CURRENTS Vol XXIV, No. 2 | 2021

Page 89

Generally, in jurisdictions, for a business or

In addition, relevant information on a

corporation to demonstrate that an event

country-by-country basis is given. Overall,

constitutes a force majeure event, it must:

the article gives a comprehensive view of the

Issue: The International Labor Organization assesses the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the

1. Demonstrate that performance is not

policy responses which are crucial to any

world of work and proposes a

SME attempting to endure this pandemic.

range of policy options to mitigate

possible or hindered under the event causing the circumstances. 2. The occurrence of the event is beyond the party’s control. 3. The event was not reasonably foreseeable at the time of the contract. 4. Has effects that cannot be avoided by

these impacts to facilitate a strong

I ssue : H ow (jr) schemes

can job retention

and swift recovery.

succeed and remain

effective in responding to the

Source: Int’l Lab. Org., COVID-19 and

employment fallout caused by the

the world of work: Impact and policy

COVID-19 pandemic?

responses (2020) [

appropriate measures.



Source: Organisation for Econ. Co-

Workers/Heavily Impacted Sectors

operation & Dev., Job Retention Schemes

The International Labor Organization

During the COVID-19 Lockdown and

(ILO) considers the importance in protecting


Beyond (2020) [

workers’ health and providing economic

Issue: What


support for the global labor work force

response should be

implemented by Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) to combat the unique impact of COVID-19?


through coordinated and decisive policies Annotation:

and measures from the local level to the

Job retention schemes have been

global level for a rapid global economic

a main policy tool in OECD countries

recovery. Key policies that will mitigate

Source: Organisation for Econ.

to combat the economic impact of

the negative impact of COVID-19 on the

Co-operation & Dev., Coronavirus

COVID-19. JR schemes seek to preserve

global work force include: (1) establishing

(COVID-19): SME Policy Responses

jobs while countries are experiencing

international labor standards to provide a

(2020) [].

reduced economic activity. The OECD

strong foundation for key policy response;

examines the effectiveness of these schemes

(2) focusing on health protection measures

through the first phase of the pandemic

and economic support on both the demand

where government restrictions limited

and supply side; (3) implementing proactive,

from the OECD, the ongoing influence of

economic activity. Restrictions are now

large-scale and integrated measures that

COVID-19 on SMEs is highlighted. SME’s

being withdrawn, and these schemes must

make strong and sustained impacts; and

size leaves them vulnerable to the pandemic’s

adjust to better target the jobs which are

(4) building confidence through trust and

effect on supply, demand, and downturns

currently at risk. The OECD gives their

dialogue for effective policy measures. The

in financial markets. The most current data

insight to how JR schemes can remain

ILO identifies three key elements to combat

shows the severe impact on these firms and

effective in this transition to a new, less

COVID-19 based on International Labor

estimates future effects. Policy responses

restrictive, phase of the pandemic.

Standards: (1) protecting workers in the

Annotation: In the latest SME-specific update

carried out around the world have taken

workplace by strengthening Occupational

countless forms due to the continuing

Safety and Health measures, adapting

extraordinary economic circumstances. The

flexible work arrangements, preventing

OECD breaks down each type of response

discrimination and exclusion related to

and gives detailed information on how

COVID-19, and expanding health benefits

specific countries have implemented them.

for all workers; (2) stimulating the economy 87

Currents 24.2 2021

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