St. Cecilia Academy Harpstrings Magazine - Spring 2022

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Dear Friends, “Behold, I make all things new!” (Revelation 21:5). This Scripture passage has been our school theme this year, reminding us of the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. Each moment, we can begin anew in His grace. No mistake, failure, or sin can keep us from returning to the Lord, beginning again, and entrusting ourselves to His mercy and love. Indeed, in the paradoxical ways of divine love, it is often the experience of our own poverty that opens us up to God’s powerful work in our lives. God does not expect us to walk the path of heroic virtue with our own strength alone nor to face challenges or suffering on our own. Rather, He longs to be with us, giving us the wisdom and courage we need to journey with confidence and joy. It is our priority at St. Cecilia Academy to carve out space for girls to hear the voice of Jesus and come to know the Lord as a Friend who is always at work to renew, restore, and transform. Pictured on the cover

of this Harpstrings, our renovated chapel is a reminder of what the Lord wants to do in each of our lives. The renovation of the school chapel took place in the fall, hidden behind the scenes and not interrupting the day-to-day school routine. Several people told me they forgot it was even going on. This made the beauty of the new chapel such a wonderful surprise when it was unveiled— just in time for St. Cecilia Day. God’s work in our hearts is often like this quiet chapel renovation. In the midst of our daily rounds, His grace is quietly at work. Suddenly, we find we are different – maybe an old resentment has been taken away or we have more interior freedom to try something new, or a relationship that seemed beyond repair has been miraculously restored. Our chapel renovation is the first completed initiative of our strategic plan, and as such, is an eloquent reminder of the reality of God’s grace daily at work - gradually, gently,

quietly making all things new and giving us a share in His own divine life. Our chapel is but a glimpse of the beauty that God wants to bring to our souls. We hope to have opportunities in the coming school year for friends of SCA to join us in prayer in the chapel. In the meantime, please know how grateful I am for your support, encouragement, and friendship. May the Lord bless you and your family with every grace and blessing! In Christ the Risen Lord,

Sister Anna Laura, O.P.

(Below) Spirit Week all-school pep rally


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