we'll always

be friends. HEATIIER F--Ron Tracy & Scotti co!Te. Trax. ChiChis. sungods! Gnp and Most of all fun. TORI--thanks for listening! JASON C--whatever you want. SHANNON-- tlips to the beach and down the James! JAY B--HII HEATHER& KELLY··the2w/ the glasses \viii get married and have nerd kids! ABBY-· dancing. DEBBIE--prom 93, stilT halrl ALl--what yo problem? MOM. DAD, MATTI-IEW--Thank you for all the support and love I owe you everything.

I Muriel leave: DAWN--the time with you was excillng. funny. wonderful just perfect. will always love you! (sorry Jared). ANG --you are just the perfect girlfriend. KRISTSCHEN--you have a great aecentl JES-

game: BS--Uckle. a broken key. race car game. cute bull. talks & advtce , I wasn't asleep: RR--6 months

SICA--I felt always very comfortable at your house--

bad timing. a girlfriend. blackjack. race car game.

-It has been always the greatest thing •to monkey around" wtth you guys as wey as everything else tool

food n matl1. our agreement. a talk: OE--k.inda garden, our silent war. 10 grade PC retreat, mall McD's. talk on a bus. a week free. the car wash. one

every day. ·and a homecoming queen", spot a spot. chocolate. my peach candles. drive-ln. keys. I'm always here!; SEX--Cakes. 19. ~IT parties. candycanes. YL. temptation. Holden Hrahms, mem- day. dlscombobulatlon, exam weck.s. quotes. songs. TCBY. Buga Boo. shot. Ctnema 6. love when U know It Is. Footlocker, C-beartortlllla. 3wheellngwist. DP. black· jack. Turner's, McD's, falling through the door. sand crabs. talk over nachos. llollymead. cops at t.WC.

home at 5 am. windshield wipers. talk. laughing. crying. & change. thank U! MATJ'HEW--volleyball game. 3whcellng, 4th of July. ·singles·, ·; forgot

not just because of the food. WENDY and AMENDA· ADAM-- thanks for being my tutor ln the library e\'ery morning. JEFF--how about a back Olp and a self· made dinner afterwards? (or a tour In your red little car'?) SC01T and JARED--depka. ANA--keep up your sweet Austrian smile--! hope we wtll keep In touchi· MOKIE. HOLY. HILLS and KRISTINE--will never forget you guys. had too much fun with you. PRESTON-HI. what's up? Bye everybody else. too. will miss you! ITricla Mtlls hereby leave: SARAH F.--forever friends. O.L. secrets. Geekin', DiJT clicks. our list. shots. our mens. JPA.drtven. snow. red lights. many more funny memories. I love you like a sister Doodle!! Thanks

I, Corey Pomeroy. leave to YVONNE-·futt moons In the

woods. late nile talks. that first kiss. skipping class to talk. could of. you will die, no I refuse. snowball fights. Mr. Klelners class. gym class. the bet. wrestling on the breev.vay. dragon, sliver. Stanley. Chris Green Lake,

getting home at 5:00 A.M.. those cool drawings we did. \vritten notes to each other. exclamation. being

blindfolded etc.. etc. sneaked out late at night, the lie. finally being forgiven, the silence of eleventh grade. summer school. the best Utree years of my life. all the good and bad times we've had together. going lo Waynesboro. Taco Bell. Taiwan Gardens. Junkhead, the numbness. the pu7..zles. all my love, to SfEVE--

Route 20. the lock ln. trying to set me up with her. all

JACKIE---Dude·. Sporty ear. True friendship. secrets. Richmond, clean car, Beach Wkl LEAH W--All the music In the world, singing. players, trust. I'm glad we R friends' Love Ya! XOXO TAMARA T-· 1-Iealthy years to you and your baby. SARAH C-· Memortes. N.Y .. M.B.. lrusl. Can I have my vest

back?! DANTE B··Cood friends. phone calls. phareyde. less nuts 4 you. loyality, 2nd time . O.L.. grass nuts!

RONDELI- S--Fat sacks. S.F.. lcntell, Agnor-Huri, Come on guys. pulled out chairs. fanny pack. Prom

93, 6 ttmesl SHAWN R--Sunshine. FUMBLE!. Huh. Huh, Huh. J.E .. Superbowl. C.L.-.,Jeep sllppln' on Ice. earphone, T. Huntwood, D.L., Lots of Iovin', revenge. raspbenys. Pennies. Oowers. De La Soul ,

Good Spirits! RICKY R--Civtc, fatter sacks. afternoon sessions. EGGS. love some girls. NliTS! MARK L--

nlty. tea. usmelgd. ALC--your bed & fir--LCJGCC. Monspy--TW. Ivy SS. FXFLD92. Pnkdress. butts. MM. cry. ad rag. bread D. Cyprs Hll. Jl-P--New Yrs 92. Ivy. Churchtrp. wetness. adrag MP. LRG--keys. DW. MD. moving. New Yrs92. Ivy, church lrp. an lron. 8th grdLv. Flex. TC·-flex?. a laugh, purple. C Meg m. KC· -Homecoming 93. Rob Graham. 6 am. RS--a gnr hrt. I cnt tel. shoes. biggrl. RT. a ling, mash. derr. SR--JE. doggie. Blggrl. math sun. stak. sweat time. ninth dow tch. wicked. MW--a lick. Gary. up til 6 am. new

5.8.- wzzzup?. I saaaw it. friends on lhJs! MIKE H-· True friend ship. Love Ya Bud. who me?. l'U mJss ya!

Longue. GM··Cooke mnstr. loudest. Granmas. ST·-

91, one year later I Iampton Inn. neal. fatty. SEGA. Jil

handles. del. New Yrs 93. Knights Inn, 2 tears In a beket. talks. good luck. MC··Cuccl. we dnt tv th M llos. AEK--a friend, VbaU, Homecoming 92. JC MAC. RVC. a picture. Bball. crys. good luck at VCU. RR & Ml--SB. wclghtiiiUng, a session. lnchboxes. money. NR-·Bball, JE. a freak. my mom. nomors. CS. groin wrap. a friend. UV--Duh?. my wardrobe, glasses. MU. good luck. AI !-.,Jouett. Bros. 6th grd chmps.

teddybear.Rose, All those notes. memories. Broken hea.r1s. Prom 93. AU those long talks that meant everything and all those fights that mean! nothing. Snuggling, loving, good old days. I can't write or say

XOXO ERJC J --M -WICK. X-mas wrecks collages. hats, Pujo. late calls. mon11ngs..nd?. hanging oul.

best friendship. Love ya XOXO. NICK A-- Doritoes. Beach. Dude. Always eating: RAY Z.-Raza-Biade. loud music, Buzz. thanx man. It was fun! BilLY B--

Stopmaklngmelaugh. Porters. call me!. Don'llookat my eyes. Fleece. Tell me now! Don'tlock your keys In

your car, Billy I'm not a player! MIKE WICKS--May of

how much you mean to me. bull know you will always

be in my heart!! I love you ·Hamlton· XOXOToALLthc REST--C-ya Bye!! Love Always--T. Mills

JD·-Chtnese. a hospital. an Iron. math tulor. MB·-

I. Michelle Morris. leave to: KELLY---silence of the

New Yrs 93. Knights Inn. Del. 32. wrstbnds, hicks,

Lambs", OJ and coke. Inside-out clothes. acorns. 250

cards. the past. my heart. And 2 everyone else-- keep ya heads up & dont ever give up on your dreams! And

ofT ramp. Debretaw. No-ward ECAVELC. G -thang, Sulnea pigs. got the bottle. confetti. grinding teellt. Fluvanna football gante, mocaslns. SHERI--'What are they doing?•. Ghost Hunt. Destine. DEF Leopard-screaming. 3rd-degree bum, 5 extra pounds, Brut,

I. Mayllssa McGrath. leave: MAlA-- ninth grade sleepovers. tears, DG talks. KJ tal.k s. best friends .

forever. thanx.

ever had. to TIM--all the talks, movies, working. all the tlones we shot pool. all the Urnes we hung out. B· Spice. one of the best friends I know, to BRIAN--Bay of Pigs. the first song we wrote. geometry class. Ihe egg night. to PHII.r-Chl Chi's. chum Lhe butter. a lot of good times and a lot of laughs.

66 hrs. candlelight: 8-,Jack. the spot. my cold hands honey. hot-tub. bubbles. rug bum. 8 rooms & gotng, our blankets. Blue Ridge Parkway shower. spaget II. Dec 26. tease. long talk. all my love, Thank U. I love youl (SA& F)

ya bella recognize B4 U speak. CB's rule--peach yall · lm outtel

-1 hate UNC: EC Glass: Jay. BECCA··Thlngs I ca n't say In this: Ledford: all your men: all things French. SMIT!Y--Cirls!: soccer. this Is the year! KELLY·· turtles: CEORGE--Teswar--Hippocampus. ANG --Va Tech Isn't that bad. but its no UVa, ha ha. SCOTTY· -Putsga: basketball: Val?: ExplorervsTrooper. CIIRJS K--rreakJng tn F'rench: your accent; hJUing John M. DAWN--Jared: Homecoming: Beach Week. JARED-Dawn: basketball: ALI-- Phallie. SKIP--pitch-pass: music. EVERYBODY--to all those f did or didn't mention. you won'l be forgotten. rnendshtp lasts

XOXO SHANNON B--New friendship. fun Urnes, broken glass. G.B.'s. car rides, record scratching. JPA. power. country rides. sunshtnc. JPA. F'lortda?. 1ce!

Jan 29. sneakn. Ice. Roc, New Fngr NY Accnt. eter·

MIKE--GI Joe: Vail!: computers and Nlntendo. LORJ -

Booo! Jessi's drh'e-way. Love Ya! JE-SSJ E--Zebra

something·. picnic at Fannlngton & Mcintire. tennis courts. the drive· in. a ride through Dunlora. "Last AcUon llero... backrub. "Far & Away·. sneaking out.

I Amy McGa.r1ty hereby leave 2: Mcl.r-G BZ. Gizmo. tea. lake, beach 92. 10-0-C closet, Jet, Greene boyz. welness. LID CC BL. AP. tan, Jan 19--NEORS. lv ya ll.ke a sis. R\Vf-·083. Clnmor, u4um. JPA. Red dell. puppy lv. NDO, camel. Jngl fvr. SEB--GB4. U4UM. JPA. backrub, JMU. FAF. Vdog dessert. FXFLDRIDE, Cranswcooke. MMO use. JOE --GB45, NDO. Govtprjcts. JMU. MJ, monelv, HeYfacos Elemntry sci. dog pnd. fight. fmdshlp. ACC--CB5 Glnmor Pool,

best: UVa baskctbal. HOLLAND--sacrificing the body for the team: your knees: basketball: talks aboul ·babes-: Fraugh: 9Ut grade football. MAlA--you're my tutor: UVa: social leper: Calculus and Math Analysis: wear your glasses: "'That's what I'll do.'' HEATHER·· ACC schools are Nl. DREW--Claudia Is BAD!: UVa soccer# I: 4- peat?: ·what are you doing down thereT DAROEN--Ms Helke!: Stony Point: Puggsly: Mrs. Knapp: Toilet-land: ·vou've lost that Iovin' feeling·

my drfvtng e.q>eriences, Travis scaring your mom at

4:00 tn lite momtng. TRAVIS-- My understanding. the happiest limes of my Ufe. a wtsh for a successful

the fun Urnes. •tell me I'm wrong.· the best friend I've

I. Jill Powell. leave to ANNIE··YBA. mayo In hair. 1st dip, Dunlora. ·penni" a ·Fred· garden talks. •KJte Oylng· your house. 2 special boys. biting nails. pictures. secrets. long drives. spytng. butterOy In a toilet. hospital. 50 tears. big FH fall. Ivy gardens. •Imagin e

Chan lilly Lace. fun summers. a tub. the snow. a place

1. Bryan Plillman. leave to: BEN--Halloween n ight. Packman, Dylan, young. Jack the Clipper. mallboxes. girlie# l and #2 and etc. trlps to Rite Ald. Miss Georgia Peach. how much Is that $2 card? Da loop. what was I thinking? Singing In the store. Purple. oliloe cools. mosh, mosh. mosh, TED--baby food. mall junkies. holes In watts. I did It again. Blllards center, ERIK--cottage cheese, Chinese food. do ya wanna buy a ticket? MICHELLE-- Pepsi can. history tests. a certain limp. pronouns. Is your name Bob? 1

crewn'l. Key West wreck. I way, ella. drapes.luv U my crazy BBF: W!LI.r·NewYear's Eve. Bambi, snowtublng, long talks, sleepovers.l don't klssN tell, crazy fislflghts. and the best hugs. luv some scummy: KRIS G·PPttme. luv Kns's with a K, French class. great Urnes. my favorite: ASH- -parties. busted. Deltaville. 7- 11, Louisa (120 mph) mommy's fav. perfume. beach limes dogbanes. Glenmore coolers. Luv U s mash: BRIAN. STEVE. great talks. relationships. the best of llslenlng ears: ABBY- -Scot. s howers. long talks. love songs, JMU (James T) the best laughs. Luv U Shab: MISSy. Scotch: ROSY--my toes: BILLY B--eyes. secrets. a jeep, Dave Matthews. Peter C. Jeeps. Nap lime. deep talk. blanket. Ramen Boy. Icy snowdy wrecks). 40$, neospolin. back scratch, sleepovers. sexy babies. road trips, confusion. thank U 4 understandn and I luv U: KELLYJEAN-- to many phone call. Bana Na. foulshots. clothes, Devln'nt. snickers. legs, ORE. crazy adventures. and lhe best friendship of a lifetime. good luck and don't let em talk cu ty: MOM & DAD--thank you so much for all your support and putltng up with me. I don't know what

Jean shorts. endless phone calls about Kelly. T2--

aren't migratory. HELEN--$125 11 ain't like I'm ever gonna get It back. HARRIS--Taco Bell walk thru,

we are ou l of here!

sklpptng 2nd. the chronic room. session; M L--ses-

slon, fat sacs. Beach Week: JB--Football. ntch, bac kboard: 1;J--C'Villegame: CM--no boy boogie: CI.r -love some. Jeep: DB-Rodeos: M\V--as stavln as I am: AM-·steak. nintendo. watch; SF--Pats on the leg. Its

hot over there: SB--sunshlne: AC--smcll good. TM-· garbage. finger: JE·-shower no7...zlc: ML--Georgetown: RT--luv some: DP. RZ. RH--1 pass the baton to you; and I leave my rrtendshlp to ALL the rest I know.

To GLADYS of the Lake from Flange--! found you r teelh!--ln the middle of the lakel--the Blesslngt-swar1 It's naco cheese!: to BINKY--from Ba.nky·Beavcr fevcr! -·nooo!--you know why?--whatlhe heck are you doln'--\Vhlch one Is It! Duck or soup?: to MO· ·get that stuff off my legs!-· how ts it klckln'?. things to

I. Richard M. Randolph. leave to: SIIAWN--Jessle. and a session: to RONDELI.r· l can't te ll. GI.,Joe: to RAY--Lee. you r house. king of the mountain: to

ELLEN--a long kiss: to AMBER--4 good years. no guys. Ma.r1o, a hug: to BRANDY--more pels. my

I. Tert Ravenell.leave lhe following: ERJN--even steven. Jack Lemons. black eve & lost dog. XS. real Charmin. a key Moonboots, a friend who won't snore. Sll & a wallet. Blue Moon. 80s. wtndows down. summer lime In winter .... ABBY--a suitcase. long walks. cows. hand-

·African swallow. but of course African swallows

love you: TO ANYONE I MISSED--I love you guys and

I, Shawn Ragland. hereby leave: HS.-old limes. cabbage. so you say my feet slink. the family: RR--

my best memories! Thank you, I love you! Good luck everyone! ... See ya!

sratch on my knee. RON--parents-·Aberdene Bam.

I would do wtU1out you. you guys are the best and I

not. U da man. when ya going pro?: MRS. IIICGINS-a new Cubs hat: 13ECCA--maybe I of these days: NG. SM. LD. TF. JG. CS. MH. AP. RV. HS. MC--you couldn't hang with "Crash."

brother. a real man, and love to Lhe Eastons: to

doubt. MARK···crazy. I'm not Crazy!·. Jolt Cola, the

subway subs. RAY t.. --How's the cow? welcome to honors EnglJsh. K.JRS1Y--I'm not stmnge I just have a unique ouUook on life. And to everyone I Jell out"

There's a reason! (except Kevin)

-childhood memories. Homecoming, Dracula. Lots of

I, Klislle Pugh. leave: WENDY- -Blossom, hey-hey, Fun. Damon. soccby-doo. gossip. mmc, b-day movIes, candyman. Dr.Ciggtes. sensitive. Key Club noor. do u smell chicken? Exxon guys, Dr.Pepper. kill turiles. Bush Gardens. checknt. chest. homecoming,

good lln>es. EVERYONE ELSE--My devoted friendship. a road leading lo happiness. and patience to

guys. 0 god. new years! movtes. Beach week 94. we've been Best Friends 4 7 years may we have many morer

acquire what you want.

Love Ul AMANDA--pig. hey-hey. guys. senior lunch. Wendy plants. green gum. Candyntan, Dr.Giggles. sensitive. are U there? AMI~II Dr. Pepper. homecom-

I. Preston Morrts. do hereby leave to: SHLEE--Iate phone calls: goodn't boyfriends: ·t hate guys·: advice. even when I didn't like It: pool: being my best pal and confidant: all the million things that I've forgotten. sorry: VAI.r-allofthc things that would be edit ted out of this: Adam: RR: French class: mumbling o the phone: skiing: ADAM--COB: Tuba: soccer. Val: playIng pool: SAAB.Proschc Mercedes: Va Beach tournament: Dr Pepper and Mt Dew: Harvard: UVa--the

back. pool party: THE CREW-·BCW2. V-day. pool. party lime: CHARLIE··you're Charlie Scott and we're

2 stay. Lazrnorc friends, natls that stick! ABBY--50 talks. deep secrets. bathroom pass. Foutz. bad boyz we luvl Dr. visit? JULIE--50 laughs, parallels. riding on curbs. D skills. AMY McC.-.,JC taking a 1120 break. Ivy Gardens. Tli-Star, finger llckln good. wet feet/hands. gum on s hirt. KRIS G--bb's secret club, ·Pennt·. WILLY. long talks, llomecomlng 92. AMY--4 stooges. IIC tailgate, JC since 8th. JP. cancer stx. (you buy) crazy nights! BILLY--a chemistry n otebook. Chinese. a great peck! J AYSON--theyear200011Y Mscabs. laughs. CW. EC. TB. EV--Thanx 4 the memolies--will miss you! (CW. Vermont tlip) EC. TR, AS-thanx 4 the laughs--beachweek wUI rock! MAR'TY •·

things in common. 4 :00am. we hate cheatrs. VCU

a hug when I needed one and always finding a way to

there wtll never be another "Crash ": MOWER--soberness. free women 4 U: CARRIE--my happiness, a new

want any pickles?

(maybe). best friends, I wUI be here 4 U always: SHAN·

cheer me up. ANSELMO--Channel 29--llps and lhe twitching pen. BRIAN-·CP. 100 yard dash at Burger King. Ump Is minutes late. -Is your name Bohr. ·rm hanging up Brian. Byel· LOCIE--UVA paliles. Guys on 29N.Jumpstart. diets. Steve. Loud music. ·rm late again Logie!· ADAM--Shelly Polson. Atomic Adant. All my laughs. my etemal friendship. ANN & RICHARD-

I. David Crash Rabe. leave: BRJ--bus tlips. ace ban· dages. how'd you get her?: PUFO--VP. U owe me: STAC--Iot ofllrsls. I learned a lot: BOOG--power vrda man: CROUSE--value meal: GROSS--3 on !.Just call: TANK--pay up. pool sharks: CRAVER--we know who was in charge: BRANT--don'tgetjumped: PAPA BEAR· -Staunton. ten four. MS. t..---4 more yrs. wait 4 me; ALL TEACHERS--Hooked on Phonics: EVERYONE I left out--nothing: TONYA--apple Juice. anything and everything I have Including my heart: MR. RAINES--

remember: Mr thing. the keys!l and friends. Anybody

-snow days. sheets. buttermUk pancakes. we love the

FAml--My thanks for always being there to give me

miss you next year Thnx 4 All of your support advtce and most or all t.ove. l Love U!! Thnx 2 everyone I've had fun lots of Lovell

theearthandthemooon."Thanx! LACEY--smshrimp.

only go out with guys named Bob. BfLI.r-no pickles for me I'm dlivtng. mailboxes. bombs. state trooper. KIM and CARU\--HaUoween night. Political ads. fights on the courtyard. JENNY--10 cents. where Is my change? 1-IappySp_ . JAMES--European swallow. HARLIJW·

anyone want popcorn. candy. etc?-- Be quiet Ronf

BRANDI--b-ball. Identical lives. sounds. mudd. Chlckfila, thnx! FAm-1-- klll Barney! Mary-·4 ever friends! BRENDA--Tootsle rolls. Skittles. we R so alike Its scary! MISSY--Mr. Skanky. ·good· parties, Luv ya DAD--Xmas tree hunt. stock. thnx 4 everything, I Love Ull MOM--late nlte talks. Mulley. acting crazl. sticking 2gether lets us get thru anything I'll

lsi dip. MD20/20. yellow sled, 50 falls, Hump Back. good/bad dinners. homecoming disaster. pin pants. camp. a Tcrdel wreck, full cup of H20, college visits. Thanx! JESSSSICA. Lax. Dunlora. red sub. porcelain. 50 bruises. my D buddy. Bchs! Mule, kite fiytng. mud fight. Thanx! ASII--comer talks. co!Tee stain,

future. the power to become what you desire. the happiness you saw In my eyes lltat you so much wanted a part of. and my love that you shall never

parents. honors. English. redrum, the most trust I

will ever hav In anybody. luv U Mala and thanks for always being there: AMY--babies. shower girl, 50

singing 2 me. long talks. tight hugs. long kisses. Baby l'm yours now and 4ever I give All my love 2 Ull

SIIANNON. TRJSH. JESSIE, and Ute "CANCSTA B'S"· -a session. my room. a drive. another snow day, on the

"DL", a big "Lunchbox": to SARAH--"Coonforter''. dreams. late night talk. I 0 shots. the ci\1C. eat eyes. balloon ride?. pol hole, was that a yellow light?. my heart. a kiss. the beach, love. indo. sweet dreams: to MARK--we made It! wzzzup. love: to PEARL---John. H'f'. where'smytooth. 4 yrsofthebomb. $$, Bchweek,

VP, luv ya Broil: to MOM and DAD··lhnx, love. no sweat. college: to DAVEY--just come to graduation, I sat during yours. your tum. thanx bro!

culTs, nip Oop In liver. mlrrow 2 talk 2. $10. Xerox. dock bammlness. rug bum- -only u. later curlews.

quarters. tlip 2 Krogcr ....ASHLEY--a pretty smelling car, $50 & 2 guys laughlng.... SHANNON--a piece of Junk, a clay pot.. ..CHRIS-- my psychic powers. a faucet. phases. control.... INGRID--teachers that like U. a watch, Laura.... LYLE--Pay-Per-VIew....JOSH·Squtrt. driving lessons. wet fingers. a tent. Monte! Williams. Brownies. bla ck outs, a phone that doesn't lite up. your own ChapsUck, a nice bear. lots or love. more good limes 2 come ....JULIE-- Late nJtes. a pallo.~Go away kitty· . guard ralls that don't move.

kicks under the table, gossip song. neck brace. a good clean up crew, puffy cheeks, ABBY. TERI. JULIE.... AMANDA·a novel. a handful. Ketsup. Spring Break 93--Thanxsomuch. paradise. a quiet breal.tter,

notes LACEY--the Virginia Club. 2 members TAFFE· ·a bed on the Breezeway ERIN--socks. Ike, a st orage

house ·oh My Cod· sanity, hot c hocolate- lia....MONICA ..\Vendy's. "more tomatos", breadstlcx

JOSH--a dictionary VAI.r-a clock MY PARENTS--my thanx Love 2 all CYA

I. Becky Rchm,leave to: CHRJS--3 moreyears atAIIS: TYGH··hot tub star gazing and senior lunch: ALEX· -Tuesday momlng Bible sludy: KIMBO--Earth science and math: HARLOW--school bus & CemtaJt homework: JAMES--pool games: KIRSTY-- Emll: MICHEtE-·FJiday's wtth Bess: BEN--Trinity Youth Group

ing. new years. Beach week 94. we get closer every

I. Valerie Renton. leave to JEN --59. wrex. sofiball

year and may we coni thnx 4 being a good friend Luv Ya!! CHRIS--my Daffy. lllUe boy. dork, preppy boy,

studs. NKOTB. bunny. I /2 brain. MB94. chlkn, towelboy. Rocky, Jim. disruptive auras. a god treat! Chemlsery. tligohmygodwhatamldotngomctry. Thanx 4 6 yrs of doughboy. drumrz, guyz w/ cool cars & b lue-eyed freshmlnts! LYLASI To DEANNA--a whole 17 body. halrOips. guard. band guys. trips band doors. and s he faded .... skis.& luck wI the s inging--

W anda. legs. sound effects. shoo. what u t.htnldn.

Scooby-doo. Amuck. clueless. GAP. powdered donuts. toot. my car. 3 Clorets. Olps. getting lost. talking In your s leep. piggyback ride. big B. white fence. C h',111egame. Isl ktss. Oct!. homecoming. country.

Wills •


ha,-~ a grB voice! To SAWA--empty hot tubs. boln~s. Rill'S. blonde jokes. twlnklcX2. a lot of success at Duh-Pull to TED--Dent. lunch rn dr1vet Jeanz 2 wr1te on. Spanish & anything else we make up! To BEN--jellyfish. w/ yorcar. havefunyour senlor yrl To SARAII--or faithful. doomob. twinkles x2 To WIN PWE. JK rox da casa Banana To MATT B-- rm not your sis. birds. physics. To PILLS-- my knee. a Koosh. Exorcist To MATTS--stay allve--1will flndyoul To SOFTBALL--good luck In future seasons. "Bad 2 the bone."

KELU--Bool Scootln; MARC--Farcus, math. chuck les: CHARLIE--sunshine: MEL--a good frie nd; BETSEY--a giant candy cane. good luck m the future: RYAN --tons of great Urnes. a great frtend : PATnE-Oct 24. 1992. Basic Instinct. floor exercises, Prom. Skyline Drive. Pen Park, Good Urnes. sad Urnes. late

I. Randy Rhoads. leave: BS--lhellst. J'ln up. FP. K & C. 9th 13-ball. Mrs. Stanley. cluster. GT. Nags !lead. 95% m~nlal. last 4 years & many more: BIG 0--hot lub. 4 wheeling. tennis. PC Re~at. HC '91. 9th Bballlr1ps. my poems. 6th grade. St. Christopher. my lov~: KS--Sprtng Break "92. pink nightgown. Taffe talks. crushs. Beachweek "94: TM-- IOth grad~. hot tub. poker. NES Races. Marr: RV--your list. 9lh grade. poker. what could have happened: KH--HC "93. 2 weeks: KT--blue leggings, notes on your car. my

!.Jason Skipper. leave: RICHARD--all thecrazyllmes we had since 7th grade. Also. Mrs. Wards class. Old blue lypewr1ter. Charter Hospital. and the many nights spent at James's house. Good Luck JACQUES & JAMES- -Sido, the crazy limes since early high school. JACUES--many night w/NeU Young & Cayman Is. JAMES--Luck w/Jcn & late school nights at your house--The Crow Thanks guys for slicking w I Rlchand ldurtngyour l styearal UVa. RJDENOURE -Snowshoe tr1p, Natty. Nl of the Urnes we trossed on skis. Lale night pool and Risk games--yer right. You're misunderstood!! RAY fsollder)--Dom under stonewalrs feel. The Sou them Crosses. The lnslllute. Pink Floyd--TI'e Wall. All of my music and the times to come. Let the grunes begin!! BEAZ--Bus r1des to and from f'~ba.ll games. Ball wears. Even more knowl · edge--Mr Know It Nl. and perhaps--the Urnes to come. Beware the Red S napper. JESSICA--The good Urnes we shared. The Canada trtps. meat and pota toes. my dream car fSAAB). all those goofy dances wI my lies. Bubbles. ttgers. and of course SHARKS. Enjoy your ncxt4 years. TilE YEARBOOK STAI'I'·· Throne of Eternal Muff. card games. Queen, Turtle.


'Ntshlsyourcommand,l miss you: MW· all your girls.

practice, cosch: AK--all of my cracks. me- If you want me: BB Kaye: Rll & DP-- the TEAM (please beat WN IS); BS again--getting me out of "6 feet under· trouble: RSTOI' AHS --Thc playland "cause you'll are In It I, Stephanie Rhodes. leave to: AY--5.0. Keglers curb. XJngs. crusln. kickers, L's basement party, Knights Inn w I AE & KR. many crushes, wrecks. Rlo Road & UVa. Richmond "R we lost". Squirrel. fish food. Doodle Station $4; To TB--sneaklng out, CL & MG. we learned a lot. football games. hotdogs w/ BII. 16 Bday, 1\V. a life of Joy. cruzin, wild chases. BM. all of her problems! KEV, NUB. Buddy all of them. J's party--all my dreams come true. to A & T good yrs, NKOTB. concerts. TOPS. stories, Boston. Richmond" J see Chads hair", lots or laughs! GelUng cars and boys !! Lv Ya guys! ARJ-head & LES·-yrbook. Scoll H. MMMaatata. woofers. tweters, funny wlnd~hle:ld w1ppcrs & boom in systems, thank& for lhe memories,

Lv Yal AS wild nights rtdes al 100 mph. shameless, long talks, the Lv I though I would never gt overt Duty StaUon •1 07. thanx. you were lhe~ for me when I needed U most! C.L.! to CJ & BRANT -a cart No MORE RIDES!! ANGIE 0 & IGIIy V- -good friends last forever! to MEME hard Urnes we made II thru, skipping school. 2 more yrs. GOOD LUCKI MOM & DAD-- U helped me thru a lot, thanx 4 everything! GREGORY you're so craql to LARRY-- the love of my life I leave you our wonderful memortes. all or our good and bad limes! Our beautiful child. and the unbreakable love we share together now and forever! II LOVE YOU!! Oh and Drooplel I. JciTRldenoure. leave to: CROUSE--astreak through a school Some taste In women SKIPPER· -fun llmes at

Carter's, a trtp to Dunkin D-nuts. the Power of Beast. Nlgtraln, the Conductor lives on. Trosslen ANDRE--I know you not, please I can only handle 2. know your friend s ROB know It all. Poet politically Incorrect. ladles man RAY--Swanks Best, Join the Club. Grandpa. The world Is spinning. Gwlz In the Dark. Shotgun, S. Adams MIKE & ADAM ··Tross·A-Ronnte and cheese LOUIS--Tr1p to JMU. card games I never thought you were born again, Trip l o Mom Wtlllams

I louse, Sleeping on the sidewalk, you did what behind the house? I missed another chance at Nw Years. Time spent with Josh. Belly r1nl(s, your birthday to come. strange dreams. 3 to a ~ - To ALL my ladles of Pas t, Present. and Future "You have misjudged", lo my trip to JMU with the Fool--a stranger taking me home. passing out while sliding Into home, some AC. dancing all night. and to all the really stupid things I have done, will do and forever do. I hope I do them to the best or my earthly being. So do what you want and don't think twice: SISTER--I leave the Rldenoure tradition, all my nicknames, don'! be fake. a nd know your limits. I, Matt Sadler. leave to: RAY--Road tr1p. tennls match. tractor pulls. Devtl's Den. railing a Republlcall?. Prom: CIIRJSTINE-- Uh-Oh -Uh . Oedipus. Damn good coffee. Stu Hall & Friends Manclesque, But ... likes It too. "Oh Geez": VAL-- -EMs. the freak year. Jeff & Joe: EBW-· the backseat or my car. McOonalds. Bl~ Daddy Cane; MO--women who can't keep their hands ofT or us: MIN- Mom, Dad. Hammy. & our dearest stud of a brother: LYS - I great homecoming. that happy place: IIILI.S Fire & Rain, Jungle fever: AMY & LESI. IE-·grcat legs. no tan. too mru'y guys. EEkl: JENNY MO. My brothers punk friends: INCA--ears: JOSH my car. pictures from 1-laill. dream woman.

Upped canoes. Belsboll, Under Siege. Gap lies. Losing My Religion. Blues Brothers. Kathy Ireland. Mystery Science Theater 30000, "'The gum you like Is coming back Into style". fights, '"IWin Peaks- Woah", Luclous; TilE BIG GUY UPSTAIRS--Thankx I. Kimberly Schlussel. do hereby leave lo: INCA--Nags Head, Elizabeth II: HARLOW--Homecomlng"92. What's up'l·-the celllng. VMI and W&L: MAIA··Key Club. homework over the phone; SIIOE-- Homecomtng '93;

PATnE & BETSEY·· Bubba, Magic Middles, Band Tr1ps. Early Morning. Combos; CATIIERINE--Basketball Games. Flag Ceremonies, Teacher Cadets. Key Club: BECKY--Earth Science, lunch. parallel parking, conflicting schedules; and JEREMY--thanks (or your reputation.

1. Jeffery Shifflet. leave to: DUANE-..JG Charlles. 10hut: JAY II Urnes Ang: ALYCIA--Ooh ah; BRANT·· My B-ball s kills: SHAWN--Good Umes. food . Reba:

~90 •Wills

night phone calls. snow & Ice. renUng movies. staying

home. a great fr1end, lois of tickles. the best two years of my life. all of my heart. everlasting love--1 Love You! TO AHS--Iots of memories I'll never forget theml· Jefferey.

Jrkcl. Slug. and I l olly--whom we never gave a nick-

name. I hoped you all missed me but the Throne Uvcs on. And to KIM - long talks about our problems.

morning. Okinawa. NY93, NY94. SB93. TNC. Ultras. UVA games. the notebook back I've learned enough : A--Woodbrook. Beach 5 Urnes, PA boys. snow days. Cul-da-sac. Tow truck, 12 years, NY93. NY94. SB93; T--personal space. QT. Guad. NY93. NY94 , SB93, Sanity. cul-da-sac. the notebook, TNC, to J --NY93, NY94. Bjemeur, dr1vlng skills, wrong exit. HomecomIng. MYC. Church: lr-a r1de, crazy Scollsvllle horse, SB93, NY94. a field , sanlly; C--a rtde, good movie. Debate. nurse, Waynesboro: B--Maddy. Beavis. Bathroom, NY 94. the South, good music: CK--MYC. BR. nights out. secrets, study hall: J --a dale. phone call. the pool; MAY--"cellulite". French class: SliLEE-Grease. Strawberries, many nights. an escape, UVA. problems. Prom. MYC I st Prcz. Howard: LORl--TRN, a good guy. PC. problems. Key Club. Dinner. Luv: KT·Tr1g. Mon partner. food : MY UlTLE SISTER--4 yrsof pure fun , I Luv U! E. T, A. J. L. JP. JG. IL. AC--Beach Week here we come!! MY LITTLEST SISTER--S yrs, I Luv U! MOM & DAD-- thank• for being ·coot· parents. Your'e de besll EVERYONE I ACCIDENTALLY FOR GOT-- remember the good limes; EVERYONE MENTIONED ABOVE--.. .1 Luv U Nways..you guys are the besll I can't leave without quoting music so In the words of Bob Marley... "Don't worry 'boul a thing. cause every little thing will be alrtght." I'll miss U... Luv. Splgone. I. Jenny Stacy, leave 2: WINBS--explodlng DP. 2nd base. R pups. dipped I scream, grp hugs. Max frm PH.

Monkees. church notes. Disney World. R nlleclub. shakln the d ew from the lily, snowed n Wintergreen. Wanny & Moe. H20 fights N Az: RICK-- my bro. Oa\1d L. beat in Halifa>., GRAI'FrTTI, UR more reliable than a woodpecker's lips. 815. JC rocksdamoon! My luv & admiration 4ever! MB '94 rocks! JODY--Macaronl. trtppln N SG. I'm walchlnl U Go Glrll VAL---Siamese Twnx. Rocky, 1/3 god, Jim. late nile screamers. no towel salute. Green turtlenecks. bcalin Halifax.

I. Brtan Smith, leave to DBL R--a 9th grade list. fun w/ OE & KS. confused women. PP. FP, TIP, OOPS. 93 mph, Winning Isn't everythlng...ll's the only thing. the best fr1end I could ever ask for. Good Luck. BIM-squeeky toys. old people kissing. Prom, Greer. Sumer "93. HC & BWood, success In all you do, Love ya; CS -Football. tell-all stories, women?; KM5- -good Urnes & bad limes and all those lnbelween, (r1ends always. the beach, 9th & I Oth grade. a r1de home on the Injured bus. an awkward moment afier a gamc.long talks. In trouble on the phone, HC'91. "You're the lnsplraUon". Love ya, Friends always. best of luck:

ODE--Rodney. 9th & 10th w/ RR. fixing me up w/ Cathy. thanx, always a fr1end. HC "91, Luv Ya: BV-holtub,July2. I lBO. Basic Instinct. true friends; TM· -hot tub. Nlnlendo, Matt. a great fr1end, luv ya; MM· lots or run. great memories. fixing probs. friends hip: AM --Physics. greattalks.lotsofhelp. Carey: KIMMY-good luck. be careful. I LOVE U; MOM & DAD-· thanks for making me who I am. Luv ya: BON BON-a home away from home. great talks. my adopted mom. thanks. luv ya: CLASS OF '94-·"0ne can never consent to crawl when one feels an Impulse to soar·· Helen Keller. Best of luck. Signed. Smitty. I. Debbie (Debsta). give to: AMANDA--VTA f I & 2), big Bob. VMI. Adam. Sean. dry cleaners. Prom '93: HEATilER (lleath)-·accent, P11.1.a Hut, Omnl, that tru ck 17-11). the ·coffee s hop·. Mike's house... and for my sake, Chr1sll MIKE (though not here In physlcal)· the 5-year plan, IISAH. you know baby .... Wolves·Owwwl. Br1ck wall. Tool Belt. Glmme 5 , Glmme Scan. Phantom of the Credit Un-Ion (twin sister). Crease Oel's go-·dlve), May all of your cereal be everlasting. How do you make cereal? Let me show you. Dear Diary. couch thing. trampoline thing. Cracker & CounUngCrows. BUND MIND. Feb. 25th Baby. Thanx 4 being my redheaded slepfrtend. RYAN (Rye)--tea, Ou (thanks). A· I, the Wall. What's wrong?, the field, the 'va. Thanxfor making me lale for work. A Laundromat?, little lalk. Kiss Klss --1 LOVE YOU ALL-· DEBBIE (remember this when I am famous!) Class of '94. I. Jeff Snyder. leave to: 01'15--speech lessons. Oghllng the law twice and losing In two hour. field hockey goal, BenGay. Years of OTS. snowballs and eggs. VT. sneaking out, 50 wounds. shark bile. Risk games, your favorite clap; WALDO-- jumpln In a pond, Paradise Clly. S ummer School. Ambush and bottle rock· ets, VT, up all night. free meals. stupid arguments. counting pennies. your nicknames: POTSY--alr fresh· ener, AWF title, Sunday drtves. a girl on yourJ. work. pile dr1ver In the pool. TTS s horts. broken eggs. car wash. common sense. lllmaJayas, learning to drtvc. my basement, Leopard skin, 50 lies. voice lessons. drtvlngskllls, my nel~hbors mailbox. party van, main event. stall number 2. Peewee. Spaghetti poem, Skippln. HUSSI: BEAN--Summer school. girl talks and advice. walking In on Otis, Pargos: FRED--DEAD F1SH. snowball fight. Crtckel. Fatal attractions. Heavy machines, Football Bench. jumping Into ditches. cabin: GREEK--passport. Debbie. bowling. hilltop. EC, skiing: PAUI.r- New Years Party. Latin, field; RR·r1des to school. video for class: KIM --long talks. Jokes, dinners, best frtcnds: BECKY--a dr1ve down· town !ale at night: KELLY--heallh. Tr1ps lo Tech. Cinnamon Roll; LYLE&SWAMP--VMI: DANNY·· beach week: Air-bets. beach week: TONY--Drama, Ludvlg. Tatonka. lr1s h Jig: BUG--a huge Ludvlg from Tony; KATE-- homecoming, cat meat: KERRI--a truce: LACEY--my apology. sister, shopping: CRONK& GIG-2 more fun years at Ni$ without me: JAMIE--CC. phone talks; TO EVERYBODY ELSE--have a good lime with your Jail senlance al AHS.--peace. I. Amanda S plgone. do hereby leave lo E··rldes n

Polyatom.lc. doorlock. cllmbln thru carw1ndows. Blue

Eyes. Dumbo, Swamp. Mt Dew road kill. 3 am stories. Tr1gohmygoshlmlnanlghtmareonometry. Mr. Phys· lcs, McChlckN. MB '94 Rultl Pleps. buggln YKWs aura. a London Iwin, Cruise pickup lines! Luv Ya Slsl DEANNA--a cart a Beeson twin. I luv this song. Shades. Flip. Body. Tutor. Buns of Steel. etc.; CHRIS B & NE OTHR NONSLBERERS. back pockets. Untamed Heart. 8-15. MB "941 LYLAS BABE! SEWA C·· Data. Phantom. Tim Curry. CT. Dracul. Structure, wing-ed freak, my lu v 4 helpln me lhru Kristen. MB 941 Luv ya 4ever! KllS$10 -Siayn'ru' wrestler. BF-Bitc It clasps. pleps. lotal freedom! Luv Ya! LIZARD-SF--Bile it. a clean bathroom & the candy hall Luv yal SARNi E--OH NO! $honey's. Val's parT, singing 23asl LY:LAS! CARR!EC- my eternal tx 4 thatlasl ~IR against Halifax! 50--If U only kncwl ASIA--R talks In Physics! RJNG0·-1X 4 the lesson--RIP! 2 TilE UNDERCLASSMEN--NI your life they will tell you no. quite firmly & very quickly. They wl.ll tell U no and YO U WILL TELL lliEM YESIII I , Tara Stanton, leave to: OA\VN·-Country Music. a

Locksmith. V-ball, lhonks for being a good fr1end. getting me started In v-bo ll, r1des. a lot ofmemortes. our dirt Rd. JESS- -Boo! Boo(, healthy food. talks. vball. love ya good luck. MURIEI.r-1 hope you have enjoyed your stay & take home lots of mems. we're all going to miss U. SKIPPER- all my tests. Mrs. Youel's Class. the people who have to sit beh.l nd U. 92 luck. WENDY--DR. P Hyper. lots of Laughs, V-ball. $-ball. KEVIN & RANDALL--bus mem. haven't forgot ya. good luck. ROXANNE· ·NI my clothes. Va. Beach Hol Ice what? Mooky. BECK. my room. MOM & DUDE-my prtzed posesslon 641 / 2 Mustang. & me. U haven't gotten rtd of me yet. TO ALL MY FRIENDS I LEAVE· my love & friendship. miss U all. Good luck. peace. I. Daisy Stevens. leave to: GINA--a good man & cheap shoes: JESS & JAMIE - hairy-headlights & my last laugh: BECKY & LIZ.-Keepyourheelsdown. HARLOWrat-free yogurt and a dance at PROM: AARON--a lr1p loBeverlyHUJsw/ me. I lOLLY--aU theflreswestarted In lOth keep em burnln: DEBBIE-- gelagrtp. hotdogs + meatloaf & you s-all: SEAN focean)--a runaway rabbit and all the fr1es I borrowed; STEWpld--2 more years Hal + my legacy: CIIRJSTINE-- 1 more year of Tr1g: GOGA & TSERA & NATIA--the state of Georgia In THIS country, ASIS-- t.hose Darned Kitchen Boys. gas S for all the miles I've mooched. a football from tomboy days. a rose for the day we round out & tape-

else was busy &.. .lng: AS-..JMU. rpddress. filing on your race. "RUP... Ing on the fir?", snwdays. lotion & comb drctlons, novel. Mantot. Mntreat. skiing.

Lcablnent;JP- ..JMU, ACAC. the o·s. L'shouse. lh. lax. Bel-Air. skllng. Scna. DrM, all our laughs since 2: LG..JMU. your hse. guy talks. Hmecomlng. CA.Ih. bnch: TC·· GOT J. bad hr days. skiing. our scrt luv affair. talks. thanx 4 all the laughs & talks; JG--IIesslcerti P, air. skiing. lax. AC--TP. JMU: AC r. Nannlc--tree. skiing: SM--2 hmecmlngs, skiing, CT. my car. wedgle: ML.CII. & Blr-SD. doll sailboat. Prom 92: CO--sme chst hrs: MB--guy talks: KT--free day, Eng: SE--all my luv & good Urnes. laughs & more to come: 2 my f'Ml-Y-·lhanx 4 evrythng:@ ALL TilE PEOPLE I LUV BUTDIDNTIIAVEENOUGH RM4··Good lucki&ALL TilE GUYS IVE EVER DATED EXCEPT SALEM--See YaiTo EVERYONE ELSE--thanx4 memortes. lluvya. See Ya at BchWk! I. ChrtslopherTaffe. leave: WALOO-·CA Discovery: 2nlte, b ·ball. beach. J .E.W.. W & L, study break. BBb· OS. BOS, talks. trtps career In NBA, good luck. TIM-Bengay. spr1ng break. BBbros. CA. Mags--Maggie. Molly. BNL. Nlges pool, monopoly. watching Molly. your couch/floor, a written apology, NIGE--Va Tech, Gl Joe, r1sk. talks about Stayburh & Biggins, "my manager eloped"Jays Jeep. BT Sign. toothbrush, JV F ·ball. 50jokes.julcyJenlfer. VMI. have a good lime. BEAN--Lax. Kim. busting me. Bonnles class. pile up. If I doni look It cant hurt me, HSCLAX. GREEK--VA TEC~l . 2 -nlle. C-Horse, DB. 16 B-day. Green Card, PVCC, Call me. PEP--Ropeswlng, WWF. work, dell. goodnt. good luck. COPE--Lax, Roanoke. Dry Beach Wk. WILI.r-'Will U B my friend". blading. Julies class. mirror. see ya, GAL--Er1n, Halloween . Wills house. skiing. n 8th grade. JULIE -- personalllfe~o<uard. DrivIng Miss Daisy. you owe me one, JESS· my bro. talks about CRG. sweater to keep wann. man who deserves you. LACEY--Milo. dolphins, beautiful Fondu, burnt lip. homecoming. prom. H-comlng. rope swing. 50 movies. FIRM, PELICAN BRIEF. etc,MO 20/20.50, I · liners. I st phone conversation. Willie. Delicia. Henla laugh. Fireplace, trtps 2 Roanoke. Ivy Crttk. FH goal. shower , 90210. 2-scc.belkely. my Dads talk. round things. 49 notes. lack ofcommunlcaUons, church. 50 Oowers. watching Darcy & Bally, jealous. were you bad. sneaking up, track•. its morning. A nile alone.

Everything I forget. my love always. It'll work out. MOM & DAD--$45 BA. Thanks. I love U made e-thlng possible. HEATIIER--somelhlng, nice. a wrist corsage. everyone else--4 years at AI-IS Rover. Beach Wek '94, I0 yr reunion. I. lnga Thurston, do hereby leave to:MB- birthday box. Nlen Club. hotdog soup: IL--babysltung job, cows In the road, SMACk: MS-·a purple relationship: AB·-banana parties. pack of paper. did I ever tell you Rl\·er Phoenix died?: TM-- roller blade arm + knee pads. paranoia on campus at night. a way to get up from cave holes: HC--gas money. 8th grade English: KS -Queen Elizabeth Bachelors. beach lcccream:TGmy g:reen skirt. choir tramua, Ule love of music: BR & JG--cool Physics pens: ALL MY FRIENDS -a (rtend

forever. I. Elizabeth Tillman. do hereby leave to: SC--r1dlng.

Rocky llorror, Data and Capt. Picard, Choir fun: DOyou and Collette on Jake. He. him. boy talk: AG ·- up the hill fast, dr1vlng dangerously. Bodos dog song. please buy Levin: GBW-- 2nd Soprano. choir fun, Sprtng Concert. Georgia. good luck In the fulu~e: COUEITE--thebearlnthehall, books. ·suds".slnglng In car . dieting. Spanish class. Guidance. boy prob· lems. poster on Guidance door, BYU. Ricks. Radford. or Mary Baldwin. We will keep In touch; A5-..Jama style: MS-·strength tests; DB"' planning. frustration. fun Urnes.: 1\V--your house; AY - beach week '93. psych: KK--Psych. Tiny. Chemistry: J5- -mlddleschool lum down. Psych. back tickles. spiders: BA --years of rtdlng. Brooklllll. cr1ckel. Mrs. Boyles. Glemnore, good luck In the future: 05--lrail rides Coleman: SM· Dll·-CLowns: TIM C--It, Horses. MEG--study hall, sixes and sevens. promises. rolling down hallway. good luck In future. Bye AHSI I. Apr11 Tompkins. leave to: NIKKI - my locker , daisy dukes & "you w111"; JAMIE- my computer disc: TERRY- "your cool" & "bull! Well. soT DAWN- my country accent; SIIAWN- my gov'l book. Best wishes to all. I'm going to miss you all.

recordings of our serrct conversations: HEIDI--a new

cordless, old days at Murray & all my s tolen bathingsuits (Including the camoOague one). ERIK-- my POOH BEAR. a new mouthpiece. a house for us ln Key West. a recording studio. my violet, love-letters. gentle kisses. unlnterru pled talks w I ASH & all my love forever & always. I, Julie Stone, leave to: TilE GANG--Chi-Chi's. Marrlol. NY-2 yrs, AS house. sodas. candy. camping, KD. the Gyn. Bodo's. all the good Urnes& laughs&all the ones lo come. I luv u guys: AH ·-rug burn. a bruise. dbult. eggs. falling dwn dur1ng lap. Slewle. BB & DB 4ever. DT. grltalks. Eurpope. snwdays. Brtdget. grphlc talks. futures. "here kllly. kitty", trst4ever, confldlng In u . thanx 4 understanding when nobody else did & 4 always being there: EC·-bntlses. gsp song. uggh. dnclng In the aisles, gmdma driving, neckbrace. falling on Ice. burning the rug. Gornmdclne. Stewle. Chucky. TP, lax. TP, Man1ot. Car Accidents, Rosie's. summertime. Puffy. Prom 93. pdlagram. Kl. gmylwredllghl: TR-- bruls es, Bel All. gspsong. IAHZTR3JS. uggh . gmdma dr1vlng. nckbrace. bmlng rug. tp where? so up , puffy, Jason, grblng, srnrllme, RTs. Prom 93. Kl, always being there when everyone

I. Kristen Tompkins. hereby leave: MOKlt: --llghtjcans. New Years. Diets. siZe 3/4, Mom's cookJes. Atutudt.

Neck, hiking tr1ps. Knights Inn. jammln'. bikers. Jeeps. Chr1s laugh. sprained ankle•. my cleaning habits, Me& Bert. suz·. tennis. BEACH WEEK ROCKS! MEALS--NLM!. screams In cars. who did really good today?. lhe laugh. Duke. Eng. Prom?. mumbling. country dancing. Jo. New Years, focus. weak knees. hot tubbln'. band-aids. BEACH WEEK: WllrrEY·Jeeps. Hiking trtps. New Years. old Jeans. Knights Inn. dressing up. Carrots, my flreplacel; SCOTTY M· New Years??, blood drtvesl: MUR-- my notes. v-ball. Christen. Mumelle. Yees!, my friendship across seas always! JM--group talk '93. v-ball. A BIG HUG!! IIOLLY--NcwYearsRemember??DAWN-..JO.SKILLS. Duke. Dr1vlng skills. Cuts/bruises. long talks! ANG· -H.M. pool. Vicki. Duke. catehln' K.ll.l Chrts K. Grades. Prom '93. Homecoming fun?; JULIE-- ghetto talk. water bottles. the comer. CROP walk. customers. B & B. French aettnls.ll SKIP--Bad smells! AMANDA--our "chats". nail care: Amy K. · -sasha. volup. halrl, Uv'. Sar'. 01'. Kei'--SwJe. cu ts. spit fights. b -ball mem. TO ALL MY FRJEND5--good luck!!! Luv ya' aUII

I. Joshua CTracy. leave to: ORI~-a summer In Israel, ping pong. pool, newvocabwords: KYl.E· Gasketbrawl, snowstorms. mortal. the brown bomber. ·goodnight". rolled up newspaper: TERRY ega bud. grunts. half a brain: KELU-·Spanlsh, Outdoor Club. Peer CounselIng, "dowehaveameetlngtoday?". Emle& Bert: SKIP & TURTI£ card games. the throne of eternal muff: NICE--Chuck's class. 21: EMERT the Wise One. guitar: AUCIA--ear rtdes. VA Beach. ARE~ ~anothe r 3 yrs. C U at the reunion I. Rosle1Umer.lea'e PED Bfasl Clb. camping. kitty streak. creamy. munchies. snack dress. 409B days WAHS sumr. neighbor. I love u Po! JESS Guys w/d eras. rd II1ps. seadera. JPA. twinkles, rate my expression. therapy shack. camels. mll!lons of good x. bad Crazyx& !Oyrsbetngmybestest bud! SEB--Backon the scene. car dancing. smller. Foxflelds. mlnet ~art.

Boomerang & Bfast Club. Criscione PP's. scarecrow. jungle fvr. fnky com chips. kill. Rubys. PC. TufTy. VDawg. fav expression. u r my sunshine! XO ACC--

shwrs. pancakes. shells. lawn fun11ture. fast food.

Dellavtlle. RR&SS. down wllh Brown. llotels. Dlon, SAP. break. scrawny boys. I love ya! MCL--Jersey. 1-lcomtng. porkchop. down low. culeness.got any dre. I gets mlns. Greene. chin. french. tape strtes. your dance. laughter, and love! AMY M--Ginmr, hot tub. cottage cheese. whllcn'l, bricks. grasp II. grem!lns. Mickey. U4rurn fight. I love ya! KC· pdslry s hopping. Cronk. Ken. XO AC· green algae. hummus. govt. love MM--toes. rattfnk. KG I'm "beautiful". faithfulness. long friendship 115--stngtn~ the praises of Carl JL- gae!lc clog chant XO RS. SR Ag11or ~lurt. frlends.love some trucks TM rate my expression, geektngJK--Va beh at3 am. Rich Tarbell BW--S business 29 MARK·SB soft skin. shaving. RICKEY--come on ln. mlssy boice. 6 yrs. true head. XO DRAYBERRY--behave. good luck DAD- much. much lovcl MOM--PMS. perfect man. JO\·e. GSS.-memor1es. bch wk. laughter.

love, luck & happiness always! I love you alii to EVERY! ELSE--a big red truck with a s!lppery floor. I. Rebecca VIglione. do hereby leave: MB-- 10 years. bagel~ and lea. Clue games. Geoff. my first best friend--thanks: OE--a prom dale. old English customs. I've got a man. a clean closet. DP--your girlfriends. my car. R's house, 3:30 am. lOth grade. Shhh, busled.Zandar. Dr.Dre. a cup of tea, Sega. you fulfilled my wtsh--1 have no regrets. you?. glowtng stars:K13--French bread. blankets. your closet, dromadacres. bad habit box. sneaking out. snoop. our wardrobe, OPP. !heres no turning bark. you're too young, 1/4 tank of gas. parallel lives. English Inn,

HSA1F. icc crcam.X mas on the DL. my best rrtcnd-1 luv U Dobbs: TM--cancly canes. llolden 11runs.

nacho discussions. your hot tub. a new nose. my calendar. quotes. Longwood--nuffsald Emily. ~ummy bears on tortilla shells, Barbie Smith, advice. changes. thanks--! owe you my life. luv ya sis: KS-semlnlnoraxls. hold on. the beach. Massanullen. Natalles, clllcs. ultra light, II SOAP: MC -black jack. h y Crek. glowing slaTS and oceans. an unalgned contract. my best fr1end:AO-· PC. It was s ummer. my wedding. a smile. stay In touch: RR black Jack, a complet list-- timing Is everything: BS-- hot tub. a forgotten movie, a mlsunderstandln~. HBO: JC-camp '92. MB. mystery cakes. beauty gagents: HS-prom. camp. out by I, gummy bears: MW-- 14 gt rls. our rendez-vous. fruit. no peaking: Rlf--a bed. stay out of the closet:L & A-- french. J'al bon sols: TC-your bro. JMU: CK -No. VTA. lurk: JC--a kiss: MY SQUAD--we were awsome: MOM & DAD & L--1 love ya. thanks. I, Lori Walker. leave: to MB "Go



back-up", wrong movtc theatres. water balloons. my

phone *!: to TM--sludy hall talks. people going Into labor, 25 cents. a sandwich: to PM--UNC •1 4everl: to AD--chaorlrlps. French. myrry/laugh/cough:loJW-drlv1ng skills--you net"<! them. luck w I NK: to MA-Homecomlng '93. hunting skills. Ist Night VA '92 & '93. Whllctall: to AA "Coolness & Woody", Cenii1fuge. WhllelaU. buns of steel. the perfect hands, buying a car?--BMW or GMC?. "Have you been In the sunr. our many videos. U1e II1p to ECG wI Dempseys: loSM--"shmleck&shleeburt", World Changers. "Just over U1e horizon", Steve. Scoll. Whitetail & pro-galls. deer In the road. "Filck & casper", Oghlln \Val -Mart: to SM & AA -"What Is !halT. CRUS'IYl, a whip, "Johnny· at EE. Christ. my love & friendship. thanks forevcrythtng. llo"eyou both!: to All FBCers- thanks for everything. W/out you -1 couldn't have made IU I love you aiL And to AS -a romance novel, the perfect guy. and lots of love! I love ya! Phil 4:13 I. Jennifer Walsh. leave: AMY· SO a strobelight. ham mocks. LATE summer nights. Dun.Jdn Donuts. a watery yearbook. Pari Jam. all U10 clovers In the world. & tattoos. Talmk.s 4 the times In GTG! AN -

GELA --Diet Pepsi. breaks alB. lUke the color blue. all U1e messaages on your machine. the middle or a truck, & an eraser. MONICA Blvs, II1ps 2thc bathroom. NKOTB. good luckll'm here 4 Ul AMY MO--Dal U? Ren & Slimp. llov exp. all the food. the courtyard. a BK watch. & Bob. Char~laughs In Gov & Chern. band II1ps. lunch. Bodos & a new. J>r of glasses. LEAH- I can't decldel Geom. E Sci, Winnie & Winkle, 2 trans. sa & lo. my dlshs. Nlntendo. hotel In 0~1. I'm from Sweden I fire! FLEXJ long walks. summer w I Tim. Spring. Mono. Clue & pooL All the guys and the color Green. TIM all the tea & dolph. picks! S~­ NON--Everythtng blue. my spots. hairiness. a clothes line & ?. Last but not leas t ALAN --I leave my teethmarks. a rug. honey. coconut. caramel. Budha, gum & Certs. a Big Gulp. & any unpunched signs.

Thanks 4 treating me like Gold. Miss ya & I \viSh U all the luck. Thanks 2 my friends 4 being there. I. Sam Wang. leave: COru--•w2rs &mer92. 4th ofJuly party. F'llz? New Yrs \V/Bob at UV. Clr. Bootyman. 3 min rtde. June cmptng II1p, Wntgren poly. Sloans at UR house, Va Beach. Ashland. Bhr canoe. Baltimore. Longwood--Octfest--TKE!! a !lcense. F'lbl games. YL, get ur own Job!! Foxfield. Hmcmlng ntmare!! Apls 2 come. Behwck94. Danny's, Richmond: CM A bus ride. YL. I Big Secret. A gold coin, K~ party wild Island. 16 b-day."GIIUe", can you make me bark?. Can I borrow this? HJ & ~'E--a few good laughs. A canon. Pl-Capps. run-a way wagon never comln' back. Dawns-Donn. K.EV--Pen Park. a decent woman!

BECCA--A Blk maker& notepadl500 miles. last min ski II1p!. JF. hlcklng II1p. Bchwk "94"1 HOLLY--a forever rumble! comnutsl YBkcampl. Granny Apple: EMILY--a camera of your ownl JW-~ a man--O"J). YL, parties 1 come. naberly love. ·can I gt that sweater?· KIRK--Foxfield, Bet'n Buddies. A back seal 2 ur car: JOSHA--Va ftbl gan1es. money & a short girl! JESSI-gJrly partJes. LAJU\--summerschool. Va Beach.your

house parties. 2 remember. new cart 7...ooma. Zooma. Lalla. Lalla. JFX2. TRAX. Jay Avery. DP: BLONDIE-Iunch pass. Bchwk-94 TK--reserve me a tattoo! gro certesl NAT-RAT--pass me the toothbrush. "Brush. Brush, Brush". JM--a guy w/no complents. 7- 11, Pearl Jam!ll ALLI--YL. Goofy talks. sport news. to EVERYONE--C-yal

I, Michael Weddle, leave: to ADAM · ·a weekend at the Shoe. late night movie rentals. a game of pool, Shell>ter. the beach. a gun rack. so many golf trips. one great woman. a case of Nally. some taste In music. so phat, French class. the ones that got away. my tha.nx; to KEUJ--a nw pair of chills, math class. sluffed dogs. one more note. some good advice: toJOIIN--ear rides. a brother. Mlf!hty Ducks. a woman, 25 cents for lunch: to SKIPPER--the chosen one. I still have so much to learn: toMEUSSA --Taco Bell. analysis. "\Vht did you say?", Interesting conversations: to RAY· ~a few good laughs, self control. Chert, Grandpa, new pair of skis: to RUDY--trosseronl. Julia. "Get out of my kitchen!": to CAROLYN -- 13 years. bus rides. the ladder box. lots of memories: to KEVIN --not much to say: to KIM~-Frcnch class. no homework, VMI: to ANDRE---know your friends·. some serious air. homemovics. the driving range. a little color: to PRESTON--Vall. soccer II1ps. the beach. a little com petition next year. go TECH: lo AMANDA one long night; to ALI--sunshtne. nicknames. the lake house.

Me.. Myself. and I leave: JESS--good tlmes Canada (leeches, pimento cheese. the towel crisis). road trips (Rustburg--J Crew. Va Bch--Bik Ocean. Richmond blue lips!) Bchwk '93 (Noles. books. ducks. more notes and a book on top 10 was to get "froogle froogled", WAHS phase. an Inhaler. an "Errhoo", Cisco & Wrangler. crying. laughtn~ TfE KEUJ tmbrlne '93, \WA. a nw clutch. almost Vall, Bchwk '93 (thnkx 4 driving. a ·rage") PnsPns. gov'l. 2 stpn', a ski--luvyal COLTON--a turtle. a lngcar trip. 2 wks. KD. a random thought. a sea shell. a sock. a long talk. a nat erth. pncks & syrup. a friend thnx 4 listening: JACKIE--a sandy. a D.C. trip, 2 deafguy&. Mt? st~l. a stuffed french bread. a battle. "that totally make& sense". ·u better reeo!(J111.e fool cuz I can'ttelll". a best friend. a bUster n the sun- -stay crzy--CJoeCabe· -an

orange. a long talk In a window. VT possee. Jv crq Becca SAM--a JF,a party. photo. 500 miles. Mass. a peach frog. Bchwk '94•?!!• CORI--agood lime KEVIN·summer'93 KRISJ1 W--a jolly rancher. A+ en Espanol MOU..Y--tmck. a Ioong stride. pasta. a bus, a 10 min wrmup. a good Sr yearl ERICA-- Long nails. gross girl. Trek ·oo--94. a hurdle AMY --an excung En!( Class. AP Blo. a weird body position. Trek '94 J~:FF & MATT~ a poor Imitation ANDY ----a brtsk day on Patawawa. a herd of elephnts. a new Ply. a good car. the Stem• Club: To EVERYONE ELSE--I leave a good party. good music and a way out of ALB/C'vlllell Rebecca Wlnterrtnger I. Richard Yates. Leave: To JAMES Burnt toast. Ghandl, Weekend at Bemles. TI1e Grocery Geller. fourth of July, 3-beans. Blonds. the night at TEch. Pierre. ThenlghtsatJens&Tommy.toJASON SKIP -1 can taste lt. Fourth ofJuly. Midnight 011. 7th grade. Old Blue.Peanuts. :Beha\re Yourselr "'You wateh Your Bll Mouth". KJckstands. the Beach. SO!. By By Birdie.. 151. Stu per Fests. Super Soakers & NEIL YOUNG I: to JACQUE--yaklng at THE WAU.. I llkt II. Trails of Goldfish, four SABBS. flshtng with the Ocean pole. talks In the stret. Thurbo. P-Oicks & 11gge.-.: to JEN -Danny's keychaln, lots of laughing. the CHAMP, llrew run tn the blizzard. stories about Omaha. grubbing at Ullle John's. hanging out In Burton Court: to RAY--Mr. Galawickege, "I'm numb', Tho WAU.. the Institute: to ROB -Roberto. slee1"'1y. PII Beas, the chemist. espanol. hello baby: to IVAN lbskln. Gov with Trefil. Officer Fields. take 1.0 .. he knew what I was buytng officer. to DAVE BElL· lois of laughing, fishing. blowing snowflakes, Lax memories. gtggllngw1lhJ.D.:to RON 11.--lllemberge. Voices on the golf course. Harvest. toasted at Tenders: to

JASON T fishing on the river. Chinese eyes: to DANNY. BROC hanging out at Sharon & Daves. belnq on lop of the world: to RYAN--skipping school. ham & cheese sandwllches. hangJng out at tho crib. 1. Alycla Yowell, leave: to TAM AND STEP! I Drlvlnl( ;,kills. Richmond. um we're lost In the Ghetto! Friends cstnre way back when! Questions! Soy sauce. UVA m ·summer of93!. Tony's pool. get out so I can see you! Curb! Bk boys. nat tire stories. advice Hey we ;,hould start a group bowlmg wIT & Chad RP! Lookin llol! SW~ yeplml8! Colonnades, Knights Inn! Cru•ln with AE. Rcsque Squad. I didn't see ll!. I'll mtss you guys next yearl. Good luck lo my two best friends IIEATHER-crusln' parties. McAdoos Ghetto must.-. KATIE ~-UVa frats. the Ghetto. Prom 93. BAR11 UZ. JESSI. KEUJ. BECCA--BeachWeck93! BRANT. JEff. ROD Singing In Psych!. BRANT. JEff LonllWood. w1pe your fcell JESSICA M--french. Thnx 4 all the advll'c. you are a great friend! Good Lurk! CIJRIS K TI1e Postman! JUSTIN--A license! fights on the way to Schooll and Lastly BRENT ~3 more yeaN! To SIIAWN --I leave Sumo & Sega, To MARK & RICK! I leave lunchboxes: To MW--1 leave basketball & football, to DB--I leave McDonalds. to all the rest of my OOYS--1 leave some cabbage. To A II. & J .C. I leave you two the comer & A. H. I leave you Keith To ALL the GangstaB...ches--lleave you all Rick's house to A.M. ~I leave you a Ricky. GAL· 14 yrs of good memories. hot girls. cold dnnks. be&l man. Erin. your 1st party. skiing, V-ball, an ld. nl. many mo~ years: BILLr-your own home. late nl~hls. girl without money, your driving. Longwood NL. Debbie's. V-ball. parties yet to come. MAY~ !(real talk•. one of the guys. goodlookm~. no joke AMY V~ ball. my fault. Clemson. no regrets. Miss ya: JILL- ~3 years of fun, Md. Marty ANN--crazy limes TAft' 10 yrs of friendship. a new girl T hit me. I more yr: PEPE· ~ACAC, WWf, 4 classes LES-~my love MOM & DAD thanks for trusting me EVERYONE- Who's DO!

cold noses. time after S<'hool. a little embarrassment. Keglers. all my drawings. m~ssages on wtndows. Prom 93. on time. a stn~otLng lesson. November 22. cars. a new car. love always. I'll never forget you!: to the G Team-- lleave you a stale chrunplonship, you've

earned lt. I. LcahWestenberger.leave the following to: ASHLEE-agretfrlendshlpfor5 ycars:T. MilLS· mynoodleJD & M\\', IJomecorni.nl( 92. words of evt'ry slow song,

Sarah Foutz. 'JW (2). and of course my love and

friendship forever: JOSHUA EUGENE 00\VEU...-true love, poems.leters. strawberries. Jade Elexsls Dowell, my house In Kesw1ck. hugs from my mom. my


(so you can wear my clothes). the best Christmas ever, and dont forget September I0. Please take care of yourself when lm gone. but dont forget me and ou r wonderful memories: SHEENA--a new friend. playing props. Bobby. always keep your head up, ou r 2 new

Wendy Gay and Jenny Stacy smile for a picture at the Homecoming Dance.

cars. all of the snow days whe-n we- were

"up·. Ree-Ree. Shaqeela. and all the other names you got called. JD and OC. but most of all. please start going to school: Now--my dearest 1T ·. I leave you erryUung. I'd !Ike to say wwp 2 Ray-Ray. BS Alaldo. Christmas break. 1'1ms, 500 Christmas partys. December

8. trust. our talk as friends. sklng. country dancing, EZ~ E. causing havlc In the Subaru. and last but not least. every episode of Martin. I hope our fretndshlp lasts forever because we make great ·associates": The BEST MOM In the \Vorld--llove you so much. because you're so juicy. Dont miss me too much next year: and to AU of my past TEACI IER5--Sorryl: to EVERYONE ELSE lefi In the wonderful. have fun. It ain't me.

ya'll are hatln' It, peace out and dont give Mr. Raines any trouble he's the only cool person here. I. Jeff Wllberger. hereby leave: JENNI FER COLE--two weeks. nowers, good times, bad Urnes. Beach Week. the Su per Bowt. stop playing with my radio, It's my blanket--not yours. always being late, the baseball field, Groundhog Day, TMNJ'3. VMI race. Christmas Party.love at the movies. alringout. drive-In mov1e. baseball games. Prom. llomccomlng. Pargo's, 4th period Govt--"1 will die:· COPELAND- -"WIIberger. You got a weight set? Use Ill". Chuck Pace's lOth grade biology class: Ms. Gllky's I I grade algebra class: "We'regotngtogetoullhe computers. take field trips. etc.· DEMETSKY--a future : RIIOADS -a double-double: AHS--a good football team: CRASH--a real wornaJl.

Justin Demetsky, Lacey Goehringer, Jess ica Gill, Jeff Snyder, and Leah Westenberger cheer for senior possession of the spirit stick at a fall pep rally.

Wills • 91 ~

"Driving to school would make my life easier." -Stacy Woiblett

As juniors move one step up from their sophomoreyear, they look forward to long-awaited privileges. The biggest new privilege that is mentioned by most juniorsishavingadriver's license and being able to drive to school. All juniors will agree thatdrivingtoschoolgives more freedom and the Arianne McAllis ter chats with J ackie Willia mson by h er car before heading h ome after school.

Andrew Adams Kimberly Adkins Oltvta Alderson Nicholas Alexander Morrice Apprey Tamatha Arbogast

Benjamin Arbuckle Amy Ascolt Matthew Ascoli Paul Aspltn Amy Bach Tygh Bailes

Diana Baldini Victoria Baldwin Songbrooke Ballard Netl Barberio Cory Barbour Jermatne Barrett


92 • Juniors

relief of no more long bus rides. A good number of juniors appreciate being able to drive to school. But some students are notsolucky. Onewishful junior, Stacy Woiblett, says. "Driving to school wouldmakemylifeeasier, considering I spend close to three hours on the bus including rooming and afternoon." Another

junior exclaims, "The extra freedom would be tons better than the bus rides!" So, for juniors with wheels, keep driving with pride and stay safe. But for those of you who don't drive, enjoy your walks, rides with parents, and those weary naps on the school bus. • Kristin Dodge

Brian Barto Amanda Beasley Jessica Beck Nicole Bendle Victoria Beninate Tiffany Benson

Victoria Bernhard Charles Besancon Shannon Best Kerrt Bickers Lorie Black Genevieve Blair-Watson Amy Blyler Sara Board Alexander Bobbitt Michael Boblitz Tina Bowen Stephanie Brannon

Kelli Bratton Latasha Breckenridg Tarlton Brewer Jennifer Broadbent Erin Bromm David Brown

Melissa Brown Charles BroVI!fling Jamar Bruce Melissa Bufford Angela Burton Elizabeth Burton

Jason Butler Jason Byrd SonaCantpe Jaime Carter Kara Cason Juline Chevalier

Matthew Childress Carrie Christensen Shannon Christian Shareese Clarke Brent Clepper Crystal Cochran


Juniors • 93


Brian Coleman Jonathan Coleman Jennifer Collier Katherine Conley Amrica Conteh Carey Corrigan

Bryan Craig Heather Craig Teresa Crenshaw Sarah Cronk Susan Crosby M111o Curcio III

Marta Da Cunha Jennifer Delapena Christopher Dempsey Christopher Denby Tyrone Deneal Joshua Dierauer

W1lliam Dirickson Kristin Dodge Kent Dohrman Jessica Doner Olton Dorman Jr. Joshua Dowell

Colleen Dunavan Michael Dunbar Kelly Durham Alisha Edwards Virginia Edwards Christina Elder

Jamahl Elder Matthew Eppard Nikki Eubanks Rachel Fanning Matthew Ferguson Jennifer Finotti

Angela Fitzgerald Nathan Fleming Shannon Fletcher Randall Folger Heather Frayer Norman Frazier


94 • Juniors


The Junior Class Officers are Senator Ramsey Hathaway, Treasurer Andrea Proctor. President Elizabeth Burton, Vice-President Cheryl Wendel. and Secretary Molly McGinnis.

All year long, the Junior Class officers worked hard for their class. Mainly, their efforts went to raise money for the Junior /Senior Prom sponsored by the class in May. They raised money through a pizza sale, Halloween Madness-when flowers, candy, and balloons were sold and delivered during class-and through the sale of Christmas carnations.

"Mainly, their efforts went to • ratse money for the JuniorI Senior Prom sponsored by the class in May."

gela Freeman onathan Fulton Charles Fuss athaniel Galea oshua Gentry Paula Ghosh

Brandon Gibson Ellen Gibson Kenie Gibson Melissa Gibson Vicki Gibson Brad Gillispie

Gwendolyn Goddard Gregory Godfrey Gabriel Goldstein Jennifer Gore ameika Grady ~ela Gravitt

avid Gray onya Gromkoski Courtney Groome drew Gross avid Guerrant mothy Hagee

Juniors • 95


Chad Hall Kevin Hall Robin Hall Roger Hall Adam Harnois Benjamin Harris

Christina Harris Nicole Harris Gwendolyn Hartman Bruce Hathaway Peter Haught Heidi Haverson

Angela Hayward Kristen Heckethom Andrea Hedgeman Dietra Henschel Thomas Henzey Jennifer Hepler

Arthur Heyward Gretchen Hoffman Laurie Hogan Courtney Holt Brandy Houchens Jennifer Houska

Tien-Wei Huang Yue Huang Eric Hurt Karen Hyre Kazuyuki Ikeda Jennifer Isbister

Jessica Jackson Richard Jackson Robert Jackson Stacie Jackson Teddy Jamison Jeremy Jannotta

Brandy Jeffries Eric Jensen Christopher Johnson Keisha Johnson Melissa Jones Ronald Kaminski


96 • Juniors

Kasidiaris Keller Stephanie Kidd Matthew King ¡sttna Killgrove riltomas Kleiber ~ennifer


:Adam Kozuch Eric Kriigel Douglas Krohn Sara Kudro Jason Kyser Danielle Lambert

Leake Sally Leake Brian Lee rru.ha Leong Ambha Lessard Melissa Letzkus ~oe

Marcella Liguria HuiLin Drew Lindberg Kirk Lindgren George Lindsay Shaun Linning

Derek Luck Clinton Luers Melissa Lumsden ~ason Lynch Hunter Lynn Holly Mack

Blake Maddox Winona Mallory Stacey Manes Maria Marshall Bradley Martin Kristofer Mason

Maupin Molly McAdams Patrick McAdams Artanne McAllister Nichole McCauley Sarah McClary ~aime

Juniors • 97


Kara McClurken Joshua McElheny Grant McElwain Molly McGinnis Tracy McGraw Moriah McLaughlin

Vanessa McLaughlin Rebecca McMahon Jesse Mercer Marisa Millard Chastity Morris Gloria Morris

Sabrina Morris Crystal Morrison Gary Mosby JenyMosby Erin Mullins Shannon Napier

Christopher Nash Charles Newman Cynthia Nuckols Nicole O'Shea Allison Orr Jason Orrock

John Owen Christopher Paoletti Jennifer Parham Tiffany Park Sara Parks Dwayne Payne

Nathan Payne Jennifer Perkins Terri Plumb Johanna Podraza Adam Popp Anna Pordes

Erin Potter Paul Prince Robert Pritchett Andrea Proctor Jennifer Quigley Pedro Quintana


98 • Juniors


"I'll be a dance teacher that lives in the wilderness with a dance school. I'll own seven dogs and two black Vietnamese pigs on a big farm." -Rachel Fanning "I see myself living in

the mountains in a log cabin with two Ford trucks and three dogs." -Dustin Wood "I'll be retired from the Marine Corps. I'll open my own shop entitled 'Gerald and Chris's Gro-

eery and Hardware.'" -Chris Bibb "I will have at least one child--that is for sure. I hope to keep my position as an auto technician in twenty years also." -Chris Jackson

"Where do you see yourself in twenty years?'' Allison Rafferty Arlen Ranntgan Jonathan Ratcliffe Wictoria Ray Bryan Rea Frank Reeve

Charles Reinhold Albert Rhodenizer Luke Roberts Christopher Roder David Rogers Elizabeth Rooker

Brittany Rugo Stacy Rush Joy Sandlin Michelle Sauvie Uennifer Sawyer :Jennifer Schroeder

Kathryn Schutz Joseph Schwarzenboec Rebecca Scott ~elies Scouten 1\dam Scruggs ~exandra Scully

Kimberly Seagren Hannah Segar Hilary Sellman Craig Settlmo Yen-Ling Shek Cara Shelton

Juniors • 99


"I have so much work it is impossible to get everything done."

Ask any junior to describe their year in one word and the answer would be stressful. Many Juniors feel that there is much more emphasis placed on responsibility and quality work instead ofbusy work as in past school years. And not only must the work be better quality, a lot more must be done. Pressure is another word that immediately comes to a junior's mind. Reasons for such pressure range from harder classes and more homework to the prospect of college or jobs looming ahead. One overwhelmed junior exclaims, "I have

Jonathan Shelton June Shennan Bradley Shifflett Garrett Shiffiett Jaime Shifflett Keith Shifflett

Tanya Shiffiettl Bert Shiflett Eric Shiflett Amy Short Jason Short Melinda Sidwel

Jerry Simmons Alyson Smith Kathlyn Smith Kimberly Smith Sarah Spencer Leonard Stavitski

~ 100 •


so much work it is impossible to get everything done." Statements like these few juniors would disagree with, but there are still some juniors who remained relaxed. A very self-assured student says, "It's not so bad. I can handle it. In fact, I can handle anything. No problem." No matter how stressed out juniors get, there is no doubt that this is a time to grow into responsible adults while still enjoying being young and having fun. Juniors start to look beyond short term goals, setting high standards for their senior year. • Kristin Dodge

Taking a break from the pressures of the long action-packed day. Liz Burton grabs a bite to eat and heads towards her friends to relax.


Stephens Keisha Steppe Misty Stoker Marisha Stovall Sara Stovall Carla Strickland

bbie Swanson Celia Sweeney Wendy Swisher Heather Taffe Shareef Tahboub Brian Tate

Katherine Teates Robert Timberlake Matthew Tompkins Alethea Toms Sarah Trayers Karen Trevillian

Tashia 1\lmer Erin Van Der Linde John Vanda Kristine Vanrensselaer Olivia Veldhuis Arron Via Roy Via Samuel Weddington Justin Weeks Cheryl Wendel Markell Williams Jacqueline Williamson John Williamson Alicia Willis Stacy Woiblett Dustin Wood Gary Wood Virginia Woods

Heather Woodzell Michael Worley SusanWhary Vannessa Yank

JimmyYu RayZandi

Juniors • 101


"I want to

good grades and get into a college to play some sort of sport." -Billy Pinto

The sophomore year marks a point when its time to start thinking about the future and setting goals . Some sophomores were asked what they wish to achieve before and after they get out of school. While a few people were uncertain about their goals, others had clear ideas about their future. "I want to finish high school with good good grades and go to college . And after college I want to get married and have children," said Melanie Gibson. Billy Pinto said, ''I want to get good grades

Augusta Abrahamse Hawnee Akbarzadeh Letisia Allen Lori Allen Travis Allen Andrea Anderson

Devaughn Anderson Jennifer Aylor Todd Bailes Destin Bales Pablo Baragiola John Barbee

Kidel Barrett Nicholas Barto Brooks Baseler Quincy Bates CoryBebko Brian Beggerly


102 • Sophomores

and get into a college to play some sort of sport." Tashika Yates said, "I would like to graduate from Albemarle High School with good grades and high honors. I then would like to go to college and major in a business." But others have already thought about what they want to do later on. They have jobs in mind like becoming an accountant, a lawyer, an engineer, or aresturaunt owner. They have considered joining the armed forces like the Air Force or Marines. Some even have

set goals that they hope to achieve much later in life. One female sophomore wants "to change the world and be somebody." One sophomore claims to want to become president. • Betty Gibson

Justin Bellucci Christopher Bibb Kyle Blackmon Leslie Blischak Diana Bodily Meghan Bodkin

Heather Bossi Christopher Bradshaw Nikki Breckenridge Scott Brennan Anthony Brent Reginald Bright Angela Brooks Rodney Brooks Christina Brownlee Bridgette Bruffey Katherine Brumbaugh Heather Burcham Chris Burley Crystal Burlingame Ryan Burrowbridge Travis Burruss Helen Burtle John Burton

Justin Butler Angela Buttner Charleen Buttner Raphael Calloway Amanda Cane Christopher Carr

Nicole Carr Brian Carter Dejuan Carter Jenna Carter Jennifer Carter Colleen Casey

Kevin Cassell Natalia Castro Michelle Chaisson Jennifer Charback Jerome Cherry Shaunte' Christmas

Sophomores • 103


Timothy Ciccone Diana Clarke Jennifer Clifford Alivian Coates Paul Cobbs Ryan Coffin

Tavis Coffin Meaghan Collins Carter Conrad Kerry Cooney Daniel Corizzo Courtney Craft

Arnold Crawford Eva Crickenberger Kevin Crisp Rebecca Cronk Virginia Cunningham Jason Currier

Nicole Cutchin James Daniel Jamison Darden Isabelle David James Davis Richard Davis

Calvin Davis Leslie Defrank Annette Dellaganna Brandi DeMasters Teresa Dotson Jacqueline Downie

Angela Dunnivan Chance Ebersold Hillary Elston Anthony Esposito Jason Farist Lysandra Feliciano

Heather Fitzgerald Daniel Fix Shane Foster Sarah Foutz Loman Frazier Tammy Freeman


104• Sophomores

The Sophomore Class Officers are Senator Brooke Thompson, Treasurer Erica Pe1Ty, President Bianca Johnson, Vice-President Michelle Chaisson, and Secretary Jamie Darden.

Throughout the school year, the Sophomore Class Officers worked to raise money for upcoming events and to promote class spirit. They sold scrunchies, keychains, and boxers and held many car washes and a yard sale in the spring. With the money. the officers hope to have a good prom their junior year. •Betty Gibson

"They sold scrunchies, keychains, and boxers." Jessica Gahan

Wyndi Gaines Genesis Galavotti Paula Garcia Tufro Jabari Garland James Garman Jason Gentry

Grace Gibson Melanie Gibson Roy Giles Tanya Giles Anne Gilley William Gomaa

Adam Grant Tyra Green Mary Guill Susan Hall Jessica Harlow Kimberly Hannon

Shaunte' Harris Tamika Harris Zachary Harris Irene Hatzigeorgio Marcus Hays Mich ael Heck

Sophomores •lOS


Bradley Henry John Herndon Thomas Herndon Elizabeth Hill Heather Hodges David Hoeller

Andrew Holden Joseph Horvath Janet Houchens Scott Houchens Ginger Housdan Jonathan Howard

Jeremy Hoy George Huckstep Tara Huckstep Amy Hundley Heather Hunt Janisha Jackson

LaVanza Jackson Joshua Jarratt Wendy Jenkins Bianca Johnson La Tonya Johnson Tonya Johnson

Trevor Johnson Carson Joyce Greg Kane Justin Kavounas Margaret Kemp Stephanie Key

Brian Keyton Julie Klossner Hillary Knicely Scott Kuebler Jimmy Kuttesch Laurie Ladd

Jessica Lam Ashleigh Lamb Jeremy Larson Amanda Lawhorne Yvette Lawson Nelson Leal


106 • Sophomores

By their second year mutual interests who at Albemarle, sopho- you can talk freely to." But one sophomore mores have had time to form friendships and skeptically remarks, "You strong opinions about really don't have friends. You have associates." what a friend is. ~ether sophomores Sophomores define their friends as "people I are hanging out at the hang out with and get mall, going to the movies, along with" or "someone or just driving around, who is honest, trust- they feel that the time worthy, and doesn't talk they spend with their behind your back." They friends is very impotant. • Betty Gibson are "people who share


don't really have friends. You

have assoriates.''

Senior James Tobin and sophomore Simone Zuther discuss their morning classes as they stroll across the breezeway during STEP. Although Bryan Sayers is a Senior and Lisa Peregoy is a sophomore, the two manage to fmd time to catch up. Justin Leclair Garrett Lee Krishan Leong Jason Letzkus Stacey Locker Kimberly Malikian

Josh Manzano Wendy Markos Caroline Marshall Nikki Martinez Shaunte Mason Starr Matney

Davin Mauller Crystal Mayo Megan Mayo Nathaniel McCallum Kelly McCandlish Travis McCauley

Sophomores • 107


Patrick McCloskey Jessica McClure Robert McGee Erin McGowan Michael Mehlin Cory Miller

Vanessa Miller-Sims Crystal Mills Glenna Mills Lucian Mills Curtis Minor Toshio Miyairi

Joseph Moneymaker Christopher Moore Justin Moore Christopher Morris Tonya Morse Shiaomin Mou

Victor Moyer Melissa Mullins Jamie Nash Reannan Nefos Shelly Nixon Sarah NoiVelle

Jessica Olingy Chad Omweg Anat Or Jennifer Owens Christina Paige Michelle Palizzi

Ebn Parnell Erika Pastorek Thomas Payne Ryan Pemberton Lisa Peregoy Frank Perez

Melvin Perrow Erica Perry Angela Pharaoh Ashley Pillar Edward Pitts Mark Poole


108 • Sophomores

Brandi DeMasters makes a quick call on the pay phone between classes at SAP.

"Hey, what's up?" Judging from the amount of time sophomores claim to spend talking on the telephone, the phone is a crucial part of their lives. Mter leaving Albemarle in the afternoon, students average three to four phone calls a night talking to their friends or that special someone. Almost always, that conversation revolves around what went on in school or

members of the opposite sex. Sophomore Hillary Elston explains, "A lot of times I just talk my problems over with my friends." But parents' rules sometimes cut those conversations short when they give the ultimatum. "No phone calls after nine!" Then studens have to wait until the next day to talk again." • Betty Gibson

"A lot of times I just talk my problems over with my friends." -Hillary Elston


Melissa Prather Joanie Price Ryan Prince Joshua Ragland Monica Ragland Jessica Reed

Vauna Reed Karen Richmond Amy Ritchie Michelle Robins Michael Roberts Desiree Robinson

Bradley Roosevelt Geoffrey Rowland Jennifer Ryan Melinda Sadler Elizabeth Sago Monica Sandridge

Dwight Saulle Eric Saunders Laura Schempf Elizabeth Schoonover Alea Scovill Matthew Scully

Sophomores •109


Sophomores make sure they still have some fun during the hectic school day.

Before loading the bus to go home, Steve Chilstrom, Jennifer Collier. and Joe Moneymakerjoke around.

Crystal Shelton Jessica Shores Sherrie Shores Shahar Siegman Kelly Stpe Anne Skeen

Jennifer Skinner Ashley Skipper Jason Smith Kamesha Smith Kishi Smith Heather Snoddy

Sushmita Srikanth Autum Starks Christopher Steadley Mark Stoddart Ashley Stone Andrew Strauss

Jason Strickland Sarah Sturm Tukisha Syrkes Tiwanna Tapscott Andre Thomas Brooke Thompson


110 • Sophomores

Scott Keubler amuses fellow classmates Dave Guerrant and Ashley Pillar to lighten the serious mood of their class.

Sophomores Ginger Housda1 Irene Hatzigerogio and Rebec< Cronk make plans before tht leave school for the weekenc

Sherise Thompson Kimberlee Timberlake Brandi Toms Megan Wade Julie Walker Kelley Walton

Bryan Ward La-Thon Ware Kelly Watson James Webster Terra Weirich Cameron Wells

Matthew Wentland Matthew Weyer Shena White Stephen Whitener Leslie Will Jacquelynn Williams

Jeffrey Williams Jennifer Wills Jason Wilson Bradley Wood Chastity Wood Kristina Wood

Owen Wood Ronnie Wood Sarah Wood Juanita Woodell AdiYahav Sharon Yahav

TaiYahav Tashika Yates LauraYensan Brandy Young Alejandro Zaglul NingZhu

Sophomores • 111


"Albemarle seemed like a huge minicity that would be impossible to get around."

From the unmerciful mobs of students in the hallways to the endless distance between classes, things could get quite confusing for a person unfamiliar with AHS. In September, seniors, juniors, and sophomores crowded through the familiar hallways. Beside them were the freshmen. For them, Albemarle seemed like a huge minicity that would be impossible to get around. As the weeks passed, however. kids were able to find their classes. and still

Jana Acker Mark Agee Mary Alouf Abigail Altschul April Anderson Josette Anderson Lee Anderson Sarah Aquilone Anthony Armstrong Katherine Atoarmeu Kathryn Baldini Amanda Balnave Jameta Barlow Sam Barnett Nicholas Bartley Josiah Baskfield Rachel Basso James Batten Kassie Beach James Beeler Jeffrey Beeler Joseph Beeler Nicholas Bendle Nicholas Beninate Michael Bennett Rebecca Besancon Kevin Bice Andrea Bieber


have time to socialize. The common scene at orientation of ninth graders and their parents wandering aimlessly around, sometimes trying fruitlessly to find a classroom tucked away at the end of the hall, isjustamemory. By October when the five minute bell rang freshmen were either rushing to a class, strolling down the hall with their friends, or fighting the crowds. But one thing the freshmen were not was lost. • Matt Curtin

By October. when the five minute bell rang. freshmen were sUII hanging oul on lhe brecezeway just like everyone else.

Cynara Billingsley Jordan BirkheadJennings Jamey Birdsong Tammy Bishop Jessica Black Cornelius Blakely Heather Boggs Clarence Booth Herbert Bowles Latasha Bowles Michael Bradley Kristen Brady Kimberly Bragg Katherine Braintwain Kelley Broach Enjoli Brown Keith Brown Kristin Brown Patrick Brown Hope Brumbaugh Gemini Bryant David Burton Robert Burton Timothy Busch Erik Bushey Sarah Byerly Andrea Byler Ginger Cabot Keisha Calloway Jill Carney Tamara Carr Colleen Carroll Jamie Carter Josette Carter Keisha Carter Lewis Carter Brian Cartwright Cynthia Cason Erin Cason Leigh Cason Zonia Ceballos Jennifer Chen Steve Chilstrom Blakely Chorpenning Ann Clark Rudger Clawson Cathy Cobb Ryan Coffman Michael Cohen Elizabeth Coiner Brenton Combs Tabitha Conley Crystal Conteh Claire Covill Robert Cox Sindy Cox



Jon Craun Adrian Crawford Robert Cronk Timothy Crosby Christopher Curcio Matt Curtin Matthew Davenport Angela Davault Ann Dawson John Dawson Jason Dean Kelly Dixon Jennifer Dodge Gregory Dodson Lisa Dorman Sherrie Domer Kelly Dougherty Courtney Douglas Travis Douglas Aaron Dove Lori Drewry Donald Dudley Susan Dunavan Christopher Early David Eddy Becky Edwards Rachel Edwards William Edwards Candice Emanuel Charlie English Christian Ewers Erin Ewing Amanda Fabian Malinda Farinholt Robert Fariss Susan Feild Maya Ferguson Jennifer Fewell Stephanie Fields Brandon Finlen Aaron Fitzgerald Kleshia Fleming Brooks Flynn Scott Fortune Sara Foster Christopher Franklin Ryan Franklin Carla Frazier Cynthia Frazier Nicole Freeman Christine Fuss Pierre Gardner Scott Garland Christie Garnett Glenn Garrett Faith Garrison

~ 114 • Freshmen

The freshmen class officers a re Sen a tor Cori Male. Treasurer Sara h Schmoyer. President Ariel Golds tein, Secretay J ennifer Ridenour. and Vice- President Jana Acker (not pictured.)

Freshman class officers began the year by setting goals and trying to get organized. Freshman President Ariel Goldstein and Senator Cori Male both agree, "Our main goals for the year are to raise money, promote school spirit, and to have fun activities, which everyone will enjoy." By October, the class had already held a car wash to raise money for future activities. • Matt Curtin

''Our main goals for the year are to raise money, promote school spirit, and have fun activities." -Ariel Goldstein & Cori Male

Jody Gay Jacquelynn Gerlach Betty Gibson J esse Gibson Melvin Gibson Michael Gilliam Jamie Goick Robert Goldman Ariel Goldstein Kathleen Good Crystal Goode Scott Goode Stephen Goodell Shawn Gowans Cynthia Graham Patches Green Brandon Greer Megan Hale Michael Hall Harold Hallock Amy Halterman Matthew Hanley Jessica Harmon Scott Harris Shannon Harris Craig Hartman Casey Hawkes Jessica Hayes

Freshmen •


"Students are thinking more logically and seeing the future as an opportunity to succeed"

Childhood dreams of being an athlete, a model, or a rock n' roll star have been put on the back b urner for many a ninth grader. Students are thinking more logically and seeing the future as an opportunity to sueceed. . When a student walks into guidance, chances are they are going to talk about their

Seneca Haynes Erich Henschel Anna Hensley Luke Hensley Tony Hensley Sebastian Herrera Ruth Herring Catherine Hess Candace Heyward Joshua Hightower Jannita Hill Joseph Hill Joshua Hill Stephen Hill Samantha Hinton Matt Hocking Ingrid Hoffman Geoffrey Hogan Adam Hooper Carissa Hornbeck Christopher Huckstep William Huckstep Quartrice Humes Angela Hunt Kurtis Hunter Carolyn Huntley Donald Hurtekant Christine Isbister Aleksanderlvashkin Lionel Jackson Emily Jenkins Eddie Johnson Erika Johnson Heather Johnson Ashby Johnson


future. For many this means college. But for others, they could be talking about starting a career right out of high school or joining the armed forces. Many will brag to their friends about which huge university they're going to. But when they think about it, they know that to get into UVa, Duke, or

UNC, they're going to have to work. And the hard work begins in the ninth grade. Of course there are all the dancing-in-front-orthe-mirror-with-a-tennis-racket-serving-as-anelectric-guitar dreams still left. But at least freshmen know where their prioriities are. • Matt Curtin

Mandy Johnson Matthew Johnson Susan Jones Kevin Jordan Lynette Jordan Graham Joyce Tracy Kaminski Kristen Keller Rebecca Keller Harry Key Jeffrey King Erin Kirby Sarah Kirchner Anthony Kirilusha Brianna Klima Shanti Klumpp Robert Knight Jeffrey Kowalsky Michael Kozuch Kris Krupa Nathan Kudro Charles Kulbok Alexander Laws Catherine Laws Janeth Leal Stephen Lesser Tara Lewke Silvana Liguria Chariya Little Jason Lobo Clint Locker Karon Louden Deloris Loving Mandy Lowry Megan Luce Lindsie Luzynski Daxton Lyon Christopher Maddox Cori Male Lisha Mann Davra Marshall Julie Marshall Shane Marshall Clay Maupin Brian Maupin Stephanie Maxey Kelli McAvey Elizabeth McCauley Tonya McCauley John McCutchen William McDaniel Kelly McGrath Kelly McKay Amanda Mercer Robert Mercer Stephen Merica




Samuel Miller Timothy Miller Dennis Moneymaker Michael Moore Lyena Margulis Rebecca Morin Daniel Morris

Leslie Morris Patricia Morris Roman Morris Travis Morris Nelson Morris Andrew Morse Kristopher Muir Scott Mullins Sarah Murphy Kristy Myers Paul Myers Randon Myers Kelly Napier Dedrick Nelson David New YueNg Linette Nicholas Matthew Nottingham Megan O'Leary Stephanie O'Neal Brook Olson William Orr Valerie Oswald Travis Paradis Joseph Parrott Kate Patterson Amanda Payne Jessica Payne Brandy Peery Shawn Pendleton Maynard Peregoy II Noel Peterson Jason Phipps John Pietrzyk Randall Pitts Stephen Plumb Ben Porter Emily Potter Fredina Powell Harry Powell David Proffitt Christin Pugh Nikki Rainey Ronald Rallis Devin Rannigan Heather Ratesic Bryan Reed Christopher Rehm James Reinhold

~ 118 •


Mostfreshmen took the opportunity of a clean slate to improve their study skills or to get better grades this year. Because of the fact that all of their grades will be recorded for future reference, most freshmen said they were really going to . try a lot harder. In fact, kids that were just barely passing last

year closed in on making honor roll this year! Some students who had previously been on honor roll also did noticeably better. Freshmen also liked having classes arranged according to level of ability- either one, two, three, or honors. They said they no longer felt pressured because they were able to

work at their own pace. Freshmen are given these advantages early on which make a difference in their high school careers. • Matt Curtin

"Kids last year that were just barely passing are now closing in on making honor roll!" Nicholas Reynolds Jennifer Ridenoure Shanna Roberts Kristen Rodgers Jennifer Rose Christy Rosene Jemel Ross Shelly Rush Alex Russo Nathan Ryder Agnes Sabat David Sands Nichol Santos Konrad Sarosiek Kimberly Saunders Hollie Sayers Danny Schmidt Sarah Schmoyer ( Ellen Schwarzenboec Stacey Scott Leah Segar Deloris Sessoms Matthew Shaver James Shiffiett Michael Shifflett Alexis Shiflett Robin Shifllett Andra Simons Laura Sinclair Geneva Sisk Michael Skeen Ashley Smith Brian Smith Brian Smith Chris Smith



1978-1993 Michael Snead was a person you could only meet once in a lifetime. I feel honored and proud to have known him and to have been a friend of his. He was a friendly, outgoing person with a charm ing and humorous personality. He had a vivid imagination and enlightened everybody with his stories, cheers, and nicknames. His death was a shock to our whole class and school. Michael will be missed greatly by all of his friends and classmates.

Box was constructed by Michael Snead in Dr. Kathleen Burg's art class.

Larry Smith

Lori Smith Malcolm Smith Matthew Smith Natalie Smith Robert Sobeck April Somers David Sours Tiffany Southwell Mary Spencer David Spradlin Kevin Sprouse Joseph Stacy Tricia Starkey Niccole Staton Camby Steen April Stoker Felicia Stokes Daniel Stone Andy Strassburg Jessica Strauss Aaron Strickland Miguel Strother Clifford Strother Caroline Sullivan Cheryl Sullivan Matthew Summers Paul Tassell



Kevin Tate Scottie Tate Matthew Terry Andrew Thomas Khristopher Thompson Ronald Thompson Elizabeth Tice Anne Tigner Eiblish Tobin D'Angela Toney Alicia Tracy Terri Travis Benjamin Trombley Cumi Turner Mary Vaden Daniel Vanderploeg John Vayo Marian Villalon Aimee Wade Troy Wade March Walker Kimberly Webb Deuahn Wells Robert Wells Tonia West Byrne Wheeler Kimberly Whitener Jeffrey Whitford Erin Wibberley Molly Wibberley Kevin Wilberger Kristina Wilhelmson Heather Wilkerson Adam Williams Lindsay Williams Deminis Wilson Nathan Wilson Sasha Wilson Amy Winters Amy Wood Jonathan Wood Marc Woodell Tina Woody Charity Worrell John Worsky Tamara Wright Angie Wyant James Wynne Jonathan Yensan Christopher Yowell Jack Yowell Keith Zantow Massie Zimmerman Jennifer Zorn





Scott Abell Health I & II. Weight Lifting

Virginia Adams Art I. II. III . & TV

Rebecca Aldred English 9 & I 0

Sandra Allen Office Manager

Jeff Arneling Spanish II

Sheila Armitage French II , Spanish Ill

Kelly Bain World History. USHistory

William Banks Biology

Michael Bannister Social Studies. Math

Les Bares English. Math

Harriet Bell Earth Science

Thea Bertola 9th & I Oth Guidance

Alice Bibb American Studies

Dotty Bohannon Physical Education

Pam Bradley Health. Physical Education

Janet Breeden S pecial Ed Assistant

Brenda Brown Cafeteria Staff

Yvonne Brown Director of Guidance

Verona Browning English 10

Kathleen Burg Art Construction s

Phyllis Burley Cafeteria Staff

Pete Cahall Activities Director

Fran Carter Algebra. Trigonometry

Teresa Casey Health Clinician

Jo Catoe Cafeteria StaiT

Peggy Christensen Choral Assistant


122 • Faculty

avorite part

of5l3-fS ... Working together, sponsoring clubs, coaching sports. Teachersat Albemarle find that the school offers as many opportunities for them as it does for students. Different teachers fmd different aspects of life at AHS appealing, but many say the diversity of the students is their favorite part of Albemarle. "Sometimes it seems like the entire world has come

to AHS!" says Chris Love. All kinds of students attend AHS helping to make Albemarle High School a unique place to be. Many teachers also enjoy their peers. "AHS has a top-notch faculty. These folks are sharp!" says Lin Hill. "AHShasastrong staff which is supportive and that's really important in teaching," adds Kelly Bain. David Larrick noted his favorite

part of AHS is "my wonderful witty, talented colleagues." Other teachers said they liked other things about the school. "AHS is wonderful! Dynamite! Absolutely fantastic! I like all of the resources that are available to me , and I like the size of the school , "says Linda McKnight. Judy Schilling, on the other hand, likes the cafeteria food. •Jimmy Kuttesch

Diane Clark Biology

Scott Cohen Guidance Assistant

Martha Colombini Chemistry

James Dillenbeck US/VA Govermenl

Theresa Doherty General Math

Julia Dyer World History

Deleanna Eddy Algebra Il,Algebra I Part 2

Clarece Edson Algebra

Faculty • 123


J o Ann Elswick Cafeteria Manager

Wanda Fields Cafeteria Assistant Manager

Peggy Finley Latin I , Englis h 10 Honors

Suzanne Fladd English . Math

Catherine Flora Englis h

Donald Foss Earth Science

Joyce Fowlkes Attendance Office

Anne Fox Earth Scien ce

Virginia Fulcher Geom etry. Trigonometry

Jill Garnett Marketing

Jim Garnett Physical Education

Susan Gilkey Algebra II. General Math

Gary Green English, Health

Jeanne Hargreaves Cafeteria Staff

Victoria Harris Earth Science

James Haseltine World History

Gloria Hill Englis h

Lin Hill English 9

Bill Hinek Earth Scien ce

Sue Holden Englis h . Health/Scien ce

Sue Hughes Engl1s h 10

Mary Hunter English 12

Anita Jenkins Algebra II. Geom etry

Larry Johnson Algebra II. Math Analysis

Leslie Kardys Atten dance Office

Sandy Keyser C BIP

Sue Keyser Librarian

Wendy Kirschner World History

Laura Klein English 9

Linda Krag ESL


124 • Faculty

ost memora6{e •

ezyenence ... ~r all teachers. there have been good times and bad times. th ings that have been remarkably humorous and touching. When asked to tell about their most memorable experiences, AHS teachers gave a wide variety of answers. Here are just a few: -'When I taught English , we all sat on the floor one day, in a circle, around a candle, and just talked. We read poems and shared stories from our lives and I just disappeared while the students took charge. I never knew them better

than I did that day." -Mary Elizabeth -Carolyn Massie Via - "Wh en I was pregnan t with my first child (I was teaching in a different school). I was busy teaching and helping students to learn a grammar point. All of a sudden, a student screamed 'I DO SEE IT!' I thought they were talking about finally understanding the point of my lesson. That wasn't it at a ll. They had been watching the baby moving, and it had been moving a lot. They had no idea wh at the point of my grammar lesson was about."

- "Frequently, a real sense of family seems to develop in some of my classes." -Jill Garnett -"A stud ent wrote a poem in one of his U.S. Education classes saying th at I was the per son who h a d the most in fl. uence on h im while h e was a high school student. He sent a copy to me to keep. He was killed in an accident last year and th at paper means even more to me n ow." -Judy Schilling • Hillary Elston Ms. Massie recalls listening to students s h are stories and poems around a candle.

Faculty • 125


Analisa Lage Copy Center

Emily Lage Special Education Assistant

Jennifer Layman Chorus

Susan Lendermon World History

Chris Love School Psychologist

Tim MacDonald English 12

Marcie Mason Health

Carolyn Mack Computer Lab

John Mack Spanish II

Jane MacMichael Creative Living

Leila Martin Cafeteria Staff

Carolyn Massie Drama

Greg Maynard Health, Physical Education

Linda McKnight English9

Clint Merritt Biology

Dan Monahan 11&12 Guidance

Francie Morse Home School Coordinator

Rosalyn Morse Special Education Assistant

Paula Norton CBIP

Bonnie O'Brien English 12

Michael O'Dea Adaptive P.E.

Beverly Otis Ecology

Cindy Pahuta World History

Dan Parks Earth Science

Baxter Pitts English 10

Rita Pippin Athletic Office Secretary


126 • Faculty

avingfun outside of c{ass ... ft may be surprising to many students to find that teachers are busy outside of school too. Besides taking care of families and grading papers. teachers spend time with friends and having fun. Teachers are active in sports and other clubs. Skiing, church, hiking. and tennis are the most popular activities. A group of teachers also meets on week nights to play bridge.

Meditating. weaving. writing, plays. painting. crafts. reading, and musical instruments are some of the diverse ways teachers spend their time. Guidance Counselor Sandy Taylor's list of activities is long. "I read. sing. go to the movies, plays and concerts. visit friends, write letters, travel, talk on the phone , keep in touch with my children, daydream, walk at least a mile a day. and watch the

sunsets." Travel seems to be another favorite pastime of teachers. Many of the teachers have visited and even lived abroad. Mrs. Krag has lived in five different countries! Teachers have visited everywhere from Eurasia to Africa and South America to Australia. Wrote one teacher who spent a year in Europe on a tall ship, "I was a teacher and a sailor!" • Hillary Elston Andy Railing 9 & 10 Guidance

William Raines Principal

Gwen Reynolds World His tory

Suzanne Rich Special Education Assistant

Dave Riddick American Studies

Dave Ridenour Physics

Laura Riggan Joumallsm.Yearbook.English

Judy Rittenhouse Guidance Secretary

Faculty • 127


Belinda Rose Spa nish II & Ill

Judy Schilling Spanish I&TV

Bonnie Schinasi Spanish 1&111

Debbie Schomp Secretary Assistant

Connie Scopelliti Special Education Assistant

Janet Shiflet French Ill & IV

Pat Shifflet Cafeteria Staff

Robin Sloan Cafeteria Secretary

Sheny Snyder 9& I 0 Guidance

Jay Sprouse 11&12Guidance

Courtenay Stanley Math Analysis. Geometry

Kathy Steward Vocational Teacher

JoAnne Stoner Special Education Assistant

Julie Strong American Studies

Kathryn Surchek English 9

Alexandra Taylor I I & 12 Guidance

Ted Thill American Studies

Greg Thomas Band Director

Virginia Thompson Art Assistant

David Topper After School

Mary Jane Trefil US/VA Government

Ruth Trice French . German

Deb Tyson Physical Education

Mary Elizabeth Via Spanis h l&rv

Kenneth Watson Practical Law. US/VA Gov't

Tony Wayne Physics


128 • Faculty

avorite part of teaching ... P1 ann i ng lessons, preparing activities, teaching the class, and grading papers. In spite of all the hard work and time, every teacher has a favorite part of teaching. M a n y teachers say that their favorite part is getting to know students and watching them go through their high school years. Teachers always mention students when describing what they like about teaching. Notes Sue Hughes,

"That's what teaching is all about." Carolyn Massie appreciates the creativity that students inspire. "Every student contributes an idea that then gives me an idea, " she says. Says Virginia Thompson," It is rewarding and exciting for me to feel that I am giving something important to others." Teacher s a lso enjoy spending time in the classroom, watching students learn and work together

and get excited about what they are learning. Some teachers most enjoy the parts of the job that happen outside of the classroom, such as interacting with students in the hallway and at sporting events. Teachers say they like to work with teenagers because it helps them beaware of our society from a teenager's point of view. •Jimmy Kuttesch

Lance Weisend American Studies

Richard Wharam Community Education Cord.

Cynthia White Receptionist

Scott Wigert Algebra Part I

Karl Williams English. EFE

Sharon Williams Blue School Secretary

Robby Youel English 12

Faculty • 129



en students were forced to endure 100

minute class periods under the new block schedule, a bit of Madness In The Class was to be expected. In an effort to keep the restlessness of the students under control, teachers changed their methods and created new, interesting ways to present the required Dr. Larrick's Humanities class held their own banquet featuring authentic dress and food from the middle ages. Mr. Watson's and Ms. Pahuta' s

adneSS on an overout the gov-

Government classes embarked

In night trip to Washington, D.C. to check Class ernment in action. While Ger-

man I students performed television commercials, each day underclassmen dressed out in gym attire and headed to the track for the much dreaded one-mile run. With so much happening in the classroom, the madness spread throughout the school affecting everyone at Albemarle. Matt Sadler whispers the answer into Heather Flynn's ear as fellow History team members Tim Criscione and Valeria Garcia Tufro look on.

~ 130 • Academics

Academics •131


t's Academic As the team members take their seats and clasp the buzzers in their hands, the tension mounts as the academic team meet begins. Albemarle has five teams that compete on the Varsity level-- English, Math, Science, History and an All-Around Team. The teams are composed mainly of Juniors and Seniors; the All-Around team is made up of the team captains from the other four teams. Members meet once a week to review possible competition questions. They compete on Monday nights throughout the months ofFebruary and March. Valeria Garcia Tufro, a Senior history team member, comments, "This is my first year on the team and it has been really fun and interesting. We're all friends on the history team and our coach, Ms. Pahuta, is cool. I've liked it a lot." The Academic Team travels all over the state to Heritage, E.C. Glass, and even to Halifax for competitions. After suffering a loss to G.W.- Danville, the team came back the next week and beat E.C. Glass by 20 points in a close match. As Kelli Sharp says, "The Academic team has been a great way to meet people I otherwise might not have met. I've been on it for three years and I've had fun on all of the trips, at the competitions, and at practice." • Doug Krohn


esse Mercer concentrates hard on a science question, hoping that the answer will come to him.

~ 132 • Academic Teams


cience team members Tania Mauller, Jesse Mercer, and Becky Alter converse on the answer to the flrst directed team question of the match.


istory team coach Cindy Pahuta cuts the cake at the refreshment table just before the match begins.

Valeria Garcia Tufro "We're all friends on the History Team and ou r coach Ms. Pahuta is cool. I've liked it a lot."

s English team members Kara McKlurken, Jenny Gerke, and Inga Thurston look on, Ingrid Lobo confidently answers the question.

Academic Teams • 133 ~


ony Hensley spots Michael Skeen in the weight training unit.

eigh Cason concentrates in gym class, as she goes up for a jump shot.


Pam Barsby


living is just a way a life for me."


ermaine Johnson jumps up to block Clay Maupin's shot.

~ 134 • Physical Education

itness Fun Sweaty locker rooms, running the mile, and studying nutrition-- it's all about physical fitness. Students at Albemarle are required to take two years of physical and health education to graduate from high school. In these classes they work on skills in the following sports: football, handball, soccer, and weight lifting. Aerobic conditioning through circuit training and other exercises were emphasized throughout the year. In addition to gym class, physical education includes health classes, where students study diseases, wellness and nutrition, first aid, family life, and consumer health. In the first unit, students participate in a cooperative learning project dealing with the heart and respiration. They also get hands-on experience with CPR mannequins. According to Pam Barsby, interim physical education teacher, physical education is valuable because "it is important for people to lead a life of healthy living--not merely physical health but mental health as well. She adds, "Being healthy improves one's quality oflife--you get sick less, sleep better, have more energy--healthy living including physical fitness has a positive impact on life." • Erin Cason


Key thinks over the

£~ext play during a basketball game in gym class.

Physical Education • 13 5


Whole New World From Art classes to Symphonic Band AHS students can take Fine Arts courses and learn something new or brush up on what they already know while earning a fine arts credit. According to the AHS Program of Studies, fine arts are designed to stimulate students creative thinking and develop expressive skills. This year in Dr. Burg's Art Constructions class students learned the culture of Southwestern Native Americans. Dr. Burg told them a legend called the "Dream Web," which says that ifyou have bad dreams during the night the web catches them and dissolves them with the morning's sunlight. The classes made Dream Webs, leather wall hangings, leather belts, vests, and ceramics. Sophomore Ashley Stone says, "Art is fun, relaxing, and you get to express yourself while learning." The school also sponsors an Independent Study program for students who have a strong interest in working on their own. They come up with their own ideas of what they would like to do and are given a period to do it. Ms. Hull, creative writing teacher, comments, "Fine arts take us above and beyond the ordinary and everyday. They allow us to use our imaginations and creativity. From that creativity most of the great ideas and inventions have been born." •Erin Cason J


136 • Fine Arts

eff Snyder and Eugenia Jackson reh earse a play in Drama.

Students in Home Economics learn how to sew.

Christy MaupinandAshley Stone show off work from Art Constructions 1.

Ashley Stone "Art is fun ,

relaxing and you get to express yourself while you learn."

Fourth period band wanns up before practicing a piece for the spring concert.

Fine Arts • 137



very year the CATEC classes join together to construct a house to be sold in the community.


erell Rush continues building his masonry project in class at CATEC.

Stepanle Kldd "CATEC is something that takes you from regular school life and puts you in a working environment."


eresa Gough reads to a grou p of children in the nursery at CATEC during her Child Care Class.


ust choose it Have you ever wondered how to fix a car, make a great meal, fix electrical equipment? Then the Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center, better known to you as CATEC, is the place to do it. CATEC is an option for students who want to get a job right out of high school. The classes offered at CATEC are Auto Body, Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Child Care Occupations, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Design Technology, Electrical Technology, Electronics, Practical Nursing, and Masonry. Students who take classes at CATEC, can get math, science or an elective credit for graduation. Anyone in grades tenth through twelve can attend classes at CATEC. This year is a special year for CATEC-it's their twentieth anniversary. Since its beginning, the school has offered basically the same classes, although some classes have been dropped because of a lack of interest in particular programs. CATEC does many projects each year, such as fixing cars or building houses. The classes get the supplies they need from city and county funds. Also people donate some things the students need, for instance teachers donate their cars to the automotive department if the cars need fixing. Mter being such an important part of the community in Albemarle County, CATEC will surely be around to serve the students in years to come. - - - - - - - - - - - - • Doug Krohn H

olly Critzer smiles for the camera while cu tting Leon Morris ' h air in the Cosmetology class a t CATEC.


ure Science Making learning more fun and exciting is one of the main goals for teachers here at Albemarle. Teachers in the science department do this by having their students do laboratory experiments. "I give the students labs because they give the students a chance for hands-on activities and it relates to what they have read in their textbook," says Chemistry teacher Mrs. Columbini. Labs range from dissection of animals in Biology to rock analysis in Earth Science. Most teachers follow a curriculum when planning laboratory activities. Now that class periods are longer, the teachers have a chance to teach their students while they're doing the labs. In past years, teachers have had to teach about the lab the day before, then do the lab the next day. Students enjoy labs as well. Explains junior Josh Dowell, "They're hands-on activites, and I learn better that way. It also gives us a chance to work with other people during class." Some students enjoy labs for other reasons. "Labs give you another way to learn besides taking notes and listening to the teacher lecture," says sophomore Ryan Burrowbridge. Overall, many students agree, labs are a good thing because they give the students a chance to do something away from the norm of teachers lecturing and students taking notes. • Doug Krohn J

enn Quigly and Becky Scott are fmis hing a lab in Ch emistry.

~140 • Laboratory Experiments

C raig Settimo, Jimmy Yu. and Tiffany Park frantically clean up after a lab in Chemistry.

iffany Park works diligently completin g her science lab.

Mike Worley

"Labs help me come to an understanding of the work we do in Chemistry class."


s Tomoko Kitazawa watches

~aleria Garcia Tufro, she applauds h er try at the Turkey Shoot.

Laboratory Experiments • 141~

Tim Criscione, Heidi Haverson. Heather Flynn. Kelli Sharp. and Paul Anders wait to receive awards at the Latin Banquet.


rs. Shifflet instructs her class on how to conjugate verbs.

Cori Male "Studying the culture behind the language makes learning the language a lot more fun."


rooke Thompson and Sarah Wood find the class discussion amusing.

~ 142• Foreign Languages

peakYour Mind Hola, Bonjour, Halo, Salve! These are all ways that AHS students can greet each other thanks to the wide variety of foreign language classes offered at Albemarle High School. The foreign language department brings culture to life at Albemarle High School. Students enrolled in Spanish, French, German, and Latin classes learn not only speaking and writing skills, but also the history, culture, and geography of the area where the language is (or was) spoken. The teachers strive to teach the students about the entire culture behind the language. Spanish teacher Mary Elizabeth Via notes that by studying foreign languages, students can gain skills they can take with them outside of high school. "Students should study foreign language," she says, "so they can communicate with other people in the world and understand their cultures. " Students are able to learn more about the different cultures by participating in projects, speaking the language, reading novels, preparing foreign foods, and watching movies and film strips. Cori Male, a freshman French student, comments, "Studying the cui, ture behind the language makes learning the Ianguage a lot more fun. " •Erin Cason


While Brandy Young con centrates on h er classwork, Shiree Carr and Alex Scully listen to th e class discu ssion.

Foreign Languages •143 ~

hange of pace History papers, Spanish cooking, Latin projects, and book reports--does this sound familar? Albemarle teachers try to give their students reports and projects because "the students learn for themselves how to broaden their horizons and find out about new things," says Mrs. Fantino, an eleventh grade English teacher. Teachers and students at Albemarle get tired of doing the same thing day after day, especially if it involves listening to a lecture and taking notes. Teachers try to make learning about the subject more enjoyable for the students by assigning reports and projects. Some students at Albemarle enjoy completing the projects. Junior Tiffany Park says, "They give us a chance to do independent work and they challenge us to think for ourselves." But others, like junior Carrie Christensen, say "that I don't like them because they take up too much of my time and I don't have time for 1•t . "

Basically, reports and projects make learning more enjoyable, beause they give students a chance to do something different than what they typically do in class. So next time your teacher assigns a project, don't think of it as a hassle, but as an opportunity to do something different. • Doug Krohn


obert Beasley works in the library on a project for Govem men t cla s s.

~ 144 • Reports and Projects


Anders, Dr. Lanick, Eszter Abraham, Andrew Holden, Heidi Haverson. Ginger White, Millo Curcio, Danny Hoeller, William Gomaa, and Angela Gravett dress up for a medieval banquet in Humanjties.


hristy Maupin gets frustated trying to finish her project in Art class.

drew Adams "Reports and projects are better than regular work, but teachers need to give more of an explanation when they assign it."


dam Bodily saws a tire in half as part of an AP Physics Lab.

Reports and Projects• 145




hris Nash steadily types to finish a keyboarding test before keyboarding class begins.

ndrew Giffen works intensely on his multiple choice test in Mr. Foutz's Psychology class.

Nikki Rainey

"Taking tests in high school is a lot different because each test determines a little piece of your future, like whether you get into the college of your choice."


hareefTahboub and Kara Cason are ... well ... kind of studying in the library.

~ 146 • Testing 123

esting 123 ... From SAT's and AP exams to pop quizzes in Math class, taking tests is a big part of high school. Everyone hates them but everyone has to take them. SAT's( Scholastic Aptitude Tests) are what college bound students take in 1Oth, 11th, or 12th grade to evaluate their math and verbal skills. Mrs. Yvonne Brown, director of the AHS guidance department, feels that these tests do not necessarily reflect how well students will do in college or how much they know. She says, "However, they are a very important part of college admission." Most colleges require seniors to take SAT's or the ACT (American College Testing) to get into college. Mrs. Brown feels that class tests are more important because colleges look at your academic record over a period of four years. Nikki Rainey, a ninth grader, says that "taking tests in high school is way different because each test determines a little piece of your future, like whether you get into the college of your choice." A senior feels the same. He says, "There's a lot of stress on us from our parents, ourselves, and the school to succeed so we can do something with our lives." When asked how to prepare for tests, most students had the same answer: STUDY! • Erin Cason M

a rle n a Reed a nd Nikki Breckenridge ha stily s tudy in anticipation of a pop quiz in geometry.

Testing 123 • 147 ""\

oo much to do As the assignment notebook gets pulled out of the backpack, students realize what work lies ahead for the evening. Tonight there is math and science homework, along with a major English test tomorrow. All students know the feeling of this. It's called homework. Everyone hates it but it's one of those things that must be done. This year with block scheduling, there are only three classes a day instead of six. In each class, students typically get assigned two days' worth of homework since class is held every other day. "That's why it seems that we get more homework," comments Junior Allison Orr. Since classes are 100 minutes long, teachers sometimes give their students time to do the homework in class. In doing homework, students approach assignments in different ways. For example, Junior Andrew Adams says, "The best way to do homework is to plan out your time accordingly. That way there is time to get everything done." On the other hand, some students take the procrastination approach. Senior Aaron Wilson reflects, "I can remember pulling all-nighters during my Junior year, with the help of countless cups of tea, when I had History chapter outlines due the next day on chapters I hadn't even read." Still others would rather wait until the very last minute and do their homework during SAP or STEP or even during another class. With the new scheduling changes made this year, homework has become quite a different task for students at Albemarle. Still, the fact remains that the only way to get all assigned homework done is to ''just do it" and not put it off until later. • Doug Krohn



cott McCandlish catches up on some homework in the cafeteria during lunch.

148 • Homework



ften, students spend part of their lunch helping each other with work that is due next period.

rian Smith gets a head start on his homework in his free time at the end of Psychology class.


"Homework is time consuming but very necessary"


teve Lesser studies in the hall where he can find some quiet time to catch up on homework.

Homework • 149



fter surv1vmg exhausting practices,

Albemarle sports teams kept their spirits high in competition against their rivals and overcame the Madness Of The Game. Cheered on by the cheerleaders, stuntmen, and the Patriot, the athletes performed their best on the field and on the court. Coach said a final goodbye to the Patriot Football team behind a nine-year legacy of coaching. For the first time since 1976, the entire Golf team made it to the

fore their

adneSS regionalplayoffs. WhiletheField 0 f The sported oxfords and ties beGame game against STAB, Cross

Country team members Danny Prince and Dave Guerrant ran laps around the other runners making it all the way to States. The athletes, with all of their hard work, remained dedicated to the Madness Of The Game.

Sophomore Paula Garcia Tufro battles it out with her opponent for the ball. In the game, Albemarle defeated Stafford 1-0.

~ 150

• Sports

Sports • 151


LAYING AROUND This year the Boys' Junior Varsity and Varsity Lacrosse teams had a good year, with the help of coaches Charles Echols and Claiborne Craig. Heading the Junior Varsity team were Chris Denby. Arthur Hayward, and Jason Byrd. The Varsity team earned a 6-6 record with the leadership of Bryan Hancock, JohnJurlando, Chris Whitner, and Colin Cox. At the beginning of March, lacrosse season started. The Varsity coach, Charles Echols, already had his Varsity

team picked out. If he liked somebody on JV then he would bring them up, if he didn't think someone was good enough for Varsity then he would drop them down. For practice the teams did drills and went over their defensive and offensive plays. At the end of practice the two would scrimmage. JV mid-fielder Chris Denby said, "The team really picked up this season. We had better teamwork and that's why we had a winning season. People took leadership when they had to."

The 1993 Varsity Lacrosse team: back- coach Echols, Pat McAdams, Colton Ebersold, Matt Copeland, Trey Rhodenizer, Kris Galione, Chris Taffe, Calvin Conner, Paul Anders, Scott McCandish, Jeff Snyder, Eric Sands, Jared Christensen, Jason Skipper. Scott Gillespie. Front- coach Stevens, Hunter Lynn, Kevin Kirkup, Jason Mitchell,John Edmondson, Jon Jurlando, Colin Cox, Chris Whitener, Jayson Jean, J.C. Henwood, Chris Darden, Scott Martin, Thea Robinson.

~ 152 • Boys' Lacrosse

Varsity midfielder, Jason Skipper, commented, " When there is teamwork we perform and when there is not we don't." As for the upcoming season Jason said, "We should do pretty well because we have a lot of experience on our team and we will have some younger guys stepping up." The JV and Varsity Lacrosse teams are excited for the new season and say they can't wait to play. •Shannon Fletcher Brian Hancock runs the ball down the field avoiding as many opponents as he can.

Brian Hancock runs to the goal hoping to score with the opponent hot on his tail.

Colin Cox looks to his right for a teammate to pass the ball to as he cradles the ball down the field.

Jayson Jean throws the ball to another teammate before an opponent gets to him.

The 1993 Varsity Boys' Lacrosse team huddles together before heading out to the field to begin the game.

Patriots Hunter Lynn and Colin Cox rush to the ball to prevent the Cougars from scoring.

Boys' Lacrosse • 153



OUT The AHS Varsity Girls' Lacrosse team did not obtain a winning season but their record was 5-7. The J.V. team obtained a record of 7-9. Tryouts were held the first week of March. That Wednesday girls were clenching their teeth praying that they made the first cut. By Friday afternoon the 1993 Girls' J.V. and Varsity Lacrosse teams were formed, with decisions made by Kathryn Baylor and Jomie Haught. Amelia Damon commented that "The Varsity and Junior Varsity La-

crosseteamshavewarrnups together everyday and then we break off to our separate teams." Amelia added, "Compared to last year, this year's going to be much better because last year we only had three seniors, although we still need to improve." The Lacrosse team's biggest rivalry is against St. Anne'sBelfield. One player comments very positively, "They better watch out next year because we are going to take them down. The two Lacrosse teams had good seasons

1993 Varsity Lacrosse Team: Back-Tracy Nelson, Mala Burns, Amelia Damon, Jenn Broadbent, Cheryl Wendel, Ellen Gibson, Jill Powell, Julie Stone, Becky McMahon, and Coach Baylor. MiddleDana Luckett, Tami Arbogast, Jessica Gill, Missy Leake, Brandy Easton, Ali Brandenburger, Laurie Hogan, and Aleta Moore. FrontWendy Beckenstein, Allison Wendel, and Meg Gibson.

~ 154 • Girls' Lacrosse

and they hope to have really good teams because of all the continuing players. • Samantha Wang

Jill Powell approaches an op-

ponent hoping to free the ball.

The Albemarle JV team runs down the field proceeding to get a goal.



Norfolk Academy STAB

St. Agnes WAHS St. Catherine Collegiate CHS



15 15


13 17 8 13 2 3 13 10 9

14 25 9 20 20 14 12 17



ll ll

During a J .V. Lacrosse game, Moriah McLaughlin blocks an opponent from getting the ball from her teammate.

Cheryl Wendell runs after an opponent to stop the team from scoring a goal.

1993 Junior Varsity Lacrosse Team: Back- Jomie Haught , Leslie Romenesko, Brandi Toms, Michelle Chaisson, Monica Sandridge, Alivian Coates, Jessica Olingy, Jamie Maupin. coach Carlton. Middle- Christy Brownlee, Alyson Smith, Vanessa McLaughlin, Paula Garcia-Tufro, Ariel Goldstein, Tori Baldwin, Ashley Skipper, and Arianne McAllister. Front- Erin Van Der Linde, and Moriah McLaughlin.

Girls' Lacrosse • 155


ENALTY KICK The A.H.S.Boys' Varsity Soccer tea m scored well in 1993. The Varsity record was 12-5 and the Junior Varsity soccer record was 7-4-1. Tryouts were held four times a week after school and on the last day the students were notified by coaches SameerTahboub and Andy Railing whether they made the Varsity team or JV team. Practices consisted oflongjogs around Jouett and on the trails through the woods, as well as drills involving kicking, dribbling, and scoring.

Said one team member, "The manager was very helpful and cool." The Varsity team was lead by Geoff Hayden, Dan Kirwan, and Brian Smith, and for JV Craig Settimo, Dave Guerrant, Matt Eppard, and a different captain every week. Soccer players admit there are superstitions about preparing for their games. "We always like to put our clothes and equipment on the same way and tape our ankles too," one player noted.

1993 Varsity Boys Soccer Team- Back: Manager Hawnee Akbarzadeh , coach Ivory, Salem Eways, John Taffe, Geoff Hayden, Daniel Kirwan, Lance Markos, Kris Mason, Shareef Tahboub, Preston Morris, and coach Tahboub. Front: Cameron Stoddart • Nick Alexander, Jeffrey Holland, Karsten Duncher, T.J. Deneal , Luke Roberts, Scott Thompson, Carey Harnois, Brian Smith, Andrew Giffen,Jimmy Yu, and Kris Jensen.


Boys' Soccer • 156

One major source of motivation for soccer players is to think of how much they hate losing and district rivalry. The soccer teams were very happy about therr seasons and hope they have a good one next year. • Samantha Wang

Jimmy Yu attacks an E.C. Glass p layer in an attempt to steal the ball. durtng distlict play-offs.

Geoff Hayden dribbles the ball down the field, showing some fancy footwork.


York H.S. CHS Rockbridge Hylton Heritage E.C. Glass G.W. Danville Heritage Halifax CHS WAHS Halifax G.W. Danville E.C. Glass



1 2 9 0 2 1 1

0 1 0 5 0 0 3 0 1 1 3 0


16 3 2 1 2 3



With the ball in the air, team members watch carefully hoping to take possession when it drops.

Brian Smith kicks the goal kick, hoping to get the ball farther down the field to another Albemarle player.

1993 Junior Varsity Boys Soccer Team- Back: Manager Frank Huckstep, Jason Farist, Charles Reinhold, T.J. Kleiber, Mark Poole, Craig Settimo, Paul Baragiola, Tameen Nabeel, Adam Kozuch, Nate McCallum, Ryan Burrowbridge , and coach Railing. Front: Carson Joyce, William Goma, Kirk Lindgren, Markus Hayes, Doug Krohn, Jon Fulton, David Guerrant, Kent Dohrman, Matt Eppard, Kristen Leong, and Corey Miller.

Boys' Soccer •


EADTO TOE The 1993 A.H.S. Girls' Soccer teams enjoyed a winning season, with both the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams earning good records. Ttyouts began the last week of February and ran till the first week of March. Varsity team captains Kerri Demaio and Maylisa McGrath got the players psyched before games while leading warm up stretches. Led by coaches Stephanie Zeh and Linda Holly, the teams participated in scrimmages 'Y , /

, .-:.v..

against each other and continuously ran during practices. "Our team was more experienced so we kicked some butt," remarked Jessica Morris. The first game the team played was against Tucker in a tournament in Richmond. The team said their most memorable game was against rival C.H.S. because they managed to maintain a tie throughout the game. Varsity player Heather Taffe, said her most favorite game was when they played against ,

• .

Cave Spring. She said, "It was a very challenging game and it brought the team together and we had a lot more teamwork." This game was known to be a very rough one. The coach for the other team was kicked off of the field while some girls got into arguments. Overall, the girls had a good year playing soccer while still having fun. • Samantha Wang

Stacy Marrs struggles to get the ball away from the opposing team.

';-. i./' :..r

1993 Varsity Girls Soccer Team- Back: Charleen Buttner, Kim Smith, Maylisa McGrath, Heather Taffe, Catherine Degood, Arlen Rannigan, Jessica Morse, Diana Bodily, Asha Leong, and coach Stephanie Zeh. Front: Stacy Marrs, Christine Krizek, Michele Bennett, Alexandra Scully. Gro Ratama, Kerri Demaio, and Melissa Letzkus.

Heather Bossi powerfully kicks the ball. scaring an opponent to the point she jumps away.


Girls' Soccer • 158

Maylisa McGrath j u mps up toward the ball, hitting it with her h ead , to get it farther down lhe fie ld.

While the ball is in the other team's hands, AHS gir ls Bianca Joh nson and Meghan Bodkin are on lhe attack to get the ball away.

Heather Taffe dribbles down the field ahead of h er opponents in hopes of scoring a goal.

1993 Junior Varsity Soccer Team-Back: Managers Amanda Balnave and Sasha Wilson, Meghan Bodkin, Ashley Stone, Jennifer Sawyer, Caroline Marshall, Julie Walker, Augusta Abrahamse, coach Linda Holly. Front: Joy Sandlin, Sarah McClary, Desiree Robinson, Sarah Wood, Jennifer Isbister, Abbie Swanson, Bianca Johnson, Heather Bossi, Tiffany Park.

Girls' Soccer • 159



RUN The AHS Varsity Baseball team had a good year with a 6-11 record ending at districts. The JV team had a successful year, going 11 -2. The coach for Varsity, Jim Garnett, and the coach forJV, Steve Hartley, had tryouts in March. During tryouts, the coaches made the boys stretch and practice some drills. After drills were done, the coaches rated the speed, hitting ability, and fielding ability of the boys. Attitude plays an important part in making the team. Said Jason Orrock, aJVplayer, "Try-

outs are easy if you practice off season and tough if you don't." During practice the teams stretched before separating into outfield, infield, and pitching areas. They also practiced batting and participated in scrimmages. Randy Rhoads, a Varsity player, remarked, "Practice is easy but benefiting. We learn about leadership and togethem ess." Compared to the past season, said Chris Gentry, Varsity second baseman, "We had a decent team but there wasn't any seriousness.

1993 Varsity baseball team: Back- Managers: Kristie Pugh and Tina Woods, Guy Mason, Eric Lane, Matt Walker, David Rabe, Jeff Wilberger, Jake Kirby, Eric Shiflett, Charlie Scott, coaches Mr. Theil, Jim Garnett, and Bill Roberts. Front- Brian Emert, Brian Coleman, Arron Via, Brian Spencer, Jay Jenkins, Richard Moyer, Jamie Parsons, Randy Rhoads, Chris Gentry, and William Seay.

~ Boys' Baseball •


This year we'll have a pretty good team with all of the young players." The Varsity team was helped by managers Kristie Pugh and Tina Woods and team captains Brian Spencer, Jay Jenkins, Richard Moyer, and Jamie Parsons. Both of the baseball teams were happy with their seasons and enjoyed their games. • Shannon Fletcher

Jamie Parsons swings hard in an attempt to hit a homer.

Having completed the play, JeffWilberger walks with a ball in his glove towards the pitcher, giving him back the ball.


WAHS WAHS Fluvanna Culr-eper Halifax William Monroe E.C. Glass Heritage Halifax CHS G.W. Danville Fairfax E. C. Glass G.W. Danville Heritage E.C. Glass



3 3 8 8 2 8 5 0 2 9 2 2 2 8 5

9 2 3 6 16 10 4 2 6 13 1 9 3 14 6 10


Pitcher David Rabe follows through with a hard pitch to the homeplate hoping for a strike.

Richard Moyer fixes his catching gear before practicing catching balls on the sideline.

1993 Junior Varsity Baseball Team: Back- Coach Morris, James Brown, Andy Gross, Scott Godfrey, Justin Kavounas, Chris Jones, Jason Orrock, Chris Dempsey, A.W. Crawford, Cory Barbour, and Coach Hartley. Front- Anthony Brent, Jay Garman, Travis Burruss, Keith Shiffiett, Brad Gillispie, Travis Garrett, Brandon Via, and Josh McElheny.

Boys' Baseball • 161 ~

LID lNG IN The 1993 Varsity Softball team had an 115 record. The Junior Varsity team went 0-7 for their first year. Almost everybody that tried out made the teams. For tryouts the teams went to different positions and did drills. They also hit off of a pitching machine while others caught pop flies and grounders. Coaches Bill Hutchinson, Pam Bradley, and Beth Humphrey chose team captains after the tryouts. The capta in for the Varsity team was Melissa Gross and

the captains for JV were Shannon Fletcher and Erin Mullins. During practice the teams ran, stretched, and practiced fielding, hitting and pitching. Compared to last season, Varsity center fielder Carrie Christensen said, "We did better, had one or two unnecessary losses but had triumphs too. The batting averages were higher, the hitting team was good and the defensive team was very good." As for the upcoming year, Carrie thinks they will "go all the

way. " Misty Stoker, aJV left fielder, commented, "Even though the JV team had an unsuccessful season, the friends and memories that I have made are ones I will cherish. The one JV trip we had to Stafford was one of our closest games and one of our most fun ones. Like Coach said, 'You don't have to unite outside of practice only pull together for the good of the team when you are together.'" •Shannon Fletcher Varsity pitcher , Kati Conley, warms up before a ga m e as the other players practice fielding.

1993 Varsity Team-Back: Coach Hutchinson, Ashleigh Lamb, Sarah Trayers, Tara Staton, Nee Ragland, Amy Knott, Carrie Christensen, Valerie Renton, Kelli Kirby, Tricia Mills, and Chris Hutchinson. Front: Ann Harris, Kati Conley, Danielle Lambert, Melissa Gross, Amanda Maupin, Wendy Gay, and Jenny Stacy.

Third b asem a n Ann Ha rris throws the ball towards firs t b ase during a pra ctice drill b efore the game.


Softball • 162


WAHS Culpeper William Monroe E. C. Glass He ritage Ha lifax CHS Ha rrisonburg Stafford S tafford Heritage G.W. Danville G.W. Danville Ha lifax E.C. Glass


20 9 11 19 10 4

29 3 17 8 5 12 6 6 0


2 15

3 3 8 5 6 0 4 5 6 4 0 5 7

Ann Harris, a Varsity third baseman, on first, attempts to get a lead as soon as lhe ball is released.

1993 Junior Varsity Team Back: Tiwanna Tapscott, Stephanie Fields, Shena White, Misty Stoker, Jessica Harlow, Crystal Mayo, Amanda Beasley, Shannon Fletcher, Jessica Shores, and Coaches' Asst. Geno Spencer. Front: Jennifer Charback, Tonya Johnson, Hillary Knicely, Melissa Mullins, Amy Ritchie, Wendy Jenkins, Kate Will, Jackie Girlach, Wendy Markos,and Erin Mullins.

Sh annon Fletcher, JV center fielder. stands in the batters hole, preparing to bat next.

Softball • 163


Outdoor TracK

The Boys' and Girls' OutdoorTrack teams had a productive season in 1993. The boys' team earned a 5-2 record and the girls went 6-1 . In ordertoscorewell theteams practiced everyday. During practices they started by running a few laps. After that the teams stretched together. Then the boys and girls split up to go practice their own events. Josh Dowell, a high jumper and 200m run ner, said, "Practices are fun and we all joke around together." Josh and Rondell Stevenson, a

EADING THE WAY 1OOm, 200m, 400m, and relay runner, explain, "We were disciplined but still were able to communicate with people participating in other events." Coach Jim Dillenbeck and assistants Steve Szarmach, Karl Williams and Sandy Schuler instruct the boys and girls in the pole-vault, 1OOm and300mhurdles, lOOm and 200m sprints, 400m, BOOm, mile , 2-mile, 4x100m, 4x200m, long jump, triple jump, discus, and shot-put. During the off-season, Erika Elder, a hurdler and sprinter, lifts weights and

tries to run a few times a week. Erika placed third in districts and really improved her time. Because of a fall, Erika didn't make it to states. Outdoor Track takes a lot of practice but in the end, the runners find itis rewarding. • Shannon Fletcher

With a good start, Paul Chapman bends over the bar knowing he has plenty of room.

During practice, Scott Guen gertch circles, preparing to throw the discus.

While maintaining his speed , David Guerrant passes the baton to Tyrone Powell in the 4x800m relay.

~ Outdoor Track • 164

BoysOrange Heritage E.C.Glass WAHS CHS G.W. Danville Halifax


102 74.5 39 85 55 66 66


32 66.5 89 55 81 61 49


AHS 92 66 38 67 71 55 55


28 56 94 59 55 25 56

Runners take your mark! Becca Winterringer, Oname Thompson, Gwen Hartman, and Christina Paige prepare for a great start against CHS.

"Never hold on to old victories because there's always competition tomorrow." Josh Dowell "Even when we were falling behind ,the team always seemed to be there to cheer you on." Holly Mack

In the lOOm hurdles, Erika Elder, a junior on the AHS track team, grimaces as she leaps over the hurdle.

Outdoor Track • 165


ERVING IT UP D uringtheweek of August 18, 1993 the Albemarle tennis courts held the annual Girls' Tennis tryouts. This year the competition was determined by Coach Nancy Olingy. The tryouts consisted of drills, running, and match play. Once the 1993 team was formed at the end of the week, together the members decided not to have managers. Instead everyone volenteered to splittheworkand responsibility for the benefit of the entire team. "In practice we would run seven to eight laps around the courts condi-

tioning. Then we would break up and start on drills," comments senior Christy Maupin. "We would rotate with one group, getting individual attention, or we'd have challenge matches to determine rank." The team captains for the Girls' Tennis team were Ingrid Lobo and Jeanne Brazell. Before each match, some girls wore good luck charms such as their "lucky scrunchies." Others did a dance called the "Jamie Jam" to Cypress Hill. The Boys' team captains were Billy Baldwin

and Xerxes Fracis. They were coached by Norbert Breaud. To Gabe Goldstein the most memorable moment on the Boys' tennis team was "the win against William Fleming which was the only match we won." Overall the two teams had a fun year and hope to have fun one next year too. • Samantha Wang

Hilary Sellman returns the ball while swinging through during practice.

1993 Girls' Tennis team: Back- Laura Schempf, Abbie Swanson, Danielle Lambert, Christy Maupin, Jamie Maupin, Jessica Olingy, Hilary Sellman, Moriah McLaughlin, Coach Olingy. FrontSushmita Srikanth, Arianne McAllister, Jeanne Brazell, Ingrid Lobo, Natalie Smith, Tami Arbogast.

Jessica Olingy and Arianne McAllister look on during a teammate's game.

~ 166 • Tennis



Danville Heritage Heritage E.C. Glass E.C. Glass Halifax William Fleming fax


0 3 2 0 0 0

9 6 7 9 9 9

6 1

3 8


Kyle Horvath follows through with a swing while returning a well hit ground stroke.

Jeff Goodell returns a serve with a nice swing.

1993 Boys' Tennis team: back- Coach Breaud, Adam Grant , John Vanda, Alex Bobbitt, Kyle Horvath, Jeff Goodell, Ray Lambert, Erik Fabian, Xerxes Fracis, Ben Arbuckle, Bradley Martin, Gabe Goldstein , Coach Ridenoure . Front- In Kwong Kim, Tarik Walters, David Gray, Whitey Frazier, Dwight Saulle, Vincent Kappes.

Tennis • 167



Fi ld

Hoc~ey During the week of August 16 through 20, 1993, tryoutsfortheGirls' Field Hockey team were held at Jack Jouett Middle School. Each of the participants came equipped with mouth guards, s hin guards, cleats, hockey sticks, and athletic shoes in order to try out. When the tryouts were over, the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams were formed.The Varsity team earned a record of 5-3-5 and theJ .V. team's record was 5-3-4. The Varsity team was led by two coaches, the head coach Ms .

Bohannon and the assistant coach Ms. Kirk. Varsity team captains were Ali Brandenburger, Abby Hegemier, and Julie Stone. TheJ.V. team was instructed by Mrs. Reynolds. Meg Kemp, Ashley Skipper, and Michelle Chaisson were their team captains. Although the Varsity team record was not awinningone, "ourrecord did not portray our season and team," said Lacey Goehringer. "Our team won everyday by constantly improving." "Home games were always fun, because we

1993 Varsity Field Hockey:Back- Coach Kirk, Cheryl Wendel, Brooke Thompson, Erin Carney, Monica Sandridge, Jill Powell, Rebecca McMahon, Lacey Goehringer, Coach Bohannon. MiddleMelissa Letzkus, Valeria Garcia-Tufro, Teresa Ravenell, Ashley Carter, Paula Garcia-Tufro, Laurie Hogan, Amanda Maupin, Emily Douglas.Front-JulieStone, AbbyHegemier,AlisonBrandenburger.

~168 • Field Hockey

had a lot of fans cheering us on. Away games were at least an hours' drive," added Ali Brandenburger. The J.V. team had a winning season. The managers were Karen Trevillian and Arlene Delapena. "They helped so much and are very supportive!" commented sophomore Michelle Chaisson. Overall the teams enjoyed their season. • Samantha Wang

Julie Stone tries to take away the ball from an opponent while Brooke Thompson runs to help.

Valeria Garcia-Tufro and Becky McMahon hustle to steal away the ball that is in mid-air.


Lafayette West Potomac Annandale STAB Fauquier CHS Stafford CHS St. Catherine WAHS Stafford Collegiate Fa u uier

l 0 0 1 l 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 l 0

3 l 0 1 0 0 1 2 1

. J.

Paula Garcia-Tufro protects herself against an opponent after hitting the ball .

After a bonding party the Varsity Field Hock ey team h a d time to pose for a pictu re after a sh aving cream figh t .

1993 Junior Varsity Field Hockey team:Back- Kristina Wood, Jennifer Ridenoure, Reannan Nefos, Sarah Wood, Sarah Schmoyer, Jennifer Zorn, Becky Jones • Rebecca Besancon , Coach Reynolds. Middle-Blanca Johnson, Mary Aloof, Ariel Goldstein, Cory Male, Sasha Wilson, Jackie Gerlach. Front-Michelle Chaisson, Ashley Skipper, Meg Kemp.

Field Hockey • 169


Cross Country The Boys Cross Country team finished second in the district. Intervals were the biggest help during practice according to Danny Prince. Runners had to do most of the practicing by themselves over the summer. Once in a while they did aerobics during practice also. Danny Prince enjoys Cross Country over any other sport because he likes the idea of running on trails in a race as opposed to the repetitive track laps . However, Danny a lso mentioned, "I got nervous all the time so I often didn't have good

ONG RUN races and was unpredictable." Is running fun? Dave Guerrant responded, "It's fun because you get to be with your friends and be outside and you get in shape." Dave's motivation is that he wanted to win and in order to win he had to train harder to run with the "big boys." As a young person on the team, Ben Orr thought that the most fun meet was "the one against E.C. Glass, because they were one of our closest competitors in the district and we won by one point."

1993 Boys' Cross Country team: back- Justin Moore, Danny Swayer, Brandon Greer, Brooks Flynn, Matt Smith, Greg Kane. middle- Frank Huckstep, Ben Orr, Ebn Parnell, Bobby McGee, Justin Bellucci. Chris Bradshaw. front- Coach Dillenbeck, Matt Behrens, Danny Prince, Dave Guerrant, Brian Coleman, Jeff Snyder.

~ 170 • Boys' Cross Country

Compared to last year the boys' team did well. Dave Guerrant and Danny Prince went to states which they didn't accomplish last year. The team was helped by Matt Behrens and Dave Guerrant, who were the team captains, manager Ann Harris, and Coach Dillenbeck. • Shannon Fletcher

Dave Guerrant and Danny Prince are at the head of the pack, running toward the finish.

Dave Guerrant, Jeff Snyder, Justin Bellucci, Danny Prince, and Brian Coleman all have a good start.

Jeff Snyder! Does it take all that much concentration to run?

OU CAN QUOTE ME! Arter a long, hard day at school, running relaxes me extremely. Greg Kane

Running is more of an individual sport., not a t.eam sport. Justin Bellucci

Matt Behrens stays inside the line while taking big strides.

Boys' Cross Country • 171





The Girls' Cross Country team was second behind E. C. Glass at the District Championship and finished ninth out of twelve teams at Regionals. There were not any tryouts for Cross Country. Alexandra Liddell remarked, "If you had the courage and the desire to run Cross Country then you were on the team." The manager for the t eam was Ann Harris. During practice the team practiced their running and lifted weights.

When the team went to Regionals, Angela Freeman placed twelfth overall and qualified to run individually in the state meet. Angela remarked, "My motivation was myself. I enjoy running and my personality helps me too. I do well and I don't quit. The things that do not motivate me are my peers, teachers and other athletes. Lori Black enjoyed running cross country because "it is not only an individual sport, it is a team sport. We have goals and we go after them when we run. We also go

after personal records. The cross country team is one big family." Sixteen out of 24 members of the team had never run Cross Country or a road race before the season. It became a learning expertence for all of the team. • Shannon Fletcher

Lori Black, Angela Freeman, Melissa English, Diana Bodily, and Kim Smith take off with the flnish line in their eyes.

Hea ther Flynn jogs a cross the road during a meet.

Alexandra Liddell jogs up a hill taking long strides.


172 • Girls' Cross Country

Kim Smith paces herself while on a long run.

EugenaJackson runs toward the finish line, while maintaining her strides.

Amy Winters jogs while taking her time during a track meet.

Girls' Cross Country • 173



Foo1f3an Coach Mack, 25 seniors and the rest of the football team ended their season with a record of 5-5. Practices contained many six-minute drills and the offense and defense game plans. Team captains were Jay Brown, Guy Mason and Mike Wicks. The managers were Kelli Bratton, Carolyn Ragland and Marcell McCain. The first two games were against the county rivals WAHS and CHS. During the Western game Ron Kaminski had an interception and a fumble recovery to stop



Westem. Against CHS, TravisJackson scored the winning touchdown on a reverse. Jay Brown had 167 yards out ofhis 1,361 yards for the season and his record-breaking total of 3,641 yards in three varsity seasons. With this season being Coach Mack's last, he is going to miss "working with the players, the good relationships I've had with assistant coaches and the competition." Coach Mack has been coaching for 28 years. Even though the team went 5-5, his best game was "the William Fleming game because




• Varsity Football

The Patriots scramble to tackle after the ball was handed off against Harrisonburg.

..~ ~--

1993 Varsity Football team: back-Richard Crouse, Robert Parkey, Joseph Schwarzenboec, Troy Woodson, Kenny Weidman, Colt Emerson, Andre Scott, Shawn Ragland. Third row: Paul Myers, Guy Mason, Chris Steadley, Nerell Rush, Charlie Scott, Brian Barto, Terry Weddington, Chickon Carter, Chris Ragland, Scott Brand, Robert Beasley, Nathan Fleming. Second row- Raymond Lambert, Brian Smith, Rondell Stevenson, Jay Brown, Jason Skipper, Mike Howard, Jerome Cherry, Ronald Kaminski, Josh McElheny, Eric Lane, Demeris Wilson. Front rowTravis Jackson, Rod Burton, Dante Banks, Jeff Ridenoure, Jeff Holland, Kent Dohrman,Craig Settimo, Charles Reinhold, Mike Wicks, and Gary Mosby.

~ 174

they were three touchdown favorites and we had to come from behind twice to finally win." "We had a season in '92 that was very disappointing. I wanted to improve on that and see the present group of players play up to their potential," remarked Coach Mack about his ambitions entering the season. The team enjoyed their year and look forward to next year. • Shannon Fletcher

Jason Skipper, with ball in hand, runs fast toward the goal for a touchdown.



34 14

8 7 7 29 19 48 29 14 33 7


Patrick Henry Harrisonburg William Fleming G. W. Danville Heritage Halifax E. C.Glass Franklin Coun


22 25 27 12 17 6


Brian Smith kicks the ball in an effort for an extra point.

It's more than a game. It's experience. Jay Brown

Games, being with your friends, and the bus rides are what ma ke playing football fun. Eric Lane

Travis Jackson scores the winning touchdown against William Fleming with thirteen seconds left in the game.

Varsity Football • 175


REAKING THE LINE TheJuniorVarsity and Freshman Football team had good seasons. The Junior Varsity team earned a record of 4-4 while the Freshman team went 0-7. AJ.V. player, Adam Kozuch, remarks, "The most difficult thing about playing football is the conditioning and the easiest thing about playing are the games." Brian Barto says, "My motivation was to keep going and give a lot of effort. We did it for the coach and for our pride because everybody thought that we were bad. "

The J.V. team captain was Brian Barto. The managers were Kelli Bratton and Amanda Fabian. Although the freshman team did not have a successful year the team still had fun . Herbert Bowles comments, "I liked my first year playing. It was really fun. I also enjoyed the experience. There was nothing I disliked." Dennis Moneymaker chose to play football this year because "I like football and I never really played it before. I also like rough

1993 Junior Varsity Football team: back- Charles Besancon, Jason Wilson, Josh Ragland, Matt King, Hunter Conrad, Eddie Pitts, Brian Webster. middle- Chris Bibb, Paul Cobbs, Steve Goode, Kevin Grooms, Joseph Moneymaker, Andy Strouse, Adam Kozuch, Ryan Pemberton, Ronnie Wood. front- Raymond Jones, Scott Mullins, Kyle Blackmon, Chris McDaniel, Kevin Turner, Tyrone Powell, Rodney Brooks, Chris Steadley.

sports. " Overall the two teams enjoyed themselves and cannot wait to play again next year. • Shannon Fletcher

Troy Wade runs next to an opponent so he can make a tackle.

The Patriots make a tackle to keep the ball in our hands.

176 • JV & Ninth Grade Football



Ninth Grade Rockbridge Stafford CHS WAHS E. C. Glass Heritage James Monroe

0 0 6 6 0

0 18 12 12 41

0 6

12 21

Stephen Plumb and Kevin Bice push opponents away so they can not make a tackle.

In an effort to gain yardage,quarterback Kris Muir prepares to pass the ball to Troy Wade.

team: Jackson, Scott Fortune, David Sands, Darton Lyon, Chris Thompson, Stephen Plumb, Myron Allen, Alexander Laws. third rowJason Amiss, Keith Graham, Brian Smith, Michael Shiffiett, Robert Anderson, Shawn Pendleton, Daniel Schmidt, Paul Hunter, Mitch Lamb, Dennis Moneymaker, Ryan Sharp,Kia Carter, Reginald Scott. Second row- Ronald Thompson, Clay Holland, Clifford Strother, Joshua Hightower, Kevin Bice, Kevin Jordan, Christopher Yowell, Stephen Hill, Randall Pitts, Jack Yowell, Kai Turner, Shane Marshall. front- Deuahn Wells, Ta Ta Tyler, Herbert Bowles, Brian Wood, Patches Greene, Brandon Christensen, John Dawson, Joseph Stacy, Kris Muir, Troy Wade, Dedrick Nelson.

JV & Ninth Grade Football • 177


N FULL SWING Golf, a sport that is not well-recognized and that does not get a lot of glory at AHS, has done very well this year. The en tire team went to regionals. Leading the team were seniors Mike Weddle and Adam Kemp. The golf team tryouts were held at Birdwood Golf course during the week of August 7-10. The team's coaches were Coach Garnett and Coach Maynard. They provided the team with a good mental attitude and helped to make the season an interesting one.

Practices were also important. You could find the players hitting range balls and playing a round of golf every after-

on the team learned to cooperate and help cheer each other on during meets. • Samantha Wang


"The matches that we played were a lot of fun. You get to meet different players and hopefully crush them!" says senior Mike Weddle. "Away matches are always more of a challenge, and home matches are easier because we are used to our own golf course," says sophomore Brian Crisp. Although each On the putting green Adam player had individual tal- Kemp uses his putter to get ents, as the season went the ball closer to the hole.

The Boys 1993 GoH team: back- Coach Garnett, Shane Foster, Steve Merica, Bradley Martin, Jeff Beeler, Randy Falger, Whitey Frazier, Coach Maynard, Kevin Crisp. front- Adam Kemp and Michael Weddle.

Whitey Frazier knows that form and strength are both needed for a good round of golf.


178 • Golf

Randy Falger, swinging left-handed, swings back ready to hit the ball off the tee.

...,----Adam Kemp chips the ball in order to get the ball closer to the green.

Teeing off, Bradley Martin follows through on a nice swing.

Golf• 179


ETTING IT UP The Girls J.V. and Varsity Volleyball teams had great seasons. The J.V. team earned a 13-3 record while Varsity had a 22-1 record. The Varsity team captains were Ang McCallum, Dawn K.limmek, Wendy Gay, Amy Knott, and Amy McGarity. With the three other seniors, these girls and coaches Mr. Ragland and Ms. King led the volleyball team to their fourth Western District champ-ionship in six years. The managers of the team were Vanessa Yank and Anna Pordes. They cheered the

team on while getting equipment ready. Athletes can not forget about sch oolwork. Muriel Meyer dealt with stress very well, noting, "The only rush times were when we had two away games a week ." Compared to last season, Wendy Gay says, 'We didn't lose any seniors from last years' team. We all had work ed together or known each other except for one exchange student, Muriel Meyer. We were all successful. We were sad to see the season end." Th e J .V. team captains were Charleen

Bu ttner andJessi Harlow. Th ese girls also led their team to a good season. The manager for the J .V. team was Carissa Hornbeck. She filled their water bottles and kept stats. Emily Potter, aJ.V. p layer, thinks "away games were fun because we dressed up for spirit and made spirit bags. The bus rides to and from the game were crazy. Everybody was really wild and hyper." • Shannon Fletcher

Amy Knott jumps high to spike

the ball.

1993 Varsity Volleyball team: back- Coach King, Vanessa Yank, Jessica Morse, Tracy Utrip, Kristen Tompkins, Kelly MacCandlish, Courtne y Groome, Muriel Meyer, Maria Decuna, Anna Pordel, Coach Ragland. front- Wendy Gay, Ang McCallum, Dawn Klimmek, Amy Knott, Amy McGarity.

Kristin Tompkins jumps to b lock the ball from going over the


~ 180 • Volleyball

Clover Hill William Fleming Mills Godwin G.W. Danville Midlothian Halifax James Wood Tucker E. C. Glass



8 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 0




0 1 0 1

Dawn Klimmek bends down ready to bump the ball when it comes down.

1993 Junior Varsity Volleyball team: back-Kellie McGrath, Kristen Keller, Anne Tigner, Alivian Coates, Becky Keller. middle- AShley Smith, Emily Potter, Ashby Johnson, Jody Gay, Stephanie Fields, Coach Boyd. front- Charleen Buttner and Jessi Harlow.

The Varsity Volleyball team poses with their District Champion trophy.

Volleyball• 181



UP This season the Varsity Boys' Basketball team earned a second place finish in the fight for District champions. By earning the standing, the boys also played in regionals against Woodbridge. The team was led by head coach Greg Maynard and assistant coaches Scott Abell and Eric Wilson. This season seven boys returned from last year's team, so there was a lot of experience. As for the newer players, they caught on quickly and demonstrated that they could also compete at a

Varsity level. With a lot of tall players th e team enjoyed a height advantage. Practices were held every afternoon after school. The boys practiced by shooting, practicing drills, running, and scrimmaging in the big gym. Randy Rhoads, one of the six sen iors leaving the team this year, remarked, "This season has been an u p and down season but it is much better than last season. AI though we won the Shoney's Christmas Classic last year, we were 3- 1 by th is time in the Westem District and tied for

1993 Varsity Boys Basketball team: Back-Robert Mercer , Krlstie Pugh, Coach Maynard, Dwayne Payne, Matt Tompkins, Ramsey Hathaway, Kevin Cassell, Ryan Prince, Coach Abell, Coach Wilson, Brandy Toms . Front- Jemel Ross, Randy Rhoads, Travis Jackson, Chris Taffe, Scott McCandlish, Marty Jackson, Mike Wicks, Tygh Bail es.

~182 • Basketball

first place this year. Last year we only won one district game so we have exceeded all expectations this year." • Shannon Fletcher

Marty Jackson, with a height advantage, jumps high for a shot from the three point line.

Against Dou glas Freeman, Mike Wicks drives the ball down the court while looking toward a teammate for a pass.

WAHS CHS William Fleming Douglas Freeman G.W. Danville E.C. Glass WAHS Halifax G.W. Danville CHS E.C. Glass Herita e

AHS 51 56 55 51 56 56 56 60 65 53 58 53

OPP 61 66 71 68 68 54 61 39 62 52 57 41

Fighting for the ball Randy Rhoads keeps the ball in the Patriots' hands.

Dwayne Payne fakes out a player in order to pass the ball to a teammate.

Size plays a role in driving the ball in. Chris Taffe makes a layup look easy.




AHEAD Playing basketball takes a lot of patience, effort, and talent. The Junior Varsity boys basketball team and the boys' freshman basketball team both had a productive season. The Junior Varsity team consisted of sophomores and freshmen, while the freshmen team only consisted of freshmen. Due to the weather the seasons lasted longer then expected. The basketball season began in November and ended at the end of Feburary. The prac-

tices consisted of running, drills, shooting, and scrimmaging. The coach for the Junior Varsity team was Eric Wilson, an assistant on the Varsity team. The coach for the freshman team was Mark Wilson. Throughout the year the coaches realized that they had talent to work with and produced two good teams. Junior Varsity player Mike Howard commented, "I enjoy playing basketball and had a lot of fun being on the team. We played hard for our wins and when we

needed teamwork the most, we had it in order to have an ll- 7 record." • Shannon Fletcher

Patriot player Melvin Perrow jumps high in an effort to block a shot by an E.C. Glass opponent.

1993 Boys Junior Varsity Basketball team: back- Clint Locker, ChrlsJones,Mike Barbie, Matt Scully,John Grooms, Pat McClowsky, Mike Roberts.Front- Demiris Wilson, Mike Kozuch,Kevin Crisp, Melvin Perrow,Jabari Garland,Jason Stickland, Cornelius Blakey, Mike Howard.

Cornelius Blakey looks toward Mike Howard for a pass.

~ 184 • Boys' Basketball

Paul Myers j u mps high for a chance at the ball during the beginning of the game.

J on Craw shoots a foul shot hoping for an extra point.

25 1993 Boys Freshman Basketball team: Back-Rudger Clawson, Miguel Strother, Lionel Jackson, Paul Myers, Chris Smit h , Travis Douglas,Brooks Flynn,Tim Miller.Front-D. Nelson, Jon Cr aw, J oe Stacey, Herbert Bowles, Curtis Hunter,Nathan Ku dro.

Joe Stacy passes the ball in off the sidelines.

Boys' Basketball • 185



AHEAD Victories and more victories are what kept the Girls' Varsity Basketball team together. Running, shooting, dribbling, passing, sweating, and having fun were what the team did everyday in practice. The team's starters, Sarah Trayers, Alivian Coates, Amy McGarity, Nee Ragland, and Amy Knott helped lead the varsity Patriots to a district championship. Coach Anita Jenkins pushed her players and in the long run it paid off. The girls won the district game against G.W. Danville and went on to

compete in the regional toumament. In the quarter finals they knocked off Hylton, and in the semifinals they beat Cave Spring. The win against Cave Spring was a memorable one because the Patriots lost to that team in 1992-1993 tournament play. The Patriots ended up second in the region after a loss to Woodbridge in the final game. The Patriots made their way to the state quarterfinals where they played a tough game against W.T. Woodson and ended up in a 58-54 defeat.

The Lady Patriots finished the season with a successful record of 17-5. • Samantha Wang

Sarah Trayers shows h er skill by jumping and shooting a t the same time.

Kelly McCandlish shoots over two Stafford opponents in an attempt for a basket.

Alivian Coates tries to block a pass thrown by a William Fleming opponent.

~186 • Basketball


The Patriots close in on a William Fleming girl to block her shot.




Amy Knott uses her height to block the shot of a William Fleming player.

Nee Ragland drives the ball through two Halifax opponents to make a bank shot.

Amy McGarity is wide open as she aims for a three pointer.

Basketball • 187 ~


UP The Junior Varsity and Freshman Girls' Basketball teams had outstanding seasons this year. Co-captains Monica Sandridge and Christie Brownlee led the JV team to a great start that the team maintained for the rest of the year. Their record was 8-0, making them first in the district forJV. On the other hand, the Freshman team had an unpleasant start with their rival Covenant. However, it was their only loss. With some pep talks from their coaches Elaine Bartley and Amy Roberts and hard work at

practice, the team made a wonderful comeback and earned a final record of 8-l. Kristen Keller says the JV team always got more inspiration from coach Pam Bradley. When the JV girls were tired after practices which included work on their footwork, running, and jump rope, says Keller, Bradley would tell them, "You girls need to get in shape for the fourth quarter." Just before a big game the Freshman team would relieve their nervous jitters by cheering or singing a song. Jameta Barlowcomments, "We as

a team worked together and got to know people better." "We improved as a real team," added her teammate Katie Braintwain. • Samantha Wang

Ashby Johnson looks eager to throw the ball to another teammate.

Junior Varsity player Christy Brownlee runs along with two girls from Stafford toward a free ball.



Freshman Erin Ewing throws the ball back on court after it went out of bounds.

~188 • Basketball

( The Freshman team hustles to the basket to get the rebound.

Kristen Keller aims high to the basket.

.. ••

. ,.

With hands up Heather Ratesic defends her team by stalling an opponent from Covenant.

Cindy Frazier dribbles in to the hoop past Stafford players.

Basketball • 189 ~

ACE TO FACE The 1993-94 AHS wrestlers enjoyed a season full of noteworthy accomplishments. Beginning the season by winning their 9th straight City-CountyToumament title, they finished by taking two wrestlers to the State Championships. Coaches Mike O'Dea and Don Landis helped get the team in shape for competition and led them through a 6-7-1 season. "The practices were unbelievably tough. For two and a half hours we worked harder than we ever did in our lives to get better every-

day, for five days," remarked Varsity player Kirk Lindgren. After winning the City-County Toumament in December, the wrestlers went on to win their fourth straight District title. The whole team went to regionals, and both senior Craig Johnson and sophomore Ebn Pamell advanced to States. Noted O'Dea, "Ebn was the youngest person we've ever taken to States." "Wearing my lucky underwear helps me to defeat the other opponents," adds

Lindgren. "At away matches families and friends were not always able to make it, but at home matches there was lots of support from our fans, " comments lOthgrader Tony Esposito. Junior Adam Scruggs notes, "Last season our team was more experienced. This season we might have had a young team, but we had the drive to win!" • Samantha Wang

Jeny Mosby twists around an opponent from CHS in order to get a pin.

The Wrestling team huddles on the mat before a meet.

Senior Eric Lane gets his opponent in a headlock showing that he wants to win the match.

~190 • Wrestling

Ron Kaminski wins his match with this pin.


Craig Johnson shakes an opponent's hand before a match.

Craig Hartman shows his strength and moves in an attempt to tum his opponent over.

Overpowering an opponent,Kirk Lindgren tries to put him on his back.

Wrestling •



Indoor !~racK

Team members of the Indoor Track team were not only focused on winning. They hoped to make new friends, to accomplish personal goals, and to stay in shape. "The team this year was a lot bigger. At times this proved to be a problem because we don't have the coaching staff needed to support such a big team," said senior Becca Winterringer, who has been on the indoor track team ever since her ninth grade year. The team was coached by Jim Dillenbeck, Lance Weisend, and Steve

FOR IT Szarmach. Practices consisted of running and working on technique and drills to improve speed, stride, and strength. Practices were held about three times a week, depending on weather. "This season was hard because of all the ice days. We missed a lot of practices and weren't fully prepared for the meets," remarks Emily Potter. "In general the track team was a conditioning for those who were planning to do a spring sport," says junior Holly Mack.

"It was s u ch a challenge to compete against our greatest rival E.C. Glass b u t the feeling was wonderful that I had run my best." comments sophomore Justin Bellucci. At meets people competed in different events such as distance running, sprinting, hurdles. jumping, and shot put.

•Samantha Wang

Rodney Brooks goes for his distance in the longjump.

Danny Prince hustles on the straight-away to widen his lead.

...... Autumn Starks relays with a baton in her hand toward the finish in an effort to pass the leader.

~ 192 • Indoor Track

Gwen Hartmen runs hard looking toward the finish line during a relay.

Kevin Turner lands his long jump with all the distance he can get.

Ashley Smith high jumps over the bar with plenty of room.

Emily Potter, in the lead after coming out of a curve, paces herself for the home stretch.

Indoor Track



Cheer Ieaa1ng spirit, unity and dedication were a major part ofbeing on the Varsity Cheerleading squad. A lot of time and effort were put into every practice and performance. During the summer the girls gave up some time to attend a cheerleading camp at UVA.

Kerri Bickers and Kelly Shenal were chosen as All-Americans at camp. Because of their status they were asked to participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in New York and the St.

Patrick's Day parade in Ireland. Throughout the year the girls attended competitions in Arlington, Myrtle Beach, Williamsburg, and Richmond. The girls showed their spirit notonlyduringgames but also during homecoming and pep rallies. "The most difficult thing about cheering is stunting. During a competition if you miss you can come back but not in cheering," explained Courtney Holt. When basketball season arrived there were six stuntmen cho-

sen to help with stunts. Some of the stunts they produced were a press, a wolfwall, a liberty, and a diamond head. Keisha Johnson remarked, "Cheering during football games is not as fun as cheering for basketball games. It gets cold and we aren't as experienced with working together as we are during basketball. During basketball we also have stuntmen who help us do stunts." • Shannon Fletcher Brittany Rugo and J enny Cole are precise with their movements during a football game.

1993 Varsity Cheerleading Squad: Back- Jessica Jackson. Third row- Kate Teates, Kerri Bickers, Keisha Johnson. Second rowCourtney Holt, Brittany Rugo, Jenny Cole, Diana Baldini. Front row- Rebecca Viglione, Olivia Eades, Coach Katrina MaynardCarew, Tory McConnell, Kelly Shenal.

Diana Baldini, h eld by Courtney Holt and Kerri Bickers; Brit tany Rugo, h eld by Terry Weddington, Jessica Jackson, an Jos h Tracy; and Kate Teates, held by Ryan Pemberton and Bi Lee, all practice a Wolfwall.

~ 194 • Cheerleading

Kate Teates practices a press before a halftime performance.

The smile on Kelly S henal's face shows that she enjoys stunts the most.

1993 Varsity Stuntmen: Ryan Pemberton, Jeff Ridenoure, Josh Tracy, Terry Weddington, Brian Smith, and Bill Lee.

Jessica Jackson, Keisha Joh nson, Kate Teates, and Diana Baldini all step together while s howing their spirit.

Cheerleading • 195



Cheer leading During the rainy, snowy, and sunny weather of the football and basketball seasons the Junior Varsity and the Freshmen cheerleaders never let the teams down. They were always there to cheer the teams on, even when they were losing. During tryouts, girls ranging from ages 14-16 could tryout to be on the Junior Varsity squad, but only Freshmen could be placed on the Freshman squad. The girls worked their hardest during tryouts to inpress the coaches with their abil-


The Junior Varsity squad traveled to two competitions along with the Varsity squad. In the National Competition the Freshmen squad traveled along with the J.V. squad in order to compete. With all of the hard work and dedication cheerleading takes, the girls still found time to have fun. • Shannon Fletcher

The Junior Varsity coach was Pinky Nelson and the FreshmancoachwasVickiHarris. Junior Varsity and Freshmen cheerleaders practiced stunts, cheers, chants, and dances during every practice. Sophomore Christina Paige remarked, "There are many times when I have been nervous before a game-usually when we are doing a new stunt or something for the first time The J.V. Cheerleaders all clap in public and you know together in order to show their everybody's watching." spirit for the team.

1993 Junior Varsity Cheerleading Squad: Back- Oname Thompson, Christina Paige, Tonya Johnson, Erica Perry. Middle- Kelli McAvey, Anne-Marie Skeen. Front- Jana Acker, Jennifer Aylor, Holly Sayers.


The J .V. cheerleaders execute a favortte cheer duiing one of the J .V. basketball team's tliumphs.

~ 196 • Cheerleading


Jana Acker is helped by Anne-Marie Skeen after a fall during practice before a game.

Oname Thompson walks in to the gym during a pep rally prepared to cheer for the teams walking out.

Christina Paige, Jana Acker, Erica Perry, and Tonya Johnson all perform a halftime cheer as they prep for a stunt.

The Freshman Cheerleaders signal to everyone to be quiet durtng a free throw by waving their poms.

Cheerleading • 197 ~

W .th 1717 students at Albemarle involved in over 59 diverse organizations, 1994 definitely brought Madness Among The Masses. Not only were the clubs meeting together during club period, but also after school and on weekends to plan and participate in the many different activities. The Honor Coune year off performing an original play to promote The Key Club helped out manning the phones for the MS Telethon at WVIR-TV. While the NHS

adneSS stayed busy visiting the Cedars Among every month and changing the sign in fron The Masses of the school daily, the SCA organized the fall blood drive and the "Valentine's Day Thang." Roles reversed when the Peer Counselors sponsored a Sadie Hawkins "Lost in Love" dance. As students rushed from one club activity to another, Madness Among The Masses spread throughout the school. In the Rocketry club, Tony Wayne discusses the upcoming rocket launch with members Herbert Bowles. Chris Roder. Chris Early. and Kevin Farinholt.

~ 198 • Organizations

Organizations • 199



Row 1: Sandy Taylor, Kristie Davis, Kelli Kirby, Tara Featherer, Jennifer Hepler, Stacey Manes, Anita Johnson, Dave Ridenour. Row 2: Johanna Podraza, Tori Ray, John Vanda, Neepa Doshi, Shannon Webb, Stacey Marrs, Melissa Beet, Shannon Napier. Row 3: Jennifer Schroeder, Shawn Wood, Jeff Shifflet, Marc Dawkins, Asia Campbell, Marie Woods,AngieHayward,JenCodoer.Row 4: Jason Short, Ta Hon Brewer, Paul Asplin, Arthur Heyward, Kelli Braton,Sarah Spencer, TJ Kleiber.


Row 1: Sandy Taylor, Kristie Davis, Kelli Kirby, Tara Featherer, Jennifer Hepler, Stacey Manes, Anita Johnson, Dave Ridenour. Row 2: Kristen Brady, Leah Segar, Kelly Dixon, Chariya Little, Ellen Heyward, Jesse Payne. Row 3: Angie Buttner, Melanie Gibson, Mindy Sadler, Jenny Charback, Oname Thompson, Lisa Peregoy, Heather Snoddy, Crystal Mayo.

Marketing- Row 1:Jill Garnett, Melissa Jones, Shannon Napier, Jennifer Collier. Row 2: Tashia Turner, Stephanie Wells, Christina Harris, Marie Woods, Angela Hayward, Rebecca Boone. Row 3: George Field, Ron Kaminski, Liz Rooker, Leora Scovill, Amy Bach.

Spanish-Row 1: Melissa Letzkus, Brandi Frasier, Karen Hyre, JenniferGore, David Guerrant. Row 2: Joy Sandlin, Maria DaCunha, Shanti Klumpp.

Above: Kristie Davis waits for an answer to her question. while Cory Bebko looks on.

FBLA- Row 1: Tashika Yates, Shannon Bishop,Jennifer King, Kristen Heckethom, Lynn Harris, Crystal Mills. Row 2: Alisha Edwards, Kelly Durham, Jamie Hackney, Chastity Morris, Nichole McCauley, Rebecca Boone. Row 3: Nina Thacker, Destin Bales, Tamekia Grooms, Derrick Dudley, Linda Harding.

~ 200 • Organizations

Right:Kelli Kirby, Kristie Davis , and Stacey Manes work on a project during club period.

&eing red




Students Against Drinking and Driving is an organization which has been working for years to prevent students from being killed or injured in alcohol-related auto-accidents. According to club sponsor Mr. Ridenour, their efforts are paying off and this year can be added to the list of many years without fatal alcohol-related accidents involving Albemarle High School students. Club members meet in the library on club days with Mr. Ridenour and President Stacey Manes to plan events. SADD is the sponsor of Red Ribbon Week and the Prom Promise Program. The members are expected to wear club T-shirts to show club membership and are also expected to work at club

projects. They each have a project to work on each month except the month of exams. Mr. Ridenour adds that they don't want to just be known as , "Students Against Drinking and Driving, butwealsowant it to mean Students Against Dumb Driving and Students Against Dangerous Driving because any of the three can kill you. " This wonderful club is one of the most active clubs at AHS. SADD is one of the most respectable clubs recongnized in the Charlottesville communitty. • Hillary Elston

Dave Ridenour, club sponsor, listens to a suggestion from a student.

Organizations • 201 ~

Sierra 9&10-

Row 1: Elizabeth McCauley,Steph Maxey, Jennifer Dodge, Kristin Brown,Becki Jones, jenna Carter, Annette Dellaganna, Catherine Laws, Beth Tice.Row2: Heather Boggs, Virginia Cunningham, Gussie Abrahamse, Shiaomin Mou, Ahat O r, julie Klossner, Anne Gilley, Sarah Norvelle. Row 3:Ben Porter, Matt Terry, Thomas Page, Agnes Sabat, Andrea Beiber, Summer Basso, Angie DaVoult. Row 4: Brooks Flynn,Justin Leclair,Dan Stone,Matt Hocking,)ill Carney, Ariel Goldstein,David Burton, SamBarnett, Matt Hanley, Robert Anderson.Row 5: Susan Feild, )ana Acker, Steve Goodell. jason Cohen.


11&12-Row 1: Jesse Mercer, Milio Cur cio, Fed or Vargh o,Wh itey Frazier, Genevieve Blair-Watson, Michelle Morris, Sara Board ,Tracy McGraw. Row 2: Mike Weddle, Adam Kemp, Becky Alter,Em ily Douglas, Alexandra Liddell, Katia Golovatyuk, Becca Winte rringer, Tim Crisione, Ariel Goldstein. Row 3: Chris Taffe, Willia m Baldw in , Ram sey Hathaway, Craig Settimo, Paul Asplin, Jimmy Yu, Justin Raines.

Dance- Row 1: A pril Tom pkins, Debbie Sm ith, Sarah Aqilone. Row 2: Kr istin Dodge, C harity Worrell, Cha ntay Anderson.

Peer Counseling-Row 1: Angela Gravitt, Ka ra Cason, Kim Seagren, Aricha Gilpatrick, Victoria Bernhard, Christy Maupin, Alex Scully, Jon Fulton, Olivia Eades, Amy Ascoli. Row 2: Jen Finotti, jaime Maupin, Maria DaCunha, Holly Mack, Jennifer Collier, Hilary Sellman, Kara McCiurken, Erin Potter, Allison Orr,Jen Broadbent, Courtney Kiehl. Row3: Matt Sadler, Susan Crosby, Jennifer Hepler, Heidi H averson, Jackie Williamson, Heather Taffe, Kelly Shena!, Rebecca Viglione, Tim Criscione, Tory McConnell. Row 4: Terry Crenshaw, joy Sandlin, Kelli Sharp, Kristie Pugh,JasonSkipper, Josh Tracy, Angela Freeman, Chris Taffe, Randy Rhoads. Row 5: Troy Woodson, Tiffany Park, Rosie Turner, Annie Creasy, Shannon Booth, jeff Snyder, Scott McCandlish, Lori Walker.

Above: Jesse Mercer, Annette Dellaganna, and Milia Curcio try to s et up a tent on one of the club's canoe trips .

Peer Counseling- Row 1-Alicia Tracy, Meghan Bodkin, Jenna Carter, Mindy Sadler. Row 2: Jenna Wills,Shiaomin Mou, O name Thompson, Kelli McAvey. Row 3: Monica Sa ndrid ge, Ch arleen Buttne r, Trevor Johnson, Greg Kane, Ma rk Poole.

202. Organizations

Right: Mr. Railing and the Sierra Club sold t-shirts and books at last years Superfest.

~ing for the environment The Sierra Club is one of the most popular clubs here at Albemarle High School. The large number of members shows that AHS students are aware of the environmental issues facing us today. The Sierra Club was started after the Peace and Environmental Club's lack of success in attracting students. Mr. Railing, sponsor of the Peace and Environmental Club, decided that AHS would do better with a national organization. The Sierra Club was chosen, and there was instant success. The club attracts 60 to 70 people a year despite the $16 fees. The club is active in the community. Club members help in cleanups and promote envi-

Sierra Club also goes on outings, such as camping, hiking and skiing trips. The club also participates in Earth Week on the Downtown Mall. Becca Winterringer, club president, says her favorite thing about the club is the people. "Everybody is really friendly." "I really like working with the officers of the club and the students." comments Mr. Railing. "Some students are more active with the enviromental issues than the adults in the club. I also enjoy having fun in the outdoors with friends or students because it's so enjoyable." The Sierra Club is important in helping AHS see the need for preserving and enjoying this planet. • Jimmy Kuttesch

Shiaomin Mou and another club member cook dinner on an outing.

Organizations • 203


Key 9&12-Row 1- Maia Bums, Lori Walker, Kimberly Schlussel, Jennifer Isbister, Ray Scopelliti. Row 2: Jayson jean, Ang McCallum, Dawn Klimmek, Kristen Tompkins, WendyGay, Kristie Pugh, )en me Gerke, Catherine Woerner, jeanne Brazell, In Kwong Kim. Row 3: Donald Foss, )ody Gay, David Burton, ChriSsy Isbister, Kelly Dougherty, Jennifer Rose, AI Savory, Sarah Kirchner, Andrea Byler, Mary Vaden. Row 4: Kristen Franklin, Hea the r Flynn, Courtney Kiehl, Richard Harris, Betsey Foster, Pattie Garman, Charlotte Ding, Thomas Dugan, Shusei, Hamamichi. Row S:)ulieStone, Melissa Leave, Tim Criscione, Valeria Tufro, Brenda Awad, Adam Bodily, Amie Harlow, Alycia Yowell, Aaron Wilson.

Key 10&11- Row 1: Donald Foss,Maia Burns, Lori Walker, Kimberly Schlussel, Jennifer Isbister, RayScopelliti, Diane Clark. Row 2: Gwen Hartman, Jackie Williamson, Allison Orr, Erin Potter, Erinn Mullins, Matt King, Sushmita Srikanth, Brooke Thompson. Row 3: Molly McGinnis, Elizabeth Burton, Paula Ghosh, Becky Scott, Yen Shek, Sarah Wood, Jessica Reed, Elizabeth Schoonover, KatySchutz. Row 4: Ryan Pfleger, Trevor Johnson, Asha Leong, Jessica Beck, Carey Corrigan, Karen Trevillian, Holl y Mack, Ha nnah Segar, Abbie Swanson.

SHOUT- Row 1: Gwen Reynolds, Desiree Robinson, Jaime Carter, Carolyn Ragland, Kamesha Smith. Row 2: Stacey Scott, Keisha Syrkes, Terri Travis, Jam eta Barlow, Ann Harris, Stacy Rush, Tamara Can, Leigh Cason. Row 3: Nicole Carr, Tamika Harris, Yvette Lawson, Erika Johnson, Christina Paige, Erin Cason, Christian Ewers, N ichol Santos, Laura Sinclair. Row 4: April Anderson, La Tasha Bowles, Artesha Tyler, Ambha Lessard, Jennifer Quigley, Joshua Dowell, Dejuan Carter, Lemont Jones, Lynette Jordan.

LETS-Row 1: Ms. Keller, Crystal Goode, Ms. Palmer, Angie Wyant. Row 2: Silvana Liguria, Keisha Carter, Stephanie Morton, Jonathan Wood, Harry Key.Row3: Patches Green, Ronald Thompson, Yoshea Hill, Renee McCauley, Robin Shiflett.

Above:Molly McGinnis ,Courtney Craft , Elizabeth Schoonover, and Gwen Hartman show off their Key Club spirit. German- Row 1: Ruth Trice, Amy Sobeck, Becky Rehm, Kirsty Harmon, Dietra Henschel, Katie Braintwain, Rob Knight. Row 2: James Reinhold, Terry Crenshaw, Amy Ritchie, Helena Burtle, Laura Schempf, Charles Reinhold, Chris Rehm, Robby Sobeck. Row 3: Jennifer Walsh, Colleen Dunavan, James Tobin, Bryan Prillaman, Harlow Chandler, Heather Frayer, Rebecca Cronk. Row 4: Stephen Craven, Patrick Brown, Matt Curtin, Nate Payne, Matt Summers.

~ 204 • Organizations

Right: Key Club members are initiated at a special dinner.

Abtions speak louder than words Witn a promise to serve, the Key Club members work hard to make the community a better place. Key Club meets in the auditorium on club days and every two weeks at lunch to discuss their upcoming activities. Their purpose is to help the people of the world and better the environment. Meetings are led by president Kimberly Schlussel and speaker Dr. Bedell, the representative from the community sponsoring club, Kiwanis. Kimberly says she became interested in the club because her brother was in Key Club and she "developed her own niche." She feels she has learned leadership abilities, friend ship, and respect for others. The Key Club is actively involved in the commu-

nity and has accomplished many acts of service. Not only have they painted the Albemarle High School curbs, they have also contributed to UNICEF and the Alzheimer's and Crop Walks, donated over 100 toys for the toy lift, and held a Christmas party with Western Albemarle High School Key Club at the pediatric center of the University ofVirginia Hospital. They are also responsible for cleaning a section of highway near Albemarle High School. Sponsor Diane Clark says, ''This year is the best year. A lot of people have accomplished more than we have in a long time." She hopes that in the future Key Club can maintain a large group of active students and do as much as they can as well as they have in the past. • Hillary Elst on Club m ember Katy Schutz hands out programs at the Key Club initiation.

Organizations • 205 ~

Honor Council- Row 1: Mary Hunter, Neepa Doshi, Courtney Kiehl, Sam Wang, Christy Maupin, Chris Krizek, Ingrid Lobo. Row 2: Tara Grove, Brandi Toms, Tara Huckstep, Adam Bodily, Heather Flynn, Valeria G. Tufro, Alicia Tracy, Jennifer Rose. Row 3: Marilyn Majerus, Vanessa McLaughlin, Jill Powell, Lacey Goehringer, Daisy Stevens, Jessica Beck, Carey Corrigan, Sarah Norvelle. Row 4: Tim Criscione, Kim Seagren, Moriah McLaughlin, Jackie Williamson, Tomoko Kitazawa,Jared Christensen, Drew Giffen, Brenda Awad, Ketti Sharp, Ashley Edwards.

Beta Clu b- Row 1: Maia Bums, jeff Holland, Dawn Klimmek, Ang McCallum, Kristen Tompkins. Row 2: Kim-

berly Schlussel, Eugenia jackson, Colette Skeen, Sarah Edwards, Deanna Dcllaganna. Aricha Gilpatrick, Sarah Oifford, Christina Scott, Ann Harris, Courtney Kiehl, Heather Flynn, Betsey Foster, Pattie Cannan. Row 3: Rebbecca Viglione, Tory MtConneU, Rcmdy Rhoads, Preston Morris, Oil via Eades, In I< wang Kim, Levi Pearson, TaraGrove,JcnnieGerke, Aaron Wilson, Asia Campbell, Tania Mauller, lnga Thurston, Becky Alter. Row 4: Robbye Youel, MJchelle Morris, Sheri Bourne, Melissa English, Kelli Sharp, Adam Kemp, Mike Weddle, Joshua Tracy, Tara Featherer, Fedor Varginov, David Ba.rredo, Kevin Farinholt, Em1ly Douglas, Nccpa Doshi, Yvonne Brown. Row 5: Colton £bersold, Kirsty Hannon, Katia Go1ovatyuk., Erika Elder,AmyGarland, Dan Hoeller, A1ycia Yowell,Natasha Briggs, Anita johnson, Marc Dawkins, Shuse:i Hamamichi, Ray Scopellitti Row 6: Amy Bebko, Andrew Giffen, Chris Kriz~k. Holly Galavotb, Tomoko Kita7.awa, Lori Walker, Wendy Gay, Kristic Pugh, Amanda Maupin, Adam Bodily, Ashley Edwards, Becky Rehm, Kelli Kirby. Row 7: Alison Brandenburger,Jessica Mane, Amelia Damon, Jeff Ridenoure, Eric Lane, Tara Staton, LaceyGoehringer,jill Powell, Valeria C. Tufro, Brenda Awad.

Forensics- Rowl: Vanessa Yank, Jennie Gerke. Row 2: Kara McClurken, Jessica McClure, Tara Grove.

Spanish Honor Society- Row 1: Aaron Wilson, Adam Bodily, Lacey Goehringer, Ingrid Lobo. Row 2: Aricha Gilpatrick, Jennifer Isbister, Katy Schutz, Dawn Kl imme.k, Eric Lane, Anita Johnson, Michelle Morris, Neepa Doshi, Becky Alter. Row 3: Courtney Kiehl, Erinn Mullins, Moriah McLaughlin, Jaime Maupin, Vanessa McLaughlin, Jennifer Hepler, Ketti Kirby, Betsey Foster, Jill Powell, Ashley Carter. Row 4: Jen Finotti, Erin Potter, Molly McGinnis, Jeff Holland, Ang McCallum, Jennifer Gore, Karen Hyre, Joshua Tracy.

Drama Clu b- Row 1: Carolyn Massie, Alicia Tracy, Diana Baldini, Sarah Clifford, Faith Esposito, Terry Crenshaw. Row 2: AllisonOrr,Jessica McClure,Eugeniajackson, Victoria Beninate, Heidi Haverson, Alyson Smith, Vicki Gibson. Row 3: Vanessa Yank, Juline Chevalier, Nicole Bendle, Amanda McNally, Courtney Kiehl, Kara McClurken, Jenniey Loney, Bob Wood. Row 4: josh Dierauer, Rebecca Boone, Susan Crosby, Brent Clepper, Ivan Gardner,Jason Carter, Ian Smith, Erik Fabian, Jen Broadbent.

206 • Organizations

Above: Matt Copeland tries to decide whether to listen to his good concience, Courtney Kiehl, or his bad concience, Ashley Edwards.

Right: Ingrid Lobo explains what the skit is about, while the cast waits to begin.

Oil my

honor The Honor Council is a student organization that tries to find positive ways tostrengthenandencourage the honor policy here atAlbemarleHighSchool. The Honor Council is open to everyone. There are only three questions a person must answer to become part of the Honor Council: Will they believe in, live, and work for the honor policy? The Honor Council has done many things for the students of Albemarle High School. The Honor Council wrote and produced a skit on the honor policy for the freshmen class. They also established a scholarship for one or two seniors in memory of deceased AHS student Patrick Tassell . They revised the section on the honor

policy in the student handbook, and had the honor pledge put in the parent and teacher handbooks. The Honor Council meets on an as-needed basis. Sometimes only the Executive Council meets. The Executive Council is made up of two representatives from each of the underclass grades, and three seniors. The Honor Council elects the Executive Council. Ms. Hunter, advisor, got involved with the Honor Council because she "shared their concern about cheating." She commented on her favorite part of the Honor Council: "Students taking responsibility for themselves and the honor policy. " •Jimmy Kuttesch Chris Darden and Va leria Garcia Tufro perform their part of the skit.

Organizations • 207


Rocketry- Row 1: Ms. Harris, Herbert Bowles, Chris Roder. Row 2: Danielle Lambert, Aaron Fitzgerald, Kevin Farinholt, Hawnee Akbarzadeh.

Academic Team- Row 1: Tara Grove, Becky Alter, Jayson Jean. Row 2: Tania Mauller,JennieGerke, Amy Bebko, Ingrid Lobo, Adam Bodily. Row 3: Chris Taffe, Tim Criscione, Ashley Edwards, Valerie Garcia-Tufro, Heather Rynn, Ms. Pahuta. Row 4: Dr. Larrick, Ben Marchi, Matt Sadler, Chris Byler.

Outdoor Club 9&10- Row

1: Na te McCallum, Dav1d Hoeller, Ginger Housda n, Meg Kemp, Patrick McClosky, Tavis Coffin, Jay Garman, Tncia Starkey, Amanda Fabian, Rachell Edwards. Row 2: Canssa Hornbeck, Emil y Potier, Kristi Wood, Justin Bellucci, Jennifer Aylor, Isabelle David, Zach Harris, Charleen Bullner, Vanessa Miller-S1ms, Colleen Casey, Jenru Olfford, Knsten Rodgers, Aimee Wade, Apnl Somcrs.Row3:AnneMarieSkeen,BeckyKeller,Dwlght Saulle, Christopher Bradshaw, Gregory Kane, Amanda Cane, Scoll Kuebler, La-Thon Ware, Kyle Blackmon, Lori Sm1th, l.ind sie Luzynski, Zonia Ceballos. Row 4: Wilham Gomaa, )enn Zorn, Camby Steen, Sarah Schmoyer, Heather Rates1c,Kelley McGrath, Connne Male, Valerie Oswald. Row 5: )esse Gibson, Malcolm Smilh, Nick Bendle, Molly Wibberley, Jennifer Ridenoure, Travis Burruss, Adam Williams, Matt Wenlland.

Outdoor Club 11&12- Row 1: Michael Worley, Ali Brandenburger, Kelli Sharp,Josh Tracy, Aricha Gilpatrick, Rosie Turner, Andre Scott. Row 2: Matt Behrens, Adam Harnois, Victoria Bernhard, Stephanie Brannon, Wendy Goddard, Jerry Simmons, Christy Maupin, Cori Canar, Chris Krizek, Anna Pordes, Samantha Wang.Row3: Ms. Bertola, Dan Hoeller, Andrew Adams, Marisha Stovall, Ashley Carter, Tomoko Kitazawa, Chris Whitener, Ian Kelly, Preston Morris. Row 4: Charles Newman, Jaime Maupin, }en Finotti, Ben Harris, Jeff Holland, Doug Krohn, Holly Galavotti, Amelia Damon.

Art Club- Row 1: Dr. Burg, Anna Pordes, Chris Tallman, Sara Parks, Jennifer Parham, Shane Timberlake. Row 2: Mrs. Adams, Khris Thompson, Jennie Sawyer, Ginger Cabot, Jessi Emmit, Christy Maupin.

Above: Mr. Wayne and Rocketry Club members Shahar Siegman, Chris Roder, Chris Early,Kevin Farinholt, Herbert Bowles, and Aaron Fitzgerald watch a rocket blast off.

Right : A rocket launches during one of the club's out-ofschool meetings.

~ 208 • Organizations


Orr ''•• The Rocketry Club is an active club sponsored by Mr. Wayne and Ms. Harris. The club dis cusses many things during their club period, including how to make launch systems for the rockets and the mechanics or physics of the rockets. The club also discusses how to help elementary and middle school students and teachers understand Rocketry. Outside of school, the Rocketry Club meets to launch rockets the first Saturday of every month. The launches attract

people that are involved with the club. The Club would like to get involved with the Flight School Bus. It is a bus that travels around, like a moving museum, showing students about rockets. Mr. Wayne's favorite things about the club are building and launching the rockets. He also likes showing little kids the rockets for the first time. "They are so amazed by all the science that goes into the rocket, " says Wayne. •Jimmy Kuttesch

Mr. Wayne, sponsor of the Rocketry Club, discusses a rocket launch with students during club period.

Organizations • 209


- .. "" . .... u. h.H.J IY tCIU}-'111, LHriS Krizek, JustinWeeks. Row 2: Holly Galavotti, Ingrid Lobo, Lyle Cam bios.

French Honor Society- Row 1: Tara Grove, Amy Bebko, Preston Morris, lnga Thurston, Valeria G. Tufro, janet Shiflett. Row 2: William Gamaa, jeremy jannotta, Tori Ray, Kara McClurken, Yen Shek, Tania Mauller, Kevin Farinholt, jessica Morse, Kristen Tompkins, jaime Carter. Row 3: Sheri Bourne, Katia Goloviltyuk, Diana Baldini, Elizabeth Burton, Celia Sweeney,Ailison Orr, KimberlySchlussel, Lori Witlker, Chris Krizek, Alycia Yowell.


Film Critics- Row 1: Susan Hull, Konrild Sarosiek, Devin Rannigan,Scotty Ratcliffe. Row 2: Jan Smith, Ivan Gardner, Charles ewman, Danielle Lambert. Row 3: Brian Cartwright, Andy Strassburg.

FCA 9&10- Row 1: Kelly McCandlish, Alivian Coates, Ja son Cohen, Randy Rhoads, Kim Smith. Row 2: Ashley Stone, Brandi Toms, Tony Esposito, Paula G. Tufro, Jennifer Owens, jamison Darden, Kimmy Harmon. Row 3: Kristen Keller, Cindy Frazier,Sashil Wilson, julie Walker, Michelle Chaisson, jessi Harlow, David Burton. Row 4: Kevin Crisp, Todd Bailes, Hillary Elston, Reilnnan efos,Jim Davis, Biancajohnson,SusanHall, Kyle Horvath.

Above: Chris Darden, Ingrid Lobo, and Holly Galavotti discuss material for an upcoming debate.

FCA 11&12- Row 1: Randy Rhoads, Kim Smith, KathlynSmith, lnga Thurston, Troy Woodson. Row 2: Kent Dohrman, Eric Lane, Erin Carney, LaceyGoehringer, jay Brown, Shawn Ragland. Row 3: Lorie Black,AiexScully,AndrewGross,Melinda Sidwell, Melissa English, Chris Taffe, Shannon Booth, Travis jackson. Row 4: Scott Ratcliffe, TimoSettimo, Paul Asplin, Brian Emert, Tanya Adams, David Barredo, Tami Arbogast, Kara Cason, Laurie Hogan, Arien Rannigan, Becky McMilhon.

~ 210 • Organizations

Right: Ingrid Lobo and Teri Ravanell. the team captains, pose for the camera.

'L'he great wide open If you like to argue, are willing to work, have time to put forth the effort, and are willing to commit, then you are a prime candidate for the debate team. The debate team, made up of five seniors, one junior, and two freshmen, competes against schools from northern and southern Virginia. They also have the opportunity to compete in invitationals with outof-state schools . There are usually two or three debates a month that take place on Fridays or over the weekend. Occasionally some debates are overnight. Each team is made up of two people. There is an affirmative team and a negative team. The topic this year is the USA's Health Care Sys-

tern and various options. The affirmative team presents a case sup porting health care and the negative team re buts with arguments. Each person makes two speeches: one is eight minutes, and the other is four minutes. The debates usually last about one and a half hours, and are judged by one or more people. Ingrid Lobo, captain, commented on what she likes best about debate: "When somebody says statements I totally disagree with, it is fun to come up with ways to crush their arguments." It may sound fun, but a lot of work goes into debate. The team must gather information and prepare files on their own time. Lobo got started with debate because she wants to go into politics or law. "I figured this would be a good start," she says. •Jimmy Kuttes ch

Jason Lobo and Teri Ravanell discu s s their strategy for lhe upcoming debate.

~ Organizations • 211


Sportsmen- Row 1: Richard Wharam, Pike Wood, Travis Garrett, Chris Bibb. Row 2: Raphael Calloway, Jason Currier, Calvin Davis, Chris Moore, Michael Barnes, Ben Trombley.

SCA- Row 1: Tim Criscione, Amy Knott, Olivia Eades, Laurie Hogan. Row 2: Steve Foutz, Jayson Jea11, Bianca Johnson, Ariel Goldstein, Elizabeth Burton.

Varsity Club- Row 1: Tory McConnell, Jill Powell, Jeff Snyder, Kris Galione, Jason Skipper, Charlie Scott. Row 2: Julie Stone, Muriel Meyer, Paul Anders, Billy Baldwin, Amy Knott, jessica Gill, Robert Beasley, Danielle Lambert, Amy McGarity, Diana Bodily. Row 3: Olivia Eades, Tami Arbogast, Kelli Bratton, Amanda Maupin, Paula Tufro, Cheryl Wendel, Hilary Sellman, Jeffrey Ridenourc, Eric Shiflett. Row 4: Jeffrey Wilberger, Jenny Cole, Irvin Burtoniwitz, Kelly Shena!, Rebecca Viglione, Jeremiah Crouse, David Rabe, Wesley Pritchett, Cameron Stoddart, Kris Mason, Mike Wicks, Tony Esposito. Junior Classical League- Row 1: Shelly Foster, Tina Wright, Marisha Stovall, Nathaniel Galea, Tim Criscione, Drayton Turner, justin Butler. Row 2: Dr. Larrick, G. White, Abbie Swanson, Randy Rhoads, Jason Strickland, Paul Anders, Ashley Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Peggy Finley. Row 3: Dan lloeller,AndrewGiffen, Kristina Killgrove, Heather Flynn, Vanessa McLaughlin, Laurie Hogan, Jennifer Parham, Moriah McLaughlin, Jen Broadbent. Row 4: Chris Byler, Andre Scott, Pete Haught, Shareef Tahboub, Bruce Hathaway, Arthur Heyward, Paul Asplin, Ben Arnold, Ben Arbuckle, Jeff Snyder, Ben Marky.

Above: Chris Bibb, president of the Sportsmen Club, skeet shooting.

Chess Team- Row

1 : Hawnnee Akbarzadh,Tyrone DeNeal, Robert MacDonald. Row 2: Jerry Mosby, Eric Jensen, Shareef Tahboub.

Right: Sportsmen club members discuss plans for their next outing.

~ 212 • Organizations

Using the wilderness Whether fishing in the streams of Albemarle County or firing on a nearby rifle range, the Sportsmen's Club is sure to be experiencing the great outdoors. Sportsmen's Club is a very involved club with the mission, "To develop ethical hunting and fishing practices, and endeavor to preserve the woodlands and streams." During meetings on club days, they watch videos on hunting and fishing and talk about good procedures with their sponsors Mr. Gardner and Mr. Wharam. Sportsmen's Club is also a very active club outside of school. They went on a trip on March 7th where they learned how to skeet shoot and got to shoot a round of skeet at Rivanna Rifle Club.

This year the Sportsmen's Club has taken a look at problems in the environment. As Mr. Wharam comments, ''This year there are over a million deer in Virginia and just six and a half million people. 400,000 deer could be killed each year but now the deer death rate is only 200,000. Our club members are identifying and working with these problems." Mr. Wharam comments that they are "encouraging people to be responsible in the environment." He also adds that he enjoys the club because it is "the idea of getting outdoors, and enjoying the outdoors." President Chris Bibb became interested in joining because he likes to fish. Bibb's responsibilities include raising money and leading trips. • Hillary Elston

Justin Kavounas waits to get started.

Organizations •


Amnesty International-Row 1 Kristine VanRensselaer, Kim Seagren, Chris Denby, Wendy Swisher. Row 2: Moriah McLaughlin, Celia Sweeney.

International Exchange- Row 1: Ms. Dyer, Andy Thomas, Amy Bebko, Tania Mauller, Tara Grove.

Chess Club- Row 1: justin Weeks, Randy Myers, Aaron Dowen, Robert MacDonald. Row 2: Hawnee Akbarzadeh, Tyrone Deneal, jerry Mosby, Eric jensen, Shareef Tahboub.

Thespians-Row 1: Rebecca Viglione, Carolyn Massie, Alicia Tracy, Eugenia jackson, Victoria Beninate, Faith Esposito. Row 2: Kristina Davis, Sara Clifford, Ivan Gardner, Bob Wood, Amanda McNally, jason Carter, Courtney Kiehl, jen Broadbent, Terry C renshaw, Stua rt Stevens. Row 3: Heather Frayers, Billy Lee, Brent Clepper, Allison Orr, lanSmith, jenny Loney, Erik Fabian.

The Patriot- Row 1: Grant McElwain. Row 2: David Barredo, Helen Cahill, Amanda Spigone, jennifer Hepler. Row 3: Laura Riggan, Jonathan Howard, Susan Crosby, Marilyn Majerus, Sara Board.

~214 • Organizations

Above: Club members discuss ways to persuade foreign countries to be more humane.

Right: Club members Kim Seagren and Celia Sweeney talk durtng club pertod.

Annesty works to write the wrong Amnesty International is a small club this year but has a very bigjob to do. During club time members write Urgent Actions letters to fight for the rights of people around the world who have been imprisoned due to their political beliefs . Amnesty International receives from a national list the names of people who are imprisoned and tortured. Amnesty Clubs all over America send thousands of letters to the countries accused of human rights abuses. This can cause exteme pressure for these countries and

people are being re leased! Mrs. Sue Keyser, AHS sponsor of Amnesty International, comments, "I hope that it will continue to be an important part of the school and that we can continue to educate teachers and students about the incarcerations that take place all over the world." Besides all of the great work Amnesty does for human rights, the club also took time out to win first prize for their Homecoming float. •Hillary Elston

Celia Sweeney pours a drink during a club meeting.

Organizations •


Role Playing Games- Row 1: Ron Rallis, David New, Brandon Garrett, Jimmy Wynne, Kevin Huckstep. Row 2: Susan Lenderman, Scott Martin, Christopher Darden, Jared Christensen, W.J. Hinek. Row 3: Adam Scruggs, Jason Kyser, Jason Orsock.

Technology Student As c.- Row 1: Erick Henschel, Danny Vanderploog. Row 2: Brant Snead, Nige Snyder.

Political Club-

Row 1: Christopher Darden, Teri Ravenelle, Lyle Camblos. Row 2: Ingrid Lobo, Danielle Lambert. Row 3: Matt Sadler, Terra Weirich, Daisy Stevens.

Leaders- Row 1: Tamekia Grooms, Mary Collins, Carla Harris.

Above:Kimberly Schussel and Becky Alter sign up¡ for the Cedars trip. National Honor Society. Row 1: Mary Hunter, Randy Rhoads, Adam Bodily, Heather Flynn, Courtney Kiehl. Row 2: Sheri Bourne, Michelle Morris, Eugenia Jackson, Dawn Klimmek, Rebecca Viglione, Amy Bebko, Tania Mauller, lnga Thurston, Becky Alter, Ashley Edwards. Row 3: Erika Elder, Ang McCallum, Tara Staton, Lori Walker, Tory McConnell, Amelia Damon, jessica Morse, Kevin Farinholt, Emily Doulglas, Neepa Doshi, Kirsty Harmon, Colton Ebersold. Row 4: Preston Morris, Asia Campbell, Valeria Tufro, jeff Holland, David Barredo, Kimberly Schussel, Betsey Foster, Pattie Garman, Kelli Kirby, Becky Rehm, Brenda Awad.

216 • Organizations

Right:Heather Flynn, NHS president, goes over some business. while secretary. Courtney Kiehl, takes notes.

By invitation only The National Honor Society is a service organization that is involved with the school and community. They visit nursing homes and run an annual blood drive. The organization also works with the Salvation Army and the Food Bank. They have also worked with younger students at the elementary afterschool programs. NHS is a national organization that has several requirements. A student must be academically eligible, and be rated very high in character, leadership and service. Students who meet all of these requirements are invited to join the Nationa! Honor Society. Here at school, the or-


ganization offers tutorial assistance for people who need extra help. Also they are in charge of the sign announcing school activities on Hydraulic Road. The organization also has guides at school functions such as ninth grade orientation. National Honor Society meets the first Wednesday of every month. During the meeting students plan and sign up for future activities. Ms. Hunter, the sponsor of the National Honor Society, was asked what she liked best about the organization. She re plied," I enjoy working with students that are involved with the community." • Jimmy Kuttesch Mary Hunter , the sponsor of

NHS.looks over a sign-up sheet for an upcoming event.

Organizations • 217 ~

Thanks for all the memories!!!


~ 218 •




Dearest Travis- what can we say? You've grown up so fast. We're so very proud. We hope you have all the good things you deserve. Keep your winning smile and personality and you will always be a winner. Keep both feet on the ground as you reach for the stars. We love you. Mom and Dad

Keep putting your best foot forward. Congratulations- we are all very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Heather & Rob

KRISTEN FRANKLIN Making music at such an early age and still enjoying it today!! Keep that song in your heart, Kristen, for music will always be a friend to you. We love you and are so proud of your progress through the years. You have a beautiful spirit and a sensitivity to others which makes you unique and special. As you leave the security of AHS, remember that God has a plan for your life, and He will be with you always. After graduation you will "Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things."Psalm 98 Love, Mom

JEFF GOODELL You'll never know how wonderful it is to have a son like you. Never forget how special you are. May all your dreams come true. We love you dearly. Love, Mom&Dad

Ads • 219



ASHLEY CARTER Be never too young Never too old May life share its many blessings with you and may its burden be ever light. We're proud of you, Ashley. Love, Morn and Dad

Some fatherly advice for my little "pumkin" - turn the stereo down; brush your teeth; there really is a Santa Clause; eat your veggies, when I was your age .... ; slow down, you're driving too fast; clean your room; stay focused on goals, hopes & dreams; have faith in and trust yourself and others; learn from and forgive mistakes; keep a positive attitude; have confidence in yourself; and don' t forget who loves ya! Dad Congratulations to my very special Princess! You have given 100% to everything you do and I am so proud of you! Because of your uniqueness you 'll be able to achieve whatever you want! Love, Mom

MELISSA (MISSY) LEAKE We can't believe our little girl is now a young lady w ho has achieved so much. We are very proud of you, Missy. You are a unique, compassionate, and beautiful person. What a joy and blessing you are to us, both as a daughter and friend. Keep smiling and believing in yourself. May all your dreams come true. Remember we are always here for you! God bless you and congratulations on this major milestone in your life. Remember, "The road to success is always under construction, so be patient." We love you and will miss you, MOM and DAD

~ 220 •


BILLY BALDWIN, KRIS GALlONE, WILLIAM SEAY "Women may come and women may go, But friendship like this few ever will know." Congratulations Billy, Kris, & Will.

AMY ELIZABETH McGARITY AMY "LYNN" KNOTT (KNOTTHEAD) We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. You've worked hard at grades and being a well rounded athlete. (Volleyball, basketball, softball). It means so much to have a daughter like you to talk, laugh, shop & share those special times with. Your great attitude on life & sense of humor are just two of your great assets. Always remember God is always with you and how much He loves you & so do we. Love you! Mom & Dad P.S.: You made my life complete when you became my daughter. (Dad)

Dearest Amy, Watching our adorable, curly haired little girl grow into a beautiful young lady has been a true joy. Your strong, independent, caring nature has brought you a long way and will continue to take you far in life. Hold onto your dreams and goals. You have the potential to be whatever you want to be. We are all very proud of you, Amy, and will continue to be in your "court" cheering you on wherever that may be. While we will miss you terribly, we will always love you, and be there for you whenever you need us. May God bless you always and guide your way. All our Love, Mom, Dad, and Drew

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JILL L. POWELL You are a joy with determination and a sense of purpose. You will do well in all you choose to do ... just remember to stop and smell the roses along the way. We are excited for you and your future. Keep your fresh spirit! You will always have our love, pride and support, Mom, Dad and Brian

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CHRIS GENTRY Chris - your time has finally come! From the time this picture was taken to now seems like only yesterday, although full of wonderful memories watching you grow into the person you have become. I am confident you will succeed in anything you do. I am proud of you! KEEP SMILING!! I Love You- Mom

~ 222 •


Kimberly, from a you ng age of gathering your sunglasses, lunchbox and keys for imaginary journeys to real-life travel and adventurers, we are proud of you and always wish you the best. Love, Mom, Dad & Jeremy




We are so proud of you. You try so hard and never let any obstacles get in the way. Continue to do your best and remember we will always be behind you. Love, Ma, Pilgrim & Ronald- "I Can't Tell"

CATHERINE NICOLE WOERNER Like a new day your time has come, so go forth and test your wings. As with all young in life's quest, seek your dreams and do your best. In the future as in the past, our pride in you will surely last. Through all this pomp and circumstance, our twins have grown and learned "the dance." "TH" and "FF" our joy of creation, congrats on getting your "edjumacation." Love, Mom & Dad

Congratulations Catherine! It seems like only yesterday that we put you on the bus for Kindergarten. We are so proud of you! You have worked so hard to accomplish your goals. Keep up the good work and remember we will be here to love and support you as you enter your next stage of life. Love, Mom and Dad

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CHRISTOPHER JOHN DARDEN TERESSA- 7 MONTHS May God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. Love and Godspeed, Your Family

Christopher- Our bouncing baby bo"y has grown into a responsible and caring young man! Eighteen years seem such a short time now as we look back through the happy and the trying times, the laughter and the tears. Make the most of each moment, fori t' s gone before you realize. Congratulations, we are very proud of you. The future is yours. We will always be here for you Love always, Mom and Dad Christopher- Although we sometimes fight, thank you for all the times you have been there and cared. Love always, Jamison



When you were a baby, the song, "You Light Up My Life" came out- You always have and always will. I am truly blessed to have you for my daughter. As you continue on your journey through life, believe in yourself and be strong, for only you know what road you must take and what goals you wish to achieve. God Bless you always. I Love You, Mom

You have always been a child full of joy, sensitive and caring. What great challenges you have ahead! With your ability to always look on the bright side, we are confident you'll meet each challenge and make wise choices. Through the good times and the not-so-good times we'll always be here for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Laura, oanna and Grand a

~ 224•



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From Miss Luck's class through Senior Year, you' ve kept your dreams alive. We've watched you grow in ma ny ways; on challenges, you've thrived! Your goals have changed, though, over time, but you've always kept one in sight, and worked to make your dreams come true, and never given up the fight! Keep chasing you r dreams! Love, Mom, Dad & Mick

We hope your future will be as bright as a sunny day at the beach. With your beautiful smile, lovely personality, determination, and optimism, your d reams will come true_Reach for the stars; let God be your guide and know we are behind you with love and support. We are so proud of you. You a re our sunshine! Your loving family, Mom, Dad, Chad and Kell

Ads • 225


LORI WALKER Lori, You are a special daughter and sister. We love you and wish for you happiness and success in all that you do. You make us very proud. Phil. 4:13 Love, Mom, Dad, Julie, and Jonathan

JEFF To march to the beat of the drum- what a thrill it is! A short time we have come so far and the whole future ahead. How interesting the rhythm of life unfolds! Love, Mom, Dad, Keith, Karen and Aaron


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The oldest of two. You've known that you Have often led the way.

When soon you leave Our hearts will grieve To see you go away.

The warmth of your smile A loving child You brighten every day.

But know when you roam You're loved at home Our daughter... our Renee. Mom&Dad



Jennie PepperContinue to look at life with wonder and surprise. Best of everything in all you do. Much Love Mom , Dad and "Little Brother"

Eat from the five major food groups, don't wash colors with whites, and remember we'll always love you. Mom and Dad

STACY MARIE MARRS STEVEN FLOYD May GOD bless & protect YOU Guide & direct you And keep you forever Under His Wings !! Lovingly, Mom

Since the beginning you have been daddy's favorite little girl, mom's best friend, Robbie's little sis, and later Kate's idol. But no mistake was ever made, you are definitely your own person. We are all so proud of what you have accomplished both academically and athletically "Lil Dough Boy." You'll always be the charter member of "Who's Who in Best Kids," w ith us. We are anxiously awaiting "wuz up" in the future with you. Be happy, be successful. Never forget... We loved you first, we loved you more, we got you back. Mom, Dad, Robbie, and Kate

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KELLY SHENAL Congratulations! We have watched you become a spirited, independent, compassionate, persevering young lady. And there is no limit to the joy & pride that you have given to us. We will always be here for you. We love you, Bit! Dad, Mom & Brian

Dear Brian, We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and are excited for your future. As you and you r pal "Mickey" go out to conquer the world, remember that just the moment you say, "I give up," someone else seeing the same situation is saying, "My, what a great opportunity." Keep "aiming high." We Love You, Mom&Dad

MATIHEW COPELAND Being There "I think when you are somewhere, you oughta Be there, 'cause it's not about how long you stay in a place. It's about what you do while you're there. And - when you go, will the place where you've been be any better off for your having been there?"- We know so! Love, Mom & Dad (Quote from Chris-in-the-Morning Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada, compiled and edited by Louis Chunovic)



The years have passed so quickly. We've watched you grow from this feisty, adorable little toddler to a focused, sensitive, lovely woman. Your accomplishments have filled us with joy and admiration. Most importantly, we are incredibly proud of the person you have become. As you go forward into this nextstageoflife, we know that your giftedness and the Lord's presence in your life will sustain you. We love you and will miss your energy and excitement. Take with you the message of your Baptismal song to "Shower the people with love" and love and happiness will surround you in return. Love, Mom & Dad

Congratulations, Sugar Plum! The cheerleader-accountant! Well, at least a cheerleader! You've come so far, so fast! From beautiful baby to beautiful young lady. From rattle to baby dolls to unicorns to baby-sitting to vehicular mishaps! Already you have become more than we ever imagined and have brought us more delight than can be measured. We are proud of you and all you have done, and we hope the memories of your childhood are as much a joy to you as they are to us. Thank you for lighting our lives. So grown up now, but always, ever always, our little girl. We love you.

Love, Mom and Dad

Barr-ee Station located at: Seminle Square & 1501 West Main Street (on the corner)

Ran-Man, We all love and applaud you. As you move on to your next challenge, remember: Some are born great Some achieve greatness And some have greatness thrust upon them. (Shakespeare) Love, Mom, Robby and Kaye.

OLIVIA DANIELLE EADES You were always such a sweet little girl...our little helper. Your questions helped us to find new beauty in the world. We've learned alot from watching you grow up. We love the woman you'be become ... confident, talented, independent, but most of all we appreciate the love you have in your heart and share so freely with others. You've come another mile on life's uncertain path. Through the years you have gained an inner strength that will see you through life's challenges. Each moment you live has a purpose, so strive hard in all that you do. LOVE --- Mom and Dad

Ads • 229


There are things we cannot measure, Like the depths of the sea And the heights of stars in heaven And the joy you bring to me ... Like eternity's long endlessness And the sunset's golden hue There's no way to measure The love we have for you. It has all passed too quickly. Love, Mom and Dad

HOVIK BEAVER My, how you've changed. Shat enk sirum kez, Hayrik, Mayrik



Life is a puzzle of snapshots, each one is close to our hearts. Collect your trophies as we have, and capture the love from the start. We love you princess, Dad, Mom and Kelley

Dear Maia, Wow - the years have flown by and now you're all grown up! We love you and are so proud of ~11 you've accomplished ..... our sweet, gentle (chatty) Ma1a. You are so special and your beauty is through and through. We all love you so, Mom, Dad and Ali



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YOLANDA C. COLTER DRILLERS 1983 You have to live with yourself, and so you want to be fit for yourself to know. You want to be able, as days go by, always to look yourself straight in the eye. You never can hide yourself from me, I see what others may never see. You know what others may never know, you never can fool yourself, and so, whatever happens you want to be self-respecting and conscience free. What a precious jewel we have. We are so very proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad

The Original Drillers- Congratulations!

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ASHLEY EDWARDS DANHOELLER Live We[{<> Laugft Often <>Love Mucft "Life itself is a race ... you have performed well." We are always so proud of you and love you very much. -Mom, Dad, and David

Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. May all your hopes, dreams, and visions be fulfilled. God Bless You. Love, Mom and Dad

BRENDA ESTHER A WAD Remember these shoes? You were so proud of them. Now it is our turn to be proud of you. You have made our home a richer place for 18 years. Your dreams & hard work will carry you far. We will miss you. Love, Mom, Dad, Diana, Jill, Rachel

~232 •


R kitty in hand , a dog in tow , a ho rs e in tra ining -- --- a compo site oueruiew .

May your gallop through the labyrinth of decisions ahead unfold a challenging and fulfilling course. Love, Mom Dad Mike Bruce and all the animals

VALERIE GARCIA TUFRO The game is only beginning .... Play Hard! Love, Mom and Dad

From a sweet little girl to a sweet young woman you have made us happy and proud. You are bright, sensitive and determined, these qualities will bring you happiness and success. But remember: you can always count on us, we are on your side for ever! Congratulations!

Mom, Dad & Paula




Then so little, so neat, so sweet Now so grown-up, so messy, but still so sweet! Love & congratulations, Mom, Dad & Ryan

Ali, the future is yours! We are so proud of you for being who you are. We so appreciate and respect both your determination to achieve and the spirit of life that you share on the playing field, in the classroom, with your friends and with your family. The best years are ahead of you- enjoy them and know that we love you very much ... We wish you a wonderful life on the journey ahead- we know you will take the challenges and strive to be the best you can be .......Have fun, enjoy life and occasionally take a few moments to sit back and prop up your feet!

Mom, Dad, Mark and Brandy

Ads •233


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da no yo ha so¡ caJ Yo Fo M<

Dear Matt, We'd like to collect you and shield and protect you And save you from hurts if we could; But we must let you grow tall, to learn and to know all That God has in mind for your good. We never could own you, for God only loaned you To widen our world and our hearts. So, we wish you His freedom, knowing where He is leading, There is nothing can tear us apart. (Gloria Gaither) We love you and are so proud of you Dad and Mom



YVONNE BROWN At last! You've been waiting for this moment for a long time ... The gates to the rest of your life are about to open and we hope you will find it as exciting and rewarding as we have. We wish you success and lot's of luck. Love, Mom and Dad

ANGELA JADE RASMUSSEN "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday ...Gibran May all your tomorrows be beautiful, like you. Love Mom & Dad

Congratulations Brian! It seems as though only yesterday you were born. 17 years have flown by and you' ve grown to become a fine young man with many special talents. There are not enough words to express how proud we are of you. We wish you good health, much happiness and success in meeting life's challenges of today and tomorrow. You know your family is behind you 100% and always hold onto that dream!! We Love You, Mom Dad, Erin and Brad

VALERIE DEE RENTON Congratulations "Boogie"! Our little girl who always loved the wind in her hair, now the young lady of whom we are incredibly proud. You were never afraid of anything, don't be afraid now - go out there and live life to the fullest. You have the courage, intelligence and inner strength to be whatever you want to be. Just remember to yield if you don't have a green arrow! We love you so much! Mom & Dad & Rhiannon

To the most supportive person to me in my life- April. I know your senior year has probably been one of the most difficult times of your high school career, but I hope that you have been able to find some sort of joy or truly rewarding experience. You have made me very proud of you with your responsible ways, honesty, and patience. There's not much room for improvement. I love ou, Lisa

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Always Our Cool Dude We love you. We will miss you if you ever leave home. But when you go, take your friends or they will come over without you. Love and best wishes for Ed McMahon to visit you. Mom, Dad and Chele

The time has come for our little girl to graduate. Hoping that you will continue to strive for what's best in life. Be yourself and success will follow. Love, Mom, Dad, Carlos & Derek

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Our little girl smiling down by the seaWhat a beautiful lady you've turned out to be. It's hard to believe how fast you have grownFrom tennis to Shakespeare your successes are known. Whatever your dreams be in years to come May you find contentment with each setting sun. Love Mom Dad and Mar ie

~236 •


KATHRYN McCAULEY Congratulations! We are very proud of you, and we know you are proud of yourself and your accomplishments. We never would have made it without God's blessings. The years have been so short since we took this photo of you when you were only two years old. We will be rooting for you as you continue your education. You can accomplish whatever you set out to do. Keep smiling and watch for the big opportunities! Love, Mom&Dad

Congratulations, Son! We are so proud of you - both as a person and for what you have and will accomp]jsh. Your persevering character and gentle way will take you far in this world. Sharing our life and values with you has brought joy and happiness to us both. Set your goals high. Enjoy each moment and make each day an adventure. You have grown into a man somewhat wise beyond his years, but you'll always be our little boy with the soft eyes. Hang tough. We admire you and love you, Mom and Dad

She walks in beauty and grace. Just look at that cute little face. We wish you love and happiness always, Mom, Dad, Tony, Goober, Garfield, Globo and Corey

TRICEY BOWLES Tricey we are very proud of you and may all your dreams come true. God is surely smiling on you. We love you. Love, Dad, Mom, Tasha, and G.T.

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To Becky with the promise of a bright, happy and prosperous future who's many talents combined with a gift for justice and genuine integrity will attract all the appropriate and real choices in life. I love you, Mom. It has been a blessing to watch you blossom and grow.

I'm excited to see what wonderfol suprises you have in store for us! I love you, Dad

Chln up and looking ahead with questioning anticipation! As we look at this picture taken eighteen years ago, we proudly see in those beautiful baby eyes the spark of the determined and accomplished young woman you are today. Keep your eyes on the prize and many of life's finest moments, as well as the future you are striving for, can and will be yours. Continue to be your own person as you seek the fulfillment of your finest dreams. We love the person you were, the person you are and the person you seek to be. Love, Mom and Dad.

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~238 •


ELIZABETH TILMAN Dear Elizabeth, You have brought us nothing but joy and we are very proud of you. You have always worked hard and strived to achieve in any endeavor. We know you will succeed in whatever goals you set for yourself and we will always be behind you. We Jove ou, Liz. Mom & Dad



ALYCIA YOWELL TAMMY BISHOP (SNOOPY) When you were born we knew you were special. Thanks for being the kind of child any parent would be proud of. We love you. Love, Mom and Dad

The big brown eyes that still have a world to see; the happy, light-hearted laughter that fills hearts with joy; the beautiful smile that brightens the dullest day. These are just a few of the wonderful things about you that have filled our lives with happiness during the past, swift-moving 17 years. We love you and are so very, very proud of you! Congratulations sweetheart - the best is yet to come! Love Dad Mom and Brent

Peps1. PcpSI¡Cola. and 'Gona Have II' are rrademarks ol PepSICo. Inc

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Meine Kindele! Wie sehr ich Euch Iiebe! Wie sehr ich Euch vermissen werde! Es waren vier wunderbare Jahre mit Euch. Gott hat mir vie! durch Euch geschenkt! Vergesst nicht, dass Ihr wunderbar seid! Jhr werdet immer in meinem Herzen bleiben! "Friends are friends forever If the Lord's the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never, For the welcome will not end. Though it's hard to let you go, In the Father's hands we know That a lifetime's not too long To live as friends." M.W. Smith Ich Iiebe Euch! Frau T.

Congratulations Anselmo You area joy and a blessing to us. You are an example to those around you and you have overcome where others have failed. Press on! We love ou, Mom & Dad.



God has blessed us with our first born little girl, You Nanyel. Your dad and I are very proud of you and your accomplishments from the head start of life into your senior year. We hope that you will continue to know what your priorities are in life. Never walk in anyone's shadow, instead reach from within to succeed with your goals and dream. With your meticulous and coy ways, your dad, brother, sister and mom love you so very much. Love Always, Your Famil

Sport... ...Our little Scoofoffer ......... Where has the time gone? You have so quickly grown from a small wonder to a terrific young man. You've taught us first time parents well and paved the way for your sisters. No parent could be prouder of their son than we are of you. As you begin to go into the world on your own, remember we are always here to share your sorrows, to walk with you during your challenges, and to celebrate your achievements. You are the finest of sons. We love ou. Mom & Dad

You came into our hearts early one June morning and always will be there. We are proud of the warm, caring person you have become. There are still so many new, exciting things waiting for you. Strive to experience all you can in a lifetime and savor each. Lots of Love, Mom and Dad

You've Come a Long Way, Baby! From that precious little girl in her pink party dress who walked off so eagerly to play with the other children on her first day of preschool to the graceful young woman who will soon be walking across the stage to receive her diploma, you have been a joy, a challenge, a humanitarian, an idealist, a caregiver, a Christian and an inspiration! God Bless you, Jessica! We love you and will miss you. Mom, Dad, Chris & Andrew

ANGELICA D. McCALLUM Dear Angelica, You will always have our love, but your hard work, dedication, and success have earned our admiration and respect.! We are proud that you are our "daughter." Love Mom and Dad

KRISTEN M. TOMPKINS Dear Kristen, "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital." - Joe Paterno We are so proud of you! Mom and Dad

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WENDY GAY Born to play- hope life can be that way in the future. Remember the footprints in the sand and that someone will be with you every step. Congratulations, love, and good luck from your very proud parents. Mom&Dad

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Those eyes, that smile, and that dimple is what has always brightened our day. Weare so proud of how you have grown into this wonderful person. Your positive attitude and caring for your friends and family have always made you so special. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. We hold our little girl's hand for just awhile, her heart forever. Good luck in College and remember we will always be right there by your side whenever you need us. Always stay happy.




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~242 •



A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for. It is hard to believe that our one and only daughter is ready to leave the "harbor" for the wonderful experiences that are waiting for her in this beautiful world. We know you will be successful in whatever you do, Amanda. Our love will follow you on your journey and our "harbor" will always be here for you. We are so proud of you! Much love, Dad, Mom, Brian, & Paul

A kind and gentle little boy has grown into a fine young man of principle and integrity, of whom we are most proud. Congratulations on your graduation, Billy. May God bless your life always.



"Turn around and you're one, turn around and you're four, Turn around, you're a young man going out of the door ... " It's hard to believe the days of "workin' drives", "Jessie-dawg" and "C is for Cookie" are long gone! Congratulations, Bo-Bo! We're proud of you! May you always have your love of life and your spirit of adventure! Most importantly, keep smiling .... We love you, Mom and Dad

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations to a VERY SPECIAL young lady. We have been greatly blessed to have such a fine person for our daughter and sister. You have been such a joy to us and have brought so much happiness to our lives. The environment is a better place because you are here reminding us to turn off lights, don't waste water, recycle, etc. Our love, prayers, and support goes with you as you look to the future. Love Mom Dad and Ashle

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~s. prznt


Centel-Virginia SHAWN LYNWOOD I thank God for blessing me with a son like you. Over the years you have enriched my life and filled my heart with gratitude. Many sentimental thoughts come to mind -like what a pleasure it has been to watch you become the kind and thoughtful person you are, how special you are, and how much joy your cheerfulness and willingness to help out have added to my life. I want you to know that I am very proud of you and will always be there for you. As you graduate, give the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you. Thank you for giving me the best years of m life. Love Mom.

CHRISTINA SCOTT KENNY WEIDMAN Christina, we are very, very proud of you. You've worked hard and you've made it. Congratulations on your high school graduation. We Love You, Mom, Dad, Shawn, Justin and Taylor



A smile that starts my day! Love, Mom

COLETTE ELISABETH SKEEN You are the first of the eight most beautiful babies ever born, and we're proud of you! We love you in spite of the moving telephone pole that ran into the back of the van. For a high soprano, you do a great "marcasite" bass imitation! To our Lady McBride--er, uh, Lady MacBeth--well, uh, maybe Cleopatra??? Whoever you are, Remember Who You Are! We love you and we will MISS you. Mom says, "Call often!" Dad says, "Write often!" and the kids say, "Send BYU sweatshirts!" Love, Mom, Dad and all the kids.

:_o..., .,

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Things I'll always remember: -Our Easter trees -"The reason I talk so much is because I always have something to say." -All your juicy friends who descended on the refrigerator like a "hoard of wild locusts." -BFF's-Ashlee, Katie, Trish, & my son Josh. -My crevicing homemade pizza. ("It's Slamming?") I thank God for the time we've shared and the privilege of watching you grow up to become the ourstanding young lady that you are today. I know you will sicceed in wharever you choose to accomplish in life, Congratulations, my little Lee-Lee! Love Always, Mom Padre and Matt



The Greatest Mom by: ASHLEE SCOTT COLVIN


You're the best Mom I know, you've stood by me and loved me so. You always seem to be concerned, what's right and wrong, I have learned. You've helped me through those tough times that always seem to last. You tell me not to worry because those times w ill always pass. Your arms are always opened wide, where I can share my tears and pride. If you hadn't brought me up this way, I wonder where I'd be today. I thank you for who you are, You're the Greatest Mom by far. We Love you Ash, and will always be there for you. Love, Mom & Brandon

To Katie, As our precious gift from God, we are blessed by your presence and love. It seems only yesterday that we held you in our arms and protected you from life's woes. Today we comgratulate you on your accomplishments and are confident that you can successfully meet life's choices and challenges. Remember these thoughts: Follow your dream, nurture your spirit, know that our love remains constant, make your life's work visible, play by God's rules and not man's, and don't forget to wear clean underwear! All our love, Mom, Dad, Matthew, & Nana --Livvy too!

Ads •245


NIGEL Jeff, You made us smile on the first day you started kindergarten. You've made us laugh all through your school years and now you are making us smile through tears as you end your school days. You have brought us so much pleasure and joy and we are very proud of you. Continue to smile as you go your own way. We love you, Mom, Dad, Jay, and Jon

BETSEY FOSTER We are very proud of you. Stick with your beliefs and you will be able to reach your goals. We will always love you! Mom, Dad and Allen

AMIEHARLOW We are all so proud. The family has a wish too: Mom- Hope all your dreams come true Grandpy - A long life filled with joy Jason -Have a happy marriage Granny - More joy than sorrow Chris - Be optimistic and confident Mike- Whatever you do ... be happy and careful Nicole - Do what your Mommy says and have good manners Mary- That your reflection in the mirror always smiles at you Kevin- Have a good and happy life Jeremy- Get a nice car Jill - Have a really happy life Matt - Good marriage Stephen- Get a copy of Aladdin We love ou Arnie.

~246 •


TIOMBE Hope for the future begins with knowledge of your culture and history. Our ancestors imbued us with strength to endure, tradition to enrich our Jives and faith to believe in ourselves. Tiombe, your path has been shaped with sacrifice, knowledge, and love. Please follow it with dignity, pride and respect. Continue to embrace the Nguzo Saba (Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba and Imani). We thank the Creator for you. Mama Maxine, Baba Osei and G asi

ARICHA Erica, Peanut, Sugar Smacks, Ga-ga, Skeezix, Peach, Rica, E-E, Air-doo-rica, Aricha. No matter what name you use or we call you, you will always be dear to us. Just let us know what stage name we should look out for! Love, Mom, Dad, Papa, Borah, George & Justin

Congraulations Christogher! We are so proud of you. It just seems like yesterday you were the little guy in the picture. For us it feels like an ending but for you its just the beginning. Thanks for all the beautiful memories. We love you very much and will always be here for you. Love Ya, Mom and Dad

ERIC LANE Eric- "Sometimes a winner is a dreamer who just doesn't quit." Son, you are now and will always be a winner. Never let go of your dreams. Strive for success, happiness, and love. Thanks for all of the family memories, but above all, thanks for baseball. We both love it in such a special way because of you. Don't ever be afraid to take the road less traveled. Be yourself. Be happy. All our Jove Mom and Dad

Curls, smiles, imagination, energy, enthusiasm--You've had it all since the day you entered our family! And you have enriched our lives immensely. We APPLAUD and CHERISH the special person you are. Our love for you is boundless. Good luck on your journey as you find your way to CONTINUE to make our world a more beautiful place. Love, Your parents, your 2 sisters, & 2 brothers

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Congratulations Ashley and Preston! Good luck at UVA!!

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~248 •



CORI ANN CANAR JESSI EMMIIT As you sit on the beach at theedgeofthe rest of your life, remember: while we taught you how to swim, it's up to you to move your arms, kick your feet, stay afloat, and not swallow everything that comes your way. We're sure you'll make a big splash in whatever you do. Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of all your achievements and the person you have become. You have a bright future, and your energy and abilities will take you far. As you embark on your journey next fall, all our love goes with you. Love, Mom, Dad, Scott

Your sense of humor and quick wit have been a source of delight, your com passion a source of comfort. You are a bright and shining star in our world. Good luck in the future. Love, Mom and Dad

You know that trees are for climbing, with sure-footing. Tracks are for running, full-speed, with your eyes on the goal. Waterways are for sailing, with reflection on days past, contemplationofthebeautyaroundyou,andkeenanticipation of challenges ahead. We are proud of the heights you have achieved, the tracks you've gone the distance, and the waterways you've dared to sail. We will always be here to break a fall, move the finish line and offer an oarCongratulations! Mom and im



MARILYN Marilyn, our poet, humorist, hugger and adventurer- I love you! Mom Keep up the good work. I know you can accomplish whatever you wish. I love you, Dad To my best friend; may you successfully achieve all your hopes and dreams. I'm always here for you, Sis! Love, Sarah We are so roud of ou! Marta and Kristin et al.

Dear Marc, We are so very proud of you! We pray that God will richly bless you as you continue to follow his guidance in obtaining your college education and throughout your life. Your family will be available to you with pom-pons or helping hands. Always remember to put God first in your life and remember, too, how much we love our Marc. Hugs and Kisses- Mom, Dad, Dah, Grand Dad, and Katia

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From the day you were born until now- you have made each day a special day. Watching you grow with pride at the way you stand up for what you believe in, your love for family and friends -your kind heart for animals, just your love for life has made us so proud. You have been our sunshine as a little girl, a dear teenager and as our future young woman. We love you for what you are and what you will become. All our Love and God Bless You, Mom, Dad & Chi



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Deanna, as our first born you will always hold a special place in our hearts. The past 18 years have passed much too quickly. We have watched in awe as you grew from a little girl into a mature young woman. You are intelligent, talented, witty, determined , "gu tsy" and beautiful. We are so proud of your accomplishments. As you enter adulthood we hope you will use the following suggestions as daily keys to success ... Pray as though "It" all depends on God. Work as though "It" all depends on you. Listen to successful and intelligent people. Give your best effort every day. Find time to enjoy the fruit of your labor. Most of all, don't compromise your values to o thers ... your soul is your o nly true possession. Congratulations Deanna! We will always be there for you and may all our dreams come true. Love, Mom and Dad

JENNIFER KING Words cannot describe the joy you have brought to our lives. You have made us very proud. Though the thought of your growing up and moving on to the next stages of your life saddens us, we know you will succeed in your endeavors. Love Mom & Dad

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KELLY DIANE BELEW Kelly, you have come so far and yet your journey has just begun. Life will bring many more challenges. Hard work and dedication will be required. Continue to give your best effort and you will make a difference. You have made us proud parents. We could not ask for more. Thanks for each memory. We Love You, Mom and Dad


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COURTNEY KIEHL The patent leather shoes and ponytails may be gone, but you've managed to keep the determination, compassion, enthusiasm and kindness that has always made you extraordinary. To say that you've made us proud of you would be an understatement. You already know what it takes to be successful - just remember that part about " .. .what's right in your heart." We Love You! Mom and Mac

~252 •


All packed and ready to go off to college with your Superman lunchbox and rest mat! God blessed us with 3 wonderful sons. As our middle child we always loved you so because you drew a tough spot in the family and it made you stronger for it. You have made us very proud and we know you will continue to be successful in the years ahead. We will always be there when you need us. (Even when you call everyone ''You old squirt face.") We love you, Mom and Dad

Since this photo was taken, a lovely woman from a child, We knew it was your future from the first time that you smiled. Our eyes will pool with pride and love, this year on graduation day. Then you're off to college, because that's always been your way. You've learned and taught so many things, in the photo it's all there; Bu t, now you put your knees together when you sit and read in a chair. WE REMEMBER, WE LOVE YOU AND WE ARE ALL SO PROUD!!! MOM&DAD

For Whom: Albemarle High School students and coaches When:

May 30- September 5, 1994 99 Days


Atlantic Coast Athletic Club 200 Four Seasons Drive 978-3800



Sarah-boo: Wasn' t it just yesterday we took you to preschool? Now we're ready to ship you off to college! Oh well, time flies when you're having fun; ... and boy, have the past 18 years been fun. Watching you grow and develop into the unique young woman you are-what an ad venture (for you and us!) Yes, we made a few mistakes, but that's OK - that's what mad e it FUN. So honey, when the lights of Broadway shine your way, remember who loves a! We do - Mom, Dad & an .


6:00AM-5:00PM (M - Th) 7:00 PM - 9:00PM (M - Th) 6:00AM- 8:00PM (Friday) 8:00AM-5:00PM (Saturday) 10 AM - 5:00PM (Sunday)

Amenities: Aerobics Swimming Cardiovascular Equipment Cybex & Nautilus Equipment Free Weights Sand Volleyball

How to Join : • Come to ACAC and fill out a contract. If you are not yet 18 year s of age, a parent or guardian must come with you and sign the contract.

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Education Loans 1.-800.-468.-6604

KELLY DIANE BELEW Kelly, you have come so far and yet your journey has just begun. Life will bring many more challenges. Hard work and dedication will be required. Continue to give your best effort and you will make a difference. You have made us proud parents. We could not ask for more. Thanks for each memory. We Love You, Mom and Dad

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COURTNEY KIEHL The patent leather shoes and ponytails may be gone, but you've managed to keep the determination, compassion, enthusiasm and kindness that has always made you extraordinary. To say that you've made us proud of you would be an understatement. You a Iready know what it takes to be successful - just remember that part about " ... what's right in your heart." We Love You! Mom and Mac

~252 •


All packed and ready to go off to college with your Superman lunchbox and rest mat! God blessed us with 3 wonderful sons. As our middle child we always loved you so because you drew a tough spot in the family and it made you stronger for it. You have made us very proud and we know you will continue to be successful in the years ahead. We will always be there when you need us. (Even when you call everyone "You old squirt face.") We love you, Mom and Dad

Since this photo was taken, a lovely woman from a child, We knew it was your future from the first time that you smiled. Our eyes will pool with pride and love, this year on graduation day. Then you're off to college, because that's always been your way. You've learned and taught so many things, in the photo it's all there; But, now you put your knees together when you sit and read in a chair. WE REMEMBER, WE LOVE YOU AND WE ARE ALL SO PROUD!!! MOM&DAD

For Whom: Albemarle High School students and coaches When:

May 30 - September 5, 1994 99 Days


Atlantic Coast Athletic Club 200 Four Seasons Drive 978-3800



Sarah-boo: Wasn't it just yesterday we took you to preschool? Now we're ready to ship you off to college! Oh well, time flies when you're having fun; ... and boy, have the past 18 years been fun. Watching you grow and develop into the unique young woman you are-what anadventure(for youand us!) Yes, we made a few mistakes, but that's OK- that's what made it FUN. So honey, when the lights of Broadway shine your way, remember who loves a! We do- Mom, Dad & an .


6:00AM- 5:00 PM (M - Th) 7:00PM - 9:00PM (M - Th) 6:00AM- 8:00PM (Friday) 8:00AM- 5:00 PM (Saturday) 10 AM - 5:00PM (Sunday)

Amenities: Aerobics Swimming Cardiovascular Equipment Cybex & Nautilus Equipment Free Weights Sand Volleyball

How to Join: • Come to ACAC and fill out a contract. If you are not yet 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must come with you and sign the contract.

,..•.,_•. I#~I,~

Atlantic Coast Athletic Club

200 Four Seasons Drive Charlottesville, Va.

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Congratulations mybabygirl! You have surpassed my dreams and expectations. I am extremely proud of you and your accomplishments. You have become a wonderful woman with much to offer yourself, your family and society. You are courageous, spunky, intelligent and highly energetic. I love ou, Mom

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INGA MICHELLE THURSTON "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts unto the Lord: (Colossians 3:16). Inga, your life is a continual wonder and delight to us. God has given you a special song to sing to His glory, and clear discernment to reflect His character. You are a joy to us - we love ou! Dad and Mom



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Troy, it seems like only yesterday you were that little boy in the picture with so much energy. Having a wonderful son like you has been a rewarding experience. I hope the guidance we have given you as parents will help you decide what road you need to follow and what goal you must pursue. We will always be there with our love and support. Remember to put God first. Love, Mom & Dad

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I111IIJ;1l Many daughters have done virtuously but thou excellest them all. Proverbs 31:29 You have blessed us with your laughter and gentle spirit. Your desire to Jearn more today than yesterday and to teach others has ' been apparent since you were a little girl. We have been your first students, you have taught us well. You are our first miracle and a joy all the days of your life. We now send you into the world where you will bless everyone that ever knows you. Follow Christ. Thank you for being our daughter. We will always love you. Dad and Mom

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"Do your best and never give up" has been, and still is our advice to you. We are proud of you and congratulate you on your accomplishments. All our love, Mom&Dad









"CRASH," To the guy with a million dollar smile, and a ten dollar pair of shoes! You have proven you can fill these shoes and any others you wish to wear. Through your talents in music and sports, you have given many people pleasure and inspiration. You have made us proud so many times- we now add another proud moment. May all your dreams come true -you've made our dreams reality. Congratulations! With Love and Support Always, Mom and Dad


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It seems like only yesterday that I put you on the bus for

kindergarten. Now you're graduating. I don't think you realize just how proud we are of you or how much you mean to us. We love you with all our hearts, and just remember that you can be everything you want to be, so reach for the stars and you'll find them in the palm of your hand. Love, Mom, Dad & Amy

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Dear Becky, In the middle of a wild thunderstorm on August 14, 1976 we were blessed with your birth. Your first few hours were critical as you fought for your life in the intensive care unit and we prayed that you would be normal and healthy despite the obstacles in your path. Well, look at you now! We are so proud of who you are and Thank God that He answered our prayers. Because of His faithfulness in caring for you we know that as you leave high school and venture out into new opportunities our Lord will guard and protect you. Love Mom Dad Chris & Rachel





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Keep SmiJin' Patriots

Freshn1an Superlatives Boys


1. Best Looking

Mike Howard

Ariel Goldstein

2. Most Outgoing

Devin Rannigan

Courtney Douglas

3. Most Athletic

Jemel Ross

Ashby Johnson

4. Loudest

Jason Cohen

Courtney Douglas

5. Most School Spirit

Jason Cohen

Jana Acker

6. Most Likely To Succeed

Danny Stone

Terri Travis

7. Shyest

Joe Hill

Heather Boggs

8. Best Dressed

Travis Douglas

Joyce Gibson

9. Best All Around

Mike Howard

Ashby Johnson

10. Most Talented

Clint Locker

Cindy Frazier

11. Most Unique

Seneca Hayes

Ingrid Hoffman

12. Most Flirtatous

Tim Crosby

Jennifer Ridenoure

13. Class Clown

John Piatrick

Leigh Cason

14. Most Seen Together

~260 •


Joe Stacy & Kathy Good

Sophontore Superlatives Boys


1. Best Looking

Josh Manzano

Oname Thompson

2. Most Outgoing

Tony Esposito

Helen Burtle

3. Most Athletic

Chris Steadley

Diana Bodily

4. Loudest

Dejuan Carter

Tiwanna Tapscott

5. Most School Spirit

Justin Bellucci

Jennifer Aylor

6. Most Likely To Succeed

Tavis Coffin

Christina Brownlee

7. Shyest

Jimmy Kuttesch

Christina Brownlee

8. Best Dressed

Destin Bailes

Oname Thompson

9. Best All Around

Anthony Brent

Alivian Coates

10. Most Talented

Melvin Perrow

Kamesha Smith

11. Most Unique

Dave Steward

Vuana Reed

12. Most Flirtatous

Tony Esposito

Kristina Wood

13. Class Clown

Dejuan Carter

Kelly McCandlish

14. Most Seen Together

Ebn Parnell & Hillary Elston

Junior Superlatives Boys


1. Best Looking

Nick Alexander

Hilary Sellman

2. Most Outgoing

Craig Settimo

Danielle Lambert

3. Most Athletic

David Guerrant

Kim Smith

4. Loudest

Justin Weeks

Jackie Keller

5. Most School Spirit

Josh Dowell

Kerri Bickers

6. Most Likely To Succeed

Jesse Mercer

Vanessa McLaughlin

7. Shyest

Chris Paoletti

Becky Scott

8. Best Dressed

Mike Worley

Kim Seagren

9. Best All Around

Bradley Martin

Laurie Hogan

10. Most Talented

Milio Curcio

Annie Scouten

11. Most Unique

Milio Curcio

Nicole O'Shea

12. Most Flirtatous

Neil Barberio

Becky McMahon

13. Class Clown

Jerry Mosby

Sarah Trayers

14. Most Seen Together

Trey Rhodenizer & Andrea Proctor

Ads • 261


PEER SUPPORTERS William H. Raines, AHS principal Very Involved Parents Donald W. Fulton Jr. Betsy & Bill Orr Heartwood Books Reflections Susan N. Gilkey Trax Ben & Sandy Arbogast Gary & Carolyn Seagren Iva W. Bickers Leisure Land Batting Cages Crosby Family New Dominion Book Shop--Carol Troxell Gene & Marilyn Potter Laura Riggan John & Carolyn Mack Heather & Holly Mack Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. McLaughlin Jeff Kuttesch Faye & Carl Combs Doris & Fred Kuttesch Drs. Record & Record Optometry Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jones Leisure Land Miniature Golf Ryan Kendrick Coffin Forty-Love Tennis Shop First Forms & Labels Mr. & Mrs. David Baldini

~ 262•


In memoriam

Belinda Reyes 1979- 1994

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Abraham, Eszter 36. 52, I 45 Abr.Jhamo;e. Augw.ta 102. 159. 202 Acker, Jana 19. I 12. I 15. 196. 197. 202.260 Adams, Andrew 5. 92, 145. 148. 208 Adams. Tanya 2 I0 Adams. Virginia I 22. 208 Adkins, KJmberly43, 92 Agee. Mark 1 I 2 Akbanadeh. Hawnee 102. 156, 214 Alderson, Olivia 92 Aldred. Rebecca 52. 122. 245 Alexander. Nick 92. I 56. 26 I Allem. Lori 270 Allen, Lellsia 102 Allen. Lori 102 Allen, Myron I 77 Allen. Sandra I 22 Allen. Travis 102 Alouf. Mary I 12. 169 Alter, Becky 6. 52, 81, 83. 131. 133. Altschul, Abigail 4 I. I 12 Amellnlo(. Jeff 122 Amiss. Jason I 77 Anders. Paul 52, 142, 145, 152. 153. 212.225 Andei">>n. Andrt'a 102 Anderson. April I I 2. 204 Anderson. Chantav 202 Anderson, Devaughn 102 Anderson, Josette I I2 Anderson. Lee I I2 Anderson. Robert I 77, 202 Apprey. Kojo 3, 4 I. 43, 92. 149 AquUone, Sarah I 12, 202 Arbogast. Taml 19. 92, 154. 166, 178. 210. 212 Arbuckle. Ben 92. 167. 179. 212 Armitage. Sheila 122 Armstrong. Anthony I 12 Arnold, Ben 52,212 Ascoll,Amy 92.202 Ascoll. Matthew 92 A.splin. Paul 92, 200, 202.210, 212 Atoanneu. Katherine 112 Awad. Brenda 20. 52. 53, 8.1. 84. 204. 206,216,232 Aylor, Jennifer 43. 102. 196. 208. 261

Bach. Amy 92.200 Bailes, Todd 102. 210 Balles. Tygh 92, 182 Bain, Kelly 122. 123 Baldini. Diana 31, 92. 194, 195.206, 210. 272 Baldini. Kathryn 112 Baldwin, Billy 52. 84. 166,202. 212. 220.243 Baldwin. Tori 16. 92, 155 Bales. Destin 102. 261 Ballard. Songbrooke 92 Balnave, Amanda 112. 159 Banks Dante 174 Banks, WWiam 122 Bannister Michael 122 Baragtola, Pablo I 02 Baraglola. Paul 157 Barbe. Brad 52 Barbee, John 102 Barber. Brad 41, 52. 57. 237 Barberio.NeU92.261 Barbie, Mike 184 Barbour. Cory 92. 161 Bares. Les 122 Barlow. Jameta 41 112 188. 204

Barnes. James



Barnes, Mike 52. 212 Barnes, Steven 22 Barnett. Sam 43, I 12. 202 Barredo. David 52. 84. 206. 210, 214, 216 Barrett, Jermaine 92 Barrett. KJdel 102 Barsby. Pam 134. 135 Bartley. Elaine 188 Barilev. Nicholas 112 Barto.'Bnan 41,93. 174,176 Barto. Nick 8, I 02 Baseler, Brook<> 102 Baskfield. Josiah 112 Baskfield. Louis 4 I Basso. Summer 112. 202 Bates. Quincy 102 Batten. James 1I 2 Beach. Kassiell2 Beasley. Amanda93. 163 Beasle~. Rob 3. 52, 84, 144. 174, 2 I 2 Beave;, Hovtk52. 230 Bebko. Amy 52, 53, 82.206. 210. 214. 216.255 Bebko. Cory I 02. 200 Beck. Jessiea 9. 38. 93. 204, 206 Beckenstein. Wendy !54 Bedell. Dr. 205 Beeler. James I I 2 Beeler. Jeff 4 I . I I 2, I 78 Beeler. Joseph I I2 Beet. Melissa 200 Beggerly, Brian I 02 Behrens. Matt 84. I 70. I 71. 208 Behrens. Matthew 20. 52. 53. 257 Belew. Kelly 53, 66. 252 Bell. Haniet 122 Bellucci,Justin 103. 170. 171. 192. 208. 261, 270 Bendle, Nick I 12, 208 Bendle. Nicole 93. 206 Beninate. Nicholas 112 Beninate. Victoria 93. 206. 214 Bennett. Elizabeth 52. 53. 82 Bennett, Michael I 12 Bennett. Michele 52 Bennett. Michelle53. 84, 158 Benson. Tiffany 93 Bernhard. Vicky 22. 93. 202. 208 Bertola. Thea 1.22. 208 Besancon. Charles 93. 176 Besancon. Rebecca I 12. i69 Best. Shannon 93 Bibb. Alice I 22 Bibb. Chris 99.103.176,212,213 Bice. Ke.,.in I 12, 177 Bickers. Kerr! 18, 35, 44, 93. 194. 261. 270 Bieber. Andrea 4 I, I I 2. 202 Billingsley, Cynara I 13 Birckhead-Jennings. Jordan 113 Birdsong, Jamey 113 Bl~hop. Shannon28, 53, R4 Bishop. Tammy 53. 113, 239 Black. Jessica I 13 Black. Lone 93. 151. 172. 210 Blackmon. Kyle 103. 176, 208 Blair-Watson. Genevieve 43. 93. 202 Blakev. Cornelius 113. 184 Blischak, Leslie I 03 Blyler. Amy 93 Board. Sara 93. 202, 214 Bobbitt. Alex 93. i67, 179 Boblitz. Michael 93 Bodlly, Adam 52. 53. 66, 77, 80. 82. 84, Bodily, Diana I I. 103. 158. 172, 212. 261 Bodkin. Meghan i03. 159. 202 Boggs, Heather 41. I 13, 202, 260 Bohannon. Dottie 122. 168 Boone. Rebecca 43. 54, 200. 206 Booth. Clarence I I 3 Booth, Shannon 52.54,84.202.210 Bossi. Heather 103, 158 Bossi, Tara 52. 54, 84. 219. 270 Bourne, Sheri54, 55. 84. 206, 210. 216 Bowen, Tina 93 Bowles, Herbert 113. 176. 177, 185.

198,208 Bowles. Latasha 113. 204 Bowles, Tricey 54. 55. 237 Boyd .Colin 54 Boyd. Lynn 181 Bradlev. Michael I 13 Bradley. Pam 122. 188 Bradshaw, Chris I 70 Bradv, Klio;ten I 13. 200 Bragg. Kimberly I 13 Bratntwain, Kattell3, 188.204 Brand. Scott 54. 55. 79, 174 Brandenburger, Ali 54. 55. 84, 154. 168, 206. 208. 233 Brannon. Stephanie 9~t 208 Bratton. Kelli 93, 176. 200. 2 12 Bra7.ell. Jeanne 55. 73. 84. 166. 204.

Cabot. Ginger 113. 208 Cahall, Pete 4, 70. 122 Cahill. Helen 214 Cain, Andrew 55.82 Calhoun. Chastity 55. 84 Calloway. Keisha43. I 13 Calloway. Raphael 103, 212 Cam bios. Lyle 55. 210, 216 Campbell, Asia 55. 84, 200. 206, 2 16, 256

236 Breaud. Norbert 166. 167 Breckenridge. Latasha 93 Bre<:kenridge. Nikki 147 Breedf?n. Janet 122 Brennan, Scott 28, 103 Brent. Anthony 103. 161. 261 Brewer. Ta lion 200 Brewer. Tarlton 93 BriAAs. Natasha 55. 84. 206 Bright, Reginald 103 Broach. Kellf?V I 13 Broadbent. Jenn 93. 154,202.206.212. 214 Bromm. Ertn 32, 93 Brooks. Angela 103 Brooks, Rodney 103. 176, 192 Brown. Brenda 122 Brown, David 93 Brown. Enjoli 113 Brown. Erika 55 Brown, James 161 Brown. Jay 29, 80, 84. 174, I 75. 210 Brown, Keith 4 I. I I 3 Brown. Kristin 113. 202 Brown. Melissa 93 Brown, Patrick I 13. 204 Brown. Yvonne 122. 147. 206,234 Browning. Charle5 93 Browning. Verona 122 Brownlee. Christie 103. 155, lli8. 261 Bruce. Jamar93 Bruffey. Bridgette 103 Brumbaugh. Hope I 13 Brumbau~. Katherine 43, i03 Bryant. Gemini I 13 Bufford. Melissa 93 Burcham. Heather 103 Burg. Dr. Kathleen 120. 122. 136. 208 Burley. Chris 103 122 Burley. Phyllis Burlingame. Crystal 43. 103 Bums. Maia 19. 55, 80. 84. 154, 204. 206, 230 Burrowbridge, Ryan 41. 103, 140, 157 Burruss, Travis 103. 161. 208 Hurtle. Helen 103.204, 261 Burton. Anl);ela 93 Burton. David 38. I 13, 202. 204, 210 Burton, John 103 Burton, Liz 5. 93. 95, 100, 204, 210,

Canar, Cori 55, 84. 208. 249 C<me, Amanda 103. 208 Canipe. Sona 41. 93 Carlton. Coach 155 Caml'y. Elizabeth 55 Carney. EJin 56, 57. 84. 168.210.224 canwv. Jill 1 13. 202 Carr. Christopher 103 carr. Nicole 38, 103. 204 Carr. SheriN' 143 Carr. Tamara 113, 204 Carroll. Colleen I 13 Carter. Ashley 55. 56. 85. 168.206. 208, 220 Carter, Brian 103 Carter, Chic'kon 56, 174 Carter, Dcjuan 103,204,261 C.trtcr. Fran 122 Carter. Jamie 93. I I 3. 204, 2 I 0 Carter, Jason43. 56. 81,206.214 Carter. Jenna 103, 202 ca 11.t•r, Josette 113 Carter. Keisha 1 13. 204 Carter. KJa I 77 Carter, Lewis I 13 Carter. Yolanda 231 Carteras. Jason 38 Cartwright. Brian 113.210 Casey. Colleen 103. 199, 208 Casey. Teresa 122 Cason. Cynthia 113 Cason, Erin 113. 204. 270 cason, Kara 9. 93, 146. 202, 2 I 0 Cason. Leigh 113, 134. 204. 260 Cas-.ell, Kevlnl03. 182 Castro. Natalia 103 Catoe. Jo 122 Catoe. Stephanie 43 Ceballos, Zonia 113. 208 Chaisson. Michelle 103. 105. 155. 169, 210 Chandler, Harlow 55. 56, 85. 204. 227. 270 Chapman. Paul 164 Charback. Jenny 103. 163,200 Chen. Jennifer 1 13 Cherry. Jerome 103. 174 Chev~licr. Juline 93. 206 Childress. Matthew 93 Chilstrom. Steve I 10. l 13 Chorpenning, Blakely I 13

212 "'=i;;;;;:;=rni-iir====;:-~rt ~n. ranldOlfl-------1-'i"l Burton: Christensen. Came 34. 43. 93. 144, 162 Burton, Rod Ch tensen. Jared 18. 35. 43. 54. 55. Burion. Shawn 271 56. 1, 81, 85. 152. 153. 206. 2 16 Burtoniwttz. Irvin 212 Christensen. Peggy 43. 122 Busch. Timothy 1 13 Christian. Shannon 93 Bushey. Erik I 13 Christmas, Shaunle' 103 Butler, Jason 9:} Ciccone. Timothy 104 Butler, Justlnl03. 212 Clark. Ann 113 Butler. Melissa 55 Clarke . Diana 104. 123. 204 Buttner. Angle 103. 200 Clarke. Shareese 93 Buttner, Charleen 103, 158. 181. 202. Clawson. Rudger 113, 185 208 Clepper, Brent 93, 206. 214 Byerly. Sarah 113 Clifford, Jenntfer 43, 104, 208 Byler. Andrea 113. 204 Clifford. Sarah 35. 43, 55, 56. 85. 206. Byler. Chris 55. 208, 212 214, 272 Byrd. Jason 93, 152 Coates, Allvlan 210. 261 Cobb. Cathy I 13 Cobbs. Paul 104. 176 Cochran. Crystal 93 Codocr. Jen 200

Coffin. Ryan 104 Coffin. Tavis 39. 40. 104, 208. 261 . 270 Coffman. Ryan 113 Cohen. Jason202. 210.260 Cohen. Michael 113 Cohen. Scoll 123 Cotner, As hley 41. 113 Cole. Amanda56 Cole. Jennlfer56. 85. 194. 212 Coleman. Brian 94. 160. 170 Coleman. Jonathan 94 Collier. Jennifer 43. 94. 110. 200. 202 Collins. Katie 56. 85 Collins. Mary 216 Colllns. Meaghan 104 Colombfni . Martha 123. 140 Colter. Yolanda 56 Colvin. Ashlee 56. 245 Combs. Brenton 41. 11 3 Conley. Katherine 43. 94. 162 Conley. Tabitha 113 Conner. Calvin 57. 152. 153 Conrad. Carter 104 Conrad. Hunte r 176 Conteh. Amrica 94 Conteh. Crystal 113 Conway,Jenni ~r56. 57.82.85 Cooney. Kerry 104 Copeland. Mall 56. 57. 85. 152. 153. 206. 228 Corizzo. Daniel 104 Corrigan. Carey 43. 94. 204. 206 Covill. Clalre 4 1. 113 Cox, Colin 152. 153 Cox. Robert I 13 Cox. Slndy 113 Craddock. Brian 57. 61. 85, 235 Craft. Courtney 104. 204 Craig. Bryan 94 Craig. Claiborne 152 Craig. Heather 94 Craun. Jon 114 Craver. Stephen 41. 56. 57. 204. 249 Craw. Jon 185 Crawford. Adrian 114 Crawford. Arnold 104. 161 Crawford. Melissa 57 Creasy. Annle56. 57. 85. 202 Crenshaw. Terry Crickcnberger. Eva 104 Criscione. Tim 4. 18. 56. 57, 74. 77. 81. 85. 130. 142. 12 Crtsp. Kevin 104. 178, 184. 210 Critzer. Holly 56. 58. 85. 139 Cronk. Rebecca 104. 110. 204 Cronk. Robert 114 Cronk. Sarah 94 Crosby. Susan 94. 202. 206. 214 Crosby. Tim 114. 260 Crouse. Jeremiah 56. 58. 85. 174. 212 Cunningham, Virginia 104. 202 Curcio. Christopher 114 Curcio, Millo 94. 145. 202, 261 Currier. Jason 104. 212 Curry. Marvin 102 Curtin, Matt 112. I 14. 115. 119. 204. 270 Cutchin. Nicole 104

Davis. Richard 104 Davis. Stewart 56 DaVoult. Angie 114.202 Dawkins. Marc 41. 56. 58. 86. 200. 206. 250 Dawson. Ann 114 Dawson. John 114. 177 Dean, Jason 114 Defrank. Leslie 43. 104 DeGood. Catherine 158 Delapena. Arlene 43 Delapena. Jennifer 94 Dellaganna. Annette 104. 202 Dellaganna, Deanna 41. 43. 56. 58, 206. 251, 272 DeMaio. Kerri 158 DeMasters. Brandt 104. 109 Demetsky. Justin 53. 58, 86 Dempsey. Chris 94. 161 Denby. Chris 25. 94. 152. 214 Deneal. T.J. 94. 156. 2!2. 214 dePoix, Ertn 8 Dibble. Jesse 58 Dierauer. Josh 94. 206 Dillenbeck. Jim 123, 170, 192 Ding. Charlotte 4 1 . 58. 204 Dirickson. William 94 Dixon. Kelly 114. 200 Dodge, Jennifer 114. 202 Dodge. Kristin 92, 94, 100. 202. 270 Dodrill. Kara 43. 58 Dodson. Gregory 114 Doherty. Theresa 123 Dohrman. Kent 94, 157. 174. 210 Doner. Jessica 41. 94 Dorman, Lisa 114 Dom1an. Olion 94 Dorner. Shenie 114 Doshi. Neepa 58. 86. 200. 206, 216 Dotson, Chad58 Dotson. Teresa 104 Dougherty. Kelly 41, 114.204 Douglas. Courtney 114. 260 Douglas. Emlly 59. 86. 168. 202. 206. 216. 243 Douglas. Travis 114. 185. 260 Dove. Aaron 114 Dowell. Josh 94. 140. 165. 204. 261 Dowen. Aaron 214 Downie, Jackie 41. 104

Elder. Erika 15. 59, 86. 165. 206. 216 Elder. Jamahl 94 Elston. Hillary 104. 109. 125. 127. 210. 215. 261. 270 Elswick. JoAnn 124 Emanuel. Candice 11 4 Emerson. Colt 174 Emert. Brian 35. 43. 59. 73. 86. 160. 210 Emmitt, Jessica 59. 86. 208, 249 English, Charlie 114 English. Melissa 59. 86. I 72, 206. 210 Eppard, Matt 94. 156. !57 Ergler, FUchard 270. 271 Esposito. Faith 60,66, 206.214 Esposito. Tony 12. 261 Estes. Ryan 60. 256 Eubanks. Nikki 14. 94 Eways. Salem !56 Ewers. Christian 114. 204 Ewing. Erin 11 4. 188

Fabian, Amanda 114. 176. 208 Fabian. Erik 60, 167. 179, 206. 214 Fanning. Rachel 94. 99 Farinholt. Kevin 60. 81. 83. 198. 206. 208.210.216 Farinholt. Malinda 114 Fartss. Robert 114 Faris!, Jason 104. !57 Featherer. Tara 60, 86. 200. 206 Feild, George 60. 200 Fetid. Susan 114, 202 Feliciano. Anselmo 60 Feliciano. Lysandra 4 1. 104 Ferguson, Matt 41. 94 Ferguson. Maya 43. 114 Fewell. Jennifer 114 Fields, Stephanie 114. 163. 181 Fields. Steven60 Fields. Wanda 124 Finlen. Brandon 114 Finley. Peggy 124. 212 Finotti. J ennifer 94. 202. 206 20 Dr~wry.-Lo.ri 1 l ------,,..~¡Angela 94 Dudley. Derrick 59 Fitzgerald, Aaron 114. 208 Dudley. Donald 114 Fitzgerald. Heather I 04 Dugan. TI10mas 41. 59. 86. 204. 236 Fix, Daniel I 04 Dunavan. Colleen 94. 204 Fladd. Suzanne 124 Dunavan. Susan 114 Fleming. Kleshia 114 Dunbar. Michael94 Fleming. Nathan 94. 174 Duncher. Karsten 156 Fletcher. Shannon 16. 94. 152. 160. Dunntvan. Angela 104 162. 163. 172. 182. 194.270.271 Durham. Kelly 94 Flora. Catherine 124 Dyer. Julia 123, 214 Flora. Jody 60 Floyd. Steve 60. 227 Flynn, Brooks 114. 170. 185. 202 Flynn. Heather 53. 60. 86. 130. 142. Folger. Randy94. 178. I 79 Fortune, Scott 114, 177 Foss. Donald 124. 204 Czarskl. Margo 58.~8:.:5:....-====~ Eades. OIMa 18. 43, 59. 81, 194, 202. Fosler. Bc.>tsey 41. 60. 82. 86. 204. 206,212.229 206.216.246 Early. Chris 114. 198. 208 Foster. Sara I 14 Easton. Brandy 59. 86. 154. 250 Fosler. Shane 104. 178 Ebersold. Chance I 04 Foster. Shelly212 Ebersold. Colton 7. 10. 59, 152. 153. Foutz. Sarah 104 206.216 Foutz. Steve 146. 212 Fowlkes. Joyce 124 Echols. Charles 152 Eddy. David 114 Fox. Anne 124 DaCunha. Mar1a94. 180. 200. 202 Damon. Amelia 43. 56. 58, 85. 154, Eddy. Deleanna 123 Fracls, Xerxes I 67, 179 206.208.216 Edmondson. John 152. 153 Franklin. Christopher 114 Franklin. Krlsten43. 61. 86, 204. 219 Damvakarts. George 56, 58 Edson. Clarece 123 Edwards, Allsha 33. 94 Franklin, Ryan 41, 114 Daniel. James 104 Edwards. Ashley 7, 8. 59. 80. 82, 86. Fras ier. Brandi 200 Darden. Chrlstopher43. 56, 58, 152. 206,208,212.216,232,270,271 153.207,210.216.224 Fraye r. Heather 94. 204. 214 Frazier, Amanda 7 Darden. Jamtson31, 104, 105, 210 Edwards. Becky 114 Frazier. Carla4l. 114 Davenport. Matthew 114 Edwards. Brian 59 David. Isabelle I 04, 208 Edwards, Rachel 114. 208 Frazier. Cindy 114. 189. 210. 260 Edwards,Sarah Davis. Angela 58 Frazier. Loman 104 Frazier. Whitey 94. 167. 178. 179. 202 Davis, Calvin 104. 212 Edwards. Virginia 94 Davis. Jim 104. 210 Edwards. William 114 Freeman. Angela 95. 202 Elder, Christina 94 Davis. Krlstle 56. 58, 200. 214 Freeman. Douglas 182 Freeman. Nicole 41, 114

Freeman. Tammy104 Fulcher. Virginia 124 Fulton. Jon 8. 95. 157.202. 270.27 1 Fuss. Charles95 Fuss. Christine 114

Gahan. Jessica 41. i 05 Gaines. Wyndi I 05 Galavottt. Genesis 105 Ga1avotu. Holly 61. 206. 208. 210. 253 Galea. Nathaniel 95. 212 Gallone. Krls 21. 61. 152. 153.212, 220. 243 Gamaa. William 210 Garcia-Tufro. Paula 105. 150. 155. 168. 169.210. 212 Garcia-Tufro. Valeria 7. 18. 54 .. 61. 65. 83. 86. 130. 132. 133. 141. 168. 204. 206.207. Gardner.lvan38. 206.210.214 Gardner. Mr. 213 Gardner. Pierre 114 Garland. An1y206 Garland. Jabari 105. 184 Garland, Scott 114 Gam1an. Jay 105. 161. 208 GamJan. Patty 41, 61. 86. 204.206, 216 Garnett. Christie 114 Garnett. Jessica 61 Garnett. Jill 124. 125. 200 Garnett. Jim 124. 160. 178 Garrett. Brandon216 Garrett. Glenn 114 Garrett. Travis 161. 212 Garrison. Faith 43. 114 Gay. Jody 115, 181, 204 Gay. Wendy 37, 61. 86. 162. 180. 204. 206.223.243 Gentry. Chris61. 160. 222 Gentry. Jason 105 Gentry. Joshua 95 Gentry. Parris 62 Gerke Jennifer 62. 87. 204. 206. 227 Gerlach. Jackie 41. 115. 16~169 Ghosh. Paula 43. 95. 204 Gibson. Betty 105. 115. 270 Gibson. Brandon 95 Gibson. Elle n 16. 95. 154 Gibson. Grace 105 Gibson. Jesse41, 115.208 Gibson, Joyce260 Gibson. Kerrie 41, 95 Gibson. Meg 154 Gibson. Melanie 41. 102. 105. 200 Gibson. Melissa 95 Gibson. Melvin 115 Gibson. Vicki 95. 206 Giffen. Andrew 62. 87, 146. 156. 206. 212 Giles, Roy I 05 Giles. Tanya 105 Gilkey, Susan l24 Gill. Jessica 62. 87. 154. 212 Gillespie. Brad 95. 161 Gillespie. Scott 152. !53 Gilley. Anne 105. 202 Gilliom. Michael 115 Gllpatrtck. Aricha 8. 43. 54. 62. 87. Ginsom. David 7 Goddard. Gwendolyn 95. 208 Godfrey. Gregory 95. 161 Goehringer. Lacey 16. 62. 66. 81. 87. 168, 206. 210 Golck. Jamie 11 5 Goldman. Robert I 15 Goldstein, Ariel 115, 155. 169. 202. 212.260 Golds tein. Gabriel 34. 95. 166. 167. 179 Golovatyuk, Kalla 62. 83. 202. 206. 210 Gomaa. William 102. 105. 145. 157. 208 Good, Kathleen 115. 260

Index • 265


Goode. Crvstal 115. 204 Goode. G~egory 62 Goode. Scott 115 Goode, Steve 176 Gooddl. Geoffrev 63. 167. I 79. 2 I 9 Goodell. Stephen 115. 202 Gore, Jennifer 95. 200. 206 Gough. Teresa 138 Gowans. Shawn I 15 Grady, Tnnwikn 95 Graham. Cvnthia 115 Graham. Kt•tth 177 Grant. Adam 105. 167. 179 Gm\1lt, Angela 95. 145. 202 Gray. David 95. 167, 179 Gray. Julia 63 Gree n. Garv 124 Green. Pal!'hes 115. 177. 204 Green. '1\•ra I 05 Creep. Darrell 63 Greer. Brandon 41. I 15, I 70 Gromkoskl. Tonya 95 Groome, Courtm·y 95. 180 Grooms. John 184 Grooms. Kc\1n 176 Grooms. Tamika 216 Gros'>. Andrew 95, 161. 210 Gross. Meli~sa 162 Grove. Tara 63. 82.206,210. 214 Guengerlch. Scott 164 Guerrant. David 95. 110. 150, 156. 157. 164. 170,200.261 Guill. Mary I 05

Haught. Peter96. 212 Haverson. Heidi 96. 142. 202. 206 Hawkes. Casey I I 5 I Iayden. Geoff 156 Hayes. Jessica I 15 Haynes. Seneca 116. 260 llays. Marcus 105. 157 Hays. Rulh 64 Hayward. Angela 96. 200 Hayward, Arthur 152 Heck. Michael 41. 105 Heckethorn. Kristen 96 Hedgeman. Andrea 96 llegemler. Abby 64. 87. 168 Henry. Bradley 106 Hens chel. Dietra 96. 204 Henschel. Erich 116. 216 Hensley. Anna 116 Hensley. Luke 116 Hensley. Tony 116, 134 Henwood, J.C. 152. 153 Henzey. Taml64 Henzey, Thomas 96 Hepler. Jennifer 96. 200. 202. 206. 21 Herbert, Brian 87 Herndon. John 106 Herndon, Thomas 106 Herrera. Sebastian 116 He ning. Ke\1n 64 Hening. Rulh 116 Hess. Cathertne 1 16 Heyward. Arlhur 96. 200. 212 Heyward. Candace 116 Heyward. Elle n 200 Hightower. Joshua 116. I 77 Hill. Elizabeth 106 Hill. Gloria 124 Hill. JannHa 19, 116 Hill. Joseph 116. 260 Hill. Joshua 116 llackett. Jelln:Y 40, 63, 87. 226. 272 Hill. Lin 123. 124 llackney. Jamie H7 Hill. Stephen 116. 177 llagee. Timothy 95 lltll. Yosht>a 204 Hale. Mel(an 115 lllnek. Bill 124, 216 Hall. Chad 96 Hinton. Samantha 116 Hall. Ertc 63 !locking. Matt 116. 202 Hall. Kevin 96 Hodges, Heather 106 Hall. Lisa 63 Hoeller. Darllel 64, 145. 206. 208. 21 232 Hall. Mirhael 115 ~ 1 n ~~---~~=~===:---iH~oef'kller. David 21. 106.208 Hall. Roger 96 Hoffman. Gretchen 4 I. 96 Hall. Susan 105.210 Hoffman. Ingrid 41. 116.260 llallot·k. llarold 115 llogan. Geoffrey 116 llalterman. Amy 115 !-logan. Laurte 9. 16. 19. 96. 154. 1~, llaman1ichl. Shuscl 41. 63. 87.204.206 210.212. 261 I Hancock. Brvan !52 Holden. Andrew 106. 145 !laney. Nataite 63 Holden. Sue 124 Hanley. Matlhew 115. 202 Holland. Clay 177 Hargreaves. Jeanne 124 Holland. Jeffrey 61, 64. 156. 174. 206, Harlow. Alnlc 63. 87. 204. 246 208. 216 llarlow. Jessica 105. 115. 163. 181. 210 Holland, Tlombe 246 Hannon. Kimberly 105. 210 Holly. Linda 159 Harmon. Kirsty 63. 82.204 . 206.216 Holt, Courtney 32. 44. 46. 47. 96, 194 Hamois. Adam 96. 208 !lolL. Leah43 . 64 llamois, Cary 156 Hooper. Adam 1 16 llarris. Angie 43 Hombeck. Carissa 208 llanis. Ann 6. 63. 73. 87. 162. 163, Horvath. Joseph 106 172,204. 206 llorvath. Kyle 167. 179.210 Harrts. Benjamin 41. 96. 208 Houchens. Brandy 43. 96 Harrts. Carla 216 Houchens, Janet 106 llanis. Christina 96. 200 Houchens. Scott I 06 Harrts. Nicole64. 96 Housdan. Ginger 106. 110. 208 llanis. Richard 64, 73. 87. 204 Houska. Jennifer 43. 96 Harris. Scott 115 lloward, Jonathan 106. 214 Harris. Shannon 115 Howard, Michael 174. 184, 260 Hanis. Shaunte 43 Howell. Kelly 64 Harris. Shaunto>' 105 Hoy. Jeremy 106 Hanis. Tamika 105. 204 Huang. Tien-Wei 96 Hams. VictOJia 124. 196. 208. 209 Huang. Vue 96 Harris. Z<lcharv 105, 208 Huckstep. Frank 157. 170 Hartley. Coach 161 Huckstep. George 106 Hartman. Cra ig 115, 191 Huckstep. Kevin 216 Ha1iman. Gwendolyn 43, 96. Huckstep. Tar.1 33. 106. 206 165. 193. 204 · Huckstep, William 116 Haseltine. James 124 Hughes. Sue 124. 129 Hathaway. Bruce96. 212 Hull. Susan 47, 136, 210 Halhaway. Hamsey 95. 182. 202 flumes, Quartrice 116 Hatte\1g. Lotte 36. 64 Hundley. Amy 43. 106 Hatzigeorgio. ln·ne 105. 110 Hunt. Angela 116 Haught, Jamie 154 Hunt. Carla 13 llunt, Heather 106

~266 • Index

Hunte r. Kurtis 116. 185 Hunte r. Mary 124.206. 207.216, 217 Hunter. Paul 177 Huntley, Carolyn 116 Hurl. Erlc96 Hurtekant. Donald 116 Hutchinson. Chris 162 Hyre. Karen 96. 200. 206

Ignatius. Marilyn 88 Ikeda, Hotsuma 64 Ikeda, Kazuyuki 96 Isbister. Christine 41. 116, 204 Isbister, Jennifer 96. !59. 204. 206 lvashkin. Aleksander 116

Jackson. Chris 99 Jackson. Eugenia 19. 136, 173,206. 214.216 Jackson. Janlsha 106 Jackson. Jessica 16. 27. 43. 44. 46. 47. 96, 194. 195 Jackson. LaVan:ta 106 Jackson. Lionel 116. 177. 185 Jackson, Marty 65, 182 Jackson. FGchard96 Jackson. Robert 96 Jackson. Slacfe 96 Jackson. Tra\1s 16. 65. 87. 1'74. 175. 182. 210. 219. 272 Jackson. Twan 43 Jamison. Teddy 96 Jannotta. Jeremy 96. 210 Jarratt. Joshua 106 Jean. Jayson 18. 53. 65. 70. 87.152. 153,204.212 Jeffries. Brandy 43, 96 Jenkins. Anita· 124. 186 Jenkins. Emlly 116 Jenkins. Jay 160 Jenkins. Wendy 43. 106, 163 Jensen.Erlc Jensen, Kris 156 Johnson, Anita 41.65,83.200. 206 Johnson. Ashby 116. 181. 188. 260 Johnson. Bianca 22. 105. 106. 159. 169, 210.212 Johnson. Christopher 96 Johnson. Craig 65. 190. 191 Johnson, Duane 41. 66. 73 Johnson. Eddie 116 Johnson. Erika 41. 116. 204 Johnson. Healher 43. 116 Johnson, Jermaine 134 Johnson. Kelsha 27. 35. 96. 194 Johnson. La Tanya 106 Johnson. Lany 124 Johnson. Mandy 41. 117 Johnson, Matthew 117 Johnson, Tanya 106, 163. 196. 197 Johnson. Trevor 106. 202, 204 Jones. Beck! 169. 202 Jones, Chad 65 Jones. Chris 161,184 Jones, Heather 65. 87 Jones.~ont 204 Jones. Melissa 96. 200 Jones, Raymond 176 Jones, Susan 117 Jones. Tracy 65 Jordan, Kevinll7, 177 Jordan. Lynette 41. 117. 204 Joyce. Carson 106. !57 Joyce. Graham 117 Jurlando. Jon 152

Kaminski, Ronald 96, 174. 200 Kaminski. Tracy 117 Kane. Gregory 39. 106. 170. 171. 202. 208 Kappes. Vincent 167. 179 Kardys. Leslie 124 Karginov. Fedor 66. 202. 206 Kasidiaris. Jennifer 43. 97 Kavounas. Justin 106. 161.213 Keithley. Robert 66 Keller. Jacqueline 97, 261 Keller, Kristen 117.181 , 188.189.210 Keller. Ms. 204 Keller. Rebecca 117. 181. 208 Kelly. I an 208 Kemp. Adam 66. 87, 178. 179, 202, 206. 240 Kemp. Margaret 22. 106. 169. 208 Kennedy,Christine 66,87.238 Keubler. Scott 110 Key. April 66 Key, Harry 117. 135, 204 Key. Stephanie 106 Key. Tonya 66 Keyser, Sandy 124 Keyser. Sue ·124. 215 Keyton, Brian 106 Kldd. Stephanie 97. 138 Kiehl. Courtney 8. 38. 39. 66, 81. 87. K.Ulgrove. Kristina 212 Klm. In Kwong 43, 66. 167. 179.204, 206 King, Jeffrey 117 King. Jennifer 67. 88. 251 King. Matthew 97, 176. 204 Kirby. Ertn 117 Klrby.Jake 160,223 Kirby, Jason 67 Kirby. Kelli 67, 88. 223 Kirchner, Sarah I I 7, 204 Klrtlusha. Anthony 117 Klrkup. Kevin 152. 153 Kirschner. Wendy 124 Kirwan. Dan 156 Kllazawa, Tomoko 14. 29. 67. 81, 88. 141. 206, 208 Kleiber. Thomas 97, 157, 200 Klein. Laura 124 Klima. Brtanna 117 Klimmek, Dawn 18. 67. 88. 180. 181. 204, 206.216 Klossner. Julie 106, 202 Klumpp. Shanti 117. 200 Knicely, Hillary 106, 163 Knight. Robert 117. 204 Knott. Amy 14. 15. 67. 79. 88. 162. 180. 186. 187. 212. 221 Kowalsky. Jeffrey! 17 Kozuch. Adam 97. 157. 176 Kozuch, Michael 117. 184 Krag. Linda 124. 127 Kriigel. Eric 97 Kriigel. Jason 67 Krizek. Chrtstlne 62. 67, 77. 88. 158. 206,208.210 Krohn. Douglas 97. 157. 208. 270 Krupa. Kris 117 Kudro. Nalhan I 17. 185 Kudro. Sara 97 Kuebler. Scotl 32. 106. 208 Kulbok. Charles 117 Kuttesch. Jimmy 106. 123. 129. 217. 261. 270 Kyser. Jason 97. 216

ladd, lauric 106 lal(e. Analisa 126 lal(e. Emily 126 lam. Jessica 106 lamb. Ashleigh 33. 41. 106. 162 lamb. Milch I 77 lambert. Danlelle 33. 97. 162. 166. lambert. Raymond 67, 88. 167. 174. 179 landis, Don 190 lane, Eric67, 160, 174, 175. 190, 206. 210. 247 Larrick. David 123. 130. 145. 208. 212 Larson. Jeremy 106 Lawhorne. Amanda 106 laws. Alexander I I 7. I 77 laws. Catherine I 17,202 lawson. Yvette 41. 106. 204 layman. Jennlfer35. 42. 43. 126 Leake. Joe 97 Leake. Melissa 67, 88. 154, 204. 220 Leake. Sally 97 Leal, Janeth 117 Leal. Nelson 41. 106 Leclair. Justin 107. 202 Leclair. Natasha 67 Lee. B!lly 43. 194. 195. 214 Lee. 8rian97 Lee. Garrell 107 Lendem10n. Susan 126. 216 Leong. Asha 97. 158. 204 Leong. Krishan 41. I 07, 157 Lessard. Ambha 32. 43. 97, 204 Lesser. Stephen 117, 149 Letzkus. Jason I 07 Letzkus. Melissa 25. 97. 158. 168. 200 Lewis, Charles 44. 68 l..ewke. Tara 11 7 Liddell. Alexandra 68. 88. 172. 202 Liguria. Marcella 97 Liguria, Silvana 117. 204 Lin. Hui 36, 97 Lindberg. Drew 97 Lindgren. Kirk 97. 157. 190. 191 Lindsay. Geor~e 97 Llnnlng. Shaun 97 Llnning, Shawn 43 Lillie. Chariya 41. 117. 200 Lobo. Jng1;d 7, 53, 68. 82. 88, 166. 206.210.211,216 Lobo. Jason 117.211 Locker. Clint I I 7. 184. 260 Locker. Stacey I 7. 4 l. 107 Logan, Kyle 68 Lohr, Mark 68. 88 Lonev. Jennfer 214 Loney. Jennifer 68. 206 Louden. Karon 117 Love. Chris 123. 126 Loving. Delons 1 17 117 Lowry. Mandy Luce. Megan 117 Luck. Derek 97 Luckett. Dana 154 Luers. Clinton 41, 97 Lumsden. Melissa 97 Lushkln. Alex36 Luzynskl. Linds!e41. 117. 208 Lynch. Jason 97 Lynn. Hunter 16. 97. 152, 153 Lyon. Daxton 117. 177

MacDonald, Robert 212. 214 MacDonald. Tim 126 Mack. Carolyn 126, 271 Mack. Holly 270 Mack, John 126, 150 MacM!chael. Jane 126 Maddox. Blake 97 Maddox. Christopher 41. 117

ajerus. Marilyn 68. 206. 214. 250 fvlale. Corl1 15. 117. 142. 169.208 Malikian. Kimberly 107 allory. Winona 97 ane. Jessica 206 tAanes. Stacey 97. 200. 201 tAann. Lisha 117 Manzano. Josh 107. 261 Marchi, Ben 208. 212 Markos. Lance 156 Markos. Wendy 107. 163 MaJTs. Stacy 66. 68. 88. 158. 200. 227 f,1arshall. Caroline 107. 159 Marshall, Davra 11 7 Marshall. Julie 117 Marshall. Marla 97 Marshall. Shane 68. 1 l 7. 177 Marlin. Bradley 16. 97. 167. 178. 179.261 Martin. Leila 126 Martin. Rebekah 68 Martin. Scott 43. 68. 88. 152. 153,216 Martinez. Nikki I 07 Mason. Guy 81, 160, 174 Mason. Kristofer 97, 156. 212 Mason. Marcie 126 Mason, Shauntc I 07 Massie. Carolyn 39. 125. 126. I 29. 206. 214 Matney. Starr 107 Maullcr. Davin 107 t-1auller. Tania 68. 88. 133. 206.210.214. 216.254 aupln. An1anda37. 69. 88. 145. 162. 168. 06,212.223,243 aupin. Brian 117 ~aupln. Christina 54. 69. 70. 88. 137. 166. Maupin. Clay 117, 134 Maupin. Jaime 97. 155. 166. 178.202. 206,208 t-1axey. Stephanie 117. 202 ~aynard, Greg 126. 178. 182 f-1aynard-Carew. Catrina 194 Mayo. Crystal107, 163. 200 f>1ayo. Megan 107 ~cAdams. James 69 McAdams. Molly 97 McAdams. Patrick 97. 152. 153 McAllister. Arlanne 92. 97. 155. 166 cAvey. Kelli 117. 196. 202 In, arcef 69 f>1cCallum. Angelica 69. 83. 88. 180. 204, 206.216.241 ~MCallum. Nathaniel 107. 157. 208 cCandlish. Kelly 107. 180. 186, 210, 261 ~cCandlish, Scott 65. 69, 88. 148, 152, ~53. 182, 202 ~cCauley. Elizabeth 117. 202 ~cCauley. Kathryn 41, 69. 73. 89. 237 tAcCauley, Nichole 30, 97 McCauley. Renee 204 cCauley. Tonya 117 ty~cCaulcy. Travis 107 t-icCiary. Sarah 97 McCloskey. Patrick 108. 184. 208 cClure. Jessica I 08, 206 McCiurken. Kara97. 98.202.206,210 McConnell. Tory 43. 69. 89. 194. 202. 206. 212.216.229 McCutchen. John 117 McDaniel. Chris 176 McDaniel. W!lllam I 17 McElheny. Joshua 98. !61 . 174 McElwain. Grant 98. 214 McGarity, An1y 69. 81. 89. 180, 186. 187. 212, 22! McGee. Robert I 08. 170 ~cGinnis. Molly 95. 98. 204. 206 McGowan. Erin 108 McGrath. Kelly I 17. 181. 208 f-1cGrath. Maylisa 28. 69. 89, 158 t-tcGrdw, Tracy 98. 202 Mcllwce. Erica 74 McKay, Kelly 117 McKnight. Linda 123. 126 McLary. Sarah I 59 McLaughlin. Mmiah 98. I 55, I 66. 178. 206.



McLaughlin. Vanessa 98, 155. 206. 212. 261 cMal1on. Rebecca 9. 18, 19, 98. 154. 168. 210.261

McNally. Amanda 69. 89.206.214 Meese. Birch 69 Mehlln. Michael 108 Mercer. Anumda 117 Mercer. Jesse98, 132, 133, 202, 261 Mercer. Robert 117. 182 Merica. Stephen 1 I 7. I 78 Merritt. Clint 126 Messina, Mtchaell77 Meyer, Muriel36. 37. 69. 89. 180.212 Meyers. Paul 41 Meyers. Rc'U1dy 41 Mtkadze. Shota 37. 69 Millard. Marisa 98 Miller, Cory 47. 108. 157 Miller. Samuel 41. I 18 Miller. Timothy 118. 185 Miller-Sims. Vanessa I 08, 208 Mills, Crystal J08 M!lls. Glenna 108 Mills. Lucian I 08 Mills. Nanyel 69. 240 Mills, Tricia 69, 89, 162 Milton. Renae70 Minor. Curtis I 08 Mitchell. Jason 152. 153 Miyairi. Toshio 41. 108 Molstsrapishvili. Tsira 37. 43. 70 Moler. Amy 70, 237 Monal1an. Dan 126 Moneyn1aker. Dennis 118, I 76, 177 Moneymaker. James 70 Moneymaker. Joseph 108. 110. 176 Moon. Timothy 70 Moore. Aleta 154 Moore. Christopher 108. 212 Moore. Justin 108. I 70 Moore. Michael 118 Morgulis. Lyena 118 Morin. Rebecca 118 Morris. Chastity 98 Morris. Christopher 108 Morris, Coach 161 Morris, Daniel 41, 118 Morris. Gloria98 Morris. Leon 139 Morris. Leslie I 18 Morris. Michelle 70. 89. 202. 206. 216 Morris, Nelson 118 Morris. Patricia 118 orris. res on -'76. S'l. ~9. 156':'"206. Morris. Roman 1 18 Morris. Sabrina 98 Morris, Travis 118 Morrison. Crystal4 I. 98 Morse, Andrew l 18 Morse. Francie 126 Morse. Jessica 65, 70. 158. 180. 210, 216.241 Morse. Rosalyn 126 Morse. Tonya 108 Morton. Stephanie 204 Mosby. Gary 98. 174 Mosby.Jerry 98,190.212.214,261 Mou. Shtaomin 108. 202 Moyer. Richard 160 Moyer, Victor 108 Muir. Kristopher I 18, 177 Mullins. Erin 98, 163. 204. 206 Mullins. MeUssa 108. 163 Mullins. Scott118. 176 Murphy. Saral1 I 18 Myers. Ktisty I 18 Myers. Paul I 18. 174. 185 Myers. Randon 118. 214 My1¡Ue. Laura 71

Nabeel. Tameen 157 Napier. Kelly 118 Napier, Shannon 98. 200 Nash. Christopher 98. 146 Nash, Jamie I 08 Nefos. Reannan 108. 169. 2JO Nelson. Dedrick 118. 177. 185

Nelson. Pinky 196 Nelson, Tracy 154 Nemetisheva, Natela 37. 71 Nepper. Terry 7 I Nespeco. Abby 71 Neumann. Ankc 36, 7 I New. David 41. I 18.216 Newman. Charles 98. 208. 210 Ng. Vue I 18 Nicholas. Linette 1 I 8 Nixon. Shelly I 08 Norton. Paula 126 Nmvelle. Sarah 108. 202. 206 Norwood. Tantsha 43 Nottingham. Matthew 118 Nuckols. Cynthia 98

O'Leary. Megan 11 8 O'Neal, Stephanie 118 O'Shea. Nicole 98 O'Brien. Bonnie 126 O'Dea. Michael 126. 190 O'Leary. Megan 4 1 O'Shea. Nicole 261 Olingy, Jessica 27. 108. 155. 166. 178 Olingy. Nancy166 Olson, Brook I 18 Omweg, Chad I 08 Or, Anal 108. 202 Orr. Allison 39. 98, 148. 202, 204. 206, 2 10.214 Orr. Ben 170 Orr. Wlll!am 118 Orrock. Jason 98. 161. 2 16 Oswald. Valerie I 18. 208 Otis. Beverly 126 Owen, John 98 Owens. Jennifer 108. 210

Page. Thomas202 Pahuta. Cynthia 126. 130. 132. 133. 208 Paige, Christina 41, 108. 165. 196, 197. 204 Palizzl. Michelle 108 Palmer. Shirley 204 Paoletti. ChJistopher98. 261 Paradis. Tra\1S 118 Parham, Jennifer98. 208. 212 Park, Tiffany 98, I 41, 144. 159. 202 Parkey. Robert 71. I 7 4 Parks. Dan 126 Parks. Sara 98. 208 Pamell. Ebn 108. I 70. 190. 261 Parrott. Joseph 118 Parsons. Jarrtie 160 Pastorek. Erika I 08 Patrick. John 260 Patterson, Kate 41. 118 Payne, An1anda 118 Payne. Dwayne 98. 182. 183 Payne, Jessica 118. 200 Payne. Nathan 98. 204 Payne. Thomas I 08 Pearson. Levi 71. 206 Peery. Brandy I 18 Pemberton. Ryan 108. 176. 194, 195 Pendleton. Shawn 118. 177 Peregoy. Lisa 107. 108. 200 Peregoy. Maynard 118 Perez. Frank I 08 Perklns. Jennifer 98 Perrow. Melvin 35. 108, 184, 261 Perry, Erica 3. 43. 105. 108, 196. 197 Peterson. Noel I 18 Pfleger, Ryan 204 Pharaoh, Angela I 08 Phipps, Jason 118 118 Pietrzyk, John

Index •


Plllar. Ashley 108. 110 Pinto. Anna Paulo 36 Plnto. Billv 102 Plppln, Rita 126,27 1 Pitts, Baxter 126 Plth. Edward 108. 176 Pllls. Randall 11 8. 177 Plumb. Stephen 118. 177 Plumb. Terrt 98 Podnua. Johanna 98. 200 Pomeroy. Con·y 89 Pomeroy. Steven 71 Poole. Mark 108. 157, 202 Poor. Scot 71 Popp. Adam 98 Pordes. Anna 36. 98. 180. 208 Porter. 13en I 18. 202 Potter. ~;mny I 18. 181. 192. 193, 208. 270.271 Potter. Erin 43. 98. 202. 204. 206 Powell. F'Tedlna 118 Powell. !larry 11 8 Powell. Jill 71. 79. 89. 154. 168. 206. 212.221 Powell. Tyrone 164. 176 Prather. Melissa 109 Price. Joanie I 09 Prillaman. Bryan 71. 89. 204 Prince. Danny 150. 170. 171. 192 Prince. Paul 98 Prince. Ryan 109. 182 Pritchett, Robert 98 Pritchett. We~ley 212 Proctor. Andrea 9, 19. 95. 98. 261 Proffitt, David I 18 Pugh. Krlstie 71. 89. 118. 160. 182, 202.


Jennifer 98. 140. 204 Quintana. Pedro 98

Rabe. Da\'id 41. 72. 89. 160.212. 256 RadcliiTe. Scott 4 7 Raflerty. AIIJ'>On 99 Ragland. Carolyn72. 204 Ragland, Chris 174 Ragland, Joshua 109. 176 Ragland. Kristen 72 Ragland. Mark 180 Ragland. Monica 109 Ragland. Nee 15. 162. 186. 187. 236 Ra~land. Shawn 89. 174. 2 10 Railing, Andy 127. 156. 157.202.203 Raines. Justin 202 Haines. William 4, 13. 127, 271 Raint·v. Nikki 118. 146. 147 Ha.JiiS: Ronald 118. 216 Randolph . !~chard 72, 89 Rannig.m. Arlen 99. 158. 210 Rannlgan. Devin 118. 210, 260 R...'ISmus!<en, Angela 72, 235 Ratama, Gre 158 Ratclille, Jonailian 99 Ratdilf<'. S<·ott 2 10 Ratesit·, lleatlwr 118. 189. 208 Ravt'nell. TerC's..a28. 72. 89. 168. 210, 211. 216. 224 Ray. Vlt·toria 43. 99. 200. 210 Rea. Bryan 99 Reed. Bryan 118 Rct'd, Jessica 109. 204 Rt'ed, Vauna 109, 261 Reeve. Frank 99 Rehm. Be<·ky 61. 89. 204. 206, 216 257 Rchm. C'hristopht·r 118. 204 Rt'hm. Rt•bet·ca 72. 83 Reid. Marlena 147

~268 • Index

Reinhold. Charles 99. 157. 174. 204 Reinhold. James 41. 118. 204 Renton, Valerie 72. 89. 162. 235 Reyes . Behnda 263 Reynolds. Gwen 127. 204 Reynolds. Nicholas I 19 Rhoads, Randy 18.24. 72.90. 160. 182. 183.202, Rhodenizt'r. Albert 99 Rhodenizer. l'rey 152. 153. 261 Rhodes. David 72. 241 Rhodes. Stephanie 90 Rice. John 72 Rich. Suzrume 127 Richardson. Amy 72 Richmond. Karen I 09 Riddick. Dave 127 Ridenoure. Dave 127. 167. 200. 201 Ridenoure. Jeffrey 30. 73. 90. 174. 195.206. 2 12 Ridenoure. Jennifer I 1. 115. I 19. 169. 208.260 Riggan. Laura 127, 2 14. 270. 271 Ritchie, Amy 109. 163. 204. 272 Rittenhouse. Judy 127 Roberts. Amy 188 Roberts, Bill 160 Roberts. Luke99. 156 Roberts. Michael 109. 184 Roberts. Shanna 119 Robins. Michelle 109 Robinson. Desiree 109. 159. 204 Robinson. Thea 152. 153 Roder. Christopher 99. 198. 208 Rodgers. Kriste n 119. 208 Rogers. Davld40. 99 Romencsko. Leslie 155 Rooker. Elu.abeili 99. 200 Roose\'clt. Bradley I 09 Rose, Belinda I 28 Rose, Jennffcr 119.204.206 Rosene. Christy 119 Ross. J emel 17. 11 9. 182. 260 Rowland. GeoiTrey 109 Rugo. Brlltany 42. 43. 99. 194 Rush. Courtney 30 Rush, Nerell 138. 174 Rush. Shelly 119 Rus h . Stacy 31. 43. 99. 204 Russo. Alex 41. 11 9 Ryan. Jennifer 109 Ryder. Nathan 119

Sabat. Agnes 119. 202 Sadler. Matthew 24. 43. 73. 90. 130. 202.208.2 16. 234 Sadler. Melinda 43, 109. 200. 202 Sago. Eli7..abeth 109 Sanders. Kevin 73 Sandlin. Joy 41. 99. 159. 200. 202 Sandridge. Monica 109. 155. 168. 188. 202 Sands. Da\1d 119, 177 Sands. Eric 152. 153 Santos. Nichol 43. 119 204 Sarosiek. Konrad41 , 119,210 Saulle. Dwight I 09. 167 179, 208 Saunders. Eric 109 Saunders. Kimberly 119 Sauvie. Ntichelle 99 Sauvie, Terrence 73 Savory. Alistair 73. 204 Sawyer, Jennifer 99. 159. 208 Sayers. Bryan 73, 107 Sayers. Hollie 119. 196 Scbempf. Laura 25. 34, 109, 166. 178, 204 Schilling. Judy 123. 125. 128 Schlnalll. Bonnie 128 SchluSBel. Kimberly 41. 73. 83. 90. 204. 206,210.216.222 Schmidt, Daniel 119, 177 Schmoyer, Sarah 115. 119. 169, 208

Schomp. Debbie 128 Schoolcraft. Charles 73 Schoonover. Ell7.abeth 109. 204 Schroeder. Jennifer 41. 99. 200 Schulz, Kathryn 99. 204. 205. 206 Schutz. Katy 25 Schwarzenboec. Ellen 119 Schwarzen boec. Joseph 99. I 74 ScopelUU. Connie 128 Scopelliti. Ralph 74 Scopelliti. Ray 204. 206 Scott. Andre 74. 174. 208. 212 Scott. Charles 74. 160. 174,212 Scott. Christina 74. 206. 244 Scott. Rebecca 43. 99. 140. 204. 261 Scott, Reginald 177 Scott. Stacey 41. 119. 204 Scouten. Annelies 34. 43. 99. 261 Scovill. Alea 109 Scovill. Leora 200 Scruggs. Adam 99. 190. 2 16 S<:ully. Alexandra 43. 99. 143. 158. 202.210 Scully. Matthew 109, 184 Seagren. Kimberly 9. 99. 202, 206. 214. 261. 270 Seay. WUllam 74. 160. 220 Segar. Hannah 99. 204 Segar. Leah 119. 200 Seigman. Shahar36 Sellman. Hilary 99. 166. 178.202.212. 261 Sells. Melissa 74 Sessoms. Deloris 1 19 Setumo. CraJg 99. 141. 157. 174. 202. 210.261 Shannon. Timothy 74 Sharp. Kelli 53. 74. 132. 142. 202. 206. 208.233 Sharp, Ryan 177 Shaver. Matiliew 119 Shek. Yen-Ling 43. 99. 204. 210 Shelton. Cara 99 Shelton. Crystal 110 Shelton. Janey 75 Shelton, Jonailian I 00 Shena!. Kelly 19. 27. 44. 75. 194. 195. Shepard. Lenore 199 Shennan. June I 00 Shtftlet. Pat 128 Shifflett. Amanda75 Shifflett. Bradley 100 Shifflett. Garrett 100 Shifflett. James 119 Shtffiett. Jamie I 00 Shifflett. Janet 128. 142. 210 Shiffiett. J effrey 66. 75. 90. 200 Shifflett. Keiili 100. 161 Shifflett. Michael 41. 119, I 77 Shiffiett. Tanya 100 Shiflett. Alexis 119 Shiflett. Bert 100 Shiflett. Eric 100. 160. 212 Shiflett. Monica 75 Shiflett. Robin 119. 204 S hores. Jessica 11 0. 163 S hores. Sherrie 43. 110 Short. Amy I 00 Short. Jason 100.200 Shortridge. Melissa 75 Sidwell. Melinda 5. 43. 100.210 S~an .Shahar110 .208

Sbnmons. Jerry 100. 208 Simons. Andra I 19 ~lair. Laura 119. 204 Slpe. KellyllO Stllk. Geneva I 19 Skeen.AnneMarte 43. 110.196.1 97. 208 Skeen. Colette 43. 66. 75. 206. 245 Skeen. Michael 119. 134 Skinner. Jennlfer110 Skipper. Ashley 110, 155. 169 Skipper. Jason 3. 73, 75. 80. 90. 152. 174.202.212 Sloan. Robin 128 Smlili. Alyson100. 155. 206 Sm1th,Ashky41. 119. 181 . 193 Sm1ili, Brian 19. 41. 75. 79. 90. 119. 149. 156. 174. 175, 177. 195. 228

Smith. Chrts 119, 185 Smith. Deborah 75. 80. 90. 202 Smith, Jan 206. 210, 214 Smiili. Jason 110 Smiili. Kamesha 13, 41, 43. 110,204, 261 Smith. Kaililyn 100. 210 Smith. Kimberly 100. 151. 158. 173. 210.261 Smiili. Kishi 110 Smiili, Larry 120 Sm1th. Lori 120. 208 Smith. Malcolm 120. 208 Smith. Matthew 120. 170 Smiili. Natalie 120. 166 Snead. Brant 75. 216 Snead. Michael 120 Snoddy. Heailier 110. 200 S nyder. JeiTrey 43. 65, 70. 75. 90. 136. 152. 153. 170. Snyder. Kathryn 154 Snyder. Nigel 2 16 Snyder. Sherry 128 Sobeck. Amy 76.204 Sobeck. Robert 120, 204 Somers. April120. 208 Sours. David 120 Southwell. T!ITany 120 Spencer. Brian 160 Spencer. Geno 163 Spencer, Mary 120 Spencer. Sarah 100. 200 Spil(one. Amanda76. 90. 214. 224 Spradlin. David 120 Sprouse. Jay 128 Sprouse. Kevin 41. 120 Srikanili, Sushmila 110. 166, 178. 204 Stacy. Jennifer 76, 90. 162 Stacy. Joseph 120. 177, 185, 260 Stanley. COu may 8 Stanton, Tara90 Starkey, l'rtcia 120, 208 Starks. Autumn 110. 192 Staton, Nlccole 120 Staton, Tara 76. 162. 206. 216 Stavltski, Leonard 100 Stead1ey. Christopher 3. 40, 110. 174. 176, 261 Steen. Camby 120. 208 Stephens. Jennifer I 0 I Steppe. Kelsha 101 Stevens. Coach 153 Stevens, Daisy 76. 90. 206.216 Stevens. Stewart 214 Stevenson. Charles 80. 174. 223 Stevenson. Randell 76 Steward. Dave 261 Steward. Kailiy 128 Stoddart. Cameron 156. 212 Stoddart. Mark 110 Stoker. April 120 Stoker. Misty 101. 163 Stokes, Felicia 120 Stone. Ashley 110. 136. 137. 159. 210 Stone. Daniel 120. 202, 260 Stone. Julie 74. 76, 8 1. 90. 154, 168. 204.212.225 Stoner. JoAnne 128 Stovall. Martsha 10 I. 208. 2 12 S~all.Sar.a 34.43, 101 Strassburg. Andrew 41. 120. 210 Strauss. Andrew 110, 176 Strauss, Jessica 120 s~.Aaro n 4 1. 120 Striekland. Carla43. 101 110, 18 4 . 2 12 Str1ckland. Jason Strong. Julie 128 Strother. CliiTord 120. 177 Strother. Miguel 41 , 120. 185 Stunn. Sarah 110 Sullivan. Caroline 120 Sullivan. Cheryl 120 Summers. Matthew 120. 204 S urchek, Kathryn 128 Swanson. Abbie 25. 10 1. 159, 166. 178. 204.212 Swayer. Danny 170 Sweeney. Celia 101. 210, 214,2 15 Swisher. Wendy 25. 101, 214 Syrkes. 1'ukisha 11 0.204

Szannach, Steve 192

Utrtp. Tracy Taffe. Christopher 16. 76. 90. 152. 153. 182, 183. 202. 210, 247 Taffe. Heather 43, 101, 158. 202 Taffe. John !56 Tahboub. Coach !56 Tahboub, Shareef 101. 146. 156. 212. 214 Tallman, Chris 208 Tapscott. Michael 57. 76 Tapscott. Tiwanna 110. 163. 261 Tassell. Paul 120 Tate. Brian 101 Tale, Kevin 12 I Tate, Scottie 121 Taylor. Alexandra 127. 128. 200 Teates. Katherine20. 23, 24, 27, 31, 101. 194,195.270.271 Terry. Matthew 41. 121, 202 Thacker. Helen 76 Thill. Ted 128, 160 Thomas, Andre 110 Thomas. Andrew 121 Thomas. Andy 2 14 Thomas. Greg40. 128 Thomas, Phyllis 43 Thompson, Brooke 105. 110. 142. 168, 204 Thompson. Jeremy 76 Thompson.Khris41. 177.208 1l1ompson. Oname 165. 196. 197. 200. 202 261 Thompson. Ronald 121. 177,204 Thompson. Scott 156 Thompson, Sherise 111 Thompson. Virginia 128. 129 Thumeck, Mrs. 62 Thurston, lnga 76. 82. 90. 206. 210. 216.254 Thurston. Orlando 77 Tlce, Elizabeth 121 ,202 Tigner, Anne 121, 181 Tilman. Elizabeth 43, 73. 77. 90. 238 Timberlake, 'Kimberlee 111. 270 Timberlake, Robert 101 Timberlake, Shane 208 Tobin. Eiblish41. 121 Tobin. Jan1es 107. 204 Tompkins. April 90. 202 Tompkins. Kristen 77, 90. 180. 204. 206.210.241 Tompkins. Matthew 101. 182 Toms. Alethea 10 I Toms. Brandi Ill. 155,182.206.210 Toney. D'Angela 121 Topper. Davld128 Tracy, AliCia 38. 39. 121. 202, 206, 214 Tracy. Joshua 77, 91. 194. 195. 202. 206,208 Travis Terri 23. 41, 121. 204, 260 Trayers. Sarah 101. 162, 186. 261 Trefil. Mary Jane 128 ~ Trevtllian. Karen 31. 101, 204 Trice, Ruth 128. 204 Trimpe. Jennifer 77 Trombley. BenJamin 121. 212 1\Jrner. Cumt 121 Turner. Drayton 212 Turner. Kal 177 1\Jmer. Kevin 176. 193 Turner. Rosanna 77. 91. 202. 208. 220 Turner. Tashia 101. 200 Tyler. Artesha204 Tyler. Todd 177 Tyree, James 77 Tyson. Deb 128


Vaden, Mary 121. 204 Yanda. John 101, 167, 179. 200 VanDerLinde, Erin 10 I. 155. 170 Vanderploeg. Daniel 121. 216 VanRensselaer, Kristine 101. 214 Varner, Kelly 77 Vayo. John 121 Veldhuis, Olivia 43, 10 I Via. Aaron 101. 160 Via. Brandon 161 Via. Mary Ell?.abeth 125, 128 Via, Roy 101 Viglione. Rebecca 16, 24, 54, 73. 77. 80. 91. 194. 202. 206. 212. 214, 216. 228 Villalon, Marian 121

Wade. Aimee 121. 208 Wade. Megan Ill Wade. Troy 121. 176. 177 Walker, Julie 111. 159, 210 Walker. Lori 34. 43. 78. 91. 202. 204. 206. 210. 216, 226 Walker, March 121 Walker. Matt 78, 160 Walker. Sirena 78 Walsh. Jennifer 78, 91. 204 Walters. Tartk 167. 179 Walton, Kelley 1 11 Wang, Faith 43 Wang. Samantha78. 91. 156. 158. 186. 188,192,206,208.270,271 Ward, Bryan 111 Ware, La-Thon 32. Ill. 208 Washington. Walter 78 Watson. Kelly 111 Watson. Kenneth 128. 130 Wayne. Tony 128. 198. 208. 209 Weaver. Karen 8 Webb, Kimberly 12 Webb. Shannon 43. 78.200 Webster. Brian 176 Webster. James Ill Weddington, Samuell01 Weddington. Terry 174. 194, 195 Weddle. Michael 78, 91. 178. 202.206 Weeks. Justin 101. 210. 214. 261 Weidman. Kenny 78. 174. 244 Weirich. Terra Ill. 216 Weisend, Lance 129. 192 Wells. Amy 43 Wells. Cameron Ill Wells. Deuahn 121. 177 Wells, Robert 121 Wells. Stephanie 78, 200 Wendel. Allison 154 Wendel. Cheryl 95. 101. 154. 168. 212 Wentland. Matthew Ill. 208 West. Tonia 121 Westcoat. Robert 78 Westenberger. Leah 78. 91. 245 Weyer. Matthew Ill Wharam, Richard 129. 212. 213 Whary. Susan 101 Wheele r. Byrne 121 White. Cynthia 129. 271 White, Ginger 145. 212 White, Shena Ill . 163 Whitener, Christopher 78. 81.

152.208 Whitener. Kimberly 121 Whitener. Stephen 111 Whitford. Jeffrey 121 Wfbberley. Erin 121 Wibberley. Molly 121. 208 Wicks. Michael 19. 80. 174, 182.2 12 Wicks. Mike 182 Wtgert. Scott 129 Wilberger. Jeffrey78. 91. 160, 212, 252 Wflberger. Kevin 121 Wilhelmson, Kristina 12 I Wilkerson. Heather 121 Will. Kate 163 Will. Leslie Ill Williams. Adam 121. 208 Williams. Jacquelynn II 1 Williams. Jeffrey Ill Wllllams, Karl 129 Williams. Undsay 121 Williams, Markelll01 Williams. Sharon 129 Williamson, Jacqueline 92. 101. 202. 204,206 Williamson. John101 WlllJs, Alicia 32. 10 1 Willis, Brandy 78 Wills. Jennifer 111. 202 Wilson. Aaron 79, 148. 204. 206 Wilson.Denuns 121 . 174.184 Wilson. Eric 182. 184 Wilson. Jason 111 . 176 Wilson. Mark 184 Wilson. Nathan 121 Wilson. Sasha 121. 159. 169, 210 Wlnteninger, Rebecca 79. 91. 165. 192. 202.203.249 Winters, Amy 121. 173 Woerner. Catherine 79. 204, 223 Wotbl , Sta 9 . to! Wood. An1y 121 Wood. Bradley 111 Wood. Brian I 77 Wood, Chastity 11 I Wood. Dustln99, 101 Wood. Gary 101 Wood. Jonathan 121.204 Wood. Kristina 111. 169, 208, 261 Wood. Owen I 11 Wood, Pike 212 Wood, Robert43, 206.214 Wood. Ronnle Ill. 176 Wood, Sarah 43. I 11. 142, 159, 169, 204 Wood. Shawn 79. 200. 244 Wood. Teswar79 Woodell. Juanita Ill Woodell. Marc 121 Woods. Marie 200 Woods, Virginia 101 Woodson. Troy 73. 79, 174. 202. 210. 255 Woody, Tina 121. 160 Woodzell. Heather 101 Worley. Michael 101. 141. 208. 261 Worrell, Charity 121. 202 Worsky. John 121 Wright. Tamara 121 Wright. Tina 212 Wyant, Angle 121, 204 Wynne. James 121. 216

Yowell. Brent 121. 177 Yu. Jimmy 101. 141. 156. 202

Zaglul. Alejandro II 1 Zandt, Ray 10 I Zantow. Keith 41. 121 Zeh, Stephanie 158 Zhu. Nln~ 41. 111 Zimmennan. Massie 121 Zom, Jennifer 121. 169. 208 Zuther. Simone 107. Ill

Yahav. Adi Ill Yahav, Orl 36 Yahav, Sharon 111 Yahav. Tal 1 1 1 Yank. Vannessa 101. 180. 206 Yates. Richard 79. 9 1 Yates. Tashika 102, Ill Yensan,Jonathan 121 Yensan, Laura Ill Youel, Robby 129, 206 Young. Brandy 111, 143 Yowell. Alycia 79. 91. 204, 206, 210. 239 Yowell, Christopher 121. 177

Index • 269


THE PEER STAFF The year started off with a staff of only twentytwo students, two advisors, and a simple ladder of the pages. Everyone knew it would be hard work-and it definitely was. There were seven deadlines and only one was met entirely on time. At first few knew how to use the computers. Then the schedule got thrown off with the never-ending string of snow days. So staff members ended up sacrificing Saturday mornings and weekday afternoons just to sit in front of the computers and work on pages. Everyone felt the STRESS as each deadline approached. People ran around taking last minute pictures (even on Friday nights). fought over computers, and yelled at the slow printer. But with all of the hard work and stress came many good times- unchaperoned trip to camp, water fights, throwing food in Ashley's pool, selling ads (running from Hardees), computer room talks, wet T-shirt contests at camp (Shannon won), fights over the theme and the cover, chatting with Garland, gossip about guys, card games, both trips to New York, and finally seeing the book in print. And there were also plenty of inside jokes and plenty of nicknames-- the Throne of Eternal Muff, Jon Boy, the Doghouse, Bulldog, power trips, Redbeard, Fletch, Trooper, sticky fingers, Barrel Boy, coolies, Slug, Rookie, Jason, Dobber, Queen, Big Teates, basketball net, & Twiz. Finally it all was over and the Book was finished! !I

While Keni Bickers flips through another school's yearbook to get ideas, Erin Cason begins writing h er next story for the Academics section.

Jon Fulton and Tavis Coffin work diligently (yeah right) on the computers to make sure their work gets done.

1994 Peer Staff Editor-in-Chief: Ashley Edwards Business Manager: Jon Fulton Photography Editor: Harlow Chandler Student Life Editor: Kate Teates Senior Class Editor: Holly Mack Underclass Editor: Kristin Dodge Faculty & Organizations Editor: Jimmy Kuttesch Academics Editor : Doug Krohn Sports Editor: Shannon Fletcher Staff: Tavis Coffin, Emily Potter, Samantha Wang, Kerri Bickers Betty Gibson, Matt Curtin, Erin Cason Photographers: Kim Seagren, Justin Bellucci, Tara Bossi, Lori Allen, Kim Timberlake, Charles Reinhold Advisors: Laura Riggan & Richard Ergler

~ 270 • Colophon

The 1994 Peer Staff


Taking a break from all of the enlightening seminars at Yearbook Camp, Emily Potter, Ashley Edwards, Samantha Wang. Kate Teates, and Shannon Fletcher joke around in the dorm.

The 1994Peer, volume4l, was published by Jostens Publishing Company in Winston-Salem North Carolina. After six very stressful deadlines were eventually met, even with all the snow days. one thousand copies were printed and shipped to Albemarle High School on May 28, 1994. The 9M by 12M yearbook contains 274 gloss pages that were created on Pagemaker 4.2. The cover Is #492 Forest Green grain material with a silk screen of #331 Red and #327 Rich Gold. Individual student names were also stamped on the cover in #327 Gold. The endsheet is tinted #293 Cream with the contents design printed in both # 187 Mars Red and #873 Gold. The binding of the book is Smyth sewn, rounded, and backed. 150 point binder board is used for the cover casing. The production of the 1994 Peer was not possible without the help of so many different people. Thanks to Laura Riggan and Richard Ergler for their help as our advisors. I thank Carolyn Mack for assisting the staff with the typing and for computer help, Shawn Button and Ernie Runyon for the many student lists, Mr. Raines and the rest of the Administration for their support of the 1994 Peer staff. Rita Pippin for the sports scores, Cindy White for help with anything we needed, and Dennis Collins for keeping track of our money. Many thanks to Jenny Edwards and Sandy Awad for their assistance with the Senior Baby pictures. I also thank Eddie Huff. our Josten's representative, for helping the staff with whatever needed and for all of the advice and help you gave us on our publication. Thanks also to Delmar Studios for taking school and organization pictures. I appreciate all the help and cooperation we received from the coaches, faculty & staff, and the parents. We could not have produced the book without you all. I never would have made it without Jon Fulton- the business manager. Thanks for keeping me straight all year long, getting your pages in early. and for putting up with my moods and my lack of patience. Finally, 1 would like to thank the wonderful staff and photographers for all ofyour hard work and dedication to getting this yearbook finished. Not only did you guys have to deal with missed deadlines due to all of the snow days. but also you often had to spend free time taking pictures for pages and coming in on Saturdays just to get stuff done. But we made it through and the Peer is finally published! Editor-in-Chief. Ashley Brookman Edwards

Colophon • 271


Deanna Dellaganna and Sarah Clifford croon a love song, sent by someone special, to Melvin Perrow as a part of the Valentine's Day Thing.

W lth Kelly ..,......


As the night drew to a close, Jeff Hackett and Amy Ritchie embraced for one last dance at the Homecoming Dance, "Phantom of the Opera."

Baldini high above the

the Vanltf'Cheerlea rs student body in a cheer to raise the spirit of the crowd, creating more madness, at the Winter Pep Rally.

~ 272 • Closing

An End to the

As the school year drew to a close, so did the madness throughout Albemarle -to the relief of teachers, students, and ad-

ad ness~:::.str~: school reopened after Winter Break,

the weather worsened;

thus began a

long stretch of snow

days. By the end

of the year, students had

missed over fifte

days of school. First

semester exams were canceled, countless sports games were postponed,


Valentine's Day Thing had to be held after Valentine's Day, and spring try-outs were even put off. But everyone survived and the rest of the year went as planned. The dedication and hard work of the the AHS Girls' Closing • 273


Varsity Basketball team paid off-- they went undefeated in the district and made it to the finals of Regional playoffs. The InterClub Council worked hard organizing Superfest '

on May 13 with this year's theme, "A World Bazaar." After countless fundraisers, the Junior Class got it together and held Prom at the Glenmore Firehouse. And as the Seniors walked out the front entrance for the last time, the doors of Albemarle closed for the summer, bringing an End to the

~adness of 1994.

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