StC Magazine | Winter 2021

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Faculty News Third Grade Teacher Cynthia Brown serves on the Advisory Board for Higher Achievement in Richmond, which supports students in systemically underresourced communities.

Lower School Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Academic Support Services Lisa Snider had two pottery pieces exhibited this summer at Art Works Gallery.

Lower School Spanish Teacher Isabel Ramirez Shealy served a second year as facilitator in the Latinx Affinity group for the National Association of Independent Schools’ People of Color Conference. NAIS held biweekly meetings throughout the fall to train facilitators for the online event, Reckoning With Impacts, Rolling With Just Intent, which took place earlier this winter. Shealy said the work would impact future efforts to acknowledge responsibility and take action to redress wrongs.

Middle School Instructional Technologist Brian Zollinhofer and English Teacher Liz Boykin attended the Stanley H. King Conference in Colorado, Making Relationships That Help Students Grow. On the side, Zollinhofer is working with his brother to create an app that helps the user decide whether watching a recorded sporting event is worth one’s time, based on algorithms.

The following short stories by Middle School English Teacher Alex Knight were published: “Bus Ride” in the September Dead Mule Literary Journal and “Shed” in the October Eunoia Literary Review. He also had two paintings accepted in juried gallery shows at Crossroads Art Center and Artworks, both in Richmond.

The Center for the Study of Boys Director Kim Hudson is a facilitator for the International Boys’ Schools Coalition course, Boys and Belonging: Creating Inclusive and Affirming Schools for Boys. Participants include educators from boys’ schools around the world. College counselors Jim Jump and Ginny Turner attended the Potomac & Chesapeake Association for College

Admission Counseling’s Summer Institute in July. Jump also served as a guest faculty member for the MAZE program sponsored by Washington and Lee University in August and was quoted in articles in Inside Higher Ed and Knowable Magazine, the latter of which also appeared on the Smithsonian Magazine website. Middle School History Teacher Jon Piper directed “Nevermore! Edgar Allan Poe, The Final Mystery,” an October co-production of Atlee High School and the Chamberlayne Actors Theatre. Upper School Jazz Band Director John Winn performed on stage and arranged music for Virginia Repertory Theatre’s recent production of “Ella and Her Fella, Frank” at the November Theatre downtown. He also played and had some of his original music performed at Loon Lake Live!, a music festival in the Adirondacks. Winn also participated in Violins of Hope, a collection of concerts using instruments that belonged to Jews before and after World War II. In October, he also took part in a chamber ensemble that performed three of his arrangements of George Gershwin songs at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture. The Richmond Times-Dispatch ran an article Sept. 10 on Varsity Soccer Coach Jay Wood, focusing on his 400th win at the end of the 2020 season. In August, Writer-in-Residence Ron Smith’s fifth volume of poems, “That Beauty in the Trees,” was accepted for publication by Louisiana State University Press.

“Lincoln, surfside” by Alex Knight

34 | StC Magazine

“Swimmer #2” by Alex Knight

All StC faculty in the English and history departments participated in the annual Curriculum Institute in June when they took a deep dive into their curricula, examined their courses through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion, and developed a plan for further growth and development.

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