Testimonies Anna Ćaleta
My experience is that the Zero Waste lifestyle is fun and dynamic! You connect with so many interesting people, you strengthen the local economy and live with more connection to the earth. My tip for you is to start doing the least you can do for a better environment, and build on that little by little. A single person can't do much, but many individuals can influence their families, friends neighbours, communities and perhaps government and corporations to make changes that are positive for the planet we all share.
Inna Chashchyna
One of the eco-friendly things that I use in my daily life is a stick deodorant in a carton box by Ben&Anna. An additional bonus is that Ben&Anna supports the Ocean Cleanup initiative. Ocean Cleanup is developing a passive system, using natural oceanic forces to catch and concentrate plastic.
Anna Tsukanova I use a bamboo toothbrush from Ecopanda every day. No plastic, no harm for the planet. The toothbrush is made of a special type of bamboo, MOSO, grown in an ecologically clean region. It has a biodegradable base. It completely decomposes in 3 years, and the good thing is that Pandas don't eat that type of bamboo, so they are not in danger.