CURRENTS Vol XXIV, No. 2 | 2021

Page 36

Moreover, once militants started

War II, more people have been killed

resorting to armed activities, it

and displaced in internal conflicts than

Regrettably, the international

did not mean that they ceased

in all international conflicts combined.

community does not have a well-founded

their engagement on the other

Moreover, there are similarities between

standard for dealing with crises effectively


armed conflicts and renewable conflicts.

around the world—specifically in the Middle

International participation in internal

The Middle East, for example, is one of

East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. As a result,

conflicts has increased sharply since

the most volatile regions in the world in

refugee outflows have increased dramatically

the September 11, 2001 attack in the

this regard.

as a direct consequence of ongoing global

United States. Many countries have


conflicts. As a matter of fact, governments

further understand the connection between

Scholars have defined and divided armed conflicts into internal and international conflicts based on their natures and the parties within them.

terrorism and armed conflicts:


been involved in the Afghani, Iraqi, and Syrian conflicts.42 To date, there has been a decline in the number of armed conflicts. However, terrorism for political purposes has become an ever-growing phenomenon. To


still hold a leading role in refugee and migration issues. However, States are the most essential actors in ensuring that refugees are allowed to return to their homelands or that internally displaced migrants return to their homes to continue with their daily routines.44

The current concern about

Volatile situations in failed States

There is a strong connection between

terrorism warrants a discussion

trigger more conflicts because armed

war and refugees, and all countries have

on the links to armed conflict

conflict is the last resort after the

experienced war. Currently, the major sources

as reported here. First, terror is

failure of political efforts to end State

of refugees are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq,

part of armed conflict, as any

crackdowns against civilians, racial

Syria, Somalia, and the Balkan countries. In

armed conflict includes a form

groups, or minorities. The circle of

addition, there is a firm link between refugee

of terrorization of the population

ongoing turmoil and chaos these

outflows and human-rights violations. A

and of the opponent that is built

countries have to handle as a result of

tremendous number of refugees around the

into the use of weapons and forms

unsuccessful approaches to deal with

world belong to countries in the Middle East

part of the strategy. However, this

current issues and reach satisfactory

and Northern Africa region (“MENA”) as a

is not the same as terrorism. For

political settlements compounds these

result of the repressive nature of these States.

instance, in a large number of


Meanwhile, countries in the same region with

the armed conflicts the warring

For all these reasons, controlling

clean human-rights records contribute less to

parties are not explicitly targeting

a conflict is directly connected to the

the number of refugees. However, despite the

civilians. Rather, armed conflict

process of the restoration of the State,

brutality of South American countries, they

is directed at ‘legitimate’ military

enabling it to update and implement

have contributed less to refugee outflows.45

targets and not primarily aimed at

more favorable political arrangements

Governmental instability has been one of its

the civilian population.

to resolve clashes. However, this process

major causes.46


might take longer without the guarantee

“Today, more people are living this

Scholars have defined and divided

of success. Inevitably, conflict will arise,

sorrow than at any other time since

armed conflicts into internal and

through State action, inaction, or other

most of us in this room were born.

international conflicts based on their

reasons, until the State embraces viable

At the end of 2013, over 51 million

natures and the parties within them.

and practical political solutions.

people were in displacement due

Internal conflicts are most likely to

2.2. The State as a Birthplace and Main

to conflict and persecution. By the

reoccur, and since the end of World

Cause Behind Massive Migration and Refugee

end of this year, I am sure they will


Currents 24.2 2021

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