‘DISABILITY MONTH: 3 NOVEMBER - 3 DECEMBER Issue 23, 11 - 18 Nov 2015
Cell: 081 3525 086
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT VACANCIES Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Reference Number: ECOD6096 Position: Data Capturer: Project Salary:R92 772 – R120 432 per annum (plus benefits)
t is estimated that approximately 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability. Although having a disability is not an inherent reason to keep a person from participating in socioeconomic and recreational activities such as attending school, finding a job, getting married, voting or religious ceremonies, the World Health Organisation (WHO) acknowledges that persons with disabilities are often marginalised and their lives characterised by prejudice, social isolation, poverty and discrimination in almost all societies. With the support from significant others, including communities and societies at large, persons with physical, psychological or intellectual impairments can live a fulfilled life. What limits most individuals with disabilities from participating as fully as possible in the lives of their families, communities and societies are the limitations and stigmas placed upon them by others2. The marginalisation of persons with disabilities infringes on their rights, making them vulnerable.
Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 Certificate in typing 1 - 2 years experience in a similar environment
The 2011 Census project had its own challenges and successes, like any other massive project. Be that as it may, the following are worth acknowledging: the census fieldworkers who traversed the country to collect information from households and those that we lost in the process. The respondents who opened their doors and locked their dogs to aid the field staff to do their work, the processors who worked 24 hours, 7 days a week to ensure that the data can be released within a year of enumeration. The census management team who met daily for two years to steer the project forward, the Stats SA Exco for the leadership they provided, the Statistics Council and in particular the sub-committee on population and social statistics for their continued guidance and support and finally, the Minister in the Presidency responsible for the National Planning Commission for the robust interrogation of the plans and guidance on this project. It is through such concerted efforts that as a country we can and will continuously improve on our endeavours.
Core Responsibilities: Perform data capturing activities Follow standard operating procedures in compiling, sorting and storing of data Type, edit and generate a variety of documents and reports on a computer accouding to set standards Take accountability for delivery of contracted work output within agreed parameters of SOPs, quality standards and service Application or CV and copies of qualifications, identify document and drivers license (if applicable) to be submitted to be following HR Office: 52 Woburn Avanue, Bensan Bulding, Benoni Postal Address:Private Bag X014, Benoni 1500 Enquiries: 011 99 7427/6358/6356 No fax and email applications will be accepted. Please quote reference number on application Application will not considered if the necessary copies of the required qualifications are not attached to the application/CV Should the candidates no be informed of the outcome of the application within six weeks of closing date, it should be regarded as having been unsucessful. Clossing Date 2015 November 17 Please Note: Staro ot Journal (Pty) Ltd, is not resp onsible for the origin, content, quality or tr uthfulness of any adver tisement publishe d. All adver tisements are publishe d as subje cts to the company ’s standard terms and conditions of trading.
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT VACANCIES Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Reference Number: HESD6241 Reference Number: LASSP007 Reference Number: LASSP007 Position: Pharmacist Assistant Salary:R167 808 – R217 812 per annum Salary:R84 372 – R106 969 per annum Salary:R84 372 – R106 969 per annum (plus benefits) (plus benefits) (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements: Minimum Requirements: Minimum Requirement • Post Basic Pharmacist assistance or quivalent NQF level 5 qualification • Grade 8 n/a Grade 12 or NQF level 4 • National Diploma • Registration with the pharmacy counequivalent qualification • Professional registration cil as post basic pharmacist assistant • Valid code EB drivers license • Computer literacy • Application drivers license • Drivers license will be an added • Computer literacy Core Responsibilities: advartage • Experience obtained during practical- • Provide messenger and driver ser- • 1 - 3 years experience in similar entraining vice to the office of the speaker. vironment • Collect and distribute confidential Core Responsibility • Render a comprehensive professional correspondence and file. Core Responsibility dispensing service to improve the • Assit administrative staff with phohealth status of the community. tocopying; filing and general office • Survey project sites to obtain and • Implement effective stack and finananalyse topographical details of dities as requested. cial control process. sites. • Collaborate within a multi-discipli- • General use and maintenance of ofnary team and collaborate intersectoficial vehicle. • Inspect construction sites to deterrally for effective people management mine conformance of site to design Application or CV and copies of qualifiApplication or CV and copies of qualifispecifications. cations, identify document and drivers li- cations, identify document and drivers cense (if applicable) to be submitted to be license (if applicable) to be submitted to • Manage the development, building following HR Office: and testing of engineering devices be following HR Office: according to set standards and guid52 Woburn Avanue, Bensan Bulding, Benoni 52 Woburn Avanue, Bensan Bulding, lines. Postal Address:Private Bag X014, Benoni Benoni 1500 Postal Address: Private Bag X014, BenoEnquiries: 011 99 7427/6358/6356 ni 1500 Interested candidates whose backEnquiries: 011 99 7427/6358/6356 ground and experience match these No fax and email applications will be accepted. Please quote reference number on No fax and email applications will be ac- challenging & exciting positions are application cepted. Please quote reference number invited to submit their CV by email to on application criticalvacancies@ekurhuleni.gov.za Application will not considered if the necessary copies of the required qualifica- Application will not considered if the Enquiries: Tel: 011997427 tions are not attached to the application/ necessary copies of the required qualifiCV cations are not attached to the applica- Please quote reference number on aption/CV plication Should the candidates no be informed of the outcome of the application within six weeks of closing date, it should be regardCLOSING DATE CLOSING DATA ed as having been unsucessful. 18 NOVEMBER 2015 2015 NOVEMBER 12 CLOSING DATE 2015 NOVEMBER 17 120 M at r i c u l a n t s R e q u i r e d I n t e r n s h i p S a l a ry : R3250 p m u p t o R4750 p m A p p l i c at i o n C lo s i n g dat e : 26 N ov e m b e r 2015 120 M at r i c u l a n t s r e q u i r e d f o r f r e e g ov e r m e n t s u b s i d i s e d t r a i n i n g . G e t pa i d w h i l e y o u l e a r n . L a r g e s t l e a d i n g I n t e r n at i o n a l C a l l C e n t r e r e q u i r e s s a l e s c o n s u lta n t s t o ov e r s e e a g r e at e r g e o g r a p h i c a l a r e a f o r t h e i r UK a n d A u s t r a l i a n ba s e d c l i e n t s . I f y o u l i v e i n t h e M o u n t E d g e c o m b e a n d s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a s a n d h av e e v e r t h o u g h t a b o u t g e t t i n g i n t o s a l e s , w e ’ d lov e t o h e a r f r o m y o u !, B a s i c s a l a ry f r o m R3250 p m u p t o R4750 p m + h i g h ly pa i d u n c a p p e d c o mm + s a l e s i n c e n t i v e s + n i g h t s h i f t a l lo w a n c e + m e d i c a l a i d a f t e r 6 m o n t h s P lu s w e g i v e y o u 2 s a l a ry i n c r e a s e i n a 6 m o n t h p e r i o d , H o w t o A p p ly ? E m a i l y o u r CV ASAP t o s h a r l e n e . r e d dy @ c a r e e r b ox . c o . z a R e f : M o n y e t l a C o n tac t : 0312860931 E m a i l : s h a r l e n e . r e d dy @ c a r e e r b ox . c o . z a R e q u i r e m e n t s • E xc e l l e n t c o m m a n d o f E n g l i s h • O u tg o i n g bu b b ly p e r s o n a l i t y • G r a d e 12 • P r e v i o u s w o r k e x p e r i e n c e a n a dva n tag e • ag e 18-35 • NQF l e v e l 4 q ua l i f i c at i o n A p p ly v i a e m a i l at s h a r l e n e . r e d dy @ c a r e e r b ox . c o . z a
Staroot Journal Includes the following inside : Jobs, Bursary, Tenders, Learnerships, Internships Notice, Articles, Profiles, and many more
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT TENDERS PRIRA IS LOOKING FOR CLEANERS URGENTLY Closing Date: 25 NOV 2015 Area: Pretoria Requirements: At least a Grade 10 (Standard 8) education The ideal candidate should possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills Ability to work under pressure when necessary Ability to promote hygiene within the work environment
Vacuum floors and carpets, empty all office bins and replace bins lining Perform office maintenance functions by ensuring that furniture and appliances are in good working conditions. Also includes: reporting missing or damaged appliances, facilities, equipment and furniture; watering plants as and when required Serve fresh water and tea/coffee to allocated offices Assist with administrative work such as filing, photocopying and distribution of documents/mail/newspapers and taking of finger prints. May be required to perform various adhoc duties delegated from time to time Candidates are requested to send a comprehensive CV accompanied by certified copies of qualifications together with application letter for the attention of the Human Capital Division, Private Bag X817, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to 420 Witch Hazel Avenue, Block B Office Park 2, Highveld Ext 70 or email to
Closing Date: 11 December 2016 Media24 seeks to appoint an experienced Commercial Head for it’s new Lifestyle Information Technology Bursary • Successful completion of the first seTV Channel – VIA. The position will be mester of: • Grade 12 with an average of based in Johannesburg or in Cape Town 70% + or • A relevant three year IT Programming qualification with an avand will report to the Channel Head. The erage of 60% + Apply Online for the Shoprite IT candidate will be responsible for achievBursary Opportunity ing annual budgets and implementing Logistics / Supply Chain Management the channel commercial strategy. Bursary • Successful completion of the first seof: • Grade 12 with an average of The candidate will work closely with the mester 70% + or • A Bachelors of Commerce: GM of print advertising and the respec- Logistics (Quantitative Management), Industrial Engineering, Bachelor of Scitive Publishers of the Media24 Lifestyle ence: Operational Research or related divisions to ensure integrated sponsor- degree/qualification with an average of 60% + ship opportunities are presented to Apply Online for the Shoprite Logistics / advertisers. The individual will work Supply Chain Management Bursary Opportunity closely with VIA commissioning ediMarketing Bursary tors and show producers to ensure high • Successful completion of the first sevalue barter agreements are achieved as mester of: • Grade 12 with an average of 70% + or • A Bachelors of Commerce: needed. Marketing or related degree/qualification with an average of 60% + Apply Online for the Shoprite Marketing The candidate will also work closely with Bursary Opportunity DMS to ensure that commercial airtime Accounting (CA Stream) Bursary • Successful completion of the first sesales targets are achieved. mester of: • Grade 12 with an average of - Please note that this job may expire at 70% + or • A Bachelors of Accounting or any time, for operational reasons. Ad- BCompt, leading to CTA and qualifying for a registered articles program 60% + vert closing dates may vary from those Apply Online for the Shoprite Accounting Bursary Opportunity published on job boards and third party sites. Please double-check the closing Pharmacy Bursary • Successful completion of the first sedate before applying mester of: • Grade 12 with an average of 70% + or • A Bachelors in Pharmacy qualification with an average of 60% + Apply before Sunday, November 15, Apply Online for the Shoprite Bursary Opportunity 2015 -12 Days left Retail Business / Hospitality Management • Successful completion of the first semester of: • Grade 12 with an average of 70% + or • National Diploma: Retail Business/ Hospitality Management or equivalent qualification with an average of 60% + Apply Online for the Shoprite Retail Business / Hospitality Management Bursary Opportunity
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT TENDERS Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
Reference Number: ERMD6105 Reference Number: ERMD6106 Reference Number: FINA6270 Position: Senior Environment AssessPosition: Category Manager: Plant and Position: Environment Assessment ment Practitioner Practitioner equipment Salary:R263 328 – R341 796 per annum (plus benefits) Salary:R384 816 – R499 512 per annum Salary:R223 044 – R289 524 per annum (plus benefits) (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements • Degree in natural / life sciences or enMinimum Requirements Minimum Requirements: vironment management or equivalent • Degree in natural/Life science or en• Diploma in supply chain manageNQF level 7 qualification. vironment management NQF Level 7. • Valid drivers license. ment or equivalent NQF level 6 qual• Drivers license • Extensive computer literacy (word & ification. • Extensive Computer literacy (word & excel) • MFMA Certification. excel). • Accuracy and good command of the • Specialist capabilities in supply • Accuracy and a good command of the english language. Chain management. • 3 5 years experience in a similar envienglish language. ronment. • 3 - 5 years experience in a similar en- • 0 - 3 years of experience in a similar vironment. environment. Core Responsibility • Manage the assessment of other EMM Core Responsibilities Core Responsibility departments’ development appica• Screening and provide technical adtions and infrastructure departments’ • Manage and monitor legal contract capital projects, in terms of the envivice on EMM departments projects. management admin. ronment impact management process. • Provide mentorship to interns. • Assists others with mutually benefi• Supervise the screening and provision cial contract negotiations, relation- • Contribute to a customer service of professional advice on EMMs’ deorientated culture/approach in the ships, management and admin of partments projects. division. • Render specialist within the departagreements. • Ensure effective people management. ment in environmental impact man• Develop & implement a centralized, • Implement environment governance agement. integrated and effective contract and risk management strategies. • Represent the department///division management system. on relavant committees and forums. • Facilitate effective financial • Develop and ensure effective imple• Contribute to a customer service orimanagement processes entated culture in the division. mentation of supply chain and procurement. Application or CV and copies of qualifiApplication or CV and copies of quali- cation, identity document and drivers liApplication or CV and copies of quali- fication, identity document and drivers cense, to be emailed to criticalvacancies@ ekurhuleni.gov.za fication, identity document and drivers license, to be emailed to criticalvacancies@ekurhuleni.gov.za license, to be emailed to criticalvacanCLOSING DATE cies@ekurhuleni.gov.za 18 NOVEMBER 2015 CLOSING DATE 18 NOVEMBER 2015 CLOSING DATE 18 NOVEMBER 2015 STAROOT
Editor-in-Chief Khanyisile Buthelezi Editor/Photography Nonhlahla Martin M a r ke t i n g / S a l e s S b e ke z e l o N x u m a l o Distributor/Research Zolani Maqhasha Contact us: 081 3525 086 starootjournal@gmail.com
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS Bursaries in Journalism Are you a thrill seeker with a passion for adventure and life? Then journalism might be the career path you have been looking for. Bursaries are a financial aid given to deserving candidates to study into a field that they love. Can you handle the world of media? Here are some of the most commonly found study fields found with journalism: Journalism, Media Studies, Information gathering & processing Laws & Policies, Photojournalism Electronic Media, Publishing For an applicant to qualify as a bursary student the following has to be met. You have to be a South African citizen with a valid ID Book / ID Card. You have to be able to prove the need for financial assistance. You have to be able to prove a willingness to learn as well as a passion for the field of study chosen and outstanding academic records. Many journalism courses are available although a Bachelor in Journalism will take 4 years to complete. A Master degree will only be another 2 year study period after you have completed your Bachelor degree and for a PhD you can add another 2 years to that at least. There are a number of companies providing bursaries for these and many other fields of study that one could consider for a bursary.
You can have a look at: Media 24, NEMISA BIKO, Ekurhuleni
They all have bursaries available each year in these fields of study. To become a great journalist a candidate should be able to work under pressure with no problems and adhere to deadlines. Candidates have to be detail orientated with exceptional people skills. Are you always curious, asking question after question and never giving up until you know everything? Journalists are required for many industries such as radio, television, and newspapers as well as online. They should be honest and reliable bringing news to readers that are informative. Journalist studies prepare students to function as writers, editors and reporters for magazines and other forms of media. There is also public relations, marketing and advertising to consider as career paths with journalism. Are you a real ‘go getter’ that loves the rush? Do you love tracking down the truth and spreading the word? Journalism is an exciting career with never a dull moment! Do you have excellent listening skills as well as knowing which questions to ask? Can you take the lead and do what is required when the time comes? If you feel this is what you want then make your application and enter a whole new world.
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS HUAWEI: GRADUATE / INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 2016 Location : Sandton Huawei Technologies is a Telecommunications company based in Johannesburg Gauteng. They currently recruiting Students who are studying or completed their Diploma, Degree & Masters in: • Electrical Engineering Light Current • Electronics Engineering • Telecommunication • IT –Majoring in Communication Networks • Civil Engineering. The Positions will be based in Johannesburg, interested candidates must be willing to relocate here if they are successful. The Internship / Graduate Programme will be for a year and there might be possibilities for renewal depending on the project needs, performance and company needs. How to Apply CVs Maybe be sent to: Mmaphuti.Florence.Mojela@huawei.com Enquiries can be directed to Florence on the provided email. outh Africa System Intergration Services Department Block 4, Ground Floor Grayston Office Park 128 Peter Road, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, SA Phone:+27 11 517 – 9800 (EXT.6099) Fax: +27 11 517 – 9801
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
King of Leather “Timeless Designs”
Challenges… I sell by installments and some customers are good payers but with some, its really hard when I have to chase after them to pay me the rest of the money the owe me. I end up getting into arguments unnecessarily. Another challenge would be when customers don’t pay in time for me to go and purchase material I end up taking time to finish my orders. The business is also very much Thamba Martin has a small work shop at the back of he’s aunts seasonal, it is mostly busy in summer and quiet in Winter. house. He creates unique shoes and bags out of leather. The sig- Your target market… nificant part is that all he’s creations are hand made by him. Walk- I mostly cater for the younger market but it’s between the ages of ing into Thamba’s studio was like walking into a shoemakers shop 25 years old and up. from the 60’s. Streaks of leather hung everywhere I laid my eyes on, what got me more excited to interview this talented fellow ,was Is your company registered and what were the processes or the finished products that greeted me on my way in and out on the who registered you? door of the studio. Yes it is registered. We went to Pretoria ourselves and got it done. Did you study fashion design at college? When did the business start? No I studied Mechanical Engineering, but strange enough I feel The bussines started in 2002. There were four of us when we that I’m actually engineering every time I’m creating a shoe or bag started then there was two of us as time went. as it also entails drawing, designing, measuring and also calculaName of the business? tions. So without this skill I wouldn’t have been able to go far. I C Timeless Designs Short term goal To have more clients and a website Why did you start the business> I was unemployed after colledge, and I worked at a factory for two Long term goal years. After that I didn’t have anything to do so my friends who To build a factory here in our township so that I can employ people had already started making shoes and there was a lady amongst from around here, and so that people don’t have to take taxis to go us who was making clothes, we decided to come together and we to town to get to work but just walk. started working as a group. Did you always know that you had a talent of making shoes? Have you ever employed anyone or trained someone? No not at all, I was just there because I was unemployed and didn’t Yes ive employed three guys, one of which I trained and taught want to just be at home doing nothing all the time so I acquired the him how to make belts and bags out of leather and now he own skill from them. I learnt a lot from my my friends as I knew nothing he’s own shop here in vosloorus as well. about sawing and cutting out patterns. Are you co partnering or are you working alone? Marketing tools and vehicles Things didn’t work out between the four of us so we split and there I advertise and market my products on Facebook but the one that was only the two of us running the company. People came to us works the most is ‘Word of mouth’ my clients spread the word asking for shoes then I decided to work on making leather shoes about the products the buy. and so I started my own studio. I am now working with my sister -By Khanyisile Buthelezi as my partner and she takes care of the admin side of business. Continue on Pg 13 taroot took to the streets again in search of an amasing talent. Likewise that’s what we found, actually this time we found raw talent at its best. In a back room in one of the houses in Vosloorus, is what could be history in the making. This backroom could be the start of an empire, a mini factory where leather is transformed from raw material into a fashion statement.
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
LA Intronet: Graduate / Internship Programme 2016 Grade 12 Computer skills Drivers licences Own Cellphone And be South African Apply here online <> http://careerspoint. co.za/?p=1191
Mr Price Group is looking for Call Centre Agents to work at Mr Price Contact Centre. SALARY is between R8 500 to R16 500 You must have Grade 11 or Grade 12 to apply. No experience required. Free training will be offered by Mr Price. HOW TO APPLY FOR THIS JOB. Click the blue link inside brackets for application details. Click here >>>( http://t.co/CCxowUJaFa
Receptionist Standard Bank Operations Shared Services • Pretoria, R12 000 - R12 500 Per Learnership Programme Month Requirements: • Job Type: Permanent Be between the ages of 18-30 • Sectors: Admin, Construction, Be able to speak, read and write English Business Management, General Have completed Matric • Posted by on Thursday, October Be computer literate Not be permanently employed 22, 2015 Not be studying at any other institution • Reference: Receptionist Not be registered on any other learnerApply before Monday, December 21, ship 2015 - 49 Days left
McDonald’s Crew Creative Director •Johannesburg, (Negotiable) McDonald’s needs you!! They • Job Type: Permanent require Crew members in all areas. •Sector: Advertising No experience needed. •Posted by MMS Comunications SA (Pty) Ltd School leavers welcome to apply. on Wednesday, September Dial *120*5852*3# 23, 2015 R1.50/60 secs USSD fees apply. •Reference: CD For more information go to Apply before Sunday, www.lulaway.co.za or November 22, 2015 - 20 Days call on 010 140 9510 left
Apply here online <> http://careerspoint.co.za/?p=1107
French Intercompany Administrator – Johannesburg Salary Negotiable • Johannesburg CBD, Market Related (Negotiable) • Job Type: Permanent • Sectors: Admin, Telecommunications • Posted by Initiate International on Monday, September 14, 2015 • Reference: KK05 Apply before Friday, November 13, 2015 - 11 Days left
Funza Lushaka Bursary 2016-2017 TEACHING BURSARY Requirements for Application: Applicants for the Funza Lushaka Bursary must meet the following basic requirements in order to be considered: Must be a South African citizen with a valid ID Must be committed to and enthusiastic about a professional teaching career with interests that include working with young people, readiness to face and overcome challenges Must have personal integrity Apply here online <<>> http://careerspoint.co.za/?p=909
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
STAROOT JOURNAL FULL PAGE VACANCIES Job # 1875844/SLP 143/15: Sales Intern (12 months) (Scorpion Legal Protection (Pty) Ltd.) Pretoria Region, Gauteng (South Africa) R4,000 Per Month Basic Salary Internship/Vacation student position at Scorpion Legal Protection (Pty) Ltd.. Posted by Scorpion Legal Protection on 26/10/2015 • Apply • Tell a Friend PURPOSE OF THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME (12 months) The Internship is available to suitable individuals who wish to obtain practical working experience and knowledge in their respective area of study and/or field of work by performing various duties and/or responsibilities relevant to the Internship vacancy. Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following; SALES INTERNSHIP Gain exposure to various sales and marketing functions including but not limited to liaising with clients and telephone management, data recovery and capturing, marketing management assistance, reporting and general administration. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (relevant to all Internship vacancies) EDUCATION: Must have completed Matric (Grade 12)/N3 or equivalent qualification – requirement for all Internships Any other administrative diploma/certificate (advantageous) EXPERIENCE: Previous work experience is not essential OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Must be SA Citizen Must be available immediately to commence with the Internship Programme in 2015. Must be available for the entire duration of the internship (12 months) Must have a passion to learn, integrity and good communication skills. Must be computer literate (basic); specifically MS Office and Outlook. Must have clear ITC. REQUIRED MINIMUM COMPETENCIES (relevant all Internship vacancies) SKILL COMPETENCIES: Accuracy, Administrative Skills, Analytical Thinking Ability, Attention to Detail, Flexibility, Goal Setting Ability, Listening Skills, Networking, Organising Ability and Planning Ability, Problem Solving Ability, Teamwork, and Time-management skills PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES: Acceptance of Change, Achievement Orientation, Action Orientation, Assertiveness, Administrative Orientation, Customer Service Orientation, Initiative, Integrity, Organisational Commitment, Personal Growth Orientation. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your application, please consider your application to have been unsuccessful. Apply online before 25/11/2015.
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
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12th Page V 3.25” X 16”
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Staroot Journal Gauteng
November 2015
“ADVERTISING IS NOT FREE BUT THE CHOICE TO ADVERTISE SHOULD BE”. C H O O S E A D V E RT I S E A F U L L PA G E O N S TA R O OT J O U R N A L BY CONTACTING US 081 3525 086 starootjournal@gmail.com Do you have a specific factory or shop that you buy your leather from? No. I buy from different shops. Are you financially balanced or would you like assistance? I would like to get funding; I am not financially stable as I would like to buy equipment and stock a lot of leather, even get a proper work shop with ample space. Pressure… There is too much pressure especially at this age I’m in, I sometimes feel that I am tired and need to employ and train new people to run the business, I feel like I should go and look for a job that will help me meet my demands like for instance it would be nice to own my own house and buy a car after all I do have responsibilities so I use the money that I get to take care of my family and girlfriend and other needs. At the end of the day it’s the passion that keeps me here and going strong.
Prices Bags are from R450, Sandals are from R350, boots are R2000. The whole time I spent interviewing Thamba, from the minute I stepped in he’s studio, till the time I left, this ambitious hard working young man has been busy fiddling with leather in he’s hands making a shoe. Now if that’s not a true definition of a passionate entrepreneur then I don’t know what is. He sets an example of what we all should be doing instead of crying out “UNEMPLOYMENT” screaming at the top of our lungs as if anyone owes us. This man waists no money and time waiting around for work to find him (not even for a Journalist) he goes around and makes a living worth while.
More photos on backpage
STAROOT GIG-GUIDE To be featured on Staroot Journal Gig-Guide, you need to book for the coverage in 7 working day before the event take place through e-mail or call. starootjournal@gmail.com/081 4967 506
By: IC Timeless Designs
By: IC Timeless Designs
By: IC Timeless Designs
By: IC Timeless Designs
By: IC Timeless Designs
By: IC Timeless Designs
Layout & Design: Sbekezelo Nxumalo Photos: Nonhlahla Martin for Staroot Journal