PaperBoy Express | Spring 2016 | St. Christopher's Middle School

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Cover Design by Fisher Bredrup

Cl ass of 2020 Most ost Li Likkel elyy To: To: M

Be Presi dent

Be a Bi l l i onare

Work f or M atch .com

Be on Broadw ay

Desi gn a Top V i deo Game

A ppear on SNL

Go to Harv ard

Start th e Nex t A ppl e

Be Th e Worl d's Strongest M an

Work f or NA SA

Go to th e Ol ympi cs

Be a Rock Star

A ppear on " Th e Bach el or"

Work f or th e CI A

Teach A t STC

Best Wi sh es to th e Enti re Cl ass of 2020!

8th Grade's Cl ass Wi l l Al aist er Burke wil l s his abil it y t o "cram st udy" t o Curt is Hal e, Tayl or Jef f erson and Timmy Gordinier. Al exander Mayer wil l s his f irst chair cel l o t o Finn Gardner. Col e McCoy wil l s his st unning good l ooks t o Fost er Bundy. David Wal l ace wil l s his amazing l ax skil l s t o Prest on Herringt on. El i Bemiss wil l s his l uscious hair t o Beck Goode. Jeb Wickham wil l s his sel f -cont rol t o al l of t he sixt h grade. Garret t Cul l inan wil l s Mr.Chriss's Gl ass Shards t o Mr.Piper. George Hodgson wil l s his nast y l acrosse dangl es t o Spal ding Hal l . Hank Feil er wil l s good l uck t o t he ent ire sevent h grade. Jack Dragone wil l s his amazing t rack skit t l es t o Cal eb Vat h t o break t hose t imes. Jack Siewers wil l s his l acrosse skil l s t o t he sevent h graders.

Josh Caven wil l s his hair t o whomever is brave enough t o grow t heirs out . Leo Poggi and Wil l iam Tune wil l t heir canoeing abil it y t o t he Troop 400 sevent h graders. Maddux Reece wil l s his basket bal l skil l s t o every 6t h and 7t h grader. Neal Dhar wil l s Lan School -xt ra t o Christ ian Johnson. Ril ey Wood wil l s his "Cl ut chness" t o al l t he bal l ers. Thomas Hunt er wil l s his ol d mat h book f rom Mr. Gol l aday t o Spencer Vil l anueva aka "The Capt ain." Wil l iam Loving wil l s his MLG Cod Quick scopes t o Emory Wise. Thomas Lamb wil l s his comedy skil l s t o Harrison Cobl e. Jef f Moore wil l s Hit st ick Middl e l inebacker t o Nikkos Kovanes.

8TH GRADE MEMORIES Some of the best moments the 8th graders had in their journey through Middle School M r. Baylor's 5th Per iod history class in 7th grade.... you had to be there.... W hen M y fr iends and I alm ost finished an escape room w hile evading the em ployees. R em em ber w hen there was no L anschool?

R em em ber w hen you could lax w ith M r. Chr iss?

When I fell dow n the steps of from the library .

Board Gam es last year for activities day.

M y best M iddle School M em ory was A dvisory in 7th grade. We had so m any lunches from rest aurants.

W hen we launched rockets in 6th grade. Falling asleep in class and D avid getting blam ed for it.

I once found five dollar. T hat was prett y cool.

R em em ber w hen Jeff beat M r. H olloway in ar m w restling? T he Philly tr ip for Choir.

W hitebox L ear ning. R em em ber w hen you could have as m any donuts and soft dr inks as you wanted dur ing advisory? M r. Ware?s study hall in 7th grade. 7th grade lacrosse and science w ith M r. M ac.

Being the first St. Chr istopher's basketball team to beat Car ter Woodson in their ow n gym . (O n Coach H unter's bir thday) 8th grade football w hen we w hooped Collegiate.

T he pens and pencils that were hanging from M r. Baylor's room . W hen Peter Bow les read his "Bizar ro World" essay in Creative W r iting class. Shooting off the rockets in 6th grade.


R em em ber the tim e w hen M r. Chew ning got pied?

T he basketball tr ip to K iwanis.

M r Chr iss breaking a door . W hitebox L ear ning.

M y best m iddle school m em ory was w hen I got m y finger stuck in a chair.

W hen Jack D ragone put an ice cube w ith salt on his hand and it m ade a black m ark for several days.

Puns f or Fun - 7t h Grade

Quest ion: How did t he puns st art ?

Answer: "In spanish one day our t eacher made some spanl ish puns and l at er t hat day af t er school I t hought it woul d be f un t o make some of my own. Then peopl e asked me t o share t he Googl e Sl ides wit h t hem. Af t er I did, ot hers st art ed t o make more puns as wel l . It just kept growing and t he sl ides st il l are right now t here are 140 puns." - West on Wil l iams

Cl ass of 2021 Of f ers...

Ad v i ce f or Ri si n g 7s 1. Do your homework. The 7th grade homework load is more than you have in 6th grade, so you need to knock it out before your after-school activities. 2. Study for quizzes and tests! It might seem that you know the material, but as you move to 7th grade, it gets harder, and it is important to study. 3. Get ahead in Pre-Algebra. More important, don?t get behind. If you get ahead, then you can take a day or two off when you run into material that is difficult to understand. 4. If you have a late sports game, plan your homework in advance, so you don?t get caught with a bunch of homework at night.

Ad v i ce Col l ect ed By Fi n n Gar d n er , Ol i v er H al e, Jay d en Sm i t h , W i l bu r H ay es an d W i l l Far r el l

5. If you want to crack a joke in class, think twice. At least for the first month or so, when you are learning your teacher's sense of humor. The first week can be tough if you think you are funny and you clash with a teacher. Lay low for a little bit. I would know, because I got at least 15 detentions in the first month. 6. Get to know the 6th grade boys. Remember how you felt as a 6th grader. 7. Don't mess with the class above you. The result of this is not very positive (I've had the experience). 8. Stay on task during Study Hall. No games. It might seem easy to get away with it, but you don?t want to risk it. Study Hall is a great place to do homework. 9. Bring a pencil to class (especially math). You could use a pen, but a pencil is better in case you make mistakes.

Th ese su gesst i on s w er e col l ect ed f r om an on l i n e su r v ey t h at w as sen t t o cu r r en t 7's (cl ass of 2021).

Funniest "Quotes" "Sir Kevin, have you had your hashbrowns?" -Tee Bowles

"THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE WOAKEY!" -6th Grade Soccer

" Bi GA g ME -Ev !" er y b od


"IXL is better practice for controlling rage than math"


-Charles Innes

-Whitt Bowles

" Is en? w O ame n y ou r d u i d yo y h oon s w l l n e e h No. T n' t know . W one a me I do o s ? ' k n a i ow sp e e b l n! " l ' o i t n y ou det e i er r r a C Sr .

"I like New York C ity because it has tall buildings" -Cade Bridges

From Class of 2022 NO TENGO PANTELONES

" Si l l y Goose! " -Tee

-Ned Mangum

"Draymond Green is Better than LeBron James" -Wade Jefferson

WONDERBREAD! -Evan Dicosmo

RIP Ev an -Ev er yone

Pl ut o re a c t ' n o d n n u D . r -M

It z f l ow a -Ca de ah Br i dge s

"Captain Peanut Butter!" -Mr. Dunn

ou have your


Tee, Jack 6th grade


6th Grade


3rd period


Fisher Bredrup Class of 2021

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