2003 Albemarle High School Peer

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Commemoraliny the one year anniversary of the September 11 attacks , the Student Council Association gathered red , white , and blue messages from students expressing their feelings about the tragedies. These were made into an American Flag , displayed on the back wall of the cafeteria .

tJht!e enjoying some free time on the Student Council retreat , members of the junior class play the "chair game, in which each student creates a chair out of another's legs. Ualkiny into the school after the September 11 ceremony, students from all grades, genders, and backgrounds attended the events held in memory of September 11 vicitms .

2 c5!udenl






Ytfly Years Baler... orris Can iI 'iJescr1£e. • • ~

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Uards Can-; ?Jescribe a year at Albemarle High School. Uards Can '! 7Jescn£e the feeling of exctiement and nerves as the school year began. New faces and old entered the year with anticipation . Things seemed normal , yet something was different among the members of the Albemarle community. Uards Can 'I lJescirbe the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Albemarle High School. The anniversary gave old graduates and present students and staff a sense of pride and importance. 1968 graduate Ms. Hair, who worked in attendance , commented , "Charlottesville grew in size over the years. With that growth came a rise in diversity and culture within the Albemarle community". Uards Can '!7Jescribe the many events and activities planned in honor of the anniversary. The Student Council planned alumni d inners , Albemarle 's newspaper staff interviewed old graduates , and the 2002 Homecoming theme was J?eacliny the words of a poster at the leadership retreat , seniors Jennifer Burris and Debbie Ku enjoy the activity with their peers .


CZ/siny their senior spirit and stomachs to cheer on the varsity volleyball team , seniors Nick Morris, Tim Doyle, and Drew Atchinson cheer on the Lady Pats. (top picture)

year, but then , bards Can '!lJescribe the past fifty

bards Can i ?Jescribe the 2003 school

years at Albemarle High School.

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7J/scuss/ng t held during 1 for "Favorite < sophomores P Jones, Nikl Casey Ba Harris and Horan laugh


take a look back at all the things you chd They could have

been funny; they could have been ridiculous, it didn't matter. All you knew is that the things you chc/, the things you achieved, have made you the person you are today. Words couldn't describe the year you experienced. No matter what happened, no matter what grades you earned, no matter what friends you made, the year was filled with achi'euemenls that even you could not describe. Your life was filled with with dances and games; tests and quizzes; friends and dates. Believe it or not, your student life was not very different from the life of students for the past fifty years at Albemarle. What you past Albemarle students chdis in the past, yet the achi'euemenls that you made will last forever. 4 c5!uclenl


7Jur /ng th anruver September gym teacher and Albema Daniel Arn Richard All1 halt duri raising cerer ceremony als music by the l singing of th


2J/scuss/n.7 the contest held during long lunch for "Favorite Costume/' sophomores Ann Tolley Jones, Nikki Drozda, Casey Barlow, Joey Harris and Elizabeth Horan laugh about the event.



7alhns about their

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upcoming match during the first pep rally of the 2003 school year, seniors Meghan Cushman, Jenna Centini and Kim Mckay joke about their next match in front of the pep rally crowd.

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anniversary of the September 11 attacks, gym teacher Ms. Baber and Albemarle seniors Daniel Armstead and Richard Alley stand at halt during the flag raising ceremony. The ceremony also included music by the band and a singing of the National Anthem.


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c51udenl Bfe 5

1953 While visiting Sugar Hollow Reservoir in Western Albemarle county, senior Jeff Myers enjoys taking in the view.


Where did you go on your...

acation Students made good use of the tw elve w eeks of summer vacation. Some visited nearby Virginia Beach and Kings Dominion, while others traveled to faraw ay lands such as Alaska, Germany, the Bahamas, Cancun, and even N ew Zealand. Rising junior Ben Hoelscher w as one of the more adventurous students, opting for a trip to Alaska w ith a group called Adventure Treks. They w ere gone from June 27th to July 24th. The group consisted of 19 other kids and 4 instructors, who hiked 5 different mountain ranges and rafted and canoed as w ell. They took a seven-day hike up the Talkeetna Mountain, as well as hikes to Chugach Mountain, Mt. Eklutna, and Wolverine Peak. "My favorite part of the trip w as the seven-day hike up the Talkeetna Mountain/' Ben stated. The group also rafted dow n the Lion's Head River and canoed on the N ancy Lakes. Meanw hile, another group of Albemarle German students took a three

6 cS!udenl

w eek trip to Freiburg, Germany w ith German teacher Frau Trice. each student lived with a host family for their three w eek stay, and they attended classes with their German counterparts. Other students went to resort destinations such as the Bahamas or Cancun for their summer getaw ays . Lisa and Anne Clarry visited the Bahamas for a w eek with their families, and Helen Bow man and Kristal Davis w ent to Cancun for a final w eek of summer. From July 19 to the 22, Lauren Beckman and N orah Johnson visited Times Square in New York City, while athletes Ashleigh Quick, Sara Bow les, Rachel Bodily and Michele Cooper took a trip to Huguenot, N ew York for a w eek long volleyball camp to prepare for their upcoming season. Even if it w as just for a weekend, a quick trip to Kings Dominion or Virginia beach w as a good w ay to give students a break from everyday life. As the summer came to an end, though, they all had to prepare for the school year ahead . By Michele Cooper

Ben Hoelscher backpacks Mt. Eklutna. Ben

w ent on four w eek long trip w ith Ad venture Trek ~ and backpacked and ka ya ked throughout the Alaskan w ilderness.

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While visiting New Zealand with a student ambassador program to Austrailia and New Zealand over the summer, senior Tyler Banister rock climbs with his instructor.

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Sen iors Lindsay Davis, Shannon Cooper, Sydelle Gonias, Martha Perry, and Beth Woodworth join 2002 graduate Lindsay Howe on the three week trip to Freiburg, Germany for Albemarle's German exchange program. Outside their hotel, seniors Helen Bowman and Kristal Davis make their escape to Cancun the week before school starts in August.

s Mt. Eklutna. Ben • ip with Adventure ed and kayaked wilderness.

Vacalion 7

Senior Daniel Armstead visits Ms. Dean in guidance to get his schedule. Seniors are required to take a government and an English class in order to graduate in June. Seniors also must put in at least ten community service hours at a non-profit organization.

Ms . M cBride, the school administrative intern, helps freshman Shaquana Jenkins find her classes during Freshman Orienation 1 ight. Ms. McBride is new to Albemarle this year and is trying to adjust, with all of the other new students.

Mr. Kiehn helps nev find her bus for her Since freshman and ~ have parking passes, crowded in the aften Peter Jackson, Jason Spellman, and Phil Slagle sit out in the breezeway by the trees looking and comparing their freshman year schedules. "At the begining things were hectic, but after getting into the routine, I easily adjusted to this bigger school," says Phil.

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1958 Freshmen Lindsay Irvin and Alison Coleman look at their class schedules during orienta tion. Many freshmen find it helpful to have orientation so they can get a feel for their new school before the fi rst day.


is what students must do at the end of August

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Mr. Kiehn helps new student Sophie Creutz find her bus for her afternoon ride home. Since freshman and sophmores aren' t able to have parking passes, the bus area is often crow ded in the afternoons. e trees looking and ic, but after getting

The new comers to AHS w ere starting a brand new chapter in their lives. Some students w ere excited and some w ished it w as still summer. We all probably missed sleeping in, staying up late, and hanging out with our friends, but, w e all knew w e needed to get on w ith our education. The freshmen might have been scared and nervous in the first w eek, notknow ing wheretogoor what w as happening. Freshman Matt McGraw said, "I thought that I w as going to be rushing to all my classes, but then I realized how much extra time there w as." After the freshman school orientation the w eek before school began, there w as a dance. The freshmen had enjoyed themselves by hanging out w ith their friends and getting to meet new people. Seniors, though, had a different view as they started their last year.

They w anted to do much as possible, and have fun at the same time. There w ere some seniors were new to AHS, includingAnnaEbu-Mordi, whohad moved from Holland specifically to graduate from an American School. The difference betw een Dutch schools and those in the U.S., she said, w as that"Americansthinkthateverything is about them." Another senior new to AHS w as Richard Lee, who had spent the previous three years at Charlottesville High School. "It's all good," he said, but he w as happy to find that Albemarle still had sodas in the drink machines and a talent show in which he could try his stand-up routine. By the end of the year, the new students were w ee adapted to their surroundings and ready to w elcome another group the follow ing year. By Jeanette Nguyen

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A group of senior friends put their shoes together at lunch to show their differences in style and comfort. "I love my birkenstocks," said senior Neil Dillon, "They are so comfortable. I wear them all the time."

Freshmen Kevin Coats, Michael Johnson, and Greg Record laugh together on the Breezeway before heading out to the football field for practice.

Junior Lauren Beckman dresses up as a rock star for the girls fall sports challenge week. She wears a m atching black pleather jacket and hat.

10 c5!udenl Bife

Seniors Leah Samp: senior circle between day.

ren s is a word that is essential to the everyday life of a teenager at AHS! Sophmore Eric Gondek sits and eats his lunch on the Breezeway. "I used to use bee' s wax for my mohawk but it would melt in the sun, so now I u se Elmer' s glue. "

From Abercrombie & Fitche to Old Navy, Charlottesville Players to thrift shop, students at Albemarle demonstrated a wide range of style. Looking around the Breezeway it seemed to be the year that anything goes! Styles and trends within each social group appeared to be very different. Some may have dressed for comfort (hooded sweatshirts were very popular), w hile others enjoyed expressing themselves through brightly colored hair and vintage band t-shirts. Who influenced these students to dress and do their hair the way they did? Senior Clement Ogbomo said, "Music and magazines often influence my style, but I try not to directly copy any particular person." Big hair was an important trend this year. The curly, big mop of hair, Mohawks, Afros and corn rows were common among guys in all grades. "My parents hate my hair," said senior Casey Cramer, who had bushy big hair," They beg me to cut it all the time but I love it." Vividly colored hair was also a popular trend with girls this year. Natural waviness and cute ribbons tied in ponytails were commonly seen in different groups of girls. This was the year to express yourself in your style, and everyone could find a niche in the many different fashion trends all around the school.

Seniors Leah Sampson, Selena Johnson, and Ikea Prince socialize in the senior circle between classes. The girls talk together about their busy day.

By Ashleigh Quick

Jas.h/on 11

I 1961


Jun ior Dengfeng Wang enjoys driving to the front drop-off so that he can show off his newly customized Honda CRX.

Senior Steven Martins CRX is one of the m any suped up cars in Albemarle's parking lots. He has spent a lot of his time working on his car to suit him.

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Sen ior J.t. Jabakowski and his customized Honda Prelude engine which also features a ZEX nitrious system.

Sen ior Bryan Jamerson says, "I like to take my truck off-road a lot, but also it helps me get aro und town becau se I live so far out in Earlysville.

12 c:5!udenl Bfe

Par ked in the junior is one of the many S1 popular because of tl




is a word that describes every student's favorite escape - wheels Driving to school was something most high school students looked forward to with eager anticipation. Anything was better than getting a ride from your parents, walking or even the most dreaded transportation mode, riding the yellow school bus. Senior Brad Staton has worked hard on his cu stomized Honda Prelude engine.


Parked in the junior I senior lot, Senior Will Wheeler' s Ford Expedition , ck off-road a lot, but far out in Earlysville.

A new law was passed at the begining of July, 2002 stating that teens had to be 15 and 6 months to obtain a learner's permit and 16 and 3 months to obtain a license. Many students objected, but it didn' t bother the upperclassmen who had already gotten licenses." I'm glad I turned 16 before the law went into effect." said senior Beth Woodworth. On the other hand sophomore Megan Garton said, " I can't believe I have to wait this much longer to get my learner's." Albemarle had three parking lots to choose from, as long as students had parking passes: the Patriot lot next to the stadium, the senior lot and the junior-senior lot above the teacher's and visitor's spaces. Most AHS students parked in the juniorsenior lot, although the Patriot lot was the favorite for students who had after school sports and the senior lot w as reserved for upperclassmen. Underclassman had to wait for the seniors to get there passes first and then passes were offered to juniors with afterschool activities. Seniors could recieve a free parking pass if they had honor roll last semester of there junior year. There were many types of cars in the parking lot from Honda Civics, Grand Cherokees and ev en Escalades. If you looked hard enough you could probably find your dream car amongst the numerous cars at AHS.

By Sarah Skevington

Charles Wiedman

Amanda Clemmer

Beth Woodworth

Ashleigh Pace

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SCBBYDO" . .. Dominic Brown

is one of the many SUV's driven by students at Albemarle. SUV' s are popular because of their off-road capabilities.

C ars and :?/ales


Hanging out at the first annual Albemarle Farmfest, seniors Jon Bray, Josh Hill, Adrianne Allen, Jamie Kay and Kevin Duncan enjoy each other' s company while listening to the music of their classmates. Adrianne and Jon later played on stage in their band Life Siren.

Sophomore Mark Philhour makes a stop at McDonald's to grab a quick meal while cruising around C'ville. Fast food restaraunts can be found all around town and provide many students w ith an easy and cheap way to grab a bite.

l Freshman Jack Graves takes advantage of living out in the country by taking a ride on his four wheeler . Many students at Albemarle have taken up four wheeling as a hobby.

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Albemarle graduate seniors Sarah Skeving Kristi Taylor spend th girls' night sleep-over

1962 Senior Zack Bailey and juniors Kate London and Lizzie Carraway socialize at the UV A football game, whe re many students could be found on the weekends during the fall football season.






is what all students enjoy doing on weekends


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Albemarle graduate Kari Armstrong, and • seniors Sarah Skevington, Tonya Morris, and 1 Kristi Taylor spend their weekend having a 1 girls' night sleep-over.

; a ride on his four y.

As the long five days of school came to an end, students made plans for their short two-day weekend. This time allowed them to get caught up on school work, sleep and hang out with friends. Though some saw Charlottesville as a very dull place to be, many students made the most of their time. While some teens w orked all w eekend, others took advantage of it to have fun. Boudreau's restaurant began offering a Teen Night over the summer and many underclassmen enjoyed dancing and socializing there. Others opted for sports events such as UV A football games. Sophomore Justin Kuper said, "I think [UVA games] are really fun . You get to hang out and talk w ith new people. It is like a social event as well as a

football game." More energetic students went to parties to interact with their peers and have fun, while the mellow ones just relaxed and recuperated from the hard week before. Studious teens w ent to the library to work on projects, finish homework, and cram for tests. According to Coach Maynard, who attended Albemarle back in 1977 said, "We went to UV A football games, and after AHS games we would go to Barnaby's Pizza." Barnaby's was replaced long ago by the Guadalahara restaurant, but it remained a local hangout for students. Regardless of how students spent their free time, everyone found something that helped them take a break from school. By Joanna Spigone




Senior Jamie Kay helped her dad, a graphics designer, create her bedspread cover. Jamie' s design is one of the number one selling designss for bedspreads. Jamie also has displayed her horse ribbons from riding, and many other pictures of her friends are hung up around her room.

Re axin~ is something students easy to do in their rooms Student's cribs had been through hang out with their friends. Most many changes in style, like everything else in the world. No longer could you find brown shag carpet or retro colors and furniture in these students' modern cribs. Old lava lamps and blacklights had been updated to rope lights. School pennants had been replaced with posters of famous sport athletes. But, clas-

students had computers to check email and keep in touch with friends via late-night I-M (instant message) seesions. Colorful paint techniques added visual effect to their rooms. Jamie Kay described her walls, "I painted my wall silver and sponge painted blue over it." Posters could also add

sic band posters would always remain on walls in many rooms along with famous movie posters. Computers, mobile phones, flat screen TV's, and stereo systems were

to the decor of a room without having to add paint to the walls. Many collages with magazine cutouts, pictures, or any random items could be found all over

some of the modern technological inventions that were also seen in these rooms. Technology allowed students to use theirrooms like an office, entertainment area, or a fun game room to

students' walls. But pictures of friends were still seen in almost every student' s room as a reminder of the fun times spent in high school.

16 cS!udenl Bfe

By Meg Brackett





While playing his guitar, sophomore Chris Pyles enjoys hanging out in his basement with band posters everywhere. Chris uses his basement for his room and puts up his favorite band posters on one of his walls. Freshman Jessica Ga CD' s and yet another local drug store .

With a room painted w ith bright red, sophomore Bianca Catta- Preta, stands at her desk w ith many pictures of her friends. Bianca explains, "My room is red because red is my fa vorite color. The color red has a lot of emotion and I wanted my room ro express that. "

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Senior David Dyer listens to music in his room covered in his motorcross pictures. "Having all m y pictures of riding remind me of all the fun I've had on my four wheeler," comments David . mphomore Chris 1 his basement w ith =hris uses his puts up his favorite walls.


Freshman Jessica Gaffney sits in her room decorated with her very own couch, a mobile made of CD' s and yet another unique feature: a sunglasses rack; which most people commonly see at the local drug store .





During Spirit Week, seniors Tonya Morris, Siera Eades and Lyndsay Benedetto show off their moves at the Dance Contest in the Senior Circle as junior Harry Potte r (Ben Hoelscher) takes it all in. Although some contests were not held due to poor weather, the Dance Contest continued w ithout a hitch.

John Fitzhugh, Becky Lindensmith, and Andy Keathley enjoy long lunch on the Junior Wall out on the Breezeway.

Freshmen Jennifer Taylor, Sara Molinaro, Lofton Neal, and Catherine Muse converse on the Breezeway .

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Dancing in the Seni• by the DJ Club on th

is a place that most teenagers consider to be critical to their social lives Ch risten Duxbury and Claire Moore enjoy their lunch outside on the freshman steps, even though they are juniors.

The Breezeway served as a great place for students to hang out in betw een classes. Whether it w as to eat lunch, talk, or just take an alternative route to class, almost all students found themselves on the Breezeway at some point this year. Freshman Meaghan Malloy stated, "I love the Breezeway because you can catch up w ith your friends that you don' t have classes w ith." Many other students also used the Breezew ay to catch up w ith friends. Up until1 992, the Breezew ay w as only grass w ith a w alkw ay around the perimeter. Students didn' t have as many places to hang out betw een classes. Mrs. Hair, who attended Albemarle from 1963 to 1968, commented, "We only had five minutes betw een classes. The breezew ay w as u sed only as a thoroughfare, w e did not have time to hang out." A unique feature of the Breezew ay is how it is mostly separated by grades. Most of the students liked the idea of everyone having their ow n area. "I like the separation because I think it helps prevent any disagreements that could occur betw een people in different grades," commented junior Chris Ezzyk. The freshman could alw ays be found around the center stairs, while the sophomores and juniors each h ad a w all on either side of the esteemed Senior Circle, which of course w as reserved for the upperclassmen. by Melissa Reilly

Dancing in the Senior Circle, Cherelle Davis enjoys the music provided by the DJ Club on the Breezeway as her friends cheer her on.





Wearing flannel shirts, overalls, and bandanas, sophomores Carli Daugherty and Meghan McSherry dress up for the popular farmer day.

Winning second place in the Halloween costume competition, junior Ben Hoelscher waves at the crowd in his original Harry Potter costume.

Dressed up in a p unk outfit, senior Brian Record gets to show off his individuality as well as spirit.

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Mr. Johnson and 1 Week. Senior Casey C

is what students look forward to Seniors Tonya Morris, Siera Eades, and Lyndsay Bened etto strut their stuff in their colorfu l costu mes during the H alloween competition.

Students had to w ait until Monday, October 28 for first spirit w eek for the year. Mismatched outfits, straw hats, poodle skirts, Hallow een costumes, and complete redness described the scene the entire w eek. Monday w as tacky day, Tuesday w as farmer day, Wednesday w as decades day, Thursday was Hallow een, and Friday w as Patriot day. The w eather proved uncooperative for the latest Spirit Week since anyone could remember. Although rain w as needed to fill the reservoir, the early w eek deluge prevented the limbo and dance contests from being held, and the fields w ere too soggy for the muchanticipated Pow derpuff football contest, which w as rescheduled for Spring. The only contest that could be held w as the Thursday Hallow een costume contest, w on by pimpettes Siera Eades, Tonya Morris, and Lyndsay Benedetto. Wednesday's pep rally w as enjoyed by all, w ith performances from the STEP and dance teams, and a tribute to teacher Marvin Grady, who w as scheduled to join his National Guard Reserve unit to serve a stint in Cuba. "I thoughtthat spirit w eek w as pretty cool. It gave people a chance to laugh in school w hile show ing their school spirit," stated freshman Cameron White. Every day had a decent dress-up turnout. Jenna McLane said, "They w ere great because it w as easy for people to dress up w ithout going all out." by Stephanie Jones

Mr. Johnson an d Ms. Wilson pain t faces in the front lobby before school d uring Spirirt Week. Senior Casey Owen op ts for a red, white and blu e "AHS."

C5p/n! W ee.k 21

Freshmen artists


Lauren Roache and Stephanie Cashwell work together with chalk on the mural of the 1950's for the Homecoming dance. The mural was a reproduction of an actual photograph of the downtow n mall in the 1930' s. Members of the SCA came in on the Saturday morning of the dance and worked for hours on the decorations.


is what Spirit Week has be all about for years

Tradition Students awoke to pouring rain on assigned a decade form the school's the first day of Spirit Week 2002. The history as a theme for their hallway. rain was welcome, since students and Freshman were the 80's, sophomores staff had long since discovered that 70's, juniors 60's, seniors 50's, and the hand sanitizer was a poor substitute teachers decorated with a theme of for the water that had been turned off the future. for most of the fall. "Even though the The Wednesday pep rally, hosted weather was gross all week I had a by Mr. Garland and the DJ club, w as blast participating in my first spirit week," said freshman Meghan Malloy, "I was surprised to see so many people dress up and show their school spirit."

planned to be held outside in the stadium but was moved inside due to rain. Finally the rain cleared up, the Halloween costume contest was held as

Hallway decorating began on the

planned, and long lunches were fi-

Sunday before Spirit Week, with students coming in to aid in the attempt to win the hall decorating contest put together by the SCA . The pizza and drinks provided by the SCA were an added incentive. Each grade was the

nally enjoyed on the Breezeway. The week's events added to the anticipation for the upcoming game against Brooke Pointe and the dance. by Ashleigh Quick and Meg Brackett

2 2 c5!udenl Bfe

Freshman class vice president Laura Aust and president Chris Perkins take time out of their weekend to help the Freshman Class decorate their hallwa y with the "SO' s" theme. The best decorated hallwa y wins points toward the Spirit Week competition between all the classes. Latoya Parish, Heler Homecoming pep rall~ all week.

New to Albemarle in 2002 is the dance team. In their first performance for their fellow students at the homecoming pep rall y, Meghan Sadtler and fellow teammates dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in their matching yellow shirts and top hats.


I~S1~\t With the dance only hours away, juniors Anita Cross, Elliott Sanders, and Emily Hastings place balloons along the hallway leading to the cafeteria. This year students entered through the lobby and follo wed the red carpet into the dance, instead entering at of the back door of the cafeteria. Since students wore coats due to the chilly November weather, a coat check room was provided at the entrance to the cafeteria.

lent Laura Aust and time out of their m Class decorate their e. The best decorated he Spirit Week 路lasses.

Latoya Parish, Helen Bow man, and Selena Johnson lead the Senior powder puff team out during the Homecoming pep rally . With painted faces and spirited clothes the senior class showed off their Patriot pride all week.

Jlomecom.iny 23


Junior Ben Matherne tackles one of Brooke Point's player as he and his fellow Patriots fight for the ball.

Annie Johnson and her father finish off the line of the Homecoming court. Annie plays soccer and basketball, as well as working on the literary magazine staff.

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Sen ior Dallin Hardy smiles on the sidelines after being crowned Homecoming King. Coach Vrohvac allowed players to participate in the half-time presentation.

The multi-talented Homecoming Quee going out for baske

Antici at ion is what Albemarle students feel throughout the week of homecoming The Patriots' determined defense comes together in a huddle to strategize and pump themselves up for the next play.

eing crowned : to participate in the

The multi-talented Adrianne Allen fixes her tierra after being crowned Homecoming Queen. Adrianne plays in a rock band, Life Siren, as well as going out for basketball in the winter season.

Students had a long wait for the 2002 Homecoming game, however in spite of the cold weather they flocked to the stadium. The final day of spirit week had started with students dressed in red, white, and blue for Patriot day. After school, there was a tailgate with clubs sponsoring booths, although before 6:00 the lot was empty as spectators found a place to warm up before the opening kickoff. When the gates opened the stands packed with present and returning students. The football team gave their all but Brook Pointe managed to score two touchdowns to Albemarle's one in the first half. Tensions were lifted at halftime when the homecoming court was announced, and unlike last year, players who had been elected were allowed to take part in the presentation, Coach Vrovak had given them special permission to leave the halftime talk a little early. In the second half Dallin Hardy and Kevin Mosley led a stong defense, but the offense struggled. "We realized at half-time we wanted to come out and give our best effort," said senior Kevin Mosley. Junior Jonathan Walston had over 100 yards rushing, pushing his season total to over 1000 yards, but no additional points were scored by the offense after the first quarter. At the end of the game Brooke Point came out on top, with a score of 21 to 7. Although the team was disppointed, they walked off the field with their heads high and anticipating the Homecoming dance.

by Candice Shaver Jfomecom/n.!l9ame 25

1977 Senior Debbie Ku and sophomore Mackenzie Grobmyer put the fini shing touches on the mural, which took a total of two hours to hang.


l '

is a word that brings back special memories


HomecomiJ'9 Homecoming 1953- red balloons covered

gone." Sophomore Meghan McSherry went

the ceiling, silver streamers hung from ev-

with her friends and said, " I thought it was

ery doorway, and a red carpet lined the walk

more fun going with my friends, I didn' t feel

for Albemarle students. Homecoming 1953

tied down to anyone."

was celebrated once again on Saturday,


The dress code for the dance was semi

vember 2, 2002 at the 50th annual Home-

formal, requiring that boys wear nice pants,

coming Dance.

collared shirts, and ties, allowing girls to

The festivities started at 8:00pm, with the

chose their style. Freshman Laura Aust said,

OJ club playing a combination of rap, pop,

"I felt like the girls had to get more dressed

and country music.

Students went with

up than the guys. I think the guys should be

other Albemarle students, brought dates

more formal." Most girls wore short, simple

from other schools, or went with friends.

dresses, long, more prom-like dresses, or

According to Neva Russo and Meghan

pant suits. Some went as far as to get their

McSherry, there were perks to both. Senior

hair and nails done professionally, while

eva Russo went with her boyfriend, and

others preferred a more natural look, leav-

commented on the evening by saying, "There

ing their hair down, or getting friends to

was a reason for going, whereas if I didn' t

help with preparations.

have a date, I definitely would not have

26 c5!udenl Bfe

By Emily Schwab


Juniors Courtney Lindsay, Amy Silver, Jessica Lee, and senior Ryan Kaufman enter the cafeteria through an arch of balloons.

Sophomores Emil~ touches on their apr

Junior Agnus Connor and sophomore Kelly Watt exchange glances on the dance floor. While sharing a romantic dance, sophomores Tanesha Logan and Brandon White seem to ignore everyone else on the dance floor.





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Leaving her mark, Jatonia Eatmon signs the paper covering the wall in the front hall.

y, Amy Silver,

n Kaufman enter the ,f balloons.

Sophomores Emily Schwab, Erin Potter, Meghan McSherry, and Meredith Bojarski put the final touches on their appearances before leaving for dinner.

Jfomecom/ng 7Jance 27



Students from AHS and other local schools gather around the stage to listen to the music of all the bands.

Mr. Zamorski and Mr. Bishop begin Farm Fest by saying a few words to the crowd before the bands begin to play.

Seniors Jay Purdy and Jon Bray, both members of the popular band Life Siren, play for the ecxited crowd. They were one of the six bands that played at Farm Fest.

28 r:5fudenl Bfe

Adr ienne Allen pla: Jon Brey, Jay Purdy, performed at Farm F

ar ia a new annual event benefitting the Brittany Hope Bishop Foundation Juniors Andy Keathley and Margaret Murray helped plan the first annual Farm Fest, in memory of former Albemarle student Brittany Bishop.

Adrienne Allen plays the drums along side her fello w band members, Jon Brey, Jay Purdy, and Matt Gibson. Adrianne is one of two girls that performed at Farm Fest.

The first annual Farm Fest was held at Panorama Farms on November 2, 2002. This w as a benefit event for the Brittany Hope Bishop Foundation, a non-profit organization which began in memory of Britanny, an Albemarle student who was killed in a car accident in July, 2002. The BRITT (Beats Risking It, Take a Taxi) foundation served students and others in the area from Albemarle and other local schools. The foundation offered rides home, no questions asked, to students who found themselves in a situation of needing a safe ride home. Throughout the day the Bishop family handed out key chains that provided the phone number for BRITT, so that students will always be reminded that they always have a safe ride home. Students who attended FarmFest had a chance to spend some time outside, listen to music, hang out with friends and just have a great time. The main attraction of the day was the music of six local high school bands, Sparkys Flaw, There Went That, Outsane, Monday Detail, Life Siren and Hoist. The event also featured raffle tickets, food, and t-shirts. "Farm Fest was really successful not only because we raised over tw o thousand dollars but also because the turn-out for Brittany was so great," stated co-organizer Andy Keathley. Referring to the tragedy of one student's death and the injury of another, sophomore Erin Potter said, "I thought it was an awesome way to make something positive come out of something so negative." Because Farm Fest had such a great turn out, there are plans for it to become and annual event in the fall, so students can look forward to coming out again and supporting a great cause.

by Sarah Roddy Ya.rm Yes! 29



Jun ior Hilary Branch answers the phone at her afterschool job at Regis Hair Salon alon at local Fashion Square Mall. Many students who attend Albemarle have jobs after school at the mall.

During the summer, many AHS students spend their time lifegaurding. Some of the lifegaurds working at Forest Lakes include Jeff Myers, Gary Hurst, Molly Waddell, Lingsay Davis,. Ben Hoelscher, Meg Brackett, Liz Pettit, and <;asey - ,.路,- Eramet'.


Another student from Albemarle, junior Josh Clifton, buses a table for the waiting customers at Sbarros. Eating out regularly can add up , so having a job can be beneficial.


CS!udenl B{e

Seniors Siera Eade from the rush at Ou coming in from the


or 1n is very important because most teenagers need to earn money Steven Martin, Kevin Williams and Drew Haggard all find a place on the wall w here their shoes belong.


Seniors Siera Eades, Jamie Kay, and Jessica McCurry take a break from the rush at Outback Steakhouse, while preparing for the crowd coming in from the UV A football game.

Everything cost money, and instead of begging for cash from parents, many students worked part time so they could afford the latest items. Gas, clothes, movies, college, and food were the items the most often needed to buy. Working at local stores and restaurants or baby-sitting were perfect ways to earn that extra pocket change. Senior Kate Marrs worked at Legends, a sporting goods store in Fashion Square. "I like working there because everything is pretty laid back; the managers are really cool and lenient with all of us," she explained. Another plus for working at Legends was that every once in a while famous people would stop by. Outkast, Red Man and Method Man were all spotted there, along with most players from the UV A basketball and football teams. Although workingwouldkeepyou with some extra change in your pockets, it could also cause some frustration. After eight long hours of school each day, many of students traveled straight from school to work. Students even sacrificed their two weekend days of freedom just to earn some extra cash. Working involved a lot of time and commitment. P.E. teacher and coach Mr. Maynard recalled that, in 1977, along with a lot of athletes, he worked at the nearby Exxon, where the boss was lenient with hours for the athletes. "It was hard having practice every day and working. Usually with any extra time I would spend sleeping because I was always really tired," said Mr. Maynard. Even though working could sometimes be stressful, students saw a need for it, so they found time in their busy schedules.

by Sara Bowles Yobs


1983 Senior Bryan Combs does a huge kickflip over one of the pyram ids at Mcintire Skate Park, during the Boardin' for Bones contest sponsored by Freestyle.


I is a word that will turn your world upside down

e Extreme wasn't a common sports word back fifty years ago, butin2003 Extreme was its own kind of sport. Snowboarding had become an official Olympic sports, and skaters and professional skateboarders and bike riders were becoming more common. Even at Albemarle, extreme athlethes could be found, including skateboarders, motocrossers, paintballers and many more. Senior David Dyer and junior Tim Henion rode and competed in professional motocross competitions up and down the east coast throughout the year. Regarding the feeling competition gives a person, Tim said, "Some people get nervous but I stay completely calm." His calmness resulted in many good placings racing his Yamaha. 3 2 c51udenl


Not all students competed in competitions, some athletes just did their sport for fun or something to do on w eekends, like skateboarder Jesse Elizan, who skated on the most w eekends. Sophomore Paul Malazita combined w ork with play, w orking at the Splathouse but also playing in open games held outside on the Friday. Some took the same sport even more seriousl y, such as tournament paintball players seniors Charles Wiedman and Chris Lam. These tw o traveled throughout Virginia to play head-to-head matches and win prizes. School-sponsored extreme sports Student Mike Tucker d oes a rock-n-roll had not yet made a breakthrough, during his portion of the mini ramp contest but students took their opportunities held by Freestyle fo r the Britt Foundation . to play at the games of their choice on their own.

By Chris Barcomb

Paintball team ot Barcomb, run u p thE

Special Olympics ath letes compete throughout th e year in soccer, basketball and swimming, as well as other activities.


I j

" .--~-


Junior Tim Henion takes a corner in an eight lap GNCC Rnd 11 mo tocross race . Tim is a sponsored rider.

a rock-n -roll

ni ramp contest

tt Foundation.

Paintball team Not So Great, consisting of seniors Chris Lam, Charles Weidman and Chris Barcomb, run up the speedball field during practice at their home field Mad Dawg Paintball.

Cx!reme C5porls 33

34 c5fudenl Bfe


Senior John Bray, guitarist and vocalist for the local band Life Siren, sings at Farm Fest. The band volunteered their time to play and help raise money for the "Remember Britt" foundation.


means a lot to students and community

e While some students spent their holiday season festivities, also atfree time with their friends, playing tracted volunteers Seniors were parsports, or watching TV,many of their ticularly interested in accumulating peers were using their time to help volunteer hours because community others within the Charlottesville and service was a graduation requireAlbemarle community. The school offered resources, to

ment. Seniors had to find various ways

those who needed to find vounteer positions. Several school-sponsored

throughout the year to achieve their manditory ten-hour volunteer requirement. Several gave blood during the Student Council's blood drive in early December. Others volunteered at local organizations such as

organizations, such as the Key Club and Student Council Association, offered opportunities for students to volunteer.

churches and day-care centers.

Students participated in dance decorations, or volunteered during school hours to collect various items for the school-wide canned food drive. Special occasion activites, such

Whether it was volunteering their time through school or the community, voluteering helped students realize the importance of helping oth-

as Halloween, Valentine's Day, and


Robert Marcum 36 c'Siucfenl Bfe

SCA officer Ben Hoelscher and senior Ashleigh Quick hang decorations from the cafeteria ceiling preceding the Homecoming Dance.

Giving blood is som graduation requiren

Sophomore Emily Hiller picks up the wreathes that she sold before the holiday season for the Key Club. Key Club members also sold Christmas trees in the Giant parking lot and sponsored an angel tree at Charlottesville Fashion Square Mall.

A nurse from the Red Cross sterilizes the arm of senior Josh Hill before drawing blood. The Red Cross collects blood for various community needs, including the University of Virginia Hospital. rand senior rations from the the Homecoming

Giving blood is something many seniors did in order to gain needed volunteer hours for their graduation requirements. Senior Jeff Wright prepares to be stuck.

Volunleenns 37

Every d ay stud en with decisions that


lives. Those decisi

Watching over her baby during her class, sophomore Jennifer Aiken takes extra caution to take care of her sugar baby. As part of the tenth grade curriculim, students need to carry around sugar babies to teach them the importance of responsibility, especially that of a teenage parent.

from w hether to sh:

ence test, go to a 1

alcohol and drug

present, or even wr

Talking to a crowd of students and parents at Farmfest, Mr.

to take a shower.

Bishop and Mr. Zamorski, fathers of Brittany Bishop and Kirstin Zamorski explain the importance of making the right decisions.

Older students,

juniors an d seniors,

Makino Decisions

;.....__-Statisics-- 163,559 people were caught drinking and driving underage in 1999 - 2,339 people were killed in 2000 from underage drunk drivers - 1 in 10 teen girls in America becomes pregnant each year

- 1 in 4 sexually active teens has an STD - 13-19 year olds accounted for 32.6% of all positive unplanned pregnancies in 1996

- Among 16-24 year olds; - one in seven have unprotected sex -one in five have sex they later regretted - one in ten are unable to remember if they had sex the night before after drinking alcohol (HEA 1998) - 40% of 13 and 14 year olds were "drunk or stoned" when they experienced first sexual intercourse (Wight 2000)

38 CS!u cfenl Bfe

ing choices and dec

Looking at memorial poster of Brittany Bishop, senior Lauren

which colleges to at

Gentry reads over the poems an d pictures made by close friends of Brittany after her death .

to d o after gradua

>, senior Lauren

e by close friends

lead to consequences that affect lives Several


students were makingimportant

Albemarle mourned the loss of

consequences .

with decisions that affected their

decisions about which sports to

their friend and began to realize

Albemarle students u sed the

lives. Those decisions ranged

play in college and which school

the importance of the decisions

death of Brittany Bishop to edu-

from w hether to study for a sci-

to attend for athletics.


that they made each day. Stu-

cate other students about mak-

ence test, go to a party where

though some of the day-to-day

dent Council president Lauren

ing important decisions in their

alcohol and drugs might be

decisions seemed rather minus-

Neese stated, "I think that the


present, or even whether or not

cule, all made a huge impact of

death of Brittany made every-

In late October, juniors Andy

to take a shower.

the lives of students.

one open their ideas to the deci-

Keathley and Margaret Murray

sions that they were making each

planned Farmfest, a concert ben-

Hopefully everyone

efitting the "Remember Britt"

Older students, particularly

This past summer, students

juniors and seniors, began mak-

of the A lbemarle and the

da y.

ing choices and decisions about

Charlottesville communities dis-

learned an important lesson."

which colleges to attend or what

covered the importance of mak-

Several groups at Albemarle

gram ("Beats Risking It, Take a

to do after graduation. Other

ing the right choices. In mid-

and within the community be-

Taxi") wascreatedby theBishop

July, a fatal car ac-

gan to take a closer look at the

family to ensure that all students


influence of drugs and alcohol

in destructive situations had a

which senior Brit-

on students in high school. A

safe ride home. Also, school-

tany Bishop was

national poll stated that 87% of

sponsored organizations such as

killed and tw o

high school students drank alco-

SADD (Students Against De-

students, Kirstin

hal on a regular basis, while an

structive Decisions),andStudent



additional 63% smoked ciga-

Council planned several assem-

Samantha Ho y,

rettes, 32% used marijuana and

blies that addressed important

w ere badl y in-

6% tried cocaine (information

issues that high school students


provided by the Drug Free As-

were faced with during the year.

The entire com-

sociation of America).

foundation. The B.R.I.T.T pro-

No matter what choices were

munity opened

These statistics hit too close

made or what consequences re-

their hearts and

to home for most Albemarle stu-

sulted, Albemarle s tudents

pra y ers to the

dents, whowerestillcopingwith

found positive ways to lead stu-



the tragic events of last summer.

dents in the direction of the right

friends of all vic-

However, after each decision


tims involved.

they made, students had the op-


portunity to make the best of the


Julianne Launi

'lJec.is.ions 3 9

1979 Sen ior Sarah Johnston works w ith a kindergard en class at Hollymead Elementray School for her morning in ternship. "I love working w ith kid s," Johnston says, "I plan on being a kindergarden teacher one day."


students prepare for their futures ...

What's Next? Preparing for what comes next af-

a break from school for a while. " ext

ter you w alk out the front doors of Albe-

year I am planning to take the year off

marle High School for the last time was

and work for a while," said senior Matt

what kept students occupied for four

Gibson, "I am also trying to get together

years. Although junior year had the repu-

a trip across the country."

tation as being the hardest year (full of

When asked about what they looked

outlines, college visits, and SATS), fresh-

for in a college, juniors

men, sophomores and seniors also found

and John Fitzhugh had the same answer.

that they did not have a nice, smooth

"The atmosphere, and size of the school

ride . The 2003 graduating class had

is very important," said John. "Being

schedules jam packed with their final

able to envision yourself there is the key.

visits, college applications, scholarships,

You just kno w w hen you ' re on the

or arranging other plans to get out into


the w orld, and do their own thing. As some seniors w aited for college

ora Johnson,

The four years of high school w ere full of decisions and hard work that

Whi le sitting at his computer at home, senior

acceptances and choosing where they

could greatly impact the future. These Jeff Wright looks at the web site for the college

w ill spend the next four years of their

decisions often brought lots of stress,

life, others w ere looking into the Army,

but hopefully it would all be worth it in

Navy, Air Force and Marines.

the end.

Some students felt they needed to take

40 c5!udenl Bife

By Ashleigh Quick

he w ill be attending next year, Christopher ewport University. "I did all of my college applications online," said Jeff. "It m akes the process much easier and faster."

Senior s Abby Ber on the wall outside plans to attend and fa r from h om e," sai<

luter at home, senior

2b site for the college

year, Christopher id all of my college Jeff. "It makes the 'aster."

At lunch time students have the chance to talk and ask questions to representatives from the Army, Navy, Marines, and the Air Force. Junior Michael Finch picks up some pamphlets and talks with an Army rep to look into this as a choice for his future .

,,;"""; ~ - ,. ,z I ·-??·~ · -t~"

Sophomores and Juniors gathered together in the auditorium for a lunch time meeting to receive their PSAT scores. Each student met with their individual counselor for their packets.

. / /.:: l ·'""'"' .:-;·"/ , .~'r? ~ I


v:r··· ,

Seniors Abby Berube and Annie Johnson look at the college posters and scheduled visits posted on the wall outside of Guidance . In the fall Abby is attending Lynchburg College and Annie plans to attend and play soccer for Winthrop University. "I was looking for a small school not to far 'from home," said Abby about her college search.

Ju!u.re 41




Juniors Kate London and Ben Matherne show that long lasting friendships with the opposite sex can be just as important as dating. During

Ms. Cunningham's Drama I class, juniors Norah Johnson and And y Keathley practice their lines for a play.


David Argaud, Travis Batten and freshman Erin Lynch check out the variety of makeup found in Megan Garton's purse. Travis says, "I don' t understand how girls can wear this stuff."

Senior Ian Faris r• her love for him . Stu teddy bears to frienc 42 CS!udenl Bfe



Ten things I LOVE about you! Junior Lauren Beckman and senior Brian Covington share some laughs. Lauren says, "We always have blast together, no m atter what we' re doing."

th~ w~ you ~ook. .. ~t m~ tor th~ on~y on~ I s~~

1- is tor ~

- is

V- is "~l".Y, "~l"Y ~x.tr~ordm~ ÂŁ - is ~~n mor~ th~n ~nyon~ th~t I ~dor~ . Ten Things Guys Love About Girls 1. "How they smell."- Ben Holscher

2. " Cat fights. " -Joey Harris 3. "You get to know them and maybe even have a little fun along the way." -Craig Anderson 4. "They're the best thing God created! " Michael Brown 5. "I love playing with girl's hair. It smells much better than mine." - Robert Marcum 6. " I like staying in with my girlfriend while watching a movie and cuddling!" - Jeff Wright 7. " Their ability to make themselves look nice." -Ryan Woodfolk 8. " They make school more entertaining." Tom Choi 9. "You can open up and be yourself around them." -Josh O' Grady 10. "The way they take forever to get ready just so they can look perfect when they go on a date." -Drew Atchinson


- Sen ior

Ian Faris receives a teddy bear sent from his girlfriend to show her love for him. Students have the chance to send flowers, candy and teddy bears to friends and significant others on this special day!

Ten Things Girls Love About Guys 1. "I love w hen the true dork in them shines through their tough guy ways." - Jessi McCurry 2. "The relationship you have with them; it's on a different level than with your girlfriends." -Kelly Van Scoter 3. "Guys make the school day have a little more pizzazz and interesting stories. " - Kendra Tharp 4. " Guys can always make you laugh." - Hilary Murray 5. "They are there for you w hen you need them." - Jennifer Taylor 6. "Guys make you feel safe." -Ms. Shifflett. 7. "Their stupidity makes them great." - Rachel Bowyer 8. "They have such a different perspective on things." - Megan Degnan. 9. "The way a guy acts when you're alone with him and they act like you' re the only thing around and makes you feel special." Georgette Fisk 10. " How the one you least expected surprises you the most!" -Jennifer Hansen

By Molly Waddell

23oyl 9Irl




Valentine's day singers Kelly Garland, Jessi McCurry, Jennifer Hanson, and LaDawn Morris gather around Chad Woodfolk to deli ver a special Valentine' s Day song, ''I'll be there for you."

Sophomore Megan McSherry purchases her Valentines Day order at the SCA window in the cafeteria during lunch.

Seniors Tiffany Proctor and Sarah Johnston take a short break from their busy day of handing out Valentine's Day treats .

44 Olucfenl Bfe

Walking down the h senior singers Ashlei: Lauren eese show c


a1enr1ne means frienship, love, music and fun Handing out hugs and kisses to Doc Larrick, freshman class president Chris Perkins visits classes at seventh period find to students and teachers.

Valentine's Day was the perfect day to show that special somebody that you truely cared and appreciated him (or her). Whether that relationship was a romance or just a special friendship, it was a great excuse to indulge in the delicous treats and special surprizes. The SCA-supported event was always a huge hit. Students and teachers both appreciate itd. The SCA offered roses, carnations, teddy bears, hugs, kisses, and a wide variety of songs for sale to be delivered to friends or lovers throughout the day. The song selection included "My Girl," performed by Drew Atchison, Tim Doyle, Byron Jamerson, and Nick Morris; "Heaven" performed by Rachel Bodily, Rachel Hanley, Ashleigh Quick, and Lauren Neese; and "My Valentine," written and presented by Zach Bailey and accompanied by Ann Tolley Jones and Steven Lindensmith. Twenty-two more songs performed by different singing groups were available to the students and staff. "It made my day when Ann Tolley came into our class to sing 'Your Body is a Wonderland' to Mr. Weisend," chuckled Lauren Beckman. The fundraiser was a huge success, as the SCA sold approximently 150 balloons, 100 teddy bears, 180 carnations, 200 roses, and and more songs than they could count. "It made the day go by a lot faster," said sophomore Lisa Clarry. The Valentine singers would certainly agree- by the end of the day their voices were gone but their hearts were full, knowing how much happiness they had distributed throughout the day. by Sara Bowles

Walking down the hall to prepare for their next song, Valentine' s Day senior singers Ashleigh Quick, Rachel Bodily, Rachel Hanley and Lauren Neese show off their matching pink T-shirts and bandanas.

ValenHne 's 7Jay 45

c5/eepin:; i



classes, s Hogan ta out on theB1 Other senio Erin are f pressureE





remember all the amazing aspects of your high school ca-

reer. "I won 'I ever graduate," you said. Yet a time came tore/real from all the memories made and start anew. You won 'I ever forget the friends that were made and lost. You won 'I ever forget that one test that you could have had studied for more. You won 'I even forget the first time you stepped into Albemarle High School four years ago. Past and recent graduates won 'I ever forget the way the school looked then and now. The changes made throughout the years has been physically drastic, yet the spirit of the Patriot pride will never relreal from the school. After four years in high school and fifty years of Albemarle, you won 'I ever forget the special memories that have been made. 48 c5eniors

c5.howin:; off r

in front c senior De1 enjoys the s Costume 1 Spirit week. D with two< friends, dr' babies fo

C5/eeping in between classes, senior Erin Hogan takes a nap out on theBreezeway. Other seniors besides Erin are feeling the pressures of senior year.

C5/ng/ng to the crowd at Farmfest with his band "Outsane," senior Daniel Hawkins performs in front of his peers. Almost a dozen seniors participated in the Farmfest festivities with their various musical groups.

~et ~

that one

you stepped

now. The Patriot pride

C5.haw/ng off his costume in front of his peers, senior Derek Murray enjoys the spotlight on Costume Day during Spirit week. Derek, along with two of his closet friends, dressed up as babies for the event.

et the special

C5en/ors 49

Ashley Quick and Nick Morris Dory Tucker and Alex Giffen

Spirn is a word that sets seniors apart

On "Tacky Day," Gary Hurst, Tim Doyle and Derek Murray prove that boys sports too can have plenty of school spirit.

Looking around Albemarle at pep rallys , spirit week , and sports events , seniors always seemed to be the most wild , rowdy and spirited group. Never hold ing anything back was the secret .. That sense of Patriot Pride seemed to only come after serving the prior three years. Along with spirit also came a sense of superiority and confidence . "I love being a senior! " said Sarah Johnston , "You don't have to be shy about anything , and it's always fun to walk around like you own the place ." Every game, dance , and , pep rally was their last, so they made the best of each and every day. By Ashleigh Quick

Annie Johnson and Marc McCabe Rachel Hanley and Drew Atchinson

50 :Pride andc5pir.tl


I. DannyAdler: Key Club (2,3,4) ; l.T. Academy (2,3,4); Math Honors Socie~· (3,4) ; Beta Club (4) ; \VNC (I ,2,3,4) ; Dartmouth Club Book Award (3) ; Academic Letter (3); National Merit Commended Student (3). " Mom always told me I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up, within reason! When I as ked her what she meant by ·11·ithin reason', she said 'You ask a lot of questions fo r a garbage man! '" - jack Handey. ·'Is our children learning'" - George W. Bush. 2. Adrianne Aileen Allen: Varsi~· Basketball (1 ,2,3,4) ; Life Si ren (3,4); Amnesty International (3) ; Yearbook (3); Spanish Honor Society (2 ,3,4) ; Art Honor Society (3,4); SCA Advisor (3,4) . .. It's started to happen/It's started to change/ with the movement upon us. Hope we make it okllt takes a life or a couple of davs/lt's coming together in relative ways/ this electric gu itar hangin" to my knees/ a couple of verses

I can barely breathe/ Bm i!'s alright, its ok/lt's coming together in relative ways.' . the Trail of Dead. 3. Richard Alley: Varsi~· Football (3,4) ; Boy Scouts (1,2,3,4); Church Youth Group (1 ,2,3,4) ; Mu Alpha Theta (2,3,4) ;junior Classical League (3 ,4) ' Beta Club (3 ,4) ; French Honor Socie~· (2,3,4); GREAT Society (4-treasurer); Eagle Scam (3,4); Varsi~· Football Lener (3,4) ; All-Academic Award (3 ,4). ··What is it fora man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul in the process'"- D~LX 4. Meghan Ange: JV Boys Lacrosse Manager (I ); Equestrian Riding (I ,2,3,4); Spring Musical (2) ; Skeet Club (2) ; Thespian Socie~· (3,4). ''Patience and persistence is the key to e"el'1hing" - Meghan Ange. 5. Daniel Armstead: Wrestling (1,2,3); Firefighter (2,3,4) ; C.E. ROTC (1); Martial Artist (1,2,3,4) . ·• Believe nothing, o monks, merely because you have been told it.. or because it is traditional, or because youyou rselves have imagined it. Do not believe what \'Ou r teacher tells YOU merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analvsis, you find to be conductive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings- that doctri ne believe and cling to, and take it as our guide . .. -Buddha. 6. Sara Armstrong


7. EmilY Arthur: Varsi~· Tennis ( 1,2,3,4); Basketball (I ,2- ]V, 3,4- Varsity) ; Varsity Softball (1 ,2) ; Sierra Club (1); FAST (3,4); Beta Club (4) ; Piano (1,2,3,4). " Be who you are and say what you feel , because those who mind don 't matter and those who manerdon't nund." -Dr. Seuss. " Tough times don't last but tough people do' · -Sue Bird. 8. 1\ikkiaAshby: Operation Pride (1,2,3): Sound of Music (2); Cinderella (3) . "1\o one has more confidence in me than 1have in myself." -Allen Iverson·. '·The love and support I get from mY family goes a long way and helps me get through the hardest


times ... for me, family is everything .., - Monica.

9. Andrew Atchison: Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4 -president); French Honor Society (2,3,4); :\ational Honor Socie~· (3,4); Patriot Singers (4) ; Y. Football (1 ,2,3,4 captain); V. Basketball (1 ,2,3,4) : Baseball (1,2,3,4); PALS (2 ,3,4- officer); SCA ad\iser (3,4) ; BoY·s State (3) . '''Ia, 1won 't back down. You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but! won't back down. " - Tom Pet~·


10. Zack Bailey: Patriot Singers (2,3,4); The GREAT socie~· (co-founder/president 4); WKC (1 ,2,3,4); Bass Fishing (1 ,2,3,4) ; Youth Group (1 ,2,3,4); The Grub Club (2,3); SC.\ (I ,2,3,4); Peer Counseling (1,2,3,4); Spanish Honor Society (2 ,3,4) ; TriMMusic Honor Socie~· (2,3,4); Beta Club (4); Latin Honor Society (3,4) . " If you were me, then l'd be YOU, and l'd use your body to get to the top. You can 't stop me no maner who you are!" - Ace Ventura.

11. Meghan Elizabeth Bambrev: State Special Olympics Bowling ( !-silver, 2,3gold); State Special OlympicsS"'imming (1 - 2 gold , 2- 1gold, 1silver ); Stat eSpecial Oh·mpics Soccer ( 1- gold, 2- gold); State Special Olympics Basketball (1- gold, 2silver); Special Olympics Golf (3) ; Special Olympic Gymnastics (3) ; Regional Challenger Baseball Tournament (3). ·'Hi Friend!!!''- Meghan BambreY.


12. Chris Bankard: Football (1,2,4); Weightlifting (3,4) ; Hunting ( 1,2,3,4); Fishing (1,2,3,4); Fc.A (4); LINE Baseball (I ,2,3) . ·'Where 1come from it's cornbread and chicken, where I come from a lot of front porch sitting, where I come from." - Alan jackson. "God so loved the world that he gave his onlv son. "- john 3: 16.

~ -r~l


13. Tvler Bannister


14. Christopher). Barcomb ]VN Golf (I ) ; Yearbook (2 ,3,4); Yearbook Club (3,4) ; Yearbook Academics Editor (3) : Yearbook Technical Editor (4). "''m always readv to learn, but l'm not alwavs ready to be taught." - Winston Churchill. · · !).justin Barnes: Outdoor Club (2,3); Christian Fellowship Club (4) . '·God hath not promised sun without rain , joy without sorrow, peace without pain. " - Unknown . "

For I know the plans 1have for you, .. declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm vou, plans to giYe you hope and a futu re.''- jeremiah 29: 11. 16. :\eil Barton: Golf Team (1 ,2,3,4-captain); Tennis Team (2,3- District Doubles Champ, MVP,4); Fc.A (3,4); \'ational Honor Soci e~· (4- treasurer); German Club (3,4); Scholar Athlete Award (2,3); All Academic- Athletic Team (2,3). "Success is when you get what you want. Happiness is when you like what you gel.·'- Unknown .



17. Lindsev Bateman: Christian Fellowship Club (4); Women's Ensemble (3); Intermediate Choir ( 1,2); Math Honor SocietV (4); AmnestV International Club (3); German Honor Societv (3,4); Alternative Music Club (2); Card Club (I) ; lFS-German llAward (2); President Award (3) . '·Trust in the Lord 11ith all you r heart, and do not rely on your own insight In you r ways acknowledge him , and he will make straight rour paths ... - ProYerbs 3: 5-6. 18. Lyndsay Benedetto: Varsity Cheerleading (2,3,4); MVP Cheerleader (2). "1 decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadows, if 1fail , if 1succeed, At least 1 live as I believe. :\o matter what thevtake from me, thevcan't take away mv dignity.· Whitney Houston. 19. Thea Renae Berkler: Shout Club (I , 2, 3) . "Don't worry about what someone else says about You, thin ks -about you, or says behind you r bac·k ... it's childish! Grow up, move o,·er, and get over it!"'- Thea Renae.

20. Abby Berube: Peer Counseling (2,3,4); SC.AAdvisory (2,3); Intermediate Choir 91); Women 's Ensemble (2,3); Pat riots (3,4); District Choir (1 ,2,3); Drama Club (I ); KevCiub (4); Powder Puff Football (3-second place) ... And when the night gets cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me, shine until tomorrow; let it be. "- the Beatles.

c5en/ors 51

!. Stephanie Lee Beebe: Cheerleader(! ); Outdoor Club ( 1, 4); Swimming (l , 2, 3, 4); Surfing (l , 2, 3, 4); Wakeboarding ( 1, 2, 3. 4); Snowboarding (l , 2, 3, 4); Kneeboarding ( 1, 2, 3,4); 1\umerous Dramatic Performances (l , 2, 3, 4); Christian Fellowship Club (4); jun ior Miss Albemarle (200 1). "All the darkness in the world can not put out the light of one small candle ."- Unknown.·' Th ere has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about."- .-lshl eigh Brilliant.

2. Brittany Hope Bishop: Varsity Football manger ( 1) : Chorus (1 , 2): SCA advisory council (l , 2, 3) ; Yearbook Staff (2, 3) ; Ski Club (2, 3); Photography (3). "Get you rself some girlfriends , mv girlfriends bless my life. " "Don ' t cry because it's over, smile because it happened. " "A gi rl can 't have too many shoes.·· - misc . messages on Brittanv's wall . "Hold a true friend with both hands .'·- :\igerian proverb. 3. Rachel Bodilv: JV Vollevball (l , 2-captain); Varsity Volleyball (3. 4captai n); Key Club (2 , 3, 4); FCA (l ); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4-l'ice president) ; National Hono r Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (2. 3, 4) ; Tri-M (2 , 3, 4); Beta Club (4); National Merit Commended Student (3) ; Governor's School for the Humanities (3). "1 am what I am , what a great thing to be' If I sayso myself happy everydav to me!"- Dr. Seuss. 4. Ross Bolden: JV Soccer (! -captain , 2); Varsitv Football (3, 4captain); Indoor Track (2, 3, 4 - captain); Outdoor Track (2, 3-captain , 4-captai n); Wrestling (l) ; Men on A Mission ; 1st Team Cent ral VA Outdoor Track (3) ; Northwestern Regional Champion 400m Outdoor Track (3); Tri-Athlete (3) . "Give me the ball and watch what I do wit it. .. - Biggins. " If you want somethin g vou never had you have to do something you've never done." - Unknown . " I'm so fast I can turn out the light and be in bed before it gets dark.·· "It's hard to be humble when you ' re as great as I am.''- Muhammad Ali. ; . Chantal Bouc her: National Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; French Honor Societv ( 4); Latin Honor Society (3); :\ational BETA Club (3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (3, 4); S:\AP (3, 4); Key Club ( 1, 2, 3, 4- ICC rep , Service Award 2,3) : VIVA (2. 3. 4) : :\ational Latin Award (3); Who ·s Who (2, 3); Chris Green Lake Cable Swim State Record (2); Honor Council (3, 4);Junior Classical League (3); SCA Adviser ( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; CYAC Swimming ( 1, 2, 3); Swim Team (3, 4); Rivanna Rowing Club (3 , 4) ; ACAC Swim Coach ( 1, 2, 3, 4) . "One sweet world , around this sta r is spinning, one sweet world , and in her breath I'm swimming, and here we rest in peace .'' - Dave Matthews Band. 6. Helen Bowman: Outdoor track ( 1, 2, 3, 4) : "Blithe Spirit" (2); SHOCT (l, 2); FAST (3, 4); Church Youth Group (l , 2, 3, 4); Church Dance Group ·'Divi ne" & "Lights of Praise" (2, 3, 4) ; Who' s Who (3); Virginia Honorable Mention Outdoor Track Team (3 ) ... The only way to keep it real is to be real .''- Brandy. "I am a women phenomenally. Phenomenal woman , that 's me." - MayaAngelou ." ! will lift up mine eves onto the hills, from whence cometh mv help ... - Psalm 121 :1 . 7. Allie Bowns: Soccer ( 1, 2-JV, 3, 4-varsity); Indoor track (2, 3, 4) . "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off yo ur goal. ''- Mannah Moore. "The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you become.''- Marold Taylor. 8. Katie Brackett: Concert band (l ); Wind Ensemble (2, 3. 4); Pit band (2, 3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3. 4) : Key Club (2, 3, 4); SCA advisor (4) : Beta Club (3 , 4); All -District Band (2 , 3, 4); Governor' s Spanish Academy (3). "Whoever said sunshine brings happiness never danced in the rain." - Unknown. "Yo qu iero tener un millon de amigos y asimas fue rt e poder cantar."- Roberto Carlos. 9. Meg Brackett: Yearbook Staff (3. 4-student life editor); SCA (l , 2, 3, 4); Art Honor Society (4); JCL (l , 2, 3); \VWBD (3, 4) . "Love is a many splendored thing! LOVE! Lifts us up where we belong, all you need is LOVE! ''- Mouli n Rouge. "Live right now, just be you rself, it doesn't matter if it 's good enough for someon e else. "- Jimmy Ear World. 10. jennifer Bragg: German Club (2, 3, 4- vice president , club officer) ; Drama Club (l , 2, 3); International Thespian Society (2, 3, 4) ; Softball Manage r (2); plays (''Annie ,.. "Damn Yankees.'' "A :\ight of Farce," "For Whom the Southern Bell Tolls" ); 1\ational AATG (2); Marine Corps. "You gain strength , courage , and confidence by every experience in which yo u really stop to look fear in the face ... You must do the thing you think you cannot do. "- Eleanor Roosevelt. " The opposite of love is not hate , but indifference." - Ellie Wiesel. 11. Randv Branch : Shenandoah Valley Soaring (l , 2, 3, 4); Soaring Society of America ( 1,2,3,4); JCL (1 ,2,3); Youth Leadership Initiative (3,4); Airc raft Owners and Pilots Association (4); Glider Solo (l ); Private Pilot Glider (2 ); Powe r Solo (4 ) . "Do n't let the fear of falling keep you from knowing th e joy of flight.' ' - Lance Wallace. 12 . William john Brase IV: Baseball ( 1, 2- JV, 3, 4- varsity) . "A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost."- Ferdinand Foch . "I am not smart , but I like to obse rve. Millions saw the apple fall , but l\ewton was the one who asked why." - Bern ard Baruch.

52 deniors




I. jon Bray: Life Siren: Amnestv International (2, 3, 4) ; Weekend Night Culture Enthu siast (I , 2. 3, 4); VDT (2, 3, 4); Ride Mooch er Champion ( 1, 2, 3, 4). "Taternuts! Blaaaah!''. VDT. "What are you rebelling against?" - johnny Law. "Whaddya got'" -J ohnny Rock Star. 2. Sara Breakiron : Key Club ( I , 2, treasurer- 3, 4); Tri-M (2,3,4treasurer); In termediate Choir (I ); Women 's Ensemble (2. 3, 4); National Honor Society (3 , 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Beta Club (3, 4). ·· No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friends hi p of those who are tho roughly persuaded of each other's worth. "Robert Southey. 3. Emily M. Breede n Choi r (I ); FBLA (2, 3) . ·· In the end it 's only you , so be true to yo urself. '' . Emily Breeden. 4. Coty Bri gh t 5. Rob ert Bright


6. Dominic Brown: CIP Ice Hocke\' (1 , 2, 3, 4); JV Lacro sse (I ); Int ernship wi th E.-1/ IT Academy (2); Beta Club (4); Youth Leadership Di scernment Board Members (4)." I though I had mono once for an entire yea r. Turned out I was just really bored.'' - Wayne Cambell. ·'Glory is Oeeting , but obscuri tv is forever. " - Napo leon Bonaparte.

i . Michael Brown 8. Susan Brumbaugh


9. Jul ie Burgess: Women's Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Intermediate Choir ( I , 2) ; SHOUT ( I, 2, 3- secretarv); Track manager (2); Di strict Choir XIII ( I. 2). "That which does not kill us , makes us stronger."- Unknown. "''m movin on. "- Rascall FlailS . "Trus t! seek and I find in you . . every day for us some thing new ... open mind for a different view .. and nothing else matters ... - Metallica. 10. jennifer Burri s: Beta Club (4) ; French Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Socie ty (4); SCA Advisor ( I , 3, 4); CFC (1 , 2); Yearbook Club (3); Freshman Basketball (1). '' Many people wi ll walk in and out of yo ur life, but only true friends will leave footprint s in you r heart. "Eieanor Roosevelt ... That is foul! "- Ash , jenn, and Li nds. 11. Lamarkco Burton 12. jeffrey Bush: Football (! -freshman , 2-JV , 3,4- varsity); Wrestling ( I, 2); Lacro sse (1): Student Athletic training (2, 3, 4); SCA Advisor (3 , 4); Outdoor Club (2, 3); Club Lacrosse ( 1, 2, 3) ; FCA (4); Tim Abbott Award (3). '' Find the good. It 's all around vou. Find it. Showcase it and you 'll start belie\'ing in it. "- jesse Owe ns. ·'Throw me the ball , see what I can do with it.'' - Bow Wow.



c5eniors 53

1. Sa rah Bush: SADD (2 , 3); Intermediate Choir (l , 2. 3. ; - section leader) : Women·s Ensemble (4); Equestrian Club (!).··Th e su n don' t shine forever but as long as it 's here we might as '"ell shin e together.-- P. Diddy. "Whoever does not have control over his own soul is like a citv broken down without walls.--- Proverbs 28:2 ;.

2. Eri c Byers: Football (l , 2, 3, 4); Senior League baseball (l , 2); Youth group (l , 2. 3, 4) ; fi shing ( I, 2. 3. 4): FCA (4) : Weightlifting ( I. 2. 3). ''She thinks my tractor's sexy. It reall y turns her on.-- - Kenn y Chesner. "Th ank the stars above, that we share this lore. me and \'Ou."- Ke nny Chesney. '' I can do all things through Christ." - Co rinthians 3:1 3. 3. Avante Carter 4. Shianne Carto-Sp rowal: "Everything is ·x'clusi,·e! Remember to li"e and enjo,· vour life to the fu llest. Drop it like it's hot!" - Shianne CartoSprowal. ; . Marti sha Catoe: SHO UT ( I, 2, 3). "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it , no matter if 1 have said it. unless it ag rees with your own reaso n and your own common se nse." · Buddha. "Li\'e

Large!" - Don Pendleton. 6. jenna Centini: Varsity Tennis (l , 2, 3. ;-captain) : :\ational Honor Soc iety (4) ; Math Honor Society (3, 4) : Spanish Honor Societr (4) : Beta Club (4); Peer Counseling ( I, 2. 3, 4); Kev Club (l , 2, 3-fundraising vice chair, 4- school service vice chair) ; Women 's Ensemble ( I, 2); Smith Book Award (3): Biologv Award (2) ; All Academic Team ( I. 2. 3. 4). "Li ve each day to the fullest. Get the most from each hour. each day, and each age of you r life. Th en vou can look forward with confidence and back without regrets." - S. H. Pa"er.

i . Ben Chandler: Freshman Football ( I) : Lac rosse (l - JV, varsity-2. 3, 4): Fi shing; FCA (!):Fishing Club (2) ; Outdoor Club (4) "The best things in life are basic ... - Ben Chandler. "Eve ry man dies but not ere rv man reallv lives ... - Will iam Wallace (Braveheart) . 8. Che Chang 9. Nicole Chapman: ·•If you r man startS act in' up , switch and take his friend_··- TLC. "Being that I am the kinda gi rl that I am , nobody can make me do what I don 't want to. I can be mvself a lot and I'm proud of what I got so I'll never change for you .--- TLC . 10. Erin Chilton: Girl Scouts ( I. 2, 3, 4); Art Honor Societv (2 , 3, 4); French Hon or Society (3, 4) : Christian Fellowship Club (I): Ani me Club (2, 3, 4-sec retarv); Karate (4); Church Youth Group (l , 2, 3) ; Beta Club (4) ; Who's Who (4); Honor Roll (l , 2, 3, 4) . "All that is gold does not gli tter, not all those who wander are lost. '' - J.R.R . Tolken. II. Soyoung .\nnie Choi: Internat ional Club (4-r epresentative ) : Lynchburg :\ ursing home Volunteer (3 ); Lvnchbu rg Public Lib rarv Volunteer (3) ; International Medley Club (2) ; Martial Arts Appreciation Cl ub (2); Korean Language School (2 -assistant) ; Sign Language Club ( I); Secretary of the Home room Class ( I): Honor Roll ( 2, 3); Excellence in Art (3); U.S. Hi story Top St ud ent (3); Academic Excellence Award on Al ge bra ( I). ''Yesterday is the past. Tomo rrow is the futu re . Today is a gift; That's why it's called 'the present ' ... unknown. 12. justin W. Ci limb erg: Football ( ! -freshm an. 2-j v) ; Lane League Baseball (l , 2, 3); Technology Club (3); Ge rman Club (2). "I am not what I know but what I am willing to learn."- Mary Catherine Bateson.

54 cSenz'or s



I. Chris Clark 2. An ne Clarry: Peer Mediation coordinator (3, 4); Math Honor Society (4); Fre nch Hono r Society (4); Church Youth group (l , 2, 3, 4); FBLA (2 , 3, 4); Chorus (l); Beta Club ( 4); Drama Club ( I ). '' There are many plans in a man 's heart , nevertheless the Lord's counsel- that will stand.' Proverbs 19:2 I. 3. Danny Cliffo rd: Football (l , 2); Soccer (l, 2, 3, 4); German Honor Society (3); Beta Club (4). "Football ... the beau tiful game." - Pete." ! don't know the key to success, but the key 10 failure is trving to please everybody... - Bill Cosby.

4. Mark Coffman: Varsity Golf

( I , 2, 3, 4); jazz Band (4); Sierra Club (2 , 3); ]SA (4 - vice president). ·'Faith has been broken , tears must be cried , let's do some living, after we die. "- The Rolling Stones. •· It 's happening , every day, eveqovhere and 10 everyo ne.'' - Chris Robinson.

,. '"·'


5. Genevieve Cohoon: Wilson Dance Company (l , 2, 3, 4); Rowing (3, 4) ; German Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Beta Club (4) ; Dance Club (3 - co-founder & vice president, 4- president); Honor Council (3,4); Knowledge Masters (3, 4); :\ational Latin Exam (3); :\ational German Exam (2); German Governor's School (3). "The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stup id man will just lay down on some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go , ' Hey, I' m vinde man."' - jack Handy. ''U nd dann habe ich SIO gefunden - Bam!'' unknown.

6. Christian Collins

i. Allison Cook: Cosmetology (l); Orange County Rescue Squad (4); Honor Roll (l , 2, 3, 4). "'<ever, never, never give up. "- Winston Churchill. "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at wo rk worth doing. " - Theodore Roosevelt. ''All labor that uplifts humanitl' has dignit\" and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ·'J can do all things through Ch rist who strengthens me." Philippians 4: 13. "Evervo ne who loves is begotten of God and has knowledge of God. God is love and he who abides in God , and God in him. "- I j ohn 4:7b, 16b. 8. Bryan Combs: Skateboarding (l , 2, 3, 4). "It is not worth an intelligent man 's time 10 be in the majority. By definition , there are already enough people to do that.''- G. H. Hardy. "How Ironv! " - Zach Bailey. 9. Shannon Cooper: JV Socce r (l , 2); JV Volleyball (l , 2- captain ); Varsity Indoor Tack (3); German Honor Society (3, 4); German Club ( 1, 2, 3· secretarv. 4- president); St. Ursula Exchange Program (3); Beta Club (4); Outdoor Club (3 - secretary, 4); Ski Club (2); SCA Advisor (3, 4); Indoor Socce r (2); ]0 Volleyball (l ); Honor Roll (l , 2, 3, 4). "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. "Eleanor Roosevelt. 10. Brian Co'"ingtOn: Lacrosse (l- JV, 2, 3, 4- varsity); Running Club (l); Ski Club (2): Outdoor Club (\"ice president- 3, 4); SCA Advisor (l , 2, 3, 4). "Don't let the troubles in your head steal tOo much time you 'll soon be dead ... - Dave Matthews Band. I I. Casey Cramer: Varsi ty Lacrosse ( I, 2, 3· Defensive MVP, 4- captain); Beta Club (4); Board Games Club (3 - president) ; basketball (4); Ski Club (2); 1st runner up 10 Mr. Albemarle (3). •· If you have buil t castles in the air, your work need not be lost ; that is where they should be. :\ow put the foundations under them. " - Henry David Thoreau. "''m out there jerry... and I'm Iorin' every minute of it.'' - Cosmo Kramer. "Who is FO!iZY !ll Don 't they teach yo u anything at school'" Home r Simpson. 12. Spencer Crawford

r:'5enior s 55

I. Caroline Crank: Basketball (1 ,2) ; Softball (1.2-caplain. 3,4): Church Youth group (1 ,2,3,4) ; Bowling League (1 ,2,3,4, president-3, 4); Tra\'el Team (4) : Cove Creek Softball League (2,3,4); junior Letter (3); National Honors Socie~· (4); Math Honors Socie~· (4); Beta Club (4) ; Renaissance Program (1 ,2,3,4) ; President's Award (3); Honor Roll (1.2,3,4); Who'sWho (1 ,2,3,4). "Potential is interesting, but performance is evetYthing."· Cnkno\\n. 2. Molly Creighton: Anime Club (I ,2- secretary, 3,4-president) ; Beta Club (4); An Honors Society (2,3,4- historian) ; Women's Ensemble (3,4); VTA (4). "Are you ready maybe .. are you "illing to run ... are you ready to let yourself drown ... are ,·ou holding vour breath? Are you ready or not?" - Te.xas. "Put your arms around me." ·'~o maner where you are ... e-·eryone is connects."· l.ain, Serial Experiments lin. "'lo one can take away your pride''. Yahiko Rurouni Kenshin. "I just want someone to lo\'e me.''· Sally Owens 3. Megan Cruse 4. Meghan Cushman: Varsity Tenrtis (1 , 2, 3 4); Youth Group (I , 2, 3, 4); Christian Fellowship Club (1, 2, 3); CRC Executi"e Council (3); Dance Club (4); Concert Band (! }; Jazz Band (2, 3, 4); Marching Band (1, 2) ; Honor Council (3, 4); SCA (3, 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4); Church Youth Choir (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Deacon of First Presb)lerian Church (3,4); Most lmpro\'ed in Band (2): Homecoming Court (2, 3, 4). "Ha\'e I not commanded you' Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged. for the Lord your God will be \11th you wherever you go .. , joshua I:9. 5. Kyrstal Da-is 6.lindsayDm1s: Field Hockey (jv -I , v-2, 3,4); Lacrosse (JV-1 , V-2. 3, 4); Choir (1 , 2district) ; Key Club (1 , committee chair-2, 3 ,4); SCA Secretruy (3, 4); SCA Class Officer (2); FAST Club (pres-3, 4); PALS (4); German Honor Socie~· (3, 4); Math Honor Socie~· (3, 4) ; National Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4); German Club (I, 2. 3 ,4): Church Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); Who's Who (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; ~irginia Historical Societ\' Blanton Scholar (4); President's Award for Academic Excellence (2, 3 ,4); Excellence in Geometry (2); Excellence in English (3); Scholar Athlete Award (2, 3 ,4); Girls State (3). ''The heart can freeze or il can burn. The pain will ease, if I can learn; there is no furure, there is no pasL I li"e this moment as my lasL :\o regrets.·· - jonathan Larson. 7.jason Day: Soccer (H, 2, v- 3, 4); German Club (1 , 2); Cluistian Fellowship Club (2); OmdoorCiub (3, 4) ; Firefighter (4); Mentor Program (4); Sal's Pizza (2, 3, 4);]VSoccer MVP (2) ; Eagle Scout (2). ''Theunexpec1edhappenswhen you least expect it!"- Unkno\\n . .. Will il ever stop' Yo I don't know. Turn off the lights and I will glow." - Vanilla Ice. 8. Bridgeu Deakin: JV & Varsity Soccer Manager (3) ... Laughter really is the best medicine, for it lifts the spirits and excites the mind ... _Unknown. 9. Matthew Dedes: Photography (3,4); USGS Earth Science Corps (4); Certificate for Excellence in Photography (3); Certificate for Excellence in Ecolog-· (3). "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a liule temporary safe~· deserve neither liberty nor safety.'' - Benjamin Fran klin. 10. Andrew Dolinger: Cross-country (I) ; FCA (I) ; Soccer (jv-1 , 2, V-3); CFC (2, 3, 4); Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); Dr. Pepper Drinker (1 , 2, 3, 4). ''All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl .''· Charlie Chaplin. "Don 't let an\'One look down on you because you are young, bm set an example for believers in speech , in life, in love, in faith and in purity."· Timmhy 4: 12. II. Patrick Dougherty: Christian Fellowship Club (2) ; TSA (3); G.R.E.A.T. Sociel)' (4). "ll you come to a fork in the road, take iL"· Yogi Berra. "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." - Mark Twain. 12. Erin Degnan 13. Felicia D. Dennis: Concert Band (I); Marching Band (1, squad leader-2, section leader 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (1 , letter-!); Dislricl Band (2, 3, 4); Honors Band (3); S\\1ng Dance Club (2); Anime Club (4); Band Lener/Bar (1 ,2,3,4). "Still ! feel like that child as I look at the moon. Maybe I gmv up a little 100 soon.'' - Mariah Car~: 14. Neil Dillon: Motocross (1 , 2, 3, 4); Skiing ( 1, 2, 3, 4); Air Guitar (2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); Ultimate/ Tubing/Uno Club President (4); DZE Club (3 , 4). "The only obligation which I ha\'e a right to assume is to do at any time what I think is righL"· Henry David Thoreau. "Life's too shonto care." - Devin Schneider. 15. Emily Downing: Beta Club (4) ; CFC (2) ; Yearbook Club (3); ]V Soccer (I, 2) ; SCA Advisor (3 , 4); Crew (3 ,4 ); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4). ''I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. " - Philippians 4: 13. " Some days you got to dance li\'e it up when you get the chance. " · Dcxie Chicks. 16. Kevin Duncan 17. jeff Durkin: Technology Club (I, 3); Ultimate Frisbee Club (4); Baseball (jv-1 , 2, varsi~·- 3, 4); FBL~ (4); Honor Roll (I). "You just got to keep li'in' man, L-1-V1-N.'' - Wooderson (Dazed and Confused). 18. Tim Doyle: Football (jv- I, v-2, 3, ); Baseball (jv-1 , 2, v.- 3); National Honor Sociel)' (3, 4-\1Ce president); Math Honor Sociel)' (2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3 4) ; Beta Club (3, 4); American Legion Boy's State (3); Academic All District Football rerun (2, 3, 4) ; Academic All District Baseball Terun (3). "ll is nm true that nice guys finish lasL Nice guys are winne rs before the game ever stai1S. " Addison Walker. " The difference between a successful person and mhers is not a lack of strength, nm a lack of knowledge, bm rather a lack of \\ill ... - Vince Lombardi. 19. Lauren Dueweke: Soccer (I); National An Honor Sociel)' (1 , 2, 3, secretary-4); Beta Club (4) ; Equestrian (1 , 2, 3, 4); Albemarle 4HClub (1, 2, 3, 4); Sil"er Medalllist at Randolph-Macon (3); Women's College Medal Finals Horse Show. 20.William Duvall: Marching Band (1 , 2) ; Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Allernati\'e Rock Club (I , 2) . 'l ife is nothing bm a grune. · . Anonymous.

56 r:5eni or s

Cori Koenig and Brad Staton


Jessica Simms and Tim Doyle

lend aHand

tri~nd~hip ~

is a word that means the most to students during their last year at Albemarle Throughout the years friendships grew and developed. They went through their ups and downs , but during a student's last year in high school , friendship meant more than anyone could have imagined. "Friends are important in high school because they're there from the beginning to the end." stated senior Courtney Remington. Even though their high school careers came to an end , the friendships made at Albemarle would continue to live on for years to come. By Julianne Launi

Senior SCA members smile for one last picture at the SCA retreat. Many friendships were made at the annual event at Camp Holiday Trails.

Jeff Wright 路 and Jason Day

Ashley Odom and Molly Waddell Yriends 57

I. David Over 2. Siera Eades: Cheerleading (jv-1 , varsity-2 , 3, 4); Most Improved (l , 2); Competition Squad (2 , 3 ,4 ); Key Club (2 , 3, 4 ). ··uveas if you'll die 10morrow. Dream as if you'll live forever. "- Unknown. "You never lose bv loving. You always lose by holding back." - Barbara DeAngelis. 3. )aTonia Renell Eatmon: Evening Praise Team ·tead Drummer" Covenant Chu rch (2 , 3); AHS-MHS Step Team ( I) ; Marching Band (l , 2): Concen Band (2); Shout Club (3, 4); Cheerleader (4); Culinary .-\ns (4) : lOth place out of ; o for VA State Fair - for Cosmetology (3) ; Renaissance Program CertificateCosmetology (3); Honor Roll (2). " Be There.'' - my mother. janice. 4. Kathleen Edwards: Soccer (l ); Drama Club (l , 2): Kev Club (3. 4); Beta Club (4). "Far way in the sunshine are my highest aspirations, l may not reach them but l can look up and see their beauty, believe in turn and If\' to follow them.'' - Louisa May Alcon. ;. Kennon Edwards: junior Classical League (l , 2, 3); Varsi~· Academic Team (4); Pho10graphy (3, 4) ; Salvation Army Soup Kitchen ( I. 2, 3, 4); C lassical Music Club (3); Alternative Music Club (l ). "The thing about time is that time isn't really real. h's just you r point of view. How does it feel to vou"' - james Taylor "Secret o· Life" 6. Mark Edwards

i . Lau ra Elzey: Dance (l , 2, 3, 4); Concert Band (l ); Key Club (l ) : Crew (3, 4); SCA Advisor (4) . •·oance like nobodv's watching and love like it's never going 10 hun. "- Unknown ... It's be!'r 10 be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. " - unknown. 8. Laura Eve Engel: Marching Band ( I, 2, 3, 4 ); Wind Ensemble (2. 3, 4) :Ja zz Band (4) ; Pit Band (l , 2, 3, 4); Youth Leadership Initiative (3, 4); Tri-M (president- 4); Virginia Consort (I, 2, 3, 4). '·Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free , silhouened by the sea, circled by the circus sands \\ith all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let us forget about today untiliOmorrow... "- Bob Dylan. '·No way to bring them back, except 10 become them. Tragic re-enactment, beautiful repetition ... - Mark Jarman. "Where words leave off, music begins ..... - Heinrich Heine. 9. Ian Faris: "Light is provided bysparks of energy through the mind that travels in rhyme fo rm." - Masta Kill a. " Your linle lungs is too small to hotbox "ith God." - Xzibit. 10. Chris Fegley: Glass-blowing (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Clubbing (l , 2, 3, 4); Music; Video Gaming; Bowling. "Every1hing is good and brown, oh, I'm here again \\ith a sunshine smile upon my face. My friends are close at hand, and all my inhibitions have disappeared without a trace ... This is the return of the space cowboy. "- jamiroqual. I I. Brinany Fells: Marching Band (l , 2, 3, 4); Color Guard (2, 3, 4-captain); Destination Imagination (3); Anime Club (l , 2, vice president- 3, 4) ; Beta Club (4); "With Their Eyes··-Drama production (4-Cosmme Director); \1rginia Governor's Language Academy, japanese (3) . "! think I know, l do n't think I know, I don 't think I think I know, I don·! think l think... "- Ed, Cowboy Bebop. 12. Dustin Fields

58 c5eniors

I. Amanda Monroe Finn : Yearbook (1 , 2, 3); Peer Business Editor (2, 3); Alternative Music/Modern Rock Club (1 , 2, 3); Amnest,· International (3, 4); :\ihilist Workers (3); Rising Star 2002 (3); Mellow Mushroom (3, 4); ··~l os t likely to be able to turn anv piece of fabric into a T-shirt.·· (3); ··Rebellion happens in the mind. You can't create it. vou just are that wav.'·SLC Punk. "Remember that the grass still grows beneath the snow. "- Ozma. "Dude, I think somebodv slipped me a roofie."- Lindsay Garton. '·It's not funny like Ha Ha, it 's funny like I told you so. " - Piebald.

2. Eric Fitzgerald: Indoo r Track (2, 3, 4); Outdoor Track ( I, 2, 3, 4); Outdoor Club (1 , 2, 3); Rock-Climbing (1 , 2, 3, 4); Snowboarding (1 , 2, 3, 4); Berman Club (3, 4); Nal)' DEP (4) . "What' I haunt you ... Donkey; Done and done.. 'io I'm not through with you ret!"- Myself! jason Hale. 3. James Foster: :\ihilist Workers Party (3); junior State of America (4) . '' It's just not enough, I need more, nothing seems to satisfy, I said I don 't want it , I just need it, to breathe , to feel to know I'm alive.'· - Marnard James Keenan .

Lance D. Frasier: Offshore Powerboating (4): FBL~ Club (2, 3, president4) : Flving ( I. 2, 3, 4); Automotive (I , 2, 3, 4) . "There are no points for


second best." · Val Kilmer, Iceman in "Top Gun.'' 5. Andrew Frost 6. Marie Angeli B. Fuentes: International Club (3); Beta Club (4); Polyglot Club (4); Concert Choir (3); Intermediate Choir, Women 's Ensemble (4); Dance Club ( 4). "Love is indeed heaven upon Earth , since heaven above would not be heaven without it ; for where there is not love, there is fear;

but, ·Perfect love casteth out fear.· And yet we naturally fear most to offend what we must lo,·e." - William Penn.

i. Kellr Gartland: Freshman Cheerleading (captain , I); Varsity Cheerleading (2. captain -3, 4); PALS (3 . 4); S:\AP (4) : Women 's Ensemble (1, 2, 3); l'ocal accession (3. 4); Math Honor Societv (3, 4); Tri-M (3, 4); Spanish Honor Sociel\' (3, 4); Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4); Key Club (4); Coaches .\ward(! ); Cheerleading all-star(! ); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3); All Academic Award (2, 3, 4) . "The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of erery1hing. They just make the best of every1hing.'·- Unknown. "1n order to succeed , we first must believe we can .·· - Michael Korda. 8. Lauren Gentrv: SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3); Key Club (1 , 2, 3); Concert Choir (! ):Women's Ensemble (2, 3); Beta Club (4) . ''Be how you are and say

how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind ... _ Dr. Seuss. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. ·· Hebrews II: I.

9. Matt Gentry: "I heard them tell me that this land of dreams was now. told them 1 had ridden shooting stars and said I'd show them how. "- Ozzy Osbourne. 10. Amanda Gibson: Varsity Softball (1, 2, 3, 4); Yearbook Club (2, 3) . '·J hate a liar more than 1 hate a thief. A thief is only after my salary, a liar's after my realitv. "- 50 cents. "Love vour enemies, hate your friends. your enemies remain the same, fr iends always change."'- 50 cents. 11. Matt Gibson : Life Siren (3, 4); Amnesty International (3 ); VDT (2, 3, 4) . "Life gets in the wav of living." - Grade. " If you 're going to microwave that burrito, I want to poke holes in the plastic wrapping because they explode and I'm tired of cleaning up your little burrito doings.'' - Waking Life. 12 . .\lexander Giffen: Off the Cuff (2, 3, leader - 4); Drama Club (4); Spring (2. 3, 4) : Forensics (2, 3, 4); UTA (4); Math Honor Society (2,3,4); French Honor Societv (2, 3, 4); Beta Club (4); Thespian (3, 4) . "I am invincible." Boris Grishenko, in "Golden Eye ... ~l us ical

c5eni ors 59

I. josh Gillette : Varsity Tennis ( I. 2. 3. 4) ; Cross-country ( I. 2. 3 .. 4); German Club (l , 2, 3, 4); FCA ( I, 3) ; Ultimat e Fri sbee/ Uno Clu b (4); Beta Club (4); Completed the whole high sch ool thin gv (4). ·· If you really want somethin g in thi s life , you have to work fo r it; \'ow quiet , they' re about to ann ounce the lotte ry numb ers! · - Homer j . Simp son. ·(Inaudible muttering) '' - me . 2. Heat her Goforth: Drama (2); Cho rus (! ): Runn er (3). · Fa r awa,· there in the sun shine are my high est aspirati ons. I cannot reach them . but I can look up and see their beauty, beliere in them and trr to fo ll ow where they lead. "- Louisa May Alcott. 3. Ed Gomaa: Varsity Soccer (2, 3, capt ain- 4) jV Socce r (! ); Indoo r Track ( I , 2, 3); G. R.E.A.T. Society (Founding Fath er - 4); W'iC (3, 4) . "In America, we stopped usin g corporal puni shm ent an d thin gs have ne ve r been bett er. Th e str eet s a re safe , old pe opl e str ut confiden tl y through the darkest alleys, and the weak and nerdy are admired fo r their computer programmin g abiliti es. So , like us, let your child ren run wild and fre e because as th e ol d saying goes . let your chi ldren run wild and free ." . Homer jay Simp son. 4. Sydelle Goni as : Varsity Tennis ( I, 2. 3. 4) : Dance Ballet ( I , 2. 3) : Natio nal Art Hono rs Society (2, 3, 4); Treasure r of Art Honors Society (4); Founder and Pres ident of Phot og raph y Clu b (4); German Exchange stud ent summer of 2002 ; Pee r Coun se lin g (2. 3. 4) : In te rna tional Th espian Society (2, 3, 4). "Man I don't kn ow where the tim e goes. bu t buddy it sure goes fas t, ju st like th at .. had no excuses for the things that we done , we were brave . we we re crazy, we were mos tly you ng.. .'' - Kenny Chesney.

;. Emily Granholm 6. Megan Eli za beth Gree n: Newspaper (ass istant editor - 2. 3, co edi tor-i n-chief- 4); Church Youth group ( I, 2, 3, 4); SI\AP Member (3, 4) ; Beta Cub (4) . ··Your talent is God's gift to you. What vou do with it is your gift back to God .''- Leo Bu scalgia ... In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on .··- Robert Frost. "No one can make you inferior without your con sent. '' - Eleanor


i . Sam Griffith : Diving ( I, 2, 3, 4). "Even the lose rs keep a little bit of pride , the y get lucky sometimes.· - Tom Petty. 8. Amber Guthrie: " The ha rder I pu sh the tension does grow. I gathe r my thoughts th e further and furth er I go. With some luck I just might keep on climbing , so better to club than to face a fall. "- No Doubt. 9. 'licolai Hamilton: '·For you and me , today is all we have, to mo rrow is a mi rage that may neve r beco me a reali ty."- Unkno wn. ''\'eve r

apologize for showing feelings . Remember when vou do , you apologize fo r th e truth. "- Unknown . 10. Kristyn Hankins: Lac rosse ( 1, 2); Outdoor Track (3) ; Crew (3, 4) : SCA Advisor y (4 ); Powd erpuff Foo tball (3 , 4); FAS T (3) ; Sno wboarding. Wa keboardin g ( I , 2, 3, 4); jun ior Hono r Society ( I , 2); Hono r Roll ( I , 2, 3, 4) ; CNY Elite ( 1, 2, 3, 4) ... A day withoutt laughter is a day wasted .''- Charlie Chaplin. " Don 't cry becau se it 's ove r, smile because it happe ned."- Unknown. ·'Good frie nds are ha rd to find , harder to leave , and impossible to fo rget .''- Unknown. I I. Holly Hanks 12. Rac hel Hanle y: Varsity Volleyball (l , 2, 3, captain- 4) ; Varsity Basketball ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Softball ( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; PALS ( I , 2, 3,, office r - 4); FCA (l , 2) ; F.A.S.T. (3 , 4) ; National Honor Societr (4) ; Math Hono r Society (3 , 4); SNAP (4); Beta Club (4); Daily Progress Stude nt Athlete of the Week (3 ); \\'INA At hlete of the Week ( 4) ; Women in Sports Nominee (2, 3, 4); Tri-Athlete Award ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; Hon or Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); First Team All Cen tral Virgini a Baske tball (2, 3) ; First Team All Cent ral Virgin ia Volleyball ( I , 2, 3, 4); National Honor Roll (4) ; WVIR Athlete of the Week (3). '·Good is not enou gh if better is possible .'' - Anonymou s.

60 c5en/or s



1. jennifer Han sen: Cheerleading ( 1, 2); Women's En semble ( 1, 2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3, 4); Thespian Club (2); Chri stian Fellowship Club (3, 4); Flag Core (4); PALS (1). '· The greatest thin g you ' ll ever learn ,

is just to love, and be loved in return. "- \ature Boy. "All yo u need is love. " - j ohn Lennon . 2. Marion Harden 11 : Acting (2, 3, 4); Writing (1 , 2, 3, 4); Singing (3 , 4). "Never let another human being tell yo u can 't do so mething. Only you can determine if you can or not. "- Marion Harden.


3. Dallin Hardy: Varsity Football (3 , 4); Varsi ty Basketball (3 , 4); Steve Ki ng Award ( 1); Patriot Leade rship Award (2); Eagle Scou t (3 , 4). "My life is my message." - Mahatma Gandhi. 4. Rach el Harper: Amnesty international (3); Animal Ri ghts Club ICC Rep ( 4); Beta Club ( 4) ; Art Honor Society (2 , 3, 4); Alternative Music Club (2). "l'ot part of the crowd , but not feelin g alone :· - Bono , U2.

.. , can·t change the wo rld , but I can change the world in me. "- Bono , U2. ;. Ashier Harri s 6. Mari sa Hau sner: Varsity Football Manager (2, 3); SAD D ( 1, 2, 3) ; Vars ity In door Track Manager ( 1, 2, 3) ; Varsity Outdoor Track Manager ( 1, 2). "Two roads diverged in a wood , and 1 - I took th e one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference ." - Robert Frost. 7. Libby Heesc hen: CYAC Swim Team (2, 3, 4 - co-captain) ; Varsity Swi m Team (captain 3, 4); Varsity Track (! , 2); Cross-Country (1 , 2); Bet a Club (4); SCA advisor (3, 4); Outdoor Club (3 , 4). "Don ·t compromise yourself. You are all vo u·re got. " - j anis joplin. 8. \! arcus Hen ry: Men on A Mi ss ion (3, 4- co president ); Peer Counselor (2, 3, 4); Varsity Tennis ( I , 2, 3. 4); JV Soccer (1 ); LEAD \ational Fi nalist ( 4) ; UVA Minoritv Engineering Prog ram ( 4); UVA junior Tenni s (3 - MVP}. "Sci ence invest igates; religion interprets. Sc ienc e gives man knowledge , which is power ; religi on gives man wisdom , which is control. Science deals mainly with facts ; religion deals mainl y with values. The two are not ri va ls. Th ey are complementarv .... -M artin Luther Kin g Jr. 9. Christina Eve Herndon : Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Concert Band (1 ); Marchin g Band (2, sectio n leader - 3, 4); YOCA Flute Choir (3 , 4): :iational Honor Society ( 4) : Beta Club ( 4); Tri- M (4); Math Honor Societr (3, 4): District Band (2, 3, 4); Honors Band (2, 3, 4) ; Silver Award ( I}; Art Hono r Society (4) : Spring Musical Pit (2, 3, 4); Cross Count rr ( 1) . "I am an idealist. I don't know whe re I'm goin g but I'm on the way... - Carl San dburg . "Consistency is the last reso rt of the unimagi native ... - Osca r Wilde. ·' I sound mv barbari c vawp over the roofs of the world." - Walt Whitman. ·' Everything depicted he rein is real, any sim il arity to fictitious characters or eve nt s is purely

coincidental. "- Ani Difranco. 10. Tina Q Herrin g: Concert Choir ( I, 2); SADD Club (3, 4). "The best and most beautiful thin gs in the world cannot be see n, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart. " - Helen Keller. 11. Carolvn Hiller: JV Field Hockey (1 , 2) ; JV Lacrosse ( I , 2-captain) ; Varsit y Lacrosse (3 , 4); Varsitv Indo or Track (3); Art Club (! president) ; Kev Club (2. 3, 4): Beta Club (4); FAST Club (3, 4); Art Honors Societv (2, 3, 4-vi ce president); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Pi lot's So lo Certificat ion (3); State judication for Governor ·s School of Mt (3) . 12. Daniel Hocking: "If nothing lasts fo rever how do yo u exp lain faeries or Th e Grateful Dead. I think I' d like to live forever, bu t onl y fo r a little while." - Daniel Hocking.

c5enio.rs 61


Debbie Ku and Igor Rapinchuk Rachel Bodily and Josh Gillette


is a word that comes naturally for seniors

Jennifer Shipp, Rachel Hanley, and Jennifer Martinelli take a much needed break during short lunch.

'Senior Slump' was the excuse many seniors used - not that they were lazy. Seniors worked hard for three years by the end of the first semester of their last year, they were ready to be finished. Jamie Kay commented , "I applied early decision to Lynchburg and got in at the beginning of senior year. I don't feel like doing any more work because I've already been accepted in to college. " But, at the end of the year, most colleges would receive an endof-year report. And, passing classes was necessary for that all-important walk across the stage at graduation. So, some effort was still needed to finish out the year.

Kim McKay and Matthew Dedees Carolyn Hiller and Shawn

62 c5fump/ c5!ress

I. jessica L. Hodges: "Learn as if you were 10 live foreve r. Li ve as if you were to die tomorrow." - Og Mandino. 2. Kristina Hoffman: Youth Orchest ra ( I, 2, 3, 4); YW Basketball (2, 3, 4); YW Volleyball (2 , 3, 4); German Club (2 , 3, 4); Governor 's School for the Arts (l): Regional Orchestra (2). "Don 't walk in front of me , I may not follow. Don 't walk behind me , I may not lead. Walk beside me , and just be my friend. "- Unknown. 3. Erin Hogan: CYAC Swimming ( ! ); Gator Swimming (2 , 3, 4 captain); Varsity Swimming (3, 4);An tioch Team (3 , 4); Christian Fellows hip Club ( I); FCA (2); FAST (3 , 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3 , 4); Beta Club (3, 4); Honor Roll (l , 2, 3, 4); Sportsmanship Award AHS Swimming (3) ; All Academic Team (3, 4). "It 's all right 10 be little bitt)'."- Alan jackson. '·Happiness doesn 't depend on what you have. It depends on how you feel about what you have. Be thankful for each day. Count your blessings instead of vour problems." - Unknown. 4. Mark Houchens: D) (l , 3); U.S Marine Corps program (4). "When quitting is no longer an option , you' re halfway there. " - U.S Marine Corps. 5. Erika Ali yah Howe: SHOUT (3 - vice president); Freshman Basketball ( I); Hono r Roll (l , 3). " It's a hard knock life for us. 'Steada treated , we get tricked , ·steada kisses we get kicked. It's a hard knock lifell "jay Z. 6. Samantha Hov

i. Matthew Hugh es 8. Gar1· Hurst 9- Christina Hutwn: SHOUT (l ); SADD (2); International Food Club (3) . '·Good friends are the ones who won't leave you when you need them the most."- Christiana Hutton. " Stand up for yourself you will go farther in life. "- Christina Hutton. " Th ere will always be someone to listen." - Christina Hutton. I 0. Domeniqu e Is om II. Amber D. jackson S. H.O.U.T club (2 , 3, 4); Marketing/ DECA club (3, 4) ; " Blood is thicker than water, but vou need water to survive.'' -Anthony jackson. 12 . J.T. Jakubowski: JV Lacrosse (2) : Wind Ensemble (l ); Marching band (2); "The definition of luck is when skill meets opportunity. ··- B.N.

13. BHon Jamerson 14. Adam j ames: '·Don 't you ever wonder' Could I have been anyone other than me'" - Dave Matthews Band. "Life is too short so love the one you've got ,/ 'Cause vou might get run over or you might get shot! ''- Sublime. ··well dust off your thinking caps ,/ Solar powered plastic plants prettY pictures of things we are ,/ We are only what we have found. I Silent films are full of sound ,/ Inaudibly free ··. jack j ohnson. 15. joe jenkins: JV Soccer (2); Varsity Soccer (3 , 4); Varsity Swimming (3, 4-captain) ; Varsitv Golf (4); YLI (2, 3, 4); Beta Club (4); SCA Advisor

(4), Math Honor Societv (2, 3, 4); JCL (2, 3, 4) - "You can lose all your money, lose all your gold, you'll never lose you r heart, and no one can take your soul." -O.A.R.

16. Andrew johnson: JV soccer (l, 2); Varsity soccer (3 ,4); Sierra club ( I, 2, 3) ; Technology club (3); Beta club (3 , 4); Math Honor Societv (2, 3, 4); Latin Honor Society (2, 3, 4); junior Classical League ( I. 2. 3, 4) ; G.R.E.A.T society (4); National Latin exam -cum laude ( l ); ' When vo u die , if vo u get a choice between going 10 regu lar hea,·en or pie heaven , choose pie heaven. It might be a trick , but , if it's not , mmmmmmmmm ,boy.''-jack Handey. l i . Anne johnson: Varsity basketball (l , 2, 3, 4 - captain) ; Varsity soccer (l , 2, 3, 4 - captain ); :--iational Honor society; Beta Club (4); F.A .S. T. (3, 4); Literan· magazine editor (3,4); District and Region academic teams , basketball , soccer (l , 2, 3, 4); National Honor roll (3,4,); Who's Who among American Hi gh School Students (2, 3); AHS Renai ssance program (l , 2, 3, 4); '·The race is not always won by the swiftest , the battle is not alwavs won by the strongest ... for the time and chance mav over come them all. "- Ecclesiastes 9: II.

I ~

18. Seleena johnson : Basketball (l ); Outdoor Track (2 , 3, 4); Varsity bovs basketball manager (3); Varsity football manager (3); Dance team (2, 3, 4); Marching band (l); SH OUT (3); " There are three D's in life: Desire , Determination , and Dedication - you need all three to go somewhere .... But it all starts with the forth D... Dream. "- Unknown.

19. Sarah JohnsiOn 20. Brent S. jones: "Mv eyes seek reality, my fingers seek my veins , there 's a dog at vo ur back step , he must come in from the rain , I fall ' cause I've let go , the net below has rots away, So my eyes seek reality, My fingers seek my veins. "- Metallica's '· Low Man 's Lyric.

_ ' - l -ml



1. jesse Joyner lii 2. Jamie Kay: Riding ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; :iational Art Honor Society (I , 2, 3, 4); ·'Seventeen only comes once in a lifetime , don 't it just fly by wild and free .. .. . livin '' on crazv dreams, rock and roll and faded blue jeans, Standin· on the edge of everything, se\'enteen .''- Tim McGraw.

3. Ryan Kaufman: YMCA basketball ( I, 2, 3, 4); ·wo rrving is like a rocking chair. It gives yo u so mething to do but it doesn't get you any where.· - Van Wilder "! did absolutely nothing, and it was e,·erything I hoped it could be .'·- Office Space. 4. Amanda Kirby: '· Look around, choose you r ground. For long you lin·

and high vou flv and smiles you'll give and tears vou·ll cry and all ,·ou touch and all you see is all yo ur life will ever be ... - Pink Flovd. 5. Ryan Kirb y 6. Evan Micheal Knappenberger: ·'iothing surpasses the complexit,· of the human mind· - Fran k Herbert ... Aelbeseth cilxthoniel!·- JRR Tolkien. 7. Cori Koenig: Vollerball (2, 3, 4): Basketball ( I, 2); Cross-country(! ); junior Olympic Volleyball (I , 2, 3, 4); Women·s Ensemble ( I, 3): Patri ot Singers (2, 4); Kev Club (2. secretarv 3, vice president 4) ; Peer Counseling (3, 4); S!\AP (3, 4) ; SCA adrisor ( I. 2, 3. 4); Honor Council (3. 4); Antioch Team (4) ; National Honor Society (3, secretary 4): Math Honor Society (2 , 3, 4); Spanish Honor Soci ety (3, 4): Tri -M Music Honor Society (2 , 3, 4); Beta Club (3 , 4) ; FCA ( !); All District choi r (2, 3) : All State Virginia choir(3): Distinguished Key Club Secreta[\· (3); Who ·s Who (2, 3); :iational Societv of High School Scholars (4); ·Things fall apart so things can fall together.'· - American fo lk saring. ·'Hold a true friend with both hands... - 'ligerian Proverb. 8. Shawn Danger Kornhauser: Dj Club (4) : International Food Club (2) : Am ensty International (3) ; Pizza Delivery Guv ( 4); All Around Cool Dude (1 , 2. 3, 4);" I gave her my heart. she gave me a pen.··- Lloyd Dobler: ·one morning, over at Elizabeth 's beach house , she asked me if I'd rather go water-skiing or lay om. And I realized that not onlr did I not want to answer THAT quest ion , but I never wanted to answer another water -sports question , or see any of these people again for the rest of mr life.". Anthony Adams. 9. Ashley Kotania: Band ( I, 2, 3, 4); ·· I' m so happv, ·cuz todav I found me some friends . They're in my head .· - Kurt Cobain. 10. Brian J. Kozuch : Varsity Lacrosse (I ,2,3.4): Varsitv Golf( 3): Ist team all district and region fo r lacrosse , 2nd all cen tral VA for lacrosse;·· vou can lose all you r money , yo u can lose all yo ur gold, you can never lose vou r heart , you can never lose rou r soul·- O.A.R. " Lire todav as if you we re to die tomorrow· - james Dean '· And how is education supposed to make me feel smarter' Besides every time !learn sometin ' new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took th at home winemaki ng cou rse and I forgot how to drive' ''- Homer Simpson. II. Elizabeth Kropf 12. Deborah Ku: church vouth group ( 1,2,3,4); Youth min istrv cou ncil (3) ; Band (I ,2,3) District Band (2,3) ; SC.~ class officer ( I ,2,3): SCAclass president (4) ; Peer counseling (2 ,3,4) : Kev club ( 1.2.3,4 ) ; ].\'. lacrosse (1 ,2); National Honor Societv (4) ; Beta Club (4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3 ,4); Math Honor Societr ( 3,4) ; Tri-M Music Honor society (2 ,3) : S:i.-\P (3 ,4); Who's Who ( I ,2,3,4); .. Even if yo u're on th e right track you'll get run over if vou just sit there... _ Will Rogers. " What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, "·ho can be against us' .. - Romans 8:3 1.

64 Oeniors




1. Michael Kuhn 2. Chris Lam: Hardcore paintball player ( I. 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse ( I, 2) : .. The key 10 life is mota-vation:· - Chris Lam .. When you·re high you neYer ever wanna come down."- Guns' n Roses. 'Tve been wallowing in my own confused and insecure delusions for a piece to cross me over or a word to guide me in. " - Tool. 3. Shana Marie Lamb: Christian Fellowship Club ( I) ; Yearbook Club (3) ; Concert Choir ( I); In termediate Choir (4); FCCLA (2 , 3); .. Back where I come from where I'll be when it" s said and done, r m proud as anvone that"s where I come from ."- Kenn v Chesney. 4. Mike Lattiak: ·'Don 't make fun of it. Don·t dest roy it. Don·t cheapen it. That one special thing that evervone has:· -Unknown. 5. Stephanie Lane 6. julianne Launi: Christian Fellowship Club ( I, 2, 3, 4); Antioch team (3. 4 - co-cordinator), Church youth group ( I, 2, 3, 4), Yearbook ( I, 2, 3, 4 co-editor- in-chief) , Math Hono r Society (2 , 3,4 ), French Honor Societv (3 - secretary, 4 -vice president) , i\ational Honor Society (3 , 4). AHS broadcast (3); Diocesan yo uth council representative (2) Honor roll ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; VIVA (2, 3). Beta Club (4) ... You have brains in you r head , you have feet in you r shoes, you can stee r yourself in any

direction you choose.,. - Dr. Seuss. 7. Bre nto n Laverty

8. Matt Lawrence: Outdoor track (1 , 2, 3, 4) : In door track (2, 3, 4); Cross countrv (3, 4) ; Snowboarding ( I , 2, 3. 4); Run ning club (3, 4); Wintergreen adaptive ski program (3, 4); Sailing ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; \'ational Art Honor Society (3, 4); \"ational Spanish Honor Society (3 , 4); Lightning class champion (2, 3) ; Recognition for photography by McGuffey Art Center (3) ... Greatness is not where we stand , but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and somet imes against it- but sail we must , and no t drift , no r lie at anchor.

Oliver Wendell Holmes. 9. Charles joseph Lawson lll: Beta Club( 4) ; j un ior Classical League (3 , 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4); "Why don·t they pass a constitut ional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did. in five vears Americans would be the smartest race of people on earth."' - Will Roge rs. I 0. Latonya Lee II. Quonda Lee : SHOUT ( I , 2, 3, 4) ; AHS-MCHS STE P team ( I. 2); .. It 's been a long time coming! "- Myself. 12 . Ri chard Lee: CHS 1\ews Advertising (2 , 3) , CHS Tale nt Show (3). AH S Talent Show ( 4) . ·'Yo , my name is Richard Lee and I'm co min ' straight from the 'Ville ./ Keepin · it real , some teachers like it , but the rest know the deal./ As I sp ill , lyrics down on thi s piece of paper for my seni or quote ,/ Talkin· ·bout they lost mv rhyme , gotta better one thi s time and that·s all he wrote ./ So scratch yo· head 'cuz mY words is gonna get in yo· head like lice ./ Take my advice, gotta give it up 10 the teachers if they mean or nice ./ ·cuz on the real all you need is 22 credits , and you good 10 go ./ As m'' favo ri te rapper Biggie used to say, ·If va do n·t know now ya know."/ It" s almost the end of mv flow, don·t let anyone judge you ·cuz you from the ·ville, Country, or e,·en the ·hood,t ·Cuz all you gotta do is graduate, be vo· self, and that·s what"s good ./ rma holla at ·cha! What's good 2003 and 4ever."'

c5eniors 65

I. Michael Levisav: Civil Air Patrol (1 , 2, 3, 4); !nova corporation IT Tech (1. 2, 3. 4); Trebuchet Architect (3 . 4); Mitchell Award, CAP (4) '·Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men

who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory ... _ General George S. Patton. 2. Katharina Lev: Kev club(! , 2, 3, 4)Concert Band (I); Wind Ensemble (2, 3) ; All-District Band (2); County Honor Band (2); Spring Musical pit band (2); Swimming (I, 2, Varsity 3, 4); Outdoortrack (3, 4): Cross Countfl· (4) : SNAP (Smile at new Albemarle Patriots) (4); SCA advisor ( !, 2, 3, 4): National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, secretary 4); Beta Club (4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, vice president (4); Tri·M Music Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Honor roll (1, 2, 3. 4). '· If we take people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat them as if they were what they ought to be , we help them to become what thev are capable of becoming ... 3. Shannon Liebenrood: Acting; ''Always be a first rate version of vourself because if you aren't, you'll forever end up a second rate version of someone else ... ·Sharon Stone. 'Tm not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful. .. · Marilyn Monroe. 4. David Lindensmith: Drama ( I, 2, 3, 4); Drama Club ( I. 2, 3, 4) "The complexion on the face of life is beautiful- with a few minor wrinkles here and there .... David Lindensmith. 5. Laura Lindensmith: Youth Group(! , 2 ,3, 4); Chorus (1 , 2, 3, 4): Christian Fellowship Club (2, 3, secretary 4); Math Honor Society (3 , 4); Beta club(3 , 4); Horseback Riding (4); Rescue Squad ,·olunteer (4); Who's Who (3, 4); "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time."· james Taylor. 6. Philip Lindensmith: Christian Fellowship Club (I ); Art Club (4); Maple Grove Christian Church ( I, 2. 3, 4); Art Honor Society Member (3, 4). "For I know the plans I have fo r you , declares the lord. Plans to give you hope and a future. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. .. ) eremiah 29: 11.12 . 7. Stephen Lindensmith 8. jason Lockl ey: Varsity Football (3, 4); Track and Field (2, 3, 4); Men on a Mission (2 , 3, 4); Football Letterman (3);Track and Field Letterman (3). "Actions speak louder than words , what goes around comes around. and only God can judge me, mortal men aren't good enough to judge me.' Unknown.

9. Laquawanna :-<. Londree: ''Attitudes change depending on who is interpreting them. I can only act as good as I feel so don't focus on my 'Attitude· I'd rather you focus on me ... · Amdrea Davis. 10. Amber Lynch: Soccer (1 , 2): Yearbook (2 , 3, senior editor 4); FCA (I ); Ski Club (2); FAST (3); SADD (4); Yearbook Club (3 . 4). "People take different roads seeki ng fulfillment and happiness. just because they're not on your road doesn ·1 mean they've gotten lost. ... H. Jackson Brown , Jr. "We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory ... _ George Duhamel. II . Nikolas Macko 12 . Ali Madigan: JV soccer (1 , captain 2) , Varsity soccer (3, 4), Cross Country (1 , 2, 3) ; :\ational Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3 , 4); Beta Club (4); Key Club (2, 3. 4); SCA advisor (1 , 2, 3) ; SCA class officer (4), Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4) ; PALS (3, 4); Hon or Council (3); Who's Who (3, 4); SMP (3.4); FAST (3). ·'You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh , but you can ne,·er truly love someone until you find out what makes them cn·. ··Unknown. "Would you not like to be sitting on top of the world with your legs hanging free."-Dave Matthews.

66 c5eniors

I. Shameika Magruder: Indoor track (! ); jv softball(! ); FCCLA · Family Caree r Communi ty Leaders of America (2 , 3) ; Dance(4 ); Co n· cert Choir (!); Intermediate Choir (2, 3, 4) ; Band (! ); SHO UT(!); '·Bei ng in school is like another home you got to leave sometime.· Shameika Magruder.

2. Doover Majo r 3. Robert Marcum IV: jV Socce r ( I); Varsity Soccer (2, 3, 4); Yearbook Staff (3, 4) ; Yearbook Club (3, 4); VDT (2, 3, 4); Club Socce r ( I , 2, 3); YM CA Baske tball ( I , 2, 3, 4). "I co unt him braver who conquers his desires than him who conquers his enemies: for the hardest victory is the victorv over self. ". Aristotle . "Don 't count life by how many breaths you take , measure it by how many times you get your breath taken away ... . Unknown. '·Dream as if you ' ll live foreve r, live as if you'll die today."· unknown . 4. Adam C. Marrs: ~ational Honors Socie ty (3, 4); Math Hono r Society (3, 4); Key Club(2, 3, 4); jCL(3, 4) Latin Hono r Society (3 , 4); Spanish Honor Societv (3, 4); AHS baske tball ( I, 2) ; Beta club(3 , 4); Eagle Scout (4); Who 's Who (3, 4); Guita r ( ! , 2, 3, 4. ; "Knowladge speaks, bu t wisdom listens ... · jimi Hendrix. "Give me where to stand and I shall move the earth ... · Archimedes . 5. Kathryn E. Marrs: Key Club ( !. 2, 3, 4) ; Executive Council (4); yearbook (3, 4); church youth group(! , 2, 3, 4);Ath letic Tra iner (3, 4); Li fe Guard( ! , 2) ; Peer mediation( 4) ; Who 's Who(! , 2, 3, 4); Ou tstanding service to school and communitr award (3) . "I can do all things th rough Christ who strengthens me. "· Philipians 4:13. '·And there 's bound to be rough waters, and I know I' ll take some falls , but with the good lo rd as mv captai n I can make it th rough them all. Garth Brooks. 6. William Mars hall

i. jennifer Martinelli: Varsity Field Hockey (3, 4) ; jv Field Hockev I, captain 4); Varsity Soccer (2. 3, captai n 4); jv Soccer (2, 3, captain 4) ; jv basketball (2); 9th basketball (I ); Indoo rT rack(3); Futures (3);PALS (2, 3, 4); SCHdvisor (2, 3, 4); Co President ofFAST (3, 4); Club Hockey Team(3 , 4); Beta Club(4); "What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us .... Oliver Wendell Holmes. 8. Alfonso Martinez De La Fuente 9.Steven Martin: Varsity football (2, 3, captain 4); jl' basketball (2); track (3, 4) ; Men on a Mission (2, 3, President 4); All district football (2, 3); All region football (2); President of men on a mission(4); "Live your life a quarter of a mile at a time. " · The Fast and The Furious " Don 't argue with fools because people from a distance can 't tell who is who .". j av Z ··you can always get knowledge at school just make sure you aim your kids in the right direction .'·· Anonymous.

10. Meghan Mathias: Basketball(! ); Key club(!, 2, 3, 4) ; Peer Coun selor(! , 2, 3, 4); Beta club (4); Spanish Honor Society (4); SCA ad visor (3, 4); " The world is round and the place which may seem like the end mar also be only the beginning ... . j ov Baker Priest. "Remem be r to welcome strangers , because some who have done this have welcomed angels , without knowing it.''. Heb. 13:2 · 3. I I. Darrell A. McBride II : Marching band ( I, 2, 3, 4); Concert Band ( I); Svmphonic ba nd(2) ;Wind Ensemble (3, 4) ; j unior Classical League(! , 2, 3, 4); Drum Major (Marching band)(4); District Band (3); March · ing Band Letter(! ); Honor Roll(! , 2, 3, 4) . ·• You can do anything that vou put rour mind to .... Me. 12. Marc ~l cCabe: Va rsi tv Lacrosse (all district , all conference , all central Virginia)( ! , 2, 3, 4); Varsitv Football(3 , 4); Sie rra Club (3); lltimate Frisbee , (s ecre tary/ sec. of Defence 4); ·'The sports page records peoples accompli shments; the front page nothing but their failures ."· Yogi Be rra. "It is amazi ng what can be accomplis hed when nobod v cares about who gets the credi t. " . Knu te Roc kne . ·'OW! Today's grass is so much sharper then the grass in m1· dav.... Simpsons "Oh , the~· lore the internet on the compu ters now! "· Homer Simpso n. "Whv do you have a ski mask on ' ...... If rou ' re not skiing." · Sponge Bob.

c5en i or s 67 ~

ZachBailey and Adrianne Allen Joe Jenkins and Jessica McCurry





is a word that has importance to seniors

During lunch Senior class President, Debbie Ku talks with seniors about money for the senior trip.

It was the year that everyone looked forward to , but not just for the pride and glory, but also for the privileges to be enjoyed upon becoming a senior. " I love being a senior because we get to go to senior lunch ," said Megan Green. "It is something to look forward to and it gives us more freedom.' Whether it was senior release , the sen ior circle , or senior lunch , seniors were able to enjoy a few additional freedoms in their last year. Perhaps the best part was knowing all there was to know about Albemarle High School.




Brian Covington and Siera Eades


Brittany Walther and Gary Hurst

68 :?ri uileyes

1. jenice McCov 2. jessica McCurry: JV Cheerleading (I); V. Cheerleading (2, 3, caplain 4); Varsity Competition Squad (I , 2, 3, 4);)V Lacrosse (I , 2) ;V. Lacrosse (3, 4) ; Women·s Ensemble (1 , 2) ; Show Choir (3, 4); FAST(3); VlVA(2, 3, 4) ; MVP defense (2) ;All-SrarCheerleader (4);" If vou want big rewards you've gona take big risks."- from ··summer Catch." 3.John McGraw: YMCA Basketball (1 , 2, 3, 4); Volunteer Firefighter (SPVFD) (4) ; ··Do not expect from others what vou cannot live up to yourself:·- Unknom1. '·Remember: He who angers you, controls you"- Unkn0\111. 4. Kim McKay: V. Temtis (2, 3, co-caplain 4), Key Club (2, 3, secrerary 4), Women's Ensemble (2, 3, 4), JV Soccer (1 ,2,); !iational Honors Socie~· (3,4) ; French Honors Socie~· (3, 4) ; Beta Club (3,4); Peer counseling (3,4), SCA ad,isor (3,4), Honor Council (3, 4) ; Basketball(!); Christian Fellowship club (I ); Intermediate choir(! ); Church youth choir (l, 2, 3, 4), JV Soccer coaches award (!); Science award (l, 2, 3); French award (2, 3); HistOiyaward (3); Roger Flint spirit award (4) '·Life is short, bm sweet for certain."- Dave Manhews.


;. jon Meadows





G. john R. Mehanna: Tae-KwonDo (I , 2, 3, 4); Rock Climbing (I, 2, 3, 4); V. CrossCcuntry (1 , 2. captain 3): V. Tennis (I , 2) :jV Basketball ( I) ; ·'tn the age of nothing, at a time when we stand at the brink of our 0\111 destruction- strengthen you r belief in yourself, in the furure of humani~· in the things of this world which cannot easily be perceived. Awaken that which lies dormant now \\ithin your soul. Re-ignite the flan1e of your consciousness, and measure the strength ofyourcon•iction. Reveal the light. Renouncevour hatred, seek, find, and embrace the truths you are fortunate enough to discover. Cherish them to anchor you in the sea of chaos that is the world we liYe in when n'ilight draws near, when you are pushed to the very lintits of vour soul when it seems that all you ha-·e lefi are dead remnants of the fabric of vour life."- "Disturbed.'' 7. Adriannejennelle Menefee: Beta Club (4) : Key Club (4); AHS!iews (2, 3, 4) ; Executive Director AHS News (4); SCA Ad,isor (3, 4); DECA (4); SHOliT Club (1, 2, 3); Girls Basketball (I ); Recognition in Geometry Award (2); .. !\everfear the space benveen vour dreams and reali~·-"- Belva D.-is. ''It is only in the ghing of oneself to others that we truly live."- Ethel Percy Adams. "If YOU judge people, YOU ha'"e no time to love them."Mother Teresa.

8. Ue,·en Meen: V. Tennis (3, 4);Anirnal Rights Club (ICC rep. 4); \ational French Exatn (\ationallevel \\inner2 , 3); Beta Club (4); French Honor Socie~- (4); IFSawardPEll (2); ··A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination··- Nelson Mandela .. When the war starts boiling it is foolish to rum off the heat."- Nelson Mandela " Every man dies. Not eYery man really li'·es."- Williatn Wallace. "The nice thing abom egotists is that they don't talk abom other people."- Lucille S. Ha!)·er. "A man paints \lith his brains and not \lith his hands.''· ~tichaelangelo. 9. Jatnes ~ticciche: Football (1. 2, 3, 4); Wrestling (3, 4); Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); Sierra Club (2, 3); lHtimate Frisbee Club (4); ICC President (3).

1 10. Christopher Miller 11. josh Minter: MC'ing ( I. 2, 3, 4); Producers Ucense (I ); .. like a rose gro\\·ing though concrete I overeatne and exceeded all odds.''· josh Minter. 12. Alexis Marie Montero: V. Dri!V Dance team (1 ,2); )V S\\irn Team (I); ASB (1 , 2); French club (I); Sierra Club (3, 4); BETA Club (4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4); American Studies Award (3); National Student Leadership Conference (4); ·•Birds are more beautiful than they themselves realize, and so are human beings!"- Unkn0\111. "Don't grieve when people fail to recognize your ability. GrieYe when you fail to recognize theirs."- Confucius. 13-Jatnie Momgome.;•


14. Ca~man ~!ooner French Honor Socie~· (2, 3, 4); Art Honor Socie~· (3, 4); National Beta (3, 4) ; 9th Grade Basketball (STAB) MVP (I) ; JV Football (STAB) (!) ; Niltilist workers, co-founder (2, 3, 4); Church Acol)le (1 , 2, 3, 4); French- Governor's school (3); Placed 9th in state exatnination (2) 1;. Blanca Moreira: JV soccer (1 ,2); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, President 4); Beta Club (4); 'iational Honor council (4); Christian Fello"~hip Club (I, 2); SCAAd,isor (1 , 2, 3, 4) : "A Young vouth makes hay while the sun shines, bm what a shatne to see a lad who sleeps awav his hour of opportuni~·-"- Proverbs 10:; .


16. La Da\111 R. Morris: Show Choir (3, section leader 4) ; Women's Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, section leader 4); Ccncen Choir (4); Cclor Guard- (I, squad leader 2, 3, Captain 4); Ccncen Band (I); Spring show (2, 4); Tri-M (3, 4); V-DAY Thing (2, 3, 4); Youth Group Praise team leader (1 , 2. 3, 4); S"ing club (I, 2); Christian Fello\\~hip Club (2, 3, 4); SC.~ (3. 4); ·· If you're born once, you die n•ice. lfvou're born mice you die once.''Cnkn0\111. ''Smile- You'll feel better and so \\ill the person that is looking at you.''-Unkn0\111 l i. \ick Morris: Football (8th, Caplain I, 2, 3, 4); Wrestling (I, 2, caplain 3, 4); Soccer (2); lacrosse (1. 2): track (3, 4); SADD (3); SCA officer (I, 2, 3, 4) ; Pill (I) ; Patriot Singers (2,3.4); lstteam central ~~~ "Testling (2 , 3, 4); Who's \'i'ho (2); District Chatnps Wrestling (1 , 2); Regional medalist Wrestling (3, 4); ·· I'm not like them. ! can pretend, the sun is gone. and I'm alive, the day is done and I'm ha-ing fun. I think I'm dumb, or maybe just happv."- 'iii'-ana.

18. Tonva Morris: Freshmen Cheerleading ( I); )V Cheerleading (2); SC.Hd•isor (3, 4); (3, 4); Dj Club (I) ; Outdoor Club (2); SADD (4); Yearbook (3, 4); "As I closed mv eyes steadied my feet on the ground, raised my head to the s~y. and time rolled by. Still I feel like a child as I look at the moon, maybe I grew up a little too soon." -Mariah Carey ·' We all take different paths in life, but no matter where, we take a little of each other."lim McGra\1: .._~ friend is someone who understands why you like strawberry soda. Withom strawberries in it.''- Charles Shultz. VIY.~



19. Ke-in Mosler V. Football (3,4); JV Basketball (2); V. Basketball (3. 4); Men on a Mission (3, 4); .. I can nerer hates on another brother. God is great, the de--il is a •••••• •••••:·. jadakiss. 20. Cclin Moss



I. Daniel Muller: Key Club (3 ,4) ; YMCA Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4) . ··what shall we use to fill the empty spaces where we used to talk' How shall I fill the final places' How shall I complete the wall'''- Roger Waters (Pink Flovd) .

2. Brian Mundie: Art Honor Society (2 , 3, 4); Junior Classical League (2, 3. 4); Card Club (I , 2, 3, 4) . "Always do you best, in eveJ>-lhing that vou do."- Mv Dad ·• There's alwavs a calm after the storm · ·- Unknown. 3. Derek Murray: Freshmen Football (I ); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4); varsi~· Stuntman (2, 3, 4); Varsi~· Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; SCA Advisor (3, 4); Magic Club (I) ; Amnesty International (2); Sierra Club (3); Gentlemen's Club (4) ; Ultimate Frisbee Club (4); Spring Musical (3, 4); Fall Show (4) : "Maybe some day, I'll think of what to say. Maybe next time I'll remember what to do. She looks like heaven, Maybe this is - hell she said she'd do it all again , she's promise not to tell. "- RBF. "Do not give up when you still have something to give. \othing is really over until the moment you stop trying:·- Vicwr Wooten.

4.Jeffrey Myers:).V. Soccer (1 , co-captain 2); Varsi~· soccer (2, 3, co-captain 4); Art Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4); German Club (1 , 2, 3): Sierra Club (3); SCA Advosor (3, 4); Beta Club (4); Freshmen Football (I ); FAST (4); The Grear Society (4) ; Skiing (I, 2, 3, 4); SOCA Coach (3, 4); Church Youth hents (1. 2, 3, 4); Powder Puff Football Cheerleader ( I, 3, 4) . "Alas! The onion vou are eating is someone else's water lily.'·- Chinese Fortune Cookie. ; . Christopher Nealv 6. Lauren Neese: Varsitv Lacrosse ( I, 2, 3, 4); Varsitv Field hockev (2, 3, 4); J.V. Lacrosse (8th); J.V. Hockey ( I); Executive council ace. (1 , 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (1 , 2, 3 ,4) ; FAST (3, 4); Art Honor Societv (3, 4); Field Hockey Captai n (4); National Leadership Camp (3); Girls State Representative (3) . "Life's a dance you Jearn as you go , sometimes vou lead and sometimes you follow. Don 't worJ>· about what you don 't know, life's a dance you learn as you go." - John Michael Montgomery. "Take a shower, shine your shoes, you got no time to lose, you are young, you must be living, go now you are forgiven.· ·- Dispatch. "But then what kind of scale compares the weight of two beauties, the gravity of duties, or the ground speed of joy' Tell me what kind of gage can quantify elevation' What kind of equation could I possibly employ' '- Ani Di Franco.

i . Laurel Noe: Cross Country (1 ,2, captain 3, 4); Indoor Track (I, 2, 3, 4); Outdoor Track (1, captan 2, 3, 4); PALS (3 , 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, secretary4) ; National Art Honor Society (3,4); Beta club (4); SCA (3, 4); Junior classic league (3) ; FCA (1 , 2); Running club (3, Vice president 4); Who's Who (2, 3, 4) . "Go confidently in the direction ofvour dreams. Live the Ufe you've imagined.''- Thoreau. 8. Katherine "Lacy" Nolan: Ballet (1 , 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1 , team gimp 2); SC.\ Advosor (I , 2, 3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (3, 4); VII'.\ (3, team leader 4); UV.\ Teen Health Center Peer Wellness Educator (2, 3); Yearbook staff (I , club editor 2, Lay om editor 3, Co.-Editor-in-Chief 4); Camp Mikell Counselor (1 , 2, 3, 4); SADD (I, 2) ; Key club (3 ,4); C\ille Weeklv internship (4); Dance Club/Team (Captain 4) ; "I Never Saw It Coming "-VIVA Play (3,4); Habitat for Humanity Women's Build (4); Young Lile (2, 3, 4); Who's Who (3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); Presidential Physical Fitness Award ( I, 2). " I know that you know, Lace. But kno\\ing and doing are nv·o different things.''- Mom. "Hope is the abili~· to hear the music of the future, faith is the courage to dance to it today. "- Peter Kuzmic.

9. Ashley Odom: )V Lacrosse (I ); varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, ); SC.\ Rep (2 , 3); SC.\ officer (4); FC.\ (I ); Ski Club (2); FAST (3); SADD (4); Artistic Achievement (3, 4). "All good things end in the place we started, but it is then me finally knew this place.··-Journalist. ·'Worry not too much of the future, nor regret rhe past too late; those who struggle \\ith the present move the hand that shapes your fate. "- Unknown.

10. Clement Ogbomo: Freshman Baske tball (I) ; Track and Field (3, 4); weight lifting (3 ,4); AAU basketball (4); FBL\ (4); Men on a Mission (3, 4); Bull and bear camp (3 , 4); Marketing club (4) ; ''Take i people put 'em in a line find i more people before I go for mine get i more who think they can rhyme and that's 2 I people are up at the same time. "- Rakim . I I. Meredith O'Leary I2. Adrienne Oliver: Drama club ( I, 2, 3); Thespian society (1 , 2, 3, 4); Fall show (2 ) ; Spring show (1 , 2) ; Women 's Ensemble ( I) ; Patriot singers (2, 3, 4); Vocal ascension (3 , 4) ; VIVA (2, 3, 4); District choir ( I, 3); AllState Choir (3) ; Governor's school (3) . "Go confidently in the di rection of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. "- Henry David Thoreau.

70 c5eniors

I. Casey Owen


2. Ashleigh Penn Pace: Jv Basketball manager (I); Jv baseball manager ( I); Marching band (1 , 2); Green Hills Swim Team (1 , 2, 3); Key Club (3. 4); Christian Fellowship Club (! ); Key club communitv senice chair (4); Martha Jefferson Junior Volunteer (4); Creative Writing (3. 4); Photographer (4); editor of Literary Magazine (4); ·'Miss Albemarle" runner-up (3 ); Who's Who (3) ; '·Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceded. It is never rude nor selfish. It does not take offense and it's not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other peoples sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes."- Pastor Sullivan, ''A Walk to Remember."

3. Melissa Paitsel: JVSoftball(! ); Varsity Softball (2, 3, 4); SADD (3); PALS (2); Who's Who (2, 3) . " The moment vou're born you start d~ing , so you might as well have a good time' '- Cake. 4. )aneese L. Palmer: Track and Field Outdoor (3, 4) ; Track and Field indoor (3, 4); SHOUTC!ub (3); FAST (4); Dance Team Leader (3, 4); Sunday school Teacher (3, 4) . "Do not judge, or vou to will be judged. For in the same way rou judge others, vou will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "- Matthew 7: 1-2 . "There is clearly some people who don't like me but the re is I0 times more who love me and ! love myself. "- Beyonce. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "- Philippians 4:13.


5. Tanvi Parmar: newspaper (2, 3, Co-Editor- in-chief 4); Junior Classical League (1 , 2. 3, 4); \ ational Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (3 , 4) ; Peer Couseling (2, 3. 4); Broadcast Journalism (3); Quill and Scroll Society (4); BETA Club (4); Amnesty International (2,3,4); Honor Council (3, 4) ; "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet."- )ames Oppenheim. 6. Latova Parrish: Yarsity Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Indoor Track (4) : Freshman Bas ketball ( I) ; Concert Choir (!); Who's Who (4); National Society of High School School Scholars (4); Honor Roll (2, 3); Western District Athletic All Academic Team (2); Virginia First Team Outdoor Track (3) ; All District Outdoor track team (1 , 2, 3, 4); All Regional Outdoor Track Team (1, 2, 3. 4); All State Outdoor Track Team (3) ; All District Indoor Track Team (4); All Regional Indoor Track Team (4) ; Track Letter(! , 2, 3, 4) ; MVP for Field Event (3) ; Coaches' Award(3); FASTC!ub (3, 4); Powderpuff Football (2, 3, 4); ShOUft Club (2, 3, 4) . ·'Watch vour haracer, it becomes your destiny.''Unknown.

i. Joshua Parsons 8. Chris ·· Ozzy" Payne: " I'm a rock and roll soldier, gonna play it until I'm dead.''- Black Sabbath . "Strength Determination Merciless Forever."- Zakk Wylde. 9. David Peng: Wt\C (EI)efe I, 2, 3. 4); Soccer (1 , 2, 3,4 ); GREAT (Posse 4); C'Ville Curling (3, 4); Dupe Apprentice (4); Honor Societies ( I, 2, 3, 4); AllState Curling (4). "Erery dav you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, everascending, ever-improving path. You know you till never get to the end of the journev. But this, so far from discouraging, only ado res to the joy and the glory of the climb."- Sir Winston Churchill. 10. Lindsay Perkins: Basketball Manager (1, 2) ; Baseball Manager (I ); Student Athletic Trainer (2, 3, 4); Fall shows ( I, 2, 3, 4); Spring Musicals (1, 2, 3, 4); Drama Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); International Thespian (2, 3, 4); Drama Club Activities Director (4). "Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused ... - Anonymous. II. Martha Perry: Cheerleading (1 , 2); Outdoor Track (2, 3); Indoor Track (4); Women 's Ensemble (1 ); Patriot singers (2, 3, section leader 4); Vocal Ascension (3, section leader 4); Districts Choir (1 , 2, 3, 4); TRI-M (2, 3, 4); Beta club (4); German Club (2, 3, 4); Key Club (4); Spring Musical (1 ); Amnesty International (2); S.WD (3); \Vho's Who (2) . '·Don't crv because it's over, smile because it happened~" ' - Big A). '·I love vou still - yo. "- BEX. "I hate you r momma."- Mp. '·But those who hope in the lord ~>ill renew their strength. They 11ill soar on 11ings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. "- Isaiah 40:31. 12. Alisa Pettitt: Key Club (2. 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3, 4); S)mphonic Band, Concert Master (2); Concert Band (I); Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Pit band in Spring Musical (3, 4); Internship (4); Honors Band (3); All District S~mphonic Band (3). "Mighty deeds demand mightv risks but it is worth risking all fo r the sake of the kingdom and the king"- David Mains. "I get by 11ith a little help from my friends .". Beatles. "When I S\\ing I am between resterday and tomorrow, but still in my life of now.... Stepanek.

c5enior s 71


I. Mieke Pins: Rowing (2,3,4) ; ·· We can complain because rose bushes have 1horns, or rejoice because 1horn bushes hare roses. " Abraham Lincoln ··If you don'11hink every davis good, jusllf)' missing one. "· Raben Careu.

2. Daniel Poplas 3. jenae Price 4. lkeia Prince: Shaul Club ( I, 2, 3); OUidoorTrack (3, 4); STEP (2); HST (4); Indoor Track (4); Dance Team Vice Presidem (3 , 4) : Sunday School Teache r (3 , 4) ; "Don'l si1 down and wail for opponunili es 10 come . .. gel up and make 1hem."· Madam CJ Walker. 5. Tiffany Proc10r: Freshmen Baske1ball (I ); Varsily Track (1 , 2, 3. 4): Choir (1 , 2) ; Women 's Ensemble (3); Pa1rio1 Singers (4); Show Choir (4) : junior Class Officer (3) ; Senior Class Treasurer (4) : Pa1rio1 Alhlelic Leader (3 , 4); FAST club (secre1ary 4) ; DislfiCI Choir (2. 3, 4); Powder-puff Fo01ball ( I, 2. 3. 4); Track Coaches Award (2) ; .\11-Sime Choir .\11. (3) : "Deep in m,· hear1. 1he answer. il wasn·l me ..-\nd I made up mr mind 10 de~· mr own des1iny.... Laury·n Hill. 6. Dominic A. Prudeme: Presidem and Founder, Junior S1a1e of America (4) ; Crew (3 , 4); Sierra Club (olllings direc10r I, 2. 3); jazz Band (4) : Wind Ensemble (3): All DiSificl (percussion 3): "! am no1 reallv good a1 explaining my songs ·cause 1 jus1work here.''· Dave. '·Leave 1he gun. Take 1he canolli. "· Clamenza. " Define 'is.''· B.C. 7. Laila Pudhorodsky 8. Michelle Pullen: Peer Counseling (2 ,3,4) ; Key Club (2 , ExecUiire Council 3, 4); SCA (2, 3,4) ; Choir ( 1. 2, 3); Honor Socie1y (3 , 4) : ··see wha1 happened was.''· john Grooms. "Love is pa1ie01. [o,·e is kind. II does no1 en'1'• il does no1 boas1, il is no1 proud. II is no1 easily angered; il keeps no record of wrongs. Love does no1 deligh1 in e,·il bUI rejoices wi1h 1he 1ru1h. II always pro1ec1s, always lfUSIS, always hope, aIwars perseve res ... · 1 Corimhians 13:4·7. •·see ,·a:·. Me. 9. Jav Purdy: Goofing off; Chasing Invisible Penguins; Life Siren ; UndispUied 50· yard dash Champion , Lincoln Elememary· 1994 ; .. I don·l wam1o sell an)1hing, buy an)1hing, or process an)lhing as a career. I don·, wam 10 sell anything bough! or processed, or buy an~1hing sold or processed, or process anything sold, bough1, or produced, or repair an)1hing sold, brough1, or processed. You know, as a career, I don·l wanI 10 do 1ha1." · Lloyd Dobler. "Never give up and luck will find you .... Falcor, ·· The liever-ending SIOry.'' 10. Ash leigh Quick: Varsil)' Volleyball (3, cap1ain 4) ; JV Volleyball (I , cap lain 2) ; JV Soccer (1, 2): FAST (3); Yearbook S1aff (3 , 4) ; FCA (I ); Ski Club (2 ); " Some davs you goua dance, Live il up when you ge11he chance! ·cuz when 1he world doesn'l make nol sense and you're feeling jus! a liule 100 1ense, goua loosen up !hose chains and dancer·. Dixie Chicks. II . Igor Rapinchuk: Le,ine School of Music, Washing10n , DC · honors piano smdem (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Mmh Honor Sociely (2, 3, 4) ; French Honor Sociely (2, 3, presidem 4); Nalional Honor Sociely (3 , 4) ; Bela Club(3 , 4) ; Solo Recilal a11he Smilhsonian "piano 300"exhibilion(2) ; .. .\!Ion s-en-france· Bicemenaire de Vic10r Hugo"-Trip 10 France(3) ; Presidem's award for educa1ional excellence , "A'' honor roll(l , 2, 3) ; Na lional French exam(French 11-l sl in VA, Slh na~ionally) (l) ; French JJJ . 2nd in VA , 61h nalionally(2) ; French V lsi in VA , 41h nalionally(3); lsi na1ional prize for 1he Alliance Francaise nalional essay comes1(3); Honor Roll (I , 2, 3, 4) ; AHS IFS Awards: Geomelry award(81h grade) ; .\lgebra 11 award ( I); French 11 awa rd ( I); Biology award (I); Pre-calculus award (2) ; ChemiSify award(2) ; World His1ory• B. award(2) ; Calculus award (3); Ou1s1anding French smdem award(3) ; The Han•ard Priza Book(3) ; Firs! Prize in 1he Bee1hoven Sociely of American compelilion fo r young piano soloiSIS( l); "Cela es1 bien dil, mais il Ialli cuhiver noire jardin .... Candide in Candide or Op1imism by Vohaire. 12. Brian S1ephen Record: Lacrosse( ! , 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling(2 , 3. 4) ; Baskelball( I, 2); SCA( l , 2, 3, 4); PAL(3, 4); GREAT Sociely(4) ; Lacrosse all diSific1(3, 4) ; All Region, all Area honorable memion (3,4); Academic Leuer(l , 2, 3, 4); "Life is served 10 us on a silver planer, bUI remember 10 em1he food , no11he pla1e."· Anonymous. •· We are all so lucky. Tell yourself 1ha1 every day, and Jive life 10 1he fulles1. ··· Anonymous.

72 c5eniors


~ -




!.Mike Rehorn: Varsity Tennis(! , 2, captain 3,4) ; 9th Grade Basketball (!) ; JV Basketball(2 ); Sierra Club ( ! , 2, secretary 3); GREAT Society(posse 4) ; Spanish Honor society(2 , 3, 4); Math Honor Society(2 , 3, 4) ; Nat ional Honor Society(3 , 4); WNC(l, 2, 3, 4); Academic Lener (3) ; All Central Virginia Tennis and Team MVP(l ); Tennis District Champion(3 ); "We waste time , so many moments standing on rhe convestion, the only survey is when our heart pays no attention. "- Nick Hexum.

2.Sara Reisle r: Dance( ! , 2, 3, 4); ) ABA Volu nteer(! , 2, 3, 4) ; Dance Club (vice president 3, 4) ; Honor Council(3 , 4); SCA Adviso r (3 , 4); Beta Club(3 , 4) ; Govern or's School (3) ; Rising Star Award (2) ; "The cure for boredom is curiosity - there is no cu re for curiosi ty.'·Dorothv Parker. ··The only way to do it is 10 do it. "- Merce Cunningham. 3. Courtney Reming10n: Va rsity Field Hockey(2, 3, 4); JV Field Hockey(Sth , I); Varsity Lac rosse(3, 4) ; JVLacrosse(2) ; JVSoftball ( I); Beta Club(3 , 4) ; FAST(3 , 4) ; PALS(3 , 4) ; " When you come 10 the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off in10 the darkness of the unknown , faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand on or you will be taught to fly. "- Unknown.


4. Ashley Reynolds: Va rsity Volleyball ( I , 2) ; Cheerleadi ng(3) ; Honor Roll ( ! , 2, 3, 4) ; Who 's Who ( ! , 2, 3); "Don·l frown , you never know when someone is fallin ' in love with your smile. "- Unknown ;. Brian Riggs 6. Michael Ronan

i. Alana Rosen: Varsity Swimming(! , 2, 3); News Paper (3, 4 business editor); Key Club(3 , 4); National Honor Society(4) ; Beta Club(4) ; Interact Club (2) ; Who 's Who (2); ·· You 've tried your best and failed mise rably. the lesson is never trv. "- Homer Simpson. '·If you can 't make it good , at least make it look good ... - Louisa Gallimore. 8.)ames G. Rowe Il l: .'lational Latin Honor Society(2);)unior Classical League( ! , 2, 3, 4); Outdoor Track(! , 2); 9th Grade Football( !); Ultimate Frisbee Club (4) ; Silver Magna Cum Laude(!, 2); Magna Cum Laude(3 ); "Sarcasm is lost on the ignorant .''- Me. 9. Meghan Frances Russell: JV Cheerleading ( l , Captain 2) ; Varsity Cheerleading(3,4) ; Choir(!, 2, 3, 4); Vocal Ascension(3 , 4); PALS(2) ; FAST(3) ; Cheerleading MVP(2); "Life goes by quickly, make the most of it.''- Me. 10 . .'leva Russo: ''! can only hope 10 have the vision to conjure an island ... - JAR.

II. William Sadtler 12. Ellen Sakell: An Honor Society( ! , 2, 3, 4-p resident); Math Honor Society(3 , 4) ; Key Club(2 , 3, 4) ; Beta Club(4) ; Soccer( l ,2); Athletic Trainer(3 , 4) ; Soccer Coach S.O.C.A.(2 , 3, 4) ; Junior Classical League(3 , 4); Honor Roll(! , 2, 3, 4) ; Who 's Who in American High Schools (4); President's Award(3 ) . "You will do folish things , bm do them with emhusiasm. "-Colene. '·The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen , or nor 10uched ... bu1 are fe ll in the heart. "Hellen Keller.

c5eni ors 73


1. Leah Sampson: JV Basketball (1, 2-captain); Varsil)' Basketball (3) ;JV Lacrosse ( I, 2) ; Varsii)'Lacrosse (3); SHOliT Club (3,4); FAST (3) ; KeyClub(4) ; "Amistake is onlv a mistake if you do il mice."-Allen lrerson. Lily Sanderford: Riding Horses (I, 2, 3, 4); 4-HClub (!-treasurer, 2. 3, 4-presidem): Beta Club (4); Church Yomh Group (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; FCA (1. 2, 3): Peer Counseling (1 , 2, 3, 4); SCA (1 , 2, 3, 4). ''Say what you think and be who vou are ·cause !hose who maner don't mind and !hose who mind don't mauer."- Dr. Seuss. "If it's not fun, why do il"'- Ben and)el1''· 3. Katie Santos: Cross Coumr:• (1 , 2, 4); Wreslling (3, 4); .-\hernatire Music/Modern Rock Club (2, 3, 4 - president); French Honor Socie~- (4) . "But! don't wan110 go among mad people," Allee remarked. "Oh rou can't help !hat" said !he cat. ·we·re all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."- Le11is Carroll. 4. Clint Shifilett 5. Shawn "Kemo·· Shifflett: C.\TEC Masonr:• and Briclda1ing (3. 4): Construction Apprentice (3, 4); Independent u1ing Life Skills Training (3, 4). 6. HollySauer:)ef!erson S11im League (1 , 2, 3, 4) : AHS S11im Team (4): Lifeguard (2, 3, 4). "Whoerer is happy ~>ill make others too ... _Anne Frank. "Keep rour face 10 the sunshine and you see !he shadows.''- Helen Keller. 7. Billy Scaffidi: Foo!ball (3, 4). "Good friends would be !here for vou to bail ,-ou om of jail, bm, BEST friends would be in !here 11ilh you sa~ing !hat was fun as S#!*(to Riggs and Dave)."- Ml·>elf. ·'Gangsta's do what !hey wam. sucka's do what !her can."· :\as. 8. Dartielle Marie Schaefer: Animation Club (I); Book Club (1 , 2); Choir (3); FCCL~ (3) ; Young Women's Club (3); Spring Into Shape (3); Board Games Club (4); Whate-·er Club (4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3); Teacher's Aide Internship (3, 4); "!am not afraid of tomorrow, for I hare seen yesterdav and I lore todav." - William Allen White. 9. Tiffany Shih: Varsi~· Tennis (2, 3, 4) ; CARE (3, 4); Math Honor Sociel)' (3, 4-treasurer): Key Club (2, 3, 4-conuninee chair); :\ational Honor Sod~- (4); Kno~>ledge Masters (3, 4): Honor Council (3, 4) ; Beta Club(4) ; :\ational Latin bam-Summa Cum Laude (2, 3): "For a good life, work like a dog. Ear like a horse. Thinlk like a fox, and plav like a rabbit. ··-GeorgeAllen. "Music washes all'avfrom !he soul !he dUSl of everydar life."-Unkno11n. IO.)enniferShipp: )\' Field Hockey (I); Varsi~· Field Hockey (2, 3, 4-captain);)V Baske!ball (1 , 2); Varsii)'Baske!ball (3, 4);)VLacrosse (8); Van,i~· Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); P.~ (3, 4) ; FAST (3, 4) ; Field Hockey MVP (3); Lacrosse MVP (8th, 2, 3); Field Hockey Honorable Mention (3); Lacrosse FiiSI Team Ali-Siale (2, 3); ·'Life's a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but don't worry about whru you don't know, life's a dance you learn as you go." ''Sf\·enteen onlr comes once in a lifetime." - Tim McGraw. "You've got to leave me n011; you\e got to go alone, you've got to face your dream, one lhru's all your Olln."-.'iiclde <:reek. ''God gave us ~ro ends. One 10 sit on and one 10 think 11ilh. Success depends on ~>hich one you use, heads you 11in - !ails I"OU lose." 11. Stephen Schmidt: Cross Coumry (1 , 2, 4); Track (1 , 2, 3, 4); Junior Classical League (3, 4) ; Running Club (3, 4) ; Eagle SeoUl (4). "Far better il is 10 dare mighty things, 10 11in glorious triumphs, e-·en !hough checkered by failure, !han 10 take rank 11ilh !hose poor spiri!S who neither enjoy much nor suf!er much, because !hey lire in !he gray millghtlhal kno"' not >iciOry nor defeat'' - Theodore Roose-·eh. 12. Da;id Scott: Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4); Board Games Club (3) ; Mr. Albemarle Contestant(3); "Life11ilhom complications is nothing more !han a fake smile-Unkno~>n. ; "The road goes on forever and !he party ne-·er ends. - Roben Earl Keen. "When I see an old lady fall on a wet sidewalk. my first thought is 10 laugh. Bmlhen !think, what if I was an ant and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funnv."-Jack Handy. 13. R)ru~ Scapy 14. Jessica Ashley Sims: JV Girls Basketball (1 , 2-captain); Jl' Girls Lacrosse (!) ; Christian Fello11,hip Club(!); SCA (1, 2); Fe.~ (2) ; ICC (4); FAST (3, 4); SNAP (3, 4); Marching Band (1 , 2, 3); Concen Band(! ); Wind Ensemble(2 , 3, 4); MVP Defense)\' Girls Lax(! ); District Band ( I, 2, 3); Honors Band (1 , 2, 3); "Evening and morning, and at noon, 11ill I pray, and cry aloud, and he shall hear my voice. He hath delirered my soul in peace from !he battle that was against"-Psalms 55:1 7- 18. "It's betterto be hated for what you are, than 10 be lored for what you are not."· Unknown. 15. Kati Singe!: Guitar Club (3-president, 4-president); Horseback Riding (1 , 2, 3. 4) ; Ceramics (1 , 2, 3, 4); SP<:~ Volunteer (3, 4) ; AHS Cross Country (4); 1iational Honor Socie~· (4) ; An Honor Socie~· (3, 4); Math Honor Society (4); Wbo's Who Among American High School SrudeniS (4); Stony Point Ruritan Club-volunteer award (3) ; Principal's Honor Roll (I, 2, 3, 4). "Experience is not what happens to you, il is what you do ~>ilh what happens 10 you."- Aidous Htede-~ 16. ~inne Shafer: Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Tutoring Chair (3); An Honor Sociel)' (1 , 2, 3, 4); Historian (4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Beta Club (3); SCAAd,isor (2, 3, 4); Junior Classical League (3); "A sense of humor is mankind's great blessing:·. Mark Twain. ''Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. II is not something 10 be wanted; but rather something 10 be achiered.'' - William Jennings Brvan. 17. \1kas Shah: Wreslling (I); D) Club Pres. (2, 3, 4). "God bless us ·cuz !hat's who we are. God bless the flag ~>ilh !he fill)•stars. The color of your skin doesn't explain you. Say what's in your hean if you think !hat's true. People think 'cuz you look like one, you're a soldier of !he Taliban. People think ·cuz you're bro11n-skinned, y-ou're from AfghaniSia!l. Bmdon'tletlhem fool :uu, don't let !hem fool)uu!!! )US! do what you 11ru1na do,ifyuu thinklhru'strueandifit'sonlytruetoyuu." · DahSlikOne, S!iklikAK.A \•ikShah. 18. Alese ~icole Shiffien: Woman's Ensemble(2, 3, 4); Concen Choir( I); Christian Fello~>>hip Club (3, 4) ; SADD (3). "I've learned to never underestimate the irnpossible."-Unkno11n. I9. Tra1·is Sipe 20. Sarah Ske1ing1on: JV Cheerleading (!-captain); Varsity Cheerleading (2); Competition Cheerleading (1 , 2) ; SCA (1, 2, 3); Yearbook Staff (2, 3, 4); Gymnastics (1, 3); Smdent Athietic Trainer(2) , PowderPuff Football (3, 4); '·II was my life l!ld it was fun , another season of my life is done, another race I'm glad I go110 run, another chapter of my life it's over, no I'm ne,·er gonnafeellike !hat again, time's rushin' by me like the ~>ind, never gonna feel like !hat again.'' · Kenny Chesney.

74 Oen/ ors




, ,


Julianne Launi and D allin H ardy


Ed Gomaa and Addy Oliver


(_JC)C)dby~ is a vztter-sweet word to seniors Throughout the years , seniors certainly learned a few things about how to get along. Whether it was in the classroom or on the athletic field or in the parking lot after school , sen iors had some final words of advice for their underclass friends and teammates. "I think the one piece of advice that I would give is not to let anyone [get down] on you. Just be yourself and never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in ," said Ash ley Suit.

Senior year is a time for finding out w hich relationships really count.


Latoya Parrish and David Scott

C5en/ors 75

1. Rebbeca Slutzky: Cheer leading (I , 2, 3, 4). Varsitv Outdoo r Track ( 1. 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Indoor Track (4 ); Gymnastics (1. 2, 3, 4); Chorus ( I) : Mat h Honor Societv (2 , 3, 4) ; SNAP (4); Powder Puff Football ( 1, 2, 3. 4) ; FAST (3 , 4); Beta Club (4); Who 's Who (2, 3, 4) ; Junior Classical League (3 , 4) ; "Just do it .''-Nike. "''m invincible as long as I' m alive." DMB. "Sebastien is my hero." - Me . ''Strangers are friend s waiting 10 happen."- 'nknown. 2. Caitlin A. Smith: Christian Fellows hip Club ( I , 2, 3, 4) : Marching Band (2 , 4); You th Group Leader (3, 4); Spanish Honor Socie ty (3 . 4); Albemarle Hon or Stu dent ( 1, 2, 3, 4); ·' Life' s like a box of chocolates, you never know what yo u're going to ge t.'' - Forest Gump. 3. Jaso n Smith: "ll 's just cool like that. .. 4. Shatoya Monet "Hannah " Smith: Women's En semble (2); SHOUT Club ( 1. 2, 3); College Pl anning( 4): lmermediate Choir (1 , 3); Di st rict Choir ( 1, 3) ; Vocal Asce nsion (4); "Loved bv some , hated bv many, envied by most , wanted by plemy. "-Anonvmous. ·•If God brings you to it , he 'll bring you through it. "- Unkn own. "Dan ce as if no one is watching, live as if there's no tom orrow. sing as if no one 's listening. and love as if you have neve r been hun .'' -An onymous. ; . Shawn Smith: Passed Freshma n vear (I ); Passed Sophomo re year (2); Passed Junior year (3); Passed Senio r year hopefully (4) . "\ eve r ask a man with one tooth for directio ns ..~!wa ys ask a man with one leg. ··- unknown. 6.William Smith Jr. 7. Lindsay Spatz: JV Softball ( I , 2) ; Varsitv So ftball (3, 4); Dance Team (4) ; Teacher Cadet (3 ); Yomh Group ( I , 2, 3, 4); Dance ( I , 2, 3, 4). "If you take the risk, then yo u take the re sponsi bilitv." Unknown. "Friends ar e one in a million. Don't trade them fo r anythi ng.·· -Me. 8 . Aaron Spring: Marching Band ( 1, 2, 3, 4);Jazz Band (1 , 2, 3); Jazz Combo (2 , 3, 4); Wind En sem ble ( I); Ski Club (3 , 4) ; German Club (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Guitar (3 , 4). "Laught er is the shortest distance between

two people .''-Victor Borge. " If bei ng an egomaniac mea ns I believe in what ! do and in my an or mu sic , then in that respect yo u can call me that ... I believe in what I do and I'll say it."-John Lenn on. "Live what you believe , or you wi ll stan to believe what you live." -Fr.Bill.

9. Devan Stahl: Varsity Cro ss Countr y(! , 2) ; Basketball( ! , 2); Soccer(! , 2) ; Model nit ed Nations (1 , 2) ; Am erican Red Cross ( 1, 2) ; Foren si cs (3 , 4) ; lmprov Team (3 , 4) ; Th espian s(3, 4); SCA (1 , 2) ; Drama Club (3, 4-presidem); NHS (2, 3, 4); NJH S ( I) ; Beta Club (3 , 4) ; Imernational Leadership Insti!Ule (2 ); Cross Coumry MVP (2) All -European Band ( I ) . "If yo u build a fi re, you keep him warm for a day. If you set a man on fire ~·ou keep him warm for the rest of his life ." - Anonymous. "If a school were a perso n it wouldn 't have any friends:· - Anonymous. 10. Bradford Wayne Stato n: "When I was a child, I thou ght , tau ght and acted like a child , but today I stand before yo u a man. "- Brad Staton. "Our ani tude should be like that of Jesus Christ.'' - Corithanians 1:4. 11. Tiffany Shanell Steadl y: Albemarle Coumy Step Team (4); SHOUT Club ( I, 2, 3-p resident , 4) ; DJ Club (4) ; "You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with vour eyes , yo u mav kill me with you r hatefulness, but still like air I'll ri se. " - Maya Angelou. 12. Brad Stephens: Marchin g Band ( I , 2, 3, 4-section leader) ; Honors Band (I) ; Wind Ensemble (3 , 4); District Band (I ); Key Club (3) ; FCA (2). "1\ve nty years from now yo u will be more di sappoimed by the things you didn't do than by the ones vou did do. So throw off the bowline, sai l away from the safe harbour, catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Sail. Dream. Di scover. " - Mark 1\vain .

76 c5eniors

1. Russell Lee Stone: 9th Grade Football (1 ); JV Football (2); Varsity Football (3); Wrestling ( 1, 3, 4) . "Let somet hi ng go. If it comes back to you , it 's yours , if it doesn 't come back, it was never you rs to begin with. " - Mau reen Orvo sh. 2. Daniel StraiOn


3. Gabe]. Strauss: Varsity Tennis (1 , 2, 3, 4); Travel1ce Hockey (1 , 2, 3, 4); Ultimate Frisbee/Tubi ng/Uno Club (4-president/founder); Sierra Club (3) ; Pearl Jam Fan (1 , 2, 3, 4); Western Di strict All-AcademicAth letic Team (4); 2002 Tennis Coach 's Award (3) . "Those who dance are called insane by those who don ' t hear the music. " - Eddie Veddar. "The best revenge is to live on and prove yo urself. Be stron ger th en those people.·· - Eddie Veddar.


4. Nee na Strin ger

5. Keisha Strother 6. Cody Sullivan: Football (1 , 2, 3, 4); Math Hono r Society (2, 3, 4);; Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Beta Club (4); Wind En semble (2, 3) ; Jazz Band (4); Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Football Lenerman (3, 4) ; Commonwealth Di strict All-Academic Award (football) (3 ); Albemarle County Honor Band (3); District Band (3); President 's Academic Excellence Award (3); "The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found ou t. "- Proverbs 10:9 . "Inside of a ring or out , ain't nothing wrong with going down. It 's staying down that's wrong. " - Muhammad Ali. 7. Ashley Suit: fi eld Hocker (2, 3, 4); SCA (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Band (1 , 2, 3);; CFC (1 , 2); Yearbook Club (3) ; Germa n Club ( 4); Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "Good friends are hard to fin d, harder to leave , and impossible 10 forget.' ' - Unknown . "Reach for the moon , if you miss you will be among the stars.·· - Unkno wn.


8. Xiaomo (Helen ) Sun: JV Cross-Country (1, 2); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Spanish Hono r Society (3, 4) ; An Honor Society (3 , 4) ; Vegetarian Club (1 ); Spani sh Club (2); Alternative Music Club (3) ; Beta Club (4) . '' It 's bener 10 keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than 10 open it and resol ve all doubt. ·· - Abe Lincoln. 9. Li za Tavlo r: "Your imprefections are what make you beautiful. "Sandra Bu llock. "fr eedoms just anoth er word fo r nothing left to lose. "Janis Joplin. 10. Kristina Taylor: Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Concert Band (1) ; Symphonic Band (1 , 2, 3) . "Everything is okay in the end , if it's not okay, it's not the end.''- Unknown. "Seventeen onl v comes once in a lifetime , don't it just fly by wild and free .''-Tim McGraw.


11. Dierdre Louise Terlep (Didi) : Beta ( 1, 2, 3, 4); FBLA (1 , 2, 3); French Honor Society (4); French Club (4); Volleyball (2); Junio r Olvmpic Volleyball (2); 4-H (1, 2); Who 's Who (4); The National Societv of High Scholars (4); Honor Roll ( I , 2, 3, 4) . "Envy ignorance ; conformitr is suicide.''- Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Let 's getiOgether and feel al right. "- Bob Marley. 12. Michael Terry: "Sure, luck means a lot in football. Not having a good quarterback is bad luck. " - Don Shula. ·'If you want somet hing you never had , you have 10 do something you've neve r done.'' - Unknown.



1. Danielle Elizabeth Testerman: FBLA ( 1. 2): MCAC ( 1. 2) ; CFC (3. 4): Literary Magazine (4); Peer Mediation (4); Drama (3): Choir ( 1. 2, 3). '' To the world you are one person but 10 one person rou are the world."- 'nknown. " I can do all things through Christ who srtengthens me."- Philipppians 4: 13. 2. Emily Thacker: Marching Band ( 1. 2. 3, 4); Youth Group ( 1. 2. 3. 4-Youth Counsel Rep .); Band (1 , 2, 3, 4-Wind Ensemble); Tri-~1 (-l· Historian ); Spanish Honor Societv (3, 4) ; Art Honor Societv (4): Pit Band (2 ,4); Beta Club (4); Math Honor Society(4 ) . "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." - Hebrew II: I. "Today, if a smile comes 10 you , a smile that perhaps vou can·, exp lain ... it's because , in that same moment , I'm thinking of vou and smilng 1oo.·· - Unknown. 3. Kim Thacker: Technologr Club (3, 4): Literary Magazine (3, 4editor-in-chief) ; Published in Literary ~1agazi ne (3, 4) : Certificate of Recognition-Geometrv (2); "There are places I remember all my life. though so me have changed , some forever not for be11er. some ha,·e gone and some remain. All these places have their moments of lorers and friends I still can recall , some are dead and some are !iring. In my life I've loved them all." - John Lennon and Paul McCartney (The Beatles). 4. Caniere Thomas: "You mar shoot me with your words , You mar cut me with vour eves , You may kill me with your hatefulness , But still , Like air I'll rise." - Mava Angelou. ;. Ashlev Thompson: Marching Band ( I. 2, 3. 4); Concert Band ( I); Symphonc Band (2, 4); Wind Ensemble (I ); Chorus (I); College Planning Club ( 2, 3-President, 4-president) : ICC Rep . (3, 4): "We don't see things as they are. we see them as we are ... . Anai s \in . 6. John Tomko: JV Soccer(! , 2); Varsitv Soccer (3. 4): TS.\ (3): Great Society (4). "Half va'll hate me , halfya'lllove me. the ones who hate me only hate me ·cause they don'ttrust me."-Ja Rule . '' Plav hard from the start!" - Mv Dad. 7. Dory Tucker: Beta Club (4); Community Theatre ( I, 2, 3. 4): Drama Club (1 , 2-secretary, 3-secretary, 4); Fall Show (1 , 2, 3) ; Forensics Team (2); Thespian ( I, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (4); Math Honor Societv (3, 4); Nat ional Honor Society (4); Off the Cuff (2, 3); Peer Counseling (1, 2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3, 4) ; Spring Musical ( 1. 2) ; Tri-M (4); Patriot Singers (3, 4) : Women's Ensemble (2); Honor Roll ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; Piedmont Council of the Arts Rising Star Award (3); VHSL Best Actress (2, 3). '·Mv final thought is a simple but mighty thought. It is the obligation we have been given. It is to not turn out the same. It is to grow, to accomplish , 10 change the world ... - Stephen Sondheim. 8. Mike Tucker 9. Kenneth Truslow Jr.: Open Gym (1 , 2, 3) ; Men on a Mi ssion (2, 3) ; Yearbook Club (3) ; '· If rou can 't show us the way, then forgive us for bei ng lost.., - Babv Boy, Omar Gooding.

10. Meli ssa Ulan: Cross Country ( I , 2, 3, 4) ; Track (2, 4); Marching Band (I) ; Concert Band ( I); Srmphonic Band (2); Wind En se mble (3, 4-sec tion leader); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Junior Classical League (I , 2, 3); Church Ensemble (3); VIVA (2): Math Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4); Honors Band (3); District Band (3, 4); Who's Who (4); "What mailers is what you think about vourself. Beautr and peace come from within ... - Un known. 11. Kyle 'tz: Football (3. 4) : Basketball (3):JV Basketball (3) : Varsity Basketball (2, 3, 4-captain ): W\C (1 , 2, 3, 4); Beta Club(4): Spanish Honor Society (3 , 4); G.R.E.A.T. Society(4) ; Honor Roll ( I. 2, 3, 4); All District/Central VA Baseball (3, 4); All Academic Team (2, 3, 4);" 11 took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course ... - Hank Aaron. 12. Kelly Marie VanScoter: Who's Who (4). "Happiness comes through doors yo u never even knew vou left open." -Unknown. ·'The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see and knows what the mind cannot understand. ,. - Robert Vall ell.

78 c5eniors ~-






I. Cateria Vaughan 2. Moll y Waddell: JV Lacro ss e ( I , 2-captain ) ; SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; SCA Retreat (2, 3, 4); Yearbook (2 , 3, 4-spons editor); Ski Club (2); FCA (I) ; FAST (3); SADD (4). '· In a thou sa nd yea rs. and a thousand tears, I'll come finding my original crew, 'cause to me throughout eternity there is somewhere we are we lcome to go :· O.A.R .. "Don 't worr y, yo u' ll find )'Ourself, follow your heart and nothi ng else. " - Lynard Skinner. 3. Stuart Walton: Football(! ); Magic Club(!) ; Cross Country (3); Track (3, 4) ; FCA (3, 4); Ultimate Frisbee/ Uno Club (4 -vice president). "You can ' t lose what you don ' t put in the pot , but yo u can 't win it either. " - Unkno wn. " I praise you becau se I am fearfully and wonderfully made ; yo ur wo rks are wonde rful , I know that full weii .'· Psal m 139: 14. 4. Britani Washington: Football Manager( 4); Albemarle Step Team(4) ; ··Never be a H.l.D. (Hater in Di sgu ise) and always tell them to GET OVER IT! .' - Britan i E. Washingwn. 5. Charles Weidman 6. j essi Weisman: Bas ketball Manager ( ! , 2, 3, 4); Drama Club ( ! ). ·· 11 is bener to be hated for what you are then love d for what you ' re not. " - Unknown. '·Earl 's in the trunk. " - Mom . 7. Reginald Wells 8. Franklin White 9. Claire Whitenack : Varsit,. Cross-Countrv ( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; Varsi ty lndooor Track ( I. 2, 3, 4); Outdoor Track ( I, 2, 3, 4) ; Wind En semble (2, 3, 4); YOGA Senior Flute Choir (3, 4); junior Classical League (1, 3, 4); Youth Leadership Initiative (3 , 4); Knowledge Masters (2, 3, 4) ; Classical Mu sic Club (2, 3, 4-co president); J\ational Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Classical Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Tr i-M Honor Society (4): NLE Summa Cum Laude (2, 3) ; Cro ss -Countr y MVP ( 2-outdoor, 3-indoor) ; Governor 's Latin Academ y (4); Di strict Band ( 2, 3, 4); Honors Band (2, 3, 4). ·· J\ullum magnum in ge nium sine mixtura demntiae fuit. " - Seneca. 10. Patricia Wilbert II . Trie r Williams: Ic e Hockev ( l-a ss istant captain , 2, 3, 4); Baseball( I); Golf( I); Altern ative Music Club (2); Outdoor Club (3); Chri stian Fellowship Club (4); Junior Classical League(4) ; Miami Ohio U. Hockey Leade rship Progam(4); Hockey :ii gh t in Bos ton(3 , 4): Who·s Who ( !. 2). "I was gratified to be able to answe r promptlr. I said I don·l kn ow:· - Mark Twain. '·If you think you can win , yo u can win. Faith is necessary for vicwry."- William Hazlit. 12. jennifer Wolf: Key Club (2, 3, 4); German Hon or Soc iety(3 , 4); Math Honor Society (4); Beta Club (4) . "Advice is like snow; the softe r it fall s the longe r it dwells upon , and the deeper it sinks into the mind :· - Sam ual Taylor Cole ridge .




1. Samantha Wolf: Concert Band (3); Wind Ensemble (2): Amnestr International Club (3); Alternative Music Club (2); Beta Club (4); Who 's Who (4); National Math Honor Society (3, 4); French Honor Societv (4). "Fear less, hope more ; Whine less , breathe more: Talk less , say more ; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours.'' Swedish Proverb . '·G reat people are those who make others feel that they too , can become great.··- Mark Twain.

2. Matt Wood: Freshman Football (I ); JV Football (2); Varsity Football (3 , 4); Track (2, 3, 4). "They send you off to college try to gain a little knowledge , but all you want to do is learn how to score." -Jimmy Buffett. 3. Chad Woodfolk : JV Football (2) : Varsitv Football (3 . 4); Mission (2, 3. 4).


on a

4. Lindsay Woodson: Marching Band (2, 4); Concert Band (2. 4) : Symphonic Band (3); Lifeguard (1 , 2, 3, 4); Yearbook Club (3). "You don ' t have to be like everyone else , be unique ... - Li za Frank. ·'Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart, as if working for the Lord, and not for men ... - Colossians 3:23 . j_ Beth Woodworth: Varsity Indoor Track ( I. 2. 3. 4): Varsity Outdoor Track (1 , 2, 3, 4); German Club ( 1, 2, 3. 4-ICC Rep. ); GCC Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); Drama ( I, 2): FCA (2); SCA Advisor (4) . "A day without laughter is a wasted day... - Charlie Chaplin. "Twins. trips , Slimfast." - Fish. "Strangers , teppich , spielzeuq! .. - Fashion Police.

·'Ninjas , trampoline , twister!'' - Perki.

6. Allie Wright: Voleyball (4). 7 Jeff Wright: Soccer ( I, 2, 3, 4); Magic Club(!) ; Board Games Club (2); Beta Club(4); Lil Dino·s (3 , 4) ; V.D.T. (2, 3, 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4); "Oh , well , of course, everything looks bad if you remember it.''Homer Simpson. "Realitv is merely an illusion , albeit a very persisant one.'' -AJbert Eienstein. ·'The only wav to get rid of temptation is to yield to it .'' -O sca r Wilde. "Don't take life too serious. You'll never escape it alive an)~vay... -Elbert Hubbard. 8. Yin Yang: Ice hockey ( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; French Club (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3 , 4). "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, bv reflection , which is noblest; Second , bv imitation , which is easiest ; and Third , by experience , which is the bitterest.

Fro fri


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u 80 c5enior s



Playing around at a birthday party are Sarah Burris, Meghan Mathias, Jennifer Burris, Samantha Hoy, Libby Heisan, Kati Santos and Meghan Cushman. The girls have all known each other since their years at Woodbrook Elementary.

th~ i?~~t. ..

After their Kindergarden graduation , Siera Eades and Helen Bowman happily enjoy each other's company.

1(0) th~ Tr~~~nt. .. From the friendships made in the past to the friendships made throughout high school, each seniors experienced friendships that will last a lifetime.

After graduating from Pre-School, Jennifer Burris and Tim Doyle look proudly to their parents. The two families have known each other since Jennifer and Tim were three. Seniors Jennifer Buris, Lindsay Woodson, Lauren Gentry and Emily Downing enjoy each other's company their first week in the Senior circle. Showing off their atheletic ability, Drew Atch inson and Rachel Hanley prove that they have what it takes to be "Most Athletic." The two received same the honors in eighth grade at Sutherland

While supporting the girls' Powder Puff team , senior boys Tim Doyle, Derek Murray, Kyle Utz, Jason Day, James Micciche, Jeff Myers, Logan Marshall, Stuart Walton , Gary Hurst and Robert Marcum form a human pyramid. Students also formed bonds with teachers throughout their four years at Albemarle. Ashley Odom hands Mrs. Leslie Chism a flower for Valentines day .

Seniors have formed bonds that will last after graduation. Zach Bailey, Ed Gomaa, David Peng, Kyle Utz, Mike Rehorn , Brian Record and Mark McCabe created The "WNC," the summer before their senior year. ? as! and ?resenl 81


ckrcfassinen 1969


• Earth Science in freshman year, to driver's education during sophomore year, to American Studies in the stressful junior year,

underclassmen seducational pursuits spanned a wide

range of subjects.

Forfteshman it was the year of adjustment, with new friends and a bigger

school to become accustomed to. Many sophomores often felt defoa/edduring their experiences in driver's education behind the wheel classes; running over a cone or two, or even not passing the test the first time. It was a year to stress over outlines and driving to school for the first time for

J/uniors. Although underclassmen ranged in age from fourteen to seven-

teen, there was a common thread among them that held the group together; they were all working to make it to that far-off graduation day.

82 Wnclercfass

Cxam.in.iny junior Kate Kulbock' s camera , Colin Moore helps her to focus her lens in Photography class. Junior year was the first year in which students could take the widely popular class.


9 ouernmenl teacher Ms. Wilson volunteered her morning on Friday of Spirit Week to paint AHS spirit on the faces of students. Freshman Laura Aust sits as Ms. Wilson paints an "A" on her cheek.

~piny in his student ~r







number, sophomore Joey Harris buys his lunch after waiting in the long lines to get a meal during the long lunch period. The cafeteria lines were often less crowded for underclassmen on Wednesday's when seniors left for lunch.

Gettin Closer o


the End

Flipping through her notes, junior Claire Moore gets ready for another class.

Junior year was infamous for being the most stressful and difficult year of high school. "I think it is the hardest year because the end seems so close and real and that is what your mind is on," explained junior Daniel Bennett. "That makes it hard to apply yourself." Many juniors agreed that it was hard to concentrate on the task at hand when the thought of almost being a senior was lingering in their minds. There were several factors that contributed to making this year the hardest for juniors. SAT's were usually taken in eleventh grader, and many students also took AP courses. Students applying to colleges knew they would be looking at junior year grades. To make matters worse, courses like American Studies were difficult and demanding, and required a lot of reading. Despite the stress, juniors found ways to fight through the mountains of homework and make it to their senior year. Melissa Reilly

84 :Juniors


Daniel Affe ldt Jennifer All en Eric Armantrout Richard Arnett Joe Arnold Brendan Bailey Daniel Balano Kathryn Bahner Robin Barnett Bryan Barton Jennifer Bateman Lauren Beckman




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- ~ ~1


...-~ .

Daniel Bennett John Benson l v Daniel Berl in Tavia Biggi ns John Blake Rachel Blankenship Thea Blech-Caulder Logan 8 ledsoe Elana Bloomfield Aida Boating Jyl Bodenste in Joshua Bodrey

~~rLT ~

J~-=.. _,~t.


Brooke Bosselman Ashleigh Bourne Morganna Bowyer Nicole Brackett Hil ary Branch Justi n Briggs Kell y Brocki Shaw nta Brown Jennifer Brownhi\1 Aaron Brubeck Jess ica Brust Jennifer Bryant Kenny Bryant Robert Bull Chadae Byers Samantha Cadwalader Brandy Carlson Adam Carpen ter John Carr Elizabeth Carraway Quanei li a Carter Ryan Catlett Tara Chaney Kearby Chen Szu- Han Chen Cand ice Cheney Keyshana Ch ildress Kevin Chilton Soo- Yeon Choi Ann Chung Alexander Clark Amand a Clemmer Justin C line Alexander Coan Stephanie Cockre ll Jude Coe





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·~ I _. II

David Coles Matthew Coles Daniel Collier Gina Co llins Jule Colt rane Agnes Co nnor Christopher Council! Ill Mark Craddock Carly Cricke nberger Catherine Critzer Ani ta Cross Jenni fer Cross Kclli Crowner Kaitl yn Dahlstrom Alice Dandridge Brittany Da vis Heather Davis Megan Degnan Jess ica Degraff Sujay Desai Nikolina Dimic Wi ll iam Drake Dale Dudley Wi lli am Dun lap Miranda Durrer Christen Duxbury Simone Echeverri-Gent Jesse Elizan Jeffrey El zey Victoria Emanuelson Tosha Endres Chri st ine English Gia Espos ito Zachary Eustace Christopher Ezzyk Kenneth Farmer 11

:Juniors 85

The Dreaded Outlines


Juruor Nicole Brackett works to complete an outline for her American Studies class.

When asked what the hardest part of junior year was, students could sum it up in one word. Outlines. More specifically, American Studies outlines. Juniors stayed up all night working on them, and the thought of having to do them was enough to keep sophomores up at night as well. To be sure, there was a trick to outlining, and even students who were spending four or more hours a night at the beginning of the year learned to polish them off in thirty minutes or less by the end of the first semester. It was a matter of survival. Unlike many of his peers, junior Michael Purvis enjoyed having to do the outlines. He said, "Outlines are the main source of information in honors class. I like them better than essays because they take less thought." Not everyone would agree, but since there was no escape, juniors accepted the fact that outlines were one more assignment that just had to be done. Emily Schwab

86 :Jun/ors




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- - - - -- - - ·-·-

~ , l r-~ ~-AJ I ~A- I E'EZJ:r ll~~ l

Clarence Fedrick III Keri Fields Nicole Fields Michael Finch Hannah Fisher James Fitzgerald John Fitzhugh

Sarah Ford Jamie Frazer Amber Freundschuh

Erica Gaines Julie Gaines






1' ••


Aarti Gala John Gallagher

William Gantt Jose Garcia Emma Garren Artrianna Garth Courtney Garver

-t ~~ ~ -\!'-&\.~ 1

~ ~ ~~

J-.....:J ,... "~!" I "'J


Adam Genest

I s:_ ]1111••··


Charles Gibson Jordan Gibson Matthew Gibson Brendan Gielow Tim Godshall Jeremyah Golder Daihara Gonzalez Kelly Graves Katherine Gray Noel Greer Robert Gregg Jessica Guggino Michael Guggino Andrew Haggard Bethan y Halliday Jessica Hamlin Cayman Hammond






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. ::&JW&!i





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Abigail Hankins William Hankins Ryan Hasenfu s Mitchell Hash Emil y Hastings Irene Hatzigeorgiou Joseph Hazen Jessica Hecke l Justi n Heilbrun-Toft Timothy Henion Erica Hernandez

Donte Herndon Joshua Herring Rosemary Hill Taysha Hill Shane Himes Benjamin Hoelscher Katherine Hogan Jess ica Houchens Meli ssa Howard Marta Huckstep Elizabeth Hutson Jonathan Ishee LaJa A. J. Jackson Chris Jackson Gaines Jackson II Made Jenk ins Antonio John son Daniel Johnson Leigh-Ann Johnson Norah Johnson Patrick John son Mary Johnston Hope Jones Marquita Jones Sarah Jones Andrew Keathley Thomas Keegan Britton Kell y Joe l Keneipp Westley Kern Logan Kiernan Christopher Knox Michael Kopeny Akouvi Koutone Trung La Hali Lacy Sabrina Lacy Andrew Lambert Jenni fer Lane Adam Lawrence Brittany Lawrence Alexandra Lawwill Amanda Leake Brandon Leathers Jess ica Lee Jesse Leichtentritt Melanie Leinbach

:Juniors 87


With the Big Dogs

Senior Rachel H anley and junior La uren Beckman foc us on the ball while competing against the Stafford Indi ans.

Junior athletes not only had the pressure of academic challenges, but athletic challenges as well. Varsity squads were chosen from ninth through twelfth graders, although freshmen and sophomores on varsity were rare. However, until this year junior varsity players could only be chosen from ninth and tenth grades. A new rule came into effect in 2002-2003 which allowed juniors to play on JV. However, many coaches ignored this, only taking freshmen and sophomores . Therefore, it continued that basically anyone in eleventh grade who wanted to continue with high school athletics had to be chosen for a Varsity team. The physical and skill demands were greater, and more commitment was required. Many of the athletes dedicated enough to want to play varsity sports were accepted on the teams, but a disappointed few were cut from the squads. Melissa Reilly BB :Junior s




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John Liljegre n Kun· Ho Lin Julia Linden Rebecca Lindens mith Courtney Lindsay

Brian Livingston Katherine Landen Shannon Lyon

Erika Mann






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Matthew Marshall Jacob Martin Katherine Masci



:&i 'C3''i I

Daniel Maslin Benjamin Matherne

Krystal Maupin Amber Mawyer

Breit Maynard Dwight McGee, Jr.

Autumn McMillian Adam Meek Allison Mextorf Adam Miller Edward Miller Vanessa Miller

Benjamin Mi ll s


. . ,._..-. r · '-.:......




, ...!.~i~NJ

Thomas Mix Joseph Monett Beau Moneymaker Padric Moneymaker

Paul Montagna Clarissa Moon Colin Moore Katherine Moore Sarah Moraghan Anya Margulis Austin Morris Keith Morri s Ri chard Mowery Michael Mundell James Mundy Elizabeth Murray

Marguret Murray Amy Nay lor Eric Naylor Ashley Nei lson Derek Nicholas Emily Niziolek Kathleen O 'Brien Elizabeth Otis Lindsey Pace Nathaniel Panas Bri an Pattison David Peacoe Lauren Peterson Taylo r Pitts Harriet Plou rde·Rogers Jess ica Pointer Joseph Pri ce Ashley Pugh

Michael Purvis Anthony Radle David Rag land Heather Reed Mervyn Reedy Nicholas Reeve Emil y Reijmers Kenneth Rice Candace Richards Sada Ridley

Benjamin Riggi ns Michael Ri zzo Ke lsey Robertson




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i~'-' 1



Matteo Robertson Lasanae Robin son Sarah Rose Heather Royston Rachel Ryan Megan Sadtler Elliott Sau nders James Schneider Kimberly Schneller Jessica Sch niuka David Schrank Du stin Scruggs


- ··--


Sunder Shageer Candice Shaver Yen Shek Amy Si lver Zachary S lagle Amber Small Corinne Smeriglio Jahmire Smith Sade Smith Andrew Smythers Michael Steele Robert Stone Ill



< Juniors Ashley Worrell and John Ishee walk past the junior wall, while Anne Clarry enjoys lunch with her friends.

All done up in island garb, senior Courtney Rerninton joins Megan Sad tier and Gia Esposito in representing field hockey for Sports Challenge week. >



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mustbe expressed

Courtney McCoy, Latoya Martin, and Kayla Howard are in the spirit for tacky d ays. Some students took the opportunity to wear outlandish fahions that were truly original.

High school students expressed individual in many ways. Some students defined themselves through the music they listened to, ranging from country western to punk rock. But all students showed their individ uali ty in the clothes they wore and the styles of their hair. Ability to express who you are was a major argument in the ongoing debate over school uniforms, which were required in some public schools. If everyone came to school every day in identical clothing, no one would be unique. The opposing argument, however, was that uniforms might be a great way to

90 J/un/ors

play down the cliques, and give everyone the ability to appear equal. Perhaps people wouldn't be as judgemental, and also you wouldn't have to worry about whether or not the label on your jeans was the acceptable one (since no jeans would be acceptable). No one was expecting uniforms to be required in Albemarle County, and so students continued to face an important decision each and every morning before school - what to wear? Emily Schwab Erika Maim prefers a long, straight hairstyle, reminiscent of the '60's, that mad e a come-back.

Jack Strickland Linze Struiksma Peter Sweeney. Jr. Tesceline Tabilas Travis Tate Jamie Taylor


K ev in Thomas Meaghan Thomas Eli zabeth Thompson Tashaw Thompson Matthew Trammell Dena Trugman

Raven Tru slow

Annie Turner Elizabeth Vaden Catherine Van Derli nde Pao la Van Harlingen Veronika Yarfolomeeva

Zack Vill alon

Laura Vi nes As hley Wade Shaela Wa lker Ric hard Waller IV Jonathan Walston

Dengfeng Wang

Dengqi Wang Emily Ward Emily Wei r Lawren Wharton A shley White


Latrice Wh ite Kat ie Whitlow

Nikita Wiehl Jamie Wilberger Kevin Williams Mic hael Wi lson

~y -


nd mt

1ns 1ns

Tremaine Wi lson Cherie Wood Amanda Worm ington Ashley Worrell Brooke Wright Rachel Yoder

be so )f-

ng ab ent


~41'~. .~/rAJI

Way ne Young , Jr.

Stefanic Zaenker Stefanic Zamorski

;Jun/ors 91

Building Confidence

Sophomore Sean Robbins combs pink hair dye into Kellie Leake's hair, while Travis Batten looks on. Finding your own style and set of friends was a big part of being a sophomore.

The freshman steps were covered in tiny circles, very selective groups. Starting out in ninth grade, you knew you had to hang with just the right people to be deemed cool, which was very important your freshman year. You were still lacking a little confidence in yourself, and found comfort in hanging out with your buddies from middle school. It was easy to pickoutthe Jouett group, the Sutherland group, and the Burley group. But, by sophomore year the groups miraculously began to disappear. Perhaps the fact that students were spread out more along the sophomore wall may have had something to do with it, or maybe sophomores just had more self confidence than freshman. "Sophomores are a lot more accepting, it's no longer about wearing the right clothes and having the right hair, but more about who you are, and that's awesome," commented sophomore Meredith Bojarski. Whatever the cause it was definitely a positive change, and by the time senior year rolled around, students would be far less concerned about who they were seen with than who their real friends were. Emily Schwab

92 c5ophomores

Davila Ab iandoma Shaun Agee Jenn ifer Aiken Rachel Albertson Joe Albrecht Portia Allen Carmen Allen-Henke Craig Anderson Marcus Anderson Daniel Angell Damie n Anthony Rush Archer II David Argaud Amanda Armstrong Yoshua Arseneau lt Strolyn Ashby Andrew Autry Sadaf Azadzoi Joshua Ba iley Andrew Baker Lily Baldwin Gina Barbara Melisia Barbour Schyler Barbour Casey Barlow Lyndsie Bassen Travis Banen Eric Battle Christopher Beckstoffer Ashley Belew Desiree Berg Samuel Berube Michael Bishop Brian Boehm Meredith Bojarski Jack Boller Sara Bowles Scott Boyd Catherine Bracken Laura Brashear Lauren Bratcher David Breen William Broady Kri sten Broderick Katri na Brown Lashawnda Brown Stephan ie Brownhill Amber Brownlee Rondon Burgos Amanda Burke Willi am Burner Kri sten Burns Wi lli am Bums Sarah Burris Ash ley Burton Devynn Bush Stuart Cahalen Giu li ann a Ca labria Elizabeth Campbell Jennifer Campbell Theresa Carbone Karen Carlson Jennifer Carraway Andrew Catlett Bianca Caua-Preta Michae l Chandler Demetrick Chapman Jin-Young Choi Bianca Clark Monica Clark-Coven Lisa C larry Jared Clifton Joshua C li fton Brian Co les Suzanne Collier Jacqueline Colon Jill Comstock Alic ia Cooke Michele Cooper Brian Cope Catherine Corley Charles Crank Patricia Cuadros Kelli Cupp Gregory Dallavalle Ryan Dalton Juli a Dandridge Stephen Darcus Carli Daugheny Cherelle Davis Twylia Davis Chance Deaki n Amanda Dean Robert Deane Pierce Degroat Jessica Derstine

c5op..ÂŁomores 9 3

Behind the Wheel (at last)

Sophomore Zjelko Zjelkovic gets his license in November of 2002, and personalizes his car by getting his name on his plate.

The privilege of getting behind the wheel for the first time often came in the sophomore year. As part of Health II, students were able to complete the Driver's Education class and go to DMV to obtain a Learner's Permit, provided they could pass the requirements. Two things needed to get a permit were getting an 80% or above on a knowledge exam and meeting the age requirement (15 years and 6 months old). This allowed students to drive as long as an adult was present. "I enjoy having my learners because it is one step closer to the freedom of having my license," said sophomore Kim Walters. However, along with the pleasure of driving came responsibilities. Students had to read the driving manual and learn the rules of the road. In most cases, this was the first time student's first time learning how to operate a vehicle, which meant extra concentration and lots of practice in braking and parking and turns. The effort would all be paid off when it resulted in getting the much anticipated driver's license. Melissa Reilly

94 Oop.homores

Jamie Digiacomo Christopher Dilbeck Jul ius Dj amond Jess lyne Dossmann Kev in Doyle Nichole Drozda Nikki Drozda Jess ica Duni van Matthew Dunl ap Du yen Duong Amy Durbin Matthew Durkin Dakoda Eades Thomas Eanes Sarah Edwards Mary EI-Banna Ashley Elder Mayan Elgort Galen Eli ason-Carey Maureen Elsw ic k Mary Emanuelson Jordan Endahl Seth Enge l Laure n Estes Tykara Evans Rachel Evers William Faulconer Gabrie l Ferrett i Arlyss Firer Georgene Fisk Sa mantha Fludd Madele ine Forrest Juli e Fow ler Rebecca Frazier Ryan Fredriksen Lindsey French Alex Friedman Alexandra Frost Jessica Gaffney Hope Gagble Krystal Gaines Ke lly Gantt Jacq ueline Garc ia Adam Gamer Andrew Gamer Megan Garton Emily Gastineau Ethnic Gillespie Sam Gimbel Eleanor Glassberg Ann G lennie Eric Gondek Ohara Goradia Shea Green Jenna Griffith ian Gri mm Mac Kenzie Grobmyer Amy Groome As hley Grooms Joseph Gru ss Chri stopher Haden Lucas Hald Larki n Hamrick Jess i Haney Meli ssa Haney Sara Hardw ick Sean Harre ll Joseph Harris Kievan Have ns George Heeschen Be njamin Heil berg Dav id He intges John Henry Aisha Herron Chri stopher Hicks Em il y Hill er Nath an Hintz Brian Hite Christopher Hite Sean Hoffman El izabeth Horan Ke lli Horowski Kayla Howard Magg ie Hutchinson Jonathan Hutton David Huynh Kestrel Inne s-Wimsatt Matthew Jablonsk i Chad Jackson Jake Jackson Jonathon Jackson As hphord Jacoway Brittney Jamerson Ricky Jarrell . Jr. Kev in Jewell Michael Jia ng

Oopbomores 95



Sophomores Sharon Martin, Josh Bailey, Sarah Burris, Ca t Corley, Suzanna Collier, and friends hang out between classes near the "sophomore wa ll".

The jump from freshman year to sophomore year brought about some changes - different classes, a new place to hang out on the breezeway, and most important of all, not being the youngest students in the school anymore. "Sophomore year is better because you get more respect from everyone," stated sophomore Adrienne Moss. Chris Proctor agreed, saying, "Sophomore year is better because the work load is lighter." Although some sophomores found the work easier, others thought it was harder because of some more challenging classes, such as higher levels of math and science. There were a few aspects of freshman year that students preferred. "Freshman year we didn't have as many responsibilites," said sophomore Jessica Gaffney. "For instance, we didn't have to carry those sugar babies!" Overall, though, almost everyone agreed that it felt good to be one year older, and one year closer to the end of high school. Melissa Reilly

96 Oopbomores

Brett Johnson Fo nda Jo hn son Jimm y Johnson Paul John ston Ann路 To ll ey Jo nes Chad Jo nes Heather Jo nes Julia Jones Stephanie Jo nes Vinayak Kamatchi Erika Kamptner Esther Kaplan Elido n Karafi\i Brittany Kaufm an Timothy Kearns , Jr. Scott Keller David Kell y Stephen Kendall Du stin Kern Mari a Kessler Brandon Kidney Chri stopher King Shannah Kingrea Ethan Kissam Deborah Klos ko Ja nna Kn appenberger Robert Knight Jess ica Koenig Christopher Kreitzman John Kreitzman Justin Kuper Jeffrey Laffond Chinensis Lam Nathan Lam Francois Lapl anche Robert Lawrence Hunter Leake Ke llie Leake Sean Leathers Asia Lee Latricia Lee Sasha Lee Rebecca Lehman Ke lsie Li berman Ashley Lincoln Bethany Landen Fe lic ia Lov ing Peter Lytle Paul Mal az ita Kirk Maltais Nicholas Marcum Do minique Marsh Ashley Marti n C hristi na Martin James Mart in Latoya Martin Philli p Mart in Scott Martin Sharon Mart in Michael Mathi s Francesco Mazze i Bri an McC ray Matthew McGovern Megan McKo ne Jenn a McLane Meghan McS herry Sara Melton Jesus Mendoza. Garcia Miri am Me neses路 Duran Jess ica Mille r Jess ica M ille r Les lie Mimms Nancy Mongosso Co lin Moran Danie l Morris Ti mot hy Morris Erica Morse Adrie nne Moss Atasha Mowery Bri an Moy nihan Willi am Muncaster. Jr. Hil ary Murray David Nadolski Jeanette Nguyen Sean Nicke lsen Megan Niziolek Joshua O 'G rady Denni s O 'Leary II Candace Ogbo mo Alex O li ver Christopher Ours Danie l Overton Tyler Owe ns Rodolfo Pad ill a Alicia Panas . Lindsay Parnell

c5ophomores 97

A Much

Needed Break




Sophomore Brittany Jamerson decorates Christmas cookies at home during Winter Break.

Winter break this year seemed shorter than usual, beginning Saturday, December 20th, and ending the day after New Year's Day. Most students could remember a time when the end-of-year holiday break was a full two weeks, but there were changes in the calendar to allow more snow make-up days in February. Students welcomed in the new year in a variety of ways, some attending Charlottesville's annual "First Night" celebration, and others spending every psooible second away on vacation. But most said that there was not nearly enough time to recuperate in only a day. One student, however, thought that break should have been shorter. Sophomore Chris Dilbeck said, "I think break was too long. I think they should cut it back a few days and give us more three-day weekends." Steven Mangione disagreed, saying "You're crazy, they definitely should have given us the last two days of the week.." Little did anyh of them realize then that there would be plenty of three, four and even seven-day weekends ahead. Emily Schwab

98 c5ophomores

I . r





~ ~~~ I



I ~ A- I f!~' - "-~ 路

Teri Parrish Saya Patel Ru ssell Payne Matthew Peacoe Elizabeth Pettit Mark Philhour Cortney Phillips Erin Potter Heather Powell Eric Priamo Tiffany Price Christopher Proctor Adnan Pusilo Joshua Putman Christopher Pyles Jessica Quick Anne Ralston Ali Rasool Pamela Redman Shannon Reed Brendan Regan Suzanne Reid Meli ssa Reilly Paul Reynolds ill Tiffany Reynolds Kristen Richards Kaitlyn Robbins Matthew Robbin s Andrew Robens Sarah Robey Sarah Roddy Sarah Roddy Nick Rodriguez Dav id Rondeau William Rush Diba Saadut Raymond Sanchez Laura Scaffidi Christopher Schaefer Emily Schwab David Seapy Marcus Sexton Daniel Seymour Eli zabeth Shauer Po Yu n Sheen Charles Shelton Allen Shifflett Ange la Shifflett Matthew Shifflett Andrew Shiflett Christopher Sh inaberry Richard Sikes Erika Simpkins Rachel Si ngel Taylor Skevington Adrienne Smith Douglas Smith Melody Smith Ulanda Smith Kevi n Snow Steven Song Lizbeth Sotelo-Bernal Michael Spencer John Sperry lv Joanna Sp igone Ashley Sprad lin Guy Sprowal Megan Stacy Vanessa Stangil Meli ssa Stanton Laura Starli ng Austin Staton John Steedman Ashley Steffen Jordan Steljes Colin Stewart Rebecca Stewart Tyler Stickel Matthew Strickland Jessica Strother Raphael Strumlauf Brett Sury Amber Swanson Josh Taylor Quinn Tay lor Kevi n Terlep Matthew Thomas Stephen Thomas Shana Thompson Rebecca Tichner Logan Titus Nicky Toney Khuye n Tran And rew Tromey Jeffrey Tucker Stefanie Tucker

c5ophomores 99

Kayla Howard and Emily Hiller wa tch their babies while they eat lunch. Students who left babies alone could be reported to health teachers for sugar baby abuse.> < Sophomores Ali Rasool and Meghan McSherry

hover over the sugar baby. Some sophomores enjoyed this experience, while others detested it.

is the issue

What was short and fat, weighed five pounds and could really cramp your style on the Breezeway? Sugar babies were an integral part of sophomore year health, dreaded by some, and eagerly anticipated by others. As part of an effort to help students understand the responsibilities of parenthood, students in most health classes found themselves stuck carrying a bag of sugar around for a week. The rules for sugar baby care varied a little from teacher to teacher, but basically the requirements were

that babies had to accompany students wherever they went, in school and out. With only four hours of baby-sitting allowed over the duration of the mother I fatherhood, many students found themselves taking their babies to the mall, out to dinner, and even to various sports practices. Sophomore Kelly Watt said, "The sugar baby didn't work out well for me because I had track practice and I couldn'tfindaspottoputmybaby. It was way too stressful." Some students really enjoyed the

experience, though. Dressing and naming the babies was yet another way for students to express their individuality. Some only chose to wrap their bags of sugar up in towels, while others went as far as to tape a doll to the bag, and dress the doll. Some dolls were human, while others were dressed as animals or imaginary monsters. Overall the sugar babies project was an interesting way to learn the responsibility of having a baby. Emily Schwab


gc th ba Gt ali th so ba an va in


100 Sophomores

Traman Turner Sherika Twitty

Eric Tyler Me li ssa VanDer Linde Robert Wagner

Theresa Walker Patrick Wall

Kimberly Wahers Ashley Walther Jin Wang

Mo ll y Wanless

Brandi Washin gton Matthew Watson

Kelly Watt Ch ri stina Watts

Briana Webber

Marlyn Weisman Adriana We llman Brandon White Courtney White

Jeffrey White, Jr. Jess ie White

Kristen White Eleanor Whitenack Matthew Wilkins

William Wi llcome

nd 1er in路ap l

lile to

ne ~re



Arica Williams Land ria Wil son Shauntel Wood Ryan Woodfolk

Justin Kuper goes wi th a cow theme for his baby's attire. Guys and girls alike dressed their babies, some in real baby clothes and others in a variety of interesting.

Emjly Woodson Morganne Woodson Matthew Woodworth James Wootten Jonmhan Wright , Jr.




Paul Wright Zeljko Ze ljkovic Jenna Zhang Oswaldo Zometa-Fiores

Sophomores 101

Free at Last




Freshmen Corey Hoffman and Stephan Hahn enj oy long lunch on the freshman steps, at the center of the Breezeway.

For the first few days of school the freshman steps were deserted, although sophomores, juniors and seniors were found in their respective spots. But after a week or so, the freshman realized that it wouldn't take them ten minutes to get from one class to the next, and that's when they began to appear. The first order of business was to figure out where to sit. Freshman Erin Ezzyk commented, "I don't like how each grade has a designated area, because I have a lot of friends in other grades and it makes it hard to talk to them." Another freshman, Cameron White, had a different view. "I wasn't expecting different grades to have spots, but I can see why they do that," she said, "I think it's neat." Although they may have had different opinions regarding the grade separation, overall their opinions about breaks on the Breezeway were unanimous - it was definitely a positive improvement over middle schools. Emily Schwab

102 Yreshman




Hussam Abdelh alim

Ashley Abe l



Sarah Alfano Suleiman Alou l Carl Anderson Rachel Anderson Peter Andrews Robert Arbogast Katie Armstead Jerri Armstrong LauraAust JacobAzimi Savannah Bader Anthony Barcomb Matthew Bartley Gregory Bass Kri stin Beauchamp Erin Beech Kathleen Bernardino Lauren Berry


Christina Birckhead Griffin Bonham Molly Bossardt Corey Bosselman

Angelica Bourne Jeremy Bourne


Lindsay Bowennan Rachel Bowyer

Jon-Michael Breeden Amy Breen Megan Brower Andrea Brown Jone Brunelle

Anthony Bryant


Elaine Bryant Jacob Busofsky Jessica Cadwalader

Matthew Cantarano

' I

Dustin Carpenter Emily Carpenter Zachary Carpenter Stephanie Cashwell Adrian Castro Michael Cattley Jeffrey Centini Joseph Chaney

Courtney Chaplin


Chieh- Ya Chen Debby Chen Nak Choi Soon- Yong Choi Adam Clark Meghan Clark


Christopher Clement Daniel Coats Kev in Coats

Christopher Cockrell Adeline Coe Edward Cole All ison Coleman D'Arcy Collier Kathleen Collins Faeryn Corbin Cristina Cornell Sarah Cowan Kelly Cramer William Cranford III Christian Crawford Sophie Creutz Sydney Creutz . Ian Crist Kailah Critzer

Katherine Cutitta

Matthew Dal y Carol Oarran )effrey Davenjay Chantae Davis Maurice Davis David Delo Chandni Desai

Nicholas Desc henes Laura Dillon

Milan Dimic Fedrick Dontae Kathleen Dougherty Brian Draper

Brian Duffy Lenore Dukes Sarah Duncan

Mark Dyer Joshua Ehlers Jennifer Eisenhardt Andrew Elliott

Erin Ezzyk Emily Feldman Corbin Felker

Jresbman 103



Will walks confidently out into the breezeway.


Senior circle was reserved for seniors - that was the way it was, and for years underclassman learned to deal with that, or suffer the consequences. But, according to senior Ashley Quick, the class of 2006 were a little more confident than most incoming freshmen. "When I was a freshman, I was shy, and scared of the seniors, but this year's freshman all have attitudes," she said. "They're really cocky." There was at least one who knew her place. Freshman Becca Hantman said, "You're supposed to respect the seniors, just like we expected respect from the sixh graders last year. We need to show them some respect. " Senior Ashley left one last piece of advice for the freshman class. "You have to earn your respect, you don't just get it."



Emily Schwab

-I 104 Jresbman

Alexandra Ferber Dou glas Ferero Douglas Fife Timothy Fiore Charlie Fisher

Caitlyn Fitzgerald


Jasm ine Fletcher Christopher Flynn

Jan nell Frankli n Krystal Frazier Earnest Gaines III Christopher Gall agher

Krystal Garri son Natalie Gentry David George Kendall G ielow

Stuart Goetting Jonathan Goforth Stephen Gomez Meredith Good loe C harles Gower, Jr. Jack Graves

Stephanie Gray Stephen Hahn Sara Haider

Benjamin Hair Chrissy Hall

Ph illi p Hall Kenneth Hamilton

Ash ley Hamli n Heather Hamm

Rebecca Hantman

Katherine Harker Alorah Harman Michael Harmon

Brittney Harris Charles Hart Jermaine Hawk ins

Aust in Headrick Kyleen Heck Jonathan Hendrick son

Casey Henion Ch ri stopher Herri ng Danie lle Herring Tiffany H icks

Benjamin Hoc hstetler Andrew Hoffman Corey Hoffman Gerald Hoffman Geraldine Hoffman Tiffani Holmes Chri stopher Horton Yanda Houchens Christopher Howard Lauren Howe Mart in Hu ff And rew Hunter Christina Hwang Lindsay Irvine Jess ica Jacks Darrell Jackson Peter Jackson Katie Jarrell Nolan Jenk ins Shaq uana Jenkins Spencer Jewell Briuany John son Kell y Johnson Michae l John son Richard Joseph . Jr. Amber Joy ner Ahmadreza Karimianpour April Keeney Alexis Kennedy Emily Kent Michael Kerrigan Julie Kessler Peter King Ciera Kirby Dallas Kirby Julie Kittel Muluwork Klarman Victoria Koi s Jeremy Kuhn Mi lchell Lamb Jacob Langhorne Dav id Laprade Marcus Lauber Bradley Lavin Willi am Liebenrood Ill Juli an Lingle Jeremy Long Alexander Lucas Sarah Lutz Erin Lynch Matthew Lyon

Jreshm an 105

Sibling Rivalries

Junior A. J. Jackson and freshman Peter Jackson stand together outside and share a "brotherly conversation."

Most freshman came into the school year knowing a few high schoolers through sports and other activities, but those who had an older sibling had a definite advantage. It was common to see two brothers or sisters touching base around school, although not necessarily spending a lot of time with each other. "He's good for driving me around," said freshman Steven Walston of his older brother Jonathan. "He also helped to get me to know more people." There were some disadvantages, however, of having a big brother or sister around. Erin Ezzyk said, "I don't like having my brother here because it feels like there's always someone watching me." Cameron White agreed. "I feel like she's all up in my business," he said of his older sister, sophomore Courtney White. The advantages outweighed the disadvantages, though. Senior siblings could be talked into occassional rides home or bringing back something tasty from senior lunch. Best of all, they could provide invaluble coping advice don't walk in front of Ms. Holland's desk! Melissa Reilly

106 Jres.hman






Jeremy Mackey Kendall Madigan Genaya Mallo ry Rashad Mallory Meaghan Malloy Annabelle Mangan Chery l Mares Alexander Marshall

Domuni ck Marshall Kevin Marshall Lauren Marshall Daniel Martin

Matthew Martin Amanda Martinson Ju stin Mathews

Monica McComsey Anthony McDaniel Herman Mc Donald Chri stopher McGrath Richard McGraw Caitlin McKenna

Vai l McMillian Thomas Meert Latesha Megginson

Andrew Melton John Merrick Susan Metallo



lrving Miller Chri stopher M ill s Sara Molinaro Ryan Monroe C laire Moore Jessica Moore Joshua Moore Just in Moore Kendra Morris

Kimberly Morris


William Morris Terry Moubray Victor Munoz-Serna Catherine Muse

David Nave Lofton Neal

William Nealy Yun Ni Arin Nobl e Gregory Norris

Shorika Nowlin


John O'Brien Vero nica Olko Erin Palombi Elizabeth Parker John Parker Jays iv Patel Natasha Patterson Christopher Perkins Megan Perry Sarah Peters Jordan Petsche John Peniu



Anthony Phath Barclay Phillips Joshua Ph ipps Shawna Poole Richard Pon Cory Potter Debra Powell Caitlin Price Brandon Prince Jonathan Proffitt Hannah Quinn Sean Rai ney Gregory Record Kate Reeves Ingrid Rembold Ashley Rjce Alexander Rich Jenni fer Ridgeway Logan Ripley Alexandra Rizzo Lauren Roach Anne Roane Kalie Roberts Jacly n Rose Kathryn Rudd Abdul Saadut Ashley Sandridge Carmen Sandridge Sarah Santos Jasmine Sarp Andre Saunders Andrea Schnittka Jonathan Schrank M ichael Scott Sara Scott Evan Shafer

Yreshman 107

Freshmen on Varsity

Freshman Darell Jackson was on the JV football team, but was moved up to play wi th varsity for three games.

Usually, a few select freshman had the honor of being chosen for a varsity squad. These students had the opportunity to compete at the highest high school level, against opponents up to three years older than them. Competing with seniors could be somewhat intimidating, since the seniors were older and bigger, and more experienced. Most freshmen, though, used the opportunity to improve against the tough competition. Since they felt they needed to prove themselves, they made an extra effort was made to get better, which had to be better with the team as a whole. For freshmen such as Jon Hendrickson, it was a good experience. "It was fun hanging out with the older guys and girls," said Jon. "It made me feel important." There were usually some extra duties given to freshman, such as carrying ball bags or watercoolers for the team. Despite these tasks, freshman gained a lot out of the experience, and they were well prepared to play for the rest of their high school careers. Melissa Reilly 108 Jreshman


Buder Shageer Eli zabeth Shaver Betty She llito Patrick Shifflett Maggie Shipe Jonathan Sides Chase Si fford Sarah Smai les Allison Smit h Kenneth Smi th Kody Smi th Mary Smith Karuna Sookoo Gennan Sotelo-Bernal Elizabeth Spano Kri sten Spatz Jason Spell man Meli ssa Sprouse Cullen St C laire Parker Stan ley Kennan Stan ley-Bey Ash ley Stee le Robert Stchl Andrew Stewart Joel Strauss Lauren Sullivan James Swofford Ai leen Tabilas Clelie Taylor Jenn ifer Taylor Matthew Taylor Neil Taylo r Kai Terre ll lri sha Terry Isaiah Terry Shawna Terry Crystal Thacker Jessica Thacker Kendra Tharp Tracy Thomas Robert Thompson Ill Preston Thornburg Alonzo Thornton Alex Gregory Tillman Bryan Timberlake Elizabeth Taka Emily Tomko Allison Tornrose Christ ine Trona Robert Turner Rick ie Tyler Erika Uhlig Benjamin Van Denburg Stephanie Vargas Tancshia Vaughan Brittan y Veith Jesus Villa Christ in a Wade James Wade Whitney Wade Steven Wal ston Danielle Ward Michae l Wasu lko Tedd y Wavell Bonnie Wcathe rill Katelin Weisman Lorenzo Well s. Jr. Kayla Whee ler Caleb White Camero n White Curti s White Je ff Whi te


I '



·' I I

• ,.





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-·t\ -,"t-A

Brittany Whiting Benjamin Wiehl Chad William s Katrina Wi lson Megan Wi lson Monichel Wilson Christopher Winston Christopher Wood Jason Wood Robbie Wood Camilla Woodfolk Trey Woolford

J Graham Worth Aaron Wyant Po lina Yamshchikov Yi Ran Yao Bradley Yoder Vesna Zeljkovic Han Zhang

Yreshman 109 l

Mrs. Holland teaches Health and sponsors the club Males on a Mission. She also helps to plan the Black History Month events at AHS.


Mr. Borash works at his 1-Mac. Mr. Borash worked here as a substitue the previous year before accepting a permanent position as a Physics teacher.

ÂŁn~r~ is what keeps students awake

Math teacher and track coach Mr. Grady helps a student work throu gh an algebra problem on the board .

Anne Marie Adler Rebecca Aldred Sandra Allen Kim Aust Sherry Aylor

Susan Azad Ke lly Bain Mike Bannni ster Rachael Beasley Harriet Bell

110 Yacufly

When the doors to AHS opened back in 1953, there were more home economic teachers than there were English teachers. Many teachers taught more than one subject, but there weren't "stan dard" and "advanced" classes. In fact, eighth graders attended Albemarle. Needless to say, a lot changed in fifty years. In 2002-2003 there were more than 140 teachers, in addition to four principals and another 40 support staff. Home economics was replaced by Life Skills Management, and there was no Wood Shop or Auto Repair at AHS , although students could still take Me-

chan ica! Drawing (now done on the computer). Some things , however, did stay the same. There was still a dress code. As a student, attendance worker Mrs. Hair was not allowed to wear pants and fo r a part of her teaching time she was not allowed to wear pants. Pants and even blue jeans were acceptable attire for teachers in 2002-2003, and on "casual Friday" the staff often wore t-shirts as well . The administration drew the line at shorts, though , unless a field trip was in order. By Sarah Roddy

Tony Borash Beatrice Brown Melissa Brown Verona Browning Kathy Burg



Tracey Cardwell-Roberts Darryl Chalmers Rachel Collier Roberta Cook Fay Cunningham


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Marvin Curry Bi ll Dal y Kirista Davi s Leslie Dav is Di ane De La Pointe

Luke Divine Theresa Doherty Joanie Domer Julia Dyer Pearl Eways

Leah Fechtmann Judy Franco Allen Freeman John Garl and Melvin Grady

Ruth Greer Nancy Grim Sh a~o n Grimm Brenda Hai r Danna Hill

Bill Hinek Sue Holden Max ine Holl and Cindy Hooper Annette Hughes

Jacufly 111 j



Bernice Hutchins oreen Huthman Mary lnge Anita Jenki ns Jenni fe r John

Jeannie John son Larry John son Carl Jones Joyce Jones Lisa Kaufman

Carl Kiehn Rebecca Kirkland Linda Krag Doc Larrick Larry Laww ill

Therese Light Rich Lindsay Chris Love Carol yn Mack Jane MacMichae l

Jay MacMichael Marci Mason Greg May nard Meli ssa McBride Jo McKeown

Dedria Mill sap Dan Monahan Anni Morris Jennifer Morri s Gretchen Nyce

Bev Oti s Audrey Pace-Sprouse Shirley Palmer-Rice Don Parks Sharon Porter

112 Jacufly


' Ms. Cunningham Room 41, Drama

Mr. Lindsay Room 141, World History

c~~~~~t c~~~~r~~ro~ are where students like to be In a fifty-year-old school, could classrooms be considered cool? An informal survey of the student body determined that Doc Larrick, Mr. Lindsay, Ms. Cunningham, Mr. Foss, and Ms. lnge had the rooms that students enjoyed the most. According to nineth grader Stephanie Cashwell, "Ms. Cunningham has the coolest room because it has the mini stage in it." Catherine Muse added, "It's got a bunch of weird things in it." When it came to Mr. Foss's room, Ash Rice liked it because "he has a lot of lab equipment,"but Alexis Kennedy really liked "the ice picks next to his desk." Ms. lnge's room was one that everybody liked because, "it's all about food," explained Amber Brownlee. by Michelle Cooper

In Room 160, Ms. Inge's room, students Richard Mowery, Ryan Kirby, and Cherelle Davis learn to cook their favorite foods and more.

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Doc Larrick Room 124, Latin and Greek





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Mr. Foss Room 266, Earth Science

Jacufly 113

Mr. Moore opened the school in 1953 and left the following year.

Mr. Hurt was Albemarle's principal for 31 yers.

Mr. Hu rt

Mr. Moore

4 principals in 50 years Over fifty years many administrators, teachers , and staff came through AHS . It was a different story when it came to the principals at AHS. Since the school's opening in 1953. AHS only has had four men serve as Principals. These men were Mr. Moore who opened the school in 1953 and left the following year, Mr. Hurt, who started in 1954 and stayed unti11985. Mr. Raines , took over the job in 1986 and remained here until1995 when he chose Mr. Lawill to replace him , and is our current principal. Mr. Raines , the most well known pricncipal in AHS history, only planned to stay at AHS for five years , but in the

end he up staying for eleven. So, why was it that he stayed so much longer than he had orginally planned on? "I always enjoyed the student body," explained Mr. Raines . "It was a great mixture of people and just a great group of students. I always tried to go to al l the sporting events to interact with the students ." Raines went on to explain that during his years at AHS , he sent about 80% of the graduating seniors to college. He tried to stay involved and interact with the students while he was principal.

Ms. Sue Hughes began working at Albemarle in 1976 as an English teacher, yet currently she is the AHS Attendance Officer.

Kate Marrs

Mr. William Raines served from 1986 until 1995.

Mr. Larry Lawwill took over for Mr. Raines in 1995 and is our current principal.

Mr. Raines

114 Jacufly

Mr. Lawwill

Rick Ramey Lori Reaser Nick Redmund Dawn Rich Roberta Cook



Debbie Schamp Charles Scott Diallo Sessoms Janene Shearburn Maury Shepherd

Charlotte Shiflett Sherry Snyder Ms. Sohn Cat Stanley Raynell Stokes

Joann Stoner Le igh Surdukowski Jennifer Terada Nina Thacker Ted Thill

Greg Thomas James Thurston Ruth Trice John Trippel Teresa Tyler

Mary-Elizabeth Uia Sandra Yolkstorf Marianne Walendowski Patty Walls Lance Weisend

Richard Wharam John Wheeler Meli ssa Wilson




You were told you oug£1 to study for that science test or else you might fail. You felt like it was your duly to acheive in school work, yet the stresses of the year of academics continued on. You knew you oug£1 to work harder for those midterm exams, yet the excitement of the season's snow and the anticipation of the weekend made you feel like your actual duly was to talk with your friends about the upcoming events. You oug£1 to have paid more attention in class that one day of review, yet the outcome of your choice made you realize that you should have participated in your dul1es as a student more. As the year came to a close, your realizations of what you oug£1 to have done and the dul1es that you faced will remained with you for the entire school year.

116 Jlcademics

Yo/cling their papers into Christmas cards, Senior Mike BLAH and junior BLAH BLAH concentrate hard on their work. Several classes participated in holiday and other various room celebrations throughout the year.

r51udenls Tiffany Proctor, Beth Woodworth, Kristy Taylor, and Martha Perry gather around new teacher Mr. Borash's desk to ask for assisstance on a Physics problem. Mr. Borash is one of over a dozen new teachers and staff to Albemarle this year.

Wh.tle learning the basic l




photography skills in class, senior Randy Branch examines his camera during the first week of school. Photography I and II are offered at Albemarle, in which students.have the opportunity to learn basic camera functions, use simple photographic equipment, and develop and print their own pictures.

7Jiuider l


Guidance counselors Mr. Monahan and Ms. Davis look over some papers as Ms. Eways takes a phone call. Ms. Brown helps direct a parent on the first da y of school.

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Allen Freeman, head of the gifted program, works at his computer on one of his many informative emails.

118 7/cademics




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Administra tive intern Mrs. McBride assists a student w ith her schedule at the attenda nce window on th e first day of school.

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the people behind the scenes When someone asked who the important staff members of the school were, usually the principals and teachers were listed off first. There were the unsung heroes without whom the school could not function, including everyone from secretaries, and attendance workers, to the cafeteria workers and school psychologist. Their work was vital to the every day tasks that took place outside the classrooms. Making up the behind-the-scenes faculty were people such as Mr. Freeman, new head of the gifted program, and librarians Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Greer, and Mrs. Bloom. Ms. Hair and Mrs. Key manned the attendance office. "I try to take care of all the students and make sure that they are where they are supposed to be," said Mrs. Hair. She was the one who checked on absences and sign-outs and sign-ins. There were many other individuals who were less familiar to students, but definitely not less appreciated. Mrs. Bloom works on th e computer in the library as Mrs. Kirkland looks on. Ms. Bloom is known as the media cen ter's " technology expert." She has the best luck with electronic equipment.

Melissa Reilly and Emily Schwab

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1967 /


Richard Lee and Stephanie Simmons look over their Shakespeare projects for Mrs. Aust's senior English class.

Core-riculum is at the center of everyone's plan At the end of summer students got what they had been dreading all summer long, their schedules. With ninety minute classes from algebra to French, not only were Albemarle students going to have homework, but some of the classes that they had to take might not have been their favorites. With busy schedules outside of school, sports or jobs, you might have wondered how they got homework done. "I think that my junior year so far is the hardest, because there's more essays and reports to write but I organize my time and make sure that I give myself enough time to get all my homework done," said junior Candice Shaver. There were some rewards for the students and their favorite classes or teachers. "My favorite teacher is Mr. Foss because he isn't so caught up in the rules. He is so much fun and relaxed but you learn a ton! He's the best!" stated sophomore Mackenzie Grobmyer. Senior Kristi Taylor's favorite teacher was Mrs. Brown because, "We didn't have to just sit and take notes all the time, we actually learned stuff that had to deal with real life. You can talk to her about anything, and joke around without getting in trouble," she stated. "History is my favorite subject because I enjoy learning about my history," said freshman Chris Perkins. At the end of the year, SOL's and exams were taken. Most students were hoping to be exempt from exams, although it was mandatory for the underclassmen to take the SOL's. In the end they did it all, and were rewarded with another summer of relaxation before the grind began again. Shana Thompson "The work is easy for m e, and Mr. Grady makes it fun," states freshman Trey Woolford during Mr. Grady's fourth period class.

120 Jlcademics


During Mr. Barash's fourth period class, students get to experience a ride on the hover craft.


Freshman Arin Noble displays a diarama on her independent book for Mrs. Surcheck's ninth grade honors English.






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Sophomore Daniel Morris helps Mr. Chalmers take suppl ies to class during fourth period.

Core Classes 121

i I

Doc Larrick's Latin IV class serenades the cafeteria w ith Christmas carols in Latin . This ha s been a tradition for the past years at Albemarle. Many of the foreign langu age classes learn fam ous holid ay songs translating them from English to a different langu age.

Senor Mack u ses his puppets to give the class a nontaditional quiz. This is a way for students to interact with what they are learning instead of just fillin g out a scantron.

Senora Hooper grad es papers during her planning period in her classroom . Madam e Porter helps Michael Kuhn w hile Caym en Mooney w orks on an assignment in French V, w hich is an ad vanced placem ent class.

122 :.7/cademics


tion lt-



Chao! Communication is key

Sen or Redmond h elps soph omores Jennifer Caraway, and Mackenzie Grobmyer on their homework assignment during class.

Foreign language was an important part of many students' lives. It took a lot of practice and focus to become good at speaking and writing a foreign language. A good teacher was a necessity. There were five Spanish teachers, Senor Mack, Senor Redmond, Senora Taft, Senora Hooper, and Senora Via; one Latin teacher, Doctor Larrick; one German teacher, Frau Trice; and two French teachers, Madame De La Pointe, and Madame Porter. Senora Hooper said that "foreign language could help a student in the future because it makes you well rounded, and some jobs require it." Sophomore Sarah Roddy agreed. "Foreign language can help me in the future because people speak more than just English in the United States." Knowing a foreign language well can help you in the future, whether it be in your job or in travels to another country." Leslie Mimms

Yorerjn Bansuase


Practicing a new hair style, senior Jatonia Ed wards, uses a her manniquin before she tried it on herself or other people. Cosmotology is a popular class taken by stud ents at Albemarle.

Senior Shawn Raines looks on as senior Ben Chandler makes su re that the wood is p roperly in place.


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Working hard on their business project, juniors Lecky Stone and Drew Smythers, prepair for their fou rth period marketing class.

124 7/cadem/cs

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2003 Building a brick wall, junior Travis Tate, learns the skill of m asonry . Construction cou rses are offered through CATEC for students that are interested in the field of carpentry and o ther building trades.

Career is a word that prepares students for the future Students began preparing for their future as soon as they entered high school. In their mentor groups, ninth and thenth graders discussed goals and career choices. Juniors and seniors got more serious planning for college and their future jobs. Students could choose elective classes or clubs in their area of interest, from a sports marketing class to Vocation al Clubs such as the Future Business Leaders of America or the Technology Students Association. Going to CATEC was another option students had. There, studentsshared classes with other high schools in automotive technology, construction, health science, culinary arts, and information technology programs. They got practical experince as well; the culinary arts program served the Democratic Party in the 5th Congressional District while the assistant nurses learn how to take vital signs of patients. The construction classes built a complete house on the CATEC ground, later to be moved to a lot for sale to a family. Candice Shaver

'if.aclica!Jlrls 125


Busy at their knitting, this craft class finishes up one of their many projects of the year. Students in any grade can take this art class.

Freshman Debbie Chen and her fellow classmates work on their craft project. There is a wide variety of art classes at Albemarle and Multimedia crafts is a popular one for students to participate in.


Juniors Brooke Vanderlinde and Jennifer Cross work hard to complete their projects in their art class.

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126 7/cadem.t'cs

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2003 Juniors Melissa H oward, Jennifer Houchens, and Jessica Lee ga ther around a group of pictures taken by photography students. Many students chose photogra py as their crea tive outlet, but only juniors and seniors may take the cou rse.

is what draws students to fine arts The first day of the second semester was recommendation day, when students got teachers to sign their recommendation forms for next year's classes. There were many elective choices, including fine arts such as choir, band, and drama or art, which also included photography, ceramics, and stained glass. Art was not only a easy way to show off their creative talents, but it was an escape from a day filled with note-taking core classes. Journalism, yearbook and broadcast also fell under the category for fine arts. What was it that directed these kids to art? "I have always enjoyed drawing so when I came to AHS I decided to give the art program a try and I really enjoyed it. I did not take art classes untill I came here my freshman year," explained Lauren Dueweke. As a senior, Lauren was the secretary of the National Art Honor Society. Even more than some core classes, fine arts classes provided students with skills that they could take art with them out of high school. "Art is used in many jobs. Just about every job there has something you can connect to some sort of art, whether it be drawing or photogaphy," noted Dueweke. Kate Marrs :?raclicaf:Jirls 127

During a marching band half time show, sophmore Katie Brown and freshman Cameron White groove to the bea t in the d rum solo in one of their four songs. Sophmore Becca Stewart points out a part that senior Caitlin Smith needs to work on during pep band rehearsal for the Miracle Worker.

The Albemarle High School marching band marches proudly down the field to prepare for the pre-game show during a football game.

128 7/cademics



Junior Vanessa Miller and freshman Amy Breen play the bells part to "Can' t Take My Eyes Off of You" during the half time show of the Homecoming game.

Rh is a word of unity Down on the baseball field in the blazing sun two weeks before school started, you could see just how dedicated the Albemarle High School Marching Patriots really were. From three o'clock in the afternoon until ten at night, the marching band was practicing their music and drill in preparation for football half time shows and competitions before school had even started. Even once school started, they showed their dedication by getting up at the crack of dawn almost every morning and staying after school a few times a week. But all the hard work eventually paid off!! The marching band traveled across the state, from Richmond for the state fair parade to Danville, from here in their own town to Staunton. Drum majors Bobby Gregg, Ashley Worrell, and Darrell McBride led the Patriots to several superiors at these many competitions. Director Greg Thomas says there couldn' t have been a better year. They even received a superior at States which qualified them to be a State Honor Band, which they have been for the past two years, and after the Wind Ensemble earned a superior at Festival, they became a State Honor Band. In the state, there are usually only about 34 high school bands w ho become an honor band, so it is a high achievement for them to earn it for the third time in a row. Sophomore Joey Gruss and freshm an Robby Thompson hold the AHS ba nner while the rest of the band warms up in preparation for the state fa ir parade which they participated in this year for the first time.

By Vanessa Miller




Bass sophmore Sh ea Green and freshman Kendell Gielow and the freshman mixed choir perform after the women's ensembl e.

00-REis just the start for choir members Eight seperate groups made up the choir program. The fall and winter performances were held on two evenings, with the regular choir and Patriot Singers the first night and Vocal Ascension, Beginning Choir and Women's Choir on the second night in the fall. For the winter concert, Monday was "Girls' Night Out/' and Tuesday featured the mixed and men's groups. In October, members tried out for the district choir. They traveled to Fork Union Military Academy on a Saturday, where they performed individually into a microphone for hidden judges. Fifty-two students were selected for the district choir. December found choir members singing in local nursing homes to lift the spirits of many elderly residents. The Patriot Singers also sang at the English Inn for a political convention and teacher fraternity, and the beginning choir and women's ensemble gave an outdoor holiday performance on the downtown mall. Bad weather in February caused the district choir to be moved from February 7th to the 14th, which conflicted with Albemarle's Valentine's Day celebrations. Several choir members decided to pass up the district choir, held at Charlottesville High Schoot in favor of participating in the singing at school. Nevertheless, Albemarle was well represented and eight choir members were selected for the state choir. They gave their performance on Friday afternoon instead of Saturday since more bad weather was on the way. Even with only one day to prepare, the district choirs gave an excellent performance. Jamie Digiacomo 130 Ylcademics

Senior Jessie Mccury sings the them e song from "A Walk to Remember" during the fall concert.

Singing holiday songs at the downtow n mall, Dawn Morris and Jennifer H ansen perform a duet during the holid ay season. Sean Nicholsen checks out his part in the district mixed choir. Their concert was pushed ahead to Frida y afterno on since snow was falling and more was expected to arrive on Saturday, giving the students only one day to prepare.

Freshman choir director student LaDawm Morris find s her spot in the music for the next selection.


Mrs. Jennifer Morris, in her thirteenth year as choral director, introduces the men's ensemble at the fall concert. The concert was held over two nights to accommodate all of the choir groups.

G.hoir 131

Annie Sullivan (senior Devan Stahl) and Helen' s understudy (freshmen Elizabeth Spano) are in the room where Annie is helping Helen learn how to make facial expressions for feeling happy, sad, or angry.

Annie Sullivan, (senior Devan Stahl}, is locked in her room by Helen Keller, (senior Megan Cruise), so Captain Keller (freshman Chris Perkins) and James Keller, (junior Adam Miller) help her to get out of the room by getting a ladder and pulling her out of the window.

Senior Holly Hanks, Mrs. Keller, and senior Erin Degnan are in the living room talking about Helen Keller's life.

132 Jlcademics


2003 Annie Sullivan (senior Devan Stahl), and Helen Keller (senior Megan Cruise) are sitting in their room w hile Annie opens her suitcase and H elen takes the d oll by fee ling wh at's inside the suitcase.

Action from school plays to Broadway The Albemarle Players chose "The Miracle Worker" as their fall production. It was based on a true story about Helen Keller, a girl who was deaf, mute, and blind and the movie "The Miracle Worker," which won an Academy award in 1962. The entire school was involved, as several English classes read the play or excerpts from it, and enjoyed a preview assembly in which several scenes were presented. In the story, Anne Sullivan, who was played by Devan Stahl, helped Helen Keller, played by Megan Cruise, to learn to communicate with the use of sign language and facial expressions. Helen's father Captain Keller, played by freshman Chris Perkins, was protective over Helen and gave in to her every need, which made Ms. Sullivan's job much harder since she had to be the one to discipline Helen. Ms. Sullivan struggled to help Helen learn how to communicate, and had to take Helen by off herself. Finally, Helen learned to sign "water." Director and drama teacher Ms. Cunningham put forth a lot of effort to prepare the school and the cast for this event. In addition to the preview assembly, the evening performances and Sunday matinee, the Albemarle Players took the play to competitions. Jeanette Nguyen Captain Keller, played by freshmen Chris Perkins, H elen Keller, played by senior Meghan Cruise, James Ke ller, junior Ad am Miller, Annie Su lliva n, senior Devan Stahl, and Mrs. Keller, senior Holly H anks, sit at the dinner table making a conversation w hil e H elen Keller walks around grabbing food from everybod y's plate.

7Jrama 133


c5en/or Nick Morris

pins one of the best players from Brooke Point at their first home match of 2003.


Whether it was the start of something new or saying good-bye to something great, athletes for the Albemarle Patriots this season showed their true colors day in and day out. From the long practices, games, tournaments and 1

injuries, the Patriots toughed it out for the 2002-2003 season. It was obvious that these players were fixated on achieving nothing less than perfection. Some of these teams achieved district championships, regional titles, and a select few accomplished the ultimate goal, making it to states. Even if every team didn't receive a medal, they all came away with much more, the satisfaction that they knew they put forth their greatest effort. 134 Sports



Yf.epariny to hike the ball to sophomore R.J Archer, the varsity quarterback, the center sets the ball up.

G..heeriny for the Varsity team as they enter the gymnasium for their Stafford home game, the JV girls basketball team gives a warm welcome to their upperclass teammates.

l l




c5enior Rachel Hanley gets low to bump the ball over the net. Rachel was a tri-captain on the Varsity volleyball team. She has been on the Varsity level for all four years of her high school career.


Sports 135

1976 Senior Ti m Doyle and sophomores Blake Shifflett and R.J . Archer get in stance for the snap. The offense for A lbemarle was able to put points on the board in every game throughout the season.



Seni ors Michael Terry, Steven Martin , Ross Bolden, and Drew Atchinson make the ir entrance at the fall pep rall y, where the varsity foo tball team was introduced .

Senior Matt Wood run s a play in the second half of the co mpe ti tive ga me aga in st W es te rn Al bemarle . Thi s the year the se niors contributed to the team , es peci ally during games aga in st local ri vals.

Varsity Football Us-Them

Fluva nn a ....................... 20 Monticell o .. .. .......... ...... 27 Western Albema rle .... .. . 27 Cha rlottesville .. ............. 12 E.C. Glass ..... ... ....... .. .... 27 North Stafford ..... .. .. .. .... 25 Stafford ........ ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 9 Co lonia l Forge .... ... ......... 7 Brooke Point.. .. ... ... ...... .. . 7 Cu lpeper .. ...... .. .. .. .. ....... 27

15 3I 20 23 26 20 41 30 26 17

Soph~more R.J . Archer releases a throw in the Monti cello game. A lbemarle captured a win aga inst Monticell o with a score of3 1-27 .

136 Sports

Junior Jonathan Walston dodges past hi s opponent in an intense game for the Patriots . Over the course of the season, Walston ru shed for over 1000 yards .

Team chemistry is key to success The va rsity football team hit the ground ru nnin g in the 2002 season by overpoweri ng lon g-time loca l rival Fluvanna . Th eir success was due in part to team chem istry, whi ch was better than it had been in the past severa l years , according to Coach Vrh ovac. "We have more team players tha n individua ls," he said . Defensive tight end Kevin Mosley agreed that th e team chemi stry was great. " because everybody has played together since fres hm an year. " Kevin predicted that the seaso n wou ld go well if they kept playing as a team. Coac h Vrh ovac 's motivation was that football required everyo ne. on every play, to work together. " I love that. " he said. " It is also a true blend of our soc iety. Not everyo ne is th e best -lookin g athl ete physically; some are ta ll . some are short. so me run fast. and others are strong." He sai d that th e team worked hard . they had good perso nalities. and they mixed well together. While the team conq uered Western Albemarle and managed close victories over Glass and Stafford , they were disappointed over a mid-season slump , losing to northern district rivals Stafford , Colonial Forge and Brooke Point. Th e highlight of the seaso n. though , had to be their

final game. Albemarle had never beaten Culpeper. a team known for its toughness and strong base of support. Senior Matt Wood said . " My final seaso n playi ng for Albemarle was a positive one. My favorite momen t was wi nning out last ga me agai nst Cu lpepe r. The score was 27 -I 7. " Several JV players moved up for the fina l games and even saw some playi ng time , and Coach Vrhovac looked forward to future resu lts whi ch would better reflect th e quality of the team. The team was led by seniors Drew Atchi son . Ross Bolden and Steven Martin . Ross said ," Being a captain was a great ac hi evement for me. I felt that Drew , Steven. and myself served as good leaders for the team ." Fun was an important part of the seaso n for th e coac h and th e players. Coach Vrhovac sa id that th e team was extremely fun to work with. He said , "Th ey are so respons ive to suggestions that I give th em and they are willing to learn. That quality does n't dome along every yea r. It is sad th at the seaso n is over and I wil l miss the senio rs leaving next yea r."

Leslie Mimms

TO Row I : K. Mosely, J. Walston, S . Martin , R. Bolden,D. Atchinson, Coach Vrhovac, 1. Briggs , J . Lockley Ro w 2: D. Hard y, E. Bye rs , J . Bush, A.Dudley, M. Wi lson , M. McKabe, D. Hagga rd , P. Moneymaker, B. Norford , K. Morri s, B. Shiflett Row 3:Coach Wil son, Coach Chaney, Coach Wil son, B. Was hington, Z. Vrhovac , B. Love, Coach Drumheller, Coach Brackston, Coach Hepler, Coach Jordan Row 4: J . Reey , J . Johnson,T . Wilson, M. Wood , C. Jackson, R. Alley , J. Gi bson , R . Arc her, A. John son, G . Hu rst, E. Tyler Row 5: J . Micheche , M. Gi bson, C. Sulli va n, D. Murray , D. McGee , M. Terry, C. Woodfo lk , R. Woodfo lk, J. Dunu , C. Bankard , N . Morris Row 6: A .Lambert , R . Mowrey, S . Douglass, B. Jamerson, T . Doyle, A . Hall , J . Price , J . Fitzgerald , M. Coltrane , B. Mathe rn .

Coach Hepler gives seni or Chad Woodfolk po inters on a pl ay du ring halftime.

Va rsity Football


SEAN RAINY Freshman Sean Rainy blocks Charlottesville's player from receiving the ball.

Freshman Chad Williams gets in stance for the following a play .


According to Chris Gallagher. one of the goals of the freshman football team was to play like a family. For their first game the team succeeded . playing like a team and working together. They came out with a decisive 36 to zero victory against the E. C. Glass Hilltoppers. They next played two games against local rivals Charlottesville. After losing the first they were motivated to get revenge on the Knights. Accomplishing their goal . they finished the game with a decisive 14-6 victory. The strengths of the team we re their big defensive linesmen and good team chemistry. Although they we re sometimes at a disadvantage against teams from bigger AAA schools. the team gave their best effort and ended the shortened season with a 2-2 record.


Nikki Weisman

0 ...

Albemarle's Earnest Gaines collides with hi s Charlottesv ille rival in a hotl y contested cross town game .

Hoi We

Row 1: K. McDaniel , D. Fife, J. Barbour,G. Steljis, S. O'Dea, G. Hoffman, K . Wimmer. Row 2: M . Martin , C. White , H . Cole , C. Shifflett , B . Bunch , L. Well s, W. Huff. Row 3: Coach Steljis , D. Coats, J. Merrick , C. Williams, E. Gaines, S. Lawson, Coach Hopkin s, Coach 0 ' Dea. Row 4: C. Byers, G. Record , P. Cahalen , D. Degnan , B. Lavin , A. Elliot, N. Jenkins, K. Coats. Row 5: G. Bass, B. Hochesetler, A . McDaniel, B. Yoder, S. Rainy, C. Wood , C . Bossleman , C. Gallagher.

Ro• R. J Ro• Wi J. ~ Ma

Freshman Football Us-Them

E.C. Glass ...... ......... ...... .. ........ .. ..... .... ...... ........ o 32 CHS ................ ....................... .. ... .. ........ .. ...... 28 6 CHS .......................... .. .. .... ... .... ... .. ..... ... .. ...... 14 6 North Stafford ...... .............. .. ....... ... .... ............. 8 14 North Stafford .... .. ..... .. .. ..... ...... ..... .... .. .. .... Canceled Stafford ...... ............... ..... ... .......... .............. Canceled Colonial Forge ...... ..... ....... .... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... Canceled Brooke Point ........ .. ............ ...... .... .... .......... Canceled Culpeper .............. .. .... ....... ... ... .. ..... ..... ....... Canceled

138 Freshman Football



ANTHONY jENKINS Dodging a Western defender, sophomore Anthony Jenkins runs the ball toward the end-zone for a touchdown .

Sophomore Eric Robertson punts the ball to the opposing team.


Starting the season off winning three games straight, the JV team wo rked hard to keep it that way. " I think we will do well this yea r if everyone does their job like they have been doing," sai d quickend Chad jackson. "We need to limit the amount of mi stakes that we make. " After a 23-0 defeat over rival Monticello the team was motivated to work hard and do well , but injuries and other circumstances limited them throughout the remainder of the season. The team , led by captains David Argaud , joey Harris , and Allen Shifflet, continued to practice and wo rk hard , and finished the seaso n with a 3- 3 record although hal f their games were canceled. Several strong playe rs emerged as good va rsity prospects for next season.


Nikki Weisman


Holding onto the ball , sophomore Joey Harris gets tackled by mu ltiple players from the Western tea m.

G JV Football Us-Them

Fluva nna ..... .... ......... .... ... ... ..... ..... ..... ............. 41 12 Monticello ....... ....... ........... .... ..... ..... ........ .. .... 23 0 W AHS ..................... .... ..... .......... ..... ............. 32 22 E.C. Gla ss ....... .... .... ... .. ... ... .......... ..... .............. . 6 22 'North Stafford .... ...... .. ... ... ...... ..... .............. Canceled Stafford ..... ........... ......... .... .... ... ...... ...... ..... Canceled Colonial Forge ...... ..... ....... ... .. ..... ... .. .......... Canceled Brooke Point .............. ..... ..... ... .... ... ..... ....... Canceled Culpeper .................. .... .. .. ........ .......... .... .... Canceled Row Jach :h 0' <ins, j , C.


Row I: M. Dav is, P. Johnston, D. Arguad , S . Robbins , H. Abdelhalim , J. O'Grady . Row 2: R. Jarrell , N. Hintz , K . Snow , N . Lyon , M. Woodworth , L. Martin , D. Wagner, D. Wootten . Row 3: Coach Wilson , A. Shifflet , N. Marcum , T. Batten , S. Boyd , A. Jenkins , Coach Wil son , Coach Braxton. Row 4: J. Kuper, M . Strickland , C. Gower, E. Priamo, R. Dalton , J. Harri s, C. Dilbeck , D. Jackson, J. Steljis. Row 5: B ,. Bishop, C. Jackson, D. Mart in , S. Martin, E. Robertson, N. Taylor, P. Martin , A . Oli ver.

JV Football 139

1979 Macie Jenkin s, Rachel Evers , and Ashl ey Elder take their places for a serve receive.


RACHEL HANLEY Senior Rachel Hanley comes up fora vicious hit. Rachel was a part of the vars ity team for all fo ur years of her high school career.

"Being a senior this year made me play with a whole new att itude . I had to reali ze th at every practice and every game were my last times playing with these girls, and on thi s court. You want to make every moment speci al."


Volleyball Us-Them Grace Christian .............. ... Mills Godwin ................. .. . Ho ly Cross Robinson ....................... .. . Franklin County. Forest Park ..................... ... Woodbridge Gar-Field Brooke Point Stafford. North Stafford ................ . Cu lpeper ....................... .. Midlothian Patrick Henry ................ . Colonial Forge .. Brooke Point ................ .. Stafford Culpeper ..................... ... Co lon ia l Forge .............. ..

140 Varsity Volleybal l

.......... 3 2 .. 0 3 .......... 3 0 . ......... 3 I

... ....... 3 0 I 3 ... 3 0

........... 3 0 ......... 3

. .. ........ 3 .. 3 ....... 3 .3 .3 . ........... 3 ............ 3 ............ 3 .3 .. 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Starters Cori Koenig, Allie Wright, Lauren Beckman, Rachel Hanley and Ashleigh Quick raise arms together to prepare for the game.

Junior Lauren Beckman celebrates after stuffi ng her opponent with a good block. Later on in the season Lauren went on to break the record of blocks.

A challenge to the competition In order to get as far as they did , Albemarle had to step up and play with the "umph" that the school was well known for. Although they had several young players, the team quickly bonded after the traditional preseason sleepover. With only five seniors, captains Ashleigh Quick, Rachel Bodily and Rachel Hanley were always on top of their game and helped keep spirits high . Always very competitive on the court, the team was up to the challenge posed by the other Lady Pats . During "Challenge Week " they proved " Most Spirited " over al l the other girls fall sports .

Everybody was grateful for setter Allie Wright, who transferred to Albemarle from Chicago , Illino is. Her tremendous drive brought a lot to the team . Even though she was only able to join the team for one season she was a tremendous asset. Coach Nyce, new to the Mathematics staff, was another new addition to the Albemarle Volleyball program . She assisted Mark Ragland and her energy was greatly appreciated throughout the season . Coach Ragland himself posted his 300th career win with the team 's victory over Holy Cross early in the season . The Patriots took their usual district win , and in the regional quarter-finals they went on to beat Hylton for the first time ever. After this accomplishment, they went on to play in the regional semi-finals against Osbourne Park, where they were defeated 2-3 . Sara Bowles



Row 1: Coach Ragland , R. Hanley , R. Bodily , A. Wright , A. Quick , C. Koeing , Coach Nyce Row 2: S. Bowles , A. Elder , M . Jenkins , R. Evers, M. Cooper , L. Beckman , A. Mextorf.

So phomore Rache l Evers concentrates on her serve. Rachel set the si ngle season service record .

Va rsity Volleyba ll 141

1979 Senior Brittany Walther manages to carry the ball down the field successfully in the intense game agai nst Culpeper. Even though her defender is close behind, Brittany dodges her opponent.


JENNIFER SHIPP "I have always loved playing field hockey. I also play basketball and lacrosse, but I enjoy field hockey the most."

"Being captain this year was a learning experience for me. I was able to connect with my teammates and be a leader at the same time ."


Field Hockey Us-Them Western Albemarle Charlottesville ................ . Annandale .. Lafayette ' .. ' ....... ....• Trinity ................ .... Stafford ........... ...... Monticello .. North Stafford Culpeper ·········· ··· ··· Colonial Forge .. Stafford ................ .. North Stafford Culpeper Brooke Point Culpeper Stafford ······· ········ ···· Woodbridge

142 Sports

........ I


. ...... 6

0 2

....... I ........ 5

........ 0 ....... 0 ...... 2 .. 3 .0 ...... 2 ...... 2 ....... 3 ....... I ····· · 5 ....... I

...... 0 .... I


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I 2 0 I 0 2 0

During the game against Cu lpeper, Lindsay Davis maneuvers past her defender successfully .

Seniors Ashley Suit and Lauren Neese celebrate. Ashley scored the tying goal in a 2- 1 win over Culpeper.

With unity, strength, and determination "We going to States! We wa nt to finish number one." said junior Megan Sadtler at the beginning of the va rsity field hockey team 's 2002 campaign . Senior Lindsay Davis echoed her confidence. saying " Having seven seniors [who] are field players is a huge asset. " "We've brought up so me younger players that have added a lot of strength to the team ." sa id Coach Lindsay. "a nd we're working on bonding as a team. " "We do activities on and off the field ." sa id senior Brittany Walther. " Bonding stuff- overnights . breakfasts. dinners. and practically everything. " After th eir first few games. co-captain Lauren Neese still sounded cautious. "Our team as a whole is very young and has some lea rning to do. We had a ro cky sta rt in the beginning of the season . but we are stil l worki ng very hard. Our record hasn't reflected how we've played... Coach Lindsay was n't worried . howeve r. " I thin k we' re having a good season. " she said. "We're building as a tea m with each game and working towards being the strongest tea m we can be by the district tournament. "

Although both of the two new goalies needed some experience at the va rsity level. they adjusted nicely as the season progressed. One of the defense's most prominent players was senio r jenn ifer Martinel li. who had many recove rs of the ball in sticky situation s. Lindsay was rewarded with the strong play she expected at the end of the season . Senior Brittany Walther had commented . " Playing against Stafford will be one of our most important games. We hope to beat them again. Unfortunately we lost 0-1 earlier in the season ." In an exciting hom e co ntest. j en Shipp scored a seco nd goal to clinch that victory. jen was later named the Central Virginia Player of the Year. Su rpass ing the accomplishments of previous years . the team made it all the way to state quarterfinals . where they lost to Winston with a score of 1-2. The legacy they left for upcoming field hockey players included true dedication and heart. achieved through close relationships between the players on and off the field. Molly Waddell

0 GERow I: L. Dav is, J . Shipp , L. Neese , J. Martinell i. Row 2: A. Walther , A. Suit , B. Walther, C. Remington, A. Martin Row 3:S. Zaenker, G. Espos ito , M . Sadtler, M. Murray , S. Collier, J. Lane. Row 4: Coach Holeser, L. Petitt C . Barlow , A. Boateng, B. Vander! in , J . DeGraff, Coach Lindsay.

Senior Courtney Rem in gton , and juniors Megan Sad tier and Gia Esposito laugh about their wacky floral print outfits. Field hockey, along other the other girls' fall sports, competed in a Spiri t Challenge Week.

Varsity Field Hockey 143

ANNABELLE MANGAN ELEANORE GLASSBERG Freshman Annabelle Mangan passes to sophomore Eleanore Glassberg while beatin g out defenders.

Freshman goa lie Lauren Howe concentrates on the game watching for the ball to come up the field .


The JV field hockey team ended their summer early to participate in practice on the ea rl y hot days of August. The team had many new members joining their team from Jouett. Sutherl and. Burley. and other surrounding middle schools. The team contained seven returning sophomores and many new inexperienced freshman. Throughout the season the freshman players advanced in their stick skills and rea lly showed the ir determination and athleticism . Th e returning players had improved tremendously from last yea r and helped bring together the team with their leadership and hockey abilities. Th e field hockey team was led by capta ins Casey Shupe and Bethany London. In the beginning of the season the team had a weak defense which greatly improved. The players became very aggressive and stron g whic h made it difficult for the oppos ing team to get by. Captain Casey Shupe said . "Our record did not demonstrate what our team was capable of. or the improvements we made during the season ." Joanna Spigone


Captains Bethany London and Casey Shupe li sten to the referee 's instructions before the star of the game.

Field Hockey Us-Them

Western Albemarle .......................... 3 Charlottesville ............. ......... .... ......... 3 Sta fford ............................................ 3

2 2 3

Monticello ······· ···- ······ ······ ···· ··· ···· ·· ···· 3 North Stafford ....... .... ...... .... ... ... ....... 0 Culpeper ....... ........... ......... ... ... .... ..... . 0 Colonial Forge .... ....... ..... ..... ....... .... .. 0 Brooke Point. . ........................ 0 Stafford ... ...... .... ...... ... .. .... ...... .. .. ...... 0 North Stafford ........ ... ............ ......... .. 0 Culpeper ...... .. ....... .... ..... ... ... ........ .. ... 0 Colonial Forge ... ..... ........... ... ...... ..... I

2 2 5

144 JV Field Hockey

3 0 0 0 0 2 Row 1: M. Elswick, B. Cata-Pretta , C. Shupe, B. London, M. Woodson , D. Goradia Row 2: K. Madigan , C. Mckenna, 1. Spigone, S, Poole, A . Roane, E. Glassberg , K. Cramer, L. Howe Row 3: Coach Collier, M. Bossard!, L. Neal, T. Remin gton , A . Mangan, K. Cut itta, M. Goodlowe , M. McClintick, Coach Rosen

Co-C Stafl

AMY GROOME Before every serve, sophomore captai n Amy Groome bounces the ball several times to get comfortable.

Sophmores Jessica Quick,Kelsie Liberman , and Jessi Koeing wait for the ball to be served so they can switch positions.

' '.,..


,~ • .,





With seven returning sophmores and only four new freshman . Coach Lance Rogers ' main problem was finding playing time for the abundance of talent on the jv volleyball team. He said . "Th is is one of the strongestjv team s that I have ever had ." Nevertheless. Rogers worked the girls hard in practices and sought to improve their skills as much as possible. There were some challenges along the way . Mills Godwi n was expected to be their strongest opposition . but they won in two games. A more difficult challenge proved to be the tournament at North Stafford. where they narrowly lost to Osbourne Park in the championship. That proved to be their only defeat. From the traditional pre-seaso n overnight to the final away bus trip , the team enjoyed every minute of their time together. They traded water bottles . capes, pillow cases and socks for spirirt. sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" (many times), and came up with nicknames and cheers for every member of the team. All this was necessary preparation for the next leve l -varsity. Michele Cooper

the start



Co-Captain Ann-Tolley Jones leads the congratulations line after a 2-0 defeat of North Stafford. Un like the outdoor teams , volleyball played all of their schedu led matches.

Volleyball Us-Th em

J. Quick, C. Daugherty , E. Lynch, L. Aust, J. Koei ng, A. Groome. Row 2: A. Ferber, J . Armstrong, A.T. Jones, A . Co leman, K. Liberman, L. Clarry, Coach Lance Rogers .

Grace Christian ................................. Eastern Mennoite .............................. Mills Godwin ............. ....................... Stafford .............. .... ... ..... ... .. ... .. ... ..... North Stafford ...... .. .... ........ ..... ......... Osbourn Park ........... .... .... .. .. ............ Brooke Point.. ....................... ..... ....... Stafford .................... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. ..... North Stafford ......................... ......... Culpeper ........................ ... .. ... .... ... .... Colonial Forge .......................... .. ...... Brooke Point.. ..... .. ......... .. ... ... ........... Stafford ...................... ... ................... North Stafford .......... ..... ... .. ....... ..... .. Culpeper ............................... ... ......... Colonial Forge .... .. .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .......

2 2 2 3 3 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 JV Volleyball 145


1985 Captain Mattt Lawrence has some words of encouragement for the " new pack" - only Hari Mix returned from last year' s state team .



MAIT LAWRENCE "The team was young thi s year, but we really came together. I ex peel the team to do reall y well once they all have some more experience because there is a lot of talent in thi s new group."

Junior captain Hari Mix leads the pack during a race at Panorama Farm. "My goal is to finish in the top five , but if I'm in the lead I ' m definitel y not looking back."


Boys Cross Country Place

Ragged Mountain Cup .............. 2nd out of 26 Culpeper Mini Invitational ............ 1st out of 6 Fork Union Invitational .............. 6th out of 24 Western Albemarle Quad Meet ... 3rd out of 4 Woodberry Forest Invitational ... 6th out of 25 Western Albemarle Quad Meet .. 2nd out of 4 William and Mary Invitational . 12th out of 26 Albemarle Invitational ............. . I I th out of 19 Commonwealth District ..... ... ...... 2nd out of 6 Northwest Regional ......... ... ... .... 7th out of 16 Junior Hari Mix crosses the finish line at the Panorama Farm meet on October 12th. Mix broke the course record at the regional meet, running the 3.1 mile hilly course in 15:49.

146 Sports

The boys cross-country team sprints at the start of their home course at Panorama Farms.

To chase or to hunt -that's the game

Last year's boys cross crountry seniors were the winners of four district titles . back-to-back regional championships . and two top-ten state finishes . Those were some huge Nikes to fill , especially since the only returnee to the squad was junior Hari Mix (who narrowly missed 200 I all-state honors with a 17th place finish). The new team . made up of one eighth grader. three freshman . nine sophomores . one junior. and three seniors. The youth of the team showed much potential . led by sub-five minute mile runners Kelly Watt and Brendan Regan . Sophomore joe Albrecht said. "We don 't expect to do as well as last year. but we hope to win districts. place in regionals . and get in states. " The team did well at the beginning of the season by placing

second in the Ragged Mountain Cup. and winning the Culpeper Mini Invitational. They went on to place a close second at districts behind Colonial Forge. Their seventh place finish at regionals did not qualify the team for the state meet. but Hari Mix won the individual title . beating the course record by 15 seconds . and Watt also took home all-region honors. finishing 13th . Breen was not far behind at 20th . Hari Mix and Kelly Watt qualified to go to the state meet. and the whole team went along to show their support. where Hari placed ninth . "Considering the great amount of youth ." Coach Wei send stated . "we still finished strong." Shana Thompson

URSUIT Row 1: C. Anderson , 1. Strauss , M. Lauber, P. Ledue . Row 2: Coach Breen, L. Titus, J. Bai ley, M. McGovern , S.Keller, D. Breen , K. Watt, Coach Wei send. Row 3: M. Lawrence , J . Albrecht, S. Shmitt , J . Gi ll et , H . Mi x, B. Reagen , R. Lawrence.

Sophomore Kell y Watt outpaces a Page Coun ty High Schoo l competitor. Watt finished 13th at regionals .

Boys Cross Country 147



1985 At the Albemarle Invitational, senior Claire Whitenack leads the way over her arch-rivals, the Lady Warriors of Western Albemarle .


KATIE SANTOS Kat ie, a three-sport athlete who wtrestles in the w inter season, started the season with a sixteenth place finish in the Ragged Mountain Cup.

Placing third in the district meet and tenth in the region , Laurel posts good times throughout the season and serves as a role model for the younger runners .


Girls Cross Country Place

Ragged Mounta in Cup .......... ... ........ 4th of 20 Cul peper Mini Invitationa l .... ...... .... ... 4th of 6 Fork Union Invitational ... ...... .... .. .... 12th of 15 Stafford ....... ...... ............... ... ........ ..... . 3rd of 6 Woodberry Forest ............................ 2nd of 22 Western Albemarle Quad Meet .......... I st of 4 William & Mary Invitational ........... 19th of 29 Albemarle Invitationa l .......... .... ........ 5th of 15 Commonweal th District ................ ........ ... . 2nd Northwest Regiona l ... ....... ...... .... ...... ..... ... 2nd VHSL AAA State ........................ .... ...... ... 16th

The girl s take a warm up lap before the race at Western . The team finshed sixteenth in states this year.

148 Sports

Led by senior Laure l Noe , the girls cross country team takes off as soon as the race starts, running as a group .

Storm the Course, Girls Say

The girls cross country team was ranked number two in districts at the beginning of the season . but the team 's expectations reached far beyond . With si x of their top seven 200 I runners returning. and a strong pack of sophomores. they started off the season with a four day camp . and found their team chemistry was stronger than ever. " Running is like breathing, it's essential to life." sa id Becky Lindensmith . and with an attitude like that. it was clear the girls were motivated . Second-year coach Allison Goubroux focused on strategy. .. People forget. " she stated . "that the key to success in cross country is building a strong pack and closing the gaps between your runners ." Captains Katie Santos and Laurel Noe and the

other returners pushed the newbies to their limits. and their work paid off. During the regular season . they did not place lower than fourth . More importantly. the Lady Patriots placed their entire top five in the top percentiles in several races . including the Ragged Mountain Cup and the Woodberry Forest Invitational In the district meet. the girls placed second only to Colonial Forge, with Claire Whitenack coming in first and Laurel Noe in third. A stellar second place regional finish (where the top five placed 5th . lOth . 15th . 26th and 27th) sent them to the state meet as a team . At states . they did not do as well as expected . but the future held promise for next year's leaders of the pack. Candice Shaver

Row 3: L. Noe, M. U lan, E. Whitenack, K. Ley, K. Single , C. Wh itenack, K. Richards. Row 2: Coach Gerbere ux, J . Miller, R. Lindensmi th, L.Noe, A .Rizzo, K. Santos, E. Vaden , J .McLane , L. Peterson. Row I: M . Murray, E .Kamptner , S. Gray , S. Burri s, B. Webber.

Jun ior Merri l Murray stays focused and maintains her form.

Girl s Cross Country 149



Junior Danie l Collier has perfect form along with a great sw ing ,

resulting in a shot that lands on the green.


MARC COFFMAN Senior Marc Coffman is one of the four players to qualify fo r regional s .

Another one of the four regional qualifiers is senior leader Neil Barton.


Golf Place

Gauntlet ..... ....... ..... ........... 3rd of 6 Stafford .................. .. .... .... I st of 2 Augustine... .. .................. I st of 6 Heritage Invitationa l ........ 6th of 24 AHS/ Glass/ W'boro .......... I st of 3 Mini District tournament .. 2nd of 6 WAHS ............................. 1st of 2 Harrisonburg ...... .. .. .... .. ..... I st of 2 Wm Monroe ..................... I st of 2 MHS/ W'boro/ Fluva nna .... 1st of 3 Woodberry Invitational ...... I st of 2 Dist @ Gauntlet ................. 3rd of 6

ISO Sports

Sophomore Josh Taylor squats on the green,contemp lating hi s next putt.

Junior Brett Maynard hits the ball with a hard sw ing during one of their practices.

Fore means watch out, which is what other teams should do Nine guys , their clubs, and a fairway were all the Albemarle Golf team needed. The Albemarle golf team had a lot of work after the loss of two crucial seniors last year. but the team knew they could do well in districts with a little bit of time and a lot of hard work. Senior Marc Coffman explained , "We didn't expect to have a chance at winning the district but we ended up finishing third , and four of us made it to regionals. " The team had three first place finishes during the beginning of the season against; Stafford . Augustine. and E. C. Glass and Waynesboro. The team was lead by senior leaders Neil


Barton. and Marc Coffman. and coaches Mr. Maynard, and Mr. Garnett. "The top six golfers all contributed throughout the season." according to Coach Maynard. The team finished third in districts. with senior Neil Barton winning the individual district title and with Marc Coffman , Neil Barton, Kevin Williams. and Drew Smithers qualifying for regionals. There the season came to an end . "The team has worked well together this season; better than they have over the last few years ," according to Marc Coffman . Finishing with a 20 and 9 record overall, they could look forward to a strong season in the next year. Stephanie Jones

111111 Row I : J. Je nkins, N. Barton, D. Smithers, J . Taylor. Row 2: B. Maynard , D. Co llier, K. Williams, G. Heeschen , Coach Garnett. Not pictured: M. Coffman , Coach Maynard.

Senior Joe Jenkins lines up hi s attempt at the cup.


Golf lSI


1989 Watching her opponent 's return , senior Emily Arthur prepares her stro ng forehand to win the point.


EMILY ARTHUR Emil y Arthur , one of the six seniors on the team , focuses on connecting w ith the ball.

Senior Meghan Ku shman angles the ball into her opponent 's court to end the point.


Girls Tennis Us-Them

E. C. Glass ....... ............ ...... ... .. ..... ......... 0-9 North Stafford ...... ...... .. .... .... ........ .. ...... 5-4 Brooke Point.. ................... .. .... .. ...... ...... 9-0 Freeman .. . ...... .............................. .. ..... 0-9 Stafford ....... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .................. 4-5 Coll egiate ... .. .. ... ... .. ..... ..... ... .. ... .. ... . .. .. 0-9 Cul peper ........ .. .. ... ... .. ...... ....... .... .. .. ..... 6-3 Colonia l Forge ..................................... 8-1 Brooke Point.. ........... ... ... .................. .... 9-0 Glass Tou rn ament ...... ................ . 4th place Stafford .. .. .. .......... .. .... ...... .. .. .... ....... .. .. . 9-0 North Sta fford .. .. .................. .. ... .. .... .. ... 5-4 St. Cathe rine 's ........................ ... ... .. ... ... 5-4 Cu lpeper .. .. ............ ............... ... ...... .. ..... 5-0 Co mmonwealth District .... ......... ... .. ..... . 9-0 Northwest Region .. .. ... ...... .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .. 0-9 152 Sports

Before the match begins , Sydelle Gonias s hakes ha nd s w ith he r Culpeper opponent in a di spl ay of sportsmanship .

Senior captain Jenna Centini begins her match wi th a power serve.

Senior Tiffany Shih returns with a powerful backhand to win the set.

Is what they do to the opposition

Although girls tennis lost three of their top six from last year's district championship team . the 2002 squad featured six experienced seniors who were expected to carry the team through another strong season. Kim McKay. Jenna Centini. Tiffany Shih . Sydelle Gonias. Meghan Cushman . and Emily Arthur had worked with coach Richard Lindsay since their freshman years. and in three seasons had posted an impressive 34 wins. Their tough schedule. geared to prepare them beyond district play, featured strong opponents Collegiate. Freeman. and E.C. Glass. "Even though we've had a lot of hard matches . we've had a lot of good wins ." captain Jenna Centini stated. The girls finished the district with a record of I 0-1. and retained their district champion title by

defeating Stafford at home. winning 9-0 in a playoff for the number one spot. They ended their season in the regional semi-final . losing to a familiar rival from their old district. E.C. Glass. The team was well-known for their easy-going style. which included quick trips to Chick Fil-A. an oversized tennis spirit ball enscribed with the characteristics of the team. and a pre-game pump-up tape by N'Sync. They were well supported by a parent group who provided refreshments and plenty of cheers. in any weather. Next year. Laura Brashear. Emily Hiller. Jamie DiGiacomo . Logan Ripley, Muli Klarman and Gina Kaplan and GinaCollins will continue the tradition . Jamie DiGiacomo

••• Row 1: K.McKay, M.Kushman , J.Ce ntini , E . Arthur , T. Sh ih , S. Gonias. Row 2: Coach Lindsay, G. Coll in s, J. DiGiacomo , L. Brashear, M. Klarm an, E. Hiller , E. Kap lan , L. Ripley.

Senior Kim McKay slams a Patriot point.

Girls Tennis 153



KELLY GARTLAND "Our squad this year was great. We worked hard and improved a lot. It was a lot of fun and I could not have asked for a better squad for my senior year. You guys rock."

"We had some hard times and grueling pratices, but in the end we pulled through and made it a good year."


Sophomore Jenna Griffeth shnws her q~oves to one of the cheers, while the cheerleaders cheer on the boys basketball team during one of their home games.

1 Jur of f


154 Varsity Cheerleading

Sophomore Megan Niziolek, senior Sierra Eades, junior Jenny Allen, and senior Jessie McCurry p erform one of their difficult stunts at the first pep rally of the year.

is what cheerleaders have a lot of The varsity cheerleading squad started the year off a little roughly. When asked how the season was going, junior Jenny Allen replied, "Tough at first, but then we got through it. " The tough part was the constantly changing schedule. Many football games were cancelled or postponed due to the sniper threat, and basketball season wasn't much better with eleven snow days. The delayed district tournament conflicted with the competition season and the ninth and JV squads were called on to cheer at the boys basketball district championship . Then on January third the competition squad participated in their first competition of the year. For their first competition they received the judge's choice award. The first real competition they had was districts, and if they had placed in the top four then they would have advanced to regionals. Schools placing in the top four of the region would advance to states Sophomore cheerleader Jennifer Aiken said that the greatest thing about her season was, "we have had an awesome squad and we all bonded well. " Tryouts for the new season would begin in May, and already the squad was thinking ahead to next year. Stephanie Jones

p Row 1: M . Russel, J. McCurry, K. Gartland, E. Weir Row 2: J. Allen, E. Saunders, D. Murray, E. Niziolek, J. Dean, A. Cross Row 3: J. Griffeth, E. Hastings, M. Niziolek, J. Aiken, A. Chaney, R. Slutzky.

Junior Ashley Chaney sta nds at attention, ready to pump up the crowd at the fina l football game of the season. The team had to be flexible to adjust to the many schedule changes caused by the threat of sniper attacks at sch ools located in the northern part of the district.

Varsity Cheerleading 155

JENNIFER TAYLOR Freshman Jennifer Taylor poses as team captain and plays a motivational figure to the squad.

Sophmore Cat Corley also contributes to the team with her positive attitude.


Sophomore Ashley Belew brings her skill and high spirits to every game.

While varsity cheerleaders may have been more experienced.

JV performed the same elaborate stunts and worked just as hard . They were ready when called upon to take over at one of the year's most important events - the boys basketball district finals. "The JV squad excelled this year because of their positive attitudes and team spirit. They exemplified good character and good continuity among the team. Overall. it was a great squad with good leadership ." said Coach Morton . Ashley Belew. Megan Wilson . Megan Brower

JV Cheerleaders Jennifer Taylor and Shauntel Wood try to pump up the crowd at one of the JV basketball home games.

Row 1: M. Meneses, J. Tay lor, J.Thacker. Row 2: A. Grooms, S. Wood , C. Corley , A. Belew .


Ro\1 Pict1

JV Cheerleading l.

MEG BROWER Megan Brower exemplified great leadership during the cheerleading season.

8th grader Sarah Griffith stepped up to the plate and became one of the team captai ns.


Sarah Griffit h, Sarah Peters and Stephanie Vargas ho ist Kailah Wil son high in the air.

Tryouts - eighty girls, two cheers. and cine dance later, the freshman cheerleading squad was formed . A lot of effort was put into making performances entertaining for the crowd and bringing team spirit to every football and basketball game. The young squad learned quickly and were up to all challenges they faced , even taking over for the varsity for the boys basketball district championships . "They were so much fun . I've never had the privilege of working with a more cohesive group. We had a great year," said Coach Roberts . Megan Brower and Megan Wilson

With bursting patriot spirit the ninth grade cheerlead ing squad prepares in the gym to cheer for and support the ninth grade basketball team. Row I :S . Peters, M . Dean, M. Brower. Row 2: S . Griffith , S . Vargas , K. Critzer, K. Wil son. Not Pictured: N. Gentry .

Freshman Cheerleading J


1979 Senior Drew Atchison , a forward and one of the captains, goes up for a jump shot. Drew expained that he "enjoyed thi s season wi th hi s great teammates and fun basketball."


KEVIN MOSLEY DALUN HARDY Captains Kevin Mosley and Dal li n Hardy command the floor.

Mike Brown wins the dunk contest with a reverse slam while Drew Atchison set the single-season rebound record.


Varsity Boys Basketball Orange ................................ Western Albemarle Monticel lo ........................ .. Western Albemarle Orange .............................. .. Heritage .......................... . Douglas Freeman Culpeper . .. ............ .. . Stafford .... ............... . Charlottesville Colonial Forge Charlottesvi ll e Brooke Pointe North Stafford ................ . Monticello ..................... .. Culpeper ...................... .. Stafford ................ .. Colonial Forge .............. .. .. Brooke Point Home ................ .. .. Culpeper Home .................. . Culpeper Potomac

158 Varsity Boys Basketball



..... 75 ...... 57

48 66 42

.. ... 69 ...... 48 ..... 52

51 57 41

....... 66


....... 90


... 54


....... 70 ........ 87 ........ 61


...... 82

....... 75 ........ 75

44 43 69 48

....... 68


.... 63 ...... 76 .. ...... 57

69 55 35 57

31 ....... 88


........ 64


........ 71 .... 88


........ 42



Coach Maynard addresses the team about their passing and shooting during a 60 second time out just before the e nd of a game.

Sophomore standout Stephen Kendall reaches out for a pass from a teammate before driving to the basket.

It's the sound everyone likes to hear The court. the ball . and the hoop were all the boys vars ity basketball team thought about from November until Ma rch . While most students were enjoying snow days and dreaming about sleeping late. the tea m was practicing hard for theannual Daily Progress Holiday Tourn amen t, held during the week between Christmas and New Year's. The highlight of the tournament was "when Mike dunked in th e final seconds of the winter tourn ament," according to jun ior Chris jackson . Brown's amazing winning shot left the team and crowd on their feet, and once again the team came away as tournament champions over district riva ls Culpeper. Keeping th eir focus on improving their skills , the team played their best in splittling a pair of games with local riva ls Western Albemarl e, after which they too k off on a fourteen-ga me winning strea k. Highly motivated in the district tournament after

losing to Culpeper at the end of the regular season , they came out on top against the Blue Devils at the end and too k home the Di strict tournament trophy. The four senior captains contributed leaders hip and personal excellence. At Culpeper. Drew Atchison broke the previous school rebounding record of 510 by 39 rebounds. He sa id that " having great tea mates " contributed to his (and the team 's ) ve ry successful season. Co-captain Mike Brown , a crowd fa vo rite who won the dun k contest at the wi nter pep rally, said , " having fun and playing ba sketball with your friend s" was the best part of the season. Atchi son and junior Brett Maynard were named to the first team AllDistrict. and Brown was named to the second team . Th e team fini shed their successful season at the regional quarter-finals, whe re they fell to last year's state semi-finali sts. Potomac. But. they knew that all the hard work paid off, claiming a record of 18-6. Jamie DiGiacomo


Row 2: N. Weisman, A. Burke, Coach Maynard, Coach Wilson, C. Fredrick, W. Young, D. Johnson, S. Kendall, D. Schneider, Coach Snead, Coach M. Maynard, J. Weisman. Row 1: C. Jackson, B. Maynard, D. Hardy, M. Brown, D. Atchison, K. Mosley, M. Coltrane, B. Matherne, A. Johnson.

Juni or Antoni o Johnson, seniors Mike Brown and Drew Atchin son, and junior Brett Maynard sit on the bench waiting to go into the game .

Varsity Boys Basketball159

TRACY THOMAS Freshman Tracy Thomas wa its for hi s shot to fall against the Charlottesv ille Knights .

Freshman Greg Record runs down cou rt to get the ball from the Charlottesville Kni ghts .


The freshman boys basketball team had a great year. finishing the season with only one loss to local rivals Charlottesville. The players were very satisfied with the results. "This year went really well. Our team got along and played hard in every game. I am so happy that we won so many games . Next year the JV team is going to be really good because we have so many strong players coming up from our freshman team ." stated Corey Bosselman. Greg Record added . "I think that being on the team this year has been so much fun . We learned a lot about team work and playing good basketball. Even when you had to sit on the bench . you still found ways to have fun . like playing musical chairs . or more importantly, cheering on the team. " Shana Thompson


Freshman Corey Bosselmanjumps to block the basket from the Charlottesv ill e Knights. The Bl ack Knights were the on ly loca l team to offer much opposit ion to the Patriots, splitting tht series at one game each. The patriots had less troubl e w ith Western Albe marle andMonticello ,besting both of these teams twice . 路

:oar pos oft

Freshman Basketball us -them

WAHS .... .... .... ....... ... ...... .. ....... ......... .. ........ 41-19 Monticello ......... ...... ............... .. ...... .. .. .... ... . 39-24 WAHS .......... .. .... .... .... ....................... .... ..... 41-20 Stafford ........ .. ........ ........... ...... ................... 41-16 CHS .................................... ... .... ... ............. 35-44 Colonial Forge .......... .... .. ....... ...... .... .... .. ..... 60-3 7 CHS .. ................... .. ........ ......... .... ............. .. 54-37 Brooke Point ............ ...... ...... .. ..... .. .. .. ..... ..... 39-3 7 North Safford ...... ..... ... .......... .... ................. 57-42 Monticello ........ .. .......... .. ..... .. ...... ....... ...... .. 36-25 Culpeper ........ .. ......... ........ ... .... .. .... .. .. .... ..... 50-47 Stafford .. .. ...... .. .. ........ ................ .. ...... .. ...... 56-3 0 Colonial Forge ................................ ..... ...... . 36-30 North Stafford ...... .... .. ...... ... .. ................... .. 52-27

160 Freshman Boys Basketball

Row 1: T. Thomas , P. Thomas. Row 2: J . Wa ldo , N. Burton , (managers), G. Record , M. Harmon, I. Miller , A. Saunders, B. Hochstetler, M. John son, S. Walston.

Ro 2: Ze



Sophomore R.J . Archer gets warmed up before a game .

Sophomore Yoshua Arseneault accepts a bounce pass from one of his teammates.


Sophomore joey Harris said it all about the JV boys basketball team - "Our team had an incredible undefeated season ." Their success was due at least in part to good team chemistry. "We had a strong solid season and we all worked together well," said sophomore Sam Berube. "We gave our all every game and kept our chemistry together throughout the season ," added sophomore R.J. Archer. Their willingness to accept changes also helped. "We had a lot of changes during the season that we all adjusted to and we met the challenge ," said sophomore Yoshua Arseneault. Their success will be welcomed at the varsity level next season. Shana Thompson

:s. Tht> ng tht :marie

; oarell Jackson goes up to block the shot from Western Albemarle, while R.J. Archer gets in position to grab the re bound. The patriots swept not on ly all of thei r local ri va ls, but the rest of theor schedule as well . Their closest contest was a 37-35 w in over Colonial Forge . .,...

UCCESS JV Basketball

ecord ,


Row I: B. White, Y. Arseneault ,J. Harris , R.Archer , A. Jenki ns,S. Berube , D.Jack son. Row 2: H. Reed , Coach B. Wilson , T. Turner, D.Anthony , I. Grim , K. Gielow , J. Wri ght , Z. Zeljkovic , D. Marsh , Coach E. Wilson, T. Parri sh.


Orange ................................................... .. .. ..... 54 Western Albemarle .............. ... .... ... .. ..... ... .. ........ 48 Monticello ....................... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ....... 55 WesternAibemarle .... .......... .... ...... ... .. ...... ... .... .. . 37 Orange .......... ........ .. ...... .. .. .. .......... .. ... ... .......... 71 Stafford ...... .... .. .... .. ... .. .. .. ....... ...... .. .. .. ........ .. .. ... 47 Charlottesville .............. ..................... .... ... .......... 54 Colonial Forge ...... .. .. .. ..... ... ... ... .... ... ....... ... ........ 37 Charlottesville ...... ..... ..... ..... ........ ............... ........ 53 North Stafford .... ... ..................... .. ...... .. ..... ........ 46 Monticello .......... .. .... ..... ............. .......... ... .. ....... 48 Culpeper .............. . ............ ...... .. ...................... 58 Stafford ...................................... .. ...... .. ............ . 59 Colonial Forge .. ........... ............... .......... ............. 48 Brooke Point.. .............. .. ..... ............................... 44 North Stafford ............. . ......................... ....... 38

24 26 41 25 33 26 36 35 44 37 36 40 19 46 27 35

JV Boys Basketball 161

1967 Senior Rachel Hane ly receives the game ba ll , and balloons from coach Jenki ns after scoring her lOOOth basket, as jun ior Lauren Beckman looks on.


RACHEL HANLEY Seni or Rachel Hanley , who hit her IOOO th point thi s year, is among onl y three other Albemarle graduates to achieve this feat.

Seni or Annie Johnson has pl ayed on the varsity leve l for all fo ur years she has attended Albemarle Hi gh Sc hool.


Varsity Girls Basketball Ga r-fie ld . . .......... .. E.C. Glass ................. .. Highland Springs j .R. Tucker .. E. C. Glass .................. .. .. .. Hylton ......................... .. Colon ial Forge ........... .... . Staffo rd. .............. . Stafford .................. .. . Co lonial Forge ............ .. .. Brooke Point ................ .. Cul peper ................ . North Stafford ........... ... .. . Stafford . .. .............. .. STAB ................... . Co lonia l Fo rge .............. .. Brooke Poi nt ................ .. North Stafford ....... ... .. . Culpeper ........................ .. North Stafford ...... ............ . Stafford ..... ...... ..... . Forest Park

Us- Them . .................. 44 48 . ...... 6 1 39 ... ... 58 41 .. .... 5 1 44 . ... 43 40 """ 34 44 . ..... . 51 39 . .... 40 53 . .... 42 51 ...... 54 34 ...... 63 3 1 .. ... 48 3 1 . 32 45 ..... 58 55 . .... 49 46 . 46 38 .. ..... 49 34 .... 52 45 .. ... 69 42 ····· 47 43 .. ... 43 5 1 ... .. 3 1 74

162 Varsity Girls Basketball

A Stafford forward gets a shot past sophomore Meli sia Barbour , but Rac hel Hanley and Lauren Beckman await the rebound .

Sophomore Raven Tru slow makes a run past her defending Stafford opponant.

A necessary ingredient for a winning team Albemarle High School's varsity basketball team had an outstanding reputation to live up to when they put on their jerseys at the beginning of the 2002-2003 season . But according to senior Annie Johnson . the 200 I /02 team's district win last season only pushed the new team to play harder. "There were several goals set in the beginning of the year that have helped keep this team on track. such as making a run in regionals and getting to states. " A major event that made this season very different. and more exciting than other seasons was Rachel Hanley's one thousandth basket. She is only the fourth student in the history of Albemarle High School to ever achieve this goal. and her teammates definitely believed that she deserved it. Her career total was I 006 points. " Rachel has worked so incredibly hard. That moment was as awesome for me as it was for her.

To see her reach that milestone really keeps me. and the rest of the team . motivated to give it everything they have. just as she has done. "said senior Annie Johnson . The JV and freshman teams also looked up to Rachel for inspiration . Sophomore Linsday Parnell commented. " Rachel is an amazing athlete. she really gives us something to aspire to . She is a positive role model . even to the younger players." The season had to be considered a success. with a team record of IS wins and 71osses . Rachel Hanley was named to the first team all-district and all region . and the second team all-state. while Annie Johnson and sophomore Raven Truslow were named to the second team alldistrict. Summing it all up at the end . Coach Jenkins said . "Well . we had some injuries. butthe girls played hard . and overall it was a good year. " Emily Schwab

s AL-BEMARLE Row I: L. Marshall , J. Martin elli , E . Hill er, A. Allen , R . Hanely, A . Johnson , J . Shipp . Row 2: G. Elder , J. Brackson , A. Elder, N. Wi seman , L. Beckman , R. Truslow , M . Je nk in s, M. Barbour, G. Nice, A. Jenkin s.


Raven T rus low , onl y a sophomore , but named to the second team All-Di stri ct, draws the foul du ring the Lady Pats game aga in st Stafford .

Varsity Girls Basketball163


Freshman Yanda Houchens waits fort he ball to come down as her teammate goes up for the ball against a Stafford player.

So1 tea

GERALDINE HOFFMAN Freshm an Gera ldi ne Hoffman takes the ball up the court.


Ni nth grader Sara Santos sprints up the court after the bal l.


The freshman basketball team earned a reputation for outstanding performances throughout their entire season. Every member of the team really stepped up at game time and showed that they had what it took to compete against any opponent who stepped on to the court. According to freshman Kathleen Dougherty. the team set high standards for themselves at the beginning of the season. "[Our goal was] to have a wi nning season and maybe even go undefeated. We did have a wi nning season . but we lost once." said Kathleen. "Another goal was to learn a lot and become a better team . which we most definitely suceeded at. " With wins by margins as large as 47 points. the scores of the games reflected the amount of talent present of the team this year. Melissa Reilly

VICTORY Freshman Basketball Us Them

Coll egiate .... .... .. .. ........ .. .... .................. .. .... .. ....... 23 VS DB ............... ...... .... ... .. ... ... .. ..... ...... ...... .......... 49 Sta fford .. .. .. .... ... .... ............. ... ..... .. ..... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. 39 VS DB ..... .................. ..... .... .. .. .......... ..... .... .. ........ 44 Colonial Forge .. .. .. .. .... ... ........ .. ... .... ... ... ..... ... .. .. .. 27 Culpeper ............ ... ..... ..... .. ... ..... ... ...................... . 28 North Stafford .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .... ... .... ..... .. .... . 28 Sta ffo rd .. ............ ...... ..... ... ......... .. .... ..... ........ ..... . 3 1 Colonial Forge .. ......... ... .. ... .. .. .. ............ .. ... ... .. .... . 49 Coll egiate ..... ...... .... ....... ... .. ......... .. .......... ...... .. ... 22

22 40 9

29 7 12 II 19 2 28 Row 1: N. Johnson, B. Harris, S . San tos , V. Zjelkovic , Y. Olko , G. Hoffman , E. Ezzyk, T. Hicks . Row 2: Coach Johnson , E. Lambert , V. Houchens, A. Joyner, A . Tornrose , K. Dougherty , K. Kramer, C. Hall , Coach Frankli n.

164 Freshman Girls Basketball


Ro C .' Co


1r the

Sophomore Courtney White goes up for a shot off of a rebound against Stafford, one of the team's five district opponents .


LINDSAY PARNELL Faking out her opponent, Sophomore co-captain Lindsay Parnell dishes off the ball to a teammate.

Sophomore co-captain Christina Watts tries to fend off a Stafford player, forcing her opponent to get rid of the ball.


Though starting off the season with a close 45-49 loss to Miller, the JV girl 's basketball team showed their ability on the court with a 5-game winning streak following the first game of the season. With leadership coming from the co-captains. sophomores Lindsay Parnell and Christina Watts, the team continued their success and ended the season with a final record of 8 wins and 4 losses. Sophomore Amanda Dean commented on the ability of the team . "The best part about our team is that there are no stars on the team . Everyone steps up when it's needed ; there is no one shining star. " The all-around success of each player combined with their willingness to make the crucial play when it was necessary was one of the biggest components that enabled the team to achieve a winning record this season. Melissa Reilly


WORK JV Basketball Us-Them

, T. K.


Row I: M. Malloy,J.Miller, J. McLane , E. Kaplan , C. Watts , L. Parnell. Row 2: Coach Hill , C . Ogbomo , S . Terry , A. Dean , J . Derstine , A . Walther , C. White , M. McComsey , S. Tucker, Coach Strom!.

Miller .............. ... ........ ... .. ......... .. .. ....... .... ........ .... 45 EC Gla ss .... ............................................ .. .. ........ 55 EC Glass ................ .. .............. .. ................. .... ...... 46 Stafford ..... .. ... ... .. ... .......... .. .... .. ........... ......... .... .. 39 Miller .... .... .. ............... ........ .... ...... ................. .. .... 54 Colonial Forge ...... .. .......... ............... .. ........... .. .... 32 Culpeper ...................... ..... ..... ...... .. ... .. .. ... .. ......... 27 North Stafford ...... .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ......... .. .. ... .. ... ..... 16 Stafford .................... .. ............. ................. ... ...... 40 STAB ........................ ... .... ... ..... .. ....... .. ..... .... .. .... . 39 Colonial Forge ..... ... ... ............... ... .. .. ... ................ 39 Brooke Point ......... .......... . .................... ..... ..... 36

49 12 26 II

19 29 30 30 17 I0 45 19


JV Girls Basketball165





The boys indoor track teams walk out during the 2003 w inter sports pep rally. Leading the group is captain Ross Bolden. He and three other indoor track competitors went on to the state meet, w here Ross placed 11th and 15th in his events.

ROSS BOLDEN Captain Ross Bolden takes a quick break to look over a list of events, so he ca n figure out which event he has next.

Latoya Parrish concentrates on throwing the shot put as far as she can to advance. Latoya dominated in this event wi thin the Commonwealth District.


Indoor Track Schedule:

Fork Union Militray Academy Virginia Military Institute Invitational Fork Union Militray Academy Virginia Tech Invitational Districts @ Stafford Regionals @ FUMA States @ George Mason University

Row 1: S. Martin, J. Briggs, R. Bolden, G. Esposito, B. Lindensmith, L. Parrish. Row 2: S. Jewell, C. Cornell, M. Wa lsulko, A. Bowns, B. Woodworth, L. Noe, S. Cowan, S. Alfano. Row 3: L. Peterson, L. Va den.

166 Sports




...-.-.-...__.._..,., I


<1• • 1 • '''~

1 The girls indoor track team makes a huddle in the m iddle of the gym to say a few word s about their season .

-1•. "'"' \- .·' •. , . .. ,,<, 1

~ II 1

• " •·

That feeling coming out of the blocks

foi 1'

Indoor track gave motivated athletes the opportunity to stay in shape and have fun at the same time during the cold winter season . Though the team only took part in two large meets. the members definitly excelled within the district. "We had a good season . It was really fun and we did really well in districts." said sophomore Anne Ralston. The meets included the Hardee's Invitational. which was held at Fork Union . and the Motorola Invitational at Virginia Tech. "We didn 't get a lot of recognition but right now we have five people going to states ," explained captain Ross Bolden . Ross had many victories throughout his senior year. including first place in the long jump and 500 meters in the Commonwealth District. He also placed second in the 300 and 500 in the Northwest Region . and qualified for the Group AAA state championship

meet. There . he ran the 500 meter in I :07.4. placing I I th and the 300 in 36.86 , placing 15th. Bolden was not the only indoor track member who dominated . Fellow sen ior Latoya Parrish and junior Jonathan Walston also accompanied him . Parrish finished first in the District shot-put. and she also placed 18th in the girls shot-put at the state meet. throwing the shot put 34 feet and I inch . Walston ranked first for the 55 meters. Laurel Noe placed 21st in the 3,200 meter run at a time of 12:36.97. Hari Mix was another runner who made it to the Group AAA state championship. There he ran the 3,200 meter in a time of 9:27.78, placing 4th overall . Although the Indoor Track team was small . they had some big performances throughout the season . Joanna Spigone

LOS The gu ys join in a circle to say words to the students at Albem arle H igh School.

Girls indoor track has a to tal of 15 runners including two freshman.

Indoor track 167

.~·~" • ~


1988 Senior Katie Santos, with juniors John Gallagher and Christopher Knox, cheer on their teammate in the home match against Brooke Point.


ADAM MEEK Coaches Fra nklin and O' Dea watch Adam Meek try to take on his opponent.

Senior John Tomko shakes the hand of the opponent's coach after his match.


Wrestling Us Them

FU MA ........................... .. ........... 41 Western Albemarle ............ ........ 42 Mil ler .. .............. .................. ....... . 40 Woodberry Forest ........ .......... 87 North Stafford ....... .. ......... ... .... . 53 Fort Defiance .. ............. .............. 57 Am hearst .. .......... ...... ... .. ..... ... ..... 45 Brooke Point ... ............. .... ...... .... . I 5 Charlottesvi ll e ........... .. ........ .... .... 49 Stafford ..... ............... ...... ... ......... 23 Co lonia l Fo rge .... ..... ........ ........ .... 6 Co ll egiate ........ ......... ....... ......... .. 44 Covenant ... ..... ..... ... ........ ... ......... SO

168 Sports

39 40 43 27 I5 I5 34 59 39 42 71 36 27

Junior AJ Jackson gets read y to make a pin agains t Brooke Point's 125 wrestler.



........._... ... .,.~




Sportsmanship is important; before and after matches there are handshakes all around.

Is just as important as strength The vars ity wrestling team had a great season . although they were still adjusting to a new and more challenging district. The wi nter's nine snowfa lls caused many changes in the season schedule. including the cancellation of the district match . but even with all the missed practices and matches from snow and bad weathe r conditions the team still improved from the last season . Wrestling was an individual sport. but after every Varsity match the members went out to eat at Sloan 's. Thi s bonding helped the team to support eac h other during their matches. Johnny Gallagher said. "It always helps to know that people are cheering for you in the background. " Three of the team 's members made it past districts on to regionals includ ing Nick Morris. Blake Norford. and Andrew Tromey. Morris 's success was noteworthy, since he was Albemarle 's first w restler to make it to states since 1997. There he placed tenth.

The overall season was particularly good becau se the team was so close w ith each other. which was something the coaches worked hard to achieve. While the girls on the team bonded to become just like the other guys . another goal for the team was to get more girls to try out. "We could really use more girls on the team so there is more variety." sa id sen ior Katie Santos . who became the top girl's wrestler in North Carolina and we nt on to nationals. The team has high hopes of qualifying more team members for regional s in the future . even though they wou ld be losi ng many seniors. The team thanked their good season to their coaches. who continued to push them to the limit to make them better every day. Their effort co uld be seen day in and day out. in a sport where athletes both needed physical and mental strength. As Gary Hurst said , "Wrestling is a very hard sport and it takes a lot of self discipline. " Candice Shaver

(ONCE Row 1: M.Cruse, K. Doyle, A. Meek, D. Morris, K. Santos, A. Jackson, B. Norford, D. Marshall, M. Stanton, N. Penas, A. Tromey,K. Dahlstrom, J. Eliers, J.S chmit, S. O'Dea . Row 2: A. Lawerence, P. Hunter, L. Marshall, N. Morris, J. Steadman, L. Wells, P. Stanley-Bay, G. Hurst, M. Philhour, S. Wagner, C. Knox, Coach Hopkins. Row 3: Coach Mullinex, G. Bass, S. Gimbell, B. Ladman, K. Marshall, T. Woolford, C. Williams, R. Sury, J. Hendrickson, A. McDaniel, J. Micciche, R. Mowry, C. Gallagher, Coach O'Dea, Coach Franklin.


Senior Gary Hurst gets rea dy to make a play on his soon-to-be-stunned opponent.

Wrestling 169



Ka tharina Ley and Libby Heeschen give each other a high fi ve after a good race. Kath arin a is a senior at Albema rle, Libby who is also a senior is one of the fou r ca ptains and one of the two senior ca ptains.

jOE JENKINS "This year was a rebuilding yea r for us, but I'm reall y proud of the way we all came toge ther by the middle of the season. The girls had their second consecutive und efea ted season and the boys thei r first wi nning one," said Joe Jenkins.

"It was really nice having the chance to be

ca ptain of a undefea ted tea m my senior yea r," co mmented senior ca ptain Libby Heesch en.


Swimming Boys Mon ti cell o .......... .. . City-County North Stafford Brooke Poi nt Culpeper ................. . Districts Regionals ....... ..... ... States

Pl ace

124 ......... 2nd

143 135 . ............ 96 ......... 4th

........ 15th

Girls Montice ll o . .................. City-Cou nty ............. ... North Sta fford ... ..... Brooke Poi nt ............. .. . Culpeper . Districts Regionals Sta tes .......... ....

170 Sports

I st ...... 2nd I st I st I st I st

....... 5th ..... 30th

Ka tie Hogan, a junior at Albemarle, gets ready to swim her leg of the girls' frees tyle relay, at the City-County swim meet. The meet was held at the Aquatic center, at the University of Virginia .


Kevin Jewell swims the 50 free style at the City-County swim meet. The 2nd annual city-county swim meet was held at UVa.

Is the word that echos throughout the pool After finishing up their second year as a pilot team . the Varsity Swim team looked forward to being a permanent additon to athletics at AHS . The boys and girls also wanted to improve on last year's surprise sucess. They were led by captains Libby Heeschen . Joe Jenkins. Ben Hoelscher. and Katie Balmer. Coach Lee Galloway became head coach this year. along side assistant coach Tom Migliozzi They achieved their goals - sixteen swimmers we nt to regionals and eight we nt to states . Seve ral individuals had outstanding results this year at states . one of those being Brittney Jamerson . who placed seventh in the 500 freestyle and nineth in the 200 freestyle in the state meet. Captain Katie Balmer said . "We were a fairly young team so we had some

challenges. Ove rall . the girls team was close and had fun. We were undefeated in the season. and there were lots of factors that went into our third place at districts." Co-captain Ben Hoelscher said. "The boys team was a pretty young team this year. but we were strong in terms or depth. Ove rall we had a fun and successful season ." Sophomore Amber Brownlee . in her second season , commented , "It was interesting, Everyone got along well w ith each other and we came together as a team ." Coach Lee Galloway looked to have a bright future ahead. "The team started to get better as the year we nt on and I am sure [it w ill] continue to improve next year."

Sarah Roddy

H Row 1: L.Howe, C. Ours, J. Long, C. Flynn, K. Hogan, K. Balmer, E. Hogan, E. Lynch, 0. Hortan, M. Perry, J. Gruss, B. H air. Row 2: L. Vines, K. Schneller, M. Goodloe, M. Clark, L. Heeschen, B. Hoelscher, L. Bledsoe, J. Jenkins, C. Boucher, K. Ley, A. Brownlee, K. Broderick, H. Sauer. Row 3: Coach L. Galloway, S. Gomez, C. Sinclair, A Mextorf, M . Strickland, A. Wormington, K. Jewell, M. Grobmeyer, B. Jamerson, A. Panas, E. Kent, J. Brust, J. White, W. Muncaster, Coach M. Taylor.

1d y


the i at 'lia.



Head Coach Lee Galloway gives the team word s of advice before beginning the second half of the meet.

Swimming 171


Shannon Reed, Elana Bloomfield, Charles Gibson, and Mary Johnston are ready to face Brooke Point in the first match of the VHSL season at AHS, as the rest of the varsity team watches.



CHARLES GIBSON Charles Gibson prepares to go into the "Battle of the Brains" in Richmond.

Amy Durbin and Elana Bloomfield relax in the hospitality room just before matches begin at Brooke Point.

Scholastic Bowl Team Us


Brooke Point/Staffo rd ... ..... ... ....... 190 North Stafford ................... .... .. ... 140 Culpeper ............. .. ............... .. ..... 125 Colonial Forge ....... .. ... ...... ...... .... 190 Brooke Point.. ....... .... .. .. .............. 165 Stafford ............................... ..... " 165 North Stafford ........ .. .. .. .............. 170 Culpeper ............. .. ...... .. ... .... ... .... 160 Colonial Forge ........ ............. .. .. ... 195 Culpeper ............. ...... .. .. .. .. .......... 135 Brooke Point.. ...................... .. ....... 85 Stafford .................. ..... ...... .. ... .. .. ISS

55 245 240 50 145 120 ISO 130 95 125 190 230

172 Sports

JV Scholastic Bowl Team. Row 1: Jonna Knappenberger, Chris Ours. Row 2: Rachel Singe!, Lauren Estes, Amy Durbin, Alice Ding, Jason Moran, Molly Wanless. Row 3: Ingrid Rembold, Michael Scholl, Aaron Bloomfield, Alex Hennicke, Pat Caudros, Melissa Haney, Ms. Hughes.

JV teamates Chris Ours, Jonna Knappenberger, and Jason Moran are drilled during the bus ride on the way to competition by varsity team's Shannon Reed.

is about flexing those brain cells

Most teams were used to the drill - be at school by 6:00a.m. to get to the competition by 9:00. It would have been great to have only two practices a week, but a season lasting from September until March? Worse yet. having to compete agai nst not only the best public schools , but also against private schoo ls, magnet schoo ls, and academies that cater to the most talented? Th e sc holastic bowl team took it all in stride. They were considered by the Virginia High School League to be a fall sport. but the team competed throughout the year in additional invitational tournaments and sponsored fundraising activities. Sheer brain power wasn't always the decidin g factor in competitions; strategy involving team selection and substitution s was important. In VHSL matches, th ere were three phases.

In the first phase, competitors had to answer as individuals. but in the second phase, there was group collaboration. So. students who were fast with the buzzer had an advantage at the start, but later more retiring types who had overall knowledge were important to the group. Lucki ly, substitutions were allowed. According to Coach Brown , most of the competitions seemed to develop a theme . There might be severa l questio ns about early American history or European geography, so she had to know wh ich students were strongest in each category to field the best team. According to sophomore jv team member Jason Moran . th e allure of academic competition was the fun and fellowship , although he was n't sure if he wou ld see a long-term return on his time investment. " It can definitely help you with school in the short term ," he said, " in all your classes. "

NTELLECT Row 1: Mary Johnston, Rahid Zaman, Ann Glennie, Shannon Reed, Jenna Zhang. Row 2: Elana Bloomfield, Charles Gibson. Row 3: Paula Rondon, Mike Rizzo, Adam Carpenter. Row 4: Ms. Brown, Logan Kiernan, Evan Knappenberger, Teddy Mazzei, Mrs. Taft.




Scholastic Bowl Team 173


Ou!Jhl was a word that teenagers heard often, and usually being told what someone else thought they should do - such as "you

ou!Jhl to do your homework", "you ou!Jhl to be quiet," or "you ou!Jhl to try harder." But once a month for forty-five minutes, students could decide for themselves what they ou!Jhl to do, whether it was to collect canned food for charity or play cards with friends. Perhaps surprisingly, many did opt for community service dulies. The Key Club, Albemarle's largest club with a membership of over 150, sponsored activities from the Adopt a Highway Program to the Festivus dance. National Honor Society collected canned foods at Kroger's grocery store. New organizations such as the Friends of the Ronald McDonald House and the Diversity club were added. For those whose duly was entertainment, the Dance team and Knitting Club offered ways to relax and unwind. That forty-five minutes opened the door for much good to be done. 174 Oryan/z aHons

wÂŁ/e enjoying the Worship music, Christian Fellowship members Rachel Evers, Susie Brumbaugh and Steven Lindensmith use their club period to sing and pray.

wÂŁ/e concentrating hard on their chess match, Kennan Stanley and Jerald Hoffman focus on their next moves. Several clubs, such as the Board Games, Starcraft, Gamer's Guild and the Chess Club allow students to play their favorite indoor games.

e's :lffi

ew ed.

lax j

W orking on her moves during the February Pep Rally, senior Shianne Carto-Spranal shows off her dance skills with the rest of the dance team. The dance team is a new organization added during the 2003 school year and it hopes to be a recognized sport by the end of the 2004 school year.

Organizalions 175 j

Row 1: D. Adler, C. Crank, E. Degn an, D. Stahl, J. Lawson Row 2: L. Lindensmith, E. Thacker, A. Johnson, L. Davis, A. Menefee, S. Reisler, S. Breakiron. Row 3: J. Gillette, J. Myers, R. Bodily, C. Remington, T. Parmar, M. Ma thias, A. Sanderford, A. Madigan Row 4: J. Jenkins, H . Sun, C. Whitenack, E. Wood worth, Z . Bailey, M. Kuhn, N . Macko, C. Cramer, E. Gomaa

A' L

Row 1: D. Adler, T. Shih, C. Crank, E. Degnan Row 2: B. Fells, C. Hiller, K. McKay, D. Tucker, D. Ku, L. Taylor, K. Ley Row 3: D. Turlep, G. Cohoon, C. Boucher, K. Brackett, S. Wolf, M. Ulan, J. Burris Row 4: A. Marrs, R. Hanley, M. Rehorn, I. Rapinchuck, C. Herndon, J. Burris


w. c



Ac R.


is a word of prestige

Counting money for the Alzheimer's fund, members of the Math Honor Society gather all the cash collected while visiting seventh period classes. Each year, the Math H onor Society collects money for the Alzheimer's Foundation for research. Classes compete throughout the week to raise the most money, with the winning class receiving for a pizza party.

From the Beta Club, to Tri-M, to

While most honor

the Junior Classical League, the students

societies had specific

involved were proud to be a part of an

grade point average and

select group - an honor society.

application requirements,


Jol E. Ba

More than a list of names of the Beta Club also was a students who got high grades , honor

group exclusi v ly for

societies at AHS met weekly and were

semors . Juniors were

involved in a variety of activities .

invited to join this

Ranging from the National Honor

community service club

Society's food drive at the Kroger in Rio

at the end of the year. Beta

Hill, to the Beta Club's endorsement of Club member and senior, Erin Degnan, the March of Dimes Walk, and the Math

explained, "I love being in the Beta Club

Honor Society's collection of funds to

because it's a good opportunity to work

support Alzheimer's research , these

with my peers to better the community

organizations promoted activities

not only here at AHS but also in town."

throughout the year.

176 Oryanizalions

By Lacy Nolan

Every year, members of the Junior Classical League sing Christmas carols to their fellow students during lunches. The Junior Classical League is an honor society that is dedicated to the study of the Latin language.



~ •

Tri-M Honor Society: Row 1: J. Hansen, K. Ley, D . Tucker, L. Engel, S. Breakeran, E. Thacker, M. Leinbach. Row 2: J. Simms, L. Morris, K. Garland, B. Frazier, B. Hutson, T. Carbone, B. Bosselman, T. Oliva. Row 3: J. Bryant, J. Schnittka, E. Garren, R. Bodily, L. Vines, B. Halliday, S. Zaenker, J. McCurry, S. Collier. Row 4: C. Koenig, B. Gregg, P. Johnson, C. Whitenacl<, C. Herndon, D. Trugman, J. Brust, Ms. Morris. Math Honor Society: Row 1: T. Sh ih, D. Atchinson, R. Bodily, K. Ley. Row 2: D . Tucker, D. Ku, L. Davis, S. Breakiron, L. Taylor, S. Wolf, N. Bracket. Row 3: C. Boucher, K. Bracket, M. Ulan, L. Johnson, C. Herndon, A. Madigan, D. .Adler. Row 4: J. Cohoon, R. Hanley, C. Koenig, A. Marrs, C. Crank, C. Hiller, J. Jenkins, B. Barton, N. Macko.



German Honor Society: Row 1: L. Beckman, L. Davis, S. Zanker, N. Johnson, S. Wolf Row 2: E. Ward, M. Degnan, N. Barton, G. Cohoon, Frou Trice.


Math Honor Society: Row 1: T. Shih, D. Atchinson, R. Bodily, K. Ley Row 2: Y. Shek, H. Sun, M. Howard, E. Thacker Row 3: K. Gartland, E. Bloomfield, T. Parmar, J. Burris Row 4: B. Record, M. Rehorn, M. Mundell, I. Rapinchuk, N. Barton

Spanish Honor Society: Row 1: L. Noe, D. Ku, K. Ley. Row 2: S. Lyon, B. Hudson, K. Brackett, B. Vanderlinde, M. Mathias, A. Chw1g, M. Lienbach. Row 3: E. Bloomfield, C. Koenig, R. Bodily, S. Walton, B. Hoelscher, A. Madigan, E. Thacker, K. O'Brien, L. Engel, C. Whitenack. Row 4: J. Smith, A. Marrs, E. Gomaa, z. Bailey, K. Williams, M. Rehorn, B. Mills, H. Sun.

National Honor Society: Row 1: C. Boucher, D. Stah l, S. Breakiron, T. Shih, E. Degnan Row2: J. Launi, K. McKay, D. Ku, L. Davis, A. Johnson, K. Singe! Row 3: C. Koenig, D. Tucker, K. Ley, R. Hanley, N . Barton, T. Parmar, C. Whiteneck Rw 4: M. Kuhn, M. Rehorn, R. Bodily, A . Madigan, C. Crank, D. Atchinson, I. Rapinchuk, A. Marrs, C. Herndon

ciety ·,the arch. ning


French Honor Society: Row 1: K. Santos, K. Mckay, J. Launi, L. Taylor, I. Rapinchuk. Row 2: E. Chilton, C. Mooney, S. Wolf, M. Pitts, M. Kuhn, C. Boucher, J. Burris. Row 3: D. Atchinson, C. Moss, E. Gomaa, A. Giffen, N . Macko.

Junior Classical League: Row 1: M. Creighton, B. Hudson, K. Balmer, B. Lindensmith, B. Pattison. Row 2: J. Bryant, M. Purvis, D. McBride, B. Mundie, D . Adler, H. Hanks. Row 3: E. Bloomfield, W. Kern, D. Atchinson, T. Parmar, M. Pitts, Dr. Larrick. Row 4: J. Brust, A. Marrs, C. Gibson, M. Rehorn, C. Whitenack, E. Knappenberger.

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Ho or Societies al Honor Society, Math Honor Society, French German Honor society, Spanish Honor Soc· b, Art Honor Society, Tri-M Honor Society, Jun Classical League J!onor c'Sode!ies 177


1995 Row 1: A. Walther (sophomore VP), B. Hudson (junior P), D. Ku (senior P), M. Grobmyer (sophomore P), L. Aust (freshmen VP) Row 2: L. Davis (Student Council secretary), B. Holscher (Student Council treasurer), M. Murray (Student Council VP), L. Neese (Student Council P), C. Perkins (freshmen P) Ad visor: Mr. Steve Foutz.


Senior class president Debbie Ku helps blow up balloons for the Homecoming Dance in November.

Leadership is what this group is about Throughout the year, various activities and community service opportunities were planned by the student council, particularly the executive council. Early in the year, the Student Council officers and advisors participated in the annual Leadership Retreat, which was offered to students who were involved with various school-sponsored activities throughout the year. The retreat was a great experience to learn different leadership techniques and activities. The Student Council was also responsible for planning important large events throughout the year, particularly Homecoming 2003, the Red Cross Blood Drive, and the Canned Food Drive. However, the individual grades also planned different events. The junior class was responsible for planning prom, which they had been raising money for since their freshman days, while the sophomores raised funds for their class activities by throwing a Talent Show, and the freshmen sold candy, wrapping paper and jewelry. By Julianne Launi

178 Organizah'ons

Freshman class president Chris Perkins gets friendly w ith a life-size cut-out of Humphrey Bogart. The theme of Homecoming was 1953, and more cutouts of famous actors and actresses of that era were displayed around the dance floor.

Senior Advisers : Row 1: D. Ku, A. Madigan, A. Odom, S. Johnston, T. Proctor. Row 2: S. Reisler, K. McKay, K. Ley, R. Bodily, C. Remington, L. Davis, K. Brackett. Row 3: C. Boucher, J. Burris, M. Pullen, C. Hiller, J. Jenkins, A. Menefee, J. Meyers. Row 4: G. Cohoon, C. Koenig, M. Rehorn, D. Adler, R. Hanley, E. Gomaa.

Junior Advisers: Row 1: A. Chung, B. Hudson, B. Hoelscher, G. Collins. Row 2: J. Heckle, H. Lacy, K. Balmer, C. Smeriglio, N. Johnson, G. Esposito, E. Niziolek. Row 3: K. Witlow, L. Johnson, C. Richards, E. Ward, E. Weir. Row 4: A. Keathley, E. Saunders, K. Williams, B. Bossalman, D. Collier, K. Robertson.

Sophomore Advisers: Row 1: N. Drozda, M. Grobmeyer, C. Barlow. Row 2: S. Buris, A. Jones, D. Saadut, E. Potter, S. Jones, A. Ralston, K. Burns. Row 3: B. Jamerson, B. London, J. Jones, S. Patel, C. Philips, J. Faller, E. Glassburg.

Freshman Advisers: Row 1: J. Goforth, M. Wilson. Row 2: J. Spellman, N. Gentry, L. Ripley. Row 3: N. Deschenes, M. Brower, A. Ferber, C. Perkins.

Juniors Ben Hoelscher and ~argaret~urray

help out with the SCA blood drive. After students gave blood, Ben and ~argaret gave them a drink and snack to help raise their blood sugar.

Stu ent Co neil c5!udenl Counc.1f 179

What they did ... Bailando Dance, Teacher Breakfast, Relay for Life, Wreath Sales, Curb Painting, Bell Ringing, Homecoming Tailgate, UV A Exam Care Packages, Adopt a Highway, AHS Curb Painting, Crop Walk, UNICEF, Elementary Fairs, Aids Walk, Toy lift, Festivus Dance, Adopt a Family. 1969

Members ... 1so Officers ... President: Cori Koenig Secretary: Kim McKay Treasurer: Sara Breakiron ICC Rep: Chantal Boucher, Mr. Foss, Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Heny. In short .... "I like that we are one of the biggest clubs and we can get a lot accomplished because of our size." -Michelle Pullen


Looking over the order forms for the annual fundraiser, junior Emily Reijmers hands out Christmas wreaths.



is the most important thing in Key Club Helping the school, helping the community, and working with others. Where could a student do all of these things? They were all a part of the Key Club. The Key Club took part in activities such as the Salvation Army angel tree, Relay for Life, and Christmas wreath sales. Key Club also sponsored the Bailando dance and the Festivus dance to support the Martha Jefferson Cancer Society. The Key Club, a branch of the Kiwanas, started out as an all-male club with one girl. She was considered the Key Club sweetheart. Since then, Key Club evolved into a large, diverse club welcoming all genders, races, and ages. So why did students join Key Club? "I wanted to find a way to give back to the community," commented senior Michelle Pullen. Giving to the


community was a huge part ofKey Club and many members enjoyed doing the activities planned. "It feels really good to give large amounts of money to a charitable cause," explained Adam Marrs. "I enjoy watching the dances we plan and it turning out to be a success."

By: Kate Marrs

180 Or!lanizalions

Junior Donte Herndon buys a Festivus dance ticket from Key Club member senior Jenna Centini. The proceeds from the dance went towards the Martha Jefferson Cancer Foundation.

Row 1: L. Este r, E. Potter , C. Barlow, D. Goradia . Row 2: K. Horowsk i, L.

Mimm s. B. Frazier. B. Stewart, A. Ralston , E. K amptner. Row 3: K.

Coll ins, M. Bossardt , A. Ke nnedy , A. Rasool. K. Burns, E. Hiller. Row 4: K . Bern ardin o, M. Wil son, K .

Madi ga n, M. Grobmyer , C. Phillips, M. McKone . J. Fow ler , L. Brashear, J. Jones, J. Tucker. R ow 5: S.

H ahn , M . Forrest, E. Wh iteneck , T. Mazzei.J . White. E. Gl assberg, J. Bow ler , S. Song.

Row l:G . Collins , J. Pointer, J . Koening, A. Chung , B. Halliday, S. Craun . Row 2: T . Carbone E. Ward, B. Hoelscher, J . Schnittka, M. Jenkins , Y. Shek, J. Chen. Row 3: J. Bryant, A. Tuner, A. Mextorf, D. Collier, P. Sweeney , B. Gregg.

Key Club Seniors: Row 1: C. Boucher, C. Konig, K. McKay, S.Breakiron. Row 2: K. Brackett, D. Ku, L. Davis, T. Shih, L.Taylor, S. Wolf, A Menifee, Row 3: D. Tucker, K. Ley, K. Marrs, M. Pullen, M. Ulan, S. Wolf, L. Sampson, D. Adler, Row 4: M. O' Leary, A Marrs, C. Crank, L. Nolan, R. Bodily, A Madigan.

Senior Sara Breakiron is the treasurer of the Key Club. She took all the orders and the money for the wreath sales held in October. The profits went to fund the club for future events.

Key lub Xey Club 181


What they did ... Praacticingat7:30a.m., the girls produced polished performances at two pep rallies, two basketball games and planned to attend dance competitions in the spring. 1983

Members ... 18 Captains ... Seniors Lacy Nolan and Lindsay Spatz.

In short ... "Even though it was a lot of work, I had a great time. All the girls work really hard and had an awesome time this season," said junior Vanessa Miller.



is all about movement! New to AHS this year was the Dance Team, which started out as an idea for a club but has proven to be much more than just a place to meet once a month. Over the past years rumors circulated from time to time about a dance team being started. But finally last year sophomore Casey Barlow and senior Lindsay Spatz, both avid dancers, approached AHS history teacher Ms. Fagan about sponsoring the club/team, and thankfully she agreed. The team began as an idea, but it has surely grown to be a favorite of AHS students at both the pep-rallies and the basketball games this year. The team has done more than their fair share of hard work this year, coming into practices at 7:30 in the mornings to work on their latest dances and technique. With no funding from the school the team has paid for their own costumes thus far. The girls have purchased pants and tops, as well as having their pants embroidered with "AHS" on them. Senior co-captain Lacy Nolan stated, "We hope that now that the administrators see that we're a serious team that they will give us consideration for funding just as they do the other teams here, and that the team will gain more recognition as a serious part of the AHS competitive athletic community."

By Molly Waddell

182 Oryan1'zalions

Dance team members Gina Barbara, Vanessa Miller, Carmen Sandridge, Margaret Murray, Meaghan Malloy, and Meghan Cushman perform for the first time this year during a school pep rally. Senior Lindsay Spatz, gets ready for practice by lacing up her dance shoes and stretching. Lindsey is one of the founders of the dance team and has been dancing for many years.



Junior Jamie Frazier and sophomore Casey Barlow get down to beat in front of an admiring crowd at the pep rally. Sophomore Gina Barbara shows her school spirit and love for dance at a performance for the school.

ara, ige, and first llly. for toes the •een ·ars.

7Jance Jeam 183

Freshman Jeremy Kuhn constructs a unique prop from only newspaper and tape as part of his team's solution for the building category of Destination Imagina tion. Two of the three Albemarle teams placed second at the regional competition held at Western Albemarle High School. The Gibson Destination Imagi nation team (Kathleen O' Brien, Jonna Knappenburger , Jeremy Kuhn, Charles Gibson, and Brian Moynihan) practice using their quick thinking skills to solve an insta nt challenge. The practice paid off - they won first place in the instant challenge portion of the Jefferson Region Tournament at W AHS on March 15.


Forensics Team: Row 1: Mr. Chalmers, E. Degman, J. Wolf, J. Ehlen, E. Spano, M. Smith. Row 2: B. Livingston, C. Perkins, D. Stahl, A. Giffen, N. Greer, A. Miller, Mrs. Cunningham .

Row 1: K. Hamilton,, W. Drake. Row 2: K. H. Plourde-Rogers, K. Singe!, J. Elizan, J. Cline, R. Catlett.

184 Or!lanizalions

Photo Club: Row 1: S. Gonias, J. Kessler, J. Quick, A. Panas, J. Kinley, J. Carraway, V. Stangil, J. Dandridge, . Row 2: D. Chen, A. Brown, A. Noble, C. Trota, M. McComsey, , E. Tomko, R. Honey, L. Irvine, J. Taylor. Row 3: E. Thompson, A. Margulis, M. Vanderlinde, S. Fladd, J. Fladd, J. Lafford, P. Lytle, G. Brackett, J. Griffith, J. Taylor. Row 4: K. Hogan, S. Peters, M. Thomas, J. Cross, S. Zamorski, S. Zaenker, S. Vegas, M. Perry, J. Mackey,, S. Lutz, M. Shipe, , B. Hantman.

St G M

Classical Music Club: Doc Larrrick, C. Herndon, E. Knappenburger, C. Whitenack.


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Destination Imagination teams gave students the opportunity to participate in problem-solving competitions. These competitions had several different categories, such as acting challenges and building challenges. For example, in a building challenge, the team would be given a few inanimate objects that they had to put together for some type of purpose, such as a bridge, within a given time. In order to succeed the whole team had to work together to figure out the problem. Team unity was the best part of the experience, according to sophomore Jessica Gaffney. "The team has really great chemistry, we all like to hang out and we always have a blast together," she said.



• •


can be found anywhere


er, B. iylor,

Thespians: Row 1: M. Rizzo, L. Perkins, E. Degman, D. Stahl, J. Wolf, D. Tucker. Row 2: Ms. Cunningham, C. Gi b son, B. Livingston, N. Greer, M. Cole, P. Moneymaker, A. Freunchih.

VTA Participants: Row 1: M. Rizzo, L. Perkins, E. Degman, D. Stahl, J. Wolf. Row 2: B.Li vingston, J. Goforth, Ms. Cunningham, N. Greer, M. Creighton, C. Miller.

Drama Club: Row 1: L. Perkins, E. Degman, M. Cole, D. Stahl, M. Rizzo. Row 2: K. Johnston, D. Lunden-Smith, J. Ehlen, M. Creighan, K. Spatz. Row 3: Ms. Cunningham, D. Tucker, H. Hanks, B. Daris. Row 4: B. Livingston, C. Gibson, C. Perkins.

Art Club: Row 1: A. Keeney, S. Smailes, R. Singe!, K. Sooko. Row 2: M. Bjoring, J. Moran, A. Steffen, M. Haney, Dr. Burg.

Newspaper Staff: Row 1: D. Goradia, J. Cline. Row 2: S. Echeverri-Gent K. Watt, S. Kornhau ser, A. Rosen, T. Parmar, M. Green Row 3: G. Heeschen, P. Sweeney, B. Barton, J. Gillette.

Literary Magazine Staff: Row 1: D. Brown, S. Griffth, E. Dandridge, A. Lawrence. Row 2: Ms. Shifflett, K. Santos, A. Pace, S. Wolf, J. Mehanna. Row 3: H. Bowm an, S. Lane, D. Testerman, H. Sauer, A. Johnson, K. Thacker.

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Oryanizalions 185

Community service was something that Albemarle students were very familiar with. From freshman year, when some health teachers required three hours of community service, to senior year, when ten hours were required for graduation, students became accustomed to giving back to their community. While many colleges and future employers looked at community service as a plus, a good reference and school requirements weren't the only reason to give something back to the community. According to Leslie Mimms, "Community service is fun. You get to hang out with friends, and it gives you a good feeling when you're done." Students at Albemarle have plenty of opportunities to get involved and get those good feelings.



Need a Hand? words students aere always ready to offer

Anti-Oppression Club: Row 1: Ms. Sohn, R. Harper, L. Meert.

French Club: Row 1: P. Cuadros, C. Moss, A. Moss, S. Reid, Y. Yang, G. Bass.

186 Organizalions

German Club: Row 1: D. Kern, E. Woodworth, L. Davis, R. Lehman, J. Henry, J. Choi. Row2: B. Moynihan, C. Hoffman, M. Degnan, N. Johnson, S. Zoeniker, L. Hamerick, M. Woodworth, J. Smith. Row 3: , C. Beckstoffer, E. Ward, L. Beckman, N. Barton, A. Oliver, ,, Frau Trice ..

Travel Club: Row 1: A. Able, L. Dylan, K. Rudd, D. Fereo, D. Kirby. Row 2: V. Houchens, A. Smith, G. Rutchers, L. Mil, L. Bavermen, J. Jacks, Z. Carpenter, A. Hunter, Ms. Terada.

Friends of the Ronald McDonald House: Row 1: T. Tabilas, R. Hill, S. Lacy. Row 2: K. Morris, M. Jones, S. Poole, A. Tabilas, C. McKenna, K. Cutitta, K. Cramer, M. Goodloe, E. Uhlig, A. Mangan, S. Gray, B. Wright, C. Wood .

Christian Fellowship: Row 1: S. Lindersmith, C. !3mith, A. Dolinger, A. Neilson, L. Lindensmith. Row 2: D. Ward, A. Jacoway, M. Howard, K. Gartland, M. Browning. Row 3: L. Baldwin, T. Walker, T. Eanes, R. Payne, R. Evers. Row 4: Ms. Taft, W. Hachstetter, K.Brown, D. Testerman, L. Bateman, S. Martin, M. Woodson, B. London, B. Bossleman, K. Whitlow, B. Stewart.




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During a club m eeting senior Stephen Lindensmith leads the Christian Fellowship club in song. Ms . Davis gives junior Sabrina Lacy her PSAT scores. Guidance counselors held a quick lunch -time meeting with students who had taken the test to h elp them interpret their scores.

Farmfest is a newannu al event to raise " Remember Britt" fo undation.

for the

N urse Janssen signs up to give blood a t blood drive.

I D. G. A.

CARE: Row 1: S. Echeverri-Gent, E. Bloomfield. Row 2: A. Carpenter, P. Rondon-Burges, T. Tabilus, S. Lacy, C. Moore, V. Varfolomeeva. Row 3: V. Reed, D. Breen, H . PlourdeRogers. Row 4: 0. Odusanya, L. Vines, J. Bryant, K. Morris.

Great Society: Row 1: B. Barton, E. Caroway, K. London, H. Lacy, B. Matherne, R. Alley, G. Hurst, S. Griffith. Row 2: B. Record, J. Tomko, A. John son . Row 3: S. Turner, P . Do u gh erty, M. Strickland.

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Males on a Mission: Row 1: D. Coles, M. Coles, D. Ragland, J. Walston. Row 2: M. Holland, S. Martin, J. Lucas, J. White, M. Sessoms. Row 3: E. Battle, J. Briggs, T. Thomas, C. Ogbomo, J. Price. Row 4: A. Walker, C. Hadden, J. Dunu, T. Turner. RowS: B. White, D.Fredrick, B.Coles,M. Terry. Row 6: J. Wright, J. Sprowal, A. Saunders, D. Marsh, P. Ratliff, D. Baker. I<ow 7: E. Games, H. Abdelhalim. Row 8: K. Terrel, J. Johnson, E. Tyler. Row9: D.Hemdon, F. Brown, C. Fredrick.

~ .....

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SADD: Row 1: D . Ryan, K. Childress. Row 2: H. Branch, A. Leake, J. Allen, H. Roys to, A. May lor, B. Clark. Row 3: T. Parrish, J. Wilberger, H. Reed, R. Masci, R. Crowner, B. Carlson, S. Reisler, A. Wyant. Row 4: T. Soulsh y, A. Mawyah, B. Shaver, J. Coh oon, V. Varfolomeeve.

International: Row 1: M. Dyer, P. Peresau Ma rdi. Row 2: S. Choi, J. Choi, D . Major,

OryanizaHons 187

During one of the pep rallys student athletes come together to play a fun and friendly game of tug-o-war against each other. The juniors were victorious. Senior field hockey and lacrosse player Lindsay Davis covers the business agenda for FAST while Latoya Parrish listens.

Row 1: C. Jensine, N. Tony, A. Gentry, 2: , R. Stone, K. Snow.

188 Or:1an1zaHons

Fellowship of Christian Athletes: Row 1: RJ. Archer, A. Jones, Row 2: C. Daurgherty, M. Clark-Covert, K. Leake, Row 3: H. Murray, J. Taylor, S. Burris, S. Collier,, Row 4: L. Bledsoe, A Garner, A. Garner, M. Chaney, J. Busch, ,C. Sullivan.

Open Gym: Row 1: D. Marshall, J. Albrecht, J. Hutton, R. Sanchez, C. White, V. McMillan, K. Coats. Row 2: S. Darcus, Row 3: A. Friedman, S. Nickleson, A. Jenkins, D. Anthony, D. Marshall, Row 4: S. Walston, Z. Zeljkovic, S. Kendall, A. Elliott, T. Wavell, C. Bosse!man, Row 5: M, D. Jackson, R. Woodfolk, Row 6: J. Gallagher, K. Mosley.

Outdoor Club: Row 1: M. Wilkins, P. Wright, M. Chandler, J. Merrick, K. Dahlstrom, A. Belew, J. Long, Row 2: J. Clifton, D. Berlin, Row 3: D. Morris,, D. Chalmers, P. Moneymaker, A. Frendschuh, S. Beebe, L. Stone, J. Purdy.

Ski Club: Row 1: H. Leake, J. Langhorne, Row 2: D. Nadolski, C. White, C. Fisher, M. Walsulko.



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Drc Ha1 Pot Rer

During club period some students couldn't resist the urge to find some physical activity. Even those who played on the school teams could be found in the big gym playing basketball in the Open Gym club. With so many different sports clubs, it was hard to decide which one to join. The Ski Club took trips to Wintergreen while the Outdoor Club regularly went on hiking and took a white water rafting trip. PALS advocated sportmanship between athletes, and raised money for all sports programs. The FAST club supported and mentored younger female athletes, and the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) also supported student athletes. Stephanie Jones & Candice Shaver




CtiVe athletes join together for support



:: s. ;, D. c,S. !, D. y.

PALS: Row 1: A Cross, M. Murray. Row 2: B. Matherne, D. Collier,RHanley,D.Atchi.son,N.Johnson .Row3:KGartland, C. Remington , J. Shipp, A Madigan,B. Walther, S. Zanker, J. Martinelli. Row 4: E. Hastings, R Barnett, HMix, T. Procter, B. Hutson, L. Brashear, E. Kaplan, Row 5: L. Bledsoe, L. Beckman, L. Noe, J, Oine, G. Collins, B. Hoelscher, B. Woodworth.

SnowboardClub: Rowl: C. Gallagher, R. Joseph, D. Martin, J. Langhorne, M. Wasolka.

Athletic trainers such as Amanda Burke tend to the needs of students a thl etes at every practice and game.

Brian Combs, a member of the former skateboarding club and a senior at AHS, shows some of his skating tricks at the local skate park down town. Many of the members have a stong passion for this popular sport.


FAST: Row 1: C. Watts, E. Arthur, R. Truslow, T. Procter, M. McSherry, E. Schwab, J. Shipp. Row 2: S. Robey, N. Drozda, N. Johnson, E. Kaplin, E. Esposito, E. Nizoleck, E. Hastings, L. Davis, J. Martinelli, C. Strong, Row 3: E. Potter, L. Parnell, M. Reily, M. Bojarski, M. Murray, C. Remington, A Johnson, L. Neese, E. Weir, J. Simms.

Oryanizalions 189

Every year students had new and unique interests, which were reflected in the choices of clubs. Whether you had an interest in computers, games, singing, or reading, there was a club at Albemarle for you. The Chess, Card Games Club, Starcraft Club, and Gamer's Guild were popular clubs where students could relax and play games together. Those interested in computing enjoyed Mr. Wayne's Webpage Designing Club, where they worked on links for the school homepage. In addition there was an Anime Club, devoted to


Japanese Animae cartoons, a Knitting Club, and a Book Club. Students who shared an interest could get a group together pretty easily by finding a staff sponsor. Ashleigh Quick


Varie plenty of choices available when it comes to clubs

Card Games Club: Row 1: Q. Wang, A. Martin, A. Stewart, G. Ferretti. Row 2: Mrs. MacMichael, T. Price, E. Woodson, S. Raines, B. Krietzer, K. Richards, C. Crawford, J. Chaney, S. Terry, Ms. Palmer-Rice,

Webpage Designing Club: Row l:T . Wayne, B. Vandanburg, B. Mills, J. Mathews, C. Felker

Alternative Music Club: Row 1: A. Hall, B. Wiehl, C. Gower, P. Andrews. Row 2: Ms. Brown, E, Mann, K. Santos, K. Lin, C. Stewart.

An N.


Starcraft Club: Row 1: M Dunlap, I. Crist, E. Yoder. Row 2: I. Grimm, T. Godshall, P. Reynolds, D. Overton, H. Zhang.

190 Organizalions

Garners Guild: Row 1: L. Martin, Y. Yao, C. Dilbeck, S. Rose, J. Wood, C. Kreitzman, L. Hall. Row 2: S. Mangione, J. Spellman, P. Slagle, B. Moynihan.

Book Club: Row 1: B. Deakin, C. Chaplin, R. Lee, V. Kamatchi





Dance Club members Georgette Fisk, Gina Barbara, and Sara Reisler watch a presentation while attending their meeting. Gamer' s Guild Club member Chris Kreitzman enjoys a game of Magic while attending a club meeting.



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.. Senior Richard Lee tries his luck at Mono! games provide a mental challenge in a fun and students were always ready to try n against friends.



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Animea Cl ub: Row1: E. Chilton, CLam, M. Creighton, N. Greer Row 2: . J. Sides, J Hazen, M. Marshall, J. Blake, J. Petsche.

Whatever Club: Row 1: Mrs. Wall, M. Thomas, J. Arnold, D. Shaver, H. Goforth, R. Sikes, D. Ronde, Mrs. Dormir. Tow 2: D. Dinad, M. Pico, A Bailey, K. Dexbern, Z Hustace.

Chess Club: Row 1: A. Genest, A. Glennie, D. Klosko, S. Reed, D. Trugman. Row 2 : J. Kaur, M. Kuhn, K. Stanley, G. Hoffman, L. Wells.

D.J. Club: Row 1: Mr. Garland, D. Kern, J. Ehlers, L. Wilson . Row 2: B. Timberlake, V. Shah, T. Steabley, S. Cahalen.

Courtney McKoy, Erica Howe, LaToya fi artin and friends enjoy a club meeting of relaxation mkhe cafeteria.

Oryanizalions 191

DavidA. Scott

Neena Stringer

Our "baby" is graduating

It seems like only yesterday

from high school and we suddenly feel so old. The years have gone by way too fast and our darling little baby boy is almost 18 and has turned into a handsome young man. We are so proud of the person you have become. We will always remember the sensitive, loving, playful , happy little boy and be thankful for the gift of you. It won't be the same around here without you. We love you lots and lots and will always be here for you . Mom&Dad

you were born and now you are graduating from High school! You are a wonderful, loving person who has the ability to get whatever you want in life. We are so proud of you! You are our little treasure , we love you! Mom, JF , Dave & Mike

Brian Riggs From big wheels to dirt bikes


is a word

192 Senior Congratula tions

..JiliL ~

from high school and you have grown into such a remarkable young man. Don't ever forget Bambi , Ninja Turtles, trips to Colorado , and crazy hats, summers at the beach, four-wheelers, bonfires , the FARM , pee-wee football to HS lacrosse. As you move on to college and motocross races, you will always remain our little Chippy. You have the whole world ahead of you and we will be here to support you as you go off to find your place. Love , Mom, Dad, Kristen , Zip, Crombie , and Jack


l l


Katie Santos

W1ielle Marie Shaefe

"Why there's a wench! From sweet pea to princess to ... A beautiful , caring , loving young woman. You have always made us extremely proud of you . Your determination to achieve your goals no matter how difficult the challenge, totally amazed us each year.


Come on and kiss me, Kate" - William Shakespeare

Jessica L. Hodges

Your are not just God 's gift to us, but to everyone you meet.

I've learned many things,

With so much love, Congratulations & best wishes from the whole gang! Mom , Dad , Justin , Eric , Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

from my mom. You 're my best friend. I love you.


Ashley Sult

Lindsay Spatz

Your first set of wheels!


It seems like yesterday you were zooming around the den in your crown ready to take on the world. Now you are racing into the world ambracing your amazing life that lies ahead. You have brought such happiness to us and we are so proud of you! Thank you for all the laughter and fun times . Always keep that "Ashley Smile"-it has made each day a brighter one for the many lives you have touched . We love you ! Mom , Dad , and Sierra

We were extremely proud parents over 17 years ago when you came into our life. Now 17 years later , our pride and love is even stronger. You have brought joy and a sense of well being to out life and now it is time for you to start down your own path . Keep being who you are and never compromise your values . No matter what you become or do we will always love you and be extremely proud of the young lady you have become . Congratulations and good luck with a very bright and exciting future. Love , Mom , Dad & Kristen ~

SE:->IOR Co:->G RATt:un o:---s




You always had a mischieous look

For 18 years we prayed

in your baby pictures. You 've turned that energy and joy of life into great things as you grew up. You 've kept us running for 18 years and we've enjoyed every minute of it. Keep your smile , your love of people and enthusiasm for life and keep your faith. You 're the man. Love , Mom and Dad

Shannon Cooper It's hard to believe

that 17 years have gone by. I remember those first moments when you entered this world. You were independent from the beginning. Watching you grow into a young lady: dressed in fromal gowns, dealing with relationships and going off to Germany without me , I knew you were doing okay . As you move on to your new challenge , remember I will always be here for you . I am very proud that you are my daughter. Love , Mom 194 Senior Congratuiations



that we would become parents. Finally, our miracle child was born and that was you. From that moment on, you have been our "petite ange "' little angel."




We are so proud of you and of the beautiful young lady you have become. Je t'aime , Mom&Dad

Jessica Lynn McCu t

Jessi! It seems like only yesterday we put you on the bus for your first day of school. We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments. You are amazing! Always remember nothing is impossible to a willing heart. We love you so much, Mom & Daddy


James Foster

Anne Clarry


Dearest James,

Anne, You are a blessing to me. You are strong, courageous , smart, funny, and beautifulinside and out. You stand up for what you believe in and you are a good friend. I have learned a lot from you . When you have the




You are smart, sensitive, creative, and just an interesting person to be around. We know you will succeed in anything you try , but our wish for you is happiness. Follow your dreams and enjoy life . We love you , Mom & Dad

choice to sit it out or danceyou dance . When you have the opportunity to help a person- you do it because its the right thing to do. I thank God that you are mine. We love you and wish you peace , love , and happiness always. Love , Mom, Lisa , and Brian ~ Senior Congratulations 195


Kevin Duncan

Jamie Michelle Kay

Right from the beginning ,

Dear J,

My adorable little sister's graduation re minds me of our childhood , your squeaky voice, and obsession with a funy blue monster. From Cheerios to Cheese Nips, you have always been a source of joy and happiness, a frie nd and confidant. You' ll always be close in my mem ories , thoughts ,and heart.

your smile and special ways have brought us many joys and precious memories! Numerous qualities make you the strong , unique individual yo u are: independence - compassion - creativity - logic. T hroughout your j o urney in life , remember our love goes with you always. -D ad , Mom, & Samantha

You bring sunshine and light to our lives. We love you , and we're very proud of you! Mom and Dad

"Daddy's Little Girl"

Annie Johnson


And when you finally fly away


It's hard to bel ieve you are a senior in high school , making plans for college and soon will be mov ing away. Take ti me to think what you have accompli shed in life so far and what great things you have yet to do. Although you wi ll always be "DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL," remember that Mommy loves you just as much . Foll ow your dreams and keep reaching fo r the stars. It's time to try your wings out in this great big world. "Butterfly Kisses ," Mom & Dad 196 Senior Congratulations




We 'll be hoping that we served you well For all the wisdom of a lifetime No one can ever tell But whatever road you choose We 're right behind you , win or lose

Forever young. Love , Mom , Dad, Louis , Chris , Ginger, and Tigger


Lindsay Woodson 111enn Bragg (Ladybug)

7 I I I



How blessed we are to have you





l I i



Congratulations! ~

With your exceptional mind and beautiful heart, you will succeed in life and love. Love , Mom & Dad




, .;...









to share our lives with. You are an awesome daughter and sister and you mean the world to us. We love you. Dad, Mom, and Morganne


路 路Stephanie Lee Beebe I


"Daffodilly" Bright, beautiful , bold, talented ! May the Lord lead your way,

Love, Mom , Dad, and Ashton

Johnny Tomko

Allie Bowns

Time has flown and you have grown.

Believe in yourself,

It is hard to believe you are at the next crossroads of your life. From the day you were born , you have given us so much love and happiness. We are very proud of the person you have become. As you continue on life 's journey , remember to strive to do your best , show compassion for others, and play hard from the start. We wish you the best in all that you do . We will always be there for love and support wherever life leads you . Love , Mom and Dad

your strength , compassion and love. Believe in tomorrow , there is no limit to what you can do . Always be true to you heart. We are very proud you are our daughter. We love you, always. Mom & Dad



~ Senior Congratulations 197

Charles Steven Martin II


We saw that smile, M is for memorable memories, we knew we had a star. You have proved us right. Mom&Dad

Shatoya Monet Smith "Hannah" Dream it, Achieve it Through God all things are possible. Love , Dad, Mom , DeAndra

E is for you enthusiasm for life, G is for great times, H is for your humorous way of looking at life , A is for your awesome aspirations, N is for your new life. Love, Mom , Dad & Ashley

Stuart Walton

Carolyn Hiller

Son, we are so very proud of you!

"Where are you going?" ~---

You have become more than we ever hoped for! What a blessing from God you are. Your wonderful sense of humor, your compassion , and your integrity has made you a truly remarkable young man. Always trust in God .

With all our love, Mom and Dad 198

SE:<I OR Co:--c RATt: un o:--s



It seems like only yesterday!! Through all those years we watched you grow . Now you ' re really on your way, With new, exciting places to go!! Love always Mom , Dad & Emily

Katharina Ley

Joey Lawson

What a great daughter you are!

You are Our Precious Gift.




Spread your wings and soar, enjoy life to the fullest , We love you always Mama and Papa

It seems like only yesterday that you were born . Where has the time gone? We enjoyed watching you grow and develop into a fine young man. Choose your path wisely and always remember that you are not alone. We are very proud of you ! Congratulations on a job well done . We love you, Mom, Dad , and Matthew






You truly have been the life of the party

With love and pride

in our lives. Your willingness to help others has been inspiring . You solve difficult situations with determination and grace. Keep your eyes on Jesus because fie has great plans for you. We are proud of the young man you have become . Love , Dad & Mom Spanky - Even when you were little , you always knew how to party . What you enjoyed most was when the parties were for you. Always in the spotlight with cake on your face . Remember what I told you about using a napkin. Your bro , Spaceghost

we've watched you grow and we couldn't ask for anything more. You are a special young lady. Keep smiling, believing in yourself and you will touch the hearts of others. Remember wherever you go and whatever you do , we will always be here for you with love and support. You can achieve your dreams! Love, Mom, Dad and Kelly


SE:-<JOn Co:-<c n.nt:uno:-<s 199

Shannon Marie Liebenrood "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Ecc. 3:1 To my Angel , It is hard to believe that your Looking down on you , I will season in high school is always smile knowing that I am almost gone and you will be a part of you. I will be watching beginning a new season in you as your dreams come true. your life. Always remember Love, Momma that God never does anything by chance. There is always a specific reason for We are so proud all that He does. So always of you. seek His guidance in Congratulations!! everything you undertake in your life. Praise Him for the Love, Lynn & trials and the joys. He will Angela never leave you nor forsake you. Remember papa and I love you and are very proud to have you as our granddaughter. Love,

To my dearest Princess, Watching your many talents emerge has brought a light to my life. Your growth has enriched my spirit.

Papa and Nanny

I am so proud of you! You are such a precious gift. Remember that I love you from the bottom of my heart and always will. May all your future hopes and dreams be filled with joy and happiness. Congratulations! Love, Mom I would give you all my love, but you already have it. I am always going to be there for you. I am so very proud of you! Love , Annie

You are the stars in my eyes, the river that runs through my veins, and the waves that beat in my heart. It seems like only yesterday that you were dreaming about the world around you and who you would become. Today you have come of age and you are now part of the world that your dreams were made of and you have become that star of stars that shines bright. Your future is yours to make and you will succeed. Remember that I will always be there for you. Love, Dad

Best wishes to our beautiful & favorite actress. We love you! John, Susan & Flame 200 Senior Congratulations ~

All the years , all the tears, the challenges and overcoming them. Your whole life is ahead of you. Congratulations! Love , Will

Holly Sauer

Neil Barton

As you make your way in the world,

Neil , God blessed us

continue to live your life with honesty, integrity, and your great sense of humor. We love you past the moon and the stars. Mom, Randy and Paul

so much when He brought you into our lives eighteen short years ago. We have had so much fun watching you grow into such a fine , well-rounded young man. Continue to focus on doing the right things and we are confident you will be rewarded with all the happiness that you so richly deserve. We love you ! Mom & Dad

Siera Kristine Eades Congratulations , Siera! You shine in everything you do!



We love you and are very proud of you. Because you always strive for the best , we know you will do well in whatever you do. Love , Mom & Dad ~ Senior Congratulations 201

Daniel Hocking

Laura Elzey

Congratulations! From a beautiful baby girl , You 're not a puppy anymore. Love, Mom , Dad , Matt & Shanna

Molly Waddell To our "Boo Bear" We are so proud of you. Love ,

Dad and Mom

Who loved pretty dresses, to a school girl with curls , Who loved to sing and make up dances , Now a beautiful young woman in 2003 who is responsible, independent and carefree.

1ow is your opportunity to discover what you want to do with your life. Be courageous and follow your dreams as you go off on your own to college to gain new perspectives and knowledge. We will miss you every day , but you will be close to our hearts and we will aways love and support you along the way. Love ,

Dad and Mom

Bryan Thomas Combs Emily Kristin Arthur Skate or die!

I think this was the last time we were able to get you to wear knee and elbow pads! Aren't you cute? (Sorry- just had to say it.) You have brought us great joy and pride- always. We are very proud of you. Live life with fun- live it with adventure- and live it with love. And know that we will always be there for you. Love, Mom and Dad

202 Senior Congratulations ~

The moment you were born ... you captured our hearts . You have always been our sunshine. You were such a funny little kid with boundless energy, curiosity, and courage. Life was one adventure after another, with no time to rest in between . As you matured, so did your goals. We have been so proud of your hard work, perseverance , and strength of character. Your accomplishments are many. You are so genuine. Your beautiful smi le and love of laughter have brought us much joy. You have a kind and caring heart and empathy for everything living. You're true to yourself, trustworthy , and a loyal friend . We are proud to be your parents. We will always treasure the precious memories of your childhood . Sadly , it has gone by much too quickly , just as we knew it would. We wis h for you the happiness you have given us . We love you very much and will always be there for you. Mom and Dad Dad P.S. Can we throw the ball again sometime?

Lindsay Davis

Danny Adler

Who is LD?

Whatup Danboy? My baby brother, my partner in crime, my breadmaker, I can 't believe you're already graduating from high school. I'm so proud of you; you've become such an amazing, funny, intelligent , exciting person and I'm so glad I get to be a part of your life . Good luck ! Remember, you just gotta go! Love, Karen


I u ,. ' j

l. e h

She's bright , funny, friendly, and most of all fast. She's a little girl who carries a big stick. Linds , your hard work and determination have made you successful on and off the field . A wonderful future awaits you. Remember , the best is yet to come . Love, Mom, Dad , and Leslie

Hey Dana- you did it! , and you did so much , and you did it so well, and we are so proud of you, especially since you also won the procrastinator-of-the-decade award. One more thing- remember to test! ! With so much love, Mom and Dad



We could not be more proud

E- energetic

of the things that you have accomplished, but more importantly of the person that you have become. You have consistently made the right choices in life , which sometimes are not the easy ones. We know that you can achieve whatever it is you set your sights on. Thank you for being a great son, brother , and friend.

Love always , Your biggest fans , Mom, Dad, Kevin , and Kathleen

M - motivated I- intelligent L- loving Y- yearns to excel From a little girl to a grown-up woman, we've watched you grow strong . With smiles and tears through the years, we've loved you all along. the person you've become has made us proud to be Mom, Dad, and Brother. Believe in yourself and trust your heart , and put God before all others. CONGRATULATIONS! We love you ! Mom, Dad , and Chris


Senior Congratulations 203

Matt "Dude"

Amanda Finn


To the Brightest Star

Your childhood has passed in what seems a blink of the eye. The beautiful baby boy I nursed and protected is now a grown man , independent and strong. We have gone from diapers to drums , ninja turtles to girls, air guitar to pl aying the bass on stage like a star , training wheels to being behind the wheel. Growing up is never easy , we tried to tackle each hurdle with courage , patience , love and understanding . I love being your mom and I give thanks to God for the miracle that is you . Make good choices .... Love Mom

Amanda, my baby girl, you continue to astonish and amaze me every day. As you go forward into this magnificent world, may you always remember your resplendent beauty and unique gifts , and that you have come to shine them upon us all. It has been an honor to know you ,always ,andi stand in awe of you as you move to this next stage of your life. Congratulations! Many blessings and much love always, Mother

Michael L. Terry, II Rachel Marie Hanley Congratulations Michael! !

It has been such a joy -~==

It is amazing how quickly time flie s. We remember with pride yo ur first smile , your first word , and yo ur first step. As the years have moved quickly , we have continued to be moved by your every ventureyour every accomplishment. Now we look for ward to the next exciting phase of your life. With love, Dad and Mom 204 Senior Congratulations ~


to watch you grow from our sweet little (Florida) sunshine girl to a beautiful , wonderful , young woman. Your hard work and dedication inspire us. Only , your heart out-sizes your awesome accomplishments. We couldn 't be prouder of the good person yo u are. God has blessed you with many gifts , and therefore much is expected of yo u. Have fun , stay true to yo urself, and keep sm iling that gorgeous smile. Love , Mom , Dad , Matt , Jared , and Cassidy


Ashley Thompson

Tyler Bannister Tyler-



Loving, funny, and sometimes stubborn , you have wonderful opportunties ahead and our unwavering love. Mom, Dad , & Casey


I can't believe all that you have accomplished in such a short time. You have grown from a sweet little girl into a beautiful young lady. We have enjoyed being with you every step of the way. You have given us so much joy. We look forward to your new adventures and accomplishments. We know that you will do well. We will always be there to love and support you. We wish you all the happiness and success that life has to offer . Congratulations Ashley, you did it ! Love always, Mom , Dad , Robby, and Taylor

Felicia Diana Dennis (Puddin) 1 1 How time flies,

Felicia, always put God first, and you will succeed. Love, Dad&Mom

Marc McCabe

Michelle Pullen

Congratulations Marc


We are proud of you and good luck in college ! "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur. " -Vince Lombardi

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. " -Winston Churchill

Love Always , Mom & Dad, Michelle, Grandma & Grandpa , Kaky, Bob , Bob , Nan, Mac, Betsy, Bill , Elizabeth, Landrm, John , Mike, A.T., Brooks, Chris, Courtney , C.J. , Emma , Audrey, Mike, Nell , and Michael

We are so very proud of all that you have achieved. As you go forward in life , may all of your hopes and dreams be realized. Love , Dad & Deb ~ Senior Congratulations 205

Justin Cilimberg

Brian Curtis Mundie

Justin , You ve had your ups and downs through school but you made it. We 1re so proud ! Love , 1

Ellen Sakell Live - Love - Dream - Smile ! We are so proud of the person you 1ve become. Mom , Dad , & Michael

What an honor and a pri vilege to be your parents. Not only have you been a wondrous gift to us, you also bring this blessing to others. Loving , kind , caring , compassionate , witty , humorous , wisdom beyond your years- you possess it all. The world awaits you. Ask God's direction whatever you do , wherever you go , and you 'll always be going in the right direction . "But seek ye first the kingdom of God , and his righteousness ; and all these things shall be added unto you. " Matthew 6:33 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart , and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him , and he shall direct thy paths. " Proverbs 3:5 -6 We love you and are so proud of you ! Mom and Dad


"Boey" 1ulianne Launi


We are so proud of you.

You are still so much like this photo- eager to travel down that road . Time to travel a bit farther. You are in the driver's seat now , so whaever road you choose , keep that eagerness to fuel you along. We love you so much and are very proud of you. God bless you on your journey. Love, Mom , Dad, Matt, Katie

206 Senior Congratulations

What a joy, what a delight,

You have shown us that you are a hard worker, not afraid to take on new challenges , and always caring for others firs t. We have learned as much from you as we hope you have learned from us. Always remember that we will be there for you , and that you will forever touch our hearts. With love: Mom and Dad


Ian Michael Carr

Thanks for bringing so much joy

May the good Lord be with you


11- - - -

and happiness into our lives. We are proud of the beautiful person that you are. You have the self-confidence to succeed. You are always thoughtful and have an infectious positive spirit and can derive happiness from everything around you . These characteristics will always be your strengths and will make the world a better place . We love you! Mom&Dad


P .S. The Thong Song will always be our song! Good luck next year! Love, Leslie P .S. It's not just your car! Good Luck!' Love , Nick


Kyle Utz

down every road you roam May sunshine and happiness Surround you when you're far from home May you grow to be proud, dignified and true and do unto others as you would have done to you ... Couldn't come up with my own words so I borrowed them from Rod Stewart. Whether you like it or not, in my heart you will remain forever young. But whatever road you choose, we're right behind you win or lose. Dad , Mom, Ryan , and Evan

Meredith Anne O'Leary _ _ _ _. ::::...-_

On May the 6th of '85 Kyle David Utz did come alive, The apple of his parents' eye That Lil' Utie sure could cry.

Succeeding in his grades , High marks in all his subjects Brought many accolades.

Because Kyle's family loves all sports And most expecially ball, So naturally , so true to Utz He plays and loves them all.

Of friendships , there are many The numbers by the score , Kyle treasures each and every one And hopes for more and more .

The most important thing , of course-

The joy this special child has brought Exceeds by any measure His parents' hopes for happiness Not mentioning the pleasure. The future has no limits The goals he's set are high With his determination He'll surely reach the sky. Love , Mom , Dad , and Adam

May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rains fall soft upon your face ... And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Dear Dithia, we pray you never have another "Blue Headache" in your tummy. Love, Dad&Mom

Senior Congratulations 207

Courtney Elizabeth James Peter Micciche Poots Remington Courtney-

We had so much more to be thankful for

You are a priceless treasure. Those sparkling eyes and ready wit provoke a smi le in everyone yo u meet. You make us proud with your compassion for others and your ability to emphasize. o one could ever take your pl ace: the fingerprints of God are all over you. Now come the time to fl y. Dream big. Aim high. You can do it. We love you more than meat loves salt. Mom & Dad

Chad Woodfolk I never knew this day would ever come. You have become a young man now. I am very proud of you. Just remember to put God first, and everything else will fall in place. We love you , Mom, Nannie , and Ryan (Bop)

Mark Coffman Eyes on the future , Then as now ... Embrace it! Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan , and Kiefer 208 Senior Congratulations ~

when you were born on Thanksgiving Day 1984! Through the years we have watched you grow in so many ways and are always proud to call you our son. Please always remember where you came from and we hope that we have prepared you for what may come yo ur way. As Bob Dylan states in Forever Young: May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May yo u grow up to be righteou s May you grow up to be true All our love , Mom, Dad & Caroline

Katherine Lacy Nolan Dad bought your first string of pearls

We brought you home for Pepper to see She gave you a sniff that meant you could stay And you changed our lives with your glee. You've danced your way through the years with a smile 1996 Ol ympics. Para-Ol ympics , utcracker and more Challenges you accepted with excitememnt and hard work Li fe wi th you was never a bore. Lacy, you have always taken the road less traveled Made decisions that were not "cool " A youn2: lady of character and principles With friends and fami ly "YOU RULE !" You have chosen to make a difference in this world Heart and consideration for all My daughter , friend and confidant You will always have a safe place to fall All Our Lo ve . Mom , Dad, & Hannah

Jenae Lane Price

0 .,.;"

Kennon Edwards You are and will always be my Sunshine!


Congratulations! Do well, be good and have fun. Love, Mom and Dad

Amber Liane Guthrie "YIPPEE!!! II You have finally made it to the top. It seems like only yesterday you were just two years old. You have a head start on your future so don't slow down now. You always wanted to be the oldest. Now you're glad you are the youngest. The smile on your face then is the smile you will always have . Love you , Mom , Dad and Joanie

We love you.



Being the youngest brother

When she was three,




Hold on tight , beautiful! Enjoy your ride , celebrate the world!


hasn't been easy. But you have developed into a wonderful person . We are very proud of you . Your determinations will see you through anything you want to achieve . Remember to enjoy life along the way. We love you and will always be there for you. GO HOKIES !! Love , Mom & Dad

we called her "sweet pea ." Now in the sports hall , she's known as the "brick wall." Whether dealing with losses or comforting friends, she was never a crier. You could always count on her honesty, passion , and desire. Her friends and teammates will remember her heart , and her shoes emblazoned with 'J. Mart .' On the field she could sometimes be mean , and she always wore that 'bad' number 13. But as those of us who knew her well could see , inside of her was a kind and gentle "sweet pea ." Live each day with passion and desire. Love , Your Family and Friends ~ Senior Congratulations 209

Jason Day

Ashleigh Quick

From the movie "Jeremiah Johnson"


Jeremiah Johnson- young mountain man , at war with the Crow Indian nation over the death of his family. Bearclaw Chris Lapp- old mountain man , mentor to Jeremiah and blood kin to the grizzly bear that bit Jim Bridger's butt. Bearclaw: "You've come far pilgrim ." Jeremiah: " It doesn't seem far ." Bearclaw: "Was it worth the trouble?" Jeremiah: "Eh , what trouble?" Bearclaw: "You've done well to keep so much hair when so many be after it." Love , Mom and Dad

words cannot describe how proud I am of you. Eighteen years ago I was 18 and the time has just flown . You are beautiful ! Not just on the outside, but on the inside too. It has been so much fun laughing with you and watching you grow into the awesome woman that I knew you would be! Doors are opening for you, and even though it is hard to see you go , I know there is a world out there that will embrace you and I know that you are ready. I love you so much! Mom

Melissa Ulan


It goes without saying Melissa,

"Give it to me I'll do it" '

that you have brought endless happiness into our lives . Your enthusiasm for life , quick smile, insatiable desire to succeed, and your gentle, caring ways have made every day very special. As you begin your journey into your promising future , we know you will continue to be successful. Your spirit as well as your compassion will shine through in whatever path you take . We love you and we are so very proud of you.. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad , Adam, and Ciera 210 SE:<IOR Co:<GRATt:Ln ro:<s

If everyone saw the world through your eyes, we would see only smiles. With your incredible determination and ever optimistic attitude, you are sure to enjoy much success! Love always , Mom, Dad, Briana & Isaac

Sarah Bear L

Adrienne Oliver Congratulations!

Sarah, You are not a carbon copy of anyone, but a strong, caring, loving woman who has taken what the world has to offer and made it into something truly beautiful just by being your own unique self. In every moment of your life , may the stars, and your heart , guide you to happiness.


he th )U


We love you, Mom, Taylor , and Mush



Jeff Wright The sheik of Rookie-Lah is on his way! May happiness and success fill your world. Love, Mama & Papa

Jennifer "Jenn Shipp"

"Learn from yesterday,


Time has flown by! -~!



/ ,!"


, ' ~~

路 ~ll-

live for today, hope for tomorrow." Love, Dad & Mom, Tiffany, D.J ., Tyler, and Zachary

Amber Jackson Even though it seemed long, j


The world is going to love your smile and laugh. Love, Mom, Dad, and Jordan

you still hung in there. Congratulations , love always , your mom.

It seems like yesterday that yo u were showing us your athletic ability. I should have known you would be a great athlete. Our life has been a roller coaster ride with all our ups and downs. Although , I'm not a roller coaster rider- I've hung on for the ride- loving you too much to get off. I'm so proud of the young lady you are becoming . You have everything you need to succeed in life- determination which shows on and offthe field, fai th in God , will power, and a heart of gold. You're my STAR ! Always remember, life is like a book- some chapters you don ' t want read out loud. Love you , Mom , Dad , & David ~

SE:<JOR C o:-o-GRATt.; L Ano:-.- s 211

Helen Bowman

Ali Madigan

Only an Angel in Heaven

You have given us so much joy

was looking down on me when you were born . I thank God everyday for his precious gift... YOU. You have enriched my life, kept our home full of laughter and joy . As you leave for college , keep your bright smile, free spirit, sense of humor , and the love of God where ever you go . Love you Hinnie BoBo , Mom "Too bad you didn ' t have a boy," my classmate said when you were born . How wrong he was!! Helen , my beautiful daughter , I love you dearl y. You so enrich my life in every way. You make me smile ! I am so very fortunate. God bless you always! Dad


and pleasure for 18 years . We have watched you grow from an inquisitive , shy, little girl into a beautiful , intelligent, independent young woman. Remember to keep your focus and to keep God in your heart and you will go far. We know you will be successful in whatever you do and we want you to know that we will always be here for you. We are so proud of you and love you dearly. Mom , Dad , Kendall and Michael P .S. Free from Prison at last!


Congratulations Chris-


even then you were dreaming of graduation. Love , Mom


Ashely Marie Odom PunkieDoodle, Keep kicking butt and making us laugh. Wishing you love. Love , Mom and Dad

We are so proud of you and the person that you have become. We wouldn ' t trade you for anything! You have worked hard and accomplished much in your life already. Look to your college years as a time of adventure and enjoy them. We will always be there for you if you need us. We love you so much. Love, Mom , Dad , and Jess



Michelle Pullen


I'm proud of you, Michelle. You are the finest of us May all of your dreams come true.

. ~

Love, Mom


Christina Herndon


Yawp on ...

and inspire us to be better people.


But don't forget the Duck Tape! Love , Mom, Papa and Guinevere

Brian Covington

Cayman Mooney

Our dearest Brian,

Continue to surround yourself

From the tiny, little 3 lb. bundle of joy that you were, you have grown up doing everything in a big way. You are our miracle. We are all so proud we could burst. You are a fantastic little brother and an awesome big brother. As a son you are a dream come true. With your smarts , good looks, and great sense of humor , you will succeed in all you do. All our love , Mom , Dad , Del , Tricia & Denise

with good friends and favorite books and everything else will fall into place. Love , Mom , Dad and Kelsey ~

8ÂŁ:-;wn Co:-;cnATt:L.HJO:-;s 2 13

Samantha Congratulations-



Well done! We are proud of you! Love lots , Dad, Mom, Sister

Melissa Beth Paitsel The smile that always touches my heart. Your smile is a gift to touch others . Love , Dad

Didi Terlep

may the road before you be clear and light , may you find your friends, may you find your home , may you find your talents, may you bear your burdens , may you know the joy of full contribution, may He lift you up , may He make His countenance shine upon you , may He guide your footsteps forever. Love , Dad , Mom , and Grace

Sara Reisler

Congratulations Didi! From the day of your birth We are so proud of your accomplishments! Love , Falan & Family

¡Jessica Ashley Sims To Jessica: You have been a bright and beautiful daughter- may God bless you and continue to be a great success in whatever you do . Love, Mom , Darrius, Big Mom , Big Dad , Grandma Ethel , Brookes & Scottie 214 S E:-<I OR Co:-<GRATt;LATIO:-< s


- - - - - - -1

you have brought us great happiness. Congratulations on your fine achievements. Congratulations even more for being the wonderful and caring person you have become. May you always maintain your joie de vi vre and infectious smile and find the happiness and fulfillment that you deserve. Love Always , Mom and Dad

Christina Ann Hutton 1_

Chrissy ~ Tia ~

Bridgett (Bridgie)


We know you'll go far and reach the stars. We love you. Love, Your family

Jennifer Follow your dreams, the only girl in the family with FIVE brothers! "the first grandchild" "a gift from God" with special talents and gifts that make us proud! I used to go into your nursery to watch you sleep- you looked so angelic! Considerate, focused , responsible , and "Drama Queen" However. .. "She's just as bossy now , at 18 , as she was at 8 in the garage with stuffed animals as students while she pretended to be teacher." Look out world , because Christina will tell you just what she thinks -like it or not! ... and she has goals for her life so don ' t get in her way!!!


you'll realize everything is possible ... Love you, Mom


Kate Marrs

To my Buddy

BusybethAlways let your light shine! Love, Dad. Mommy's precious little angel- You were right.. .Every time I look at you I realize what a beautiful choice you are. You are and always will be an important part of my life. Love, Mom

We are so very proud of you. As beautiful as you are on the outside , you are even more beautiful inside . What an incredible honor to have you as a daughter and a sister. There are no limits to what you can accomplish. Aim high and always believe in yourself. Embrace your dreams, follow your heart and remember no matter where life leads you , our love and support are always with you . Love ya bunches, Mom , Dad, Brianne & Shannon

Kate the Great- the true ICEBOX! From church on my shoulders to college , you'll always be on top. Remember teddybear hamsters! Love, Robbie Poop- Through the worst of times to the best, you've always been there! Shhh , secrets! I'm so proud of the amazing person you've become! Finish the job! I love you! Always , Sissy


8ÂŁ:-<IOR Co:-<G RATt; LATIO:-<s 21 5

Erin Hogan

Brittany Hope Bishop

Congratulations, Erin We're so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Katie

Thank you for the laughter, the love, the joy and the sunshine you brought to our


lives. You are always on our

----Times pass so quickly. It has been a joy watching you become you. Keep up the good work. Although you are grown and on your way , remember , you are never alone. We are so proud of you. All our love, Mom and Dad

Nicolai Hamilton Nicci, Your happiness is the most important thing to us. Keep smiling! Love, your famly

minds and in our hearts. Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan & Chris

Abby Berube Yes, you've always been a star.

Patricia Gail Wibert To our Peppermint Patty, There have been good times and bad times; remember the best is yet to come. Love , Mom, Dad, and Jason 216 SE:-< I OR Co:-<GRATt:LATio:-<s


For Sam , who says thanks for being such a great sister. ~nd for us, who say thanks for leading us to places we could never have imagined without you. You go, girl! Where to now? Love , Mom, Dad, and Sam

ry '


Dory Tucker "To our Princess"

I admire your spirit and ~~~

~ - - - r--.

the courageous path you have taken. I love you. Mom

AnneMarie (Mieke) Pitts


We wished upon a star

We are so proud of you. It is a precious feeling to see one ' s "little girl" blossom into a caring and capable young woman. You are confident that you "can do" because you CAN DO . Tee , Josh, Daddy, and Mommy know that you will always have fun in life. We pray that you will contnue to appreciate others along the way and always give back to others. Much love , Daddy , Mommy , Tee , and Josh

And you came true. May you always shine so bright.

Ashley Kotania


Congratulations Ashley,

We are so proud of you Casey!


s t

We are very proud of you. Love always, MomandDad

From the time you were born, we knew you would be a star. Whether it was dance classes, school plays, or chorus solos , we knew you would give your best. Boy, did you ever. Just look at you now. You are a beautiful, talented young lady with an exciting future. Keep reaching for the stars. One day everyone will know your name. Your voice is your gift and what a gift!! Wow!! We love you so much! Mom and Dad

Tiffany Steadley

I I -


We wish you all the best for a successful future. ~


Lauren Dueweke The name Lauren is derived from "a wreath of laurel ," which is indicative of your aspirations. You have always set your goals very high , and you continue to do so. Your achievements are many, particularly with your equestrian pursuits, and your desire to experience life at its fullest continues to develop . Keep your goals high , enjoy life , and may you achieve your fullest dreams. Remember always , we love you and are very proud of you. Congratulations! Mom and Dad

21 8



Robo 1815

Sarah Jean Johnston We are so proud of you

At the age of one ...

Remember, we love you forever.


Love, Dad&Mom

InDawn "Princess Pulchra"

I ~

We realized you would be able to accomplish any goal you set your mind to. You haven ' t let us down. We are so very proud of you and love you very much. You have so much ahead of you, keep up the good work! Love , Mom , Dad , Nick & Cody

Keep singing and smiling. God loves you, "Dawn-Dawn" and so do we!!

Brittney Fells Congratulations Brittney, I've watched you grow from a beautiful, enchanting baby, to an inquisitive little girl , to a beautiful young lady. I hope that I have been everything that you have needed in a mother because you have been everything I ever dreamed of in a daughter. I hope I have provided you with a good start in life, full of dreams, and that you will always follow your dreams and that they bring you all the success and happiness that God has in store for your life. My pride, my thankfulness for God allowing me to be a part of your life will follow you forever, as will God's bountiful blessings. Always remember to give thanks and honor to God in all you achieve. Love for life ... It is my privilege to be your Mom Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find , knock and the door will be opened.


SE'<IOR Co'<GRATt:LHIO'<S 2 19

Meghan Frances Russell Congratulations Meghan! You are a senior! Wow! from throwing your food from a highchair, to climbing fences to "escape" kindergarten , you have become a beautiful , caring young woman. I am so proud of your accomplishments so far, and the years of devoting yourself to life. Many years await you, and I know you will fill every dream you have. Thank you for our talks , our laughs, and always know I will be here for you. I

Good luck Meghan I love you, Mama

.. '



.. - . '

.•. .•


... ' .

.f \"


Thea Renae Berkley

Eric Byers

You have been a source of sunshine You may be one person in this world,

and peace for me. I'm very proud of you! Love , Your friend , Your comforter, Your Mom

but to one person you ARE the world.

Eric, We've been through so much , sometimes to the point of defeat, but we always made it and always, no matter what

Caroline Marie decisions you make along the way, I'll be there to encourage you!

Success is a journey, not a destination. Make the most of your journey! Love always, Dad, Mom , and Alex

Love always, Melanie .-

, 路 J~tl '


Never let the fear of striking out get in your way!

Cori Koenig

CoriKoenig You are more precious to us J

than there are words to say. You have brought us immeasurable joy in every way. You were something special from the start , We saw it in your beautiful smile and gent le heart. You have accomplished so much in four short years , You have pressed and challenged yourself and so it is with lots of tears. That we let go and let God and watch you soar, The sky is your limit and even more. Most importantly, always know how loved you are, You shall remain close to our hearts and thus never far. We treasure your life and its gift to us, Now it is time to share your talents , it is a must! Cori , Always believe in yourself and know that no matter where you are , we are cheering you on , loving you and thanking God for the pri vilege of raising you . You are a special treasure and we love you. Love, Mom and Dad


I have always looked up to youmore than you'll ever know. I'll never forget all of our memories and our talks in the car. I love you - Jess

Hey "Caams ," I love you and I will miss you. Love , Michael ~

S E~I OR Co~G RATt: un o~s


Joshua Micheal Parsons

Jenna Centini &

Congratulations, Joshua!

From Kindergarten to Senior year

Right from your first day of school, you dressed for success. We knew you could do it. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. You have grown into a fine young man with a very bright future. Remember you can do anything! Love, Mom, Justin , Papa, Mamie, Fritz & Nate

Kim McKay

You two have shared joys, hurdled obstacles, and learned to respect each other's differences. We love you both ... Your Moms


Adam lames

Shana' s lifesupport! (the phone)

My Adam,

May every road you travel into adulthood lead you to a successful life. We love you, Mom, Mike, Justin, Mitch, and MeMaw

You did it! You got through 12long years of school. Congratulaions ! My dear sweet Adam, you truly have a heart of gold! Your compassion, caring, and love for all living things has been apparent since you were a little tike! You have grown before my eyes from a "little fellow" to a handsome , responsible , thoughtful young man. I wish you all the good things that life has to offer! Aim high and never forget your dreams! All my love to you, my sweet! Mom and your brother, Matt



Zach ''El Duke'' Bailey_ Zack, My bologna-licking bro! The memories ... You've come a long way! I can't wait to watch you take on the world someday (you've got my vote!) From my little brotherto my best friend .. .I'm so proud of you in all you do .. .I love you! -Amanda Eighteen years have passed so quickly and you have become a wonderful young man. We have enjoyed the years of sports, scouts, band, and chorus. We are so proud to be your parents. May all your dreams come true and God bless you abundantly. We love you, MomandDad


Kelly Crash Daily ,

Gartland To our warrior woman, you're # 1. We hope you "climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, 'till you find your dream." We wish that all your dreams come true. We are so proud and blessed to have you as our daughter/sister. We know that you will do great things in your life. You go girl! Love, Mom, Dad, Jason and Katie

Danny - last of the Clifford Clan

Meg han Mathias

Dear son-

"You must have been a beautiful baby,

That's what you are- dear and our only son. We are so proud of the young man that you've become- strong, determined , and a faith-filled Catholic Christian. Of course, we can't forget "sports man!" Remember to keep your life balanced, have fun often, pray, and never forget to say "I love you" and kiss your parents (especially Mom). We wish for you' a world of challenges, but one of justice and peace. Be strong, be true to yourself, accept the challenges, and grow! May God be the center of your life. Slainte and love, Mom&Dad

'cause baby look at you now." Those chubby cheeks, that curly, blonde hair, those gorgeous green eyes- all those features would have people stopping to say what a pretty little girl you were. Over the years, your outer appearance has been enhanced, but it has nothing on your inner beauty. Your compassion for others, your strong moral character, your integrity, and your strong gait will carry you far. You continue to make our family proud with your choices. Keep smiling and good luck finding that perfect Cowboy. Love, Dad, Mom, Matt, and Mitch



Brian Record

Jennifer Burris

Words can't express how much

Congratulations J enn!

we have enjoyed watching you grow. You have developed into a talented young man . You are a stellar student, a fine athlete , and a compassionate and understanding brother. What more could we have asked for ? We know you will achieve in whatever you do. We are very proud of you and wish you the best for success, love, and happiness . Wherever you go you will always be welcome at home. We hope you visit often. Love , Mom , Dad , and Greg

We are so proud of you ! We wish you success and happiness. May you follow your dreams and when one door closes, one more opens. We hope you dance. Love ya, Dad , Mom , Sarah, and Joe

Kimberly Mae Thacker

Josh Hill

Congratulations, Kimber,

"The greatest gifts ...

you've made it! We know there were some rough times along the way, but you hung in there and worked hard. You have grown into a wonderful, caring, lovely young woman.

("Camouflage girl" to this day!)



you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence ." -Denis Waitly You used to begin each day asking , "What ba-benture should we have today?" As you begin the next stage of you life, we hope your adventures are many and fulfilling - and that strong wings help you soar while deep roots give you stability.

We are very proud of you! We love you!

Remember we loved you in our hearts before we 'd even met you.

Mom, Dad & Crystal

Dad, Mom, and Richard

Libby Heeschen

Michael Lattiak

Yasou Libby!


Love always, Mom, Dad, George, and David

as I've watched you grow these 18 years, what has impressed me most is that you have pursued life with a singular purpose. From a very young age , you instinctively knew what you wanted and where you were going and you never let anyone di stract you from that path. That quality will serve you well in the years ahead as you use your creative skills, ingenuity , and talent to achieve your life's goals. You have brought an enormous amount of pride , laughter, and joy into my life . Wherever life leads you , I wish you health , happiness, and fulfillment Love , Mom

Stephen, David, Philli!!_, and Laura

Erin Chilton

You have been such surprising gifts.

Thanks for being such a loving

Now, you ~ill be our gifts to the world. May God's word and his strength guide you as you travel there. Love, Mom, Dad, Carny & Becky

and caring daughter and sister. We have always admired your hard work and determination and we know you will succeed in whatever you choose to do. We wish you all the happiness you deserve . Love , Mom , Dad, Kevin , and Lauren A_ ~


Jeff and Sarah

Josh Gillette

"Be strong and of good corage,



do not fear nor be afraid of them ; for the Lord , you God , He is the one who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 3 1:6) To Buddy and Sis May God watch over you always. Love, Mom and Dad

You ' ll always be my best friend , little brother. Love , Jason

Jonathan Meadows



Sensitive, musical,

We are so proud of you! We're always here for you. Love- Dad, Dawn, and Kristen 226

Training camp is over. It 's time for the big leagues , kid. I'm proud to say that you're ready . Never forget the lazy days of pick-up football games, building forts under the deck, and summer evenings of spotlight. You ' ve turned into an intelligent, humorous (zing), and well-respected young man. I take it as a great compliment when people tell me how much you remind them of me. To be compared to someone like you is a great hono~. Never stop believing in yourself and never stop havmg fun.

SE!'ilOR Co:W:IL\Tt ' LAT I O!'is


Thoughtful and k1nd; A child of grace With an excellent mind; A beautiful person on whom we depend , A praiseworthy daughter and sistera friend! Wishing you God 's blessing , Alisa! Love , Mom, Dad , Jamie , and John

Tyler Williams

Rachel Bodily

Kid, you'll move mountains!

Little did we know



Where did the time go? It seems that only yesterday you were our "little boy." Now we look up and you're a man ... Thank- you for being such a great son. Always remember that we are proud of you every day. "We" are your biggest fans. We 've always known what a special gift you are . Now it 's time to share that with the world. Whatever path you choose, know that we are there for you always. Congratulations! You ' re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So .. .get on your way! With much love always, Mom&Dad

that at 10 months you were alrady perfecting your volleyball blocking skills and that trademark smile! Your laughter, charm, wit, and effervescent personality have brought your family and friends many happy moments. Thanks for lighting our lives with your good works. We know you have the talent , determination , and integrity to make your dreams come true. Stand tall. Love you forever, Dad , Mom, Adam, Diana, Jill

Meghan Cushl1Uln

Ross Bolden

You always make us laugh!

To our firstborn son-

Never lose you rwonderful snese of humor; it will carry you through whatever life sends your way. You are destined for great things in God 's plan for your life. Keep Him and us ever close in your heart. We love you! Dad , Mom , and Allison

You bring joy to our lives and we're so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Stay focused on your goals and you will achieve success. Love Mom , Dad, and Seth ~

SE~< I OI!

CoNc ,. ,,.,., .L,,n o;-;s 227

Leah Sampson

Jeffrey L. Myers

Booda Bear

You arrived the day after Thanksgiving

Wasn't it just yesterday you were asking for paskegtti ? I can't believe 18 years have gone by so fast. What a joy and adventure each day has been. You have grown into such a beautiful , determined , and strong-willed young woman, always be honest with yourself and others. You are a true blessing from God . Our home will never be the same without you . I'm sure Milo and Max will enjoy having free run of the house , knowing you won't be there to torment them. It will be hard letting you go, just remember the door is always open. I'm proud of you. Love you always, Mother, Milo & Max

and ready to take on any challenge! It 's all about taking risks -- from playing soccer and skiing in the Colorado mountains, to riding bikes and indoor soccer tournaments in Pennsylvania, to riding roller coasters and creating a 1-man soccer wall in Virginia. You are an ' original '- do you use your expertise in physics when you bungee-jump? As you take your next adventure, live life to the fullest... success will be yours. We are proud of you and may you always be surrounded with family and friends. Much love , Mom , Kelly , and Grandpa

Sydelle Whitney Gonias

22 8

Daniel Stratton

You have a sparkle in your eyes


that cannot be hidden. From the time you could walk, you were always creative,playful,and on the go. Your favorite pastime was "dress-up." Before bedtime, you would plan your costume for the next day . You had a collection of tiaras and wands to start you own fairyland. Sharing with your playmates was natural and part of who you were then and now. You care deeply and keep people close to your heart. Never lose that sensitivity and love for family and friends . Make smart and safe choices. We love you so much Sydelle .

It seems like yesterday that you were that little boy who liked riding his bicycle in the rain and stepping in every puddle. Always strive for the best and keep your faith in God. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Congratulations! Love Always, Mom , Dad, & Robert



Casey Cramer

Megan Elizabeth Green

Dude! The echo nag is fading.




It will seem quiet at college. We were hit with a tremendous blast of love the first second we met you. We feel the same today and always will. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to Oh! The places you'll go! Love , Mom, Dad, Kelly and Gus

We want you to know of some special feelings that we carry with us in our hearts all the time. The feelings are about how much we cherish you. How proud we are of you. How many hopes and dreams we want to come true for you. And how happy we want you to be . You're a special person ... all your own. But as you grow, and learn, and change with the days, we want you to know of one thing that will never change. And that... is our endless love ... for you! With love, Mom, Dad, & Chase

Liza Taylor

Joe Jenkins

We are glad you chose to share

Joe- I have tried so hard to think of

go ...

your life's journey with us. It has been a wonderful adventure we know will continue. And yes, you are and have always been an angel. We love you, Dad , Mom , and Mark You are my friend, my advisor, my tutor, and my editor. You are the greatest sister I could ever have. I love you. -Quinn You are the best sister ever. You are always there for me. I love you very much , and I will always look up to you. Love , Emma

something witty to say, or something profound, or even something silly, but I can't... Only this, know how very much I love you! My heart rejoices to watch you become a man and move into the world, even while it is aching for you to stay my little boy. Oh, the places you'll go! Mama Congratulations, Joe! We love you! Daddy , Trenton, Papaw & Nana


SEi'i JOn

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Jonathan Meadows





You are the joy of my life. I am proud of you! Love, Mom

Your sense of wonderment

has charmed us throughout the years. You dance effortlessly with beauty, around our hearts. Expression will be your gift to the world in whatever you do. "Stay on top of the ball! " With much love , Mom, Dad , Josh, Agnes , and Grandma Beth

Lauren Neese

Josh Gillette



you make such a di fference in our li ves and the li ves of all yo u' ve touched . You find the silver lining behind every dark cloud by acknowledging the importance of your fa mil y, your friends, and God. Love and joy go everywhere you go. We are in awe of the breadth of your accomplishments . They speak of a dedicated woman well beyo nd her years just begi nning to leave her footprint. You were born to lead and lead you have- by genuine compassio n and a conviction to do good by empowering others. You bring so much to the world that is needed ! Love , Mom , Dad , and Lindsay 2 30 SE;\'TO H CoNG HATU LAT tONS


We watched you climb on top of tables before you could walk , dive off the board into the pool when you were three , dig holes in the Texas sand that were almost as deep as you were tall , and play football with the big guys when you were five. You 've never been afraid of a challenge . We send you off knowing that you will tackle the challenge of college with determination and confidence. Remember who you are and who you belong to. We love you dearly , Mom and Dad

Devan Joy Stahl

Andrew Johnson

Believe you are more wonderful

Our youngest and most unique. An enigma at times, but a joy always. Congratulations on earning your Eagle Scout rank. We are so proud of you. Our best for you now and always.



than you imagined ... because you are. Believe you can be more than you dreamed ... because you can. Bon't ever think you cannot. Think that you can. As our firstborn, you were such a precious baby. You've grown into such a precious young lady. We were lucky to have you with us for eighteen years. Now it's time for you to leave and seek your own way. Always remember, believe in yourself, believe in God, and never quit. We love you, Mom, Dad , and Darian

Adam Marrs

Lovingly, Mom and Dad Marie, Andrew, Tiger, Buttons, Mittens, and Snaglepuss

Daniel Marc MUller : '


Congratulations, Adam! It has beeri a gift to watch how you have grown frorn the little baby in this picture into 6' 5" talented , hard-working, smart, and confident young man . You have developed a quiet strength that will enable you to achieve so much. Use your talents and interests to fulfill , your dreams. Thank you for bringing joy and love into our lives and for making us so proud of you. We wish you a lifetime of happiness and opportunity. We love you always! Mom and Dad

You are a blessing, we love you. I'm proud of you! I love you! -Moo Keep leaning so you can make a difference. -GG May the road before you be bright and clear and lead to many happy years. -MP Follow your heart, find you dream. -LL Best wishes as you move to the next stage of your life. Brian ,we are more than just acquaintances .. . we are cut from the same fabric. Though we appear to be sewn in a different pattern, we have a common thread that won't be broken- by people or years or distance. - Justin




Erin Degnan When I first saw you seventeen years ago, I knew my life would never be the same. You have added so much to our lives with your warmth , wit, and wide-open personality. I never cease to be amazed by you. Continue to follow your bliss! I am so proud to be your mother. Love , Mom "Caught in your eyes, lost in your name. I will never be the same." - Melissa Etheridge

Erin, since the day I delivered you my life has never been the same ... I hope that someday you can experience the same joy that I have known watching you grow into the person that you are .. . The memories of your childhood years and the pride I feel as I see the woman you have become will be with me all my life ... Continue to grow as a person but never change the wonderful person you are ... I love you now and always ... Dad 232

Senior Cong ratulations •

Ashleigh Quick

Meg Brackett

Molly Waddell

Robert Marcum

Amber Lynch

Kate Marrs


1tltttl1! to thtl


Okay this is going to be the best book ever - how many times did I say that? And how many times did I say we have to work really hard and put away those cell phones and where were those pictures I thought we had? I knew we needed a bigger staff - but 27 people? Did we ever learn each other's names? Really, I can honestly say you were the best. To have the luxury of having editors who actually edit- the day Molly came in so upset about how the new staffers weren't doing anything, I wanted to weep for joy- you cared, you really cared! And the new staff members

set good examples too - many days you worked harder than those older slackers. You really laid a good foundation for staffs to come - now they know that editors are supposed to yell and scream and pull their hair out - and advisors are supposed to smile and get the Pepsi 's. This book was more work than any one I've ever done, but it was more rewarding too. I truly appreciate each and every one of you -whatever your name is! Yearbook is my life- and I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh - and everybody's manners really improved at the buffets, too.

The three of us want to say to all of you that this year's book honestly wouldn't be what it is without all of your hard work!! SIKE ... you know , 路 you 're a bunch of slackers who really only cared about getting a Pepsi and talking to your friends on AIM!! No, no, no ... we're only kidding , you guys really did work your hardest and we can't thank you enough for making yearbook an absolute blast to work on!! From countless Pepsi's, GWagon's, stalking Dave Matthews, the Yearbook Conference that we went to just for the free food, the Late Night that never was, Santa's surprise appearance, cropping lessons, the dirty Christmas gifts, our HUGE Thanksgiving feast, Lacy's unforgettable YELLING at the top of her lungs, our aimless walks around the halls ... "I mean no we didn't skip out & walk around", and Jules' obsession with Chris ... oh yea & all of your obsessions with Robert's famous massages!! As the three of us worked our butts off this past summer to prepare for this year none of us could have ever guessed what a yearbook we all would produce! We all want to wish you the best of luck in the future from being stuck here for a while longer, to going off to college ... We love you all!!

Shana Thompson

Marlyn Weisman

Erica Hernandez Vanessa Miller

Julianne Launi

Lacy Nolan

Sarah Roddy

Chris Barcomb

Aida Boetang





' 1

Candice Shafer

Jamie DiGiacomo

Emily Schwab

Joanna Spigone

Mellissa Riley

Jeanette Nguyen

y j



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~ ~t~f't 2(J(J~


c51ressing over her academic workload, senior Adrianne Allen tries to concentrate during a stressful workday in English class. Whether a student was a freshmen or an experienced senior, each student had to overcome the obstacles and stresses that the academic year contained.

9albering together to support a good cause, students and local Charlottesville residents watch as various high school bands raise money for the B.R.I.T.T. program at the first annual FarmFest.

ConponHng different teammates during a regular season game, senior linesman Chad Woodfolk discusses the upcoming plays for the next quarter against their district opponent.

236 Closing


Ytf!y Years Baler... orris Can 'I rzJescr1ÂŁe... The year went by quickly, as had the past half century. Emotion and pride could be felt in all the generations that passed through the doors of Albemarle High School. Student life was still lively and vivid, and various tributes were made to the past fifty





Homecoming was dedicated to the anniversary of the school's opening, the Spring musical selection was "Grease," and the student body was frequently reminded of their heritage. Obstacles had to be overcome, such as the space shuttle Columbia crash, the sniper shootings and the war with Iraq, yet students at Albemarle strived to make the best out of these situations. Whether it was postponing various athletic events or attending assemblies that addressed important issues, Albemarle High School students were face the issues of the day.

c51Iff smiling at the end

of the season , senior

Words Can '!7Jescribe the emotions

captain Kim McKay looks to the crowd and her teammates for support after their last match of the year.

that were experienced. W ords Can 'I


place. Words Can '!7Jescribe the past fifty

and faculty, with local firemen and

police, gather in front of the school building during the one year anniversary of the September 11 attacks. (caption for top picture)

7Jescribe the important events that took

years of Albemarle High School.



A Abdelhalim, Hussam 103, 139 Abel, Ashley 103, 186 Abiandoma, Davila 93 Adler, Anne 110 Adler, Danny 203, 51 , 176, 179, 181 Affeldt, Daniel 85 Agee, Shaun 93 Aiken, Jennifer 38, 93 Albrecht, Joe 93, 147 Aldred , Rebecca 110 Alfano, Sarah 103, 166 Allen, Adria nne 14, 29, 236, 68, 51 ' 163 Allen, Jennifer 85, 187, 155 Allen, Portia 93 Allen, Sandra 110 Allen-Henke, Carmen 93 Alley, Richard 5, 51 , 187, 137 Aloul, Suleiman 103 Anderson , Carl 103 Anderson, Craig 93 Anderson, Marcus 93 Anderson, Rachel 103, 187 Andrews, Peter 103, 185 Ange, Meghan 51 Angell , Daniel 93 Anthony, Damien 93 Arbogast, Robert 103 Archer, R.J. 135, 136, 137 Archer, Rush II 93 Argaud , David 93, 139 Armantrout, Eric 85 Armstead , Daniel 5, 51 Armstead, Katie 103 Armstrong, Amanda 93 Armstrong, Jerri 103, 145 Armstrong, Kari 15 Armstrong, Sara 51

Arnett, Richa rd 85 Arnold, Joe 85, 191 Arseneault, Yoshua 93 Arthur, Emily 202, 51 , 152, 153 Ashby, Nikkia 51 Ashby, Strolyn 93 Atchinson, Drew 3, 81 , 158, 194, 50, 136, 51 , 137, 159 Aust, Kim 110, 120 Aust, Laura 22, 83, 103, 178, 145 Autry, Andrew 93 Ayler, Sherry 110 Azad, Susan 110 Azadzoi, Sadaf 93 Azimi, Jacob 103




Bader, Savannah 103 Bailey, Brendan 85, 191 Bailey, Josh 96, 147, 93 Bailey, Zach 68, 176, 15, 51 Bain, Kelly 110 Baker, Andrew 93, 187 Balano, Daniel 85 Baldwin, Lily 93, 186 Balmer, Kathryn 85, 171 , 179 Bambrey, Meghan Elizabeth 51 Bankard , Chris 51 , 137 Bannister, Tyler 51 , 205 Bannister, Mike 110 Barbara, Gina 93, 191 Barbour, Melisia 93, 162, 163, 187 Barbour, Schyler 93 Barcomb, Anthony 103 Barcomb, Christopher J. 51, 212, 234 Barlow, Casey 93, 179, 181 , 143 Barnes, Justin 51 Barnett, Robin 85

Bartley, Matthew 103 Barton, Bryan 85, 187 Barton, Neil 201 , 51 , 150, 186, 151 Bass, Gregory 103, 169, 186 Bassett, Lyndsie 93 Bateman, Jennifer 85 Bateman, Lindsey 51 Batten, Travis 92, 93, 139 Battle, Eric 93, 187 Beasley, Rachael 110 Beauchamp, Kristin 103 Beckman, Lauren 6, 10, 85, 88, 162, 140, 163, 186, 141 Beckstoffer, Christopher 93, 186 Beebe, Stephanie Lee 197, 52 Beech, Erin 103 Belew, Ashley 93 Bell , Harriet 110 Benedetto, Lyndsay 13, 18, 21 , 51 Bennett, Daniel 85 Benson, John IV 85 Berg, Desiree 93 Berkley, Thea 51 , 221 Berlin, Daniel 85 Bernardino, Kathleen 103, 181 Berry, Lauren 103 Berube, Abby 216, 51 Berube, Samuel 93 Biggins, Tavia 85 Birckhead, Christina 103 Bishop, Brittany Hope 52, 139, 224, 244 Bishop, Michael 93 Blake, John 85, 191 Blankenship, Rachel 85 Blech-Caulder, Thea 85 Bledsoe, Logan 85, 171 Bloomfield , Elana 85 Boating, Aida 85, 143, 234 Bodenstein, Jyl 85 Bodily, Rachel 6, 45, 52, 141 , 176, 179, 181 , 227 Bodrey, Joshua 85 Boehm, Brian 93 Meredith 27, 93

Bolden, Ross 166, 227, 52, 136, 137 Boller, Jack 93 Bonham, Griffin 103 Barash, Tony 110, 121 Bossard!, Molly 103, 181 , 144 Bosse! man, Corey 103 Bosselman, Brooke 85, 186, 179 Boucher, Chantal 194, 52, 171 ' 176, 179, 181 Bourne, Angelica 103 Bourne, Ashleigh 85 Bourne, Jeremy 103 Bowerman, Lindsay 103 Bowles, Sara 6, 93, 235, 141 Bowman, Helen 7, 23, 41 , 81 , 212, 52 Bowns, Allie 197, 52, 166 Bowyer, Morganna 85 Bowyer, Rachel 103 Boyd, Scott 93, 139 Brackett, Katie 52, 93, 181 , 179, 176 Brackett, Meg 52, 234 Brackett, Nicole 85, 86 Bragg, Jennifer 52, 197 Branch, Hilary 85, 187 Branch, Randy 52 Brase IV, William John 52 Brashear, Laura 93, 153, 181 Bratcher, Lauren 93 Bray, Jon 14, 28, 36, 53 Breakiron, Sara 53, 176, 181 Breeden, Emily M. 53 Breeden, Jon-Michael 103 Breen, Amy 103, 129 Breen, David 93, 147, 187 Briggs, Justin 85, 166, 147, 187 Bright, Coty 53 Bright, Robert 53 Broady, William 93 Brocki, Kelly 85 Broderick, Kristen 93, 171 Brower, Megan 103, 157, 179 Brown, Andrea 103 Brown, Beatrice 110

Brown, Dominic 13, 53 Brown, Katie 128 Brown, Katrina 93 Brown, Lashawnda 93 Brown, Melissa 110 Brown, Michael 53, 158, 159 Brown, Yvonne 118, 185, 190 Brown, Shawnta 85 Brown hill, Jennifer 85 Brownhill, Stephanie 93 Browning, Verona 110 Brownlee, Amber 93, 171 Brubeck, Aaron 85 Brumbaugh, Susan 53, 175 Brunelle, Jone 103, 171 Brust, Jessica 85 Bryant, Anthony 103 Bryant, Elaine 103 Bryant, Jennifer 85, 181 , 187 Bull, Robert 85 Burgess, Julie 53 Burgos, Rondon 93 Burke, Amanda 93. 159 Burner, William 93 Burns, Kristen 93, 179, 181 Burns, William 93 Burris, Jennifer 3, 81 ' 224, 53, 176, 179 Burris, Sarah 81 , 93, 96, 17, 149 Burton , Ashley 93 Burton, Lamarkco 53 Bush, Devynn 93 Bush, Jeffrey 53, 226, 137 Bush, Sarah 226, 54 Busofsky, Jacob 103 Byers , Chadae 85



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Cadwalader, Jessica 103 Cadwalader, Samantha 85 Cahalen, Stuart 93, 191 Calabria, Giulianna 93 Campbell, Elizabeth 93


Chi ito

Byers, Eric 221 , 54, 137

Chi ito Campbell, Jennifer 93 Chisn Cantarano, Matthew 103 Choi, Caraway, Jennifer 123 Choi, Carbone, Theresa 93, 181 Choi, Cardwell-Roberts, Tracey 110 Carlson, Brandy 85, 187 Chun Carlson, Karen 93 Cilimt Carpenter, Adam 85, 187 Clark Carpenter, Dustin 103 Clark Carpenter, Emily 103 Clark, Carpenter, Zachary 103, 186 Clark, Carr, ian Michael 207 Clark, · Carr, John 85 ClarkCarraway, Elizabeth 85, 187, Ciarry 15 Clarry Carraway, Jennifer 93 Cleme Carter, Avante 54 Clemr Carter, Quaneilia 85 Cliffor Carto-Sprowal, Shianne 54, Cliftor 175 Cliftor Cashwell, Stephanie 22, 103 Cline, Castro, Adrian 103 Coan, Catlett, Andrew 93 Coats. Catlett, Ryan 85 Coats. Catoe, Martisha 54 Cockn Catta-Preta, Bianca 93, 17, Cockn 144 Coe, t Cattley, Michael 103 Coe, J Centini , Jeffrey 103 Coffm; Centini, Jenna Cohoe 152, 153, 5, 100, ~. 152, 195 Cole, I Chalmers, Darryl 110, 121, Col em 184 Coles, Chandler, Ben 54 Coles, Chandler, Michael 93 Coles, Chaney, Ashley 155 Collier Chaney, Joseph 103, 190 Chaney, Tara 85 ) Collier Chang, Che 54 Collier Chaplin, Courtney 103, 190 Collier. Chapman, Demetrick 93 Collins Chapman, Nicole 54 Collins Chen , Chieh-Ya 103 Chen, Debby 103 Collins Chen, Kearby 85 Colon, Chen, zu-Han 85 Coltrar Cheney, Candice 85 Coltrar Childress, Keyshana 85 Combs Comsli Conno1 Cook, 1 Cook, f Cooke, Coope1


Sylvan Learning Center 1486 Greenbriar Place Charlottesville , Va Border Call (434)220-0770 www.educate.com


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Chilton, Erin 225, 54, 75, 191 Chilton, Kevin 85 Chism, Leslie 81 Choi, Jin-Young 93, 186, 187 Choi, Nak 103 Choi , Soyoung Annie 54, 103, 85 Chung, Ann 85, 179, 181 Cilimberg, Justin W 54, 206 Clark, Adam 103 Clark, Alexander 85 Clark, Bianca 93, 187 Clark, Chris 55 Clark, Meghan 103, 171 Clark-Covert, Monica 93 Clarry, Anne 90, 195, 55 Clarry, Lisa 93, 145 Clement, Christopher 103 Clemmer, Amanda 13, 85 Clifford, Danny 55 Clifton, Jared 93 Clifton, Joshua 93 Cline, Justin 85 Coan, Alexander 85 Coats, Daniel 103 Coats, Kevin 103,10 Cockrell, Christopher 103 Cockrell, Stephanie 85 Coe, Adeline 103 Coe, Jude 85 Coffman, Mark 208, 55, 150 Cohoon, Genevieve 55, 176, 179, 187 Cole, Edward 103, 184, 185 Coleman, All ison 103, 145 Coles, Avid 85 Coles, Brian 93, 187 Coles, Matthew 85 Collier, Daniel 85, 150, 179, 151 Collier, D'Arcy 103 Collier, Rachel 11 0 Collier, Suzanna 96, 93, 143 Collins, Christian 55 Collins, Gina 153, 85, 179, 181 , 153 Collins, Kathleen 103, 181 Colon, Jacqueline 93 Coltrane, Jule 85 Coltrane, Michael 159, 137 Combs, Bryan 202, 55 Comstock, Jill 93 Connor, Agnes 85, 26, 190 Cook, Allison 55, 187 Cook, Roberta 11 0 Cooke, Al icia 93 Cooper, Michele 6, 93, 235, 141 Cooper, Shannon 7, 194, 55 Cope, Brian 93 Corbin, Faeryn 103, 187 Corley, Catherine 93, 9, 156 Cornell, Cristina 103, 166 Councill, Christopher Ill 85 Covington, Brian 213, 55 Cowan, Sarah 103, 166 Craddock, Mark 85 Cramer, Casey 55, 176 Cramer, Kelly 103, 176, 186,

144 Cranford, William Ill 103 Crank, Caroline 56, 176, 181 Crank, Charles 93 Crawford, Christian 103, 190 Crawford, Spencer 55 Creighton, Molly 56, 191 , 184 Creutz, Sophie 103 Creutz, Sydney 103 Crickenberger, Carly 85 Crist, ian 103, 190 Critzer, Catherine 85 Critzer, Kailah 103 Cross, Anita 23, 85 Cross, Jennifer 85, 126 Cruse, Megan 132, 133, 169, 56 Cuadros, Patricia 93, 186 Cunningham, Fay 113, 184, 185, 110 Cupp, Kelli 93 Curry, Marvin 110 Cushman, Meghan 5, 81 , 227, 56, 152, 153 Cutitta, Katherine 103, 186. 144


Dahlstrom, Kaitlyn 85, 169 Dallavalle, Gregory 93 Dalton, Ryan 93, 139 Daly, Bill110 Daly, Matthew 103 Dandridge, Alice 85 Dandridge, Julia 93 Darcus, Stephen 93 Darran, Carol 103 Daugherty, Carlie 20, 35, 93, 145 Davenjay, Jeffrey 103 Davis, Brittany 85, 184 Davis, Chantae 103 Davis, Cherelle 19, 93, 113 Davis, Heather 85 Davis, Kirista 110 Davis, Kyrstal 6, 7, 56 Davis, Leslie 110 Davis, Lindsay 7,56,142,176, 179,181 ,186,143,203 Davis, Maurice 103,139 Davis, Twylia 93 Day, Jason 210, 56, 57 De La Pointe, Diane 110 Deakin, Bridgett 56, 190 Deakin, Chance 93 Dean, Amanda 93, 165 Deane, Robert 93 Dedes, Matthew 56,62 Degnan, Erin 132, 56, 176, 184, 185 Degnan, Megan 85, 186 Degraff, Jessica 85, 143 Degroat, Pierce 93 Delo, David 103 Dennis, Felicia 56, 205

Derstine, Jessica 9'3, 165 Desai, Chandni 103 Desai, Sujay 85 Deschenes, Nicholas 103, 179 DiGiacomo, Jamie 95, 153, 235 Dilbeck, Christopher 95, 139,190 Dillon, Laura 103 Dillon , Neil 10, 56 Dimic, Milan 103 Dimic, Nikolina 85 Divine, Luke 110 Djamond, Julius 95 Doherty, Theresa 110 Dolinger, Andrew 56, 186 Domer, Joanie 11 0 Dontae, Fedrick 103 Dormir, Mrs. 191 Dossmann, Jesslyne 95 Dougherty, Kathleen 103 Dougherty, Patrick 56, 187 Downing , Emily 81, 203, 56 Doyle, Kevin 95, 169 Doyle, Tim 3, 81 , 137 191 , 203, 56, 57 Drake, William 85 Draper, Brian 103 Drozda, Nichole 95, 179 Drumheller, Coach 137 Dudley, A 137 Dudley, Dale 85 Dueweke, Lauren 218, 56 Duffy, Brian 103 Dukes, Lenore 103, 187 Duncan, Kevin 14, 196, 56 Duncan, Sarah 103 Dunivan, Jessica 95 Dunlap, Matthew 95, 190 Dunlap, William 85 Dunu, J. 187, 137 Duong, Duyen 95 Durbin , Amy 95 Durkin, Jeff 56 Durkin, Matthew 95 Duvall, William 56 Duxbury, Christen 19, 85 Dyer, David 17, 58 Dyer, Julia 110 Dyer, Mark 103, 187


Eades, Dakoda 95 Eades, Siera 18, 21 , 81 , 155, 201 , 58 Eanes, Thomas 95, 186

Eatmon, JaTonia Renell 58, 27 Echeverri-Gent, Simone 85, 187 Edwards, Kathleen 58 Edwards, Kennon 209, 58 Edwards, Mark 195, 58 Edwards, Sarah 95

Ehlers, Jo~ua 103, 184, 191 Eisenhardt, Jennifer 103 EI-Banna, Mary 95 Elder, Ashley 95, 140, 141 , 163 Elgart, Mayan 95 Eliason-Garey, Galen 95 Elizan, Jesse 85, 169 Elliott, Andrew 103 Elswick, Maureen 95, 144 Elzey, Jeffrey 85 Elzey, Laura 58, 202 Emanuelson, Mary 95 Emanuelson, Victoria 85 Endahl, Jordan 95 Endres, Tosha 85 Engel, Laura Eve 58 Engel, Seth 95 English, Christine 85 Esposito, Gia 85, 90, 143, 166, 179 Estes, Lauren 95, 181 Eustace, Zacha ry 85, 191 Evans, Tykara 95 Evers, Rachel 95, 175, 141 , 186 Eways, Ms. 118 Eways, Pearl 110 Ezzyk, Christopher 19, 85 Ezzyk, Erin 103



Faller, J. 179 Faris, ian 58 Farmer, Kenneth II 85 Faulconer, William 95 Fechtmann, Leah 110 Fedrick, Clarence Ill 87, 187 Fegley, Chris 58 Feldman, Emily 103 Felker, Corbin 103, 190 Fells, Brittney 58, 176, 184, 219 Ferber, Alexandra 104, 145, 179 Ferero, Douglas 104, 186 Ferretti, Gabriel 95, 190 Fields, Dustin 58 Fields, Keri 87 Fields, Nicole 87 Fife, Douglas 104 Finch , Michael 87 Finn, Amanda 59, 204 Fiore, Timothy 104 Firer, Arlyss 95 Fisher, Charlie 104 Fisher, Hannah 87 Fisk, Georgette 95, 191 Fitzgerald, Caitlyn 104 Fitzgerald, Eric 59 Fitzgerald, James 87, 137 Fitzhugh, John 18, 87 Fladd, Samantha 95 Flecthman ., Ms. 187 Fletcher, Jasmine 104

Flynn, Christopher 104, 171 Ford, Sarah 87 Forrest, Madeleine 95,181 Foster, James 195, 59 Foutz, Steve 178 Fowler, Julie 95, 181 Franco, Judy 110 Franklin, Jan nell 104 Frasier, Lance D. 59 Frazer, Jamie 87 Frazier, Krystal 104 Frazier, Rebecca 95 Fredriksen, Ryan 95 Freeman, Allen 110, 118, 184 French, Lindsey 95 Freundschuh, Amber 87, 185 Friedman, Alex 95 Frost, Alexandra 95 Frost, Andrew 59 Fuentes, Marie Angeli B. 59




Gaffney, Jessica 17, 95, 184 Gagble, Hope 95 Gaines, Earnest 104, 138, 187 Gaines, Erica 87 Gaines, Julie 87 Gaines, Krystal 95 Gala, Aarti 87, 191 Gallagher, Christopher 104, 169 Gallagher, John 87, 168 Galloway, Coach 171 Gantt, Kelly 95 Gantt, William 87 Garcia, Jacqueline 95 Garcia, Jose 87 Garland, John 110 Garland, Kelly 44 Garner, Adam 95 Garner, Andrew 95 Garren, Emma 87 Garrison , Krystal 104 Garth, Artrianna 87 Gartland , Kelly 59, 186 Garton, Megan 95 Garver, Courtney 87 Gastineau, Emily 95 Genest, Adam 87, 191 Gentry, Lauren 38, 81 , 59 Gentry, Matt 59 Gentry, Natalie 104, 179 George, David 104 Gibson, Amanda 59 Gibson, Charles 87, 184, 185 Gibson, Jordan 87, 137 Gibson, Matt 59, 87, 137 Gielow, Brendan 87 Gielow, Kendall 104 Giffen, Alexander 59, 184 Gillespie, Ethnie 95 Gillette, Josh 60, 147, 176,

226 Gimbel, Sam 95, 169 Glassberg, Eleanor 95, 144, 179, 181 Glennie, Anne 95, 184, 191 Godshall, Tim 87, 190 Goetting, Stuart 104 Goforth, Heather 60, 191 Goforth, Jonathan 104, 179, 184, 185 Golder, Jeremyah 87 Gomaa, Ed 60, 75, 176, 179 Gomez, Stephen 104, 171 Gondek, Eric 11 , 95 Gonias, Sydelle 152, 153, 7, 60, 152 Gonzalez, Daihara 87 Goodloe, Meredith 104, 144, 171 , 186 Goradia, Ohara 95, 144, 181 Gower, Charles, Jr. 104, 139, 185 Grady, Marvin 21 Grady, Melvin 110 Granholm, Emily 60 Graves, Jack 14, 104 Graves, Kelly 87 Gray, Katherine 87 Gray, Stephanie 104, 149, 186 Green, Megan Elizabeth 60 Green, Shea 95 Greer, Noel 87, 184, 185, 191 Greer, Ruth 110 Gregg , Bobby 87, 129, 181 Gregory, Alex Tillman 109 Griffeth, Jenna 95, 154 Griffith, Sam 60 Griffith, Sarah 157, 187 Grim, Nancy 110 Grimm, ian 95, 190 Grimm, Sharon 110 Grobmyer, Mackenzie 26, 95,123, 171 , 178, 179, 181 Groome, Amy 95,145 Grooms, Ashley 95 Gruss, Joey 95, 129, 171 Guggino, Jessica 87 Guggino, Michael 87 Guthrie, Amber 209, 60


Haden, Christopher 95, 187 Haggard, Drew 87, 137 Hahn, Stephen 102, 104, 181 Haider, Sara 104 Hair, Benjamin 104, 171 Hair, Brenda 110 Hald, Lucas 95, 190 Hall, Chrissy 104 Hall, Phillip 104 Halliday, Bethany 87, 181 Hamilton, Kenneth 104 Hamilton, Nicolai 216, 60 Hamlin, Ashley 104


Hamlin, Jessica 87 Hamm, Heather 104 Hammond, Cayman 87 Hamrick, Larkin 95, 184, 186 Haney, Jessi 95 Haney, Melissa 95 Hankins, Abigail 87 Hankins, Kristyn 60 Hankins, William 87 Hanks, Holly 132, 133, 60, 184 Hanley, Rachel 13, 45, 81 , 88, 135, 204, 50, 60, 140, 162, 163, 176, 179, 141 Hantman, Rebecca 104 Harden, Marion II 61 Hardwick, Sara 95 Hardy, Dallin 158, 159, 61 , 75, 137 Harker, Katherine 104 Harman, Alorah 104 Harmon, Michael 104 Harper, Rachel 61 , 186 Harrell, Sean 95 Harris, Ashley 61 Harris, Joey 83, 95, 157, 1395 Hart, Charles 104 Hasenfus, Ryan 87 Hash, Mitchell 87 Hastings, Emily 23, 87 Hatzigeorgiou, Irene 87 Hausner, Marisa 61 Havens, Kievan 95 Hawki ns, Jermaine 104 Hazen, Joseph 87, 191 Headrick, Austin 104 Heck, Kyleen 104 Heckel, Jessica 87, 179 Heeschen, George 95, 151 Heeschen, Libby 170, 225, 61, 171 Heilberg, Benjamin 95 Heilbrun-Toft, Justin 87 Heintges, David 95 Heisan, Libby 81 Hendrickson, Jonathan 104, 169 Henion, Casey 104 Henion , Timothy 87 Henry, John 95, 186 Henry, Marcus 61 Hernandez, Erica 87, 234 Herndon, Christina 213,61 , 176 Herndon, Donte 87, 180, 187 Herring, Christopher 104 Herring , Danielle 104 Herring , Joshua 87 Herring, Tina 61 Herron , Aisha 95 Hicks, Christopher 95 Hicks, Tiffany 104 Hill, Danna 110 Hill, Josh 14, 37, 224 Hill, Rosemary 87, 186 Hill, Taysha 87 Hiller, Carolyn 198, 61 , 62, 176, 179 Hiller, Emily 153, 37, 95, 163, 181 , 100 Himes, Shane 87 Hinek, Bill 110 Hintz, Nathan 95, 139 Hite, Brian 95 Hite, Christopher 95 Hochstetler, Benjamin 104, 186 Hocking, Daniel 202, 61 Hodges, Jessica 193, 63


Hoelscher, Ben 6, 18, 20, 36, 87, 171 ' 178, 179, 181 Hoffman, Andrew 104 Hoffman, Corey 102, 104, 186 Hoffman, Gerald 104, 191 Hoffman, Geraldine 104, 164 Hoffman, Jerald 175 Hoffman, Kristina 63 Hoffman, Sean 95 Hogan, Erin 216, 63, 171 Hogan , Katie 87, 171 , 170 Holden, Sue 110 Holland, Maxine 110, 187 Holmes, Tiffani 104 Hooper, Cindy 110 Hooper, Senora 122 Horan, Elizabeth 95 Horowski, Kelli 95, 181 Horton, Olsen 104, 171 Howard , Melissa 127 Houchens, Jessica 87 Houchens, Mark 63 Houchens, Vanda 104, 164, 186 Howard, Christopher 104 Howard, Kayla 90, 95, 100 Howard, Melissa 87, 186 Howe, Erica 191 , 63 Howe, Lauren 104, 144 Howe, Lindsay 7, 171 Hoy, Samantha 81 , 63 Huckstep, Marta 87 Huff, Martin 104 Hughes, Annette 110 Hughes, Matthew 63 Hunter, Andrew 104, 186 Hurst, Gary 63, 169, 187, 137 Hutchins, Bernice 112 Hutchinson, Maggie 95 Huthman, Noreen 112 Hutson, Betsy 87, 178, 179 Hutton, Christina 63 Hutton, Jonathan 95 Huynh, David 95 Hwang, Christina 104

lnge, Mary 112 Innes-Wimsatt, Kessy 95 Ishee, Jonathan 87, 91 lsom, Domenique 63

Ja, La 87 Jabakowski, J.T. 12 Jablonski, Matthew 95 Jacks, J. 186 Jacks, Jessica 104 Jackson, A.J. 168, 87, 106, 169 Jackson, Amber 211 , 63 Jackson, Chad 95, 137, 139, 159 Jackson, Chris 87 Jackson, Darrell 104, 108, 139 Jackson, Gaines II 87

Jackson, Jake 95 Jackson, Jonathon 95 Jackson, Peter 104, 106 Jacoway, Ashphord 95, 186 Jakubowski, J.T. 63 Jamerson, Brittany 98, 95, 171 , 179, 137 Jamerson, Byron 63 James, Adam 63 Jarrell, Katie 104 Jarrell, Ricky, Jr. 95, 139 Jenkins, Anita 112 Jenkins, Anthony 139, 163 Jenkins, Joe 170, 63, 68, 151 , 171, 179, 176 Jenkins, Macie 140, 87, 163, 181 , 141 Jenkins, Nolan 104 Jenkins, Shaquana 104 Jewell, Kevin 95, 171 Jewell, Spencer 104, 166 Jiang, Michael 95 John, Jennifer 112 Johnson, A. 159, 163, 176, 187, 137 Johnson, Andrew 63 Johnson, Annie 162, 196, 50, 63 Johnson, Antonio 87, 159 Johnson, Brett 97 Johnson, Brittany 104 Johnson, Daniel 87, 159 Johnson, Fonda 97 Johnson, J. 187, 137 Johnson, Jeannie 112, Johnson, Jimmy 97 Johnson, Kelly 104 Johnson, L. 179 Johnson, Larry 112 Johnson, Leigh-Ann 87 Johnson, Michael 104 Johnson, Norah 6, 87, 148, 164, 179, 186 Johnson, Patrick 87 Johnson, Selena 11 , 23, 63 Johnston, Mary 87 Johnston, Paul 97, 139 Johnston, Sarah 44, 219, 63, 179 Jones, Ann-Tolley 97, 145, 179 Jones, Brent 63 Jones, Carl 112 Jones, Chad 97 Jones, Heather 97 Jones, Hope 87 Jones, J. 179, 181 Jones, Joyce 112 Jones, Julia 97 Jones, Marquita 87, 186 Jones, S. 179, 190 Jones, Sarah 87 Jones, Stephanie 21' 97, 235 Joseph, Richard Jr. 104 Joyner, Amber 104 Joyner, Jesse Ill 64

K mdnoss

Karimianpour, Ahmadreza 104 Kaufman, Brittany 97 Kaufman, Lisa 112 Kaufman, Ryan 26, 64 Kaur, J. 191 Kay, Jamie Michelle 14, 64, 196 Kearns, Timothy, Jr. 97 Keathley, Andy 18, 29, 87, 179 Keegan, Thomas 87 Keeney, April 104 Keller, Scott 97, 14 7 Kelly, Britton 87 Kelly, David 97 Kendall, Stephen 97, 159 Keneipp, Joel 87 Kennedy, Alexis 104, 181 Kent, Emily 104, 171 Kern, Dustin 97, 186, 191 Kern, Westley 87 Kerrigan, Michael 104 Kessler, Julie 104 Kessler, Maria 97 Kidney, Brandon 97 Kiehn, Carl 112 Kiernan, Logan 87 King, Christopher 97 King, Peter 104 Kingrea, Shannah 97 Kirby, Amanda 64 Kirby, Ciera 104 Kirby, Dallas 104, 186 Kirby, Ryan 113, 64 Kirkland , Rebecca 112, 119 Kissam, Ethan 97 Kittel, Julie 104, 184 Klarman, Muluwork 104, 153 Klosko, Deborah 97, 191 Knappenberger, Evan Micheal 64 Knappenberger, Jonna 97, 173 Knight, Robert 97 Knox, Christopher 87, 168, 169 Koenig, Cori 57, 64, 140, 141 , 179, 181 Koenig, Jessica 97, 145, 181 Kois, Victoria 104 Kopeny, Michael 87 Kornhauser, Shawn 62, 64, 195 Kotania, Ashley 217, 64 Koutone, Akouvi 87 Kozuch, Brian J. 64 Krag , Linda 112 Kramer, Kelly 164 Kreitzman, Christopher 97, 191 , 190 Kreitzman, John 97 Krietzer, B. 190 Kropf, Elizabeth 64 Ku, Debbie 3, 26, 64, 176, 178, 179, 181 Kuhn , Jeremy 104, 184 Kuhn , Michael 122, 65, 176, 191 Kulbock, Kate 83 Kuper, Justin 97, 101 , 139


Kamatch i, Vinayak 97, 190 Kamptner, Erika 97, 181 , 149 Kaplan, Esther 153, 97, 165 Karafili, Elidon 97

L La, Trung 87

Lacy, Hali 87, 179, 187 Lacy, Sabrina 87, 187, 186 Laffond, Jeffrey 97 Lam, C 191 Lam, Chinensis 97 Lam, Chris 65 Lam, Nathan 97 Lamb, Mitchell 104 Lamb, Shana Marie 65 Lambert, Andrew 87, 137 Lane, Jennifer 87, 143 Lane, Stephanie 65 Langhorne, Jacob 104 Laplanche, Francois 97 Laprade, David 104 Larrick, Doc 112, 113, 122 Lattiak, Mike 65, 225 Lauber, Marcus 104, 147 Launi, Julianne 206, 234, 235, 65, 75 Laverty, Brenton 65 Lavin, Bradley 104 Lawrence, Adam 87, 169 Lawrence, Brittany 87 Lawrence, Matt 65, 146, 147 Lawrence, Robert 97, 147 Lawson, Joey 199, 176,65 Lawwill, Alexandra 87 Lawwill, Larry 112 Leake, Amanda 87, 187 Leake, Hunter 97 Leake, Kellie 92, 97 Leathers, Brandon 87, 190 Leathers, Sean 97 Ledue, P. 147 Lee, Asia 97 Lee, Jessica 26, 87, 127 Lee, Latonya 65 Lee, Latricia 97 Lee, Quonda 65 Lee, Richard 120, 190, 191 , 65 Lee, Sasha 97 Lehman, Rebecca 97, 186 Leichtentritt, Jesse 87 Leinbach, Melanie 87 Levisay, Michael 66 Ley, Katharina 66, 149, 170, 171 , 176, 179, 181 , 199 Liberman, Kelsie 97, 145 Liebenrood, Shannon 66, 200 Liebenrood, William Ill 104 Light, Therese 112 Lilegren, John 89, 190 Lin, Kun-Ho 89, 185 Lincoln, Ashley 97 Linden, Julia 89 Lindensmith, Becky 18, 89, 149, 166 Lindensmith, David 225, 66, 184 Lindensmith, Laura 225, 66, 176, 186 Lindensmith, Philip 66, 225 Lindensmith, Stephen 187, 225, 66, 175, 186 Lindsay, Courtney 26, 89 Lindsay, Rich 112 Lingle, Julian 104 Livingston, Brian 89, 184, 185 Lockley, Jason 66, 137 Logan, Tanesha 27, 187 Londen, Bethany 97 London, Bethany 144, 179, 186 London, Kate 15, 89, 187 Londree, Laquawanna N. 66 Long, Jeremy 104, 171 Love, Chris 112

Loving, Felicia 97 Lucas, Alexander 104 Lutz, Sarah 104 Lynch , Amber 234, 235, 66 Lynch, Erin 104, 145, 171 Lyon, Matthew 104 Lyon, Shannon 89 Lytle, Peter 97

Mack, Carolyn 112 Mack, Senor 122 Mackey, Jeremy 107 Macko, Nikolas 66, 176 MacMichael, Jane 112 MacMichael, Jay 112 Madigan, A. 176, 179 Madigan, Ali 212, 66, 176, 179, 181 Madigan, Kendall 107, 181 , 144 Magruder, Shameika 67 Major, Doover 67, 187 Malazita, Paul 97 Mallory, Genaya 107 Mallory, Rashad 107 Malloy, Meghan 22, 19, 107, 165 Maltais, Kirk 97 Mangan, Annabelle 107, 144, 186 Mangione, S. 190 Mann, Erika 89, 90, 185 Marcum, Nicholas 97, 139 Marcum, Robert 67, 234, 235 Mares, Cheryl 107 Marie, Kelly VanScoter 78 Marrs, Adam C. 67, 176 Marrs, K. 181 Marrs, Kate 234 Marrs, Kathryn E. 67 Marsh, Dominique 97, 187 Marshall, Alexander 107 Marshall, Domunick 107, 169 Marshall, Kevin 107, 169 Marshall, Lauren 107, 169 Marshall, Matthew 89, 191 Marshall, William 67 Martin, A. 190, 143 Martin, Ashley 97 Martin, Christina 97 Martin, D. 139 Martin, Daniel 107 Martin, Jacob 89 Martin, James 97 Martin, Latoya 90, 97, 139, 190, 191 Martin, Matthew 107 Martin, Phillip 97, 139 Martin, Scott 96, 97, 187, 137, 139 Martin, Sharon 96, 97 Martin, Steven 12, 67, 136, 198 Martinelli, J. 163, 143 Martinez, Alfonso De La Fuente 67 Martinson, Amanda 107 Masc, Katherine 89 Masci, R. 187 Maslin, Daniel 89 Mason, Marci 112 Matherne, Benjamin 89, 137, 159, 187

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Me Me Me Me Me Me












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9 235


37 . 169 l 39 91


Mathews, Justin 107, 190 Mathias, Meghan 67, 81 , 176 Mathis, Michael 97 Maupin, Krystal 89 Mawyer, Amber 89, 187 Maylor, A. 187 Maynard , Brett 89, 151 , 159 Maynard , Coach 151 Maynard, Greg 112 Mazzei, Francesco 97 Mazzei, T. 181 McBride, Darrell 129 McBride II, Darrell A. 67 McBride, Melissa 112 McBride, Mrs. 119 McCabe, Marc 205, 50, 67 McClintick, M. 144 McComsey, M. 165 McComsey, Monica 107 McCoy, Courtney 90 McCoy, Jenice 69 McCray, Brian 97 McCurry, Jessica 68, 44, 194, 155 McDaniel, A. 169 McDaniel, Anthony 107 McDonald, Herman 107 McGee. D. 137 McGee, Dwight, Jr. 89 McGovern, M. 147 McGovern, Matthew 97 McGrath, Christopher 107 McGraw, John 69 McGraw, Richard 107 McKabe, M. 137 McKay, Kim 5, 62, 69, 153, 176, 179, 181 , 199, 237, McKenna, Caitlin 107, 144, 186 McKeown, Jo 112 McKone, M. 181 McKone, Megan 97 McKoy, Courtney 191 Mclane, J. 165, 149 Mclane, Jenna 21, 97 McMillian, Autumn 89 McMillian, Vail 107 McSherry, Meg han 20, 27, 44, 97, 100 Meadows, Jonathan 69, 226 Meek, Adam 89, 168, 169, 190 Meert, Lieven 69, 186 Meert, Thomas 107 Megginson, Latesha 107 Mehanna, John R. 69 Melton, Andrew 107 Melton, Sara 97 Mendoza-Garcia, Jesus 97 Menefee, Adrianne Jennelle 69, 176, 179, 181

Meneses-Duran, Miriam 97 Merrick, John 107 Metallo, Susan 107, 184 Mextorf, Allison 89, 141 , 171 , 181 Meyers, J. 179 Micciche, James 69, 137, 169, 208 Mil, L. 186 Miller, Adam 89, 132, 133, 184 Miller, Christopher 69, 184, 185 Miller, Edward 89 Miller, Irving 107 Miller, Jessica 97, 149, 165 Miller, Vanessa 89, 129, 234 Mills, Benjamin 89, 190 Mills, Christopher 107 Millsap, Dedria 112 Mimms, Leslie 97, 181 , 235 Minter, Josh 69 Mix, Hari 147, 146 Mix, Thomas 89 Modic, A. 184 Molinaro, Sara 107 Monahan, Dan 112, 118 Monett, Joseph 89 Moneymaker, Beau 89 Moneymaker, Padric 89, 137, 185 Mongosso, Nancy 97 Monroe, Ryan 107 Montagna, Paul 89 Montero, Alexis Marie 69 Montgomery, Jamie 69 Moon, Clarissa 89 Mooney, Cayman 69, 122, 213 Moore, C. 187 Moore, Claire 19, 84, 107 Moore, Colin 83, 89 Moore, Jessica 107 Moore, Joshua 107 Moore, Justin 107 Moore, Katherine 89 Moraghan, Sarah 89 Moran, Colin 97 Moran, Jason 173 Moreira, Blanca 69 Margulis, Anya 89 Morris, Anni 112 Morris, Austin 89 Morris, Daniel 97, 121 , 169 Morris, Jennifer 112 Morris, Keith 89, 186, 137 Morris, Kendra 107, 187 Morris, Kimberly 107 Morris, LaDawn 44, 69, 219 Morris, Nick 3, 134, 137, 169, 50, 69, 191 Morris, Timothy 97

Morris, Tanya 15, 18, 21 , 69, 196, 235 Morris, William 107 Morse, Erica 97 Mosley, Kevin 69, 137, 158, 159 Moss, Adrienne 97, 186 Moss, Colin 69, 186 Moubray, Terry 107 Mowery, Atasha 97 Mowery, Richard 89, 137, 169 Moynihan, Brian 97, 186, 190 Muller, Daniel 70 Mullinex, Coach 169 Muncaster, W. 171 Muncaster, William, Jr. 97 Mundell, Michael 89 Mundie, Brian Curtis 70, 206 Mundy, James 89 Munoz-Serna, Victor 107 Murray, Derek 70, 137 Murray, Elizabeth 89 Murray, Hilary 97 Murray, Margaret 29, 89, 143, 149, 178, 179 Murray, Merril 149 Muse, Catherine 107 M ers Jeff 6, 1 179


N Nadolski, David 97 Nave, David 107 Naylor, Amy 89 Naylor, Eric 89 Neal, Lofton 107, 144 Nealy, Christopher 70 Nealy, William 107 Neese, Lauren 45, 70, 142, 143, 178 Neilson, Ashley 89, 186 Nguyen, Jeanette 97, 235 Ni, Yun 107 Nicholas, Derek 89 Nickelsen, Sean 97 Niziolek, Emily 89, 179 Niziolek, Megan 97, 155 Noble, Arin 107, 121 Noe, Laurel 70, 149, 166, 207 Nolan, Katherine "Lacy" 70, 181 , 208, 234 Norford, Blake 169, 137 Norris, Gregory 107 Nowlin, Shorika 107 Nyce, Gretchen 112, 141



O'Brien, John 107 O'Brien, Kathleen 89 O'Dea, Coach 169 O'Dea, S. 169 Odom, Ashley 81 , 57, 70, 179, 212 Ogbomo, Candace 97 Ogbomo, Clement 70, 165, 187 O'Grady, Joshua 97, 139 O'Leary, Dennis II 970 O'Leary, Meredith Anne 70, 181 , 207 Oliver, Addy 70, 75, 139, 186, 211 Oliver, Alex 97 Olko, Veronica 107 Otis, Bev 112 Otis, El,izabeth 89 Ours, Chris 97, 171 , 173 Overton, Daniel 97, 190 Owen, Casey 21 , 71 , 217 Owens, Tyler 97



Pace, Ashleigh 13 Pace, Lindsey 89 Pace-Sprouse, Audrey 112 Pad illa, Rodolfo 97 Paitsel, Melissa 71 Palmer, Janeese L. 71 Palmer-Rice, Shirley 112 Palombi, Erin 107 Panas, Alicia 97, 171 Panas, Nathaniel 89, 165 Parker, Elizabeth 107 Parker, John 107 Parks, Don 112 Parmar, Tanvi 71 , 176 Parnell, Lindsay 97, 165, 166 Parrish, Latoya 71 , 75, 166 Parrish, Teri 99, 187 Parsons, Joshua 71 Patel, Jaysiv 107 Patel, Saya 99, 179 Patterson, Natasha 107 Pattison , Brian 89 Payne, Chris "Ozzy" 71

Payne, Russell 99, 186 Peacoe, David 89 Peacoe, Matthew 99 Peng, David 71 Penn, Ashleigh Pace 71 Peresaud, P. 187 Perkins, Chris 22, 45, 107, 132, 133, 178, 179, 184 Perkins, Lindsay 71, 184, 185 Perry, Martha 7, 71 , 171 Perry, Megan 107 Peters, Sarah 107 Peterson, Lauren 89, 149 Petitt, L. 143 Petsche, Jordan 107, 191 Pettit, Elizabeth 99 Pettitt, Alisa 71 , 226 Pettitt, John 107 Phath, Anthony 107 Philhour, Mark 14, 99, 169 Philips, C. 179 Phillips, Barclay 107 Phillips, C. 181 Phillips, Gortney 99 Phipps, Joshua 107 Pica, M. 191 Pitts, Mieke 217, 72 Pitts, Taylor 89 Plourde-Rogers, Harriet 89 Pointer, Jessica 89, 181 Poole, Shawna 107, 144, 186 Poplas, Daniel 72 Porter, Madame 122 Porter, Sharon 112 Pot!, Richard 107 Potter, Cory 107 Potter, Erin 27, 99, 179, 181 Powell, Debra 107 Powell, Heather 99 Priamo, Eric 99, 139 Price, Caitlin 107, 187 Price, J. 137, 187 Price, Jenae 209, 72 Price, Joseph 89 Price, Tiffany 99, 190 Prince, Brandon 107 Prince, lkeia 11 , 72 Proctor, Christophor 99 Proctor, Tiffany 44, 72, 179 Proffitt, Jonathan 107 Prudente, Dominic A. 72 Pudhorodsky, Laila 72 Pugh , Ashley 89 Pullen, Michelle 72, 179, 181 , 205, 213 Purdy, Jay 28, 72 Purvi, Michael 89 Pusilo, Ad nan 99 Putman, Joshua 99 Pyles, Christopher 16, 99



Quick, Ashleigh 6, 45, 50, 72, 140, 141 , 210, 234 Quick, Jessica 99, 145 Quinn, Hannah 107



Radle, Anthony 89 Ragland, David 89, 187 Rainy, Sean 107, 138, 190 Ralston, Anne 99, 184, 185 Ramey, Rick 114 Ran, YiYao 109 Rapinchuk, Igor 72, 176 Rasool, Ali 99,100, 181 Reaser, Lori 114 Record, Brian 20, 187, 224, 72 Record, Greg 10, 107, 126 Redman, Pamela 99 Redmond , Senor 123 Redmund , Nick 114 Reed, Heather 89, 187 Reed, Shannon 99, 173, 191 Reedy, Mervyn 89 Reeve, Nicholas 89 Reeves, Kate 107 Regan , Brendan 99 Rehorn, Mike 73, 176, 179 Reid, Suzanne 99, 186 Reijmers, Emily 89, 180 Reilly, Melissa 99 Reisler, S. 176, 179, 187 Reisler, Sara 191 , 73 Rembold , Ingrid 107 Remington, Courtney 90, 208, 73, 143, 176, 179 Reynolds, Ashley 73 Reynolds, Paul Ill 99, 190 Reynolds, Tiffany 99 Rice, Ashley 107 Rice, Kenneth 89 Rich, Alexander 107 Rich, Dawn 114 Richards, Candace 89, 179 Richards, Kristen 99, 149, 190 Ridgeway, Jennifer 107, 184 Ridley, Sada 89


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Riggins, Benjamin 89 Riggs, Brian 73, 192 Riley, Mellissa 235 Ripley, Logan 107, 153, 179 Rizzo, Alexandra 107, 149 Rizzo, Michael 89, 184, 185 Roache, Lauren 22, 107 Roane, Anne 107, 144 Robbins, Kaitlyn 99 Robbins, Matthew 99 Robbins, Sean 92, 139 Roberta, Cook 114 Roberts, Andrew 99 Roberts, Kalie 107 Robertson, Eric 139 Robertson, Kelsey 89, 179 Robertson, Matteo 89 Robey, Sarah 99 Robinson, Lasanae 89 Roddy, Sarah 99, 234, 235 Rodriguez, Nick 99 Ronan, Michael 73 Rondeau, David 99, 191 Rondon-Burges, P. 187 Rose, Jaclyn 107 Rose, Sarah 89, 190 Rosen, Alana 73 Rowe Ill, James G. 73 Royston, Heather 89, 187 Rudd, Kathryn 107, 186 Rush, William 99 Russell , Meghan Frances 73, 220 Russo, Neva 73 Ryan, Rachel 89



Saadut, Abdul 107 Saadut, Diba 99, 179 Sadlier, Megan 89, 90, 143, 23, 143 Sadlier, Wi lliam 73 Sakell, Ellen 206, 73 Sampson, Leah 11,74, 181 Sanchez, Raymond 99 Sanderford , Aly 74, 176 Sanders, Elliott 23 Sandridge, Ashley 107 Sandridge, Carmen 107 Santos, Katie 168, 193, 74, 81 , 169, 185, 149 Santos, Sarah 107, 164 Sarp, Jasmine 107 Sauer, Holly 201 , 74, 171 Saunders, Andre 107, 187 Saunders, Elliott 89, 179 Scaffidi, Billy 74 Scaffidi, Laura 99 Scapy, Ryan 74 Schaefer, Christopher 99 Schaefer, Danielle Marie 74 Schmidt, Stephen 74, 147 Schneider, James 89 Schneller, Kimberly 89, 171 Schnittka, And rea 107 Schnittka , Jessica 89, 181 Schomp, Debbie 114 Schrank, David 89 Schrank, Jonathan 107 Schwab, Emily 27, 99, 235 Scott, Charles 114 Scott, David 192, 74, 75 Scott, Michael 107 Scott, Sara 107, 187


Scruggs, Dustin 89 Seapy, David 99 Sessoms, Diallo 114, 187 Sexton, Marcus 99 Seymour, Daniel 99 Shaefer, Danielle Marie 193, 191 Shafer, Evan 107 Shafer, Wynne 213, 74 Shageer, Sunder 89, 109 Shah, Vikas 74, 191 Shanell, Tiffany Steadly 76 Shauer, Elizabeth 99 Shaver, Candice 89, 235 Shaver, Elizabeth 109 Shearburn, Janene 114 Shek, Yen 89, 181 Shellito, Betty 109 Shelton, Charles 99 Shepherd, Maury 114 Shifflett, Alese Nicole 74, 139 Shifflett, Allen 99 Shifflett, Angela 99 Shifflett, Clint 74, 187 Shifflett, Matthew 99 Shifflett, Patrick 109 Shifflett, Shawn "Kemo" 74 Shifiett, Andrew 99 Shifiett, Charlotte 114 Shih, Tiffany 153, 74, 181 , 176 Shinaberry, Christopher 99 Shipe, Maggie 109 Shipp, Jennifer 211 , 74, 142, 163, 143 Shupe, Casey 144 Sides, Jonathan 109, 191 Sifford , Chase 109 Sikes, Richard 99, 191 Silver, Amy 26, 89 Simmons, Stephanie 120 Simpkins, Erika 99 Sims, Jessica Ashley 74, 57 Singe!, Kati 74, 149 Singe!, Rachel 99 Sipe, Travis 191 , 74 Skevington, Sarah 15, 235, 74 Skevington, Taylor 99 Slagle, Zachary 89, 190 Slutzky, Rebbeca 76, 210 Smailes, Sarah 109 Small, Amber 89 Smeriglio, Corinne 89, 179 Smith , Shatoya "Hannah" Monet 76 Smith, Adrienne 99, 186 Smith, Allison 109 Smith, Caitlin 128, 76, 186 Smith, Douglas 99 Smith, Jahmire 89, 186 Smith, Jason 75, 76 Smith, Wi lliam Jr 76 Smith, Kenneth 109 Smith, Kody 109 Smith, Mary 109, 184 Smith, Melody 99 Smith, Sade 89 Smith, Shatoya 198 Smith, Shawn 76 Smith, Ulanda 99 Smythers, Andrew 89, 151 Snow, Kevin 99, 139 Snyder, Sherry 114 Song, Steven 99, 181 Sookoo, Karuna 109 Sotelo-Bernal, German 109 Sotelo-Bernal, Lizbeth 99 Spano, Elizabeth 109, 132, 184

Spatz, Kristen 109, 184 Spatz, Lindsay 193, 76 Spellman, Jason 109, 179, 190 Spencer, Michael 99 Sperry, John lv 99 Spigone, Joanna 99, 235, 144 Spradlin, Ashley 99 Spring, Aaron 76 Sprouse, Melissa 109 Sprowal, Guy 99, 187 St Cullen Claire 109 Stacy, Megan 99 Stahl, Devan 132, 133, 76, 184, 185, 176 Stangil, Vanessa 99 Stanley, Cat 114 Stanley, Kennan 175, 191 Stanley-Bay, Parker 169, 109 Stanley-Bey, Kennan 109 Stanton, Melissa 99, 169 Starling, Laura 99 Staton, Austin 99 Staton, Brad 57, 12, 76 Steadley, Tiffany 217, 191 Steedman, John 99, 169 Steele, Ashley 109 Steele, Michael 89 Steffen, Ashley 99 Stehl, Robert 109 Steljes, Jordan 99, 139 Stephens, Brad 76 Stewart, Andrew 109, 190 Stewart, Becca 128, 181 , 186 Stewart, Colin 99, 185 Stewart, Rebecca 99 Stickel, Tyler 99 Stokes, Raynell 114 Stone, Robert Ill 89 Stone, Russell Lee 77 Stoner, Joann 114 Straton, Daniel 77 Strauss, Gabe J. 77 Strauss, Joel 109, 147 Strickland, Matthew 99, 171 , 139, 91 , 187 Stringer, Neena 192, 77 Strother, Jessica 99 Strother, Keisha 77 Struiksma , Linze 91 Strumlauf, Raphael 99 Sullivan, Cody 77, 137 Sullivan, Lauren 109 Suit, Ashley 193, 77, 143 Sun, Helen 77 Surdukowski, Leigh 114 Sury, Brett 99, 169 Swanson, Amber 99 Sweeney, Peter, Jr. 91 , 181


Taylor, Neil 109, 139 Taylor, Quinn 99 Terada, Jennifer 114, 186 Terlep , Dierdre "Didi" Louise 77, 176 Terlep, Kevin 99 Terrell, Kai 109, 187 Terry, lrisha 109 Terry, Isaiah 109 Terry, Michael 204, 77, 136, 187, 137 Terry, Shawna 109, 190, 165 Testerman, Danielle Elizabeth 78, 186 Thacker, Crystal 109 Thacker, Emily 212, 78, 176 Thacker, Jessica 109 Thacker, Kimberly 224, 78 Thacker, Nina 114 Tharp, Kendra 109 Thill, Ted 114 Thomas, Cartiere 78 Thomas, Greg 114 Thomas, Kevin 91 Thomas, Matthew 99, 191 Thomas, Meaghan 91 Thomas, Stephen 99 Thomas, Tracy 109, 187 Thompson, Ashley 205, 78 Thompson, Elizabeth 91 Thompson, Robert Ill 109, 129 Thompson, Shana 99, 234 Thompson, Tashaw 91 Thornburg, Preston 109 Thornton, Alonzo 109 Thurston, James 114 Tichner, Rebecca 99 Timberlake, Bryan 109, 191 Titus, Logan 99, 147 Taka, Elizabeth 109 Tom ko, Emily 109 Tomko, John 168, 78, 197, 187 Toney, Nicky 99 Tornrose, Allison 109 Trammell , Matthew 91 Tran , Khuyen 99 Trice, Ruth 114, 186 Trippel, John 114 Tromey, Andrew 99, 169 Trotta, Christine 109 Trugman, Dena 91 , 191 Truslow, Kenneth Jr. 78 Truslow, Raven 91 , 163 Tucker, Dory 217, 78, 176, 181 ' 184, 185 Tucker, Jeffrey 99, 181 Tucker, Mike 78 Tucker, Stefanie 99, 165 Turner, Annie 91 , 181 Turner, Robert 109 Turner, Traman 100, 187 Twitty, Sherika 100 Tyler, Eric 100, 137, 187 Tyler, Rickie 109 Tyler, Teresa 114

T Tabilas, Aileen 109, 186 Tabilas, Tesceline 91 , 186, 187 Tate, Travis 91 Taylor, Clelie 109, 184 Taylor, Jamie 91 , 151 Taylor, Jennifer 109, 156 Taylor, Josh 99, 150 Taylor, Kristina 77, 15 Taylor, Liza 77, 176 Taylor, Matthew 109




Uhlig , Erika 109, 126, 186 Uia, Mary-Elizabeth 114 Ulan , Melissa 210, 78, 176, 181 , 149 Utz, Kyle 207, 78

VV.ct~ey Vaden, Elizabeth 91 , 149, 166 Van Denburg, Benjamin Denburg 109 VanDer Linde, Catherine 91 , 143, 35, 126 Van Der Linde, Melissa 100 Van, Paola Harlingen 91 Varfolomeeva, Veronika 91 , 187 Vargas, Stephanie 109 Vaughan, Cateria 79 Vaughan, Taneshia 109 Veith, Brittany 109 Villa, Jesus 109 Villalon, Zack 91 Vines, Laura 91 , 171 , 187 Volkstorf, Sandra 114



Waddell, Molly 202, 234, 57, 79 Wade, Ashley 91 Wade, Christina 109 Wade, James 109 Wade, Whitney 109 Wagner, Robert 100, 139, 169 Walendowski, Marianne 114 Walker, Shaela 91 Walker, Theresa 100 Wall, Patrick 100 Waller, Richard IV 91 Walls, Patty 114, 191 Walston, Jonathan 91, 137 Walston , Steven 109 Walters, Kimberly 100 Walther, Ashley 100, 165, 178, 143 Walther, Brittany 142, 143 Walton, Stuart 198, 79 Wang, Dengqi 91 Wang, Engfeng 91 Wang, Jin 100 Wanless, Molly 100 Ward, Danielle 109, 186 Ward , Emily 91 , 179, 181 , 186 Washington , Brandi 100 Washington , Britani 79, 137 Wasulko, Michael 109, 91 Watson , Matthew 100 Watt, Kelly 26, 100, 147 Watts, Christina 100, 165 Wavell, Teddy 109 Weatherill , Bonnie 109 Webber, Briana 100, 149 Weidman, Charles 79 Weir, Emily 91 , 179 Weisend , Lance 114, 147 Weisman, Jessi 79, 159 Weisman, Katelin 109 Weisman, Marlyn 100, 234 Wellman, Adriana 100 Wells, Lorenzo, Jr. 109, 169, 191 Wells, Reginald 79 Wharam, Richard 114 Wharton, Lawren 91 Wheeler, John 114

Wheeler, Kayla 109 Wheeler, Will 13 White, Ashley 91 White, Patrice 91 White, Brandon 27, 100, 187 White, Caleb 109, 165 White, Cameron 21 , 109, 128 White, Courtney 100, 165 White, Curtis 109 White, Franklin 79 White, Jeffrey, Jr. 100, 109, 171 , 181 , 187 White, Jessie 100 White, Kristen 100 Whitenack, Claire 79, 148, 176, 149 Whitenack, Eleanor 100, 149, 181 Whiting , Brittany 109 Whitlow, Katie 91 , 186, 179 Wibert, Patricia 216 Wiedman, Charles 13 Wiehl, Benjamin 109, 185 Wiehl, Nikita 91 Wilberger, Jamie 91, 187 Wilbert, Patricia 79 Wilkins, Matthew 100 Willcome, William 100 Williams, Arica 100 Williams, Chad 109, 138, 169 Williams, Kevin 91 , 179, 151 Williams, Tyler 227, 79 Wilson, Katrina 109 Wilson, Land ria 100, 191 Wilson, Megan 109, 179, 181, 137 Wilson , Melissa 114 Wilson , Michael 91 Wilson, Monichel 109 Wilson, Tremaine 91, 137 Winston , Christopher 109 Wolf, Jennifer 79, 184, 185 Wolf, Samantha 80, 176, 181 Wood, Cherie 91 Wood, Christopher 109 Wood, Jason 109, 190 Wood, Matt 80, 136, 137 Wood, Robbie 109 Wood, Shauntel 100 Woodfolk, Camilla 109 Woodfolk, Chad 44, 208, 236, 80, 137 Woodfolk, Ryan 100, 137 Woodson, Emily 100, 190 Woodson, Lindsay 81 ' 197, 80 Woodson , Morganne 100, 186, 144 Woodworth, Beth 7, 13, 80, 166, 176, 186 Woodworth, Matthew 100, 186, 139 Woolford , Trey 109, 169 Wootten, James 100, 139 Wormington , Amanda 91 , 171 Worrell , Ashley 90, 91 , 129 Worth, Graham 109 Wrig ht, Allie 80, 140, 141 Wright, Brooke 91 , 186 Wright, Jeff 37, 211 , 57, 80 Wright, Jonathan, Jr. 100, 187 Wright, Paul 100 Wyant, Aaron 109, 187



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y Yamshchikov, Polina 109, 187 Yang, Yin 80, 186 Yoder, Bradley 109, 190 Yoder, Rachel 91 Young, Wayne, Jr. 91 , 159 Yun, Po Sheen 99

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Zaenker, Stefanie 91 , 143 Zamorski, Stefanie 91 Zeljkovic, Vesna 109 Zeljkovic, Zeljko 100 Zhang, Han 109, 190 Zhang,Jenna 100 Zjelkovic, Zjelko 94 Zoeniker, S. 186 Zometa-Fiores, Oswaldo 100

Colophon In Loving Memory of; Brittany Hope Bishop Mr. Bill Banks


The 2003 Peer, volume 50, was published by Herff Jones Publishing Company with representative Gail Price. The staff would like to thank the follo wing for their dedication to the 2003 Peer: GaiiPrice , the Camera Center, Student Council , Margaret Murray, John Garland , Jim Capote, Ms . Lori Rei ser and the Patriot staff, Ms. Debbie Tyson and the entire athletic department , Sydelle Gonias, Mrs. Grimm , Ms. Shifflett and the entire creati ve writing staff, all athletic coaches , Mr. Lawwill and the entire administrative staff, Ms. Hughes, the family and fri ends of Brittany Bishop , Kirsten Zamorski and Mr. Bill Banks , Mrs. Mortell and the photography department , and all parents and staff. Thank you again to all of those who have made this yearbook possible, especiall y Ms . Aust and the entire staff for all your hard work and dedication!

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