2010 Peer Albemarle High School Yearbook

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Albemarle High School

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2775 Hydraulic Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-97 5-9300 www.k12albemarle.org Population: 17 61

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e High School. A-Town. The Patriots. We had a new principal and new staff members, newly assigned parking spaces, two new entrances and a new school-within-aschool. But we were still A-Town. We still were the only school with a Breezeway. We still had our Homecoming and hoiday traditions. We still had superfans who came to every sports event. And we had the chant, the chant that we all heard before every football game when the players huddled up and shouted, "Whose town?" "A-TOWN!" We were and are A-Town, and no one can ever change that.


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As the-2009-2010 school year began students had a hard time waking out of their summer slumber. When they walked in the front door on Tuesday August 25 they were met with many changes, like the new MESA wing, a new principal and staff members, and even a not-quite-finished High School Musical staircase. But everyone adjusted quickly and got back into the regular Albemarle routine. As usual students always made time for socializing and attending school functions. The eight minute breaks between classes proved to be a crucial time to catch up with friends on the Breezeway and once a month students got to enjoy long lunch privileges. Between sporting events, tailgates, Homecoming, and pep rallies students could be found at the school at all hours. Outside of school students stayed busy and took breaks from homework to attend UV A games, concerts at John Paul Jones arena, Fridays After Five, after school jobs, and many other activities. Albemarle students were always easy to tell apart since they often sported their Bring on the Blue, Red Rage, and Dread the Red t-shirts. Though the original generation of superfans was long gone, it was clear the hat, cape, and spirit stick lived on.







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u Albemarle's eighty-one days of summer had never passed by so quickly . Before the last exam was over, some students were already packed to make their first trip of the summer to the beach, while others just could not wait to sleep in the next morning. Senior Morgan McGhee and her junior sister Brinn McGhee donated their free time to others. They went on a mission trip with their church to help the less fortunate and teach others about Christianity. Seniors Natalie Salsini and Jessie Noel, and juniors Cat Cashwell, Stephanie Salsini and Lauren Eklund took a different approach to begin their summer, heading to the Outer Banks for a


"We went

out jet skiing, and we got tight henna tattoos," said sophomore Eklund. "We also did alot of tanning, of course." By: Grace McDaniel Top Left: Freshman Lauren Eklund and Cat Cashwell get ready to hit the waves on a jetski.

Senior Morgan McGhee and junior sister Brinn McGhee help childre n in Ecuador as a part of a church trip. Seni ors Jon Gunderson and Patrick Tubridy go tubing at Smith Mountain Lake. Albemarle students in Younglife make a pyramid at Camp Rockbridge.

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"My famil y and I went to the Cayman Island ' s on a crui se, and they had a turtle farm! We got to hold the babies and now they ' re my favorite. " -Sophomore Abbey Veith

"I got to sleep in every day, had a good time at the beach , and Busch Gardens. Hanging out with fri ends every day was great of course." - Senior Jon Pyo

"S ummer 09'. No regrets." - Junior Eric Cain

' ' w e went to v·1rgm1a · · B eac h to play sand soccer for the fourth


year in a row. We get to play


with no rules and just chill at the


beach. It's great. - Senior David Gray






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On the first day, I was excited about coming back to school but nervous about finding my classes and standing alone in the



- Freshman Abbey Veith

Juni or Sam Bor makes hi s way to hi s bus after the first day of school comes to a close.

"Our favo rite thing about back • to schoo l is getting to see all your all the fri ends you didn ' t get to see over the summer. "

"My favorite thing about going back to school was getting to meet a lot of new people."

"My favorite thing about coming back to schoo l is getting ready for lacrosse season."

- Freshman Anna Goodri ch

- Junior Zac Draego

- Sophomore Katherine Gaines and junior Madelyn LaPrade

Sophomore Danny Vaughn gathers the materials from his locker before class.


gathers the ma,efore class.






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The sun was shining, and laughter filled the air as returned for the first day of school. "My favorite thing about back to school is seeing all my friends," freshman Alicia Young said. Students were excited as they greeted one another and caught up with their classmates in the Breezeway. New students were not the only thing that had changed about Albemarle in the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. The entrance and the rest of the reconstruction were completed over the summer, and many improvements awaited them inside. A new principal, Mr. Jay Thomas, also began his first year at Albemarle. For the new students as well as those returning, all the changes helped make an exciting start to the school year. By: Charlotte Pitt

Seniors Maggie Wi ll is, Jessica Noel , Billy Crist, and Katie Williams socialize during the first long lunch.

ores Nic Yates and Eboni Blakey get in the lunch line.





reez When the bell rang all you could hear was laughing, yelling, and excitement. Most students came to the Breezeway to socialize and to get away from class. The weather didn't matter either; students just wanted freedom. "It's friendly and exciting, and is also a wonderful experience [to be in the Breezeway]," freshman Ashley Nottingham said. Significantly, the students have divided the Breezeway into four sections. The freshmen hung out near the middle, on the "Freshman Steps." sophomores hung near the wall in the middle, while the juniors settled on the other wall near the library. The seniors got to relax in their special circle that honors their last high school year. by: Kaila Brown


The freshmen claim their new territory on the steps just after the first day of schoo l. Sophomores Kendall Kennedy and Jessica Hairston have a serious conversati on. Senior Michae l Peyman rough-houses with two of hi s friends before heading off to class.


Junior Kell y Harris enj oys taking a break with her fri ends on the Breezeway even when the weather starts to get colder.

Sophomores Breann a Shannon, Bi anca Loredo, and Miranda Bri cker sit together during the fi rst long lunch.

Sophomores Brandon Rose and Jacob Borenstein relax on the sophomore wall.

' ' I was excited to finally get to move into the senior circle! ' '

- Danielle Whitty







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~12 ~ wear



as 10 At school, every day was a fashion show. You could look around the Breezeway and find every style and variation, no matter what the weather or season. You saw a rainbow of colors and personalities; everything from t-shirts to stiletto heels. "[The color you wear] basically signifies your mood; you can' t wear black on a cloudy day because that will make you even more depressed," Eboni Blakey explained. Bad weather didn't stop the fashion display . When it rained, you saw rainboots in every color and pattern from polka dots to graffiti. With cold and snow, everyone had an excuse to get out their Uggs and tall boots. "Fashion never dies. Fashion is a continuous cycle and everything comes back to us," said sophomore Ashley Early. It was true that t-shirts, blue jeans and baggy pants were still popular for guys, although a few tried the new (old) style of "skinny jeans." by Kaila Brown Seniors Peter Choi and Daniell e Freshwater di splay student business casual. Hi s up-to-date glasses, j acket and skinny leg pants top the class ic sneakers, while she wears ankle boots with dark tights, a short skirt, vest and sweater topped with thi s year 's most simple but important accessory, a scarf.

The hip-hop style is alive and well , with oversize baseball caps, graphic designs and cool shoes with contrasting lace, worn by sophomore Ramel Smith, junior Donald Gray, freshman Eddie Johnson, Jamal Coles, and Raquan Rose .. Sophomore Peter Garland shows that blue jeans and at-shirt with great graphi cs are still timeless and comfortable.

Accessories are important - oversize earrings add some glamour to an otherwise regular school day. Belts worn above the waist add something extra as well.




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Students actually look forward to rainy days because they have an excuse to wear rain boots in all patterns and colors. Senior Vicky Zarate-B ustamante shows off her favorite red ones.


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Cowboy boots are sti ll in this year - worn either with a dress or pants tucked in.

Flat suede boots are also popular.


I like DC

shoes. ' ' -Sage Smith












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GDDY UP . "'

Sophomores Laura Sisman and A sher N oble wait in line to leave the school parking lot.

"It 's a beas t," says senior John Hammond about hi s Jeep Wrangler.


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Having a car meant freedom packed with a lot of responsibilities. Some students had to work so they could buy a car. Others had them passed down from older siblings in college or from parents. Once many students got their cars, they were very eager to drive to school to show off their new rides. The only problem was parking. The staff decided to try out a new method for the parking lot this school year. "I love my car but I have the worst parking spot ever; all the way in the back," said junior Geran Steljes. Having a car was one of the many ways to express yourself. You could add bumper stickers, magnets and many other things that were special and helped define who you were. A good reason for seniors to have a car was for long lunch days when they got the freedom to leave school grounds and got the opportunity to not eat a school lunch. By Kaitlin Davis


"My hummer's so big, my license plate says pardon me." ' ' - Geran Steljes







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Freshmen Abby Schwab, Kate Hammond and fri ends show their spirit by wearing blue on Class Color Day.

Sophomore Will Nafei and juniors Eric and Tyler Reigel dress up as the chracters fro m the tv show Rocket Power.


aJama D ay was definitely my favorite spirit day. I loved how everybody got involved.

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- Jessie Philips

Hogwart' s students solve their di fferences through magic. Junior Kate Johnson threatens Stacey Hahn and Maryann Chapman with a " Stupefy!" spell. Seniors Dalton Stokes, Mitchell Smith, and Emil y Miller dress up as Dorothy, Dr. McDreamy, and Pocahontas for Character Day .

Junior Eric Cain dresses up as a furry creature for Character Day.

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Spirit Week lasted from October 12 through the 16- five days where the students and teachers went all out, despite a spell of bad weather. Monday was Comfy Day which meant most students wore pj 's and sweats. Tuesday was Character Day which included many heros as well as several transfer students from Hogwart's. "Character day was fun seeing all the different heros and getting a good laugh at the crazy outfits some people wore," said sophomore Kendall Hawkins. Tourist Day was on Wednesday, and students came out with maps, binoculars, and fanny packs. Decade Day was on Thursday and it was all about the past or the future. Friday was the traditional Patriot Day where everybody rocked their red, white, and blue. "Patriot Day was my favorite. We get to wear our cheerleading uniforms and we make spirit bags for another teammate," said sophomore Jasmine Jackson. By: Jasmine Gray Juni ors Haley Brugh, Me lanie Freshwater, Kell y Harri s, Jake Hendri x, Reynolds Martin , and Grace McDaniel pl ay the part of visitors, co mplete with maps, binoculars and safari hats. Touri st Day was a new addition to Spirit Week th is year.

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Sophomore Stephanie Salsini takes advantage of the good weather to spray-paint decorations for Homecoming.














]YOU ~ play


In a schedule change from previous years, Monday night was the time to watch the girls powderpuff games. The weather was cool but dry, and the games kicked off with the tradiitional freshmen vs. juniors and sophomores vs. seniors. The freshmen girls were well coached by Jon Gunderson, Evan Karweik, Eli McKay, and Sam Bor, who lead their players to the surprizing win over their older rivals. Not even the winter weather could keep the girls from giving it their all. The seniors, who were coached by Hunter McCann, Joel Okaah, and Jervon Speller, were also victorious over the sophomores in a close match. In the consolation game, sophomores and juniors battled it out. Junior Taylor Hale was quick on her feet and helped the team get into sophomore territory. The sophomore girls put everything they had into a defeat over their upper class rivals. The championship round was a battle between the rookies and the veterans. It was clear both teams wanted the win. Seniors Abby Hendrix and Kya Francisco led the seniors through each winning play. Freshmen Katharine Waldron and Maggie Tubridy used their talents to challenge the seniors' abilities and pushed them to the limit. Although the freshmen lost, Coach Jon Gunderson said, "Next year everybody better watch out because they are going to win the championship without a doubt." By: Julie Stutsman









Sophomore Asher Noble coaches the sophomores, who were able to upset the juniors in the second round.

Freshman coaches Eki Mackey and Sam Bor he Iped their young team to an upset victory over the juniors.

Mr. Stone signal s from the sideline to hi s sophomore defense. His team won the consolati on game over the juniors.


I love Powderpuff!


-Senior Kya Francisco

Freshman sensation Maggie Tubridy gains valuable yards before being surrounded by seniors in the Championship game.

Junior runner Taylor Hale moves the bal l upfield. Sophomores Hannah Sokora, Savanah Henderson, Dorothy Joyner and Molly Gerding get ready to play.




+Seniors Christine Alexander, Lizzy Ham li n, Shannone Lindeman , and Kathl een Kines watch from the sideline as the freshmen give their older counterparts a run for their money.








Engli sh Honor Society member Sarah Bergstresser he lps out with their tailgate.

In order to raise money, junior Lauren Schneider and sapomore Becky Johnson, members of the Field Hockey team , are ready to spin the Chick-Fil-A wheel where free food is the pri ze.

Juniors Kay ian Gentry and April Pitman sociali ze as they try out different booth s.


I really enjoyed all the food that was there. It was so


'' - LaDon Woody

T he Juni or Class ical leag ue offers free chariot rides in additi on to a delightful selection of waffles with various toppings. Senior Asmita Gautam along with the Di versity Club offer baked goods to encourage di versity. Brittany Burch tries to get people to take cookies from her tai lgate. Like many other clubs, the Afri can American Student Uni on offered free food.

] we like ~ to


ates Decorating the halls was a fun way to start off the Spirit Week activities and tailgates were a great way to end it. Overall tailgates were about having fun and getting to see friends. "Even though I get to see my friends during the game, it's still a lot of fun to hang out with them during the tailgates," said Senior Andrew Dalton. "But it is upsetting that it was my last one." There were a lot of different tailgates to choose from, including Key Club, Photography, and various honor societies. "There was a lot of enthusiam this year. All the kids who helped out with the tailgate were great and very helpful," said Ms. Oliveri, the photography teacher. After a few days of rain the weather cooperated and everyone enjoyed the free food and fun games. "It was good to see the school united and having fun," said junior Lyndsey Savina. By: Kaitlin Davis Dancing away, seniors Brittany Burch, Danielle Baldwin and fri ends have fun at the Homecoming tail gate.












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Homec On October 17th, 2009, students spent the day preparing for the Homecoming Dance in one way or another. Most girls spent all day pampering themselves while boys played video games or shot some hoops, casually putting on their ties right before they left. Some groups of friends met before the dance to take pictures and eat dinner together, while others had a nice private dinner with their dates. "Before the dance, my date and I went to Taylor Hale's house and met up with all of our friends there, so it was really fun getting together with everyone and eat dinner together," junior Geran Steljes said. As they entered the cafeteria, they found decorations of elements of different time periods that went along with the dance's theme, Dancing the Time Away. "Some of the decorations were taken from the hallway decorations from Spirit Week, but it looked really cool having different periods of time almost tied together in one night," said freshman Abbey Veith. At the dance, students could dance with their friends, or catch up with others and cool off. "I had a great time dressing up for my last high school Homecoming and hanging out with my friends. It was a memorable experience that I won't ever forget," senior Katie Williams said. By: Natalie Salsini Seniors Emily Miller, Katie Williams, Hunter McCann , Billy Cri st, and junior Tyler Reigel get some pictures before heading out to dinner and the dance. Sophomore Brandi Bartley takes a break from the dancing to hang out with two of her fri ends. Junior Austin Si gler helps hi s date, senior Jessie Noel, put her on corsage.

Couples hit the dance fl oor with cameras in hand.

Junior Sherice Woodson and senior DeAndra Sm ith take a break from dancing and look for their friends.

Seniors Chris Vaughan and Jon Pyo show off their dress atire before the dance.

Juniors April Pittman, Haley Brugh, Stephanie Strauss, Brinn McGhee, Grace McDaniel, Sarah Brady, Sarah Terleskey, Taylor Pritchard, and Tay lor Hale get together for dinner and pictures before the dance.

''We've taken this picture every year, so we wanted to take it one more time for memones.


- Holly Quinn and Caroline Allen











~26 ]we ~ are


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They low-ride, smack talk, and punch each other for

fun - they're the dudes that walk the halls of A-town. And the thing that concerns them the most is getting along with members of the opposite sex. It's not easy for guys to relate to girls, especially in a long-term relationship. For some like Hernon Henderson , "to be single is better because I can talk to any girl I want. " The worst trait in a girl, according to Kendall Hawkins , is to "be running their mouth and starting stuff." The guys might get annoyed, but they do occasionally listen and at the end of the day they enjoy the ladies. They apply makeup daily, love drama, swoon over random guys and are unpredictable at best. But girls do agree with guys about some things . "Being single," said Briana Barbour, "is better than being in a relationship," agreeing with Henderson. What were the best and worst guy traits? "Best [would be] their looks and worst [would be] the cheating and the drama," Marktika Taylor said. The ladies will do or say things they will regret but in the end they really do love guys. By: Jasmine Gray Sophomores Peyton James and Matt Goodrich compare the ir red and blue attire on Patriot Day.

Junior Reid Bozzone keeps warm with senior Katherine Sutphen at the homecoming tailgate. Sophomore Ashley Graves and seni or Austin Rohm work together on hall decorations for Spirit Week.




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Sophomore coach Asher Noble discusses the game pl an with sophomore pl ayer Elli e Leech at the Powderpuff

Junior Brinn McGhee and senior Matt Anderson dress for spirit at a home volleyball match.

Sophomore Daj ana C imi c and seni or Clark Me lton chill on the Breezeway.



It's on!



- Senior Tyler Richards


Batwoman could totally take Batman any day!


- Junior Taylor Hale

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Seni or Danie ll e Freshwater tries not to act too em barassed by her youn ger sister junior Me lanie Freshwater.

Junior Kelsey Peck and sophomore Emily Peck do not stay angry with each other fo r long since these sisters are so close.

Senior Erin and her sister sophomore Naundi Cook have a good sibling relationship.

Junior Morgan Barksdale and senior Kell y Barksdale enj oy running into each other during school hours.

Junior Jake Hendri x will al ways be senior Abby Hendri x's baby brother, even though he is ab le to pick her up.

Brothers senior Joel and freshman Nemuel Okaah put on a smi for the camera in between some bickering.



gotta ove


Having a brother or sister with you in school was considered a good thing most of the time. That is, other than the once in a while mix up of names or the constant question, "are you related to so and so?" Having an older sibling was definitley helpful for incoming freshmen, especially that first week. Freshmen Maggie Tubridy, Alicia Young, and Abby Schwab all had older senior brothers to drive them in to school and show them around if needed. For some siblings like Natalie Salsini and Stephanie Salsini, school was just another chance they got to see each other, "We do everything together," said sophomore Stephanie Salsini. Whether you always got along or not, brothers and sisters were people you had to love. By Jessie Noel Seniors Patrick Tubridy, Matt Young, and Jay Schwab like to tease their younger fre shman sisters Maggie Tubridy, Alicia Young , and Abby Schwab.


I love being at school with Natalie. She is my best friend and we do everything together. I can't imagaine next year without her!


- Sophomore Stephanie Salsini





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Okaah put on a smi le:

..roily Miller and Maggie Willi s with thei r brothers sophomores r and Chaz Willi s ca ll themselves "the Willers."






Seni or Morris Wachori works on hi s computer in Business Management class.

McKenzie Stewart-B erry uses a video camera in broadcasting .

• Mi an Banyameen uses a co mputer to help practice in hi s language class.

] YOU ~ use it

no1o In past years electronic devices were banned in school from 9 am until school ended at 3:45 pm. But now students are not only allowed but required to use them in certain classes. All those enrolled in either physics or MESA classes were issued Dell netbooks to use for the year. The netbooks replaced textbooks and allowed students to share online documents or access the web during class. Many teachers also made use of the laptop carts or the Mac or Dell computer labs for various lessons. Duel enrollment English and Government students used them to work on their research papers and projects. Foreign langage teachers, including Mrs. Hoover, even used them for the speaking portions on their exams. Most students enjoyed the benefits of having access to technology during the school day, and often used their netbooks outside of school as well. "People on my bus," said sophomore Allison Carswell, "use them to play solitaire." by Julie Stutsman

Juni or Devin Wildy uses a laptop in Mrs.Hoover' s Spanish class.

Freshman Ryan Tarkington works on a mo usetrapr car with Eli zabeth Hill strom.

Freshman Jalen Cobb practices math fundamenta ls in the APEX lab.







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rian Farmer spends time in class on hi s get hi s work done.






Senior Emil y Miller throws snow up in the air with excitement.

Senior Vicky Zarate takes a downhill run at Snow Shoe.


The two weeks off of school were definately




Billy Crist

The Breezeway fill s up with snow after the second huge snow storm of the year. Seniors Jessie Noel and Emil y Miller head out for sledding in the two feet of snow that fell in February.

Seni ors Doron Roberts- Kedes and Amanda Poll ack enjoy a ride up the sk i lift at Snow Shoe.


~ enJOY

now Da s Snow days in 2009-2010 definitely put a twist on Albemarle ' s schedule. The blizzard of '09 hit on December 18, the last day of classes before the winter break, with about 22 inches of heavy snow. Students were already through most of the day when the flakes began to fall , so no school days were missed. But the blizzard of '10 was a different matter. The early February storm brought about 14 inches of snow and students got nine days off, with another two days with two hour delays. Winter sports contests were canceled and Valentine' s Day went uncelebrated. After getting to sleep in for so many days, everyone began to fall out of their daily routines and once school started back up, it was a challenge to get back on track. The snow itself became a huge obstacle; there were colossal piles of snow in parking lots and the Breezeway was closed for weeks. Still, the unusual weather was a nice break for students and teachers, to stay home and enjoy the fluffy white stuff with friends and family . by Charlotte Pitt Sophomores Lindsey White, Peyton James, Matt Goodri ch, Asher Noble, Kira Agli o and Nikki Ross and freshman Jeffrey De Alme ida e njoy a day of snow tubing.

Freshman Luc Fatton sits on a huge pil e of snow in hi s neighborhood hanging out with fri end s. Seni or Alex Petterson and sophomore Magg ie Serbati ki ss a snowman they built over their break.














July Mr. Jay Thomas meets and greets students, parents and staff in a reception in the medi a center. August Parents and students ex pl ore the schoo l and find their classrooms at Freshman Ori entati on.

September Ryan Gray and Nick Janssens he lp out at the car wash hosted by the Cross Country team.

October Corinne Sh arp and Emil y Ge lzer dress comfy for Pajama Day, one of the students' favorites during Homecoming Week.

November The students' favorite turkey, Band director Mr. Greg Thomas, sports the gobbler suit. Thomas won the honor by accumul ating the most votes (in the form of spare change) .

December Hannah Uhli g, Rach ael Heeschan and other members of Take Note! treat the faculty to some holiday fa vorites during the annual Ho liday party,

january Students are finall y allow back on the Breezeway most of the snow is c lear

principal Mr. Ri ck Vrhov keep a close watch out for snowball s.






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--ar in Review From the introduction of new principal Mr. Jay Thomas at the July Meet and Greet to the second semester exams in June, every month brought special memories. Some traditions continued as expected; students enjoyed Homecoming and the holidays ending 2009 much as they had in years past. But 2010 saw some schedule adjustments due to large amounts of snow and cold temperatures in January and February. The yearly Valentine' s Day activities never happened, the talent show was canceled, and budget cuts and schedule changes came to the forefront. Seniors were most appreciative of the set date for their graduation. Still, many students participated in the multiple spirit weeks throughout the year and attended dances, choir concerts, sporting events, movie nights and plays. By Julie Stutsman

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January Students are fin all y all owed back on the Breezeway after most of the snow is cleared, but attendance coordin ato r lit CaJTOII Bi ckers and ass istant principal Mr. Ri ck Vrho vac keep a close watch out fo r tl ) snowball s.

_ c urriculum fair, ..U"d helps get the ut the culinary at CA TEC. The p<>rtant for students will have more new 4 x4 schedule

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Seniors Jacquelyn C himine ll o, Co rinne Sharp amd Bri gette Moneymaker take a bite of pie o n the annual pi e day ce lebratio n.

Sprin g means baseball , and senior Jay Schwab bunts the ball to run to first.

Seni or Abby Hendri x di gs for the ball to take down fie ld.

Members of the Class of 2009 Carly Kni ght and Brittany Vargas wait anxio usly to get their diplo mas .







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This was the class of 2010. Since 2006, when they claimed the name of the "freshmen force," this class continuously showed Albemarle pride After three years of high school, the seniors knew what to expect as they claimed their places in the circle on the first day. They finally received privileges for long lunches and eighth periods and were able to go as they please. The work load, however, proved to be even more difficult than junior year's and on top of everything college application deadlines were knocking on the door. As the first semester drew to a close many students began to experience the feeling known as "senioritis." Symptoms of this common disease included procrastination, lack of motivation, drop in academic performance, and coasting. Seniors began finalizing their plans for the approaching four years of freedom and made sure to enjoy the time they had left at Albemarle. Before they knew it they were walking across the stage at JPJ to receive their diplomas and move on to the next chapter in their lives.

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Q_ 1. Nick Adams: JV Soccer (1, 2); Varsity Soccer (3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2); SOCA (1 ); Monticello United Soccer (2, 3, 4- Captain); Indoor Soccer (1 , 2, 3, 4) "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle. 2. Ahmad AI-Lawati: Soccer (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Basketball (1 , 2, 3); Track (1, 2, 3) ; School Play (2, 3) ; Model United Nations- Geneva (3) ; Military Camp (3) "The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on." - Robert Bloch. 3. Christine Alexander 4. Caroline Allen: Varsity Cheerleading (1,2); Varsity Competition Squad (1 , 2); Peer Counseling (3, 4); Antioch Team Leader (3, 4); People to People Student Ambassador (2); Homecoming Court (1, 2); "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right , and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. " - Marilyn Monroe. "Life is short, break the rules , forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile." - Unknown . 5. Damere Allen 6. Carlton Anderson 7. Carol Anderson: Marching Band (1,2,3,4); Indoor Track (3,4) Outdoor Track (2 ,3,4); Band (1 ,2,3,4); Cooking Club (2); PIGS (2) "All roads lead to Cuzco, NOT Rome. " - The Incas. "You heard me!" - Me. 8. Jamie Anderson: Track & Field (1, 2); Yearbook (1, 3, 4); Leadership (2, 3, 4) ; School Improvement Committee (3, 4) "The whole of life is but a moment of time. It is our duty, therefore to use it, not misuse it." - Plutarch. 9. Matt Anderson: Key Club (President,4); Cross Country (1 , 2, 3) ; Indoor Track (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Outdoor Track (3, 4); FCA (2, 3, 4); Young Life (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Athletic Department Intern (3, 4) "Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen ."- Eph . 4:29. 10. Kelcey Bailey: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Drum Major (4); Outdoor Track, pole vaulting and long distance (1, 2) ; Christian Fellowship Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4); English Honor Society (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); Church Choir (1, 2, 3, 4) "Hold fast to the break of daylight, the shadow proves the sunshine." - Switchfoot. "I would rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not." - Lucille Ball. "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi. "Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerovac. 11 . Makia Bailey 12. Chelsea Baine: Take Note! (2, 3, 4); Music Honor Society (3, 4); JV Volleyball (1); Boys Lacrosse Manager (1 , 2, 3); All District Choir (3, 4) "Shoot for the moon . Even if you miss you'll land among the stars." - Les Brown.

--...eplan r after to college and t of this town!" .asey Mann


Play football at Ferrum!' -john Molnar

'1 want to go to college and studyto be a nurse." -jessie Phillips

'1 plan to go to VCU and get a degree in Broadcast journalism."

1. Justin Baker 2. Danielle C. Baldwin: Track (1, 2); Barbizon Modeling School (1, 2); African American Student Union (3, 4) "The difference between school and life? In school you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life you 're given a test that teaches you a lesson ." -Tom Bodell. 3. Brooke Bankard 4. Ayana Banks 5. Porter Bar: Weightlifting (3, 4) "The most incomprehensible th ing about the world is that it is comprehensible." - Albert Einstein . 6. Steven Bargh: JV Soccer (1); Varsity Soccer (2, 3, 4); Varsity Indoor Track (1); Patriot Athletic Leaders (2, 3, 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science National Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) "The world is yours." - Scarface .

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~40 1. Craig Barker

2. Kelly Barksdale: Wind Ensemble (2,3, section leader- 4); Marching Band (mellophone triumvirate member- 4) (1 , 2, 3, 4); Pit Orchestra (brass, viola- 2) (2, 3, 4); Virginia Consort (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (Treasurer - 4); District Band (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; National Art Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "Nothing was more natural than that these things should be those other things that they absolutely were not." - Henry James. "I galla bucket, galla bucket tulia sunshine." - Myself. "And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?" - John 12:25. 3. Mayghen Barmore: National Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (4) ; School Improvement Council (3,4); Vocal Jazz (2, 3, 4); AP Scholar (3); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4) ; 600 Club (1 , 2) "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfu lly made ... " - Psalm 139:14. "All shaved!"- JT "(Your) friendship is worth more than hundreds of thousands of money." - JT. 4. Mary Barnes: Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4); JV Field Hockey (1, 2) Varsity Field Hockey (3); Church Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); PALS (3, 4) ; FAST (4) ; Art Club (4); Violin (1, 2, 3, 4); Duke of Edinburgh (1); Junior Sports Leadership Award (1). "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains , no matter how improbable, must be the truth. " - Sherlock Holmes. 5. Ricardo Josue Barrientos: JV Soccer Manager (2) "Impossible is nothing ." - Adidas. 6. Adrianne Bell: MGCC Youth Praise Band (Leader- 4) (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Christian Fellowship Club (3, 4) ; Cooking Club (2); French Honor Society; Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4) ; All A Honor Roll (2, 3); Certificate "de Reussite le Grand Concours". "There is nothing better than giving up everything and stepping into a passionate love relationship with God, the God of the universe who made galaxies, leaves, laughter, and me and you." - Francis Chan . 7. Alison Bellew: Field Hockey (1, captain- 2, 3, 4); Track and Field (2, 3); SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; All-Academic Award (1, 2, 3, 4); Who's Who in Algebra II (2); Science Honor Society (4); PALS (3, 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4). "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - J.K. Rawling. 8. Sarah Bergstresser: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, Drum Major - 4) ; Wind Ensemble (4) ; Symphonic Band (2, 3); Concert Band (1 ); Honor Choir (All-District 1, 2, 3, All-State - 3, 4); Patriot Singers (2, section leader 3,4); No Fella A Capella (4); Women 's Ensemble (section leader- 1); Competitive Gymnastics (1- 4); National Honor Society (secretary- 4) ; English Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; Key Club (2-4); Handbell Choir (1 , 2, 4); PCA Rising Star Award (3); Honor Roll (1-4); State Gymnastics Competition (2) "All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney. 9. Vedad Besagic 10. Joseph Billings 11. Shannon Bisselink: Soccer (1 , captain - 2, 3, 4); SOCA (1 -4); Indoor Track (1-4) ; FAST (3, 4); SCA Advisor (2-4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Newspaper (2, 3, 4- business editor) "At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away." - Grey's Anatomy. 12. Brandon D. Blake: Virginia Theater Association (2-4); Forensics Team (Second Place Poetry- 2, Third Place : On the Spot Playwriting- 3, 4) ; Chorus (2-4); Spring Musical (14); Drama Fall Production (2-4); Outstanding Actor Award, Honorable Mention Acting Award (3); Honor Chorus (2-4); District Chorus (2, 3). "When the music starts, that's when everything changes." - Michael Jackson. "New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not common. "- John Locke.

1. Eric Bohn : Varsity Soccer (1 , 2, 3, captain - 4) ; Travel SOCA Lighting (1 , captain - 2, 3, 4); (National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science National Honor Society (4); English National Honor Society (4); Key Club (3,4) ; First Team All Commonwealth District Soccer (3, 4); Honorable Mention All Commonwealth District (2) "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work." - Mark Twain. 2. Kirsten Bonham: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Christian Fellowship Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); JCL (2, 3, 4); Tri-M (1 , 2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4) ; Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3, 4) "For I know the plans I have for you ... plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. 3. Kristina Boyd 4. Avaree Brown: varsity Track (1 , 2); Cheerleading (1 , captain- 2,3,4); Multi Cultural Club (1, 2, 3); SADD (1 , treasurer - 2, 3) "Do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do." - Unknown, but Dad thinks he owns. 5. Courtney Brown: Track and Field (1 , 2, 3, 4); Dance Team (1 , 2, 3, 4); Venture Crew (3) ; National Honor Society(2, 3, 4); Microsoft 2008 Certified Applications Specialist (3); Flash CS3 Certification (3) "Don't blink, just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife; Don't blink." - Kenny Chesney. 6. Jacob Brubeck: March 2008 State Champion Masonry. 7. Courtney A. Bryant: Journalism/Newspaper (2, 3, 4) ; Photography (4) ; Drama (1); Gay-Straight Alliance (4); Make A Difference Day (3) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. " - Mom's bookmark. "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius. "Happy life is just in front of you." - Fortune Cookie. 8. Daphne Bull : African American Student Union (11th grade officer, Vice President) (3); Albemarle Freshman Cheerleadig (1); Competition Cheerleading (2); Charlottesville Shooting Stars. ''The time has come for my dream to be heard. It will not be pushed aside or turned." - Beyonce. "I just wannabe successful." - Drake . 9. Brittany Burch: Step (1 , 2, 3, 4); Step captain (3, 4); AHS Basketball (1, 2) "I am more than what you bargained for, and nothing less than real."- Drake. 10. Erica Burton 11 . Danielle Buynak: UVA Medical Center Junior Volunteer (1, 2, 3, 4); AHS Literary/ Art Magazine (3, Editor-in-Chief - 4) ; SADD Club (2, secretary- 3), president- 4,); Teachers for Tomorrow (3, 4). ''This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun and animals ... " - Walt Whitman. 12. Ryan Callihan: JV Football (2); Y-ball (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (3, 4). "It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela.



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'To be an art therapist." -Rachel Whitlock

"Have myown psychology practice." -Lauren Thomas

"!I'ml going into nursing." -Porter &rr

1. Michael Cantoni Ill: Boy Scouts (1-4) ; Concert Band (1); Envirothon Team (2-4); Symphonic Band (2); Wind Ensemble (3,4) ; Virginia Consort Youth Chorale (1-4); National Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); English Honor Society (4); Science Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4) "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau. 2. Meg Carpenter: Varsity Soccer (2-4); Varsity Volleyball (24) PALS (2-4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Christian Fellowship Club (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (3,4) ; FAST (4); Beta Club (4); Choir (1 ,2, Honors Choir - 3,4); Honor Roll (1-3) ; Scholar Athlete (3) ; Second Team All-District Soccer (3); Leadership Award (1) Coach's Award (3); National Society of High School Scholars (2-4) . "I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right. "- Billy Graham. 3. Dyrell Carr: Freshman Football (1); JV Wrestling (1); Varsity Wrestling (1 , 2) ; AASU President (4) ; Photography Club Event Coordinator (4) "Can't nobody take my pride, can't nobody hold me down, oh no, I got to keep it moving!" - Puff Daddy. 4. Kayla Carrera: Choir Women's Ensemble (1-4); Vocal Jazz (4); Marching Band (2-4); People to People Student Ambassadors (3, 4) "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. " They must be felt from the heart." - Helen Keller "The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up on anything." -Unknown. 5. Zoe Carroll: Albemarle Hoof-N-Woof 4-H Club (1-4); Horseback riding (1-4); Band (1-4) ; Envirothon Team (3, 4); Virginia 4-H All-Star (3); Youth Poetry Contest Winner (3). "You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " - Mahatma Gandhi 6. Jessica Carson

"Go to school to become afashion designer." -DeAndra Smith

1. Kirsten Carson: Art Honor Society (2-4); Muslim Student Association (3) ; Animal Welfare Club (1 ); Gay Straight Alliance (2) "Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment."- Unknown 2. Stefan Castro: Wind Ensemble (2-4) ; Jazz Band (3,4); District Band (1-4) ; Tri -M Honors Society (1-4}; VCU Festival Of Winds and Brass (2) ; Charlottesville Sprint Triathlon (1,2) ; Youth Orchestra Of Charlottesville and Albemarle (1-4) ; AHS Brass Choir (2 ,3) ; Songwriting Club (2) ; Charlottesville Municipal Band (Summer) (3,4) "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music ." - Aldous Huxley. 3. Kirsten Cauley: Band (flute) (1-4); CARE club (3,4) ; Key Club (4) ; Electric Guitar (2-4) ; Honor Roll (1-4) "I don't think there's ever a time where I step back and say I wish I was something different. I'm doing what I love to do."- Sidney Crosby. 4. Angel Chang: Band (1-4) ; Symphonic Band (2-4} ; CARE club (3, 4) . "Life is a dream for the wise , a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich , a tragedy for the poor." - Shalom Aleichem.


W to school to become afashion designer." -DeAndra Smith

5. Varda Chaudhry: Art (1 ,2,3}; Art Honor Society (1-4) ; Math Honor Society (3,4) ; CARE (2-4); Muslim Student Association (3) "Laugh out loud. Cry in the rain. Love with all your heart and soul. Get hurt. Tell the truth . Go crazy. But never forget that you only get one shot. One shot at this day, one shot at th is minute. One shot at this age. One shot at life. So make sure your life is one you will enjoy watch ing in your final moments." -Anna Floyd. 6. Brian Chen: A legitimate sport (1-4); Reputable accomplishment (1-4) ; "We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public." - Bryan White. "True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. " - Kurt Vonnegut. 7. Hong-Yi Chen 8. Jacquelyn Chiminello: No Fella A Cappella (4) ; Key Club (1-4) ; Forest Lakes Swim Team (1-4) ; AHS Show Choir (2-4) ; Aldersgate UMC Youth Group (1-4); AUMC Bell Choir (1-4}; AUMC Youth Choir (1-4); Bible Study Group (3,4); Junior Classical League (4); French Club (2) ; AHS Drama (1) ; National Honor Society (4); Science National Honor Society (4) ; Math Honor Society (3,4) ; Tri-M Music Honor Society (3,4) ; French Honor Society (3,4) ; Honors Choir (3, 4) ; Math Recognition Award (3) ; National French Contest -Place in top 20 region (3); 600 Club (1 ,3); Honor Roll (1-4) . "If you have a fondness for something - or someone - that could potentially turn into love, it is a complete waste of that feeling to not pursue it, or at least give it a chance." - Anonymous. 9. Claire Chipman : Key Club (social committee co-chai r - 3, 4); Symphonic band (3, 4) ; National Honor Society (vice president- 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (4) "Love , I'm doing this for love , and love will see me through. Yes, with love on my side I can't lose." - "Legally Blonde the Musical." 10. Cody Chisholm: JV Baseball (1 , 2) ; Varsity Baseball (4) "You may be whatever you resolve to be." - Stonewall Jackson . 11 . Peter Choi: "Do what makes you happiest in the long run ." - Madison Lee. 12. Chiaka Chuks: Patriot Singers (1-4); Vocal Jazz, "Take Note" (3, 4); No Fella A Cappella (4) Tri-M Music Honor Society (3, 4) ; Peer Counsel ing (2-4) ; Key Club (3 , 4) ; Art Honor Society (4) ; Christian Fellowship Club (4) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding . In all ways , acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6 .


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1. Albert Chung : Things I put on college applications (1, 2, 3, 4. "I had a parrot. The parrot talked, but it did not say, "I'm hungry," so it died."- Mitch Hedberg "I don't know where I stand with you and I don't know what I mean to you, all I know is I want you to stop stalking me in the yearbook. Also, don't look on page 186." -Albert Chung . 2. Aaron Clarke: Marching Band (1, 3, 4) ; Baseball Coach (2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3, 4) ; Motocross (1, 2, 3, 4); TriM Honor Society (2, 3, 4) "Would you think I was crazy if I stripped on down to my skin, or, would you think I was free as a bee?" - Sister Hazel.

3. Cory Coble: City League basketball coaching (2 , 3, 4) ; Lane Babe Ruth Baseball (1, 2, 3); Lane League All Stars (1) "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome." - Booker T. Washington . "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure ." - Bill Crosby. 4. Erin Cook: Freshman cheerleading (1 ); Freshman Basketball Manager (2, 3, 4) ; African American Student Union (4) ; DECA Club Vice President (2, 3, 4). "It's not easy being successful. If it was, everyone would be doing it. -President Barack Obama. 5. Neil Corcoran 6. Samuel Corkin 7. Jordan Crawford: Cross Country (2, 3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3- scrapbook committee chair, 4 (12th grade director); Basketball (1-Fr, 2-JV) ; Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3) ; YMCA Basketball (3, 4); FAST (1 , 2, 3, 4 - secretary) ; NHD (1 , 2, 3); NHS (4); PALS (3,4) "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan. 8. Buck Crickenberger: Football (3); Choir (1 , 2, 3, 4) "I've always been the one to go with the flow , but yet I still love to stand out in the crowd." - Buck. 9. William Michael Crist: Football (1 ,3); Varsity Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); FCA (3,4); All District Lacrosse (2,3). "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. -Michael Jordan. 10. Sean Cudahy: Varsity Swimming (1 , 2, 3, 4); Newspaper (2, 3, Editor-in-chief- 4); Virginia Gators Swim Team (1 , 2, 3, captain- 4); PALS (4). "You all are swimming like ... Peter Pan!" - J.J. Bean . 11. Miriam Curry: "What do you say to three shillings, and we forget the name.- Captain Jack Sparrow. 12. Josh D'Antoni: Lacrosse (1 , 2, 4); Leadership (2, 3) ; Ceramics (4). "You worry about yours, let them worry about theirs, 'cause I got mine." - Lil' Wayne .

1. Bunty Navdeep Dahiya: President of International Club (4); Head Coach of U18 Soccer Team (4); UVA Hospital Volunteer (3, 4); UVA Digital Services Summer Internship (4); 200 hrs of volunteer service at UVA Hospital ; Internship at UVA Digital Services. "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise or false , and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca the Younger 4 B.C. - 65 A.D. 2. Rachel Dalkin : Horseback Riding (1 , 2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (4) ; Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4) ; District Band (2, 3, 4) "To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all."- Anatole France. 3. William Andrew Dalton: AHS Marching Band (2, 3, 4); Jazz Band (2, 3, 4); TriM Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Evans Orchestra (1) ; Christian Fellowship Club (2, 3, 4); District Band (2, 3) "Keep your eyes open , hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute , and love without stopping." -1 Corinthians 16: 13-14 The Message Bible. 4. Kaitlin Davis: Freshman Cheerleading (1 ); Varsity Cheerleading (2, 3, 4); Competition Squad (1 , 2, 3, 4); Coaches Award (2) ; MVP (1 ). 5. Shikeyla Davis: Vice President Of African American Student Union (3); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1 ,2) "Give me a canvas and I shall create art." - Lil Wayne. 6. Kristen Degnan : Varsity Basketball (2, 3); Outdoor Track and Field (1 , 2, 4); Girls Volleyball (1, 2) ; Tri Sport Athlete (2) ; Academic Scholar (2) "You gotta hold on tight, just enjoy the ride , get used to all this unpredictability. Sounds like life to me." - Darryl Worley. 7. Peter DelGrosso: Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4-Sect. Leader); Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Jazz Band (3, 4) ; Concert Band (1) ; SRO Participant (4); District Band Participant (1 , 2, 3, 4) Spring Musical Orchestra (2, 3, 4); JV Lacrosse (1 ); Tri-M (3, 4- Band Rep.); Patriot Singers (4- Section Leader) ; Youth Orchestra (2, 3, 4) ; "Music is one of the best ways to enjoy the present. It's not much fun to look forward to hearing music or to remember what a song sounded like last week, but music right now absorbs you and places you in the present moment." - Sonnet! Branche. 8. Zack DelGrosso: JV Lacrosse (1 ); Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4, captain - 3, 4). 9. Daniel Diner: Academic team (1 , 2, 3, captain- 4); Marching band (1, 2, 3, 4); Brassafrass (3, 4,); Junior Classical League (2, treasurer - 3, 4) ''The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. " - Earl Pickles. 10. Anna Dinwiddie 11. Graham Doby: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, Drum captain 4); Jazz Band (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Chantilly Best Rhythm Player (2, 3); Cruise Festival Award for Best Rhythm Player (3) . "Music washes away from the soul the dust of Everyday life."-Berthold Auerbach "Do you know what metric modulation is? - AHS Drumline.

12. Ryan Donaldson: Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Key Club (3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Eagle Scout (1 ); Maxima Cum Laude on National Latin Exam (3); HCRI Graduate (Hollins Communication Research Institute) (4). Academic Team (2); Church Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Younglife (3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3) . "Ask not what country can do for you but what you can do for your country." -John F Kennedy.








1. Sachin Doshi: Math Honor Society (3, vice president- 4); National English Honor Society (2, 3, secretary - 4) ; National Honor Society (4); Wind Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, first chair - 4); John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Grand Award (1 ); National Finalist Merit Semi-Finalist (4) ; NLE Summa Cum Laude (1, 3) ; Newspaper correspondent (4) ; Tri-M Music Honor Society (3, 4); Science National Honor (4); Junior Classic League (1-4); VA Governor's School of Life Sciences and Medicine (3) ; NLE Cum Honore Maxima Egregio (2) "It is our choices .. . that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."- Albus Dumbledore "We did not come here to fear the future. We came here to shape it."- Barack Obama. 2. Tori Douglas 3. Malina Dowling: National Art Honor Society (2, 3, president - 4) ; Japanese School (for Japanese students) (1 , 2, 3, 4); Piano Lessons (1 , 2, 3); Key Club (3, 4); Rising Star Award (4); Merit Award (art exhibited in McGuffey Art Center- 3) "True Success means winning in your battle with yourself. Those who persist in the pursuit of their dreams, no matter what the hurdles, are winners in life, for they have won over their weaknesses." - Daisaku Ikeda. 4. Allana Draego: Varsity Cheerleading (1 , 2) "Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Unknown. 5. Myles Dudley 6. lesha Durrett 7. Erica Danielle Eason: Teens Taking Action -Think Tell Ask (2, 3, 4); Young Liberals (2, 3, 4) ; Planned Parenthood Intern (3); Photography Club (president - 4) ; Jane Austin Book and Film Club (2 , 3, 4); Peer Counselor (3, 4); Teen Panel on Pro-Choice Lobby Day (3) ; Photography displayed in exhibit at Fashion Square (3) "A picture can be worth one thousand words, but one thousand words can create a pretty great picture."- Mr. P. 8. Samantha Ehlers: Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4); Varsity Field Hockey (1 , 2, 3, 4-captain) ; Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4) "Make impossible possible; even when winning is illogical, losing is still gar from optional."- T.l. 9. Courtney Elliott: JV Field Hockey (1 , 2); Varsity Field Hockey (3); Varsity Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Northwest All-Region Honorable Mention-Lacrosse (2) ; Northwest All-Region 2nd Team-Lacrosse (3) "My choice is what I choose to do and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're alright with me. If you don't like my fire then don't come around." - Ben Harper. "Long you live and high you 'll fly and smiles you'll give and tears you 'll cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be."- Pink Floyd. 10. Cody Endres 11. David Escamilla-Villa 12. Jazmin Espinoza-Lezcano

路 ras Thlrothy. my eachers all asked 路路 I was dressed as agirl. -llilton Stokes

路dyou ress for Iwas Dorothy. my teachers all asked 路hyI was dressed as agirl. -Dalton Stokes

Tourist Daywas definitleya fun one. -Kelly Gilgannon

The group wouldn't

Abunch of us dressed

be complete without

up as the Disney princesses. -Katie Roddy

Shaggy -Sharon Holman

1. Simon Evans 2. Channen Feggans 3. Alec Ferralli: German Club (1, 2, 3, 4). "You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are." - Fred Rogers. 4. Colin Fitzgerald 5. Stephen Luke Ford: Varsity Basketball (3, 4); Varsity Baseball (3, 4); National Honor Society (4); PALs (2, 3, 4); Leadership (1 , 2, 3, 4) "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." -John Wooden. 6. Cassidy Foster: G.S.A.(co-president - 4) (3, 4); Junior Classical League (3, 4); Northside Library Volunteer (2, 3, 4); Self-Defense Student (1, 2, 3); Litmag Staff Member (2, 3, 4); Summa Cum Laude on NLE (gold) (1 ,2,3); 2nd degree orange belt (3); Honor Roll Student (1 , 2, 3, 4). "There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even bizarre and inexplicable. There is another which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams.


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1. Brooke L. Fowler: HOSA President (4). "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean. "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. " - Thomas Jefferson. 2, Kya Francisco: Freshman football (1); JV Girls Basketball (1 ); Varsity Girls Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Outdoor Track and Field (2); DECA (2, 4); African-American Student Union (2, 3, 4); Patriot Athletic Leaders (2, 3, 4). "If your ever dream of beating me, you better wake up and apologize." - Muhammad Ali. 3. Francisco Franco: Godoy International Club (1); CATECDental Assistant (4); Principal's Honor Roll (1, 2); Certificate of Achievement (2, 3); Career and Technical Education Award (3). "And he said to man, 'The fear of the Lord- that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding."' - Job 28:28. "For God so loves the world that he gave his one and only Son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16. 4. Marisa Fray: CPR Certification (2, 4); Best Math Student Award (2); "With courage you will dare to take risks , have the strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity." - Keshavan Nair. 5. Andrew Lewis Frazier: Freshman Football (1); JV Football (2); Varsity Football (3, 4); Freshman Basketball (1); Varsity Basketball (2, 3, 4) ; Leadership (1 , 2, 3, 4); MVP JV Football (2). 6. Becca Fredrick: Orchestra (1 - 4, concert master- 2, 3, 4); Cross Country (1, 2, 4); Youth Orchestra (1, 2, 3, 4); AHS/ St. Ursula Schule Exchange (3); Governor's School for French (4); VA Al l-State Orchestra (3, 4); Senior Regional Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Music Honor Society (2, 3, vice President- 4); Wind Ensemble (4); Drama-tech/music (2, 3, 4); German Honor Society (3, 4); French Honor Society (3, 4); National Honor Society (4) ; Pit Band (2 ,3); Four County Players (4); Klezmer En semble (3, 4) ; Barboursville String Trio (2, 3, 4) ; Junior Regional Orchestra (1). "Celui qui se perd dans sa passion perd moins que celui qui perd sa passion." - Saint Augustin. 7. Danielle Freshwater: Literary Art Magazine (3, editor - 4) ; Patriot Athletic Leaders (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4); MONU Soccer (1 , 2, 3, 4); JV Soccer (1 ,2) ; Varsity Indoor Track (2,3) ; FAST (4). "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean . 8. Linda Margarita Galvez: Spanish Honor Society (4); Art Honor Society (4) ; Ceramics (1-4) ; AP Spanish Literature (4). "Applause is like an addiction, like heroine or checking your e-mail." -The Simpsons. "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away." - Douglas McArthur. "Reach for the moon and if you miss it, reach for a star."- Anonymous. "My whole life I've been waiting for you to grow up, so we could be best friends ." BKG. 9. Hannah Gates: Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Drama (2, 3, 4); Chorus (4); National Thespian Honor Society (3, 4); Concert Choir (soprano section leader- 4); Marching Patriots (1 , 2, 3, 4); GSA (3, 4) . "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." - Victor Hugo. 10. Asmita Gautam: Peer Counseling (3, 4) ; Care Club (3, 4); International Club (3, 4) ; Drama Club (3, 4); Key Club (4) ; Subway (work)( 1, 2, 3, 4) ; National Art Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4). "Here's to the future because I am done with the past."- lpod Background Quotes. 11 . Ginny Gazewood: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4) , section leader (2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, 4), section leader (2, 3, 4) ; Ballet (1 , 2, 3, 4); soloist (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Science National Honor Society (3, officer- 4); Math Honor Society (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (2, 3, 4); JCL (1 , 2, 3, 4); CARE (2, 3, officer- 4); Franciscan LEAD (4); St. Thomas Aquinas Pastoral Council (2, 3); EDGE Core Team (2, 3, 4); Antioch Retreat Core Team (3, 4); Mark 1:17 Leadership Program (2); Knights of Columbus Young Woman of the Year Award (4). "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insights. " - Proverbs 3:5. 12. Emily Gelzer: JV Lacrosse (1 , 2) ; Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4); Cross Country (2, 4); Junior Classical League (4); Art Honor Society (4); FAST (4); Latin Honor Society (4). "Tough times don't last long, tough people do."- Gregory Peck.

1. Kelly Gilgannon: Varsity Swimming (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Soccer (1 , 2,3) , captain (1, 2); Young Life (3, 4); FCA (3, 4); PALs (2, 3, 4) ; SCA Class Officer (2, 3, 4); Art Honor Society (3, 4). "The magic is as wide as a smile and as narrow as a wink, loud as laughter and quiet as a tear, tall as a tale and deep as emotion. So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after."- Walt Disney. 2. Darcel Gilliam : Softball (4). "Love hard, laugh longer, cuz tomorrow's not promised to you!" - Darcel Gilliam. 3. Kerry Girard: Journalism (1, 2,3, design editor- 4); Field Hockey (1, 2, 3) ; JV Lacrosse (1, captain - 2); FAST (2, 3, president- 4); PALs (3, 4); Young Liberals (2, 3, 4). "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." - Rafiki , The Lion King. 4. Kira Goodwin : African American Student Union (2 , 3) ; CNA (CATEC) (4) ; "Raisin in the Sun" (Benetha) (2); Make A Difference Day (3); Gay Straight Alliance (4). "I've learned that people will forget what you said, what you did , but people never forgot how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou . 'Th e future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcom X. 5. Nathan Graney: "I'm the guy who stands behind the guy who says 'Mmm , good cheese! "'- The guy in the backrow. 6. Raleigh Graves: Christian Fellowship Club (1, 2); Powder Puff Football (1 , 2, 3) ; Women's Ensemble (1, 2); Jazz Choir (3, 4). "May the force be with you." - Obi-Won Kenobi frorn Star Wars. " They lied when they said the good die young." - Anberlin. 7. David Gray: Varsity Soccer (3, 4); Fellowship of Christian Athletes (3, 4); Patriot Athletic Leaders (3, 4); JV Soccer (1 , captain - 2); Travel Soccer (1 , 2, 3, 4), (captain - 1, 2,3); Wrestling (1). "Keep your nose out the sky, keep your heart to God, and keep your face to the rising sun." - Kanye West. 8. Deiana Gregg: Varsity Basketball (4); JV basketball (1, 2); JV softball (1); Step Team (1, 2); Honor Rol l (1, 2, 3, 4). " A dream without a plan is only a wish." - Willey White. 9. Ben Griego: Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4) ; JV Lacrosse (1); Varsity Football (3); JV Football (2); Freshman Football (1); Varsity Wrestling (2.4). 10. Connor Grimes: SOCA (1 , 2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (2 , 3); Wrestling (4) ; Art Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Pursuing Patriot Victory with Honor (2); PALs (3, 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4). 'The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face ." - Jim Bishop." Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." - Semisonic. 11 . Sarah Grover: "In my dream , the angel shrugged and said if we fail this time it wi ll be a failure of imagination and then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand." - Brian Andreas. 12. Jessica Grubb



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It has yet to ocrur."

,Tve had it since the first day of freshmen

-Deiana Gregg




-Lauren Mullinax


,Tve had it since last

year!' -Sam Smith

1. Jon Gunderson: Y-Ball (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; JV Soccer (1, 2) ; YBall Coach (4); PALs (3, 4). "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you got the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women."- Scarface. 2. C.J. Gunter: "A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche. 3. Austin Hall: Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3); Renaissance Earth Science Award (1); 600 Club Award (1 , 2, 3); Cross Country Manager (2) ; SOCA (1, 2, 3, 4); ASCO Search and Rescue (2, 3, 4). "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil , but because of the people who don't do anything about it." 路 Albert Einstein . "You can not teach a man anything. You can only help him to find it for himself." - Galileo. 4. Lizzy Hamlin: SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Wrestling Manager (2); National Art Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers , make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley. "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean. 5. John Hammond 6. Ashley Harris

I've fallen behind in oth classes trying to do work tr I didn't do on time. I don always do my homework when I do, I do it the cltN: before ifs due." -Kelly Timberlake

've fallen behind in oth sses tJying to do work didnt do on time. Idon vays do my homework vhen Ido, Ido it the cl(N) before it's due." -Kelly Timberlake

1. Kevin Harris 2. Joshua Hasenfus: Band (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; German Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); GAPP (German American Partnership Program) (2); German Honor Society (3, 4); German Honor Society (3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4). "When life rains on your parade bring out the slip'n'slide."- Unknown. 3. Richard James Hay: Challenger Baseball (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Special Olympics Soccer (2, 3, 4); Special Olympics Bowl ing (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Special Olympics Basketball (1 , 2, 3, 4); Special Olympics Skiing (1 , 2, 3, 4); Special Olympics Track (3, 4); Special Olympics Gymnastics (3, 4) ; Special Olympics Golf (1). "Let me win , but if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."- The Special Olympics Oath. 4. Robert Hearl: Boy Scouts (1, 2, 3, 4); Young Liberals (2, vice president- 3, 4) ; Concert Band (1); Wind Ensemble (section leader - 2) ; Jazz Band (2, 3, 4) ; Marching Band (1 , 2, section leader- 3, section leader- 4); West Side Story Pit Band (3); Beauty and the Beast Pit Band (4); District Band (2, 3, 4); Honor Band (2, 3, 4) ; YMCA Basketball (1 , 2); Special Olympics Swim Team Coach (2, 3, 4) ; BETA Club (4) ; Tri-M Music Honor Society (2 , 3, 4) ; National Honor Society (4) ; Eagle Scout (4). People to People Student Alumni (1, 2, 3, 4); National Youth Leadership Forum (2). "When I was 16, my father was the stupidest man in the world. When I turn ed 21 , I was surprised at how much he had learned."- Mark Twain. "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail." 5. Rachael Julianna Heeschen: Take Note! (2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3, 4); Spring Musical (3, 4); SMS Volleyball Coach (1, 2). "A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."- Chinese Proverb. "Forget regret or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way, no day but today."- Rent 6. Claire Heider: Tri-M Music Honor Society (3, 4) ; Patriot Singers (2, 3, 4) ; Christian Fellowship Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Vocal Jazz (4); Women 's Ensemble (1, 2) ; Who's Who in Math (2); Honor Roll (2); Youth Group band (1 , 2, 3, 4) "' For I know well the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans for your welfare , not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you . When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you . seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the Lord , and I will change your lot."'- Jeremiah 28: 11-14. "I woke up this morn in' feel in' brand new 'cause the dreams that I've been dreamin' have finally come true. " - Wiii.I.Am. 7. Sarah Heldreth: Cross Country (2 , 3, (captain- 4); Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3) ; Freshman basketball (1 ); YMCA Basketball (3, 4); FAST (2, 3, (events coordinator- 4) ; Key Club (1, photographer- 2, 3; community service co-chair - 3; secretary - 4); Peer Counseling (1, 2, 3, 4) ; NHD ( 1, advanced to states 2, 3) ; National Honor Society (4) . "Dream as if you 'll live forever, live as if you 'll die today. " -James Dean . 8. Abby Hendrix 9. Sammy Hetrick I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle . I make mistakes but learn from everyone and when its all said and done I bet this brotha be a better one. If I upset you don't stress never forget that God isn't finished with me yet. " - Tupac. 10. Jordan Hill 11. Rus sell Hillstrom : Art Honor Society (1); ACE Mentor (3, 4) ; ACE Mentor MVP Award (3). "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams. "Actions speak louder than words but not nearly as often. " - Mark Twain. 12. Rachel Hochstetler: Varsity Lacrosse (2 , 3, 4); Varsity Field Hockey (3, captain - 4); Indoor Trp.ck (3, 4) ; Basketball (1 , 2) ; JV Lacrosse (1 ); JV Field Hockey (1, 2); PALs (3, 4) ; FAST (3, 4) . "Start by doing what's necessary then what's possible , and suddenly you're doing the impossible."- Francis of Assisi.




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1. Melinda Hoffman: Choir (dance captain - 3, 4); Studio Dance (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Student Dance Company (1 , 2) ; Professional Dance Company (3, 4); Antioch Team (3, 4) ; Tri-M (3, historian 4) ; Assistant Dance Teacher (3, 4); Choreographer for Sutherland Musical (3). "Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours. "- Jason Mraz. "If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have gotten anywhere."- Marilyn Monroe. 2. Sharon Holman: Key Club (1, Tenth Grade Director- 2, School Service Committee Chair- 3, Lieutenant Governor of Division SA- 4) ; Math Honor Society (3, secretary- 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); FAST (2, 3, 4); Hollymead Swim team (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Junior Classic League (3, 4) ; Junior Varsity Soccer (2) ; National Honor Society (4); Science Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (3); Student Council Advisor (3, 4) ; Track and Field (1 ,3); Capital District Key Club Above and Beyond Award (3) ; Outstanding Leadership and Service in Key Club (2, 3); United Way Student Service Award (3)."The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."- Franklin D. Roosevelt. 3. Bryan Hood: Cross Country (1 , 2); Young Life (2, 3, 4); Young Republicans (4); Being Hardcore (1 , 2, 3, 4); Top Dawg (1 , 2, 3, 4). "I don't wannabe a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me." - Jack Nicholson , The Departed. "Are you gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"- Mr. Blonde. "Too legit to quit."- Andy Samberg. 4. Aytrice Howard: Marching Band (1 , 2); Jazz Band (3) ; African American Student Union (2, 3) ; Wind Ensemble (1 , 2); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3) . "Live life to the fullest. " - Me. "I just want to be successful."- Drake "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."- Philippians 4:13. 5. Kahlique Howard 6. Chen Huang : "Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin . If the caveman had known how to laugh, history would have been different."- Lord Henry, The Picture of Dorion Gray by Oscar Wilde. 7. Katie Huckstep: Football Manager (3, 4); Animal Welfare Club (1); Saltwater Aquarium Club (3); Powderpuff Football (1 ,4); Varsity Letter- Football manager (4) ; 600 Club Certificate (2). "I simply can not live without books."- Thomas Jefferson. "You know you're in love when you can 't sleep because reality is better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss. 8. Alexis Hutson: DECA (2, vice president- 3, president- 4); SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."- Penelope Cruz, Vanilla Sky. "Life is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend. "- Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You. 9. Kuianna Tychelle Hyman: Peer Counselor (2, 3, 4); African American Student Union (2, 3, 4) ; FCCLA (4); Certificate of Achievement In Recognition Diligent Historical Student (1) ; AHS Renaissance Historian Award (1 ). "If you don't like something , change it. If you can 't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. "- Maya Angelov. 10. Cynthia (CJ) Jackson: Varsity Basketball (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; JV Lacrosse (2); Step Team (1 , 2, 3); DECA (4); Plaque for "Most Improved" for Basketball (3). "They envy, I take pride!"- me. 11. Victoria Jackson: Japanese (1 , 2, 3). "People shouldn't dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that you 're doing now." - Aya lkeuchi. 12. Nicholas Janssens: Cross Country (2, 3, (captain - 4); Indoor Track (3, 4); Outdoor Track (3, 4) ; JV Lacrosse (1 , 2); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Politics is Good/ JSA (2, 3); Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "A witty saying proves nothing."- Voltaire.

1. Kirstie Johnson: Choir (2, 3, 4); Art (1 ). "Life and love go on. Let the music play." - Johnny Cash. "You get what you put in, and people get what they deserve."- Kid Rock. 2. Bryant Jones 3. Loghan Jones: Varsity Boys Basketball Manager (1 , 2, 3, 4). "All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23. 4. Sylvia Jones 5. Hee-Yun Joo: Varsity Tennis (2, 3, 4); Key Club (3, 4) ; International Club (1, 2, 3, vice president- 4) ; Care Club (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Lit Mag (4); Maxima Cum Laude on The National Latin Exam (3). "A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin. 6. Jennifer Jouglard 7. Evan Karweik: Varsity XC (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Indoor Track (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Outdoor Track (3, 4); JV Soccer (1 , 2) ; MONU Soccer (1 , 2); YMCA Basketball (1 , 2, 3, 4); Fellowship of Christian Athletes (3, 4); German Club (1 , 2, 3); Key Club (1); Principal's Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4); National German Honor Society (2, 3); AHS Tri- Athlete Award (3, 4); All- Central Virginia Cross Country Squad (3, 4) ; Commonwealth District All-Academic Award (2, 4); Certificate of Confirmation - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish (3). "Get rich or die tryin '."- Fifty Cent. "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."- John Wooden. 8. Brian Kavolius: AHS Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4) ; AHS Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4); Varsity Tennis (1 , 2); Jersey Surf Div 1 DCI Drum and Bugle Corps; District Band (2, 3, 4); All County Honors Band (2) ; AHS Brass Choir (2, 3, 4) ; AHS Symphony Orchestra (4). "Full of darkness and danger, great stories were. Sometimes you didn't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened? But in the end, even darkness must pass, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. Those stories meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. Folks in those stories had lots of chances to turn back. But the kept going, because there's still good in this world, Mr. Frodo! And it's worth fighting for."- Sam , Lord of the Rings. 9. Paul Kim 10. Ryan Kime 11. Kathleen Kines: Varsity Swimming (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; CYAC Swimming (1 , 2, 3); Virginia Gators Swimming (4); Peer Counseling (3, 4) ; FAST (3, 4) ; SADD (2); Key Club (4) ; Symphonic Band ; Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4) ; All- Academic Award (1, 2). "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face . You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt. 12. Danielle King

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~54 1. Paxton Kirk

2. Alexander Kirst: Drumline (2, 3, captain - 4) ; Science Honor Society (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4) ; District Band (3, 4) . "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle. 3. Drew Knight: Varsity Wrestling (1, 2, 3, 4). 4. Emily Koch: Ballet Classes (1, 2, 3, 4); Modern Dance Classes (1 , 2, 3, 4); Jazz Classes (1, 2, 3, 4); Wilson Dance Company (1, 2, 3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4) ; French Honor Society (3, 4); Art Honor Society (4) ; Key Club (3, 4); Teaching a Ballet 1-11 Class (4) ; Horseback Riding (1 , 2, 3). "There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them ."- Vicki Baum. 5. Beth Koerner!: Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; Volleyball Coaching (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Band (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."- Ralph Waldo Emerson. ''Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."- John Lennon. 6. Anthony Kostelac: Varsity Cross Country (1 , 2, 3, captain - 4); Varsity Indoor Track (2, 3, 4); Varsity Outdoor Track (2, 3, 4) ; JV Lacrosse (1); 4x800m Relay National and World Indoor Record; 4x800m Relay National Outdoor Record; 4x800m Relay Indoor and Outdoor National Champion; Star Scout. "I intend to live forever. So far, so good."- Steven Wright. 7. Kaity Krantz: Peer Counseling (3, 4); Drama ProductionsHouse Managing (3, 4). "Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Sing like no one is listening. Dance like no one is watching."- Anonymous. 8. Kelsey Kresl: JV Volleyball (1 , 2); Middle School Volleyball Coach (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Photography (2, 3, 4); Photography Club (4); Art Displayed at Fashion Square Mall (2, 3, 4). "As long as you want power you can 't have it. The rninute you don't want power you 'll have more than you ever dreamed possible."- Unknown. 9. Madeline Krouse: Orchestra (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Cross Country (1 ); German Exchange Program (2); German Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; French Honor Society (2, 3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4). "If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor. "- Eleanor Roosevelt. 10. Victoria F. Kuhn: Varsity Tennis (2, 3, 4) ; Fellowship of Christian Athletes (3, 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4) ; Powder Puff Football (3, 4). "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again , because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt. 11. Benjamin Kuper 12. Julia Elizabeth Laffond: Vocal Jazz (2, 3, 4); TIA (2, 3, 4) ; Tri-M Music Honor Society (3, 4). "And you know there'll always be some oddball singing, just remember to sing along, yeah you better start singing along."- Tilly and the Wall.


ver the :1 power went out

Iwas trapped at my house and had to shovel alot. -Nicole Tavenner

ld Imade asnowman. -Julia Laffond

I went sledding in the snow with all my friends. -Julian Lowe

I learned how to

snowboard -Hunter Mc.(ann

1. Caroline Leake: "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."- Babe Ruth 2. Jaehee Madison Lee: Key Club (School service committee co-chair- 1, 2, 3, 4); Cross Country (2, 4); Mock Trial (1 , 2); National English Honor Society (3, treasurer - 4); National French Honor Society (3, vice-president - 4); National Spanish Honor Society (3, 4) ; National Science Honor Society (secretary - 4); National Math Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4). "Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. " - Anonymous. 3. Ryan Lee: Jazz Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Jazz Combo (3, 4); Speaking of the Elephant (3, 4); Shades of Blue (3, 4); TriM Music Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4); Outstanding Soloist (3) . "It's kind of silly when fans are making pie graphs about set list openers. But then again , I always liked a good graph." -Mike Gordon. "So maybe I could be fly, and feed arachnid as I die." - Ph ish. 4. Christopher Lesich 5. Bosiljka Letic: "There is nothing to fear, except the power you give to your own demons." - Sally Gardner. 6. Jennifer Letteri: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); National English Honor Society (3, 4); National Science Honor Society (4) ; Powder Puff (2, 3, 4). "The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it, and the faith to believe it's possible." - Rich Devos. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt.



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~56 1. Devon Ley

2. Ryan Licklider 3. Shannon Lindemann: J.V. Softball (1 , 2); F.AS.T. (2, 3, 4); F.C.A. (2, 3, 4); Aquarium Club (3). "As we go on we remem ber all the times we had together and as our lives change come whatever we wi ll still be friends forever." - Shamanda, "Vitamin C"; "Time may change me but I can't change time." - C.O.A.T.D.Q. "I am a literary masterpiece." - Amanda. 4. Matthew Lindenbaum : Wrestling (2, 3, 4). 5. Connor Linton: B.U.C.K.S. (3). ''l'am allergic to cheating, I hate failure , and I'm in love with achievement." - Lil Wayne. 6. Tyler Lonjin 7. Marisa Lopez 8. Kevin Laurens: Animal Welfare Club (1); Fishtank Club (3); Lifeguard (2, 3); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); SOL 600 Club (2, 3); Renaissance Awards (Earth Science and World History) (1). "Like the sands and the sea of my homeland my memories of this place will remain immortal." - Anonymous. 9. Julian Lowe 10. Haley Lutz 11 . Vincent Ly: Key Club (officer- 1, 2, 3, 4); Orchestra (1 , 2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (3, 4) ; Outdoor Track (3, 4) ; Cross Country (4); National Latin Exam- Summa Cum Laude (2) ; Key Club - Outstanding Leadership and Service to Community (3); AP Scholar (3) ; Spanish Honor Society (3, 4) ; English Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (2, 3, 4). "When you come to a fork in the road ... take it." - Yogi Berra. 12. Ryan Lynch: CATEC Culinary Arts (3, 4); Soccer Club (1, 2); CATEC Student of the Month x2 (3). "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."-Me.

1. Sam Mackay: Varsity Soccer (3,4); JV Soccer (1 , 2,); Varsity Wrestling (1 ); Varsity Indoor Track (3); ACE Mentor Team (2,3). "Life with no regrets. " - Anonymous. 2. Chris Macko: Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Concert Band (1 ); Symphonic Band (2,3); Wind Ensemble (4). "We're seniors now, it's do something with that." - Me. 3. Sean Malta 4. Kasey Mann: SCA Advisor (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Art Honor Society (4); DECA (VP-4) (2,3); JCL (3); Outdoor Track (1 , 2)." If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else though of you, would you forget who you really were?"- Jodi Picou II. "May your hats fly as high as your dreams." - Michael Scott. 5. Amamnda Marshall: French Club (1 , 2, 3, co-president - 4); Dance Team (4). "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best." - Christian D. Larson. "Dream. Believe. Suceed." - ROE. "You talk it, we life it, you 're jealous, admit it."- Sha'manda. "Should'a worn jeans and a parka"- Shannon. 6. Cory Marshall 7. Ken Marshall: Varsity Football (3,4); JV Football (2); Varsity Wrestling (2, 3, 4) ; Band (1, 2) . "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."- Aesop. 8. Travis Marshall-Roth: Academic Team (3, 4); Jazz Band (2, 3, 4) ; Scouts (1 , 2, 3); Boys and Girls Club Cycling Team (4), volunteer (4); UVA Environmental Science graduate student assistant (4); Research Assistant in UVA Department of Neuroscience (3); Pit Band (2, 3); Concert Band (1) ; Math Honor Society (4) ; National Honor Society (4) ; Eagle Scout (2) ACS Chemistry; Olympiad- 2nd in Virginia (3); 2009 Governor's School for Agriculture (4); AP Scholar with Distinction (3) ; Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3). "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is not more important than fear."- Ambrose Redmoon. "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." - Thomas Edison. "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you, too, can be come great." -Mark Twain. "The best way out is always straight through." -Robert Frost. "He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life."- Ralph Waldo Emerson. 9. Nicholas Matherne: Jazz Band (1 , 2, 3, section leader - 4); Marching Band (1 , 2, 3, 4), section leader (2, 3, 4) ; Wind Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, 4). section leader (2, 3, 4); Young Liberals; (1 , 2, 3, 4), president (2, 3, 4); Youth Orchestra (2, 3, 4); VA Concert Youth Choir (2, 3, 4); Brassafras (3, 4) ; Lifeteen Bend (1 , 2, 3, 4); Minutemen (3, 4) ; Pit Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Poetry Out Loud (2, 3, 4); CAYJO (2, 3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; English Honor Society (3, president - 4) ; Math Honor Society (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (4) ; Governor's School (3). "Men do less than they ought, unless they do all they can." - Thomas Carlyle. "Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day."- G. Thomas. 10. Hilary R. Matkovich: Freshman Cheerleading (captain - 1); Drama Club (1, 2, vice president- 3, president - 4); Thespian Honor Society (vice-president- 3, president- 4); VHSL- One Act Competition (2, 3, 4); VTA (2, 3, 4); Chick Clique (3, 4); Jane Austen Book Club (2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3, 4). "Imitation is suicide." - Ralph Waldo Emerson; "Live like you 're at the bottom, even if you're at the top." - Paul Kevin Jonas Sr. "Personality begins where comparison ends." - Karl Cagerfeld ; "Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast." - William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet;" "For you and I are past our dancing days." - William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet;" "Freedom, beauty, truth, and love."- Moulin Rouge. 11 . Everett Maus 12. Courtney R. Mawyer JV Softball (1 , 2); JV Softball Most Improved Player (1). "Enjoy the ride ; there is no return ticket - life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - George Carlin.












part of your

'The two weeks we had off for snow'' -Emma Spellman

'1ts my last year, I'm wiser and am ready to face the world" -Kurban Komilov

"Getting into my dream college, NYU, early'' -Ena Yan

"Graduation and beach week" -Karin Searcy

1. Hunter McCann : Football (1 , 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1, 2, 3, 4), captain (3, 4). "Losers focus on what they are going through . Winners focus on what they are going to do." - Coach Carroll Bickers. 2. Kyle McComsey: JV Lacrosse (1, 2); Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4) ; Boy Scouts (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (2); Eagle Scouts (4) ; National Honor Society (4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradicts everything you said today." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. "How would I describe myself? Three words: hard working, alpha male, jack hammer ... merciless ... insatiable ... " - Dwight K Schrute. 3. Morgan McGhee: Swimming (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Young Life (3, 4) ; FCA (3, 4) ; JV Soccer (1); Lumberjack Club President (4) ; Senior Class President (4); Spirit Team Posse (4) ; Semester Abroad (2) ; Peer Counselor (3, 4). "God has brought me laughter." - Genesis 21 :6. 4. Ryan McGhee: Varsity Swimming (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (4); English Honor Society (4); AHS Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); Junior Volunteer at the University of Virginia Health System (1 , 2, 3, 4); CVNCYAC Year round swimming (2, 3, 4); Top 10 Virginia Swimming, 200 Back and 100 Back (1 ); High Point Award at JSL 2006 (1 ). "Pain is temporary. Quiting lasts forever." - Lance Armstrong ; "I tell you everything. Yeah, yeah , okay."-Ms. Bunnie Swan. 5. Lucas McQueen: The Great Easter (1 , 2, 3, 4); Literary Magazine (3, 4). "Do no follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. 6. Clark Melton: Indoor Track (2, 3, 4); SOCA Metro (2, 3); MONU Soccer (4) ; German Club (4) ; Hollymead Swim Team (1 , 2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); ACE Mentor Progrm (2). "With great power comes great responsibility." - Spiderman's Uncle .

Lucas McQueen


mara Smit

1. Shea Michie 2. Jennifer Mileur: Cheerleading (3, 4); Dive Team (3, 4); F.A.S.T. (3, 4) ; V.T.A (2); Forever Plaid (2); Tounges (2) ; Forensics (1). "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." -Cold Case. 3. Emily Miller: Field Hockey (1, captain- 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1 , 2, captain- 3, 4); SCA (vice president - 1, 2, officer- 3). ''There's not a moment to lose in the game. Don't let the troubles in your head steal too much time you 'll soon be dead." - DMB. "And now Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." -Dumbledore. "Love em , leave em, give em hell for sure." - DJ Felli Fel. 4. Ezra Miller 5. Chelsea Mitchell: SOCA (1 , 2, 3, 4); FLST (1 , 2, 3, 4); Virginia Gators (1); Grace Community Church Youth Group (1 , 2); Photography (2 , 3) ; DECA (4); Big Brother Big Sister (4). "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow wi ll worry about itself. Each day had enough trouble of its own ." - Matthew 6:25. "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." - Charles Gonzalez. "It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've missing until it arrives." - Charles Gonzalez.

ing into my

1college, NYU,


Ena Yan

6. Emily Mitchell: Forest Lakes Swim Team (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Virginia Gators (1); Grace Community Church Youth Group (1 ,2); Photography (2, 3); DECA (4); Big Brother Big Sister (4). "Sing like no one can hear you , dance like no one is watching, love like you've never been hurt and live like there is no tomorrow." - Unknown. "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13. 7. Jonathan Molnar 8. Brigitte Moneymaker: Concert Band (1 ); Symphonic Band (2, 3); Wind Ensemble (4); SADD (2, treasurer - 3, vice-president - 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science National Honor Society (3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); "Retrospect" Litmag Artist (3); Evirothon (3, state competition - 4); Forest Lakes Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4). "Find out what you are afraid of, and go live there. " - Chuck Palahnuik. 9. Brandon Morris CATEC Auto-Tech (3); CATEC Music Industry (4). "Some say this country is out looking for a fight. Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say you're right. " - Darryl Worley, "Have You Forgotten?" 10. Ernest Morris: Rockstar (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "Make it happen , Cap'in ." - Ernest Morris. 11. Meredith Berkeley Morris: Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1 , 3); Basketball (1 , 2, 3). "He had nothing to doubt; he would always beat Shinkler and all the Shinklers of the world; he would let no one achieve what he could not achieve. Let them all watch him. He would give them reason to stare. He felt the hot breath about him and the expectation , like a tonic. It was wonderful, thought Peter Keating, to be alive." - Ayn Rand. 12. Tyler Lee Morris Varsity Wrestling (1 ,3, 4); Football (1, 2, 3, 4); JV Lacrosse (1 , 2); Varsity Outdoor Track (3, 4); Choir (1, 2). "Well done is better than well said. " - Ben Franklin.

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~60 1. Zach Morris

2. Wayne Mucherino 3. Lauren Mullinax: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (3, 4); MONU Soccer (1, 2, 3, 4); Girls Soccer (2, 3, 4); FAST (3, 4). "' For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."' - Jeremiah 29:11. "When I am afraid , I will trust in you. In God , whose word I praise, in God I trust, I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?" - Psalm 56:3-4. 4. Melissa Murphy: "I know tomorrow I'll be smiling only because yesterday was a trip?" - myself. 5. Jake Musselman: Published in Lantern Magazine (2, 3); "Hey, stay, you can embrace the sea. Change if you feel the wave." - Stellastarr. 6. Marcus Myrick: Jazz Band(3, 4); Symphonic Band (section leader- 2) ; Wind Ensemble (3); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4). "Yesterday was the past, tomorrow is the future and today is a blessing." - Anonymous. 7. Travis Nelson: Swimming (1, 2, 3, 4); Cross Country (2, 3); Virginia Gators Swim Tearn (1 , 2, 3, 4); Key Club (4). "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Timo Cruz "Coach Carter." "I can accept failure , everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. " - Michael Jordan. 8. Eva Ng: Varsity Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (1, 2, 3, officer - 4); Cross Country (1, 2, 4); Indoor Track (2, 3); CARE (3, 4); FAST (2, 3, 4) ; Art Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (4); Key Club- Outstanding Service to School and Community (3); Jefferson Junior Tennis League Toumarnent; 16+ under Singles Charnp.(3) ; ACAC Clay Court Classic, Women 's B Doubles finalist (3) ; Albemarle Invitational 3K Race 15th place (2). "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton . 9. Jessica Noel: Dance Team (3, co-captain - 4); Varsity Cheerleading (1, 2) ; Yearbook Staff (2, 3, Editor-in Chief - 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4); SCA Advisor (1, 2, 3, 4); Track and Field (2, 3); "Carpe Diem ." "Life's a party. Crash it." Wedding Crashers. "Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller's Day Off. 10. Andy R. Notto: Comedian (2, 3, 4); Sailor and Pirate (1, 2, 3, 4); E'vil lin (1 , 2, 3, 4); A pack of some crazies (4); Talent Show's Most Creative (2); Virginia High School Leagu e Honors 1st Place for Editorial Cartooning (2); Knows some good life lessons (4). "I'd like to make it light the sight on TV ... See, now you can still die from that, but it's better than not being alive for scraps." - Lupe Fiasco. "Something something something, stack that cheese." - Lupe Fiasco. "Time is the only limiting fact. " - Mother Nature. "The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, make strangers laugh, get paid to make strangers laugh , and make people talk like you because it's so much fun. " - Jerry Seinfeld. 11 . Lindsay Nuckols: Women 's Acapella (4); Women's Ensemble (1 ); Piano (1, 2,3); Christian Fellowship Club (3); Patriot Singers (3, 4); Honors Choir (1, 2, 3); District Choir (1, 2, 3); Take Note ! (3, 4) . "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn . 12. Jolie Nyiramahirwe: "If you are walking down the right path and you are willing to keep walking, eventually you will make progress." - Barack Obama .


1. Ashley O'Hara 2. Joel Okaah: Varsity Indoor Track and Field (3, 4); Varsity Outdoor Track and Field (3, 4) ; Varsity Football (1, 2, 3, 4); Rookie of the Year (Outdoor Track-3); All-Academic Award (Outdoor/ Indoor Track and Football (3) ; Tri-Athlete Award (Outdoor, Indoor, Football (3). "The Lord will work out his plans for my life for your faithful love, 0 lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me for you made me."- Psalm 138:8. ""For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen . If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me."' -Jeremiah 29:1 1-1 3. 3. Chuck Onuegbu: Varsity Football (2, 3, 4). "If people credit talking about you then you're doing something wrong." 4. Christine Pajewski: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, District editor- 4); Varsity Swimming (3, 4); Forest Lake Swim Team (Coach 1, 2, 3, 4) ; Dance (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Wilson Dance Company (1 , 2, 3) ; National Honor Society (4); Hart Honor Society (2, 3, secretary- 4) ; English Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; FAST (2, 3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4); SAC Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Young Republicans Club (3,4) ; National History Day (1 , 2, 3, 4); Basketball (1 );Track (1 ); Dance Team (1 ). "Dream as if you 'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. " -James Dean. 5. Sunny Pan: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, club editor - 4) ; Cross Country (2, Most Improved - 3, captain - 4); Girl Scouts (1 , 2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (4); CARE (4); FAST (3, 4); Ballroom Dance (4); Violin (3, 4); President's Student Service Award (2, 3); 600 Club (2); Outstanding Service Award Key Club (1 , 2, 3). "My imagination makes me human and it makes me a fool ; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it." - Ursula K. LeGuin. 6. Daniel Paymar 7. Caitlin Payne: JV Lacrosse (1, 2) ; SADD (3 , 4);JCL (3);Teacher Internship (3, 4);A II Academic Award (1, 2); Beta Club (4)."Carpe diem , seize the day boys , and make your lives extraordinary." - Dead Poet's Society; "There's just too much to see waiting in front of me, and I know that I just can 't go wrong." - Jimmy Buffett. 8. DeeVa Payne: National Honor Society (4) ; Tri-M (3, secretary- 4) ; Beta Club (4) ; Concert Band (1 ); Symphonic Band (1st Chair- 2); Wind Ensemble (3, 4); No Fella A'Cappella (4); SADD Club (2, vice president- 3, 4) ; Literary/Art Magazine (4); WPAT (4) ; Orchestra (4); Martial Arts (1, 2, 3, black belt - 4);Youth Choir (1 , 2, 3, 4); AUMC Youth Group (1 , 3, 4); Mission Trip (3, 4); District Band (3, 4). "It was not a laugh but merely a loud smile." - Unknown. "A diva is a female version of a hustler."- Beyonce Knowles. 9. Jessie Payne 10. Denis Peskov: Cross Country (1, 2, 3, captain- 4); Indoor Track (2, 3, 4); Varsity Tennis (2, 3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, chair - 3, vice president- 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3, treasurer - 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; English Honor Society (3, 4); German Honor Society (3, 4) ; Science Honor Society (3, 4) ; MJH Volunteer (2, 3, 4) ; MUN (3, president- 4). "If you need an example of how to live you should not have been born." - Weezy. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." - May Smith. "I like men who have a future and women who have a past. " - Oscar Wi lde. 11 . Lindsey Peters: Peer Counseling (1, 2, 3, 4); SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4); Yearbook (1, 2); Photography (3, 4); Key Club (3) . "Well behaved women rarely make history." -Laurel Ulrich. 12. Alexandra Peterson: Young Republican Club (2, 3, 4); Peer Counselor (3, 4); French Club (1, 2, 4); Horseback Riding (1, 2, 3). "Turns out not where but who you're with that really matters." - Dave Matthews Band. "Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere." - Forrest Gump.



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1. Michael Peymann: JV Football (2) ; Varsity Football (3, 4) ; German Club (3, 4); Varsity Football Commonwealth District All-Academic Award (3) ; Certificate of Award- AHS Boys Varsity Football (3); Honor Roll (2, 3, 4) ; "You are who you associate with ."-Jim Grobe . "Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew." - St. Francis de Sales. "What is success? To laugh often and much ; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children ; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; That is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2. Brandon S. Peyton 3. Chris Phillips: "Don't lose the dreams inside your head, they'll only be there till you're dead." - Dave Matthews Band. 4. Jessica Phillips: Varsity Cheerleading (1 , 2, 3, 4); SCA Advisor/Leadership (2, 3, 4) ; PALS (3, 4) ; FAST (3, 4); Most Valuable Cheerleader (3); Cheer (3, captain - 4) ; All-Academic (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; "Don't let your fears get in the way of your dreams." - Coach Joe Gama. 5. Lekso Pkhakadze: "We must all learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish as fools. " - Martin Luther King, Jr. 6. Amanda Pollack: DECA (3, vice president- 4); Leadership (2, 3, 4); Guitar (4); MONU Soccer (1, 2, 3) ; Key Club (3, 4) ; FAST (3, 4); AHS Track (1); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); Art Honor Society (2, 3, treasurer- 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); AHS Benefit Concert Poster Contest winner (4); Artwork displayed in the Albemarle County School Fine Arts Festival (1 , 2); Artwork displayed at the Albemarle County Office Building (2); 600 Club (1 ); "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." - Henry David Thoreau. 7. Grace Prestiy: Girls Soccer (1, 2); Outdoor Track (3, 4); Junior Classical League (1 , 2, 3, 4); Key Club (4); Science Honor Society (3, 4) ; English Honor Society (3, 4) ; German Club (4); Hollymead Swim Team (1 , 2, 3, 4); MONU Soccer Club (1 , 2, 3) . "It's all success if it's what you need; do what you like and do it honestly." - A.V.A. "Feed your head."- Jefferson Airplane. 8. Alex Prevost: DECA (3, 4); JV Lacrosse (1 ,captain- 2) ; Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4); "Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future; concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha. 9. Kaitlyn Proffit: All-Star Cheerleading (1 , 2, 3, captain- 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3, 4); Women 's Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (4) ; All-American Cheerleader (1 , 3, 4) ; "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller; "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."- Marilyn Monroe. 10. Jon Pyo: Varsity Tennis (1 , 2, 3, captain - 4); Varsity Track (2, 3); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); PALs (2, 3, 4); Tennis MVP (2); "We will never break, though they devastate, we shall motivate, and we gotta pray, all we got is faith." - "Hope" by Twista. "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. " - Albert Einstein . 11. Geoffrey Quick: Varsity Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; All Commonwealth District first team (3); All Northwest Region second team (3); "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." - Michael Jordan. 12. Holly Quinn: SCA Advisor (1, 2, 4); Wilson School of Dance (1 , 2); Albemarle Fine Arts Festival (3). "Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart." - Jack Johnson. "My choice is what I choose to do and if I'm causing no harm, it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causing no harm then you're all right with me." - Ben Harper. "Don't let the hatas stop you from doin' ya !hang." - Mean Girls.



'1 like to go to the rick Oven for senior lunch. My friend es the best pizza!" -Phil &hustek

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by Tamara Smith

'11ike to go to the Brick Oven for senior lunch. My friend :nakes the best pizza!" -Phil Schustek

"Q)ing home so that I can do what I wanf' -Sylvia Jones

"Chinese food at the mall because Ilove Chinese and they give you alot of chicken!" -Loghan Jones

'1 always go to Chick FilA" -Myles Dudley

1. Breanna Rakoski 2. Lizzy Ramey: SCA (1, class president- 2, vice president3), president- 4); Patriot Singers (1 , 2, 3, 4); Tri-M (1, historian - 2, 3, president- 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); English Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4); JV Soccer (1); Cross Country (2); County Student Council (1 , 2, 3, 4); Girls State (3); VA State Honors Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); VA State District Choir (1 , 2, 3); VA Consort Youth Chorale (3, 4); Powder Puff Football (1, 2, 3, 4); Spring Fest Concert (3, 4); Student Athlete Award (1); "One day we might see, doing not a thing, breathing just to breathe, we might find some reason. " - Dave Matthews. 3. Kendall Ravenell 4. Chelsea Reece 5. Liz Reeder: Show Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (3, 4) ; Peer Mediation (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Boys Lacrosse Manager (2, 3, 4); Show Choir Dance Captain (3, 4); "It just takes some time, little girl you 're in the middle of the ride. Everything will be just fine , everything will be alright." - Jimmy Eat World. "Live for today, we'll dream tomorrow. " - An berlin. 6. Austin Rich: "The Lanterm" Literary/Art Magazine (editor - 3); German Club (1 , 2); Photography Aide (3, 4); Community Service (3, SPCA - 4); Accepted in poetry contest and published in "Verses and Visions: Taking Shape" (4); Charlottesville Community Art Festival Photo display (3). "The biggest man you ever did see was once a baby." - Bob Marley.







~64 1. Tierra Richards

2. Tyler Richards: JV Baseball (1); Varsity Baseball (2, 3, captain- 4); JV Football (2); Freshman Football (1 ); Student Athletic Trainer (3, 4) ; JV Defensive Player of the Year (2) . "Be the change you wish to see in the world. " - Gandhi. "A friend will come bail you out of jail , a true best friend will be sitting next to you saying, 'dang we screwed up."' 3. Will Ripley: JV Soccer (1 , 2); Varsity Soccer (3, 4); Key Club (3, Executive council- 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); SOL 600 Club Award (1) ; National Beta Club (4); "You miss 100% of the shots you never take. " - Wayne Gretzky. 4. Nick Roberts: Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4) ; JV Lacrosse (1 , 2,); Songwriting (1 , 2, 3, 4); Arguing (1 , 2, 3, 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4); Talent Show Winner (2); Excellence in History (1); "A word to the wise isn't necessary; it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby. "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is." - Unknown. 5. Doron Roberts-Kedes: Snowboarding (1 , 2, 3, 4); Watching the Daily Show (1, 2, 3, 4); Ultimate Frisbee (3, 4}; Part-time look-alike, full-time Weezy act-alike (1, 2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; National English Honor Society (3 , 4); Spanish Honor Society (2); "I bet there's gonna be a ton of DMB quotes in the yearbook." - Doron.

6. Katherine Roddy 7. Maritza Rodriguez: Poetry published by VSA (1 , 2, 3, 4). ''The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart"Helen Keller.


8. Austin Rogers: Varsity Football (3, 4); Varsity Baseball (3, 4); Lane Baseball (1 , 2, 3, 4).


9. Austin Rohm: Varsity Baseball (2, 3, 4); JV Baseball (1 ,


2); JV Basketball (2); Freshman Basketball (1); Freshman Football (1); "When life gives you lemons, ditch the lemons and bail."- Kunu. "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."- Seneca.

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10. Samantha Rucinski: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4}; SCAAdvisor (2, 3, 4,); Peer Counseling (1, 2, 3, 4); JCL (3, 4); National Honor Society (4); National Science Honor Society (3, 4); Art Honor Society (3, 4); ''The most important thing it to enjoy your life-to be happy-that's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn.

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11. Japresha Ruffner 12. Desire Rusengo: JV Soccer(2) , Varsity Soccer (3 , 4) ; International Club (2, 3, 4- secretary); French Honor Society; CARE club.

1. Quanesha Rush: Varsity Cheerleader (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Competition Cheerleader (1 , 2, 3, 4); African American Student Union (3, secretary - 4). "Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. We don't remember days; we remember moments. Memories may fade as the years go by but they won't age a day. Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. Count your age with your friends but not with years." - Unknown. 2. Natalie Salsini: Dance Team (3, co-captain - 4) ; Cheerleading (Most Improved Award - 1, Coach's Award, Most Academic Award- 2); SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Yearbook (1, 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4). "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong, when every1hing seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles." - Audrey Hepburn. 3. Shaquana Sandridge 4. Giusppe Schettini 5. Jennifer Scholl: French Honor Society (3, treasurer- 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Chorus (1, 2, 3, 4). "Life is too precious to worry about stupid stuff. So have fun , go party and fall in love. Say what you want to say, do what you want to do. Regret nothing and don't let people who don't matter bring you down ."- Unknown. 6. Phillip Schustek 7. Jay Patrick Schwab: Varsity Baseball (3, 4); JV Baseball (2); Freshman Football (1) ; Y-ball (1 , 2, 3, 4); Jr. Legion Baseball (2 , 3); Legion Baseball (4) ; DECA (3) ; SCA (1, 2, 3, 4). "The future is no place to place your better days."- Dave Matthews Band . 8. Kimberly Schwaner: Drama (1 , 2, 3, officer, stage manager - 4) ; Academic Team (1 ); Volunteering Martha Jefferson Hospital (1 , 2, 3, 4); Scuba Diving (1 , 2) ; National Honor Society (4); French Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Thespian Honor Society (3, 4) . "Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." - Shakespeare. "For where your treasure is, there your heart wil l be also." - Matthew 6:21. ''Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow wi ll worry about its own things, sufficient for the day is its own trouble." - Matthew 6:34. 9. Katharine Scott: JV Soccer (1 , 2); Varsity Soccer (3); Varsity Indoor Track (1 , 2, 3, 4); SOCA Travel Soccer (1 , 2, 3, coach - 4) ; Almost Heaven Habitat for Humanity (1 , 2, 3, 4); PACEM (2, 3, 4) ; Band (concert- 1, 2, symphonic -3, Wind Ensemble- 4); FAST 2, 3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3); Virginia Discovery Museum Volunteer (2) ; Virginia Girls State (3) ; National Honor Society (4) ; French Honor Society (3, secretary- 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Music Honor Society (3, 4); Scholar Athlete Award (3); Commonwealth District All-Academic Award (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you , but if you turn your attention to other things, it wi ll come and sit softly on your shoulder." - Henry David Thoreau. 10. Frances Searcy 11 . Ricardo Serrato-Leon 12. Corinne Sharp: Varsity Swim Team (2, 3, captain- 4); Forest Lakes Swim Team (1 , 2, 3, 4); AUM Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); AUMC Youth Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); Show Choir (2, 3, 4) ; Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (3, 4) ; Music Honor Society (3, 4); National Society of High School Scholars (2, 3, 4); National Beta Club (4). "Don't worry. Be happy." - Bobby McFerrin.

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I just wish my spot would be cleared after it snows" -Kelsay Krest

Aspace anywhere would be nice. " -Ben Griego

1ts alittle weird to get used to, but its not that bad; Its more organized."" -Tyler Richards 1

1. Eric Sheler: Football (1, 2, 3, 4); Baseball (2, 4); Basketball (1). 2. Jordan Shifflett 3. Justin Shifflett 4. Eden Shumate: lmprov (3, 4); Forensics (3, 4) ; One-act (3, 4) ; Spring Musical (3, 4) . "Tragedy won 't break us apart." - The Love rhammers. "I like the top." - Adam Lambert. "She cried." - Kaity Krantz. "What a shame for a flickering star like you and me." -Victory Twi n. "Is it for true?" - Alex Cooke. 5. Rachel Simons: Leadership Class (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; JV Boys Lacrosse Manager (2, 3). "Turns out it's not where, but who you 're with that really matters."- Dave Matthews Band. 6. Rachel Sinclair: Field Hockey (1 , 2, 3, captain- 4); Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3) ; Varsity Indoor track (2, 3, 4); JCL (3, 4); Art Honor Society (3, 4) ; Science Honor Society (3, 4); FAST (2, 3, vice president- 4) ; " You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her." - Winston Churchill.


Its bees knees out of nine." -Austin Rohm

1. Joshua Sites 2. Kristina Skeen: Honor Roll (1, 3, 4); Certificate of Recognition (3). ''This is my wish for you: comfort in diHicult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life." - Lynnie Buttercup. 3. DeAndra Smith: Step (1, 2, 3, captain - 4); Leadership (1); FCCLA (2, 3) ; African American Student Union (3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (3, 4); "The only way out, is the only way through." -DeAndra Smith. 4. Milton Smith: Photography (3); African American Student Union (3); Pharmacy Tech (4); Gay-Straight Alliance (4) ; Scholar's Award (3); Youth Roundtabler Award (2). "Dwell not on the past, but use it to illustrate a point and leave it behind." - Dollie C. 5. Mitchell Walker Smith: Varsity Baseball (3, 4); JV Baseball (2); JV Football (2); Freshman Football (1); Academic Achievement Award (1, 2, 3); Prom Committee (3); Renaissance Award; YMCA Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (4); DECA (3); SCA Advisor (4). "Well, in the end my friend , we will all be together again/ clutching onto my hand, in a valley we'll stand, just living again."- O.A.R. 6. Rahaim Smith

'1fs bees knees out of nine!' -Austin Rohm

7. Tamara Smith: SADD (1 , 2, 3, treasurer - 4); National Beta Club (4); Freshman Basketball (1); JV Basketball (2); Basketball Manager (JV - 2, Varsity- 4); FAST (3, 4); Delta GEMS (1, 2, 3, 4); Track (2). "Be the change that you want to see in the world"- Gandhi. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see it through no matter what."- Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird. 8. Sam Smith IV 9. Samantha Snodgrass: Cheerleading (1 , co-captain - 2, 3, 4); Aquarium Club (3); Cheerleading Coach's Award (1 , 4); Cheerleading Best Attitude Award (2); People to People Student Ambassador (1). "Magical." - Sam Snodgrass. 10. Matthew Solomon: Swim Team (1, PHA- 2, 3, AHS- 4); Jazz Band (1 , PHS- 2, 3, AHS- 4); National Honor Society (3, president- 4); Student Council (1 , president- 2); Rhode Island All-State Jazz Band (2); Outdoor Track (1, PHS - 2, 3, AHS- 4) ; Cross Country (1, PHS - 2); Marching Band (1, PHS- 2). "Far better is it to dare mighty things to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure ... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suHer much because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt. 11 . Emma Spano: Varsity Cross Country (2, 3) ; Varsity Outdoor Track (1, 2, captain- 3); Indoor Track (1, 2, Varsity - 3); English Honor Society (4); JCL (2). "... the sea's only gilts are harsh blows and, occasionally, the chance to feel strong. Now, I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once, to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions, facing blind, deaf stone alone, with nothing to help you but your own hands and your own head ... " - Primo Levi. 12. Jervon Speller: Varsity Football (3,4); Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4); Varsity Indoor/Outdoor Track (3, 4); JV Football (2); Indoor Track State Champion (3). "Swagga so bright I don't even need a light." - Lil Wayne. "Man I swear I'm so fly, I wake up in the sky and wipe the cloud out of my eye." - Lil Wayne. V) ~

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1. Emma Spellman: JV Soccer (1 ); Varsity Soccer (2, 3, 4); Varsity Swimming (1); SOCA (1, 2, 3, 4) ; PALs (2, 3, 4); FAST (4}; "Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything." - DMB. 2. ian Steedman 3. Eileen Stevens: Cross Country (2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (2, 3, 4); Outdoor Track (2, 3, 4) ; English Honor Society (4) ; FAST (3, 4); Animal Welfare Club (president- 1); FCA (4); "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. " - Albert Einstein. "He who laughs, last." - Zig Ziglar 4. Dalton Stokes: Varsity Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, captain - 4); 9th Grade Basketball (captain- 1); JV Basketball (captain- 2); Varsity Basketball (3, 4); PALs (1 , 2, 3, co-President- 4) ; SCA (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; National Honor Society (3, 4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3, 4) ; Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Football (1 ); Boys State of Virginia; All District Lacrosse (3); All-Region Lacrosse (3, 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; "scars heal. ..glory fades and all we're left with are the memories made ." - Chris Cagle. 5. Franklyn Stokes: Beta Club (4); Science Club (2); FBLA (1 , 2); Key Club (4) ; Who's Who Among American High School Students (1 , 2) ; Honor Roll Award (1 , 2); African American Student Union (3}. 6. Ashlie Stork 7. Bianca Stover 8. Daniel Stow: Cross Country (1, 2); Track and Field (1 , 3); Orchestra (1 , 2, 3) ; Appalachian Service Project (1 , 2, 3); "Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington. 9. Malcolm Strickland 10. Carl Stu ken borg: Band (1 , 2, 3, 4-WE) ; Key Club (2, 3, 4) ; Airsoft God (1 , 2, 3, 4); xGGx (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4); Dan Nguyen's Favorite (4). "If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I would just yell out letters ... " - Demetri Martin. "And when we float out into the ether, into the everlasting arms, I hope we don't hear Marley's chains we forged in life." - The Gaslight Anthem. "You and your friends are dead! All dead! Oh good, he thinks we're zombies, he'll leave us alone." - Peter Griffin. 11 . Julie Stutsman: JV Cheerleading (1 ); Varsity Cheerleading (2, 3, 4); Coaches Award (1 ); MVP (4) ; "Champions are not made in a gym , they are made from something they have deep inside them, a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to be a little faster; they have to have skill and will. But the will must be stronger than the skill."- Muhammad Ali . "The higher the goal , the harder the climb, but taken each day, one step at a time. The goal is accomplished, the dream is attained and the prize? The wisdom and strength that are gained." - Unknown. 12. Katharine Sutphen

1. Erin Sweeney 2. Devontia Talley: Step Team (1, 2). "What don't kill me will only make me a better, stronger and more intellectual individual." - Devontia Talley. 3. Rashad Talley 4. Mercedes Tarpley 5. Nicole Tavenner: JV Lacrosse (1, captain - 2); Varsity Lacrosse (manager- 3, player- 4); Cross Country (2); Indoor Track (2, 3); Drama Club (1 ); Spanish Honor Society (4). "I've been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it's really just about taking chances and how it's really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, every time you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always glad you took it." - J.D. from Scrubs. 6. Emma Taylor: Math Honor Society (3, 4); English Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Art Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Young Liberals (2, 3, 4). "Well life's too short so love the one you got." -Sublime. ''The most wasted of days is one without laughter." - e. e. cummings. 7. Marktika Taylor: Varsity Cheerleading (Coaches Award - 3, co-captain - 4) ; JV Cheerleading (captain, MVP - 2) ; Freshman Cheerleader (Most Improved- 1); Leadership (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Community Service (1 , 2, 3, 4); Darden School of Business (2); Miss Albemarle Pageant (Miss Congeniality - 2, Miss Congeniality, People's Choice Award - 3); SCA Retreat (2, 3); Mentoring Young Children (2); Step Team (3) ; Homecoming Court (3, 4); FCCLA (3, 4) ; AASU (3, 4). "Life is too short, so you better live it up while you can ; you never know what tomorrow has in store for you! " - R.I.P. Martell Clifford Brooks Jr. 8. Tashan Taylor 9. Lauren Thomas: JV Girls Soccer (1 , 2); Varsity Girls Soccer (3, 4); Indoor Track (2, 3, 4) ; Ballet, Modern , Contemporary Dance (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Governor's School for Visual & Performing Arts 2009 (Dance - 3) . "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss. "If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. " - T.S. Eliot. 10. Lindsay Thomas: Key Club (2, 3, committee chair- 4); SCA Advisor (3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4) ; JCL (3, 4); Classical Honor Society (3, 4); National Beta Club (4); "You see, you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see; you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you , you must feel that you can trust them, too - even when you're in the dark. Even when you 're failing." - Mitch Album. 11. Gregory (G.T.) Thomas: Step Team (1 , 2, 3, captain- 4); Church Mime Dance (3, 4) ; Upward Bound at University of Virginia (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; African American Student Union (1 , 2, 3) ; Car Show 1st place Import (3, 4); 1st Place Step Competition (3) ; Student of the Week Upward Bound (1 , 2, 3, 4) . "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me."'- Erma Bombeck. 12. Joshua Thompson








1. Taylor Thornburg: T.T.A. (2-4); Show Choir (2, 3) ; Vocal Sing Jazz (3, 4); Women's A Cappella (4); Music Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Certified Peer Educator (2-4). "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can learn to appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good times fall apart so that better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe. 2. Caitlan Tignor 3. Kelly Timberlake: Varsity Softball (1-4) ; Fellowship of Christian Athletes (3, 4); F.A.S .T (4). "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6. 4. Robert Tinsley 5. Michael Trotta: Cross Country (2, 3, captain - 4); Jazz Band (2-4); Key Club (2-4); National Honor Society (4); Boys State (3); Spanish Governor's School (3); Rotary Club Award (3) ; Spanish Honor Society (3, vice president- 4); Math Honor Society (3, treasurer - 4); Science Honor Society (treasurer - 4) ; English Honor Society (3, 4); Outdoor Track (3); WORTHY Program (3, 4); Wind Ensemble (1 ); JV Soccer (1 , 2) ; "There are no perfect men in this world, only perfect intentions." - Robin Hood. 6. Claudia Troyer: Marching Band (1-4); Wind Ensemble (2-4); Jazz Band (2, 3, co-section leader - 4); Youth Orchestra (4); National Merit Semifinalist (4); Poetry Out Loud (school finalist 2-4); German Honor Society (3, 4); English HS (pub. mgr. -4); VA Concert Youth Chorale (4); Young Liberals (2, 3, vice pres.- 4); TaeKwon-Do (1, 2, 3, black belt- 4); Pit Orchestra (2-4); Brass Choir (2, 3) ; Brass Quintet (3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4); District Band (2-4); Honors Band (1-4); Sr. Reg. Orchestra (4). "It's worth remembering that nothing makes us more vulnerable than using another as a means of security. Strength and happiness only come when we are at peace with ourselves." - Norma L. "Improvisation is, by its nature, ninety-seven percent garbage. You try things. Sometimes they work; sometimes they just make a mess. Sometimes they do both." - John Rhys-Davies. 7. Eric Tsai: Strings Ensemble (1-4); Key Club (2-4) . "Be not afraid of growing slowly." - Chinese Proverb. 8. Patrick Tubridy: Varsity Lacrosse (2-4); Key Club (2-4); JV Lacrosse (captain -1) ; Indoor Track (1); FCA (3, 4); Patriot Athletic Leaders (2-4); Young Life (3, 4); Snowboarding (1-4); Math Honor Society (3, 4)."0ur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others people won't feel insecure around you , we are all meant to shine as children. It's not just some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"- Timo Cruz, "Coach Carter" 9. Hannah K. Uhlig: Patriot Singers (2); Vocal Jazz (2-4) ; Miss Albemarle (3); International Modeling (1-4); Mu Alpha Theta (24); Spanish Honor Society (2); National Society of High School Scholars (1-4); National Beta Club (4); Principal's Honor Roll (1-4). "Look around, choose your ground. Long you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be." - Pink Floyd. 10. Daniel Van Wickler: "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education." - Albert Einstein . 11. Zak Vanlier: String Ensemble (1-4); Cross Country (2-4); Track (2-4) ; YOGA (2-4) ; Choir (4); SRO (3, 4); Young Liberals (3, 4); Tri-M (1-4); French Club (3, 4); SPCA Volunteer (3, 4). "I don't have no trouble living, it's just dying that bothers me." - Mose Allison. 12. Jacob Varley: Football (1 , 2, 3, captain - 4); Eagle Scout. "Losers focus on what they are going through, winners focus on what they are going to."- Coach Carroll Bickers.

1. Andy Vasquez-Orellana 2. Christopher Vaughan 3. Jonathan Vaughan 4. Morris Wachori: Cross Country (3, 4); Track and Field (2, 4); Indoor Track (4). "Whatever your mind believes, your body achieves." - NCHS XC. 5. Candice Waller 6. Aletha Washington 7. Jermaine Watkins 8. Katie Weatherill: Varsity Volleyball (3, captain - 4); JV Volleyball (1 , captain- 2); 2008 VHSL Group AAA State Volleyball Championship (3). "Celebrate we wi ll for life is short but sweet for certain. " - Dave Matthews Band. 9. Naomi Wells: Women's Ensemble (1); Take Note! (2,3,4); Woman's A Capella (4). "Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:39. 10. Rachel Whitlock: Leadership (2 , 3, 4); PALs (1 , 2); Cheerleading (1 ). "Careful where you stand my love , careful where you lay your head. It's true we're always looking out for one another." - Coldplay. 11 . Danielle Whitty 12. Sara Widdows





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1. Katherine Williams: Marching Band (1 -3, section leader - 4); Wind Ensemble (2-4); Jazz Band (3,4); Concert Band (section leader - 1); Virginia Consort (1-4); CharlottesvilleAlbemarle Youth Jazz Orchestra CAYJO (3, section leader - 4) ; Brassafras Community Service (3, 4) ; West Side Story (3); Les Miserables (2); Tennis (1); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1-4); All District Band (2-4) ; All County Honor Band (2 , 3, 4); Young Liberals (4). "I wake up to the sound of music, speaking words of wisdom , let it be." - John Lennon. "It's just life, so keep dancing through." - Fiyero, Wicked. 2. Katie Williams: Varsity Field Hockey (3, 4); Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4) . "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "' - Jeremiah 29:11. "Because I knew you ... I have been changed for good." - Wicked. 3. Tia Williams: Firefighter/EMT CATEC (4). "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."- Ralph Waldo Emerson. 4. Margaret Willis 5. Logan Wilson : "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix. 6. Marlee Wood : Ceramics (2-4); Art (1); Photography (3). "Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place." -Paramore. 7. La'Don Woody: SADD (2-) ; African American Student Union (3, 4); Peer Counselor (2-4); Prayer Club (4) ; C.A.R.E (4) ; Key Club (2); Ping Pong Club (4); High Achiever (3) ; ''The greatest things in life aren't things." - Art Buckwald. "Jesus is the best thing that even happened to me." - Marta Munuzzi. "Keep your head up no matter how hard life is." - Kacie Elliot. "I turn my head to the eat I don't see no one by my side. I turn my head to the west still no one in sight! So I turn my head to the north and swallow that pill they call pride. The old me is dead and gone." - Justin Timberlake and T.l. "Fake it 'til you make it." - Ms. Loh. "Check yo' self before you wreck yo' self." - Unknown. 8. Ena Yan: French HS (3, pres- 4); English HS (2, 3, pres - 4) ; National HS (4); Tri-M HS (3, 4); Thespian HS (2-4); Science HS (3, 4); DECA (4); Key Club (1 ,3); Drama Productions (1-4); VA Theater Association (1-4); Show Choir (2) ; Peer Counseling (2-4); Charlottesville Adult Learning Center (4) ; French Club (1-3). "The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure." - Severus Snape. "Time is making fools of us again ." - Albus Dumbledore. ''To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." -Confucius. 9. Kaylee Yeatman: Concert Band (1 ); Symphonic Band (2-4); All That Jazz- Jazz Choir (3); Take Note !- Jazz Choir (4); Tri-M Honor Society (2-4); All-District Choir (3, 4); Musician (1-4); Albemarle Players (1-4); Spring Production (1-4); VTA/VHSL (3); Student Production (3) ; Drama Club (3, 4); Thespian Honor Society (3, 4); Jane Austen Film Club (2); European Linguistics Club (2); AHS 2006-2007 Renaissance Award (1). "Happiness can be found , even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore. "I really mean every word of a song I sing, no matter how many times I sing it." - Judy Garland. 10. Myat-Wut Yee: Principle's Honor Roll (1-3); Recognition for Diligent Historical Student (1 ); "Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish." - John Jakes. 11. Halide Yetim 12. Matt Young: Varsity Wrestling (1-3, captain- 4); Varsity Lacrosse (2-4); JV Lacrosse (1); Cavalier Wresting Club (1-4); Key Club (2,4); PALs (3, 4); Young Life (4) ; MONU Travel Soccer (1); National HS (4); German HS (3); Commonwealth District All-Academic Award; Varsity Wrestling (1-4); Honor Roll (1-4). "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandhi.


1. Rosa Young: Art (2, 3) ; Culinary Arts (4); "With courage you will dale to take risks , have the strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation for integrity." - Keshavan Nair. 2. Sky Young: Concert Band (1); Jazz Band (3, 4); Wind Ensemble (2); Varsity Cross Country (2, 3) ; Music Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Jazz Combo (2, 3, 4). "What I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me." - OMS. "Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn."- Charlie Parker. 3. 1. Alison Yu: Math HS (3, pres- 4); CARE (1, 2,); JCL (1 , 2, sec - 3, vp- 4) ; HAWKS (3, head- 4) ; Science HS (vp- 4); National HS (4) ; English HS (3, 4); UVA Volunteer (1-4) ; Chinese School Volunteer (3, 4) ; National Latin Exam -Summa cum laude (1 , 2, 3); 1st place Biochem State Science Fair (3); Yale Science and Engineering Award (3); National AP Scholar (3) ; National Merit Semifinalist (4). "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see it through no matter what." -Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird." 4. Vicky Zarate: Varsity Tennis (1 , 2, 3, 4); F.A.S.T. (2, 3, president- 4); French Honor Society (3, 4) ; Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4); SCA (1 , 2, 3); Peer Counseling (3, 4); Patriot Award (2, 3). "I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it." -Johnny Depp. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney. 5. Sophie Zarski 6. Yvonne Zhang: Varsity Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (1, Scrapbook Committee Chair - 2, fundraising committee chair 3, treasurer- 4); Cross Country (1, 2, 3, 4); CARE (2, 3, vice president- 4); JCL (1 , 2, 3, secretary 4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (4); English Honor Society (3,4); National Honor Society (4); FAST (1, 2, 3, treasurer- 4) ; Indoor Track (2, 3) ; HAWKS (4); ACAC Clay Court Classis Women's 3) ; Key Club (For Outstanding B Finalist (3) ; Honor Roll (1, Leadership and Service) (1, 2, 3) ; 600 Club Award (1, 2) ; "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. " - Walt Disney. "Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard." - Coach Lindsay; "Life is an awful , ugly place to not have a best friend ."- Sarah Dessen (Someone Like You).


7. Aldijana Zuckanovic: "Love isn't finding someone you can live with ... it's finding someone you can't live without." - Fiona Fox. "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. " - Abraham Lincoln.







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had the chance

creased and m; ward the same

The classes of 2011,2012 and 2013 knew they had a lot to live up to. From their first days of trying to learn their ways around school and finding a good spot to meet with friends during breaks, they were learning and absorbing as much as possible. Dealing with everything from increased expectations from teachers and parents to making or not making the sports team of their choice, they used their experiences to become stronger and more resilient. Starting sophomore year was a step up, and slowly privileges and opportunities were more within reach. Those who drove were on equal footing with seniors when it came to parking space allotment. Those who didn't drive at least had the chance of catching a ride from a friend. And while responsibilities increased and many took part-time jobs to earn extra cash, all were working to路~

ward the same goal - senior year.

(/) (/)








~82 ~we


~to eat

ITopeka Steak House."I

lindsey Savina

"Cafe Cobodo."l


Conner Fanning


Chipotle." l

Nick Lampron

~wood Grill" I I_ _ Eric Wells

-~ captam.~Geo " ~-rge'"''!'" l


Sage Smith 路 e Gray by Jasmm Kri sti an Aasen Shaniqua A~ee le Anaers Ash Anderson Alexi~ Anderson BenJ am Anderson Bnttany Anderson Jacob . d y Camae A nderson-Lm sa . -1 Andrews Abtghat Ancreley Josh u~rsen'eault Mtca Allen Au thew A udt ~ Azadzot Badalov Baldwin

~~~a ~~~j~

David Bamford Marc Barnes Michael Barton Mark Baucom III Daniel Beiter Zachary Bell Michael Bernardino Alison Bevard Matthew Bohlander Kuang-Shih Bor Kuang-Zhu Bor (9) Aaron Borenstein Karen Bourne Reid Bozzone Elise Braatz Robert Braden III Eric Breeden Valissa Brooks Keanan Brown Kiyara Brown Haley Bruoh Benjamin ~rust Lauren Bryant Walter Bullard Laura Burner Deborah Burruss-Martin Sidney Bush Eric Cain Eduin Calderon Katrina Campbell Ryan Campbell Joseph Cardella Jr Candace Carey Ryan Carlisle Anthony Carpenter Robert Carraway Ryan Carroll Deshauna Catoe Summer Caton Kristina Cechova Angelica Chang Mary Ann Chapman Adesh Chhetri Sierra Clark Emma Cohen Riley Cole William Coleman II Jacqueline Coletrain Jordan Coltrane Anna Comberg Brittany Conrad Trevon Cook Alexandra Cooke Andrea Coppola Erin Cornell Ryan Crossman Thomas Cude Michael Curry Jr Joshua Dabney Lucy Dabney Andrew Dame Austrine Davies Bryant Davis Emily Davison Allison De Almeida Eric Deane Zhi-Bo Deng Daniel Desmond Herman Dhaliwal Francisco Diaz John Dillon Zakary Draego Frank Dresner Dylan Drumheller Earl Dunnivan Taylor Easter Aileen Echelberger Angela Elder Anna Elder Maggie Evans



0 路-c ::)


~84 Andrew Fagan Bri an Farmer Melanie Feldman Carley Fisher Freddy Flores Jonathan Flores Phaianza Francisco III Jessica Frazier

William Freas Grecrory Frechette Li'Odsey Fredner Melanie Freshwater Andrew Friedersdorf Tanquei Frye Kelsey Ganz John Gavriiovic


~ Shay

Kayian Gentry Ann a Gibbons AI!~eia Gibson K.yie Gibson Hailey Gilbert Nicholas Gladney Alexander Goodman Austin Gore Ashley Graves Donald Gray Ryan Gray Kayia Green Tevin Green Robert Greene Charles Grimm Heather Grubb Stacey Hahn Iv y Hai nes Taylor Hale Allison Hand Zaihre Hannah Matthew Harmon Thomas Harmon Heather Harris Kell y Harris Steven Harri son Ambre Hasson Betsy Haugh Adrienne Hawthorne Daniel Hayes Alisha Hayslett Laura Hazlett Joseph Hebblethwaite Logan Hedrick Ashley Henderson Jacob Hendrix Mack Henry Monica Henry Cristian Hernandez-Romero Isabel Hilsen Scott Hoerman Parker Hopkins Haley Horbaly As hl ey Hucek Burke Humter Shelby Hunt Brooke Hutton Jenni fe r Huynh Cecilia Iacono Erin Jackson Taneaka Jackson Madye James Steven Jefferson Mark Jenkins Ramel Jenkins E mma Jewell Alyssa John son Catherine Johnson Dallas Johnson Justin John son Stephen John son Kimberl y Jordan William Josephson Saiyid Kamal



1would have to my either Mrs. Wood, [who] does the film making class I



Ior Mr. Ramey who teaches history!'

i like

Mike Mitchell My favorite teacher is Mrs. Berry; she teaches Algebra 2."


Shayna Moulton

Mr. Thomas is my favorite teacher. He teaches me wind ensemble."


Abbe Andrews

1he best teacher that Ihave had so far was Mrs. Smith, my freshman history teacher."


Tory Key by Tamara Smith Emily Kane Marwan Karama Jonathan Karns Timothy Kater Joseph Kellenberger Devon Kelley Joshua Kelly Kiera Kelly Riley Kelsey Tory Key In Kyun& Kim Woo-Yu1 Kim Vincent Kois Jr Sevda Komilova Joseph Kostelac Alexander Krone Lauren Krull Laura Kwiatkowski Samuel Lahar Farin Lam Kiersten Lamb Nicholas Lampron Madelyn Laprade Stephan Larue Ryan Lawson Nadia Lazo Kadlin Leake Caitlyn Leary Charles Ledford Jr Jamal Lee Jung Hun Lee Pans Lee Melissa Leider Christopher Lemieux (./) ~ Abigail Lesnoff Grecrory Lewis Tanika Lewis Caleb Ley Mitchell Lister Michael Lombardo

0 路c ::)


~86 ~we

,1droveall the wayto New York Otyr' I Erin Cornell


i to go on

,My longest trip was to Emerald Isle, North CarolinQ"I Daniel Ortiz

just to Waynesboro. Thafs about it. I

Michael Ledford

Idrove to church one day!. For 15 minutes. No, it was 20!

Kaylan Gentry

Johnta Londree Clyde Long Shanique Long Alexandra Lord John Lueckenbach Soni c Luong Christina Ly El izabeth Mack Jonathan Madonick Elaine Mahanes Elijah Main Rachel Malboeuf Lucas Marsh Haley Mars hall Erika Martini Riell y Mathews Corey Maxa Maura McCandlish Madison McCullough Grace McDamel Hayley McGhee Kathryn McGovern Damon Mcintire Robert McKiernan Steven McKiernan Austin McPhillips Tyler McPhillips Anniell y MeJia Bruno Mendonca Karl a Mendoza Mary Merkel Sarah Merkord Takeem Mills Call ie Minter Denzel M itchell Mike Mitchell Sherlon Mitchell Bri ttany Mollica Davi d Monahan Olivia Mooney

Jennifer Morris Kimberly Morris Zachary Morris Sean Moss Shayna Moulton Chandler Mucherino Robert Mullinax Sarah Munz William Murray Michael Myers Megan Napolitano Nahom Negash Dominique Norman Mecran O' Dea Corfnor O' Neil A vis Oglesby Joel Olazagasti Aleksandra O lekhnovich Andrea Oliver Joh n Oliver Daniel Ortiz Gruyttin Ouypron Adam Owen Precious Page Taite Pando Phillip Pannell Kwanzaa Parker Eli zabeth Parkh ill Amanda Parmiter Ghanshyam Patel Niral Patel Brandon Patterson Leandra Pauley Jonathan Pavlosky Michael Payne Kel sey Peck Marisa Perez-Reyes Judd Perry William-A llen Peterson Nicholas Petrella Joy Piirto Cameron Pike Jeffrey Pike Justin Pike April Pittman Ethan Pompeo Sarah Pritchard Laura Pugh Dana Pye Samantha Rainey Pablo Redden-Gonzalez Khalil Reid Eric Reigel Tyler Reigel Olivia Richards Rashad Richards Jack Richardson Joseph Ri cotta Samuel Ridenhour Nicholas Roane Jefferson Robbin s lillian Robbins Amber Roberts Zachary Robinette Noah Romando Caryn Ross Arianna Roumeliotes Richard Roussett Nicole Ru shin g Lucas Sachs Madeleine Sandridge Kevin Sarp Elizabeth Sathe Lyndsey Savina Jacob Sawyer Toude Saydee Lauren Schneider Carmen Schoelkopf Dawn Seto Kashyap Shah







~88 Scott Shanesy Caitly Sheffield Emil y Shepherd Summer Shepherd Samantha Shifflett Justin Shiflett Matthew Shiflett Emm a Shreve

Austin Sigler Sarah Silke Eli zabeth Sinclair Emil y Skrutskie Langley Sloan Emil y Smarte Al yssa Smith Carli ssa Smith Andrew Smith-Simmons Brenda Snow Hyun-Kyung Song Joshua Spencer Stacey Sprouse Aarati Sriram Olivia Steele Geran Steljes Colleen Stephens Ashley Stone Lauren Stone Stephanie Strauss Haley Stucker Tay lor Stukenborg James Sun Tyler Swanson Haley Swartz Madi so n Tanner Mor<>an Tanner Chefsea Taylor Jas mine Tay lor Martha Templ eton Sarah Terl esky Christopher Thacker Malcolm Thompson Matthew Tobin Stephen Topping Madeline Tornrose Davain Turner Thomas Turner Joshu a Utz Joseph Varaksa Brian Veasey Jeremy Vestal Jordan Vrhovac Deniahn Wade Nikki Walenten Hanna Walker Kendra Walston Tyler Wayne Timothy Webb Jerem y Weiss Daiquan West Dakota West Robert Whelan Erin White Benjamin Wilder Devyn Wildy Aleshia Williams Darius Williams Sean Williams Erech Wills Lee Wilson Allison Wombacher Grace Wood Devonta Woodson Joshua Woodson Sherice Woodson Matthew Zalar Chi Zhang

~you ~ hang


Sophie Zarski, Kadlin Leake, Morgan Tanner and Mahila Mehtab

Haley Horbaly, Beth Parkhill, Ghanshyarn Patel, DJ Bamford, Mike Mitchell


Kashyap Shah, Will Murray and Mike &rrton


0 c ::) I

~90 ~we

i say 1

)ust sit back and relax." Jalen Smith

Von't be intimidated by such a big school because I


after a while it doesn't seem so big anymore."I Hannah Peterson

"~reshman year] is just a breeze ." I Mahassa Jones

~~un. You have to run to class, and run to long


Shanice Palmer by Kaila Brown Kimberly Abel Israa Aboud Ra.s;hda Aboud Koua Aboud Kira Aglio Timothy Aker Anna Alfano Joseph Anderson Victor Aranda-Guevara Robert Arthur III Thi Let Aye David Ayers Divya Babu Cameron Bailey Guillaume Bailey Kyle Baker

Maury Baker Ryan Baker Mecran Bankard Kadisha Banks Benjamin Baranik Alexander Barber Briana Barbour Jordan Barbour




Dana Bargh Kelley Barker Brandy Bartley Madison Basile Sara Bebel Rebecca Beiter Sara Benson Eric Bingler Daniel Blair Eboni Blakey Alexander Bohn Kevin Bonilla Brian Borbely Jacob Borenstein Lauren Brady Will Branham Miranda Bricker Hannah Brooks Jessica Brown Kaila Brown Colin Buckley Hunter Burke Jordan Butler Joshua Calhoun Christi an Carmines Kyle Carm ines Oddie Carneal Jr Kali Carroll Allison Carswell Keyonna Carter Andrew Case Lauren Casey Cathrine Cashwell Ashley Castelino John Chandler Dajana Cimic Heather Clarke Travis Coble Zachary Coffman Naund1 Cook


lltj ·r,!~K\R~ ..

(; ~ ~·-~-\ · h~




Tavon Cooper Kimberlin Cordoba Zach Crawford Cole Crenshaw Dakota Crickenbercrer Lucia Crisostomo-f:ternandez Mark Cummings Emma D 'antom Durga Devi Dahal Nicholas Davi la Heather Davis Jonath an Dav is Katrina Davis Benjamin Deal Samantha Demasters- Hadder Wilson Desimini Lauren Dierks Gian Paolo Don nad io (/') Anish Doshi Carol Dougherty Victoria Drumm ~ Kristin Durrett As hley Early Krista Edenfie ld



Rachel Eiden Lauren Eklund Lauren England Cyrus Entezam Zachary Evans Adelaide Evarts Victoria Feola Hari an Firer

E 0

..c Q_



~92 Ryan Fiso Louis Fournier Courtney Fraser Sarah Fredrick Charlotte Fri es M iles Gaaa Katherine Gain'e~ Kev in Ga ines

Taylor Ga ines Carl os Ga lindo-Mart inez Kristin a Garcia Maria Garcia-Franco Peter Garl and Tay lor Gaskins Emil y Gerding Molly Gerding Cinque Gil more Morgan Glenni e Elaine Golden Kri sten Golden Emanuel Gomez Beatriz Go mez-Dav ila Matthew Goodrich Madeline Graney Erin Gray Jas mine Gray Kirtland Gray Logan Grimes David Gutzler Spencer Hadley Jacqueline Hagee Ashley Hager Jessica Hairston Kelly Hancock Holland Harper Joshu a Hawkins Kendall Hawkins Patrick Hedger Ki ra Heeschen Sarah Heider Nathaniel Heldreth Hernon Henderson Savann ah Henderson Day-Quan Henry Jonath an Hernandez Dylan Herold Tyler Hetri ck Catherine Hoffman Jesse Hood Caitlin Hopkinson Kyra Hou_g_hton Elisha rtowe Jake Huber James Huber Caitlin Hunt William Hunt Hannah Hunter Kyle Hu ys man Abigail Ince Jas mine Jackson Larkee m Jackso n Major Jackson Alexa Jahn Peyton James Taylor Jenkins Randall Jepson J r Jessica Johnson Rebecca Johnson Brodi e Jones Janae Jones Mahassa Jones Dorothy Joyner Katherine Kellenberger Kendall Kennedy Jacob Kerl Matthew Ki lli~_ger Tae K.Jm Roxanne Kime Stephen Kirst Olivia Kitelinger






==== ----~

Junyoung Park is my best friend We met in Ms. Ruemrnler's eighth period"

] We hang


~ out 1'1met Molly Gerding second grade when she was



Idrawing ahorse,and Isaid that was really cool KellyHancock

"Mybest friend is Daniel Wachori. We met in Mr. Crobak'shistory class last year." Jonny Hernandez

'We met in second grade and Ididn't like her and she didn't like me.

IBut we ended up being best friends." Katya van Eersal

by Becky Johnson Sarah Knarzer Conn or Kn i<> ht Nana Ko nadu-Ampratwum Paige Kostanecki Em tl y Kuh n Benj am in Kyri acopoul os Samuel Lawrence Derek Leake Dereice Lee Irene Lee Eleanor Leech James Leonard Dacey Lewis Melissa Lewis Emily Leytham Melanie Li ndemann Lauren Lin ko us Tong Liu Matthew Lloyd Cory Lomax Corey Long Luke Long Bianca Loredo Abigail Macknight Erin Macm ichael Alyssa Maltese Andrew Mann Jonathon Mann Bryce Marshall Kai Marshall Steven Mas tropaolo Ab iga il Mathes


Jonath an Mathes Aaron Matthews Richard Mayo II Angela McCauley Dorian McCa uley Sheldon McC lun ~ Ryan McCo llougn VIrginia McKus1ck


(/) !...,._









'1love their personalities:' I Lauren Eklund

~ we

like best

i aboutthe

'1like their eyes."I Charles Robinson

"When they are athletic."I

Jessica Hairston

I "Crod sense of humor."I Asher Noble Elizabeth Meadors Alana Meadows Kri sten Meadows Kirsten Mendelsohn Muhammad Mian Jonath an Micucci MightMi <>ht Dame! Mifier Carmen Montecalvo Hyun-Seok Moon Michael Moore Garrett Moore Jr Derek Morris Tyler Morris Sara Murphy Narki za Musayeva As her Noble Leo Notto Veroni ca O ' Brien Cooper O' Neil Amber Oliva Amanda Oliver Jaszmine Paige Walter Palma-Galeas Christopher Palmer Shan ice Palmer Kajal Patel Austin Patterson Dekker Payne Zachary Payne Neal Pease Emjl y Peck Daniel Perdue Ju an Perez-Diaz Freyra Perez-Lugo Madeline Pericak Dean Perry Rowen Perry Hann ah Peterson Charl otte Pitt

..... ,

Jon Podolski Matthew Polivka Grace Polson Jacob Pompeo Brielle Powell Adam Prevost Ian Prum Cody Purvis Rikki Quillon Meghan Rader Jostah Ragland Brian Ray Joshua Reeder Jeremiah Rigaldies Kyle Ripley Micah Rivers Sarah Robertson Charles Robinson Robert Robison Ivette Anyeli Rodriguez Kimberly Rodriguez-Padilla Jesky Rodriguez-Rodriguez Sean Roesch Dylan Rogers Gabriel Romero-Rodriguez Brandon Rose Richl yn Rose Shane Rose Nicole Ross Martha Roszak Jennifer Sacco Joren Sacre Stephanie Salsini Hannah Samley Tiffany Sandridge Onain];i Sar Evan ::.chmit Ian Schmit Sharon Schwartz Christine Scott Devonte Scott Jonathan Scott Shakira Scott David Seago Sophia Seitz Margaret Serbati Ismael Serrato-Leon Breanna Shannon Timothy Shaw Austin Shepherd Mekalyn Shifflett Sarah Shifflett Jacob Simons Evan Simpson Morgan Stmpson Sabire Sisman Brandon Skeen Sarah Skidmore Justin Skinner Kyona Small Dashad Smith Jacob Smith Ramel Smith Ira Smith Jr Hannah Sokora Rheava Spady Alexandra Stokes Nicholas Stover Ethan Stow Kelci Straka Austin Suhler Missy Sutton Mckenzie Swanson Dalton Tavenner Aaron Taylor Brent Taylor Raechel Tedford Caitlyn Tetterton Robert Thomas Benjamin Tingley


Q) !......


E 0





~96 Jovan Trifunovic Kyle Trimble Celia Trujillo-Arizmendi Anna Tserelova Austin Turner Terry Tyree Mor<>an Uland Joshua lJnderwood

Katherine Van Eersel Lisa Van Wickler Kirsten Vanpetten Rachel Varley Carlos Vasquez-Orellana Daniel Vaughn Asa Ve<>odsky Savannah 'Veliky James Villien Adam Visokay Daniel Wachori Lauren Walker Nicole Ward Micah Washington Justine Watson Korinna Weber Zachary Weber Timothy Wersinger Allyson Wharam Lindsey White Naanteze White Terrence White Emily Wicks Claire Wiley



Veronica Williams Charles Willis III Andrew Willoughby Ma<>gie WJ!son Shaifoah Wilson Xavier Wingate Emily Wombacher Alana Wood Fan Wu Tuo-Yang Wu Christopher Yancey Nicholas Yates Gokhan Yetim Rachel Yoder Thomas Zacharias Xiaozhou Zang


Victor Zarate-Bustamante Maya Zeller Yun Zhou


Eric I

] we like ~ about it

~.路'' 'v~

U lWif

[More freedom Kendall Kennedy

[Getting to go wherever Iwant to go AshleyEarly

[One step closer to getting away from my parents.

Alyssa Maltesse

[Getting my leep Uberty. Brian Borbely (/')

<D 0 ~

[Mr. Campbell. And ~~o Zonell videos. Eric Bin~er

E 0





~98 1like having an exruse for being late to class, because I'm afreshman.



Tyler Corcoran

] we like ~ about it



1like the girls mostly, but the Breezeway is pretty cool too.

Alex Simmons



The eight minute breaks are cooL j lsiah Cowan


1onglunch, because you have more time with friends.


Danielle Horridge

by Natalie Salsini Brian Adams Aadil Adatia Naaila Ahmad David Ahuatl-Cuazitl Victoria Alexander Tobias Allen Blake Anderson Lanikqua Anderson Lex us Anderson Elisabeth Angeley Amanda Armstrong Kevin Arri a~a-Lo pez Zachary Ashworth Curtis Auman Patrick Aung Cynthia Avalos Juana Ayala Ruben Badilla-Castillo Ebony Barnes Rachel Barranco Baileigh Baugher Carmen Becerra Kashianya Bell David Birckhead Kevin Black Jessica Block Zamir Boboy Brieona Booker Tieona Booker Ku ang-Zhu Bor Rachael Bosley Juli a Bowles




David Brewer John Brooks Lynnas ia Brooks Alexander Brow n Bryan Brown Sophia Brow n Sydney Browning Alyssa Brun a!

I , ; EME


Michael Brunelle Whitney Bryant Tri stram Buck Anna Buhle Hannah Burgess Zachary Burrier Joseph Burri s Deborah Buynak Joseph Cah alen Morgan Cahill Madtson Callender M ichael Callihan Olivia Cantoni Justin Carey Saki yna Carey Jared Carlisle


Chad Carmines Drew Carpenter Megan Carrell Connor Ca rso n Dilan Castill o-Fiores Bay lee Castorina Crystal Cauley Bnanna Cavanaugh Dav id Chapman Suraj Chhetri Caroline Chisholm Jalen Cobbs Kendall Coffman Jamal Coles Cindy Colindres Anthony Coll azo-Es pinosa Joshua Collier Jessica Combs Hann ah Conner Douglas Corbett Dionna Corbin Tyler Corcoran Kirsten Corea Isiah Cowan Mary Grace Craig Katherine Creega n Ricardo Cruz-Duran Ryan Cudahy Ahmad Cunningham Jeremy Dabney Lynwood Davts III Jeffrey De Almeida Robert Dec ker Nicole Densmore Sapna Desai Patrick Des mond John Doherty Elyse Duani Mtchael Duggan Andrea Duran-Reyes Chase Durham Tyler Ealy Megan Eheart Aaron Elder Sleyler Elliott Isabelle Farineau Luc Patton Rachel Faulconer Yun Yang Fei Joshu a Ferero Katrina Ferguson Fiona Fergusso n Adam Ferralli Tori Fieldin_g Amory Fiscner Taylor Fisk






Q) !......


~100 Perla Flores-Loredo Daniel Foley Kenyatta Folley Loa-an Ford 0 Joh n Friend Mark Fultz Zachary Funke Brittany Gallimore

Tyler Gambill Joshua Gardmer Griffin Gaskins Kassandra Gatewood Simanta Gautam Grace Gaye Juan Gaytan-Mendoza John Gazewood Destiny Gerrick Sydney Giacalone Phoebe Gilbert Daniel Gilgannon Samue l Gillespie Samuel Gilliam Gretchen Glaeser Deborah Goldeen Cecelia Gonza lez Vanessa Gon zalez-Fraire Arick Goodman Ann a Goodrich Joseph Gorak Anita Grabowska Harrison Graham Anthony Greene Derrik Gregg Ashley Grooms William Grubb Shane Grzecrorczyk Katarina Guberman Nicholas Haan Eric Hahn Parker Hall Katherine Hammond Nathan Harper Jr. Hannon Hawkins Brenna Healey Andrew Heatwole Paul Hecmanczuk Dieira Henderson Matthew Henderson Sarah Henderson Alison Henry Collin Hensien Said Hernandez-Burgos Ryan Hernng Elizabeth Hill strom Sarai Hipolito-Mata Alexandra Hogg Kan路on Holland Barrett Holley Carrie Hooper Andrew Horbaly Kristen Horner Danielle Horridge Lewis Horton Mark Howard Mitchell Huber Andrew Hucek Britney Huff Elizabeth Hull Allison Huschke Daniel Jackson Alexander Janssens Elsabe Jarm an Edward Joachim III Eddie Johnson Kierrah Johnson Shawna Johnson Nelson Johnson Jr Jeremy Johnston Briauna Jones Jeffrey Jones


read,... ~ Ab





...oready for '1waited til the last minute to do my summer homework and I Abbey Veith

'1got abunch of advice and Istudied harder in eighth grade to get into better habits." Victoria Alexander

'1 went to orientation to find my classes then Iwent back to find them with less people." Alida Young by Becky Johnson Kell y Jones Mackenzie Jones Paul Jones Rebecca Jones Tierra Jones Hee Seok Joo Doroth y Jord an Hamed Karama William Karns Jennifer Kater Carmen Keithley Anne Keller Cameron Kennedy Benjamin Kessler Gaa Taj aye' Keyes Jweria Khan Samuel Khurgel Jordan Kinl aw Lindsay Kohler Matthew Ka rbon Sydnie Kostelac Joseph Krohn Claire Krouse Mary Kwiatkowski Adam Ladd Ryan Lake Tori Lam Brandon Lamb Marla Lauber Matthew Lawson Jae Yeon Lee Logan Lee Ye Rin Lee Joshua Letteri Jessie Lewis Kathl ynn Lewis Savannah Ley A vram Lieberman Zaw Lin Lottye Lockhart




..c (/")

Q) ~


~102 ~

"Texting is great because ifs like Facebook without acomputer.11

Britney Huff

e can't


'If you talk on the phone in public, everyone can hear you.



Texting allows you to have aconversation [isn't in] public.


lindsay Kohler 11

Computers are the textbook of the future!' Mitch Huber

'Tome, my cell phone is my most valued possession, because


[without it] Iwouldn't have contact with some of my friends. Mary-Grace Craig Matthew Lockman Tevin Logan Quinton Long Ann Lopez Miguel Loredo Katelyn Love Andrew Lueckenbach Blake Lunnen Marie Mack Elias Mackay Karunasai Mahadevan Nikolai Majorin Daniel Mallory II Judah Malone Eli zabeth Marks Samuel Marsh Colleen Marshall Samantha Marshall Madeleine Marshall-Roth Caleb Martin Chiara Martinez Kentaro Martini George Matkovich Sophi e Maus Mitchell Mawyer AmberMaxa Rogelio Mazariegos-Jacob Lorenzo McAllister Devo n McCade Sherod McCoy Jordan McHenry Patrick McPhillips Samuel Melton Benj am in Menel Banyameen Mian Sameer Mian Kaitlyn Miller Kelly Miller Micaela Miller Naomi Miller


......_ -------路-,

Sarn a Mir Tessa Miskovsky Holl y M itchell Ki yoko Mitchell Carl Montalbano Keith Montminy Hunter Moore Kalin Morri s Kayla Morris Walton Mo rri s Savannah Morse Timothy Morse Hari s Mukic Catherine Murray Eldar Musayev lbraim Mushtal Waleed Nafe i Michael Nasev ich Sana Naz Kayla Nelso n Meghan Noga Devante No rman Paige Northu p Ashley Nottin gham Nemuel Okaah Orlin Oliva-Ortiz As hl ey Oli veri Christopher Owen Peter Owen Maxwell Painley M ichael Pajewski Joo nyoung Park Rachel Parrent Bhargav Patel Chase Patterson Ann a Pay ne Jessica Pay ne Jordan Pay ne Nicholas Pegg Neyramile Perez-Nieves Alejandro Perez-Reyes Charl es Perry Alaina Peters Nathaniel Pfund Angel y Philip Alexandra Philkill Jessica Pollack Darius Pollard-Lam Juan Ponce-Rodriguez Caroline Porco Robert Proffitt Carolyn Pu <>h Qauim aine '!iagland Ryan Ramey Jeffrey Ramos-Paz Brendan Reece Madelyne Retan Candance Rice Daniel Ri chard son David Riner Nigiel Ritchi e Kurt Rittber<> Christopher 'Roberts Jr Alma Rodri guez-Gomez Kaitlin Roelofs Madeline Rohm Raqu an Rose Beatriz Rui z-Rosas Casey Ru ssell Anna Salone Darius Sanders Ju an Sandoval-Garcia Hu,gh Sandridge IV Co11n Schaefer Brittany Schalizki Benton Schenck Emil y Scholl Abigail Schwab Jonathan Schwaner Christopher Seto




...C (/')

11 \

\LI !.......


~104 Hanna Shaps Matthew Sheffield Michael Shick Christina Shifflett Joseph Shifflett Kirsten Shreve Alexander Simmons Matthew Sims Nathan Sliko Ann a Smith Kirsten Smith Matthew Smith Xavier Smith Lloyd Smith III Andrew Solomon Matthew Spradlin Gregory Stevens John Stevenson Shyanne Stewart McKenzie Stewart-Berry Brady Storer Morgan Stouffer Savannah Stover Rachel Stukenborg Locran Sysling Ryan 'tarki ncrton Thomas Teisberg Sean Telford Alexis Thomas Candace Thomas De'maleyo Thomas Rachel Thomas Steven Thomas Jr Shane Thompson Dashon Tibbs Kayla Toms Lauren Toms Mairead Toms Ines Tomsig John Townsend Djordje Trifunovic Nicholas Troche Madeline Troisfontaines Lauren Truwit Margaret Tubridy Angelique Tyree Ciera Ulan Bethany Vaughan Billy Vaughn Nicholas Vaughn Abbey Veith Justin Vestal Jessica Vickerman Kyle Vidano Samantha Vidovich Katharine Waldron John Walker Kyle Walker Brandon Waller Marquice Waller Madeleine Walters Alexis Washington Ladajauh Washington Winfred Watson Alexandra Weathersby Austen Weathersby Devon Weathersby Rachel Weaver Gabrielle Webb Justin Weiss Kandace Wells Tyler Wentworth Irma Whedbee Connor Williams Ian Williams Jazmen Williams K'lei~h Williams Aaron Willy J'immi Wilson Kelly Wilson


.......c_ _ _ __

Madison Wilson Patrice Wingate Kendra Wismski Alexander Wood Ross Wood Michael Wood-Hoeckelman Nelteisha Worthey Victoria Yanez Bo-Yu Yang Kaleen Yoder Alicia Youno Courtney Zehnter Elvia Zometa-Flores Bre' Zwoyer

~you ~ hang


Nicole Densmore, Rachel Parrent, Meghan Noga, Lizzy Marks, xxxandxxx

Darius Pollard and

lama! Coles

Dajauh Washington, Dianna Corbin,


Lynnasia Brooks, Lanikqua Anderson, and Ashalai P~nny





Q) ~



In 1 vitaliza

and tea' text boo

for a pa

Sor wing,




found tl 80% of

the buil< Custodi

:,;~~r In August, the teachers and staff returned to school with a new energy. The revitalization of the building gave them incentives to change and improve lesson plans and teaching methods. Promethean boards were available to many, and old fashioned textbooks gave way to netbooks in some physics and science classes, paving the way for a paperless future. Some were lucky enough to move into one of the new classrooms in the MESA wing, or a comfortable new office in the new administration and guidance area. Rooms in the older parts of the building were spiffed up with new white boards and





found themselves in different surroundings. Departments were reorganized, and over

""0 c 0

80% of the staff were relocated over the summer. Managing this feat and cleaning


matching room number plaques. But even many of those assigned to older rooms

the building in the midst of construction could only have been accomplished by Lead Custodian Matt Titone and his brave band of building maintenance people.







Tracy Aglio Angela Celeste Ainsworth Alice Micklem Sandra Allen Dawn Anderson Linda Apple~ate Mana Asoullne Kim Aust


Mike Bannister Steve Bantz Annette Barrera Harriet Bell Michelle Berry Carroll Bickers Debbie Blackwell Colleen Branche Beatrice Brown Melissa Brown James Bryant Jaso n Buczy na Thomas Buglia Kathleen Burg Megan Burton Sue Caldwell Chris Campbell Molli Campbell Korin a Campos Amber Caron Barbara Cartwright Maria Cash Linda Cassell Walter Chaney Ray Chrobak Matt Clay Catherine Coffman Denise Collado Bryan Collier Margie Collins Loretta Coughlin Meghan Crider Fay Cunnino-ham Marvin Eurry Bill Daly Judith Dav is Theresa Doherty Paul Dolenc Joanie Domer Kim Dunaway Juli a Dyer Pearl Earley Jenny Ediss Noah .Eo-o-e 00 Diane Espmosa Paula Fallon Harry Faulkner Dean Ferguson Patti Flynn Steve Foutz Judy Franco Liz Frank Eric Gama John Garland Rachell Garvey Dusty Garwood Erika Gearhart Bethany Geffken Charlene Genest Angela Gleeson Dianne Gobbie Irma Golubiani Wendell Green Ruth Greer

[ [

]you •




1love the thrill skydiving gives you. I love to travel and to try new

~ didn't know

Iexperiences; i~s what keeps life exdting." Mr. Ray Crobak

1used to work at the Hoopa Indian Reservation in California



Iteaching Spanish I,II, and IlL"


Ms. Korina Campos

'1 was the production manager [at aTV studio in Roanoke} I

Iproduced many local TV shows and sports!'


Mr. Jay MacMichael

'1 have two associate's degrees,in Social Science and liberal Arts and in Culinary Arts, abachelors degree in Secondary Education and Spanish and amaster's in Instructional Technology." Ms. Kellie Hoover

Sharon Grimm James Haddock Linda Haddock Brenda Hair Lee Hale Melissa Hankins Eli zabeth Harris Lucille Harris Brian Heath Natasha Heny Stefanie Herbert Carolyn Herrin<>0 Megan Hidy Sue Holden B. Holley Erin Hrwbik Jane Hunt David Hutchings Bernice Hutchins Mary Inge Scott Jackson Carol J annssens Anita Jenki ns Roni Jennings






c 0




u 0



--- -----


Ediss Jenny Bill Jones Carl Jones Mary Jones Anthony Jordan Eli zabeth Kearney Shannon Kelly Avis Key Carl Kiehn Caroline Kilbourn Lisa Killham Joyce Kinny Karen Kiss Paula Knight Jennifer Koecke Danis Kuttesch

Maren Labelle Mayellen Leathers Chris Lennon Caroline Lister Sharon Lloyd Caroline Loh Chris Love Jane MacMichael Jay MacMichael Jennifer Manca-Smith Mark Marini Michael Massey Grey Maynard John McQuarrie Debra Mills Mary Monarh Ann Morris Charlie Morris Jen nifer Morris Teresa Moulton Brian Nagel Kim Nash Richard Lindsay Susan Oliveri Audrey Pa&e-Sprouse Shiney Palmer BJ Pankau Dan Parks Meghan Parsons Jody Perrow Jackie Perry Carole Peters Carlos Pezua Kimm Price Jeff Prillaman Therese Province Debbie Pruett Rick Ramey Peggy Ramsey Nick Redmond David Riddick Veronica Rivera Amber Roberts Ashley Roberts Patricia Ruemmler Lenore Savage Debbie Schomp Charles Scott Martha Scyoc Anne Shackelford Janene Shearburn Rian Shell Amy Sherrill Ruth Sisman Alison Smith Carrie Smith



Laura Speakman Cat Stanley Raynell Stokes Ju lie Stone Luke Stone William Storz Ted Thill Jay Thomas Charles Townsend Ruth Trice John Trippel Jesse Turner Steven Turner Teresa Tyler Tonya Tyree Susan Uland Sandra Volkstorf Rick Vrhovac Marianne Walendowski Michael Waller April Ward Tony Wayne Kathy Webb Sharon Webb Lance Weisend Richard Wharam Barbara Wilson Tucker Winter Andrew Wojcik Charlotte Wood Constance Wyant

IMrs.!ennifer Morris- [Choir] was alwaysfun." I 11

Marisa Lopez

] you

IMr. Richard lindsay- 'He ran the 10-Miler with me." 1

~ like


Steven Bargh

IMs. Michelle Berry - She likes Math." I 11

Asia Henderson





Ms. Ruth Sisman -11She actuallygot me interested in Science!'

Tamara Smith

D c: 0









were usn

ing "Ron

just sittin

before; e:


from Filr

ing stude



craft wou

~ ,.~.

)5:56 9J2

The focus was always on learning, but luckily, more and more classes were using the hands-on approach. Whether it was dissecting a rat or reading "Romeo and Juliet," students were actively involved in the process, not just sitting at desks taking endless notes. The stakes were higher than ever before; expectations were high, and there was pressure to perform well. At least there were plenty of choices; one could choose from electives from Filmmaking to Japanese. Many dual-credit courses were offered, giving students a leg up when it came time for college.


learned Mr. Pezua's way to count in Spanish or rode Mr. Wayne's hover

u 路E

craft would say that class was a blast.


This didn't mean that learning couldn't be fun, though. Anyone who






An dents w August

Mr. Jay

enced a Stokes; in their Tim Dr Mr. Jes: Mr. Ric tor statt

year. AItt

Brown • Parsons additior Ms. Ma


well, all Hughes Ward.l' as coon Principal Jay Thomas presides over the official opening of the Math Engineering and Science Academy (MESA) . Associate Principal Ms. Ray ne ll Stokes chats with substitute Ms. Karen Green during lunch duty.


Attendance offi cer Mr. Carroll Bickers and Ass istant Principal Mr. Carl Kiehn co mpare notes . Assistant Principal Mr. Rick Vrhovac monitors the Breezeway at a break. Dr. Jesse Turner gives junior Katie Smith her choice of a red or blue AHS carbiner at the October birthday party.


~I ~t

An updated administrative team greeted the students when they walked in the new front entrance on August 22. The school ' s helm was to be manned by Mr. Jay Thomas, with the assistance of four experienced administrators. Associate Principal Mrs. Raynell Stokes and Assistant Principal Carl Kiehn remained in their positions from previous years. Although Mr. Tim Driver had transferred to Western Albemarle, Mr. Jesse Turner returned as Dr. Jesse Turner, and Mr. Rick Vrhovac was upgraded to full administrator statue after serving as an administrative intern last year. Although long-time head of guidance Yvonne Brown retired, her place was filled by Ms. Meghan Parsons who retained all of her previous staff with the addition two new counselors, Mr. Brian Heath and Ms. Maron Labelle. Most of the support staff remained in place as well, although Mr. Carroll Bickers replaced Ms. Sue Hughes as attendance officer, assisted by Ms. April Ward. Ms. Hughes moved on to new responsibilities as coordinator of the APEX online learning lab.

Ms. Deb Schomp continues to abl y handle anything that comes her way in the main office. Ms. Meli ssa Hankins speaks to seni ors at a fa ll senior meeting about ordering caps and gowns. Ms. Keri O ' Conner prints out a schedul e for a parent at Back-to-S chool Night in September. Ms. Brenda Hair manages the continuing stream of students entering and leaving every day.

Administration and Support Staff U)

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Mr. Wayne' s annual Turkey Shoot challenges students to build a device to blow out a candle across the room. Malcolm Thompson and Lucas Sachs present their turkey shooter to the class.

Freshmen Das hon Tibbs builds a car in physics. Sophomore Rikki Qui lion looks at the structure of a flower. Sophomore Rachel Eiden writes down her observations.

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The opening of school saw many changes, ranging from a new faculty members to extensive building renovations that took place. But perhaps the biggest change was the opening of the new Math, Engineering, and Science Academy (MESA). MESA was a four-year program designed to help students aspiring to careers in engineering. The academy was located in the school ' s newest wing, and began with 80 incoming freshmen and 30 juniors. "It [gives] us a taste of the new technology we'll be using later in life," freshman academy student Sarna Mir said. Most math and many science classes outside of the academy were also taught in the new wing, so many students got to enjoy an upgraded education experience, complete with Promethean boards and projectors and ceiling-mounted power cords. One of the program' s most interesting aspects was that, as a magnet school for the area, students who would normally have attended other schools from as far away as Nelson and Orange counties were lured to the Albemarle community. Story by Shannon Bisselink Layout by Kaila Brown

Kirtland Gray observes the structure of the fl ower. Brittany Burch and Deiana Gregg di ssect a rat in biology c lass . Sean Williams and Eric Hahn build race cars. During class, Matt Ll oyd and Josh Calihoun add different substances to see the outcomes in the flame.

Science 6 you explore



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Nelson Joh nson and Balee Castorina realize acting out a play makes it eas ier to comprend. Tony Greene takes careful notes on the story he is read ing. Debbi e Buynak finds that an up-todate notebook is key to success in Engli sh. Studying for vocab is best when it is done in small doses.

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Everyone read in English, from "Romeo and Juliet" for freshmen , "Othello" for sophomores, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" for juniors, to "Beowolf' for seniors. But there was more to English than just reading - students were required to know grammar, understand the different parts of speech, memorize the new vocabulary, write essays, and improve their speaking skills. To succeed in this class that was required in every high school year, students had to adapt and develop their skills. By the time they were seniors, they were ready to demonstrate the skills they had learned by taking the SAT and filling out job and college applications. The need to communicate never really stopped. By: Jasmine Gray


Jon Gunderson, Jon Vaughn and Steven Bargh get a pri vate lesson from senior Dual Enrollment Engli sh teacher Ms. Tracy Aglio . Ms. Deb Pruett call s on Cl ark Corcoran during the di scussion in her Eng li sh 12 cl ass. Logan Hedrick and Madelaine Sandridge di scuss ideas in the ir group.


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Mr. Scott Jackson monitors the c lass as they take a

qui z. Sophomore Ca itl yn Tetterton works to prepare fo r a test. Mr. Ri chard Lindsay encorporates all kinds of technology in teaching hi s World Hi story I c lass . He even main tain s a website. Kirsten Mende lson, Adam Vi sokay, Ca meron Pike, and Alex Barber give a presentation in Mr. Sal; Gi ordano's c lass .


The problem with history was that it never stopped and it just kept getting growing. In World History Part I in ninth grade, students began at the beginning - of history - and kept going from there. they learned not just about the history of their own Western culture, but also about past civilizations of China, the Americas, and just about everywhere else on Earth. Tenth grade continued the study, and it really was the study of the history of the whole world. A huge amount of information took students from the European renaissance to the Bush Era gulf war, and everywhere in between. Juniors focused in on U.S .. and Virginia history, and seniors studied Government on all levels. One of the most interesting activites for seniors were the field trips in January . Some classes took in a mock trial help at the UV A Law School, while other classes went to the Albemarle County Courthouse to observe a criminal trial. "The one we saw was pretty cool," said senior Brandon Peyton. "It was all about this guy who borrowed his girlfriend' s car and didn ' t know it had a lot of drugs in it. We were there all day, right to the end."

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Emma D' Antoni , Lindsay White and Morgan Uland talk while studying for a history test Chaz Willis and Leo Notto tries to see a re lationship between war and the sport that he plays . Mr. Dave Riddi ck' s specialty is war - he has taught c lasses on the Ci vil War as well as the Viet Nam era.


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Substitute teacher Mr.Hinek helps Might Might calcul ate the eq uati on. Sophomore Micah Ri vers takes a measurement with Victoria Feola. Joe Kospelac checks hi s work while the teacher works on the white board . Ne lteisha Worthey copies down her answer carefull y after double checking.

A lot more was expected of math students than even just ten years ago . All students were exected to learn Algebra in order to graduate. Many took Algebra and Geometry in middle school, moving on to Math Analysis and Calculus by their junior and senior years. What students were finding was that math really was essential to learning several other subjects, most notably Chemistry and Physics, but even Choir students needed some math skills, and classes like Life Management and Carpentry definitely had students using fractions and geometry. Luckily, there was help- everyone got really

Trav is Williams and Jonathan Hernandez work together in geometry cl ass . Ms. Herbert allows students to use ca lcul ators for their Moti on Proj ects. Terrance White comes up with the right answer in math cl ass .

good at using their calculators, which came in handy when class got boring. by: Jasmine Gray


Devonte Scott came to class prepared to learn.



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Jessica Combs, Logan Ford, Kri ster Briehl , Lauren Tornrose, and Hannah Sam ley know the answer. After many years teaching in a "learning cottage," Frau Trice moves her comfortabl e class environment in side. Students in German partic ipate in group disscussions every day, where there is an emphas is on speaking.

Juni or Danie l Ricotta focuses on his work in Spanish class. Austin Shepard writes on the white board in Magister C lay's Latin class . Juni ors Lyndsey Sav ina and Dev in Kelly Finish their Spani sh work out in the hall.


Foreign Languages were popular electives, since getting an advanced diploma required either three years of one language or two years of two different languages. Students could choose from Spanish, German, French, Japanese and Latin. "I choose Spanish because a lot of the words are similar to English words. I also enjoy having the food days! " said junior Lyndsey Savina. Food days weren't just for eating but also for learning about the cultures in the other countries, but students certainly enjoyed tasting popular dishes from other countries. In the Spring, several Spanish classes went to lunch at Guadalahara, a nearby Mexican restaurant. Frau Trice frequently sponsored cook-outs and dinners featuring German cuisine, and the French students

Japanese is one of the fi ve languages offered. Mrs. Schiennan reads a Japanese story to Tom Cude and Albert Lee. Ms. Killham helps Mian Banyameen in the computer lab. ESL Level 2 students are required to li sten and record themselves in the lab. Senora Campos stays acti ve to keep students interested in Spanish I.

enjoyed French treats on French movie nights. By Julie Stutsman

Tori Douglas, Ayana Banks, Alison Bevard, and Joe Billings stay focu sed in their language class .

World Language ] yo~ ~say It

Senior Carlos Pezua entertains his Spanish class.


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Jeremy Weiss, Luke Marsh and Steven McKiernan and Brady Storer and Morgan Stouffer in "Othello" enj oy a round of drin ks, unaware of the consequences.

Earl y in the play Sarah Krul zel and Brieanna Rakosk i appear in a box on stage right. Desde mona' s maid , pl ayed by Hilary Matkovich, steals the handkerchief that will convince Othell o th at she is unfaithful to him. Othell o, pl ayed by Brandon Bl ake, comes to blows with !ago, pl ayed by Jeremy Weiss.

The Theater troupe never shied away from controversy, having staged such productions as "Cabaret" and "Chicago" in the past. But Shakespeare' s most violent play, "Othello," brought about special concerns, since there were racial issues as well as sexual overtones. Headliners Brandon Blake and Amanda Parmiter were up to the task of portraying two star-crossed lovers who were undone by something more than fate. the evil Iago was ably played by Jeremy Weiss. The troupe took their production to the Virginia Theater Association ompetition, where the received several awards including being Regional Champions. By: Gracie McDaniel

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Cassio, pl ayed by Luke Marsh, faces off again again st Steven McKiernan in an earl y fi ght scene. Catlin Ti gnor and Brieanna Rakoski come to !ago ' s aid after Othe llo's charge. Samuel Lahar, and Eden Shumate of the "Othell o" cast take questions from the audience after an afternoon sneak preview assembly. Senior Brandon Blake and junior Amanda Parmiter play leading roles as Othe ll o and Desdemona.


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Sen ior Samantha Snodgrass make a box during her cerami cs class.

Sophomore Ali son Carswell and freshman Caroline Porco deve lop film in their photography class. During photography junior Co lleen Stevens roll s her film. Sophomore Mekalyn Shifflett checks her contact sheet.

When choosing electives students often picked a class that would allow them to relax and express themselves, such as Art, Ceramics, or Photography. " I enjoy learning about all the different facets of the camera," said senior Andrew Dalton. "Photography lets me express myself both visibly and artistically," said sophomore Katrina Davis. Those who liked a hands-on approach often went for ceramics. "Ceramics is sort of a break from everyday core classes; it gives me a nice break," senior Beth Koernert said. Fine Arts classes allowed students to create something real and enjoy themselves while they were at it. By Kaitlin Davis

Senior Andrew Dalton works on hi s critiques for Ms. Oli veri ' s Photography class. Jeff Pike washes hi s negati ves in the stop bath. Cerami cs instructor Mrs. Gleeso n demonstrates to seniors Simon Evans and Evan Karweik how to make a vase .



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" This class lets me have a break during the day." -Devin Ley


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The drum line is an important part of the band 's sound . Band members cheer on the home team at the game versus Mon· ticello. The Marching Band lines up, standing in formation, ready to make their entrance for the half time performance.

The Marching Band entered the fall of 2009 challenged by the loss of key graduates, and the pressure of living up to recent years' success. The band was nearly flawless in their quest to defend these traditions, though, taking home grand champion in competitions at Monticello, Powhatan and Lynchburg, and losing to just one of their 39 competitors. Director Greg Thomas ' group went on to receive a superior rating at the State Competition, which put them in prime position to be named to the prestigious list of Virginia Honor Bands for the eighth consecutive year; a feat that was only complete upon the wind ensemble matching the marching band's accomplishments with a superior rating at their state competition in March.


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Story by: Sean Cudahy


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Alex Weathersby concentrates while play ing the flute to ensure a great pe1fonnance Sophomore Emil y Kuhn pl ays the trumpet while Phil Schustek prepares to start. Sophomore Dav id Gutlzer pl ays hi s tuba at a half time performance.

The Albemarle marching band stands in formation, ready to entertain the crowd at Homecoming, led by drum majors senior Sarah Bergstresser and junior Madeline Sandridge.


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Members of the combined choir perform at the fall choir co ncert.

Mi ss-cell aneous members perform "Rockin ' Robin." Senior Elin !warson performs a solo. Freshman Tay lor Fi sk, Tobias Lann , and JT Mi cucci await the beginning of the show.

It's more than safe to say that every year the choir groups got better and better. Albemarle took fifty-two out of 200 spots in Virginia's District Choir. "We've been putting forth so much effort to sing very complicated pieces," said junior Madeline Tornrose. All the members of the choir made it clear that they have nothing to worry about under the direction of Ms. Jennifer Morris. "Ms. Morris is the best musical director that I've ever learned from in my educational career. She really makes it fun, keeping people coming back to choir every year," said junior Austie Davies. Even though singing could be work, Ms. Morris still had plans for fun. The choir went to Myrtle Beach for a spring competition, where all five choirs earned superior ratings and first places in their respective divisions, competing against seventeen choirs from three other states. The Patriot Singer' s "1", in combination with the String Ensemble's "1" and the Wind Ensemble's " 1" earned a Blue Robbin rating as designated by the Music Educator's Association. Only about 10% of schools in Virginia achieved this honor each year. By Gracie Daniels


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The Women' s Ensembl e take direction from Ms. Morri s The Patriot Singers perform "The Arguement" at their fall concert. Take Note! prepares to sing "When She Loved Me."

"The choir is more like a family here." - Chiaka Chuks



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Violinists Kirsten Ath and Yang Fei play on a stage lined with poinsettias. Frank Woo practices the violin to prepare fo r the Winter Concert. Alyssa Bruna! and Irene Lee rehearse fo r the upcoming concert. Ms. Carri e Finnegan has been the director of the orchestra since the program began.

The orchestra was well known for their well performed concerts, talented musicians, and excellent instruction by the orchestra teacher Ms. Finnegan. "I've been in the orchestra for four years and it's a really good activity to put on college applications. It also is a lot of fun to play the violin," senior Maggie Willis said. The orchestra included the Concert Ensemble and String Ensemble, which was for the more experienced players. Senior Becca Frederick was the principle of the String Ensemble and she and senior Nick Matherne cofounded the Symphony Orchestra. Together, they convinced Ms. Finnegan and other students to join this new group and come early to practice. The hard work paid off because at the Winter Performance, all of the groups played beautifully. Hannah Deal, John Zhang, Meghan Noga, Sydney Giacalone, Anna Smith, Kendra Wisinski, Alyssa Brunal, Mary Grace Craig and Albert Hwang all were chosen for the Junior Regional Orchestra. By: Natalie Salsini

Ariana Rami !iotas plays the vio lin for the Winter performance. Freshmen Irene Lee and Albert Hwang are part of the String Ensemble for the concert. Freshmen Claire Krouse and Alyssa Bruna! play the cello at the concert. Junior Lee Wilson and sophomore Christa Edenfield play the cello as well.

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Becca Fredrick and ick Matherne are the co-founders of the Albemarle Symphony Orchestra, which practices before schoo l twice a week. Becca Fredrick, along with sister Sarah and Frank Wu , were selected for the Al l-Virginia Orchestra.



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Journali sm I freshman Sama Mir collects survey information from students at fourth lunch.

Delegate Rob Bell drops by the Revolution table for a visit with ed itor Sean Cudahy, Ellie Leech and Betsy Haugh at Back to School ni ght. Senior Kerry Girard serves as the newspaper design editor. Newspaper staffer Alex Peterson enjoys a personal note at the holiday party.

Newspaper Staff Row I: Courtney Bryant, Editor-in-Chief Sean Cudahy, Ellie Leach, Miranda Bricker. Row 2: Managing Ed itor Besty Haugh, Business Manager Shannon Bisselink, Design Ed itor Kerry Girard, Alex Peterson.

In some places Journalism was thought to be a dead profession. Newspapers had been seeing decreasing readership and revenue for several years, thanks to the Internet revolution and the rise of the blogosphere. But in some places, Journalism was alive and well. Three print publications were available by to the Albemarle community, each produced by a dedicated staff selected by application. The Revolution, recognized in 2009 as a Gold Circle winner by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, investigated important issues while still being relevant to student interests such as the SCA and parking. The Peer yearbook staff carried on their 55 year tradition of documenting the year as a whole in photographs, interviews and stories. The Lantern, also an award-winning publication, provided a creative outlet for writers and artists of all kinds in the their once-yearly literary magazine,

Yearbook Staff Row I: Jasmine Gray, Grace McDaniel , Sports Editor Charlotte Pitt, Sports Ed itor Becky Johnson, Kail a Brown. Row 2: Senior Co-ed itor Jam ie Anderson, Kaitlin Dav is, Julie Stutsman, Natalie Salsini, Editor in Chi ef Jessie Noel, Senior Co-editor Tamara Smith,

Literary Magazine Staff Row I : Paige Kastaneck, DeeVa Payne, Elaine Mahanes. Row 2: Brent Taylor, Hee-Yun Joo, Jake Smith, Tiffany Sandridge, Holly Harper, Irene Lee, Zoe Carro ll , Jake Musselman, Cody Endres. Row 3: Sam Rainey, Danielle Buynak, Danielle Freshwater, Ci ssy Deng , Ms. Charlotte Wood. Row 4 : Tim Kater, Lucas McQueen , Ezra Miller, Cassidy Foster, Sara widdows, Ri elly Matthews.




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Yearbook staffers Julie Stutsman and Kaitlin Dav is work on a layout. Senior Yearbook ed itor Jess ie Noel enjoys the offerin gs at the annu al Thanksgiving Feast. Journali sm I fres hman Jweri a Khan does an interview at lunch ..


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Shaquila Dav is shows one of the hair styling techniques taught at CATEC. Junior Walter Bullard promotes the CA T EC culinary arts program at the Curri culum Fair. At the Curriculum Fair, students could fmd out about different class options at C:.i\\ 'CC.

One of the most difficult things about being school was sitting in a classroom hour after hour, listening or taking notes but never really getting to DO anything. Students who went to CA TEC didn't have that problem. Although the schedule was a little difficult since most CATEC students still took classes at Albemarle for half the day, it was worth it to those who learned a trade, whether it was culinary arts or firefighting. They would have the advantage after graduation since they had real-life skills that could be put to use right away, even if they chose to continue schooling at PVCC or a four year college.


Seni or Dakota Rothgeb shows sen ior Tyler Richards his masonry skill s. Junior Michael Curry Jr. cements c inderbl ocks together.

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By Bed

Freshmen Amber Maxa and Ali sha Young. and sophomore Asher Noble work with the rest of their team to solve problems. Sophomores John Chandler and Lee Carneal spray paint a sign for the hallway Homecoming decorations. Freshman Ryan Ramey and sophomore Mi cah Ri vers prepare while Mr. Steve Foutz gives directions for a team building exerc ise. Juni ors Stacey Hahn , Stephen Topping, Tory Key and Devyn Wildly participate in one of the many games at the Leadership retreat.



"Leadership is where we learn to help each other and the community out," sophomore Kendall Kennedy said. This couldn't have been more true, with each member of leadership needing an average of 12 hours of community service a semester. The Leadership class, however, was still one of the school's most popular electives, and could be taken by any student. Classes were taught both by SCA adviser Mr. Steve Foutz and Ms. Denise Collado. Leadership worked along with the SCA to do service projects for the school and community. They hosted the annual SCA retreat at Camp Holiday Trails where representatives of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors came together for an overnight to pick the Homecoming theme and colors. For the holidays, they held a canned food drive, which was a huge success when they met their goal of 5,000 cans, and collect money for numerous other causes. "Community service is the most important part of leadership because it helps you grow as a leader while helping the community instead of just yourself," senior Matt Anderson said. By Becky Johnson

Matt Goodrich shows Danny Vaughn and the rest of the group how to do the Jerk at the SCA retreat. Dalton Stokes and hi s fe llow seniors get pyched for Homecom ing at the SCA retreat.


No matter what we do, Leadership is always a fun place to be - everything we do has a purpose.


-Ashley Early


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Aside fro1 electives, the1 WPAT broad announcemer picked their c to make the a like Broadcas cast stations :: broadcast jou senior anchor In Interna rience cookin world and als "This class is ing. I've enjo ing Ms . Inge, During Y students diffe taught them t By Charlotte

Senior La' Don Woody places cookie dough on baking sheets in her cooking electi ve. Sophomore Major Jackson prepares meat in lnternation Foods. Seniors Alex is Hutson, Christine Alexander and Sylvia Jones sell Patriot clothes during their Marketing c lass. Jun ior Cameron Pi ke, seni or Logan Wil son and junior Emily Smarte practice yoga in their Yoga class, run by Ms. Coughlin .



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Aside from the usual drama, art and music electives, there were many other choices. The WP AT broadcasting crew taped the morning announcements every day. Students in Broadcast picked their own music, costumes and pictures to make the announcements more interesting. "I like Broadcast because it's similar to real broadcast stations and it gives you a taste of what broadcast journalism is about - telling a story," senior anchor Deeva Payne said. In International Foods, students got to experience cooking different foods from around the world and also developed better cooking skills. "This class is a mixture of fun, culture and cooking. I've enjoyed it, especially cooking and feeding Ms. Inge," senior La' Don Woody said. During Yoga class, Ms. Coughlin taught the students different yoga moves to do and also taught them how to cleanse all of their stress.

Blue Day Broadcast - Row 1: J. Lueckenbach, M. Payne, M. Mitchell , H. McCann. Row 2: N. Romando, C. Co lindres , C. Tetterton, L. Pauley, C. Martinez, A. Goodman. Row 3: D. Jackson, M. Fultz, M. Mawyer, E. Hahn .


Red Day Broadcast - Row I: N. Majorin , M. Stewart-Berry, C. Co lindres, W. Karns, B, Storer. Row 2: T . Wersinger, D. Payne, K. Campbell , C. Schoelkopf, D. Bull, S. Josephson, R. Carroll. Row 3: Mr. MacM ichael, C. Onuegbu, D. Woodson, J. Brooks.

flearned how to cook for my mama and I made a bunch of new friends.


- Sophomore Landon Mann

By Charlotte Pitt


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Student teacher Mr. P goes over the rules for dodge ball.

Mr. Greg Maynard spots senior Alec Ferralli as he bench presses with the free weights. Freshmen Justin Weiss and Amory Fi scher face off in team handball.


With the health care crisis in the news and a fat epidemic sweeping America, it was a good thing that at least the younger students were required to get some exercise. Freshmen and sophomores were required to take one semester of gym and one of health. Tenth graders had a little more incentive to look forward to the health component since mandatory driver's ed instruction was included. Gym classes taught all sorts of new skills in every sport from badminton to basketball, but for health a little seat time was required - and a few projects. The new multipurpose room is used for a safe driving presentation by State Farm In surance. Sophomore Danny Vaughn draws a footprint for hi s dri vers ed poster. Sophomores Madi son Basile and Tiffa ny Sandridge work on their health project. Seat time is required even in P. E. Kai Marshall takes notes on the rules for various sports.



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By: Jes

Seniors Mitchell Smith, Jon Pyo, and Matt Young enjoy a swi m in False Capes on the AP Environmental Science fie ld trip. Seniors Jolie Nyiramahirwe and Yarda Chaudhry work together in Dual Enrollment Math . Senior Kathleen Kines pays close attenti on during a government mov ie. Senior Andrew Frai zer li stens closely to Mr. Hankins' lecture.

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AP or PVCC? This was a question many students faced when signing up for the coming year's classes. On one hand if you took an Advanced Placement class it looked great on college applications, but the workload was tough and you had to pass the AP exam at the end of the year to receive college credit. Or if you took a Dual Enrollment course you had to do well in the class all year, maintaining a Caverage, to receive your three credits each semester. Most of these courses are taken by upperclassmen, but more college level courses were offered every year. Even sophomores were given the opportunity to take AP Euorpean History. By: Jessie Noel

Juniors Emil y Dav ison and Lauren Schneider take notes during an AP U.S. Hi story Lecture. Seni or Katie Williams pl ays Vanna White in a Jeopardy rev iew game in Mr. Hankins' Dual Enrollment Government c lass . Seniors Jay Schwab, Abby Hendri x, Samantha Rucinski, and Bill y Christ take noets in Ms. Herbert 's Dual Enrollment Calculus class.

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Sports were the thing for many students- the thing that kept them after school until all hours, kept them on the bus and out of trouble on weekends and Friday nights, and gave them incentives to keep their grades up. More than half od the student body participated in some school sport in at least one season, and many others came out to games to cheer on their friends .. If a team was having a great season, everyone cheered, and if the team was struggling, everyone came out anyway, because a game was still an excuse to socialize. If the final score wasn' t a win, everyone dealt with it and tried again the next time. But there were plenty of wins to celebrate, from the JV football undefeated deason to Anthony Kostelac's first place finish in the regional cross country meet. And the teams whose seasons didn't go as planned were sure to be planning to better next year.







he hot, earl _ their final at the B

nervou 路 ophomoD pite their y h ir district ore the pos al competi ar, I have ard said. Row I: D. Hero ld, N. Pease, T. Johnson, S. Wi ll iams, B. Kyriacopoul os, C. Mar Row 2: Coach G. Maynard , L. Eklund, R. Bozzone, E. Cain, W. Des imini , A. mon s, T . Lui.

< Lauren Eklund, Neal Pease, Sean Wi lli ams and Wilson Desimini go to the next hole.

>Stuffed animal club covers are part of the go lf team tradit ion . Caleb Martin ' s is a Calvin -and-Hobbes tiger.

> Neil Pease follows through on his swing .

Junior Eric Cain studies the li e before making hi s putt.

Tony Lui lines up his ball and goes for a birdie .

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, B. Kyri acopo ulos, C. Ma E. Cain, W. Des imini , A. Si

In the hot, early days of early August while many students were still enying their final days of summer, a small group of Patriots had begun golf ractice at the Birdwood Golf Course, working on their putting and long ..mge shots. The 2009 golf team consisted of 12 students, none of whom re seniors. ·'I was nervous going into the season since we lost a lot of seniors this ar," sophomore player Lauren Eklund said. Despite their youth, the team pulled off a 28-4 regular season. The team on their district and finished seventh in the Northwest Region . Before the post-season, Maynard was philosophic about getting beyond gional competition. "We have high hopes, and if we don ' t go to states is year, I have lot of confidence we ' ll be state caliber by next year," 1laynard said. Bernie Mowbray finished tied for 29th in the regional match, while ony Liu and Eklund tied at 38th. Brandon Keeney finished tied for 49th. ·'I give a lot of credit to our good team chemistry for our success," stated laynard. Eklund agreed. "Everyone is really funny and we all just have a really :ood time," Eklund said. Bv Alex Peterson (/)




Q. (/)






VARSITY FOOTBALL SCORE:S us Monticello ........ ........................... 7 Western Albemarle ... ..... ...... ... .... 7 Charlottesville .............. ........ ..... 13 North Stafford .... ... .. .... .. ... ........... 0 Colonial Forge ...... ....... .... ..... .... 21 Ri verbend ... ... ... .. .... .... ..... ............ 6 Massaponax ...... ..... ....... .. ............. O Stafford ....... .. ...... ..... ................... 6 Mountain View ........ ... .............. 12 Brooke Point ............. ................ 14

Senior Jervon Speller sprints past Western Albemarl e's defense to the end zone to make a touchdown attempt.

Juni or quarterback Joey Varaska calls the play.

them 38 42 28 50 56 46 65 46 45 69

fter 13 years at nner head coach F II field for calling 路ncipal. Former defensive erim head coach. me out to every p en said at the sta elves." The team faced a nt and Massapon; ly. But Green was nc nhance our ima1 \ ore dress shirt day . The coac mmates and juni1 . "We're goin orne of the pre ~ as starting qua 路 yn" Francisco < ing rushers . So] ided a lot of sur . by Sean Cuda ut by Charlotte


:s us


.7 .7

38 42 28 50 56 46 65 46 45 69

l3 .0 ~1

.6 .0 .6 12 l4

fter 13 years at the helm of the varsity football program, nner head coach Rick Vrhovac left the sidelines of the foot..Jl field for calling the shots in the main office as an assistant rincipal. Former defensive coordinator Wendell Green took over as rerim head coach. "Our goals this year are for the players to me out to every practice and game with a positive attitude," reen said at the start or the season. "We're not going to limit rselves." The team faced a difficult schedule, with district foes Brooke int and Massaponax ranked 11th and 15th in the state respecely. But Green was not just trying to win games. "We' re trying enhance our image," Green said. On Thursdays the playwore dress shirts and ties, while wearing their jerseys on ..me day . The coach also wanted players to encourage their '3.1T1Jl1ates and junior varsity counterparts, and improve their des . "We're going to hit the books," he said. orne of the pressure junior Joey Varaska felt as he took r as starting quarterback was relieved by junior Phalanza Iayn" Francisco and senior Jervon Speller, the team's two ding rushers. Sophomore defensive back Zach Payne also ovided a lot of support to the offense. ory by Sean Cudahy out by Charlotte Pitt

The varsity boys set up their line up for the pl ay against Massaponax High School.

Seni or receiver Jordan Hill pushes th rough Massaponax Hi gh School's defense.

Row I : R. Jenkins, K. Ravenell , J. Spell er, J, Tucker, D. Ricotta, W. Bull ard, A. Goodman. Row 2: K. Reid , R. Kime, K. Shah, J. Perry, T. Morri s, N. Petre lla, J. Shifflett. Row 3: C. O' Neil , C. Les ich, H. McCann , M . Bernadino, J. Anderson, W .Burton, R. Lawson, Z. Hannah, M. Peymann . Row 4: R. Carli sle, A. Frazier, J. Molnar, B. Grimm , P. Francisco, T . Key, J. Okaah, Z. Bell , J. Varley, C. Long. Row 5: E. Breeden, B. Kuper, T. Reigel, E. Sheler, M . Di vine, N. Mullinax, E. Reigel, L. Sites, J. Hill , K. Brow n, J. Johnson. Row 6: A. Rogers, J. Anderson, S. Hoerman, Z. Payne, J. Varaksa, M. Tobin, A. Mann, K. Marshall , C. Onuegbu.






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9th Grade & JV

From the first ' reseason, atten ay practices, i he Junior V arsi ng players, and 'lleant business. \Vhile most stt ut on vacation ummer, the foe a busy gettinl upcoming SE ., e strived to . ndefeated seas' ve unity both field," said I d Charles Rot team must .:: ther well be t their goal o1 efeated.

The freshman team starts a play handing the ball off to Drake Bryant to take the ball down the field.

Zach Evans makes a ru n downfield.

The center blocks while quarterback Joe Burris shoves the ba ll out to the running back.

When the 3:45 bell rang and students ran to their buse or cars, the freshmen football team rushed to the locker room to suit up for a game of football. Their goal was "to come together as a team; both on an off the field," said quarterback Joe Burris. Burris led the youngest group of mighty Patriots to a successful season. The new freshmen gave it their all and by the end achieve a record of 7-2. By Julie Stutsman

SCORES us them

Row I : N. Reid, S. Thomas, T. Hill , J. Cobbs, M, Fultz, A. Henderson. Row 2: K. Black, B. Holley, K. Vidano, D. Bryant, R. McCann, R. Wood, H. Muki c. Row 3: C .Cannines, T. Ea ly, Coach Willy, Coach Braden, Coach Evans, Coach Byers, Coach Deg nan, H. Moore, A.Grubb. Row 4: R. Jones, J. Winter, J. Shelton, T. Logan , A. Cunningham, S. McCoy, J. Burris, N. Sliko, N. Troche. Row 5: D. Tibbs, L. Smith, J. Coles, D. Hughes, K. Marini , C. Perry, B. Adams, J. Letteri , B. Reece, B. Schenck. Row 6: M. Pajewski, D. Po ll ard-Lam, T. Gamb ill , N. Haan , E. Mackay, C. Roberts, I. Cowan, A. Will y, D. Mallory, D. Chapman .

EC Glass .............. ...... 14 22 Monticello ................ .. . 9 6 North Stafford ........ ... 34 6 Colonial Forge ............ 8 23 Riverbend .................. 13 6 Massaponax ............. 20 8 0 Stafford .............. ........ 20 Mountain View .... .... . 21 12 Brooke Point .............. 22 14

.;~ nior

varsity line se

JV From the first week of preseason, attending two-adays practices, it was clear the Junior Varsity returning players, and some new, meant business. While most students were out on vacation over the ummer, the football team was busy getting ready for the upcoming season. "We strived to achieve an undefeated season and to have unity both on and off the field," said Lee Carneal and Charles Robinson. The team must have come together well because they met their goal of going undefeated.

JV kicker Ni ck Stover punts the ball downfield .

SCORES us them

Monticello .... ... ........... 26 6 Western Albemarle ... 28 7 North Stafford ............ 13 6 Colonial Forge ............. 6 6 Riverbend ...... ............. 24 22 Massaponax ... ..... ...... 27 16 Stafford .. ... .. .................. 0 0 Mountain View .. ........ 25 12 Brooke Point ............... 27 6

Bri an Borbely, John Chandl er, Larkeem Jackson and Zach Evans wait to return to the field.

; makes a run downfield .

ran to their buses d to the locker

l team; both on and s. Burris led the 1ccessful season. y the end achieved

Kendall Hawkins escapes the grips of the Mustang defend ers.

-RES us them

............... 14 22 9 6 j 34 6 Je ............ 8 23 .......... .... 13 6 20 8 20 0 ;w .... .... . 21 12 22 14


0000000 0




















The junior varsity line sets to go head to head aga in st Monticello defense.


Row I: L. Jackson, J. Viii ian, M. Ri vers, E. Stow , A . Moore, T. Zachari as . Row 2: J. Hood, B. Borbely, I. Smith, M. Jackson, J. Kerl , D. Rogers, A. Matthews. Row 3: D. Ayers, Z.Evans, Coach Cason , Coach Jordan, Coach Payne, Coac h Hopkin s, D. Seago, J. Calhoun. Row 4: J. Simons, H. McGee, H. Henderson , B. Rose, M. Witcher, T. White, L. Carneal, N. Stover, Row 5: K. Gaines. J. Underwood. J. Chandler, L. Notto, T. Aker, M. Witcher, C. Robinson. K. Hawkjns, S. Masterpao lo.











us them

Western Albemarle ........ 0 North Stafford ..... .. ... ....... 3 Mountain View .. ...... ....... 3 Massaponax ........... .. ...... 3 Ba ttlefield ...... .................. 3 Liberty Christian .. .... ........ 3 Western Albemarle ........ 0 Riverbend ........................ 3 Brooke Point ............ ........ 3 North Stafford ......... .... .... 3 Mountain View ....... .. ...... 3 Massaponax ........ .. ... ...... 3 Stafford .... ................ .. ...... 3 Patrick Henry ............... .... 3 Loudoun Va lley ............. .. 0 Colonial Forge .............. .. 3 Ri verbend .... .. .. ................ 3 Colonial Forge ................ 3 Brooke Poin t .................... 3 Stafford ..................... ... .... 3 DISTRICTS Brooke Point.. .................. 3 Mountain View ............... 3 Colonial Forge .... .. .......... 1 REGIONALS Heritage ...... ..... .... ........... 3 Osbourn Park ..... ... .... ...... 3 Loudon Va lley ... ............. 2 STATES South County ........... .... ... 0

3 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 2 2 2

1 0 3 1 1 3 3

"The best thing about our team thi s year i the excitement we have to play and the determ in ation we have to go far again ," seni Katie Weatherill said. The team advanced t< the state quarterfinals.

The 2009 ou] can ' t alw mg special, but nhest point the) Led by sen n. the team didr

ach girl on our m last year," H The Patrio wm season. re honored as i ndrix was namf oice and was raJ d team all-distri am All-Northw• . Becky Johnsor Hannah Lawson leads the team in kills and is second in serve receive and passing, and third in blocks.

Row I: A. Hendri x, M. Carpenter, S. Terlesky, M. Malboeuf, J. Block. Row 2: L. Fredner T. Pri chard, L. Dierks, A. Keller, M. Napol itano, H . Lawson, S. Kostelac . Row 3: Coach M Ragland , L. Brown, F. Lam , K. Weatherill , M. McCandli sh, S. Strauss, R. Falconer, H. Clark.. Coach C. Wil son.

about our team thi s year i we have to play and the dehave to go far again ," senior I said. The team advanced to final s.

. Block. Row 2: L. Fredner. Kostelac . Row 3: Coach M. rau ss, R. Falconer, H. Clark.

The 2009 volleyball team had a lot to live up to. "[You] can't always expect a championship because that was something special, but [you] expect the team to work hard and push to the farthest point they can," captain Abby Hendrix said. Led by seniors Abby Hendrix, Meg Carpenter, and Hannah Lawon, the team didn't disappoint. They even achieved something that last ear's team did not - a district title with a perfect 14 - 0 record. "Each girl on our team has stepped it up to fill the roles of the seniors from last year," Hendrix said. The Patriots ended their season at 21 -6, capping the third straight 0+ win season. Hendrix, Lawson, and Megan Napolitano were all were honored as All-Commonwealth District first team selections, and Hendrix was named Player of the Year, while Lawson was a unanimous choice and was ranked as second in the district. Carpenter made the second team all-district. Lawson and Hendrix were also named to the First Team All-Northwest Region. By Becky Johnson






~158 The 2009 jv vollyball and jv field hockey seasons were building seasons. Vollyball only had two sophomores and field hockey was filled with first year players. "Our team was young, but I believe they all learned a lot this year and are more than ready for the 2010 season," head JV field hockey coach Amy Sherrill said. "Having a lot of younger players didn't stop us from having an almost perfect season," JV vollyball player Allison Carswell said. JV Field Hockey Both teams agree us them that all-in-all the Western Albemarle ........ 3 1 2009 season was I Colonial Forge .. ...... .... ... 0 successful, both on Brooke Point .. ... .. .... .... .. . 1 0 the scoreboard and North Stafford ... ...... ... .... 0 Mountain View .......... .... 0 in the spirit of both I Massaponax .......... ... ..... .. 0 teams. 1 Stafford ..... .. ..... ........ ...... 0 By Becky Johnson


Dana Bargh takes the ball down fi eld .

Riverbend ......... ...... ... .. .. . 0 Brooke Point ........ .. .... .... 2 North Stafford ... .. ........... 0 Mountain View ..... ......... 0 Massaponax ....... ..... ..... ... 2 Stafford ..... ....... ........... ... 1 Colonial Forge ....... ....... . 0 River Bend .......... ......... .. 1

Savannah Veli ky, Kathl ynn Lewi s. and Paige Northup line up in the cage to defend a short corner

Row I: A. Young, A. Meadows, K. Mende lsohn , M. Bebel , A. Maxa, K. Coffman , P. Northup. Row 2: S. Vrhovac, V. Alexander, D. Bargh, H. Shaps, K. Lewis, C. Pitt, K. Agli o, E. Wombacher. Row 3: Coach Sherrill , I. Whedbee, A. Goodri ch, A. Hogg, E. Leytham, S. Ve liky, A. Veith , E. Peck, Coach Earl y. Al ex Hogg, Emil y Peck, Savann ah Ve liky, Emily Lethum , Ann a Goodrich, Abby Veith and Page Northup work to protect their goal.


0 0 0 3

I 0

JV volleyball pl ayers Ke ll ey Barker and Savannah Morse rall y after a time-out.

.vere and

:am rand ld m lOSt


Row I: C. Porco, B. Castorina, M. Walters, S. Henderson, N. Eheart. Row 2: K. Barker, C. Pugh, A. Peters, M. Craig, C. Marshall , L. Marks, S. Morse. Row 3: Coach Schuett, R. Parrent, A. Carswell , A. Buhle, C. Chislom, K. Pearson, Coach Prudencio.


'er All said. gree the was }th on 路d and .f both


rs Kelley 1h Morse lt.


JV Volleyball us them 0 Mountain View ............... 2 North Stafford ................. 2 0 2 Riverbend ........... ... .. ..... ... 0 Brooke Point ................... 2 0 Mountain View ............... 2 0 Massaponax .......... ........... 2 0 Stafford ........................... 2 0 Riverbend ................ ........ 2 I Colonial Forge ................ 2 0 Brooke Point .............. ..... 2 0 Stafford ........................... 2 0







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~160 S£!~!!;~m Monticel~b·~~~·;~·~::::: .. .. ... ~ ~ ...... .2

western .............. . Colonial Forge ..... ........ 1 B oke Point............... . ..2 roth Stafford ...... .. .. ...... ::: .. l View .......... :::: ..... 2 Massaponax ......................... S d bridge.. ........ .. 3 Woo A nad ale................. .. ......... 1 n .... . Stafford ...................... ::::·...... l R. erbend.................. ..2 IV ke Po1n . t .. .. .... .... .. ........ 0 Broo ...... ... th Sta fford............. 1



View ...... :::::::::::::::3 Saponax........ . o Mas ........... Stafford ..................:.'.'.' ........... l Colonial Forge...... .. ...... 1 R. erbend.. .. ................ 1 IV ····· North Stafford .... .... .. .


0 3

2 0 0 2 0 2 1





22 2

The gi rls pa ss aroun d "the sq ueeze " before a big game.

fter years ·ey team fi a week to 11 d to see a rai n hard an . the girls W I r opponents ·ot only ha: ically push · logical batt! . easons. Their defens j unior Lan~ three goals

. Cate Erin White, ' Johnkyson, Joh: Ehlers Bee tain C Samtam . R ac' hel Sincl air and ap f se corner up fror a de en

eir intensit they were g ." Jacksor , ith the bi ~ elves." , by Kerry

~ut by Char


crin White, Cate Johnson, Capain Sam Ehlers, Becky Johnson nd Captain Rachel Sinclair line tp fror a defen se corner

Langley Sloan clears the ball from their defensive circle.

After years of struggling to put points on the board, the field hockey team finally found their stride. The girls worked hard six days a week to achieve a record of 10-9. Coach E. A. Jackson was thrilled to see a "group of girls show up on Aug. 5 who were ready to train hard and work hard." It all started with Jackson's belief that the girls were much stronger competitors than both they and their opponents thought. Not only has the team attitude changed this year, the team is physically pushing themselves this year in order to match the psychological battles they have overcome from harsh feelings about past seasons. Their defense was impressive, led by senior captain Sam Ehlers and junior Langley Sloan. "We've never had a team score m~re than three goals against us in a game," senior Rachel Hochstetler said. "Their intensity level has completely ramped up from last year and they were good last year but they didn't believe in themselves," Jackson said. "I think the girls finally know that they can play with the big dogs. They're finally playing like they believe in themselves."

Capt ian Rachel Hoch stetl er and Martha Rosak work together to take the ball into the offensi ve circle.

Row I: R. Sinclair, A. Bellew, S . Ehlers, C. Johnson, M. Feldman, K. Williams, J. Vrhovac. Row 2: B. Mollica , C. Sheffield, L. Pauley, C. Carey, L. Schnieder, E. Miller, M. Rosak. Row 3: B. John son, M. Merkel , R. Hochstetler, Coach Clark, L. Sloan, Coach Fagan , E. Davison, E. White, K. Carroll.


Story by Kerry Girard Layout by Charlotte Pitt







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Adam Visokay and Ben Deal warm up before the boys varsi ty race at the Albemarle Invitat ional at Panorama Farms.

Vincent Ly and Nick Janssens rehydrate after the JV race.

Aaron Elder, who finished in I 7:34:97 in the Albemarle Invitational, gets hi s placing stick at the end of the chute.

Row I: D. Carpenter, X. White, S. Guatam , P. Hecmanczah, A. Elder, D. Foley, D. Kwatkioski , Z. Van Leer. Row 2: S. McPhilips , K. Monteray, T . McPhilips, V. Ley, N. Pfund, M. Trotta, A. Noble, J. Sawyer, I. Prum. Row 3: J. Schwanner, A. Visekay, Z. Coffman, S. Roesh , T. Kim, A. Heatwoo le, S. Gillespie, J. Krohn, D. Fagan. Row 4: A. Jansens, R. Perry, E. Maine, Z. Robinette, B. Brust, R. Gray, A. McPhilips, G. Bailey. Row 5: Coach A. Lorenzon i, Coach B. Male, M. Baucom, A. Kostelac, P. Hedger, J. Dettmeick, B. Deal, S. Tomson , M. Goodvevich, D. Peskov, Coach K. Schmidt.

Last fall with an unpr Region chan Ayearla ollege; am idn't chang cond place mi h follo\V 路'It's chan 路d. "Obvio an always c the indi


Last fall the boys cross country team defied adversaries with an unprecedented second place finish at the Northwest Region championship meet. A year later, all three have graduated and moved on to college; a major change for the cross country squad. What didn't changed was the team's finish at the regional meet: second place. Ironically, it was once again a second place finish following a third place position at Districts. "It's changed a lot since last year," sophomore Ben Deal said. "Obviously we still have Anthony Kostelac, who we can always count on to be our number one." Kostelac, who was the individual champion at both the district and region competitions, lead the team with a 5000 meter time of 16:00; over 90 seconds faster than anyone else on the roster. Their success was also due to the second through seventh runners on the varsity squad, whose season bests were within 20 seconds of each other. "It's easy with Anthony at the one spot," said junior Austin McPhillips, "when we have a six man pack right behind him." "We saved it for the end," Coach Buzz Male said. Story by Sean Cudahy


MEETS competition


Ragged Mountain Cup .................. Fork Union Invitational. .............. 4th

District Preview Meet .............. ....... . Maymont Invitational .... ............ ... .. Great American Festival ............... . VMIInvitational ... ...... ............. .. 11th Albemarle In vitational .............. 6th Commonwealth Districts .......... 3rd Northwest Regionals ................ 2nd VHSL State Championship ..... 14th Nike Southeast Regionals ....... ....... .

Evan Karweik paces himself as he heads out onto the more difficult part of the Panorama course.

• Senior Anthony Kostelac wins both the Northwest Regional meet and the Commonwealth Di strict meet after overcoming earl y season injuries.










placing Ragged Mountain Cup 2nd Fork Union Invitational 5th District Preview Meet 3rd US Army XC at Moymont (Freshmen won division) VMI Invitotionol 3rd Albemarle Invitational 11th 4th Commonwealth DISTRICTS 6th Northwest REGIONALS VHS L STATES Allison Huschke ron o 20:19 and placed 65th out of 140

Perhaps one . the girls C lion in the 20 .. We have a r ni ne," team c This year is d. "Of our tc e freshman ntering hif ridy joined aJ _ r threat. I never thou~ : making va1 _. fun. Everyc \ e are reall) r afraid to:: pu h thems< me. " 路'[With ne

b Betsy H.

Fres hman Ciera Ulan ran the Panorama course in 22 :0 I :80 at the Albemarle In vitational.



~s placing 2nd

5th 3rd 3rd

ll th 4th 6th

:19 and

Perhaps one of the school's most consistent teams over the ars, the girls cross country team once again dominated its comtitian in the 2009 season. ·'We have a really young team this year- we lost six of our p nine," team captain Elizabeth Sinclair said. ··This year is a rebuilding year," co-captain Summer Shepherd ded. "Of our top seven we have two juniors [and no seniors]." The freshman class immediately made an impact on the team n entering high school. Huschke, Lauren Truwitt, and Maggie bridy joined an already strong group to make the team an even gger threat. ··r never thought I'd actually be on the team," Husckhe said, li ng making varsity as one of her goals for the season. "But it's lly fun. Everyone is really nice, and it's like a family ." ··we are really proud of the freshmen, " Sinclair said. "They not afraid to ask questions, they take advice, and most of m push themselves really hard in practice and races, which is esome." "[With new coach Cathy Coffman] we've had a lot more re and strengthening work, which is really helpful training," nclair said.

Seniors Elin !warson and Emi ly Gelzer get a drink after the girls' race.

Junior Ai leen Echelberger and freshman Rachel Stuckenberg finis h strong.

Freshman Alli son Huschke takes on another runner after Heartbreak Hi II.

Row 1: H. Conner, L. Vickey, A. Haschke, L. Kwiatkowski, A. Yu . E. Lawson, S. Pan, B. Hutton, C. Murray. Row 2: H. Song, H. Kim, C. Ru ssell , E. Leech, Y. Zhang, M. Toms, A. Stokes, L. Truwitt, M. Kwiatkowski, H. Brooks, l. Lee. Row 3: E. Sinclair, M. Lee, E. Ge izer, A. Almeda, M. Tubridy, C. Peng, l. Lee, E. Ng, K. Weber, C. Ulan , S. Mau s, A. Coppo la. Row 4: M. Uland , A. Echelberger, B. zwayer, J. Crawford, B. Fredrick, S. Shepherd, H. Samley, L. Pugh. M. Chapman , S. Heldreth. Row 5: N. Ward. Coach P. Bachenstar, Coach C. Coffman, Coach A. Worley, E. Jewell.

Freshmen Alli son Hu schke, Ciera Ulan, Sophomore Alexandra Stokes, Juniors Summer Sheprd . Laura Kwaitkowsk i and Laura Pugh warm up fo r the girl s varsity race.











Cheerleaders Marktika Taylor, Jessie Philips, Quanesha Ru sh, Samantha Snodgrass, and Avaree Brown ride into the stadium on the Clydesdale cmTiage at the Homecoming game.

The chee1 1ke other te< t teams, t hletes, the c ro ugh ever; Football 1 • ning thew Jlldy and go re; they e' nd whe1 up of fans


Row 1: P. James, C. Waller, J. Phillips, S. Snodgrass, M. Taylor, H. Stucker. Row 2: L. Savina, J. Mileur, Q. Rush, J. Stutsman , A. Brown, K. Davis, B. Conrad.


Senior Candi ce Wall er tops the pyramid on the sidelines at the Homecoming game.


rleaders were among the most dedicated of athletes. r teams. they practiced after school all week, and like . they performed once or twice a week. But unlike other heerleaders had to look composed and happy, smiling and Yolleybal l players weren' t responsible for hool pysched throughout the week, delivering to .Jl. But the cheerleaders did this and ning or losing. there was one on H... :--upport them. no matter


Jen Mileur celebrates every yard gained at every football game.


Senior Natalie Sa lsini , junior Sanih Silke, and sophomore Stephanie Salsini give it their all in the dance team's last pep rall y perfo rmance.

There were many changes made to the Dance Team, starting with a new coach, Matt Steffanina. Steffanina choreographed all of the performances, and his hip hop style was very popular among the student body. The girls also got new costumes, getting rid of their jazz pants and porn poms changing to mor of a hip-hop look. The team was lead this year by senior Captains Natalie Salsini and Jessica Noel. Some of the girls' best performances were the three pep rallies, especially at the Homecoming pep rally where they incorporated the new dance rage "jerking" into their performance. As soon as the son: "You ' re a Jerk," came on the crowd went wild. The girls performed at most of the football halftime shows, pep rallies, and at boys and girls basketball games. Their performances improved as the year went on and they finished with a bang at the last winter pep rally where they were joined by their coach, Steffanina, who surprised the crowd with a freestyle break dance at the end. The students were impressed to say the least By Jessie Noel Matt Ste ffan ina joined the girls in their fin al perfromance and wowed the crowd with hi s break danc ing.

: K. Gentry, Coac uf. N. Salsini, E.

Junior Jordan Co ltrane was an im portant addition to the team thi s year because of her strong dancing background .

The g irl s try to stay warm while they wait to perform at halftime for the homecoming football game.

ns changing to mor Captains

r senior


three pep rallies, ey incorporated the As soon as the son.:'he girls performed >, and at boys and

1t on and they finre they were joined wd with a freestyle ;sed to say the least. o w I : K. Gentry, Coach Matt Steffani na, S. Salsi ni , J. Noe l. Row 2 : S. Silke, R. lalbeouf. N. Salsini . E. Kane, J. Coltrane, A. Marshall.

Coach Matt Ste ffa nin a jo ins the g irls in the end of their fin al perfonnance at the w inter pep ra ll y.




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SCORES us them Western Albemarle .. 63 58 Brooke Point.. ........... 46 53 North Stafford ........... 38 41 Western Albemarle .. 54 43 Waynesboro ............. 60 40 Charlottesville ........... 68 55 Western Albemarle .. 40 55 Stafford ...................... 38 41 Colonial Forge .......... 60 55 Charlottesville .......... . 81 54 Riverbend .. .............. .. 66 30 Brooke Point........ .... . 71 60 North Stafford .......... . 70 66 Mountain View .... .... . 32 49 Monticello ................. 49 29 Massaponax ............. 51 26 Massaponax ........ .. ... 63 54 Stafford .......... .. ......... 60 53 Massaponax ............. 63 50 North Stafford ........... 57 51 Stafford .. .............. ..... 43 48 Patrick Henry ............ 33 57 Seni ors Andrew Frazier and Luke Ford p great defen se aga in st Stafford .

Row I: C. Maxa, M. Fransisco, A. Frazier, D. Stokes, R. Talley, L. Ford, D. West, M. Ledford. Row 2: Manger L. Jones, Manger J. Jones , Coach Maynard , A. Mann, W. Kim , Q. Parker, J. Hendri x, M . Tobin , L. Carneal, Coach Brian, Coach May nard.

The 200S Jr years, a~ rthwest R' "It was a rachieved 路'Regiona x aid. The seas( ner to Brc m there. G k them all nee that lm First-year ~路 averagin r game) an .J1Tl with COl But in ad< team wor ry I have e路

Senior Dalton Stokes takes the ball down the court.

Sophomore Andrew Mann shakes off the defense and takes a shot.

Frazier and Luke Ford pi ainst Stafford.

路ord , D. West, M. Ledford. 1, W. Kim , Q. Parker, J.

The 2009-2010 boys basketball team enjoyed their best season in our years, as senior leaders and talented newcomers led the team to the orthwest Region quarterfinals. "It was a goal [to make it to regionals] , but I think they definitely erachieved this season," head coach Greg Maynard said. "Regionals was more of a long shot than a reality," junior Jake Henrix said. The season didn't start as the team hoped, as they fell in their district pener to Brooke Point, 53-46. However, things started to turn around 路rom there. Good performances in the Daily Progress Holiday Classic ook them all the way to the championship game and gave them confience that lasted through the season. First-year sophomore post player Andrew Mann led the team in scormg, averaging 17.9 points per game. Senior Rashad Talley (17 .5 points per game) and junior Hendrix (13 .0 points per game) also provided the learn with consistency. But in addition to solid performances in the box score, Hendrix noted the team worked together incredibly well. "The team had the best chemistry I have ever seen in my years of playing," he said.

Juni or Daiquan West takes the ball to half court to start a pl ay.







JV <

SCORES JV Boys Basketball us them Mountain View ............ . North Stafford ... ........... . Ri verbend ... ... ... ... ... .. .... . Brooke Point ..... ... ... .. ... .... ... .. .. . Mountain View .... .... ... .... ...... ... Massaponax ............ ........... ...... . Stafford . ................ ................ .. Ri verbend .................... .. Co loni al Forge .......... .......... ... .. Brooke Poi nt ............. .. Stafford ...................... ..

Freshman Boys Basketball. Row I: R. Tarkington , D. Tibbs, L. Lee, L. Ford , D. Gi lgannon, D. Jack J. Coles. Row 2: Coach Wilson , H. Hawk ins, E. Mackay, D. Chapman. A. Willy, I. Cowan , A. Solom manger E. Cook , Coach Maxa .

SCORES Freshman Boys Basketball

JV boys ba: thro ughout tt ..un and once ' .'' said Kend: . 路'Our team i . "We work l and when gar 路e it our all tc

us them Mountain View .. .. .. ................ .. North Stafford ............... .. ....... .. Riverbend Brooke Point .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . Mountain View .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. Massaponax ............... ........ . Stafford .. .. .................... .... ....... . Ri verbend ... ...................... ....... . Colon ial Forge .. ............... ...... .. Brooke Point ...... ..................... . Stafford .. .. ............................... .

Jackson was

al ly at practio

ri ng "tons oi an ." JV Boys Basketball. Row 1: B. Barani k, M. Baker, M. Jackson, J. Burris, X. Wingate, M. Goodrich. Henderson. Row 2: Coach Wi lson, R. Thomas, S. Mastropaolo, K. Hawkins, D. Vaughn , A. Braxton. Payne, Coach Wi lson, Coach Woodfolk.

SCORES Freshman Girls Basketball us them Western Albemarle ........ .. .. .. .... 21 20 17 Western Albemarle .. ........ .. ...... 20 Stafford .................. .. ................ 24 19 Colonial Forge .. .. .... .. ............... 24 25 North Stafford ...... ... ........ .. .. ..... 37 9 Monticello ............ ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 6 12 Massaponax .............................. 2 1 13 Massaponax .. ...................... ..... 16 5

Freshman Girls Basketball: Row 1: manger F. Garri son, A. Grooms , L. Truwit, T. Booker, C. Bor. Carson, P. Wingate, B. Booker. Row 2: Coach Shelton , D. McCade, M. Tubridy, B. Schalilki, K. Le A. Payne, I. Lee, Coach Loh.

ketball: Row 1: White. Row 2: C Hooper, J. Gray. !I



I f~

JV and Ninth Grade

as e ·d, D. Gilgannon , D. Jacks Willy, I. Cowan , A. Solo


The JV boys basketball team was full of confithroughout their season. "We're a hard workam and once we get in game mode, nobody can us," said Kendall Hawkins. Captain Zack Payne d. "Our team is very successful during practice," ·d. "We work hard non-stop, we show good team. and when game time comes, we do our thing =ive it our all to get a victory."

The girls JV basketball team gained good experience in spite of a losing record. "Even though we didn't come out successful," said Rachel Faulconer, "we grew as a team and as individuals." The team was coached by Ms. Amy Sherill and captained by Shanice Palmer and Kirsten Mendohlson. Erin Wh ite and

The freshman boys team captains were important e rest of the team in different ways. Captain ny Jackson was known for his leadership abilities, ially at practices. Captain AJ Willy led by examcoring "tons of points in the paint" as the team's -= man."

The girls freshman team was positive about their experience. "Overall it was a good season. Everyone improved a lot and if we keep working hard we'll be much better next year," said Kathlynn Lewis. The team was coached by Mr. Shelton and Ms. Caroline Loh.

X. Wingate, M. Goodrich. ns, D. Vaughn, A. Braxton.

Truwit , T. Booker, C. Bor, C ubridy, B. Schalilki , K. Lewi·

SCORES JV Girls Basketball us them Western Albemarle .. ..... ...... . Western Albemarle ..... ....... . Stafford .. .. ......... ... .... ... ............ . Colonial Forge .............. ......... . North Stafford ............... .... ..... . Monticello ... .. .... ..... . Massaponax ... .. ... .... .... ... ...... . Massaponax ............. .



iris Bas ketball: Row I: A. Pittman, D. Corbin , A. Earl y, C. Hunt, S. Palmer, K. Mendelsohn, H. ;e. Erin White. Row 2 : Coach Sherrill , A. Meadows. M. Washington, N. Ward , B. Huff, R. Faul.T. M. Hooper, J. Gray .











Dei ana Gregg boxes out for the rebound.

Louisa ............. .... ........ 72 Western Albemarle .. 29 Brooke Point .............. 49 North Stafford ........... 45 Western Albemarle .. 45 Waynesboro ........ ...... 40 Charlottesville ........... 50 Miller ....... ....... ............. 37 Stafford .............. ..... ... 35 Colonial Forge .......... 28 Charlottesville ....... .... 47 Riverbend ............... ... 37 Brooke Point .............. 56 North Stafford ..... .. .... 41 Mountain View ......... 41 Monticello .... ....... ... ... 67 Massaponax ..... ........ 57 Massaponax ............. 53 Stafford ...................... 35 DISTRICTS Riverbend .................. 50


50 50 36 64 68 56 35 55 67 51 36 52 48 49 66 50 53 45 73 57

CJ Jackso n dribbles through the press to sc a basket.

Row 1: S. Benson, S. Wil son, K. Francisco, A. Hendri x, C. Jackson , K. Degnan, D. Gregg. Smith . Row 2: Coach Jenkins, J. Harri ston, E. Jackson, M. McCandlish , F. Lam, T. Lewi Tay lor, Coach Franklin.

n head tball, '[Thee layed y Hen< d as c nkins

ave sl played -\mong the te made howe\> 路r hopE 't havt on," H

Jasmine Taylor starts with the ball at half court.

CJ Jackson dribbles through the press to sc· a basket.

n , K. Degnan, D. Gregg. ndlish , F. Lam , T. Lewis.

In head coach Anita Jenkins's 21st and final season coaching girls ·etball, the team finished 4-9, and 4-7 in the Commonwealth District. ··[The end of the season] did not turn out as well as we hoped for, but played hard so we were happy with our improvements," senior guard y Hendrix said. Two of the four seniors, Hendrix and CJ Jackson, ed as captains from a junior-heavy squad. Jenkins be~ieved that no matter what, the girls worked hard and met ··intangible goals, like working together and being a team. I would liked them to win more, but the season was fun and enjoyable," she ·- d. With the postseason came a sense of bonding a determination that may have showed up in the box score. "We showed up in the postseason. played hard and intense," Hairston said. Among the problems of snow and a significant loss of games, Hendrix d the team faced another difficult obstacle: their lack of height. The .un made up some of the weaker post game with strong perimeter shoot::· however. "I hope everybody comes back with good attitudes. Even though we n' t have a good season, they will pick it up and win more games next on," Hendrix said.

Abby Hendri x pump fakes the ball to get past the defender.


Kya Francisco dri ves for a lay-up at the final away game at Stafford .







- -·--- --





Jeffery De Almeida, Sam Makay, Nat He ldreth , and Colin Buckley sprint 100 meters at a ho meet.

IVIE:E:J'S @Louisa @Liberty @FUMA @Albemarle @Louisa @St. Christopher

The boys team wins regionals for the second year in a row. Anthony Kostelac was the repeat regional champ in the 1000 and 1600 meter races, and Jordan Hill won the High Jump, Long Jump, and Triple Jump while taki ng third place in the 55 meter dash. The 4x400 team took first place and the 4x800 ran second.

ter a histo1 Lhe state ct , and girl cold and ancelled b

incalir ma tates by nal champ ven boys d away wi1 'he boys tea ham pion nior Mark fi nished fo by Mirand d by Beck

Junior Emil y Davison and sophomore Alexandra Stokes run side-by-s ide until the end of the race.

ley sprint I 00 meters at a home

=~- mill ~

my Kostelac was the repeat

I won the High Jump, Long 1sh. The 4x400 team took

After a historic season last year in which the boys indoor track team caped the state championship and the 4x800 relay set a national record, both boys and girls teams worked hard to achieve similar results. The cold and snow-covered ground made practices difficult, and Districts re cancelled because of the unprecedented snowfall. The top six athletes in dividual events went to Regionals, as did the top three relay teams. This left several good runners behind, including freshman Allison uschke, ranked seventh in the 1600 and the 3200. At Regionals Summer epherd and freshmen Casey Russell and Ciera Ulan vaulted along with uschke; sophomore Alexandra Stokes and juniors Emily Davison and Elizath Sincalir made up the 4X800 relay. The relay finished fourth, missing t on States by just .12 seconds. Russell placed fifth and Shepherd was the gional champ, and both went on to compete in States. Eleven boys were eligible to compete in Regionals, and the team again alked away with the championship. The boys team was seeded eleventh going into States, but Kostelac was =ain champion of the 1000 and 1600 meter races, with Hill, junior Vincent y, junior Mark Baucom, and two relay teams also competing. There, the am finished fourth overall. ory by Miranda Bricker, Shannon Bisselink and Ellie Leech. pread by Becky Johnson.

Jordan Hill throws himself over the bar for the hi gh jump.

(/") Freshman Sophie Maus pulls ahead, followed shortl y by seni or Katherine Scott.






Junior Jacob Anderson secures hi s win agai nst hi s Monroe opponent.

_ erving' pkins. Di tricts, ll owing s a! , whic

go thro1 t me and "Our team worked on doing well in long matches and we got better at keeping up the intensity," captain Ramel Jenkins said. Sophomore Brandon Rose takess down hi s opponent.

[the ring Ellie l

Captain Matt Young has the advantage.


;ot better at keeping up the

restling ended their season on a high seven members of the team qualified gionals and junior Zach Morris comin states. team was full of upperclassman leadthis year, with Morris, junior Ramel ns, and seniors Drew Knight and Matt g serving as captains under Coach Donopkins. Districts, the team beat Colonial Forge allowing seven wrestlers to move on to nals, which was a "huge achievement," said. e team was full of passion for their . 路路r love the intensity and hard work e go through. I also like winning when tJSt me and someone else and there is no n [the ring] to help me," Morris said. . by Ellie Leech d by Becky Johnson


Stafford ....... 23 50 Covenant ..... 5 10 Spotswood .52 18 Orange ...... .43 12 Liberty ......... 28 42 Kettle Run ... 51 23

Varsity Wrestling: Row I: R. Kime, K. Marshell , T. Morri s, D. Knight, M. Lindenbaum . T. Lonjin , C. Grimes. Row 2: D. Norman , B. Waller, H. McGhee. J. Huber, B. Lunnen, D. Folley. Row 3: L. Anderson. Coach Rob. Coach Matt, Z. Morris, R. Jenkins, E. Breeden, J. Anderson, B. Rose, R. Carlisle. M. Young, Coach Hopkins, K. Guberman , K. Corea.

DISTRICTS Col. Forge .... 71 6 N. Stafford . . 16 43 Eight-team meet Fluvanna ..... 27 54

JV Wrestling: Row I: D. Foley, T. Buck, J. Anderson, B. Kyriacopoulos, K. Black, K. Corea. Row 2: L. Anderson, S. McCoy, M. Henderson, H. Firer, J. Villien, L. Grimes, J. Kerl. Row 3: Coach Rob, Coach Matt, W. Bullard, D. Gutzler, P. Hedger, N. Stover, D. Miller, C. Knight, Coach Hopkin s, K. Guberman.






----路 ---



Kathleen Kines, Morgan McGee, Sean Cudahy, Ryan McGee, and Travis Nelson are introduced on Senior Night at the City/County meet.


Row I: C. Pajewski , T. Nelson, R. Robison , M. Bernardino, R. McGee, R. Cudahy, T . Webb, M. Solomon, S. Strauss, C . Sharp, P. Tubridy, C. Robbins, N. Lampron , M. Pajewski. Row 2: B. McGee, M. Ll oyd. M. Lockman, K. Roddy, C. Hensien , R. Cook, S. Te lford, S. Topping, S. Cudahy, K. Peck, H. Harper, A. Coppola, M. Chapman. Row 3: Coach J. Schrum, Coach J. Nelson, S. Brown, S. Helder, J. Perry, S. McPhi llips, M . Jones, M. McGee, M. Freshwater, N. Ross, K. Willi ams, K. Kines, N. Densmore, K. Miller, K. Gilgannon , L. Kohler.



Stafford ... ... ... ... ... ............ .. 1st Mountain View .. ....... ....... 1st City /County ........ ........ .... 1st North Stafford ........ .... .. .... 1st Riverbend ....... ........... ... .... 1st Districts @Spotsville ........................ 1st Regionals @Dedmond Center ..... .. . 1st

1st 1st 3rd 1st 1st 2nd

he boys swim t( _QQ3-2004 seasc ing their fifth s1 re the girls place traight time. fhe girls swim te rict championshi ue with a seconc phomore Holl) .::ht season, and .m and Mackenz [Our coaches] ar to the meets ov1 im season woulC d as team capta nne Sharp. : by Shannon Bi ad by Becky J oh

Freshman Sean Telford swims the 100 meter backstroke at Regional s.

an Cudahy, Ryan iuced on Senior

RES boys

...... ...... ...... ...... ......


1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

1st 1st 3rd 1st 1st

...... 1st


...... 1st

he boys swim team had not lost a regular season district meet since ~003 - 2004 season, and they kept their record intact in 2009-2010, ning their fifth straight title Commonwealth District Championship re the girls placed third. The boys went on to win Regionals for the straight time. The girls swim team improved on their near last place finish in the rrict championship meet last February by shocking teams around the .::ue with a second place showing this year. ophomore Holly Harper led the team in scoring for the second .light season, and was helped by key new freshman contributors Sophia wn and Mackenzie Jones, as well as veteran senior performances . "[Our coaches] are so dedicated to the team, from the late night practo the meets over two hours away," senior Christine Pajewski said . im season would not have been the same without them." Pajewski ed as team captain along with fellow seniors Morgan McGhee and ri nne Sharp . ry by Shannon Bisselink read by Becky Johnson

When the whi stle blows the boys look for a good start.

(/) Nikki Ross sw ims breaststroke and indi vidual medl ey at the Di strict meet.










Girls Soccer: Row I: ) I. Tomsig, R. Parrent Cantoni, K. Coffman, . A. Alfano. Not pier


Boys Soccer - Row I : .Jey. R. Tarkington, D es, C. William s, M. ~ Gama. Row 3: Z. Fun! 'egodsky, B. Schenck.

JV Boys Lacross: Row I: J. Anderson, S. Thompson, J. Calhoun, D. Seago, C. Marquez, A. Jan ssens , N. Haan. Row 2: Coach Rick Ramey, L. Ford, C. Carmines, S. McPhillips, B. Kyriacopoulos, D. Gil gannon , N. Pegg, M. Huber, L. Jackson. Row 3: L. Grimes, E. Stow, D. Tibbs, P. Garland, S. Roesch, R. Ramey, B. Borbel y, T. Hedrick.

Varsity Boys Lacrosse: Row 1: J. De Almeida, K. McComsey, A. Sigler, S. Ma tropaolo, A. Prevost, G. Quick, J. Huber. Row 2: B. Crist, J. Dillon, T.r Reigel. J. Chandler, P. Tubridy, D. Stokes, E. Reigel , T. John son. Row 3: R. Whelan, T. Key, L. Smith, M. Young, J. Speller, R. McCullough, H. McCann, Z. Delgrosso, Roberts. Not pictured: M. Bernadino, R. Bozzone, R. Carlise, J. D' Antoni.

virls Lacrosse: Row l: 1 Buhle, R. Faulconer, A. Pitt. M. Toms, R. Stoker h. C. Pugh, D. McCad

Girls Soccer: Row 1: A. Meadows, K . Wisinski , E. Leytham, A. Philip, K. Carl. Tomsig, R. Parrent, L. Marks, J. Kinlaw, R.Varley. Row 2: Coach Sherrill, Cantoni , K. Coffman, J. Pollack, A. Schwab, C. Zehnter, A. Lopez, N. Dens. A. Alfano. Not pictured: A. Maltese.

Varsity Girls Soccer: Row 1: L. Thomas, S. Bisselink, M. Willis, J. Piirto, E. Davison, B. Haugh , M . Carpenter, L. Mullinax , M. Tubridy, E. Spellman. Row 2: Coach A. Whitmore, Coach P. Riley, K. Waldron , L. Truwitt, L. White, C. Johnson , L. Brady, A. Mathes, K. Walston, Coach J. Hall. Not pictured: T. Hale, M. McGhee, C. Reece.

Boys Soccer- Row 1: J. Gaze wood, E. Mackay, Z. Coffman, A. Solomon, C. kley, R. Tarkington , D. Blair. Row 2: Coach B. Warren, Coach M. Massey, J. .i!hes, C. Williams, M. Sheffield , N. Okaah , M . Fu ltz, W. Pa lma-Galeas, Coach Gama. Row 3: Z. Funke, C. Martinez, V. Zarate-B ustamante, C. Montalbano, Vegodsky, B. Schenck.

Varsity Boys Soccer: Row 1: D . Gray, A. Al-Lawati, S. Rose, A. Prevost, A. Bohn, M. Lombardo, W. Freas. Row 2: Coach Webb, J. Vaughan , L. Fatton, L. Sachs, D. Vi ll a, N. Adams, M. Arseneau lt, S. Bargh, Coach Jackson. Row 3: C. Melton , 1. Lowe, S. Mackay, W . Ripl ey, E. Bohn , K. Marshall , F. Kamel , Z. Jarm an. Not pictured: D. Rusengo.

\' Girls Lacrosse: Row I: A. Payne, E. Peck, V. Alexander, S. Kostelac, K. Morris, . Buhl e, R. Faulconer, A. Veith. Row 2: T. Hoffman, N. Ross K. Agli o, H. Shaps, . Pitt, M. Tom s, R. Stokenborg, I. Lee. Row 3: Coach Thomson, A. Hogg, A. Godrich, C. Pugh, D. McCade, B. Healey, M. Bebe l, A. Smith, Coach Hankins.

Varsity Girl s Lacrosse: Row I: C. Carson , 0. Mooney, S. Ehlers, A. Young, K. Mendelsohn, H. Clarke. Row 2: A. Hendri x, R. Hochstetler, C. Carey, C. Cashwe ll , 0. Steele, C. Elliott, E. Miller. Row 4: M. Barnes, E. Gelzer, E. Parkl1ill , H . Horbaly, K. Smith, K. Williams. Not pictured: K. Sutphen, Coach Pratt.


, A. Si gler, S. MasCrist, J. Dillon , T.r Reigel. .son. Row 3: R. Whelan , T. 1. McCann, Z. Delgrosso, N. ::::arli se, J. D' Antoni .







Varsity Girls Softball: Row I: L. Schneider. A. Pittman, S. Bush, E. Sweeney, K. Timberlake, F. Lam, E. Jackson. Row 2: C. Porco, N. Eheart, 0. Kitelinger, D. Lewis, M. Swanson, R. Bosley. Row 3: Coach Scott, Coach Hutchinson, M. Lindemann , R. Spady, A. Carswell , C. Marshall , R. Kime, Coach Spencer, Manager J. Scott.

JV Boys Baseball: Row I: L. Carneal. R. Thomas, B. Baranik. A. Will y, J. Borenstein. T. Aker. Row 2: Coach J. Willy, W . Vaughn . C. Crenshaw, A. Simmons, A. Taylor, A. Turner, Coach Lloyd Evans. Row 3: K. Vidano, J. Burris, Z. Evans, K. Ripley, H. Hawk in s, J. Vestal , T. White. ot pictured: D. Vaughan, Coach J. Darin, Coach D. Utz.

Vars ity Baseball: Row 1: J. Wbite, S. Hoerman , G. Steljes, J. Hendrix, R. Talley, T Richards, J. Sites, A. Rogers. Row 2: Coach Lane, B. Wi lder, K. Reid , T. Lonjin. M. Dudley, S. Ridenhour, R. Licklider, J. Cardella, C. Maxa. Row 3: A. Rohm . J Schwab, N. Mullinax , K. Aasen, M. Smith, J. Varaksa, L. Ford, C. Chi sholm.

Boys Tenni s Row l: T. Walker, T. Shaw, J. Pyo, D. Peskov, B. Chen, B. Anderson, J. Gunderson, E. Cain. Row 2: Coach C. Grobmyer, W. Murray, D. Corbett, T. Moon , L. Wilson, K. Shah, M. Barton, B. Yang, Hee-Yun Joo. Not pictured: Coach R. Grobmyer.

Girls Tennis: Row I: M. Napolitano, S. Caton, A. Lesnoff, E. Ng, M . McCullough E. Lord, C . Chi sholm . Row 2: Coach Lindsay, C. MutTay, V. Zarate, S. Hah n. 'I Zhang, A. Henry, I. Haines. Not pictured: T. Kuhn.

trom. Row 2: M. ui llon, J. Gray. R< arbour, M. Gibson

r1 Track: Row 1: S . Row 2: B. Richarc gh . K. Peck, M. Ch< ch B. Male, L. Kw< pano, Coach T. F rugh, E. Leech , C. Ul t pictured: A. Earl y.

S. Bush, E. Sweeney, K. l. Eheart, 0 . Kitelinger, D. Coach Hutchinson, M. Li n:, Coach Spencer, Manager


J. Hendri x, R. Talley, T. Wilder, K. Reid, T. Lonjin. Maxa. Row 3: A. Rohm , J. , L. Ford , C. Chi sholm.

. Girls Softball: Row I: H. Sokora, S. Stover, T. Fielding, J. Payne, S. Palmer, E. llstrom. Row 2: M. Schneider, E. McAllister, H. Davis, B. Baugher, L. Walker, Quillon, J. Gray. Row 3: Coach Button, Coach Schneider, A. Steljes, K. Collins, Barbour, M. Gibson, K. Pearson, Coach Leake.

E. Ng, M . McCullough. trray, V. Zarate, S. Hahn, Y.

Girls Track: Row 1: S. Shepherd, K. Gan z, J. Haniston, C. Waller, A. Washingon, Row 2: B. Richards, J. Stutsman , A. Echelberger, E. Jewell , A. Coppola, L. Pugh, K. Peck, M. Chapman. M. Perez-Reyes, C. Leary. Row 3: Coach Brown, Coach B. Male, L. Kwai tkowski, C. Martinez, E. D' Antoni , C. Fi sher, A. Hu shke, E. Spano, Coach T. Franklin, Coach Nag le. Row 4: T. Richard s. A. Hucek, H. Brugh, E. Leech. C. Ulan. E. S inclair, C. Ru sse ll , C. Lewi s. G. Prestiy. E. Stevens ~ot pi ctured : A. Early.

Boys Track: Row 1: S. Gautam, T. Morri s, T. McPhillips, V. Ly. Q. Long. Row 2: Coach Brown, E. Mann , D. Perdue, K. Eldridge, D. Gul zler, B. Neal, M . Baucom , A. Koste lac, Z. Leaf, K. Howard, Coach B. Male Row 3: Coach Franklin, J. Sawyor, E. Bingler, J. Pompeo, D. Fagon , R. Gray, W . Burton, J. Okaah, Coach Lazone, Coach Nagel Row 4: M. Wachon, B. Adams, N. Jahssens, A. Vi sokay, A. (/') Mcphillips, R. Perry, S. Shanesy, J. Simons, N. He ldreth .


0 Q_ (/)






but hone dents to


gates, ca

having a

There was a club for everyone who wanted to join. Many students made the decision about which club to sign up for at the beginning of the school year. Students interested in service opted for Key Club, CARE or SADD. Most clubs met during designated long lunches or "club lunches" which were extended to almost a full hour, but honor societies and Key Club met at eighth periods. This schedule allowed students to sign up for several clubs or honors societies. All the clubs participated in activities throughout the year. Whether it was tail-



gates, car washes, wreath sales, video game tournaments, toy lifts, walks, or even just



having a party, organizations kept their members busy while doing good for others.


N 路c




0 -路-路



SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: M. Trotta, D. Peskov, N. Matherne, M. Lee. Row 2: S. Haun N. Tavner, S. Silke , A. Olekhnovich, E. Cohen. Row 3: P. Hopkins, M. Cantoni , B. Breeden , B. McGhee, A. Rourneliotes, A. Coppola. Row 4: M. Barksdale, B. Veasey, A. Smith, M. Solomon, R. McGhee, D. Peskov, A. De Almeida , M. Carpente S. Doshi , W. Ripley, R. Calihan , D. Stokes.


oneor e OCie leS

FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: M. Feldma路 E. Yan , J. Scholl , K. Scott, M. Lee, B. Haugh , E. Braatz, A. Bell. Row 2: E. S. Schwartz, C. Zhang E. Jewe ll , L. Pugh , C. Taylor, N. Roane , W. Fre~ L. Bryant.

MATH HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: A. Shriram, Chang , V. Gazewood, C. Pajewski , K. Bailey, to.' Lee, K. Bonham , A. Yu , H. He, S. Bergstresser. School. Row 2: C. Deng , K. McGovern , S. Holman, K. Johnson , K. Scott, L. Ramey, B. Moneymaker, E. Ng , C. Huang, V. Chaudhry, A. Gautam. Row 3: J. Davis, M. Cantoni, M. Trotta Heldreth, J. Crawford, M. Carpenter, S. Pan , X. Zhang, J. Pyo, S. Rucinski , C. Sharp, H. Uhlig, Chiminello, R. Dalkin. Row 4: K. Patel , E. Bohn Chung, C. Stukenburg , S. Doshi , P. Choi , D. Stokes, R. Callihan, D. Peskov, L. Ford.

ART HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: H. Horbley, H. Song. Row 2: A. Gautam , K. Carson , K. Aglio, Berg. Row 3: C. Pajewski , E. Ng. Row 4: D. Rogers, L. Anders P. Hopkins, M. McCandlish, ~ Smith, A. lnce.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: C. Stukenburg , S. Doshi, S. Heldreth , S. Rucinski, C. Pajewski , A. Yu , J. Crawford , K. Scott. Row 2: S. Bergstresser, D. Payne, K. Barksdale , S. Hollman , K. Bonham , M. Lee, L. Ramey, E. Young. Row 3: R. Callihan , M. Young, M. Trotta, E. Bohn , H. Hearl , C. Chipman , K. Bailey, B. Moneymaker, Ms. J. Dyer. Row 4: A. Young , D. Peskov, M. Smith , L. Ford, K. McComsey, D. Stokes, N. Matherne, M. Cantoni, R. Donaldson , C. Sharp, J. Chiminello.

JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE: Row 1: E. Skutskie, A. Yu , M. Zempleton, Y. Zhang. Row J. Gaurilovie , R. Sinclair, D. Diner, V. Gazewo()(.. E. Shreve, H. He, L. Foster, M. Simpson , C. W1 S. Henderson , C. Chisolm , A. Hogg , G. Web b. Row 3: G. Lewis , R. Eiden , M. Lewis , C. Dougherty, D. Joyner, I. Lee , R. Beites, H. Brooks, M. Uland, R. Donaldson , M. Leider, J. Chiminello, ' Roszak. Row 4: M. McCandlish , A. Echelberge S. Doshi , M. Lloyd , C. Grimm , K. Lin , C. O'Neil. Masevich , B. Yang , S. Shiflett.


Row 1: M. Trotta, M. Lee. Row 2: S. Haun )lekhnovich , E. Cohen. :::antoni , B. Breeden , B. !S , A. Coppola. Row 4: M. \.Smith , M . Solomon , R. De Almeida, M. Carpente· Calihan , D. Stokes.

GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: C. Pajewski, S. Seitz. Row 2: J. Frazier, C. Troyer, M. Krouse , J. Hasenfus. Row 3: L. White, K. Aglio , A. Noble. Row 4: B. Deal, D. Peskov.

:IETY: Row 1: M . Feldmar Jtt, M. Lee , B. Haugh, E. E.S.Schwartz, C.Zhang aylor, N. Roane , W. Freas

SCIENCE HONOR SOCIETY: Row 1: A. Chung , K. Bonham , J. Chiminello, J. Pyo. Row 2: A. Yu, S. Pan , E. Zhang, G. Presty, M. Trotta, S. Rucinski. Row 3: B. Moneymaker, G. Gazewood , E. Yan , A. Bellow, C. Pajewski , V. Lee, H. He. Row 4 : Ms. Brown , Mr. Curry, M. Solomon, A. AI-Lawati , D. Peskov, P. Choi , R. Sinclair, S. Holmon,S. Heldreth, S. Doshi, J. Crawford, E. Bohn, C . Melton . M. Cantoni.

TY: Row 1: A. Shriram , A ~ - Pajewski , K. Bailey, M H. He, S. Bergstresser, J, K. McGovern , S. . Scott, L. Ramey , B. Huang, V. Chaudhry, A. is, M. Cantoni, M. Trotta, J1. Carpenter, S. Pan , X. 1ski, C. Sharp, H. Uhlig , J low 4: K. Patel , E. Bohn, S. Doshi, P. Choi, D. Peskov, L. Ford.

Tri-M : Row 1: A. Olekhnovick, E. Cohen, C. Heider, R. Fredrick, L. Ramey,D . Payne, K. Barksdale, M. Hoffman, Z. Vanlier. Row 2: S. Bergstresser, C . Dougherty, S. Fredrick, L. Sisman , P. Delgrosso, C. Chucks, M. Laprade. Row 3: L. Nuckols, R. Dalkin , A Roumeliotes, A. Hucek, K. Kellenburger, E. Yan, H. Yetim, L. Dabney, P. James, L. Reeder, A. Dinwiddie, J. Laffond. Row 4: T . McPhillips, C. Sharp, J. Chiminello, K. Williams , H. Hearl, S. Castro, R. Lee , K. Bailey, J. Weiss. Row 5: S. Doshi, A. Dalton, A. Clarke.

( : Row 1: H. Horbley, H. m, K. Carson , K. Aglio , D ;ki, E. Ng. Row 4: D. opkins, M. McCandlish , A.

BETA CLUB: Row 1: H. He, S. Bergstresser, S. Heldrreth, K. Scott, S. Rucinski , A. Yu. Row 2: J. Hosensun , A. Chung , D. Payne , C. Chipman, K. Bonham , B. Moneymaker, E. Zhang , M. Krouse , M . Barnes. Row 3: M . Smith , D . Peskov, M. Young , E. Bohn , C . Stukenburg, S. Doshi, H. Hearl , A. Clarke, A. Dalton , M. Solomon , E. Gelzer, C. Sharpe , J. Chiminello, J . Pyo, M. Dowling , R. Dalkin , C . Foster.


.EAGUE : Row 1: E. npleton , Y. Zhang. Row 2 r, D. Diner, V. Gazewood. •ster, M. Simpson , C. Wile Jim , A. Hogg , G. Webb. jen , M. Lewis, C . DoughR. Beites, H. Brooks, M. ~- Leider, J. Chiminello, M :::andlish , A. Echelberger, 3rimm , K. Lin , C. O'Neil , ~· Shiflett.


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Club Officers: Row 1 rson , D. Peskov, Y. Z er, J. Crawford, L. Thor -Y. S. Pan , M. Leider, Deng, C. Chipman , K. ovich, T. Stukenborg 4: C. Zhang, S. Top -g, W. Ripley, J. Pyo, S. R. Ramey, K. Liu.

CARE: A. Yu, Y. Zhang, H. He, G. Gazewood, D. Mcintire, C.Deng, K. McGovern, K. Jordan, D. Jordan, Z. Zang,C.Huang,C.Zhang,M.Lee, S. Pan, H. Joo, E. Shreve, A.Sriram, A. Olekhnovich, E. Ng, A. Roumeliotes, A. Gautam , D. Babu, D. Dahal, A. Chang, I. Lee, L. Sachs, A. Chang, C. ly, J. Lee, N. Patel, P. Choi, H. Kim , H. Song, A. Au, L. Wilson, H. Yetim, B. Mendoka, D. Rusengo.

Club Seniors: Row 1: C C. Chipman , S. Holn 0 ajewski , M. Lee, E. Kc eri. Row 2: K. Proffitt as, V. Zarate, J. Cr< • A. Dinwiddie, Y. Zha · oung, P. Tubridy, M. -ey, S. Ruscinski, L. R berger. Row 4: T. Ne W. Ripley, M. Anders • C. Sharp, M. Dowl

FAST (Female Athletes Striving Together): Row 1: K. Aglio, A. Alfano, H. Clarke, E. Leech , K. Stutphen , C. Johnson, A. Coppola, E. D'antoni , I. Haines, K. Coffeman Row 2: S. Heldreth, R. Sinclaire, K. Girard , V. Zarate , J. Crawford, Y. Zhang, L. Kwiatkowsi, M. Kwiatkowsi Row 3: E. Ng, A. Lesnoff, B. Haugh , M. Carpenter, M. McCandlish, C. Pajewski , N. Ward, B. Parkhill , H. Horbaly, M. Baines.

Club Juniors: Row 1: S aton, A. Sriram , A. Ct ugherty, P. James. , R. Campbell, C. L ovict, E. Corneii ,M. neider, A. Andrews. fflett, H. Song, H. Kir • A. Lesnoff, E. Sincla An drea C, C. Deng . v. Zhang , A. DeAimed , A. Au, S. Bohr, C. J. Lee, B. Davis, L. S

Club Sophomores: Rc N. Heldreth, J. Wu , .an, Z. Zang, C. WilE y, M. Uland, M. W • J. Sacco, A. McKni! . Ross, K. Aglio, A. W eber. Row 4: D. Bu ord, V. Zarate , S. Ro


' Perez-Reyes, T. 2· P. Northl "'<<a r, M . • L. R. Rar ez, G.

Club Officers: Row 1: S. Heldreth , M. rson, D. Peskov, Y. Zhang . Row 2: Ms. J _Crawford , L. Thomas, C. Pajewski , _, , S. Pan , M. Leider, A. Lopez. Row 3: :>eng, C. Chipman , K. Lamb, V. Ly, A. ovich, T. Stukenborg , M. Lee, E. Ng. 4: C. Zhang , S. Topping , C. StukenW. Ripley, J. Pyo, S. Holman, Z. CrawR. Ramey, K. Liu .


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Club Seniors: Row 1: C. Chuks, K. BonC. Chipman , S. Holman , S. Heldreth, ::>ajewski , M. Lee, E. Koch , R. Dalkin, J. eri. Row 2: K. Proffitt, R. McGhee , L. as, V. Zarate, J. Crawford, J. Chimi, A. Dinwiddie, Y. Zhang , A. Yu . Row 3: Young, P. Tubridy, M. Trotta, V. Ly, L. 11ey, S. Ruscinski , L. Reeder, E. Ng , S. berger. Row 4: T. Nelson, M. Smith , J. W. Ripley, M. Anderson, D.Peskov, E. , C. Sharp, M. Dowling ,A. Bellew, K.


Club Juniors: Row 1: S. Hahn , I. Haines, eaton , A. Sriram , A. Chang, A. Hasson , ::>ougherty, P. James. Row 2: M. Sane, R. Campbell , C. Ly, E. Cohen , E. novict, E. Corneii ,M. Leider, K. Lamb, Schneider, A. Andrews. Row 3: K. Brown , Shifflett, H. Song, H. Kim , T. Stukenborg , u, A. Lesnoff, E. Sinclair, S. Hunt, E. Da, Andrea C, C. Deng. Row 4: S. MoultC. Zhang, A. DeAlmedia, H. Horbaly, 0 . :ele, A. Au , S. Bohr, C. Robbins, S. Top, J. Lee, B. Davis, L. Sachs.



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+ Senior Key Club member Emily Koch helps out at the 50's themed Key Club homecoming tailgate .

Club Sophomores: Row 1: S. Wilson, I. ..m, N. Heldreth , J. Wu , I. Lee. Row 2: L. man, Z. Zang , C. Wiley, H. Brooks, H. ley, M. Uland, M. Wilson . Row 3: M. is, J. Sacco, A. McKnight, E. Wombach"J. Ross, K. Aglio, A. Warham , A. Alfano, Weber. Row 4: D. Burgh , T. Shaw, Z. -awford , V. Zarate, S. Roesch , J. Ripley, K. nedy


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y Club Freshmen: Row 1: J. Payne, M. -aig, A. Perez-Reyes, T. Tiesberg, H. Joo, Yang. Row 2: P. Northup, C. Bor, F. Fer_sson , M. Callendar, M. Jones, I. Lee, R. kenborg , S. Morse, L. Kohler. Row 3: J. eri, A. Horably, R. Ramey, S. Browning , Ahmad, A. Lopez, G. Glaser, S. Mir, M. Jewski .



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THE ZOO STOR Y CAST/CREW Row 1: J. Weiss L. Marsh. Row 2: S. Knarzer, H. Matkobich , A. Par· mater, B. Blake Row 3: C. Tignor, J. Brown, A Cooke. Row 4: , E. Simpson, S. Skidmore , K Schowaner, J. Weiss.



SCOTLAND TROUPE Row 1: J. Wei ss, M. Ma shall-Roth , S. Knarzer, F. Cunningham , J. Brow A. Cooke. Row 2: C. Tignor, A. Dame, A. She: herd.

IMPROV TEAM Row 1: L. Long, J. Brown , A. Co Row 2: K. Heeshen , S. Skidmore, S. McKeiren, • Shepard , E. Simpson, L. Marsh.

FORENSICS TEAM Row 1: C. Tignor, B. Blake Brown , A. Cooke Row 2, J. Schwaner, K. Kel berger, A. Dame Row 4: N. Harper, L. Long. Storer. Luke Marsh and Jeremy Weiss portray two strangers who have a chance encounter at a zoo. Marsh and Weiss won Best Acting awards at the Virginia Theater Association competition in March . Although the troupe had won the VTA competition several times in the past, this was the first time they were awarded the VHSL State Championship. The Forensics team also did well at the Northwest Regional VHSL Forensics Tournament. Fifteen students won top honors: James Wu-1 st Place in Foreign Extemporaneous; Connor Fanning-2nd Place in Impromptu Speaking; Amory Fischer-2nd Place in Original Oratory; Cat Tignor-1st Place in Storytelling; Jon Schwaner-3rd Place in Storytelling; Steven McKiernan-1st Place in Prose; Alex Peterson-2nd Place in Prose; Keira Kelly-1st Place in Serious Dramatic; Eden Shu mate-2nd Place in Serious Dramatic; Luke Long-3rd Place in Humorous Dramatic; Jessica Brown and Alex Cooke-1st Place in Duo Interpretation ; Brandon Blake and Katie Kellenberger in Duo Interpretation ; Nate Harper-4th Place Alternate in Poetry. Row 1: S. Knarzer, J. Weiss, H. Matkovich , B. Blake, A. Parmiter, L. Marsh . Row 2: K. Schwaner, C. Tignor, J. Brown , T. Cooke, A. Cooke , S. Mckiernan . Row 3: L. Long, K. Heeschen , B. Rakoski , M. Basile, S. Skidmore , R. Arthur, H. Gates, A. Dame, J. Smith.

OTHELLO CAST/CREW Row 1: C. Tignor. kovich, J. Weiss, B. Blake, A. Parmiter, B. Krak A. Dame. Row 2: J. Brown , K. Kel lenberge Knarzer, T. Cook, L. Marsh , N. Harper, J. SIT' Row 3: M. Marrshaii-Roth , S. Skidmore , S. McK han , B. Stover, K. Schowaner, J. Weiss, A. S herd, A. Cooke .

GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE: Row 1: E. Maas, C.Foster. Row 2: H. Gates, I. Farineau , Z. Carroll, M. Dowling, A. Weathersby, A. Gibbons. Row 3: B. Brown, K. Sarp, D. Pye, P. Schustek.

AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION : Row 1: D. Allen Row 2: S. Palmer, J. Harriston , M. Taylor, A. Brown , A. Washington,W. Bryant Row 3: S. Moultan , N. Konadu-Anpratwum, K. Searcy, C. Brown , D. Smith, K. Francisco, B. Burch , E. Cook, D.Widley.

.c >iren.

INTERNATIONAL CLUB: Row 1: A . Olekhngvich , H. He Row 2: S. Pan , Y. Zhang, E. Ng , A.Chage, D. Ba.

B. Blake K. Kell . Long,

Canoe Club: Row 1: E. Davison, C. Johnson , S.Doshi. Row 2: K. Coffeman , A. Hushke, L. Kwiatkowski , E. Diantoni , K. Weber, E. Cohen , E. Leech , L. Pugh Row 3: C. Russell , I. Lee, C. Pugh, A. Johnson, E. Sinclair, A. Coppola, E. Jewell, E. Stevens, S. Shepherd, N. Janssen s Row 4: N. Ward, A. Echelberger.

ignor. Ma B. Krakos• nberge, r, J. Smi S. McKie s, A. S he~

Young Liberals: Row 1: A. Fisher, N. Matherine, C. Troyer, T. Teisburg. Row 2: S. Golden , K. Neisen , G. Kuhn. Row 3: K. Barksdale, M. Roszak, H. Hearl , K. Patel. Row 4: K. Williams, E. Wicks, S. Fredrick, P. Kostinaki , K. Kennedy, R. Cole, Mr. Shell.



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Hunter McCann

All our love, Mom, Mark, Reilly and Sydney




Marisa Lopez

Ryan Clarke McGee For every ending There's a new beginning; For every memory, There's a dream ahead. The happy times you've had so far, The people you have met Will always be a part of life You'll never forget ... But even better, brighter days Are waiting just for you, So dream your dreams ... And start in now To make them all come true!



We are so proud of you and we love you so much. Always love life and work hard at what you want in this life. Love, Dad, Mom and fam

We are very proud of the young man you have become! We love you very much! Mom, Dad and Hunter

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--------------------------------------~--------------------------------------~0 -

Courtney Mawyer Wow - you made it! I'm so very proud . The journey has been trying but you prevailed. Congratulations - tackle your next venture with that same spirit & that beautiful smile. Love, Mom

Samuel Clayton Mackay Congratulations to our special Bluenoser. Thanks for all the joy and laughter you have brought us. We are so proud of you. Can't wait to see what adventures life has in store for you. Bon voyage, dear Sam, Mom, Dad, Eli and Sadie

Sarah Heldreth Congratulations, Sarah Bear! We love you an are very proud of you!

David Gray David, I couldn't be more proud of the young man you have become. Work hard, do your best and everything else will fall into place. I know great things will happen with you in the world! You've made mine the best possible! Love you tons, MOM Dave, 1really can't believe that you are getting ready to go off to college. While I know that you are going to have a fabulous time, I am going to miss you a ton. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to grow up with such an amazing person. Keep smiling and laughing. I love you so much! Steph

Michael 5. Trotta Michael (MT), Congratulations!

Mom, Dad, Nick & Nat

Claire Chipman Congratulations Claire! Love, Mom, Dad, Meredith, and Kyle

You have explored and faced the challenges of HS, and time has flown by. Continue your fearless approach to life and you will meet the challenges of tomorrow, living life to the fullest. Your family, friends, and teachers are proud of you, and we look forward to your accomplishments/ happiness in the coming years. Love, Mom, Dad, Christine

I Con

Vv plisr

Rachel Sinclair

.----~- ~y Chisholm It seems like yesterday that you were a baby, and today you ore a grown man. Continue your journey through life in a healthy and positive manner.

Congratulations for your achievements.

Love, Mom

Chiaka Chuks God blessed us beyond all measure when He brought you into our lives! We are so proud to see the fine young lady you have grown into. Follow your dreams, and keep your faith, and always remain who you are .

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;Jes of arless enges 1mily, 1dwe pi ness

We are very proud of what you have accomplished, and look forward to your bright and promising future. Love, Mom, Dad, Cullen and Elizabeth

Love, Mom, Dad, Camille, and Zimako

Nick Janssens

Nick, We are so proud of the person you have always been. Kind to everyone, smart but humble, loving to your family. Your work ethic and commitment

to excellence shines through in everything you do, especially when you're running. Embrace and enjoy whatever comes next. No words can express how much you mean to us.

The world is yours, spend your days wisely, time really does fly. Love you forever, like you for always, Mom, Dad, Ale


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Jessie Leigh Noel Congrats to our little Jessie! You have given us so much joy and love. We are incredibly proud of you and love you so much. Your quiet confidence and genuine warmth will surely open many doors for you.

Take time and have patience as you choose your path, and do not be afraid to change your course along the way. We believe in you! You are ready for anything.

Your smile has always brightened my day. You came into my world gracing it with light, laughter and love and now you are ready to make your mark on the world. The stage is yours! Always look for the good in things! I'm proud of you!

Always keep your faith. Love. Dad, Mom. and Lauren

Love, Mom

Dyrell Carr

Natalie Rose Salsini Congratulations Natalie! Just like the Disney movies you used to watch incessantly, you've grown into a beautiful young woman, ready for a whole new world.

Baby boy, U made it. Congratulations. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Kevin, Dad, Doni, and all your siblings

We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Stephanie and Jenny

Noel ssie!

me and have :mce as you your path, and 't be afraid to Je your course IQ the way. eve in you! You j y for a nything.

<eep your faith . 0d, Mom , and Lauren


r1lsini lie!

Tamara Lynette s_rmth

Tomaro, You've grown into such a beautiful, smart, compassionate, dedicated young lady. I'm certain that these traits will corry you for in the choices you make for your future. Your love for others has mode you on invaluable friend. Your matterof-fact directness, enthusiasm, and con-do attitude make everything you do seem easy. As you reach for the starts remember: if you con believe it, you con achieve it. If you con dream it, you con become it. You hove mode me very proud to be your mother. As you move on through your life remember I will always be proud of all of your achievements. Love, Mom


)roud of you! :>m, Dod, 路 and Jenny

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Lindsay Nuckols

Kathy Williams

Lindsay, you are the sunshine in our lives and you've always been our little princess. We love you and are so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad

Frankie DeVonne Stokes On March 16, 1992 our family was blessed when we added you. And since then, our lives have been filled with so much joy and happiness. As we think back to that day and look at you now, we are so proud of the young lady that you have become. You are extremely ambitious about your life. The drive that you have to reach your goals will truly reward you during your future journeys. As you move forward in your life, remember that we will always love you and always be here. Love, Mom, Davrae & Davida

Dear Kathy, We are so proud of the person you have become - kind, intelligent, sensitive and spicy! Continue to follow your heart. We love you always, Mom, Dad and Kelly

Ryan Lee Our

And if you go there, and after you do, All of these dreams would be yours to pursue. The rest of your life, devoid of a care. If you keep your eyes open, you may find yourself there. If you keep your heart open." We love you, Mom, Dad & Logan

The wor

Sylvia Jones

Will Ripley r -·

~•· -

Congratulations Sylvia!

The rules of soccer are very simple, basically it is this: If it moves, kick it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does. - Phil Woosnam WillNever stop doing what you love to do on the field and in life! Love, Mom, Dad, Kyle & Danny

Abby Hendrix We are proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Zach and Jake

in d. leart.

Grace Prestiy

Tay Thornburg

Our hearts ore BURSTING with pride! We thank our Lucky Star for the day you were born and count out blessings each and every day for you presence. You truly are an amazing young woman who has it all ... Beauty, brains, and brawn. Patience and perserverence have seved you well and your spirit. passion and determination will carry you wherever you wish togo.

You outgrew baby steps long ago & giant leaps are now your style. Know that wherever life may take you , our hearts will follow.

Congratulations! V'l

The world is yours ... follow your heart and your dreams.

xxoo Mom & Dad Grammy & Poppy Hannah & Sarah


Love, Mom and Bill


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Austin Rolla Rohm

Julia Elizabeth Lafond You are unrepeatable . There is a mag ic a bout that is all your own. - D.M. Dellinger

Julio, We cherish your sensitive heart, thoughtfulness, charm and intelligence. You make us proud and we hope that you hove every opportunity to experience life to the fullest . Love, Mom, Dod, Jeff & Kev

Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, and McKenna

Jennifer Letteri Jennifer, You have grown up into such a beautiful, intelligent and loving young lady with a strong faith in God that will guide you into the l1ll .~ next chapter of your ~~ life. We are so very proud of all that you have accomplished through your school years and love you very much! Congratulations!


Love, Mom, Bob and Josh

We hop carry yo heart ir world, c willing tc others in in you iourn Always re

It ta kes courage to grow up and become who you rea lly are. - e . e . c ummings


Melinda RoseAnn Hoffman Mel, You ore not much toller than the day you put my pajamas on. LOL! You hove already accomplished more at your young age than a lot of peope do in a lifetime. We ore so proud and so very blessed to hove you as our beautiful daughter. You light up a room just by walking in and shoring your gift of laughter. Continue to follow your dreams, always believe in yourself, and remember anything is possible. Love, Mom, Dod and Jonathon



Jonathan Pyo

Be who you ore and soy what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Now look at you! You've grown up to be an amazing person. We are very proud of you!

)Ortunity to elife to the est.

Dod, Jeff <ev


age to grow )me who you 1 are. Jmmings


Sara Widdows

We hope you carry your big heart in the world, always willing to help others in need in your life journey.

We love you and ore very proud of you!

Always remember this: "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."

Love, Mom, Dod, Kelly and Amy

Congratulations our dear Jon! We love you very much. - Mom, Dad and Jinhee


Sharon Holman "There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings." - Hodding Carter

You grew with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Now you are ready to fly on your own. We know that you will soar to amazing heights.

urself, and

Lauren- Congratulations! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Prince, Carmen & Sasha

Our wish for you is that all your dreams come true. Love, Mom and Dod


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Amanda Pollack The most adorable baby, a charming little girl, a beautiful young lady, a bright future ... That's you! We love you, Mom, Dad, and Jessie

Haley Lutz Congratulations!

Billy Crist Billy, We love you and ore so, so proud of you. We have loved watching you grow into a wonderful, caring young man and we look forward to the many adventures that life will have in store for you. We will always be your biggest fans! Love, Mom, Dad, and Matt

We are so proud of your accomplishments! We love you! Dad, Mom & Kelly

Loghan B. Jones Log han, I am extremely proud of you . Congratulations for a job well done!. I wish you the very best. I love you!!

'v accorr "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

llana Sky Draego


Beth Koernert We are so very proud of the fine young woman you have become. Your zest for life, positive attitude and level head will serve you well in the future . The sky's the limit - go for it! We love you Foot, Toph, Mama & Drew


"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. e. e. cummings

From the moment you were born, you hove followed your own star, in a wonderfully strong, sassy and beautiful way. You are truly loving daughter, sister and friend. We are very proud of you. Love you tender, Mom and Dad

Alison Bellew


Corinne Sharp We've watched you develop from acute infant into a beautiful young lady. Always remember we are incredibly proud of you.


Love, Mom , Dad & Bradley

Nikole Tavenner Lover girl,

fore us are Nithin us. "

Another milestone passed with flying colors, but this is just the beginning . From the little girl in his picture to the young lady you have become now is inc redible but I c an't wait to see the woman you will be! I'm proud of you and I love you very much.

We are so incredibly proud of your accomplishments so far and we cannot wait to see what your future holds. Dream big! We love you, Mom, Dad and James


rae go ~

Sean Malta

Patrick Tubridy

AHS Class of 20 10 Follow that "road less traveled" - the one where your heart and passion leads you and it will make all the difference!

We love you as far as the galaxy extends,

you really are.

we followed sassy and lughter,


Congratulations!!! We Love You!!

Mom, Dad, Katie, Maggie, Morgan and Scout

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=======~E~~~~lll , Mom, Dad, Alex & Ryan



Samantha Rucinski Sammy, Reach for the stars! We ore so incredibly proud of you. Your hard work and dedication will toke you for. Much love , Mom, Dod, Eric and Belle

MERIBO Time to enter and inspire a new piece of your world. You make us proud! Your Briarleigh family

Kathleen Kines Dearest Kathleen , You hove grown from a smiling, energetic baby into a lovely, talented young woman who has unlimited potential. Your future is in your hands, and we encourage you to challenge yourself in choosing your path. You ore our greatest joy and blessing, and we will always love you . Mom and Dod "Patience and perseverance hove a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish ." -John Quincy Adams

Tyler Scott Richards

Ty-Man, Since the day you were born, you have brought absolute joy into our lives. From the sweetest guy in the world seen in these pictures, to the handsome caring young man you are today, we are blessed to have you as our son and brother. Your smile lights up rooms and your laughter is infectious. You once told your mother that you were a "peace, love and happiness" kind of guy. We wish you these things today and ever more.



- - - - - - - - -

To rust unburn As tho' to brec From "Ulysses'


You've ent through thE brought us and lots of You've beE travel budc places one home is nc Airlines. We've love you liveyot your great monyexpE You're reac coop and mark out tr world. We're so pr and loveyc and more.

Embrace the person you are and your God-given talents and NEVER EVER give up. Remember, it is our differences that make us unique and special. Lastly, don't forget that anything worth having is worth working hard for. We love you and couldn't be more proud of you. Do it big!



Emma Jean Spano -

1agical or and

I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Life to the lees. All times I have enjoy'd Greatly, have suffer'd greatly, both with those That loved me, and alone ... I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades Foreverandforever when I move. How dull it is to pause, to make an end,

Carl Stukenborg We are so proud of you and wish you many new discoveries and adventures in the journey ahead. Love, Mom, Dad, Taylor, and Rachel

Kelly Virginia Kelly, You light up our lives with the spirit and joy of Christmas. Keep that spirit and share it wherever you go. You are a beautiful person.

To rust unburnishe'd , not to shine in use! As tho' to breathe were life! From "Ulysses" by Alfred Lord Tennyson Congratulations Emma

Love, Mom, Dad, and Morgan

Love, Mama and Dad

Katharine Nora Sutphen (Rufus)

;and make vorth 1't be

You've entertained us through the years and brought us much joy and lots of laughs. You've been our travel buddy to far off places and no, your home is not United Airlines. We've loved seeing you live your life with your great friends and many experiences. You're ready to fly the coop and make your mark out there in the world. We're so proud of you and love you forever and more. Hugs and Kisses, Mom, Dad & Ben

Marktika God has given me a beautiful angel to nurture and love. My daughter, my best friend, sent from heaven above. Follow your dreams. Congratulations! Love, Mommy

Chelsea Baine Be true to yourself; believe in yourself and all you can do, there is a world of opportunities just waiting for you. A world full of dreams and choices with decisions to make and goals to accomplish. So as you decide, we want you to know we are so proud of you and have but one wish. That you always be happy wherever you go and whatever you do, and remember that we will forever be believing in and loving you! Love always, Mom, Dad, Amber and Matthew




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Porter Bar

There is sunshine in your smile! What a joy you are - be strong, be gracious, be thankful. stay happy and safe ... many blessings to you! Love always, Mom, George, Jacob and PaPa

Congratulations! We ore always behind you whatever path you choose. Thank you for all the fun and happiness you bring to us.

Congratulations/ Porter. We/re so proud of you. Love/

Love, Mom and Dod

Mom Dod/ and Julie

lAm Valuable










-- -




- -







-. - -

Gerber Baby








Dalton Sto es

My sweet little Gerber Baby Myoid soul My love and inspiration Always remember you were meant to do great things Always believe in yourself God put you on this earth for a very special purpose You are in my heart and soul forever. .. our bond can never be broken You haven't changed since the day you were born, Beautiful, serene, spiritual and wise Your striking eyes and smile always melt away my troubles I'll love you forever I'll like you for a lways As long as I'm living my baby you'll be



We are so proud of the man that you have become!! Good luc k! Love/ Dad/ Mom & Alexa ndra

Love a lways, Mommy xoxoxoxoxo


Sarah Grover Congratulations Sarah! We are so proud of you . Love/ Mom / Dad and Andrew



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Rachel Dalkin Congratulations! We are so proud of the beautifu l young woman you have become, and a ll that you have accomplished.



The time has flown by far too fast ... Our time for letting go has dawned, Echoes of childish laughter and joy Have now faded into the cherished past.

We lo~e you! Mom, Dad, Will & Ben


Our time for sitting on the sideline Of so many soccer fields Has become our time for watching As you assume the role you have cast. Our time of hoping and dreaming For your success and happiness Has become our time for reflection Of our expectations, all of which you have surpassed.

Enjoy life and always strive to be the best that you can ! We are so proud of you and love you very much!

Your time has come to hope your own hopes

Mom, Dad & Josh

Jessie Phillips

WhilE kt Wewil. To dream your own dreams And to live your big adventure at last. The time has flown by far too fast ...

Your sr few of tr

Dream I


We have watc hed you grow .. . We have watc hed you c hange ... We have been granted the pleasure of being your parents ... We are so proud of your.... strength and d etermination, lack of fea r to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way, kindness and beauty, impressive organizational skills, brilliance, self -awareness, and grace. We feel so b lessed to have you in our lives and can't wait to see what your future bring s. We love you with a ll our hearts. God b less, Mom & Dad Jessie, Thanks for being the greats sister ever. You have shown me the way that I should take in my future. I love u so m uch, Jake

Luo All







- - - - - -----. -- - - -----


---- - - -


Courtney Congratulations Dan! Dad, Mom, Joe and Debbie

While this may seem to be the prime of your life, know that the best times are yet to come. We will always be here for you, p lease remember to CALL! Your smile, athleticism, charm, and beauty are just a few of the gifts you hold. Be BOLD; use your gift for great things . Dream big , work hard, and live wisely, play with all your heart, and be true to yourself always! Love you, Mom, Dad and Andrew

Nn dreams )ig adventure

tn by far too

Emma Spellman Emma, You were born in Korea but you blossomed and matured in America. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Jason

Lucas McQueen

Geoff Quick

Lucas McQueen circa December l 992. All of the hard work has paid off, Lucas. We're so proud of you .

Geoffrey - the one prince among so many princesses! How did you survive being rasied by so many bossy women? You did survive, and you have grown into a very handsome man with a great sense of humor! One minute so quiet and introverted, the next so articulate and open . I am so happy that I had the opportunity to raise a son! Your father and I love you very much! And we will be here for you as you begin the next chapter of your life! Be smart! Love, Mom

Mom and Dad




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Lindsay Thomas

Vicky Zarate-Busamante

Congratulations! We're so proud of you and all you've accomplished. Follow your heart. We know you'll be successful in all that you do. We love you! Mom, Dad, Robert and Mark

Jon #Pumpkin" Gunderson

There is nothing that we would say to you that we have not already said: We love you and hope that from now on you will make the right decisions and the only thing we ask of you is that you always be happy.

I love you and will always be your biggest fan. You can always count on us. No matter what you choose to be in life, we know that you will always find success. Vicky te amamos! Dad, Mom and Victor

Love, Mom

Lindsey Peters

Jay Patrick Schwab

Dearest Lindsay, Where did the time go? This picture is the memory we hold in our heart, a beautiful, happy, smiling "little Lindsey." I know you can't wait to be on your own at college, but we are always here to love and support you. Do good things. The world is yours! Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. Love, Mom, and Dad and Sarah

"Jay- bird" Our wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold and while you're out there getting to where you're getting to, we hope you know somebody loved you We love you, Bird! Mom, Dad, Emily, Maggie, & Abby


May the good you, Down every roc May sunshine c surround you, When you're fa home. May you growdignified, and And do unto o1 would have de Congratulation Mom and Dad


Nathan Graney

Caroline Allen

"11.1'-.....7:. -~ ::: -...,- ,.

You took the part that won our hearts, we love yo u Nathan! You a lways make us p ro ud!

There's a special kind of freedom sisters enjoy. Freedom to share innermost thoughts , to ask a favor, to show their true feeli ngs . The freedom to simply be themselves. Congratulations Caroline. I am so proud of you! I love you, Jennifer

we know

Mom , Dad and Maddie

May the good Lord be with you, Down every road you roam, May sunshine and happiness surround you, When you're far away from home. May you grow to be proud, dignified, and true. And do unto others as you would have done to you. Congratulations, we love you.

Drew Knight Drew, We're proud and excited to see you grow into the young man you've become. We love you,

Mom and Dad

Mom, Dad & Connor


Kaitlyn Ashleigh Proffitt


"KT -K8"


July l 2, 1992, the day you came into our lives and we have been blessed ever since! You have brightened our lives with your love and contagious laughter, your tender heart and quest for perfection . You will always be our favorite cheerleader and "our shooting star. " Congratulations Kaity, we are so p roud of you! Love always * forever, Mom, Dad & Justin

Jy loved


May God's blessing keep you a lways, May your wishes always com e true , May you always do for others And let others do for you . May you build a ladder to the stars And c limb on every rung , May you stay Forever Young .

- Bob Dylan




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Samantha Snodgrass Congratulations Sweetie! You're going to make the best kintergarten teacher ever!


Your future is bright, "Little Drummer Boy." "That man is a success who lives well, laughs often ... who looks for the best in others and who gives the best in himself always."

I love you, Mom

Nick Matherne Unique - not typical ; like no other Authentic- genuine, real Kind - of a good or benevolent nature Nick- unique, authentic, kind We love you! Mom and Dad

Graham Doby

- Robert Louis Stevenson May you always walk to the beat of your own drummer! We love you! Mom, Dod & Blair

Meg Carpenter Meg, From Disney Days to soccer fields, Daisys, Brownies. Girl Scouts, Volleyball courts and basketball courts, 3,000 miles in a minivan - you , me, Fluffy, Wilma. Fred , Rainbow, Sally, Nibbles, Nugget & Tweetie, designing our home to gether, setting up our family business .. . I wouldn't trade a single minute@ You are an amazing person! Stay close to God, be yourself always and know I'm always there for you! I love you and I'm so proud of you! Mom P.S. G-ma loves you M-0-R-E!




Steven Bargh

You're at the starting line of the rest of your life! May all your dreams come true. Keep on smiling. Love, Mom, Dad, and Daniel

er Boy."

Congratulations Sarah! We're so proud of everything you've accomplished and excited about the adventures that await you. Remember dreams are a wish your heart makes! Love, Dad, Mom, Rachel, and Matthew

Congratulations! We are proud of your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad and Dana



Irs hard to believe that the "baby" of the fam ily is graduating and going off on her own! We know its been hard at times being the youngest of three girls. Now its time for you to go make your own mark in the world. Remember: "Time is short, so make the most of it." Love, Mommy, Daddy, Jessica and Erika


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Jordan Crawford From the moment you were born, you've been a blessing. Beautiful, sweet, smart ... you are a gift from God . We love you, JoJo.

Matt Young


You have brought joy to our family.

Congratulations. Mom & Dad

Gregory Thomas (GT) God is smiling down on you and we love you. Mom & Dad

Marlee Do not look back. Do not pass joy. Be glad . Be brave. Always yours, Mommie

Makia Bailey Congratulations Makia! We are so happy to see you blossom into a beautiful young woman. We love you, Mom, Dad, Aneesha and your Grandparents

To Alicia, you are the caring brother who gives her guidance and makes her laugh. To Andrew, you are the "best' brother who taught him how to aim arrows, shoot air-soft guns and wrestle with heart. We have enjoyed your clever sense of humor, funny birthday poems, exciting sports moments and commitment to learning. You showed us that hard work and self-discipline can make dreams come true. We are proud of all you have achieved and all you have become. We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity, and the courage and perseverance to pursue your dreams. With much love, Mom, Dad, Alicia and Andrew

Not muc h r and it has 1 Be Good Have Fun And don't t

Austin Jeffrey Rogers Congratulations Austin! We are so proud of the intelligent and successful young man you have become. Whether it was taking the advanced c lasses or playing a new position on the team, you have always encouraged and accepted every challenge with a positive attitude and have proven every time how fully capable you are to succeed. There is no doubt that you will go on to do great things and accomplish every goal you set for the future. We love you and are very proud to be your family! Love. Mom, Dad, Dylan, Grayson and Fairleigh

Dear Katl y our little~ toes. WE


Madeline Krouse


Ricardo Barrientos-Mendoza Felicitaciones Ricardito!! Estamos muy orgullosos de ti y te deseamos lo mejor. Que todos tus suenos se hagan realidad .

My Madeline,

Te queremos mucho!! Tus papas y hermanos

guidance and 1er who taught with heart. We hday poems, J . You showed n s come true. ave become . the courage

Kasey Mann Not much more to say than what I said every morning and it has worked really well so far. .. Be Good Have Fun And don't bite anybody! Kiss head, Mom


Welcome to the next c hapter of your life! Love, Your Family

Kathryn Scott .路.

hings and re . Jmily!

Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, Love as if you have never been hurt before.


Dear Kathryn , You may be graduating, but you will always be our little pumpkin pie with no front teeth who runs on her toes. We are so proud of you! All our Love, Mom and Dad

Oh loving sister. What am I going to do next year? "Sorry sorry" you have to go. I'll miss watching Disney movies and having sledding adventures with you , and all the fun times I "shay-er" with my big sister. Love, Christine P.S. When you go to college, I get the car, dinosaur blanket, and the fish tan k. I win .




I remember the day Brookie was born and how cute and lovable she was throughout childhood . Always being a stinker. And now, all grown up, I have to ask, "What happened?" I love you, Daddy


DeAndra Shonte' Smith We ore so proud of you,

Li. From "Lizard

My little princess holding her favorite doll- I am so very proud of you! This is the moment when you stop being judged by your potential and start being judged by you accomplishments! I love you Brookie - Mom

Kyle Douglas McComsey Bright smile, bright mind, bright future -

Always know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Remember your goals are always within reach. "If you believe, you can achieve."

GO GET THAT!!! Love, Mom, Dod & Monico

And now we s become on tt

And last but not certainly least, if God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. We love you, Mom & Dad

Christine Pajewski Congratulations Christine, "C" is still for Christine, but we con no longer soy this for your furry friend, Cookie Monster. Sesame Street's famous character Cookie Monster entered the PC world in 2006 and was renamed Veggie Monster. Stick to your principles, explore your talents and your accomplishments will be many. We ore all proud of you! Hannah, Katherine, Michael, Mom and Dod

Every acto learning rec willingness 1 to one's sel why young importancE ~ Thomas



you set your hin reach.

you to it,

Lizzy Ramey From "Lizard Breath" and "Lizzie-Biddie-Boo" to Lizzy,

You've grown up way too fast, too soon. "Proud" barely scratches the surface. All the cute quotes and deep lyrics boil down to thiswe love you! Amidst the great and the not so great moments, accomplishments and adventures, that love has been, and will always be unconditional.

And now we see the marvelous young woman you've become on the threshold of her future. Go get 'em Lizzy! Love, Mom, Dad and Ryan

Tyler Morris Even with the Boogeyman living in the Poison Ivy Tree outside your door, you still turned out great! Keep true to your heart, and follow your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad and Zach

Lizzy Hamlin Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised, but today we own. Use it well.

Alexander James Kirst

Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own selfimportance, learn so easily. ~ Thomas Szasz

Alex, you have taught us what learning and living are all about - looking at the world with a sense of humble curiosity, caring for those fortunate enough to know you , and always being willing to ask questions when most simply accept things as fact. We are incredibly proud of the adult that you have chosen to become. Our wish is that you always see the world as an adventure. Have fun exploring! Love, Mom, Dad, Brian, Stephen, Meagan and Katie





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Shannon Bisselink Believe in yourself, Stay true to yourself and always look ahead! Von Harte Gefeliciteerd! Heartfelt congratulations! Love, Dod, Mom and Riley

Ben Griego BenCongratulations! You mode it! You rock! We knew you hod it in you!. Love, Mommy&Somi

Daniel Stow The determination that got you to graduation will get you to all your other goals. Go for it! We love you , Mom and Dad

Clark Melton We are really proud of you! We know you will be successful in all the things you do. Love, Mom and Dad

Evan Lee Karweik


You hove accomplished a lot for yourself


including high school graduation and now are embarking on a promising college career. Your opportunities are boundless! Through your hard work and determination you have succeeded in so many areas: academics, sports, developing longlasting friendships, and, most importantly, doing the right thing when it matters most. In college as well as through your life you will experience challenges that we know you will conquer. Enjoy your life in the "Evan-patented," fun -loving and enthusiastic style! We love you! Mom, Dad, Kaitlin , and Heidi


when you w smartyoun~

We wish you< always t Nanaw, Gr•

Miriam Curry Dear Mim, From that first New Year's Eve, we could tell you were going to be a Party Girl and you've been the reason for many parties since then! You ore recognized everywhere and know more people than any of us hove even met. You ore the diamond in our family. Congratulations! We love you ! Mom, Dod, Bube, Rachel, Michael and Ben

Stine, you are~ school. going c The house will r same without y to you, even if bringing your H to college with wonderful sister going to do grE Congratsl Love

Zak Vanlier

Katie Leigh Huckstep

Thanks for a great year. We look forward to the next chapter! We love you and ore very proud of you!

Katie - our family was truly blessed

Mom and Dod

Danielle Eason

•our life you till conquer. ving and


when you were born. You are a sweet, beautiful and smart young woman, who can do anything you wish. We wish you only the best and know that your family will always be along for the ride . We all love you, Nanaw, Grandma Evelyn, TAD, Maggie & Mama & Dada Good Luck!

Love you, Mom & Dad

Christine Alexander



Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau

Ginger 2 Wow! You're going to college ! I will miss you so much. You hove been on incredible sister to me! We always hove fun together. I love you so much. I know you'll do great at whatever life throws at you because you ore amazing. You better come home a lot! Love, Ginger 1

Stine, you ore graduating high school, going off to college! The house wi ll not be the same without you. Stay true to you, even if that means bringing your Harry Potter cloak to college with you. You're a wonderful sister and you're going to do great things. Congrots! Love you, Ellee

Christine I om going to miss you ! Your Iough, beautiful smile, our philosophical conversations "what do you mean, what do I mean." Whatever you do you will be successful. Not just because you're "brilliant," but also because you ore extraordinary; there is no one like you! I love you with all my heart and soul. MOM

Christine I om so proud of the unique person you hove become, funny, smart and beautiful! You hove been on invaluable and hard worker, cutting gross for the business. I don't know how I will replace you. I love you and know you will be a huge success in life! . All my love, Dod


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Amanda, What has been c and we've cheris and a joy these r ter and the grea1 be full of succes~ to do what you'v• makes us look lik• true) . One down, Love, Mom, Dad


"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "'


Jeremiah 20: 7 7

an incredible

to the work o1 We can't wai· LOVE

Amanda Marshall

Linda Margarita Galvez Lindo, estomos orgullosos de que eves nuestro hijo, del esfuerzo que estos dondo a tus estudios. Siendo el ejemplo,. Confiomos en Dios, que seguras adelante bendecida, exitora.

Kirsten Bonham --......;._.-~ Amanda, What has been a lifetime to you has been a blink of an eye to us, and we've cherished every moment. You have been a blessing and a joy these past 18 years. You have been a wonderful daughter and the greatest big sister imaginable. We know your future will be full of success and happiness. Please be safe and continue to do what you've been doing. The way you interact with others makes us look like the perfect parents [which we all know is not true). One down, one to go! Love, Mom, Dad and lreleigh

Ginny Gazewood Only yesterday you were Snow White with your dad as Prince Charming, playing with your "babies," or creating plays with Kiara. You were a blessing to us from the moment you were born on Thanksgiving Day, very punctual (an early life skill). You have grown into a beautiful young woman, an elegant dancer, a devoted friend, a dedicated learner with an incredible work ethic, a joyful soul, and a faithful witness to the work of Christ in your life. We can't wait to share what lies ahead! Love, Mom and Dad, JP, David and Anna

What a ride it's been Wishing you peace and joy. Trust God and you can go far. We love you, Mom, Dad, Griffin and Anna

Michael Peyman

Congratulations Michael! (/)

18 years have gone by so unbelievably fast. I have enjoyed every moment of watching you grow into the young man that I am so incredibly proud to call my son. Love always, Mom

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[226 Index

A Aasen, Kristian 82, 184 Abel , Kimberly 90 Aboud, lsraa 90 Aboud , Raghda 90 Aboud , Roua 90 Adams, Brian 98, 154, 185 Adams, Nick 38, 183 Adalia , Aadil 98 Agee, Shaniqua 82 Aglio, Kira 33, 90, 158, 183, 188, 189, 190, 191 Aglio, Ms. Tracy 108, 119 Ahmad , Naaila 98, 191 Ahuati-Cuazitl , David 98 Ainsworth, Angela Celeste 108 Aker, Timothy 90, 155, 184 AI-Lawati , Ahmad 38, 183, 189 Alexande, Victoria 101 Alexander, Christine 19 22 38 142,221 ' ' ' Alexander, Victoria 98, 158, 183 Alfano, Anna 90, 183, 190, 191 Alisha Young 140 Allen , Caroline 25, 38, 213 Allen, Damere 38 Allen, Ms. Sandra 108 Allen , Tobias 98, 145 Almeida , Allison De 83, 165, 182, 188 Almeida , Jeffrey De 33, 99, 176 Anders , Ashley 82 Anderson , Alexis 82 Anderson , B. 184 Anderson, Benjamin 82 Anderson, Blake 98 Anderson, Brittany 82 Anderson , Carleton 38 Anderson , Carol 38 Anderson, Dawn 108 Anderson , J. 153, 178, 182 Anderson , Jacob 82, 178 Anderson, Jamie 38, 137 Anderson , Joseph 90 Anderson , L. 178 Anderson , Lanikqua 98, 105 Anderson , Lexus 98 Anderson, Matt 23, 27, 38, 76, 191 Anderson , Top: L. 178 Anderson-Lindsay, Camae 82 Andrews, Abbe 85 Andrews, Abigail 82 Angeley, Elisabeth 98 Angeley, Joshua 82 Applegate, Linda 108 Aranda-Guevara , Victor 90 Armstrong , Amanda 98 Arriaga-Lopez, Kevin 98 Arseneault, Micah 23, 82, 183 Arthur,Robert 11190,. 192 Ashworth, Zachary 98 Asouline, Maria 108 Ath , Kirsten 134 Au, Allen 82, 190, 191 Audia, Matthew 82 Auman, Curtis 98 Aung , Patrick 98 Aust, Ms. Kim 108 Avalos , Cynthia 98 Ayala, Juana 98 Aye, Thi Let 90 Ayers , David 90, 155 Azadzoi , Yama 82 B

Ba, D. 193 Babu, Divya 90, 190 Bachenstar, Coach P. 165 Badalov, Orkhan 82 Badilla-Castillo, Ruben 98 Bailey, Cameron 90 Bailey, Guillaume 90 Bailey, Kelcey 38, 188 Bailey, Makia 38, 216 Baine, Chelsea 38, 207 Baines, M. 190 Baker, Justin 39 Baker, Kyle 90 Baker, Maury 91 , 172 Baker, Ryan 91 Baldwin, Danielle C. 21 , 39 Baldwin, Sophie 82 Bamford, David 83 Bamford, DJ 89 Bankard, Brooke 39 Bankard , Megan 91 Banks, Ayana 39, 125 Banks, Kadisha 91 Bannister, Mr. Mike 108 Bantz, Mr. Steve 108 Banyameen, Mian 125 Bar, Porter 39, 42, 208 Baranik, Benjamin 91 , 172, 184 Barber, Alexander 91 , 120 Barbour, Briana 91 Barbour, Jordan 91 , 185 Bargh, Dana 91 , 158 Bargh, Steven 39, 111 , 119, 183, 215 Barke, Craig 40 Barker, Kelley 91 , 158, 159 Barksdale, Kelly 40, 188, 193 Barmore, Mayghen 40 Barnes, Ebony 98 Barnes, M. 183 Barnes, Marc 83 Barnes, Mark 89 Barnes, Mary 40 Barranco, Rachel 98 Barrera, Annette 108 Bascom, Mark 11183 Becerra, Carmen 98 Beiter, Daniel 83 Beiter, Rebecca 91, 188 Bell, Adrianne 40 Bell, Harriet 108 Bell, Kashianya 98 Bell, Zachary 83, 153 Bellew, Alison 40, 161 , 189, 191 , 205 Benson, Sara 91 174 Bergstresser, S. 189 Bergstresser, K. Scott. Row 2: S. 188 Bergstresser, Sarah 20 40 131 , 188, 189, 215 ' ' Bernardino, Michael 83, 153, 180, 182 Berry, Michelle 108, Besagic, Vedad 40 Bevard , Alison 83, 125 Bickers, Mr. Carroll 108, 114 Billings, Joseph 40, 125 Bingler, Eric 91 , 97, 185 Birckhead, David 98 Bisselink, Shannon 40 137 183, 220 ' ' Black, Kevin 98, 154, 178 Blackwell, Debbie 108 Blair, Daniel 91 , 183 Blake, Brandon 40, 77, 126, 127, 192 Blakey, Eboni 9, 91 Block, Jessica 98 Boboy, Zamir 98 Bohlander, Matthew 83

Bohn, Alexander 91 , 183 Bohn, Eric 41 , 183, 188, 189, 191 Bonham, Kirsten 41 , 188, 189, 191 , 223 Bonilla, Kevin 91 Booker, Brieona 98, 172 Booker, Tieona 98, 172 Bor, C. 172, 191 Bor, Kuang-Shih 83 Bor, Kuang-Zhu 98 Bor, Sam 8, 19, 23, 191 Borbely, Brian 91 , 97, 155, 182 Borenstein, Aaron 83 Borenstein, Jacob 11 , 91, 184 Bosley, Rachael 98, 184 Bourne, Karen 83 Bowles, Julia 98 Boyd, Kristina 41 Bozzone, Reid 26, 83, 150, 182 Braatz, Elise 83, 188 Braden, Coach 154 Braden, Robert Ill 83 Brady, Lauren 91 , 183 Brady, Sarah 25 Branche, Colleen 108 Branham, Will 91 Braxton, A. 172 Breeden, B. 188 Breeden, Eric 83, 153, 178 Brewer, David 99 Brian, Coach 170 Bricker, Miranda 11 , 91 , 137 Briehl, Krister 124 Brooks, Hannah 91 , 165, 188, 191 Brooks, John 99, 143 Brooks, Lynnasia 99, 105 Brooks, Valissa 83 Brown, A. 166, 191 , 192, 193 Brown, Alexander 99 Brown, Avaree 41 , 166 Brown, Beatrice 108 Brown, Bryan 99 Brown, Coach 185 Brown, Courtney 41 , 193 Brown, Jessica 91 , 192 Brown, K. 153 Brown, Kaila 91 , 137 Brown, Keanan 83 Brown, Kiyara 83 Brown, L. 156 Brown, Melissa 108 Brown, Sophia 99, 180 Browning, Sydney 99, 191 Brubeck, Jacob 41 Brugh, H. 185 Brugh, Haley 17, 25, 83 Brunal, Alyssa 99, 134, 135 Brunelle, Michael 99 Brust, Benjamin 83, 162 Bryant, Courtney A. 41 , 137 Bryant, Drake 154 Bryant, Mr. James 108 Bryant, Lauren 83 Bryant, Whitney 99 Buck, Tristram 99, 178 Buckley, Colin 91 , 176, 183 Buczyna, Mr. Jason 108 Buglia, Mr. Thomas 108 Buhle, Anna 99, 159, 183 Bull, Daphne 41 , 143 Bullard, Walter 35, 83, 153, 178 Burch, Brittany 20, 21 , 41 , 117, 193 Burg, Dr. Kathleen 108, 191 Burgess, Hannah 99 Burke, Hunter 91 Burner, Laura 83 Burrier, Zachary 99 Burris, Joseph 99, 154, 172, 184 Burruss-Martin, Deborah 83 Burton, Erica 41 Burton, Megan 108 Burton, W. 185 Bush, Sidney 83, 184 Butler, Jordan 91

Button, Coach 185 Buynak, Danielle 41 , 137 Buynak, Deborah 99, 11 8 Byers, Coach 154

c Cahalen, Joseph 99 Cahill, Morgan 99 Ca in, Eric 16, 83, 150, 151 , 184 Calderon, Eduin 83 Caldwell, Sue 108 Calhoun, Joshua 91 , 117, 155, 182 Callender, Madison 99, 191 Callihan, Michael 99 Callihan, Ryan 41 , 188 Campbell, Mr. Chris 108 Campbell, Katrina 83, 143 Campbell, Ms. Molli 108 Campbell, Ryan 83, 191 Campos, Ms. Korina 108, 109, 125 Canton, Michael 42, 188,189 Cantoni, Olivia 99, 183 Cardella, Joesph Jr. 83, 184 Carey, Candace 83, 161 , 183 Carey, Justin 99 Carey, Sakiyna 99 Carlisle, Jared 99 Carlisle, Ryan 83, 153, 178, 182 Carmines, C. 182 Carmines, Chad 99 Carmines, Christian 91 Carmines, Kyle 91 Carneal, Lee 140, 155, 170, 184 Carneal. Oddie Jr. 91 Caron, Amber 108 Carpenter, Anthony 83 Carpenter, Drew 99, 162 Carpenter, Meg 23, 42, 77, 156, 183, 188, 190, 214 Carr, Dyrell 42, 198 Carraway, Robert 83 Carrell, Megan 99 Carrera, Kayla 42 Carroll, Kali 91 , 161 , 183 Carroll, Ryan 83, 143 Carroll, Zoe 42, 137, 193 Carson, Connor 99, 172, 183 Carson, Jessica 42 Carson, Kirsten 43, 188 Carswell, Allison 91 , 128, 159, 184 Carter, Keyonna 91 Cartwright, Barbara 108 Case, Andrew 91 Casey, Lauren 91 Cash, Maria 108 Cashwell, Cathrine 91 , 183 Cassell, Linda 108 Castelino, Ashley 91 Castille-Flores, Dilan 99 Castorina, Baylee 99, 118, 159 Castro, Stefan 43 Catoe, Deshauna 83 Caton, Summer 83, 184, 191 Cauley, Crystal 99 Cauley, Kirsten 43 Cavanaugh, Brianna 99 Cechova, Kristina 83 Chandler, John 91 , 140, 155, 182 Chaney, Walter 108 Chang, A. 193 Chang, Angel 43, 188, 190, 191 Chang, Angelica 83, 190 Chapman, David 99, 154, 172 Chapman, Mary Ann 16, 83, 165, 185 Chaudhry, Varda 43, 146, 188 Chen, Brian 43, 184 Chen, Hong-Vi 43 Chhetri, Adesh 83 Chhetri, Suraj 99 Chiminello, Jacquelyn 43, 79, 188, 189, 191 Chipman, Claire 43, 188, 189,

191 ' 196, 224 Chisholm, Caroline 99, 159 Chisholm, Cody 43, 197, 225 Chisholm, C. 159, 184, 188 Choi, Peter 12, 43, 188, 189, 190 Chrobak, Mr. Ray 108 Chuks, Chiaka 43, 133, 191 , 197, 225 Chung, Albert 44, 78, 188, 189 Cimic, Dajana 27, 91 Clark, Coach 161 Clark, Sierra 83 Clarke, Aaron 44, 189 Clarke, Heather 91 , 156, 173, 183, 190 Clay, Mr. Matt 108 Cobbs, Jalen 99, 154 Coble, Cory 44 Coble, Travis 91 Coffman , Ms. Catherine 108 ' 165, 193 Coffman, Kendall 99, 158, 183 Coffman, Zachary 91 , 162, 183 Cohen, Emma 83, 191 , 193 Cole, Riley 83, 193 Coles, Jamal 12, 99, 105, 154, 172 Coletrain, Jacqueline 83 Colindres, Cindy 99, 143 Collado, Ms. Denise 108 Collazo-Espinosa, Anthony 99 Collier, Mr. Bryan 108 Collier, Joshua 99 Collins, Margie 108, 185 Coltrane, Jordan 83, 169 Gomberg, Anna 83 Combs, Jessica 99, 124 Conner, Hannah 99, 165 Conrad, Brittany 83, 166 Cook, Erin 44, 172, 193 Cook, Naundi 91 Cook, R. 180 Cook, Trevon 83, 192 Cooke, Alexandra 83, 192 Cooper, Tavon 91 Coppola, Andrea 83, 180, 185, 190, 193 Corbett, Douglas 99, 184 Corbin, Dionna 99, 105, 173 Corcoran, Clark 119 Corcoran, Neil 44 Corcoran, Tyler 98, 99 Cordoba, Kimberlin 91 Corea, Kirsten 99, 178 Corkin, Samuel 44 Cornell, Erin 83, 86, 191 Coughlin, Loretta 108 Cowan, lsiah 98, 99, 154, 172 Craig, Mary Grace 99, 102, 105, 159, 191 Crawford, Jordan 44, 165, 188, 189, 190, 191 , 216 Crawford, Zach 91 , 191 Creegan, Katherine 99 Crenshaw, Cole 91, 184 Crickenberger, Buck 44 Crickenberger, Dakota 91 Crider, Ms. Meghan 108 Crisostomo-Hernandez, Lucia 91 Crist, Billy 9, 22, 24, 32, 44, 77, 147, 182, 204 Crobak, Mr. Ray 109 Crossman, Ryan 83 Cruz-Duran, Ricardo 99 Cudahy, Ryan 99, 180 Cudahy, Sean 44, 136, 137, 180 Cude, Thomas 83, 125 Cummings, Mark 91 Cunningham, Ahmad 99, 154 Cunningham, Fay 108, 192 Curry, Mr. Marvin 108 Curry, Michael Jr. 83 Curry, Miriam 44, 220 D

D'Antoni, Emma 91 , 121 , 185, 190 D'Antoni , Josh 44, 182 Dabney, Jeremy 99 Dabney, Joshua 83 Dabney, Lucy 83 Dahal, Durga Devi 91 , 190 Dahiya, Bunty Navdeep 45 Dalkin, Rachel 45, 189, 191 , 210 Dalton , Andrew 45, 129, 189 Daly, Mr. Bill 108 Dame, Andrew 83, 192 Darin, Coach J. 184 Davies, Austrine 83 Davila, Nicholas 91 Davis, Bryant 83, 191 Davis, Heather 91 , 185 Davis, Jonathan 91 , 188 Davis, Ms. Judith 108 Davis, K. 166 Davis, Kaitlin 45, 137 Davis, Katrina 91 Davis, Lynwood Ill 99 Davis, Shikeyla 45 Davison, Emily 83, 147, 161 , 177, 183, 191 , 193 Deal, Benjamin 91 , 162, 189 DeAimedia, A. 191 Deane, Eric 83 Decker, Robert 99 Degnan, Coach 154 Degnan, Kristen 45, 78, 174 DelGrosso, Peter 45 DelGrosso, Zack 45, 182 Demasters-Hadder, Samantha 91 Deng, Cissy 137, 188, 190, 191 Deng, Zhi-Bo 83 Densmore, Nicole 99, 105, 180, 183 Desai, Sapna 99, 105 Desimini, Wilson 91 , 150, 151 Desmond , Daniel 83 Desmond, Patrick 99 Dettmeick, J. 162 Dhaliwal, Herman 83 Diantoni, E. 193 Diaz, Francisco 83 Dierks, Lauren 91 , 156 Dillon, John 83, 182 Diner, Daniel 45, 188, 211 Dinwiddie, Anna 45, 191 Divine, M. 153 Doby, Graham 45, 76, 214 Doherty, John 99 Doherty, Theresa 108 Dolenc, Mr. Paul 108 Domer, Ms. Joanie 108 Donaldson, Ryan 45, 188 Donnadio, Gian Paolo 91 Doshi, Anish 91 Doshi, Sachin 46, 79, 188, 189 Dougherty, Carol 91 , 188, 191 Douglas, Tori 46, 125 Dowling, Malina 46, 191 , 193 Draego, Allana 46, 204 Draego, Zakary 8, 83 Dresner, Frank 83 Drumheller, Dylan 83 Drumm, Victoria 91 Duani, Elyse 99 Dudley, Myles 46, 76, 184 Duggan, Michael 99 Dunaway, Ms. Kim 108 Dunnivan, Earl 83 Duran-Reyes, Andrea 99 Durham, Chase 99 Durrett, lesha 46 Durrett, Kristin 91 Dyer, Julia 108

E Ealy, Tyler 99, 154 Earley, Pearl 108 Early, Ashley 91 , 97, 141 , 173 Early, Coach 158

Eason, Erica Danielle 46, 221 Easter, Taylor 83 Echelberger, Aileen 83, 165, 185, 188, 193 Edenfield, Krista 91 , 135 Ediss, Ms. Jenny 108, 110 Eersal, Katya van 93 Eersel, Katherine Van 96 Egge, Noah 108 Eheart, Megan 99, 184 Ehlers, Sam 46, 160, 161 , 18 Eiden, Rachel 91 , 116, 188 Eklund, Lauren 91 , 94, 150, 1 Elder, A. 162 Elder, Aaron 99, 162 Elder, Angela 83 Elder, Anna 83 Eldridge, K. 185 Elliot, Courtney 46, 183 Elliott, Sleyler 99 Endres, Cody 46, 137 England , Lauren 91 Entezam, Cyrus 91 Escamilla-Villa, David 46 Espinosa, Ms. Diane 108 Espinoza-Lezcano, Jazmin 4 Evans, Coach 154 Evans, Maggie 83 Evans, Simon 47, 129 Evans, Zachary 91 , 154, 155 184 Evans, Coach Lloyd 184 Evarts, Adelaide 91


Fagan, Andrew 84 Fagan, Coach 161 Fagon, D. 185 Falconer, R. 156 Fallon, Paula 108 Fanning , Conner 82 Farineau, Isabelle 99, 193 Farmer, Brian 84 Fatton, Luc 32, 99, 183 Faulconer, Rachel 99, 173, 1 Faulkner, Mr. Harry 108 Feggans, Channen 47 Fei, Yun Yang 99, 134 Feldman, Melanie 84, 161, 1 Feola, Victoria 91 , 122 Ferero, Joshua 99 Ferguson, Dean 108 Ferguson, Katrina 99 Fergusson, Fiona 99, 191 Ferralli, Adam 99 Ferralli, Alec 35, 47, 144 Fielding, Tori 99, 185 Finnegan, Ms. Carrie 134 Firer, Harian 91 , 178 Fischer, Amory 99, 144, 19: Fisher, Carley 84, 185 Fisk, Taylor 69,99 Fiso, Ryan 92 Fitzgerald, Colin 47 Flores, Freddy 84 Flores, Jonathan 84 Flores-Loredo, Perla 100 Flynn, Patti 108 Foley, Daniel 100, 162, 17E Folley, D. 178 Folley, Kenyatta 100 Ford , L. 170, 172, 182, 184 Ford, Logan 100, 124 Ford, Luke 22, 47, 76, 170 Foster, Cassidy 47, 137, 11 Foster, L. 188 Fournier, Louis 92 Foutz, Mr. Steve 108, 140 Fowler, Brooke L. 48 Fraizer, Andrew 146 Francisco, Kya 19, 48, 17< 175, 193 Francisco, Mayn 23, 84, 1 170 Franco, Francisco 48 Franco, Judy 108 Frank, Liz 108

Antoni, Emma 91, 121 , 185, 190 Antoni, Josh 44, 182 bney, Jeremy 99 bney, Joshua 83 bney, Lucy 83 hal, Durga Devi 91, 190 hiya, Bunty Navdeep 45 lkin, Rachel 45, 189, 191 , 210 ton, Andrew 45, 129, 189 y, Mr. Bill 108 me, Andrew 83, 192 rin, Coach J. 184 avies, Austrine 83 vila, Nicholas 91 vis, Bryant 83, 191 vis, Heather 91 , 185 vis, Jonathan 91, 188 vis, Ms. Judith 108 vis, K. 166 Vis, Kaitlin 45, 137 vis, Katrina 91 Vis, Lynwood Ill 99 vis, Shikeyla 45 vison, Emily 83, 147, 161 , 177, 183, 191 , 193 al, Benjamin 91, 162, 189 1Aimedia, A. 191 ane, Eric 83 >Cker, Robert 99 gnan, Coach 154 gnan, Kristen 45, 78, 174 !Grosso, Peter 45 !Grosso, Zack 45, 182 masters-Hadder, Samantha 91 1g, Cissy 137, 188, 190, 191 1g, Zhi-Bo 83 1smore, Nicole 99, 105, 180, 183 ;ai, Sapna 99, 105 ;imini, Wilson 91 , 150, 151 ;mond, Daniel 83 •mond, Patrick 99 tmeick, J. 162 1liwal, Herman 83 1toni, E. 193 '· Francisco 83 ks, Lauren 91, 156 n, John 83, 182 •r, Daniel 45; 188, 211 1iddie, Anna 45, 191 1e, M. 153 /,Graham 45, 76, 214 Jrty, John 99 Jrty, Theresa 108 nc, Mr. Paul 108 er, Ms. Joanie 108 1ldson, Ryan 45, 188 1adio, Gian Paolo 91 i, Anish 91 i, Sachin 46, 79, 188, 189 herty, Carol 91 , 188, 191 las, Tori 46, 125 ng, Malina 46, 191 , 193 JO, Allana 46, 204 10, Zakary 8, 83 1er, Frank 83 neller, Dylan 83 11 , Victoria 91 , Elyse 99 y, Myles 46, 76, 184 m, Michael 99 vay, Ms. Kim 108 1an, Earl 83 -Reyes, Andrea 99 11 , Chase 99 :, lesha 46 :, Kristin 91 'ulia 108

{ler 99, 154 Pearl 108 1Shley 91 , 97, 141 , 173 :oach 158

Eason, Erica Danielle 46, 221 Easter, Taylor 83 Echelberger, Aileen 83, 165, 185, 188, 193 Edenfield, Krista 91 , 135 Ediss, Ms. Jenny 108, 110 Eersal, Katya van 93 Eersel, Katherine Van 96 Egge, Noah 108 Eheart,Megan 99, 184 Ehlers, Sam 46, 160, 161 , 183 Eiden, Rachel 91 , 116, 188 Eklund, Lauren 91 , 94, 150, 151 Elder, A. 162 Elder, Aaron 99, 162 Elder, Angela 83 Elder, Anna 83 Eldridge, K. 185 Elliot, Courtney 46, 183 Elliott, Sleyler 99 Endres, Cody 46, 137 England, Lauren 91 Entezam, Cyrus 91 Escamilla-Villa, David 46 Espinosa, Ms. Diane 108 Espinoza-Lezcano, Jazmin 46 Evans, Coach 154 Evans, Maggie 83 Evans, Simon 47, 129 Evans, Zachary 91 , 154, 155, 184 Evans, Coach Lloyd 184 Evarts, Adelaide 91 F Fagan, Andrew 84 Fagan, Coach 161 Fagon, D. 185 Falconer, R. 156 Fallon, Paula 108 Fanning, Conner 82 Farineau, Isabelle 99, 193 Farmer, Brian 84 Fatton, Luc 32, 99, 183 Faulconer, Rachel 99, 173, 183 Faulkner, Mr. Harry 108 Feggans, Chan non 47 Fei, Yun Yang 99, 134 Feldman, Melanie 84, 161 , 188 Feola, Victoria 91, 122 Ferero, Joshua 99 Ferguson, Dean 108 Ferguson, Katrina 99 Fergusson, Fiona 99, 191 Ferralli, Adam 99 Ferralli, Alec 35, 47, 144 Fielding, Tori 99, 185 Finnegan, Ms. Carrie 134 Firer, Harian 91 , 178 Fischer, Amory 99, 144, 193 Fisher, Carley 84, 185 Fisk, Taylor 69,99 Fiso, Ryan 92 Fitzgerald, Colin 47 Flores, Freddy 84 Flores, Jonathan 84 Flores-Loredo, Perla 100 Flynn, Patti 108 Foley, Daniel 100, 162, 178 Folley, D. 178 Folley, Kenyatta 100 Ford, L. 170, 172, 182, 184, 188 Ford, Logan 100, 124 Ford, Luke 22, 47, 76, 170 Foster, Cassidy 47, 137, 189 Foster, L. 188 Fournier, Louis 92 Foutz, Mr. Steve 108, 140 Fowler, Brooke L. 48 Fraizer, Andrew 146 Francisco, Kya 19, 48, 174, 175, 193 Francisco, Mayn 23, 84, 153, 170 Franco, Francisco 48 Franco, Judy 108 Frank, Liz 108

Franklin, Coach 185 Fraser, Courtney 92 Fray, Marisa 48 Frazier, Andrew Lewis 48, s. ' 170 Frazier, Jessica 84, 189 Freas, William 84, 183, 188 Frechette, Gregory 84 Fredner, Lindsey 84, 156 Fredrick, Becca 48, 76, 135, 165 Fredrick, Sarah 92, 193 Freshwater, Danielle 12, 48, 137, 203 Freshwater, Melanie 17, 23, 84, 180 Friedersdort, Andrew 84 Friend , John 100 Fries, Charlotte 92 Frye, Tanquel 84 Fultz, Mark 100, 154, 183 Funke, Zachary 100, 183 G Gagg, Miles 92 Gaines, K. 155 Gaines, Katherine 8, 92, 155 Gaines, Kevin 92 Gaines, Taylor 92 Galindo-Martinez, Carlos 92 Gallimore, Brittany 100 Galvez, Linda Margarita 48, 223 Gama, Mr. Eric 108, 183 Gambill, Tyler 100, 154 Ganz, Kelsey 84, 185 Garcia, Kristina 92 Garcia-Franco, Maria 92 Gardiner, Joshua 100 Garland, Mr. John 108 Garland, Peter 12, 92, 182 Garrison, F. 172 Garvey, Rachel! 108 Garwood, Dusty 108 Gaskins, Griffin 100 Gaskins, Taylor 92 Gates, Hannah 48, 192, 193 Gatewood, Kassandra 100 Gaurilovie, Y. Zhang Row 2: J. 188 Gautam, Asmita 20, 48, 188, 190 Gautam, Simanta 100, 185 Gavrilovic, John 84 Gaye, Grace 100 Gaytan-Mendoza, Juan 100 Gazewood, Ginny 48, 188, 189, 190, 223 Gazewood, John 100, 183 Gearhart, Erika 108 Geffken, Bethany 108 Gelzer, Emily 34, 48, 165, 183, 189 Genest, Charlene 108 Gentry, Kaylan 20, 84, 86, 169 Gerding, Emily 92 Gerding, Molly 19, 92 Gerrick, Destiny 100 Giacalone, Sydney 100 Gibbons, Anna 84 Gibson, Angela 84 Gibson, Kyle 84 Gibson, M. 185 Gilbert, Halley 84 Gilbert, Phoebe 100 Gilgannon, Daniel 100, 172, 182 Gilgannon, Kelly 47, 49, 77, 180, 215 Gillespie, Samuel 100, 162 Gilliam, Darcel 49 Gilliam, Samuel 100 Gilmore, Cinque 92 Giordano, Mr. Sal 120 Girard, Kerry 49, 136, 137, 190 Gladney, Nicholas 84 Glaeser, Gretchen 100, 191 Gleeson, Ms. Angela 108, 129 Glennie, Morgan 92

Gobbie, Dianne 108 Goldeen, Deborah 100 Golden, Elaine 92 Golden, Kristen 92 Golden, S. 193 Golubiani, Irma 108 Gomez, Emanuel 92 Gomez-Davila, Beatriz 92 Gonzalez, Cecelia 100 Gonzalez-Fraire, Vanessa 100 Goodman, Alexander 84 Goodman, Arick 100 Goodrich, Anna 8, 100, 158, 183 Goodrich, Matt 23, 26, 33, 92, 141, 172 Goodvevich, M. 162 Goodwin, Kira 34, 49 Gorak, Joseph 100 Gore, Austin 84 Grabowska, Anita 100 Graham, Harrison 100 Graney, Madeline 92 Graney, Nathan 49, 213 Graves, Ashley 26, 84 Graves, Raleigh 49 Gray, D. 183 Gray, David 49, 196, 224 Gray, Donald 12, 84 Gray, Erin 92 Gray, Jasmine 92, 137, 173, 185 Gray, Kirtland 92, 117 Gray, Ryan 34, 84, 162, 185 Green, Kayla 84 Green, Tevin 84 Green, Wendell 108 Greene, Anthony 100 Greene, Robert 84 Greene, Tony 118 Greer, Ms. Ruth 108 Gregg, Deiana 49, 50, 117, 174 Gregg, Derrik 100 Griego, Ben 49, 220 Grimes, Connor 49, 79 Grimes, Logan 92, 178, 182 Grimm, B. 153 Grimm, Charles 84, 188 Grimm, Ms. Sharon 109 Grobmyer, Coach C. 184 Grooms, Ashley 100, 172 Grover, Sarah 23, 49, 209 Grubb, Heather 84 Grubb, Jessica 49 Grubb, William 100 Grzegorczyk, Shane 100 Guatam, S. 162 Guberman, Katarina 100, 178 Gunderson, Jon 50, 78, 119, 184, 212 Gunter, C.J. 50 Gutzler, David 92, 131,178, 185 H Haan, Nicholas 100, 154, 182 Haddock, Mr. James 109 Haddock, Ms. Linda 109 Hadley, Spencer 92 Hagee, Jacqueline 92 Hager, Ashley 92 Hahn, Eric 100, 117 Hahn, Stacey 16, 23, 84, 140, 184, 191 Haines, Ivy 84, 184, 190, 191 Hair, Ms. Brenda 109, 115 Hairston , Jessica 10, 92, 94 Hale, Mr. Lee 109 Hale, Taylor 19, 23, 25, 27, 84, 183 Hall, Austin 50 Hall, Parker 100 Hamlin, Lizzy 19, 50, 219 Hammond, John 14, 50 Hammond, Katherine 16, 100 Hancock, Kelly 92, 93 Hand, Allison 84 Hankins, Melissa 109

Hankins, Mr. Hal146 Hankins, Ms. Melissa 115 Hannah, Zaihre 84, 153 Harmon, Matthew 84 Harmon, Thomas 84 Harper, H. 180 Harper, Holland 92 Harper, Holly 137 Harper, Nathan Jr. 100, 192 Harris, Ashley 50 Harris, Elizabeth 109 Harris, Heather 84 Harris, Kelly 11 , 17, 84 Harris, Kevin 51 Harris, Lucille 109 Harrison, Steven 84 Harriston, Jessica 174, 185, 193 Hasenfus, Joshua 51 Hasson, Ambre 84, 191 Haugh, Betsy 84, 136, 137, 183, 188, 190 Hawkins, Harmon 100, 172, 184 Hawkins, Joshua 92 Hawkins, Kendall 92, 155, 172 Hawthorne, Adrienne 84 Hay, Richard James 51 , 208 Hayes, Daniel 84 Hayes, Richie 23 Hayslett, Alisha 84 Hazlett, Laura 84 Hazlitt, Laura 89 He, Hannah 188, 190 Healey, Brenna 100, 183 Hearl, Robert Hunter 51 , 188, 189,193 Heath, Brian 109 Heatwole, Andrew 100, 162 Hebblethwaite, Joseph 84 Hecmanczuk, Paul 100, 162 Hedger, Patrick 92, 162, 178 Hedrick, Logan 84, 119 Hedrick, T. 182 Heeschen, Kira 92, 192 Heeschen, Rachael Julianna 51 Heider, Claire 51 Heider, Sarah 92, 180, 181 Heldreth, Nathaniel 92, 176, 185, 191 Heldreth, Sarah 51 , 188, 189, 190, 191 , 196, 224 Henderson, Ashley 84 Henderson, Asia 111 Henderson, Dieira 100 Henderson, Hernon 92, 155, 172 Henderson, Matthew 100, 178 Henderson, Sarah 100, 159, 188 Henderson, Savannah 19, 92 Hendrix, Abby 22, 35, 51, 79, 147, 156, 174, 175, 183, 201 Hendrix, Jacob 17, 20, 84, 170, 184 Henry, Alison 100, 184 Henry, Day-Quan 92 Henry, Mack 84 Henry, Monica 84 Hensien, Collin 100, 180 Heny, Ms. Natasha 109 Herbert, Ms. Stefanie 109, 123, 147 Hernandez, Jonathan 92, 93, 123 Hernandez-Burgos, Said 100 Hernandez-Romero, Cristian 84 Herold, Dylan 92, 150 Herring, Carolyn 109 Herring, Ryan 100 Hetrick, Sammy 51 Hetrick, Tyler 92 Hidy, Megan 109 Hill, Jordan 22, 51 , 79, 153, 177 Hill, T. 154 Hillstrom, Elizabeth 100, 185 Hillstrom, Russell 51 Hilsen, Isabel 84 Hipolito-Mata, Sarai 100 Hochstetler, Rachel 51 , 161 ,

183 Hoerman, Scott 84, 153, 184 Hoffman, Melinda 52, 202 Hoffman, Catherine 92 Hoffman, T. 183 Hogg, Alexandra 100, 158, 183, 188 Holden, Ms. Sue 109 Holland, Karron 100 Holley, Barrett 100, 109, 154 Holman, Sharon 47, 52, 188, 189, 191 , 203 Hood, Bryan 22, 52, 79 Hood , Jesse 92, 155 Hooper, Carrie 100 Hooper, M. 173 Hoover, Kellie 109 Hopkins, Parker 84, 188 Hopkinson, Caitlin 92 Hopp, Coach 178 Horbaly, Andrew 100, 191 Horbaly, H. 183, 188, 190, 191 Horbaly, Haley 84, 89 Horner, Kristen 100 Herridge, Danielle 98, 100 Horton, Lewis 100 Hoschke, A. 165 Hosensun, J. 189 Houghton, Kyra 92 Howard, Aytrice 52 Howard, Kahlique 52, 185 Howard , Mark 100 Howe, Elisha 92 Hrwbik, Erin 109 Huang, Chen 52, 188, 190 Huber, J. 178, 182 Huber, Jake 92 Huber, James 92 Huber, Mitchell 100, 102, 182 Hucek, Andrew 100, 185 Hucek, Ashley 84 Huckstep, Katie 52, 221 Huff, Britney 100, 102, 173 Hughes, D. 154 Hull, Elizabeth 100 Humter, Burke 84 Hunt, Caitlin 92, 173 Hunt, Ms. Jane 109 Hunt, Shelby 84, 191 Hunt, William 92 Hunter, Hannah 92 Huschke, Allison 100, 165, 185, 193 Hutchings, David 109 Hutchins , Bernice 109 Hutchinson , Coach 184 Hutson, Alexis 52, 142 Hutton, Brooke 84, 165 Huynh, Jennifer 84 Huysman, Kyle 92 Hyma, Kuianna Tychelle 52 I Iacono, Cecilia 84 lnce, Abigail 92, 188 lnge, Ms. Mary 109 !warson, Elin 132, 165 J Jackson, Cynthia (CJ) 52, 174, 175 Jackson, Daniel 100, 172 Jackson, Erin 84, 174 Jackson, Jasmine 92 Jackson, Larkeem 92, 155 Jackson, Major 92, 142, 155, 172 Jackson, Mr. Scott 109, 120 Jackson, Taneaka 84 Jackson, Victoria 52 Jackson, Coach 183 Jackson, Ms. E.A. 184 Jackson, L. 182 Jahn, Alexa 92 James, Madye 84 James, Peyton 23, 26, 33,

92,166 Janssens, Ms. Carol 109 Janssens, Alexander 100, 162, 182 Janssens, Nick 34, 52, 162, 185, 197, 225 Jarman, Elsabe 100 Jarman, Z. 183 Jefferson, Steven 84 Jenkins, Ms. Anita 109, 153 Jenkins, Mark 84 Jenkins, Ramel 84, 178 Jenkins, Taylor 92 Jennings, Ms. Roni 109 Jepson, Randall Jr. 92 Jewell, Emma 84, 165, 185, 188, 193 Joachim, Edward 111100 John, Coach 180 Johnson, Alyssa 84, 193 Johnson, Becky 20, 137, 160, 161 Johnson, Catherine 16, 84, 160, 161,183, 188, 190, 193 Johnson, Dallas 84 Johnson, Eddie 12, 100 Johnson, Jessica 92 Johnson, Justin 84 Johnson, Kierrah 100 Johnson, Kirstie 53 Johnson, Nelson Jr. 100, 118 Johnson, Rebecca 92 Johnson, Shawna 100 Johnson, Stephen 84 Johnson, T. 150, 182 Johnston, Jeremy 100 Jones, Mr. Bill 11 0 Jones, Briauna 100 Jones, Brodie 92 Jones, Bryant 53 Jones, Carl 110 Jones, J. 170 Jones, Janae 92 Jones, Jeffrey 100 Jones, Kelly 101 Jones, Loghan 53, 170, 204 Jones, M. 180, 191 Jones, Mackenzie 101 Jones, Mahassa 90, 92 Jones, Ms. Mary 11 0 Jones, Paul 101 Jones, Rebecca 101 , 154 Jones, Sylvia 53, 142, 201 Jones, Tierra 101 Joo, H. 191 Joo, Hee-Yun 53, 137, 190 Joo, Hee Seok 101 Jordan, Mr. Anthony 110 Jordan, Dorothy 101 , 190 Jordan, Kimberly 84, 190 Josephson, S. 143 Josephson, William 84 Jouglard , Jennifer 53 Joyner, Dorothy 19, 92, 188 K Kamal, Saiyid 84 Kamel , F. 183 Kane, Emily 85, 169 Karama, Hamed 101 Karama, Marwan 85 Karns, Jonathan 85 Karns , William 101 , 143 Karweik, Evan 53, 129, 163, 220 Kastaneck, Paige 137 Kater, Jennifer 101 Kater, Timothy 85, 137 Kavolius , Brian 53 Kearney, Elizabeth 110 Kedes , Doron Roberts 32 Keithley, Carmen 101 Kellenberger, Joseph 85 Kellenberger, Katherine 92, 192





~228 Keller, Anne 101 , 156 Kelley, Devon 85, 124 Kelly, Joshua 85 Kelly, Kiera 85 Kelly, Shannon 110 Kelsey, Riley 85 Kennedy, Cameron 101 Kennedy, Kendall 10, 92, 97, 191 , 193 Kerl , Jacob 92, 155, 178 Kessler Gaa, Benjamin 101 Key, Avis 110 Key, Tory 23, 85, 140, 153, 182 Keyes, Tajaye' 101 Khan , Jweria 101 , 137 Khurgel , Samuel 101 Kiehn , Mr. Carl 110, 114 Kilbourn, Caroline 110 Killham , Ms. Lisa 110, 125 Killinger, Matthew 92 Kim, Helena 165, 191 , 190 Kim, In Kyung 85 Kim, Paul 53 Kim, Tae 92, 93, 162 Kim, Woo-Yul 85, 170 Kime, R. 153, 178, 184 Kime, Roxanne 92 Kime , Ryan 53 Kines, Kathleen 19, 53, 146, 180, 191 , 206 King , Danielle 53 Kinlaw, Jordan 101 , 183 Kinny, Joyce Ms. 110 Kirk, Paxton 54 Kirst, Alexander 54, 219 Kirst, Stephen 92 Kiss , Ms. Karen 110 Kitelinger, Olivia 92, 184 Knarzer, Sarah 93, 192 Knight, Carly 35, 178 Knight, Connor 93 Knight, Drew 54, 178, 179, 213 Knight, Paula 110 Koch , Emily 54, 79, 191 Koecke , Jennifer 110 Koerner\, Beth 54, 204 Kohler, Lindsay 101 , 102, 180, 191 Kois, Vincent Jr. 85 Komilova , Sevda 85 Konadu-Ampratwum , Nana 93 Konadu-Anpratwum , N. 193 Karbon , Matthew 101 Kospelac, Joe 122 Kostanecki , Paige 93 Kostelac, Anthony 54, 77, 162, 163, 185 Kostelac, Joseph 85 Kostelac, Sydnie 101 , 183 Kostinaki , P. 193 Krantz, Kaity 54 Kresl, Kelsey 54 Krohn , Joseph 101, 162 Krone , Alexander 85 Krouse , Claire 101, 135 Krouse, Madeline 54, 189, 217 Krull, Lauren 85 Krulzel , Sarah 126 Kuhn , Emily 93, 131 Kuhn , Victoria F. 54, 222 Kuper, Benjamin 54, 153 Kuttesch, Ms. Doris 110 Kwiatkowski , Laura 85, 162, 165, 185, 190, 193 Kwiatkowski , Mary 101 , 165 Kyriacopoulos, Benjamin 93, 150, 178, 182 L Labelle, Ms. Maren 110 Ladd, Adam 101

Laffond, Julia Elizabeth 54, 55, 202 Lahar, Samuel 85, 127 Lake, Ryan 101 Lam, Farin 85, 156, 174, 184 Lam, Tori 101 Lamb, Brandon 101 Lamb, Kiersten 85, 191 Lampron, Nicholas 82, 85, 180 Lane, Coach 184 Lann, Tobias 132 LaPrade, Madelyn 8, 85 Larue, Stephan 85 Lauber, Marla 101 Lawrence, Samuel 93 Lawson, E. 165 Lawson , Hannah 156 Lawson, Matthew 101 Lawson, Ryan 85, 153 Lazo, Nadia 85 Lazone, Coach 185 Leaf, Z. 185 Leake, Caroline 55 Leake, Derek 93 Leake, Kadlin 85, 89 Leake, Coach 185 Leary, Caitlyn 85, 185 Leathers, Mayellen Ms. 110 Ledford, Charles Jr. 103 Ledford , Michael 86, 170 Lee, Jaehee Madison 55, 165, 188, 190, 191 Lee, Albert 125 Lee, Dereice 93 Lee, I. 165, 172, 183, 188, 191 , 193 Lee, Irene 93, 134, 135, 137 Lee, Isabel 190 Lee, J. 191 Lee, Jack 190 Lee, Jae Yean 101 Lee, Jamal 85 Lee, Jung Hun 85 Lee, Logan 101 , 172 Lee, Paris 85 Lee, Ryan 55, 200 Lee, V. 189 Lee, Ye Rin 101 Leech , Eleanor 27, 93, 136, 137, 165, 185, 190, 193 Leider, Melissa 85, 188, 191 Lemieux, Christopher 85 Lennon, Mr. Chris 110 Leonard, James 93 Lesich, Christopher 55, 153 Lesnoff, Abigail 85, 184, 190, 191 Lethum, Emily 158 Letic, Bosiljka 55 Letteri, J. 154, 191 Letteri, Jennifer 55, 202 Letteri, Joshua 101 Lewis, C. 185 Lewis, Dacey 93, 184 Lewis, Gregory 85, 138 Lewis, Jessie 101 Lewis, Kathlynn 101 , 158, 172 Lewis, Melissa 93, 188, 191 Lewis, Tamika 174 Lewis, Tanika 85 Ley, Caleb 85 Ley, Devon 56, 129 Ley, Savannah 101 Ley, V. 162 Leytham, Emily 93, 158, 183 Licklider, Ryan 56, 184 Lieberman, Avram 101 Lin, K. 188 Lin, Zaw 101 Lindemann, Melanie 93, 184 Lindemann, Shannon 19, 56

Lindenbaum, Matthew 56, 178 Lindsay, Mr. Richard 110, 120, 184 Linkous, Lauren 93 Linton, Connor 56 Lister, Caroline 110 Lister, Mitchell 85 Liu, K. 191 Liu, Tong 93, 150, 151 Lloyd, Matthew 93, 117, 188 Lloyd, Ms. Sharon 110 Lockhart, Lottye 101 Lockman, Matthew 102, 180 Logan, Tevin 102, 154 Loh, Ms. Caroline 110 Lomax, Cory 93 Lombardo, Michael 85, 183 Londree, Johnta 86 Long, BJ 23 Long, Clyde 86 Long, Corey 93 Long, Luke 93, 192 Long, Quinton 102, 185 Long, Shanique 86, 192 Lonjin, Tyler 56, 178, 184 Lopez, An n 102, 183, 191 Lopez, Marisa 56, 111 , 195 Lord, Alexandra 86 Lord, E. 184 Loredo, Bianca 11 , 93 Loredo, Miguel 102 Lorenzoni, Coach A. 162 Laurens, Kevin 56 Love, Chris 110 Love, Katelyn 102 Lowe, Julian 55, 56, 183 Lueckenbach, Andrew 102 Lueckenbach, John 86 Lunnen, Blake 102, 178 Luong, Sonic 86 Lutz, Haley 56, 76, 204 Ly, Christina 86, 190, 191 Ly, Vincent 56, 162, 185, 191 Lynch, Ryan 56 M Mack, Elizabeth 86 Mack, Marie 102 Mackay, Elias 19, 23, 102, 154, 172, 183 Mackay, Sam 22, 57, 176, 183, 196,224 MacKnight, Abigail 93 Macko, Chris 57 MacMichael, Erin 93 MacMichael, Ms. Jane 110 MacMichael, Mr. Jay 109, 110, 143 Madonick, Jonathan 86 Mahadevan, Karunasai 102 Mahanes, Elaine 86, 137 Maine, Elijah 86, 162 Majorin, Nikolai 102, 143 Malboeuf, M. 156 Malboeuf, Rachel 86 Male, Coach B. 162, 185 Mallory II, Daniel 102, 154 Malone, Judah 102 Malta, Sean 57, 205 Maltese, Alyssa 20, 93, 97, 183 Manca-Smith, Ms. Jennifer 110 Mann, Andrew 93, 153, 170, 171 Mann, E. 185 Mann, Jonathon 93 Mann, Kasey 39, 57, 217 Mann, Landon 143 Marini, K. 154 Marini, Mr. Mark 110 Marks, Lizzy 102, 105, 159, 183 Marktika 207 Marquez, C. 182 Marsh, Lucas 86, 126, 127, 192 Marsh, Samuel 102 Marshall, Amanda 57, 223 Marshall, Bryce 93 Marshall, C. 159, 184

Marshall, Colleen 102 Marshall, Cory 57 Marshall, Haley 86 Marshall, K. 153, 183 Marshall, Kai 93, 145 Marshall, Ken 57, 178 Marshall, Samantha 102 Marshall-Roth, Madeleine 102, 192 Marshall-Roth, Travis 57 Martin, Caleb 102, 150 Martin, Reynolds 17 Martinez, Chiara 102, 183, 185 Martini, Erika 86 Martini, Ken taro 102 Masevich, M. 188 Massey, Mr. Michael 110 Mastropaolo, Steven 93, 155, 172, 182 Matherne, Nicholas 57, 79, 135, 188, 193, 214 Mathes, Abigail 93, 183 Mathes, Jonathan 93 Mathews, Rielly 86 Matkovich, George 102 Matkovich, Hilary 57, 77, 126, 192 Matt Anderson 76 Matthews, Aaron 93, 155 Matthews, Rielly 137 Maus, Everett 57, 193 Maus, Sophie 23, 102, 165, 177 Mawyer, Courtney 57, 78, 196, 224 Mawyer, Mitchell 102 Maxa, Amber 102, 140, 158 Maxa, C. 170, 184 Maxa, Corey 86 Maxa, Coach 172 Maynard, Coach Greg 110, 144, 150, 170 Mayo II, Richard 93 Mazariegos-Jacob, Rogelio 102 McAllister, E. 185 McAllister, Lorenzo 102 McCade, Devon 102, 172, 183 McCandlish, Maura 86, 156, 174, 188, 190 McCann, Hunter 24, 55, 58, 153, 154, 182, 194 McCauley, Angela 93 McCauley, Dorian 93 McClung , Sheldon 93 McCollough, Ryan 93, 182 McComsey, Kyle 58, 182, 188 McComsey, Kyle Douglas 218 McCoy, Sherod 102, 154, 178 McCullough, Madison 86, 184 McDaniel, Grace 17, 25, 86, 137 McGhee, Brinn 23, 25, 27, 188 McGhee, Hayley 86, 155, 178 McGhee, Morgan 22, 58, 76, 180, 183 McGhee, Ryan 77, 180, 188, 191 , 195 McGovern, Kathryn 86, 188, 190 McHenry, Jordan 102 Mcintire, Damon 86, 190 McKiernan, Robert 86 McKiernan, Steven 86, 126, 127 192 McKusick, Virginia 93 McPhillips, Austin 86, 162, 185, 191 McPhillips, Patrick 102 McPhillips, S. 162, 180, 182 McPhillips, Tyler 86, 182, 185 McQuarrie, John 110 McQueen, Lucas 58, 137, 211 Meadors, Elizabeth 94 Meadows, Alana 23, 94, 158, 173, 183 Meadows, Kristen 94 Mehtab, Mahila 89 Mejia, Annielly 86 Melton, Clark 27, 58, 183, 220

Melton, Samuel 102. Mendelsohn, Kirsten 94, 158, 173, 183 Mendelson, Kirsten 120 Mendonca, Bruno 86, 190 Mendoza, Karla 86 Merkel, Mary 86, 161 Merkord, Sarah 86 Merrel, Benjamin 102 Mian, Banyameen 102 Mian, Muhammad 94 Mian, Sameer 102 Michie, Shea 59 Micklem, Ms. Alice 108 Micucci, Jonathan 94, 132 Might, Might 94 Mileur, Jennifer 59, 166, 167 Miller, Daniel 94, 178 Miller, E. 161 , 183 Miller, Emily 16, 24, 32, 59 Miller, Ezra 59, 137 Miller, K. 180 Miller, Kaitlyn 102 Miller, Kelly 102 Miller, Micaela 102 Miller, Naomi 102 Mills, Debra 110 Mills, Takeem 86 Minter, Callie 86 Mir, Sama 103, 136, 191 Miskovsky, Tessa 103 Mitchell, Chelsea 59 Mitchell, Denzel 86 Mitchell , Emily 59 Mitchell, Holly 103 Mitchell, Kiyoko 103 Mitchell, Mike 85, 86, 89 Mitchell, Sherlon 86 Mollica, Brittany 86, 161 Molnar, Jonathan 39, 59, 76, 153 Monahan, David 86 Monarh, Mary 110 Moneymaker, Brigitte 59, 188, 189 Montalbano, Carl 103, 183 Montecalvo, Carmen 94 Monteray, K. 162 Montminy, Keith 103 Moon, Hyun-Seok 94 Moon, T. 184 Mooney, Olivia 86, 183 Moore, A. 155 Moore, Garrett Jr. 94 Moore, Hunter 103, 154 Moore, Michael 94 Morris, Ann 110 Morris, Brandon 59 Morris, Charlie 11 0 Morris, Derek 94 Morris, Ernest 59 Morris, Jennifer 87, 110 Morris, K. 183 Morris, Kalin 103 Morris, Kayla 103 Morris, Kimberly 87 Morris, Meredith Berkeley 59 Morris, Ms. Jennifer 133 Morris, Tyler 59, 94, 153, 178, 185, 219 Morris, Walton 103 Morris, Zach 60, 87, 178 Morse, Savannah 103, 158, 191 Morse, Timothy 103 Moss, Sean 87 Moulton, Shayna 85, 87, 191 , 193 Moulton, Ms. Teresa 110 Mr.Curry 189 Mr.Hinek 122 Mr.Maynard 35 Ms.Brown 189 Mucherino, Chandler 87 Mucherino, Wayne 60 Mukic, Haris 103 Mullinax, Lauren 50, 60, 183 Mullinax, N. 153, 184 Mullinax, Robert 87

Munz, Sarah 87 Murphy, Melissa 60 Murphy, Sara 94 Murray, Catherine 103, 184 Murray, W. 184 Murray, Will 89 Murray, William 87 Musayev, Eldar 103 Musayeva, Narkiza 94 Mushtal, lbraim 103 Musselman, Jake 60, 137 Myers, Michael 87 Myrick, Marcus 60 N Nafei, Waleed 103 Nafei, Will 16 Nagel, Mr. Brian 110, 185 Napolitano, Megan 87, 156, 184 Nasevich, Michael 103 Nash, Ms. Kim 110 Naz, Sana 103 Neal, B. 185 Negash, Nahom 87, 143 Nelson, Kayla 103, 193 Nelson, Travis 60, 180, 191 Ng, Eva 60, 165, 184, 188, 190, 191 , 193 Noble, Asher 14, 19, 27, 33, 94, 140, 162 Noel, Jessie 9, 24, 32, 60, 137, 169198 Noffo, Leo 121 Noga, Meghan 103, 105 Norman, D. 178 Norman, Devante 103, 178 Norman, Dominique 87 Northup, Paige 103, 158, 191 Nottingham, Ashley 103 Notto, Andy R. 60 Notto, Leo 94, 155 Nuckols, Lindsay 60, 200 Nyiramahirwe, Jolie 60, 146

0 O'Brien, Veronica 94 O'Conner, Ms. Keri 115 O'Dea, Megan 87 O'Hara, Ashley 61 O'Neil, C. 153, 188 O'Neil, Connor 87 O'Neil, Cooper 94 Oglesby, Avis 23, 87 Okaah, Joel 23, 61 , 76, 153, 185 Okaah, Nemuel 23, 103, 183 Olazagasti, Joel 87 Olekhnovich, Aleksandra 87, 188, 190, 191 , 193 Olekhnovict, E. 191 Oliva, Amber 94 Oliva-Ortiz, Orlin 103 Oliver, Amanda 94 Oliver, Andrea 87 Oliver, John 87 Oliveri, Ashley 103 Oliveri, Ms. Susan 110, 129 Onuegbu, Chuck 61 , 143, 153 Ortiz, Daniel 86, 87 Ouypron, Gruy1tin 87 Owen, Adam 87 Owen, Christopher 103 Owen, Peter 103 p Page, Precious 87 Page-Sprouse, Audrey 110 Paige, Jaszmine 94 Painley, Maxwell 103 Pajewski, Christine 61 , 180, 188, 189, 190, 191 ' 218 Pajewski, Michael 103, 154, 191 Palma-Galeas, Walter 94, 183 Palmer, Christopher 94 Palmer, S. 173, 185, 193 Palmer, Shanice 90, 94

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Palmer, Ms. Shirley 110 Pan, Sunny 61 , 165, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193 Pando, Taite 87 Pankau, BJ 110 Pannell, Phillip 87 Park, Joonyoung 103 Parker, Kwanzaa 87 Parker, Q. 170 Parkhill, Elizabeth 87, 89, 183, 190 Parks, Mr. Dan 11 0 Parmiter, Amanda 87, 127, 192 Parrent, Rachel 103, 105, 159, 183 Parsons, Ms. Meghan 110 Patel, Bhargav 103 Patel, Ghanshyam 87, 89 Patel, Kajal 94, 188 Patel, Nick 190 Patel, Niral 87 Patterson, Austin 94 Patterson, Brandon 87 Patterson, Chase 103 Pauley, Leandra 87, 161 Pavlosky, Jonathan 87 Paymar, Daniel 61 Payne, Anna 103, 172, 183 Payne, Caitlin 61 Payne, DeeVa 61 , 137, 143, 188, 189 Payne, Dekker 94 Payne, J. 185, 191 Payne, Jessica 61 , 103 Payne, Jordan 103 Payne, Michael 87 Payne, Zachary 94, 153, 172 Pearson, K. 159, 185 Pease, Neal 94, 150, 151 Peck, Emily 94, 158, 183 Peck, Kelsey 87, 180, 185 Pegg, Nicholas 103, 182 Peng, C. 165 Penny, Ashalai 105 Perdue, Daniel 94, 185 Perez-Diaz, Juan 94 Perez-Lugo, Freyra 94 Perez-Nieves, Neyramile 103 Perez-Reyes, Alejandro 103, 191 Perez-Reyes, Marisa 87, 185 Pericak, Madeline 94 Perrow, Ms. Jody 11 0 Perry, Charles 103154 Perry, Dean 94 Perry, J. 153, 180 Perry, Ms. Jackie 110 Perry, Judd 87 Perry, Rowen 94, 162, 185 Peskov, Deniis 61 , 162, 184, 188, 189, 191 Peters, Alain a 103, 159 Peters, Carole 110 Peters, Lindsey 61 , 212 Peterson, Alexandra 32, 61 , 136, 137 Peterson, Hannah 90, 94 Peterson, William-Allen 87 Petrella, Nicholas 87, 153 Peyman, Michael 10, 223 Peymann, Michael 62 Peyton, Brandon S. 62 Pezua, Mr. Carlos 110, 125 Pfund, Nathaniel 103, 162 Philip, Angely 103, 183 Philips, Jessie 16, 166 Philkill, Alexandra 103 Phillips, Chris 62 Phillips, Jessie 22, 39, 62, 166, 210 Phillips, Tyler 23 Piirto, Joy 87, 183 Pike, Cameron 87, 120, 142 Pike, Jeffrey 87, 129 Pike, Justin 87 Pitt, Charlotte 20, 94, 137, 158, 183 Pittman, April 20, 23, 25, 87,

173, 184 Pkhakadze, Lekso 62 Podolski, Jon 95 Polivka, Matthew 95 Pollack, Amanda 32, 62, 78, 204 Pollack, Jessica 103, 183 Pollard, Darius 105 Pollard-Lam, Darius 103, 154 Polson, Grace 95 Pompeo, Ethan 23, 87 Pompeo, Jacob 95, 185 Ponce-Rodriguez, Juan 103 Porco, Caroline 103, 128, 159, 184 Powell, Brielle 95 Pratt, Coach 183 Prestiy, Grace 62, 185, 189, 201 Prevost, Alex 62, 182, 183 Price , Kimm 110 Prichard, T. 156 Prillaman, Mr. Jeff 110 Pritchard, Sarah 87 Pritchard, Taylor 25 Proffit, Kaitlyn 62, 191 , 213 Proffitt, Robert 103 Province, Therese 110 Prudencio , Coach 159 Pruett, Ms. Deb 110, 119 Prum, ian 23, 95, 191 Pugh, Carolyn 103, 159, 183, 193 Pugh, Laura 87, 165, 185, 188 Purvis, Cody 95 Pye, Dana 87, 193 Pyo, Jon 22, 25, 62, 78, 146, 184, 188,189, 191 , 203 Q Quick, Geoffrey 62, 182, 211 Quillon, Rikki 95, 116, 185 Quinn, Holly 25, 62, 77 R Rader, Meghan 95 Ragland , Josiah 95 Ragland , Qauimaine 103 Ragland , Coach Mark 156 Rainey, Samantha 87, 137 Rakoski, Breanna 63, 126, 127, 192 Ramey, Lizzy 22, 63, 78, 188, 191 , 219 Ramey, Mr. Rick 34, 110, 182, 191 Ramey, Ryan 103, 140 Ramiliotas, Ariana 135 Ramos-Paz, Jeffrey 103 Ramsey, Ms. Peggy 110 Ravenell , Kendall 63, 153 Ray, Brian 95 Redden-Gonzalez, Pablo 87 Redmond , Mr. Nick 110 Reece , Brendan 103, 154 Reece , Chelsea 63, 183 Reeder, Joshua 95 Reeder, Liz 63, 191 Reid , Khalil 87, 153, 184 Reid , N. 154 Reigel, Eric 16, 87, 153, 182 Reigel, Tyler 16, 24, 87, 153, 182 Retan , Madelyne 103 Rice, Candance 103 Rich , Austin 63 Richards, B. 185 Richards , Olivia 87 Richards, Rashad 87 Richards, T. 184, 185 Richards, Tierra 64 Richards, Tyler 27, 64, 78, 206 Richardson, Daniel 103 Richardson , Jack 87 Ricotta , Daniel 124, 153 Ricotta , Joseph 87 Riddick, Mr. David 11 0

Riddick, Mr. Dave 121 Ridenhour, Samuel 87, 184 Rigaldies, Jeremiah 95 Riner, David 103 Ripley, J. 191 Ripley, Kyle 95, 184 Ripley, Will 64, 183, 188, 191 , 201 Ritchie , Nigiel 103 Rittberg , Kurt 103 Rivera, Ms. Veronica 110 Rivers , Micah 23, 95, 122, 140, 155 Roane , Nicholas 87, 188 Robbins, C. 180, 191 Robbins, Jefferson 87 Robbins, Jillian 87 Roberts , Ms. Amber 87, 110 Roberts , Ms. Ashley 110 Roberts , Christopher Jr. 103, 154 Roberts , Nick 64, 182 Roberts-Kedes, Doron 64 Robertson, Sarah 95 Robinette, Zachary 87, 162 Robinson , Charles 94, 95, 155 Robison , Robert 95, 180 Roddy, Katherine 47, 64, 74, 180 Rodriguez, lvette Anyeli 95 Rodriguez, Maritza 64 Rodriguez-Gomez, Alma 103 Rodriguez-Padilla, Kimberly 95 Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Jesky 95 Roelofs, Kaitlin 103 Roesch , Sean 95, 162, 182, 191 Rogers , Austin 64, 184, 216 Rogers, Dylan 95, 155, 188 Rohm , Austin 26, 64, 184, 202 Rohm , Madeline 103 Romando, Noah 87 Romero-Rodriguez, Gabriel 95 Rosak, Martha 161 Rose, Brandon 11 , 95, 155, 178 Rose, Raquan 12, 103 Rose, Richlyn 95 Rose, Shane 95, 183 RoseAnn, Melinda 202 Ross, Caryn 87 Ross, Nicole 23, 33, 95, 180, 181 , 191 Roszak, Martha 95, 193 Roumeliotes , Arianna 87, 188, 190 Roussell, Richard 87 Rucinski , Samantha 64, 147, 188, 189, 191 , 206 Ruemmler, Ms. Patricia 110 Ruffner, Japresha 64 Ruiz-Rosas , Beatriz 103 Rusengo, Desire 64, 183, 190 Rush, Quanesha 65, 166 Rushing , Nicole 87 Russell, Casey 103, 165, 185, 193

s Sacco, Jennifer 95, 191 Sachs, Lucas 87, 116, 183, 190, 191 Sacre, Joren 95 Salone, Anna 103 Salsini, Natalie 65, 137, 168, 169, 198 Salsini, Stephanie 17, 95, 168, 169 Samley, Hannah 95, 124, 165, 191 Sanders, Darius 103 Sandoval-Garcia, Juan 103 Sandridge IV, Hugh 103 Sandridge, Madeleine 87, 119, 131 , 191 Sandridge, Shaquana 65 Sandridge, Tiffany 95, 137, 145 Sar, Onaing 95 Sarp, Kevin 87, 193

Sathe, Elizabeth 87 Savage, Ms. Lenore 110 Savina, Lyndsey 82, 87, 124, 166, 167 Sawyer, Jacob 87, 162, 185 Saydee, Toude 87 Schaefer, Colin 103 Schalizki, Brittany 103, 172 Schenck, Benton 103, 183 Schettini, Guiseppe 65 Schierman, Mrs. 125 Schmidt, Coach K. 162 Schmit, Evan 95 Schmit, ian 95 Schneider, Coach 185 Schneider, Lauren 20, 87, 147, 161 , 184, 191 Schneider, M. 185 Schoelkopf, Carmen 87, 143 Scholl, Emily 103 Scholl, Jennifer 65, 188 Schomp, Ms. Deb 110, 115 Schuett, S. 159 Schustek, Philip 65, 131 , 193 Schwab, Abigail 16, 103, 183 Schwab, Jay 35, 65, 147, 184, 212 Schwaner, Jonathan 103, 162, 192 Schwaner, Kimberly 65, 192 Schwartz, Sharon 95, 188 Scott, Mr. Charles 110, 184 Scott, Christine 95 Scott, Devonte 95, 123 Scott, Jonathan 95, 184 Scott, K. 188, 189 Scott, Kathryn 177, 217 Scott, Kimberly 65 Scott, Shakira 95 Scyoc, Ms. Martha 11 0 Seago, David 95, 155, 182 Searcy, Frances 65 Searcy, K. 193 Seitz, Sophia 95 Serbati, Margaret 32, 95 Serrato-Leon, lsmael 95 Serrato-Leon, Ricardo 65 Seto, Christopher 103 Seto, Dawn 87 Shackelford, Anne 110 Shah, Kashyap 87, 89, 153, 184 Shanesy, Scott 88, 185 Shannon, Breanna 11 , 95 Shaps, Hanna 104, 158, 183 Sharp, Corinne 34, 65, 180, 188,189, 191 , 205 Shaw, Timothy 95, 184, 191 Shearburn, Ms. Janene 110 Sheffield , Caitlyn 88, 162 Sheffield, Matthew 104, 183 Sheler, Eric 66, 153 Shell, Mr. Rian 110, 193 Shelton, J. 154 Shepherd, Austin 95, 124, 192 Shepherd, Emily 88 Shepherd, Summer 88, 165, 193 Sherrill, Ms. Amy 110, 158 Shick, Michael 104 Shifflett, Christina 104 Shifflett, Jordan 66 Shifflett, Joseph 104 Shifflett, Justin 66 Shifflett, Mekalyn 95, 128 Shifflett, S. 191 Shifflett, Samantha 88 Shifflett, Sarah 95 Shiflett, Justin 88 Shiflett, Matthew 88 Shiflett, S. 188 Shreve, Emma 88, 188, 190 Shreve, Kirsten 104 Shriram, A. 188 Shumate, Eden 66, 127 Sigler, Austin 24, 88, 182 Silke, Sarah 88, 168, 169, 188 Simmons, A. 150 Simmons, Alex 98, 150, 184

Simmons, Alexander 104 Simons, Jacob 95, 155, 185 Simons, Rachel 22, 66 Simpson, Evan 95, 192 Simpson, Morgan 95, 188 Sims, Matthew 104 Sinclair, Elizabeth 88, 165, 185, 191 , 193 Sinclair, Rachel 66,160, 161 , 190, 177, 188, 189, 190, 225 Sisman, Laura 14, 191 Sisman, Ms. Ruth 110 Sisman, Sabire 95 Sites, Joshua 67, 184 Sites, L. 153 Skeen, Brandon 95 Skeen, Kristina 67 Skidmore, Sarah 95, 192 Skinner, Justin 95 Skrutskie, Emily 88, 188 Sliko, Nathan 104, 154 Sloan, Langley 88, 161 Small, Kyona 95 Smarte, Emily 88, 142 Smith, A. 183, 188 Smith, Alison 110 Smith, Alyssa 88 Smith, Anna 104 Smith, Carlissa 88 Smith, Carrie 11 0 Smith, D. 193 Smith, Dashad 95 Smith, DeAndra 25, 42, 67, 218 Smith, Ira Jr. 95, 155 Smith, J. 192 Smith, Jacob 95 Smith, Jake 137 Smith, Jalen 90 Smith, K. 183 Smith, Katie 114 Smith, Kirsten 104 Smith, Lloyd 111 104, 154, 182 Smith, M. 184, 188, 189, 191 Smith, Matthew 104 Smith, Milton 67 Smith, Mitchell 16, 67, 146, 210 Smith, Ramel 12, 95 Smith, Sage 13, 82 Smith, Sam 50, 67 Smith, Tamara 67, 111 , 137, 174, 199 Smith, Xavier 104 Smith-Simmons, Andrew 88 Snodgrass, Samantha 67, 128, 166, 214 Snow, Brenda 88 Sokora, Hannah 19, 95, 185 Solomon, Andrew 104, 172, 183 Solomon, Matthew 67, 180, 188, 189 Song, Hannah 165, 190, 191 Song, Hyun-Kyung 88 Spady, Rheava 95, 184 Spano, Emma 67, 185, 207 Speakman, Laura 111 Speller, Jervon 67, 79, 152, 153, 182 Spellman, Emma 68, 183, 211 Spencer, Coach 184 Spencer, Joshua 88 Spradlin, Matthew 104 Sprouse, Stacey 88 Sriram, Aarati 88, 190, 191 Stanley, Ms. Cat 111 Steedman, ian 68 Steele, Olivia 88, 183, 191 Steffanina, Coach Matt 168, 169 Steljes, A. 185 Steljes, Geran 88, 184 Stephens, Colleen 88 Stevens, Eileen 68, 185, 193 Stevens, Gregory 104 Stevenson, John 104 Stewart, Shyanne 104 Stewart-b. M. 143 Stewart-Berry, McKenzie 104 Stokenborg, R. 183 Stokes, Alexandra 23, 95,

165, 177 Stokes, Dalton 16, 22, 68, 77, 141 , 170, 171, 182, 188, 209 Stokes, Frankie DeVonne 68, 200 Stokes, Ms. Raynell 111 , 114 Stone, Ashley 88 Stone, Julie 111 Stone, Lauren 88 Stone, Luke 111 Stone, Mr. 19 Storer, Brady 104, 143, 192 Stork, Ashlie 68 Storz, William 111 Stouffer, Morgan 104, 126 Stove, Bianca 68, 192 Stover, Nicholas 95, 155, 178 Stover, Savannah 104, 185 Stow, Daniel 68, 220 Stow, Ethan 23, 95, 155, 182 Straka, Kelci 95 Strauss, Stephanie 23, 25, 88, 156, 180 Strickland, Malcolm 68 Stucker, Haley 88 Stukenborg, Carl 68, 188, 189, 191 , 207 Stukenborg, Rachel 104, 165, 191 Stukenborg, Taylor 88, 191 Stutsman, Julie 68, 137, 166, 185 Suhler, Austin 95 Sun, James 88 Sutphen, Katharine 26, 68, 183, 190, 207 Sutton, Missy 95 Swanson, McKenzie 95, 184 Swanson, Tyler 88 Swartz, Haley 88 Sweeney, Erin 22, 69, 78, 184 Sysling, Logan 104 T Talley, Devontia 69 Talley, Rashad 69, 170, 184 Tanner, Madison 88 Tanner, Morgan 88, 89 Tarkington, Ryan 104, 172, 183 Tarpley, Mercedes 69 Tavenner, Dalton 95 Tavenner, Nicole 55, 69, 188, 205 Taylor, Aaron 95, 184 Taylor, Brent 95, 137 Taylor, Chelsea 88, 188 Taylor, Emma 69 Taylor, Jasmine 88, 174 Taylor, Marktika 22, 69, 76, 166, 193 Taylor, Tashan 69 Tedford, Raechel 95 Teisberg , Thomas 104 Telford , Sean 104, 180, 181 Templeton, Martha 88 Terlesky, Sarah 23, 25, 88, 156 Tetterton, Caitlyn 95, 120 Thacker, Christopher 88 Thill, Mr. Ted 111 Thomas, Alexis 104 Thomas, Candace 104 Thomas, De'maleyo 104 Thomas, Gregory (G.T.) 69, 216 Thomas, Jay 111 , 114 Thomas, L. 183, 191 Thomas, Lauren 42, 69 Thomas, Lindsay 69, 79, 212 Thomas, Mr. Jay 34 Thomas, R. 172, 184 Thomas, Rachel 104 Thomas, Robert 95 Thomas, Steven Jr. 104, 154 Thompson, Joshua 69 Thompson, Malcolm 88, 116



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