CURRENTS Vol XXIV, No. 2 | 2021

Page 5

Hegemony, Self-Regulation or Responsive Regulation: International Regulatory Competition in Crypto-finance I R I S

H - Y

C H I U *


Professor of Corporate Law and Financial

persuade their regulatory constituents to state


Regulation, University College London, PhD,

a position and remain instead of threatening

LLM (Cambridge).

to exit.20

————————————————— Initial coin offerings (ICOs),1 which

regulatory policy that may be susceptible to

We do not adopt a singularly Tieboutian21

became popular in 2017, introduced a

regulators’ engagement with competition vis

model of proactive regulatory competition in

new financial asset known as the “token”

a vis each other.

this article in order to examine international

or “cryptoasset.”2 The cryptoasset has its

It may be argued that regulatory diversity

regulatory developments for cryptoassets.

origins in cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin,


is not necessarily due to “competition” in

This article takes the view that the observed

which has galvanised imagination in relation

the form of races to the top or bottom.10

regulatory diversity in relation to cryptoassets

to an alternative economic order powered

This presumes that regulators are designing

reflects signs of incentive-based approaches

by privately supplied money.4 Although

regulatory regimes on a calculative basis to

to regulatory policy. After all, regulators are

cryptocurrency has been introduced as an

augment their market share, especially in

mindful of the need to attract mobile assets,

innovation since 2009, its penetration

the era of globalisation.11 Regulators face

such as finance which is perceived to be useful

into mainstream commerce and economic

demand-side pressures12 and have incentives

for financial and economic development in

life has been limited. Cryptoassets have

for generating regulatory policies.13 Such

any jurisdiction.22 Regulatory diversity in

now captured the attention of mainstream

policies can be proactive14 or reactive15 but

this space seems to be consistent with the

financiers,7 and an explosion in their market

is not necessarily poised to lead a “race.”

explanations for regulatory diversity in other

capitalisation has led regulators to consider

Moreover, regulators face institutional

bodies of financial regulation, such as bank

how they may address cryptoassets in their

constraints in political contexts16 and do

regulation discussed by commentators. 23

regulatory repertoire.

not always respond to global regulatory

However, regulatory diversity also reflects

Regulators in different jurisdictions

developments in a manner that treats their

a mixture of regulatory goals, such as the

have taken rather different approaches

regulatory regimes as competitive products.17

protection of existing institutions and social

towards cryptoassets.9 In critical exploration

Further, even in an incentive-based context


of such regulatory diversity, this article

where regulatory constituents can vote

This article takes the view that

inquires into whether the differences reflect

with their feet due to their mobility, 18

regulators should not assume that the same

signs of regulatory competition amongst

constituents’ preferences for regulators range

considerations in other areas of financial

jurisdictions. As Section A explains, the

from the law in books—the legal standards

regulatory competition necessarily apply to

characteristics of cryptoassets do not easily

and frameworks—to the law in action —

the cryptoasset markets. In this experimental

cohere with established financial product

referring to regulators’ enforcement policies,

space, regulators need to address aspects

categories that are subject to regulation. This

as well as more informal attributes such as

of novelty that cryptoassets bring. The

compels regulators to consider if regulatory

their accessibility and willingness to engage

paradigm of regulatory competition should

extension or reform may be appropriate,

for discussion and guidance. 19 Hence,

not be treated as “same old,” and it should

giving rise to an opportunity for generating

regulators can engage in different ways to

not be assumed that familiar strategies





Currents 24.2 2021

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