McIntire High School 1952 Yearbook - The McChalva

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Dedication It is with pride that we dedicate this edition of our year book to the four places from whose names its name is formed. And so, to you: Mcintire, our school, where for four years and played together, sharing exwe have worked / periences in democratic living--Charlottesvi lie, our lovely city, whose fine historical heritage and atmosphere of learning have enriched our lives--Albemarle, our county, on whose beautiful, rolling lands our homes are built, and from whose rich earth our livelihood comes--Virginia {Va. ), our state, whose illustrious sons and daughters have inspired us by their accomplishments as leaders in a democratic society--we dedicate this, the 1952 edition Qf the McChalva.

The Church at Jamestown

Albemarle County Courthouse and Office Bui \ding.

The Rotunda

Ad ministration

MR . E . E . TRENT Principal




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MISS KENDALL MORRIS Physical Education Business Education

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MR. WA.RREtv J p Mothernot· · ACE tcs, Science


MR. JAMES W. ESTES Boys' Counse Ior Physical Education Diversified Occupations

MRS. SIDDNEY M. McLEOD Eng) ish, History

MR. GEoRGE BARR Science Ph . , Ystcot Education

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MRS. ELLEN W. HOUSTON Girls ' Counselor, History, Latin, MathematiCs

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Class Officers Presiden t . Y ice-President Secretary. Co-Treasurers

Tommy Blue . Billy Proffit . Jean Powell Margaret LaFon . Garnett Gatlin Karen Nuttycombe . Red rose . Blue and white

Chap lain . Flower. Colors. Motto . . ."A good beginning makes a good ending." Karen Nuttycombe, Bi lly Proffit, Margaret Garnet t LaFon, Tommy Blue, Jean Powell, Gatlin

Senior Class

lv!RS. SIDDNEY M. McLEOD Class Sponsor BARBARA EVELYN ALLEN "Barbara" Student Patrol 2; Librar y Club 2; D. 0. Club

3. 4·

NELLIE CRICKENBERGER BABER "Nellie" Arts and Crafts Club I; Publications Club 2; Beauty Contest 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3. 4; Basketball 2, 3. 4; Assistant Bus Monitor 4; McCHALVA Staff 4• MAURICE ERIC BARBOUR "Rickey" Chamberlain High: Track Team I; Glee Club I, 2; Football I, 2; School Paper Representative 2; Mcintire: D. 0. Club 4; Senior Play 4·

MELVIN LEROY BLINCOE " Whip" Arts and Crafts Clu b I; Glee Club 2; Stud e nt Patrol 3; D. 0. Cl ub 3. Pr esident 4 . THO MAS DAN IEL BLUE "Tomm y " Hi -Y I ; 4 - H Club 1,2; Glee Club I, " ; Athletic Club 2, 3; Basketball 2 , _5 ,4; Prose Re ad ing, Sc hoo l 2, District 3; Scho larship Tea m 3; Class Secretar y 3 , President 4; McCH ALV A Staff 4; So: nior Pla y 4·

of 1952

JO HN ST AN HOPE BOWEN, JR. "Jo hn" Glee Cl ub I, 2 , 3· 4 . Li brarian I ; Athletic Club 2, 3; Libr a ry Cl ub 3; Ba sketball Tr a iner 3, Manager 4; Hi - Y 3. C ha plai n 4; Substitute Bus Driver 4; Se nior Pla y 4 · ROBERT FR ANKLI N BR AN SFORD, JR. " Bo bby " Hampton I. Mcintire : May Da y Escort 2; Glee Clu b 2, 3: Athletic Club 3: Lib rar y Club 3; Hi -Y 3: Ba seh all 3.4: Bas ketb a ll 3, 4; Track Team 2, 3, 4; State tvl eet 3·

MIC KEY LEE COX "Micke y" 4 - H Club President I; Arts and Crafts Club Treasurer 1; Student Patrol I , Li euten a nt 2; Athle tic Club 2; Hi- Y 3: Cl ass Giftorian 4; D. 0. Club

THELMA MAE DRISKILL "Thelma" Arts and Crafts Club I; 4 - H Club I , 2; Student Patrol I, 2; Glee Club 2; May Da y 2 ; Athletic Club 3, 4: Beauty Contest 3. 4: McCHALVA Staff 4: Senior Pla y 4·

MARJORIE AN E ESTE S "Margie" James Barbou r Jun io r High 1,2 . Mc i ntire: D. 0 . C lub 3: Libra ry Club 4: McCHALV A Staff 4: Senior Play 4. G/\R NETT AUMAN GATLI N "Garnett" Glee Club I; Student Co unci l I, 4: Hi- Y 3: Baske tb all 2 , 3, Co-Captai n 4 : C lass Treasurer 2,3.4: McCHALVA Staff 4: Senior Pl ay 4 .

Senior CJass ELIZABETH INEZ GOOD MAN "Be tt y" Athl e ti c Club 2; Pub lic a tio ns Club I , 2 , 3. 4: Tri-Hi-Y 2,3 ,4; 4 -HCl ub 1,2,3,4路 BETTY J AN E HARLOWE "Jane" Arts and Crafts Club I; Triple-F Cl ub I; 4 -H Club 1,2,3,4, Reporter 4, Co unselo r 4: Tri Hi- Y 2; Athletic Club 2, 3: Glee Club 2 , 3, 4 : Student Pa tr ol 2, 3,4: Bus Monitor 2, 3,4: Mc CHALV A Staff 4: Senio r Pl ay 4路

ANNIE MAE LADD "An nie Ma e " 4-H Club I, 2, 3. 4: Athletic Club 2; Tri -Hi- Y 3, 4: Publications Cl ub 2, 3. 4路 MARGARET ANN La FON "M'\rgaret" Glee Club Reporter I; Arts and Crafts Club President I; 4-H Club Vice Preside nt 1, 2; Cheerleader 1,2, 3.4: Student Council I, Vic e President 3, President 4: May Da y 2, 3: Publications Club 2, 3, Vice Presi dent 4 , Co -Edito r Mclntirian 4: Athletic Club 2; Libr ary Club 2, Historian 3. President 4: Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3 . Vice Presi dent 4: Beauty Contest 2, 3. 4, Run ner Up 3: Class President 3, Co -Treasurer 4: Mc CHALVA Staff 4路 Se nior Play 4, Triple - F President I.

CHARLES STUART LANHAM "Butch" Gl ee Club I , 2; Athle tic Club 2; Forest Fire Crew 2, 3. Crew Leader 4; McCHALV A Staff

4· GUINEVERE JEANNETTE LUC AS "Lukie" Public a tio ns Clu b I,2,4; Tri-Hi-Y 2 , Chap lain 3. Histo rian 4; Librar y Club 3; Student Patrol 3. 4; Office Assist ant 3; Bus Monitor 4; McCHALVA Staff 4·

of 1952

ROBERT CHARLES MULLMANN "Bob" Hi - Y I; C lass Treasurer I; Glee Club I, 2; Student Council 2, 3; Athletic Club 2, 3; Base ball I, 2, 3. 4; Basketball 2, 3. C o - Capt ain 4; McCHALV A Staff 4 · KAREN LOUISE NUTTYCOMB E "Kay" Glee Club I; 4 - H Clu b I, 2; Prose and Poetr y Contests I, 2, 3. 4, Poetr y Read i ng Win ner 3; Class Chaplai n 2, 3. 4; Librar y Club 2, Tre as ure r 3, 4; Athletic C l ub 3; T ri-Hi-Y 2 , 3, 4 ; Publications Club Tr easurer 4, Mc intiriatl Staff 3, 4; Student Pa trol 3. Capta i n 4 ; lv!c CHALVA Staff 4; Bus Monitor 3. 4; Senior Pla y

4· WILLI AM NORWOOD PAYNE "Bill y" Arts and Crafts Club I; Glee Club 2; Hi - Y 2; Athle tic Cl ub 2 , 3; Baseball 2, 3. 4; Basketba ll 2 ,3, 4; Sen ior Pla y 4· BER NICE JEAN POWELL "Jean" Glee Club I, 2; Class President I, Secre tary 4; D. 0. Club 3, Se cretar y 4 .

WILLI AM LESLIE PROFFIT "Billy" Arts and Crafts Club I; Ath leti c Club 2 ; Baseball I, 2, 3; Student Patrol I , Lieutenant 2 , Captain 3; Fores t Fire Crew 1, Crew Leader 2, 3; Basketball 3; Class Vice President 4; D. 0. Club Vice President 4 · AMANDA MAGDALENE SHORT " Magdalene" Meriwether Lewis: I . Mcintire: Library Club

Senior Class

MARGARET ELIZABETH SMITH "Margaret" Broadus Wood: 2. Mcintire: Glee Club 1, 2; PublicationsClub I,4; StudentPatrol I,3,4; Athletic Club 4; Senior Pla y 4· JERRIE MAE van LAER "Jerrie Moe" Student Council I; Glee Club I; 4-H Club I; Student Patrol 2; Athletic Club 2; Publications Club 2, 3; Class President I, Vi c e Presi dent 3; Tri - Hi-Y 2, President3; Library Club 2, Presi dent 3; Sc holarship Team 3; McCHALV A Staff

FRANCES ELIZABETH WALTERS "Punk" Publications Club I, 2, 4; Library Club 3; Tri Hi - Y Club 3. 4; Baske tball 3. 4· ARTHUR TELLIE WOOD, JR. "White y " Lane r. Mcintire: Gl ee Club 2; Athl"etic Clu~ 2 , 3, 4; Basketball 2 , 3. 4; Forest Fire Crew 3, 4: Mc CH ALVA Staff 4: Senior Pla y 4·



Anita Baile y Edward Batten Shi rley A. Batten Shirle y M. Batten

A nd rew Branham Patsy Brown Pe yton Brow n J oan Cash

He len Crickenberger Mary Davis

. Junior Warren Davis Frances Dollins

Glad ys Doll ins Frances Dudley Be t t y Durham Mary Fitzgerald

Paul Gardner Janice Gimbert Hi lda Haney Albert Harlow

Betty Harris Mabie Hensley Barbara Hite Mary Johnson



I ~

Edna Kidd Arlene Kirby Earl Lam Mati Ida Lam

Maxine Lam Frances Leathers Donald Lawson Marie Lively

Maxwell Lynch Josephine Markwood



Rosa McCann Willie Pollard

Charlotte Powell Mildred Powe ll Sy i vi a Powe II Harry Price


AI ice Rhodes Peggy Ryalls Joanne Thacker Martha Wayland

Joyce Wilkerson Louise Woodson Rea Yowell Mr. Pace


Sophomore Class Clyde Armstrong Doroth y Batten Grayson Beale Edwin Bell Albert Beverley Edward Birckhead Ralph Blincoe Forrest Workman Miss Morris Mrs. Houston Goldie Brown Robert Bryant Jane Clemmer Wanda Cochran Ellen Collins Donald Cri c kenberger Shirle y Crickenberger Herbert Davis Mary Le e Dollins Joe Lee Eheart Arlene Fincham Elnora Gentry Bill y Gibson Harold Gibson Jane Goodall Tomm y Haden Charlotte Hall Howard Harris Jenn ifer Hepler Cl ay Hoke Edward Holloway Patricia Houchens Robert Joh nson Herman Jurge nsen Barbara Keyser Lous ie King Carolyn Lafon Marian Lamb Patricia Lan ham Pats y Moon Elvest Morris Wade Morri s Janie Pound Dawn Powe ll Elaine Powell Jo yc e Pugh Elaine Roark Agnes Shifflette Martha Ta ylor Eddie Vest Marie Walker Jo yce Ward Gertrude Watson Pegg y Watso n Shirle y White Shirley Wilkerson Tomm y Wingfield Audrey Wood NOT PICTURED Doris Da vis


fresh man .Class Miss Garland Miss Morris Pauline Arnette Rose Batten Myrtle Beverle y Minot Bowman Leo Bryan~ Lois Bush Edna Mae Cain


Ramon Choffe Suzanne C hewning Jo yce Clements Shirle y Coleman Dell Collins Jo e C ollins Robert Creasy Diane Davidson Chester Da vis Harold Davis Jud y Davis Shirle y Davis James Dowell Shirle y Estes Estelle Fa rr ish Anne Gardner Bobby Gibson Eve! yn Gibson Jo yce Gibson Pats y Gibson Ta ylor Gimbe rt Jac k Glass Hazel Hall Mar y Etta Hall Louise Hamilton James Hane y Carrol Harlow Marie Harlow Ida Harris Rob ert Harris Edward Herrion ezie John son Clare nce Lamb Delmas Lamb· Shirl ey Lamb



Thomas Lamb Thelma Madison June McBee Charlotte !\!e lton Randolph Moon Stuard Morris Agnes Pa yne


- ~

Kenneth Pa yne Paul Phillips Sue Phillips Elizabeth Powell Kathleen Powell Maxine Riley August Sc hwarzenboeck


Randolph Scruggs Charlotte Sharp Mar y Lee Sherrill Elizabeth Sims Shirle y Spro use Jimmie Ta ylor Peti e Thacker


Samm y Thacker Bett y Anne Whitlock Eugene Wichael







Anne Garri son P a rric ia Marrs Lelia Morris Kathleen Pritchett Virginia Roger s

Juanita Sheapp Helen Sandridge Edward Sprouse Edgar Watson Howard Williams






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Class Officers Juniors

Gra yson Beale, Wad e Mor r is, Patricia Hou chens, Jane Clemmer, Carolyn LaFon.


Wayne Dean, Sue Phillips , August Schwarzenboeck, Charlott e Sharp, Suzanne C hewning.

Our twins: Barbara and Virginia Dyer, Pciul and Russell Harris, Julia and Janna Brown.

Mr. Hall in his seventh grade group.

Mrs. Morse's class vi e ws a fi Im strip on Norway .

FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Theresa Schwarzenboeck, Ellis Frazie r, Jac kie Roark, Bernard Melton, Barbara Westmoreland, Thelma Lamb, Sandra McBee, Betty Mundie, Lorraine Johnson, Mary. Lou White, Constance Bowman. SECOND ROW: William Batten, Sue Gardner, Barbara Clements, Doroth y Glass, Shirle y Durham, Jacqueline Payne, Frances Lawson, Lillie Sprouse, Jean Baltimore, Hazel Rhodes. THIRD ROW: Barbara Ponton, Ernest Collier, Doroth y Hite, Alice Collier, Yvonne Zimmermann, Martha Brown, Margaret Bishop, Louise Sprouse, June Jarman, Warren Haden. FOURTH ROW: Barbara Lynch, Jean Lawson, Janet Sprouse , Ruth Sprouse, Frances Thomas, Mamie Fitzgerald, Sarah Bl ue , Ann Wetsel, Mary Jane Mayo, Patricia Downer. FIFTH ROW: David Farish , William Detamore, James Sprouse, Radford Moneymaker, Paul Ke yton, Donald Linke, Joe Clemmer, Franklin Farish, Gloria Wells, Mary FranceÂŁ Wood.

Inse t: Mr. StraffQrd.

Seventh Grade

Sixth Grade

FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Easter Sprouse , Billy Eppard, Bettie Ritchie, Robert Pennington, Shanno n Gimbert, Doris McGhee . SECOND ROW: Randall Pennington, Janice Nichols, Robert Taylor, James Monroe Pugh, Wanda Baile y,' Billy Sharp. TH IRD ROW: Hele n Dudley, Earl Keyton, Shelb y Sprouse, Willie Patterson, Jean Bailey. FOURTH ROW: Carl Sprouse, Sandra Baile, James Kidd. Inset: Mrs. Fra y. FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Gary Smith, Joyce Price, Connie Crenshaw, Mildred Wingfield, Betty Lamonds, Donald Stokes, Betty Browning, Donald Bourne . SECOND ROW: Billy Leatherma n, Wilmer Stokes, Nancy Kirby, Dorothy Whitlock, Nancy Powers, Margaret Harlow, Fa y Davis, Ester Baber. THIRD ROW: Nan cy Shis ler, Emil y Fornes, Thelma Marks, Harry Marrs, Dickie Gardner, Samuel Farrish, Pan! Blincoe, Ronald Buck. FOURTH ROW: Hazel Hoke, Sue Standle y, Myrle Sandrid ge, Ruby Herndon, John Melton, David Morris, Ruth Kirby, Fa y Collins . FIFTH ROW: Vander Thomas, Warren Henry, Edward Leathers, Hazel Shif- _ lett, Clara Gentry, Charles Pugh, David 路Rice, Nancy Barnette . Inset: Mrs. Early.

Sixth Grade

Fifth Grade



FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Oswald Lamonds, Jr., Gene Wood, Jr., John Tornatore, Da vid Crawford, Janice Lam, EvelynMorris, Donald Melton, Robert Westmoreland, T imothy Morris. SECOND ROW: Franklin Moore, Beny Jean Hane y, Martha Ma vvyers, Billy Ward, Ruby Kidd, Harold Morris, Tommy Williams, Sharon Canning. THIRD ROW: Catherine Harlow, David Barnett, Virginia Reece, Marie Shifflett, Audrey Kidd , Diane Ric e , Chester Powell, Hugh Taylor, Kenneth Shifflett. FOURTH ROW: Ocktawian Tarnowieckji, Ed na Collier, Phyllis Callis, Carolyn Majors, Carolyn Spicer, Clyde Lyn ch, Dona ld Batten, ffarbara Hamm, Joe Hamm. FIFTH ROW: Rosa Ella Sprouse, Edna Maupin, Norma n Maupin, Randolph Davis, Earl Lewis, Eugene Harris, Ernestine Martin, Fa ye Mussle man. Inset: Mrs. Watson.

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FIRST ROW,- LEFT TO RIGHT: Donald Hensle y, Jo yce Stokes, Jeffery Smith, Bett y Ann Morris, Edward McMurdo, Jean ne Fornes, George Morris, David Gibson. SECOND ROW: Shirley Gentry, Elizabeth Dudle y, Edward Meeks, Evelyn Bryant, Dorothy Mae Wood, Sara Evelyn Carter, Betty Jea n Hurtt, Barbara Minter. THIRD ROW: De lores Collins, Sadie Gentr y, Thomas Pugh, Jacqueline McCann, Peggy Lawson, Edward Barnett, George Fitch, Rebecca Shropshire. FOURTH ROW: Wil bur Kidd, Da vid Bishop, James Mundie, James Browning, Barbara Mae Wood, Earl Moon, Alic e Mertz . FIFTH ROW: Robert Harlow, Richard Harlow, Juan ita Morris, Cec il Lynch, Helen Morris, Fred Lee Sherrill. Inset: Miss Norford .


Fourth and Fifth Grades

Third Grade

FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Shirley Lam, Wayne Ma rrs, Dick Barnett, Nancy Frazier, Douglas Gibson, Charles Browning, Jimmy Eddins, Preston Gianniny. SECOND ROW : Barbara Dyer, Elizabeth Nichols, Betty Keylor, Jo yce Leake, Joyce Mitchell, Janet Herndon, Barbara Meeks, Douglas Osborne . THIRD ROW: Fr ances Ward, Billy Estes, Jimmy Moore, William Ta ylor, Da nny Thomas, Patsy Wood, Virginia Dyer . FOURTH ROW: Eddie Ryan, Marilyn Burton , Charlotte Shifflett, Marjorie June Brown, Roxie Wingfield, Margaret Morr is, Aman da Pound, Rose Marie Wood , FIFTH ROW: Wayne Collins, Bobby Thomas, Alice Taylor, Earl McCa uley, Billy Mayo, Danny Robinson, Gerald Apgar, Robert Wrigh t. Inset: l\1 rs. O'Halloran,

FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: William Le ake , Michael Lawson, Sandra Jo Harris, Florine Mertz, Doroth y Frazier, Andr w Ballard, Wayne Cosner , Richard McAllister. SEC OND ROW : Jane Watson , Da vid Kitchen, Jr • . Betty Hall, Gloria Jean Baughan, Edward Morris, James Harlowe, Kenneth Da wson , Susan Robinson, THIRD ROW: Katherine Ma hone, Anne Liad y, Robert Shaffner, William Craig, Jean Knicley, Sarah Frances Farish, Jo yce Harlow, FOURTH ROW: Claudia Zimmermann, Ma rtha Gibson, John Frazier, Rod ger Lawson, John Craft, Fred Albert, Jr., Earl Marks, Randolph Madison . FIFTH ROW: Mary Morris, George Leftwich, Jr., The a Ryan, Maxie Gentr y, Russell Harris, Alice Glass, Ma ry Ellen Gardner , Carolyn Chisholm, Robert Buck. SIXTH ROW: Albert Sprouse, Jr., Davi d Tilman , Inset: Mrs. Morse .

Third and Fourth Grades


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Second and Th ird Grades

FIRST ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: Sandra Booth , Barbara Bourne, Brenda Baltimore, Mil dred McGhee, Berry Minter, Billy Gibson, Ja ne Frazie r, Randolph Morris . SECOND ROW: Marilyn Leatherman, Patron Nuttycombe , Barbara Sprouse, Sandra Bolic k, Billy Brown, Bernard Jones, Wa yne Marshall, Leroy Tilman . THIRD ROW: Patsy Brooks, Co urtney Craft, Catherine Morris, Rebecca Despe r, Ed ith t>-loubr y, John Barnett, Ph yllis Powell , Din ia Ryan . FOURTH ROW: Ashby Mart in , Barbara White, Mag gie Morris, Hilda Farrish , Clarence Zimmermann, Paul Collier, Mich ael Birc khead, William Da vis. FIFTH ROW : Jo yce Ward, Tom Lewis , Ha ywood Marrs, Daniel Hale y, Earl Wood, Fred Browni ng, Richard Davis, Alma Moon . Inset: Mrs . Harden . FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: La verne Gib son , Gar y Brooks, Hoy Gra ves, Willie Morris, Janet Leathers, Martha Moore, George Giannin y, Charlotte Morri s, Jea n Browning. SEC OND ROW: Harold Lamonds, Carol Ca nning, Larry Mullendore, Kathleen Crawford, l>v!arie Moon, Johnny Johnson, Carolyn Pa yne, Pa ula Williams, Frede rick Knack . THIRD ROW: Ouida Sandridge , Shelton Ritchie, Eugenia Hodges, Sie gfried Tarnowie c ki, Elmer Jordan , Carol Zimmermann , David Marrs, Louis Wood, George Marion. FOURTH ROW: Mar y Le\, Roger Standley , Ronald Bush, Peggy Martin, Dougla s Lamb, James Tench, Nancy Da wson , Connie Shifflet . INSET : Mrs . Carpe nte r.


Second Grade

first Grade

FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Charlotte Hall, Larr y Dic kerson , Roland Smith, Woodie Proffitt, Ka ylin Canning, Ann Albert , Elea nor Tarnowie c ki , Karen Sjostrom . SECOND ROW : Franklin Dudley , George Shifflett,, Fred Liady, Blaine Mcintyre, Jr . , Judith Wood, Irene Fornes, William Eubank, Allen Nichols . THIRD ROW: Stephen Price, Bett y June Far ish , John Tilman, Lonnie Gentry, Lawrence Thomas, Earl Kirb y, Jr,., Gaines Ward , Jr . , Janna Brown . FOURT H ROW : Kenne th Lyn ch, Julia Brown, Linda Blincoe, Nora Pea rce, Norma Gibson, William Stanton, and Jimmy Sprouse . Inset: Miss Ande rson . FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT : Harve y Hoke, Jr., Eugene Kiger , III, Bill y Lamonds, Betty Jean Morris, Virginia Thomas, Carson Jordon, Janet Ward . SECON D ROW: Marie Walk er, Katherine Dawson, Ronald Hutch inson, Charles Barksdale, Johnny Wynne , Ra y Ke yser, Paul Martin . THIRD ROW: Sterlon Martin, Herbert Pritchett, Tomm y Baughan, Nelson Gimbert , Hazel Collier, Maril yn Moore, Johnnie Moore . FOURTH ROW: Robert Sacre, John Pritchett, Shelly Moubry , Carroll Glover, Robert Sprouse , George Harris , Bill Miles.

First Grade


At the Halloween Bazaar sponsored by the Senior Class.

Hi-Y Thanksgiving program.

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Patrolmen on duty in the hall. The Science Classes sight-seeing in Washington.


MARGARET LaFO President CAROLY LaFON Secretary

1\IARTHA \V A YLA ND Vice - President



The purpose of the Student Council is to aid in the administration of the school and to develop in the students responsibility and leadership . This year the Council revised the regu la t ions of the Student Patro l, which is sponsored by the Council, and revised the monogram system for the school.


SEA TED, LEFT TO RIGHT: Sue Gardner, Lelia Morris. Maxine Lam, Gra yson Beale, Margaret Lafon, Garnett Gatlin, l\lartha Wa yla nd, Carol yn LaFo n, Joe Clemmer . STANDING: Mr. Trent.






Student Patrol TOP: Jane Harlowe, Shirley White, Harold Gibson, Charlotte Sharp,_ Frances Leathers. BOTTOM: Jeannette Lucas, Joyce Pugh, Josephine Markwood, Janice Gimbert, Anita Bailey.

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READING FRlll\路1 FRONT , LEFT TO RIGHT : Herman Jurgensen, Alberr Beverly, Howa rd Harr is , Edward Birckhead, Gra yson Beale, John Bowen, Edward Holloway , Eddie Vest, Rea Yowell, Ralph Blincoe , Donald La wson , Billy Gibson , Warren Davis, l\laxwell Lynch , Paul Gardner , l\1r . Estes .


Warren Da vis

Under the sponsorship of M r. Estes the Hi - Y has comp leted a successful year . The Program Committee arranged interesting programs twice each month. On one occasion a graduate of the Bob Jo nes University, Garland Powel l , spo ke to us on "Which Side of the Cross Are You On?" Besides our local.a c ti v iti es we se nt representatives to Warrenton to the Dis t ric t Conference and to Richmond to the Model General Assemb ly. OFFI CE RS Presiden t . Vice-President Secretary Treasurer . Chaplain . Pari iamentarian Sponsor.

War ren Dav is . Bill y Gibson . Donald Lawson .Ma xwell Lynch . John Bowen Ralph Blincoe Mr. Estes



FIRS T ROW, LEF T TO RIGHT : Nellie Baber, Helen Crickenberger, Caroly n La Fon, Joyce Pugh , Janic e Gimbert, Martha Wayland, Margaret LaFon. SECOND ROW: Franc es Walters, Jeannette Lucus, Patricia Lanham , Joan Cash, Frances Dollins, Shirley Batten , Patricia Moon, Marie Live ly , Jane Goodall, Joanne Thacker, Patricia Houchens, ShirlcyWhite . THIRD ROW: Karen Nuttycombe , Elizabeth Goodman . Annie Mae Ladd, Edna Kidd, Maxine Lam , Miss Garland , Josephine Markwood , Anita Bailey , Martha T aylor , Arlene Fincham .

Tri-Hi-Y This year the Tri-Hi-Y has completed several projects including: presenting the Than ksgi v ing Program for assembly, delivering baskets of food at Thanksgiving and preparing Christmas favors to send to the University Hospital. We sent representatives to the District Hi-Y Conference at Warrenton and to the Model General Assembly in Richmond. We will also be represented at the Southern Area Hi-Y Conference which meets at Blue Ridge, North C_a rolina in August.

OFFICERS President . Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Chaplain Historian Sponsor.


Josephine Mar kwood . Margaret LaFon . Janice Gimbert . Martha Wayland . Anita Bailey Jeannette Lucas . Miss Garland


Josephine Markwood

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rieLively, Margaret_L_~g..__!i~dd, Maxine Lam, ' Riley, Joyce Ann Pugh, Martha Wayland, Annie Nuttycombe, Marga_i:"e!""Slnith. STANDING: Mrs.路 Beale, 'l?.ei Ybwell, Pat Lanham, Warren Davis, Thacker, Joan Cash, Mrs. Adams. r



FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Wayne Deane, DelmosLamb, T.1ylorGimbert, EdwardBirckhead. SECOND ROW: Edgar Watson, Randolph Moon, Peggy Ryalls, Clarence Lam, Ramon Choffe. THIRD ROW: Carolyn LaFon, James Haney , Thelma Driskill, Ed Holloway, Jane Clemmer, Gladys Dollins. FOURTH ROW: Charlotte Melton, Elnora Gentry, August Schwarzenboeck, Howard Harris, Mary Lee Dollins, Mary Johnson. FIFTH ROW: Audrey Wood, Wanda Cochran , Martha Taylor, Maxwell Lynch, Margaret Smith, Stuard Morris. SIXTH ROW: Marie Walker, Patricia Houchens, Miss Morris, Mr. Barr, Kenneth Payne, Donald Lawson.



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Margaret La F on , President; Karen Nutt ycombe , Treasurer; Mrs . Ad am s, Sponsor; Shirle y White , Secretar y; Marie Livel y, His torian; Warren Davis , V!ce - Pres!dent.

OFFICERS Pres ident . • • • • Frances Lea thers Vice -P resident • • • • Bill y Gibson Se cre tar y • • • • Mar tha Wayla nd Tre a sure r • • • • • • Maxine Lam Librarians • • Joan Cash, Anita Baile y

Glee Club

Presi de nt


FIRST ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: Joyce Wi lke rson, Shirley C ri cke nbe rger, Myrtle Beverly, Lo ui se Ki ng , Thelma Madison , Barbara Keyser, Ja nic e Gimb e rt, Ju ne McBee , Char lotte Hall, Hi lda Haney , Kathle en Powe ll, Hazel Hall, Helen Cr icke nberge r, Martha Wa yland , Sh ir ley Batte n . SECOND ROW: Maxine La m , Rose Ba tten, Evelyn Gibson , Eli z abe th Powell, Louise Ham ilto n, Pa u line Arnette , Ma ry E •. Ha ll, Suzanne Che wni ng, An ne Ga rdne r, Ma rie Ha rlow, Arlene Kirb y, Mab le Hensley , Sue Phi llips, Edna Ki dd . TH IRD ROW : Shir le y Wilke rson , Shi rley Estes, Judy Davis , Davm Powe ll , Elai ne Powe ll, Vi rgin ia Rogers, Agnes Pa yne , Sh i rley Sprouse, Fra nc es Dudle y, Ma ry Davis , Sylvia Powell, Shi rley C oleman , Joy ce Gi bson , Maria n Lamb , Patsy Gibson . FOURT H ROW: Edna Mae C ain , Ida Harr is , Elaine Roark , Rosa McCa nn , Shirley Lamb , Fr a nc es Dolli ns , Joan Cash, Joanne Thacker , Ja ne Harlowe , jose ph ine Markwood, Anita Ba i ley , Fra nces Le a thers, Jam es Dowell , Billy Gibson, Ralph Blinc oe . FIFTH ROW: Este ll e Fa rr ish , Mar y Le e She rrill, Char lotte Sh arp , Dorothy Batten , Ellen C ollins , Forrest Workman , Edd ie Vest , Re a Yowe ll , Gra yson Be ale , Pa ul Gard ne r, John Bowen, Ba rbara Hite , Dell C ollins , Ne z ie Johnson .

Diversified Occupations Club

c Mr. James W. Estes


y Brown eraiJ Sell· • li, Willi Ing arns and R

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Woody Price Auto Mechanics Calhoun Chevrolet Co.

Barbara Allen Retail Selling Wiley - Tilman, Inc.

Melvin Blincoe Electrical Repair Omohundro Electric Co.

Diversified Occupations Club

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EdT¥ard Batten Stock Clerk aCGregor Motors. Inc.

~Uto Parts,

\1-etail se\li.t\'E, c. t\. &. co •

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.. £,ett'i p.t\1\ j:\atti.> General oifi.ce . on D•"'"'ot\ . . . . \ Vi.I"i.ui.a uui."et>>t'i 0 "

Andrew Branham Auto Mechanics Charlottesville Motors


Harry Price Truck and Tractor Repair Dept. H. M. Gleason & Co.

Mary Fitzgerald Retail Selling Leggett's Department Store

Cflarlotte p0 T¥e]l Photography Holsinger Studio

Peyton Brown Auto Mechanics Albemarle Motor Co.

In and Around School


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I 34






Soys' Sasketball

路Girls' Basketball The Mcintire girls' sextet this year has been co-captained by Nellie Baber and Elnora Gentry and managed very efficiently by Mary Davis and Hi Ida Haney with Miss Morris and Miss Garland as coaches. Since three outstanding players were lost to the team by graduation last spring, this year's first team has consisted of three veterans and three "rookies". In spite of this handicap the girls won four out of six games---defeating F I u van n a, Orange, and Greenwood and losing to Madison and Fluvanna. Currentlywe are tied withMadison for the District H, Group Ill Championship title. Graduation this spring will claim two lettermen, Nellie Baber, whose passing and rebounding were outstanding and Frances Walters, an outstanding zone guard. However, the outlook for next year's team is very bright.

The boys' basketba II team won the District H Championship by winning six games and losing two. The boys defeated Greenwood twice, Fluvanna twice, and Orange and Madison one time each. They lost to Orange and to Madison. The championship entitled the squad to participation in the Regional meet, which was held at Fredericksburg. In the semi-finals there, the boys won from King George, but, in the finals, lost to Herndon, last year's state champions. The team, which deserves much credit for its excellent playing and fine sportsmanship was coached by Mr. George Barr, a member of the school faculty.


Baseball 11

Threein a row" isthe aimof thisyear's baseballteamafter having won the District Il l Title for the past two years. The team, this year, will try its utmost to win the title again. This will not be easy, however, since six lettermen of last year are no longer with us. There are five lettermen remain ing, around which this year's team wi II be built. They are : Albert Harlow, Bob Mullmann, Billy Payne, Woody Price and Billy Proffi r. "Lay it away, Bob.

"One out and two to go.


CENTER, FRON路T : Billy Proffit. FIRS T ROW , LEFT TO RIGHT: Albert Harlow, Peyton Brown, Maxwell Ly nch , Woody Price , Bob Mullmann , Billy Pa yne, Eddie Batte n , Whitey Woo d. STAN DING: Eu ge ne Wic hael, Sammie T hacker, James Dowell , Stuard Morris, Mr . Estes , Ralp h Blincoe , Tommy Haden , Billy Gibson .






"Miss Mcintire"

At the annua I beauty contest, Miss Margaret LaFon (right) was chosen "Miss Mcintire". The cup was presented by Mr. Russell G. Kerlin. Miss Virginia Rogers (left) was "runner up".



HlnO::) A'VW 3Hl

Margaret LaFon Editor-in-chief

Karen Nuttycombe Josephine Markwood Assistant Editors

Jeannette Lucas Jane Harlowe Thelma Driskill Literary Editor and Assistants

Garnett Gat I in Advertising Manager

Marjorie Estes Circulation Manager



Tommy Blue Business Manager

Bob Mullmann, Nellie Baber Sport's Editors


Arthur Wood, Charles Lanham Art Editors

Frances Walters, Elizabeth Goodman, Annie Mae Ladd Photographer and Typ ists

Jerrie Van Leer Editor-in-Chief before her withdrawal because of illness .


"Just Ducky" Presented by the Senior _Class

"The most rid iculous thing that I ' ve ever heard. "

CAST Mr . Maxwell . . . Mrs. Maxwell . . . Betty Lou Maxwe II. Bernadine Smith . Wilbur Maxwell. Hercules Nelson. Connie Maxwell . Craig Moore Mr. Moore . Del Marshall Aunt Mary , Miss Blayne. Prompters Directors. •

. . . . Tommy Blue . Karen Nuttycombe Margaret LaFon • Margaret Smith . . Billy Payne . Arthur Wood Thelma Driskill Garnett Gatlin . . John Bowen Garnett Gatlin . Marjorie Estes • . Jane Harlowe . Frances Walters, Nellie Baber . . Mrs . Mcleod, Mrs. Adams


if You,


re not

o Fine

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Wi lliam B. Murphy Theodore Murphy INSURANCE AGENCY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, INC. Insurance and Travel 108 2nd St. S. E. (Back of Citizens Ban k Bldg.) Charlottesville, Virginia


Davis & Southall Service

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ROBERTS REPAIR SHOP J. D . Roberts, Proprietor Machine Wor k Acetylene Welding


Work Ca II ed for and De Ii vered

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7 1/ 2 Dice Street Telephone 2-6549

Farm Machinery and Supplies

First and Garrett Streets Phone 2-4145



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LEWIS & PATTERSON INSURANCE 203 Fifth Street N. E. Charlottesvi lie, Virginia

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King And Roberts Incorporated Wholesale Confectioners Nationally Known & Ad vertised Candies Only Wise Potato C hi ps Dial 2-6945 934 Preston Avenue

Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. Charlottesvi lie 1 Virginia Phone 2-8548

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CISMONT SERVICE STATION Joe Goldberg, Proprietor Cismont, Virginia

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Just Dial 2-9136

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2200 Jefferson Park Avenue

Charlottesv ille, Va.

612 Preston Ave.




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INCOR P O R AT E D 19 4 9

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Snowbright Launder-It, Inc. 30 minutes, 35c, Including Soap Dryers and Dyers 304 Preston Ave. Dial 2-6024



Grady Avenue

Ch'ville 25-123

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