What needs to be done as an incentive for other people to become interested in Zero Waste? "An idea would be to give them some tax relief or remuneration." What sort of events or campaigns could be organised? "For children, it would be a great idea to organise a "waste separation competition" with prizes as a fun way to learn about the topic."
Differences between what you want and what you need A need is defined by its necessity. Humans need water they would not survive without it. A want, on the other hand, is a feeling of desire. Not every want is necessary, not every need is generally wanted. Concerning the subject of Zero Waste, I believe, waste is often something unnecessary, so nothing one needs. A good example of this would be a plastic bag for fruit and vegetables. It is utterly unnecessary as most fruit, for example, has natural packaging (the skin/shell/peel). Though in some cases you might want a plastic bag, because you forgot to bring your own bag and it's too heavy to carry your purchases without one, you would still not need the bag. One solution would be to not buy as many things at once, and come back later with your own bag, because that would also mean you could learn from the mistake. So between wanting and needing something, there is often a choice, and it is up to you to decide what is more important in that moment. This all has a psychological dimension as well. Of course it is understandable to want things that you don't need, but if you start to think about it, why would someone want anything they don't need at all? It is a problem with