2002 Albemarle HIgh School Peer

Page 1





Student Life .. .......................... 4


Seniors .................................... 48

"J,Pl/t -N~)t.

U nderclass ............................. 82 Academics ............................ 114


Sports .................................... 138

Clubs .................................... 176 ~

Baby Ads .............................. 192

Qr Ads ........................................ 230 ~ Closing ................................. 234



Index ..................................... 236


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The life of a Patriot was one filled with many "CHALLENGES"! Some d when we didn't have a

"CLUE" .

So we found our way back from the botto

of the "cHUTE" and up to the 'UDDER"where we were far from "TROUBLE". Hundreds of new faces arrived at Albemarle and were tossed into the mass confusion of our ''MAIL


As the

year went by, students

became more and more



around Iike we all had


The year was exhiiQ.:..

rating, and filled with

many "CHARADES" and

a "TWISTER"ofevents.

We came in no

"KNOWING JACK" and "FISHEDAROUND" for answers. We all came as

" Survivors "

2 The Games of Life

in the end and found our own


A; ...




laying around , senior Chirs Collins and Murray, Kate Rennie and Ben Hoelscher enjoy a game of twister at the Homecoming tailgate.

;"! Some days


into the mass

S" .


1ore and more


earning new skills of life, senior Nyshea' Carter and junior Stephen Martin play the game "Monopoly" in Marketing class.


oncentrating, juniors Michael Ronan and Brian Covington play an intensive card game while in market ing class .

was exhila-





all came out I


rm wrestling, juniors Shannon Cooper and Laure n Deuweke entertain themselves at the end of chemistry class. An important strategy to have when playing games is competition. Everyone has a competitive spirit inside and rt comes out when you least expect it. Work is a big part of everyone's lives, but games get us through tough Cllld boring times and put a smile on our faces l



The Games of Life 3



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HallMadness Student life is a chaos ofhomework, hobbies, sports, and social issues • Students and their crazy lives!! ! We worked hard on homework, did volunteer work, played intensive sports, had hobbies, and made friends, but we still tried to find time to entertain ourselves and have some fun. Forget about sleep being a student was a hard job, but someone had to do it! We all survived, achieved our goals and won in the biggest games... The Games of Life. Judging the Karioke Contest during Spirit Week, junior Jessi McCurry, sophomore Lecky Stone and seni ors Anna Hastings and Paige Thompson all clap as an act ends.

4 Student Life



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-;ports, and Enjoying themselves, seniors Kali Philips and Lauren Barnett sit around at the tailgate before the homecomjng game. They were there representing the Fellowship Christian Club and competed amongst several other organizations in the decorating contest. The Literary magazine entertained the crowd with their green "alien excretion" and fortune telling booths and left happy, winning first place at the tailgate. "The green juice was really good!" said Adrienne Allen.

Huddling up and getting pumped, juniors Lauren Neese, Garry Hurst, Jason Day and Kitty Lyon get ready to play a game during the homecoming Pep Rally. Four representatives from each grade had to ru n to the center of the gym, chose a card showing a year and then correctl y match up the card with the teacher who graduated in that year. It was a close race between all the grades. The juniors successfull y completed four match-ups, though and won it all, including the spirit stick ! Sophomores came close, and won second place.


Student Life 5






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Let the Games Beginning the first week of school was sort of like taking the first shot at rolling dice in a game and making your first move. Some people like taking the first turn, while others would rather lay back and see what others do first. For freshman, the first turn was their first shot at 路 school. For upperclassmen, it was a return to a very familiar surroundings. As junior John Meadows said " The first week of school was school. It was nothing special to me ." After the first few days, Matt Gentry commented, "My junior year is mighty hard; I wish I could go back to preschool." However, what some of them forgot was that the week was probably the best week and the beginning ot the best year for seniors. Matt Whitford said, "It was pretty cool to be back." Teachers also had some opinions about the start of another school year. American Studies teacher Mr. MacMichael commented, "I was always excited to go back to school... yeah right." And so by the end of the first week of the 2001-2002 school year, the real game had just begun.

As the day begins, parents drop students off in front of the schooL Befo re they run o ff Mom gives a little last minute ad vice. 6 Student Life



lclvor and Brooke Meade carry on their own priva te conversa tio n, .ground Matt Taylor is excited to see his o ld friend Mike Bradshaw.

ol was sort of like

in a game and mak-

ike taking the first { back and see what

their first shot at hig a return to a very >hn Meadows said " 1. It was nothing :lays, Matt Gentry ghty hard; I wish I

rgot was that the fir md the beginning of tford said, "It was

; about the start of tdies teacher Mr. lways excited to go

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ek of the 2001-2002 : begun.

une, and sophomore Abby I handing out flyers r all the new and old Albemarle.

-ore jesse Elizan waits a minute longer while his ride gives him some last dvice on w hat to expect d uring the first couple of days. Hopefully the ad vice .J.Seful on his first day in school as sophomore.

Seniors jason Lawson and Deven Mullincx are lounging back in the Senior Circle on the Breezeway in the first long lunch o f the year.


Student Life 7

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"I had . ~so . ·much' ,. J fun at ·the }Jon fire, it . . was something ,.to:::

Freshman Nick Marcum and Travis Batten and junior Kirstin Zamors ki find is ea to learn to enjoy the 13reezway. "I know lick and Travis through Robert Marcu Nick's older brother. ! like to check in with them ocasionally just to make sure tho arc finding their way around, also to see if Albemarle is treating them alright I thi of them as the little brothers that l never had!" says Kirstin. "Kirstin has really help Travis and I get used to Albemarle and all the new people, classes, lunches, cvcrytht that is new. I really like AHS and I am happy that we have someone like Kirs around," says ick.

tally ."L... different. In middle school ·\r - • they would . never sponser·- · · . something like this." Casey -~r Barlow explains. ~

During third period freshmen Kelly Leake and Paul Johnston look over a lab with Mr. Parks. "Mr. Pa rks is a really great teacher. I have so much fun in his class. He takes learn ing to a different level and makes it interesting. I always look fo rward to my third period class just because it's with Mr. Parks," says PauL

8 Student Life

During Spirit Week David Ashby and Zcke Gon7alez Fernandez show off their li dancing moves in senior circle during the Spirit Week Dance Off. The two were a hair from winning and were beaten by the senior girls dancing to N'sync. attended ATIS for his freshman and sophomore years but left forSTA 13 his junior> "I like it here at Albemarle, the people are great" says Zeke.

mior Kirstin Zamorski find is e :l Travis through Robert MarC1 ocasiona lly just to make sure I rle is treating them alright. lth Kirstin . "Kirstin has really he! •eople, classes, lunches, ever yth hat we have someone like Kir!o

:Fernandez show off their liqu. k Dance Off. The two were j girls dancing to N'sync. Zel. . but left forSTA B his junior ye ys Zeke.

ot the Only New Kids in Town rgest group of new students were the freshman, · to learn to interact with each other as well as the to the chaos of high school. Just being a freshman toughest part, not knowing shortcuts to classes, .1sed to the lunch schedules, finding their lockers .1nd more. "lg from middle school to high school was one .Jt to move to Albemarle from another part of the or even from a different country altogether, was other. All with welcomed with open arms, and e cotmselors made sure that students who were ·he school were given a tour and a buddy to help e first days of the year. Teachers and staff meme available as well to guide the newcomers through rinth of hallways. formerAlbemarle students returned to the fold, Zeke Gonzales-Fernandez and Megan Drozda, thers were lost partway through the year, includ..aura Michael, who followed her family to former C. Glass. By the end of the first semester the new ·· seemed to have familiarized themselves with rroundings, and all became part of the Albemarle Brittany Bishop

Freshman Amanda Armstrong writes on the Breezeway during the Spirit Week Chalk Out.


New Students 9


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Way to Show that Spirit! •

Most memorable week of the year

Camouflage. Pajamas. Poodle Skirts. Cowboy hats. American Flags. What did all of these things have in common? They were apart of the main themes of Albemarle High School's 2001 Spirit Week. Spirit Week was an Albemarle tradition of great importance. The week gave students the chance to dress up and show their Albemarle school spirit, while it also offered several events and contests for the student's entertainment. "Spirit Week is a time where students can come together and show their spirit. It unites us as a whole/' commented Senior Class President Anna Hastings. Unlike past years, for 2001 Spirit Week each day contained a special event. Various contests and activities included signatures, chalk on the breezeway, karaoki and dance contests, and a Pep Rally. This year was also the first time points were given to various grades for their participation and victory in the differen activities. Finally, the students enjoyed decorations from around the school in the first hallway decorating contest by the different grades. With contests, activities, and a closing Pep Rally, the 2001 Spirit Week was definitely a memorable one. Julianne

Juniors Jason Day, Jesse McCurry, and Ashleigh Quick show off their red, white and blue on Friday of Spirit Week, Patriot Day. 10 Student Life




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ger Brown raps to "Honey" by Mariah Carey in front of a crowd on the y. Throughout the week, several conlesls and events were offered to n order to gain spirit week points for the different classes. On \<\lednesday, participated in a Karaoki contest.

of the year

irts. Cowboy hats. se things have in ain themes of Albe!k. clition of great :s the chance to 3chool spirit, while 1tests for the

ents can come

ites us as a whole," \nna Hastings.

Week each day ontests and activie breezeway, ~p Rally. This year iven to various :tory in the different yed decorations tallway decorating

sing Pep Rally, the emorable one. Julianne Laun

<:~:~i ' o? new events

this year was the Chalk-Out on the Breezeway, giving students des a chance to design and decorate the sidewalk. Junior Abby Berube uses .JC ability to draw her name and other designs on the Breezeway.


Junior Matt Gibson enjoys his lunch on the breezeway on Tuesday of Spirit Week, Comfy day. Several students along with Matt ca me to school in pajamas, sweat pants, and bathrobes to show their spirit on Comfy day .


Spirit Week 11

Senior Homecoming Court: Row 1: Kelly Barlow (Homecoming Queen), Tate Prum, Brian Craddock, Shan on Lowman, and Mandy Mayo. Row 2: Rebecca Collier, T revor Ja merson, Rachel Nadolski, Paige Thompson, Ann a Hastings, David Price, Achmed Conteh, William Wright, Megan Eld er, and Amir Rasool. Not pictu red: Roger Brown (Homecoming King).

Junior H omecoming Court: Row 1: Meghan Cushman, Julianne Launi, Britta ny Walther, Josh Gillette, Megan Hughes. Row 2: Drew Atchison, and Dallin Hardy. lot p ictured: N ick Morris.

Sophomore Homecoming Court: Elliot Saunde rs, Margare t Murray, Norah Johnson, Tremaine Wil son, Lauren Beckman, and Antonio Johnson.

12 Student Life

Freshman Homecoming Court: Ryan Wood fol k, Monica Clark-Covert, Sam Beruh and Bianca Catta-Pre ta.

n \\ itry sin

lunch, anc

Way to Show

- hat Soirit "This year's spirit week was by far the best that we've had here since my freshman year. " -Junior Sydelle Gonias

The Homecoming Pep Rally was full of new and unusual events. Aside from the introduction of the fall sports teams and the cheering contests between classes, students competed against each other in a new game in which they had to guess the graduating years of a group of teachers and staff members. At the end of all the contests, the junior class let out a roar as they were presented with the Spirit Stick at the Homecoming pep rally.

Junior Finton Horan is thrown into the air by the other cheerleaders at the champion ship Powder Puff foo tball game held on Wednesday night. Following the game, students attended a bonfire where all fall sports tea ms we re presented.

ca Clark-Covert, Sam Berube.

o r Phillip Witry sings karaoke during long lunch. The SCA sponsored events on the Breezway throug hout the

.. d uring lunch, and the weather cooperated, for most part.


Spirit Week 13

Shootin ___ the oon

en Rod Bro~ nd quarter of

Red, white, and bue!

It was a night of high hopes for the Albemarle Patri-

ots as they hosted the North Stafford Wolverines during the Homecoming Game. Spirit Week hyped the school up and brought all the Patriots together. Senior Ron Snitrak, one of Albemarle's Varsity football players, said "It was really great to see all the people come out and support us before the game at the bonfire." By Patriot Day on Friday, everyone was ready to enjoy the game. The Literary Magazine club had an "ou路 of this world" booth and won fifty dollars. When peoplt arrived for the game, red, white, and blue colors were seen everywhere in support for Albemarle. The Patriots started off strong with a lead of 21-7 going into halftime Songs of pride were heard from the marching band before Homecoming Court was announced. The lovely winners of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior court walked under the flags of color guard as the audience and cheerleaders applauded. Unfortunately, the Patriots lost their lead in the second half and the game went into overtime. Stafford scored a touchdown in the last few seconds of the game The final score was Stafford 28 Albemarle 27. Meg Bracke

The color guard twirled fl ying colors of red , gold , and black d uring the h alftime show.

e's Defensive line,co1 路 man, and Drew Ate

.d Brow n listens as C

14 Student Li fe

memen Rod Brown, David Price, and 13en Curry se t up for the next play ~cond quar ter of the H omecoming Game.


e Albemarle Patrii Wolverines during < hyped the school :her. Senior Ron =ootball players, said ple come out and mfire." Le was ready to ine club had an "out .ollars. When people l blue colors were ~made. The Patriots going into halftime te marching band )unced. The lovely nior, and senior r guard as the !d. ~ir lead in the sec~rtime. Stafford econds of the game. narle 27. Meg Bracket

-narle's Defensive line,consistingofl3en Mathern, Martin Burks, Chad Wood folk, Beckman, and Drew Atchison w ait for Stafford's snap. -Rod Brown listens as Coach H epler g ives instructions and prepares the next

Kelly Barlow and Mr. Johnson receive their Homecoming crown and tiara at halftime. The real king, Roger Brown, stayed in the locker room with the team when the court was am1ounced at halftime.


Homecoming Game 15






. •

Sophomore Lauren Beckman looks for the pass to make a run for a touchdown.

a tors

dcfe. - 'l""' ...more

Laun re tea

so t

Freshman and senior teams go head to head in a battle for the footba ll. All of the girls team played hard, but the sophomores surprised everyone.

The senior cheerleaders Shane Sims, Jason Lawson, David Morris, and Chris Col run down the field during half time to show their school spirit and support for L team.

largaret Murra lzey, Andrew J ~r.,.

16 Student Life


make a run for a touchdown.




路 arle's female students got their once-a-year play football for their classes on Wednesday 路 - re the bonfire. The powder puff games were - >m their usuallunch time kickoff to the evening ::.de it possible for more girls to particiate, and :>pectators to enjoy the games. niors defeated the freshman in the first game, phomores triumphed over the seniors in the ~me. Lauren Beckman and Norah Johnson led omore team, who in the final confrontation e juniors by one point. 路the crowd's favorite things were the "replace1le cheerleaders from each grade, who led the uoughout the games and at the half-times, ng prep stunts to the delight of the on-lookers. ne agreed that moving the game to the evening xi idea, so that Powder Puff would continue to marie High School spirit week tradition. Amber Lynch

)avid Morris, and Chris Coil hool spirit and support for tho

A TIS students gather around the am1ual bonfire after the girls finish playing their powder puff football tournament.

'lre Margaret Murray and classmates Ben Mathern, Ben Hale, Daniel Collier, Drew Smythers, Michael Jeff Elzey, Andrew Jacks, Andy Kea thley, and Shane Himes cheer for their sophomore girls powder puff players.


Powder Puff Football 17

"Satellite In M A night most students at Albemarle High School looked forward to Saturday, October 13, 2001, the ¡ of the 2001 Homecoming dance. The theme for the dance was Space Odyssey, and the theme song was Dave Matthews, "Satellite In My Eye". The dance started at eight o'clock and ended at midnight. Students brought dates from other schools or from Albemarle, while others went alone or with friends. "Going with friends is more fun because you not committed to anyone else during or after the dance." commented junior Brittany Bishop. The apparel for the dance was format allowing one who showed up to look his or her best. Most girls chose a simple short dress, more prom-like, long dresses, or more comfortable pant suits. It was manditory for boys to wear nice pants, collared shirts and ties. The dance was almost completely full by nine o' clock. The lower cafeteria was incredibly crowded as couples kicked off their shoes and danced to the beat mostly hip hop, rap and pop music provided by ~e DJ club. The dance was hopping right up until midnight, when the festivities ended .



. I


Sophomore Jenny Allen gets her hair done for Homecoming in small braids, as did several o ther girls.

18 Stud ent Life


Freshmen Davidson Baker, Brandon White, and Ryan Woodfolk add fl are to their homecoming apparel with stylish head wear.


lll-Tolley Jones, l\ their d ates and c with their friend

uren Peterson, jake Martin, and Ashleigh Bou rne s tep through the orations dividing the upper and lower cafeteria. The lower cafeteria • the dancing took p lace, while in the upper cafeteria students could tables and relax with a break from dancing.

tarle High School ber 13, 2001, the nigr 'h e theme for the =theme song was


:k and ended at midn other schools or 1.t alone or with )re fun because you ng or after the y Bishop. )rmal, allowing e her best. Most girls ¡rom-like, long suits. It was ::~nts, collared shirts

ly full by nine o' edibly crowded as danced to the beat : provided by tje DJ : up until midnight,

Ann-Tolley Jones, Maureen Elswick, Nikki Drozda, and Jessica Quick take m their dates and clap thei r h ands to the beat of the music as they enjoy .ut with their friends at H omecoming. White, and Ryan Wood folk 1rel with stylish head wear.


Senior Sherome Lewis and his date sophomore Sarah jones try to make their way through the crowd ed cafeteria to take a break from dancing outside. When the s tudents got tired or hot from being in the busy cafeteria, they'd take a breath ncar the picnic tables on the side of the school.


Student Life 19




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Sophomores Devon Schinder and Corey Smiriglio eat lunch and draw on the d uring the Chalk Out. The ledges of the Breezway are flooded during each break students sitting with their friends, talking, and often times they are used as tab lunch as well.


1rang a 1n searcl .;hter an 路 lead tc '"lung o~ s tosta1

~way ~

.\ ent


accon ., out OJ :r midd re on tl 1 the jun of hono

Seni ors Diana Souder, Gabby Olka, and Reanan Renton stand in the senior ci rcle, scoping out the crowd that has gathered aound the Breezway for the Spirit Week events.

20 Student Life

Students from every grade gather a round the Breezeway to sing and pray in brance of the victims of the tragedy of September 11th .

;lio eat lunch and draw on th ' arc flooded during each brea ften times they are used as tab

Stepping into the Breeze!! 11 rang and noisy students ran down ] ... in search for the doors to the Breeze..tghter and excitement filled the walkt lead to a place of freedom where h ung out while they waited for their . . ~es to start. In all buttheworstweather, zeway was always the place where 路 went between classes. "I love going e Breezeway between classes, because us a chance to talk to all my friends, " 10r Brittany Walther. f the interesting traditions about the 路."ay was that students hung out in difreas according to their grade. The fresh.ng out on the freshman stairs, often 路heir middle school groups, the sopho.vere on the sophomore wall, the jun. on the junior wall, and the seniors held ce of honor in the senior circle. Amber Lynch

~wa y

to sing and pray in rem


Sen io rs Raphael Acosta and Jacobi Affinnih enjoy the sunshine andwatch as their classmates perform.


Breezeway 21

Where in the World As the summer ended and the school began, the summer trips got shorter and students' faces began to fall. The summer lovin' was about to end, but before summer ended Albemarle students experienced some their greatest memories. Helen Gomersall enjoyed a visit to Wales at a beach resort to visit some family, Lacy Nolan and Kari Armstrong had a great time at the beach in Lacy's house in South Carolina and Tonya Morris enjoyed a stop in North Carolina to see the all time greatest colli' try man, Tim McGraw, in concert. Summer for m ost teens was their favorite season, because there were no worries and students could spend fun weeks with the friends and family. Summer trips for some people included family vaca tions to the beach or trips to Disney World. Others, though, spent a long summer time away from Charlot tesville, such as Jade Catta-Preta who said," I had an amazing time in New York City and I was gone for so long it felt like I was at home." Summer was a great experience for most students gave many great memories to carry them through the school year.

Sophomores Jessica Lee and Candice Shaver dress like twins before going out together in Florida, on their way to the hot Bahamas. .Q.. 22 Student Life


Gomersall is c .avs " Tmiss En~ d has lived he1 .amily and in\


Gomersall is originally from England and went back to v isit this ys " I miss England a lot, but the schools are better here." She moved ,d has lived here since then. Wh ile there this s ummer she v isited her iamily and in Wales she helped o ut boarding horses.

;chool began, the :l.ents' faces began to t to end, but before

t to Wales at a beacl1 Jolan and Kari ~ beach in Lacy's bea ra Morris enjoyed a tll time greatest cour Summer for most ~cause there were no fun weeks with the路

ncluded family vaca y World. Others, ~ away from Chariotrho said, " I had an 1d I was gone for so

- -

for most students ar y them through the

路g h, Pennsylvania is senior up there for a for a famil y ntion was going on and I ::>fit."

~, junior Brian Record and seniors Brain Thomas, Ashton Beebe, Dwight e, Matt Taylor and Jon Wood enjoy an early celebration of beach week. The n t a week at Nags Head in North Carolina and had a wonderful time.

These two sisters have a blast while h iking through Bryce Canyon in Nationa l Park. Senior Stephanie Reed and freshman Shannon Reed have a great summer trip w ith their fam ily before coming together .


Travel 23

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junior Adriaime Oliver shows off her graffiti name on her wall. Shawn also a jlmior at Albemarle, painted Addy on her wall. Adria nne tells that," I love 11 Shawn did, it definitely makes it MY room."


eir "cribs" cnts went a on of therr the time spe a great plc en finish u mall to m· Ashley Odom takes a break from homework to read the latest maga7ine issue." Junior year has been so busy, but it's nice to always have my room to settle down and relax in," tells Ashley. Freshman Jessica Quick fi lls her walls with pictures of frie nds and Marilyn Monroe posters. Her walls arc painted to resemble a leopard print to ma tch her bedding, which add to this Hollywood style room.

ere a grea ·over they ... gns, postE · w items t ded entert;

"'area to s

.·ey, and f ·gamesysl e homes a

Sisters Kristen, Lizzy, and Jenny Caraway sit and talk in Jenny's room. Freshman jem1y covered her main wall with music posters and pictures from her latest vacation to New York City with the drama class.

John Brase, and Jeff and Matt Durkin enjoy playing life-size arcade games in J game room. The room is complete with an entertainment area, wet bar, and pool L Junior John adds, " This room is perfect to just come chill out with all my fri end< have a good time."

' a senior at All I love ha vin~ room more intJ

ow to Live like a Patriot

'ery person you saw at school, there was a special -e he or she could take a break from all the stress to

eir "cribs" provided an escape from school and ·ents went above and beyond to make these places a ·,on of themselves. :..~e time spent at horne was spent in student's beda great place to hang out with friends, talk on the ,·en finish up those last math problems. "It's great m all to myself," senior Kristen Carraway corn-

"V'. .'f / . three siblings, 7

it's nice to be able to get away , put on some Dave Matthews and spend time alone." -Kristen Carraway

dents made their rooms lively and exciting with their uches. Picture collages were key to making many 10ms personalized and more a place of their own. " I g all my pictures on my wall; it reminds me of all the nds and I have," said freshman Jessica Quick. Bedwere a great place to display collections that had ·t:'d. over the years. Shoes, bags, all kinds of clothing . signs, posters, and even giraffe figurines were just few items that were found in students rooms. eeded entertainment areas were also important rns dedicated to enjoying free time. Basements were the -non area to set up entertainment rooms including Pingockey, and pool tables. Big screen TV's, complete with of game system available, could be found there also ·1me homes also had trampolines, basketball hoops, and provide even more ways to relax and have fun. days, students loved to hear, "Go to your room!" Meg Brackett

life-size arcade games in Joh 1ent area, wet bar, and pool ta chill out with all my friends

Davis, a senior at Albemarle, shows her sign collection in room. " I love having all my pictures all over my wall, it · es my room more intresting and fun to be in." Dee's room two stories, with her bed on the upper level loft. Her parents e been building their house for over fi ve years and have ""''nalized it with an elevator and an art studio.

Junior Robert Marcum and senior David Hantman spend their free time making up crazy tricks on Robert's trampoline in his backya rd. They use the trampoline to practice their brea kdancing moves and to jump around.


"Cribs" 25




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-enior lot, senior \!y dad sent it to -nia plates on it"

_ __L _ight.

One of the many special privileges of being an classrnan was the chance to park in any of the three available to students. Students drove birthday p cars they bought, or morn's mini-van. It didn't really matter how you got the car, just as long as it wasn't "big cheese". Students personalized the cars they drove in their own ways. According to junior Rebecca Slutzky, "Personalized license plates are one way to entertain at stop lights, and tell people about the kind of persoP you are. It reflects their personality." However, there were other ways to personalize cars. Senior Ashley Simons decorated the inside and outside of her car. "The inside's got lots of girlie stuff 路 m y Tinkerbell on my rearview mirror. .. and the outsi has some wave riding vehicle stickers on it... and of course my AHS parking pass with the American flag the back, I love my country baby!" If they didn't have cars to drive, students would a ride with a friend or neighbor- anything to keep fro riding the school bus. Somehow they all got to school one way or another, whether they wanted to or not. Nicole

Like many other seniors, Ashton Beebe enjoys the challenge of driving his Jeep through the trees off roac.

Senior James Wright's red Mustang is a familiar sight in the Albemarle High School parking lot.

26 Student Life


lawrence and ~ event that takes July 26-28 in the

senior lot, senior Kari Armstrong waits patiently by her car for her sister "My dad sent it to me across the country for my birthday. That's why it lornia plates on it".


es of being an upp t any of the three >ve birthday presen. an. It d idn't really long as it wasn't th

1ey drove in their )ecca Slutzky, "Pery to entertain p eop: t the kind of person ·." However, there s. the inside an d outts of girlie stuff witl· ror ... and the outsid ers on it... and of the American flag students would :-tything to keep ey all got to school Nanted to or not.

Eric Byers

Ashley Simons

Rebecca Slutzky

\ AXTNtJ ~9iRGWAYEJ fii~Di:iGT


Thomas Wait

Gabby Olko

Aaron Ra tesic

Lacy Nolan

Sarah Skevington

Amber Guthrie

'MAR • VIRGINIA • ffijj

jiJ't " VIRGINIA "'iffij f~ ~;


GINNABY. B~W,£JD .l l S~ILIN.l Ginny Stone

Courtney Desper

Kell y Stone

Dwight Lawrence and Matt Taylor stand by Dwight's Jeep at Camp Jeep. Jeep is an event that takes place every year in late July. This year Camp Jeep lace from july 26-28 in the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Cars 27

- - -- -


rtssett em Although more than half of AHS's students participated a school-sponsored sport, even more were active outside o school hours. Many continued to play in club competition through the off-season. Senior volleyball player Mandy Mayo, played with the Rich mond Volleyball Club over the winter. Amir Rasool played for the SOCA Lightning U18 soccer team. Wrestlers Deven Mullinex and Nate Prum continued to go to tournaments through the summer as individuals. Others enjoyed classes and competition in non-school sports. They might have hoped that someday gymnastics and paintball would be recognized, like swimming, which only became a school sport this year. Many of these were very accomplished and were well recognized in their sport even though their classmates did not know what thedid on all those nights and weekends. Even others liked activites that did not involve coaches, practices or games. Hunting, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding and bikingwere among these. Senior Tony Floyd said, "The only reason I skateboard is 'cause it's cod and the girls like it." Whatever their motivation, these individual athletes followed their love of their games.

Junior Matt Gentry takes a im at a target with his .44 magnum at a local indoor shooting gallery.

28 Student Life


"'d ~1ie ke Pitt I. Tanvian U\ a \·ariety o


r and Mieke Pitts practice TaeKwonDo at the International Black Belt .;chool. Tanvi and Mieke not only practice at least once a week, but they .ate in a variety of competitions thro ughout the year.

3tudents participated

Nere active outside c

in club competition Jall player Mandy leyball Club over tht. JCA Lightning U18 x and Nate Prum gh the summer as

tion in non-school omeday gymnastics <e swimming, which Vfany of these studer 11 recognized in thei 路 i not know what th~

not involve coaches, uding, skiing, ; these. Senior Tony ,ard is 'cause it's coo

dividual athletes

eil Dillon enjoys skiing downhill slope at Wintergreen Ski Resort during his e. Several students at Albemarle also ski and work at local ski parks and throug hout the year. tance to get a picture with lia State Fair.

Junior Chris Barcomb uses a bunker for cover to get a angle for a shot. Chris has been playing for a year and knows cover is essential for witming.


Individual Sports 29


" In elementary school, I started wearing a lot of band t-shirts, and in 8th g rade 1be' to experiement with the clothes 1 wore, and my wardrobe even tually evolved what 1 wear now. But, it's great to know that no one else w ill be wearing the outfit as me every day," states junior Kitty Lyon.

hool stude1 placed on '1 indicated aps what t r it w as kh i long silve1 overall stc; · '> be a fact<

ere were 1 : in the cro .,·aking Uf ar that loc "Who ca

who state'

Freshmen Anthony Jenkins and Jona than Wright wear comfortable sports wear ou tfits on a wa rm fall day. Senior Marina Assareuy says, "1 don' t really care about fashion or what I look like, I guess that's becuase I look hot in everything."

30 Student Life

t-shirts, and in 8th grade I beg rdrobe eventually evolved iJ1 1e else will be wearing the sal:'

ouse o ..:.h school students were notorious for the imporchey placed on the clothes they wore. What they 1ften indicated which social group they felt a part perhaps what type of music they liked. ther it was khakis and polo shirts or oversize .·. ith long silver chains, students used clothing as · the overall statement of who they were. Comfort m to be a factor; most stayed with some variation eans and comfortable shirt. However, every now en there were those students who made it a point out in the crowd. ~joy waking up in the morning and finding some·o wear that looks right to me," explained junior yon. "Who cares if the average Joe doesn't think '" Kitty, a member of the broadcast class who red frequently as an anchor on the AHS morning was known for her unique and courageous fashtements. On the other hand was freshman Eric ton, who stated, "Clothes don't really matter to ust wear what's comfortable."



Amanda Finn

Freshmen Liz Pettit and Eric Gondek hang out. "I try to be original, but really I can't because somewhere, sometime, someone's already done it."


Fashion 31

Let's Talk About 1vers1ty

"Diversity is important because it offers the opportunity to understand fellow s tudents and teachers." - Ms. Tyson, athletic director

Students from all grades talk and ga ther in the 13ree7eway. Seniors Roger Brown, Achmed Con ted, and James Wright enjoy a break in between classes. 32 Student Life

4 9D

">eginning of every s• They have the op ools and backgrm to his fellow stude

Throughout the country, every school had a something that they prided themselves on. Whether it academics, athletics, or the arts, schools were proud certain accomplishments. At Albemarle, a ¡ source of pride was the diversity of the student body. As a center for the ESL (English as a Second Langua program, students from around the world got a cha meet and interact with their peers from other culture well as to learn to get along in a typical American school. For all of the students who called central Virginia classess were available to appeal to every possible ¡ Electives ranged from drama and show choir to s glass making and computer programming, and in students mixed w ith those from other grades and paths. Athletic fields were yet other places where students different ages and backgrounds met. Students could from extracurricular activities from swimming to the demic or forensic teams, and club offerings rounded the choices for students who preferred activities such gaming, anime or fishing. The biggest problem for dents at Albemarle was finding time to enjoy it all.

tivites throughou de of their age and . Kali Phillips, an mmell, who attend





the beginning of every school year, incomi ng ninth graders gather at Freshmen :ation. They have the opportunity to meet and greet wi th other students from schools and backgrounds. Freshman Jeff La ffond proudly shows of his n hat to his fellow students.

:entral Virginia very p ossible in ;how choir to s tmrning, and in t-1"1 ......ler grades and caret

:es where students t. Students could swimming to the •fferings rounded Ted activities such ~est problem for e to enjoy it all.

al seniors kick back during the first long lunch of the school year. Long lunch ·l her activites throughout the year give students the chance to converse with ·-, outside of their age and background. Seniors Jason Lawson, Deven Mull.inex, Hayes, Kali Phillips, and junior Jamie Kay meet with former AHS student .all ITommell, who attended school in Florida in 2001 -2002.

Students from all grades and racial backgrounds gather arow1d the flagpole to mourn the lives lost on September 11, 2001. Every Wednesday, students from around the cow1try gather for "See You at the Pole". which gives students the opportLmity to pray and meditate, by them- Q~ selves or w1th others. Diversity 33



Junior Steven Martin picks out the latest trend in mens' basketball shoes. Steven " at Legends Sporting Goods Store at Fashion Square Mall. "I've worked at Legend six months and the thing I like most about it is that its a very easy going pi corn men ts Steven.

15 and the b ve got 25 n a challeng If you're er. tudents at were rewa1 variety ofF tyle, to Ou 'ld even to~ 'llOr Kris Fo . at Outback 1 we have f tudents w '1 spending .·. ork. Junio e Brick Ov money to s ) constantl) er working tudent ag: "having n JOb."


As hosts at Outback Steak House in the Albemarle Shopping Center, junior Laura Elzey and senior Kris Forrest look over the table chart before the dinner rush begins. "l really like my job, I've met a lot of rea lly unique and nice people working here. And, it's fun because a lot of my friends come in here to eat so l a lways see my fri ends when I' m working," says Laura.

34 Student Life


tyle, a popular sp S students enojy sh extreme sport neec -tomer decide on thE

Junior Justin Barnes rides the tractor at Southern States off of Proffit Road, pickir a heavy load of sandbags. " 1 decided to work at Southern States because I've working on farms and in agriculture since I was little, and I rea lly enjoy the w states Justin of the job which he has held for a little over a yea r.

~·----··'--~ -



.. .........._. .



:;'basketba ll shoes. Steven 1\

!S o ff of Proffi t J{oad,

picking •them States because I've bo e, and T really enjoy the wor wer a year.

orkin' Hard for th e Money

3:35 and the bell rings and you're running to your lU've got 25 minutes to get out of the parking lot ft is a challenge in itself) and get to work before k. If you're late this time, your boss says it will 1ver. ny students at AHS faced this dilemma each day, cy were rewarded for their efforts. They found a variety of places, from sporting goods stores eestyle, to Outback Steakhouse, to Blockbuster and even to Southern States Agricultural prod-..enior .Kris Forrest said of his job "I really like 'lg at Outback. A lot of people from AHS work nd we have fun toge ther." '1)' students worked for the extra money, or for w n spending money, and some just becau se they · ') work. Junior Sydelle Gonias said of her job as a ~ the Brick Oven, "I enjoy working because I have · ·n money to spend on things I want, rather than .; to constantly borrow money from my parents." ~ther working in retail or in food services, every ng student agreed with Brian Covington of ·: le, "having m y own money is the best p art of g a job."

Lacy Nolan

II!I!U, Freestyle, a popular sporting goods store, is where many AI IS students enojy shopping for their winter and summer extreme sport needs. Jun ior Brian Coving ton helps a customer decide on the snowboard that is right for him.

Senior Michael Clark checks o ut a customer at Exxon's Forest Lakes Market. Markets have sprung up around Cha rlottesville over the past few years with many AHS students as emplo yees.


~ Jobs 35





During the first week in January, students at least seventeen years old had opportunity to volunteer their time to give blood for the local Red Cross. ]UI1' Russel Stone pa ti ently waits as his nurse takes blood samples.

...tudents pai - througho al groups a

~rtunities <

'1ity. The I<

y Club Pr•

ring becat: · e to help p AlbemarlE s location: ·popular s .lbemarle < '1t and nm parks. He datory to ·u ty servicE t seniors eJ

Severa l students at Albemarle receive their volunteer hours by participating in several school organizations, such as the Key Club and SADD. Senior Karen Adler, and Sophomore Emily Reijmers volunteer by setting up for the Key Club Banquet. 36 Student Life


Seniors Robert Norford, Kevin Smith, and junior Michael Terry volunteer their t to work the chains at a junior varsi ty football game.

3St seventeen years old h., for the local Red Cross. Jd samples.

___ tudents Above and Beyg!Jd orne students at Albemarle spent their free at the mall, or out on the town, many udents participated in a variety of volunteer throughout the year. I groups and organizations were offered volun1rtunities around school or throughout the tty. The Key Club was one of the most active of y Club President Kate Rice explained, "I like ring because it helps you become well rounded 路 路 to help people." .\lbemarle students indep endently volunteered s locations around the community. Some of 路 popular sites where students volunteered \lbemarle County were the local SPCA, various nt and nursing centers, as well as local county parks. However, for the Senior Class of 2002, it "l.datory to participate in at least five hours of '1ity service per semester in order to graduate. t seniors enjoyed time coaching elementary i?ams, working at their places of worship, or out with the local Special Olympics. !1er volunteering was spent around school or in munity, students spent their time above and the call of duty. Julianne Launi ~ friends

hael Terry volunteer their t

Students are not the only ones who vo lunteer! Mr. Foutz and Mr. Foss volunteer their time to sponsor the ann ual Leadership retreat. held in September.


Volunteers 37

- ---


-- -

The Talented AHS

I '>pe Jones sings' TJtance was one c • All Around " a\

For the first time in a decade, the Albemarle Student Council Association held a talent show featuring sever musical and dance acts performed by students. The sophomore class SCA sponsored the event, raising over 1450 dollars for the 2003 prom. The event featured ten acts ranging from bands, solo singers, an group dancers. Sophomore President Margaret Murra corrunented, "The show was really great. It recognizel our school's talent and lifted our school spirit." The night began as talent show MC's Kitty Lyon am Josh Smith opened with giddy remarks and jokes to gL the crowd into the night's festivities. Judges for the event included math teachers Ms. Shearburn, Mr. Grady, and history teacher Mr. Lindsa After all the acts were finished, the crowd and parti pants waited in anticipation for the announcement of· night's winners. The Shane Himes Band took home tr award for Crowd Favorite, freshman Cherille Davis v. awarded the "Most likely to Become Famous" trophy and freshman Hope Jones received the award for "Be_ All Around Performance". With a large student turn out and crowd participati the talent show proved to be a tremendous success. Julianne

Kitty Lyon and josh Smith begin the night introducing the judges and engaging in small talk as the particpants prepare for the show. 38 Student Life


--~~!II -~~;;;

Members of the new Albemarle band Life Siren Ad rianll' Allen, John Bray, Jay Purdy, and Matt Gibson (not pictureo play "Tears of Gratitude" fo r the crowd at this year's show

the acts consisted nces to show off t eta dance to the so


{ope Jones sings "Eye on the Sparrow" while her father plays the piano. -mance was one of the most talked about that nig ht as she walked away t All Around" award.

\lbemarle Student featuring sever y students. red the event, rais)m. The event :;, solo singers, and 1t Margaret Murra reat. It recognizee ool spirit." ::='s Kitty Lyon and rks and jokes to ge


h teachers Ms. ~acher Mr. Lindsa' ~ crowd and partie mnouncement of t :and took h ome th t Cherille Davis w. Famous" trophy, he award for "Bes:

crowd participa 路ndous success. Julianne

>and Li fe Siren Adrianne 1att Gibson (not pictured) :owd at this year's show.

ost o f the acts consisted of musical talent, there were a couple of groups who ed dances to show off their talent. juniors Casey Owen, Addy O liver, and tta-Preta dance to the song" RESPECT" as the crowd cheers them on.

junior Adam Marrs performs two different sets of songs with fellow members Mike Rehorn and David Ashby (not pictured). Adam amaLed the crowd by playing his g uita r on the fl oor and even behind his head.


Talent Show 39


junior Jay Purdy rocks the mic during a packed show with the band The Distra Jay is the front man and writes all original lyrics for the band which has develot successful fusion of hip hop, reggae, ska and punk. The Distraction has recorded demos and ga ined a vast loca l fan base not only at Albemarle bu t also througho~o Charlottesville area.

k persuasic us on a sol es through st p art ab1 orocess tha· td junior N .nfluences ~ 'iC is really erground s niel Hockir arne as it a -en that wa ·ound an c rah Mcivor - for eight yt ntinue to h; mpetitive e life.

Pausing to address the crowd, jun iors james Foster and Cayman Mooney perform at Superfest as the band Outsane. For now, Outsane is all about fun, performing many off-the-wall covers to entertain their fans.

40 Student Life

jon Bray, lead vocalist fo r the emo-core band Life Siren, works on some new nwith Ma tt Gibson on guitar. "There's a Jot of extremely good stuff out there, one really knows about it w1less they are sponsored by MTV, the rad io, or so "rock " magazines," says Jon. "Popu lar rock is in a horrible state of industria. and following too strict generic fo rmulas."

Eric Haney and f 1cks Road play a m this band, eve 'Ope I can conti.nu ...,ay arise depend ~my education. F 1lways be fun".

ow with the band The Distr r the band which has deve The Distraction has recorde1\lbemarle but also througJ\j

lbemarle Kee __ on oc tting band, wind ensemble, jazz band, chorus, oir, school musicals- there were plenty of electives 路ents interested in music. However, some needed 路!\er outlet for their creativity - p articularly of those k persu asion. Whether they chose to form a band JCus on a solo project, they found a way to express es through music. best part about being in a band is being part of a process that produces music through your emo..aid junior Matt Gibson. However, musical opin1 influences were not all alike. "I think that a lot of ...sic is really generic and homogenized, there is a derground scene though," said senior Eric Haney. Ianiel Hocking agreed. "I think rock today is pretty ,e same as it as always been. Music changes bu t it's been that way." found an outlet in more diverse instruments. Sarah Mcivor learned to play the banjo after play路ar for eight years. Whatever the case, m usic would continue to have an impact on students and would ~ompetitive edge in dealing with the many trying of life.

"I like to play a lot of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Cream", comments junior Christy DaUavelle. "I like electric guitar better also, it has more variety for me."

"I'm lead vocals for my band Savory", says junior Daniel Hocking. "1 have always liked singing. Music is really fun to me, it feels good, but you have to really be in to it. "

-Adrianne Allen


works on some new rna tely good stuff out there, b by MTV, the rad io, or so c orrible state of industria liz

-:nmer Eric Haney and fellow band mates of the hard-core Barracks Road play a show i.n Eric's basement. " I'm the .,gest in this band, everyone else is in their third year of -ge. I hope 1 can continue to play with them for a while, but icts may arise depending on what I choose to do about muing my education. For now I just want to do it for fun. tould always be fun".

Sophomore Margaret Murray entertains junior Gary Hurst at the SCA retreat.


Music/ 13ands 41

juniors Kristin Hankins, Jenna Centini, and Al i Mad igan enjoy their lunches du long lu nch on the Breezeway in early schoo l year. "Going to the breeLeway for lu on a nice day can make big differences in m y day." says Jenni Centini. Stud usually go to the Breezeway to congregate w ith friends and get updated on the Ia. news, no matter what the wea ther.

is t

ther dominc t good for Sf 路snap with . r break, but: 't temperah e a lion, of highs in the e variety, E cr is definitt mer is that 路 to go to the 路 at Forestl mer. ')rite seasor Lake Tal ling. I've l ool and It

~ Johnston

r your fav

roved to to

"Every w inter I get a season pass to Wintergreen. ! go up there ann ually with a bunch of m y friends and we s tay in my condo," says Neil Dillon. Many students throughout Albemarle enjoy going to local ski resorts for weekends and even after school on weeknights.

42 Student Life


These group of girls con verse at the orientation dance for the freshman. J-Iel end of the summer, the dance g ives fres hmen a chance to meet new people used to the new atmosphere. Making new friends in a school with over 1,500s! be intimidating, but most students found ou t that they met tons o f n ew face-

igan enjoy their lunches d ;oing to the bree7eway for 路." says Jenni Centini. Stu ds and get upda ted on the

1s the Season~ Whatever the Weather

Virginia was well known for its varied weather and the 2001-2002 school year was no exception. ther dominated the fall, bad for the fall foliage .t good for sports teams who had no rain-outs. A d snap with a dusting of snow appeared during . r break, but January and February were one long 路h temp eratures often reaching the 70's. March ke a lion, of course, and spring tryout week saw highs in the thirties, but spring finally appeared. 路he variety, every student had a favorite season . 1'\er is definitely m y favorite season. The best part "Timer is that we don' t have school, but other than to go to the beach and meet girls. I also work as rd at Forest Lakes pool during the summer," said amer. \'Orite season is winter because I go to Grandma's n Lake Tahoe eve ry Christmas and I go rding. I've been snowboarding since I was in hool and I try go as much as possible," added rah Johnston. 'er your favorite season might have been, the r proved to to have a varitey~f different weather

e fo r the freshman. Held a ce to meet new people anc. school with over 1,500stud. ~y met tons of new faces.

Days are still warm and sunny for Spirit Week. At the annual tailgate, Karen Ad ler, Li ly Lei, Susie Brumbaugh, and Lindsay Howe gather around their extravegant setups.


Seasons 43

Won't You Be M Valentine's Day was always special at Albemarle. was a time to all kinds of relationships, friendships awell as romances, and a great excuse to give and get candy and flowers. The SCA came up with the "Valentine Thang" ther which gave students a simple way to send Valentine-friends a variety of different gifts, including songs, flowers, balloons, hugs, and hershey kisses. Buyers P to know where their Valentines were during the da) and specify a class period in which that certain some would receive their gift. Singing groups auditioned to deliver songs throu out the day, and the words to the songs were posted the cafeteria, along with the names of the singers, so that everyone could choose the perfect song for a fril or Valentine. Singers delivered their musical messaf all day long, except for seventh period. During the break SCA members visited classrooms and distribu free hugs and kisses (the candy variety) to all. By the end of the day the singers and delivery me... sengers were exhausted, but everyone enjoyed the g and the SCA had more funds available for prom.

Kristina and Martha Perry sing "Breathe," by Faith Hill, as well as " It's your love," by Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill and " Be my baby," the theme song to "Dirty Dancing." 44 Student Life



路re Valentine's, Lindsay Davis sells carnations, roses, balloons, songs, Lindsay is in the SCA and this is a part of the work that she does ea r. "Valentine Thang," is a fundraiser for A TIS prom. ~:.es.

:ial at Albemarle. tips, friendships a 3e to give and get

!ntine Thang" the to send Valentine-ncluding songs, !Y kisses. Buyers r re during the da) that certain some-


songs throu ::mgs were posted of the singers, so feet song for a frie ir musical messag iod. During the 'oms and distribu 路 iety) to alL and delivery me me enjoyed the g1 1ble for prom.

Nick Morris and Drew Atchison sing "Get Ready." They brought smiles es on Valentine's Day. "1 am in chorus here at Albemarle so singing comes rally for me. I think that we did very well, we had many requests," 1\ick


ate Prum, Trevor Jamerson, Jeff Fowler and David Ashby sing "500 :vtiles," along with an exciting and humorous act that they came up with.


Day 45

Students Res ra



The events of September 11, 2001 affected every American across the nation. Everyone did their part to make the best out of a tragic situation. For months after the incident, American flags were seen hanging on almost every door, car, and bu ilding. Students of Albemarle also did their part to help the victims of the tragedies. Through fundraising, mourning, and a renewed national pride, they were forever impacted by the events.


I have seen the faces of children who were directly affected by the attacks. As a result, I am doubly committed to using my voice to help give our youngest Americans a real chance to succeed.

"' First Lady Laura Bush The school year started out as calmly, with nothing out of the ordinary. Letting go of the fears associated w ith " n ew mill ennium" computer shutdowns and airline tie-ups, people were back in a normal routine. Students came back from summer vacations reluctantly, but eager to see their school friends. Sports teams had begun practice in early August, and seasons were well underway by early September. September 11,2001 began as a b eautifu l T uesday morning, but the girls tennis and field hockey contests for the day would be canceled . By 10:00 am eastern time, American Airlines 46 Student Life


Fli ghts 11 a nd 77 had crashed into the towers of th e World Trade Center. A United Airlines flight had crashed into the Pentagon, and another h ad crashed in an open field in Somerset, Pennsylvania. With the rest of the nation, Albemarle students stayed glued to CNN. Realizing the gravity of the situation, the ad ministration kept the news channel accessible throughout the day . In the days that followed, the studen ts of Albemarle found ways to react positively to these events. The Albemarle SCA sponsored a "Help the Heroes Fundraiser," in which for three weeks students do-


nated money for the victims and heroes of the tragedy. Senior class President Anna H astin gs comm en ted, "Even though we are so far away, we wanted to take part. We were all affected in some way." Other groups did their part as well. The chorus sang "God Bless America" at their school concert, and oth er arts pr ogram s displayed artwork to pay respect to America. As the year p rogressed, students did go back to their daily lives, but with a renewed unity and sense of p urpose. Sports continued, school continued, work continued, life continued. Julianne Launi

Sophomore class p reside nt Mar Murra y collects money from . Kristen Carraway for the "Help throes Fund," sponsored by the Alb SCA. The student body raised O\ thousand dollars for the victims tember 11, 2001 and their families

-h p roclaimed Fri< remember the vi< i the Breezeway< America ll1e Beau

What are your memories of 9/11/01?

Jto om

wre class president Ma collects money from Carraway for the " Help t 1d," sponsored by the Alb. he student body raised o d dollars for the victims 11, 2001 and their fa milit"-


It was one of those days that no

one will ever forget. No matter what age you were, I think that everyone will always remember where they were when it happened. Mr. Larry Lawwill, Principal


proclaimed Friday, September 14 to be a Nationa l Day of Mourning o remember the victi ms of September 11,2001. At Albemarle, students "'d the Breezeway during a moment of silence. Afterwards, Albemarle g America tire BeaJttiful and God Bless America to honor their nation.


I remember being in class and watching the awful events. I couldn't believe it. That whole day and the week after was just awful, but it was really cool how everyone came together. I guess that was the best part of it. Ashley Suit, 11

That day was particularly difficult for be because I am from New York. I have a lot of relatives up there. Yet even though I was in a constant panic, I had to keep my cool in order to keep the students and everyone else calm. It was such a tragedy, I would never relive that day. Mrs. Debbie Schamp, secretary

That whole day felt like a bad horror movie. When both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed, it felt like we were all living in a nightmare. The whole experience was so awful. It still seems so real.

Kris Forrest, 12


Seasons 47

Final Level The top players beat every level of the game, but it's time to start all over again... It was a crazy four years, filled with many challenges, and the seniors had struggled but finally finished on the top. Life was like a video game - after starting as novices on the fust (freshman) level and going on to complete the second and third levels, there was one final level...SENIOR year! Through fun times and hard times, dodging obstacles in the path, they had to fill applications, make life-changing decisions, learn to be more independent and get ready to face the real world! They chose to take jobs, decided on local schools or went off for fmther education. Whatever they decided, all could look back and be proud of their accomplishments. Some mistakes were made, but HEY, no one was perfect and seniors used those last four years to learn - about academics, friends , sports, but mostly about themselves. And they beat the game. It was close but the seniors miss winning the Spirit Contest at the pep rally during Homecoming Week.


48 Seniors


ne, Comfy and cozy, Seniors Nate Pnun and Trevor Jamerson go all out on one of the students' favorite spirit days, Pajama Day. Dming Spirit week students are given th e chance to express themselves by dressing up according to the given days. This year the seniors again came on top and received the most points for participating in the 2001 Albemarle High School Spirit Week.

lomecoming Week.

Signing up for caps and gowns, Sam Truslow and Emily Caraway join in making decisions for graduation . Seniors arc faced w ith making ton s of decisions all regarding their graduation and future. They went through all fom years of high school an d it is finally their time to shine.

"/q "tt

~~~ Seniors 49

The Perks at theTop Seniors enjoy privileges by Adriennne Allen

Not only were seniors at the top of the school, they also got certain privileges. "Being a senior is cool because we get to leave for lunch," said Dee Davis. Seniors who had their parents' permission got to leave school grounds on Wednesdays to "go grubbi n'" anywhere they wanted, as long as they made it back to class in time . The system was actually policed by the seniors themselves, who put in one day of checking the passes of their classmates in the parking lots. However, the favorite privilege among seniors was release, If they didn' t need a full schedule to graduate, they were permitted to check in late or leave early on days when they didn' t have classes. "I got a release every day this year. I got out at 1:50 every day, it was great," said Lauren Stangle. Although some felt that previous classes had gotten more privileges, there were still some nice perks for that final year. I


The really great thing about being a senior, besides the fact that you're almost out, is that you get some privileges. It's not half bad!


., u tollll

IJJcriC nnHI~'



Seniors Lisa Franko, Becca Collier and Shelley Morris receive their senior rings, caps and gowns for graduation. Only seniors could order these items.


50 Seniors


I. Rafael Acosta; " I tell you it 's a cold world. Stay in school, you tell me. 'cause it's a man's world. play the mles and fade the fool s." -Tupak Shakur. "Look to my fmure 'cause my pas1 is all behind me." -Big Cap. 2. Ra,•i Adie 3. Karen Adler; Tile Patriot Newspaper ( 1,2,3-edil0r-inchief,4-editor-in-chief); Key Club (I ,2,3-secretary,4-secretary); Youth Leadership Iniliati vc (2,3,4); Young Democrats (I ,2.3,4); 2001 High School Editor's Conference; Key Club Scrapbook, first place; ""Hate is baggage. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time."-American Histot)' X; "If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn ' t be a human being, you'd be a game show host."-Heathcrs; "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."-Figilt Club; ·'He had decided to live forever or die in the anempt."-Joseph Heller. 4. J ake Affeldt 5. Samccr Aghera; JV Football (2); Beta Club (4): Junior Classical League (3): Honor Roll (I ,2,3,4); ··we never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public." -Unknown; ·'Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."-Ralph Waldo Emerson. 6. Hope Albrecht; Varsity Outdoor Track (1.2,3,4); Varsity Indoor Track (2.3.4): Color Guard (2.3-captain.4-captain): Wind Ensemble (2,3,4): Concert Band (I ); Freshman Basketball ( I); District Band (2); Jazz Band Assistant (3,4); "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?'" - Hebrews 3: 16; '·J thank the good Lord every day for making me a Yankee" - Joe DiMaggio: ··Cheerleaders are dancers gone retarded" -Bring It On. 7. Brittany Allen 8. Megan Almond : Varsily Softball ( I ,2,3,4). 9. Hasan A lou I; JV Soccer (2); Varsity Soccer (3,4); Outdoor Club (4); " h gets late early: ·-Yogi Berra; ·'You never know."Unknown. I 0. Kari Armstrong: Drama ( I); Freshman Cheer leading ( I); Varsity Cheerlcading (2); JV Soccer ( I); Cheerleading Competition (I); Choir (3); German Club (3,4); DJ Club (2); Young Life (2,3,4): Campaigners (2,3.4); Junior Olympic Volleyball (3): Recreation Soccer ( 1.2,3,4); "There's this love and it 's burning deep in my soul , constamly yearning to get out of control. wanting to fly higher and higher. I can' t abide standing outside the fi rc."'-Garth Brooks; " Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don' t worry ' bout what you don' t know, life' s a dance you learn as you go."-Unknown. 11. David Ashby: Jazz Band (I ,2,3.4); 'The Distraction" (I ,2,3); SCA (2); Sri-Lanka Cliff Diving (2,3); Jazz Club/SWC (I ,4); Swing Dance Club (2.3); Young Life ( 1,2.3,4); Venturing (1,2,3,4); Jazz Combo: I" place at Chantilly (3). '"Before you criticize somebody, you should walk a mile in their shoes, that way when you do, you're a mile away and have their shoes."Unknown; "Trying is the first step to failure."-Homer J. Simpson; "Meh"-David and Zeke. 12. Virginia Ashby; Volleyball Manager ( I); JV Volleyball (2); Drama Club ( I); Key Club (3,4): Beta Club (4); Math Honor Society (4): Strings ( I ,2); Mediation (4); SOS ( 1.2,3.4); '"We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows."-Robert Frost. 13. Marina Assreuy 14. Kyle Austin 15. Melissa Joel Baldwin: Art Honor Society (I ,2,3,4): Math Honor Society (3,4 ); Beta Club (3,4 ); Key Club (3): Dance (1 .2.3.4); ··sometimes when l"m sad, I tickle my own feet."Dilbert ; "Its not easy having a good time, even smiling makes my face ache."-Dr. Frank-N-Furter. 16. Erica Barbour


Seniors 51

1. Kelly Barlow: J V Field llockey (1 ): Varsity Field Hockey (2-4 -capt.); Varsity Indoor Tmck ( 1,3.4): JV Lacrosse ( l-eapt.); Varsity Lacrosse (2-4): Peer Counseling (1 -4); SCA (l -advisor.2-class treas.3.4-treas.); Key Club (1 -4); F.A.S.T . (4): National Honor Society (3,4); Beta Club (4); National Art Honor Society ( 1- 3-historian, 4-treas.): National Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta); "You've got to leave me now. you' ve got to go alone. you've got to face your dream. one that"s all your own."- 1ickJe Creek. 2. Mary Barnes 3. Lauren Barnett: JV Field Hockey ( I): Varsity Field Hockey (2,3): JV Lacrosse ( 1): Varsity Lacrosse (2-4); FCA ( 1-3 pres.4-pres.); SCA (! -class pres.2-class pres,3-vice pres.); Girls S tate (3); Math Honor Society (2-4): Spanish Honor Society (24); ' ational Honor Society (3.4); Beta Club (4) : Peer Counseling (2-4): New Student Welcoming Commiuee (4): County Health Board Member (3,4): 'Three is beuer than one."-LB, JS. KP: " You路vc got to leave me now. you've got to go alone. you've got to chase a dream, one that's all your own, before it slips away."'-Unknown. 4. Jacob Barrcdo: Outdoor Track (2,3-capt.4); Christian Fellowship Club (1-4 -treas.) : Spanish Honor Society (2-4): Math Honor Society (3,4): National Honor Society (3.4): "We dance round in a ring and suppose. but the secret sits in the middle and knows."-Robert Frost. 5. Phillip Bartley: Scouts (1-4); TaeKwonDo (1-3); Youth Group ( 1-4): Eagle Scout (4): "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."'-Philippians 4:1 3. 6. Evan Beckman: Football (1 -4): Outdoor Track (2-4); Stuntman (3,4); Jazz Band (2-4): DJ Club ( 1-3): "All men die. but not every man truly lives"-William Wallace. 7. Ashton Beebe: Fishing: Four Wheeling in Jeep: Camping; Surfing; Snow Boarding; Knee Boarding; Freshmen Football ; Lacrosse ( 1.2); Outdoor Club (I); Most Valuable Swimmer's Award (3); "Experience is not what happens to you. but what you do with what happens to you''-Aidous Huxley. 8. Alyssa Bender: Christian Fellowship Club (2-4); SCA Advisor Council (3.4); Honor Council (4); Powder Puff ( 1.4}; German Club (2): Beta Club (4); Honor Roll: German Honor Society (4); "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, dream as if you were to li ve forever."-Unknown. 9. Malt Betts: SWC (I ): Jazz Club ( 1,2): International Food Club (3); Amnesty International (4); ' 'Life' s dilemmas are set up like a mirror. just to show you all your faces now your understanding is clearer."-Talib Kweli. 10. Aaron Billings: Varsity Football (3,4); Ski Club (3) : Outdoor Club Officer (4): Weightlift ing Club (2): ''Take it easy."-The Eagles. 11. Kyle W. Binder: National Honor Society (3,4); Math Honor Society (2-4); French Honor Society (2-4): Tri-M (3,4): Civil Air Patrol-Cadet Commander (1 -4): Wind Ensemble (24); Beta Club (3,4): CFC (2-4): Outdoor Track (I ) : DJ Cl ub (I); Concert Band ( 1); 2000 VA Wing Encampment(2): Youth Ministry Council (1 ,3,4); National Meri t Scholarship Program Commended Student (3); Top 25% Finisher-French Grand Concours (3); District Band (2-4 ); Honors Band (2-4 ); President's Education Award Program (3); American History Achievement (3): World History Achievement (2); ''90% of the game is half mental."-Yogi Berra.

12. Sara Blankenship: " Li fe is I 0 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it. Live your li fe tso the fullest.''Unknown. 13. Ian Bodkin 14. Allison Boehm : Cheerleading (1.2); Swim Team ( 1-4): Gymnastics (2): CFC Club (3); Sign Language Club (2): Ski Club (4); " Don' t frown. you never know who is fallin g in love with your smile."-Unknown; '路Dream as big as you want too!"Brooks and Dunn. 15. Katherine Boller

16. Andrew Bowden: Covenant ( I ,2); Albemarle (3.4); JV Soccer ( I): Varsity Soccer (2); JV Basketball (1 ); Youth Group; CFC (3,4); Beta Club (4): " I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me . The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me ."'-Galatians 2:20.


52 Seniors


Deadlines So much to get done



For the past three years, it had been papers that were due, and projects, and reading and studying that had to be done. But the last year was a little different- in addition there were senior fees to be paid, graduation announcements and yearbooks to be ordered, and lots of applications to be filled out. Those beach week rentals had to be reserved early! The senior class met as a group and picked the Baltimore Harbor Cruise as their trip, to be taken the Thursday before prom,(held at UVA's Newcomb Hall instead of the firehouse). Some mad campaigning by SCA took away a lot of members insured that enough people signed up. The first semester was a mad rush of college applications and good memories. military committments, while the second was more about waiting - waiting for acceptance (or rejection) letters, waiting for spring -Achmed Conteh break, waiting for the end of the year - and for reality to set in.


Emi ly Hines, Katie Pmterfield, Jessica Bryant and Jen Schneller line up to order announcements, gowns and tassels.



Seniors 53



--------- - -- - -- - -

I. Jeffrey Boyd

2. Timothy Boyd: Varsity Tennis (I ,2,3,4): Key Club ( I); Chess Club (2); P's & Q 's Club (3); "Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else."-Unknown. 3. Joseph Bradley: "Do what you can with what you have." 4. Mike Bra dshaw: JV Football (2); JV Basketball (2); Varsity Football (3,4); Chess Club (2); Open Gym Club (I ,3); Magic Club (4); Chong'n It Up (4); National Merit Award (2); Doc Greenthumb Foundation Award ( I ,2,3,4); Receiving Knowledge (I ,2,3,4); "What it is."-Unknown. 5. Nicole Brase: Freshman Cheerlcading ( I); JV Cheerleading (2); Coach's Award (2); Gymnastics (1,2); Yearbook (3,4): Yearbook Club (1,4); Drama ( 1,2); "There are 3 kinds of people. Those who make things happen. Those who watch things happen. AND THOSE WHO WO:>!DER WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" -Unknown; "Slixx, Al, Mween, Sie, Ash, and Nene, you guys are the bestest friends any one person could have. I love you guys and I'm gonna miss you all!'' - NikL-Nip. 6. Sarah Brashear: National Honor Society (3,4); Math Honor Society (2,3,4-secretary); Beta Club (3,4); The Patriot Newspaper Staff (2,3-managing editor,4- business edi tor); "Aim at Heaven and you will get eanh thrown in. Aim at eanh and you will get neither."-C.S. Lewis. 7. Susan Bream !$.Rebecca Catharine Breeden: Ani me Club (3,4); "Heaven grant the wandering souls eternal repose ... " -Mikoto, (IX); "In the sea of life , in the sea of death my soul, tired in both, seeks the mountain from which the waters have receded." -Seventh Century Japan. 9. Amy Teresa Broderick : JV Lacrosse ( I); Sierra Club (I); Key Club (2,3,4); Beta Club (4); Peer Counseling (3,4); Church Youth Activities ( 1,2,3.4); Retreat Team Leader (4); Swimming (1,2.3.4): Lifeguard ( 1.2.3,4): 路路rn the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."-Albert Camus.

10. Roger Brown: Varsity Football (2,3,4); Track (2,3,4); All State Track Team (3,4); All Region Football Team (3,4); Falcon Club (3,4); "Success is not final , defeat is not fatal , but it's the courage that counts."-Chuck Amato. 11. Roderick Brown: Football, Wrestling. 12. Jessica Bryant: Chccrlcading Captain(l,2); Women's Ensemble (2,3); Concert Choir (I); Beta Club (4); College Planning Club (3); S.A.D.D. (4); SCA Advisor (4); " If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn' t come back, it never was."-DMX.

54 Seniors

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1. .Mar tin Vander Burks I V: Varsity Football (3,4); Varsity Track (2.3.4): Beta Club (3.4): Junior Classical League (2.3); Men on a Mi ssion: vice president(2 .3.4): Math Honor Society (3,4); Honor Council (4); "Fear less, hope more; whine less. breathe more: talk less. say more: and all good things are yours.''-Swedish Proverb.

2. Ryan Cantore: JV Baseball (1): Var!>ity Baseball (2,3,4) : 9" Grade Football ( 1); SCA (1,2,3,4); FCA {2,3,4); " Half ya'll hate me, halfya'll love me. the ones who hate me, only hate me 'cause they don' t trust me." -Ja-Rule; "Shout out to my GC BOYS!!"-VAMPS. 3. E mily Caraway 4. Jenny Carbone: Marching Band ( 1,2,3-section leader,4); Vocal Assention (1,2,3,4; Women's Ensemble (I); Concert Band ( I); Symphonic Band {2,3.4); American Red Cross Volunteer (4); Tri-M (4); Beta Club (4); SCA Advisor (4); Yearbook Club {1,4); Church Choir (3.4); Leadership Team (3.4); Euchanistic Minister (3,4): Youth Mass (4); Spring Musical (2); Swing Club (2,3); District Chorus ( I); Parish Council (3,4): Drum Major (4): Autioch Team(2.4):Who's Who (4); "Small people talk about other people; average people talk about things; but great people talk about ideas."Dr. Rooney.

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5. Kristen Grace Carraway: Junior Olympic Volleyball ( 1,2): Varsity Volleyball (3.4): JV Volleyball ( 1,2); JV Basketball (2); Track (2); Vocal Ascensio n (4); "Just wanted to let you know, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day. so if you want to, go ahead. and wear, a Hawaiian shin and jeans.''-Office Space; " Don't worry about making mistakes, worry about the chances you miss when you don' t even try." -Unknown. 6. Levhon Carter 7. Nyshae Carter: Ba sketball (4); S.H.O.U.T. (3,4); Ste p Team (4) : " Be you; don't worry about what everybody else thinks, because you' ll never be able to please everyone. The one thing you should never be is a hater, you' ll get nowhere being like that!"-Myself. 8. Marquita Catoe 9. Frank Chang: Anime Club (2.3,4): Art I & II {1,2); Programming (3): Photography I & II (3.4); Honorable Achcivcments Award (3,4); ''The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions."-Heero Yuy: "All the gold in the world isn't worth a man' s honor.''-Speed Racer.

10. Kristen Cheney: SADD (3,4) ; SCA Class Officer (2,3,4); Tri-M (2,3,4); National Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4); AllVirginia Chorus (3). II. Nack-Chung Choi 12. Wendy Church: Beta Club (4); Teacher Cadets (3,4); Yearbook Club ( I): Concert Choir ( 1): Intermediate Choir (2); FCCLA Club (2); ''If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done!"Unknown: '路A sense of humor is mankind's greatest blcssing.''Mark Twain.


Seniors 55

I. Michael Cla rk

2. Holly Cline: Girls Tennis Team ( 1.2.3); Key Club (3,4); A HS 'ews (3.4): ational Art Honor Society (4) : Beta Club (4); Who's Who Among American High School Students (4): '·My friend. this has been a most excellent adventure.. -Ted "Theodore" Logan: ..All our lives get complicated/ Search for pleasures overrated/ Never armed our souls/ For what the future would hold/ When we were innocent." -b mocent by

Foul. 3 . .Jonatha n Coffinda ffcr 4. Rebecca Collier: JV Field Hockey (I ,2); Varsity Field Hockey (3.4-co captain): JV Soccer ( 1.2-co-captain) : Varsity Soccer (3,4); Drama Club (I): FCA (2,3,4): F.A.S.T (4) : Beta Club (4); Math Honor Society (4); Peer Counseling (4);"Everything is sweetened by risk."-Aiexander Smith. 5. C hris Collins: Freshman Basketball ( I): JV Basketball (2); Varsity Basketball (3,4-captain); Patriot Athletic Leader (3,4president): Western District Athletic All Academic Team (3); Key Club ( I ,2,3,4-social commincc president); Broadcast Journalism (2.3-sports director.4-executive producer); 1\llath Honor Society (3,4); Beta C lub (3,4): Sierra Club ( 1): Junior Classical League (3); Ping-Pong (3,4); Top 5 Contestant in first ever Mr. Albemarle Pageant (3); Z95 Student of the Week 9/24-9/30 (4); 'The doer makes mistakes .. . mistakes come from doing. The individual who is mistake-free is also probably sining around doing nothing. And that's a very big mistake"-John Wooden ; ·'Don't whine. Don' t complain. Don' t make excuses."-John Wooden. 6. Dylan Combs: Fencing ( 1.2,3.4); Bass Guitar (I ,2.3,4); "At first glance, one did not notice this miniscule li fe forming beneath thee. ' But,' said the herb to the lows, '1, one day, shall be a tree. '"-Dylan Combs. 7 . .Justin Con nor 8. Ach med " O xford" Conteh : Varsity Wrestling (I); Freshman Football ( I): Varsity Football (2,3.4-captain): JV Baseball (1.2): Men on a Mission ( 1,2,3,4); Beta Club (4): '·You see the universe, which consists of the sun, moon, and stars. And them planets. that exist in my space. Like man. woman and chi ld. We got to keep it real with reality and reality will keep it real with us. Because see. that's the child I was what made me the man I am today. See cause if you forget where you come from , you' re never gonna make it where you ' re goin. Because you lost the reality of yoursclf:'-Poppa Wu; "I' ma sit right here a get this thing clear. l'ma sit right here and l' ma fi nish my becah."-Ox ford , Joseef. D.Piddy. 9. Timothy Conti: DJ Club (I ,2,3); Outdoor Track (3); Band (I ,2,3,4); "One thought driven home is beller than three left on

base." -James Liter.

10. Erik Corey: 1\VP Treasurer (4). "I have to return some video tapes." -Patrick Barcman. ''All I want to do is to have Saturday every day for the rest of my life.'' - H20. ·'Walking's tight.''- Erik Corey. 11. Brian Craddock : Virginia Gators National Team (3.4); CY AC National Team ( I ,2): Jazz Band (3.4): Trebuchet Architect (3.4); Beta Club (3,4); Math Honor Society (3.4); Spanish Honor Society (3.4) : "It's hard to remember you set out to drain the swamp when you' re up to your ass in alligators."-Howard Craddock. 12. Mega n Liana Crist (Meggie) : Newspaper (3,4); Art Honor Society (3,4); Key Club (3.4); Beta Club (4); Amnesty International (4): Student Council (3,4); Drama Club (1 ): Vegetarian Cluh (2); ·'Never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. If you never get hurt, you always have fun ."-Penny Lane, Ailnos1 Famous; ..Green means go!''-Hannah .

56 Seniors

1. Rachel Cross 2. Matthew Crowner 3. Ben Curry: Football (8'•. Lacrosse ( 1.2); 3001b. Club (3,4): Who's Who (3,4): ''Eventually. all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.''-A Ril·er Runs Through lr: "Choose your day. the sign of your day, the days divinity. fi rst thing you see.''-Jim Morrison 4. Joanna K. Darcus: National Honor Society (4); National Beta Club (4-prcsidcnt); French Honor Society (3.4) : Church Youth Group (1 ,2.3,4): Yearbook Section Editor (23): JV Outdoor Track (1): Varsity Outdoor Track (2,3.4): Varsity Indoor Track (2.4): Cross-Country Manager (2): Key Club (3.4): SCA Advisor (3.4); Christian Fellowship Club (1): Governor's School for the Humanities (3): Envirothon (I); '·Salvation is easy because it cost God so much, but the manifestation of it in my life is difficult."-Oswald Chambers: ''When You said. 'Seek My face.' My heart said to You. ' Your face. Lord. I will seek. " '- Psalm 27:8 (NKJ V) 5. i\<larcelia (Dee) Davis: Art Honors Society (2 .3.4); Spanish Honors Society (3,4): "Do what you like. Like what you do.''Life is Good; ''Life is what I got. It's within my reach ... "Sublime : '·Dee's nuts!''-Unknuwn 6. O lacynth Davis: Band (I ,2-sectio n leader.3-section leader,4): Marching Band (I ,2.3-section lcadcr,4-field captain. section leader); Track (I ,2,3,4); National Honor Roll (4): Track Lcner (3); Band Lener/Bar (1.2.3,4): Beta Club (4): Habitat for Humanity (4): Church Choir ( 1.2.3,4); Swing Dance Club (2,3): Basketball ( I); ··1 will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."-Psalms 104:33: "It's time to close shop, open new chapters. Sec. new beginnings is what I'm after. Speak you hean, don't bite your tongue. Don ' t get it twisted. Don't misuse it."-Aaliyah 7. Christine Dellaganna: Outdoor Track (2,3.4): Junior Classical League (2,3,4): I Ionor Council (3.4); Amnesty International (3.4): Beta Club (4): Athletic Trainer (2.3 ,4); "Answers make us wise, questions make us human."-Unknown 8. Courtney Desper 9. F ritz Dickinson: Basketball (9. 10); Track (4). "All I need, RocAwear, Nikc Airs, mean bucket, Armadale in the club couple of duckets." "My momma loves me. Keep your heart bigger than your mouth.'' -Pop. 10. David Dillehunt: Drama Club ( A HS News (2,3.4); Fall Drama Productions ( 1.2,3.4); VHSL (I ,2,3.4); VTA ( OfftheCufflmprovementGroup (3.4): '·I Iope"dircctor (3); "Psycho V: A New Beginning''-dircctor (3); '·Defying Belier·-creator ( "Caught in the Act"-creator (2.3.4): "The Sitcom"-cxecutive producer (3,4): "Always remember that you will never ;urvive in life unless you act a lillie weird and wi ld. so get to it.''-David Dillehunt 11. Ma tthew Dinsmore 12. Holly Dominici


Seniors 57

I. Rachael Dorman: Culinary Arts I, II: Choir (Beg., Adv.): "T.T.F.N.- Ta ta for now!" -Tigger.

2. Robert Doshier 3. Rowdy Dudley: JV Lacrosse (1,2); German Club (4): JV Football (I); Envirothon (4): Beta Club (4). 4. Megan Drozda: Field Hockey (1,2,3); Outdoor Track (1 ,2,3,4); Choir (1,2); Sierra Club (1,2,3,4); Beta Club (3,4); NHS (4): Honor Counci l (3); Peer Counselor (3,4); Indoor Track (2); " It was once sa id that the jawbreakers trampled on those less worthy ... but not everyone could be a jawbreaker."-Unknown. 5. Karen L. Early: Fencing (2,3,4); Honor Council (2,3.4): 2 1-2 1-4 ( Math Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4); 'There's no place so dangerous as a world without magic:'Terry Goodkind: ""You know you have relaxed toooo much when you wake up with a wet bed."-Doc Larrick. 6. Adrienne Eichner 7. Megan Elder: Varsity Volleyball {2,3,4); JV Volleyball (I); Varsity Basketball {3,4); JV Basketball (2); Freshman Basketball (I ); SADD (3.4-vice president): FCA (2); Math Honor Society (3.4): Tri-M (3.4-treasurcr); Beta Club (4); "Heal the past, live the presem, dream the fmure!"-Unknown. 8. Mary Elliott: Concert Band ( I); Symphonic Band (2,3,4); Marching Band ( 1,2,3); SADD (3); Swing Club (2); Track (1): "Some are born great. some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."-William S hakespeare; "A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before."Ralph Waldo Emerson. 9. Cara Everett 10. Lau ra Fechteler: JV Volleyball (I); Marching Band (1,2.3,4); Concert Band (I): Symphonic Band (2.3); "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be. but before you stan poiming fingers make sure your hands are clean:'-Bob Marley: ""Reading makes you stupid.'"Mr. Thomas. 11. Caitlin Fitzpatrick: National Thesbian Society {2,3,4); National Honor Society (3,4); JV Soccer (1,2); Varsity Soccer (3.4): Varsity Cross Country (4); Art Honor Society (3,4); Mu Alpha Theta (3,4); Spani sh Honor Society {3,4); All Academic Athletic Team (3) : Algebra I top student award (I); Presidents Education Award Program (3); "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can' t possibly live long e nough to make them all yourself:'-Sam Levenson. 12. Victoria Flint: Varsity Softball (I ,2,3,4); JV Softball (8"'); Equestrian ( 1.2,3,4): "I was born country. and country's what I'll be like the rivers to the woodlands wi ld and free:路 Aiahama.

58 Seniors

1. Anthony Floyd

2. John Forrest: Football (I ,2,3,4); Band ( I,2.3.4): Honor Roll (I ,2,3); German Club (1,2); Track (3); OJ Club ( I ,3); "A tank of gas is a treasure to me, I know now that nothing is free."-Biink 182.

3. Kris Forrest: Lacrosse (2,3,4); Wrestling (2); SCA Advisor Board (4); Gem1an Club (3,4); Outdoor Club President (4); VIVA (3,4); Peer Counseling (2,3.4); Outdoor Club (1 ,2,4); Ski Club (3); "When the tide oflife turns against you. and the current upsets your boat. Don' t waste time on what might have been, just lie on your back and float. "-UnknOIV/1. 4. Jeffrey I. Fowler: Youth Leadership lnitiative (3,4); National Honor Society (3,4); Knowledge Masters (2,3,4); Math Honor Society (2,3,4); German Honor Society (3,4); German Club (3,4); Beta Club (3,4); Sierra Club (I); Boys' State (3); Dartmouth Club Book Award(3); AHS IFS Chemistry Award (2): AHS IFS Honors World Histoty Award (2); Academic Letter (3); 路'Before us lies eternity; our souls are love, and a continual farewell."-William Butler Veal~. 5. Lisa Franko: JV Field Hockey (I); Varsity Field Hockey (2.3,4); N Soccer (I); Varsity Soccer (2,3,4); Beta Club (4); Art Honor Society (3,4); German Honor Society (3,4); German Club

(4); FCA (1,2,3,4); SCA Advisor (3,4); F.A.S.T. (4); ''To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing it's night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting."-E.E. Cummings. 6. Sarah Frazer: Volleyball (4). 7. Whltney French: Women's Ensemble (I ); Outdoor Club (I); Vegetarian Club (2); Amnesty International (3); Art Honor Society (2,3,4); "We are all in the gutter, but some of us arc looking at the stars."-Oscar Wilde; "Love is, above all. the gift of onesclf."-Jcan Anouilh. 8. Catherine Fuss 9. Tania Galindo: 路路so this is who I am. and this is all I know. And I must choose to live, forr all that I can give, the spark tha t makes the power grow." 10. Julie Garton: Women's Ensemble (1 ,3,4); Intermediate Choir (2), Yearbook Club (4) . Some people come into our lives and quickly go ... some stay awhi le and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same ." - Unknown. 11. Emily Gercke: Varsity Soccer (2,3,4); JV Soccer ( I); Key Club (1 ,2,3,4); National Honor Society (3,4); Math Honor Society (2.3,4); Tri-M (2.3.4-vice president): Spanish Honor Society (2,3,4-vicc president); Classical Music Club (4); "What it takes to cross the great divide seems more than all the courage I can muster up inside: but we get to have some answers when we reach the other side. The pri7A: is always worth the rocky ride."-Emily Saliers; "A friend is someone who understands why you like your strawberry sodas without any strawberries in them."-Charles Shultz. 12. Michael Gilchrist: Lacrosse ( I ,2,3,4); Cross-Country ( 1.2): Peer Counselor (3,4); Magic Club (2,3-secretary,4-secretary); SCA Advisor (3); "Forget your lust for the rich man 's gold, all that you need is in your soui."-Lynard Skynard.

*-l( ~~

Seniors 59

Looking Back When we were small by Amber Lynch

We had many friends we hung out with, some we had known since middle school. With those, we shared especially fond memories. "Nicole [Brase] and I have known each other since third grade in Hollymead Elementary. Now, ten years later, we are still kickin' it. We were seperated in middle school, but then reunited in high school. I can' t believe we are graduating already, time flies," said senior Jessica Bryant. Whether we would follow the same path in the future, we couldn 't know, but we enjoyed the times we had together.

Senior Craig McSherry and siste r Megan demonstrate their sibling love. Carla Morris, Ashley Simons, and Anna Hast ings visit the pumpkin patch in first grade.


60 Seniors


' ' I really love hanging out with my cousin Matt, and am going to miss him next year.


- Jessica Lynch

1. Kristen Giles: Volleyball ( 1.2,3); Cheerleading (I ,2); Basketball (1,2,3): "TI1is isn't good-bye. it's sec ya later."-My best friend. Mandy in Canada. 2.Jon Glassberg: Fly Fishing ( 1.2.3,4); Rock Climbing ( Outdoor Club ( 1.2): Card Playing Club (3,4); "Well. whenever I' m confused. I just check my underwear. II holds the answers to all the important questions."-Abe Simpson. 3. Charles Goetting IV : Varsity Soccer (2.3): "My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe."-Stephen Hawking; "Say 'ello to my little fricnd."-Scarface; "Anything to Declare? Yeah. don't go to England."-Snatch ; "What ain't no country I ever heard of! ! They speak English in whai'!"-Pu/p Fiction; ··we arc just an advanced bred of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.''-Stephen Hawking. 4. H elen Gomersall: Varsity Tennis (2,3); JV Tennis (I); Softball Manager (2); Beta Club (4); Volunteer Service at Our Lady of Peace 2000-2001 (3.4): "Glass is half fu ii."-Marcie Mason (Health teacher). 5. Adam Gottschalk: Broadca;,t (3.4): DJ Club ( 1,2,3); Key Club Shadow Government (2,3,4): Travel Club (4); "On through the dead of night, with the four horsemen ride. or choose your fate and die."-James Hetficld: "As far as I'm concerned. humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing."George Carlin. 6. Jamie G race: Varsity Track ( SCA ( FCA ( 1.2.3): Peer Counse ling (2,3.4): Honor Council: secretary(3,4);Young Democrats (3,4); Tri-M (3.~): Cheerleading ( I); Advance Choir ( I ,2.3.4); " I can do a ll things tlu·ough Christ who strengthens me."-Phillippians 4: 13;"1an Johnson is my inspiration." 7. Amanda G regg 8. Da nielle Grobnwer: CYAC National Swim Team ( 1,2,3,4captain); Key Club.(l ,2,3,4); Community Service Chair (3,4); SCA Advisor (2,3,4); Math Honor Society (3.4): Spanish Honor Society (3,4); Art Honor Society (3.4): Honor Council (3.4): Junior Classical League (3,4); JV Softball (I); AHS Swim Team (4); "God is my judge."-Unknown. 9. Amanda Grove 10. Heather Hall 11. Sarah Ann Hall: Field Hockey ( 1.2,3.4): Basketball ( 1,2); Lacrosse {I ,2.3.4): Youth Group ( 1,2,3,4); Western District All Academic-Athletic Team (3); SCA Advisor ( 1,2,3.4): Spanish Honor Society (2,3,4-president): Christian Fellowship Club (2,3,4-JCC rep.); Beta Club (4-vice president); Concert Band ( I); Wind Ensemble (2,3.4): Virginia State Honor Band (3); Marching Band (I); Junior Olympic Volleyball ( I); Honor Roll ( I ,2,3,4): Young Life (2,3,4); Campaigners (2.3.4) "Listen and watch the world around you. Try to understand why things happen. Don' t be satisfied with answers others give you. Don't assume that because everyone believes a thing it is right or wrong. Reason things out for yourself. Work to get answers on your own, understand why you believe things. Finally, wri te what you honestly feel, then learn from the criticism that wi ll always come your way.''-AV I; ' 'Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not scc.''-Hebrews II: I. 12. Tammy Lynne Hall: Honor Roll (I ,3.4): History (3): "Roses are red, violet<; are blue, thank God I' m out of schooL yahoo.'' 13. E ric Haney: Jazz Club ( I}; Alternative Music/Modern Rock Club (2); Amnesty International (3.4); Spanish Honor Society (3); Beta Club (4); Drummer (church band-2,3,4; hardcorc band-4); World Changers Missions Trip-Washington State (4); Jefferson Park Baptist Church Youth Group ( 1.2.3,4); ·'Love your friends ... die laughing"-Unknown. 14. David Hantman: Ice Hockey (1.2,3); Beta Club (3.4); Drama (I ,2); "The bad news is time tlies. The good news is you ' re the pilot."-Michael Ahhsuler. 15. Tanzir Haque 16. J on Harker: '·A verbal contract isn't wo11h the paper it's written on.''-Samuel Goldwyn. "On the other hand, the early wonn gets eaten.'' -Anonymous. "Money is the root of all wealth.'' -Anonymous.


Seniors 61

1. Eric Harris: Chess Club ( I ,2,3); "Life's a journey, not a destination."-Aerosmith. 2. Laurie Harris 3. Katherine Harrison: " L feel so alive for the very first time, and I think I can fly ." - "Alive,! P.O.D. 4. Anna Hastings: Cheerleading (l -MVP,2-captain); Softball: captain(l,2); Peer Counseling (2,3,4); Marching Band (1,2,3,4drum major): SCA (l -senator,2-vice president,3-vice president,4-president); "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others remains and is immortai."-Aibert Pike. 5. Erika Havens 6. Laura E. Hawkins: Police Explorer (3,4); Beta Club (4); Honor Council (4); JV Softball (2); Chess Club (I ,2); Corporal (4); Top Police Explorer 2001 Academy (4); "It' s a law. Don't ask why-memorize it."-Mattuck's Directive; "The advantage of being a pessimist is that all your surprises are pleasant."-AIIen's Principle. 7. Christopher R. Hayes: Varsity Wrestling (2,3,4); JV Soccer ( I ,2); Varsity Soccer (3,4); German Club (1,2,3,4); Wore shorts all year ( I); Ate Habanero Peper (3); Wore a kilt on HCC (3); Carried books in Coke box (4); Fat Albert Impressionist(! ,2,3,4); "Bucktown!"-Raymond G.; ''Which brings me to my next point, women aren't funny. "-Tyler M.; "Heyyy youuu guyyys!"FSBCPC; "Hey, Hey, Hey!"-Craig McSherry; "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies, though passion may have strain. It must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory will swell and again touch. And surely the will be, by the better angles of our nature."-Unknown. 8. Janette Hebert: "Eyes arc windows to your heart; tears are proof that you have one." 9. Ian Hellman: "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."-Aibert Einstein. 10. Natasha Henderson 11. Rachel Henderson: Varsity Field Hockey (3,4); JV Field Hockey ( I ,2); JV Lacrosse ( I ,2); Women's Ensemble (I); Peer Counseling ( I ,2,3,4); "1 am beginning to learn the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all."-Laura Ingalls Wilder; " I will now and always remain aduckman"-Ducky Dale. 12. Mirna Hernandez: Varsity Cheerleading (3,4-captain); JV Soccer (2); Competitive Gymnastics (1); Yearbook C lub (I); FCA (2) ; Christian Fellowship Club-executive council (3); F.A.S.T. (4); Beta C lub (4); Art Honor Society (3); "Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love, and to be loved, is the greatest happiness of existence." -Sydney Smith. 13. Patrick Herndon 14. Elizabeth Hicks: Freshman Basketball (I); JV Basketball (2); SCA Advisor (3,4); Beta C lub (4); Spanish Honor Society (3,4); Art Honor Society (1 ,2,3,4); National Honor Roll (4); " Life is a lesson, you' ll learn it when you' re through."-Limp Bizkit; "Nobody puts baby in the corner."-Dirty Dancing. 15. Emily Himes: JV Cheerleading (I); Varsity Cheerleading (2); Key Club (2,3,4); SCA Advisor (4); Beta Club (4); Who's Who (3,4); Math Honor Society (2,3,4); Spanish Honor Society (2,3,4); Junior C lassical League (3); "Like a monkey with no feet on Tuesday November 22."-Me and Carla; "That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger."-Unknown; "Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."-Dave Matthews Band. 16. Amy Hoebeke: German Club (2,3-secretary,4-prcsident); Art Honor Society (2,3,4-historian); SCA Advisor (3,4); German Honor Society (3,4); Beta Club (4); Youth Group (2,3,4); Honor Roll (I ,2,3,4 ); "Faulty boomerangs are non-returnable."Charlottesville Taxi; "No time for losers 'cause we arc the champions of the world."-Queen.


62 Seniors


Aaron Ratesic and Lisa Franko buddy up.

Frienas 路1 the en . Sharing the memories David Price, Roger Brown, Brandon London, and Joey Young get together for a senior picture. Matt Betts and Laura S tangill couldn ' t be happier.


Chillin' - just chillin ' with my boys and ladies, that's what I"ll remember most.


-Joey Young

The memories began in kindergarten, or elementary school, or even middle school, but the impressions that would last the longest were those from high school - going on that band trip, decorating the halls for Spirit Week, working at the mall for that manager EVERYBODY hated, or even spending a quiet day in ISS and actually getting all your work done. Hopefully some of that knowledge you tried to cram into your head would stick - Spanish verbs, the amendments to the Constitution, the physics involved in keeping your egg car rolling, Mostly though, it would be the people - the ones who rode the bus with you, the friends you met on the Breezeway, the girlfriends and boyfriends you had or wanted to have - these would be the memories that stayed with you long after you walked across that stage and pumped your fist in the air.

Kyle Austin, Danielle Grobmyer, and Lauren Barnett enjoy their time togethe r by attending an N*Sync concert over the summer. Many seniors spend their last summer hanging out with friends that they have met during their four years at high school.



Sen iors 63

I. Lauren Howard 2. Lindsa y Howe: Show Choir (3.4); SCA Advisor (1.2.3,-l): JV Lacrosse (1): Var.;ity Soccer (2.3,4); Indoor Track (2); Beta Club (3.4-lCC rep.): Swimming (1,2.3.4): Key Club (3.4): Young Life (2.3,4): Cammon Bond (2): German Club (4); Math Honor Society (3.4): Tri-M Honor Society (3.4): National Honor Society (3.4); German Honor Society (3,4); ITA (2): Drama Club (1): Women·s Ensemble (2): ·The ,·ery basic core of a man's living spirit is his pa~•ion for adventure. The joy of life come~ from our cncoumers with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon. for each day to have a new and different sun."'-Chris McCandless; "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. who have been called according to hi• purpose:·-Romans 8:28. 3. Brandon H yre: Baseball (1.3.4): Basketball (1,2): JV Lacrosse (2): Westem Disu·ict All Academic Athletic Team (3): National Honor Roll (4): •·You have to forget about what other people say, when you·re supposed to die or when you"rc supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be cra7y. Crazines~ is like heaven:·-Jimi He ndrix. 4. A ngela Nicole Is hee: Varsity Tennis (1,2,3,4-captain); Lacrosse ( 1.2-captain,3.4): Peer Counseling ( 1.2.3,-l): SCA Advisor ( FCA ( 1.2.3); Honor Council (3.4-trcasurer); Choir ( 1.2,3.4): SADD (4); F.A.S.T. (4): National Honor Society (4): Spanish l lonor Society (4): Beta Club (4): All Academic-Athletic Team (2.3): "You must be careful how you walk, where you go, for there are those following you who will set their feet where yours arc set.""- Rober1 E. Lee.

5. C hristopher Matthew .Jackson: Swing Dance Club (2): Animc Club (3); Marching Hand (3.4); Wind Ensemble (2.3.4): Jazz Band (4); JV Soccer (2): VA Governor's School for Humanities and Visual and Perfonning Ans (3); ·(here is no Emotion; there is Peace: Then: is no Ignorance: There is Knowledge; There is no Passion: There is Serenity: There is no Death; There is the Forcc."'-The Jedi Code. 6. Patti A. J ackson: Honor Council (4); Key Club (3,4); Otristiwt Fellowship Club (1,2): Beta Club (3.4): Spanish Honor Society (2.3.4); Youth Group ( 1.2,3.4); ··Aut I uust in your unfailing love: my heml rejoices in your salvation. l will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me:·-P.alm 13:5-6.

7. Erica Ernst-J aeger :

Volleyball (1,2-captain.3,4-captain); ( 1.2-captain): Soccer (1): Lacrosse (2,3,4): Outdoor Club (1.2): Ski Cluh (3); SCA (4): F.A.S.T. (4): Beta Club (4); ·'Back on Cleveland! I love you Cody!"' Ba~ketball

8. Trevor J amerson : CY AC 1ational Swim Team ( captain): Off the Cuff (3.4-co coordinator); SCA Advisor (3.4); Heta Club (4): Drama Club (4); P's and o·s Club (3); Four Wheeling(2,3,4): YMCA Swimming All-American (3.4): International Titcsbian Society (3,4): "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime. you might find that you get what you nced.""-Mick Jagger; ··Most ordinary people think they aren't."--Charlottesville Yellow Cab: '"He thankful for what you have. and always remember that no matter how bad things get. they can always get worse."-Billy T .

9. ikki .Jewell: Key Club (2.3.4): Beta Club (4); Tri-M (3.4): Math Honor Society (3.4); SCA Advisor (4); Sierra Club ( 1); Conccr1 Band (I); JaLZ Band (2.3.4); Wind Ensemble (2.3.4); Marching Band ( 1.2.3-scction leader,4-section leader); Spring Musical Pit (2,3,4): All District Band (1,2.3.4); Church Youth Group-president ( 1,2.3.4); VOY Mission Choir (3): ·'for lie shall give His angels charge over you. to keep you in all your ways."'-Psalm 91:1 1:'·1 can do all things through Christ who strengthens mc."-Phillippians 4:1 3; "UZAHO''-S.L., 1.S.

JO. Ruo Jia 11 • .Jeremy J ohnson: ··If it means what I think you think it means, then it means what you think I think it means. David Dillehunt. "l'rn always here when you need me:· God.

12. Mcghan J ohm;on: Beta Club (4): Lntemational Thesbian Society (2.3.4); Drama Club ( 1.2,3): Fall Production (2,3); Spring Show (2): VTA (I); Band ( 1,2,3): Girl Scout~ ( 1,2,3): Lite1111y Magazine (4); Intern: W!J'IA AM 1070 (4); Honor Roll (1.2.3,4): Church School Teacher (3.4); ..You·re ~rious. Clark?"'Randy Quaid. Christmas Vacation; ·'HOLDI 1G!"-Meghan. Tegan. and Brittany.

64 Seniors

1. Andrea Jones: " We can all be angels to one another. We can choose to obey the still s mall s tirring within. the little whisper that says. go. Ask. Reach out. Be an answer to someone· s plea. You have a pany to play. Have faith. We can decide to risk that lie is indeed there. watching. caring. cherishing us as we love and accept love. The world will be a better place for it. And wherever they are, the angels will dance." -Jeanne Anders. 2. Kelly Jones: Drama Club: preside nt (4): French Honor Society (4); Beta C lub (4): Honor Council (4) : Drama Club (I ,2); Dance Independent Study (2,3,4) ; .. If music be the Oute of love. play on." -William Shakespeare. 3. Bradley Joyce: ( I ,2 ) .

Varsity Baseball (3,4); JV Baseball

4. Janine Corinne Kaestner: Women's Ensemble ( 1,3.4): Concen Band (I ); Symphonic Band (2,4); Wind Ensemble (3): District Band (3): Yearbook ( I); "We j udge ourselves by what we fee l capable of doing. While others judge us by wh at we have al ready done ." - Henry Wod s worth Longfellow: "Integrity ... Be who you TRULY are while you work for what you truly desire. keep your integrity intact, and the rewards will be sweet indeed.''-Unknown. 5. Alma Karafili 6. Jessica Keegan : Unk nown .

·'Li ve each day like it's your last."-

7. Brittany Kelly: Drama ( I ,2.3.4): VHSL Competition (3,4); Forensics Competition (3,4); Creative Writing (2.4); "Too young to take over, too old to ignore. Gee, I'm almost ready . . . but what for?"-'·A Chorus Line." 8. Susanna Klos ko: Math Honor Society (4); Beta C lub (4): French Honor Socie ty (4): Literary Magazine (3); Classical Music Club (3,4); "Lord, it is time: the s ummer was immense." - Rilke, '·Autumn Day." 9. Derrick Knighton : Indoor T rack ( O utdoor Track (8, 1.2,3,4); Wrestli ng ( I); '' When the time's right, I' ma put this nine right to the left side of ya head, push ya mind ri ght." -Fabololls. 10. Travis L ambert: International Food C lub (4) : Running Club ( I ,2); Chess C lub (3): J V Haschall (I ); Hasket ball ( 1.2,3,4): Varsity Track (2.3.4) ; Varsity Cross Count ry ( ·'The P ack" (3.4): Cross Country: A ll-district ( I ,2,3,4); C ross Country: All-region (2,3.4); C ross Country: All-state (4); Cross Country MVP (2,3 ,4); "Life is a vapor in that it suddenly appears and then it vanishes before you. Cherish it while it' s here.''- Unknown.


11. Dwight David Lawrence: Outdoor C lub ( 1.2): Chess Club (3): JV Lacrosse (2); "Live for the moment not for the pas t. .. -U nknown . 12. C hamp Lawson: Football ( I ,2.4): Basehall ( Basketball (I ,2); SCA (2.3,4); C hess Club ( 1.2).


Seniors 65

1. Daniel Leake: Football {1 ,2,3,4); Who's Who (3); Outdoor C lub (3) : ··on a quest for answers, we do c razy things. In this game like checkers you can crown me king." Shabaam Shadeeq. 2. Lily L ei: " Our generation has had no Great Depression, no Gre at War. Our war is a spiriwal war. Our depression is our livcs.''-Figilt Club : " I thi nk Abe Lincol n died from strcss."-Martyna; " I want to make the world a bette r place fo r our child ren. but not our children' s children because I don ' t think c hildre n ;hould be hav ing se x.''- Unknown; " Nothing seems to satisfy/ I don' t want it/ I j ust need it/ To feel , to breathe, to know I' m alivc."-Too/. 3. Trista n Lejeune: Drama Club (; International The sbian Society ( : Fall Show ( 1,2,3.4): Spring Musical ( 1,2,3,4): Patriot S ingers (4); Governor 's School , Theatre (4); Licensed Lay Eucharistic Minister (4); VHS L Best Actor (3); " Remember kids-be lieve in magic!. .. o r I' ll kill you.''-MST3 K: '·I didn' t lose my mind: it was mine to g ive away.''-Robbie Will iams, "No Regrets": "As a ll the stars may be renec ted in a round raindrop fall ing in the night: so too do all the stars reflect the raindro p.''-Ursula K. LcGuin Th e Lef t Ha11 d of Dark11 ess. 4. Sherome J , Lewis: Freshman Football (8); JV Football ( 1.2): Varsit y Football (3.4); Lacrosse ( 1.3.4); Indoor Track (2,3,4) : Band ( 1,2,3,4); J V Lacrosse Best Improved (2); Men On A Miss ion (2):'' Pain is weak ne ss leav ing the body. The Question isn't how much more can you take, but how much mo re you can give. Just when you ' re ready to quit, your mind says push harder. you listen sensing an inner strength that wasn't there be fo re and sudde nly you d iscover you no longe r fee l the pain. Now you ' re one of us.·· -Marines . 5. Justin Licklider 6. C hris Lizakowski: FBLA ( 1.2.3) : Computer Application ( 1.2): Comput er In for ma ti on ( 1,2); Key boarding ( 1.2): "Life is one bi g game. you just have to know ho w to play in o rder to win."-Dr. Lizza: "Don ' t ha te your e nemies. it c louds your jud gem ent." -Godfath er. 7. Brandon London: Outdoor Track (3); Varsity Football (3): "I lo ve gaining knowledge so I feel sman er."-Noreaga. 8. Audra Christine Long: Peer Counseling (3,4): Chorus (3 .4) : Key Club (3,4); Spring Musical (3.4): Fall Play: House Manager (4); Swim Team ( 1,2,3,4); Sign Language Club ( 1,2); Yo ung Li fe (2 .3.4); Photography (3 .4): " Lo ve has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get. it's what you are expecte d to g ive-whic h is everything.''Unknown. 9. Matt Looney: Cross Co untry (3,4) ; Outdoor Trac k (2.3.4); Civil Air Patro l ( 1.2,3,4); S pani sh Ho no r Society (3,4); Math Honor Society (4): Beta Club (4); ''Training never gets easie r. you j ust go faster. "-Greg LeMond. 10. Bria n Love: J V Football Manager (2 .3.4): Varsity Football Manager (2.3.4). 11. Shanon Lowman : Key C lub (3.4): Marc hing Band ( 1.2.3): Wind Ensemble (2 .3.4) : Track (2 .3,4); SCA Advisor (2,3,4); D rama Club (1 ,2); Athletic T rainer ( 1,2); J3e ta Club (4 ); Ho no r Counc il (4); Tri-M Mus ic Honor Soc iety (3.4): Math Ho no r Socie ty (4); Spanish Honor Socie ty (4): "Do n' t cry because it 's over. smi le because it happened."-Dr. Seuss; "UZA HO" - N.J., N.S. 12. Alyssa G. Lundgren: Patriot Singers (2,3,4): Women' s Ensemble ( I); P's and Q's Club (3); Outdoor Club (I); " I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think. a ll the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read. a nd all the friends I wa nt to sce."-John Bu rroughs; "Life is too long for stupid people.''-Matt Be tts.

66 Seniors

1. Jessica Lynch: .. May the wind always be at your back, and the sun upon you face, and may the winds of destin y carry your loft to dance with the stars."-Johnny Depp; ··Freedom's just anothe r word for nothin ' left to loosc.''Janis Joplin ; ··what I want is what J" vc not got, but what I need is all around me, reaching. searching to never stop."'Dave Matthews Band. 2. Alana Magri 3. Kimberly Mallory 4. Ashley Marano 5. Andy Markwood: Art Honor Society (2.3.4); County Calendar Cover (2); .. What if nothing really matters? Or suppose everything matters. which would be worse?" Bill Watterson. 6. Nancy i'vlartin: Beta Club (4): Drama Club (I ); FCA (2,3); Math Honor Society (4); French Honors Society (2,3.4); " Anger is just one letter short of Dangcr ... Unknown. 7. Greg Matherne: Marching Band ( 1.2.3-section leaderAsection leader); Jazz Band (4); Pit Band (2,3,4); Eagle Scout (2); Antioch Team (2,4). 8. Dana Mayet·-Aschhoff: Women's Ensemble (I ,2,3); Varsity Tennis ( 1.2.3,4): Sierra Club ( Peer Counseling (3.4): JV Softball ( 1.2): SCA (I ,2,3.4): Span ish Honors Society (2.3.4): Math Honor Society (3 .4): Who's Who in America (3 .4): Beta Club (3.4); ··When one door o f happiness c loses. another ope ns: but often we look so lon g at the c lo sed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."'- Helen Keller. 9. Mandy Mayo: Varsity Volleyball (1.2,3,4-co captain): Indoor Track (2,3); Spanish Honor Society (3.4): Math Honor Soc ie ty (3,4); Art Honor Society (3,4); Beta C lub (3.4) : Honor Council (4); '·Every human being is intended to have a charac ter of his own; to be what no Olhcr is, and to do what no other can do."-Wi lliam Chann ingwewi ll : .. Bitter .. -me.

10. Sarah Mayo: Women's Ensemble ( I); Patriot S ingers (2): Vocal Ascension (3,4); Tri -M Honor Society (3 .4president); A II Di strict Choir ( I ,2.3.4); All State Choir (3.4.): Silver Medal-National Latin Exam (3): Drama Club (I ,2,3.4 ): Thesbian Honors Society (3,4): Cheerlcading ( 1.2): Virginia Consort ( Key Club (4): Honor Council (4); SCA Advisory (4); Christian Fellowship Club (3,4); Ashlawn- High land Opera Company (2,3); Junior Classical League (3.4):" I' d like to get away from Earth for a while and then come back to it and begin over."'-Robert Frost •· For with God nothing shall be impossible."-Psalm 150:6. II. Kristy Mazzei: Literary Magazine Editor (3,4-editor and ch ief); Key Club ( 1.2,3,4): SADD (3,4): Junior C lassical League (3 ,4); Ho nor Counc il (4); Beta C lub (4): Freshman Girls Manager ( I): JV Softball (2): ·• You can' t make a foul ball fa ir by moving the base lines.''-Mickey 1\'l antle " Three-fourths of the world is covered with water, the rest is co vered by A ndrew Jones.''- Don Sutton.

12. Heather McCau ley: Riding ( 1. 2.3.4): 4-H ( 1-vice president, 2-vice president.3-president ,4-president): .. Good. better. best. don ' t le t it rest until your good is better and you r better is the best."'· Mrs. Schomp.


Seniors 67

1. Tara McC lendon 2. Angela McDaniel 3. Jannel McGhee: Concert Band (1.2): Concert Choir (3.4): Women· s Ensemble (3,4); Spanish ( 1.2.3): '· I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul; I believe that family is worth more than money or gold.''· Savage Garden 4. Sarah Mchnr : Varsity Soccer ( 1.2-captain,3-captain.4): Amnesty International (3,4); Student Area Coordinator (4): Math Honors Society (2.3,4); National Honors Society (4): Beta Cluh (4). Junior Classical League (1 .2,3,4); Western District All Academic Team (1.2,3.4): ·'Take care of all your memories, for you cannot relive them.''-Bob Dylan ··1 fight with love, and I laugh with rage. you've got to live enough to see some humor and long enough to see ome change.''· Ani Difranco 5. Craig McSherry: Varsity Soccer (2,3,4); Varsity Football (4): ·• Hey hey hey."-Fat Albert: .. Life is tough, but it's tougher when you are stupid.''-John Wayne 'The Duke·· 6. Broocks Meade: " One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain"-Bob Marley: "( am the lizard king. I can do anything."-Jim Morrison 7. Curly Melcher: JV Soccer ( I); Track (2): OJ Club (2): College Planning Club (3): SADD (4): Beta Club (4): Equestrian ( I ,2,3.4); SCA (2.3,4): Choms ( 1,2,3,4); .. A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."·Unknown 8. Laura E. Michael: NHS (3.4): French Honor Society (2.3.4); Beta Club (4): Yearbook (3,4-editor): Internship at The Obsen•er(4): Sign Language Club (2): Literary Magazine Staff (3); Key Club (3): liP of the Faerie Kingdom ico FA (3.4): Preschool Teacher at Church (I ,2,3.4): '"llaven· t you got any romance in your soul?' said Magrat plaintively: 'No,' said Granny. ' I ain ' t. And stars don't care what you wish. and magic don' tmake things better. and no one doesn't get burned who sticks their hand in a fire. lfyou want to amount to anything. Magrat Garlick, you got to learn three things. What's real, what's not real, and what's the difference-·• -"Witches Abroad ":"Celui qui habite JOIIs /'abri drr Tres-Hartt.. .'' -Psalm 9 1 9. Andrew j. Mike: Academic Team ( 1,2.3.4): Forensics Team (2,3.4); Amnesty International (4): Wind Ensemble (4): Second Place 200 1 VHSL State Forensics Competition (3): First Place 1999 VHSL Regional Academics Competition ( I) : Who's Who Among American High School Students (3): Symphonic Band (2.3); International Thesbian Society (2.3.4): National Reta Club (4): Fall Production (2); Spring Production (2,3); Drama Club (2.3): SCA Advisory Council (2,3.4): SCA Leadership Retreat Participant (3.4): Young Democrats (3.4); Yearbook Club ( l); Commended Student, National Scholarship Merit Scholarship Program (3); " 1 may not have gone where J intended to go. but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.".l)ouglas Adams 10. Zach M iller: Tennis ( I); Lacrosse (2.4); Track (3): Marching Band ( Concert Band (I): Symphonic Band (2): Wind Ensemble (3.4); Jazz Band (4): Wrestling ( 1.4): Step Team ( 1,2): Math Honor Society (2.3,4); Beta C lub (4): Young Life ( "Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and fans the bonfire ."· La Rochesfoucald 11. Lindsay Rayc Mitchell : C hristian Fellowship Club (2.3,4); Advanced Hand Bell C hoir (Parks-Rec.) (3.4 ): Challenger Baseball ( I ,2.3.4): " The sun s hines not on us. hut in us."-John Muir 12. Elizabeth A. Moore: PALS (2.3.4): Youth Group ( Honor Council (3,4); Knitting Society (4); WHB Club-cofounder (3,4); Basketball (1 ,2,3,4); Soccer (1.2.3,4); C hristian Fellowship Club Envirothon (I ,2,3) Christian Fellowship Club Atalcuta ( I ,2,3.4): National Art Society: National French Society: National Math Honor Society: Mermaid ( I ,2,3.4): " Thirsty hearts are those whose longing have been wakened by the touch of God within them."·A.W. Tozer: Psalm 42:7

68 Seniors

I. JonathanMoore: AcademicTcam(2"1,4):CanlPiayingCiub(l,2,3) C<ud Playing Club Dictmor(3); Clao;sical Music Club (4); Junior Classical League (3,4); AnarchisL'i' Club ( 1,2,3,4): " We are healthy only to the extent that our idea-; are humane."-Kilgot\! Trout.

2. Julia Moore: JV Softball (I ,2-captain): Varsity Softball (3.4); Drama Club ( 1,2.3-treasurcr,4): Fall Productions (; Wimer Productions ( 1,2,3,4); Forensics Team ( 1.2); National Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4-trcasurcr); .. Duct tape is like the force. It has a light s ide and a dark side and holds the universe togcthcr.''Unknown; ''When you come to the edge of all the light you know and arc about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."-Barbara J. Winter. 3. Carla Morris: JV Cheerleading (1): Varsity Cheerlcading (2,3); Concert Band (I ): Symphonic Band (2,3); SCA Advisor (3,-1); "Most Improved Cheerleader" ( 1,2); Beta Club (4); Spanish Honor Society (4); ·· Like a monkey with no feet on Tuesday November 22!'"-Pup; .. Walk where you like to step.''-DMB; ''I slept under a roof my father owned, in a bed my father bought. Nothing was mine except my heart and my fears and my growing knowledge that not every road was going to lead home anymore."Kcvin Arnold: ·'I though t if I only voted for you it would count more!''-Amy Broderick;" You are spcciai .. .''-Unknown. 4. David i\•l orris: Varsity Lacrosse ( 1.2.3,4-captain); Cross Country (1,2); Chess C lub (2); Sierra Club (4): " If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds wott h of distance run, yours is the Earth and everything that' s in it. And which is moreyou ' ll be a man my son !"-Rudgard Kipling. 5. Shelley Morris: Varsiry Tennis (<:o captain); Varsiry Basketball (2,3,4); J V Softball ( I); Varsity Softball (3,4); SCA Class Secretary (1,2); JV Soccer (1): SCA Class Treasurer (3,4); Key Club ( I ,2,3,4); Honor Council (3.4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (3,4); At1 Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4): Beta C lub (4); F.A.S.T (4); Central-Virginia Tennis Player of the Year(3); Women inS pons Winner-Temlis (3); "When life gives you a lemon, say 'Oh yeah. Jiike lemons, what else you got?"'-Unknown; •· Imagine if there were no hypothetical situations .. .'"-Unknown. 6. J en Moyinhan : Peer Counseling ( 1,2,3,4); Music Honor Society (2.3.4-secretary); Patriot Singers (3,4 );Color Guard (2,3,4section leader); Wind Ensemble (4): Symphonic Band (3); Women's Ensemble (2): District Choir (2.3): SCA (3,4); Honor Council (4); Amnesty International (4): lntemational Thesbian Honor Society (3.4); Drama Club ( 1,3,4); Drama Productions (2,4); Forensics (3): Lifeguard (3,4); Yearbook (2); Outdoor Track (3,4); Swing Club (2); German Club (1 ,2,3); Athletic Trainer ( 1,2): Team Manager (I ); " Be how you are and say how you feel. because those who mind don't maner and those who maner don' t mind."-Dr. Seuss. 7. Latoya Morse 8. Devcn Mullincx: Football (I ); Varsiry Wrestling (1,2.3.4-captain): Varsity Baseball (2,3,4-<:aptain); Chess Club (1,2); Teclmology Club (3); Bridge Club (4); Wrestling District Cl1ampions (3); Baseball Regional and District (2); MVP Wrestling ( I). 9. Ashley Mundy: JV Soccer ( I); Varsity Soccer (2,3,4): JV Volleyball (1 ,2); Varsity Volleyball (3); Freshman Basketball (I); JV Basketball (2); Varsity Ba~ketball (3); Storm Soccer (4). 10. Joe Murray: Cross Country ( 1,2,3,4; lenercd; Indoor Track (; lenered 2,3,4); Omdoor Track ( 1,2,3,4); Running C lub (2,3, president4); Cross Country MVP(3): '·The unexamined life is not wotth living."-Plato. I I. Shannon Myrick: Peer Counseling (2,3.4): Key Club (3,4); Beta Club (4); Math Honors Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (4); " Always knew looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh. but I ne ver knew looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry.''-Unknown. 12. Rachel Nadol~ki: SCA (2,3.4); Young Life (1,2,3,4); Track ( I); Concert ( I): Who's Who (3); Wind Ensemble (2,3,4); Spring Musical (3.4); Drdll1a C lub(!); Key Club (2,3,4); Beta Club (4): Powder Puffs ( 1,2,3.4); '1l1e world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning."-Ivy Baker Priest; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."-Philippians 4: 13.


Seniors 69



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Stickin Together Siblings Learn to Get Along From top to bottom: Senior Rebecca Collier and her sister freshman Suzanne Collier both play field hockey at AHS. After a hard swim meet, Trevor Jamerson congratulates his sister Brittney Jamerson on a job well done. Senior Chris Collins always knows that sister Gina is watching his every n1ove.

Although most people assumed that having a sibling in the same school meant more arguments and fights, many siblings got along just fine. Sophomore Erika Hernandez appreciated older sister Mima because" It is nice to have someone here to look after you. I love my sister because we get along so well. Being in the same school has made us become closer, and she is good for rides to school!" Having an older brother or sister in the school often allowed the younger sibling to enjoy some pri vileges- such as not riding the bus or getting lunch from Burger King on Wednesdays. Having siblings in the same school was not as bad at all. When all else failed, you knew there was one person who understood where you came from and was there to talk to or just hang out. By: Aida Boateng Amir Rasool and brother Ali are close even when they' re going in different directions. Tired from walking, Cortney Phillips gives her sister senior Kali Phillips a piggy back ride.

Senior Amy Broderick and her sister. freshman Kristen, are among some siblings that get along well.


70 Seniors


Senior John Forrest and his sister freshman Madeleine Forrest get ready for a night out in town.


1. Mallory Napier: Literdi)' MagaL.ine Staff Editor (3,4 ); Key Club (3.4): Beta Club (4): Math Honors Society (4); Junior Classical League(4): Drama Club (I); Our Tmm (2): Music Man (2); Published in Literdi)' Magazine (3,4); Clas.~ical Honor Society (3.4); ··come with me leave yesterday behind and take a giant step outside your mind.'"-11te Monkees. Take A Gia/11 Step.

2. Ivana l'il-deljkovic: Math Honor Society (3.4): Gennan Club (4); FBLA (3): Beta Club (4); '"AJI it takes to fl y is to hurl yourself at the ground .. .and miss."'-Douglas Adams. 3. Tegan Nicholson: Women's Ensemble (1.3): lntennediate Olorus (2): Outdoor Club (4); Dram.1 Club (3.4): Foreign Mission Ttip (I ,2); Thcsbian (3): Literruy Lantem (3,4): Republican Campaign Office (4); "I love you. I believe in you. ruxl don't gi\'C up.'"-my mom. 4. Nick Noe: Cross Country (1,2,3-M VP,4-captain): Pack Member (3.4) : Indoor Track (2-4): Outdoor Track (1 -4); Running Club (2- 4-vice pres, ICC Rep): Key Cluh (3,4); Westem District All Academic (2.3); Tri-Athlctc Award (3.4): "Anyllling is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chrutce or a SO-percent chance or a !-percent chance, hut you have to believe, rutd you have to fight."- Lance Annstrong. 5. Charles Norford 6. BUI O'Brien: Football (2,3); Weight Li fting Club (2,3); National Ski Patrol (2-4): MY AJpha Theta (3,4); Beta Club (3.4); Honor Society (3,4); Eagle Scout (3); FAA Pilots License (4) 7. Gabrielle Olku: SCA (24); 010rus (1-3); Peer Counseling (24): National Latin Exantination Cwn Laude (2); "Guts, ambition, and nerves of steel, thm·s what girls are made of."-Unknow11; "'Don't cry because it's O\'er. smile because it happened" 8. Maun.>cn Orvosh: Cluistian Fellowship Club (I ,3); Photography (3); Sign Language (2); Swimming (1-3): Rec. Soccer (I ,2); SCA Advisor (4): Ski Club (4); Young Life (3.4); ''Life is not measured by how many breathes you take, but by how many moments take your breath away."-Unknown. 9. Aylin .Melisa Ozyildirim: Key Club (2-u·, 3-prcs, Distinguished Pres Award, 4-Lt. Gov); Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (2-4): MJll Volunteer(3,4); Honor Council (1-4-pres); Envirothon Competition (1-3); Science Fair (2,3): Girls State (3): Dance ( 1-3); Vm~ity Tennis Team ( 1,2); Destination Imagination ( 1-3): SCA Advisor ( l-4); Spanish Honor Society (3,4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Forensics ( I ,2); Beta Club (4); Literary Magazine Co-Editor (2): Awards: NCTE Achievement(3); William & Mary's l..eadersllip (3); Snlith College Book (3): Science Fair Honorable Mention (2,3): Who's Who (3); Forensics District. (1 -3..,2-2,..); Spanish n, ill ( 1.2); Nat'! Latin I Exam Suma Gold (2); "Tite whole worth of a kind deed is in the love that inspires it."-The Talmud. 10. Andrew Parkins: Cross Country (1-4); Indoor Track (24);0utdoor Track (1-4); AHS Running Club (2-4); ''What is reai."-Morpheus In the Mau·Lr.

11. 13cnjwnin F. Payne Ill: Trinity Presbyterian Member (14); Peer Mediator (4): Stage Construction (2-4): Thesbian (3.4leuer); Sound Technician Medal, VHSL (2); "The invariable mark of wisdom is to sec the miraculous in the conunon."Unknown. 12. Anthony Pcacoc 13. Cecilia Pe1·ez: Drama Club ( 1-4); Titesbian (1-4); Peer Counseling (2-4); VIVA (3,4); All Star Cast (3); "Be the change you want to see in the world."- Ghandi. 14. Kristina Perry 15. Mecca Pettiford: Girls 13asketball (I); S.H.O.U.T. ( 1,2); Upward Bound (1-4); Key Club (1-4): Conutlittee Chair (3,4): Superimendents Equity and Diversity Committee (3.4); International Food Club (3,4); SCA Advisory Council (3,4); Honor Council (4): Peer Mediator (4); "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you. we would walk side by side through life. but when I needed you most, I saw only one set of foot print~ in the srutd. The Lord replied. · I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints it was then that I canied you."'-Unknown. 16. Hrumalt Petty: Drama Club (1-3); Thesbian (3,4); Oklahoma ( 1): Our TOII"/1, Music Man (2): Bald Sopmno, Night of Farce, Atutie (3): ..ltunted on the radio and the music made things a linle bcncr. The music always does.""-Steven King; ''Colors have the power to move mountains, stop time, rutd most importantly. move my hean.'"-Nic.


Seniors 71

I I -

1. A. Ross Phillips: .. Soulshine. it 's better than sunshine. it" s better than moonshine and it" s darn sure better than rain."' 2. Kali Phillips: CYAC (1.2): Gator Swimming-capt. (3.4): AHS Swim Team (4): FCA (2-4 -vice pre-~.): SCA Advisor(2-4); Mmh Honor Society (2-4): Sp:mish Honor Society (2-4 -sect.): Beta Club (4); ''When you're soaring through the air, I' II be your solid ground. Angel, you were born to fly and if you get too high I' ll catch you when you fali."-Unknown. 3. Katie Porterfield: N Sooccr( I): Tmck (2): DJ Club (2); Sierra Club ( I): SCA Advisor (3.4): SADD (4): Math Honor Society (3.4); Beta Club (4): MVP Soccer ( l): ·Tell me do you really know your brother man, 'cause a heM speaks louder than a color can and why would you even shake a man's hand if you're not going to help him stand.. ''-Ben Harper ··Jah Work."' 4. David Price: Football ( 1-4): Varsity (2-4). AJI Districts, All Cemml VA, All Region (3); Men on a Mission ( 1-4 -pres.): ·'Sometimes I look to the stars and analyze the sky and ask wa~ I meant to be here... whyT'-Tony Storks: "lma sit right here and get this thing clear."-Oxford, D. Piddy. Josccf. 5. Martyna Pospieszalska: CY AC Swimming ( 1-4); City Swim Team Coach (2-4): Crew/Rowing (2-4); Private Voice Lessons (2-4); Key Club (3,4-ehair): Life Guard (2-4); St. Thoma~ Aquintas Church ( 1-4): Youth Leadership Initiative (4): Math Honor Society (1-3 committeechair,4-pres.); At1 Honor Society ( 1-4 -vice pres.); National Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4): SCA Advisor (3): Fellowship of Christian Athletes (I ); Band (I); Vegetarian Club (2): Academic Honor Role (1-4): Recognized in the 2001 Virginia Festival of the Book (3): Poem Published in Undera Quick Sifl·erMoon (4): Key Club Service Award(3): 'Who' s Who (3): "Lying in the field by night by making new constellations from old stars."'-:\1ichael D. Stillman. 6. Nathaniel Prum: Varsity Wrestling ( 1.3,4-capt.); JV Wrestling (2): Trinity Youth Group (1-4): Intern (4); Classical Music Club (14 -pres.): CFC (3-ICC rep.); YLI (2-4); Honor Council (3,4): PALS (2-4): N Cross Country (3): Honor Society ( 1-4); Math Honor Society (3,4-treas.); National Honor Society (4); SCA Advisor (3,4); Knowledge Masters (1-4): Kilting (3,4); District Wrestling Champion (3); Honor Roll ( 1-4); Scholar Athlete Award (1.3.4): "Sive reges sive erimus inopi coloni"-Horace. 7. Melissa Pyles: Color Guard ( 1,2-capt.3-capt.4-capt); Swing Club (2,3); Math Honor Society (4); "Let us hope that weare preceded in this world by a love story."-Unknown. 8. Ryan M. Quick: Varsity Golf (2-4 -co capt.); Varsity Basketball (3); Varsity Lacrosse (2-4 -capt.): "What good is it for a man to gain the world yet lose his own soul in the process."-DMX. 9. CarrieRai.ney: Rocketry Club ( I); Spanish Club(2): AJt. Music Club(3): Spanish Honor Society (2-4): Math Honor Society (3,4): Nat' l Honor Society (3,4): Beta Club (4); "Playing it safe isn' t playing at all.''-Unknm\~1. 10. Amir llasool: JV Soccer (1,2); Varsity Soccer (3,4- captain, 4). II. Aaron Ratesie: Peer Counsel (1-4); P's & Q's Club (3); Card Club (3): Magic Club (4); "Sometimes you eat the 'bar' and sometimes the 'bar' cat~ you."-Joel and Ethan Coen. 12. Stephanie Reed: Cross Country ( 1.2-capt, 2-4); Indoor Track (1.3,4); Outdoor Tmck (2-4 -capt.); PALS (2-4 -vice pres.); Wind Ensemble ( 1-4); Reject Band (3); Marching Band ( 1); District and Honors Band ( 1-4); Math Honor Society (2-4); French Honor Society (2-4 -vice pres.); Governor's french Academy (3); National Honor Society (3.4); Tri-M Honor Society (3,4); Beta Club (4); Si\DD (2,3· treas,4-pres.); "In the game of life. heredity deals the hand. and society makes the rule.s: but you can still play your own cards."-Peter's Almanac. 13. Karen Rembold: Destination Imagination ( 1-4); Evans Orchestm (1): Youth Orchcstm & rlute Choir (4); Academic Team (2-4 -capt.): Girl Scouts ( I,2); Wren ( 1-3): Singers (2-4); Key Club ( 1-3): Environmental Committee Chair(2.3): Knowledge Masters ( 1-4); Gubernatoris Latina Academia (3); Silver Award ( I); Math Honor Society (1-4); National Honor Society (3.4): French Honor Society (3.4); "I thank God for most this amazing/day: for the greenly spirits of trees/and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything/which is natural which is intinite which is yes"-E.E. Cummings. 14. Rhiannon Renton: Softball (1-4): SCA Advisor(3,4); SADD (3.4); Anmesty lnt'l(4): Band (I); Color Guard (2): "Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.''-Mark Lee. IS. Jason Richards: Virginia Cons011 ( 1-4); Wind Ensemble (3,4); Missions Work (3); Governor's Russian Srudics Academy (4); Va Honor Band (3): Tri-M (3,4); Summa Cum Laudi National Latin Exam (3); "He sa.id to me: ·It is done. I 3111 the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning ar1d the End. To him who is thirsty I \vill give to drink without cost from the spring ofthe water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son."'-Revclations 21:6-7. Hi. Adam Ripley: Cros.s Country (2-4); Running Club (2-4): Track (2-4): "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreat11S."Eicanor Roosevelt.


72 Seniors


~ ~,....,.




At the Finish Line At the end, not deciding was deciding not to... Lisa Statton and Brittany Kelly enjoy some time in class. Jan Tillis wears his thinking cap. Kari Armstrong, Lindsay Tarabell, and Lindsey Howe confer on the Breezeway.


Just to have a good life.


- Will Chan,

on his ultimate goal

Everybody dreamed of being a superhero when they were little, like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, or Superwoman. Throughout high school and even in middle school , students had found themselves picking a "career pathway," often before they even had a clue about all of the things there were to do. Even senior year was spent evaluating the options, creating a portfoli o, writing resumes and applications. Students who never gave college a thought found themselves furiously filling out applications in March , while others ignored the acceptance or rejection letters in the mailbox. At the end of the second semester, though, the jig was up. Sink or swim- a decision had to be made. College, military, Piedmont? Stay home, move out, get married, leave the country? For some, the transition was just a continuation of a plan devised long ago, but for others, it was a whole new beginning.

Seniors James Wright. Donnie Wells and Andrea Jones discuss a topic for their English 12 class.



Seniors 73


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1. Philip Roane: Math Honor Society (2-4): French Honor Society (2-4 -pres.): National Honor Society (3.4-treas.): Beta Club (3,4): Classical Honor Society (3.4): JCL (3,4); National Latin Exam (3.4): Golden Medal Summa Cum Laude (3,4); National French Exam (2-state level winner.3.4); Honor Roll ( 14): Rocketry Club ( 1,2); Magic Club (3): French Club (4- ICC rep): AilS Leadership Retreat (4); Governor's French Academy (3); SOCA ( 1-4): Eagle Scout (4); Youth Leadership Jnitiath e (3.4); Knowledge Masters (4); '"You can afford to be an optimist. I can't."-Erwin Rommel. 2. Katelyn Amy Ruth Robinson: WIIB Club (3,4): Knining Society (4): Youth Group (1-4); Labyri11th Fan (1-4): Jake Ryan· s Lover (1-4); 16 & I (4): "I know the answer. but do you know the answer?"-Karen Early: "She can hide in the pouring rain. She rides the Eye of the Hurricane''-David Wilcox: ··We're all bizarre; some of us are just bener at hiding it"-TBC; "It' s not ugly. it's just. .. void.''- /6 Ca11dles; "Most non-triumphant"-Bi/1 & Ted 's J-.;xcellelll Ad••emure. 3. Lauren Santana: Honor Roll (1-4); Youth Rock (2-4); Spanish Honor Society (2-4): Math Honor Society (3,4); Beta Club (4); Christian Fellowship Club (2-4 -seer.); SCA Advisor (3,4); Honor Council (4): Manha Jefferson Hospital Volunteer (3.4); "When life hands you a lemon. make some lemonade''-Unknown: "Tmst in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."-Proverbs 3:5-6. 4. Michael Santos 5. Rachael Savage 6. Julianna Schneider: JV Lacrosse ( I); Varsity Lacrosse ( 1-4); JV Volleyball (2); Key Club (1-3); SCA Advisor (2-4): Peer Counselor (3.4): Women 's Ensemble ( I); Patriot Singers (2); Vocal Ascension (3); National Honor Society (3,4): Beta Club (3,4): ·'We always did feel the same, we just saw it from a different point of view. Tangled up in Blue." -Bob Dylan; " It's OK-GPSP too! '' - JS.LB,KP; "When you're flying high. take my heart along, I'll be the hannony to every lonely song that you learn to play ... "-Unknown. 7. J en Schneller: Track (I); College Planning Club (3): Swimming (4): " I was going to say something .. . but I forgot. .. "-me; ·'Are you gonna eat that?T' - me; "Oat ain't even right. .. "Katie; "It is only with the heart that one can sec rightly: what is essential is invisible to the eye ... ··-Unknown. 8. Zacharia h N. Scully: Magic Club (2.3); Rec. Soccer ( 1-4); Church Youth Group ( 1-4): Piano (1-4): National Beta Club (3.4); ational Art Honor Society (3,4); Honor Roll ( 1-4): '·When you come to a fork in the road, take it.''- Yogi Berra. 9. Michelle Shaver: Key Club (3.4): Junior Classical League (3.4); Bridge Club (2): "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's expcrience''-Oiiver Wendell Holmes Sr. "The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusted in Him"Psalm 28; " If at first you don't succeed. dust yourself off and try again"-Aaliyah 1979-200 1. 10. David Sheaffer: Varsity Baske tball (3.4); PALS (4); JV Basketball (2); FBLA (3); Open Gym (1 -4) J 1. Ross Shipe: Golf ( 1-4 -co capt.); National Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (2-4): Math Honor Society (3,4); " Do what you can, with what you have. where you arc."Theodore Roosevelt.

12. J ennifer Sikes: Beta Club (4-secr.); Art Honor Society (24): Sign Language Club ( I); Ani me Club (2); Art Club (3-vice pres.); Card Game Club (4); Honor Roll ( 1.2); "When you see the Southern Cross for the first time, You understand now why you came this way. 'cause the truth you might be runnin ' fro m is so small. But it's as big as the promise. the promise of a coming day. So I'm sailing for tomorrow, my dreams aredyin' And my love is an anchor tied to you. tied with a sil ver chain'·Ji mmy Buffen.


74 Seniors


1. Chr istopher Simmons 2. Ashley L. Simons: Gymnastics ( 1.2): Jazz Dance ( 1,2 .4): ·'Nothing lasts fore ver, not the mountains nor the seas, but the times we've had together. they will always be with me. The pages may crumble, the pictures may fad e, but we' ll never forget the friend s we've made.'' -Unknown.

3. Kristy Simpkins: SCA Advisor (3.4); Vars it y Chccrleading (2): Freshman Cheerlcading (I): Competition (1 ,2); Women's Ensemble (1,2,3): "A lone is areminder of how fa r acceptance is from understanding ... Hope, seeing who you really are at your highest is who you w ill become." -J ewel. 4. Sha ne Sims: Varsity Football (3.4); Varsity Baseball (3.4): J V Baseball (2); J V Football (2): Freshman Football ( I); DJ Club ( I): Weightl ifting Club (2); Techno logy foundation (3); Bridge Club (4) : "Thee who laughs last. thi nks the slowest"-Toofl ess Shawn. 5. Kevin Smith 6. Ron Snitrak: JV Football (2): Varsity Football (3.4): Outdoor Track (3,4); Outdoor Club (4): Commonwealth Di stri ct A ll Academic Team; "Opportunity knucks at the strangest times . It 's nut the time that matte rs, but how you answer it. "-Unknown ; "Smile. it makes people wonder what you're up to."-Ron Snitrak. 7. Diana Souder: Equestrian ( I ,2.3.4): Peer Counseling (2,3,4): Martial Arts ( 1,2); Lacrosse ( 1): SCA (4); SADD (4) ; Rock C limbing (4): "A sunset. .. is what o ur lives should be; qu iet, noble and unhurried."-C. L. Rawli ns; •·tf we didn ' t laugh. we would all go insanc!''-Jimmy Buffet. 8. Kevin Sours: JV Baseball ( 1.2): Varsity Baseball (3); Outdoor C lub (3.4). 9. Amanda Southard: JV Outdoor Track (I) ; JV Indoor Track ( 1.2): Varsi ty Outdoor Trac k (2.3.4): Varsity Indoor Track (3.4): Beta Club (4): Key Club ( SADD (3,4) ; An Honor Society (2 .3.4); Junior Classical League (4); " You can' t make a fo ul ball fai r by moving the base line'' - Mic key Mantle: " It 's good to be bad if it's bener than bored."- Evc 6. 10. Neali Spindler: Competitive Gymnastics ( I); Dance ( 1,2,3 .4) : Swim team/di ving ( 1.2): Outdoor Club (3,4 ): S ie rra C lub ( I); Outdoor Trac k (2 ,3,4): Induor Track (3,4 ); " Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certai n of what we do not see" - Hebrews I I : I ; '·It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to e ntertain a thought wi thout accepting it.'' -A ristotle: ''UZAHO'' -NJ, SL. 1 L Lauren S tangil: National Art Honor Socie ty (3 .4); Be ta Club (3 ,4); Amnesty International (4); Junior Classical League (2,3); " Li fe is a Garden, Dig it?!" - Joe Dirt. 12. Drew Stanley: Wrestl ing ( 1,2); Outdoor Club ( 1.2.3).


Seniors 75




-- -


- - -- - - - -

1. Lisa Staton 2. David Stavitski 3. Kelly L. Stone: SCA Class Treasurer ( 1): SCA Class Senator (3): SCA C lass Secretary (4 ); SCA Advisor (2): Peer Counselor (3,4); Outdoor Track (I): Key C lub (2,3,4); Church Youth Group ( I ,2,3,4); Drama C lub (I ,2.3): Spring M usical (2,3); Powder Puff Football ( 1.2,3.4): Forensics (3); Young Life (2): Honor Roll ( ~ation al Honor Society (3,-t); Deta Club (3.4); National Math Honor Society (3.4): Who's Who (2.3.4) : Spanish Honor Society (2.3,4); 'The Lord is my strength and my song: he has become my salvation.''-Psalm 118: 14: "Smiles are contagious. Let' s start an epidemic! "Unknown.

4. G inny Stone: Soccer ( I ,2.3,4): Choir ( Dasketball ( 1.2): National Honor Society (4); Beta C lub (4): Spanish Honor Society (4): College Planning C lub (3); "When it' s dark e nough you can see your stars. So when you feel that all in life has gone dark reach for your stars because you never know when you will hit the moon.'" - Unknown. 5. Laura Strick 6. C heryl Laquitta Strother: Key C lub (3.4); Concert Band ( 1): Shout (4); Bridge Club (2); Project Discovery (3): Girl Scouts Leadership Award (1.4); " Live, love and cherish life. Love children, for you were once one. Seek the truth. Find it in yourself. others, and the God of your fai th.''-Emily Campagna. 7. Vincent Sun: Academic Team (3.4); Youth Orchestra, I" and 2"" violinist ( 1,2,3,4); JV Tennis ( 1.3): Alternate for Japanese Governor's School (3); "If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one tum of pitch-and-toss and lose. and s tart again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss."-Rudyard Kipling. 8. Todd Swancutt 9. Tareq T ahboub: Magic C lub (2.3.4): Varsity Soccer (4): JV Soccer ( I); Varsity Football (3); J V Football (2): "'The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows."'; "'Weaseling out of things is impot1ant to learn. It's what separates us from the animals. Except the weasei.''-Homer Simpson.

10. Lindsay Tarbell: Christian Fellowship C lub (3,4 ); Marching Dand (1 .2.3,4): Show Choir (2); Ja?.z Band ( 1.2): Softba ll ( 1,2): Beta Club (4): Wind Ensemble (3,4); Concct1 Band ( I ,2): SCA (3); National Winner, Guild Piano Auditions ( I ,2}; Band Leuer (2.3): "I would rather have tifteen minutes of wonderful than a li fetime of nothing special.'' -Unknown; 'There's bound to be rough waters and I know I'll take some fa lls. but with the good Lord as my captain I can make it through them aii.''-Ganh Brooks. '·The River:· I I. Matt Taylor: Football ( 1,2,3,4); Lacrosse ( I ,2,3,4): FCA ( I); Outdoor C lub (2): Ski Cl ub (3); Stony Point Fire Department-Volunteer (4); SCA Advisory Board (2.3.4); PALS (3,4); 2"" Team All District Football Place Kicker/ Punter (3): J• Team All District (3): 2"" Team All Regional and State Honorable Mention Lacrosse (3): " If you do the drill you' ll have the skills."-Shane Gram, Seattle Seahawks place kicker; ·'Choices we make dictated the life we lead." -Unknown; "And just remember a coumry boy can survive."-Hank Williams, Jr. 12. G illian Teriep: "Just keep on, keepin' on.''

76 Seniors

I. Adrian Terrell

2. Brian Thomas 3. Crystal T hom as

4. Gwendolyn Nicole Thomas: Step Team (AHS/MHS) (I ,2.3,4): S.H.O.U.T Club (I ,2.3,4); Women's Ensemble ( I ,2); Who's Who Among American High School Students (4); "If God is for me, then who is against me?"- Romans 8:3 1. 5. Samantha T homas 6. Paige Thompson: SCA: class vice president ( I). class representative (2). class president (3). SCA president (4); Field Hockey ( 1.2-captain.3.4) : Lacrosse ( 1.2-captain,3.4 ); Key Club ( I ,2.3,4); P.A.L.S (2,3,4-co vice president); Math Honor Society (4): Beta Club (4): VIVA (2): Who's Who Among American High School Students (4); Charlollesville-Aibemarle Community Foundation Award (4); MV P Defense-Lacrosse (2); " Life is never measured by the years through which you live. but by the kindly deeds you do and the friendly cheer you give.''-Helen Steiner Rice. 7. J en nifer Timberlake: Concert Choir (3): Intermediate Choir (4); Beta Club (4): Christian Fcllow~hip Club (4); 路路we never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public."Unknown. 8. Ian Doran Titus: Wrestl ing (; Track (shot-put and discus) ( 1.2.3,4); Drama ( I ,2,3,4); Buck Mountain Episcopalian Church Youth Group (1.2,3.4); John Deere ( 1,2.3.4): Magic Club (3,4) Making teachers loose their minds ( 1,2,3.4); " It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely, well, and justly. and it is impossible to love wisely, well. and j ustly without li ving pleasantly."-Epicums (342-270 BC); .. Nothing runs like a Deere."- John Deere. 9. Christina Troupe

10. Barry Tucker 11. Marcus Twitty: Varsity Basketball (3,4); Varsity Football (3,4); Open Gym Club ( 1.2,3.4) " It takes will and desire to be number I ... cowards never prosper.''-Marcus Twitty.

12. Jason Unger: Wrestling (1,2.3,4); Football (3): JV Soccer Manager (2); Beta Club (4); Math Honor Society (4); Art Honor Society (3,4); Latin Honor Society (2,3,4): Yearbook ( 1.2): Ski Club (3): Honor Roll ( 1,2,3,4); "If a man does his best, what else is there?"-General George S. Pallon.


Seniors 77

I. Christopher Vernon

2. Anthony Via 3. Jeremy Wacksman: Drama Club ( 1.2,3-vice president.4president); Thespian Honor Society (2.3.4) : Band ( 1.2,3.4): District Band (I ,2.3,4): Honors Band ( Math Honor Society (3.4-vice president): Spanish Honor Society (3.4): National Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4): Young Democrats (3); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4); Youth Leadership Initiative (4); Envirothon (2.3): "Never imagine yourse lf not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."- Le wis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland. 4. Jessica Wade: JV Soccer ( I); Varsity Soccer (2.3.4); Beta Club (4); Outdoor Club (3,4): Art Honor Society (3.4): Spanish Honor Society (4): ·'Though dreams can be deceiving like faces are to beans. They serve for sweet re lieving when fantasy and reality lie too far apart .''- Fiona Apple. 5. Thomas Lucas Wait: P's & Q's Club: Marching Band (; Wind Ensemble (2.3.4): Jazz Band (4) : Football ( I ,2): Lacrosse (I ,2.4); American Studies Exemplary Student (3); Va. State Honor Band (3.4): Superior rating-district solo/ e nsemble competition (3); '' If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch."-Manhew 15: 14: ·'Truckin"-Jerry Garcia/Grateful Dead. 6. Donald Wells, Jr.: ·'Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open . Believe only what you see a nd not what you hear. You can' t make bucks if it doesn' t make sense ... "Money means nothing without someone you love and care about, because love and life are beautiful things." 7. Dain 0. White: Chorus ( 1.2.3,4): Church Choir; "If at first you don' t succeed. dust yourse lf up and try again."-Aaliyah. 8. Donnie White: ·' I' m here now. This year is for you. Carolyn.'· - Donnie . 9. Ellen Marie White: Marching Band (2); Youth Group ( I ,2 .3.4): Key Club (3.4): Honor Counci l (3.4): D.l. (3): Junior Firelighter (3.4): Spanish Honor Society (4): Math Honor Society (4): National Honor Society (4); "The heart has reasons that the mind knows not.''-Pascal.

10. 1\'Iatt W hitford: Lacrosse ( I); Band ( I): ''Kick the tire s and light the fires." II. Ashley Williams: Literary Magazine (3,4): Upward Bound (2,3,4); "If I were to die tonight, I would want to come back as one of your tears, because who wouldn' t want to be conceived in your hean , be born in your eye, live on your check. and die upon your lips?"-Unknown. 12. Josh Williams: JV Baseba ll (2): Varsity Baseball (3.4); Jazz Band (2.3,4); Varsity Football (3); ''The reward is never as important as the struggle went tluough to get there:· Unknown; " Let's roll." - Beck.

78 Sen iors

I. Laurel W ilson 2. Derek W ilson: Basketball ( 1.2); Baseball (1 -4); Key Club ( 1-4) : P .A.L.S. (3.4); Superfan (4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (3.4); Beta C lub (4 ); National Honor Society (4): Steve n King Scholarship Award ( I); ' 'Some people dream of success ... while othe rs wake up and work hard at it.''John Wooden. 3. John Phillip Witry Ill: Drama ( I ,2): Fal l Shows (2); Asst. Drama Director (2); Spring Shows ( 1-3); VT A ( 1-3): Drama C lub (I ,2); Patriot Singers ( 1-4); Concert C hoir (3,4): Asst. Choir Director (3,4); Tri-M (2-4); T ri-M O fficer (3.4); Beta C lub (4); D.J. C lub (4); Virginia Consort (4); "Anything too s tupid to be said is sung."- Voltaire; ''Cute little chi ldren that fall out of swings. these are a fe w of my favorite things.''- Oscar Hammerstein. 4. J enny Wood: JV Field Hockey ( I ,2-capt.}; Varsity Field Hocke y (3,4); Varsity Indoor T rack ( 1-4): Varsity Lacrosse (3): Key Club (1 -4); Peer Counseling ( 1-4); Vocal Ascens ion "Show Choir'' (3,4); Patriot S inge rs (2): Wome n' s Ense mble (I); Beta C lub (4); Envirothon (2,3): SCA Advisory (2-4): J V Soccer (I ); J V Lacrosse (2); National Honor Society (3.4): lational Spanish Honor Society (2.3.4): Math Honor Society (2-4); "The task ahead of us is never as great as power behind us.''- Aicoholics Anonymous. 5..Jon Wood: J V Lacrosse (1.2): Varsity Lacrosse (3): Skeet Club ( 1,3); Fire fi ghting (4); J. V. Lacrosse MVP (2); " No matter w hat they say I' ve done . I a in' t ne ve r had too much fun."; ·'A man is a hero not for what he does but for what he might have to do."-Jon Wood. 6. Will W right: Guadalaj ara's '·Numero Uno" Customer Award ( 1-4); ·•t ' m going to sit here and wait so Opportunity will know right w here to fi nd me whe n it's time to change the world."Calvin ( Bill Watterson): --It is not the critic who counts. not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled: the cred it belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dus t and sweat and blood ; who knows the great enthus iasms, the g reat devotions: who errs and comes up s hort again and again; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement ; and who. at wors t, if he fails. at least he fails w hile daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. .._ Theodore Rooseve lt. 7. James Wright: Freshman Football ( I}; J V Football (2); Vars ity Football (3,4); J V Baseball ( I ,2}: Me n on a Mission ( 13); " You cannot discove r ne w oceans unless you have courage to lose s ight of the shore.''- Unknown . 8. Tom Yancey: Concert Band ( I): Wind Ensemble (2): Guitar C lub (4); SADD (3); Marching Band ( I ,2): District Band (2); Honors Band (2): " No act of kindness. no ma11er how small, is ever wasted."- Aesop. 9. Joey Young: '·When you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it's yours: if it doesn' t it never was.''- DMX; ''The world is yours !''- Tony Momana A. K.A. Scarface; 'T m gonna sit right here, I'm gonna get this thing clear. I'm gonna sit right here & I' m gonna finish my beeeah.''- Oxford , D. Piddy, & Joseef.

10. Shadan Zahedi II. Dorothy Zhang: UVA Junior Volunteer (2,3): E.A.S.L. Teacher Assis tant (2): Ke y C lub (3.4): National Beta Club (4) : Math Honor Society (3,4): Honor Council (4): Tri-M Music Honor Society Music Director (4): Women's Ense mble (2-4); Concert Choir (9); Who ' s Who Among American High School Stude nts (3); All District C horus of Virginia XIII (3); VA AllState C horus Alternate (3); District Choir (4); All-State Chorus (4): " Enjoy the lillie things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things''- Robe rt Brault.

12. Nicole R en ee Ziglier: Key C lub ( 1-4); FB LA (3.4) : Wome n' s Ensemble (I ,3.4); Vocal Ascension (3.4): Inte rmediate Choir (2); Key C lub Schools & Community Service Award (1 -4); "Look it's Robe rt Losha!''- Unknown: " I love mullcts!"- me: "I' m a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman. That' s me"- Maya Angelou.


Seniors 79

Guess Who?? Hardest Working Melisa Ozyildirim Jeff Fowler

Most Academic

Best Smile

Karen Rembold Jeremy Wacksm~

Kelly Stone \1att Taylor

Most Spirited

Most Creative Matt Betts Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Most Unforgettable Kelly Barlow Andrew Mike

Karen Rembold Jeremy Wacksm -

Most Likely T Lend A Hand Nate Prum Jenny Wood

Most Ath letic

t Musical

erformer Mayo p Witry


t Likely To Quietest

Loudest Anna Hastings Ben Curry

Most Flirtatious Nick Noe Jules Schneider

"/q "'t

80 Seniors


Jason Unger Susanna Kiosk'


s Lambert ey Morris

p Traffic Jamerson _Hawkins

Best Hair

st Friends Guys)

Emily Gercke Sam Truslow

' s Collins r Rasool . cole Brase






Guess Who?? Most Academic

Best Smile

Karen Rembold Jeremy Wacksmar

Kelly Stone Matt Taylor

~o.st Sp1nted

' 1

Karen Rembold 1; Jeremy Wacksma:·

Mos~ Athlet1c · •avis Lamb~rt -,1-]elley Morns

Best Dressed Kristina Perry Will Wright

~\c~:$-'r"~-· ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~--~~~~~ /[ _ _j . ~Y.::_~~~~~~4 ~ \t,~~'\

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"t'f- -:::r';l "W P' .-..::~

Class Cut Up Joe Murray Lily Lei

Most Likely To Best Musical Lend A Hand I Performer Nate Prum Jenny Wood

Quietest Jason Unger Susanna Klosko

Best Hair Emily Gercke Sam Truslow

Sarah Mayo Phillip Witry

.lost Likely To Stop Traffic revor Jamerson ...aura Hawkins

Best Friends (Guys) Chris Collins Amir Rasool

v: N icole Brase

Next Da Vinci Elizabeth Moore Dan Purdy

Best Set Of Wheels Laura Fechteler Brian Craddock

Best Friends (Girls) Maureen Orvosh Allison Boehm



Superlatives 81


Monkeys In The Middle It's a long, slow climb, but underclassmen make their way to the top ,.

They had a few more years to go, but they would soon no longer be the monkeys in the middle. From freshmen who had just started the game of high school, through sophomores, to juniors who had just one year before them they looked forward to a new game in a different life. They worked hard and set goals that fit their needs and expectations. Not quite to the top, but soon they would be there, and so the underclassman worked hard to succeed at playing the game of high school life.

sq "/A -'It

82 Undcrclass


1dle Freshman Taylor Skevington studies during Mr. Grady's math class. She says that she is, " glad to be out of middle school and now in high school, it is much better." Math is one of the subjects in which students meet others in different grades because some take different maths in middle school.

Juniors Travis Sipe and Jesse Joyner share good times and laugh while also working hard during chemistry.

"/..¢ ,


Underclass 83





"!love my credit card. It's so easy to use and it fits in my back pocket" . Like most juniors who have credit cards, lauren Gentry loves using her ca rd while shopping with friends.

Brittany Bishop While most students use cash or checks when shopping with friends, others had the luxury of using credit cards. "My mom gave me a credit card when 1 turned sixteen," explained junior Jeff Myers. "It's really nice to have when 1 don' t want to spend my cash." Credit cards were also useful to juniors in their first yea r of driving, since most gas stations took credit cards right at the pump. v\Thether they were for shopping, buying food, or buying gas, credit cards have proven very useful for the junior class, as well as any other students who could manage to get them.

Daniel Adler Adrianne Allen Rodney Allen Richard Alley Gordon Alpers Meghan Ange Daniel Armstead

Sara Armstrong Emily Arthur Andrew Atchison Zachary Bailey Meghan Bambrey Christopher Bankard Tyler Bannister

Christopher Barcomb Justin Barnes james Barton Lindsey Bateman Thea Berkley Abigail Berube Brittany Bishop

Rachel Bodily Magnus Boge Ross Bolden Chantal Boucher jolu1son Bowers Helen Bowman Alison Bowns Katherine Brackett Megan Brackett jennifer Bragg \.Villiam Brase IV David Bray Sara Breakiron Emily Breeden


84 Underclass


! I


.,....._ .....--;_.-:.

Coty Bright Dominic Brown Frank Brown jr Susan Brumbaugh Julie Burgess Jennifer Burris jeffrey Bush

Sarah Bush Eric Byers tan Carr Shianne Carto-Sprowal Marlisha Catoe jade Catta-Preta Jenna Centini

Ben Chandler Che Chang Erin Chilton justin Cilimberg Anne Clarry Daniel Clifford Mark Coffman

Genevieve Cohoon Christian Collins Bryan Combs Allison Cook Shannon Cooper Robert Covington Kevin Cramer

Caroline Crank Spencer Crawford Mary-Randall Creighton Megan Cruse Meghan Cushman Christine Dallavalle Krystal Davis

Lindsay Davis jason Day Bridgett Deakin Matthew Dedes Erin Degnan Felicia Dennis Neil Dillon

Nikolina Dimic Andrew Dolinger Ken Donahue Patrick Dougherty Em ily Downing Timothy Doyle Lauren Dueweke Kevin Duncan jeffrey Durkin William Duvall Da,路id Dyer Siera Eades )atonia Eatmon Kathleen Edwards


~~~ Juniors 85

Laura Elzey l aura Engel Jan Faris Brittney Fells Dustin Fields Amanda Finn Thomas Finney

Terri Finster Eric Fitzgerald james Foster Lance Frasier Marie Angeli Fuentes Kelly Gartland Lauren Gentry

William Gentry Amanda Gibson Matthew Gibson Alexander Giffen joshua Gillette Heather Goforth Edward Gomaa

Syd elle Gonias Tim Grage Kelle}' Green Megan Green Samuel Griffith jeffrey Guanch Amber Guthrie

Brian Haden Andrew Hall icolai Hamilton Kristyn Hankins Holly Hanks Rachel Hanley jennifer Hansen

Marion Harden II Dallin Hard y Rachel Harper Ashley Harris Daniel Harris Danielle Hart Chevel Harvey

Marisa Hausner Elizabeth TTeeschen Christina Herndon Tina Herring joshua Hill Carolyn Hiller Daniel Hocking Jessica Hodges Erin Hogan Elizabeth Holland Fintan Horan Mark Houchens Erika Howe

Finding time to snooze Lindsay Davis and David Dyer catch a comfy nap togeth er in between lessons during Ms. Higgins 6th period EngIish class. " Ta Iways sleep during school," says David.

Adrianne Allen

__ ___


Statistics said that the average American student needed 91/2 hours of sleep per night. For jtmiors, unforttmately, a good portion of these precious hours were spent doing anything but snoozing. "I got six hours at the most, usually four to five. I was always doing homework," said Derek Murray. "I got a lot less sleep compared to last year." On the other hand, "1 actually slept more," said Megan Hughes. "I stopped trying to pile on all my homework in one night, if T didn't finish it I'd do it in the morning."

Samantha Hoy Matthew Hughes Megan Hughes Gary l lurst Christina Hutton Domenique Tsom Giuliana Jahnsen

Jefferson Jakubowski Byron Jamerson Adam James James Jenkins Andrew Johnson Anne Jolu1son Seleena Johnson

Sarah Johnston Brent Jones Jesse Joyner, Ill Thomas Kaufman Jamie Kay Wesley Kimble Amanda Kirby

Megan Klas Evan Knappenberger Cori.lme Koenig Shawn Kornhauser Ashley Kotania Brian Kozuch Eli zabeth Kropf Deborah Ku Michael Kuhn Christopher Lam Shana Lamb Stephanie Lane Jeremiah Langhorne Michael Lal_tiak

1.e!:J71 -fl\f'~~

Juniors 87

Speeding through junior year junior Shawn Kornhauser says, " I drive an '86 Dodge Lancer Turbo. Many people under estimate the power of the Lancer until they sec who's driving the car."

Molly Waddell

When you were a junior, you hopefully got your first car, whatever it might have been. Students drove SUV's, fast sports cars, vintage models, and even motorcycles. Therewasalways astorybehindthatfirstcar,andaspecialaffection for it. Junior Ashley Odom Scti.d, "I drive a '90 red Tht..mderbird, and I wouldn't trade it in for any car in the world. It isn't always appearance that should cot..mt, it's what under the hood!"

}uliaru1e lalu"li Brenton Laverty Matthew Lawrence Charles Lawson m Michael Levisay Katharina Ley Shannon Liebemood

Tsao-Hs uan Lin David Lindcnsmith Laura Lindensmith Philip Lindensmith Stephen Lindcnsmith Jason Lockley Laquawanna Londree

Mark Lopez Amber Lynch Kitty Lyon Nikolas Mac Ko Ali Madigan Shamcika Magruder l{obert Marcum IV

Adam Marrs Kathryn Marrs William Marshall jr jennifer Martinelli Alfonso Martine7 De La Fuente Charles Martin ll Meghan Mathias Darrell McBride, Jl Marc McCabe Nicholas :vtcCann jen.ice McCoy jessica McCurry john McGraw Jr Kimberly McK1}'_ 88 Underclass

>Jn .., of\f~"l(.

jonathan Meadows Ana Mendoza Adrianne Menefee James Micciche Christopher Miller joshua Minter Alexis Montero

Jamie Montgomery Cayman Mooney La Dawn Morris icholas Morris Tonya Morris Kevin Mosley Colin Moss

Daniel Muller Brian Mundie Derek Murray Jeffrey Myers Christopher Nealy Lauren Neese Laurel Noe

Lacy Nolan Ashley Odom Clement Ogbomo Meredith O'Leary Casey O wen Ashleigh Pace Melissa Paitsel

Tanvi Parmar Latoya Parrish joshua Parsons Christopher Payne Joseph Peebles David Peng Lindsay Perkins

Martha Perry Alisa Pettitt Atmemarie Pitts jenae Price Tiffany Proctor Dominic Prudente Laila Pudhorodsky

Michelle Pullen Jared Purdy Ash.leigh Quick Igor Rapinchuk Jason Rea Brian Record Rexford Reeves Michael Rehom Sara Reisler Courh1ey Remington Kate Rice Brian Riggs jr A us tin Robbins



jw1oirs 89

Josh l~obe rtson Michael Ronan Alana Rosen James Rowe Il l Meghan Russell Neva l{usso William Sadtler

Ellen Sakell Leah Sampson Alyson Sanderford Katherine Santos Holly Sauer William Scaffidi Danielle Schaefer

Stephen Schmidt David Scott Wynne Shafer Vikas Shah Alese Shiffl ett Clin t Shifflett Tiffany Shih

Jennifer Shipp jessica Sims Kati Singe! Travis Sipe Sa rah Skevington Rebecca Slutzky Caitlin Smith

jason Smith Shatoya Smith Shawn Smith Marybeth Soulia Lindsay Spatz Aaron Spring Devan Stahl

Brad ley Stephens Shelly Stoddart Russell Stone Daniel Stratton Gabriel Strauss Neena Stringer K.iesha Strothers

Cody Sullivan Ashley Sult Xiaomo Sun Elizabeth Taylor Kristina Taylor Robert Teabout Dierdre Terlcp Michael Terry II Danielle Testerman Emily Thacker Kimberly Thacker Ashley Thompson John Tomko Dory Tucker

"1_¢ -tl

90 Underclass


Juniors dating Lacy Nolan Junior Ad rianne Menefee and junior Steven Szarmach take a break before heading out to the Homecoming dance.

From movies, to dinner, to shopping, to Homecoming and Prom and to meeting the family, dating in high school was a big part of many of students' lives. Students relationships varied from dating someone in the same grade to dating someone in another grade, as well as dating people from other schools. Junior Meghan Mathias explained about her relationship with senior Jeremy Fields of Monticello,"Since we don't get to see each other every day it makes it exciting when we get to see each other on the weekend s."

Michael Tucker Melissa Ulan Kyle Ut~ Molly Waddell Annette Wagers Br ittany Walther Stuart Wa lton

Charles Weidman Jessica Weisman Reginald Wells Claire Whitenack Pa tricia Wibert Tyler Williams jemiller Wolf

Samantha Wolf Matthew Wood Chad Woodfolk Lindsay Woodson Elizabeth '"'ood worth Jeffrey Wright Yi-Ran Yang

Yin Yang Kirstin Zamorski ZYa Zhu Lucus !laid Maria Hoffman Adriem1e Oliver



juniors 91

Daniel Affeldt jacobi Affinnih Khalil Al-Hamdani Jennifer Allen Alexander Alvarez Eric Armentrout Richard Arnett Jr

Joseph Arnold Brendon Bailey Daniel Balano Kathryn Balmer Rob in Barnett Bryan Barton Amber Beam

Lauren Beckman Daniel Bem1ett John Benson IV Daniel Berlin Tavia Biggins John Blake Rachel Blanken ship

Thea Blech-Caulder Logan Bledsoe Elana Bloomfield Aida Boa teng Jyl Bodens tein Joshua Bodrey Brooke Bosselman

AshJeigh Bourne Morganna Bowyer Nicole Brackett Hilary Branch Kyle Brennan jus tin Briggs Michael Brown

Shawnta Brown Jennifer Brownhill Aaron Brubeck jessica Brus t Jennifer Bryant Kenneth Bryant Robert Bull

Lamarkco Burton Caroline Bwenge Chadae Byers Sam antha Cadwalader Brandy Carlson Adam Carpenter John Carr Elizabeth Carraway Avante Carter Ryan Ca tlett Griselda Cedillo Tara Chaney Chic-Yi Chen Kearby Chen 92 Underclass

"/rt;J, ~~1ft

Cells in everyday life Sophomore Amanda Leake hangs out with Emily Niziolek while she makes plans for the afternoon.

Tonya Morris Cell phones were a common part of teenagers' everyday lives. They were used in a number of different ways. Sophomore Emily Niziolek said, "I use my cell phone all the time. My parents bought it for me in case of emergencies or if I need to be picked up somewhere." Amanda Leake added, Well, I got my cell phone as a gift from my mom. She bought it in case I needed to call her if I was out somewhere and needed to be picked up, but I just use it to call my friends. Most parents, no doubt, thought cell phones were to be used for emergencies, but teenagers used them for everything. II


Szu-Han Chen Candice Cheney Kevin Chilton Ann Chw1g Amanda Clemmer Justin Cline Alexander Coan

Stephanie Cockrell Jude Coe Mary Ellen Cole David Coles Matthew Coles Daniel Collier Gina Collins

Michael Coltrane Agnes Co1U1or Christopher Councill Ill Mark Craddock Carly Crickenberger Catherine Critzer Anita Cross

Jennifer Cross Kelli Crowner Sean Curtis Kaitlyn Dahlstrom Alice Dandridge Angela Davis Heather Davis Megan Degnan ) essica Degraff jason Delp Sujay Desai Hilary Dickson Shaman Douglass William Drake



Sophomores 93

Violence is not the answer Addie Oli ver, Michael Mundell, Cissy Perrez and others from surrounding high schools present the Viva play to the sophmores.

Kate Rennie

In the fall, sophomores attended a play given by Voices for Interpersonal Violence alternatives, also known as VIVA. VIVA, an organization w here teens gather and educate other teens about sexual harrassment issues, has been together for five years and has given over two hundred performances il1 central Virginia. Som e liked the play. McAanalle Neal said, "VIVA was il1terestillg because it portrayed situations that actually occur in high school and m ade us realize w hat is acceptable and what is not."

Dale Dudley William Dunlap Mi randa Durrer Christen Duxbury Simone Echeverri-Gent Jesse Elizan Jeffrey Elzey

Victoria Emanuelson Tosha Endres ClU'istine English Gia Esposito Zad1ary Eustace Christopher Ezzyk Kem1eth Farmer II

Tissiana Ferretti Keri Field s Nicole Field s Michael Finch Rachel Fiore Hatmah Fisher James Fitzgerald

John Fitzhugh Sarah Ford Jamie Frazer Amber Freundschuh Erica Gaines Julie Gaines Aarti Gala John Gallagher William Gantt Jose Garcia Emma Garren Artriam1a Garth Courtney Garver Adam Gen~st

1.¢ 7t

94 underclass ~~~

Charles Gibson Jordan Gibson Matthew Gibson Tyler Gibson Brendan Gielow Timothy Godshall Daihara Gonzalez

Alex Grant Kelly Graves Timothy Green Noel Greer Robert Gregg Jessica Guggino Michael Guggino

Andrew Haggard Bethany Halliday Jessica Hamlin Cayman Hammond Abigail Hankins William Hankins Ryan Hasenfus

Mitchell Hash Emily Hastings Irene Hatzigeorgiou Steven Hebert Jessica Heckel Justin Heilbrun-Toft Erica Hernandez

Donte Herndon Joshua Herring Rosemary Hill Taysha Hill Shane Himes Benjamin Hoelscher Katherine Hogan

Jessica Houchens Melissa Howard Marta Huckstep Matthew Hurst Elizabeth Hutson Jonathan Ishee La Ja

Christopher Jackson Geoffrey Jackson Macie Jenkins Antonio Johnson Daniel Johnson Joshua Johnson Leigh-Aim Johnson Norah Johnson Patrick Johnson Mary Johnston Hope Jones Sarah Jones Andrew Keathley Thomas K_1;egan ~2<>-c7f

;if~ 路

~~~ Sophmores 95

John Kelly Joel Keneipp Ryan Kenty Westley Kern Jennifer Kim Christopher Knox Michael Kopeny

Akouvi Koutone Katherine Kulbok Trung La Hali Lacy Sabrina Lacy Andrew Lambert Jennifer Lane

Adam Lawrence Brittany Lawrence Eric Lawson Alexandra Lawwill Amanda Leake Brandon Leathers Jessica Lee

Lindsey Lee Quonda Lee Melanie Leinbach John Liljegren Kevin Lin Julia Linden Rebecca Lindensmith

Courtney Lindsay Brian Livingston Katherine Londen Shannon Lyon Erika Mann Shir Marciano Matthew Marshall

Jacob Martin Katherine Masci Daniel Maslin Benjamin Matherne Krystal Maupin Amber Mawyer Brett Maynard

Bo Basil McCann Dwight McGee Jr Autumn McMillian Isaac McShane Adam Meek Lieven Meert Daniel Meleski Allison Mextorf Adam Miller Edward Miller Vanessa Miller Benjamin Mills Michael Mills Thomas Mix 9路

96 Underclass



Chris Barcomb

It finally happened, you left your freshman past behind. It was a new year , which offered a less hectic schedule and a chance to improve your status in the school. Plus, you got new teachers, which offered a new look at high school work. You got rid of the title of "freshman," which allowed you to leave your old memories behind of high school and start all over. Either way it was a new beginning for you and your friends.

Joseph Monett Bea u Moneymaker Padric Moneymaker Paul Montagna James Moore Katherine Moore Sarah Moraghan

Anya Margulis Austin Morris Keisha Morris Keith Morris Richard Mowery Michael Mundell James Mundy

Elizabeth Murray Margaret Murray Amy Naylor McAnalle Neal Ashley Neilson Emily Niziolek Blake Norford

Martin Norman Kathleen O'Brien Olumide Odusanya Tamara Oliva Elizabeth Otis Lindsey Pace Na thaniel Panas Brian Pattison Catherine Payne David Peacoe Lauren Peterson Brenyon Pilgrim Taylor Pitts H arriet ~ourde-Roge rs

~~ -


Sophomores 97

Sophomore McAnalle Neal and Gia Esposito stay after school to watch a basketball game. "My parents don't like me to stay out late during the school week, but if I am at a school-related event they don't mind," said sophomore Shane Himes. "On homecoming night my parents were really flexible about my curfew, but I wasn't allowed to stay out all night," said sophomore Cat Corley. "When I'm at a basketball game my parents like me to be home right afterwards if it's on a school night, but on the weekends they aren't very strict,"added Candice Shaver.

Amber Lynch

Jessica Pointer • .,. ,

Joseph Price Michael Purvis Anthony Radle David Ragland Shawn Raines Heather Reed Mervyn Reedy

Nicholas Reeve Emily Reijmers Katelyn Rennie Kenneth Rice Candace Richards Sada Ridley Benjamin Riggins

Alicia Rindge Michael Rizzo Kelsey Robertson Dustin Robinson Sarah Rose Heather Royston Danielle Ryan

Megan Sadtler Elliott Saunders Allison Schiel James Schneider Kimberly Schneller Jessica Schnittka Dustin Scruggs Bunder Shageer Candice Shaver Yen Shek Amy Silver Stephanie Simmons Zachary Slagle Amber Small


98 Sophmores



Corinne Smeriglio Jahmire Smith Sade Smith Andrew Smythers Michael Steele Robert Stone III Jack Strickland

Lakeisha Strother Peter Sweeney Jr Tesceline Tabilas Travis Tate Jamie Taylor Cartiere Thomas Meaghan Thomas

Elizabeth Thompson Tashaw Thompson Heather Toms Matthew Trammell Dena Trugman Raven Truslow Atmie Turner

Elizabeth Vaden Catherine Van Derlinde Veronika Varfolomeeva Zack Villalon Laura Vines Ashley Wade Shaela Walker

Richard Waller IV Jonathan Walston Dengfeng Wang Emily Ward Emily Weir Lawren Wharton Ashley White

Ladante White Katie Whitlow Nikita Wiehl Jamie Wilberger Candace Williams Ella Williams Kevin Williams

Carolyn Wilson Michael Wilson Tremaine Wilson Cherie Wood Jonathan Wood Lafonzo Woodfolk Amanda Wormington Ashley Worrell Brooke Wright Rachel Yoder Wayne Young Jr Stefanie Zaenker Stefanie Zamorski Ripeng Zheng



Sophomores 99

Freshman find a way to get along Freshman Kelly Leake and fr iends get some homework done outsid e the classroom. One of the most important things that freshmen had to figure out was how to get that homework done so that evenings were free for other activities.

Erica Hernandez

Coming into a new school could be very hard, and AHS was a new school for all of the freshmen. "It is important to get along with people in your same grade," said freshman Bethany Londen, and they found opportunities at school-related events like dances and sports contests. "The first couple of days are kind of weird because you have to get use to so many people in the school, but after the first week you begin to make friends with people in your grade and sometimes even people in other grades," another freshman said.

Hassan Abdelhalim Shaun Agee Jennifer Aiken Rachel Albertson Joseph Albrecht Portia Allen Carmen Allen-Henke

Erik Alvarez Bryan Ambrister Clyde Anderson Craig Anderson Daniel Angell Stephen Archer Rush Archer II

David Argaud Amanda Armstrong Yoshua Arseneault Sadaf Azadzoi Joshua Bailey Andrew Baker Lily Ba ldwin

Gina Barbara Melisia Barbour Schyler Barbour Casey Barlow Manuel Barrientos-Mendoza Lyndsie Bassett Travis Batten Eric Battle Christopher Beckstoffer Ashley Belew Desiree Berg Samuel Berube Michael Bishop Brian Boehm


100 underclass






Meredith Bojarski Jack Boller Sara Bowles Scott Boyd Grace Brackett Laura Brashear David Breen

Lucas Brito Kristen Broderick Katrina Brown Lashawnda Brown Stephanie Brownhill Amber Brownlee Amanda Burke

William Burner Kristen Burns William Burns Sarah Burris Ashley Burton Orelia Burton Devynn Bush

Stuart Cahalen Giulianna Calabria Elizabeth Campbell Jennifer Campbell Peter Canada Theresa Carbone Karen Carlson

Jennifer Carraway Andrew Catlett Bianca Catta-Preta Michael Chandler Skye Christensen Bianca Clark Monica Clark-Covert

Lisa Clarry Jared Clifton Joshua Clifton Brian Coles Suzatme Collier Alicia Cooke Michele Cooper

Brian Cope Catherine Corley Charles Crank Patricia Cuadros Kelli Cupp Gregory Dallavalle Ryan Dalton Julia Dandridge Stephen Darcus Carli Daugherty Cherelle Davis Twylia Davis Chance Deakin Amanda Dean



Underclassman 101

Robert Deane Pierce Degroat Jessica Derstine Jamie Digiacomo Christopher Dilbeck Rene Donahue Jesslyne Dossman

Kevin Doyle Matthew Dunlap Duyen Duong Matthew Durkin Dakoda Eades Thomas Eanes Sarah Edwards

Amy Eichner Mary El-Batma Amr El-Kersh Ashley Elder Mayan Elgort Galen Eliason-Carey Maureen Elswick

Mary Emanuelson Jordan Endahl Seth Engel Samantha Erwin Robert Erwin III Lauren Estes Tykara Evans

Rachel Evers William Faulconer Gabriel Ferretti Georgette Fisk Samantha Fladd Madeleine Forrest Julie Fowler

Rebecca Frazier Ryan Fredrikson Lindsey French Alex Friedman Ryan Frizzell Alexandra Frost Joseph Fulton

Jessica Gaffney Hope Gagble Krystal Gaines Kelly Gantt Adam Garner Andrew Garner Megan Garton Emily Gastineau Ethnie Gillespie Samuel Gimbel Eleanor Glassberg Atm Glennie Eric Gondek Priscilla Gonzalez-Femandez


102 Underclass


Do you use yours? Katelyn Rennie

one bag is needed to carry textbooks, notebooks, other essen tials. Studies sh owed that many students ks that were heavy enough to hurt their backs.

At AHS there were about 1950 lockers, but freshmen found out that few students actually used them. An informal survey showed that only four out of ten students had actually even seen the location of their lockers, whether they used them or not. Most came to agree with freshman Tykara Evans, who said, "I feel more comfortable with all my stuff with me." Ashley Spradlin added, " There is not enough time to get to your locker and then to class." This attitude marked a considerable change from middle schoot but then, there were no no breaks and no Breezeway in middle school.

Veronica Gonzalez-Fernand Dhara Goradia Stephan ie Graham Shea Green Jerma Griffith Ian Grimm Mackenzie Grobmyer

Amy Groome Michael Groome Ashley Grooms Joseph Gruss Marijana Gubo Christopher Had en Larkin H amrick

Jessi Haney Melissa Haney Sara Hardwick Sean Harrell Joseph Harris Kievan Havens George Heeschen

And rew Hehr Benjamin Heilberg David Heintges John Henry Danielle Herrin g Aisha Herron Christopher Hicks Adrian a Hill Emily Hiller Na than Hintz Christopher Hite Sean Hoffman Jacob Holland Aloys H op fensp erger



Freshmen 103

Both new and old Brittany Bishop Sarah Roddy and Asia Lee work together in Earth Science. Most Earth Science students are freshmen, but occassionally a sophomore or even a senior will join them.

Freshmen at AHS came from three different middle schools. You might have thought that they would have stuck with the same middle school crowd, but they did nothing of the sort. At lunch freshmen could be seen with students from other middle schools, and even with some upperclassmen.

Elizabeth Horan Chelsea Horn Kelli Horowski Kayla Howard Maggie Hutchinson Jonathan Hutton Kestrel I1mes-Wimsatt

Matthew Jablonski Ashley Jackson Chad Jackson Jake Jackson Travis Jackson Ashphord Jacoway Brittney Jamerson

Ricky Jarrell Jr Anthony Jenkins Kevin Jewell Wuming Jiang Brandon Johnson Brett Johnson Everett Jolu1son

Fonda Johnson Angela Johnston Paul Johnston Ann-Tolley Jones Chad Jones Heather Jones Julia Jones Stephanie Jones Aaron Joseph Vinayak Kamatchi Erika Kamptner Theresa Kanous Esther Kaplan Elidon Karafili 104 Underclass



Brittany Kaufman Timothy Kearns Jr Scott Keller Stephen Kendall Dustin Kern Maria Kessler Brandon Kidney

Shannah Kingrea Jessica Kinley Ethan Kissam Deborah Klosko Janna Knappenberger Robert Knight Jessica Koenig

Christopher Kreitzman John Kreitzman Justin Kuper Jeffrey Laffond Nathan Lam Robert Lawrence Hunter Leake

Kellie Leake Sean Leathers Asia Lee Sasha Lee Rebecca Lehman Forrest Lejeune Kelsie Liberman

Ashley Lincoln Tenesha Logan Bethany Landen Felicia Loving Nicholas Lyon Peter Lytle Paul Malazita

Kirk Maltais Stephen Mangione Nicholas Marcum Dominique Marsh Ashley Martin James Martin Latoya Martin

Phillip Martin Sharon Martin Jon Martinez Michael Mathis Francesco Mazzei Courtney McCoy Brian McCray Matthew McGovern Megan McKone Jenna McLane Meghan McSherry Sara Melton Jesus Mendoza-Garcia Miriam Meneses-Duran

~¢1'r Freshmen



Nathaniel Mickens Jessica Miller Jessica Miller Leslie Mimms Tiffany Moneymaker Colin Moran Jason Moran

Julie Morgan Daniel Morris Timothy Morris Erica Morse Adrienne Moss Atasha Mowery Brian Moynihan

William Muncaster Jr Hilary Murray David Nadolski Ashley Newton Jeanette Nguyen Sean Nickelsen Megan Niziolek

Candace Ogbomo Joshua O'Grady Dennis O'Leary II Kendra Oliva Alex Oliver Christopher Ours Daniel Overton

Tyler Owens Rodolfo Padilla Alicia Panas Lindsay Parnell Teri Parrish Saya Patel Russell Payne

Matthew Peacoe Julian Pettiford Elizabeth Pettit Mark Philhour Cortney Phillips Jason Pollock Erin Potter

Eric Priamo Tiffany Price Christophor Proctor Adnan Pusilo Joshua Putman Christopher Pyles Jessica Quick Anne Ralston Ali Rasool Pamela Redman Shannon Reed Matthew Reeves Brendan Regan Suzanne Reid 106 Underclass

"fq-'lt *JA:1f-

Can you survive??? Freshmen enj oy Comfy Day during Spirit Week, but riding the bus in pajamas seems a little weird.

Sarah Skevington

Having the house to yourself after a long day- it seemed like the perfect ending to a day at school. Many freshman were home alone for the first time this year after school. Freshman Brittney Kaufman said, "I love being home alone, it's nice not having parents home ... when you get home from school." On the other hand, without a car or anyone to drive, being home alone could be more like a punishment.

Melissa Reilly Tiffany Reynolds Kristen Richards Kaitlyn Robbins Kristina Robbins Matthew Robbins Sean Robbins

Russell Roberts Eric Robertson Whitney Robertson Sarah Robey Sarah Roddy Nicholas Rodriguez David Rondeau

Paula Rondon-Burgos William Rush Diba Saadut Raymond Sanchez Marc Santana Laura Scaffidi Christopher Schaefer

Jensen Schmunk Emily Schwab Amy Scott Marcus Sexton Daniel Seymour Po Yw1 Sheen Cha rles Shelton Allen Shifflett Matthew Shifflett Andrew Shiflett Richard Sikes Erika Simpkins Rachel Singe! Taylor Sl<evington



Freshmen 107

Adrienne Smith Douglas Smith Melody Smith Ulanda Smith Brandon Smolar Kevin Snow Ping Song

Tessa Soulsby John Sperry IV Joanna Spigone Ashley Spradlin Jessica Sprouse Guy Sprowal Megan Stacy

Vanessa Stangil Melissa Stanton Laura Starling John Steedman Jordan Steljes Colin Stewart Rebecca Stewart

Tyler Stickel Matthew Strickland Jessica Strother Joshua Taylor Lindsay Taylor Quinn Taylor Joseph Teabout

Kevin Terlep Matthew Thomas Stephen Thomas Shana Thompson Rebecca Tichner Logan Titus Meagan Tomlin

Nicky Toney Khuyen Tran Sherita Trent Jeffrey Tucker Stefanie Tucker Samuel Turner Traman Turner

Sherika Twitty Eric Tyler Melissa VanDer Linde Robert Wagner Julia Waldo Patrick Wall Elizabeth Walsh Kimberly Walters Ashley Walther Jin Wang Molly Wanless Brandi Washington Matthew Watson Kelly Watt


108 Underclass


Christina Watts Briana Webber Marlyn Weisman Brandon White Courtney White Jessie White Kristen White

Jeffrey White Jr Eleanor Whitenack Matthew Wilkins William Willcome Michael Williams Michelle Willis Landria Wilson

Shauntel Wood Anthony Woodfolk Ryan Woodfolk Emily Woodson Morgarme Woodson Matthew Woodworth James Wootten

Paul Wright Jonathan Wright Jr Zeljko Zeljkovic Jerma Zhang




Freshmen 109

Anne Marie Adler Rebecca Aldred Sandra Allen Kim Aust Sherry Aylor Bill Banks Michael Bannister

Rachael Beasley Beale Beatrice Harriet Bell Christine Black Betsy Bloom Tim Breedlove Melissa Brown

Yvom1e Brown Verona Browning Amy Buddington Dr Burg Jeanette Burton Walt Chaney Peggy Christensen

Cathy Coffman Martha Colombini Roberta Cook Fay Cwmingham Marvin Curry Marie-Jeanne Dane Bob Davis

Krista Davis Leslie Davis Diane De La Pointe Wong Dengqi Luke Divine Theresa Doherty Stacy Droessler

Clarece Edson Leah Fechtmam1 MattFedde Donald Foss Steve Foutz John Garland James Garnett

Taft Ghizlaine Melvin Grady Rut Greer Nancy Grim Sharon Grimm Brenda Hair Natasha Heny

Natasha Heny Bill Hinek Maxine Holland Carla Hunt Mary Inge Anita Jenkins Jeannie Johnson

110 Faculty

Ms. Schamp shows up to most sporting events showing all her spirit!

Robert Marcum It was 8:30 a.m. The teacher's workroom was humming with people racing around to copy those handouts, and Ronda was sick. All of the machines had names, and Ronda (named for the song "Help Me Ronda") was one that you could always count on to work when something really needed to get done. Thank goodness Jeannie, Gus and Randy were standing by. It was just another typical day for reprographics specialist Jeanetta Burton, dubbed" the salvation of teachers," by drama instructor Faye Cunningham. Larry Johnson Carol Kiehn Linda Krag Joyce Kreitzman Margaret Lachendro David Larrick Susan Lenderman

Savage Lenore Richard Lindsay Selena Lively Chris Love Carolyn Mack Marci Mason Greg Maynard




Faculty 111

Putting in extra time Mr. Turner helps a student to correct and review her test answers. This helps her to become even more familiar with the material.

Adrianne Allen Of course teachers helped students during class, but what about those who needed even more additional help? Many gave help during lunch, and before and after school. Many other resources were available to students. UV A students came in once a week to tutor those who signed up in guidance. According to Ms. Krag, ESL students had "Madison House tutors, Upward bound, and private tutors [and] also had volunteer aides to help students on an individual basis." With all those willing to put in some extra time to help, more students were able to make the grade. Jo McKeown Jane McMichael Dedria Mi llsap Don Monahan Jennifer Morris Susan Mortell Marsha Mulholland

Sue Olden Beverly Otis Audrey Pace Dan Parks Rick Ramey Peggy Ramsey Lori Reaser

Kevin Ricker Tracey Roberts Larrick Rollind Jetmifer Ross Debbie Schomp Charles Scott Janene Shearburn

Maria Shelton Charlo tte Shiflett Sherry Snyder Courtnay Stanley Jo Ann Stoner Julie Strong Leign Surdukowski

Sandra Sutherland Lila Thacker Ted Thill Greg Thomas Ruth Trice John Trippel Steven Turner 112 Faculty

Teresa Tyler Sandra Volkstorf Rick Vrhovac Marianne Waendowski Carol Wall Tony Wayne Ben Weaver


Lance Weisend Melissa Wilson Robbye Youel



"'!q.-'lt *"')

Faculty 113

The Strongest Links Students need academics for their future careers ,. 路-

Beginning with introductory classes like earth science and Algebra I, students continued their climb up the academic ladder as the years passed. From studying ancient Egypt to spending hours outlining the American Revolution, they hoped the effort put out in academic classes would be useful in college courses, and maybe even in life in general. JuniorsJenniferShipandErnilyBreedananebusyworkingdUiinglunch.

114 Academics



Taking some time off, sophomores Gina Collins and Jessica DeGraff play hot hands in biology class. Biology is an essential class which most students took in their second year of high school. "Sophomore year isn't too different from freshman year academics-wise, it's just nice to finally not be a freshman," said Erica Hernandez.

Getting ready at the end of class, seniors Jennifer Schneider, Carla Morris and Katelyn Robinson pack up after a mentally challenging English class. Senior English class is a mandatory class for graduation (as were the other three years).

Academics 115

Mr. Weaver joins Brian Hayden in the reading area of the library.Teachers use the media center as much as students to keep up with news, as well as preparation of lesson plans.

New students are not the only ones adjusting

You walked into the school wideeyed and anxious. You looked down the hall and tried to remember which hall led to your first classroom, even though you had been before. When you got there, you stared into a sea of unfamiliar faces. You pushed through the crowd and found your desk, and searched through a stack of papers for your Scantron attendance sheets. Faculty members felt the same nervousness as students on the first day, and they had even more things to remember. There was the daily schedule,- which lunch? and plenty of forms to fill out and collect. Things got more familiar quickly, 116 Academics

though, and new staff members soon found out there was a lot to like about Albemarle.

For Ms. Volkstorf, the "warm community feeling" was what she liked best. Both she and Ms. Shearburn

transferred from Sutherland School, and they enjoyed seeing former students agian. New media special Betsy Bloom liked the dents, who"seemed and interesting,." as English teacher Black, who liked "lots differents kinds of st dents." New photograp teacher Ms. Mortell taught at the college le' and she "never thought like teaching [at AHS] much as she [did]. Mr. Weaver had a p ant surpirse as well. "The food is good in comparison with places," he commented.

Ms. Bloom has 25 years of experience in library science, so she's more that familiar with the card catalog.

Ms. Coffman checks out the Open Doors brochure to see what classes the county is offering. She is a competitive singleskullar, and encouraged students to join the local rowing club. New English teacher Ms. Black has a cocker spaniel, and enjoys kick-boxing.


Suther land Mldd r enjoyed seeing th ag1an. r media speciali Bloom liked the s who" seemed focus nteresting,." as di ;h teacher Christi who liked "lots 路ents kinds of st



ew photograph ~r Ms. Mortell formerl t at the college lev Le "never thought she' eaching [at AHS] as she [did]. Weaver had a plea . well. "The cafeter路 :omparison with oth tmented.

Mr. Cheney uses the laptop to demonstrate in his Science classroom. For relaxation, he goes fly -fishing in Madison County.

Mr. Ricker (center) joins Mr. Hinek, Ms. Hughes, and Mr. Fedde on Breezeway patrol.

New teachers 117

During chemistry class Ms.Colombini explains a question on a test to junior Fin tan Horan.

Core classes leave a lasting impression on AHS students

The tardy bell rang, class began and your head met the desk, or did it? Anintyminute block class could seem like a lifetime when you were in a class that wasn't your cup of tea. Luckily there were othersand the best had field trips to get you out of the school, to museums, the zoo, and tours around D.C! Also we were thankful for the teachers who made their subjects interesting and were especially easy to get along with. "Government with Ms. Strong was my favorite, I think she is interesting," commented senior

118 Academics

some subject w orthy of in- junior Kim McKay. Laura Hawkins. Whether your favorite terest, and you could always On an off day when was Mr. Sessoms' geometry find some way to stay fo- prosepect of paying tion was too overwhelm we would still find a wa keep up. "I would find what happened later." nior Mike Bradshaw men ted. Everystudenthadto plete the requirement ordertograduate. There' no getting around tak four years of English, juniors and seniors were notrequired topassany tests. We got through ams and from algebra class or Mr. Wayne's phys- cused. "I took notes on what earth science to world r ics, most students found teachers were saying." said tory, we conquered them

At the end of class, seniors Allison Boehm and Ian Titus pack up their backpacks to leave.

While in Mr. Curry's Chemistry class, Stephanie Simons d oes her lab. Senior Joe Bradley, sophomore Jahmire Smith, and junio rs Cee Va ughn and Seleena in Ms. Sutherland's leaf lab, for fourth period Biology class.

I••• <.imMcKay . .n off day when ect of paying atte. lS too overwhelmir 1ld still find a way · p. "I would find o lappened later." ike Bradshaw co l. ystudenthadtoco he requirements . >graduate. There w ting around takir ~ars of English, b and seniors were s 1ired topassanyS Ve got through e 1d from algebra cience to world hb ~conquered them al

During Spirit week, Ms.Oa ks shows her school spirit while teaching her student, Tesceli.n e Tabilas.

During Mr. Banks' Physics class, Ryan Cantore and Chris Lizakowski take a break from working.

-Sarah Skevingt Core Classes 119

The jazz band plays Christmas selecti o ns for a ra di o s ta tio n in Harrisonburg.

Two weeks before the Many students in march- ing flute for 6 years. "I also school opened to students, ing band have been playing marched when I was at the Albemarle High School their instuments for anum- Jouett," she said. Marching Patriots were ber of years. Sophomore Senior drum major Jenny hard at work practicing for Kim Schneller has been play- Carbone explained the reacompetitions and halftime shows. Along with practicing the music, the band members also had to perfect their marching routines. Asinpastyears, theyearned superior marks at their competitions. They also used football halftimes to practice their shows. Leading the way were drum majors Anna Hastings and Jennie Carbone, along with band Due to injuries, the flutes take a time out while the rest of the band performs at the homecoming director Greg Thomas. halftime show.

120 Academ ics

son why students were w ing to come in early in morning and stay late band practice. "Mr. mas makes classes lots fun." An all-district band held on February 2nd tured fifty-four AHS dents who had qualified audition for all-district ers. These students formed under the 路 of nationally alaimed conductors Tim Mike Kirby, and Carl Bl) Band members were featured in the Spring sical performance of


Drummers and the rhythm section keep the beat for the rest of the musicians as they show their imp ressive moves.


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. The pep band makes some noise to p ump up the crowd during the game.

:l ~

f ystudentswerew· :orne in early in Lg and stay late f >ractice. "Mr. Th akes classes lots ll-district band eve 1 February 2nd fe· fifty-four AHS s vho had qualified b ·n for all-district ho 1ese students p e l under the directi mally alaimed gu~. :tors Tim Frankl' :irby, and Carl Bly. l members were ·d in the Spring ~rformance of


Trumpets and horns line up smartly for the Homecoming halftime show.

Symphonic band p rovid es another musical experience for participants with classical interests.

-Allie Band 121

Freshman Stephen Magione puts finishing touches on his projec t. All he has left is a little cut and paste.

The finer things in life may be lurking just around the

The fine arts program offered several different classes including art, photography, multimedia arts, and more. Virginia students needed at least one fine arts credit to graduate with either a standard or an advanced diploma, although many took more classes because they enjoyed the hands-on experience. Sophomore Rosemary Hill said, "It's fun in my multimediaartclass. We do different things like make baskets and do other pop arts. " Other fine arts like photography of-

122 Academics

fered students more chances to create visual art. Junior Sydelle Gonias said, "It's

• I


Mrs. Wall d emonstra tes how to put feet on a dish to her ceramics class.

a great way of expressing yourself." There were also the more traditional learned to express selves through drawir painting, sculpting, and c ting and pasting. Visual arts students had opportunity to display th works in the library and main office, as well as at Albemarle County Fine A Festival, held at Fashi Square Mall from Fe 24th through March 3rd Finally, some students tinued theircommittmem fine arts when they invited to join the Art Honor Society -Chris Barco

During class, Dr. Burg takes a few minutes to help freshman Erika Kamptner on her positive negative project.


Senior Barry Tucker works with yarn and scissors on his project.

------!Ssing yourself." 1e more traditional a: in which studen路 :d to express the ; through drawin:ng, sculpting, and cu nd pasting. al arts students had tP tunity to display the . in the library and )ffice, as well as at th 1arle County Fine Ar 'al, held at Fashi e Mall from Februar hrough March 3rd. 1y, some students cor l theircommittment t Lrts when they wer ..rt Honor Society - Chris Barcom



EmilyTruslow throwsapotinMrs. Wall's ceramics class. Students enjoy the feel of the clay as their creations take shape .

Sophomore Andrew Jackson is just starting to begin work on his mutimedia arts project, which will take lots of time to mold and finish.

Fine Arts 123

Senior James Wright spends a little class time working on his computer project in one of Albemarle's many computer labs.

the "other" art classes

Every student at Albemarle had to take some type of art class, since any type of diploma required a fine or practical arts elective. If you weren't go at drawing, you could try anything from Technical Drawing to Sports Marketing, since these were considered practical art classes. These classes didn't involve painting or taking pictures; they usually involved typing, writing or doing something una computer. Even classes at CATEC were considered practical arts. Since all of these students had to take these classes, everyone had some opinion about the value of

124 Aca demics


studying "the finer things" in life. JunPerhaps the reason many stude ior Adam James enjoyed his Technical enjoyed these classes was because th Drawing class and said, "Mr. Buglia is knew they were actually prepari路 for the future. With cia like Fashion or Sports Marketing ore\ Life Management, stude could get a head start what they planned to do Junior Patricia Wibert sa " It gives me a chance to an insight of what I want do with my life." Students sometimes gr tired of hearing about pla ning for the future, but t opportunity to do so hands-on work and se a cool teacher, but when it comes to his finished product kept their intere . Chris Barco classes he gets the job done."

Sophomore Tyler Gibson, junior Jesse Joyner, and freshman Kevin Snow measure a sheet of constuction paper to put the finishing touches replica one-room schoolhouse they build in the media center for Black History Month.

Juniors Michael Terry and John Brase work on typing their homework into their computers to get credit. Kristin Richards, Shyenne Alger and Ashley Grooms spend time in their life skills class taking notes and finishing homework early to get a little extra time to talk.

s da


son many studen路 .es was because th actually preparir uture. With clas lion Merchandisir s Marketing or ev 1agement, studen et a head start f, ~y planned to do, atricia Wibert sai s me a chance to g h.t of what I want my life." tts sometimes gre 1earing about plar the future, but tP mity to do som n work and see ~ept their interest. Chris Barcom

Freshman Seth Engle uses the mouse on a Windows-based machine in the lab to complete an ass ignment. Many classrooms had new computers installed over Spring Break.

Julie Margas, Lindsay Mitchell and Danielle Scheffer take time after they complete their homework to talk abou t what they've done in Life Skills class tod ay.

Practical Arts 125

Mrs. Cunningham, the head of the AHS drama department, instructs her actors and actresses on tips for speaking louder. Sophomore Brian Livngston , who is in Drama I, thinks "it's great having Mrs. Cunningham as a teacher because she makes it diffrent from any other acadimic class. "

ctin For the past several years, the Albemarle Drama department has won several statewide competitions and gained recognition from schools and judges from all over the country. This year was no different. Drama began their first competitive production of "The Glass Menagerie". The cast consisted of Tristan Lejeune, Dory Tucker, Julia Moore, and Nathaniel Sidwell. The play, based on Tennessee William's smash 1930's hit, was also very successful at Albemarle. Students and teachers were invited to an inschool performance of the production, which culmina ted a study of the play in their classes. The community was invited for evening performances, held November 9-11. Besides the various school productions that took place in the fall and spring, drama was also a popular elective offering. Junior Devan Stahl commented, "I love acting in drama class because it's such a rewarding experience. Any chance I get I enter into a competition, just so I can get better at my skills." Other students at Albemarle enjoyed the 126 Academics

different drama activities because of the friendships they made with fellow actors and actresses. "I love everything about drama," stated freshman Meagan Tomlin, "but my favorite part about it is how close everyone got throughout the year." One of the main competitions for drama was the VHSL Regional Drama Competition. The Drama department for Albemarle performed "Schubert's Last Serenade". After finishing second in the district, they placed first in the competition and junior Dory Tucker and senior Tristan Lejeune received the Best Actress and Actor Awards. There were so many awards that were received by the drama department that one had to wonder who was behind all of the success. Ms. Faye Cunningham, the mastermind behind the drama department for over a decade, was a constant inspiration and role model for her students and actors. "It's great having Ms. Cunningham as a teacher." sophomore Brian Livingston said. "She makes it a lot of fun."

Ms. Cunningham not only taught dr classes, but she also directed all drama ductions, took several students to regi and state competitions, and taught p speaking courses. However, one of her gr est accomplishments this year for the dr department was the success of the Albern Forensics team. Ms. Cunningham, Mr. Chalmers and Reaser were coaches of the regional and trict forensics team champions. The t swept Districts and Regionals as well as p ing third in the State Competitions. Var students also received personal accompl ments at the Forensics Competition. As the year came to a close, the dr department continued to work hard. T presented their spring production, "D Yankees" was in late May. Whether it was in classes, productioru various school teams, the drama departD' had a very successful year. As freshrr Patricia Cuadros put it, "It's different t what you would normally find in any or academic class." - Meg Bracket and Julianne L

Padrick Moneymaker, Matt Hearst, Mike Rizzo, Brent Jones and Dory Tucker perform in "Schubert's Last Serenade."They received first rurmer up place in the VHSL one act competition for Districts and placed second for regionals. Dory Tucker and Matt Hurst also won acting awards for their performance.

Seniors Tristan Lejeune and Phil Wintry practice for the upcoming spring musical, "Damn Yankees." Phil Wintry adds, "Every year the musical performances have been outstanding and hopefully this year won't be different from the rest." The Drama Club participates in the tailga te before homecoming. Annual fundraisers like this help take care of expenses for the drama club.

tt ~5. 1.0t only taught dra iirected all drama 11 students to regi ns, and taught p u wever, one of her gr, this year for the dra .1ccess of the Albern

Mr. Chalmers and Jf the regional and :hampions. The t, ~gionals as well asp :::ompetitions. Vari i personal accompli s Competition. to a close, the dra d to work hard. 'fr. tg production, "Da May. :lasses, production the drama departm 1l year. As freshm it, "It's different t nally find in any o

First year drama actors have also made their unique mark on the program here at Albemarle. Freshman Ashp hordJacoway recites her 10 minute speech for the upcoming Forensics competition.

Freshm en Devon Stahl, Katie Hogan, and Neva Russo prac tice improving th eir improve skills during 4th period drama . Here they practice on stage to become more familiar w ith the larger stage area.

ket and Julianne La Drama 127

The yearbook staff enjoys some Chinese fo od during one of their late nights. Newspaper staff member Lilly Lei helps during this year's tailgate.

Seniors Adam Gottschalk and cross- country runner Joe Murray p repare for Joe's for the fall athletic barbeque on the morning broacast.

Junior Meghan Mathias w raps things up after an afternoon broad cast.

They came to school early, and left late. Late- like nine o'clock p.m. late. What was going on with the journalism students? Albemarle offered classes in newspaper production, yearbook production, and broadcasting, and those students put in many hours producing their respective publications. It was the newspaper group who held the record, it seemed, for most consecutive hours in front of the CRT, but their efforts paid off. Their small staff produced a 20 page newspaper monthly. The yearbook staff, too, putin their time. They only had four deadlines during the year, but they needed to produce sixty pages in each. Their choice was "late night," an after-school 128 Academics

work party at least two times for each not by choice. The team of the d deadline, with music and food and lots blue or red, faithfully reported to studio to set up for daily broadcast, class and ou time was spent prep ing more in-depth ports for the Fri broadcast. 路 they were pressed service to help ance, club sponsors, other groups put gether adv or instructional So, why did doit?True, they got of time spent getting each picture lined games free, but they always were ging around those cameras, and up exactly right. The broadcast bunch were more of to write a story about it a morning group, athough perhaps Was it just for the pizza?

Senior Holly Cline makes sure that everything is opera ting for one of the morning broadcasts. It takes severa l members of the broadcast team to put on a show - one person does cameras, another mixes, in addition to the two anchors. Senior Allison Boehm advertises for the literary magazine during tailga te. Seniors raise their concerns over superlative ca tegories during a m ee ting with the yearbook staff. Nicole Brase, assigned to cover this spread, listens patiently.

2M urray prepare for Joe's p


'he team of the Lfully reported to tdio to set up for tl ily broadcast, .ss and out-o

)adcast. vccctt;lUI ~y were pressed ~vice to help ce, club sponsors, 1er groups put ther ad instructional tapes. So, why did it? True, theygotin hey always were lu 路se cameras, and about it afterwar te pizza?

Junior Brittany Bishop helps du ring the retakes fo r the underclass pictures.

Senior Brittany Kelly rea d s freshman Karen Ca rpenter's palm as Jessica Miller loo ks on.

Journalism 129

Ms. Chri stianson plays the pi ano to accompany the choir.

Hearing music throughout the halls!



Which teacher taught the most stu- spring trip to Ontario. They not only Some of the categories that v. dents at AHS? Choir teacher Ms. Mor- worked to raise money for their trip, presented at the competition were ris was the winner hands down (with but also as community service. performance. band director Mr. Thomas Junior Ladawn Mo r coming in second). There who is in Vocal Ascens were five different classes and Women's Ensem available to AHS students stated, "This year our ch interested in vocal music: has worked really har concert choir, intermediate raise money to go to choir, women's ensemble, trip to Ontario where we Vocal Ascension, and Pahave our competition triot Singers, and all five hopefully win again like ¡ were packed with students years past." The fall and spring c who liked to sing. The AHS choir not only certs at school and at Fa ion Square Mall were hiD spent their time harmonizing and preparing for conwell. There were several certs and competition, but loists including seni Nicole Ziglerand Jenny Carbone lead off the Vocal they also worked the UV A concession Ascension at the winter concert. Jamie Grace and Sarah Mayo who s stands to help raise money for their "Tell Him" by Barbara Streisand. - Tonya 132 Academics

Junior Nick Morris, senior Phillip Witry, and sophom ore Colin Moore practice for their parts for their fall concert.

Junior Nick Morris, senior Phillip Witry, and sophomore Colin Moore p ractice for their parts for their fall concert. During their fall concert, Voca l Ascension sings "My Strongest Suit."

0 •

SIC ategories that )mpetition were

in Vocal Ascensi ·omen' s Ensemb ' This year our ch rked really hard oney to go to 'ntario where we "' 1r competition ar ly win again like t! :~.st."

tll and spring c school and at Fa ere were several ncluding senio· trahMayo who SaT' rbara Streisand. - Tonya Morr

Junior Jessica McCurry and senior Jessica Carbone dance and sing at their fa ll concert.

Sophomores Michael Mundell, Lecky Stone, Colin Moore, and junior Nick Morris back up senior Phillip Witry, sing "Only You."

Choir 133


Mr. Lawwill and Mr. Foss get a chance to sociali ze in th e cafeteria.


The adminstrative staff leads the way!

One group of individuals who were therefor AHSstudents through thick and thin was the administrative staff. They could be seen everywhere - in the parking lot in the morning rush, moving parents along to a safe unloading zone, on the Breezeway during lunch and during class breaks, and in the bus parking lot after school, not to mention at every home sports contest and at several of the away games as well. New members of the administrative team included assistant principal Carl Kiehn and administrative intern Kevin Ricker. 134 Academics

Kiehn, a former Colorado State batting champion, once worked as a geologist,

from Mills Godwin in Richmond via UV A, where he was completing his gradu-

Returning head princi. Larry Lawwill and his a tants, Steven Wright Raynelle Stokes, had th roles down pat, as did -------___:.:-:: administrative assistar such as attendance offi Sue Hughes. Ms Hughes gradua from AHS herself, as math teacher Cour Stanley, who confided, '' far as teaching, it's 路,t-<=>r"-'1 ing to teach those who I }"~ graduated with. I knew Hughes very well, shew cheerleader. Althoughs never forgiven me for c but more recently served as ate studies.Both quickly be- tingouta pictureofher fr a teacher at Monticello High came immersed in their new the yearbook." School. Ricker came to AHS jobs. ~





Mr. Wright helps clean up the cafeteria during lunch. As many as six gallons of trash are removed after long lunches.

"Never a dull moment," says attendan ce coordina tor Brenda Hair, a former AHS business teacher who returned after a move from Maryland. "I love being back [and] working with the students, teachers, and parents." Debbie Schom p takes over for main office secre tary Leslie Davis for a moment According to Mrs_ Schomp, she has 1650 kids to look after, and h er favorite thing about working as Dr. Love's secre tary is "when a kid comes in crying and leaves smiling."

rning head princi: awwill and his a )teven Wright a e Stokes, had th >wn pat, as did th strative assistan ; attendance offi ghes. -Iughes graduat _HS herself, as :eacher Courtn , who confided, " aching, it's inter ach those who I h :ed with. I knew .very well, she wa tder. Althoughsh )rgiven me for a picture of her fr ·book."

Attend ence coordinator Susan Hughes and Charlie Scott discuss the daily happenings in the Breezeway.

Librarian Jane Dawson and Kim Aust schedule English 12 students to find their senior quotes.

- Tonya Mo Administra tion and Staff 135


,l;, flt:: '"•~-·;,·

Mr. Chalmers a history teacher by morning and a mentor by afternoon said mentoring

Everybody needs somebody to look up to

A new program at Albemarle in expected to complete a portfolio. Ninth dance record and a transcript, a 2002wasthementoringprogram. Each grade students began by filling out with any awards they had won. There were some added benefi 路 teacher in the school, and several of the goals statements. Later they would do mentor groups, though. support staff as well (includdents liked the idea of Ir ing administrators) was asing with an adult signed to a group of twelve wasn't there to give gr to fifteen students. They met but wanted to help took place about once a and the staff enjoyed month, just like clubs did. ing a different kind of Students would be assigned tionship with student to the same mentor for all As Mr. Weaver said, four years of high school. the staff that will make All thestudentsinagroup were from the same grade, work, they're so suppo of the program." Ser but the selection was ranwere only able to enjoy dom. Most students found tors for one year, but th that they knew a few people of the students looked in their mentor group. The focus of the group was to work interest inventories and save examples ward to having a mentor group f on student portfolios. In coming years, of their work. By the time they were rest of their time at AHS. By: Chris Bare every graduating student would be seniors, they could include an atten136 Aca demics

Mrs.Sutherland mentors twelfth grad e students as well as teaching Ecology.

Another twelfth grad e mentor, Mrs .Tyler, also serves as one of the advisers for the Key Club.

a transcript, al they had won. e added benefi 5roups, though. ced the idea of m th an adult :here to give gra nted to help th ~ staff enjoyed h fferent kind of r ) with students. :. Weaver said, f that will make t 1ey're so support program. Seni Iyabletoenjoy m one year, but the r tudents looked f nentor group for atAHS. By: Chris Barco II


Mr. Fo utz men tors tenth grade studen ts in add ition to teaching Psychology and serving as SCA ad viser.

Holding up the junior class spirit stick, Coach Scott shows students what they can accomplish if they p u t their minds to it.

Mentors 137

Mr. Chalmers a history teacher by morning and a mentor by afternoon said mentoring

Everybody needs somebody to look up to

A new program at Albemarle in 2002 was the mentoring program. Each teacher in the school, and several of the support staff as well (including administrators) was assigned to a group of twelve to fifteen students. They met took place about once a month, just like clubs did. Students would be assigned to the same mentor for all four years of high school. All the students ina group were from the same grade, but the selection was random. Most students found that they knew a few people in their mentor group. The focus of the group was to work on student portfolios. In coming years, every graduating student would be 136 Academics

expected to complete a portfolio. Ninth dance record and a transcript, grade students began by filling out with any awards they had won. There were some added benefits goals statements. Later they would do mentor groups, though. dents liked the idea of m ing with an adult "' wasn't there to give gra but wanted to help th and the staff enjoyed h ing a different kind of r tionship with students. As Mr. Weaver said, " the staff that will make t work, they're so support of the program." Seni were only able to enjoy rn tors for one year, but the r of the students looked f interest inventories and save examples ward to having a mentor group for路 of their work. By the time they were rest of their time at AHS. seniors, they could include an atten-

Mrs.Sutherland mentors twelfth grade students as well as teaching Ecology.

Another twelfth grade mentor, Mrs .Tyler, also serves as one of the adv isers for the Key Club.

l a transcript, al they had won . .e added benefi groups, though. <ed the idea of m th an adult w :here to give gra nted to help th staff enjoyed ha fferent kind of r > with students. 路. Weaver said, ''1: that will make tt tey' re so support i program." Seni' lyabletoenjoym me year, butthe r tudents looked f 1.entor group for tt AHS. By: Chris Barcom

Mr. Fo utz mentors tenth grade stud ents in addition to teaching Psychology and serving as SCA adviser.

Holding up the junior class spirit stick, Coach Scott shows students w hat they can accomplish if they put their minds to it.

Mentors 137

Playstations Albemarle Athletes Rise To A Higher Level ;a


Muscles aching, sweat running down your face - not exactly the definition of a fun time, but more than half of the Albemarle student body endured grueling practices after a hard day in a desk to pursue the sports that they loved. The 2001-2002 school year brought unknown competition in the new Commonwealth District, but the bus rides were still long. Student athletes had to be prepared to leave early on away game days and make up all their missing work. But what was the best part of the student athlete's experience? "The bus trips," said senior Deven Mullinex, who wrestled and played baseball. "Definately the bus trips."

138 Sports


91 Getting themselves pumped up before a game, AHS varsity girl's volleyball team performs a cheer. The girls worked very hard and ended up having another very successful season this year. Many fans went out to support the team in their games. One fan told us that she loved watching the volleyball team because they always played hard and with so much spirit.

Varsity cheerl eaders Sierra Eades, Sara Armstrong, and Kell y Garland take a break from school. Kell y and Sara were co-captains, along with Mirna Hernandez.


Sports 139

Junior Steven Martin takes the pena lty and blocks the receiever of North Stafford to prevent a touchd own.

1n ··::tball achie

Senior Craig McSherry blocks a Stafford player during the game.

Senior Matt Taylor practices kicking b~fore he goes in to attempt a field goal.

. ' Senidr Evan Beckman charges at the North Stafford team.


Seni or ca ptains Kevin Smith, Achm ed Conteh, and Ben Curry walk ou t on the field before the game.

Senior Roger Brown escapes his blockers fo r a r un down the field .


Senior David Price, also captain, blocks his Nort Stafford opponent durin the homecoming game.

Johnson, M. Terry, R. Alley, J. Forre: Brow n, T. Jordan, Hepler, S. Lewis, I C. Sullivan, Rowe .·, J. Johnson, M. 81

140 Sports


a touchdown

irst and Ten do it aaain! Touching down on what's most important The varsity football team started their season off with a strenuous camp at the Miller School. They spent each day working hard to prepare for the upcoming season in the new district. After dropping their opener against Fluvanna, they beat all three local rivals- Monticello, Western and Charlottesville. Although they were not able to conquer the strong Stafford and North Stafford teams , they tied Brook Pointe and posted a close and satisfying victory over Culpeper to finish the season on a winning note. Overall, the team seemed satisfied with their first year in the new district, agreeing with senior Evan Beckman , who said, " I think our team has done pretty well this year. " - Sarah Skevington Senior Marcus Twitty gu ards a North Stafford p layer and keeps him from getting to the ball.

varsity football kicks it... /


SCORES (5 -1- 4 overall)


David Price, also n, blocks his Nor rd opponent durin mecoming game.


Fluvanna ................................ 0 Monticello ....................... ..... 21 Western ................................ 56 Charlottesville ..................... 14 E.C. Glass ............................... 6 North Stafford ..................... 27 Stafford ................................. 26 Colonial Forge ..................... 21 Brooke Point .......................... 0 ,C ulpeper ............................... 21

,wl: A.Johnson,M. Terry, R. Bolden,]. Wright, B. Sa tdler,M. Taylor, L. Bled soe, ]. Lockley, ]. Lawson, Row2: \lartin, R. Alley, J. Forrest, M. Wood, M. McCabe: J. Miccichi, N. Morris, J. Walston, A. Conteh , S. Mills, •w3: R. Brow n, T. Jordan, C. Franklin, C. Braxton, R. Wells, B. Love, z. Vrhovac, M. Hauser, C. Vrhovac, C. tch, C. Hepler, S. Lewis, Row4: D. Leake, E. Beckman, D. Murray, R. Norford, B. Curry, A. Billings, R. Stone, Price, C. Sullivan, RowS: E. Byers, C. Wood folk, K. Smith, A. Ha ll, R. Brown, J?, M. Burks, Row 6: C. herry, J. Johnson, M. Brad shaw, M. Tw itty, Jon?, B. Mathern, S. Simms, K. Modely, D. Atchinson.


24 0 23

13 19 28 42 17 0 20 ~


Varsity Foo tball 141


Austin Morris and the defensive line takes a stand against Monticello's offense n the AHS goal line.

etti ford and teamr conflicts, but lot try.

Post winning record The JV guys warm up and play hard against every team they play with one goal in mind : "to win our district championships," says Padric Moneymaker.


There are many conflicts, but over all everyone gets along fine. ' ' -Drew Haggard

Hard practices every afternoon, exciting games once or twice a week, and lots of time spent with teammates. These were all important parts of JV and freshman football. One of the JV team 's season's early highlights was their first win against Fluvanna, because, according to Drew Haggard, "for a lot of the guys it was the first win of their high school careers." Although they dropped the next game against a strong Monticello team , they came back to blank Western 14 to 0. Haggard hoped they would continue to "play hard and win" throughout the season , which they did , finishing with three wins. The team , led by co-captains James Fitzgerald, John Li lagreen , Tremaine Wilson , and Dwight McGee, posted a winning record of 5-3-1 , showing vast improvement over last year's 0-7 finish. "Everyone is important," Fitzgerald said, agreeing with Haggard that the team's goal was to "keeping working hard." By the end , their efforts had paid off, and all looked forward to next season . -Kate Marrs

Andy Lambert and the kickoff return team hustle to the ball after the kickoff.

SCORES (overall 5-3-1)

The team huddles on the field against Culpeper.

142 JV Football


Us Them Fluvanna ............ ........ 21 3 36 Monticello .................... 6 Western Albemarle .. 14 0 E. C. Glass .... ........... ... ... 3 31 North Stafford ......... .. 14 14 15 Stafford .......... ........... .... 6 19 Colonial Forge ..... ..... 21 21 Brook Poin t ....... ...... ... 24 Culpeper ..... ............... 13 6

Row 1: T Gibson, K. Farmer, K. Morris, B. Norford, R. Archer, A. Dudly, Row .:. Herbert, J. Ishee, P. Moneymaker, D. Haggard, L. Dunlap, D. Berlin, A. Walker,. 3: Coach Scott, A. Morris, M. Steele, B. Shifflett, C. Jackson, J. Harris, J. BiggWilson, B. Coles, Row 4: J. Liliegren, D. Mcgee, T. Endres, S. Douglas, J. Gibsol' Farmer, D Scluuecar, J. Fitzgerald, J. Price, Row 5: D. Jolu1son, A. Lambert, T. J. Gallager, R. Mowery, T. Pitts, J. Reedy, E, Tyler, T. Endres, D, Schniecar.

-,_ Fenetti, C. White, C D. adollski,A.Shifl , C. Shifflett, D. Mru B. Erwin, D. Marti D. Know,J.Aubrechl gher, E. Priruno, 80,

vlonticello' s offense n

Pettiford and teamma tes face off against opposing team Culpeper. "The team co nflicts, but lots of fu n," explains John Steedman regarding th e team


9th grade Achieve an even season record


., ,


~ ~ ·~ \


.. . ., ~ '"


'•_,..,._ ~


rers b ring down the M

•rcher, A. Dudly, Row ~ •, D. Berlin, A . Walker, R kson, J. Harris, J. Bigg $, S. Douglas, J. Gibson son, A. Lambert, T. Keeg ires, D, Schniecar.

The freshman players found there was a big difference between playing pee-wee football and jumping into the more competitive high school sport. They looked forwa rd to making friends, having fun , and meeting the older players and coaches. At the beginning of the season , Josh O'Grady commented , "It's fun , and the team is very cool and has lots of potential." "We all come together for one purpose -to win ," said Phillip Martin . After dropping their first game against an older and more experienced Waynesboro JV squad, they came up against their strongest rival, the Charlottesville ninth grade team, and there they felt the thrill of victory for the first time. Led by co-captains Ryan Woodfolk, Ryan Dalton , Nate Mickins and Anthony Jenkins, they finished their season with a respectable record of four wins and four losses, improving over the record of the previous year's team. n Shifflett gets a drink from the sided uring a time-out on the field.

Dominique Marsh attempts to stop the r u n against Cu lpeper.

-Kate Marrs

SCORES (overall 4-4)


Us Them Waynesboro ....... ......... 6 34 Charlottesville ........... 34 14 32 H eri tage ....................... 6 24 Stafford .. ...... ............... 28 North Stafford ........... 28 26 Colonial Forge .......... 16 28 14 Brook Point ................ 28 Culpeper ...................... 6 8

In spite of being tackled, freshman David Arguad shields the ball.

v 1: G. Fen-etti, C. White, C. Archer, K. Doyle, S. Boyd, H. Abdelhalin. Row 2: D. Arguad, S.

obins,D.Nadollski,A.Shi.flett,J.Endaho,E.Battle, KT:'Hintz.Row 3:CoachWilson,J.O'Grady, Santana, C. Shifflett, D . Marsh, A. Heintges, J. Baily,43, R. Woodfolk, Coach Wilson, Row 4: 24, Shifflett, B. Erwin, D. Martin, D. Wagner, R. Knight, S. Robaerts, C. Hicks, J. Steljes, Row 5: N . ens,D.Know,J.Aubt-echt,C.Wood,A.Crank,35,C.Baucom,C.Dillbeck,E.Robertson,Row " . Gallagher, E. Priamo, 80, P. Martin, R. Daulton, J. Kuper, W. Burns, B. Bishop, A. Oliver, 83.


9th Grade Footba ll 143

dies set Concentration and team spirit are keys to success No Albemarle sports team was more well known for their team spirit than the varsity volleyball team. It began with the preseason team sleepover, where new players received their team nicknames , to be imprinted on their personalized game jerseys. It continued throughout the season , from red and blue pillows and pet sticks , to exchanging Barbie dolls (who best represented each player). The shared memories on and off the court helped younger players become closer to their teammates. "I really think that all of the older team members do a great job of making you feel like you 're an important part of the team , no matter how old you are ." said sophomore Lauren Beckman . That spirit and teamwork helped them to a great season with an overall record of 22-2 , Invitational Champions for the 7th year in a row and District Champions for the 14th year in a row. -Meg Brackett

nley, Erica Jae

n has been gre

Ladies keep up the winning tradition

After their successful season, the team huddles to congratulate each other. Ra Bodily, Ashleigh Q uick, and Cori Koenig add their voices to the chant after tllast game.

varsity girls volleyball r

Row 1: M. Jenkins, R. Evers, M. Mayo, E. Jaeger, S. Fraiser. Row 2: R. Bodily, A. Q uick, A. Elder, M. Elder, L. Beckman. Row 3: Coach Topper, K. Carraway, R. Hanley, C. Koening, Coach Ragland, Coach Rogers.

144 Sports


SCORES Us Mills Goodwin .... .. .... .. ... ....... .. ... .... ... ... .. 3 AHS Tou rnament ... .... ... ....... ... .. ....... ... 10 Grace Christian .... .... ............ ... ... ... ......... 3 Woodbridge .................................. ......... 3 Gar-Field ........................... .... ... ......... ...... 3 Brooke Point ................. ... ..... ........ ... ... ... . 3 Stafford ... .. .. ... ... .... .. ................... .... .. ...... . 3 Patrick Henry ... ... ............ .... ................... 3 Cave Spring .. .. ... ... ... .. ............. ... ...... ... .... 3 Colonial Forge .. ... .. ................ ... ............. 3 North Stafford ............................. .......... 3 Culpeper .......................... ............. .......... 3 Brooke Point ........................ ......... .......... 3 Colonial Forge ... ... .. .... ... ..... ... .... .... ...... .. 3 Stafford ............................ ............. .......... 3 North Stafford .... .. ... ... .... .... .. .. ... .... ...... .. 3 Culpeper .. .. .. ... ... .................. ..... ... ........... 3 District Playoffs .. .. ...... .......... .. ... .... ...... .. 6 Regional Quarterfinals ........ ... ... ........... 3 Regional Semifinals .................. .... ........ 0

Them 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 2 0 0

1 0 0 3

egan Elder, or am's va luable rep a res to serv ru was Megan ear on varsity t he strengthenec lhro ugh her mid hitting.


1Hanley, Erica Jaeger, and Sarah Fraiser prepare as the opposing team serves the ball. Sarah Fraiser says, season has been great, the team is hard working, extremely motivated and are all-around fantastic people."

Victory in a new district

1ng tradition

Senior Mandy Mayo and junior Rachel Hanley congratub1te each other on a good play..Racpel and Mandy have been playing together for three years .

;ratulate each other. Ra ces to the chant after th




Us ................. ..... 3 ..... ... ............ 10

······· ······· ·· ······ 3 ...... .... ...... ...... 3 ................ ..... 3 ····· ·· ·· ······ ······ 3 .... .......... .... .... 3 ........ ..... .... ..... 3 .......... ..... .. .... 3 ....... ........ ... .... 3 ...... ................ 3 ··· ·· ············· ··· · 3 ···· ······· ··· ········· 3 ...... ......... .. ...... 3 ....... .. .............. 3 ....................... 3 ....................... 3 ....................... 6 ...... ................. 3 ............ .. ......... 0

Them 0 2 2 0

1 0

0 1 0 0 0 0

0 2 0

0 1 0 0


Megan Elder, one of the team's valuable blockers prepares to serve the ball. This was Megan's s third year on varsity team and she strengthened the team through her middle hitting.

Erica Jaeger, also a captain,•has played since her fr~shman year with most of the other varsity team members. "We've grown so close over the years and I couldn't ask for better teammates."

Mandy Mayo, an outside hitter known for her amazing "spikes", led the team in kills. Mandy also played for the Richmond Volleyball Club's U18 national team throughout the year.

Junior Ashleigh Quick cheers during the Varsity Invitational. "I loved all our spirit this season! It helped the team come together for the games," she said.


Varsity Volleyball 145

Varsity Girls Take It to the Top

During a tough game one night, junior Lindsay Davis steals the ball from the opposing team a proceeds to take it up the field. Lindsay has been playing on Albemarle's varsity field hockey tea for three years.

Senior Lisa Franko, Lindsay Davis, Sarah Hall, and Becca Collier defend their goal. Lisa was chosen as tlefensive MVP.

Senior players include Rachel Henderson, Sarah Hall, Jenny Wood, Paige Thompson, Lisa Franko, Becca Collier, and Kelly Barlow.

Brittney Walther, Jeru1 Shipp, and Kelly Barlow maneuver their way through a crowd. Jenn was offensive MVP, and Kelly was chosen overall MVP for the team. 146 Sports


__c_ a~~tains The captains of the varsity team this year were Kelly Barlow and Becca Collier. "Becca Collier's teammates have nicknamed her "Brickwall" because she is so strong mentally and physically. On the field and off, Becca is reliable, dedicated and a great contribution to AHS. She has been a wonderful player to coach and to be friends" "Kelly is such a fun person to coach. She is enthusiastic and hard working. Her excitement and laughter are contagious. She is a great role model for all athletes. She strives for excellence and has fun along the way." Coach Rosen

"Our team is so strong this year because we have no weaknesses on the field. We support each other 100% of the time, we are like sisters." Captain, Kelly Barlow. "I fee l that this team this year is so close and such good friends. We can get through anything together on and off the field ." Captain, Becca Collier

the opposing team ar varsity field hockey tea


~cause we have no ort each other 100% of ptain, Kelly Barlow. so close and such ;h anything together >ta in, Becca Collier

kin itt hi er level "Our 2001 field hockey team is a highly skilled motivated group of players. Our strength relies in our ability to work together as a TEAM."

- Coach Lindsay When the 2001 season kicked off, the focus of the Varsity Field Hockey team was to succeed in their new district. As a warm-up, they started by polishing off local rival Monticello with a ten to zero win. Victories over Western Albemarle, Lafayette and Charlottesville followed.They found their northern opponents to be the most competitive, splitting the games with Stafford at one win each , and achieving a tie and a close loss against a very formidable North Stafford team. " It's all how you play the game." junior Courtney Remington explained, looking forward to next year's competition. The team finished their season with a 10-3-2 record. - Aida Boateng At a tournament game, varsity field hockey players circle up with their coaches to talk about what had happened so far in the game.

varsi!Y field

hocke~_ /

Row 1: B. Collier, K. Barlow. Row 2: S. Hall, J. Wood, P. Thompson, L. Franko, R. Henderson. Row 3: A. Suit, C. Remington, L. Neese, L. Davis. Row 4: Coach S. Lindsay, J. Shipp, J. Martinelli, M. Murray, J. DeGraff, Coach G. Scheurmann.




10 -3- 2 overall Monticello ........................... 10-0 Western ........... ... ... ... ...... ....... 2-0 Lafayette ................... .......... .. 2-0 Annandale ............................ 0-0 Charlottesville ..... ............ ..... 7-0 Stafford .................................. 2-1 North Stafford ...................... 1-1 Colonial Forge ....... .. .... ........ 0-2 Brooke Point ......................... 3-1 Stafford ................... ......... ...... 0-1 North Stafford ...................... 0-3 Culpeper .............. ............. .... 2-1 Colonial Forge .... ......... .... .... 2-1 Culpeper ............................... 3-1 Brooke Point .. ..... .................. 3-1




Varsity Field Hockey 147

r defenses ski her o pponent.~

Bonding at the net


We just click on &off the court. -Jessica Quick


Beat Mills Godwin , beat Mills Godwin ... that was what the JV volleyball team was thinking at the beginning of the year. They were hungry for a rematch and they got it. The first game of the season was against Godwin and for first time in JV Albemarle history, they beat the high- ranking Godwin Eagles. "This is a first for me in all the years that I have been head coach of the JV squad , and it feels amazing!" said head coach Lance Rogers. Captains Allie Mexdorf and Meghan Degnan led the team to a 10-2 season. Their strength , according to fresh man Jessica Quick was, "We work together really well and we have all played together for a long time. " Amy Groome agreed, adding , "The team is really close. You get really close to your teammates and it's so much fun! " -Allie Mexdorf


Jessie Koenig and Jessica Quick set up for the serve as Michelle Cooper waits at the net.

148 JV Voleyball '

(overall15-2) Us Them Mills Godwin ..... ........... 2 0 Colonial Forge ... ...... ..... 0 2 Brooke Point .... ...... ... ..... 2 0 Stafford ........................... 2 0 Grace Christian ............. 1 2 North Stafford ....... ........ 2 0 Culpeper ........................ 2 0 Colonial Forge .............. 2 1 Brook Point ................... . 2 0 Stafford .. ......................... 2 0 North Stafford ............... 2 0 Culpeper ........................ 2 0

JV Girls Volleyball: Row 1: L. Johnson, A.T. Jones, J. Quick, A. Armstrong, J. K Row 2: M. Degnan, L. Clarry, A. Groome, M. Cooper, K. Liberman. Row 3: Coa Rogers, A. Mextorf, C. Daugherty, S. Bowles, Coach M. Topper.

Goradia, M.Sadt :vi. Murray, G . .E pigone, S. Collit r. C. Duxbury, J.

the game against Culpe

uick, A. Armstrong, J. Koe (. Liberman. Row 3: Coacr 1. Topper.

her defenses skills, sophomore Megan Sadtler works on stealing the ball m her opponent. Megan was one of the cap tains of this year's jv hockey team.

Bonding on the field


All we can do is play our best.


- Bethany Landen

ore Christen Duxbury sprints to ball.

Freshman Morganne Woodson goes one on-one with her opponent.

This year's AHS jv hockey team was filled with players that were striving for the best. Head coach Barb Rosen had this to say, " We are competing in a very skilled district this year. It is a great opportun ity for us to raise our level of play. The girls are improving and learning everyday, but most importantly they are becoming a TEAM and having fun." The team's 3-1-7 record did not reflect the amount of work that was put into the season. The girls worked hard day in and day out to adapt to their new district. With seven returning sophomores, and a bunch of new highly-skilled freshmen, the AHS junior varsity field hockey team was seen as one of the best. Now knowing what to expect for next year, the team is ready to come back harder and stronger then ever. By: Aida Boateng

SCORES (overall 3-1-7)


1: D.Goradia, M.Sadtler, B. Vanderlinde: B. Londen. Row 2: M. Woodson, E. berg, M. Murray, G. Esposito, A. Boateng. Row 3: Coach B. Rosen, A. Martin, C. w, J. Spigone, S. Collier, C. Shupe, M. Elswick. Row 4: Mgn. K. Lon den, L. Pettit,


Western ............ .............. ... 1 Monticello ....... ............ ... ... 1 Stafford ..... .... ... ....... ..... ... .. 0 North Stafford ........... ...... 1 Culpeper .................. ... ...... 0 Colonial Forge ........ ......... 0 Stafford ..... .... .................... 0 North Stafford ... ... ......... .. 0 Culpeper ... ... ... ............. .. ... 0 Colonial Forge ........ ......... 0 Brooke Point ........... .......... 1

0 0 2 0 1 4 6 2 0 2 2

Sophomore captain Megan Sadtler and co-captain Brooke Vanderlinde.

enker, C. Duxbury, J. Lane, C. Corley.

JV Field Hockey 149

Wa lton races up, hosted by try is a lot of拢, 1ke the commi

With heart and leadership, Boys Cross Country prove that they have it all

Runners finish 4th in state

Imagine being a member of a team that won the District Finals , claimed victory in Regional Finals, and then went on to place fourth in State Championships. Could a team from a small AAA school with only about 1600 students in central Virg inia accompl ish these feats against strong rivals from larger schools in northern Virginia and Tidewater? These victories were exactly what the Boys Cross Country Team did achieve in 2001 , so obviously it could be done. Aside from a strong tradition , what made the team so successful? "We had really cool captains that gave the team great influence and leadership ," said junior Josh Gillette. Other members of the team attributed their success to their coach , Lance Weisand , who had been coaching for over five years and was a constant influence on the athletes he coached . -Julianne Launi Boys cross country runners Wes Kimble, Travis Lambert, Adam Ripley, Nick Noe, Andrew Parkins, and Joe Murray p roudly hold up their first place trophy at District Championships in the fall.

boys cross country r



8/31 ...... Ragged Mountain Invitational 9/5 .......... T. Ashby /WAHS/ Culpeper 9/8 ................................................ PUMA 9 I 12 .......... .. .. ........ Brook Point/Stafford 9/15 ...... .. ...... .. ........... Woodberry Forest 9/22 .......... Great American Invitational 10/3 ................................. Colonial Forge 10/6 .. .. ...... .. ...... ............. William & Mary 10 / 13 .... .. .... .. .... .. .. Panorama Invitational

Row 1: David Breene, Scott Keller, Hari Mix, Andrew Par kings, Adam Ripley Row 2: Kelley Watt, Brendan Reegon, Joe Murray, Coach Lance Weisan, Josh Gillette, Stuart Walton, Wes Kimble Row 3: Matt Lawerence, Matt Looney, Travis Lambert, Nick Noe 150 Sports



r ca ptain Joe} bee n running 'ltry since he man. The tea Joe to be a C i\'a ter and inspi 路ally to the you

th e

art Wa lton races towards the finish line against an opponent from Culpeper High School in the Ragged Cup, hosted by Albema rl e High School. In his first year of running cross country, Stuart comments untry is a lot of fun because the team is really cool. It is a lot of hard work, though, and you have to be make the commitment."

An Incredible Season of Cross Country

in state

Striving to make the second lap, sophomore Hari Mix catches his breath and looks on towards the finish line.



Row 2: Kelley Stuart Walton, Wes .Joe

Senior captain Joe Murray has been running cross country sin ce he was a freshman. The team considers Joe to be a constant motivater and inspira tion, especially to the yo ung runners .

"Travis Lambert was a constant stren~th to the team this year," sa id Coach Lance Weisand, "his hard work and leade rship helped make the team into what we were."

"Nick Noe, along with the other senior captains, had a very critical role in creating the best boys cross country team ever to run at Albemarle High School," stated Coach Lance Weisand.

After completing the Ragged MountainCup,freshmanDavid Breene has something to drink after a well-run race.

Junior Matt Lawerence concentrates hard as he runs one final leg of the race.


Boys Cross CountryO 151

Girls CrossCountry


Junior La urel Noe concentra tes on running her race. Competitors fo und the new course at Pa norama Farms m to their liking .

Girls tak

Junior Ali Madigan listens to Laurel's pump-up speech and the fall pep rally.

Pushing for the lead freshman Eleanor Whitenack runs along the course with her opponents from Turner Ashby close behind.

Sarah Burris crosses the field on one of the few flat sections of the Panorama course.

152 Sp ortsCQ


Coach Weisend enjoys a bea u tiful fall d ay at Panorama Farms, wa tching both boys and girls compete in the Albemarle Invitational aga inst Western Albemarle, Turner-Ashby and other local riva ls.

Senior Laurel Noe qualified for regionals in the 2001 season.

Claire Whiteneck qualified fo r region als.

1: S. Reed, B. ' 2: Coach Ger .eed, Coach Slad( . Ulan, L. Peters w w

:seat Panorama Fa rms mu

The Race Is On Girls take on new district and win

Girls are up to the challenge of facing a new district The cross country girls hit the trails early and hard , beginning with a team camp at Graves Mountain Lodge. They enjoyed the new home course at Panorama Farms, and a season of training and racing bonded them into a tight group. Coached by Allison Cooper and Lance We isend , they achieved good success. Finally overcoming their "bridesmaid" tendencies, they took first place in the district and sent several runners to reg ionals. - Molly Waddell The Albemarle High School girls cross country team runs at regionals, with Eleanor Whitenack, Laurel Noe, and Claire Wh itenack side-by-side. "I am just trying to push it and concentrate on running, not finishing," said Laurel.

girls cross country r



8/ 31 ... ... Ragged Mountain Invitational 9 I 5 .......... T. Ashby / W AHS I Culpeper 9/ 8 .... ... .. ....... ...... .. ............. .. ......... PUMA 9/ 12 .. .. .... .. .... .. ...... Brook Point/ Stafford 9 I 15 ........................... Woodberry Forest 9/ 22 .. .. .. .... Great American Invitational 10 /3 .. .................... .. ......... Colonial Forge 10 I 6 .. .......... ................... William & Mary 10 I 13 .................... Panorama Invitational

Whiteneck qualified ;ionals.


Row 1: S. Reed, B. Webber, C. Fitzpatrick, S. Burris, E. Kamptener, J. DiGiacomo, J. Mclea ne Row 2: Coach Gerbera ux, L. Va den, B. Lindensmith, J. Miller, C. Dallava llle, K. Santos, V. Reed, Coach Slade. Row 3: L. Noe, A. Madigan, K. Kulbok, C. Whitenack, E. Whitenack. M. Ulan, L. Peterson, H. Sun. Girls Cross Country 153

re Da niel Collie! dv ice on how t<

Golfers prove themselves in an new district

Team finishes second in district, fourth . . zn regzon With the loss of four seniors the Albemarle golf team had a lot of work ahead of them. Senior Ross Shipe described the season as "tough, and the younger players had to be [helped] to play better and shoot lower scores." But it wasn't a disappointing season, considering the team placed second in the Commonwealth District and fourth in the Northwest Region . And, senior captains Ryan Quick and Ross Shipe qualified for the state tournament. Even though expectations weren't high for the season in the beginning , the team managed to succeed throughout the season and have yet another terrific season . -Lacy Nolan Senior Ross Shipe takes his putt sho t as onlooker Ryan Quick tends the flag and Brian Kouzch waits patiently for Ross to finish his turn.

golf team r

Scores 25-9-1 overall 341 336 319 308 300 324 310 163 180 149 326 327 332

2nd in the Commonwealth District 4th in the Northwestern Region

154 Sports


4th place out of 6 teams 2nd place out of 4 teams 4th place out of 24 teams 1st place out of 6 teams W AHS-317 Stafford-356 2nd place ou t of 6 teams Glass-318 Her.-357 Waynesboro-163 3rd place out of 5 teams William Monroe-146 Lousia-166 5th place out of 9 teams 2nd place out of 6 teams 4th place out of 8 teams

Row 1: Coach Garnett, R. Quick, B. Kouzch, P. Lytle, K. Williams, D. Collier, . Barton, M Coffman, Coach Maynard. Row 2: B. Maynard, G. Heeschen, J. Taylor, J. Cline, R. Shipe, D. Smythers, D. Meleski.

Senior capt< went well a sta tes. I did hoped to in my goal thi:

ore Daniel Collier warms up for his tee shot, as Coach Maynard watches Daniel's swinging technique to m advice on how to improve it in order to hit a longer drive down the fairway.

~n new district

Readying for his tee shot, sophomore Drew Smythers gets focused on hitting a long tee shot, deep into the fairway.


. Collier, N . Barton, M. Jr, J. Cline, R. Shipe, D.

• Senior capta in Ross Shipe: "Districts went well and I made it to qualify for states. I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in states but I accomplished my goal this season of qualifying."

Senior ca ptain Ryan Quick: "My goal for the team the season was to win regionals and for myself to make it to qualify for sta tes. As a team we did well but as a senior I met my goa l. "

Junior Neil Barton winds up for a huge backs wing, ready to hit a long tee shot on to the fairway .

Stuck in the sand trap, sophomore Kevin Williams takes his trap shot in hopes of making it onto the greens.

c::... "-U

Golf 155

1 r

Junior Sydelle Gonias winds up for a killer backhandin the Colonial Forge rna tch . Syd elle, along wi th Megan Kl Meghan Cushman, and Kim McKay provided the Patriots w ith depth and experience other teams couldn' t mat With seven juniors the future for girls tennis at Albemarl e looks very promising.






Coach Richard Lindsay is known as a good motivater who keeps the team w orking hard while having fun. Once again, he was rewarded as the team advanced into th e post-season tournaments.

156 Sports




Senior captains Angela Ishee and Shelly Morris hold up the team's district trophy at the pep rally. The captains agreed that the team 's first year in the Commonwealth District was challenging but very successful. Shelly Morris was #1 and the #1 doubles team was Morris and Emily Arthur, who made a racket as they advanced in the post- season individual tournam ents.

ollegiate ...... .. Brooke Point .. . tafford ............ orth Stafford Culpeper .... ..... Brooke Point ... tafford ........... . orth Stafford t. Catherine's Culpeper ... ..... . Colonial Forge Colonial Forge

le, along with Megan Kla: ther teams couldn't mat路

l Shelly Morris hold the pep ra lly. The rs t year in the Comn g but very success11 doubles team was Lade a racket as they vidual tournaments.

Th girls n'tbe fennis team smashes new competition

From volleys to backhand serves, these girls did it all The girls tennis team had high hopes for this year's squad after last year's strong showing. The Patriots called upon their skills and depth as they traveled through the Commonwealth District for the first time . Seniors Shelly Morris and Angela Ishee provided leadership and steady play for a team that also featured seven juniors. Solid performances by from Emily Arthur, Jenni Centini and Tiffany Shih allowed the patriots to win the Commonwealth Title in their first attempt. Young players like Laura Brashear, Emily Hiller, Esther Kaplan , and Ashley Newton all stepped up and added in building a team that set high standards for opponents. The team battled tough opponents , injuries , illness, long trips, world events, and weather to have their most successful season in recent memory. Returning all but two team members and having established a solid foundation of young players , the team will likely be a force again next year. -Molly Waddell

girls tennis "'

SCORES Them 7 0 3 2 ~

1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Row 1: S. Gonias, S. Morris, M. Cushman Row 2: M. Klas, E. Kaplan, E. Hiller, A. Newton, Coach R. Lindsay, T. Shih, E. Arthur, J. Centini, K. McKay, L. Brashear.

0 ~


Girls Tennis 157

Cheerin Cheerers win trip to regionals

" We are ready for any challenge put before us." captain Mirna Hernandez The "is it a sport?" debate was pretty much over. They practiced after school , they attended every football and basketball game as we ll many other contests, and they competed in their own district and regional competitions in early spring . But still , respect was hard to come by. "The cheerleaders work very hard and they do not get enough credit for what they do. Everyone on the squad has a wonderful atitude and they also work well together. The captains this year are great role models fo r the rest of the squad ," said Coach Jonhson . With only one returning senior, Mirna Hernandez, the varsity squad was young but still qualified for regional competition. They laid a strong foundation for Albemarle cheerleaders to come. Leaving the impression that they were all about the pride , Albemarle's cheerleading squad were ready for whatever challenges ofthe future would bring. - Aida Boateng

Keeping the spirit going, varsity cheerleaders Emily Weir, Sara Armstrong, Gartland, Sierra Eades, Mirna H ernandez, and Anita Cross cheer on the footba ll during a home ga me.

eerleaders Ani crowd pumpE oving as much

varsity cheerleading

The squad has •me together this en though we ha\ f new girls. We are oing to succeed thi competition ." -Sara Arms

Row 1: M. Hernandez, S. Armstrong. Row 2: M. Russel, E. Niziolek, K. Gartland, E. Beckman, A. Cross, E. Weir. Row 3: R. Slutsky, R. Barnett, S. Eades. Practicing some of their cheers before a home game, ju Meghan Russell and sophomore Robin Barnett concen on ge tting it exactly right. 158 Sports

Albemarle eerleaders . . reach top .


During the fall pep rally, junior Jessica McCurry raises her poms


Veir, Sara Armstrong, K cheer on the football tc


ty cheerleaders Anita Cross, Rebecca Sluzky and Sara Armstrong show their dance moves and work on g the crowd pumped up at Albemarle's Homecoming game against North Stafford. They stay warm by g moving as much as possible.


"The squad has really come together this year, even though we have Jots of new girls. We are really going to succeed this year in competition." -Sara Armstrong

"I think that we have and awesome s~ad this yea r. There is a lot of talent and we have a"'lot of fun. We are going to do so well in competition." - Kelly Gartland

" The squad this year is very different than last year. There is so much potential on the squad and as a whole we've come together, making us m uch stronger than last year." -Mirna Hernandez

Varsity cheerleaders Rebecca Sluzky and Mirna Hernandez get the crowd pysched up during a home football 路game.

During a home football game against Western Albemarle, Meghan Russell and Kelly Gartland get the crowd fired up.

oefore a home game, juni ~ Robin Barnett concentra Varsity Cheerleading 159

I \I '

JV cheerleaders Any a Margulis, Megan Niziolek, Emily Hastings,and Jessica Lee the rest of the squad get the crowd pumped for the AHS vs GLASS game.

Get a fresh start

Activities bring the new squad together. Sophomore Brtittany Lawrence paints a sign for one of the JV games. Anya Margulis and Alex Lawwill try a stunt as Jessica Lee watches during the cheerleading pool party. Freshmen Megan Niziolek and Shautel Wood take a break d uring the pep ralley.

The JV squad faced many challenges this season, having only one returning member they had a lot of rebuilding to do. All the girls had the same motive for this season - they wanted to stay motivated and work to the best of their ability. "I really want to see the squad stay united and do the best that we can," said sophomore Ashley Chaney. The one returning member Emily Hastings stated "This season was hard but we all really came together and made it work." "Overall we had a more chal lenging season but however the outcome has been great. We have been very busy, and have had fairly good communication throughout the season. I commend the new girls for their level of advancement and I believe that the whole squad has shown a great deal of respect and responsibility," Coach Morton added -Erica Hernandez

Captains Emily Hastings and Megan Niziolek bring the squad together.

160 JV Cheerleading


Sophomore Brittany Lawrence and the JV squad stay motivated no matter how many spectators show up for the JV games.

FreshmenShautel Wood, MeganNizl. and sophomore Ashley Cheney hold Lawwill high in the air.

other cheerin am at all of thei

ly Hastings,and Jessica Lee ,HS vs GLASS game.

Shautel Wood,MeganNizi more Ashley Cheney hold A, tigh in the air.

11 the other cheering squads, the freshmen squad supported the freshmen lll team at all of their games.

Make it loud

Asia Lee raised her poms during the pep ralley. Ashp hord Jacoway sold sea t cushions before the h omecoming game. Megan Tomlin and Asia Lee get the crowd p umped at the freshmen game.

men Sha1mah Kingrea and Ashley cheer d uring the homecoming pep

Fres hmen Megan Tomlin and Jenna Griffi th ho ld up Ashphord Jacoway druing their half time stunt.

Near the end of May over 100 girls waited anxiously for the final results of who would make the cheerleading squads. For the freshmen it was particularly hard, because they might know some girls but not as many as the older girls. The freshmen had to get to know each other and come together as well as work hard to make the season successful. "The girls have come along way this year and have been doing a great job of supporting each other. This year the captains did a great job of making sure that the squad stayed focused and motivated. Their skills have advanced so much, and they have done an excellent job at what they have set out to do," stated Coach Roberts. -Erica Hernandez

Captains Jennifer Aiken and Ashley Belew keep the squad focuse d and motivated.

.. 1: Megan Tomlin,Ashphord Jacoway,Lydsie Bassett. Row 2: Asia Lee, Jennifer Aiken, Ashley Belew. Row enna Griffith, Shannah Kingrea.


9th Grade Cheerleading 161

Girls Ilia~ with lleart Girls grow from last year for a solid season The girls team had a breakout season this year. Last year, they were a very determ ined but also young team with four sophomore starters. This year, their determination combined with experience to form a solid ball club. Tied at the end of the regular season with North Stafford , they settled for the second seed in the district after dropping the extra game, but ultimately won the district final , marking the first time in AHS history that the boys and girls basketball teams were both district champions. They finished the season by dropping their regional contest, but went out knowing that the game could have gone either way, and they would be back strong next season . -Adrianne Allen Sophomore guard Raven Truslow races past her defender on a fast break. "We're a transition team, so we try to run the ball as much as possible," she says.



iris basketball SCORES

Row 1: A. Johnson, J. Shipp, M. Elder, S. Morris, E. Arthur, L. Sampson. Row 2: Coach Morris, Coach Braxton, R. Truslow, L.Beckman, R.Hanley, M. Hughes, A. Allen, C. Vaughn, I. Podorosky, Coach Jenkins.

164 Sports

Us Them Flint Hill ............ ... ............. ......... ......... ..... ..... 40 18 Culpeper ........... ......................... ........... .. .. .... 51 49 Brook Point ... .... ..... ... .... .... .... .... .................... 44 20 Collegiate .. .... ... .... .. ....... .. ...... .......... .. .... ........ 71 31 Tucker ...................................... ..... .. ... ..... ..... . 63 37 E. C. Glass ......... .... .......................... .. ... .......... 35 51 Stafford ........ ... ............ ..... ........ ........ ... .... .. ... . 53 39 Osbourn Park ........................... ........ ... ......... 68 43 Woodbridge .................. ...................... ......... 45 50 T.C. Williams ............................................ ... 56 44 Colonial Forge .... .. ........... ... .................... ..... 61 46 North Stafford .... ... .. ........ .... ........................ 52 36 Culpeper .... .......... ... ................. ........... .......... 57 39 Brooke Point .. ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... .. ........ ... ..... ..... 58 40 Stafford ....... ... ... .... ..... ... ... ... ... .. ...... .. ......... .... 28 38 Atlee ............ ..... .. ... ..... ... ... .... .... ...... .. .... ...... ... 24 41 Clifton Forge ............. ......................... .......... 44 32

It was hard ryone else pi< nched with 11 the girls g< .md stepped 1 lly impressE helley Morri

L 1

in t guard Jennifer Shipp takes on two taller girls and gets a foul in the process. Although shorter in stature rs, Jennifer still gets more than her share of rebounds. Here, she grabs one down after following a missed fe nse is also very important to her. "If you play strong defense, the rest of your game will follow," she

Girls play tough


Junior guard Adrianne Allen watches both the ball and her assigned player to guard by playing solid help defense.

~ ~

;, ;:, '-1





Junior shooting guard Emily Arthur breaks a full court press by faking out her defender.

.ES Us Them .......... 40 18 .. .... ........... ...... 51 49 .. ... .................. 44 20 .... .. .. ...... .. ...... . 71 31 .... .... .... ........... 63 37 .. .. .... .. ....... ...... 35 51 .. .. .... .. ... .... ...... 53 39 ...... .... ............. 68 43 .............. ...... ... 45 50 ............. .. ....... 56 44 .... .. ...... ........... 61 46 ............. .. .. .... .. 52 36 .................. .. .. . 57 39 .. .................... 58 40 ...................... 28 38 ....... ...... ..... .... 24 41 ................ .. .... 44 32

"It was hard to watch everyone else playwheniwas benched with an injury, but all the girls gave it their all and stepped up, which really impressed me," said Shelley Morris.

"The rest of the team made my 1ast year here at AHS an enjoyable one. We made it through both the low and high points together. I will miss it a lot," said Megan Elder.

Ca teria Vaughn finds other ways to help the team. A newcomer to AHS and a promising addition to the post game force, she was unfortunately injured early in the season. "''ll be back in business next year,"she said .

Junior center Rachel Hanley grabs a rebound and gives a strong pass to the outlet guard for a fast break.



Vars1ty G1rls Basketball 165

th new

Jv team members Daniel Collier, Ju Coe, Wayne Young, and JamesFitzger watch as th eir team d efeats N o Stafford.

A season

of success It was a good year for basketball at Albemarle. Not only did the varsity team win the district, but the boys ninth grade team also enjoyed a great season. With only two returning players, the JV boys basketball team expected to have a re-building year. They surprized themselves and their fans by winning their first games against local rivals Monticello and Orange, but dropped to a very strong Western team, losing by two points the second time they played. " It's all about how you play the game. If you put in time and effort during practice, the outcome of your game will come out great," said Matt Gibson. Matt's prediction came true, since they ended their season with a 13-5 record, going 7-3 in the district and ending up with second place. Next year's varsity team should be good, since some of the outstanding jv players will be moving up. -Erica Hernandez

Wayne Young blocks his opponent as he concentrates on maintaing position ou tside the paint.

Sophomore Ryan Kenty waits for rebound on a foul shot.

SCORES (5 -1- 4 overall)

us Monti cello ...................................... 39 Ora nge ............................................ 49 Monticello ...................................... 29

the m


W estern ......................................... 31

Charlottesville .............................. 62 W estern .......................................... 43

" This year we had a great season we cooperated well with the team and coaches."

166 JV Boys Basketball

"We h ad a great season, we worked well together and did not exclude anyone! "


Staffo rd ... ........... ............................. Orange ............................................ Cha rl ottesville .............................. Colonia l Fo rge ........... ................... No rth Stafford .............................. Culpeper ........................................ Brooke Point ................................. Stafford ........................................... Colonial Forge ............................. North Stafford ..............................

55 62 62 37 64 45 73 51 55 45

Brooke Poin t ................................. 43

Culpeper ........................................ 54

Row 1: N. Weisman, J. Liljegren, D. Collier, C. Jackson, T. Wilson, J. Coe, S. Kend M. Clark-Covert. Row 2: Coach Fedde, M. Gibson, J. Fitzgerald, D. Johnson, Young, B. Matherne, R. Kenty.

the fre shman ,.o of Colonial


mbers Daniel Collier, Ju Young, and James Fitzger.heir team defeats N o

of the freshman team gets ready to pass to a teammate while being double two of Colonial Forge's guards.

Freshmen play strong Lighting up the boards

Ryan Kenty waits for foul shot.


r. Wilson, J. Coe, S. Kend

Fitzgerald, D. Johnson,

Tremaine Turner waits for a .:he post while being guarded by I Forge opponent.

Playing man-to-man, freshman Zelj ko Zeljkovie plays good defense against his Brook Point opponent.

The ninth grade boys team started strong , winning their first six games against local non-district rivals including Monticello, Western Albemarle , and Charlottesville. They dropped their first district game against a strong Stafford team, but rebounded to win over North Stafford, Colonial Forge, and Brooke Point. They finished the season of an over all record of 13-5, with a 73 district record for second place. "This year we had a great season, we played well as a team and really played to our potential," said Dominique Marsh. Brandon White added, "I think that as freshmen we played together great and we all worked hard." Mirroring the success of their older counterparts, the freshmen looked for great things to come. -Erica Hernandez


(5 -1- 4 overall)us

Monticello . .. .......... 37 Orange . .. 42 Monticello ...................................... 36 Western..


路: B. Coles, T. Turner, J. Pettiford, E. Hartis, R.J. Archer, D. Marsh, B. White, ..encault. Row 2: H. Reed, Coach Wilson, R. Frizzell, I. Grim, J. Wright, Z. ovie, Coach Bruce, T. Peerrish. Not Pictured: A. Jenkins.

....... 34

Harrisonburg.. .... Charlottesville . .. ... . ..... Western Albemarle.. .. ......... Stafford . Orange . .. ........... .. ............. Charlottesville . Colonial Forge.. . ......... North Stafford . .. ..................... Culpeper.. .. ........... Brooke Point. .. Stafford .......................................... Colonial Forge .............................. Harrisonburg ................................ N. Stafford

49 39 23 24 48 45 43 35 44 45 35 36 57

Them 24 32 32 25

25 30 30 51 33 26 33 30 20 37 46 25 16

" We had a very successful season and we hope to have the same kind of record next year."

Brooke Point.



9th Grade Boys Basketball 167

JV Girls get • WinS

During a game, jv teammates run to get open from the opposing team. The girls pia. great offensive and defense in this game

A season of success

"I thought we did pretty well since we had a lot of freshmen on the team. We had a pretty balanced team and we played well together." -sophomore Dena Trugman

The JV girls basketball team started off the season well, beating last year's district rivals E.C. Glass by more than thirty points in each of two games. Throughout the season, the girls got along well with each other although they felt that they needed to improve on some of the basic fundamentals of the sport. Led by sophomore captains Macie Jenkins and Dena Trugman, the girls looked for a near perfect season. Their biggest rival in the new district was Stafford. "We want to beat them this time as a little payback," Lindsay Parnell said, going into their second game. The girls got their wish and beat Stafford. The girls had a terrific season in 2001-2002. -Allie Mextorf

The JV team takes a time out to regroup at the game against Colonial Forge.


During a timeout, jv girls discuss what has been happening on the court.

168 JV Girls Basketball

Us Them E.C. Glass .. ......... ... ..... 51 18 E.C. Glass .. ................. 56 10 Stafford ...... ..... .. ....... ... 18 57 Glass ........................... 29 5 C.Forge .................... ... 37 30 N.Stafford .................. 26 48 Culpeper .................... 32 20 Brooke Pt .................... 29 35 Miller .......................... 41 19 N.Stafford .................. 35 50 C.Forge ....................... 22 38 Culpeper ..... .. ............. 38 32

Row 1: J. Sims (manager), J. McLane, C. Watts, E. Thompson, L. Parnell, Barbour, C. Moore Row 2: Coach Julie Strong, M. Jenkins, S. Erwin, A. Elder Trugman, K. Lieberman, A. Dean, Coach Sharon Grimm.

of the freshm two of Colon


osing team. The girls pia

r of the freshman team gets ready to pass to a teammate while being double y two of Colonial Forge's guards.

getspum shoot their way to success

The freshman girls basketball team got off to a great start. About 20 girls tried out for the team and 13 girls made the final cut. The team played their best game against Stafford in a 50-10 win. Laura Scaffidi said the best thing about the team was that, "we work together and have sportsmanship although we still need to improve some skills." The team was led by captains Tenesha Logan, Skye Christianson, and Laura Scaffidi. "Culpepper is our biggest rival," said freshman Megan McKone. Overall, the freshman girls basketball did well for the season. the jv team put up the NO Colonial Forge. d ef,

an Esther Kaplin steals the ball Colonial Forge player.

Stephanie Brownhill blocks out a Colonial Forge defender while trying to get the ball.


Thompson, L. Parnell, . .kins, S. Erwin, A. Elder, [ nm.

1: K.Leake (manager), M. Woodson, E. Kaplan, S. Christensen, J. Miller, M. .me, A. Armstrong, T. Login. Row 2: Coach Franklin, L. Scaffidi, C. Ogbomo, hite, J. Ders tine A. Walter, S. Brownhill, Coach Jordan.

Us Them 27 Collegate .................... 15 VSDB .......................... 33 15 VSDB ................. ......... 38 17 Stafford ....................... 29 19 Colonial Forge .......... 20 0 Team ........................... 20 0 Team ........................... 20 0 Team .... .. .... .... ............. 20 0 Team .................... ....... 20 0 Team ........................... 20 0

During a timeout, eth girls discuss what has been happening on the court.

9th Grade Girls Basketball 169

Albemarle's Indoor Track Team

During the finals of the region long-j ump competition, junior Ross Bolden jumps for the san d . Ross, along " several other teammates, rep resented Albemarle High School in the regional mee t.


s .!Jbemarle t

Senior Ola Davis competes in the women's shot put at VMI.

Coach Grady gives some of the girls on the team a little p ep talk before they have to go out and

track corner


Junior Eric Fitzgerald gets ready for his attempt at the pole vault.

170 Indoor Track


"Coach Grady is a wonderful coach an d person. He has pushed us to achieve our bes t. He is also always looking for ways to help us improve. " -Jennifer Marinelli

" Both the boys and girls did great this season in indoor track. I think that all of us improved a lot one w ay or another. Sometimes p eop le thin k it is too h ard to go ou t and run or do another event like p ole vaulting, but if you p ut all you have in to the event, it really is not that bad . I think that we will have an even stronger team nex t year." -Liz Vad en

Row 1: M.Forr' j.Ma rtinelli, A. .Spindler, L.J\ D. Breen, J. ALb1


...,.._- -


the sand. Ross, along wi

door Track Shines

nside and Out Albemarle track team can run anywhere

" A lot of people say running is too much work, but it really is so much fu n. " The 2001-2002 indoor track team had no home meets and did their laps in the halls after school on bad weather days, but they they still found ways to enjoy the indoor season. In fact, two of the indoor meets were held outside, including the district competition at Stafford, Fortunately Mother Nature cooperated with a warmer-than-usual mid-winter. Some athletes ran track all year round, but others did it to stay in shape and prepare for other sports. Although the team had many different motivations for running, they all enjoyed the closeness and comeraderie of the team. Aida Boateng Senior Derrick Knighton wins the regional pole va ult with a jump of of 11'6". He had jumped as high as 14 feet in practice.


indoor track /'


Schedule 12/04/01 12/11/01 01/11/01 01/19/02 01/25/02 02/05/02 :his season in indoor 路ed a lot one way or tis too hard to go out pole vaulting, but if t, it really is not that even stronger team

02/23/02 03/01/02

ITFUMA ITFUMA IT C. Newport ITFUMA IT Va. Tech IT Districts @ Stafford IT Regional @ VMI IT State @ GMU ~

Row 1: M.Forrest, A.Bowns, E.Kampter, S.Burris, J.Murray, C.Hiller, S.Cooper, J.Martinelli, A.Connor. Row 2: O.Davis, B.Webber, L.Peterson, B.Woodworth, N .Spindler, L.Noe, H .Albrecht, J.Wood, J.Lawson. Row 3: M. Lawrence, B. Regan, D.Breen, J. ALbrecht, E.Fitzgerald, A.Parkins, R.Brown, R.Bolden, E.Vaden, J. Bailey.



Indoor Track 171

. . P1r1n1ng the season

re Richard Mov depending on

No where to run, no where to hide Winning isn't easy, unless you're a Patriot..

Bringing together a wide variety of personalities, the wrestling team was excited about more than being in a new district. For the first time in the school history, the Patriots included six female wrestlers on the squad: senior Caitlin Fitzpatrick, juniors Katie Santos and Megan Cruise (who was returning for her her second year) , sophomores Kaitlyn Dahlstrom and Amber Freunshuchuh and freshman Melissa Stantan. Their male counterparts accepted them as equals, although the competition did not always grant them the same respect. What was the best thing about wrestling at AHS? "Coach O'Dea keeps us in good shape," James Micciche said. -Sarah Skevington and Deven Mullinex

Katie Santos puts the "banana splits" on DJ Morris during practice. Cheering for girls on the wrestling team was definitely something different.

varsity wrestling SCORES Overall 9-3

Them Us Woodberry ....................... ...... .......... ... ... 60 21 Bishop Ireton .................... ...... ... ............. 30 47 21 Brook Point ............. ... ...... ... ... ...... .... .... .. . 53 33 Stafford ................... ... ............... ....... .... .. . 37 River Head ................ ..................... ... ... .. 27 36 Turner Ashby ............... ........ ...... .... ... ..... 39 36 Monticello ... ........... ......... ...... ,.... .. ........... 39 33 North Stafford ...... ....... .. ... ....... ... .......... 48 32 Culpeper .. .... ... ... ....... ............ .................. 36 25 Warren County .. .............. ....... .. ............. 63 9 Orange ................. .... ...... .... ...... .... .. ..... ..... 66 15 Spotsylvania ......... ........... .......... .... ......... 27 51 Row 1: A. Freundschuh, A. Meek, N. Prum, A. jackson, N. Morris, K. Dahlstrom, M. Cruise, N. Panas, K. Massie. Row 2: ). Unger, A. Lawrence, C. Hayes, D. Mullinex, C. Knox, G. Hurst, A. Shifflett, B. Norford, K. Santos, M. Staunton, C. Fitzpatrick. Row 3: Coach O'Dea, Coach Hopkins,). Micciche, S. Gimble, S. Devoung, R. Brown, XXX, ). Gallegher, R. Mowry, R. Norford, I. Titus, Coach Turner.

172 Sp orts

Senior Deven .1\1 been wrestling Deven has been tler for Coach C


o re Rich ard Mowry gets his oppon ent in a head lock before pinning him for the w in. Richard wres tles JV

y, dependin g on where the coach p u ts him for th e match. Many o ther wrestlers also wrestle for both of the

New district proves to be a challenge


re to hide

Senior Rod Brown shakes hands with his opponent before the match as a show of good sportsmanship.


Senior Deven Mullinex pins a player from the other team after a strenuous fight.

jS Us ..... ...... ~

........ ... 30

...... .. ... 53 ........ ... 37 .. .. ....... 27


21 47 21 33

• . . .. . . . ... ~

36 36 33 32 25

.......... . ~


.... ... ... . ~

15 51

•. . . . . . . . . • ~ •.... .. . . . • ~

•..... ... . ~

........... v

Senior Deven Mullinex has been wrestling for 5 years. Deven has been a key wrestler for Coach O'Dea.

Junior Nick Morris loves wrestling, saying "I have beef\ w restling since I was younger." Nick is one of th e wrestlers who competed in Regionals.

Rod Brown, a senior, competed at regionals and was an alterna te for the state competition . "I love w restling at Albema rle, Coach is real cool," he says.

Junior James Micciche works on his opponent as the ref looks on to make the call.

Wrestling 173

AHS Swimming's First Season


Freshman Mackenzie Grobmyer swims hard in the 100 backstroke at the City / County swim meet. Mackenzie been swimming since she was five and loves it. Her best stroke is butterfly; she loves Albemarle's swim team hopes that they keep it.


New swim

Seinor Jen Schneller takes a breath while swimming freestyle here at the UV A Aquatic Center during the city I connty swim meet.

Albemarle girl swimmers warm up and talk to each other before an away meet at Woodlands.

sportbytes GIRl


Coach Tom Migliozzi says, " I love coaching swimming so I can give back, and seeing others succeed is a great feeling. " Erin Hogan and Kali Phillips cheer on their teammates at the city I connty swim meet.

174 Sports


Colonial Forge .............. 124 Culpeper ............... .. ....... 139 Brooke Point .......... ....... 135 Stafford .......................... 122 North Stafford .............. 132 City County Challenge 2nd Districts ........................ 2nd Regionals ........................4th States ............................. 13th


olonial For ulpeper ..... Brooke Poin路 tafford ...... . orth Staffo City County 8istricts ..... . egionals ... . tates .......... .

1 4~

10 13-! 15...; 4:;




1 Fish 2 Fish

r swim meet. Mackenzie h Albemarle's swim team ru:

Red Fish Blue New swim team takes district and more


I love swimming and I am glad Albemarle finally has a team.


- Allie Mextorf

The varsity girls and boys swim team got off to an amazing start for their first year. About 43 students tried out for the team and all were accepted on the team, including seven seniors. Some had been swimming your-round for years, while others had only swum in summer. The team was lead by captains Trevor Jamerson, Danielle Grobmyer and Martyna Pospieszalska. The girls won four of their five district meets and placed first in the City-County Challenge and first in the district and region , while the boys also won four of five and were second in both the Challenge meet andthe district. All enjoyed the team's spirit and, according to Danielle Grobmyer, the best thing about the season was the team's good sportsmanship. -Katelyn Rennie Senior Trevor Jam erson takes his m ark at the City-County first annual swim m eet.




.. ......... 124 .. ......... 139 ........ ... 135 ........... 122 ........... 132 lenge 2nd .......... 2nd .. .......... 4th .......... 13th





Colonial Forge ........... ... 179 Culpeper .. ...................... 189 Brooke Point ................. 192 Stafford .......................... 174 North Stafford .... .......... 174·~ City County Challenge 1st Districts .......................... 1st Regionals ........................ 1st States ...... ................... .. .. 11th


101 134 154 45



106 198 94 112



Row 1: W. Muncaster, J. Gruss, J. Martinez, C. Ours, K. Jewell, J. Jenkins, B. H oelscher, L. Bledsoe, M. Taylor, B. Boehm, B. Craddock, T. Jam erson, M. Strickland. Row 2: L. Vines, K. Schneller, A. Wormington, L. H eeschen, E. H ogan, M . Pospieszalski, D. Grobmyer, K. Phillips, L. H owe, L. Fech teler, A. Long, J. Schneller. Row 3: Coach T. Migliozzi, A. Mextorf, J. White, J. Brust, A. Rosen, C. Bo ucher, K. Ley, A. Panas, S. Jones, K. Hogan, C. Phillips, M. Grobmyer, K. Balmer, K. Broderick, A. Brownlee, M . Kessler, B. Jamerson, A. Glennie, Coach L. Galloway.


Swimming 175

Clubs meet once a month and sometimes more More than 50 clubs were available for Albemarle students to join each year, and once a month clubs had 45 minutes to meet during the school day to get organized and work. Some clubs were for students with interests in the arts, some were more sportsoriented. Some were strictly to pass the time on club days, while others demanded a great deal of out-of-school time spent doing community service. From the Gamer's Guild and the Nihilist Worker's Party to the College Planning Club and the Academic team, students found something they liked.

Ms. Schomp gives her office runners matching sweatshirts for the holiday season. Each runner's gift was marked with the period for he or she was a runner. Ross Phill ips, Shana Lamb, Heather Goforth , Rebecca hill, Britanny Bishop, Brittney Washington, and MacCauley surround Ms. Schomp.

176 Clubs


Members of Vocal Ascencion Dory Tucker and LaDawn Morris practice their moves in the choir room .



c:; ...

'as marked with the period for wtu. , Brittney Washington, and Hea

Jaames Micciche, Steven Martin , and Brittany Fe ll s meet and exchange ideas at the annu al SCA retreat he ld at Camp Holiday Trails in September.


Meredith O'Leary, Hali Lacy, and Jenn y Carbone practice their musica l talents during band practice.


Meg Brackett, Autumn McMillan, and Neva Russo explore their crea tivity w hile working with the po ttery wheel.

Art Club The Art Club's main project this year was designing a mural to be painted in the school. During club meetings they usually met in the art room with their advisor, Dr. Burg.

Art Honor Society The Art Honor Society was offered to students with outstanding artistic abilities. Members of the honor society participated in service projects throughout the year.

Art Club Row 1: Dr. Burg, A. Ringe, A.Ga la, L. Vines, K. Hogan, M. Thomas, j. Moran, R. Single.

Art Honor Society Row 1: D. Dav is, K. Barlow, E. Moore, L.Frank, A. Hoebe ke Row 2: M. Bal Howa rd, S. Morris, L. Stangil. N. Wi ehl, E. Bloomfield, W.Shafer Row 3: Dr L. Hicks, W. Korn, A. M anaway, C. Hiller, 5. Gonias, B. Mundy, H . Cline,J. L. Feterson Row 4: M. Howard , E. Garren, j. Myers, R. H arper, L. Due\ Sakell, j . Sike. Not pictured: M. Creighton.

Tri-M :

\Vi try, j. Moynill it Row 2: K. Perry 'I!Tis, K. Ga rtl and R J. Wacksman, l\

Anime Club The Anime Club explored different aspects of Japanese culture. During club meetings they watched movies, drew, and discussed their interest in Japanese culture.

Alternative Music The Alternative Music Club was composed students who play and enjoy listening to alternative / modern rock music. Some played in local bands, while others were ardent fans.

178 Clubs

Anime Club Row 1: L. Martin, T. Haque, B.Fells, E.Chilton, M.Crei ghton, R. Sikes, T. BiechCau lder, K.Havens Row 2: N. Greer, B. Moynihan, D. McBride, M. Tucker, M.

Ma rsha ll, P. Wall, D. Rondeau Row 3: M. jackson, j . McGehee., T. Godshall, K. Chilton, I. G rimm, j . Blake, j . Li cklider, E. johnson.

Alternative Music Row 1: P. Ma la zita, C. Shelton, D. Saadut, K. Santos, j. Fulton Row 2: j. Dan K. Schneller, E. Dandridge, K. Lyon, L. French, S. Cadwa lader Row 3: Mrs. A White, M. Craddock, E. Mann, A. Kotania, K. Dalla va ll e, A. Cra nk Row: M R. Fredrickson, Mr. Trippel, J. Kreitzman, H. Sun, I. Bodkin, S. Lane ..


rrick Row 2: N. Pr ko, E. Knappanbe

Students show off their talents

Creativity at its Best r it was through the use of music, visual art, or voice, clubs ilable for those with creative interests. ternative Music Cub, which began three years ago, allowed to play and enjoy alternative and/ or modern rock music. nsor Ms. Brown enjoyed the company of officers Kitty Lyon a Dandrige, as well as the rest of the club. Throughout the club donated money to the CCP lab family, participated in , and had several guest musicians and speakers perform. rent type of music was enjoyed by the Classical Music club, by Doc Larrick. At their meetings, members would present .. give an alternative presentation. ¡, the DJ Club provided an invaluable service to the school by popular music for school activities and sports events the year. Without DJ on the Breezeway, Spirit Week just t have been the same.

DJ Club Row 1: A. Blue, G. Fisk, L. Bassett, M.,Chri s Kreitzman, D., R. Evers, C. Richards, B. Grant. K. Gra nt, P., A. Burke, , ). Aiken,). Cooper, L. Scaffidi,,). Smith, ). Griffith, D. Kern, S. Kingrea, B. johnson, , Mr. Garland, ). Smi th.

Tri-M Honor Society This honor society was made up of students who had outstanding singing ability. The advisor of this club was Ms. Morris.

Book Club r Society 'rank, A. Hoebeke Row 2: M. Bald :. Bloomfield, W.Shafer Row 3: Dr . S. Gonias, B. Mundy, H. C line, ). L !11, J. Myers, R. Harpe r, L. Due\\

Tri-M Honor Society e, P. Witry, ). Moyniham, E. Gercke, S. Mayo, K. Cheney, D Zhang, S. bach Row 2: K. Pe rry, M. Perry, N. jewell, S. Lowman, K. Ley, D. Ku, \1orri s, K. Gartland Row 3: J. Carbone, C. Koenig, L. Howe, z. Bailey, .xxiily, j . Wacksman, N. Zig lier, S. Brea kiron, Mrs. Morris.

Book Club Row 1: S. Rose, M. Emanuelson, L. Lei, E. Yang Row 2: Y. Emanuelson, K. Chen, T. Kea rns, S. Duong, M. Jiang .


The Book Club met library to discuss their ite books. The advisor club was Ms. Dawson, brarian.

in the favorof the the li-

Classical Music The Classical Music Club met in Dr. Larrick's room. During club meetings each member presented something on classical music.

Literary Magazine re Music K. Santos, ). Fu lton Row 2: ). Dand nch, S. Cadwa lader Row 3: Mrs. B •, K. Dalla va ll e, A. Crank Row: M. Dl H. Sun, I. Bodkin, S. Lane ..

Classical Music Club Dr. La rrick Row 2: N. Prum, E. Gercke, C. Whi tenack, W. Wright, K. . 5. Klosko, E. Kna ppa nberger.

Literary Magazine Row 1: M. Twitty, A. john son, 5. Griffith, M. johnson, B. Kell y, K. Thacker, S. Lane, T. Richardson Row 2: A. Willia ms, A. Morano, M. Nap ier, K. Mazze i, T. Nicholson, A. Boehm, Ms. Shiflett.

The Literary Magazine was produced by Ms. Shifflet's creative writing class. The magazine was called the Lantern and came out in the spring.


Clubs 179

Students contribute on and off the field

Sports Are More Thap. Practic more information about skating. In "' the running club, runners could interMany of our clubs had to do with act and have fellowship without runsports. Some of these clubs included ning. These students, who all comthe step team, the running club, the peted on the school cross country and open gym, the ski club, the Fellowship track teams, also enjoyed spending of Christian Athletes (FCA), and new time together away from the competiclubs such as the skateboard club, Pa- tive atmosphere. Oneofthemostpopularclubs, Open triot Athletic Leaders (PALS), and FeGym, gave students a chance to shoot male Athletes Striving Together some hoops, whether or not they (FAST). played on a school team. Each of these had a different purpose. In the skating club, the purpose Members of the STEP team pe rform at halftime for the was to talk about skating and learn varsity basketball game aga inst Culpep er. By Erika Hernandez

•) ¡

Ski Club "Ski club is a fairly new club. This is only its second year. The clubhasplannedmany skitrips to Wintergreen. The club also has many snowboarders. " -Gia Esposito

Outdoor Club The Outdoor Club sponsored a rafting trip and participated in Homecoming and Superfest activities. Mr. Chalmers w as the sponsor.

Ski Club

Outdoor Club

Row 1: L. Hamerick, j. lshee, M. Orbosh, A. Boehm,C..Wilson, A. Worrell, H. Lacy N.Weil, A. Wade, G. Es posito, K, O' Brian. Row2:,, A. Hope, P. Martin, Z. Miller,, M. Wood, D. Bennett, E. Springer, B. Cradd oc k, E. Weir, C. Smeri glio, Dr. Love.

Row 1: A. Billings, C. McSherry, S. Cooper,). Weed, . Spin Id ler, D. Smyth 2: Mr. Chalmers,L. Bec kma n, H. Aloul, R. Sni tra k, T. Nicholson.

, L. Barnett. lek, K. Balmer, L Franko, j. Lilg

Skateboard Club Advised by new faculty member Mr. Weaver, who actually was a skateboarder, the boarding club met to talk and learn about more than just skateboarding.

FAST FAST, Female Athletes Striving Together, was a new organization in the 2001-2002 school year, advised by Ms. Strong. Members were representatives from several sports.

(FAST) Female Athletes Striving Together

Skateboard Club Row 1: Mr. Weave r. Row 2: C. Jones, S. Harrold, M. Strickl and, C. Schaefer. Ro w 3:M. Williams, B. Combs, , D. Roberts. Row 4: AI. Mode, E. Gond ek, Z, Eustace, ). Strickland, S. Hebe rt, B. White.

Row! : j. Sh ipp, ). Ma rtinelli, S. johnson, M. Wadd ell, A. Od om,E. Hoga n. R Arthur,S. Mo rris, A. Mad iga n, L. Franko, C. Hi ller, R. Slutsky, T. Procter. Ro johnson, M. Hughes, D. Trugmen, R. Han ley, C. Remi ngton, S. Hall, j. Si Boman, L. Parrish.

180 Clubs





tep Team

n. Row2: Y.Sm

. Smi th, S. Smith


Lin dsay Davis from the FAST club se ts up their homecoming tailga te. Dr. Love's Ski Club finds it difficult to plan trips during the extremely wa rm w inter of 2002 .

.,. !;;.

FCA The Fellowship of Christian Athletes met on club day under the direction of Ms. Browning. They participated in the Homecoming Tailgate and Superfest.


1r Club ,). Weed, N. Spinld le r, D. Smythe . Snitrak, T. Nicho lson.

CA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes hi llips, L. Ba rn ett. Row2: j . Cross, K. Land en, Mr. j ohnoson, l N izo lek, K. Ba lmer, D. Schn ider.Row3: B. Matherne, B. Bar to n,, A . mett, L. Fra n ko, J. Lil geren,.

(PALS) Patriot Athletic Leaders Row 1: K. Gartland, A. Cross, M. N iziole k, M. Tom li n, E. Moore , S. Reed, C. Reming ton, L. Nesse, C. Moo re, S. Zaenker, E. Jager. Row 2: J. Ma rtinely, N. Pr um, E. Has tings, M. Sattler, B. Matherne, D. Wilson, W. Wr ig ht, M. Murray, L. Noe, D. Trugmen, A. Madigan, T. Procter. Row 3: MS. Rosen, Mr. Lynsday, R. Han ley, R. Brown, C. Coll ins, D. Collier, T. Banni ste r, L. Bledsoe, R. Quick, B. C urry.

Members of PALS visited middle schools to tell incoming ninth graders about clubs atAHS.

STEP Team The STEP team was made up of students from both Albemarle and Monticello High schools, and the adviser was Ms. Reynolds, a former AHS teacher who moved to MCHS.

Running Club tes Striving Together I. Waddell, A . Odom,E. Hogan. Rm,

:. H iller, R. Slutsky, T. Procter. Row 1ley, C. Rem in gton, S. Ha ll, ). Simi>

Step Team mbe rson . Row 2: Y. Smi th, Ro w 3: S. Smith, S. Sm ith, S.

Open Gym

Running Club

Row 1:). Fitzgerald, T. Wilson, R.

Row 1: ). Mu rra y, D. Breen, W. Kimble,. Row 2: H . Mix, L. Noe, A. Ripl ey, M.

Sanchez, representatives.

Lawrence, N. Noe, A. Perkins, S. Schm idt, M. Looney.

"Running club .. . We keep it real. Wehaveunityandbrotherhood .. . that's what makes us .



-Matt Looney

Clubs 181

Raven Truslow enjoys a game of cards on club day.


One of AHS' two Destination Imagination Teams include Cullen Sinclair, Jessica Gaffney, Melody Smith, Ryan Haussman, Larkin Ham rick, Ian Grimm, and Am1 Glennie. They were coached by Karen Ga ffn ey.

Board Games "Board games are like girls, can't live with them, can't live without them." - Casey Cramer

Chess Club "Chess club is good times with great friends, and we also get to play pick-up sticks." -John Fitzhugh

Board Games Row: D. Scott; C. Cramer; G. Hurst; K. Utz. Row 2: ). Bailey; R. Hasenfus; N. Dillon. Row 3: K. Gibson; N. Reeve; B. Patterson; K. Wang; D. Wang. Row 4: Z. Bailey; B. Record

Chess Club Row l :C. Baht!; S. Himes; V. Sah; Row 2: A. Glennie; K. Tran; ). Zang; K. Pu Varfolomeeva; j. Fitzugh; C. Beckstoffer Row 3: J. Kaneipp; W. Kern; L. CarP. Rondon -Burgos; M. Kuhn; Adam Miller; A. Keathley


t; A. Bailey; Ms. L

orma n; T. Sticke

odges; A. William

Gamer's Guild The Gamer's Guild met in Ms. Reaser's room on club days. "We play card games and it is fun." - Daniel Angell

FCC LA The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America was a service organization for family and consumer science students.

182 Clubs

Gamer's Guild S. Griffith, Ms. Reaser, S. Mangione, D. Angell.

(FCC LA) Mrs. lnge, ). Lee, D. Schaeffer, S. MacGruder,, N. Fields, A. jackson, B. Shag jarrell.


amerson; R. Marcu ufman; J. Carbone

. 'eal; H. Branch; K

gh t; C. Owens; A.




From international cuisine to games of chance, there's

Som_ething for Everyone by Allie Mextorf Because AHS reserved one afternoon per month for a club period, students who otherwise would not collectable cards and fantasy I rolehave had time to participate in a playing games), Chess, cards, and club were able to join groups and board games, to Robotics, and Inenjoy the fellowship of other stu- ternational Food (the purpose of dents with similar interests. There this club was to sample different was a great variety of club offer- ethnic cuisines). ings, everything from the Garners Clubs also provided students Guild (for students who enjoyed who were not able to sign up for certain electives with a chance to Senior David Dillehunt addresses the audience on participate in that activity, such as the set of his own cable access television show, the yearbook club, whose members "Caught in the Ac t." from the Aldephia studios. David is the producer of AHS News and also works took and identified pictures and in the CATEC broadcast studio. (photo courtesty of supported the yearbook staff. David Dillehunt.

International Food Club "It's fun to try food from different countries." - Alex Bailey

The Patriot

=:lub Glennie; K. Tran; J. Za ng; K. Pu 3: j . Ka nei p p; W. Kern ; L. Ca A. Keathley


The Patriot Staff

International Food Club wazult; A. Bai ley; Ms. Lig ht; M. Stacy;Y.Zhu; Miriam. Row2: L. Dunlap; M. Norma n; T. Stickel; K. Robb ins; A. Grooms; T. Soulsby. Row 3: N. J. Hodges; A. Williams; N. Thomas; Mrs. Pa lmer.

Row 1: B. Barton, Ms. Reaser. Row 2: A. Rosen,P. Sweeney, L. Le i,J. Gillette, S. Brashea r, M. Green, T. Pa rm ar, j . Cline, K. Ad le r.

sponsored a contest in which the student body selected a lucky couple to attend prom for free, complete with complementary attire, flowers, and dinner.

Yearbook Club "The thing I like is there are different kinds of interests but they all like pictures." -Ms. Volkstorf

Broadcast Class A) , N. Fields, A. jackson, B. 5hageer

Yearbook Club


m; B. Jamerson; R. Marcum; K. Robertson; J. Allen; B. Bishop; K. Trusslow. _ B. Kaufman; j. Carbone; H. Albrecht; j. Burris; A. Salt; E. Brown ing; L. n; M. Neal; H. Branch; K. Zamorski. Row 3: 5. Volkstorf; 5. Lamb; A.; G. ra; C Bright; C. Owens; A. Gibson; K. Aust.

Broadcast Class

Academic Team

Row 1: A. Morgu lis, K. Armstrong, A. Rasool, J. Launi. R0\"11 2: D. Dillehunt, A. Gottschalk, B. Matherne, M. Mathias, C. Collins, j. johnson, A. Menafee, K. Lyon, H. Cline.

A. Genest, K. Rembo ldt, V. Kama tchi, B. Fell s, N. Greer, K. O'Brien, B. Ma th erne, C. Gibson. Not pictu red: A. Mike.

This class hosted a daily video announcement show, as well as producing a longer Friday broadcast which presented school-related features.


Clubs 183

Students take action and are making a difference

Action for the Planet by Molly Waddell Activist clubs either raised money for various organizations, planned benefit concerts, or formulized youth rallies. They all had the one thing in common, they took action and made a difference. The Christian Fellowship club participated in many activities this year, from weekly prayer around the flag pole, which is known as "See You at the Flag," to organizing youth rallies. At every club meeting, students passed around an offering basket and were asked to contribute. All the money went to local organizations. A new club that was developed recently here at Albemarle was C.A.R.E., which stood for Creating Awareness Regarding Equity, and was created to prevent igonorance and represented the diversity among Albemarle High School students.

Members wanted to further the spread of acceptance and understanding of divesity. The club hoped to empower students to make better decisions in regards to their attitudes towards discrimination now and in the future. The club believed that they would help to educate our high school's community. Amnesty International was a club that has been around for a long time and was motivated to make a big difference. Students that were involved in Amnesty International planned out a benefit concert to help raise money. They also formed a petition, in which numerous students signed, to help release a polticalleader that was imprisoned over twenty years ago. Overall, many students who were motivated to act on what their clubs stood for and they were motivated to make something happen. Students from Christian Fellowship socialize during the annual Homecoming tailgate.

Amnesty International "Amnesty is a lot of fun because during club meetings we get a lot accomplished and all stay really involved." -junior Adrianne Allen

Christian Fellowship "I love being in Christian Fellowship because I am able to help raise money in my club for charities." -junior Julianne Launi

Amnesty International Row 1: E. Tru slow, M. Betts, L. Sta ngil, V. Stang il, ).Bray, S. Ko rnhauser, W. Lyon, M. G ibson. Row 2: L. Strict, J. Moynihan, S. Wo lf, R. Henton, L. Borhem, A. Allen, E. Haney, S. Mcivor, S. Holden, A. Mike

Christian Fellowship Row 1: S. Brumbaugh, j . Barreda, M. C ushman, L. H oward, A. Bender, A. R Moore Other Members: S: Burris, j. Cude, S. Collier, L. Cri tzer, M. Crow Dolinger, T . Eam es, A. Elder, T . Ferritti , T. Finster, S. Flad d, M . Forrest, B. F~ A. Bri ttany, C. Fuss, H. Go for th, A. Groome,). Guggino, S. Hall, M. H H ansen, J. H arke r, A. H astings, . Henderson, E. H enderdson, L. H owa

Youth Leac

Linderman, R. Bra

I, K. Alder, L. lngl

Howa rd, A. Jackson, P. johnson, S. jones, M. Klas, R. Kni ght, R. Lehlllol Li ebenrood, L.Lindensmith, B. Londen, S. Martin , J. Martinez, S. Mayo, M . M

). Mclane, L. Morris, A. New ton, L. Parnell, R. Payne, M. Peacoe, T. Rad le

SHOUT Shout was a club that was created for students to voice their opinions and make a difference within the county and school community.

Sierra Club "Sierra Club is so much fun because we get to do a lot of outdoor activities." -junior James Micciche


Clubs ~



Row 1: S. Barber, S. Lacy, R. Bolden, R. Brown, M. Smith, F. Brown, S. Smith, E. Martin, S. johnson, T. Logan A. Conner Row 2: j . Tucke r, S. Tucker, S. Irwi n, N . Burton, S.john ston, H . j ones, I. Prince, L. Carter, L. M orse, K. M allory, M. Ca toe, L. Londree, D. Isom, T. Hill.

Sierra Club Row 1: T. Bannester, D. Mayer路Aschhoff, B. Wal ther, D. Pruden te. Row 2: J. M A. Mon tero, J. Hill, A. John son, M. Coffma n . Row 3: T. Doyle, D. Murray, R. M. McCabe, ). Micciche, ). Jenkin.


T. Shih, E. Bloomfi e Mr. Monahan, Ms






- --


Students involved in with Christian Fellowship gather around the flagpole weekly, but an increase was noticeable after the events of September 11.


Food is collected in the SCA office fo r baskets to be donated to families in need over the holiday season.

YLI This club was organized to let the student leaders at Albemarle help other students in becoming a good role-models.

Men on a Mission llow ship :m , L. Howa rd, A . Bend er, A . Roan). Coll ier, L. Critzer, M. Crowner

Men on a Mission

Youth Leadership Initative Lei, Ms. Linderman, R. Branch, N . Prum Row 2: J. Wax man, P. Roane,


Wright, K. Alder, L. Ingler, M. Whi tenack, }. Fowler

il1ster, S. Fladd, M. Forres t, B. Fra.z. .e, }. Guggino, S. Hall, M. Han"!

Row 1: D. Baker, B. Wh ite, R. Wood folk, L. Bu rton, Ms. Holland, 0 . Osanya, H. Abdelh alim, S. Martin, M. Burks. R. Burrell. Row 2: M. Rober tson, D. Hernd on, }. Denu, }. Wright, R. Bolden, M. Bolden, }. johnson, }. Lockley, E. Coleman, R. Brow n, }. Reedy, W. Marshall, }. Taylor, B. Amberson, }. Walston.

Men on a Mission traveled to Birmingham, Alabama over spring break to visit historical sites .

son, E. Henderdson, L. Howard.

M. Klas, R. Kn ight, R. Lehman rtin,J. Martin ez,S. Mayo, M. Me R. Payne, M. Peacoe, T. Radle

C.A.R.E. "We want to help students feel like they can make a difference." -sponsor Ms. Synder

S.A.D.D. tub alther, D. Prudente. Row 2: }. My .ow 3: T. Doyle, D. Murray, R. Qui

CARE T. Tabilas, T. Shih, E. Bloomfield, S. Marciano. Row 2: V. Kama tchi, T. Davis, 路erri -Gent, Mr. Monahan, Ms. Snyder.

SADD Row!: M. Paitsel,}.Grace, A. Ishee, C. Crickenberger,C. Shaver. Row2:S. Brashear, M. Elder, K. Cheney, E. Saun ders, C. Cheney, K. Austin, L. Santana.

Students at Albemarle who wereinvolvedinSADD, w hich stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions, w ere dedicated to influencing other students to make wise choices.

Clubs 185

Nicole Zigler checks out her holiday deco rations for delivery. The Key Club raised money for a good cause by selling th ese before the winter holiday. Key Club Officers and advisers: Ms Tyler, K. Adler, C. Koenig, S. Brea kiron, E. White, K. Rice, Ms. Heny, Mr. Foss.

Key Club (9) "I love working in m y community and helping those close tome." -Leslie Mimms

Key Club (10) "The activities are usually fun, and it helps with college. " -Bobby Gregg

Key Club(Freshman) Row 1: D. Hu w n, P.Degroa t, K. Howa rd , E. Hiller, S. jones, K. Burns, D. Gordida, E. Potter, K. Watts, K. Ca rlson, ). Miller, P. Redm an. Row 2: A. Ca tlett, C. Ours, A. Rasool, C. Ho p kin s, J. Spigone, M. Clark-Covert, C. Barlow, L. Wa lsh, A.Pa na s, S. Boyd , P. Johnston, F. Johnson, Row 3:, B. Kidney, L. Titus, C. Philips, M. Grobm eyer, L. Mimms, M. Reill y, A. Brownlee, ). Koenig, D. Berg, M. Elswi ck, ). Whi te, ). jones. Row 4: S.Song, T. Evens, ). Steljes, E. Rober tson, P. Lytle, B. Stewa rt, T. Ca rbone, S. Rodd y, K. Broderick, M.Coope r, S. Berube, R. Da lton , N. Drozda.

Key Club(Sophmores)


Row 1: K. Feilds, B. Wri ght, ]. Hec kel, K. Ren nie, G. Colli ns. Row 2: ). B Ec hverr-Gent, A. Turn er, A. Chung, M. jenkins, E. Wa rd, E. Reijmers, ). She k, T. Tab ilas, Row 3: E. Ga rren .) . Schnittka, P. Sweeny, B. Gregg, M. 1 J. Heilburn-Toft, B. Holsher, D. Coll ier, j . Brownhill, j . Hamlin, B. Ca rlson, C

-t.). Schneida, A. 1! D. Manor -A schol

ustin, A. Long, S. r, K. Mc Kay, G. E. lio, C. Koenig, N. J ~ lma n , L. Nola n

Key Club (11) "Helping out others outside of school really helps me learn as a person." -Sara Breakiron

Key Club (12) "Key Club has made many students become very giving of themselves instead of self-centered. It is also a fun thing to do, and it helps college applications" -Nikki Jewell

Key Club(Juniors) Row 1: L. Dav is, K. Rice, M. Pullen, K. Edwa rds, S. Brea ki ron, T. Shin, K. Brackett, D. Stah l, L. Nolan, C. H ill er, A. Madiga n, R. Bodi ly, K. Ley, D. Ku , W. Shafe r, L. Taylor, E. Sa ke II , ). Wolf, A. Pace. Row 3: S. Ead es, K. Ma rrs, A. Ma rrs, C. Koening, C. Boucher, D. Ad ler, C. Cran k, K. McKay, M. O' Lea ry, A. Gu thrie, A. Pettitt, B. Stephens.

Key Club(Seniors)


Row 1: A. Ra sool, D. Wi lson. Row 2: j . Wood, 5. Low ma n, H. Cline, S. l\i Grobmye r, K. Barlow, E. Ca raway. Rm"' 3: A. Kara fili , N. jewel. R. Na d Da rcus, L. Howe, K. Ad ler, M. Posp ieszalska, E. Wh ite, D. Zhang . Ro" Na pier, A. South ard , K. Mazzei, A. Long, A. Gottscha lk, A. Brod erick

I, ). Mynih an , J. Wo< w 2: A. Long, E. C; R. Cross, S. Brashe robmyer, M. Drozdc 路or, T. Ja merson, K. S w r-Aschhoff,K. Perr :iuick, M. Taylor, A. I

186 Clubs

- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -



1ie, G. Collins. Row 2: j. B., ts, E. Wa rd , E. Reijmers, ). C '路 P. Sween y, B. Gregg, M. M th ilt J. Ham li n, B. Ca rlson, C.


j, S. Lowman, H. Cline, S. Ma " Kara fili , N. jewel, R. Nadob , E. White, D. Zha ng. Row 4 ~o ttsc h a l k, A. Broderick

Clubs help around school and our community

Serving Others They were just what every community needed - groups of students who helped, not only in their school, but outside the school as well. Clubs like Key Club, Peer Counselors, SCA, the Inter-Club Council, and teacher cadets w orked hard to improve their the w orld around them. SCA did many fundraisers and fun activities to raise money for school events like prom, but also gave much to local charities. ICC reps w ere a group of students, SCA Executive Council Row 1: B. Walther, A. H astings, L. Davis, B. Hudson . Row 2: P. Thompson, M. Murray, K. Barlow, Row 3: M. Grobmyer, L. Neese, A. Walther. Row 4: Mr. Foutz .

By Kate Marrs picked from each club to meet and make decisions for all of the clubs and the school. They helped plan the Homecoming activities in the fall, and Superfest in the spring. Key Club did many things far beyond the usual Spirit Week and holiday activities, including the Crop Walk, Salvation Army angel tree, curb painting at AHS, and more. They also performed invaluable help to AHS by sorting the student portfolios to be delivered to mentors. With these groups, life in and outside of AHS w ould have been just a little more difficult.

Peer Counselors These students received training in mediation techniques and help to solve disputes involving others.

Inter-Club Council Peer Counselors

(ICC) Inter-Club Council

Gi lcrist, J. Schn eid a, A. Ishee, M. Drozda, J. G ra ce, D. Soud er, A. Ratesic Collier, D. Ma no r-Aschoff, L. Barnett, K. Barlow, A. Hasting, S. Brasher, , K. Austin , A. Long, S. Myria, j . Ca tta-Pretta Row 3: B. Wa lth er, M. Tucker, K. Mc Kay, G. Esposito, D. Collier, A. Madiga n, E. Sa unders, j . meriglio, C. Koenig, N. johnso n, A. Sa nderfo rd Row 4: B. Vanderl inde, B. Bosselman, L. Nolan, K. Wiliam s, M. Ma thi s, J. Centini, B. Record.

Row 1: ). Michicci, S. Brumba ugh . Row 2: C. Mooney, S. Ha ll, ). Grace, P. Wi n try, K. Adl er, S. Ma rt in. Row 3: M. G illcris t, E. Goma, B. C radd oc k, D. Trug man, N. Prum, K. Phill ips, 0 . Conteh. No t pictured : B. Fells.

This club organized events that involved all clubs, such as Homecoming and Superfest.

SCA Advisers The activities of the SCA included the opinions of representativ es throughout the school, thanks to the SCA advisers.

SCA SCA Senior Advisers


. jewel, ). Myni han, J. Wood, S. Lowma n, ). Bryant, S. Brea m, A. Hoeveke, n. Row 2: A. Long, E. Caraway, M. Ozyil d irim, L. Fechthler, E. Himes, Hicks, R. Cross, S. Brashea r. Row 3: A. Mike, L. Sa ntana, K. Ad ler, R. -Ki, D. Grobmye r, M. Drozda, K. Austin. Row 4: R. Collier, P. Th o m pson, L. S. Mc ivor, T. Jamerson, K. Stone, A. Ishee, K. Arms trong, S. Ha ll. Row 5: K. D. Mayer-Aschhoff,K. Perry, L. B a rn ett, ). Scheneider, K. Phillips. Row 6: 路 , R. Q uick, M. Taylor, A. Hastin gs.

SCA Advisers

"I like working around the hool and helping raise money." -junior Molly Waddell

Row 1: S. Low man, N . Jewel, J. Ca rbone, D. Berg, B. Ca tta-Preta, A. Hastings, K. C heney, D. Mayer-Asoff Row 2: S. Brashea r, A. Ma d igan, K. McKay, E. Ward, L. Ba rnett, E. Weir, L. Deweke, E. Sakell Row 3: j. Ca ne, D. Carlon, D. Schnid er, j. Hec kle, ). Stone, C. Hi lle r, A . Kh aul , M. Drada Row 4: L. How e, E. jaege r, S. Ha ll , R. Coll ier, M. Wad ell, A. Lynch, K. Austin , M. Brackett.

Clubs 187

Students compete and excel in many areas outside the classroom

A is for Academics by Brittany Bishop

The drama groups and academic team took home a boatload of trophies at the end of their respective season this year. The Theater Troupe placed second in their new district and first in the regional competition, although they were unplaced at the state level. However, senior Tristan Lejeune was named Outstanding Actor at the state level, and Dory Tucker also received a Best Actress award.

The Academic team won their district and regional competitions also, and finished second in the state. Their performance at states was a special victory because it marked the first time that a "regular" school had ever beaten a magnet school in the history of VHSL. Both groups expect to continue their successes in the following years, as several younger team members are ready to step in for the departing seniors. Brittany Jamerson crawls on the floor for an improv.

Thespian Society This drama honor society included members who had achieved a certain standard in the art of theater craft

Drama Club Advised by Ms. Cunningham, they met on club days and more to support the cast and crew of every performance.

Thespian Society Row 1: C. Perez, ). Moore, D. Tucker, T. N ichobon, M. C rui se, B. Kell y, Row 2: A Freunchuh, ). Frazer, K. Dahlslam, N. Greer, C. Howard, H . Petty, L. Morris, C. Owen, Row 3: Ms. Cunningham, M. Cole, A. O liver, C. Fitzpatrick, S. Mayo, J. Bragg, T. Legeu ne, Row 4: ). john son, D. Di llehunt, j . Wacksman, L. Strict, A. Mike, T. Jamerson, P. Witry Ill


Drama Club Floor: A. Oliver, ). Wacksman, D. Tucker, B. Kelly, C. Perez, C. Fitz Lejeure, Row 1: A. Freurdschuch, J. Frazer, K. Dah ls trom , A. Jacowa y, 5 Greer, D. Li ndensmith, J. Carraway, A. Ta ylor, Row 2: S. Lieben road, M Moore, D. Stahl, D. Bush,). Gafsney, ). Catta-Pretta, S. Mayo, ). Bragg, R. Row 3: C. Gibson, D. Dillehunt, ). johnson, M. Cole, A. Long, M. IV Livingston, 5. Thomas, T. Jamerson, . Sidwell

ad, ' 路Greer, A. )a mgha m, D. Stahl, mers, Row 3: . Sid Billings.

Theater Troupe This group traveled and performed very successfully in the VHSL district, regional, and state competitions.

Off the Cuff This improvisational group gave evening performances and did a presentation at First Night Virginia on New Year's Eve ..

Theater Troupe Row 1: N. Greer, K. Dahl strom , B. Kelly, Row 2: M. Hurst, D. Tucker, M. Ri zzo, D. A bong, D. Angell, Row 3: B. jones, M. Tom lin, C. Moore, D. Dilleh unt, D. Be n nett, T. Lejeure

188 Student Life

~ 路-

Off the Cuff Row 1: D. Stahl, D. Tucker, K. Dahlstrom, Row 2: T. Jamerson, M. Ri zzo, Row 3: Ms. Cunnin gham, B. Livingston, D. Ange l, ). Moore, Row 4: ). jo Dillehunt, A. Giffe n, A. Mike

bria, A. Thompson, '




Carmen Henke and Katie Hogan find that written work is occassionally required in Ms. Cunningham's class. Devon Bush and Brittany Kauffman know that movement is a must in drama.

Forensics Team won their regional competition and had several state qualifiers.

Academics Team lub

Forensics Team

Nihilist Workers

. Kelly, C. Pe rez, C. Fitzpa tnc

. Liebenroad, N. Greer, A. Jacmvay, L. Lei, C. Perez, T. Lejeure, H . H anks,

Row 1: E. Corey, ). Smith, C. Mooney, E. Koop f, ). Ha rker, ). Foster, ). Parsons, R.

Da hl s trom, A. Jacoway, S. Pa

Ms. Cu nningham, D. Stah l, C. Weidma n, ). Moo re, D. Ange l, S. Rose, ). ,., Mr. Chalmers, Row 3: N. Sidwell, A. Giffe n, A. Mike, A. Hank ins, D. Bush, ). jones, A. Billings.

Coffman, D. Mas lin , C. Stewa rt, G . Dall ava ll e Row 2: D . Brown,S. Gr iffin, M. La ttiak

路, Row 2: S. Liebenroad, M. Ri.i.. :etta, S. Mayo, J. Bragg, R. Kau. M. Cole, A. Long, M. Wanlt II

Row 3: M. Gen try, W. Du Va ll, S. Smith, C. Collins, C. Nea ly, B. Levesty, C. Cumm ings Row 4: D. Armstead.

finished first in the district and regional, and second in the state competition. This team is considered a sport for VHSL tallies of the school's programs.

Teacher Cadets went to area elementary schools and worked as teacher's aides. "I enjoy working with kids and the teachers." -Lindsay Spatz

Envirothon Team tff

College Planning

:: T. Jamerson, M. Rizzo, N. G

1: G. Calabria, A. Thompson, V. !\.lr. Monahan.

el, ). Moore, Row 4: ). johnsoo

Academic Team

Teacher Cadets

Envirothon Team

Row 1: D. Terlep,A.)ohnston, P. Roa ne, ). Moore, Sra. Taft. Not pictured: C. Gibson.

Row: S. Armstro ng, L. Spatz Row: L. Santana, W. Ch u rch, Row 3: janeese

Ms. Sutherland, E. Moore, K. Rembold, E. Gercke, D. Combs, R. Dudley.

competed in statewide field ecology competition the direction of Ms. Sutherland.

Palmer. Not pictured: Adviser Ms. H igg i.ns.

Talent Show 189

Students explore new languages and new outlooks on different countries

Foreign Culture Close to Home by Adrianne Allen While the most prominent of all honor societies was the National Honor Society, other honor societies and language clubs were also very active. The German club participated in everything from the annual Homecoming tailgate to selling chocolate calenders during Chrstmas. One of the most interesting things they did was to host students from a German school, who visited in October for three weeks. They went to classes with their hosts and traveled to New York with Ms. Trice, the German club sponsor. In return, AHS German students will travel to Freiburg, Germany over the summer. The Spanish Honor Society, accompa-

nied by Senora Taft, walked around the school during the last week of December to sing carols. "It was nice," said freshman Bianca Catta-Preta. "It got everyone in the Christmas mode." In order to be in one of the various honor societies, students needed no less than a B average and also had to be considered by club officers and sponsors. "I enjoy being a member of the Math Honor Society and the French Honor Society because it not only gives me the chance to meet new people and participate in a variety of school activities, but it also looks really good on various resumes and college applications," said junior Julianne Launi. The Spanish Honor Society gets into the Christm as Spirit by singing carols arou nd school.

National Honor Society Members were required to be a well rounded individuals in good standing in the community.

Honor Council The Honor Council requirements included a high GP A and involvement in the community. Good character was stressed.

National Honor Society Row 1: N. Prum, E. Moore, K. Bowler, j. Wacksman. Row 2: S. Reed, A. Ishee, J. Moore, L. Howa rd, M. Pospiesa lska, K. Ad ler, L. Le i, S. Bras hear, K. Barlow, L Barnett, Mrs. Stanl ey. Row 3: J. Fowler, W. Wright, M. Drozda, S. Frazer, B. Alle n, D. Da rcus, K. Bind er, K. Ralni , S. Mor ris, M. Ozylidrium. Row 4: A . Rasool, D. Wilson, S. Mc ivor, G. Stone, K. Cheney, L. Howe, J. Barreda, B. O'Brien .

Honor Council Row 1: A. Ishee, M. Ozylidrium, E. Wh ite, L. Early,] . Grace. Row 2: ]. CattaL. Hawkins, C. Ma zze i, P. jackson, K. Mckay, M. Cushm a n, D. Zha ng. Row Mayo, R.Fin kel, K. Austin, M. Drozda, A. Madigan, C. Koeni g. Row 4: M. B


'acksma n, E. Gerke, K. P La man, N. Prum, C. Mo Fitz pat rick, K. Brac kett, an, A. Rasoo l, D. Grobm: Ku, R. Bod ily, S. Wa lton, Reco rd, K. Austin, L. H:

Spanish Honor Society This society required a B or above average in Spanish with at least three years experience.

Beta Club Beta club members were required to earn a number of point doing various services around the community.

190 Clubs & Activities

Beta Club Rowl:D.Duray,S. HaU,j.Moore,LHowe,Row2:j.BarlSt,KPorterlield,CCollins,CMelcher,APerl<ins, N. Prum,A Rasooi,J. Wade, l-lOine,S. Marik, L Lei,]. WacksrTiai\5. Reed, K Early,M. Ballmin,M. Brooks. Row 3:]. Trrnberlake, 5. Lowman, N. jewel, C Monis, K Robi119011, A Mike, M. Popoletski, L Tarl:Jeu, P.jackson,CMazzei,j.Sikes,H.Gome-saU,T.Jamer.;on,K Phillips,M. Hemandez,RjergunsOI' Row4:M. CraWilel~ W. Ftmdl,N.Martin,O. Davis,]. Carlxlne,EGercke,G.Stone,KChe1ey, E Himes, D.Mayer路Aschoff,LHoward,M.Johnson,KAdler,KPeny,S.Mdvor,M.Ozylidirim,D.Zhang,S.Bean, L Hicks. Row 5: B. AUen, R Nadolski, P. Thompson, A Karafilli, W. Church,]. Earredo, M. Drozda A Ishee, K Austii\D. Wilson,]. Fowler, N. Noe,j. BoydM. Lonney, B.O'BI)"ln,A Bowden, LHawkins

Junior Classical League Row 1: K. Ad ler, S. C ra un, Doc Larrick. Row 2: K. Boiler, K. Ea rl y, E. Garren. 3: R. Harper, B. Kelley, A. Marrs, j. Moore, K. Robinson, S. Schmidt, V. SW1 Whitenack.


). Fowler, L. Davis, A. Hoet r. Row 3: Frau Trice, J. W

The German Club struts th eir stuff at the annual AHS Homecoming tailgate, held on the fall. The club sold drinks and snacks and decorated themselves with face paint. Math Honor Society


Row 1: D. A tchin son, B. Record, T. Pmm ar, A. John son, V. Ashby, N. Prum, M. Pospieszalski, J. Wacksman, J. Lau ni, D. Mayer- Asc hoff, N. Martin, S. Lm-vma n, N. j ewel, J. Fowler, E. Gercke, K. Adler, D. Ku, L. Da vis, D.

Zhang, L. Howa rd, L. Lei, K. Fitzpatrick, K. Early, M. Baldw in, L. Howe.

French Honor Similar to other language societies, it required a B or above average and at least three years in the language.

Junior Classical League


Spanish Honor Society

arly,j. Grace. Row 2: j. Ca tta-Pu

1: j. Wacksma n, E. Gerke, K. Philips, S. Hall, L. Lei, M. Ozyi ldrim. Row 2: E.

M. C ushman, D. Z hang. RO\v 3: :ligan, C. Koenig. Row 4: M. Bu r.

er, S. L.:1man, N. Prum, C. Morr is, D. Mayer- Aschoff, E. Him es, R. Cross, L. ard, K. Fitzpatrick, K. Brackett, j. Wade. Row 3: B. Stephens, C. Whitenack, G. ~.s. Brean, A. Rasoot D. Grobmyer, A. lshee, j. Schneider, C. Rainey,S. Myreck,

French Honor Society Row 1 W. Wrig ht, K. jones, V. Sun, K. Bind er, ). Burris, L. Taylor. Row 2: R.A IIey,

J. Launi.

'hi te, D. Ku, R. Bodily,S. Walton, L. Noe. Row4: K.Cheney,j. Boyd, M.Cooney, layo, B. Record, K. Austin, L. Hicks, D. Wilson, Z. Bailey, D. Peng, T. Doyle, C.

For anyone interested in studyingtheancientlanguageofGreek, this clubhad activities such as studying texts and watching films on Greek lunguage and culture.


German Club This club was for anyone taking German and wanted to expand their horizons in the language and culture.

German Honor Society I League K. Boller, K. Early, E. Garren. R路 Robin son, S. Schm idt. V. Sun,

German Honor Society 路w 1: j. Fowler, L. Davis, A. Hoebecke. Row 2: D. Clifford, L. Franko, L. Ho we, Cooper. Row 3: Frau Trice, j. Wolf, j. Cochoon, L. Bateman.

German Club Row 1: j. Gillette, L. Davis, A. Greg,). Fowler, A. Hoebecke, 5. Cooper, j. Bragg, 5. Gonias, E. Kaplan. Row 2: D. Clifford, ). Myers, L. Franko, L. Howe, B. Woodward, K. Hank ins, M. Perry. Row 3: Frau Trice, j. Wo lf, j. Micciche, I. Nedeljouk

Like the French and Spanish Honor Societies, this society also required a B or above and at least three years experience in the language.

Service clubs 191

Ooooh, Baby! ~~路


So young, so innocent, so cute...

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that these pictures were taken. We are all so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We watched you grow, learn, adapt, and turn strangers into friends. Now as you graduate we

you will c making your o have to learn sh . We wish you there for you



realize we learned as much from you as you did from us. As you move on to the next chapter of your life, embrace your dreams, follow your heart and re-



member, no matter where life leads you, our love and support are yours always. We wish you love and happiness in whatever path you choose, but remember, life has many paths - choose wisely. Keep smiling! May the road rise to meet you.

M 192 Senior Congra tulation




Martyna Helena Pospieszalska Dear Martyna, Soon, just a stone throw away from where we first saw you, pretty, tiny, and helpless, you will receive your high school diploma, yet another and final step into the "grown-up" world. No doubt, this journey into the life of society will be full of joyous discoveries but also strewn with disappointments and the crossroads will have no clear indication of where to go.


3d. n we




~ .....c .,.. '


--- -





,, 4

"Little Bear" You are dependable and organized with the drive to make things happen!

Trust in God!

Kris Forrest Kris, we are proud of you,

e know you will conquer it all and we will watch you with ride making your own way into the world. Inevitably, we .vill have to learn sharing the gift of your presence with thers. We wish you the best on this journey and always we will be there for you.

Keep up with your dreams and they will be realized. We love you, Mom and Dad

Love, Mom and Dad




Justin Lidlicker

Holly Cline

Congratulations, JUSTIN

Well, Holly, your time has finally arrived

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that this picture was taken. We are very proud of the wonderful kindhearted person you have become. We wish you great success as you move towards achieving your dreams and goeals in life. We know wonderful things are ahead of you. Keep smiling and ... always remember - you can do anything!





Love, Mom, Dad, and Ryan

You've always been ready to go out there into the world- joining in on all the fun. You have such a joy and zest for living. We hope you will always keep that marvelous sunny disposition. Your smile lights up any room and spreads good will to everyone you meet. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. But most of all, we hope that you are proud of yourself. Remember, no one can diminish you or make you what you are not. AI ways remember your most wonderful qualities - kindness, generosity, fairness, wisdom, faith ...

We love you,

Mom and Dad Senior Congratulations 193





Who can forget

The youngest of the big girls,

From th

--------------· ------


the family coloring contests ... B est Use of Color goes to ... Keep creating, growing, learning, questioning, taking risks, making mistakes, and having fun. Yes , scholars do win triathlons, go to States, and are tri-varsity athletes. And, athletes are scholars, play the piano, and want to help the world become a better place. You've done it your way, and we are so very proud of you. Create the life you want to live, Shelley, and know that we are here for you. We love you. Mom, D ad, Kri ssie, Courtney, Jay and R anis

----~ The oldest of the small , There was little Wubby, in the middl e of them all. But never lost. My mjddle one, Your loyal friend, Her friendship means com mitment - a garden worth the tend. What a blessing she is! When she chooses where to go, And leaves to make her way, It' s true that we will miss her tens of times each day! But she will bless new friends. Thank you for your fairness, For the things you've taught each one, You ' ve walked the path that' s seldom walked, and mirrored God' s own Son!

I love you!


Philippians I :3

Shane Sims


You've grown into a fine young man. We wish you much success & happiness, whichever cap you wear. Love, Mom & Jeff

could sense yo redible energy < ve a soft heart essary. Whoever thougl would lead to ause of your gr u. We love you al

When you came into this world,

These he


Nik-Nik have raised a better daughter. Keep working hard. Your potential is unlimited.

you lightened out hearts and brightened our lives. As you go out into the world, you will lighten other hearts and brighten other lives. It will not be easy sharing you, but we know it is time.

Love, Mom&Dad 196 Senior Congratulations

Love, Mom and Dad



Forever love, Me



- ------------


Danielle Grobmeyer 1ig girls,

From the instant you were born, I

·1~ .




is world,

Your courage, determination, and

~ :,·

the small , tie Wubby, in the them all.

iend, p means commitment worth the tend. ng she is! )OSes where to go, · make her way, ¥e will miss her tens tch day! >less new friends. r yo ur fairness , : you ' ve taught each

Andrew Parkins


sweet nature have been a joy and inspiration. We love you!

Sarah Elizabeth You have made us 1.:

we could sense your tremendous enthusiasm for life. You have incredible energy and unbreakable willpower to match. Yet you have a soft heart for those in need and can pause life when necessary. Whoever thought your first swim lesson at a mere five months old would lead to where you are now. But you made it happen because of your great determination and faith. Thanks for being you. We love you always, Mom and Dad


so incredibly happy. Being part of your life makes ours complete. Love, Mom&Dad

Tristan Lejeune

Kari Lee Armstrong

These have been years of wonder.

There are no limits to what you can do.

We will always cherish our many memories of this sacred time with you, watching you grow from a beautiful baby boy to the fine young man you are today. Know as you start this leg of your life's journey that you've been blessed with everything you need to do whatever you truly want. Awesome power in that. Use it wisely, and always look both ways.

our lives. As you other hearts and sharing you, but

Forever love, Mom and Dad

Your talents & abilities, your compassion & warmth, your strength & dedication in everything you do ... all of these will help you achieve your goals. Aim high and always believe in yourself! Love, Mom Thank you for always helping me and being there for me. Always follow you dreams and stay on the right path. Don't forget to be yourself; you ' re a great person. I love you. Always, Amanda Bear: May your future be bright & may all your dreams be realized. Be true to yourself & the rest will come to you. I am so proud of you & excited for what you will accomplish next. I love you! Kati Your Grandpa, Judy & Andy congratulate you on your graduation. The groundwork is done, now the challenge begins! Our prayers are with you.

~ Senior Congratulations 197

Josh Williams We are so proud of you! May God bless you! Love, Mom, Dad, & Katie

Paaiiggeeyy You'll always be a Party Girl! And there's more to come, party on! Love, Brooooookkiiee

Kari Lee Armstrong


To my sweet daughter Kari Lee, From day one you've been my sun, the stars, the moon and my little one. On dark days and nights you are my light. I love you Kari, with all my might. I am now and will always be your biggest fan from sea to sea. You make me proud and I know you see just how bright your future will be.

you may be the middle of three but .no, one c.ould be like my Kari Lee. Congratulations on hfe s achievements, you are the best!!!

Love always, Dad

Jonathan Peter Moore Time is relevant. Wasn't this picture just taken last year? Booya copywrited 1996 Jon Moore

Ashley Nicole Williams I'm so proud of you. Keep reaching for the stars. Congratulations and good luck. Love, Mom

Aaron Ratesic Aaron, congratulations! You were born with the gift of making people feel relaxed and at ease around you. It is one of the best gifts a person can have. Along with it comes compassion and kindness. Please use them to make this a better world. We are proud of the person you ar~ and will always be proud. Our love will always be With you as your" future unfolds. "When one door closes another opens. Alexander Graham Bell

Love, Mom, Dad, Heather Rose

Thena long list of a1 _i en nicknam few ... "Bouff for your hair ' mind of its ov Lou Mecca" Low Swan" fc pitched a fit an on which wa~ , our little bod: 路 al ways displa look with you personality. ' ign-savvy. Pt call you' weetheart-



Ben Curry

David Hantman

You're more

',\.,... . J ..;-:~:~

Kari Lee,


:- -~ . Soi .. . ~- --:::-=


We are very proud of you and the person that you have become. You have many talents, and we wish you much happiness and success in whatever path you choose. Be happpy, and know that we love and support you always.

o one could be like ~ · s achievements,




You were born th the gift of mak1g people feel reaxed and at ease mnd you. It is one ,f the best gifts a >erson can have. ong with it comes ~ompas sion and 1dness. Please use ~m to make this a better world. ~

and will always 'ith you as your another opens." :ll ~ose

. '•.


Sweetheart - may your future be bright and beautiful as your blue eyes.

We love you Dee-Dee, Mom, Dad & Three BIG Brothers


'"~~ \~ ~, ~~ . ·.

~ "'l)


than I ever imagined a brother could be. Thanks for sticking around.


Love, Rachel


Jessica Schneller Keep smiling ... the world is going to love your laughter and that dimple too! We love you, Mom, John, Eric, Kim & Emma

Nathaniel Prum Ahead of time,

The name you go by came from a long list of affectionately given nicknames. To name a few ... "Bouffant Laurant" for your hair which had a mind of its own. "DippyLou Mecca" or "DippyLow Swan" for when you pitched a fit and depending on which way you threw your little body ... you have always displayed a sharp look with your distinctive personality. You are design-savvy. People love to call you "friend."



All our love, Mom, Dad, and Rebecca

arcelia (Dee) Davi

;-1:''· - '




first born, smallest at first, always ahead of your time, always loved. With love from Dad, Mom, Eric and Ian

Maureen Joy Orvosh Thank you for bringing so much joy to us. We love you. Proudly, Mom&Dad il

Senior Congra tulations 199

Shanon Lowman You are still talking. We are very proud of you and love you very much.

Sarah Ann Hall



When_.you were born,

Mom and Dad

Marcus Antwan Twitty Congratulations! We love you and are very proud of you. Keep your hand in God's hand.

Katelyn Robinson Nate Prwn From NH to VA, from toddlers to teens, may your futures be filled with adventure!

I gave you my middle name, but did you know that I al~o gave you my heart? You have brought such joy to my life an I am so tremendously proud of all that you have accomplished in your short seventeen years. Continue to stretch and be all that you can be. Keep your faith , and know that I am your greatest fan, always and forever. Love, Mom

We believed G<

Dad says to re ver

Congratulations from the whole gang! Love, Mom, Dad, Kerry, Leslie, Brent, Erica, Susan and Wade

Ross Phillips When you finally fly away


路 othing great w:

Jessie Keegan We're proud of you and all that you do! Love, Mom, Dad & Tommy

200 Senior Congratulations

I'll be hoping that I served you well. For all the wisdom of a lifetime, no one can tell. But whatever road you choose, I'm right behind you, win or lose. Forever Young.




That's Paigey-y: f School, being sho Jouett's DAR awm hockey and LAX, l SCA, you're a leac injury. With four f and caring for otl Jove you and than]







....... ...






Hall born,

David McLennan Ashby


Chris Collins Dear Chris, You are the source of our pride, joy and love. You're the hope of the future. Keep us always in your heart, for you are always in ours. Love, Mom, Dad Gina & Patrick

The day you were born,

f. ...,

.. ............_..,._.-_.

- - - .....-



ft. "' I"ij,._,

1 know

that I also llch joy to my life an ou have accom::mtinue to stretch and md know that I am

ove, ~usan

and Wade

Dear Courtney,

Dad says to remember that the answer to life, the universe and everything else is 42.

We cherish the joy you've given us and look forward to watching your dreams come true.

Love always, Mom, Dad and Molly

Love, Mom, Dad & Christopher

We believed God had truly blessed us ... and we still do.


Paige Thompson

ly away

·'Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm!"

well. For all the •can tell. But n right behind



Philip Randolph Roane Felicitations, Super-Etoile! Le monde sera ton char d'assaut. Ne dites jamais "ich nicht." - Maman

Cissy Perez That' s Paigey-y: from befriending "Wood Chip" at First Baptist PreSchool, being shot from Mr. McMillan ' s cannon at Greer, receiving Jouett' s DAR award and throughout AHS. Being co-captain of JV field hockey and LAX, Honor Roll, three-ti1nes class officer and president of SCA, you're a leader on and off the"field , despite your prolonged knee injury. With four Homecoming Court appearances, your love of family and caring for others, you ' ve aways been beautiful "inside" too. We love you and thank you for the wondetiul woman you are becoming. Love always , Mom, Dad, Turbo, Kirby, Pumpers

Great beginnings ... and greater things ahead. All our love, Mom&Dad I Senior Congratulations 201


Martin Burks IV

From snakes carried home for you

As you stand


from out of a car window to walking the cat to school every day, from smocked dresses and compost piles and birthday spinach cakes to playing "What's This Lumpy Thing?" at bedtime with our sweet pea, our time with you has flown by and all of it has been wonderful. You have given us so much joy along the way- we can't wait to walk the next part with you. Fly, Lizzie, fly!

at the dawn of a new day! Martin, you have always given the best of yourself in all that you encountered and accepted every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. Congratulations, son, on a job well done!

Much love and God's blessing to you. Mom & Dad

Love Mom & Dad

Bradley Joyce We wish you love and happiness in the years to come! Love, Mom&Dad



From the very first

Son, can

you have made life an adventure and a pleasure. You are beautiful, independent and tenacious. Stay true to yourself. always do the right thing and you will succeed in life. We love you and will always be there for you. Love, Mommy & Daddy Congratulations! -Can I have your room? James (JB)

Thanks fo

Heather Believe in yourself and others will. I always have. Love, Mom You did it! Remember, I will always be there to catch you if you fall. I love you, Richie 202 Senior Congratulations





This young fellow was such a delight -

Good work ethics and hard work have put a great college

curious, strong-willed, a sense of humor, clever and bright - always ready to have fun and explore this world We love you so much. Congratulations and best wishes, Mom&Dad

at your doorstep. With proud parents behind you,

Achmed Conteh We are proud of you.

keep reaching for the stars.

tave always given mntered and acrity to learn and

Love, MomandDad

vell done!



pleasure. You are ay true to yourself, succeed in life. here for you.

om? James (JB)

The future is yours. Put God first and you can achieve anything. Love, MomandDad

Phillip Wintry

Cheryl Laquita Strother

Son, can you play us a memory?


You're the only one who knows how it goes. Now you've grown up and you're sweet. And we know you're complete. Because now you wear a young man's clothes.


Thanks for sharing your life and talents. I'm so proud of you. I love you, Mom

Words carmot say how we feel at this time in your life. It is hard to believe that when you took yourfrrst steps 17 years ago you began a journey that would take you out of our lives. When we look at you tears form in our eyes, because the baby we brought into this world is growing up with goals and dreams of her own that will take her into this uncertain world. We also see, through those same eyes a strong young woman who will accomplish her goals and dreams and make this world a better place. Your father and I look forward to watching you take your next steps into adulthood and are thankful that you are letting us continue to be a part of your world. God blesses families in so many ways, but he gave us and extra blessing when he gave us you as our DAUGH1ER.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Family Senior Congratulations 203

Nancy Martin


We wish you

Look at you now!

the very best. We'll love you always, Mom, Dad, Sharon & Brendan

Sherome Lewis Mama's Star 4 life We love you, Rommie

Cate How your extraordinary self dances its designs into this world! I shall love you forever!

204 Senior Congratulations




When we tal, we didn ' t knO\\ you would ever w talk or even make You have worked hard. Now you are senior and manager the football team ! are so proud of ) You have taught u take a day at a time to appreciate the li things in life that m a difference. You ar:very special son and love you very muc Love, Mom & Dad Congratulations! You have accomplished one of your many goals! I just you to know th at you are more special to me than anyone. You have taught never to give up, to be sensitive to others, and most of all, you have mad the person that I am. You have taught me more about life than anyone. Yo1.1 the best brother that I could ever have asked for, you are my best friend know that whenever I need a shoulder to cry on, yours will always be Your determination, willingness, and personality will get you throu gh \\ ever you may come across in the years to come. You have always bex. fighter, from day one, you fo ught... I am so proud of you and I want to you for all that you have given me. I LOVE YOU!! Brittany

Hope To our Ray of Sunshine We are extremely proud of all your accomplishments. From Girl Scouts to basketball to band, to Color Guard, to track, you have always exceeded our expectations. From your sense of humor to your warm smi le , you always knew how to make a s mile, you always knew how to make a person feel special. You have an inr strength that makes you shine. May all your dreams come lrL Remember to stay focused, loyal & honest. You can be anytlu you set your mind to be. Blah blah blah! What are you going to do with all your time now that don't have three band classes and early morning rehearsal ?

Love always, Mom, Dad & the Crew


Tiger v!


When we left the hosp1 tal, we didn ' t know 1 you would ever wal talk or even make i You have worked hard. Now you are senior and manager the football team! \!. are so proud of you You have taught us l' take a day at a time an to appreciate the Iiu things in life that mal a difference. You are very special son and \\ love you very much ! Love, Mom & Dad r many goals ! I just w one. You have taught 1r Jf all, you have made life than anyone. You ar are my best friend and urs will always be the II get you through wh (ou have always been ' you and I want to th an


You have an inner ur dreams come true. You can be anything

r time now that you orning rehearsals?


Being sugar and spice and sort of nice, Reading morning, noon and night, Imagination with the fountain pen, Trouble with a captal "T," Time to watch "E.R.," Alpha and Omega and Applause Never at a loss for words, You are a star.

Chris Lizakowski Chris, you made it!

--------We made it! Be proud of yourself and always know how proud I am of you. I love you! Mom

Ellen Marie White You are our angel! Love you forever!

TWOOWUV ALWAYS, Mommy & Daddy-o

Mom, Dad, Curtis

Tim Boyd



Thank you



Love, Dad & Karen

for all the wonderful memories. We are so proud of the magnificent young woman you have become. You're beautiful, smart and compassionate. Your captivating smile has warmed our hearts. As you move on the the next chapter of your life, embrace your dreams, follow your heart and remember, no matter where life leads you, our love and support are yours always. Keep smi ling!

Love, Mom, Dad, Ashley and Kara ~ Senior Congratulations 205


Daniel Leake

Congratulations Nicole!


You were always such a happy baby, smiling and laughing out loud. You started with a great big belly laugh, and you have gone on to so much more. You were born with an independent spirit and have continued to follow your own mind now that you are grown. Sure, there have been trials, but we will always be there to help you, just as you have always been there to help your friends when asked. We are so proud of you in everything you do in your lifetime.

Mom and Dad

It's hard to believe you are 18 so soon. I remember telling you and your sisters, "I'll place books on your hands to keep you little forever." I'm sad to know my little boy is all grown up, but I'm proud of what a man you have become. Life holds many challenges, but we will be here if you need us. WE LOVE YOU! Love always, Mom&Dad

Jon Wood


EltZabeth You have been and will always be my best friend. I will always love you. Claire

ve always, .lorn, Dad, Jason



Congratulations Jon! My little boy has grown into a wonderful young man! I love you!

I want you to get swept away out there,



I want you to levitate, sing with rapture, dance like a dervish, be deleriously happy or at least leave yourself open to be - stay open ... who knows ? Lightning could strike.

We love you, Mom & Keith The little girl in pigtails is as dear to us as the beautiful young woman she has become (and your skirt length hasn't changed much!) All you dream of is within reach ... follow your heart, Carla, it's all there!

With so much lo

We love you, Dad & Lisa

206 Senior Congratulations

t your standards hi) ...rd, and stay happy. I. be true to yoursel ~ oy the wonderful 1 路ring for you. We I d are very proud o1



Jessica Leigh Lynch ongratulations! We have watched you

It's hard to believe u are 18 so soon. I nember telling you j your sisters, "I'll Lee books on your 1ds to keep you le forever." I'm I to know my little y is all grown up, : I'm proud of ': at a man you have ;orne. :. .ife holds many Lllenges, but we 1be here if you :d us.

grow into a beautiful, loving and caring young woman. You have filled our hearts with much love and many wonderful memories. With your enthusiasm, creativity, free spirit, and values you have the potential to realize your dreams .

et your standards high, work ard, and stay happy. Most of 1, be true to yourself and njoy the wonderful future .,路aiting for you. We love you .md are very proud of you.

Dad & Lisa

Love, Mom, Dad and Stephanie

Kristen Cheney

Love, Dad, Mom and Candice

Karen Adler

Drew Stanley

Dear Kakes- what up?

It's hard to say goodbye

We are so proud of all that you have achieved, despite being a princess born into the wrong family. We have watched you grow from a baby ghostie to a future breadmaker, and have been constantly amazed. We'll miss you so much, ya big ox, but the world waits! 1,

Our hopes, dreams, support, love and prayers with you always.

You will always be our Sunshine Girl. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments .

VIom, Dad, Jason and Lucy

路ay out there,

To my dearest hom blower


Love always,


Ashton Alan Beebe

With so much love, Mom, Dad and Danny

to yesterday but I'll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain. Love always, Mom ,1(11

Senior Congratulations 207

Jenny Sikes

Michael E. Clark


Dear Michael,

does not dwell on the past, but looks at the present and plans for the future.

We love you,


We are very proud of you.


You were the qui er. You stood l mallest. How f you graduate t rs, brother, and t wishes for a w

Love, Mom & Dad


Way to go baby!

you begin yet


You have turned out to be such a responsible young man with a loving soul. This will serve you well in the future. God will richly bless you as you make your way in the world. You are a fine young man, a wonderful son, and an awesome big brother. We will always be there for you.

208 Senior Congratulations

You came into thi s world #1 (New Year's Day 1984, 12:05 am) and you continue to live each day as if it is the first. Your kindness and thoughtfulness towards your family and others has always been your greatest virtue. You will always be the little/bi g brother to Richard and Meghan though always such a great brother to them both. You can do whatever your heart desires, and we know you will fulfill these dreams. You have made your parents so proud, continue to be who you are, we love you with all our heart.

Kelly Lauren Barlow ThonuJ

Sameer Aghera

Wishing you the very best, Endless love from Dad, Mom and Ravi


An athlete, an artist, a dancer, and a student - you have done it all with style and grace. You continue to inspire us. We are so proud of all your accomplishments. It has been a privilege having you in our lives as a daughter and a sister. As you begi n your next adventure in life remember that we will always be here for you. Follow your dreams and use your compassion for other to make a difference. Our wish for you is a lifetime of good friends, good food, and good health. We hope you dance.


Mom, Dad and Casey

~ --------




P.S . Congratula1


risty Danielle Mazzei Dear Kris,


Benjamin Franklin Payne, III Good job, Ben! i:

i!!!l' '7 (

m came into this j #1 (New Year's 1984, 12:05 am) and ontinue to live each 1s if it is the first. kindness and ~htfulness towards 'amil y and others has 'S been your greatirtue. You will albe the little/big er to Richard and tan though always m do whatever your ulfill these dreams. continue to be who t.

You were the quiet one - the watcher, the observer, the eeker. You stood up for yourself, even though you were the smallest. How proud we all are of you! As you graduate and prepare to leave for college, your isters, brother, and I give you our love, support, and best wishes for a wonderful future.



I know it hasn' t been easy being the baby girl in our family with three older sisters blazing the trail before you. However, you persevered and forged ahead to clear your own path to selfdiscovery.

Love, Mom

Barlow Thomas Lucas Wait r!

tt - you have done it nspire us. We are so as been a privilege sister. As you begin ~will always be here )mpassion for others ; a lifetime of good ope you dance.

As you begin yet another of your many life journeys ...

~楼;~ -~~r ~

, _j fl~路


Continue to honor God in all you do. We love you.

Sarah Independent, determined, creative, liberal, responsible, caring, successful, intelligent, honest, loyal, questioning, enigmatic, loveable.

Love, Dad, Mom, Graham, Craig

Amanda Keep looking forward!

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the shine shine warm upon your face, The rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Wherever you go, Whatever you do, Know that you are LOVED! Tschuss, Mom and Dad

You are a gift of love and a joy to parent. Your grandparents, father and I are proud of your hard work, sense of humor, love of animals, and your many talents.

Keep smiling and be happy.


P.S. Congratulations and good luck ! Love, Julianna ~ Senior Congratulations 209


Greg Matherne

Kelly Stone

They say the job of the first born

You an~ our best friend

is to break in the parents. You have endured our learning well and have learned a lot along the way! You have met all the challenges and face the world with determination. You bring us much joy and love. As you move onward, remember, "This is what the Lord asks of you; only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 We love you! Mom and Dad Thanks for breaking them in! You WERE cute! Thanks for the great technology! Ben, Stephanie, Nick

and truly an angel. They say angels are all around us, and you are living proof that that is true. We have never met a person who is more giving, selfless, and wise beyond her years. We couldn ' t wait to have a sister 18 years ago but had no idea what a gift you would be. Thank you for always being there for us. to lend a listening ear, to offer advice, or make life more fun . Whomever you meet in your future will be truly blessed. They will be blessed as we have been with you in our lives. We are better people because of you. You have pu t footprints on your hearts forever. Love, Julie and Chad


Allie Boehm

Michael Gilchrist


Eighteen years ago, God blessed us

From "Stunt Baby" to

with a beautiful baby girl. You have grown onto a wonderful young lady. Time has passed so quickly. We long for the times we took you by the hand and explored our awesome world together. Now it the time for us to let go of your hand and for you to take hold of the world. God has blessed you with many talents and strengths. Use them wisely. You can achieve anything. We are so proud of you and will ALWAYS be here for you. Love, Dad, Mom, Brian and Megan

high school graduate and everything in between ... you have brought excitement and joy to our lives. Your fierce independence will serve you well in life as well will your kind spirit and quiet manner. Please know how much you have to offer this world and that you deserve to be anything you choose in this lifetime. Keep your wonderful sense of humor along the way! I love you and am very proud of you! Mom P.S. Mike- You may think you're a tough guy senior, but to me you ' re still a Pee Wee Herman-imitating, baby-blanket-sniffing, bubble-bath-taking, little "g.b." brother. Rob

210 Senior Congratulations















., .-. ....... - -----

.. -


Rebecca Erin Collier

Carly Lynne Melcher


Education is not


intelligent, beautiful.

Congratulations, we love you! the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. -William Butler Yeats

Karen, Chrissy &

IS , and you are li ving proof ; more giving, selfless, and sister 18 years ago but had always being there for us. ' more fun . Whomever you be blessed as we have been .use of you. You have put e and Chad

Congratulations Becca, now go light some fires! Much love, Mom, Dad & Suzanne


Jeff Fowler

Ross Shipe


From the day you were born,

y" to

g1ve up those dreams!

you have brought excitewi ll serve yo u well in life ~ase know how much you .nythin g you choose in this Jg the way! I love you and ~

1ior, but to me yo u' re still Iing, bubbl e- bath-taking,

Love, • Mom, Dad & Julie


to the time that you held your first golf club, and now to your graduation, we have been honored to be your parents. You have given us endless joy and laughter. Your determination to achieve your goals amazed us. You have grown into a wonderful young man and your future is limited only by your dreams. We love you very much and hope all you wish will be yours. Mom and Dad "Happiness is a long walk with a putter. " - Greg Norman


Senior Congratulations 211

David Kyle Price

Mary Kathryne Elliott

You are a part of the universe

Dear Mary Kathryne,

It seer

the best part by far. You have an inner strength that will carry you. You're someone who is loved and of infinite worth; my first born and very special.

We have watched you grow from this "adorable" little girl to a beautiful young woman. Life holds so many wonderful and exciting opportunities for you; we now that you will pursue these with all your energy, values, and intelligence. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Love always,

We love you David! Mom, Joe, Grandma and Uncle Frank

Mom , Dad , and "Dix"

Ashley Marano May all you dreams come true. I'll love you forever! Love, Mom, Dad, and Danny


end a little be back someone and a little rr always bring



Dear Tim,

Lindsay Ray Mitchell You are a "Ray of Sunshine" o~

.·~ I\

~~ · · ·· ·~, · •.

.. .





Our prayer is that God will give you strength, courage and grace to help you do your best!

We love you, Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Molly

212 Senior Congratulations ~

You have become everything we hoped for when we first saw you - happy and healthy, funny and smart, kind and gentle, a great big brother. We are so very proud of you and all of your hard work and accomplishments. Congratulations and love always, Dad, Mom and Will

with that mischievc you laugh. I was sc you have become and intelligence, rea little ironies, a

We're so pP That's Lauri, taking you ' ve grown up,





"adorable" little girl ; so many wonderful ~ now that you will es, and intelligence. very much.




We feel blessed

It seems as if it took longer -

- - -1

to dress you in your snowsuit than for you to go from kindergarten through high school. Time does pass in the blink of an eye. Each day we send a little boy to school and each day we receive back someone a little more grown up, a little wiser and a little more independent. May your future always bring you all the joy and happiness you bring to us.

Love Mom, Dad and Lauren

Laura Strick What a tough kid,

)r when we first saw rt, kind and gentle, 1

our hard work and


with that mischievous sense of humof that made everyone around you laugh. I was so proud of you then, and I am so proud of who you have become - a strong but sensitive young woman with wit and intelligence, ready to take on the world. Keep laughing at life' s little ironies, and keep fighting for what you believe in. I love you! Mom We're so proud of you, Lauri! Love, Dad and Sheila That's Lauri, taking my toys with a wicked grin. Still my baby sister, you've grown up, the wicked grin replaced by a generous smile. Love always, Ali

just to have you in our lives. Congratulations. Love, Mom, Dad & Erika

James Wright Junnie, Always remember, If you believe you can do it you can, Always remember, If you can do it we believe m you. Love, Mom and Dad

l)llin Melisa Ozyildiri Melisa,

Our life would have been so empty without you in it. Thanks for all the great memories. You will always remain our special little girl. We wish you happiness, contentment and success. Continue to set your goals high and remember that our love and support will always be with you. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Rena


Senior Congratulations 213

LaToya Morsie God sent me the best gift of all and that was you. I'm really proud of you. Love Mom

Brandon Hyre No matter what road you may take, we wish you the best that life may bring. Love, Mom&Dad

Jamie Grace Keep enjoying life, depending on God, remembering your friends, and know how proud we are of you. Mom&Dad

'Care Bear'


Right from the beginning your smile and special ways have brought us many joys and precious memories! Numerous qualities make you the strong, unique individual you are: independence --compassion -creativity --logic. Throughout your journey in life, remember our love goes with you always. -Dad, Mom, & Samantha My adorable little sister's graduation reminds me of our childhood, your squeaky voice. and obsession with a furry blue monster. From Cheerios to Cheese Nips, you have always been a source of joy and happiness, a friend and confidant. You'll always be close in my memories, thoughts, and heart. Love, Miki

Lauren Ashley Stang_il Put the pedal to the metal

optimistic e)

Love, l\

len As

Andrew Mike The years have gone by too fast I'm proud of you son. Congratulations! ! Mom 216 Senior Congra tulations


and ride like the wind on your bike, because you're not taking the car to college! Only kidding! Seriously, congratulations on your graduation. We are so proud of you and the lovely lady you've become. As much as possible empower, inspire, and honor youself and those around you, in all that you say, in all that you create! We love you! Mom, Dad, and Vanessa

character. Main make the world future. Continw good luck "Schr

Love, Mom


Par' I .



le and special ways ?;ht us many joys and 1emories! Numerous nake you the strong, ndividual you are: :nee --compassion ---logic. Throughout .ey in life, remember ::>es with you always. 1om, & Samantha rable little sister's 1 reminds me of our your squeaky voice. ion with a furry blue )S, you have always riend and confidant. . thoughts, and heart.




Joseph Murray




~~.....,:_~ . . . .



)ecause you're not ding! Seriously, N e are so proud of 'e become. .pire, and honor :hat you say, in all



len Moynihan As you go through life Remember these three things: Have a good set of wheels Be stylish- choose a nice hat And always ... Bring a friend along! As you enter college and discover who you really are, go forth with that stubborn strength, determination, and character. Maintain you sweet sensitivity and strive to make the world a better place. 'See your future- be your future. Continue to make us proud! Best wishes and good luck "Schnuggs." We will cherish you always!

Love, Mom, Dad, Brian, Timcat and Autumn




May GodBless you Indeed Enlarge your Territory Hold your Hand Keep you from Evil Love, Mom

Hasan You've come a long way


On to more success! ! Much Love, Dad, Mom and Sulay

Love, Mom, Dad, Twohy and Merrill



Jessica Bryant

In just a few years, you have brought a lifetime of pleasure to us. From the forts in the woods and a treehouse, to the derby car (glad we missed the crash), flaming trebujet and Rube Goldberg, your imagination is fascinating and captivating. Furthermore, your spontaneous humorand wit are contagious and lifelong attrubutes many admire. Take these qualities and ride with them for they will carry you to a future of success. We love you and will miss you as you embark on your next journey. Keep your optimistic eye on your prize and run like the wind .

....,._... . .



Always ready to pose for the camera, Always with a smile on her face. Often wonder where has the time gone. I'm very proud of you and know that you will do well in life. Love Mom

Jason Unger Jason, you make me proud every day. Keep true to your dreams, always. Love, Mom ~ Senior Congratulations 217


Jon Glassberg


To Jon:

I don't think a hundred words are enough to cover over 18 years of time we've spent growing up together. It's only been in the last few years that i have realized how much you and Lecky mean to me and how much i value you as a sister and as one of my best friends. I hope you know that I am proud of everything that you are and everything you've accomplished. You ' re by far the coolest person I know and I can ' t wait for you to go to college and live it up! I love you , Mary Butler P.S. Friends for eternity -Luv Always- Ash

You started out wanting to play in the tool shed and now you climb cliffs for fun! You have always been strong willed, full of energy, and zesting after the challenges you love. You are an amazing person. We know you will go far in life as you pursue your dreams. Good luck and we love you,

Mom, Dad, and Eleanor

Diana Souder

Kyle W. Binder

Beautiful Diana, sweet little rider!

Jeremiah 29:11

Time flew by and you blossomed into such a delightful young lady. You have wonderful qualities- you amaze and make us so proud. You are strong yet underneath lies a gentle heart and kind soul. You will succeed in anything you set your mind to! Work hard and have fun- you know you can do both. We with you much love, happiness, laughter and peace always. Love, Mom, Dad, and Katelynn

When you look back on your school years, you will have so much to be proud of! You have worked long and hard and it has paid off handsomely for you. You have such a wonderful spirit and are blessed in so many ways. Our prayer for you is that you continue to develop your gifts and allow God to use you to fulfill His purposes. We know He has something very special in mind for you!

You have

You have been a tion to us and ha u so proud. We all you dreams c1 Love, Mom, Da Marc, and Je1



You But

The first t

An out-c You You w

The fi That great

Your 1

We love you so much and couldn't be more proud. Mom, Dad, Matt, Melanie, and Christian


But We




r gifts and allow We know He has for you!


oud. l Christian



You have made parenting so easy.

We are so proud to be your parents.

The joy and happiness you have given us is immeasurable. May the beauty you have on the inside continue to mad you on the outside.

You have been an inspiration to us and have made us so proud. We pray that all you dreams come true.

Love, Mom, Dad, Erica, Marc, and Jeremiah

You have so many wonderful qualities- subtle wit, eclectic and broad know ledge, curiosity, easy going nature, and a love of music of all kinds. As you embark upon the next stage of you life's adventure remember the wonderful times we've had together: traveling thousands of miles with you in the back seat, accidentally locking you in the car on a hot summer~ s day in Florida, your reaction when we first got the"van"-WOW! You help make life fun.

We love you, Mom & Dad


Meg han Elizabeth Johnson

Well, this is it-you're the last to go!

We're very proud of you. We've watched you grow from our sweet little "moo" into a beautiful young woman. God has blessed you with creativity and a free spirit. We know that you will grow these gifts to help make the world a better place.

You'd like to be the first, we know But don't forget all your FIRSTSThe first to get stitches, the. first to learn Greek An out-of-town college is.,..o ne that you seek You'd jump right in-0n just a whim You were the youngest to learn to swim. The first one to have a pet of your own That great love for animals you've always shown Your love of life, your gaggle of friends Your enthusiasm that never ends. But oh- the years have flown so fast We think we saved the best for last!

Know that wherever the roads you choose may lead you, we will always be a place you can call home.

Love, Mom, Dad, Chris & Scott

Mom, Dad, Brett and Sarah

We love you, ~

Senior Congratulations 219

Kristen Giles With all the strength you've shown, we know you'll do great in the future.

Love, Mom&Dad

Tom From Curious George and Abiyoyo To computers and a Z-car, you are still our Precious. MomandDad

Brian Craddock "The reward of a thing done will is to have done it."Emerson



Midnight Christmas Eve 1984- Martha Jefferson H0s ital: •

ow often do c1

"Merry Christmas!" exclaims the nurse as she brings you into the room snuggled inside a big red stocking. A time and place we will always treasure, along with all the other wonderful memories we have of you growing up these past 17 years. From soccer to swimming to diving to track to dance to competitive gymnastices, you have always scored a perfect " 10" with us! Proud as we are of your athletic accomplishments , we feel equally proud and blessed by the compassion, integrity, and independent thinkning that you possess. We pray that you carry these attributes with you for the rest of you life.

Love, Mom & Dad Neali, good luck in whatever you do! I will always be here for you . God bless you!

Love, Jessica

Your honesty, ir very proud! Y move<


Rhiannon Lynn Renton Congratulations Pookie!

You a



Caitlin Fitzpatrick Cait, You deserve the best because you achieved the most through your dedication and hard work. Love, Mom and Dad 220 Senior Congratulations ....!iii_


I can't believe it. Here you are-all grown up. When you were a toddler, the struggle was to keep you dressed. When you were in school, the struggle was to keep you from getting your feelings hurt. As a beautiful young lady, my struggle will be to let you go. You have always been the child of my heart. Always remember to be kind and be honest with yourself and with everyone you meet. Your dad and I are so proud of you. Be happy! WE LOVE YOU! Words of wisdom from your sister - Don ' t go 40 in a 25 .

humor and loyal face your futun heart, and know you nee<


- -----


............. ,;_.

ty that you carry these

Hope the future





~~~路 路

,,~__ /

brings you happiness


and success.

Melissa With each "hat" worn

Love, Mom, Dad, and Lauren


Jenny Carbone


You are such a joy to us


with your wonderful spirit and constant smile. We are so proud of all that you've done and the strong, loving woman you've become. Your determination, perseverance,


you were more determined to succeed. Now, you've achieved your graduation cap. Congratulations! We love youMom&Dad

Your honesty, integrity and hard work make us very proud! Your mountain is waiting to be moved, so get on your way.


When you were a When you were in tting your feelings vill be to let you go. \!ways remember to ::veryone you meet. ! WE LOVE YOU! t go 40 in a 25.

Thanks for all the memories.

How often do children inspire their parents?

.vays be here for you .



Kevin Sours

Evan Beckman [artha Jefferson


Keep your eye on the ball! Love, Dad, Kate, Ben & Pat

Cassie Fuss The years have passed too quickly. Keep your sense of humor, your sensitivity and your smile. God bless you!

humor and loyalty will serve you well in life. As you face your future, keep faith and compassion in your heart, and know that we will always be here for you if you need us. We love you Skoochie!

Love, Mom, Dad & Carrie

Love, Mom, Dad and Theresa

~ Senior Congratulations 221



Ian Titus

DanaMayer_ _Aschoff__ _..,

Whew! -Are we there yet?


Baaaa - Keep your head out of the sand. Build you own castles. Continue to love life. Thanks for the ride. "May the road always rise up to meet you ." Love you, Mom & Dad

A precious gift was given to us and now she is ready to start a new beginning in her life. What fun we have had watching you grow from a little girl into a beautiful, kind, caring, generous & responsible person. Your smile and laughter continues to light up our lives every day. You have made us proud of all of your accomplishments and whatever goals you set for yourself you will achieve. Thank you for all the joy you have given us and remember wherever you are in life you will always be Daddy's "Little Bushy."

"You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven." -Jimrni Hendrix Love, Tucker & Logan

Love, Mom & Dad

Chris Hayes Chris,

Where did the baby go?

222 Senior Congratulation



ou, wherever ym do. Our hopes fo1 work, have many many travels far a forever. Love,

Dad, M<

Rachel Kathryn Henderson

From meow meow and ruff ruff to golf carts and leather pants .. I'll love you always, little brother. Love, Katie


You continue to give us so much pleasure - from watching you grow - to becoming all you want to be. Please remember that all that matters is to love and be loved at the end of the day. We pray that you achieve that goal. We love you, Mom, Dad, Kirk, Renata, Beth and Zebby

An B It's hard tc

and preparing for col watch you grow an always been very sp is evident As you face the exc that w Love, Mom, Dad a " Whether you turn 1 behind you sayi~:


- ........






e is ready to start a ave had watching ·ul, kind, caring, tile and laughter { ou have made us Nhatever goals you •ou for all the joy you are in life you 3ushy."



..... -.-.--------


__ , _ _1

John Forrest


Dear John

You've always made you own way,

You have always been a reliable, honest, trustworthy, hard-working guy. You consistently have a positive attitude and willingly meet life's challenges. You have earned our trust and you have our admiration. We will always be there for you, wherever you go in this world and whatever you do. Our hopes for you are that you find interesting work, have many loving friends and experience many travels far and wide. Our love will follow you forever. Love, Dad, Mom and Madeleine




done things in your own unique style with creativity and humor. You have provided so much joy to us as parents and never fail to make us laugh with the myriad of characters you portray! Can't wait for your future ones. We know you ' ll go far and entertain the world in the process. We love you, Mom &Dad (Courtney & Kelly)


Amy Teresa Broderick


, go?

It's hard to believe you are a senior

There is only one DyIan -

and preparing for college. We have been inspired and privileged to watch you grow and mature into a lovely young lady. You have always been very special. Your smile lights up your face and God is evident in your caring compassionate hears. You ' re a gift from God! As you face the exciting future, take.the light with you and know that we love you. Go light your world. Love, Mom, Dad and Kristen (also in memory of Nana 3-17-01)

you've always been so unique. From your days as "Spidey" to your nights as "ControlAltDelete," you've shown you are a born leader, independent, and incredibly smart. Thank you for picking us as your parents - we so cherish having you as a son. You make me laugh and you comfort me when I'm down - you are so strong. I admire your ability to follow your heart and be yourself. Work hard but enjoy yourself - make life fun! And know that we will always be here for you.

.re - from watchnt to be. Please ; and be loved at ::hieve that goal.

" Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying 'This is the way - walk in it. '" Isaiah 30:21

nd Zebby

Love, Mom and Dad

A r

Senior Congratulations 223

Neen To our youngest, May you succeed in your life's endeavors. We love you, Mom&Dad


Alyssa ~



Bill 0 'Brien Congratulations! We are proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Kathleen, and John

Audra Christine Long To our baby girl, Where has the time gone?

you have taught us what it is to be proud, you have showed us what it is to be brave. you are a dream come true. The perfect routine and the winning goal. Thank you for being our daughter. Spread your wings and fly.

We love you, Mom, Dad, and Re

you were so cute 1 you're a young r mean with you). Y here but instead I ym

P.S. Your dad, Jes:


Jules July 4, 1984. What a day for

We love you, Mom, Dad and Jeremy

celebration. You have delighted, charmed, and

Megan Almond We hope your future

humbled us as you taught us who you were. Your world is just beginningenjoy it all.

holds as much happiness as you have given us.

Dominoes with Thursday night peanut butter 1 piles of pictun love for child We're so very

Love, Mom, Dad and Derek 224 Senior Congratulations " c

Love, From all of us

Adam Gottschalk


When you were a little boy,

you were so cute that people always smiled at you. Now that you're a young man, people are always laughing at you (I mean with you). You know I planned to say something funny here but instead I want let you know how much I appreciate your ability to make me laugh. I love you, Mom P.S. Your dad, Jesse, Chance, and Cal Ripken, Jr. all love you and wish you well. Happy broadcasting!

to be proud, ; to be brave.

~ true.

路inning goal. laughter. j fly .


Twinkle-Toes AshleyWhat a day for ~lebration.

It' s so great to finally get my last baby through school. You've turned out like I've always hoped, strong, intelligent, and beautiful. Always remember our precious memories: eating mac and cheese at midnight, watching Annie and the Sound of Music over and over,


1ave delighted, charmed, and mbled us as you 1ght us who you ~re.

Your world

just beginningenjoy it all.

Dominoes with Gram, our trips to Florida and Arizona, Thursday night tv, shopping from coast to coast, fleece, peanut butter toast and hot chocolate, going through piles of pictures, our Sunday afternoon movies, your love for children, and most importantly picking on George: We' re so very proud of you and wish you the best of luck. Love always, Mom, Tommy, and Nic ...lim_




Senior Congra tulations 225

Melissa Joel Baldwin


That's right Melissa-

We learned early in your life



what type of man you would grow up to be by just watching and li stening. You loved to wade in the streams looking for crayfi sh and minnows. Today, you are conscious of your e nvironment and have a strong interest in preserving the earth . There wasn' t a dog or cat in the nei ghborhood that you didn ' t befriend . By age I 0, you started earning money by caring for cats and dogs . There was hardl y a child in the neighborhood that didn ' t frequent our hou se because of yo ur outgoing, generous, and fri endly manner. That practice continues. Everyone who kn ows you loves your sense of humor. We learned all of the SNL

you were adorable! You still are. Stay as happy and sweet as you've always been. Lots of love, Daddy & Momma

characters from you! You ' re a good and loyal fri end and, in return , you' ve earned their trust and friendship. Now is the time to celebrate-the man you' re becoming and all of the opportunities that await you. The choices that await you are numerous. Whatever you choose, we hope that it brin gs you happiness and fulfillment. Face all of your challenges positi vely and with commitment. We want you to succeed in everything you do. We' re behind you every step of the way . We love you always , Mom, John , and Beth

Stephanie Reed

Will Wright

We are so very proud of you;

To our happy fella,

not just for you accomplishments, but for who you are. You have a good heart and good character. Some advice as you leave home: 1. Yesterday is history; tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift - that's why they call it the present. 2. It's better to be a real "nobody" than a fake "somebody." 3. Shoot for the moon. If you fall short, you ' ll be among the stars. 4. Keep your foo dog near you always! You'll always be in our thoughts and prayers. YOU GO, GIRL! Much love, Mom, Dad, Shannon & Travis

226 Senior Congratulations

The best of everything! Love, Mom, Dad, Cooper, Meredith, and Grandma

Keep searchin place that wil: ment. A litt smile will ta1


~ -


right path. We ar ccomplished. This lffiOW you are ready al ways be there for)'



1 ~

vour life

1an you would grow up to be ~g and li stening. to wade in the streams lookh and minnows. Today, you 1f your environment and have st in preserving the earth. 1't a dog or cat in the neigh·ou didn ' t befriend. By age earning money by caring for

1ardly a child in the neighbor! frequent our house because ing, generous, and friendl y practice continues. Nho knows you loves your We learned all of the SNL

•u've earned their trust and

g and all of the opportunities ;. Whatever you choose, we of your challenges positivel y behind you every step of the


Our precious angel,

We were there when you were born.

it seems like only yesterday we held you in our arms; now we turn around and you are a young woman going out of the door. We blinked and eighteen years have passed by. You have given us so much to be thankful for. You are a unique individual. Your passion for life and dedication to achieve you goals will get you where you want to be in this great world. Remember to have faith in yourself and faith in God. These two things will keep you on the ri ght path. We are very proud of you and what you have accomplished. This is the start of a new beginning, and one we know you are ready for. Always remember we love you and wlll always be there for you. We are proud to say we are your parents. God bless you, Mom and Dad

We were there when you took you first step. We were there when you first swam, when you first competed and when you first won. You were there to teach us how to be parents. You were there when we needed to be questioned. You were there when we nee to be challenged, when we needed to be humbled and when we needed to be loved.

We will always be there for you! Love, MomandDad

Jenny Wood

Little D



You've made it!!

hing! ~edith,

Angela Nicole Ishee


Keep searching for your spot in this world. It's a place that will bring you happiness and contentment. A little hard work and your wonderful smile will take you where ever you want to go. ... We love you Mom, Dad, & Lisa

1- -

Pooh-our smiling sunshine!


You have always been so special to us and have made us so proud. What a treasure you are- your outgoing adventurous personality, endless energy, charm and wit, sensitivity, fearlessness, and big heart keep us young and laughing. As beautiful as you are on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside! What an incredible honor to have you as our daughter and sister! We know you will secceed in your dreams through your perseverance, honesty, integrity, loyalty, and faith. Always strive for excellence and keep singing and dancing. Rmember to have fun and don't run too far! We love you, Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Daniel A_ Senior Congratulations 227



Kelly Stone

Where has the time gone?

On January 1, 1984

To my "do-it-all" kid, the journey has been filled with love, pride, and joy! Keep your compassion for others, wonderful sense of humor, and faith in God. Strive to always do your best, don 't settle for less- it will take you far. Learn from your mistakes. Remember we will be here and love you always. We love you, Mom & Dad To my baby brother, best of luck! Love, Matt Thanks for always looking out for me. Good luck in whatever you do. Love you, Meredith

you were the first baby born in Charlottesville on New Years Day, the third baby in our family and truly the "icing on the cake." Your love for your family, life, and time spent with us has warmed our hearts. Your hard work and determination will lead you to a successful future. Follow your dreams and keep your morals and ideals high. Go out into the world with your beautiful smile and shine goodness where ever you go. We wish you much love and happiness. You are forever our shining star. Love forever, Mom, Dad, Julie, Chad, and Grandmother

Laura Magette Fechteler


YOU? ...A Senior?!! Already?? Can't be!


Cra~ Craig-

Once you realize confidence to displa continue to be kir wonderful gift Y' Live like there's no and mal


Matt: W

It was only yesterday that you learned to ride a bike, tie your shoes, and wished that Snow Bear would come alive. You were a terrific kid and you're turning into a terrific young woman.

I'm so very proud of you. The best is yet to come. The sky is the limit! Now go out there and discover the secrets that the oceans hold! Love, Mom

228 Senior Congratulation


We have marveled at your ability to find your own path and think for yourself, yet remain so sensitive and loving. We have delighted in seeing you grow and mature, your strength and courage becoming more evident every day. We with you all the happiness in the world. All our love, Mom & Dad

shows your g humorous nat


Craig McSherry

Nikki Jewell


Craig-It's time to wake up!

Personality and talent were given to you by God.

1e first baby born tesville on New the third baby in y and truly the :he cake." Your 1r family, life, and nt with us has d our hearts. vork and determi11 lead you to a ams and keep your to the world with >dness where ever ~and happiness. ing star.


How wonderfully you have grown over the years! You music, generous spirit, and love of life have touched us and many others that have met you over your 18 years. May you continue to nurture Once you realize how much talent you possess, and have the confidence to display it, the world will be yours. We hope you will continue to be kind to children and those less fortunate. It is a wonderful gift you can use to make the world a better place. Live like there's no tomorrow, learn like you'lllive forever, laugh and make the world smile, dare to be great. We will always be here for you! Love, Mom, Dad, Matt, & Meghan

Matt Looney

Laura Hawkins

Matt: We are very proud of you!

It seems like yesterday that you were

With hard work and sacrifice, we have watched you overcome many difficult challenges. You like to set lofty goals and achieve them. When asked to do a task, you do it well without supervision. Your willingness to work behind the scene, giving the recognition to others, shows your generous and lovj.ng spirit. A gentle and humorous nature makes you.a joy to be around. You are an inspiration to us all! Love, Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Glenn

our own path and d loving. We have rour strength and We with you all

your gifts and share them with others. All our love and God's blessings, Mom, Dad, Kevin, and Spencer

our "Tazmanian Devil" and "Ninja Turtle." Now you have grown into a beautiful, smart, lively young woman, full of dreams and ambition. Always keep your enthusiasm for life and your compassion for others. Remember to approach the world with love in your heart and a smile on your face. Congratulations on your achievements so far. We could not have asked for a more wonderful daughter. We love you and are very proud of you. Mom and David





Senior Congratulations 229

Megan You are ready

and overdue to begin writing the next chapter in your life. Words are not adequate to describe our pride and love for you. Strong character, intelligence, and a focused passion for life will be your ticket to success and happiness. Truly, the best is yet to be for Mega, our special angel. We' ll leave the light on, Meggy ... always. With much love, Mom,. Dad, Nikki and Zack

Travis-Lambert --- Thanks for being a great son and giving us so much joy. Congratulations on your senior year and good luck beginning a new chapter in your life! We will miss hearing your footsteps and your body slams as we are trying to sleep. Remember "we" are your biggest fans and we'll always be here for you! Reach for the stars! We love you! Mom, and Dad, and Emileigh

Amir Rasool

Erica Marie Jaeger

Bald and beautiful,


don't worry about going bald when the time comes, because you have the perfect head for it. We want you to have fun in college, but not too much. Best wishes from your best friends: Mom, Dad, Ali and Mos! We love you very much!

would always pose for the camera. You can see the impish smile on her face! Cute, cute, cute!

and love into c have always "1 as Frost prom May God build out to share Hi



Ron Snitrak

You have brought so much joy

Time has passedby much too quickly.

and love into our lives. We are so proud of you. You have always "Taken the road less traveled" and, just as Frost promised, "it has made all the difference." May God build you up, strengthen you, and send you out to share His love with the world. We love you so very much. Mom, Dad, and Logan

We have watched you grow. Our boy is graduating. We are very proud of you as you venture on into the world. We admire your talent and all that you have accomplished. You are a wonderful son and brother. We wish you much success and happiness in the future. Our love will be with you always. We love you, Mom, Dad & Rosslyn

;reat son

ays be here for ~love you! lileigh










Senior Congratulations 231



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. .,



1 G~ 19 Gi~ Era Yearbook Underclass pictures ... wha路 a day!! But thanks to Nicole and every other member of the staff, we made it through that day without a hitch!!

Mcanalle' s going away party! Ms. Aust always knew what to bring for this group to get a party going! BROWNIES!!!

Jade and Jules were always the first to be in line when the food arrived on a late night! Yum!!

Chris, keeping quiet as usual! Sorry we may have scared you out of the lab once or twice with all of our "girl talk!!



Chris, you were the envy of every male in school; 19 girls and the only guy in a class for an hour and a half every other day!! Lucky, Lucky you!!! L to R: Ms. Aust (Advisor), Erika, Alda (Sports editor), Brittany, Nicole, Lacy (Managing editor), Kate (Underclass editor), Kate, Adrianne, Chirs (Academics editor), Tonya, Sarah, Allie, Jade (Layout & Design editor), Meg, Molly, Amber, Amanda (Business editor), Vanessa (Senior editor), Julianne (Student Life editor), and Mcanalle. Not pictured: Laura michael (Senior editor) 236 Yearbook Staff 2002 -











I have had so much fun working with you guys on the staff. I have enjoyed getting to know each of you on a personallevel.



pictures ... wha路 ut thanks to 1d every other of the staff, we hrough that day 1 hitch!!


I enjoyed working with ya'll each and every moment, even during our stressful times. Keep up the good work! I'm going to miss ya! Congratulations Class of 2002!! Love Always ~ Nicole

11----.JI I






What can I say besides, "Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." And that's pretty much how this yearbook class has been! It's been real! Good luck Class of 2002, live life to the fullest!! Lots of Love ~ Sarah I would like to say thanks to the whole staff for making such an awesome book. Being the underclass editor gave me a lot more responsibility to take on, thanks to all who helped me out! Kate Rennie


I I. .

1\ ...:::;r , .l!la.. -~:7

_. 1 I


Thank you so much for coming together and producing such a great yearbook! Thanks Lace for always being the one to step up!! I love you guys! Jules




' f(

lg 路ah,



J ~ -___.- ,

This being my first year, I could not have Ahh. What a year! So much hard work went asked for a better group of people to work with. into making this yearWe have done so much book and it all paid off!! Alda & Erica so fast! Along with the book production have gotten to meet and form Working on the year new relationships with book has been fun yet people that I would stressful at the same never have expected!! I time. I just want to thank love ya Mex! Kate Marrs for helping Thanks, Kate Marrs me when I needed it!! Being on the staff this year has given me the chance to see how it feels to be on a large staff. Last year we only had a few people so this has been an entirely different experience. Jade, I love you!! You stink for leaving us! Julianne, we'll always have yearbook camp!! Lacy, teasing Adam, the patho., was the greatest! And to the current staffers, thanks so much for making such an awesome book. Peace, Love, Empathy ~ Amanda Finn Thanks for making my first year on yearbook staff awesome! From selling ads, latenights, and deadlines, we've made it through it all! I'll miss everyone who is leaving us, it won't be the same without ya! Good luck to all of you and take chances and live it up! Meg

Allie Mextorf I had a great year in yearbook this year. The class was great and all the girls did a great job. Despite late deadlines we, as a class, accomplished a lot this year! It was great! Chris Barcomb I think I speak for everyone when I say thank goodness we made it through this year! We have had our good days and our bad days, but we all stuck together like one big family. Thank you for all being truly wonderful!! Nicole, you better come back and visit, we all love you! Love, Brittany

I just want to tell each of you that no matter how much griped about us not working and about the book being done on time, we did it!! Doesn't it feel good now to see Yearbook is my life!! You all of our hard labor! guys made it fun. GREAT job guys! Ms. Aust Lots love, Lacy


Yearbook Staff 2002 237 ~

- ..




llhe way I look at things is, You have to shoot for a goal, Figuratively. You have to run aro1Jnd, Or through your opp<,nent, Literally. You have to stand tall, Move fast, piay ha1~d, While everyone on the sidelines is Looking at your every move. You have to grab the ball, Or the world. With two hands And jam that sucker home.

238 The Games of Life





-------~ ~~

oj2002,tpmoe made it ta tfre twit tro.el!





• les ts

-· ::::.

You -w-atch tne today at the tryouts, I'tn ready to step up to a -w-hole ne-w- level. ... -Tysheen Stanton


The Games of Life 239

Abdelhalim,Hassan 100,143 AtxJng,D. 1ffi Acosta,Raphael21 ,51 Adie,Ravi 51 Adler, Daniel 84 Adler, Karen 36,43,51 , 190, 191 ,207,234 Affeldt, Daniel 92 Affeldt,Jake 51 Affinnih,Jacobi 21 ,92 Agee,Shaun 100 Aghera,Sameer 51 ,208 Aiken , Jenn~er 100,161 Albertson,Rachel1 00 Albrecht, Hope 51,204 Albrecht,Joseph 100 M;)er,Shyalne 125 AI-Hamdani, Khalil 92 Allen,Adrianne5,38,84,236 Allen, Brittany 51 ,190 Allen , Jenn~er 18,92 Allen, Portia 100 Allen, Rodney 84, 163 Allen-Henke,Carmen 100 Alley, Richard 84,141,191 Almond, Megan 51,224 Aloui,Hasan 51 ,180,217 Alpers, Gordon 84 Alvarez, Alexander 92 Alvarez, Erik 100 Ambrister,Bryan 100,181 Anderson,Ciyde 100 Anderson,Craig 100 Ange,Meghan 84 Angell, Daniel 100, 188, 189 Ard1er,C. 143 Archer,Rushll100, 142 Archer,Stephen 100 Argaud, David 100, 143 Armantrout, Eric 92 Armstead, Daniel 84,189 Armstrong,Amanda 9,100 Armstrong,Karilee 22,27, 51 ,197,198 Armstrong,Sara19,84, 139, 158,159,189 AmettJr, Richard 92 Amold,Joseph 92 Arseneau~. Yoshua 100 Arthur, Emily84, 156,157,180 Ashby,David Mclennan 8,45, 51 ,201 Ashby, Virginia 51 , 191 Assareuy,Marina 30,40 Atchison,Andrew 12, 15,45, 84,141,162,163,191 Aubrecht,J. 143 Aust, Mrs. Kim 135,236 Austin,Kyle 51 ,63,190 Azadzoi,Sadaf 100

Bailey, Brendan 92 Bailey,Joshua 100,143 Bailey, Zachary 84 Baker,Andrew 100 Balano, Daniel 92 Baldwin, Lily 100 Baldwin, Melissa 51 ,191 ,226


*~~ ~~~

Ballmin,M. 190 Balmer, Kathryn 92,181 Bambrey,Meghan 84 Banett. D. 18) Bankard,Christopher 84 Bannister,Tyler 84,181 Banst,J. 190 Barbara, Gina 7,100 Barbour, Erica 51 Barbour, Melisia 100 Barbour,Schyler 100 Barcomb,Chris29,84,122, 2l3 Bartow,Casey 8,100 Bartow, Kelly Lauren 12, 15, 37,80, 146,190,208 Barnes,Justin 34,84 Bamett,Lauren5,63,181 ,190 Bamett,Robin 92,158,181 Barredo,J. 190 Barrientoo-Merdoza,Manuel 100 Barton, Bryan 92,181 Barton,James 84 Bassett,Lyndsie 100,161 Bateman,Lindsey 84, 191 Batten, Travis 8,100 Battle, Eric 100, 143 Bau:::an,C. 143 Beam,Amber 92 Bean,S. 190 ElaNnan.Evan 15, 140,141,158,221 Ele::Jqnan,Lauen 12. 16,92, 144,180 Beckstoffer,Christopher 100 Beebe,AshtonAian 23,26, 52,207 Belew,Ashley 100,161 Bennett, Daniel 92, 188 Benson IV, John92 Berg, Desiree 100 Berkley,Thea 84 Berlin, Daniel 92, 142 Berube,Abigail6, 11 , 15,84 Berube,Samuel12, 100 Betts, Matt 8J Biggins,Tavia 92 Biggs,J. 142 Billings, A. 141,180,189 Binder,KyleW.190, 191,218 Bishop,Brittany18,84, 129, 143,236 Bishop, Michael 100 Blake, John 92 Blankenship,Rachel92 Blech-Caulder, Thea 92 Bledsoe,Logan 92, 141, 181 Bloomfield, Elana 92 Bly,Carl 14) Boateng,Aida92,236 Bodenstein,Jyl92 Bodily,Rachel84, 144 Bodkin,lan Z34 Bodrey,Joshua 92 Boehm,AIIison52,81, 119, 129,180,210 Boehm,Brian 100 Boge,Magnus 84 Bojarski, Meredith 101 Bolden, Ross 84, 144,177 Boller,Jack 101 Boiler, Katherine 190,234 Boman,H. 18J Bosselman, Brooke 92 Boucher,Chantal84 Boume,Ashleigh 19,92 BcMden,A 190 Bowers,Johnson 84 Bow1er,K 190 Bowles,Sara 101 Bowman, Helen 84 Bowns,Aiison 84

Bowyer,Morganna 92 Boyd,Jeffrey 54,190 Boyd, Scott 101 ,143 Boyd,Timothy 54,205 Brackett,Grace 101 Brackett, Katherine 84 Brackett,Megan 84,236 Brackett, Nicole 92 Bradley,Joseph 54,119 Bradshaw,Mike7,54,118,141 Bragg , Jenn~er 84,188,191 Branch, Hilary 92 Brase,John 24,125 Brase,Nicole54,129,206,236 BraseiV,William 84 Brashear, Laura 101 , 157 Brashear, Sarah 54,190,194 Braxton,C. 141 Bray, David 84 Bray, Jon 38,40 Breakiron,Sara 84 Bream,Susan 54 Breeden, Emily 84,114 Breeden,Rel::arnCathari'le 54 Breen,David101 ,150,151,181 Brennan,Kyle 92 Briggs,Justin 92 Bright, Coty 85 Brito, Lucas 101 Broderick,AmyTeresa54,70 Broderick, Kristen 70,101 Brooks,M. 190 Brown, Dominic 85, 189Jr, BrownJr, Frank 85 Brown, Katrina 101 Bruwn,Lashawnda 101 Brown, Michael 92, 163 Brown,Roderick15,45,54, 141 ,181 Brown, Roger11 ,15,30.41 , 54,140 Bruwn,Shawnta 92,181 Brownhiii , Jenn~er 92 Brownhiii,Stephanie 101 Bruwnlee,Amber 101 Brubeck,Aaron 92 Brumbaugh, Susan 43,85 Brust,Jessica 92 Bryant,Jenn~er 92 Bryant,Jessica 54,217 Bryant, Kenneth 92 Buglia,Mr. 124 Bull, Robert 92 Burg,Dr. 123 Burgess,Julie 85 Burke,Amanda 101 ,107 Burks,MartinVanderiV 15, 55,141 ,19,202 Bumer,William 101 Bums, Kristen 101 Bums, William 101 , 143 Burris,Jennifer 10,85,191 Burris, Sarah 101 Burton,Ashley 101 Burton, Lamarkco 92 Burton,Orelia 101 Bush,Devynn 101,188,189 Bush,Jeffrey 85 Bush, Sarah 85 Bwenge,Caruline 92 Byers,Chadae 92 Byers, Eric 85, 141 Cadwalader,Samantha 92 Cahalen,Stuart 101

Calabria,Giulianna 101 ,189 Campbell,Elizabeth 101 Campbeii , Jenn~er 101 Canada, Peter 101 Cantore,Ryan 55, 119 Caraway, Emily 49,55 Caraway,Je:my ~ Caraway,Kristen 24,44 Caraway,L.izzy ~ Carbone, Jenny 55,120,132, 190,221 Cartxre,Jessi::a 133 Carbone,Theresa 101 Carlson, Brandy 92 Carlson,Karen 101 Carpenter,Adam 92 Carpenter,Karen 129 Carr,lan 85 Carr, John 92 Carraway,Elizabeth 92 Carraway, Jenn~er 101 , 188 Carraway,Kristen Grace 55, 144 Carter,Avante 92 Carter, Levhon 55 Carter,Nlyshae 55 Carto-Spruwal,Shianne 85 Catlett,Andrew 101 Catlett, Ryan 92 Catoe,Marqu~a 55 Catoe,Martisha 85 Catta-Preta. Bianca 12,101 Catta-Preta,Jade 22,39,85, 188,190,236 Cedillo, Griselda 92 Centini,Jenna 42,85,157 Chalmers,Mr.136,180, 189 Chandler, Ben 85 Chandler,Michael101 Chaney,Ashk;y 1ED Chaney,Tara 92 Chang,Che 85 Chang,Frank 55 Chen,Chie-Yi 92 Chen,Kearby 92 Chen,Szu-Han 93 Ch:rey 190 Cheney,Candice 93 Cheney,Kristen 55,190,207 Chilton, Erin 85 Chi~on , Kevin 93 Choi,Nack-Chung 55 ChrisHayes,Kali 33 Christensen,Skye 101 Christianson,Ms. 132 Chung, Ann 93 Church,Wendy 55,189,190 Cilimberg,Justin 85 Clark, Bianca 101 Clark,Michael35,56,208 Clark-Covert,Monica 12,101 Clarry,Anne 85 Clarry, Lisa 101 Clemmer,Amanda 93 Clifford, Daniel 85, 191 Clifton,Jared 101 Clifton,Joshua 101 Cline,Holly56, 129,190,193 Cline,Justin 93 Coan,Aiexander 93 Cochoon,J. 191 Cockrell,Stephanie 93 Coe,Jude 93 Coffindaffer,Jonathan 56 Coffman, Mark 85 Coffman,R. 1ffi Cohoon,Genevieve 85 Cole, MaryEllen 93,188 Coles, Brian 101 , 142 Coles, David 93 Coles,Matthew 93 Collier,Daniel16,93,181 Collier, Rebecca 12,50, 56, 70,73, 146,211

Collier,Suzanne 70,101 Collins,Chris 16,56,70,81 , 162,163,181 ,189,190,201 Collins, Christian 85 Collins, Gina 70,93,115 Co~rane, Michael 93 Colombini,Mrs.118 Combs, Bryan 85, 180 Combs, Dylan 56 Connor,Agnes 93 Conmr,Justin 56 Calted,Mlrred 32 Conteh,Achmed 12,56, 140, 141 ,203 Conti,Timothy 56 Cook, Allison 85 Cooke,Aiicia 101 Cooper, Michele 101 , 148 Cooper,Shannon85,180,191 Cope, Brian 101 Corey, Erik 56,189 Corley,Catherine 101 Cottrane,M.1ffi Counciii,Christopherlll 93 Covington,Brian 35 Covington, Robert 85 Craddock,Brian 12,56,81, 180,220 Craddock,Mark 93 Cramer,Kevin 85 Crank,A 143 Crank, Caroline 85 Crank,Charles 101 Craun,S. 190 Crawford,Spencer 85 Crawner.M 190 Creighton,Mary-Randall85 Crickenberger,Carty 93 Crist, Megan Liana 56 Critzer,Catherine 93 Cross,Anita 93,158,159,

181 Cross , Jenn~er

93, 181 Cross, Rachel 57 Crowner, Kelli 93 Cruwner,Matthew 57 Cruse,Megan 85,188 Cuadros, Patricia 101 Cummings,C. 1ffi Cunningham,Ms.Faye 126, 188,189 Cupp,Kelli 101 Curry,Ben 57,80, 140,141 , 181 ,199 Curtis, Sean 93 Cushman,Meghan 12,85, 156,157,190

Dahlstrom, Kaitlyn 93, 188 Dallavalle,Christine 41 ,85 Dallavalle,Gregory 101 ,189 D~on. Ryan 101, 143 Dandridge,Alice 93 Dandridge,Julia 101 Darrus,D. 190 Darcus,JoannaK. 57 Darcus,Stephen 101 Daugherty,Carti 101 Dau~on. R. 143 Davis, Angela 93 Davis,Cherelle 101 Davis, Dee 25,50 Davis, Heather 93 Davis, Krystal 85

Davis,Undsay45,85,87,14t 181 ,191 Davis, Marcelia 57, 199 Davis,Olacynth 57,190,21 2 214 Davis,Twylia 101 Dawson,Jane135 Day,..Jaro1 5,10,85 Deakin, Bridgett 85 Deakin,Chance 101 Dean,Amanda 101 Deane,Robert 102 Dedes,Matthew 85 Degnan, Erin 85 Degnan,Megan 93 Degraff,Jessica 93,115 Degroat, Pierce 102 Dellaganna,Christine 57,m Delp,Jason 93 Dennis, Felicia 85 Dertinde,CatherineVan 99 Derstine,Jessica 102 Desai,Sujay 93 Desper,Courtney 57 Dickinson, Fritz 57, 195 Dickson, Hilary 93 Digiacomo,Jamie 102 Dilbeck,Christopher1 02,143 Dillehunt, David 57,188 Dillon,Neil 29,42,85 Dimic, Nikolina 85 Dinsmore, Matthew 57 Dolinger,Andrew 85 Dominici, Holly 57 Donahue, Ken 85 Donahue,Rene 102 Dorman, Rachael58 Doshier, Robert 58 Dossman,Jesslyne 102 Dougherty, Patrick 85 Douglass, Shaman 93, 142 Downing, Emily 43, 85 Doyle, Kevin 102,143 Doyle, Timothy 85 Drake,William 93 Drozda, Megan 9,58,190 Druzda, Nikki 19,31 Dudley, Dale 94 Dudley, Rowdy 58 Dudly,A. 142 Dueweke,Lauren 85 Duncan, Kevin 85 Dunlap,L 142 Dunlap,Matthew 102 Dunlap, William 94 Duong, Duyen 102 Duray,D. 190 Durl<in,Jeff ~ Durkin,Jeffrey 85 Durkin, Matt~ Durkin,Matthew 102 Durrer, Miranda 94 Duvall,William 85, 189 Duxbury,Christen 94 Dyer, David 85, 87

Eades,Dakoda 102 Eades,Siera 85,139,158 Eanes, Thomas 102 Early, Karen 58,190,191 , 219,234 Earty,L 190 Earredo,J. 190 Eatmon,Jatonia 85 Echeverri-Gen~Simone 94 Edwards,Kathleen 85 Edwards,Sarah 102 Eichner,Adrienne 58

d'lner,Amy 102 :-8anna, Mary 102 .der,Ashley 102, 144 .der, Megan12,58, 144,145 gort, Mayan 102 ..Bson-Carey,Galen 102 tzan,Jesse 7,28,94 ..Kersh,Amr 102 ,MaryKathryne58,212 ..sv.ick,Maureen19,102 !zey, Jeffrey 16,94 Jzey,Laura 34,86 '11anUelson,Mary 102 11anuelson,VICtoria 94 -mtli,Jordan 102,143 'l:lres,Tosha 94,142 <r,;Jel,Laura 86 ~I, Seth 102 11Qiish, Christine 94 -nst-Jaeger,Erica 64 ,W1, B. 143 -Nin,Samantha 102 路Nin iii,Robert102 .sposito, Gia 94, 98, 180 ..:Stes,Lauren 102 ....sace,Zachary 94,180 rc!IlS, Tykara 102 l'ef'ett,Cara 58 l'ef'S, Rachel1 02, 144 o;ZZyl<. Christopher 94

aris, lan 86 armer,Kenneth II 94,142 -aulconer,William 102 'echteler,Laura 58,81,228 ;gts, Brittney 86 m etti,Gabriel 102, 143 '1!1Tetti,Tissiana 94 -elds, Dustin 86 --elds, Keri 94 'ek:ls, Nicole 94 ..-.ch, Michael94 =fil,Amanda 86,236 =mey,Thomas 86 ~ter, Terri86

=ilre,Rachel 94 ~r.Hannah 94 =1sk, Georgette 102 ::Ugerald, Eric 86 =izgerald,James 94,142 =uhugh,John 94 =-rtzpatrick,Caitlin 58,80, 188, 91,220 =!add,Samantha 102 =nnt, Victoria 58 =!oyd,Anthony 59 ::Ord, Sarah 94 ::Orrest,John 59,70,141 ::Orrest, Kris 34,47, 59, 193 =orrest,Madeleine 70,102 :=oss,Mr. 37,134 =aster,James 40,86,189 =outz. Mr. 37,137 ::Owler,Jeff 45,59,80, 190, 91,211 Fowler,Julie 102 Franklin,C. 141 ~"ranklin , Tim 120 Franko,L 180,181 ,191 Franko, Lisa 50,59,73,146 Frasier, Lance 86 Frazer,Jamie 94,188 Frazer, Sarah 59,144, 145, 190 Frazier,Rebecca 102 Fredrikson,Ryan 102 French, Lindsey 102 French,Whitney 59,190

Davis,Undsay45,85,87, 1 181 ,191 Davis, Marcelia 57,199 Davis, Olacynth 57, 190,212. 214 Davis,Twylia 101 Dawoon,Jane135 Day,...larol 5,10,85 Deakin, Bridgett 85 Deakin,Chance 101 Dean,Arnanda 101 Deane,Robert 102 Dedes, Matthew 85 Degnan, Erin 85 Degnan,Megan 93 Degraff,Jessica 93,115 Degroat, Pierce 102 Dellaganna,Christine 57,23:Delp,Jason 93 Dennis, Felicia 85 Dertinde,CatherineVan 99 Derstine,Jessica 102 Desai,Sujay 93 Desper,Courtney 57 Dickinson, Fritz 57, 195 Dickson, Hilary 93 Digiacomo,Jamie 102 Dilbeck,Christopher102,143 Dillehunt, David 57, 188 Dillon,Neil 29,42,85 Dimic, Nikolina 85 Dinsmore, Matthew 57 Dolinger, Andrew 85 Dominici, Holly 57 Donahue,Ken 85 Donahue,Rene 102 Dorman,Rachael58 Doshier, Robert 58 Dossman,Jesslyne 102 Dougherty, Patrick 85 Douglass,Shaman 93,142 Downing, Emily 43,85 Doyle, Kevin 102,143 Doyle,Timothy 85 Drake,William 93 Drozda, Megan 9,58,190 Drozda,Nikki19,31 Dudley, Dale 94 Dudley, Rowdy 58 Dudly,A. 142 Dueweke,Lauren 85 Duncan, Kevin 85 Dunlap, L 142 Dunlap, Matthew 102 Dunlap,William 94 Duong, Duyen 102 Duray,D. 19) Durkin,Jeff ::l:l Durkin,Jeffrey 85 Durkin,Matt::l:l Durkin,Matthew 102 Durrer, Miranda 94 Duvall, William 85, 189 Duxbury,Christen 94 Dyer, David 85, 87

Eades,Dakoda 102 Eades,Siera 85,139,158 Eanes,Thomas 102 Early, Karen 58, 190, 191 , 219,234 Earty,L 19) Earredo,J. 19) Eatmon,Jatonia 85 Echeverri-Gen~Simone 94 Edwards,Kathleen 85 Edwards, Sarah 102 Eichner, Adrienne 58

d mer,Arny 102 K3anna,Mary 102 der,Ashley 102,144 :..der,Megan12,58, 144,145 igor!,Mayan 102 Jason-Carey, Galen 102 Jzan,Jesse7,28,94 ;.1-Kersh,Amr 102 ·~ MaryKathryne58,212 ..swick, Maureen19,102 ey, Jeffrey 16,94 22ey,L.aura 34,86 :manuelson,Mary 102 111ar1uelson,V~oria 94 m ahi,Jordan 102,143 :ndres,Tosha 94,142 ...1lgel, Laura 86 :tlgel, Seth 102 :tlglish, Christine 94 :.:nshJaeger,Erica 64 .;.'Win,B. 143 ::twin,Samantha 102 :swiniii,Robert102 :sposito,Gia 94,98,180 :stes, Lauren 102 fu>ta.ce,Zachary 94, 180 :vans, Tykara 102 =verett,Cara 58 =vers,Rachel102,144 Ezzyk, Christopher 94

::ans, lan 86 :::armer, Kenneth II 94, 142 ~ulconer, William 102 ::echteler, Laura 58,81 ,228 ==ells, Brittney 86 ==erretti,Gabriel 102, 143 ==erretti,Trssiana 94 "ields, Dustin 86 "ields, Keri 94 "ields, Nicole 94 =ilch, Michael 94 ~n, Arnanda 86,236 ~ney,Thomas 86 =ilster,Terri 86 ~re, Rachel 94 ==isher, Hannah 94 =151<, Georgette 102 ~gerald, Eric 86 ==itzgerald,James 94,142 ==-rtzhugh,John 94 ==-rtzpatrick,Caitlin 58,80, 188, 91,220 liadd,Samantha 102 :=Jint, Victoria 58 :=Joyd, Anthony 59 ::Ord, Sarah 94 ::Orrest,John 59,70,141 ::arrest, Kris 34, 47,59, 193 ::Orrest,Madeleine 70, 102 l=oss,Mr. 37,134 ::OSter, James 40,86,189 Foutz,Mr. 37,137 Fowler,Jeff 45,59,80, 190, 191,211 Fowler,Julie 102 Franklin,C. 141 Franklin,Tim 120 Franko,L 180,181 ,191 Franko, Lisa 50,59, 73, 146 Frasier, Lance 86 Frazer,Jamie 94,188 Frazer,Sarah 59, 144,145, 19) Frazier,Rebecx:a 102 Fredrikson, Ryan 102 French,Lindsey 102 French, Whitney 59,190

Freundschuh,Arnber94,188 Friedman,Aiex 102 Frizzell,Ryan 102 Frost,Aiexandra 102 Fuentes,MarieAngeli 86 Fuhn, Michael 86 Fu~on , Joseph 102 Fuss, Catherine59,221

Gaffney,Jessica 102,188, 189 Gagble,Hope 102 Gaines, Erica 94,181 Gaines, Julie 94 Gaines, Krystal 102 Gala,Aarti 94 Galindo,Tanya 59 Gallagher,C.143 Gallagher, John 94,142 Gantt, Kelly 102 Gantt,William 94 Garcia, Jose 94 Garland,Mr.33 Gamer,Adam 102 Gamer,Andrew 102 Garren, Emma 94,190,234 Garth,Artrianna 94 Gartland, Kelly 45, 86, 139, 158,159,181 Garton,Julie 59 Garton, Megan 102 Garver,Courtney 94 Gastineau, Emily 102 Gene~ Adam 94 Gentry,L.auren43,86 Gentry, Matt 6,28, 189 Gentry,William 86 Gercke, Emily 59,80, 190, 191 Gibson,Arnanda 86 Gibson,Charles 95,188 Gibson,Jordan 95,142 Gibson, Matthew 11 ,40,86,

gs Gibson,Tyler 95,125,142 Gielow,Brendan 95 Giffen,Aiexander 86,188, 183 Gilchrist,Michael59,210 Giles, Kristen 61 ,220 Gillespie,Ethnie 102 Gillette,Joshua11 , 12,86, 150,191 Gimbei,Samuel102 Glassberg,Eleanor 102 Glassberg,Jon 61 ,218 Glennie,Ann 102 Godshall IV, Timothy 95 Goetting IV,Charles 61 Goforth,Heather 86 Gornaa, Edward 86 Gomersali,Helen 22,23,61 , 190,195 Gondek, Eric 31 ,102,180 Gonias,Sydelle 13,86, 122, 156,157,191 Gonzalez, Daihara 95 Gmzalez..femardez,PrOOlla


Ga'lzaez-Ferrard:lz.vffin:a 103 ~

8,9 Goradia, Ohara 103 Gottschalk,Adam 61 ,128,225 Grace,Jamie 61 ,132,190, 216

Grage,Tim 86 Graham,Stephanie 103 Grant, Alex 95 Graves,Kelly 95 Green,Kelley 86 Green,Megan 86 Green,Shea 103 Green,Timothy 95 Greer, Noel 95, 188, 189 Gregg,Arnanda 61 , 191 Gregg, Robert 95 Griffith,Jenna 103, 161 Griffith, Samuel 86, 189 Grimm, lan 103 Grobmyer, Danielle 61, 63, 197 Grobrnyer,Mackenzie37, 103 Groome,Arny 103 Groome,Michael103 Grooms,Ashley 103,125 Grove,Amanda 61 Gruss,Joseph 103 Guanch,Jeffrey 86 Gubo, Marijana 103 Guggino,Jessica 95 Guggino,Michael95 Guthrie,Amber 86

Haden, Brian 86 Haden,Christopher 103 Haggard,Andrew 95,142 Hair, Brenda.135 Hald, Lucus 91 Hale,Ben 16 Haii,Andrew 86,141 Hall, Heather 61 Haii,SarahAnn 61 ,146,180, 190,200 Hall,Tammy Lynne 61 Halliday, Bethany 95 Hamerick, L 180 Hami~on,Nicolai 86 Hamlin,Jessica 95 Hammond,Cayman 95 Hamrick,Larkin 103 Haney, Eric 41 ,61 ,194 Haney,Jessi 103 Haney,Melissa 103 Hankins,Abigail95, 189 Hankins,Kristyn 42,86,191 Hankins, Laura 229 Hankins,William 95 Hanks, Holly 86, 189 Hanley,Rachel86, 144,145, 180,181 Hansen,Jennifer 45,86 Hantman, David 25,61 ,199 Haque,Tanzir 61 Harden, Marion II 86 Hardwick,Sara 103 Hardy,Dallin 12,86,163 Harker,Jon 61 ,189 Harper, Rachel86, 190 Harreii,Sean 103 Harris,Ashley 86 Harris, Daniel 86 Harris, Eric 62 Harris,Joseph 103,142 Harris, Laurie 62 Harrison,Anna 62 Harrold,S. 100 Hart, Danielle 86 Harvey, Chevel86 Hasenfus,Ryan 95 Hash, Mitchell 95 Hastings,Anna4, 10, 12,60, 62,80, 120,194 Hastings, Emily 95, 160, 181 Hatzigeorgiou, Irene 95

Hausner, Marisa 86, 141 Havens, Erika 62 Havens, Kievan 103 Hawkins, Laura E. 62,81 , 118,190 Hayes,ChristopherR. 62

Hearst,Malt 127 Hebert,Janette 62,163 Hebert,Steven 95,180 Heckel, Jessica 95 Heeschen,Eiizabeth 86 Heeschen,George 103 Hehr,Andrew 103 Heilberg,Benjamin 103 Heilbrun-Toft,Justin 95 Heintges,A. 143 Heintges, David 103 Hellman, Ian 62 Henderson,Natasha 62 Henderson,Rachel62,146 Henry,John 103 Hepler,C. 141 Herbert,S. 142 Hernandez, Erica 95,236 Hemandez,Mima 19,62, 158, 159,190 Hemdon,Christina 86 Hemdon,Donte 95 Hemdon, Patrick 62 Herring,Danielle 103 Herring,Joshua 95 Herring, Tina 86 Herron,Aisha 103 Hicks,Christopher 103,143 Hicks, Elizabeth 62, 190 Hiii,Adriana 103 Hill,Joshua 86 Hiii,Rosemary95, 122 Hiii,Taysha 95 Hiller, Carolyn 86, 180 Hiller, Emily 103,156,157 Himes, Emily 62, 190,215 Himes,Shane16,95 Hintz,Nathan 103 Hite,Christopher 103 Hocking, Daniel 41,86 Hodges, Jessica 86 Hoebeke,Arny 62,191 Hoelscher,Benjamin 95 Hoffman, Maria 91 Hoffman,Sean 103 Hogan, Erin 86,180 Hogan, Katherine 95,127 Holland, Elizabeth 86 Holland,Jacob 103 Homrneii,Kendall 33



Hopfensperger,Aloys 103 Horan, Elizabeth 104 Horan, Fintan 13, 86, 118 Hom,Chelsea 104 Horowski, Kelli 104 Houchens,Jessica 95 Houchens, Mark 20,86

HoNard,C. 1ffi Howard, Kayla 104 Howard,L.auren64, 190,191 Howard,Melissa95,234 Howe, Erika 86 Howe, Lindsay 43, 64, 190, 191 Hoy,Samantha 87 Huckstep, Marta 95 HLJ91es,M. 18'J Hughes,Matthew 87 Hughes, Megan 12,87



Hurst, Gary 5,41,87 Hurst, Matthew 95, 188 Hutchinson,Maggie 104 Hutson,Elizabeth 95 Hutton,Christina 87 Hutton,Jonathan 104 Hyre,Brandon 64,216



lnnes-Wimsatt,Kestrel104 lshee,AngelaNicole64, 156,157,190,227, Ishee,Jonathan 95,142,180 lsom,Dornenique 87

Ja,La 95 Jablonski, Matthew 104 Jacks,Arx:iew 16 ~.Arx:tew


Jackson, Ashley 104 .Jad<ro1, C. 142 Jackson, Chad 104 Jackson, Christopher 64,95 Jackson, Geoffrey 95 Jackson,Jake 104 Jackson, Patti A. 64, 190 Jackson,Travis 104 Jacoway,Ashphord 104,127, 161 ,188,189 Jaeger, Erica 144, 145, 181 ,

2Il Jahnsen,Giuliana 87 Jakubowski,Jefferson 87 Jamerson, Brittany 70, 104,

1ffi Jamerson, Byron 87 Jamerson,Trevor 12,45,49, 64,70,81 ' 188,190,195 James,Adam 87 Jarrell, Ricky 104 Jenkins,Anthony30, 104,143 Jenkins,James 87 Jenkins,Macie 30,95,144 Jergunson,R. 190 Jewell, Kevin 104 Jewell, Nikki 64, 190, 191 ,

223 Jia,Ruo 64 Jiang,Wuming 104 Johnson,Mr.181 Johnson, A. 141, 163, 180, 191 Johnson,Andrew 87 Johnson, Anne 87 Johnson, Antonio 12,95 Johnson, Brandon 104 Johnson, Brett 104 Johnson, Daniel 95, 142 Johnson, Everett 104 Johnson, Fonda 104 Johnson,J. 141 ,188 Johnson,Jeremy 64 Johnson,Joshua 95 Johnson, Leigh-Ann 95 Johnson,MeghanEiizabeth64, 190,219 Johnson,Norah12, 16,95 Johnson, Patrick 95 Johnson,S. 18'J Johnson,Seleena 87,119 Johnston,Angela 104,189 Johnston, Mary 95 Johnston, Paul 8, 104 Johnston,Sarah 87 Jones,Andrea 65 Jones, Anne-Tolly 19,103, 10:l Jones, Brent 87,188

Jones, Chad 104,180 Jones,Heather 104 Jones,Hope39,95 Jones, Julia 104,189 Jones, Kelly 65,191,212, 214 Jones,Sarah 19,95 Jones,Stephanie 104 Jordan,T. 141 Joseph,Aaron 104 Joyce,Bradley 65,202 Joyner,Jesselll87, 125

Kaestner,JanineCorinne 65, 2a4 Kamatchi,Vinayak 104 Kamptner,Erika 104 Kanous,Theresa 104 Kaplan, Esther 104, 157, 191 Karafili,Aima 65,190 KeamsJr,Timothy 105 Kaufman,Brittany 105

Kaufrnan,R. 1ffi Kaufman, Thomas 87 Kay,Jamie 33,87 Keathley,Andrew16,95 Keegan, Jessica 65,200 Keegan,T. 142,95 Keller, Scott 105, 150 Kelly, Brittany 65,129,188, 19) Kelly,John 96 Kendall,Stephen 105 Keneipp,Joel 96 Kenly, Ryan 96 Kem, Dustin 105 Kem,Westley 96 Kessler, Maria 105 Kidney,Brandon 105 Kim,Jennifer 96 Kimble,Wesley 87,150,181 Kingrea,Shannah 105,161 Kinley,Jessica 105 Kirby, Amanda 87 Kirby,Mike 12J Kissam, Ethan 105 Klas,Megan87, 156,157 Klosko,Deborah 105 Klosko,Susanna 65,80 Knappenberger,Evan 87 Knappenberger,Jonna 105 Knight, Robert 105,143 Knighton, Derrick 65 KroN,D. 143 Knox,Christopher 96 Ko,NikolasMac 88 Koenig, Corinne 87,144, 19) Koenig,Jessica 105 Koopf, E. 183 Kopeny,Michael16,96 Komhauser,Shawn 87 Kotania,Ashley 87 Koutone,Akouvi 96 Kozuch, Brian 87 Kreitzman, Christopher 105 Kreitzman,John 105 Kropf, Elizabeth 87 Ku, Deborah 87,191 Kuhn, Michael 87 Kulbok, Katherine 96 Kuper,Justin 105,143


*""'~ ..,- .






......... _

Index 241

La,Trung 96 Lacy, Hali 96, 180 Lacy,Sabrina 96 Laffond,Jeffrey 33,105 Lam,Christopher 87 Lam, Nathan 105 Lamb,Shana 87 Lambert,Andrew 96,142 Lambert,Travis65,81 , 150, 151 ' 162,163,230 Lane,Jennifer 96 Lane,Stephanie 87 Langhome,Jeremiah 87 Larrick, Doc 190,234 Lattiak,Michael87, 189 Launi,Julianne12,43,88, 191 , 2!3 Laverty,Brenton 88 Lawrence, Adam 96 Lawrence, Brittany 96,160 Lawrence, Dwight23,27,65 Lawrence,Matthew88,150, 151 ,181 Lawrence, Robert 105 Lawson,Charleslll88 Lawson, Eric 96 Lawson,Jason7,16,33,65, 141 Lawwiii,Aiexandra 96,160 Lawwiii,Mr. 47,134,135 Leake,Amanda 93,96,181 Leake, Daniel 56,141 ,206 Leake,Hunter 105 Leake,Kellie8,100,105 Leathers, Brandon 96 Leathers, Sean 105 Lee, Asia 104,105,161 Lee,Jessica22,96,160 Lee, Lindsey 96 Lee,Quonda 96 Lee,Sasha 105 Lehman,Rebeo:::a 105 Lei,Lily43,66,81 , 128,189, 190,191 Leinbach,Melanie 96 Lejeune,C. 1!B Lejeune, Forrest 105 Lejeune,Tristian,66,127,188, 197 L.evesty,B. 1!B Levisay, Michael 88 Lewis,SheromeJ.19,66, 141 , 2)4

Ley, Katharina 88 Liberman,Kelsie 105 Licklider,Justin 66,93 Liebenrood,Shannon 88,188, 1!B Ulagreen,John96,142,181 Lin, Kevin 96 Lin,Tsao-Hsuan 88 Uncoln,Ashley 105 Linden,Julia 96 Lindensmith,David 88,188 Lindensmith,Laura 88 Lindensmith, Philip 88 Undensmith, Rebecca 96 Undensmith,Stephen 88 Lindsay, Courtney 96 Lindsay, Mr. 156,157,181 Livingston, Brian 96, 126, 188 Uzakowski, Chris 66, 119,

2J5 Lockley,Jason 88,141 Logan,Tenesha 105

Landen,Bethany 105 Landen, Katherine 96,181 London,Brandon 66 Londree,Laquawanna 88 Long,AudraChristine6,66, 188,224 Looney,Matt 66,150,181 , 2E Lopez, Mark 88 Love, Brian 66,141 Love,Dr. 180,181 Loving, Felicia 105 Lowman,Shanon12,66,140, 191 ,200 Lundgren,AiyssaG. 66,224 Lynch,Amber 88,236 Lynch,Jessica 60,67,207 Lyon,Kitty 5,30,38,88 Lyon, Nicholas 105 Lyon,Shannon 96 Lytle, Peter 105

MacMdlael,Mr. 6 Madigan,Aii2,88, 180,181, 1ffi Mag:re,Steplen 122 Magri,Alana 67 Magruder,Shameika 88 Mair,H. 181 Malazita, Paul1 05 Mallory, Kimberly 67 Ma~ais, Kirk 105 Mangione,Stephen 105 Mann, Erika 96 Marano,Ashley 67,212 Marciano,Shir 96 Marcum, Nicholas 8,105 Marcum, IV Robert 25,88 Margas,Julie125 Marik,S. 1ffi Markwood,Andy 67 Marrs,Adam39,88,190 Marrs, Kathryn88,236 Marsh,Dominique105,143 Marshall, Matthew 96 Marshall Jr.William 88 Martin,Ashley 105 Martin, Charles II 88 Martin,D. 143 Martin,Jacob 96 Martin,Jake 19 Martin,James 105 Martin,Latoya 105 Martin, Nancy 67,190,191 , 2)4

Martin, Phillip 105,143,180 Martin,Sharon 105,141 Martin,Steven34,140 Martinelli,Jennifer88, 180,181 Martinez,Jon 105 MartinezdelaFuente,Aifonso ffi Masci, Katherine 96 Maslin,Daniel96, 189 Matheme,Benjamin 15,16, 96,141 ,181 Matheme,Greg 67,210 Mathias,Meghan 88,128 Mathis, Michael 105 Maupin, Krystal 96 Mawyer,Amber 96 Mayer-AsTroff,Dana 44, 67,190,191 Maynard, Brett 96, 162, 163 Maynard,Coach162,163 Maynard,D.163

Mayo,Sarah67,81 , 132,188 Mazzei,C. 1ffi Mazzei,Francesoo 105 Mazzei,KristyDanielle67,

2B McBride, Darrell II 88 McCabe, Marc 88, 141 McCann,BoBasil96 McCann,Nicholas 88 McCauley,Heather 67 McClendon,Tara 68 McCoy,Courtney 105 McCoy,Jenice 88 McCray, Brian 105 McCurry,Jessi4, 10,88, 133,

193 McDaniel, Angela 68 McGeeJr,Dwight96,142 McGhee,Jannel68 McGovem,Matthew 105 McGrawJr,John 88 Mclvor,Sarah7, 168,190,234 McKay, Kimberty88, 118,156, 157,190 McKone,Megan 105 Mclane,Jenna 105 McMillian,Autumn 96 McShane, Isaac 96 McSherry,Craig 60,68, 140, 141 ,180,229 McSherry, Meghan 60, 105 Meade,Broocks 7,68 Meadows,Jonathan 6,89 Meek,Adam 96 Meert, Ueven 96 Melcher,Carly 68,190,211 Meleski, Daniel 96 Me~on , Sara 105 Mendoza, Ana 89 Mendoza-Garcia, Jesus 105 Menefee,Adrianne 89,91 Meneses-Duran, Miriam 105 Mextorf,AIIie96, 120,236 Micciche,James89, 141 , 191 Michael,Laura9,68 Mickens,Nathaniel1 06,143 Mike,Andrew68,80,188,189, 190,216 Miller,Adam 96 Miller,Christopher 89 Miller, Edward 96 Miller,Jessica 106,129 Miller, Vanessa 96,236 Miller,Zach 68,180 Mills, Benjamin 96 Mills, Michael 96 Mills,S. 141 Mimms, Leslie 106 Minter,Joshua 89 Mitcheii,UndsayRaye 68, 125 Mix,Hari 150,151 Mix,Thomas 96 Mode,AI. 18J Modely,K 141 l'v1alahan,Mr. 1!B Monett,Joseph 97 Moneymaker,Beau 97 Moneymaker,Padric 97,127, 142 Moneymaker, Tiffany 106 Montagna, Paul 97 Montero,Alexis 89 Montgomery,Jamie 89 Mooney,Cayman 40,89,189 Moore,Collin133, 181 ,18 Moore, Elizabeth A. 68,81 , 181 ,190 Moore,James 97 Moore,Jonathan 22,69, 198, 23:+ Moore, Julia 69,188,189, 1ffi

Moraghan,Sarah 97 Moran, Colin 106 Moran,Jason 106 Morgan,Julie 106 Morgulis,Anya97, 160 Morris,Austin 97,142 Morris,Car1a 60,69, 115, 190,206 Morris, Daniel 106 Morris, David 69 Morris, Keisha 97 Morris, Keith 97,142 Morris,Ladawn45,89,132, 1ffi Morris, Nick 45,89, 133,141 Morris, Shelley 50, 69, 73, 81 ,156,157,180,190 Morris,Timothy 106 Morris,Tanya 89, 236 Morse, Erica 106 Morse,Latoya 69,216 Morton,Coach160 Mosley, Kevin 89,163 Moss,Adrienne 106 Moss, Colin 89 Mowery,Atasha 106 Mowery, Richard 97,142 Moynihan,Brian 106 Moynihan,Jen 69,217 Muller, Daniel 89 Mullinex,Deven 7,33,69,172 MuncasterJr,William 106 Mundell, Michael94,97,133 Mundie, Brian 89 Mundy,Ashley 69 Mundy,James 97 Murray, Derek 89,141 Murray, Elizabeth 97 Murray, Hilary 106 Murray,Joseph69,81 , 128, 150,151 ,181 ,217 Murray,Margaret12,16,41 , 46,97,181 Myers,Jeffrey 89, 191 Myers,Jennifer 43 Myrick,Shannon 69

Nadolski, David 106, 143 Nadolski,Rachel12,69,190 Napier,Mallory 71 ,212,214 Naylor,Amy 97 Neai,McAnalle 97,98,236 Nealy, Christopher 89, 189 Nedeljkovic,Ivana 71 , 191 Neese,Lauren5, 16,39,89, 181 Neilson,Ashley 97 Newton,Ashley106,156,157 Nguyen,Jeanette 106 Nicholson,Tegan 71 ,180, 1ffi Nickelsen,Sean 106 Noe,Nick 71 ,80,150,151 , 181 ,190 Nolan,Lacy 22,89,236 Norford,Biake 97,142 Norford,Charles 71 Norford, Robert36, 141 Norman, Martin 97

OB!yan,M. 1ffi Odom,Ashley 20,24,89,180 Odusanya,Olumide 97 Ogbomo;Ciement 89,106 O'Gra~ Joshua 106,143 O'Leary,Dennisll 106 O'Leary,Meredith 89 Oliva, Kendra 106 Oliva,Tamara 97 Oliver,Adrienne24,39,91 ,94, 143,188 Oliver,Aiex 106 Olko, Gabrielle 44,71,195 Orvosh, Maureen Joy 23,71 , 81 ,180,199 Otis, Elizabeth 97 Ours,Christopher 106 Overton,Daniel1 06 Owen,Casey19,39,89,188 Owens,Tyler 106 Ozyildirim,AylinMelisa 71 , 80,190,21 3

Pace,Ashleigh 89 Pace, Lindsey 97 Padilla, Rodo~o 106 Paitsel, Melissa 89 PalTer,Jareeffi 1!B Panas,Aiicia 106 Panas,Nathaniel97 Parkins, Andrew 71 , 150,197 Parks,Mr. 8 Parmar,Tanvi 29,89,191 Pamell, Lindsay 106 Parrish, Latoya 89, 180 Parrish,Teri 106 Parsons,Joshua 89,189 Patei, Saya 106,188 Pattison, Brian 97 Payne,BenjaminF.III71 ,209 Payne,Catherine 97 Payne,Christopher 89 Payne, Russell 106 Peacoe,Anthony 71 Peacoe,David 97 Peacoe,Matthew 106 Peebles,Joseph 89 Peng, David 89 Perez,Cecilia 71 ,94, 188, 2)1

Perkins,A. 181 ,190 Perkins, Lindsay 89 Perry,Kristina44,71 ,81 , 190 Perry, Martha 44,89,191 Peterson,Lauren 19,97 Pettiford,Julian 106 Pettiford,Mecca 71 Pettit, Elizabeth 106 Pettit,Liz 31 Pettitt,Aiisa 89 Petty, Hannah 71 ,188 Philhour,Mark 31,106 Phillips,A. Ross 72, 200 Phillips, Gortney 70, 106 Phillips,Kali 5, 70, 72,181 , 1ffi Pilgrim, Brenyon 97 Pitts,Annemarie 89 Pitts,Mieke :B Pitts,Taylor 97,142 Plourde-Rogers,Harriet 97 Pointer,Jessica 98 Pollock,Jason 106 Popoletski,M. 1ffi Porterfield, Katie 72, 190 PosPeszalska.MartynaHelena

Priamo, Eric 106, 143 Price, David 12, 72,140,141, 212 Price, Jenae 89 Price,Joseph 98,142 Price,Tiffany 106 Proctor,Christopher 106 Proctor,Tiffany 89,180,181 Prudente, Dominic 89 Prum,Nathaniel12,45,49,72.. 80,181 ,190,191 ' 199,200 Pudhorodsky, Laila 89 Pullen, Michelle 89 Purdy,Dan 81 Purdy,Jared 89 Purdy,Jay 38,40 Purvis, Michael 98 Pusilo,Adnan 106 Putman,Joshua 106 Pyles,Christopher 106 Pyles,Melissa 72

Quick,Ashleigh10,44,89, 144,145 Quick,Jessica 19,24,31 ,106 Quick,RyanM. 72,181

Radle,Anthony 98 Ragland,Coach144,145 Ragland,David 98 Raines,Shawn 98 Rainey,Carrie 72 Ralni,K 1ffi Ralston,Anne 106 Rapinchuk, Igor 89 Rasooi,Aii 70,106,190 Rasooi,Amir12,70,72,81 , 190,230 Ratesic,Aaron 72,198 Rea,Jason 89 Record, Brian 23,89,191 Redman,Pamela 106 Reed,Heather98 Reed,Shannon23,106,181 , 1ffi Reed,Stephanie 23,72,226 Reedy,Jay98, 142 Reeg::.I1,Brerd:n 13) Reeve,Nicholas 98 Reeves,Matthew 106 Reeves,Rexford 89 Regan,Brendan 106 Rehom,Michael39,89 Reid,Suzanne 106 Reijmers, Emily 36,98 Reilly, Melissa 107 Reisler,Sara 89 Rembold, Karen 72,80 Remington,Courtney 89,180, 181 Rennie,Katelyn 98,236 Renton,RhiannonLynn 72,220 Reynolds,Tiffany 107 Ri:;e,Kate 89,234 Rice, Kenneth 98 Richards,Candace 98 Richards,Jason 72 Richards,Kristen 107,125 Ridley,Sada 98

8indge,Aiicia 98 "!ipley,Adam 72,150,181 Rizzo,Michael98,127,188 Roane, PhilipRandlolph 74, 189,201 8obbins,Austin 89 Robbins, Kaitlyn 107 Robbins, Kristina 107 Robbins, Matthew 107 Robbins,Sean 107,143



Roberts,D. 18J Roberts,Russell 107 Roberts,S. 143 Robertson, Eric 107,143 Robertson,Josh 90 Robertson,Kelsey 98 Robertson, Whitney 107 Robey,Sarah 107 Robinson, Dustin 98 Robinson, Katelyn 74,115, 190,200,234 Roddy,Sarah 104,107 Rodriguez,Nicholas 107 Rcgers,Ccoch 144 Ronan,Michael 90 Rondeau, David 107 Rondon-Burgos,Paula 107 Rose,Sarah 98,189 Rosen,Alana 90 Rooen,Ms. 146,181 Rowe,Jameslll90 Royston,Heather 98 Rush,William 107 Russell,Meghan 90,158 Russo, Neva 90 Ryan,Danielle 98

Saadut,Diba 107 Sadtler,Megan 98,181 Sadlier,William 90 Sake!!, Ellen 90 Sampson,Leah 90 Sarcrez,Rayma-d107,181 Sanderford,Aiyson 90 Santana,Lauren 74, 189, 21~ Santana, Marc 107,143 Santos,Katherine 90 Santos,Michael74 Satdler,B. 141 Sauer, Holly 90 Saunders, Elliott 12,98 Savage,Rachael 74 Scaffidi, Laura 107 Scaffidi,William 90 Schaefer,Christopher 107, 18J Schaefer,Danielle 90,125 Schiel,Allison 98 Schinder,Devon 2) Schmidt,Stephen 90, 181 , 1ffi Schmunk,Jensen 107 Schneider, Devin 98, 163 Schneider,Julianna 74,80, 224 Schneller,Jen 74,115 Schneller,Kimberly 98, 120 Schnittka,Jessica 98,199, 23:+ Schniecar,D 142,181 Schamp, Debbie 47, 135,

1713 Schwab, Emily 107 Scott,Amy 107 Scott, Charlie 135

Priamo, Eric 106, 143 Price, David 12,72, 140,141. 212 Price,Jenae 89 Price,Joseph 98,142 Price, Tiffany 106 Proctor,Christophor 106 Proctor,Tiffany89, 180,181 Prudente, Dominic 89 Prum,Nathaniel12,45,49,72. 80,181 ,190,191 ,199,200 Pudhorodsky,Laila 89 Pullen, Michelle 89 Purdy,Dan 81 Purdy, Jared 89 Purdy, Jay 38,40 Purvis, Michael 98 Pusilo,Adnan 106 Putman,Joshua 106 Pyles,Christopher 106 Pyles,Melissa 72

Quick,Ashleigh10,44,89, 144,145 Quick, Jessica 19,24,31,1 00 Quick,RyanM. 72,181


Radle,Anthony 98 Ragland,Coach144, 145 Ragland,David 98 Raines, Shawn 98 Rainey,Carrie 72 Ralni,K 19J Ralston,Anne 106 Rapinchuk, Igor 89 Rasooi,Aii 70,106,190 Rasoci,Amir12,70,72,81 , 190,230 Ratesic,Aaron 72, 198 Rea,Jason 89 Record, Brian 23, 89, 191 Redman, Pamela 106 Reed,Heather98 Reed,Shannon23,106,181, 19J Reed, Stephanie 23,72,226 Reedy,Jay98, 142 ~.Brerd:n 18) Reeve,Nicholas 98 Reeves,Matthew 106 Reeves,Rexford 89 Regan,Brendan 106 Rehom,Michael39,89 Reid,Suzanne 106 Reijmers, Emily 36,98 Reilly, Melissa 107 Reisler,Sara 89 Rembold, Karen 72,80 Remington, Courtney 89,100. 181 Rennie,Katelyn 98,236 Renton,Rhiannonlynn72,2al Reynolds, Tiffany 107 Ri::e,Kate 89,234 Rice, Kenneth 98 Richards,Candace 98 Richards,Jason 72 Richards,Kristen 107, 125 Ridley,Sada 98 Riggins, Benjamin 98 RiggsJr, Brian 89

Rindge, Alicia 98 Ripley,Adam 72,150,181 Rizzo,Michael98, 127,188 Roane, Philip Randolph 74, 189,201 Robbins,Austin 89 Robbins, Kartlyn 107 Robbins, Kristina 107 Robbins,Matthew 107 Robbins,Sean 107,143

A::rerts,Coach Rctlerts, D. 18J


Roberts,Russell107 Rcberts,S. 143 Robertson, Eric 107,143 Robertson,Josh 90 Robertson,Kelsey 98 Robertson,Whitney 107 Robey, Sarah 107 Robinson, Dustin 98 Robinson, Katelyn 74,115, 190, 200,234 Roddy,Sarah 104,107 Rodriguez, Nicholas 107 R:ws.Coach 144 Ronan, Michael 90 Rondeau, David 107 Rondon-Burgos,Paula 107 Rose, Sarah 98,189 Rosen,Alana 90 Rooen,Ms. 146,181 Rowe,Jameslll90 Royston, Heather 98 Rush,William 107 Russell,Meghan 90, 158 Russo,Neva 90 Ryan,Danielle 98

li Saadut,Diba 107 Sadtler,Megan 98,181 Sadlier,William 90 Sake II, Ellen 90 Sampson,Leah 90 Sanchez,Rayrnord107,181 Sanderford,Aiyson 90 Santana,lauren 74,189,219 Santana,Marc 107,143 Santos,Katherine 90 Santos,Michael74 Satdler,B. 141 Sauer, Holly 90 Saunders, Elliott 12,98 Savage,Rachael74 Scaffidi, Laura 107 Scaffidi,William 90 Schaefer,Christopher 107, 18) Schaefer, Danielle 90, 125 Schiei,AIIison 98 Schirder,Devon 4) Schmidt,Stephen 90,181 , 19J Schmunk,Jensen 107 Schneider, Devin 98, 163 Schneider,Julianna 74,80, 224 Schneller,Jen 74,115 Schneller, Kimberly 98, 120 Schnrttka,Jessica 98,199, 234 Schniecar,D 142,181 Schomp,Debbie 47,135,

176 Schwab, Emily 107 Scott, Amy 107 Scott, Charlie 135 Scott, David 90 Scott,Mr. 137,142

~ -~




Strauss,Gabriel 90 Strick, Laura 213 Strickland, Jack 99,180 Strickland, Matthew 18) Strict, Laura. 1ffi Stringer,Neena 90 Strother,Cheryl Laqurta 203 Strother, Lakeisha90,99 Sullivan,Cody 90,141

Scruggs, Dustin 98 Scully,ZachariahN. 74 Sexton,Marcus 107 Seymour,Daniel107 Shafer,Wynne 90 Shageer,Sunder 98 Shah,Vikas 90 Shaver,Candice22,98, 160 Shaver, Michelle 74 Sheaffer, David 74,162,163 Sheen, Po Yun 107 Shek,Yen 98 She~on, Charles 107 Shifflett,Aiese 90 Shifflett, Allen 107,143 Shifflett,B. 142 Shifflett, Clint 90, 143 Shifflett, Matthew 107 Shifflette,Justin 234 Shiflett,Andrew 107,143 Shih,Tiffany 90, 157 Shipe, Ross 74,211 Shipp, Jennifer 90,114,146, 18) Sidwell, Nathaniel188,189 Sikes,Jennifer74, 190,208 Sikes, Richard 107 Silver, Amy 98 Simmons,Christopher 75 Simmons, Stephanie 98 Simons,Ashley26,34, 60,75 Sim:Jns,Stephanie 119 Simpkins, Erika 107 Simpkins, Kristy 75 Sims,Jessica 90,180 Sims, Shane 16,75, 141 , 196 Singel, Kati 90 Singel, Rachel1 07 Sipe,Travis 90 Skevington,Sarah90,236 Skevington,Taytor 107 Slagle,Zachary 98 Slutzky,Rebecca26,90,158, 159,180 Small, Amber 98 Smeriglio,Corinne 20,99 Smith, Caitlin 90 Smrth,J. 1a:J Smith,Jahmire 99, 119 Smith, Jason 90 Smrth,.klsh 21 ' 33, 38 Smith, Kevin 36,75, 140, 141 Smrth,S. 181,189 Smith, Sade 99 Smrth,Shatoya 90 Smith, Shawn 90 SmiTh,Y. 181 Smythers,Andrew 16,99,180 Snead,Coach162, 163 Snitrak,Ron 14,75,180,231 Souder, Diana 75,218 Soulia, Marybeth 90 Sours, Kevin 75, 212,214,

Su~. Ashley47,90

Sun,Vincent189, 190,191 Sun,Xiaomo 90 Sutherland,Ms.137, 189 SweeneyJr,Peter 99 Szarmach,Steven 91




Tabilas,Tesceline99, 119 Taft,Sra. 1a:J Tali:xlub,Tareq234 Tarbeu,L 19J Tate,Travis 99 Taytor,A 1ffi Taytor,Elizabeth 90 Taylor,Jamie 99 Taylor, Kristina 90 Taytor,Undsay 191 Taylor,Matt7,23,27,81 , 140, 141 Teabout, Robert 90 Terlep,Dierdre 90,189 Terry, Michael II 36,90,141 Testerman,Danielle 90 Thacker,Emily 90 Thacker, Kimberly 90 Th:mas,Brian 23 Thomas, Cartiere 99 Thomas,Meaghan 99 Th:mas,S. 1ffi Tranas,Greg 12') Thompson, Ashley 90,189 Thompson, Elizabeth 99 Thompson, Paige4, 12, 146, 190,201 Thompson,Tashaw 99 Timberlake,Jennifer190,217 Titus, lan 119 Tomko,John 90 Tomlin,Megan 161, 181 ,188 Toms, Heather 99



Trammell, Matthew 99 Trice,Frau 191 Trugman,Dena 99,180 Trugman,L 181 Truslow, Raven 99,164 Truslow, Sam 8,49 Tucker,Bany123 Tucker,Dory90, 127,188 Tucker, Michael 91 Tumer,Annie 99 Twitty,MarcusAntwan 141 , 162,163,200 Tyler,Mrs. 32,137

221 Southard,Amanda 75 Spatz, Undsay 90, 189 Spindler,Neali 75,180,220 Spring, Aaron 90 Stahl, Devan 90,127,188, 1a:J Stangil, Lauren Ashley 50,75, 216 Stanley, Drew 75,207 Stanley,Mrs.134, 190 Steednan,...ttn 143 Steele,Michael99, 142 Steljes,Jordan 143 Stephens,Bradley 90 Stewart,Colin 1a:J Stoddart,Shelly 90 Stone,Ginny 190,218 Stone,Kelly81,210,218,228 Stone,Lecky4,99,133 Stone, Russell 36,90, 141 Stratton, Daniel 90



Vaden, Elizabeth 99 Varfolomeeva, Veronika 99 Vau;jl,Cee 119 Villalon, lack 99 Vines, Laura 99 Vrhovac,Mr.141

Tyson,Ms. 32

Ulan, Melissa 91 Unger,Jason80,217,234 Utz,Kyle 91




Wacksman,Jeremy 80, 188, 190,191 ,219 Waddell, Molly 91,180,236 Wade,Ashley 99,180 Wade,Jessb3.190 Wagers,Annette 42,91 Wagner,Daniel143 Wait, Thomas lucas 209 Walker,David142 Walker,Shaela 99 Wall, Mrs. 122,123 WalleriV,Richard 99 Walness,M.188 Walston,Jonathan 99,141 W~er, Brittany12 , 21 ,91 , 146 W~on, Stuart91 , 150, 151 Wang, Dengfeng 99 Ward, Emily 99 Watt,Kelley150 Weed,J. 18J Weidman,Charles 91 ,189 Weir, Emily 99, 158, 180 Weisard,Coach 15 Weisman,Jessica 91 ,163 Wells, Reginald 91 , 141 Wharton,Lawren 99 Whrte,Ashley 99 White,Brandon18, 180 White,C. 143 White,EIIenMarie 190,205 White,Ladante 99 Whitenack,Claire 91 ,190 Whitford,Matt 6 Whitlow, Katie 99 Wibert, Patricia 91 Wiehi,Nikita 99,180 Wilberger,Jamie 99 Williams,AshleyNiccle 198 Williams,Candace 99 Williams, Ella 99 Williams,Josh 198 Williams, Kevin 99 Williams,M. 18J Williams,Tyler 91 Wilson, Carolyn 99, 180 Wilson,Coach 143 Wilson,Derekl.10,80, 181, 190,194 Wilson, Michael 99 Wilson,Tremaine 12, 99, 142, 181 Witry,Phillip13,21 ,81, 127, 133,203 Wo~.Jennifer 91 , 191 Wo~.Samantha 91 Wood,Cherie 99,143 Wood,Jenny80, 146 Wood,Jeremy 227 Wood,Jonathan 23,99,206 Wood,Matthew91 , 141 ,180 Wood,Shautel16 W~olk, Chad 15,91 ,141 W~olk, Lafonzo 99 W~olk,Ryan12, 18,143

• _...,.,__

Woodson, Undsay 19,43,91 Woodworth, Elizabeth91 ,191 Wormington,Amanda 99 Worrell, Ashley 99,180 Wright, Brooke 99 Wright,James 26,32,41 , 124,141 ,213 Wright,Jeffrey 91 Wright,Jonathan30 Wright,Will12,81 , 181 ,190, 191 ,226


Yancey,Tom 220 Yang,Yin 91 Yang,Yi-Ran 91 Yoder,Rachel99 YoungJr,Wayne 99

Zaenker,Stefanie 99,181 Zamorski,Kirstin 8,91 Zamorski,Stefanie 99 Zharg,D. 190,191 Zheng, Ripeng 99 Zhu,Zya 91

3?~1rr *,...1t-

Index 243

Spending Your IRS Tax Rebate Check Today? Here 's how ...

1' Violent lsr<

confrontati Minister Ar Vasser Ara answer to 1 hatred for 1

to cut s by nearly two-thirds. Later, Bush unilaterally pul ls out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to pursue a missile defense system. 1

-7 Americans face another form of

terror when anthrax-laced letters ~

Americans face armed guards

ending Your IRS Rebate Check Today?

1' Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan


Here's how ...



Milosevic faces the International Tribunal in The Hague for U.N. war crimes, including the murder and persecution of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

___ _

~lflcatlool lt- lrM:


___,_. . . _._!

-J.- American Airlines Flight 587 crashes

into a Queens neighborhood in New York City on November 12, killing all 255 people on board. Structural failure of the plane's tail • ....ct"'- .Lt .. --·----


1' Twenty-eight youths are arrested for starting bush fires that destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and farmland and kill thousand of koalas and kangaroos in southeast Australia. -J.- Convicted Oklahoma City bomber

Timothy McVeigh is executed by lethal injection for destroying the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building 11995. kill


1' After Houston energy giant Enron 1' Violent Israeli-Palestinian confrontations escalate as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and PLO Leader Vasser Arafat struggle to find an answer to their countries' ongoing hatred for one another.

collapses, thousands lose their life savings, accounting firm Arthur Andersen encounters accusations of unethical practices, and the General Accounting Office sues the Executive Branch for confidential transcripts in its investigation of the scandal.

-J.- As Operation

Enduring Freedom begins, the U.S. military airdrops food rations to the starving people of Afghanistan.

.~ ~ Researchers at


the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, unveil a new technology that uses facial heat patterns to detect lying. Blood flows to the face when a person lies, causing dramatic changes in heat patterns.


1' Scientists at MassachuseJs General Hospital disc~~hat lreaotyiriggeTS" aiJrain response in men that is similar to reactions to cocaine and money.

1' Winter weather buffs are out in the heat as Ameri91ns expertence-recorctwarm temperatures across the country in December and January.


7 Scientists report that vast fields of carbon dioxide ice are eroding from the poles of Mars. Over time, this could possibly prompt the return of water to the Red Planet.

President Bush approves stem cell research, but only on cells already extracted. The research is highly controversial because extracting the cells kills human embryos.

1' On November 7, the supersonic 1' Scientists in Argentina discover Concorde airplane flies for the first several 80-million-year-old time since the July 2000 crash that unhatched dinosaur eggs with killed 113 people. Flight F002 petrified dinosaur embryos inside. travels from Paris to New York in just under four hours. .J- Or. Judson Somerville donates his own DNA to researchers

.J, Apple releases the sleek new

iPod, allowing users to store tr\.Jti

1 Afl"

ilillil!:il ¢:!111111 filA;:

1' The MR2 camera pill allows doctors to examine the inside of the human intestine without surgery. Patients swallow the "pill," which transmits digital images to a data recorder.

1' Bobbleheads make a comeback, representing not only sports figures but also pop music superstars such as 'NSYNC. ..J... At 10:45 a.m. September 11 , Fox News Channel

introduces the headline ticker. Other networks follow, creating a non-stop flood of headlines. Each "crawl" rotates nearly 80 headlines in a 7- to 15-minute loop.


Shrek and Donkey, voiced by Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy, hit the theaters to teach a valuable lesson about true love in Shrek.

7 MTV, the first television network devoted exclusively to popular music, celebrates its 20th anniversary. ~~::

CBS's "Late Show with David .J... Russell Crowe receives his third Letterman" helps people cope with straight Oscar nomination for their emotions in the weeks after Best Actor with his challenging the September 11 terrorist attacks. role as a paranoid-schizophrenic in A Beautiful Mind.

Entertainn1ent .J... The


and the S1


features ~=l~•nii!rmi:tn'·~mn1f'i~mnni years. three intertwined love stories and The show stars newcomer Tom over 20 of Abba's greatest hits. Welling as the young Superman.


The Emmy Awards for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy go to CBS's "Everybody Loves Raymond" stars Patricia Heaton and Doris Roberts.

7 Actor Josh Hartnett solidifies his role as a leading man in Hollywood with a pair of blockbuster war movies: Pearl Harbor and Black Hawk Down.

1' The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, the first movie of J.R.R. Tollden's fantasy trilogy, receives 13 Oscar nominations including Best Picture. "' Nintendo's Gamecube and MicrosQft's.X-Box enter the video game market to compete with Sony's 路smash-hit PlayStation 2.

"' Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks collaborate to produce the 1Q-episode HBO World War II epic Band of Brothers, based on the best-selling book by ...m;;;;::-A1;ilirn<>a


1' Kiefer Sutherland stars in Golden Globe winner "24." show is delivered in two dozen real-time episodes based on one action-packed day in the life Qf fictional CIA agent Jack Baul!r.

1' Popular WB TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" receives rave reviews for presenting an entire episode as a musical. -.It The highly anticipated movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone sets records for

opening weekend, and first, second and third place single-day box-office totals.

1' Sony Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal, MGM and Paramount movie studios discuss the joint creation of Moviefly-the first Internet-based downloadable movie rental system.


Popular rapper Ja Rule is nominated for the 2002 NAACP Image Awards Outstanding Hip-Hop/Rap Artist for the song "Livin' It Up."


Singer/actress Aaliyah is killed in a private plane crash in the Bahamas. During her eight-year career, Aaliyah released three hit COs and appeared in several feature films.

8 nTHÂŁR, 0 WHERE A'air tflQUl

1' The music from the hit movie 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes country music's top-seller for 2001 and receives a Grammy nomination for Album of the Year.


..V Rock band, help bring t message in;

1' Legendary Beatles' guitarist George Harrison, the so-called "Quiet Beatie," dies after a three-year battle with cancer.

..V Rock bands like P.O. D. use their faith to help bring the Christian rock/pop music message into the mainstream music scene.

f- The 14-point underdog New

England Patriots shock NFL viewers by kicking a dramatic last-second field goal to upset the St. Louis Rams 20-17 in Super Bowl XXXVI. -7 Michael Jordan,38,returns to the

NBA with the Washington Wizards. Jordan fills arenas nationwide and propels the previously doormat Wizards to instant respectability with an over-500 record.






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Jennifer Lopez marries dancer/ choreographer CrisJudd in September.


John Walker Lindh, a 20-year-old California native, becomes aprisoner of war after he is found in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban forces. As a US. citizen, Walker may face charges of treason.


thanks to the assertive demeanor of British hostess Anne Robinson. The future king of England, Prince William of Wales, 19, enters the University of St. Andrews in southeastern Scotland.


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