12/11/15/ Print Version

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MiddleSchool Magazine Fall Edition November 2015


Th e Editor s

Row 1: Br ett Ak in (assistan t editor -in -ch ief), H an k Val en tin e (editor -in -ch ief), Leo Poggi (assistan t editor -in -ch ief). Row 2: W il l iam M cDer m ott (spor ts editor ), Reyn ol ds Sh or t (r eviews editor ), W il l iam Tu n e (r eviews editor ). N ot p i ct u r ed : David Sm ith (spor ts editor ).


Ou r Staff

Row 1: Phil ip Thompson, George Thompson, Mason King, Wal ker Al l en, Wyl ie Wagnon, Whit t Bowl es, Henry Weat herf ord Row 2: Jack Irel and, Wil l Quinn, Mac Ware, Charl es Innes, Kevin Omohundro Row 3 : Hugo Abbot , Finn Gardner Row 4: Luke Thomas, Fisher Bredrup, Henry Poarch, Nash St eed, Josh Caven, Grif f en Morre, Cooper St oval l , Mike Hawkins Row 5: Wil l Farrel l , Jayden Smit h, Jude Reif erson, Jack Omohundro, Ol iver Hal l , West on Wil l iams Row 6: Wil l iam Tune, Leo Poggi, Bret t Akin, Wil l iam Hayes, Wil l iam McDermot t Row 7: Hank Val ent ine, Hobie Bal l ou, Joe Paarker, Vaden Padget t , Lane Hawkins, Col eman Wray (Not pict ured: Ian Wright )

Charlie Holdaway "First Place!" says Staff "Copyright Issue," says Dr. Pepper

Story by Coleman Wray & Henry Weatherford

This year?s cover art cont est had 23 ent ries. Charl ie Hol daway?s art work won f irst pl ace; however, since his design so cl osel y resembl ed Dr. Pepper's l ogo, Mrs. Brennan needed t o cont act t heir corporat e of f ice t o get permission t o publ ish it digit al l y. They asked how many peopl e viewed our Middl e School magazine. Our publ icat ion st at ist ics show t hat more t han 2,600 peopl e (!) have viewed our magazine worl dwide (incl uding Peru (1 Person!), Mexico, Canada and Al aska). So, Dr. Pepper?s l egal t eam met t o discuss t his sit uat ion and decided we coul d not publ ish Charl ie?s work on t he cover of PaperBoy. Charl ie used Googl e Drawings, at which he is an expert , t o creat e his design. His inspirat ion f or his mast erf ul creat ion is t hat he drinks a l ot of Dr. Pepper. He said he did it f or t he respect and t he gif t card prize. Now t hat it can?t be publ ished as t he cover art , he is sad, but he says he underst ands and t hat it is ok. He appreciat ed t he l et t er Dr. Pepper?s corporat e of f ice sent him (pict ured bel ow).

M iddl e Sch ool Life

This f al l t he Middl e School hel d a f undraiser f or t hree charit ies: VCU Dogs on Cal l , Pet s f or Vet s and The Richmond Animal League. St udent s bought t icket s col or coded f or each charit y. Bl ue was Pet s f or Vet s, Red was RAL and Whit e was VCU Dogs on Cal l . Each st udent wrot e his name and a t eacher's name on t he back of his t icket . On November 20t h, t hree winners were given t he opport unit y t o pie t he t eacher t hey named. Leo Poggi pied Mr. Carrier, Robbie Boykin pied Mr, Chewning and Jackson Hil l pied Mr. Dunn. Rumor has it t hat Leo bought 34 t icket s f or Mr. Carrier! However, Robbie (wit h debat abl y t he best t hrow) knocked t he earmuf f s of f of Mr. Chewning. Last but not l east , Jackson made Mr. Dunn savor t he pie f or a f ew ext ra seconds. Af t er t he t eachers were al l pied Mr. St eed reminded t he boys t hat t here was one ext ra pie, so t he crowd cal l ed f or an encore. The f inal st udent t o pie a t eacher was Mason Cart er. His chose t o pie Mr. Piper. But , Mr. Piper was prepared and brought a rain poncho. Mason woul d have none of it and he made sure Mr. Piper f el t t he pie. Overal l , I t hink t hat was one of t he most f un chapel s I have ever had in a l ong t ime. ---by WILLIAM TUNE

Pi e i n th e Face Raf f l e

Photos by Mr. Brata and Mr. Ware

TOA STER ABUSE By: Br ett Ak in Announcement Date: Monday September 28 As most of you may know IF you l ist en t o Mr. Chewning's announcement s during chapel (be honest ), t here have been some probl ems wit h t he t oast er l at el y. Report s have been f il ed showing t he t rue sensel essness of Middl e School boys displ ayed in unnat ural ways. Let 's f ace it , f ive or six pieces of cheese won't work in a t oast er t hat FLIPS THE BREAD UPSIDE DOWN and l et s it sl ide down a ramp. Caf et eria st af f are t hreat ening t o hide t he t oast ers during Middl e School l unch t imes. Why? The t oast ers are breaking and it is dif f icul t t o cl ean up l arge gl obs of cheese and but t er. This woul d not go over wel l given t hat approximat el y 99.9% of Middl e School ers onl y eat t oast during l unch. What Middl e School ers shoul d know is t hat t hey need t o be more caref ul wit h t hese appl iances. Toast ers kil l an est imat ed 700 peopl e per year due t o f ires and t he mind-numbingl y bright act ion of st icking a knif e int o t he t oast er whil e it ?s running t o remove a piece of f ood t hat is st uck. This act ion can l ead t o an el ect ric shock. And yes, you are more l ikel y t o get kil l ed by a t oast er t han die f rom a shark at t ack. Isn't t hat ironic?! We are in great danger by l et t ing cert ain peopl e handl e t he t oast ers t hemsel ves. To l earn more, I int erviewed t he dining hal l st af f . Maybe t hey are smart er t han a 6t h grader. (cont inued on next 2 pages)

This is Mr. Ernst . He is t he head direct or of t he dining hal l . Mr. Ernst hel ped us and shared some EXTREMELY FASCINATING inside inf ormat ion on t he t oast er?

THE INTERVIEW Q: ?What happens when someone decides to use the conveyor toaster to melt cheese? A: ?There is a pil e up of t oast in t he f ar back of t he t oast er. If someone put s enough cheese on t heir bread, it wil l cat ch f ire occasional l y. In bot h of t hese sit uat ions t he t oast er needs t o be t aken apart t o be f ixed.? Q: ?Is it just the Middle School that causes this problem?? A: ?Yes, because t he Middl e School ers are t he youngest group who use t he t oast er. And if you see a crowd of t hem l urking over t he machines, you know t here is t roubl e.? (Note: There is ALWAYS a crowd of Middle Schoolers lurking around the machines, thanks for the insight) Q: ?How much cheese have people tried to run through the toaster in the past?? A: ?Four t o f ive pieces at once. You cannot heat t he but t er or cheese at al l unl ess you use t he microwave.?


Q: ?How long has this been an issue?? A: ?Since t he beginning of t ime? (Mrs. Ernst needs to get his facts right, toast was invented in the 1500s.) Q: ?Why do you think people are so obsessed with toast?? A: ?A l ot of peopl e l ike t oast ; t hey t hink t hey are making an inst ant gril l ed cheese. By t he way, every singl e t ime we make gril l ed cheese f or l unch, we make cl ose t o 1000 of t hem.? (t oast is yummy ) Q: ?If you take the toaster away where will you hide it?? A: ?We wil l just t ake it back inside where we make t he f ood. There are a l ot of pl aces t o hide it .? (Someone make note of this. Who is in to heist it back?)



(Pl ease t r y n ot t o m i n d t h e n ast y bu r n t ch eese.).

Special Thanks To: Mr. Ernst The Dining Hall Staff and Reynolds Short (Photo Credit)


L OW ER SCH OOL VS. M I DDL E SCH OOL This f al l a survey was sent out t o al l 6t h, 7t h and 8t h graders asking quest ions about Lower and Middl e School s. What were t he resul t s?


From Left: 6th Grade Responses, 7th Grade Responses, 8th Grade Responses

Leo Poggi

Above are the responses to the question: "What is/ will be your favorite Middle School Grade?"


6th Graders believe that 8th Grade will be their favorite grade. 7th Graders seem to also steer towards 8th Grade.

Ju de Refier son

8th Graders are almost perfectly divided.

W H AT DO YOU M ISS M OST ABOUT LOW ER SCH OOL? As you can see, "No Weekend Homework" was t he winner by a l andsl ide, wit h "Less Homework" in a dist ant second.

W H AT IS YOU FAVORITE ASPECT OF M IDDLE SCH OOL? "More Freedom" won, again, by a l andsl ide, wit h "Ext ramural Sport s" as t he next cont ender.

W H AT W AS YOUR FAVORITE YEAR OF LOW ER SCH OOL? 5t h Grade is apparent l y t he f avorit e year of most Middl e School st udent s, wit h 4t h Grade and Kindergart en as popul ar years as wel l .



1.) What college did you go to? I graduat ed f rom VCU in 1999 wit h a Bachel or of Art s in Engl ish

Interview with Mr. Piper

2.) Name and describe some jobs you had before coming to St. Christopher's? I was a Document Cont rol Manager f or a major manuf act urer I wrot e, edit ed, and t rained t echnical writ ers t o writ e document s f or operat ing f act ory machinery. I was a Camera Depart ment Assist ant f or Law and Order: Special Vict ims Unit , and I was in charge of set t ing up t he cameras f or shoot ing and t ransport ing f il m f rom t he set t o t he camera t ruck f or l oading on t o reel s. I was al so an IT Service Tech in t he Net work Operat ions Cent er f or t he Whit e House and Execut ive Of f ices of t he President . 3.) How much teaching experience do you have? I have been t eaching Engl ish and Leadership in Chest erf iel d Count y f or t he l ast 5 years, where I al so l ead t he process f or st art ing a Leadership Academy. 4.) What are your out of school hobbies? I pl ay soccer. I al so pl ay guit ar, banjo, and sing.I al so enjoy woodworking and cooking gourmet meal s wit h my wif e. 5.) What is your favorite sport and team? I l ove soccer, and I am a die hard Chel sea FC f an! Go you Bl ues! 6.) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items or people would you take? My wif e, son, and a soccer bal l . 7.) What is your favorite food? Pizza, and al so pizza. 8.) What was your favorite subject in school? I l iked Engl ish and Hist ory. I especial l y l iked st udying Ancient East ern Civil izat ions, l ike Feudal Japan and Ancient China

Nike Soccer By Luke Thomas and Will Farrell

Nike Soccer is the leading brand in soccer today. Per year, Nike sells $90 million of shoes every year. With 931 stores worldwide, Nike has pulled $3.2 million just this year. Nike soccer has progressed from boots that were badly shaped and non- aerodynamic, to boots with built- in socks that are very aerodynamic and very expensive. Nike has launched many different lines of boots, such as: Magista, Superfly, Hypervenom, and Mercurial. Ranging from $75 to $325, Nike offers the best boots on the market. Some of the older cleats made by Nike are the T90 Laser IV, Tiempo Ronaldinho 10R, Nike Vapors, Tiempo Premier. Nike sells the two most popular soccer cleats on the market (Superfly and Magista).

Video Gam e Reviews

Desti ny: Th e Tak en K i ng At f irst Dest iny was good, but it had l ot s of probl ems. However, t he add-on of The Taken King (t t k) t ot al l y re imagines and f ixes t he game.The t t k st art s at a hef t y price of $40.00. It cont ains 4 hours of unique campaign missions, a new raid, 4 new st rikes, a l evel cap of 40, l oads of new weapons, and much much more. It 's a great expansion, and it packs l ot s of f un especial l y if you are pl aying on a new gen syst em or wit h f riends. If you're t hinking about get t ing Dest iny f or t he f irst t ime you're in l uck. The t t k has a inst ant boost t o l evel 25 f or t he new pl ayers. The new campaign is decent wit h good cut scenes and l engt hy unique missions. There are al so t hree new sub-cl asses t hat are very creat ive and cool . One of t he highl ight s is t he raid t it l ed ?The King's Fal l .? This is where you f ace t he f inal boss, Oryx Unf ort unat el y The Taken King?s expansion f eel s f orced on Dest iny?s pl ayers. For pl ayers who do not buy t t k t hey can't real l y do anyt hing excit ing wit hin Dest iny. In concl usion, The Taken King is a good purchase f or peopl e who are real l y int o Dest iny, unf ort unat el y t he price is very high and can cause some pl ayer t o abandon t he game.

by George Thompson Reveiwed on Xbox One

Detai l s Do you l ike comedic video games, al ong wit h cl assic guns bl azing act ions? Then meet Fist f ul of Frags. Fist f ul of Frags is an onl ine, west ern shoot em?up game. Grab some f riends and hop ont o one of t he many game modes. Maybe t he best part , ot her t han t he hil arious rag dol l physics, is t hat it is Free-t o-Pl ay. Even wit h al l of t hese, t he game is st il l not t hat popul ar. So, I?l l review one game mode I pl ay a l ot , cal l ed ?Shoot out .?

A dmi ssi on At t he beginning of t he ?Shoot out ?, and t hroughout t he game, you can choose your weapons and ot her perks. Then, you run around and t ry t o get t he most kil l s. You st art wit h 12 or so minut es t o compl et e t he game. As you run around, you might see gl owing chest s. If you open t hem, you?l l get special it ems t hat may not be avail abl e at t he st art of t he round. Bl ue is l ow t ier, red is normal t ier, and t he gol d chest s are ext remel y rare it ems. Once you die t hough, you l ose t he weapon. Al so, t hey updat e t he game f or special event s such as Hal l oween, Christ mas and ot her hol idays. These updat es incl ude new maps, and power ups t hat make you st ronger and improve your accuracy. Fistful of Frags is a unique t een-rat ed shoot er game. I highl y recommend it t o al l t een audiences.

b y Hugo A b bot

N B A 2 K 16 N EX T GEN Re v i e w

b y N a s h St e e d

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a famous NBA player? Playing with fans watching from all around the world, wondering if you are going to get drafted or not, and having to make crucial career decisions all come to life in NBA2K16. The developers of this game (2K Sports) have outdone themselves this year with MyCareer cutscenes by Spike Lee, featuring your own NBA Agent, live practices, endorsements, and more. Not only have they added new features to MyCareer, but they also improved graphics, reduced glitches, and even made gameplay incredibly more realistic. But don?t worry, there is still the ever-popular feature of MyTeam, where you build your own team, arenas, jerseys, and logos. In fact, MyTeam is now even better thanks to a new design feature that lets you make your court and jerseys designed off of anything, whether that be a favorite college team, music artist, or NBA team. Open brand new packs, and try to pull the best players in the game. Live your dream today, and be an NBA superstar in NBA2K16!

L a B r o n Ja m e s A g a i n s t Ke v in Du r a n t i n N B A 2 K 16

By Rey nol ds Shor t

Untur ned Fr eeTo PLAY! ABout Unt ur ned Unturned is a quick t hinking act ion survival game. This game has many f eat ures such as zombie survival and buil ding/ craf t ing. It is a f ree roam game. You can f ind cars, snowmobil es, and ATVs. You can f ind dif f erent t owns, campgrounds and f arms t hroughout maps. There are t hree dif f erent maps in t he game such as PEI (Prince Edward Isl and), Washingt on St at e and The Yukon. There are dif f erent f eat ures rel at ed t o your heal t h such as f ood, wat er, You can get Unturned of f heal t h, energy and inf ect ion. If any of t hese go down al l t he of Steam. If you do not way (except energy) t hen you die. If your energy goes down know what St eam is, it is you cannot sprint or jump anymore unt il it goes back up. a game pl at f orm f or There are comput ers. You can get a l oads of it ems. variet y of games even You can raid ones on t he Xbox or mil it ary bases Pl ayst at ion! You can f or guns and downl oad it of f of t owns f or st eampowered.com. It is basic suppl ies. f ree t o make an account , You can al so and t here are mul t ipl e f ind gas t o f il l ot her great games t o up vehicl es f or pl ay! easier t ravel .


GAM ES OF A DIFFERENT SORT by Lan e H awk in s

INTRO Games can be a lot of fun, as I am sure most people know. H owever, they also have been used to tell stories, deliver powerful messages, or just make you think a bit more. So I?d like to shine some light here on lesser known games with a bit of a more intelligent outlook.



DanganRonpa is perhaps one of the most disturbing and compelling games to come out in recent years. The best of the best are sent to a government funded school, but when it?s taken over by the insane Monokuma, they are forced to be trapped in the school unless they can get away with murdering a fellow student. While the majority of the game is reading, things heat up when you get forced into a Class Trial, where you?ll get into one-on-one arguments, logical debates, and trying to finger the correct culprit. With a bunch of humour, a great mystery element, and memorable characters, you?ll have trouble putting the game down. The second game, which I can?t say much without spoiling game one, has a similar setup, and even better execution.

The Phoenix Wr ight games have become famous among their die-har d fans. In these games, you play as an upcoming defense lawyer , facing up against fier ce pr osecutor s and slipper y cr iminals to defend the innocent. The thr ill of hunting and catching the villains in their lies or the constant witty dialogue leads to many memor able moments. The ver y last case of the last game is consider ed by many one of the best levels in video games. Per iod. While IV and V ar e good as well, the or iginal tr ilogy have a much mor e polished, self-contained stor y.

Book & M ovie Reviews

STEELHEART If you decide to pick up Steelheart, you won?t be disappointed. In this world, superheroes are known as epics, and they are extraordinarily evil. A mysterious red star called Calamity, rose in the sky. That?s when everything changed. Normal people developed superpowers, and when Steelheart became an epic he yearned for ultimate control. David Charleston, an eighteen-year-old, is the only person alive who has seen Steelheart bleed.

Review by Charl es Innes

The first scene is set in a bank 10 years ago, before Steelheart took over. That, was when Steelheart bled, and when he was afraid. That night, Steelheart eliminated anyone who might have seen his moment of weakness, except David. Steelheart then began the Great Transfersion, turning all of Chicago into steel. We are taken to present time, as David is seeking out The Reckoners, a shadowy organization that kills epics. David gives them inspiration, as he plans a hit on Steelheart. This thrilling adventure will stop you cold. Between capturing epics and a cruel plot twist, you won?t be able to put this book down. This grim book filled with action and adventure, will take you places you?ve never been.



BOOK REVIEW BY KEVIN OMOHUNDRO The novel Eye of Minds is a great book f or peopl e who l ike t echnol ogy and act ion. It is about a boy named Michael , an expert hacker and gamer, who journeys int o t he virt ual worl d of a super compl icat ed video game. It is a real l y awesome video game, but l ike wit h everyt hing, t here is a bad part t o it . There is a hacker named Kaine who is erasing peopl e?s onl ine essence, and t hat seems t o be af f ect ing t heir real -l if e personal it ies. Michael and t wo of his f riends, Bryson and Sarah, have t o f igure out how t o st op Kaine. They have t o go down a l ong pat h, where one move might kil l t hem. But , at t he end of t he road, t hey might not f ind exact l y what t hey expect ed. Eye of Minds has exhil arat ing moment s where you can al most f eel t he st ress of Michael , whil e he is hacking int o a cl ub or f ight ing essence sucking Kil l -Sims, t here is never a boring moment . ?????

I am Numb er Four Rev i ew by M i k e Haw k i ns

I am Number Four (writ t en by Pit t acus Lore) is an act ion-packed sci-f i novel about al iens f ight ing f or t heir l ives on Eart h. The main charact er, Four, is a t eenage al ien l iving wit h his f ake dad. They are on t he run f rom a whol e race of al iens. In t he novel Four and his f ake dad, Henri, move t o a smal l t own cal l ed Paradise, Ohio. As Four grows at t ached t o t he t own, he st art s devel oping powers t o f ind t he ot her members of his al ien race. I am Number Four is a great novel t hat any reader woul d enjoy.

The Whol e "Lorien Legacies" Series

Th e Emeral d A tl as Book Review by Mason King In t he The Emeral d At l as, Kat e, Michael , and Emma P. have been reject ed by orphanages f ar and wide unt il t hey get t o Cambridge Fal l s where t heir l ives change. They set of f on a quest across t ime t o f ind t he Emeral d At l as and keep it away f rom t he wicked count ess. This st ory wil l keep you on t he edge of your seat , and you won?t be abl e t o wait unt il you can get your hands on t he second book in t he series, The Fire Chronicl e. The Emeral d At l as has a l ot of heart , humor, and act ion. This book is very descript ive, it makes you f eel l ike you are t here. I give The Emeral d At l as a t humbs up!


VARIANT REVIEWBYCADEBRIDGES Robison Wel l s has done a great job on t his book. The Variant was l ike a whirl pool , pul l ing me in and not l et t ing me go. The t wist is now my f avorit e of al l t ime. I had l ow expect at ions when I got t he book, but it t ook me on a wil d ride. Even t hough t he beginning is a l it t l e sl ow, t he ending picks up t he sl ack. There is a t iny bit of f oul l anguage, but t he st ory is so wel l writ t en t hat you don?t even real l y process t hose words.

"ENTIRELYDIFFERENTWORKOFART" I t hought t hat t his book woul d be a mix of Lord of The Flies and

The Maze Runner, but it

was an ent irel y art . If I

dif f erent work of

coul d

rat e it right now I

woul d give it

f ive st ars. The

book may be

l ong, but I

savored every

page. Variant is

an overal l

awesome read f or

al most anyone. It coul d

be a l it t l e compl icat ed f or

some peopl e, because t here are many pieces and moving part s t o t he st ory. I l oved it , and I t hink t hat you wil l , t oo.

Au th or Sk ype with Jeff Str an d

M r. Str an d, fam ou s for book s th at com bin e zom bies with h u m or, m ail ed u s on e advan ce copy of h is n ew book . It won 't be r el eased to th e pu bl ic u n til M ar ch 2016!

JURASSIC WORLD by Whit t Bowl es

Owen Grady t aming t he rapt ors.


Review Although I absloutely loved Jurassic World, I still found some issues. In the first film, they said the only way to get dino DNA was to extract the blood from a bug that had sucked the dino's blood. For the land animals it is (relatively) possible, but for the mosasaur (above) that lives in the water, how could they get the DNA from that? Mosquitoes cant't go underwater! Second, When the kids are in the gyrosphere, they get themselves lost by purposely driving themselves off course. Shouldn't the ride be remote controlled? These are relatively big plot holes, but I still loved the movie.

Two kids, named Zach (Nick Robinson) and Grey (Ty Simpkins) Mitchell go to a dinosaur attraction called Jurassic World. They are going to visit their aunt. The theme of the attraction is dinos. As you can expect, something goes wrong. The most ferocious dino at the park, the Indominus Rex, escapes! The I-Rex is a hybrid, which means it is a combo of two or more dinos, which gives it the ability to hide from thermal cameras. The I-Rex gets the two kids lost on a gyrosphere ride. Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing, (Bryce Dallas Howard) who is the Mitchell kids' aunt. To sum it up, the two try to find the lost children, and chaos wreaks on at the park. When the four meet back at the park, the I-Rex is there to face them! To find out the rest, watch the movie!

Cr eativity & Th e Ar ts

Student Recitalists

St u d en t Reci t al i st s

Christian Johnson

Alexander Mayer, Luke Gresham, Mason King, Matthew Son, Evan DiCosmo, Kent Goode and Christian Johnson

Middle School Play

This year t he st udent s f rom t he St . Christ opher?s and St . Cat herine?s Middl e School s came t oget her and put on a perf ormance of Tal es of a Fourt h Grade Not hing based on t he book by Judy Bl ume. It is about a f ourt h grade boy named Pet er Warren Hat cher who is writ ing a school assignment about ?The Most Import ant Thing That Has Happened t o him t his Year.? Pet er t el l s t he st ory of how his t hree year ol d brot her, Fudge has ruined his l if e. In t he script Pet er is a boy, in our pl ay we changed t he name t o Penny Wendy Hat cher when a girl was assigned t o pl ay t he part . Wit h onl y a mont h t o pract ice, t he t wo school s were abl e t o put on an hour and t hirt y minut e l ong show. Normal l y t he Middl e School pl ays are onl y f ort y-f ive minut es t o an hour. Everybody did a great job, onst age and of f st age, and we are al l l ooking f orward t o t he wint er/ spring product ion of Pet er Pan.

St. Christopher?s Cast Drew Brown as Dad Lane Hawkins as Mr. Yarby Ewan Cross as Sam Finn Gardner as Ambul ance Number Two

St. Christopher?s Crew Johnny Whitlock

Wylie Wagnon

Ned Mangum

Sterling Austin

Walker Allen

Camden Cobb

Evan Carpenter

Evan DiCosmo

Topher Durette

Will Hodges

Luke Gresham, Braxton

Nick Lowsley-Williams

Nico Pava

Griffin Moore

George Thompson

Jayden Smith Mac Ware


M i ddl e Sch ool Wri ti ng Contest This September, Mr. Knight organized the first sentence contest of the year. Contestants needed to compose: "One awesomely creative sentence about a middle school hallway." PaperBoy is proud to present the winners. b y Ol i v er Hal e

Th e h al l s ar e l ik e caves du r in g cl ass, aban don ed an d l on el y, bu t in between cl asses th ey ar e l ik e th e sidewal k s of New Yor k : cr owded, cr azy an d l ou d, ver y l ou d. Col t er L an oi s (7t h )

As I tr ipped over a str an ger ?s scu ffed-u p br own M er r el l sh oe, m y scr eam s wer e dr own ed ou t by th e h or sepl ay an d yel l in g of th e fidgetin g pu pil s on th e cl osel y-pack ed h al l way; I was tr am pl ed by a m assive h or de of fr an tic an d h air y 8th gr ader s r u sh in g towar ds th e in toxicatin g scen ts of wh at th e cafĂŠ h ad in stock . N i ck L ow sl y -W i l l i am s (6t h )

Th e m iddl e sch ool h al l way h ad a ser en e sil en ce, bu t th e bel l r an g an d a diver se stam pede of var iou s cr eatu r es stor m ed th e sm al l space. Col i n Roy al (7t h )

Th e ol d, r u sty bel l r in gs l ou dl y an d th e tir ed stu den ts fl ood in to th e h al l l ik e water r u sh in g th r ou gh a r ecen tl y br ok en dam ; as th ey r aced ou t, th e sl am m in g of l ock er s open in g an d babbl e of teen age voices cou l d be h ear d. Ev an Di Cosm o (6t h )

As I tr u dged in to th e br igh t, wh ite h al l way l in ed with St. Ch r istoph er ?s r ed l ock er s, I saw sm al l k ids jitter in g an d pan ick in g, l ook in g l ik e gh osts, pal e with fear as th ey wer e gettin g tr am pl ed by h u ge 8th gr ader s th at r eek ed after com in g back fr om P.E. W i l l Th om p son (6t h )

In th e cr owded, cr azy, per pl exin g h al l way, th er e ar e k ids of al l differ en t size, sh ape, an d h er itage; th ey al l bu st th r ou gh th e gaps bu t n o on e k n ows wh er e th ey ar e goin g , an d n o on e car es. M ax H l ad k y (6t h )

Th e gau n tl et of BO is l ou d an d jam -pack ed with a bu n ch of wil d an im al s sear ch in g for book s in th eir l ock er s l ik e a pack of m eer k ats scaven gin g a h ol l ow tr ee for a scr u m ptiou s after n oon sn ack . H ar r i son Cobl e (7t h )

Photographyby Fisher Bredrup

Cover Art Cont est Page b y Jack I rel and

Th e Detai l s Paper Boy?s Cover Art Cont est had 23 ent ries submit t ed, and onl y a f ew were f inal ist s. Congrat ul at ions t o t he f inal ist s and winners VISIT pages 4-5 f or f ul l st ory on CHARLIE HOLDAWAY'S f irst pl ace design.

2 n d Pl ACE: J ACK BOWERS - 8 t h Gr a d e


3 RD Pl ACE: Kn ig h t Bo w l e s - 7t h Gr a d e

Th e Fi nal i sts

Fis h e r Br e d r u p 7t h g r a d e Ro b e r t Mis h 7t h g r a d e

He n r y Po a r c h 7t h g r a d e


2 0 15 W o r l d Se r i e s

By H e n r y Po a r c h & W e s t o n W i l l i a m s The 2015 Worl d Series f eat ured t he New York Met s (90-72) and t he Kansas Cit y Royal s (95-67). The Worl d Series was f ul l of home runs, st ol en bases, and st rikeout s. The Royal s were l ooking t o t ake home t he t rophy t his year, af t er being def eat ed in 2014 by t he San Francisco Giant s in seven games. The Worl d Series is hel d every year, st art ing in Oct ober and f inishing in November, f eat uring one t eam f rom t he Nat ional League and one t eam f rom t he American League. It is a best of seven games, which means t hat t he f irst t eam t o win 4 games t akes home t he t rophy. The l ast t ime t he Royal s won t he Worl d Series was in 1985, and t he Met s most recent l y won in 1986.

Daniel Murphy, second baseman of the Mets.

The Met s powered t heir way int o t he Worl d Series wit h Daniel Murphy, hit t ing home runs in al l f our games t o hel p def eat t he Chicago Cubs in a 4-game sweep. The Royal s got t o t he series wit h Al cides Escobar, who had a .528 bat t ing average in t he post season, and wit h a t eam bat t ing average of .270 and a t eam on base percent age of .775 t o beat t he heavil y f avored Toront o Bl ue Jays in 6 games. Game 1 was pl ayed on Tuesday, Oct ober 27, and it f eat ured st art ing pit chers Mat t Harvey (13-8) f rom t he Met s, and Edinson Vol quez (13-9) f rom t he Royal s. Short st op Al cides Escobar of t he Royal s hit an inside-t he-park home run in t he 1st inning. Right f iel der Curt is Granderson of t he Met s hit a sol o home run in t he f if t h inning. Final l y, out f iel der Al ex Gordon of t he Royal s hit a sol o home run in t he 9t h. The game went t o f ourt een innings, wit h t he Royal s winning 5-4 wit h a wal k of f sacrif ice f l y by Royal s 1st Baseman Eric Hosmer.

Alcides Escobar, shortstop of the Royals

Game 2 was played on Wednesday, October 28, featuring pitchers Jacob deGrom (14-8) of the Mets and Johnny Cueto (11-13) of the Royals. Down by 1 in the bottom of the 5th the Royals started a rally. Alcides Escobar, Mike Moustakas, Kendrys Morales, Eric Hosmer, and Lorenzo Cain all got hits in a 5 run inning to lead by 4. The final score was 7-1, Royals. Daniel Murphy, second baseman of the Mets, tied a record with 9 consecutive games with a run scored in the postseason. Game 3 was played on Friday, October 30, featuring pitchers Noah Syndergaard (9-7) from the Mets, and Yordano Ventura (13-8) of the Royals. Mets 3rd Baseman David Wright hit a 2-run home run in the 1st inning, followed by Curtis Granderson?s two run shot in the 3rd inning. The final score was Mets 9, Royals 3. Game 4 was played on Saturday, October 31, featuring pitchers Steven Matz (4-0) from the Mets, and Chris Young (11-6) of the Royals. This game was highlighted by Michael Conforto?s two home runs. He became the 3rd youngest player in MLB history to hit two home runs in a World Series game. The final score was Royals 5, Mets 3. Game 5, the final game of the Series was played on Sunday, November 1, and featured pitchers Edinson Volquez from the Royals and Matt Harvey of the Mets. This game was filled with excitement, starting off with Curtis Granderson?s 3rd home run of the series in the first inning. The Mets were up in the 9th inning 2-0, and it appeared as if a 6th game would be needed. Then Eric Hosmer and Catcher Salvador Perez had RBIs to tie the game. The game stayed tied until the 12th inning, when 3rd baseman Christian Colon, Lorenzo Cain, and Alcides Escobar had RBIs for the Royals to make the final score 7-2, Royals win. Catcher Salvador Perez of the Royals was named World Series MVP after going 8 for 22 with a .364 batting average and two RBIs. MVP, after going 8 for 22 with a .364 batting average and two RBIs.

Noah Syndergaard, pitcher of the Mets

Salvador Perez, catcher of the Royals.

7th Grade Football By Phillip Thompson

The football team has had a long season. They have gone through tough losses and amazing plays, all together making the team stronger.

7th Grade football is led and coached by Craig Chewning.

Coach Chewning gives the team a pregame pep talk.

Season Overview

This season has been a great one for the Saints. This year there were forty boys on the team which is one of the biggest teams we've had in awhile. They played great and practiced hard, but despite all their efforts they couldn't come out with a win in their five game season. The boys still had a great time and showed great improvement over the course of the season. Even though they didn't win any games, the team still made some great plays, one of which was a 30+ yard pass from Griffin O'Ferrall to Joe Sullivan. Overall the team has had ups and downs, but all the boys are proud of themselves.

Advent ure Educat ion Program by H en r y W eath er for d

AEP, or Advent ure Educat ion Program, is an At hl et ics choice creat ed by Mr. Bruner. Mr. Bruner t akes you kayaking, biking, t ubing, rock-wal l cl imbing and high roping. We asked Mr. Bruner how he was capabl e of creat ing t he program, and he t ol d us, ?I wrot e a f if t een page document det ail ing every danger and al l of t hat .? We al so asked how he came up wit h t he idea, and he t ol d us, ?Whil e I was in New Zeal and, I was at t his school , and t hey had no at hl et ic?s at al l , so I t ook t hem on a t hree day biking, kayaking, and hiking t rip.?

Mr. Bruner and Mrs. Parker t ake us biking t hrough t rail s and t hrough t he st reet s of Richmond. Some of t he t rail s incl ude Dogwood Del l and Pocahont as St at e Park. Somet imes, we go kayaking f or a l ong day, which ends at 5:00. We get a bus and go t o t he James Fl at wat ers, and kayak down and up t he river. The kayak days are f un but al ways end l at e. We go high roping every so of t en, where we use t he STC high ropes, and wal l cl imbing, where we use t he STC rock-wal l . Most recent l y, we have been biking f or ?Bike week,? which is more l ike bike weeks.

Members Jude Reiferson Mrs. Parker Alexander Mayer Jayden Smith Leo Poggi Jack Baltimore Henry Weatherford Josh Caven Mr. Bruner

7t h Grade Fiel d Trip: Chal l enge Discovery

Photos by Mr. Ware

Page Design by Wil l iam Hayes Phot os by Mrs. Turner

Paper Boy sin ce 2010

St. Ch r istoph er 's Sch ool Rich m on d, VA

Design Pl atfor m s:

Facu l ty Advisor : M r s. Lisa Br en n an

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