CURRENTS Vol XXIV, No. 2 | 2021

Page 54

to actions “taken in time of war or other

The competence to define the scope

arguments that deserve no necessity and

emergency in international relations,”

of unilateral action was kept in the realm

proportionality analysis at all (let alone

included in Article XXI(b)(iii), the panel

of law. The panel defined “emergency

that the panel specifically confirmed that,

conceived this requirement as a question

in international relations,” the relevant

according to the travaux preparatoires,

of timing. Once it is established that a

category in the case at stake, as referring to

Article XX and Article XXI “have a different

war or emergency exists, the respondent

war-like situations that go beyond simple

character”)30 and certainly cannot oppugn

only needs to prove that the measure was

political or economic differences and “give

the textbook evidence that anything the army

adopted during the war or emergency. This

rise to defence and military interests, or

may need (“from shoes to watches, radios to

is a purely technical question, which does

maintenance of law and public order

beef production”)31 is privileged under the

not involve even the most rudimentary

interests.”26 The panel established that “the

security exception.

necessity or “relatedness” analysis. It would

existence of an emergency in international

Second, the security exception must be

be difficult to imagine a more deferential

relations is an objective state of affairs,

used in good faith32 and Article XXI must

approach than exempting everything that was

[hence,] the determination of whether the

not be turned into a means of disguised

adopted during a period of war or emergency.

action was ‘taken in time of ’ an ‘emergency in


Applying this approach by analogy to Article

international relations’ under subparagraph

The obligation of good faith

XXI(b)(i)-(ii) of the GATT, national security

(iii) of Article XXI(b) is that of an objective

requires that Members not use the

may be used to restrict trade in any product

fact, subject to objective determination.”

exceptions in Article XXI as a means

that is relevant, indirectly and remotely,




to circumvent their obligations

In sum, while the existence of the

All in all, there are two legal clogs that follow from the panel’s report: the definition of the scope of Article XXI(b) of the GAT T and the requirement of good faith.

privileged circumstances is subject to


multilateral trading system simply

“objective determinations,” member states

The panel noted that the room of

by re-labelling trade interests that it

have a blank cheque as to whether the

interpretation is more restricted as to the rest

had agreed to protect and promote

measure is necessary (that is, reasonably

of the categories of Article XXI(b) GATT, as

within the system, as “essential

related and proportionate) to protect the

they are specific and leave very little room to

security interests”, falling outside

public interest. The only requirement that

judicial construction.28 Concerning Article

the reach of that system.33

limits this discretion is the requirement of

XXI(b)(ii) GATT, which refers to measures

Unfortunately, a closer look at the

“veracity” in which member states must

“relating to” products relevant for military

analysis carried out by the panel reveals that

not refer to national security for purely

purposes, the panel made a reference to the

this requirement puts no meaningful check

protectionist purposes (a circumstance

interpretation of this term in Article XX

on member states’ protectionism-driven

intensely difficult to demonstrate).

GATT. At first glance, this may appear to

exercise of their prerogative. Although this

All in all, there are two legal clogs that

be promising, given that this term has been

excerpt may be conceived as an allusion

follow from the panel’s report: the definition

construed here as requiring a “close and

to Trump section 232 tariffs on steel and

of the scope of Article XXI(b) of the GATT

genuine relationship of ends and means,”

aluminum, the idea that the requirement

and the requirement of good faith. However,

which does involve some “relatedness”

of good faith is capable of screening out

a closer examination shows that both are

analysis. However, this is a rudimentary

disguised protectionism in the context of

feeble, if not token, confinements.

examination, which is meant to filter out

the security exception simply does not hold

for military purposes or is connected to fissionable materials. The panel’s textual, systematic, and historical analysis revealed that there was no warrant for a different interpretation of Article XXI(b) of the GATT.



Currents 24.2 2021

under the GATT 1994. A glaring example of this would be where a Member sought to release itself from the structure of “reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements” that constitutes the

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