2011 Albemarle Peer

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Albemarle High School

2775 Hydraulic Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 434.975.9300 Population: 1741 www.schoolcenter.k 12a I bemarle. org/albemarlehs




August 25 First Day of School ... September 4 - 5 School Pictures ... October 6 Powder Puff Football .. . October 8 Homecoming Game ... October 9 Homecoming Dance ... November 23 - 25 Thanksgiving Break ... December 16- 17 Snow Days ... December 18- January 2 Winter Break ... February 15 Valentine's Day ... March 14 Pi Day ... March 15 Ides of March ... April 4- 8 Spring Break ... June 7 Graduation

" Kristina Cechova and Alyssa Smith visit a renaissance church in San Marco's Square in Venice, Italy. > Senior Sidney Bush spends time

with her favorite animal, the llama, at Sherwood Farm . > Seniors Brian Farmer and Ethan

Pompeo help build a house in Mexico on a church mission trip. > Senior Stacey Hahn and her brother visit South Korea.


Fun , Friends , Sand and Freedom

" In Banff, Canada sisters Madeline and Lauren Tornrose go quadding on their family vacation. " Every year Allie de Almeida, Ben Brust, and other students go to Pendelton County, West Virginia to help build houses with Habitat for Humanity.

Who traveled the farthest? Senior Jay Ouypron I went to Koh Tao, Thailand. It is amazing there.

" Lindsey Fredner went to Sea World in San Antonio to swim with a beluga whale.

Freshman Avi Persaud I went to Amsterdam. My dad thought it would be a good family experience. Turns out it was only fun for me and my brother.

< In July, senior Colleen Stephens and her boyfriend Jeff Trimble enjoy the view at Niagra Falls, Canada.

Senior Chris Donnely I went to Tokyo, Japan. I learned a lot of great things about their culture.

Another chance , another beginning to another year

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" SCA representative April Pittman directs parents getting used to the 2010-2011 traffic Samantha Reid I was excited to meet new friends.

Mr. MacMichael 4x4 - I know it's definitely going to be an interesting year. Justine Watson I was glad the classes were going to be shorter and the good classes stayed year-long.

" Sophomore Luc Fatton catches up with friends on the first day. " Senior Steven Harrison gets Mr. Lennon to help him in guidance. > Sophomore Kirsten Smith waits in the guidance office to adjust her schedule.

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man Nick Brown walk out during the first fire drill. <Juniors Jake Pompeo and Tania L. Sanchez along with senior Carlissa Smith, explain their roles as the bank tellers at the grand opening of the Patriot Pride Credit Union. < Junior Kendall Hawkins and Kia Scott hed out to the Breezeway. < Irene Lee, Alana Meadows, Peter Garland and Charles Robinson try to figure out the new scheduling system.

> Sophomores Jenn Kater and CJ Montalbano make a quick conversation before their next class. > Sophomore Anna Goodrich and Daniel Gilgannon enjoy their time in the Breezeway. > Students head to class after the short but well deserved seven minutes in the Breezeway.

v The Breezeway is not only for meeting up after class, it's also great place for special occasions.

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" Rain or shine, the Breezeway is the place to be. Wether you are hanging out with your friends or taking a shortcut to your next class, you are there, no matter what. <Juniors Charles Robinson , Kendall Hawkins, Eric Breeden , Major Jackson do thumb wars inbetween classes.

What do you do on the Breezeway? Kevin Eavey I talk to my friends and try to relax before my next class. Eric Singler When I get to the Breezeway I get so excited, I just can't help but dance!

< Freshmen Caroline Hazlett and Andrew Dickason high five to sweet time. < Juniors Morgan Glennie, Angela McCauley and Tiffany Sandridge sit by the Junior Wall.

Jalen Brown In the Breezeway, I talk to my friends about my classes.

I " The sophomores cheer in excitement after winn ing the spirit stick. > Kelsey Ross, Rex Willis, and Mr. Pace's class are ready for Extreme Weather Day. > Abby Schwab, Christine Bor and Katharine Waldron dress in all white for the freshman class color. > Krista Edenfield paints blue and

red stripes on Sarah Heider's face for spirit.

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Students get pumped up for the big game Spi rit Week was a week full of fun and anticipation as students got ready for Homecoming . Students showed their true Patriot Pride by participating in Wacky Tacky Day, Class Color Day, Out of th is World Day, Reverse the Ages Day, and Patriot Day. "I liked Wacky Tacky Day ," sophomo re Anna Salone said, "because I like to wear random stuff to school that I won 't get in trouble for! " Freshman Ivy Wells also li ked getting to express herself on Wacky Tacky Day by dressing however she wanted. "Class Color Day was my favorite because I finally got to dress up as a senior," said Valissa Brooks , while junior Alana Meadows's favorite was the ever-popular Wacky Day, because she could "dress up with all of [her] friends. " Beck Grimm said he liked Reverse the Ages Day be-

" Seniors Halley Gilbert, Austi Davis, Brittany Conrad, Riley Kelsey, and Beck Grimm go for onesies on Pajama Day. " Seniors Dakota West, Kadlin Leake, and Jeremy Vestel don red and blue for Patriot Day. " Seniors Riley Kelsey and Kadlin Leake go all out on wacky tacky day.

cause he got to dress in a giant diaper. "I like Pajama Day because it was really comfortable ," he said. "Patriot Day was my favorite day because I liked how everyone showed school spirit ," freshman Rex Willis added. Thursday night was the tradi tional Powderpuff game , and a pep rally was held Friday afternoon to get everyone pumped for the football game . "Pep rallies are always my favorite . I like to see everyone get excited for the game ," senior Shelby Hunt said. Others thought the best part of spirit week was after the games were over. "The band show after the game was my favorite part," junior JT Miccuci said . Spirit week was the time for students to dig deep and come together to support their teams , their school , and each other. By: Katie Campbell

What was your favorite part of Spirit Week? Rex Willis The tailgate, because it was a lot of fun and everyone got pumped for the game. Daiquan West Class color day, because for seniors it was a blackout.

< Zach Coffman, Adam Visokay, Will

Hunt, ian Prum, and Rowen Perry choose interesting costumes for Wacky Tacky Day.

Alana Meadows Wacky Tacky Day, because I can dress up with my friends.

Girls can play football too

Spirit Week was warm and dry, so the Powerderpuff players were prepared and excited for 7 pm kick off on Thursday night. The freshmen faced the juniors in the first contest of the night. The freshmen fielded a surprisingly wellorganized offense and a strong bench , but the juniors won 14-0. In the senior- sophomore contest, aggressive play resulted in many heated confrontations and at least one dislocated finger. The game was finally decided after double overtime in a score of 28-21 , with theseniors prevailing. In the consolation game between the sophomores and the freshmen , the sophomores were clearly more powerful. Led by the dominating athleticism and resilience of Maggie Tubridy and Kath-

Senior coaches Mr. Hale, M. Bernardino, E. Taylor, T. Reigel , M. Shiflett

erine Waldron , the sophomores eventually took third overall in the tournament. While junior commentators lan Prum and Rowen Perry certainly provided many laughs for the crowd , the real excitement lay in the junior-senior championship game. Powerful senior center Lauren Krull lined up against equally intimidating junior Nicole Ward to lead the teams. Both had bruises after the game , but agreed that "what happens on the field stays on the field ." The seniors were victorious in their championship hopes with a final score of 6-2. Once again , the seniors would not be bettered in their final year. "We showed the boys ," Krull said , "that we can play." By: Mike Pajewski

" Sophomore Lauren Truwit pulls senior Jasmine Taylor's flag off.

Junior coaches Mr. Schrum, B. Baranick, J. Ohardle, J. Bourestop, A. Noble, M. Goodrich

" Sophomore Katharine Waldron sprints down the field in the sophomore verses senior game and scores a touchdown.

Sophomore coaches Mr. Morris, J. Shifflett, E. Mackay

" Junior Charlotte Pitt holds the ball as Alyssa Maltese punts the ball to start the game.

Freshman coaches Mr. Campbell, N. Pease, K. Marshall , V. Zarati

> Junior quarterback Ashley Early runs the ball past the freshmen girls.

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Quarterback Olivia Mooney avoids an attempt to pull her flag as she passes the ball to Taylor Hale.


< In the first game Mel Lindemann

and Rikki Quillon break through the freshman offensive line. < Taylor Pritchard punts the ball as Taylor Hale, Haley Brugh and Olivia Mooney run back on kick return.

< Kaci Kennedy runs down the field as Roxanne Kime lunges for her flag .


A Members of FAST decorate their tailgate before the homecoming

> Principal Mr. Jay Thomas and his

daughter dance to music provided by several clubs at the tailgates. > The Key Club advertises their food menu at their Outer Space tailgate. > Sophomores Sarah Henderson,

Allison Huschka, Carolyn Pugh, and Kendall Coffman decorate a canoe for the Canoe Club tailgate.

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"Seniors Will Freis and Lucas Sachs pose as aliens at the Key Cub tailgate. " Sophomore Stephanie Robinson prepares food at the Photo Club tailgate. " Senior Jeremy Vestal spins the wheel for free Chik-fii-A food. < Seniors Bruno Mendonca, Amanda Parmiter, and junior Jessica Brown paint a car for tailgate.

The Science Honor Society won first place in the Best Overall category. The Junior Classical League (Latin Honor Society) won second place for Best Theme.

The Drama Club won third place for Best Spirit.

It had been four years since the football team 's last win in the Homecoming game. And no one could have asked for a better game to break the streak. By the fourth quarter the Riverbend Bears were up 10 to 14, but In the last seven minutes the lead switched hands several times. At 6:31 in the fourth quarter, quarterback Lee Carneal rol led out to his left and hit Tory Key who took 40 yards and a touchdown to take the lead 17-14. The Bears didn't give up so easily and answered the Patriots with a three-yard touchdown of with 2:46 remaining in the game. In years past, the 21 -17 score on the board may have been it. But this wasn 't past years and the game wasn 't over. "When they scored that last touchdown it was really a heartbreaker, but our coach told us we have to be ready for adversity, so we went out on the field and "Tory Key doesn't hide his emotion when the final whistle blows. " Even under heavy pressure, Lee Carneal finds room to make big plays. " Students rush the field to celebrate the team's first homecoming victory in four years. > Corey Maxa, Nick Lampron, Reid Bozzone

and Judd Perry cheer from the stands. Victory, the school's equine mascot, gallops a lap around the field before the game. > Keven Gaines waves to the crowd after a

big play. > Daniel Ricotta makes a run down field .

we knew what we had to do ," Key said. Carneal scrambled and then again found Key who was wide open down the left sideli ne. The score was 31-23 Patriots. There was still time left on the clock, and the Bears had the passession dangerously close to the goal li ne. Everyone in the stands for both Albemarle and Riverbend was on his feet. With 1:29 on the clock, the Bear' s quarterback threw a long ball and the stadium fell silent. Cheers erupted from the Patriot side the second junior Micah Rivers picked off the pass , seal ing the victory for the Patriots. Carneal finished the night with 220 yards and three touchdowns. "It was pretty fun to get that first district win and have our students out on the field ," he said . By lnes Tomsig and Becky Johnson


Dance the night away The girls bought dresses; the guys borrowed ties. Some people went with a date; others went in groups , but everyone had a good time. Before the dance , people got together to get ready and go out to dinner. The cafeteria had been transformed from the familiar open space with round tables to a scene from outer space. The theme was "Out of This World ," with rocket ships and balloon arches , streamers and strobe lights. The lower part of the cafeteria turned into a huge dance floor, with couples and groups turning and moving to the music blasting from the huge speakers. "I got everybody to dance ," junior C'aira Davis said. "They were just sitJessie Symthe, Abby Wild, Olivia Lewis, Melissa Symms and Sarah Ward find some space on the dance floor.


Sophomores Holly Mitchell and Jared Carlisle enjoy their dinner before they leave for the dance.


> Alexis Wells and Jasmine Jackson,

guests from Monticello, dance with Lanikqua Anderson to "Get Low," one of the favorite songs of the night. > Lloyd Smith , Hannah Burgess, Sophie Mauss, Luc Fatton, Charlotte Pitt, Dylan Herold, Emily Peck and John Chandler are all dressed up for heading out for dinner and then dancing.

ting around and I got them up on the dance floor. " "The music was great. We got a really good DJ this year," Lauren Walke r said. "They didn 't play a single song I didn 't like ." The upper part of the cafeteria had tables and tables of food. "The best part of the dance was definitely the food ," Austin McPh ill ips said. The outdoor porch gave people a place to cool off and to take breaks from the noise and heat of the cafeteria. "I stayed outside ," Kia Scott said. "I was socializing. " Overall , Homecoming was one crazy fun night full of friends , food , and dancing. By Becky Johnson and Camae Anderson

~~~~~~~ < Students start a Congo line and

move to the music. < Freshman Trae Davis and se-

nior Aqiyla Carey join the dancers in the lower half of the cafeteria. < Sophomore Jared Carlisle is

helps his friend Nick Vaughn with his tie. v Marla Lauber, Amber Oliva, Jo Anderson, and Molly Gerding spend the night dancing.

It's a bird , it's a plane .. . it's a Superian! If being a fan were considered a sport in the state of Virginia, our superfans would surely carry all state championship titles , because they surpassed all competition when it came to supporting their teams. One superfan stood out above the rest. Matt Goodrich was voted best fan in the spring pep rally after his performance of "Ain 't No Mountain High Enough. " "It was such a huge honor to be voted the biggest superfan ," Goodrich adds. It was hard to tell what drove our superfans. They could be found at any competition from the traditional Friday night football and basketball to weekday cross country and swim meets. It could have been anything from what was in the water to the way blue chest paint brought out peoples' eyes ; but whether the blue paint Jacob Borenstein and John Chandler groove to the Patriot beat.


David Seago gets a good laugh at Spanish teacher, Mr. Redmond, who wins the pie eating contest at the fall pep rally.


11. Corey Maxa and Reid Bozzone jump for a free Patriot shirt.

> Sam Bor takes the lead in the

class relay race .

> Maggie Tubridy and Summer Shepherd throw Patriot shirts to the most

kept the superfans warm in forty degree weather wou ld forever remain a mystery. Rising several feet in the air, the spirit stick had a legacy that on ly got stronger. Each yea r it was passed on to the most enthusiastic superfan who took it as his or her duty to provide the biggest and best (fans from opposing teams may even say most obnoxious), display of school spirit. One of the great mysteries surrounding the fans was the Patri ot mascot. The Patriot's secret identity was known only to a select few who would sooner become a Monticello Mustang than reveal his/her true identity. It was the fans , the Patriot, and the chest paint that made up the heart and soul of the school 's loudest and brightest team - the Superfans . Story by Becky Johnson Layout by Jasmine Gray



" Rowen Perry, ian Prum and Kelly Harris cheer on the varsity football team in the student section. < The Patriot and Mr. Campbell wait to announce the winners from the pep rally. < Landon Mann, Dean Perry, and

Ben Tingley get hyped up for a big football game. < Cheerleaders Veronica Williams

and Breanna Shannon lead the

How do you spend your free time? From going to University of Virginia games or friends ' houses , to work and other events happening around the busy town of Charlottesville, there was always something to do. On Friday at 3:45pm , the excitement kicked in as students headed out toward varied activities that had been planned since Monday. "I really like going to UVA games. They are so much fun ," sophomore Anna Payne said. Many other students echoed her enthusiastic opinion. Freshman Mckenna Rohm enjoyed going to Timberwood Grill. It had all her favorite foods and a good atmosphere , and was the best place to sit down with friends and have a good time all while savoring her favorite flavor of milkshake . Working took over weekends sometimes, whether it was to make some extra cash or help out the fam-

"Sophomores Brendan Reece, Destiny Gerrick , and Avi Lieberman cheer on the Cavaliers at a UVA football game at Scott Stadium. Whether or not they had siblings or friends attended college, high school students were always glad to visit. " Senior Matt Harmon shops at Lids on the weekend. For many students, shopping was a good way to relax as well as spend some quality time with friends . > Sophomores Sydney Browning and Brenna Healey enjoy an afternoon meal at Martin's Grill , known to have the best burgers in town. >Juniors Jon Podolski (as Mario) and Carmen Montecalvo (as Luigi) work at costume store .

ily. Sophomore Austin Grubb split wood and cleared lumber at home to help his dad out. Many students' weekends consisted of hanging out with friends , practicing for sports , playing some video games or putting somewhat of

a dent in the homework load. Meeting up with friends and having fun somewhere , somehow was the most important part, though. By Debbie Buynak and lnes Tomsig

~~~w~~~ What do you do on the weekends?




Taylor Easter I work on my car and hang out with my trends as much as I can .


Kevin Gaines When I finally get free time , I play basketball and hang out with my family and friends.

Alison Henry Like any normal kid , I love hanging out with my friends , but I also play tennis on the weekends.

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" Juniors Peter Garland and Cyrus Entezam critique Eric Singler's choice of shoes at Journey's at Fashion Square Mall. " Senior Ryan Gray dishes out ice cream at Maggie Moo's at Forest Lakes. < Seniors Jasmine Taylor and Carmen Schoelkopf enjoy meeting customers at Rhett's River Gri ll. Rhett's is owned by a former Patriot and specializes in seafood and Southern cu isine.

" Freshman Kat Perry takes a natural obstacle on an outside course. > Senior Maura McCandlish rows on the Rivanna River with her Rivanna Rowing Club. > Junior Steven Mastropaolo plays with his teammates at the Fall Brawl Lacrosse tournament in Fairfax, VA.

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Students show hidden talents Talented , dedicated athletes walked the halls every day, but they didn't all head to the practice fields and courts after school. Throughout all grade levels , numerous students participated in sports outside of those offered at school. From horseback riding to gymnastics to rowing and Y-ball , students followed their passion or just found a way to keep active and socialize at the same time. Some chose sports not offered at school. "I do horseback riding lessons with my coach , who is an Olympian rider named Bonnie Mosser," said junior Addie Evarts . Others wanted to play more for fun - with less stress than playing for a school team , although nonschool sports teams could

still be very competitive in their own ways. Practices tended to be one or two days a week instead of every day, and coaches were a little more forgiving if a player couldn 't make a game. "We both play for Yball (YMCA Basketball). We have a game every Saturday at Henley, and it's fun getting to play with people outside of school just for fun ," said juniors Justin Shifflett and Kendall Hawkins. "I love playing soccer for SOCA," Alyssa Maltese said . I've made so many new friends throughout the years. " "I snowboard at Massanutten on the weekends and any time I have free time ," said CJ Mayo. By Charlotte Pitt

< Seniors Colleen Stephens and Will Peterson take a jeep on tough terrain. Senior Shelby Hunt does a hand stand on the high bar at a gymnastics meet in Richmond.


< Sophomore Mitch Huber and his teammates enjoy a co-ree soccer game where boys and girls compete together. <Senior Matt Tobin makes the free throw at his Yball game at

Alyssa Maltese I love playing soccer for SOCA. It's a fun way to keep in shape and be a part of a good team. Sarah Heider I've been swimming for Fairview Pool year-round ever since I was a little girl.

Every year is different, but this year was really different Change was inevitable, especially for high school. While budget cuts mandated some cost-cutting measures , like the new 4x4 hybrid schedule , other improvements were already in progress , like the new turf field for the stadium. The biggest change of all was the schedule. Students could take eight classes throughout the year. Many had 4X4 classes , which met every day for half of the year. Most AP classes and some electives continued to meet every other day, though. "I like the 4x4 schedule because you don't have to remember to switch materials every other day, but it's also a lot more rushed and kind of stressful ," sophomore Stacie Shifflett said.

Last year's eighth period intervention time became a 45 minute add-on on Mondays, Tuesdays , and Fridays. This still allowed students to get started on homework, study, or get help or make up work. Also , the school kept getting greener, from keeping thermostats lower in the winter and higher in the summer, to adjustments in the cafeteria menu that reduced fat and sugar in menu items. The new baked fries had only half the fat of the former restaurant variety. "I wish they wouldn 't have changed [the french fries] because they were better last year," junior Kendall Hawkins said. by Sammi Vidovich

" Now allowed to use cell phones in school, Anita Grabowski, Holly Mitchell, and Sapna Desai take advantage of the new policy during lunch. " Freshmen Tim Schauer and Mike Balaban enjoy the new lower fat french fries at lunch. > Trae Davis checks his schedule before the first day of classes. Students adjusted quickly to the new 4X4 schedule. > With the school day now starting at 8:55 instead of 9 am , junior Patrick Hedger gets dropped off a little earlier than last year.

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The varsity boy's lacrosse team huddles up before the first official game on the turf field . Construction on the field began in November and was completed before the Spring sports season .



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How did the new 4X4 schedule affect you?

< MESA seniors Sean Williams and

Sophomore Tony Greene It's OK, I got used to it but I would rather have the old schedule.

Ryan Lawson demonstrate helicopter aerodynamics with a model after hearing a guest speaker. MESA graduated its first class in 2011.

Freshman Queznay Waller I love the 4X4. You can concentrate on your classes better." Junior Ben Tingley It's easier to deal with because you only have to focus on four classes at a time.


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Riley Kelsey, Dean Perry, Emily Kane, and Cody Purvis use various forms of technological devices inculding graphing calculators and cell phones .. A

> Dr. Anderson uses her

Promethean board to explain a concept. > iPhones are very popular amongst all members of the student body. > Kai Marshall listens to music on his iPod touch with teacher pre mission after taking a test..


We own it and it owns us

Timmy Shaw and An ish Doshi are learning tricks of the Internet trade during their Web Design class.


Corey Lomax demonstrates on a connected calculator in Math class.


Jeremiah Morris uses a computer during class to refine his gaming skills to use up free time at the end of the semester.

What piece of technology can 't you live without? Miranda Bricker [Facebook's] a conven ient, nononsense way to contact people and all that shizz.


< Eileen Boyle finishes the verbal portion of her Spanish exam on a school laptop.

Ramel Jenkins I ch eck [Facebook] every time I get the chance. Meghan Rader I listen to music in between classes and during lunch on my Zune.

Tory Key, Devyn Wildley, Nahom Negash, and Charles Robinson circle around junior Kali Carroll to sing "Bedrock."


> Freshmen Rebecca Mendelsohn

and Ann Yu deliver roses. > Seniors Corey Maxa, Micah Arsenault, Matt Tobin and Matt Shifflet sing "Hey Daddy" to Taylor Pritchard in Mr. Chaney's AP Environmental Science.


Spread the love

" Seniors Jake Sawyer and Abby Lesnoff deliver Colbie Calliat's "Bubbly" to Mr. Weisend. " Junior Matt Goodrich does "I Want It That Way" for Victoria Feola. < Senior Allie de Almeida and Olivia Mooney dance out of the classroom on their way to their next delivery. < Jasmine Gray, Shanice Palmer, Ash ley Early, Dionna Corbin, and Jasmine Taylor cover a classic, "You 've Got a Friend in Me," for senior John Dillon.

Emily Peck I love how the singers get so into it and don't care what people think. They make us laugh. Katharine Waldron The best acts were between "Hey Daddy," "I Wanna Know" and "Love Rocket. " Jake Huber The best things about Valentine's Day were all the distractions and interuptions during class.

Pi, Pie, and more n The day started off as March 14 (3.14) but ended in a possible stomachache. Pi day was a big celebration for the whole school , courtesy of the Math Honor Society and the Latin Club. Math Honor Society members each brought several pies to share and give out at long lunch. Ms. Stephanie Herbert and club members set up tables on the Breezeway and prepared plate after plate of pie in the thirty minutes before students were released for long lunch and the onslaught began . After everyone was served, Latin students reenacted the death of Julius Caesar, with Magister Matt Clay playing the part of Caesar. Every type of pie, from oreo to pecan to apple , was available. "My favorite type was pecan pie ," sophomore Amory Fischer said. Fresh-

" Seniors Will Branham, Kelly Barker and Jessica Johnson head for a seat to enjoy their pie . "Mr. Matt Clay falls to the ground after acting out the death of Caesar. " Ms. Herbert, advisor of the Math Honor Society, patiently cuts pie to hand out. > Haley Swartz and Betsy Haugh wheel out the loads of pie.

> Austin McPhillips and Stacey Hahn cut pie.

man Jenn ifer Leader agreed but added chocolate on it to make it the best. "The Julius Caesar reenactment was pretty cool ," sophomore Hamed Karama said. "I enjoyed watching Mr. Clay fall to the ground and act like he was dying ." Mr. Clay had looked forward to a ride in his newly improved chariot, but it did not survive the journey to the Senior Circle. "My first pie day was good , I had chocolate pie which was still slightly frozen but that made it even better. It was so crowded and everyone was trying to rush to the front , it took me more than ten minutes to get to the middle, people were really vicious ," freshman Abby Enger said. "I had no idea everyone liked pie this much." By: Debbie Buynak.


Math Honor Society member Chi Zhang gives Kali Carroll her pie.


< The Latin Club gathers after the collapse of Caeser's chariot. < Britney Huff and Kirsten Smith celebrate Pi Day by eating cherry pie. <Grace Dalton and Melissa Simmes socialize while eating.


Perhaps the theme jinxed prom night a little. April 's unpredictable weather brought a tornado watch , endless rain and an actual tornado that touched down in Free Union , so adjustments had to be made. "We saw girls walk into Harris Teeter to pick up flowers with shower caps on ," said freshman Shep Walker. But by evening , the winds and rained had calmed as guys dropped off their dates at the door of the Doubletree and sprinted from the parking lot. Once inside , prom-goers checked in and got their wristbands. Students attending had to have permission slips signed by parents promising that all dancing would remain appropriate . "I was surprised at how many people actually abided the rule , it was great to see that students actually showed " Senior Maddi McCollough pins Sean William's boutonniere on his jacket. "Mr. Thomas, Ms. Aglio, Mr. Redmond, Mr. Clay, Ms. Gleeson, Ms. Dyer, Ms. Lloyd, Ms. Oliveri and Mr. Vrhovac enjoy the festivities as much as the students .. " Juniors Maggie Wilson, Lara Sisman, Molly Gerding, Sarah Heider, Karina Weber, and their friends take a picture outside after the storm has cleared out. >Senior Brooke Hutton stays dry under her leopard print umbrella. >Senior Mike Myers is fitted with a wristband after turning in his ticket to Ms. Lloyd while junior Jessica Brown checks hers.

respect for each other," said senior Erika Martini . Through all the rain and bad weather everyone still managed to look absolutely amazing. "Even though it rained it was amazing ," said senior Maddi McCullough , "I liked both the atmosphere and location . The Doubletree provided wonderful food , ranging from turkey wraps and vegetables to cheesecake and chocolate fondue. "Prom was great! I loved ---~--being with all my friends and the Doubletree was the perfect place to have it," senior Bruno Mendonca said. "This was one of our final milestones as seniors and I don't regret going at all. I had a lot of fun ," senior Laura Burner said.


by Carmen Schoelkopf and Katie Campbell

~~~~~~'11~ < Senior Ambre Hasson throws her hands up to the incredibly pumped up music. <Junior Christian Marquez and senior Kyle Hamilton wait in line to take their picture while their girlfriends laugh and enjoy the chocolate covered food . < Senior Taylor Hale gets a wristband upon entering the dance whi le seniors Micah Arsenault and Ryan Gray wait for their turns.

" Senior Anna Gibbons enjoys a romantic slow dance with her boyfriend Matt Killinger. < Students clear the dance floor for Prom King Jeremy Weiss and Prom Queen Cate Johnson as they share their well deserved dance. < Seniors Anna Gomberg , Joy Piirto, Sarah Silke, Erin Jackson, Emily Davi son, Marc Baucom and their dates are ready for a big evening .



440 seniors . .. 385 juniors ... 421 sophomores ... 438 freshmen ... 880 athletes ... 34 coaches ... 45 support staff ... 146 teachers ... 1 nurse .. 3librarians ... 6 guidance counselors .. . 3 assistant principals ... 1 associate principal ... 1 principal


sen1ors. 1. Kristian Aasen 2. Shaniqua Agee: Freshman basketball (1 - MVP); JV basketball (1); Varsity basketball (2); FCCLA (1); National High School Scholars (1); Certified Pharmacy Technician (2). "Seize the day, and put the best possible trust in tomorrow." - Horace. 3. A.Lauren Anders: Hiking (2, 3, 4) ; Art/Drawing/Paint (1, 2, 3, 4); Japanese Language/Culture (3, 4); Spanish Language/ Culture (1, 2, 3, 4); Youth Group (1, 2, 3, 4); Art Honor Society (1, 2, 3, 4); Art Exhibits (1 , 2, 3, 4); Lit Magazine published illustration (3 - Art). 4. Alexis Anderson: African American Student Union (4); Licensed Pharmacy Technician (3, 4). "Personally, I don't choose any particular religion , or symbol, or group of words or teachings to define me. That's between me and the most high. You know, my higher self. The creator." - Erykah Badu. 5. Ben Anderson: Varsity Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); German Club (1, 2, 3-0fficer, 4); DECA (2, 3-Funraising chair, 4); Roger Flint Spirit Award Jefferson Area Tennis (3); PALs (3, 4); German Honor Society (3, 4); Named to Boys State (3). "The spirit, the will to win , and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur." - Vince Lombardi. 6. Camae Ande rson-Lindsay 7, Abigail Andrews: Concert Band (1); Symphonic Band (2); Wind Ensemble (3, 4); Key Club (3, 4); Math Honor Society (4); French Honor Society (4); Tae-Kwan-Do (1, 2, 3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4) . "Live well, love much, laugh often" - Anonymous. 8. Joshua Angeley: Violin (1 , 2, 3, 4); Robotics (3, 4); National Science Honor Society (4); West Side Story Pit (2); Spirit Award (1 , 2); Coaches Award (2, 3); Junior Regional Orchestra (1); Cremona Tri (3); Judo (4); Swimming (1, 2, 3); Key Club (2, 3) . "An advantage of being unorganized is that one is constantly making new discoveries." - A.A Milne. "Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes." - "Drive" by Incubus. "Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere near by." - Ruth E. Ren kel. 9. Micah Arseneault: Varsity Soccer (1, 2, 3, 4); Freshman Basketball (1); J.V Basketball (2); Travel Soccer (1, 2, 3, 4); Patriot Athletic Leaders (2, 3, 4). "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then , is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle. " Do I want to be feared or loved? That's a good question. I want both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott. 10. Allen Au: Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Peer Counselor (1, 2, 3, 4); iCARE (2, 3, 4); GSA (4); RCMC (4); EATIW (3, 4); RAWR (3); FBLA (4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4) ; Governor's School for Agricu lture 2010 (4); Rotary Club Student Recognition (4). ''The last man on Earth sat alone in his room. There was a knock on the door." - Frederic Brown .

11 . Matthew Audia 12. Yama Azadzoi

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Most Involved:

Council \ ··

Sam Bor


"I'm involved in SCA, Peer counsel ing, Qu iddich Club, Youth Ministry Council , Key Club , and Spanish Honor Society. What motivates me to participate in so much is interacting with different people and backrounds. Being involved enables me to have a positive inpact in my surrou ndings ." and

Brinn McGee "I love meeting new people and being part of a big school. That's what being involved in organizations provides for me . Things I have been involved include: FCA, Young Life, Spanish Honor Society, Science Honor Society, SCA, swim team , Campaigners, Girls Bible study, and the County Student Council."

1. Reggie Baker: "Time is the most precious thing we have on the earth, we must not waste it, we can 't go back." - Reggie Baker. 2. Sophie Baldwin : Powder puff (1, 2, 3, 4); Choir (1, 2); Dance (1, 2); Photography (2, 4); "You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill. I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will."- Rush. 3. Brianna Barbour 4. Morgan Barksdale: Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Jazz Band (4); Orchestra (1-Cello section leader, 2); Tri-M Honor Society (3, 4-Tressure); JCL (4); Young Liberals club (3, 4). ''Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." - Tomas Henry Huxley. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix. "Repetition is your mommy." - Mr. Thomas. 5. Marc Barn es: President of AHS Young Conservatives (2). "Though the academic authorities are actually proud of conducting everything by mean of exam inations, they seldom indulge in what religious people used to describe as self-examination. The consequence is that the modern state has educated its citizens in a series of ephemeral fads. " - G.K Chesterton (1935). "The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues had today all the exhilaration of a vice." - G.K Chesterton (1901 ). 6. Michael Barton: V Ten nis (1 , 2, 3, 4 - Captain); Ping Pong Club (2); FBLA (3 - Vice President); Ping Pong Tournament Champion (2). "How's th is for ch ildish , bro." - Dennis Reynolds.



Most Studious Damon Mcintire "I normally spend about two and half hou rs more or less on my homework every night and I currently take seven AP classes right now. I really want to go to Brown University and the desire to know more than I al ready do motivates me to do well ." and

Aarati Sri ram "I think if you try hard in school you can definitely do well . I plan on majoring in chemistry for college after I gradute high school."

1. Andrew Bates 2. Mark Baucom 3. Daniel Beiter: "I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the blessed sacrament. There you will find romance , glory, honor, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves on earth , and more than that: death. By the divine paradox, that which ends life and demands the surrender of all , and yet by the taste-or foretaste- of which alone can what you seek in your earth relationships (love, faithfulness, joy) be maintained, or taken on that complexion of real ity, of eternal endurence, which every man's heart desires." - J.R.R Tolkien. "Get over your hill and see what you'll find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair." - Mumford & Sons. 4. Michael Bernardino: JV Football (1 ); Varsity Football (2, 3, 4 - captain); Varsity swimming (1, 2, 3, 4); JV Lacrosse (1 ); Varsity Lacrosse (1); SCA Advisor (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; PALS (3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3). "Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain." - Dave Mathews Band. "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." - Dave Mathews Band. 5. Alison Bevard: Marching band (color guard) (1, 2, 3, 4); Color Guard Captain (3, 4); HASH (4); Tri-M (4). "There are places I'll remember all my life though some have changed. Some forever not for better some have gone and some remain . All the places have their moments with lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living , in my life I've loved them all." - The Beatles, "In My Life." "Unforgettable in every way and forever more, that's how you'll stay/ That's why darling it's incredible that someone so unforgettable thinks that I am unforgettable too. " -Irving Gordon , "Unforgettable." 6. Matthew Bohlander


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1. Sam Bor: SCA (2- class vice president, 3- vice-president, 4-president); Peer Counselor (2, 3); County Student Council (2, 3, 4); First Baptist Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4) . Key Club (3, 4), Solo Violin Study (2, 3, 4), Quiddich Club (4) "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen - not only because I see it, but because by it I see every1hing else." - C. S. Lewis. 2. Aaron Joseph Borenstein: Football (1-captain, 2); Basketball (1, 2); Leadership (1, 2, 3, 4); Track (2); "Confidence is a stain they can't wipe off." - Dwayne Michael Carter 3. Karen (Kitty) Bourne: Anime Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Bowie's School of (Magic) Dance (1, 2, 3, 4); Nerd lighteria (4); G.O.S.P (1, 2, 3, 4); The squeeing langirl award (4); Torchwood's rogue time agent award (4. 1. 3. 2); The Phillip Von Humperlunks seal of approval (1, 2, 3, 4}; "Who said that? 'looks at wall accusingly'." - Kitty 4. Reid Bozzone 5. Elise Braatz: Peer Counseling (1, 2, 3, 4); Aldersgate Instrumental Ensemble (1 , 2, 3, 4); French Club (2, 3, 4); CIA Robotics (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); Tutoring and Mentoring Club (3, 4); Canoe Club (3, 4-treasure); Ballroom Dance (3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); French Honor Society (3, 4); 3rd place Behavioral and Social Sciences - Piedmont Regional Science Fair (3) "This above all: to thine own sell be true, and it must follow as the night the day, thou cans'! not then be false to any man" - Shakespeare 6. Bobby Braden: Freshman Football (1); AHS Band (1, 2, 3); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); People to People Student Ambassador (4); "It is our choices .. that show who we truly are, lor more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. " - James Dean. "Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -Unknown 7. Sarah Brady: Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4}; FAST (1, 3, 4); Key Club (3); FCA (1, 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (2); "For God hath not given us th e spirit of lear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7 8. T'Keyah Bratcher 9. Eric Allan Breeden: Varsity Football (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Track (1, 2, 3, 4); Varsity Wrestling (1, 2, 3, 4); "I'm the best who ever did it #2." - Eric Breeden 10. Valissa Brooks 11. Kiyara Brown : Peer Counselor (1 , 2, 3); African-American Student Union (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (3, 4); German Club (3, 4); "Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 12. Haley Brugh


sen1ors. 1. Benjamin Brust: Cross Country (1, 2, 3, 4); Indoor track (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Outdoor track (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Habitat for Humanity (1, 2, 3, 4); ACAC Swimming (1 , 2, 3, 4); National Science Honor Society (3, 4); Canoe Club (3, 4); Auto cad certified (2, 3); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3); "Our greatest glory is not in never failing , but in rising up every time we fail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson . "Looks like an early bedtime!" - Dad 2. Lauren Bryant: JV Field Hockey (2); French Honor Society (2, 3, 4- President); French Club (3, 4); Young Liberals Club (4); Peer Counseling (3, 4); Governor's School for the Visual Arts (1); "Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come .. .The past, I think, had helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future ." - Audrey Hepburn 3. Walter Bullard 4. Laura Burner: The Black Dot Society; Soccer (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Straight up." 5. Deborah Burruss-Martin 6. Sidney Bush : Varsity Softball (1, 2, 3, 4); Young Republicans (2, 3, 4); Science National Honors Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (4); All-Academ ic Award (1, 2, 3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); "Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play." - Oasis 7. Eric Cain: Golf (2, 3); Tennis (3); Track (1, 2, 3); Cross Country (1 ). "Rudy, are you ready for this, champ?" "I've been ready for this my whole life!" - Rudy Ruettiger. 8. Katrina Marie Campbell: DECA (4); SOCA (1 , 2, 3, 4); Yearbook (3, 4); SCA Advisor (3, 4). "Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your sunshine." - Anthony J D'Angelo 9. Ryan Campbell: Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Virginia Consort (1, 2, 3, 4); Sunday School Ass istant (1, 2, 3, 4); Antioch Team Leader (3, 4) ; Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4) ; Peer Mentor (4); Key Club (2, 3, 4). "Love will hold us together. Make us the shelter to weather the storm. And I'll be my brother's keeper so the whole world wi ll know we're not alone.- Matt Maher. "Every day the choices you make determine who you are and wh at your heart beats for. " - Francesca Battistelli. 10. Joseph Cardella 11. Candace Carey: Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4); Varsity Field Hockey (3, 4); F.A.S.T. (4); Young Humane Activists (3, 4 - vi ce president). "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it is your world for the moment. I try to give th at world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, th ey have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not." - Georgia O'Keefe 12. Ryan Carlisle: JV Lacrosse (1, 2). Varsity Lacrosse (3, 4) Football (1, 2, 3) Wrestling (2, 3, 4); Concert Band Symphonic Wind Ensemble (1, 2) JV Lacrosse MVP (2). Second team Al l-District Vars ity Lacrosse (3). CoMost Improved Varsity Lacrosse (3.)

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Funniest: Allie de Almeida "I was elated when I found out that I won . I assumed I was the fun niest because people tell me I'm fu nny all the time . I don't really tell any jokes I think it's just my personality." and

Michael Payne "Winn ing 'funn iest' was about the sixth most memorable thing to happen to me on the wee k that I won. If I had a medal or something I'd be happier. My family has a beagle. The beagle is the most ancient breed of hound. A dog of great dash , the beagle is relentless in the chase-the rabbit and the hare being its accustomed quarry. The beagle is also friendly to the world , as can be seen in her soft brown eyes, and she is as good a house dog as she is a keen tracker. I would compare myself to Gerald Johanssen from Hey Arnold! Gerald was absolutely reckless and did whatever it took to get a laugh , like when he ordered a bunch of chocolate with Arnold and amassed a large debt. I would never do anything li ke that, but I'd still compare myself to him ." 1. Robert Carraway 2. Ryan Carroll 3. Deshauna M. Catoe: Fluvanna Step Te am (1, 2); Fluvanna Varsity Choir (2); Campus Choir (1, 2); Hon orable attendance CATEC (3); Student of the Month September CATEC (3) ; Leadership + Outstanding Acheivement English 11. 4. Summer Caton : Varsity Girls Tennis (2, 3, 4) Key Club (2, 3, 4) Science National Honor Society (3, 4) "The future depends on what we do in the present." - Mahatma Gandi. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledore 5. Kristina Cechova 6. Ange lica Chang : Key Club (1, 2, 3,4); National Guld Piano Aud itions (1, 2, 3,4); C.A. R.E. (3, 4- Secretary); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (1,2,3,4); English Honor Society (3,4); Science Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor (2,3,4); National Piano Playing Auditions (1,2,3); Key Club Plaque for Outstanding Service (2). "Minds are like parachutes. Th ey only function wh en they are open." - Sir James Dewar-.


sen1ors. Most Spirited: Jake Hendrix " I love going to as many of th e games as I can because I li ke to see our athletes th rive as a team ."


Riley Kelsey "Ever since the sixth grade I have gone al l out for all holidays and spirit weeks. I think this award is wel l deserved ."

1. Mary Ann Chapman: Varsity Swim Team (1,2,3,4) Cross Country (3,4) Outdoor Track (3) YMCA Basketball (1,2,3,4) . 2. Adesh Chhetri 3. Sierra Clark: Honor Choir (4); Women 's Ensemble (1,3) ; Jazz Choir (4); Alto Section Leader (4) ; Tri -M Honor Society (4); Most likely to succeed (2). "Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education." - Martin Luther King Jr.4. Grant Clem: "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Involve me and I'll understand." -Native American saying. 5. Emma Cohen: Wind Ensemble (1-4 - Co-Section Leader); All County Honors Band (3, 4); All District Band (1-4- State Eligible); Spring Musical Pit Orchestra (3, 4); Burley Jazz Band Helper (3, 4) ; Beth Israel Temple Youth (1, 2 - Re ligious and Cultural VP, 3- Historian , 4 - Programming VP); Key Club (1, 2, 3 - Outstanding Service Award , 4); JV Softball (1 - Manager, 2 - CoCaptain/ Coaches Award ); Peer Counseling (1-4); SCA Advisor (2-4); Photography (3 , 4- Art Displayed in Mall); Tri-M Music HS (2-4 - Pres); National HS (4) ; Engl ish HS (3, 4); Spanish HS (3,4); Art HS (4); Canoe Club (3, 4); Honor Roll (1-4); 600 Club (3) ; NFTY -MAR (1-4); IM PACT (2-4}; Summer Museum Teen Volunteer (2, 3); UVA Music Dep't Vo lunteer (4). "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself and the other for helping others." - Audrey Hepburn. 6. Riley Middleton Cole: Football Program Manager (1-4); Young Liberals (3-4); German Club (2-4); Band (1-4) ; First Place Drama Club Pie Baking Contest (3); AlB Honor Roll (1-3); All A Honor Roll (3). "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind ." - Mohandas K. Gandhi .

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1. William Coleman 2. Jacqueline Coletrain 3. Jordan Coltrane: Choir (1-4) ; Ballet (1 -4); Dance Team (3-4); French Club, Treasurer, 4 (3-4). ''Then you will understand what is right and just and fair- every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul." - Prov 2:9-10. "If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then every1hing that happens in between can be dealt with." - Michael Jackson. 4. Anna Gomberg: JV Field Hockey (1 -2); Outdoor Track (2); Key Club (1-2). "Music should be something that makes you gotta move, inside or outside ." - Elvis Presley. ''There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer 5. Brittany Conrad 6. Trevon Cook 8. Alex Cooke: VTA (2-4); VHSL Theatre (2-4); Forensics (2-4); Spring Musical (2-4); 1st Place District Forensics (2); 1st Place Reg ional Forensics (2 -3); 4th Place State Forensics (3); Thespian Honor Society (24) ; Triforce of Power (1-4) ; Activities Director Thespian Honor Society (3-4) ; Fall Production (2-4); Drama Club (1-4); Show Choir (4); Jazz I Choir (3); President of Pickle Lovers Club (2-4); Math Honor Society (3). "God writes a lot of comedy .. . the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors that don't know how to play funny." - Garrison Keillor. 9. Tavon Cooper 10. Andrea Coppola: Cross Country (1-4); Swim Team (1-4); Track (1-4); English Honor Society, Secretary, 4 (3-4); Math Honor Society (3-4); Spanish Honor Society (3-4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4); Canoe Club (3-4); FAST (2-4); Band (1-4). "When you find out you can live with out it and go along not thinking about it, I'll tell you something true the bare necessities of life will come to you ." - Baloo (The Jungle Book). 10. Erin Cornell: SPCA (4); Young Life (2,3); Key Club (1-4); JCL (1-4); Horseback Riding (1-2) "You wi ll not stick your spear in my back as I run away from you but drive it into my chest as I storm straight in against you. " - Homer, The Iliad. 11 . Jalmar Coyl e 12. Ryan Crossman


sen1ors. 1. Katherine Cude 2. Thomas Cude 3. Michael Curry Jr. : Motocross Racing (AMA) (1-4); Hunting and Fishing (1-4); 1st Place State Fair Masonry Competition (3-4) ; Best Overall CATEC Masonry Student (2); Top Ten MAMA Series Finish (Motocross) (1 -2). "Motocross is a contact sport ... see you in the finish corner. " - Jason Lawrence #338. 4. Lucy Dabney: Choir (1-4); Key Club (1-4); Peer Counselors (3-4); Guitar (1-4); Spring Musical (1-3); Volleyball (1-2); Tri-M Music Honor Society (2-4). "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case you fail by default." - J.K. Rowling. 5. Austrine Emylee Davies: Patriot Choir, Show Choir, Jazz Choir, Women 's (1-4); Volunteer at Two Vet Clinics (1-2); Horseback Rid ing (1-4); Volunteer at C.S.P.C.A. (4); JV Cheerleading (1-2). "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away." - Anonymous. 6. Bryant Davis: Varsity Tennis (1-2) Marching Band /Drum line (1, 2, 3. 4); FABA (3-4); Key club (2, 3, 4); Drum Captain (4) ; Honor roll (1, 2, 3, 4); Winning T J (4). "My life, a constant work in progress, and I wouldn 't have it any other way." - Set Your Goals 7. Emily Davison : Field Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4- captain); Indoor Track (1,2,3,4) ; Soccer (1,2,3,4); PALS (2,3,4); Science National Honor Society (4); Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4) Canoe Club (3,4) FAST (2, 3, 4); "You 're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way! " - Dr. Suess 8. Allison De Almeida: Habitat for Humanity Youth United (Fund raising co-chair) (1, 2, 3, 4;) Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4 - Senior Class Director); Young Republicans (secretary, treasurer) (1, 2, 3, 4); Cross Country (1, 2, 3, 4); FAST - (Secretary , Treasurer) (1 , 2, 3, 4); SCA class adviser (3, 4) ; Rivanna Rowing Club (3, 4) ; Indoor track (1, 2); Outdoor track (1, 2). Math Honor Society (1-4); Spanish Honor Society (2-4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4): Beta Club (4). "Life move s pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a whil e, you could miss it. - Fe rris Bueller. 9. Eric James Deane 10. Zhi Bo Deng: Literary/Art Magazine (2, 3, 4); Piano (1-4); Key Club (1-4); Bailee (1, 2); Track and Field (1, 2); Match Honor Society (1-4); English Honor Society (1-4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; Science Honor Society (3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); CARE Club (3, 4) ; Honor Roll (1-4); AP Scholar with Distinction (4); All Academ ic Award (2, 3). "I like nonsense- it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living . It's a way of looking at life through the wron g end of a telescope ... and that enables you to laugh at all of life's realities. " - Dr Seuss. 11 . Daniel Desmond 12. Herman Dhaliwal: "I intend to live forever, or die young try ing ." - Gro ucho Marx.

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Hardest Workers: Parker Hopkins "I would have to say my hardest classes this year are AP Literature and BC calculus. I can definitely say that I spend a good couple hours a night doing homework and schoolwork takes a lot of my time. I just want to do my best and always challenge myself."


Alexsandra Olekhnovich "My motivation is my goal to eventually attend medical or optometry school after undergrad . I am myself my biggest motivator; I keep push ing myself towards 'success.' When I get home I take a nap. Then I usually do about two to three hours of homework a night. It's actually pretty easy, except AP Chern. I spend a lot more time on that. It is all a balancing act between my classes, extracurricular activities, and free time . My hard work has paid off as I am attending my dream school , Johns Hopkins!"

1. Francisco Javi er Diaz 2. John Dillon: Lacrosse (1-4). "The record shows, I took the blows, and did it my way. " - Frank Sinatra. 3. Chris Donnelly: Established Anime Club (2); Pres ident of An ime Club (2, 3, 4). "The toug her th e road th e better the destination . Go where you want, not where you 're told. " - Chris Donnelly. 4. Frank Dresn er: MUN (1, 2); SOCA (1, 2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); MESA (3, 4); Beta Club (4). "Our deepest fea r is not that we are inadequate . Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Maryanne Wi lliamson . 5. Dylan Drumhel ler 6. Randy Dunniuan : Katsumoto: "You believe a man can change his destiny?" Nathan Algren: "I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed ." - Tom Cru ise , The Last Samurai.


sen1ors. Most Musically Talented: Madison Tanner "Since the first grade, I've played the saxophone , trumpet, piano , guitar, flu te, and drums. I definitely plan on going to school for music. It's always been my dream . Music is something that's always made me happy. I can 't picture my life without it."


Jake Sawyer "I play the guitar, bass , mandolin, piano , harmonica and the drums. I play wheneve r I feel like it. I was excited when I found out that I won . Music defines who you are. Playing the gu itar is fun, kin d of like eating pancakes. It would depress me if someone took away my instruments forever ."

1. Taylor Easter 2. Kevin Eavey 3. Aileen Echelberger 4. Angela Elder: Dance team (4); French Club (1); Drama (1 , 2) ; Young Women 's Group (1, 2, 3, 4). "Live for you and not anyone else because in the end it's you that counts." -Angela Elder. 5. Anna Elder 6. Kac ie L. Elliot: Softball manager (2); A, B Honor Roll (2, 3). "I know I don't act much like a lady; you might find me making too much noise , but I'm more than just one of the boys. 'Cause I'm a redneck woman , I ain't no high class broad. I say, 'hey ya'll' and 'yee-haw.'" - Gretchen Wilson. "I f I die young bury me in camo, lay me down in the woods , sink me in the lake where I fish and send me away with a country song. " - Larry the Cable Guy.


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1. Maggie Evans 2. Drew Fagan: Cross Country (1-4); Track (1-4); FCA (2-4); Young Life (2-4) ; English Honors Society (3-4); Tri-Athlete Award (2-4). "If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you 'l l be unhappy for the rest of your life." - Abraham Maslow. "One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain .. . so hit me with music." -Bob Marley. 3. Connor Fanning: lmprov (1-4); Forensics (3-4); The Farce (1-4); Video Club (1 ); Impromptu Speaking; 2nd Place Regional (3); Triforce of Wisdom (1-4}. "Nothing made sense anymore , and so did everything else." - Joseph Heller. 4.Brian Farmer


5. Melanie Fe ldman: Field Hockey (1-3); D-Squad Indoor Track (3); Wind Ensemble (2-4); Friend of Cate Johnson (1-4); Co-Captain of Quidditch Club (4). "Life is like a pepper." - Melanie Feldman. 6. Carley Fisher 7. Freddy Flores 8. Jonathan Flores 9. Jessica Marie Frazier: German Club (1); Fish Tank Club (4) ; Volunteer SPCA (3-4); Student of the Month, May (1 ); Principal's Honor Roll (1-3); English Department Award (2); German Honor Society (3); National Art Honor Society (3-4); People to People Ambassador, Summer 2010, France, Italy, and Greece (4). "If it is to be, it is up to me." - William Johnson. 10. Will Freas: JV Soccer, captain (2); Vars ity Soccer (3-4); Orchestra (1 -4); French Honor Society (3-4); Science Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4) . "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson. 11. Gregory Frechette 12. Lindsey Fredner: Show Choir (1-4); Volleyball (AHS, RRVC) (Jouett Coach } (1-3); Young Humane Society (3-4); Peer Counselor (2 -4}; Take Note (4); VADETS Driving Competition (2); 2008 Volleyball All-Tournament Team (2); Principal's Honor Rol l (1-3). "If you 're loved by someone , you're never rejected. Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers. "I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time." - Drew Barrymore. 13. Melanie Freshwater: Varsity Swimming (1 -4); Key Club (1-4); Young Republicans Club (1-4); Young Life (2-4); Leadership (3-4); VA Gators (1 -3); Patriot Athletic Leaders (3-4); Class Officer (4). "The water's gettin' warm so you might as well swim ." - Smashmouth. "Wou ld yo u not like to be sittin ' on top of the world with your legs hanging free?" - DMB. "If music be the food of love, play on ." - Shakespeare.


sen1ors. 1. Anrew Max Friedersdorf 2. Tanqel Patrick M. Frye 3. Kelsey Brianna Ganz: Powderpuff (1 ,2,4); Softball (1); Track (3-4). "I want it all that's why I strive for it." -Drake. 4. John Gavrilovic : Junior Classical League (1 -4}; Science Honor Society (3-4); Young Conservatives (2-4); Running to Class (1-4); National Latin Exam Cum Laude (3); SOL 600 Club Award (1-3); Honor Roll (1-3) . "I tell you the truth , when you were younger you dresses yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." - John 21:18 (NIV). 5. Kaylan Gentry: Dance Team (2-4); Women 's Jazz Choir (2 -4) ; Show Choir "Ladies First"(captain, 4) (3-4) ; Women 's Ensemble (1); Tri-M Honor Society (4); Photography (1 -4); Hol lymead Swim Team (1-4); Peer Counseling (1-4). "Set an example for believers in speech , in life, in love, in faith , and in purity." - I Timothy 4:12. 6. Anna Gibbons 7. Kyle Andrew Gibson: Certificate of Rock from Charlottesville Rock Academy (3). "Practice makes perfect. Technique and hard work is the key to success ." - Kyle Andrew Gibson 8. Halley Gilbert: Dance Team (4); Dance Teaching Assistant (1-3); Dance Performance Company (1-2); Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Modern, and Tap classes and performance (1-4); Show Choir (3-4); Show Choir Dance Captain (4); Patriot Singers (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (4); All-District Choir (3); Outstanding Ach ievement Soloist Award (3); AHS Drama (3 -4); Spring Musical (3-4); Dance Captain (3); Drama Club (4); Thesbian National Honor Society (3-4); National Society of High School Scholars (3-4); Honor Roll (1 -4} ; Christian Fellowship Club (3-4). "Rejoice always, pray without ceas ing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - I Thessalonians 5:16-18. "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. May my meditation be sweet to Him ; I will be glad in the Lord ." - Psalm 104: 33-34. 9. Blythe Gi lbertson 10. Alexander Goodman 11. Austin Gore: Kung Fu (1-4}; Mountain Biking (1-4); Honor Rol l (1 -4}; Science National Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4); Spanish National Honor Society (4). "I shall either find a way, or make one." -Hannibal. 12. Ashley Graves: People to People Student Ambassador (3). "My name is Ashley. This beat is nasty . They always try to blast me. Word. " - Omari Corbie and Omar Salameh.

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Most Artistic: Adam Owen "I've been in photography since sophmore year and now am in Photo 4. I feel like finding a subject to take a picture of is pretty easy and making it into a great picture takes a bit of work. Taking pictures is one of my favorite thi ngs to do, ever since I saw my grandad with his camera and seeing his work. I would really like to be a photo journalist and travel around the world and see new things and meet new people . My grandad is my inspiration , his work was amazing and I always remember seeing his pictures and imagining myself in his shoes ." and

Haley Horbaly "I've been making art since I was old enough to hold a crayon and there's never been a school year where I haven't taken an art class. My favorite medium is caran d'ache but I also really like wo rking with acrylic paints and charcoal. I was so surprised when I won this su perlative because the senior class has so many truly talented artists! It fee ls great to know that my peers appreciate the art I create because I put a lot of my time and energy into each of my pieces . I wil l definitely continue to make art fo r the rest of my life. It's such a huge part of who I am . I can 't imagine my life without it. " 1. Lauren Michelle Gray 2. Ryan Gray: Varsity Cross Country (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Indoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4). "When the race gets hard to run , it means you can 't take the pace." - Bob Marley 3. Kayla Green : "The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else , which makes you unique." -Walt Disney 4. Robert William Greene 5. Beck Grimm: Freshman Football (1); JV Football (2); Varsity Football (3); Junior Classical League (2, 3, 4); ALE Mentor Program (2, 3, 4); Mr. Buglia's Class (1, 2, 3). "In spite of everything , Life is beautiful." - Leon Trotsky "I see now that the circumstances of one 's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Meetwo 6. Heather Grubb


sen1ors. 1. Stacey Hahn: Math Honor Society (1-4); Varsity Tennis (1-3); Key Club (3-4); National Honor Society (4); Honor Role (1- 4); PALS (2-4); Spanish Honor Society (3-4) ; English Honor Society (4); Tri -M Music Honor Society (2-4); Show Choir (4); Take Note! Jazz Choir (4) ; No Fella A Cappella (4). "Anything is possible. Anything can be ." - Shel Silverstein. 2. Ivy Haines: Varsity Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); 3. Taylor Brooke Hale: Varsity Soccer (1-4); JV Basketball (1-2) ; Varsity Basketball (2); SOCA Travel Soccer (1-4); FAST (1-4); Young Life (1-4); Fellowship Christian Athletes (1-2). ''The future lies before you , like a field of snow, be careful how you tread it for every step will show." ''The pen is in your hands, the rest is still unwritten ." 4. Kyle Hamilton: Varsity Football (3-4); Varsity Swimming (1-3) ; Varsity Baseball (1-4); Golf (1). "The time you enjoy wasting, isn't wasted." - John Lennon. 5. All ison Hand : Marching Band (1-4); Band (1-4); Softball (1-2); Softball Captain (2); Math Honor Society (3-4); Science Honor Society (3-4) ; Tri-M Honor Society (4); National Art Honor Society (3-4) ; Softball Coaches Award (2) . "Don't let anyone ever make you feel you don't deserve what you want." - Heath Ledger. 6.Matthew Harmon 7. Heather Harris: Bowling (1-4); Nursing (4); Colorguard (1); 1st Place in Blue Ridge Bowling Tournament (2); 1st Place in MYC Youth Bowling League (3); President of AM CATEC HOSA Club (4); MYL Bowling League Leader (1-4). "It's never too late." 8. Kelly D. Harris: Young Life (2, 3, 4) ; Campaigners (3, 4) , Girls Bible Study (4) , Art Honor Society (2, 3) , Young Republicans Club (1 , 2, 3, 4 social director 2, 3) . Rotary Club Community service award (3) ; Skills USA (3). "Love bears al l things , bel ieves all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:7-8 . 9. Steven Harrison: JV Football (1), Yearbook (3) "What's up Futureself?" - Steven Harrison. "There is no hell . Just France ." -Frank Zappa . "There is noth ing there in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on ." - Rod Serling . 10. Ambre Hasson : Cooking and baking blog/ lafourchettegourmande.blogspot.com (1-4); Science Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Photography (3, 4); AP Scholar w/ Honor (4); MiniMed Participant (2); Honor Roll (1-4); "Man is the only animal that blushed- or needs to." - Mark Twain. 11. Betsy Haugh : Vars ity Soccer (1-4); Varsity Soccer Captain (3, 4); PALS (2-4); WAM Country Ath letic Council (3, 4); The Revolution Newspaper staff and editor (2-4); Fellowship of Christian Athletes (2, 3, 4); FAST (2-4) French and Science Honor Societies (3,4); English , Math, and National Honor Societies (4); Monticello United Soccer (2-4); Freshman basketball (1); Common wealth District soccer All-district (3). "If ever there is a tomorrow when we 're not together, there is something you must always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem , and smarter than you think. But the most important this is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you. " -Winnie the Pooh. 12. Adrienne Erinne Hawthorne: Take Note ! (Vocal Jazz 2) (4); Vocal Jazz 1 (2, 3); Women 's Ensemble (1). "Dance like no one is watching . Sing like no one is listening . Love like yo u've never been hurt. And live like it's heaven on earth." - Mark Twain. "How did it happen that the ir lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing , that snow melts, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill. A kiss , and all was said." - Victor Hugo. "You on ly live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West.

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Most Dramatic: Amanda Parmiter "I have been in drama since sixth grade. I didn't take formal drama classes freshman or sophomore year for scheduling reasons but I was involved in the musical. I have been in over 15 plays and musicals since I started theatre and I have had a main ro le six times. I love drama class so much , Ms Cunningham really challenges us to be the best actors and actresses we can be. She may seem tough but in the long run her teachings make you a better person . Acting is a passion of mine and I do plan on pu rsuing it in college , but I do also have a love fo r political science so I am going to study both. Who knows? Maybe I will be an actress ... It's all in God's hands where I wil l end up." and

Jeremy Weiss "I've been doing drama since the second grade but I have been dramatic all of my life! My mom got me into drama and I'm so interested in drama that I plan on going to co llege to study drama and improve my skills. I'm very grateful my mom introduced me to it so it' s a good idea to listen to your parents!"

1. Patrick Hayes: Dancing' The Kid N' Play (1,2,3,4); winning T J (3); "What if there was no pain?'' - Graham Do by 2. Laura Hazlett: Photography (2,3,4); Art (3,4); Key club (1,2); National Art honor society (3,4); Photography club (3); Art displayed at Fashion Square Mall (2,3,4); Young life (3,4); "There are rea lly only three types of people: those who make th ings happen ; those who watch th ings happen; and those who say, 'what happened? "' - Ann Landers. "Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure. " - Earl Wilson. "I put my hear and my soul into my work and have lost my mind in the process ." - Vincent Van Gogh 3. Joe Hebblethwaite: Cross country (1); Drama (1,2,3); Lights: Les Miserable, Beauty and the Beast Actor: West Side Story, Othello; Thespian Honor Society (2,3); "Only two th ings are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the un iverse. " -Albert Einstein 4. Logan Hedrick 5. Ashley Henderson 6, Jake Hendrix: JV basketbal l (1); Varsity basketball (2,3,4); JV baseball (1); Varsity baseball (2,3,4); Pals (2,3,4); FCA (1,2,3,4); SCA officer (1,2,3); "You can measu re a man's character by the choices he makes under pressure. " - Winston Chu rchill


sen1ors. Most Unique: Emily Shepherd "I would consider myself un ique, yes. I laughed when I found out that I won this superlative because it's funny that people think that I'm the most unique chick in our senior class . My motto is just to smile and have fun in life - not let anyone bring you down even if they don't agree with you. Enjoy every second of every day and keep your eyes open to the beauty of the world. When I grow up I want to be a traveling artist and make my own things to sell at festivals and grow food to sell at local markets. I don't want to have a boring typical cubical job that requ ires me to lose my soul , I want to have my soul flourish and be one with this earth. Some special characteristics about me wou ld be that I'm kind , and I don't care about what people think at all. BE YOU ! Let you r soul shine! Love everyone you meet, and practice peace. and

John Gavrilovic "What makes me different from everyone else is that I used to run th rough the halls. Everyone is unique and I'm no exception . I was surprised that I won because I didn't even vote. My motto is Soli Deo Gloria (that' s Latin for Glory to God alone). I have an above average memory and want to be an engineer in the futu re." 1. Mack Henry 2. Monica Henry 3. Cristian Hernandez-R omero 4. Dylan Herold : Vars ity golf (3,4). 5. Ever Hess : Equestrian competiti ons (1,2,3,4); Com mun ity se rvi ce (1,2,3,4); Peopl e to People Student Association International (1,2,3,4); National Society of High School Scholars (2,3,4); Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Award (2); "The heart has reasons of wh ich reason knows nothing." - Blaise Pascal 6. Isabel Hilsen

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1. Scott Hoerman 2. Parker Hopkins: "A bit of fragrance cl ings to the hand that gives flowers." - Chinese Proverb 3. Haley Horbaly: JV lacrosse (1,2); Varsity lacrosse (3,4); Key Club (1,2,3,4); F.A.S.T (2,3,4); P.A.L.S (3,4); Art Honor Society (Vice President 4) (1,2,3,4); Spanish Honor Society (2,3,4); DECA (4); "I never fall apart because I never fall together." - Andy Warhol 4. Ashley Hucek: Varsity Cross Country (4); Indoor track and field (3-4); Outdoor track and field, manager, 3 (3-4); Quidditch Club (co-founder and co-president) (4). "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ." - Anonymous. 5. Shelby Hunt: USAG Competitive Gymnastics (1-4); Varsity Diving (1-2); FAST (2-4); Key Club (3-4) ; DECA (3-4); Spanish Honor Society (3-4). "I'm what I am and I'm what I'm not and I'm sure happy with what I've got, I live to love and laugh a lot and that's all I need." - Kenny Chesney. 6. Brooke Ash ley Hutton 7. Jennifer Huynh: "People never see you for who you are, they only see what they want to see. Always stay true to yourself, and stick to what you believe is right." -Jennifer Huynh . 8. Erin Jackson: Varsity Girls Softball (1 ,2,3,4); Varsity Girls Basketball (3,4); JV Girls Basketball (2); Fresh man Girls Basketball (1); DECA (3,4); Girls Basketball Coach's Award (3); Math Honor Society (3,4); Spanish Honor Society (3,4); Art Honor Society (3,4); Honor Rol l (1,2,3,4}. "You don't have to be outclassed or outworked. You don't have to be outplayed. We leave holding our heads up high , no matter what the score is. You're always a winne r if you have heart and know you've done your best. Be a dawg!! - Coach Tom Turne r." - And rew Carter "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened! ! - Dr. Seuss . 9. Taneaka Jackson : Madame of the Da wlhouse (1,2,3,4) ; Certificate for Dental Ass istant (3). "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so yo u can learn to let go . Things go wrong so you can appreciate wh en they go right. You bel ieve lies so you eventually learn to trust no one , but you rself. And som etim es good thi ngs fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe. 10. Mark Jenkins 11 . Ramel L. Jenki ns 12. Emma Jewell: JV Basketball (1); Indoor Track (2-4); Outdoor Track (1-4}; Cross Country (2-4); Band (1-2 ); Canoe Club (Co-President 3-4) (3-4). ''The first quality that is needed is audacity." - Winston Churchil l.


sen1ors. 1. Alyssa Johnson: Concert Band (1 ); Symphonic Band (2-3); Wind Ensemble (4); Gymnastics (1-3); National English Honor Society (4) ; Spanish Honor Society (4). "When this memory fades I'm going to make sure it's replaced with chances taken , hope embraced." -Paramore. 2. Gate Johnson: Varsity and JV Field Hockey (captain , 2-4) ; Varsity and JV Soccer (1 , 2 - captain, 3) ; Freshman and JV Basketball (captain , 2) (1-2); PALS (2-4); FAST (Vice President, 4) (2-4); Canoe Club (3-4); Ouidditch Club (captain Slytherin- 4) ); Peer Counseling (3-4); PACEM (1 -4); Habitat for Humanity (1-4); National Honor Society (4) ; National English Honor Society (3, president - 4); Science National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (2-4); Scholar Award (3) ; Al l-Commonwealth District Honorable Mention: Field Hockey (3). "Find your voice. Stomp that yard. All that crap. " - Sue Sylvester. 3. Jessica Johnson 4. Tyler Johnson: Golf Team (2-4); JV Lacrosse (1-2); Varsity Lacrosse (3-4); 1st Team All District Golf (3) . "What I want is what I've not got, and what I need is all around me." - Dave Matthews Band. 5. Kimberly Jordan : CARE Club (1-4); Peer Counseling (1-4); Sponsor A Child (1-4). ''The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." - Sydney J. Harris. 6. Seton Josephson: Broadcast (1, 2, 3); Indoor Track (1, 2). ''Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." - Tupac. 7. Faysal Kamal 8. Emily Kane: Dance Team (1, 2, 3, 4- captain); Spirit coordinator ( 2-3); Orange School of the Performing Arts (1-3); SCA Advisor (2-4); Leadersh ip Award (2-3). "Pick a day- enjoy it - the day as it comes. The past I think has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it fretting about the future. " -Audrey Hepburn. 9. Marwan Karama: "Crispy like you 've nevva seen." - Jalmar Coyle. 10. Jonathan Karns: Destination Imagination (1 -4); Beauty and the Beast (3); 13 A New Musical (3); (4); Thespian Honor Society (3-4); Honors Band (2). "The forest is just trees, the trees are just bark." - Into the Woods. 11 . Timothy Kater: Filmmaking (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Literature/ Art Magazine: music editor (1 , 2, 3, 4); Writing and Music (1, 2, 3, 4); Freestyle Showcase: Illest Rapper. ''What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." -Pericles . 12. Joseph Kellenberger: Virginia Consort Choir (3,4); Minuteman (3,4) ; lmprov Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (3, 4). "The tallest men may fall short and the wisest men may be fooled , but the man who never quits is who ends up successful." - Anonymous (not copyrighted).

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Most Seen Together:

Rob Whelan ~...,.:;


have to be friends because are in a band together. We the same likes and interbut in reality his mom pays to be his fri end."

Marc Barnes

"We've known each oth er all of high school and we met in French class freshman year."

Katie Campbell


Carmen Schoelkopf

"From tenth grade until twelth grade we've had every single class together. By our senior year guidance was so tired of us that they just sent us the same schedule in the mail. "

"I moved here in the summer before ninth grade and I met Katie at the bus stop. We have the same number of sibl ings and the same pet peeves , and so we clicked ."

1. Devon Kelley: Horseback Riding (1, 2, 3, 4)' Regional Champions (2, 3); State Champion (1,4). "The road to success is paved with the will to never stop trying. " 2. Josh Ke lly: Patriot Choir (2, 3, 4); JV Football (2); V Indoor Track (2); JVN Lacrosse (2, 4). "Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wi sdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley. 3. Kiera Kelly: Spring Show (1, 2, 3, 4); Fall Show (2,3,4); VTA (2,3,4); Forensics (3,4); 1st Place District and Regional Forensics (3); Who's Who in Math (2). "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get." - Anonymous. 4. Riley Kelsey: Football Manager (2 , 3, 4) ; Piano (1, 2, 3, 4); Ceramics (1, 3, 4) ; Photography (2); Peer Counsel ing (2, 3, 4); Skiing (1, 2, 3, 4); Student County Advisory Council (3, 4); Lifeguard (3, 4). "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. " - Anonymous. "Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived." - Tuck Everlasting. "If I could do it again I'd do it the same, not one regret I wouldn 't change it." - Corey Smith . "Dream as if you live forever, live as if you 'll die today. " - James Dean. 5. Tory Key: Varsity Football (3, 4); Varsity Indoor Track (1, 2, 3); Varsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4) ; PALs (1, 2, 3, 4); Tri-athlete Award (3); Indoor Track State Championship (2). "Life is simple; make decisions and don't look back." -Tokoyo Drift 6. Helena Kim : Math Honor Society (4); Cross Country (3) ; Indoor Track (3); International Club (2); Key Club (3,4); Chess Club (3,4); Care Club (4); Art Club (4) .


sen1ors. Most Athletic: Summer Shepherd "I've been playing sports since I was probably five or as soon as I cou ld walk. Pole vau lting is definitely is my favorite sport. It' s a very demanding sport, where you not only have to have insane technique but also speed , strength , and stamina. The training is demanding and the time is consuming , but the results, the feeling of flying ten feet in the air, is totally worth it!" and

Tory Key "I've been playing sports since I was in elementary school and my favorite sport is footbal l. There is nothing like scoring touchdowns and playing under the lights on Friday nights ."

1. Woo-Yu l Kim 2. Vin nie Kois: "Here comes the pain tra in!" - Terry Tate, Office Linebacker. "Flying is learning how to th row yourself at the ground and miss ." - Douglas Adams 3. Joseph Kostelac 4. Alexander Krone 5. Lauren Krull: SCA Adviso r (2, 3); Peer Counselor (3, 4); Ceramics (1-4); Powder Puff Football (2-4). "OH YEAH , CHAM PAGN E YEAH! "- DJ Pauly D. 6. Laura Kwi atkowski : National Honor Society (4); English Honor Society (4); Art Honor Society (4); Tri-M (4) , Cross Country (1, 2, 3, 4 - captain); Outdoor Track (1 , 2, 3); PAL's (3, 4); DECA (3, 4 - fund raising chair); FAST (2, 3, 4 - co-president). "Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spi rit. The potential for greatness lives within each of us." - Wilma Rudolph .

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1. Casey Elizabeth Kyriacopou los 2. Samuel Laher: Theatre (1, 2, 3, 4); Drama Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Snowboarding (1, 2, 3, 4); Rebel (1 , 2, 3, 4); Thespian Honor Society (3, 4). "You can't live your life without someth ing to live for." 3. Farin Lam: Varsity softball (2, 3, 4 - captain); Varsity volleyball (3, 4 - captain) ; JV Softball 8th - captain, 1); JV volleyball (2 - captain) ; JV basketball (1, 2 - captain) ; 9th grade basketball (1 - captain) ; Trave l Softball - Cove Creek Blitz (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Softball "Most Courageous" Award (2); PALs (2, 3, 4); Softball Coaches Award (8th , 1, 2, 3, 4); All Academ ic Awards - v. softball, v. basketball . v. volleyball (3, 4); Scholar Athlete Award (3, 4); Tri -Athlete (3, 4); Art Honor Society (3, 4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4). " .. . Never take one single breath for granted." - Lee Ann Womack. 4. Kiersten Lamb: Key Club (2, fundraising co-chair- 3, community service co- chair) (2, 3, 4,); Patriot Singers (2, 3, 4); Show Choir (3); Women 's Ensemble ( 1, 2); AUMC Orchestras Charlottesville - Albemarle (1, 2, 3); Advanced Orchestra (1) Christian Fellowship Club ( 1 - 4); 9th grade Cheerleading (1 ) National Honor Society (4); Beta Club; Tri- M Music Hono r Society (1-4); Math Honor Society (4). Spanish Honor Society Award (4); All District Choir Award (2-4); Honor Roll (1-4); Honor Choir (4). " Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become." - My Big Fat Greek Wedding. 5. Nick Lampron: Varsity Swimming (3, 4) ; Snowboarding (1, 2, 3, 4); being Chill (1, 2, 3, 4). And I'm grindin' ti ll I'm tired, Cause they say, 'You ain't grindin ' till you tired.' So I'm grindin' with my eyes wide." - Dwayne Michael Carter. 6. Madelyn Lindsley LaPrade: Marching Patriots (Section Leader 3) (1, 2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (Section Leader 1, 2, 3, 4,); Youth Orchestra of Charlottesville and Albemarle (Co- Pri ncipal 3,4) (1, 2, 3, 4); Charlottesvill e and University Symphon y Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Drama Dept. Pit Orchestra (1, 2, 3, 4,); Tri- M Music Honor Society (1, 2, 3, 4); AU - District Band (1, 2, 3, 4,); Sr. Reg ional Orchestra (3). " If a composer could say what he had to say in words , he would not bother tryi ng to say it in music." - Gustav Mahler. 7. Stephan LaRue: Orchestra (1-4); Skiing (1-4); Riding Motocross (1-4); Playing Music (1-4). "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded .'' - Yogi Berra. 8. Ryan Lawson: Freshman Football (1); JV Football (2); Vars ity Football (3); Key Club (1-4); Boy Scouts (1-4); Concert Band (1); Wind Ensemble (2); Indoor Track (2); PALS (1-4); Corbett King Award (3); Math Honor Society (2-4); Science Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4). "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Berle. 9. S. Nadia Lazo: Creative Writing (3, 4). "All life is, is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. 10. Kad lin Leake: Soccer (1 -4); National Art Honor Society (3-4), Beta Club. (4); Pink Ribbons Club (4); Black Dot Society(2-4). "Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any give n time-you may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." - Jon Bon Jovi 11. Caitlyn Leary: Freshman Basketball (1); Cross Country (2-4); Outdoor Track (1-4); FAST (1-4); YMCA Basketball (1-4); Young Liberals (3-4). "But all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time." - Mitch Albom . " When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world wi ll know peace." - Jimi Hend rix. 12. Charl es Michael Ledford Jr.


sen1ors. 1. Jack Lee: JV Basketball (1 ); JV Football (1 ); Key Club (3, 4) ; MESA (4) ; Science Honor Society (3, 4); Ranked #1 Diamond League in SC 2 (4). "I'm not supposed to be within two hundred feet of a school. .. or a Chuck E. Cheese." - Alan from The Hangover. "How about a ride in? I guess that's why they call it Sin City." -Alan from The Hangover. "If you ain't first, you're last." - Ricky Bobby. "Winning means you 're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else ." - Vince Lombardi. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13.

2. Paris Lee: African American Student Union (4); Certified Pharmacy Technician (3-4); L.H.W and F Youth Team (1 -4). " We wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity. We would all love its will to reach the sun, well , we are the roses , this is the concrete , and these are the damaged petals, don't ask me why, thank God, and ask me how." - Tupac Amaru Shakur. 3. Melissa Leider: Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4- president); Jazz Band (2 , 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (1 , 4); National Honor Society (4) ; School Improvement Council (4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4); District Band (1, 2, 3, 4); All-State Band (3, 4) ; Junior Classical League (1, 2, 3, 4); Pit Orchestra (3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); B.I.T.Y (1 , 2, 3, 4); AHS Klezmer Ensemble (3, 4); Honor Roll (1 , 2, 3, 4). "I'm through accepting limits 'cause someone says they're so. Some things I cannot change, but 'till I try, I'll never know. " - "Defying Gravity," Wicked. 4. Abby Lesnoff: V Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4); AHS Choir (3, 4); FAST (2, 3, 4); FCA (2, 3, 4); No Fella A Cappella (4) ; Tennis District Champion (2, 3, 4); Regional Champion (4) . "We are His portion and He is our prize , Dawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes, If grace is an ocean we're all sinking." - "How He Loves" - John Mark McMillan. "With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26. 5. Gregory Lewis: Albemarle High School Marching Patriots, Pit Section Leader, 4 (1-4); Junior Classical League , Secretary, 4 (1-4); Young Rep ublicans (1 -4); Boy Scouts (1-4); Eagle Scout (4); Team America Rocketry Challenge National Finalist (2-3) ; Governor's Latin Academy (3); National Honor Society (3-4); Science National Honor Society, Vice President, 4 (3-4); Mu Alpha Theta, Math Honor Society (2-4). "0 Lord, thou givest us everything , at the price of an effort." - Leonardo da Vinci. 6. Tanika Lewis: Varsity Basketball (2-4); JV Basketball , Most Valuable Player (1). ''The world is yours and everything in it, it's out there ; get on your grind and get it." - Young Jeezy. "Love is loyalty and loyalty is love." -Young Jeezy. 7. Caleb Ley 8. Mitchell Lister 9. Kevin Liu 10. Michael Lombardo: Varsity Soccer (3-4) ; JV Soccer, (1, 2 - captain). "If our founding fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldn't have declared their independence from it. " - Stephen Colbert 11 .Johnta Londree 12. Clyde Long


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Most Daring: Will Murray "The thril l of ultimate success and the lesson of failu re motivate me to be as daring as I am. I do Parkourclimbing/j umping off buildings for fun. When I found out I won most daring I felt great. I think I am way more daring than my counterpart, Emily. I consider myself physically and mental ly daring. I think my classmates voted me because they have heard of my legendary Parkou r skills." and

Emily Smarte "My motto is 'Can't touch this."'

1. Shaniqua Long 2. Alexandra Lord 3. Sonic Luong 4. Christina Ly: Key Club (Executive 3, 4) (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Outdoor Track (2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (4); Orchestra (1, 2, 3, 4); CARE Club (1, 2, 3, 4); National English Honor Society (3, 4); National Science Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Tri -M (3, 4); Outstanding service to school and Community (2); Charlottesville Association Community Foundation (4); Chinese Startalk Governor's School (3). "In helping others , we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and com es back to us." - Flora Edwards. 5. Elizabeth Mack 6. Jonathan Madonick: "And we sit and wonder 'bout

7. Chris Lemieu x: Eagle Scout ; Key Club (1,2,3,4); Art Honor Society (2); JCL (2, 3); St. Thomas Aquinas Antioch leadership (3,4).


sen1ors. Loudest: Corey Maxa and Jordan Vrhovac "I wou ld say to anyone who wants to win it in the futu re to just keep it taylored. Taylor Gang is a movement that encourages free-spi rit and saying whatever you want. Everyone knows were the loudest."

"I think it's pretty cool that I won loudest. I didn't even think I was that loud !"

Quietest: Ryan Carlisle and Elizabeth Mackl "I knew I was kind of quiet but I never knew the whole school would vote me for that.".

1. Elaine Mahanes: German Club (1,2,3); Literary Art Magazine (3,4-Editor); Public & University Library Volunteer (3,4). "Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a stand still." - Barbara Tuchman. "So live that you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip."- Will Smith. 2. Elijah Henderson Main: Indoor Track (2,3,4); Outdoor Track; (1,2,34) Cross Country (2,3,4); Art Club (1) "Every man dies, not every man really lives"- William Wallace. ''There is nothing impossible to him who wi ll try" - Alexander the Great. 3. Rachel Malboeuf: Albemarle Dance Team (1,2,3,4); Sports Acrobatics (1); Tumbling (1,2,3,4); Math Honor Society (3,4); Regional Academic Gymnastics Award, VA, State Representative at USAG Nationals, USAG ACRO tenth place 6WB-Nationals. Science National Honor Society (4) "Everyday is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its fai lures behind and start over again. That's the way life it, with a new game every day ... " - Bob Fellow. 4. Luke Marsh: Spring Musical (1,2,3,4); Fall Play (2,3,4) Fireproof Young Group (1, 2, 3, 4); Thespian Honor Society (1,2,3,4) (Treasurer 3, 4) National Honor Society (3, 4); VTA (2, 3, 4); VHSL (2,3,4); lmprov Team (3,4); Drama Club (1,2,3,4); Farce Student Production (2,3,4); Forensics Team (1) VHSL State Champions (3); VHSL "Best Actor Award" (3); Rookie of the Year (2); Triforce of Courage (1,2,3,4) Expert Level Rock Band (1,2,3,4) "And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what cou ld stand against?"- Chris Tomlin. 5. Haley Marshall: iCAR E (4); German Club (1) ''True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth of choice. "- Samuel Johnson. 6. Reynolds Martin : Horseback Riding (1,2,3,4); Leadership (1,2,3,4); Dance (1,2); Snowboarding (1,2,3,4); 4-H (1,2,3,4) "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley.


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1. Erika Martini: Orchestra (1,2,3,4); Ballroom Dancing (3.4); National French Contest (1,2); French Club (3); Video Club (1) ''Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't d than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the sale harbor; catch the trade winds on your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." 2. Rielly Mathews: AHS Lit/Art Magazine (2,3,4); French Club (2,3); Art Honor Society (4); Honor Roll Student (1,2,3,4); People to People Student Ambassador (3). ''The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a god novel, must be intolerably stupid." - Jane Austen. 3. Corey Maxa: V Baseball (4); V Basketball (4); Leadership (3); Taylor Gang (); Young Money (). "Fast and exciting my passion is frightening like it and love it and confidence has no budget." - Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. 4. Maura McCandlish: Varsity Basketball (2,3,4); Varsity Volleyball (3); Rowing (3,4); Art Honor Society (1,2,3,4); F.A.S.T (1,2,3,4); German Club (3,4); German Honor Society (4); JCL (2,3,4); Humane Society Activist (4). ''The nation that kills its own children is the poorest of them all" -Mother Teresa 5. Ash ley F. McCord: Writing (1,2,3,4); Music (1,2,3,4); People Against Xenophobia (1 ,2,3); Lit Mag Editor (4); Scholastic Gold Key winner- Poetry (3); William Faulkner Society finalist (3). "Buy the ticket, take the ride." - HunterS. Thompson. "I believe on define oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone" -H enry Rollin. 6. Maddie McCullough : Varsity Tennis (1,2,3,4); DECA (President 4)(3,4); FAST; Class Advisor (3,4). "God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it onto the nest." -Swedish Proverb 7. Grace McDaniel: Orange School Of Performing Arts (1,2,3,4); Martha Jefferson Hospital Intern (4); Yearbook Staff (1,2,3); Younglile (2,3,4); SCA Advisor (1,2,3). "ill had a world of my own , everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it isn 't. And contrary wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be , it would." - "Alice in Wonderland" 8. Haley Brinn McGhee: Varsity Swimming (2, 3, 4); SCA (1, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (4); Leadership (2, 3); FCA (2, 3, 4); Young Life (1, 2, 3, 4); Campaigners (1 , 2, 3, 4); Girls Bible Study (3, 4); Trinity Presbyterian Youth Group (1, 2, 3, 4). "I'm just tryi ng to change th e world ... one sequin at a tirne. " - Lady Gaga. ''Those who lookl to the Lord are radiant ... " - Psalm 34:5. 9. Kathryn McGovern : Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4- secretary); National Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society )4); Wind Ensemble (4); Cross country (2); CARE club (3, 4); Girl Scout ( 1, 2, 3, 4); Virginia Girls State (3); National Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude (3). Top Latin Student (3); AP Scholar with Honor (4); National Hispanic Scholar (4); Outstanding Leadership and Service in Key Club (1 ); Cross Country All-Academic Award (2). ''There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you tru ly wish to be ." - Willy Wonka. 10. Damon RT. Mcintire: iCare (1, 2, 3, 4- president); Varsity, JV soccer (1, 2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4). "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." mark Twain . 11 . Robert M. McKiernan 12. Steven Isaac McKiernan


sen1ors. 1. Austin McPhillips: Cross Country, Indoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4 - captain) ; Baseball (1 , 2); Outdoor Track (3, 4) ; FCA (1, 2, 3, 4); Scholar athlete (2, 3, 4); Physical Education Award (2); National HS, Spanish HS, Tri-M (3, 4) ; MHS (2, 3, 4 -treasurer) . 2. Tyler McPhillips: Cross Country (1 , 2, 3, 4- captain ) Indoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4). 3. Ann ielly Mejia 4. Bruno P. Mendonca: Man of La Mancha (4); Drama Club (4). "A man who dances to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life ." 5. Karla Mendoza: Scuba Diving (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Swimming (1 , 2); Drama Club (3, 4); Posada (1 , 2, 3); Anime Club (3, 4); Antioch (1, 2, 3, 4); Man of La Mancha crew member (4); Beauty and the Beast (3); FCCLA (1, 2); Honor Roll (2, 3, 4) . "Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, accept it, no matter where it leads him." - Henry Miller. "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age, the ch ild is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay ."The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. 6. Mary Merkel 7. Sarah Merkord: Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Peer (2, 3, 4); Peer Mentoringfrutoring (3, 4); German (1, 2, 3). ''There are many thins in life that will catch your eye, only a few will catch your heart. Pursue them. " - Anonymous 8. Callie Minter 9. Denzel Mitchell 10. Mike Mitchell: FBLA- Co-treasurer (3, 4); Horse Racing (2); Horseshoes (1); Best Buy Employee of the Month (4); Acclaimed Novelist (1, 2, 3, 4); Big Boy Baby Blue (Essay Award (4). "Pills here!" - Louis. "A surveillance camera?" - Solid Snake (David Hayter). "I do know how to pick 'em ." - Mike Mitchell. 11 . Sherlon Mitche ll: JV Soccer (1, 2); "Loyalty is the pledge of the truth to one self and others." - Adavelez Boadley 12. Brittany Mollica: JV Field Hockey (1, 2-captain); Varsity Field Hockey (3); JV Lacrosse (2); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4). "Impossible is not a fact , it is an opinion . Impossible is not a declaration , it's a dare . Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is NOTHING ." -Ad idas

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Most Likely To Brighten Your Day: Kashyap Shah


"I was surprised when I won . I didn't really expect it. It feels pretty good to know I make people's days. It makes me feel like my friends appreciate me . I'm good at read ing people's emotions. I'm generally a happy person and love to make people laugh ."

Emma Cohen

"The mai n way I brighten people's days is by smiling . Being a happy, positive person is definitely the key. I'm not very good at tell ing jokes - I usually laugh and spoil the punch line! I was so excited when I found out that I won !! It's great knowi ng I make other people happy. Knowing I can make people fee l better feels incredible and it makes me want to continue to make people hapPY in th e future !"

1. Davi d Monahan 2. Olivia Mooney: V Lacrosse (3, 4); JV Lacrosse (1, 2 - captain); JV Volleyball (1, 2); Young Life (1, 2, 3, 4); Magna Cum Laude Latin Award (3). "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." - Coach Carter. 3. Jennifer Morris: HOSA (4 Reporter). "I wish that I could have this moment for life." - Nicki Minaj. 4. Kimberly Morris: Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); No Fella Acappella (3, 4); iCAR E (4); "True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice" - Samuel Johnston 5. Zachary Morris : Freshman Football (1); Varsity Wrestling (1, 2, 3 -captain, 4-captain ); State Qualifier, Wrestling (3, 4); Regional & District Champ, Wrestling (3); "Where there is an Anthony, Tyler, Joe , Daniel , and Zach there is a way!" - Anthony Kostelac 6. Sean Moss: Destination Imagination (2, 3, 4); Japanese (1, 2, 3); Improve (1, 2, 3, 4); GSA (4); Piano (1, 2, 3, 4); Choir (4); Ceramics (4); Video Club (1); Destination Imagination Global Tournament (3); "Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you ." - Ghost in the Shell ( 1995)



Most Changed Since Ninth Grade Shelby Hunt


"I was suprised when I won most changed because I dont think I changed that much !"

Eric Cain

"When I was in ninth grade I was kind of short and quiet. But I'm a lot taller now and I say what I think."

1. Shayna Moulton : Beta Club (4); Key Club (3, 4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); African American Student Union (2, 3, 4). "One isn't necessarily born with courage , but one is born with potential. Without courage , we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can 't be kind , true , merciful , generous, or honest." - Maya Angelou. 2. Nathan Mullinax: Varsity Baseball (3); Varsity Football (3, 4); Patriot Choir (1-4); Lane Babe Ruth Baseball (1-4 -overall champ ions); Honor Choir (1, 2, 4); "Sometimes, somethings are special. Sometimes, someone is close. Sometimes , you feel you'll never quite say the th ings that matter the most." Susan Lynch 3. Will Murray: Varsity Tennis (1, 2, 3, 4-captain); Church Youth Group (2-4); PALS (3, 4); Parkour (3, 4); Freshman/JV Football (1, 2-captain); The Thrones (2-4); Coach's Award for JV Footbal l (2). "He who is a friend is always a friend, and a brother is born for the time of stress." - Proverbs. "You can read minds? !!?" - Derek Zoolander 4. Mike Myers: JV Lacrosse (1- captain , 2); C'vi lle Judo Academy (1-4 - Senior Blue Belt); Symphonic Band (2-4); Concert Band (1); English HS (4); Tri-M Music HS (4); National Society of High School Scholars (3, 4); Church Youth Group Leader (1, 2); Methodist Church Band (1, 2); State Judo Champion (1); Honor Rol l (1-4); 1st Chair Tenor Saxophone (4); Defensive Anchor to Undefeated JV Lacrosse team (2); "Tomorrow hopes we have learned someth ing from yesterday." - John Wayne . "Seek fi rst his kingdom and his righteousness , and all these th ings will be given to you as wel l." - Matthew 6:33 . 5. Megan Napolitano: Varsity Tenn is (1-4- captain , MVP 1-4); Varsity Volleybal l (2-4 - captain ); Young Life (1-4); FCA(1-;4). "You 're gonna miss this, you're gonna want th is back, you 're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. "- Trace Adk ins 6. Nahom Mulugeta Negash : "No matter where you go, you are what you are ,. playa" - Jay-Z. "Nothing in life is prom ised except death ." - Kanye West

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1. Kyl e Nei lson 2. Domin ique Norman 3. Connor O'Neil: Varsity Footbal l (3, 4) ; Junior Classical League (3, 4); German Club (3, 4); Va rsity Football letter (3, 4). "This is my quote." 4. Joel Olazagasti: SOCA (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Youth Basketball Coach (4); MUN (co-president) (1, 2, 3, 4); FBLA (3); DECA (4); Science National Honor Society (3, 4) ; EATIN (Treasurer) (3, 4) ; Beta Club (4); MESA (3, 4). "All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours of toil. Th e fi ght to the finish spirit is the one characte ri stic we must posses if we are to face the futu re as finishers." - Henry David Thoreau. 5. Aleksandra lgorevna Olekhnovich: Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4 - president); Key Club (2, 3, 4 - vice president); CARE club (1, 2, 3, 4 - vice president); National Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); English Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (1 , 2, 3, 4); Regional National History Day - 1st place in Group Exhibit (2, 3); International: Key Club Award for Outstanding Service to School and Community (2, 3); AP Scholar with Distinction (3). "Life is a promise ; fulfill it." - Mother Teresa. 6. Andrea Oliver: Envirothon (1 , 2, 3, 4); Horseback riding (1, 2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3, 4); Ballroom dancing (3, 4); Hoof & Woof 4-H (1 , 2, 3, 4); CA Robotics (3, 4); Amateur Radio Operator (1, 2, 3, 4) ; 4-H Allstar• (2); State Horse Bowl Invitational -first place (2, 3) ~ Regional Science Fair: Engineering Electrical and Mechanical second place (3). ''Today was good. Today; was fun . Tomorrow is another one ." - Dr. Seuss. 7. John Oliver: Charlottesville-Albemarle Robotics team 619 (1 , 2, 3, 4); M3 Challenge Participant (3); Albemarle Ballroom Dancing Club (3, 4); Northrup Grumman WORTHY Internship Program (2, 3, 4); Regional Science Fair: Computer Science- first place (3). "A clever person solves a problem . A wise person avoids it. " - Albert Einstein. "576879206172650796 f752072656164696e6720746869733f." - Computer Science Professor. 8. Daniel Ortiz 9. "Jay" Gruyttin Ouypron: ''The core of man 's spirit comes from new experiences ." - Christopher McCandless 10. Adam Owen : Photography (1, 2, 3, 4); Photography Club (3). "It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." - Ansel Adams. ''These things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth ." 'We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." - Buddha. 11 . Kwanzaa Parker 12. Beth Ann Parkhill : JV/varsity lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); F.A. S.T (3, 4); P.A.L.S (3, 4); F.B.L.A. (3, 4); DECA (4). "People moving all time inside a perfectly straight line • don 't you want to curve away?" - Coldplay." Turns out it's not where , but who you 're with that really matters." -Dave Matthews.


sen1ors. 1. Amanda Parmiter: JV Field Hockey (1 ); Young Republicans Club ( 1); SCA (1); Drama Club (1, 2, 3, 4);( 2 ). Dance team (2); Show Choir (2, 3, 4); Spring Musical • (2, 3, 4) ; Fall Production (3, 4); Virginia High Schoole:)s League theater (3, 4); Jazz Choir (3, 4); All CountY, th Honor Choir (3, 4); All District Choir (3); Thespian Honor'u .. Society (3 , 4 -secretary); Outstanding Soloist (2); Tri"nk - M Music Honor Society (4); English Honor Societym ~ (4). "There is no one like our God, the one enthronele . on high! Your kingdom is forever; your glory knows no end." - Casting Crowns. "I stand for the power to change ; I live for the perfect day, I love till it hurts like crazy; I hope for a hero to save me; I stand for change and lonely and I believe there's a better place ." - ldinasity Menzel. ists 2. Ghanshyam Patel : Student Council Advisor (2);her Student Council Class Officer (3, 4); Future Business 4). Leaders of America-President (3, 4); Model UN (3, 4);m d Adobe Certified Associate (3); SAPS Regional YouttrthCoordinator (4). "In the joy of others, lies our own ." - Pramukh Swami Maharaj. ''You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." -Ginny Weasley. :Jor 3er 3. Niral Patel 3, ~.

Brandon Patterson

~e r

:ee >. Leandra Pauley: Varsity field hockey (3, 4); Varsity e." ndoor Track {1, 2, 3 , 4); Young Humane Activists president 3,4); Female Athletes Striving Together F.A.S.T 2, 4) ; Commonwealth All Academic (3, 4).nd 'To all those who lived, we must show respect and 2, ~om passion . We are not the only ones here and noth-ud 1ng is ours." - Unknown at


6. Jonathan Pavlosky 7. Kelsey Peck: Varsity swimming (1, 2, 3, 4); Outdoo r track (3, 4); Young Republicans Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (2, 3 , 4 ); FCA (3, 4 ); Leadership ( 1, 2, 3,(3, 4) ; National Honor Society (3, 4); Junior class officer (3). "As we look into the future , as far as we can see so lets make each tomorrow the best that it can be ." - George Strait. I ); . . 2, 8. Manssa Perez-Reyes: Girl Scout (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Band (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Wind Ensemble (3, 4); Travel soccer (1, 2, 3, 4); JSL swimming {1 , 2, 3, 4); Girl Scout silver award (1). " Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open ." -Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore . 9. Judd Perry 10. Nick Petrella: JVfootball (1 , 2); Varsity football (3, 4); weight lifting (1 ,2, 3 , 4); Hunting; Paintball.

11. Tavonte Pettis 12. Joy Piirto : Varsity soccer (2, 3, 4); JV soccer (1 ); Varsity indoor track (2, 3); FCA {1, 2, 3, 4); PALS (2, 3, 4); Honorable mention All-District (3).

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ost Likely To Never Grow Up: Jack Lee "I want to be the ve ry best like no one ever was ."


Dana Pye "Disney movies taught me al l I know, and I have a tendency to say things that shouldn't have been said."

1. Cameron Pike: " In life we do things , some we wish we had never done and some we wish we could replay a million times but they all make us who we are." - Unknown . 2. Jeffrey Pike 3. Justin Pike: "Nevermore" - Edgar Allen Poe , "The Raven. " 4. April Pittman : Volleyball (1,2); softball (1,2,3,4); FCA (2,3,4); Young Life (3,4); FAST (2,3,4); SCA advisor (2,3,4); National Society of High School Sen iors (3,4) "Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live." - Unknown. 5. Ethan Pompeo 6. Taylor Pritchard: Varsity volleyball (3,4 - captain ); JV volleyball (1,2); JV soccer (1); club volleyball (1,2,3,4); club soccer (1). "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us ." - Ra lph Wa ldo Emerson.


sen1ors. Most Huggable: Cate Johnson "Sneak attack bear hugs are the greatest, make sure you pin the ir arms down so they can 't escape ! But also pay attention to which side they turn the ir heads toward ... you don't want to deal with the awkward cheek -to-cheek contact. "


Daiquan West "I'm happy about winning . I didn't know I was a huggable guy but it's pretty cool. "

1. Laura Pugh 2. Dana Pye 3. Samantha Rainey: Literature and Arts Magazine (2 , 3, 4}. "Al l the art of living ties in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on ," - Perry Ellis. 4. Brian Ray 5. Pablo Redden -Gonzalez: Judo (1, 2, 3, 4), Lacrosse (1, 2), Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Bal lroom Dance (3,4); VA Science Fair 2010 (3); Second place ASM System Engineering (3); Naval Science Award (3); Innovation Engineering Award (3); Most Outstanding Eleventh Grade Exh ibit in Compute r Science and Engineering , Physics, or Ch emistry by Yale and Science Engineering Associati on (3); Pan Ame rican Judo Team 2009 (2); Kendai International Judo Team 2008 (1). "Roll with the punch es; you cannot do much after the fact. " - Unknown. 6. Khalil Reid: Vars ity, JV, Freshman Football (1, 2, 3, 4), Varsity, JV Baseball (2, 3, 4). "Can't stop , won't stop. Albema rl e Patriot for life - #20." - Nyann i Reid.




1. Eric Reigel: Varsity Lacrosse (1 , 2, 3, 4); Varsity Football (3). "To infinity and beyond ... " - Buzz Lightyear, "Toy Story." 2. Tyler Reigel 3. Angela Renee Richards: "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece." "I ndividuality - don't be afraid to be different." - Family & Friends. 4. Olivia Richards 5. Jack Richardson 6. Daniel Ricotta: Freshman Football (1 ); JV Football Captain (2); Varsity Football (3, 4) ; Wrestli ng (1); Lacrosse (1 , 2); MMA (3). Varsity Football letter (3, 4); Hustler Football Award (3). "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You , me , or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life . But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward . How much you can take , and keep moving forward. That's how wi nning is done ... But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers and saying you ain't where you want to be because of him , or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you." - Rocky Balboa. 7. Nicholas Patterson Roane: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4 - section leader); Wind Ensemble (2, 3, 4 - section leader); Jazz Band (3, 4 - section leader); Klezmer Ensemble (2, 3, 4) ; Chantilly Jazz Invitational "All-Star" (3) , District Band member (1, 2, 3 -first chair). "A leash is only a rope with a nose on both ends." - Ayn Rand. 8. Chase Robbins: Varsity Swimming (2, 3, 4) ; Freshman Basketball (1 ); JV Lacrosse (1 , 2) ;, Key Club 1, 2, 3, 4); CYAC Swimming (1, 2, 3, 4); PALS (4). "Not a game. Not a game. We talking about practice! I mean , we talking about practi ce, man ." - Allen Iverson. 9. Jill ian Robb ins: "Rule # 76: No excuses. Play like a champion. " - Wedding Crashers 10. Zachary Robinette: Cross Country (2, 3, 4) ; Air Force JROTC (1, 2); Boy Scouts (1, 2, 3, 4); Drill Team (2); Indoor/ Outdoor Track (3, 4); Church Youth Group (1, 2, 3, 4); Soccer (1, 2); Venture Scouts (2); Eagle Scout (2); JROTC All-Europe Drill Team Champions (2); National Honor Society (2, 3, 4). "If a man does his best, what is there?" - Gen. George S. Patton. 11. Noah Romando: "With great power comes great responsibility. " - Ben Parker (Spiderman). 12. Caryn Ross



Best Car

Geran Steljes "I like my car. I thought it was funny when I found out that I won. I get seven miles per gallon . The comment I get most about my truck is, 'Cou ld you r car get any smaller?' What makes my car unique is that it is big and bright blue . I like being able to see over top of everyone else when I'm driving. The big bed on the back is very convenient for tailgating. My truck goes by the name of Papa Smurf." and

Alex Cooke "I wasn 't su rprised because people told me they voted for me . I was happy that it was a crappy car versus a Mercedes. I usually paint my Dodge Aries rainbow colors. It looked terrible at first , it was probably going to die before I looked away, so I decided to have fun with it." 1. Arianna Roumeliotes: Youth Orchestra of Charlottesville-Albemarle (2-4) ; C.A.R. E Club (1 -4); Albemarle High School Spring Musical (1-4); Albemarle High School String Ensemble (1-4); National Honor Society (3, 4); String Ensemble Spirt Award (1, 3). "Laugh as much as you choose , but you will not laugh me out of my opinion ." -Jane Austen , Pride and Prejudice . 2. Lucas Ouray Sachs: Key Club (1-4); Spanish Honor Society (2-4); Art Honor society (2-4); Science Honor Society (3-4); JV Soccer (1, 2); Varsity Soccer (3, 4); EATIN Created/Organized Club (3, 4); Travel Soccer team (1-4); Volunteer@ CASPCA (1-4); Boys State Participant (3) . "The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope." - John Buchanan 3. Madeleine Sandridge: Marching Band (1-4); Concert Band (1); Symphonic Band (2); Wind Ensemble (3-4); Math Honor Society (3-4) ; Spanish Honor Society (3-4); English Honor Society (4); Tri -M Honor Society (4); National Honor Society (4); Key Club (2-4); Peer Council on youth Ministries (1- 4) ; Peer Mentor (4) ; Youth Group (1-4) . "To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived - this is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Only those who will risk going as far as one can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot. 4. Kevin Sarp 5. Lizzie Sathe: Women's Ensemble (1 , 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4); Taekwondo (3, 4) ; Drama (1 ); '" For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will see me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you ,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity. "' - Jeremiah 29:1 0-14.a 6. Lyndsey Savina: Leadership (1-4); School Improvement Committee (4); JV Cheer (1); Varsity Cheer (2-4 - co-captain ); PALs (2 -4) ; Red Cross Certified Lifeguard (1- 4); "Leadership On the Lawn" at UVA (4) ; Teachers for Tomorrow (4); Homecoming Court (4).



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1. Jacob Sawyer 2. Toude Saydee 3. Lauren Schneider 4. Carmen Schoelkopf: SCA advisor (3, 4); Black Dot society (1, 2, 3, 4); DECA (4) ; Yearbook (3, 4). "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss. "Life's not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away." -George Staight 5. Kashyap Shah 6. Dawn Seto: Destination Imagination (1, 2, 3, 4); No Fella A Cappella (3, 4); Chorus (1, 2, 3, 4); Piano (1, 2, 3, 4); Girl Scouts (1, 2, 3),; Voice lessons (3, 4); Ballroom dancing (3, 4); Sugar Hollow Day camp counselor (1, 2, 3, 4); Tri-M (2, 3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Dl global finals (3): District Char (2, 3) ; MESA (3, 4); Working at Magg ie Moo's (3, 4); Children's Worship (4); SOCA (2); Honors Char (2, 3). "On my own I'm so clumsy, but on your shoulders I can see I'm free to be me. - Francesce Battistelli 7. Scott Shanesy 8. Caitly Sheffield: Varsity field hockey (3, 4); JV field hockey (2); Varsity Indoor track (3, 4); Varsity outdoor track (4); Show Choir (2, 3, 4); No Fella A Cappella (4). "Everything happens for a reason."


Daw!J _Seto



9. Emily Shepherd: Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); Band (1 , 2, 3, 4); All state choir - first chair alto for district (3). "It's what you can't see coming that truly belongs to life. And what is life, if not a great adventure." - Jack Haas, "Sunsh ine , daydream , walking in the tall trees, going where the wi nd goes, blooming like a red rose. " - The Grateful Dead. "Believe in the co-existence." - Michael Franti. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix. "Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; love is a flo wer, you've got to let it grow." 10. Summer Shepherd: Varsity Cross Country (1 , 2, 3&4- captain); Varsity Indoor Track (captain - 3); Varsity Outdoor Track (2, 3, 4); Varsity Tennis (2); Indoor & Outdoor Regional Champion (3); FCA (2, 3, 4). To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see." - Hebrews 11:1. "I can do anything through Him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13. 11. Samantha Shifflett: Marching Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Women's Ensemble (1 ); Patriot Singers (2 , 3, 4); Concert Band (1); Symphonic Band (2, 3, 4); District Choir (2, 3); Honor Choir (4); TriM Music Honor Society (4). "Honk if you love Jesus. Text and drive if 路 you want to meet Him ." - Anonymous. 12. Matt Shiflett: JV Lacrosse (1, 2); Ninth Grade Football (1 ); Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4); Peer Counseling (3, 4) ; SCA Adviser (1 , 2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (1 , 2, 3, 4); Science Honor Society (3, 4). "Just keep on keepin ' on." -Joe Dirt. "Go big or go home," - Johnny Tsunami. "It's not whether you get knocked down , it's whether you get back up." - Vince Lombardi.


sen1ors. 1. Emma Shreve 2. Sarah Silke: Dance Team (1, 2, 3, 4); Concert Band (1); Symphonic Band (2); DECA (4); Span ish Honor Society (3, 4) ; National Society of High Scholars (3, 4). ''The most beautiful discovery true friends make, is they can grow separately without growing apart." -Elizabeth Foley. "Goodbyes aren't forever, they are just an excuse to say hello again soon." - John Silke 3. Elizabeth Sinclair: Cross Country (1, 2, 3, 4 - captain); Indoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4- captain); Outdoor Track (1, 2, 3, 4); Junior Vars ity Lacrosse (1, 2 -captain); Key Club {1, 2, 3, 4); FCA (2, 3, 4); PALs (2, 3, 4); Canoe Club (3,4) ; National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Art Honor Society (3, 4); Math Honor Society {1, 2, 3, 4. "Surely you know that runners take part in a race , but only one of them wins the prize. Run , then , in such a way as to win the prize. Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last but we do it for one that will last forever. " "Ring , ring! Who's there ? I've been expecting your call. " 4. Justin Alexander Skinner: JV Football {1,2); Varsity football (4); Varsity wrestling (3); DECA (4); Most improved student (2). "With courage you will dare to take risk, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble, courage is the foundation of integrity." - Keshavan Nair 5. Emily Skrutskie 6. Langley Sloan 7. Kyona Small 8. Emily Smarte: Ceramics (1, 2, 3, 4); Botany (1, 2, 3, 4 ); Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right. " - Grateful Dead 9. Alyssa Smith: Art Honor Society (2, 3, 4- secretary); Spanish Honor Society (2, 3, 4); English Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (3 ); Gay Straight Alliance {Photographer 4) ; School Musical (3); AP Scholar (3); Publication in "The Lantern" (2, 3); Piedmont Counci l of the Arts Rising Star Award (3). "Intel ligence without ambition is like a bird without wings." - Salvador Dali 10. Carlissa Smith : JV Cheerleading {1); FBLA Future Business Leaders of America (3, 4); Academ ic Team (3, 4); Youth of the Year- Boys and Girls Club (2); "Love is life . If you miss love then you miss life." -Unknown. 11 . Cole Smith : Piano (1, 2, 3- Jazz Band, 4); Fencing (1, 2, 3, 4); MESA (3, 4); Eagle Scout (1); Science Fair Engineering at Science Fair (3). "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything they learned in school." - Albert Einstein 12. Andrew Smith-Simmons 13. Jasmine Solorzano

< 77 78

est Eyes:

79 80 81 >

Best Hair:

Ben Wilder

Sherice Woodson

"Only my brother and I have blue eyes in my family. Since I was a little kid I have gotten compliments on my eyes. It was cool winning , and I was just glad I won something ."

"It takes me about 10 minutes to do my hair. It's ver y difficult, but actually I'm lying it's not, I just wet it, wh ip it and GO! Thanks to everyone for voting for me becauseyoucannevergo wrong with big hair!! !" and


Beth Ann Parkhill

Jonathan Karns "It takes me about five minutes after I shower to do my hair. I just shake it in the direction I want it to go and it dries that way. I was very happy when I won. I've never won a superlative before."

"People told me that they voted for me, so I kind of knew. I'm the only one in my fam ily with blue eyes, though. Everybody else's is brown ."

1. Brenda Snow 2. Hyun -Kyung Song 3. Joshua Spencer: Soccer SOCA (1, 3, 4); German Club (3, 4). "He who dares, wins. " - Derek (Del) Trotter. 4. Stacey Sprouse: AHS Concert Band ( 1) ; AH S Symphonic Band (2); First Baptist Church Youth Group (1, 2, 3, 4) ; First Baptist Youth Ministry Council (2 , 3, 4); First Baptist Choir (3, 4) ; Honor Roll (1, 2). "For I know the thoughts that I have toward you,' says the Lord , 'thoughts of peace and not of evil , to give you a future and a hope . Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me , and I will listen to you. "' - Jeremiah 29: 11-12 5. Aarati Sriram :Take Note! Jazz Choir (2, 3, 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4) ; CAR E (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4) ; All State Chorus (3); National History Day Regional First Place (2, 3); Virginia Governors School for the Humanities (4). "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill 6. Olivia Steele: Lacrosse (1, 2, 3, 4); Key Club (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Photography (3, 4); Canoe Club (3, 4). "Screw femininity , I'm going fishing. " - Unknown . "Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President , we got them from God." - Glen Beck. "Take nothing but pictures , leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time." - John Muir.



Best Smile: Mark Baucom "My smile is most noticeable at night." and

Melanie Freshwater "I don't remember what I did when I won ... I probably smiled though . I smile all the time, I think. Sometimes people tell me to STOP SMILING! But, the other day I was walking on the downtown mall and th is hobo told me to keep smi li ng , It made my day. I have a bunch of different smiles that I like to use, just to mix it up; Beaver smile , open-mouth smile, puckered-lip smile, cheesy smile, and so on . Also, when something is awkward, or I just don't know what to do , I smile. I love smiling because it is contagious. It's awesome . try it :) P.S. I hope I don't get smile wrinkles even though I think I'm getting them already."

1. Geran Steljes 2. Colleen Stephens: "Fear not for the future , weep not for the past." - Unknown; "Where there is love , there is life." - Mahatma Ghandi. 3. Ashley Stone: SPCA Volunteer (1 , 2, 3, 4). "Glory is fleeting , but doscurity is forever. " - Napolean Bonaparte, "You can avoid reality , but you cannot avoid th e con sequ ences of avoiding reality. " - Ayn Rand 4. Stephanie Strauss 5. Haley Stucker 6. Taylor Stuckenborg

< 79 80


82 83 >

1. Tyler Swanson : Future Soldier Training . "I tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack ." - The Hangover. 2. Haley Swartz: Photography (2 , 3, 4); Newspaper ( 1, 4); French Club (3, 4); Art Honor Society (4- president); Art in Place's 2010 High School Award for Green Charlottesville (3); English Honor Society (4); French Honor Society (4); Math Honor Society (4) ; Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4); Published in Literary Magazine (3). Life is a journey, not a destination ; there are no mistakes; jus1 chances we've taken." - India Aria. 3. Madison Tanner 4. Morgan Tanner: "Remember, there's heroes anc there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die. Follow your heart and you 'll never go wrong.' - The Sandlot 5. Gabrielle Tate 6. Chelsea Taylor: All star competition cheerleading ( 1, 2, 3, 4) French Honor Society (3,4) French club (3,4) Peer counseling (3, 4) All American cheerleading (2,3). "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken 1 .winged bird that cannot fly." -Langston Hughes

f JasmineS. Taylor: Junior varsity girls basketball ( 1, 12); Varsity girls basketball (3, 4); Varsity softball (2, 4). F'l'd rather be hated for who I am , than loved for who I 'am not." - B. B. Clark I

j8. Sarah Terlesky: Varsity Volleyball (2, 3, 4); Indoor 1Track (2); Outdoor Track (1); SCA (2-Ciass President, ..3-Secretary). "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of ~he sea, blown and tossed by the wind." - James 1: 6 . ."Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you 're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind, 11ee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!" !-Bob Marley. r9. Christopher Thacker

:10. Malcom Thompson 111 . Matthew Tobin (

,12. Stephen Topping: Young Life (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Varsity swimming (2, 3, 4); Virginia Gators (2, 3, 4); Key Club (1 , 2, 3, 4) ; Band (1 , 2); FCA (4). " Trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6. "Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz


sen1ors. 1. Madeline Tornrose: Tri-M (3, 4); Youth Praise Band Leader (1, 2, 3, 4); Young Republican Club-Social Chair (1 , 2, 3, 4); Honor Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); District Choir (1, 2, 3, 4); Young Life (4); Patriot Singers (2, 3, 4) ; Jazz (3, 4) ; Chestnut Grove Youth Group (1 , 2, 3, 4); YMCA Basketball (1, 2); Rec. Soccer (1, 2). "Your faith is all it takes and you can walk on the water too." - Britt Nicole. "Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you. Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense. Never let your prayin' knees get lazy - and love like crazy." - Lee Brice. "Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud, it is not rude , it is not self-see king." - 1 Corinthians 13:4. 2. Davian Turner 3. Thomas Turner 4. Joshua Utz 5. Joseph Varaksa 6. Brian Veasey: Marching band (1, 2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3, 4); Jazz Band (3, 4); National Honor Society (4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Society (4); Spanish Honor Society (3, 4); Tri-M Music Honor Society (2, 3, 4); Wakeboarding (2, 3, 4); Ballroom dancing (3, 4); Judo (4); Snowboarding/Skiing (1, 2, 3, 4); Chick-fil-a employee (4); Eagle scout (2, 3, 4). " I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain. "Don't do any1hing stupid." - Me. "Murphy was an optimist." - O'Toole. "Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly it's the honest ones that you want to look out for. Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid." - Captain Jack Sparrow 7. Jeremy Vestal 8. Salman Vohra: MSA (2, 3); EATIN (3); Quidditich Club (4); SOCA Coach (4); Ravenclaw House Captain (4). "Perception is more important than reality." - Theodore Thill 9 Jordan Vrhovac: Varsity Field Hockey (1, 2, 3, 4- captai~r V.arsity Lacrosse (1, 2); Indoor track (1, 2); PALs (1' 2, 3h FCA (1' 2, 3, 4). No one can make you feelmfenor Wit ou ' your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt. l


10 Nikki Walenten: Concert/Symphonic Band (1, 2, 3). "Some : w~men choose to follow men , and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wonderi ng which way tod io,; member that your career will never wake you up an e ~:u it doesn't love you anymore." - Lady Gaga. 11 Kendra Walston: SOCA (1, 2, 3, 4); Indoor Track (1 -Coach's Award, 2, 3, 4, lettered 2, 3, 4); FCA (2, 3;, 4~ ~ Soccer (1, 2); Varsity Girls Soccer Manager (2, 3, 4). 0 judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn! and yo~. will n~t be condemned. Forgive, and you Will be orglven. Luke 6:37. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt. 12. T ler Wayne: Math Honor Society (3, 4); Science Honor Soci:ty (3, 4); Marching Pat~ots (3, 4); Runmng ou. ~ ~\5~: (1, 2, 3, 4); Winning TJ (3). Hall to the king , baby. Nukem .

< 81 82

83 84 85 >

Best Dressed: Mary Merkel "I love J Crew, Finch , and French Connection . Putting an outfit together is my favorite part of going to school. My older sister has a really cool fashion sense and I look up to the way she dresses. "


Whitney Wood "My favorite place to shop is Paris and The Gucci store . I love shopping and dressing nice . By far, my fashion icon is Tom Ford . I wou ld say it probably takes me about 30-35 minutes to get dressed in the morning .".

1. Tim Webb: Swimming (2 - Newcomer Award, 3, 4 - captain ); Special Olympics swi mming (1); Lifeguard (1 , 2, 3, 4); Football (1); Virginia Gators (1, 2, 3, 4); Fairview coach (3, 4). "Champions keep playing until they get it right." - Billie Jean King. 2. Jeremy Weiss: AHS Drama World (1, 2, 3, 4); Minute Men: Male A capella (2, 3, 4); Virginia Consort (1, 2, 3, 4); Wind Ensemble (3, 4). Best Actor Awards: VTA '09, VHSL-Districts '08 '09, Regionals '09, States '08 '09 (3, 4); National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Tri-M Honor Society, Thespian Honor Society (president) (2, 3, 4); Dartmouth Award for Academic Excellence (3). "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." - Muhammad Ali. "Don't worry! Be happy!" -Bob Marley 3. Daiquan West 4. Rob Whelan: Jazz Band (1, 2, 3, 4); Lacrosse (1, 2, 3, 4); Freshman Football (1); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3); Lacrosse All Academic Award (1). "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11. 5. Erin Wh ite 6. Benjamin Wi lder: "And if you come from under the water then there's fresh air, just breathe baby, God's a blessing to spare. Yes, I know the process has so much stress but it's the process that fills the best." - my boy Lil Wayne.



Cutest: Cristian Hernandez and

April Pittman "I thin k it's an honor that my classmates see me li ke that. I honestly had no idea!

1. Naanteze White 2. Devyn Wi ldy: Leadersh ip (1, 2, 3, 4); African-American Student Union (1, 2, 3, 4); B.U.C .K.S (2, 3, 4); Upward Bound (2, 3, 4). "Nothing's heard when nothing's said." - Drake. 3. Darius Wi lliams 4. Sean Williams: Vars ity Golf (1, 2, 3 - capta in, 4); National Honor Society (3, 4); Science National Honor Society (3, 4); Key Club (2, 3, 4); MESA (3, 4); NASA INS PIR E Program (4); SCA Advisor (2, 3, 4); National Merit Scholar (3); VA Aerospace Science and Technology Scholar (3). "One of the truest tests of integrity is its bl unt refusal to be comprom ised." - Chinua Achebe. 5. Erech Wills 6. Lee Wilson: Varsity Tenn is (1, 2, 3, 4- captain); YOCA (1, 3, 4); lmprov co-captain (1, 2, 3, 4); JC L (3, 4); TriM (3, 4); PALs (3, 4); Ping-Pong Club (3, 4); Pokemon League Champions (1, 2, 3, 4). "Later guys . S you in your A's. Don't wear a C. And J all ov er your B's." ~- Charlie Ke lly. "Here's a confess ion: I'm in love with a man . A man named God. Does that make me gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha." - Charlie Kel ly.

< 83 84

85 86 87 >

1. All ison Wombacher: Women's Ensemble (1, 2, 3, 4); Antioch team leader (3, 4); Christian Fellowship Club (3, 4). "Just keep swimming ." - Dory from FindingNemo.

2. Grace Wood: Vocal Jazz (4); Show Choir (2, 3, 4); Beauty and The Beast (3); Piano (1 , 2, 3). "You have brains in your head , you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose, you 're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide whe re to go." - Dr. Seuss. 3. Whitney Wood 4. Devonta Woodson 5. Joshua Woodson 6. Sherice Woodson: Singing (Performances) (1 , 2, 3, 4); African American Student Union Club (2 , 3, 4). Dance like no one is watching , love beyond words, sing as though no one can hear you , and always be FABULOUS !!!" - She rice Woodson . ?.Matthew R. Zalar: Chorus (1, 4); Orchestra (1, 2, 3) ; Church Youth Group (1, 2, 3, 4); Distinguished Honor Roll (1, 2). "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." - Abraham Lincoln. 8. Chi Zhang: Key Club (1, 2, 3 - Outstanding Service Award , 4), (Chair, 2, 3, 4); Martha Jefferson Volunteer (1, 2, 3, 4); Math Honor Society (2, 3, 4); French Honor Society (3, 4- president); English Honor Society (2, 3, 4 - secretary); Science Honor Society (4 -treasurer); HAWKS (2, 3, 4 - president); National Honor Society (4); Peer Counseling (2, 3, 4); Peer Tutoring (3, 4); Ballroom Dancing (3, 4); CARE (1, 2, 3, 4); Track (1 , 2, 3); YOCA (1, 2, 3, 4); Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra (2, 3, 4); Violin (1, 2, 3, 4); 2009 Junior Tennis Open Singles Finalist (3). "Do not follow where the path may lead . Go, instead , where there is no path and leave a trail. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson.




Guy friends, girl friends 1:.=1 Overview


Likes (364)

385 Mutual Friends Ashley Early and Patri ck Hedger can always find something amazing on the Breezway.

Janea Jones and Jasm ine Martin both like using their phones to stay in touch througbout the day.

Ki ra Heeschen and Abby lnce share a laugh at the first pep rally. Spirit wear and face paint are essential for maximum enjoyment.

Wall Posts

feature by Kelly Hancock

Where They Meet

See All Major Jackson and Lauren Eklund meet every morn ing to work in the cafeteria.

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4 people like this Beth Anne Meadors "There isn't as much drama with [guys] . They are way more chil l."




Chris Palmer 'There are some things that girls understand a lot more then guys . I trust [girls] a lot more than guys."

12:41 The couches in the MESA lobby are a favorite place to stop for a chat for fellow junior cheerleaders Veron ica William s and Kensie Gibson .



Justina Watson "I can really rely on [guy friends]. Most girls just want to backstab you ."




Maddie Pericak "It's nice to have a diffrent perspective on things."




li ke IUQh-



< 85 86

87 88 89 >

Allison Abel Kimberly Abel lsraa Aboud Rag hda Aboud Roua Aboud Kira Ag lio Morad Akeel Timothy Aker

Anna Alfano Joseph Anderson Robert Arthur Thi Let Aye David Ayers Divya Babu Cameron Bailey Guillaume Bailey

Kyl e Baker Maury Baker Ryan Baker Charlotte Ball Megan Bankard Kad isha Banks Benjamin Baranik Alexander Barber

Dana Bargh Kelley Barker Madison Basile Sara Bebel Rebecca Beiter Eric Singler Daniel Blair Eboni Blakey

Autumn Blanchard Alexander Bohn Kevin Bonilla Jacob Borenstein Guiana Bradshaw Lauren Brady Will Branham Miranda Bricker

Hannah Brooks Jessica Brown Colin Buckley Jordan Butler Kelyn Butts Joshua Calhoun Christian Carmines Kyle Carmines

Oddie Carneal Jr Kali Carroll Allison Carswell Andrew Case Lauren Casey Cathrine Cashwell Ashley Castelino John Chandler

Dajana Cimic Heather Clarke Travi s Coble Zachary Coffman Danny Cooke Noel Coombs Kimberlin Cordoba Zachary Crawfo rd

Cole Crenshaw Dakota Crickenberger Lucia Crisostomo Mark Cummings Emma O'antoni Damian O'avanzo Durga Dahal Nicholas Davil a

C'aira Davi s Heather Davi s Jonathan Davis Katrina Davi s Benjamin Deal Samantha Demasters-Hadder Wilson Desimini Anish Doshi

Ju n I 0 rs •

I Carol Dougherty Victoria Drumm Damion Dudley Jerry Durrer Kristin Durrett Ashley Early Krista Edenfield Rachel Eiden

Lauren Eklund Salley Elwan Cyrus Entezam Joseph Epps Zachary Evans Ade laide Evarts Victoria Feola Harlan Firer

Louis Fournier Courtney Fraser Sarah Fredrick Charlotte Fries Aaron Fulkerson Katherine Gaines Kevin Gaines Taylor Gaines Carlos Galindo-Martinez Kristina Garcia Maria Garcia-Franco

Peter Garland Tay lor Gaskins Emily Gerding Molly Gerding Mckensie Gibson

Cinque Gilmore Morgan Glennie Elaine Golden Kristen Golden Beatriz Gomez Emanuel Gomez Matthew Goodrich Madeline Graney

Erin Gray Jasmine Gray Kirtland Gray Logan Grimes David Gutzler Spencer Hadley Jessica Hairston Kel ly Hancock

Holland Harper Marissa Harris Kendall Hawki ns Patrick Hedger Kira Heeschen

Sarah Heider Nathaniel Heldreth Hernon Henderson

Savannah Henderson Dayquan Henry Jonathan Hernandez Tyler Hetrick Catherine Hoffman Ta lia Hoffman Jackie Hogee Eric Holiday Jesse Hood Caitlin Hopkinson Kyra Houghton Elisha Howe James Huber Caitlin Hunt William Hunt Hannah Hunter Kyle Huysman Ab igail lnce Ata lia Ingram Jasmine Jackson Larkeem Jackson Major Jackson Peyton James Randall Jepson Jr

< 87 88

89 90 91 >

More expected from juniors? \V

4 people like this Shanice Palmer A lot! SATS , college visits, more expectations from teachers , driving, and then just tryna live a life, and be a good teenager.




Hannah Sokora Setting an example for underclassmen , um more responsibilities in the class room.

11 :02



Walee Saadut More responsibility and more work.




Thomas Zacharias Not being late to class. Micah Rivers th inks juniors work harder, especially when it comes to fill ing out college applications.

feature by Jasmine Gray




Rebecca Johnson Brodie Jones Janae Jones Mahassa Jones Dorothy Joyner Katherine Kel lenberger Kenda ll Kennedy Jacob Kerl Matthew Killinger Su Hyun Kim Tae Kim Roxanne Kime Rustam Kirgizov Stephen Kirst Olivia Kitelinger Sarah Knarzer

Connor Knight Nana Konadu -Ampratwum Paige Kostanecki Rebecca Kruse Emily Kuhn Benjamin Kyriacopoulos Dereice Lee Irene Lee Eleanor Leech James Leonard

Dacey Lewis Melissa Lewis Emily Leytham Melanie Lindemann

Lauren Linkous Tong Liu Matthew Lloyd Cory Lomax Corey Long Luke Long Bianca Loredo Ab igail MacKnight Erin MacMichael



JUniors. The joys of having your own car 6 people like this Matt Goodrich Technically it's my sister's car but it's nice to be able to make a run to McDonald's whenever I want.




Cat Cashwell I like "Old Smokey" because he gives me freedom to do whatever I want.

9 :36



Lindsey White It's so conven ient to be able to go whe re you need to wheneve r.


Stephanie Salsini, Charlotte Pitt and Emily Peck all admire senior Dylan Herold's car before Homecomin g. None of them yet has gotten her own car.

feature by Charlotte Pitt Alyssa Maltese Andrew Mann Jonathon Mann Christian Marquez Bryce Marshall Kai Marshall Pilar Marshall Jasmine Martin Steven Mastropaolo Abigail Mathes Jonathan Mathes Ang ela McCauley Sheldon McClung Ryan McCollough Michael McGhee Beth Anne Meadors Alana Meadows Kristen Meadows Kirsten Mendelsohn Jonathan Micucci Might Might Sristy Mitra Carmen Montecalvo Hyun-Seok Moon Alexandra Moore Michael Moore Garrett Moore Jr Derek Morris Thomas Morris Tyl er Morris Sara Murphy Narkiza Musayeva Asher Noble Leo Netto Veronica O'Brien Cooper O'Neil Amber Oliva Amanda Oliver Jaszmine Paige Walter Palma-Galeas



Benny Baranik I like to listen to my music loud and it's nice to have some freedom .




< 89 90



Christopher Palmer Shanice Palmer Kajal Patel Austin Patterson Dekker Payne Zachary Payne Neal Pease Emily Peck Daniel Perdue Juan Perez -Oiaz

Freyra Perez -Luge Madeline Pericak

Dean Perry Rowen Perry Hannah Peterson Charlotte Pitt Jon Podolski Matthew Polivka Grace Polson Jacob Pompeo Brielle Powell lan Prum Cody Purvis Rikki Quillon



Meghan Rader Josiah Ragland Shanique Ragland Joshua Reeder

Jeremiah Rigaldies Kyle Ripley Micah Rivers Sarah Robertson Charles Robinson Robert Robinson Jesky Rodiguez lvette Anyeli Rodriguez Sean Roesch Dylan Rogers Gabriel Romero-Rodriguez Brandon Rose

Richlyn Rose Shane Rose Nicole Ross Martha Roszak Walee Saadut Jennifer Sacco Joren Sacre Stephanie Salsini Hannah Samley Tiffany Sandridge Onaing Sar Janine Sargatz Evan Schmit Sharon Schwartz Christine Scott Denisha Scott Jonathan Scott Kia Scott Shakira Scott David Seago Sophia Seitz Margaret Serbati lsmael Serrate-Leon Breanna Shannon

Timoth y Shaw Austin Shepherd Mekalyn Shifflett Sarah Shifflett Cody Siluk Jacob Simons Evan Simpson Morgan Simpson Sabire Sisman

Brandon Skeen Sarah Skidmore Ira Smith Jacob Smith Hannah Sokora Rheava Spady Chris Springer

92 93 >

JUniors. Alexandra Stokes Nicholas Stover Ethan Stow Kelci Straka Austin Suhler Melissa Sutton Mckenzie Swanson Dalton Tavenner

Aaron Taylor Brent Taylor Raechel Tedford Caitlyn Tetterton Robert Thomas Scottie Thorp Benjamin Ting ley Jovan Trifunovic Kyle Trimble Celia Trujillo·Arizmendi Anna Tserelova Austin Turner Morgan Uland Joshua Underwood Katherine Van Eersel Lisa Van Wickler

Kirsten Vanpatten Carlos Vasquez Daniel Vaughn Asa Vegodsky Savannah Veliky James Villi en Adam Visokay Daniel Wachori Lauren Walker Nicole Ward Micah Washington Jesse Watson Justine Watson Korinna Weber Charlotte Wells Timothy Wersinger

Al lyson Wharam Lindsey White Terrence White Emily Wicks Claire Wiley Veronica Williams Charles Willis Maggie Wilson

Shailoah Wilson Xavier Wingate Michael Witcher Emily Wombacher Alana Wood Fan Wu Tuo-Yang Wu Nanqi Xu

Christopher Yancey Gokhan Yetim Jisoo Yi Rachel Yoder Thomas Zacharias Xiaozhou Zang Victor Zarate·Bustamante Maya Zeller Nikolai Zilhmer


_ ophomores.

< 91 92

Brian Adams Aadil Adalia Naaila Ahmad David Ahuatl-Cuazitl Blake Anderson Lanikaua Anderson Lexus Anderson Elisabeth Angeley

Kevin Arriaga-Lopez Zachary Ashworth Curtis Auman Patrick Aung Cynthia Avalos Juana Ayala Ruben Badilla-Castillo Ebony Barnes Rachel Barranco Carmen Becerra Kash ianya Bell James Bellew David Birckhead Kevin Black Jessica Block Zamir Boboy


Brieona Booker Tieona Booker Kuang -Zhu Bor David Borchardt Rachael Bosley Julia Bowles Devin Branch David Brewer John Brooks Lynnasia Brooks Alexander Brown Bryan Brown Fitzgerald Brown Sophia Brown Sydney Browning Alyssa Bruna!

Michael Brunelle Alexis Bryant Whitney Bryant Anna Buhle Hannah Burgess Zachary Burrier Joseph Burris Deborah Buynak

Joseph Cahalen Morgan Cahill Madison Callender Michael Callihan Olivia Cantoni Justin Carey Sakiyna Carey Jared Carlisle

Chad Carmines Drew Carpenter

Megan Carrell Connor Carson Kyshara Carter Baylee Castorina Crystal Cauley Brianna Cavanaugh

Davi d Chapman Suraj Chhetri Caroline Chisholm Jalen Cobbs Kendall Coffman Jamal Coles Jose Collazo-Espinosa Joshua Collier Hannah Conner

Douglas Corbett Dianna Corbin Kirsten Corea Katherine Creegan Keith Croonquist Ricardo Cruz-Duran Ryan Cudahy

9 3 94 95 >



It's time to


4 people like this

Brittany Schalizki I like driving because I can go wherever I want, but with my mom in the car. 2:05



Stacie Shifflett I drive anywhere I can although , my mom doesn't like it. It's so much fun , I can 't wait for my license. 6:50



Matt Sheffield Driving is sweet because the re is more benefit and freedom !

8:1 7

Nemuel Okkah and Destiny Gerrick practice correct hand position on the steering wheel in Mr. Campbell's driver's education class.

feature by Debbie Buynak

Ahmad Cunningham Lynwood Davi s Jeffrey De Almeida Victoria Dean Nicole Densmore Sapna Desai Patrick Desmond Brenesha Douglas

Elyse Duani Demarco Dudley Michael Mary Kate Duggan Andrea Duran-Reyes Preston Eads Tyl er Ealy Megan Eheart Aaron Elder

Skyler Elliott Isabelle Farineau Luc Fallon Rachel Faulconer Yun Yang Fei Joshua Ferero

Katrina Ferguson Kenya Ferguson Ad am Ferralli Tori Fielding Amory Fischer Tayl or Fisk Perla Flores -Loredo Daniel Foley Logan Ford Armanny Frazier



Michael Callihan I mainly drive to the grocery store fo r my parents whenever I can . I like driving , I'm glad I can. 10:24



< 93 94

9 5 96 97 >

John Friend Mark Fultz Zachary Funke Tyler Gambill Joshua Gardner Antoinette Garrison Griffin Gaskins Kassandra Gatewood Simanta Gautam

Grace Gaye John Gazewood Destiny Gerrick Sydney Giacalone Phoebe Gilbert Daniel Gilgannon Samuel Gillespie Samuel Gilliam Gretchen Glaeser Deborah Goldeen Vanessa Gonzalez-Fraire Arick Goodman Anna Goodrich Joseph Gorak Anita Grabowska

Harrison Graham Anthony Greene Derrik Gregg Ashley Grooms William Grubb Katarina Guberman Micheal Hagee Eric Hahn Parker Hall Katherine Hammond Harmon Hawkins

Brenna Healey Andrew Heatwole Paul Hecmanczuk Oieira Henderson

Matthew Henderson Sarah Henderson Al ison Henry Collin Hensien Said Hernandez- Surges Ryan Herring Tyler Hill Elizabeth Hillstrom Sarai Hipolito-Mata Barrett Holley Carrie Hooper Andrew Horbaly Danielle Herridge Crosby Horton Charles Howard Jr Mitchel l Huber Andrew Hucek Britney Huff Elizabeth Hull Allison Huschke Meghana lllendula Daniel Jackson Alexander Janssens Elsabe Jarman Edward Joachim

Shawna Johnson

Jeremy Johnston Briauna Jones Jeffrey Jones Kel ly Jones Mackenzie Jones Paul Jones Rebecca Jones

Tierra Jones Hee Seok Joo Dorothy Jordan Hamed Karama Jennifer Kater Carmen Keithley Anne Keller Cameron Kennedy

Benjamin Kess ler Gaa Samuel Khurge l Wonta e Kim Jordan Kinlaw Matthew Kliewer Lindsay Kohler Ma«hew Karbo n Sydni e Kostelac Joseph Krohn Claire Krouse Mary Kwiatkowski Adam Ladd Ryan Lake Tori Lam Marla Lauber

Matthew Lawson Jae Yean Lee Logan Lee Ye Rin Lee Olivia Lemay Jacob Lescau lt Joshua Le«eri Jessie Lewis Kathlynn Lewis Savannah Ley Avram Lieberman Lo«ye Lockhart Ma«hew Lockman Tevin Logan Quinton Long Ann Lopez

Mauricio Lopez Miguel Loredo Blake Lunnen Marie Mack Elias Mackay Karunasai Mahadevan Nikolai Majorin Daniel Mallory Judah Malone Elizabeth Marks Samuel Marsh Colleen Marshall Samantha Marshall Madeleine Marshall-Roth Caleb Martin Christina Martin

Jacob Martin Kentaro Martini George Matkovich Sophie Maus Mitchell Mawyer Amber Maxa Devon Mccade Sherod Mccoy Patrick McPhillips Samuel Melton Jose Mendoza Benjamin Merrel Sameer Mian Kaitlyn Miller Kelly Miller Micaela Miller

Naomi Miller Sama Mir Tessa Miskovsky Holly Mitchell Kiyoko Mitchell Carl Montalbano Keith Montminy Hunter Moore

Darshia Morris Kalin Morris Kayla Morris Savannah Morse Timothy Morse Catherine Murray Eldar Musayev Michael Nasevich


3a! eyl it I ;::


< 95 96

97 98 99 >

Sophomores step up to varsity 11 people like this

Eli Mackay I did a lot of physical and mental conditioning .




Anna Buhle I went to a volleyball camp and went running over the summer.




Joe Krohn I practiced all summer and I set aside time for homework during the school year.

12:37 Rachel Faulconer keeps track of stats while Caroline Porco and Ke lly Barker wait for the ir turns on the court. Half of the fourteen varsity volleyball players were sophomores, including Faulconer, Porco, along with Jessie Block, Anna Buhle, Sidney Kostelac, Coleen Marshall , and Savannah Morse. Barker was the sole junior on the team.



Rachel Faulconer I run every morning before school and I practiced over the summer.




Sana Naz Kayla Nelson Devante Norman

Paige Northup Ashley Nottingham Nemuel Okaah Ashley Oliveri Christopher Owen Peter Owen Madeleine Pace Maxwell Painley Michael Pajewski Rachel Parrent Bhargav Patel Chase Patterson Anna Payne

Jessica Payne Nicholas Pegg Alejandro Perez-Reyes Charles Perry Ruth Perry Krishna Persaud Alaina Peters Nathaniel Pfund Alexandra Philkill Jessica Pollack Darius Pollard -Lam Juan Ponce -Rodriguez Caroline Porco

Manuel Portillo Robert Proffitt Carolyn Pugh

Ryan Ramey Jeffrey Ramos-Paz Christin a Ramsey Brendan Reece

Madelyne Retan Candance Rice David Riner Nigiel Ritchie


Old friends, new friends 8 people like this

Maddie Rohm I've gained many friends. New classes helped make new friends but I kept my old ones too. 10:44 Comment


Sophia Brown I have more friends because of my new classes. 7:43



Devante Norman I have the same friends as last year but I have new ones too. Some are from different schools. 10:33 Comment Avi Lieberman , Luc Futon and Dan iel Foley discover the joys of Spirit Week.

feature by Sammi Vidovich Christopher Roberts Jr Stephanie Robinson Alma Rodriguez-Gomez Kaitlin Roelofs Madeline Rohm Beatriz Ruiz路Rosas Casey Russell Anna Salone

Darius Sanders Juan Sandoval -Garcia Hugh Sandridge IV Colin Schaefer Brittany Schalizki Benton Schenck Emily Scholl Abigail Schwab Jonathan Schwaner Christopher Seta Hanna Shaps Matthew Sheffield Michael Shick Christina Shifflett Stacie Shifflett Alexander Simmons

Nathan Stika Anna Smith Kirsten Smith Matthew Smith Xavier Smith Lloyd Smith Iii Andrew Solomon Matthew Spradlin

Katharine Stapleton Gregory Stevens Mckenzie Stewart -Berry Brady Storer Morgan Stouffer Savannah Stover Rachel Stukenborg Mario Sukkar


Joacb Perry I like to work with Matt Smith in Science class. 1:15



< 97 98


99 100 >

Autumn Sweeney Logan Sysling Ryan Tarkington Kevin Taylor II Thomas Teisberg Sean Tellord Alexis Thomas Rachel Thomas


;e of

Steven Thomas Jr Elijah Thompson Chalrawee Thongcharoenkige Dashon Tibbs Kayl a Toms Lauren Toms Mairead Toms lnes Tomsig

Djordje Trifunovic Nicholas Troche Madeline Troisfontaines

Lauren Truwit Margaret Tubridy Ciera Ulan Bethany Vaughan Billy Vaughn




Nicholas Vaughn Abbey Veith Justin Vestal Jessica Vickerman Kyl e Vidano Samantha Vidovich Thomas Vogel Katharine Waldron

Dezyana Walker John Walker Kyle Walker Brandon Waller Madeleine Walters

Alexis Washington Ladajauh Washington Winfred Watson

Alexandra Weathersby Austen Weathersby Devon Weathersby Rache l Weaver Gabrielle Webb Justin Weiss Kandace Wells Ty ler Wentworth

Irma Whedbee Connor Williams ian Williams K'leigh Williams Aaron Willy J'immi Wilson Kelly Wilson Patrice Wingate

Kendra Wisinski Alexander Wood Ross Wood Michael Wood -Hoeckelman Victoria Yane z Bo-Yu Yang Kaleen Yoder C laire Yoon

Alicia Young

Courtney Zehnter John Zhang Rebeca Zometa -Fiores Bre' Zwoyer

freshmen. Friends find ways to meet Overview •

Wall Posts

o:J Likes (609) 438 Mutual Friends

Where They Meet

See All Karina Thorne and Kayce Miller have been friends since sixth grade at Jack Jouett.

Sophomores Sam Gilliam , Kaleen Yoder and Sean Tulford join freshmen Hannah Lail and Casey Brown at long lunch on the Breezeway.

lreti Akinola and Ryann Murray meet on the Breezeway between classes .

Marie Schneider and Abi Johnson always find a way to have fun .

Reilly McCann and Nick Brown meet every morning in the cafeteria before school.

Caroline Hazlett and Andrew Dickison have been friends since going to Sutherland Middle School together.

feature by Yearbook I (Semester 1)



< 100


Tabarek Abdullah Lina Abril-Montoya David Agl io lretiotuwa Akinota Kwame Akosah Tabarak AI Samaraee Makenna Allan Peyton Alley

Sarah Alshawi Marisol Alvarado路Hernandez Hunter Alving Cynthia Amaya Alexus Anderson Joshua Anderson Naomi Anderson Pabla Andrade

Zachary Anglin Gerardo Antonio Melendez Marcos Arce

Mason Baber Jose Badilla Amber Baine Michael Balaban Thomas Banks

Anna Barnes Morgan Barnes Asia Barrett Benjamin Beiter Floyd Bell Rachel Bergstresser Kevin Bernardino Jamal Berry Richard Boamah Lydia Bock Niloufar Boghdeh Rebecca Booth Robert Bassinger Paul Bovarnick Mary Boyl e Rachel Braden

Anne Brady Benjamin Breece Paige Brewer Sarah Brewer Krister Briehl David Brodnik

Sophie Bromberger Jakob Brooks

Alexis Brown Casey Brown Hunter Brown Jaylin Brown Lindsey Brown Nicholas Brown Mia Bruna! Jonathan Bryant

Harri son Bunts Brehanna Burley Austen Butts Methusela Bwi seze Safi Bwi seze Samuel Byers Samuel Calhoun Nicholas Callender Melanie Callihan Devon Campbell Morgan Campbell Matthew Carpenter Alyssa Carroll Kha lil Carter Maranda Carter Mackenzie Case Aunisha Catoe Christian Cavanaugh N Bushie Chambers Steven Chandler Vincent Chang Carolyn Chapman Casey Chen Willi am Cheng

102 >

freshmen. Anuragh Chhetri Darius Clark Michae l Coffindaffer Linda Cohen Dilcia Colindres Krystal Collins Martin Cooke Saverio Costabile Kelly Creighton Matthew Crist Kiara Croswell Thomas Crow Juan Carlos Cruz Landa Fiona Dale Benjamin Dalkin Grace Dalton Sydney Daniel Austin Darnell Curtis Davis Jason Davis Jessica Davis Ra ndrell Davis Abigail Davison Hannah Deal

Ariel Dean Matthew Dean Kath ryn Defrank Richard Deloria Victoria Delp Graham Dennis Mallory Densmore James Denton Ebert Anton io Deras Andrew Dickason Michael Dolzer Garen Dorsey Devin Dougharty Zeina Doukan Masato Dowli ng M iranda Drumm

Miriah Dudley Logan Dunaway Autumn Eavey Reece Echelberger Nicholas Egan Abigail Egner Rebecca Elder Julia Elliott

Jayden Elmer Chad Emch Tayl or Everard Michae l Fagan Shassata Fahim Carson Fanning Megan Farabaugh Kejah Ford John Friedersdorf Glen Funkhouser Ill Renas Gadow Lacey Gagg Rudy Garcia-Franco Felicia Garrison Taylor Garth Elena Gavri lovic Gabriel Giacalone Lane Giannini Evan Gibbons Jay Gillenwater Katelynn Gilmore Sarah Goljamali Wi lliam Gooding Frederick Gortler Isis Gourde! Damarco Graves Jordan Grimsley Ka itlyn Grossman Emma Guiberson Hannah Hahn Shaun Hand Brandon Haney

< 102

10 3 104 >

rom the top to the bottom 4 people like this

Nick Wintersteiger It wasn 't scary because I was ready for it. I look up to the upper classmen so I can be like them .





Lacey Gagg I don't th ink it was as bad as everyone said it was going to be. 3:23



Morgan Campbell It is a lot different but the upperclassmen weren 't as mean as I was told. I was quick to adjust. 3:15 Kyle Hamilton and Nick Sokora stand on the steps of the senior circle , where they will again be on top in four years.



Marissa Phillips I didn't really think about it at all so it didn 't bother me.

feature by Katie Campbell 3:17


Like Christian Hargen Hannah Harper John Harris Camron Hatchen Caroline Hazlen Lester Hernandez路Burgos Chloe Herring Cody Herring Cole Hicks Khali l Hillery Alexa Hodges Jonathan Hoffman Chris Hofman

Helena Hogan Brinany Holman Jessica Hopkinson

Rosalynn Horan Alexander Houchens Ke lsey Hunt Samira Hussaini Vincent Huynh Laquisha Hyman Shiquan Jackson Amanda Jacobson Jack James Jalen James

Lis James Ab igail Johnson Bradley Jones Daniel Jone s

Desmen Jones Gabrielle Jones

Savannah Jones Tilik Jones Terry Jones Jr Briana Jordan Jordan Katz Kyl ie Keating All ison Keenan Gary Kellenberger

freshmen. Learning to run on time 4 people like this Kat Perry I'm not a morning person , so it takes me longer to finally wake up and then get ready. 1:35



Matthew Olowin I take about 45 minuttes to get ready. I'm a usually a morning person - depending on what time it is. 12:13



Ty Pittman I always wake up late. My sister drives, and I'm late to school almost every day. 10:15 Kylie Keating I am definitely not a morning person. I bring my breakfast to school so I can sleep in as long as possible. feature by Rebeca Zometa-Fiores

Justin Kemper Kac i Kennedy Luke Ken Rachel Ke n Amna Khan Hye-Jin Kim Dakota Kinlaw Maegan Kirst

Priscilla Koirala Maame Kon adu Ampratwum Riley Kunkler Nina Lacome Hannah Lail Madeline Lancaster Mason Landon Smith Nickoulas Lawson

Ryan Lea ry Camille Leech Cyrus Legard Jennifer Leider Abigail Leonard Cory Lesher Alexander Levine Eli zabeth Lewis

Jamar Lewis Olivia Lewis Robert Leytham Fulton Little Cameron Lochner Ryan Londree Courtney Long Taylor Lonjin

Venus Louderback Lauren Loudermilk Evy Luong Seokyoung Ma Sadie Mackay Andrei Main Michaela Malboeuf Kevin Martin



Andrea Mendoza I try to wake up early so I have time for a shower before eating breakfast and coming to school.

< 104

10 5 106 >

Loremi Martinez Tony Massie Jr. Kendall Masterson Savann ah Maxwell Zachary Mayo Benjamin McAfee Emily McAllister Reilly McCann


William McCauley Erin McCullen Christopher McDaniel Tyler McDaniel Dalton McWilliams Emma Meadors Janai Mealey Rebecca Mendelsohn Andrea Mendoza Joseph Michel Kizy Milia Kayce Miller Trequan Mills Steven Minnis Jr Dylan Mitchell Christopher Moats


Elise Mollica Jacob Morris Timothy Morris Carie Morton Carly Moulis Kenneth Moyers Jr Joanna Mueller Aaron Mullinax Ryann Murray Irma Nalic Molly Napolitano William Nash Matthew Natale Austin Nelson Evan Nelson Haley Neuhoff Alexander Nolan Nathaniel Norton William Nuckols Logan O'Hara Hannah Ogbomo Arelya Olguin-Aivarez Loren Oliver-Balerna Matthew Olowin Ashley Paige Jerrod Palmer Nakia Parkes Justin Parks Claire Pavlosky Georgia Pearse Katherine Pearson Alexander Peery Nisachon Peethumnongsin Alexus Penny Cooper Perry Kathl een Perry Avi Persaud Catherine Petrella Mathyuis Pettis Zach Petty Jacob Phillips Marissa Phillips David Piirto Ja'son Pittman Bryant Poole Sophie Pugh Iris Quigley Allyson Quillon Tyl er Rader Victor Ramos-Paz Eneida Redden -Gonzalez Mitchell Reid Nyanni Reid Samantha Reid Juan Reyes-Cruz Jonathan Reyes -Lagarza

freshmen. Cecilia Richards Justin Richardson Vincent Richardson Julien Rigaldies Kevin Rinald Elizabeth Rintels Haley Rob inette Samanth a Rocke r

Cri stian Rodriguez Anthony Rogers Mckenna Rohm Lily Romando Dylan Rose Ke lsey Ross Jennifer Russell Nicholas Ryan Amber Sawyer Elisabeth Sawyer Timothy Schauer Marie Schneider Megan Schnell Kiandria Scott Kyle Shafer Garrett Shaffer

Julia Shaw Jordan Shelton

Brooke Sherman Alanna Shifflett Alyssa Shifflett James Shifflett Jasmine Shifflett Lauren Shifflett Jayla Simmons Chloe Simms Jemy Simon

Kara Simons James Sipe Jr Abigail Smith Chenaya Smith Emily Smith Erin Smith Isaac Smith Juwan Smith Victoria Smith Jesse Smyth Nicholas Sokora Morgan Sparks Salihah Spicer

Victori a Stagnaro Alicia Starr Alexis Steljes Lily Straka Denton Strayer

Jeethang Subba Brijeshkumar Suthar Meli ssa Symm es

Dominique Ta lley Anthony Tamburo Alexa Taveras Keau na Tayl or Kyl e Terry Elizabeth Thacker Alexander Thomas Ja'shaun Thomas Ryan Thomas Sarah Thomas Gabriel Thompson Molly Thomson Elizabeth Thorne

Korrina Thorne Matthew Thorpe Lauren Tornrose Diana Torres路Agu ilera Am iran Tosoyev Margarita Trujillo-Arizmend i Sheshi a Turner

Laura Ungar Murat Usmanov Lauren Vi sokay Sarah Vrhovac

8r ab

< 106

10 7 108 >

e go on dates .. and here's how 4 people like this Lauren Tornrose Normally the parents take us because he can 't drive yet. 3:10



McKenna Rohm My parents drop us off somewhere it's usually extremely awkward . I can't wait until I can drive. 3:24



Nyanni Reid My brother will take me where I need to go when I go on dates. 3:32

One of the best things about coming to high school is being able to go to the Homecoming dance . feature by Carmen Schoelkopf



Diana Torres I go on walks to the park or to the store so our parents don't have to take us anywhere. 3:40


Like Caroline Wagoner Sheppard Walker Oueznay Wal ler Erin Ward Kaila Washington Kenya Washington Deja Watson Abigail Weaver Samantha Webster Ivy Wells Taesahun Wells Xenea Wells EmilyWharam Thomas Whelan Alexander White Ryan White Gavin Wiehl Abigail Wild Mary Williams Andrew Williamson Kristine Willingham Rex Willis Tevon Willis Leigha Willoughby Nicholas Wintersteiger Ka ila Wood Ka itlyn Wood Mark Wood Dwayne Wood Jr Chelsea Woodfolk Mandisa Woodland Sarah Woods

Ke ira Woodson Katharine Xie William Xie Maria Yanez Cullen Yeatman Patrick Yowell II Ann Yu

faculty and staff.

<108 109 110>



139 teachers .. . 22 teacher assistants . . . 13 support staff ... 1 nurse .. 1 career awareness specialist ... 3 librarians ... 8 guidance counselors ... 34 coaches ... 1 athletic director . . . 1 resource officer .. . 1 testing coordinator ... 3 assistant principals ... 1 associate principal ... 1 head principal

faculty and staff. Teachers meet the challenge Likes (180) feature by lnes Tomsig 146 Mutual Friends

See All

Wall Posts 4 people like this

Ms. Karen Singel "My goal is to have no trash. I try not to buy packaged food. I have bags for everything ."


Athletic director Deb Tyson, Mr. Tony Wayne and Dr. Jesse Turner lead out teachers chosen to wear the football players' jerseys at the Monticello game halftime.

Tracy Aglio Mike Alley Dawn Anderson Kim Aust Mike Bannister Annette Barrera

Harriet Bell Wes Bellamy Michelle Berry Debbie Blackwell Beatrice Brown Melissa Brown James Bryant Jason Buczyn a Megan Burton Sue Caldwell Chris Campbell Melli Campbell Carina Campos Walter Chaney Raymond Chrobak Matt Clay Denise Collado Bryan Collier Loretta Coughlin Meghan Crider Kim Crow Marvin Curry Bill Daly Judith Davis Leslie Davis Theresa Doherty Jeanie Do mer Kim Dunaway

Julia Dyer Pearl Early Jenny Ediss Diane Espinosa Dean Ferguson

Eric Gama John Garland Dusty Garwood Erika Gearhart Charlene Genest Salvatore Giordano

Jonathan Gonzalez Susan Green Wendell Green Sarah Grimesey Sharon Grimm Jim Haddock Linda Haddock Brenda Hair Lee Hale



Mr. Steve Bantz, physics instructor in the MESA program, has two dogs, five cats, four chickens, two rabbits and one guinea pig.






1 1 1 112 > Lisa Hamilton Hal Hankins Melissa Hankins Elizabeth Harris Lucille Harris Brian Heath Stefanie Herbert Carolyn Herring Vada Holcomb Kelly Hoover Phil Horst Amy Hovis Jane Hunt Bernice Hutchins Mary lnge Anita Jenkins

Bill Jones Avis Key



Carl Kiehn Joyce Kinney Doris Kuttesch Maren Labelle Tanya Lai Chris Lennon

Richard Lindsay Sharon Lloyd Jane Mac Michael Jay Mac Michael Jennifer Manca-Smith Mark Marini Greg Maynard Alice Micklem Debra Mills Mary Monark Charlie Morris Jennifer Morris

Osie Morris Teresa Moulton Melissa Muir Brian Nagel Kim Nash Keri O'Connor Susan Oliveri Audrey Pace-Sprouse Shirley Palmer

BJ Pankau Dan Parks Laura Perkins Jody Perrow Jackie Perry Carole Peters Carlos Pezua Yolanda Poindexter Kimm Price Jeff Prillaman Therese Province

Peggy Ramsey Lori Reaser Nick Redmond Ashley Roberts Lenore Savage Debra Schomp Charles Scott Martha Scyoc Anne Shackelford Janene Shearburn Rian Shell Amy Sherrill Ruth Sisman Carrie Smith Sara Smith Tracy Soffa Cat Stanley Luke Stone Tippins Stone Ted Thill Jay Thomas Emily Tomko John Trippel Steve Turner Teresa Tyler Sandra Volkstorl Rick Vrhovac Marianne Walendowski Michael Waller Tony Wayne Kathy Webb Sharon Webb Lance Weisend Richard Wharam

Barbara Wilson Andy Wojcik Charlotte Wood Angela Worley



First day of school August 25 . . . PSAT October 13.. . ASVAB November 10 ... First Semester Exams January 11 -14... NAEP February 8th ... School Climate Survey March 14-25 . .. M idterm Exams March 29-30 . . . SOL's May 2nd ... AP Tests May 2- 13 ... Senior exams May 25 - 27 . . . Second Semester Exams June 7 -10 ... Last day of school June 10 . ..

> Juniors John Davis and Sophia Sites work on together on a project. > Jack Lee amd Ryan Lawson work on the construction of their mouse trap cars to later race against their classmates. > Alison Henry sets up a experiment test-

ing friction in her MESA period. < During class, Jacob Perry adds more

detail on the class's 3D model that shows the Earth's energy budget.

The MESA (Math , Engineering and Science Academy) was in its second year, and students who began the program as juniors were ready to move on . In addition , last year's fres hmen moved up into their second year, and a new crop of freshmen joined the program. The MESA program drew students from schools in all of central Virg inia, and those who got in to the program seemed to enjoy it tremendously. "I like how MESA is mostly hands-on and there is not much sitting around ," junior Melissa Lewis said . Freshmen and sophomores took four classes over two years and received credits in Algebra II , Trigonometry, Math Analysis , Physics , Chemistry and Earth Science . "MESA is an experience , not just accelerated credits ," said Kevin Black. Juniors and seniors focused more on engineering and real life applications of math and science. "MESA prepares future engineers and scientists for the rigorous chal lenges of the twenty-first century," said the MESA director Mr. Jeff Prillaman . By: Mike Pajewski


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< Alex Perez-Reyes takes his turn sprinkling fish-flakes into the MESA aquarium to feed their vast variety of colorful and interesting fish.

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< Sarna Mir talks to Mr. Prillaman about the midterm exam, while the rest of the class takes advantage of their free time to independently study.



< Matt Smith starts one of juniors the Rube Goldberg machines during Patriot period.

< Juniors Nikki Ross, Ryan Jepson, and Robbie Robison work together to create the body for their mouse trap car. Building these cars is just one of the various engineering projects MESA students are expected to do throughout the year.


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lj r < Eric Han works on his construct-

ing his voltmeter. < JP Gazwood and Sydney Gia-

calone experment with a air blowing contraption. < Sarna Mir and Mr. Bantz construct an inclined plane for an experiment


< Freshmen Vincent Chang , Olivia Lewis, and Haley Neuhoff use netbooks to work on Physics homework . < Jacob Perry and Matt Smith look over work for their exam review in MESA.

> Senior Elaine Mahanes follows

along in her poetry book as Ms. Tyler reads aloud in AP English 12. > Senior Kendra Watson works on a project in her AP Physics class with Mr. Wayne. > Juniors Emily Wombacher and Jennifer Sacco complete a partner quiz in Ms. Coffman's AP Calculus class.

High school itself was a challenge , but many students kicked the level of difficulty up a notch and took AP (Advanced Placement) and PVCC (Piedmont Virginia Community College) dual enrollment classes. Taking these courses could save time and money later on , since many colleges accepted dual enrollment credits and gave credit for certain scores on AP tests. Super-achievers who took as many as eight AP courses in a year could enter their freshman year with enough credits to be a sophomore. Also , since some AP courses were available as early as tenth grade, students could start earning college credits early. AP and PVCC classes could be quite a challenge, but they boosted students work ethic, provided preparation for college work, and helped prove that the students who took them were not afraid of hard work. by Charlotte Pitt

> Ms. Dyer lectures AP World History

II class. > Kashup Shaw and his friends discuss their answers in their AP Physics class with Mr. Wayne. > Junior Garrett Moore takes notes in his AP Calculus with Mrs. Coffman.

> A student takes AP Calculus notes. > Sophomore Andrew Solomon and senior Tim Webb complete their workbook for AP Environmental Science at False Cape Environmental Park.

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< Senior Melanie Freshwater fills

out paperwork with her classmate on a bench by the bay on the AP Environmental Science trip to False Cape . They stayed for three days and spent lots of time at the beach studying various organisms and their effect on the environment. < Ms. Tyler reads poetry featured in Beowulf aloud to her AP Literature and Composition class while they follow along in their books. < Junior Jake Huber and seniors Zachary Morris and Max Freederstorf take a break from their research on the AP Environmental trip to False Cape.

< Juniors Timmy Aker, Jovon Trankovitch and Zach Crawford participate in an open forum discussing secondary reading notes for Mr. Weisend's PVCC U.S. History class. < Seniors Allie De Almeida, Cailtin Leary and Will Murry have fun in Mrs. Tyler's AP Literature and Composition class.

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In Biology class, Dianna Corbin s ighs and measures the different -eights of a group of green beans to :si:imate there growth patterns. part of a lab in Biology, Kati e Guand Kate Duggan write down :::Eta.

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Ryan Cudahy carefully lights the en burner to perform an experi-snt of boiling saline. < Johnathan Karns, uses his math-

tical skills to calcute the compli problems.


> 3en Kessler and Paco Badilla uses

:--sir protrators to measure , calculate, make angles in geometry.


< Mr. Pace gets a perfect match =.::m een his apron and his formula, ::smonstrating the effects of hydroxy=..::ehyde on certain metals. <

.o.s part of the fish tank club, mem-

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Teisburg's duty is to filter -= water for the fish aquarium.

< -Ulbey Veith and Danielle Horridge

..se the ir calculators to help them ::::mpute the amount of energy in the =ea!<er of fluid .

> Chloe Herring reads out of her history textbook to follow along while the teacher lectures. >Junior Jasmine Gray talks to her English teacher Mr. Marini about the essay she wrote about The Crucible. > Mrs. Dyer uses a map during class to help better illustrate China's history for the students in one of her many AP World History II classes.

> Junior Megan Bankard and Sylvia Jones study to prepare for their upcoming chapter test with Mrs. Greene as they take advantage of the forty-five minute Patriot Period. > Mr. Jackson presents a short Powerpoint to his World History I class as he lectures about the ancient and mysterious South American civilizations of the Mayan and the Incas. > Sophomore Bryan Brown fol lows along in the beloved classic, To Kill A Mockingbird, as Mr. Marini reads it out loud for the Entire class.

> With the end of the semester approaching quickly, lots of odds and ends need to be tied . Therefore, Josh Anderson works diligently to complete an English project during class. > Carlos Martinez uses Patriot Period wisely to get work done. He commonly visits his World History II teacher, Mr. Jackson, to put a dent in one of his weekly chapter outlines. Wiithout the time provided in Patriot Period, he and many other students would lack sufficient time to complete all of their assignments on time. > Freshmen Cullen Yeatman and Jamal Berry present a Powerpoint about Echo and Narcissus in their study of The Adventures of Ulysses for Mrs. Aust's English class.

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English and history were two very important classes, not just because their verified credits were needed for graduation but also because a strong foundation in these helped in just about every other class. "I have a lot of fun in Mr. MacMichael's history class because of how interesting it is," said Nick Troche . "I love my English class because Mr. Marini keeps it fun ," said Milo Walker. Under the 4x4 hybrid system , most students had English and History every day for just one semester, which made keeping up with the reading and outlining a challenge. But, AP and Dual Enrollment classes still met every other day, so for those students, the amount of work was the same. A lot. By: Sammi Vidovich

Blake Anderson and Alex Barbour wo • on a poster for Mr. Gama's Spanish cia that helps distingu ish the differences between por and para. A

Junior Sophia Seitz and senior Ke Sarp help put up decorations and adve·tisements at the entrance of Mrs. Trice·E German class. A

< Sophomore Geraldo Antonio gets he : on his reading homework in ESOL fro the assistant teacher during Patriot Period. > Kelly Wilson gives a presentation o.the Greek god Zeus in Mr. Clay's La class. > Junior Meghan Rader, freshman Ma -Schneider and the rest of Mr. Pezua·: Spanish I class step outside the classroom for a chance to work in the ha way.

> Lauren Gray writes out the homewor•

on the board for Mrs. Espinosa's Fren II class. > Mrs. Campos helps her ESOL

students with homework during Patriot Period. > Senior Samantha Rainey enjoys the French cuisine for Mrs. Espinosa's

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> Freshman Abi Johnson focuses

on her clay sculpture intently in her Ceramics class. > Before signing up for the class for

his senior year, junior Jake Pompeo asks junior Molly Gerding about the benifits of taking Photography during the Career Expo Fair. > After glazing, junior Gage Gaskins

dips his pot into a tub full of clay colored paint as a base color in his Ceramics class.

To some , art may be just a drawing on a piece of paper but for others it is much more than that. "Photography is really important to me. I could spend hours just taking pictures because to me it's like a break from a hard day," senior Laura Hazlett said . "It's something I will never give up." Art, ceramics , and photography are good ways to let yourself go and come out through your creations. "I am a quiet person and the things I make tell who I am without saying anything ," Sophomore Jared Carlisle said . Most students agree if fine arts were taken out of the school curriculum they would not be able to thrive the way they do now. "Ceramics is the best class I take ," senior Lauren Krull said , "I can 't imagine my high school life without it. Mrs. Gleeson makes it really fun and interesting. " "This is my fifth year taking ceramics ," senior Maura McCandlish said , "I love making art, I love the teacher, and it is a good way to let loose and forget about all those hard courses. " Story by Katie Campbell Layout by lnes Tomsig

> Junior Jacob Borenstein and senior

Emily Smarte chat while working on their cups on the pottery wheel. > Freshman Miriah Dudley paints a mosaic picture using a different combination of colors. > Ms. Gleeson demonstrates to her class how to start bringing up the sides of a bowl on the wheel. > Helena Kim begins to construct her box project in Ceramics. > Breanna Shannon carefully spins her pot on the pottery wheel.



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<Art Ill is a class that takes talent, dedication and hard work. Junior Charlotte Fries has all three aspects and works diligently on the final finishing touches for her self-portrait. <To promote Ceramics, seniors Summer Shepherd and Colbie Snow demonstrate how to make a bowl on the wheel during the February career expo that took place in the big gym. < Junior Asher Noble sands down the rough parts of his pot to prep it for glazing while Nichole Ward focuses on adding some of the fin ishing details to her cup. <To order to develop film properly, total darkness is absolutely necessary. Sophomore Tori Feilding works making a print on the enlarger during Photography class.

> Logan Hendrick and Brinn McGhee investigate the leftover Valentine's Day bears. > Junior Neal Pease works on decorating the halls with a tinsel garland. >Junior Nikki Ross focuses on finding out how much money is in the SCA budget with the help of her graphing calculator.

The SCA was headed by Adviser Steve Foutz, President Sam Bar, Vice President Matt Goodrich , Secretary Logan Hendrick, and Treasurer Nikki Ross . The purpose for the SCA was to coordinate school-wide events and activities , promote school spirit and pride , exemplify good character and leadership, build relationships , and actively serve others in the school and community. SCA organized many activities , including Homecoming Spirit Week, the Homecoming dance , the canned food drive , Brain Bagels during exam week , "V-Day Thang ," andTeacher Appreciation Week. Most of the Homecoming events were planned at the SCA Leadership Retreat in September. Their quote for the year was "Life's most persistent and urgent question is : What are you doing for others?" by Martin Luther King Jr. SCA members stayed busy all year doing plenty. Layout by Maggie Bebel and Kelly Hancock Story by Beth Anne Meadors


< Sophomores Anna Goodrich ,

Abby Veith, Nemuel Okkan, and Daniel Gilgannon all help decorate the banner for the sophomore hall for Homecoming week. < Seniors Kelsey Peck and Olivia Mooney race against juniors Nikki Ross, and Kyle Huysman in a relay race in the first pep rally of the school year. < Senior Sam Bor skips to the finish line as he leads the way to victory in one of the SCA sponsored activities at the first outdoor pep rally.

< Wearing matching Leadership shirts, Christian Rodriguez, Mason Landon-Smith, Julien Rigaldies, Lester Hernandez, and Victor Romas hang out at the annual Homecoming tailgage that takes place in the Patriot Lot. < Evy Louns and Rex Willis work on decorating the fresh man hallway for the annual Homecoming week hallwaydecorating competition between the classes.

< Freshman Kelsey Ross works

on selling Homecoming tickets. < Juniors Kai Marshall and John

Chandler cheer on their teammates at the pep rally. < Matt Shifflet, Christine Bor and

Anna Goodrich sell daisies for "Random Acts of Kindness" day. < Juniors Hannah Peterson and

Ellie Leech help decorate for homecoming week. < Juniors Victor Zarate-Bustamante and Miles Gagg help decorate the hall for spirit week.

> Yearbook staff: C. Pitt, R. Zometa, C. Schoelkopf, M. Pajewski, B. Johnson, J. Gray, D. Buynak, I Tomsing, K. Campbell, and S. Vidovich > lnes Tomsig, Charlotte Pitt, Becky Johnson, and Rebecca Zometa pick from a vast array of Thanksgiving foods at the annual Thanksgiving Feast.

by: Becky Johnson

> Newspaper staff: Row 1: J. Vickerman , K. Aust. N. Ahmad, Row 2: K. Miller, S. Mir, H. Swartz, K. Cude, Row 3: C. Russell , M. Bricker. B. Haugh , and S. Shifflett. >Seniors Haley Swartz and Kate Cude deliver news papers to all the classes during Patriot Period. > Casey Russell opens her present from her Secret Santa. > Kaitlyn Miller helps with Ghoulie Grams. > Miranda Bricker checks the turkey cupcakes she made for Thanksgiving dessert.


< Elaine Golden, Sam Ramey, and Tim Kater run the Creative Writing booth at the curriculum fair. < The literary magazine advertises and sells Ghoulie Grams to raise money. < Literary magazine staff: Row 1: A.

Salone, A. Weathersby, S. Shawtz, N. Lazo, P. Kostanecki, E. Mahanes, H. Karama Row 2: S. Ramey, A. Egner, M. Lauber, J. Leider, C. Deng, E. Golden, T. Sandridge Row 3: A. McCord, M. Walker, R. Cudahy, I, Hilson, A. Fischer, H. Harper, T. Kater.

> Senior Angela Elder practices a hairstyle during her cosmetology class. > For some real practice, junior Dayquan Henry prepares to give junior Kevin Gaines a haircut.

> Senior Johnta Londree shows off his masonry skills. > Senior Ashley Graves focuses on the new and complex hairstyle she is about to practice on her mannequin.

> One of the many opportunities offered at CATEC is auto repair. Juniors Aaron Fulkerson and Carlos Vasquez-Orellana practice their new tire changing skills. > Senior Kacey Elliot makes the

her final touches on her construction project. v Students at the Career Fair in February that attend classes at CATEC explain many of the various opportunities offered. v Juniors Kyle Trimble and Mark Cummings work on repairing a tire in their auto repair class.

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Students at CATEC get the opportunity to take classes that allow them to explore and expand their talents in many ways . Different areas of focus are offered from Technical Skills Training to Entrepreneurship Training. For the students taking classes at CATEC , they find that their programs provide a jumpstart to their careers, rather than the alternative , which involves sitting in a classroom. The students find it more enjoyable to work with things hands-on and learn real life skills . "It is really hands-on and a lot better learning environment," said senior Michael Curry Jr. CATEC students would have an advantage after high school , even if they intended to pursue a four year college degree or go to PVCC . "You learn skills that you can 't learn at Albemarle that will further your career after high school." said senior Heather Harris. "I've made a lot of friends during the past year and I always look forward to going to class every day. The classes are easy and so much fun . said senior Sierra Clark . By Ines T omsig

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e P.E . I class goes to the small gym lay voll eyball. The white team waits --=路路 the serve from the colored team to .:::me across the net. 3asketba ll is one of the favorite units ght in P.E ., and it is th e most popular 路 ;e tim e activity in the class.


< Tennis is always a favorite , with the

:a:.chers allowing students to choose ::-eir own teammates and opponents .:ESed on skill level. < Jamal Coles and Tiena Brooks con-

e running to get the advance pass to improve thei r previous scores on :;-g Pacer test, wh ich is taken twice a se-ester. < -ori Lam and Savannah Stover care for

-eir medical health babies as part of the 路culum. > vv1th children of his own , Mr. MacMi-

-eal has no difficulty rocking the medibaby to sleep . < As a regular part of warm-ups, Collen

!arshall pumps out th e specific number :" oush -ups, which go up every week.

Over summer 201 0, the Drama Department traveled to Scotland for the Fringe Festival , the largest theater celebration in the world . The Drama department was nominated by theater people in the community. "It's amazing that a small school [like AHS] is going to the world 's largest competition ," said junior Jessica Brown . Closer to home , the players took Man of La Mancha to VT A in October, where they competed against 43 other high schools. They won the championship for their performance of a shortened version of the play. Several students were honored. Among them was Morgan Stouter who won third place for her role in the "On the Spot" team. Techies Jessica Brown , Warren Brown , lzzy Farimeau , Katie Kellenberger, and Luke Long placed second in the Tech Olympics . Annie Keller won the All-Sta r Acting Award , and Jeremy We iss won Best Acting Award. At the regional competition in Atlanta, Weiss again was named Best Actor of the competition . They finished the season with The Phantom of the Opera as the Spring musical. By Maggie Bebel and Kelly Hancock

~~~1liD~ ~~ ~ < In front of a huge crowd at the

Charlottesville Pavilion, senior Alex Cooke gives a preview of ''Th_? ReaLinspector Hound." < Junior Katie Ann Kellenberger gets help putting on her microphone earpiece from Warren Brown before going on stage for the performance of Man of La Mancha. < After much rehearsal , sophomores Christian Ramsey, Kelly Wilson , and Morgan Stouffer perform their skit in front of the rest of their Drama II class. < lzzy Farineau manages the sound board to control all of the noise levels and sound effects during a performance.

" To add to her monologue, Madeleine Marshall-Roth wears a fake mustache and sideburns. " Austin Shepard and Kiera Kelly portray characters in "The Real Inspector Hound." < Senior Amanda Parmiter sings "I'm Only Thinking of Him" in front of the live audience for the fall musical.

< Senior Andrew Dame, junior

Sarah Skidmore , sophomores Bethany Vaughan, Madeleine Marshall-Roth, Annie Keller, Junior Austin Shepherd, and senior Jonathan Karns all sing "Little Bird" in the fall play, Man of La Mancha. < Senior Jeremy Weiss gives a

monologue as his character Don Quixote. < Seniors Luke Marsh, Sam Lahar, and Kiera Kelly have a conversation on stage about helping Jeremy Weiss's character, Don Quixote.

< Junior Sarah Keller and senior Jonathan Karns wait for their cue to sing at the beginning of their prison scene. < While in the middle of an on-

stage fight, seniors Andrew Dame and Jeremy Weiss sing "Golden Helmef' together.

" Chri stine Scott, Alison Bevard and the rest of the color guard perform at halftime for a home football game. " Pat Hayes, JT Micucci, Bryant Davis, Garrett Moore, and the rest of the drum line play the famous Patriot beat as the rest of the marching bane takes the field. >The Marching Band starts practice with seven hour long days in Au gu st 路~ the bus lot. > Bryan Brown and Cameron Baily play the saxaphone at the 40 yeard line at the halftime show. > Ryan Campbell and Shailoah Wils playing the clarinet side by side. > Reading from her music sh eet, Deborah Goldeen plays the flute. > Maddie Perisak and Katherine Gaines play the baritone . < During the half-time show, Molly

Gerding, Ashley Castilino, and Madelyn LaPrade play in the pit.


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> Carol Dougherty takes the mic for a solo at the Spring concert. > While the rest of the choir in the backgorund, Annie

Keller and Veronica O'Brien take the lead with a duet. > Roxanne Kime and Dorothy Joyner sit and play the piano together. > Senior Kiera Kelly belts out a solo for Take Note!, the

all female jazz group. > Peyton James, Maddy Walters, and Sarah Fredrick harmonize on stage.

" Patriot Singers Alex Krone, Brittany Conrad, Fred Gortler, CJ Mayo, Nathan Mullinax, Cody Purvis, and Sheldon McClung do several numbers. " Pabla Amdrade and Salihah Spicer sing at the winter concert. " Sophomore Justin Weiss, freshmen Gary Kellenberger and Joey Michel, and senior Sam Bor, members of the all male group The Minutemen do Lady Gaga's "Poker Face." The female acapella group is No Fella Acapella. > Lottye Lockhart of the group Ladies First uses the sign

language as part of a song. " The Patriot Singers, Mixed Jazz, Ladies First, Womens Ensemble, and the Concert Choir all perform together. > Jeremy Weiss plays the piano while others gather

around and sing.

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Albemarle had a total of eight choirs, six of which were under the direction of Mrs. Jennifer Morris and accomanpied by Ms. Jane Hunt while the other two were student-run. Forty-four students were selecteed for district choir in the fall. In the winter, students also auditioned for District Chorus. Thirty-four students were selected. Every spring , the chorus packed up and took a trip to compete with schools all over the nation. After a long bus ride , the students found themselves in Orlando, Florida at Harry Potter World. Interspersed between performances were visits to Disney World , Sea World and Universal Studios. In spite of the dizzying schedule, all four groups received superior rat- • ings from nationally qualified adjudicators. The Festival Disney Music Competition included 28 schools from 11 states with over 2300 students competed in the one festival. The Patriot Singers, Women's Ensemble and Concert Choir received Best in Class for first place in the AAA Mixed Choir category. Take Note! and Ladies First! Show Choir tied for third place in the Overall Specialties category. By Maggie Bebel

Albemarle was blessed with so many musically talented people. The music department, Concert Orchestra, String Ensemble, Band, and Choir were awarded with the Virginia Music Educator's Blue Ribbon Award again. The band and orchestra students travelled to many different places to perform and compete. The band went to Chicago in the Spring after a successful string of marching competitions in the fall. "I love playing the violin in orchestra because we get to perform , travel , and compete as a big group," said senior Erica Martini. Hours spent practicing were made worthwhile be great performances. "What is life without a little music? I love being a part of band , it gives me a little bit of a break in my day from all the books and writing," said sen ior Madison Tanner. Whether one's favorite instrument was the saxophone , the flute , the violin , the cello , or the clarinet, a variety of musical opportunities were available for all. Story by Carmen Schoelkopf

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< Receiving his que from the con ductor, Nigiel Ritchie plays the clarinet along with all of his fellow clarinet players. <After months of practice, sophomore Hannah Deal plays the violin at the winter concert. < Bryan Brown and the wood winds warm up as the audience files in and the concert gets ready to begin. < Sophomore Alex Weathersby plays the flute. < Jacob Perry plays the saxophone. < Jessica Davis and Rachel Bergstresser share sheet music during their concert. < The orchestra finishes their final number as the crowd erupts into applause at the Winter concert. v Juniors lan Prum, Wilson Desimini, and Tony Lu all play the saxaphone next to each other in practice and at concerts. v As the number comes to an end, junior Emily Kuhn plays one of the final notes on her trumpet. v As a senior, Emma Cohen has a leading role as a clarinet player along with Stephen Kirst.

> Senior Joy Piirto develops her black and white pictures in Photography.

> Jun ior Jaqueline Hagee prepares cookie dough to bake and decorate with the rest of her classmates. > Jack Richardson works on a project in his technical drawing class. > Senior Andrea Copolla washes her utensils after working on the wheel in Ceramics.

In Marketing junior Walle Saadut and sophomore Griffin Gaskins work on the computer and improve their knowledge in business management. >

> Sophomore Kirshna Persaud

and senior Seton Josephson talk on the morning announcements whi le senior Greg Frechette runs the audio board and the prompter in TV production . v Juniors Alana Meadows and Quianna Bradshaw dissect a rat with the help from Mrs. Brown during Anatomy. v The class focuses on the ir technical drawing projects in Mr.Buglia's class.

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There's a class where you can learn that

With the new 4x4 hybrid schedule an even wider variety of electives were available, and sometimes students had a hard time deciding which ones to take and when they should take them. "I had a lot of trouble choosing my electives because there were so many to chose from ," said senior Maggie Evans . Some students took electives they did not plan on taking because the classes they wanted were full , or because they had to meet credit requirements. "I wanted to take life management but ended up in marketing , which is really not bad. I love everyone in my class and I have a lot of fun doing projects such as shooting commercials ," sophomore Daniel Foley said. Electives were a break from regular core classes where students get the opportun ity to do some hands on work. The extensive selection of electives ranged from shooting the morning announcements in TV production to dissecting small rodents in Anatomy. Electives were great GPA boosters, and there was always an elective for everyone. By Carmen Schoelkopf


August 26 Field Hockey vs Orange September 2 Golf vs oWestern Al September 7 Cross Country at Ragged Mountain bemarle at Old Trail Cup October 12 Vars ity Football vs Riverbend October 12 Varsity December 41ndoorTrack at Fork Union Volleyball vs Colonial Forge January 5 Boys and Girl s Swimming at City-County Meet January 13 Girls Bas ketbal l vso North Stafford January 15 Boys Basketball vso Brooke February 2 Varsity Wrestling vs Charlottesvill e March 15 JV Pointe Girls Sohba ll vs Monticello March 22 Boys Tennis at Mountain View April 13 Girls Vars ity Soccer vs Colonial Forge April 27 Boys Varsity May 1 Dogwood Festiva l Outdoor Track Lacrosse vs North Stafford 0









































Golf Results Warren County .... .... .. ........ .. .. .. .. 1st of 25 Spring Creek .......... .. .. .. .............. . 4th of 6 William Monroe/Eastern View .. 1st of 3 Mini Gauntlett .. .... ................ .. .. 1st of 8 Distric Mini .... .. ...... .. .. .... ...... .. .. 1st of 8 District Min i .. .... ........ .... .... .... .. . 1st of 8 Western Albemarle .. .. .. .... ... .... . 1st of 2 EC Glass/Fluvanna .. .. ........... . 2nd of 3 Waynesbo ro/Orange .. .. ...... .. .. . 1st of 3 Woodberry Forest .. .. .. .. .... .... .. . 1st of 7 Districts .... .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .... .... .. . 1st of 8 Regionals .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... 5th of 8

Golf is known to be an individual , serious sport. But members of the golf team would disagree with this stereotype. "A lot of the players are the same from last year. It's a tight group; there are a lot of funny players on the team ," junior Lauren Eklund said. Maybe their relaxed attitudes gave them an edge. The Patriots dominated regular season play, winning 12 of 13 matches and topping their district, losing to only non-district rival E. C. Glass by one stroke. In the Commonwealth District championsh ip match at Lee's Hill , the Patriots shot an 289 , winning by 23 strokes . Their season ended at the Northwest Regional tournament, though , where they finished fifth . Tony Liu and Dylan Herold each shot 84 to lead the Patriots. Eklund, Wilson Desim ini and Tyler Johnson were right behind at 85. Eklund , Liu , and Caleb Martin were all named to the All-District team, along with junior Desimini .

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Varsity Football Scores us them

Monticello ................... .. 7 Western Albemarle ... .. 15 Charlottesville ...... ... .... 37 North Stafford ...... .. ..... 13 Colonial Forge ... ... ........ 7 Riverbend .. ......... ... ..... 23 Massaponax ......... ...... 33 Stafford ................ ..... .. 14 Mountain View ........... .. 7 Brooke Point... ..... .. ..... 22

35 6 0 41 49 21 14 24 31 37

Varsity Football posts wins over local and district rivals Home football games filled students' Friday nights with cheers and laughter, but few students had high expectations for a win. In 2010 , though , the Patriot players gave fans reason to celebrate. New head Coach Mike Alley led his team with the simple motto of "look forward. " Last year's no-win season was never mentioned by the coaches or teammates and Alley said that he was not even aware of the school 's football history. With that new vision , the team put up a credible fight against Monticello and went on to conquer Louisa, Charlottesville, and Western Albemarle to claim local bragging rights. Despite injuries and other setbacks , they put points on the board in every game and gave every team they faced something to worry about. Although the previous seasons' re< Before the start of the game Coach Mike Alley gives the team a few words of inspiration.

cords loomed in the background, the combination of a new coach and new attitudes proved to be a turning point in the school 's football history. Spread by Mike Pajewski Story by Sarah Shifflett

Captains Michael Bernardino

Lee Carneal

Rame l Jenkins

Matt Tobin

JV football starts strong ,fresfimen go on a run

The freshman football team showed courage and effort throughout the 2010 season. Their dedication off the field eventually translated into the results they were looking for. After getting off to a shaky start losing their first three games , they came back strong in the second half of the season to win the next four games and finally tie the last. "We were tired of losing ," said kicker Mason Baber. "Getting to know different people and becoming stronger was the best thing about football this season ," Jamal Berry added. By lnes Tomsig

" Kwame Akosah, Kyle Shafer and the rest of the defense set up for the play.

9th Grade Scores us

North Stafford ........ ... .. Colonial Forge ..... .. .. . 6 Rive rbend .. ....... ... .. . 39 Massaponax .. ....... ...... Stafford ... ..... ... ..... .. . 16 Mountain View ... ... .. 23 Brooke Point ..... ..... .. 6


7 0 0 0 6

JV Scores us


Western Albemarle .. .. Charlottesville ...... ... ... North Stafford .. .... .. 14 Colonial Forge .......... . Riverbend ... ........... 39

14 0

Captains A.J Willy, Dashon Tibbs, and Kyle Vidano led the team on a win streak of five games in a row , taking down local opponents Monticello, Western Albemarle and Charlottesville as well as district rivals North Stafford and Riverbend. However, by the middle of their season the team struggled to find and keep their rhythm , losing three straight games. The team kept working , though , and pulled together a concerted effort to win the final game against Brooke Point, proving that they could finish strong despite the odds against them. By Ines T omsig



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It was a rough year for the field hockey team , having lost key starters from he previous season and losing more than a few girls to injury. However the eam made a statement. "The girls never gave up," Coach E. A. Jackson said. "Their record in no way reflects the hard work and ded ication the girls put into the ir season. They proved so much , to themselves and the district, that they are a force to be reconded with. " The team not on ly attended Saturday practices , but also cheered on the runners in the Women 's Four Miler and a 1OK, spending as much time with each other off the field as on the field. They sported spirit that clearly told which day was game day, dressing up like huns, Ke$ha, Pilgrims , and more. Despite the discouraging record , the girls never gave up. "The first time we faced Mountain Veiw, we lost 5-0. Our improvement sh owed through when we barely lost to them in districts 1-0," sen ior Langley Sloan said. "Our team 's theme this year was 'no excuses'," Captain Cate Johnson said. "There is no way to go but up from here as far as our record went, but the bonds we formed as a team cou ldn't have been stronger." By Charlotte Pitt

Varsity Field Hockey Scores us

Western Albemarle .... ... 2 Orange .. .. .. .......... ...... ... 1 North Stafford ........ ....... 1 Mountain View ............ .. 0 Massaponax ...... .. .. ....... 2 Stafford .... ... ..... ............. 0 Colonial Forge .. ...... ..... . 0 Riverbend .. .. ... .. .......... .. 2 Brooke Point... ... .. .. .. .. .. . 1 Massaponax .... .. .. .. ....... 0 Stafford .... .. .... ...... .. .. ..... 0 Mountain View ........ ...... 0 Colonial Forge .... .. .. ... ... 0 Riverbe nd ........... ....... ... 0 Districts Mountain View .. .. ........ .. 0


0 0 2 5 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 2

JV Field Hockey and Volleyball combine skill building and fun The JV field hockey team had a tough season on the scoreboard , but a successful one on the field. "Every practice , these ladies showed up with something to prove. Every game , these girls would use everything they had to bring it," Coach Amy Sherrill said. The team worked hard , played hard , and became close friends throughout the season. "It was a really fun year, it made me want to work harder in the off season to get ready for next year," freshman Abi Johnson said. "I love every single girl that I got to play with, " sophomore Anna Goodrich said. The girls kept their heads up throughout their tough season with the 2011 season looking extra bright. By Becky Johnson

JV Field Hockey Scores us

Western Albemarle .. ....... Orange ............ ...... ...... . .. North Stafford .......... .... . .. Mountainview ............... .. Massaponax ........... .. ..... . Stafford .......................... . Colonial Forge ..... ...... ... .. Riverbend .......... ....... ...... Brooke Point .............. .. .. . Massaponax ...... .. ... .. ..... . Staffo rd ............ ... ......... ... Mountainview ............... .. Co lonial Forge ..... ..... .. .. .. Riverbend ...... .... ..... .... .


The JV vol leyball team continued their tradition of excellence with a winning season , finishing with an overall record of 17-2, taking first place in the district. They won eleven games outright, with only six going to a third match. The girls got to sharpen their skills throughout the season while making friends with their teammates. "We grew really close over the season ," Abi Leonard said. "We al l became best friends. " Of the six sophomores and nine freshmen , several are hoping to join the seven sophomores already on varsity.


JV Vo lleyball Scores


us them Fluvanna .................... .... 2 0 Western Albemarle ......... 2 1 0 North Stafford ............ .. .. . 2 1 Mountainveiw ................. 2 Massaponax ................. .. 2 0 Stafford ...... . .................. 2 0 Colonial Forge .............. .. 2 1 Riverbend .............. ......... 0 2 Brooke Point.. .............. .. . 2 0 Western Albemarle ...... .. . 1 2 Loudoun Valley .. .. .......... 2 1 Ruvanna ..................... ... 2 0 North Stafford ................. 2 0 Mountain Veiw .... ............ 2 0 Massaponax ............ .. .. .. 2 0 Stafford .......................... 2 0 Colonial Forge .............. 2 0 Riverbend ...................... 2 1 ~ Brooke Point ................. 2 0 ~

Varsity Volleyball Scores us


Fluvanna .. .... .. .... ... .................. 3 Western Albemarle ...... .... .. .. .. . 1 North Stafford .... ... ....... ... .. ....... 3 Mountain View ... ...................... 3 Massaponax ... .. ..... ... ............... 3 EC Glass .. ........................... .... 2 Fauquier ............. ...... .. .. .. ....... 2 Fluvanna .. .... ... .. ..... .......... ........ 2 Western Albemarle .............. .... 1 EC Glass ............... ... .... .......... 0 Stafford .. .. .... .. ... .... ................... 3 Colonial Forge .. .. .. ... ... ............. 3 Riverbend .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ................. 3 Brooke Point... .. .. .... .. .. ............. 3 Patrick Henry ............. ....... .... ... 1 Loudoun Va lley .... ..... .. .. ......... 2 North Stafford ................... .. ... .. 0 Mountain View ........ ....... ... ....... 3 Massaponax ... ... ........... ... ........ 3 Stafford ........... ... ......... ..... ........ 3 Colonial Forge ............. .... ........ 1 Riverbend ................... ... ... .. .. ... 3 Brooke Point. .. ... .. .... ..... ... ........ 3 District Tie Breaker Colonial Forge ........ ... ... ... ....... 1 District Quarte r Mountain View ........ ...... ... ...... .. 3 District Semi North Stafford ............ ..... ... .... 3 District Championship Colon ial Forge .. .... ... ........ ........ 0 Regional Quarterfinal Heritage ........... .. ... .......... ........ 0

1 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 3 0



Varsity Volleyball splits results with long-time foes "As Yogi Berra said , 'It was like deja vu all over again! "' Coach Mark Ragland said in his post-match email after his team 's loss in the Northwest region quarterfinals. Expectations for his young team were high after a state championship win in 2008 and an appearance in the state quarterfinals in 2009 , but Ragland knew that many challenges lay ahead . In particular, he had to replace graduated outside hitter Hannah Lawson and setter Abby Hendrix, two players named to the All-Northwest Region first team . The team played the usual ultrachallenging schedule and had their ups and downs , falling to local rivals Western Albemarle twice but besting district rival Colonial Forge in an early season away match. Although struggling in post-season play, they found much success in the games before , most notably defeating North Stafford to reach the district finals. After falling to Heritage High School in the Northwest Region quarterfinals with a score of 0-3 , the Patriots ended their season at 18-10.

Even this match showed some strengths , however, as Jessica Block broke a school record that had stood for over 20 years , ending her season with a 98 .2 percent service percentage , surpassing Carrie Copony's 98 .1 percent from 1981 . In addition , Megan Napolitano eclipsed the 400 kills mark on the evening , becoming the first Patriot to achieve this goal. Story by Ryan Baker Layout by Jasmine Gray

Captains Farin Lam

Megan Napolitano

Stephanie Strauss

Sarah Terlesky

Boys Cross County takes thrid at States Anybody who happened to stop by Panorama Farms during the boys cross country team practice could hear a group of over 50 eighth to twelfth grade boys rapping , "this .. right here .. is my ... swag. " The boys team certainly used that confident swag , as well as weeks of training and an considerable amount of depth in the runner's abilities , to propel them to a fourth place finish at Regionals and a qualification to the State meet. The boys made it safely out of Re-

Boys Cross Country Results place

Ragged Mountain Cup .......... 2nd Fork Union Invitational. .......... 2nd Maymont Invitational ..... ... .. .... 7th Great American .... .......... .. ..... 2nd VMI lnvitational ... .................... 3rd Albemarle Invitational .... ... ... ... 1st Dual Meet .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .... .. 1st Commonwealth District .... .... .. 3rd Northwest Region .... ......... ... ... 4th AAA State Meet .. ...... ... .. ... ..... 3rd Nike Team Nationals .... .. .. .... 20th

gionals with a comfortable 22 point victory over the fifth place school , Patrick Henry. Ben Deal finished All-Region for the team in eighth place with a competitive 16:19 finish. Jun iors Adam Visokay and Chris Springer, freshman Ryan Thomas , and senior Austin McPhillips also scored for the team. Those five all finished not only in a time of faster than 17:00, but in 25th place or higher. Unlike many other cross country teams around the state , this squad had no clear frontrunner leading the pack. McPhillips, who captained the team along with sen iors Tyler McPhillips and Jake Sawyer, said th is forced the team to work harder than before . "Having a pack instead of just a few individuals to run ahead really helps to solidify our team and bring us closer together," Sawyer said. Story by Miranda Bricker and Ellie Leech Layout by Mike Pajewski




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Results Ragged Mountain Cup .. ...2 FU MA Invitational ............ 1 Mayman! Invitational. ....... 2 Great American ........ ...... .. 1 VMIInvitational...... ...... .. ... 1 Albemarle Invitational ....... 2 Commonwealth District .... 2 Northwest Region ............. 2 ~


Girls Cross Country finishes-second in district, region, sixth in state Before anything else , the girls cross country team was a family. A huge , often sweaty, often tired , but always happy, family. Of course , that didn't mean that they weren 't extremely fast runners as well. The girls made it to states as a team for the first time in Cathy Coffman 's two year stint as head coach. In the Commonwealth District meet they placed second as a team with sophomore All ison Husch ke finishing third overall. They also smashed last year's results by sprinting to a runner's up finish in the Northwest Regional Meet. "After falling short [last year] we made it our goal to make it to States as a team in 201 0," senior Summer Shepherd said. The postseason successes had been previewed all season with some resounding feats at major invitationals. The team finished second at both the premier Maymont X-Country Festival and the Great American XCountry Festival. At Great American , many of the top

seven varsity girls ran personal bests. Ciera Ulan and Huschke met the national silver standard , placing them with an elite group of female runners who have a 5k, or 3.1 mi ., time of under 19:45. Ulan ran a 19:43, while Huschke broke the enormous 19 minute barrier, placing fifth in this national elite race with an 18:40 time. Story by Casey Russell Layout by Katie Campbell

Captains Laura Kwiatkowski

Summer Shephard

Elizabeth Sinclair

Alexandra Stokes

Cheerleading was all about pep and keeping the spirit going , no matter what was happening on the field. Whenever there was a football or basketball game , the cheerleaders were there to support to the players and keep the crowd in the game. Cheerleading took more dedication and team work than many knew. Although 80 percent of the team started out with no cheerleading experience at all, they learned quickly. This squad was the first in six years to place in district competition. By Samm i Vidovich

Captains Lindsay Savina

Haley Stucker

Caitlyn Hunt

The boy's basketball team started off the season with a 53-47 win against rivals Western Albemarle and never looked back. By the winter holiday break the team had come together nicely, with young guards who hung tough all season long , helped by big men Kwanza Parker, Andrew Mann and Jake Hendrix. In the NBC29/Daily Progress Holiday Classic, they began with a 71-57 victory over the Covenant Eagles , continued with a win over Waynesboro , and fin ished second to Culpeper in the championship game . Kendall Hawkins and Mann made the all-tournament team. The team finished an up and down season with a thrilling overtime win against district rivals Colonial Forge. "The crowd really made the difference tonight. It was truly wonderful to see ," Coach Greg Maynard said. "We've been through two overtime games th is season - we lost those two - and tonight just felt different; we were going to win tonight and the crowd is a huge reason why ." Going into the Commonwealth District tournament, the team had high hopes but fe ll to Mountain View 61 to 66. Mann was chosen to the first team All-Commonwealth district, while Hendrix made Honorable Mention. Story by Kate Cude Layout by Charlotte Pitt

Scores us them 31 Western Albemarle .......... 37 Monticello .. ...... .. .... ...... .... 77 66 Brooke Po int... ...... ...... .... . 47 63 57 North Stafford .. ..... .... .. .. .. . 60 Western Albemarle ... .. ..... 53 47 Mountain View .... ...... .... .. . 50 56 Monticello ... .......... .. ......... 67 46 Stafford ................. .. ...... .. . 58 51 Colonial Forge .... ..... ........ 62 71 Charlottesville .. ... ..... .. ..... . 53 47 Brooke Point... .... ... .. .... .... 50 57 North Stafford .. .. .. ... .. .. .... . 42 60 Mountain View ..... .. .......... 53 64 Rive rbend ..... ......... ... ... .... 57 35 Massaponax ..... .......... ... . 73 60 Stafford .................. .. ....... .43 52 Colonial Forge .. ... ....... .. ... 58 55 61 Riverbend .. .... .... ....... .. ..... 46 Mountain View ...... ... ....... 61 66

Scores us

Western Albemarle ...... ..... 25 Monticello ........ .. ........ ....... 46 Brooke Point. ......... ...... .. ... 32 North Stafford ....... .......... .. 29 Mountain View ...... .. .......... 29 Monticello .... ..................... 71 Massaponax ........ ........... .. 27 Miller ................................. 33 Mt. Carmel Christian ........ 43 Waynesboro ..................... 41 Stafford ............................. 26 Colonial Forge ...... .. .. ........ 29 Charlottesville .. .... ...... ....... 34 North Stafford .. .. .. ............. 33 Brooke Point... .................. 34 Mountain View ....... .. ......... 21 Ri verbend ........................ 28 Massaponax .. ........ ........ .. 32 Stafford ............ .. .............. 33 Colonial Forge ...... .. .... ..... 20 Riverbend ........................ 17 Colonial Forge ................ 22


52 39 49 61 71 66 63 78 53 49 70 79 55 58 42 52 62 63 72 77 83 55

After the retirement of longtime coach Anita Jenkins, the girls basketball team knew that changes lay ahead. New coach Henry Terrell came out of retirement to take over after a sixteen-year stint with the Charlottesville Black Kinights . "The begining of the season was rough as far as team chemistry, but over the course of the season we grew stronger and came together as a team ," Jasmine Gray said. Terrell 's long-term plan for the Patriots was to "rebuild the program , and establish a fundamentally up-tempo team that is aggressive in games," he said. This would include have all-season training , a strategy that wasn 't implemented in the past. He hoped to "work with the girls on all levels -freshman , J.V. and varsity -to give enough momentum to be successful in the coming seasons. " "It was rough , but it was just one of those seasons . Hopefully next year we can pull things together and make our season more successful than this one was ," Ashley Early said. By Becky Johnson

Will Nash bounce passes the ball under the basket to Kyle Terry.

Scores us


Louisa .. ....... .... ..... ... ... . 72 Western Albemarle ... .. 29 Brooke Point. .............. 49 North Stafford .. ........... 45 Western Albemarle ..... 45 Waynesboro ... ............ 40 Charlottesvil le .... ... ...... 50 Miller .... ........... ... ......... 37 Stafford .. ..... ......... ....... 35 Colonial Forge .... ....... . 28 Charlottesville ..... ........ 47

50 50 36 64 68 56 35 55 67 51 36 52

Scores us them 60 Western Albemarle ......... .45 Monticello ......... ..... .......... 50 43 Brooke Point ........ ............ 34 35 North Stafford .................. 49 52 Western Albemarle .. ........ 27 49 Mountain View ................ .48 42 Monticello ........................ 50 31 Massaponax ............. ....... 57 52 Stafford ............................ 38 44 Colonial Forge ................. 56 49 Charlottesville ........... ....... 39 35 Brooke Point.. ........... ....... 41 48 North Stafford ......... ......... 43 52 Mountain View ................. 56 42 Riverbend ........................ 49 48 Massaponax .................... 41 31 Stafford ............................ 38 51 Colonial Forge ................. 38 33 Riverbend ........................ 55 42

The JV team huddles around Coach Wilson while he discusses a play during a game against Colonial Forge.

Ryan Londree posts up a Brooke Point player so he can get the ball and put his post moves to work.

sports. I

The girls freshman basketball team had a very successful season. "The girls worked hard. That combined with the talent on this team led us to our victories ," Coach Franklin said. The girls' success held promise for upcoming seasons. Many played as much basketball as possible during the offseason in preperation for the next. "I already can 't wait for next year. We are going to be so good on JV," Becca Elder said. The girls finished with an overall record of 9 and 3. Rebecca Mendelsohn dribbles past two defenders as she makes her way to the Patriot's Basket.

Freshman Scores us


Western Albemarle ..... 22 Charlottesville ............. 22 North Stafford .... .. .. ..... 14 Western Albemarle ..... 26 Charlottesville ............. 26 Stafford ........ ............... 10 Colonial Forge ............ 27 North Stafford .. .. ......... 23 Western .... .. ... .... .. ... .... 23 Charlottesville ...... ....... 22 Stafford .......... ............ . 21 Colonial Forge ............ 37

15 9 23 24 9 19 15 19 15 9 27 18

JV Girls Scores us


Western Albemarle ... .. 27 Monticello ................... 41 Brooke Point ............... 36 North Stafford ... ......... . 42 Western Albemarle.... . 44 Mountain View ............ 38 Massaponax ............... 37 Safford ...... .................. 54 Colon ial Forge ............ 45 Charlottesville ........ ..... 43 North Stafford ............ . 49 Brooke Point .. .. ........... 53 Mountain View .... ...... .. 18 Riverbend ...... ............ . 37 Massaponax ............... 47 Staffo rd .............. .. ....... 44 Colonial Forge .. .... .. .... 56

29 30 16 27 41 36 31 33 19 24 17 18 22 31 49 29 18

The JV girls team had a more than satisfactory season. "They ran hard, they practiced hard , and they played hard ," Coach Sherri ll said. "They left it all on the court every time they were given the opportunity." "This season was great. Not only were we winning on the scoreboard , we were playing as a team ," Carolyn Chapman said. The girls finished with an over-all record of 15 and 3. By Becky Johnson Sam ira Hussaini sets a pick so Felicia Garrison can take the ball closer to the Patriot basket.

Boys take district again, girls place second

boys Stafford ............... .. 1st Colonial Forge ... .. .. 1st Mountain View .... ... 1st Ben Hair Memorial 1st Brooke Point ........ .. 1st North Stafford ...... .. 1st Massaponax .......... 1st Districts .. ...... ... .. .... 1st Regionals ........ .... . 2nd States ... .. .... .... ......11th

gi rl s 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 1Oth

"Team unity has been much better than in year's past. The team is really good at stepping up when it matters. You can count on any member of the team to step up and do their job when we need it most," senior swim captain Michael Bernardino said. "We also have great team camaraderie and we cheer for each other to get the team hyped up and excited ," senior Tim Webb said. Their chemistry paid off in another undefeated regular season for both teams. The boys also claimed local bragging rights by placing first at the local Ben Hair Memorial meet. At Districts , the boys placed first and the girls were second . "The four [captains] al l have been terrific leaders and role models for th e team , which is primarily underclassmen ," Coach Jake Shrum said. The boys finished second at Regionals , while the girls placed third. At States, the boys fin ished tenth whiile the gi rl s placed eleventh , with several good swims by Holly Harper, Robbins, Topping and sophomore Matt Lockman . Story By Sama Mir Layout By Debbie Buynak

Captains Michael Bernardino Chase Robb ins

Stephen Topping Tim Webb Melanie Freshwater Casey Kyriacopoulus Brinn McGhee

- e wrestling team 's determination and skil l was evident by their impressive record ~ 38 wins and only 4 losses. "We were slow to start, but by the end [of the season] e were picking up a lot more wins ," senior Zach Morris said. This determination -~ d their coach , Donne! Hopkins , led them all the way to regionals. "I would say our best match at was Massaponax. It was a hard match but we on 33 to 30 ," Morris said. Morris himself placed fifth in the state tournament and an ned to go on to wrestle at either Virginia Tech or Old Domin ion University next ear. "We had a lot of first years , but I thought it was a really fun season even though e started out kind of slow in the beginn ing ," sophomore Brandon Waller said. Most ewcomers lost their first few matches , but after several weeks of practice , they -..arted to win more than they lost. "We're not the best, but we try hard. We may not have had the best season , t then a lot of us return next year, we're sure to do better. I had a decent score , Jt I missed several meets due to my shoulder injury. We had an amazin g senior ass that did very well , and almost placed in Districts ," sophomore Steven Thomas said. ory by Sarah Shifflett Layout by Mike Pajewski

Scores Place

Stafford ... ..... .... .... .......... 2nd Hylton TNT ...... .............. 1st Madison Invitational ....... 1st North Stafford Quad .... ....... . Western AHS lnv ......... ... 1st Riverbend lnv ..................... . Stafford District Dual ..... 2nd Quad .. .... .... ... ................ 2nd MHS TNT ....... ... ...... .......... . Districts .. ...... ..... .. ....... ... ..... .

For the first time since 1995, the girls indoor track team won second place in disricts. "We actually scored in every event in Districts ," Coach Buz Male said. The final score had Albemarle with 111 points , with Mountain View fifty points ahead . Th ree events came in first , with senior Summer Shepherd in pole vaulting , sophomore Maggie Tubridy in the triple jump , and the girls 4x200 meter relay race . "Last year was hard because Districts were cancelled due to the snow," Elizabeth Sinclair said, "But even before that, we've never had that many girls get to Regionals." Steady improvement throughout the season was apparent for the boys at the St . Christopher's Invitational in late January, where fifteen runners set personal records . The boys placed fifth overall at Districts. Both the 4x400 and 4x8 00 relay teams moved on to Reg ionals , as did freshman Ryan Thomas, sen ior Mark Baucom , juniors Adam Visokay, Jacob Simons , Nathan iel Heldreth, James Villien , and sophomore JP Gazewood. Story by Ellie Leech ayout by Jasmine Gray

Meets Louisa Polar Bear Meet Liberty Christmas Invitational St. Christopher Meet John Zansone Invitational Fred Hardy Invitational District Meet at Colonial Forge Regional Meet

The boys lacrosse team adjusted to new personnel. Junior Jake Huber was the Patriots' lone returning goalie. Key returning players included juniors John Chandler and Ryan McCullough and seniors Eric and Tyler Reigel . The girls opened their season with a good 19-9 win over Charlottesville but had mixed results against district and out-of-conference teams. Story by Betsy Haugh Layout by Mike Pajewski

The boys soccer team , led by senior Micah Arsenault and juniors Kai Marshall , Shane Rose , and Alex Bohn , began the season by besting Western Albemarle and Monticello to become the county champ ions for 2011. "The team atmosphere is very good ," senior Michael Lombardo said . "We all get along well and we've become a family . All of us have come to trust one another in games." "I think we've won the games we're supposed to win , but we haven't broken through for the big win in our more difficult conference matches," Coach Scott Jackson said. "We've been involved in some very close matches that haven't gone our way." Story by Betsy Haugh Layout By Rebeca Zometa-Fiores

路~路 -

The girls squad opened the season dominating local opponents Charlottesville , William Monroe, Western Albemarle and Monticello by a combined score of 19 goals to 1 and never looked back. They cruised through district play, picking up their first ever win against Colonial Forge. "We play the game with respect and we play clean , seeking to win fairly ," senior co-captain Joy Piirto said. "The team 's chemistry is very good , which translates to success on the field ." "I have four tremendous seniors ," ten-year veteran coach Jon Hall said . "Even though Joy [Pi irto] and Betsy [Haugh] are great leaders , we also get a lot of leasdership from Emily [Davison] and Taylor [Hale] . Everyone brings something important to the table and we all benefit from that. " story by Miranda Bricker layout by Rebeca Flores

The softball team celebrated some spectacular victories , including a 20-0 win over local rival Charlottesville . Seniors Erin Jackson , Sydney Bush and Farin Lam returned to lead the team , along with sophomores Caroline Porco and Colleen Marshall , and junior Melanie Lindemann . "This season was a rebuild ing season , and we came out strong ," Lindemann said. "Overall , we've had a good season ," Roxanne Kime said. "We haven 't won a lot, but we're working hard and getting better every day." Story by Miranda Bricker and Betsy Haugh Layout by Debbie Buynak and Sammi Vidovich

Joey Varaksa and Jake Hendrix's senior leadership was key for the season , which started off in fine fashion with wins over cross-county rivals Monticello and Western Albemarle. "Because we have only two returning starters from last year, our seniors are very important in leading our inexperienced team ," Varaksa said. "[But] the underclassmen have adapted very well to this level and will only get better." Varaksa was signed to play at Longwood University next season. The Patriots were ousted in the first round of the district tournament last year, falling to number one seed North Stafford 4-3. "We have a bright future ahead of us ," Hendrix said . Story by Betsy Haugh

"Our goal for the season is to really play the best tennis we are capable of playing ," senior Stacey Hahn said. In the past, the girls team 's main competition had been in the Region and State , but in the district they were "challenged for the first time in a few years ," according to Coach Rick Lindsey. Lindsey scheduled matches with E.C . Glass and Mills Godwin , though , to help prepare them for post-season play. The boys tennis team stayed at the top of the Commonwealth District throughout the season - resulting in a District championship . "We've never been pushed that hard - we never had to be ," Lee Wilson said. Stories by Casey Russell and Haley Swartz Layout by lnes Tomsig and Mike Pajewski

Cammy Leech warms up over the hurdles for the Charlottesville meet.

The outdoor track teams strove to continue the successes of cross-country and indoor track although both squads lost some experienced members to other sports . "We have a lot of new girls [who] have a lot of room to improve once they get their mileage up ," Captain Elizabeth Sinclair said. For the boys , freshman sensation Ryan Thomas ran a PR at the Dogwood Festival putting him just one second over Alan Webb's sensational freshman standard. Adam Visokay also joined the national elite distance ranks. The teams were coached by Tony Franklin , with Buz Male, Brian Nagel , Alec Lorenzoni , Lorenzo Brown , and Robert Jordan . Story by Casey Russell Layout by lnes Tomsig

They put in the same long hours of practice , suffer through the same three hour bus rides , and felt the pain of every missed ball and every lost game. They usually had day jobs that require missed time to be made up, and worst of all , they spent all of their waking hours thinking about what they could have done to make things better. They were the coaches of the 36 school sports , and they supervised more than 800 student athletes over the course of the year. Most of them wouldn 't have changed a thing.

Surely the best thrill a coach could have was that of sharing a winning moment with the team that he or she has worked so hard to build. For some coaches , like volleyball 's Mark Ragland , veteran of more than 30 seasons , the building process took years but the rewards were teams that made district, regionals and more , year after year. Even the teams who didn't end with a winning record were winners in the eyes of the coaches who led them. It was making a difference to the young players that kept them coming back.

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< 06 L 68 L 88 L >


National Honor Society: Row 1: S. Hahn . Row 2: L. Pugh, K. McGovern, M. Leider, L. Kwiatkowski , D. Seto, K. Peck, G. Lewi s, E. Skrutskie. Row 3: A. Elder, T. McPhillips, C. Johnson , T. Stukenborg , J. Vestal, J. Oliver, A. Rou meliotes. Row 4: H. Swartz, C. Deng, M. Perez-Reyes, P. Hopkins, Z . Robinette , E. Braatz , E. Cohen, B. Haugh . Row 5: K. Liu , C. Zhang , A. Oliver, B. Veasey, S. Shepherd , A. McPhi llips, J. We iss, R. Lawson . Row 6: N. Roane, Mrs . Dyer.





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BETA : Row 1: A. Au , B. Conrad, L. Hazlett, K. Leake, C. Zhang. Row 2: R. Campbell, M. Sandridge, S. Agee , S. Sprouse , H. Gilbert, A. Parmiter, I. Haines, A. Siriam. Row 3: A. Lesnof, S. Silke , E. Davidson , L. Dabney, J. Coltrane, L. Kwiatkowski, C. Ly, A. Henderson , J. Gavrilovich. Row 4: M. Leider, M. LaPrade , K. Lamb , R, Malbeouff, A. de Almedia, A. Olekhnovich , K. McGovern, D. Seto, R. Lawson . Row 5: J. Lee , M. Baucom , W. Freas, A. Smith, E. Jewell , A. Coppola, Z. Rob inette , S. Topping , R. Matthews, J. Frazier.

= be 路=路an

Science Honor Society: Row 1: G. Lewis, E. Skrutskie, T. Stu kenborg, C. Zhang. Row 2: Ms. Brown, K. Liu , C. Ly, E. Braatz , C. Johnson , A. Henderson , A. Hasson , A. de Almed ia, A. Siriam , M. Feldman. Row 3: A. Au , D. Mcintyre , W. Freas, A. Rou meliotes, A. Smith, K. Shah, J. Lee, B. Brust, A. Olekhnovi ch , S. Bush , E. Jewell, A. Oliver, M. Thompson , J. Oliver, C. Sm ith , J. Sun. Row 4: B. Veasy, Mr. Curry, J. Gavrilovich.

Thespians: Row 1: A. Fischer, A. Weathersby, S. Knarzer, J. Weiss, K. Ke llenberger, M. Marshall-Roth . Row 2: S. Skidmore , R. Arthu r, K. Ke lly, A. Shepherd , S. Lahar, A. Dame. Row 3: J. Karns.

French Honor Societ y : Row 1: W. Freas, Mme. K. Weber, S. Lloyd, Shwartz. Row 2: E. Shreve, M. Feldman , V. Drumm , K. van Eersal , T. McPhillips , W. Desismini. Row 3: C. Zhang, L. Bryant, C. Scott, S. Wilson, A. Andrews . Row 4: E. Braatz, E. Jewell , N. Roane , E. Kuhn .

Row 1: Madame Espinosa, E. Wicks , H. Shaps. Row 2: H. Neuhoff, K. Edenfield, L. Bryant, L. Bock, J. Coltrane , K. Butts, J. Hernandez. Row 3: R. Baker, M. Callihan , E. McCullen , D. Strayer, K. Cechova, C. Zhang, H. Swartz. Not Pictured : S. Fredrick, E. Kuhn , H. Peterson , D. Tavenner, C. Krouse , W. Freas , J.

Spanish Honor Society: "'ow 1: A. Gore, S. Bush , A. Early, L. Sis-.an, S. Murphy. Row 2: S. Salsini , S. ::l ke, E. Cohen , S. Hahn , Collado, A. ekhnovich , D. Bargh, D. Babu , A. Hasn. Row 3: I. Lee, K. Mendelshon, E. ombacher, K. Patel, A. Chang , I. - aines, A. de Almeida, J. Hairston , S. oulton . Row 4: C. Baily, J. Saco, A. acKnight, J. Weiss, M. Sandridge, K. _am b, K. McGovern , A Siriam , H. Hor:aly, M. Baker, D. Mcintire. Row 5: M. :::arksdale , A. Sm ith , P. Hopkins, B. easy, A. Coppola, A. Au , A. Roumees, T. Stukenborg .

Math Honor Soc iety: Row 1: K. Carmin es, A. Echelberger, L. Sisman , C. Scott, A. Hasson , D. Babu. Row 2: J. Weiss, K. Liu , W. Destimini , T. Liu , S. Hanh, J. Frazier, M. Rozak, A. Romillious. Row 3: Z. Zang , R. Malbeouf, K. Patel , M. Feldman , A. Macknight, K. Mendelson , D. Bargh , I. Lee, M. Wilson , T. Stuckenborg. Row 4: E. Kuhn , J. Sacco, E. Wombacher, A. Andrews , S. Wilson , A. Chang , A. Husek, I. Haines, C. Ly, A. de Almed ia, N. Ward , I. Prum , R. Robertson , D. Mcintyre. Row 5: P. Hopkins, E. Braatz , M. Leider, M. Sandridge, T. McPhillips, K. Lamb , A. Olekhnovich , C. Zhang , K. McGovern, A. Sriram , R. Lawson, B. Deal. Row 6: J. Oliver, B. Veasy, A. Coppola, E. Jewell , W. Freas , A. Au, G. Gaskins, C. Zhang, M. Baker, Z. Coffman , K. Riley, K. Shah.

panese Honor Society: 1: T. Cude, B. Storer, K. Lewis, M. _auber, K. Carmines. Row 2: A. Bohn , M. carama, T. Kim , K. Creegan , A. Hwang , =- Thomas.

Tri-M: Row 1: K. Liu , M. Barksdale, L. Dabney, E. Cohen , M. Laprade , C. Dougherty, S. Schwartz, T. Liu , M. Smith.Row 2: A. Prez- Reiz, V. O'Brien , A. Brunal , S. Hanh , M. Peri cak, K. Gaines, S. Goldeen , A. Castilino, S. Heider, D. Seto, I. Lee . Row 3: R. Baker, J. Perry, K. Edenfield , S. Wilson, A. Roumeliotes, E. Wicks, K. Kel lenberger, A. Hucek, H. Gi lbert, A. Parmiter, C. Ly, A. Hasson , M. Roszak, K. Morris, M. Tornrose , P. James. Row 4: L. Sisman , M. Leider, A. MacKnight, R. Campbell , M. Sandridge, L. Kwiatkowski , M. Lewi s, A. Keller, L. Fredner. Row 5: G. Moore , T. McPhillips, E. Kuhn , A. Coppola, A. Olekhnovich , M. Wilson , B. Veasey, K. Lamb, J. Weiss .

.ESA Seniors : Row 1: J. Angeley , J. tiver, A. Oliver, D. Seto , E. Braatz, M. =erez-Reyes, E. Mack. Row 2: J. Pavky, S. Williams, P. Redden-Gonza lez, =,ow. 3: Mr. Prill aman, R. Lawson , G. _swis, J. Olazagasti, A. Gore, C. Smith, . Murray.

English Honor Society: Row 1: M. Sandridge , K. McGovern , A. Olekhnovi ch, H. Shwartz, C. Johnson , A. MacKnight, E. Cohen , E. Cornell, A. Smith. Row 2: T. Stukenborg , L. Kwiatkowski , I. Haines , K. Aglio , L. Pugh, J. Sacco, M. Roszak, S. Shwartz , C. Zhang ,.Row 3: M. Serbati, H. Hunter , S. Wilson , A. Warham , J. Sacco, Mrs. Ag lio, Z. Zhang , N. Heldreth , A. Doshi.


CARE: Row 1: E. Luong , F. Thongcharoenkiat, K. Morris. Row 2: C. Ly, N. Boghden , D. Babu , A. Siriam , S. Hahn , S. Guatam. Row 3: M. Feldman, ,K. McGovern , A. Chang, I. Lee, A. Hasson , P. Ko irola. Row 4: W. Freas, A. Olekhnovich, A. Au , ,L. Gray, Z. Zang , K. Straka. Row 5: H. Kim , D. Mcintyre, A. Roume liotes, D. Dah l, L. Straka .

::Jerman Club : Row 1: M. Bebel, Row 2: -:;_ Deal , A. Wha ram, L. Van Wickler, T. :;aines, N. Ward, A. Echelberg er, Row 3: _ Stagnaro, S. Brewer, N. Heldreth, S. ::eitz, R. Robinson , Row 4: T. Stucken .:wrg, Frau Trice, Z. Evans, Z. Coffm an, 3. Moore, M. McCandlish , Row 5: K. 3arp, Z. Evans, R. Jepson, G. Kellen .:erger

::Jerman Honor Society: =':lw 1: B. Deal, A. aram , L. Van Row 2: kler. =-au Trice, R. Jep5:11, R. Robinson , McChandlish. =ow 3: Z. Evans, Z. =::~binette. Rox 4: K. 3arp, Z. Coffman , J. =-azier, N. Ward, A. - - elberger.

Art Honor Society: Row 1: E. Mack, E. Sinclair, L. Hazlett, K. Leake , B. Loredo, S. Murphy. Row 2: I. Lee, T. Stukenborg , A. Early, A. lnce, C. Fri es. Row 3: M. Pericak, E. Cohen, A. Payn e, D. Weathersby, P. Hopkins, L. Kwi atkowski, L. Anders . Row 4: J. Frazier, A. Coppola, E. Jewell , A. Smith , H. Horbaly, M. McCandl ish , R. Matthews.

Junior Classical League: Row 1: K. Patel, C. Dougherty, A. Echelberger, A. Casteli no . Row 2: M. Laprade, M. Leider, I. Lee, M. Lewis, M. Rozak, A. Keller. Row 3: M. Barksdale , K. Liu .

organizations. RCMC (Resource Conservation Manage· ment Club) : Row 1: N. Peethumnongsin , F. Thongcharoenkiat, A. !nee, S. Murphy, D. Babu , E.Luong. Row 2:T. Easter, D. Bargh , M. Bebel, K. Weber, A. Chang, A. Hassen , T. Liu , K. Starka. Row 3: C.Pavlosky, P. Koirala, A. Henderson , L. Anders, C. Lee , K. Lu , E. Kuhn. Row 4: A. Roumeliotes, B. Veasey, D. Mcintire, W. Freas, A. Au , P. Hopkins, M. Barksdale , Z. Zang.

Canoe Club : Row 1: A. Echelberger, L. Pugh , E. Jewell , E. Braatz, E. Davidson. Row 2: T. Stuckenburg , K. Coffman , E. D'Antoni , A. Huschke, C. Johnson , E. Cohen , K. Weber. Row 3: A. Noble, S. Rose, M. Kwiatkowski , C. Pugh, L. Kwiatkowski , C. Russell , I. Lee , A. Coppola. Row 4: N. Janssens, S. Dosh i, S. Shepard , Z. Coffman , B. Burst, Z. Robinette, B. Zwoyer, N. Ward, B. Huff, T. Stuckburg , Row 5: N. Heldreth , W. Freas.

Fellow ship of Ch ri stian Athletes : Row 1: J. Brooks. Row 2: E. Davison , L. Pugh , E. Sinclair, S. Shepherd, E. Leech, N. Ward, E. Leythem Row 3: A. Barnes , J. Michel , R. Thomas, S. Cainoun , P. AI· ley, J. Davis, A. Bohn , R. Robison , A. Visokay Row 4: A. McPhillips, B. Deal, B. Leytham , W. Murray, D. Piirto, W. Medidino, Z. Coffman , J. Calhoun, J. Under· wood , Z. Evan s, Mrs. Coffm an .

Peer Mentors: Row 1: E. Davison , E. Bratz, C. Zhang, S. Schwartz Row 2: K. Edenfield, S. Wilson , D. West, R. Camp· bell , M. Sandrigde , J. Sandridge, D. Herridge , I. Lee, Mr. Masey.

Fish Tank Club: Row 1: M. Henry, D. Pye, J. Frazier.

Gay-Straight Alliance: Row 1: M. Trois· fontaines , A. Dick· ason, K. Yoder, A. Au Row 2: K. Lewis, M. Lauber, D. Pye, I. Farineau , P. Hopinkins. Row 3: K. Sarp, A. Smith , E. Simpson .

<192 19 3 194 > ey Club Officers: =\ow 1: N. Heldreth , Row 2: D. Herridge, l _ Olekhnovich , M. Leider, A. Lopez. =!ow 3: A. DeAimedia, K. Lamb, J. Kim , I. _ee, M. Wilson , Mrs. Tyler. Row 4: J. Sacco, Z. Crawford , K. Weber, A. MacK- ·ght, H. Samley, Row 5: Z. Crawford, S. _ Roech, K. Liu.

Drama Officers: Row 1: A. Parniiter, L. Marsh , J. Weiss , S. Knarzer, K. Kelly, A. Cooke Row 2: B. Storer, A. Shepherd , L. Long , J. Brown Row 3: B. Mendonca

ey Club Seniors: =low 1: J . Lee. Row 2: R. Sinclair, A. JeAimedia, A. Olekhnovich, M. Leider, . Freshwater, I. Haines. Row 3: R. :;ampbell , S. Sh ifflet, M. Sandridge , A. drew, K. Lamb, E. Cohen , R. Lawson. =:ow 4: H. Kim , H. Song , B. Veasy, K. i, A. Au.

Forensics: Row 1: A. Fischer, M. Stouffer, A. Cooke , S. Knarzer, K. Kellenberger, M. Marshall-Roth , Row 2: E. Thorne, K. Kelly, Row 3: B. Vaughan , J. Brown , S. Lahar, A. Dame, G. Kellenberger.

ey Club Juniors: =iow 1: A. Oliver, M. Bricker, C. Pitt, K. 1endelsohn , E. Wombacker. Row 2: H. -'unter, C. Dougherty, M. Wilson , D. :imic, M. Pericak, L. Van Wicker, J. Sac::o. Row 3: A. Wharam , M. Rozak, T. :>naw, S. Roesch , S Wilson , A. Mack- oght, D. Bargh , K. Weber Row 4: A. 5ohn, N. Heldreth , D. Gutzler, G. Moore , Z.. Crawford , K. Ripley, S. Seitz, C. Wiley, _ee , H. Sam ley.

Man of La Mancha Cast: Row 1: E. Thorne, K. Yode r, M. Stouffer, J. Weiss , S. Knarzer, A. Cooke, K, Kellenberger, M. Marshall· Roth , S. Pugh Row 2: J. Leider, M. Lauber, S. Skidmore, M. Simpson , A. Weathersby, K. Wilson. K. Kelly, A. Shepherd , J. Brown Row 3: B. Vaughan R. Arthur, K. Miller, S. Lahar, J . Karns, A. Dame, G. Kellenberger, K. Nelson , E. Gavrilovic, K. Mendoza.

y Club Sophomores : =:.nw 1: F. Thongcharoenkiat, M. Carrel l, Miller, C. Russell, C. Pugh , Row 2: T. alker, K. Stephens, S. Gautam , S. Mir, :;_ Giacalone , H. Shapps , A. Lopez , S. - enderson , L. Koh ler, J. Payne. Row 3: !... Horbaly, A. Fischer, M. Pajewski , I. _:e, A. Perez-Reyes, G. Glaeser, J. LetEri, E. Duani , D. Horridge, I. Lee, K. Mor-s, R. Ramey, D. Weathersby, M. Toms, :;_Morris, Z. Lin , S. Melton.

Photography Club: Row 1: J. Scott, T. Fielding Aow 2: W. Xie, T. Easter, L. Casey, K, Weber, M. Wilson , K. Su , C. Yoon, S. Robinson .

y Club Freshmen: =:ow 1: R. Bergstresser, J. Davis, E. Molica, 10:. Gavrilovic, L. Cohen , A. Weaver 'w 2: R. Willis, J. Kim, E. Guiberson, P. ·rola, A. Jacobson.

SCA: Row 1: S. Bor, L. Truwit, N. Ross , A. Yu. Row 2: L. Hedrick, B. McGhee. Row 3: E. Mackay, M. Goodrich , N. Pease, M. Natale.


String Theory: Row 1: K. Starka, Z. Zang, E. Kuhn. Row 2: M. Barksdale.


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first steps .. . first words .. . first birthday party .. . first day of school .. . first best friend ... first soccer practice .. . first overnight party .. . first dance ...

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196 >

Kyle Gibson

May you always have tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you , those you love near you, and al l your heart m ight desire.

The years watching you grow up have passed a ll too quickly. It has been a journey faced with struggles and loss, but together we have endured all a nd have become stronger. As a mom, I could not be more proud to have a son that has grown up to be a good person with a solid sense of who he is and that treats people with respect. You have a sense of humor that m a kes people laugh and a more serious side for understanding life . As the rest of your life is before you, stay true to who you are, as you always have . Never forget your foundation, and always remember there is nothing you can't do.

Mom, Dad & Andrew

Jake Hendrix We are so proud of the man you have become . Love, Mom, Dad, Zach & Abby

Love, Mom

Farin Logan Lam Cong ratulations Farin! You've always been ready from the very first day, Not to let anyone stop you or stand in you r way. Always strong-minded and determ ined since a child , Wanting to set and be your own style . Now you're all grown up and ready to move on, We knew this would come since the day your were born . And as you go out and take on this world , Know that you will always be our much-loved little g irl. Stay that beautiful person on the inside and out, We are so proud of you without any doubt. Wherever you go and whatever you do, Never forget how much we will always love you . With lots of love, Mom, Dad and Devin


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Halley Gilbert Halley/ We could not be more proud of you ! With our love, Mom, Dad, Phoebe and Emma

197 198 >

Ranily Dunnivan Our mira cle baby! Precious gift from God! You have b ecome a fine young man. We're proud of you! Love , Mom & Dad

Elaine Mahanes Who can find a virtuous woman? For her worth is above rubies. She does good and not evil All the days of her life . Strength and honor her c lothing; She shall rejoice in time to come . ~ Proverbs 31

We are so very proud of you and we have no doubt that you will reach your goals. Keep'em straight Elaine . We love you, Mom, Dad and Hallie

Mike Barton

Summer Shepherd

Michael, You have brought so much joy, laughter, and love into our lives! We are so p roud of the fine young man you have become and we know that God has big plans for you ! We love you and wish you a happy and healthy journey through life ! Love, Mom and Dad

You've always kept your hands as fu ll as your heart you're a handful and a heart full. Love , Mom, Dad, Max, and Charlie

Caitlyn lgary Congratulations Michael! We ore very proud of you and love you very much always!

It seems like just yesterday we sent you off to kindergarten with your new backpack and lunch in hand. Today, we are so proud of the young woman you have become and all that you have accomplished .

Love, Mom and Dod

Taylor ~tukQnborg You ore on amazing young lady with great compassion, faith in God, and endless ambition. We ore so proud of you!

Remember to be true to yourself and follow your heart. We will always be here for you and look forward to sharing your adventure ! Love, Dad, Mom & Ryan

Love, Mom, Dod, Carl & Rachel

Kgvin Liu Dear Kevin, In the blink of an eye, you have grown from an adorable baby boy into a wonderful young man. You are humorous, thoughtful. reliable, and most of all. kind to a ll. These amazing and genuine attributes made you the special person you are and have prepared you well for future success. We could not have asked for more in a son and brother - we are proud of you, for a ll that you have accomplished and the wonderful person that you have become.

No matter what path you choose to take, have fun , be happy and know that we will always love you, believe in you and be here for you . Love, Mom, Dad and Jia


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199 198 >

Jordan You bring joy, laughter and love to our family. We are so very proud of you!

Dear Ben, We are so proud of your hard work, dedication and perseverance. Congratulations AHS graduate!

Mom, Dad, Zach and Sarah

... Each day, decide what you want to achieve and GO FOR IT. You life is what you make it. "Carpe d iem" (look it up!) .

With love now and always, Ma, Dee, Tim and Jezz

RiQIIy MatthQw~



Your dedication and achievement and love of life inspire us a ll. Shine on! Mom, Dad & Julia

TyJgr Johngon We are so proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom & Hunter

laura Burngr You are a blessing. We are very proud of your accomplishments and know God has a wonderful plan for you. Congratulations! We are so proud of your accomplishments so far and can't wait to see what your future holds. We love you. Love, Mom, Dad & Justin

Love, Mom, Will & Dad

Congratulations Melissa! We are so very proud of you. May the next steps of your journey be filled with love and learning, good friends and sweet music. We love you . Mom and Jennifer

Kathryn MeGovgrn

(~Rosi e

Will Murray You have been a joy in our lives- we wish you every blessing! love, Mom + Dad, Callie and Jonny


How blessed we are to have you as our daughter. We are proud of the wonderful young woma n you have grown up to be. We look toward to a ll your new adventures as you pursue your dreams with characteristic enthusiasm and determination. We wish you love, fun, laughter. and success. Congratulations on your high school graduation! Love, Mom and Dad

Jonathan Karn~ Dear Jonathan,


As you begin this new chapter, an o ld Irish prayer:

Go Carley


Dearest Joseph, you have made so many so proud! You have a genuine greatness that will be your hallmark as you go through life . Have faith in yourself. your god and your family. With all our love. Your Mom and Dad

"Give me a few friends who will love me for who l am, and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the kindly light of hope .. . And though l may come not within sight of the castle of my dreams teach me to be thankful for life, and for time's olden memories that are good and sweet. And may the evening's twilight find me gentle still." Dad and I are very, very proud of you sweetheart. Mom and Dad

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202 >

Mit!hagJ Bgrnardino

Rob WhgJan

Michael, Congradulations on your graduation! We're very proud of the man you've becomePursue your d reams with intensity and passion ! Love you, Mom, Dad, Kath leen , Megan, and Kevin

Rob, you've b een p la ying the g uitar since a n early age .



It's b een a joy wa tc hing you p ut G od's g ifts to use in the Jau Band , your own b a nd , The Throne s, a nd on the la crosse fie ld .

fmmaJgwgiJ EmmaCongratulations on your outstanding successes. Thanks for the humor, warmth, and joy you bring us .

' ~ .


' ··~ .~

It's a cliche , b ut your easy smile truly b rig hte ns a room. The house will be a little darke r ne xt year but the re 's going to b e a ve ry b rig ht d orm room some whe re !

) .

· ·-~ . · .~ ~ ·

Wishing you a s much happ ine ss as your heart c a n hold .



- Mom, Dad and Tom


Love and best wishes, Mom, Dad, Ben, and Mason


~amantha Since you were first born you've always been our baby, rather than the littlest sister. Growing up you were fun to cuddle and follow around the house on one of your many adventures of cowboys, dinosaurs or sorcerers. As your older sisters, it was our job to share our wisdom, yet you were the one who taught us life lessons. You've taught us the importance of having a "Fairy Adopte(' to whisk you to safety, how to stylishly incorporate a bandana with every outfit, and that sometimes chasing butterflies around a field can be more important than playing a game of baseball. You put your heart into everyhing you do, whether irs dancing in front of a crowd, or comforting a dear friend . We adore the memo ries, laughter, and times we've spent as your sisters and friends. Although we can no long er hold you, we will always follow you, no matter where life takes you .

Over the years, we have watched you blossom from a little girl into the self confident young woman you are today. We admire your ability to maintain a positive countenance and determination to pursue your goals. Your thoughtful ways and sweet nature endear you to those fortunate enough to count you in their family or circle of friends. No matter where your future paths take you our love and devotion are yours always and forever.

We love you so much, Miki and Carrie

Love you, Mom and Dad

!!amantha n!!ammig•• !!hifflgtf You smiled and laughed early in life; you are a true joy to be around; may you continue to share that joy with everyone you meet. Love, Mom, Dad and Aaron

J. DanigJ Ril!otta You made it! We are so proud of who you are. Always follow God, and your dreams; you can't go wrong. We love you so much, Mom and Dad

MadgJing T ornro~Q We called you our little rosebud . With your beautiful deep eyes and sweet smile, you captivated us with the joy of your arrival. Your baby book is filled with stories of your vivid imagination, tender sensitivity and strong-willed determination - a few thorns on that rosebud ! Miss Ma ry Muffin has become a lovely and caring young woman, poised a nd talented , who 'runs deep,' - and yes, still loves her boots. We wish you wings for your dreams continue to bless you!


may God

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Allison, Will and Lauren "Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me ... " Psalm 43;3

Graf!g Wood

"We have not stopped praying for you. We ask God to g ive you complete knowledge of his will and to g ive you spiritual wisdom and understanding . Then the way you live will a lways honor and p lease the Lord, a nd your life will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. We a lso pray that you will be strengthened with a ll his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, a lways thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light." Colossians l :9-12 We are so proud of a ll you have become and all you will be. We know God has great plans for you and can't wa it to see what He has in store for you! Love , Mom, Dad, James, Philip , and Robert


< 202


luC!ag Ouray

Jillian Robbing

203 204 >


"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." We love you, L-manMom, Dad, MD, JJ, Kasey, and Sawyer

RaC!hgJ Malboguf Your determination and drive sets you apart. You confront every challenge head-on and failure is not an option . Because of your hard work, tender heart and firm foundation , you will find success in all your efforts. We are so proud of you and excited to see all you will accomplish . ;3




We love you. Mom & Dad

Phones have come a long way and so have you. Congrats, Rach! Love, Mom and Dad

Corgy Maxa Congrats! We are very proud of you . You will always be # l in our book. We love you. Mom & Dad

I'm not going to miss us picking on each other every day. I'm not going to miss you and your friends eating all my food every night. I'm not going to m iss your friends kicking me out of my bed every weekend. But I om going to miss my best friend every second. I love you. - Amber

Alyssa Johnson

Gregory Lewis

We ore proud of you! Always remember to put God first. We love you! From Dod, Jeannie, and Treven

Ryan Campbell Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life ... always keep your happy thoughts!

'y We love you, Mom, Dad and Kaleb


Haley Elizabeth Horbaly Congratulations on your many achievements at Albemarle . Our love travels with you next fall as you embark on your most exciting journey yet. Don't be afraid to color outside the lines - life gets inte resting without a pattern . We know you will be successful in a ll you do.

You will always be a special reminder that God blesses us above all that we can imagine or think. Love, Mom, Dad, Melissa, Elizabeth and Anna Marie

Elizabeth Sinclair Congratulations !

"Make it work! " Love , Mom, Dad and Andrew

Chase Robbins Congratulations Chase! The future is yours! We enjoy watching you each step of the way! Love, Mom, Dad, Jack and Luke

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished so far. We are looking forward to seeing a ll that you will do in the future . Love, Mom, Dad, Cullen and Rachel


< 204

Austrine Emylee Davies Austi you hove mode us so proud! "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away!" As you have grown up there have been so many times you have taken our breath away; you are so beautiful inside and out. Keep on riding toward your dreams.

205 206 >

Sean Williams Sean , We couldn't be more proud of the young man you've become . Your hard work and integrity will serve you well as you soar to new heights! Love, Mom, Dad and Connor

xoxo ...

Riley Kelsey

Love a lways,

Smiley, You neve r g ive up! Your sweet d isposition a nd smile light up a roo m. We a re so p roud of you.

Mom 1 Dad and Leks

We love you.

Hold on and never let go! You can do it!

Jessica Marie Frazier

Dear Jessica, Your fam ily is very proud of you and we love you very much!!!

laura Pugh




Langley Carter ...

Academ ics, sports, music you've done so much and made us so proud of you. Your hard work, your bright smile, your laugh, your love - all a joy. Best of luck in your bright future !

It has been a pleasure watching you grow into a beautiful young woman . we wish you a ll the best as you begin the next chapter in your life . We will miss you when you go off to col lege but you will always be close in our hearts. We love you and are so very proud of you .

Love, Dad, Amy and Carolyn

Love, Mom, Dad and MacKenzie

Ivy Grat!Q R. HainQg lvygirl, Bunny, Roni, Little One - our nicknames for our sweet, smart, funny, goodnatured baby g irl - and now our college-bound girl. We are awed by your work ethic, your determination and your abilities . You will go far - and evidently very far since your interest is in International Business. You are an absolute pleasure! We could not be any prouder. Love, Mom, Dad, Skylar and Adam



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Bryant. Tylgr and Pat

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Abby Always hold fast to the word of God . We o re so blessed to see His work in you. Love , Susan and Dod


K Here's to your journey down life's information Super Highway!



Jff To our rocket boys on the AHS Drumline Bryant, Tyler and Pot, we ore very proud of you. All our wishes for the best in your futures . We love you! Your families

Madigon McCullough

Because you shore the world with us through your eyes and emotions, we ore p rivileged with your presence and perceptions. From the rewords and successes that you receive from your future endeavors will surely come pleasure a nd pride tha t you truly deserve because of your unique desire to succeed. Our love a nd encouragement a lways ... Denise, Papa, Mom, Dod, Holli and C hris .. .

Love , Mom, Dod , Ben and Sarah



Reach high for the stars that lie hidden in your soul; Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. - Pamela Voull Storr We ore so proud of you! Love , Mom & Dod

Anna Combgrg Tell everybody she's on her way New friends and new faces to see With blue skies ahead yes she's on her way And there's no p lace that we'd rather her be !





So tell them all that she's on her way And we're loving every step she takes Not the snow or the ra in can change her mind And she can't keep that smile off her face

Oh yes she's on her way!



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209 210 >



Brittany Nit!olg

Conrad ,..


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~ ,.


Congratulations Brittany! You made it! We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Our little girl has grown into a beautifu l, talented, smart, loving young woman . You have brought our family joy with your beautiful voice and always smiling face ! While you have cheered for teams and at competitions for over eleven years. we have been cheering for you since you were born!

We are exc itied to watch you pursue your dreams and goals in life . May God always be with you , guide you and bless you ! Love always, Mom, Dad and Ethan

!!fgvgn Andrgw Topping We are so proud of a ll of your accomplishments. Your determination and independence will serve you we ll on life's incredible journey. Congratulations! Love always, Mom, Dad, Chris and Matt


Ander~ Proverbs 31 :29 Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all ! God bless you today and always, Love, Mom & Bryan & Family

Chri~ Lgmigux

KgJiy D. Harrig

"May the God of Hope fill you all with joy and peace. " - Romans 15:13

Your positive attitude, enthusiasm, exce llence and choice of friends will take you a long way in life. We are so proud of you achievements .

We a re proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad

Love , Mom & Dad


You hove become a beautiful young lady in every way. We ore so proud of you and we look forward to your next adventure. Spread your wings and fly. We love you with a ll our hearts ., Dod, Mom & Poo

Morgan, Borm with a kind heart, a keen mind, and a gentle spirit full of music, you hove blessed us with your presence. Keep smiling that beautiful smile ! With love and pride, Mom, Dod and Kelly

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined . (Thoreau) We are proud of who you are and travell ing by your side on the path to who you will become . Love, Mom & Dad

Adam Owgn Be strong . Be smart. Be kind . Be everything you hove always been and life will give you everything you need .


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HaJgy Brugh

~mily KanQ

Congratulations Holey! We love you, Mom, Dod and Chandler

~arah Emily, you have changed our lives forever! Now its time to follow your dreams and make your mark on the world ! We love you! Mom, Dad, Lauren & Michael *May your life b ecome all that you want it to be and may it always b e filled with love and laughter*

"" ," ~;'; t." -



路- -



Love, Mom, Dad and Ben

May God continue to bless you on your journey, We love you Joel!

We hope that days come easy and moments pass slow.


' ""'


We are so p roud of your accomplishments . Remember to alwa ys set your goals high and keep reaching for the stars.


April Pittman ..


And each rood leads you where you wont to go,

Mom, Juan, Chloe, Nathaniel and Jonathan

And if you're faced with a choice, and you hove to choose, We hope you choose the one that means the most to you, And if one door opens to another closed, We hope you keep wolkin' till you find the window, And if irs cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile . And more than anything. We hope you know somebody loves you.

Love , Mom, Dad and Ty


Cro~~man Our little boy is all grown up now. The time has gone by so fast. You're graduating from high school! We ore so proud of you.

Ril~y WOO WHO! Continue to grow in wisdom & grace & the number of musical instruments you play! Love from Mom, Dad, Phil, Penny & Zelda

Kiorgfgn lamb You are an amazing young woman. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. May your hopes & dreams take you far. Love, Mom, Dad & Matthew

Congratulations Riley! You've come a long way. We love you . Mom, Dad, Ben, & Sam

Everyone who has contact with you is blessed. The integrity, hard work, commitment, and sensitivity (caring) that you demonstrate is inspirational. Love, Dad, Mom and Marie

Brian Voagoy With pride and joy for all you are, With hope for all you'll be, With love always and forever!

Semper Fi Love you, Proud of you , Always thinking of you,

Mom, Dad and Megan Mom, Rita , Dad

< 212213 214>

Mil!ah Arggngault

ÂŁrin Jackgon

Congratulations! Thank you for bringing us happiness! Love, Dad, Mom, Yoshua and Caleb

AIJigon Wombaf!hgr Congratulations! We are so proud of all you have overcome and all that you have accomplished . We love you!

Ball practice at l 8 months old to achieve 4 years of varsity softball is just one example of your hard work and dedication. We are very proud of the young woman you've become! All our love - Mom and Dad

Dad, Mom, Emily, Elizabeth and Michael

Lukg Mar!:h

Lucas We always knew this day would arrive but never would have dreamed that you would become such a godly, wonderful young man (and a wickedly talented actor to boot!) The Lord has worked mightily in your life and you have been an amazing testimony of His love . We couldn't be more proud of you! We love you and are excited to see what our Lord has planned for your life (Jeremiah 29:11 )! Mom, Dad and lssi P. S. Chic ken's ready!



Yo done good! We ore very proud of you . Love, Mom & Dod

Wishing you a future filled with happiness, love and success in all that you endeavor in your life . Love, Mom, Grandma Rachael. Mike and Kira

Always our Princess ! We're been truly b lessed to have a daughter like you, our little gift from Heaven. Love always, Mom and Dad

Congratulations! We ore so proud of you . All your hard work has paid off. The sky's the limit. Love , Mom & Dod

Zat!hary Thomag Robingftg Congratulations! We ore very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dod & Holey

Congratulations Emma ! We are so proud of you and love you so much . You ore a wonderful daughter and sister. We can't wait to see what you accomplish next. Love, Mom, Dad, Linda, and Henry





Laura Churl!hwQIJ Kwaitkowgki

Dear Weezer,

Congratulations Laura ! May all your dreams come true . Love, Mom, Dad, Mary & David "Every adventure is a memory." -Laura C . K.

Nie!k PQtrQJia We used to ima gine what our first c hild would b e like b ut, even in our most creative and inspired moments, we never d ream ed of ha ving a c hild as amazing as you. You ha ve been the lig ht of o ur live s for 18 years a nd now it is time for you to d azzle the rest of the wo rld . We love you and we are ve ry p roud of you. Mom & Dad Emily, I c ould n't ha ve asked fo r a bette r sister. I ha ve a lways looked up to you. I love you so muc h. Ab by

Way to go, Nick! We are so proud of you! You will a lways be our little boy. Love, Dad, Mom, Carmele and Catherine

Aaron Borgngfgin

Dear Aaron, Congratulations ! We ore very proud of you and all you hove accomplished .

Love, Mom , Dod, Jacob, Ethan and Milo

Mikg DougJag MitehgiJ II Congratulations, Mike ! Don't forget -you'll always be "Mikey" to us. With love and pride, Mom, Dad, and Nick

<216 217218>

Daniel Ortiz

Jgrgmy Vggfal Way to go mukuwa No matter where you may go, continue to let Jesus guide your steps and you will have success . We Love You! Dad, Mom, and Justin


Congratulations Daniel !

The time has flown since your first day of school. We are very proud of what you have accomplished and are so excited to see what the future has in store for you . We love you very much!

Love, Mom and Dad

Mom, Dad, and Richard

Ogvyn Wildy

KgJggy ~lizabgth Pgck


You knew, at age 2, that AHS was your school! We are so proud that you have achieved your goal of graduating from AHS! Much success in your future endeavors! Love, Mom and G-ma!

Our sweet g irl - it seems like it was yesterday! You have grown into a beautiful young lady, both inside and out! Follow your dreams and remember the important things in life: Family, Love, Happiness. "My wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to .... .. " You are so very loved! Go get em' g irl! Love a lways, Mom, Dad, Emily and Justin

Mary Ann Chapman We are very proud of you, Mary Ann. We know you will be successful in whatever you do because you can do a ll things through Christ who strengthens you. All our love, Mom and Dad

Mall!olm Thompgon Malcolm, You were a g ift from God to us - our miracle! You have brought so much joy and blessing to our family and we know that you will continue to touch the lives of others making a difference with everyone your path crosses. It seems like just yesterday that you were born . The years have quickly flown by as we have watched you grow into such a mature, young man .

We are so proud of you and are confident that you will be successful as you embark into yet another phase of your journey. Always remember that you are never alone, that you are loved and that you are part of a larger family. Continue to develop and use your God-given talents . We love you! Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandad

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and leon not on your own understanding; in all your wa ys acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6

< 218

KgJggy Ganz

219 220 >

Brittany lgigh Mollil!a Wow! lfs hard to believe your high school graduation is here. You've amazed us with your accomplishments along the way. We can't wait to see whars next. We love you! Dad, Mom & Elise

Jo~h ~pgnl!Qr As you journey through life, may you be able to 'do what you love' and 'love what you do! '

Congratulations Kelsey!! Love Mum, Dad, Michael, Naomi and Abbyx

We love you!! Jim, Mom, Brendan, Aimee, James, Michael, Je n

Amanda Parmifgr We love you and are so proud of all you've done and all that you are! Love, Mom, Dad, Maddy Yay, Meemer, Dolly, Amanda!

Keep on smiling!



You ore an amazing young lady and we are so proud of you! Blessings on your future. We love you, Mom & Dad Congratulations!

Pganut CONGRATULATIONS Irs time to try defying gravity! "Come into His presence with thanks, .,. bring to Him your songs of praise. "

Mom always has your back! Nyanni, Nanny and I are so proud of you. I love you more than anything .



CampbgJJ The day you were born you blessed us with love and laughter. We love you forever and always . Mom, Dad, Brittany & Morgan

Carmgn ~l!hoglkopf CarmiYour family from here, there and everywhere is VERY proud of you . Congratulations on your Grade 12 graduation.

Kadlin, Congratulations, you have come so far! With your drive and ambition there are no limits on the goals you can achieve. We are so proud of you and are always here for you!

Love, Mama & Jes

Love always, Dad, Mom, Daniel, Amanda, Kellie, Lo, & Derek


'Rewtetn.ber to- tirecuJ11 'bU;f, beUeNl!/ L.wyour~ ~ ~o{t-et'll.

WeJ Yl!/ prOf..Ui, ofyowl Lov~ yo-w loQ, I M~V~~L~

< 220

Rogg !!hgphgrd



222 >

Bgfgy Haugh Go Herd!

Dear Betsy, We are very proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad

MadgJging Look out world, here she comes! Peace, love , harmony and joy wherever you roam. You are our sunshine . Radiate.

HALEY SWARTZ Haley, you have always been our joy baby. Now you are a beautifu l young woman on her way to a wonderful future. Maze! Tov on your graduation from high school and Good Luck in college! We wish you all the happiness and success you deserve . and we love you always. Mom, Dad and Rach

~andridgg You ore beautiful inside and out. May God's love shine through you always . We love you, Mom and Dod Psalm 139:14

KyiQ C. Hamilton Never mess with the youngest kid ...

John Gavrilovil!

Congratulations, Kyle! We love you , Mom, Dad, Neal and Stacy




You have grown from a beautiful little girl to a beautiful young woman. We are so proud of you!

John - You have truly lived up to your name which means God is gracious. You have brought us countless joys and have made us so proud. We love you and look forward to watching your future unfold knowing that your faith, intelligence, strength of character, and kindness will guide you not only to success, but joy and contentment. You will always be our boy! Love, Mom, Dad, & Elena

Love always, Dad and Sis

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and ore called according to his purpose for them ." [Romans 8:28)

Krigfian Aaggn A Son Like You Author: Teresa Bright A son is a treasure A blessing from above He is laughter, warmth and special charm He is happiness and love A son brings a special joy That comes from deep inside And as he grows into a man He fills your heart with pride With every year that passes He is more special than before Through every stage, through every age You love him even more No words can describe the memories The pride and gratitude That comes from having a son that is wonderful... a son just like you.

We love you! Congratulations! Daddy, Mommy, Annie and Laura

< 222

~h~lby Mari~ Hunt


224 >

MgJanig frgghwafgr Mae -mae. Since you were just a munchkin, you have a lways been our sweet, gentle-hearted soul. Always happy, always smiling , and alwa ys making friends. Now you are ready to go out there and do what you love ! Enjoy the adventure and make a difference in our world . Love, Mom, Dad, and Danielle

MiehagJ T. Lombardo Dear Michae l,

You're off to great places! Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So, get on your way!

We love your sweet smiling face! You've grown into a wonderful & successful young man. We are so very proud of you & all your accomplishments. We a ll love you & always will (and so does Weeweez)!

Congratulations Shelby We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Kelsey & Kate lin

[Jiig Braatz

lul!y Dabngy

What a joy, watching you grow from our darling little girl to the beautiful young woman you are today. You are our shining star! Love, Mom, Dad and David

Congratulations Lucy! Thank you for being your beautiful self and for making us proud of you in so many ways. We love you, Mom and Dad

Trust yourself Attitude is everything. Yea rn for more. Laugh every day. Open yourself up to new experiences. Remember to stay true to yourself. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad

Taylor [agfgr

MadgJyn laPradg Congratulations, Madelyn! We are very proud of you. You are going to be a great teacher someday. Love, Mom, Dad and Andrew

Dylan Hgrold Congratulations, Dylan!

A!!hlgy Nit!olg Hgndgrgon Ashley, From September 4, l 99 3 to the present day, you have been a blessing . I love you more than words can express. I love being your mom. lam so proud of you. Your walk with the Lord is a witness to the people you know and encounter. Hold firm to your Christian beliefs and values and you will prosper in a ll c ircumstances.

I love you lots, Mom

March 1994

Octobgr 20 10 Haley Rose


Haley we're so proud of you!

You will always be our baby. We are all very proud of you . Love,

Love, Mom, Dad Marion, and Chopper

Mom, Dad, Tiff, Nick, D. J., Tyler & Moses

225 226 >

< 224

AIJigon Og Almeida Dear Allie, Proud does not even begin to describe how we feel about you and your accomplishments. Your loving heart that overflows with compassion as well as your ability to overcome obstacles with faith , courage, grace and humility inspires us more than you can imagine. You ore and will always be our "Amazing Allie"! We will miss you deeply as you head to Penn State but know that you will embrace this new adventure with your strong spirit and a Lion's heart. We love you faithfully and look forward to watching you continue to write your story while feeling joy and pride that we are a part of it. Loving you inside and out, Mom, Dad, and Jeffrey






Kgndra WaJgfon Congratulations to all seniors!

Mariga Pgrgz-Rgygg Congratulations to our Marisa d e Ia Sonrisa!

Kendra, stay as sweet and detemined as you a re. Nothing but love, peace and happiness for you.

We're so proud of you and excited for your future!

May God continue to bless you. Love,

Mom, Dad, Charles II, Jonathan and Steven

Love always, Mom, Papi, Alex and Selena


8ccc£ZZ 9cc


Aasen, AbdullaI Abel, AI Abel, Ki Aboud, Aboud, Aboud, Abrii-M< Adame Adams, Adalia,, Agee, S Aglio, D glio, K Aglio, M Ahmad, Ahuati-C Akeel, ~ Aker, TI1 Akinola, Akinola, Akinola, Akosah, Alfano,, lan, M Alley, c, ley, p, Allison, meida meida shawi Alvarad< Alving, f Amaya, Ampratv ders, dersc

dersc dersc OJldersc OJldersc Anders<

ing together. And if this book would Ol1gh its not perfect, it. This was a year of changes , and we Thanks too

o.ndersc !>.ndersc !>.ndersc ersc Andersc rade o.ndrew! OJlgeley OJlgeley OJlglin, ; 6Jce, M; -'\rcher, I 路agaenea ur, F l\shwort ,Aller 'uldia, ~ " man, ng, p, stin 1 vales,' Ayala, J1 ye, Thi yers, C




3aber, ~ 3abu, o 3acke, f 3adilla,. 3adilla-C 3ailey, C 3ailey, ( 3aine, A

Index A Aasen , Kristian 42, 183 Abdullah, Tabarek 101 Abel , Allison 87 Abel, Kimberly 87 Aboud, lsraa 87 Aboud, Raghda 87 Aboud, Roua 87 Abril-Montoya, Lina 101 Adam Owen 71 Adams, Brian 93 Adalia, Aadil 93 Agee, Shaniqua 42, 166, 167 Aglio, David 101 Aglio, Kira 87, 153, 177, 179 Aglio, Mrs. 17 Ahmad, Naaila 93 Ahuati-Cuazitl, David 93 Akeel, Morod 87 Aker, Timothy 87, 148, 183 Akinola, I. 181 Akinola, lreti 100 Akinola, lretioluwa 101 Akosah, Kwame 101 , 150 Alfano, Anna 87, 177, 181 Allan, Makenna 101 Alley, Coach Mike 148, 149 Alley, Peyton 101 , 150, 151 , 183 Allison, Coach 161 Almeida, Allison De 7, 47, 50, 161 Almeida, Jeffrey De 94 , 178 Alshawi, Sarah 101 Alvarado-Hernandez, Marisol 101 Alving, Hunter 101 Amaya, Cynthia 101 Ampratwum, Maame Konadu 104 Anders, A. Lauren 42 Anderson, Alexus 42, 101, 156, 171 Anderson, B. 184 Anderson, Ben 42 Anderson, Blake 93, 122 Anderson, Cameron 176, 177, 185 Anderson, Joseph 23, 87 , 148, 149, 178 Anderson, Joshua 101 Anderson , Lanikqua 22, 93, 174 Anderson, Lexus 93 Anderson, Naomi 101 Anderson-Lindsay, Camae 42 Andrade, Pabla 101, 138 Andrews, Abigail 42 Angeley, Elisabeth 93 Angeley, Joshua 42 Anglin, Zachary 101 Arce, Marcos 101 Archer, D. 150 Anriaga-Lopez, Kevin 93 Arseneault, Micah 36, 39, 42, 180 Arthur, Robert 87 Ashworth, Zachary 93 Au,AIIen 42 Audia, Matthew 42 Auman, Curtis 93 Aung, Patrick 93 Austin 176 Avalos, Cynthia 93 Ayala, Juana 93 Aye, Thi Let 87 Ayers, David 87, 148 Azadzo, . Yama 42

8 Baber, Mason 101 , 150, 183 Babu, Divya 87 Backe , H. 155 Badilla, Jose 101 Badilla-Castillo, Ruben 93 Bailey, Cameron 87, 136 Bailey, Guillaume 87, 158, 185 Baine, Amber 101

Baker, Kyle 87, 148 Baker, Maury 20, 87 Baker, Reggie 43 Baker, Ryan 87 Balaban, Michael 101 , 180 Baldwin , Sophie 43 Ball, Charlotte 87 Balnave, Coach 180 Bankard , Megan 87, 120 Banks, Kadisha 87 Banks, Thomas 101 Bantz, Mr. Steve 110, 115 Baranik, Benjamin 14, 87, 90, 165, 183 Barber, Alexander 87 Barbour, Brianna 43 Bargh , Dana 87, 153 Barker, Kelley 36, 87, 97, 156 Barksdale, Morgan 43 Barnes, Anna 101 Barnes, Ebony 93 Barnes, Marc 21 , 43, 61 Barnes, Morgan 101 Barranco, Rachel 93, 161 Barrett, Asia 101 Barton , Michael 43, 184 Basile, Madison 87 Bates, Andrew 44 Baucom, Mark 39, 44, 80, 158, 159, 177, 176, 185 Bebel, Sara 87 Becerra, Carmen 93 Beiter, Benjamin 101 Beiter, Daniel 44 Beiter, Rebecca 87 Bell, Floyd 101 Bell, Kashianya 93 Bellew, James 93, 178 Bergstresser, Rachel 101 Bernardino, Kevin 101 , 178 Bernardino, Michael 14 ,44, 149, 173 Berry, Jamal 101 , 150 Beth Ann Parkhill 71 Bevard , Alison 44, 136 Bibb, J. 183 Singler, Eric 11, 87 Birckhead, David 93 Black, C. 154, 179 Black, Kevin 93, 114, 158, 175, 178 Blair, Daniel 87, 177, 180 Blakey, Eboni 87 Blanchard , Autumn 87 Block, Jessica 93, 97, 156, 157 Boamah, Richard 101 , 151 Boboy, Zamir 93 Bock, Lydia 101 Boghdeh, Niloufar 17, 101 Bohlander, Matthew 44 Bohn, Alexander 87, 180 Bonilla, Kevin 87 Booker, Brieona 93, 176, 177, 185 Booker, neona 93, 171 Booth , Rebecca 101 Bor, Christine 12, 93, 127, Bor, Sam 20, 43, 45, 127, 138 Borchardt, David 93 Borenstein , Aaron Joseph 45 Borenstein, Jacob 87, 124, 183 Bosley, Rachael 93, 182 Bassinger, Robert 101 Bourestop, J. 14 Bourne, Karen (Kitty) 45 Bovarnick, Paul 101 Bowles, Julia 93 Boyle, Eileen 33 Boyle, Mary 101 Bozzone, Reid 45 Braatz, Elise 45 Braden, Bobby 45 Braden, Coach 151 Braden, Rachel 101 Bradshaw, Quiana 87, 142 Brady, Anne 101 , 181 Brady, Lauren 87, 181 Brady, Sarah 45

Branch, Devin 93 Branham, Will 36, 87 Bratcher, T'Keyah 45 Breece, Benjamin 101 Breeden , Eric Allan 11 , 45, 148, 174, 175 Brewer, David 93 Brewer, Paige 101 Brewer, Sarah 101 Bricker, Miranda 33, 87, 128 Briehl, Krister 101 Brodnik, David 101 , 150 Bromberger, Sophie 101 , 161 Brooks, Hannah 87, 161 Brooks, Jakob 101 , 158, 184 Brooks, John 93 Brooks, Lynnasia 93 Brooks, Valissa 13, 45 Brown, Alex 30, 93, 171 .183 Brown, Alexis 101 Brown, Bryan 93, 136, 141 Brown, Casey 100, 101 Brown, Coach 151 , 177, 185 Brown, Fitzgerald 93 Brown, Hunter 101 , 178 Brown, Jaylin 11 ,101 Brown, Jessica 17, 38, 87, 134 Brown, Kiyara 45 Brown , L. 156 Brown , Lindsey 101 Brown, Lorenzo 185 Brown, Mrs. 142 Brown , Nicholas 9, 100, 101 , 151 Brown, Sophia 93, 98, 173 Browning, Sydney 93, 165 Brugh, Haley 15, 45 Bruna!, Alyssa 93 Bruna!, Mia 101 Brunelle, Michael 93 Brust, Ben 7, 158, 159, 185 Bryant, Alexis 93 Bryant, D. 150 Bryant, Jonathan 101 Bryant, Whitney 93 Buckley, C. 177, 180 Buckley, Colin 87 Buczyna, Jason 33 Buhle , Anna 93, 97, 156, 179 Buhle., E. 178 Bullard, W 148 Bunts, Harrison 101 Burgess, Hannah 22 , 93 Burley, Brehanna 101 Burner, Laura 38, 122 Burrier, Zachary 93 Burris, Joseph 93, 165, 183 Bush, B. 154 Bush, Sidney 6, 182 Butler, Jordan 87 Button, Coach 171 Button, J. 182 Butts, Austen 101 Butts, Kelyn 87 , 179 Buynak, Debbie 26, 36, 93 Bwiseze, Methusela 101 Bwiseze, Safi 101 Byers, Coach 150, 175 Byers, Samuel 101

c C. 155 Cahalen, Joseph 93 Cahill, Morgan 20, 93 Cain, Eric 70 Calhoun, Joshua 87, 122, 148, 178 Calhoun, Samuel 101 , 178 Callender, Madison 93 Callender, Nicholas 101 Callihan, Melanie 101 Callihan, Michael 93, 94 Campbell, Devon 101 , 150 Campbell, Katie 13, 61 Campbell , Morgan 101 , 103 Campbell, Mr. 14 Campbell, Ryan 136

Cantoni, Olivia 93, 161, 177, 181 Cardella, J. 183 Carey, Aqiyla 23 Carey, Candace 179 Carey, Justin 93, 178 Carey, Sakiyna 93 Carlisle, Jared 22, 23, 93, 124, 185 Carlisle, Ryan 66, 175, 174, 178 Carmines, C. 151 , 158, 178 Canmines, Chad 93 Carmines, Christian 87 Carmines, Kyle 87 Carneal, Lee 18, 149, 148, 164, 165, 183 Carneal Jr., Oddie 87 Carpenter, Drew 93 Carpenter, Matthew 101 Carrell, Megan 93 Carroll, Alyssa 101 Carroll, Kali 36, 37, 87, 119, 153 Carry, C. 153 Carson , Connor 93, 166, 179 Carswell, Allison 87 Carter, Khalil 101 Carter, Kyshara 93 Carter, Maranda 101 Carter, Q. 150 Case , Andrew 87 Case, Mackenzie 101 Casey, Lauren 87 Cashwell , Cathrine 87 , 90 Castelino, Ashley 87, 136 Castorina, Baylee 185, 93 Catoe, Aunisha 101 Caton , S. 184 Cauley, Crystal 93 Cavanaugh, Brianna 93 Cavanaugh, Christian 101 Cechova, Kristina 6 Chaill , M. 173 Chambers, N' Bushie 20, 21, 101, 163 Chandler, John 22, 87, 127, 178, 179 Chandler, Steven 101 Chang, Vincent 101 , 115 Chapman , Carolyn 101 , 171 , 179 Chapman , David 93, 151 , 169 Chapman, MaryAnn 48, 161 , 173 Chen, Casey 101 Cheng, William 101 , 185 Chhetri, Adesh 48 Chhetri, Anuragh 102 Chhetri, Suraj 93 Chisholm, Caroline 93, 155, 184 Cimic, Dajana 87 Clark, Coach 153 Clark, Darius 102 Clark, Sierra 48 Clarke , Heather 20, 87, 166, 179 Clay, Mr. 36 Clem, Grant 48 Coach 180, 185 Cobbs, Jalen 93, 151 Coble, Travis 87 Coffindaffer, Michael 102 Coffman , Cathy 161 Coffman , Coach 161 Coffman, Kendall 16, 93, 153, 181 Coffman , Zachary 13, 87, 158, 159, 180 Cohen, Emma 21, 48, 69, 141 Cohen, Linda 102 Cole, Riley Middleton 48, 148 Coleman , William 49 Coles, Jamal 93, 133 Coletrain, Jacqueline 49 Colindres, Dilcia 102 Collazo-Espinosa, Jose 93 Collier, Joshua 93 Collier., T. 182 Collins, Krystal 102, 182 Coltrane , Jordan 49 Gomberg , Anna 39, 49 Conner, Hannah 93, 161 , 185 Conrad, Brittany 13, 49, 138

Cook, R. 173 Cook, Trevon 49 Cooke, Alex 49, 76 Cooke, Danny 87 Cooke, Martin 102 Cooke, R. 185 Coombs, Noel 87 Cooper, Tavon 49 Copony, Carrie 157 Coppola, Andrea 49, 142, 161 , 173 Corbett, Douglas 93, 184 Corbin , Dionna 37, 93, 119, 166 Corcoran, Tyler 11 Cordoba , Kimberlin 87 Corea , Kirsten 93 Cornell, Erin 49 Costabile , Saverio 102 Coyle , Jalmar 49 Crawford , Zachary 87 , 158 Creegan , Katherine 93 Creighton, Kelly 102 Crenshaw, Cole 87 Crickenberger, Dakota 87 Crisostomo, Lucia 87 Crist, Matthew 102, 150, 168, 178 Croonquist, Keith 93 Crossman, Ryan 49 Croswell, Kiara 102 Crow, Coach 178 Crow, Thomas 102, 178 Cruz-Duran , Ricardo 93 Cudahy, Ryan 93, 119, 173 Cude, Katherine 50, 128 Cude, Thomas 50 Cummings, Mark 87 Cunningham, A. 94 , 151

D D'Antoni, Emma 87, 161 , 185 D'avanzo, Damian 87 Dabney, Lucy 50 Dahal, Durga 87 Dale, Fiona 102 Dalkin, Benjamin 102, 183 Dalton, Grace 37, 102 Daniel, Sydney 102, 154 Daniel Ortiz 71 Darnell, Austin 102, 180 Daugh , Megan 155 Davies, Austrine Emylee 13, 50 Davila, Nicholas 87 Davis, Bryant 50, 136 Davis, C'aira 22, 87 Davis, Curtis 102 Davis, Heather 87 Davis, J. 158, 178 Davis, Jason 102 Davis, Jessica 102, 141 Davis, John 114 Davis, Jonathan 87 Davis, Katrina 87 Davis, Lynwood 94 Davis, Randrell 102, 150 Davis, Trae 23, 30, 151 Davis, Trina 162 Davison, Abigail 102, 176, 177, 181 Davison, Emily 39, 50, 152, 153, 153, 177, 181 Deal, Ben 158, 159, 176 Deal, Benjamin 87, 158, 159, 176 Deal, Hannah 102, 141 , 155 Dean, Ariel 102 Dean, Matthew 102 Dean, Victoria 94 Deane, Eric James 50 Defrank, Kathryn 102 De Loria, Richard 102, 150, 151 , 183 Delp, Victoria 102 Demasters-Hadder, Samantha 87 Deng, Zhi Bo 50 Dennis, Graham 102 Densmore, Mallory 102, 169

Densmore, Nicole 94, 173, 181 Denton , James 102 Deras, Ebert Antonio 102 Desai , Sapna 30, 94 Desimini, Wilson 87, 141 , 146 Desmond , Daniel 50 Desmond , Patrick 94 Dhaliwal, Herman 50 Diaz, Francisco Javier 51 Dibble , M. 150, 175, 178 Dickason, Andrew 11 , 100, 102 Dillon , John 37, 51 Dionna Corbin 37 Dolzer, Michael 102 Donnelly, Chris 7, 51 Dorsey, Garen 102 Doshi, An ish 33, 87 Dougharty, Devin 102 Dougherty, Carol 88, 138 Douglas, Brenesha 94 Doukan, Zeina 102, 181 Dowling, Masato 102, 150, 174 Draego, Zac 180 Dresner, Frank 51 Drumheller, Dylan 51 Drumm, Miranda 102 Drumm , Victoria 88 Duani , Elyse 94 Dudley, D. 151 , 177, 185 Dudley, Damion 88 Dudley, Demarco 94 Dudley, Miriah 102, 154 Duggan, Kate 94, 119 Duggan, Michael 94 Dunaway, Coach 150 Dunaway, Logan 102, 150, 183 Dunaway, T. 183, Duncan, M. 155 Dunniuan, Randy 51 Duran-Reyes, Andrea 94 Durrer, Jerry 88 Durrett, Kristin 88 E Eads, Preston 94 Ealy, Tyler 94, 151 , 180 Early, Ashley 14, 37, 86, 88, 166 Easter, Taylor 52 Eavey, Autumn 102 Eavey, Kevin 11, 52 Echelberger, Aileen 52, 161, 185 Echelberger, Reece 102, 173 Edenfield, Krista 12, 88 Eersel , Katherine Van 92 Egan, Nicholas 102 Egner, Abigail 36, 102, 161 Eheart, Megan 94 Eheart, Nicky 155, 182 Eiden, Rachel 88 Eklund, Lauren 86, 88, 146, 147 Elder, A. 158, 185 Elder, Aaron 94 Elder, Angela 52, 130 Elder, Anna 52 Elder, Becca 154, 170, 182 Elder, Coach A. 156 Elder, Rebecca 102 Elliot, Kacie L. 52 Elliott, Julia 102 Elliott, Skyler 94 Elmer, Jayden 102 Elwan , Salley 88 Emch, Chad 102 Entezam, Cyrus 88 Epps, Joseph 88 Evans, L. 183 Evans, Maggie 53, 143 Evans, Zachary 88, 148, 183 Evarts, Adelaide 29, 88 Everard, Taylor 102, 150 F Fagan, Drew 53, 122, 158, 176, 177, 185 Fagan, Michael 102

Fahim , Shassata 102 Fanning, Carson 102, 181 Fanning, Connor 53 Farabaugh, Megan 11 , 102, 173 Farineau , Isabelle 94 Farmer, Brian 6, 53 Fatton , Luc 8, 20, 22, 94 Faulconer, Rachel 94 , 97 , 156, 157, 166 Fei, Yun Yang 94 Feldman, Melanie 53 Feola, Victoria 37, 88 Ferero, Joshua 94 Ferg uson, Katrina 94 Ferguson, Kenya 94 Fermin , V. 150 Ferralli, Adam 94 Fielding, Tori 94 Firer, Harlan 88 Fischer, Amory 36, 94 Fisher, Carley 53 Fisk, Taylor 94 Flores , Freddy 53 Flores-Loredo, Perla 94 Flores., V 185 Foley, Daniel 94 , 98, 102, 143, 158 , 174 Ford, Kejah 102 Ford, Logan 94 , 169 Fournier, Louis 88 Foutz, Steve 126 Franklin, Tony 185 Fraser, Courtney 88 Frazier, Armanny 94 , 150 Frazier, Jessica Marie 53 Freas, William 53, 177 , 180 Frechette , Greg 142, 158, 177, 178 Frechette , Tim 158 Fredner, Lindsey 7, 53 Fredrick, Sarah 88, 138 Freshwater, Melanie 21, 53, 80, 172, 173 Friedersdori. Andrew Max 54 Friedersdori. John 102 Friend, John 95 Fries , Charlotte 88 Frye, Tanqel Patrick M. 54 Fulkerson, Aaron 88 Fultz, Mark 95 , 180 Funke, Coach 180 Funke , Zachary 95, 180 Funkhouser Ill, Glen 102 Futon , Luc 98 G Gadow, Renas 102 Gagg , Lacey 102, 103, 179 Gaines, Katherine 88, 136, 148, 175 Gaines, Kevin 88, 130 Gaines, Taylor 88 Galindo-Martinez, Carlos 88 Gallagher, Coach 148 Gama , Coach 180 Gambill, Tyler 95 Ganz, Kelsey Brianna 54 Garcia, Kristina 88 Garcia-Franco, Maria 88 Garcia-Franco, Rudy 102 Gardner, Joshua 95 Garland , Mia 179 Garland , Peter 9, 88, 173, 178 Garrison, Antoinette 95 Garrison, Felicia 102, 171 Garth, Taylor 102 Gaskins, Griffin 95, 142 Gaskins, Taylor 88, 184 Gatewood, Kassandra 95 Gautam, Simanta 95, 158, 185 Gavrilovic, Elena 102 Gavrilovic, John 20, 54, 58 Gaye, Grace 95 Gazewood, John 95, 115, 177, 180 Gentry, Kaylan 54 Gerding, Emily 88 Gerding, Molly 23, 38, 88, 136

Gerrick, Destiny 94, 95, 161 Giacalone, Gabriel 102 Giacalone, Sydney 95, 115 Giannini, Lane 102 Gibbons, Anna 39, 54 Gibbons, Evan 102, 150, 178 Gibson, Kyle Andrew 54 Gibson, Mckensie 86, 88 Gilbert, Halley 13, 54 Gilbert, Phoebe 95 Gilbertson, Blythe 54 Gilgannon, Daniel 10, 95, 169, 180 Gillenwater, Jay 102 Gillespie, Samuel 95, 158 Gilliam, Samuel 95, 100 Gilmore, Cinque 88 Gilmore, Katelynn 102 Glaeser, Gretchen 95, 161 , 185 Glennie, Morgan 11 , 88 Goldeen, Deborah 95 , 136 Golden, Elaine 88, 129 Golden , Kristen 88 Goljamali, Sarah 102 Gomez, Beatriz 88 Gomez, Emanuel 88 Gonzalez-Fraire, Vanessa 95 Gooding, William 102 Goodman, Alexander 54 , 148 Goodman, Arick 95 Goodrich, Anna 10, 20, 95, 127, 154 Goodrich, Matthew 20, 14, 24 , 37 ,88, 90, 126, 165, 180 Gorak, Joseph 95, 175, 185 Gore , Austin 54 Gertler, Frederick 102, 138 Gourde!, Isis 102 Grabowska, Anita 30, 95, 185 Graham, Harrison 95 Graney, Madeline 88 Graves, Ashley 54 Graves, Damarco 102 Gray, Erin 88 Gray, Jasmine 37 , 88 , 166, 167 Gray, Kirtland 88, 184 Gray, Lauren Michelle 55 Gray, Ryan 39, 55, 158, 185 Green, C. 150, 178 Green, Coach 148 Green, Kayla 55 Greene, Anthony 95 Greene, Tony 31 Gregg , Derrik 95, 169 Grimes, Logan 88, 174 Grimm, Beck 13, 55 Grimsley, Jordan 102, 174 Grobmyer, Coach 184 Grooms, Ashley 95 Grossman, Kaitlyn 102, 173, 184 Grubb, Austin 26 Grubb, Heather 55 Grubb, William 95 Guberman, Katie 95,119, 174 Guiberson, Emma 102 Gutzler, David 88, 175 H Hadley, Spencer 88 Hagee, Jaqueline 142 Hagee, Micheal 95 Hahn, Eric 95 Hahn, Hannah 102, 161 Hahn, Stacey 6, 21, 36, 56, 184 Haines, Ivy 56, 184 Hairston, Jessica 88 Hal, Coach 181 Hale, Mr. 14 Hale, Taylor 15, 39, 56, 181 Hall, Parker 95 Hamilton, Kyle 39, 56, 103, 148 Hammond, Katherine 95, 165 Han. Eric 11 5 Hancock, Kelly 88 Hand, Allison 56 Hand, Shaun 102 Haney, Brandon 102. 150

Hankins, Coach 179 Hargett, Christian 103, 178 Harmon, Matthew 56 Harper, Hannah 103 Harper, Holland 88, 173 Harris, Heather 56 Harris, John 103 Harris, Kelly D. 21, 56 Harris, Marissa 88 Harrison, Steven 8, 56 Harriston, Jessica 166 Hasson, Ambre 39, 56 Hatchett, Camron 103, 151 Haugh, Betsy 36, 56, 181 Hawkins, Harmon 95, 183 Hawkins, Kendall 9, 11 , 20, 29, 30, 88, 165 Hawthorne, Adrienne Erinne 56 Hayes, Patrick 57, 136 Hazlett, Caroline 11 , 100, 103 Hazlett, Laura 57, 124 Healey, Brenna 95 Heatwole, Andrew, 95, 158.179, 185 Hebblethwaite, Joe 57 Hecmanczuk, Paul 95, 178, 185 Hedger, Patrick 30, 86, 88 Hedrick, Logan 57 Heeschen, Kira 7, 86. 88 Heider, Sarah 12, 29, 38, 88, 173 Heldreth, Nathaniel 88, 158, 177, 195 Heldreth, P. 158 Henderson, Ashley 57. 151 , 174 Henderson, Dieira 95 Henderson, Elijah 66 Henderson, Hernon 88, 164, 165 Henderson, Matthew 95 Henderson, Sarah 16, 95, 155, 177 Henderson, Savannah 88 Hendrick, Logan 126 Hendrix, Jake 20, 48, 57, 157, 165, 183 Henry, Alison 95, 114, 184 Henry, Dayquan 88, 130 Henry, Mack 58 Henry, Monica 58 Hensien, Collin 95, 173 Herbert, Ms. Stephanie 36 Hernandez, Cristian 58, 64, 148 Hernandez, Jonathan 88, 175, 185 Hernandez- Burgos, Lester 95, 103, 127, 174, 185 Herold, Dylan 22 , 58, 146 Herring, Chloe 103 Herring , Cody 103 Herring, Ryan 95 Hess, Ever 58 Hetrick, Tyler 88 Hicks, Cole 103 Hill, Tyler 95, 151 Hillery, Khalil 103, 150 Hillstrom, Elizabeth 95 Hilsen, Isabel 58 Hipolito-Mata, Sarai 95 Hodges, Alexa 103 Hoerman, Scott 59 148, 163 Hoffman, Catherine 88 Hoffman, Jonathan 103, 178 Hoffman, Talia 88 Hofman, Chris 103 Hogan, Helena 103 Hagee, Jackie 88 Holiday, Eric 88 Holley, Barrett 95, 180 Holly, Coach 179 Holman, Brittany 103 Hood, Jesse 88 , 148 Hooper, Carrie 95 Hooper, M. 171 , 185 Hopkins, Coach 174 Hopkins, Donnel 175 Hopkins, Parker 51, 59 Hopkinson, Caitlin 88 Hopkinson, Jessica 103. 154, 185 Horan, Rosalynn 103 Horbaly, Andrew 95, 178

Horbaly, Haley 55, 59, 179 Herridge, Danielle 95 Horton, Crosby 95 Houchens, Alexander 103 Houghton, Kyra 88 Howard Jr, Charles 95 Howe, Elisha 88 Huber, Jake 37, 88 178, 179 Huber, Mitch 29, 95, 178 Hucek, Ashley 59, 158, 161 , 185 Hucek, Andrew 95 uff, Britney 37, 95 Hull, Elizabeth 95 Hunt, Caitlin 88, 163 Hunt, Will 13, 88, 158, 159 177, 185 Hunt, Kelsey 103, 162, 163 Hunt, Ms. Jane 139 Hunt, Shelby 13, 29, 59, 70 Hunter, Hannah 88 Huschke, Allison 16, 95, 161 Hussaini, Samira 103, 171 utchinson, Coach 182 Hutton, Brooke Ashley 38, 59 Huynh, Jennifer 59 Huynh, Vincent 103, 150, 185 Huysman, Kyle 88, 127, 164 Hyman, Laquisha 103

lllendula, Meghana 95 lnce, Abby 86, 88, 161 Ingram, Atalia 88

Jackson, Daniel 95, 169 Jackson, Coach EA 153, 180 Jackson, Erin 39, 59, 166, 167, 182 Jackson, Jasmine 22, 88 Jackson, Larkeem 88, 148, 178 Jackson, Major 11 , 86, 88 Jackson, Mr. Scott 120, 180 Jackson, Shiquan 103 Jackson, Taneaka 59 Jacobson, Amanda 103 James, Jack 103, 183 James, Jalen 103 James, Lis 103 James, Peyton 20, 88, 138 Janssens, Alexander 95, 178 Jarman, Elsabe 95 Jenkins, Mark 21, 59 Jenkins, Ramel 33, 59, 148, 149, 174, 175 Jepson Jr, Randall 88 Jepson, Ryan 115 Jewell, Emma 59, 161 , 185 Joachim, Edward 95 Johnson, Abi 100, 103, 154, 181 Johnson , Alyssa 60 Johnson, Becky 24, 89, 116, 128, 153 Johnson , Cate 20, 39, 60, 74, 152, 153, 185 Johnson, Jessica 36, 60, 169 Johnson, Shawna 95 Johnson , Tyler 60, 146, 178 Johnston, Jeremy 95, 146 Jones, Bradley 103 Jones, Briauna 95 Jones. Brodie 11, 89 Jones, Coach 166 Jones, Daniel 103 Jones, Desmen 103 Jones, Gabrielle 103 Jones, Janae 89 Jones, Jeffrey 95 Jones, Kelly 95 Jones. Mackenzie 95, 173 Jones, Mahassa 89 Jones, Paul 95 Jones, Rebecca 95. 175 Jones, Savannah 103 Jones, Sylvia 120 Jones, Tierra 95 Jones, Tilik 103, 183

Jones Jr, Terry 103 Joo, Hee Seok 95 Jordan, Briana 103 Jordan, Coach Tony 148 Jordan, Dorothy 21 , 95 Jordan, Kimberly 60 Jordan, Robert 185 Josephson, Seton 29, 60, 142 Joyner, Dorothy 89, 138 K Kamal, Faysal 60 Kane, Emily 32, 60 Karama, Hamed 36, 95 Karama, MaiWan 60 Kams, Johnathan 60, 119 Kater, Jennifer 10, 95, 185 Kater, Timothy 60, 129 Katz, Jordan 103, 168, 180 Keating, Kylie 103, 104, 182 Keenan, Allison 103 Keithley, Carmen 95 Kellenberger, Gary 103, 138 Kellenberger, Joseph 60 Kellenberger, Katherine 89 Keller, Annie 95, 138 Kelley, Devon 61 Kelly, Josh 61 Kelly, Kiera 61 , 138 Kelsey, Riley 13, 32, 48, 61 Kemper, Justin 104 Kennedy, Cameron 95, 179 Kennedy, Kaci 15, 104 Kennedy, Kendall 89 Kent, Coach 179 Kerl, Jacob 89 Kerl, Luke 104 Kerl, Rachel 104 Key, Tory 18, 36, 61 , 62, 148, 178 Khan, Amna 104 Khurgel, Samuel 96 Killinger, Matthew 39, 89 Kim, Helena 61 Kim, Hye-Jin 104 Kim, Su Hyun 89 Kim, Tae 89, 158 Kim, Wontae 96 Kim, Woo-Yul 62 Kime, Roxanne 15, 89, 138 Kinlaw, Dakota 104 Kinlaw, Jordan 96, 181 Kirgizov, Rustam 89 Kirst, Maegan 104 Kirst, Stephen 89, 141 Kitelinger, Olivia 89 Kliewer, Matthew 96 Knarzer, Sarah 89 Knight, Connor 89 Kohler, Lindsay 96, 173 Koirala, Priscilla 104 Kois, Vinnie 62 Konadu-Ampratwum, Nana 89 Karbon, Matthew 96 Kostanecki, Paige 89 Kostelac, Joseph 62, 148 Kostelac, Sidney 96, 97 , 156 Krohn, Joseph 96, 97 , 158, 176, 177, 185 Krone, Alexander 62, 138 Krouse, Claire 96 Krull, Lauren 14, 62 Kruse , Rebecca 89 Kuhn, Emily 89, 141 Kunkler, Riley 104 Kurgal, S. 175 Kwaitkowski, Laura 160, 161 Kwanzaa Parker 71 Kwiatkowski, D. 158 Kwiatkowski , Mary 96, 161 Kyriacopolous, Casey 63, 173, 172 Kyriacopoulos, Benjamin 89, 178 L Lacome, Nina 104 Ladd , Adam 96 Laher, Samuel 63 Lail, Hannah 100, 104

Lake, Ryan 96 Lam, Farin 63, 156, 157, 166, 182 Lam, Tori 96 Lamb, Kiersten 63 Lampron , Nick 63 Lancaster, Madeline 104, 181 Landa, Juan Carlos Cruz 102 Landon-Smith, Mason 127, 185 Lanjin, l 180 LaPrade , Madelyn 136 LaRue, Stephan 63 Lathem, E. 153 Lauber, Marla 23, 96 Lawrence, A 182 Lawson , Hannah 157 Lawson , Matthew 96 Lawson , Nicholas 104, 151 Lawson, Ryan 63, 114 Lazo, S. Nadia 63 Leader, Jennifer 36 Leake, Derek 178 Leake, Kadlin 63, 122 Leary, Caitlyn 63, 161 Leary, Ryan 104, 168 Ledford, Michael 164, 165 Lee , Dereice 89 Lee , Irene 9, 20, 89, 161 , 171 Lee, Jack 21, 64, 73, 114 Lee , Jae Yeon 96 Lee , Logan 96, 169 Lee , Paris 64 Lee, Ye Rin 96 Leech, Camille 104, 185 Leech, Eleanor 20, 89, 127 ,161, 185 Legard, Cyrus 104, 150, 185 Leider, Jennifer 104 Leider, Melissa 64 Lemay, Olivia 96, 161 Lennon, Mr. Chris 8 Leonard, Abigail104, 155, 177, 182 Leonard, Jim 89 Lescaulit, Jacob 96, 173 Lesher, Cory 104, 168 Lesnoff, Abby 37, 64, 184 Letteri, Joshua 96, 151 Levine, Alexander 104, 158, 185 Lewis, Dacey 89 Lewis, Elizabeth 104 Lewis, Gregory 64 Lewis, Jamar 104, 150 Lewis, Jessie 96 Lewis, Kathlynn 96, 154, 166, 185 Lewis, Melissa 89, 114 Lewis, Olivia 22, 104, 115 Lewis, Tanika 64 Ley, Caleb 64 Ley, Savannah 7, 96, 161 , 185 Leytham, Emily 89, 181 Leytham, Robert 104, 158, 178 Lieberman, Avram 96, 98, 175 Lindemann, Melanie 15, 89, 182 Lindsey, Rick 184 Lindsley, Madelyn 63 Linkous, Lauren 89 Lister, Mitchell 64 Little, Fulton 104 Liu , Kevin 64 Liu , Tony 89, 146 Llong , E. 156 Lloyd , Matthew 89 , 173, 184 Lochner, Cameron 104 Lockhart, Lottye 96, 138 Lockman, Matthew 96 173 Logan, Tevin 96, 151 Lomax, Cory 89 Lombardo, Michael 64, 180 Londree, Johnta 64 , 119, 148, 169, 185 Londree. Ryan 104, 150, 169 Long , Clyde 21, 64, 148 Long , Corey 89 Long , Courtney 104 Long , Luke 89 Long , Quinton 96 Long , Shaniqua 65 Lonjin , Taylor 104

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36, 182

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Lopez, Ann 96, 185 Lopez, Mauricio 96 Lord, Alexandra 65 ord , E. 184 Loredo, Bianca 33, 89 Loredo, Miguel 96, 178 Lorenzoni, Coach Alec 185 Louderback, Venus 104 oudermilk, Lauren 104 Louns, Evy 127 Love, Dr. 17 Lu, Tony 141 Lunnen, Blake 96 Luong, Evy 104 Luong , Sonic 65 Ly, C. 185 Ly, Christina 65 Lynch, D. 183 M


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Ma, Seokyoung 104 Mack, Elizabeth 65 Mack, Marie 96 Mackay, Elias 14, 20, 96, 97, 151, 169, 180 Mackay, Sadie 104 Mackl, Elizabeth 66 MacKnight, Abigail 89 MacMichael, Erin 89 MacMichael, Mr. Jay 8 Madeline Tornrose 7 Madonick, Jonathan 65 Mahadevan , Karunasai 96 Mahanes, Elaine 66, 116 Main, Andrei 104 Main, E. 158 Majorin, Nikolai 96 Malboeuf, Michaela 104, 155 Malboeuf, Rachel 66 Male, Coach Buzz 158, 177, 185 Mallory, Daniel 96 Malone, Judah 96 Maltese , Alyssa 14, 29, 90 Mann, Andrew 90, 165 Mann, Jonathon 90 Marks, Elizabeth 96, 161 , 181 Marquez, Christian 39, 90, 178 Marsh, Luke 66 Marsh, Samuel 96 Marshall, Bryce 90 Marshall, Colleen 96, 97, 156, 182 Marshall, Haley 66 Marshall, Kai 14, 32, 90, 127, 180 Marshall, Pilar 90 Marshall, Samantha 96 Marshall-Roth, Madeleine 96 Martin, C. 146 Martin, Caleb 96, 146 Martin, Christina 96 Martin, Jacob 96 Martin, Jasmine 90 Martin, Kevin 104 Martin, Reynolds 66 Martin, Coach 178 Martinez, Loremi 1OS Martini, Erika 38, 67, 140 Martini, Kentaro 96 Mashall, K. 180 Massey, Coach 180 Massie Jr., Tony 105, 150, 168 Masterson, Kendall 105, 171, 179 Mastropaolo, Steven 28, 90, 148, 165, 178 Mathes, Abigail 90 Mathes, Jonathan 90 Mathews, . Rielly 67 Mathis, J. 180 Matkovich, George 96 Mauss, Sophie 22, 96 Mawyer, B. 173 Mawyer, Mitchell 96 Maxa, Amber 96, 154 Maxa, Coach 168 Maxa, Corey 36, 66, 67 Maxwell, Savannah 105, 173 Maynard, Coach Greg 146, 165

Mayo, A. 150 Mayo, CJ 29, 138 Mayo, Zachary 105, 180 McAdams, Coach 178 McAfee, Benjamin 1OS McAllister, Emily 105, 171 , 182 McCade, Devon 96, 171 , 179 McCandlish, Maura 28, 67 McCann, Reilly 100, 105, 151 McCauley, Angela 11 , 90 McCauley, William 1OS McClung. Sheldon 90, 138 McCollough, Maddi 38 McCollough, Ryan 90, 178 McCord, Ashley F. 67 McCoy, Sherod 96, 185 McCullen , Erin 105 McCullough, Maddie 38, 67, 184 McCullough , Ryan 179 McDaniel, Christopher 1OS McDaniel, Grace 67 McDaniel, Tyler 105, 183 McGhee, Brinn 43, 67 , 126, 173 McGhee, Michael 90 McGovern, Kathryn 67 Mcintire, Damon 44 , 67 McKiernan, Robert M. 67 McKiernan, Steven Isaac 67 McPhillips, Austin 22, 36, 68 , 158, 159, 176, 177, 185 McPhillips, Patrick 96 McPhillips, S. 158, 173, 178 McPhillips, Tyler 68, 158, 159 McWilliams, Dalton 105 Meadors, Beth Anne 86, 90 Meadors, Emma 1OS Meadows, Alana 9, 13, 20, 90, 142, 152, 153, 166 Meadows, Kristen 90 Mealey, Janai 1OS Mejia, Annielly 68 Melendez, Gerardo Antonio 101 Melton, Samuel 96 Mendelsohn, Kirsten 90, 153, 179 Mendelsohn, Rebecca 36, 105, 179 Mendicino, W. 178 Mendonca , Bruno P. 17, 38, 68 Mendoza , Andrea 104, 105 Mendoza , Jose 96 Mendoza, Karla 68 Merkel, Mary 68, 83 Merkord, Sarah 68 Merrel, Benjamin 96, 177, 180 Mian, Sameer 96 Michel, Joseph 105, 138, 158, 173, 184 Micucci, Jonathan 13, 90 Micucci, JT 136 Might, Might 90 Milia, Kizy 1OS Miller, K. 173 Miller, Kaitlyn 96, 128 Miller, Kayce 100, 105 Miller, Kelly 96 Miller, Micaela 8, 96 Miller, Naomi 96 Mills, Trequan 105 Minnis Jr., Steven 105, 150, 175 Minter, Callie 68 Mir, Sarna 96, 115 Miskovsky, Tessa 96 Mitchell, D. 150 Mitchell, Denzel 68 Mitchell, Dylan 105 Mitchell, Holly 22, 30, 96 Mitchell, Kiyoko 96 Mitchell, Mike 21 , 68 Mitchell, Sherlon 68, 180 Mitra, Sristy 90 Moats, Christopher 1OS Mollica, Brittany 68 Mollica, Elise 105, 161 Monahan, David 69 Montalbano, Carl 10, 96, 180 Montecalvo, Carmen 90, 122 Montminy, Keith 96, 158, 177, 185

Moon, Hyun-Seok 90 Mooney, Olivia 15, 69, 127, 179 Moore, Alexandra 90, 148 Moore, C. 183 Moore Jr., Garrett 90, 116, 136 Moore, Hunter 96, 151 Moore, Michael 90 Moran, J. 150, 178 Morns, K. 177 Morris, Darshia 96 Morris, Derek 90 Morris, J. 165 Morris, Jacob 105 Morris, Jennifer 69 Morris, Jeremiah 33 Morris, Kalin 96 Morris, Kayla 96 Morris, Kimberly 69 Morris, Mr. 14 Morris, Mrs. Jennifer 139 Morris, S. 182 Morris, Thomas 90 Morris, Timothy 105 Morris, Tyler 90 Morris, Zachary 69, 174, 175 Morris, K. 179 Morse, Savannah 96, 97 , 156 Morse, Timothy 96, 148 Morton, Corie 105, 173 Moss, Sean 69 Mosser, Bonnie 29, 180 Moulis, Carly 105, 161 Moulton, Shayna 70 Moyers Jr, Kenneth 1OS Mueller, Joanna 105 Mullinax, Aaron 1OS Mullinax, Nathan 70, 138, 148 Murphy, Sara 90 Murray, Catherine 96 , 161 , 184 Murray, Ryann 100, 105, 161 , 179 Murray, Will 65, 70, 184 Musayev, Eldar 96 Musayeva, Narkiza 90 Myers, Coach 178 Myers, Mike 38, 70 N Nagel, Coach Brian 177, 185 Nalic, Irma 105 Napolitano, M. 155, 156, 184 Napolitano, Megan 70, 157, 184 Napolitano, Molly 10 Nasevich, Michael 96, 158, 185 Nash, William 1OS, 168, 178 Natale, Matthew 20, 105, 168, 180 Naz, Sana 97 Negash, Nahom Mulugeta 70 Neilson, Kyle 71 Nelson, Austin 1OS Nelson, Coach 173 Nelson, Evan 1OS Nelson, Kayla 97 Neuhoff, Haley 1OS, 11 5 Newstop, S. 185 Noble, Asher 14, 20, 90, 158, 185 Nolan, Alexander 105 Norman, Devante 97, 98 Norman, Dominique 71 Northup, L. 154 Northup, Paige 97, 153 Norton, Nathaniel 1OS Nottingham, Ashley 97 Notto, Leo 90, 148 Nuckols, William 105

0 O'Brien, Veronica 90, 138 O'Hara, Logan 105, 173 O'Neil, Connor 71 O'Neil, Cooper 90 Ogbomo, Hannah 1OS, 163 Ohardle, J. 14 Okaah, Nemuel 94 , 97, 127, 180 Olazagasti, Joel 71 Olekhnovich, Aleksandra lgorevna 51 , 71

Olguin-Aivarez, Arelya 1OS Oliva, Amber 23, 90 Oliver, Amanda 90 Oliver, Andrea 71 Oliver, John 71 Oliver-Balerna, Loren 105 Oliveri, Ashley 97 Olowin, Matthew 104, 105 Ortiz, Daniel 71 Ouypron, Jay 7, 71 Owen , Adam 55, 71 Owen , Christopher 97 Owen , Peter 97 p

Pace, Madeleine 97 Pace, Mr. 12 Paige , Ashley 105 Paige , Jaszmine 90 Painley, Maxwell 97 Pajewski, Michael 14, 97, 173 Palma-Galeas, Walter 90, 180 Palmer, Christopher 86, 91 Palmer, Jerrod 1OS Palmer, Shanice 37, 89, 91 , 166, 167 Pannell, Aaron 17 Parker, Kwanza 71 , 164, 165 Parker, Q. 148 Parkes, Nakia 105 Parkhill, Beth Ann 71 , 79, 179 Parkhill, L. 178 Parks, Justin 105, 168, 178 Parmiter,Amanda 17, 57 , 72 Parrent, Rachel 97 , 155, 181 Patel, Bhargav 97 Patel, Ghanshyam 72 Patel, Kajal 91 Patel, Niral 72 Patterson, Austin 91 Patterson , Brandon 72 Patterson , Chase 97 Pauley, Leandra 72, 153 Pavlosky, Claire 105 Pavlosky, Jonathan 72 Payne, Anna 26, 97, 171 , 179 Payne, Dekker 91 Payne, Jessica 97 Payne, Michael 47 Payne, Zachary 91 , 133, 148, 164, 165 Payne, Coach 148 Pearse, Georgia 105, 155 Pearson , Katherine 105, 182 Pease, Neal 14, 20, 91 , 126 Peck, Emily 22, 37, 90, 91 Peck, Kelsey 72, 127 , 172, 173 Peery, Alexander 1OS Peethumnongsin, Nisachon 1OS Pegg , Nicholas 20, 97, 178 Penny, Alexus 1OS Perch, M. 177, 185 Perdue, Daniel 91 Perez, Marissa 72 Perez-Diaz, Juan 91 Perez-Lugo, Freyra 91 Perez-Reyes, Alejandro 97 Pere z-Reyes, Alex 115 Pericak, Madeline 86, 91, 136 Perry, Charles 97 Perry, Cooper 1OS Perry, Dean 32, 91 Perry, Jacob 98, 115, 141 , 148, 158 Perry, Judd 72 Perry, Kathleen 28, 104, 105 Perry, R. 158, 180 Perry, Rowen 13, 14, 91 Perry, Ruth 97 Persaud , Avi 7, 105, 122 Persaud, Krishna 97 , 142 Peters,Aiaina 97, 155, 182 Peterson , Hannah 91 , 127, 161 Peterson , Will 29 Petrella, Catherine 105 Petrella, Nick 72 Pettis, M. 169

Pettis, Mathyuis 105 Pettis, Mo-Mo 169 Pettis, Tavonte 72 Petty, Zach 105, 150 Pfund, Nathaniel 97, 158 Philkill, Alexandra 97, 165 Phillips, Jacob 105, 158, 185 Phillips, Marissa 103, 1OS Piirto, David 105, 180 Piirto, Joy 39, 72, 142, 181 Pike, Cameron 73 Pike, Jeffrey 73 Pike, Justin 73 Pitt, Charlotte 8, 14, 22, 29, 37, 90, 91 ' 128, 179 Pittman, April 8, 73, 84 Pittman, Ja'son 105 Pittman, Ty 104, 150, 183 Podolski , Jon 33, 91 Polivka, Matthew 91 Pollack, Jessica 97, 181 Pollard-Lam, Darius 97 Polson , Grace 91 Pompeo, Ethan 6, 73 Pompeo, Jacob 9, 91 Ponce-Rodriguez, Juan 97 Poole, Bryant 105 Porco, Caroline 97, 156, 182 Portillo, Manuel 97 Powell, Brielle 91 Pratt, Coach 179 Prillaman, Mr. Jeff 114, 115 Pritchard , Taylor 15, 36, 73, 156 Proffitt, Robert 97 Prum, ian 13, 14, 20, 91 , 141 , 158, 185 Pugh, Carolyn 16, 97 , 155, 177, 185 Pugh, Laura 74, 161 , 177 Pugh, Sophie 105 Purvis, Cody 32 , 91 , 138 Pye, Dana 73, 74 Q

Quigley, Iris 105 Quillon , Allyson 105 Quillon , Rikki 15, 91 , 182 R Rader, Meghan 32, 91 , 181 Rader, Tyler 105, 150, 185 Ragland, Coach Mark 156, 157 Ragland, Josiah 91 Rag land, Shanique 91 Rainbows, Mitchell 180 Rainey, Samantha 74 Ramey, Coach 178 Ramey, Ryan 97, 178 Ramey, Sam 129 Ramos, Victor 127 Ramos-Paz, Jeffrey 97 Ramos-Paz, Victor 1OS Ramsey, Christina 97 Ray, Brian 74 Redden-Gonzalez, Eneida 105 Redden-Gonzalez, Pablo 74 Reece, Brendan 97, 151 , 178, 185 Reeder, Joshua 91 Regaldies, J. 173 Reid, Khalil 74 , 148, 183 Reid, Mijchell 1OS Reid, Nyanni 105, 107, 151 Reid, Samantha 8, 105 Reigel, Eric 75, 178 Reigel, Tyler 14, 75, 178, 179 Reiley, Coach 181 Retan, Madelyne 97 Reyes-Cruz, Juan 105 eyes-lagarza, Jonathan 1OS Rice, Candance 97, 163 Richands, Angela Renee 75, 182 ros, Cecilia 106, 182 rds, Olivia 75 fdson , J. 151 roson, Jack 75, 142 roson, Justin 106

Richardson, Vincent 106, 150 Ricotta, Daniel 75, 148, 149 Rigaldies, J. 180 Rigaldies, Jeremiah 91 Rigaldies, Julien 106, 127 Rinald, Kevin 106, 173 Riner, David 97 Rintels, Elizabeth 106 Ripley, Kyle 91 , 183 Ritchie, Nigiel 97 Rivers, Coach 148 Rivers, Micah 18, 20, 91 , 148. 185 Roane, Nicholas Patterson 75 Robbins, Chase 75, 173 Robbins, Jillian 75 Robbinson, R. 173 Roberts Jr, Christopher Robertson , Sarah 37, 91 , 162 Robinette, Haley 106, · -g Robinette, Zachary 75.1 58. • ---:. 185 Robinson. Charles 9, 1'. 2::. 30. 91 , 148 Robinson , Robert 91 Robinson, Stephanie · - .,. Robison, Robbie 11 5 Rocker, Samantha 106 Rodiguez, Jesky 91 Rodriguez, Cristian 106. 'Tr, 174,185 Rodriguez, lvette Anyei 9: Rodriguez-Gomez, Alma 98 Roelofs, Kaitlin 98 Roesch, Sean 91 , 158 Rogers, Anthony 106 Rogers, Dylan 91 , 1 Rohm , Madeline 98, 18: Rohm, Mckenna 26, 106. ·::;Romando, Lily 106, 179 Romando, Noah 75 Romero-Rodriguez, Gabiia E. :;· Rose , B. 148, 185 Rose, Brandon 91 Rose , Breanna 162 Rose, Coach 185 Rose, Dylan 106 Rose, Richlyn 91 Rose, Shane 91 , 180 Ross, Caryn 75 Ross, Kelsey 12, 106. '53 173, 179 Ross, Nicole 20, 91 , 115. ·:c 'Tr , 172, 173, 179 Roszak, Martha 20, 9' . '53 Roumeliotes, Arianna Ruiz-Rosas, Beatriz 98 Russell, Casey 98,1 28. · - '55 Russell , Jennifer 106. •-. Ryan, Coach 155 Ryan, Nicholas 106



s Saadut, Walee 89, 91, •~ Sacco, Jennifer 91 Sachs, Lucas Ouray Sacre, Joren 91 Sally, K. 177 Salone, Anna 13, 98 Salsini, Stephanie 9tl 9' Samaraee, Tabara! Samley, Hannah 91 , ·s· Sanchez, Tania L 9 Sanders , Darius 98 Sandoval-Garcia, J'.z- ~ Sandridge IV, Hug Sandridge , Madel€ · Sandridge, Tiffany Sar, Onaing 91 Sargatz, Janine 9 Sarp, Kevin 76 Sathe, Lizzie 76 Savina, Lyndsey 21 , "'E '"" Sawyer, Amber 106 Sawyer, Elisabeth 106 Sawyer, Jake 37, ~? - ·~ ·=:: Sawyer, L. 185

-a. :--

Saydee, Toude 77 Schaefer, Colin 98 Schalizki, Brittany 94 , 98 Schauer, Timothy 106 Schenck, Benton 98, 151, 180 Schick, Michael 146 Schmidt. Coach Kevin 158 Schmit. Evan 91 Schneider, Lauren 77, 152, 153, 182 Schneider, Marie 33, 100, 106, 154, 179 Schnell, Megan 106 Schoelkopf, Carmen 7, 39, 61 , 77, Scholl, Emily 98 Schrum, Mr. 14 Schwab, Abigail 12, 98, 181 Schwaner, Jonathan 98, 158 Schwartz, Haley 36 Schwartz, Sharon 91 Scott, C. 182 Scott, Christine 91 , 136 Scott, Coach 148 Scott, Denisha 91 Scott, Jonathan 91 , 182 Scott, Kia 9, 22, 91 Scott, Kiandria 106 Scott, Shakira 91 Seago, David 91 , 148, 149, 178 Seitz, Sophia 91 Serbati , Margaret 91 Serrato-Leon, lsmael 91 Seto, Christopher 98 Seto, Dawn 77 Shafer, Coach 151 Shafer, Kyle 106, 150, 175 Shaffer, Garrett 106, 168 Shah, Kashyap 69, 77, 184 Shanesy, Scott 77 Shannon, Breanna 91 Shaps, Hanna 98, 154, 179 Shaw, Julia 106, 184 Shaw, Kashup 116 Shaw, Timothy 33, 91 , 184 Shearburn, Coach 148 Sheffield, Caitly 77, 152, 153 Sheffield , Matthew 94, 98, 180 Sheiler, P. 182 Shelton, Jay 151 , 168, 183 Shelton , Jordan 106 Shepherd 176 Shepherd, Austin 91 Shepherd , Emily 58, 77 Shepherd , K. 185 Shepherd , Summer 21 , 62, 77, 161 Sherman , Brooke 106 Sherrill, Coach Amy 154, 171 , 181 Shick, Michael 98, 146 Shifflet, Matt 36, 127 Shifflett, Alanna 106 Shifflett, Alyssa 106 Shifflett, Christina 98 Shifflett, D. 150, 183 Shifflett, J. 14 Shifflett, James 106 Shifflett, Jasmine 106 Shifflett, Justin 29 Shifflett, Lauren 106 Shifflett, Mekalyn 91 Shifflett, Samantha 77 Shifflett, Sarah 91 Shifflett, Stacie 30, 94 , 98 Shifiett, Justin 122 Shifiett, Matthew 14. 77 Shrum , Coach Jake .173 Silke, Sarah 3 Siluk, Cody 91 , 148 Simmes, Melissa 37 Simmons, Alexander 98, 146, 174, 183 Simmons, Jayla 106, 148 Simms, Chloe 106 Simon, Jemy 106 Simons, Jacob 91 , 177, 185 Simons, Kara 106 Simpson, Evan 91 Simpson , Morgan 91

Sinclair, Elizabeth 161 , 176, 177, 185 Singel, Ms. Karen 110 Sipe Jr, James 106 Sisman. Lara 38 Sisman, Sabire 91 Sites. Sophia 114 Skeen. Brandon 91 Skidmore , Sarah 91 Skrutskie, E. 182 Sliko, Nathan 98 Sloan, Coach 148 Sloan, Langley 152, 153 Smarte, Emily 65 Smith, A. 179 Smith, Abigail 106 Smith, Alyssa 6 Smith, Anna 98 Smith , Carlissa 9 Smith , Chenaya 106 Smith, E. 161 Smith, Emily 106 Smith, Erin 106 Smith, Ira 91, 148 Smith, Isaac 106 Smith, J. 150, 168 Smith , Jacob 91 Smith, Juwan 106 Smith, Kirsten 8, 37, 98, 176, 177, 179 Smith Ill, Lloyd 22, 98, 178 Smith, Mason Landon 104, 178 Smith, Matthew 98, 115 Smith, Victoria 106, 162 Smith, Xavier 98 Smyth, Jesse 106 Smythe , J. 155 Sokora, Hannah 89, 91 Sokora , Nicholas 103, 106, 175, 178 Sokora, Z 150 Solomon, Andrew 98, 169, 180 Sorgatz, J. 161 Spady, Rheava 91 Sparks, Morgan 106 Spencer, Coach 182 Spicer, Salihah 106, 138 Spradlin , Matthew 98 Springer, Chris 91 , 158, 176, 185 Springer, Coach 185 Sri ram, Aarati 44 Stagnaro, Victoria 106 Stapleton, Katharine 98 Starr, Alicia 106, 172, 173, 181 Steljes, Alexis 106, 182 Steljes, Geran 76, 80, 183 Steljes, J. 150 Stephens, Colleen 7, 29, 80 Stevens, Gregory 98 Stewart-Berry, Mckenzie 98 Stokes, Alexandra 20, 92, 160, 161 , 177 Stone, Ashley 80 Stone, Coach 151 Storer, Brady 98 Stouffer, Morgan 98 Stover, Nicholas 92, 148 Stover, Savannah 98 182 Stow, Ethan 92, 148.'178 Straka, Kelci 92 Straka, Lily 106 Strauss, Stephanie 80, 156, 157 Strayer, Denton 106 Stuckenborg , Taylor 80 Stucker, Haley 80, 163 Stukenborg , Rachel 98, 161 Stukenborg, T. 161 Subba, Jeethang 106 Suhler, Austin 92 Sukkar, Mario 98 Suthar, Brijeshkumar 106 Sutton, Melissa 92 Swanson, McKenzie 92, 182 Swanson, Tyler 81 Swartz, Haley 81 , 128 Sweeney, Autumn 99 Symmes, Melissa 22, 106, 161


Symthe, Je55ie 22 Syslin9, Logan 99, 151

T Talley, Dominique 106, 151 , 168 Tamburo, Anthony 106, 185 Tanner, Madison 52, 140 Tanner, Morgan 81 Tarkington, Ryan 99, 180 Tate , Gabrielle 81 Tavenner, Dalton 92 Taveras, Alexa 106 Taylor, Aaron 92 Taylor, Brent 92 Taylor, Chelsea 81 Taylor. E. 14 Taylor, Jasmine 14, 21 , 37, 50, 166 Taylor, Keauna 106, 155, 182 Taylor II, Kevin 99 Tedford, Raechel 92 Teisberg, Thomas 99 , 158 Telford , Sean 99, 173 Terlesky, Sarah 21 , 81 , 156. 157 Terrell, Coach 166 . Terry, Kyle 106, 168 Tetterton, Caitlyn 92 Thacker, Christopher 81 Thacker. Elizabeth 106 Thomas, Alexander 106 Thomas, Alexis 99 Thomas, Ja'shaun 106 Thomas, Mr. Greg 16, 136 Thomas, R. 151 , 177, 183, 185 Thomas, Rachel 99 Thomas, Robert 92 Thomas, Ryan 106, 158, 177, 185 Thomas, S. 175 Thomas. Sarah 106 Thomas Jr., Steven 99, 175 Thompson , Elijah 99 Thompson, Gabriel 106 Thompson, Malcom 81 Thompson , Coach 179 Thomson, Molly 106 Thongcharoenkige , Chatrawee 99 Thorne , Elizabeth 106 Thorne , Karina 100, 106 Thorp, Scottie 92 Thorpe, Matthew 106 Tibbs, Dashon 99, 151 , 169 Tingley, Benjamin 31 , 33, 92 Tobin, Matthew 21 , 29 , 36, 81 , 148, 149 Toms.A. 177 Toms. Kayla 99 Toms, Lauren 99 Toms, Mairead 99 , 179 Tomsig, lnes 26, 99, 128, 177, 181 Topping, Stephen 81 , 173 Tornrose, Lauren 7, 106, 107 Tornrose, Madeline 82 Torres , Diana 107 Torres-Aguilera, Diana 106 Tosoyev, Amiran 106 Trader, N. 150 Trifunovic, Djordje 99 Trifunovic, Jovan 92 Trimble, Jeff 7 Trimble, Kyle 92, 179 Troche, Nicholas 99, 151 , 185 Troisfontaines, Madeline 99 Trujillo-Arizmendi, Celia 92 Trujillo-Arizmendi, Margarita 106 Truwit, Lauren 20, 14, 99, 177, 181 Tserelova, Anna 92 Tubridy, Margaret 14, 99, 160, 161 , 177, 181 Tulford, Sean 100 Turner, Austin 92, 183 Turner, Davian 82 Turner, Dr. Jesse 110 Turner, Sheshia 106 Turner, Thomas 82, 178 Tyler 176 Tyson, Deb 110

Ulan, Ciera 99, 160, 161 , 176, 177 Uland, Morgan 92 Underwood, Joshua 92, 148 Ungar, aura 106 Usmanov, Murat 106 Utz, D. 183 Utz, Joshua 82, 185

v Vanpetten, Kirsten 92 Varaksa, Joseph 82, 183 Vasquez, Carlos 92 Vaughan, Bethany 99 Vaughn, Billy 99 Vaughn, Daniel 92, 165 Vaughn, Nicholas 23, 99, 185 Vaughn, W. 175, 183 Veasey, Brian 82 Vegodsky, Asa 92, 180 Veith, Abbey 99, 127, 153, 179 Veliky, Savannah 92, 153 Vestal, J. 183 Vestal, Jeremy 17, 82 Vestal, Justin 99 Vickerman, Jessica 99 Vidano, Kyle 99, 151 , 183 Vidovich, Samantha 99 Vidovich, Sammi 30 Villien, James 92, 148, 177, 185 Visokay, Adam 13, 92, 158, 176, 177, 185 Visokay, Lauren 106, 161 , 177 Vogel. Thomas 99 Vohra, Salman 82 Vrhovac, Jordan 21 , 66, 82, 152, 153, 185 Vrhovac, Sarah 106, 152, 153

w Wachori, Daniel 92 Wagoner, Caroline 107, 154 Waldron, Katharine 12, 14, 37 , 99 Waldron, Katherine 14 Walenten, Nikki 82 Walker, Dezyana 99 Walker, John 99 Walker, Kyle 99 Walker, Lauren 22, 92 Walker, Milo 7 Walker, Sheppard 38, 107 Walker, T. 184 Waller, Brandon 99, 174, 175 Waller, Queznay 31 , 107 Walston, Kendra 82, 176 Walters, Madeleine 99, 138, 155 Ward , Erin 107 Ward, Nicole 14, 92, 161 , 177, 185 Washington, Alexis 99, 185 Washington , Kaila 107 Washington, Kenya 107 Washington, Ladajauh 99 Washington, Micah 92 Watson, Deja 107 Watson , Jesse 92 Watson, Justine 8, 86, 92 Watson, Kendra 116, 181 Watson, Winfred 99 Wayne , Mr. Tony 110 Wayne, Tyler 82 Weathersby, Alexandra 99, 141 Weathersby, Austen 99 Weathersby, Devon 99 Weaver, Abigail 107 Weaver, Rachel 99 Webb, Gabrielle 99, 154 Webb, Tim 83, 173 Webb, Coach 180 Weber, Korinna 38, 92, 161 Webster, Samantha 107 Weisend, Mr. Lance 37 Weiss, Jeremy 21 , 39, 57, 83, 138 Weiss, Justin 99 Weiss, J. 99 Wells, Alexis 22


Well5. Charlotte 92 Wells, Ivy 13, 107 Well~. Kandace 99 Well~ . Taesahun 107 Wells. Xenea 107 Wentworth, Tyler 99 We inger. nmotny 92 West, Daiquan 13, 21 , 74, 180 West, Daiquant 83 West, Dakota 125 Wharam, Allyson 92 Wharam, E. 154 Wharam, Emily 107 Whedbee , I. 154 Whedbee, Irma 99, 154 Whelan, Rob 61 , 83 Whelan, Thomas 107, 178 White, Alexander 107, 158 White, Erin 83, 153, 154 White, Lindsey 20, 90, 92 White, Naanteze 84 Whi e, Ryan 107 White, Terrence 92, 148, 183 Whitmore, Coach 171 , 181 Wickler, Lisa Van 92 Wicks, Emily 92 Wiehl, Gavin 107 Wild, Abigail 22, 107, 161 , 173 Wilder, Benjamin 83 Wildy, Devyn 7, 36, 84 Wiley, Claire 92 Wiliamson, A. 173 William, Robert 55 Williams, Sean 38 Williams, Connor 20, 99, 146, 180 Williams , Darius 84 Williams , lan 99, 178 Williams, K'leigh 99 Williams, Mary 107 Williams, Sean 84, 146 Williams, Veronica 86, 92 Williams, S. 146 Williamson, Andrew 107 Willingham, Kristine 107, 181 Willis, Charles 92, 148 Willis, Rex 12, 13, 20, 107, 127, 185 Willis, Tevon 107, 150 Willoughby, Leigha 107 Wills, Erech 84 Willy, Aaron 99, 151 , 169, 183 Willy, Coach 150 Wilson, Coach 168, 169 Wilson, Jimmi 99 Wilson, Kelly 99 Wilson , Lee 84, 184 Wilson, Maggie 38, 92 Wilson, Shailoah 92, 136 Wingate, Patrice 99 Wingate, Xavier 92 Wintersteiger, Nicholas 103, 107 Wisinski, Kendra 99, 161 , 185 Witcher, Michael 92, 148 Wombacher, Allison 85 Wombacher, Emily 92, 153 Wood , Alana 92 Wood , Alexander 99 Wood Jr, Dwayne 107, 183 Wood , Grace 85 Wood, Kaila 107 Wood, Kaitlyn 107 Wood, Mark 107 Wood , Ross 99 Wood , Whitney 7, 83, 85 Wood-Hoeckelman, Michael 99 Wood, K. 171 Woodfolk, Chelsea 107. 155 Woodland, Mandisa 10l Woods, Sarah 107, 155 Woodson, Devonta 85 Woodson, Joshua 85 Woodson, Keira 107 Woodson, Sherice 85 Woody. Alex 30 Wu, Fan 92 Wu, Tuo-Yang 92

X Xie, Katharine 107 Xie, William 107 Xu, Nanqi 92 y

Yancey, Christopher 92 Yanez, Maria 107, 182 Yanez, Victoria gg Yang , Bo-Yu 99, 184 Yeatman, Cullen 107 Yetim, Gokhan 92, 180 Yi, Jisoo 92 Yoder, Kaleen 99, 100 Yoder, Rachel 92 Yoon, Claire 99 Young , Alicia 99, 154, 165,1 79 Yowell II, Patrick 107 Yu , Ann 20, 36, 107, 156, 185

z Zacharias, Thomas 89, 92, 148 Zalar, Matthew R. 85 Zang , Xiaozhou 92 Zarate-Bustamante , Victor 14, 92, 127, 180 Zehnter, Courtney 99, 181 Zeller, Maya 92 Zhang, Chi 37, 85 Zhang , John 99 Zilhmer, Nikolai 92 Zometa-Fiores, Rebeca 99 128 Zwoyer, Bre' 99 ' Zwoyer, J. 161

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